©X«D TIMSI OLD MONMOUTH. HISTORICAL REMINISCENCES OF OLD MOETMOUTH COUNTY NEW JERSEY. Being a series of Historical Sketches relating to Old Monmouth County, Now Monmouth and Ocean Counties, originally published in the Monmouth Democrat, Freehold, N. J. EDWIN SALTER. Printed at the office of the Monmouth Democrat, Freehold, N. J. 1874. .*'♦. '»,* .A't oilmTD a?xiv££3]s; IN VI (f3 t THE MONMOUTH PATENT. As tills noted instrument, though famil- iar to those who have made the early his- tory of our State a special study, is not readily accessible to some of our readers, we copy it lu-re for convenient re'"eren('d to all interested in the history of Old Mon- mouth : "To all whom these jiresents shall ceme: T Richard Nicolis Esq, Oovernor under his Royal Highness the Duke of York of all his Territories in America, send greeting. •' Whereas there i« a certain tract or par- cel of land within this government, lying and being near Sandy Point, upon the Main ; which said parcel of land hath been with my consent and approbation bought by some of the inhabitants of Giaves«nd upon Long Island of the Sachems (chief proprietors thereof) who before me liav«» acknowledged to have re ceived satisfaction tor the same, to the end that the said land may be planted, mauuie'l and inhabited, and for divers other good causes and consideia lions. 1 have tluHightfit to giv« confirm and grant and by the>.e pr«sents do give confirm and grant unto William Glrlding, Samiei, SiMCER, RiCIIARU GrlHBONS,/ RiCHARD SxOfT, .1 AMES GrOVER, JOIIV BowX, .loUN TlLTON, NaTHAMEI. SVl.VESTER, Wl!,I,IA.\I ReaI'E, Walter Clarke, Nicholas Davis, Obadiah Holmes, patentees, and their associates, thpir heirs, successors and assigns, all that tract and part of the main land, beginning at a certain place commonly called or known by the name of Sandy Point and so running along the bay West North West, till it comes to the mouth of the Raritan River, from thence going alon^ the said river to th# wt-stermostpart of the certain marsh land, which divides the river into two parts, and from that part to run in a direct Southwest line into the woods twelve miles, and thence to turn away south east and by south, until it falls into the main ocean; together with all lands, soils, rivers, creeks, harbors, mines, min- erals (Rejal mines e:xcepted) quarries, woods, meadows, pastures marshes, wat- ers, lakes, fishings, hawkings, huntings and fowling, and all other profits, commo- dities and hereditaments to the said lands and premises belonging and appertaining, with their and every of their appurtenances and ofevery part and parcel thereof, to have axd to hold all and singular the said lands, hereditaments and premises with their and every of their appurtenances herebv given and granted, or herein before men- tioned to be given and granted to the only proper use and behoof of the said paten- tees and their associates, their heirs successors and assigns forever, upon such ternts and conditions as here- after are expressed, that is to say, OLD TfMKS TX OLD MONMorTif. that the said patentees and their as- sociates, their heirs or assigns slmll within the space of three years, beginning from the day of tlie date hereof, manure and plant the aforesaid land and premises and settle there one. hundred families at the least; in consideration whereof I do promise and grant that the said patentees and their associates, their heirs, succt-ssors and assigns, shall enjoy the said land and premises, with their a[)i)urtenanees, for the term of seven years next to come .iftor the date of these presents, free from payment of any rents, customs, excise, tax or lery ' whatsoever. But after the expiration of tlie said term of seven years, the persons wlio shall be in possession thereof, shall pay after, the same rate which others witliin this his Royal Highness' territories shall be obliged unto. And the said patentees and their associates, their heiis successors and assigns sliall have free leave and liberty to erect and budd tlieir towns and villages in such places, as they in their discretionsshall think most convenient, provided that they associate themselves, and that the hjuses of their towns and villages be not too far distant and scattering one from another; and also that they make such fortifica- tions for their defence against an enemy as may be needful. '' And I do likewise grant unto the said patentees and their associates, their heirs successors and assigns, and unto any and all other persons, who shall plant and in- habit in any of the land aforesaid that they shall have free liberty of conscience, without any molestation or disturbance whatsoever in their way of worship. "And I do further grant unto tlie afore- said patentees, their heirs, successors and assigns, that they shall iiav3 liberty to elect l)y the vote of the major part ol' the inhabitants, five or seven other persons of the ablest and discreetest of the said in- habitants, or a greater number of them ( if the patentees, their heirs, successors or as- signs shall s«e cause ) to join with them, and they together, oi- the major part of them, shall have full power and authority, to makesuch peculiar and ))rudentiul laws and constitutions amongst tlie inhabitants for the belter and more orderly governing of them, as to them shall seem meet ; pro- vi(h^d they be not rej)ugnant to the public •aws of tlie government; and they shall also have liberty to try all causes and ac tions of debts and trespasses arising amongst themselves to the valu« of /.en pnuyirf.'i. without apnea], but tlipy mny I'c- rait the hearing of all criminal matters to the assizes of New York. '•And furthermore 1 do pi'oinise and grant unto the said patentees and, their associates aforementioned their hfirs, suc- cessors and assigns that tliey shall in all things have equal privileges, freedom and immunitit^s with any of his majesty's sub- jects within this government, these paten tees and tlu-ir associates, tlieir heirs, suc- cessors and assigns rendering and paying such dutii's and acknovrledgments ;is now ar^, or hereafter shall be constituted and established f)y the laws of this government, under obedience of his iioyal Highnoss. his heiri! iind success irs, provided they do ni> way enfringe tlie jjrivileges above specified. "Given under my hand and seal at Fort James in New York in Manhattan Island the 8th day of April, in the 17th year of the reign of our sovereign lord Charles the Second by tlie grace of God, of Eng- land, Scotlantl, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith &c., and in the year of our Lord dad 106."). Richard Nicolls. ^'Entered in the o/'/ice of record in New York, the day and year above written. M.\TTiiiAs NicoM.s, Secretary.'" About seven years after the date of the above instrument, the following confirma- tions to portions of it were agreed 'o by Governor Cartertt and Council: Nkw Jersev May liSth 1672. rjpon the addres.s of James Grover, John Bowne, Richard Hartshorne, Jonathan Flolmes, patentees, and James Ashon and John Hanse, a.%sociates, imj^owerea by 'the patentees and a-ssociates of the towns of Middlctown and Shrewsbuiy, unto the Governor and Council for confirmation of certain jirivileges granted unto them by Colonel Richard Nicolls, as by patent un- der his hand and seal bearing date the SUi (Uiy of April Anno Domini (3ne thousand si.v hundred sixty five, th" Governor and Council do confirm unto thes:ud patentees and associates, these particulars tollowing, being their rights, contained in the afore said patent, viz : Imprimis: That the said patentees and associates have full power, license and au- thority to dispose of the said lands ex- pressed in the said patent, as to them shall seem meet. 11. That no ministerial power or cler- gyman shall he imposed on among the in- habitants of the said laiul. so as to enforce any that are contrary mindi'il to (•(nitribtile to their nnuntenance. OLD TJMKS [.V OLD MONMOUTH. ill. That all realises whatsoever ( crimi- nals excepted ) sh-rfll first have a liearing wiiiiin their cu^nizance, arxl that no ap- jieals unto higher eourts where sentence has been passed amongst them under tiie value of ten pounds be admitted. JV. That all crirninnls ,ind appeals above the value of ten pounds, which are to be referred unto the afore.'said iiighei' courts, shall receive th«ir fletin-minalion upon appeals to his Majesty, iioi to be hindered. ' V. That for all eomniission officers both civil and militaiy, the iiateutees, as sociates and Freeholders, hav« liljerty to present two for each office to the Governor when they shall think fit, one of which the (iovf-rnor is to (kimrimt^ionule to execute the said office, and that they have liberty to make peculiar prudential laws and consti- tuti(tns amongst themselves according to the tenor of the said patent. Pii. Carteret. .Tolm Kenney, Lordue Andress, 8amuel Kdsall, Jolin Pike, John Biahop, Council. The causes which induced the following veiy material modification in the grants ;iuout as in the origi- nal. After dosciibing Midillesex county, he says : "We cross over the river fi'om Mid- ddlesex into Monmouth County ; Where we first meet with Middleton a pretty Good Town con- sisting of 100 Families and 30,000 Acres of Ground on what they call here Out Plan- tations. 'Tis about 10 or 12 miles over Land, to the Northward of Shrewsbury and 20 miles to the .Southward of Piscat- tavvay. Not far off, theShoar winds itself about like a TTook and being ?andy gives N«me to all the Bay. Shrewshury IS i\\e mo.st Southern Town of the Province and reckon'd the chief Town -of the Shire. It contains about IGO Fami lies and 30.000 Acres of OmC Plantations, belonging to its Division. 'Tis situated on the Side of a fresh Water Stream, thence Cidled Shrewsbury River, not far from its Mouth. Between this Town and Mid- dleton is an Iron Work but we flo not un- derstand it has been any great Benefit to the Proprietors. Col. Morris is building a Church at the Falls. There's a new town in the County called Freehold, which has notbeenlaid outand inhabited lo.,g. It does not contain as yet abWvw 40 Families and as to its Om/! Planta- tions we suppose they are much the ."iame in nnmbei- with the rest and may count it about .30,000 acres. We have not y Can Not be tit Persons for tliiit office, I have therefore though fit to order that by ye sd inhabi- tants of ye sd towne a New Nomination, shall be made of four persons of true Pro- testant Christian religion, oiit of which I shall Elect two, and Continue one of ye former for Magestrates off ye sd towne." " Dated att ffort William hendrick, this 29th, 7 ber, 1673. A. Colve." The date 7th ber, in the above extracts, means September, and the persons in Shoursbury [Shrewsbury] who could not take the oath were Quakers.) "March 8th, 1674, In council At fort Wil- liam Hendrick : " Read and considered the petition ot Bartholomew Appelgadt, Thomas Appel- gadt and Richard Saddler, requesting in substance that they be allowed to purcliase from the Indians, a tract of land, situated about two lea!*nes on this side of Middle- town, near the Nevesings, fit for settlement of 6 or 8 families &c. Wherefore it was ordered : "The Petitionees request is allowed anil granted on condition, that after the land be purchased, they take out patents in form for it and actually settle it within the space of two years,' after having effect- ed the purchase, on pain of forfeiture. "April 18th, 1674, John Bound (Bowne?), and Richard Hartshoorne, residing at Middletown, both for themselves and partners give notice that the land granted to Bartholomew Applegadt, Tho. Apple- gadt and Richard Sadler, in their petition is included in tueir, the Petitioners patent, requesting therefore that the said land may be again denied to said Appelgadt. " Ordered, That the petitioners shall within six weeks fr®m this date, prove, that the said land is inclused must ahso contain great riches, as the hills show- ed many indication? of minerals.' fli.^torians generally concede that the furpgoiui; is the first notice we have of the whitfs entering Sandy Hook, visiting the harbor of New Y rk or ln'ing in the vicin- ity of ohl Monmouth. ARRIVAL OF .SIR HENRY HUDSON. In the year 1609, Sir Henry Hudson vi-sited our coast in the yacht or ship Half Moon, a vessel of about eighty tons bur- then. About the last of August he enter- ed the Delaware Bay, but finding th« nav- igation dangerous he soon "left without going ashote. After getiing out to sea ho stood northeastwardly and after awhile liauled in, atjd mads the land probably not tar distant from Great Egg Harbor. — T.'e journal or log book of this vessel was kept by the mate, Alfred Juet. nnd as it contains the first notices of Monmouth county by the whites, remarks about the coun ry, its inhabitants and productions, first binding, ard other interesting matter, an extract is herewith given, commencing with September 2nd. 1609, when the Halt Moon made land near Egg Harbor. The same day, it will be seer, the ship passed Barnegat Iiilel, and at nijiht anchored near the beach within sight of the High- lands. Their first impres-^^ion of old Monmouth, it will lie seen, was ^' that it is a very gnnd land to full in with, and a pleasant land to i'e'cy" an opinion which in the minds of our peo- ple at the present day show thai good sense and correr t judgment were not lack-^ ing in Sir llen'v Hudson and his fellow- voyagers ! Extract from the Li-g-Bork of the Half Moon. Sept. 2nd, 1609. — When the sun arose we steered nor h again and saw land from the west by north lo the northwest, all alike, broken islands, and our soundings were eleven fathoms and ten fathoms. — T"ie course along the land we found to be north east. l)v norili. From tiie land wjiich we fiist had sight of until we came to si great ^ake of waier, as vve could judge it to be, {Barnegat Bay,) being drowned land which mude il rise, Ike island'^, which was in length tvn lengues. The m aith of the lake [Ba ncgat Inlet) had mapy sh->als, and the sea breaks upon them as il is cast out of the mouMi of it. And f'om ihnl lHk<' or bay the land lies north by e>;st, and vve had a great stream out of the bay ; and from t^^enc- our sounilings ^-as t<;.i fatii- oms two leagues fVom land, .^t five o'clock we anchored, being light wind, and rode 'in eight fathoms water ; the night wasfnir. This night 1 found the land to haul the com])ass eight degrees. Far to the north- ward of lis we saw high hilLs (Highland f) ; OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. for the day befoio we found not above two degrees of variation. This is a very good land to fall in uiili, and a pleasant land to see. Sept. 3d — The morning misty until ten o'clock ; then it cleared and the wind came to the south southeast, so we weigh- ed and stoo'd northward. 'I'he land is very pleasant and high and bold to fall withal. At three o'clock in the afternoon we cuine to tin ee great rivers \ Narrows., Bockaway Inlet and the Bariian ); so we stood along the northward [Rockaway Inlet,) thintiing to have gone in, but we I'ound it to have a very sho'-il bar before it for we had but ten feet water. Then we cast about to the souihward and found two fathoms, thre* fathoms and three and a quarter, till we came to the so'iihein sideof theni; then we had five and six fathoms and returned in an hour and a half. 80 we . weighed and \yenl in and rode in five fathoms, ooze ground, and saw many salmons and mul- lets and ra\K ve y iri-eat. The hei^jht is 40° 30^ {Latitude.) First Landing tif the Whites in Old Monmouth. Sept. 4th. — In the morning as soon as the day was liglit, we saw that it was good ri'iing farther up; so we .« per tobacco pipes, and other things of cop- per they did wear about their necks. At night they went on land again, so we rode very quiet but durst not trust them. TIte First White Man Killed. Sunday, Sept. 6th.— In the morning was fair weather, and our master sent John Colman, with four other men, in uur boat over to the North side to sound the other river ( AWj-om-'s ), being four leagues from us. They found by the way shoal water, being two ;athonis ; but at the north of the river, eighteen and twenty fathoms, and very good riding for ships, and a very narrow river to the westward between two islnnds ^ Staten Islaiul and Bergen Point.) — T.ie land they told us, was as pleasant with grass and flowers anil goodly trees as ever they iiad seen, and here very sweet smells came from them. So they went in two leagues and saw an open sea ( Neivark Bag), and returned, and as they came back they ♦vere set upon by two canoes, the one hav- ing twelve men and the other fourteen men. The night cume on and if began to rain, so that their match went out; and they had one man slain in the fight, which was an EngMshman named John Colman. with an arrow shot in his throat, and two more hurt. It grew so dark that they could not find the ship that night, but la- bored ^o and fro on their oars. They had so great a strain that their grapnel would not liold them. Sept. 7th. — Was fair, and by ten o'clock they returned aboard the ship and brought, our dead m-^n with them, whom we carried on land and buried and named the point after liis name, C'olman's Point Then we hois' ed in oitr boat and raised her side with Waist boards, for defence of our men. So we rode still all night, having good re- gard for our watch. Sept. 8th. — Was very fair weather; we rode still ver\ quietly. The people came aboard of us and brought tobacco and In- dian wheat, to exchange for knives and beads and offered us no violence. So we fitting up our boat did mark them to see OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. if they would make any show of the death of our man, which they did not.' Sept. 9th. — Fair weather. In the morn- ing two great canoes came aboard full of men ; the one with their bows and arrows, and the other in show of buying knives, to betray us; but we perceived their intent. We took two of them to have kept them, and put red coats on them, and would not suffer the others to come near us. So they went on land and iwo ■others came aboard in a canoe ; we took tne one and let the other go : but he which we had taken got up and leaped overboard. Then we weigh- ed and went off nito the chanriftl of the river and aLchored there all night. The foregoing is all of the log-book of Juet that relates to Monmouth county. — The next morning the Half Moon proceed- ed up the North River, and on her return passed out to sea without stopping. In the extract given above, the words in italics are not of course in the original, but are underscored as explanatory THE COMING OF THE WHITE MAN. What the Indians thought of the Whites and their ships. — The Natives Astonish- ed. — The Man in Red and the Red Man. — Fire Water and its F'irst Indian Vic- tim.— The First In-re the sea widens, espied something at a distance moving upon the water. They hurried ashore, colle(!led their neighbors, who togetlier returned and viewed intently this aston- ishing phenomenon. What it could be baflHed conjecture. Some supposed it to be a large fish or other animal, others that it was a large house floating upon the se-\. Perceiving it moving towards the land, the spectators concluded that it would be proper to send runners in different direc- tions t* carry the news to their scattered chiefs, that ihey might send off for the im- mediate attendance of their wariiors. — These arrived in numbers to beiiold the sight, and perceivinti that it was actually moving towards them, that it was coming into the river or bay, ttiey conjectured that It must be a remarkably large house in which the ManiU& or Great Spirit was coming to visit them. They were much al'raid and yet under no apprehen?ion that the Great Spirit would injure them. They worshipped him. The chiefs now assem- bled at New York Island and consulted in what rrumuei' they should receive their Manitto; meat was prepared (or a sncri lice. The women were directed to prepare their best victtials. Idols or images were examined and put in order. A grand dan.-e they thought would be pleasing, and in addition to the sacrifice might ap- pease him if hungry. The conjuror.s were also set t'M work to determine what this phenomenon portended and what the result would be. To tlie conjurors, men, women and children looked lor protection. Ut- terly at a loss what to do, and distracted alternately between hope and ftar, in the confusion a grand dance commerced. — Meantime fresh runners arrived, declaring it to be a great house of various colors and 'uU of living creatures. It now appeared tliat It was their Manitto, probably bring- ing some new kind of game. Others ar- riving df-chired ii positively full of people of different color and dress from theirs, ami that one appeared altogether in red. ( This was sujiposed to be Sir Henry Hud- son.) This then must be the Manitto. — They were lost in admiration, could not imagine what the vessel was, whence it came, or what all tliis portended. They are now hailed from the vessel in a Ian guage they could not understand. They answered by a shout or yell in their way. The house or large canoe as some call it, stojas. A smaller cai1>oe comes on shore with the red man in it; some stay by the canoe to guard it. The thief and wise men form a circb into which the red man and two attendants enter. He salutes them with friendly countenance, and they return the salute nfier their manner. — They are amazed at their color and dress, ()ldtimp:s in old monmoutii. paiticuhu'ly with him, who glitteiing in I'ed wore Bomething, perhaps lace and but- tons, they could not comprehend. He must be the great Manittu, they thought, but why should he have a white skin ? A large elegant Hockhack ( gourd, i. e. l)ot(le, decanter, &c.,) is brought by one of the supposed Manitlo's servants, from which a substance is placed into smaller cups or glasses and handed to tlie Manitto. Me drinks, lias the irlasses refilled and handed to the chief near him. He takes it, smells it, and passes it to the next, who does the same. The glass in this manner is p.Tssed around the ciiMe and is about to be returned to the red clothes man, when one of the Indians, a great warrior, har- angues them on ihe impropriety of return- ing the cup unemptied. It was handed to them, he said, by the Manitto, to drink out of as he had. To follow his example would please him — to reject might provoke his wrath; and if no one else would he would drink it himself, let what would fol- low, for it were better tor one man to die, than a whole nation to be destroyed. He then took the glass, smelled it, again ad- dressed them, bidding adieu, and drank its contents. All eyes are now fixed upon tlie first Indian in New York, who had "tasted the poison, which has since effected so signal a revolution in the condition of the native Americans He soon began to stag- ger. Thfl women cried, supposing him in fits. He rolled on the ground ; they be- moan his f-ile ; they thought him dying; he fell asleep ; they at first thought he had expired, but soon perceived he still breath- ed ; he awoke, jumped up, and to his people, and they were very loving to us. At length we came to Middletown, an En^rlish plantation in East Jeisey, and there were friend^ there, but we could not stay to have a meotinL' at that time, being so earnestly pres'-ed in our spirits to get to the half yearly meeting of Friends of Oyster Bay, Long Island, which was near at hand. We went with a friend, Richard Hartshorne, brother t -> Hugh Hartshorne. the tipholster in Tondon, who received us gladly to his liouse, where we refreshed ourselves and then he carried us and our horses in h'r- own boat over a great water, which held us most part of the d.iy in get- ting over, and set us upon Long Island.'" From thence Fox proceedt-d to Graves- end, L. I. In -lune tollr»wing he returned to New Jersey. Of his return tri]> he writes as follows : " Being clear of this place we hired a sloop and the wind serving set out for the new country now called Jersey. Passing down the bay by Conny Island, Naton Is- land and Stratton Ish'.nd we came to Richard Hartshornu at Middleton harbor about bi-eak of day on the 27ih of sixth month. Next day ve rode abo;it 'hirty miles into that country tlirougli the woods and over very l>ad bogs, on« worse than all the rest, the descent into which wa- so steep that we were fain to slide down with our horses and then let th»m lie and breathe themselves before thev go on.^ — This place, the people of the place called Purgatory. We got at length to Shrews- bury in East Jer.5ey, and on First day had a precious meeting there, to whi(;h Friends and other people came far, and the bles>ed presence of the Lord was with us. The same week we had a men and women's meeting out of most parts of New Jersey. They are building a m<'eting place in the midst <'f them, and there is a monthly and a general raeeti..g set up, which will be of great service in those parts, in keeping up the gospel order and government of Christ Jesus, of the increase of which thf^re is no end, that they who are faithful may see that all who profess the holy truth liv<^ in pure religion and walk as hecometh the gospel. While we were at .Shrewsbury an accident befel which for a time was a great exercise to us. John Jay, a friend of Barbadoes who came with us from Rhode Island and in- tended to accompany us through the woods to Maryland, being to try a horse, got upon his back and the horse fell a run- ning, cast him down upon his head and OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 13 broke his neck as the peaple said. Those that were near him took him up as dead, carried him a good way and hiid him on a tree. I got to him as soon I could and feel- ing liim, concluded he was dead. As I stood pitying him and his family I took hold of his hair and his head turned any way, his neck was so limber. Whereupon I took his head in both my hands and setting my knees against the tree I raised his head and perceived there was nothing out or broken that way. Then I j^ut one hand under his chin and the other behiud hio head and raised his head two or three times with all my strength and brought it in. I soon perceived his neck began to i;row stiff again and then he began to rattle in his throat an ■ quietlj' after to breathe. The people were amazed hui I bade them have a .jood heart, be of good faith and carry him into the house. They did so and set him by the fire. I bid them get tiim something warm to drink and put him to bed. After he\had been in the linuse a while he begifn to speak, but di i not know where he had been. The next day we passed away and he with us, pretty well, about sixteen miles to a meeting at Middletown through woods and' bogs and over a river wliere we swam our houses and got over ourselves upon a hollow tree. Many hundred miles did lie travel with us after this. To this meeting came most of tb© people of the town. A glorious meeting we had and the truth was over all, blessed be the gret Lord God forever. After the meeting we went to Middletown harbor about five miles, in order to take our long journey next morning through the woods towards Maryland, having hired Indians for our guides. I determined to pass through the woods on the other side of the Delaware that we might head the creeks and rivers ;is much as possible. The ninth of seventh month we set forward, passed through many Indian towns and over some rivers and bogs. When we had rid over forty miis we made a fire at night and lay by it. As we came among the Inians we declared the day of the Lord to them. Next day we travelled fifty miles as we computed, and at night finding an old house, which the Indians had forced th^ people to leave, we raad« a fire and lay there at the head of Delaware bay. The , ext day we swam our horses over a river about a mile, at twice, first to an Island called Upper Dini- dock and thence to the main land, having hired Indians to help us over in their canoes." The island called by Fox Upper Dmi- denk is now known as Burlington Island; it was formerly called Matinicunk, which name Fox has misunderstood. He also calls the Delaware river here Delaware bay as he does in other places. By his journal it would seem no whites at that time lived at Burlington though a few whites had lived there and in the vicinity many years before. It is impossible to read the accounts of travelling at this early period without being forcibly reminded of the contrast in travelling ih«n and now. Many of the Quaker preachers speak of crossing streams in frail Indian canoes, with their horses swimming by their side ; and one, the fearless, zealous John Richardson, (so noted among among other things for his controversies with " the apostaie George Keith") in substance recommends, in travelling across New Jersey, " for safety, travellers' horses should have long tails." The reason for this singular suggestion was that in crossing streams the frail canoes were often capsized, and if the traveller could not swim, he might prob- ably preserve his life by grasping his horse's taik Mr. Richardson describes how one man's life was preserved by this novel life preserver ; in this case the life- preserver being the long tail of Mr. R.'s own horse ; and in commenting upon it he quaintly observes " that he always ap- proved horses' tails being long in crossing rivers." Long before Fox and Burnyeate crossed the state the whites, part'cularly the Dutch, frequently crossed our state by In- dian paths, in going to and fro between the settlements on the Delaware and New Amsterdam (New York), though they have left but meagre accounts of their journeyings, and their are strontr probabili- ties that the Dutch from New Amsterdam, after furs and searching for minerals, crossed the state as far as Burlington Is- land, Trenton, and points far up the Dela- ware from forty to fifty years before the trip of these Quaker preachers. That their journeyings were not always safe, is shown in the following extract of a letter written by Jacob Alricks, Septem- ber 20th, 1669 : " The Indians have again killed three or four Dutchmen, and no person can go through ; one messenger who was eight 14 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. days out returned without accomplishing his purpose." The next day he writes : I have sent off messenger after messen- ger to the Manhattans overland, but no one can get through, as the Indians there have again killed four Dutchmen. At the time of writing these letters Alricks resided in Delaware, and they were addressed to the Dutch authorities at New York. CONFISCATION IN THE REVOLUTION. Loyalists of Frebhold, Middletown, Shrewsbury, Upper Freehold and Dover. The sales of property in New Jersey ad- judged to be confiscated during the war, appear to have been in accordance witli the act of the Legislature, April 18th, 1778, entitled '' An Act for taking charge of or leasing the real estates and for forfeiting the persona! estates of certain fugitives and offenders, rrible con- fession by the British Provost Marshal. The following is copied from the Ameri- can Apollo, February 17th, 1792. In it will be found some startling confessions, show- ing how hellish wag the treatment of our ancestors who were confined as prisoners in New York during the Revolution by this fiend in human shape. It furnishes another reason why our forefathers so de- tested the British. It will amply repay perusal. Captain Joshua Huddy, and many other old Monmouth patriots, were for a time in this villain's charge : " The life, confession, and last dying words of Captain William Cunningham, former- ly British provost marshal in the city of New York, who was executed in London the lOth of August, 1791. " I, William Cunningham, was born in Dublin barracks in the year 1738. My father was trumpeter to the Blue Dragoons, and at the age of 8 years I was placed with an officer as his servant, in which station I continued until I was 16, and being a great proficient in horsemanship, was tak- en as an assistant to the riding master of the troop, and in the year 1761 was made sergeant of dragoons, but the peace com- ing the year following, I was disbanded. — Being bred to no profession, I took up with a woman who kept a gin shop in a blind alley near the Coal Quay ; but the iiouse being searched for stolen goods and my doxy taken to Newgate, I thought it most prudent to decamp ; accordingly set off for the North and arrived at Drogheda, where in a few months with obstinacy, was soon carried. The rebels had nine men killed in the assault, and twelve made prisoners, two of whom are. wounded. The rest made their escape in the confusion. — Among the killed was a major of the mili ti^, two captains and one lieutenant. The captain of the twelve months men station- ed there, is amongst the prisoners, who are all brought safe to town. On our side, two were killed — Lieutenant Ire'iell of the armed boatmen and Lieutenant Inslee of the loyalists, both very brave officers, who distinguished themselves on the attack and whose loss is much lamented. Lieu- tenant Roberts and five others are wound- ed, but it is thought none of them are in a dangerous way. , '' The Town, as it is called, consisting of about a dozen houses, in which none but a piratical set of banditti resided, together w.th a grist and saw mill, wer«», with the blockhouse burned to the ground, and an iron canno:.i spiked and thrown into the river. A fine large barge (called Hyler's barge,) and another boat in which the rebels used to make their excursions on the coast, were brought off. Some other attempts were intended te have been made, but the appearance of bad weather, and the situation of the wounded, being without either surgeon or medicines, in- duced the party to return to New York, where they arrived on the twenty- fifth." The attack on Toms River was made on Sunday morning, March 24th, 1782. Cap- tain Huddy received notice of the expect- ed attack on the previous evening, and at once notified the inhabitants ; sentinels were carefully stationed, and towards morning Captain Huddy sent a scouting party to reconnoitre. This party missed the British ; it is probable they went down along the river, while the enemy, guided by a refugee named William Dillon, cam6_ up the road near where" the Court House now stands. The sentinels staiioned some distance outside of the fort, on the ene- my's approach, fired their guns to notify the little garrison. Before reaching the fort, the British were joined by a band of refugees under Dg^en port, whose stamping ground was in old Dover township; him- self and men had cabins and caves in the woods, by the he^id waters of Cedar Creek, Toms River and other streams. No Tory or Tory sympathizer was tolerated in the village of Toms River, which was the only reason that caused Rivington's Royal Ga- zette to call its people " banditti.'' Upon the apjjroach of the British, the Americans opened fire so effectually that the British account acknowledges that seven were killed or wounded, though the damage inflicted upon them must have been greater. A negro refugee killed, was 'eft by them outside of the fort for the Americans to bury. On the side of the Americans, among the casualities, were Major John Cook, John Farr and James Kinsley, killed ; Moses Robbins wounded in the face; John Wainwright fought un- til shot down with six or seven bullets in him. From circumstantial evidr-nce it is probable that Captain Ephraim Jenkins was among the killed. Among the pris- oners taken were Captain Joshua Huddy, Daniel Randolph, Esq., and Jacob Flem- ing. One of the guards named David im lay, escaped and hid in a swamp until the British left. Major Cooke ( at one time of the 2nd regiment, Monmouth militia ), it is said was killed outside the tort by a negro. All the houses in the village were burned except two, one belonging to Aaron Buck and the other to Mrs. Studson. Aaron Buck was an active Whig, and one reason why his house was spared was owing, it is supposed, to the fact that his wife was a neice of William Dillen, the refugee guide. Mrs.Studson's husband, Lieutenant Joshua Studson, had been murdered by the ref- ugee Captain John Bacon, a short time before, and the Britisli probably thought injury enough had already been done to her. Among the houses burned was one belonging to Captain Ephraim Jenkins, and also one in which Abiel Aikens lived in which the first Methodist sermon at Toms River was preached, by Rev Benja- min Abbott, in 1778. 18 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. What a terrible day to the inhabitants of Toms River was that memorable Sab- bath I Probably not less than a hundred women and children were rendered home less ; the killed and wounded demanded immediate attention ; husbands and fath- ers were carried away captive, their house- hold goods, provisions — their all destroyed. Some families were entirely broken up, the heads killed, mothers and chilren scattered, never as families meeting again. Memoranda relating to persons mentioned IN the foregoing. William Dillon, the refugee guide, had once been tried and sentenced to death at Freehold, but subsequently pardoned, and the first we hear of him afterwards was as pilot of a British Expendition, which came from New York into old Cranberrj^ inlet, then open, opposite Toms River, to recapture the ship " Love and Unity," which a short time previous had been captured by the Americt.rjs. Aaron Buck was an active member of the militia. The Dillon whose daughter he married was a much better man than his brother, who acted as guide to the ref ugees. Aaron Buck left two daughters from whom have descended several re- spectable shore families. One married Judge Ebenezer Tucker, formerly mem- ber of Congress, after whom Tuckerton, in Burlington county, was named. The other married John Rogers, of Dover township, ancester of many, persons now residing in Ocean county. It is said that after the war Mr. Buck in a temi3orary fit of in- sanity, committed suicide by hanging himself on board his vessel at Toms River. Daniel Randolph, who then resided at Toms River, was well known throughout old Monmouth. A tory witness on tha ti'ial of Captain Richard LippencoU, in New York, testified that " Esquire Daniel Randolph, was a man of prominence and influence among the Whig?." He was soon afterwards exchanged for Captain Clayton Tilton. Captain Epliraim Jenkins was in com- mand of a militia company during the war. After the fight at the Block House, his family was scattered and his children oared for by strangers. Abiel Aikons suffered severely during the war. In his old age (1808), the Legis- lature passed a law for his relief. He was the earliest friend of Methodism in that vicinity. TOMS RIVER DURING THE REVO- LUTION. Toms River during the Revolution wat. a place of considerable importance owing chiefily to the fact thai old Cranberry In- let, nearly opposite, was then open and perhaps the best inlet on our coast, except Little Egg Harbor. On this account it was a favorite base of operations for Ameri- can privateers on the lookout for British merchant vessels carrying supplies to the enemy at New York. In another chapter are given some extracts from ancient authorities, showing that Toms River and vicinity was the scene of many stirring incidents during the war. The village was occupied by the Americans as a mili- tary post probably during the greater part of the Revolution. The soldiers state- tioned here were sometimes twelve months men, commanded by diflerent officers, among whom it is supposed were Captains Bigelow. Ephraim Jenkins, James Mott, John Stout and Joshua Huddy. The duties of the militia stationed at Toms River, appear to have been to guard the inhabitants against dej^redations from the refugees; to check contraband trade by way of Cranberry Inlet to New York, and to aid our privateers who brought vessels into old Cranberry Inlet. A TERRIBLE DAY FOR THE REF- UGEES. Peace Declared — How th« news was re- ceived by the ^riends of the *' Lost Cause " — Confisciition, Banishment, Des- pair. f ivil wars have ever been noted for being more terrible than those where one na- tion was against another; as in the last named case stranger meets stranger on the battle field, while in civil wars oftimes, neighbor is arrayed against neighbor, father against son, brother against brother. In the war of the Revolution it was the lot of our ancestors to be compelled to un- dergo the hardships of both at the same time. They had not only to face the armies which England landed upon our soil but also thousands of native born Americans, who from what they thought a sense of duty, or for plunder or revenge, OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 19 rallied to th« cause of Kin.^ and crown. — The number of Loyalists, that is, Ameri- cans who aided the British, was much larger than is generally supposed. Sabine in his history of the Loyalists estimat^es the number who took up arms to aid the enemy at 25,000. The Loyalists them- selves, in an address to the King, 1779, claimad that " the Americans then in his Majesty^ s service exceeded in number the troops enlisted by Congress to oppose them, exclusive of these who were in pri?ite ships of war." In 1782 they stated that there were many more Loyalists in the King's service than troops in the Continental army. At the close of the war they claimed that their losses were £7,046,178, besides debts to the amount of £2,354,135. Of their claims the British Government in 1788 had liquidated about £2,000,000. Old Monmouth suffered during the war to an extent hardly equalled, certainly not surpassed by any other section of the coun- try, and when the welcome news of peace was announced the patriots of this as well of every other section of the Union were overjoyed beyond exp'ession. But the news which brought gladness to their hearts, was a terrible blow to the Refugees. It was not only the announcement to them that the cause for which they had so long fought was irretrievably lost, but also that they must forsake the land of their birth and seek homes elsewhere, that there property here would be confiscated and that without money or friends they must commence life anew on the cold shores of Nova Scotia or elsewhere. The following from an ancient authority, de- scribes how the news of peace was received by the Refugees in JSTew York : '' When the news of peace was known, the city of New York presented a scene of distress not easily described; adherents ' to the Crown who wen- in the ai'my tore the lappels from their coats and stamped them under their ftet and exclaimed that they were ruined ; others cried out that they had sacrificed everything to prove their loyalty and were now left to shift for themselves without the friendship of their King or country." In September, previous to the final evacuation of New York by the British, upwards of 12,000 men, women and chil- dreir embarked at the city and at Lone and Staten Islands for Nova Scotia and the Bahamas. Some of these victims to civil war tried to make merry at their doom by saying that they were bound to a lovely country whei'e there are nine months winter and three months cold weather every year ! While others in their desperation would have torn down their houses, and had they not been prevented would have carried off the bricks of which they were built. Those who went north landed at Port Roseway (now Shelburne) NovaScotiaand at St. Johns, whpie many, utterly destitute, were supplied with food at public charge and were obliged to live in huts built of bark and rough boards. A mong the ban- ished ones were persons whose hearts and hopes had been as true as Washington's, for in the division of families, which every where occurred and which formed oije of the most distressing circumstances of the conflict, their wives and daughters, who although bound by the holiest ties to Loy- alists, had given their sympathy to the right from the beginning, and who now in the triumph of the cause which had their pi'ayers, went meekly — as woman ever meets a sorrowful lot — in hopeless, inter- minable exile. (3^E0RiE KEITH, THE FOUNDEtt OF FREEHOLD. The following outline of the life of Rev. George Keith is by William A. Whitehead Esq. author of the History of East Jersey Among those selected by the Proprieta- ries in England to serve them in East Jer- sey was George Keith, a native of Aber deen, an eminent Quaker, although origi- nally a Scotch Presbyterian ; and among all whose namt^s subsequently became widely known, his was one of those which obtained the greatest renown. Those who first welcomed him to the province as a fellow helper in subduing the wilderness could hardly have prefigured for him the course which events opened to him in this and the adjoining province of Pennsylva- nia. The circumstances which probably led to his acquaintance with the leading Scotch Proprietaries was his having under his charge in 1683 at a school which he taught in Theobalds, a son of Robert Bar- clay. He was appointed Surveyor General on the 31st of July, 1684, but did|n6t reach the province until the spring of the follow- ing year. On the 9th of April he present- ed his credentials to the Council of Pro- prietors, but as the office to which he was appointed was already filled by William 20 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. Haige, under a oommission emanating from Deputy Governor Eudyard, they found themselves delicately situated, and postponed the consideration of Mr. Keith's commission until their next meet- ing. It was unanimously agreed, however, that he should have one of their houses as directed by the Proprietors. (Thomas Warne was directed to " clear out '" the one he inhabited to make room for him.) The Council at the appointed time were urged by Keith to deci le in his favor, and they finally desired both of the apjilicants to appear before them on the 12th of June, when the office, in consequence of tha ab- sence of Ml'. Haige and the inability, from some cause of his deputy. Miles Forster, was declared vacant and Mr. Keith au- thorized to take the oaths and assume the duties. Besides performing the general duties of his office, for which he was well qualified, being " an excellent surveyor," he ran the division line between East and West Jer- sey in 1687 ; but in 1689 he left the pro- vince for Pennsylvania. Then residing at Freehold, of which settlement he was the founder, and where at the time of his re- moval he had " a fine plantation," he was induced by the solicitations of the Qua- kers of Philadelphia to accept the super- intendence of a school in that city for fifty pounds, a house for his family, and what- ever profits might accrue, with the prom- ise of an increase to one hundred and twenty pounds after the first year, the poor to be taught gratis. This is the first and only allusion to his family I have noticed. He did not remain long in this humble situation (vacating it the next year) and we are warranted in attributing its acceptance to other inducements morp, likely to aftect a man of his character than the pecuniary remuneration named. Having been eminent as a preacher and writer among the Quakers for several years, he became a public speaker in their religious assemblies in Philadelphia. Possessing quick natui'al talents improvad by considei'able literary attainments, he was acute in argument and able in logical disputations and discussions of nice dis tinction in theological matters ; but hav- ing great confidence in his own suj^erior capacity he was apt to indulge in an over- bearing disposition, not altogether in ac- cordance with christian moderation and charity. These peculiarities of mind and temper- ament naturally impelled him to assume the part of a leader, and he soon, through his talents and energy, gathered a party inculcating plainness of garb and language and other points of discipline ; there be- ing in his opinion " too great slackness therein." Connected with these religious tenets were the political doctrines of the abandoament of all forcible measures to uphold secular or worldly government and the emancipation of the negroes after a reasonable term of service. Although his opinions and views met the approval of a large number of Friends, occasioning a serious division in that be- fore united body — father and son, husband and wife, friend« and relatives who had usually worshiped together, though still professors of the same faith in the main, being seen going to different places of wor- ship, '• heats and bitterness " being engen- dered, occasioning "many labors and watch- ing, great circumspection and patience;" yet as they did not meet with the general ac- ceptation he expected, Keith became cap- tious and indulged in censure and re- proach, accusing some of the most es- teemed and approved ministers with pro- mulgating false doctrines — although it is said the points he now condemned had been strongly advocated in his writings — and declaring those only who were asso- ciated with him true Quakers. He was charged with exercising an over- bearing temper and an unchristian dispo- sition of mind in disparaging manv of the society, and at a meeting of ministers in Phlladelj^hia in June, 1692, ''a declaration or testimony of denial " was drawn up, in which both he and his conduct were pub- licly denounced. From this decision Keith appealed to the general meeting of Fri^^ncls, at Bur- lington, and in the meanwhile wrote an address to the Quakers in which, as on different occasions verbally, he spok* in. such disparaging, if not calumnious man- ner of the Deputy Governor and other functionaries, as to bring ui:)on him the ire of the civil magistrates (themselves Quakers) and he was in consequence pro- claimed in the market place, by the com- mon crier, a seditious person and an ene- my to the King and Queen's government. The general meeting confirming the declaration of the ministers, the sei)ara- tion became complete, but Keith continu- ed preaching and writing in support of his views and for the establishment of his fol- lowers until early in 1694, when he appeal- ed to the yearly meeting in London and OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 21 appeared there in person ; but his behav- ior was such as led to the approval of the proceedings against him and his authority and influence were at an end. This controversy occasioned mucVi dis- turbance in the province of Pennsylvania and many of the pamphlets to which it gavw birth are yet extant. Excited it would seem by the opposi- tion he had met with, although for a time he retained a considerable number of ad- herents in England, and disgusted with the society from which he had received so little sympathy while aiming for its ad- vancement in what he conceived the es- sentials of true religion, Keith abjured the doctrines of the Quakers and became a zealous clergyman of the established Church of England. He officiated for some time in his mother country, and in 1702 returned to America as a Missionary of the " Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts ; sent out to travel through the difFarent provinces for the purpose of in- quiring into their true condition, their wants in regard to their spiritual interests and to arouse in the people a sens*^ of the duties of religion." His labors are said to have been very successful, particularly in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York to which he devoted moi-e of his time than he did to the other provinces — from his previous acquaintance with the people. In the first two especially a large number of those Quakers who had adopted his views in the dissensions of 1691 and 1692, be- came converts to the doctrines and disci- pline of the Church of England. He retixrned to England by way of Vir- ginia and received a benefice in Sussex, worth one hundred and twenty pounds per annum, where he continued until his death to write against the doctrines of the Quakers. Prund's History of Pennsyl- vania says from well authenticated ac- count it is asserted that he thus expressed himself on his deatli bed : " I wish I had died when I was a Quaker for then 1 am sure it would have been well tor my soul." SINGULAR INDIAN CLAIMS. About the last remnant of Indians re- maii^ing in our state, sold their lands to thfi^hites about 1801, and the year fol- loi'i,ing removed to New Stockbndge, near O&v'^ida Lake, New York, from whence, abo'yit 1824, they removed to Michigan, where they purchased a tract of land of the Menomonie mdians, on both sides of the Fox river near Green Bay. In 1832, the New Jersey tribe, reduced to less than forty souls, delegated one of their number named Barlliolomew .S. Cal- vin, to visit Trenton and apply to our Leg- islature for remuneration for hunting and fishing privileges on unenclosed lands, which they alleged had not been sold with the land. Calvin was an aged man who had been educated at Princeton, where he was at the breaking out of the Revolution when he joined the American army. Th-e claim, so unusual, was met in a spirit of kindness by our Legislature, who directed the S!.aie Treasurer to pay to the agent of the Indians, the sum of two thousand dol- lars, thus satisfactorily and honorably ex- tinguishing the last claim the Indians brough'. against our state. Hon. Samuel L. Southard, at the close of a speech made at the time, said : "It was a proud fact in the history of New Jersey, that every foot of her soil had been obtained from the Indians by fair and voluntary purchase and transfer, a fact that no other st^te of the Union, not even tlie land which bears the name of Penn, can boast." In 1678, a somewhat similar claim was brought by the Indians, against Richard Hartshorne, an early settler of old Mon- mouth, who had previously bought of them Sandy Hodk, and lands around the Highlands. In that year, to prevent their trespassing ujjon his lands, he iiad to pay theto to relinquish their claims to hunt, fish, fowl, and gather beach plums. The fol- lowing it a copy of the agreement : " The 8th of August, 1678. Whereas the Indians pretend tjiat formerly, when they sold all the land upon Sandy Hook, they did not sell, or did except liberty to plumbs, or to say the Indians should have liberty to go an Sandy Hook, to get get plumbs when they please, and to hunt upon the land, and fish, and to take dry trees that suited them for cannows. Now know all men by these presents, that I, Richard Kartshorne. of Portland, in tne county of Monmbuih, in East Jersey, for peace and quietness sake, and to the end there may be no cause of trouble with the Indians and that I may not for the future have any trouble with them as formerly I had, in their dogs killing my sheep, and their hunting on my lands, and their fish- ing, I have agreed as followeth : "These presents witnesseth, that 1, Vowavapon, Hendricks, the Indians sonn, 22 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. haying all the liberty and privileges of pluming on Sandy Hook, hunting, fishing, fowling, getting cannovvs &c., by these presents, give, grant, bargain, sell, unto Richard Hartshorwe, his heirs and assigns forever, all the liberty and privilege of pluming, fishing, fowling, and huHting, and howsoever reserved and excepted by the Indians for him, the said Richard Hartshorne, his heirs and assigns, to have hould, possess, and injoy forever, to say that no Indian, or Indians, shall or hath no pretense to lands or timber, or liberty, privileges on no pretense whatsoever on any part a parcell of land, belonging to the said Kichard Hartshorne, to say Sandy Hook or land adjoining to it, in considera- tion the said Hnrtshorne, hath paid unto the said Vowavapon, thirtee?.' shillings money; and I the said Vowavapon, do acknowledge to have received thirteen shillings by these presents. Witness my hand and seal. ''Vowavapon X his mark. "Tocus X his mark. " Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of John Stout." THE RARITAN INDIANS. An ancient work says that when the wliites first came to this country, the Raritans lived on the south side re.posessing personal appearance than the rest of her tribe. At Tuckerton, when her company visited there and put up their teats, Bathsheba was generally invited to make her home with some one of the principal inhabitants of the jilace. At Barnegat, her company generally camped on the place now owned by Captain Timo- thy Falkinburgh, wliere they were on friendly terms with the whites and quite disposed to be hospitable, but Bathsheba, Indian Queen though she may hivve been, occasionally prepared Indian delicacies for the table which the whites seldom appre- ciated. Some twenty years ago Eli Collins, a well remembered aged citizen of Barne- gat, told the writer of this, that when he was K young man, one time he had been out from Iiome all day, and on his wav back, stopped at the hut of Moluss. His wife Bash, or Bathsheba, was boiling some- thing in a pot which sent forth a most de- lightful odor to a hungry man, and he was cordially invited to dine. As he had bees without anything to eat all day he willing- ly accepted the invitation ; but he soon changed his determination when he found the savory smelling dish was hop toad sovj) ! INDIAN PETER. A Tradition oe Imlaystown. About a century ago an Indian named Peter, said to have been connected by re- lationship and in business with the noted Indian Tom, after whom some, we think erroneously, considered Toms River to be named, resided at Toms River, but owing to an unfortunate habit of mix ing too much whisky with his water,^. he became unfortunate, and about the timp of the war removed with his family to (the OLD TIMES m OLD MONMOUTH. 23 vicinity of Imlaystown, wb©r« he built a wigwam by a oond not far from the vil- lage. Shortly after he located here his wife sickened and died. Peter dearly loved his squaw, and was almost heart-broken on account of the unlucky event. He could not bear the idea of parting with his wife, of putting her under ground out of sight. For a day or two lie was inconsola- ble and knew not what to do ; at length a lucky idea occurred to him ; instead of burying her where he never more could see her, he would put a rope about her neck and place her in the pond and daily visit her. This idea he at once put into execution, and as he daily visited her, it somewhat assuaged his poignant grief. — On one of his melancholy visits te the de- parted partner of his bosom, he noticed in the water around her a large number of eels. To turn these eels to account was a matterof importance to Peter, for though he loved his wife yet he loved money too. .So he caught the eels daily, and foraweek or so visited the village regularly and found a ready sale for them among the villagers. But at length the supply failed — his novel eel trap gave out. A few days there- after he was in the village and numerous were the inquiries why he did not bring any more of those good eels. " Ah," said Peter very innocently, draw- ing a long sigh, " me catch no more eels — me squaw all gone — boo — hoo ! " His grief and singular reply called for an explanation, and he, thinking nothing wrong, gave it. The result was a general casting up of ac- counts among the villagers, terrible anath- emas upon the Indian, and a holy horror of eels among that generation of Imlays- town citizens, and even to this day it is said some of their descendants would as soon eat a sni.,ke as an eel. (The above tradition we have no doubt is substantially correct ; we derived it froii; Hon. Charles Parker, for many years State Treasurer, father of Gov. Parker, who some sixty years ago, while at Toms River, met with some of the disgusted pur- chase! s of Indian Peter's eels.) A BRAVE ^OUTH. One fine morning in May, 1780, as the family of David Forman, Sheriff of Mon- mouth County, were at breakfast, a soldier almost out of breath suddenly burst into the room and stated, that as he and anoth- er soldier were conducting to the Court House two men taken up on suspicion at Colt's Neck, they had knocked down his comrade, seized his musket and escaped. The Sheriff, on hearing this relation, im- mediately mounted his horse and galloped to the Court House to alarm the guard. — His son Tunis Forman, a lad of about 17, and small of his age, seized a musket load- ed only with small shot to kill blackbirds in the cornfields, and putting on a cart- ridge box, dispatched his brother Samuel (the late Dr. Samuel Forman of Freehold,) upstairs for a bayonet, and then without waiting for it, nurried off alone in the pur- suit. After running in a westerly direction about a mile, he discovered the men sit- ting on a fence, who on perceiving him ran into a swamp. As the morning was warm, he hasiily pulled off his coat and shoes and dashed in after them, keeping close upon them lor over a mile, when they got out of the swamp and each climb- ed into separate trees. As he came up they discharged at him the musket taken from the guard. The ball whistled over his head. He felt for his bayonet, and at that moment perceived that in his haste it was left behind. He then pointed his gun at the man with the musket, but deemed it imprudent to fire, reflecting even if he killed him, his comrade could easily master such a stripling as himself. He compelled the man to throw down his musket bv threatening him with death if he did not instantly comply. Then load- ing the prize from his cartridge he forced his prisoners down from the trees and armed with his two loaded muskets, he drove them toward the Court House, care- ful however, to keep them far apart, to prevent conversation. Passing by a spring they requested permission to drink. " No '' replied the intrepid boy, under- standing their design. " You can do as well without it as myself; you shall have some by and by." Soon after, his father, at the head ©f a party of soldiers in ttie pursuit, galloped past in the road within a short distance. — Tunis hallooed, but the clattering of their horses hoots drowned his voice. At length he reached the village, and lodged his jjrisoners in the county prison. It was subsequently discovered that these men, whose name was John and Robert Smith, were brothers from near 24 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. Philadelphia, that they had robbed and murdered a Mr. Boyd, a collector of taxes in Chester county, and when taken, were on their wav to join the British. As ttiey had been apprehended on suspiri<)n mere- ly of buing refugees, no definite charge could be brought against them. A few- days after, Sheriff •'^ornian saw an adver- tisement in a Pennsylvania paper df^scrib ing them, with the facts above mentioned, and a reward of $20,000 Continental mon- ey offered for their appiehensi-^n. He, ac- companied by his son, took them there, where they were trie i and executed. On entering Philadelphia young Tunis was carried through the streets in triumph upon the shoulders of the military. In the latter part of the war this voung man became very active, and was a pecu- liar favorite of General David Forman. He died not far from 1835. (The foregoing account is as related by the late Dr. Sam uel Formaai to Henry Howe, Esq.) CAPTAIN JOSEPH COWARD. In a Philadelphia work containing Sketches of Revolutionary Heroos is found ihe following notice of one of the patriots of old Monmouth : " Joseph Coward was a native of Mon- mouth county, N. J. In view of his cogno- men we may well exclaim, " What's in a name, my Lord?"' He was a Coward; and yet one of the bravest of the Revolutionary Captains. He was a great terror to the Refugees alias Tories. At the Battl'fe of Monmouth and at several other places, his undaunted courage was conspicuous. — When the British fleet lay off vSandy Hook, one of the supply ships ran loo near the shore and stuck fast. Witli a few. Captain Coward captured her in defiance of two barges manned with superior numbers that were sent to the rescue. At the clese of the war he returned to his farm, became the esteemed citizen and fully exemplified the noble attributes of an honest man." From his name we should not be sur- prised if the above named liero was a rela- tive of the late Captain Joseph Coward of Toms River, formerly a member of the Legislature, a gentleman much esteemed and popular among his political opponents, as well as friends. A JERSEY BLUE AT THE BATTLE OF GERMANTOWN. Barkalow, of Old Moxmouth. The following story which we find in an old work is worth repeating: " A Brave Fellow. — Among numerous feats of valor performed by individuals of the American Revolutionary army, none has pleaded me more ihan the iollowing, related by an eye witness. " During the heat of the baltlir at Oer mantown, while bullets flew thick as hail- stones, one Barkalow, of Monmouth, N. J., was levelling his musket at the enemy when the lock was carried away bv a bull. Undismayed, he caught up the gun of a comrade, just killed by his side, and taking aim, a bullet entered ihe muzzle and twist- ed the barrel round like acorkscrewl Still undaunted, our hero immediately ivneel- d down, unscrewed the whole lock from the twisted barrel, screwed it on the barrel from which the lock had been torn, and blazed away at the enemy. " Can ancient Sparta or modern Bririan boast a more brilliant display o* cool, de- liberate, unshtvken courage? Tliis hero is still livinj,.'' — Niles Prin. Revolution, 1822 THE REDSTt'NE COUNTRY. Old Monmouth Citizens Emigratixo WtsT. At dift'erent times between fifty and a hundred years a^jo, a large number of the citizens of old Monmouth emigr iied to what then was termed "'the Redstone country." These emigrants left behind numerous relatives, and among their de- scendants are often heard inquiries as to the precise locality of this '' Redstone country." The origin of the name at the present day seems somewhat singular. The term " Redstone settlements " or " Redstone country," was employed to de- note most fthe country in Pennsylvania and Virginia west of the mountains. The name Redstone was ap})lied to a creek which enters the Monongahela below Brownsville, Pa., upon which was a settle- ment calleii " Redstone Old Fort." In thatMay coal, as an article of fuel, was unknown. It is .stated that "the hills abountruggle. Both were active and powerful men and it was a fight unto death ; but late in the evening Indian Will appeared at liis cabin with no companion but his whiskey jug. The next day he received several visitors from his race who had been at the Council the day before, aud who had seen the two depart together. In ([uiring as to what had become of his com- rade, he told them to search and they would probably find out. They took the back trail of the chief and after an hour's tramping found the dead body. The crushed skull and a bloody pine knot near told the tale. Hence- forth Indian Will was let alone and quiet- ly died in his own cabin many years after. I find that in the deed of the Cook farm, this '' Indian Will's Hole" is recognized, and its margin is given as one of the land- marks." CAUSES OF THE REVOLUTION- PRINCIPLES INVOLVED. Early Stand taken by the Citizens of Mon- mouth. — Prooceedings of Meetings in Different TowMships in 1774-5. — Free- hold leads the State. — County Resolu- tions. — An Admirable Document. — Pa- triots Appeal to their Descendants. — " A Faithful Record'' of 1774, audits Message to 1873. Historians of other States have always conceded that the citizens of New Jersey were among the earliest and most active opponents of those tyrannical acts of Great Britain which brought on the war, and fi- nally resulted in separation. Large and spirited public meetings were held in va- rious parts of the State in 1774-5, to de- nounce the obnoxious laws, and to organ- ize for counsel and defence. At this stage of affairs, sepiaration from England had not been proposed, and most of these meetings, while condemning the acts of the British Ministry and Parlia- ment, still expressed decided loyalty to the King. Our ancestors warmly seconded the stand taken by the people of Boston and freely forwarded contributions to the suffering inhabitants of that city. We annex extracts from the proceed- ings of some of these meetings in Old Monmouth, as they exhibit the timely zeal and firm and decided spirit of its citi- zens, and also furnish the names of some of the leading spirits who were prominent in the early stages of political m ^vements which brought on the Revolution. The several counties of the State were request- ed to send delegates to meet at New Bruns. wick, July 21st, 1774, to consider what 28 OLD TIMES m OLD MONMOUTH. action should be taken by the citizens oi the Province ol New Jersey. This conven- tion was geHeraliy spoken of as the " Pro- vincial Congress of New Jersey, " and was a different' body from the Legislature: in several instances, however, the same per- sons were members of both bodies. A number of persons named in these pro- ceedings were afterwards, during the war, conspicuous in military or civil life, for their services in behalf of their country in legislative halls and on the field of battle. For a year or two tbe citizens of the county appear to have been about unani- mous in their sentiments, but when finally the subject of a separation from the moth- er country was boldly advocated, there was found to be a diversity of opinion, and some who were among the most active in the meetings'of 1774-5, earnestly opposed the ijroposition, and eventually sided with England in the later years of that memor- able struggle. The fearful consequences of this division, in which it would seem almost every man capable of bearing arms was comoelled to take sides, we have en- deavored to give in other chnpters. The citizens of Freehold had the honor, we believe, of holding tlie first meeting in New Jersey to denounce the tyrannical acts of Great Britain — of inaugurating the movements in our State which finally re- sulted in Independence. The date of their first meeting is June 6th, 1774; thft earliest date of a meeting in any other place tliat we have met with, is of a meet- ing at Newark, June 11th, 1774. The following is a copy of the Freehold Proceedings : howRR Freehold Resomitxoxs. " Freehold June 6th 1774. " Atameeting of the Freeholders and In- habitants of the Township of Ldwer Free- hold in the county of Monmouth in New Jersey, on Monday the 6th day of June 1774 after notice given of the time place and occasion of this meeting '• Resolved That it is the unanimous o\nn- ion of this meeting, that the cause in wliich the inhabitants of the town of Boston are now suflPering is the common cause of the whole Continent of North America; and that unless some general sj)irited measures, lor the public safety be speedily entered into there is just reason to fear that every Province may in turn sliare the same fate with them; and that therefore, it is higldy incumbent on thom all to unite in some effectual means to obtain a repeal of the Boston Port Bill and any other that may follow it, which shall be deemed subver- sive of the rights and piivileges of free burn Americans. "And that it is the opiiijoti of this meet- ing that in case it shall Ijtreafter a()pear to be consistent with the general opinion of the trading towns and the commercial part ot our countrymen, that an entire stoppage of importation and exportatioii from and to Great Brit.'iin and the West Indies, until the said Port Bill and other Acts be repealed, will be conduijive to tbe safety and preservation of North America and her liberties, they will yield a cheerful acquiesence in the ipeasure and 'Earnestly reccommend the same to all their iM'cth- ren in this Province. •'Resolved, ?noreo?er That the inhabitants of this township will jom in an Association with the several towns in the county and in conjuction with them, with the several counties in the Province (if, as w^e doubt not they see fit to accede to the proposal ) in any measures that may ap- pear best adapted to tiie wea! and safety of North America and all her loyal sons. '• Ordered That John Anderson Esq Peter Fokman Hendrick Smock John Forman AsHER Holmes Capt Jno Covenhoven and Dr. Nathaniel Scxjdder be a committee for the township to join those who may be elected for the neigh- boring townships or counties to co.^stitute a General Committee for any purposes similar to those above mentioned; and that the gentlemen so appointed do im- mediately solicit a correspondence with tlie adjacent towns." ( Dr. Scudder subsequently was a Colo- nel in tlie First Regiment Monmouth Militia, and killed October 15th, 1781. a> described elsewhere.) The following week the citizens of Essex sent the following to the patriots of Mon- mouth : Essex to Mon.moi th. " Elizabethtown -lune 13th 1774. "Gentlemen: The alarming Measures which have been lately taken to deprive the Inhabitants of the American Cehnies of their constitutional Rights and Privi- leges, together with the late violent -itlacks made u])on the rights and liberties of the Colony of the Massachusetts Bay ( for as- serting and endeavoring to maintain their rights) manifestly intended lo crush them without Mercv and thereby disunite and OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 29 wc-aken the Colonies, and at tlie same time dare the.n to assert or own their Constitu- tional Rights, Liberties or Properties, un- der the Penalty of the like, and if jwssible, worse treatment ; and ai the Assembly of New Jersey are not like to meet in time to answer the Design j^roposed, and the neighboring Colonies are devising and ex- pecting the immediate union of this Colo- ny with them. ''Bunclry of the hjhabitantsof theCounty of E^sex by Advertisements, convened a general Meeting of said County at Newark on Saturday last, when the said inhabi- tants unanimously entered into certain Kesolves and Declarations upon that occa- sion, a copy of which you have enclosed. We the Committee appointed by the said Meeting, do earnestly request that i^ou will immediately by Advertisements or otherwise, call a general Meeting of your County for the purposes aforesaid as soon as possible, as we have intelligence that it is most probable the General Congress of the Colonies will be held the latter end of July next. We think New Brunswick the most suitable i)lace for the committee to meet, and with submission to them desire they will meet lis at New Brunswick on Thursday July 21st next at 10 o'clock in the morning, unless some other time and place more suitable shall in the meantime be agreed upon. " VVe earnestly lequest your answer as soon as possible. '• Letters of this Tenor and Date we now despatch to the other Counties in this Col- ony. We are. Gentlemen, " your most ob't servants "Stephen Craxe Chairman '' Hy order : " To Messrs Edward Taylor, Richard Law- rence Elisha Lawrence, John Taylor and Henry Waddeli, and other Inliabilants ot the County of Monmouth, Friends to the liiiierties and Privileges of the American Colonies." ( The above letter was directed to the above named gentlemen " or to any body else in Monmouth County.'") Delegates IVdm the different townships in the connty assembled at Fi'eohoiil, July i9lh, and the result of their decision is found in the following admirable docu- ment. It is lengthy but will well repay perusa'. In the closing paragraph they trust that some fiithful record will trans- mit the reasons which actuated them, to til' ir posterity to whom they make a brief but f>loquetit appeal. As they desired, this record has been jjreserved, and as they desired, we do what we can to place it be- fore their descendants: MoxMOUTH County Resolutioxs. " On Tuesday July 19th 1774, a majority of the Committees from the several town- ships in the covinty of Monmouth of the Colony of New Jersey met according to appointment at the Court House at Free- hold in said county ; and api)earing to have been regularly chosen and constituted by their respective townships, they unani- mously agreed upon the propriety and ex- pediency of electing a committee to repre- sent the whole county at the approaching Provincial Convention to be held at the city of New Brunswick, for the necessary purpose of constituting delegates from Ibis Province to the general Congress of the Colonies and for all other such important purposes as siiall hereafter be found neces- sary. " They at the same time also recorded the following Resolutions, Determinations and Opinions, which they wish to be transmit- ted to posterity as an ample testimony to their lovalty to his British Majesty, of their firm attacement to the principles of the glorious Revolution and their fixed and unalterable purpose, by every lawful means in their power, to maintain and de- fend themselves in the possession and en- joyment of those inestima,ble civil and re- ligious privileges which their forefathers, at the expense of so much blood and treas- ure, liave established and handed down to them. " 1st. In the names and behalf of their constituents, the good and loyal inhabi- tants of the county of Monmouth, in the colony of New Jersey^ they do cheerfully and publicly proclaim their unshaken al- legiance to the person and government ot his most gracious Majesty King George the Third now on the British throne, and do acknowledge^ themselves bound at all times, and to the utmost exertion of their power to maintain his dijznity and lawful sovereignty in and over all his colonies in America; and that it is their most fervent desire and constant prayer that in a Prot- estant succession, the descendants of the illustrious House of Hanover, may con- tinue to sway the British sceptre to the latest posterity. " 2d. They do highly esteem and prize the happiness of being governed and hav- ing their liberty and property secured to them by so excellent a system of laws as 30 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. that of Great Britain, the best doubtless in the universe ; and they will at all times cheerfully obey and render every degree of assistance in their power to the full and just execution of them. But at t}«e fame time will, with the greatest alacrity and resolution oppose- any unwarrantable in- novations in them or any additions to or alterations in the grand system which may appear unconstitutional, and consequently inconsistent with the liberties and privi- leges of the descendants ot free borit American Britons. " 3d. As there has been for ages past, a most happy union and uninterrupted con- nection between Great Britain and her colonies in America, they conceive their interests are now become so intimately blended together and their mutual de pendence upon each other to be at this time so delicately great that they esteem everything which has a tendency to alien- ate affection or disunite them in any de- gree, highly injurious to their common happiness and directly calculated to pro- duce a Eevolution, likelv in the end to prove destructive to both ; they do there- fore heartily disclaim every idea of that spirit of independence which has, of late, by some of our mistaken brethren on each side of the Atlantic, been so groundlefsiy and injuriously held up to thr.- attention of the nation, as having through ambition, ])Ossessed tlie breasts of tlie Americans. — And moreover they do devoutly bt-seech the Supreme Disposer of all events, gra- ciously to incline the heart of our Soverign and all his Ministers, to a kind and im- partial investigation ot the real sentiments and disjjosition of his truly loyal American subjects. "4th. Notwithstanding many great men xind able writers have employed their tal- ents and pens in favor of the newly adopt- ed mode of taxation in America, tliey are J'et sensible of no convictive light being thrown upon the subject; and therefore, although so august a body as that of the British Parliament is now actually endeav- oring to enforce in a military way. tlie ex- ecution of some distressing edicts upon the capital of the Mas-^acliusetts colony, they do freely and solemnly declare "that in conscience they deem them, and all oth- ers that are, or ever may be framed upon tiie same principles, altogetlier unprece- dented and unconstitutional, utterly in- consistent wilh the true original intention of Magna Charta, subversive of the just rights of free born Englishmen, agreeable and satisfactory only to the domestic and foreign enemies of our nation, and conse- quently pregnant with complicated ruin, and tentling directly to the dissolution and destruction of the Britisli Empire. " 5tii. As they, on tlie one hand firmly believe that the inhabitants of the Massa- chusetts colony in general, and those of the town of Boston in particular, are to all intents and purposes as loyal subjects as any in all his Majesty's widely extended dominions ; and on the other, that (al- though the present coercive and oppres.sive measures against them may have taken rise in some part from the grossest and most cruel misrepresentat.on both of their disposition and conduct ) the blockade of that town is principally designed to lead the way in an attempt to execute a dread- ful deep laid plan for enslaving all Anipr- icd. 'J'heyare therefore clearly of 0[)inion, that the Bostonians are now eminently sufi'ering in the common cause >.f Aim-ii- can fretsdotn, and that their fate n:ay probably pVove decisive to this very ex- tensive continent and even to the whole British nation ; and they do verily expect that unle>s some generous ."^pii'lted meas- ures for the public safety be speedily en- tered into and steadily prosecuted, every other colony will soon in turn feel the per- nicious etiects of the same detestable re- strictions. Whence tiiey earnestly entreat every rank, denomination, society and profession of their brethren, that,' laying aside all bigotry and every party disposi tion. tliey do now universally concur in one- generous and vigorous etibrt for the encouragement and support of their suf- f'^ring friends, and in a resolute assertion of their birth right, liberties and }>rivileges. In consequence of vvliich t!?ey may reason- ably expect a speedy repeal of ail the ar- bitrary edicts re.>;pecting the MassHchusetts government, and at the same time an ef- fectual preclusion of any future attempts of the kind from the enemies of our ha))- l^y Constitution, either upon them or any o< their American brethren. "6th In case it shall hereafter appeiu- to be consistent with t!ie result of the delib- eration of the general Congress, that an interruption or entire cassation of com- mercial intercourse with Great Britain and even ( jninful as it may be ) with the West Indies, until such oppressive Acts \ e re- ]ii'aled and the liberties of America fully restored, stated and assorted, wiH on this deplorable emergency be really necessary ;intl conducive to the public good, they OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 31 promise a ready acquiesence in every mea- sure ^nfi will recommend the same as far as their ii;fluence extends. " 7th. As a general Congress of Deputies from the several American Colonies is pro- posed to be held at Philadelphia soon in iSeptember next, they ileclare their entire approbation of the design and think it is the only rational method of evading those aggravated evils which threaten to involve the whole continent in one general calam- itous catastrophe. They are therelore met this day, vested with due authority from their respective constituents, to elect a committee to represent this county of Monmouth in any future necessary trans actions respecting the cause of liberty and especially to join the Provincial Conven- tion soon to be held at New Brunswick, for the purpose of nominating and consti- tuting a number of Delegates, who in be- half of this Colony ma, steadily attend to said general Congress and faithfullv serve the laboring cause of freedom and they have consequently chosen and deputed the following gentlemen to that important trust viz ; y Edward^'aylor John Anderson John Tiiylor Dr Nathaniel Scudder John Burrowes John Covenhoven u- Joseph Holmes Josiah Holmes Edward Williams James Crover John Lawrence. ' Edward Taylor being constituted chair- man and any five of them a sufficient number to transact business. And they do beseech, entreat, insti'uct and enjoin them to give their voice at said Provincial Convention, for no persons but such as they in good conscience and from the best information shall verily believe to be am- ply quaiified fnr so int'^resting a depart- ment; particularly that they be men high- ly aj^proved for integrity, honesty and up rightness, faithfully Httached to his Maj- esty's person and lawful government, well skilled in tiie principles of our excellent constitution and steady assertors of all our civil and religious liberties. " 8th. As under the present operation of the Boston Port Bill, thousantls of our re- spected brethren in Ijuit town must neces sarily be reduced to great distress, they feel themselves affected with the sincorest sympathy and most cordial-commiseration; and as they expect, under God, that the final deliverance of America will be owing, in a great degree, to a continuance of their virtuous struggle, they esteem themselves bound in duty and in interest to afforl them every assistance and alleviation in their power ; and they do now in behalf of their constituents, declare their readi- ness to contribute to the relief of the suf- fering poor in that town ; therefore they request the several committees of the country, when met, to take into serious consideration the necessity and expedien- cy of' forwarding under a sanction from them, subscriptions through every part of the Colony, for that truly humane and laudable purpose ; and that a proper plan be concerted for laying out the product of such subscriptions to the best andvantage, and afterwards transmitting it to Boston in the safest and least expensive way. "9th. As we are now by our Committees in this, in conjunction with those of other colonies, about to delegate to a number of our countrymen a power equal to any wherewith liuman nature alone was ever invested ; and as we firmly resolve to ac- quiesce in their deliberations, we do there- fore earnestly entreat them, seriously and conscientiously to weigh the inexpressible importance of their arduous department, and fervently to solicit that direction and assistance m the discnarge of their trust, which all the powers of humanity cannot afford thesn ; and we do humbly and ear- nestly beseech that God, in whose hand are the hearts of all flesh and who ruleth them at his pleasure, graciously to infuse into the whole Congress a spirit of true wisdom, prudence and just moderation ; and to direct them to such unanimous and happy conclusion as shall terminate in His own honor and glory, the establishment of the Protestant succession of the illus- trious House of Hanover, the mutual weal and advantage of Great Britain and all her l^ominions and a just and permanent con- firmation of i.ll the civil and religious lib- erties of Araerica. And now lastly, under tlie consideration of the bare possibility that the enemies of our constitution may y«>t succeed in ■x desperate triumph over us in this age, we do earnestly ( should this prove the case ) call upon all future generations to renew the glorious struggle for liberty as often as Heaven shall afford them any probable means of success. •' May this notification, by some faithful record, be handed down to the yet unborn descendants of Americans, that nothing but the most fatal necessity could have wrested the present inestimable enjoy- ments from their ancestors. Let them universally inculcate upon their beloved offspring an investigation of those truths, 32 OLD TIMES IX OLD MONMOUTH. respecting both civil and religious liberty, which have been so clearly and fully stated in this generation. May they be carefulh' taught in all their schools-, and may they never rest until, through Divine blessing upon their efforts, true freedom and liber- ty shall reign triumphant over the whole Crlebe. " Signed by order of the Committes, '' Edward Taylor Chairman " Boston Gratefully Acknowledges Mon- mouth Contributions. The patriots of Monmouth promptly and freely contributed to the suffering in- habitants of Boston. In forwarding their first contribution "they entreated their brethren not to give up, and if they should want a iurther supjjly of bread to let them know it." On the 21st of October, 1774, a letter was written on behalf of the Boston ians, to the citizens of Monmouth, in whicli they say: ^ " The kind and generous donations of the County of Monmouth in the -Tersies we are now to acknowledge and with grateful hearfcB to thank you therefore, having received from the Committee of said county, per Captain Brown, eleven hundred and forty (1140) bushels of rye and fifty barrels of rye meal, for thesuffer- ing poor of this town which shall be au- plied to the purpose intended by the don- ors ; and what further cheers our hearts, is your kind assurances of a further sup- ply, if necessary, to enable us to oppose the cruel Parliamentary Acts, levelled not only against this town, but our whole Constitution." " Committees of Observation and Inspec- tion." '• Freehold December 10th 1774. " In pursuance of the recommendation of the Continental Congress and for the pres- ervation of American Freedom, a respect able body of the freeholders of Freehold townshij) met at the Court House and unanimously elected the following gentle- men to act as a Committee of Observation and Inspection for said township : .Tolin Anderson Hendrick Smock John Forman John Covenhoven Asher Holmes Dr. Nath'l Scudder Teter Forman David Forman Dr. T. Henderson. " The committee were instructed by their constituents to carry into e.xecution the 'several imjiortant and sahitniT measures pointed out to them by the Continental Congress and without favor or affection to make all such diligent inquiry as shall be found conducive to thd accomplishment of the great necessary purposes held up to the attention of Americans." Upper Freehold, Dover and Middle- town formed similar committees, and noti- fied the Freehold committee. Shi'ewsbury however failed to appohit a committee. This may havf been owing to the prevalence of Quaker principles in the township. An attempt by the patri- ots of Shrewsbury was made to have a Committee appointed, as will be seen by the following cojiy of an advertisement put up in this township : •' Advertisement. "Shrewsbury January 2nd' 1775. " Aiireeable to the Resolutions of the late General Continental Congress — The Inhabitants of the town of Slirewsbury, more especially such as are properly qual- ififcd for choosing Representatives to serve in the Genend Assembly are hereby warn- ed to meet at the house of Josiah Hal- stead, in said Sh^-ewsbury, on '^esday the 17th of this instant January at noon, in order to choose a Committee for the seve- ral purposes as directed by thesai'l Con- gress. " As the method ordered by the Congress seems to be the only peaceable method the case will admit of, on failure of which either confii'med Slavery or a civil war of course succeeds ; the bare mention of either of the two last is shocking to hu- man nature, more particularly so to all true friends of the English Constitution. "Therefore it becomes the indispensable duty of all such to use their utmost en- deavors in favor of the first or peaceable method, and suffer it not to miscarry or fail of its salutary and much desired effects by means of any sinister views or indo- lence of theirs. Surely expectinir on the one hand to be loaded with the curses arising from sla'very to the latest posteri- ty, or on the other band the guilt of blood of thousand of their brethren and fellow Christians to lay at their door and to be jusily required at their hands. "Think well of this before it be too late and let not the |irecious moments pass." A .number of the citizens of Shrewsbury Hssemhled at the time and place mention- ed in the advertisement but they failed to appoint a committee." The following -^iiows tho conclusion to which tb(^ meet- OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 33 ing came. It concludes more like a Qua- ker Meeting epistle than a town meeting resolve : " Extract from a letter to a gentleman in New York dated Shrewsbury N. J. Jan- uary 18th 1775. " In consequence of an anonymous ad- vertisement fixed up in this place, giving notice to freeholders and others, to meet on Tuesday the 17th inst in order to choose a Committee of Inspection etc, be- tween thirty and forty of ^he most respect able freeholders accordingly met and after a few debates on the business of the day, which were carried on vrith great decency and moderation it was generally agreed (there being only four or five dissenting votes) that the appointment of a commit- tee was not only useless, but they were apprehensive would prove a means of dis- turbing the peace and quietness which had hitherto existed in the township, and would continue to use their utmost en- deavors to preserve and to gaurd against running upon that rock on which, with much concern, they beheld others, through an inattentive rashness, daily splitting " The Freehold Committee of Observation and Inspection at a meeting held March 17th, 1775, took up the case of Shrewsbury township, and after stating the subject in a preamble they resolved that from and after that day they would esteem and treat the citizens of Shrewsbury as ene- mies to their King and country and de- serters of the common cause of Freedom ; and would break off all dealings and con- nections with taem " unless they shall ttirn from the evil of their ways and testi- fy their repentance by adopting the mea- sures of Congress." The New Jersey Provincial Legislature, in May following, authorized other town- shijis to appoint delegates for Shrewsbury, but the same month the refractory town- ship, as will be seen by the following, chose delegates and also a committee of Observation, and so the unpleasantness ended. Shrewsbury Falls Into Line. "At a meeting f Freeholders and Inhab- itants, of the township of Shrewsbtiry this 27th day of May 1775, the following per- sons were by a great majority, chosen a committee of observation for the said town agreeable to the direction of the General Continental Congress held at Philadelphia September 5th 1774 viz. Josiah Holmes John Little Jos. Throckmorton Samuel Longstreet Nicholas Van Brunt David Knott Cor, Vanderveer Benjamin Dennis Daniel Hendrickson Samuel Breese Thomas Morford Garret Longstreet Cornelius Lane. I " Ordered : That Daniel Hendrick.son and Nicholas Van Brtint, or eitherof them, do attend t'ae Provincial Congress now I setting at Trenton, with full power to rep- resent there, this town of Shrewsbury. And that Josiah Holmes, David Knott and Samuel Breese be a sub committee to pre- pare instructions for the Deputy or Depu- ties who are to attend the Congress at Trenton. '• Josiah Holmes was unanimously chosen chairman. Josiah Holmes. '' Chairman and Town Clerk.'" Freehold PxVTRiots Indignant. — Novel Proceedings. March 6th, 1775. A Tory pamphlet entitled '• Free Tho^ights on the Resolves of Congress by A W. Farmer " was handed to the Freehold Committee of Observation and Inspection for their opinion. The committee declar- ed it to be most pernicious and malignant in its tendencies and calculated to sap the foundation of American liberty. The pamphlet was handed back to their con- stituents who gave it a coat of tar and turkey buzzards feathers, one person re- marking that " although the feathers were plucked from the mos^ stinking of fowls, he thought it fell far short of being a proper emblem of the authors odious- ness to the friends of freedom and he wished he had the pleasure of giving the author a coat of the same material.'" The pam^jhlet in its gorgeous attire was then nailed to the pillory post. The same committee severely denounc- ed a Tory pamphlet written by James Eivington, editor of Kivington's Eoyal Ga- zette, the Tory paper, printed in New York. By the following resolves it will be seen that the citizens of Upper Freehold favor- ed arming the people if necessary, to op- pose the tyrannical acts of Great Britain. A striking illustration of the stirring events of that perilous time is found in the fact that before a year had elapsed some of the prominent men in this meet- ing were aiding Great Britain to the best of their ability by voice, pen or sword : 34 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. Upper Freehold Resolitions. •' May 4th 1775. This day, agreeable to previous notice a very considerable num- ber of the principal inhabitants of tins township met at Imlaystown. "John Lawrence Esie obliged tor safety to carry their muskets w'tii them into the fields, and even to the house oi worship. At length, so numerous and au- dacious had tliey become, that the state government ofi'ei'ed large rewards for their destruction, and they were hunted and shot like wild beasts, when they weri^ almost entirely extirpated."' The first of whom We shall speak i^ Lewis Fenton. Fenton wa« originally a blacksmith, and learned h-s trade at Freehold. On one occasion he robbed a tailor's shop in that township. Word was sent him that if he did not restore the clothing within a week he should be hunted and shot, [ntimida ted by the tiireat, he returned the proper ty accompanied by the following fiendish note : "I have returned your d — d rags. In a short time I am coming to burn your barns and houses, and roast vou all liice a pack of kittens." In August, 177'J, this villain, at the head of his gang, attacked, at midnight, the dwelling of Mr. Thomas Farr. in the vi- cinity of Imlaystown. The iamily. con- sisting of Mr. Farr and wife (both aged persons) and their daughter, barricaded the door with logs of wood. The assail- ants first attemj'ted to beat in the door OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 35 with rails, but being unsucpssful, fired through a volley of ball;, one of which broke the leg of Mr. Farr. Then forning an entrance at the back door, they mur- dered his wife and dispatched him as he lay helpless on the floor. His daughter, though badly wounded, escaped, and the gang, fearing she would alarm the neigh- borhood, precipitately fled without wait- ing to plunder. After perpetrating many enormitir-;, Feriton was shot, about two miles helow Blue Ball, under the following cir pistol in hand and com- manded tliem to stop. Addressing Van- Mater he said : " You d d rascal ! I gave you such a whippin.' I thought you would not dare to show your head ;" then changing the subject inquired, ' where are you going?" " To the salt works," was the reply. " Have you any brandy ?" rejoined the robber " Yes ! will you have some ?"' A bottle was given him^ he put his foot on the hub of the wagon, and was in the act of drinking, when rlif sergeant touched the foot of one of the soldiers, who arose and shot him through th^ head. His brains werp scattered over the side of the w-agon. Burke, then in 'he woods, hear ing the report and supposing it a signal from his companion, discharged his rifle in answer. The party went in pursuit, but he escaped. Careh^ssly throwing the body into the wagon, they drove back furiously to the Court House, where, on their arrival, they .jerked out the corpse by the heels, as though it had been that of some wild ani- mal, with the ferocious exclamation : " Here is a cordial for your tories and wood robbers f^ In the above version it is stated that Fenton's companion was Burke, but an- cient papers published during the war say it was DeBow. Of the two Burkes alias Emmons, Th«mas and Stephen, we shall have occasion to speak before concluding. By the following extract it will he seen that the brutal attack by Fenton and his ganir on Thomas Farr and family, occurr- ed in Juiy, instead of August, as stated in the foregoing traditionally aitcouni fr,om Howe : '• July 31st, 1779.— Thomas Farr and wife were murdered in the niL'ht near Crosswicks Baptist meeting house, and daughte- b;idly wounded by a gang sup- posed to be under the lead of Lewis Fen- ton. About the same time Fenton broke into and robbed the house of one An- drews, in M. n;nouth ('-ounty. Governor Livingston offered £500, reward for Fen- ton and £300, and £2-50 for persons assist- ing him." The Penn.sylvania Pacler tw", the most notorious lobbers of their time, for the purpose of belrnying them, prevailed upon th'jm 'o remain in theii' lurking place while he entered the house to ^iscertain if the v^aj' was clear. On entering he appr'zed Mrs. Dennis of her danger. Her daughter Amelia (after- wards Mrs. Goryel), a girl of fourteen, hid a pocket book contnining $80, in ;i bed- tick, atid with her little brother hastily retreated to a swamp near. Shf> had scarcely left when they entered, searched the house nnd the bed. but witliout suc- cess. "After tbri'atening Mrs. !)( nnis. and ascertaining if she was unwilling to give in tormsition where the treasure was conceal- ed, one of tliein jtroposed to murder her. •' No,'" replied his comrnd*- ; '' let the d n rebel b h live. The counsel ot the first prevailed. They took her to a young cedar tree, and suspended her to it by the neck with a bed cord. In her struggles she got free and escaped. Amelia, observing them from her hiding place, just tlieii descried .John Holmes ap- proachmg m her father's wagon over a rise of ground two hundred y;'rds distant, and r;in towards him. I'he robbers fired fit lier; the bail whistled over her head and buried itself in an oak. Holmes abandon- ed the wagon and escaped to thf» woods. They then plundeipd the wagon and went off. ' "Thene.xtday Major Dennirf renicyve I his family to Shrewsbury, under ])rotec tion of the guar< companions, an( Smith stole from his informed Dennis they were coming th<* next evening to more thoroughly search his dwelling, and pro- j)Osed thai he and his comrades should be waylaid at a place agreed upon. On Wednes'lay evening the Miijor.with a par- ty of militia, lay in ambush at the appoint- ed s])ot. After a wiiile Smith drove by in a wagon intended for the })luiider, and Fagan and Burke came behind on foot. At a given signal fro u Smith, which was something siid to tiie horses, the militia fired and the robbers disappeared. On Saturday, some hunters in a groggt>ry. made a bet that Fagan was killed. Se .rch was made and his body was found and buried. On Sunday, the event becom- ing known, the peojde assembled, disin- twrred the remains, and alter heaping in- dignilie.-. upon it, enveloped it in a tarred cloth Mud suspended it in chains, with i«in l)ands .irnund it, from a large chestnut tree about a mile from 'he Court House, on the road to Colts Neck. There hung the corpse in mid air, rocked to and fio by the winds, a horrible warning to his comrades, and a terror to travellers, until ' he birds of prey i)icked '.he flesh from its bono.- and the skeleton fell piecemeal to the ground. Tradition affirms that the skull was afterwards })lacec-rpetrating the like detest- able crimes." OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 37 THE OUTLAWS OF THE TINES. Stephen Burke alias Emmon.s, Stephen- West AND EZEKIEL WiLLIAMS. The following is an extract from a let- ter dated at Monmouth Court House, -Jan- uary 29th, 1778 : " The Tory pine robbers, who have .their haunts and caves in the pines and have been for some time past a terror to the inhabitants of this county, have dur- ing the course of the present week, met with a very eminent disaster. "On Tuesday evening last (January 26th) Captain Benjamin Dennis, who lately killed the infamous robber Fagan, with a party of his militia, went in pursuit of three of the most noted of ,the Pine Kob hers and was so fortunate as to fall in with them and kill them on the spot. 'I'heir names are Stephen Burke alias Emmons, Stephen West and Ezekiel Williams. Yesterday they were brought up to this place and two of them it is said will be hanged in chains. This signal piece of service was effected through the instrumentality of one John VanKirk who was prevailed upon to associate with them on purpose to discover thoir practi- ces an"! to lead them into our hands. He conducted himself with so much address that the robbers and especially the three above named, who were the leading vil- lains, looked upon him as one of their body, kejit him constantly with them and eiitrusted him with all th.ur designs. "VanKirk at proper seasons gave intelli- gence of their movements to Captain Den- nis who conducted himself accordingly, 'i'hey were on the eve of setting off for New York to make sale of tiieir plunder, when VanKirk informed Captain Dennis of the time of their intended departure (which was to have been on Tuesday night last) and ot course they would take to their boats. In consequence of which and agreeable to the directions of Van- Kirk. tlie captain and a small party of his militia i)lanted themselves at Rock Pond, near the sea shore, and shot Burke, West and Williams in the manner above related. •'We were at first in hopes of keeping VanKirk under the rose, but the secret is out and of course he must fly the county, for the Tories are so highly exasperated against him that death will certainly be his fate if he does not leave Monmouth County. The Whigs are soliciting contri- butions in his favor, and from what I have already seen, have no doubt that they will present him with a very handsome sum. I question whether the destruction of the British fleet could diffuse more universal joy through the inhabitants ot Monmouth than has the death of the above three most egregious villains." Refugee Version of the Death of Burke a/zas Emmons, West and Williams. William Courlies, of Shrewsbury, who joined the British about the last of 1778, testified before a British Court Martial in answer to the question as to what he knew respecting the deaths of Stephen West, Stephen Emmons alias Burke, and Ezekiel VVilliams, as follows : " He (the deponent) was carried prison- er to Monmouth in January, 1779, on the 'night of the 24th of that month. He saw Captain Dennis of the itebel service bring to Freehold Court House three dead bod- ies ; that Ca[)tain Dennis being a neighbor of his (the deponent's) he Jisked where those men were killed. He replied, they were killed on the shore, where they were coining to join their regiments. Two of them, he said, belonged to Colonel Morris' corps, in General Skinner's brigade ; the other had been enlisted in their service by those two belonging to Colonel Morris' corps. He said, also, he (Capt. Dennis) had employed a man to assist them in making their escape at a place where he (Dennis) was to meet with them on the shore, at which place he did meet them ; that on coming to the spot he (Dennis) surrounded them with his party; that the men attempted to fire, and not being able to discharge their pieces, begged for quarters and claimed the benefit of be- ing prisoners of war. He ordered them to be fired on, and one of them by the name of Williams fell ; that they were all bayonetted by the party and brought to Monmouth ; and that he (Dennis) receiv- ed a sum of money for that action, either from the Governor or General Washing- ton ; which of the two he does not recol- lect." It is only necessary to say in connection with the above by Courlies's own statement, that at least two, if not all three, deserved death by the usual rule of warfare. They had evidently been noted for their ma- rauding expeditions, as a reward was offerei for them. They may have belong- 38 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. ed to Skinner's " Greens " (the Loyalist organization of Jerseymen, so termed from their uniforms), but they had been noted for their frequent visits witliin the Amer- ican lines, plundering, acting of course as R])ies, and endeavoring to enlist men for the British service within the patriot lines. The third man we infer remained m hid- ing places in the county, and when the others came over from the British lines would join them in their marauding expe- ditions, and he was shot while trying to join the enemy. Jonathan West. •' Jonathan West, another of this lawless crew, in an affray with some of the inhab- itants of Monmouth, was taken prisoner to the Court House. His arm, being horribly mangled, was amputated. He soon after escaped to the pines and became more desperate than before. He used the stump of his arm to hold his gun. Some-" time later he was again pursued, and on refusing to surrender, was shot." Five Men Condemned. The following item was published i)e cember, 1782: " Five men were convicted at Mon- mouth Court House of burglary, felony, &c., and sentenced to be hanged — three on one Friday, the other two the next Fri- day." Three refugees named Farnham, Burge and Patterson were executed at one time at Freehold. Our impre.ssion is that they are the three men referred to in the above paragraph, and that the other two were re prieved. We pre.sume that Farnham is the same man who tried to shoot young Russell (as mentioned in speaking of the liussell outrage) while he was lying on the floor supposed to be mortally wounded but was prevented by Lippencott, who knoci so well remembered by oiu' citizens. We Jind that Capt. Tom was continually trav- eling to and fro in the performance of his duties, was among the "first while men to cross the State to New York, was on good terms with the Indians, with whom he ■ •ontitmally must have mingled, and it is not at all unlikely in the performance of his duties, he crossed to the shore by In- dian paths, so numerousand so frequented by the red men in his time, and thus vis- ited the stream now known as Toms River. As no f>utline of Capt. Tom's life and services has ever been i)ublished, we give the substance of the facts found lelating to him, not only because of its probable bearing on the history of cld Monmouth, and that our citizens may know who he was, but also because it gives an interest- ing c lapter in the history of our State. It will be seen that lie was a prominent, uusted and influential man before the founding of Philadelphia, Salem or Bur- biigton, or before any considerable settle- ments existed in New Jersey. In looking back to the past, it seems a long while to Indian Tern's day, but Capt. William Tom lived nearly a century before him. The followin;; items are coUecteii from New York, Pennsylvania and Deloware records. C.\rT. William Tom came to this coun- try with the English expedition under Sir Robert Carre and Col. Richard NichoJls which conquered the Dntcii at New Am sterdam, (New York) August. 1664. Im- mediately after the English had taken f 'r- mal possession of New Yoi;k. two vessels, the- •• Guinea " and the " William and Nicholas,'" under command of Sir Robert • "arre were despatched to attack the Dutch settlements on the Delaware river. After a feeble resistance the Dutch surrendered about the first of October of the same year (1664). Capt. Tom accompianied this ex- pedition, and that he rendered valuable •service there is evidence by an order is- sued by Gov. Nicholls JuneSO, 1665, which states that for William Tom's " good services at Delaware," there shall be grant- ed to him the lands of Peter Alricks, con- fiscated for hostility to the English. Capt. Tom remained in his majesty's service un- til August 27, 1668; during the last two years of this time he was Commissary on the Delaware. He was discharged from his majesty's service on the ground as is alleged " of good behaviour." in the ear- ly part of 1668, a servant of Mr. Tom's was killed by some evil disposed Indians, who it is said also killed one or more servants of Peter Alricks at the same time. The Indians genera,lly were dispu-ed to live on amicable terms with the whites, and these murders were the result \i would seem of selling liquor lo the Indians, the majority of whom seeing its evil effects, requested the white authorities to prohibit the sale of it among them. The perpetrators of these outrages were not apjirehended, and be- cause this was not done, Gov. Lovelace at- tributes another murder two years later ; he severely censured the authorities " for to* much remissness in not avenging the previous murder on Mr. Tom's servant, Ac." • On the 12th of August, 1669, Capt. Tom was appointed collector of quit rents, which wei'e imposed on all persons taking up land along the Delaware river on both sides. This office he held for three years when he resigne speak with us concern- ing the murders, whereupon they sent for me to Peter Rambo's. where comiui: they faithfully ijromised within .^ix days to bring in tlie murderers dead or alive • whereupon they sent out two Indians to ihe stoutest, to bring him in. not doubting easily to take the other, he being an In° dian of little courage ; but the feast In- dian getting knowledge of the design of the sachems, ran to advise his fellow, and advised him 'o run or else they would both be killed, who answered he was not teady, but in the morning would gowitli him to the Waquas, and advised him to go to the next house for fear of suspicion, wiiich lie did : and the two Indians, com- ing to his house at night, the one being his great friend, he asked him if lie would Kill him, who answered /' No, but the sacliems have ordered you to die;" wliei-^ upon he demanded ''what his brothers said ;" who answered "they say the like.'' Then he. holding his hands" i>efore liis eyes said " Kill me ;"' whereupon tiie In- dian that comes with Cocker shot him with two bullets in the breast, and gave him two or three cuts with a bill on the iiead and brought him flown to Wicaco, from whence we shall carrs him tomorrow to New Casile, there to hang him in cliains for which we gave to th« Sachems tive match coats which Mr. Alricks paid them. When the other Indian .'lejid the sh(»t in ! the night, naked as he was, he ran into the woods ; but this sachem promised to bring the other alive, tor which we prom- ised three match coats. The sachems brought a good nifiny of their young men with them, and there before us ihey open- ly told them " Now they saw a beginning, and all that did the like, .>liOuld be served in the same manner." They promised it any other murders were committed to bring in the murderers. How to believe them we knew not. but liie Sachems seem to desire no war." What official position Capt. Tom held in these transactions is uncertain, but he appears to have been more relied upoi. than any olhwr man to settle difficultie>. at til is time. In 1673 Capt. Tom was aj>j)ointed one of four appraisers to set a value on Tini- cum Island in the Delaware. Jn 1 674 he was app>ointed secretary or clar/c for the town of New Castle, and lit:; apjieais to have had charge of the public records for several years In 1673 the Dutch regain- ed iheir power in New York, New Jersev and Delaware, but retained it onlv a few montlis : after lliey were- again displaced in 1674, (iov. Andross appointed Captain.- Cantwell and Tom to take possession tor the King's use, of the fort at New Castl*. with the public: stores. I'liey \Tere author- ized to provide for the settlement and re- pose of the inhabitants at New Castle. Whorekills ( Lewesjand other places." In 1675 some sett'ers complainetl against Capt. Tom for molesting them in the enjoyment of meadow lands which ad- joined their plantation.-^. Che setllei> })robably .-uj)posed because they owned up- lands, iliey s.iould also have the use of meadow land without paying for the same. 'I'lie (jrovernor ordered a compromise. In 1676 he was .ijipointed one of the .fustice,- of the Peace and a .ludge of the court. He sat as one of the .Judges ,n an impor- tant suit in which the defendant was John Fen wick, the Salem Proprietor. .ludg- ment was given against Fen wick, and :■. warrant issued to take iiim dead oi alive. Fenwick finding it useless to re.-^ist, gave himseit ufi, and ^^•as .sent prisoner to Ne" York. Capt. Tom was reappointed justice and judge in 1677. Tow.nrds the latter part of this year complaint Wivs made that the town lecords of New Castle were in confu- sion, and Mr. I'om was ordered to arrange and attest them. It is not improbal-le that ill health prevented him trom com- OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 43 l)leting this task, as we find his death an- nounced January 12, 1678, coupled with the simple remark that, " his papers were in confusion." From the foregoing and other facts that are preserved, it would appear that Wm. Tom was about the most prominent, use- ful and trustworthy man among the sett- lers from the time of the coming of the English to his decease, th-it he enjoyed the confidence of Governors Nicholls, Lovelace and Andross, that his varied duties were performed with general satisfaction to settlers, Indians and officials, and we may safely infer that he did as much or more than any other man in his day " to- wards the settlement and repose of the inhabitants" on both sides of the Dela- ware. It IS no discredit to the name of Toms River that it should be derived from such a man. In speaking of Capt. Tom's discovering Toms River, we do not refer to its original discovery, nor wish to convey the idea that he wtis the first white man who visit- ed it. The stream was discovered by nav- igators fifty years before Capt. Tom came to Ameiica. They simply • maiked the stream on their charts without naming it. The particulurs as far as is known of the original discovery of Toms River, and other places along our bay ar*' too lengthy to be given here and may hereafter he fur nished in another chapter. We will say, however, before concluding, that the fact that this river had been previously visited by tlie Dutch, was probably not known to Capt. Tom and the English in this day. CAPTAIN JOHN BACON. The Refugee Leader of Monmouth and Burlington— An Outlaw's Career and its Dreadful End. This noteJ refugee leader, whose name is so well remembered by old residents of Monmouth, Ocean and Burlington, ap- pears to have confined his operations chiefly to the lower part of old Monmouth county, between Cedar Creek in what is now Ocean county and Tuckerton in Bur- lington county. His efforts were mainly directed to plundering the dwellings or all well known, active members of the old Monmouth militia. Many old residents in the section where his operations were carried on, consic^ered him one of the most honorable partizan leaders opposed to the patriot cause. Himself and men were well acquainted with the roads and paths through the forests of Burlington and old Monmouth, and had numerous hiding places, cabins, caves, &c., in the woods and swamps, where they could re- main until some trustworthy spy informed them of a safe chance to venture out on what was then termed a picarooninci expe- diiion. The following items, gleaned from vari- ous sources, give the most prominent events in which he was an actor. They aid to give a more vivid idea of the perils by which our ancestors were surrounded at home, and of the character of the man who, probably with the except'on of Lieu- tenant James Moody, was about the most effective refugee leader in our state. In ancient i>apers we have found notices of refugee raids in Burlington county, but they do not give the names of the leaders. It is probable that Bacon commanded some of these expeditions as he was well acquainted in Burlington, and his wife re- sided at Pemberton in the latter part of the war. About iSeptember, 1782, it is an- nounced that a man, supposed to be a spy of Bacon's, was shot in the woods near Pemberton, by some of the inhabitants who went out to hunt him ; and we find that the citizens of Burlington were so much exa.-peraied against him that they organized expeditions to tbliow him in old Monmouth. Bacon Kills Lieutenant Joshua Studson. The New Jersey Gazette, published at Trenton during the later years of the Kev- olutionary war, has a brief item to the ef- fect that " Lieutenant Joshua Studson was shot, December, 1780, by a refugee, near the inlet opposite Toms River.'' Joshua Studson had been a lieutenant in the Monmouth militia, and was also ap- pointed lieutenant in the State troops in Capt. Ephram Jenkins' company. Colonel Holmes' battalion^ June 14, 1780. Here- sided at Toms River. The following particulars of his death we believe to be substantially correct, though derived from traditiontiry sources : Three men named Collins, Webster and Woodmansee, living in the lower part of old Monmouth, hearing that farming pro- duce WHS bringing exorbitant prices in New York city among the British, loaded a whole boat with truck from farms along Barnegat bay, and proceeded to New York by way of old "Cranberry inlet opposite Toms River, which inlet though now 44 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. closed, was, during the war, the next best to Egg Harbor, as square rigged vessels (ships and brigs) occasionally entered it. These men were not known as refugees but undertook the trip merely to make money. They arrived safely in New York, sold out their produce, and were about re- turning home when Captain John Bacon called on them and insisted on taking passage back with them. Much against their will, they were forced to allow him to come on board. They arrived safely out- side the b'each near the inlet before sun- down and lay there until after dark, being afraid to venture in the bay during day- light, in the meantime the patriotic citi- zens of Toms River had got wind of the proceedings of these men, and being de- termined to put a stop to the contraband trade, a small party under command of Lieutenant Studson took a boat and cross- ed over to the inlet and lay concealed be- hind a point inside, close to the inlet. After dark the whale boat came in, hut no sooner had it rounded the point, than to the consternation of those in it, they saw the boat of lliemiliiia soclose by, that there was no apparent chance of esca})e. Lieutenant Studson stood up in his boat and demanded theirimmediatesurrender. The unfortunate speculators were unarm- ed and m favor of yielding, but Bacon, fearing that his life was already forfeited, refused, and having his musket loaded, suddenly fired it with so deadly an aim, that the brave lieutenant instantly dropp- ed dead in the boat. The sudden, unex- pected firing and the death of Studson, threw the militia into momentary confu- sion, and before thev could decide how to act, the whale boat was out of sight in the darkness. The militia returned to Toms River the same night and delivered the body of the lieutenant to his wife, who was overwhelmed with sorrow at his sud- den and unexpected death. The crew of the >vhale boat, knowing It was not safe for them to remain at home, after this aftair, Hed to to the Brit- ish army, and were forced into service, but were of little use as " they were sick with the small pox, and suffered every- thing but death,'' as one of them after- wards said, during their brief stay with the British. Taking advantage of one of General Washington's proclamations offer- ing protection to deserters from the Brit- ish army, they were after \fards allowed to return home. Skirmish at Maxnahawkin. A Patriot Killed^ — Sylvester Tilton, an old Colts Neck citizen — His Wounding and Revenge. Anotlier affair, in which Bacon was a prominent actor, was the skirmish at Mannahawkin, in Ocean County, Decem- ber 30tli, 1781. The militia of this place, under command of Captain Reuben F. Randoli)h, having heard that Bacon, with his band, was on a raiding expedition and would probably try to plunder some of tiie patriots in that village, assembled at the inn of Captain Randolph's, prepareil to give them a reception. After waiting until two or three o'clock in the morning, they concluded it was a false alarm, and so retired to rest, taking the precaution to j)Ut out sentinels. Just before daylight tiie Refugees came down the road from the north on their way to West Creek. The alarm was given and the militia hasti- ly turned out but were compelled to re- treat, as the refugees trad a much larger force than they anticipated. As they were retreating. Bacon's party fired and killed one of the patriots named Lines Pangborn and wounded another named Sylvester 'filton. The refugees did not stop to pur sue the Americans but passed on south toward* Wesi Creek. In regard to the wounding of Sylvester Ti'ton, it is a well attested fact, that the ball went through him below one of his shoulders, and that the surgeon passed a silk handkerchief through his body, in search of the ball. He recovered his health and strength, much to the surprise of all who knew how seriously he luul been wounded. He was convinced that a refugee named Brewer, one of Bacon's gang, was the man who had wounded him. and he always vowed to have satisfaction if he could evei- find him. After the war lie heard that Brewer was living in a cabin in some remote place near the shore, and he started on foot, one time, to find him. As he was on his way, he met a man named James Willetts. then quite anoted and highly esteemed Quaker, of old Staf- ford, wiio upon finding out Tilton's er- rand, vainly endeavored to persuade him to turn back. Finding ti^ would not WilU-ts asked permission to go along, hop- ing something would turn, up to make a peaceable ending of the affair. Tilton consented to his going but plumply told the Quaker that if he interfered he would flog him too. OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 45 Arriving at the house where Brewer was Tilton suddenly opened the door and rushed ;n upon him before ne could reach his musket, which he always kept in the room expecting such a visit Tilton WHS a powerful man and he ;, silver buckles, pistols, clothing, &c."' It is possible that th's refers to the same affair— if so it occurred in old Dover town- ship instead of Upper Freehold. While a part of the gang remained at the mill a detachment went over to (iood- luck, about a mile distant, to plunder the houses of two staunch patriots named John Price and William Price, iwu brothers who h;id lived in West Jersey during the first part of the war, but for the last two or three years of the struggle, had resided at Goodluck. Tliese men had not onlv been active in the field during most of tbe war, but, to the extent of their abilities, aided the families of those who suffered at the hands of the enemy. When tlie dwelling of Capt. Ephraim Jenkins, at Toms River, was burned, and his family scattered, as described in a previous chap- ter, Lieut. John Price, (in after years, bet- ter known as Major Price,) took one of the children, a-girl, and gave her a home. The activity of thp Prices made them marked objects of refugee attentions. bacon's party, at this time, entered the houses of the Price-;, and took whatever they could carry, though, we believe, Miese patriots, like others in those dark days, kept buried in gardens and fields many things they feared the refugees mightcovet. We liave heard from an aged resident of Good- luck, a tradition of the visit of the refugees to the house of an American Lieutenant, at this village, and that the officer saw them. just before they revcheii the house ; he sprang uj) and grasped his lieutenant's commission, which he valued highly, from a high shelf, and sprang out of the back door just in time to escape. We presume this officer must have been Lieut. Price, as we know of no other officer then resid- ing at Goodluck. Among other things found at Major Price's was a musket, fife nnd drum, the two last of which c;ime near causing trouble among the tories them- selves, for as i hev marched back to Holmes' Mill to rejoin Bacon, they used them for I heir amusements with such effect, that Bacon thought it was apartyof Americans after him, and he arranged his men on tlie mill hill, prepared to fire as soon as the parry emerged from the woods. Un- foi'tunately for justice, he saw who the men were in time to stop fir'ng. The Refugees then impressed Mr. Holmes' team to carry of the plunder they had gaihered, and forced his son William Holmes to drive it ; they went on to Ware- town and took possession for a short time of a public house (of David Bennet's ? ) until they could find some safe way of getting their plunder to one of theirsecret rendezvous, one oi' which was supposed to be at this time in Mannahawkin swamj). Among other zealous Americans for whom Bacon had strong antipathy were Joseph Soper and his son Reuben, both meml)ers of Captain Reuben F. Randolph's militia comjiany. They lived about half wav between Waretown and Barnegat at a place known as "iSoper's Landing." His attentions to the Sopers were so trequent 46 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. that they often had to sleep in the adja- cent swamps along Lochiel brook. Mr. Soper's son Reuben was murdered by Bacon on Long Beach about a mile south of Barnegat Inlet, the particulars of which will be given hereafter. At this time tiiere lived at Waretown an Englii-hman, named William Wilson, better known as " Bill Wilson,'' whoseems to have acted as a kind of jaekall for Ba- con to scent out bis prey for him. Mi'. Soper was a vessel builder ; at one time he had received pay for building a^ small vessel. Wilson accidentally w.as a witness to his receiving the money, but he did not know the amount. After Wil?owh!id left, Mr. Soper suspected he would inform Ba- con, and so he divided his money into two parcels ; a small amount in one jiarcel, and th^ larger part in arother, and then buried both lots in separate places not far from the house. Sure enough, in a verv short time, Bacon and his gang visited ihe house, piloted by a man with a black silk handkerchief over his face that he should not be recoiinized. This man was gener- ally believed to be Bill Wilson, though strong efforts were made 'o make the So- pers believe it was another man then re- siding at Waretown. Mr. Soper at this time, liad taken refuge in the swamp, and the house was occupied only by women and young children. When the refugees entered they at once begfin behaving very rudely and boisterously, flonrishing their weapor;s in a menacing manner, jambing bayonets in the ceiling, and other similar acts to frighten the women. Their threats compelled the women to lead them into the gardon, to the spot where the smallest amount of money was buried, when they received which they seemed to be satisfied, thinking it was all they had ; they then returned to the house and made a dean sweep as they had done several times be- fore, of provisions and clothing, and such other articles as they cculd carry. Among other things taken by Bacon at this time was one of Mr. Soper's shirts, which after- wards served Bacon's winding sheet, as be was subsequently killed witii it on. Bill Wilson could never be fairly convicted of actual comjtlicity in overt acts with the refugees, but all who knew him were con- vinced that he was a spy of Bacon's. It was alleged that he was with Bacon at Holmes' Mill's and at the Price's, atOood- luck. After the war closed he remained for some years in thevicinityof Waretown, but he found it a very uncomfortable place for him to live, for though no legal hold could be taken of him, yet occasionally some zealous whig, who had occasion to hate refugees, would take him in hand on a very slight pretext, and administer off- hand justice. At one time at Lochiel brook, below Waretown, Hezekiah Soper, whose brother was killed by Bacon, gave Wilson a soi:nd thrashing and then nearly drowned him in the brook. At length, finding the place did not agree with him, he left Waretown, and moved over to the North beach, a few miles above the inlet, where he lived a lonesome, miserable life until his death, which occurred some sixty odd years ago. The Massacre on Long Beach. Bacon Kills Capt. Steelman, Reuben So- per and Others — Murder of Sleeping Men. This was the most important affair m which Bacon was engaged. The inhuman massacre of sleeping men was in keeping with the memorable affair at Chestnut Neck, near Tuckerton, when Count Pu- laski's guards were murdered by the Brit- ish and Refugees. The massacre at Long Beach took jjlace about a mile south of Barnegat light house, and there were we think more men killed and wounded then than in any other ac- tion in that part of Old Monmouth now comprised within the limits of Ocean coun- A tory paper gives the following version of the affair ; "A cuttei from Ostend, bound to St. Thomas, ran aground on Barnegat Shoals, October 25, 1782. The American galley Alligator, Captain Steelman, from Cape May, with tweniy-five men, plundered her on Saturday night last of a quantity of Hyson tea and other valuable articles, but was attf.ckeid the same night by Caj)tain John BMCon with nine men, in a small boat called the Hero's Revenge, who kill- ed Steelman and wounded the first lieu- tenant, and all the party except four or five were either killed or wounded.'' In this account the number of Steelman's men is doubtless overestimated and Ba- con's underestim'^ted. When the cutter was stranded on the shoals, word was sent across the bay to the main land for help to aitl in saving tlie cargo, in consecjuence of which a party of unarmed men, among which were Joseph Soper and two of his sons, proceeded to the beach to render what assistance they (;ould. The party OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 47 worked hard while there to get the goods through the surf on the beach. At night they were tired and wet, and built fires, around which they meant to sleep. It is supposed that as soon as they were all asleep that Bill Wilson who was there arose up slyly, got a boat and rowed otf to the main land to inform Bacon how mat- ters stood. THE LOYALISTS OF OLD MON- MOUTH. To fairly com})rehend the danjiers by which our patriotic ancestors were sui"- rounded during the early part of the Revolution, it is necessary to remember that those of its citizens v?ho openly or secretly favored the enemy, were not a mere handful of men, but ihey were num- bered by hundreds, and among them were men of all classes, from the highest to the lowest ; clergymen, lawyers, physicians, merchants, farmers, mechanics and labor- ing men, and unprincipled men of no par tioular profession oi' busine'^s, who rejoiced at the opportunities given by the w,ar for plunder, revenge and ofttimes murder. The best class oftories were too honorable to engage in midnight marauding expedi- tions against their former friends and neighbors, but cast their lot with the British, most of them in the military rr- ganiz'tion known as the " First Battalion New Jersey Royal Volunteers," command- ed by an ex-Sheritf of Monmouth county. They rirt-ly committwd acts dishonorable as soldiers, yet their former high standing and influential positions served to exert a most injurious influence on the patriot cause among their former friends md ?c- quaintances ; the example of such men served to entice many to the ranks of the enemy and to cause others secretly to wish tliem well, or a least, to strive to re- main neutral at a time when their country most needed their services and in a coun- ty wliich sufl^ered probably more severely • luring the war than did any other in the country. When (ve remember that our patriotic ance.stors had to contend with stich men, and with bands of marauding refugees, and also lawless robbers scattered through the pint's — ^all in addition to a foreign foe, we cannot too highly extol the determined, vigilant, ceaseless efforts, the wisdom in planning, the skill and bravery in execution, shown by those noble patriots during the long, bloody and at times seemingly hopeless struggle. Though we may concede that some who deserted their country were in some respects wise and brave, yet they were no match for those left behind. As was the case in the late war for the Union, the Revolution brought out from obscurity men whose abilities were never before known or suspected. For the first year or two of the war our ancestors were seriously annoyed by Tory sympathizes who remained at home, some of whom had sons, brothers or other rela- tives in the British army. Some of these remained at home because age or other disability unfiitted them for field service. These men for a time endeavored to in- jttre the American cause by their insidious wiles wherever and whenever opportunity offered, when their acts came to the knowledge of the whigs, fchey were at once ordered to leave, while those who remained quiet, though closely watched were rarely molested. Thotigh the names Loyalist or Royalist would properly include all who favored the cause of the Crown, yet they were often lim- ited to the more honorable class who joined the Royal Volunteer organization, todistin- s;uish them from the small marauding bands commonly known as Refugees. — Among th« tnost prominent of these loy- alists, were some noticed below ; it will be seen they numbered among them men of wealth, position, and learning; one suc- ceeded in raising five hundred men to follow him over to the enemy, and it is not a little curious to find that from two of these tories, descended certain men who, in after years, nobly served our coun- try in many a hard fought battle. In this connection io is well to add, that as an offset to the Tories who left Mon- mouth and other parts of our state, to join the enemy, there were a large number of whigs, who came here and into other decided patriotic counties, from Long and Staten Islands, when the British took pos- session of those places. Another fact should not be lost sight of, as it furnishes additional evidence of tne peculiar troubles the patriots had to con- tend against, and that is, that many lead- ing men who sided with theui in this and other counties of the state, during the first year or two of the war eventually abandon- ed them and went over to the Royalists. Of some of these and their alleged reasons we shall endeavor to speak in -another chapter. 48 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. For much of the following we are en- debted to Sabine, but we have added many items from other sources which we deem reliable. Notices of Prominent Loyalists. Thomas Crowell, of Middletown, joined the Loyalists and was commissioned Cap- tain. His property was confiscated and advertised to be sold at the house of Cor- nelius Swart in Middletown, March 22d, 1779. During the war Governor Franklin, of the Refugee Board, ordered him to exe- cute, without trial, a Monmouth officer, probably one of tlie Smocks, but the refugees who captured him protested so earnestly that the order was not executed. Lawrence Hartshoune, of Shrewsbury, made himself so obnoxious as a Royalists, that he was compelled to fly to New York. He was a merchant and gave the British valuable information. John Taylor, formerly Slieriffof Mon- mouth County, a gentleman of great wealth was born in 1716. When Lord Howe arrived in this country to offer terms of reconciliation, he appointed Mr. Taylor " His Majesty's Lord High Commissioner of New Jersey." This office, as well as the fact that all his children adhered to the Crown, and were in the British army, made him obnoxious to the whigs. He was indeed once tried for his life but ac- quitted. His property was applied to public use, but not confiscated, since he was paid for it in Continental money, j'et such was the depreciation of that cur- rency that payment was little better than confiscation. He died at Perth Amboy, in 1798, aged 82 years. His grandson was the celebrated Commodore Bainbridge, his daughter Mary having married Dr. Bain- bridge, father of Commodore's William and J«seph Bainbridge. A Dr. Absalom Bain- bridge was surgeon in " Skinner's Greens,'" the Royalist organization, elsewhere no- ticed. William Taylor, son of tlie above named John Taylor, had his estates confiscated, but after the war he purchased them again. He was a lawyer by profession and atone time Chief Justice of Jamaica. — He died at Amboy 1806. Colonel Taylor, of the New Jersey Roy- alists who sent Stephen Edwards as a spy into Monmouth, was from Middletown. — it IS possible that he may have been one of the Taylors whose property was con- fiscated- and advertised to be sold at Mid- dletown, March 22d, 1779. He may have been a son of the John Taylor mentioned above, as it seems he had more than one son in the British service. Rev. Samuel Cooke, D.D., of Shrewsbury, Episcopal minister, was educated at Cain's College, Cambridge, England, and came to America as a missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, in September, 1751, locating in Shrewsbury a,^ successor of Rev. Thomas Thompson, in the care of the churches in Freehold. Middletown and Shrewsbury. — The Revolution divided and dispersed his flock. As a minister of the Church of England he thought it his duty to con- tinue his allegiance to the Crown, and joined the British in New York. At the Court Martial trial of Captain Richard Lippencott, in New York, in June, 1782. he was a witness and tilyled " Reverend Samuel Cooke, c^erk, deputy chaplain to the brigade of guards." His property we believe was confiscated and advertised to be sold at Tinton Falls, March 29th, 1779. In 1785, he settled at Fredericktown, New Brunswick, as rector of a church there. In 1791. he was commissarj^ to the Bishop of Nova Scotia. He was drowned in crossing the river St. John, in a birchen canoe, in 1795. His son who attempted to save his life perished with him. Thomas Leonard, a prominent citizen of Freehold, was denounced by the patriot committee for his Tory principles and every friend of freedom advised to break off all connection with him on that account. He went to New York and after the war went to St. John'*, New Brunswick. Joseph Holmes, by adliering to the Tories, lost £900. After the war he went to Nova Scotia and settled at SJielburne. Andrkw Bell, a name familiar to our older citizens on account ol its frequent recurrence in deeds relating to Proprietor lands, joined tlie British army as secretary to Sir Henry Clinton. A diary kept bj him up to the battle of Monmouth is pre- served in the library of the New Jersey Historical Society. He died in 1843. — Though we believe he was not a resident of Monmouth yet he was well known and influential throughout the county. John Lawrence, of Monmouth county. was born in 1709. He was a justice of the court and a surveyor, and ran the division line known as " Lawrence's line,'' between East and West Jersey. Advanced in life at the beginning of the Revolution he did not bear arms, but accepted from the enemy the important duty of granting OLD TIxVlES IN OLD MONMOITTIL 49 British protections to such Americans as he could induce to abjure the cause of their country and swear allegiance to Great Britain, for which he was arrested by the Americans and confined in Bur- lington jail for nine months. He died in 1794 aged 86 years. We propose to refer to John and Elisha Lawrence, in giving the proceedings of the patriot meetings in Upper Freehold and elsewhere in the county in 1774-5, and in oth^r chapters Elish.! Lawrence, son of the above, was horn in 1740 At the beginning of the Revolution he was Slieriff of Monmouth County ; he foon joined the British, and raised by his own efforts chiefly, five hun- nrea men whom he commanded, and was commissioned by the British, Colonel of the First Battalion, New Jersey Royal Volunteers. He was taken prisoner on Staten Island V;y Colonel Ogden under General Sullivan in 1777. His property was confiscated and advertised to be sold at Wall's Mills, April 5th, 1779. At the conclusion of the war he hft with the British army, retained his rank as Colonel and retired on half pay. He was awarded by the British Government n large tract of land in Nova Scotia, to which he re- moved, but finally went back to England, and from ihence to Cardigan, Wales, where he died. He man led Mary Ash- field, of New York. John Lawrence, son of the above named John, and brother of Elisha, was born in 1747, graduated at Princeton Col- lege, studied medicine in the Philadelphia Medical College and became a physician of repute. In 1776 he was arrested by order of General Washington, and or- dered by the Provincial Congress to re- mam at Trenton on parole, but leave was afterwards given him to remove to Morris- town. As his father and brother held office under the British, he was narrowly watched. Fired at, after mucn annoyance (says one account — apparently a Tory one) by a party of militia, fie retired to New York among the British, where he practiced medicine and commanded a company of volunteers for the defence of the city. After the war in 1783, he re- turned to Monmouth, where he lived un- molested. He died at Trenton, April 29th, 1830. In the list of names of persons in Upper Freehold whose property was con- fiscated and advertised to be sold at Wall's Mills, April 5th, 1779, are found the names of "Elisha and John Lawrence, son of John." John Brown Lawrence was a member of Council and a lawyer. Because of his official relations to the Crown, he was ar- rested and imprisoned in Burlington jail for a long time on the charge of holdiui^ treasonable intercourse with the enemy but was tried and aoqui.ted. He went to Canada after the war, where he received a large tract of land. Hi* son was the celebrated Commodore Lawrence of " Don't give up the shit) " fame, and Com- modore Boggs, distinguished in the late rebellion, was a descendan;. Clayton Tilton, of Slirewsbury, joined the loyalists and was commissioned as Captain. He was captured by the Ameri- cans in the spring ol 1782, about the same time that Phil White was, and confined in Freehold jail, but shortly exchanged for Daniel Randolph, Esq, He probably went to the British Provinces at the close of the war, as mention is made of a certain Clay- ton Tilton, a loyalist from New Jersey, marrying the widow ot Thomas Green, at Musquash, New Brunswick, shortly after the war. John Warueli., of Shrewsbury, an asso- ciate judge of Monmouth, on account of his tory proclivities, sought refuge within the British lines. His property was con- ficated and advertised to be sold at Tin ton Falls, March 29th, 1779. He was a neigh- bor and warm Iriend ot Captain Ricliaid Lippencott. Captain Richard Lippencott, the Refu- gee who Hanged Captain Huddy. This refugee who obtained such unen- viable notoriety for hanging Captain Josh- ua Huddy, was born in New Jersey in 1745, and died at Toronto, Canada, in 1826, in his 82d year. At the breaking out of the war he was a resident of Shrewsbury township. Early in that mtmorablestrug- gle he left Monmouth and went to New York and expressed to the Board of Asso- ciated Loyalists a desire for authority to raise a company, which was given him by the Board upon his signing the usual articles requiring him to obey the orders of Governor William Franklin, its Presi- dent. On account of his activity in the Royal service, his property was confiscated and advertised to be sold at Tinton Falls, March 29th, 1779. He appears to have had many relatives among both the pa- triots and loyalists. The character he bore among tlie adherents of the Royal cause is shown by the following extracts Dur- ing the Briiish Court Martial trial held in New York in June, 1782, to try him for 50 OLD TIMES I\ OLD MONMOUTH. the murder of Captain .foshua Huddy, Colonel John Morris, commander of the second battalion of the brigade of New Jersey Royal Volunteers, testified as fol- lows: " He had known the prisoner (Lippen- cott) many years ; he always suppoited a good cnaracter ever since deponent has known him ; and he always endeavored to serve the Government all in his power, and that with propriety. Deponent has never known him guilty of plundt^ring or :iny action of that kind." Jotin Wardell, late of Shrewsbury town- ship, and formerly an associate judge of Monmouth, testified that " he had been acquainted with Lijjpencotl more than •en years : that he was his neighbor and was always looked upon as a peaceable, inoflensive man.'' Rev. Dr. Samuel Cooke, the noted Epis- copalian clergyman who settled in Shrews- bury in 1751, where he remained until the breaking out of the Revolution, and to whom reference is made in other chapters, at the time of Lippencott's trial was depu- ty chaplain to the brigade of guards in the British serv'ce ; upon being sworn he said : " He had not known Lippencott before the rebellion, but has been acquainted with him upwards of three years since Lippencott has been within his Majesty's lines. That lie has been particularly ac- quainted with him. and has every reason to think liis character stood as fair as that of any refugee within his Majesty's lines." After the Revolution, Lippencott went to England to claim compensation for his lost-es and services. He obtained the half pay of CcXptain for life, and the grant of 300 acres of land at York, (now Toronto) in Canada, upon wuich he settled about 1794. His only child, Esther Borden Lippencott, married George Taylor Den nison, and her son, George T. Dennison, some twenty odd years ago, was a member of the Canadian parliament. Sabine, in the first edition of his history of the loyal- ists, having made some remarks not very complimentary to Captain Lippencott, his grandson, George T. Dennison, addressed liim a letter in which he endeavored to defend the acts "itid character of his grand- father. He says : " Lippencott was naturally a person of the most harmlesn and quiet disposition. Philip White was half brother to his wife, and Lippencott was exasperated by the butchery of an innocent relative (Stephen Edwards ? ) who, found on a visit to his mother's house, was treated by Huddy as a spy. The old man (Lippencott) was re- spected by all who knew him in the coun- try, rich and poor, and was so well known to all old loyalists who settled there, that persons came uninvited thirty or forty miles to pay tribute to his memory : hun- dreds still living will repudiate the unfa- vorable character as a man and a siildier given him by tlie American historian. — He was true to his Sovereign both in prop- erty and peril, and nobly maintained the Lippencott family motto, " Si'cundus du- husque rectus.^' Indeed the trutij is, as I have always heard it declared by himself and others, ihat he had the autkonty from Sir Henry Clinton himsell to hang HudcJy in retaliation for White.'' As to what Mr. Dennison says in regard to the character of Lippencot' aft^^r the war, it may be all quite true but it has but little to do withtiie hanging ot Huddy during the wai. Mr. Dennison is in error in saying th^i-t Sir Henry Clinton authoriz- ed the execution. On the contrary he was so indignant at the act that he at <.nce ordered LiiJ|H-ncott to be Court Mai tialed, and Sparks, the historian, says tiiat while in London, he; saw original letters from Sir Henry Clinton and his succ<>ssor, Sir Guy Carleton, expressing in the strongest terms their indignation at Buddy's mur- der. The fact probably is, that Mr. Den- nison errs only in the ni.me of the person ; it is probable that his grandfather •stated that he had the autiiority of his superior officer to hang Huddy, and from this Mr. D. inferred that this suijerior officer was Sir Henry Clinton. Who this superior offi- cer really was will be seen by extracts we shall hereafter give from official iiiitish records, which show quite >:on(;lusivel}' how far Lippencott was responsible foithe murder of Huddy. It will be seen that Lippencott was not the only guilty party ; as to whom the most guilt should be at- tached may be judgi.d from the evidence produced on his trial. The New Jersey Royal Vounteeks. The following are the names of some of the offitiers «f this noted organization, composed mainly of Jerseymen, who aid- ed the British during the Revolution. — The commandini: officer was Cortland Skinner, and his brigade was often called "Skinner's Greens." The officers and men were from different counties, chiefly in East Jersey. Most of the Old Mon. OLD TIMES IN (3LD MONMOUTH. 51 mouth Loyalists joined.the Fiist battalion of this brigade. Cortland Skinnkr, Brigadiek General. First Battalion. Elisha Lawrence, Colonel. B. G. Skinner, " 1781. Stephen Delancej', Lieut. Colonel. Thomas Millidge, Major. William Hutchinson, Captain. Joseph Crowell, " Jatnes Moody, Lieutenant. John Woodward, " James Brittain '' Ozias Ausley, Ensign. Joseph Brittain, '' Second Battalion. John Moi'ris, Colonel, Second battalion. Isaac Allen, Lieut. Colonel " '• Charles Harrison, Captain, " '* Thomas Hunlock, " " " John Combs, Lieutenant " " Third Battalion. Abraham Van Buskirk, Lieutenant Colonel, Third battalion. Robert Timpanv, Major, " " PhilipCortiand(N.Y.') '' " Jacob Van Buskirk, Capt. '' " .lames Servanier, Lieut. " " rhilipCortland, Jr., Ensign" " John Van Orden, " '• " The Ibllowing named were also officers in this organization : Elisha Skinner, Lieutenant Colonel, John Barnes. Major, R. V. Stockton, Ma- jor, Thomas Lawrence, Major, John Lee, Captain, Peter Campbell, ditto, John Bar- bara, ditto, Richard Cayfoid, ditto, Wil- liam Chandler, ilitto, Daniel Cozens, ditto, Keating, ditto. Lieutenants, Troup and Fitz Randolph. Absalom Bainbridge, Surgeon. Peter Myer, Ensign. Lieutenant James Moouy. In the above list of Loyalist officers will 1)6 noticed the name of .Times Moody, Lieutenant in the First Battalion, in which were so many former residents of Mon- mouth. At the close of the war, Moody went to England, and shortly after his ar- rival there published a pam[)hlet entitled, " Lieutenant James Moody's Narrative of his Exertions and Sufferings in the cause of the Government since the year 1770; authenticateo daughters, viz : Jr'nathan, John, Richard, James, Peter, David, Benjamin, Mary, Sarah and Alice ; the daughters married into the families of the Bound?, Pikes, Throck- mortons and Skeltons, and so lost the name of Stout ; the sons inarrird into the familiesofBullen, Crawford, Ashton.Truax, !ic., and had many children. Themother lived to the age of 110, and saw her oft- spri-g multipli d into 502 in about 88 years.'" Richard Stout, who married Penelope, w.^s the son of John Stout, of Nottingham- shire, in Eogland. His father interfered in a love affair with a young woman be- neath his rank, so he got angry and went to sea in a man of war, and served seven years. He was discharged at New York (then "New Amsterdam) and lived tliere some years, when he fell in with the Dutch widow, whoia he afterwards married. INDIAN CLAIMS IN OLD MON- MOUTH AND VICINITY. Confeience of Whites and Indians — Des- cription of last lands claimed by Indians — Names of leading Indians — Indians satisfactorily paid for all their land — Our ancesters as " doers ofjustice." The last lands in Old Monmouth claimed by the Indians were described in certain p ipers, powers of attorney, (fee, presented to a conference between the whites and Indians held at Crosswicks, N, J., in Feb ruary, 1758. For several years previou.s the Indians had expressed much dissatis- faction because they hud not received pay for several tracts of land, some of them of considerable ext'^nt in this and other counties. When the ill feeling of the In- dians became apparent, the Legislature appointed commissioners to examine-into the causes of dissatisfaction. Several con- ferences were held at Crosswicl'ho were dazzled with promises and anticipations of princely wealth and princely honors, furnishes a monitory les- son of the wretched fate of the traitor. Many of them, it is said, died oj broken hearts conscious of their own degradation, ne- glected and despised by those they had served, and treated with scorn and re- proach by their own countrymen. How different was their lot from that of the revolutionary patriot and soldier, who was true to his country and whose motto was '• Liberty or Death."' American Loyalists. A. vote of £9, 000 was proposed for Amer- ican Loyylists. Mr. Hume asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether government meant to take into consideration the claims of those loyalists who had been resident in Ameri- ca at the breaking out of the war, and who had been assured by their govern- ment that any losses they might sustain, would be made good by this country ? Whereas in violation of the public faith they never had been remunerated. The Chancellor of the Exchequer ad- mitted that the people alluded to were a most ineriiorioMS and unfortunate class of men, but on the other liand, if the claims of in- dividuals loere to he listened to by his majes- ty's ministers, a dangerous precedent would be established and a door opened for their endlesss repetition. Mr. Courtney observed that this claim stood on tlie plighted faith of the country. His conviction was, their case was quite diflferent from that of all other claimants, and was, at least, entitled to tlie serious consideration of i)arliament — [Hear.) Mr. Williams added his testimony to that of the last speaker. It was consider- ably moie than thirty years since the claims accrued. Three fourths of the claimants were dead, and many of them of broken hearts. Mr. Lockhart said that the American loyalists had never received any compen- i^ation for their losses. It was the mer- chants trading to America who consented to accept of £500,000 to b© distributed amongst them by commissioners ; and when the resident loyalists ajjplied to the courts in America, they were met with the plea of being attainted persons and traitors to their counting. The Chancellor of the Exchequer said the individuals in question had received their fair proportion of the £500,000 from the commissioners. Mr. J. Smith said that they had receiv- ed but seven or eight shillings in the pound of their reduced debt or claim. The resolution was postponed to the following week. EPISCOPALIANISM IN OLD MON- MOUTH. Pioneers of the Society. — Rev. Messrs. Keith, Talbot and Inness — First Converts to the Protestant Episcopal Church — One Hundred and Seven*y Years Ago. The most noted among the first clergy- men of the Protestant Episcopal Church, who held services in the county, was the celebrated Rev. George Keith, an outline of whose life has been given in an other chap- ter. When he first located at Freehold he was an active member of the Society of Friends, as it would seem were others of the first settlers. He left Freehold in 1689 and went to reside in Philadelphia. — In 1694 he went to London and soon after abjured the doctrines of the Quakers, and became a zealous clergyman of the Church of England. He officiated some time in his mother country, and in 1702 he was sent to America as a missionary o? the " Society tor the Propagation of the Gos- pel in Foreign Parts." He sailed from England April 28, 1702, in the ship Cen- turian bound for Boston. After his arri- val he travelled and preached in various parts of New England and New York, ac- companied and assisted by the Rev. John Talbot, who had been cliaplain of the ship, and who, a few years later, located at Bur- lington, JN. .[., in charge of the Protestant Episcopal Society there. Mr. Keith ar- rived at Amboy, and preached his first ser- mon in NeAv Jersey in that place, October 3d, 1702. He saysthatamongthetiudience were some old acquaintances, and some had been Quakers but were come over to the church, particularly Miles Forster and John Barclay (brother to Robert Barclay, who published the " Ajjology for Quakers."' ) After stopping a few days with Miles For- ster, he left for Monmouth county, where 56 OLD TIMES I^[ OLD MONMOUTH. he i^reached his first sermon, October 10, 1702. Of his tr.avels and services in Mon- mouth we give his own account from his rare and curious Httle work entitled " A Jour- nal of Travel from New Hampshire to Car- atuck, on the Continent of America, by George Keith, A. M., late Missionary from the Society for the Propagation of the Gos- pel in Foreign Parts, and now Rector of Edburton, in Sussex. London : printed by Joseph Downing, for Brab. Aylmer at the Three Pigeons over against the Royal Ex- change, Cornhill, 1706."' It will be noticed that he speaks of the Quakers at Freehold holding meetings separate from other Quakers. The cause of this separation is explained in the chap- ter giving an outline of his life. 01 his visit to Monmouth he says : October 10, 1702.— We went to the meeting of the Quakers at loponcmes in Freehold in East Jersey, who used to keep a separate meeting from the other Quakers for their gross errors and joined witli me and my friends in the separation about 1692 ; and it happened to be their yearly meeting where divers came from West Jei"sey and Pennsylvania. One of their preachers prayed and preached before I began. After he had done, I used some Church Collects 1 bad by heart, in Prayer; and after that I preached on Heb. 5 : 9.^ There was a considerable auditory of di- vers sort*, some of the Cliurch, and some Presbyterians, besides Quakers. They heard me without interruption and the meeting ended peaceably. Their two speakers lodged in the same house with me that evening at the house of Thomas Boels, formerly a Quaker but now of the church. I had some free discourse with them about several weighty things. 1 told them so far as they used their gifts to in- struct the ignorant and reclaim the vile errors of Quakerism, they were to be com- mended ; but that they had taken upon them to administer baptism and the Lord's Supper to any, they were greatly to be blamed, having no due ciill or ordination so to do. We met again next day and after that I pi'ayed, using the same Collects as the day before and preached on 1st Thes. 5 : 9 without any interruption, and the meeting peaceably ended. 1 could blame nothing in the matter of the second speaker, nor in the former, except where he said m his discourse " That they who were in Chrisi,need not fear IJcliy I endeavored to clear the matter in my discourse by distinguishing between an absolute fear of hell, such as wicked men ought to have and a condi- tional fear which good men, even such who are in Cin'ist, ought to have ; and about this he and I had some private dis- course also betwixt u.'^^, but he wasdissatis fied and would not own that any who werein Christ, ought to have any les? of hell, so much as conditional. Sunday, October 17th, 1702. I preached at Middletown in East Jersej', where be- fa)re sermon Mr. Talbot read the Church Prayers, and I preached on Matt. 28: 19,20. One main part of my sermon being to prove Infant baptism to be included in the Apostle's commission as well as that of adult persons, their being several of the audience who were Anfibapiists, who heard me civilly vvithout interruption ; but most of the .yed by a detachment of British under Captain Robertson. One building they alleged belonged to Congress and cost £6,000 The salt works on our coast at Manasquan, Shark River, Toms River, Ba -negat and other places, were so impor- tant lo the Americans during the war that we propose to notice them in a separate article. May 22d, 1778, it is announced that a British vessel with a cargo of fresh beef and pork, was taken by Captain Anderson and sixteen men in an armed boat, and brought into Toms River. In the early part of August following, the British ship •' Love and Unity." with a valuable cargo w.is brought into the In- let : the cargo was saved but the ship was subsequently retaken by a large Biitish fo.'ce ^ the particulars of the capture and recapture are as follows from ancient let- te 's : "August 12th, 1778. We learn th^at on Thursday night, the British ship " Love and Unity" trom Bristol, with 80 hhds of loaf sugar, several thousand bottles London po.'ter, and a large quantity of Bristol beer and ale, besides many other valuable ar- ticles, was designedly run ashore near Toms River. Since which, by the assist- arce of some of our militia, she has been bio loijc mto a safe port and her cargo pro per'y taken care of.'* The cargo of this siiip was advertised to be sold at Manasquan, on the 2r)th of Au- gust, by John Stokes, U. S. Marslial. The articles enumerated in the advertisement show that the cargo must have been a very valuable one. The Americans were not qi'ue so lucky with the ship as with the cargo, as will be seen by the following ex- tract, " Friday, September 18th, 1778. Two British armed shijis and two brigs, came close to the bar off Toms River (Cranbury) Inlet, where they lay all night. Next morning between seven nnd eight o'clock, they sent seven armed boats into the In let, and re-took the ship Washington for- merly "Love and Unity '' which had been taken by the Americans ; they also took two sloops near the bar and captured most of the crews. The cajjtain of the ship and most of his oflficers escaped to the main hmd in one of the ship's boats. Alter they .;ot ashore a man named Robert McMullen, who had been condemned to death at Freehold but afterwards pardoned, jumped into the boat, hurrahing for the British, and rowed off and joined them. Another refugee named William Dillon, who had also been sen- tenced to death at Freehold and pardon- ed, joined this party of British as pilot." By the following extract it will be seen that the regenades McMullen and Dillon, had been out of jail but a very few weeks, when they aided the British in this expe- dition : "July 22d, 1778. We learn that at the Court of Oyer and Terminer, held at Mon- mouth in June last, the following parties were tried and found guilty of burglary, viz: Thomas Emmons alias Burke, John Wood, Michael Millery, William Dillon and Robert McMullen. The two former were execute : Huddy distinguished himself on various occasions during the war, and became an object of terror to the Tories. In the sum- mer of 1780, a party of about 60 refugees, commanded by Tye, a mulatto, one even- ing attacked this dwelling. Huddy, as- sisted only by a servant girl aged about twenty years, defended it for some length of time. Several muskets were fortunate- ly left in the house by the guard generally stationed there, but at this time absent. — These she loaded, whil^ Huddy by appear- ing at different windows and discharging them, gave the impression that there were many defenders. He vvovmded several and at last, while setting fire to the house, he shot their leader, Tye, in the wrist. — Huddy finding the flames fast increasing, agreed to surrender, provided they would extinguish the fire. It is said that the enemy on entering were much exasperated at the feebleness of the defenders, and could with difficulty be restrained by their leader from butcher- ing them on the spot. They were obliged to leave, as the militia soon collected and killed six on their retreat. They carried off with Huddy several cattle and sheep from the neighborhood, but lost them fording the creeks. They embarked on board their boats near Black Point between Shrewsbury and Navisink rivers. As the boats pushed off" from shore, Huddy jump- ed overboard and was shot in the thigh as was supposed by the militia, then in close pursuit. He held up one of his hands to- wards them exclaiming, " I am Huddy ! 1 am Huddy /" swam to the shore and es- caped. The name of the heroine who loaded the muskets for Huddy. says the above writer, was Lucretia Emmons, afterwards Mrs. Chambers, and she died at Freehold about 20 years before his visit. Titus or Col. Tye as he was commonly called, usually commtinded a mongrel crew of negroe.s and tories. He died ot lockjaw, occasioned by the wound in his wrist. He was a slave of John Corlies, and was born and bred in the south part of OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 73 this township. He was an honorable, brave, but headstrong man. Several acts of generosity are remembered of hiai, and he was justly more respected as an enemy than many of his brethren of a fairer com- plexion. Marks of tue fire were plainly discerna- ble when the above writer visited the house in June, 1842, and on the eastern end of the house were several bullet holes. In a Philadelphia paper published at the time, is a letter from Monmouth coun- ty dated Sept. 9tli, 1780, which gives a version of this afiiiir, stated to have been on the authority of Captain Huddy him- self. The following is the substance ot the letter : " There were 72 men attacked him at his residence at Colts Neck. They were under the command of Lieutenant Joseph Parker and William Hewlett, and com menced the attack about an hour before day. They commenced staving a window to pieces, which aroused Huddy ; the girl helued him to defend himself. Mrs. Hud- dy and another woman tried to persuade him to surrender, as defense was usehss. Tye, •' one of Lord Dunmore's crew," re ceived a severe wound. After Huddy sur- rendered, they plundered the house. The tight lasted two hours. Six militia men came near and fired and killed their com- mander. Ensign Vincent and sixteen of the State Regiment attacked the refugees as they embarked, and wounded Huddy. The firing made confusion in the boats, and one overset and Huddy swam ashore.'" The letter adds that the refugees made a silent, shameful retreat, loaded with dis- grace, and the Americans made quite mer- ry over the fact that it took seventy-two of the enemy two hours to take one man. Oct. 15th. 1781 A i)arty of refugees from Sandy Hook, landed at night at Shrewsbury and marched undiscovered to Colts Neck and took six prisoners. The alarm reached the Court House about four or five o'clock, P. M., and a number of in habitants, among whom whs Dr. Nathaniel Scudder, went in pursuit. They rode to Black Point to try to recapture the six Americans, and while firing from the bank Dr. Scudder was killed. Dr. Scudder was Colonel of the First Regiment Monmouth Militia, and one of the most prominent, active and useful patriots of Monmouth, and his death whs a severe loss to the Americans. He was bviried with all the honors of war. Gen- eral Forman's original order to Captain Walton to bury Dr. Scudder with all the honors of war. was presented to the New- Jersey Historical Society in May, 1847, by Mrs. Forman, About the beginning of August. 1782 Richard Wilgus, an American, was shot beiow A llentown, while on guard to prevent contraband trade with the British. February 8th, 1782. About fortv refu- gees under Lieutenant Steelraan,' came over Sandy Hook »o Pleasant V;dley. — They took twenty horses and five sleighs which they loaded with plunder ; they also took several prisoners, viz; Hend'ick Henderson and his two sons, Peter Coven- hoven, Esq., ( Esq. Covenhoven or Cone ver as the name is now called, was made prisoner once before, in 1779, as before re- lated,) Garret Hendrickson, Samuel B wne and son and Jaques Denise. At Garret Hendrickson's a young man named Wil- liam Thompson got up slyly an'^ went and informed Captain John Schenck, of Colo- nel Holmes' regiment, who colh-cted ail the men he could to pursue. They over- took and attacked the refugees, and the before mentioned VViiliam Thompson was killed and William Cottrell wounded. They however took twelve refugee prison- ers, three of whom were wounded. But in returning, they unexpectedly fell in with a party of sixteen men under Stevenson, and a sudden firing caused eight of the prisoners to escape. But Captain Schenck ordered his men to charge hayonet and the tories surrendered. Captain Schenck retook nineteen horses and five sheep, and took twenty-one prisoners. The first of the foregoing extracts relat- ing to the raid of the British in Middle- town township in 1778, and then landing near Major Kearney's in the vicinity of Keypo 1, is probably the affair referred to in a tradition given in Howe's Historical Collections, which we append, as it ex- plains whv the refugees fled so precipitate- ly. It will be noticed, however, that it does not agree with the extract quoted as to damage done, but we are inclineo to believe tiiat t' e extract coj^ied from the ancient paper (Collins' Gazette) is correct, as it was written but a few days aVter the affair took place. "The proximitv of this part of Mon- mouth county to New York, rendered it, in the war of tfie Revolution, peculia'ly liable to the incursions of the British troops. Many of the inhabitants, although secretly favorable to the American cause, were obliged to feign allegiance to the 74 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. crown or lose their property by maraud- ing parties of refugees from vessels lying off Sandy Hook> Among those of this description was Major Kearney, a resident near the present site of Keyport. On one occasion, a party of thirty or forty refugees stopped at his dwelling on their way to Middletown Point, where they intended to burn a dwelling and some mills. Kear- ney teigned gratification at their visit, and falsely informed them that there were probably some rebel troops at the Point, in which case it would be dangerous to march thither. He ordered his negro ser- vant Jube tliither to make inquiry, at the same time giving him secretly the cue to act. In due length of time, Jube, who had gone but a short distance, returned and hastily entered the room where Kear- ney and the refugees were, and exclaimed, " (3h, Mafsa ! Massa I the rebels are at the Point thick as blackberries! They have just come down from the Court House and say they are going to march down here to-night." The ruse succeeded ; the ref- ugees, alarmed, precipitately fled, retreat- ed to their boats, leaving the Major to re- joice at the success of the stratagem which had saved the property of his friends from destruction." The probability is that the ruse prevent- ed the refugees from doing as much dam- age as they had intended, although they remained long enough to inflict considera- ble injury (is has been related. CAPTAIN JOSHUA BUDDY, THE HERO MARTYR OF OLD MONMOUTH. Among the multitude of heroic men fur- nished by our State in aid of the struggle for independence, the name of Captain Joshua Huddy should ever occupy a con spicuous place in the memory of Jersey- men. Yet when we recall his daring deeds, his patriotic efforts and sacrifices and his unfortunate end, it is doubtful if les« jus- tice has been done to the services and memory of any other hero of his day. — Though the Continental Congress, as well as General Washington and other noted men testified their warm appreciation of his services ; though his name at one time was a household word, not only through- out this country but at the courts of Eng- land and France ; and though his unfor- tunate death and its consequences, for a time, caused the most intense excitement on both sides of the Atlantic, yet in the substance of the language of a report adopted by Congress in 1837, " It is fear- ful to state that after a lapse of fifty years, wnile the services of others of so much less merit have been made the theme of the biographer and the poet, the memory of Huddy has not been honored with an epi- taph. His country, it would seem, has outlived the recollection of his services, and forgotten that suoh a victim was sac- rificed tor American liberty." Outline of Captain^ Huddy's Lite. The following extracts from the archives of the State Department of New Jersey, were furnished in 1837 to a Congressional committee at the request of the chairman, by the late Governor Philemon Dickenson: *' Joshua Huddy signs his name as Cap- tain, to a petition from the militia officers of the county of Monmouth, to the Legis- lature, which is dated the 12th of May, 1777. ''Captain Joshua Huddy is appointed by an act of the Legislature, passed Septem- ber 24th, 1777, to the command of a com- pany of artillery, to he raised from the mi- litia of the State, and to continue in ser- vice not exceeding one year. "In the accounts of the paymaster of the militia there is an entry of a payment made on the 30th of July, 1778, to Captain Joshua Huddy, of the artillery regiment for services at Haddonfield, under Colonel Holmes. In the same accounts a payment is also made to Captain Huddy on the 1st July, 1779, for the use ot his horses in the artillery. "I find a petition to the Legislature from the people of Monmouth, dated December 10th, 1781, recommending Captain Joshua Huddy as a proper person to command a guard, to be stationed at'l^oms River. On examining the minutes of both houses of the Legislature, I find no action had on this petition ; in fact there is no mention of its being presented. The Legislature adjourned on the 29th of December, and did not meet again until May 15th, 1782. Huddy was taken liy the tories at Toms River, Sunday, March 2'4th, 1782, and it is not unlikely ( as the Legislature had no action on this petition ) he was ordered to that post by tlie Council of Safety, which exercised legislative potvers during the re- cess of the LegisKture. The minutes of the Council of Safety must be either lost or destroyed, as thay cannot be found." The above extracts were made and fur- nislied to Governor Dickenson by George C. Westcott, then secretary of State. ( In the original is an error corrected above : OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 75 it says that Captain Huddy was taken prisoner April 2d ; it should be March 24th.) The details of the attack on Toms River have been given. Captain Huddy, with other prisoners, was taken to Mew York and lodged in the noted Sugar House prison, from whence he was taken on Monday, April 1st, 1782, to the prison of the Provost Guard in New York, where he was cloFely confined 'until Monday, April 8th, when he, with Daniel Randolph and Jacob Fleming, ( both of whom wfre taken prisoners witu Huddy at Toms River, but soon exchanged for two tories. named Captain Clayton Tilton and Aaron White.) were taken on board a sloop and ironed. The following is a copy of the order to the Commissary of Prison at New York, to deliver him to the care of Captain Richard Lippincott, of the Refugees, to be taken on bo^rd the sloop : New York, April 8th, 1782. Sir : — Deliver to Capt. Ricliard Lippen- cott the three following prisoners : Lieu- tenant Joshua Huddy, D;iniel Randolph and Jacob Fleming, to take down to the Hook, to procure the exchange of Captain Clayton Tilton and two other associated loyalists. By order of the Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists. S. S. Blowers, Secretary. To Mr. Commissary Challoner. Huddy, Randolph and Fleming were kept in irons in the hold of the sloop, until Tuesday evenirg, April 9th, when they were transferred to *^heguardship at Sandy Hook, where they were confined between decks until Tuesday, April 12th, on the morning of which day, Hud^y was taken on shore by a party of refugees under com- mand of Captain Richard Lippencott, and at about ten o'clock executed. One refu- gee account says the hangman was a ne- gro. Captain Huddy executed his will under the gallows, signing it on the barrel from which he was a few moments after launched into another world. Captain Huddv's Will. The following is a copy of the will of Captain Huddy, signed by him under the gallows : " In the name of God, amen : I, Joshua Huddy, of Middletown, in the county of Monmouth, being of sound mind and- memory, but expef^ting shortly to depart this life, do declare this my lasst will and testament : "First : I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God, hoping he may receive it in mercy ; and next I commit my body to the earth. I do also appoint my trusty friend, Samuel Forman, to be my lawful executor, and after all my just debts are paid, I desire that he do divide the rest of my substance whether by book, debts, notes or any effects whatever belonging to me, equally between my two children, Elizabeth and Martha Huddy. "In witness whereof I have hereunto sunned my name this twelfth day of April, inthe year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two. "Joshua Huddv." The will was written on half a sheet of foolscap paper, on the back of which was the following endorsement, evidently writ- ten shortly after the will was executed : '■ The will of Captain Joshua Huddy, made and executed the same day the ref- ugees murdered him, April 12th, 1782." The will was found some years ago among the papers of hie executor, the late Colonel Samuel Forman. It was signed by Captain Huddy, but was apparently writ- ten by another person. Captain Huddy's daughters subsequently became Elizabeth Gieen and Martha Piatt — the last named lived to an advanced age. In early life she removed to Cincinnati, Ohio ; both daughters we believe left descendants. After Captain Huddy's inhuman murder his body was left hanging until afternoon, when the Americans came and took it to Freehold, to the house of Captain James Greene, where it was April 15th. He was buried with the honors of war. His fun- eral sermon was preached by the well re- membered Rev. Dr. John Woodhull, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Free- hold. CAPTAIN .JOSHUA HUDDY, THE HERO MARTYR OF OLD MONMOUTH. MEASURES FOR RETALIATION. The execution of Huddy was regarded by General Washington as a matter of so much importance, that he directed that a number of general officers of the army should meet at West Point to decide on what measures should be adopted. At this council it was unanimously decided that retaliation should be made, and that it should be inflicted on an officer of equal rank, and the designation should be made by lot from among prisoners of war, unless 76 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOLTTIL the British surrendered Captain Richard Lippincott. A formal demand was made for the surrender of Lippincott and refus- ed, and in consequence on the 13th of May, lots were cast among the British of- ficers held as prisoners, ( at this time con- fined at Lancaster, Pa.,) and the unfortu- nate victim was Captain Charles Asgill, ( afterwards Sir Charles Asgiil ) of a noble family, at this time but nineteen years old He was among the prisoners captured at Yorktown, Va. The particulars of the casting of lots and the events consequent upon the selec- tion of Caj^tain Asgill, are of thrilling in- terest, and excited so much attention at the time that the celebrated Baron de Grimm speaking of the affair being made the ground work of a tiagedy brought out in Pans, in 1789, says: " The public prints all over Europe re- sounded with tlie unhappy catasti-ophe which for near eight months impended over the life of this young officer. The general curiosity in regai'd to the events of the war yielded, if I may say so, to the interest which young Asgill inspu'ed, and tie first question asked of all vessels from any port in North America, was always an inquiry as to the fate of that young man. It is know)i that Asgill was thrice con- ducted to the foot of the gibbet, and tliat thrice General Washington, who could not bring himself to commit the crime of pol- icy without a struggle, suspended his pun- ishment; his humanity and justice mad? him hope that the P^nglish general would deliver over to him the author of the crime Asgill was condemned to expiate.— Sir Henry Clinton, either ill-advised or insensible to the fate of young Asgill, per- sisted in refusing to deliver up the barbar- ous Lippincott. In vain the King of Eng- land, at whose feet the unfortunate family of AsgilU fell down, had given orders to surrender up to the Americans the author of a crime which dishonored the British nation ; George the Third was not obeyed. "In vain the States of Holland entreated the United States of America the pardon of the unhappy Asgill. The gibbet erected in front of his prison did not cease to offer to his eyes those dreadful preparations more awful than deafih itself. In these circumstances, and almost reduced to de spair, the mother of the unfortunate vic- tim bethought herself that the Minister of a King armed against her own nation, might succeed in obtaiviing . that which was refused her own King. Madam Asgill wrote to the French Minister, Count de Vergennes, a letter, the eloquence of which, independent of oratorical forms, is tliat of all people and languages, because it de- rives its power from the first and noblest sentiment of our nature." Before giving farther details of Captain Asgills' case, his mother's letters, and the course of the French court, of Gen, Wash- ington and of the Continental Congress re- lating to the affair, it would perhaps be proper to return tu Captain Huddy and recall the particulars of such of the events of his life as have been preserved. The following, a part of which at least will be familiar to most of our readers, comes first in order: Buddy's Capture and Execution. The next important affair in which we find Captain Huddy engaged, was in the defence of the military post at Toms Riv- er. As we gave elsewhere a detailed ac- count of t!ie attack of the British on tliis post, burning of the village, massacre of the men after asking for quarters, and oth- er particulars relating to this affair, it is not now necessary to repeal them, except af tiiey are incidentally given in some im- portant papers, which will be copied here- after. These papers contain many authen- tic, inteiesting particuliirs which should be preserved by the citizens of Old Mo.i- mouth. Before copying these, we quote the following extracts from " Howe's Col- lections :" While Huddy was confined on board the guardsliip, he was told by one of tlie refugees, that he was. to be hanged. " for he had taken a certain Philip White, a refugee in Monmouth county, cut off both his arms, broVe his legs, pulled out one of his eyes, damned him and bid him run." He answered, "It was impossible I could have taken Philip White, I being' a pris- oner in New York, closely confined, and for many days before he was made a pris- oner." .One or two of his., comrades cor- roborated this slatenient. Four days after ( April 12th,) Huddy was taken, by 16 ref- ugees under Capt. Lippencott, to Gravelly Point, on the seashore , at the foot of Navi- sink liills, about a mile north of the Iligli- land lighthouse where he w^is deliberate- ly^ executed. He met his fate with an. ex- fo'S^grrliriary dejjree of firmness and sereni- ty.. It is said he even executed his will tender the gallows, up.6n the head of that b.arrel from which he was to make his exit, and in a hand writinsj fairer than usual. — OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. The following label was attached to his breast : " We, the refugees having long with grief, beheld the cruel murders of our brethren, and finding nothing but such measures daily carrying into execution ; we therefore determined not to suffer without taking vengeance for tlie numer- ous cruelties ; and thus begin, havmg made u^e of Capt, Euddy as the first ob ject to present to your view ; and further determine to hang man for man while there is a refugee living. "Up (tObs Huddy for Philip White." The gallows was formed of three rails, and stood on the beach, close to the sea. Tradition states that Capt. Lippincott, ob- serving reluctance in some of his men to take hold the rope, drew his sword and swore he would run the first through, who disobeyed orders. Three ol the party, bringing their bayonets to the charge, de- clared their determination to defend them- selves — that Huddy was innocent of the death of White, and that they would not be concerned in the murder of an inno- cent man. Tiie British version of the execution of Huddy will be given in the account of the trial of the refugee Captain Richard Lip- pincott. CAPT. JOSHUA HUDDV, THE HERO MARTYR 9F OLD MONMOUTH. MEETING AT FREEHOLD. As soon as the citizens of Old Monmouth received information of the barbarous mur- der of Capt. Huddy, a large meeting num- bering some four hundred of the most re- spectable citizens of the countv, assembled at Freehold to take appropriate action. — This meetinji; was held on the 14th of April, one day before Huddy's burial, and wiiile his corpse was lying at the Louse of Capt. James Greene. This meeting con sidered and approved the following ad- dress : To his Exc. llency George Washington, Esq., Commander in Chief of the com- bined Armies of America and France, acting in N.-rtli America, &c., &c., &c. Tiie inhabitants of the county of Mon- mouth, being assembled on account of the horrid and almost unparalleled murder of Capt. Joshua Huddy, by the refugees from New York, and as we presume by appro bation, if not by the express command or the British commander in chief. Sir Henry Clinton ; hold it as our indispensable duty, as well to the United States in general, as ourselves in particular, to show to your ex- cellency, that the aforesaid Captain Joshua Huddy, late commanding the post at Toms River, was after a brave and gallant de- fence made a prisoner of war, together with fifteen of his men, by a party of ref- ugees from New York, on Sunday, the 24th of March, last past. That five of the said Huddy's men were most inhumanly murdered after the surrender ; that the next day at night, to wit, on Monday, the 25th of March, aforesaid, the said Capt, Huddy and the other prisoners who had been spared from the bayonet, arrived at New York, and were lodged in the main gtxard, during that night ; thiit on Tuesday morning, t,ie 26th of the same month, the said Hviddy was removed from the main guard to the sugar house, where he was kept closely confined, until removed from thence to the provost guard, on Monday, April 1st, where he, the said Captain Hud- dy, wasclosely confined, until Monday, the 8th of April, instant; when the said Cap- tain Huddy, with two other prisoners, was removed from the provost jail at New York, on board of a sloop, then lying at New York dock, was put in the hold of said sloop in irons ; and then the said Captain Huddy was told he was ordered to be hanged, although the said Captain Huddy had yiever been charged, or brought to any kind of trial. That the said Captain Huddy demanded to know upon what charge he was to be hanged ; that a refu- gee by the name of John Tilton, then told him that he, ( the said Captain Huddy meaning.) was to be hanged for that he had taken a certain refugee by the name of' Philip White, and that he, ( the said Captain Huddy, meaning,) had, after car- rying him, theaforesiid Philip White, five or six miles, cut off his ( the aforesaid Philip White's ) arms, broke both his legs, ^lulled otit one of his eyes, and most cruel- ly murdered him, the aforesaid Philip White; and further said, that he, the aforesaid Captain Huddy, was ordered to be hanged for the murder aforesaid; that Cap". Huddy replied that he had never taken the aforesaid Philip White prisoner ; and further said, that he, the aforesaid Philip White was killed after he, the said Captain Huddy, was taken prisoner him- self, and was closely confined at New York at the time the said Philip White was kill- ed. Which in fact, and in truth, was ex- 78 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. actly as the said Captain Huddy had relat- ed; for he, the aforesaid Philip White, was in New York, on Wednesday, the 27th of March, last past, and did oii the night of that day, sail from New York to Sandy Hook, where he lay until Friday, the 29tli of March ; that late tiie same night, he in comjjany with Aaron White, .lolin Fenni- more, negro Moses, John Worth ley, and one Isaac, all refugees, weighed anchor for Sandy Hook, and ran down to Long Branch, in the townehip of Slirewsbnry ; tliai the said Philip VVliite, ( so as aforesaid men- tioned to have been killed by the said Captain Huddy,) and the said negro Mo- ses, landed on Long Branch, in Shrews- bury afoiesaid, on Saturday morning, tiie 30th of March ; he, the said .loihua Hud- py, being then a close prisoner in the su- gar house at New York. That he, the said Piiilip White, was taken prt. Huddy's irons ; that Capt. Huddy again said he was not guilty of having killed the albresaid White, and should die innocent, and in a good cause ; and with uncommon composure of mind and fortitude, prepared himself for his end; that they, then for the first time since the capture of this deponent, and the said Capt. Huddy, took the aforesaid Capt. Huddy from this deponent. That about noon of the same day, the aforesaid John Tilton told tliis deponent, that he, the aforesaid Capt. Joshua Huddy was hanged, and further said he, that Capt. Hud- dy died iviih the -firmness of a lion. Further, this deponent saith, that the aforesaid Capt. Joshua Huddy was never taken from him, this deponent, until he was taken off to be executed, and that he, the aforesaid Captain Huddy, never was called to any kind of trial, or allowed to make any de- fence ; and lastly, this deponent saith, the corpse of the said Cajjtain Joshua Huddy is now at the house of Capt. James Greene, and that he verily believes he came to his death by being hanged. DANIEL RANDOLPH. Sworn before me, this 15th of April, 1782, David Fokman, Judge of the C't of C. P. A COUNCIL OF WAR. The execution of Huddy was regarded by tfie Commander-in-Chief as a matter of such high import, that, in anticipation of the action of Congress upon his letter, he had directed that the general oflScers of the army, and the officers commanding brigades and regiments, should assemble at West Point, and decide on what meas- ures should be adopted. On the 19th day of April, tha meeting was held at the quarters of General Heath, when the fol- lowing questions propounded by Wash- ington were stated : " Shall there be retaliation for the mur- der of Huddy ?'' " On whom shall it be inflicted ?" " How shall the victim be designated !" General Heath in his Memoirs describes the deliberations of the ofBcers as inde- pendent of each other ; no conversation was permitted between them on the ques- tion submitted, but each one was to write his own 0}iinion, seal it itp, and address it to the Commander-in-Chief. By this i>ro- cess, it was found the decision was unani- mous that retaliation should take jjlace ; that it should be inflicted on an officer of equal rank ; and the designation should be made by lot from among the prisoners of war who had surrendered at discretion, and not under convention or cai)itulation This decision was approved by Washing- ton, who gave immedifito information of his intention to retaliate, to the British Cammander, unless the perpetrator of the bloody deed shotild be given uj) for execu- tion. No farther action for a time was taken, that Sir Henry Clinton might have oppor- OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. ' 81 tunity to decide upon Washington's de- uaand. In the meantime occurred the following proceedings in Congress. Proceedings in Congress, AjDril, 1782. The letter of General Washington to Congress, when received, was referred to a Committee consisting of Mr. Boudinot, Mr. Scott and Mr. Bee. The committee reported on the 20th day of April, 1782, and the following proceedings were then had : A letter of the 20th, from the Com- mander-in-Chief, was read together with a memorial from the inhabitants of the county of Monmouth, in the State of New Jersey, and sundry affidavits, respecting the death of Capt. Joihua Huddy, who after beini; a prisoner some days with the enemy in New York, was sent out by a party of refugees, and wns most cruelly and wantonly hanged on the heights of Middletown. These papers being committed, and the committee having reported thereon : Resolved, That Congress having de- liberately considered the matter and the paper attending it, and being deeply im- pressed with the necessity of convincing the enemies of these United States, by the most decided conduct, that the repetition of their unprecedented and inhuman cru- elties, so contrary to the laws of nations and of war, will no longer be suffered with impunity, do unanimously approve of the firm and judicious conduct of the Com- mander-in-Chief in his application to the British Gen. of New York ; and do here- by assure him, of their firmest support in his fixed purpose of exemplary retalia- tion. General Washington to Sir Henry Clinton. Head-Quarters, ] April 21st, 1782. j Sir : — The enclosed representation from the inhabitants of the county of Mon- mouth, with testimonials to the facts, (which can be corroborated by other un- questionable evidence,) will bring before your excellency, the most v.aiton, unpre- cedented, and inhuman murder that ever disgraced the arms of a civilised p' »ple, I shall not, because I conceive it alto- gether unnecessary, trouble your excel- lency with any animadversions upon this transaction. Candor obliges me to be ex- plicit. To save the innocent, I demand the guilty. Capt. Lippencott therefore, or the officer who commanded, at the execu- tion of Captain Huddy, must be given up: or if that officer was of inferior rank to- him, so many of the perpetrators as will, according to the tariff of exchange, be equivalent. To do this, will mark the justice of your excellency's character; on the fnilure of it I shall feel myself justifiable in the eyes of God and man, for the measure to which I shall resort. I beg your excellency to be pursuaded, that it cannot be more disagreeable to you to be addressed in this language, than it is for me to offer it; but the subject re- quii'cs frankness and decipion. I have to request your speedy deter- mination, as my resolution is suspended but for your answer. I have the honor to be, sir, your excel- lency's most obedient servant. GEO. WASHINGTON. His Excellency, Sir Henry Clinton. Sir Henry Clinton replied to Gen. Wash- ington on the 25th of April. He express- ed surprise at the strong language which had been used. He refused to give up the perpetrator of the murder, but inform- ed the American commander, that he had ordered a court martial to examine the charge against Capt. Lippencott before he received the letter. He did not pre tend to justify the conduct of the loyalists, and expressed his regret for the fate of the sufferer. On the Ist of May, General Robertson, who had succeeded Clinton, reiterated the same sentiments which had been previously expressed by his prede- cessor, but still the culprit was protected in New York ; and the American com- mander replied, in the strongest terms, that he had resolved upon retaliation, and given orders that a British officer should be designated to suffer. When Sir Guy Carleton took comm-ehd of the British forces, in May, he communicated to Gen- eral Washington his intention to preserve " the name of every Englishman from re- proach, and to pursue every measure that might tend to prevent these criminal ex- cesses in individuals." He did not hesi- tate '' to conr^emn the many unauthorized acts of violence, which had been commit- ted," and concluded that . he should do every thing to mitigate the evils of war. — Fiom these extracts, as well as the history of that daj'', it is evident that the British commander disavowed any participation !0- OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. in the death of Huddy, on the part of the British authorities. And it is said, by Dr. Thatcher, that the British Government were inclined to direct that Lippenctt should be jriven up to Gen. Washington, but were finally prevented by the influ- ence of the American loyalists, (or refu- gees. ) Baron de Grimm, in his celebrated Memoris, states, wiihou^ any qualifications, that George III gave orders '■'that the author of a crime which dishonored the English nation, .should be given up for pvnishme.nt,'" but he was not obeyed. It is highly probably tliat this statement is true ; the writer recorded it in 1775, and from the advantageous posi- tion he occupied, must be presumed to have known the fact. (vol. iv. p. 272. ) The people of New Jersey were exas- perated beyond measure at the bloody catastrophe ; but when it was ascertained that the murderer would not be surren- dered or punished, their indignation prompted the bold attemi>t to seize the miscreant by force. To efiect this pur- pose, Capt. Adam Hyler, of New Bruns- wick, having ascertained that Lippencott resided in Broad street. New York, with a crew disguised as a British press gang, left the Kills at dark, in a single boat, and arrived at White Hill about nine o'clok. Here he left the boat in charge of a few men, and passed directly to Lipp^ncott's house, where, on inquiry, it was ascertain- ed he had gone to Cock Pit. (Naval Mag. Nov., 1839.) The expedition of course failed ; but the promptness with which it was conducted, proves the devotion of the brave men who were engaged to the com- mon cause, and their execration of Huddy's assassin. (Capt. Adam I Tyler, above referred to, is the one who commanded the barge taken by the British at Toms River. In their accounts they boasted, it will be re- membered, of capturing "one of llyler's barges." We hai'e accounts of a large number of the exploits of Hylcr, in the waters around Old Monmouth, which we trust to find room for at some tiuie, for it is rare to find, in hict or fiction, more skil- fully planned and fearlessly executed deeds than those performed by ('apt. Adam Hyler and his heroic companioll^s. ) CASTlNd LOTS. Exciting Scene— Captain Asgill the Vic- tim — .\ffecting [ncidfMits— Courts of Eu- roi)e Excited. The demand for Lijopencott having been refused. General Washingten, on the 4th of May, directed Brigadier General Hogan to designate by lot, from among the pris- oners at either of the posts in Pennsylva- nia or Maryland, a British Captain who had been unconditionally surrendered ; as it was ascertained that no such officer was in his power, a second order was issued on the thirteentn of May, extending the .se- lection to the officers who had been made prisoners by convention or capitulation. — Under this last despatch, the British Cajv tains, who had been captured at York- town, were assembled at Lancaster, Penn- sylvania, and the lot fell upon Captain As- gill. Charles Asgill was a Captain of the guards, of a noble family, and at the time he was designated to suffer, but ninetee»i years of age. lie was captured at York- town, confined during the winter of 1781- 82 at Winchester, in Virginia, and had been removed but a short time to York, Pennsylvania, when the lot was cast against him. The officers from whom the victim was to be selected, were ordered to Lan- caster, and were there informed by Gener- al Hogan the object for which thev were assembled. Major Morgan, who was the senior British otlicer at that place, remon- strated, and used the following language : "Ttiese gentlemen form but a small pro- portion, out of the total number of Cap- tains who became prisoners at Yorktown, and I am sure, if time be afforded, there is not one of their comrades who will not hasten, even from England, for the pur- pose of placing himself by their side, in so trying an emergency, and staking his life with theirs.'" The (reneral, however, replied his orders were peremptory, but feelingly remarked, "when the lot has been declared on whom this blow shall fall, then you may rely upon it that every indulgence shall be shown which you could e.xpect, or my own feelings dictate.'' The ceremony is minutely described by an eye witness, the lale Gen. Graham, Lieutenant (Governor of Sterling ( astle, who've manuscript is pub- lished in the United Service Journal, Novem- ber, I S;U. To use his language : " "The excitement of the scene was now ov<'r, and we gazed ui)on poor Asgill with n liitterness and intensity of feeling, such as defied control. He was barely nine- teen vearsofago; livclv. bravi% Iiandsome: OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 83 an only son. as we all knew, and an espe cial favorite with his comrades. To see him as we did, at that moment, in the full bloom of youth and beauiy, and to know that his days, nay, his hours, were num- bered — that was a demand upon the forti- tude of those who loved him, suoli as they could not meet. We lifted up our voices and wept ; and while a warm pressure of the hand was exchanged with each in his turn, the object of so much commiseration found it no easy matter, himself, to restrain his tears. Nor, to do them justice, were the Americans, either within or without the house, inditterent spectators to the drama. The Brigadier at once consented to delay the removal of the victim till the following morning ; and readily granted a pass{)ort to enable an officer to set out on the instant for New York." Captain Asgill was conducted to Pliila- delphia, and from thence was removed to C'hatham. He was accompanied by his friend, Major Gordon, who attended him with the devotion of a parent to a cliild. In the meanwhile the execution was suspended, but every effort was exerted, every plan that ingenuity could devise or sympathy suggest, adopted to save tlie in- nocent sufferer. Major Gordon appealed to the French Minister, then in Pliiladelphia; he wrote to the Count de Rochembeau, and despatched messengers to numerous influential Whigs throughout the Colo- nies, to interest them in behalf of his friend ; and so eloquent and importunate were his appeala, that it is said by General Graham, " thpt even tliefrtmily of Captain Kuddv became themselves sup]>liants in Asgill's favor.'" These untiring exertions, unquestionably contributed to postpone the fate of the victim, until the final and successful intercession of the Fiench Court obtained his release. When Lady Asgill heard of the peril whicli impended over her son, her husband was exhausted by disease, and wliile the effect of the intelligence was pent power- fully up in her mind, it produced delirium in tliat ot her daughter; under all tliese embarrassments she applied to King (leorge the III, wlio, it is said, ordered the cause of this measure of retaliation, the wretched Lippencott, to be delivered up. wliich Clinton contrived to avoid. She did not cease lier importunities, until she had dictated ihe following letter to the Count de Vergennes, who laid it before the King and <,},ueen of France, and was immediately directed to communicate with General Washington, and implore the re- lease of the sufferer. A letter, says the Baron de Grimm, "the eloquence of which, independent of oratorical forms, is that of all people, and all languages, because it derives its power from the first and noblest sentiment of our nature." Lady Asgill to Count de Vergennes. Eloquent Pleadings of a Mother for the Life of an only Son. Sir : — If the politeness of the French court will permit a stranger to address it, it cannot be doubted but that she who unites in herself all the more delicate sen- sations with which an individual can be penetrated, will be received favorably by a nobleman who reflects honor not only on his nation, but on human nature. The subject on which I implore your assistance is too heart-rending to be dwelt upon ; most probably the public report has al- ready reached you. This relieves me from the burden of so mourniul a duty. My son, my only son, dear to me as he is brave, amiable as h3 is beloved, only nineteen years of age, a prisoner of war, in conse- quence of the capitulation of Yorktown, is at present confined in America as an ob ject of reprisals. Shall the innocent suffer the fate of the guilty ? Figure to yourself, sir, the situa- tion of a family in these circumstances. — Surrounded as I am with objects of dis- tress, bowed down by fear and grief, words are wanting to express what I feel, and to paint such a scene of misery ; my husband given over by his physicians some hours before the arrival of this news, not in a condition to be informed of it; my daugh- ter attacked by a '"ever, accompanied with delirium ; speaking of her brother in tones of wildness and without an interval of rea- son, unless it be to listen to some circum- stances which may console her heart. Let your sensibility, sir, paint to you my pro- found, my inexpressible misery, and plead in my favor. A word — a word from you, like a voice from heaven, would liberate us from desolation, from the last degree of misfortune. I know how far General VV'ashington reverences your character. — Tell liim only that you wish my son re- stored to liberty, and he will restore him to his desponding family ; he will restore him to happiness. The virtue and cour- age of my son will justify this act of clem- ency. His honor, cir, led him to America; he was born to abundance, to independ- 84 • OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. ence, and to the happiest prospects. Per- mit me once more to entreat the interfer- ence of your high influence in favor of in- nocence, and in the cause of justice, of humanity. Despatch, sir, , a letter from France to General Washington, and favor me with a copy of it, that it may be trans- mitted from hence. I feel the whole weight of the liberty taken in presenting this request; but I feel confident, whether granted or not, that you will pity tlie dis- tress by which it is suggested ; your hu- manity will drop a tear on my fault and blot it out forever. May tiiat heaven which I implore, grant that you may never need the consolation which you have it in your power to bestow on. Theresa Asgill. A NOBLEMAN TELLS ASG ILL'S STORY. Excitement in Holland and throughout Europe — The Gibbet— Asgill thrice con- duced to it — Intense anxiety in Eurojje to hear of his fate, &c. The statement of Captain Asgill's case would not be complete without tlie follow- ing extract, which contains some interest- ing facts not elsewhere given. It is from Baron de Grimm, who was led to notice the case on account of its b^inji made the ground work of a tragedy called " Abdir," by de Sauvigny, represented in Paris in January, 1780. " You can well remember the general interest which Sir Asgill inspired, a young officer in the English guards, wlio was made prisoner and condemned to death by the Americans, in reprisal for the death of Capt. Iluddy, who was hanged by order of Capt. Lippencott. The public prints all over Europe resounded with the unhappy catastrophe, which for eight months impenled over the life of tliis young officer. The extreme grief of his mother, the sort of delirium which cloud- ed the mind of his sister, at hearing the dredful fate which menaced tlie life of her brother, interested every feeling mind in the fate of that unfortunate family. The general curiosity in regard to the events of the war, yielded, if I may say so, to the interest which young Asgill inspired, and the first question asked of all vessels that arrived from any port in North America, was always an inquiry into the fate of that young man. It is known that Asgill was thrice conducted to the foot of the gibbet, and that thrice Gen. WashingtoiT, who could not bring himself to commit this crime of policy without a great struggle, suspended his punishment : his humanity and justice made him hope that the P^n- glish general would deliver over to him the author of the crime Asgil was con- demned to exj^iate. Sir Henry Clinton, either ill advised or insensible to the fate of young Asgill, persisted in refusing to deliver up the barbarous Lippencott. In vain the King of England, at whose feet the unfortunate family fell down, had given orders to su' render up to the Ameri- cans the author of a crime which dishon- ored the English nation : George the 3d, was not obeyed. In vain the State of Holland entreated the United States of America the p.rdon of the unhappy As- gill. The gibbet, erected in front of his prison, did not cease to offer to his for you in the heart of transport, as it was in the, bit- terness of my anguish. My gratitude has been soothed by the energy it has been offered with. It has ascended to the throne of mercy and is, f trust, accepted. Unfit as 1 am, lor nothing but suscei)tibil- ity so awakened as mine could enable me to write; and exhaust<-d by too loni; anx- iety ; confined at this time to a bed of .sickness and !Mn<_'uor — vet T fould not suffer .another interval to pass, without this weak efrbrt. Let it convey to you sir. the most heartfelt gratitude of my husband and dav.ghters. You have the resjject and esteem of all Europe, as an honor to your country and to human nature, and the most zealous friendship of, my dear and worthy Major Gordon, Your affectionate and obliged servant, Theresa Asoill. The fate of Captain Asgill, while it was suspended in doubt, " tilled the public i;)rints all over Europe witn anxious wishes for his release ;" and in the year 1785, when the excitement of a former period had subsided, the story of this intenaed reprisal was made the groundwork of a tragic drama by the celebrated French writer, M. de Sauvigny ; while in Ander- son's History of the American War, pub lished immediately after the peace, the author has deemed the incidents so mem- orable, that lie has given a portrait of the young Asgill in the costume of the day. While Captain Asgill's fatewa.s in doubt, the Britisli instituted acourtmarti.il to try Captain Lippencott, who was sui)pose(l to be the principal agent in the murder of liuddy. It will be seen, by extracts from the evidence of witnesses, hereafter given, that Governor Franklin, the President of the Board of Associated Royalists, gave veibal orders for the execution of Huddy, and that he afterwaids basely endeavored to throw the whole blanip on Lippencott. When Franklin gave the verbal or 'I [.\IK8 IN OLD MONMOUTH. of Old Monmouth during the war, and of Captain Huddy's services and sacrifices tiiHt it is well worth perusal and preserva- tion, and we tlierefore append so much of it as has not a' ready been quoted. REPORT ADOPTED BY CONGRESS, IN RELATION TO PETITION OF MARTHA PIATT. Huddy's services appreciated by Congress — Graphic picture of affairs in Old Mon- mouth ; — Is the nation grateful ? — Elo- quent ext'acts. Tlie memorialist is the only surviving daughter of Captain Jushua Huddy of New Jersey, who was a soldier of the war of the revolution. Her father in 1776, was an officer in the militia of his native state, and in the autumn of 1777, was ap pointed by the Legislature to command a company of artillery, wlio were enlisted for twelve months. In 1779. he was en- gaged in the same duty ; and in 1781, the people of Monmouth Couiity, having le- oommeded him for the {)urpo.'e, he was se- lected to command the post at Toms Riv- er. While gallantly defedi.ing himself against a superior force, he was there taken prisoner in 1782. and reserved for an ign minious death on the scaffold. Tlie tours of duty thus detuiled, aro ex tracted trom ofiici 1 records, as will ap- pear by papfern attached to this report; but the histoiy of the whole war 'n that region, if it sliould be minutely described, was a series of bold and haziudous efforts to sustain the cause of liberty ; in all which Capt. Huddy was eminently con- spicuous. Brave, patriotic and persever- ing, he perilled liis propel ty and his life for his country, and at last perished in her defence. Perhaps the annals of ihe civilized world do not present a more melancholy spectacle than was exhibited in. New .Jer- sey, while the British array, occupied tiie city of New York. The people were all a arms, their substance wasted by the enemy, their farms unfilled their families, dispers- • ed. In iiddition to the constant and har- assing inroads of the Tiritisii, there was a fhe within her very borders more watch- ful and more relentless than the common enemy. Traitors to American liberty filled tlie land, willing to sacrifice their former friends to gratify their malignant passions, or to i)rove their loyalty to their King. — These men combined together for the avowed object of murder and plunder, | were to be met at all points ; and it re- quired the titmost energy, activity and ad- dress to oppose them. Their movements were sudden, and from their intimate knowledge of the country their march was often unknown until their object had been effected. Hence, the most untiring vigi- lance was required to counteract their plans ; and Ccipt. Huddy became so zeal- ously engaged as a partizan leader, that he was more obnoxious to the tories that any individual in the American service. To tliese de.^perate men, it was then all im- portant that one whcwii they so much dreaded should be deprived of power toop- pose them and no means were left unat- tempted to effect their purDose. (The report her^ proceeds to give an account of Capt. Huddy's capture, impris- onment and execution, which we have given elsewhere, after which it says: ) The documents which the committee have annexed to the report, minutely de- scribe the horrid tragedy, and they for- bear to sta e here the incidents which are there recorded in the language of eye wit nesses. riiere is sometlimg so revolting in the mode a brave soldier was doomed to die: something sofiendlikein the haste to saci ifice Iiiiu without tlie parting fare- well of Ids friends and the consolations of religion that no age hovvever barbarous can furnish a stronger 'nslance of refined, deliberate cruelty. Yet, even here, th? devoted sulfeier sustained his high ret u- tatioii for moral firmness and heroic devo- tion to liberty. Mr. Randolph testifies tlint when the refugees were taking the irons fiom Capt. Huddy, to conduct liim to the gallows, the brave man saielf for whatever result might occur ; bus when she found that she was left desoeate and the father of her children '• had been cruelly and wantonly murdered, she thenceforward lived but for them. — ' These orphans after the return of peace ] were married : one of them with her mother is dead ; the survivor, who is the memorialist, at the advanced age of seven I ty years, now resides in the west and asks, ere she joins those who have already de- parted, that the sufferings of her lathei might be remembered and tiis services, ] even at this late day, requited by some token of national gratitude. As Captain Huddy was not in the regu- lar army there is no one of the resolutions of the old Congress that would include i ^his case, were it a claim for military ser- ', vice merely. But when it ,is considered that he was actively engaged from 1776 until 1782 in a most hazardous and import- ant dutj', at a time when ordinary zeal would have become cold and ordinary courage crushed, when they regard hisex- j pose, his position and his untimely death, ! the committee can not but conclude that I the spirit of these resolutions should be extended to your memorialist; and if there is such an attribute as national grati- tude, it should now be exerted. -, The committee report the following res- olutions for the consideration of the House : Resolved, That the Congress of the Unit- ed States hold in high estimation and grateful remembrance the servi(!e of Cap- tain -Joshua Huddy, of New Jersey, in the war of the revolution, and unites in the opinion of the Continental Congress of 1782, that he was wantonly and inhuman- ly sacrificed by the enemy while in the heroic discharge of his duty. Besolved, That in consideration of the services rendered to his country by Cap- t.iin Joshua Huddy, and in the perfor- mance of which he was taken prisoner 90 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. and afteawards executed for no other crime than his devotion to liberty, it is tlie duty of Congress to appropriate to liis children tiie same sums they woul i havt- received liad their hither been a conlinen- t il officer and had continued in llje service until ilie close of the war ; and the wii.-le henetit of ttie I'esoluiions ot 8ept» mber 19ih, 1777, and August 24ih, 1780, be ex- tended to them. To carry which resolutions into effect, your cominitlee report a bill. (The substance of this bill has already been given.) CAPTAIN ASGILL AND HI^ COM- PANIOJNS. Humorous Account of a Serious Affair. In speaking of casting lots among | British officers for the puipose o\' retail i- j lion for tije murder of Captain .Joshua ! Huildy, extracts were quoted from British writers who enUeavorfd to make i i authors of that celebiated woi k "Reject- ed Address." Smith o.ca&iunally used lo visit CoU)nel Greville, once a somewhat noted ciiaracter in connection vvitli several literary journals. Un one visit the Colonel related ihe particulars ot what he term>-d the most curious circumstance of .lis life. He was taken prisoner iluiing the Ameri- can Kevoluiion along with three other officers of the same rank ; one evening they were summoned into the presence of General Washington, who announced to them that the conduct of the British gov- ernment in cotniemning one of his officers (Cap'ain Hufldy) to death a- a rebel lom- pelled him to make reprisals; ami that much to his regiet he was unuer the ne- neftsity oliequiring them to east lots with- out delay, to decide which of them should be hanged. They were then bowed out and retuintd to their quarters. P'our sliji!- of paper weie put into a hat and the short- est was drawn by Captain Asgill. who ex- claimed " 1 knew how ii would be, 1 never won so much as a hit at backgiimmon in my life." Greville said he then was se- lected to set uv) with Captain A.-gill, under pretext of cnmpani(.)nship, but in reality to prevent Asgiil trom escaping and leav- ing the honor of being har.g d lo be set- tleuming.a vanely ol chiraciei's. — i t>y turns he was a sailor, a merchant, a \ lawjer, a doctor, a preaciier, and su.-tained eacli cha act< r in such a way for a lime as to impose on the uublio. I'he late Jmlge Richaid S. Field, in a p.ii>er e id before t e N, J. Hisioii ai Soc.ety m 1851, re viewing the reports of this remaiKable irial, furnishetl qu te a list of tne misueeils this villian. , By far the most bill iant of all Tom Bell'o achievements v as unquestionably 1 hat out of which grew the indicimiiil of Rev. William Tennen! for peijury. 1 1 so happened that Bell oore a striking le- seinulance to the Rev. Mr. Rowland, a populai- jiieaiher (t the day, and a triend and as-ociate of Whu field anil the Teii- neiits. OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 91 One fvt'iiinfr B.Il made hi- (ippearaiice i at a tavern in P iiu-elon (lri's^e one accosted liim as [ the liev. Mr. Rowland and invited him to Ills h use. Bell assured Inm that lie was mistaken — thai his name was 'not Row- land. Mr. Stockton acknowledj^ed ids t-rrorand told him it pr ceedetl from the verv close resenddance he hope to that genlUman. This link was enough for Tom Bell. It at once occurred to him that here was a chance for phiying one of his tricks. The Vf^rv next day he went into wli;it was then the county of IJ ufiterdon and stopped at a place where tlie Rev. Mr. Rowianelf as Mr. Row'and, was invited to the liouse i>\ ageiulcman in tlu neighlior hood, and asked to preach on the fl low- ing Sabhath. Fie coi .-enled to do so. and notice to that ettect was accordlngis giv- ii. When the day arrived lie acjompanied tlie laihes to church in ih»^ faniiy wa<.on while the master rode alongside, on a very fine hoise. A* they app -ouclie i the chur.h, Bell suddenly discovered that he had leli his notes benird him and propo ed riding back after them on the fine h rse. i his was at once agreei tlie assemided con-rt-g ition to wonder wiia' had become of the Rev. Mr. Rowland. We UKiy imagine the sati-f iction which Bell must have derived from this exploii. Mr. Rowland was a noted pre ^cher ol great punjzeniiy aiid pov\er, and thundered the ttiiorsol the law again.-t ail iaipHiiilent sinners. He wis caileil by the pro'essed vvi s of the day '* JJel/ Fire liowlaiuW He was literally a. tt-rior to evil doeis, and therefore it may be [(resumed an object of peculiar aveision to Tom liell. The idea ilit-n of bringing such a man into disgracf and at the .-■ame tune of pursuing his fa- vorite occupation must have been doubly pb-asing to him. Rfv. Mr. Kowiuiid was at this tim^ ab- sent Irom New Jersey. He had gone for t he purpose ot preaching in Pennsylvania oi- Mary hind in company vvitli Rev. Wm. Teiinent and two pious laymen of the county of Hunterdon by the names of Jushu.i Andt r-on and Bt-nj''min Stevens, membei's of a church coniigujus to the one at whicliTotnBell proposed to officiate. As soon as they returneon the charjie of having swo-n falsely upon the trial of Mr. Row- land, and indictments were found against each of them for peijuiy. 'Iluse indict- ments were all removed to the .Su{)ren)p Court. Anderson, conscious of his inno- ct nee and unvviliing to be under tiie im- putation of such a Clime, den)anded his trial at the next term of Oyer and 'iVinii- ner. What evidence he offered in his de- fence does not appear, but he was con- victed and condemned to stand one hour on the Court House steps with a paper on his breast whereon was written in large letters, " This is for loilful and corrupt per- jury."' Thetiials ofTennent and Sttn'ens were postponed. Ttnnent, we are told, being entirely un- used to legal matters and knowing no per- son by whom he could i»rove his inno- cence, had no other resource but to sub- mit himself to Divine will, and thinking it not unlikely that he might be convicted, had prepared a sermon to preach from the pillory. True he employed Mr. John Coxe, an eminent lawyer of the Province to assist, and when he arrived at Trentftn he found that William Smith one of the most distinguished members of the New York bar, who had voluntarily attended on his belialf ; and Mr. Tennent's brother Gilbert who was then pastor, of a church in Philadelphia, had brought with him Mr. .lohn Kinsey, an eminent lawyer of that city, to aid in his defence. But what could they do without evidence? When Mr. Teiinent was desired by his counsel to call on his witnesses that they might examine them before going into Cour(, he declared he knew no witnesses but God and his conscience. His counsel assured him, that however well founded this confidence might be, and however important before a ln-avenly tribunal, it would not avail him in an earthly court. And they therefore urged thai an application should be madf to postpone the trial. But this he would by no means consent to. They then in- formed him they had discovered a flaw in the indictment and proposed that advan- tage should be taken of it. (Mr. Stevens took advantage of this flaw and was clear ed ) Mr. Tennent resisted with great ve- hemence sf.ying it was another snare of the devil, and before he would consent to it he would suffer death. In the mean- time the bell summoned them to theCourt. While on the way to the Court House Mr. Tennent is said to have met a man and his wife who stopped and asked if his name was Tennent. He said it was and begged to know if they had any business wiih him. They replied '' You know best." They then ini'ormed him that they re- sided in a certain j/lace in Pennsylvania or Maryland, and that upon one occasion he in company witti Itowland, Anderson and Stevens, had lodged at their house: that on the following day they had heard him and fiowland preach : that some nights before they lelt home, they had each of them dreamed that Mr. Tennent was at Tienlon in the greatest possilile distress, and that it was in theii power, and in theirs alone to relieve him ; tnat ihis dream was twice repealed and in preci-ely the same manner to each of them, and that it made so derp an impression o i their minds that they had at once set off upon a journey to Trenton, and were there to know of him what thev were to do. Mr. Tennent hand- ed them over to his counsel, who to their astonishment found that their testimony was entirely satisfactory. Soon after, Mr. .lolin Stockton, who mistook Tom Bell for Rev. Mr. Rowland, a!f.o appeared and was examined as a witness for Mr. 'fennent. In short the evidence was so clear and con- clusive, that notwithstanding the most strenuous exertion of the Attorney Gen- eral to procure a conviction, the jury with- out hesitation acquitted Mr. Tennent. MEMBERS OF THE NEW JERSEY PROVINCIAF. ASSE.MBLY FliO.M MONMOUTH COUNTY. Fkom their First Session began November 10th, 1703, AT Perth Ambov, to the Revolution. In the list of members of the Assembly, or " fiouse of Representatives of the Prpv- ince of Nova Cesarea or New .Jersey," from 1703 to 1709, during which time there were four sessions, the names of the coun- ties to which they severally belonged are not given. The records simply mention that they are from East or West Jersey as the case may be. Among the members from East Jersey it is probable that the following are from Monmouth County : 1st Assenilily, 1703, Obndiuh Bowiic, Uich'il Uartshorne, n .„^, j Ricliurd Iliirtsl'orne. .lolin Bowne. '^" ^'"*'1 Iliclinnl Salter, OI>adiiiIi Bowne. ,_-,_ J .John BowiiC, William Lawrence, •*•' ' '^"''tLH wis Morris. 4tli " 1708-9, Gorshom Mott, Rlislia Lawrence. OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 93 Tm- lAftjerithisi'Sessi'Oia' th^ nana^sn of. the counties to ^^hicb the imembers belonged' are. giveui. ; 5tb AiseniWy, 1709. Elieh V740, John Eaton, Cornelius Vandervtre. 13tlii ' .!!',..ii')17.43, John Entou, Robert Lawrence.; 14th " " 1744, Joliii Eaton, K^-'liert Lawrence. 15tli' ' ' '• ' ' ' iVUS, John Eaton, Rol.ei-t Lawrenfe."'-" '"' lekhii' '.' Mnl746, John Katon, Robert LnwroBcei> ^f/i 17th '.' \ ,|, 1749, John Eaton, Robert Lawrence. 18th' ," ' 't751, Robert Lawrence, James Holmes. ., 19th' i *' i!l I1764, Robert Lawrence, Jamos Ilohhes.' ' 20^h " 1761, James Holmef,* lUcharu Lawrence. 21st " 1769, Robert IIartsli..rne, Edward Taylor. 23d " 1772, Ed-ward Taylor Richard Lawrence. Robert Lawrence was speaker of the As- sembly in 1746-7, and again fr6m 1754- 1758. . . I'll! ,r.nirunfy by a meeting held at Freehold C'pMilt, House, Juiy 19th, viz: iijil Edward Taylor, John Anderson, John Taylor. ' James Grover, John Lawrence, Dr. Nath'l Scudder. .Fohn Burrowes, Joseph Holmes, .Josiali Holmes ' Edward Williams. Edward Tsykr was appointed chairman of thf delegation. Tlje Provincial Con- gress elected feiephen Crane, of Essex, Cliairman, and Jonathian D. Sargent, of Somerset, clerk. . Resolutions were passed similar in charactei' to those adopted by the Monmoutii meeting, recently publish- ed. * James Holmes died and! Johni-.iAiirjdjer soDi was chosen in his planeaioo oi miinAl ii'Mi' — »_i_^;.>'('i 'If) *'i-^iiFiH>l')i WASHINGTON AND LEE 1t' l"UE' • ■ BATTLE O'f MONMOUlii, '' ' ' ■ :■.; ■ ■■. , ; ■ • , : . ■ : ! ., i ^ • / i" • 1 1; >i: (ill In the^bstttle of 'MoriWtiuV'h^hWn Ma'- jor General Charles' Lee' htld v^i'jf ' h'^arfy lost the dAy by ordering a retreat, it is' Ve lated by Irving 'that WfishiiVgtbn '" gal loped forward to stop the retreat, his in- dignation kindling as l)e rode." "The commander-in-chief soon encounterediLae apjiroaching with the body of his? com- mand in full retreat." "By this time" says Irving he was thoroughly exaspera- ted. " What is the meaning of this sir? ' de»d manded he, in the st(rne.st and evefa fiercest tone as Lee rode up to him. Le¥, stung by the manner more than by the > words of demand, made an angry reply and provoked still sharper expressions which;- are variously vepoited., 7/ ./:!.' The "yariotisly reported " expressions are the swearing, iqoncerning' the quality of 'which all the great historians inclu- , di^^gjlryingare^ilept^,.^ l,o)i;r.q...x-. oa e-i^v/ Oil ^;d iwii^T LA'FkYiiTTE sAli) ^'c^^' ■/"•"''* sJfl I iioioi / n; . ,11 : - , , , '^.1 i;; J'ffj. •I'^l! B^t, -t^e, Marquis. deLafayettej/VYh,en.j;ej;.'^ latjng .the circumstance toGovernor Tom.p-v kins, Qf New York, in 1824, said that ' thi§. , wap., th,e only Vme .1 ,(jver , hieiud Genej:;.^!,, Ws^ghingtoj); 3wea^', . Hie called Lee a,; dqrr).7ied .pclffocm, and ;;W^as. in ft towering, rf:ge. AiPPthpr w'itDes>|Said that Washiog-ij ton. cried to Lj^e "in tj^ie devil's namj}, s^ij, j go. back, to tl^e, front, or go to hell.'j j , ; ,,, , ,,., '1 '^ A' 'Profane ViiiGiNrAiN's VfiHsiioj^. "''' '•'' ■(;').-, iiii,- l.i'ii ■'; /■-■-■;■;; ; /:MI jji'VrtC'jl'. The late Gen^riil Charles Scott., of TJ?;v , ginia, wlio had himself a most inveterate habit of swearing, being asked, after the Revolutionary war, whether it was possi- ble that thebe.lojvedi and admired Wash- ington 6ver;8w'(brb^ii;eiplied ih ihifi; dhiinitJa-!;! lalewaiy;: -..V/ h-a-i..-.' - i ' - !■ ;•.,l■ ^' Yes sir, he did.once. It was at Mon- mouth and on a dayr that • would luive made;any man swear.' Yes sir, he svRore that day Till the leaves shook in the trees^u charming, delightful. Never have I enjoyed such '.sweaiing. befoi*e or since. Sir, on:. that memorable, day l^e s,wore,'Jikeian.aHriJ gel from heaven. I" .;, ,iij i. : ■ i •1 ':'.■,- 1'*/ The foregoing would seem to . justifjfi! General Lee's statement on his Court Marl"; tial trial, that he was ," discQccerted, ast.j tonished and confounded','; b.y . IW asjbttingr, , ton's.^ordiS^eaid manner; ,;■ -ili 1:^ lijuri I ^' '^#^^MV'-'Atichtri},t'6'i-!'rii^^]«MVi'f •'"'/' , - fno>; :.'(!!■,: .1 ^-iil; ■.'■, -.: 'iini.siis 'jill ' -Says Weems, in his life of Washington;;// ■" As' Washington was advancing, to hja- infijiitte aStOnisliment he met L«e retreaW/ ing »n\ I } Fov; God's sake,, General Z^ee,' Baid Wash-J ingtoij, in gveAt warmth, Myhat ip tiie;; ca\i;se of this ill tiniQd prujJence?' j "kIi. ' No' man sir,' replied Lee, ' Oan boastj.Ari larj^f r poj'tion of tha.t rascaillyi virtue ftfcan-; your Excellency. f ;;: ; il • 1 ir- f, ,;!,[--)'i J D/trtiflg a,lGngf]jJing up to him, with astonishment asked "What is the meaning of this?" Lee being some- what confused and not distinctly under- standing the question, replied : '' Sir ! sir !" Washington the second time said "What IS all that confusion for and retreat?" — Lee replied " He saw no confusion but arose from his orders -not being properly obeyed." Washington mentioned that " he had certain information that it was but a strong covering party of the enemy." Lee replied that " It might be .so, but they were rather stronger tlian he was and that lie did rot think it proper lo risk so piMohi " or word- to that (^H'ect. W^'sll1^g- ton said " You should not have underta- ken it," and passed by him. Shortly after Wa:shington again met him and asked " if he would take command there ; if not, he (Washington) would; if General Lee would take command there, he would re- turn to the main army and arrange it." — Lee replied that *' nis Exellency had be- fore given him the command there." — Washington told him he expected he would take proper measures for checking the enemy there. Lee replied that iiis or- ders should be obeyed and that he would not be the first to leave the field ; and Washington then rode away. Immediate ly after this General Hamilton, in a great heat, rode up to Lee and said " I will stay here with you, my dear General, and die with you; let us all die here rather than retreat.'' Other Historians. Marshall, Bancroft and Sparks in their lives of Washington merely s'ate in sub- stance that " Washington spoke in ternis of warmth, implying disippiobation of Lee's conduct." Mr. George H. Moore, librarian of the New York Historical Society published in 1860 a small volume entitled •' The Trea- son of Charles Lee, &c " which gives some important facts in General Lee's career to which we shall endeavor to refer hereaft- er, but his work sto))s snort of the battle .)f Monmoutii. Gen. Washington rarely used profane language, but. there is no doubt that he did on this occasion, being exasperated at Lee's conduct, which gave suspicion of treachery. The charge of treason against l,ee we shall endeavor to examine here- after. Our older readers remember the story of the College Divinity Professor wlio al- ways held up Washington as a model for ills })Ui)iis in all tilings. One day he was laboring to convince his scholars of- the wickedness of profanity when one ot them loseuD and said ; " Professor yi;u told us to take Washington as an example in all things and you know he swore terribly at the battle of Monmouth." The Professor WIS nonplussed, but finally stammered '• Ahem? ah, well — if ever any body did liave an excuse for swearing it was Wash- ineton at the battle of Monmouth ! General Lee's Own Version. General Lee, in his defence before the ('curt Martial, said : " When I arrived first in hi-; (Washing- ton's) ijr^^seuce, oonsoiou-^ (•(' having doiie OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 95 nothing which could draw ®n me the least censure, but rather flattering myself with his congratulation and applause. I confess J was disconcerted, astonished and con founded by the words and manner in which bis Exellency accosted me. It was so novel and unexpected from a man whose discretion, humanity and decorum I had from the first of our acquaintance stood in admirauon of, that I was for some time unable to make any coherent answer to questions so abrupt and in agreat meas- ure unintelligible. The terms I think were these: ' I desire to know, sir, what is the reason wiience arises this disorder and confusion V" The manner in which he expre.'sed them was much stronger und more severe than the expressioiis them- selves. When I recovered myself sufS- ciently I answered that I saw or knew of no confusion but which naturally arose from disobedience of orders, contradictory intelligence and the impertinence and pre- suni]»tion of individuals who were invest- ed with no authority, intruding themselves in matters above their sphere ; That the re- treat in the first instance uas contrary to my or- ders and wishes. Washington replied all this might be true but he ought not have undertaken the enterprise unless he intended to go through with it." EPLSCOPALlANlfsM IN OLD MON- MOUTH. Freehold. Middletown, Shrewsbury, Staf ford, &c. Missionary Efforts from 1745 to to 1751. Freehold Presbyterians and Episcopalians — Strife in Good Works. — Heathens (?) in the Pines. Rogerine Baptists, &.G. The following account of the missionary efforts of Rev. Thomas Thompson in old Monmouth, some cenliuy and a quarter ago is worthy of preservation by all inter- ested in the early religious history of the county. We have seen it stated that but two copies of Mr. Thompson's work were to be found in America, one in the Con- necticut Historical library and the other in the Astor library at New York. In our visits to the latter library in past years we have been surprised to see the value pi .ced upon this little old fashioned book by peo- ple versed in the history of olden times in Ameiica, and it is almost as well known among them as Gabriel Thomas' History of West Jersey, &c., published 1698, of which the only known copy of the original edition is in the Franklin Library, Phila- delphia, a copy of which we hope to find room for, before concluding these sketches. Lately another copy of Mr. Thompson's little book was discovered in an Episcopal library in South Carolina, and placed in the Congressional Library, at Washing- ton. In Mr. Thompson's account of his visit it will be noticed that he sj^eaks disparag ingly of the early settlers in the lower part of the county. His zeal for the tenets of this society by which he was employed, seems to have led him to make animadver- sions against the people there, which it would appear were not entirely deserved according to the testimony of ministers of other denominations, which we may give hereafter in sketches of the early history of other societies. It will be noticed that while he accuses them of great ignorance, yet he acknowledges having many con- ferences and disputes on religious topics with them, which shows that they were considerably posted in scriptural matters, but undoubtedly opposed to the Church of England. Mr, Thompson's little work gives an ac- count of his visi*^ to Monmouth and also to Africa. We give all that relates to Old Monmouth. His remarks about heathen- ism in the pines is rather severe, when it is remembered that it was made after his visit to the negroes in Guinea, Africa. The society he terms "Culvers" were Rogerine Baptists, who were located some eleven years at Waretown, Ocean county, and then left and went to Schooley's Moun- tains. An Account of the Missionarv Voyages by the Appointment of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. The one to New Jersey in North America, and then from Amer ica, to the coast of Guiney. By Rev. Thomas Thompson, A. M., Vicar OF Reculver, in Kent. London ; printed for Benj. Dod at the Bible and Key, in Ave Mary* Lane, near St. Pauls. MDCCLVIII. In the spring ot the year 1745 I embarked for America, being appointed Missionary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts upon recommen- dation of my Reverend Tutor Dr. Thomas Cartwright, late Archdeacon of Colchester 96 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. and a member of the Society, myself then a Fellow of Christ's College Cambridge. I went in a ship called the Albany, belong- ing to New York which sailed from Graves- end on the 8th day of May and providen- tially escaping some inst'^nt dangers on the passage, arrived at New York on the 29th of August. The Sunday following I preach- ed both Morning and Afternoon at the Episcopal Church in that citv. whereof the Eeverend Mr. Commissary Vesey had then been rector more than forty years. On the next Sunday I passed over to Elizabeth- town in New Jersey on piy journey to Monmouth County in the Eastern Division where I was appointed to reside and have the care of Churches in that county, being also licensed thereto by the Right Rev- erend the late Lord Bishop of London. Being come to the place of my mission I presented my credentials and was kindly received and took the first opportunity of waiting upon the governor Lewis Morris Esq., at his seat at Kingsburg wiiich is in the Western Division, and took the oath of allegiance and supremacy and also the abjuration oath and subscribed the Declara- tion in presence of his Excellency. Upon making inquiry into the state of the churches within my District. 1 found that the members were much disturbed and in a very unsettled state, insomuch, that some of them had thoughts of leaving our communion and turning to the Dis senters. The particular occasion of ttiis I forbear to mention. As I came to gather more information, it presented to me, that many of those who frequented the Church worship never had been baptized ; .some heads of families and several others of adult age, besides a num- ber of young children and Infants. 1 perceived that it was not altogether neglect, but there was something of princi pie in the cause, that so many persons had not received the sacred ordinance of bap tism and others did not procure it to their ciiildren. That part of the country abound- ing in Quakers and Anabaptists, tlie inter- course with these sects was of so bad in- fluence, as had produced among tlie Church people thus conforming with their teiiets and example. However the main fault was rather carelessness of the baptism and a great deal was owing to prejudice res- pecting the matter of god fathers and god mothers. I seriously declare that the reconciling this order of the Church to the minds of people in the American colonies, is of more difficulty and trouble to the Missionary than almost all their work and business besides. And I am well assured that many nf the Sectaries dislike nothing in the Church so ciuch as that; and some I am apt to think, do stand out from our Com- munion purely upon that account and for no other reairon. I had many tedious arguments with my people upon this head. I also made it the subject of some of my discourses in the pulpit, till by one means or other, I nt length brought them to a better under- standing thereof and to be in a good de- gree satiii-fied with it. After sometime they began to bring their children to Baptism, and when some had led the way, the rest followed, and pre- sen ted those of their children which were under years of maturity, to be received in- to the Church and I christened thirteen in one day. After this it went on regular- ly. Parents had their children baptized as soon after they were born as conveniently could be done and one whole family, the man (whose name was Joseph West) his wife and nine children were baptized all at one time. By frequent exhortations to the elder sort c.nd often calling upon them to con- sider how they deferred a thing of that consequence to their salvation. I prtvail- ed with many to take upon themselves the baptismal engagement, to whom 1 gave all necessary instiuction both to inform their understanding and prepare their minds thereto. The Churches which 1 served were well filled every Sunday and divers families that lived out of the county came to 3ivine service from several miles distance and were very constant devout attendants. — Besides these some of the Dutch Church often made a considerable addition to the number of my hearers. I had three churches immediately in my charge, each of them situated in a ditl'er- ent township, which had regular duty in such proportion as were agreed upon and subscribed to at a general vestry meeting soon after my coming there. The names of the townships ai'e F'reehold, Shrewsbury and Middletown. I also officiated at Allen- town in Upper Freehold while that church was destitute of a minister, which was af- terwards supplied by Mr. Michael lloudin, a convert from the Church of Rome, and a worthy clergyman, now the Society's missionary. Tluse four townships com prised the whole county althcntgli 40 or 50 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH, 97 miles in length and in some parts of it con- siderably wide. 1 also did occasional duty at other places as will be farther men- tioned. 'iliis mission to Monmouth County had been very eaily recommended to the So ciety but was not presently established. Dr. Humphrey's in his Historical account makes mention '' that Colonel Morris, a genllemaii of character and considerable interest in New J(rsey (the same who was afterwards governor of the province) did in a letter in the year 1703 very earnestly solicit Dr. Beveridge (late Bishop of St. Asaph, a member of the Society) to send a missionary to Mun mouth county in East •Jersey where a considerable body of ( hurch people had formed themselves into a gath ered church and had promisea all the belp their narrow circumstances could afford their minister. The Society were noi then able to support a missionary there, but the Reverend Alexander Innis, hapjiening to be in those parts took the care of that peo- ple upon him. After a worLiiy discharge of his functions he died ;" and by his last will and testament appointed ten acres oi land lying in Middletown to the service of God, whicli is the ground whereon the church now stands. Since that Mr. Wil- liam Leeds became a benefactor to the church by making over his house and plan- tation to the society for the use and habi- tation of a missijuarv to be appointed to preach the gospel to the inhabitants of Middletown and Shrewsbury. As to the church buildings I have found them all much out of condition, especially the church at Middletown, which was be- gun to be built, but the year before I came there, and had nothing done on the inside, not even a floor laid. So that we had no place for the present to assemble in Divine worship, only an old house which had formerly been a meeting house I had now a great and very diflBoult task of it to bring people to the communion. They that were conformable to this sacred ordinance were in very small numbers. Many persons of 50 or 60 years of age and .someolder had never addressed themselves to it. In this case it appeared to me that their will was less in fault than their judg- ment, which hung so much on the side of fear, that it overbalanced the sense of du- ty. 1 took all possible pains to satisfy their scruples, gave them frequent opportiini- ties of the communion, ami by the blessing of God gained most of the ancient people, besides many others, who gave due and de- vout attention to it ever after. That i might lay a good foundation for the children and build them up in sound christian principles I began to catechize ; at first onlv asking questions in the Church catechism, but after a while I changed the method with them, so as still to keep the words of the catechism but raised other questions to the several clauses and mat- ters contained therein to trv what they un- derstood of it ; and by this means led them further into the sense and meaning of every part of it. The number of my catechumens began now to increase and several of riper years presented themse'lves with a teeming ear- nestness to receive the benefit of this in- struction. So I carried it further and put Lewis' Exposition into their hands and ap- pointed them a day about once a month to come to the Court House and say the parts which I Set them to get by heart, and this course I continued till some of them could recite it from end to end. There were others willing and desirous to be put forward in the way of godly, knowledge who had not so good memories. To these 1 propounded two or three ques- tions at a time upon some point of doc trine which ihey were to prepare them- selves to answer the next meeting and to have the Scripture proofs written down to be then also produced. To this they ap- 23lied themselves with great industry and gave extraordinarv instances of their good understanding as well as diligence. When the others had no more of Lewis's catechism to learn 1 made them repeat the Thirty Nine Articles of religion and then taught them to divide these into questions and answers, and they gave me in month- ly the texts they had collected in proof of them. In the interim I was not unconcerned for the poor negroes who wanted enlight- ening more than any, and therefore sjjake to their Masters and Mistresses to be at the pains to teach them the Catechism. And thus was taken good care of in some pious families and I catechized them in the Church a certain Sunday, and sometimes at home and after due instruction, those whom I had good assurance of I received to baptism, and such afterwards as be- haved well I admitted to the communion. Speaking here of negroes I will mention the case of one in whom it pleased God to give an example of his influencing favor under circumstances of a condemned crim- 98 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. inal. This man was a servant at a place called Crosswicks, to a Quaker and had been convicted of a rape. He after his ap- prehension, and also at his trial did seem to be a very hardened wretch. According to the strictness of the laws, a negro is to be executed immediately after sentence; but the Judges were pleased to be so far favorable as to allow him the space of a fortnight to be prepared for death ; which Christian indulgence gave me an opportu- nity to perform those offices to him which by the blessing of God and with the assist- ance of a neighboring clergyman, worked upon him by degrees, and at length brought him to a true repentance. For some time he held in a very obstinate temper, but when it begun that I could get anything from him, I found he was not wholly ig- norant in the principles of Christianity ; and as he became more disposed to seri- ousness, bis readiness of apprehension and ajitness to learn made it easy to supply to him the further knowledge of religion, which, if he had considered sooner, might have prevented his coming to that untime- ly end. (^ne particular in my dealing with him I shall speak of, as it may suggest a useful hint to those whose office may call them upon a like occasion and which prac- tice I can from other experience recom- mend. I took out of the Psalms such verses as are proper to a penitent sinner; which I made him repeat verse by verse after me, every now and then bidding him raise up his mind and thoughts to Heaven and con- sider that Ne was speaking to Almighty God. By this means putting the best words of devotioiv into his mouth, the most per- tinent to his use; also holding up his at- tention ; calling him to awe and reverence the poo»" criminal was drawn out into a sort of involuntary confession of his guilt and the sense of his soul soon correspond- ed with what his tongue uttered and he felt in himself, those affections which worked duly and properly after they had thus been excited. Being thorousihly in- structed and grounded in tbe christian faith and there being no room to doubt the sincerity of his repentance, tlu'ee days be- fore his execution 1 baptized him and on that day gave him the communion. In the year 1746 tbe Churcii at Middle- town which had stood useless, being, as I have before mentioned, only a shell of a building, had now a floor laid and was oth- erwise made fit to have divine worship per- i'ormed in it. The congregation of this church was but small and as the service could not be nftener than once a month, it was morally impossible to increase the number much, especially as there was a weekly meeting of Anabaptists in that town, so that it was the most I covdd pro- pose to prevent those that were of the church from being drawn away by dissent- ers. After necessity had been answered its de- mand in the fitting up of one church, ex- pediency came next to be consulted for the finishing another, viz; : St. Peters in the township of Freehold, which had been built many years but was never quite com- pleted. The ground on which the church stands was the gift of one Mr. Thomas Boel, who had been a Quaker, but was brought over with many others of that per- suasion by Mr. George Keith, one of tlie Society's first Missionaries, who himself had been one of that people but became a very zealous member and diligent servant of the church and was a person well learned. After his return from abroad he had the living of Edburton in Sussex and jDublished his journal of missionary travel. The situation of St. Peteis clmrch at To poncmes, whicli is distant from any town, is however convenient enough to tlie congre- gation and WMS resorted to by mai y fami- lie? in Middlesex county living within tlie several districts of Cranberry, Machepo- neck, and South River ; their missionary, my friend and brother Mr. Skinner gladly remitting to me thecare of them, which he could not well attend to by reason of a wide and often dangerous Ferry over tlie RaritMn which divides Middlesex county. I was therefore uilling to give them idl Dossible attendance and did often meet them and baptize theii- child'-en and ap- pointed certain days to preach at ilioso places and there also catechize. At a town called Middletown Point I preached divers times, the place being re- mote and few of tlie settlers having any way for convenience of coming to church. The inhabitants of Freehold t(Mvnshii>, were at least half of them Presbyterian. Tiie church people and these interspersed among each other, had liyed less in cliarity and orotherly love than as becomes church- es. But they began on both sides to think less of the thiius in which the.' differed in opinion than of tliose in which theyagreed. And when bickering and di.'ersons preached here before Abbott's visit in 1778, viz: Captain Thomas Webb, Reverends Philip Gatch, Caleb B, Pedicord, William Watterw, .John King, Daniel Ruff and Wil- liam Duke. Rev. John Atkinson in his " Memorials of Methodism in iSew Jersey," says: " The Methodist Society of Monmouth (Freehold ?) must have been formed at an early period, probably about 1780, as in that year Job Throckmorton of Freehold Was converged under the ministry of Rev. Richard Garietson and became a member of th-d Society. He was one of the first membera in that region. The Methodists were much persecuted there at that time. His house was a home for preachers, and very likely Asbury was entertainetl at his dwelling duiinghis visits to Freehold. — Everitt, Freeborn Garretson, Ezekiel Coop- er, Ware, and others were accustomed to stop at his house. He was accustomed to relate incidents of Rev. Benjamin Abbott's powerful ministry, one of which is as fol- lows : OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 101 "On one occasion meeting was held in the woods, and after Freeborn Garretson had preached, Abbott arose and 'ooked around over the congregation very significantly, and exclaimed : " Lord, begin the work ; Lord, begin the work noic! i^ord, begin the work just there! pointing at the same time towards a man who was standing beside fi tree, and the man fell as suddenly as if he had been shot and cried aloud for mercy."' In 1786 Trenton circuil probably in- cluded Trenton, Pemberton, Mount Holly, Burlington and M'^nmouth, Reverends Robert Sparks and Kobert Cann preachers. In 1787 Rev. Ez-kiel Cooper and Rev. Na- thaniel R. Mills were the preachers. In 1788 Rev's John Merrick, Tiiomas Morrell and Jettus Johnson were the preachers. Bishop Asbury in Old Monmouth. — Ex- \ TRACTS FROM HIS JoURNAL. .September 14th 1782. I came to New Mills (now. Pemberton in Burlington coun- ty). I passed through Monmouth in Up per and Lower Fre-eiiold ; here lived that old saint of God, William Tennent, who went to his reward a few years ago. j Friday September 9tli 1785. Heard Mr. 1 VVoodhuU jJi'eacli a funeral discourse on •• Lord thou hast made my days as a hand- breadth." In my judgment he spoke 1 well. I (The Mr. Wood hull above referred to by Mr. Asbury, was probably the Rev. -John WoodhuU, I). D., who succeeded Rev. Mr. Tennent at the old Tennent Cliurch, and who died Nov. 22d, 1824, aged 80 years.) Saturday September 10th, 1785. I had liberty in preaching: to the people ol' Mon- mouth on Joshua 24-17 and felt much for the souls present. (Freehold then was often called Monmouth and Monmouth Court House.) Friday September 22nd, 1786. We dinefl at Amboy and reached Monmouth at night. September 23rd, 1786. I preaclied life and love at Leonards* The people here appear very lifeless. I had lately been much tried and much blessed. Tuesday September 26tt>, 1786. I had many to hear me at Potter's Church, but the people were insensible antl unf?elini.'. (This Potter's Cliurch was at Goodluck in Ocean County, and buili by a benevo |pnt resident of that place named Thomas Potter. Its singular history will be given in sjjeaking of the Universalists' society.) From Goodluck, Bishop Asbury pro- ceeded to Batsto, Burlington county. In October, 1790, he preached at ("rosswicks, AUentown and Cranbury. Of his next visit to this county he says : Monday September 5th, 1791. I rode through much rain to Monmouth, N, J., wbere I preached to a considerable con- gregation on " The just shall live by faith ; but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." There is some stir among the people ; at Lon^ Branch within eighteen months, as I am informed, nearly fifty souls have professed conver- sion. Sept. 6th, 1791. I found the Lord had not left himself without witnesses at Kettle Creek. Sept. 7th, 1791. AtP s Church (Pot- ter's Church?) I learn some were offended. Blessed be God, my soul was kept in great peace. From there Mr. Asbury proceeded to Little Egg Harbor, October 28th, 1795. We came to Mon- mouth ; we would have gone to Shrews- bury but time and our horses failed us. 1 learn that the ancient spirit of faith and prayer is taking place below. I was shock- ed at the brutality of some men ^vho were fighting; one gouged out the other's eye ; the father and son then both beset him again, cut oft' his ears and nose and beat him almost to death ; the father and son were tried for a breach of the peace and roundly fined ; and now the man that has lost his nose is come upon them for dam- age. I have often thought that there are some things practiced in the Jersie's which are more brutish and diabolical than in any cth-sr of the states ; there is nothing of this kind in New England ; they learn civility there at least We rode twenty miles to Em ley's Church where the great revival of religion was some years ago. I felt a little of the old good spirit there still. May 30th, 1806. I preached at Lower Freeliold. I came home with Simon Pyle. Ah ! what a death there i.s in the Leonard family. May 1st, 1806. 1 breakfasted with Throck- morton ; his loss is his gain — he has lost his birthright as a citizens of the state but he has the blessing of God on his soul Sunday April 23rd, 1809. I preached at Tuckerton ; my subject was 2 Cor. 4-2. In the afternoon I preached again. On Mod- day I preached at Waretown. I staid awhile with Samuel Brown and came to 102 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. Thomas Chnmberlain's ; I was eompellen t)y uncomfortable feeling to go to rest at six o'clock. At David WoodmanseV (Good- luck ?) on Tuesday I preached on 2nd Tim. 2—15. On Wednesday after a rain I set out for Polhemus' chapel (Polliemus Mills) where I preached. My friends were ex- ceedingly kind and T was very sicK. I rose unwell on Thursday and took medi- cine and set out foi'iSquan river. My host here, Derrick I^ongstreet, has been married twenty-four years : his wife once had twins and she has made him the father of six teen children all of whom are sound and well. I had a noble cont^regation here of women and children ; the mrn were gen- erally gone from the neighborhood, either to the waters or to work. I was seriously unwell. On Friday at Newman's at Shark river I had women not a few. I suited my subject to my hearers and preached from Luke 10. 44-42. Ah ! how many Marthas' and how few Mary*- ! In the afternoon I spoke again at P. White's. We have meet- ings twice a day and sometimes at night, and the prospects are pleasing. The weath- er is severely cold. Sunday, September 80th, 1809. At Long Branch my subject was Acts 3-26. It was given me to speak in strong words, words of God and from God At 3 o'clock I preached in the Episcopal church at Shrewsbury. I came home with John Throckmorton. Monday, May 10th 1813. 1 preached at Allentown, nearly two hours and haOi gra- cious access to God and to tiuili. We lodged with John Hughes. I am filled with God. Rev. William Mills — An Old Monmoith Preacher; a Hero of the war and a Soldier of the Cross. The following sketch of Mi'. Mills is by Rev. George A. Raybold, author of Metho- dism in We.'-t Jersey, whose ministrations in Monmouth county some forty odd years ago are so favorabh remembered by many of our older citizens. "Mr. Mills was a native of Monmouth, of Quaker descent. The fire oT i»atriotic feeling irduced him, Quaker as he was, in 1776, to enter the American army in which he became an officer. He was taken pris- onei' by the British and was st nt, ai'ter h- jjencott's at the Branch. On Sunday morn- j ing he went into a room in Mr. Lippen- I colt's to prepare for the service in the church, which was to commence at half j past ten o'clock. The congregation was then collecting and the family, thinking 1 he stayed too long in the chamber sent in to know the cause and found him fallen in a fit of apoplexy, almost deprived of sense. After a time he revived a little and on be- ing asked if they should send for medicai aid, he replied, " The Lord is the best phy- sician." At about twelve o'clock the stu por and other unfavorable .symptoms re- turned ; he lingered until about six the next morniif^' and then peacefully depart- ed for a worhl of rest. Thus suddenlv fell into tlie arms ot death anotlier faithful minister of the gospel ; a zealous, faithful and acceptable preacber; an Israelite, in- det»d, in whom there was no guile; long however has he lived in the atfectionate remembrance of the i)eople of West Jer- sey, who knew him well." OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 103 In the year 1812, the year previous to Mr. Mills being sent to preach in Freehold circuit, the number of members embraced in the charge was seven hundred and thir- ty-six. MONMOUTH COUNTY- ESTABLISHED. -WHEN OFi'lCIALS ONE HUNDRKD AND NINETY YEARS AGO. The name Monmouth was officially giv- en to the county Marcli 7th, 1683, as will be seen by the following extracts: " Att a Council! held the 7th day of the mo-1 called March 168s ***** ^' A bill sent downe from the Deputyes for devideing liie p'vince into County es read and agreed vtno." — Journal oj Proceed- ings oj Gov. d- Counci/, 1682 — 1703. The following is an extract from the bill referred to: •'At a General Assembly begun and liolden at Elizabethtown in this Province of East New Jersey, tbe first day of the Montii called Marcli Anno Domini 1682 and in the Five and Thirtieth year of the reign of King Cliailes tlie Sec^ond, over England &e, and there continueil by sev- eral adjournments thereof until the twenty eight day ot tlie said Month (if March, f<>r the public Weale of this Province was Enacted as follows: *** *** *** " IV. An Act to divide (he Province into Four Counties. — Having taken into consid- eration the necessity of dividing the Prov- ince into respective C unties lor the bet- ter governing and settling Courls in the same : — "5(; it Ei'Qcted, by this Gem-ral Assembly, ainl the Authority '.hereof, that this Piov ince be divided into fair couniies as fol- luweth : (Here loUows the bounds of Ber- gen, Essex, and Middlesex, after which the bounds of Monmouth are given as fol- lows :) '• Monmouth Counti/ to begin at the West- ward BouiKts ot Middlesex county, con taiiiing Middletown and Shrewsbury and so extend Westward, Sv)uthward, bmX Northward to ihe extream Bounds of the Pi-ovince. Provided this distinction of the Province into ( ounties, do not extend to the iiifiingemeiit of any Libei'ty in any Charter already granted." — Leaminci and Spicer. The Legal and the Historical Year — Discrepancies Explained. In the foregoing may be noticed an ap- parent discrepancy in giving the year when the act referred to was passed. — Some authorities give the date as March, 1683; the "Journal of the Proceedings of the Governor and Council of the Province of East New Jersey, from 1682 to 1703," \ gives the date as March 168|, which leaves I the general reader in doubt as to which year is meant — 16S2 or 1683; and " Learn- ing & Spicer's Grants and Concessions," published in 1752, exj^ressly snys the act I was passed in March, 1682. This appar- ent discrepancy is explained by the fact I that at that time the English legal year j commenced March 2.5lh ; hence the legal year 1682 began March 25th, 1682, and I ended March 24th, 1683. (See Leaming and Spicer, p 74 ;) and all acts passed in I 1683 previous to March 25th, would be ; dated the legal year 1682. In the Journal i of the Proceedings of the Legislature ' from 1682 to 1703, before referred to, two dates are given in such a manner that it ' would seem quite puzzling were it not for this explanation. On page 32 the date of the meeting of the Co ncil is March 24th, ! 168|. As March 25th, was Sunday the next daily session was March 26th, when the ye^r is given as 1683. \fi ancient records when a date is given with what seems a fraction at the righthand, as in the case above mentioned, 168f, the mean- ing is tliat the upper figure gives the le- gal year and the lower one the historical year. Origin of the Name of the County. The name Monmouth was given to the county throutrh the influence ot Col. Lewis Morris who at the beginning of this ses- sion (March 1st,) was said to have been •' Elected for Shrewsbury " as a De[)uty, but his place declared vacant, probably because he had been selected by the Gov- ernor as a member of the council at that time. Colonel Morris had purchased a large tract of land, in what wa- af'erwurds known as Monmouth County, October 25th, 1676, said to contain 3540 acres, whereupon he located, as described in 168t), "his iron mills, his Manors, and divers other liuildings for his servants and dependants: together with 60 or 70 ne- groes about the Mill and IIust)e held in every township the first Wednesday of every month, and to have juiisdiction for " deteimening small CJiuses and debts under foity shillings." The act establishing County Courts fix- efl the following times and places for ses- sions in Morimouth, viz : "The County of Monmouth, their ses- sions to be the fouith Tuesday in March in the public meeting house at Middle- town yearly. The fouith Tuesday in June in the public meeting house at ."Shrews- bury yearly. The fourth Tuesday in Sep- tember in tlie public meeting house at Middleiewn, and the fourth Tuesday in December in the public meeting house in .Shrewsbury." The next day after the passage of the above acts (on March 14th, 1683.) Lewis Morr's, jr., was elected by the Council •' high Sheriff for the succeeding yeare from tne 25th of this Listant Month." which he probably declined, as Richard Plartshorne was confirmed for the same office some ten days subsequently. The following were the first Justices of the Peace apjtointed for Monmouth Coun- ty (March 24th, 1683), viz: (by virtue of being a member of the Coun- cil) and John Bowne. During the same> session (March, 1683), the following persons were authorized " to make and settle highways, ))assages, land- ings, bridges and ferries" in the county, viz : The .Surveyor-General .Samuel Groome, Col. Lewis Morris, Capt. John Bound, Richard Hartshoino, John Hance, Joseph Parker, Lewis Morris, jun. Among the members of "The General Assembly of the Pi'ovince of East New- Jersey" which met at Elizabethtown Marcli 1st, 1683, were, from Monmouth, Colonel Lewis Morris of the Council, and Richard Hartshoine, lolin Bowne, Joseph Parker and John ILince, Deputies. When Monmouth County was establish- ed its i)opulation was supposed to be be- tween nine hundred and one thousand. — .Secretary Nicholls (of N. Y.) estimated the po])ulation in 1682 of .Shrewsbury at four hundred inhabitants ; and Middle- town one hundred families whicli woidd probably be al)out five hundreil inhabi- tan ts. OLD TIMKS IN OLD MONMOUTH. 105 An Act for the Militia — First Offi- cers IN Monmouth. An act with the above title was passed De-cember 1st, 1683, and December 3d it was ordered for the better settling and ex- ercise of the Militia under its provisions •'that there bee one Major, and so many Capiaines Com'issionated in each County as there be inhabitants to make up Cora panyes." For the County of Monmouth Captain John Bound was commissioned MHJor, and for Middletown James Grover Lieutenant, Safety Grover Ensign. For Shrewsbury, John Slocomb Ciiptain, Geo. Stowlett Lieutenant, and Lewis Morris En- sign. The Act for the Militia ordered that ev- ery male person between the ages of six- teen and sixty should be provided with aims, equipments, ammunition, &c., at his own expense under penalty of prescribed fines for each article not provided. A Ser- jeant and corporal were authorized " to view arms every quarter or as often as the officer shall see cause." It was enacted that there should be four training or muster- ing days in a year, " two in the Spring and two in the Fall of the Leaf," under prescribed penalties. CuiEF Eanger of Monmoutu. December 3d, 1683, Captain John Slo- comb was appointed "Chief Kanger " for Monmouth County. The duty of this offi- cer is thus described : " f^orasmuch as many abuses are and have been committed within this Province, in the taking up, marking, selling and dis- posing of horses, mares and geldings * * be it enacted that there shall be one per- son appointed for eacli County who shall take up and receive all strays, register the same <&c." The Chief Ranger was author- ized to employ as many deputies as he thought proper. The importers of all cat- tle and horses were required lo furnish the Ranger witii a description of each head imported, and all drovers were re quired to do the same The fees and pen- alties under the act must have made the oflBce of the Ranger of considerable im- portance. How Taxes were Levied — Assembly men's Salaries. The following persons were appointed to make assessment of taxes in Monmouth under an act passed Dec. 5th, 1683, viz : Captain John Bound, John Throgmor- ton (Throckmorton ?) Peter Tilton, John Hance, Judah Allen and Joseph Parker. This act " for defraying the public char- ges of this Province," enacted that fifty pounds be raised to defray public charges as follows : Bergen eleven pounds, Essex fourteen pounds, Middlesex ten pounds, Monmouth fifteen pounds. By this it would seem that even at this early date Monmouth v^as considered the richest county in East Jersey. The taxes were to be paid in wheat at four shillings and sixpence the bushel; summer wheat at four shillings the bush- el ; Indian corn at two shillings and six- pence the bushel ; and good merchantable pork at fifty shillings the barrel. Henry Lyon of Essex was appointed Treasurer of the Province to whom the tax was to be handed for the purpose of paying the clerks of the Council and Deputies four shillings each per day and ten pounds for transcribing the laws. In addition to the above tax each town was required to pay its own Deputy to the General Assembly at the ra^e of four shil- lings per day ; the year previous the rate of pay for the Deputies had been three shillings each, and as many of the towns had failed to pay their lepresentativt s then, provisions v/ere inserted in tnis act to enforce the assessing and collecting the arrearages. A fair idea of how far a member of the Assembly's per diem would go then to- wards meeting his expenses is gained by noticing the 'j)rices fixed for grain in the bill. The first year his per diem would buy a little over a bushel of corn ; the sec- ond year a bushel of summer wheat. If he expended it for pork it would buy six- teen pounds. THE BAPTIST CHURCH AT MIDDLE- TOWN. The First Baptist Church in New Jersey. Its Members, Pastors, Trials and Triumphs. Thefollowing sketch of the noted church is from " Morgan Edwards, Materials, &c., of the State," published in 1792, with ad- ditions by Rev. David Benedict of Rhode Island, t.nd published in his History of the Baptists, sixty years ago, (1813.) " This is the oldest Baptist church in the State ; it is thus distin^iuished for the village where the meeting house stands in a township of the same name, and county of Monmouth, about seventy-nine miles E. N. E. from Philadelphia. The meeting 106 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. house is forfy-two feet by thirty-two, erect- ed on the lot where the old place of wor- ship stood." For the origin of this churcli, we must look back to the year 1667, for that was I he year when Middletown was purchased fiom the Indians by 12 men and 24 asso- ciates. Their names are in the town book. Of them the following were Bap- tists:— Richard Stout, Willium riieesenmii, William Layton, John Stout, Jolui Wilson, Wm. Compton, .lames Grover, Walter Hall, .Tames Ashtoii, .7on'than Brown, John fox. John Brown, Qliadiah Holmes, Jonathau Holmes, Thos Whitlock, John Biickmaii, George Mount, Ja-i. Grover, jr. Jt IS probable tliat some of the above had wives and children of their own way of thinking; however the forenamed 18 men ai)23ear to have been the constituents of the church at Middletown. and the winter rf 1668 the time. flow matters went on among these peo- ple, for a period of twenty-four years, viz., from the constitution to 1712, cannot be known. But in the year 1711, a variance arose in the church, insomuch that one j party excommunicated the other and imposed silence on two gifted brothers that priached to them, viz , John Bray and John Okison. Wearied witli their situa- tion, they agreed to refer matters to a council congregated fi'om neighboring churches. The council met May 12th. 1712. It consisted of Kev. Messrs Timothy Brooks, of Cohansey : Abel Morgan and Joseph Wood, of Penn^pek ; and Elisha Thomas, of Welsh Tract; with six elders, viz : Nicholas Johnson, James James, Grifiith Mills, Edward Church, William Bettridge and John Manners. Their ad- vice was— "To bury tlie proceedings in ob- livion and erase therfcoids of them ;" accordingly four leaves aie torn out of the church bock. " To continue the silence imposed on John Bray and John Okison, the preceding year." One would think by this that these two brethren were the cause of the disturbance. " To sign a covenant relative to their future conduct ;" accordingly 42 did sign and 26 refused; nevertheless most of the non -signers came in afterwards: but the first 42 were de- clared to be the church that should be owned by sister churches. "That Messrs. Abel Morgan, Sen., and John Burrows, should supply the pul{>it till the next yearly meeting, and the members should kee[) their j)liices and not waudcr in otJuT societies," for at this time there wav ,i Presbyterian congregation at Middletown, and mixed communion in vogue. The first who preached at Middletown was Mr. John Bown, ofwhomwecan learn no more than he was not ordained, and that it was he who gave the lot on which the first meeting house was built. Cotem- porary witli liini was Mr. Ashton, of whom menMon will be made hereaft«:r, and after him rose the foiementioned Bray and Oki- son, neither of whom were ordained and the latter disowned. Mr. George Eagles- field was another unordained preacher; but the first that may be styled pastor was — Rev. James Ashton. — He probably was ordained by Rev. Thomas Killingsworth, at the time the church was constituted in 1688 ; for Killingsworth assisted at the constitution, which gave rise to the tradi- tion that he was the first minister. Mr. Ashton's successor was — Rev. John Barrowes. — He was born at Tannton, Somersetshire, Englandj and there ordained ; arrived at Philadelph a in the month of November, 1711, and from thence came toMiddletown in 1713, wl ere he died at a good old age. Mr. Barrowes is said to have been a happy compound of gravity and facetiousress ; the one made the people stand in awe of him. while the other produced familiarity. As be was travelling one day a young man passed by him at full speed, and in passing Mr. Bar- rowes : said " If you would consider where you are going you would slacken your pace." He went on but presently turned back to inquire into the meaning of that passing salute. Mr. Barrowes reasoned with him on the folly and dangers of horse-racing (to which the youth was hast- ening ;) he gave great attention to the re- proof. This encouraged Mr. B."rrowes to proceed to more serious matters. The is- sue was a serious conveisatir.n. Here was a bow drawn at venture and a sinner shot flying! Mr. Barrc wes'was succeed( d by- Rev. a bei, Morgan, A. M — He was born in Welsh Tract, April 13th. 1713, had his learning at an acad'^my kept by Rev. Thomas P^vans in Pencadcr: ordained at Welsh Tract in 1734, became pastor in 1748; died there November 24th, 1785.— He was never married, the reason it is supposed that none of his attention and attendance might be taken off his mother, who lived with him and wlnmi he honor- ('(1 1(1 an uncommi n degree Mr. Morgan wiis a man ol sound leaniiiii: aiul solid OLD TIME8 IN OLD MONMOUTH. 10 7 judgement; he has given specimens of both in his public disputes and publica- tions, for it appears that he held two pub- lic disjiutes on the subject of baptism. — The first was at Kingswood, to which he was challenged by Rev. fSamuel Plarker, a Presbyterian minister. The other was at Cape May in 1743, with the Rev. (after- wards) Dr. Samuel Finley, President of Princeton College. Mr. Morgan's success- or was — Rev Samuel Morgan. — He was born in Welsh Tract August 23d, 1750; called to the ministry in Virginia; ordained at Mid- dleiovvn November 29th, 1785, at which time lio took on him the care of the chuich. No account of Mr, Morgan's death has been obiained. This ancient church has for its pastor (1813) Mr. Ben- jamin Bennett, It was once well endowed but a considerable part of its tempurali- ties were sunk by that sacrilegious thing (as Edwards calls it) Congress money. — What are its present posessions I have not learned. PHILIP FRKNEAU, THE POPULAR POET OF THE REVOLUTION. An Ancient Monmouth Journal. Inthelibrary oftho New York Historical Society is preserved a copy of an ancient journal published in Monmouth county, -vhich presents quite a contrast with the papers published in the county at the pres- ent time. This jom^nal was called " The New Jersey Chronicle,'''' and was published at " Mount Pleasant, near Middletown Point." The first number was issued May 2nd, 1795 and continued weekly for a year when it suspended for want of sup^^ort. This Chronicle was quite a curious affiiir. It was printed by the author, Philip Fre- neau himself, who had mustered a medley of types for the purpose. The first num- ber wa^' of the humble dimensions of eight small quarto ])ages of seven inches by eight. This spirited little paper was soon enlarged, but typographically, at least, it always appeared of a somewhat sickly con- stitution. The office types however wer<» well em- ployed in printing, this year, 1795, a new and comprehensive edition of Freneau's poems, in an octavo volume of 456 pages to which we shall re'er before concluding. Its typographical execution is admirable for its day and speaks well for tlie pioneer printing press of Monmouth countj. ^voxa one sketch of Freneau's we ex- tract the following : Outline of his Life. FTulip Freneau, the popular poet of the days of the Revolution, who cheered the hearts of the citizens by his ready rhymes in behalf of the good cause, and opposition to its foes, while patriots were struggling for independence, was born in Frankfort street, in New York city, January 2nd, 1752. The family was of French Hugenot des- cent. Pierre Freneau the father of Philip and of Peter Freneau, distinguished in the history of South Carolina, bought an es- tate ot a thousand acres at Mount Pleas- ant, Monmouth county. New Jersey, a fam- ily inheritance which his son afterwards occupied, and where he wrote many of his poems. Boih the father and grandfather of Philip Freneau are buried in a vault in Trinity Churchyard, New York, by the side of their family relations. Of the boyhood ot Philip Freneau we know little, but we may infer from the po- sition of his family and his subsequent at taininents, that he was well instructed at the schools of the city, for we find him, in 1767, a student at Princeton College, N, J., where he graduated with credit after the usual four years course, in 1771. He be- gan early the practice of versification ; for in his sophomore year, at the age of seven- teen, he composed a rhymed poem of de- cided promise, entitled "The Poetical His- tory of the Prophet Jonah," which appeal's at the head of his first general collection of poems. Other compositions in various metres, on classical and historical themes, preseived in the same volume, were writ- ten during his collegiate course. It was a creditable year for the institu- tion when he graduated, for in his class weie James Madison, afterwards President, and other men ot note. The commencement exercises at Prince- ton, in 1771 were of unusual interest. It was in the Presidency of that eminent jja- triot John Witlier.-^poon, who, though born in Scotland, was proving himself, by his enlightened sagacity and ievotion to free- dom, an '' American of the Ameiicans." Tlie political indrpendence of the country, though not yet formally proclaimed, was ripening in Massachusetts and elsewhere, to its great Ueclaration and invincible re- solve. The young patriots of 'Princeton, on a spot destined to be^'ome memorable in the struggle, were already animated by the kindling promise of the future. Hugh 108 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. Henry Brackenridge, a graduate with Fre- neau, afterwards a celebrated Judge and author, and Freneau, had already developed a taste for poetry, and they united, for their commencement exercise, in the com- position of a dialogue : '' A Poem on the Rising Glory of America," which they pro- nounced together, sounding in animated blank verse, the achievements of coloniza- tion in the pnst and the visionary grandeur of empire liereafter. This joint poem was published in Philadelphia, in 1772. The portion written by Fieneau opens the col- lection of his poems published in 1865 by W. J. Middleton, New York. The next information we have of Fre- neau is gathered from the dates of the poems which he contributed to the jour- nals publislied by Hu^h Gaine and Ander- son, in New York, in 1775. They exhibit his interest in the important military af- fairs of the year in Boston and are found in the work above named. In a poem of this year, '" Mac Sniggen," a satire on some hostile poetaster, he ex- presses a desire to cross the Atlantic : " Long have I sat on this disast'rous shore, And sighing, sought to gain a passage o'er To Europe's towns, where, as our travellers say, Poets may flourish, or perhaps they may ;" An inclination for foreign travel, which was gratified in 1776, bj'^ a voyage to the West Indies, where he appears to have i-e- mained some time in a mercantile capaci- ty, visiting Jamaica and the Danish island of Santa Cruz. Several of his most strik- ing poems, as the " Hoiise of Night," and the " Beauties of Santa Cruz," were writ- ten on these visits. In 1779, Freneau was engaged as a lead- ing contributor to " The United States Magazine : A Repository of History, Poli- tics and Literature," edited by his college friend and fellow patriot, Hugh Henry Brackenridge, and published by Francis Bailey, Philadelphia. It was issued month- ly from January to December, when its discontinuance was announced " until an established peace and a fixed value of the monev shall render it convenient or pos- sible to take it up again." The volume forms a most interesting memorial, in its literary as well as historical matter, of this important year of the war. Freneau wrote much for it in prose and verse and with equal spirit m both. His poem on "SantaCruz," in this mag- azine, is prefaced by an interesting prose pescription of the island. In it occurs a noticeable testimony of the author on the subject of negro slavery. Freneau has also recorded his detesta- tion of the cruelties of West India slavery in verse, in the poem, a terrific picture of slave life, addressed " To Sir Toby, a sugar planter in the interior parts of Jamaica:" " If there exists a Hell — the case is clear — Sir Tob3''s slaves enjoy that portion here." In another poem " On the Emigration to America, and Peopling the Western Country," published in his volume of 1795, Freneau comes nearer home, in the decla- ration of his opinions on this subject, when he writes : — " come the time and haste the day, When man shall man no longer crush, When reason shall enforce her sway, Nor these fair regions raise our blush, Where still the African complains, And mourns his yet unbroken chiiins." In after life, when the poet himself, un- der the mild system of Northern .servitude, became the owner of slaves in New Jersey, he uniformly treated them with kindness, manumitted them in advance of the Eman- cipation Act in tlie State, and sui)ported on the farm those of them who were not able to take care of themselves. One of these, a veteran mammy, proud of having opened the door in her day to General Washington and been addressed by him in a word or two on that important occa sion, long survived the poet. In the year following the publication of the Magazine, Freneau, having embarked as passenger in a merchant vessel from Philadelphia, on another voyage to the West Indies, was captured by a British cruiser off the Capes of the Delaware and carried with the prize to New York. There he was confined, on his ari'ival, in the Scor- pion, one of the hulks lying in the harbor used as prison-ships. The cruel treatment which he experienced on board, with the aggravated horrors of foul air and other privations, speedily threw him into a fever, when he was transferred to the host)ital ship. Hunter, which proved 8imj)ly an ex- change of one. species of suffering for anoth- er more aggravated. How long Fieneau was confined in this hideous prison we are not informed, nor by what influences he gaiiied his discharge. He carried with him. however, on his escape, a burning memory of the severities and indignities he had en- dured, which he gave expression to in one of the most characteristic of his poetical productions, " The British Prison Ship," OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 109 which was published by Francis Bailey, Philadelphia, 1781. Freneau now became a frequent contrib- utor of patriotic odes and occasional poems, celebratinj; the incidents of the war, to " The Freeman's Journal " of Phihidelphia. Literature was, however, not then a profit- able occupation : and Government, which had exhausted its resources in keeping an array in the field, had scant opportunity of rewarding its champions. The poet, looking to other means of subsistence, re- turned to liis seafaring and mercantile hab its and became known by his voyages to the West Indies as "Captain Freneau." He still however, kept up the use of the pen. In 1783, besides his poetical contrib-yj' utions to the newspapers, including several New Years Addresses, written for the car- riers of rhe Philadelphiajourna's, a spcies of rhyming for which he had great facility, we find him publishing in that city a trans- lation of the Iravel? of M. Abbe Robin, the chaplain of Count Rochambeau, giving an account of the progress of the French ar my from Newport to Yorktown. In 1784 Freneau was at the island of Jamaica, writ- ing a poetical description of Port Royal. The first collection of his poetical writ- ings wiiich he made, entitled " The Poems of Philip Freneau, written chiefly during the iate War," was published by Francis Biiley "at Yorrick's Head, in Market street, " Philadelphia, in 1786. It is pre- faced by a brief " Advertisement" signed by the publisher, in which he states the pieces now joUecied had been left in his hands by the author more than a year pre- viously, with permission to publish them wh-never he Ihougat proper. The success of this volume led to t:he publication, by Mr. Bailey, of another col- lection of Freneau's writings in 1788. It is entitled *'The Miscellai eous Works of Mr. Philip Freneau, containing his Essays and Additional Poems." This volume, as not uncommon even with works of very limited extent in that early period of the nation, was published by subscription. Among the subscribers were DeWitt Clin- ton, Edward Livingston and other distin- guished citizens of New York ; Matthew Carey, David llittenhouse, John Parke A. M., and others el' Plii'.ndelphia ; thirty cop- ies were taken in Maryland ; but the larg- est number was contributed tiy South Car- olina, that State supplying tivo hundred and fifty, or more than half the entire list. Captain Freneau was well known and high- ly appreciated at Charleston, which he fre- quently visited in the course of his mer- cantile adventures to the West Indies, and where his younger brother, Peter, who sub- sequently edited a political journal in that city, and was in intimate correspondence with President Jefferson, was already es- tablished as an influential citizen. After several years spent in voyaging, we find Freneau again in active literary employment in 1791, as editor of the " Dai- ly Advertiser," a journal printed in JN'pw York, the superintendence of which he presently exchanged for that of the *' Na- tional Gazette," at Philadelphia, the first number of which appeared under his direc- tion in October of the same year. He was employed at the same time by Jefferson, the fSecretary of State, — the seat of govern- ment being th^n at Philadelphia, — as translating clerk in the State Dei^artment, with a salary of two hundred and fifty dol- lars a year. It was a time of fierce p®liti- cal excitement, when the newly framed Constitution, not yet fully established in its working, was exposed to the fierce crit- icism of its adversaries ; while popular opin- ion was greatly excited by the rising tu- mult of ideas generated in the French Rev- olution. In this strife of parties Freneau was an active partisan of the new French ideas, was a supporter of Genet, the minis- ter who sought to entangle the country in the great European struggle, and, as might be expected, was an unsparing assailant of the policy of Washington, whose character he had heretofore eulogized. Washington was annoyed, and Hamilton attacked Jef- ferson for his oflBcial support of the ti'oub- lesome editor. Jefferson replied that he had befriended Freneau as a man of gen- ius ; but that he had never written for his pajjer. It is unquestionably true, however, that Freneau's political writings, at this time, had Jefferson's warmest sympathy. The "Gazette " came to an end with its second volume and second year, in 1793, after which Freneau became a resident of New Jersey. He had still, however, an in- clination to editorial life, and we accord ingly find him, in the spring of 1795, pub- lishing at Mount Pleasant, near Middle- town Point, a new journal entitled "The Jersey Ciironicle," before alluded to. The same year from his jirei-s at Mount Pleasant he "issued a volume of his poems entitled " Poenis, written between the years 1768 and 1794, by Philip Freneau, of New Jersey." There are other edUions of his poems, but this one is so rare that it is highly priz?d by antiquarians. In a late 110 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. catalogue of a London bookseller It is ad vertised for sale, price £ 3.10 s. The last copy we have heard of for sale in this coun- try was one in a Washiniiton antiquarian bookstore for which the dealer asked some forty odd dollars, and finally got down to thirty-fiv^f, for a small octavo volume of 456 pages ! In 1797 he edited and aided in piinlinj; and publishing in New York, a miscellane- ous periodical entitled "'''he Time Piece and Literary Companion."' It was primed in quarto form and appealed three times a week. In 1799 he published in Philadel- phia a thin octavo volume of " Letters on various subjects, cfcc." under the nom de plume of " Robert Slender, A M." For some years after this we have no par- ticular account of his occupation, but he appears to have resided still in New Jer- s«y, penning occasional verses on topics suggested by the day. In 1809 he published the fourth collection of his writings enti- tled ''Poems published during ilie Ameri- can Revolution," &c. ( Remainder of the article on Freneau next week. ) Freneau lived to commemorate ihe in- dents of the second war wiii Great Britain in 1812. He wrote various poems celebra ting the naval actions of Hull, Porter, Macdonough and others. His traditionary hatred of England survives in these and other compositions which he puolished in New York, in 1815, in two small volumes entitled " A Collection of Poems on Ameri- can Ati'iiirs and a variety of other subjects. <{rc." A distinguished writer says in re- viewing this volume: " He depicts land battles and naval figlits with much anima- tion and gay coloring ; and being himself an old sun of Neptune, he is never at a loss for appropriate circumstance and ex- pressive diction, when the scene lies at sea." After witnessing and chronicling in his verse the conflicts of two wars, Freneau had yet many years of life before him. — They were mostly passed in rural retire ment at Mount Pleasant. He occasionally visited New York, keeping up acquaint- ance with the leaders of the Democratic party. ILs appearance and conservation at this time has been grai)hically described by the late Dr. -John W. Francis, in whom the genius and history of Freneau excited the warmest interest, and which was pub lished in the " Cyclopedia of American Literature." " I had, says Dr. Francis, when very young, read the poetry of Freneau. and as we instinctively became attached to the writers who first captivate our imagina- tions, it was with much zest that 1 formed a jjersonal ucqu.iintaince with tiie Revolu- tionary bard. He was at that time about seventy-six years old, when he first intro- duced iiimselfto nin in my lil)rary. I gave him an earnest welcome. He was some- what below the ordinary height; in per- son thin ytt muscular; with a f^rm step though a little inclined to stoop ; Ins coun- tenance wore traces of care, yet lightened with intelligence as he spoke ; he was mild in enunciation, neithor rapid nor slow, but clear, distinct and emphatic. His forehead was rather lieyond the medium elevation ; hi^ eyes a dark gray, occui^ying a socket deeper than common ; his hair must have once been beautiful ; it was now thinned and of an iron gray. He was free of all ambitious displays; his habitual expression was pensive. His divss might have passed for that of a farmer. New York, the city of his birth was liis most interesting theme; his collegiate career with Madison, next. His story of manj of his occasional poems was quite romantic. As he had at com- mand types and a printing press, when an incident of moment in the Revolution oc- curred, he would retire for composition, or find she'ter under the shade of some tree, indite his lyrics, repair to the press, set up his types and issue his productions. There was no difficulty in versification with him. I (old him what 1 had heard Jeffrey, the Scotch reviewer, say of his writings, that i}>e time would arrive when his i)oetry like that of Hudilras, would command a commentator like Grey. It is remarkable how tenaciously Freneau V)reserved the acquisitions of his eaily classical studies, notwithstanding he had for many years, in the after i)0ition of his life, been occupied in [nusuitb so entirely alien to l)ooks.- - There is no portrait of the patriot Freneau; he always firmly declined the painters art and would brook no "counterfeit present- ment." {Ot/clopedia of Amc7: Lit.) The aversion of Freneau to sitting for his portrait, noticed by Dr. Frrncis, was one of his peculiarities, for which it is not easy to ^suggest a sufficient explanation. As an author he was careful of the preser- vation of his fame. Certainly the cause was not to be found in any unfavorable ' impression his likeness might create, for , he was, as accurately described by Dr. I Francis, of an inleresting appearance in OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. Ill rge. In youth he was regarded as hand- some. His brother Peter was renowned in South Carolina for his personal beauty. But whatever the motive, Freneau reso- lutely declined to have his portrait painted. He was once waited upon by the arlist, Rembrandt Peale. with a request for this purpose, by a body of gentlemen in Phila- delphia ; but he was inexorable on the sub- ject. On another occasion, the elder Jar- vis, with a view of securing his likeness, was smuggled into a co-ner of the room at a dinner party at Dr. Hosack's, to which tiie poet had been invited ; but the latter detected the design and arrested its ac- complishment. In la*^^e years, the neglect has been in a measure repaired. The por- trait prefixed to the volume of his " poems vvitii a memoir by Evert A. Duyckinck,"' published in 1865. was sketclied by an ar- tist, at the suggestion and dictates of sev- ei'al members of the poet's family, who re- tained the most vivid recollection of his personal appear mce. It was pronounced b,' them a lair representation of tiie man in the maturity of his physical powers, previous to the inroads of old age. His daughter, Mrs. Leadbeater, and his grand- son and adopted son, Mr. Philip L. Fre- neau, of New York, were amoiig tliose who pronounced it a salisfactc>ry likeness. The poems of Philip Freneau, if we may be allowed here to repeat an estimate of his powers from a sketch written some years ago, represent his times, the war of wit and verse no less than of sword and stratagem of the Revolution : and he su- peradds to this material ahumorous, home- ly simplicity, peculiarly his own, in which he paints the life of village rustics, with their local manners fresh about them ; of days when tavern ?on was j killed and Mr. Cottrel wounded. They I however took twelve refugees prisoners, three of whom were wounded. But in re- turning, they unexpectedly fell in with a I party of sixteen men under Stevenson, and a sudden firing caused eight ot the priso- ners to escape. But Crip'. Scbenck ordered liis men to charge bayonet, and the tories surrendered. Chj)!. Schenck took nine teen horses and five sleighs, and took twen- ty-one prisoners. The first of the foregoing extracts, rela ting to a raid of the British in Middletown township, in J778, and landing near Ma- jor Kearneys, in the vicinity o: Keyport, is probably the affair referred to in a tradi- tion given in Howes collections, which we give below, as it explains why the Refu- gees floxl so precipitately. It will be no- ticed, however, that the tradition does not OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 115 agree with extract quoted as to damage done ; but we have no doubt but that the statement copied from the ancient paper (Collins Gaxette) is correct, as it was writ- ten but a few days after the affair took place. " Theproximity of this part of Monmouth county to New York rendered it, in the war of the Revolution, peculiarly liable to the incursions of the British troops. Many of the inhabitants, although secretly favor- able to the American cause, were obliged to feign allegiance to the crown, or lose then' property by marauding parties of the refugees, fi'om vessels generally lying oti' Sandy Hook. Among those of this descrip- tion was Major Kearney, a resident near the present site of Keyport. On one occas- ion a party of thirty or f.^rty refugees stopped at his dwelling on their way to Middletown Point, where they intended to burn a dwelling and some mills. Kear- ney feigned uratification at their visit, and talsely informed them there were probably some rebel troops at the Point, in which case it would be dangerous for them to march thither. He ordered his negro ser- vant, Jube. thither to make inquiry, at the same time secrelly giving him the cue how to act. In due length of time Jube, who had gone but a short distance, returned and hastily entered the room where Kear- ney and the Refugees were, and exclaimed : " Oh Massa ! Massa ! the rebels are at the Point thicic as blackberries I They nave just come down from the Court house and say they are going to march down here to night. The ruse succeeded ; the Refu- gees, alarmed, precipitately retreated to their boats, leaving the Major to rejoice at the stratagem whicli had saved the proper- ty of his friends from destruction." The i)robabiiity is that therusre prevent ed the Refugees from doing as much dam- age as they had intended, although they remained long enougli to inflict, considera- ble injury, as has been related. ATTACK ON THE RUSSEL FAMILY. As the outrage was an unusually aggra- vated one, even for Refugees, and as it will be necessary to refer to some of the parties concerned in it hereafter, to ex- plain other events, we give the particulars as deiived from various sources. The first extract is from Collin's New Jersey Ga- zette : — "On the 30th of April, 1780, a party of negroes and refugees from Sandy Hook landed at Shrevvsburj', in order to plun- der. During their excursion a Mr. Rus- sell, who attempted some resistance to their depreciations, was killed, and his grandchild had five balls shot through him, but is yet living. Captain Warner, of the i^rivateer brig Elizabeth, was made prisoner by these ruffians, but was releas- ed by giving them two half joes. This banditti also took ofi' several persons, among whom were Capt. James Green and Ensign John Morris, of the Militia." The annexed additional particulars are from Hove's collections — " Mr. Russell was an elderly man, aged about 60 years ; as the party entered his dwelling, which was in the night, he fired and missed. — William Gilian, a native of Shrewsbury, their leader, seized the old gentleman by tiie collar, and w-as in the act of stabbing him in the face and eyes with a bayonet, when the fire blazed up, and shedding a momentary light upon the scene, enabled the younger ffussell, who lay wounded on the floor, to shoot Gilian. John Farnham, (A Refugee named Farnham was after- wards captured, tried and hung at Free- hold — we presume it was the same man,) a native of Middletown, thereupon aimed his musket at the young man, but it was knocked up by Lipi)incott, who had mar- ried into the family. The party then went off. The child was accidentally wounded in the affray." The Lippencott above referred to vvas, during the late years of the war, quite a noted refugee leader — the same Captain Richard Lippencott who executed Cap- tain Joshua Huddy. (A New York pub- lication entitled " Tales and traditions of New York, says that Capt. Lippencott was among the Refugees who attacked and burned Toms River.) It will be noticed that a younger Russell is referred to as having been vvounded and lying on the floor. This was Joim Russell, a very ac- tive member of the Militia, who at the time of this outrage was at home on a fur- lough with his parents and wife. This John Russell alter the war removed to Ce- dar Creek, in Ocean County, where he lived to quite an advanced age. His ac- count of the affair is as follows : There were seven refugees and he (John) saw them through the window, and at one time they got so near that he told his father he was sure they could kill four of them and wished to fire, as be be- lieved the other three would run. His father persuaded him not to fire, but to do so when they broke into the house. — 116 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. When they broke in the father fired first but missed his aim ; he was then fi-ed up- on and killed. John Russell fired and killed the man who shot his father. John Russell was shot in the side (the scars of the wound were visible until he died ) — After being wounded he fell on the floor and pretended that he was dead. The refugees then went to plundering the house. The mother and wife of John were lying in a bed with the child : the child awoke and asked: ''Grandmother wnat's the matter?" A refugee pointed his gun at it and fired and said " that's what's the matter." Whether he really intended to wound the child, or only to frighten it, is uncertain, but the child was, as before stated, badly wounded, but event ually recoveiad. As the refugees were preparing to leave, one of the number pointed his musket at young Russell, as he lay on the floor, and was about firing, saying he didn't believe he was dead yet; whereupon another knocked his musket up, saying it was a shame to fire upon a dying man, and the load went into the ceiling. After the ref- ugees were gone, John got up, had his wounds attended to, and exclaimed to his wife : " Ducky I I'll come out all right yet." He did come out all right, and we have good reason to believe before the wai» ended he aided in visiting severe ret- ribution on the Refugees, for their doings at this lime. Among this party of Refu- gees was the notorious Phil White. THE CAPTURE AND DEATH OF THE REFUGEE, FHIL WHITE. A correct version of the A^air. Slanders re- futed and Patriots Vindicated. Affidavits of Aaron White, of Philip Whitens guards; Statements of Gen. Forman, &c. Though the death of the refugee Philip W.hite, (commonly called Phil White) is occasionally referred to in modern works, there are none which give complete or correct accounts of the affair. In the brief statement given in Howe's collec- tions, unjust imputations are cast ujion his guard, as will hereafter be seen. When Capt. Muddy was so brutally mur- dered by the Refugees near the High- land?, it will be remembered that a label was fastened to his breast, the last sen- tence of which was " Up goes Htuldy for Philp White.'" Though the refugees at one time assert ed that Capt. Huddy had an agency in the death of Phil. White, yet this prejws- terous charge was at once shown to be an infamous falsehood, as when White was killed, Capt. Huddy wns a prisoner, con- fined in the old sugar house. New York, (Duane's sugar house). The British assert- ed that " he had taken a certain Philip White, cut off both his arms, broke his legs, pulled out one of his eyes, damned him and then hid him run." How much of this was true wdl be seen by conclu- sive evidence given below, before quoting, which we will give a version of the affair as given in Howe's collection, from a tra- ditionary .source. . " While, the Refugee, was a carpenter, and served his time in Shrewsbury. Six days after Huddy was taken, he was sur- prised by a party of militia ligiithorse, near Snag Swamp, in the eastern part of the township. After laying down his arms in token of surrender, he took up his mus- ket and killed a Mr. Hendrickson. He was however secured, and while being tak- en to Freehold, was killed at Pyle's Cor- ner, three miles from there. He Wis un- der a guard ot three men, the father of whom was murdered at Shrewsbury the year ^Ji'evious, by a band of reufugees, amon^ whom was White, and he was therefore highly exasperated against the prisoner. Some accounts state that he was killed while attempting to escape: others with more probability that they pricked him with their swords and thus to run and cruelly murdered. There are several errors in the forego- ing and it is to be especially regretted that the untrue chargeof wanton cruelty, contained at the close of this extract, .-hould have found a place in so useful a book as the one containing it. Correct versions of this affair are found in ancient papers, but for the present we will give several affidavits talcen at the time as be- ing the most conclusive evidence. These affidavits were forvvarded to Gen. Wash- ington, and by him transmitted to Con- gress, April 20Lh, 1782. These affidavits are of Aaron White, who was taken prisoner with Phil. White, and of each of the three guards. Deposition of Aaron White. County of Monmouth, ss : — Aaron White being duly sworn, deposeth : That he was taken pri-soner with Philip White, that the deponent left New York in company with Philip White, Jeremiah Bell, negro Moses, Jolin Feanimore and Robert Howell, on Thursday night, the OLD TIMES m OLD MOIXMOUTIJ, 117 28th day of March last ; that they sailed from New York to the Hook, where they remained until morning, beinjj Friday ; that the deponent understood that Capt. Huddy was then a prisoner ; that on the day following, being Saturday, the 30th, the deponent being off in a boat with Fen- nimore, and having observed that the said Philip White and Moses had an engage- ment with some of tlie troops on shore, he, the deponent, went in a boat to their relief, meaning to take them off; that when he came on shore he joined the said Philip White and negro Moses, and pur- sued one Thomas Berkley, with whom they had been engaged ; that in pursuit, the light horse came down, and the depo- nent with the said Philip White were made prisoners, that they were put under guard to be sent to Freehold for confine- ment ; that on the way from Colt's Neck to Freehold, between Daniel Grandin's and Samuel Leonard's the deponent was told by one of his guards that Philip White was running away ; that the depo- nent looked back and saw the horsemen in pursuit of something, but being about half a mile distant, could not distinguish alter whom or what the pursuit was; that the field in which they were pursuing was near the brook next to Mr. Leonard's ad- joining a wood ; that Lieut. Rhea and George Brindley left the deponent under guard of two men and ran their horses back towards the place the other men were pursuing ; that the deponent after- wards understood that it is was Philip White they were pursuing, and that he was killed in the pursuit ; that Joshua Huddy was not one ot the guard or party, and the deponent understood and verily believes that he was then a prisoner in New York; and the deponent further and lastly declares, that the above is the truth as related without any fear, threats or compulsion whatever. Aaron White. Sworn before me this 15th of April, 1782- David Forman, Justice of the Peace, Monmouth County. That a clear idea of the order of the principal events referred to in these affi- davits may be obtained, we will here state that Capt. Joshua Huddy was taken pris- oner by the British at Toms River, on Sunday, March 24th, 1782 ; on Saturday, the 30th of March, six days after, Phil. White and Aaron, were taken prisoners by the Monmouth militia the same day (March 30th,) Philip White was killed, at which time Capt. Huddy was confined in the sugar house prison at New York, where he had been put on Tuesday, March 27ih, and remained until Monday, April Hth, when he was taken on board a sloop and put in irons, and four days later — on the 12th of April, 1782 — he was hung near the Highlands; his body was delivered to the Americans, sent to Freehold, and buried with the honors of war. Three days after his death — on the 15th of April, these affidavits were taken, while the re- collections of all the circumstances refer- redto were fresh in the minds of the wit- ness. ORIGIN OF FAMILY NAMES. A surname is an additional name added to a proper or given name for the sake of distinction, and so called because original ly written over the other name instead of after it, from the French /S'«rno?rt, probably derived from the Latin '' Super nomen," signifying above the name. Surnames have originated in various ways. Some are derived from the names of places; others from offices and profes- sions, from personal peculiarities ; from the (christian or proper name of the fath- er; from the performance of certain ac- tions; from objects in the animal, mineral and vegetable world, and from accidental circumstances of every varied character. According to Camden, surnames began to be taken up in France about the year 1000, and in England about the time of the Conquest (1066) or a very little be- fore. Local names form the largest cla&s of our surnames. First among these are those which are national, expressing the country whence the person first bearing (he name came, as English, Scott, French, Ireland, Britain, Fleming (from Flanders) Gaskin, (from Gascony), &c. Names were taken from almost every county, town and hamlet, as Cheshire, Chester, Hull, Ross, Kent, Cunningham, Huntingdon, Preston, Compton, etc., so that local names of this class may number many thousands. For instance, a person whose native place was Chester, might remove to another place the inhabitants of which, to distin- guish him, would give him the surname of Chester, originally prefixing it with " o/," frequently shortened to " O " or '' .4," sig- nifying/>-#?n or at, as John of Chester, John 0' Chester ; J ohn atKirby, John A'Kirby. 118 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. The prefixes after a time were dropped and the names descended to children as simply Chester and Kirby. Besides these we have a great number of locid surnames which are general and de- scriptive of the nature or situation of the residence of the persons upon whom they were bestowed, as Hill, Wood. Dale, Park, lihi/s, Evan son of Rhys or Reese ; liichnrd Ap Evan, Richard son of Evan ; John Ap Hugh, John son of Hugh. These names are now abbreviated into Powell, Price, Bevan, Pugh. The affix " Ing " is of Teutonic origin, denoting progeny ; Whiting inei\.ns, fair off- spring ; Browning, the dark or brown cnild, etc. Xe^ of Anglo Saxon origin means lit- tle, as Burtlett, little Bart or Bartholomew ; Willctt, little Will. The prefixes " Mac " and " " found in Irish names signify the first, son, the lat- ter grandson or descendant. DonneiTs son would be called Mac Donnell; the grandson or descendant would be called O'Donnell; Mac iNeall, the son of Neal ; O'Neal, the grandson of Neal. Names of trades, occupations and pur- j suits are next in number, as Smith. Car- ))enter, Taylor, Barker, Barber, Brewer, Sherman (a shearman, one who shears ■ cloth), Naylor (nailmaker). Tucker (a ful. I ler), etc. John the Smith was shortened I to John Smith, Peter the Carjienter, to Peter Carpenter, &c. j Many surnames are derived from offi- cial names, both civil and ecclesiasti- cal. Among these may be mentioned King, Earl, Knight. Pope, Bishop, Bailey. Marshall, Cliambcrlain, Priest, etc. Personal characteristics have given ori- gin to another class of surnames descrip- tive of mental or bodily peculiarities. — Among these are the names of color and complexion, as Black, Brown, White, Gray, Dunn (brown); and from the color of the hair. Whitehead, Fairfax (fair hair), Swartz (bJack), P'airchild, Black- man, etc. Among those which indicate the men tal or moral qualities are such as Good- man, Wise, Wiley, Meek, Moody, Bliss, Gay, Sage, Joy. Among those derived from bodily pecu- liarity and from feats of personal strength or courege are Strong, Mickle, liittle. Long, Armstrong, Turnbuli, etc. A few surnames aie derived from ani- mals, fishes and birds, generally for the reason given hereafter. Of surnames derived from animals may be mentioned Wolf, Lion, Fox, Hare, RoC; &c. I-i'rom Wild boar comes Wilbur: from Little Wolf or lAipellas comes Lovel : Todd means fix in Scotch ; and from EOer or Eafcr, a boar, is derived Everard, Ever- itt, Everingham. P^verton, &ic. Oliphant is from elephant. Among the names of fishes and birds taken as family names may be mentioned, Pike. Salmon, Burt, Ba.ss. Fish, etc ; l>ove. OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 119 Finch, Peacock, Swan, Jay, Wildgoose (Wilgus), Heron, Sic. The mineral and vegetable kingdom have contributed their full quota, as in- stance Garnett, Jewell, Steel, Irons, Stone, Flint, Pine, Rose, Thorn, Burch,etc. One reason why persons received as sur- names the names of animals, fishes, birds, flowers, &G, was because in ancient times in England, not only innkeepers but tradesmen and mechanics of all kinds put on the signs over their doors a representa- tion of something to attract attention and as a distinguishing mark of their [ilaoe of business, as Wild hoars, Elephants, Bulls, Swans, Peacocks, Dolphins, Cranes, Grif- fins, Guns, Bells, Pots, Pitcaers, &c., which gave rise to the surnames of those who put them up or to some of their employes. Camden says " that he was told by them who said they spake of knowledge, that many names that seem unfitting for men, as of brutish beasts, etc., came from the very signs of the houses where they inliab- ited. That some, in late time, dwelling at the sign of the Dolphin, Bull, White- horse, Racket, Peacocke, etc., were com- monly called Thnnas at the Dolphin, Will at the Bull, George at the Whilehorse, Rohin at the Racket, which names, as many others of the like sort, with omitting at, became afterward hereditary to their children." A few surnames have originated in nick- names, epithets of contempt and ridicule, imposed for personal peculiarities, habits, qualities, incidents or accidents which hap- pened to their original bearers, as Doolit- lle, Bragg, Trollope, Silliman, &c. The foregoing gives the princijDal sour- ces from which the greater part of our surnames are derived, but many names yet remain, the origin of which are not ac- counted for, hut all surnames must have been originally significant. The best authorities as to the origin and meaning of surnames are Lover, Camden and Arthur, the work of the last named being the most conven lent and accessible. We give bel ];v the meaning and origin of many familxar surnames as accepted by some authorities. In a few instances there is a difference of opinion among those who have investigated the subject. At some future time we shall endeavor to find room for a more complete list of sur- names and quote different authorities — In some cases where different opinions are given as to the origin of surnames each may be correct owing to the fact that many names now common may have had different origins. SURNAMES- THEIR ORIGIN AND MEANING. Acheson, Atcheson. (Cornish British). An inscription or memorial. Ackerman. (Saxon). From Acker, oak- en, made of oak, and man. Signifying the brave, firm, unyielding man. Acton. (Saxon). Oak-town or oak hill, Agnew. (Norman French). From the town of Agneau, in Normandy, whence the family originated. Agneau, in Normandy French signifies lambs. Ackers, Aikens, Akers, Akms &c. (Sax- on). Qx^ni^y oaken ov place o^ oaks, ov oak man, a man firm and unyielding as an oak. Allen, Allan. This name is derived, by one authority from the Sclavonic Aland, a woltdog or hound. Camden thinks it is a corruption of Aelimus, which signifies sun- bright. In the Gaelic, Aluinn signifies ex- ceedingly fair, handsome, elegant, lovely. Irish, Alun, fair beautiful. The Gaelic and Irish derivations are probably correct. Anderson. Son of Andrew. Armstrong. A name given for strength in battle. Austin. (Latin) A contraction of Augus- tine, from Augustinus, imperial, royal, great, renowned. Bailey. A name of office. Barculo, Barkalow. From the town Boiculoor Borkulo in Holland. Barnes. A distinguished family of Sot- terly, Suffolk county, England. Beam, a city in France. Barnyz, (Cornish Br.) a judge. diminutive of Bartholo- ittle Bart, or son of Bar- Bartlett. A mew, meanmg tholomew. Barton. (Saxon). Local. From a town in Lincolnshire, England, meaning a corn town or barley village, from here, barley, and tonixu inclosure, house or village. In Devonshire Barton is applied to any free- hold estate not possessed of manorial privileges. Bates. (Anglo Saxon) Contention. Bauer. (German). Farmer. Baxter. (Anglo Saxon). Baker. Sir Walter Scott says that in Scotland it also meant a baker's lad. Beadle. A name of office; an officer be- longing to a university or parish. Bedell. The same as Beadla, of which it is a corruption. 120 OLD TIMES ^IN OLD MONMOUTH. Beers. From Beer, a town in Dorsetshire, England, so called from here, grain, bar- ley; a fruitful place. Bell. A name taken from the sign of an inn or shop. " John at the Bell " became "John Bell." Bennett. A contraction or corruption of Benedict, from Benedictus, blessed. Blair. A cleared plain or battle field. Blake. A corruption of Ap Lake, son of Lake. Bogart (Dutch) From boomgard, an or- chard. Bond. The father or head of a family, whence husband, a contraction of house bond. Bonnal. (Cornish British). The house on the cliff. (See Burnell). Bowen. (Welsh). A corruption of Ap Oiven, son of Owen. Bovvne. (Cornish Br.) Signifies ready, active, nimble. Bowman. A military name ; one who used a bow; an archer. Bowers. A shady recess ; a cottage. The German Bauer is sometimes corrupted to Bower. Bowyer. One who used or made bows. Bradshaw. A broad wood or grove. One who lived near a wide grove. Breese. (Welsh). A contraction of Ap JRecse, son of Ree?e. Brewer, Brewster. A brewer of malt li- quor. Brick. A corruption of Breek, signify- ing broken, a gap. Britton, Brittain. A native of Britain. Brower. From the Dutch Brouer, a brewer. Bryan, Brian Brien. Nobly descended ; also one who is fair spoken, wordy, spe- cious. Bunnell. A corruption of Bonhill, a par- ish in the county of Dumbarton, Scot- land. Burden, Borden. Louver says the sur- name Burden is probably a corruption of bourdov., a pilgrim's staff. It may also be de- rived from two Saxon words Bo^(r and den signifying a house in the valley. Chadwich. Cottage by the harbor. Clayton. The Clay hill. Cole. An abbreviation of Nicholas, common among the Dutch. Connell, Connelly. From Celtic and Gaelic, co?(a/, love, friendship. Conway. From a river of this name in Wales. Coombs. (Cornish Br.) A place betvreen i hills, a valley ; in the Welsh Coom. I Courtney. From a town in France, Courtenay fifty-six miles south of Paris. — The name signifies '' The court near the river."' Cox. From cock or cox, little, a term of endearment. The word was sometimes used to denote a leader or chief man. In West Jersey, some two centuries ago, Pe- ter, Lacey, and Laurence Cock were prom- inent settlers ; their descendants general- ly now spell the name Cox. Crawforl. From Crawford in Lancashire, Scotland, which some say derived its name from cru bloody and ford, a pass — bloody ford. Crowell. From a town in England by that name. Curtis. An abbreviation of courteous. Dennis. A corruption of the Greek name Dionysius, divine mind. Dunn. Gaelic, a heap, hill, mount, fort- ress. Saxon, brown, of a dark color, swar- thy. Dunning. Brown offspring, Child of Dunn. ErricV, Herrick. '' There is a tradition " says Dean Swift *' that the ancient family of Ericks or Herricks derive their lineage from Erick the Forester, a great command- er who rai'^ed an army to oppose the inva- sion of William the Conquerer." Errickson. Son of Eric. The old settlers of Monmouth of this name were probably of Swedish descent and first settled in West Jersey. Eric Errickson came over with the first Swedish settlers (1638?) A census of Swedes taken in 1693 gives the names of Joran Ericson, one child, Mats Errickson, three children, Eric Errickson, one child. An old tradition says that the first of the family who came to New Jer- sey, descended from Eric, king of Sweden. Ervvin, Irwin. Welsh Erivyn, very fair, white beautiful. Elvans. The Welsh for John, same as Johns, meaning son of Evan or son of John. French. One who came from France. Goudy, Gowdy. From Gouda, ■i. town in Holland. Gordon. A strong man, a hero, a giant. Harris, Harrison. .Son of Henry. Hartshorne. The horn ot a hart or male deer ; an emblem or sign over a shop or inn, wlience the name "Will at the Harts- horn." Havens. From haven, a harbor. One who lived near a haven. Henderson, Hendrickson. Son of Hen- ry or Hendrick. OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 121 Herbert. (Saxon) From Here., a sol- dier, and beorht, bright — meaning an ex- pert soldier, famous in war. Higgins. Little Hugh, or son of Hugh. Hilyard. Anciently Hildheard, Hild in Saxon is a hero or heroine, and heard, a pastor or keeper. Hodges. Hodge was a nickname of Rog- er, and Hodges mean son of Hodge. Hoffman. (Dutch) From Hoof Jam, a captain or head man, Hofman, from Hof, a court — the man of the court. Holman. A corruption of Allemand, a German, that is a mixture of all men, AUe mann. Holmes. From Holm, a river, island or meadow; also cultivated rising ground. Hume, Hulmes. Same as above. Hood. (Saxon) I'rom hovd', the wood. Hooper. A cooper. Hopkins. Little Robert or son of Rob- ert. Hunn. A native of Hungary. Irving, Irvine. From a river and town of same name in Ayrshire, Scotland. Jeffrey. Corrupted from Geoffrey or Godfrey, from theGerman, signifying God's peace orjoyful peace. This name was borne by the chief of the royal house of Plantag enet. .Jenkins. From Jenks or John ; son of John. Jennings. Same as Jenkins, Kemble, Kimlile. A corruption of Camp bell, which family claims to be able to trace its lineage to the fifth century. Cam meant crooked, and bevl, mouth — the man whose mouth inclined a little on one side. Laird. The same as Lord. Lane. (Gaelic) A plain ; a narrow way. Lawrence. Flourishing, spreading, from Laurus, the laurel tree. Sir Robert Lau: rence of Ashton Hall, Lancashire, England, accompanied Richard I. to the Holy Land 119L Leonard. The disposition of a lion. Li- on hearted. Lippencot. German. A town on the coast; one who lived on the coast — from leben to dwell, and ccte side or coast. Lloyd. (Welsh) Grey or brown. Lowe. A hill. Martin. Warlike, a chief man, a warrior. Moore. (Gaelic) Great, chief, tall, mighty, proud. Morgan. One born by the sea. Morris. (Welsh) A hero, a brave man. Norris. A North king ; the third king at arms. Osborn. From hus, a house, and beam, a child — a family child or adopted child. Owen. The ^ood offspring, good child. Palmer. A pilgrim from the Holy Land; so called because he carried a palm branch as a pledge of his having been to Palffstine. Pancoast, Pancost. A corruption of Pt:rt- Lecost, a name probably given to a child born on Pentecost day. Pangburn, Pangbourn. A town in Berk- shire, England. Parker. The keeper of a park. Powell. The son of Howell, which is from Cornish British Houl, the sun. Potter. One who makes earthen vessels. Price. The son of Rice or Reese, from Ap Ilice. Quackerboss. A thicket, a grove, moun- tain ash. Randolph, Randall. Fair help. Good help. Reeves. From liccve, a bailiff", provost, or steward. Reynolds. Sincere or pure love ; a strong, firm hold. Rice, Reese. A brave, impetuous man. Roger. One who keeps the peace ; strong counsel. Rogers. Son of Roger. Russell. Red haired, or somewhat red- dish. Schenck, An inn or public house, from the German schenhe. Sherman. One who shears cloth. Smith. The most common of all sur- names. The name is derived from the An- glo Saxon Smilan, to strike or smite. "From wlienee comes Smith, all be he knigVit or squire, But from the Smith thut fo'i geth a*, the fire?" Verstegan. Among the Highland class, the smith ranked third in dignity to the chief, from his skill in fabricating military weapons and his dexterity in using them. In Wales there were three sciences which a tenant could not teach his son without consent of his lord. Scholarship, Bardism and Smithcraft. This last was considered one of the liberal sciences, and the term hi.d a more com- prehensive sense than we now give it. The smith was required to have different branches of knowledge which are now prac- ticed separately, such as raising the ore, converting it into metal, etc. It originally applied to all mechanical workmen wheth- er in metal, wood or other materials. The name John ^Smith is s > common that it almost ceases to be a distinctive name. One writer contends, in an amus- 122 OLI) TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. ing article, that the name Smith is not only common in Great Britain and Ameri- ca, hut among all the nations of the earth. He insists that the Hehrew name ot'Sheni (Noah's son) was thus corrupted: Shem, .■Shemit, Shmit, Smith. A Philadelphia humorous writer, after asserting that Shem in Hebrew is the origin of vSmith, says the name John Smith is found in other nations one and indivisible Thus, Latin, Johannes Stnithius ; Italian, Giovanni Smithi ; Span- ish, Juan Smithas ; Dutch, Hans Schmidt; French, Jean Smeets ; Russian, Jonloff Skmittowski ; Polish, Ivan Schmittiwcls.ii ; Cliinese, Jahon Shimmitt ; Icelandis, Jahne Smilhson ; Welsh, Jihon Schmidd ; Tus- carora. Ton Qu Smittiu ; Mexican, Jontli F. Smitti. Snyder. (German) Schneider, a tailor. Stanton. From s/an a stone and (on, a hill or town. Stewart. Malcolm III, king of Scotland, created Walter, ihe son ot Fleance and grandson of Banquo, Lord High Steward of Scotland, from which office his family afterwards took, and retained the name of Stewart, and from ihence descended the royal family of Stuart. Stockton. A town in Durham, England. Stokes. A parish in Buckinghamshire, England. Stryker. (Danish.) From .?^r/(/i', to strike, to roam, to travel ; hence a worker at a trade, a traveller. Sutphen. (Dutch.) Originally Van Zutphen, that is, from the city of Zutphen in Germany. Taggart. (Welsh.) A meeting house. Tunison. Probably son of Tennis or Tunis. Throckmorton. A corruption of .1^ Rock- moor-toii-n, " a town on a rock in a moor,"' in the vale of Eversham, Warwickshire, England. Thwaite. A piece of ground cleared of VTOod. Tice. (Dutch.) A familiar abbreviation of Matihi.as. Tilton. Derived from Tilton, a village in England, probably an ancient [)lace of tilling or tents. TU(, Saxon, a tent. Todd. 7W, a Scotch word for fox. Townsend. One who lived at the end of tlie town. Truax. (Cornish Br. ) 'i'he place on the waters. Van Cleve. From the city of ('leve or Cleves in Westphalia, Germany. Vanderreer. From the ferry. Voorhees. (Dutch.) From voorhius the fore room or best room of a house, or from vflor Hess, b«fore the town of Hess. Walton The name of several villages in England, from ■wahl, a wood, and ii^n a town or village. Watson ami Watts. Son of Walter. Worden, Werden. From Wchr, a forti- fication and dm, a hill ; a town in Nether- lands called Woerdon. Westervelt. The west field. Woodruff. The governor or keeper of a wood, a forester. Woodward. Wood-ward, a forest keeper or officer who hud charge of a park or for- est, and took charge of all offences eom- naitted. Woolley. From Wohlley, uncultivated lands, hills without woods. Worth. (Saxon.) A court, farm, place. THE DEATH OF BAC(JN. '•John Bacon was a notorious refugee who had committed many depredations along the shores of Monmouth and Bur- lington counties. After having been a tei- ror to tlie people of this section for some lime, John '^tevvart, of Arnevtown, (after- wards Ciiptain Stewart), resolved if possi- ble to take him. There had been a rewa.rd of fifty pounds sterling offered by the (Jov- ernor and Council for his capture, dead or alive. A short time previous, in an engage- ment at Cedar Creek Biidge, Bacon and Ins company liad discomfited a considerable body of State troops, killing a brother of Joel Cook, of (book's Mills, (now Cooks- town), Burlington county, which excited much alarm amt exasperated the whole country. On the occasion of his arrest, Cap- tain Stewart took with him Joel Cook, John Brown, Thomas Smith, John Jones, and another person whose name is not recol- lected, and started in pursuit, well armed. They traversed the shore and found Bacon separated from his men at the public house or cabin of William Rose, between West Creek and C'lamtown (nov/ Tuckerton), in Burlington County, 'i'he night was very dark, and Smith being in advance ol the party, approached the house, and discov- ered through the window a man sitting with a gun between his knees. He imme- diately informed his companions. On ar- riving at the house. Captain Stewart opened the door and presenting his mus- ket demanded a surrender. The fellow sprang to his feel, and cocking his gun was OLD TIMES I^: OLD MONMOUTH. 123 in the act of bringing it round to the breast of Stewart, when the latter, instead of dis- charging his piece, closed in with him and succeeded after a scufHe in bringing him to the floor. He then avowed himself to be .John Bacon, and asked for quarter, wlii h was at once readily granted to him by Stew art. Tliey arose from tlie floor, and Stew- art (still retaining his hold on Bycon) called to Cook, who, when he discovered the supposed murderer of his brother, be- came exasperated, and stepping back gave Bacon a bayonet thrust unknown to Stew- art or his companions. Bacon appeared faint and fell. After a sliort time he re- covered and attempted to escape by the back door. Slewirt pushed a table against it. Bacon hurled itaws^yand struck Stew art to the floor, opened liie door, and ajiain attempted to pass out; hut was shot by Stewart (who liad regained his feet) while in the act. Tlie ball passed through his body, tlirougii a part of the building, and struck the breast of Cook, who had taken a position at the back door to prevent egress. Cook's companions were ignorant of the fact that he iuid given Bacon the bayonet wound, and would scarcely credit him when he so informed tiiem on their way home. They examined Bacon's body at Mount Misery, an i the woumis made l)y both bayonet and ball were obvious, 'riiey brought his dead body to Jacobstown, Burlington county, and were in the act of burying it in the public highway, near the village in the presence of many citizens who had collected on the occasion, when Bacon's tirother appeared among them and after much entreaty succeeded in obtain- ing his body for private burial." This affair took place on Thursday eve- ning, April 3rd, ]78;j. As there have been some tlisputesin tra- ditionary accounts as to the exact manner of Bacon's death, we have been at much trouble to get at the truth. Some old resi- dents of the vicinity where he was killed are, positive that he was siiot down after asking for quarter. They say that Captain Stewart's party suddenly opened the door and pointetl a muskei at Bacon, who in- stantly rooe up and held a table before him and begged for quarter, but the musket was fired, and the ball went through the table and killed him. But after much pa- tient investigation and inquiry we be.ieve this story is untrue, and that the correct version is about as Governor Fort has giv- en it. We are sorry to add, however, tliat the party lreatei.1 the body with unjusliiia- ble indignity. As soon as Bacon was killed his body was thrown into a wagon with his head over the tail-board, and the party drove for home that same night. Young Cook seemed quite " carried away " to tiiink he had avenged his brother's death, and at tiie inns at Mannahawkin and Mount Misery, insisted on treating Bacon with liquor, fastening open his mouth while he poured liquor into it. The de- scendants of British sym[)athisers have charged the jiarty with much cru'^lty, but the only foundations are the indignities of- fered to his body ; and even there we can find some palliation for it, when we consid- er the excitement bordering on frenzy, of young Cook. In addition to what has been qu'^ted from Governor Fort regarding Bacon's buri- al, we have heard it stated that in accord- ance with an ancient custom with great criminals, the intention was to bury Bacon at tiie forks of some public roads, with a stake driven througli the body ; but his brother's arrival changed their plan. This brother of Bacon's was generally respected where he was known. The writer of this is under impression that before the war Bacon's home was in Burlington county, though he occasionally worked in Stafford township, in Ocean county, and he has been told that Bacon left a wife and two sons at Pemberton ; that his widow married a man named Mor- ris, and that the two sons emigrated VVest, and bec-ime respectable and useful citi zens. It is but just to add that among old resi- dents, generally of the Society of Friends, who though symj)athizing with the Ameri- cans, yet were non-combatants, that Bacon was held to be among the most honorable of the refuj^ee leade-s. They fay that ex- cept calling for a meal's victuals for him- self and men in passing, he never molested the persons or property of any but Ameri- cans in the militia service. Before closing, we will say that, although our State Council of Safety had declared Bacon an outlaw, and offered a reward for him dead f)r alive, yet it is probable that if he had been taken alive and delivered to the civil authorities he would have been liberated in purstiance of the treaty with Engb.nd. Hetfield, a much worse man than Bacon, many years after the war, had the impu- dence to return to Essex county (to en- deavor to secure some property there), when he was arrested for his misdeeds dur- 124 OLD TIxMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. ing the Revolution •, but the judge decided he must be liberated in pursuance of the treaty with England. Most of the old resi- dents in ?]ssex well remember the intense excitement and indignation raised by the return and liberation of liiis scoundrel. The refugee leaders in our State — Het- field, Bacon, Lippincott, Davenport, Moody and others— all doubtless held commis- sions from the " Board of Associated Loy- alists," of which the President was Wil- liam Franklin, the last Britisli Governor of j^ew Jersey. CAPT. ADAM HYLER, The daring Privateer of the waters in AND AROUND — Ol.D MoNMOUTH. It is rare to find in fact or fiction, more daring exploits recorded than those per- formed chiefly in the waters around old Monmouth, by Captain Adam Hyler. who resided at New Brunswick during the lat- ter part of the Kevolutionary war. From some unaccountable cause, the heroic deeds of this man have received but little notice from historians ; indeed, we remem- ber of but one modere work that makes any allusion to them, and that gives only two or three of the items published below. Capt. Hyler's operations were carried on in Raritan bay, and along our coast as far down as Egg Harbor — chiefly, however, in the first named place. Though he some- times used sail craft, yet he generally de- pended upon whale boats or large barges, rowed by skillful crews. These barges were generally kept at New Brunswick, but some were at times concealed in small streams emptying into Raritan bay and river, which place was then reached by old Cranberry Inlet. Though the Refugee band which had its headquarters at the settlement on Sandy Hook, around the lighthouse, gave great annovance to the patriots of Mon- mouth, yet their operations were much circumscribed by the efforts of Capt. Ply- .ler and his brave compatriots, who serious- ly interfered with the vessels of the refu- gees, as well as of the British, and when opportunity offered as will hereafter be seen, hesitated not to attack their settle- ment, and even the lighthouse fort itself. The refugees would sometimes boast of successful midnight marauding expedi- tions into the adjacent country, but the bold, skillful exploits of Ilylcr, far eclipsed their best planned efforts. A clear idea of Capt. Hylers manner of harassing the enemy is given in the fol- lowing extracts, copied from various an- cient I'appi's ]-)ublished at the time. They serve to aid in completing the picture of life and times in and around Old Mon- mouth during tiie Revolution. "October 7th, 1781. On Friday last. Capt. Adam Hyler, from New Brunswick, with one gun boat and two whale boats, within a quarter of a mile of the guard ship at Sandy Hook, attacked five vessels, and after a smart conflict of fifteen minu- tes carried them. Two of them were armed, one mounting four six poundors, and one six swivels, and one three pound- er. The hands made their escape with their long boats, and took refu.ye in a small fort, in which were mounted twelve swivel guns, from which they kept up v constant firing; notwithstanding which he boarded them all without the loss of a man. On board one of them was 250 bushels of wheat and a quantity of cheese belonging to Capt. Lippencott, bound to New ^ork. He took from them fifty bushels of wheat, a quantity of cheese several swivels, a number of fusees, one. cask of powder and some dry goods; and stripped them of their sails and rigging — not being able to bring the vessels into port, in consequence of a contrary wind and tide. After which he set fire to all save one, on board"of which was a woman and four small children, which prevented her from sharing a similar fate." On the 13th of October, a week or ten days after the above mentioned afrair. Capt. Hyler with one gunboat and two whale boats, boarded a sloop and two schooners, which all hands, except two. had previously left, and which lay under the cover of the light house fort at Sandy Hook, and brought them all off; but the sloop being a dull sailor, and being much annoyed from a galley lying near Staten island, she was set on fire about three miles from the fort. One of the schooners running aground by accident, was stripped and left ; tlie other a remarkably fine fast sailing Virginia built pilot, mounted with one four pounder was brought, with two prisoners, safely oflf. On the 24th of the same month, he start- ed with one gunboat to surprise' the '• refu- gee town " at Sandy Hook. He landed within three quarters of a mile of the light house, but found the refugees were out in Monmouth County on a plundering expe- dition. He however fell in with six noted OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. I2r. villains who he brought off and lodged in a safe place. A subsequent notice of Capt. Hyler, says that at one time he captured the Captain of the guard at the light house, with all liis men, but whetiier it was at this or some other time, is not staled. Nov. 14th, 1781. On Saturday night, Capt. Hyler, with a gunboat and a small party of men went to the Narrows, where he captured a ship with fourteen iiands, and brought her off with the intention of running her up the Raritan river, but near the mouth she unluckily got aground, and as the enemy approached in force, lie was obliged to set her on fire. She was loaded with rum and porlc ; several hogsheads of the form<-r he got out and brought off with the prisoners.'' This ship captured was probably " The Father's D-^sire," as twenty hogs.heads of rum and thirty barrels of pork -.vere adver- tised by the U. S. Marshal to be sold a few days after ; which the advertisement states were taken from a ship of this name by Captain Hyler. " On the 15th of December. Capt. Hyler, who commands seven or eight stout whale boats, manned with near one hundred men, at the Narrows, fell in with two refugee sloops trading to Shrewsbury, one of them comm mded by the noted villain, ' Shore Stephens,' and liad on board £600 in spe- cie, besides a considerable quantity of dry goods ; the other had similar articles, also sugar, rum. etc. They were taken to New Brunswick." The many daring exploits of Capt. Hy- ler, following so close one after another, aroused the Biitish at New York, and they fitted out an expedition with the de- termination of destroying his boats, and if p>>ssible, capturing him. 'I'he following account of this expedition is derived chiefly from Philadelphia papers, of the date of January 15th and 16th, 1782: •' A party of the British lately (about January 9th) made an incursion to New Brunswick with the design, it is said, of carrying off the boats of the celebi'ated partizan, Capt. Adam Hyler. They land- ed at New Brunswick and plundered two houses, but were gallantly opposed by the neighboring militi i. and the enemy were driven off with some loss. Farther ac- counts say there were some 200 refugees and British, and that they suoceeded in destroying the whale boats. No Ameri- cans were killed, but five were wounded and six taken prisoners. Several tories were killed — four known to be, and sev- eral wei-e seen to be carried off. The British made the attack about 5 o'clock, A. M., just before daylight, and the Ameri- can account says the expedition was well planned, and that the Tories held the town for about an hour. The British reg ulars were detachments from the 40th and 42d regiments, under command of Capt. Beck with, in six boats, and they took away all of Hyler's boats. The Brit- ish alleged that Captain Hyler was a de- serter from the Royalists." It is probable that at this time, besides his boats at New Brunswick, Capt, Hyler had others concealed elsewhere, as we find early in the following spring he was at work as usual, i'pparently, but little in- convenienced by the loss of the boats taken by the British, though he may have built some in the meantime. In March following, when the British attacked and burned Toms River, they boasted of hav- ing captured there a fine large barge, be- longing to Capt. Hyler. In April, 1782, Capt. Hyler, in an open boat, boarded and took a large cutter, almost ready for .sea, lying near Sandy Hook, and near the Lion man-of-war, 64 guns. This cutler mounted twelve 18 pounders, and was commanded by one Wliile. formerly of Philadelphia, but turned apostate. Hyler blew up the ves- sel, which was designed as a cruiser, and took forty prisoners. Another account says the number of prisoners was fifty, and the cutter's armament was six 18 pounders and ten 9 pounders. At the same time he took a sloop which was ransomed for £400. Tlie Captain of the cutter gives an amus- ing account of the way Hyler captured his vessel, which will be found hereafter. "On the 25th of May, 1782. Capt. Hyler, with his armed boats, being in Shrewsbury river, a party of British troops, consisting of twenty-five men, under Capt. Shaak, was detaclied to intercept him in the gut. Hyler discovered them, and landed thir- teen men, with orders to charge; when four of the enemy were killed or wounded, and the Capt. and eight men taken prison- ers. By the firing of a gun it was ^up- posed others were killed, as they were seen to fall. Just before this affair, Capt. Hyler had met with a hurt, or otherwise he probably would not have let a man es cape." On the 2d of July, Captain Hyler, assist- ed by Captain Stoiy, another brave par- tizan, in New York bay, with two whale boats, boarded and took the schooner Skip 120 OLD TIMES [N OLD MON MOUTH. Jack, carrying six guns, besides swivels, and burned her at noon, in sight of the guard-sliip, and took tlie captain and nine or ten men prisoners. About, the same time he also took three or four trading vessels, loaded with calves, sheep, &c. These were probably about the last ex- ploits in which Captain Hyler was en- gaged, as we find no farther mention of his name in ancient papers until the an- nouncement of his death, some two months after. He died at New Brunswick, on the 6th of September. 1782. The following from an ancient paper gives a graphic account of his manner of conducting his operations. It was original- ly published June 19th, 1782 : " The exertions of the celebrated water partizan. Captain Adam Hyler, have been a considerable annoyance to the wood shallops, trading vessels, and plundering pirates of the enemy about Sandy Hook, Long Island, and Staten Island, for sev- eral months past. You have heard that his effort to take an eighteen gun cutter was crowned with success. It was indeed a bold and hazardous attempt, considering how well she was provided against being boarded. He was, however, compelled to blow her up, after securing his prisoners and a few articles on board. His surpris- ing a captain of the guard, at the light- house, with all his men, a short time ago, was a handsome affair, and gained him much credit. He has none but picked and tried men ; the person who discovers the least symptom of fear or diffidence, be he who he will, is immediately turned on shore, and never suffered to enter again. — In the next place, they are taught to be particularly expert at tlie oar, and to row with such silence and dexerity as not to be heard at the smallest distance, even though three or four boats be together, and go at the rate of twelve miles an hour. " Their captin-es are made chiefly by surprise or stratagem; and most o^ the crews that have hitherto been take by tliesft boats declare they never knew any- thing of an enemy bemg at hand till they saw the pistol or cut lass at their throats. "There was a droll instance of this some weeks ago, as one of the prisoners, a shrewd, sensible fellow, and late captain of one of the captured vessels, relates it himself. Said he, ' 1 was on deck with three or four men, on a very pleasant «ven- ing, with our sentinel fixfd. Our vessel was at anchor near Siindv [look, and the Lion man-ofwar about one quarter of a mile distant. It was calm and clear, and we were all admiring the beautiful and splendid appearance of the full moon which was then three or four hours above the horizon. While we were thus atten- tively contemplating the serene luminary, we suddenly henrd several pistols dis- charged into the cabin, and turning around, perceived at our elbows a number of armed people, fallen as it were from the clouds, who ordered us to ' surrender in a moment, or we were dead men !" Up- on this we were turned into the hold and the hatches barred over us. The firing, howeviM', had alarmed the man-of-war, who hailed us, and desired to know wiiat was tiie matter. As we were not in a sit- uation to aiswer, at least so far as to be heard. Captain Hyler was kind enough to do so for us, telling them through the speaking trumpet that ' all was well.' — After which, unfortunately for us, they made no fartiier inquiry.' " After the notorious refugee, Lippencott, had barbarously murdered Captain Joshua Huddy, near the Highlands, General Washington was anxious to have the mur- derer secured. He had been demanded of the British General, and his surrender refused. Captain Hyler was deierniined to take Lippencott. On inquiry he found that he resided in a well known house, in Broad street. New York. Dressed and equipped like a man-of-war press gang, he left the Kills, with one boat, after dark, and arrived at Wliitehall about nine o'clock. Here he left his boat in charge of three men, and passed to the residence of Lippencott, where he inquir'=d for him and found that he was absent, having gone to a cock pit. Thus failing in his object he returned to his boat, with his press gang, and left Whitehall, but finding a sloop ly- ing at anchor off the battery, from the West Indies, laden with rum, he took her, cut her cal)le, «et her sails, and with a north-east wind sailed to Elizebethtown loint, and before daylij;ht had landed from her and secured forty hogsheads of rum. He then burned the sloop to pre- vent her re-capture. — (This again furni.whes tiie groundwork of a very interesting story, published originally in Major Noah's New York Sunday Times, and afterwards re- published by tlie author, ill a book entitled " Tales and Traditions of New York." — The writer however, occasionally blends fiction with facts, which, though perhaps servinir to increase the interest of his sto- OLD TIMES IN OLD xMON MOUTH. 12: ries, yet renders his work unreliable as a matter of history). The writer of this has been unable to find any notice of Captain Hyler previous to 1771. The occasion of this probably is that he was in the British service in the early part of the war, but being convinced of the unjustness of the cause in which he was engaged, he left them and joined the Americans. The British at New Bruns- wick, as before stated, charged him with being a deserter, and the Tory paper pub- lished in New York (Rivington's Royal Gazette), Jan. 12, 1782, says : " This Hyler is, a deserter from the royal service, and ever since his defection has proved too successful an enterprizer in his various descents upon'our vicinities." The fact of Captain Hyler's having been formerly in the British service, increases our admiration for his bold operations. — Had he been taken by the British, he probably would have received a deserter's puiaishment. The writer of this has had occasion to make a thorough examination of the origi- nal pay rolls of all vessels of war in the ser- vice of our government in the war of 1812, and previous, which rolls are now preserved in the Treasury Department at Wash- ington. In looking over the rolls contain- ing the list of officers and men serving un- der Commodore Perry and other noted heroes on the lakes is to be found the name of an under officer named Adam Hyler, who faithfully served throughout that war, who was evidently named after and probably a near relative of the Captain Adam Hyler of Revolutionary fame. OTHER PRIVATEERS. Captain Storer. The following is from an ancient paper published in 1782, just previous to the close of the war. " We learn that the brave Captain Stor- er, commissioned as a private boat of-war under the State, and who promises to be the genuine successor of the late Captain Hyler. has given a recent instance of his valor and conduct in capturing one of the enemy's vessels. He went in two boats through the British fleet in the Narrows, and boarded a vessel under the flag staff battery. He captured the vessel without alarm She was a sloop in the Engineers department of H. B. M. service, and was carried away safely.'' Captain William Marriner. Captain Marriner lived in New Bruns- wick during the war. From notice of him in ancient papers, we find he was another brave enterprising partizan, as the follow- ing extracts will show, The first is from a letter dated June i7th, 1778. I " William Marriner, a volunteer, with eleven men and Lieutenant John Sohenck, of our militia, went last Saturday evening \ from Middletown Point to Long Island, in I order to take a few prisoners from Flat- bush, and returned with Major MoncriefF and Mr. Theopiiilus Bacho (tlie worshipful I Mayor and Tormentor-General, David I Matthews, Esq., wiio has inflicted on our , prisoners the most unheard of cruelties, - and who was the principal object of the j expedition, being unfortunately in the j city,)with four slaves, and brought them I to Princeton, to be delivered to his excel- ( lency the Governor. Mr. Marriner with ! his party left Middletown Point on Satur- ; day evening, and returned at six o'clock { next morning, having traveled by land j and water above fifty miles, and be- haved with greatest prudence and brav- ery." 'J'he following is from an official naval work in the Library of Congress : " The privateer Biacksnake was captur- ed by the British, but in April, 1780, Cap- tain William Marriner, with nine men in a whale boat, retook her. Captain Mar- ! riner then put to sea in his prize, and cap- tured the Morning Star, of 6 swivels and ; 33 men, after a sharp resistance, in which I slie lost three killed and five wounded ; he carried both prizes into Egg Harbor." After the war Captain Marriner removed to Harlem, where he lived many years. The Paniel Matthews alove spoken of was the Tory Mayor of New York, during the Revolution, and noted for his enmity to all favoring the Americans. Captain Jackson. "December I8th, 1782. — Capt. Jackson of the Greyhound, in the evening of Sun- day, last week, with much address, cap- tured witnin the Hook, the Schooner Dol- phin and sloop Diamond, bound from New York to Halifax, and brought them into Egg Harbor. These vessels were both condemned to the claimants, and the sale amounted to £10,200. Successful Exploit. In the following item from the Packet, .Ian. 1779, tio names are mentioned. 128 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. "Some Jerseymen went in row boats to Sandy Hook and took four sloops, one of which was armed. They burned three and took one; also nineteen prisoners. The share of prize money per man, was £400." PASSAGES IN THE RELIGIOUS HIS- TORY OF OLD MONMOUTH. The Universalists — Origin of the Socie- ty IN America. THE POTTER CHURCH. A Free Church in the Olden Time — A Ref- uge for Methodism in its Dark Days — The Cradle of Universalism in America — Its Benevolent Founder and Remark- able Incidents in liis Life. A singular and interesting chapter in the religious history of our State, and one but little known outside of members of the Universalist society, relates to a church formerly called " the Potter church," built not far from 1760 to 1765, at Good- luck, in that part of old Monmouth now confined within the limits of Ocean coun- ty, by a benevolent resident of that vilUxge named Thomas Potter. Before building the church, Potter had been in the custom of opening his house to travelling preach- ers of all persuasions ; and, after a while, to accommodate them, he built this church free for all denominations. His object is best expressed in his own words : " As I firmly believe that all mankind are equal- ly dear to Almighty God, they .shall all be equally welcome to preach in this house which I have built." After it was built, it was used by traveling ministers of the Presbyterian, Baptist, Quaker, Methodist and other societies, and in it was preached the first Universalist sermon ever delivered in America. The Methodist society in New Jersey owe a debt of gratitude to Thomas Potter for always openinii his church to the noble pioneers of Method- ism in tlie dark days of its history, when Methodism not only met with opposition from other societies on account of differ ence in religious sentiments, but also, when during tlie Revolution, their ene- mies most unwarranti^bly slandered them by charging them with being in sympathy with Great Britain. Though these slan- ders had the eftect of rendering the heroes of Methodism so unpopular that they could hardly obtain a hearing in most parts of this State, as well as in other States, yet the Potter church was always open to them, and so often used by them, that some Methodist writers at the present day who have found the name of this church frequently mentioned in the jour nals of these pioneers, have concluded it must have be«n a Methodist church, though where it was situated, and why it was so called, they have been unable to divine. Among the preachers well known in the annals of Methodism who preached in it, were Benjamin Abbott and Bishop Asbury ; and in it was married James Ster- ling, the most earnest, effective layman the society had in its early struggles in New Jersey. The most satisfactory account of Thom- as Potter and his church is given by Rev. Jolin Murray, who preached in it the first Universalist sermon ever delivered in America, under circumstances so very sin- gular that his narrative forms an interest- ing as well as important part of our church history. As Murreiy''s Journal is rarely to be met with except occasionally among some of his own denomination, we give the substance of his account, though, before giving it, it is necessary to say a few words in regard to Mr. Murray himself. The Rev. John Murray, the first preach- er of Universalism in America, sailed from England for New York, July 21fet, 1770. — When he left England though a warm ad- vocate of the principles of that society, yet he was not a regular preacher and had but little idea then of becoming one in Amer- ica. During a thick fog in the early part of the month of September, the brig " Hand in Hand," in which he was act- ing as supercargo, struck on the outer bar of old Cranbeiry Inlet ( now closed ) near- ly opposite Totas River ; she soon passed over and was held by her anchors from go- ing on shore. Here she remained several days before she could be got off. While lying here the provisions of the brig were exhausted, and after locking up the ves- sel, all hands proceeded in a boat across the bay to the main in search of susten- ance. Being unacquainted with tlie main, they spent a great part of the day before they could efJectuate their purpose, after which, it being late, they proceeded to a tavern to stay all night. Mr. Murray'^ mind appears to have been much exercised by eventful scenes in his previous life and to have longed to get somewhere where the busy cares of the world would not dis- turb his meditations ; and hence as soon as the boatmen arrived at the tavern he OLD TIMES m OLD MONMOUTH. 129 left them for a' solitary walk through the dark pine grove. " Here," said l)e, I was as much alone as I could wish and my heart exclaimed, Uh that I had in this wil- derness the lodging of a poor wayfaring man ; some cave, some grot, some place where I might tinish my days in calm re- uose.'' As he thus passed along musing, he unexpectedly reached a small log house where he saw a girl cleaning tish ; he re- quested her to sell him some. She had none to spare, but told him he could get all he wanted at the nex' house. "What, this?" said Mr. Murray pointing to one he could just discern through the woods. — The girl told him no, that was a meeting house. He was much surprised to find a meeting house there in the woods. He was directed to pass on by the meeting house and at the next house he would find fish. He went on as directed and came to the door near which was a large pile of fish of various sorts, and standing by was a tall man, rough in appearance and evidently advanced in years. "Pray sir," said Mr Murray, " will you have the goodness te sell me one of those fish ?" — " No sir," was the abrupt reply of the old gentleman. "That is strange," replied Mr. Murray, "when you have so many fish, lo refuse me a single one!" "I did not refuse you a fish, sir; you are welcome to as many as you please, but I do not sell the article; I do not sell fish, sir, I have them for taking up and you may obtain them the same way." Mr. Murray tlianked him ; the old man then inquired what he wanted of tliem, and was told he wished them for supper for the mariners at the tavern. The old man of- iVred to send the fish over for him. and urged Mr. Murray to tarry with him thai nighi. Mr. Murray consented to return after visiting the crew at the public house. This old gentleman was Thomas Potter. — Mr. Murray says he was astonished to see so much genuine politeness and hospitali- ty under so rough an exterior, but his as- tonishment was greatly increased on his return. The old man's room was prepared, his fire briglit and his heart opened. — " Come," said he, " my friend, I am glad you have returned, I have longed to see you, I have been expecting you a long ti"'e." Expecting him ! Mr. Murray was amazed, and asked what he meant. Mr. Potter replied, " 1 must answer in my own way ; I am a poor ignorant man, I know how neither to read or write ; I was born in tiiese woods and worked on these grounds until I became a man, when I went on coasting voyages from here to New York ; I was then about getting married, but in going to New York once I was pressed on board of a man-of-war and tak- en in Admiral Wa.iren's ship to Cape Bre- ton. 1 never drank any rum, so they saved my allowance ; but 1 would not bear an affront, so if any of the officers struck me I struck them again, but the admiral took my part and called me his new-light man. When I reached Louisburg 1 ran away and traveled barefooted through the country and almost naked lo New York, where I was known and supplied with clothes and money, and soon returned home, when T found my girl aiarried. This rendered me unhappy, but I recovered my tranquility and married her sister. I settled down to work 9,'nd got forward quite fast ; con- structed a saw mill, possessed myself of thi^ farm and five hundred acres of adjoin- ing land. I entered into navigation, own a sloop and have now got together a fair estate. I am, as I said, unable to read or write, but I am capable of reflection ; the sacred Scriptures liave been often read to me, from which 1 gathered that there is a great and good Being who has preserved and protected me througli innumerable dangers, and to whom we are all indebted for all we enjoy ; and as He has given me a house of my own I conceived I could do no lets than to open it to the stranger, let him be who he would ; and especially if a traveling minister parsed this way he al- ways received an invitation to put up at my house and hold his meetings here. " 1 continued in this piaclice for more than seven years, and illiterate as I was I used to converse with them, and was fond of asking them questions. They pro- nounced me an odd mortal, declaring themselves it a loss what to make of me ; while I continued to affirm that I had but one hope ; 1 believed that Jesus Christ sufiered death for my transgressions, and this alone was sufficient for me. At length my wife grew weary of having meetings held in her house, and I determined to build a house for the worship of God. I had no children, and 1 knew that I was beholden to Almighty God for everything which 1 possessed, and it seemed right I should appropriate a part of what He be- stowed (or his service. My neighbors of- fered their assistance, ' But no,' said I, ' God has triven me enough to do this work without your aid, and as he has put it in my heart to do so, so I will do.' 'And 130 OLD TIMES m OLD MONMOUTH. who,' it was asked, ' will be your preach- er ?' I answered, God will send me a preacher, and of a very different stamp ] from those who have heretofore preached in my house. The preachers we have ' heard are perpetually contradicting them- selves ; but that God who has put it into my heart to build this house, will send one who shall deliver unto me his own truth ; who shall speak of Jesus Christ and his salvation. When the house was finished I received an application from the Bap- tists, and I told them it they could make it appear that God Almif;;hty was a Bap- tist, I should give them the building at once. The Quakers and Presbyterians re- ceived similar answers. No, said I, as I firmly believe that ail mankind are equal- ly dear to Almighty God, they shall all be equally welcome to preach in this house which I have built. My neighbors assured me I should never see a preacher whose sentiments corresponded with my own, but I uniformly replied I assuredly would. I engaged for the first year with a man whom I greatly disliked; we parted, and for some years we have had no stated min- ister. My friends often asked me, ' where is the preache/ of whom you spoke ?' and my constant reply, ' he will by and by make his appearance." The moment, sir, 1 saw your vessel on shore it seemed as if a voice had audibly sounded in my ears, ' There, Potter, in that vessel, castaway on that shore, is the preacher you have so long been expecting.' I heard the voice and believed the report, and when you came up to my door and asked for the fish the same voice seemed to repeal, ' Potter, this is the man — this is the person whom I have sent to preach in your house I'" As may be supposed Murray was im- measurably astonished at Mr. Potter's nar- rative, but yet had not the least idea that his wish could ever be realized. He asked him what he could discern in his appear- ance to lead him to mistake him for a preacher. ' What,' said Potter, ' «ould I discern when you were in the vessel that could induce this conclusion? Sir, it is not what I saw or see, but what I feel which produces in my mind full conviction.' — Murray replied that he must be deceived, as lie should never preach in that place or anywhere else. '' Have you never preached — can you say you never preached ?" " I cannot, but I never intend to preach airaiu." " Has not God lifted up the light of His countenance upon you? Has he not shown you the truth ?" '' I trust he has.'' '' Then how dare you hide this truth ? — Do men light a candle and put it under a bushel. If God has shown you His salva- tion why should you not show it to your fellow men. But 1 know that you will, 1 am sure that God Almighty has sent you to us for this purpose. I am not deceived, sir, I am sure I am not deceived." Murray was much agitated when this man thus spoke on, and began to wonder whether or no God who ordains all things, had not ordained that this should come to pass, but his heart trembled, he tells us, at the idea. He endeavored, he says, to quiet his own fears and to silence the warm hearted old man by informing him he was supercargo of the vessel, that jsroperty to a large amount was entrusted to his care, and that the moment the wind changed he was under solemn obligations to de- part. " The wind will never change," said Pot- ter, " until you have delivered to us in that meeting house a message trom God." Murray still resolutely determined nev- er to enter any pulpit as a pieachtr, but being much agitated in mind asked to be shown to bed after he had prayed with the family. When they parted for the night, his kind host solemnly requested him to think of what he said. " Alas, says Murray, he need not have made this request; it was impossible to banish it from my mind; when I entered my chamber and shut the door, 1 burst in- to tears ; I felt as if the hand of God was in the events which had brought me to this place, and I prayed most ardently that God would assist and direct nie by his counsel." So much exercised was he in mind that he spent the greater part of the night in praying and weeping, " dreading more than death, he says, supposing death to be an object of dread, the idea ot engaging as a public character." In his writings he gives the substances of his meditations and prayers on that memorable night. In the morning his good iViend renewed his solici- tations : " Will you speak to me and my neighbors of the things which belong to, our peace ?" Murray seeing only thick woods, the tav- ern across the fields excepted, requested to know what he meant by neigh Ikh's. OLD TIMES IN OLD MOxN MOUTH. 131 " O, sir, we assemble a large congrega- tion whenever the meeting house is open- ed ; indeed when my father first settled here he was obliged to go twenty miles to grind a bushel of corn, but now there are more than seven hundred inhabitants within that distance.'' Murray still could not be prevailed up on to yield, but Potter insisted and seemed positive the wind would not change until he had spoken to the people. Tlius urged, Murray began to waver and at length he tells us he '' implored God, who sometimes condescends to indulge individuals with tokens of his approbation, graciously to in- dulge me upon tiiis important occasion, and that if it was His will that I should obtain my soul's desire by passing through life as a private individual, if such was not his will that I should engage as^ a preacher of the ministry, He would vouchsafe to grant me a wind as might bear me from this shore before another Sabbath. I de- termined to take the changing of the wind for an answer." But the wind changed not, and towards the close of the Saturday afternoon he re- luctantly gave his consent to preaching the next day, and Mr. Potter immediately despatched his men on horse back to noti- fy the neighbors, which they were to con- tinue to do until ten o'clock in the even- ing. Mr. Murray apj^ears to iiave had but little rest that night, thinking over the re- sponsibilities of the avocation he was so unexpectedly about to be engaged in, and of what lie should say and how he sliould address the people ; but the passage " Take no thought what ye shall say," etc., appears to have greatly relieved his mjnd. Sunday morning they proceeded to the church. Potter very joyful and Murray uneasy, distrusting his own abilities to re- alize the singularly high formed expecta- tions of his kind host. The church at that day is described as being " neat and con- v.enient, with a pulpit rather after the Quaker mode, with but one new pew and that a large square one just below the pul- pit in which sat the venerable Potter and his family and visiting strangers ; the rest of the seats were constructed with backs, roomy and even elegant." As Murray was preaching Potter looked up into the pul- pit, his eyes sparkling with pleasure, seem- ingly completely happy at the fulfillment of what he firmly believed a promise long deferred. We have no record of the sub- stance of this, the first Universalist ser- mon in America, nor of its impression up- on any of the hearers save one — that one Thomas Potter himself, appears to have had all his expectations realized, and up- on their return home overwhelmed Mur- ray with his frank, warm-hearted congrat- ulations ; and soon visitors poured in. — Siiid Potter to them " This is the happiest day of my life ; there, neighbors, there is the minister God has sent me." Murray was so overcome by the old man's enthu- siastic demonstrations that he retired to his room and tells us he '* prostrated him- self at the throne of grace, and besought God to take him and do with him what he pleased." After a while he returned to the compa- ny and found the boatmen with them, who wished him to go on board immediately, as the wind was fair. So he was compelled to leave. His host was loth to part with him and exacted a promise from him to return, which he soon did, and preached often in the Potter church and other vil- lages. The first place he visited during this stay was Toms River. He relates two or three interestin:; scenes occurring here, in explaining to individuals his peculiar religious views. The next village he visit- ed was probably Mannahawkin, for though he does not mention the name, yet he speaks of a Baptist preacher and church, of a family of Pangburns, &c., and there was then a Bapti**! churcli at that village, and the Pangburn family were then prom- inent members of it. (Lines Pangburn was a delegate from the Mannahawkin Baptist church to the Baptist General Association, in 1771. A man named Lines Pangburn was afterward killed by refugees at Man- nahawkin — probably the same one.) For many years, and thouijh travelling in various parts of the United States, yet as long as Thomas Potter lived, his house at Goodluck was considered by Murri-y as his home. At length, after being away some time upon a religious mission, he re- turned and found that liis good old friend was dead ; his letter describing this visit, recounting some of the scenes of Potter's life, his traits of character, his own feel- ings, etc., is full of tender feeling and sin- cere grief, admirably expressed, and the substance of the discourse which he preached on that occasion, in that memor- able old chapel, is a touching specimen of Murray's eloquence. A brief extract will serve to liive an idea of Muri'ay's style and of his feelings towards his departed friend. His text was " For ye are bought with a price ; therefore glorify God in your body 132 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. and in your spirit which are God's." To- wards the close of his discourse, pointing towards Potter's grave which could be seen from where lie stood, he says : " Through yonder open casement I be- hold the grave of a man, the recollection of whom swells my heart with gratitude, and fills my eyes with tears. There sleeps the sacred dust of him who well under stood the advantages resulting from the public worsliip of God. There rests the ashes of him who glorified God in his body, and in his spirit, which he well knew were the Lord's. He believed he was bought with a price, and therefore he declared that all tliat he had and all tliat he was, were righteouslv due to God, who created and purchased him with a price, all price be- yond. There rests the precious dust of the friend of strangers, whose hospitable doors were ever open to the destitute, and him who had none to relieve his suffer- ings ; his dust reposes close to this edifice, itself a monument of his piety. Dear, faithful man, when last I stood in this place, he was present among the assemblj'^ of the people. I marked his glistening eye ; it always glistened at the emphatic name of Jesus. Even now, I behold in imagination, his venerable countenance, benignity is seated on his brow, his mind, apparently open and confiding, tranquili- ty reposeth upon his features, every vary- ing emotion evincing faith in that endur- ing peace which passeth understnnding. — Let us, my friends, imitate his philanthro- py, his charity, his piety. I may never meet you again until we unite to swell the loud hallelujahs before the throne of God. But to hear of your faith, of your persever- ance, of your works of charity, of your brotherly love, will heighten my enjoy- ments and soothe my sorrows, even to the verge of mortal i)ilgrimage.'' Potter in his will left the church to Mur- ray. The clause in his will reads, as given in Murray's life, as follows: " The house was built by me for the worsliip of God ; it is my will that God be worshipped in it still, and for this purpose f wiil that ray ever dear friend, John Mur- ray, preacher of the gospel, j^ossess it, hav- ing the sole direction, disposal and man agement of said house and one acre of land upon which it stands and by which it is surrounded." It was Mr. Murray's desire as well as Mr. Potter's, that the church should be kept free to all denominations for the worship of God. In his sermon just quoted he says : " Thomas Potter built this house that God might be worshipped without in- terruption, that he might be worshipped by all whom he stiould vouchsafe to send. This elegant bouse, my friends, the first friends who hailed my arrival in this coun- try, this house with its a<]joining grove is yours. The faitliful founder bequeathed it to me that none of you may be deprived of it," and in Mr. Murray's will he express- ly left it free to all denominations. This church property is now under the control of the Methodists, the Universal- ists, though manifesting little or no dispo- sition to dispute their claim, yet contend that its sale was through "the mismanage- ment of the executor to satisfy illegal claims, tfcc." The Unlversalists held an interesting conference at the church, Mav l.'itli, 1833, which was attended by many of their leading preachers and laymen, and while there erected the tombstone over Potter's grave, which yet marks the spot where he was buried. The ceremony WPS quite impressive. Rev. A. C. Thomas delivering an appropriate discourse, after which a hymn corauosed for the occasion. was sung among other exercises. This conference, while there, adopted a circular letterto their churches generally, in which, among other things they say : " We have been on a mission of love and gratitude, liave assembled in the ancient house of our Fathers, have convened around the grave of the venerated Potter, and dropped a tear of grateful remembrance on the spot where repose his ashes, etc.," and then earnestly invite their brethren from the East and from the West, from the North and from the South to unite with thera "in an annual pilgrimage to this sacred spot — this Holy Land, in order that we may all receive a little of the Godlike spirit of benevolence which warmed the soul of that man of God, and friend of man, Thomas Potter. Their earnest and feeling appeal to their brethren to make this annual pilgrimage,' however, has met with a very feeble re- sponse, though since the time that John Murray delivered his first sermon in Sep- tember, 1770, the churclies of his follow- ers have increased to perha2)s twelve hun- dred, yet only once in a long while does one of their members make this pilgrim- age to this 'Holy Land ;' when they do and express a desire to preach, the doors are thrown open to them, and as long as the trustees are thus liberal to them as well as other denominations, they cer- OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 133 tainly can have no occasion to question the title. The substance of the foregoing account is derived from Everett's life of Murray and from writings of Murray himself. The warm unqualified endorsementof the char- acter of Murray, as a man, by such noble hearted men as General Greene of Revolu- tionary fame, and others who knew him, well show that implicit reliance can be placed upon his statements. In 1832. the Rev. A. C. Thomas visited Toms River and Goodluck, and in both places found per- sona who had listened to Murray in their youth, and cherished the faith they heard from him, and he conversed with several who remember having heard the circum- stances related by Murray of his first meet- ing with Potter, corroborating Murray's statements. Before dismisising the subject it may not be amiss to add that one tradition of the origin of the name of Goodluck, as applied to this village, is that when Murray was looking for provisions on his first arrival, and finding Potter so kind and open heart- ed, and the magnificent groves of pine so suited to his meditative mind, he exclaim- ed : 'Good Luck !' that 1 have found such a place and such a man. (There is anoth- er tradition of the name of Goodluck Point, near Toms River, which is different from the origin of Goodluck villnge.) An old gentleman broutrhc up in the vi- cinity of the church, whose father was a neighbor and friend of Thomas Potter, stated that he often heard his father re- late Potter's story of the naming of the place on this account; that in relation to Potter being carried off by a man of-war, he was gone so long the neighbors thought, him dead, and the girl to whom he Wdn to be married, thinking so also, she had mar- ried another man just before his return ; that Potter often told his neighbors, after he built the church, that God would send a minister after his own heart, and that in Murray he found fulfilled hi.s long defer- red expectations. The Centenary of Universalism. The one hundredth anniversary of the introduction of Universalism into the Uni- ted States was celebrated by a large con vocation of clergy and members of the So- ciety at Gloucester Mass., in September, 1870; and the week following, on Sept. 28th, memorial exercises conducted by that father in the church, Rev. Abel C. Thom- as, of Philadelphia, was held at the old Potter Church at Goodluck. The exer- cises consisted of praying, singing, address by Mr. Ballou, of Philadelphia, &c., afteF which the congregation were dismissed until one o'clock, when the grave of Mr. Potter the founder, of the church, was dec- orated with appropriate cei'emonies. For- ty years ago Rev. A. C Thomas caused a wooden fence to be put around Potter's grave ; on the centenary occasion this was removed and a neat iron fence substituted. The following letter from Rev. A. C. Thomas, to the Editor of the New .Jersey' Courier, giving some interesting details of the celebrations at Gloucester and Good- luck, and also items in the rise and pro- gress of the Society, is worthy a place in the history of the church : Thomas Potter and .John Murray. Mr. Editor: — In behsdfof many Univer- salists, I thank you for your iate fair and liberal article respecting Thomas Potter, of Good Luck, and the Rev. John Murray. — We expect no man to endorse liie state- ments of the latter, as recorded in his au tobiography ; nor the traditional accounts of his remarkable interview with the for- mer; but we are happy to know that the time has arrived for a truly catholic repre- sentation of our history as a people, as il- lustrated recently in your columns. In one item you were misinformed. We had no expectations of large '"delegations" of our members at the late celebration in Goodluck. Our centenary bad been at- tended the week previously in Gloucester, Mass., the number present being variously estimated from ten thousand to fifteen thousand, including two hundred and fif- ty out of our six hundred and fifty clergy- men. It was the date of the stated annual session of our General Convention, and was appointed to be held in Gloucester under the following circumstances. In i770 a Mr. Gregory, presumably a mariner, brought from London to Glou- cester a book written by Rev. .James Relly, in advocacy and defence of the doctrireof the restoration of all souls, in the Lord's own time and way. This book was passed from hand to hand, and made happy con- verts of a number of influential, religious people. It would require no great stretch of the imagination to date the landing of that booK on the 28th of September, of the year named ; and on that day Rev. John Mur- ray, a disciple of Relly (in the sense that Relly was a disciple of Christ) landed on 134 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. the coast of New Jersey, as narrated in yo.ur recent article. After an extended missionary service in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New Eng- land,, Murray was for the second time in Boston in 1774. Having heard of him as a dis.-iple of Relly, the Gloucester people sent for him. He accepted the invitation, the visit being a meeting of tlie lines of providence in the case. Here he after- wards settled as pastor, his meetings for Wor.-^hip being held in private houses uniil 1788. In that year a meeting house was erected, and a more pretensions one in 1805. The old building was then sold and devoted to secular uses in the villagf. Ten years later it was removed to a farm about two miles distant, and since that time has been used as a hay-barn. In 1804 Murray removed to Boston, and his successor in Gioucester, Rev. Thomas Jones, for forty-two years was minister of the parish, dying in 1846. During the session of our General Con v'>ntion last week, we had a memorial ser vice at ihe old church barn, and also at the grave of Father Jones, the latter be- ing marked by a huge granite obelisk ni the Cemetery. The late great convocation in Glouces- ter antediited the landing of Murray by the space of one week; and a few of us determined to spend the exact centenary at Goodluck. This was what took us there ; and there, precisely one hundred years from the landing of Murray, we held a memorial service in the old church, and also at the grave of Thomas Potter — the order being substantially the same that we had used in Gloucester. The only change was in this : " We strew this evergreen and these flowers in memory and honor of Thomas Potter, the friend and patron of John Murray, our early preacher of Uni- versalism in America." After a brief address V)y the Rev. Abel C. Tljomas, who conducted the services, the following hymn was sung, and the ser- vice proceeded in the ordei' given below. Whilst far and wide thy scattered sheep. Great Shepherd, iu tlie desert stray, Thy lore by som* is thought to sleep, Unheedful of the wanderer's way. But truth declams tliey shall be found. Wherever uow they darkling roam, Thy love shall through the desert sound, .^.nd summon every wanderer home. Upon the darkened wavs of sin, Instead of terror's sword and flame, Shall love de«(-;ind — for love can win Far more than terror can reclaim And they shall turn their wandering feet, By grace redeemed, by love controlled, Till all at last in Edeu meet. One happy, universal fold. All the ends of the world shall remem- ber and turn unto the Lord, and all the kindreds of the nations siiall worship be- fore thee : For the kingdom is the Lord's and he is thf Governor among the nations. Send forth ihy light and thy truth, O Lord ; let them lead us and bring us to thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles, even unto God our exceedingjoy. Tl'ou wilt show us the path, of life : in thy presence is fulness of joy : at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. How amiable are thy tabernajles, O Lord of Hosts ! My soul longeth, yea. even fain eth for the courts of the Lord: My heart and my flesh crieth out for the liv- ing God, As the sparrow findeth a house, and the swallow a nest for herself where she may hide her young, so let me dwell at thine altars. O Lord of Hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they -who divell in thy house : they will be still praising thee. A day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere : I had raiher be a door-keeper in the house ot my God than to dwell in tlie tents of ungodliness. O Lord of Hosts, blessed is the man that iriisteth in thee. Thy perfection is higher than heaven : what can we do to celebrate tliy praise ? It is deeper than hell : what can we know of thy fatliomless love ? We praise thee, O God : we acknowledge thee to be the Lord. All the earth doth worship thee, the Father everlasting. To thee ail angels cry aloud, the heavens and all the powers tlierein. To thee, cherubim and seraphim continually do cry. Holy, holy, holy Lord of Sabatth I heaven and earth are full of the majesty of thy glory ! The illustrious procession of the patri- archs praise thee : The jubilant assembly of the prophets praise thee : The glorious company of the apostles praise thee : The noble army of martyrs praise thee : The Holy ('hurcli throughout all the world doih acknowledge thee, the Father of an infinite majesty : Also thy well-beloved and consecrated Son and. the Holy Ghost the Comforter. OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 135 O God, the King of Glory, help thy ser- vants whom thou hast redeemed by the hand of thy mighty power : Make them to be numbered with thy saints in glory everlasting. Lord, save thy people and bless thy heritage : govern and lift them up for- ever. Day by day we manifest thee ; and we worship thy name ever ; world without end. Vouchsafe, Lord, to keep us evermore without sin. All our trust is in thee. Lord, in thee have I trusted : Let me nev- er be confounded. It is nothing wonderful that the occa- sion should have special attractions for me. After the final visit of Mui -ay to Good- luck (it was I believe in 1790) no Unive;- salist clergyman had been there until my first visit in 1832— being accompanied by Richard Norton and James Ely, of Hights- town. I was again there, accompanied by several friends, in May 1833 — at which date we erected a plain headstone at the grave of Potter, and engaged Benjamin Stout (then owner of the Potter farm) to erect a paling fenc3. This was removed a few weeks since, and a beautiful and sub- stantial iron one substituted, by an organ- ization known as theGoodluok Association. This Association also recently bought an acre of wooded ground adjacent to the meeting house as a sort of perpetual me- morial. We have no present thought of estab- lishing a worshiping assembly in that vi- cinity, and the courteous treatment re- ceived from all the neighbors, and fro.n the Rev. Mr. Johnson, Methodist minister in charge, gives us assurance that the door of the old meeting house will not be closed against us for an occasional service in years to come. Truly yours, Abel C. Thomas. Philadelphia, Sept. 30, 1770. WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR CAPT BUDDY'S MURDER? Monmouth Refugees in New York and Board of Associated Loyalists' action. — Captain Richard Lippencott's Trial, &c. Captain Joshua Huddy, Daniel Ran- dolph, Esq., and Jacob Fleming, it may be remembered, were made prisoners by the British, at Toms River, March 24th, 1782. While they were in the custody of the British at New York, the Americans on the 30th of the same month, captured Philip White, Aaron White and other ref- ugees as elsewhere described, and also cap- tured at or about the same time Captain Clayton Tilton. Aaron White, Tilton and pi'obably the others, except Phil White killed in attempting to escape, were taken to Freehold and lodged in the jail. Til- ton and Aaron White were subsequently exchanged for Randolph and Fleming, be- fore which it will be seen, by the follow- ing extracts, that while the Board of Asso- ciated Loyalists,* in their official capacity ordered Huddy to be delivered to the cus- tody of Lippencott for the ostensible pur- pose of having him exchanged for Tilton, yet that this was only a pretext ; that the real object was to have him executed and that without any form of trial. The fol- lowing is a copy of the order on the com- missary of prisoners. New York, April 8th, 1782. Sir : Deliver to Captain Richard Lip- pencott the three following prisoners : — Lieutenant Joshua Huddy. Daniel Ran- dolph, and Jacob Fleming to take them to the Hook [Sandy Hook) to procure the exchange of Captain Clayton Tilton and two other associated loyalists. By order of the board of directors of as- sociated loyalists. S. S. Blowers, Secretary. Mr. Commissary Challoner. On the trial of Lippencott, Walter Chal- loner the commissary of business testified in substance as follows : " He never knew anything of Joshua Iluddy's being to be delivered to Lippen- cott, till Lippencott brought the order. — In going from deponent's house to the pro- vost with Lippencott, he told deponent that the three prisoners, whom that order concerned, were intended to be exchanged for Philip White, Captaiia Tilton and an- other White. In their conversation in go- ing to the provost, Capt. Lippencott told deponent that if White was murdered as reported, they intended to execute Hud- dy for him." It will hereafter be seen that at this time Lippencott knew that Phil White was really dead. The Secretary of the Board of Associated Loyalists, S. S. Biowers. gave his testimony which, as far as it goes seems to palliate the action of that body. His evidence refers to what transpired before the Board in its official capacity and it may be substantial- ly true so far as his knowledge extended but that it did not give all the facts relat- 136 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. ing to the order for Huddy to be delivered to Lippencott will be seen by the testimo- ny of other witnesses. This iSeoretary, Mr. Blowers, stood high among the loyahsts. — He was* a graduate of Harvard (Jolletje. — After the war he went to Halifax and was appointed Attorney General, electedSpeak- er of the House of Assembly, and in 1797 appointed Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. According to Mr. Blowers' testimony, Lippencott appeared before the Board on the 8th of April and stated that Captain Tilton was a prisoner at Freehold and he was afraid the Americans would liang him unless hi- could have some prisoner to hold for Tilton 's security ; he proposed to have Huddy delivered to him and also two oth- ers named Randolph and Fleming. He wished to take these three men to Sandy Hook and to offer Huildy for Tilton, and if that offer did not answer, to give all three to procure his exchange ; but if the first offer was accepted, then to give Ran- dolph and Fleming for two other Loyalists. The order was thereupon given him as the Co.araissary of prisoners for Huddy, Ran- dolph and Fleming. The next day, April 9th, Lippencott again appeared before the Board and proposed to make an expedi- tion into the Jerseys with a view to Force Freehold Jail with a pprty of about thirty loyalists and rescue Clayton Tilton, or if that was found impracticable, to seize General Forman, that he might by one of these means, pro- cure the release of Tilton, and he request- ed a requisition for men, ammunition and provisions for the expedition. The propo- sal was agreed to. While the necessary or- ders were being made out, Lippencott took a paper from his pocket, and went towards Governor Franklin and said, "this is the paper we mean to take down with us." — This paper it would seem, was the label afterwards fastened to Huddy's breast wlien he was hung. The secretary said that Governor Franklin only looked at the pa2)er but did not read it, that Mr. Stew- art, another member of the Board, tried to read it by looking over h'ranklin's shoul- der and that Daniel Coxe. of N. J., also of the Board and its first president, hastily said "we have nothing to do with that pa- per; Captain Lippencott, keep your paper to yourself." From the evidence of Mr. Blowers and more particularly from that of other wit- nesses it is plainly evident that the mem- bers of the Board were acquainted with the nature of the contents of the paper al- though they did not choose to recognize it in their official capacity. Captain Thomas Crowell, a refugee from Middletown, testified in substance as fol- lows : " In consequence of several loyalists having been executed in Monmouth, de- ponent obtained from the commandant, thi'ough Governor Franklin, orders to re- ceive three prisoners and follow such di- rections as deponent might give with re- spect to their confinement. That it was proposed to have executed one of them by way of retaliation, the Board of Directors having promisfd deponent that orders should be given for that purpose ; but some dispute intervening among loyalists who had taken those prisoners, the order was not given, nor did tiie execution take place ; but deponent in consequence of the declaration made by the Board, >!ated December 28th, 1780, should have thought himself justifiable in executing one of those prisoners, even had he received only a verbal order from the Board, having nev- er seen any prohibition against the decla- ration alluded to." HuDor's Murder Suggested. Samuel Taylor, a refugee from New Jer- sey, probably from Shrewsbury, in his tes- timony said : " Early in April he waited on Governor Franklin and informed him that the Amer- icans had taken Captain Tilton and Philip White and had murdered the latter in a cruel manner, and requested the Governor to give an order for ttie delivery of Joshua Huddy and Randolph in order to exchange the latter for Tilton and execute Huddy in retaliation for White. The Governor replied that he ivouhJ give the necessary orders, if he thought the deponent would execute Huddy / to which deponent replied ' he need not fear that.' After the prisoners were re- moved to the provost, deponent waited on Governor Franklin who told him lie wuuld give the desired orders ; and as deponent was ordered on another service, the Gov- ernor asked what officer he thought should command the party to go out and execute Huddy. Deponent answered, he thought C.M'TAi.v Lippencott a Proper Person to Execute Huddy, and deponent believed he would under- take it. The Governor then told him he wished Captain Lippencott would call, at the Board room next day at 2 P. M ; in OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 187 consequence of deponent's telling this to Lippencott, the latter accordingly attend- ed at the appointed time and place ; but the directors would not give Cf ptain Lip- pencott the order unless deponent was sent for by the Board ; that when he asked for the order to be given to Captain Lip- pencott, a member of the Board said he should have it ; that in the course of the conversation with Grovernor Franklin, the governor told hwi that they were not only to hang Huddy, but that if the rebels banged any other in retaliation for him, they (the loy- alists) should continue retaliating, by hang- ing man for man, and if necessary he would give up all the prisoners taken at Toms River for the purpose. Deponent said as to Governor Franklin's powers, the Associated Loyalists looked upon him as their commanding officer and felt bound to obey his or- ders whether verbal or ivritten ; that he consid- ered. F)-^iklin^s orders for executing Iduddy, law- ful orders, which if not obeyed would have been censurable by a Court Martial, and if the orders had been given to deponent he would have thought himself anstverab^e for disobeying them." Governor Franklin Wants Huddy Hanged. At this point in the trial, the prisoner, Captain Lippencott, asked the witness Taylor " Did he ever hear Governor Frank- lin say that they should not have Huddy unless they would execute him ?" To which Taylor replied : " On asking for Huddy, Governor Frank- lin said to deponent, 'Will you execute him when you take him out?' He re- plied he would or would not have made application for him ; and Governor Frank- lin then said 'You shall have him.' Another refugee from Monmouth, Mof- fat (Morlord?) Taylor of Shrewsbury in his testimony said : " Deponent was with Governor Frank- lin on ihe subject of executing Huddy, that Governor Franklin said Randolph and Fleming were to be kept as hostages to be exchanged for Captain Tilton and Aaron White and that Huddy ivas to he execu- ted/or Philip White, and if Huddy was not executed, he had be*^ter be left in jail, as one prisoner by the name of Smock had been taken out of jail to be executed but was not, which occurrence gave cause to the rebels to think the loyalists were afraid of them and dared not hurt them. Depo- nent told Governor Franklin he had no commission, upon which Franklin said that Captain Lippencott had a commission and told deponent to go to him and he dared say that Lippencott would be fond of the job. Deponent then went to Lip- pencott and toki him that Governor Frank- lin had appointed deponent to call on him and ask if he was willing to go. After that Lippencott went to Governor Franklin and deponent had nothing farther to do with it." The above witness rtfeis to a Smock having been taken out of jail to be execu- ted. Captain Barnes Smock and Lieuten- ant Henry Smock of Monmouth, were cap; tured by the British in September 1870 the officer referred to was probably the first n.'imed and he may have been the ofilcer referred to in the evidence of Captain Thomas Ciowell .'dready quoted. The Hanging of Huddy. Captain Huddy, Randolph and Fleming were taken by Lippencott and his party on board a sloop on the 9th of April, and sailed for Sandy Hook, where they found the British man of war, Brittania, on board of which they lodged the prisoners a day or two after. Early on the 12th, Lippencott came for Huddy, and showed Captain Mor- ris, of the J5?7tom'a, two papers, one being the label which was afterwards fastened to Huddy 's breast. Captain Morris asked Lippencott what he intended to do with Huddy. Lippencott replied that he intend- ed to put the orders of the Board of Refu- gees in execution which was to hang Hud- dy. Lippencott borrowed a rope from Captain Morris and then proceeded on his infamous mission. Timothy Brooks, a Pennsylvania Refu- gee, who was one of Lippencott's party when Huddy was hanged, testified that he saw Huddy hanged and that he was ex- ecuted by a negro, that Lippencott shook hands with Huddy as he (Huddy) was standing on the barrel, by Huddy's re- quest ; that on the 9th of April he heard that Governor Franklin had ordered Hud- dy to be hanged ; the party which hanged Huddy consisted of twenty-three, counting Captain Lippencott, exclusive of the pris- oner. Among the number was a Mr. Tilton who seme said was an officer. This Tilton was John Tilton, a refugee from Middle- town, Monmouth, who testified that he called on Governor Franklin, before Hud- dy was delivered to Lippencott, and Frank- lin said Joshua Huddy must be executed or the loyalist prisoners would all be hang- ed ; that when the party was putting Huddy in irons on board the sloop, he was present 138 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. and he asked him if he thought it good usage to iron him. Huddy replied " he did not think it was ; but as he was about to be exchanged in a day or two lie did not mind being in irons." This Til ton wit- nessed the hanging of Huddy and return- ed to the Brittania about noon and report- ed that " Huddy died with the firmness of a lion." GrENERAL WASHINGTON ENDORSES THE DeCIS ION OF Freehold Patriots. The Freehold patriots heard of the exe- cution of Huddy the day that it occurred and that it was done without any form or pretense of a trial. They at once institu- ted a thorough investigation of the circum- stances attending it, and of the pretexts plead in justification. The evidence pro- duced, published in the chapter relating to Phil White, his capture, attempt to es- cape anil manner of death, show that the alleged cruelties were absolute fabrications. General FoVman and Colonel Holmes were requested to wait on and present the evi- dence to General Washington who consid- ered it a matter of so much importance that on the 19th of Ai)ril he convened a board of officers to take it into considera- tion ; this board after mature deliberation decided that retaliation should be made by selecting an officer of equal rank unless Lippencott was given up. The next day General Washington wrote a letter to Con- gress informing them that he deemed the murder of Huddy so barbarous as to re- quire retaliation and trusts that his deci- sion will meet the approval of that body (which was subsequently given) ; and the day following (April 21st) he wrote to Sir Henry Clinton demanding that Lippencott should be given up Sir Henry Clinton replied to General Washington on the 25th of April. He re- fused to give uf) the perpetrator of the murder, but informed the American com- mander that he had ordered a court mariiai to examine the charge against Lippencott before his letter was received. He did not pretend to .justify the conduct of the loyalists and expressed his regret for the fate of the suf- ferer. On the trial of Lippencott, which took place in June, the main points at issue were : " Was the execution of Captain Huddy justifiable ;" and " Did Captain Lippencott execute Huddy on his own re- sponsibility or did he do it by orders of the Loyalist Board." Decision of the British Court Martial. The following is a copy of the decision of the Court : " The court having considered the evi- dence for and against the prisoner Cap- tain Richard Lippencott, together with what he had to offer for defence ; and it appearing that (although Joshua Huddy was executed without proper autliority) what the prisoner d'd in the matter was not the effect of malice or ill will, but pro- ceeded fiorp a conviction that it was his duty to obey the orders of the Board of Directors of Associated Loyalists, and his not doubting their having full authority to give such orders, the court are of opin ion that he, the prisoner, Captain Richard Lippencott is noi ^wito/ of the murder laid to his charge, and do therefore acquit him." This decision not only virtually admits that the execution of Huddy was r^urder, but throws the blame on the Board of As- sociated Loyalists at the head of which was Governor William Franklin. The ev idence we have already quoted will show the grounds upon which they based their decision. It is worthy of note that before the trial was concluded Governor Frank- lin left New York and sailed for England and so avoi'^'ed any investigation of his conduct that might have been contempla- ted. Sir Guy Carleton took command of the British forces in New York in May, and he evidently l:;oked upon the Board with less favor than had Clinton. In a letter to General Washington, immediately after his assuming cummand, he expressed his intention to preserve " the name of Eng- lishmen from reproach and to pursue eve- ry measure that might tend to prevent these criminal excesses in individuals." — He did not hesitate to condemn the many unauthorized acts of violence which had been committed, and concluded that he should do everything to mitigate the evils of war. As one proof of his sincerity he at once broke up the Board of Associated Loyalists. Gn the 13th of May, the lot was ordered by General Washington which resulte'l in the selection of Captain Asgill to be held as hostage for Lippencott. Lu'I'kncott's Own Defense on the Trial. After Lippencott was arrested and con- fined in the Provost jail he had frequent conversations with Captain William Cun- ningham, the Provost Marshal, about the OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 139 execution of Huddy. Cunningham, ex- pecting to be called upon as a witness at the trial, noted down Lippencott's state- ments and after submitting them to Lip- pencott, he made deposition on the 10th of May as follows : " He heard Captain Lippencott say that Governor Franklin often said there was no way of stopping the rebels from massacre- ing ♦^he refugees but by retaliation, and he wanted one Mason to be the object. Cap- tain Lippencott said he would be the man who would cause it to be done, it the Gov- ernor would give him an order in writing, so that he might stand fair in the eyes of his exct^ll<*ncy the commander-in-chief. — Governor Franklin replied that he could give no written order, but would answer the consequences to the commander-in- chief, as it was the only way of putting a stop to the rebels hanging and murdering the loyal refugees. And he farther he .rd Captain Lippencott say that he bad been told some time ago, by two refugees, that, the honorable board would give up Gap- tain Huddy and two other prisoners ; and that Huddy should be executed for Philip White, and the other two should be exe- cuted for Captain Tilton and another for Aaron White (supposing Tilton and White had been executed by the rebels ; if not they were to be offered in exchange for them. That ( aptain Lippencott waited on the hou'irable board with a label that was intended to be fixed on Huddy's breast, and gave it into the hands of the Governor and asked him if he thought that vTould do, or something to that effect. Mr. Cox, who was present, made answer, and said Captain Lipp«^ncott ought to have kept that to himself; Captain Lippencott answered, he never did anything but what was done above board. The Governor read it and tlien gave it to another of the board to read ; and when Captain Lippen- cott was going, the Governor wished him luck or success, or words to that effect. — He further says Captain Lippencott seem- ed a little affected _when deponent gave him a copy of his crime, and expressed a seeming surprise, by saying, " ila I is this the way the board is going to leave me !" or words to that purpose. He further saith, before Lippeacott was made a prisoner, he (Lippencott) told him the board sent him near thre» sheets of paper written, the contents of which were to acquit the board of knowing anything of Huddy's death, and that he (Lippen- cott) should take it entirely on himself. and sign the paper and send it to the board ; which he believed he should have done, but deponent making him prisoner at the time he was copying it had hindered him from so doing." It will be noticed, that Lippencott as- serted that Governor Franklin promised him if he would execute Huddy without a written order that he (Gov. Franklin) would answer the consequences to the Bri- tish commander in-chief, and this asser- tion is substantiated by the evidence of others. How Franklin performed his promise will be seen by the following. Cowardly Act of the Loyalist Board. In the affidavit of Captain Cunningham, reference is made to a certain paper sent by the Board of Loyalists to Lippencott to sign ; the purport of the paper being to exonerate the Board from all responsi- bility, for the murder of Huddy, Cunning- ham was such an unmitigated scoundrel, as proven by his own confession given in another chapter, that but little credence would be attached to his affidavit but for the fact that it is corroborated by other reliable evidence. The paper referred to was produced before the Court which tried Lippencott. It was written by Mr. Alex- ander, one of the Board, at the office of the Board, at the instigation of the members. We give the whole of this paper, remark- able as showing the cowardice and duplici- ty of the Board and their efforts to sacri- fice the man they had used as a tool, to save themselves. It was to have been sent to Governor Franklin as the chief of the Board. '' Sir : — In compliance with the orders of the honorable board of directors, vre beg leave to communicate to your excel- lency, for their information, an account of the proceedings of the loyalists from Mon- mouth on the late expedition for the re- lief of Captain Clayton Tilton and two oth- er loyalists, then prisoners with the rebels in that county. Being frustrated m the design of bring- ing off Captain Tilton by force and our of fers For exchange rejected, we dreaded that he was reserved for a fate similar to that our associate Philip White had suffer- ed, who was taken at the same time with Captain Tiltoti, and inhumanly and wan- tonly murdered by the guard who were conveying him to Monmouth jail. This recent instance of cruelty, added to the many daring acts of the same nature' which have been perpetrated with impuni- ty by a set of vindictive rebels, well known 140 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. by the name of the Monmouth Retaliators, associated and headed by one General For- man (whose horrid acts of cruelty have gained him universally the name of Black David,) fired our party with an indigna- tion only to be felt by men who for a series of years have beheld many of their friends and neighbors butchered in cold blood under the usurjDed form of law, and often without that ceremony, for no other crime than that of maintaining their alle- giance bo their government under which they were born, and which the rebels au daciously call treason against the Stat-s. — We thought it high time to convince the rebels we would no longer tamely submit to such glaring acts of barbarity ; and though we lament the necessity to which we have been driven, to begin a retalia- tion of intolerable cruelties long contin- ued and often repeated, yet we are con- vinced that we could not have saved the life of Captain Tilton by any other means. "We therefore pitched upon Joshua Huddy as a proper subject for retaliation, becauso he was not only well known to have been a very active and cruel persecutor of our friends, but h;id not been ashamed to bonst of his having been instrumental in hang- ing Stephen Edwards, a worthy lo^. alist, and the first of our brethren who fell a maityr to republican fury in Monmouth County. Huddy was the man who tied the knot and put the rope about the neck of that inoffensive sufferer. This fact will appear by two affidavits which we have the honor to enclose. It IS true in this instance we have acted without the orders or knowledge of the honorable board ; but we hope, when they are pleased to take into consideration the motives which induced us to take this step, and that Huddy was executed in the county where so many acts of cruelty have been committed on liefugees, they will not think our conduct reprehensible, more especially when your excellency peruses the Tollowing state of facts. [The facts al- luded to are not found in the originals.) Many of the above facts are ascertained by affl davits ; and such as are not are too notor- ious to be denied even by General Forman himself, the most persecuting rebel in the country. By a strange fatality, the loyal ists are the only people that have been treated as rebels, during this unhappy war ; and we are constrained by our suffer- ings to declare that no efforts have been made by the Government, under whose protection we wish to live, to save our brethren from ignominious deaths. It is our fixed determination, however repug- nant to our feelings (having on all occa- sions treated our prisoners with tender- ness, and often indulge them with paroles which they have frequently violated) that should the rebels, to answer their malig- nant purposes, continue to punish the loy- alists, under their usual distinction of pris- oners of state from prisoners of war, they shall feel a. severe retaliation in every m- stance — the just vengeance due to such enormities. Blood shall flow for blood, or the loyalists will perish in the attempt. We have the honor to be on behalf of the associated loyalists of Monmouth County, your excellency's most obedient servants." This paper prepared by the Board for Lippencott to sign, it will te seen by ref- erence to the evidenceof different witness- es already quoted, was false in every es- sential particular. While it is true that the written order to get Huddy out of the Provost jail, into the charge of Lijjpencott makes the preteit that it was to have him exchanged for Tilton, yet the real object as expressed by verbal orders of Governor Franklin was to have him taken within the limits of Monmoutli and there execu- ted. They were not frustrated in any at- tempt to bring off' Tilton by force, for if any such attempt had been made it would have been shown on the trial, nor whs any attempt to have him exchanged mention- ed. It was not Lippencott who suggest*>d the hiinging of Huddy — he was only a tool, perhaps too willing, of Governor Franklin and his associates. There was no reason to fear tliat " Tilton was reserved for a fate similar to Phil White's;" no evidence was produced to show that the Monmouth patriots considered him other than a pris- oner of war captured under usual circum- stances and to be held for exchange. Gen- eral Forman, or Black David as they j)re- ferred calling him, and his associates never executed a refugee unless under circum- stances justifiable by the rules of warfare, as has already been shown in other chap- ters. Tiie Pine Robbers, Fagan, Fenton, i5urke and others of that class met their fate for burglary, murder and other crimes, for committing what Sir Guy Carleton called "unauthorized acts of violence" and wha' he pointedly condemned. Ste- phen Edwards came into the American lines as a spy ; treasonable papers were found in his i:)08session ; so positive was the proof against him that one of the OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 141 warmest friends of his family, who would have been glad of any pretext to save him, was compelled to vote for his condemna- tion. l^ut the most noticeable falsehood which the Board asked Lippencott to sign was that he "had acted without the knowledge or consent of the Board I" On this pohit, in addition to the evi- dence already quoted, we copy the testi- mony of Henry Steptiensen, a surgeon in the British legion, relating a conversation between hi'msell' and two membeis of ihe Board that took place at the office of Riv- ingtoti's B<^yal Gazette^ the Toiy paper at New York. Mr. Stephenson was asked : " Did he recollect a conversation be- tween himself and several other gentle men. at Mr Rivington's (soon Jifler the ciinfinernent of the }. risoner for the crime now charged against him) respeciing a pa- per that was sent to the prisoner by some one of the honorable board of directors, to be signed by the prisoner, assigning rea suns for the execution of the said Joshua Buddy; and was deponent then censur- ing a part of said paper whicli expressed the execution of Buddy to be without the knowledge of the Board ? During the con- versation, did Messrs. Stewart and Alex- ander, both members of the Board, come into Mr. Rivington's and what further cou- veisation passed on the sulgect?" Suigeon Stephenson deposed in answer as follows : " Yes, he recollects a conversation. He was at Mr. Rivingt.jn's one evening, some little time after the prisoner wa.-i confined in the piovo«t, and wms mentioning to some gentlemen that a report had pre- vailed in town that tht^ board of directors had drawn up an instrument in writing, which they wi.-hed Captain Lippencott to sign, purporting that Captain Buddy was executed without tneif knowledge or con- sent. Just at the time they were talking on the subject Mr. Alexander and Mr. Stewart, two of the board, came in ; and after mentioning the above report, depo- nent put the following question to them : ' First, Did you gentlemen send such an instrument in writing to Captain Lippen- cott to sign or not? They replied, there had been a paper sent to him but thai Cajjtain Lippencott might alter it as he thought proper, or words to that effect. — Mr. Alexander particularly mentioned that he had objected to the words " with- out their knowledge or consent," being in- serted. The second question was * Though Huddy was executed, was it not done by your knowledge and consent or approba- tion.' They assented and said it was." The office of Rivington's Royal Gttzetie was quite a noted resort for British officers and it is evidei.t they criiicised pretty free- ly the action of the Board. Both Alexan- der and Stewart had personal knowledge of the falsity of the statement " without knowledge or consent of the board," as when, on the 8th of April, Lippencott ap- peared before the Board in response to (jov. Franklin's request to contjent to take conamand of a party to hnng Huddy, both of these men were present and fully talked over the matter. Mr. Al-xander objected to putting in the words but was overruled by the other members, who quieted his scruples by telling him Lippencott could alter it if he chose. They well knew the fearful predicament into whicli they had got Lippencott. This paper was gotten up by the Board to shield themselves, because, to their sur- lirise, no sooner was the news of Huddy 's execution heard in New York than the regular British officers generally de- nounced it as •' a reproach to the name of Englishmen," and a desire was expressed to have an investigation to find out the real author or authors to hold responsible. Alarmed at the threatening aspect of af- fairs they drew up this paper to be signed by Lippencott. It would seem as though they thought as Lippencott found iiis ac- tion so severely denounced by (he regular British and that they were arrayed again,st him, that he would want to retain the ac- tive friendship of the Board to stand be- tween him and the regular British author- ities, and that to secure ttieir active servi- ces in his behalf he would probably con- sent to sign this paper. And their calcu- lation pioved c rrect, for he had com- menced copying it off when he was arrest- ed. The truth then flashed upon him that the Board to save themselves wanted to sacrifice him, and then he determined to let matters take their course and simply look out for himself, and, as he expressed i;," to have the saddle put on the right h'Tse." An idea of the feeling among the regu- lar British officers in regard to Huddy 's death may be inferred from the testimony of Surgeon Stephenson, but it was most emphatically shown by the action of Sir Henry Clinton himself, who was so indig- nant at the barbarous murder of Huddy 142 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. that he had ordered Lippencott's trial by Court Martial before he received General Washington's letter demanding his surren- der. Tiiere is good reason to believe that Sir Henry thought the reallv guilty party was the Board of Associated Loyalists, and especially its head, Governor Franklin, who so cowardly fled to England leaving both Lippencott and Asgill to their fates ; and Clinton's successor. Sir Guy Carleton, was so satisfied of the disgraceful conduct of the Board that he broke it up As before stated, the decorum of the court martial virtually threw the blame of Buddy's murder on Governor Franklin and his associates, and this decision was subsequently endorsed by competent Amer- ican authority, as will be seen by the fal- lowing extract from a report made to Con- gress in 1837 by a select committee of that body which had thoioughly investigated the wiiole subject : *' The immediate agent in (his deed of blood was Richard Lippencott, a native of New -Jersey and then a captain in the British service. He was the instrument of a board of associated loyalists in New York, at the head of which was William Franklin, once Royal governor of New Jersey. The members of this body, after the murder bad taken place, endeavored for a time to deny that they had directed it; but the evidence adduced on the trial of the perpetrator, as well as subsequent publications of the, loyalists themselves, abundantly prove that, without the cour- age to act themselves, they had the base nes^ to authorize the deed to be commit- ced, and the meanness to attempt the con- cealment of their privity to its perpetra- tion." A BOY TRIED FOR MURDER. The State against Aaron, a Slave of Levi Solomon's. The defendant, Aaron, a black boy about eleven years of age, was indicted in the Court of Oypr and Terminer of Monmouth in October, 1817, for the murder of Ste- phen Connelly, a child little more than two years old. The indictment in the usual form charged the prisoner with the mur- der on the 26th of August, 1817, by throw- ing the child into a well. It appeared in evidence that the prisoner was born in July, 1806, was of ordinary size and in the opinion of some witnesses, possessed com- mon capacity and intelligence; by the tes- timony of others he was more cunning and smarter in his play than usual for boys of his age. Stephen Connelly was a stout healthy child, and on the 26th of August, in the after part of the day, was found in a well about 18 or 19 feet deep, having a curb two and a half feet high, so that he could reach the top with his hands, and it was in such a state that all the witnesses thought it impossible for hitn to get over it. The well was in a cornfield and or- chard about one hundred rods from two public roads and the sam*^ distance from the house in which Stephen lived. The corn was so high and thick that a i>erson at the well could not be seen except by looking along the rows. It was in the nyighborhood of a numlj^r of houses. Stephen was sfen playing in the road with I he prisoner a short time before he was missed by the family ; and when they were searching for him tiie pris iner was up in a cl.erry tree. Being asked if he iiad seen him, he said, '• yes, he i« gone up the road;" being told to come down fud help look for him, he looked along the road and called aloud three or four times but did not get down. After the body whs found and taken out of the well, he came up and seeing it lying there he said, "so you've found Stephen." Theie was yet nothing in his manner whicti excited at- tention or suspicion. That night he went to bed earlier than usual, and without his supjier. The next morning he told a \ oun^' lad, an apprentice to his master that he saw Stephen fall into the well ; and that he was ten or twelve paces off; thai he went up and sav Stephen splash the water and then went to pick apples wiiich iiis master had directed him to do. Being a'ked why he did not tell it he gave no answer. On his trial (May, 1818) the pric- oner was defended by Garret D. Wall, L. H. Stockton and Joseph W. Scott. For the state appeared R. Stockton, jr.. Depu- ty Attorney General and R. Stockton. His counsel objected to any evidence of his confessions as improper and incompe- tent, he being under the age of twelve years. After argumen* the court admit- ted the confessions in evidence. It then appeared that at the coroner'.* inquest the prisoner was summoned; at first he ap- peared terrified Imt soon became composed. He then repeated the story he had told before, adding that Stephen climbed over the curb and fell in ; and that he did not tell anybody for fear they would think he OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 143 did it. He was very closely pressed by the jury with questions as to his own guilt and told that he had better tell the whole truth to them. He steadily denied doing the act. After examining him some time, the jury went to the well that he might shew them how Stephen got over. He shewed them. His master and one of the jurors then took him aside and asked him about it. He then told them he had done it; that Stephen went to the well and put his hands on the curb and he took hold of his legs and threw him over ; that he gasped and caught his breath and made the water splash as he fell ; and that he (prisoner) being frightened, ran away to picking apples ; that he denied it before because he was afraid they would send him to jail. He repeated the same thing to the whole jury. He was urged and questioned closely but all the witnesses denied that either promises or threats or improper contrivnnces were used to induce him to make the confession, but he was frequently and constantly told to tell the truth and that would be best for him. He seemed to understand what he was about and to understand his answers. He continued for three or four weeks to make the same confession to the gaoler and many other persons ; and then he began to deny the fact and con- tinued the denial until the time of trial. — When he Brst denied, the gaolor asked him why he had owned it before; he said that one of the jurymen told him the dev- il would get him if he denied it, but if he confessed it he would not be sent to jail. This was explicitly denied by the ju- ror referred to ; he was further asked who had been to see him, and he replied his master but that he did not tell him to deny it. At the time of his first confession, and frequently afterwards, he gave as a rea-^on for the act that he did it to spite the fath- er of Stephen because he had driven him out of the shop and threatened to whip him ; at other times he said he said he had no reason for it. The case was ably argued and the court gave a minute charge to the jury who found the prisoner guilty. A motion was th^n made for a new trial, it being desired by the court that the opening of the Supreme Court of N. J., at bar upon several legal questions (given in Ist Southard reports) might be known. — The trial took place in May, 1818. In Sep- tember following it was taken up by the Supreme Court and its decision on the va- rious points was made by Chief Justice Kirkpatrick. In regard to the liability of minors under fourteen years of age to punishment, the Chief Justice quoted va- rious authorities from which the Court de- cided that upon this naked confession of Aaron's he could not be cjnvicted of a capital offence — "that the confession is a simple, naked confession, disclosing no fact, pregnant with no circumstances to give it authority or in any way to corrobo- rate it. It did not even lead to the dis- covery of the body of tlie deceased, for it was found before ; it opens no proof of malice or hatred or ill will against the child but rather to the contrary; it is a mere naked confession of an infant under the age of eleven years obtained by some degree of pressure, at least, after a firm denirtl and as such (I speak with great de- ference to the learning of the Court which tried the cause) I should incline to think it ought not to have been admitted as evi- dence ; and if admitted that it ought not to have been the ground of conviction." A new trial was granted at which the prisoner was discharged ; and we have been told by an old gentleman, a regular attend ant of the Freehold Courts in that day, that it WHS believed the boy was afterwards sold as a slave in the West Indies, THE INLETS OF OLD MONMOUTH Old Cranberry Inlet. A century ago Cranberry Inlet, nearly opposite Toms River, was one of the best inlets on the Jersey coast. The question as to the exact year when it was opened was brought before one of our courts a few, years ago in a suit involving title to land in the vicinity, but no decisive information was elicited upon the trial. It is probable, however, that it broke through about 1750. It is laid down on Lewis Evans's map, 1755, and Jeffrey's (English) map, same year, and on the latter and other maps it is called New Inlet. On Jeffrey's map Toms River is called Goose Creek, and Bar- negat Bay is called Flat Bay Sound. Cran- berry Inlet closed about the year 1812, though for several years previous it had commenced filling up, gradually shoaling more and more each year until it was fi- nally closed up. During the Revolution- ary war it was a place of considerable im- portance as it afforded conveniences to 144 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. our privateers on the lookout for Briti3h vessels bound in and out of New York. — Though we have no exact account of the depth of water on the bar, yet in its best days it must have been equal to the best inlets nov on our coast, as we find that loaded, square-rigged vessels occasionally entered it. David Mapes, the much es- tet^m^r? and noted colored Quaker of Tuck- erton, when a boy, resided in this vicinity, and was empli>yed by Solomon Wardell to tend cattle on the beach when the inlet broke through. He slept in a cabin and one morning on awakening was surprised to see that the sea had broUon across the beach during the night. (In a pr(^vious article relating to Capt, Adam Hyler, bv the accidentallv omission of one line in the copy it was made to ap- pear that Cranberry Inlet opened into Raritan Bay. Though most of our reade''^ wculd infer it was from a tyi)ographical error yet it reminded us that a brief no- tice of this Inlet, so frequently referred to in Revolutionary limes, but now among the things of the past, should be given to explain events related in previous chap ters referring to ii.) Attempts to Open New Inlets. The closing of Cranberry Inlet caused great inconvenience to persons along Bar- iiegat Bay engaged in the coasting trade as it compelled vessels from the upper part of the bay to sail several miles out of their way to Barnegat Inlet to get to sea. .^ibout the )ear 1821 an attempt to open a new inlet near the head ot the bay was made by a man named Michael Urtley. — He worked at it off and on for several years and spent considerable money in the undertaking ; at length, one day a large company of men volunteered to aid him in completing the enterprise. In the evening after finishing it, Mr. Oi tley and his friends had quite a merry time in cel- ebrating the completion ol' the work. But great was their disappointment the follow- ing morning to find that the running of the tide which they had supposed would work the inlet deeper, had on the contrary raised a bulkhead of sand wufficiently large to close it up, and the result was the inlet was closed much more expeditiously than it was opened. Many supposed that if an effort was made to open an inlet farther down the bay in the vicinity of old Cranberry, it would prove more successful. Acting up- on this supposition, another eftbrt was made to open on© about opposite Toms River. The work was completed July 4th, 1847, by some two or three hundred men under the direction of Anthony Ivins, jr. In this undertaking, care was taken to let in the water when it was high tide in the bay and low water outside ; but this enter- prise also proved a failure as it filled up about as soon as Urtley's. ?'")',' Shrewsbury lifLiiTi' Shrewsbury inlet was open ih 1778; it closed again about 1800 ; again opened about 1830 ; and again closed about 1847. Just before the closing of the inlet at this time, the writer of this was engaged in the coasting trade and one time in sailing down the beach noticed a little steamer, called the Cricket, from New York, wrecked on tlie bar. This wreck seemed to hasten the closing of the inlet by gathering tli,e sand around it as it washed in and out. Barnegat Inlet. This inlet has always been open from our earliest accounts. It was first noticed by a Dutch navigator, probably Capt. Mey in the celebrated little yacht Restless in 1614, who on account of its dangerous bai- Called it '' Baiendegal," which mean« l)re«kers inlet or an inlet with breakers. — Ti.e character of the inlet has ^dways been the same as at present except during the few years when Cranberry was open when it was much shoaler than before or since. It has shifted up and down ihe beach two or three miles and is still shifting and changing. A few yes^rs ago it washed down tlie old lighthouse built in 1834 and now exhibits a decided inclination to wash down the new one. Long Branch in 1819. — Bathers at Fault. The company at thi.^ salubrious retreat is represented to be very numerous and respectable this season. The New York Advocate says ttiere is a kind of military or naval regulation there which strangers of- ten contravene from ignorance; that is when the stipulated time for ladies bath- ing arrives, a white flag is hoisted upon the bank, when' it is high treason for a gentlemen to b<" seen ther« ; and when the established lime for gentlemen arrives, the red fliag is run up vyhich is sometimes done by mistake and produces rather ludicrous misunderstandings A wag lately hoisted both flags together wnich cieated some awful squinting and no little confusion. — (Niles' Register, 1819. Sup., p. 159.) OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 145 Townships in Monmouth- tablished, -Wben Es- When the county of Monmouth was es- tablished in 1683 it was divided into two townships, Middletown and Shrewsbury. Stafford wa« established in 1749. Upper Freehold, Freehold and Dover were de- fined by an act passed June 25, 1767, to take effect in March of the following year. Howell was established in 1801 and Mill- stone in 1844; Jackson, now in Ocean county in 1844 ; Plumsted, now in Ocean, in 1845, and Union, now also in Ocean, in 1847; Atlantic, in 1847; Raritan, Marl- boro and Manalapan in 1848; Ocean, 1849; Wall, 1851 ; Holmdel and Matavan in 1857. The First Temperance Socieiy in the U. S. Old Monmouth has the honor of organ- izing the first Temperance Society in the country, which was established at Allen- town in 1805 and called " The Sober So cietv," and was composed of fifty-eifiht members. (Newark Daili/ Adv. and Hist. Rcc. 1859). A Valuable Monmouth Dog. In the Journal of a Quaker named James Craft, published in Historical Rec- ord, Oct., 1851, it is said : " 1780, 2nd mo. 20th : Money very plen ty. £300 given for a dog in Monmouth.'' COL. JONATHAN FORMAN AND DAtJGHTER. The following is from the Utica N. Y. Observer, 1859. *' Died, at her residence in Utica, Sept. 16th, 1859, Mrs. Mary Ledyard Seymour, wife of the late Hon. Henry Seymour. She was the daughter of Col Jonathan Forman. and was born at Monmouth, New Jer.sey, Feb. 18th, 1785. Her father at the ag'^ of 19, left Princeton College tojoin the Amer ican army. He entered it as a lieutenant, and served during the war, rising to tlie rank of colonel. The mother of Mr-. Sey- mour was a niece of Col. Ledyard who was in command of Fort Griswold, opposite New London, Conn., a't the time of its capture by the British. She aided in tak ing care of the wounded of that massacre, by which nineteen of her relatives per ished. When Mrs. Seymour was about twelve years old she removed to Cazeno vid, in Madison county, at that time a "frontier settlement." There was then no carriage road west of Whitestown, and in many places they were obliged to use axes to make their way in that direction. It is said that the carriage of Col. Forman was the first conveyance of the kind that passed beyond the site of Whitestown. He drove to Chittenango and the family went thence to Cazenovia on horseback. — Her parents died many years ago, but her uncle, Major Samuel S. Forman, of Syra- cuse, still lives, in his 96th year. Miss For- man was married to Mr Seymour at Caze- novia on the 1st of January, 1807. Mr. Seymour was then a merchant in the town of Pompey, Onondago County. He con- tinued in business there, exercising a wide and beneficial influence in that county un- til 1819, when he removed "vith his family to Utica. His subsequent honorable and useful career is known to the people of the State. He died in August, 1837, at his dwelling in Whitesboro street, in this city, where Mrs. Seymour has ever since resided." Mrs. Seymour above mentioned, a na- tive of Monmouth, was the mother of Gov. Horatio Seymour, of JN. Y., and a niece ol Philip Freneau, the poet of the Revolu- tion. Col. Ledyard above referred to, was brutally murdered by a renegade New Jer- sey refugee, named Bromfield. After the Americans nad surrendered the fort, Bromfield asked who commanded it. The brave Ledyard replied, " I did but you do now," and handed his sword to Bromfield. The villain took it and immediately stabbed Ledyard to the heart. About the time Col. Forman left for New York, many families of old Mon- mouth emigrated to the western part of that state to what they then termed " the Genesee country." THE TILTON FAMILY. Among the twelve original patentees of old Monmouth is found the name of John Tilton, and members of this family were among the first English settlers who loca- ted here. The earliest mention we have found of the Tilton family is in the Lynn, Mass., records which speak of John Tilton and William Tilton as'being therein 1640. About the time of their arrival the Puri- tans of New England were much exercised by the advent am®ng them of the Bap- tists and strong efforts were made by the Puritans to get rid of them. At this time in Lynn the most noted, influential per- son among the Baptists was Lady Debo- rah Moodie, afterwards long and favorably 146 OLD TIMKS IN OLD MONMOUTH. known among the original settlers of Long Island. Among nthers who were inclined to adhere to the Baptists with Lady Moo- die was Mrs. Tilton, as will be seen by the following extract from the Lynn records of the date of December 12th, 1642. which we give literally with its quaint wording and peculiar orthography : The Lady Deborah Moodie, Mrs. King, and the wife of John Tilton were present- ed for hooldinge that liie baptising of in- fants was noe ordinance of God.'' The proceedings against them resulted in their leaving Lynn, and the next year, (1643,) we find mention of Lady Moodie, the Tiltons, William Goulding, Samuel Spicer, and others at Graveseiid, Long Is- land, founding the settlement from which afterwards came many persons to Old Monmouth. For a long time, John Til ton was a prominent man at Gravesend, enjoying the respect of the English and the confidence ot the Dutch authorities at New York or New Amsterdam as it was then called, and holding official positions until the appearance, in 1657, of the Quak- ers among the Gravesend settlers. No sooner did the Quakers begin to promul- gate their views than the Dutch authori- ties issued severe edicts against ihem and all who harbored " those abominable im- postors, runaways and strolling people called Quakers." The following year John Tilton was fined £12 Flemish money for harboring a Quaker woman. From that time forward both Tilton and his wife seem t > have strongly sympathized with the persecuted sect and soon cast their lot among them altogether, whicli greatly ex- cited the ire of the Dutch and especially of old Governor Peter Stuyvef^ant. On the 5th of October, 1662, John T\\Um and Mary his wife were summoned before the Governor and his council, at New Amster- dam, (New York,) charged with having entertained Quakers and frequenting their conventicles. Tiiey we*-e condemned and ordered to leave the province before the 20th of November following, under pain of corporal punishment. It is supposed that through the efforts of Lady Moodie, who had great influence with Governor Stuyvesant, that the sentence was either reversed or changed to the payment of a fine. The following derived from the rec- ord of their trial is a curiosity in these days of religious toleration, especially to Jerseymen whose state has the proud dis- nction of never having allowed religious persecution within its borders. From the record it appears that " Goody Tilton, (Mrs. Tilton,) was not so much condemned for assisting at con- venticles as for having, like a sorceress^ gone from door to door to lure and seduce the people, yea even young girls, to join the Quakers^ On the 19lh of September, 1662, John Tilton was fined, as the record asiys, for per- mitting Quakers to quake at his house at Gravesend. Many other persons were prosecuted at this time by the Dutch on similar charges, among whom were the Bownes, Spicers, Townsends. Holmesesand others, ancestors of numerous Jersey fam ilies of these names. Some of these fami- lies had been persecuted by the Puritans of New England, to escape which they came to Long Island. Here, being again persecuted by the Dutch, they seem to have determined to seek some place where they could worship God as they pleased. — The lands in Monmouth county impressed them so favorably that the following year (1663) they made large purchases of the Indians, which greatly excited the indig- nation of the Dutch at New Amsterdam, who laid claim to the land asserting that they had bought thy best of it of the In- dians ten or twelve years before. The de- tails of the controversy which ensued and the arguments advanced by both sides are too lengthy to introduce in this place. — Suffice it to say that some of the difficul- ties were ended by the conquest of the Dutch by the English the following year. In 1665 John Tilton and eleven associates obtained from Gov. Richard Nicholls the celebrated document known as " the Mon- mouth Patent," which has been published in another chapter, which guaranteed lib- erty of conscience to all settlers. After the conquest of the Dutch by the English, though we have met with no pos- itive information on the point, yet we are inclined to believe that John*Tilion found, by the change, that he could remain at Long Island without molestation, he pre- ferred to end his days there and leave his share in his Monmouth purchases to his children. He died at Gravesend, L. I., in 1688; his wife died a few years before, in 1683. His will dated 15th of 7th month 1687 was recorded at Brooklyn, L. L, April 3d, 1G88, in "Book of Records Vol. 1, page 108. This will shows he left two sons named John and Thomas, and daughters named Sarah, who married John Painter, Abigail who married Scott, Esther, who married Samuel Spicer, and Mary, OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 147 who married Carman. In his will he left a lot of land at Graveaend to his exe- cutors, to be used as a graveyard for them and their successors, and '* for all friends of the everlasting truth of the Gospel as occasion serves, fwrever, to bury there dead therein." OLD MONMOUTH THih PIONEER OF RELIGIOUS TOLERATION. Every citizen of old Monmouth has just cause to be proud of the fact that the orig- inal patentees were among the first in America to iiuarantee toleration to all set- tlers in religious matters. In Rhode Is- land while Roger Williams advocated '* a free, full and absolute liberty of con- science " it is charged that Roman Catho- lics were excepted in the charter of 1663. The much vaunted toleration act of Mary- land limited toleration to *'all who be lieved in Jesus Christ." William Penn did not arrive in America until October, 1682, nearly eiguteen years after the Mon- mouth patentees declared that every set- tler should have Free Liberty of Con- science WITHOUT ANY MOLiiSTATION OR DIS- TURBANCE WHATSOEVER IN THE WAY OE THEIR WORSHIP. THE ROGERINE BAPTISTS. A Singular Religious Socik.ty in Old Monmouth. About the year 1737 a society of Roger- ine Baptists, or Quaker Baptists as they were then called, located at Waretown, now in Ocean county. I' rom various no- tices of the history of ihis singular sect and how a society came to be located in Old Monmouth, we extract the following : This society was founded by John Rog ers, about 1674. His followers baptized by immersion ; the Lord's supper they admin- istered in the evening with its ancient ap- pendages. They did not believe in the sanctity of the Sabbath ; they believed that since the death of Christ all days were holy alike ; they used no medicines nor employed doctors or surgeons; would not say grace at meals; all prayers to be said mentally except when the spirit of prayer compelled the use of voice ; they said " all unscriptural parts of religious worship are idols," and all good christians should exert thexuselves against idols, &c. Among the idols they placed the observ- ance of the Sabbath, Infant baptism, &c. The Sabbath they called the New England idol and the methods they took to demol- ish this idol were as follows : They would on Sundays try to be at some manual la- bor near meeting houses or in the way of people going to and from church. They would take work into meeting houses, the women knitting, the men whittling and making splints for baskets, and every now and then contradicting the preachers. — "This was seeking persecution," says one writer, "and they received plenty of it, in- somuch that the New Englanders left some of them neither liberty, property nor whole skins." John Rogers, the founder of the sect, who, it is said, was as churlish and contra ry to all men as Diogenes, preached over forty years, and died in 1721. The occa- sion of his death was singular. The small pox was raging terribly in Buston and spread an alarm to all the country around. Rogers was confident that he could mingle with ttie diseased and that the strength of his faith would preserve him safe from the mortal contagion. Accordingly he was presumptuous enough to travel one hundred miles to Boston to bring his faith to th« test; the result was that he caught the contagion, came home and died with it, the disease also spreading in his family and among his neighbors. This event one would think would have somewhat shaken the faith of his followers but on the con- trary it seemed to increase their zeal. In 1725, a company of Rogeiines were taken up on the Sabbath in Norwich, Conn., while on their way from their place of residence to Lebanf)n ; they were treat ed with much abuse and many of them whipped in a most unmerciful manner. — This occasioned Gov. Jenks, of Rhode Is- land, to write spiritefily against their per- secutors, and also to condemn the Roger- ines for their provoking, disorderly con- duct. One family of the Rogerines was named Colver or Culver, (Ed ward's History spells the name one way and Governor Jenks the other). This family consisted of John Colver and his wife, who were a part of the company which was treated so rudely at Norwich, and five sons and five daughters, who, with their families, made up the the number of twenty-one souls. In the year 1734, this large family removed from New London, Conn., and settled in New Jersey. The first place they pitched upon for a residenca, was on the east side of 148 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. Schooley's Mountain, in Morris county. — They continued here about three years and then went in a body to Waretovvn, then in Monmouth but now in Ocean coun- ty. VVliile here tliey had their meetings in a school house, and tlieir peculiar man- ner of conducting services was quite'anov elty to other settlers in the vicinity. As in England, during the meeting tlie wo- men would be engaged in knitting or sew- ing, and the men in making axe handles, basket splints or engaged in other work, but we hear of no attempt to disturb oth- er societies. They continued at Waretown about elev- en years, and then went back to Morris county ;>nd settled on the west side of the mountain from which they had removed. In 1790 they were reduced to two old per- sons whose names were Thomas Colver and Sarah Mann ; but the posterity of John Colver. it is said, is yet quite numer- ous in Morris county. Abraham Waeir from whom the village of Waretown de- rives its name, tradition says was a mem- ber of tlie Rogerine Society. When the main body of the society left, he remained behind, and became quite a prominent business man, generally esteemed ; he died in 1768. and his descendants removed to Squan and vicinity near the head of Barnegat bay. Before concluding this notice of the Rogerine;-, it should be stated that anoth- er thing in their creed was that it was noi necessary to have marriages performed by ministers or legal officers ; they held that it was only necessary for the man and wo- man to exchange vows of marriage to make the ceremony binding, A zealous Rogerine once took to himself a wife in this simple manner, and then to tantalize Governor Saltonstall called on him to in form him they had married themselves without aid of church or state, and that they intended to live together as husband and wife without their sanction. " What," said the Governor, in apparent indignation, " do you take this woman for your wife?" " Yes, I most certainly do," replied the man. " And do you talipated in the siege of St. Jean de Acre, in the year 1119, and was the first to plant the banner of the cross on the battlements of the town for which he was knighted. A grandson of Sir Robert Lawrence, named Sir James Lawrence, married into the Washington family, having been united to Matilda Washington in the reign of Henry III. — General George Washington's half brother Lawrence, was so named on account of his relationship to this family. Tlie first Lawrences who came to Amer- ica were two brothers, John, aged 17 years, and William, aged 12 years, and also Mary Lawrence, aged nine years, wlio embarked in the barque Planter, April 2nd, 1635 ; her passengers were chiefly from St Albans, Hertfordshire, England. Another brother named Thomas, came over in 1655, twenty years- later. The greater portion of the Lawrences in America are descended from William, the second brother. The first Lawrence who settled within the limits of Old Monmouth, whose name the writer has met with, was Elisha, a son of William. Elisha commenced business as a merchant, in the latter part of the seven tee»ith century, at Cheesequakes, on the south side of the Raritan, but his store having been pillaged by the crew of a French privateer, iie removed to Upper Freehold then a wilderness. He repre- sented the county in the provincial Assem- bly in 1708 — 9. His residence was called Chestnut Grove. He was born in 1666, and died May 27tii, 1724. He married Lucy Stout and had children as follows ; sons, Joseph, Elisha and John, and daugh- / ters, Hannah, who married Richard Salter,/^ Hilizabeth, who married Joseph Salter, Sa- rah, who married John Ember and Rebec- ca, who married a New Yorker named Watson. The second son, Elisha, had a son named John Brown Lawrence, who was the father of tlie celebrated Commo- dore Lawrence of " Don't give up the ship" fame, and grandfather of Commo- dore Boggs, who so distinguished himself in the Varuna in passing the forts below New Orleans during the late rebellion. The genealogy of the Lawrence family has been traced out and published with more or less completeness in several works, the most extensive of which is one devo- tf d to giving the history and genealogy of the family, jiublished by T. Law rence, New York, in 1858. In the present article it is impracticable to give the genealogy of all the Lawrences in old Monmouth, but we append that of one branch, members of which were quite noted in the Revolu tionary history of tlie county as will be seen by reference to sketches of them in chapters previously published. As ab >v*^ stated, the first, named Elisha, had a son named Jphn, wlio ran the noted Lawrence's line between East and West Jersey, v/ho was born 1708. This John mitrried Mary, daughter of William Harts- horne, and had children as follows; John, a physician, who died unmarried ; Helena who married James Holmes, merchant, New York ; Lucy, wno married Rev. Hen ry Waddell, of New York, and who was installed pastor of the Episcopal church, at Shrewsbury, in 1788 ; Elizabeth, who mariied William LeCompte of Georgia; Mary and Sarah who died single, and Eli- sha, who married Mary Ashfield, of New York, and who was Sheriff of Monmouth county at the breaking out.of the Revolu- tion. The Hendricksons. This family is of Dutch origin, and mem- bers of it were among the first whites who can»e to New Amsterdam, (now New York). Captain Cornells Hendrickson, (says our account,) was the first navigator who set foot on tht- soil of Pennsylvania and West Jersey, and probably the first white man who set foot in that part of OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 151 old Monmouth now comprised within the limits of Ocean. About the latter part of 1614 he cruised along the New Jersey- coast making explorations in the celebra- ted little yacht " Onrest " (Restless) the first vessel built in New York. He re- turned to Holland, in 1616, to give an ac- count of his discoveries. Of the Hendricksons who settled in this country among the first comers, were Rut- ger and Legar, who settled up the Hud- son river at Rensaelters-wyck, 1630; Cor- nells, who was there in 1642 : another Cor- nells came over in the ship Gilded Beaver and landed at New York in May, 1658. — Gerrit came from Scrool, in Holland, in the ship St. Jean Baptiste, and landed May, 1661 Alfred came from Maersen. in the ship " Fox " May, 1662. Hendrick came from Westphalia in the ship Rose- tree, March, 1663. Some of the family at a very early day settled in old Monmouth, and during the Revolution many of them were in the ser- vice of their country in various capacities, meeting with the usual vicissitudes of war. This family ajjpear to be great sticklers for handing down old family names. — Among the first comers over two hundred years ago and from that time on down through the Revolution to the present wherever Hendricksons have been or may be, there are found the Cornelius's, Ger- rits, Alberts and Hendricks or Henrys. The Randolph Family. The ancient name of this family, so nu- merous in New Jersey and elsewhere, was Fitz Randolph, for which reason members retain at the present day the letter F as the initial of a middle name. They are said to be descended from Edward Fitz Randolph who came when a lad with his parents to Barnstable, Massachusetts, in the year 1630. The following items relat- ing to him are from New England author ities. In a manuscript of the Rev. John Lo- throp, the first pastor of the churches at Barnstable and Scituate, the names of own- ers of dwellings which were built when he arrived, and also those built shortly after are given. From his manuscript, copied in a modern New England work, the fol- lowing items are extracted : " The Houses in ye planta — [manuscript obliterated. ) Scituate, Att my comeing hither, onely these wch was aboute the end of Sept. 1634." — After naming those which were already built on his arrival, he says the 36th one, built in 1636, was occupied by " the young Master Edward Fittsrandolfe." From the church records of Barnstable and Scituate are derived the following items relating to the founder of this fami- ly in America. ''Married. Edward Fittsrandolfe to Eliz- v abeth Blossome, May 10th, 1637." Miss Blossome was a daughter of '■• Wid- ow Blossome " whose name is frequently mentioned in Old Plymouth colony rec- ords as far back as 1632. " Edward Fitts surrandolfe joyned (church) May 14th, 1637. Our Brother Fittsrandolfe's wife joyned August 27th. 1643. Baptized : Nathaniell son of Edward * Fittsrandolfe, Aug. 9th, 1640. Died Na- thanniell son ot Edward Fitts Randolfe, December 10th, 1640. Baptized ISathan- iell son ot Edward Fittsrandolfe, May 15th, 1642. Baptized Mary daughter of Edward Fittsrandolfe, October 6th, 1644. Baptized Hannah daughter of above, April 23d, 1648. Btptized Margaret, daughter of above, June 2nd, 1650. Baptized John, son of above, Jan. 2nd, 1652. "Mary Fitzrandle, daughter above named married Samuel Hincley, 1668." The last named Nalhanniell became quite a conspicuous man in after ye.^rs. — It is said that descendants of Edward Fitz Randolph went to Piscataqua, New Hamp- shire, and from thence removed to Piscat- aqua, New Jersey, and from thence de- scendants went to Monmouth and else- where. Bennington F. Randolpli, Esq , formerly of Freehold, the late Judge Jo- seph F. Randolph, formerly M. C, and Senator Theodore F. Randolph, are. we be lieve, descendants of Edward Fitz Ran- dolph. By the exM'acts quoted above, it will be seen that the old Puritan pastor was sore- ly puzzled as to the proper mode of spell- ing the name Fitz Randolph, but we cer tainly must give him credit for noting down minute particulars. We have been informed that quite a complete history of the Fitz Randolph family has been preserved by some de- scendants in Philadelphia, especially by Hon. Ross Snowden, a prominent mem- of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. 152 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. LONG BRANCH. Who first Brought it into Notice. The earliest mention of Long Branch as a watering place in any historical work that the writer of this has found, is in Watson's Annals of Philadelphia, publish- ed in 1830, as follows : " This place, before the Revolution, was owned by Colonel White, a British officer, and an inhabitant of New York. The small house which he occupied as a sum- mer residence was existing among a clump of houses owned by Renshaw, in 1830. — In consequence of the war the place was confiscated. The house was first used as a boarding house by Eliiston Perot of Phil- adelphia in 1788. At that time the whole premises were in charge of one old woman left to keep the place from injury. Of her Mr. Perot begged an asylum for himself and family, which was granted, provided he could get beds and bedding from oth- ers. Being pleased with the place he re- peated his visit there three successive years, taking some friends with him. In 1790-1, Mr. McKnight, of Monmouth, no ticing the likmg shown for the place deemed it a good speculation to buy it. — He bought the whole premises containing one hundred acres for £700 and then got Mr. Perot and others to loan him two thousand dollars to improve it. He then opened it for a watering place and before his death it was supposed he had made forty thousand dollars by the investment. The estate was sold to Rehshaw tor $13,- 000." In the foregoing extract Watson says the property originally belonged to a Brit- ish officer named White, whose property was confiscated during the Revolution. — We cannot now recall the name of but four loyalists of the name who belonged to or held property in old Monmouth, viz : Philip, who was killr d by his guards in at tempting to escape on the way to Free- hold ; Aaron, (brother of Philip) and John, both of whom went to the British Provin- ces at the close of the war. and Josiah White, of old Shrewsbury township, whose property was confiscated and advertised to be sold at Tintou Falls, March 29th, 1779. The last named may be the one referred to as we have found no mention of the con- fiscation of property of others. According to Watson it would seem >t Elliston Pbrot was the Founder of Long Branch as a watering place. The Perot family has been a prominent one in Philadelphia annals. During the Revolu tion the Perot mansion at Germantown was used by Lord Howe as* a residence, and after the war. while General Wash- ington was president, he also occupied it for a time during the prevalence of the yellow fever in the city in 1793. Members of this family have alwajs been patrons of some of our New Jersey watering places. The Last Indian Claimants. At a conference between the whites and Indians held at Crosswicks, N. J., in Feb- ruary, 1758, two Indians known by the whites as Tom Store and Andrew WooUey claimed the land " from the mouth of Squan river to the mouth of Shrewsbury, by the streams of each to their heads and across from one head to another." This claim was satisfactorily settled at a subse- quent conference held at Easton, Pa., in October of the same year. These Indians belonged to a band of the Delawares then known as the Cranbury Indians; their principal settlement was about two miles northeast of the present village of Cranbu- ry and was established through the instru- mentality of the celebrated Rev. David Bralnerd, and by him called Bethel. The Indians came here in 1746 from Crossv/icks '' to be away from bad whites." At the above mentioned Crosswicks conference, several delegates, beside Tom Store and Andrew Woolley, attended from the Cran bury Indians with papers, claims, powers of attorney, &c., for themseives and the rest of the band, all of which were settled to the satisfaction of the Indians. History and Traditions of Long Branch. The following extracts are from the New York Gazette, Morris' Guide, and other au- thorities, to which some comments are added : " The nomenclature of popular resorts has become » matter of acknowledged in- terest. Various surmises — some ol them absurd, all incorrect — havegonethe rounds as to the origin of Long Branch, among them an hypothesis in a traveler's direc- tory, that it was termed longest branch or route from that point on the seashore to Amboy." From the best sources we find a tradition generally credited among the best informed descendants of old settlers, that a party of Indians whose grounds lay back of this OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 153 portion of the coast, visited tlie shore in tlie fall of 1734. So well pleased were ttie red men with this inaugural visit to the seaside, that like many of their modern white brethren, they became habitues of the place, still adhering to the original camping ground, a location near the pres- ent Clarendon* Hotel — the nearest to the depot. Here they made tiieir annual pil- grimage for fishing, &c., and welcoming, after a long nurch, the termination of the land, called the place " Land's End ;" this became a general term for the extent of waste which tliey gradually explored, and on which they established otlier campinti grounds, such as Squan beach, &g., and the original spot was designated as "Laud's End at the Long Branch," a small stream branching from the I'Souih Shrousbury (Shrewsbury) River and extending for a considerable distance nearly parallel with the coast. This stream still m'^'mders through the vicinity of the depots and supplies an abundance of ice during the winter. The locality was thus designated by the abbreviated term Long Branch, A few years thereafter settlers bought crown lands for twenty shillincean county, is opposite to the vil- lages of Barnegat and Mannahawkin and (he latter opposite Tuckerton. Of these places Watson's Annals of Philadelphia says : " We think Long Beach and Tucker's Beach in point of earliest attraction as a seaside resort for Philadelphians must OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. J55 claim the precedence. They had their visitors and distant admirers long before Squan and Deal and even Long Branch itself had got their several fame. To those ■''•ho chiefly desire to restore languid frames and to find their nerves braced and firmer strung, nothing can equal the in- vigorating surf and general air. * * * LoiiiT Branch — last but greatest in fame — because the fashionables who rule all things have made it so, is still inferior as a surf to those qbove named." Before the Revolution, Philadelphians and others from a distance, vrho visited Long and Tucker beaches, went in old fashioned shore wagons on their return trips from the city and took with them their stoves, bhvnkets, &c. Some people on the beaches began to make provisions to receive these transient boarders and so origiiinted tliis business in New Jersey in which now annually is spent such an im- m«n?^e amount of money. The shore wag- ons carted fish and oysters to Philadelphia, Trenton and other places over a hundred years ago, and these p'-imitive convey- nnces on their return trips were first used to convey health or pleasure seekers to our earliest seaside resorts. What a con- trast between then and now — between an oyster vv.tgon and a palace car 1 Long Brancli comes next in order being first known as a watering place about 1788. Cape May began to be known as a wat- ering phice about 1813. Athmtic City was founded some forty years la+er, about the time of the completion of the Camden and Atlantic Railroad. The forego'ng watering places from Long Brancii to Cape May. it is said, were all hiouglit into notice by Philadelpliians. A Sea Shore correspondent says : '•The first seaside health or pleasure seekers from Philadelphia would present quite a contrast with the great majority of visitors at our watering places at the pres- ent day in their methods of enjoying themselves. At home, being citizens of property and siandmy they W(;ul(i of course conform to the customs of city life in dress and other matters, but at the sea- shore they often adopted the common fisherman cl"tlie-< -iind enjoyed tlicmselves by fishing, oystering, bathing, &c., unre- strained by fashionable conventionalities. From the shore villages, the inhabitants young and'old would often get up " beacli parties" to have a good time bathuig in the surf during tlie day, and enjoying themselves by plays and dancer in the erenin^r, and it was no uncommon thing to se;> the visitors from the city mixing in witli their sports, evidently enjoying and being benefitted by them. Some twenty years ago I frequently met, at one of our sertside resorts a prcmiinent young Phila- delphia merchant whom I especially no- ticed because an ancestor of his first brought Long Branch into notice and his method of enjoying himself was similar to our first shore visitors. He had his own fishing boat and pleasure yacht ; at times in red flannel shirt and fisherman clothes he would engage in fishing, oystering, laining he could not fill his post with as brave a man as had been killed. " No,'" said the in- irepid Moliy, fixing her eyes upon the of- ficer, " tde cannon i-hall not be removed i'or the want of someone to serve it ; since my brave husband is no more, I will use my utmost exertious to avenge his death.'' Tlie activity and courage with which she performed the office of cannonier during the action, attracted the attention of all 156 OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. who witnessed it, and finally of Washing- ton himself, who afterward gave her the rank of lieutenant and granted her half- pay during life. She wore an epaulette and was called ever after Captain Molly. ( Hoioe's Collections.) LossiNG in his Field Book of the Revo- lution thus mentions Molly Pitcher : " She was a sturdy young camp follower only twenty two years of age and in devo- tion to her husband, who was a cannonier, she illustrated the character of her coun- trywomen of the Emerald Isle. In the action (Battle of Monmouth) while her husband was managing one of the field pieces, she constantly brought him water from a spring near by. A shot from the enemy killed him at his post; and the officer in command, having no one compe- tent to fill his place, ordered the piece to be withdrawn. Molly saw her husband fall as she came from the spring and also heard the order. She dropped her bucket, seized the rammer and vowed that she would fill the place of her husband at the gun and avenge his death. She performed the duty with a skill and courage which attracted the attention of all who saw her. On the following morning, covered with dirt and blood, General Greene presented her to General Washington, who admiring her bravery, conferred upon her the com- mission of Sergeant. By his recommenda- tion her name was placed upon th* list of half pay officers for life. She left the ar- my soon after the Battle of Monmouth and died near Fort Montgomery among the Hudson Highlands. She usually went by the name of Captain Molly. Th© ven- erable widow of General Hamilton, who died in 1854, told me she had often seen Captain Molly. She described her as a stout, red-haired, freckled-faced young Irish woman with a handsome, piercing eye. The French officers, charmed by the story of her bravery, made her many presents. She would sometimes pass along the French lines with her cocked hat and get it almost filled with crowns." The same writer visited the locality of Forts Montgomery and Clinton on the Hudson, where Molly Pitcher ended her days and there found old residents who " remembered the famous Irish woman called Captain Molly, the wife of acanon- ier who worked a field piece at the battle of Monmouth on the death of her hus- band. She generally dressed in the petti- coats of her sex with an artilleryman's coat over. She was in Fort Clinton with her husband when it was attacked in 1,^77. When the Americans retreated from the fort, as the enemy scaled the ramparts her husband dropped his match and fled. MoLLEY caught it up, touched off the piece and then scampered off. It was the last gun the Americans fired in the fort. Mrs. Rose remembered her as Dirty Kate, living between Fort Montgomery and Butter- milk Falls, at the close of the war, where she died a horrible death from syphilitic disease. Washington h^d hoaored her with a lieutenant's commission for her bravery in the field of Monmouth nearly nine months after the battle, when review- ing its events." IS AN OYSTER A WILD ANIMAL OR A TAME ONE? This question to many may appear ab surd but it has been broached in lawsuits in our state involving business enterprises to the amount of some thousands oi dol- lars yearly. It originated in the question whether or not a man had an exclusive right to oysters which he had planted. — The first case carried up to the New Jersey Supreme Court relating to planted oysters began in old Shrewsbury township about seventy years ago. A man named Lever- son sued two men named Shepard and Lay ton for the larceny of 1,000 oysters which he had planted in North river, Shrewsbury township. The case came be- fore Esquire Tiebout who gave judgment for the plaintiff, three dollars. The de- fendants' appealed to the Monmouth Com- mon Pleas where the Justice's decision was confirmed. The case was then car- ried to the Supreme Court and tried in 1808. The decision, however, was con- fined to one point, that of planting where there is a natural growth : " Action does not lie for taking oysters claimed as plant- ed by him in a common navigable stream, in which others were found." The court seemed to consider the throwing of oyster plants where there is a natural growth, as an abandonment, and compared it to a man "who should take a deer in a forest and be simpleton enough to let it go again in the same forest, saying, ' this is my deer and no man shall touch it;' it would never be asked by the next taker what was the intention of the simpleton ; the very act of letting it go was an abandonment." The question of the right to planted oys- ters was again brought before the Supreme OLD TIMES IN OLD MONMOUTH. 157 Court in 1821, m the noted case of Arnold vs Mundy, on an appeal in a case from Perth Amboy; but this suit hinged mainly on title to lands under water, the plaintiff having purchased from th© East Jersey Proprietors some forty odd acres of land under water on which was the oyster bed. Just fifty years after the laws relating to planted oysters had been first discussed in Monmouth, the subject was finally and clearly settled by the Supreme Court. On an appeal from Cape May, tried in 1858, it was charged that Thomas Taylor had sto- len oysters to the value of eighteen dollars from George Hildreth. This time the ques- tion of the right to oysters planted where there was no natural growtfi was reached and decided. As regards the questiorr whether an oyster is a wild animal or a tame one the inference from the trial is that an oyster from a natural growth bed is a wild animal and one from a bed plant- ed where there was no natural growtii, is •I tame one! The counsel for the defend- ant ('I'aylor) plead thai " oysters being an- imals fene natures (of a v^ild nature — wild !nfined in order to be within the imme- diate power of the owner. If at liberty, *hey have neither the inclination nor power to escape. For the purpo.^es of the present inquiry they are obviously more nearly allied to tame animals than to wild ones, and perhaps more nearly allied to in- animate objects than to animals of either de.scription. The indictment could not aver that the oysters were dead, for they would then be of no value ; nor that they were reclaimed or tamed for in this sense they were never wild and were not capa- ble of domestication ; nor that they were confined for that vvould be absurd." It was the decision of the court that "The owner has the same absolute pi'op- erty in oysters that he has \xi inanimate things or domestic animals, and the rule tliat applies to animals fert Forked River, in Ocean county, about nineteen years ago, and the respect retained for him by his old scholars near the battle ground, and elsewhere in Mon- mouth, was evidenced by tiie fact of their sending for his body and giving it a suita- ble final resting place in the vicinity of his first labors in this county. Mr. Wilson, or " Dominie Wilsen " as he was familiarly called on account of his once having been a clergyman, deserves a more extended no- tice than we have space for in the present article. On the board prepared and set up by Mr. Wilson was inscribed HIC JACET Col. Monkton KILLED 28 June 1778 W. R. W. Mr. W. may have been induced to put up the board by noticing that in the rem- iniscences of the battle published by Hen- ry Howe, who visited the ground in 1S42, attention was called to the fact that no monument marked the grave. In 1850, Benson J. Lossing visited the battle ground and made a sketch of the head board which was given in his valua- ble work, the Field Book of the Revolu- tion, and it is also given in a late number of the American Historical Record Mr. Lossing says that when he visited tiie grave " the only monument that marked the spot was a plain board painted red, mufih weath- er worn, on which was drawn in black let- ters the inscription seen in the picture giv en. The board had been set up some years before by a Scotch school master named William Wilson, who taught the young people m the school house upon the green near the old Meeting House," In speaking of Col. M'-'nckton he says : " At the head of his grenadiers on the field of Monmouth, he kept them silent until they were with- in a few rods of the Americans, when wav- ing his sword he shouted '' Forward to tlie charge !" Our General VVayne was on his front. At the same moment "Mad Antho- ny " gave a signal to fire. A terrible volley poured destruction upon Monckton's gren- adiers and almost every Brili»h officer fell. Amongst litem was their brave leader. — Over his body the comf)atants fought des- perately until the Americans secured it and bore it to the rear.'" Captain Wilson and Dominie Wilson. The Grenadier Flag. A writer in the American Historical Rec- ord, June, 1874, referring to the above no- tice says it reminds liim " of the relics of the Royal Grenadiers and of their gallant Colonel which are still in existence; and I was struck with the coincidence in name of the Scotch schoolmaster, William Wil- son, who set up the board that marks the Colonel's grave, with that of the Irish Cap- lain, William Wilson, by the rifles of whos'' company Monckton fell. On the parlor ta- ble of Captain William Wilson Potter, of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, a great grandson of General James Potter, of the Revolu- tion, may be seen any day for tlie asking, the flag of the Royal Grenadiers, captured on thefield of Monmouth, by his (materni'l) grandfather, the late Judge William Wil- son, of Chillisquaque Mills, Northumber- land county, Pennsylvania. The ground or - main surface is lemon or light-yellow heavy corded silk, five feet four inclies by four feet eight inches. The device at the upper right coiner is twenty inches square, and is that of the English Union which dis tinguishes the Royal a.andard of Great Britain. It is composed of the cross of St. George, to denote England, and St. An- drews cross in the Ibrm of an X to denote Scotland, ''lie field of the device is blue, the central stripes (cross of St. George) red, the margnial ones white. The flag has the apptarance of having b; en wrenche