GEN. SIMON PERKINS CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS EDITED AND COMPILED BY WILLIAM fi. DOYLE, LL. D. ^^ "History is Philosophy Teaching by Examples" PUBLISHED BV BIOGRAPHICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY liEDRGE Richmond. Pres. C. R. Arnold. Sec'y and Treas. CHICAGO, ILL. 1908 s^ X)(^ preface I UK aim of the publishers of this volume and of the author o£ the history has been to secure for the historical portion thereof full and accurate data respecting the history of the county from the earliest times, and to condense it into a clear and interesting narrative. All topics and occurrences have been included that were essential to this object. Although the original purpose was to limit the narrative to the close of 1906. it was found expedient to touch on many matters relating to the year 1907. It is impossible for the editor to enumerate all those to whom he feels that thanks are due for assistance rendered and kindly interest taken in this work. He would, however, mention Hon. J. A. Kohler, Dr. Samuel Findley, and Aaron Teeple, Esq., among others, as those to whom he feels under special obligations. In the preparation of the history reference has been made to, and in some cases extracts taken from, standard historical and other works on different subjects herein treated of. Much information has also been obtained from manuscript records not heretofore published. The reviews of resolute and strenuous lives which make up the biographical department of this volume, and whose authorship is for the most part independent of that of the history, are admirably calculated to foster local ties, to inculcate patriotism, and to emphasize the rewards of industry dominated by intelligent pur- pose. They constitute a most appropriate medium of perpetuating personal annals, and will be of incalculable value to the descendants of those commemorated. These sketches, replete with stirring incidents and intense experiences, are flavored with a strong human interest that will naturally prove to a large portion of the readers of this book its most attractive feature. In the aggregate of personal memoirs thus coUated will be found a vivid epitome of the growth of Summit County, which will fitly supplement the historical statement, for the development is identified with that of the men and women to whom it is attrib- utable. The publishers have endeavored to pass over no feature of the work slight- ingly, but to fittingly supplement the editor's labors by exercising care over the minutest details of publication, and thus give to the volume the three-fold value of a readable narrative, a useful work of reference, and a tasteful ornament to the library. We believe the result has justified the care thus exercised. Special prominence has been given to the portraits of representative citizens which appear throughout the volume, and we believe that they will prove not its least interesting feature. We have sought in this department to illustrate the different spheres of industrial and professional achievement as conspicuously as possible. To all those who have kindly interested themselves in the successful preparation of this work, and who have voluntarily contributed most useful information and data, or rendered other assistance, we hereby tender our grateful acknowledgments. THE PUBLISHERS. Chicago, III., January, 1908. $lote All the biographical sketches published in this volume were submitted to their respective subjects or to the subscribers, from whom the facts were primarily obtained, for their approval or cor- rection before going to press; and a reasonable time was allowed in each case for the return of the typewritten copies. Mo'^t of them were returned to us within the time allotted, or before the work was printed, after being corrected or revised; and these may therefore be regarded as reasonably accurate. A few, however, were not returned to us ; and as we have no means of knowing whether they contain errors or not, we cannot vouch for their accuracy. In justice to our readers, and to render this work more valuable for reference purposes, we have indicated these uncorrected sketches by a small asterisk (*), placed imme- diately after the name of the subject. They will all be found on the last pages of the book. BIOGRAPHICAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. Contents CHAPTER I. Topography axd Geology oj Description of the Physical Features of the County — Its Economic Geology — The Soil; Its Drainage and Fertility — Coal — Gas — Oil. CHAPTER n. Settlement and Organization of Summit County 29 Pioneer Conditions— Indian Trading— Wild Game— Home-Made Garments— Pioneer Hospitality— Social Amusements — First Published Description of Summit County — Making of Summit County — Western Reserve— Organization of the County— County Scat Selected — County Seat Contests— Adams' Reception- Territorial Changes. CHAPTER III. County and Other Owici als 47 A Roster of Officials from the Organization of the County Down to 1907. CHAPTER IV. Akron — The County Se.\t 56 Introductory — Economic Causes and Growth of Akron — Its Settlement and History — Public Improvements — Akron an Incorporated Town — City Government — Mercantile Akron — Fire and Police Departments — Riot of 1900 — .\ftermath of the Riot. CHAPTER V. Townships and Towns 101 Settlement and Organization of the Townships — Settlement and Founding of the Towns — Sketches of Barberton, Cuyahoga Fall,?, Hudson, Tallmadge, Peninsula, Etc. CHAPTER VI. Public Institutions 1-3 CHAPTER VII. Agriculture '30 CHAPTER VIII. Transportation Facilities HO Steam and Electric Railroads— The Ohio Canal— The Ohio and I'eniisv l\ ani.i Canal. 12 . CONTENTS CHAPTER IX. Manufactures 147 The County's Chief Manufacturing Establishments of the Past and of the Present — Clay Products — Cereal Mills — Agricultural Implements — The Rubber Industry — Printing and Publishing. Etc. CHAPTER X. Banks and Banking 168 History of the Banks of Summit County — Banks Inadequate — Akron's Financial Reputation — Akron a Large Borrower — Panic of 1904 — Clearing House Statement — Future Prosperity Certain. CHAPTER XI. The Public Schools 173 CHAPTER XII. History of Buchtel College 202 CHAPTER XIII. Religious Development 219 First Churches and Pioneer Clergy — General History of Religious Organizations — Churches and Clergy of To-day. CHAPTER XIV. The Press 224 CHAPTER XV. Greatness Achieved by Sum mit County Sons 231 John Brown — Edward Rowland Sill. CHAPTER XVI. Military History 239 Revolutionary War — War of 1S12 — Mexican War — War of the Rebellion — Militia Organizations — Spanish- American War. CHAPTER XVII. Fraternal Organizations 247 CHAPTER XVIII. The Medical Profession 253 CHAPTER XIX. The Bench and Bar 261 Early History —The Present Bar and Its High Standing. CHAPTER XX. Statistics : 319 Biographical 303 Index Biograpbical TAGE Abele, John 970 Adams, F. H 1112 Adams, Francis X., M.D 916 Adamson, A 393 Adamson, C. F 964 Adler, Jacob 394 Akers, Alfred 495 Akers, Charles E 3SU Alexander, Hon. J. Park.... 361 Allen, I. F 598 Allen, Albert 764 Allen, Andrew H 805 Allen, Arthur M 408 Allen, George G 318 Allen, Jesse 391 Allen, Miner Jesse 391 Allen, Levi 391 Allen, Levi 678 Allen, Robert II 408 Allen. W. G 633 Ailing. Williston 450 Ammerman. Lharles 297 Andress, H. E 285 Andrews, J. H 518 Armstrong, R. E 336 Arnold, John D 543 Atterholt, Frank M 267 Auble, A., Jr 980 Aultman Brothers 851 Aultman, George W 851 Aultman, William J 851 Averill, Frank E 605 Avcrill. William F 758 Babb, George W 622 Babcock, Austin 681 Bachtel, A. C 505 Baird, Charles 270 Baldwin, Harvey 347 Baldwin. Joseph A 386 Bales, Frank S 953 Barber, George 765 Barber, Ohio C 765 Barder, B. R .' 410 Barker, Jared : 637 Barker, Lanson 618 Barker, William 618 Barker, William P 534 PAGE Barnett. William 335 Bartges, Dr. Samuel W 255 Bartlett, John S 1110 Bates, George D 358 Bauer, Daniel 1063 Bauer, Frederick J., ALD.... 579 Bauer, Howard A 550 Bauer, Jonas 675 Bauer, Joseph D 1062 Bauer, William D 1061 Baughman, John 701 Baughman, Reuben B 701 Baum Family 1067 Baum. James M 1068 Baum, O. W 501 Baum, Thomas 1067 Beardsley, Talman 594 Beck, J. Martin 407 Beese, John 961 Bennage, A. W 833 Bennage, Jacob 995 Bennage, Jacob W 994 Benner, Charles C 275 Benner, Joseph S 406 Berger, Capt. D. F 938 Berger, John H 933 Bernard, Charles B 266 Betzler, J. F 577 Bierce, Lucius V 831 Bierce, Gen. Lucius V 263 Bienz. Peter 400 Bill, Albert H., M.D 1036 Billow. Capt. George 339 Billow, George V 1114 Bisbee, George A 643 Bishop, Charles E 888 Bishop, George T 861 Bishop, Zephaniah 88t> Blackburn, Harry F 76S Blackburn, John 976 Blackburn, Thomas 863 Blackburn, William 076 Blackwell, Henry 1006 Blessman. August 1047 Bliler, Daniel 990 Bliler, Joel 990 Bliler, William H. 990 Bliss. Ambrose W 717 PAGE Bliss, George 263 Bliss, Lorin 717 Bloomfield. Col. John C 405 Boesche, W. A 341 Bolanz, H. Frederick 932 Boltz, Charles 864 Boltz, Peter W 864 Borst, C. H 371 Botzum, Capt. Adam 836 Botzum, George A 734 Bouton, Charles 768 Bowen, Dr. William 255 Bower. William H 474 Boyd. James P., M.D 986 Bradley, Charles 3S6 Bradley, George H 945 Bradley, James 944 Brady, John W 673 Brandau, H. G 335 Braucher, Daniel R 753 Breen, James P 756 Breitenstine. John 949 Brewster, Albert J 995 Brewster Familv 419 Brewster, Haye's W 348 Brewster, Hiram 348 Brewster, James G 349, 430 Brewster, Stephen 349, 419 Briggs, C. Lee 584 Brittain, John 654 Brittain, John G 663 Brittain, John T 654 Brooks, Andrew T 501 Broun, James W 757 Broun, Rev. John B 521 Brouse, Cornelius A 406 Brown, Josiah 737 Bruner, C. 1 506 Brunswick, William F 500 Bryan, Constant 366 Buchtel, John 996 Buchtel, Hon. William 398 Buetch. Ernest C 954 Burkhardt, G. F 402 Burroughs, Allen 64* Burroughs, Levi 644 Butler, Frank 834 Butler, F. W 1006 14 INDEX rAGi; Calu.w, Danic-l H 105+ Cahow, -Milo «S4 Cahow, Robert 0S4 Caldwell, Abncr L S47 Call, Charles A 054 Camp, Horace B -^lO Camp, H. H 518 Camp, L. W b*^ Campbell, John B 8^4 Campbell, J. R 909 Campfield, William L 449 Canfield, Horace G ''78 Capron, Alfred 521 Carkhuff, Stacy G 483 Carmany, Isaac 5SG Carmanv, Webster F 586 Carpenter, Abraham o3o Carpenter, A. Lincoln 633 Carpenter, James S 263 Carper, George 615 Carper, Samuel S 61-> Carr, Charles B., M.D IIOS Carter, Charles A 96(' Carter, Edwin H 550 Carter, Joseph B S95 Carter. William 966 Case, James H 1059 Cassidy, Frank D 3iti Castle, H. F 298 Castle, L. D ^01 Chaffee, Comfort J 551 Chalker, James, Jr 1091 Chalker, Newton 300, 1090 Chamberlain, William 1 937 Chamberlin, Horace 798 Chamberlin, Z. F '!'98 Chapman, C. l' 1035 Chapman, John 667 Chapman, John L 666 Chase, Dr. Byron S 255 Christy, James 430 Christy, Will 523 Church, Rev. A. B 569 Clapper, Jacob 616 Clapper, John VV 616 Clark, Benjamin F 796 Cleaver, J. V., M.D 653 Clerkin, William 965 Click, Samuel A 943 Coates, Edward SOS Cobbs, Charles S 293 Coburn. Dr. Stephen H 254 Cochrane, Harry A "i't Coffman, Matthias 935 Cofifman, Samuel 935 Cole, Dr. Arthur M .523 Cole, Dr. Joseph 254 Columbia Chemical Company 590 Commins, Alexander H 28S Commins, Alexander H 516 Comstock, Allen 1035 Comstock, John L 1035 Conaghan, C. Charles 556 Conaghan, Charles C 556 Conger, Col. Arthur L 495 Conn, Hon. Eli 701 Converse, Chauncey •. . 472 1".\I!E Converse, I'rank J 472 Conway, James 1001 Conway, Michael 1001 Cooke, F. M 1085 Cooke. Joseph 430 Cooper, Joseph 583 Cooper, Samuel 527 Cooper, WiUiam 469 Cormany, Frank 914 Courtney, Joseph 461 Cpwen, Jsaac Sheldon 453 Cowen. John 453 Cowling, George H 586 Cox, Edward D 1103 Cranz, Eugene F 1016 Crisp, George 741 Crisp, John 712 Crisp, John and Son 1068 Crosby, Dr. Eliakim 253 Cross, James B 643 Crouse, Hon. George W 353 Crumb, Clarence D 617 Cunningham, Sylvester T 445 Dallmga. Jacob 746 Dallinga, Richard J 746 Dangel. Joseph 609 Davidson, Harry S., M.D 443 Davidson, J. M 577 Davis, Hon. Charles A 558 Davis. George S 378 Day, E. S 813 Deacon, Horace L 865 Decker, Seney A 273 Deeds, Philip F 1060 Deeds, Reed 1060 Deibel, Ernest C 441 Dellenberger. John H 379 Dice. Jeremiah 782 Dice. John F 1113 Dice, William A 783 Dick, Gen. Charles 1077 Dickinson, Alexander 1003 Dickinson. George W 1003 Diehl. Clarence E 1084 Dietrich. A. J . . . .' 638 Dictz, G. Carl 445 Dixon, Charles A.. M.D.... 797 Dobson. Russell T 726 Dodge, Burdettt L 984 Dodge. William M 268 Donaldson, G. C 803 Doncaster, Burt 865 Dox, Clinton A 415 Dox, James Alonzo 414 Doyle. Hon. Dayton A 318 Doyle, Peter W 1074 Doyle. Hon. William B 276 Dreisbach. Charles 544 ]:)rcisbach. George 544 Duncan, Adam 880 Duncan, R. H 880 Durstine, Albert G 7S5 Ebright. Hon. Leonidas S... 369 Edgerton, Hon. Sidney 365 rAGK Ellsworth, Fred T 40U Emerman, H. J 834 Emery, William J., M.D 333 Emmett, J. Ira 715 Enright, J. T 491 Essig, John A 876 Essig. John W 876 Etling, William E 566 Ewart. Charles C 693 Ewart. John 093 Ewart. John 524 Ewart, Perry G 524 Farnbauch. J. S 748 Farris, William J 928 Fenn, Florenzo F 1033 Fenn, Nelson W 653 Fenn, Treat 632 Fenton, Almus 621 Fenton, Curtis 621 Fergusson, David R 733 Fergusson, Dr. J. C 621 Fette, Albert 956 Feudner, J. J 516 Fillius, Hon. Ernest L 1105 Fillius, Philip 1105 Firestone, Harvey S 333 Firestone. T. L 816 Fisher, Cornelius 429 Fisher, James Albert 439 Fisher, John T 831 Fitch, Willard N 1113 Flower, James T SSI Folger, Walter A 953 Foltz, Abner E 1071 Force, L. K 543 Foster, Coulson M 868 Foster Family 1031 Foster, Edwin F 999 Foster, L. R 1031 Foster, Lyman 1031 Foster, Pardon 999 Foster. Tod C 999 Fouse. Frederick 896 Fouse. John M 895 Foust, George W 1084 Fowler, Clyde K 433 Fowler, Seymour S 432 Frain, C. P 406 Frank, John C. 278 Frank. John W 773 Frank. Julius 1103 Franklin, C. F 553 Franklin, Walter A 333 Frase, John 334 Erase, John A 600 Frase, Noah 600 Frase, Orrin 6S6 Frase, Peter M 334 Frederick, Henry 335 Frederick, Jacob 336 Frederick, Jacob 10S9 Frederick, Samuel 1089 Frederick, U. G 357 Fritch, Elue 441 Fryman, Joel 903 Fryman, Wiliam Jacob...... 903 INDEX 15 PACK Fuclis. F. William 477 Fulmer, Adam J 72.) Fiilmer, Jacob Sf)4 Fulmer, Kent A 864 Gammeter, Emil 993 Gardner, G. E S74 Garman, Benjamin 843 Garman, Jerry J 878 Garman, Jacob 87S Garman, Urias 842 Gates, Henry 548 Gates, Robert C 548 Gault, Elmer A 691 Gauthier, John W 754 Gaylord, Charles X 801 Gaylord, Jonathan 801 Gaylord, Leonard E 934 Gehree, J. A . . ^ 676 Gibbs, Henry A 875 Gibbs, H. H 875 Gifford, B. J 545 Goldsmith, Solomon M 514 Gonder, Gregory J 702 Good, J. Edward 946 Goodhue, Hon. Nathaniel VV. 265 Goodman, F. B 7S5 Goodrich, Dr. Benjamin p.. 1009 Goodrich, Charles C 1010 Gougler, Ami C S77 Gougler, Calvin 515 Gougler, Daniel 515 Gougler, Soweras 1111 Grafton, George P 327 Grant, Hon. C. R 314 Greenbaum, A. b 673 Green, E. P 267 Greenberger, X. M 287 Grether, George 1041 Grill, John 787 Grill, John 787 Grose, Emsley 754 Grubb, Earl James 793 Hague, William R 706 Hale, Andrew 463 Hale, Hon. Charles 993 Hale, John P 463 Hale, Jonathan 847 Hale, Thomas 655 Hall, Philander D 747 Hall, Philander D.. Jr 904 Hall, Lorenzo 747 Halter, Lawrence 763 Hamlin. Ray F 284 Hammond, Rolland 268 Hanawalt, D. R 358 Hankey, David 506 Hankey, John F 735 Hankey, Samuel 506 Hankey, Samuel 735 Hanson, Charles E 824 Hanson, Richard 824 Harbaugh, B. F 798 Hardy, Charles D 8S6 Hardy, Xathaniel 1108 Hardy. Xorton R SS6 PAOE Hardy, Perry D 1108 Hagelbarger, Henry M 304 Haring, Charles A 527 Haring, Daniel 527 Haring, Louis 876 Haring, Samuel 876 Harold, Harry W 814 Harpham, Fred M 499 Harpham, William 499 Harrington, Albert C 973 Harrington, Frederick L.... 974 Harrington, Capt. Gurden P. 887 Harrington, Job 973 Hart, Benjamin 657 Hart, George W 593 Hart, Ira L 703 Hart, Col. John C 593 Harter, Daniel 415 Harter, Jeremiah 647 Harter, Jesse 620 Harter, John 647 Harter, Oliver ". . 647 Harter, Otto N 851 Hatch, Charles 53D Haupt, Howard W 605 Haupt, William F 778 Haver, William H 415 Hawk Daniel 646 Hawk, Philip 647 Hawk, Michael 574 Hawkins, A. Wesley 431 Hawkins, Eber 1101 Hawkins, Eugene A 903 Hawkins, George W 963 Hawkins, J. Horace 493 Hawkins, Nelson C 431 Hays, K. H 333 Heer, George 1107 Heintz, George 891 Heintz, George P 540 Heintz, Philip J 867 Held, Charles E., M.D 757 Heifer, George H 1106 Heifer, William 1107 Heller, Charles P 1065 Helmstedter, George 393 Heminger, M. C 975 Hemington, J. F 1002 Hemphill, James R 326 Henry, Albert R 704 Henry, Charles 513 Henry, Hiram C 656 Herberich, Charles 432 Herbruck, John C 960 Herbruck. Philip 960 Herman, Jacob 618 Hess, Rosseau 05S Hiddleson, C. S., -M.D 632 High, U. G 631 Hill, Brace P 706 Hill, David E 1062 Hill, George R 1068 Hill, Joseph 931 Hill, Joseph C 464 Hiltabidle, Capt. W. iL...10,-.6 Himelright, Alton 962 Himelright. Jacob 902 P.lOK Hine, H. A 429 Hitchcock, Dr. Elizur 355 Hoertz, John M 651 Hoffman, Allen F 1077 Hoffman, Benjamin F 632 Hoffman, George P 1006 Hoffman, Philip 632 Holibaugh, Daniel 848 Hollinger, David D . . '. 990 Hollinger, Jacob 991 Hollinger, Walter C 674 Holub, Max 399 Holzhauer, Lewis 979 Hopkins, Roswell 677 Horn, James W 965 Horn. Stephen h 963 Horn, Stephen j 963 Horner, La Fayette H 959 Hough, Wayland S., M.D... 994 Houriet. Floriant 1037 Houriet, Ulysses' 1037 Housel, Ernest C' 270 Howard, Dr. Elias W 254 Howe, Henry W 369 Howe, Henrv Willett 1030 Howe, Richard 1031 Hower, Harvey Y 414 Hower, John H 413 Hower. Milton Otis 692 Howland, Clarence 725 Hoye, Michael W 491 Huber, P. C 1102 Huddilston, Adam 458 Humphrey, Calvin P 267 Humphrey, C. M., M.D 991 Humphrey, Van R 262 Hunsicker, Fred 763 Hunsicker, Horace 765 Hunsicker, John Jacob 763 Hunt, W. H 651 Hyde, J. Grant 388 Ingersull, Henry W 26S Innian, Charles T 4S4 Inwood, W. A 423 Iredell, R. S. 753 Irish, William P 939 Jacobs, Hon. Thomas K.... 377 Jacobs, William Cloyd, M.D. 377. Jacobs, Dr. William C 35S Jahant, A. P 881 Jaite, Charles H 463 Jaquith, Charles W 1048 Jaquith, William Henry 1048 Jewett, Dr. Mendal 254 Jockers, William A 995 Johnson, Charles S 530 Johnston, Cornelius A 625 Johnston, John Moore 969 Johnston, Wiliam 625 Jones, Gomar 976 Tones. John D 975 Joy, Harold E 754 Kasch. G. F 343 Kauffman, John 1083 16 INDEX I'ACiK Kauffman, L. M 1083 Kauffnian, William 108j Keenan, W. C 73S Keller Brick Company 807 Keller, William F 807 Keller, W. L., M.D 763 Kemery, John 860 Kempel, C. A 885 Kempel, Hon. Charles W...1103 Kempel, John A 756 Kendall, Joseph 844 Kendig, D. W 842 Kent, Roswell 1033 Kent, Russell H 1032 Kepler, Adam 985 Kepler, Houston 509 Kepler, Jacob 509 Kepler, Jacob A 784 Kepler, S. A B06 Kepler, Solomon 7S4 Kile, Salem 1029 King. John W 560 Klein, Johii 745 Kline, Clint W 897 • Knapp. Nicholas 837 Koch, Jacob 383 Kohler, Albert A.. Al.D 999 Kohler, George C 269 Kohler, Hon. Jacob A 304 Koonse. Henry 687 Koonse, William 686 Koplin, Christian 340 Koplin, L. C 684 Koplin. Solomon .' 340 Kreighbaugh, Hiram F 673 Kreighbaum, Andrew J 290 Kreighbaum. Johnston B.... 396 Krisher. Jacob J 045 Kuhlke. M. D 479 Kuhlke. Frederick 804 Kuhn, Luther A 712 Ladd, Hon. Charles G 313 Laffer. James M 453 Lahmers. F.. M.D 594 Lahr, Charles H 344 Lahr, John 674 Lahr, William H 674 Lance, George 1026 Lance, George E 1035 Lance, Harvey 1036 Lane, Chauncey B 1071 Lapp. Jacob 833 Laubach. Edward P 1104 Laubach. William F 913 Lauby, Jacob S84 Lawton, E. A 773 Leeser, Levi M 841 Leeser, Peter ,s-Sl Leiby, Isaac 905 Lepper, John A 5.11 Lepper, Peter 531 Leser, Edward W 735 Levy, C. D 471 Limbach, Martin. Jr 1(IS5 Limbert, Hiram W 5u3 Limric. John 517 Livermore, F. B., M.D 854 Lodge, George H 792 Lodge, Ralph H 940 Lodge, William R 950 Lodwick, A. R 855 Loeb, Louis 598 Lombard, Nathaniel 384 Long, David C 766 Long, Homer G., M.D 483 Long, Mahlon S 786 Long, W. H 983 Looker, J. B 328 Loomis, Byron H 815 Loomis, Frank Fowler 1096 Loomis Hardware Co 814 Loomis, Harry E 928 Loomis, Irving L 815 Loomis, L. W 814 Ludwick, Simon P 783 Lusk, Alfred G 444 Lutz, Charles G 1041 Lyder, Dr. John W 358 Lyman, A. E 964 Lyon. O. G 479 Lvons. James 816 McAllister Brothers 554 McCaman, Elihu 900 McCaman, Elmer 1 900 McCausland Brothers 848 McCausland, James C 848 McCausland. John J 848 McChesney, Edward A 1044 McChesncy, Frederick VV...1090 McChesney, John 545 McChesney, William 545 McChesney, William H 545 McClellan, Robert A 546 McClellan, William A 881 McClure. Samuel W 264 McColgan, David A 567 McConnell, George A 463 McConnell, Isaac S 614 McCourt. P. T 944 McCov, George W 541 McCoy. Robert 541 McDowell. John W 970 McEbright, Dr. Thomas 355 McFarland, William P 341 McFarlin, William 388 McGarrv. Daniel 837 McGowan. S. C 1041 Mcintosh. W. W 453 McKinney, Hon. Henry 364 McKisson. Alfred E. . ." 1004 McKisson. Arthur 1004 McNamara. Hon. James 510 McNamara. Hon. John 431 McNiece. Leonard 458 McShaffrey, Edward 636 McShaff rev. Thomas E 636 Maag. George 1054 Mackev, James 981 Macke'v. John P 1073 Mahaffv. J. A 3." Mahar. Rev. T. F 433 PAGE Major, Col. Thomas E 607 Major, Rev. Thomas 607 Mallison, Albert G 334 Mallison, Albert H 436 Malony, Frank T 430 Mansfield, William A., M. D.. 855 Manton, H. B 875 Manton, Irvin R 899 Marks, A. H 773 Marshall. Willis G 898 Marsh, Harvev A 687 Marsh, Frank 'G 277 Marsh, Samuel C 688 Martin, William E 1042 Marvin, David L 268 Marvin, Hon. Ulysses 269 Mason, F. H 815 May, Louis R 835 May, R. A ". . . . 791 Mell, Joseph R 1043 Memmer, John 1104 Mentzer. Alexander 724 Mentzer, John F 724 Merrill. Edwin H 989 Merrill. H. E 989 Merriman, Charles. M. D 843 Merriman, Scott H 844 Merriman. Wells 844 Mertz. John T 416 Metzler. David A 421 Metzler. William M 767 Middleton. Jesse 813 Middleton. Ward B 813 Middleton. William H 856 Miles. Lucius C 826 Miller, August C 972 Miller, Charles C ■. 493 Miller. Charles N 547 Miller. Cvrus 733 Miller. Edward B 379 Miller. Frank F 973 Miller, Frank H 708 Miller. George 348 Miller. John F 347 Miller. Jonas F 4S4 Miller. Lewis 331 Miller. Lewis A 507 Miller, Lute H 492 Miller. Perrv R 733 Miller. Stephen C 297 Miller. Col. Stewart 363 Miller. Uriah A 484 Miller. Warren 478 Miller. William 478 Miller. William F 867 Mills. Harry B 824 Milliken. C. W 1096 Mills, Ithel 824 Moon. H. G 682 Moore, Arthur A 600 Moore. C. W 585 Moore. Tohn A 401 Moore, McConnell 1013 Moore. Miller G 1062 Moore. Orison M 728 Moore. Ralph 1014 Moore. Richard L 451 17 p.u.;k Moore, Samuel L 7:u Moore, William 451 Morgan, Charles R 473 Morgan, Crannell 953 Morris, Mordecai J 1079 Morriss, Aaron 731 Morse, Nathan 318 Morton, C. H 566 Morton, William A 543 Mottinger, Arthur S 270 Motz, John 483 Munn Brothers 696 Miinn, Abram C 696 Munn. Amos R 696 Munn, Hiram 696 Myers, Alpheus 585 Myers, Harvey A 585 Myers, Henry 872 Myers, I. S S73 Myers, Joel 606 Myers, Samuel 606 Nash, Hophni 921 Nash. Capt. Sumner 921 Neale, A, S 707 Neale. John 708 Nerhood, Amos 560 Nerhood, Isaac 559 Nesbit, Alexander 502 Neuman. M. M 505 Noah. A. H 788 Noland. James D 1020 Noland. James P 1020 Nolle. Frank 508 Olin. Alonzo B 575 Olin. John G 575 Olin. Samuel 575 O'Marr. Daniel 675 O'Neil, M 410 O'Neil, William J 392 Oplinger, Augustus O 1009 Orr, James W S82 Otis, Edward P 389 Otis, Ellsworth E 289 Oviatt, Benjamin 863 Oviatt, Edward 268 Oviatt, L. H 863 Oviatt, Loran L 507 Palmer, C. H 898 Palmer, Ebenezer 982 Palmer, J. Dwight 1111 Palmer, Josiah 795 Palmer. Lewis S 795 Palmer. Richard F 781 Palmer, William N 578 Parker, David L 1011 Parker, T. M., Sr 1072 Parks, Charles T 771 Paul. A. J 614 Paul. Edward W 604 Paul. George 681 Paul, Robert S 603 Paul, T. Dwight 812 Paulus. James B 822 PAliK Payne, John W 900 Peck. Edward R SIS Peebles. Robert R 441 Perkins, Charles E ,1110 Perkins, Col. George T !l0]9 Perkins, Col. Simon 325 Perkins, Gen. Simon 327 Peterson, Dr. James H 258 Petersen A 505 Pettitt, Charles 845 Petlitt. Nathaniel 845 Pettitt, Willis E 454 Pfeiffer, Frank 573 Pfeiffer, Frederick 573 Pflueger, Ernest A 486 Pflueger, George .\ 735 Pflueger, J. E 354 Plumer, George W 841 Polsky, A..; 465 Post. Frederick R 983 Post, William M 983 Poulson, James M 271 Powell, William J 1066 Priest, Rev. Ira A 454 Prickett, Samuel H 703 Prior. Emory A 304 Prior. Frank S 462 Prior. Henry W 295 Prior. Simeon 305 Prior. William 295 Putterill Brothers 405 Putterill, Edward 405 Putterill, Thomas 405 Quinc. C. R 794 Rabe, James W., M. D 755 Rankin. George T.. Jr.^M. D...45n Rankin. Irving C, M. D 899 Rannev. Jake L 694 Ranney. Luther K 827 Rannev. Moses 694 Rattle.' William 446 Rattle. William J 446 Rawson. Levi 972 Raymond. C. B 793 Read. Matthew C 373 Reagle. Daniel 986 Reagle, Jacob A 986 Ream. Capt. Frederick K 952 Reed. Frank C, M. D 408 Reed. Hiram 400 Renner. George J 438 Replogle. Mark A 480 Rhodes. Thomas 1065 Richey. Andrew F 713 Richey, Andrew K 538 Richey, Jacob F. J 528 Richey. Thomas 528 Ries. Frederick 721 Ritchie. George G 817 Ritchie. Thomas P 817 Roach. Albert E 773 Robinson. B. W 1012 Robinson. Elmer 857 Robinson. Henry 992 Robinson. Leonard 787 r. ■ r.\i;E Robmson. Robert S57 Rockwell. F. J 270 Rockwell. F. W 376 Rodd, Robert J 641 Rodd, William J 641 Rodenbaugh, .Abraham 385 Rodenbaugh, Bert, M. D 1113 Rodenbaugh, Norman F., M. D. 384 Roeger, Charles 736 Roeger. George W 726 Roepke, Edward S94 Roethig, Ferdinand J 437 Roethig, Harrison T 437 Roethig, William W 604 Rogers, Edward E 868 Rogers, George W 390 Rogers, Norman 868 Rogers, Samuel G 317 Rohrbacher, A. C 470 Rook, William H 1002 Root, Frank Lewis 853 Root. George H 852 Rose, George 915 Rose, John 915 Rothrock, xAmos A 821 Rowley, Arthur J 287 Rowley, Enoch 416 Rowlev, William 416 Ruckel, Albert H 663 Ruckel, Clinton 1095 Ruckel, George W 692 Saalfield, Arthur James 428 Sackett, Clark 595 Sackett, Clark A 595 Sackett, George 375 Sackett, W. A., M. D 906 Sackett. William C 906 Sackmann, Walter L 916 Sadler, O. L 294 Sadler, RoIIin W 267 Salisbury, Chancy 1047 Sanford. Hon. Henry C 311 Sanford. Ransome M 1025 Saunders, Col. Wilbur F 263 Sawver, William T 317 Scheck, Christopher 624 Schnabel, Charles W 431 Schnabel, George Philip 393 Schnabel. Philip R 430 Schott. Louis 724 Schneider. P. H 459 Schumacher. Ferdinand 422 Scott, Dr. Daniel A 255 Scott. L. H 645 Scudder. Arthur W 776 Scudder. Walter 776 Searl, William A., M. D 610 Seedhouse. Edwin 671 Seiberling, Charles W 487 Seiberling. Francis 293 Seiberling, Frank A 443 Seiberling, Hon. Gustavus 1053 Seiberling, John F 326 Seiberling, Milton A 711 Seiberling. Wilson F 643 18 Sell. D. llciiry !isl Senn, Charles 7'.)5 Senter, James B 4G.') Senter, Joliii 4()o Serfass, Peter 038 Seward, Amos 034 Seward. John VV 634 Seward, Louis D 290 Sevbold, Louis 350 Shaffer, Frederick N 90G Shaw, Arthur R •. . . .1100 Shaw, Bert L 685 Shaw, E, C 904 Shaw, Frank J 570 Shaw, George A 555 Shaw, Harvey F 705 Shaw, Merwin 570 Shaw, W. H 705 Sheldon, C. E 745 Sherbondy, Frederick G .52S Sherbondy, Harry Nelson 933 Shirey, J. L., M. D S04 Shoemaker, W. Lewis S26 Shook, George A 946 Shook, Solomon E 424 Short, Wade G 283 Shumaker, M. B 728 Shumaker, William 72S Shriber, George W 698 Sicherman. Armin. M. D 1019 Sieber, Hon. George W 298 Sippv, Asher F., M. D 471 Skinner, Bradford W 549 Slabaugh, Watson E 288 Slater. J. D 8,83 Smead, George A 1114 Smith, Alonzo 1060 Smith, David C 3,32 Smith, Fred E 774 Smith, George E 1066 Smith. Tames Albert .538 Smith. John 624 Smith, L-ewis •. 342 Smith, William H 341 Snyder, Abraham 588 Snvder, George M 457 Snvder, Harvey A.. M. D 874 Snvder, Hiram F 583 Snvder, Jacob A 1049 Snyder, John G 1015 Snyder, Maurice G 370 Snyder, Michael 583 .Snyder, Mrs. Susannah 1015 Snvder. Thomas T 457 Snvder, William E 299 Sorrick. John W., M. D 1082 Souers, David 910 Souers, William 910 Sowers. John 356 Spade. Calvin 554 Spangler, Charles S 826 Spangler, Trvin H 584 Spangler, Joseph 584 Spangler. Joseph 826 Sparhawk. Arthur 677 Sparhawk, FTarvev A 676 Spaulding. Rufus 'P 262 P.VOE Spencer, W. A 278 Sperry, Henry B 494 Spielman, Andrew A 955 Spriggle, Frank 587 Stahl, Charles H 287 Stall, A. H., M. D 846 Stanford, George 854 Stanford, George C 853 Stanford, James 854 Starr, George 469 Starr, John J 788 Starr, Simon 470 Stauffer, Reuben 711 Stebick, T. J 763 Steele, Henderson 613 Steele, Isaac 613 Steele, St. Clair 934 Steese, Abraham 1056 Steese, Alexander 1056 Steigner, William 932 Stein, Daniel P 636 Stein, Harvey E 538 Stein, Henrv 626 Stelzer, A. j ; 950 Stettler, . James A 564 Stettler, William 565 Stipe, Frank G 427 Stocker, Philip 487 Stone, N. C 371 Stone. Nelson B 401 Stoner. William H 461 Stotler, Sherman B 449 Stratton, Preston D 782 Strobel, George 537 Strobel, Lorenzo 537 Strobel, William 537 Stroh, Freeman W 714 Stroh, Henry 714 Stroman, Charles Henry 1023 Stroman, John 1023 Stuart, Hon. E. W 299 Stubbs, George J 751 Stuhldreher, Augustus F 423 Stump, Elmer E 751 Stump, Eohraim 59() Stump, Hiram 559 Stump. Jacob 590 Stump. John 590 Sturgeon. Samuel H.. M. D... 983 Sullivan, James 831 Swain, Forest 693 Swartz, J. V 488 Sweitzer, Louis S., M. D 981 Swigart. Aaron .A 542 Swigart. Cbarles H 59ft Swigart. George 516 Swigart, George A 516 Swigart. Homer A 517 Swigart, Joseph 542 Swinehart. J. A 383 Switzer. Charles 912 Tavlor. Daniel 496 Taylor, H. H 736 Taylor, Theodore 496 Teeple, Aaron 397 I'AGE Teeple, J. Frank S2a Theiss, F. B 306 Thomas, Charles E 871 Thomas, David J 661 Thomas, George C 871 Thomas, John 061 Thompson, Benjamin F 362 Thompson, Dr. Moses 1099 Thompson, Otis Reed 363 Thompson, Sherman P 1099 Thompson, Sylvester 1100 Thompson, Virgil 409 Thornton, Aaron 652 Thornton, Harvey '. . 652 Tibbals, Hon. Newell D 308 Tifft, John D 858 Tifft, Smith D 858 Tobin, W. T 514 Tod, Hon. David 741 Todd, Harry D., M. D 604 Tracv. Benjamin F 1113 Treash, Philip B 386 Treman, Milan 617 Triplett, Austin J 355 Triplett, John 356 Triplett, William 356 Tryon, Charles B 703 Trvon, Jesse 703 Tschantz. Charles 897 Turner, Robert 380 Tweed. Fred W : 508 Underwood, E. S., M. D 474 Underwood. Ira L 858 Underwood, Warren J., M. D. 477 Upson, Anson 628 Upson, Edwin 628 Upson, Philo B 365 Upson, Rufus P 626 Upson, Reuben 366 Upson. Hon. William H 272 Vallen, Abel 619 Vallen, Durastus 619 Vandersall, William L 911 Van Horn, Milton A 460 Van Horn, Robert 460 Vaughan, John R 313 Vaughan, William T 313 Viali. Fred S 466 Viall, George 338 Viall, John F 563 Viall, Otis K 563 Viall. Sullivan 472 Viall, Svlvester G 471 Viele, Henry C 959 Vogan, F. Daton 764 Vogt. Christian 1086 Vogt, Daniel 682 Vogt. Henry 623 Vongunton, Gottlieb 1110 Voris. Hon. Alvin C 306 Voris. Edwin F 305 INDEX 19 PAGE Wadsworth, George H 1054 Waggoner, William aia Wagoner, George 372 Wasjoner, Henrv L 722 Wayriner, Philip" 372 Was. .nor. William H 529 Wainwriglit, Walter 74S Wakcman, T. W 29'.) W al.vater power for manufacturing purposes. In many places its watei-s are diverted for irrigating purposes, and the fortunate farmei-s who till the land along its course fear no season of drought. In the southern part of the county the same advantages are furnished by the Tus- carawas River. These are Summit County's principal streams. They have many branches or tributaries which ramify even to the remotest corners of the county. Among others should be named Wolf Creek, Pigeon Creek, Yellow Creek, Tinker's Creek, Brandy- wine Creek, Mud Brook and Sand Run. This enumeration will give the reader some idea of the wonderful way in which this favored county is watered bj- running streams. In earlier times the Cuyahoga and Tuscarawas rivers were navigable by boats of consider- able size. New Portage, at the southern ter- minus of the Portage Path, was the head of na\agation on the Tuscarawas, while boats from Lake Erie ascended the Cuyahoga as far ;is Old Portage, at the northern end of the Path. Perhaps all will agree that the most strik- ingly beautiful section of Summit County is the Cuyahoga Valley, which begins at Akron and gradually grows in depth and increases HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY in width as it approaches the northern limits of the county. In Cuyalioga County it parts with much of its beauty. Finally the hills and great bluffs cease altogether and the river, murky, nuiddy and ill-smelling from the con- tamination of several hundred thousand citi- zens of Cleveland, flows lazily into Lake Erie. There is an interesting geological story con- nected with this river which will be told later on in this chapter. Another striking feature of the topography of this county is the Gorge of the Cuyahoga, which extends from Cuya- hoga Falls, a distance of about three miles west, or almost to the meeting-place of the waters of the Big and Little Cuyahoga. It has many of the elements of beauty which characterize Watkins Glen and other famous resorts for travelers. The Gorge was caused by the erosion of the river, which now flows at the foot of precipitous cliffs, two hundred feet or more below the surface of the sur- rounding country. On both sides the land stretches away in level fashion, and the trav- eler approaches without any warning from Nature that a great chasm yawns in front of him. Suddenly he stands on the edge of the precipice, and through the interwoven branches of the hemlocks sees the foaming, tossing water far below him, in the cool depths of the Glens. About half way down the Gorge the river tumbles over a ledge of harder sandstone and makes a very pretty cascade known by the prosaic name of "Big Falls." It is a pity that so charming a spot sliould be called by so commonplace, if not ugly, name. At Cuyahoga Falls there are more cascades, but their beauty is largely destroyed by the factories and buildings, which line the banks of the river there. There is a remark- able variety in the flora of these glens. The procession of the flowers is uninterrupted from the first skunk-cabbage of early April to the last aster and witch-hazel blossom of lat€ October. The oaks, the maples, the elm, the ash, many of the nut trees and several of the evergreens flourish here most luxuriantly. Only the great, dripping walls that rise sheer to the top are bare of vegetation, and even these are covered in places with mosses and lichens, and here and there one can see a little green hemlock that has obtained a root-hold in a crevice in the cliff. A close second in the popular choice for beauty is the famous "Lake Region," stretch- ing from the southern limits of Akron to the extreme south part of the county. The hills rise here to a considerable elevation — the highest being more than eleven hundred feet above sea level. A chain of lakes fed by springs and subterranean streams stretches north and south between them. These lakes are a legacy from the great glacier, or glaciers, which in the ice age flowed down from the north and covered all this region. Th&se hills of sand, gravel and boulders had their birth at that period, too. In fact, the face of Sum- mit County, as we know it at the present time, is largely the result of the titanic forces of Nature, which operated during the so-called Ice Age, in North America. This is not the place to refer to the proofs that a great ice sheet did at one time cover all the northern and western portions of Ohio; it is perhaps sufficient to say that the investigations of geologists have demon.strated beyond reason- able doubt the glacial hypothesis first ad- vanced by Louis Agassiz. The terminal mo- raine which marks the .southern boundary of the ice has been traced across Ohio by Prof. George Frederick Wright, of Oberlin, with great accuracy. This terminal moraine is the deposit of boulders, gravel and drift which was left upon the original surface by the melting of the ice. Akron lies a few seconds north of the 41st parallel, north latitude. Be- ginning in Western New York at the 42nd parallel, the southern ice limit crosses into Pennsylvania and takes a course almost di- rectly south to Homewood, which is on the 41st parallel. It then turns almost due west and passes through Massillon, and when it reaches Mansfield it turns at an angle of ninety degrees and proceeds due south to Logan. Its course is then southwest, through Chillicothe and across the 39th parallel into Kentucky. It passes a few miles south of Cincinnati, and near Louisville it turns abi'uptly north and proceeds into Indiana to AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 23 near the 40th parallel. All the land lying north of this line was covered for centuries with a river of solid ice, which was not less than 200 feet in thickness or depth, and which may have been as great as 500 or 600 feet. It is spoken of as a "river" of ice. That means it was flowing. It advanced very slowly — about a quarter of a mile each year. It required nearly a thousand years for it to cross the State of Ohio. The gi-eat Canadian boulders, which were brought by the ice from their original home in the Laurentian Hills and deposited about Cincinnati, were, per- haps, more than 2,000 years in making the journey. Is it any wonder that their sharp edges and angles were worn off and that we find them today smooth and rounded? Countless boulders of this kind are distributed over the whole surface of Summit County. No metamorphic or granite rocks occur here naturally. Our "hard-heads," as the farmers call them, were all transported, then. When detached from the parent, cliffs or ledges they were all of sharp edges and possessed of many sharp angles. The grinding and rolling and abrasion to which they were subjected as the great ice river rolled them on made them smooth and rounded as we find them today. The citizen who keeps house nowadays will understand that ice is hea\nt-. Perhaps it is possible to a.scertain mathematically the power exerted by a moving mass of ice several hun- dred miles wide and 500 or 600 feet in thick- ness. Whether that be true or not, we can see about us the results of such tremendous forces. On Keeley's Island in Lake Erie, for instance, there ai'e places where the pre-gla- cial limestone surface was planed off as smooth as a floor. In other places axe grooves six to twenty-four inches in depth, and as wide, where a granite boulder was pushed bodily through the hard limestone, with as much ease, apparently, as though the resisting sur- face had been so much butter. So, the great ice sheet ploughed and planed its way south, scooping out depressions, scraping off the hills, and widening the old canyons and val- leys. When it reached the Ohio River it made a dam 500 or 600 feet high acros.s the Ohio valley. The dammed up waters spread out on all sides and as far back as the head- watei"3 of the Allegheny and Monongaliela rivers. This made a deep lake more than 400 miles long and 200 miles wide. The geolo- gists have named it Lake Ohio. The present .site of Pittsburgh was then 300 feet under water. The present site of Summit County was under as many feet of solid ice. The northern shore of this lake did not extend be- yond Massillon. The Cincinnati ice-dam may have held these waters impounded for cen- turies, but, like all other laies, there came a time when its existence miLst end. When the climate ameliorated, the cold of winter was no longer able to repair the ravages made on the ice by the increasing heat of the summer sun. The ice-barrier weakened and at length gave way. The imprisoned waters rushed in tremendous fury down the Ohio and Missis- sippi valleys to the sea. What a flood there must have been then ! When the recession of the ice sheet began these floods became an annual affair. Taking as a basis Professor Agassiz's figures as deter- mined by his observations in Switzerland, it is easy to estimate that from the natural melt- ing of the glacier during each summer enough water was formed to cover the ice-free portion of the State to a depth of 40 feet. These floods, occurring annuall\' for many years, washed gi-eat quantities of gravel and sand toward the south. Thus the gi"eat gravel hills in the southern part.s of Summit Count}' were formed. The glacier, as it ploughed its way south, uncovered subterranean water-courses and made many depressions in the surface of the land. Thus our lakes were formed. For many centuries thej' were supplied with water from the melting ice, slowly retreating north- ward. Since then the loss by evaporation has been replenished by rainfall and the water from bottom springs. Finally, in the retreat of the ice-sheet be- fore the victorious forces of the Sun, the great watershed of Ohio was reached. Summit County occupies a position on this watershed. Until Akron was reached all the water from the melting glacier had flowed toward the 24 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY southeast, as the slope of the land in the State south of this locality was in that direction. But as you go north from Akron, the slope of the land is northerly. Hence, when the ice- sheet- had passed over the crest of the land here, the water from its melting was unable to find an outlet until it had risen high enough to flow over the height of land at Summit Lake and then pursue the usual and natural com-se toward the southeast. Al- though the slope of the land was toward the north, yet the water could not flow in that direction as a great barrier of ice 200 or 300 feet high effectually blocked the way. This barrier filled not only the old valley of the Cuyahoga, but covered the whole northern portion of the State. Thus the floods from the great ice-mass filled the whole valley be- tween the high land at Akron and the face of the glacier slowly retreating northward. By the time Cleveland was reached the whole valley, as we know it now, was one great lake extending from Cleveland to Akron. This lake had its outlet through a short river which flowed from North Akron, in the bed of the present Ohio Canal, to a point south of Sum- mit Lake, where the Tuscarawas meets the canal. Professor Claypole gave to this river the name "Akron River." The great lake, which in its deepest part must have been al- most 300 feet deep, he called "Cuyahoga Lake." It is difficult to estimate the length of time this lake and the Akron River were in existence. It was probably many centuries. They existed until the ice-sheet was well be- yond Lake Erie, and the Niagara River and the St. Lawrence were open to the sea. AVIien this happened, then the Cuyahoga Lake was drained rapidly into Lake Erie and the Akron River started to flow north and finally ceased to flow at all, except as a very small outlet for the lake on the summit now called Summit Lake. While Cuyahoga Lake existed it was a very muddy lake. The grinding of the sur- face by the movement of the glacier produced an immense amount of fine mud which was carried by the water from the melting ice into the lake. Here, aftcT a. time, it was deposited a.s a fine sediment n]wn the bottom of the lake. The occasional deposits of boulders or gravel are accounted for by the fact that ice- bergs or floes, becoming detached from the face of the glacier, and beaiing on their sur- faces a burden of gravel or boulders, floated out into the lake, and there melting, made the deposits referred to. In the "Geology of Ohio," volume 1, page 552, occurs the first mention of the existence of this ide-dam, which stopped the northward flow of all the rivers emptying into Lake Erie. The credit for the discovery must be given to Dr. New- beiTy. A former Akron citizen who was professor of geology, Dr. E. W. Claypole, has written very entertainingly of this episode in the geo- logical history of Summit, and we will do well to listen to his own words as he describes it. "As the conditions of existence of all these lakes were essentially identical, a description of all of them would be tedious and involve much useless repetition. My purpose here is not to present all the details of the retreat of the ice, but to show its general course and its inevitable results. I will therefore select one of these as an illustration, and merely name the rest. For this purpose I choose the Cuyahoga River, which I have carefully studied. This river rises in Geauga County, and, after flowing for almost 50 miles in a southwesterly direction, turns sharply to the north near Akron, and thence follows this course until it falls into the lake at Cleve- land. "The caiLse of this sudden change of direc- tion in the channel of the Cuyahoga River, is the following: Along the earlier part of its course, it is flowing in a post-glacial chan- nel on the top of the plateau of Northern Ohio. As it approaches Akron it passes through a deep gorge in the lower carbon- iferous rocks cut by itself since the ice re- treated. This gorge is, in it? lower part, not less than 300 feet below the level of the ad- joining country and its length is between two and three miles. At the lower end of the gorge the river escapes from its imprisoning walls of rock into a wide-open valley — -its own pre-glacial channel — which retains it for AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 25 the rest of its course. This channel extendi backward in a southeasterly direction above the point where the Cuj-ahoga now enters it for several miles, passing between Akron and the present river. It is occupied by a small branch stream — the Little Cuyahoga. It gradually ri^es and becomes less distinct, be- ing heavily clogged with drift, which has most likely been the cause of diverting the water that pre-glacially flowed along it into the present channel. "Let us take our stand on one of the so- called hills overlooking the vale of the Cuya- hoga, between Akron and Cleveland, nea.r Peninsula, for example. The broad valley lies about 200 feet beneath our feet. Through it the lazy stream slowly meanders in a chan- nel cut in one place through deep, soft de- posits of drift, and in another through solid rocks of the Cuyalioga shale. But the valley is a pigmy besides that deeper and older one in which the Cuyahoga used to flow before the Great Ice Age came on. The hill on which we now stand did not then exi?t. The plateau, or terrace, out of which it has been carved, is a deposit of drift, left here during the retreat of the ice. Over on the western side of the vaJley is another terrace on the same level and of the same age, ©.Iso cut and scarred by water-courses. Deep' under both, and in places below the present level of the river, is the solid rock floor of the valley, not yet cleared of its cumbering load of gla- cial drift. The .stream is now crowding the left or western bank of its pre-glacial valley. The ground there rises abniptly, and less than a quarter of a mile from the river the solid sandstone (Berea Grit) is quarried above the water level. Turn now and look eastward, and there, at a distance of about two miles, we see the massive carboniferous conglomerate in almost vertical cliffs rising at least 100 feet above the plateau on which we are standing, and forming the well-known 'Boston Ledges.' These are the old banks of the Cuyahoga, and mark the pre-glacial channel of the river. Between these on the east and a similar out- crop on the west was a valley deeper than the present, and nearh^ three miles wide, scooped out by the river itself during post-carbonif- erous ages, and along this valley flowed the old Cuyahoga, not necessarily a lai'ger stream than its successor, but one of vastly greater antiquitJ^ "Go back now in imagination to that period of the Ice Age when the edge of the retreat- ing glacier had crossed the waterehed of Ohio on its backward march, and, extending across the country from east to west, was lying a little north of our present position ; that is to say, between Peninsula and Cleveland. Our former point of view is now untenable; it is under water. But we can stand on the top of Boston Ledges and look across the vallej' to the westward. The whole is one lake of ice- cold water. If it is summer, the shores are clad with a hardy vegetation suited to an arc- tic climate and the neighborhood of the glacier. If winter, the landscape is covered with snow, and the glittering ice-fr'ont is plainly in sight. Soundings show us that the water in the lake is more than 200 feet deep. If we trace its margin we find it cut by deep fiords reaching back into the coun- try, and, of course, full of water up to the lake level. Its main course is due south until a point is reached about a mile north of Akron, where the bank turns slightly to the eastward and curves sharplj^ around the head of an inlet which forms the real end of the lake. This point was neai' the 'Old Forge.' Returning to the west along its south shore we reach another deep bay stretching south- ward, in which the water rapidly shallows, and here we find the outlet of our lake through the valley in which now lies the city of Akron. A small stream is flowing south- ward along a channel where formerly was a tributary to the Cuyahoga, and pas.sing over the edge of the watershed, which forms in reality the southern border of the lake, it reaches the Tuscarawas, by which its water passes into the Muskingiim, and then to the Ohio, thus making the Lake Region tribu- tary to the Gulf of Mexico. "Oro.s.sing this small river and returning northward along its we.stern bank, we regain the main bodv of the lake, the shore of which 26 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY runs westward for a short distance. It then •turns northwai'd and, tracing it, we reach, after making several circuits around deep in- lets, a point opposite to our previous station at Peninsula. "To this body of water, never seen by man, other than the early paleolithic savage, the distinct ancestor of our present Esquimaux, clinging to the margin of the retreating ice- sheet, I propose to give the name 'Lake Cuya- hoga' in order to associate it with the exist- ing river, and to connect the present with that which has passed away. ''Lake Cuyahoga, then, was a body of water pounded back against the watershed by the retreating ice-front, and rising higher and higher, until it at last it found an outlet at the lowest point — the Akron Water Gap. Its dimensions varied from time to time. Now the glacier advanced under accumulating snow and ice in the cold winter, and pressed the water over the outlet. Now again it re- treated under warm skies and diminution of snow, and the water from its melting filled the space from which the ice had disappeared. Alternately receding and advancing, the ice- front determined the size of the lake. In sum- mer a furious torrent, white with glacier- milk, swept down the Akron Valley and through Summit Lake to the Tuscarawas River; the whole length of this stream was about four miles. In winter it flowed in si- lence, its sources frost-locked and its w'aters ice-bound. "To this temporary stream, a product of the retreating ice-sheet, whose very existence would now be unknown save for the researches of geologists, I propose to give the name 'The Akron River.' ***** "In all probability, a hardy vegetation of pines, firs, hemlock-spruce, and red-cedar fol- lowed close upon the retreating ice, and soon clothed the shores of the lake and the adjoin- ing country with a dark forest, under which various northern plants and animals found a congenial home. Man himself hugged the re- treating ice, withdrawing with it to the north. "It is po&gible even now to find in the damp, cool gorges along the Cuyahoga Valley strong organic confirmation of the probability sug- gested. Here linger many plants whose home is far north in Canada — survivors from a time when the climate conditions were such as suited a northern flora. The secular rise of temperature has exterminated them from the high lands, but in these shady moist glens they still find a congenial habitat, and main- tain a somewhat precarious existence. Among those plants may be mentioned the follow- ing: Hemlock Spruce, Abies Canadeiijis, American Arbor-vitse, Thuja Occidentalis, Canadian Yew, Taxus Canadensis, Mountain Maple, Acer Spicatum, Paper Birch, Betula Papyracea, Red-berried Elder, Sambucus Pubens, Purple Raspberry, Rubus Odoratus, Pale Touch-me-not, Impatiens Pallida, Calla, Calla Palustri'^, (caltha paulustris). Swamp Saxifrage, Saxifraga Pennsylvania, Goldthread, ' Coptis Trifolia, Mountain Shield-fern, Lasterea Montana, Long Club-moss, Lycopodium Lucidulum. "All these, with other plants of northern affinity, may be found in or near the deep gorges of the Cuyahoga Valley, and give to them a character unlike that of other places in the vicinity. It is scarcely possible to explain their presence on any other theory than that above adopted — that they are relics of a similar flora that once covered the whole country, but which has been exterminated by change of conditions." AVhen the great cosmic forces which formed the continents had subsided and the last great upheaval had taken place, other natural forces began to operate toward the prepara- tion of the land lift by the receding oceans for the coming of man. We call it land in contradistinction to the water of the oceans; but the surface of the dry portions of the world disclosed no vegetation or soil and pre- sented no aspect save that of bare rock. Here it stretched away in the long billows of the plains; there it was heaved up in lofty, ragged mountain ranges. The atmosphere, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 27 the rains, the frost, and the sun then began the work of soil-making. Under their in- fluence the rocks began to disintegrate, and gradual]}' the soil M'as formed. When the natural conditions became such as to favor vegetation, the forests and the grass took their places in the mundane sj'stem. In the pre- glacial era it is probable that the general sur- face appearance was much as it is today. Great rivers had eroded deep valleys and can- yons; the hills were forest-clad; luxuriant grasses abounded in the intervales; swamps like ours were common, and lakes diversified the topography. Then the great ice-sheet pushed down from the frozen North. AVe may well believe that it was a destroyer. Of course, no vegetation could survive. The damage, if such it may be called, was more fundamental, however, than the destruction of the things growing in and upon the soil. The soil itself was de- stroyed. The great mass of ice, steadily mov- ing forward, pushed up the soil from the un- derlying rocks and washed it away in the great glacial floods which attended the melt- ing of the ice. Its melting also left the great moraines of gravel and stones upon the bare surface of the mother rocks. It did more than these things; it even planed and fur- rowed these constituent rocks themselves. Thus the hills were reduced in elevation and the valleys raised. The canyon eroded by the pre^glacial Cuyahoga was widened into the valley as we know it today. The river of that time flowed in a bed two hundred feet below its present bed. It is flowing now upon the top of two hundred feet of glacial drift. We must look to the glacier for the reason why the northern portion of our county is covered with heavy clay, difficult to till, but very rich in desirable soil qualities; while the southern portion is sandy and gravelly. It must not be inferred from the foregoing that Nature had her work of soil-making all to do over again after the final departure of the ice. The glacial deposits and the sedi- ment of glacial lakes, left upon the surface of the earth, were a long step forward in the work of restoring the soil. As pointed out by Prof. Claypole, our flora is considerably richer by reason of the Arctic conditions which attended the coming of the ice. Fortunately for us, the erosion of the Cuya- hoga and the various deep borings made in this vicinity in the search for water and oil and coal make the determination of the geological structure of Summit County an easy matter. There are various out-croppings of the different strata, also, which greatly as- sist the geologist in this work. The lowest formation in the county is the Erie Shale, which occurs in the upper part of the Devonian. It is almost homogeneous in its nature and is a soft shale of a bluish- gray color. It is sometimes varied with bands of calcareous sandstone and is occasionally found carrying fossils. It is exposed at Peninsula and -in some of the gorges opening into the Cuyahoga Valley. When the quar- rying for the improvement of the Arcturus Springs in the Sand Run Gorge was done, some beautiful specimens of the blue iron stone with bands of a rich brown color were broken off the Erie shale out-crop there. Above the Erie shale is the Cleveland shale, which is black and highly bituminous. It is probably a lower member of the Waver- ly or subcarboniferous . It is rich in carbon and, upon distillation, gas and oil may be obtained from it. This shale may also be seen to good advantage in the steep cliffs along the Cuyahoga. The next formation is the Bed- ford shale, which takes its name from Bed- fordjin Cuyahoga County. It is exposed in Bed- ford Glens. One peculiarity of this stratum is the thin bands of sandstone, from which flag- ging for side-walks, etc., can be easily made. Above the Bedford shale is found the Berea sandstone, which comes to the surface in the southern part, of Boston township. It also outcrops on the high land in Northfield town- ship. The large quarries at Peninsula are constituted of Berea sandstone. It 1= of a uniform white or .gray color and its close texture and resisting qualities make it a splendid stone for building. It is capable of being quarried in large blocks. In the lower parts of the Peninsula quarries the 28 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY saiul,~tone is extremely Iiai'd and posst^sses a sharp grit which makes it especially valuable for the manufacture of niill-stoues. Much of it is used for this purpose and also for making grind-stones. It is topped by a thin layer of black, bituminous shale. Below Cuyahoga Falls this sandstone may be seen exposed and the cascade in Brandywine Creek is over this formation also. Next above the Berea sand- stone comes Cuyahoga shale, so called because of its fine exposure in the bluffs below Cuya- hoga Falls. In the main,: it is composed of a soft argillaceous shale, but also contains a bed of hard, fine-grained sandstone. The Big Falls at the Old Maid's Kitchen are due to this hard sandstone resisting the eroding pow- ers of the river. It is foTmed on the surface in parts of Northfield township. A bed of limestone occurs near the top of this shale just below Cuyahoga Falls, from which quick- lime was made at the time of the construc- tion of the Ohio canal, as alluded to else- where in this history. A very good cement could doubtless be made from it. In Rich- field township a bed of fossiliferous limestone occurs, in which some very remarkable fos- sil plants and animals have been found. Next above the Cuyalioga shale comes the most common rock formation to be found in the county. It is Carboniferous Conglomer- ate. It is well to remember the name, for it is the surface rock of the townships of North- ampton, Copley, Portage, Tallmadge, Spring- field, Coventry, Norton, Twinsbui'g, Hudson, Stow, Boston, Richfield and Bath. It is an extremely coaree sandstone and generally con- tains, thickly imbedded in it, small, round, white quartz pebbles. The stone is of a yel- lowish color, except where it has been stained red or brown by oxide of iron. This sand- stone is extensively quarried just above Old Portage at the plant of the Akron White Sand Company. After grinding and washing, the product is shipped to various centers to be used in the process of glass-making. At Bos- ton Ledges and on the top of the bluffs about Old Maid's Kitchen it may also be studied to good advantage. This stratum averages about 100 feet in thickness. On account of its strength and durability it is much used for rougher construction purposes, such as foun- dations, bridges and culverts. It is not po.?sible to find coal north of the place of outcrop of the Carboniferous Con- glomerate, for the coal measures all lie above it. Sometimes it is missing and the coal beds lie directly above the Cuyalioga shale. The rocks containing the coal measures all lie in the southern part of the county. In them are found four different seams of coal. The top and bottom seams are about 200 feet apart. The lowest, of course, is the best coal. In the Ohio Geological Reports it is called Coal No. 1. It is of the same grade as the best Ohio bituminous coal. It is found in basins or ])ockets which were the swamps of the coal- forming period. It occurs about twenty-five feet above the Carboniferous Conglomerate, or, when the latter is wanting, the Cuyahoga Shale. The next seam gives us coal No. 2, which is of little value. Coal No. 3 comes to the surface near Mogadore. It is a thin stratum and is of value only because of the under-clay, which is used in making sewer- pipe and coarse pottery. In the southeastern part of the county coal No. 4 is found. It is of little value, except for local consumption. A bed of lime-stone is sometimes found above both No. 3 and No. 4. This lime-stone car- ries a low-grade iron ore, of which use was made in the early days of Summit County. The last blast-furnace has long since drawn its fires, and the only use which can be made of this lime-stone bed at the present time would be the manufacture of lime, cement, or mate- rial for road-making. CHAPTER II SETTLEMENT /ND ORGANIZATION OF SUMMIT COUNTY Pioneer Conditions — Indian Trading — Wild Garae — Home-Made Garments — Pioneer Hos- pitality — Social Amusements — First Published Description of Summit County — Making of Summit County — Western Reserve — Organization of the County — County Seat Se- lected — County Seat Contests — Adams' Reception — Territorial Changes. Unfortunately for the purposes of the mod- ern historian, the early settlers of Summit County left no written record of their expe- riences in breaking the forest and founding homes in the wilderness. Only a few meager accounts contained in letters and recorded in journals, exasperatingly deficient in details, have been left to give succeeding generations an idea of how the pioneers in the land lived. Many oral traditions have survived, however, and many vivid stories are still being told which have never been seen in pi'int. In 1904 the total valuation of property in the State of Ohio was $2,113,808,168. The real wealth of Ohio in this year — 1907 — is probably not far from five billions of dollars. In respect to wealth, ours is the fourth State in the Union, only New York, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania exceeding it. It is difficult to realize that this has practically all been ac- cumulated within one century. Every nook and corner of the State has ' kept pace with the growth of American culture and refine- ment. Ohio is abreast of the times in every desirable respect. The humblest today enjoy advantages which would have been extreme luxuries for their predecessors of only two or three generations back. Contrast the life of today with the following picture of the everyday experiences in the early years of the past century found in Carpenter and Arthur's History of Ohio. It was written at an early time, when the first cornel's were still with us and were fond of relating their early hard- ships. PIONEER H.-VRDSHIPS. The present resident's of the now flourish- ing State of Ohio, living in the midst of plenty, can form but a faint conception of the hardships and privations endured by their predecessors. The first object of the pioneer, after selecting a suitable spot, was to build a log cabin of proper dimensions as a residence for his family. The walls of his cabin were constructed of logs piled one upon another, the space between being completely closed with tempered clay. The floor was made of puncheons or planks, formed by splitting logs to about two and a half or three inches in thickness, and hewing them on one or both sides with a broad-axe. The roof and ceiling -were composed of clap-boards, a species of pioneer lumber resembling barrel staves be- fore they are shaved, but split longer, wider and thinner. The walls of the log cabin having been erected, the dooi^ and windows were then sawn out; the steps of the door being made with the pieces cut from the walls, and the door itaelf formed of the same material a." the floor. The apertures in the walls intended for windows were pasted over 30 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY with paper lubricated with bear's oil or lard, which was used as a substitute for glass. This paper resisted the rain tolerably well, and at the same time subdued the direct rays of the sun, and admitted into the mde apartment a light beautifully softened and mellowed. The furniture of the log cabin corresponded to the cabin itself in simplicity and i-udeness of construction. The bedstead was usually formed in the following manner. Two round poles were first fixed in the floor as uprights, at a distance from each other and from the walls of the cabin, equal to the intended length and breadth of the bedstead. A pole was then inserted into either post as a side rail, and two poles were also fixed in them, at right angles to the plane of the wall, their ends being wedged into the crevices between the logs. Some puncheons were then split and laid from the side-rail across the bed- stead, their ends being also inserted into the chinks of the log wall. This constituted the bottom of the bedstead. The skins of the bear, the buffalo and the deer formed the bedding. The shelves of the log cabin were made of clap-board, supported on wooden pegs driven in between the logs, and on these were displayed such wooden, pewter and earthenware plates and dishes as the pioneer was fortunate enough to possess. One pot, kettle and frying-pan were considered to be the only articles absolutely indispensable, though some included the tea-kettle. The few plates and dishes on the clap-board shelf were sufficient for the simple wants of their owners, who relished their food none the less that it was eaten from common trenchers and from a puncheon table. The great scarcity of domestic utensils among the settlers often taxed their ingenuity to supply the want when an influx of visitors unexpectedly trespassed upon their hospitality. "A year or two after we arrived," writes one of the earlier pioneers, "a visiting party was arranged by the ladies in order to call on a neighboring family who lived a little out of the common way. The hostess was much pleased to see us, and immediately commenced preparing the usual treat on such occasion.* — a cup of tea with its accompaniments. She had only one fire-proof vessel in the house — an old, broken bake-kettle — and it was some time before tea was ready. In the first place, some pork was fried in the kettle to obtain lard; secondly, some cakes were made and fried in it; thirdly, some short cakes were prepared in it; fourthly, it was used as a bucket to draw water; fifthly, the water was boiled in it; finally, the tea was put in, and a very excellent and sociable dish of tea we had." The seats in the log house were generally three-legged stools, for, owing to the uneven- ness of the puncheon floor a chair with four legs could not readily be made to stand even- ly upon its surface. Some of the wealthier families might have a few split-bottomed chairs, but more frequently stools and benches occupied the place of chairs and sofas. After the pioneer had completed his log house, the next thing to be done was to effect a "clearing" around it for a "corn-patch." When the trees were cut down the ground was usually ploughed with a shovel-plough, this 'being the best instrument with which to force a way among the roots. As the clear- ing expanded, many were the farinaceous delicacies M^hich covered the settler's puncheon table. The johnny-cake, made of corn-meal, hominy, or pounded maize, thoroughly boiled, and other savoury preparations of flour and milk. The forest furnished him with an abundance of venison and wild turkeys, while corn "pone" supplied the place of every va- riety of pastry. Hogs and sheep were, how- ever, seldom raised, on account of the wolves and bears which infested the woods. The corn of the first settlers was either pounded in a "hominy block," which was made by burning a hole into the end of a block of wood, or ground in a hand-mill. After the corn was sufficiently pounded it was passed through a sieve, and the finer por- tion of the meal having been made into bread and mush, the coarse remainder was boiled for hominy. The supper of the pioneer usu- ally consisted of and milk. A capacious pot containing this preparation was sometimes AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 31 placed on the table, and all the guests invited to help themselves. More commonly, how- ever, each person was furnished with a pew- ter spoon, and a tin cup containing milk, into which he infused the pure mush in propor- tions most agreeable to his taste. The pioneers had frequently great diffi- culties to surmount before they could get their corn ground. Notwith.standing, the rich harvests of maize yielded by their clear- ings, meal was a very scarce article in their cabins. To procure it they had to choose between the hominy mortar or a toilsome journey of upward of thirty miles, over an Indian trail, to the nearest mill. In 1791 flour was so scarce and dear, that the little which could be afforded in families was laid by to be used only in sickness or for the en- tertainment of friends, for, although corn was then abundant, there was but one float- ing mill on the Little Miami. It was built in a small fiat-boat tied to the bank, its wheel being slowly turned by the force of the cur- rent. It was barely sufficient to supply the inhabitants of Columbia (the second settle- ment in Ohio) with meal; and, sometimes, from low water and other unfavorable cir- cumstances, was of little or no sers'ice. At such times the deficiency in flour had to be supplied by hand mills, a most laborious mode of grinding. About this time each house in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, had its own hand grist- mill in the chimney corner, which has been thus described: "The stones were of the com- mon grindstone gi'it, about four inches thick and twenty inches in diameter. The ninner was turned by hand, with a pole set in the top of it near the verge. The upper end of the pole went into another hole inserted into a board and nailed on the underside of the joist, immediately over the hole in the verge of the runner. One person turned the stone, and another fed the corn into the eye with his hands. It was very hard work to grind, and the operators alternately changed places." It took the hard labor of two hours to supply enough for one person for a single day. About the year 1800 one or two grist-mills. operating by water, were erected. One of these was built at Newbury, in Cuyahoga County. In Miami County the most popular millers were Patterson, below Dayton, and Owen Davis, on Beaver Creek. But the dis- tance of many of the settlements from these mills, and the want of proper roads, often made the expense of grinding a single bushel equal the value of two or three. It was not an uncommon thing for the pioneer to leave his family in the wilderness with a stinted supply of food, and with his team or pack-horse travel twenty or thirty miles for provisions. The necessary ap- pendages of his journey were an axe, a pocket- compass, a blanket and bells. He had to cut a TOad through the woods with the axe, wide enough for his team, ford .almost impassable streams, and, as the day drew to its close, look out for a suitable place for a night's encamp- ment. Having decided on the spot, he then, by means of flint, steel, and a charge of pow- der, kindled a fire to dissipate the gloom and damps of night, to drive off the mosquitoes, and to prevent the approach of wild animals. The harness being removed from the cattle, the bells were attached to their necks, and they were driven forth to find such pasturage as the forest afforded. After having par- taken of his solitary meal, the blanket was spread on the ground in the neighborhood of the camp-fire, and the wearied backwoodsman, wrapped in its warm folds, .slept soundly be- neath the trees. In the morning, or more frequently, long before the break of day, he listened to catch the sound of bells, to him sweet music, for not unfrequently hours were consumed in tedious wanderings before he could recover his stray cattle, harness them to his team, and resume his journey. On reaching his place of destination, if he could only get his grinding done by waiting no longer than a day and a night at the mill, he esteemed himself fortunate. The corn hav- ing been ground, the pioneer retraced his steps to his lonely and secluded family, and not unfrequently had scarcely time to rest and refresh himself, before the same journey had to be repeated. 32 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Jacob Foust, one of the Ohio backwoods- men, when his wife was sick, and he could obtain nothing to eat that she relished, pro- cured a bushel of wheat, and, throwing it on his shouldere, carried it to Zanesville to get it ground, a distance of more than seventy- five miles from his dwelling, bjf the tortuous path he had to traverse. His object accom- plished, he once more resumed his load, and returned homo, fording the streams and camp- ing ovit at nights. The animal food which covered the table of the settler was chiefly obtained from the woods. Hunters, the better to elude the ever- watchful eye of the deer and turkey, wore hunting-skirts of a color suited to the season of the year. In spring and summer their dress was green; in the fall of the year it resembled the fallen leaves, and in winter, as nearly as possible, the bark of trees. If there was any snow on the ground, the hunters put on a white hunting-shirt. As soon as the leaves had fallen, and the weather became rainy, the hunter began to feel uneasy at home. "Everything about him became dis- agreeable. The house was too warm, the bed too soft, and even the good wife for the time was not thought to be a good companion." A party was soon formed, and on the appointed day the little cavalcade, with horses carrying flour, meal, blankets, and other requisites, were on their way to the hunting-camp. This was always formed in some sheltered and se- questered spot, and consisted of a rude camp, with a log fire in the open air in front of it, the interior of the hut being well lined with skins and moss, the only bedding on which these hunters were accustomed to sleep. It was to the spoils of the chase that the pioneers and Indians trusted for the skins and furs to barter for the few necessaries they re- quired from tlie Eastern States. An Indian trail from Sandusky to the Tuscarawas, passed by the residence of Mr. Harris, who formed the first regular settlement at Harrisville, .in Medina County. It was a narrow, hard- trodden bridlepath. In the fall the Indians traversed it from the west to this region, re- mained through the winter to hunt, and re- turned in the spring; their horses laden with furs, jerked venison, and bear's oil, the last an extensive article of commerce. Their horses were loose, and followed each other in single hunter's file, and it was by no means remarkable to see a single hunter returning with as many as twenty horses laden with his winter's work, and usually accompanied by his squaw. INDIAN TRADING. The mode in which business was con- ducted with the Indians by the fur traders, was as follows: The Indians walked into the merchant's store, and deliberately seated themselves, upon which the latter presented each of his visitors with a small piece of tobacco. Having lighted their pipes, they smoked and talked together awhile. One of the Indians then went to the counter of the merchant, and, taking up the yard-stick, pointed to the first article he desired to pos- sess, and inquired its price. A muskrat skin ^vas equal in value to a quarter of a dollar ; a raccoon skin, a third of a dollar; a doeskin, half a dollar, and a buckskin, a dollar. The questions were asked after this manner : "How many buckskins for a shirt pattern?" The Indian, learning the price of the fii-st article, paid for it by selecting the required number of skins, and handing them to the trader, be- fore proceeding to the second, when he repeated the same process, paying for everything as he went along. While the first Indian was trading the others looked on in silence, and when he was through, a.nother took his place, until all were satLsfied. No one desired to trade before his turn, but all observed a proper deconim, and never offered a lower price, but, if dissatisfied, passed on to the next article. They were careful not to trade when intoxicated; but usually re- served some of their skins with which to buy liquor, and close their business transactions with a frolic. To such of the pioneers, however, as did not hunt, the long winter evenings were rather tedious. They had no candles, and cared but little about them, except at such GEN. GEORGE ROGERS CLARK GEN. ANTHONY WAYNE GEN. Wm. HENRY ITARRLSON GEN. ARTHUR ST. CLAIR GEN. J0SL4H HARMAR AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 35 seasons. The deficiency in light was, how- ever, partially remedied by torches made of pine-knots, or the bark of the shelly hickory. To relieve the tedium, the pioneer would read aloud to hi>s family from such books as his cabin afforded, or engage in the usual opera- tions of the season, such as shelling corn, scraping turnips, stemming and twisting to- bacco, plaiting straw for hats, or ci'acking walnuts and hickory nuts, of which the in- mates of every cabin usually laid in a' good winter's supply. AVILD GAME. The wolf for a considerable time caused much trouble to the pioneers, and prevented the profitable raising of sheep and hogs in the neighborhood of the "clearing." In or- der to preserve the hogs from the attacks of these animals, it was necessary to build the walls of the hog-pen so high that the wolf could neither jump nor climb them. Their depredations were so great that the state of- fered a bounty of from four to six dollars apiece on their scalps. This made wolf hunt- ing rather a lucrative business, and called into action all the talent of the country. Some- times these ferocious animals were taken in traps. The wolf-trap resembled a box in ap- pearance, formed of log-s, and floored with puncheons. It was usually made about six feet in length, four feet in width, and three feet in depth. A very heavy puncheon lid was moved by an axle at one end, the trap being set by a figure four, and baited. On one occasion, a hunter went into a wolf-trap to adjust the spring, when the lid .suddenly fell and hurled him into the pit. Unable to raise the cover, and several miles from the nearest house, he was imprisoned for a day and night in his own trap, and would have perished but for a passing hunter, who heard his groans and instantlj' relieved him. Bears and panthers were at one time com- mon in the northwestern territory, but their depredations on the hog-pen were not so fre- quent as those of the wolf and the wild-cat, and they were tisually more shy in tlicir habits. HOMK-MADE GARMENTS. Most of the articles of dress worn by the first settlers were of domestic manufacture. Wool was not yet introduced into the country, and all their home-spun garments were made from flax or hemp, or from' the skins of the deer, which, when nicely dressed, afforded warm and comfortable clothing. Such was the settler's everyday and holiday garb. A common American check was considered a superb article for a bridal-dress, and such a thing as silk or satin was never dreamt of. A yard of cotton check, which can now be ob- tained for twelve and a half cents, then cost one dollar, and five yards was deemed an ample dress pattern. The coarser calicoes were one dollar per yard, while whiskey was from one to two dollai's per gallon, and as much of this article was sold as of anything else. The country merchants, however, found it advantageous to their business to place a bottle of liquor on each end of the counter for the gratuitous use of their customers. In the fall of 1800, Ebenezer Zane laid out a town in Fairfield County, and in compli- ment to a number of emigrants from Lan- caster County, Pennsylvania, who had pur- chased lots, called it New Lancaster. It re- tained that name until 1805, when, by an act of the legi.slature, the word "New" was dropped. Shortly after the settlement was made, and 'while the stumps were yet in the streets, the cheapness of whiskey occasionally led some of the settlers to indulge in drunken frolics, which not un frequently ended in a fight. In the absence of law, the better disposed part of the population held a meeting, at which it was resolved tliat any person in the settlement foimd intoxicated .should for every such offense either dig a stump out of the street, of which there were many, or suffer personal chastisement. The result was. that, after several of the offenders had expiated their offenses, dram-drinking cea.sed. and so- briety and good conduct marked the char- acter of the people. For many years the pioneers lived together 36 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY- on the footing of social equality. The rich and the poor dressed nearly alike. What lit- tle aristocratic feeling any new settler might bring with hini', was soon dissipated, for all soon found themselves equally dependent. The pioneers knew who were sick for manj' miles ai-ound, and would very cheerfully tender their assistance to each other under such circumstances. All sympathized on these occa-sions, and the log cabin of the in- valid would be visited, not only by those in his own immediate neighborhood, but by set- tlers from a distance, who would keep him well supplied with the best of everything their primitive habits could afford. PIONEER HOSPITALITY. The stranger ever received at the log cabin of these pioneers a generous welcome. The rough fare on the puncheon table was most cheerfully shared, and any offer of remunera- tion would offend them. Even the Indian, in times of peace, was no exception, and would be received and kindly entertained with such fare as the cabin afforded. The pioneer hos- pitality, together with its happy effects on one occasion, is well exemplified in the fol- lowing confession of converted Wyandot chief, named Rohn-yen-ness. He had been chosen by his tribe to murder Andrew Poe, a woods- man, celebrated in border warfare, who had slain, among others, one of the bravest war- riors in the Wyandot nation. This Indian proceeded to Poe's house, where he was re- ceived with utmost and hospitality. Poe, having no suspicion whatever of his de- sign, furnished him with the very best which his cabin afforded. When bedtime came, a pal- let was carefully prepared for their Indian guest by the hospitable couple in their own chamber. The unsuspicious hunter and his famih'^ having fallen into a deep sleep, the Indian had now a fair opportunity to accom- plish their destruction. He thought of the duty he owed to his nation, of the death of its most valiant warrior, and of the anger of his . tribe : but Poe had received him with so much kindness, had treated him so much like a brother, that he could not summon a suffi- cient amount of resolution to kill him, and in this unsettled state of mind he lay till about midnight. Once more he arose from his pal- let, and approached his sleeping host. His sinewy arm was uplifted, and the murderous weapon glittered in his hand. Again the kindness of the sleeping pioneer overcame the resolution of the Indian, who, feeling it to be unworthy the character of a warrior to kill even an enemy who had reposed in him such generous confidence, returned to his pal- let and slept till morning. During the war, however, it was necessary to be more guarded in entertaining Indians, and, although the following incident is more romantic than tragic, it affords a good general illustration of the danger to which the settlers were ex- posed. One night, just before retiring to rest, a backwoodsman of the name of Minor Spicer, residing near Akron, in Summit County, heardi some one call an front of his log cabin. He went out and saw a large Indian with two rifles in his hand and a deer quar- tered and hung across his horse. Spicer asked him what he wanted. The Indian replied in his own dialect, when the other told him he must speak English or he would unhorse him. He finally gave Spicer to understand that he wanted to stay all night, a request which was reluctantly gi-anted. The rifles of the Indian were laid in a corner, his venison hung up, his horse stabled in an out-house, and the Indian invited to enter the dwelling of the settler. The savage now cut a piece of venison for Mrs. Spicer to cook for him, which she did in the usual way, with a liberal supply of pepper and salt. He drew near the table and ate only sparingly. The family being ready to retire, he placed his scalping-knife and tomahawk in the corner with his rifles, and, stretching himself upon the hearth before the fire, was soon apparently asleep. After a while he was observed to raise himself slowly from his recumbent position and sit AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS upright on the hearth, looking stealthily over his shoulder, to see if all was still. Having satisfied himself that the family slept, the savage rose to his feet, and stepped lightly across the floor to the corner where lay his implements 'of death. At this juncture the feelings of Spicer and his wife may be imag- ined, for they were only feigning sleep, and were intently watching. The Indian stood half a minute to see if he had awakened any- one, and then slowly drew forth from its scabbard the glittering scalping-knife. At the moment when Spicer was about to lay his hand upon his rifle, which stood near his bed the Indiim crossed quietly to the venison, cut several steaks from it. and was soon after busily engaged in broiling a supply for him- self, freed from the pepper, which had pre- viously offended his unsophisticated taste. SOCI.\L .\MUSEMEXTS. The social amusements of the pioneers originated in the peculiarities of their habits, and were especially characteristic. On the ar- rival of a new settler, every one was expected to perform a certain amount of gratuitous labor at the "log-rolling," or the raising of the new cabin. Some felled the trees and cut them the proper length: others prepared puncheons for the floor, and clap-boards for the roof, while another neighbor with his t-eam hauled these materials to the site on which the cabin was to be erected. A large num- ber of persons usually assembled at this place on the day appointed for the raising, by whom the walls of the house w-ere speedily con- structed. The labors of the day having ended, the evening was spent in dancing and other innocent amusements. If the company had no fiddler, which was not unfrequently the case, some of the party would supply the deficiency by singing. Marriages among the pioneers wpi'p gen- erally contracted in early life, and on these truly festive occasions the youth of both sexes in the immediate neighborhoods, and for fif- teen or tw^enty miles around, would be gath- ered together. On the morning of the wed- ding day the bridegi'ooni and his friends, with their numerous visitors, assembled at the house of the bride, and, after the ceremony was performed, the company were enter- tained with a most substantial backwoods feast of beef, pork, fowls, with plenty of po- tatoes, cabbages and other vegetables. After dinner the young people engaged in various rural sports until dancing commenced, which was kept up for the remainder of the day, and not unfrequently through the whole of the night. The dances most in vogue being ordinarily three and four-hand reel-, or square sets and jigs. The next day the whole party were accus- tomed to return to the house of the "''groom" to partake of the "infair." On arriving within a mile of the dwelling, two young nif n would volunteer to race for the bottle. Mounted on ponies (the rougher the road the better) both started with an Indian yell, and away they went over logs, brush, muddy hol- lows, hills and glens, the obstacles on the road only serving for a better display of rival in- trepidity and horsemanship. The bottle was always filled and ready to be presented to the first who reached the door. The successful competitor having drank the health of the bride and groom, then returned in triumph to distribute potations among the company. Although among the pioneers disputes would occasionally arise, biit few ever thought of settling them by legal proceedings. There were other modes of adjudication. Some- times a duel would decide all difficulties. At others the pugilistic ring was formed, and, after a fight, which often afforded an oppor- tunity of displaying great courage and im- mense powers of endurance, the conqueror w-ould shake hands with the vanquished, and a perfect good feeling would usually be re- stored betw-een the contending parties. It is true there were some justices of the peace, men generally chosen by the pioneers on ac- coimt of their strong, natural sense, who ad- mirably answered all the purposes of their selections. 38 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY THE FIRST PUBLISHED DESCRIPTION OF SUMMIT COUNTY. In the spring of 1755, James Smith, a youth of 18 years, was taken captive by three Indians, about five miles above Bedford, Pennsylvania. He was taken by them to the banks of the Allegheny River, opposite Fort Duquesne, where he was compelled to run the gauntlet, consisting of two long I'anks of Indians, two or three rods apart. He es- caped with a slight tomahawk injury, and his fleetness and skill awakened such an admira- tion among the Indians that they spared his life and adopted him into the tribe, the name of which wa^ Caughnewaga. Several years later, upon the conclusion of a treaty with the whites, he was released and returned to civilization. In 1799 there was published in Lexington, Kentucky, by John Bradford, a book entitled "Narrative of the Captivity of Colonel James Smith Among the Ohio In- dians, Between May, 1755, and April, 1759." It is a most thrilling .story of Jame.s Smith's experience during his Indian life, and its authenticity is unimpeached. In his Indian hunting trips he traversed our portage path and has left us the first description of the adjacent country which has been published. It is given in Colonel Smith's own words and is as follows: "Sometime in October another adopted brother, older than Tontileango, came to pay us a visit at Sunyendeand and asked me to take a hunt with 'hiin on Guyahaga. A.s they always used me as a freeman, and gave me the liberty of choosing, I told him that I was at- tached to Tontileango, had never seen him before, and, therefore, asked some time to consider this. He told me that the party he was going with would not be along, or at the mouth of this little lake, in less than six days, and I could in this time be acquainted with him, and judge for myself. I consulted with Tontileango on this occasion, and he told me that our old brother, Tecaughretanego (which was his name) was a chief and a bet- ter man than he was, and if I went with him I might expect to be well used, but he said I might do as I pleased, and if I stayed lie would use me as he had done. I told him that he had acted in every respect as a brother to me, yet 1 was much pleased with my old brother's conduct and conversation, and as he was going to a part of the country I had never been in, I wished to go with him. He said that he was perfectly willing. "I then went with Tecaughretanego to the mouth of the little lake, where he met with the company he intended going with, which was composed of Caughnewagas and Ottawas. Here I was introduced to a Caughnewaga sis- ter, and others I had never seen before. My sister's name was Mary, which they pro- nounced Maully. I asked Tecaughretanego how it came that she had an English name. He said that he did not know that it was an English name, but it was the name the priest gave her when she was baptized, and which he said was the name of the mother of Jesus. He said there were a great many of the Caughnewagas and Ottawas that were a kind of half Roman Catholics, but as for himself he said that the priest and he could not agree, as they held notions that contradicted both sense and reason and had the assurance to tell him that the book of God taught them these foolish absurdities, but he could not be- lieve that the great and good spirit ever taught them any such nonsense, and, therefore, he concluded that the Indians' old religion was better than this new way of worshi)iing (Sod. "The Otta\A'as have a very useful kind of tents, which they carry with them, mad-^ of flags, plaited and stitched together in a very artful manner, so as to turn the rain and wind well. Each mat is made fifteen feet long and about five feet broad. In order to erect this kind of tent they cut a number of long, straight poles, which they drive into the ground in the form of a circle, leaning in- wards; then they spread the mats on these poles, beginning at the bottom and extending up. leaving only a hole in the top uncovered, and this hole answers the place of a chimney. They make fire of dry split wood in the middle, and spread down bark mats and .skins for bedding, on which they sleep AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 39 in a crooked posture, all around the fire, as the length of their beds will not admit of their stretching themselves. In place of a door they lift up one end of a mat and creep in, and let the mat fall down behind them. These tents are wai'm and dry, and tolerab- ly clear of smoke. Their lumber they keep under birch bark canoes, which they carry out and turn up for a shelter, where they keep everything from the rain. Nothing is in the tents but themselves and their bedding. "This company had four birch canoes and four tents. We were kindly received and they gave us plenty of hominy and wild fowl boiled and roasted. As geese, ducks, swans, etc., here are well grain-fed, they were re- markably fat, especiallj^ the green-necked ducks. The wild fowl fed upon a kind of wild rice that grows spontaneously in the shallow water, or wet places along the sides or in the corners of the lakes. As the wind was high and we could not proceed on uur voyage we remained here several days and killed abundance of wild fowl and a number of raccoons. "When a company of Indians are moving together on the lake, as it is at this time of the year, often dangerous sailing, the old men hold a council, and when they agree to em- bark, every one is engaged immediately in making ready, without offering one word against the mea.sure, though the lake may be boisterous and horrid. One morning, though ..e wind appeared to me to be as high as in days past, the billows raging, yet the call was given yohohyohoh, which was quickly an- vvered by all -ooh-ooh, which signifies agreed. '.7e were all instantly engaged in preparing ' start, and had considerable difficulties in •juibarking. As soon as we got into our ca- r )es we fell to paddling with all our might, working out from the shore. Though this sort of canoe rides waves beyond what could be expected, yet the water several times dashed into them. When we got out about half a mile from shore we hoisted sail, and as it was nearly a west wind, we then seemed to ride •the waves with ease, and went on at a rapid rr.^e. We then all laid down our paddles, ex- cepting one that steered, and no water dashed into our canoe until we came near shore again. We sailed about sixty miles that day and encamped some time before night. The next day we again embarked and went on very well for sometime, but the lake being boisterous and the wind not fair, we were obliged to make the shore, which we accom- plished with hard work and some difficulty in landing. The next morning a council was held by the old men. As we had this day to pass by a long precipice of rocks on the shore about nine miles, which rendered it impossible for us to land, though the wind was high and the lake rough, yet as it was fair, we were all ordered to embark. We wrought ourselves from the shore and hoisted sail (what we used in place of sail cloth were our tent mats, which answered the purpose very well), and went on for some time with a fair wind, until we were opposite to the precipice, and then it turned toward the shore, and we began to fear that we should be cast upon the rocks. Two of the canoes were considerably farther out from the rocks than the canoe I was in. Those who were farthest out in the lake did not let down their sails until they had passed the precipice, but as we were nearer the rock, we were obliged to' lower our sails and paddle with all our might. With much difficulty we cleared ourselves of the rock and landed. This night the wind fell and the next morning the lake was tolerably calm and we embarked without difficulty, and paddled along near the shore, until we came to the mouth of the Cuyahaga, which empties into Lake Erie on the south side betwixt Cane- sadooharie and Presque Isle. We turned up Cuyahaga and encamped, where we stayed and hunted several 'days, and so we kept moving and hunting until we came to the forks of Cuyahoga. "This is a vers'- gentle river and but few ripples or swift running place? from the mouth to the forks. Deer here were tolerably plentv, large and fat, but bear and other game scarce. The upland is hilly and principally second and third-rate land: the timber chiefly 40 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY black oak, white oak, hickory and dog-wood. The bottoms are rich and large, and the tim- ber is walnut, locust, mulberry, sugar-tree, redhaw, blackhaw, wild apple trees, etc. The west branch of this river interlocks with the east branch of Muskingum, and the east branch with the Big Beaver Creek that emp- ties into the Ohio about thirty miles below Pittsburg. From the forks of Cuyahaga to the east branch of Muskingum, there is a carrying place, where the Indians carry their canoes, etc., from the waters of Lake Erie into the waters of the Ohio. "From the forks I went over with some hunters to the east branch of .Muskingum, where they killed several deer, and a number of beavers, and returned heavy laden with skins and meat, which we carried on our backs, as we had no horses. Tlie land here is chiefly second and third-rate, and the tim- ber chiefly oak and hickory. A little above the forks, on the east branch of Cuyahaga, are considerable rapids, very rocky for some distance, but no perpendicular falls. "The party then built for themselves a 'chestnut canoe' of large dimension? and en- joyed a fine paddling trip down the river. They then skirted the south shore of Lake Erie until they passed the mouth of San- dusky, where they put in on account of the wind having arisen. The narrative contains the following paragraph on profanity, which may not be -without a useful lesson even in these regenerate days. "I remember that Tecaughretanego, when something displeased him, said 'God damn it.' I asked him if he knew what he then said. He said he did and mentioned one of their degrading expressions, which he supposed to be the meaning, or something like the mean- ing of what he had said. I told him that it did not bear the least resemblance to it, that what he had said was calling upon the Great Spirit to punish the object he was displeased with. He stood for some time amazed, and then said: 'If this be the meaning of these words, what sort of people are the whites?' "When the traders were among us these words semed to be intermixed with all their discourse. He told me to reconsider what I had said, for he thought I must be mis- taken in my definition. If I was not mis- taken, he said, the traders applied these words, not only wickedly, but oftentimes very fool- ishly, and contrary to sense or reason. He said he remembered once of a trader's acci- dentally breaking his gun lock, and on that occasion calling out aloud, 'God damn it.' "Surely,' said he, 'the gun lock was not an object worthy of punishment for Owananeeyo, or the Great Spirit.' He also observed the traders often used this expression when they were in good humor and not displeased with anything. I acknowledged that the traders used this expression very often in a most irra- tional, inconsistent and impious manner, yet I still asserted that I had given the true mean- ing of these words. He replied, if so, the traders are as bad as Oonasharoona, or the underground inhabitants, which is the name they give to devils, as they entertain a no- tion that their place of residence is under the earth." THE MAKING OF SUMMIT COUNTY. GEOGRAPHICAL. The two northernmost townships of Sum- mit County are situated in the very center of the Western Reserve. The full designation of this district is "The Western Reserve of Con- necticut." The connection of the name Con- necticut with land in Ohio, situated six hun- dred miles distant from the state of that name, came about in this way. In the year 1662, King Charles II of England granted a charter to Connecticut, which, after recognizing the claims of that colony resting upon former grants, conveyed to it all the land now occu- pied by it and, in addition thereto, all the ter- ritory lying west of it between the 41st and 42nd North Paxallels, or the extent of its breadth, from sea to sea. Thus, the colony of Connecticut had a legal title to all the land lying west of the Delaware River between 41° and 42° 2' N. Latitude, to the Pacific Oceaii. Certain terms in the charter excepted from its AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS provisions the Hudson valley, which was part of the territory of New York. Had this claim not been abandoned and had Connecticut's title been held valid, she would have possessed nearly two-fifths of the state of Pennsylvania, about one-third of Ohio, a portion of Michi- gan and all the western states whose extent is intersected by those parallels. This claim of Connecticut gave rise, later, to serious dis- putes and much bloodshed and suffering. The royal ignorance of American geog- raphy, in England, was astounding. Con- flicting grants had been made on a large scale and nearly all the colonies were making claim to parts of Pennsylvania and the western lands. Virginia, Maryland and New Jersey were each trying to obtain possession of the southern part of Pennsylvania. Several of their charters contained conveyances which overlapped. Each colony thought that it was in the right and relied upon the validity of its own royal grant. Nineteen years after making his grant to Connecticut, Charles II made another grant, by a royal charter, con- veying to Pennsylvania the territory she con- tinues to occupy and extending as far North as the 43° N. Latitude. Thus Connecticut's territory was overlapped by one degree and the way prepared for a tremendous contro- versy. Perhaps in justice to the memory of Charles II, it should be said that the bestowal of these lands upon the Penns was made after a report by the Attorney for the Crown, that "The tract of land desired by William Penn seens to be undisposed of by his Majesty, ex- cept the imaginary lines of New England pat- ents, which are bounded westwardly by the main ocean, should give them a real, though impracticable, right to all those vast terri- tories." (The italics are our.s.) Connecticut's cl.vims: western reserve. In 1653, Connectic;it be2;an to assert her rights in a physical way. She took possession of several towns on Long Island which were located within the limits of her claims. She made trouble for the Dutch on Manhattan Island, a readable account of which is con- tained in Washington Ii-ving's "Knicker- bocker History of New York." Just one hun- dred years later she formed the Susquehanna Company, which soon numbered over 1200 persons. It was organized for the sole pur- pose of taking possession of and colonizing the beautiful Wyoming valley in Pennsyl- vania, which Connecticut exploring parties had discovered three years before. This com- pany purchased for about $10,000.00, from the Six Nations, the Indian title to all the land lying within the Wyoming valley. The attempt at colonization, which followed, gave rise to the "Pennanite War." In 1762, the first settlement was made and the first massacre of Wyoming came in Oc- tober of that year. Although driven out time and time again, imprisoned, subjected to every kind of maltreatment, and many of them killed, the Connecticut colonists persisted in their purpose. Upon the commencement of the Revolutionary War, nearly six thousand people from Connecticut had taken possession of land in Pennsylvania. On July 3. 1778, occurred the awful massacre of the peaceful inhabitants of Wyoming at the hands of the combined forces of Indians and British. This was one of the bloodiest, most atrocious and fiendish deeds of which history ha.s made any record. The entire settlement of Wyoming was obliterated. The earnestness of the peo- ple of Connecticut may be seen from the fact that in November of the same year, they returned, in numbers, to possess themselves of this valley of blood. When the Revolutionary War was over and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which in the meantime had acquired the title of the heirs of William Penn to all the land in dis- pute, could give her attention to the contro- versy ; she appealed to the Congress organized under the Articles of Confederation. She presented a petition on the 3rd day of No- vember, 1781, praying that Congress would adjudicate the claims of the different states to the disputed territories. Congress granted the petition and appointed a Board of Com- mi.ssioners, selected by the delegates of Con- necticut and Pennsylvania, to pass upon the 42 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY respective claims. The verdict of the Com- mission was as follows: "We axe unani- mously of opinion that the jurisdiction and preemption of all territory lying within the charter of Pennsylvania, and now claimed by the State of Connecticut, do of right belong to the State of Pennsylvania. We are unani- mously of the opinion that Connecticut has no right to the lands in controversy." It is probable that this award was made on grounds of policy only. Connecticut's claims in law were well founded and her rights, therefore, were .superior to Pennsylvania's, but the conflicting claims of the other col- onies, particularly Virginia, New York and Massachusetts, were bringing the young na- tion to the verge of civil war. It is not alto- gether improbable that a compact was made with Connecticut to reimburse her in some other way, by land located elsewhere, in return for her surrender of Pennsylvania settlements she had made. There are many who believe that she was allowed to retain her title to the Wfestern Reserve on this account. This tract contains more land than the parent state itself, and now has a larger population. Thi^m^as what Connecticut received as a balm forTRr feelings, .so nidely wounded by the decree of the Trenton Court, as the Board of Commi&sioners was called. One of the greatest problems befove the new American nation was the settlement of the land claims made by the different states composing it. Congress made an appeal direct to the states that all claims to western lands, or any territory lying outside the boundaries of the respective states, should be ceded to the general government, for the benefit of all. This appeal succeeded. In 1780, the state of New-York granted to the United States all her right, title and interest in and to all western lands. In 1784, Virginia did the same. Massachusetts followed in 1785. On the 11th day of May, 1786, the state of Con- necticut relinquished all her right, title, in- terest, juri-sdiction and claim to all lands and territories lying west of a line 120 miles west of and parallel with the western boundary line of the state of Pennsvlvania, biit she ex- pressly reserved from her conveyance all the land lying between 41° and 42° 2' North Latitude, and bounded on the East by the west line of Pennsylvania, and on the West by a line parallel with the west line of Penn- sylvania and 120 miles west of it. This re- served land contained 3,366,921 acres, as a subsequent sui-vey showed. This was nearly 200,000 acres more than the parent state con- tained. It embraced what is now the coun- ties of Ashtabula, Lake, Geauga, Trumbull, Cuyahoga, Portage, Medina, Lorain, Erie, Huron and parts of the counties of Maho- ning, Summit and Ashland. The popular designation of this tract was soon established as "The Connecticut Western Reserve." On September 14, 1786, Connecticut made a deed to Congress of the po.s3essions and in- terests enumerated in her offer and duly re- served the lands which Congress agreed should remain in her name. In 1792, Connecticut set a.side half a mil- lion acres of land, being the extreme western end of her reser\'ed territory, for division among those who had suffered by incursions of British soldiers and their Indian allies during the Revolution. of those who had suffered in this way had met their losses owing to the British having burned several Connecticut towns. For this reason, the tract of half a million acres which was at first called the Sufferers' Lands was afterwards given tlie name of "The Fire Lands." which is retained to this day. Connecticut determined to sell the balance of her land in the Western Reserve. In May, 1795, the Connecticut legislature, in session at Hartford, passed a resolution providing for the sale of all land in the Western Reserve, except the Fire Lands. The legislature ap- pointed a committee, who eventually sold the lands offered, for the total sum of $1,200,- 000.00. Forty-eight different deeds were made to as many different grantee.s. In the same year these forty-eight buyers formed the Connecticut Land Company. The Company was composed of some of the best and most prominent men in Connecticut. In ilav, 1796, General Moses Cleaveland t*»f»T<«^- AKRON FROM WEST OF THE CANAL— 1853 AKRON FROM WEST OF THE CANAL— 1904 THE CAMPUS— HUDSON AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 43 led an expedition of fifty-two persons, for the purpose of making a survey of the lands just purchased. He was a veteran of the Revo- lutionary ^^'ar, a lawyer by profession, and a graduate of Yale. It wa^ on this surveying expedition, in July, 1796, that Cleveland was founded and the site surveyed into city lots. On July 10, 1800, Congress made the whole Western Reserve one county and gave it a government. It was named Trumbull County, of the Northwest Territory, being so named in honor of Jonathan Trumbull, who was then governor of Connecticut. "Warren was made the county seat. ORG.\NIZATION OF SUMMIT COUNTY. Summit County is one of the counties form- ing the southern half of the Reserve. All but its two southernmost townships, Green and Franklin, lie within the boundaries of the "Western Reserve. These townships are six miles square, while the others of the county are each five miles square. In 1833, a few citizens in Akron, which at that time was situated in Portage County, began to agi- tate the question of forming a new county, with Akron as its nucleus. Ravenna was the county seat of Portage Coimty, and it was a long and difficult trip there. Akron had grown very fast and began to covet the advantages of being the seat of govern- ment of the county. The new county project of course had the support of all the villages adjacent to Akron and of all the farmers liv- ing in that vicinity. Doctor Eliakim' Crosby was the prime mover in this matter, as he was in every laud- able enterprise. The energy and versatility of the man are worthy of remark in any his- tory of Summit County. He was the most indefatigable of all the founders of Akron, or of all who have wrought for her welfare and advancement. He made an ofiFer to give $2,000.00 toward the erection of the new county buildings, if Akron should be made the county seat of the new county. The proposition encountered much vicorous op- position, especially on the part of Ravenna citizens. For six years the projectors kept at work, trying to arouse sentiment in favor of the project and especially trying to get the representatives from the counties interested to present a bill in the legislature for the creation of the new one. At last it was accomplished by means of a political deal. The Whigs of Akron and vi- cinity voted with the Democrats of Portage County and succeeded in electing two repre- sentatives from Portage County who were pledged to the creation of the new county. The new State Senator for the district was Colonel Simon Perkins, who was in favor of the project. The legislature convened on the first Monday in December. 1889, and a bill was introduced by Hon. Rufus P. Spalding, the new representative, providing that the townships of Twinsburg, Northfield, Boston, Hudson, Stow, Northampton, Portage,- Tall- madge, Springfield and Coventry in Portage County; Richfield, Bath, Copley and Norton in Medina County, and Franklin and Green in Stark County, be erected into a separate county, to be known by the name of "Sum- mit." In order to restore the constitutional area to Medina County, the bill transferred Homer and Spencer townships from Lorain to Medina County. It provided for the col- lection of taxes, the maintenance of suits at law, the continuance of officials in office until the election of their successors and that Franklin and Green townships should not be taxed for the erection of county buildings during a term of fifty years after the passage of the Act. It stipulated the first election for officers of the new county should be held on the first Monday in April, 1840, and that courts should be held in Akron until the county seat was located. This was to be done by commissioners to be appointed by the State. The name "Summit" expressly given as the name of the new county, was obtained from the summit level of the Ohio canal, which level begins in the south part of Akron. It ex- tends from Lock one to New Portage. This long stretch of canal without a lock, being lo- cated upon the very highest land along the 44 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY whole length of the canal, was called Summit Level. It is probable that the name was se- lected 'by Dr. Eliakim Cro.sby, Colonel Simon Perkins, or Judge Rufus P. Spalding. The last named probably drew up the bill. With the introduction of this bill, began one of the hottest legislative battles of the ses- sion. A powerful opposition arose at once. If the bill passed, Medina, Lorain, Portage and Stark counties would lose some of their best townships. The constituents of the legis- lators representing these counties were op- posed to it to a man. These legislators were, therefore, fighting for personal prestige as well as principle. They enlisted the support of the legislators of all other counties which had been threatened with a like fate. A strong lobby went to Columbus to work against the bill. Not a stone was left unturned in a search to find weapons to bring about its defeat. The opposition brought all possible filibustering tactics into play. They moved postpone- ments, laying on the table, referring to com- mittees, amendments, adjournments and every parliamentary device allowed by the rules of procedure. The ground was fought inch by inch. The result was a .splendid victory for the new representatives. It reflects much credit upon their skill and sagacity. On Feb. 6, 1840, the bill passed the House of Represent- atives, thirty- four votes being cast in its favor and thirty-one against. The margin by which success had been won was very small. On the 28th it emerged triumphant from a battle in the Senate, equally as fiercely contested. Here the vote stood 19 in its favor and 15 against it. On March 3, 1840, it was signed by the Speaker of the House and the Presi- dent of the Senate and became a law. The legislature then appointed James Mc- Connell, of Holmes; Warren Sabin, of Clin- ton, and Jacob Williard, of Columbiana, as a Board of Commissioners to establish a county seat for the new-created county. Sum- mit was put in the Third Judicial District, with A.shtabula, Portage and Trumbull and into the Fifteenth Congressional District of Ohio, with Cuyahoga, Lorain, Medina and Portage. The people of the neighboring counties were much discomfited by their de- feat, and for a long time, looked upon the inhabitants of Akron as robbers and despoil- ers. The news of the passage of the bill through both houses reached Akron on the evening of March 2, 1840, and an impromptu celebration was held, lasting nearly all the night. On the 4th a formal celebration was had, consisting of a parade of all the military companies and bands in the county; a ban- quet in the open air in the grove on the "Gore," about where the present Court House stands; speeches by prominent citizens of the county ; and, in the evening, a big dinner and ball in the "Ohio Exchange," an hotel which stood on the southwest corner of Main and Market streets. According to the newspapers of the time, the affair was a great success and the new county w-as started on its successful career under the happiest auspices. The first officers elected for the new county offices were temporary ones. They were to hold office only from the time of the spring election in April until the regular state and county election, which, at that period of the State's history, was held in October. Thus, on the first Monday in April, there wcve chosen: For county treasurer, William O'Brien, of Hudson ; auditor, Birdsey Booth, of Cuyahoga Falls; recorder, Alexander .John- ston, of Green; sheriff, Thomas Wikon. of Northfield; county attorney, Geo. Kirknm, of Akron ; coroner, Elisha Hinsdale, of Norton ; county eommi-ssioners, Augastus Foot, of Twinsburg; John Hoy, of Franklin, and Jonathan Starr, of Coplev; appraisers, Fred A. Sprague, of Richfield; Milo Stone, of Tall- madge, and Thomas Jones, of Franklin. No probate judge was elected, as the laws of the State did not provide for such courts at that time. Temporary quarters for the county officers were secured in the Stone Block on the side of Howard Street, near Market, the third floor being used as a court-room with the jail in one corner. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 45 COUNTY SEAT SELECTED. In May the Board of Commissioners for lo- cating the county seat appeared upon the scene and called a public meeting to hear arguments in favor of the different sites pro- posed. Only three were seriously considered — Akron, Cuyahoga Falls and Summit City, the new town just laid out by Dr. Eliakin Crosby as the w^estern terminus of his "Chuck- ery Race." The advocates of each of these sites had promised that the new court-house would be erected free of cost to the tax- paj'ers of the county if their particular site should be selected. The commissioners de- cided unanimously in favor of Akron and set off land on the "Gore," which had been do- nated to the county through the generosity of General Simon Perkins, of Warren, as the place at which to build the new court-house. As this site was just midway between North Akron, or Cascade, as it was sometimes called, and South Akron, the older village, both places joined in another celebration. A com- mittee of sixteen citizens was appointed for the purpose of raising money by subscription; $17,500.00 was raised. The county commis- sioners then appointed Dr. J. D. Commins, Richard Home and Col. Simon Perkins, Jr., as a building commission to collect the .sub- scriptions, make all contracts and have full charge of the work of erecting the new building. They were the first "Court-House Commission." The second was appointed in 1905. They let the contract to Ithiel Mills, of Akron, and by January, 1841, he had com- pleted the foundations. COUNTY SEAT CONTEST. In the meantime trouble was brewing and Akron was in a fair way of losing her ad- vantage as the county seat of Summit. It happened in this way: The orator who pre- sented the claims of Cuyahoga Falls, at the meeting called by the commissioners, was Elisha N. Sill, of that village. His defeat rankled and he was waiting and watching for a chance to retrieve it. He was a man of much force of character and occupied an in- fluential place among the Whig party of the county. Upon the expiration of the term of Senator Perkins, Mr. Sill secured the Whig nomination, as his successor, and was elected. Among his first acts as a legislator, was the introduction of a bill to re-locate the county seat of Summit County. Mr. Sill's influence with his party was sufficient to overcome the opposition in both houses and it became a law. When this news reached Akron there no celebration. Her citizens were almost in despair. The new legislative commission consisted of Jacob Hoagland, of Highland; William Kendall, of Scioto, and Valentine Winters, of Montgomery. In May, 1841, they came to Akron, looked over the competing sites and conducted an exciting meeting in the old stone church on North High Street, which lasted all day. Senator Sill spoke for Cuya- hoga Falls and Hon. Rufus P. Spalding for Akron. Interested citizens of these two places filled the church to the doors. The excite- ment was intense. The next morning the commissioners astounded the whole commu- nity by announcing that a majority of them were in favor of Summit City, the paper- town on what is now North Hill. It was evi- dently a compromise decision. Mr. Kendall made a minority report in favor of Akron. The particular site staked out by the com- missioners was about half way up North Hill, nearly where the Bryan School now stands. The crowd which accompanied them expressed such disapproval that the majority commis- ■sioners became much nettled, pulled up the stakes and drove on to Cuyahoga Falls, where they located the new court-house on the south ?ide of Broad Street, between Front and Sec- ond Streets. The county officials divided on this ques- tion. Some moved their offices to Cuyahoga Falls; others retained theirs at Akron. The building commissioners stopped work on the new at Akron. Cuyahoga Falls made no move to build one there. All felt it would be necessary to await the next session of the legislature for decisive action by that bodv. 46 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY The Whig party held its convention at Cuyahoga Falls that year and nominated for representatives Amos Seward, of Tallmadge, and Hai-vey Whedon, of Hudson, both favor- able to Cuyahoga Falls as the proper site for the county seat. A Peoples Convention was called to meet at Akron and a bi-partisan ticket was nominated. Hon. Rufus P. Spald- ing, a Democrat, and Colonel Simon Perkins, a Whig, were the nominees for representa- tives. In the election which ensued, this ticket was triumphantly elected. The Whig ticket was simply snowed under. The vote for the Akron ticket was nearly three to one. When the legislature assembled, the new Representatives began the work for which they had been sent there. Feeling confident because of the result of the last election, which had, in reality, been an issue simply between Akron and Cuyahoga Falls, they agreed to the matter of locating the county seat to a vote of the citizens of Summit County, and prepared and introduced a bill for the purpose. Senator Sill fought it vigorously in the Senate, but it passed both houses and was signed March 2, 1842. On the first Monday in April the election to choose the county seat was held. A poll of the votes showed that Akron had received 2,978; Cuyahoga Falls, 1,384; Summit City. 101, and other places, 24. Thus Akron's plurality and majority were each more than the total vote cast for Cuyahoga Falls. It was felt all over the county that this decisive victory settled the question for all time to come, and so it proved. The court-house was finished and accepted by the coimty commis.sioners December 6, 1843. The minutes of this meeting show that "having examined the court-house, the board proposed as an offset to the gpnernl had char- acter of the work, which the building trustees fully admitted, to accept it, if the windows were made to work, * * * the doors better hung, * * * and the windows screened, etc." In spite of this sweeping condemna- tion, the building stood sixty-four years, or until this year of grace, 1907, in which it is proposed to demolish it, because of the erec- tion of the fine new court-house just west of it. In 1867 wings were added on the north and south sides. ADAMS RECEPTION. On the morning of Nov. 2, 1843, it was learned that ex-President John Quincy Adams, who w-as on his way to lay a corner stone for a public building at Cincinnati, was coming up the canal from Ckveland and would stop over in Akron while his packet was being "locked" through the local 21 locks. Bells were rung, whistles blown, and almost the entire population were notified in a short time that the distinguished visitor would make an address in the court-room. Although it was not yet nine o'clock in the- morning, the court-house was crowded and Mr. Adams received a most enthusiastic wel- come. This was the first meeting held in the old (then new) court-house. TERRITORIAL CHANGES. The only changes which have been made in the territory of Summit County, were to establish townships co-extensive with the mu- nicipalities of Akron, Cuyahoga Falls and Middlebury, for purposes of government. Thus in 1851 Cuyahoga Falls Township was created; in 1857, the township of Middlebury, and, in 1888, the township of Akron. CHAPTER III COUNTY AND OTHER OFFICIALS A Roster of Officials from the Organization of the County down to 1907. The following is a complete roster of all the officials of Summit County for the year 1907. A list of all county officials occupy- ing the more important positions since the beginning of the county will be found at the end of the chapter. Judges of the Circuit Court for the Eighth Judicial Circuit: Ulysses L. Marvin, of Akron ; Louis H. Winch, of Cleveland ; F. A. Henry, of Cleveland. Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the Second Subdivision of the Fourth Judi- cial Circuit: George C. Hayden, of Medina; Clarence G. Washburn, Elyria; Reuben M. Wanamaker, Akron; Dayton A. Doyle, Akron. Probate Judge, William E. Pardee; treas- urer, Isaac S. Myers; auditor, Marcus D. Buckman ; clerk of courts, Clint W. Kline ; sheriff, Dan P. Stein; recorder, .John Sowers; county commissionere, L. H. Oviatt, Hudson ; Gus Seiberling, Barberton, and John Frank, Fairlawn; prosecuting attorney, Henry M. Hagelbarger; coroner, H. S. Davidson, Bar- berton : referee in bankruptcy, Harry L. Sny- der. Infirmary directors, W. H. Wagoner, Coventry township; Z. F. Chamberlain, Ma- cedonia, and J. M. Johnston, Akron. Superintendent of infirmary, S. B. Stotler. Jury Commissioners: W. H. Stoner, P. G. Ewart, of Springfield; George Edwards, of Twinsburg, and W. H. McBarnes. Surveyor, Joseph A. Gehres. County detective, H. M. Watters. Stenographer of courts, W. H. Col- lins. Trustees of the Children's Home: A. M. Armstrong, J. B. Senter, of Northfield township; F. M. Green and Charles Hart. Superintendent of the Children's Home, D. R. Braucher. Members of the Court House Building Commission: L. H. Oviatt, chair- man; John C. Frank, secretary; Gus Seiber- ling; J. Park Alexander, R. F. Palmer, W. A. Morton and John Frank, of Fairlawn. Mem- bers of the Board of Countv School Examin- ers: M. S. Kirk, of Akron'; H. 0. Bolich, of Copley township, and C. A. Flickinger, of Peninsula. Deputy State supervisors of elec- tions: F. C. Wilson, chief deputy; R. E. Lewis, clerk. Members of the Summit County Soldiers and Sailors' Relief Commission : John C. Weber, of Akron ; John C. Reid, of Cuya- hoga Falls, and J. R. Campbell, of Akron, secretary. Deputy probate judge, Ora Lytle. Deputy clerks of courts: Ed. Mitchell, Har- riett M. Baad and Maud Gostlin. Deputy recorder, B. F. Clark. Deputy auditor, John Moore. Deputy sheriff, B. C. Garman. Su- perintendent of Court, Earl Shepherd. OFFICIALS OF THE CITY OF .\KR0N. Mayor, Charles W. Kempel ; solicitor, Clyde F. Beery ; auditor, William A. Durand ; treas- urer, Fred E. Smith; engineer, John W. Payne; poor director, Joseph Kendall; city physician. Dr. A. W. Jones; superintendent of streets, Edward Dunn, Jr. ; .superintendent of markets, John Wolf. Board of Public 48 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Service: William J. Wildes, president; J. H. Burt, vice-president; James J. Mahonej'; Charles H. Watters, clerk. Board of Public Safety: C. C. Warner, president; E. C. Hou- sel; W. H. Kroeger, clerk. Police Depart- ment: John Durkin, chief of police; Robert Guillet, captain; Alva G. Greenlese, lieuten- ant; Bert Eckerman, detective; Harry Welch and Charles Doerler, special duty officers. Fire Department: John Mertz, chief; Frank Rice, assistant chief; Frank F. Loomis, me- chanical engineer; Julius D. Olsen, lineman; H. M. Fritz, captain Station No. 1; C. M. Smith, captain Station No. 2; C. S. Jost, cap- tain Station No. 3; C. E. Tryon, captain Station No. 4; John Cummins, captain Sta- tion No. 5 ; J. D. Dorner, captain Station No. 6; N. P. Smith, captain Station No. 7. City Council: Ira A. Priest, president; Ray F. Hamlin, clerk ; Joseph Dangel, Adam G. Ranck, Harry A. Palmer, councilmen- at-large. Members from wards — Ward 1, H. F. Treap; 2, F. J. Gostlin; 3, Milo S. Wil- liams; 4, J. W. Gauthier; 5, John Beynon; 6, Louis D. Seward; 7, C. H. Gardner.' Board of Health: Charles W. Kempel, president ex officio; Dr. A. A. Kohler, health officer; Michael W. Hoye, sanitary policeman and milk inspector; James D. Chandler, George W., John C. Weber, A. P. Woodring and William E. Young. Library Board: John C. Frank, George P. Atwater, William T. Vaughn. Henry Kraft, G. D. Seward and M. V. Halter. Board of Education: F. G. Stipe, presi- dent; J. F. Barnhart, clerk; F. E. Smith, treasurer; H. V. Hotchkiss, superintendent of instruction; Charles Watson, truant officer; J. T. Flower, I. C. Gibbons, F. G. Marsh, E. W. Stuart, A. E. Kling, F. G. Stipe and F. W. Rockwell, members. Teachers' Examination Committee: H. V. Hotchkiss, Lee R. Knight and L. D. Slusser. Special teachers : N. L. Glover, music ; Grace C. Sylla, drawing; D. E. Watkins, elocution. Principals of Schools: High School, D. C. Rybolt; Allen School, J. L. McFarland; Bowen, Margaret L. McCready; Bryan, M. E. Campbell ; Crosby, Harriet M. Jones ; Findley, Mame E. Knapp; Fraunfelter, Jessie V. Waltz; Grace, Agnes W. WatkinS; Henry, J. H. App; Howe, E. P. Lillie; Kent, W. H. Kopf; Lane, Sue E. Vincent; Legget, Eliza- beth Camp; Miller, W. C. Bowers; Perkins Normal, Lee R. Knight; Spicer, J. R. Smith. Parochial Schools: St. Bernard's, Sisters of St. Dominic; St. Mary's Sisters of St. Jo- seph; St. Vincent's, Sisters of St. Joseph. Sa- cred Heart Academy. German Lutheran Parish School. BARBERTON VILLAGE OFFICIALS. Mayor, James McNamara; clerk, George Davis; solicitor, C. M. Karch; treasurer, E. A. Miller; engineer, H. W. Alcorn; Marshal, D. R. Ferguson; chief of Fire Department, J. M. Royston; health officer, B. Roden- baugh; sanitary policeman, J. P. David. members of council: W. A. Bryan, B. C. Chandler, H. Y. Herman, A. W. Sample, B. C. Ross, Charles Worthen. Trustees of public affairs, F. A. Hale, M. C. Hastings, W. S. Mitchell. Board of Education: C. A. Carlson, president; 0. N. Craig, clerk; T. J. Davies, H. S. Davidson, W. P. Welker, U. G. High. Superintendent of Schools, J. M. Carr. The schools of Barberton are the High School, Baird Avenue, Rose Street, Hopocan Avenue, Portage, Riverside, Central and St. Augus- tine's Catholic (parochial) School. SUMMIT county's HONORED SONS OF THE PAST. Perhaps all will agree that the one Summit County citizen whose fame has spread the farthest was John Brown, the hero of Har- per's Ferry and the Kansas struggle. He was not a native of the county, having been born in Connecticut, but, at the age of four years, his father brought him, with the rest of his family, to Hudson. There his early days were spent; there he was educated, and there it was he married the wife of his youth. He spent twenty-one years in Hudson, two in Richfield and two in Akron. Thereafter, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 49 Massachusetts, New York and the Nation claimed him. Hudson can justly claim that it was his rearing in the atmosphere of free- dom and sentiment of anti-bondage, which has always prevailed there, that was the in- spiration of his later life, and furnished the animus of the acts that brought his fame. The Summit County man, w'ho has risen highest in the official public life of the nation and who has brought to his county its great- est distinction in this respect, is our own hon- ored and beloved United States Senator, Charles Dick. He was born in Akron and has never lived anywhere else. He is proud to say that all he is, he owes to Summit County. When Senator Marcus A. Hanna died in 1904, the legislature of Ohio obeyed the wishes of the Republican party of the State when it made Charles Dick his successor. He served the unexpired part of Senator Hanna's term, and, in 1905, began the serv- ice of a full term. Summit County will, therefore, claim a United States Senator until 1911, at least. If he desires a re-election al that time, his splendid record in the public service should bring him the title to another term. A high place in the Summit County Tem- ple of Fame belongs to Sidney Edgerton, a name that all the older residents, and many of the younger, will never hear mentioned, save with the deepest feelings of love and respect. Sidney Edgerton came to .Vkron in 1844 from New York State, where he was born. He was then about twenty-five years of age. He taught school and .studied law until 1852, when he was elected prosecuting attorney of the county. In 1858, and again in 1860, he was elected to Congress. In 1863, President Lincoln appointed him Chief Jus- tice of Idaho, from which he resigned (o accept the appointment of Governor of the Territory of Montana. He resigned in 1866 and returned to Akron, where he practiced law until his death. Russell A. Alger can hardly be credited to Summit County, a? he was born in the ad- joining county of Medina, and spent the active vears of his career as a citizen of Michigan. Most of his education, however, was secured in Richfield, where he attended the old Richfield Academy. He also taught school there two winters while pursuing his course. He spent the years 1857 and 1858 in Akron, studying law in the office of Wol- cott and Upson. In 1860 he left Cleveland, where he had been practicing law and took up his residence in Michigan. He rose to the rank of major-general in the Civil War; was made Governor of Michigan in 1884; became secretary of war in President McKin- ley's Cabinet in 1897; and in 1901 was elected United States Senator, which position he held at the time of his death in 1907. Other temporary residents of Akron for short periods who afterwards reached high places in the national life were: David K. Cartter, who practiced law in Akron from 1836 to 1845, coming here from New York State; in 1848, and again in 1850, he was elected to Congress ; in 1861 appointed minister to Bolivia; and in 1863 appointed chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Wilbur F. Sanders, came to Akron in 1854, from New York State; taught school and studied law here until 1861, when he entered the Union Army ; in 1863 he became a citizen of Montana, and when that territory was ad- mitted to the Union in 1890, he was elected United States Senator. Samuel B. Axtell, who for some years had his residence in Richfield, was elected to Congress from a California district; in 1875 appointed governor of Utah; in the same year, governor of New Mexico; in 1882 chief justice of New Mexico. William T. Coggeshall, lived in Akron from 1842 to 1847, was appointed minister to Ecuador in 1865, where he died in 1867. Christopher P. Wolcott was born in Con- necticut December 17, 1820; graduated at Jefferson College in 1840 ; was admitted to the bar and come to Akron in 1846. He was the senior member of the distinguished firm of Wolcott and Upson. In 1856, he was ap- pointed attorney-general of the State of Ohio to fill a vacancv. and was afterward elected 50 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY twice to that office. In 1862, President Lin- coln appointed him assistant secretary of war. He served under his brother-in-law, Edwin M. Stanton, until within two months of his death. He died at his home in Akron, April 4, 1863. Eufus P. Spalding, a native of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, came to Akron in 1840, and in 1841 was elected Speaker of the Ohio House of Representatives; in 1848 ap- pointed justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio. At the expiration of his term he moved to Cleveland, and was afterward elected to Con- gress for three terms. One of the most distinguished names in Summit County history is that of William H. Upson. He was born in Franklin County, Ohio, in 1823, but came to Tallmadge with his parents in 1832. He has been a resi- dent of the county, continuously, since that time. He came to Akron in 1846, a few months after his admission to the bar. He was prosecuting attorney 1848-1850; Ohio State Senator, 1853-1855; elected to Congress in 1869, and again in 1871 ; delegate to Na- tional Republican Convention in 1864, and voted to renominate Abraham Lincoln ; dele- gate-at-large from Ohio to the National Re- publican Convention in 1876; in 1883 was appointed justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio; in 1884, elected judge of the Circuit Court, and re-elected in 1886 and 1890. In 1896 he retired from active practice and re- sumed his domestic quiet in Akron, where he still lives. In addition to those already mentioned, Summit County has had the following Rep- resentatives in Congress : George Bliss, 1852- 1854; David R. Paige, 1882-1884; George W. Crouse, 1886-1888, and Charles Dick, 1898-1904. She has had Presidential electors as follows: 'Stephen H. Pitkin, 1868; John R. Buchtel, 1872; Nathaniel W. Goodhue, 1880, and Ulysses L. Marvin, 1884. This senatorial district has often called upon Summit County to represent the dis- trict in the Ohio Senate, as witness these names of Senators: Simon Perkins, 1838- 1840; EHsha N. Sill, 1840-1842; William Wetmore, Jr., 1844-1846 ; Lucian Swift, 1848- 1850; William H. Upson, 1853-1855; George P. Ashmun, 1857-1859; Lucuis V. Bierce, 1861-1863; Newell D. Tibbals, 1865-1867; Henry McKinney, 1869-1871; N. W. Good- hue, 1873-1875; D. D. Beebe, 1877-1881; George W. Crouse, 1885-1887 ; J. Park Alex- ander, 1887-1891; George W. Sieber, 1897- 1899; Nation 0. Mather, 1905-1907. Common Pleas Judges — Van R. Hum- phrey, 1840-1848; George Bliss, 1851-1852; Robert K. Du Bois, 1840-1845 ; Charles Sum- ner, 1840-1845; Hugh R. Caldwell, 1840- 1847; John B. Clark, 1845-1846; James R. Ford, 1845-1849; Sylvester H. Thompson, 1846-1852; John Hoy, 1847-1852; Samuel A. Wheeler, 1849-1850; Peter Voris, 1850- 1852; James S. Carpenter, 1856-1861; Sam- uel W. McClure, 1870-1875; Newell D. Tib- bals, 1875-1883; Ulysses L. Marvin, 1883; Edwin P. Green, 1883-1891 ; Alvin C. VorL^, 1891-1895; Jacob A. Kohler, 1895-1905; Reuben M. Wanamaker, 1905 to date, and Dayton A. Doyle, 1906 to date. Probate Judges: Charles G. Ladd, 1851- 1852; Roland 0. Hammond, 1852; Constant Bryan, 1852-1853; Noah M. Humphrey, 1854-1860; William M. Dodge, 1860-1861; A. H. Lewis, 1861; Stephen H. Pitkin, 1861- 1868; Ulysses L. Mamn, 1869-1875: Samuel C. Williamson, 1875-1881; Nathaniel W. Goodhue, 1881-1883; Charles R. Grant. 1883- 1891 ; Edward W. Stuart, 1891-1897 : George M. Anderson, 1897-1903 ; William E. Pairdee, 1908 to date. Countv Clerks: Rufus P. Spalding, 1840; Lucian Swift, 1840-1847; Lucius S. Peck, 1847-1851 ; Nelson B. Stone, 1851-1853 ; Ed- win P. Green, 1854-1861; John A. Means, 1861-1864; Charles Rinehart, 1864-1870; John A. Means, 1870-1873; George W. Weeks, 1873-1879; Sumner Na.«h, 1879-1885; Othello W Hale, 1885-1891; Nathaniel P. Goodhue, 1891-1897; Edward A. Hershey, 1897-1903 ; Clint W. Kline, 1903 to date. County Treasurers: William O'Brien, 1840- 1842; George Y. Wallace, 1842; Milton Ar- thur, 1842-1848; William H. Dewev, 1848- 1850; Frederick Wadsworth, 1850-1852; 1 */*^*^ p?=^ |T' It '# .e 'l-: il-j hi 1 NEW COUNTY JAIL OLD COURT HOUSE SILVER LAKE TARK GERMAN-AMERICAN MUSIC HALL L^^ i II Ml. ijj i i f ft i.ft;-- 11 y THE AMERICAN CEREAL MILLS FIRE ENGINE HOUSE, NO. 5, AKRON AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 53 Chester W. Rice, 1852-1854; Houston Sisler, 1854-1858; Sullivan S. Wilson, 1858-1863; George W. Grouse, 1863; Israel E. Carter, 1863-1867; Arthur L. Conger, 1867-1871; Schuyler R. Oviatt, 1871-1875; David R. Paige, 1875-1879; Henry C. Viele, 1879- 1883 ; Arthur M. Cole, 1883-1887 ; James H. Seymour, 1887-1891 ; Emmon S. Oviatt, 1891- 1895; R. L. Andrew, 1895-1897; Lucius C. Miles, 1897-1901 ; Homer Berger, 1901-1905 ; Fred E. Smith, 1905-1906; Ulysses Grant High, 1906 ; Isaac S. Myers, 1907 to date. County Auditors: Birdsey Booth, 1840- 1842; Theron A. Noble, 1842-1848; Na- thaniel W. Goodhue, 1847-1852 ; Henry New- berry, Jr., 1852-1854; Charles B. Bernard, 1854-1858; George W. Crouse, 1858-1863: Sanford M. Burnham, 1863-1871; Hosea Paul, Jr., 1871 ; Edward Buckingham, 1872- 1881; Aaron Wagoner, 1881-1887; Charles Dick, 1887-1893; Charles Grether, 1893- 1896; Louis E. Sisler, 1896-1904; Marcus D. Buckman, 1904 to date. County Recorders: Alexander Johnston, 1840-1843; Nahum Fay, 1843-1849; Jared Jennings, 1849-1852; Henry Purdy. 1852- 1858; Phillip P. Bock, 1858-1864; J. Alex- ander Lantz, 1864-1870; Grenville Thorpe, 1870-1872 ; Henry C. Viele, 1872 ; George H. Payne, 1872-1878: Albert, A. Bartlett, 1878- 1884; Henry C. Searles, 1884-1890: Benja- min F. Clark, 1890-1896; Willi=ton Ailing. 1896-1902 : John Sowers, 1902 to date. County Sheriffs: Thoma.s Wilson, 1840- 1844; Lewis M. James, 1844-1848; William L. Clarke, 1848-1852 ; Dudley Seward, 1852- 1856; Samuel A. Lane, 1856-1861; Jacob Chisnell. 1861-1865; James Burlison. 1865- 1869; Augustus Curtiss, 1869-1873; Levi J. McMurrav, 1873-1877; Sam'l. A. Lane, 1877- 1881; William McKinnev, 1881-1885; Wil- ham B. Gamble, 1885-1889; David R. Bunn, 1889-1893; William Williams. 1893-1897; Horace G. Griffith, 1897-1901 : Jarcd Barker, 1901-1907 ; Dan P. Stine, 1907 to date. Prosecuting Attorneys: William M. Dodfje, 1840-1842; George Kirkum, 1842-1844: Wil- liam S. C. Otis, 1844-1846; Samuel W. Mc- Clure. 1846-1848; William H. Upson, 1848- 1850; Harvey Whedon, 1850-1852; Sidney Edgerton, 1852-1856; Henry McKinney, 1856-1860; Newell D. Tibbals, 1860-1864; Edwin P. Green, 1864; Edward Oviatt, 1864- 1868; Jacob A. Kohler, 1868-1872; Henry C. Sanford, 1872-1874; James M. PouLson, 1874-1876; Edward W. Stuart, 1876-1880; Charles Baird, 1880-1884; John C. Means, 1884-1886; Edwin F. Voris, 1886; George W. Sieber, 1886-1893; Samuel G. Rogers, 1893- 1896; Reuben M. Wanamaker, 1893-1902; Henry M. Hagelbarger, 1902-1908. County Surveyors: Ru-ssell H. Ashmun, 1840-1843 ; Peter Voris, 1843-1846 ; Frederick Seward, 1846-1849; Dwight Newton, 1849- 1852; Schuyler R. Oviatt, 1852-1855; Hosea Paul, 1855-1870; Robert S. Paul, 1870-1874 and 1877-1883 ; John W. Seward, 1874-1877 ; Charles E. Perkins, 1883-1893: Sherman Swigart, 1893-1896; Joseph A. Gehres,' 1896- 1908. Infirmary Superintendents : Abraham Sichley, 1849-1855 ; William Chandler, 1855- 1861 ; Francis T. Husong, 1861-1868 ; George W. Glines, 1868-1878; G^eorge Feichter, 1878- 1879 ; Julia F. Glines, 1879-1882 ; Willard F. Hamlin, 1882-1887; Sherman B. Stotler, ] 887 to the present time. SUMMIT COUNTY OFFICERS, 1907. Judges of Circuit Court, Eighth Judicial Circuit of Ohio — Hon. Ulysses L. Marvin, Akron; Hon. Louis H. Winch, Cleveland; Hon. F. A. Henry, Cleveland. Judge.? of Common Pleas Court, Second- Sub-division, Fouth Judicial District of Ohio — Hon. Geo. C. Havden, Medina; Hon. C. G. Washburn, Elyria;'^ Hon. R. M. Wana- maker, Akron. Probate Judge — W. E. Pardee. Commissioners — Philip Wagoner, Akron ; Eber Hawkins, West Richfield'; L. H. Oviatt, Hudson; Gus. Seibcrling, Barbcrton (elect). Auditor — M. D. Buckman. Treasurer — Fred E. Smith. Clerk of Courts— Clint W. Kline. Sheriff— Daniel P. Stein. Recorder — John Sowers. 54 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Prosecuting Attorney — H. M. Hagelbar- ger. Coroner — L. B. Humphrey. Infirmary Directors — W. EAVaters, Akron ; Z. F. Chamberlain, Macedonia; J. M. Johns- ton, Fairlawn. Superintendent of Infirmary — S. B. Stot- tler. Jury Commissioners — W. H. Stoner, F. A. Green, P. G. Ewart, W. H. McBarnes. Surveyor — J. A. Gehre*. County Detective — H. M. Watters. Stenographer — W. H. Collins. Trustees Children's Home — A. M. Arm- strong, Akron; J. B. Senter, Northfield; F. M. Green, Akron; J. H. Brewster, Coventry; Mrs. R. E. Grubb, superintendent. Court House Commission — L. H. Oviatt, chairman ; J. C. Frank, secretary ; Philip AVagoner, Eber Hawkins, J. Park Alexander, R. F. Palmer, W. A. Morton. County School Examiners — M. S. Kirk, Akron ; F. L. Lytle, Hudson ; W. M. Glasgow, Barberton. County and City Board of Elections — E. H. Bishop, Akron, chief deputy; F. E. Whitte- more, Akron, clerk; R. C. Ellsworth, Rich- field; F. C. Wilson, Akron; L. C. Koplin, Akron; office, 520 and 522 Hamilton build- ing. Summit County Soldiers' and Sailors' Re- lief Commission — J. C. Weber, John C. Reid, Cuyahoga Falls; A. P. Baldwin, secretary. CITY OFFICERS. Municipal Offices and Council Chamber, East Mill, corner Broadway; City Prison, 86 East Mill ; Treasurer's Office, Court House ; Infirmary Director's Office, 90 South Howard. Mayor — Charles W. Kempel. Solicitor — C. F. Beery. Auditor — W. A. Durand. Treasurer — Fred E. Smith. Engineer — J. W. Payne. Infirmary Director — Jo.seph Kendall. Superintendent of Streets — Edward Dunn, Jr. Superintendent of Market^ — John Wolf. Board of Public Service— W. J. Wildes, J. H. Burt, J. J. Mahoney; C. H. Watters, clerk. City Council — Meets first and third Mon- day evenings of each month: Ira A. Priest, president; Ray F. Hamlin, clerk; Joseph Dangel, A. G. Ranck and J. R. Mell, coun- cilmen at large. First Ward — J. M. Amund- son; Second Ward— F. J. Go.stlin; Third Ward- M. S. Williams ; Fourth Ward— J. W. Gauthier ; Fifth Ward— John Beynon ; Sixth Ward— L. D. Seward; Seventh Ward- S. R. Thomas; Board of Public Safety— C. C. Warner, E. C. Housel. Police Department — J. F. Durkin, chief; Robert Guillet, captain ; A. G. Greenlese, lieu- tenant. Fire Department— J. T. Mertz, chief; F. F. Loomis, mechanical engineer. Fire Station No. 1 (Central) — Corner High and Church streets; H. M; Fritz, captain. Fire Station No. 2 — Corner East Market and Exchange, East Akron; C. M. Smith, captain. Fire Station No. 3 — South Maple, corner Crosby ; Frank Rice, captain. Fire Station No. 4 — South Main, corner Fair; C. E. Tryon, captain. Fire Station No. 5 — East Buchtel avenue; John Cummins, captain. Fire Station No. 6 — Wooster avenue; C. S. Jost, captain. Fire Station No. 7 — North Howard; N. P. Smith, captain. Board of Health— Meets first Friday of each month : Mayor C. W. Kempel, presi- dent; Dr. A. A. Kohler, health officer; M. W. Hoye, sanitary police and milk inspector; G. B. 'Courson, clerk; J. D. Chandler, G. W. Crouse, J. C. Weber, A. P. Woodring, Wm. E. Young. Library Board — Meets first Friday of each month at library, corner Market and High streets; J. C. Frank, T. J. Mumford, J. W. Kelley, W. T. Vaughan, G. D. Seward, Henry Kraft. Parks — Fountain Park (Summit County Agricultural Society's Fair Grounds), East North, near city limits. Grace Park, corner Prospect and Perkins; Hill Park, corner East AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS Market and Broad ; Neptune Park, West Mar- ket, corner Valley; Perkins Park, south of Maple at west city limits ; Perkins Square, cor- ner Exchange and Bowery; Pleasant Park, corner Thornton and Washington. Cemeteries — Akron Rural Cemetery, west end Glendale avenue; German Catholic Cem- etery, South Maple, adjoining Rural Ceme- tery; East Akron Cemetery, East Market, Sixth Ward; St. Vincent de Paul Cemetery, West Market, west of Balch; Mount Peace Cemetery, North Valley, north of Doyle; C. P. Hass, superintendent; Old Cemetery, New- ton, near east city line. Board of Education — James T. Flower, Isaac C. Gibbons, Frank G. Marsh, Frank W. Rockwell, Frank G. Stipe, Edward W. Stewart, A. E. Kling. Board of Review — A. J. Weeks, 0. L. Sad- ler, John Cook. Trustees of Sinking Fund and Board of Tax Commissioners — C. I. Bruner, Harry Hamlen, Joseph Thomas, H. E. Andress. CHAPTER IV AKRON-THE. COUNTY SEAT Introductory — Economic Cau-ies and Growth of Akron — Its Settlement and History- Public Improvements — Akron an incorporated Town — -City Government — Mercantile Akron — Fire and Police Departments — Riot of 1900 — Aftermath of the Riot. Akron, the City of Busy Hands! The place of rubber-making, of sewer-pipe and clay goods, of the printing of books, of the grinding of grains and the making of cereal foods! All these are done here on the largest scale seen in any one place on the Ameri- can continents. You may add to them, large factories making linoleum, steam-engines and mining equipment, steam boilers, traction-en- gines, electric dynamos and motors, steam drilling machinery, twist drills and agricul- tural implements, belting, twine and cordage, varnishes and a host of small enterprises, mak- ing nearly everything needed by man or re- quired for the gratifying of his luxurious tastes. Industrialism then is the one striking fea- ture of Akron and Akron life. Her triumphs have been triumphs of her industries. Her dark days have been the results of stagnation of business. The influence of the shop per- meates her whole sphere of activity. By far the larger part of her population is connected directly with the shop and it would be sur- prising if this interest in them were not deemed the paramount one generally, and the city's social, spiritual, educational and even mercantile interests, modified in no small de- gree by this all-pervading sentiment. Herein we may find ample excuse for the "talking shop," which the vistor notices at once. For the same reason we may sym- pathize with the citizen who is willing to sub- ordinate even his personal comfort to the pre- vailing spirit. Any agitation to abolish the smoke evil is sure to meet with the objection that smoke imeans turning wheels, and busy men and women, and streams of wages and prosperity. If a big factory wants a street vacated or opened, a bridge built or removed, a street paved, a sewer built, or an extension of the fire department, the Akron citizen has not, for a moment, a thought of objection. Nay, rather he digs into his pocket and brings forth the ready cash. Mind you, he meets every request of this kind with great per- sonal gladness and joy. He is perfectly happy in doing something to benefit the "shops." If you want to kill any projected movement in Akron just hint that it will be deleterious to the factories, or that the manu- facturers will find it necessary to oppose it. On the other hand the popular policy is one that will aid to develop manufacturing and business. With such a favorable atmosphere is it any wonder that Akron has grown to be one of the great manufacturing cities of the United States? Is not this the very best inducement outside capital can have to locate here ? Akron has never paid a cent, or donated a foot of ground, or exempted any enterprise from tax- ation for a day, to secure the location of any kind of business. When they do come she J - --"^ :^"V^> ; ^ AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 59 makes it easy for them to stay and to prosper. She welcomes them with open arms and shows a most benignant manner ever after. This has been the accepted policy for half a cen- tury. How well it has succeeded read in the history of Akron, marvel in the figures of the statistician, and beliold in the multiplica- tion of factories and enterprises. The history of Akron then is a record of business activ- ity primarily. And it proves good reading — this record, beginning with the conception of an idea in the mind of a business man, covering struggles, ambitions and disappoint- ments of early days and ending in triumph for sagacity, courage and honesty. Such is an oftrrepeated storj^ in Akron life. ■ The triumph has many times brought with it a princely fortune. AKRON A CITY OF MANUFACTURES. These business successes have made the name of Akron well known in every corner of the earth. All her products are finished goods, ready for immediate use or consump- tion. She makes no raw materials. Many' of her manufacturing rivals produce raw materials largely and they are sent away to other cities, where they are worked over and their identity lost. When they reach the con- sumer they bear the name of the last city which had a hand in the making of them. Akron-made goods never lose their identity. Their exportation is very large, and hence Akron labels, boxes and bales may be found all over the earth. Akron travelers abroad are often surprised at the fame of their lit- tle city in the far-away corners of the world. Akron cereal goods are shipped to every coun- try in Europe, mining machinery and agri- cultural machines to Africa and South Amer- ica and rubber products to Japan and China. Smaller exportation? of other products are as widespread. The storv- of Akron, then, is a story of manufacturing, and, if a very large part of this history is devoted to the city's industrial progress, it is accounted for by this fact. The great name? in Akron historv are the names of manufacturers — Perkins, Miller, Conger, Werner, Schumacher, Goodrich, Barber, Grouse,, Crosby, Commins, Seiberling, Buch- tel, Robinson. Their activities were the mak- ing of Akron. They furnished the true basis for the city's development. EDUCATION. Reader, do not get the impression that Akron people live and have lived for the making of things alone. Such is far from being the case. Manufacturing is not deified. The shops are not set up as idols. The manu- facturers are not worshipped, and the all-es- sentials that are needed to make character and perfection of manhood are not slighted. No city in Ohio makes so large a per capita expenditure for the maintenance of public schools. Ohio is famous for the excellence of its schools, but no city in the state can boast of better schools than Akron, or a healthier pub- lic sentiment back of them, or a greater pride in educational achievement. The "Akron idea" of graded schools originated here and took its name from this city. Ohio's whole school system has for its basis the idea of the Akron Congregational clergyman, who started Akron's schools on the march forward six decades ago. This is the seat of Buchtel College, founded by, and taking its name from one of Akron's most prominent citizens, and one foremost in every good work. If a large part of this his- tory is devoted to the story of the rise of Buchtel College it is because of the important place Buchtel College occupies in the heart of the Akron citizen. He is proud of the position it has earned, he glories in the op- portunity it offers for the higher education of his children, right at his very door, and he sympathizes with "The College" in her calamities and struggles and ambitions.' The Catholic Church has provided many excellent parochial schools for the training of youth of that communion. The law making attendance at school com- pulsory is rigorously enforced in Akron. 00 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY There has been a public library, open to all citizens, from the earliest days of the com- munity. Lyceum entertainments, lecture courses and the very bCvSt concerts have had their part in the popular education of the people. Successes in education have made the names of Jennings, Bryan, Leggett, Find- ley, Fraunfelter, Rood and McAllister hon- ored ones in the city's history. THE CHURCHES. The churches occupy a relatively more important place in Akron life than is true of most municipal communities. In view of the overwhelming importance of the manu- facturing interests it is hard to believe that this is so. Close study of conditions, how- ever, demonstrates its truth. Every import- ant Christian denomination is represented by a live and thriving church organization. Akron is one of the important church cen- ters for at least two of the denominations — • the Methodists and the Universalists. The "Akron Plan," in church ai-chitecture has been an important factor in the former, and the church life, of which Buchtel Col- lege is the center, in the latter. The history of the Methodist Church in America will be incomjilete without a record of Chautauqua and Lewis Miller. Many ministers and priests have won large successes in their la- bors in Akron, and her citizens will always remember with earnest reverence such men as Carlos Smith, Monroe, Burton, Day, Young, Ganter, Scanlon and Mahar. There is a roll of honor among laymen, also. The leaders of the past in the manufacturing world have also been leaders in church and charitable work. Take the names of the captains of industry first above given ; there is only one of them who ha.s not had a very prominent part in the work of some Akron church. That list might be extended almost indefinitolv. THE PROFESSIONS. Akron's reputation as a manufacturing and business center has attracted a host of professional men. Most of them have been capable practitioners and have made useful and respected citizens. Of the doctors who have gone, many like Crosby, Bowen, Co- burn, Bartges, McEbright and Jacobs, not only held high positions in their profes-sion, but did much for the material advancement of Akron's various interests. At the present time all schools of medicine are represented here by exceedingly accomplished phy- .sicians. From its ranks of lawyers Akron has sent forth men who have taken high places in public life, both in the service of the state and the nation. Memory recalls readily the names of Bierce, Bliss, King, McClure, Edgerton, Spalding, Sanders, Cartter, Alger, Wolcott, McKinney and Upson. The pre.s- ent junior senator from Ohio is a member of the Summit County Bar. Very few coun- ties in Ohio are able to bring forward better lawyers than who make vip the local bar. Business; both manufacturing and mercantile, brought the lawyers. Large in- terests, great producing and distributing, big deals and intricate enterprises demanded competent hands for their legal protection and direction. In the early days there were great enterprises exploited here, such as the canals, the Crosby projects, etc. They were directed by strong men, who demanded strong men as legal advisers. The associa- tion of such men attracted the ablest of the young lawyers then commencing practice. The high .standard then established ha.s been maintained until the present day. The great Akron companies entrust their legal matters entirely to members of the local bar. It is a rare thing for outside counsel to be called into a local On the other hand, Akron lawyers are frequently called into other counties of the state for legal advice and services. In the last decade Akron has begun to at- tract attention in a new respect. The city AND REPRESENTATI^nS CITIZENS 61 lies in the midst of nearly twenty small lakes, most of them possessing great natural beauty. The city itself is most attractively located on more hills than ancient Rome possessed, and with magnificent views down and across the Cuyahoga Valley. These things have been gradually becoming known and it began to be whispered about that there was good fishing in the Akron lakes and good camping sites on their shores. Thus the summer invasion began. Great improve- ments have been made, those at Silver Lake alone costing $100,000. Summit Lake has a beautiful new casino which will seat 3,000 people. Many beautiful cottages have been built at Turkey-Foot Lake and Springfield Lake. During the season the attractions of Akron as a summer resort bring thousands of people to the city. Merchants find their trade correspondingly larger and there is no dull season known to our mercantile circles. The local summers are never exc&ssively hot. There will be. perhaps, two or three periods of hot weather when the thermometer will reach 87, or. in extreme cases, 90 degrees. These periods are of very short duration, seldom last- ing more than four or five days, and the rest of the summer consists of delightful days, with the air clear, and the sky blue, and the thermometer ranging from 70 to 80 de.grees. The high altitude of the city, the higher por- tions being nearly 1.100 feet above the sea level, and the proximity to Lake Erie combine to lower the temperature in .summer and to make the city a healthy and delightful place in which to live. Many beautiful residences and private parks attest the prosperity of Akron's citizens. All the important streets are paved with brick, stone or a.sphalt. Beautiful and well kept public parks are situated in all parts of the city. Here is one of the finest Music Halls in the state and one well adapted for large conventions, music festivals and other im- portant public occasions. Here, also, are three fine theaters, one of them — -the beautiful Colonial Theater — presenting the best at- tractions to be seen on the American stage. The Y. M. C. A. has been reorganized and is enjoying a new home, costing about $100,- 000. The Akron City Hospital is now com- pletely established in a new six-story build- ing and making use of an equipment that cost $150,000. It will compare favorably with any hospital in America. The Y. W. C. A. has moved into a fine new home on High street, where it possesses every possible requisite for the successful prosecution of its admirable work. No more praiseworthv work is being done in Akron than that of the Y. W. C. A. Two beautiful new ward school buildings have just been erected and the High School nearly doubled in capacity by a splendid new building adjoining the old building on the west. The old court house built in 1840 has been supplanted by a superb structure of stone crowning the old court-house hill, and costing about $300,000. Many fine new business blocks were erected in 1906. The additions made to the store of The M. O'Neil Company in 1907 make it the largest store in Ohio and one of the great department stores of the United States. Akron always takes time to rejoice in its fire department. It is housed in seven modern buildings in different parts of the city, and furnished with the latest appliances and equip- ment for extinguishing fires. The pei-sonnel of the department is very high and the citi- zens have ab-solute confidence in its efficiency. The city has equal faith in its custodians of the law. The police force is a capable one and is guided by trustworthy hands. Life and property, therefore,, enjoy here as large a measure of protection as the best American municipalities afford. The city supports three enterprising and successful newspapers. They are clean, able, and fearlessly edited, and reflect great credit upon the community which reads and sup- ports them. Akron's retail stores are a satisfaction to her people. The stocks of goods are as com- plete and timely as those of the best city stores and the prices are considerablv lower than in most cities of Akron's size. The old 62 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tendency to run to Cleveland to do purchas- ing is a thing of the past. If there ever was any necessity for such a course it no longer exists. When the public learned that the same quality of goods could be purchased in Akron at prices equal to the lowest anywhere, shopping in Cleveland became a mere affecta- tion and accordingly has not been fashionable for a considerable time. Akron's growth in population has been at the rate of 5 per cent per annum in late years. Accordingly the year 1908 will find nearly 60,000 people dwelling within her borders. Such is a rapid pen-picture of Akron as it exists in 1907. In the following pages will be found an accurate account of the rounding of the city, the purposes its founders had in mind, its early struggles, its pioneer citizens, its growth in many diverse ways, its disasters and misfortunes and its complete triumph in the year of its greatest prosperity, 1907. The reader will also find reliable historical state- ments concerning Summit County, its town- ships, its villages and all the various activities of Summit County citizens since the begin- ning. ECONOMIC CAUSES AND GROWTH OF AKRON. It is inaccurate to say that the Ohio Canal made Akron. The city as it stands today is the resultant of many causes. Many and different influences, and various men and measures, have co-operated toward the end now attained. The start was made long be- fore the Ohio Canal was built. • Within the present limits of the city, settlements at two different points had been made, which ante- date the canal by nearly two decades. In 1807 the first settlement had been made in Middle- bury. In 1811 Miner Spicer had started "Spicertown." In the same year Paul Wil- liams settled upon the lands immediately west of the Spicer settlement and adjoining the land of General Simon Perkins on the east. When the canal was opened in 1827 Middlebury was an important village. It had attracted many settlers from the East, prin- cipally from Connecticut, and boasted of half a dozen mills and factories, a dozen stores, three inns and about five hundred inhabitants. It certainly deserved a place on the maps of the time. Let us search that we may find, if we can, the economic reasons for the existence of Akron. The sentence that begins this chap- ter contains the idea that is ordinarily ad- vanced as the sole reason for the Akron of today. The unthinking man repeats: "The canal made Akron." The wTiter on Akron history records: "Dr. Eliakim G. Crosby made Akron." The truth is, no one thing and no one man made Akron, but that all the men who have ever worked for Akron, from the earliest be- ginning until this centennial year of 1907, aided by certain natural advantages, "made" Akron. The term "men" is here used in the generic sense, and includes the army of noble women who planned, worked, and sacrificed, and made man's work worth the while. All the minds and all the hands; all the labor and all the capital; all the faith and all the hope — these have been working for one hun- dred years to produce the results we now be- hold. If the canal did not make Akron, it was the largest single factor in the making. Where so many causes have been working together it is impossible to say that the result would not have been possible without any one of them. There is reason to believe, however, that without the early advantages of the first canal the great industries and the teeming population of the present would not have been Akron's. Allusion ha." been made above to certain ad- vantages which Nature provided for the future citJ^ A study of the economic reasons under- lying the location of any city vnW assist us in determining what they are in the present case. What induced the five hundred inhabitants of Middlebury in 1827 to locate there in the twenty years succeeding its founding? Leav- ing the Alleghenies behind, the boundless AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 63 West was before them and they were free to settle here or there, as their judgment dic- tated? Then why Middlebury? To one who knows New England and Middlebury the an- swer is not hard to find. What turns the mills at Lowell, Lawrence, Holyoke and all the towns on the Merrimac and Connecticut and other rivers of New England? New England's manufacturing prestige is due to the overwhelming advantages its unsurpassed water-power gives it. It is a power, cheap and easily transmitted. New England even in the early part of the last century was full of dams and sluices and waterwheels. The man from Massachusetts and Connecticut was brought up with a knowledge of these things. They were a familiar part of his environ- ment. He knew water-power when he saw it. The early Middlebury men were from Massachusetts and Connecticut. It was the power in the fall of "the river there that at- tracted them. The early Middlebury fac- tories, including the Cuyahoga furnace, a saw-mill and a large grist-mill, were all oper- ated by the power derived from a dam thrown across the river at the point where the plant of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company now stands. Later other dams were built and the use of the power extended. All this was done prior to the building of the Ohio canal, or even before the preliminary steps were taken. The Portage, or carry, between the Cuya- hoga and the Tuscarawas rivers was not of suf- ficient importance to cause any extensive set- tlement along its length or to influence any that might be made in its vicinity. We, of today, are inclined to overestimate its im- portance. There is no reason to believe that it was ever extensively used. It was in no sense of the word a great pioneer highway, such as some of those that brought about the establishment of the large trading-posts of the early days. The latter were powerful fac- tors in founding settlements that grew into cities later when the sway of the white man began. Travel over the Portage Path was little enough. The long carry of nine or ten miles, part of it up and down steep hills. was enough to deter all travelers, but those pressed by the greatest necessity. War par- ties passed in numbers at tdmes, but trappers and traders went by other ways. There was far greater travel over the east and west high- way, part of which is now called the Smith Road, and extensive settlements were made at various points along its course. At the southern end of the Portage Path, however, there was built up in the years 1806 and 1825 one of the most promising of all the settlements in northern Ohio. This was not because of any advantage derived from travel over the Path, but because of the fact that here was the head of navigation on the Tuscarawas. The Indians and pioneers used the waterway as far as they could and then took various trails leading in other di- rections. The river was then of much greater volume than today and was capable of sup- porting an extensive traffic. Navigation was open from New Portage to the Muskingum and the Ohio, and extensive trading sprang into existence along these waterways. The Path, then, was of little or no bene- fit to the region we know as Akron. Neither did this immediate locality have any water- power. It was covered with thick forests of oak, ash, hickory, chestnut and maple. Splendid springs issued from the hillsides. Game was abundant. But the lake country only a few miles to the south offered much better hunting-grounds and richer fields in the fertile bottom lands along the creeks. Early in the year 1825 a great and sudden activity was manifested all along the base of the high hill, which stretches north and south from the Cuyahoga River at old Portage to Summit Lake, and along the top of which runs the Portage Path. This narrow zone of activity met the Path at both these points, and about halfway between them it bent away to the east about a mile and a half. It followed the base of the hill closely and lay in the lowest part of the territory con- tiguous to these points. This activity was the work of excavation for the Ohio Canal. The ditching alone would be a work of some magnitude even for 64 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY these days of steam-shovels and earth-convey- ors. The earth was excavated to a depth, in the center, of five or six feet and of a width averaging, perhaps, twenty-five feet. In the distance between the Summit Level and Old Portage the greatest engineering works of the whole project were made necessary. Be- tween these two points there is a rise of nearly two hundred feet. This necessitated a series of locks and twenty-one of them were built, in massive style, of great sand-stone blocks and ponderous oak gates. By the side of each was built a sluice, or overflow, for the pas- sage of the. water when the gates were closed. This work brought into this neighborhood a small army of engineers, contractors, dig- gers, drivers, stone-masons, carpenters, black- smiths, and a subsidiary army to do the com- missary work for these. Like all camps of the kind, this was followed by the slab-saloon and the grocery, and almost in a day a town arose. It required two years' time to com- plete these works and by the time they were finished the new town numbered half as many inhabitants as Middlebury, two miles to the east and now in the twentieth year of its existence. Then commenced the great traffic over the Ohio Canal. If the Portage Path was not a highway, the canal certainly was. It is hard to realize now how important an avenue of commerce this great waterway was in the early days of Ohio. It is difficult to estimate accurately the great part it played in the development of the state. The danger to the student of these results will be to overstate them. The village at the mouth of the Cuy- ahoga had grown rapidly. Cleveland enjoyed an extensive commerce and the products of Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and the East were being distributed thence throughout the West by lake carriage. Ship-building in the vicinity of Cleveland became an established industry. The Cuyahoga at this time was a much larger stream than it is at present and many lake vessels were built as far inland as Old Portage. South of Akron were many village com- luunitv of older settlement. The canal opened an easy way of communication with these. It removed the obstacles in the journey to Cleveland. When completed it formed the bast method of inland transpoi-ta- tion then known, between Lake Erie and the Gulf of Mexico. Under favorable conditions loaded boats could navigate nearly as fast as a train behind George Stephenson's "Rocket." Travel by packet on the canal was not looked upon as a hardship, but welcomed as a great improvement over a journey by pioneer roads. Previous to the opening of the canail, the products of the community, which consisted mainly of flour, wool, hides, charcoal, potash, and dairy and farm prod- ucts were taken to Cleveland and Pittsburgh by wagon. These were of the prairie-schooner type and oftentimes immense loads would be hauled by eight-horse teams hitched to them. On the return trip merchandise of various kinds was brought in. The owners of these wagon routes were important men in the com- munity, and they were often intrusted with the execution of extensive commissions. No inconsiderable part of the buying and .-ellmg between Akron and the outside points was done through them. The most prominent among these early carriers were Patrick Christy, the grandfather of Will Christy, the electric railway magnate, and George Crouse, grandfather of the present Akron bu.siness- man, George W. Crouse, Jr. In one respect Akron was the most impor- tant point on the Ohio Canal. Students of economic causes have learned that great nat- ural obstacles to travel on important high- ways are the points most likely to attract set- tlement and become a nucleus for future devel- opment into village and cit^^ Thus a ford in a stream, a rapid or fall in a navigable river necessitating a portage, interrupts the jour- ney, causes delay and becomes the natural stopping place for travelers. At Akron, the traveler by canal met the greatest obstacle in all his journey. Here was a series of twenty- one locks through which his boat must pass before he could resume his journey. Four hours at the best would be consumed in the operation of locking, and delays were very AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 65 frequent. The traveler could walk the entire distance between the extreme locks in one- fourth the time hi^ boat took in going through. Here, then, was a splendid site for the merchant. Here was a steady stream of travel and commerce passing, for more than eight months of the year. Here that travel must halt for a large part of the day. Thus the way-faring man was forced into an ac- quaintance with Akron ; thus the fame of Akron was carried throughout Ohio and be- yond. In the boyhood days of the writer of this chapter, that part of the town lying north of Federal street and west of Summit was known as "Dublin." This name was given to the locality when the locks were being built. As remarked above, it took two years to build them and a host of laboring men were busy in the work. Now, in the twenties the great tide of immigration from Italy and Germany and the other countries of the European con- tinent had not started to flow toward our shores. The Chinese coolies did not arrive until the building of the Union Pacific rail- way. The oppression of the peasantry in Ireland, however, had driven a horde of her population to seek easier conditions. The first great immigration was from Ireland. The "Dago" and the "Hunkie" of the twenties and thirties was the Irishman. "Paddy" built the railroads and made the highways and dug canals. Thait is, he handled the pick and shovel and carried the hod. He was the carrier of water and the hewer of wood. Well, the men from the Shamrock Isle who came to Akron to work on the canal, built their cabins in the locality referred to and lived there during the time they were work- ing on the locks. Whether they named the place themselves as a tender tribute to the "auld sod," which was still the focus of their fondest longings, or whether the place was facetiously dubbed by the bluer-blooded in-, habitants of Cascade or Middlebury, is un- known and immaterial. The present genera- tion neither knows the name nor has any dealings with the ancient district of "Dub- lin." Today it might be more appropriately called "Naples," for the Irish have pros- pered and moved into better city quarters, while the Italian, a late comer, has taken the old houses and become the predominating influence in the locality. The territory has been conquered in succession by Ireland, Africa and Italy. How much the canal did for the new town or rather towns, — for there were two of them, one, called Akron, centering at the corner of Main and Exchange streets and the other named Cascade and located near the corner of Market and Howard streets, — is seen from the growth of population that took place on this narrow strip of land along the canal and extending from Chestnut to Beech streets. At the end of the first decade this territory num- bered more than one thousand people. In 1840, or fifteen years after the beginning of construction, the United States census showed a population of 1,381. It had left Middle- bury far behind. Practically the whole of this number had moved in from other places. Akron was already known as one of the most promising towns in the northwest territory, and this report was attracting new settlers by the hundred, annually. Most of the men em- ployed in building the locks remained here when the work was completed. So did the keepers of boarding-houses and taverns and the merchants who had been supplying the demand for groceries, clothing and such goods as the presence of so large a body of labor- ing men made necessary. These constituted a fine nucleus for the coming city. Thus, it was the canal, undoubtedly, that gave Akron its start. For twenty-five years the canal, too, was the only means of communication Akron had with the outside world. When her citizens traveled they went by packet, between the verdant banks of the canal. Their products found the outside market and their merchan- dise was brought in to them by boats plying on that same canal. The canal was as of much relative importance in Akron life of the period as it was in Holland. Venice, it- self, was not more dependent on, or prouder of, her waterways than Akron before 1852. 6() HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY The masters of canal boats were duly re- spected and, in the public estimation, occu- pied desirable places. On the 4th day of July, 1852, the first railway train rolled into Akron. It came in from Hudson over the Akron branch of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. It marked the end of the old order of things. It closed an epoch. The steam-propelled train, running on level iron tracks, had worked a revolution in the world outside. All business had to be adjusted to meet the changed con- ditions. The world had moved on apace. Akron was practically where the thirties had left her. Communication by canal was now isolation. The railway came and growth be- gan anew. Akron was nearing the time when she was to strike her real pace. The real making of the city, as we know it today, was still a thing of the future. The city grew as a few men prospered. When the sun of prosperity shone upon Ferdinand Schumacher, Arthur L. Conger, John F. Sei- berling, Lewis Miller, David E. Hill, Henry Robinson, James B. Taplin, J. D. Cummins, the Aliens, the Howers, 0. C. Barber, and one or two others, then began the era of real progress. From that time on, Akron has had a steady and even growth. The gi'owth has never been phenomenal. Its citizens have never experienced the excite- ment of a "boom." Real estate values have never taken a decided step upward. The con- trary is true, that the price of real property has lagged behind. Of course, the increase in population and wealth has brought with it higher prices for land and buildings, but the increase in the latter has not been commen- surate with the former. This fact will serve to indicate how gradual, normal, and healthy has been the growth of Akron. It was fortunate for the city that, when some of the industries founded by the above named men fell upon hard times and gave way under the stress of untoward circum- stances, others, started subsequently, grew amazingly and more than filled the gap. It was like the springing of second-growth trees to replace the falling of century-old monarch? of the forest. Of the above names, four of the men who bore them, and who had amassed great fortunes from their enterprises, went to their graves, broken in fortune. Three of the great businesses were closed up forever, and their names forgotten in the busi- ness world. In the joy of possessing the greater industries that have taken their places, few make room for the emotion of regret that ordinarily would have attended the departure of the older. Thus it has happened that Akron has been known successively as "The Oatmeal Town," "The Match Town," "The Place Where They Make Mowers and Reapei-s" "The Sewer-pipe Town," and lastly, "The Rubber City." When the magnitude of The Werner Company is considered, we can say with rea.son that it might well be called "The City of Graphic Arts." The renown of the lat- ter publishing house on the American Conti- nents would easily make it the one over- shadowing feature of many of Akron's rival cities, were they fortunate enough to possess it. Among the economic reasons for the re- markable growth of Akron, an important place inust be given to the extraordinary ad- vantages derived from certain mineral de- posits discovered in Summit County, early in its history. Even the most unreflective reader must be aware of the desirability of cheap fuel in a district devoted to manufacturing. Water-power was a good thing so far as it went; but that was limited, not only in the amount of the horse-power it could develop, but in the kinds of manufacturing which it could subserve. Thus, it was unavailable for the largest part of the operations of the pot- teries and for such work as operating the "driers" of the cereal mills. Fortunately, Nature was prodigal of her gifts to the territory of which Summit County is a part. To the south and east of Akron lie gread beds of bituminous coal, some of it of superior quality. The "Turkey-foot Coal" is the same as that of the Massillon field, and on combu.stion is capable of producing as many heat imits. Steady mining for more than half a centurv has not exhausted these AND REPKESENTATIVE CITIZENS resources; it has not even determined their full extent. New mines are opened from time to time, and the out-put continues to furnish the major part of the Akron supply. A short haul of five, ten, or fifteen miles brings this splendid fuel iv the doors of Akron's big factories. Thus, this city has an advantage over her manufacturing rivals, who must add to the cost of production the ex- pense of transporting fuel, sometimes for long distances. The "burning" of sewer pipe, brick and earthenware requires large quantities of fuel. These were among the very earliest of the city's industries. Contemporaneous were the furnaces for reducing iron ore to metal. They, too, needed heat rather than power. Coal was not the only fuel, for magnificent forests covered the entire country, and rich peat beds filled the swamps in many localities. Long after the coal is exhausted it will be possible to obtain excellent fuel by resorting to the peat deposits in Coventry, Copley and Springfield townships. Oil can also be ob- tained by refining the carboniferous shales which abound in various sections of the country. Akron sewer-pipe is the standard for the world. Specifications often read: "Sewer- pipe used must be equal to the best Akron." It cannot be doubted that the superior quali- ties of the finished product are due in large measure to the superexcellence of the raw material. Great beds of fine clay extend over the to^mships of Tallmadge, Springfield, Coventry and Green, while other townships posse,?s smaller deposits. Reference has been made in previous pages of this history to the existence of iron-fur- naces in Middlebury and Akron. None exist now, and have not for many years. Only the oldest inhabitants -uall remember them. The present generation in surprise, "Well, where in the world did they get the iron ore?" The answer, too, is surprising. It was ob- tained right at home. The furnaces were built here because the ferrous ores were here. They are still here, but are the so-called "boo;- iron." and the process of reduction is so ex- pensive that they cannot compete with the richer ores mined in other parts of the coun- try. Hence, when use was made of the great deposits in the Lake Superior district, the Akron furnaces went out of business, and now nothing remains of them but the .slag and cinder heaps which they left behind. In Springfield and Green townships there exists a four-foot stratum of limestone, of fair quality. Limestone, very impure, also occurs scattered in other portions of the county. Be- low Cuyahoga Falls, it was quarried in the early days of the county, and burned for water-lime. It is said that quantities of this local lime were u.sed in the masonry of the Ohio Canal, at the time of its' construction. Akron and Summit County have had the oil and gas fever from time to time. Many attempts have been made in the last forty years to find these minerals, with varying successs. Mr. Ferdinand Schumacher drilled a deep well, about twenty-five years ago on the site of the former Cascade Mill. His de- sire was to obtain gas sufficient to provide fuel for the operation of his mills. He was not successful, though gas in moderate quan- tities was obtained. Somewhat later J. F. Sei- berling drilled several holes in Springfield Township near Brittain, but after drilling to a great depth the wells were abandoned on account of the poor showing. In Bath and Northampton, surface oil has been known to collect in wells, and farmers have often been excited over the indications of petroleum. In Peninsula, the largest flow of gas ever found in the country comes from a well drilled there, and in the year 1907 the flow was con- tinuing unabated. In 1905-1906, the most ambitious attempt to search for oil that has been made in this district was undertaken. James and Mathew Lang organized the Interstate Oil Company, and secured much capital in Youngstown, Akron, and other cities, for the purpose of making a thorough test of this locality. Their theory was an ingenious one, and ap- peared plausible enough to any but e.xpert geologists. In explaining the theory it was said that oil was all about us. To the east 68 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY and south wese the Pittsburg, Pai'lcersburg and Marietta fields ; on the west were the Lima and Findlay fields, while north of us, some oil had been found in Canada and the Islands of Lake Erie. The oil in all these places had been found in the stratum of rock known as the Trenton formation, and this dipped from all these points toward Akron. In other words, Akron is built over the center of a great basin, the bottom 'of which is formed of Trenton rock. Therefore, all that was nec- essary in order to reach the greatest supply of petroleum ever tapped, was to drill in the neighborhood of Akron until the Trenton formation was encountered. Geologists are of the opinion that this rock lies more than 4,000 feet below the surface of Summit County. These parties overlooked one thing, which is the weak point in their the- ory: The pressure of so tremendous a mass of the earth's crust would certainly force all oil and other liquids to ascend through the geological faults or porous strata, like the shales, to regions where that pressure was not so great. Is it not worthy of belief that this pressure has forced the oil from the central and lower parts of the basin to the rim of it, and that the surrounding fields have oil be- cause it has been forced out of the territory of which Akron is the center? In the years last mentioned, several wells were drilled near Thomastown, and oil in paying quantities was found far above the Trenton rock. Drill- ing was then stopped, and the oil has been steadily pumped from these wells since, in moderate quantities. A well is now being drilled near the State Mill, in Coventry Town- ship, and is said to be down 3,000 feet, with no indications of oil. It is extremely im- probable that Akron will ever enjoy an oil "boom." Most geologists are of the opinion that oil and gas do not exist in Summit County in sufficient quantities to make a search for either very profitable. Nature has so plenteously enriched this region with other resources that no one must be heard to com- plain that one or two gifts "have been with- held. AKRON S EARLY DAYS. On the 6th day of December, 1825, there was duly recorded in the records of Portage County, Ohio, by the recorder thereof, a plat of a new village. It consisted of about 300 lots of land, and occupied the territory lying between the present i-ailroads, St. Bernard's Church, the Goodrich Rubber Plant and the Perkins School. The prime mover in this allotment was General Simon Perkins, of Warren, who owned considerable land in the county, a part of which was included in the amount platted. With him was associated Mr. Paul Williams, who owned the land adjoin- ing Gen. Perkins' on the east. These men were the founders of Akron. The city cannot appropriately celebrate its first centennial until 1925, although 1907 completes the first century since the settlement of Middlebury, which is now a portion of it. The survey for the Ohio canal had been made, and, by studying tlie altitudes of vari- ous places on its length, it was seen that the site of this new village occupied the very highest point. There is a Greek word, Akros, which translated means "high." At the sug- gestion of a lawyer fi-iend. General Perkins adopted the name "Akron" as a very appro- priate one for his new town. She is the original Akron. She has been a prolific pa- rent, for new "Akrons" are found in New York, Colorado, Indiana and many other states. The city does not occupy the highest land in the state, as is often erroneously as- serted. The highest altitude in the city is about 1,100 feet above the level of the sea. The highest point in the state is in the town of Ontario, not far from Mansfield, where the elevation reached is 1,373 feet. The first building built upon the new allot- ment occupied the corner where the Peoples Savings Bank is now located. It was built by Henry Clark, and was used by him for hotel purposes. Soon a store building was built on the lot diagonally opposite. When the work on the canal began, and dwellings and store buildings and shops and ware- houses sprang into existence as though stim- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 6y moned by the wave of a magician, there was large demand for the lots, and many of them were sold in a few months. The enterprise was a splendid success, and the new town started under the happiest auspices. A ship- yard was started inside the town limits at what was afterward called the Lower Basin, and on June 27th, 1827, the first canal boat built in Akron, and the first to regularly navigate the canal, and called the "Ohio," was launched. So Akron grew until August 10th, 1833, on which day the territorial extent of the city was doubled by the filing of a new plat by which all the lands lying north of the town as far as the Little Cuyahoga River, and between what is now th^ railroads on the east and Walnut and Oak Streets on the west, were allotted. As in the former plat, streets, parks, and alleys were provided for, and a little city was carefully laid out on paper. This plat also gave the name of the town em- braced by it as "Akron." This last allotted territory belonged mainly to Dr. Eliakim Crosby. He associated with him Judge Lei- cester King and General Simon Perkins, both of Warren. Dr. Crosby had settled in Mid- dlebury in 1820, coming thence from Can- ada, although he had been born in Litch- field, Connecticut. He embarked in various ventures in Middlebury, operating at times the Cuyahoga furnaces, a lime kiln, a grist mill, saw mill, etc. He sold them all by 1831, and conceived a prospect larger than any of them. His plan was to carry the water of the Little Cuyahoga River by means of a hydraulic race, from Middlebury to a point on the Ohio Canal near Lock Five, near the foot of Mill Street. This would give a fall of water which could be used for power purposes from Lock Five to the northern limits of the town. Work on the race was commenced in 1831, and in the spring of 1833 the waters of the river were flowing through it, and giving the power the en- gineer of the enterprise, Colonel Sebried Dodge, estimated they would. This is the race -which now Rcms through the Old Forge, around the Rocky Bluff above and just to the south of Fountain Park, the present fair grounds, and, crossing Summit, Broadway and High Streets, is conveyed by a conduit under the center of Main Street and down Mill Street from the Central Savings Bank Corner to the "Old Stone Mill," at Lock Five. The mill was built in the year 1832-1833 to make use of the new power. On the maps the new race was called the "Cascade Mill Race." The old village had been called Akron for eight years and the people looked upon the addition as another and separate village. The name of the race they adopted, therefore, as the name of the town, and it was known as "Cascade" for many years thereafter, both at home and abroad. This name was later given to a newspaper, a hotel, and an important store; all named from the town of which they were a part. When the territory between the old and new village became better settled they were often referred to as North and South Akron, but gradually the distinction was obliterated. Today, by "South Akron" the citizen refers to tenitory lying south of Thornton Street, and extend- ing to a point three miles from the center of North Akron. The sixth Federal Census did not recognize Akron. It was the census of 1840. It gave Cleveland, 6,071 ; Steubenville, 4,247 ; Zanes- ville, 4,766; Chillicothe, 3.977. It gave the number of inhabitants in Summit County as 22,560. In 1850, the name of Akron appears for the first time, and the town is credited with 3,266 population. In 1860 this had grown to only 3,477. The new railways had been in operation only five or six years, and their influence was not yet firmly felt. The older part of the town was exceedingly jeal- ous, in the early days, of the new upstart just north of it. Although they were both founded by General Simon Perkins, and had much in common, still, the rapid growth and many superior advantages of the northern section was quite sufficient to disturb the equanimity of the older community. The former possessed the "Stone Mill," and it was the largest manufactnring industry in any of the three towns. Here, also, was the new 70 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY "Cascade House"; the most modern and best of all the hotels in the vicinity. Here was the "Cascade Store," occupying the south- west corner of Main and Market Streets, founded by Jonathan F. Fenn and Charles W. Howai'd, and purchased in 1835 by Mr. Philander D. Hall, and many other advan- tages were enjoyed e.xclusively by the new village. Middlebury was also envious and jealous, and there was a three-cornered rivalry which at times approached to a feeling of bitterness. Finally, the contest settled down to a conflict between the two Akrons, and oftentimes the business rivalry took the form of a contest of force. The newspapers of the time frequently contained long articles of the most bitter recriminations. The two towns were separated by a narrow strip of land, per- haps 600 or 70(3 feet wide, extending from Quarry to Center Streets. This was owned by General Perkins, and was neutral ground. It was called the "gore," whether because of its shape, or the amount of blood it caused to be spilled, is not known. This strip be- longed to neither of the villages and, lying exactly between them, was good compromise ground. Hence, when the church congrega- tions of that day wished to build a place of worship, the partisans of the two sections fought each other to a standstill, and then de- cided to meet halfway and erect their temple on the neutral ground. In order to insure ab- solute fairness in the matter, the churches were faced toward the west. In this way the original Methodist, Baptist and Congrega- tional churches were built. The latter occu- pied the site of the present Court House, while the Baptist was built on the corner of Quarry and High Streets. The reader will doubtless reflect by this time that the County Court House, built in 1841, occupies the site on this neutral ground. When the Baptist Church was built, it was proposed to make it face toward the south. This provoked a quarrel that foimd its way into the newspa- pers, and was waged with much feeling. Many of the members living in North Akron withdrew their church membership; some of the contributors to the building fund, who lived north of the "gore," refused to pay their subscriptions, and the church was nearly rent in twain on account of this sectional warfare. The original Congregational society was broken up and disbanded, and the Meth- odists engaged in an internecine struggle that caused each party to accuse the other, when, in 1841, their church building burned down, of having set it afire. Judging from the news- paper accounts, the fire was not incendiary at all. But, the contest up to the time of the Post- Office War, was mild by comparison with what happened during that memorable affair, and the year or two next succeeding. Then was reached the climax. Up until December, 1837, the post-office had been located in South Akron. It was established in 1826, the year after the founding, by President John Quincy Adams. He appointed a young lawyer named Wolsey Wells as the first postmaster. Mr. Wells built a large house on West Exchange Street, on the corner of Water Street, and in it conducted the operations of the postal serv- ice and collected the tolls on the Ohio Canal, for he was both postmaster and toll collector, and, when he had time, attended to the duties of justice of the peace, in addition. It prob- ably required the revenues from the combined offices to support the one incumbent, and even then his salary was doubtless only a modest one. In 1883, Mr. WelLs moved away from Akron and President Jackson appointed Lewis Humiston, who was then keeping the Clark Tavern, on the corner of Main and Exchange Streets, as his successor in the post-office. He built a small building in the rear of the hotel on the north side of Exchange Street, just east of Main, and established the post-office in it. Early in 1837 Mr. Humiston resigned owing to his removal from Akron and the war was on. There was a large number of applicants for appointment to the vacancy. The contest finally settled down to a struggle between Constant Bryan and Harvey H. Johnson. They were both lawyers and both residents of the north village. The former was after- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 71 ward elected probate judge of the county, and was the father of Major Frederick C. Bryan. The contest grew so acrimonious that the gov- ernment threatened to abolish the office un- less the community would announce its deci- sion at an early date and arrive at it in a peaceable manner. The South Akron candi- dates then withdrew and, with their respective adherents, gave their support to Mr. Johnson in return for his promise, it was alleged, that the site of the post-office should remain in South Akron. This action gave Johnson the support of a large majority of the voters of the two villages, and accordingly he received the appointment. He took possession of the office in June, 1837, and all South Akron rejoiced with him. They felt that they were sharers of his good fortune. Had they not retained one of the greatest factors in the upbuilding of their section of the city? The new postmaster was received with open arms as a new neighbor. They of the North End were inwardly dis- pleased. Mr. Johnson was one of them, but, by maintaining his office in the South End he was giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Their displeasure soon manifested itself out- wardly and the columns of the newspapers bore evidence of their state of feeling. Mr. Johnson's "treason" was .strongly denounced, and every possible argument for the removal of the post-office to the growing North Akron was set forth. Surely the South Akronites could not object to its removal to the neutral ground, called the "Gore"! The churches had compromised on this strip, and here was the logical and reasonable site for all their common activities, the location of which might be in dispute. South Akron could see nothing to arbitrate. They could not see that it was "logical" to give up so desirable an acquisition as the post- office. For them, to go to the post-office was merely to go around the corner or across the street, while the north citizens must trudge a mile or more in snow, mud and burning summer heat to get their mail and buy their .'tamps. It is to be feared that the South Enders taunted them as they pas.«ed and im- moderately rejoiced in their own good for- tune. Human nature is the same in all ages. So the summer and autumn passed and South Akron had settled down to the full enjoyment of the post-office as their own prop- erty. The reader can imagine then, the sur- prise, the absolute consternation, which seized South Akron, one morning in December, 1837, when it looked for its beloved posses- sion and could not find it. It searched for its post-office everywhere within its four cor- ners; it rubbed its eyes and searched again. There was no mistaking the fact that some- body had done something with the post-office. At length the information was brought in that it had gone north during the night. It had not even stopped on the compromise ground. It was not to be a neutral thing, it was not to be possessed in common with the enemy. It had gone over to the enemy. It was resting and operating smoothly in the Buckley Building, on the corner of Howard and Mill streets. The North Enders were tak- ing but a step or two to reach it, while they of the South End were trudging a mile in the snow to buy their stamps, and a weary mile back, nursing their wrath and planning sat- isfaction. If newspaper articles are a means of satis- faction in such a contingency, they had it in full. "We can well believe that the North Enders enjoyed the storm while their cra'^t- fallen rivals thundered their vituperation and insinuation in the local press. The postmaster was denounced as a "traitor" and a "viper." The ugliest charges, l)acked up by affidavits, were printed in the newspaper. Mr. Johnson replied by other articles and made use of many personalities calculated to drive his as- sailants to cover. Finally the editor of the paper refused to extend further the courtesy of his columns for the purpose of continuing the wordy war, and the contestants took to pamphleteering. Sixteen-page pamphlets were used to give vent to the feeling of out- rage on the part of the South .\kron citizens, and their leading men assisted in preparing them and lent their names to the cause. It speaks well for the self-restraint of the com- 72 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY munity that the warfare was confined to the newspapers and that no violence of any kind waa done or attempted. The injured feeling on the part of the South Enders soon passed away. The North End, from that time on, rapidly surpassed it in population, wealth and influence. Many of the citizens of the south village moved their business and residences to the North End. The spirit of partisanship or rivalry soon disappeared, never to be renewed. The post- office was moved many times thereafter with- out a note of protest from anybody. Dr. Dana D. Evans, the successor of Mr. John- son, moved it twice, each time further north. The first move was into the Stone Block, on the east side of Howard street near Market; the second was to the large stone "Good Block," on the corner of Market and Maiden Lane. In 1849, postmaster Frank Adams moved it back to the east side of South Howard street, where Remington's jewelry store is now located. In 1853, his successor, Edward W. Perrin, moved it a few doors further north to a room in the Matthews Block, where it re- mained until July 1st, 1870, when the new postmaster, James B. Storer, just appointed by President Grant, moved it south to the corner room in the Msisonic Temple on the corner of Howard and Mill streets. The lease on the room in the Masonic Temple expired before the new government building was ready for occupancy, and the post-office took temporary quarters in the old office of The American Cereal Company, on the south-east corner of Mill and Broadway, which had been vacated when that company moved its general offices to Chicago. Here it remained until the completion of the government build- ing, on the corner of Market and High Streets, where, in all probability, it will re- main so long as Akron people will have need of postal services. The separate post-office of Middlebury has been discontinued and a branch of the Akron office installed in its place, yet there was no objection to the move on the part of anyone. At the present time there is no rivalrv between anv of the manv sections of the city, but, everywhere, the visitor sees evidence of a new spirit, a uni- versal desire to pull together for the good of Akron. AKRON AN INCORPORATED TOWN. The real history of Akron as a municipal corporation commences on the 12th day of March, 1836, for it was on that day that the legislature of the State of Ohio duly passed a resolution granting to the two villages. South and North Akron, a town charter, in accord- ance with their joint request, as contained in a petition they presented to the General Assembly in 1835. In addition to the land contained in the original town plats of Gen- eral Perkins, Paul AVdlliams, Dr. Crosby and Leicester King, this act of the legislature added to the municipal territory more than three square miles just east of and contiguous to the said plats. The east corporate line under this grant of municipal rights extended a trifle east of the present Spicer Street and from about Hamilton Avenue across Fir, Mar- ket and North Main and Howard Streets to the Little Cuyahoga River. The incoiporating act provided a complete scheme of government for the new munici- pality, including officers, elections, forms of taxation, legislation, boards of education, etc. It provided for the election of a mayor, a recorder and five trustees. It prescribed that the first town election should be held on the second Tuesday in June, 1836. The terri- tory out of which Akron was formed wa- taken from both Coventry and Portage town- ships. For the purpose of the first election, the usual polling place of Portage Township was to be used — the old Clark Tavern, on the corner of Main and Exchange Street*. In 1836, the North End contained more electors than the South End, and, in the caucuses of both the Whig and Democrat par- ties, it captured the nominations. In the election following, political lines were oblit- erated, as they always should be in municipal elections, and the results showed that the voters split on sectional lines of cleavage in- AND REPEESENTATIVE CITIZENS 73 stecad. The Whigs nominated Seth Iredell for mayor. He was a Quaker who had come from Pennsylvania about the time of the completion of the canal, and had been in- timately connected with the affairs of the norlh town since the beginning. Their can- didate for recorder was Charles W. Howard, a son-in-law of Dr. Crosby's, who, of course, was strongly identified with the interests of North Akron. The nominees of the Demo- crats for m.ayor and recorder were Dr. Elia- kim Crosby and Constant Bryan, respectively, one the founder of North Akron and the other one of its most prominent citizens. It was rather poor politics to localize the nominations in this way, but the North End- ers had the power, and the temptation to it to the utmost was too strong to be with- stood. The South Enders showed their feel- ings by voting against the man who was most responsible for the existence of the North End, and all others who were intimately con- nected with him. The total vote cast in the ensuing election was one hundred and sixty- six, and the strong interest in the election. produced by the warfare of the sections, doubtless drew out a full vote. The votes were soon counted and it was ascertained that Mr. Iredell had been elected by a majority of sixteen, while Mr. Bryan w-as elected by a majority of twelve. The vote was as follows: FOR MAYOR. Seth Iredell, Whig 91 Elilakim Crosby, Democrat 75 FOR RECORDER. Constant Bryan, Democrat 87 Charles W. Howard, Whig 75 FOR TRUSTEES. Erastus Torrey, Whig •. 153 Jededlah D. Commins. Democrat 143 Noah M. Green, Whig 124 William B. Mitchell, Democrat 114 William E. Wright, Whig S8 By the terms of the charter, all the above officials were to constitute the Town Council and possess within themselves all the execu- tive, administrative, legislative and appointive functions. The charter provided for a mar- shall, treasurer, engineer, solicitor, all to be appointed by the Town Council, and for such police and fire officers as it might deem ex- pedient. When the council organized, it was learned that Mr. Mitchell had declined to act as trustee and Justus Gale, a Whig, was chosen to fill the vacancy. After sei-ving a few months Mr. Commins also rasigned as trustee and the council appointed William K. May as his successor. The grant of municipal powers from the state provided that town officials should hold office only one year. These just elected had but got well acquainted with their respective duties and had settled down to a reasonable enjoyment of the honors so hardly won, when the time for their exit from the stage of pub- lie affairs arrived. Whether they were dis- satisfied with their offices or the people with their officials, the truth remains that not one of them remained in his office for a second term'. Akron has earned for herself a repu- tation for fickleness in this r&spect that en- dures to the present day. At the second election, held in 1837, John C. Singleton, Jr., wa.s elected mayor, William E. Wright, recorder, and William K. May, William T. Mather, Dave D. Evans, Jesse Allen and Eben Blodgett, trustees. When the new council met it elected Moses Cleve- land, marshal, and Horace K. Smith, treas- urer. The new mayor was a young man of twenty-seven years. His predecessor was nearly sixty-three. Mayor Singleton came of a wealthy family, living at Streetsboro, Portage County. He had graduated at Western Eeserve College, at Hudson, with the class of 1835, and was esteemed later as a very bril- liant man. He made some very unfortunate business ventures upon coming to Akron after his graduation, and his inexperience in the law prevented his securing many or profitable clients, so he was better known in Akron for his debts and his poverty than for any especial abilities, at the time of his candidacy. The fame he won by his first term brought him a re-election over such a strong candidate HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY as William M. Dodge, who was afterward elected probate judge of the county. In June, 1839, General Lucius V. Bierce, a most remarkable man in many ways, was elected as mayor. He had just returned from the ill-fated "Patriot" expedition into Can- ada. In 1838, it was believed by many American citizens that Canada was ready for revolution. A Canadian editor, William Lyon Mackenzie, was the originator of the movement. On the American side, all the territory bordering on the Great Lakes, be- came interested in it. In the beginning it took the form of a fraternal order with the accompanying ritual, secrecy, oaths, etc. "Hunters Lodges," as they were called, were established in many places. A prosperous lodge was formed in Akron. The object of the order was to assist Canada in throwing off the yoke of Great Britain. On the burning of the filibustering schooner "Caroline" by the Canadian authorities in December, 1837, great excitement prevailed in Akron and public meetings were held by all the prominent citizens and resolutions adopted demanding the prompt interference of the President of the United States. General Bierce was a brigadier-general of Ohio mili- tia. He had always been a student of mili- tary matters and had early inter&sted himself in the State Guard. The Canadian movement found him ready to begin hostilities at the drop of a hat. A convention of "Patriots" was called at Buffalo. General Bierce at- tended and so impressed the other delegates with his military knowledge that he was chosen as military commander-in-chief of the whole movement. The movement never reached any serious proportions. Judging from its size, the character of the men be- hind it, and the preparations made for carry- ing it out, it never got beyond the stage of boys' play. An attack of two hundred men was made in Canada in the St. Lawrence River district, and repelled without appreciable difBculty, and the leader of it hanged. Mackenzie was driven from Canada. December 4, 1838, Gen- eral Bierce at the head of 137 men, made the second and last incursion into Canada. It started from Detroit and got as far as A\"ind- sor, just across the river. Fifty British -sol- diers were guarding the barracks here. The "Patriot Army," as the commander-in-chief delighted to call his squad, .succeeded in set- ting fire to the baiTacks and also in burn- iing a non-belligerent little steamer, "The Thames," lying at the wharf. They were soon attacked by 400 Canadian soldiers, and, of the 137 who crossed the river, only thirty returned. The rest were either killed or taken prisoners. The captured were transported to Van Die- man's land. This was the last of the effort to "free" Canada. It was a most inglorious affair. It is difficult to see now how anyone could pos- sibly draw any credit from it, except, perhaps, the Canadian soldiers and the American fed- eral authorities, who promptly and energetic- ally did all they could to break up these fili- bustering expeditions and lo maintain our ordinary status with the British government as a power with whom we were on friendly terms. General Bierce, it is alleged by many, did not acquit himself with extraordinary valor. He has been critici.'^ed for being among the first to cross in the little canoe to the American side after the disastrous sequel. Be that as it may, he returned to Akron with .splendid stories of his exploits and speedily became a hero in the eyes of his fellow citizens. It was something to have an Akron man put in command of the "combined Pa- triot forces," if they did number only one hundred and thirty-seven. Anyhow, the next year General Bierce stood for mayor and was triumphantly elected. His military renown stood him in such good stead that he was elected mayor again in 1841-1844-1849-1867- 1868, and was made president of the Board of Education at its first organization, in 1847. Other well-known men who have held the office of mayor are George W. McNeil. Wil- liam T. Allen, George D. Bates, Sr., James ]\Iathews and Samuel A. Lane. In 18.^1, the people of the State of Ohio .ndopted a new constitution. Acting under "IRVING LAWN," RESIDENCE OF MRS. A. L. CONGER, AKRON RESIDENCE OF JAMES 11, A Nil )|;K\\ s, .\KRONI; THE PERKINS HOMESTEAD, AKRON RESIDENCE OF BERTRAM G. WORK. AKRON RESIDENCE OF MRS. RICHARD P. MARVIN, AKRON RESIDENCE OF MRS. ETTA W. WORK, AKROj AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 77 powers granted by it, the legislature made a classification of municipalities according to population. In it Akron was classified as a village and henceforth was known as the "In- corporated Village of Akron." The popula- tion then was little more than three thousand. December 14, 1864, recorder Henry W. Ingersoll, acting under instructions from the council, took a local enumeration and found the population living within the corporate limits of Akron to be 5,066. According to the mimicipal classification this entitled Akron to be advanced to the grade of "city of the second class." On the 25th day of Decembei-, 1864, the Village Council passed a resolution that the necessary steps for ad- vancement be taken and petitioned the State authorities to that end. This was done on the 21st day of January, 1865. John Brough was then Governor of Ohio. On that date the "City of Akron" had its inception. Here- tofore there had been no wards or precincts. Under the enabling act, the Council imme- diately met and laid out the city into three wards and took the steps for holding the first city election on the first Monday in the coming April. Hitherto the village elections had been held in June. April 3, 1865, the first city election was held and James Mathews was chosen as the first mayor of the new city. The first council, elected at the same time, was thus constituted : First Ward — Charles W. Bonstedt, elected for one year; George W. Crouse, elected for two years. Second Ward — John E. Bell, one year; Henry W. Howe, two years. Third Ward — ■ J. Park Alexander, one year; Lewis Miller, two years. This council organized by elect- ing Mr. Miller as president and Jeremiah A. Long as clerk. One of the important acts of this council was adding additional territory lying imme- diately east of the city. A small strip lying between the two municipalities of Akron and Middlebury was thickly settled and desired the benefits of city government and improve- ments. Their petition was acted upon favor- ably by the city and the countv commission- ers, and, on September 6, 1865, the second territorial addition was made to Akron. This strip was bounded roughly as follows: On the west by the east corporation line of Akron, running about the present location of Spicer and Fir streets; on the south by Exchange Street, running on the same courses as it does today; on the east by the west line of the village of Middlebury, which extended as far west as the present junction of East Market Street and Buchtel Avenue. Early in 1870 there commenced an agita- tion in favor of the annexation of Middle- bury. The two municipalities touched each other and to all intents and purposes were as one. In Akron the sentiment was unani- mous in favor of consolidation and in Middle- bury a strong feeling in that direction began to set in. At length, public sentiment there ripened to such a degree that the Middlebury Village Council passed an ordinance submit- ting the question of annexation to Akron to a vote of the village electors. This ordinance was passed August 24, 1871. The Akron City Council passed a similar ordinance on the 5th day of February, 1872. It was agreed and provided that the question should be voted upon at the regular spring election to be held in 1872. It was held on the first Monday in April, and the annexationists were triumphant in both municipalities. In Akron only .-ix votes were cast against the project; in Mid- dlebury only twenty-six. The total vote in favor of annexation was 1,182, of which Middlebury gave 140. The Akron Council then chose, as members of the joint commis- sion to arrange the details of annexation, th6 following citizens : William T. Allen, George W. Crouse and David L. King. The Middle^; bury Council selected the following represent- ative Middlebury men as its commissioners : Frank Adams, George F. Kent and Dr. Men- dal Jewett. ■ • This joint commission met at once and quickly agreed upon all the terms incidental to the process- of annexation, such as arrang; ing for equitable distribution of the publjc debts, taxation, assessments, etc. Their agree- ment was incorporated into an ordinance 78 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY which was passed by the Akron Council on April 24, 1872, and by Middlebury April 19, 1872. By this Act, the city of Akron in- creased its population about one-fifth and added to its domains a large extent of terri- tory which possessed great resources. Middlebury had been known for its water- power and its clay-beds especially. It also brought into the city a substantial, sturdy citizenship which was bound to make its in- fluence felt in muTiicipal advancement. By the ordinance of March 9, 1871, the Akron City Council had redistricted the city and created two new wards in addition to the original three, rather they had made five new ones of the original three, and, when Middle- bury was annexed, it was provided by ordi- nance of May 27, 1872, that it should form the Sixth AVard of the city. As such it con- tinued until 1900, when the annexation of much territory on the south, the west and the north, made another redistricting neces- sary. It then became the Second Ward of the city. In 1904, the ward numbers were changed again and the old number of Sixth was given to the district of Middlebury. In the year 1907 it is known as the "Old Sixth" ward of the city of Akron. On October 28th of the same year (1872) a small district lying south of East Exchange was made a part of the city of Akron. Ten years later, a large district lying to the north- east was annexed. This new territory wa's in Tallmadge and Portage townships and had been known for years as "The Old Forge." It had received the name from the wrought- iron industry established there in 1817 by Asaph Whittlesey, of Tallmadge. Aaron Nor- ton and William Laird, of Middlebury. It is known today as the "Old Forge" district. The ordinance for this annexation passed the council of February 18, 1882, and by coun- cil action taken on March 1, 1886, it was made a part of the Sixth Ward. By an ordinance dated March 15, 1886, the council took the necessary steps to bring about the annexation of part of Coventry Township, on the south, and part of Portage Township, on the west and north. When this action was completed, the south corporation line had been extended to about South Street, on the south, and to a line running north and south and crossing Beck and Byers Ave- nues and Market Street, on the west. By this action nearly 700 acres of land, well popu- lated, was added to the city. These additions, made during the decade, lent much interest to the census of 1890, and the citizens awaited impatiently the announcement of the results of the count. The total of 27,601 was very gratifying and every true Akronian felt that from that time onward the world would be compelled to take notice of the existence of the city of Akron. In 1899-1900, by action of the City Coun- cil and the county commissioners, the city of Akron took additional territory from both Coventry and Portage Townships. The city had outgrown its old limits. In South Akron a district extending beyond the railroads, at Falor's and Wingerter's crossings, was thickly populated. The desirable residence features of North Hill had attracted many new resi- dents there. On the west both Perkins Hill and West Hill now contained the costliest and fashionable residences in the city. Many of these had been built outside the old corporation line. This territory on the south, west and north was all annexed to the city at this time. The new city limits now extended beyond Falor's Crossing and Summit Lake on the south, passed through the Count}' Farm, where the Tnfirmary is located, and intersected North Portage Path, near the Country Club, on the west ; added a populous district on Merriman road, and intersected Cuyahoga Falls Avenue on the north. The annexation was made in time to have the additional population included in the census of 1900 as a part of the enumeration for Akron. The official count that year showed that Akron had a population of 42,728. The growth since 1900 has been steady, and at the present time the population is close to 60,000. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 79 MERCANTILE AKRON. As early as 1843 Horace Greeley said, in the Neiv York Tribune after a visit to Akron : "This place, with a population of 2,500, has five woolen factories, an extensive blast fur- nace, a machine shop, a card manufactory, nine dry-goods stores, and about as man\ other stores; two weekly newspapers, four lai'ge flouring mills,- a court house, four churches and two more being erected." For the purposes of this chapter Mr. Gree- ley's reference to the dry-goods stores is alone of importance. Now, as then, the Akron mer- cantile concerns devoted entirely, or in part, to the sale of dry-goods outnumber those deal- ing in any other one line of life's so-called necessities. Up to 1825, the mercantile life of the town — as was true of all else savoring of a settled community — was centered in Middle- bury, which in the year mentioned had some ten or twelve stores and was the trading center of a considerable portion of northern Ohio. The canal was important in Akron's be- ginning. It brought the first con.siderable number of customers for prospective mer- chants. It is recorded that soon after work was begun upon the canal, a man named Benedict erected a two-story frame store at the southwest corner of Main and Exchange streets. Mr. Benedict was probably the pio- neer merchant of Akron proper. The busi- ness which he established was continued for many years under the name of the "Mam- moth Store," and carried such a variety of goods suitable, of course, to the multitude of needs of a more or less primitive population, that it may rightly be termed Akron's first department store. Mechanics and laborers poured into the infant city. Manufacturers located conven- iently near; farmers clustered about the out- skirts, and Benedict's "Mammoth Store" soon had many rival seekers for the trade of the active and progressive population of Akron in the twenties. In the village of Cascade, the northern one of the settlements out of which modem Akron was formed, the first store building was one erected by the late Seth Iredell in 1832, at the southwest corner of Market and Howard streets, on the site now occupied by Green- wood Brothers. In 1832 Jonathan F. Fenn and Charles W. Howard established themselves in Mr. Iredell's block with a varied line of merchan- dise, but after three somewhat stormy years these early and disappointed "merchant princes" gave up the struggle. In 1835 Phil- ander D. Hall acquired a lease of the prop- erty and entered into the conduct of the busi- ness founded by Messrs. Fenn and Howard. He was much more successful than they had been, and proceeded, with his brother, to build a business and a fortune. The business was discontinued only on the death of the brothers, a few years ago. Such were the beginnings of the "general store" or "depart- ment store" business in Akron. It has grown as Akron has grown. Hundreds of mercan- tile establishments founded and conducted on a small basis have made the names of their thrifty proprietors household words in the localities where they affixed themselves. Many such businesses through the judicious investment of profits, created comfortable fortunes. But good fortune in Akron has not been more nearly universal than elsewhere. For instance, no more pathetic and at the same time no more remarkable figure has been identified with Akron's mercantile life than that of the venerable Joseph E. Wesener, still among the living, though past eighty years of age. Born in Pennsylvania in 1827, Mr. Wesener came to Akron from Canton in 1846, and as a youth of twenty gained a prac- tical insight into mercantile affairs by clerk- ing in Akron stores for four years. Then he entered into partnership with the late Allen Hubbard. Two fires were encountered (but survived) in a few years, but Mr. Wesener pushed on, sometimes alone, and again with various partnei-s, dealing in wool, conducting dry-goods stores, .speculating where legitimate opportunity presented itself, and for a third of a century continuing to do a phenomenally 80 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY successful business in Akron. He was at one time rated as Akron's wealthiest citizen. Then came reverses. One, venture after another proved unsuccessful. Disaster after disaster visited itself upon him; his properties were swept away, and this venerable "captain of industry," his wealth vanished, his fame en- feebled by the relentless wear of the years, is ending his days in dire poverty. The following are some of those who have had an active part in Akron's commercial life since 1840, arranged so far as possible, in chronological order: Frank J. Kolb, 1840; Major Erhard Steinbacher, druggist and gro- cer, 1851 ; Jacob Koch, clothier, beginning as a clerk for Koch & Levi in 1854 ; John Cook, grocer, 1855 (afterward succeeded by his sons) ; Cornelius A. Brouse, 1859 ; C. W. Bonstedt, John B. Houghton, John Wolf, 1862; George C. Berry, 1866. Others who have made their names in Akron's mercantile affairs were Brouse & Co., O'Neil & Dyas (now conducted by Michael O'Neil as The M. O'Neil & Co.), who first conceived the idea of a modern department store for Akron, an idea which has been worked out to huge success under the present management; Mur- ray & Watt (later the Boston Store, which was discontinued within the present year) ; Myers & Polsky (still conducted successfully by A. Polsky and his two sons) ; Wendel Mangold, Dague Brothers (whose business was recently purchased by the C. H. Yeager Co.) ; Burke C. Herrick, 0. H. Remington, J. B. Storer, Dwight A. Hibbard, George J. Neiberg, C. M. Hibbard, William J. Frank, D.H.McBride and E. C. McBride, George S. Dales, Alfred M. Barber, Levi Kryder,"C. M., F- L. and J. H. Kryder; Augustus Jabaut, John C- Weber, William Gray, John Kreuder, James N. Baldwin. George A. Bisbee, Charles W. F. Dick, David K. and Albert T. Paige, George Viall, Burdette L. Dodge. George W. Weeks, Albert T. Kingsbury, Louis Loeb, Fred Kuhlke, Shepard B. Lafferty, Nicholas Las- karis, Antonio Masino. J. M. Laffer, S. K. Black. John D. Rampanelli. Henry A. Akers, Emil Ganmeter, Charles A. Pouchot, John S. Herrold, George A. Kempel. Oliver A. Sor- rick, Josiah J. Harter, A. C. Rohrbacher, John Gross, James T. Diehm, William Durr, J. W. Little, R. M. Pillmore, and a host of others. As will be noticed, many of the names which were familiar to commercial Akron a generation or more ago are familiar now. Business conditions have changed somewhat, it is true. The city has acquired metropolitan qualities, and the people metropolitan requirements. The business details that made a concern popular and successful a generation ago might easily be shown to be valueless now. And such merchants of that other Akron as are still in business were obliged to be progressive. And they were. There are many new names in the mercantile roster for 1907. Each of them indicates the city's added greatness. The double line of business houses which formerly extended for a block on Howard street and for a short distance on Market street, has been found too small to do the city's mercantile business. Main street has been changed from a rough and rubbish- strewn canal bank to a first class business thoroughfare of which, in its mercantile as- pect, any city might be proud. Haeey S. Quine. FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS. AKRON FIRE DEPARTMENT. Up to the year 1839, Akron had no fire department of any kind, the inhabitants be- ing notified by one calling to another or in the ringing of the church bells. But in De- cember, 1839, an ordinance was passed pro- viding for a volunteer fire department. From this arose the "North Akron Fire Company," formed January 28, 1840, with its twenty- six members. And to the people, certificates of membership were issued. February 10, 1846, eight more were added and the numeral one was added, thus making them No. 1. The equipment of this company was gotten by private subscription, it consisting of a ro- tary Iiand engine costing $600, with the sub- scribers paying $25.00 each toward the en- AND REPRESENTATIVE CtTIZENS 81 gine. This company bought also for itself fifty feet of hose and finally, in 1841, was ofifered a small building for headquarters on Mill Street. "Niagara Fire Engine No. 2" was started December 20, 1845, and its membership num- bered thirty-seven. A hook and ladder com- pany w^as formed in 1847, with the energetic name of "Tornado Fire Company No. 3." Various other companies were formed from time to time, but all volunteer. It was not until May, 1858, that there was a paid de- partment, and then it was two dollars per year for each member. The Niagara Com- pany was equipped with a new engine pur- chased by the town, with headquarters, finally, in the small brick building still standing on Federal Street. The West Side had its in- dependent company, called the "West Kill- ers." Later there was a German hook and ladder company called "Washington No. 3." Still another organization was known as the "Mechanics Hook and Ladder Company." At the present time the fire equipment in Akron is as good as any in the country. It will be recalled that one of the fruitfiil sources of improvement in this line has been the steady increasing factor of fire insurance. Other things being equal, the city with the best fire department obtains the lowest rate. To see that fire rules are strictly observed, to keep buildings free from inflammable mate- rial, insurance agents and fire department co- operate. The estimating a rate on a given dwelling, the construction and exposure are considered, and for any building used for other than residence purposes there is a sep- arate rate. Maps of every street are made and, in short, fire protection has changed from a matter of convenience and local pride to a purely business proposition. This being true, it has a marked reaction on the fire department. Fire cisterns are located over the business centers of the city and a superbly equipped and finely organized body of men is at the se^\^ce of the city. Civil sen'- ice rules prevail strictly and almost military discipline is enforced. Every night there is drill and so perfect is the discipline that the equipment can get away in eleven seconds from the first sounding of the alarm. Each man is allowed one day off out of five and fourteen days vacation in a year. Particularly should Akron feel proud of its fire and police alarm system. In the year 1873 there was only one box in the city and that was located in the engine house. But about 1880 Engineer Loomis began the pres- ent system. At first it was a key for each box with the key at the nearest house. Now, of course, the alarm is turned in as soon as the door is thrown open. This entire equipment was put in by En- gineer Loomis at a cost of three thousand dol- lars, whereas, if put in by regular methods, it would have cost twelve thousand dollars. To look after the details of this intricate system, the mechanical engineer, an expert lineman and three operators give their entire time. The engine-houses in Akron are seven in number. No. 1 is the Central, where is lo- cated the headquarters of the alarm system. Here also are two separate and distinct compa- nies, an engine company and a truck com- pany. Here also, as at all the engine-houses, may be seen the fire district system. The re- sult of this is that in case of a fire aff'ecting a certain district, the blaze L« attended to by the fire company in that district. This leaves that engine-house without an equipment. To meet this situation the engine companies move up according to a regular schedule. Engine-house No. 2 is located in East Akron and is in charge of Captain Smith. In addition to the gymnasium and dining room the house has a beautiful fountain presented to it by the late D. E. Hill. Probably of this fire company more than any other is it true that there is a distinct local pride in it. For the site of the engine-house is that of the town hall of the historic town of Middlebury, and local pride is still strong. Station No. 3 is located on the West Side. Here is the home of Assistant Fire Chief Rice and here is one of the new engine-houses. Being in a community of wealth many pleas- ant social features are seen in connection with the regular routine of duty. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Station No. 4 is located in the South End, with Captain Tryon at its head. In addition to the splendid equipment there is also a branch of the public library. Station No. 5 is another new station on Buchtel avenue. Here is the official home of Chief Mertz, and also one of the finest sta- tions in the city. Station No. 6 is located on Wooster avenue and is in command of Captain Dorner. This station has a larger territory than any other house in the city. Station No. 7 is the latest addition and is on North Hill, with Captain N. P. Smith in charge. Here the equipment is a combined hose and chemical wagon. AKRON POLICE DEPARTMENT. The police depai'tment of the county nat- urally centers about Akron and that depart- ment has steadily increased from its first marshal. Marshal Wright, to the present com- plex organization. William Mason was the last Marshal of Akron, and with the loss of that official succeeded the period of the Police Chief with the incumbent, H. H. Harri- son. He was so appointed in 1897, and under him were twenty-seven officers. In 1900 the positions of captain and lieutenant were created. At the present time, in addition to the officers, are three detectives, a police sur- geon, clerk, prison-keeper and photographer. This last^ — the photographer — has the task of taking the pictures of all suspected crimi- nals and at present has two hundred and sixty. The police alarm system is similar in oper- ation to that of the fire department. Each officer must ring np hourly when on duty. And every box is marked telephone, fire, pa- trol, riot, so that his signal indicates the state of his beat. The patrol — an automobile — for a long time was the only one of its kind in the world. That, too, was built by Engineer Loomis. The old one has just worn out and a new one is to be installed in a very short time. No history of the police would be complete without a passing mention of the riot of 1900. From that riot dates the reorganized police. At that time an emergency arose which showed all too plainly the lack of organiza- tion and the inability to meet the demands of that catastrophe. Since then, riot guns have been a part of the regular equipment of the police, riot calls have been among their expec- tations, and there has grown up the feeling that the police are a distinct and separate or- ganization somewhat apart from the good old days when Akron was a village. The detective bureau in operation at city hall operates along metropolitan lines and is a vital part of that complicated and intricate machinery by which one is detected. By these men a close watch is kept on all strang- ers and there are few new arrivals that are not watched and inspected. Besides this, by means of exchanged photographs, measure- ments and other devices, fugitives from jus- tice are apprehended and the difficulties of escape are increased. Through the depart- ment very efficient work has been done and in one case, at least, public notice has been taken of this branch. John E. Washer, for a long time prison-keeper, established a record ns an able detective, and is now serving the president of the country as a personal body- guard. Other prominent local characters connected with the detective service have been Edward Dunn, now on the pension list; James Burli- son, an old-time detective, and our first mar- shal, and Captain "Jack" Wright. At the present time there is established a well regulated pension system for both the fire and police department. The working of this branch of the service as.?ures the mem- bers of these departments of an a.«sured in- come at the expiration of a given length of service. From it results a steadv class of men watchful to maintain the credit of their re- spective bodies. In times past the bane of both fire and po- lice departments has been political influence. To minimize this the legislature has placed the members iinder civil service rules, and now AND KEPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 83 promotions are made on the basis of fitness, physical and mental. When a vacancy occurs a regulai' examination is held and the candi- dates are mai'ked as at school. Besides this, both bodies of men are placed under the direction of the Board of Public Safety, a board appointed by the Mayor of Akron. The net results of this system are of comparative freedom from "pull." Still the counter results of an assured position and the difficulty of a trial involving incompetency are factors in the other direction. It is true, also, in a measure that Akron gets as good a force as its people demand. OUTSIDE FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS. Outside of Akron the fire and police de- partments exist, but in a modified form. Bar- berton has a regular police department and a paid fire depai-tment has been recently organ- ized. A water-works system prevails there, and an unusual degree of efficiency is mani- fest in both organizations. Cuyahoga Falls still relies on the village marshal and has the nucleus of an efficient fire department. The other villages of the county rely for police protection on their mar- shals and constables and on volunteer depart- ment. Harry S. Quine. the riot of 1900 the darkest night in Akron's history. Wednesday, the 22d day of August, in the year 1900, was a day of rejoicing in America. The wires under the Pacific had throbbed with a message of joy for all Christendom. Pekin had fallen — the capital city of China. The Imperial Court had departed in hasty flight to the interior. The American troops were the heroes of the allied armies. They had attacked and repulsed the Yellow Horde laying siege to the British Legation, where the American minister and his family and other good citizens had taken refuge when the Boxers arose. America rejoiced that her sons and daughters had successfully escaped from the perils of the 4,000 shells that fell into that legation ; from the famine and sick- ness of the long siege, and especially from the ferocity and torture and barbarism of the legions of Chinese savages. Akron is a rep- resentative American conmmnity. Her peo- ple were just as glad as any on account of the glory which had come upon the American armies. In the evening of that day a large part of the beauty and wealth and culture of the city had met on the beautiful grounds of the Per- kins homestead where a lawn party was being held for the benefit of a splendid charity. Sounds of mirth and music filled the air and countless lights and colors made it a brilliant scene. It is a common sight in any center of culture and fashion. Out in Lakeside Park the beautiful sum- mer night had drawn a large company of spectators to the Casino, and they were en- joying to the full the delights oif the thea- ter. But the night in Akron had not been given over to pleasure alone. What strange con- trasts human living presents sometimes ! The darkest night Akron had ever seen had fallen with the coming of dusk that night. The perfect picture of Hell, that was to be beheld before the coming of dawn again, was then in the making. The Antithesis of joy and light and love and good-will was gaining fol- lowers in other parts of the city and they were preparing for the crowning of Hate, and Re- venge, and Lust for Blood. If little Christina Maas had not been play- ing by the road-side, near the home of her parents on Perkins Hill, on Monday evening, August 21, 1900, in all probability Akron would have been spared her deepest shame. Not that the innocent child, in her sweet play, was the of what followed, but that she was destined to form a link in the chain of circumstances, without which completed ac- tion could not be had. She was the little, six- vear-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Maas. As she played by the roadside in the early evening with her girl friends, a negro drove by. He called to her. She did not fear him. He persuaded the older children to 84 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY leave and promised little Christina a gift of candy. He asked her to get into his buggy and she responded in her childish confidence and natural faith in mankind and all. He assisted her as she climbed in. He whipped up the horse and drove down the country road. The negro was Louis Peck. He was a stranger in Akron. He had been here but a short time, having come from Patterson, New Jersey. His reputation there was very bad and the authorities wanted him there for a long list of crimes he had committed. (Since coming to Akron he and his wife had been working in a restaurant. He was about forty years of age and black and unprepossessing. After his arrest, he confessed freely all he did that evening, after he drove into the country and until he left the little girl crying and injured by the lonely roadside with night coming on. He had hired the horse and buggy from a Main street liveryman. After driving back into town he abandoned them and they were found soon after by the police. It was by means of the horse and buggy that the offi- cers were enabled to learn the identity of the perpetrator of this outrage. As soon as the police department was informed of the crime every policeman on duty was notified and in- structed to be on the lookout for such a ne- gro as Peck. Every place in the city likely to harbor him was searched and the railway tracks were watched with sharp sight, but Peck succeeded in escaping from the city. He had lost no time in beginning his flight. Not a trace of him could be secured. On Tuesday the officers patrolled the railway tracks, rather expecting that Peck was still in the city, in hiding, and would try to make his escape. A number of them were scattered along the tracks on Tuesdav night. Shortly after midnight a freight train rolled into the Union depot from the east. Officer Duffy was patrolling the tracks in that vicin- ity and, as the train pased him, standing in the dark, a negro jumped from one of the cars almost into his arms . Officer Duffy ar- rested the man. It was Peck. He was taken at once in the patrol wagon to the city prison. The prison-keeper was awakened and spent the rest of the night talking with Peck about the crime. By adroit leading and skillful questioning Mr. Washer succeeded at last in getting Peck to make a full confession. R. W. Wanamaker, the prosecuting attorney, was summoned, a stenographer secured, and Peck's statement was taken down verbatim. At 9 o'clock he was arraigned before the mayor, W. E. Young, in the mayor's court. He pleaded guilty to a charge of rape and was bound over by the mayor to the Common Pleas Court to await the action of the Grand Jury at the coming September term. His bond was placed at $5,000, and he was com- mitted to the prison because of his inability to furnish bail in that amount. Greatly exaggerated stories of his confes- sion and of the criminal act were circulated throughout the city. The appearance of the evening papers (especially one, very im- prudently printed in red ink) and the cries of the newsboys selling them, stirred up a feeling of resentment. Excitement was slow- ly kindling. Many heedless remarks were made by persons whose words usually carry weight. An Akron professional gentleman was on his way home at 5 o'clock that bright Wednesday afternoon. He stopped in a store and listened to a recital of the outrage by the merchant. Said the professional man in the hearing of a little company, "I'll be one of a hundred to go over and take him out of the jail and hang him." Not a man in the company protested. No one deemed the senti- ment extravagant or the speech incendiary. There was an echo in their own breasts. Every man felt a personal interest in having so great a wrong redressed and in having it done at once. Many such intemperate remarks were made that afternoon as the story spread. As earlv in the day as noon, threats were made to the authorities that the negro would be lynched. The executive departments of the city government heard the mutterings of the coming storm all afternoon. The county officers heard it also. None of them can be heard to say now that they were taken by sur- prise. They were totally impreparcd when HIGH SCHOOL, AKRON FRATTNFELTEK SCHOOL. AKKOiN MILLER SCHOOL, AKRON FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST (DISCIPLES) BUCHTEL COLLEGE— RESIDENCE OF PRESIDENT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH— AKRON AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS the hour of trial came, but they were not taken unawares. They had full warning more than ten hours before the storm broke in all its fury. They paid this much attention to the threats and warnings they had received — they ordered Sheriff Frank G. Kelly to take the prisoner to Cleveland during Wednesday aft- ernoon for safe keeping. Another colored man named William (alias "Bug") Howard had been locked up in the prison awaiting commit- ment to the county jail as he, too, had been bound over to the Common Pleas Court on a charge of shooting a white man in the leg. It was deemed best to take Howard along, as a mob might easily mistake the identity of the negro they sought, or might be so incensed at the whole black race, that they would not hesitate to hang another than the one sought. These two black men were soon secure behind the gray walls of the Cleveland prison. The Akron authorities were congratulating them- selves on so successful an issue of their wise planSi When a mob appeared they would laugh at them and enjoy their discomfiture when told the quarry had flown. They know more about mobs and mob nature now. Crow'ds began to collect at the intersection of Main and Howard streets a short time aft?r 6 o'clock. Knots of men stood about the prison talking over the affair. Some were already discussing the advisability of trying to make an example of the prisoner. Consid- erable sentiment in favor of such action had been aroused during the day in several of the big city factories. Some of these men were present and made up their minds that, if an opportunity offered, they would make good what they had said they would do. As it began to grow dark and to become difficult to distinguish objects across the street, the crowd, much augmented, closed in about the old brick building which Akron people had known for many years as "The City Building." They began to call for Peck and to hoot and jeer the police officers who were within. The chief of police had become alarmed and had summoned everv available man for duty at headquarters. Much parleying took place between city of- ficials and the members of the crowd. They tried to push into the building through the Main street doors, but the officers prevented them. There was still much daylight remain- ing when the first attack on the building was made. A shower of stones and bricks broke the windows and bombarded the stout doors. Then a ladder was brought out and quickly manned. This was used as a battering-ram on the north doors, which lead into the Mayor's Court. The stones and bricks continued to fly. The doors were rapidly giving way be- neath the repeated blows of the improvised ram. Then one of the front windows was raised and a policeman emptied his revolver over the heads of the assailing party. This was a foolish move. There was no ammuni- tion in the city building beside what was al- ready in the chambers of the policemen's re- volvers and part of a box which was in pos- session of the prison-keeper. The scarcity of ammunition was a cause of much alarm to the policemen in the building. They had sent outside to secure more, but were unsuccess- ful. Across the street were a large number of .spectators w^atching the efforts of the men in their attack upon the building. Among them were a few carriages and buggies. In the one of the latter sat John M. Da\'idson, with his wife and four-year-old daughter, Rhoda. They had been out looking at some work Mr. Davidson had taken the contract for and were returning home by the way of Main street. They had started to go up the Quarry street hill and were told that the Fire Department was coming down. They turned back on to Main Street and other buggies crowded around them so that they were forced to re- main. Mrs. Davidson was looking at the policeman in the window. She saw him shoot his re- volver directly at them. She heard bullets fly about their heads. Her little daughter said, "Oh, mamma," and her head fell for- ward on her mother's knee with the blood flowang from a mortal wound in her head. Glen Wade, a boy of ten years, was also stand- ing among the spectators on the opposite side HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY of Main street and he received one of the bul- lets fi"oni this same policeman's reckless — yes, criminal shooting. He was instantly killed. Hundreds of shots were fired afterward, and charges and charges of dynamite exploded, and two large buildings were burned to the ground, yet these two innocent children were the only persons who lost their lives by reason of the riot. The injuries received by other parties that night were mostly of a minor character. The party within the walls was increased by this time so that it consisted of Mayor Young, the four city commissioners, Chief of Police HarrLson and seven or eight police- men. A hurried conference was held and it was decided to allow the crowd to appoint a com- mittee to enter and inspect the jail to make sure that Peck was not in it. The mob selected a comimittee of six, headed by a mem- ber of the City Council, who was one of the and most strenuous of all the seekers for the blood of this negro. When the doors were opened to admit the committee, the crowd poured in after them. It was impossible to stem that impetuous rush. They filled the building and searched every nook and corner of it. The cells of the prison were opened, but the mob found no negro within the building. Even Mr. Wash- er's private apartments were invaded and the garments of himself and wife torn from the closets where they hung, to see if any one was concealed by them. Their cellar was ran- sacked, and every spot which could possibly contain or shelter a man was searched. The disappointment of the mob was plain. Some one shouted that Peck was in the county jail. The entire crowd started for the jail. Deputy- Sheriff Simon Stone was on duty. Sheriff Kelly was absent for some unexplained cause. His continued absence through all the stirring events of that night and until the hour of danger had passed caused much com- ment. The deputy sheriff met the mob in front of the old brick jail, which stood on the east side of Broadway, opposite the Court House, and which was torn down on the completion of the new jail. Standing on the old stone steps at the front entrance, he made them a short address, telling them that Peck had been taken to Cleveland that afternoon and that he had never been brought to the county jail. He offered to allow a committee chosen by themselves to make a search. This was done and the same committee searched the jail thoroughly and reported that no negro could be found. The crowd moved over to the old Court House, battered in the wooden doors, and trooped into every room in the building except the office of the treasurer. Here the heavy iron doors resisted their ef- forts to make an entrance and caused them to desist in their purpose. They hastened back to the City Building and filled the space in front of it. They were still shouting and calling for Peck, and oc- casionally a stone or a brick would fly through the windows on both the Main street and Via- duct sides of the building. When the mayor appeared at a window in the rooms of the board of health and motioned for silence, the crowd listened to him with comparatively good attention. He told them that Sheriff Kelley had taken Peck to Cleveland that afternoon and that there was no use hunting longer for him. Some one insisting that this was not so, the mayor offered to bet $20 that Peck was not in Akron. He urged them to disperse and let the law take its course in bringing Peck to a full punishment for his crime. Of course, this did not satisfy them. It was a mistake to suppose that it would. They were not there for oratory. They had come on a serious business. They sought ven- geance. Nothing but blood would satisfy them. It was a maddened, blood-thirsty pack of wolves, and to advise, and to temporize, and to try to compromise with such was entirely unreasonable and a waste of efi'ort. It was the temporizing policy of the authorities up to this time which had helped bring the mob up to its present pitch. The attack was re- newed with increased vigor. It was no longer a crowd of men confronting the officers ; it was a furious mob. Many of them carried pistols CITY HALT., AKRON f Pi -. «!llfllllllli ^- ^ Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, AKRON AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS in their hands and a few shots were fired ait the building. Occasionally a policeman would come to the window and discharge five or six shots toward the sidewalk. Prison-keeper Washer had been spending the evening with Mrs. Washer and friends at one of the summer resorts south of Akron. He had gone out of town on the earnest solicita- tion of the chief of police, who explained to him that, if a mob did form, it would make the story more credible if it could be said that the prison-keeper was out of town with the prisoner. When the fish supper was con- cluded, Mr. Washer tried to reach the city building by telephone, but was unable to do so. He became apprehensive that all was not right and started for Akron about 8 o'clock. He drove into the mob at Main street about 9 o'clock and they dragged him and Mrs. Washer from the buggy. They shoved two revolvers into Mr. Washer's face, boring the barrels into his flesh, saying they wanted Peck and meant to have him. One man, in a. perfectly fiendish condition of mind, kept scratching AVasher's face shrieking, "It's blood we want, blood, blood, blood." He suc- ceeded in drawing some of Mr. Washer's. Mrs. Washer finally succeeded in reaching their apartments at the rear of the building, with a large part of her clothing torn from her body. Mr. Washer tried to make a speech to the mob. The noise and tumult was so great he could not make himself heard, ex- cept to a few immediately surrounding him. He saw a man with a brick in his hand work- ing his way up to the front. A minute later and this brick struck the speaker on the side of the head and he dropped senseless to the street. The blow nearly fractured his skull and he suffered from the wound it made for several years afterward. After Mr. Washer had been carried into the drug store on the corner, and the police had fired a few more desultory shots from the building, the crowd withdrew. The larger part of them strangelv disappeared and an ominous quiet reigned in the neighborhood from about 9:30 o'clock until about 11. A few spectators stood on the opposite side of the street; another knot or two were scattered at different street corners. The electric lights were all burning brightly and the street cars were running as usual. But for the broken panes in the building, the stones and bricks on the sidewalk, and the ladder lying where the mob had left it, no indications that trou- ble had happened were present. The city commissioners took advantage of this lull to leave the building by the rear entrance and made a successful escape down the railway spur. The mayor also took his departure and went direct to his home on Perkins street. The Chief of Police, with seven or eight police- men, remained. About 11 o'clock the crowd began to collect again, and the spectators were not long in finding out where its members had been in the interim. An electric arc lamp hung about half way between the City Building and the Beacon-Journal office and flooded the vicinity with light. The spectators saw a couple of men cross the sidewalk with bundles in their arms and enter the south door, leading to the stairway to the second floor. In a few minutes after they returned, a fearful explosion shook the neighborhood, and brought a cloud of dust into Main street. The concussion was terrific, but little apparent damage was done. The walls still stood just as before. The dynamite for this and the other explosives which fol- lowed had been stolen from the Middlebury clay banks and from the chests of contractors doing work on the Erie Railway. A peddler had been arrested that AVednes- day morning for peddling without a license and released on bail. He drove an old white horse in a spring wagon. He volunteered to haul the dynamite to the City Building, and the mob gladly accepted his services. The cessation of hostilities was due to this cause and a further desire on the part of several to go home and get arms. The last of the cars carrying home the throng of pleasure-seekers from the Casino at Lakeside Park had passed, and empty cars were on their way back to the South Akron bams. Perhaps a thoiisand men were in Main Street, from Church to Howard Streets. Four 90 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY or five thousand more stretched from these points down to Mill and up to Center and covered the bluff on High Street. The active members of the mob numbered not more than two or three hundred, including active sym- pathizers. The rest were mere onlookers — some a prey to a morbid curiosity; others fas- cinated by the spectacle of terror enacted be- fore them. After the first explosion, a few men started to lower the electric lamp that was lighting the scene. They let it fall the last six feet upon the brick pavement, and the place was dark enough for the vilest purpose. Up to this time, at intervals, a policeman in the City Building would approach the window and fire five or six shots in rapid succession into the sidewalk, directly under the window. It was easy to see that the shots were directed into the ground and it was not possible that even the most foolish in the crowd could be fooled by the action, yet this silly performance was repeated many times. Then followed dynamite explosions, one after another, each sounding like the discharge of a mighty can- non. These reports should have awakened the entire city. The policemen had stealthily taken their departure out of the rear door and crept off in the darkness. Some of them hid in the lumber yard in the rear of Merrill's pottery ; others in box-cars in the rear of the American Cereal Company's big mill. Their demoralization could have not been greater. Each man was looking out for himself, and no one else. The city property was left to the mercy of the relentless mob. Soon a little blaze of a match was seen burning at the northeast corner of Columbia Hall, the large rambling frame building next south of the City Building. It had been erected as a roller skating rink during the days of the first roller craze and had been used subsequently as an armory for militia and an assembly hall for concerts and bazars, etc. The little match kindled a pile of paper and dry wood and soon a bright fire was burn- ing alongside the front of the hall. The building was .so dry and of such favorable con- struction that ten minutes had not elapsed until it was in flames at every point. It made a magnificent spectacle. Great tongues of flame leaped high above a seething mass of fire, and the sparks ascended in showers. On the front side of the hall was a tower with a flag-staff. An American flag waved nobly in the breeze made by the ascending heat cur- rents. The lesson of that waving emblem of freedom was lost on that demoniacal assem- blage. The fire reigned with unrestrained fury. Not a drop of water fell into its midst. Violent hands were laid on every one who had the courage to attempt to subdue it. About midnight a part of the crowd had marched down the middle of Main street to the Standard Hardware Company, located on the ^vest side of South Main Street about halfway between Market and Mill Streets. They made entrance into the store by break- ing a plate-glass window. A few entered and passed out guns, revolvers, rifles, knives and ammunition, until the store was despoiled of its entire stock of such goods. Over one hun- dred arms of various descriptions were stolen by the mob in this raid. Hidden behind tele- phone poles and in dark corners of buildings, they kept up a perfect fusillade upon the city building, while Columbia Hall was burning. The firemen in the central station, only a stone's throw east of the City Building, had on the first appearance of the blaze, sounded an alarm of fire and carried a line of hose down Church Street. The fire-bell had been rung earlier in the evening, with a response on the part of No. 1 company, merely as a ruse to attract attention of the mob from the City Building. Three firemen from Company No. 1 stood out in the middle of Main Street, holding the nozzle of the line of hose. The water shot through it for only a few seconds. The riot- ers had cut the hose in many places, and, while the three firemen stood in the street alone, a perfect hail of bullets and shot were fired at them. One of them fell and another promptly stepped forward and took his place at the nozzle while others came out and re- moved their fallen comrade. It was the finest exhibition of heroism ever seen in Akron. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 91 That little band stood out there until the walls fell in, waiting for the water to come through that hose, and laying new lines to replace the damaged. Cowards were firing at them from behind walls and telephone poles, yet they went about the performance of their duty as calmly as though it were an or- dinary attack upon their customary foe, the Fire Demon. It was a superb exhibition of manly cour- age. Many a man who felt the flame of faith in human nature die out that night, found it rekindled after beholding the deeds of those heroic firemen. The alarm had called out other companift*. In responding, one of them sent a south on Main from Mill Street. As they neared the Wilcox Block, a couple of ruffian* called upon them to halt and presented guns from behind telephone poles. They paid no attention to the command and both guns were discharged point blank at them. How they ever escaped alive remains a marvel to those who witnessed the scene. They drove on, fol- lowed by bullets and shot, and only desisted in their efforts to quench that fire when borne down by overwhelming numbers. Shortly after the tower, with its staff and M'aving flag, had fallen into the flaming pit, the fire broke out in the City Building. Whether it communicated from the conflagra- tion south of it or was set afresh is not known. The more probable view is that the rioters hastened the destruction by setting the build- ing afire directly. In an incredibly short time fire was bursting from every window in the building. The dynamite explosions had wrecked the floors and partitions, doors and windows had been demolished by the battering and storm of shot, and the flames made quick work of the resulting debris. Both buildings were soon enveloped in flames and the con- flagration was at its height. All the splendor of the scene when Columbia Hall first burst into flames was doubled. The street was as light as day. The heat drove all but the fire- men back into the shadows. They stood their gro\ind, be.side their useless hose and appara- tus. The mob would not permit a drop of water to be thrown upon the fire and, like a tremendous furnace, it seethed and rolled and roared — an awful spectacle to the thousands who covered hill-sides and house-tops, at a safe distance from the bullets of the rioters. The gleam from the fire lighted up their faces, still diabolical with hate and blood-lust, as they peered from behind their barriers of defence. The frenzy possessing them had been stilled by the tremendous power shown by the nat- ural element Fire. Even their disordered minds could perceive the magnitude of the in- fluences they had called into operation. Even they stood thrilled by the raging and tumult of elemental power. Occasionally a malignant jeer, a demoniacal howl of delight, or a shot, broke the spell and recalled the thoughtful spectators to the dread reality of the scene. The minutes passed unheeded, but prob- ably an hour passed, with the great fire hold- ing the center of the stage — the one great spectacle that centered the interest and gaze of all. Then the walLs of the City Building fell, and the flames gradually shrunk within the pit of the white heat. In the east, pale streaks along the horizon indicated the coming of another day. The somber gray mellowed into gold and the first gleam of dawn mingled with the reddened glow from the ruins. The outlines of objects became more distinct. It was a signal from the powers of darkness to slink away. As the Sun-God scatters the forces of Night; as Death dwindles into in- significance before the truth of the resurrec- tion; so the slaves of the Demon of Anarchy slunk away into their places of hiding, from their revel of blood and fire, before the mes- senger on the hilltops, who heralded the coming of the source of light — typical of or- der, law and right. By 4 o'clock all of the thousands who thronged the sti-eets had gone and the scene was almost deserted. It was safe enough now for those policemen who were in hiding to come forth and go to their homes, and they did. At 7 o'clock the first of the militia arrived. It was Company C of the Eighth regiment, from Canton. It was known as "The Presi- 92 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY dent's Own." Never were the boys in blue re- ceived with more profound gratitude. The feelings of Akron citizens were too deep for cheers or a demonstration. Nevertheless, deep in their hearts they welcomed the soldier boys. What a relief to see those swinging battalions and to know that they represented the majesty of the law! What a comfort in those grim rifles, those well-filled ammunition boxes and the keen sight of those sworn foes to disorder! For the thoughtful citizen had been much disturbed. He had seen his en- tire city surrendered to the will of a riotous mob. There was absolutely nothing to re- strain that mob from doing anything it pleased with the property and the lives of all the citizens of Akron. Not a dollar, not a life was safe in Akron that night. Had the notion been taken, every store and every home might have been pillaged and looted. The leaders of that mob might have easily per- suaded it to assist in working out revenge for private grievances by murder and arson. They were drunk with power to which they were unaccustomed, and reveled in the use of it. For instance, just as the City Building burst into flames a number broke in the doors of the little building alongside and ran out the electric police patrol automobile. As many as it would hold climbed into it; others clung to the steps and climbed upon the top. Then, it was started amid the cheering of the mob and run about the downtown streets, with its occupants singing and yelling, \intil they tired of the sport and ended the wild orgy by send- ing it full speed into the canal. It was like a scene from the wildest period of the French Revolution. One must go to the orgies of that carnival of disorder to find a parallel, unless, indeed it .shall be found in the conceptions of certain great minds con- cerning the Inferno. It was the very apothe- sis of evil. In the meantime something was being done in an attempt to stop the tide. There were a few citizens aware of what was hap- pening, who were not spellbound by the aw- ful seenas nor frightened into supine sub- servience by the exhibition of the power of the mob. Some of them sought the sheriff. For reasons known to himself, and guessed at by others, he could not be found. Akron had two full companies of militia and .some other organizations of a semi-military character who carry rifles and look real brave on parade days. The captains of these companies were appealed to. The reply was, "You must see the Governor." An attempt to asemble the companies resulted in getting only three or four men at the annories; the rest were min- gled with the crowd watching the fire. As be- fore stated, the city authorities, from the high- est to the last-appointed policeman, were com- pletely demoralized. Finally Governor Nash was reached by telephone and he promised to send a regiment of militia, if requested by the sheriff of the county or the mayor of the city. Probate Judge George M. Anderson, accompanied by a few citizens, then took a cab to search for the mayor. They found him at home and persuaded him to ask the Governor for help. The Fourth regiment of the Ohio National Guard was in camp at Minerva Park, near Columbus. They had arrived there only a day or two before for their anual encamp- ment, as required by law. They were under the command of Colonel J. D. Potter, who is a son of General Potter, of the United States Armj'. They received their orders at 1 :45 o'clock A. M. At 2 :45 the entire nine companies were entrained and on their way to Akron. A special train on the Cleveland, Akron & Columbus Railway brought them into Akron at 9 o'clock on the morning of the 23d. They immediately marched down- town and joined Company C of the Eighth Regiment in guarding the city. Colonel Adams of the Governor's staff arrived and took charge of all the military forces in the city, including the local companies, which were never called from their armories dur- ing the disturbed period. The streets near the ruins were roped off. and none was al- lowed to approach them. The downtown street assumed a maxtial appearance. Armed sentries paced everywhere and compa- nies were marching back and forth to mess AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 93 and temporary barracks at all hours. At noon, after a consultation of officials and citi- zens, the mayor issued a proclamation closing all the saloons in the city until further no- tice. The revulsion of feeling against the rioters was so strong that the saloon-keepers were very willing to assist, as much as pos- sible, in the general effort to restore law and order. The proclamation was generally re- spected. Closing the saloons undoubtedly was a great factor in the bringing back of peace and quiet to the city. In the afternoon of the 23d a meeting of all the city officials and a few prominent citizen-' was called at the Hotel Buchtel. Chief of Police Harrison could not be found anywhere. It was reported that he was seen about 4 o'clock in the morning driving out of the city. John Durkin had been appointed by the city commissioners as acting Chief of Police. \A^ith the city officials, there assembled at the Hotel Buchtel Judge U. L. Marvin, Prosecu- tor R. M. Wanamaker. Judge G. M. Ander- son, Fire Chief Frank Manderbach, Colonel Potter, Colonel Adams and others. At this meeting the situation was thoroughly dis- cussed and the city government reorganized. It was understood the city was not under mar- tial law. but that the city authorities were in power and the military arm of the govern- ment was there, not to supplant, but to assist them. Barracks were arranged for the mili- tia and they were quartered at the old Mar- ket House Hall, at the Court House and in a North Main Street livery barn. Business was practically suspended in the downtown stores and offices all day of the 23d. The riot was the one theme of conversation every- where. A constant stream of people kept moving all day long about the ruins of Co- lumbia Hall and the City Building. No crowds were allowed to congregate. The sol- diers kept everyone moving; a good example for the police, don't you think? These latter moved about town in companies of two and three. When night came many people were apprehensive that more trouble would take place. Many rumors had been heard during the dav that another attack would be made. Many persons remained down street rather ex- pecting excitement of some sort, but they were disappointed, and the soldiers had no other duty than the weary work of sentry posting. On Friday business was resumed and the marching of the soldiers was the only inci- dent different from the ordinary routine of Akron affairs. In the middle of the after- noon those in charge of things startled the whole community by an act of exceeding dar- ing. It was successful and can be called dar- ing; if it had failed, it would have been termed foolhardy . This coup de'etat was no less a feat than bringing the rapist Peck back to Akron for trial. It happened in this way : A meeting of the officials was held Friday morning to determine the course to pursue in regard to Peck. The crime was committed in Summit County and he would have to be brought back here for arraignment. Why was it not better to bring him back while the militia were here to protect him and prevent additional rioting? The stay of the soldiers must, of necessity, be brief, hence, the sooner action was taken, the better. The very au- dacity of the thing, too, would aid in its suc- cessful prosecution. The people would be far from expecting any move of this kind and the rioters would not be prepared to take advantage of their opportunity. John E. Washer, the prison-keeper, was still weak from the effect of the blow on his head, but it was decided that he was the best man to go to Cleveland for Peck, who was .still confined in the Cuyahoga County jail. Dr. A. K. Fouser was engaged to accompany Mr. Washer and give him such medical attention as he might require. Driving to a Valley train in a cab. they succeeded in getting out of toTvn unob- served. In Cleveland they were not so fortunate. Thej' had been in the jail but a few moments when the news spread fast that they had come for Peck and, when they were ready to de- part, a large crowd surrounded the carriage in front of the jail and filled the street. It was a crowd disposed to make trouble, too. 94 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY What was to be done? The afternoon was passing and whatever was to be done must be decided upon quickly. A special train on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad had been engaged by the Summit County authorities and was waiting at the station to take the party to Howard Street, without any stops. Colonel Potter had detailed a company of soldiers to meet the train upon ite arrival. Sheriff Bai-ry was to telephone from Cleveland as soon as the party started. Judge David J. Nye had been called over from Elyria to hold a special session of Common Pleas Court. A special Grand Jury had been empaneled at 2 o'clock that afternoon. One witness had been heard and a true bill found against Lewis Peck. It was understood that he would plead guilty to the indictment. He would then be taken to Columbus on the afternoon train and the cause of the riot would be safely out of the jurisdiction. These were the plans and they were carefully laid. But in the crowd outside the Cleveland jail, and constantly growing larger and more restless, was an ob- stacle not considered by the plotters. What was to be done? So much time had been lost that it was nearly time for the Columbus train to start — the one upon which it was planned to carry Peck to the penitentiary. Washer and Barry got their heads together and planned a neat trick upon the crowd. They telephoned for another closed carriage to be driven to the rear door of the jail. Washer, Fouser and the prisoner, the latter manacled to Washer, were all ready to enter so soon as it drove up. As it appeared in sight. Sheriff Barry went to the front door and thus engaged the attention of the crowd, which pressed JFor- ward, expecting the prisoner next. Giving his party time to enter their carriage, he re- entered the jail, as if he had forgotten some- thing, and joined them. The horses were whipped up and a wild race started for the Union depot to catch the Columbus train. The Baltimore & Ohio special was left stand- ing at the Water street depot. .\ few who had obsei*ved the ruse gave an alarm and the crowd started after the carriage. Most gave up the chase after running a block, but a few newspaper reporters reached the station nearly as quick a.s the officials, one or two hanging onto the carriage, which they h d overtaken. They rushed by the ticket' in- spector at the gates and the party was soon safe within the railway car. The newspaper men followed and the whole party were scarce- ly seated when the train pulled out. Sheriff Barry ordered the conductor to lock the doors of the car and this was done. As the train neared Euclid Avenue, the reporters prepared notes to be thrown out and carried to their papers. The windows were all put down and, upon Washer's threat to shoot the man who touched a window, no effort was made to throw out notes at Euclid station. Sheriff Barry left the train there and Mr. Washer and Dr. Fouser proceeded alone, with the cringing negro on his knees, on the floor between them, imploring Washer to shoot him. The news- paper men were carried along, although some of them had no money to pay their fares. Sheriff Barry telephoned the change of plans from Cleveland and a carriage was wait- ing at the Union depot in Akron. There was no crowd at the station and no guard but two soldiei-s and one policeman, who were on duty there. Arrangements had been made to ho'd the train for thirty minutes at the station. It arrived at 3 :20. The employees of the Tap- lin Rice & Co. saw Peck taken into the Court House and swai-med out into the street. In the court room the judge was waiting and all the other requisites of a criminal action at law were ready. The judge cleared the room of soldiers, ordered Washer to put up his pis- tol and remove the manacles from the pri.s- oner. Peck waived the reading of the indict- ment. Upon being asked whether he wished to plead guilty' or not guilty to the charge of rape he replied, '"Guilty." Thereupon the court inquired if he had anything to say be- fore sentence should be pronounced upon him. His answer was no. The court then imposed a sentence of life imprisonment in the peni- tentiary at Columbus, the first thirty days of which were to be passed in solitary confine- ment. Pock wa.? visibly frightened through- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 97 out the whole proceedings. He was again manacled, trembling like a leaf. A guard of twenty militiamen surrounded him and Sher- iff Kelley as they started for the train. In the meantime the conductor of the train had been ordered by telephone to bring hi^ train up to Center Street. As the little party moved out into Broadway toward Center the crowd of workingmen surged about and tried to seize Peck. The soldiers fixed bayonets and met the new rioters with .sharp steel. They de- sisted their attempts only when the pris3ner was safely within the train. The sheriff was waiting for it as it di'ew up. It did not come to a full stop, but the prisoner was hustled aboard, the sheriff' followed, and Peck wa.s on his way to the only .spot that will again know him on earth. He was arraigned, pleaded guilty, was sentenced, and on his way to prison all within twenty minutes. Just four days after his crime was committed he had commenced to serve his sentence. Justice can move quickly when it has to. These things happened on Friday, August 24, 1900. Justice in this case was fully done. It was not overdone as some very interested parties would have you believe. Peck richly deserved his sentence. No more heinous crime was ever committed in Summit County. It was revolting and repulsive in the extreme. The public has neVer learned the details and it never will, for they are too loathsome to publish. Unspeakable cruelty was practiced by that black ravisher upon that innocent lit- tle baby. Not only that, but Peck's record was a bad one before coming to Akron. The New York Tribune printed a list of the crimes for which he was wanted at Patterson, New Jersey. It is far better for him and for so- ciety that he be denied his liberty until Death shall free him, and his shrivelled soul shall pass on for the sentence of the Great Judge. No maudlin sentimentality should be allowed to interfere with the complete execution of this just sentence. The pleas of lawyers en- gaged by his friends to obtain his release are mercenary and should fall upon deaf ears. THE AFTERMATH OF THE KIOT. With Louis Peck safely in the penitentiary, the members of the military forces began to think of discharge from the irksome duties which had been unexpectedly imposed upon them. The Fourth Regiment had lost a large part of the benefit of their annual encamp- ment and they longed to return to Minerva Park. Colonels Adams and Potter desired to leave Akron with their commands on Friday night. The city authorities were apprehensive of trouble to come on Saturday night. The mayor urged the colonels to remain until Monday morning. Saturday brought with it a half-holiday and most of the shops and fac- tories paid their men on that day. Hence, it was thought that if new trouble were to arise it was most probable that it would come Sat- urday night. The militia officei"s reluctantly complied with the wishes of the mayor. Sat- urday and Sunday pas.9ed without extraordi- nary incident. If anything, the city was more orderly than usual. On Saturday afternoon the mayor held the first session of Police Court since AVednesday morning. By consent of the county officials, it was held in the Court House. The city government was without a home of any kind. On Mondaj^, August 27, at an early hour in the morning, the military companies took their departure and the city was left to take care of itself. The city commissioners had leased for one year the substantial stone of- fice building of the American Cereal Com- pany, on the cornel" of Mill and Broadway. This had been abandoned by the company when its principal offices had been moved to Chicago. The postoffice department of the federal government had occupied it for a while as the .site of the Akron postoffice while the government building was being com- pleted. It had been vacant several years and was the only available location for the pur- poses of the city. The Board of City Commis- .sioners met here on Monday morning and tran.sacted their first real business subsequent to the riot. Their first biisiness was to act upon the request of Chief of Police H. H. 98 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Harrison for a leave of absence for ten days. It was granted and lie left for Chicago to at- tend the annual reunion of the Grand Array of the Republic, of which he is a member. The coroner, E. 0. Leberman announced that he would hold his inquest over the victims of the shooting during the latter part of the week, as evidence was rapidly being secured. The public authorities, both city and county, had already taken steps to bring about the arrest of all parties who had been active in the law- less proceedings of Wednesday night. De- tectives from Cleveland and Pittsburg were on the scene by Thursday and were fast securing evidence against the guilty ones. By Tues- day, the 28th, the authorities began to suffer from a perfect deluge of anonymous letters, threatening them all with death if any ar- rests were made. They paid no attention to these threats, but persevered in the task of run- ning down the criminals. Many of the riot- ers were strangers in the city and many others had left upon learning that they were likely to be brought to justice. Hence, the work was very difficult. Finally a special grand jury was impaneled amd J. Park Alexander was made foreman of it. The county prosecutor, who had been indefatigable in the work, laid before it the evidence he had secured. Tiiie bills were returned against forty-one men and boys who had been the leaders of the mob. Soon the county jail was filled with the ac- cused persons. Officer John E. Washer ar- rested one man, Vernand Kempf, down in Tennessee, and brought him safely back to Akron. Upon his trial for shooting wnth in- tent to kill, he was found guilty and sen- tenced to imprisonment in the penitentiary for eighteen months. The other cases were disposed of as follows: State of Ohio vs. William Hunt, George Brodt and James McNaughton — Gharo;e, riot- ing. Hunt retracts his plea of not guilty and enters plea of guilty, and is sentenced to pay a fine of $25 and costs. Defendant McNaugh- ton plead guilty; sentence, $20 and costs. State of Ohio vs. Harry Earle, Jr., Claude Bender, .4ndrew Morgan. Andrew Wilburn — Charge, rioting. Defendant Bender pleads guilty, sentenced to workhouse for thirty days and pay $10 fine and costs. Nolle entered as to all the defendants except Bender. State of Ohio vs. Walter Wingerter, Ar- thur Sprague, Prank Sickles, William Henry — Charge, burglary and larceny. Wingerter sentenced to the reformatory. Same as to de- fendants Sickles and Henry. State of Ohio vs. Frank Bisson — Shooting with intent to kill or wound. Sentenced to Boys' Industrial School. State of Ohio vs. Howard McClelland. Shooting with intent to kill or wound. Sen- tenced to penitentiaiy for one year. State of Ohio vs. John Rhoden. Shooting with intent to kill or wound. Sentenced to penitentiary for one year. State of Ohio vs. Charles Timmerman, David Spellman, Frank Wheeler, Joseph Higy — Charge, rioting. Defendant Wheeler plead guilty; sentence, thirty days in jail and pay the co.ste. Defendant Spellman, $25 and costs. Dismissed as to Higy, State of Ohio vs. Walter Wingerter, Frank Sickles and William Crile — Charge, rioting. Defendant Crile .sentenced to pay $20 and costs. State of Ohio vs. Arthur Sprague, Norma/n Breckenridge and Edward Eppley — Charge, rioting. Brockenridge, thirty days in jail and $25 fine and costs. Sprague the same. Ep- pley, no trial. State of Ohio vs. Sandy Coppard, William Henry and Edward Henry — Charge, rioting. All sentenced to thirty days in jail and $25 fine and costs. State of Ohio vs. William Averill, Andrew B. Halter and Frank BLsson — Charge, rioting. Halter and Averill fined $50 and costs. Bis- son dropped from the docket. State of Ohio vs. Charles Timmerman — Charge, breaking into prison and attacking officer for the purpose of lynching. Sen- tenced to penitentiary for one year. State of Ohio vs. Edward Ej^pley, Harry Earle, Jr., and Oliver Morgan — Charge, un- lawful pos«es.sion and use of dynamite. All sentenced to refonnators- and to pay costs. State of Ohio vs. William Averill — Charge, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS shooting, with intent to kill or wound. Sen- tenced to reformatory. State of Ohio v.s. Vernando Kempf — Charge, shooting with intent to kill or wound. Sen- tenced to penitentiary for eighteen months. State of Ohio vs. Charles Fink and David Snyder — Charge, rioting. Defendant Fink pleads guilty; sentence, thirty days in jail. $25 and costs. Defendant Snyder plead guilty ; sentenced to pay $20 and costs. State of Ohio vs. Frank Viall, Lovell Nigh and August Simmonette — Charge, rioting. Nigh sentenced thirty days in jail, $25 and costs. Simmonette, thirty days in jail, $25 and costs. A^iall, $50 and costs and thirty days in jail. Thus it will be seen there were thirty con- victions in the cases resulting from the riot. When one reflects upon the amount of work necessary to prepare for and conduct one im- portant criminal action at law, he will read- ily appreciate the titanic labor performed by the public authorities. Able counsel had been secured to defend each of the accused men, and the trials were hotly contested. The result reflects every credit upon R. M. Wana- maker, the prosecuting attorney. It is hardly possible to bestow too much praise upon the energy and skill he devoted to his work in bringing retribution upon those guilty of causing so much shame to the fair city of Akron. There was one glaring miscarriage of jus- tice. The public felt keenly that the mem- ber of the city council, of whom mention was made in the last chapter, and who was one of the leaders of the mob, should have been pun- ished for his misdeeds that night. He es- caped free. It was also regretted by many that the court, in passing sentence upon those convicted, did not impose heavier sentences, because of the heinousne.?s of the offenses. There is this to be said in extenuation, that for many of them, it was a first offense ; that the excitement of the moment carried some of them off their feet; that some up to this time had borne good reputations in the com- munity; that some had families dependent upon them for support, and that the sen- tences, such as they were, would be a suffi- cient deterrent from future violation of law. Thus justice emerged triumphant, as she always will. Law and Order were fully re- stored and affairs moved along in orderly pro- cession. The citizens began to take an ac- count of their losses. The City Building was but a heap of bricks, stones and twisted iron. Columbia Hall, one of the chief meeting- places of the city, was the same. The build- ings on the opposite side of Main Street had been damaged by flames and the violence of the mob. One of the stores there had been looted. The stores south of Columbia Hall had been damaged by fire and smoke. The Standard Hardware Company had lost its en- tire stock of fire-arms. For all this loss not one cent of fire insurance could be collected. Several cases brought to collect insurance dragged their weary lengths through the various counts for several years afterward, but it was uniformly decided that the com- panies were not liable for loss occa.sioned by the mob. The loss in money was about a quarter of a million dollars. A whole regi- ment of soldiers was quartered for nearly a week. The city and county had large bills to pay for detective service and the expense of the trials. Many citizens received serious injuries from bullets and flying missiles of all kinds. Among them the newspapers men- tioned the following: Fred Vorwerk, W. H. Dussel, Park Stair, Arthur E. Sprague, John Ahren, E. Chemelitzki, Albert Grant, Frank Sours, E. Shelby and Albert Stevens, of the citizens; L. Manch&ster, W. Roepke, Minor Fritz, John Denious, A. Eberle and David Phillips, of the firemen, and John E. Washer, Alva Greenlese, John King and Edward Dunn, of the police force. Although seven years have passed since that momentous time, the city is still occupying the old office of the American Cereal Com- pany as a City Hall. Three different adminis- trations have conducted the city's affairs within its walls. They are still called "tem- porary quarters," but there is no prospect of anything more permanent for years to come. The city is so busy building viaducts and 100 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY paving streets and expending so much money for such purposes and the present quarters are so well adapted for the present needs that it is probable that Akron will have no City Hall of her own for many years to come. In spite of some objections on the part of some offi- cials, it must be admitted that the present building makes a very good housing for the conduct of municipal affairs, and that the rent is not unreasonable for such a structure. The City Council has a room large enough for it.=! deliberations ; the Mayor's Court is well provided for; the Boai-d of Health, the Audi- tor, the Solicitor and the Police Department, all have separate and commodious apart- ments. The main damage caused by the riot was that done to the hitherto fair reputation of the city. In the heart of the cultured West- ern Reserve of Ohio, it was not thought pos- sible that such an outbreak of lawlessness could occur. The other cities of the Western Reserve blushed for us. The great state of Ohio was ashamed of us. We had brought discredit upon the great state of which we are so proud. Our shame went abroad throughout the land — throughout the worH. The great newspapers sent special correspond- ents to Akron and covered their front pages with great, black headlines to publish to the world our disgrace. As an example, the Pitts- b\irgh Dispatch of August 24, 1900. bore across the entire front page in .startling type, this inscription : "National Guard Preserves Order in Shamed Akron." This shame, this disgrace, this damage to a splendid reputa- tion, was our greatest loss. If the cause of it all can be said to belong to those who might have averted it, then there is no difficulty in putting the blame where it belongs — at the door of incompetent public officials. The errors of judgment on their part were so numerous that it will not be possible to mention them here. Even when the riot was at its height, a dozen determined policemen could have put the entire mob to rout. Many times that night it happened, that some one would cry, "The Police are Coming Out," and the entire crowd would take to their heels and scatter in all direc- tions. It is to be feared that downright cow- ardice, as well as lack of judgment, was one of the prominent characteristics of those now criticised. From the black picture let us turn to a bright one. Letters of shining gold should be used to tell of the deeds of Akron's fire- men who played so noble a part in that night's doings. From its very beginning, Akron's fire department has never been found wanting in any emergency, but on this occa- sion, it covered itself with everlasting glory. The prison-keeper and a few of the police- men proved also that night that they were brave men. These, with the county prose- cutor, and the members of the Grand and Petit juries who dealt with the riot cases, are they who emerged with credit from the Riot of 1900. CHAPTER V TCWNSHIPS AND TQ-WNS Settlement and Organization of the Townships — Settlement and Founding of the Towns Sketches of Barberton, Cuyahoga Falls, Hudson, Tallmadge, Peninsula, Etc. Summit County possesses some of the most beautiful scenery in Ohio. There is not an uninteresting township in the whole county. Each has some special charm to prove that Nature has been most lavish of her gifts. The valley of the Cuyahoga divides the upper half of the county, while the southern half is diversified by a chain of beautiful lakes. Everywhere there is variety; monotonous ex- panses of level ground are nowhere to be seen. Near the head of the Cuyalioga A^al- ley are the famed Northampton Hills which offer vistas of hill country that remind the beholder of New England. Here, on a smaller scale, are the qualities which have made the Berkshires famous for their beauty. The Lake Country has its eminences, also, rising two or three hundred feet almost from the water's edge. The lakes, nestling amid these green hills, make a picture which is worthy the long journey which many travel- ers make to see it. From these high points, the land stretches away to the east and west in long rolls and billows. It is not a matter of wonder that Medina and Portage and Stark counties objected so strenuously to being de- prived of the townships which were taken from them to form the new county of Sum- mit. By that process they lost the fairest portion of their domain. BATH TOWNSHIP. Of the early settlers of Bath Township there are two families which stand out pre- eminent — the Hfxles and the Hammonds. The influence of the Hale family during the years subsequent has been stronger and wider felt than that of perhaps any other family in the county. It has been of incalculable bene- fit, exerted, as it always has been, in behalf of high thinking and clean living. The fact that for a long time this region was called "Hammondsburgh" shows the prominent part Jason Hamimond played in the perform- ance of its early affairs. The hamlet of Hammond's Corners still bears the name of this first settler. The first real settlement of the township was made in 1810. During the summer of that year, Jonathan Hale and Ja- son Hammond, both Connecticut men, came to Ohio to settle upon the land they had re- cently purchased. They were obliged to dis- possess other white men whom they found living upon their land without color of title. A survey of the township had been made in 1805, and the name "Wheatfield" given to it by Rial McArthur, the surveyor, probably be- his eyes had been gladdened that day by a .sight of a waving field of that grain. It is a pity the name did not survive. Fine fields of wheat may be seen on all hands, to- day, in season, and it is one of the success- 102 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ful crops of the township, while the name of Bath is of no significance, locally, whatever. It is said the name was given to the town- ship in joke. It is now firmly affixed and "Bath" this township will ever be. Bath was organized as a township in 1818, and Jona- than Hale was made the first trustee; Jason Hammond, supervisor; Henry Hutson, jus- tice of the peace, and Eleazer Rice, consta- ble. Bath sent nearly one hundred men into the Union Arrny during the Civil War and many of her citizens have occupied promi- nent places in the county and State. Among them' may be mentioned Gen. A. C. Voris. Peter Voris, R. 0. Hammond, J. Park Alex- ander, Sumner Nash, C. 0. Hale, Jared Bar- ker and 0. W. Hale. The principal plac&s in the township are Botzura, a station on the Cleveland and Terminal Valley branch of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad; Montrose (formerly called Latta's Corners and some- times Ellis' Corners) ; Hammond's Corners and Ghent. At the picturesque village last mentioned there are extensive saw-mills, grist- mills, a general store, etc. P. A. Ganyard is the township clerk in 1907, and William Davis and C. S". Parsons are justices of the peace. BOSTON TOWNSHIP. Boston Township contains three villages — Peninsula, Boston Mills and Everett. The earliest settlers were also from Connecticut. In 1805, the purchasers of the holdings of the Connecticut Land Company sent many surveying corps into Summit County for the purpose of alloting the lands. In this year Alfred Wolcott, Jamas Stanford. John Teale and Samuel Ewart came into Boston Town- ship for the purpose of making a survey. In 1806, Wolcott and Stanford both purcha.sed land surveyed by them the summer previous and located upon it at once. Tlioy thus be- came the first settlers in the town.ship. The Wolcott family afterward became very promi- nent and influential. The town.ship wa.? or- ganized in 1811, as a part of Portage County. its firet officers were Timothy Bishop, Andrew Johnson and Aai'on Miller, trustees; William Beers, clerk; Launcelot May, treasurer; Al- fred Wolcott and Moses Cunningham, jus- tices of the peace, and James Jordan, consta- ble. More than 140 men of Boston township fought for the Union in the war of 1861-65, the most distinguished of whom was Colonel Arthur L. Conger. On July 4, 1889, Colonel and Mrs. Conger presented to Boston Town- .ship the fine soldiers' monument which stands in the village of Peninsula at its western bor- der. Peninsula has an extensive flour-mill and, in the southern part of the village, a large stone-quaiTy of a fine-gi'ained, white .sand-stone, from which mill-stones are made. Boston has saw-mills and the great paper- mills of the Akron-Cleveland Paper Bag Company, the power for which is partly se- cured from a large dam thrown across the Cuyahoga River. Colonel A. L. Conger aaid Hon. S. P. Wolcott are the Boston citizens who have earned for themselves the greatest fame. At the present time Charles Peterson is clerk and E. B. Conger and N. B. Wise are justices of the peace. COPLEY TOWNSHIP. Copky Township came to us from Medina County when our county was created in 1840. It is well watered by Pigeon Creek, Wolf Creek and Chocolog Creek, besides having within its confines AMiite Pond, Black Pond and Chocolog Pond. Formerly a great swamp called Copley Swamp occupied a large part of it, but by judicious draining it has been reduced to an insignificant area. It Ls now one vast garden — the old peat and muck beds furnishing the best kind of soil for raising celery, onions, etc. In early times it was the great game preserve of the whole region. Copley was first settled in 1814 by Jonah Turner, who came from Pennsylvania. Six additional families arrived during the next five years. ■ It was set apart as a township of Medina County in 1819, and was named Greenfield at first by Garner Green, who origi- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 103 nally owned a large part of ite territory. He afterwards changed the name to Copley, the maiden name of his wife. When the North- ern Ohio Railroad was built, in 1891, it gave Copley an outlet, and was the means of start- ing a new hamlet — Fairlawn, which now boasts a mill, general store, smithy, etc. Cop- ley sent nearly 150 men into the Union Army. Homer G. Long is now township clerk and C. C. Frederick is justice of the peace. COVENTRY TOWNSHIP. Coventry Township lies to the north of Franklin and Green and just outside of the City of Akron. It is also the southern line of the Western Reserve. Its physical fea- tures are unusual in that it is dotted by nu- merous lakes and in early days was traversed by a considerable stream, the Tuscarawas. In addition to this, about 1840, the Reservoir was built, composed partly of natural and partly artificial bodies of water. Long Lake is the largest of these natural bodies of water. The Indian seem to have made this their headquarters and naturally so, for New Portage was at the head of the Indian Trail. These Indians were Delawares and the most importajit of their chiefs was Ilopocan or Captain Pipe. He called . himself, "Ho- pocan, King of New Portage." The finst white settler of the township was Daniel Haines, who can^e from Pennsylvania about the year 1806. After him, in 1811, came the Aliens, from New York State, forebears of the^ Al- iens, who live there today. The town.ship grew at an ama^iing pace and a great future seemed before it. The Tuscarawas was then an immense stream capable of floating -large boats, and many a boatload went from Coventry to New Orleans. A glass factory started and for some time many articles of value and profit were turned out. A distillery was started by Adam Falor. Saw-mills and grist-mills started up. A lawyer by the name of Van Humphreys settled there and the "State of Coventry" began to be. The now well known "State Mill" arose in this fashion: At the time of the construction of the Reser- voir it was neces-sary to destroy the mill formerly there, and to replace it the State built a large mill at that point. For a long time it was the center of the mill business of that district, and of late \ears has become valuable, chiefly as a sum- mer resort. With the advent of the canal the township continued to flourish and for a time seemed to rival Middlebury. However, its prospects died down and it settled down to the regular way of a town.ship. Still it is to be remembered that with the last increase of territory to Akron, a large part of Coventry was annexed to the city, and the old city- spirit of Coventry survives possibly in another form. The township organization occurred in 1808. and at that time Coventry was a part of Springfield and they were a part of Portage County, till the organization of Sum- mit in 1840. At the present time the taxable property in the township is valued at about $1,300,000. With the rapid growth of the city south, and the addition of Barberton and Kenmore, it seems that it will be only a short time till the township will disappear within municipal lines. Among the prominent families in the township have been the Brewsters and the Falors. From Coventry township also came John R. Buchtel, the founder of Buchtel College, and William Buchtel, who represented Summit County in the State legislature from 1901-3. The pres- ent representative, Howard C. Spicer. is also from Coventry township. B. T. Davis and H. E. Shook are the present justices of the peace for the township. The village of Cuyahoga Falls was founded in 1825 by Elkanah Richardson. Among the earliest settlers were Joshua Stow and William Wetmore. In 1815 a saw-mill was in operation near Gaylord's Grove, oper- ated by power derived from a dam across the river at that point. The name Cuyahoga Falls was adopted in accordance with a sug- gestion from the postoflfice department. The 104 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tirni ol' Stow and Wetniore built several mills, dams and business buildings in the new vil- lage, and by 1830 the town took on am im- portant aspect. In that year they built a large paper mill, an industry that is still car-' ried on profitably. They were a?.sisted in the paper business by John Rumrill, who had learned the art in the New England paper mills. About 1825 Henry Newberry came from Connecticut and built more dams, a saw-mill, linseed oil-imill and a paper-mill. He was a graduate of Yale and was one of the most prominent of the early settlers. March 5, 1851, the citizens of Cuyahoga Falls organ- ized a township of the same name and co- extensive with the territory of the village. The government of tlie village was then given over to the township officers who were elected at that time as follows: Horace A. Miller, Henry Newberry, Jr., and Porter G. Somers, trustees; Lucious Bradley, treasurer; Grant P. Turner, clerk ; William H. Taylor, assessor, and W. J. Wilson and W. W. Luca.'S, con- stables. This arrangement failed to give sat- isfaction and on .June 3, 1868, the village gov- ernment was reorganized. On September 1, 1868, the first election was hel-d and William A. Hanford was elected mayor; Henry C. Lockwood, treasurer; Porter G. Somers, re- corder; T. F. Heath, Charles Hunt, W. M. Griswold, John Hinde and L. W. Loomis, trastees. In 1841 the Board of Commi.s.sioners, to locate the county seat decided upon Cuya- hoga Falls, but the legislature interfered the year following, and, leaving the question to a popular vote, it was located at Akron. It cannot be said that Cuyahoga Falls was at any time the county seat, in spite of the acts of the commission. Cuyahoga Falls' schools have always been among the best in the county. The village obtained its reputation as an educational cen- ter very early in its exi.stence. In 1834 a pri- vate school wfiis opened by J. H. Reynolds. In 1836 a school for girls was opened by Sarah Carpenter. Later schools were con- ducted bv Frances C. Barron nnd Eliza Deaver. In 1837, the Cuvahoga Fnlls Insti- tute was opened for pupils by Rev. Roswcll Brooks and Charles Clark. The present brick High School building was built in 1871. The High School was organized in 1855, H. F. Taylor being the first principal. Among his successors have been such famous men as Ed- ward R. Sill, Vergil P. Kline and William I. Chamberlain. In 1833, "The Ohio Review," Cuyahoga Falls' first newspaper, was started by Horace Canfield and Timothy Spencer. It ran about one year. It was followed in close succession by the "Renovator," "The Young Buzzard," "The Telescope," "The American Eagle," and "The True American." The last mentioned stopped about 1843. In 1870 "The Cuyahoga Falls Reporter" was founded by E. 0. Knox and, by good business management, has succeeded in continuing publication until the present time. In 1881 "The Weekly Journal" was started, but did not last more than a year. The village sent nearly 200 men into the Union Army during the Civil War. In 1859 "The Union Fair ^\s.sociation" was fonned and fitted iip fair grounds at the north end of the village. Not being a success financially, the association was wound up in 1861. Cuya- hoga Falls has had her share of prominent citizens, among whom can be named Edward Rowland Sill, one of America's very best poets, and whose fame has just begun to grow. Elisha N. Sill, Samuel W. McClure, ' Henry McKinney, George Paul and Charles R. Grant. Cuyahoga Falls now has the following churches: Church of Christ, Rev. W. L. Denslow, pastor: First Congregational, Rev. A. E. Woodruff, pa.stor; Methodi4 Episcopal. Rev. W. J. Wilson, pa.stor; St. John's Epis- copal; St. Joseph's Roman Catholic, Rev. J. A. Nolan, pa.stor, and the Welsh Congrega- tional. The principal industries now are The Walsh Paper Company, C. M. Walsh, president ; T. A. Murphy, vice-president and general manager; E. A. Prior, secretary, and F. T. Moloney, treasurer. They have a very large factorv on River Street. On Portage Street are the Pearl Flour Mills, operated by the Walsh Milling Company, of which Cor- nelius ]M. A^' is president. The large fac- BIG FALLS— THE GORGE LAKE ANNA, BARBERTON COUNTY INFIRMARY ENTRANCE TO GRACE PARK, AKRON OLD MAID'S KITCHEN— THE GORGE ENTRANCE TO AKRON RURAL CEMETERY AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 107 tory of the Falls Rivet and Machine Company is located on the railroad at Portage Street. Edwin Seedhouse is president and C. H. Wells, treasurer. They make rivets, bolts and power transmission machinery. The Acme Wire Company has officers as follows : W. C. Hall, president; S. H. Miller, vice-president; L. D. Brown, treasurer; E. A. Henry, general manager. Falls Hollow Staybolt Company, C. M. Walsh, president; The Falls Lumber Company, G. R. James, secretary and treas- urer; The Keller Brick Company, Frederick W. Keller, president ; W. F. Keller, secretary and president; Tift and Vogan, consisting of Smith D. Tift and Fremont D. A^ogan ; Tur- ner, Vaughn and Taylor, of which Calvin W. Vaughn is general manager; Isaac N. Reid, who 'makes carriages and does a general smithy businass; the Fair Oaks Villa is a sani- tarium for mental and nervous diseases, con- ducted successfully by Drs. W. A. Searl and H. I. Cozad. The Cuyahoga Falls Savings Bank was organized September 2, 1904, upon the failure of the Akron Savings Bank, which had conducted a Cuyahoga Falls branch. It has a capital of $50,000 and is ably managed by following officers: President, C. M. Walsh; vice-president, W. R. Lodge ; vice-president, Edwin Seedhouse; treasurer and cashier, F. T. Moloney; secretary, E. A. Prior. The Falls Savings and Loan A.«sociation is ably conducted by L. W. Loomis, president; E. A. Prior, secretary; Dr. W. A. Searl, treasurer, and C. T. Grant, attorney. Bauman and Orth (Edward H. Bauman and Frank W. Orth) are the present proprietors of the Cuyahoga Falls Reporter. The Central Union Tele- phone Company and the Akron Peoples' Tele- phone Company both have exchanges here. The population of Cuyahoga Falls is now about 4,000. In 1907 its officials are: Mayor, C. A. Davis; clerk, C. D. Crumb; treasurer, Theodore Heath; marshal, I. Goldwood. The mayor and clerk are Democrats, the other two Rejiubliciuis. TALLMADGE TOWNSHIP. Tallmadge was founded in 1806 by David Bacon, mini.ster, missionarv and colonizer. His experiences in the wilderness and the dif- ficulties he had to contend with in establish- ing his little colony are typical, and for that reason are here set forth in full according to the excellent narrative of his .son, Dr. Leonard Bacon, as published in Howe's Historical Col- lections (Ohio). It may readily be believed that the labors and dangers incident to the settlement of Tallmadge were no greater than those attending the settlement of the other townships of the county. Rev. David Bacon, the founder of Tall- madge, was born in Woodstock, Connecticut, in 1771, and died in Hartford in 1817 at the early age of forty-six years, worn out by ex- cessive labors, privations and mental suffer- ings, largely consequent upon his financial failure with his colony. He was the first mis- sionary sent to the Western Indians from Con- necticut. His means were pitifully inade- quate, but with a stout heart, reliant upon God, he .started, August 8, 1800, from Hart- ford, afoot and alone through the wilderness, with no outfit but what he could carry on his back. At Buffalo Creek, now the site of the city of Buffalo, he took vessel for Detroit, which he reached September 11, thirty-four days after leaving Hart-ford, and was hospit- ably received by Major Hunt, commandant of the United States garrison there. After a preliminaiy survey he returned to Connecti- cut, and on the 25th of December was mar- ried at Lebanon to Alice Parks, then under eighteen years of age ; a week later, on the last day of the year of the last century, De- cember 31, 1800, he was ordained regularly to the specific work of a missionarj' to the heathen, the first ever sent out from Con- necticut. On the 11th of February, 1801, with his young wife, he started for Detroit, going through the -n-dlderness of New York and Can- ada by sleigh, and arrived there Saturday, May 9. The bride, before she got out of Con- necticut, had a new and painful experience. They stopped at a noisy countrj"- tavern at Canaan. There was a large company alto- gether, some drinking, .some talking and some 108 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY swearing, and this they found was common at all the public-houses. Detroit at this time was the great empo- rium of the fur trade. Some of the Indian traders were men of great wealth for those days and of highly cultivated minds. Many of them were educated in England and Scot- land at the universities, a class today in Brit- ian termed "university men." They gen- erally spent the winter there, and in the spring returned with new goods brought by vessels through the lakes. The only Ameri- cans in the place were the officers and soldiers of the garrison, consisting of an infantry reg- iment and an artillery company, the officers of which treated Mr. Bacon and family with kindnees and respect. The inhabitants were English, Scotch, Irish and French, all of whom hated the Yankees. The town was en- closed by cedar pickets about twelve feet high and six inches in diameter, and so close to- gether one could not see through. At each side were strong gates which were closed together and .guarded, and no Indians were allowed to come in after sundown or to remain over night. Upon his arrival in Detroit the missionary society paid him in all four hundred dollars; then, until September, 1808, he did not get a cent. He began his support by teaching school, at first with some success, but he was a Yankee, and the four Catholic priests used their influence in opposition. His young wife assisted him. They studied the Indian langiiage, but made slow progress, and their prospect for usefulness in Detroit seemed wan- ing. On the 19th of Febniary, 1802, hi^ first child was born at Detroit. — the afterwards emi- nent Dr. Leonard Bacon. In the May fol- lowing he went down into the Maumee coun- try with a view to establishing a mission among the Indians. The Indians were ly drunk, and he was an unwilling witness to their drunken orgies. Little Otter, their chief, received him courteously, called a council of the tribe, and then, to his talk through an in- terpreter, gave him their decision that they would not have him. Tt was to this efi'ect: Your religion is very good, but only for white people; it will not do for In- dians. When the Great Spirit made white people he put them on another island, gave them farms, tools to work with, horses, horned cattle and sheep and hogs for them, that they might get their living in that way and he taught them to read, and gave them their reli- gion in a book. But when he made In- dians he made them wild, and put them on this island in the woods, and gave them the wild game that they might live by hunting. We formerly had a reli- gion very much like yours, but we found it would not do for us, and we have dis- covered a much better way. Seeing he could not succeed he returned to Detroit. He had been with them several days and twice narrowly escaped assassination from the intoxicated ones. His son, Leonard, in his memoirs of his father, published in the Congregational Quarterly for 1876, and from which this article is derived, wrote : "Something more than ordinary courage was neces-sary in the presence of so many drunken and half-dninken Indians, any one of whom might suddenly shoot or tomahawk the mLssionary at the slightest provocation or at none." The two instances mentioned by him in which he was enabled to baffle the malice of savages ready to murder him remind me of another in,stance. "It was while my parents were living at Detroit, and when I was an infant of less than four months, two Indians came as if for a friendly visit; one of them, a tall and stal- wart, young man, the other shorter and older. As they entered my father met them, gave his hand to the old man, and was just extending it to the other, when my mother, quick to discern the danger, exclaimed, 'See! He has a knife.' At the word my father saw that, while the Indian's right hand was ready to salute, a gleaming knife in his left hand was partly concealed under his blanket. "An Indian intending to a.ssassinate waits until his intended victim is looking away from him and then strikes. Mv father's keen AND REPKESENTATIVE CITIZENS 109 6ye was fixed upon the murderer, and watched him eye to eye. The Indian found himself strangely diseoncert.ed. In vain did the old man talk to my father in angry and chiding tones — -that keen, black eye was watching the would-be assassin. The time seemed long. My mother took the baby (himself) from the birch-bark cradle, and was going to call for help, but when she reached the door, she dared not leave her husband. At last the old man became weary of chiding; the young man had given up his purpose for a time and they retired." Failing on the Maumee, Mr. Bacon soon after sailed with his little family to Mackinaw. This was at the beginning of summer, 1802 Mackinaw was then one of the remotest out- posts of the fur trade and garrisoned by a company of United States troops. His object was to establish a mission at Abrecroche, about twenty miles distant, a large settlement of Chippewa Indians, but they were no less determined than those on the Maumee that no missionary should live in their villages. Like those, also, they were a large part of the time drunk from whiskey, supplied in abundance by the fur traders in exchange for the proceeds of their hunting excursions. They had at one time no less than 900 gallon kegs on hand. His work was obstructed from the impos- sibility of finding an interpreter, so he took into his family an Indian lad, through whom to learn the language — his name was Singe- nog. He remained at Mackinaw about two years, but the Indians would never allow him to go among them. Like the Indians gen- erally, they regarded ministers as another sort of conjurors, with power to bring sickness and disease vipon them'. At one time early in October the second year, 1803, Singenog, the young Indian, per- suaded his uncle, Pondega Kawwan. a head chief, and two other Chippewa dignitaries, to vi.»it the missionar\r, and presenting him a string of wampum, Pondega Kawwan made a ver^' non-committal, dignified speech, to the effect that there was no u.^e of his .going among them, that the Great Spirit did not put them on the ground to learn such things as the white people taught. If it were not for rmn they might listen, "but," concluded he, "Rum is our Master." And later he said to Singenog, "Our father is a great man and knows a great deal ; and if we were to know so much, perhaps the Great Spirit would not let us live." After a residence at Mackinaw of about two years and all prospects of success hopeless, the !iii.ssionary society ordered him to New Con- necticut, there to itinerate as a missionary and to improve himself in the Indian language, etc. Ahout the l.^t of August, 1804, with h-s wife and two children, the youngest an infant, he sailed for Detroit. From hence they pro- ceeded in an open canoe, following the wind- ings of the shore, rowing by day and sleep- ing on land by night, till having performed a journey of near 200 miles, they reached, about tlie middle of October, Cleveland, then a mere hamlet on the lake shore. Leaving his family at Hudson, he went on to Hartford to report to the society. He went ;ilmost entirely on foot a distance of about 600 miles, which he wearily trudged much of the way through the mnd, slush and snow of win- ter. An arrangement was made by which he could act half the time as pastor at Hudson, and the other half as a missionary to the various settlements on the Reserve. On his return a little experience satisfied him that more could be done than in any other way for the establishment of Christian institutions on the Reserve, by the old Puritan mode of colonizing, by founding a religious colony strong enough and compact enough to main- tain schools and public worship. An ordinarv township, with its scattered settlements and roads at option, with no com- mon central point, cannot well grow into a town. The unity of a town as a body politic depends very much on fixing a common cen- ter to which every homestead shall be obvious- ly related. In no other rural town, perhaps, is that so well provided for as in Tallmadge. "Public spirit, local pride," writes Dr. Bacon, "friendly intercourse, general culture and good taste, and a certain moral and re- 110 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ligious steadfastness are among the character- istics by which Tallniadge is almost pro- verbially distinguished throughout the Re- serve. No observing stranger can pass through the town without seeing that it was planned by a sagacious and far-seeing mind. "It was fit that he who had planned the set- tlement, and who had identified with it all his hopes for use-fuln&ss for the remainder of his life, and all his hopes of a competence for his family, should be the first settler in the township. He did not wait for hardier ad- venturers to encounter the first hardships and to break the loneliness of the woods. Select- ing a temporary location near an old Indian trail, a few rods from the southern boundary of the township, he built the first log cabin, and there placed his family. "I well remember the pleasant day in July, 1807, when that family made its removal from the center of Hudson to a new log-house in a township that had no name and no hu- man habitation. The father and mother — poor in this world's goods, but rich in faith and in the treasure of God's promises; rich in their well-tried mutual affection ; rich in their expectation of usefulness and of the comfort and competence which they hoped to achieve by their enterprise; rich in the parental joy with which they looked upon the three little ones that were carried in their arms or nestled among their scanty house- hold goods in the slow-mo\'ing wagon — were familiar with whatever there is in hardship and peril or disappointment, to try the cour- age of the noblest manhood or the immortal strength of a true woman's love. The little ones were the natives of the wilderness — ^the youngest a delicate nur.?ling of six months, the others bom in a remoter and more savage These five, with a hired man, were the family. "I remember the setting out, the halt before the door of an aged friend to say farewell, the fording of the Ciiyahoga, the day's jour- ney of somewhat less than thirteen miles along a road that had been cut (not made) through the dense forest, the little cleared spot where the journey ended, the new log- house, with what seemed to me a stately hill behind it, and with a limpid rivulet winding near the door. That night, when the first family worship was ofi'ered in that cabin, the prayer of the two worshipers, for themselves and their children, and for the work which they had that day begun, was like the prayer that went up of old from the deck of the May- flower, or from beneath the wintry sky of Plymouth. One month later a German fam- ily came within the limits of the town ; but it was not until the next February that a sec- ond family came, a New England family, whose mother tongue was English. AVell I do remember the solitude of that first winter, and how beautiful the change was when spring at last began to hang its garlands on the trees. "The next thing in carrying out the plan to which Mr. Bacon had devoted himself was to bring in, from whatever quarter, such families as would enter into his views and would co-operate with him for the early and permanent establishment of Christian order. It was at the expense of many a slow and weary journey to older settlements that he succeeded in bringing together the families who, in the spring and .summer of 1808, be- gan to call the new town their home. His repeated absences from the home are fresh in my memory, and so is the joy with which we greeted the arrival of one family after an- other coming to relieve our loneliness: nor least among the merhories of that time is the remembrance of my mother's fear when left alone with her three little children. She had not ceased to fear the Indians, and .sometimes a straggling savage, or a little company of them, came by our door on the old portage path, calling, perhaps, to try our hospitality, and with signs or broken English phrases ask- ing for whiskey. She could not feel that to 'pull in the latch string' was a stifflcient ex- chision of such visitors, and in my mind's eye I seem now to see her frail form tugging at a heav\' chest, with which to barricade the door before she dared to .sleep. It was, in- deed, a relief and joy to feel at last that we had neighbors, and that our town was begin- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 111 ning to be inhabited. At the end of the sec- ond year from the commencement of the sur- vey, there were, perhaps, twelve families, and the town received its name, Tallmadge." Slowly the settlement of the town proceeded from 1807 to 1810. Emigration from Con- necticut had about ceased, owing to the stag- nation of business froni European wars, and the embargo and other non-intercourse acts of Jefferson's administration. Mr. Bacon could not pay for the land he had purchased. He went East to trj^ to make new satisfactory arrangements with the proprietors, leaving behind his wife and five little children. The proprietors were imnmovable. Some of his parishioners felt hard towards him because, having made payments, he could not perfect their titles. With difficulty he obtained the means to return for hi^^ familv. In May, 1812, he left Tallmadge, and all "that was realized after five years of arduous labor was poverty, the alienation of some old friends, the depression that follows a fatal de- feat, and the dishonor that falls on one who cannot pay his debts." He lingered on a few years, supporting his family by traveling and selling the "Scott's Family Bible" and other religious works, from house to house, and oc- casional preaching. He bore his misfortunes with Christian resignation, struggled on a few years with broken spirits and broken con- stitution, and died at Hartford, August 17, 1817. "My mother," said Dr. Bacon, "stand- ing over him with her youngest, an infant in her arms, said to him : 'Look on your babe before you die.' He looked up and said, with distinct and audible utterance: 'The blessing of the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, rest upon thee.' Just before dawn he breathed his la«t. Now he knows more than all of us, said the doctor; while my mother, bathing the dead face with her tears, and warming it with kisses, exclaimed: 'Let my last end be like his.' " There is little doubt that Rev. David Bacon was the first white person who made his home in this township. Other early settlers were George Boosinger, .Justin E. Frink, Ephraim Clark, .Jonathan Sprague, Titus Chapman, William NeaJ, Elizur Wright, Moses Brad- ford, Salmon Sackett, John Caruthers, Reu- ben Upson, John Wright and Luther Cham- berlain. The township was named in honor of one of its early proprietors, Benjamin Tall- madge, of Litchfield, Connecticut. Nearly all the original settlers were from Connecti- cut. It was organized as a separate township in November, 1812. Elizur Wright was elected clerk and Nathaniel Chapman, justice of the peace. Tallmadge has from the very earliest days brought a very strong religious and educational influence to bear upon the surrounding communities. The average of culture is higher here than in any other com- munity in this vicinity — perhaps in Ohio. The purpose of its founder was religious. The Congregational Church was organized here in 1809. In 1810, a school-house was opened and Lucy Foster, who married Alpha Wright the next year, was its first teacher. In 1816 "Tallmadge Academy" was incorporated and opened to students. Among its teachers, Simeon Woodruff and Elizur Wright were the earliest, while later came Sidney Edger- ton. About 1835 Ephraim T. Sturtevant opened a private school and taught it suc- cessfully for several years. Tallmadge estab- lished the first public library in Summit County, opening it in 1813, and continuing and increasing it until the present writing. The Congregational Church edifice was built in 1822, and Ls a fine specimen of the New England church architecifure of the period. With very few changes, it has continued to serve the society until now.. In 1825 the Methodist established a church organization, and in 1832 erected a church building. In 1874 they built the present structure near the public square. Coal and potters' clay are ex- tensively mined in the township. In the early '40's several veins of iron ore were dis- covered and a furnace erected to smelt them. The attempt was unsuccessful and the enter- prise ultimately abandoned. Some manufac- turing has been successfully conducted, notably, carriage manufacturing, begun in 1827 by Amos Avery and William C. Oviatt. In 1836 thov took in Isaac Robinson. In 112 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 1841 Ira P. Sperry organized the firm of Oviaitt & Sperry and later took in Samuel J. Eitchie. L. V. Bierce and J. E. Baldwin also manufactured cairiages for many year.?. In 1868 Alfred Sperry, Charles Tryon and Ben- jamin D. Wright began the manufacture of sewer-pipe, Henry M. Camp later succeeding Mr. Tryon. In 1871 Samuel J. Ritchie and Ira P. and Willis Sperry bought them out and continued the business with success until the fire of 1878. In 1881 Ira P. and George P. Sperry rebuilt the w^orks. The apple-butter factory of John A. Caruthers should also be noticed. Tallmadge gave her full quota of men to preserve the Union during the rebel- lion of 1861. Tallmadge claims two of the greatest names in Summit County history in Sidney Edgerton and William H. Upson. HUDSON TOWNSHIP. The original proprietors of Hudson town- ship were Stephen Baldwin, Da\nd Hudson, Birdsey Norton, Nathaniel Norton, Benjamin Oviatt and Theodore Parmalee. It consisted of 16,000 acres, and, in the distribution of the lands of the Connecticut Land Company, it was sold to the above mentioned proprietors at 32 cents per acre. In 1799 David Hudson organized a party of eleven persons for the purpose of inspecting the new purchase. They started overland from Litchfield, Connecticut, and, with their wagons, oxen and cows, made a very respectable looking caravan. They were nearly two months in making the jour- ney, reaching the present township about the latter part of June. The summer was spent in surveying; erecting a bark hut and a more substantial log-house; clearing land of timber; planting and sowing crops, and platting the village, now called Hudson, after its founder. Early in October the survey of the township was completed and David Hudson, with his son Ira and the two surveyors, started back to Connecticut, leaving the remainder of the party as a nucleus of the future settlement. By offering bounties of land and other in- dticements, Mr. Hivdson succeeded in getting together twenty-eight colonists who agreed to return with him into the wilderness and as- sist in the pioneer work of settling the new township. In this party were Heman Oviatt, Joel and Allen Gaylord, Joseph and George Darrow, Moses Thompson, Samuel Bishop and others. After enduring the usual perils and deprivations incident to pioneer journey.-;, they arrived safely in Hudson in May, 1800. Their first act was a public meeting to con- duct services of thanksgiving for their safe journey and deliverance from the perils of the way in the wilderness. On October 28, 1800, there was born to David Hudson and his wife, Anna (Norton) Hudson, a daughter, whom they named Anner Mary Hudson. She was born in Hudson and was the first white child born in what is now Summit County. Early in 1802 the county commis-sioners of Trumbull County, of which this locality was then a part, organized Hudson township and arranged for the first election in April, 1802. There were elected at that time. He- man Oviatt, Ebenezer Sheldon and Abraham Thompson, tmstees; Thadeus Laeey, clerk; Rufus Edwards, Ebenezer Lester and Aaron Norton, constables, etc., etc. On September 4, 1802, the first church or- ganization in what is now Summit County was made by David Hudson, with twelve of his fellow-colonists, who were members of Congregational Churches back in Connecti- cut. The first church thus established was a Congregational Church, and, from that day to this, not a single Sabbath has passed T\'ithout public worship being held by the Congrega- tional Church of Hudson. In 1820 the so- ciety completed a fine church edifice on the site of the present Town Hall, which was used continuou.ely until the splendid brick church on Aurora Street, next to the "Pentagon," was built in 1865. This has proved sufficient for the needs of the Congregational Society until the present day. In 1828 Moses Draper, Daniel Gaylord and Perley Mansur organized a Methodist Epis- copal Church, the history of which is not a record of unvarving success. The Protestant Episcopal Church was or- ganized in 1842 bv Frederick Brown, Anson AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 113 Brewster, Henry O'Brien, Arthur Sadler and others. It is called the "Parish of Christ Church, of Hudson, Ohio." Its membership has never been large and, at time.s, the organ- ization has been maintained with difficulty. St. Mary's Catholic Church was built in 1858 and has been maintained in connection with the church of that denomination in Cuyahoga Falls. In 1890 an organization of the Disciples of Christ was effected and Rev. F. H. Moore was installed as its pastor. From the very beginning Hudson led the intellectual life of the AVestern Reserve. What the influence of Western Reserve College has been has been told elsewhere in this work by Dr. Findley. The spirit of which that insti- tution is a product manifested itself the year after the founding of the first settleiuent. George Pease, of Enfield, Connecticut, estab- lished the first school in a log-house, about where the present Town Hall stands. The growth of the schools kept pace with that of the population. In 1868 the fine brick High School building was erected. In addition to the public schools many private schools have been conducted at various times. The first was the Nutting School for young ladies, es- tablished in 1827. Then followed the Hud- son Academy for boys and girls in 1834; Hudson Female Seminary in 1845; the Gro.s- venor Seminary and the Phelps "Seminary for Ladies," established a few years later ; the J. W. Smith school in 1853 ; the Emily Met- calf school in 1860, and the Hudson Acad- emy, revived in 1874 by Rev. H. B. Hos- ford. In the decade of the '50's Hudson was bad- ly smitten with the railroad fever. There was scarcely one of her citizens of means who did not invest everv- penny he could possibly raise in one or more of the railroad enter- prises undertaken at that time. Profe.ssor Henry N. Day. of Western Reserve College, seems to have been the moving spirit in all these schemes. The investors lost every cent they put in and the depreciation in Hudson business has been constant since that time. The town never rallied from the great finan- cial losses brought about by the failures of these railroad projects. The Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad was completed from Cleveland to Hudson in 1852. The "Akron Branch" was built soon after. These were successful and improved business conditions in Hudson so much that when subsequent projects were broached no difficulty was en- countered in getting the support of every Hud- son citizen. In 1852 Prof. Day and his asso- ciates "promoted" "the Clinton Line Rail- road." which was to be part of a great trans- continental railroad. In 1853 the same par- ties organized a bankruptcy club, the mem- bers of which were allowed to contribute to "the Clinton Line Extension," to run from Hudson to Tiffin. In the .same year Hudson citizens were asked to contribute toward de- fraying the expenses of another dream, iri- descent and alluring, called the "Hudson and Painesville Railroad," designed as an exten- sion of the "Akron Branch Railroad." The work on all these railroads was started and carried on to various extents. Much of the old grading, fills and culverts may yet be seen in the woods and pastures near Hudson. At least one of the roads was nearly half com- pleted, when, in 1856, the bubble burst. The dream was over, but the lapse from conscious- ness had cost the village every available nickel in it. These roads remain today just as they were left when work stopped in 1856. As a promoter. Prof. Day was a very great failure. Besides his railroad enterprises, which ended in disaster, might be mentioned his "Penta- gon" scheme and his book-publishing com- pany, both of which were wound up by as- signees. It is a pleasure to turn from these business failures to some other enterprises which were built upon a more substantial ba=is and thus became successes. The conspicuous is the immense business built up by S. Straight & Co., established in 1867. ' Their busi- ness was the manufacture of butter and cheese and at one time they operated fourteen fac- tories. In 1870 E. A. 0.sborne erected his butter-tub and cheese-box factory. Other mills were those of Era.«tus Crov, built in 114 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 1878; E. B. Shields, 1890; E. J. Tobdell; the Oviatt Manufacturing Company, in 1878, and the G. H. Grimm Manufacturing Company. Hudson's mercantile status is better today, perhaps, than at any time in the past. The great fire of a few years ago, which wiped out the entire western portion of the business part of town, has been the means of bring- ing about a great change for the better. Fine brick blocks have taken the place of the an- tiquated frame buildings in which business was formerly done and merchants have filled these modern rooms with larger stocks of finer goods. The Cleveland Bank failure, which brought so much loss upon Hudson merchants, through its Hudson branch, has been largely forgotten. After the fire above mentioned, Hudson possessed but one hotel, "The Delta," located near the depot, the old "Mansion House," located on the west side of Main Street, having been destroyed in that conflagration. In 1907 a fine, new hotel was opened up in the old Beebe Mansion, on the north side of the square, and called the "Park Hotel." Among the prominent merchants of the past and present should be mentioned Charles H. Buss, Edwin S. Bentley, John Whedon, George V. Miller, Dennis J. Joyce, R. H. Grimm, Seba.stian Miller, James A. Jacobs, Henry Wehner, John G. Mead, C. A. Campbell, C. H. Farwell, J. N. Farrar, P. N. Shively, J. L. Doncaster, W. M. Beebe, Charles Kilbourn and others. Hudson village was incorporated April 1, 1837. At the first election, held that year, Heman Oviatt was chosen mayor; Lyman W. Hall, recorder; Frederick Baldwin] Harvey Baldwin, John B. Clark, Jesse Dickinson and Daniel C. Gaylord, trustees. Hudson M'as one of the centers of anti-slav- ery sentiment in Ohio. Like Oberlin and Tallmadge, her citizens took an open and active part in attacking the great evil and arousing public opinion against it. Many fugitive slaves found an asykmi here. When the Civil War broke out Hudson did her full duty and furnished more than one hundred and fifty men for the Union Armv. Todav, nowhere in the county is Memorial Day more reverently celebrated. Hudson Township has given us Judge S. H. Pitkin, M. C. Read and W. I. Chamberlain. At the present time E. E. Rogers is town- ship clerk and also justice of the peace. The census of 1890 gave Hudson a population of 1,143; the last census (1900) showed a de- crease to 982. NORTHAMPTON TOWNSHIP. In the drawing of lands of the Connecticut Land Company the present township of Northampton fell to W. Billings, David King, Ebenezer King, Jr., F. King, John Leavitt, Jr., 0. P. Holden, Luther Loomis, Joseph Pratt, Timothy Phelps, Solomon Stoddard and Daniel Wright. It was first settled in 1802 when Simeon Prior, a veteran of the Revolutionary War, brought his wife and ten children overland from the beautiful village of Northampton, on the Connecticut River, in the green hills of Hampshire Coimty, Massa- chusetts. Other early settlers were Justus Remington, David Parker and Samuel King. Later came Rial McArihur, David Norton, Nathaniel Hardy, Sr., Daniel Turner. Northampton Township was very slow in be- ing settled. The Indians remained here lon- ger than in any other part of the country. It was not until the American forces began to assemble here for the war of 1812 that the last of the red men departed. Many of their village sites, mounds, etc., may be seen at the present time. Here was a rendezvous for mili- tia during the second war with England, and three vessels of Commodore Perry's fleet were built in Northampton and floated down the Cuyahoga to Lake Erie. in 1886 the village of Niles, at the mouth of Yellow Creek, was platted. It never grew to anything more substantial than a vision in the minds of its projectors, Peter Voris and his associates. The site is now called Botzum. Other hamleis are Northampton Center, Steele's Corners, McArthur's Corners and French's Mill. Northampton did far more than her share in fumishins men for the o P CO AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 117 Union Army in 1861-65. More than one hundred and forty of her citizens responded to the call of the nation. In 1907 W. E. Voss is township clerk, and P. D. Hardy and L. A. Hart are justices of the peace. NORTHFIELD. Northfield was first settled in April, 1807, when Isaac Bason brought his family from Massachusetts and built a log-house for them about a mile and one-half from the present Town Hall. Other early settlers were Jere- miah Cranmer, George Wallace, Orrin Wil- cox and William Cranny. The township was organized May 24, 1819, when an election was held, at which Jeremiah Cranmer, John Duncan and George Wallace were elected trustee.? ; Henry Wood, clerk ; Watrous Mather, treasurer; and Abraham Cranmer and Edward Coyne, constables. In 1840 the township had a population of 1,041. It fur- nished more than one hundred and twenty- five men to the Federal Army in the Rebel- lion. In 1907 M. A. Van Horn is township clerk and 0. E. Griswold and H. A. McCon- nell, justices of the peace. Flourishing cen- ters are Northfield, Little York, Macedonia and Brandywine. XORTOX TOWNSHIP. Norton township was originally a part of Wolf Creek township, but was organized as a separate township in April, 1818. It was named for Birdsey Norton, one of its Con- necticut proprietors. It was first settled in 1810 by James Robinson, who came from New York and built a cabin for himself on Wolf Creek. Other early settlers were .John Cahow, Abraham Van Hyning, Henry Van Hyning, John D. Humphrey, Charles Lyon, P. Kirkum, Seth Lucas, Charles Miller and Nathan Bates. At the organization in April, 1818, the following officers were elected: Clerk, Joseph D. Humphrey; justice of the peace, Henry Van Hyning, Sr. ; trustees, Charles Lyon, Abrahaim Van Hyning and Ezra Way; .supervisors, .John Cahow, Elisha Hin.sdale and Jo.seph Holmes. Norton pos- sesses some of the richest land in the county and many of her citizens have amassed much wealth from agriculture and mining of coal. The township also posse.-ses some of the most prosperous hamlets, like Norton Center, West- ern Star, Loyal Oak, Hometown, Johnson's Corners, Sherman and Dennison. It is also fortunate in having within its limits that marv&l of the closing years of the nineteenth century, the "Magic City" — Bar- berton. It is a city that was almost literally built in a day. In 1890 its site was a typical Ohio farm, with its fertile fields, rich mea- dows, stretches of woodland, running brooks, comfortable farm-houses and huge bank- barns. In its center was a little pond of clear water, fed by springs in its bottom, and named "Davis Lake." Rolling farm lands sur- rounded it on all sides. A mile or two to the north was the village of New Portage, a sta- tion on the Erie and Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railroads, a port on the Ohio Canal, and the southern terminus of the Portage Path, that aboriginal highway which connected the northern waters of the State of Ohio with the southern. Five miles further north was Akron, then a city of 27,000 peo- ple. In one short year all this was changed as though a magician's wand had swept over the scene. The old farms were platted into city lots, .streets, parks and factory sites. An army of men .set to work, leveling the land, removing fences and grading, and curbing the streets. Hundreds of workingmen's cot- tages were commenced; splendid residences along the shady boulevard around the lake gradually took form ; great factory buildings along the railroads arose day by day, and a belt line of railroad began to encircle the town. By the end of 1891 there was a popu- lation of nearly 2,000 people settled on the old Coventry farms of the year before. The reader should bo cautioned that this was not a "boom" town ; that its growth was not like the mushroom towns of the western mining regions; that the buildings were not tempo- rary structures to be replaced later by a more substantial construction. Here were no rough 118 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY pine store-buildingri, no tents, no "slab" sa- loons or groceries. On the contrary, severe building restrictions were incorporated in each deed of land and were strictly enforced by the grantors. The residences around the lake would be a credit to any oity. The store- buildings were mainly of brick and each fac- tory building was of the most modern steel, brick and stone construction. Indeed, the thing which imOvSt impressed the visitor in .those early days was the substantial, perma- nent character of all he saw about him. Dur- ing that first year the construction of the magnificent Barberton Inn was commenced. No city in Ohio had a better hotel at that time. The fine railroad station and the Bank building were also started. In a few months more than a million dollars had been invested in permanent improvements. The old farms had disappeared forever; the walls of Barber- ton .had arisen to endure so long as men shall buy and sell. The founder of Barberton was Ohio Colum- bus Barber, the president of the Diamond Match Company, the American Sewer-pipe Company and a hundred other companies, and the boy who, in the fifties, had peddled matches which his father had dipped by hand in the little frame building in Middlebury. Early in 1890 he a.ssociated with himself Charles Baird, John K. Robinson and Albert T. Paige, and together they purchased nearly 1,000 acres of land. Later in the year they sold an undivided one-half interest in their holdings to George W. Crouse, Sr.. and a Pittsburg syndicate, the head of which was M. J. Alexander. In May, 1891, these men organized themselves as "the Barberton Land and Improvement Company," with Mr. Bar- ber as its president. One-half of the stock was owned and held by the four men first above mentioned. Their first endeavor was to bring to Barberton as many manufacturing establishments as possible. They organized many themselves. By 1892 the following big -concerns were doing business in the new city and emploving many hundreds of workmen, namely: The National Sewer Pipe Company, with a capital invested of a quarter million of dollars and employing 200 men ; the Amer- ican Strawboard Company, capital $6,000,- 000, and employing 200 men ; the Sterling Boiler Company, capital, half a million, work- force, 300 ; Kirkum Art Tile Company, $300,- 000, 500 employees; Creedmoor Cartridge Company, $500,000, men employed, 200 ; the American Alumina Company, $500,000, em- ployees, fifty ; the United Salt Company, capi- tal one million, men employed, 150. Mr. Barber was made president of all these compa- nies, as well as of the Barberton Belt Line Railroad Co., and the Barberton Savings Bank Company, Avith a capital of $100,000. The other men interested with him were elected directors and officers in nearly all these com- panies. The next year the great corporation, known as the Diamond Match Company, and which had its principal factory in Akron, be- gan the constmction of its vast factory on the line of the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus Railroad just south of the station. When completed, the entire Akron plant was moved to Barberton and the working population of the town was thus increased by nearly a thou- sand persons. The Creedmoor Cartridge Com- pany was soon absorbed by the Cartridge trust, to the great profit of the local promoters, and the plant dismantled. The buildings, how- ever, did not long remain idle, for the Alden Rubber Company was later organized and its business grew so rapidly that large additions to the original buildings were soon neces,sary. Before the end of the decade had been reached the Columbia Chemical Company, with its millions of capital and its hundreds of em- ployees, had come within the zone of Barber- ton's activities. Its plant covers many acres in the southern part of the town and it has been one of the big industrial successes of the place. About the same time the Pitts- burgh Valve and Fittings Company was added to the long list of industries successfully doing business in Barberton. So, we say, advisedly, that Barberton will endure so long as men en- gage in commerce. Its foundation is as sub- stantial as any biLsiness community in the world. It has shown a remarkable power to rallv from reverses. It has had several such. AND EEPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 119 The Kirkum Art Tile Company ceased to do business after its large plant had been entirely wiped out by fire. The Barberton Pottery Company, after an unsuccessful career, was finally sold in bankruptcy proceedings. One of Barberton's two banks also found the stress of competition too severe and suc- cumbed. There were other failures which also brought great losses upon Barberton peo- ple, but they are all infinitesimal in compari- son with the colossal successes which have been won. Barberton today is a splendid monument to American energy and sagacity. The census of 1900 was the first in which the name of Barberton appeared. The total population then was 4,354. Today it is prob- ably in the neighborhood of 7.000. The pres- ent officials are: Mayor, James McNamara; clerk, George Davis; treasurer, E. A. Miller; marshal, David Ferguson. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Green and Franklin are the southern town- ships of the county, and originally were part of Stark County, being inhabited by the de- scendants of the Germans of Pennsylvania, or, as they are familiarly called, "Pennsylvania Dutch." Summit County is made up of four- teen townships from Portage, and Franklin and Green from Stark, the formation taking place in 1840. Vigorous opposition aro.?e on the part of Stark to this separation, both be- cause of natural affection for the parent Dutch stock and on account of the geograph- ical location of the new county seat at Sum- mit. At the time it was said that the Dutch and Yankees could not mix, but, like all idle assertions, time has shown the absurdity of that remark. Franklin is noted in natural features for the possession of numerous small lakes. The Tuscarawas, in early days a much larger stream than at present, offered a water supply apparently unfailing, and Turkeyfoot Lake seemed to hold out large promise. The coal deposits have always been large, and during the first settlements the cranberry crop was an unfailing source of revenue, great quantities of this berry being sent east. The peach crop was also large, and from this a compound known as peach brandy was made, and thor- oughly tasted before shipment abroad. In 1833 distilleries were established, but flour- ished for a comparatively short time. The more stable product of lumber enriched the possessors of forest, and great quantities of it were shipped up to Cleveland, and from thence to the more distant Lake ports. The early settlements of Franklin were Cartersville and Savannah. ■ The -first w^ named for a Wheeling quaker, who owned large tracts of land on which his town was lo- cated. Inability to withstand the encroach- ments of the rivers made this place speedily uninhabitable, and shortly after its founding, 1806, it was abandoned. In 1816 David Har- vey planted and planned the town of Savan- nah, but after a struggle of ten years, this settlement yielded to the superior merits of Clinton. The latter had all the advantages re- sulting from proximity to the canal. Clin- ton was originally laid out in 1816, and from the first was a consistent busine.-« mart. It became the center of business for several ad- joining counties. Large storehouses for grain were erected, doctor.*', lawyers and merchants settled there, and the increased shipment of coal made the town a veritable emporium. After flourishing till about 1850, Clinton de- clined in influence and, owing to the en- croachment of Akron and several allied towns, decreased in power and influence. The pass- ing of the railroad beyond its borders con- signed it permanently to the role of the rural village. The town of Manchester was started in 1815, and, being inland in location, never rose to anything like the business gait of Clin- ton, but, nevertheless, has had a steady, sub- stantial growth. The township organization took place in 1817. Previous to that, in 1811, it, with Green and Lake and Jackson, Townships of Stark, had had one set of officers. In matters of education and religion Franklin has been second to none. While it is somewhat uncer- tain as to the first teacher, yet it seems that a Mr. Mishler ha.« that honor. Rev. J. W. Ham- 120 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY mond was the first preacher and varied the hTiigaiage of his sermons according, as the majority of his hearers were German or Eng- lish speaking. The township has an. honor- able Civil War record, and was very active in the promotion of the celebrated "Underground Railroad." At the present time Franklin has a tax val- uation on all its property of over a million dollars and from her people have gone forth men who have served with fidelity and intel- ligence in all the walks of life. The township has given to public life Hon. Hugh R. Caldwell, judge of common pleas; Hon. John Hoy, judge of common pleas; Hon. Jacob A. Kohler, representative, 1883- 85 ; attorney general of the State of Ohio, 1886-88, and judge of common pleas, 1900- 1906. GREEN TOWNSHIP. Green, the sister township of Franklin, has had a varied experience. In the first place, her Indian history, like that of all early set- tlements, has been full of romance. Turn as we may from time to time to the old stories, as we read that of Green the thought of the sufferings and hardships of those pioneers in conflict with the red man must absorb our at- tention. What battles were fought there we may not know, but from time to time great masses of flint arrow-heads have been turned up, also an old mass of stones with its awful suggestion of am altar for human sacrifice — these are matters that divert our minds from the prosy life man has been condemned to live with only work as a mitigating circum- stance. However numerous the Indians were, they were driven out .shortly after the war of 1812, supposedly because the aborigines sided with the British. With them gone, the "Dutch" were allowed to turn their energies to the cultivation of their farms. At first there was some promise of coal, but this failed and at this time the township is experiencing a boom from clay found there, which is worked up in tlie village of Altman. As is often the case there is some question as to who was the first settler, Ixit the consensus of opin- ion gives that honor to John Kepler, with others claiming that it was either William Triplett or John Curzen. A distdiuct town.ship organization was ef- fected in 1814, and in 1840 occurred the sep- aration from Stark County with the promise that there should be no tax on public build- ings in the township till 1890. Probably the nearest Green ever came to a boom was the event surrounding the organization and up- building of the Seminary. This was a Meth- odist school, startled in 1854, with a capital of $2,000, divided into share? of $50 each. At one time .some one hundred and thirty stu- dents attended the seminary and it passed through varioiis stages till its final decline about 1875. The towns of Green are: Greensburg, founded in 1828 by David Baer; East Lib- erty, founded in 1839 (as might be expected these towns have been rivals in a quiet way, but this feeling has shown itself chiefly in po- litical contests) ; Myersville, founded about 1876, has importance chiefly because it has railroad facilities and has shown some ele- inents of steady and vigorous growth. George W. Grouse was reared in Green Township. He has served as county treas- urer. State senator, 1885-87, and federal rep- resentative, 1887-90. RICHFIELD TOAVNSHIP. Richfield, like the other townships of the Western Reserve, became the separate prop- erty of individuals upon the drawing of lands conducted by the Connecticut Land Com- pany. It was settled soon after by families who came from Connecticut and Massachu- setts. The first settler was Launcelot Mays, who came in 1809. The township was or- ganized in April, 1816, and John Bigelow was elected clerk; Isaac Welton. treasurer; William Jordan, Daniel Keys and Nathaniel 0\Tatt, trustees, and Isaac Hopkins, con- stable. The population then was in excess of L50. In 1840, it had grown to 1,108. In 1818 a Union church organization was ef- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 121 fected, which, in a few years, beoame the First Congregational Church. The Metho- dists, Baptists and United Brethren also or- ganized societies verj- early in the history of the township and have been uniformly pros- perous, thus indicating the sound basis upon which society in Richfield is built. The in- fluence of Richfield has always been exerted in behalf of the personal and civic virtues. Her schools are among the best in the coun- try. In 1836 the Richfield Academy was opened and attracted manj^ pupils from out- side the township. Some of its graduates aft- erwards acquired a national fame. It after- wards became the East High School, was burned in 1887 and replaced by a fine modern building. There is also a brick high school building at the West Center. Richfield Cen- ter is composed of two parts — the East Cen- ter and the West Center, situated about a mile apart. Both centei-s had a hotel and a post- office. The West Center has now a fine ho- tel which is the equal of any of the rural hotels in the county. Of late years Richfield has been gaining prestige as a summer re- sort, many wealthy Cleveland families coming here to spend the summer. Owing to the lack of transportation facilities, Richfield has never had any manufacturing industries. Mr. H. B. Camp, of Akron, is now (1907) pro- moting a railroad from Cleveland to Akron, which, if built, will pass through the centers. In mercantile life, however, many of her citizens have been successful. Among such may be mentioned William C. Weld, Everett Famam, George B. Clarke, Frank R. Brower, Henr>' C. Searles, Baxter H. Wood. The ho- tels have been successful in the hands of Lewis P. Ella? and Fayette Viall. Other village en- terprises which have been successfully con- ducted, some of them for many years, owe their success to John Ault. Peter Allen, Seth Dustin, T. E. Elkworth, Z. R. Townsend, C. P. Townsend, S. E. Phelps, Henry Killifer, Michael Heltz, C. F. Rathburn, Henry Green- lese, Percy Dustin, Samuel Fauble, George L. Dustin, Julius C. Chapman, P. Oarr and E. D. Carr. Mention should be made of the tile factory built by Ralph Farnam and Berkly S. Braddock. The former was an ex- pert in ceramics, and a large factory and pot- tery was built upon the old Farnam farm about 1890. About the same time, these two gentlemen equipped the finest stock farm in Summit County for the raising of fine horses and cattle. One stallion alone cost them $5,000. The tile industry proved unremu- nerative, owing to the long distance from a railroad. Both men sunk their large private fortunes in these enterprises. Ralph Far- nam aftem-ards went to New Jersey and was very successful in the tile business. The old farm finally pa.ssed into the possession of Charles P. Brush, of Cleveland. Richfield gave over 150 men to the of the Union in 1861-65. Two men of national fame have gone forth from Richfield in the persons of Russell A. Alger and Samuel B. Axtell. The present to-miship clerk is R. H. Chapman and 0. B. Hinnian is justice of the peace. SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP. Springfield township was first settled in 1806, when Ariel Bradley moved from Suf- field to what is now the village of ^logadore. Other early settlers were Thomas Hale, Ben- jamin Baldwin, John Hall, James Hall, Na- than Moore, Reuben Tupper, Abraham De- Haven, the Ellet family, the Norton family, Patrick Christy, James McKnight, William Foster et alii. The township was organized in April, 1808. The manufacturing of the township is all in the pottery line, as great beds of potter's clay are found here. Coal is also mined. Mogadore is the principal vil- lage. North Springfield, Brittain, Thomas- town, Millheim and Krumroy are also flour- ishing hamlets. Springfield furnished nearly 150 men to the Federal armies in the Ci\-il War. At the present time, J. Ira Emmet is township clerk, and R. C. Gates, Milo White and M. S. Mishler are justices of the peace. STOW TOWNSHIP. Stow Township is named after Joshua Stow, the original proprietor by grant from the Connecticut Land Company. The first 122 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY settler in this township was William Walker, who in 1802, came from Virginia. He was followed in 1804 by William Wetmore, who built a hoiise at what is now called "Stow Corners." Other pioneers were Gregory Powers, John Campbell, John Gaylord, Adam Steele, George Darrow, Erastus Southmayd, James Daily, Isaac Wilcox and David Rug- gles. The township was organized in 1808. It is now best known as the location of Silver Lake, a summer resort which is spreading its fame country-wide. Since the death of R. H. Lodge, his family have wisely continued his policies, under which great prosperity came upon Silver Near by are two other beautiful lakes — Wyoga and Crystal Lake. Stow township also contains Monroe Falls, a village on the Cuyahoga River a few miles above Cuyahoga Falls. This vil- lage was founded in 1836 by Edmond Monroe, a wealthy capitalist of Boston, Mass. A number of mills had been erected there to make use of the water-power afforded by the falls in the river. Up to the advent of the Monroes it had been called Florence. Mr. Monroe organized the "Monroe Falls Manu- facturing Company," and built a large store, many residences and the mill which is now used for the manufacture of paper. The township furnished 104 men to the country when our national life was threatened in 1861. W. Nickerson is now township clerk and Noel Beckley and W. R. Lodge are justices of the peace. TWINSBURG TOWNSHIP. The first settlement of Twinshurg Town- ship was made in April, 1817, and the honor of being the first settler belongs to Ethan Ailing, who was then a mere boy of 17 years, sent on by his father to prepare for the later coming of the Ailing family. Moses Wil- cox and Aaron Wilcox, twin brothers, were ako among the very earliest settlers. They were also among the original proprietors, as was Isaac Mills, who gave the township its first name "Millsville." The Wilcox twins afterwards persuaded the settlers to let them name the township, which they did, calling it Twinshurg in honor of their relationship. The township was organized in April, 1819. The first officials were Frederick Stanley, Lewis Ailing, Luman Lane, Samuel Vail, Elisha Loomis and Elijah Bronson. Ethan Ailing died in 1867, and by his will left eight shares of the stock of the Big Four Railroad Company to the mayor of the city of Akron for the purpose of having the dividends, de- clared thereon, being used to buy clothing, so that destitute children might be enabled to attend Sunday-school. These dividends are being used for this purpose at the present day, being turned over to the city poor direc- tor by the mayor upon their receipt. As early as 1822 both the Methodists and Con- gregationalists organized churches in Twins- burg. The latter built a church in 1823 and the present one in 1848. The Methodists built churches in 1832 and 1848. The Bap- tists organized in 1832 and built a church in 1841. In 1843 "The Twinsburg Institute" was opened by Samuel Bissell, which was one of the most successful educational institu- tions in the county. The beautiful soldiers' monument on the Public Square was dedi- cated July 4, 1867. One hundred and twenty- eight men of Twinsburg went to the front during the Civil AVar. From 1856 to 1870 "The Twinsburg Fair" was one of the great features of agricultural life in this vicinity. At the present time, E. J. McCreery is town- .ship clerk, and A. J. Brown and Isaac Jayne are justices of the peace. CHAPTER VI PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS AKROX CITY Ill)^^PlTAL. The City Hospital of Akron had its incep- tion in the fund left by an early French resident of Akron, Boniface De Roo, many years ago. This fund, which represented the lifetime savings of a frugal hard-working man, amounted to $10,000. The first building used was the old frame house at the corner of Bowery and Center streets. Here a num- ber of patients were cared for, but the place was palpably too old and behind the times, so it was given up and the city got along for a number of years longer without hospital facilities, the trustees holding the fund until such time as the sentiment in favor of estab- lishing a permanent hospital should take form. In April, 1892, the City Hospital Associa- tion was formally organized, with T. W. Cor- nell, president; 0. C. Barber, vice president; Henry Perkins, secretary, and William Mc- Farlin, treasurer. Twelve trustees were chosen from the Hospital Association. The De Roo fund, $10,000 contributed by T. W. Cornell, and a like sum by 0. C. Barber, were used to purchase the Bartges homestead on East Market for hospital purposes. After some improvements the building was opened as the City Hospital of Akron on October 18, 1892. Before many years this building be- came constantly overcrowded, and 0. C. Bar- ber announced that he would see that a larger one was built. With the completion of this new building and its opening on -Tune 5, 1904, Mr. Barber has invested nearly one quarter of a million of dollars, and the city of Akron has a hospital equipment second to none. Modern operating rooms and nurs- ing facilities, with the best of everything in its line, have been secured. The training school for nurses was opened in 1897 with a class of two, and has been constantly in- creasing in number of students and efficiency since that time, graduating eight in May, 1907. June 27, 1906, the first resident phy- sician or interne was engaged, and his pres- ence proved so helpful that another was se- cured May 1, 1907. The internes serve for eighteen months without pay, their compen- sation coming from their experience gained during residence in the institution. The officers of the new institution are as follows: President, 0. C. Barber; vice presi- dent, George T. Perkins; treasurer, Harry J. Blackburn ; recording secretary, Alexander H. Commins; president of the Auxiliary Board, H. M. Houser; superintendent, Marie Anna Lawson. The Board of Trustees: 0. C. Barber, George T. Perkins, M. O'Neil, H. B. Camp, C. B. Ravmond, J. A. Kohler, George W. Grouse, C. E. Sheldon, I. C. Alden, P. E. Werner, A. H. Marks, C. C. Goodrich, C. C. Benner, William A. Palmer. Junior Board of Trustees: George W. Grouse, jr., Tom A. Palmer, L. C. Miles, A. H. Commins, W. B. Baldwin, E. E. Andrews, H. M. Houser, E. S. Harter, H. H. Camp, C. H. Isbell, B. N. Robinson, George C. Koh- ler, Karl Kendig, Alvin V. Baird. Officers of Staff: President, Dr. H. H. Ja- cobs; vice president, Dr. William Murdoch; secretary. Dr. J. N. Weller. Hospital Staff: Consulting surgeons, Dr. C. W. Millikin, Dr. L. S. Ebright; consulting physicians. Dr. J. P. Boyd, Dr. William Mur- doch, Dr. L. S. Sweitzer, Dr. 0. S. Childs, Dr. F. C. Reed. 124 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Visiting Surgeons, Dr. J. W. Rabe, Dr. F. C. Pai-ks, Dr. A. F. Sippy, Dr. D. E. Cranz, Dr. G. F. Rankin, Dr. L. C. Eberhard. Visiting Physicians, Dr. E. S. Underwood, Dr. E. J. Canffield, Dr. H. D. Todd, Dr. J. H. Seller, Dr. W. S. Chase, Dr. A. A. Kohler. Assistant Surgeons, Dr. G. W. Stauffer, Dr. J. H. Hulse, Dr. J. H. Weber, Dr. E. S. Underwood. Gynecologists and Obstetricians, Dr. I. C. Rankin, Dr. H. H. Jacobs. Assistant Obstetrician, Dr. A. W. Jones. Consulting Oculist, Dr. A. E. Foltz. Oculists, Dr. J. G. Grant, Dr. M. D. Steven- son. Ear, Nose and Throat, Dr. T. K. Moore, Dr. E. L. Mather. Anaesthetist, Dr. J. N. Weller. Neurologist, Dr. W. W. Leonard. Pathologist, Dr. L. C. Eberhard. Bacteriologist, Dr. C. E. Held, Ladies' Auxiliary Board: Mi-s. W. C. Ja- cobs, president; Mre. William Murdoch, first vice president; Mrs. Ira Miller, second vice president; Mrs. T. C. Raynolds, secretary; Mrs. C. H. Palmer, treasurer. Members: ]\Irs. W. B. Raymond, Mrs. R. L. Ganter, Mrs. F. H. Ma.son, Mrs. G. W. Plumer, Mrs. H. J. Shuffler, Mrs. L. M. Wolf, Mrs. Ira Miller, Mrs. F. H. Adams, Mrs. John Greer, Mrs. M. O'Neil, Mi-s. William Mur- doch, Mrs. H. M. Smith, Mrs. G. G. Allen, Mrs. S. N. Watson, Mrs. J. M. Beck, Mrs. C. H. Palmer, Miss Dorothy Work, Mrs. R. P. Marvice, Mrs. C. I. Bruner, Mrs. E. S. Under- wood, Mrs. Albert Roach, Mrs. I. C. Alden, Mrs. H. K. Raymond, Mrs. G. W. Grouse, jr., Mrs. C. L. Brown, Mrs. I. C. Rankin, Mrs. R. H. Kent, Mrs. T. C. Raynolds, Mrs. E. W. Barton, Mrs. W. C. Jacobs, Mrs. Louis Loeb, Mrs. J. H. Greenwood, Mrs. F. H. Smith, Miss Emma Whitmore. THE COUNTY INFIRMARY. In the early days of the county the poor and indigent were cared for by action of the trustees of the various town.ships. The meth- ods varied much in different townships and the system was far from satisfactory. The usual way was to "let out" the keeping of the unfortunate citizens to the lowest bidder. This was a shiftless and lazy way of dispos- ing of the burden, and remains a great re- proach to those unworthy trustees who were guilty of such a breach of trust. The con- tractor was bound to get as much out of his contract as possible, and the only way to accomplish this was to do as little for the pauper as possible. In the great majority of cases all that was done was just sufficient to keep the soul in its wretched body. The first poorhouse was built in the forties, and was a rough affair, situated in South Akron, between Main Street and the present Brew- ster switch. In 1849, the old regime, with its neglect and cruelty, came to an end. The county commissioners, acting under an Ohio statute, purchased 150 acres of land about two miles west of How^ard Street, and lying between Market, Exchange and Maple (Streets, extended. In the summer of that year $2,000 was expended in adding a two- story frame building to the other buildings upon the land. This was the beginning of our fine County Infirmary of today. In 1856, and again in 1879, additional land was pur- chased, until today the county farm embraces a tract of nearly 225 acres. In 1864, the legislature authorized the expenditure of $16,000 for the erection of the brick main building. By utilizing the labor of the in- mates and burning the brick from clay found on the farm, and using strict economy, a much finer building was built than was orig- inally contemplated. Large additions were made to this main building in 1875, 1880 and 1887, and many smaller additions since 1890. Today there is no better county farm or poorhouse in Ohio than the Summit County Infirmary. The infirmary directors are chosen by the people at the time of the State election. The present efficient officers are Z. F. Chamberlain, of Macedonia; J. M. Johnston, of Fairlawn, and W. E. Waters, of Akron. The present superintendent is S. B. tml AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 127 Stotler, who has been in the office for many yeare and has rendered its difficult duties to the entire satisfaction of the citizens. THE CHILDREN S HOME. In August, 1882, the Summit County com- missioners purchased of George Allison, of Tallmadge, a farm near Bette's Corners, con- sisting of 140 acres of land, for $15,000. Upon this tract it was their purpose to estab- lish a home for orphan children, and such others under sixteen years of age as should be in need of county care. ■ A strong senti- ment began to set in against this action of the commissioners, it being felt that so large a tract was not needed and that the location should be nearer to Akron. The commission- ers accordingly suspended improvement oper- ations, and in November, 1885, leased the brick boarding-houses on Broadway, nearly opposite the court-house, which was demol- ished in 1906. when George Crisp & Son built their large .storage building upon the site. Finally, in 1889, the commi.ssioners, having sold parcels from' the Allison farm and se- cured legislative permission, bought the old Jewett homestead, on South Arlington Street, in the extreme southeast corner of the city. The property now embraces nearly seven acres of land, and the old building has been entirely remodeled and thoroughly adapted to its new uses. The growth of the city and county, however, have left the original plat far in the rear, and steps should be taken at once for the erection of a modern, brick and steel, fireproof structure for a children's home. The county ha.> provided a stone pal- ace for the county criminals (the new jail is all that) ; why should it not do as much for its little children? It has been pointed out many times that the present building is a perfect firetrap. If any taxpayer begrudge.-? the amount necessary to care for these inno- cent children in a proper way, he is not a worthy member of this Western Reserve com- munitv. THE MARY DAY NURSERY'. One of the splendid chai-itable works ac- complished in Akron was the founding and maintenance of a nursery where children might be kept during the day, thus enabling mothers to undertake work outside the home. To the "King's Daughters" belongs the credit of perceiving and adequately meeting this need. In 1890, these young ladies organized the Akron Day Nursery, and first occupied rooms in the Union Charity Association Building, on South High Street, where the Y. W. C. A. Building now is. A year later Colonel George- T. Perkins presented the young ladies with a house and lot on South High Street near Buchtel Avenue, and the dissociation became incorporated. The name was then changed to "Mary Day Nursery," in honor of Mary Raymond, Colonel Perkins' first grandchild. A few years later the munifi- cence of Colonel Perkins was again expe- rienced and the association had the extreme pleasure of accepting from his hands the splendid building on the northeast corner of Broadway and Buchtel Avenue. It is splen- didly equipped for nursery and kindergarten purposes and will meet the needs of the city in these respects for many years to come. THE UNION CHARITY ASSOCIATION. This society wa.s incorporated in 1889 for the purpose of relieving destitution and pre- venting indiscriminate alm.s-gdving. It is the clearing-house for Akron's charities. It was founded by the union of the Akron Board of Charities and the Women's Benevo- lent Association. It purchased a frame dwell- ing-house on High Street near the corner of Market, the site of the present Young Women's Christian A.sosciation Building. In 1903, it erected the fine brick building called "Grace," the money for which was contributed almost entirely by Colonel George T. Perkins. As the work of the association has fallen more and more to the lot of the Young Women's and Young Men's Christian A.ssociations, it was found advisable, in 1906. 128 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY to give up Grace House, and, accordingly, it was turned over to the Young Women'.^ Christian Association. The latter remodeled and enlarged the building at an expense of $15,000, and today it enjoys one of the finest association buildings in the State. The asso- ciation has moved three times, originally occupying the basement rooms in an apart- ment house on the east side of South High Street, between Mill and Quarry Streets ; thence moving into the entire third story of the Wilcox Building on South Main Street, where for two years, 1905-1907, it success- fully conducted its splendid work among the young women of Akron. In April, 1907, it moved into the new building on South High Street. The present secretary of the Young Men'."? Christian Association has announced that that organization is in no sense a charitable one. However, in giving their money to es- tablish it, the citizens of Akron understood that it was to be devoted to charitable ends. At the present time the color line is strictly drawn, and only white men of a certain social grade and upwards, are welcomed at the club- house. The Young Men's Christian Associa- tion is the result of a movement on behalf of boys and A'oung men, started by the mayor of Akron in 1902. Actively assisted by Sam- uel P. Orth, he interested a number of influ- ential citizens in behalf of a Boy's Club. Mr. Orth was at that time a professor in Buchtel College. The idea was to get boys without regard to color, race, habits or social stand- ing, in from the streets. After the move- ment had progressed considerably it seemed best to a majority of those interested in it to turn the whole project over to the Ohio Young Men's Christian Association and make use of their organization. No one doubted that the original objects of the promoters would be carried out by the latter association. In this they were mistaken. In 1903, work was commenced on a fine building on South Main Street at the southeast corner of Main and State Streets, the site having been pur- chased by the association. Early in 1906 it was ready for occupancy. It is a splendid structure for the purpose, and consists of gym- nasium, dining-rooms, baths, dormitories, au- ditorium and reception and social rooms. Since the building has been opened and its restricted character announced, no little regret has been expressed that the purpose of its early promoters was not persisted in, the Young Men's Christian Association has never been a success in Akron, two former asso- ciations having gone to the wall after more or less checkered careers. AKRON PUBLIC LIBRARY. The Akron Public Library is the outgrowth of an earlier organization. The Akron Li- brary Association, this in turn having its rootage in the Akron Lecture Association. Through a series of lectures which continued for many years, through membership fees and generous donations, the Akron Library Association grew vigorously. In 1873, the library had assumed such proportions that it required more care than the association felt inclined to give, and it was offered to the city, with the stipulation that it receive proper support. The propo.sition was duly consid- ered and accepted in January, 1874. The library began its career as a public one in March of the same year. The city bought three rooms on the second floor of the Ma- sonic Block, and the library occupied these until October, 1898. The growth during some twenty odd years made another move necessary, and, in 1898, the second floor of the Everett Building, then in process of con- struction, was reserved for the library. Prom these bright comfortable rooms it moved on April 23, 1904, into its permanent home, the building given by Mr. Carnegie. The library opened to the public August 1, 1904. The library now numbers 16,046 volumes for circulation, and 7,580 volume* of refer- ence and government reports — 23,626 vol- umes in all. Aside from the main library, it reaches the public through eight stations for book exchange. The reading room has a large and attractive list of magazines and papers, and is always well patronized. From AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 129 the beginning the library has been an active and vigorous force in the community. Librarians of Akron Public Library— T. A. Noble to 1875; Horton Wright, 1875- 1882; J. A. Beebe, 1882-1889; Miss M. P. Edgerton, 1889 to present year (1907). Assistants — Miss Mary Vosburg and Mias Anna M. Krummer to 1875 ; Miss Bessie Wil- lis, 1875-1885; Miss M. P. Edgerton, 1885- 1889; Mrs. J. M. Proehl, 1889 to present; Miss Clara B. Rose, 1895-1901; Miss Maud Herndon, 1901 to present ; Miss Grace M. Mit- chell, 1903-1907 ; Miss Euphemia MacRitchie (cataloguer), 1903-1905; Miss Rena B. Find- ley, 1907 ; Miss Ella C. Tobin, 1907. Directors of Library Association to 1874 — D. L. King, J. S. Lane, J. H. Pitkin, I. P. Hole, C. P. Ashmun, G. T. Perkins, N. D. Tibbals, E. P. Green, Ferdinand Schu- macher, J. H. Peterson, Thomas Rhodes, R. L. Collett, J. A. Long, B. S. Chase, Sid- ney Edgerton, John Wolf, J. H. Hower, W. C. Jacobs, J. R. Buohtel. Directors of Library Since Its Organization as a Public Library — J. R. Buchtel, J. P. Alexander, M. W. Henry, E. P. Green, G. T. Ford, W. L. King, C. A. Collins, Adams Emerson, Mason Chapman, N. A. Carter, L. Miller, T. E. Monroe, F. M. Atterholt, C. W. Bonstedt, C. P. Humphrey, 0. L. Sadler, R. P. Burnett, C. R. Grant, Elias Fraunfelter, A. H. Noah, Louis Seybold, G. D. Seward, C. S. Hart, P. E. Werner, W. T. Allen, H. K. Sander, A. H. Noah, M. J. Hoynes, John Memmer, W. B. Cannon, H. C. Corson, F. W. Rockwell, W. T. Tobin, F. C. Bryan, C. P. Humphrey, W. T. Vaughan, J. C. Frank, G. W. Rogers, J. W. Kelley, A. J. Tidyman, T. J. Mumford, W. J. Doran, H. A. Kraft. Board of Directors (1907)— President, W. T. Vaughan; secretary, G. D. Seward; John C. Frank, Rev. G. P. Atwater, Dr. M. V. Hal- ter, Henry A. Kraft. Library Staff (1907)— Miss M. P. Edger- ton, Librarian; Mrs. J. M. Proehl, Miss Maud Herndon, Miss Rena B. Findley and Miss Ella Tobin, assistants; James C. Gillen, cus- todian. CHAPTER VII AGRICULTURE By far the oldest of the agricultural or- ganizations of various kinds in Summit County is the Summit County Agricultural Society, under the auspices of which the an- nual autumn fair is held. This society has had an uninterrupted existence since about 1841. There is now no way of determining the exact date of its organization, as the early records have all been destroyed. The rather uncertain recollection of persons who came to Akron in 1840 is to the effect that a show of agricultural produce was held an- nually commencing within a year or two after that dat€. The first mention made of any such society in the local papers of the time which have survived to us occurs in 1844. In May of that year a notice was published, calling a meeting of the executive committee for the purpose of adopting rules, under which the annual fair was to be conducted. Subsequently, the State of Ohio had passed certain acts for the encouragement of agri- cultural societies. By the terms of one of them, any such society organized in Summit County and holding an annual fair might draw $137.50 from the public treasury, each year, to be applied toward defraying the ex- penses of the society. This was not a large sura and would not go far in meeting the ex- penses of a very modest fair; but the results of the offer in many of the counties of Ohio deinonstrated the wisdom of the legislature. The thrift of the Summit County farmer is proverbial. As might be expected, the offer of the State was soon accepted. It is probable that the affairs of the early society had not moved forward without inter- ruption ; it may even have ceased to exist. At any rate, in October, 1849, the auditor of the county issued a call for a public meet- ing of all those who would be interested in the formation of a society of agriculture. In pursuance of this call, a public meeting was held in the new court house on the eleventh day of November, 1849. The meeting or- ganized by electing officers and appointing a committee of five farmers, representing differ- ent portions of the county, to prepare a suit- able constitution and code of by-laws for the governing of the organization. Before the meeting adjourned, the society had secured seventy members from among those who had attended. The name of the old society, The Summit County Agricultural Society, was adopted as the name of the organization. Perhaps it is error to speak of the "old so- ciety," for it may not have ceased to exist. However, the real history of the society, as we know it, begin.s with this meeting held in the autumn of 1849. If the old society was maintaining an uncertain existence, it was put firmly on its feet by this public meeting. That call to action aroused a strong public sentiment which has been a potent factor ever since. The ultimate result has been to make the Summit County society the strong- est one in the State, and the Summit County Fair one of the most important held any- where in the Middle West. On November 18, 1849, the a-ssociation held another meeting at the court house, at which time a constitution and by-laws were adopted and permanent officers elected. This was the first board of officials of which we have any record. Colonel Simon Perkins was elected president; William H. Dewey, HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 131 treasurer; William A. Hanford, of Tall- madge, secretary, and John Hoy, of Frank- lin; Sylvester H. Thompson, of Hudson, Avery Spicer, of Coventry; James W. Weld, of Richfield, and Philo C. Stone were elected as a board of directors or managers. At the present time the practice is to take one di- rectoT from each to^-nship in the county. These directors arranged and published a pre- mium list and made all preparations for hold- ing a fair during the fall of 1850. This, the first large and well-organized fair in the county, was held October 2nd and 3rd, 1850 At that time two days were deemed enough. The officers probabh' followed the custom in New England, of confining the fair to two days, the first of which was given over to the "Horse Show" and the second to the "Cattle Show." For the last twenty-five or thirty years, at least, it has been the custom to de- vote four days, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs- day and Friday, of fair week to the purposes of the exhibition. It is now held on the same week in the year as the earliest fair, in 1850. It is probably the most satisfactory time which could be selected. At first the society had no grounds of its own and was obliged to request the county commLssioners for permission to hold it on the grounds surrounding the (then) new county court-house. The permission was will- ingly granted, and the fair was held in the grove which then covered the block of land between High, Church, Broadway and State Streets. The court-hoase building wa.* used for the display of flowers, fruits and domestic articles, while the stock was exhibited in the surrounding grove. There was no race-track and, of course, no races. If the interest it aroused in things agricultural may be taken as a criterion, the fair of 1850 wa* a big success. On account of the fact that no ad- mission was charged, the total receipts for the first year were only $327.53, of which $100 were spent in awarding premiums. The so- ciety secured the court-house grounds for its fair of 1851, and al.«o held its third fair there in 1852. The increasing number of exhibits made it neces.sary to erect temporary booths and sheds to accommodate them. This being a source of expense which might be avoided by securing permanent grounds, and the interest of the public throughout the whole county increasing, it was determined by the society to lease suitable grounds and erect more substantial and worthy buildings. The president of the .society, Simon Perkins, then offered it, without charge or rent, the use of a tract of land on South Main Street nearly opposite the plant of The B. F. Good- rich Company, and consisting of about six acres of land. An exhibition hall, stock- sheds and a high fence around the grounds were built. The fourth fair was held on thase grounds on October 12th and 13th, 1853. In five years the annual attendance had grown so large that the grounds had be- come entirely inadequate. The receipts had increased to $1,400 m 1858. When the so- ciety decided to secure new quarters, the fine public spirit which Cuyahoga Falls had al- wavs shown, was once more demonstrated. That village made an offer of $6,000 if the new grounds should be located there. Never- theless, the society leased for a period of five years a beautiful tract of about thirty acres of land in the western part of the city. It was owned by Da\4d L. King and consisted of the high land immediately west of the canal between Glendale Avenue and Ash Street. This site is now occupied by the Mil- ler and Conger mansions and the fine grounds surrounding them. . The society fitted np these grounds with the necessary buildings, a race-track, etc., at a cost of several thou- sand dollars. The first fair held on these grounds was that of 1859. In 18G4, the lea'^e from Mr. King expired. Althotigh he offered to sell the whole tract to the society, for fair puri:>oses only, for the extremely low price of $5,000, and although the site was perfectly adapted to such purposes, yet the society, in pursuance of a .short-sighted policy, deter- mined to move again. This time they went still further west and located on the grounds of P. D. Hall, just east of Balch Street. Mr. Hall leased thirtv acres, most of it covered 132 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY with a fine grove of trees, to the society for a term of ten years. This tract has been known, popuhirly, ever since as the old "Hall Fair Grounds." The first fair held here was in the autumn of 1864. Successful fairs were held on these grounds during the whole of the ten years. The expiration of the lease found the society with several thousand dol- lars in its trei^ury which it could devote to the purchase of grounds of its own. A spir- ited contest then began between the advocates of different sites. Nine or ten different tracts adjoining the city on the w&st and south were offered to the society at prices ranging from $200 to $500 per acre. Every one of these tracts has since increased in value to as many thousands. At first the society de- termined to purchase the property of Dr. S. H. Coburn and Samuel Thornton west of South Main Street. Then the committee of purchase concluded to accept the offer of James McAllister for his thirty acres on the highest point of West Hill, just west of Por- tage Path. The deed was made and the so- ciety became the owner of it. This action aroused a storm of protest. The people of Akron objected to the long distance from the business center of the city and the inhabi- tants of every township in the county, except those in the western part, were loud in their objection that, for them the location was practically inaccessible. As a result, the so- ciety, in 1875, decided to sell the new grounds and buy others located on North Hdll. Mr. A. T. Burrows had offered them forty-five acres there at a price of $400 per acre. At a meeting held six months later this determination was reconsidered and a final choice was made of a tract of forty- five acres lying in the valley of the Little Cuyahoga, near the old Forge, and known as the "Austin Powder Patch." This tract of land haid belonged to the Austin Powder Company, and had been the site of their pow- der mills until about 1860, when they were moved to Cleveland. Explosions and fires had long before destroyed all the buildings upon the tract. The writer first saw it in 1874, and it certainly looked far from invit- ing. Although it was not decided until June 26, 1875, to purchase this tract, yet by dint of much hard labor the next fair, that of October, 1875, was held there. It was the first fair held on the society's own grounds. Contrary to the expectations of many citi- zens of the county, it was a big success. The attendance and the exhibits were larger than ever before. In the next few years, the so- ciety spent much money in grading, improv- ing and beautifying the grounds. It became a real expofsition, on a small scale. Mercan- tile Hall, Agricultural Hall, Floral Hall, the Grand Stand and many dining halls, exhibi- tion booths and stands were built; the grounds were laid out in an attractive man- ner with artificial lakes, fountains, etc., and the name "Fountain Park" was given to the new fair grounds. Since 1875, the successive fairs of the society have been held here, in- cluding the 1907 fair just held. Since 1906 there has been a strong sentiment setting in toward selling Fountain Park and securing more accessible grounds. The society has been successful on these grounds, but the in- crea.sing crowds make it impossible for the tran-sportation companies to properly handle visitors. The present grounds would make very desirable railway yards, and it is now understood that one railway company, at least, would like to add them to its posses- sions. The many dangers attending the ap- proach to the present grounds certainly ought to lead the present members of the society to consider the purchase of other grounds more favorably situated. The officers of the Summit County Agri- cultural Society for 1907 are: President, L. M. Kauffman; vice president, B. H. Prior; secretary, 0. J. Swinehart; treasurer, G. W. Brewster; superintendent of race^, E. M. Gan- yard. When the Summit County Agricultural Society reached the determination to move the site of its annual fair from Hall's Pair Grounds to the New Fountain Park, much dissatisfaction was expressed by those opposed to the new site. The discontent prevajiled mostly among the farmers in the southern AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 133 and western parts of the county. It was said that the new site was difficult and dangerous to approach, and doubts were held as' to the healthfulness of it. These feelings and ex- pressions of dissent finally culminated in the formation of a rival association called the "Summit County Fair Association." The society was incorporated with a capital of $5,000, and the following officers were elected: President, James Hammond, of Cop- ley; vice president, Frank A. Foster, of Copley; secretary, Wellington Miller, of Nor- ton ; trea.surer. Philander D. Hall, Jr., of Akron. Mr. Hall made a new lease of his large tract on favorable terms to the new society, and the capital paid was expended in providing buildings, sheds, fences, etc. The fair was held in the last week of September, 1875, and was an entire success, both from the point of attendance and interest, and from the point of exhibits. The new society was much encoiiraged, and made more exten- sive plans for the fair of 1876. While the latter was succe.'vsful from all points of view. yet the rival fair in Fountain Park had con- tinued to grow in popularity and the old objections to its site had been found by the experience of two years to be largely un- founded. The younger association did not feel encouraged to continue their exhibition, in face of the strong sentiment setting in toward the "old fair" on the new site. It .was accordingly decided to wind up the affairs of the new association and disband. Since 1876, the Summit County Agricultural So- ciety has conducted the only agricultural ex- hibition held in the county. It has been uniformly successful and is today an exceed- ingly strong and prosperous organization. When the difficulty over the selection of new grounds arose in 1859, the fine public spirit of Cuwhoga Falls was again mani- fested. That village made an offer of $6,000 in cash to the Summit County Agricultural Society, provided the new fair grounds should be located there. Upon the refusal of this splendid offer, the citizens of the village de- termined to have an agricultural exhibition of their own. They formed an organization called the "Union Fair Association," and pro- vided extensive grounds in the northern part of the village as a site for an annual autumn festival. The advantages of the site were all that could reasonably be asked. In fact, it was superior in nearly all respects to any of the sites previously or since selected for this purpose. The grounds were first opened for exhibition on September 1, 1859. The fair was well attended and netted the asso- ciation a profit of several hundred dollars. The attendance was mainly from the north- ern part of the county. The profits of this first fair were all wiped out, however, by a race meet, which was held in the latter part of October of the same year. In 1860, the date of the fair was changed to the fir.=t week of October. The attendance was not as large as had been hoped for, although the exhibi- tion itself was well worthy of patronage. The last fair held on these grounds was that of 1861. The display of stock and products of the farm was excellent, and an attraction in the form of competitive military drills be- tween the different 'military companies of the county was added, but the attendance was far below the line of profit. With the inevi- table staring the a.ssociation in the face, it was decided to disband, and the Summit County Association from that time on had no competition from the "Union Fair Asso- ciation." Two other town.ships which tried to con- duct rival fairs without lasting success were Richfield and Twinsburg. The citizens of Richfield organized the "Richfield Agricul- tural Club" in 1851, and in the fall of that year conducted a fair which was reasonably successful. It was supported by a well-popu- lated and wealthy community, and being economically condiicted, it continued to grow in popularity and influence. At length, in 1858, the "Union Agricultural and Mechanic Arts Society" was incorporated, comprising citizens of parts of Medina and Cuyahoga counties as well as Summit. This tri-countv fair continued to prosper and held succe.«sful exhibitions each autumn on well-appointed fair grounds, situated between the two villages 134 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY of East and West Richfield. Finally, the in- terest in the central exhibition at Akron be- came so strong that at was decided that the agricultural interests of the county would be best subserved by limiting the exhibitions to the big one held at the county seat. The last fair on the Richfield grounds was held in •1875. The next year the society sold its grounds and wound up its affairs. About the time the Richfield Fair was started, the people of Twinsburg commenced an annual township exhibition of agricultural products. In 1855, this was expanded into the "Union Fair Association," composed of Twinsburg, Hudson and Northfield town- ships in Summit County; Solon and Bedford townships, in Cuyahoga County, and Aurora township, in Portage County. Fine fair- grounds were established near Twinsburg Center, and the society prospered for many years. After the war the interest began to wane, and after the fair of 1871, it was de- cided to discontinue them. In 1872, the grounds were sold and the "Union Fair As- sociation" of Twinsburg was, from that time on. merely a matter of history. SUMMIT COUNTY GRANGES. Among the organizations which the agri- culturists of the county have provided for their betterment, physically, mentally and spiritually, the Grange occupies an important place. That the movement has been well thought of in this general vicinity is evi- denced by the, following iinposing list of Summit County Granges. The names of their respective officers is for the year 1906- 1907. Granges and officers are as follows: Pomona Grange — Eugene F. Cranz, of Ira, master; S. J. Baldwin, of Tallmadge, lec- turer, and Mrs. 0. S. Scott, secretary. Dar- row Street Grange — W. M. Darrow, master; Mrs. F. R. Howe, lecturer; Mabel E. Shively, secretary. Osbom's Corners' Grange — W. E. Riiple, master; Monnie Woodruff, lecturer; A. L. Aikman, secretary. Northampton Grange — George W. Treap, master; 0. Mc- Arthur, lecturer; Howard G. Treap, secre- tary. Richfield Grange — Henry S. Gargett, master; Mrs. Mary Baughnian, lecturer; Frank M. Hughes, secretary. Copley Grange — Arthur Chrisanan, master; R. J. Dalling.i, lecturer; Herbert Hammond, secretary. Bath Center Grange — I. L. Underwood, master; Mrs. William Waltz, lecturer; E. C. Robin- son, secretary. Tallmadge Grange — S. C. Barnes, master; Mrs. Lottie Clark, lecturer; II. J. Walters, secretary. Highland Grange — E. Blender, master; George Lauby, lec- turer; J. W. Foltz, secretary. SUMMIT county's HORTICULTURAL INTERESTS By Aaron Teeple, Esq. In the early settlement of Summit County our pioneer fathers were beset with the stern realities of life^ — a house to shelter, the pro- curement of raiment and the wherewithal to be fed. The forests had to be cleared away, habitations, though rude, erected, and the unbroken soil subdued. Without markets in which to dispose of any surplus products or to procure necessary supplies, only at remote distances through roadless forests, their cm- ditions, as we view them now with our mod- ern improvements, were that of unwonted hardship and deprivation. The writer can well remember the old time "log-rolling," when the neighbors came together for miles around to pile the timbers previously cut into huge heaps for burning. Then it was the custom for each farmer to grow a piece of ground to flax, that was in time pulled, broken, beaten, heckled, and finally spun and woven into cloth for clothing or beddinar. Almost every log cabin was then provided with an upper chamber reached by ascending a ladder, where the children were put to bed, with only a puncheon roof above to protect from the storm without. Usually in this cabin near the ladder stairway, a hole was bored in one of the logs, and a strong wooden ])in driven, where any wild game, brought in to add to the food supply, was hung. At night, when the meat supply became low, the stuTdy woodman would take down the RESIDENCE OF WALTER A. FRANKLIN. AKRON RESIDENCE OF }iAl;\ EV BALDWIN, AKRON RESIDENCE OF ELMER A. GAULT, AKRON AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 137 rifle, fasten a lighted candle on his hat and visit the chopping. Deer were plentiful then and the newly cut timber affoi'ded excellent browsing. The approach of the light would give alarm, and the reflected light from the eyeballs of the deer give the hunter the point to aim at, while the light of the candle en- abled deliberate precision for deadly work. The pre-eminent factor then was the so- ciability everywhere manifest. Did a neigh- bor want, he had only to make it known. Be it labor, food, or other supply, all were ready to sacrifice, if need be, to meet the want. In those days but little attention was devoted to the esthetic culture of home or the ornamentation of its surroundings. Doubtless our ancestors had as ardent ta^te or desire to cultivate and enjoy the beautiful, as we, their progeny, but the sterner demands had first to be met and overcome ere these could be gratified, or luxuri&s be considered. The wild flowers, in many instances, were transplanted and in a measure domesticated by culture, as were several species of grapes and berries found growing on low lands in the forest. Among the early settlers in our county were Austin M. Hale, of Mogadore, Dr. Men- dell Jewett, of Middlebury; Daniel Hine, of Tallmadge ; Andrew Hale, of Bath ; Edwin Wetmore, of Northampton, and a Mr. Robinett, who lived just over the line of Northfield in Cuyahoga County, father of B. A. Robinett, of Northfield. With them the love and culture of fruit was supreme and uppermost. To provide a supply in their new home, to be, various kinds of seeds, vines and small trees and shnibbery were brought from their New England homes, and planted in their gardens, becoming the basis from which most of the orchards and gar- dens of Summit County sprung. Daniel Hine was the pioneer in grape and pear culture, Andrew Hale and Austin Hale of apples, and Edwin Wetmore of peache«. By careful cross fertilization, the wild with improved varieties, many new types were se- cured. Of the tree fruits, especially the apple has undergone but few changes. The old Rambo, the Rhode Island Greening, the Bel- mont, and many of the older varieties, re- main as distinct as when first introduced and propagated. The pioneer nursery business was instituted by Austin M. Hale of Mogadore, Denis A. Hine and M. Jewett of Middlebury, and Jobe Green, just over the Bath line in Granger, Medina County. In order to increase their stock, seed of fruit was planted and the seed- ling stock set in nursery rows, producing in mast instances fruit of very inferior quality. To improve the fruit, long journeys were made to South Eastern Ohio near Marietta, where Israel Putnam, jr., had established a nursery of forty or fifty varieties of choice fruit brought from his old home in Connec- ticut prior to the year 1817. Scions were secured and young tre&s grafted. About the year 1824, the Kirtlands established a nur- sery in Trumbull" County with stock brought from New England, including peaches, pears, apples and many of the smaller fruits. Our home nursery men, alert to increase their product in quantity as well as quality, were not .slow to avail them.selves of anything new in their line and became customers to some extent of the Trumbull County nursery, from these sources most of the orchards and small fruits w-ere originally desseminated. Among the older orchards of Summit County were that of Maxwell Graham in Stnw, Jphn Ewart of Springfield, W. B. Storer of Por- tage, and Andrew Hale of Bath — orchards that by careful treatment haVe and are now yielding large crops of choice fruit annually. For many years Summit County was noted as being a dairy and farming community. The milling interests at the county seat created a demand for cereals and the southern part of the county being adapted in soil to their growth, it became largely a grain-grow- ing section. While the northern part of the county was a heavier soil better adapted to grass, and the dairy interest thrived. But with the building of railroads increasing fa- cilities of transportation, the close proximity to coal fields cheapening fuel, Akron became a manufacturing center. With each new in- 138 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY dustry came a corresponding increase in pop- ulation, creating an increased demand for fruits, vegetables and garden products. Mar- ket gardening became a fixed industry. Per- haps the earliest to engage in gardening to any extent was Charles C. Miller and Foster A.'Tarbell of Copley, W. B. Storer and Sam- uel Bacon of Portage, and Charles H. Welch of Springfield. The business became so profitable that soon others followed. At present the business has grown to such an extent that frequently in the .summer months from eighty to 100 wagons loaded with fruit and garden products are on the Akron mar- ket on a morning. This demand for food supplies, with the diversity of the soil of the county, has been the means to enable the culture of many hitherto neglected products. The swamp lands near Greentown were drained and brought under culture, and Jo- seph A. Borst became the pioneer in celery growing. Soon after the Atwood Brothers of Akron commenced dn a large way the rais- ing of celery on the muck land of Copley swamp just west of Akron. Many acres of once-thought waste land have become drained and are now producing celery, onions, cab- bage and other hardy garden products in dif- ferent portions of the county. Matthew Crawford for more than forty years has been growing plants of small fruits and developing new varieties. Many of our choicest varieties of strawberries: are the result of his labors. Recently his attention has been given mostly to growing bulbs. With Rev. M. W. Dai- las, a few years ago he grew about nine acres of gladiolas. The market responded, the de- mand became so groat that the supply has not been suflicient. This season one dealer, we learn, has placed his order for 2,000,000 gladiola bulbs, requiring at least 10 acres of land to produce them. Hyacinth and daff'o- dil bulbs are now grown .successfully, and the time will likely soon come when further im- portations from abroad will become unnec- essa^J^ The first effort at organization of the Agri- cultural and Horticultural interests, aside from the Summit County Agricultviral So- ciety, was made in the year 1878 by a call from Dr. M. Jewett, M. C. Read, L. V. Bierce and others to form a Farmers' Club. The meetings were held monthly in the Empire Hall in Akron, and continued for several years. The meetings were at first well at- tended and were usually of much interest and profit. Subjects relating to the home, prod- ucts of the farm, fi-uit growing, as well as those more intricate and scientific relating to how plants grow, how- to originate new varie- ties, were presented in well written papers and, in some instances, pointedly discussed The club became so heavily freighted, how- ever, with professional men, who spun out their paperse so fine and to such length that the interest began to lag. As an instance, one, a Dr. Smith, was asked to prepare a paper. He chose for his theme "Sexuality in Nature." He argued that in the mineral as well as in the animal and vegetable king- doms, distinct traces of sexuality exist. The article was highly scientific, and of sufficient length to fill a whole page in the Summit County Beacon, and required over an hour in reading. At the of the reading but a small audience remained to its merits. It became evident to the officers of the organization that to impart new life a radical change must take place. Hence a call was made to meet at the Friendly Inn, at the corner of Howard and Mill Streets in Akron, for con,sultation. The meeting was held on the 18th of January, 1882. There were 19 persons present. Dr. Jewett was chosen president, and Matthew Crawford sec- retary. The object of the meeting was stated by the chair, and enlarged upon by several others. At the suggestion of Mr. Crawford the matter of reorganization along the lines of horticulture was considered with much favor. An adjournment was made to meet with Mrs. E. 0. Knox (on her invitation), then editor- ess of the Cuvahoga Falls Reporter, on Feb- marv 8, 1882. At this meeting it was de- cided to organize the Summit County Horti- cultural Society. Dr. Mendall Jewett was chosen president and Matthew Crawford sec- retary. A committee was appointed to pre- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 139 pare a constitution and by-laws for the gov- ernment of the society, which were presented at a subsequent meeting and adopted. The meeting.-; of the society ai'e held monthly, on invitation, at the residences of its members, who regard it a privilege as well as a duty to entertain its membership. Reports are re- ceived on orchards, vineyards, small fruits, ornamental planting, ornithology, ento- mology, botany and forestry at each meeting from a standing committee in each depart- ment appointed for that purpose. Some com- petent person is selected in addition to pre- sent a paper or, which forms part of the program for each meeting. The discus- sions following the reports of the standing committee and the points presented in the esssij or address serve to make the meetings of much interest. The program for the year's work is prepared in advance by the executive committee of the society, giving place of meeting for each month,, and list of officers and standing committees for the year. Since the organization of the society a quarter of a century ago it has continued to grow and prosper. The influence exerted and the good work done by the organization is shown in its social greetings, the exhibits of choice flowers, and fine vegetables and fruits at its monthly gatherings. The incentive to its members is to make their homes more social, pleasant and attractive, that when in turn it is theirs to entertain, their guests may be delighted in the surroundings. Neighbors are influenced, and fine homes with choice lawms become, in a measure, contagious. The county fair in its exhibit in the horti- cultural department, is another example of its work. The monthly meetings are reported for the local press of the county, and in many instances are wholly or in part-, copied in many of the leading agricultural and horti- cultural journals of the country. A number of the membership are solicited to aid in Farmers' Institute work, either through the State Board of Agriculture or directly by county societies. The present board of officers is Charies N. Gaylord, of Stow, president; Capt. P. H. Young, of Tallmadge, vice president, and Miss Nellie Teeple, of Akron, secretary and treasurer. CHAPTER VIII TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES Steam and Electric Railroads — The Ohio Canal — The Ohio and Pennsylvania Canal. At the present time the steam railroads of Summit County are subsidiary lines of the four great railroad systems of Eastern United States, viz: The Baltimore & Ohio, repre- sented by the Cleveland, Terminal & Valley, the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling, the Akron & Chicago Junction, and the Pittsburgh & Western. Allied to the Baltimore & Ohio, is the Pennsylvania Company, represented by the Cleveland, Akron & Columbus, and the Cleveland & Pittsburgh. The Erie is now the successor to the historic New York, Pennsyl- vania & Ohio, while the great Lake Shore system finds expression in the solitary North- ern Ohio and the latest line, the Lake Erie & Pittsburgh. In addition to these is the Akron & Barberton Belt Line, now generally understood to be a Pennsylvania property, and sold in the open market only a few years ago for the sum of $1,000,000. To write of the sale of a road for a million tells why the history of any railroad in this day ceases to have any strictly personal side, for such a story is no longer the culmination of struggles and sacrifice on the part of hardy pioneers but is rather the result of a correct reading of the broker's tape. The many millions involved in railroads represent as many varied peoples and interests as the num- ber of dollars. Their owners live far from the line of their property, so that in Summit County to-day it is literally true that the profits from the above lines return to owners in every state of the country, and in countries as far distant as Holland and Belgium. First in point of time in this county is the Cleveland & Pittsburgh EaiLroad, running from Pittsburgh to Cleveland and entering Summit on the east at Hudson. Projected and started in 1836, retarded by the panic of 1837, and finally completed in 1851, this road is one of the wonders of the financial world, in that it has never defaulted a pay- ment on the interest of its bonds and since 1854 has paid a steady and unfailing income of 6 per cent on the investment to all stock- holders. It has been lately double tracked from Alliance to Hudson and over that stretch of territory is a model line in physical equipment. The road now known as the Cleveland, Akron & Columbus, also Pennsylvania prop- erty, possesses local interest, in that it started with "The Akron Branch Railroad," which in 1851 was planned as a feeder to the Cleve- land & Pittsburgh. At that time, through the enterprise of Simon Perkins, an amend- ment was made to the charter of the Cleve- land & Pittsburgh, extending that line from Hudson to Akron and by popular vote this county subscribed for stock in the Company to the amount of $100,000.00. By the middle of 1852, the road was completed to Orrville. Like all railroads it had its ups and downs, and after various litigation, in which the name was changed from the "Akron Branch" to Cleveland, Zanesville and Cincinnati, later to Cleveland, Mount Vernon & Delaware, and finally to the Cleveland, Akron & Co- lumbus, the road prospered till it was de- HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 141 clared fcy McCrea of the Pennsylvania Com- pany in 1893, this road was the bright spot in that system. The casual reader will do well to observe that this road arose through the aid of the people of the communities through which it passed, and took its life and nurture from the legislature creating it, and the county which burdened itself with taxes to maintain it. Not a dollar was paid this county in dividends, but the county took its reward in the increased wealth incident to improved transportation facilities. The Akron and Barberton Belt Railroad, opened in 1892, extends in and around the city of Barberton and is thirteen miles in length. This line represents one of the most modern phases in railroads in that of itself it carries nothing to any distance, but is simply a feeder to the railroads centering in Akron and drawing its revenue from the factories which it touches, but carrying no passengers. The Baltimore and Ohio system, we speak of it as such, for it does not exist as a rail- road, comprises the roads of its system al- ready named. There is no Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in Summit County, for that railroad does not own a mile of road in the state of Ohio, and does not operate a mile. That system, incorporated under the la^vs of We-st Virginia and Maryland, owns the stock by majority holding of the various roads set forth, and by such arrangement maintaiins uniformity in the general officers of the vari- ous constituent companies. To be specific, a passenger going from Cleveland to Wheel- ing, arrives in ^Vkron at Akron Junction over the Cleveland Terminal & Valley, from there he passes over the P. C. & T., also called the Pittsburgh and Western, to the Union Sta- tion, whence he passes over the Akron & Chi- cago Junction to Warwick, from which point he completes hi? journey to Wheeling over the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling. All these roads are part of the Baltimore & Ohio sys- tem. The Cleveland Terminal & Valley is the successor to the Valley Railroad Company, a railroad which will ever hold a pleasant place in the memorv of this countv, because of the many local people whose life and hopes were bound up in its completion. Starting in 1869 as the Akron and Canton Railroad, under Mr. D. L. King, it became the "Valley" in 1871. To raise the money, a public meeting was held at the Academy of Music in Akron, in January, 1872. Committeemen from every township were appointed to rouse sen- timent on the road. Sufficient money was raiser to start construction in March, 1873, and much work was done. But the panic of 1873 tightened the money supply, and in 1875 Mr. King sailed for England to inter- est the English capitalists. In this he failed, and returning to America the bonds of the company were finally disposed of, and the first train was run over the line from Cleve- land to Canton, January 28, 1880. The Cleveland, Terminal and Valley corporation was organized in 1895 and secured the A'al- ley property at foreclosure sale. The ma- jority of the stock of this corporation is owned by the Baltimore & Ohio. The Pittsburgh & Western was projected in 1881, and in 1891 became part of the Balti- more & Ohio system by lease. The story of this road is bound up with that of the Akron & Chicago Junction. In 1890 two con- struction companies were building in Akron MeCracken & Semple were building the P. A. & W., while Ryan & McDonald were at work on the A. & C. J. Both claimed to be the builders of a Western and Eastern outlet to Chicago and Pittsburgh, but finally it devel- oped that the Akron & Chicago Junction was a Baltimore & Ohio proposition. The acquisi- tion of the Pittsburgh & Western with the Akron & Chicago Junction gave the Balti- more & Ohio a direct line from Chicago to Pittsburgh. The Akron & Chicago Junction is merely a right of way from Chicago Junc- tion to Warwick. Thence it proceeds to Ak- ron over the Cleveland. Akron & Columbus, and from Akron it terminates at Akron Junc- tion. The method of transfer to the Balti- more & Ohio is of some interest. In 1890 it was leased to The Baltimore and Ohio and Chicago Railroad, one of the Baltimore & Ohio stool pigeons, for 999 years renewable 142 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY forever. Subsequently this lease was assigned to the Baltimore & Ohio. As to the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling — this is the latest acquisition of the Baltimore & Ohio. The main line passes through the southern corner of the county and in 1902 the Baltimore & Ohio secured a majority of its stock. On the books of the Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling this stock appears in the name of a resident of Baltimore, Md., but it is voted as B. & O. stock. The history of the Erie now a continental road and a so-called "trunk line," starts with the secret plans of Hon. Marvin Kent of Kent, Ohio, to form a continental line from east to west. In the words of another, "he conceived the idea of forming a direct line from New York to St. Louis, nearly 1,200 miles, by connecting with the Erie road at Salamanca, on the east, and by the Dayton & Hamilton with the Ohio and Mississippi at Cincinnati, on the west." A liberal charter was secured and he started in. Opposition developed in Pennsylvania, and instead of constructing a new road through Pennsylva- nia, he and his associates bought the Pitts- burgh and Erie road. This charter author- ized unlimited extension and subsequently the State of Pennsylvania and New York per- mitted the chartering of separate roads in each State, and finally there was developed the historic Atlantic and Great Western Railway Company. The road was completed in 1864, after eleven years of labor on the part of Mr. Kent. The road ran from Akron to Dayton, and after various litigation be- came known as the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad Company. It was finally leased to the Erie Railroad under which it now operates. Probably no one road ever passed through the litigation of this road, for, from December, 1874, down to 1879, its law- suits were continuous and apparently unend- ing. Even at the present writing, litigation is pending as to the ownership of bonds of the road deposited in the county treasury to the credit of unknown English and Dutch owners. The Lake Shore Railroad, or more prop- erly the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, is represented in Summit County by the ill- .starred Northern Ohio and the promising Lake Erie & Pittsburg. These two roads rep- resent the extremes of railroad construction; one is poverty-stricken and wretchedly equipped; the other with no trains running as yet, has abundant means and every facil- ity for rapid gro\\i:h. Originally the North- ern Ohio was called the Pittsburgh, Akron and Western, and was designed by the late Senator Brice to be a connecting link in his world-wide road from China to New York. The death of that eminent Democrat stopped its growth, and it is now a mere line running from Akron to Delphos, a distance of 165 miles. It was incorporated in 1883 and trains began in 1891. It passed into the hands of the Lake Erie & Western, and that small sys- tem passed into those of the Lake Shore. The Lake Erie & Pittsburgh, now under construc- tion, is designed as an important feeder to its parent system. Originally it started at Lo- rain, and for a long time the exact owners of the road were unknown. Finally the Belt Line of Cleveland was made a part of tlie scheme, and it passed from the hands of the contractors who projected it into the posses- sion of the present owners. A^arious other roads have been planned in and through Summit County, where the im- mense shipping done by the various factories has inspired the avarice or the ambition of promoters. To recount them all in detail would only be calling the roll of failure, at no time an elevating task. Among them are the Clinton Line, the Clinton Line Extension, the Hudson & Painesville, and the New York and Ohio. The last unsuccessful project was ad- vanced by the versatile Charley French, who planned great things for the railroad maps of the country, and in his organization in- cluded the A.shland & Wooster, and finally the Lake & River Route. This scheme failed and at the present time no further changes are proposed in Summit County railroads. So far as concerns railroad stations, all the steam roads now center at the Union Passen- ger Station, and this is becoming inadequate AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 143 to handle the steadily increiiaiiig traflie. This Union Station was originally the site of the Bates homestead and was opened for use in 1891. Before the Valley became part of the Baltimore & Ohio system, it had a sta- tion on West Market Street, now replaced by the packing-house at the corner of Canal and West Market. For a long time the Erie main- tained a separate station on the ground of the old Union Depot, but finally made peace with the Pennsylvania and occupied with it the present Union Station. The conclusion to be drawn from the rail- road situation in Summit County is the same conclusion to be drawn from the railroad sit- uation throughout the Nation. We have no pressing need of further transportation fa- cilities from steam roads. We have reached the intensive stage in their development, and that means that original grantors of the rights to these roads, the people of this county, look to the road for repayment. This repay- ment must take place in fair passenger and freight rates, in decent payment of taxes, and in equipment insuring safety both to pas- senger and highway traveler. The people of this county owe the railroads nothing; the railroads owe them the above moderate and honest returns. It is fair to say that any such organization as is now maintained by the Baltimore & Ohio in this County, as above detailed, is a menace to the fulfillment of any of the above conditions. For ex- ample, the Baltimore & Ohio as such, does not pay a dollar of taxes into the treasury of this county, and any attempt at competi- tion in freight rates is impossible under the present arrangement. The solution of these matters is no part of an historical article, but it is fair to say that the final determination of them will occur when honest County au- ditors and pro-secutors who are sufficiently in- telligent to grasp the situation occupy the offices. That means intelligence and effi- ciency on the part of the electorate, and so far at least individuals may meet the situa- tion. At the present writing, the canals of Sum- mit County are in a transition state and the average resident looks on them as a doubtful luxury. This is due partly to the great out- lay of money required to maintain them, with .eginning could not have been ■made. Mr. Schumacher in a few years added the making of pearl barley to his line. In 1863 he built the first of his mills on South Sum- mit Street, between Mill and Quarry. In 1872 a new German Mill was built there. In 1879 a large grain elevator was built by Mr. Schumacher. Then came the Big Jumbo mill, an eight-.story structure, devoted entire- ly to the making of cereals. Then a fine, stone office building, co.sting $80,000, was built on the corner of Mill and Broadway. Mr. Schu- 152 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY macher was now the foremost miller in the world. The company, of which he was the founder and head, had reached the climax of prosperity, when, on the night of March 6, 1886, the entire plant was destroyed by fire, entailing a loss of over a million dollars to the company. In April, 1886, just a month after the de- struction of the big plant by fire, the Ferdi- nand Schumacher Milling Company was in- corporated, with a capital stock of two million dollars. The Old Stone Mill, which had been operated by Cummins and Allen, was con- solidated with the Schumacher interests. Mr. Ferdinand Schumacher was made president of the new company. In July, 1891, the American Cereal Company was incorporated, with a capital of $3,400,000. This was com- posed of all the principal oatmeal mills of the United States. It absorbed the Hower Mill- ing Company of Akron. In 1907 the Quaker Oats Company took the place of the Ameri- can Cereal Company. Just after the forma- tion of the American Cereal Company the principal office was established in Chicago and many of Akron's best citizens were taken to that city on account of the change. The representative of the officers of the company at Akron is J. H. Andrews, the local super- intendent. In 1870 Robert Turner commenced the manufacture of oatmed on the corner of Canal and Cherry Streets. He was succeeded in 1879 and 1880 by The Hower Company, of which John H. Hower was president; Har- vey Y. Hower, vice-pre.sident; M. Otiis Hower, secretary, and Charles H. Hower, treasurer. At the time of their consolidation with the American Cereal Company they were doing a very large and prosperous business. In 1883 John F. Seiberling organized the Seiberling Milling Company, and built a six- story brick flouring mill in east Akron, which is now the Akron plant of the Great Western Cereal Companv. It was organized with a capital of $200,000, and had a capacity of 100 barrels a day. The first officers were J. F. Seiberling, president; Lucius C. Miles, secre- tuTV, and Frank A. Seiberling, treasurer. In 1901 it became a part of the Great Western Cereal Company, with a capital of $3,000,000. The Allen Mills were founded about 1845 by Simon Perkins, Jedediali D. Commins, Alex- ander H. Commins, Jesse Allen, Hiram Al- len and Jacob Allen. The mills were after- wards converted into flouring mills by the Perkins Company and afterwards the Allye and Company was formed of F. H. Allen, Victor J. Allen and William A. Palmer. THE MATCH INDUSTRY. At one period of its existence Akron was known as the "Match Town." This was on account of the location here of the Barber Match Company, which afterwards became the Diamond Match Company. The most primitive form of the match was the small, pine stick, coated with certain chemicals, which were lighted by dipping the chemical end in a solution of aqua-fortis. Matches aft- erwards were made by using a chemical com^ position, which could be ignited by means of a piece of sand-paper. Late in the thirties came the Loco-Foco match. Samuel A. Lane and James R. Miltimore were the pioneer makers of matches in Akron. These Loco-Foco matches were of pine, dipped alternately into melted brimstone and a phosphonis composi- tion. S. A. Lane and Company began mak- ing them in 1838. They continued the busi- ness onlv about a vear, finding little profit in it. In 1845 George Barber commenced the manufacture of matches in a small barn in Middleburv. This was the humble beginning of the great Diamond Match Company of to- day, with its great factories and universal business. Mr. Barber found the business profitable and made several removals, finally occupying the entire woolen factory which stood on the site of the present Goodyear Tire and Rubber Works. In 1865 the Barber Match Company was formed, with George Barber, president; 0. C. Barber, secretary and treasurer, and J. K. Robinson, general agent. In 1871 the Barber Match Company moved to South Akron to where the Diamond Rubber AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 153 works is now located. In 1881 the Barber Match Company, with twenty-eight other es- tablishments in the United States, were incor- porated under the name of the Diamond Match Company, with a capital stock of $6,- 000,000. Mr. 0. C. Barber was made presi- dent of this company and John K. Robinson, treasurer. Today the Diamond Match Com- pany is one of the great industrial corpora- tions of the world, and the most credit for its success is due to the Akron man, Ohio Colum- bus Barber, who has been its president since its inception. In 1879 the Miller Match Company was formed for the manufacture of parlor matches in the building which formerly stood just west of the old plant oif the B. F. Goodrich Company. It wa^ organized bv Harvev F. Miller and S. S. Miller. Col. A. L. Conger was its president. In 1885 it was incorporated with a capital stock of $100,000. In 1888 it was sold to the Diamond Match Company. AGRICULTUR.\L IMPLEMENTS. The Buckeye Mower and Reaper Works : In 1864 a branch of the A. Aultman Company, of Canton, w^as established in Akron and th« manufacture of inowers and reapers was com- menced in the great plant along the railroad;? at the corner of Center Street. A separate company was then formed to conduct the business and was known as Aultman, Miller and Company. Lewis Miller was the general superintendent of the works from the begin- ning, and, under his able direction, the com- pany grew to be one of the largest institu- tions of its kind in the country. Much of the Buckeye machine was the invention of Mr. Miller himself. G. "W. Crouse was presi- dent; Ira Miller, .secretary, and R. H. Wright, treasurer. The company continued to do a prosperous business until about 1902, when the organization of the International Harves- ter Company deprived the local company of its opportunity to compete on equal groimds. In 1905 a receiver for the company was ap- pointed and the entire a.ssets were sold to the International Harvester Company, by order of the court. The litigation over the failure of the Aultman, Miller Company is still (in 1907) pending. In 1865 John F. Seiberling organized the J. F. Seiberling Company and established the Empire Mower and Reaper Works on the railroad, near Mill Street. Mr. Seiberling had been a druggist in Akron and in 1858 had invented the Excelsior mower and reaper, with a dropper attachment. In 1861 he com- menced the manufacture of them at Doyles- town. In 1864 he began the manufacture in Massillon, and in 1865 brought the industry to Akron. A large business was soon e.stab- lished and very extensive shops were erected. In the panic of 1873 the company was unable to weather the storm and an assigne in in- solvency took possession of the plant. When the Excelsior plant was sold, Mr. Seiberling purchased it and organized a new company, entitled the J. F. Seiberling Company, with himself as president; F. A. Seiberling, secre- tary and treasurer, and Charles W. Seiberling as superintendent. Capital stock was $160.- 000, and the plant was known as the Empire Works. The business at first was successful, and Mr. Seiberling reaped a large fortune. In the year 1900 business began to fail and ul- timately an 'assignee was appointed by order of court and the business wound up. The old Empire plant was afterwards occupied by the India Rubber Company and still Later by the Fiebeger Heating Company. The Akron Iron Company was established by Lewis Miller and other parties intere.sted in the Aultman, Miller Company in 1866. Large rolling mills were built on the railroads south of Exchange Street. Upon its reorgani- zation in the year 1900 the company was known by the title of the Akron Iron and Steel Company, with a large part of its capital stock held in the East. Stress of competition overwhelmed it, and finally its business was wound up, and the plant sold to the railroad .companies. The old site is now a part of the Akron yards of the Erie railroad. In September, 1886, the Selle Gear Com- pany was incor{3orated with a capital stock of $100,000. George W. Crouse was its presi- 154 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY dent; F. M. Atterholt, vice-president, and W. C. Parsons, secretary and treasurer. A large factory was built on Chestnut Street, corner of High, and the company began the manu- facture of the Selle patented platform gear for wagons. In 1906 it became the Akron- Selle Company, with M. Otis Hower as presi- dent and general manager ; H. Y. Ho\ter, vice- president; H. A. Paul, secretary, and E. R. Held, treasurer. Under the able manage- ment of M. Otis Hower, a very large busi- ness is being built up, and there are good reasons for believing that, in a very short time, this concern will be one of the largest maufacturing institutions of the city. The Akron Belting Company was incor- porated in 1885 by George W. Crouse, Alfred M. Barber and Sumner Nash. Its first plant was on North Main Street, where the Grand Opera Hou.'^e is now located. They are mak- ing a very superior quality of leather belting of all sizes. Upon the vacation of the Allen Mills on Canal Street, this company moved into them and ha.s continued to do busines.* at that stand since. The pra'^ent officers are : A. B. Rhinehart, president; Sumner, vice- president; George Wince, secretary and treas- urer, and Webster Thorpe, .-iuperintendent. MISCELLANEOUS. In 1872 Thomas Phillips and Company commenced the manufacture of paper on the Ohio Canal at West Exchange Street. Their business consisted of making paper bags, flour sacks, wrapping paper, etc., and a very large business has been built up. In 1887 The Thomas Phillips Company was incorporated with a capital stock of $150,000. G. W. Crouse was its president and Clarence How- land, secretarj^ and general manager. The present officers are F. D. Howland, president ; F. A. Seiberling. vice-president; G. D. How- land, secretary, and F. A. Howland, treasurer and general manager. In 1885 the Akron Twine and Cordage Company was organized by the directors of the Aultman, Miller Company. G. W. Crouse was its president; Ira M. Miller, vice-president. and R. H. Wright, secretary and treasurer. A large factory was built on Hdll Street just east of the railroads. Rope and cordage of all kinds was manufactured. .V specialty was made of binder twine. When hard times fell upon the Buckeye Mower and Reaper Works, the Twine and Cordage Company became in- volved in the trouble and for a long time they did not run. But at the present time they are being operated under the direction of the In- ternational Harvester Company, which pur- chased the assets of the Aultman, Miller Com- pany. In 1878 Edward George Kubler and John Martin Beck founded what has been known as the Akron Varnish Works. They are manufacturers of varnishes. Japans and other similar products. They commenced in a hu'm- ble way in a .small building on Bowery Street, and afterwards built a large brick factory on West State Street, where they still are engaged in the .same busin&ss. In 1882 David L. King organized the King Varnish Company, and built a large, six-story brick factory on Canal Street, just north of Market. The business ■proved unprofitable and an assignment was made. In 1889 David R. Paige bought the business, associating John H. McCrum with him. Upon the destruction of the factory by fie, the company was merged with the Kubler and Beck Company, under the name of the Akron Varnish Company. The officers are: E. G. Kubler, president : J. M. Beck, vice-pres- ident and treasurer; E. M. Beck, secretary; F. W. Whitner, assistant treasurer; F. A. Fauver, superintendent. In 1870 John W. Baker and John C. Mc- Millen established the Baker-McMillen Com- pany and commenced the manufacture of enameled knobs, handles, etc. In July, 1890, the Baker-McMillen Company was incorpo- rated with a capital of $120,000, and a very large busine&s was built up. The present of- ficers are: H. B. Sperr^^, president and treas- urer; W. H. Stoner, secretary and general manager. The firs4. planing mill was e«tabli.shed in Akron in 1832 by Smith Burton in Middle- bury. In 1836 James Bangs started a shingle AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 155 mill near the corner of Main and Federal Streets. Samuel G. AVilson bought him out, and a few years later established a shingle mill and lumber yard on Main Street, just south of Howard. A few years later Mr. Wil- son took in Justus Rockwell and they bought out the lumber yard of W. B. Storer, which had been established on North Main Street. Mr. Samuel G. Wilson was thus the pioneer lumber dealer of Akron. In 1865 he inter- ested himself with William B. Doyle, Samuel Farnum and John H. Dix, and they organ- ized the firm of W. B. Doyle and Company. In 1S67 Hon. John Johnson bought the in- terest of Mr. AVilson. In 1873 Mr. Johnson retired and the business was conducted by the other parties, until the death of Mr. Dix in 1886, and the retirement of Mr. Farnum in 1888, when the business was carried on by Mr. Doyle. Upon his death, August 6, 1890, this pioneer company ceased to exist. In 1845 David Miller established a na'^h, door and blind factory, which was purchased by D. G. Wilcox in 1866. In 1864 he formed a partnership with Samuel B. Weary, Jacob Snyder and Andrew Jackson, under the firm name of AVeary, Snyder and Company. In 1867 the company was incorporated and con- tinued to do business until the destruction of the plant by fire about five years ago. In 1863 George Thomas established the Thomas Building and Lumber Company, with works on the west side of the canal, be- tween Bank and Cherry Streets. In 1877 David AV. Thomas succeeded to the business. In 1888 he organized the corporation with a capital stock of $100,000. The new company also took possession of the lumber business thereftofore conducted by AVilliam Buchtel. In 1867 the business of Solon N. AVilson was established, and he is now doing a suc- cessful business in lumber and contracting. The Hankey Lumber Company was estab- lished in 1873 by Simon Hankey. The Enterprise Manufacturing Company is one of Akron's most successful manufactur- ing establishments. It was founded in 1881 by Ernest F. Pflueger, and was incorporated in 1886 for the purpose of making fishing supplies, etc. It has grown from the start, un- til it now occupies the great factory of Ash Street. The present officers are: G. A. Pflueger, president; G. E. Pflueger, vice-presi- dent and superintendent; E. A. Pflueger, sec- retary and treasurer, and H. A. West, assist- ant secretary and treasurer. The Western Linoleum Company was in- corporated January 1, 1891, with a capital of $200,000. A. M. Cole was its first president; AA^. E. Hoover, secretary and treasurer, and Charles Templeton, general superintendent. They are now a part, of the Standard Table Oil Cloth Company. E. A. Oviatt is the local superintendent. The Globe Sign and Poster Company began business as the Globe Sign Company, and was incorporated in 1890. John Grether, S. S. Miller, Frank Reefsnyder, AV. B. Gamble and H. G. Bender were its first organizers. RUBBER INDUSTRY. The B. F. Goodrich Con>pany. Akron is best known today as the world's center for the rubber manufacturing industry. It is the chief of all our industries. It has more capi- tal inve,sted, more hands employed, larger fac- tories, and a larger value of output than any other line of manufacture in the city. Most of this growth has taken place in the last twelve years; all of it .since 1870. The origin of rubber-working in Akron goes back to the advent of Dr. B. F. Goodrich in our midst. The date is 1870. He was the original rubber mam of Akron, and without him there probab- ly would have been no rubber industry here. In 1870 Dr. B. F. Goodrich came from the East and a.ssooiated himself with Colonel George T. Perkins, George AA^. Crouse and others of this city, and started what was then known as B. F. Goodrich and Company — ^the Akron Rubber AA^orks. The business slowly grew and prospered until in 1880 a co-partner- ship was formed and the business incorpo- rated under the name of The B. F. Goodrich Company, with a capitalization of $100,000. The growth of the company was continuous from that time on and the capital was in- 1?6 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY creased from time to time as the demands of the business required, until at present the capitalization of the company is $10,000,000. Dr. Goodrich remained president of tlie company until 1888, the time of his death, when Colonel George T. Perkins succeeded him, holding the position until January 15, 1907. The present officer are: B. G. Work, president; F. H. Mason, vice-president; II. E. Raymond, second vice-president; C. B. Ray- mond, secretary; W. A. Folger, treasurer; AV. A. Means, assistant treasurer ; E. C. Shaw, gen- eral manager of works ; C. C. Goodrich, gen- eral superintendent, and H. E. Joy, assistant general superintendent. The directors are Colonel George T. Perkins, F. H. Mason, B. G. Work, H. E. Raymond, E. C. Shaw, George W. and C. C. Goodrich. The product oif the company consists of a full line of soft rubber goods, such a belting, hose, packings, druggists' sundry goods, golf balls,- tennis balls, automobile and bicycle tires, carriage tires, molded goods, mats, boots and shoes. The factory buildings cover an area of sixteen and one-half acres of floor space on fifteen and one-half acres of ground, and the buildings are lighted by over 8,000 incan- descent lamp.s and one hundred arc lights. The power plant has a generating capacitv of 3,500 K. W., and a boiler -capacity of 6,Cm H. P., 4,500 H. P. of -motors being used to drive the machinery throughout the plant. The company has 3,300 people in its employ. Diamond Rubber Company. In 1898 the Diamond Rubber Company was unknown out- side of a limited circle of trade. With a oapi- talization of $50,000, it was manufacturing a modest line of mechanical rubber goods and tires — then, as now, in competition with con- cerns powerful in productive and brain ca- pacity. And ati that time, too, the majority of competing companies were rich with the prestige which long established business rela- tion? give. Still the Diamond Rubber Com- pany grew. The present canitalization of the concern is $5,000,000, but the real extent of its growth and the rapid increase of its strength are l>et- ter .shown by other comparisons. Two hun- dred and fifty was the number of the com- pany's employes in 1898. Twenty-!?even hun- dred and twenty is the number in 1907, with the quota of brains per capita also increased. Crude rubber was brought by cases of 500 pounds each by this company seven years ago. Now single purchases amount to as much as 200 tons. For four years the mill rooms of the Diamond Rubber Company have been in operation night and day the year around. Their equipment in 1898 included seven mills and two calenders. Today, with twenty-seven mills and seven calenders, it is only by keep- ing every wheel constantly turning that stocks can be made ready fast enough. An engine capacity of 250 horse-power, whicli was sufficient seven years ago, has steadily increased until today the capacity is 2,050 horse-power and every ounce of pressure utilized. If every day for ten years, Sundays in- cluded, the factories of the Diamond Rubber Company had expanded 95 square feet, the total would still fall short of equaling the extensions in new buildings and additions the company has erected within that time. And the ground area used is now eighteen acres, as compared with less than six acres in 1898. Seven years ago the Diamond Rubber Com- pany had no branch establishments: they were not necessary. Today the company has its own branches in twelve principal cities, with three stores in New York and two in Chicago, besides exclusive agencies in many other business centers. Hose holds a conspicuous place in the prod- ucts of the company, and is a department hav- ing .several extensive sub-divisions. Air-brake hose is the most prominent in the line of its products for the railroad trade. From a small beginning their production of air-brake hose, made to Master Car Builders' Recommended Practice, or their own, or other specifications, has grown to an average of nearly 2.000 pieces per dav, made with such care and precision that the percentage of rejected goods has cea.sed to be a factor — a remarkable achieve- ment. The steam hose problem is another whose AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 157 solution, in a manner distinctlj' gratifying, not only to the company, but to the trade, con- tributed directly to the growth of the com- pany. And. furthermore, the mastery of the art of making steam hose was in itself the overcoming of the long-vexing car-heating hose problem as well. Both are now a notable part of their daily output, with an increase in these and allied lines, such as signal hose, cor- rugated tender hose, etc., steadily indicated from month to month. Another division of the hose department which has similarly expanded is that devoted to water hose, tank hose and kindred kinds. Hose for fire protection is a subject so impor- tant that they regularly divide it into three classifications — rubber fire ho.*e, cotton jacket rubber-lined fire hose, and cotton jacket rub- ber-lined mill hose. There is not a day in the year — Sundays always excepted — that their own looms are not roaring with industry in the weaving of fire and mill hose jackets from their own tested yarn. Their sales of garden, by the way, where formerly measured yearly by the thousands of feet, are now com- puted by the millions. Belting constitutes a large department in the Diamond factories, and in seven years the output has doubled and doubled again, one of the various additions erected within that pe- riod having been expressly to provide greater space and facilities for the belt department. Six hand used to keep up with the demand for moulded goods made by the com- pany. Today ten times six and all hydraulic presses are necessary. Hard rubber has been a part of the Diamond Rubber Company's product for only a few years, but today the department would make by itself a factory of creditable size. The output Is confined large- ly to battery jars, sheets, rods and tubing, re- insulating tape, etc. Tires — last, but by no means least. Dia- mond detachable clincher tires for automo- biles are the equipment on a very large per- centage of all motor cars used in this countr\'. Diamond .solid side wire motor truck tires and Diamond solid and cushion tires for lighter commercial vehicles and carriages are scarce- ly less well known. The annual business of this eompaey in its tire department mounts well into the millions of dollars and has made necessary the erection of one of the largest structures on earth devoted to rubber tire man- ufacturing. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. Frank A. Seiberling purchased the Woolen and Felt Company plant in June, 1898, and immediately thereafter caused to be organized The Goodvear Tire & Rubber Company, with an authorized capital of $200,000, $90,000 paid in, the officers being David E. Hill, pres- ident; George Hill, vice president: H. B. ]\Ianton, treasurer; Charles W. Seiberling. sec- retary; F. A. Seiberling, general manager. The above, with Byron W. Robinson and L. C. Mills constituted the first board of direc- tors. The work of installation of machinery and equipping the plant was immediately un- dertaken and vigorously prosecute so that by December, 1898, the mill was put in opera- tion. The business was a success from the start, the company readily securing sufficient orders to keep them operating to their full capacity. The following year Mr. R. C. Pen field ac- quired the interests of the Hills, becoming president of the company. One hundred thousand dollars of new capital was put into the business at that time, wdiich, with a stock dividend declared out of profits, made the paid-up capital $200,000. The business stead- ily increased under the impiilse of additional capital, so that in 1902 the authorized capital was increased to one million dollars, $500,000 of which was paid up, partly in ca^h and part- ly in stock dividends. Each year extensive additions were made to the plant until its capacity today is fully four times greater than w^hen first started, and the company is handling a business more than five times greater in volume. Its present officers are: F. A. Seiberling, president and general manager: L. C. Miles, vice-president; George M. Stadelman, secre- tarv ; Charles W. Seiberling, treasurer. The history of the company has been one of .steady progress and is marked by an im- 158 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY portant patent litigation that affected the en- tire carriage tire industry of the United States. The Goodyear Company was operating under a patent owned by it for the mvanufacture of a certain type of solid carriage tire, which the owners of the Grant patent claimed was an in- fringement upon their rights. Up to the time that the Goodyear Company entered their field the Grant patent had had a complete monop- oly of the rubber tire industry of the United States. In a bitter contest involving a large expenditure on both sides, extending over a period of two years' time, the United States Court of Appeals decided the Grant patent in- valid, opening the market in this country to anyone who desired to make rubber tires of their type. As a result, twenty-five manufac- turers in this country are now making the Grant type of tire, though The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company is probably making more solid rubber carriage tires than any other one concern in the United States, turning out as much as six tons per day in the height of the season. They are also large manufacturers of pneu- matic bicycle and automobile tires, and with- in the past two years have brought out a quick detachable tire upon their Universal rim, which promises to revolutionize the method of attaching and detaching tires in this coun- try. As a result of their initiative, all of the leading concerns are working and are bring- ing out devices for accomplishing the same ends. They now employ over a million dol- lars of capital, and 800 men, with a volume of business approximating $3,000,000 an- nually. PRINTING AND PUBLISHING. The Werner Company, book manufacturers, lithographerss, general printers and engravers, publishers of the new Werner edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Paul E. Werner started in the printing business as publisher of the Akron Germania in 1875 on the third floor of the building on Howard Street, ad- joining the southeast corner of Howard and Market Streets, then owned bv E. Steinbacher. In 1877 he removed his business to the sec- ond floor of the Kramer building, also on Howard Street. In 1879 he occupied a frame building on Howard Street, which stood where the Arcade building now stands, and added the publication of the Sunday Gazette. In 1881 he removed to the southeast corner of Howard and Mill Streets and added to his business the publication of the Daily arid Weekly Tribune. In 1883 he removed his business to a three-story frame building spe- cially fitted up for him, which stood where the large mill of the American Cereal Company now stands on Howard Street. In 1885 James Christy erected a four-story brick bulling es- pecially for him on Howard Street, directly south of the big mill. By that time the com- mercial printing part of the business had grown to larger dimensions. Paul E. Werner realized that the field in the newspaper business in a town of the size of Akron was very limited, and disposed of his newspapers. About 100 people were em- ployed in that building. Very soon these quarters were too small for the continually growing business. In 1887 the Werner Print- ing and Lithographing Company was organ- ized, larger capital was procured, and a large tract of land, located at the corner of Perkins and Union Streets (the present location of the company's factory) was then purchased for the purpose of erecting buildings special- ly designed and equipped for the manufactur- ing of books on a large scale, and of printed, lithographed and engraved articles in gen- eral. The business continued to grow very rapidly and new buildings w^ere added every year for a number of years, until at the pres- ent time the Werner Company occupies the following buildings: Three buildings each 300 feet long, forty feet wide; three buildings each 200 feet long, fifty feet wide ; three build- ings each 100 feet long, fifty feet wide; one building, seventy-five feet long, thirty feet wide; one building, eighty feet long, forty feet wide, and a number of other small build- ings, all equipped with the most modem ma- chinery required for the manufacturing of books and other printed, lithographed and en- !Z5 O Pi < < o o w Eh O o I— I o Q IZi erty and originality in the teaching. There was .seeming good in the end sought, but the inevitable tendency was to confusion and slackne.=s. The suc- ceeding administration found readjustment, and the restoration of former conditions in large measure, essential to the best interests of the schools. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 193 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES. There seems to have been a considerable falling off in the number of graduates in the three yeare of Mr. Thomas' administration. It is noticeable, too, that the records contain no mention of mid-year graduation. A good class was graduated at the end of each half- yeafl', from 1886 to 1897. Why the practice of mid-year graduation was intermitted in these three years, does not appear. The rec- ords show the following graduations: In June, 1898 30 In June, 1899 24 In June. 1900 18 The falling off may be accounted for in part by the change from a three-year to a four-year course of study. Mr. E. H. Birney succeeded Mr. Rood in the principalship of the high school, and held the position for two years. THE SUPERINTENDENCY OF DR. H. V. HOTCH- KISS. It was in the last year of the old century that Dr. H. V. Hotchki-ss was called from the superintendency of the schools of Mead- ville, Pennsylvania, to take charge of the Akron schools. His work in Akron began in September of that year. This work, for con- siderable time, consisted, in large measure, of reconstniction and reorganization. Many va- cancies in the teaching force had to be filled, among them the principalship of the high school and one other principalship. Territory recently annexed to the city had to be dis- tricted, and the pupils a-s-^igned and classified. An elaborate syllabus of instruction had been prepared and printed in 1897; but ver>^ little attempt was made at any time to follow it, and at length it was wholly ignored. Confu- sion reigned in all the grades, but espe- cially in the high school. The labor involved in bringing order out of this confusion ^\-as very perplexing and very great. But it was soon manifest that the new superintendent and his helpers understood their business. Order was at length restored, and the schools, in every department, have ever since contin- ued to run smoothly and prosperously. STATUS IN 1901. These statistics, gleaned from the annual report for the year ending August 31, 1901, give a fair view of conditions then existing: Total expenditures (including building and grounds, and bonds redeemed, $83,643.97) $249,471.68 Enumeration of school youth 11,877 Average monthly enrollment 7,361 Average monthly enrollment in high school 698 Whole number teachers employed . . . 190 High school teachers — 'men 9, women 13, total 22 Teachers in elementary schools — men 13, women 155, total 168 High School graduates — boys 19, girls 21, total 40 Number of Kindergartens 8 Kindergarten children enrolled 240 COURSE OF STUDY. A large share of space in the report is devoted to the course of study — a discussion of the advantages in a large system of schools, of a clearly defined published course, and its underlying principles. Four courses of study are prescribed for the high school, namely, the Latin course, the Gennan course, the business course, and the manual training course. These courses are printed side by side, with directions and suggestions to aid parents and pupils in making choice of the course to be pursued. The same subject is continued in the report for the next year, more especially with refer- ence to the schools below the high school. The "course of study and manuals of instruc- tion" provided "outlines the work to be done, and enumerates many of the principles, laws 194 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY and methods by which it is to be accom- plished." In the weekly teachers' meetings, conducted by the principals in the several buildings, a considerable portion of the time is spent in a critical study of the provisions of the course of study. Grade meetings are also conducted by the superintendent, in which the aim is to make clear and familiar to the teachers the prescribed work grade by grade — the aim and purpose of all which is to make txue artists of the teachers. ORGANIZATION FOR EFFICIENCY. From the annual report for the year ending August 31, 1902, it is learned that the su- perintendent gave much consideration to the perfecting of the organization of the schools in every department, to the end that the highest efficiency may be attained with the least expenditure of money and effort. With a million dollars invested in school buildings and their furnishing and equipment, and the annual expenditure of one-fourth of a mil- lion dollars on account of the schools, or thirteen hundred dollars for every school day, or more than two hundred and twenty-five dollars for every hour of every school day, the necessity for the best organization of all the forces is apparent from a financial stand- point. The superintendent thus presents the moral phase: "The element of organization is a miglity factor In rendering school management effective for the moral training of the pupils who come under its influence. A system of schools which insists that pupils attend school every session; that they he punctual at all exercises; that they conduct them- selves in an orderly and quiet manner in coming and going; that they restrain themselves from whispering, and thereby disturbing others; that they be considerate of the rights and privileges of others; that they be respectful, not only toward teacher, but toward fellow-pupils as well; that 'they be industrious, accurate, neat and painstaking — such a system, it thoroughly organized and strictly administered during the six to twelve years of the school life of the child, when habits are formed, will go a long way toward the develop- ment of those habits of conduct which constitute the basis of good citizenship in the republic." As examples of this organization for effi- ciency the following are given in the report: "Upon the last day of the school year, every teacher in the city knows just where she will Work during the next school year; what grade or grades of pupils she will teach; the number of pupils in her room, barring transfers and with- drawals, and the names of those pupils. Every pupil is told just what his work will be next term. In every school room are placed the books and supplies necessary for the use of the teacher and pupils at the opening of the term in September. The course of study tells each teacher what her class has done, and what they are expected to do within the term that they are to be under her instruction. ' She will be able, therefore, to plan her work so that within ten minutes from the opening of school upon the first day every pupil shall be at work upon lessons that are to be learned by him within the term." "The present system of ordering and distribut- ing stationery supplies is also a great saver of time, money and labor. Early in June, the su- perintendent makes a sheet, stating in tabular form the quantity of each kind of supplies needed for each building in the city. These aggregates are combined in a circular letter asking for bids. These letters are sent to manufacturers, jobbers, and dealers all over the eastern part of our coun- try. Early in June the bids which have been re- ceived, are opened and tabulated, and the contracts for furnishing the several kinds of supplies are let to the lowest and best bidders. The result is that we are buying our stationery supplies as cheaply, probably, as any dealer in the country, and very much more cheaply than most school dis- tricts can buy them. When the contracts have been let, the orders are placed In such a way that the shipper packs the goods in separate bundles, mark- ing each bundle to the building to which it Is to be delivered. In this way, the supplies are de- livered directly from the factory to the school buildings where they are to be consumed; there- by saving the labor, time and expense of much handling." FREE TEXT-BOOKS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES. Reference is made elsewhere to the sub- ject of free text-books. In January, 1901, the Board of Education entered completely upon the plan of furnishing all textrbooks and school supplies free to the children in ele- mentary schools. Beginning with the school year 1905-06, the free text-book system was extended to the high school. Thereafter, everything needed by the child to pursue his siudies in any of the public schools of the city was furnished free. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 195 DUTIES OF THE PRINCIPALS. Under the superintendency of Dr. Hotch- kiss, all the principals were relieved from the duty of supervising and teaching separate school rooms as regular teachers. It did not seem wise, as a business enterprise, to employ men and women as principals at principals' salaries, and then confine them to separate, single school rooms and require them to per- form the work of the grade teacher, which ought to be performed for the salary of such a teacher. Principals are expected to teach almost constantly. Their work, however, is to be with teachers, with small groups of pupils, and occasionally with schools. Each principal is held responsible for the progress, not only of his schools as a whole, but of the individuals in them. If there is a single pupil, or a small group of pupils in any grade, especially strong and capable of mov- ing forward into the next grade with a little wise help, it is the principal's business to give such help and to make such promotion. If there are individual pupils, or small groups of pupils, who find the work a little too diffi- cult, but who might, with some individual help of the right kind, at the right time, maintain their positions in the several grades, it is the principal's business to ascertain that fact and to .give the help needed. KINDERGARTENS. The kindergartens, fifteen in number, are now as much a part of the city school system as any other school. They constitute the con- necting link between the home and the pri- mary school. It has been the fault of many advocates of the kindergarten to seek to pre- serve the mysticism and symbolism of its founders and early exponents, and to claim for it a special and mysterious merit. The later tendency is to modernize and American- ize the kindergarten, bringing it into closer touch with the work of the primary school. The Akron kindergartens have been consider- ably modified since thev were first made a part of the city school system; and the ten- dency is in the direction of still further modi- fication, to bring them more completely into harmony with the school system of which they are a part. THli NORMAL SCHOOL. The course of study and training extends through two years. "In the first year the students study educational psychology with special reference to the science and art of teaching; the general principles, laws and methods of teaching, or those principles, laws and methods which govern all teaching pro- cesses; special methods of teaching all the several common English branches; the his- tory of education. During the second year of the course the .student teachers continue their study of methods and principles of teaching and apply them in actual teaching. Four schools of four different grades are taught by the student teachers, under the constant direction, aid and criticism of two expert teachers known as critic teachers. By this arrangement of the normal course, one year is given to the theory of teaching and one year to the practice of that theory in actual teaching under expert direction and criticism. The results of the training given young women in the normal school have been satisfactory in a high degree. Young women, after completing the course in the normaJ school, know not only what it is to teach school, but how to teach school. In short, most of them are good teachers. "The normal school is a blessing to those young women of the city who -uash to be- come teachers; for by it any graduate of the high school, without expense, is enabled to get as good professional training as is given in the first class normal schools of the country." The normal school is maintained and op- erated without additional expense to the city. It is true that two critic teachers are em- ployed at a higher salary than that paid to the regular teachers in the grades, but with 196 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY these two critic teachers and the student teachers in training, the city is able to care for four schools, for which it would be nec- essary to employ four teachers at the salaries provided for by the schedule of salaries. The superintendent maintains that there is no course of study of two years' duration that any young woman who has graduated from the high school could take that would do her more good as a means of broad culture than the normal school course, even though she were never to teach a day after graduation from the normal school. HIGH SCHOOL READJUSTMENT. The High School, some time since, out- grew its building. In 1906, the Board pro- vided for the erection of an annex. This annex is expected to afford additional room for the accommodation of the increased at- tendance in the high school, as well as facili- ties for physical training in the gymna.sium ; manual training for the boys; domestic science and ai"t for the girls, and shorthand and typewriting for those pupils taking the commercial coui-se. The courses of study in the high school were changed in April, 1907, to conform to the provisions in the new annex. The new courses are four — the Latin, the German, the commercial and the manual training. Ac- cording to the revi.?ed courses, all boys, as a part of their first year's work, will take car- pentry three double periods per week, and drawing two double periods per week; all girls will take cooking and sewing three dou- ble periods per week, and drawing two double periods per week. At the end of the first year, all boys in the courses offering the Ger- man language, will have an opportunity to decide whether they will take the manual training course, or one of the other two courses. The manual training course is planned to give the boys who take it a thorough high school education in the German language and literature, natural sciences, mathematics and history, and, in addition, to give them the elements of all of a half-dozen different trades. It is believed that at the completion of the manual training course, boys will have sufficient skill to secure credit for from two to three yeai"s upon an apprenticeship in any one of a half sacred in the estimation of the founders and early teachers and students, was totally de- stroyed by fire. With the building went val- uable natural science collections, the gifts of Dr. McCollester, Prof. E. W. Claypole and others. Many articles cannot be duplicated. The fire was a great calamity. It shocked and saddened, but did not discourage the friends of the institution. Arrangements were speed- ily made to continue the regular work of the college in Crouse Gymnasium and other build- ings, until a new stmcture could be erected. The calamity deeply stirred the citizens of Akron and vicinity, and the friends of liberal education throughout a large territory, and general sympathy was embodied in generous donations. New buildings were speedily planned. It was not deemed wise to erect one large structure, but to have .several separated from each other. The college received from insurance, $63,986.12. From donations, $38,- 233.95, a total of $102,220.07. Exclusive of furnishings, the ■ new buildings cost $95,- 269.28, viz. : Buchtel Hall, $47,466.67 : Acad- emy Building, $25,559.73; Heating Plant, $10,591.73; Curtis Cottage, $11,674.15. The donations came from individuals and churches in various sums, varying from a few- cents by children up to several thousand dol- lars. The largest sum donated by any Uni- versalist Church, outside of Akron, was $500 from Brimfield. The next was All Souls Church, Cleveland, $207. Unity Church, Cleveland, included a handsome individual subscription of $610. For trustees the college has had the follow- ing named persons: Entered. Retired 1S72 John R. Buchtel, Akron 1892 1872 Gen. A. C. Voris, Akron 1889 1872 Rev. Geo. Messenger, Akron 1872 1872 Judge N. D. Tibbals, Akron 1872 Rev. Andrew Willson, D. D., Ravenna. . 1872 Rev. H. L. Canfield, D. D.. Pasadena, Cal 1890 1872 Judge E. P. Green, Akron 1894 1872 Col. Geo. T. Perkins, Akron 1896 1872 Avery Spicer, Akron 1881 1872 Rev. J. S. Cantwell, D. D., Chicago 1881 1872 Milton W. Henry, Akron 1880 1872 Rev. E. L. Rexford, Columbus, 1878 1872 Philip Wieland. Mt. Gilead 1878 1872 Hon. James Pierce, Sharpsville, Pa.... 1875 1872 J. L. Grandin, Tidioute, Pa 1874 1872 S. K. Shedd, Youngstown 1874 1872 Henry Blandy, Zanesville 1873 1872 John F. Sieberling, Akron 1873 1872 J. Dorsey Angler, Titusville, Pa 1873 1873 Hon. Geo. W. Crouse, Akron 1875 1873 Isaac Eberly. Columbus 1875 1873 Geo. M. Hord, Cincinnati. 1875 1874 Joy H. Pendleton, Akron 1891 1874 William A. Mack, Norwalk 1875 1875 Ferdinand Schumacher, Akron 1899 1875 Henry Boszar. Brimfield 1891 1875 Jonas J. Pierce. Sharpsville, Pa 1894 1875 James T. Trowbridge. Akron 1881 1875 John A. Garver, Bryan 1877 1877 James S. Birkey, Newark 1878 1878 Rev. J. F. Rice, Olmsted 1881 1878 William A. Mack, Norwalk 1881 1878 Hon. S. M. Burnham, Akron 1899 210 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COINTY Entered. Retired 1880 Wm. H. Slade, Columbus 1898 1881 Horace Y. Beebe, Ravenna 1883 1881 Col. A. L. Conger, Akron 1883 1881 Chas. J. Robinson, Akron 1886 1881 A. W. Wright, Saginaw City, Mich 1882 1881 Austin A. Spicer, Akron 1883 1882 Joseph Hidy, Jr., Ph. B., Wash. C. H..!l8S3 1883 Rev. Wm. H. Ryder, D. D., Chicago, 111.. 1884 1883 Hon. H. L. Morey, Hamilton 1886 1883 Arthur A. Stearns, A. M.. Cleveland. .. !l9ff4 1884 Judge Selwyn N. Owen, Bryan. 1886 1886 Rev. C. E. Nash, A. B., D. D., Pasadena, ^■1' 1S89 1886 Chas. H. Stephens, Cincinnati O 1889 1886 Jacob A. Motz, Akron.. igsg 1889 Dayton A. Doyle, A. B.. LL. B., Akron! :i895 ]lll i"*"" J- ^•^'^^' ^^^ City, Mich 1896 1889 Hon. Geo. W. Crouse, Akron 1889 Rev. J. F. Rice, Coe Ridge 1x95 1890 Judge A. C. Voris, Akron. igog 1892 r"''! "'n'"'"'^''' ^- «•■ L^- B.: Akron:: 896 1892 Geo. L. Case, Cleveland... iqnq ]lll ^''- ^"by Schumacher, Ph. b:,' Akron: : 1896 1894 FrTn;, p"'""'"'' 2u ^°°''^' Springfield. . . . 1900 1894 Prank Pierce, Sharpsville, Pa. isqv w't"^. ^^^"-' b- s.. Akron::::::::i9 3 1S9& w. T. Sawyer, Akron... jq/,., 1895 D. Irving Badger, Akron 1002 CoT A 1- "p^''^"^^' ^^^^'^°°- ■'■'■■■■■ : 1' i«95 Col. A. L. Conger, Akron... isqr 18 6 Rev. C. F. Henry, Cleveland.:::: S 1896 Judge U. L. Marvin, Akron.. 1900 Eberly D. Smith, Blanchester. :::::::' ' 1896 Samuel L. Thompson, A B LL B Brink Haven ' ' " -.c^.a 1898 Johnson A. Arbogast, Akron : : 1900 Wallace L. Carlton, Akron. ^ 1900 uT- 1 ""r ''^"'"''^- ^- ^- D- D.; Akron: : 00 Frank «• m^"'""' °- ^- Bellville. . . . 1903 1900 Frank H. Mason, Akron... lonK W^'^n "" ^"^^^' ^- S- Cleveland::: 1901 Wm. Buchtel, Akron.. \aaK 1901 Robt. Tucker, Ph. B.. Toledo: :::::: 905 1902 Supt. Henry V. Hotchkiss, Ph D Akron 90^ 1902 Rev. Lee S. McCoIlester, D. a, DettoU Mich 1903 Chas. C. Goodrich, a: B. :ikron 1903 E. T. Binns, Bryan iqnfi 1903 Prank T. Fisher, New York City 1906 1904 James Ford. B. S., Washington C H 1905 John R. Smith, A. B., Akron. 1905 Frank M. Cook, A. B., Akron 1905 Albert A. Kohler, A. B., M. D., A:kron 1906 Hon. Joseph Hidy. Ph. B., LL. B., Cleveland 1906 A. V. Cannon, B. S.. Cleveland 1906 Oscar F. Haymaker, Kent 1907 1907 A. E. Roach, Akron 1907 R. A. Clark, Pittsburgh. Pa EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. President of Board — Entered. Retired 1872 John R. Buchtel 1892 1892 Ferd Schumacher 1894 1894 Geo. W. Crouse ; 1905 1905 Rev. A. B. Church, D. D Secretary — 1872 Hon. S. M. Burnham 1877 1877 Rev. Andrew Willson, D. D 1878 1878 Hon. S. M. Burnham 1879 1879 Albert Tinker, M. S., LL. B 1892 1892 C. R. Olin Treasurer — 1872 Hon. G. W. Crouse 1875 1875 James T. Trowbridge 1879 1879 Joy H. Pendleton 1891 1891 Albert B. Tinker 1897 1897 Charles R. Olin, Sec'y and Treasurer. . . . Executive Committee — 1872 Hon. John R. Buchtel 1892 1872 Henry Blandy 1873 1872 Rev. J. S. Cantwell, D. D 1873 1872 Hon. S. M. Burnham 1877 1872 Gen. A. C. Voris 1873 1873 Col. Geo. T. Perkins...: 1877 1873 Judge E. P. Green 1880 1873 Rev. Andrew Willson, D. D 1876 1876 Milton W. Henry 1877 1877 Joy H. Pendleton 1881 1877 James T. Trowbridge 1880 1877 Rev. Andrew Willson, D. D 1878 1878 Hon. S. M. Burnham 1879 1879 Albert B. Tinker 1882 1880 William H. Slade 1881 1880 Col. Geo. T. Perkins 1883 1881 Col. A. L. Conger 1882 1881 Edwin P. Green 1883 1882 Judge A. C. Voris 1889 1882 Charles S. Robinson. B. S 1884 1883 Ferd. Schumacher 1894 1884 Joy H. Pendleton 1891 1885 Albert B. Tinker 1889 1889 Col. Geo. T. Perkins 1892 1889 Rev. Andrew Willson, D. D 1890 1890 Hon. G. W. Crouse 1891 1891 Albert B. Tinker 1895 1891 Hon. G. W. Crouse 1893 Dayton A. Doyle 1895 1894 Geo. L. Case 1895 1894 Judge N. D. Tibbals 1898 1895 W. T. Sawyer 1900 1895 D. Irving Badger 1898 1896 Johnson A. Arbogast 1897 Frank H. Mason 1903 1897 Wallace L. Carlton 1901 Supt. Henry V. Hotchkiss 1905 1901 Rev. A. B. Church, D. D 1905 Frank M. Cook, A. B INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT. Presidents — 1S72 Rev. S. H. McCoIlester, D. D 1878 1S7S Rev. E. L. Rexford, D. D 1880 AND REPRESENTATI^'E CITIZENS 211 Entered. Retired 18S0 Rev. Orello Cone, D. D 1896 1896 Charles M. Knight, A. M. (Provisional President) 1897 1897 Rev. Ira A. Priest, D. D 1901 1901 Rev. A. B. Church. D. D., LL. D Mathematics — 1872 Alfred Welsh, A. M 1S74 1874 Elias Frauntelter, A. M., Ph. D 1883 1883 George S. Ely, Ph. D 1884 1884 Charles S. Howe, Ph. D 1889 1889 Hermas V. Egbert, A. M 1903 1903 Frank M. Morrison, A. M 1905 1905 Wilfred H. Sherk, A. M 1906 1906 Paul Biefeld, A. M., Ph. D Natural Science — 1872 S. F. Peckham, A. M 1873 1873 Sarah M. Glazier, A. M 1874 .1874 Alfred Welsh, A. M 1875 1875 Charles M. Knight, A. M 1883 1883 Edward W. Claypole, B. A., So. D., F. G., S. S. of L. E. and A 1897 1897 Samuel P. Orth, B. S 1903 1903 Charles Brookover, M. S Ancient Languages — 1872 Rev. Nehemiah White, A. M., Ph. D....1876 1876 Rev. I. B. Choate, A. M 1878 1878 Rev. G. A. Peckham, A. M 1880 1880 Benjamin T. Jones, A. M 1882 1882 Wm. D. Shipman, A. M. (Greek) 1895 1882 Charles C. Bates, A. B. (Latin) 1895 1895 Charles C. Bates, A. B. (Latin and Greek) 1904 1904 Joseph C. Rockwell, A. M Modern Languages — 1872 Carl F. Kolbe, A. M 1877 1877 G. H. G. McGrew, A. M 1878 1878 Carl F. Kolbe, A. M.. Ph. D 1905 1905 Parke R. Kolbe, A. M Physics and Chemistry — 1884 Charles M. Knight, A. M., Sc. D English Literature — 1872 Helen F. Spalding, A. M 1873 1879 Benjamin T. Jones, A. M 1880 1880 Maria Parsons, A. M 1884 1884 Marv B. Jewett, A. M 1892 1892 Margaret G. Bradford, B. A 1893 1893 Ellen E. Garrigues, A. M 1896 1896 Maria Parsons, A. M 1905 1905 Albert L Spanton, A. M 1893 Philosophy. Economics and History — 1902 Oscar E. Olin, A. M Rhetoric and Oratory — 1890 Cecil Harper 1891 1891 L. Alonzo Butterfleld, A. M., Ph. D 1894 1894 Mrs. A. M. Garrigues 1896 1896 L. Elmie Warner, Ph. B 1900 1900 Carita McEbright, A. B 1901 1901 Maude Herndon. B. S 1902 1902 Anna M. Ray ' 1906 1906 Louise Forsyth Instructors in Law — 1883 Albert B. Tinker, M. S., LL. B 1890 1890 Frediric C. Bryan, A. B., LL. B 1891 1891 Charles R. Grant. A. B 1893 Entered. Retired 1894 Frediric C. Bryan, A. B., LL. B 1896 1896 Lee K. Mihills, LL. B 1897 Principals of Preparatory and Buchtel Academy — • 1872 Prin., H. D. Persons 1873 1874 Prin., Jennie Gifford, B. S 1898 1897 Prin.. Oscar E. Olin, A. M 1904 1904 Prin., Godfrey Charles Schaible, A. B...1906 1906 Prin., Charles O. Rundell, B. S Art Department— 1882 Mrs. Kate D. Jackson 1884 1884 Mrs. Ada E. Metcalf 1885 1885 Emma P. Goodwin 1886 1886 Alexander T. Van Laer 1890 1890 Bolton Coit Brown, M. D 1891 1891 Minnie C. Fuller 1898 1899 May F. Sanford Music — 1872 Gustavus Sigel 1899 1898 Estella F. Musson, Ph. B 1904 1904 Lucy lone Edgerton 1906 1906 Isabel Kennedy Valuable service as teachers has been rendered by: Wallace Mays. A. B. i Helen S. Pratt, L. A. Lizzie M. Slade, A. B. j Lillie R. Moore, A. B. Inez L. Shipman, B. S. Philip G. Wright, A. M. James H. Aydelotte, B.I Charles R. Olin. B. S. S. I Tracy L. Jeffords. Ph. B. Mary E. Stockman. L. i gdwin L. Pindley, A. B. Susie Chamberlain, M. S. Dora E. Merrill. Martha A. Bertie. Samuel Findley, A. M., Ph. D. Charles W. Foote, A. M., Ph. D. Willard H. Van Orman, B. S. Claudia E. Schrock, A. B. Blanche M. Widde- combe. Ph. B. Charles H. Shipman, A. B. Lack of space forbids mention of all names entitled to credit for valuable services in dif- ferent department^. ENDOWMENTS. Besides the gifts already mentioned since June, 1878, donations have been received a^ follows : DONATIONS. BUCHTEL PROFESSORSHIP. The Buchtel Professorship of Physics and Chemistry was named in honor of Mrs. Eliza- beth Buchtel. late of Akron. 212 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY AINSAVORTH PROFESSORSHIP. The Ainsworth Professorship of Mathe- matics and Astronomy was endowed hy Henry Ainsworth, late of Lodi. RYDER PROFESSORSHIP. The Ryder Professorship of Rhetoric and Oratory was established by the Board of Trustees in memory of Dr. William H. Ryder, late of Chicago. MESSENGER FUND. The Messenger Fund was created by Mrs. Lydia A. E. Messenger, late of Akron. The fund consists of $30,000. The Isaac and Lovdnia Kelly Fund was created by Isaac Kelly, late of Mill Village, Pa. This fund consists of $35,788. WILLIAM PITT CURTIS FUND. This fund was established by "William Pitt Curtis, of Wadsworth, Ohio. It now amounts to $25,000. A friend of the college and the church has given for the endowment of a Theological Professorship, the sum of $10,000. Twenty-six scholarships have been endowed by the following named doners: S. T. and S. A. Moon Cuba George Thomas Greenwich Mrs. E. W. Terrill Jeffersonville Mrs. John H. Hilton Akron Samuel Birdsell Peru Samuel Grandin Tidioute, Pa. N. B. and A. E. Johnson Mingo Henry Ainsworth Lodi Miss Anna A. Johnson Bay City, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller Edgerton John P. Chapin New Philadelphia Christian Swank Creston. O. Mrs. S. O. Acomb Tidioute, Pa. Mrs. Jane Betz Hamilton Miss Hannah Allyn Akron Mrs. Rosa G. Wakeiield Green These scholarships are intended to aid worthy and deserving students, and are awarded by a Scholarship Committee under authority from the Board of Trustees. The following from the catalogue for 1906- 1907, contains valuable information worthy of a place in the history. The College Campus comprises six acres, is situated on the highest eminence in the county and faces on Buchtel Avenue, one of the pleasantest residence streets of the city. The Loop Line electric cars, which receive transfers from all city and suburban lines, pass the college gates. BUCHTEL HALL. Buchtel Hall, designed for college classes^ in all work except chemistry, is a beautiful building, classic in design and convenient in .arrangement. The main entrance is up a broad flight of marble steps to the first floor, which is high enough to leave the basement story almost entirely above ground. In the center of the first floor is the grand staircase and an open court extending to a skylight. There are four large recitation rooms with a professor's private office connected with each on'the first and second floors. On the groimd floor, besides a work-shop and separate study, bicycle, and toilet rooms for young men and women, is a suite of six rooms well planned and equipped for the Physical Laboratories. BUCHTEL ACADEMY. The ^\^cademy is designed for the conven- ience of the Prepairatory, Oratory and Art Schools. It is a roomy and convenient three story building. On the ground floor are the Physical Laboratories, and the separate lock- ers and toilet rooms for young men and wo- men. On the second floor are the Adminis- tration offices and the main recitation rooms. On the third floor are the large -Art Rooms and Assembly Room, which is used for Me- chanical Drawing. riRE-PROOF. These two new buildings are fire-proof and have the heating, ventilating and sanitary ar- rangements and appointments of the most AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 213 approved kind known to modern builders. With the Gymnasium; they are heated from one central heating plant. ASTKONOMICAL OBSERVATORY. The Observatory is intended for the use of students, and, although some of the appara- tus is very delicate and costly, yet it will be freely placed in the hands of those students who prepare themselves for its use. It is furnished with the following instruments : An equatorial telescope of 4.5 inches aper- ture. A meridian circle of 3 inches aperture, pro- vided with various necessary accessory appa- ratus, and so mounted that it can be used as a zenith telescope. Two astronomical clocks, furnished with electrical connections. A chronograph. Various other minor apparatus. CROUSE GYMNASIUM. This building is named in honor of Hon. George W. Grouse, of Akron, one of the lib- eral benefactors of the college. The struc- ture is a substantial brick building, one hun- dred and two feet in length by fifty-three in breadth. The basement contains the locker, dressing and bathing rooms thoroughly fur- nished. On the first floor are the directors' office and the gymnasium proper, which is eighty-four feet long and forty-eight feet broad. This room is equipped with the most approved apparatus and offers every facility for physical development. A nlnning gal- lery of twenty-five laps to the mile surrounds the room. The Gymnasium is open at stated times for the exclusive use of the young women, and at others times for the exclusive use of the young men, in both instances under a trained director. In addition to the above mentioned facili- ties for physical culture, the college possesses, only three squares away, exten.sive and elab- orately equipped Athletic Grounds of four acres, which are admirably adapted for use of the students in playing base ball, foot-ball, lawn tennis and similar games. At present the Chemical Laboratory occu- pies a suite of six rooms in the basement of the Gymnasium and is niodernly equipped for practical work. The Buchtel College Music School occupies certain rooms in the Gymnasium. A two-manual pipe organ has been recently erected for chapel use and instruction. The Gymnasium is also used, for the present, as the chapel assembly room. THE HEATING PLANT. The Heating Plant is located in a building by itself, thus avoiding any danger from fire or explosion. The plant is equipped with a thoroughly anodem smoke consuming device. By means of conduits the steam is conveyed to the other buildings where fresh air is heated and forced through the rooms by the fan system. CURTIS COTTAGE. Curtis Cottage is the college home for wom- en. It was completed and first occupied in January 1905. It has eleven student rooms, uniform in size and furnishings and arranged for two students in a room, — -parlors, dining room, kitchen, laundrj' and its own efficient hot water heating plant. It furnishes also a delightful suite of rooms for each of the wom- en's fraternities. The Cottage is in charge of a preceptress of culture and school experience, and pro- vides, at a m>oderate expense, a home for women students, which is most modern and sanitary in all of its appointments, conven- ient and comfortable in its arrangements, and delightful and elevating in its social life. THE president's HOUSE. The President's House is situated on the campus within easy access of the other build- ings, is a commodious, substantial brick structure wth modern conveniences and is occupied by the President and his family. 214 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY BUCIITEL SCHOOL OF ART. Buchtel College is organized and equipped to give young men and women a wholesome phj'sical development, a most thorough men- tal discipline, and a practical, altruistic, moral training; to hold up before them the noblest ideals of manhood and womanhood, and to develop within them a genius for usefulness. INSTRUCTION. The instruction of the college aims to com- bine the advantages of the lecture, recitation and laboratory system. COLLEGE COURSES. The curriculum embraces ; First: A Classical Course. Second: A Philosophical Course. Third : A Scientific Course. These are four year courses leading to the degrees of A. B., Ph. B., and S. B., and are equal to those adopted by other similar in- stitutions of the country. .VCADEMY COURSES. In connection with the college, but oc- cupying a separate building on the Campus, and a separate Faculty, is Buchtel Academy, in which students are thoroughly prepared for college entrance. Owing to limited numbers, tie student is under the personal .supervision of a strong corps of teachers and is afforded daily practical drill in class room and labora- tory work. BUCHTEL SCHOOL OF MUSIC. The Music School is located at the college in Crouse Gymnasium. Thorough and tech- nical training, beginning with fundamentals, is given in instrumental course by capable and experienced specialists. The Art School is situated at the Academy Building in a specially arranged and equipped suite of rooms and is under the personal su- perivsion of a trained and experienced spe- cialist. The School offers excellent advantages for the study of art. It embraces instruction in charcoal, crayon, pencil, pastel, oil and \vater color. Students work from original designs, life, casts, and still life. LABORATORY AND APPARATUS. The larger portion of the basement rooms of Crouse Gymnasium have been reaiTanged since the fire of 1899 for use as chemical lab- oratories consisting of five rooms. A general laboratory for the use of students during the first year of work in chemistry has been fitted with all modern facilities. Drainage, gas, hot and cold water, and all necessary apparatus, are at each student's desk. The students pur- suing quantitative methods have ample room and opportunities for the more refined and careful researches in a laboratory by them- selves, undisturbed bj- other workers. The ventilation of the laboratories is good, special wall flues carrying off noxious vapers. The laboratories for physics are arranged in the basement of Buchtel Hall. Six rooms are given to the use of experimental physics. The rooms for experiments in electricity and magnetism are free from iron in their con- struction, and solid masonrv' floors in all lab- oratories secure the instruments from all out- side jar and disturbance. Excellent facilitic,* for work in photography are provided by a well equipped dark-room, and students in physical science are encour- aged to become familiar with the best methods of experimental illustration. The department of Natural Science is lo- cated in the new Buchtel Hall, where three laboratory and lecture rooms are fitted for work in biology and geology'. The student is supplied with microscopes, reagents, micro- tomes, and other apparatus needful for thor- oTigh work in biographical research. A collec- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 215 tion of minerals and crystals, together with maps, charts and paleontological cabinet, comprise the equipment for work in Geology. The College is supplied with excellent sur- veying instruments, in the way of compass, engineer's level, surveyor's transit, with solar attachment for determining the true meri- dian, independent of the needle, chains, tapes, poles, pins, etc. The Astronomical Observatory is adequate- ly equipped with efficient, delicate and costly instruments for carrying on in a practical laboratory way that line of higher mathe- matics. BIERCE LIBRARY. The College Library had its origin with a collection of works donated in 1874 by the late Gen. L. V. Bierce. During the early days of the college the library was augmented by books purchased from the proceeds of a bequest received from Gen. Bierce'4 e-state. In recognition of this etxrly gift the library has been called the Bierce Library. At the present time the Library is in Buch- tel Hall and embraces about 9,000 bound volumes of standard works (exclusive of pub- lic documents). These books have been mostly selected with special reference to their use in connection with the various depart- ments of college instruction. All are classi- fied and arranged on the shelves by the Dewey system of ola.ssification. The whole Tibrar^' is practically one of reference, as students have access to the shelves at all hours of the day. Books may also be drawn by students, professors and officers, in accordance with the regulations, for use outside the Library. Since the fire of 1899 the Library has been reclassified and recatalogued and put in the best working order for students. In connection with the College Library is the College Reading Room, which has upon its files the leading periodicals and newspa- pers of the day. These are selected, upon recomendation of the various professors, with special reference to supplementing their class- room instmction. A trained librarian of experience has charge of the library to render it of the greatest use- fulness to the students. ATHLETICS. Recognizing the fact that physical training is as legitimate a part of any system of edu- cation as is the mental, Buchtel College has made ample provision for this course in edu- cation, in her large and well equipped Gym- nasium and Athletic Field. Systematic in- struction is given to both young men and wamen in the Gymnasium each year by train- ed instructors, and the young men are given systematic training and regular drill in track athletics. Public sports such as foot-ball, base ball, basket ball, and lawn tennis are per- mitted and encouraged so far as is consistent with the student's health and with his prog- ress in the cla.*s-room. ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION. The students of Buchtel College maintain an Oratorical Association to which all college students are eligible. The object of the socie- ty Ls to secure an increased interest in public speaking, with special reference to the pres- entation of original productions. The local association is a branch of the State Associa- tion, which includes a number of the leading colleges of the State. Each year a local con- test is held by the association, the winner of which is sent by the association to the State contest. The successful contestant in the State contest represents the State in the inter- State contest. LITERARY AND DEBATING CLUB. A Literary and Debating Club is organized among the students. Regular meetings are held for the discussion and debating of topics of interest. Often public debates are held with the neighboring societies and colleges. 216 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY DRAMATIC CLUB. A Dramatic Organization is maintained by the students for mutual self-culture, and for the study of literature and the histrionic art. One or more public entertainments are given each year with credit to the club and the College. All such literary organizations and efforts are approved and encouraged by the College. CO-EDUC.\TION. The College and Academy admit students of both sexes. No sex discrimination is made in requirements, and equal educational ad- vantages and honors are offered to each. master's degrees. The degree of A. M. will be conferred up- on those who have acquired the degree of A. B. or Ph. B., and the degree of M. S. upon those who have acquired the degree of B. S. These degrees will be granted in not less than two years after gi'adualion, unless the appli- cant, in residence, can devote the larger part of his time to his work, when the degrees may be granted in one year. TRIZK I'lNDS. Alumni Prizes. — A fund has been estab- lished by the alumni of the College, the in- come of which is annually appropriated ac- cording 'to the following regulations: Lst. That student being a member of the Senior Class of the academy — who makes the highest average grade during the year in full Senior Avork in the Academy, and com- pletes his Senior year without conditions, shall be entitled to free tuition during the suc- ceeding year. 2nd. That student' — being a member of the Freshman Class — who attains the high- est average grade during the year in the regu- lar freshman work and completes the year without any conditions, .shall be entitled to free tuition during the succeeding year. 3rd. That student — being a member of the Sophomore Class — who attains the high- est average grade during the year in not few- er than thirty-two term hours above the fresh- man yeai', and completes this year without conditions, shall be entitled to free tuition during the succeeding year. 4th. That student — being a member of the Junior Class — who attains the highest average grade during the year in not fewer than thirty-two term hours above the fresh- roan year, and completes this year without conditions, shall be entitled to free tuition during the succeeding year. 5th. In determining the award of prizes for any year, there shall be considered only grades made in regular class work at Buchtel College during that year in subjects <'om- pleted before Commencement day. 6th. In case of a tie in any class the prize shall be equally divided. 7th. The prize for any class shall go to the student attaining the second highest average grade only in case the one ranking highest does not return to Buchtel College the next succeeding year. Oliver C. Ashton Prizes. — A fund consist- ing of $3,000 has been established by the late Oliver C. Ashton, endowing the 0. C. Ashton Prizes for excellence in reading and recitation. The annual income of this fund will be paid, one-third to competitors from the Senior, one-third to competitors from the Jun- ior Class, and one-third to competitors from the Sophomore Class, in a first and second prize to each class, in the proportion of two to one. These are public exercises, and will take place at stated times during the year. Pendleton Law Prizes. — For the purpose of encouraging the study of Law and Civil Government, a fund of $1,000 has been es- tabli,shed by Joy H. Pendleton, late of Akron, the annual income of which is u.sed as prize= for essays in the Law Class. Two-thirds of such income is annually to be paid for the best esf;ay, and one-third for the second best e.«,say, on some subject of Law or Government announced by the Instructor in Law. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 21' High Schools. — The College offers annual- ly one scholarship to each of several high schools, to be awarded to the student standing highest during the last year of his High School course. Each scholarship entitles the holder to two years' free tuition in College, subject to conditions which may be learned on application to the President of Buchtel College. Township. — Two standing schohirships in the Academy are offered to pupils in each Township of Summit County who complete the common school course in the country schools. These scholarships are awarded to the two pupils in each township passing the best examination before the County Board of School Examiners, under the provisions of the Patterson Law. Students winning the High School or Township Scholarships must begin their course of study not later than one year from the opening of the following school year. The College has just closed the thirty-fifth j'eai' of substantial educational work. It has been ably officered and has had a well quali- fied faculty, one that will compare favorably with that of any similar institution in our countiy. It has had generous support and liberal patronage, and has made history of which its friends are not ashamed. This has required earnest work and large sacrifice. The founders were men and women of large hearts, who planned for the best good of humanity. Cheerfully and freely did they give time and money for the erection of buildings and the endow-ment of the institution, and if their de- scendants truly honor the founders, tlie Col- lege will increase in strength and usefulness as the years go by. It surely has a bright out- look. WH.\T H.\S THK COLLEGE DONE FOR .VKRON .A.ND SUMMIT COUNTY. It is impossible to fully ani?wer this very- appropriate and important question. Some facts mav more than suggest the true answer. It has brought into the City approximately one million dollars for building purposes, en- dowment funds and current expenses. Each year students expend thousands of dollars for board, clothing and other items. It has increased the value of real estate, especially in its vicinity, and it has advertised the city, its various industries and enterprises as nothing else could have done. Young men and women who have spent several years in the institution will not soon cease to sound the praise of the city that gave them generous hospitality. While the College was established by the Ohio Universalist Convention, and a very large share of the building fund and endow- ment has been donated by members of the Universalist Church, yet it is not, strictly speaking, denominational. It is religious but not sectarian. It tolerates and respects all re- ligious opinions and organizations and asks no questions of students concerning their the- ology. It seeks to occupy a high moral plane and aims to inspire in students exalted ideals of character and life. Its educational standard is equal to that of any college in Ohio. Graduates are welcomed to Harvard, Yale, and all American Univer- sities on the diplomas received at Buchtel. More than this, .students who spend one or more years at Buchtel are everywhere credit- ed, without examination, with all the marks that have been received. Its standing is un- questioned. With its record its friends have abundant reason to be satisfied. Possessing buildings well adapted for the purpose designed, well equipped for teaching Science, Art, Literature, etc., with a faculty composed of able, scholarly men and women, the College has furnished the opportunity for hundreds of young men and women to obtain a liberal education at home at a comparative- ly trifling expense. By bringing into the city a considerable number of gifted men and women it has helped to elevate the intellectual and mora Itone of the citizens. It is now known not only as an enterprising commer- cial town, but as an educational center, that 218 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY challenges the attention of people of char- acter and influence. Summit County has abundant reason for being grateful to those who earnestly and successfully labored to se- cure the institution in its County Seat. While it has a wide field and draws patronage from several states, yet it peculiarly belongs to Akron, and in its perpetuity and prosperity citizens should take a just pride and extend generous help. As a beacon light to Akron, Summit County, and humanity, it challenges the respect and confidence of the world and truly merits the generous support of a large constituency. CHAPTER XIII RELIGIOUS DEVELOPMENT First Churches and Pioneer Clergi/ — General History of Religious Organ! and Clergi/ of To-day. Akron has sixty-two churches within its corporation limits. This demonstrates that the city is not wholly given to manufacturing, leisure and society. Akron is a typical Ameri- can city and believes that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Therefore, its citizens are provided with large and modern theaters and a beautiful music hall. A strong religious influence also permeates Akron's life. The same desire for culture which has brought such great success in educational lines, has manifested itself in the various re- ligious societies of the city. There has been a sound and healthy rivalry among them to provide splendid meeting places for worship for their various congregations. As a result Akron today enjoys superior advantag&s for the church-goer. The oldest church organization in Akron today is the First Presbyterian Church. It was organized December 15, 1831, by Rev. B. C. Baldwin and Rev. John Hughes with twenty- six members. They occupied the old brick church on Kent Street for any years, un- til 1906, when they completed the beautiful modem church building on East Market Street near Buchtel Avenue. In 1834 the Congregational Church was organized by J. W. Pettit. In 1885 a small frame church was built where the Court House stands now. Rev. James B. Walker was its first permanent pastor. In June, 1843, the society built a large church on the comer of North Main and Federal Streets. During the pa.*torate of Rev. Carlos Smith, the brick church on South High Street was built. The 'zations — Churches society has now, in the year 1907, purchased a site on the corner of East Market and Union Streets, and will build a fine church at that point during the next year. Rev. Thomas E. Monroe became pastor of this church April 1, 1873, and continued as its active pas- tor until 1901. He is now Pastor Emeritus. In 1830 a Methodist congregation was or- ganized by Rev. John Janes, and meetings were held in the school house at the corner of South Broadway and Buchtel Avenue. In 1836 a church was built at the corner of South Broadway and Church Streets. In 1871 the fine brick church at the comer of South Broadway and Church Streets was com- pleted. The Sunday-school rooms were plan- ned by Lewis Miller and gave rise to the "Akron Plan" of arranging Sunday-school rooms. On October 19, 1834, a Baptist congrega- tion was organized in the school house, on the corner of South Broadway and Buchtel Ave- nue. The moderator of the meeting was Ca- leb Green. Amasa Clark acted as scribe. The Universalist was one of the early re- ligious organizations in Akron, and held meetings here as early as 1835. In 1837 Rev. Freeman Loring organized a chiirch, and meetings were held at the corner of Main and State Streets. A church was built on North High Street a few years later. It was built of stone and was one of the finest stmc-, tures in the State at that time. In 1836 a parish of the Episcopal Church was organized in Akron by Rev. W. H. New- man of Cuyahoga Falls. In 1844 a chiirch '-i20 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY building was built on South High Streets. In 1884 the parish built the fine stone church on East Mai-ket and Forge Street. The Disciples congregation was organized in 1839, although meetings had been held as early as 1830. The society was organized by Elders Bently and Bosworth. In 1842 the German Evangelical Protes- tant Congregation was organized. It is the parent of the German Lutheran Church and the German Reformed. The Grace Reformed society was organized in 1858 by Rev. N. Gher. The German Lntlieran society w^as formed in August, 1854, by Rev. P. J. Buehl. Its church on the corner of South High and Quarry Streets was erected in 1837. Trinity Lutheran Church was organized in 1870, and its fine church on Prospect Street was erected in 1872. In October, 1882, the Rev. Excell organized the United Brethren Church on the corner of High and James Streets. As early as 1835 services of the Roman Catholic Church were held in Akron, various priests coming from neighboring parishes for that purpose. In 1843 a church was built on Green Street. On March 17, 1864, the present stone church on the corner of West Market and Maple Streets was begun. Rev. M. A. Scanlon was pa«tor of St. Vincent de Paul's Church from .June, 1859, to December, 1873. Rev. T. F. Mahar became pastor Au- gust 1, 1880, and has continued until the present time. St. Mary's congregation was established in 1887. and a church was erected on South Main Street, opposite McCoy Street. In 1861 St. Bernard's Catholic Church was organized. The first pastor was Rev. Father Loure. In 1866 Rev. John B. Broun took charge of the church, and he has continued as its pa.stor until the pr&sent time. In 1903 a magnificent Church on South Broadway and Center — the finest in the city — was com- pleted. In 1865 the Akron Hebrew congregation was organized, and services were held in the first story of the Allen's block on South How- ard Street. They were afterwards held in the first story of the Barber Block. In 1885 the congregation purchased the Episcopal church on South High Street and has occupied it since as a temple of worship. These were the parent congregations of the city. As the city grew rapidly in all direc- tions, and some of the city congregations were located in many cases two or four miles from the city churches, various branches were es- tablished. The following is a complete list of all the city churches, with their respective pastors, and their location, at the present time: First Baptist, 37 South Broadway; Rev. A. M. Bailey, pastor. Second Baptist, comer Hill and James; Rev. R. A. Jones, pastor. Maple St. Baptist, South Maple near Ex- change; Rev. J. C. Swan, pastor. Arlington St. Baptist, South Arlington; Rev. J. M. Huston, pastor. German Baptist, West Thornton, corner of Haynes. First Congregational, South High, near Market; Rev. H. S. MacAyeal. West Congregational, corner West Market and Balch; Rev. P. E. Bauer. Welsh Congregational, McCoy Street. First Church of Christ, South High ; Rev. George Darsie, pastor. Broad Street Church, Broad near Market; Rev. I. H. Durfee, pastor. Third Church of Christ, comer Wabash and Euclid Avenue; Rev. A. F. Stahl. Fourth Church of Christ, Steiner Avenue; Rev. C. A. MacDonald, pastor. St. Paul's Church, E. Market corner Forge; Rev. S. North Watson, D. D., rector. Church of Our Saviour, corner Crosby and Oakdale Avenue; Rev. Geo. P. Atwater, rector. St. Andrew's Mission, West Tallmadge Avenue, near Cuyahoga. Calvary Church, corner Bartges and Co- burn: Rev. W. L. Naumann, pastor. Kenmore Church, Kenmore: Rev. E. S. Flora, pastor. First U. E. Church, corner Wooster Avenue and Locust; Rev. H. W. Epsy. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 223 Akron Hebrew Reformed Congregation, South High near Mill; I. E. Philo, rabbi. Sons of Peace Congregation, 235 Bowery; E. W. Lutz, rabbi. Hebrew Congregation meets at 706 Edge- wood Avenue. Trinity Lutheran, South Prospect near Mill; Rev. E. W. Simon, pastor. German Lutheran, South High, corner Quarry; Rev. W. H. Lothmann, pastor. St. John's Lutheran Church, Cobum near Voris; Rev. E. C. Billing, pastor. St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, West Thorn ; Rev. J. H. Zinn, pastor. Grant Street Evangelical Lutheran Church, East Thornton near Grant; Rev. J. Franklin Yount, pastor. Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Church, Kent near Market; Rev. G. S. Ohslund, pas- tor. First M. E. Church, South Broadway cor- ner Church, Rev. Frank W. Luce, D. D., pastor. Grace M. E. Church, East Market near Car- roll ; Rev. A. R. Custer, pastor. North Hill M. E. Church, North Howard corner Tallmadge Avenue; Rev. J. 0. David- son, pastor. Woodland M. E. Church, South Main south of Thornton ; Rev. E. T. Mohn, pastor. Main Street M. E. Church, Corner Balch and Crosby; Rev. F. C. Anderson, pastor. Arlington Street M. E. Church, North Ar- lington near North ; Rev. B. P. White, pastor. Wooster Avenue M. E. Church, Wooster Avenue corner Raymond ; Rev. B. P. White, pastor. German M. E. Church, corner Exchange and Pearl ; Rev. D. J. Harrer, pastor. Zion A. M. E. Church, South High, near Cedar; Rev. E. C. West, pastor. Free Methodist, 1044 Yale; Rev. J. E. Wil- liams, pastor. Wesleyan Methodist, 729 Princeton ; Rev. I. F. McLei-ster, pastor. First Presbyterian, 647 East Market; Rev. H. W. Lowry, pastor. Central Presbyterian, East State near Main. First United Presbyterian, services in G. A. R. Hall; R_ev. W. A. Chambers. Grace Reformed, South Broadway near Mill; Rev. Irvin W. Hendricks, pastor. German Reformed, South Broadway cor- ner Center; Rev. Edward Stuebi, pastor. Trinitj^ Reformed. South Broadway cor- ner York; Rev. J. S. Freeman, pastor. Wooster Avenue Reformed, Wooster Ave- nue, corner Bell ; Rev. E. R. Willard, pas- tor. Miller Avenue Reformed, 81 West Miller Avenue; Rev. S. E. Snepp, pastor. Goss Memorial Reformed Church, Ken- more. St. Bernard's Church, South Broadway corner Center; Rev. J. B. Broun, pastor. St. Vincent de Raid's Church, West Mar- ket corner Maple; Rev. T. F. Mahar, pastor. St. Mary's Church, South Main opposite McCoy ; Rev. J. J. Farrell, pastor. First LT. B., East Center near Buchtel Ave- nue; Rev. William Clarke, pastor. Howe Street U. B., Corner Howe and Na- than ; Rev. 0. W. Slusser, pastor. First Universalist, corner Broadway and Mill; Rev. E. G. Mason, pastor. Christian and Missionarv Alliance meets 85 West Cedar; Rev. S. M. Gerow. Seventh Day Adventists meet 57 West South Street. Latter Day Saints, Reorganized Church of .lesus Christ, meets corner Main and Bartges Streets. Christian Science, Services are held in tbe Hebrew Temple, High Street. Spiritualists meet in G. A. R. Hall. Hungarian Church, South Main extension. Union Gospel Mission, 51 North Howard; Rev. C. A. McKinney. superintendent. Gospel Church, East South; Rev. C. A. McKinney, pastor. Salvation Army, 54 Main : Adjutant and Mrs. D. G. Main in charge. Industrial Home, .33 and 35 Viaduct, store 874 South Main. CHAPTER XIV THE PRESS BY HON. CHARLES R. GRANT AND HARRY S. QUINE. Since Laurin Dewey set up a hand press in Middlebnry in 1825 and began the publica- tion of the 07uo Canal Advocate, it is recorded that Akron and Summit County have had nearly 100 somen-hat similar ventures. Mr. Dewey was Summit County's first editor and publisher. The publication of his paper was made possible by the contribution of $204 in amounts varying from $2 to $10 by public spirited citizens of Middlebury. Some of these early newspaper promoters were the follow- ing: Erastus Torrey, Henry Chittenden, Charles Sumner, Nathan Gillett, Jr., Rufus Hart, Edward Sumner, Samuel Newton, Chas. W. Brown, Theophilus Potter, Miner Spacer and Paul Williams. Laurin Dewey was a "practical printer," and came to Middlebury from Ravenna. The building of the canal was being advocated about that time, and Middlebury citizens be- lieved that if built, the future greatness of the place would be assured. And they believed, further, that a newspaper booming the canal might help their hopes along toward realiza- tion. Mr. Dewey saw an opportunity, and seized it. Second-hand materials were pur- chased from the Cleveland Herald, brought to Middlebury in two wagons, and the first issue appeared September 28, 1825, the name having been changed, in the meantime, to the Portage Journal, as the building of the canal was by that time assured. Hiram Bowen, afterwards founder of the Bearon. was associated with Laurin Dewey in the publication of the Portage Journal. The size of the Portage Journal -was nineteen by twen- tj'-four inches; the price was two dollars a year. It was independent in politics and op- posed Jackson. In 1826 it passed into the hands of McMullen & Mason, then was again transferred to Alvah Hand, who discontinued it in 1829. The first paper was unsuccessful, financial- ly. This was perhaps unfortunate, as a prece- dent, for the same might be said of the most of the ninety odd newspaper and magazine publications which have followed, in the years from 1825 to 1907. Today three daily newspapers — two being entire local products and the third a Cleveland publication, keep Akron and Summit County thoroughly informed. Then there are a num- ber of other newspapers and similar publica- tions, which will be dealt with in their turn. It might be added in passing, however, that Akron's present newspapers ai'e far more suc- cessful, from a business view point, than of their predecessors. In no 'department of its industry may the progress of the city be so well followed as in its newspaper history. The printing art has improved and developed amazingly. Lane says, speaking of the Portage Journal, Sum- mit County's first newspaper: "With this fund, an old style Ramage press and a quantity of second-hand materials were purchased from the Cleveland Flerald, the entire outfit being transported overland in a couple of two horse wagons." One team could probably have hauled the entire outfit an ordinars'^ distance. The equipment may have weighed a ton. A new press was brought to Akron in the spring of 1907 for the Akron HISTORY OF , SUMMIT COUNTY 225 'times. It ^veighs over 52,000 pounds, with- out its accessories. Ill 1825, and in fact until a comparatively few years ago all type-setting was done by hand. Now it is indeed an obscure and back- ward paper which does not have one or more type-setting machines. In the old days, a strong youth furnished power for the print- ing press, turning out, possibly 300 to 500 in a laborious hour. Today presses in use by Akron's daily papers are operated by great engines or motors, and vastly larger papers than the earlv ones are turned out at the rate of 12,000 to 15,000 an hour. The telegraph, the telephone, the perfecting of mail delivery service, the evolution of the photographic and tlie photo-engraving proc- ess liave made newspapers entirely different things, both to publishers and to readers, than they were in the early days. Akron, proper, had no newspaper before 1836. Its people received their news through the Western In- telUgence, 1827: the Ohio Observer, 1832; published at Hudson and Cuyahoga Falls. In 1836, Akron was incorporated. Im- mediately thereafter Madison H. White, of Medina, came over and establi-shed the Akron Post, the first issue appearing March 23. It was a five column weekly, and it died in No- vember of the same year. Its equipment was purchased by Constant Bryan, then a young lawyer, and later a judge, who established the AIcro7i Journal. December 1. 1836. The Jottrnal gave up the ghost six months later. The Post and Journal had been Demo- cratic. Now the Whigs had an inning, when Horace K. Smith and Gideon J. Galloway brought forth the first issue of the American Balanre. August 19, 1837: suspended August 9, 1838; age one year. Easily the liveliest and most comTuendable of the early Akron new.spaper ventures was that of Samuel Alanson Lane, who established the American Buzzard, in 1837, his object being to reduce the lawless young town of Akron, filled with bad men, to a state of law and order. In its stated object and in finan- cial matters the Evzzard was quite sticcessful, and after an exceding bri.«k career as editor and manager for two years, Mr. Lane dis- posed of it to Hiram Bowen, who turned it into the Summit Beacon, in 1839. The Beacon has continued to this day, be- ing issued as a daily under the name of the Beaton Journal. It represented the Whig Party, and had a hard time of it for several years. In 1844 Mr. Bowen sold the Beacon to Richards 6. Elkins, who was succeeded as editor by Laurin Dewey in 1845. They in turn sold it to John Teesdale, of Columbus, in 1848. Mr. Teesdale was still in command when the Republican party was formed in 1855, and the Beacon became its organ. He sold out to Beebe & Elkins in 1856, and was succeeded as editor by James, later Judge Cai"penter; A. H. Lewis, of Ravenna, succeed- ed him, and in 1861 S. A. Lane, former pro- prietor of the Buzzard, became editor. Four years later Mr. Lane and Horace G. Canfield bought an interest, and in Januar^^, 1867, the business was taken entirely out of the hands of Beeibe & Elkins, the publishers' names being changed to Lane, Canfield & Company. The new proprietors believed that Akron had grown to a point where it should have a daily paper; the necessary preparations were made and the first issue of the Akron Daily Beacon made its appearance December 6, 1869. Mr. Lane was editor-in-chief, and Thomas C. Ray- nolds, wa« assistant editor. Mr. Raynolds afterward piloted the Beacon's ship of des- tiny for many years. The Beacon Publishing Companv was formed in 1871, capital $25,000. Messrs. Lane and Denis A. Long retained an active inter- est : H. A. Canfield and A. L. Paine retired and Mr. Raynolds was made editor-in-chief. The paper grew, and the fact that its entire jilant was destroyed by fire in 1872 checked its progress but little. In 1875 the property, rehabilitated, was purchased by Mr. Rav- nolds, -n-ith Frank J. Staral and John H. .\uble. Later Mr. Raynolds secured control. In 1869, the Akron Daily Beacon, the first local daily, made its appearance. It grew, and in 1891 absorbed the Akron Daily Republi- can, which had, in the meantime sprung up to di.spute its right to the whole of the local 226 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY daily field. This led to a complete reorgani- zation. The Republican was a consolidation of two papers, the Daily Telegram and the Sunday Gazette, the latter founded by Paul E. Werner in 1878. When the Beacon took over the Republi- ran, it reorganized as follows: George W. Grouse, president; K. B. Congle, vice-presi- dent, and T. C. Raynolds, business manager. The Beacon and Republican continued in that form until 1897, when it was again deemed expedient to reach out and absorb a competitor, this time the Daily Journal. founded by Charles H. Wright. AVhen this change was made the name of the paper be- came the Beacon-Journal and a? such it ap- pears today. About that time R. T. Dobson, who, with his brother, had been conducting the Times, and had disposed of his interest there, came over and acquired in interest in the Beacon-Journal. This interest grew until it controlled the industry and it was much more prosperou,* under the Dobson direction than it had been in years before. A few years ago, Mr. Dobson, tiring of the newspa- per business, disposed of his interest to T. .1. Kirkpatrick, of Springfield, Ohio, and the latter removed to Akron and took personal charge, with C. L. Knight as business mana- ger. A year ago Major Kirkpatrick disposed of his holding and returned to Springfield where he has again engaged in the publish- ing business. Mr. Knight remains, as the manager and controller of a majority of the stock. William B. Baldwin, an Akron boy, and in newspaperdom a product of the local field, has been the editor of the Beacon-Jour- nal for years, and continues in that position. The Beacon-Journal Company occupies its own block at the corner of Quarry and Main Streets, and has a modern and complete equipment. So much for the story of what has developed into the leading Republican newspaper of the County. The Beacon-Jour- nal is a prodiict of gradual growth, of devel- opment with the years, as the city and county have developed. The Akron Tim,es, Summit County's lead- ing Democratic paper, daily and weekly, has another story to tell — a story of magnificent success in shorter time — a narrative of a struggle, which though short and successful, has been sharp. The American. Democrat, published at Akron for the first time on August 20, 1842, >was the first newspaper of that faith to make its appearance in Summit County. It? pub- lisher was the late Horace Canfield, pioneer printer, whose son, now honored and full of years, still plies the trade in the city of Akron. The life of the American Democrat was a little above six years. Then it daunted. Mr. Canfield immediately began the publication of another paper, with indifferent success. In 1849, in partnership -with the late ex-gover- nor Sidney Edgerton, Mr. Canfield as mana- ger and Mr. Edgerton as editor, he began the publication of the Akron Free Democrat. That was in .July. After the fall election that year, the name of the paper was changed to the Free Demiocratic Standard. The paper continued for years, its name being frequently changed, however, to correspond with editorial belief or their burning issues. Its names were, successively, the Democratic Standard, the Summit Democrat and the Summit Un- ion. As the Summit Vnion the paper died in 1867. But Akron and Summit County were not to be left without a Democratic newspaper, and in the same year a new newspaper ven- ture, at least more enduring than its prede- cessors, was launched and christened the Akron Times. The present Akron Times is its lineal descendant. As a weekly paper the Akron Weekly Times continued un- til 1892. During those years, though it was without competition in its own field, its for- tunes were varied and it was at no time over- opulent, conforming in that respect to the well-known small newspaper rule. But it held on, and it grew despite the fact that it was the apostle of a minority in- local political be- lief. Among its editors were E. B. Eshelman, known better as editor of the Wayne County Democrat, and Frank S. Pixley, who has since become famous as a playwright. In 1892 fate decreed that the Times should AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 227 emerge from its weekly newspaper chrysalis and become a daily. It happened that in that year W. B. and R. T. Dobson — then aggres- sive Democrats — decided that Akron must have a Democratic daily paper. The Akron Daily Democrat was accordingly launched by them. This was early in the year. The daily quickly occupied the field formerly taken by the weekly, and the weekly Times surren- dered, being taken over by the Brothers Dob- son. For five years the new arrangement contin- ued, W. B. Dobson having in the meantime become postmaster of the City of Akron, and the newspaper having been taken over by his brother, Russell T. Dobson. In 1898 the latter decided that he would dispose of the paper. In his employ at the time was an energetic youth who had gradu- ated from the printers' case to the editorial rooms and had become fii-st a reporter and later city editor of the paper. His name was Edward S. Harter. It was his ambition, of course, to own a newspaper, and when it was made known that the Daily Democrat and Weekly Times were for sale, he wanted to buy. With a partner then — Fred W. Gayer, of Akron — Mr. Harter made the purchase, paying whait was under the circumstance a large price for the property. It is a matter of local history that the seller boasted, when he completed the sale, that he would "have it back in six months." This came to the ears of Harter, the new editor. It checked his enthusiasm to a marked degree, but it also spurred him on to prevent, if possible, any other outcome of his venture than com- plete success. Mr. Dobson has not got the property back in ten years — by default. — and it is not likely that he ever will. Under the energetic direction of Mr. Harter and those associated with him then and since, the Times has grown. AVhen purchased its press ec(uip- ment wa? antiquated, type was set by hand, its office equipment was poor, its circulation small and its good will — an exceedingly important part, of a newspaper— was almost nil. Today the Times occupies its own building, a fine two-story brick structure at the corner of Mill Street and Broadway. Below are counting-room offices and pressroom, above reportorial and composing rooms. A battery of four linotype machines prepares the type; an elevator carries the pages to a pressroom equipped to the minute with the best and new- est machinery; a two-color sixteen-page press has just been installed, and today the Times has easily the most modern and complete newspaper plant in the county. Edward S. Harter, leaving the tripod for a business desk, is manager ; Judge C. R. Grant, a large stock- holder in the enterprise, wields a pen that moulds opinions, and the Times today is in the very front rank among Summit County publications. This paper is produced by the Akron Dem- ocrat Company, of whom the following are officers: Judge C. R. Grant, president; J. V. Welsh, vice-president; Edward S. Harter, sec- retary and manager, and M. N. Hoye, treas- urer. For the large number of German speaking people within its borders Akron has a live German newspaper, the Germania, edited and largely owned by Louis Seybold. This paper has had a long and successful career, having been founded in 1868 by H. Gentz. Within a year after its birth, it passed into the hands of the late Prof. Karl F. Kolbe, who for more than half a century was prominently identi- fied with all that was good in German litera- ture in this community. Louis Seybold became editor in 1875. In 1887 the Germania Print- ing Company was incorporated, with Paul E. Werner, president; Louis Seybold, secre- tary, and Hans Otto Beck, business manager. Later Mr. Werner and Mr. Beck disposed of their connections, Mr. Beck returning to Ger- many and Mr. Werner going into other things But the Germania lives on, Editor Seybold at the helm and members of his family at his right hand — a power for good in that part of the community for which it is especially in- tended. Some twenty years ago the Freie Presse was started, but the Germania quickly absorbed it. In a work of the present scope it would be HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY impossible to name all the publications which have at various times catered to the local pub- lic for a time, then passed on. D&serving of special mention, however, at the present time is The People, published weekly under the direction of the Akron Central Labor Union. The People is by far the most pretentious labor publication ever attempted in the Akron field. It enjoys a wide patronage and circu- lates among the members of the various local labor unions. The Akron Press, an edition of the Cleve- land Press, printed and prepared in Cleveland, is also circulated considerably in Akron. It is understood that its ow'uers at the present time contemplate the erection of a plant in this city, and the publication of the Akron Press as a bona fide Akron paper. JOHN BROWN THE OLD JOHN HKOWN JlOME UKKuUK UELNc; KEMODELED CHAPTER XV GREATNESS ACHIEVED BY SUMMIT COUNTY SONS JOHN BROWN. EDWARD ROWLAND SILL. There are two names in the history of Sum- mit County up to the year 1907, which, in the years to come, will stand out far above all others. The name of one who lived among us will always be honored because of the memories associated with the anti-slavery struggle; the fame of the other is secure be- cause of the perfection of his art. One wrought; the other wrote. Although they are the greatest by far of all Summit County's citizens, yet neither of them was a native of the county. They were both born in Connecti- cut, and the places of their birth were but forty miles apart. Nor, was the great work which each of them did, accomplished in Summit County. Nevertheless, as a large part of the lifetime of each was spent within her borders, the county claim? them both as her own sons. She views with increasing pride the added fame which the years bring to the memory of John Brown of Osawatomie, and Edward Rowland Sill, one of the worthi- est and truest of American poets. Torrington, in Western Connecticut, is set amid all the glories of the Housatonic Moun- . tains. Nature presents few landscapes more charming than this idyllic region. Litchfield, which means so much to the residents of Sum- mit County is only a few miles to the south- west. John Brown was born at Torrington on the 9th day of ilay in the year 1800. The town record supplies the date and states that he was the son of Owen and Ruth Brown. He was a direct descendant of Peter Brown, an English Puritan carpenter who was on6 of the Mayflower company. His ancestors, too, had been part of that remarkable colony which founded Windsor, Connecticut. In his own words, he was born of "poor but re- spectable parents." His father was a tanner and shoemaker who was often hard put to in order to provide the bare necessaries of life for his faanily. His grandfather was Captain John Brown, of the Revolutionary Army. Hi^ mother was Ruth IVIills and she, too, could boast of a father who had fought with great credit in the war of the Revolution. His mother was of Dutch descent, her first Ameri- can ancestor being Peter Mills who emigrated from Holland about 1700. In 1805 Owen Brown moved with his wife and babies to Ohio. It was an emigration rather than a moving; for the way was long and toilsome and beset with many perils. They settled in Hudson, which at that time was only a clearing in an almost unbroken wilder- ness. In the story of his life John mentions that it was filled with Indians and wild beasts. During the first few years of his life in Hudson, he was accustomed to intimate association with the Indians; his early play- mates were Indians and from them he learned much woodcraft and some of their language. He mentions with much feeling the loss of a yellow imarble (the first he ever had), which had been given to him by an Indian boy. Soon after settling in Hudson, his father was made a trustee of Oberlin College. This speaks volumes for the standing of the family and the character of that worthy father. In spite of the scholastic connection of his father, however, the youthful John received very scanty schooling. Dres.sed in his rough buck- .skin clothes he preferred to tend the cattle and .«heep, and roam on long trips in the for- est. AVhen onlv twelve vears old he made a 232 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY trip of over a hundred miles driving alone a herd of cattle. He enjoyed immensely the hardest and roughest sports, and lost no op- portunity to "wrestle, snow-ball, run, jump and knock off old seedy wool hats." Perhaps the battles in Kansas were being won on the field of those rough frontier sports in Ohio. His mother died when he was eight years old, and the poor little fellow mourned for her for years. His father soon married again, but his heart remained lonely for his mother. At ten years he commenced reading books. It is easy to determine how that rugged charac- ter was formed by considering the sources of its inspiration. From that time on, his fav- orite books were: first and always, The Holv Bible; then Baxter's Saints' Rest; The Pil- grim's Progress; Josephus' Works, Plutarch's Lives; The Life of Oliver Cromwell; Rollin's Ancient History; Napoleon and His Mar- shals; and Henry on Meekness. At the age of sixteen he joined the Congre- gational Church at Hudson, and remained a and bible-reading Christian all the days of his life. After he became a nationnl character, the extent of his Bible knowledge was much marvelled at. About this time he determined to study for tbe ministry and entered the Hallock School, Plainfield, Ma=sa- chusetts, and also Morris Academy in Con- necticut. Inflammation of the eyes compelled him to quit study, and he returned to his business of tanning hides in Hudson. He was made foreman in his father's tannery and also mastered the art of .surveying. Sub- sequent sui-veys showed that Iiis early sur- veys Avere made with great accuracy. On June 21, 1820, he was married in Hud- son to Dianthe Lusk, of that village. He de- scribes her as "a remarkably plain, but neat, industrious and economical girl, of excellent character, earnest piety and good, practical common-scn.?e." He confesses that .«he "main- tained a most powerful and good influence over him" so long as she lived. By her, he had seven children, the first three of whom were born in Hudson, Ohio; the others in Richmond, Pennsylvania. These children were John Brown. Jr.; Jason Brown, now livijig in -Vkron ; Owen Brown ; Frederick Brown ; Ruth Brown, who afterward married Henry Thompson ; Frederick Brown, mur- dered in the Kansas trouble by Rev. Martin White; and an infant son who died three daj's after birth. Jason Brown was born in Hudson, January 19, 1823. He was the most prominent of the "Sons of Hudson" who re- turned for the "Old Home Festival" in the autumn of 1907, having walked all the way from Akron to Hudson to attend it. In 1826, John Brown moved to Richmond, Crowford County, Pennsylvania, where he carried on the business of tanner until 1835. His wife died here in, 1832, and he soon re- married. His second wife was Mary A. Day, who bore him thirteen children as follows: Sarah Brown, born May 11, 1834, at Rich- mond, Pennsylvania; Watson Brown, October 7, 1834, at Franklin Mills, Ohio, (now Kent, Ohio) ; Salmon Brown, October 2, 1836, Hud- son, Ohio; Charles Brown, November 3, 1837, Hudson, Ohio; Oliver Brown, March 9, 1839, Franklin Mills, Ohio; Peter Brown, Decem- ber 7, 1840, Hudson, Ohio; Austin Brown, September 14, 1842, Richfield, Summit County, Ohio; Anne Brown, December 23, 1843, Richfield, Ohio ; Amelia Brown, June 22, 1845, Akron, Ohio; Sarah Brown (2d) September 11, 1846, Akron; Ellen Brown, Mav 20, 1848, Springfield. Massachusetts; in- fant son, April 26, 1852, Akron, died May 17, 1852, and Ellen Brown (2d), September 25, 1854, Akron. In 1835 he moved back to Ohio; this time settling at Franklin Mills (now Kent) in Portage County. He was unfortunate in the real estate business here, and in 1840 he re- turned to Hudson and formed a partnership with Heman Oviatt, of Richfield, to engage in the wool business. In 1842 he moved across the Cuyahoga Valley to Richfield, where he lived two years. AVhile living in Richfield four of his children died. In 1844 he moved with his family to Akron and formed a part- nership with Col. Simon Perkins, of Akron, to engage in the wool business. The firm name was Perkins & Brown and they sold large quantities of wool on commission. John AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 233 Brown was an expert judge of wool; in fact, he had few equals. His reputation as a wool expert extended over the whole eastern part of the countrj'. A Massachusetts friend re- lates this anecdote of him : "Give him two samples of wool, one grown in Ohio and the other in Vermont, and he would distinguish each of them in the dark. One evening, in England, one of the party wLshing to play a trick -on the Yankee farmer, handed him a sample and asked him what he would do with such wool as that. His eyes and fingers were then so good that he had only to touch it to kno^' that it had not the minute hooks by which the fibers of wool are attached to each other. 'Gentlemen,' said he, 'if you have any machinery that will work up dog's hair, I would advise you to put this into it.' The jocose Briton had sheared a poodle and brought the hair in his pocket, but the laugh went against him, and Captain Brown, in spite of some peculiarities of dress and man- ner, soon won the respect of all whom he met." Perkins it Brown was not a success. Tlie failure was due solely to John Brown's lack of business instinct. He was not intended by Nature for a business career. He lacked all the fundamental requisites. He was by na- ture a dreamer, a seer, a poet, if you will. The impulses or intuitions he had at sixteen were correct; he would have made a splendid preacher. Colonel Perkins said of him: "He had little judgment, always followed his own will, and lost much money." During his residence of two years in Akron, he lived in the frame house on the top of Perkins Hill, now occupied by Hon. Charles E. Perkins, and which for several years was used as a club-house liy The Portage Golf Club. In the spring of 1846 he went to Springfield, Massa- chusetts as the agent for certain large wool growers in Ohio and Pennsylvania. In 1848 he went to England with 200,000 pounds of wool, which he was compelled to sell at about half its value. His record as a wool factor is a series of failures. He was now reduced to poverty again. In 1849 he fell in with Gerritt Smith's quixotic plan to found a colony of negro set- tlers in the wild lands of the Adirondack wilderness, and moved his family there in that year, settling in North Elba, Essex County, New York. Mr. Smith gave John Brown the land and the latter started to clear it and en- deavored to show the negro how to cultivate and plant their farms in the colony. North Elba was the home of his family until the time of his death. It was a wild, cold and bleak place, and they suffered many privations while living there. From that time on John Brown's business was to fight slaverj'. He had been an abolitionist since the war of 1812. His witnessing the ill-treatment of a little slave boy, about his own age, to whom he was much attached, brought home to him the evils of human slavery and led him to declare eter- nal war with slavery. "This brought John to reflect on the wretched, hopeless condition of fatherless and motherless slave children, for such children have neither fathers nor moth- ers to protect and provide for them. He would sometimes raise the question : 'Is God their Father?' " — Autobiographical letter to Harry Stearns. Verily, God was their Father and was even then "trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wi'ath are stored." In 1837. while the whole family were assem- bled for prayer, John Brown made them all take a solemn oath to work with him for the freeing of the slaves, and then, kneeling, they invoked the blessing of God on their compact In Ohio and also in Massachusetts, he was active in assisting runaway slaves to es- cape. In 1854 his sons began to emigrate to Kan- sas, intending to settle there and grow to wealth with the country. In two years five of them, John, Jr., Jason, Owen, Frederick and Salmon, had located in the new terri- tory. They built their rude huts not far from the Missouri line, and, as it later turned out, right in the center of the struggle between the Free State and Pro-Slavery forces. The Mis- souri Compromise of 1820 had prohibited slavery in the new territory; the Kansas-Ne- braska Act of 1854 repealed that prohibition and allowed the settlers in the new territory 234 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY to decide the question for themselves. Then the Kansas war was on. The Brown broth- ers found themselv&s drawn into it. Perhaps they remembered their oaths of 1837. At any rate, they wrote to their father to send them arms, and finally asked him to come and help them. The father did both. September, 1855, found John Brown in Kansas fighting his first big battles for the freedom of the slaves. In March, 1856, the time for the election whether the state should be "free" or "slave," Kansas was invaded by 5,000 Missourians, who took possession of the polls and con- trolled the election. From that time the war was on in good earnest. Its record is a part of our national history, and this is not the proper place to review the stirring incidents of those times. John Brown was now a na- tional figure. He was the leader of the Free State forces. June 2, 1856, he won the "bat- tle" of Black Jack. In August he was in command of the "Kansas Cavalry." On Au- gust 30, 1856, he won the fight called the "bat- tle of Osawatomie." It was from this battle that he got that nickname which has always clung to him. On September 15, 1856, he was in command of the defenders of the town of Lawrence and successfully resisted the attack of the "Missouri Ruffians." These fights are called "battles" ; in reality, they were skir- mishes in a guerrilla warfare. It was as a guerrilla leader that John Brown won his suc- cesses. By his activity he made it impossible to hold slaves in Kansas and thus the state was saved to the cause of Freedom. In October, 1856, he started, with his sons, for the East, begging assistance for the Kan- sas cause as he journeyed. On the 18th of February, 1857, he addressed the Massachu- setts legislature in a notable speech. He spent the winter with his family at North Elba, New York, and, in making speeches, collect- ing money for the cause and, buying arms. He alreadv liad Harper's Ferry in his mind. Autumn of 1857 found him in Iowa raising his forces and drillino- them for the invasion of Virginia. of 1858 was spent in Kan- sas at the request of Abolition friends in the East, who were furnishing funds for the cause. ^Vll the prepai'ations for and the at- tack on Hai'per's Ferry are a matter of na- tional and not local history. Suffice it to say that on July 3, 1859, he hired a farm near Haiper's Ferry, called the Kennedy Place, and assumed the name of Isaac Smith and be- gan to ship in the arms he had collected. - He succeeded in concealing his little band about this farm until he was ready to strike. Early on the morning of October 16, 1859, the blow fell. With his little band of twenty-two fol- lowers he seized the United States arsenal at Harper's Ferry. On October 17 he was at- tacked, by United States forces, most of his followers were killed and he, himself, was wounded and made prisoner. He was put on trial October 26, charged with treason, con- spiracy and murder, was found guilty on No- vember 2 and executed by hanging on the gal- lows on December 2, 1859. His body was delivered to his wife at Harper's Ferry and by her taken to North Elba, where he was buried. Wendell Phillips preached the funeral sermon. All the North looked upon John Brown as a martyr. As Christ had died to make men holy, this man had died to make them free. The Summit County boy had awakened the conscience of the Nation. It is difficult to realize that the bright-eyed little fellow, play- ing with his Indian mate? and tending his father's sheep up at Hudson, had become the central figure of our national life for the few years preceding the fall of Sumter. He did more; he had compelled the attention of the whole world. Victor Hugo published a sketch of him in Paris in 1861, which contained Hugo's own drawing of John Brown on the gallows, and which he marked Pro Chrisfo sicut Christus — he died for Christ in Christ's own manner. Biographies of him were pub- lished in England, Germany and other Eu- ropean countries. Emerson, Thoreau, Wen- dell Phillips, Thoanas Wentworth Higgin- son and other philosophers, poets and states- men were proud to acknowledge their friend- ship with the latest martyr to the cause of Eternal Freedom. On the day of his execution Akron made EDWARD ROAVLAND SILL AND REPEESENTATIVE CITIZENS 237 public display of her mourning. Business was entirely suspended, flags were at half- mast, bells were tolled, and in the evening memorial services were held, at which promi- nent citizens made addresses. He was Sum- mit County's first, but not her last, martyr to the cause of Human Freedom ; he was only the leader of a mighty company of noble men who made willing sacrifices of their lives for the cause of their Country and Humanity. Victor Hugo was right. EDWARD ROWLAND SILL. Year by year the fame of this true poet is growing. It will be only a little while in the future until he is given the rank he deserves — among the foremost of America's poets. In many of his poems he attained the highest level of American art. In many respects his career offers a striking parallel to that of John Brown. He was born in the village of Wind- sor, Connecticut, April 29, 1841. This vil- lage was not far from John Brown's birth- place, and had been founded by a colony of Puritans, of whom John Brown's ancestors had been an influential part. He was not born to the poverty that was John Brown's lot. His family were well-to-do, and he re- ceived a splendid education at Yale College, from which he was graduated with the class of 1861. On the 9th of December of that year he sailed for California and landed in San Francisco March 25, 1862. The long sea voyage restored his health, which was im- paired upon his graduation. His first posi- tion was that of clerk in the postoffice at Sacramento. He kept the position only a short time, going to Folsom, California, to ac- cept a place as clerk in a bank. In July, 1862, he had determined fully to study law and en- ter upon that profession. He was then much disturbed as to the end toward which his life's activities should be directed. He writes "as Kingsley puts it, we are set down before that greatest world-problem — 'Given Self, to find God.' " In 1864 he determined to enter the ministry, and by February, 1865, he was deep in his theological reading. During these ear- ly days in California he wrote much — both prose and poetry. Early in 1867 he returned to the East and entered the Divinity School of Hai-vard University, where he studied for a few months. Why he quit the divinity school and relinquished the hope of the min- istry he tells in a little autobiographical let- ter ^\Titten March 29, 1883, as follows: "At last I went to a Theological Seminary (in Cambridge, because there you did not have to subscribe to a creed, definitely, on the start), and thought I would try the preliminary steps, anywaj', toward the ministry. But here I finally found I did not believe in the things to be preached, as churches went, as historical facts. So I desperately tried teaching." In June, 1867, he returned to Cuyahoga Falls, fully determined not to return to his theo- logical studies. He says in a letter: "There could be no pulpit for me. * * * It is no sentimentalism with me — it is simply a solemn conviction that a man must speak the truth as fast and as far as he knows it. — truth to him. * * * Emerson could not preach, and now I understand why." He then deter- mined upon school teaching as his life work — a singularly happy choice. "School teaching always has stood first," he wrote, significantly, at this time. He began by teaching the dis- trict school at Wadsworth, Ohio. In Septem- ber, 1869, he assumed the position of princi- pal of the High School at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, to which he had been appointed during that summer. His predecessor in that posi- tion was Vergil P. Kline, well known later to the people of Northern Ohio. The memories of his happy days in California were drawing him thither. He secured a position in the High School at Oakland, California, in 1871. In 1867, he was married to his cousin. Eliza- beth Newberrv' Sill, of Cuyahoga Falls, daugh- ter of Hon. Elisha Noyes Sill and Elizabeth (Newberry) Sill. No children were born to them. In 1871 he resigned his position as principal of the Cuyahoga Falls High School and, with his wife, moved to California to accept the new teaching po-sition in Oakland. In 1874 he was oflFered and accepted the chair of English Literature in the Univcrsitv of 238 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY California, where he taught successfully un- til 1882. His health, which had never been very rugged, failed him entirely in this year. In 1883, he returned to Cuyahoga Falls, where he died February 27, 1887. His life work was teaching, but he will be known in the years to come because of his verse. Most of it ranks very high. The critics have com- pared him with Emerson, Arnold and Tenny- son. His first volume of poems was published in 1868, and was entitled "The Hermitage and Other Poems." In 1883 his second vol- ume, "The Venus of Milo and Other Poems," was privately printed at Berkeley, California. In 1887 Houghton, Mifflin & Company is- sued "Poems of Edward Rowland Sill"; in 1889 "The Hermitage and Later Poems," and in 1900, "Hermione and Other Poems." In 1900 these publishers also issued the "Prose of Edward Rowland Sill" and a splendid edi- tion de luxe of his complete poems. CHAPTER XVI MILITARY HISTORY Revolutionary War — War of 1812 — Mexican War — War of the Rebellion — Militia Or- gan iza tions — Spanish- A merican \ Var. Few, if any, communities have been more patriotic than Akron, and indeed all of Sum- mit County. Her sons have gone forth willingly and gladly to fight their country's battles, on many occasions not waiting to be called upon. Akron's volunteers were numer- ous and acquitted themselves manfully in 1898, and during the stirring years from 1861 to 1865 the city and the county furnished their full quota of defenders of the Union. Akron sent forth her brave and strong to the Mexican struggle of 1846, within her gates are buried men who fought in 1812, and in her soil rest even a few of those heroes who fought in 1776, and the years following, to give the nation birth. There is no chapter of local military history that were best skimmed lightly over. Glory, unselfishness and patriot- ism are written large on every page that tells the story of her soldiery. REVOLUTION.1RY WAR. A few of the names of the veterans of the Revolution, who became settlers of the county and were buried in it, are preserved to us. Among them were Captain Nathaniel Bettes, buried in the family lot at Bettes' Corners; Daniel Galpin and Elijah Bryan. WAR OF 1812. Of soldiers of 1812 buried in the city the following may be mentioned: John C. Hart, Henry Spafford, James Viall, Sr., George Uunkle, John C. De La Matyr, Asa Field, 'J'imothy Clark, Gideon Hewett, William Ilardesty, Jame.s Mills, Andrew May and Wil- liam Roland. MEXICAN WAR. Akron citizens who served in the Mexican war were: Jeroboam B. Creighton, Adams Hart, George Dresher, Ezra Tryon, Oliver P. Barney, Joseph Gonder, Thomas Thompson, Cornelius Way and Valmore Morris. From the time Akron was a small village her citizens were appreciative of military glory. They did their full share of the serv- ice required of the citizen-soldiers under the early militia laws. Among the early militia organizations to win renown were the "Sum- mit Guards," commanded by the late General Philo Chambeilaiu. From that time down t:i the present Akron has seldom been mthout a military company. Now her organizations are companies B and F of the Eighth Regiment, Ohio National Guard, commanded respective- ly by Captains William F. Yontz and Wil- liam E. Walkup. CIVIL WAR. It was in connection with the Civil War, however, that Akron achieved the larger meas- ure of her military glory. Immediately fol- owing President Lincoln's first call for troops, in 1861, two companies of volunteers were 240 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY mustered, and, their services being accepled, were sent into the service as companies G and K, Nineteenth Regiment, O. V. I. Company G was commanded by Captain Lewis P. Buck- ley, First Lieutenant Andrew J. Fulkerson and Second Lieutenant Gilbert S. Carpenter. The oflicers of Company K were Captain An- drew J. Konkle, First Lieutenant Paul J. Kirby and Second Lieutenant James Nelson. A third company, formed shortly after, in re- sponse to the same call, was not required to help make up the 75.000 volunteers called for and was accordingly disbanded. When Companies G and K joined their regiment at Columbus, May 16, there was an election of officers. Captain Buckley being promoted to the rank of major at that time. Assigned to the command of General Rosecrans, the Nine- teenth was in the battle of Rich Mountain, July 7, being especiallj^ mentioned for its good conduct and bravery. Having enlisted for only ninety days, the Nineteenth Ohio was mustered out in July, 1861, but was imme- diately reorganized, many of the Akron men remaining. Its excellent conduct so long as it remained in service is a matter of national history. Major Buckley, at the expiration of the three months' ser\'ice of the original Nineteenth, was made colonel of the Twenty- ninth Regiment, 0. V. I., serving with credit until physical disability forced him to leave the sei-vice in 1863. He died in Akron in 1868. Buckley Post, G. A. R., Akron's pres- ent organization of Civil AVar veterans, wa? named for him. Of the Twenty-ninth Regiment, 0. V. I.. three companies, D, G and H, were composed largely of Summit County men. In 1862 the regiment, after some delays, got into active service under General Shields, and remained in the service until the close of the war. The Twenty-ninth was in the folloT^ang battles, as well as many others. Antietam, Chancellors- ville. Gettysburg, and with Sherman on his march "from Atlanta to the Sea," remaining in service continuously for over four years. Akron, Middlebury and Portage contributed largely to the Twenty-ninth. One company of the Sixty-fourth, 0. V. I., Senator John Slierman's regiment, contained many Summit County men. This was Com- pany G. The Sixty-fourth saw much fight- ing; among the battles in which it took part were the following: Shiloh, Stone River, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek, Siege of At- lanta, Franklin and Nashville. The 238 sur- vivors were mustered out at Victoria, Texas, December 3, 1865. Those who remember Akron's part in the struggle of the North and the South, thrill at the name of the Sixth Ohio Battery, a sec- tion of which was made up of Akron and Summit County men. The Akron section was formed November 21, with Captain Cul- len Bradley, an army officer of experience, in command, the other two commissioned officers being 0. H. P. Ayres and A. P. Baldwin. The Sixth Ohio Battery saw much hard service, some special incidents in its career being its almost continuous fighting for 120 days in the siege of Atlanta, and its mention by Gen- eral Howard for its accurate firing before Kenesaw. The battery was mustered out at Huntsville, Alabama, September 1, 1865. In the gallant One Hundred and Fourth, 0. V. I., Akron had nearly all of Company H, and was represented in several other compa- nies. The regiment was formed in August, 1862. Captain Walter B. Scott commanded Company H. His immediate subordinates were First Lieutenant Hobart Ford and Sec- ond Lieutenant Samuel F. Shaw. The One Hundred and Fourth was under fire within a month, its first assignment being to head off General Kirby Smith's advance on Cincin- nati. The first clash came near Covington, Kentucky, September 10, 1862, the Confeder- ates being repulsed. Shortly after this the regiment went on guard duty at Frankfort, Kentucky. In February, 1863, it was relieved, and in September of the same year became a part of General Burnside's command. It took the Confederate arms and stores at the sur- render at Cumberland Gap; it took an active part in the Atlanta campaign in 1864; had almost daily exchanges of the "courtesies of war" with Hood's men, near Nashville, and AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS •J41 cuptui-ed eleven battle flags at the battle of Frankfort. It was a part of the Army of the Potomac and was detailed to receive the sur- render of Johnston. Six hundred and forty survivors were mustered out at Camp Tay- lor, Cleveland, June 27, 1865. The One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment, 0. V. I., like the One Hundred and Fourth, was formed at ^lassillon, in August, 1862, and went int&the United States service in Septem- ber. Companies C, G and I contained many Summit County men. It was assigned to various re.sponsible duties, guarding prisoners, doing provost work, and in all things acquit- ting itself well until October, 1863, when on orders it joined General Rosecrans at Chatta- nooga. Here part, of the regiment was put into guerrilla warfai'e, and the remainder as- signed to guard duty along the line of the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad. In De- cember, 1864, while engaged in guarding this railroad, being stationed in block houses. Companies C, F and G were captured by the enemy. Among the prisoners were two-thirds of the Summit County men in the regiment. Many of these Summit County prisoners, upon being exchanged for Confederates, near the close of the war. were unwilling partici- pants in, and some of them victims, of the famous Sultana disaster. They were confined during their captivity at Andersonville and at Meridian, Mississippi. April 25, 1865, the exchange took place at Vicksburg, and the Summit County men, with some 2,000 others, were packed aboard the river steamer Sultana for tran.sportation to Cincinnati on their way home. Shortly after leaving Jlemphis, past midnight of April 27. as the homeward- bound soldiers either .slept upon the decks or lay awake thinking of their loved ones, and anticipating .joyful reunions, one of the Sul- tana's boilers exploded, wrecking her and set- ing her afire, so that she burned to the water's edge. Half of her passengers were lost, either killed by the explosion, or drowned when they were hurled into the water. Thirty of the victims were Summit County men, though no .\kronians are known to have lost their lives. The One Hundred and Fifteenth wa« assigned to active and dangerous work at Murfrees- boro, where it also performed garrison and .guard duty for a time; it continued in the same kind of duty until mustered out at Cleve- land at the close of the war. As provost mar- shal at Cincinnati, Captain Edward Bucking- ham, of Company I (an Akron man), was practically in command of the city during the Vallandingham afi'air. Lieutenant George S. Waterman, of Cincinnati, was shot and fatally wounded at Cincinnati by "Copper- heads," as one of the incidents of that af- fair. John Morgan and Kirby Smith, rebel raiders, caused Ohio much uneasiness in 1862. Cincinnati was threatened; all available troops were stationed near the border, but even then the presence of more defenders seemed ad- visable. So Governor Tod issued a call for volunteers to defend the borders of the state, his message, dated at Columbus, September 10, 1862, calling for the transportation of "all armed men that can be raised, immediately to Cincinnati," being responded to with com- mendable promptness by citizens in all walks of life. Akron and the vicinity sent two hundred. Many of them were "fearfully and wonderfully" armed and accoutered, but all had the fighting spirit. Some placed their faith in the old-fashioned rifles, with which they had picked squirrels out of Summit County trees in Summit County guUie.", and the presence of this variety of arms caused the volunteer defenders of Cincinnati to be called "The Squirrel Hunters." When thev arrived at Cincinnati, however, the enemy had retreat-ed and the "Squirrel Hunters" returned to their homes, not having fired a shot. Dan- iel AV. Storer was captain of the company from Akron and vicinity. The Second Ohio Cavalry was recruited en- tirely in the Western Reserve, and three com- panies were largely made up of Akron men. Then as now, more sentiment attached to the cavalrj'- branch of the service than to either artillery or infantry, and the career of the Second was watched closely from old Sum- mit. The regiment began its existence late in 1861, Colonel Charles Doubleday being in 242 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY command. Among Akron men prominent in its affairs were George A. Purington, captain of Company A (promoted to be a colonel and afterwards entering the regular army), and Dudley Seward, who rose to be colonel of the Second before the war was over. The regi- ment joined General Porter in Missouri early in 1862, engaging in skirmish work against the guerrilla Quantrell soon after. It assisted in the capture of Fort Gibson and after about a year of active, wearing work on the border, returned east and was reorganized and re- equipped -at Columbus. In 1863 it was in the pursuit and capture of Morgan, the rebel raider. In the same year it joined Rosecrans, engaging in numerous hot fights, seeing the hardest kind of service and gaining death and glory quite impartially. Half the command re-enlisted Januaiy 1, 1864, and fought, first under Burnside, and then with Sheridan, be- having brilliantly throughout, and taking part imder this dashing commander in the la«t raid of the war, which resulted in the cap- ture of Early's army. The Second was mus- tered out at Camp Chase September 11, 1865. It had marched 27,000 miles and took part in ninety-seven fights of various magnitudes. In the First Ohio Light Artillery, formed in 1861, were two batteries composed largely of Akron and Summit County men, A, Cap- tain Charles Cotter, of Middlebury, command- ing, and D, Captain Andrew J. Konkle, of Cuyahoga Falls. The First immediately got into the fighting, firet with McCook, then with Buell in Kentucky, again M'ith McCook in 1863, doing fine work at Chickamauga, and, after re-enlisting as veterans, taking part in the entire Atlanta campaign. After making a record that was full of fight, it ended its .service in Texas, when the war ended, and was anu.stered out at Cleveland, having tiravcled 6,000 miles and fought the enemy thirty-nine times. Akron was represented honorably in the Fifty-eighth Regiment, 0. V. I., a German regiment, organized by Colonel A^alentine Bausenwein in 1861, which remained in the service till the close of the war, taking part in some of the greatest battles fought in the four years. The One Hundred and Seventh 0. V. I., also a German regiment, was organized in 1862. It contained Akron men, among them being Captain George Billow, the well-known local undertaker. The local men were in Company I. The One Hundred and Seventh fought under General Franz Sigel, and lost 42 per cent of its men in the Gettysburg cam- paign. It was mustered out at Charleston, South Carolina, July 10, 1865. Among other fights in which it took part may be mentioned Chancellorsville, Getty,sburg, Hagerstown, Sumterville and Swift Creek. A handful of Akron men were members of the Thirty-seventh Regiment, 0. V. I., the third German regiment organized in Ohio. In the Ninth Ohio Battery the following Akron men played their parts in the war: Robert Cahill, Adam France, Charles Gifford, Martin Heiser, F. A. Patton, Frederick Pot- ter, Caleb Williams, Thomas Williams and C 0. Rockwell. The Sixty-seventh 0. V. I. was the vehicle that started the late General A. C. Voris on his way toward the military eminence which he attained during the war. He and two other Akron men, C. W. Bucher and C. A. Lantz, were, however, the only local repre- sentatives in that famous command. When the war broke out, Hon. A. C. Voris was a representative in Ohio's General Assembly. He enlisted as a private in the Twenty-ninth Regiment, 0. V. I. Soon after he received a second lieutenant's commission and left the Twenty-ninth to help form the Sixty-seventh, being elected lieutenant-colonel when the regi- ment was organized. In 1862 he became col- onel and entered upon a series of events which stamped him as a man of dashing courage, and paved the way to the promotions which he earned so hardly and deserved so richly. He was made a major-general in 1865, after a life of real leadership, plenty of fighting and wounds and great glory. General Voris was one of Akron's most distinguished soldiers in the Civil War. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 243 The One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Regi- ment, 0. N. G., composed of "100 day men," contained a host of Summit County men. Its service consisted of guarding the capitol at Washington in 1864, and, although it took part in no battles, several of the local men died of disease. The One Hundred and Sixty- fourth was mustered out at Cleveland, August 27, 1864. Akron was represented by a half-dozen sol- diers, including Captain Josiah J. Wright, in the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regi- ment, 0. V. I., organized August 10, 1863, and mustered out in March, 1864. Several Summit County men were also in the One Hundred and Ninety-seventh Regi- ment, 0. V. I., Ohio's last complete regimental contribution to the Civil War. The service of Ulysses L. I\Ia.r\'in was unique, as he was probably Akron's only of- ficer of colored troops between 1861 and 1865. He enlisted in 1862 as a private in the One Hundred and Fifteenth 0. V. I., was commissioned a lieutenant in the Fifth U. S. Colored Infantry in 1863, took part in the Peninsula campaign, was promoted to cap- tain during the siege of Richmond, was at the final surrender of the Confederate army at Releigh, N. C, was brevetted major at the of the war and made judge advocate on the staff of General Paine. Another Akron soldier who won promotion was George T. Perkins. He was a volunteer in 1861, joining the Nineteenth Regiment, 0. V. I., as a second lieutenant. In August, 1862, he enlisted for three years as a major of the One Hundred and Fifth. This regi- ment has a glorious history. Major Perkins was made a lieutenant-colonel in 1863 and colonel in 1864. He ser\'ed until the end of the war. Among other regiments besides those which have l)een mentioned, in which Akron's sol- diers fought during the Civil War, were the following: Forty -second 0. V. I., Eighty- fourth 0. V. I., One Hundred and Twenty- Fifth 0. V. I., One Hundred and Eighty- eighth 0. V. I., One Hundred and Seventy- seventh 0. V. I., Seventv-sixth 0. V. I., Sev- enty-fifth 0. V. I., Twenty-fourth O. V. I. Sixteenth 0. V. I., Twenty-fifth 0. V. I., One Hundred and Twenty-fifth O. V. I., and many others. ThvLs far the reader has followed in brief fashion the fortunes of those who went to the front, those who smelled the powder, faced the bullets, endured the discomforts and the dangers of camp, march and battle. All through the Civil War, however, Akron and Summit County had a full share of heroes and heroines who worked, not on the firing line, but right here at home. The departure of so many men from this city and surround- ing territory left hundreds of families to be provided for. And the boys at the front must have comforts and necessities, and money and hospital supplies. Patriotic citi- zens, unable to enlist themselves, gave for- tune after fortune to the cause. In the later days of the war there were the drafts to en- courage. And all through the great struggle Akron women praj'ed and worked, and their toil and their unceasing interest gave many a dying soldier a moment of comfort and made many a forced march endurable. The woanen of Akron did their full share toward the preservation of the Union. MILITI.V ORGANIZ.\TIONS. After the Civil War there was a natural re- turn to the pursuits of peace. Akron's ceme- teries contained numerous green, yet grim, re- minders of the thing that had been. There were aching hearts in numberles.s homes, yet time applied its healing lotion, and the deep.^r wounds in human hearts were eventually healed, so far as such wounds may be. For a full generation there was peace. The militia man was the only reminder of war to be met with frequently in the flesh. Under the militia law passed by the legis- lature in 1870, interest in citizen soldiery, which had lagged considerably after the war. was revived. In 1875 the "Porter Zouaves" were organized, under command of Henry Porter, a veteran soldier. Shortly aftenvard the organization changed its name to "Bierce 244 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Cadets," in honor of the late General Lucius V. Bierce, who had backed the organization financially. M. W. Santry was the first cap- tain under the reorganization. In the same year the "Akron City Guards" were organized, many of the members being veterans. D. \V. Thomas was the first cap- tain and the official membership was thirty- seven. A new election was held January 3, 1876, D. W. Thomas being re-elected. These two organizations saw some strike and riot service within a reasonably short time. Both companies were included in the Ninth Regiment, when organized in 1877, and the first regimental encampment was held in Akron in October, 1877. Captain Thomas of the City Guards was the regi- ment's first colonel. In 1878 the Ninth was mei'ged into the Eighth Regiment, and the City Guards, which had become Company A of the Ninth, now be- came Company B of the Eighth. Company B continues till thLs day. Colonel Thoma* took" command of the regiment by reason of his rank, being succeeded by Colonel A. L. Conger, and then by George R. Gyger, of Al- liance, in 1891. The regiment was fre- quently called upon for strike duty, riot duty and annual encampments, until 1898, when a war cloud again appeared above the horizon and the stirring scenes of 1861 were, in a mca.sure, repeated. Akron was also represented in the artil- lery branch of the Ohio militia for manv years. The Sixth Battery, 0. N. G., was formed in 1877. Joseph C. Ewart was the first captain. The organization thrived from the beginning. In 1886 a regiment of Ohio artillery was formed, and the Sixth Battery became Battery F, First Regiment, 0. N. G., retaining that dftsignation until the out- break of the Spanish-American war. This organization w-as called upon for important services and invariably acquitted itself in sol- dierly fashion. Unique in Akron's citizen army was "Com- pany Buchtel," composed of veterans of the German army, who organized in Akron in 1883, with a membership of twenty-five. Its first captain was Paul E. Werner. The com- pany retained its identity for a number of years. It was named after the late John R. Buchtel, who assisted the organization finan- cially at the beginning. SPANISH-AM ERIC.\N WAR. War with Spain was declared April 21, 1898. There Avas little fighting; peace re- turned after a few months, so far as the Cuban campaign was concerned, yet it was a deadly campaign. When President McKinley called for volunteers, Akron boys responded as promptly and as patriotically as many of their fathers had done in 1861. The two local mili- tary organizations, Company B of the Eighth Infantry, 0. N. G., Captain H. 0. Feecferle, commanding, and Battery F, First Regiment Light Artillery, 0. N. G., volunteered as one man. The infantrymen were accepted. The artillerymen were not taken on the first call. There was a special reason for the acceptance of the one organization over the other. The home of President McKinley was in Canton, and that city was represented by three compa- nies, F, L and I, in the Eighth Regiment. It was a matter of considerable gratification to the President that the boys from his home and regiment of which they were members (including Akron and Company B) should be among the first to respond to his call for troops. He demonstrated his appreciation of that promptness by accepting the proff'ered .seiTices immediately. Moreover, the Eighth was at that time considered one of the most compact and best drilled bodies of citizen troops in Ohio. The regiment, consisting of twelve compa- nies, was mobilized at Akron, April 26, 1898, and then embarked for Columbus, where it was drilled thoroughly and on May 18th was mustered into the vohniteer service of the ITnited States as Company B. Eighth O. V. I. Colonel C. V. Hard, of Wooster, was in com- mand of the regiment, LieutenantrColonel Cluarles Dick, of Akron, since commander-in- chief of the Ohio guard, being second to Col- onel Hard under that organization. Company AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 24& B was a part of the Third Battalion, com- manded by Major C. C. Weybrecht, of Al- Hance. On May 16th the Eighth proceeded to Camp Alger, near Falls Church, Virginia, and was assigned to the Second Brigade, First Division, Second Army Corps, under Briga- dier-General George A. Garretson, of Cleve- land. Here, under the sun of Virginia, the regiment was prepared for service in the trop- ics, attracting much attention from visitors from Washington by reason of its designa- tion as "The President's Own," and the fact that two nephews of President McKinley were enlisted in Canton companies. On July 4 the Eighth was ordered to Cuba to re-enforce General Shafter before Santiago. A quick run was made from Camp Alger to New York and on the evening of July 6 the regiment, on board of the auxiliary cruiser St. Paul (Capt. Sigsbee), steamed out of New York harbor, bound for Cuba. Five days later they arrived off Santiago, and were landed in small boats at Siboney. One bat- talion was landed that night and the re- mainder the next day. One hundred rounds of ammunition and three days' rations were issued, and the march inland began. On July 13 the Third Battalion, including Company B, was detached from the remainder of the regiment for special guard duty and did not rejoin the main body until the time came for departure for tlie United States. The surrender of Santiago came almost simul- taneou.sly with this detail, and the long wait and the battle with sickness began, ending in the embarkation of the regiment at Santiago, Augvist 18. The Eighth was taken to Mon- tauk Point. Long Island, whence, after a rest, the health of the men being extremely bad, the various companies returned home Septem- ber 6. After sixty days' furlough, the Eighth was mustered out at Wooster, Ohio, November 10. The regiment lost seventy-two men by death between the muster in and the mu.ster out, yet did not fire a single shot. Company B's death roll during that time numbered eight. Shortly after the muster out, the company was .reorganized as a militia company, and continues as such today. Its present officers are: Captain, William E. Walkup; lieu- tenant, Royal A. W^alkup; second lieutenant, Austin B. Hanscom. The Eighth Regiment Band, composed mostly of Akron musicians, accompanied the Eighth Regiment on the expedition to Cuba. Though Battery F's offer of its services ■ came just too late to be available under Presi- dent McKinley's first call for volunteers, that organization was later mustered into the serv- ice of the United States and did its pan faithfully and well in the War with Spain. The Tenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry was formed of the militia organization remaining after Ohio's quota of the first call troops had been filled. It contained naval militia, light artillerj', engineers and infantry, all or- ganized as infantry for the purposes of the campaign. The regiment was formed in re- sponse to President McKinley's second call for volunteers, Battery F repeating its offer and cheerfully giving up its heavy guns and shouldering Springfield rifles in compliance with the conditions governing acceptance. The organization retained its letter, becoming Company F. Mobilization was at Camp Bushnell, Columbus, June 25th, the com- pany being mustered into the United States service July 7th, with the following officers: Captain, Herman Werner; firsst lieutenant, John M. Straub; second lieutenant, J. P. Caldwell (afterwards transferred to signal service) ; second lieutenant, Ora F. Wise. Uniforms were issued to the regiment on July 13th. On AugiLst 18th the regiment was or- dered to Camp Meade, Middletown, Pennsyl- vania, where it became a part of the Second Brigade, Third Division, Second Army Corps, under command of General Graham. Here the Tenth remained until November 12th, when it was ordered to Augusta, Georgia. At this place "Camp Young" had been estab- lished, this name being afterward changed to "Camp MacKenzie." The Tenth remained at Camp MacKenzie until March 23rd, when it was mustered out. 246 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY The members of Company F returned to bers of the company died of disease during Akron and about two weeks later as a com- the service in 1898. pany became a part of the Eighth Regiment, Akron sent her full share of soldiers to the 0. N. G., of which regiment Company F still Philippines, both in 1898 and later; many forms a part, its present commanding officer are still in that service; others have returned being Captain William F. Yontz. Six mem- home and taken up the pursuits of peace. CHAPTER XVII FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS A.s the reader runs through the long list of secret societies, and other bodies of men and women united for a common cause, which have existed and prospered in Summit Coun- ty, almost from its very earliest time, he can- not fail to Ix' impressed with the truth that the spirit of brotherhood has, indeed, been very strong in this community. Today, there are many lodges whose memljershij) rises as high as 400 and 500. Two fraternities witli national plans. The Pathfinders and The Chevaliers, liad their origin here. There is not a single fraternity of any prominence whatsoever that is not represented in Sum- mit County. In addition, there are innum- erable non-secret organizations for every con- ceivable purpose. The last ten years liave been remarkable for the growth of the club idea among the women of the county. The women's clubs of Akron are an important factor in the daily life of that city. Nearly every church has its men's club or its boys' brigade and other associations of its members. Many workingmen are members of trades unions. The farmers have organized granges, horticultural societies and neighborhood clubs. The Summit County citizen who has not '"joined" something is, indeed, a rarity. The first lodge of any secret society to be formed within the- county was Akron Lodge, No. 83, of the Free and Accepted Masons. Its charter was granted October 21, 1841. Its first master of the lodge was Hon. R. P. Spaulding. He was succeeded in 1842 by Gen. L. V. Bierce who held the office until 1850. Dr. S. W. Bartges then assumed the chair for four years. Other distinguished masters of this lodge were C. A. Collins, Dr. Thomas McEbrighf, Hon. S. C. WUliamson, R. P. ]\Iarvin, B. F. Battles and A. P. Bald- win. It has had two past grand masters in L. V. Bierce and Frank vS. Harmon. It now numbers 433 members and is officered (1907) as follows: Orlando W. Groff, master; John Crisp, senior warden; James R. Cameron, junior warden; A. C. Rohrbacher, treasurer; A. E. Roach, secretary; M. E. Fassnacht, senior deacon; William A. Sackett, junior deacon ; Harry F. Runyeon , tyler ; Ernest C. Housel, chaplain: W. E. Wangle, marshal; C. AVeaver and W. Boesche, stewards; H. T. Budd, J. M. Weidner and R. A. Walkup, prudential committee; and George N. Haw- kins, assistant secretary. Washington Chapter, No. 25, Royal -Arch Masons, was established October 25th, 1841. In 1907 its membership was 454. Its present officers are : D. W. Hollowav, high priest ; H. T. Budd, king; W. B. Baldwin, scribe; 0. W. Groff, captain; AV. A. Sackett, principal so- journer; 0. A. Nelson, treasurer; W. E. Waugh, secretarv; C. A. Dixon, R. A. captain; F. A. Clapsadel,'G. M., 3d Vail; E. C. Housel, G. M. 2nd Vail; R. R. Peebles, G. M. 1st Vail: H. F. Runyeon, guard; Ira A. Priest, chaplain; Geo. W. Shick, M. of C. & D. of M. ; Judson Thomas, Geo. W. Shiek, and Joseph Kolb, prudential committee; and R. A. AValkup and Charles Meier, stewards. The next Masonic body to be established was Akron Commandery, No. 25, Knights Templar. The commandery officers, for 1907 are: C. S. Eddy, eminent commander: C. C. Benner, general; H. J. Blackburn, cap- tain ; F. W. Shirer, senior warden ; A. A. 24S HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY KohliT, junior warden; R. F. Palmer, prel- ate; John Motz, treasurer; Bela B. Clark, recorder; W. H. Douglas, standard bearer; Robert Wilson, sword bearer; C. W. Wicklinc, warder; H. F. Runveon, sentinel; Geo. W. Sliick, M. of C; E.'e. Morse, H. T. Budd, and 11. M. Hagelbarger, guards; W. F. Lau- bach, G. H. Dunn, and A. W. Hawkins, pru- dential committee; 0. W. Groff, electrician: and Frank Farst, organi.-it. The next Ma.sonic body to be established was Adoniram Lodge, No. 517, F. & A. M., the charter for which was granted October 16th, 1878. Its ofRcere in 1907 are: H. J. Blackburn, master; Lee R. Knight, senior warden; J. S. Lowman, junior warden; Geo. W. Shick, treasurer; Norman G. Nelson, sec- retary; H. H. Garman, senior deacon; C. A. Dixon, junior deacon; A. T. King.sbury, chaplain; H. R. Tucker, tyler; E. E. Morse and C, S. Hiddleson, .stewards; W. B. Bald- win, mai-shal; and F. M. Cooke, J. A. Palmer and D. W. Holloway, prudential committee. In the list of past masters of this lodge appears the name of Henry Perkins, who held the master's chair for four years. Akron Council, No. 80, R. & S. M., was organized September 28, 1897. At the pres- ent time it has 175 members. Its officers are C. W. Wickline. T. I. M.; O. W. Groff, D. I. M.; H. T. Budd, P. C. AV.; Geo. L. Curtice, treasurer; W. E. Waugh, record- er; W. A. iSackett, captain; E. E Morse, conductor; C. A. Dixon, steward; H. F. Runyeon, sentinel; Judson Thomas and R. B. Wilson, auditing committee; Geo. W. Bil- low, chaplain; Geo. W. Shick, marshal; and W. F. Farst, musical director. The Akron Masonic Relief A.ssociatioii was incorporated February Ifith, 1888. It.-; ob- ject is to provide a fund for funeral and other immediate expenses in the event of the death of one of its members. All master masons in good standing under sixty yeai-s of age are eligible to membership. George Billow is president; John Crisp, vice-president; Geo. W. Shick, trea.surer; W. E. Waugh, secretarv; and O. W. Groff, C. C. Benner, Judson Thomas, D. ^^^ Holloway, C. W. Wickline, all of Akron; A. A. Cahoon, of Wadsworth; €. E. Bass, of Hudson ; T. J. Davies, of Bar- berton; Fred Bolich, of Cuyahoga Falls; and A. B. Young of Kent; are the board of di- rectors. The Akron Ma.-^onic Temple Company was incorporated May 9, 1896. Its officers are Geo. Billow, president; P. W. Leavitt, vice- president; W. A. MoClellan, treasurer; A. E. Roach, secretary: and R. M. Pillniore. P. W. Leavitt, Geo. W. Shick, W. A. McClellan, John Crisp, John Motz and George Billow, directors. The Masonic Club, of Akron, Ohio, was in- corporated November 27, 1899. Its object is to promote and cailtivate social and fraternal relations among it? members and also to pro- vide amusement for the members' wives and daughters. It maintains very well appointed club rooms, on the second floor of the Masonic Temple. It-; officers for 1907 are: F. M. Cooke, president; C. W. Wickline, vice-presi- dent; Bela B. Clark, secretarv; John Crisp,- treasurer; and H. T. Budd, J. W. Kelley, and D. W. Holloway, directors. It has 309 mem- bers at i)resent. Many Akron Masons are also members of the Society of Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Masons and of Al Koran 'Temple, nobles of the Mystic Shrine, which is located in Cieve- hnid, Ohio. I. n. o. F. The Odd Fellows were not far behind the Masons in e.stablishing their first lodge in Summit County. On September 16, 1845, Edward Rawson and eight others acting as charter members instituted Summit Lodge No. 50 of the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows. This lodge has had an unbroken record of prosperity since that early day. Its officers in 1907 are: Noble grand, R. A. Porter; vice- grand, Charles P. Gregory; recording secre- tary, William F. Chandler; financial secre- tary, Frank T. Hoffman : treasurer. Perry A. Krisher; trastees, W. H. McBarnes, A. C. Bachtel and IT. W. Haupt ; relief committee, Ilenrv Bollincrer. ^.^i^ I. 0. 0. F. BUILDING. AKRON FIRST NATIONAL BANK, AKRON -<■ DUB.SON BLlLDINd, AKKoX FLATIRON BUILDING, AKRON AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 251 The second lodge was Akron Lodge, No. 5-17, I. 0. 0. F., which was instituted July 9, 1873. Among its charter members were John J. Wagoner, Aaron Wagoner, R. P. Marvin, H. J. Church, Charles L. Brown, John Memimer, Jolm H. Auble, D. W. Thomas and T. W. McGillicudy. It officers in 1907 are: Noble grand, A. P. Myers; vice- grand, E. B. Anderson ; secretary, C. B. Quine; treasurer, Charles Warner; tnistees, E. W. Stuart, A. W. Hawkins and W. J. Coney; relief committee, A. K. Fouser. Nemo Lodge, No. 746, I. 0. 0. F. was insti- tuted May 22, 1886, by Richard Bacon, grand master. Among its charter members were H. G. Canfield, P. H. Hoffman, E. Colloredo, A. A. Bartlett, A. G. Keck, P. W. Leavitt, C. W. Kline, Jacob Koplin, Robert Guillet and D. R. Bunn. Its officers for 1907 are: Noble grand, H. R. Wells; vice-grand, Harvey Par- ker; recording secretary, F. G. Smith; finan- cial secretarv, J. H. Wagoner; treasurer, Wil- liam H. Rook. Sr. ; trustees, F. G. Marsh. A. G. Keck and W. F. Payne. Granite Lodge, No. 522, I. 0. 0. F., is the German lodge and is located in fine lodge rooms in the Kaiser Block. East Akron is also represented in Odd Fellowship, having a lodge named Apollo Lodge. In Cuyahoga Falls there are Howard Lodge, No. 62, I. 0. 0. F.. and Rebecca Lodge. I. 0. 0. F., Elm 227. The total membership of the five Akron lodgjs in 1907 Avas 1400. The greatest event in the history of Odd Fellow.ship in Summit County was the dedi- cation of the magnificent New Temple on South Main Street in Akron. The building is one of the finest in the city and consists of eight stories and a tower. It was dedicated with due ceremony on April 2, 1895. It was built by the Akron Odd Fellows Temple Company. The first board of officers were: President, A. C. Bachtel; vice-pre.sident, Lewis Bullinger; .secretary. A. G. Keck; treasurer, Ma.-on Ciiapman. The officers of the Temple Company for 1907 are: President, John Mem- mer; vice-president, W. H. Lohr; secretary. A. G. Keck; treasurer, A. W. Hawkins. OTHKR ORDERS. The other orders represented in Akron are the following: Buckley Post, No. 12, Grand Army of the Republic, organized in March 1867, of which Major H. A. Kasson is now commander. Woman's Relief Corps, Buckley Corps, No. 23. Union Veteran's Legion, Abra- ham Lincoln Command, No. 1 ; Women's Vet- eran Relief Union, No. 2; Sons of Veterans, Akron Camp, No. 27; Ladies' Aid Society, No. 8, Auxiliary to the Sons of Veterans; Knights of Honor, Acme Lodge and Spartan Lodge; National Union, Diamond Council, 48 ; American Legion of Honor, Akron Coun- cil, No. 248; Knights and Ladies of Honor, Agenda Lodge, No. 310 and Akron Lodge,. No. 2518; Royal Arcanum, Provident Coun- cil, No. 16; Protected Home Circle, Akron Circle, No. 54 and Summit Circle No. 565; The Maccabees, Akron Tent, No. 26, Lean Tent, No. 282, Charity Tent, No. 538 and Unity Division, Uniformed Rank, No. 14; Ladies of the Maccabees, Busy Bee Hive No. 35, Protective Hive No. 60, Independent Hive No. 147, Favorite Hive No. 164 ; Ladies of the Modern Maccabees; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks No. 363; Sons of St. George, Akron Lodge No. 180 ; Daughters of St. George, Ganter Lodge No. 18 ; Foresters of America, Court. Akron No. 42, and Court Summit City No. 24; Independent Order of Foresters, Court Pride No. 356 and Court Portage Path No. 4470; Companions of the Forest, Pride of Akron Circle, No. 220 ; Royal Neighbors of America, Puritan Camp No. 1746 and Evening Star Camp; Independent Order of Red Men, Saranac Tribe No. 141 and Ogareeta Council No. 29. Modern Woodmen of America, Akron Camp, 4334, Security Camp No. 4937, and Welcome Camp. The Pathfinders, Akron Lodge No. 1, and Acme Lodge No. 135. National Protective Union. Akron Legion No. 712. Junior Order United American Mechanics, Commodore Perry Council No. 209. Daughters of Liberty. Co"- lumbia Council, No. 21. Independent Order of Heptasophs, Akron Conclave, 713. Order of Ben Hur. Antioch Court No. 11. Kniglits 252 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY and Ladies of Security, Summit Council No. 661 and Liberty Council, No. 1356. Inde- pendent Order of the Red Cross, Teutonic Commandery No. 25. United Commercial Travellers, Akron Council No. 87. Royal Templars, Summit Council No. 36. Fraternal Order of Eagles, Akron Aerie 553. Court of Honor, Akron District Court, No. 238. Royal League, Akron Council No. 243. Home Guards of America, Akron Home No. 47. American Insurance Union, Akron Chapter No. 175. Knights of Columbus, Akron Council No. 547. Knights of St. John, Akron Commandery No. 42 and St. George Com- mandery No. 6. Catholic Knights of Ameri- ca, St. Vincent's Brancli No. 227. Catholic Knights of Ohio, St. Mary'.-i Branch No. 21. Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division No. 1, and Ladies Auxiliary. Father Mathew Temperance Society, No. 1621. Catholic Ladies of Ohio, St. Rose Branch, No. 5. Catho- lic Mutual Benevolent Association, Gibbons Branch No. 14, St. Bernard's Branch 37, and St. Mary's Branch No. 78. Ladies' Catholic Benevolent A.ssociation, St. Mary's Branch No. 180. National Association of Stationary Engineei-s, Akron Section No. 28. The Order of Mutual Protection. Independent Order of Good Samaritans and Daughters of Samaria. Western Reserve Lodge, No. L Daughters of Jerusalem, Ida May Council No. 12. United Order of True Reformers, Superior Fountain 1311, and .\kroii Star llHO. The principal nun-si'crct organizations are the following: German Club, Akron Lieder- tafel, Akron Turnverein, Thalia Unter.stuet- zung's Verein, Landwehr Society, ■ Akron Saengerbund, Gruetli Society, Saxony Bene- ilcial Association, German IMilitarj- Society, Young Men's Hebrew Association, St. Joseph's Benevolent Society, St. Bernard's Benevolent Society, Alsace-Loraine Benevolent Union, Women's Christian Temperance Union, Young Women's Christian Association, Young Men's Christian Association, Elks Club, Kirk- wood Club, Masonic Club, Odd Fellows Club, Akron Camera Club, Akron Dental Society, Portage Path Canoe Club, Akron Bar-Asso- ciation, Celsus Club, Summit County Clinical Society, Summit County Medical Society, and many others . In Barberton, many orders are represented by lodges as follows: Free and Accepted Ma- sons, National Lodge No. 568; Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Pharos Lodge No. 863 ; Daughters of Rebecca, Summit Lodge No. 603 ; Knights of Pythias, Barberton Lodge No. 486 ; Modern AVoodmen of America, Al- pha Camp No. 3206; Knights of the Macca- bees, Barberton Tent 114 ; Ladies of the Mac- cabees, Lake Anne Hive, No. 104; Independ- ent Order of Red Men, Katonka Tribe, No. 218 and Pocohontas Council ; Woodmen of the World, Magic City Camp No. 136; Path- tinders, Barberton Lodge No. 5; Independent Order of Foresters, Lodge 4058; C. M. B. A. l^ranch 55; Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Barberton Lodge No. 982; Fraternal Order of Eagles, Barberton Aerie, No. 562 ; Ancient Order of Hibernians, Barberton Branch ; Junior Order United ^Vnierican Me- chanics; Daniel Webster Council No. 161, Barberton Cadets and Daughters of America. In Cuyahoga Falls the principal organiza- tions are the following: Free and Accepted Masons, Star Lodge No. 187 ; Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Howard Lodge No. 62 ; Royal Arcanum, Enterprise Council No. 234 ; National Union, Security Council, No. 51; Knights of Pythias, Pavonia Lodge No. 301 ; Grand Army of the Republic, Eadie Post No. 37 ; Sons of Veterans, Wood Camp No. 66; Good Templars, Lodge No. 59; l')aughters of Rebecca, Elm Lodge No. 227; Protected Home Circle, Glen No. 85 ; Pythian Si.'itorhood, Ivy Lodge No. 8 ; The Public Li- brary As,sociation, the Women's Christian Temperance Union, and others. CHAPTER XVIII THE MEDICAL PROFESSION North Akron was founded by a doctor. The prosjjerous and bufiv Akron of today is due more to the restless energy of Eliakim Crosby, M. D., than to any other factor. Since his time, the medical profession have not been content to busy themselves with pills and fevers alone, but have been active in an extra- ordinary degree, in the civil, business and social life of the community. The first two large additions to the city were those planned and executed by physicians: Dr. S. H. Co- burn and Dr. S. W. Bartges. Two of the im- portant streets of the city have been named after them. -The founder of one of Akron's largest manufactories — perhaps the largest — ■ was Dr. B. F. Goodrich, from whom the B. F. Goodrich Company takes its name. The pro- fession has also been prominent in the City Council, the Board of Education and Public Library affairs. There is very little on record concerning the early physicians of the county. Who was the first to regularly practice medicine in Summit County is a matter of dispute. Dr. Crosby was practicing in Middlebury in 1820 ; Dr. Joseph Cole began his practice in 1826, removing to ■A'kron in 1827. Other early physicians were Elijah Hanchett, Titus Chap- man, Theodore Richmond, E. F. Bryan, H. A. Ackley, D. D. Evans, W. T. Huntington and Edwin Angel. Perhaps, the very oldest residents now living will recall the names of Drs. E. L. Munger, Elijah Curtis, A. Kilbourn and Wareham "W&st. Of all these early phy- >icians there is only one whose name is famil- iar to posterity: It is that of Dr. Eliakim Crosby. It is perpetuated in the names of Crosby School, Crosby street and the Crosby Race. He was born in Litchfield, Connecti- cut, March 2, 1779, studied medicine in Buf- falo, N. Y. ; began his professional career in Canada, where he also married; served in the American Army in the war of 1812, as a sur- geon ; and, in 1820, moved to Ohio and re- sumed the practice of medicine, in Middle- bury, now a part of the city of Akron. In 1826 he formed the partnership of Crosby and Chittenden, contractors. From that time on his gigantic business affairs claimed his at- tention almost exclusively, and what practic- ing of medicine he did was merely incidental. His next business venture was the operation of the Cuyahoga Furnace for the reduction of the local iron ores. Then in rapid succession he took on the manufacture of agricultural implements, the operation of a sawmill, and, lastly, a grist-mill. Finally, in 1831, came his great scheme for the hydraulic canal and the founding of the village of Cascade, which are fully described in another chapter of this history. In 1836, he started the "Portage Canal and Manufacturing Company" project, a gigantic undertaking, but one which ended disastrously. He lost his entire fortune in this disaster, and evidently his fine spirit was cru.^ 1^ AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 259 Beidler. Williniii Bowman, I). S. Boyd, J. P. Callin, F. B. Cauffield, E. J. Chase. W. S. Childs, 0. D. Clapcadel, F. A. Cleaver. J. \'. Conn, Eli Conner, II. E. Cranz, D. E. Dixon, C. A. Eberhard. L. R. C Ebright, L. S. Emery, Wm. J. Evans, Jennie L. Evans, Nellie M. Ewers, F. A. Fehr, Peter Foltz & Foltz Fouser, A. K. Grant, J. G. Halter, M. V. Hassenflue. -T. W. Havs, C. J. Held. C. E. Hiddleson, C. S. Hill, C. T. Hill, J. E. Hottenstein. E. K. Hulse. J. A. Humphrey, C. M. Humphrey, L. B. Jacobs, H. H. Johnson, S. W. Jones, A. W. Keller, ^\'. L. Kendig, R. C. Kennedv & Kergan Kneale.^V. E. Kohler, A. A. Kurt, Katherine Leas. Luev Lee, J. L.' Leonard, ^^'. \V. Leppa & Co. Lyon. 0. A. McDonald. D. M. McKay, R. H. Mather. E. L. Millikin, C. W. Montenyohl, E. A. Moore, T. K. Morgan, D. H. Morgenroth, Simon ISIurdock, Wm. NorrLs, C. E. Parks, Thos. C. Pumphrev, J. M. Rabe, J. \V. Rankin. G. T. Rankin. I. C. Reed, F. C. Robinson, R. DeW. Rockwell, J. \V. Rowe, Darius Rowland, Albert Sackett, W. A. Sanborn & Gleason Seller, J. H. Shirey, J. L. Shuman, J. C. Sicherman, Armin Sippv, A. F. Stauffer, G. W. Stevenson, M. D. Sturgeon, S. H. Swan, C. G. Svveitzer, L. S. Taggart, H. D. Theiss, G. A. Theiss, H. C. Todd, H. D. Underwood, E. S. Waldron, L. P. Weaver, Elizabeth M. Weber, J. H. Weeks, E. A. Weller, J. N. Wilson, William Wise, L. J. Workman, T. W. Wright, S. St. J. DENTISTS OF AKRON. Albany Dental Parlors, Dr. C. C. Spangler, Prop. American Painless Dentists, Dr. F. H. Mc- Lean, Prop. Barton, H. W. Branch, E. E. Browne, L. T. Buchtel, A. P. Capron, F. M. Cole, H. W. Conner. W. B. Cooper, W. C. Dewey. W. H. Dreutlein, B. H. Felker, Charles Hamilton, T. J. Henninger, D. H. Hillman, J. W. Hottenstein, W. J. Johnson, A. G. Lewis, F. M. Lyder, J. W. and F. H. Maxwell, W. J. Mottinger, C. C. Philadelphia Dental Rooms, Dr. W. J. Slemmons. Prop. Pontius, B. B. Quirk, E. E. 260 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Risch, J. F. Ruegsegger, D. U. Saunders & Locy Schultz, J. E. Shriber, B. A. Sibley, N. B. Smitii, C. E. Yedder, J. B. Watters, W. J. White Dental Parlors, Dr. A. C. Buffing- ton, Prop. Williams,, E. J. Williamson, G. B. Lahmers, Frederick Livermore, F. B. Mansfield, W. A. RodenBaugh & Rodenbaugh Snyder, H. A. Stall, A. H. Whipple, C. H. BARBERTON DENTISTS. Chandler & Benner Galloglv, D. B. Hille, 6. A. Wearstler, 11. 0. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF BARBERTON. Brown, G. A. Carr, C. B. Cory, Mrs. Kate W. Davidson, H. S. Gardner, G. E. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF CUYAHOGA FALLS. Bill, A. II. Hough, W. S. Middleton, W. B. Smith, F. D. Taylor, W. X. CHAPTER XIX the: bench and bar Ein-hj HiMi>nj^Thr Pir^rnt Bar and Us Ilifjh Sfunding. Prior to the erection of Suiniiiit County, about the year 1838 or 1839, there were com- paratively few lawyers in the city of Akron. Those who were here, were required to attend the courts in Ravenna, Medina and Canton, which were then the county seats of Portage, Medina and Stark Counties. The county of Summit was, in fact, made up by taking a number of townships from each of the coun- ties named. Among the earliest practitioners who had established themselves in the little town of Akron, were some of the old pioneer advo- cates who have long since passed away. The completion of the Ohio Canal about the year 1827, and the subsequent junction at Akron of the Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal brought the town of Akron into great promi- nence, as there were practically no railroads at that time in the state, and the opening of these canals, opened water-ways for the tran.sportation of produce to the cities of Cleveland, Pittsburg and Cincinnati. Quite a number of lawyers came to Akron who had previously located at Ravenna, and among the earliest lawyers of that time may be mentioned Gregory Powers, Rufus P. Spaulding, Seneca and Alvin Hand, John C Singletery, Van R. Humphrey, David K. Carter, George Bliss and others, who came in later years. Later on the General Assembly of this sitate enacted a law, authorizing suits against water craft by name, and as the canal was then in full tide of prosperity, and there being a con- (stant procession of boats in use, a large amount of litigation in the way of collections, damage suits and otherwise resulted, and this class of business occupied a considerable por- tion of the time of the court. In those earlier years, following the erec- tion of the Court House, there were compara- tively few divorce cases and very few cases for the recovery of damages for personal injury. And the amounts involved in suits, compared with the present time, were exceedingly small. But the records of the court will show that the eases that were brought into court were generally tried by the court or jury, and they will also show that the cases were, without regard to the amount involved, carefully pre- pared and thoroughly and ably tried. There were then, as now, generally three terms of court during the year, but these terms rarely lasted longer than two or three weeks at the outside, and during this time the business was generally fully di.sposed of. Unlike the j)resent time, when the court convened, on the first day of the term, the lawyers of the town vacated their offices and attended the court. They were on hand and present at the trial of each, so that practically all the members of the bar heard the testimony and arguments of counsel in each case. And dur- ing the tenu of court there was generally a full audience, not only the members of the bar, but bystanders and people who came in to hear. The large court room in the present old Court House, was none too large to ac- commodate the people who were almast uni- 2()2 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY formly present during the entire term of court. The lawyers were given ample time for the trial of their cases. They were rarely, if ever, limited as to the time for argument as to the court or jury. It ls needless to say that rare ability and the most persuasive elo- quence was frequently displayed in the trial of cases. All this has greatly changed in recent years, .so that appeals to the passions and prejudices of men are rarely permitited at the present time, and so valuable is the time of the court and so practical in business, that concise, clear and business-like statements have taken the place of the oratory and elo- quent addresses of the lawyers of former years. RUFUS P. SPAULDING, among the earlier lawyers, was conspicuous for his efforts as a member of the General Assembly in se- curing the passage of the act creating Sum- mit County. He was foremost in the effort to make Akron a county seat, Cuyahoga Falls being at the time a very strong competitor for the location. Judge Spaulding was indeed an ornament to the bar and an example to imitate. He was dignified and courteous in his deportment, a logical and forcible de- bater, and he wa,- deeply learned in law. He was a graduate of Yale College, and in later years of life he became a judge of the Su- preme Court in the State of Ohio. He was. however, strongly inclined to a political life, and his interest in politics brought about his election as a member of Congress to represent the Cleveland District, of which Summit County was then a part. He served in Con- gress with rare distinction during the period of the Civil War. Another lawyer of great distinction was GENERAL LUCIUS V. BIERCE. He prac- ticed law a great many years. He came to Akron about the year 1836 and died in 1864, and during that time he was engaged in perhaps as many suits in the courts of this county and Portage as any other lawyer of tha/t. time. He was very skillful. Among his partners during that time was Charles G. Ladd, and subsequently Alvin C. Voris. Gen- eral Bierce was very efficient in aiding the government during the Civil War; he raised several companies of men for the military and naval service. He w^as elected to repre- sent Portage and Summit Counties in the (Jhio Senate, and made an enviable record as a Senator. And in later years, towards the close of life, he was elected mayor of the city of Akron. He was an able and vigorous writer, and in the intervals of his large legal practice he prepared a number of lectures, which he delivered in various parts of the country. But above all General Bierce was a large practitioner, and very successful in his bu.^iness. VAN R. HUMPHREY was one of the old (imo judges and lawyers. He was presiding judge and held court in Ravenna, Akron be- ing then a part of that jurisdiction. He was a very portly man, affable and genial. He was skilled in the old common law practice, and when the oivil code went into effect in 1851, all those old common law forms were abolished and Judge Humphrey never could reconcile himself to the new modes of prac- tice, and constantly made war upon the new proceeding. Pie was a very able lawyer and continued in practice up to the date of his death, which occurred at Hudson, in Sum- mit County. He was effective, both before the court upon questions of law and in argu- ing oases to the jury. GEORGE BLISS was a native of Vermont. He was educated at Granville College and came to Akron in 1832 and studied law with Hon. D. K. Carter. He practiced law in Sum- mit County, and was appointed in 1851 presi- dent judge of the Court of Common Pleas in this county, succeeding Benjamin F. Wade. He held this po.sition which he filled with distinguished ability, \mtil the taking effect of the new Con.=;titution in 1852. He was elected a member of Congress, from this district in 1854, and subsequently he re- moved to Wonster, in Wavne Countv, where AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS '263 he practiced law in partnership with the Hon. John McSwaney. It is safe to say that Judge Bliss had few equds and no superiors as a lawyer. He was learned in the law and hi^ logic was most profound. His command of language was such that his extempore argu- ments to the court or jury would read like a page of Junius. His eloquence was of the Web.sterian type, profound and convincing, while in the art of examining and cross-ex- amining he has never been excelled. He married late in life, and at his death a wife and five children survived him. He was a most companionable nian, very witty and interesting. He never lost his temper, but exercised complete selfcontrol. He took an active part in politics, and achieved a na- tional reputation as one of the leading stat&^- men of the country. He was one of the lead- ing counsel in the case of Ohio against -James Park.-:, which was the first and perhaps the most important murder trial ever tried in Summit County. JAMES S. CARPENTER was a very prom- inent lawyer, born in New Hampshire in 1805. Moved with his i>arent.s to Pottsdam, New York, and was educated at the St. Law- rence Academy at Pottsdam. In June, 1832, he came to Ohio and removed to Medina, in Medina County, in 1835, where he edited a newspaper called the Constitutionalist. He was elected to the Legislature of the State dn the fall of 1839. He was a strong anti-slav- ery man and advocated in his papers as well as in his the rights of the colored people of Ohio. He moved to Akron in 184(; and practiced law at Akron for many years. He occupied the Common Pleas Bench from 1856 to 1861. Judge Carpenter was of Eng- lish ancestry, and in his example and by precept he represented the extreme type of Puritan morality and uprightnes-;. He was very highly educated as a judge, lawyer and citizen. His wife and three children sur- vived him. COLONEL WILBUR F. SAUNDERS was born in Lorn, New- York. May 2, 1834, and he came to Akron in 1854. He taught in the high school of Akron for a year or two, after coming to Ohio, and during the time studied law in the office of his uncle, Hon. Sidney Edgerton, and was admitted to the bar in 1876. On the breaking out of the Civil War in 1861, he enlisted in the army and was elected a lieutenant in Company G, Sixty- fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He re- mained in service until 1863. He commenced the practice of law in Akron with his uncle, Sidney Edgerton, and his rise in the pro- fession was rapid. He was a very fluent speaker, and was especially prominent in po- litical discussions. Ho accompanied his un- cle, Sidney Edgerton, to the territory of Idaho and to Bennock City; this was in 1884. So- ciety in this portion of the west at that time was in a very chaotic condition. There was but little security for life or property, through the regular legal channels. Murders, rob- beries and crimes of all kinds were of such frequent occurrence that the peoi^le of this portion of the territory, for their protection, organized themselves into a body, called ■'Vigilantes." Colonel Saunders was very prominent in this organization, and fifty or more outlaws and desperadoes were hung un- der the orders of this court. It was a very speedy and effective measure of justice, but it made honest men and it was not long before law and order prevailed. Colonel Saunders was appointed United States attorney by President Grant, and he became also a inember of the Territorial Legislature, and in 1890 was elected L'nited States Senator from the newly organized State of Montana. At the expira- tion of his term he returned to the practice of the law in the city of Helena, Montana, where he lived until his death. CHRISTOPHER PARSONS WOLCOTT came from Connecticut, was born in 1825, and with his parents removed to Steubenville, Ohio. He graduated at Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, and .studied law with Tappin & Stanton in Steubenville. Upon his admis- sion to the bar in 1843, he formed a partner- ship with General L. V. Bierce at Ravenna, 264 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Ohio, and in 1846 came to Akron, forming a partnership with William S. C. Otis, and after Mr. Otis removed to Cleveland, he be- came a partner of Judge William H. Upson. Upon the death of the Attorney General F. D. Kendel in 1856, Governor Chase appointed Ml-. Wolcott to fill the vacancy, and he was subsequently elected. His services as Attor- ney General were particularly notable. Dur- ing that time there occurred a heavy defalca- tion in the State Treasury and this brought on a number of very important State trials, in which Mr. Wolcott took a very prominent j)ai1, and perhaps the most important case that occurred was the case of ex parte Bu^h- nell, sometimes called the "Oberlin rescue ciuses." It grew out of the attempt to en- force the fugitive slave law by carrying back fugitive slaves to the State of Kentucky. The people of Oberlin resisted the enforcement of this law; indeed public opinion in the North was strongly against this enforcement, and a mn liber of citizens of Oberlin were arrasted for resisting the enforcement of tliis law, and the case came up in the Supreme Court of Ohio on application for a writ in Habeas cor- pus; in behalf of the persons who had been arrested. The main quesition was over the constitutionality of the Fugitive Slave law. Mr. AVolcotts argument on this occasion was a most masterh' effort. The decision of the court was against him, but they did Mr. Wol- cott the honor of having his argument in full, printed in the volume of the Ohio Re- ports. Mr. Wolcott was strictly a lawyer; he gave law his whole attention, even at the ex- pense of his social duties. His arguments were .solid, logical and convincing. He never indulged in matters of sentiment, or appealed to the emotions or passions. He relied simply upon his logical processes and reasoning. ^Ir. Wolcott was one of the leaders of the Summit County bar. Soon after the breaking out of the Civil W^ar, he was appointed by his brother-in-law, Edwin M. Stanton, assistant secretary of war. He entered upon the dis- charge of these important duties with energy and skill, taxing himself to sucli an extent that his health broke down, and lie died in the city of Akron shortly after his retiring from that position. SAMUEL W. McCLURE was born in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, Novem- ber, 1812. In 1828 he came to Medina County, Ohio, and taught school at Medina for a period of two years. He then attended Allegheny College, Pennsylvania, where he graduated. At that time he intended becom- ing a minister of the Gospel. He taught the academy at Ashland, in Ashland County, for two years, and while so engaged studied law in the offices of Silas Robbins and Judge Charlas Sherman ; during the time he edited the Ashland Phoenix. He subsequently re- turned to Medina and became the editor of the Constitutionalist, and during that time also entered into a law partnership with Judge Carpenter. He removed to Cuyahoga Falls, in Summit County, about the year 184.3, and practiced law at that place with great suc- CC.S.S, until he removed to Akron, about 1865, where he practiced his profession in partner- shiip with the late Edward Oviatt. Judge Mc- Clure held the office of prosecuting attorney in Summit County, and was elected a mem- ber of the General Assembly of the State in 1848, and he was .subsequently elected a judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the dis- tricts of Summit, Medina and Lorain Coun- ties, which office he held for one term. Judge McCluro 'was a very able lawyer, and by his constant attention to business and his skill and energy, he acquired a large practice and was very .successful, especially in the trial of jury cases. While Judge McClure lived at Cuyahoga Falls, he entered into a partner- ship with Hon. Henry McKinney, who .still lives in the city of Cleveland. MR. McKINNEY was elected i)rosecuting attorney of Summit County, which office he filled with great succe,«s, and was also elected a Senator from this district. He removed to Cleveland in about 1880, where he wiis elected a judge of the Court of Common Plea-; and held the oftice for one term. It i< no more tlian just to say that Judg.' McKiniiiy liad AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 2(55 few equals as a trial lawyer. He was espe- cially strong in the trial of jury cases, and his preparation for trial, both as to law of the case and the facts involved, was com- plete dn every particular. He w'as a man of large s}-mpathie.s and most generous impulses. HON. SIDNEY EDUERTON, ' formerly one of Ohio's distinguished citizens, who from 1852 until 1865 sei-ved his city. State and country, in positions of honor and great re- sponsibility, was born at Cazenovia, New York, August 17, 1818. His fathei'. a teacher by profession, was afflicted by l^lindness dur- ing his later life, dying when Sidney was six months old. Mi's. Edgerton, left in strait- ened circumstanc&s, could support lier family for a few years only, and the boy was forced into the world at the age of eight to battle for himself. After attending the district school for the usual period, he began at the age of seventeen to ie-M-h school, soon earning enough to en- able him to enter Wesley Seminary, at Lima, New York, where he was subsequently en- gaged as a teacher. In the spring of 1844 he came to Akron, making the journey by- water. The day after Ms arrival he entered the office of Judge Rufus P. Spalding, for the study of law, and during the following winter he taught in the Tallmadge Academy. In 1846 he was graduated from the Cincin- nati Laav School and admitted to the bar in that city and immediately opened an oflico at Akron. He soon became identified with public affairs, and in 1848 was a delegate to the convention which resulted in the for- mation of the Free Soil Party. In 1852 lie secured election as pro.secuting attorney of Summit County, in which office he served for four years. In 1858 came his election to Congress, followed by his re-election in 1860. His record as a statesman was such that in 1863 lie was appointed by President Lincoln to the oflice of chief justice of Idaho. It wa?, Mr. Edgerton who prepared the bill for the organization of the territory of Montana, and who went to Washington and presented it to Congress, making the long journey partly by stage and horseback through a country then almost entirely unsettled. President Lincoln recognized the value of his services l)y appointing him governor of the Territory of Montana, an office he held until a more perfect organization was effected, and the way [>aved for further legislation and the opening up of that rich region to settlement. Mr. Edgerton then resigned his office and in Jan- uai-y, 1866, resumed the practice of his pro- fession at Akron, where he continued a resi- dent during the rest of his life, which ter- minated July 19, 1900. On May 18, 1849, Mr. Edgerton was mar- ried to Mary Wright, of Tallmadge, Ohio, and they became the parents of nine chil- ilren. ilrs. Edgerton died August 3, 1883. Four of their children survive, namely: Martha E. Plassmann, residing at MLssoula., Montana; Mary Pauline Edgerton, of Akron; Lucia Idaho Buckingham, wife of George E. Huckingham, of Akron, Ohio; Nina E. Whit- man, wife of CaiJtain W. M. Whitman, U. S. A., now stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. Those (locca.^ed are: Wright Prescott Edger- t')n, jirofessor of mathematics at the We.-t Point Military Academy, at the time of his death, June 24, 1904; Sidney Carter Bdger- t'lii. died November 29, 1895; Francis Lowell Edgerton, died Octol>er 2, 1861 : Lucy lone ]':duerton, died May 10, 1906. Sidney Edgerton was a man of stanch moral courage, wonderfully proven in the anti-slavery struggle, and in the formaitdve jieriod of the New West, He was gifted with a mai'velous memory, his reading broad, yet discriminating. In his profession of law he gained distinction, and was parti cularly re- nowned as a jury lawyer. He had a keen <;Mise of humor, and possessed an inexhaust- ible supply of anecdotes. He was an ardent champion and a fervent hater, and his whole life was a struggle for the upbuilding of right and justice. HON. NATHANIEL \Y (GOODHUE, for- merly judge of the Probate Court of Sunniiit County, was one of the county's promi- nent and u.^eful men in his day and genera- 266 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tioii. He was barn in Lincoln County, Maine, December 20, 1818, in childhood accompany- ing bia parents to Lower Canada, where he lived until the age of seventeen years. In 1837 N. W. Goodhue moved to Wayne County, Ohio. At that time there were fewer avenuea of labor promising satisfactory emol- uments than at present. He was ambitious and turned his eyes in the direction of the law even while spending his summers in ped- dling notions and general merchandise through the country and his winters in teaching school, which occupied his time for several years. In 1840 he studied law in the office of Hand & Nash, at Middlebury, having come to Summit County as a teacher, and in 1846 and 1847 was fortunate enough to secure the posiition of engrossing clerk in the House of Representatives, at Columbus. In the latter year he was admitted to the bar, in 1848 he was elected auditor of Summit County and was re-elected in 1850, fill- ing the office for four years. In 1856 he was appointed canal collector, serv- ing for two years, and was collector of inter- nal revenue for Summit County, from Sep- tember, 1882, until September. 18G(). He bed always been active in the Reinil)lican party since its formation, and in 1878 he was elected by this organization State Senator from Sum- mit and Portage Countie,s, sen-ing two years. In 1880, he was Republican elector for the Eighteenth Congres.sional -District and presi- dent of the Ohio Electoral College. In Oc- tober, 1881, he was elected .judge of the Pro- bate Court of Summit County, this being has last public honor. On the bench lie gave entire satisfaction and occupied this honor- able position until his death, which occurred September 12, 1883. In his many official capacities he had always acquitted hin^'elf with credit. Judge Goodhue was married December 20. 1841, to Nancy Johnston, who was born in Green Township, Summit County and they had four children, namely: James P., who died in infancy; Allan J., now residing at Chicago, Illinois, who served as a member of the 104th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infan- try, during the Civil War; Mary H., now de- ceased, who was the wife of Rev. Samuel Maxwell, a clergyman of the Protestant Epis- copal Church ; and Nathaniel P., ex-clerk of the Summit County Court. The last named is a prominent business citizen of Akron, in- terested in many of her successful enterprises, and is treasurer of the Bruner, Goodhue, Cooke Company and president of the Akron Laundry Company. He resides at No. 140 Adolph Avenue. CONSTANT BRYAN. Judge Constant Bryan was another of the old time lawyers. He was born in the State of New York in 1809. Read law and graduated from the law department of Yale College in 1833 and was admitted to the bar in 1834. He was elected Probate Judge for Summit County in 1852. He took a great interest in the cause of edu- cation and was a member of the School Board. Judge Bryan was a very dignified, quiet gen- tleman. He had no taste for the hurlyburly of a court trial, he preferred rather the quiet of an office practice, and the business part of the legal profession. He was a man of jiroved integrity and was very highly re- spected. CHARLES B. BERNARD was a son of Rev. David Bernard, a former Baptist clergy- man in Akron. Mr. Bernard was l>orn in New York, and came to Akron in 1846, where be taught school and later entered the office of the county auditor. Six years later he was elected auditor and served four years. Dur- ing this time he studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar, and became a member of tlie firm of Wolcott, LTpson & Bernard. He was a member of the Board of Education. During the Civil Wair he was made adjutant of the One Hundred and Sixty-fourth Ohio Rt'giment, Ohio National Guard. Mr. Ber- nard was a splendid .specimen of physical manhood and was prominent in public affairs. His probity no one ever doubted, and his character M-as the very highest. As a busi- nes's laiwyer, or rather a lawyer for office prac- tice, he had no superiors. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 267 CALMN PEASE HUMPHREY, son of Van R. Humphrey, Avas born at Hudson, Ohio, in 1840. He graduated at "Western Reserve College in 1863, and was soon after admitted to the bar. He served for a time in the Civil War. After the close of the war Mr. Humphrey commenced the practice of his profession at Cuyahoga Falls, later com- ing to Akron, where he entered into a part- nership with .ludge E. \V. Stuart. Mr, Humphrey made a specialty of patent laws and he became a very successful and efficient attorney in that department. He wa.s a clever lawyer as well as a skillful mechanic. E. P. GREEN. Judge Edwin P. Green was born in Windsor County, Vermont, Marcli 10, 1828. He was educated at Bradford .Vcademy, and commenced the study of law in Littleton, New Hampshire. Coming to Akron in 1852, he entered the office of Hum- phrey & Edgerton, and was admitted to the bar in 1853. He was elected clerk of the court in October, 1854, .and at the clo.^ie of his term he resumed his law practice, and he was elected Judge of the Common Pleads Court, •which office he held for five years. Judge Gre«i was president of the Ohio Bar Association in 1878. He Mas a very careful lawyer; he was not an advocate in any sens? of the temi, but he was learned in the law and WHS a prudent judicial advisor. His de- cisions a* judge of the Connuon Pleas Court were very able, and his judgments were very rarely reversed by the higher courts. Judoe Green was prominent in educational matters, he was a great reader and po.ssessed a splendid and well selected library of books. He was a member of the Akron Public Library ciation, and was one of the corporator- and trustees of Buchtel College. ROLIN W. SADLER was born in St. Jo- seph County, Michigan, in 1856. His father was a .school teacher by profession. ^Ir. Sad- ler entered Baldwin University and later went to Mt. Union College, where he graduated in 1871. He then engaged in teaching, finst a- principal of the High School at R-ad'ng. Michigan, and then at Bedford, Summit County, Ohio. In 1876 he entered the law office of Edgerton and Kohler, and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1876. He was for sev- ertil years in partnership with Mr. Kohler and later he became a partner in the firm of Marvin, Sadler & Atterholt. Mr. Sadler was one of the j'ounger members of the bar, but from the very start of his profession he ex- hibited qualities which brought him to the front of the profession, and he very soon became one of the best equipped lawyers of the Summit County bar. He had a thor- ough education and his mind readily grasped the most intricate leading questions and solved them with intuitive ease and clearness. He was also an influential, persuasive and elo- quent speaker. He met with an accident in the city of Akron which him his life, and had he lived there is no doubt that he would have achieved a national reputation as a great lawyer and advocate. In his prac- tice and in the trial of cases he was, in the best sense of the term, a gentleman, and made it clear that one can be a perfect gentleman, kind and courteous, and at the same time a most effective trial lawyer. FRANK M. ATTERHOLT was born in 1848 near New Lisbon, Ohio. He w-as edu- cated at New Lisbon High School and at Mt. Union College, graduating at the latter in- stitution in 1870. He wa.s a prominent teacher for several years and became editor of the Columbiana Register. He came to Ak- ron in 1879 and read law with Upson, Ford and Baird. "Was admitted to the bar in the Supreme Court at Columbus, and later be- came a partner of Judge ilarvin in the law ])ractice. i\Ir. Atterholt was a member of the Board of Education, member of the Board of School Examiners and trustee of Mt. Union College. Mr. Atterholt the latter years of his life almost exclusively to business af- fairs, being largely interested in a number of corporations and in organizing others. He was a prominent member of the Methodist Church in the city of Akron. He died at Akron after a long and painful illne.-s. 268 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY DAVID LESLIE MARVIN, son of Ulysses L. Marvin, was born at Kent, Ohio, in 1862. He was educated in the Akron public schools and at Kenyon College, Gambler. He was elected assistant engineer of the board of Public Works of Ohio, and was re-elected in 1888 and 1890. During this time he read law, and was admitted to the bar in Decc^m- ber, 1889. Coming to Akron he began tlie practice of his profession, as a member of the law firm of Marvin, Atterholt, Slabaugh & Marvin. Mr. Mar\-in was a bright, capable and genial young man, and gave promise of success in his profession. His untimely death was mourned by all who had enjoyed the pleasure of Ids acquaintance. HENRY AVARD INGERSOLL was born in Richfield, October 23, 1833. He moved •with his family to Hudson. He was grad- uated at the Western Raserve College in 1857, and studied law in the office of Judge Van R. Humphrey, and Avas admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court at Columbus, March 9, 1859. Upon the breaking out of the Civil War he enlisted in the Second Ohio Cavalry Regimental Band, serving in the division of General Blont in the Western campaign. He was commi,s.sioned by Governor Tod as Cap- tain in the 124th Ohio Volunteer Infantry. In 1864, at the caU of Governor Brough, he served one hundred days in defense of the National Capital as a member of the 164th Ohio National Guard. Mr. Ingersoll was a,n indefatigable worker, energetic and pains- taking. He was a man of high character and was highly educated. In addition to hi? at- tainments as a lawyer he was a fine mn- sician ; he had- a splendid voice, which was highly cultivated. WILLIAM M. DODGE desen-es honorable mention among the earlier lawyers of Sum- mit County. He was born in 1805, in New York, where he studied law with Judge WTieeler. After his admission to the bar, he came to Middleb;ir\% which was then the chief town in Summit County. He was elected prosecuting attorney of the new county, being the first one to hold that ofHce in the new jurisdiction ; he was re-elected and held the of- fice two years. He was one of the leading advocates and workers for the famous Ak- ron School Law, and became a member of the first board of education in the city of Akron. In 1860 Mr. Dodge was elected probate judge of Summit County, and this office he held un- til his death, July 21, 1861. He was fifty-six years of age at the time of his death. EDWARD OVIATT was another of Sum- mit County's earlier lawyers. He was born in Hudson Township in 1822. He attended school at the Richfield Academy, whei'e the family lived, and later at Granville Institute and Western Reserve College. He prepared for admission to the bar in Akron in the of- fice of Hon. D. K. Carter, and he was admit- ted to the bar at Medina in 1844. He was en- gaged in practice for a number of years until about 1865, when he became partner of Hon. Samuel W. McClure, and after the dissolution of that firm Mr. Oviatt continued his profes- sional practice with his .«on-in-low, George G. Ellen, Esq.; later Mr. Charles Cobbs was ad- mitted to the firm. Mr. Oviatt held the office of prosecuting attorney of Summit Cinnity. to which he was elected by the people, and dur- ing the Civil War he served in a hundred day service as a member of the 164th Regiment, Ohio National Guard. Mr. Oviatt was a patriotic, public-spirited citizen and a most painstaking, conscientious lawyer. He was frequently selected and instructed with the set tlement of estates in which he was very prompt and thorough. ROLLAND 0. HAMMOND was another of the old lawyers long since pa.s,?ed away. He was born in 1826 in the town.ship of Bath. He wa? educated at Oberlin College and also at- tended Western Reserve College. He pre- pared for the business of his profession in the office of Judge Carpenter and IMcClure and was admitted to the bar in Painesville in 1850. He held the office of probate judge, imder ap- pointment from Governor Reuben Wood. He made a very excellent officer, and, upon the AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 269 election of James Buchanan as president, he wai appointed postmaister of the city of Ak- ron, which office he held for four years. Mr. Hammond Avas an excellent trial lawyer. He was a man of high tastes and culture, and was a fine writer as well as a persuasive and elo- quent orator. HON. ULYSSES L. MARVIN was born in Stow, in 1839. He was educated in the district schools and Twinsburg Institute, and for a time engaged in teaching the common schools. In 1858 he entered the law office of H. B. Foster in Hudson, and then he came to Akron and entered the law office of Hon. Sidney Edgerton, and was admitted to the bar in 1860. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in the 115th Regiment, Ohio Volun- teer Infantry, and later he became first lieu- tenant of the Fifth United States Colored Regiment. He was promoted tO' captain dur- ing the Siege of Richmond in 1869. Judge Marvin was elected probate judge of Summit Count}^, serving six j^ears and was appointed Common Pleas Judge by Governor Faster in place of Judge Tibbals, serving until the fol- lowing October. He was later elected a judge of the Circuit Court for Cuyahoga, Summit, Lorain and Medina District and is still serv- ing as a judge of that court, having been nominaited for a third term. GEORGE C. KOHLER was born at Akron June 26, 1869. He attended the High School in Akron and Buchtel College, and in 1885 went to Williston Seminary, East Hampton, Masj^achusetts, graduating there three years later. He then went to Yale College and graduated from that University, returning to Akron and entered upon the study of law in the office of Kohlcr & Mu.-ser, and was later admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court at Columbu.s. He was a member of the Board of School Examiners in the city of Akron for several years and was appointed by the Su- preme Court a member of the board of the examination of applicants for the admission to the bar. He became a member of the law finn of Musser, Kohler & Mottiiiger, and is now a member of the firm of Kohler, Kohler & Mottinger, attorneys, of Akron, Ohio. HENRY W. HOWE, son of Captain Rich- ard Howe, was born in Bath, 1828. He came to Akron with hiis parents and was educated in the Akron public schools, and afterwards attended the Oberlin College, where he grad- uated in 1849. He read law with James S. Carpenter and became his partner and prac- ticed with him, until the judge's election to the bench in 1856. Mr. Howe was a mem- ber of the Akron Board of Education. For many years last past Mr. Howe has devoted his entire time to agTicultural matters, living upon his farm in Northampton Township. He is a prominent member of the Grange, and is a close and careful student of impor- tant questions, and has largely directed his attention, his writing and addresses to the subject of agriculture. LORENZO DOW WATERS was born in Carroll County, Ohio, 1855, and when four- teen years of age, came to Akron with his parents. He attended "the public schools here until 1872, at which time he entered Buchtel College, where he studied for three yeare. Jn 1877 he became a student in the office of -John J. Hall, Esq., and upon his admission to the bar in 1879, became a partner of Mr. Hall, by the firm name of Hall and Waters. Mr. Wat- ers was mayor of the city of Akron, 1883 to 1885, and was re-elected, serving in all four years. At the end of his term Mr. Waters then resumed his practice of law on his own account. He was popular as an office holder, and his discharge of the duties of mayor' were highly satisfactory. HON. CHARLES DICK was born in Ak- ron November 3, 1858, and was educated in the Akron schools. Mr. Dick marked out for himself a bu.siness life, and commenced as clerk in a hat .store. He then became book- keeper for the Citizens' Savings and Loan As- sociation. Later he was chief bookkeeper for the Empire Reaper and MoA^'er Company. In 1881 he formed a partnership with Liicius C. 270 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Miles, under the name of Dick & Miles, in a general grain and commission business. Mr. Dick was elected auditor of Summit County in 1886 and was re-elected in 1889. Tliis ottico he filled with great credit to himself, and made many friends by his prompt and agree- able manner in doing business. About this time Mr. Dick took a prominent part in the politics of Summit County; he became chair- man of the Republican E.xecutive Commit- tee, and so efficient was he in the perform- ance of his duties that he became a member and chairman of the State Executive Conunit- tee. He has held that office for a number of years, successfully carrying the Republican party to victory in this state in many succes- sive campaigns. He was one of the close friends of William McKinley, as well as of Mark Hanna. Upon the death of Mark Hanna, Mr. Dick was elected United States Senator, which office ho now holds, and the duties of which he has performed to the sat- isfaction of lids constituents and with great credit to himself. ARTHUR S. MOTTINGER, born at In- land, Green Township, Summit County, Ohio, May 14, 1873. He attended the district school and completed a course at Uniontown High School, graduating in 1892. He then taught in district and village school at. Summit, Ohio, for several yeai-s, entering Hiram Col- lege in the fall of 1895, and graduating from that in.«titution in 1899, having completed the collegiate course, including one year of legal work. October 29, 1899, he came to Akron and took up the study of law with the tirm of Musser & Kohler. He was admitited to the, bar in the January term of 1901, «nd re- mained in the employ of Musser & Kohler un- til January, 1905, when he was taken into the firm of Mus,ser & Kohler. the firm l)eing Musser, Kohler & Mottinger. In June, 1906, this firm was dissolved, Mr. ]\Iusser reliring from the firm, and Judge J. A. Kohler taking his place, since which time the firm has been known as Kohler, Kohler & Mottinger. Mr. Mottinger was married August 9, lOOli. 1o Cassie M. Lawyer, of Burton, Ohio. F. J. ROCKWELL, attorney-at-law, Akron, was born in Akron, Ohio, February 19, 1878, and has always resided in this city. His lit- i>rary education was acquired in the public schools, including the High School, from which he was graduated in 1895, and at Buch- tel College, 'where he was graduated in 1899. He studied kw with tlie firms of Atterholt & Marvin, Rowley & Bradley, and Rogers, Row- ley & Bradley, and was admitted to the bar in 1902, He immediateh' entered into part- nership with Messrs. Rogers, Rowley and Bradley, and is now a member of the suc- cessful law firm of Rogers, Rowlev & Rock- well. ERNEST C. HOUSEL, son of Martin J. and Amanda C. Housel, was born in Middle- bury (now East Akron), Summit Countv, Ohio, Augusit 18, 1868. He attended the Ak- ron public schools, read law in the office of John J. Halland, and was admitted to the bai', October 3, 1889, since Avhich time he has been engaged in the practice of law in the city of Akron. He wa* elected justice of . the peace in Akron Township in the spring of 1891. and .served in that capacity for the term of three years. He was a memlier of the Akron Board of Education from 1902 to 1905. He was appointed a director of public safety for Akron, in January, 1906, to serve for the term of four years. Mr. Housel was married, December 28, 1892, to Emma E., daughter of Robert and Jane Caine, and ha^ one daughter, Elinore E. CHARLES BAIRD, a well known attor- iiey of Akron, was born in this cily ^larch 25, 1853, a son of Robert and Helen Baird. His father Avas a native of Scotland, born in Kin- cardine.^liire, in 1818, who came in 1843 to America, settling in Akron, where he fol- lowed the trade of blacksmith for many years. He was a strong anti-slavery man and free- stiiler. and later one of the most faithful ad- herents of the Republican party. He was married in Akron to Helen Knox Moir, a na- tive of Forfarshire, Scotland, and daughter of Charles and Mary (Gordan) Moir. She AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 271 died in Akron in February, 1891, at the age of seventy-oiie year.*. They were the parents of five children — William, Isabel, Charles, Mary and Helen. Charle.3 Baird acquired his elementary edu- cation in the common schools, being later graduated from the Akron High School. He then spent a year in classical study at Buch- tel College, after which he entered the law of- fice of Upson & Ford, under whose mentorship he studied closely until his admission to the bar, November 2, 1875. He then entered into partnership with Judge Up^on, under the firm name of Upson & Baird. Mr. Ford entering the firm in 1877, its style became Upson, Ford & Baird, and it was so continued until March, 1883, when Mr. Upson was called to the Supreme Bench of Ohio. The firm was then dissolved and Mr. Baird practiced alone until 1891, at which time he formed a partner- .ship with Edwin F. Voris, under the firm name of Baird & Voris, which connection la.sted until June, 1895. Mr. Baird now has a large and lucrative law practice and gives spe- cial attention to corporation law, in which branch of his profession he has been very successful. j\Ir. Baird has taken an active part in the orjganization and development of some of Ak- ron's important industries. He was one of the incorporators of the Portage Straw Board Company, and also one of its directors, until it was consolidated with the American Straw Board Company. He also assisted, in 1880-81, in the organization of the Diamond Match Company, and was one of the incoiporators of the Goodrich Hard Rubber Company, in which he has also been interested as a director and .stockholder. He has taken a prominent part in the organization and development of the town of Barberton, and i.? interested as an officer, director, or stockholder, in various other important enterprises, both local and foreign. He has also been concerned as ad- ministrator or executor in the administration of several of the largest estates ever admin- istered in Summit County, notably the Com- mins c-tate, in 1888. and that of Thomas W. Coi-nell, of which he was appointed one of the executors in 1892. As an attorney Mr. Baird practices in the courts of IllinoLs, In- diana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New York and Ohio, and also in the federal courts. Mr. Baird was married, Febmary 10, 1882, to Miss Lucy Allen Voris, a daughter of Gen- eral A. C. Voris, of Akron, of which union there have been born children as follows : Al- vin Voris, December 3, 1882; Helen Eliza- beth, August 30, 1884; Betsev Coe, June 11, 1886; Charles, October 15, 1888; and Kath- arine, November 19, 1890. JAMES MADISON POULSON wa^ born March 27, 1842, near Holmesville, Holmes County, Ohio. In his boyhood he attended the district schools and was early trained to agricultural work. For several years before attaining his majority he taught winter school, working on a farm during the sum- mers. He supplemented his education by at- tending a private school in Fredericksburg for several terms, and, after studjdng for a year in Hayesville Academy, he entered, in 1865, Princeton, New Jersey, College, from which he was graduated in June, 1868. In the same year he 'became a student at the Colum- l)ia College Law School at New York, and was graduated therefrom in May, 1870. On May 12, 1869, he was admitted to the bar in New York city, on examination. In August, 1870, he came to Akron, and was admitted to the bar of Summit County on September 9th fol- lowing. He soon after entered into partner- ship with Mr. John J. Hall, which wa.5 con- tinued until January 1, 1877. He was elected on the Democratic ticket prosecuting attorney for Summit County in October, 1874, and efficiently performed the duties of tliat office for two years — from January 1, 1875, to Jan- nary 1, 1877. He has since been engaged in the general practice of his profession and has lieen very successful. !Mr. Poulson was mar- ried September 28, 1875, to Miss Helen F. Smagg, only daughter of William Smagg, of Akron. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY MATTHEW CANFIELD READ was born August 21, 1823, in Williamsfield, Ashtabula County, Ohio. When he was about twelve years old his parents removed to Mecca, Trumbull County, where he attended the dis- trict schools, working a part of the time on a farm. Resolved to secure a better education, he attended successively the Western Reserve Seminary, at Farmington, and the Grand River Institute, at Austinburg, and then, in 1844, entered the Western Reserve College. From tliis institution he was graduated in 1848, afterwards receiving from it the de- gree of A. M. He taught school for a while, and began the study of law under Chaffee A. Woodbury, at Jeffei'son. On the close of his law studies he became editor of the Hudson Family Visitor, and about the same time he taught for a year in the grammar school of Western Reserve College. After this he prac- ticed law for a while in Hudson. During the Civil AVar he was employed as general agent of the Western Department of the United States Sanitary Commission, and at its close became deputy revenue collector. He then obtained the congenial position of geologist on the Geological Survey of Ohio. For sev- eral years he was lecturer on zoology and practical geology in the Western Reserve Col- lege, and he had charge of the archeological exhibits of Ohio at the Centennial Expositions at Philadelphia and New Orleans. He has also spent some time in the investigation of mineral lands for private parties. Mr. Read has served in the local offices of township clerk, justice of the peace, mayor, etc., in all jwoving an efficient public servant. HON. "\WLLIAM H. UPSON, now living retired at Akron, after a long and distin- guisihed public life, wa.s born January 11, 1823, in Franklin County, Ohio. In 1832 he removed with his parents to Tallmadge, Sum- mit County. At an early age he displayed the native abil- ity which in later life contributed to his pro- fessional success, for he was but nineteen years old when he was graduated from the Western Reserve College. He then read law with Judge Reuben Hitchcock, at Painesville, aft- erwards spending one year in the laAv depart- ment of Yale College. In September, 1845, he was admitted to the bar, and in January of th© following year entered upon the prac- tice of his profession at Akron. For many years he was in partnership with Hon. Sid- ney Edgerton and Christopher P. Wolcott, and stood at the head of his profession in Summit County. He was elected the first president of the Summit County Bar Associa- tion, and was a member of the Executive Com- mittee of the State Bar Association. In March, 1883, Mr. Upson was appointed by Governor Foster, judge of the Supreme Court of Ohio, and served until December. In 1884 he was elected judge of the Circuit Court, and in 1886 was re-elected for the full term of six years. Judge Upson has always been a stanch sup- porter of the Republican party, and for years stood very near to the head of the organiza- tion in the .«tate. His first public office was that of prosecuting attorney, in which he served Summit County from 1848 to 1850. He was a member of Ohio State Senate, 1854-5. In 1868 he was elected to Congress from the Eighteenth District, serving imtil 1873. His party delighted to honor him, and in 1864 he was sent as a delegate to the Republican National Convention, which renominated Abraham Lincoln. He was also a delegate- at-large to the convention which nominated Rutherford B. Hayes, in 1876. From Judge Upson's return to privaite life until his retirement from the practice of his profession he took a conspicuous part in every- thing pertaining to the development of Akron and Summit County. For many yeare he has been a trustee of the Western Reserve College, Oberlin College and the Lake Erie Female Seminary. On May 20, 1856, Judge Upson was married to Julia Ford, a daughter of Hon. James P. and Julia A. (Tod) Ford, of Akron, whose family consisted of seven children. Mrs. Up- son's father was born in New York state, Jan- uary 28, 1797, and in earlv manhood became HON. WILLIAM H. UPSON AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS a resident of Suiuiiiit County, where the re- mainder of his Hfe was spent. He was ap- pointed by Governor Bartley, associate judge of the Court of Common Pleas, for Summit County, and filled this position until ill health forced him to resign, in 1849 ; his death took place less than two years later, January 2, 1851. His wafe was a daughter of Judge George Tod, of Youngstown, Ohio. Judge Upson and his wife have four children, name- ly: William Ford, a practicing attorney in New York city, with residence in Glen Ridge, New Jersey; Henry Swift, a resident of Cleve- land, engaged in the practice of medicine; Anna Perkins, wife of Colonel G. J. Fieberger, U. S. Engineer Corps, now professor of en- gineering at the U. S. Military Academy, West Point, New York : and Julia Ford. Judge Up- son resides with his family on East Market Street. SENEY A. DECKER, attorney-at-law, at Barberton, is a leading member of the Sum- mit County bar and has been established in this city since May, 1903, having convenient offices in the Barberton Savings Bank build- ing. He was born in Seneca County, Ohio, March 11, 1875, and is a son of Samuel and Levi n a (Noel) Decker. Mr. Decker was reared on his father's farm and attended the country schools. He was an ambitious boy and made the most of his opportunities and secured a certificate per- mitting him to teach, before he had completed his own education. For five years he taught country schools and then attended Heidel- berg College, at Tiffin, Ohio, for two years, following this by the study of law in the of- fice of Piatt & Black, leading attorneys at Tif- fin. After two years of study there he at- tended the Ohio Normal University, at Ada, for eight months, and on December 6, 1902, he was admitted to the bar. His close devo- tion to study had somewhat impaired his beallh. and he returned to the home farm, where he remained until the follo^ang March, when he located for practice at Attica. From there, six weeks later, he came to Barberton, where he found he was not deceived in believ- ing that a field of business was awaiting him. On February 19, 1905, Mr. Decker was married to Minnie Leininger, who is a daugh- ter of Isaac and Elizabeth Leininger, of Flat Rock, Seneca County, Ohio. Mr. Decker is fraternally connected with the Elks and the Eagles. His i^rofcs-sional ability has brought him many business friends while the agree- able personality of himself and wife has led to their welcome admission into the most select social circles of Barberton. CETARLES C. BENNER, attorney, of Ak- ron, Ohio, was born in ^Manchester, Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, March 27, 1870, son of Simon and Caroline (Slaybaugh) Benner. His parents, both of whom are now deceased, were natives of Franklin Township, this county. Simon Benner was a farmer and dealt in stock. Born January 17, 1846, he died Au- gust 22, 1884. His wife was born July 21, 1844, and died January 7, 1890. They had nine children, as follows: Elda F., wife of Frank Warner, of Barberton ; Clinton A., at- torney at Cleveland; Melvin L., who owns and conducts a ranch at Sidney, Montana; Charles C, subject of this sketch; Otto M., who died in 1877, aged five years; Irvin R., a dentist of Barberton; Gertrude M., single, a resident of Akron; Wallace J., a physician of Cleve- land, Ohio; and Howard C, auditor for the .Etna Insurance Company, who resides in Cleveland. The parents were members of the M. E. Church. Simon Benner was a Demo- crat, and though not in any sense a politician, he held the office of justice of the peace in Norton Town.ship. Charles C. Benner was reared on the farm, and acquired his literary education in the dis- trict and High Schools of Copley and Norton Townships. He attended the law school of the Northern Ohio University, at Ada, Ohio, and finishing his law course in ihe office of Baird and Voris, of Akron. Ohio, was ad- mitted to the bar June 8, 1893, at Columbus, He immediately opened an office at No. 12 East ISIarket Street, where he has since re- mained, bavins: met witli a mo~l gratifying 276 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY degree of success. He wa.s police pro.^ecutor from 1897 to 1901. On September 29, 1897, Mr. Beniier was married to Gertrude F. Foster, a native of Akron, and a daughter of Martin B. and Sarah (Clark) Foster. In politics Mr. Ben- ner is an Independent Democrat. Fraternally he belongs to the Elks, being Past Exalted Ruler, a charter member of the local lodge, and a life member of the Grand Lodge of the United States. He is also a charter member of Akron Lodge 603, K. of P., a member of Adoniram Lodge 517, F. & A. M.; Wa-^hington Chapter, R. A. M., No. 25; Akron Council, R. & S. M., No. 80; Akron Commandery, K. T., No. 25, and Lake Erie Consistory, Ancient Accepted & Scottish Rite of Free Masonry, of Cleveland. He was captain of Company B, Eighth Regiment, Ohio Na- tional Guard, for four years, 1894-1897. He is a member of the Portage Country Club and a trustee of the City Ho.spital of Akron. HON. WILLIAM BARNABAS DOYLE, until recently a prominent member of the Summit County bar, formerly mayor of Ak- ron, and editor of the present volume, was born in the city of Akron, in the old Doyle homestead, at (old) No. 150 South High Street, April 19, 18G8. His parents were Wil- liam B. and Mary Maud (Lantz) Doyle, and he is a lineal descendant of Felix Doyle, who came to America from the North of Ireland very early in the eighteenth century, and made a home for himself in the wilderness, where a son, whom lie named Barnaba«, was born. This Barnabas became the father of ten children, among whom were Barnabas Doyle, Jr., and Thomas John Sylvester Doyle. Thomas J. S. Doyle, grandfather of the subject of this sketch, married Anne Taylor, who was born at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Feb- ruarv 12, 1797, and who died in Akron De- cember 12, 1882. Their children were: Wil- liam Barnabas (1), Thomas John, and Mary A., the last mentioned of whom became the wife of Hon. James Ferguson, of Chambers- burg, Pennsylvania. William Barnabas Doyle (1) wi\s born in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, in a valley of the Blue Mountains called Path Valley, March 5, 1825. When thirteen years old, he was apprenticed for three years to learn the trade of cabinet-maker, which he mastered. At the age of seventeen, filled with a spirit of adventure, he turned his steps toward the West; in 1842 arriving in Akron practically penniless, and having walked the entire dis- tance on foot. He soon found employment at his trade, however, and in time became a master cabinet-maker. After several years he gave up that business, and became a member of the firm of Doyle & Chamberlain, dealers in cattle and meat. Later he engaged in agri- culture on a large farm which he had pur- chased in Coventry Township. In August, 1865, with John H. Dix and Daniel Farnum, he purchased the lumber and manufacturing business of S. G. Wilson and originated the firm of W. B. Doyle & Co. Of this business, he subsequently became the sole owner and conducted it alone until his death, which took place in Akron, August 6, 1890, when he was sixty-five years old. He was a stanch sup- porter of the Republican party, but neither held nor sought office. In 1863 he was cap- tain of the Coventry Company of National Militia, organized under the act of April 14, that year, but the company was not called upon to go to the front. Mr. Doyle Avas married October 30, 1855, to MLss Harriet Sage, of Monroe County, New York, who died November 6, 1862, leaving one child, Dayton A. Doyle. On June 9, 1867, IVIr. Doyle married Mary Maud Lantz of Akron, who died February 11, 1874, leav- ing three children — William B. Doyle (2), Delia May Doyle Wilcox, and Dean Lantz Doyle. In 1877 Mr. Doyle married again, and of that union there was one daughter, iVnna. William Barnabas Doyle (2), son of Wil- liam B. and Mary Maud (Lantz) Doyle, whose nativity has been already given, was educated in the Akron public schools from 1874 to 1883 ; in the Wes.tern Raserve Academy from 1883 to 1886, where he graduated after com- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 277 pleting the classical course; he received his higher educational training at Col- lege from 1886 to 1890, and was graduated as a member of the class of 1890. In Janu- ary, 1891, he was elected a director and treas- urer of the Akron Electrical Manufacturing Company, but resigned to enter Harvard Law School in October, 1892. He .«pent three years at Harvard and graduated in June, 1895, receiving the degree of LL. B. from Harvard University. In 1895 he was again elected a director and treasurer of the electri- cal company, positions which he continued to hold until recently. In October, 1895, Mr. Doyle w'as admitted to the bar by the Supreme Court of the State of Ohio, at Columbus, and immediately commenced the active practice of his profession in his native city. He sensed as mayor of the X'ity of Akron for the years 1901-1903, having been elected on the Re- pul>lican ticket April 1, 1901. He was invited by the League of American IMunicipalities to read a pai^er on "The .JMunicipal Situation in Ohio" at its annual meeting in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in August, 1902. This paper was afterwards printed by several legal journals. In June, 1903, he was granted the degree of Master of Arts by Amherst College, for researches in Municipal Government. Upon quitting the office of mayor he re- sumed the successful practice of law in Akron until Februarj", 1907, when the tnistees of the Carnegie Technical Schools of the Carnegie Institute in Pittsburg invited him to take the chair of Contract Law in their school of Ap- plied Science. As he felt himself especially fitted for work of that nature, he accepted the invitation and will hereafter reside in Pitts- burg. Mr. Doyle was married on September 14, 1899, to Frances Louise Wilcox, of Akron. They have five children : Mary, Enid, Kath- leen, Wilhelmine and William B. Doyle, Jr. The last named was born November 15, 1907. Mr. Doyle is a member of the Beta Theta Pi college fraternity, and was for two years chief of the New England district. In July, 1906, he was elected president of the national convention of the fraternity, held at Denver, Colorado. He is connected by membership with the Congregational Churcli, the Sons of the American Revolution and various Masonic bodies. FRANK G. MARSH, a leading member of the Akron bar, with offices in the Dobson Block, belongs to one of the old pioneer fami- lies of this section, and was born March 18, 1869, in Franklin Township, Sunnnit County, Ohio. He is a son of Hiram F. Marsh and a grandson of George Marsh, who came to Summit County among its earliest settlers. Mr. Marsh was educated in the schools of Franklin Township and at a superior select school at Manchester, s L^niversity at Youngstown, Ohio, the Lorain Business College, at Lorain, and the Hammel Business College, at Akron, is engaged in the practice of law, with offices in the Dobson Building, at Akron. Profes- sor Short was born in Geauga County, Ohio, in 1880, where he secured hi-^ preliminary educational training. When but fifteen years of age Mr. Short went to Cleveland, where he made a thorough .«tudy of eomriiercial work, and graduated from a commercial college in that city, and later from the law denartment of Baldwin L'niversitv. He was admitted to the bar in 284 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 1902. For sonic six yeaxs before coming to Akron, Mr. Short had been closely connected with business college work, having purchased the Hammel BiLsiness College from its founder, who had established it in 1881. In June, 1904, he bought the Hall Business Uni- versity, which had been established at Youngs- tofWTi, in 1892, and in 1903 he established the Lorain Business College, at Lorain. The offi- cers of these several commercial schools are as 'follows : Of the Hamauel Business College, W. G. Short, LL. B., is president, and J. W. Short is business manager. Of the Hall Biisi- ness University, C. C. Short is manager, J. W. Shorti, treasurer, and W. G. Short, LL. B., principal. The saime personnel makes up the official force of the Lorain Business College, W. G. Short, LL. B., being president, J. W. Short, vice-presiident, and P. S. Short, man- ager. All these gentlemen are thoroughly competent in the work of commercial instruc- tion and their institutions take high rank in the business world. Few men of his years have accomplished so much along a given line in so short a time as has Mr. Short, and he is justly numbered with the progressive and enterprising young men of this city. In addition to his law prac- tice and commercial college interests, Mr. Short handles a large amount of real es- tate. RAY F. HAMLIN, a young but able mem- ber of the Akron bar, now serving his sec- ond term as city clerk, in spite of his youth has been nominated by the Republican party for the important office of city treasurer. Mr. Hamlin was born at Akron, April 24, 1881, and is a son of Byron S. Hamlin, a native of Summit County and for forty years a resi- dent of Akron. He was reared in his native city, where he attended the public schools, and then took a two-years' course in the law department of Columbia University at Wash- ington, D. C, and was graduated from Bald- win Univer.*ity at Cleveland in 1903. Upon his return to Akron he took the bar examina- tion and in the same year was admitted to practice. lie was at once appointed city clerk and thus, from the beginning of his career, has been recognized as a political factor. On May 28, 1907, Mr. Hamlin was mar- ried to Mabel J. Gordon, who is a daughter of Fred F. Gordon, of Akron. He is a member of Woodland Methodist Episcopal Church. Fraternally he is connected with the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows. He and wife are participants in the pleasant social life of the city, and both are valued for their personal attributes. ORLANDO WILCOX, one of the leading members of the Summit County bar, and sen- ior member of the law firm of Wilcox, Par- sons, Burch and Adams, at Akron, was born in Medina County, "Ohio, in December, 1851, and is a son of Dr. Orlando Wilcox, once a man of great prominence in this section. Dr. Orlando Wilcox settled at Cuyahoga Falls in 1828, and in the following year, in association with Henry Wetmore, organized the first temperance society in the state of Ohio. He remained one of the leading citi- zens of Cuyalioga Falls until 1831, when he moved to Medina County, where he practiced for many years, but prior to his death, in 1886, he returned to the Falls. It is inter- esting to recall historic events and compare them with those of modern times. The tem- perance organization mentioned above, was the cause of the first strike in the industrial world of Summit County. At that time Mr. Wetmore was the owner of the paper mills at Cuyahoga Falls and it had been his cus- tom to each Saturday set out a barrel of whiskey for his employes to help themselves. After the organization of the temperance so- ciety, he cut off this luxury, with the result that the men went out on a strike, and a num- ber of them were never again employed in the mills. Mr. Wilcox has in his possession, with other interesting papers, a number of the original contracts made between Joshua Stow and William Wetmore, father of Henry Wet- more, for the organization of Stow Town- ship, some of these bearing the date of 1804. Orlando Wilcox was reared in Medina County and attended the country schools prior AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 286 to entering Baldwin University. He subse- quently read law in the otRcc of A. J. Mar- vin, of Cleveland, being admitted to the bar in the spring of 1884. Locating at Cuyahoga Falls, he entered upon the practice of his profession and continued it there until 1898, when he went to Indian Territory, being as- signed to duty as special United States dis- trict attorney. During the time he remained in Indian Territory, which covered a period of two years, he tried sixty-four murder cases, - and convicted the first man that was ever * hung in the Territory by order of the Fed- eral courts. For various reasons Mr. Wilcox resigned this position and returned to Ohio, in 1900 establishing his law office at Akron, and becoming dissociated with C. T. Grant in the firm of Wilcox and Grant, which con- tinued until the spring of 1904. In a new association Mr. Wilcox became senior mem- ber of the law firm of Wilcox, Parsons and Burch, Mr. Adams later being admitted as the junior member of the firm. Mr. Wilcox has successfully handled ■ a large number of important cases before the Ohio courts, and has an enviable record in the different branches of his profession. Mr. Wilcox still retains his home at Cuya- hoga Falls and is interested in several finan- cial enterprises in that city. He is a director in the Cuyahoga Falls Savings Bank and in the Falls Savings and Loan Associa- tion. He is also president of the Mer- cantile Credit Company, of Cincinnati. Fonnerly he took an active interest in politics and his party chose him as its candidate for prosecuting attorney, and in 1896 for pro- bate judge. He came within seventy-seven votes of the nomination for the latter office. For fifteen years he was city solicitor for Cuya- hoga Falls, but the demands of his profes- sion have given him very little time to push his claims for political preferment, had he po.?sessed the ambition to do so. In 1874 Mr. Wilcox was married to Zelia M. Severance, of Medina County, and they have two daughters, Lottie and Mabel. Lot- tie is the wife of Charles C. McCuskey. resid- ing at Cuyahoga Falls. Mabel is a student at Buchtel College, where she has made a re- markable record, taking the highest honors of her class, both in 190o and 1907 ; she antici- pates graduating in the class of 1908. The family belong to the Disciples Church at Cuyahoga Falls, which Mr. Wilcox has sensed as a member of the board of tnistees; he is now superintendent of the Sunday school. Fraternally he is connected with the Elks and the Knights of Pythias. The family is one of social prominence at Cuyalaoga Falls. H. E. ANDRESS, a member of the law firm of Allen, Watere, Young & Andress, with oflices in the Hamilton Building, Akron, has been a resident of this city since 1893. He was born in Ashland County, Ohio, and is a son of the late Samuel D. Andress, former- ly an agriculturist in Ashland County. Mr. Andress spent his boyhood and obtained his early education in the schools of his na- tive county, and later entered Vermillion In- stitute, where he was graduated in 1892. He then read law for two years with W. E. Sla- baugh and in 1894 entered the Cincinnati Law School, from which he was graduated in 1895. During the period in which he was securing his own academic and collegiate training, he taught school, his time in this profession aggregating about five years. For six months after locating at Akron, Mr. An- dress continued to practice alone, and then entered into partnership with F. E. Whitte- more, under the firm name of Andress & Whittemore. This business association con- tinued until 1902, when Mr. Andress became a member of the firm of Allen, Cobbs & An- dress, T\'hich later became Allen, Cobbs, Wa- ters & Andress, changing to Allen, Waters & Andress, on the death of Mr. Cobbs in 1905. The present style was assumed November 1, 1906, when W. E. Young became a member of the firm. This combination of legal talent is regarded by the bench and bar of the coimty as one of the strongest in this section ; flieir work covers all branches of law and jurispnidence and they have .successfully handled many cases of grave importance. In 1898 Mr. Andress was married to Addie 286 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY L. ]\lontcnyohl, who was formerly a popular teacher in the Akron public schools, and is a daughter of George Montenyohl. They have one child, Virginia. Mr. Andress is a prominent Democrat and has served as chairman of the Democratic County Committee, and as a member of the Democratic State Central Committee. For four years he .«erved as clerk of the Summit County board of elections, and i.s a member of the board of Sinking Fund trustees of the city of Akron. ' He is interested in a number of the city's prosperous business enterprises, but the larger part of his time is given to his law practice. He is one of the directors of the National City Bank and a stockholder in other financial institutions. Since early life, Mr. Andress has been united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he served on the board of trustees of the First M. E. Church at Akron for some time. PHILIP B. TREASH, attorney, wa.-^ bori^ at Uniontown, Stark County, Augu.-^t 10, 1875, and a few j'eai's later came with his parents to Akron, where he has since resided. His preliminary education was received in the public schools and he graduated from the High School in 1895. During his High School course Mr. Treash decided to study law, but desiring to first acquire a broad academic education he. studied two terms at Buchtel College, then entered Oberlin College, from Mhich institution he graduated in 1900 with the degree of Ph. B. Immediately after graduation from Oberlin he took up the study of law, only interrupt- ing that study long enough to earn funds with which to continue. In 1901-1902 he wa^ assistant principal of the Cuyahoga Falls High School. Subsequently entering the law department of Ohio State University, he was graduated in June, 1903, and being admitted to the bar, he chose Akron as his field of work, and became associated with the law firm of Young & Wanamaker until Mr. Wanamaker was elected to the Common Pleas Bench. Af- ter the dissolution of this firm he remained with Mr. Youno; until November. 1906, since which time he has practiced alone. Mr. Treash is actively connected with the business development of the city, and is also a lead- ing Republican, at present being chairman of the City Republican Committee. In 1905 Mr. Treash was married to Ida M. Roberts, of Akron. He is a member of the West Con- gregational Church and is serving as its treas- urer. He belongs to Akron Tent, K. O. T. M., the Protected Home Circle, the Young Men's Christian Association, and several other or- ganizations. F. E. WHITTEMORE, of the well-known law firm of Grant and Whittemore, at Akron, was born at Fitchburg, Massachusetts, in 1870. When he was seven j'ears of age his parents located in Akron, where he was reared graduating from the Akron High School in 1887. He then entered Denison University, where he was graduated in 1892, with the degree of Ph. B. He studied law in the office of Marvin. Saddler and Atterholt, of Akron, and was admitted to the bar in 1894. He was with Judge Stuart, in the probate office for one year, which gave him excellent spe- cial training, and he then began the practice of his profes.-herc he became a man of suhstance and lo- cal prominence. He held county offices and wa* long numbered among the leading men cf his community. His wife, Louise, was of French extraction, but was born in Wayne County, Ohio. Charles H. Stahl was reared on his father's farm and attended the country schools, later entering the Ohio Northern University at Ada, where he was graduated with the degree of A. B. He then engaged in teaching and for two years was principal of the Winesburg public schools. In 1902 he wa.s graduated with the degree of LL. B. from the law department of the Ohio State University, and in the same year received the A. M. degree from his alma mater. In that year he was also admitted to the bar, and in the following .spring he located in Akron and entered upon the practice of his profession, in which he has since continued. Politically he is a Democrat and has taken an active part in public affairs. He has many financial interests, being a director in the South Akron Banking Company, in the Ak- ron Realty Company, and in the Beach City Banking Company, of Beach City, Stark County, Ohio. September 26, 1906, Mr. Stahl was married to Cora B. Snyder, who is a daughter of C. J. Snyder, a prominent business man of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Stahl have one daughter, Margaret Louise, born August 8, 1907. Mr. Stahl is a Knight Templar Mason and belongs to Akron Comrnandery, No. 25. and to Blue Lodge, Chapter and Council, of this place. He is a member of the Lutheran Church. He has never given up his member- ship in the Delti Chi college fraternity, hav- ing been one of the charter members of the organization, at the Ohio State Universitv in 1902. ARTHUR JAMES ROWLEY, formerly city .solicitor of Akron and a member of the law firm of Rogers, Rowley & Rockwell of this city, was born December 4, 1868. at Cuya- hoga Falls, Ohio, and is a son of William and Mary J. (Wills) Rowley. Mr. Rowley is of English ancestry and his grandfather, Enoch Rowlev. was the first of 288 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tlio family In .si'llle in Akron, where he did in 1H48. To the hitter helongs the dLstinc- tion of establishing the tirst pottery here. He brought a family of seven children from Eng- land, and four more were added after the fam- ily settled here. He died in this city, aged seventy-three years. William Rowley, fath- er of Arthur J., \va.s ten years old when his parents came to Ohio. He assisted his father in his work as a potter and succeeded him in the business. In 1886 he retired from active business and died in November, 1891, at the age of fifty-four years. HLs children were : Florence, who died in infancy; Arthur .J.. Maude L., and Zelle I. Arthur James Rowley was graduated from the Akron High School in January, 1885, and from Buchtel College, in June, 1890. He then began the study of the law with Charles Cobbs, and the firm of Green, Grant & Sieber, and wa.s admitted to the bar in March, 1892. In the following year Mr. Kowley was elected a member of the Akron Board of Education. In 1895 he was made city solicitor, two years later being re-elected and by a larger majority than any other candidate. Since the close of his second term of office he has applied him- self entirely to his large and growing practice. In 1902 he became a member of the firm of Rogers, Rowley & Rockwell, whose offices are in the Central Savings & Trust Building. Fraternally Mr. Rowley is an Elk and re- tains membership in his college iraternity, the Delta Tan Delta. He belongs also to the Sum- mit County Bar Association. He stands very high in public esteem, both as a citizen and profe.s.sionally. On October 20. 1897, he was married to Amelia Grether and they have three children : Pauline Barbara, William Arthur and John Grether Rowley, all of whom reside at the family resident, 838 Eaet Market Street. ALEXANDER H. COMMINS. an attorney, practicing at Akron, is interested in a num- ber of Akron business enterprises. He was born at Akron in 1872, and is a son of the late Alexander II. Gomtnins. After complet- ing the common school course in his native city, Mr. Commins entered Kenyon College, where he was graduated in 1894, with the de- gree of A. B. Shortly afterward, he began reading taw with Charles Baird. In 1899 he was admitted to the bar, and since has been associated with Mr. Baird in the practice of his profes.sion. He is a director in the Cen- tral Savings and Trust Company, at Akron, and is largely interested in real estate through Sunnnit County, pai'ticularly in the vicinity of Akron and Barberton. In 1900 Mr. Com- mins was married to Ethel Sheldon, who is a daughter of C. E. Sheldon, president of the Whitman-Barnes Company. Mr. and Mrs. Connnins have two children, Ethel Louise and Henrietta. WATSON E. SLABAUGH, .senior mem- ber of the law firm of Slabaugh & Seiberling, has been a resident of Akron since 1886. He was born in Portage County, Ohio, where he attended school until he entered Mount Union College. Mr. Slabaugh has been mainly the maker of his own foi-tunes. At the age of eighteen years he began to teach school, which profession he followed for four years. In the meantime he was preparing himself for a collegiate course in law, and in 1885 he was graduated from the Cincinnati Law School. In the following j'ear, he located at Akron, and here he entered into practice with Ed- ward P. Otis, under the firm name of Otis & Slabaugh. Later he became a member of the firm of Marvin, Atterholt & Slabaugh, which continued until 1892. From that date until 1898 Mr. Slabaugh practiced alone, and then entered into partnership with Mr. Seiber- ling, under the present firm style. This firm is regarded as one of Akron's most reliable combinations of legal talent, and many im- portant interests are placed in their hands. Mr. Slabaugh is a director in the Second National Bank and a stockholder in numer- ous other prosperous concerns. While not veiy active in politics, he has the welfare of the city at heart and has served on many boards which have civic progress a* their ob- ject. Lie is a leading member of the High Street Christian Church. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 289 Mi: Slabaugh was married (lir^t) in 1884, to Mary Bettes, who died iu 1892, leaving one son, Edwin, who is a student in the public schools. She was a daughter of Dr. George W. Bettes, of Randolph, Portage County. Mr. Slabaugh was married (second) iu 1895, to Jessie M. Gongwer, who is a daughter of Sam- uel Gongwer. Of this union there are iwo children, Harold and \V. E., Jr. ELLSWORTH E. OTIS, attorney, junior member of the law firm of Otis and Otis, at Akron, with well ajjpointed offices at Nos. 15- 16 Arcade Building, has been in active prac- tice since 1887. He was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, and is a son of Resin P. and Cathei'ine (Bair) Otis. Mr. Otis comes of Revolutionary stock, three membei's of the family, Robert, Stephen and Edward Otis having served in the Continental army, one of them losing his life in the cause. These patriots were great- and great-great-uncles of Edward P. and Ellsworth E. Otis, of Akron. The parents of Mr. Otis were both born in Ohio. The Otis family came to this state frou;i New England, where it has been prominent from the days of the Revolution. The Bair family came from Pennsylvania and is of German extraction. Ellsworth E. Otis was liberally educated, at- tending both Wittenberg College and AVooster LTniversity prior to entering the law depart- ment of the University of Michigan, where he was graduated in 1887. His elder brother, Edward P. Otis, was already established in the practice of law at Akron and Mr. Otis imme- diately entered into partnershij) with him, under the firm name of Otis and Otis. This firm has continued up to the present time and has become well known all over Summit County. In a city where legal talent is espe- cially con.spicious, the firm has won many hard-fought battles, and both members are numbered with the able men of the profession. On June 27, 1894, Ellsworth E. Otis was married to Mary Louise Guth, who is a daugh- ter of Jacob R. Guth, an old resident of Akron. They enjoy a beautiful home at No. 642 East Market Street. Politically Mr. Otis is identi- fied with the Republican party, but only as a good citizen, anxious to promote the pros- perity of his community and the country gen- erally. He is connected fi-aternaliy with the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias, and is secretary of the local chapter of the Beta Theta Pi, his college fraternity. For many years he has been a member of the Lutheran Church. EDWARD P. OTIS, senior member of the prominent law firm of Otis and Otis, at Ak- ron, with offices in the Arcade building, wa^ born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, and is a son of Resin P. and Catherine (Bair) Otis. He comes of Revolutionary stock, three mem- bers of the family, Robert, Stephen and Ed- ward Otis, having sei-ved nobly with the Con- tinental army, one of them losing his life in the cause of freedom. These militant patriots were great- and great-great-uncles of Edward P. and Ellsworth E. Otis, of Akron. The name of Otis has always been identified with military valor, .statesmanship and professional prominence. The family settled early in Ohio and in this state both the parents of the sub- ject of this sketch were born. Edward P. Otis prepared for Oberlin Col- lege in the local schools, and after attending the college for a while, taught .school prior to entering Wittenberg College, in 1877, where he remained until graduation in 1882. He immediately began the study of law m the office of Nealy and Patrick, at New Philadel- phia, and during 1884-5 he attended the Cin- cinnati Law School, in June of the latter year being admitted to the bar. Mr. Otis located at Akron in August, 1885, and was associated in a law practice for two years with W. E. Slabaugh. He then formed a partnership with his younger brother, Ellsworth E. Otis, the firm of Otis and Otis coming into existence in 1887. During its continuance of two dec- ades it has made its ability felt at the bar of Summit County, and has been engaged in much of the most important litigation of this section. On September 21, 1887, Mr. Otis was mar- ried to Jessie L. Wolfe, who is a daughter of 290 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Henry H. Wolfe, of Springfield, Ohio. He has one daughter, Catherine Louise. The beauti- ful family home at No. 65 Adolph Avenue is often the scene of many pleasant social functions, Mrs. Otis being a gifted musician and a patroness of the leading musical events of the city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Otis are mem- bers of the Luthertm Church. Politically the former is a Republican, but is too much en- gaged in his profession to be willing to accept political honors. Fraternally he is a Free Mason, and is also president of the local chap- ter of his college fraternity, the Beta Thefa Pi. He has shown his interest in the growth and development of Akron, as becomes a public- spirited citizen, and has helped to promote her educational and religious interests, for a num- ber of years having been a member of the board of directors of Wittenberg College. GEORGE W. ROGERS, attorney, and credit man with the Goodyear Tire and Rub- ber Company, at Akron, was born at Akron, Ohio, in. 1875. He is a son of John Rogers, and a grandson of James Rogers, both of whom survive, honored residents of this city. He was reared in his native city and after graduating from the Akron High School, en- tered Buchtel College, which he left in order to enter upon the study of law with the well- known law firm of Baird & Voris. One year later this firm was dissolved, after which Mr. Rogers remained for a time under Mr. Baird's instruction, later becoming a student with Oviatt, Allen & Cobbs. In March, 1899, he was admitted to the bar and engaged in the practice of his profession at Akron, thus con- tinuing until April, 1902. when ho accepted his present position. In. 1895, Mr. Rogers joined Company B, Eighth Regiment, Ohio National Guards, and in 1898 when war was declared againsit Spain, went out a.s a member of that Company. He was mustered into the United States service at Columbus. May 13, 1898, and a few days later went to Washington, D. C. where the regi- ment remained in camp at Camp Alger imtil the fifth day of the following Julv. It was then transported to Cuba, where it was on duty for six weeks, and then returned to America, landing at Montauk Point. Mr. Rogers wtis given a furlough of sixty days which he spent at home, and was then mus- tered out, in November, 1898. During this brief military experience he was corporal of liis company. On October 15, 1902, Mr. Rogers was mar- ried to Anna G. Bauer, a daughter of Jacob Bauer, of Akron, and they have one son. Har- old G. Mr. Rogers is a member of the Royal Ai-canum, and of the organization of United Spanish War Veterans. LOUIS D. SEWARD, attorney, and a lead- ing member of the Akron bar, was born at Akron, Ohio, in 1852, and Is a son of the late Colonel Dudley Seward, who Avas a distin- guished officer in the Civil War. Colonel D'udley Seward came to Akron in 1840, where he entered into business aind be- came a factor in politics. Prior to the Civil War he served as sheriff of Summit County. He was one of the first men to offer his life and services at the beginning of the war and was promoted for gallantry to be colonel of the Second Ohio Cavalry, serving all through as such. After the war he was a captain in the Eighth Regiment, United States Cavalry, and brevet major in the United States army, receiving his appointment in the United States army for gallant and meritorious serv- ice at MonticeUo, Kentucky. He did good service in the West during the Indian trou- bles. At the time of his death, in 1881 , he was on the retired list of the army. Lonis D. Seward was reared and educated in Akron, and read law in the offices of Edger- ton & Kohler and of H. C. Sanford. In 1876 he was admitted to the bar, and has been in active practice ever since in his native city. He has been active in politics since early man- hood, LS at present serving in the City Coun- cil, and was mayor of Akron from 1886 to 1888, a period of great prosperity and advnnce- mont for this municipality. In 1890 Mr. Seward was married to Kath- erine Johnston, who ds a daugliter of AV. G. Johnston, of Akron, a prominent citizen, who LOUIS I). SEWARD AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 293 has just completed a six-yeai' term as a mem- ber of the State Botu'd of Public Works. Mr. and Mrs. Seward have one daughter, Martha, who is attending school. Mr. Seward is a Knight Templar Mason, and is well known in the fraternity. He is one of the trustees of the East Akron cemetery, and he is a sitockholder in various successful business en- terprises of Akron. CHARLES S. COBBS, formerly a leadmg member of the Akron bar, and for twelve years a partner in the prominent law firm of Oviatt, Allen and Cobbs, of this city, was born July 7, 1853, near Alliance, Columbiana County, Ohio, and died at his home in Akron, January 27, 1903. He was a son of Walker and Hannah (Morris) Cobbs. On the maternal side, Mr. Cobbs came of distinguished ancestry. His forefathers in- cluded Robert Morris, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence; Jonathan Morris, who married Mary West, sister of the great painter, Benjamin West; and Jonathan, Benjamin, William, Joseph and Samuel Mor- ris, all of whom served in the Revolutionary War. The Morris family professed the peace- ful principles of the Quaker faith, but in time of public stress, they proved their loyalty even to the extent of taking up arms. Jonathan Morris was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Camden, August 16, 1780, and was kept a prisoner on Ediso Island, off the coast of South Carolina, during the remainder of the war. William Morris was taken prison- er on board an American privateer, and later was incarcerated in Dartmouth Prison, Eng- land. He made his situation known to his uncle, Benjamin West, who was then in Lon- don, who first interceded with the king, and later succeeded in bribing the guards, .secur- ing William's release in this way. The latter escaped and returned to the United States. In the War of the Rebellion there were five mem- bers of this family in the Union army; one of them, J. Morris Johnston, fell at Murfrees- lioro. Tennessee. Another, Benjamin F. Mor- ri.-i, was wounded and subsequently captured at Macon, Georgia. The Morris family has also been prominent in the paths of peace in various parts of the reunited couutrj-, ' and many of their blood have won laurels in pro- fessional careers. Charles S. Cobbs completed his education at Mt. Union College, where he was graduated in 1877. During the two succeeding years, while studying law, he engaged in teaching school, and for the larger part of this period, was superintendent of the Malvern Union schools. Innnediately after his admission to the bar, in 1879, he located in Akron, where his legal ability quickly became recognized, and in the .spring of 1881 he was elected city solicitor. In this office he served two full terms, declin- ing a re-election, and henceforth devoting himself entirely to practice of his profession. On March 9, 1891, he entered into partnership with the late Edward Oviatt and George G. Allen, under the firm style of Oviatt, Allen and Cobbs — a strong combination, which for years handled a large part of the important litigation in Summit County. In addition to his work as a member of this firm, Mr. Cobbs was retained by various corporations and was local attorney for the Valley Railway Com- pany. On November 2, 1881, Mr. Cobbs was mar- ried to Margaret S. McCall, who was born at ^Lilvern, Ohio, and who is a daughter of Rev. Hosea McCall, a native of the state of Connec- ticut. Mr. and Mrs. Cobbs had four chil- dren, two of whom survive — Reginald Mc- Call and Margaret. Mrs. Cobbs resides at No. (382 Buchtel Avenue, Akron. FRANCIS SEIBERLING, attorney-at-law, and a member of the law firm of Slabaugh & Seiberling. at Akron, with offices in the Ever- ett Building, was born September 20, 1870, at Des Moines, Iowa, and is a son of Nathan Septimus and Joseva (Myers) Seiberling. Nathan Septimus Seiberling, father of Fran- cis, was a son of Nathan Seiberling, who was one of the early pioneers of Summit County. Nathan S. Seiberling, at the age of eighteen years, enlisted for service in the Civil War, in March, 1865. for one year, and was a mem- ber of Company D, 198th Ohio Volunteer In- 294 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY fantry. He was honorably discharged, May 8, 1865, at the close of hostilities. He mar- ried Joseva Myers, who was a daughter of Al- pheus Myers, one of the earliest settlers in Norton Township. Both the Seiberling and Myers families came to Summit County in the days when it was a wilderness and both as- sisted materially in the development of its resources and in bringing about civilizing in- fluences. When but three years of age, Francis Sei- berling suffered the loss of his father, who died in early manhood. His mother thea» re- turned to her old home in Norton Township, this county, where he was reared to the age of twelve year.~. He then went to Medina County and completed his course of study at the Wads worth High School. He entered Wittenberg College, Si^ringfield, Ohio, in the fall of 1888, where he remained two years, and then entered Wooster University, where he was graduated in 1892, with his degree of A. M. He immediately began the study of law in the office of Marvin, Saddler & Atter- holt, and was adinitted to the bar in October, 1894. He practiced his profession for about one year alone, and then entered into his present partnership, under the firm name of Slabaugh & Seiberling. Mr. Seiberling's in- terest, in politics is merely that which he has in common with every good citizen. On June 16, 1897, Mr. Seiberling was mar- ried to Josephine Laffer, who is a daughter of James M. Laffer, one of the pioneer drug- gists of Akron. He and his wife have two children, Eleanor and Josephine. Mr. Sei- berling is a member of the Lutheran Church and belongs to its board of trustees. Frater- nally he is a Mason. he was graduated at Mt. Union College, after which he was engaged in school teaching for about four years. In 1877 he came to Akron with the intention of studying law, and be- ing received into the office of J. M. Poulson, was admitted to the bar in 1878, and later to the Supreme Court of Ohio. For a number of years he was the attorney for Aultman, Miller & Company, and in their interests traveled all over the country. He has tried cases in all parts of the United States and necessarily has been long familiar with the laws of all sections. Probably in his partic- ular line of practice, he has no equal in Sum- mit County. Mr. Sadler has been active in county politics for a number of years and for one year was secretary of the Republican County Committee. He was appointed a member of the first Board of City Commis- sioners and of the first Board of Review, on which latter board he served for five years. He is a man of public spirit and on many occasions has proven his interest and useful- ness in civic affairs. In 1881 Mr. Sadler was married to Mar- garet Fox, who is a daughter of David Fox. They have three living children, namely : Frank Herbert, who has charge of the testing department of the Edison Storage Battery at West Orange, New Jersey; Edith, who is chief clerk in the Summit County treasurer's office ; and Jean Cairns, residing at home. In addi- tion to hLs other business interests, Mr. Sadler is vice-president and a member of the board of directors of the Akron Building and Loan Association, and has been a charter member on its board of directors since its inception in 1888. He belongs to the Masonic Lodge and to the U. C. T. 0. L. SADLER, an attorney at Akron, whose professional labors have called him to many sections of the countrj^ while still re- taining his home in this city, was born Sep- tember 11, 1854, at Rootstown, Portage County, Ohio. When Mr. Sadler was one year old his par- ents moved to Southern Michigan, where he was reared and primarily educated. In 1872 EMORY A. PRIOR, M. S., LL. B., a lead- ing member of the bar at Cuyahoga Falls, was born in Northampton Town.«hip, Summit County, Ohio, Jime 27, 1855, and is a son of Henry W. and Emily (Bonesteel) Prior. The study of Mr. Prior's ancestral line leads us back to the early settlement of New Eng- land. The first of the name of whom he have record, was Benjamin Prior, whose birth is AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 295 recorded at Duxbury, Massafluisetts. In 1697 he married Bertha, daughter of John and Abi- gail (Wood) Pratt, of Plymouth, Massaehu- sett:^. Jo:~hua J'rior, son of Benjamin and Bertha Prior, was born in 1709 and died in 1784. He married Mary, daughter of Eleazer and Lydia (Waterman) Barnham, January 31, 1735. Simeon Prior, younge.-^t of the nine chil- dren of Jo., and is a son of Alfred M. and Martha (Sweni) Tib- bals. The parents of Tibbals were pioneers in Portage County. The fatlur wius born in Massachusetts and the mother in New Jersey, a,nd both, in their youth, had accompanied older members of the family to this section, where the whole of their subsequent lives iwcre ])a.ssed. They were among the early founders of the Episcopal Church.' They bo- came people of substance and reared their chil- dren in comparative comfort. Newell D. Tibbals completed his education in 1853 at McLain Academy, then a noted .school at Salem, Ohio. Two years of contin- uous study of the law prepared him for ad- mittance in 1855 to the bar, and he entered upon practice at Akron. In 1860 he was elected prosecuting attorney, and two year.^ later he was re-elected, and in 1865 he was elected city solicitor, being the first incum- bent of that office. While advancing thus rapidly in his profession, he was also becom- ing a valuable factor in the Republican party, which was proven by his election as state sen- ator to represent Portage and Summit Coun- ties, and his subsequent service in tlie notable sessions of 1866 and 1867. In 1875 he was called to the bench, being elected judge of the Court of Common Pleas, for the second sub- division of the Fourth Judicial District of Ohio, to which honorable position he was re- elected in 1880. Judge Tibljals continued to alJy perform his official duties until the spring of 1883, when he resigned in order to •levote his attention to the active practice of law. Judge Tibbals was married Octolicr 22, 1856, to Lucy A. Morse, l)orn at Randolph, Portage Countv, Ohio, Julv 9, 1835, who died at Akron, October 28, 1894. She was a lady of beautiful Christian character and ininimer- ablc virtues. An admirable Tuotber and lov- ing wife, her heart was so largi' tliat her gen- tle ministrations went out to all who were unhappy or in need in any circle. She was at the head of many charitable organizations, both during the Civil War and subsequently, and was the founder of many benevolent enterprises, which still prosper and remember her with affection and admiration. Judge Tibbals and wife had seven children and the following still survive: JMrs. Martha A. Day, Mrs. Jessie A. Hoover, Mrs, Gier- trude A. Stanley, Newell L. and Ralph Waldo. i\.lthough Judge Tibbals has always been a man with laudable ambitions, he has never permitted the high honors conferred on him to close his eyes to loyalty to his country, in- terest in his city or devotion to his home. In 1864 he .served as sergeant in Company F, 164th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, at Wash- ington, D. C. Later he was commiissioned by Governor John Brough 'as major of the Fifty- fourth Battalion, Ohio National Guard. In 1886 he was appointed judge advocate for the Department of Ohio, G. A. R., and in 1890 was reappointed and made aide-de-camp to Commander-in-Chief R. A. Alger; also was on the staff of Commander-in-Chief R. B. Brown in 1906. Since the close of the Civil War he has constantly interested himself in the affaii-s of Buckley Post, No. 12, G. A. R., at Akron, and in 1894 was elected its com- mander. In that year he was the Post's rep- resentative at the National Encampment held at Pittsburgh, Penn.sylvania. Since 1887 he has been associated in the practice of law with Mr. J. C. Frank. HON. HENRY C. SANFORD, an able member of the Summit County bar, and one of Akron's most entei-prisinsi- citizens, is a con.spicuous example of the value of self-help, through which only he has attained his ]ires- ent position in life. He was born at I'oitland. Maine, September 11, 1833. His father, John Sanford, was a native of Maine and an inventive genius, being granted several patents, among whicli were those for a fanning mill, straw board, a journal for reducing friction, a pulley power, a tide mill fonc of the most novel) and several others 312 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY that came into practical use. He married Pri.a resident of Ohio since 1864, was born in Nesv Haven County, Con- necticut, October 23, 1846. When a school boy of only fifteen years, he demonstrated his and manly cjualities by enlis-ting in the service of his eountry, being accepted, although so A'oung, as a member of the Twelfth Regiment of Connecticut Volunteer Infantry. He was later a.'Nsigned as beai-er of dispatches for se\-eral of the noted officers of the Union army in the Civil War, among them General B. F. Butler and Creneral Banks, serving on the staff of the latter general until October, 1863, when he was honorably dis- charged and returned to Connecticut. In April, 1864, Mr. Grant .settled on a farm in the neighborhood of Cuyahoga Falls, where, during his leisure moments, he pre- pared for college by pi'ivate study, and in September, 1868, he entered the freslnnan class of tlie Western Reserve College, at Cleve- land. A brilliant student, he was graduated at the head of his class, which consisted of eighteen members, dn 1872. receiving valedic- torian honors. For the two following years he was engaged in the .^udy of law under the supen'ision of Judge N. D. Tibbals, ai Akron, HON. C. R. (iRAXT AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 317 and in 1874 lie was admitted to the bar. Close attention to study had somewhat impaired his health, and, therefore, he wisely returned for _a Avhile to the invigorating life of the farm. In 1876 Mr. Grant entered into partnership with H. B. Foster, of Hudson, and in the fall of that year the law firm of Foster, jMar\in & Grant was organize ' and continued in busi- ness at Akron until Sej^tember 16, 1883. This congenial association was then dissolved, owing to the junior member being appointed probate judge of Summit County by Governor Foster, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Judge Goodhue. Twice afterward, in 1884, and in 1887, Judge Grant was elected to the bench and served through the w-hole period, acquitting himself with credit, and never for- getting thait he was entrusted with the admin- istration of an office, not only of honor, but of grave responsibilit}". He returned to his private practice, with 'many friends botli on the bench and bar. His present offices, with (he firm of Grant, Sieber & ]\lather, are in the Dobson Building. Judge Grant was married (first) October 9, 1873, to Frances J. Wadhams, who died Sep- tember 14, 1874. He married (second), No- vember 9, 1876, Lucy J. Alexander, who died June 8, 1880, lea\ing one child, Frances Vir- ginia, who was born September 24, 1877. The third marriage of Judge Grant took place Au- gust 19. 1S91. U) Ida Schick, by whom he has two sun-iving children, Louise E.. and lone. WILLIAM E. YOUNG, of the firm of Al- len, Waters, Young and Andress, attorneys, of Akron, was born at Mount Hope, Holmes County. Ohio. February 3, 1863, son of Mat- thias and Catherine (King) Young. In 1882 he entered the Ohio Normal L'nivei-sity from which he was graduated in 1888. He .studied his profession in the law department of the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, and was graduated in 1892. He was admitted to the bar in March, 1892, and on January 1, 1893, opened a law office in the Pflueger Block, on Howard Street, Akron. In October, 1893. he formed a partnei-ship with Mr. Wana- niaker. In April. 1897. he was clectid mayor of Akron. November 1, 1906, Mr. Young assumed his present firm relationship, as above noted. WILLIAM T. SAWYER, attorney, of Akron, was, born in Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, December 1, 1862, son of Robert V. and Martha Ann Sawyer. After liis father's death, which occurred in ]\larch, 1877, he accompanied his mother to Akron. He spent two years in the city schools and two years in the preparatory department of Bucbtel College, and was then admitted to the college proper, from which he was graduated in June, 1887. After some time spent in travel, he began to read law under the direc- tion of the firm of Kornie and Caldw^ell. He was admitted to the bar of Tennessee in May, 1888, and then returned to Akron. Here he further pui-sued the study of law and was ad- mitted to the bai- of Ohio in June, 1890, since which time he has been engaged in the active and .successful practice of his profession. Mr. Sawyer was elected mayor of the city of Ak- ron, in the fall of 1907, after a very spirited contest and his term of otfice will begin in January, 1908. SAMUEL G. ROGERS, a member of the law firm of Rogere, Rowley and Rockwell, of Akron, was born in this city, November 6, 1865, son of Jaseph M. and Sarah J. (Gray- bill) Rogers. In 1885 he entered the law of- fice of Judge U. L. Marvin to begin the study of liis profession. After being graduated with honors from the Cincinnati Law School in 1887, he was admitted to the bar, and lie- gan the practice of his profession in Akron. In 1892 he was elected prosecuting attorney of Summit County, in which office he .sensed efficiently for three years. He has since con- tinued in the practice of his profession, and is now a conspicuous figure at the Summit County bar. He is one of the attorneys for the Northern Ohio Traction and Light Com- pany and is recognized as one of the most successful and efficient trial lawyers in the countv. 318 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY GEORGE G. ALLEJSI, attorney, of Akron, member of the law firm of Allen, Waters, Young and, was born in Granger, Medina County,«Ohio, August 26, 1855. He was graduated from the Akron High school in 1S73, and began the study of law in the offices of John J. Hall and Edward Oviatt. He then took a six months' course in the law dqaartment of Michigan Univereity, at Ann Ax'bor, and was admitted to the bai' at Akron in August, 187(i. He began practice in as- sociation witli Edward Oviatt under the firm name of Oviatt and ^Vllen, and has since built up a very successful practice. He has taken an active part also in business and public af- fairs, and in 1883 was for a short time acting mayor of Akron. HON. DAYTON A. DOYLE, judge of the Common Pleas Court, was born in Akron, Sep- tember 27, 1856. He was graduated from the Higli scJiool in June, 1874, and from Buehtel College, with the degree of A. B., June 26, 1878. After reading law for one year in the office of attornej'-general Jacob A. Kohler, lie entered the Cincinnati Law school, from which he was graduated May 26, 1880, wdth the degree of ]^L. B. He was admitted to the bar in the Supreme Court of Ohio, at Columbus, May 27, 1880, and to practice in the United States Courts, at Cleveland, May 26, 1882. In 1885 he opened a law office in Akron, l)eing 'a.-^sociated as a partner with Frederick C. Bryan, Esq. In April of that year be was elected city solicitor, and he was re-elected to that office in April, 1887, ef- liciciitlv jxTforming its duties for four years. Up to tlic time of his elevation to the bench. he was one of the most prominent and suc- cessful attorneys practicing in Akron. FRANK D. CASSIDY was born January 29, 1849, at Peninsula, Summit County, Ohio, son of William P. and Caroline M. (Kohler) Cassidy. After some exinerience in mercan- tile business, he began the study of law in 1877 with the firm of Edgerton & Kohler, and was admitted to the bar in March, 1879. He has since j^racticed his profession in Akron and has made a reputation as an able attor- ney. He married, in 1878, Miss Sarah J. Francis, a daughter of Joseph Francis. NATHAN MORSE, ESQ., was born at Union, Tolland Countj^, Connecticut, Novem- ber 2, 1848; he was reared on a farm and graduated from Amherst College in 1874. He studied law with Senator George F. Hoar and at Boston University; and on examina- tion was admitted to the Suffolk (Boston) bar in 1875. After being a short time in Holyoke, Mass., lie located at New Hartford, Conn., in 1876, and in -June of that year he married Miss Ellen AVhite, of South Hadlev Falls, Mass. In April, 1882, he moved to Ak- ron, where he has since been engaged in the succes-;ful practice of the law. He has been closelv identified with The People's Savings Bank Company, as stockholder, director, and its attorney since about the time of its organi- zation. During all his Akron life, he has been connected with the First Congregational Church. Has been twice a delegate to the National Council of that body, and is now the registrar of Puritan Conference of the churches of that denomination. CHAPTER XX STATISTICS Population of Akron (ceu^us of 1900) 42,728 State rank of Akron according to jjop- ulation 7 National rank of Akron according to population 87 Valuation of Akron's proijerty ac- cording to general tax dupli- cate $22,(3-14,670.00 Miles of paved streets in Akron '60 Miles of sanitary sewers in Akron ... 75 It is interesting to compare the neighbor cities of Youngstown arid Canton in respect to the last two items. Youngstown has seven- teen miles of paved streets and fifty-four miles of sanitary sewers. Canton haa eighteen miles of paVed streets and thirt3'-five miles of san- itary sewers. The sixth census — that of 1840 — does not give the population of Akron. Summit County is given 22,560. At that time Cleve- land had 6,071 ; Steubenville, 4,247 ; Zanes- ville. 4,766; and Chillicothe, 3,977. Census of 1850 Bath 1,400 Boston 1,180 Coplev 1,541 Coventry 1,299 Franklin 1,674 Green 1,928 Hudson 1,457 Northampton 1,147 Northfield 1,474 Norton 1,346 PortaiTc 1,160 Akron 3,266 Richfield 1.268 nsus 1860 1,165 1,202 1,323 1,368 1,820 1,885 869 972 1.340 1,524 1,328 3,477 1.053 Springfield 1,907 1,815 Stow 1,701 994 Tallmadge 2.4513 1,086 Twinsburg 1,281 1,141 Cuyahoga Falls l,51o Middlebury 710 ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OK AKRON. Book 219, page 253. SECTION 1. Be it ordained by the Cmui- cil of the City of Akron, Ohio, that as the inhabitants of said City generally desire to enlarge the corporate limits of said City by the annexation of the following territory, to wit: Situated in the Township of Coventry, County of Summit, and State of Ohio, be- ginning at a point in the pre.sent south line of the Corporation of Akron, 180 feet ea-t of the center line of Brown street, which cen- ter line is also the west line of Lot No. 5, Tract 9, Coventry Township, and said Vje- ginning point is also 595.65 feet south of the north line of said Lot 5, and center line of South street; Thence south 0° 55' west 2082.95 feet to a point in the south line of said lot 5, 180 feet east of the southwest cor- ner thereof; Thence south 1° west 1004.70 feet to a point 180 feet east of the west line of Lot 6, in said Tract 9. Thence south 89" 36' wesit 11712.87 feet to a point in Lot No. 7, Tract 2, Coventry Township; Thence north 0° 39' 30" east 42157.45 feet to a point in the north line of Coventry Township; Thence nearly east along said north line of Coventry Township 2090 feet to a corner of Coventry Township; Thence east along the north Hne of Coventry Township 2430.50 320 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY feet to a point in the west line of the corpo- ration of jVkron ; Thence south 2940 feet along said west line to the southwest corner of said corporation; Thence nearly east 2900 feet along the center of Crosier street ; it being the Ijresent south line of said corporation and about 82" 58' east 437 feet to a point in the center line of Main Street; Thence north 19" 48' east about 235 feet along the center line of Main street and line of said corpora- tion ; Thence nearly east 5230 feet along the south lino of said corporation to the begin- ning. The courses here given as true merid- ian. KSituated in the Township of Ponage, County of Summit, and State of Ohio, begin- ning at a point in the Portage Path at the northeast corner of Tract No. 5, Coventry Township; Thence west along the south line of Portage Township 278.97 feet ; Thence north 0" 39' 30"' east 14486.65 feet to a point in Lot No. 10, west of the Portage Path in Portage Township; thence south 89° 13' 30" east 6362.87 feet to a point in the east line of the towing path on the east side of the Ohio Canal ; Thence along said east line of said towing path the following courses and dis- tances; north 2° 31' 30" west 685.30 feet; north 13° 18' 30" west 225.00 feet; north 6" 12' 30" west 1343.40 feet; Thence leaving .said towing path and running north 89° 33' 30" (>ast (3075 feet to a point in the east line of Lot No. 3, in Tract 3, Portage Township; Thence along the line between lots Nos. 3 and 4 in Tract 3, and lots Nos. 4 and 5 in Tract 6, smith 0° 18' 30" west 1978.50 feet to the cen- ter line of Tallmadge avenue; Thence along the east line of Lot 22, in tract 6, and the same continued south 0° 57' 30" west 4018 feet to a point in the line between Tracts Nos. 6 and 7 ; Thence south 89° 51' west 504 feet to the east line of the corporation of Akron in Tract 6; Thence along the present east line of said corporation in Tract 6, north 1 907.75 feet to a corner of said corporation ; Thence running nearly west 9180 feet along the present north line of said corporation in Trncts 6 and 5 to the jiresont northwest cor- ner of said corporation; 'l'iicnc(> ninirly sdutb 104.30 feet along the present west line of said corporation to the south line of Portage Township; Thence west along the south line of Portage Township 2430.50 feet to a point in the Portage Path; Thence southerly along said Portage Path and along a line of Portage Township 2090 feet to the beginning. The courses here given are true meridian. This Ordinance passed August 14, 1899. An ordinance accepting the application of the City of Akron for the annexation of ter- ritory above described was passed by Akron City Council, April 23, 1900. Instrument dated April 26. 1900. Received April 27, 1900. at 1:10 p. m. Book 219, page 616. An Ordinance autliorizing the annexation of certain contingent territory to the City of Akron. The following described territory is herebv authorized to be annexed, to wit: The part of Lot 11, W. P. P. in the Town- ship of Portage, Sunnnit County, Ohio, and bounded and described as follows: l^eginning at a point in the west corpora- tion line of the City of Akron, where said corporation line intersects the north line of Portage Park Allotment as recorded in Plat Book 7, page 50, Summit County Records of Plats; Thence west along the north line of said allotment in Mull Avenue, and along a continuation of said north line due west to the center of West Exchange street, a dis- tance of about 1421.60 feet; Thence south- easterly along the center line of West Ex- change street to its intersection with the west corporation line of the city about 1931.40 feet; Thence north along the west corpora- tion line of said City of Akron about 1336.50 feet to the place of beginning, containing about twenty-two acres of land, twelve acres of which land is a part of the Portage Park Allotment and 6.41 acres of said 22 acres subject to public streets surrounding it as set apart for a public park. Passed November 17, 1902. Ordinance passed by Citv Council of Akron, Ohio, to accept the annexation of the above premises to the City of Akron, pas.sed April 20. 1903. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 821 Instrument dated Mav 1, 1903. Received May 4, 1903, at 10:50 a. m. THE TREATY OF FOKT Si'lXTOSH IN 1785. On the 21.^t of January, 1785, George Rogei'.-i Clark, Riehard Butler and Arthur Lee met a body of Indian.s at Fort, who asserted them.*elve.s to be repre.-ientative.-; of the Wyandot.*, Delaware^, Chippewas and Ottawas. The document they signed on that occaiiion and known afterward as the Treaty of Fort Mcintosh is in the word.s and figures following : "The Commissioners Plenipotentiary of the United States in Congress assembled, give peace to the Wyandot, Delaware, Chippewa and Ottawa nations of Indians, on the follow- ing conditions: Article 1. Three chiefs, one from among the Wyandot and two from among the Dela- ware nations, shall be delivered up to the commissioners of the United States, to be by them retained till all the prisoners, white and black, taken by the said nations, or any of them, shall be restored. Article 2. The said Indian nations do ac- knowledge themselves and all their tribes to lie under the protection of the United States, and of no other sovereign whatever. Article 3. The boundary line between the United States and Wyandot and Delaware nations, .shall begin at the mouth of the River Cuyahoga, and run thence up the said river to the portage between that and the Tuscarawas branch of Muskingum, then down the said branch to the forks at the crossing place above Fort Lawrence; then westerly to the portage of the Big Miami, which runs into the Ohio, at the mouth of which branch the fort stood which was taken by the French in one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two; then along the said portage to the Great Mi- ami or Ome River, and down the southeast side of the same to its mouth ; thence along the south shore of Lake Erie, to the mouth of Cuyahoga, where it began. Article 4. The United States allot all the lands contained within the said lines, to the \\'yandot and Delaware nations, to live and to hunt on, and to such of the Ottawa nation as now live thereon ; saving and reserving for the establishment of trading posts, six miles square at the mouth of Miami or Ome River, and the same at the portage on that branch of the Big Miami which runs into the Ohio, and the same on the Lake of Sanduske where the fort formerlj- stood, and also two miles square on each side of the lower rapids of Sanduske River, which posts, and the lands annexed to them, shall be to the use and un- der the Government of the United States. Article 5. If any citizen of the United States, or other person not being an Indian, shall attempt to settle on any of the lands al- loted to the Delaware and Wj^andot nations in this treaty, except on the lands reserved to the United States in the preceding article, such person shall forfeit the protection of the United States, and the Indians may punish him as they please. Article 6. The Indians who sign this treat}', as well in behalf of all their tribes as of themselves, do acknowledge the lands east, south and of the lines described in the third article, so far as the said Indians former- ly claimed the same, to belong to the L'nited States ; and none of their tribes shall presume to settle upon the same or any part of it. Article 7. The post of Detriot, with a dis- trict beginning at the mouth of the river Ro- sine, on the west end of Lake Erie, and run- ning six miles up the southern bank of the said river, thence northerly and always in six miles west of the strait, till it strikes the Lake St. Clair, shall be also reserved to the sole use of the United States. Article 8. In the same manner, the post of Michillimachinac with its dependencies and twelve miles square about the same, shall be reserved to the use of the United Stat<.\«. Article 9. If any Indian of Indians shall commit a robbery or murder on any citizen of the United States, the tribe to which such offenders may belong, shall be bound to de- liver them up at the nearest past, to l^e pun- i-hfd according to the ordinances of the United States. 322 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Article 10. Tlie commissioners of the United States in pursuance of the humane and H'beral views of Congress, upon this treaty's being signed, will direct goods to be distributed among the different tribes for their use and comfort. Separate Article. It is agreed that the Dela- ware chiefs, Kelelarrand, or Lieutenant-Col- onel Henry (alias Killbuck), Hengue Pushees or the Big Cat, Wicocalind or Captain White Eyes, who took up the hatchet for the United States, and their families, shall be received into the Delaware nation, in the same situa- tion and rank as before the war, and enjoy their due portion of the lands given to the Wyandot and Delaware nations in this treaty as fully as if they had not taken part with America, or as any other person, or persons in the said nations. ■ Geo. Clark, Packelant. Richard Butler, Cingewauno, Arthur Lee, Waanoos, Daunghquat, Konalawassee, Abraham Kuhn, Siiawnaqum, Ottawerreri, Tnecookia. Hobocan, Wingeniim, Walendightun, Talapoxie, Witnes.s — Samuel J. Atlee, Francis John- ston, Commissioners of Pennsylvania; Alex- ander Campbell; Joseph Harmar, Colonel Commandant; Alexander Lowrey; Joseph Nicholas, interpreter; J. Bradford; George Slaughter; Van Swearingen; John Boggs; (t. Evans; D. Luckett. COL. SIMON PERKINS Representative Citizens COL. SIMON PERKINS. In Grace Park, Akron, stands a granite monument, which was erected by thi^ city, in 1895, in memory of its greatest philanthropist and one of its most distinguished former citizens. It recalls to memory one whose almost entire life was gen- erously given to promote the prosperity of Akron and to advance the happiness of her citizens. Simon Perkins was born February 6, 1805, at Warren, Ohio, where he was reared to manhood, and was a son of General Simon and Nancy (Bishop) Perkins, nativ&s of Nor- wich, Connecticut. Colonel Perkjns traced a clear line of ances- try back to Puritan forefathers. General Si- mon Perkins attained his military rank while commanding the United States forces in Northern Ohio, during the War of 1812. He had moved from Connecticut and settled at Warren, Ohio, in 1801, where he was made commissioner of the Connecticut AVestern Re- serve Land Company. During his early manhood. Colonel Simon Perkins was associated with his father in han- dling the large amount of land which the lat- ter had acquired, and it was in relation to land that he came to Akron, in 1835. This city, then an insignificant one, became his per- manent home and as years went by greatly benefitted by his public spirit, his far-seeing judgment and his liberal and broad-cast gen- erosity. From the first he was a man of force and energy in every direction, and four years after coming to Summit County he was elected a member of the State Senate, and in 1841-42 of the House of Representatives, from this county. The selection of the county seat was one of the questions in which Colonel Per- kins took a personal interest, and he was the champion of many of the important meas- ures which now appear as laws on the State records. While political life had many attractions for a virile, ambitious man like Colonel Per- kins, agricultural employments also claimed a large part of his attention. He advocated farming along the most modern lines then known, and was the pioneer live-stock breeder, from standard stock, in this section. He owned hundreds of acres of productive land. He was also one of the first to see the ad- ventages accruing from an extended line of railroad through Summit County, to run through Akron, and was the first pre=ident of the Cleveland, Zancsville & Cincinnati, now the Cleveland, Akron & Columbus Railroad, later becoming its general superintendent. In pushing the interests of this line. Colonel Per- kins is credited with sinking a large fortune, but even he could never have imagined the beneficial results this great transportation line has brought to the country through which it is operated. Perhaps no other citizen con- tributed so much, in time, energy, land and money, to the material development of Ak- ron, as did this broad-souled, large-hearted man. He lived to see the industrial, educa- tional and charitable institutions which he had more or less founded, enter upon a peri- od of pro.?perity, and to realize, in a small degree at least, the gratitude of his fellow- 32(3 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY citizens. His death occurred July 21, 1887, at the age of over eighty-two years. Colonel Perkins was married in 1832, to Grace I. Tod, a daughter of Judge George and Sally (IngersoU) Tod, and a sister of the late Governor David Tod, a sketch of whom may be found in this work. Of the eleven children born of this marriage, ten reached maturity, and seven still survive. The Colo- nel's eldest son, Colonel George T. Perkins, is one of Akron's most prominent business men, being president of the B. F. Goodrich Com- pany and of the Akron Rubber Com])any. Mrs. Perkins died Ajirll 6, 1'867, aged fifty- six years. JOHN FREDERICK SEIBERLING, a former cdtizen of Akron, where he was for many years identified with a number of the important business interests of the city, some of which were directly the result of his own genius and energy, was born March 10, 1834, at Norton, Ohio. He was one of a family of fifteen children (thirteen of whom grew to maturity) born to his parents, who were Nathan and Catherine (Peters) Seiber- ling. Mr. Seiberling completed his education at the Western Star Academy, and for two years, from 1856 to 1858, he was in the drug busi- ness at Akron. He was, however, of a me- chanical turn of mind, and in the latter year went to operating a sawmill at Norton. It was while there that he invented his noted E'xcehior mower and reaper, with the drop- per attachment, and in 1861 he established works for their manufacture at Doylestown, which are still in operation. By 1864 the business had sn exjianded that extra works were needed, which were erected at Ma«sil- lon. In 1865 the J. F. Seiberling Company was established at Akron, but in 1869, Mr. Seiberling withdrew and then began" the manufacture of tlie Emprrc machine, which is so well known all over the country. Mr. Seiberling by this time not only had a per- fect knowledge of business conditions and trade relations in every section, but he had command of a large amount of capital, and in 1871 he organized the Akron Strawboard Company, which he conducted until 1887. In 1883 he founded the Seiberling Milling Company and at this time built a six-story brick flouring mill, as well as the Academy of Music Block. In 1889 Mr. Seiberling ob- tained a controlling interest in the Akron Electric Street Railway. Later he expanded other inportant interests both in Akron and at other points. On September 6, 1859, Mr. Seilierling was married to Catherine L. Miller, of Norton, Their family numbered eleven children, nine of whom are still living. They are as fol- lows: Anna A., wife of S. Samuel Miller, of Akron; Frank A., president and general manager of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, who married Gertrude F. Penfield, and resides at No. 158 Ea^t Market Street; Charles W., trea.surer of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, who married Blanche Carnahan, and resides at No, 76 Fay Street; Co-ra D., wife of Lewis T. Wolle, of Cam- bria, Wyoming; Harriet M., wife of LuciiLS C. Miles, of Akron; Grace I., wife of Dr. W. S. Chase, of Akron; Kittie G., wife of Luther H. Firey, of Kansas City; Mary B., iwife of Henry B. Manton, of Akron;. Ruth J., wife of Ernest A. Pfleuger, also of Akron. The two decea.sed are John Frederick and Maude M., both of whom died in infancy. Mr. John Frederick Seiberling, the father of these chil- dren, died September 6, 1903. His widow still survives, and re.sides at No. 144 East Market Street. Mr. Seiberling wa.« a man who was honor- able, prompt, and true to every engagement. Throughout his career of far-reaching use- fulness he remembered with a generous heart those who had not been so fortunate, and in quiet benevolence brought much cheer to those who needed it. For many years he was a member and a trustee of the Trinity Lutheran Church. JAMES R. HEMPHILL, general manager of the Colonial Sign and Insulator Company, at Akron, was born in Summit County, Ohio, in 1860, and is a son of Robert. Hemphill, AND REPEESENTATIVE CITIZENS 327 who came to Summit County about 1855, where he was first a farmer and later a dealer in lumber. James R. Hemphill was educated in the schools of Fairlawn and Akron and started into business as an employe of the Aultman- Miller Company, with whom he remained five years. Since then, with the exception of a period of two years, he has been en- gaged in his present business, first with the Akron Insulator and Marble Company, which was organized in 1894, and which in 1904 was consolidated with the Colonial Sign Company. The business was incorporated with a capital stock of $50,000, as the Co- lonial Sign & Insulator Company, with H. B. Camp, president ; C. R. Quine, secretary ; W. H. Motz, treasurer, and James R. Hemp- hill, general manager. Mr. Hemphill has al- ways displayed a helpful interest in under- takings out.side his own sphere of work which have promised to benefit the city, and while never active in politics, performs every duty of a good citizen. In 1890 he was mar- ried to Louada Weeks, and they have had two children, Helen and Ray, the former of whom is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Hem])hill are members of the Fir.*t Congregational Church. GEN. SIMON PERKINS. Verj^ many of the prominent families of Ohio trace their ance.~try to Connecticut, and this is the case with the distinguished Perkins family. Si- mon Perkins, who for so long a period was one of the leading men of Ohio, was born at Li.sbon. Conneetiout, September 17, 1771. In 1795 he is found at Oswego, New York, and in 1798 he was chosen by the Erie Land Company to act as its agent in the explora- tion of the Western Reserve, and in this ca- pacity he spent his .summers in Ohio. After his marriage, he settled permanently at War- ren, Ohio, where he was postmaster from 1801 to 1829, and was also special agent of the government in establishing local oflices and treating with the Indians. In August, 1812. as brigadier general of militia, he took oliarge of the troops in Northern Ohio and marched to defend the northern frontier. At the close of the campaign in the following year, he was offered by President Madison a commission as colonel in the regular army, which military honor he declined on account of his many pressing business duties. In 1813 General Perkins organized the Western Reserve Bank and remained its president until 1836. He was a member of the Ohio Canal Fund Commission from 1826 until 1838. In 1825, in association with Paul Williams, he founded the village of Akron, and in 1831, in connection with Judge King and Dr. Cro.siby, that portion known as North Akron. He donated ground for public buildings, parks, schools and churches, and enriched in every possible way the young town where he enjoyed passing much of his spare time. He died at War- ren November 6, 1844, aged 73 years, one month and nineteen days. On March 18, 1804, he married Nancy Bishop, who was born at Lisbon, Connecti- cut, January 24, 1780, and who died at War- ren April 24, 1862, aged eighty-two years and three months. Among their children was Colonel Simon Perkins, now deceased, who for many years was a leading figure in the affairs of Akron. Colonel George Tod Perkins, president of the P. F. Goodrich Company and the Akron Rubber Company, a .sketch of whom may be found in this vol- ume, is a grandson of General Perkins. GEORGE P. GRAFTON, a prominent farmer of Norton Township, who carries on a general line of agriculture, operates a anilk route and also grows many berries for the market, is serving as clerk of the School Board of this town.ship, with which body he has been connected a number of years. Mr. Grafton was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, December 10, 1858, and is a son of .John D. and SaraJi J. (Palmer) Grafton. The parent.* of Mr. Grafton still reside on their farm in Jeffer.-ori County, where he was reared. He obtained a good district school education, and was trained to be a careful and capable farmer. He continued to 328 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY live in Jefferson County for eight years fol- lowdng his marriage, moving then to Medina County, where he remained for almost a year. In March, 1892, he bought his present farm in Norton Township, and here has been since engaged in farming, dairying ad fiiiit- gronving. He devotes an acre to small fruit, finding a ready mai-ket for all he can pro- duce. He grows many potatoes, raising only the best varieties and giving them scientific care. Mr. Grafton marrieid Nora J. Rwickard, who is a daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Zimmerman) Swickard, and who was born and reared in Jefferson County. They have had seven children, all surviving except Sid- ney, the sixth in order of birth, who died aged sixteen months. Those livino- are: Elvah, Lizzie, Clyde, Mabel, John and Ella. Mr. Grafton is a member of the First Lu- theran Church at Barberton and is a luember of the Church Council. For about two years lie has been a member of the school board and several years before completed a sen'ice of four years. J. B. LOOKER, pre.-iidcnt of (he Western Reserve Security Company, of Akron, is one v)f the city's leading citizens, participating largely in its business amd social life, and taking an interest in its development as ■well as in its good government. Mr. Looker was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1873, and was reared and educated in his native city. He came to Akron in 1897, for some eight years previously having been in the rectifying bu.sine.«s. For five years he was in business at Akron as a. representative of Fleischman <^ Company, of Cincinnati, and then opened a restaurant and was additionally interested in a. five and ten cent store at ColumbTis. Prior to December, 1903, when Mr. Looker organ- ized the Western Reserve Security and Loan Company, he had been engaged in a bank- ing and loan bu.«iine,ss. He still operates two restaurant, one in Canton and another in Akron, they being the most select and high- places of the kind in the respective cities. In 1893, Mr. Looker was married to Leta Lake, of Chicago, and they have tluve children : Adelaide, Florence and Ilelene. Mr. Looker is a thirty-second Degree Mason, and belonging to the Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery at Akron and to Lake Erie Consistory at Cleveland. He is also a member of the Masonic and the Akron Lunch clubs. GEORGE VIALL. Akron has a number of sutetantial citizens living in easy retire- ment after a long and useful bu.saness life, and among these is George Viall, who was l)orn in this city March 12, 1834, his parents being Thomas C. and Mahala (Atwood) Viall. The father of Mr. Viall came to Akron in 1824, where he built both a' saw- and a woolen-'mill, and besides operating tliem he invested in a large amount of farm property in Summit County. He died when his only child, George, was about two years of age. Mr. Viall completed his education in the schools of Akron, or old Middlebury, a* that .■section of the city wa« then denominated, and was nineteen years old when he engaged in a grocery business at Old Forge. Two years later he purchased a boat and for three sum- mers plied with it on the canal. After that lie wa.s for three year's in the grocery bu.siness ill Middlebury, and continued it for three more in the Tappan Block. He next en- gaged in the stoneware business, which occu- l)i«l him for eight years, and afterwards he was ill the general merchandise busiincss for nine years in Middlebur\\ Mr. Viall was one of Middlebury's most active business men for a long period, during a part of this time, in addition to the occupations above noted, being a representative of the United States Life Tn.surance Company, and also of the Cleveland Mutual Accident Insurance Com- pany. For some years he was secretary and trea.surer of the Middlebur\' Clay Company, of which he was one of the incorporators. On August 24, 1857, Mr. Viall was mar- ried (first) to Maria Reepsumer, who died Febmarv 17, 1877. Of the three children LEWIS MILLER AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 331 born to tihiis union, the one .survivor is Mrs. Frank Comstock, residing at Akron. Mr. Viall married for liis .second wife, December 7, 1887, Mrs. Jennie (Thomp.son) Sweeney, a daughter of Duncan Thompson. Mrs. Miill wa.s born in 1849, at Edinburg, Scotland, and was but one year old wlien her parents came to America and settled at East Liver- pool, Ohio. Nine years later they removed to Akron, where she was reared, being edu- cated in the old Sixth Ward school. By her former maiTiage, j\Irs. Viall had three chil- dren : May and George, both residing in Chicago, Illinois, and Frank, residing at Lis- bon, Ohio, where he is engaged in a general mercantile business. Mr. "\^iall reared Ed- ward F. Carl, from childhood, and the latter is connected with the j\I. O'Ncil Company, of Akron. Mr. Viall has served in public offices in his native city, at different times, having ever been interested in public movements and ainxious to promote the general welfare. For thirty years he has been identified with the Odd Fellows, and he belongs also to the Knights of Honor. He is a member of the Broad Street Church of Christ, which he served many years as a deacon, and as chair- man of the board of trustees. Advancing years have caused him to resign these offices, but not to relax his interest in the work of the church, or to curtail his liberality toward it. Mrs. Viall is an active member of the Ladies' Add Society of this church. LEWIS MILLER. Few citizens of Akron, now passed off the scene of life, have more claims to remembrance than the late Lewis Miller, the genius who invented the Buckeye Mower and Reaper. He was born July 24, 1829, at Greentown, Stark County, Ohio, and his useful life closed February 28, 1899. Mr. Miller completed his education in the Academy at Plainfield, Will County, Illinois. From 1846 until 1851 he taught school dur- ing the winter seasons and worked as a plas- terer in the summers. All the time he was studying out inventions, many of which have been since patented and put on the market. In 1851 he became a member of the firm of Ball, Aultman and Company, manufacturers of stoves, plows, threshers, and the old Hussey reaper. After the firm removed to Canton, Mr. Miller became superintendent of the plant. Then followed his invention of the Buckeye Mower and Reaper, and in 1865 of the Buckeye Table Rake and still later, the self-binders. To his inventive genius, Akron and other manufacturing cities of Ohio owe a large part of their prosperity. In 1864 works were erected at Akron for the further enlargement of the business, under the firm name of Aultman, Miller and Company, Mr. Miller being the president and superintendent of the organizations with which his name was connected. His capital became invested in numerous other manufacturing plants, par- ticularly at Akron and Canton, as well as in lianks and other business organizations. He was a trustee of Mt. Union College, of Alle- gheny College and the Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity, and at Akron was connected promi- nently with educational work. Although a good citizen he was never a prominent poli- tician, being too busily engaged otherwise, but at various times he consented to serve on the City Council, and gave generously of hi^ time to promote all civic measures of im- portance. Thousands each year enjoy the benefits of the Chautauqua Association, of which he was the originator and founder. Mr. Miller was united in marriage, Septem- ber 16, 1852, to Mary V. Alexander, a native of Macoupin County, Illinois, who was born December 6, 1830. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom eight, are now liv- ing, namely: Ira, who resides in Akron; Edward, also of Akron; Robert, postmaster of Porto Rico ; Lewis, residing at the family home in Akron; Mina, wife of the distin- guished inventor, Thomas A. Edison, of Llewellyn, New Jersey; Mary, who is single and resides at home; Grace, a teacher in a select school at Cleveland, and John B., who is associated with Mr. Edison in his scientific work. Those deceased are: Eva, who died just before reaching her sixteenth year; Jen- nie, who was the wife of Richard Marvin, who 332 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY is also deceased; Theodore, who was killed in Porto Rico during the Spanish- American war. WILLIAM J. EMERY, M. D., a well- known member of the medical fraternity at Akron, was born in 1860, near Lowell, Sen- eca County, Ohio, where he was reared and obtained his earlier education. Later he en- tered Buchtel College, where he was grad- uated Ph. B., in 1885. For two years fol- lowing his graduation, Dr. Emery was in the office of Ferdinand Schumaker, and he then entered upon the study of medicine, subse- quently becoming a student at the Western Reserve, where he was graduated M. D. in 1890. He immediately entered upon the practice of his profession at Akron, and has ' been fortunate in gaining the confidence and support of the public through his acknowl- edged professional ability, winning an excel- lent status both as a physician and surgeon. Pie has identified himself with the lending medical oi'ganization? — the Summit County, the Sixth Councillor District and the Ohio State Medical Societies. He has been citv physiician, and during 1891-2-3 he was phy- sician to the County Infirmary. In 1894, Dr. Emery Avas married to Flora M. Stein, of Summit County. His busine-ss location is at No. 581 South Main Street. Fraternally, Dr. Emery is a. Mason, a mem- ber of Adoniram Lodge, F. & A. M., and also of the Home Guards. He is identified religiously with Grace Reformed Church of Akron. DAVID C. SMITH, a representative citi- zen of Clinton, who does an extensive busi- ness in hardware, paints, implements, bug- gies and harness, was born on the home farm east of Clinton, Fra.nklin Township, Suumiit County, Ohio, February 27, 1859, and is a son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Croft) Smith. John Adam Smith, the grandfather of David C, was a substantial citizen of liis native town in Germany, where he was mayor and professor in the Pligh School. He came to this country with his three children, of whom Lewis, the youngest, was three years old, and landed at Baltimore. Mr. Smith brought with him $7,000 in gold, which, in the few hours at night that were spent on the boat at the docks in Baltimore, was stolen from him, and he was compelled to begin all over again in the new country. Sustain- ing his great with fortitude, this sturdy emigrant settled for a short time in Penn- sylvania, whence they came to the vicinity of Canton, Ohio, and located for a time on a farm. A small place was then purchased near Canal Fulton, Ohio, where John Adam Smith spent the remainder of his life, his death occurring at the age of 89 years. In spite of his great pecuniary loss in early life, Mr. Smith had become a very successful man, and at the time of his death was rated one of the substantial men of his community. He had three children, Catherine, Elizabeth and Lewis. Lewis Smith, father of David C, being the only son of his parents, was comjielled to spend his youth in hard labor on the home farms, and his period of schooling was limited to about eighteen months. After his marrige he lived for several years on a rented farm north of Canal Fulton, and then purchased eighty-one acres of fine land east of Clinton, Franklin Township, Sum- mit County, where he resided for about thir- ty4hree years. He then bought a farm of 160 acres west of Clinton, w-here his death oc- curred twenty years later, when he was in his eighty-first year. Mr. Smith was married to Elizabeth Croft, who was born in Stark County, Ohio, and who died at the age of fifty-seven. Of this union there are living five children: Adam, who lives on the home place in Franklin Township : William H., of Clinton, Ohio; .lacol), who died in 1901; David C. and Mary E. Ruck, residing at Canal Pulton. After the death of his first wife, Lewis Smith was married to Louisa Fritz, who died in 1903, there being no chil- dren of the second union. David C. Smith was reared on the home farm, attending the district schools, and when about nineteen years of age engaged in a thre.'^hiner business with his brothers, which AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 333 was continued for about ten years, with much success. At the end of this time Mr. Smith engaged in a hard lumber business on a hirge scale, but after conducting it for twelve years he sold out hi.s interests therein, and on October 22, 1903, he purchased the stand of N. N. Housman and Company, and since that time has been engaged in the sale of hardware, paint-s, implements, buggies and harn&ss, of which he carries a full line, his sons, Clarence D. and Thurman C. being in- terested in the ibusdness with him. With much business ability, Mr. Smith also com- bines a pleasing manner, which wins both business and personal friends. On October 11, 1883, Mr. Smith was united in marriage with Mary E. Hul)er, who is a daughter of Phillip Huber, and tn this union there have been born eight children, namely: Dora, who married C. AV. McLaughlin, assist- ant cashier of the Fulton Bank ; Clarence D., Thurman T., Carrie, Ruth, Lewis, Miriam and Amelia. Mr. Smith is a Republican in his political views, but he takes only a good citizen's in- terest in public matters. Fraternally he is connected mth the Knights of the Maccabees and the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. With his family lie belongs to the Lutheran Church, in which he is deacon. K. H. HAYS, secretary of the Akron Cul- tivator Company, with which enterprise he has been identified since 1890, was born at Manchester, Ohio, in 1862, and is a member of an old and representative family of section. After leaving the Manchester schools, he entered the Ohio Northern University, and later attended Oberlin College, following which he taught school for eight years. He then caime to Akron and entered the office of the Akron Cultivator Company, of whdoh for the past eight years he has been secre- tary. He has proved the affirmative in his own case of the much discu.^sed question as to whether a college man makes a good busi- ness man. In 1888. Air. Hays was married to Frances Everhard. who died in 1903, leav- ing one daughter, Marguerite. He was mar- ried (second) in 1906 to Lena AVilson, a native of Akron. Mr. Hays is a member of the First Church of Christ, and is one of its board of elders. Fraternally, he is connected with the order of Maccabees. HARVEY S. FIRESTONE, president of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, of Akron, was the founder of this important business organization, and its great success is mainly due to his own energy and business capacity. He was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, in 1868, where he was reared and educated. Mr. Firestone has been actively identified with business since early manhood, en- gaging as a coal merchant at Columbus for one year, and then becoming associated with the Columbus Buggy Company, at Detroit, Michigan. In 1895 he drove a buggv equipped with the first rubber tire made by the company, and was so impressed with its superior qualities that he decided to embark in the manufacture of these tires if he could create a public demand for them. He turned out a fine quality of rubber tires, manufac- turing them at Akron, and demonstrated their value at Chicago, and the encourage- ment thus received determined him to go into the business on a large scale. He there- fore organized the Firestone Tire and Rub- ber Company, which was incorporated with a capital stock of $50,000, which has been increased to $500,000. The oflricers of the company are : H. S. Firestone, president and general manager; AVill Christy, vice president; L. E. Sisler, treasurer; S. G. Cark- huff, .secretary, and F. R. Talbott, assistant treasurer, with R. J. Firestone as sales man- ager. The business has grown to immense proportions, giving employment to 300 work- men.. In 1895 Mr. Firestone was married to Ida Belle Smith, of .Jackson, Michigan, and thev have three sons: Harvey S. Jr., Russell Allen and Leonard Kimball. Mr. and Mrs. Firestone are members of St. Paul's Episco- pal Church. Mr. Firestone has a wide busi- 334 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ness and social acquaintance and belongs to the Portage Country Club and to the Chicago Athletic Club. ALBERT G. MALLISON, who was one of the early settlers and first surveyors of Summit County, coming here in the capaciity of a civil engineer during the construction of the Ohio Canal, was born in 1797, at Groton, Connecticut, and died at Akron, Feb- ruary 26, 1879, aged almost eighty-two years. When he was eleven years of age his parents, Amos and Clarissa (Newton) Malldson, moved to Berkshire County, Massachuisetts, and thence, in 1832, to Akron, settling on a farm that is now Wooster avenue, one of the choice residence districts of Akron. Land then acquired by Albert G. Mallison and lii- brother, Amos, is still owned by his descend- ants. Mr. Mallison was given good educa- tional advantages and also learned surveying. and his ability in this direction was recog- nized by the officials who had in charge th" construction of the State line between Massa- chusetts and New York, the surveying being given to the young sun'eyor. After locating in Akron Mr. Malli.son sun-eyed and platted a large part of the northern section of the city for Dr. Crosby, Mr. King and other-, and in many of the old deeds of conveyance his name appears. He continued to be a prominent and useful citizen for many years, and his memory is ke|')t green along with that of the other pioneer Imilders of Akron. On June 22, 1843, Mr. Malli.=;on married Cornelia G. Washburn, of Akron. Their family consisted of three children : Eveline, who married Horace G. AIduu. residing at Akron; Albert. H., who i- vice pre.-ident of the Depositors' Savings Bank at Akron ; and A-mos, who died in 1883. Mrs. Malli-on. the mother, died December 8, 187"). PETER M. ERASE, one of Clinton's mast substantial citizens, who is treasurer and ca.sihier of the Clinton Savings Bank, is well known in banking circles throughout Sum- mit County. Mr. Erase was Iwrn on his father's farm in Chippewa Towrisbi]i, Wayne County, Ohio, on the Summit County line, July 24, 1859, and is a son of John and Ann (Etling) Erase. John Erase, the grandfather of Peter M., was an emigrant in the early days from Pennsylvania to Ohio, and owned the land where was opened the first coal mine in that .section of Wayne County, the old Chippewa mine. His son, John, who was a native of Wayne County, remained there all his life, engaged in agricultural pursuits, and died in 1892, at the age of seventy-two years. Mr. Erase married Ann Etling, also a native of Wayne County, Ohio, who died in 1905, aged about seventy -i^ven years. To Mr. and Mrs. Erase were born eight children : Noah, who resides in Franklin Township, Siunmit County ; Catherine, wlio married William Deekerhoof; William, Peter Madison, John W., Mary, who married Charles Ajiplinger; Enmia, who married Henry Slee, of Frank- lin Township, and Ida, who married C. Al- brecht of Akron. Peter M. Erase attended the district schools of his native locality, and grew up on his father's farm until his marriage, when he started to operate hi'j father-in-law's farm, where he continued for four years. He then came to Clinton, where he opened a general store with Henry Serfass, this partnership continuing for about eight years. Then Mr. Serfass sold his interests to C. S. Spangler, who was Mr. Erase's partner initil June, 1893, when Mr. Era-^e retired from the firm. He then began to organize the bank, which was established in 1903 with a capital stock of $25,000. and the following officers: E. R. Hill, of Akron, president; Martin Lim- bach, of Clinton, vice president; P. M. Erase, treasurer and cashier, and Fred Deutsch, sec- retary. Mr. Erase was also one of the or- ganizers of the Clinton Bell Telephone Com- pany and is a stockholilcr in the Clinton INIill- ing Company. In November, 1883, Mr. Erase wa< mar- ried to Ella A. Serfass, daughter of Law- rence and Lydia Serfa.«s, of Franklin Town- .ship. Summit County, and four children have been born to this union, namelv: Earl B., AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 335 who married Tura B. Spark: John, Mildred and Drummond. Mr. Erase is a Democrat in politics, and for four years served as township clerk. He is a charter member of the Knights of the Maccabees of Clinton. Mr. Erase, with his family, attends the Lutheran Church. H. G. BRANDAU, vice president of the Ornamental Iron Work Company, of Akron, was born in 1876, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, where he was reared and educated and gained his first knowledge along the lines of his present business, in boyhood entering an iron and w^re factory in his native city. Working at his trade, Mr. Brandau visited different sections of the country, reaching Akron in 1899, where he entered the em- ploy of the Burger Iron Company. Here he met Frederick Zindel, like tastes and sim- ilar employment bringing about a business association which re.'^ulted in the organiza- tion of the Ornamental Iron Works Com- pany in February, 1906. This succe.<.sful business enterprise was incorporated with a capital stock of $10,000, the officers being Fred Zindel, president; H. G. Brandau, vice- president, and W. A. Boesche, secretary- and treasurer. All the officers are young, enter- prising, capable and practical men. The busi- ness of the company is the manufacturing of all kinds of ornamental iron and wire goods. In 1902 Mr. Brandau was married to Pauline Zindel. and they have one child. Lillian. WILLIAM BARNETT, general contractor, senior member of the contracting firm of Barnett & O'Marr, has been a resident of Akron since 1871. He was born in April, 1846, at Exeter, England, where he was reared, and where he served his apprentice- ship to the brick and stone mason's trade. Shortly after coming to Akron. Mr. Bar- nett began to work on the Schumacher house, in the same .summer as-sLsted in the building of Buchtel College, and within three years after locating in this city, began contracting. His first contract was the building he erected on the corner of Akron and Chestnut Street-, and later he built the Market House, on the corner of Howard and Cherry Streets, Mr. Whitelaw's Temple of Fashion on Howard Street, and many more of the substantial buildings which line that busy thoroughfare. Mr. Bamett is also a member of the firm of Gardiner & Barnett, paving contractors, which firm paved Main Street from Buohtcl Avenue to Tallmadge Street, Prospect Street to Perkins Street, and Union Street from Blutt to Buchtel Avenues. Mr. Barnett has also done a large amount of paving in neighbor- ing towns, and has a reputation for bu.siness integrity second to none in this city. Mr. Barnett was married in England to Lucy Stankum, and they have five children, namely; Emma, who mamcd George Con- ger, residing at Akron ; Charlotte, who mar- ried Frederick Dodge, also a resident at Ak- ron ; Alice, who married Carl Colby, resid- ing at Passaic, New Jersey; Jeannette, who married A. Sadler, and lives in Akron, and Louise, who married William Curtin, also living in Akron. With his family, Mr. Bar- nett belongs to the Episcopal Church. Mr. Barnett ls in sympathy with labor or- ganizations and helped to organize the first brick ^layers' Union at Akron. For eight years he was treasurer of this body, and a? their delegate voted for the first nine-hour system, at their convention. Until eleven years ago, when he suffered from partial paralysis, he was a noted athlete and he for- merly gave instruction in boxing. Since be- ing incapacitated he has received $3,000 from the disability fund of the order of Macca- bees, of which he has long been a member. He has twice visited Europe since locating at Akron, and is a man whose ideas have been broadened through travel and mingling with men of all classes. He is recognized as one of Akron's best citizens. HENRY FREDERICK, whose valuable farm of 200 acres, situated in Portage Town- .ship, has been in his possession since June, 1867, has developed this property into its present high state of cultivation from a tract of native timber. He was born at Doylcs- 336 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY town, Wayne County, Ohio, Jlarch 20, 1834, and is a son of Jacob and jMargaret (Ra^or) Frederick. Jacob Frederick was born in Westmore- land County, Pennsylvania, and accompanied his fatlier, Thomas Frederick, in boyhood to Columbiana County, Ohio. When he was fourteen years old, the family made another change, removing to Wayne County, Ohio, where Thomas Frederick bought a half sec- tion of land, which included the present site of Doylestown. At that village Jacob Fred- erick was married to Margaret Rasor, who was a daughter of Christopher Rasor, wlio came from Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, to Summit County when Margaret was a child, and she was reared at AVadsworth. In November, 1842, Jacob Frederick bought a farm in Copley Township, on which his son, Henry, was reared, and where both the pa- rents died. They were good, Chri.stian peo- ple, who led a peaceful life and did their full duty to their neighbor. Henry Frederick, in his boyhood, attended the district .schools in Wayne County, and later in Copley Township, and assisted his father on the home farm until he married, in 1858. He then rented in Copley Town- ship a farm which was then owned by John C. Stearns, and which is now occupied by William Waggoner. After residing there for three years, he moved to a seventy-eight-acre farm north of the White Elephant Church, in Copley, renting it for eighteen months and then buying it. Mr. Frederick lived on that farm for eighteen month? and then sold it and moved to Clark's Mills for a resi- dence of .?ix months, after which he lived for a year on a rented fann of 240 acres. About this time Mr. Frederick, together with Royal Brockway, bought the place on which he now resides, the whole tract containing 546 acres. This enterprise was entered into in May, 1867, and in the following fall," the partners divided their land, Mr. Frederick keeping 235 acres, with the improvement*. Since then he has bought thirty acres of the Brockway part on the west side, and seventy- one acres of the Sherbondy plat, selling a portion of his land in 1904. lie has de- voted his attention to general farming and dairying. During his first five or six years on this land, he was engaged in a lumber business to a large extent, but since then has paid attention exclusively to raising large crops and to operating his first-class dairy, keeping twenty-six head of cows. On May 20,' 1858, Mr. Frederick was mar- ried to Ellen Viers, who was reared in Nor- ton Township, Summit County, and who is a daughter of James McClintock Viers. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick have three children, namely: Charlotte, residing at home; James McHenry, who is a graduate of Amherst Col- lege, and resides at Lakewood, where he is superintendent of the schools, and Ulysses Grant, who is secretary of the U. G. Fred- erick Lumber Company, of which his father is president. Mr. Frederick has long been prominent in township and county affairs. From 1876 until 1882 he served as a member of the County Board of infirmary directors; he has frequently been township trustee and a mem- Vier of the School Board, and in 1889 he was elected county commi.ssioner. He is a mem- ber of the First Church of Christ and ha« served for years on its Board of Trustees. R. E. ARMSTRONG, .secretary imd treas- urer of the L. W. Camp Company, manu- facturers of all kinds of tile, at Akron, has been a resident of this city for the past dec- ade. He M-as born at Kent, Portage County. Ohio, and is a son of the late William Arm- strong. He was reaa'ed and educated in his native place,, and after leaving school learned the printer's trade. For about seven years he was in the employ of the AVerner Com- pany, at Akron, and later was with the H. B. Camp Company, manufacturers of tile, for .scvei'al years. When the I^. W. Camp Comjiany in the same line, was organized, in 1902, he became its .secretary and treasurer, and has continued as such ever .=;ince. He is also secreta.ry in the Akron Fireproofing Company, vice president of the Colonial Sign & In.sulator Company, and vice president of CAPT. GEORGE BILLOW AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 339 the Factory Oil Company. He is a man of system, having an easy grasp of business, and performs the duties attendant upon his re- sponsible position with ready efficiency. In 1900 Mr. Armstrong wa.s married to (Trace Camp, daughter of H. B. Camp. He has two cliildren : Dorothy and AHce. CAPT. GEORGE BILEOW, president of the Akron Masonic Temple Company, has been established since 1875 in an undertaking business at Akron, which is now conducted under the firm style of Billow & Sons. He was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, April 2, 1833, and accompanied his parents to the United States in 1844. He was reared to the age of sixteen years on his father's farm near Fremont, Sandusky County, Ohio, and then learned the trade of wagon and carriage making, which he fol- lowed at Tallmadge and Akron until July, 1862, when he enlisted for service in the Civil war. From a private in the ranks of Com- pany I, 107th Regiment Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, he was regularly promoted, for effi- cient service and soldierly qualiti&=, to the captaincy of the company, and did duty as brigade and post commissary at Fernandina, Florida, and as local provost marshal at Jack- sonville, lie received his discharge at Charlestown, South Carolina, July 10,'l865, and was mustered out of the service at Cleve- land, Ohio, July 26th, following. After the honorable termination of his mil- itary service, Captain Billow returned to Ak- ron, where he wns engaged in a grocery busi- ness for some two years. Later he took charge of another grocery enterprise, subse- quently going on the road as traveling sales- man for about eighteen months in the inter- ests of a .stoneware house. About this time he wa= led to make investments in Alabama which proved unprofitable. He returned in April. 1875, to x^kron, where shortly after- ward he engaged in the undertaking busine.-s, subsequently admitting his sons to partner- ship. In connection with the mortuary de- partment, an ambulance and invalid car- riage service is also conducted. The firm's place of business is located at the corner of Mill and Ash Streets. Captain Billow is a well-known and very highly regiarded citi- zen. On September 19, 1854, Captain Billow was married to Mary Fink, of Akron, and they have had eight children, namely: Anna, George W., Charles Fernando, Ida, Albert C, ■Jacob L., Edwin M., and Claire. The family home is located at No. 110 Beck avenue. For his services in behalf of Ma.sonry, Captain Billow has been honored with the 33d degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. He is also an Odd Fellow. FRED ZINDEL, president of the Orna- mental Iron AVork Company, of Akron, has been a resident of this city for eighteen years, and during this time has been connected with a number of its great manufacturing en- terjDriscs. Although a comparatively young man, Mr. Zindel has reached a prominent position in the city's commercdal life and stands high in his special line of work. He was born in 1876, in Aastria, and was twelve years of age when he came to America and located at Akron. IMr. Zindel's first industrial connection wa- with the Diamond Match Company, with which organization he remained for five years, during this period heing placed in charge' of diff'erent departments succes-sively and acquiring an excellent knowledge of the business. From the Diamond Match Com- pany he went to the Burger Iron Company, where he was employed for eleven years. Here, even before he had completed his ap- prenticeship, he was made foreman anrl con- tinued in that responsible position mi til he severed his relations with that concern. With this much experience behind him, Mr. Zin- del decided to go into business for himself, and in February. 190S, he organized the Or- namental Iron AVork Company at Akron. It was incornorated with a capital stock of $10,000, with Fred Zindel as president; H. G. Brnndau, vice pre=iden1 ; W. A. Boc^che as sccretnry find treasurer. Tlie company is enffatred in the manufacture of nil kinds of 340 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ornamentel iron and wire work. The suc- cess which has been achieved by these young men in their enterprise is proof both of their ability and of the fact that the business field was open to just such a concern at the time they launched it. In 1898 Mr. Zindel was married to Lizzie Weirath, of Akron, and they have one child, Edna. SOLOMON KOPLIN, one of Portage Township's best-known and most highly es- teemed residents, resides on his valuable farm of sixty-nine acres, which is situated on the Merriman road, one-half mile northwest of Akron. He was born at Wadsworth, Medina County, Ohio, March 3, 1828, and is a son of Christian and Magdalena (Baughman) Koplin. Christiajn Koplin accompanied his father, Mathias Koplin, from Maryland, and they settled on a farm in Chippewa Town.ship, Wayne County. The Koplins were very early settlers there, and on that farm the grandfather died. Christian Koplin re- mained there until after his marriage to Magdalena Baughman, who was born in Pennsylvania, and who was a daughter of Lorentz Baughman, an early settler in Me- dina County. After his marriage, Christian Koplin moved to Wadsworth Township, Medina County, where he bought a farm, but he died in the following year, when only thirty-three years of age. He left his widow with three chiMren, namely: Solomon, sub- ject of this .sketch; David, who resides in Florida, aged seventy-seven years, and Anna Maria, who is the widow of Nicholas Edick and resides in New Mexico. The father's death left the little family badly off. They secured but $100 from the farm, but Mrs. Koplin purchased five acres of land, and she had learned the weaver's trade, so her efforts supported the family until the sons were able to a.sisist. The little log cabin home was never without bread. She was a woman of great capacity and well deserved the gratitude of her children. When he was eighteeai years of age, Solo- mon Koplin left home to learn wagon-mak- ing, hi^ brother leaving about the same time to learn the tanning business. During the first year, Solomon received seven dollars a month, and he was thus able to relieve his mother of his support, purchase good clothes and to show a balance of $44 at the end of the year. On September 7, 1850, he wa-i married to Sarah ISIiller, who is a daughter of George Miller, who owned 237 acre-s of land in Summit County. The Miller and Koplin families came to Portage Township together, and together they farmed this large tract of land. For two years after marriage Mr. Koplin and wife lived at Wadsworth, but in 1853 they came to their present farm, which was a part of the Miller property. George Miller later bought the interest of the heirs of his father, Jacob Miller, in the farm in Medina County of 114 acres. Solo- mon Koplin then moved to Wad married to Mrs. G. B. Kendall, of Akron. Lewis C. Mc- Farland, son of Mr. McFarland, was bom October Ifi, 1887, has been educated in the business \\nth his father and e.xpects to suc- ceed him. Politically, he is a Republican, and always takes an active interest in local matters. For five years he has been a mem- ber of the precinct election board. Frater- nally he is a Mason, a Woodman, a Macca- bee and a Knight of Pythias, in the latter organization being a member of the board of directors. He is also a member of the Protected Home Circle. W. A. BOESCHE, secretary and treasurer of the Ornamental Iron Work Company, of Akron, has been a resident of this city since he was nineteen years of age. He was born in 1883, at Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was educated and had his first practical business experience. After leaving school Mr. Boesche became identified with newspaper work and for sev- eral years was connected in a reportorial ca- pacity with the Cincinnati Enquirer. He then came to Akron, seeking a wider field of effort, and became connected with the B. F. Goodrich Company, with which he con- tinued for three years. In February, 1906, when the Ornamental Iron Work Company was organized and incorporated at Akron, lie became interested therein and was offered and accepted the pasition of secretary and treasurer of the company. The enterprise has proved very successful, and its prospects indicate that in the near future its facilities will have to be enlarged to keep up with the increasing demand for the company's prod- uct. The president and vice president of this company, Frederick Zindel and H. G. Bran- dau, are both practical and experienced men in the iron business. The output of the works include all kinds of ornamental iron- and wire-work. Mr. Boesche is a Knight Templar Mason and he belongs to the Ma- sonic Club. WILLIAM H. SMITH, a leading con- tractor and lumber dealer of Clinton, and one of the substantial business men of the locality, was born at the home farm east of Clinton, Franklin Town.«hip, Summit County, 342 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Oliio, March 17, 1854, and is a son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Croft) Smith. John Adam Smith, the grandfather of William H., was a substantial citizen of his native town in Germany, where he was mayor and also professor in the High School. He came to this comitry ATOth his three children, of whom Le'iA'is, the youngest, was thre« years old, landing at Baltimore. Mr. Smith brought with him $7,000 in gold, which, in the few hours at night that were spent on the boat at the docks in Baltimore, was stolen from him, and he was compelled to begin all over again, in the new countrj'. SiLstaining this misfortune with a brave heart, this sturdy emiigi'anit settled for a short time in Penn- sylvania, whence he came to the vicinity of Canton, Ohio, and located for a. time on a farm. A small place was then purchased near Canal Fulton, Ohio, where he s]ient the remainder of his life, his death occumng at the age of eighty-nine years. In spite of his great lo.5S in early life, Mr. Smith had lic- come a very .successful man, and at the time of his death was rated one of the substan- tial men of his community. He had three children : Caitherine, Elizabeth and I^ewis. Le^A-is Smith, father of William H., being the only son of hLs parents, was compelled to spend his youth in hard labor on the home farms, a.nd his schooling was vei'y limited, la.sting in all about eighteen months. After his [marriage he lived for several years on a rented farm north of Canal Fulton. He then purcha.sed eighty-one acres of fine land cast of Clinton, Franklin Township, Summit County, where he resided for about thirty- three years. His next and last purchase was a farm of 160 acres west of Clinton, where his death occurred after twenty years, when he was in his eighty-first year. His wife, Elizabeth Croft Smith, was born in Stark County, Ohio, and died at the age of fifty- seven years. To them were born eight chil- dren : Adam, who lives on the home place in Franklin ToT\-n?hip; AYilliam H., whosi' name begins this sketch: .Tacob, who died in 1901 ; David C, of CHnton. Ohio, and four who died in infancv. After the death of his first wife, Lewis Smith was married to Fritz, who died in 1903 ; there were no children of tliis second miion. William H. Smith secured his education in dLstiiot school No. 8, in his native town- ship, and was reared on his father's farm, Avhere he remained until his marriage, in 1881. In that year he removed to Clinton, and for a number of year.s was engaged in the hardwood lumber business with his brother, David C. In 1889 they opened a planing-^mill, which Mr. Smith has operated ever since, having purcha.sed his brother's in- terests therein about six months after enter- ing into He also engage^ in all kinds of contracting and building, and has various other business interests which include a directorship in the Clinton Savings Bank and the Franklin Industrial Company of Warwdck. Mr. Smith's fine home, a frame residence of fourteen rooms, was erected bv him in 1901. On November 31, 1881, Mr. Smith was married to Annie Mueller, who' is a daugh- ter of Peter and Mary Mueller, and three children have been born to this union, namely: Elsie, Jessie, who married Archie Dunmead, and resides at Barbcrton, Ohio, and Effie. In political matters ilr. Smith is a Re- publican, and he has always taken an interest in the succe.s.s of his party, although he has never cared for public office. He belongs fraternally to the Knights of the Maccabees. He attends the Lutheran Church, in which he is an elder, and to which hi? family also belongs. C. C. WARNER, a member of the Board of Public Safety, at- Akron, is one of the city's prominent men, who has been identi- fied with itvS business, political and social in- terests for a long course of years. Mr. War- ner was born in 1860, in Germany, and is a son of the late FredcTick Warner. C. C. Warner was about ten years of age when he caime to Akron, and here he was reared and educated. He left school to enter the employ of the E. H. Merrill Company, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 343 with whom he remained for twenty-three yeans, going then to the Robinson Clay Product Company, where he stayed four years. Since then Mr. Warner has been con- nected with the Akron Gas Company. He owns a considerable amount of real estate, and a large part of his time is taken up in looking after these intereists. For many years he has been more or less prominent in Democratic politics and has sen-ed a num- l>cr of times as a member of the City Comi- cil, showing the careful interest in civic af- faii-s that betokens the good citizen. He served two years also as a trustee of Portage Townsiiip, and three years as a member of the Board of Public Safety, and is the Demo- cratic nominee for the Board of Public Service. In 1890 Mr. AVarner was married i<> Louise Knapp, of Massillon, Ohio. His home is a beautiful residence at No. 373 Wooster Avenue. Mr. Warner is a member of the Akron lodge of Odd Fellows, of which he has been treasurer for eight years, and he belongs also to several of the leading Ger- man benevolent societies. G. F. KASCH, president of The Portage Park Land Company, of Akron, was born in 1867, in Germany, but accompanied his father, "\A"illiam Kasch, and his mother, Ernestine Kasch, to this city in childhood, where he was reared and educated. With his father, he learned the tinner's trade, and was only eighteen years of age when he went into the roofing l>usiness on his own account In 1S90, when the subject of this sketch was twenty-two years of age, the firm of Ka*ch Brothers (Roofers) was organized, its mem- bers being F. C. Kasch and G. F. Kasch, and the latter remained a member until 1893, when he disposed of his interest and went into real estate. This firm was afterward or- ganized as The Kasch Roofing Company, and so continues until the present time. lentil 1900 Mr. Kasch operated independ- ently, handling only his own property, buy- ing land, and platting and improving the same. During this period he platted two allotments in the Cobb farm on West Hill — one on West Market Street at the intersec- tion of Portage Path Road, and Kasoh's Glenwood Allotment on the north side of the citv. in 1900, with Will Christy and J. R. Niitt, two prominent local capitalists, he organized the West Hill Land Company, which was incorporated for $75,000. They received from the ccwnmissi oners of Summit County fifty-five acres of land of the Summit County Infirmary farm, on West Hill (which land lays between West Market and West Ex- change Streets), in exchange for 122^ acres of other land lying west of the present County Infirmary and immediately adjoin- ing the County Farm. The fifty-five acres obtained by The AA'est Hill Land Company was all the land the county owned lying be- tween the Infirmary and the city, the greater portion of it lay within the city limits. In 1900 and in 1902 the remaining portion was annexed to the city. The West Hill Land Company h;^ opened up this fine pro]ierty, making it the choicest residence section of the city, providing it with every city improvement. A number of the avenues in this allotment were named for some of Akron's most distinguished citi- zens, among them being Senator Charles Dick (Dick Avenue) , former Congressman David R. Paige (Paige Avenue), former Mayor Richard P. Marvin (Marvin Avenue), and H. C. Corson, philanthropist, (Corson Avenue) . The removal of this beautiful al- lotment far from Akron's industriai plants, for which this city is world famous, insures the absence of all smoke in that section, and the phrase, "West-of-the-Smoke," which Mr. Kasch originated, tells the story of its greatest advantage for home purposes. Mr. Kasch and his a.s,sociates have shown great public spirit and deserve the thanks of all Akron for the gift of three beautiful parks, namely: Christy Park, Portage Park (consisting of three and one-half acres), and Watershed Park. The latter is situated on the watershed of Ohio from which the water is deflected to Lake Brie and the Gulf of 344 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Mexico. The company has spent a large amount in beautifying these parks, entirely free of any expense to the city. While prominently connected with The West Hill Land Company, Mr. Kasch has been busy in other realty enterprises. He opened up the Rubber Works Allotment at the corner of East Exchange and Fountain Streets, located midway between the great rubber manufacturing plants of the city. He is also at the present time opening The KaschA^iall Allotment at the intersection of Beaver and Gage Streets, near the indu. Augusta Wallraff, a lady who was formerly a teacher in the public schools of Akron. They have one son, Allan Wallraff Ka.sch. ilr. Kasch is a member of the Arlington Street, or "Old Forge" Congregational Church, and for sixteen years ha? been iden- tified with its Sunday School, duriuQ- the mo t of this time being the superintendent. He is a man of great energy and remarkable business foresight, and these qualities, com- bined with the virtues of honesty and per- sonal integrity, have contributed to his busi- success. He is one of Akron's first advo- cates of political independence in local affairs, and does not hesitate to urge the election of men for office whom he believes best fitted for the positions, regardless of his personal feel- ings or party lines. CHARLES H. LAHK, auditor of the Northern Ohio Traction and Light Comiiany, Akron, has been identified with the railroad J1AK\EY BALD\\J:S AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 347 interests of thi^ city throughout ahnost the entire period of his business career. He was born at Norton Center, Summit County, Ohio, in 1873, and is a son of William li. Lahr. William H. Lahr was born at Norton Cen- ter in 1850 and for a number of years was a leading farmer of Norton township, where he now lives retired. His father, John Lahr, was one of the early settlers of the township and the family has always been one of more or less prominence in this section. Charles H. Lahr was reared on his father's farm and after completing the High School course at Norton Center, came to Akron, en- tering the office of the J. F. Seiberling Com- pany, where he remained a short time. He then entered the employ of the Akron Street Railroad .Company, from 1892 until Janu- ary 1, 1907, serving as cashier of that cor- poration. At the date last mentioned he be- came auditor of the Northern Ohio Traction and Light Company, in which he is a stock- holder. In April, 1900, Mr. Lahr was married to Elizabeth May Seeger, who is a daughter of Jacob Seeger, of Akron. They are members of the Lutheran Church. Mr. Lahr is affili- ated fraternally with the Elks. HARVEY BALDWIN, president of the Buckeye Sewer Pipe Company at Akron, for many years was one of the city's most active business men, and is identified still with a number of its leading enterprises, although he ha-s been retired from active participation in business life for fully twenty-five years. Mr. Baldwin was born August 29, 1822, at Gosh- en, Connecticut, and is a member of a family which has been one of importance there since the time of the early settlements. He is a son of Erastus and Lucretia (Austin) Baldwin. In 1844 Mr. Baldwin came to Ohio, locat- ing first at Hudson, and in 1857 at Middle- bury, where he engaged in the match business and the manufacture of stonewai'c. He later entered into the sewer pijie industry, with which he has been identified ever since. He is a director in the Permanent Savings and Loan Association, of wliich his brother, the late Joseph A. Baldwin, was president, and is also on the directing board of the Central Sav- ings and Trust Company. In 1855 Mr. Baldwin was married (first) to Cordelia Mather, who died .soon after. In 1859 he was married (second) to Margaret L. Hawn. By the first marriage he had one daughter, Delia Louisa, who is the wife of George W. Ruckel, of Akron. Mr. Baldwin resides in a handsome mansion at No. 797 East Market Street. Under appointment from Governor David Tod, Mr. Baldwin served for .seven years as a justice of the peace, and he was also for some time clerk of the Board of Infirmary Directors. He has been a resident of Akron since 1857, and is one of its best known and most highly respected citizens. An ample fortune and plenty of leisure have served to broaden his life, and he has taken advan- tage of many opportunities to advance the moral and material interests of the city. He has been affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for more than a half cen- tury. JOHN F. MILLER, a general farmer, re- siding on his valuable farm of forty-eight acres in Portage Township, was born at Wadsw'orth, Medina County, Ohio, July 29, 1844, and is a .son of George and Rebecca (Baughman) ^liller. Jacob Miller, the grandfather of John F., was one of the earliest settlers in Medina County, locating at AVadsworth in 181(5, and purchasing a farm one mile east of the vil- lage. In journeying from Pennsylvania, Mr. Miller and family pa&sed through. Middle- bury, then the infant Akron. They stayed for one year at Oanfield, MaJioning County, before pursuing their journey farther west. Jacob Miller, anxious to secure good land, ex- amined its quality in .several .sections before purchasing. He was offered a farm for $3 per acre, which is now in the very heart of Akron, on the site of the Perkins public school. He was not satisfied, however, and went on to Medina County, where he invested his money. The maternal grandfather of 348 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY John F. Miller came also from Pennsylvania. locating between Wadsworth and Doyles- town. George Miller was born in Pennsylvania, and was a boy when his parents came to Ohio. His older brother, John Miller, went into partnership with John Pardee, in a morcan- tile business at Wadsworth, which was one of the earliest enterprises there, and when the brother died, George assumed his inter- ests and continued in partnership with Mr. Pardee for some time. A few years later he bought a fai-m on Silver Creek, near Wad-;- worth, on which he lived for a few year.-, selling it at a later date. In 1853 he bought 240 acres, and on a part of this property Jolm F. Miller now lives. George Miller carried on farming and .stockraising on this land quite extensively. In 1856 he built the substan- tial stone house which is still standing. He was a very just man, and divided his land so that all his children were provided for. He made three farms of the 240 acres he owned in Portage Township, and the old Miller homestead in AVadsworth Township he left to the heirs of his davighter, ]\Irs. Springer. There he died, four days after his 80th birth- day.- George Miller married Rebecca Rauarh- man and they had four children: Sarah, Paul, Martha and John F. Sarah, residing in Portage Township, married Solomon Kop- lin, Paul has lieon a resident of California since 1860. Martha, now deceased, was mar- ried, first to Dr. F. F. Falk, wlio died at Western Star, aged twenty-eight years. She married, second. Frank Springer. The mother of the subject of this sketch died in 1868 on the home farm. John F. Miller wa^ eight vears old when his parents came to Portage Township, and, althouah he ha.s .spent some time away from here, on various occasions, thi-^ has always rc- niained his home residence. For two years in early manhood he followed railroading and mountain teaming alona; the Pacific coast, but for many years he has been enoiaged in agricultural pursuits on his fine propeiiv here. This land is well improved, and its value mav be estimated from the fact t'-at Mr. Miller recently sold twelve acres of it, for which he received $1,000 per acre, the pur- chaser being W. B. Miller, of Akron. Mr. Miller also owns another farm of sixty-four acres in Medina County, Ohio. In October,- 1868, Mr. Miller wut has been American for a number of generations. The founder of the family in Ohio was John Roden- baugh. the grandfather of Dr. Rodenbaugh, who came from Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, in 1840. and settled on a farm in Springfield Township, Summit County, clofie to the line of Green Township. Abraham Rodenbaugh. father of Dr' Rodenbaugh, was born in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, December 18, 1818, and accompanied his parents to Ohio when aboTit twenty-two years of age; he was a soldier drilled for the Mexican War, under Colonel Buckley, and was on his way to the front when the order was countermanded. He was married to Rebecca Hart in 1846. She was born in Springfield Town.ship, and was a daughter of John Hart, Jr.. and a grand- daughter of the John Hart, formerly from New Jersey and Pennsylvania, whose name is signed to that immortal document, the Dec- laration of Independence. The grandfather, to uphold his pledge, enlisted and fought seven years through the Revolutionary' War, under General Lafayette. John Hart, Jr., was a soldier imder General Jackson in the war of 1812, and with Old Hickory against England in the famous battle of New Orleans. The children of Abraham and Re- becca (Hart) Rodenbaugh were seven in number, and five of these still survive. The boyhood days of Dr. Rodenbaugh yvas spent on his father's farm, where his train- ing was that of the u.«ual country boy, including attendance in the local schools. Later he entered the Union town High School, and attended Buchtel College, and subsequent- Iv taught school for six terms, in the mean- time doing considerable preliminary medical reading, after which he entered the Ohio Med- ical University, which is now connected with Stariing Medical Colleee. In 1899 ho ad- mitted to partnership Dr. George A. Br&wn, Senecaville, Guernsey County, Ohio, for six years, who was superseded by his nephew in 1905, Dr. Herbert Rodenbaugh, both being graduates of Ohio Medical University at Co- lumbus. In 1897 Dr. Rodenbaugh was married to Minnie Kepler, who is a daughter of Samuel Kepler, a highly re.«pected resident of Akron. They have two children, Josephine and Hugo. Dr. Rodenbaugh has always associated with the Methodi.?t Episcopal Church. His fra- ternal conuections include the Elks, the Odd Fellows, the Foresters, and tlie Maccabees. Few men were more prominent in the early development of Springfield Township than Abraham Rodenbaugh, father of Dr. Roden- baugh. He was a man of progressive ideas. In the early days he, with John R. Buchtel. founder of Buchtel College, were boj-s from the same neighborhood, grubbed and cleared the timberland on several farms in the south- ern part of Coventrs- and Springfield Trwn- ships and purchased and ran one of the first separators for thra.shing wheat in that part of the county. Abraham Rodenbaugh survived until 1897, aged seventj'-nine years, his wife having died in June, 1891. They were wide- ly known for their many worthy character- istics and for the generous hospitality that prevailed in their home. A. WINKLER, vice-president of the Pettitt Brothers Hardware Company, a leading house in its line of business at Akron, has been a resident of this city almost all his life, al- though his birth took place in Germany. He was three years of age when his parents came to Akron in 1876. His boyhood was passed in attending to home duties. He wa* taught to be frugal and careful, from necessity, and he attended school imtil he was old enough to begin to learn a trade. He chose to be a tinner and worked under William Ka.sch, at Akron, for three years and then became a.sso- ciated with the firm of Mav & Fieberger. with whom he continued for eleven years, becom- ing well and favorably known, both to the trade and the general public. Since 1903 he 386 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY has been a member of Pettitt Brothers Hard- ware Company, and one of its leading officers since its incorporation. In 1897 Mr. Winkler was married to Anna Trommer, who was born at Millersburg, Ohio, and they have one daughter, Beatrice. Mr. Winkler'.s only fraternal connection is with the order of Maccabees. He is a man of prac- tical ideas and of thorough kncnvledge of his line ^f busine.s.s, and finds time, in the course of his busy life, to lend his influence to fur- ther the city's welfare, and when the repre- sentative men of Akron are mentioned, bis name is included in the honorable list. • JOSEPH A. BALDWIN. The death of Joseph A. Bald^\dn, w^hioh took place at his home. No. 805 East Market Street, Akron, removed from this section a man who was formerly one of the most important factors in its business life. Mr. Baldwin was born at Goshen, Connecticut, December 6, 1820, and was a son of Erastus and Lucretia (Aus- tin) Baldwin, and a grandson of Daniel Bald- win. Mr. Baldwin became a resident of Copley Township, Summit County, when seventeen years of age. Four years later he secured em- ployment as a clerk with Kent, MclNIillen & Company, merchants, subsequently entering into partnership with Roswell Kent, under the firm name of J. A. Baldwin & Company, for the manufacture of woolen machinery. The firm style subsequently became McMillen, Irish & Company, and later Kent, Baldwin & Company. Mr. Baldwin was a man of keen bu-siness perceptions and was active in promot- ing and furthering many of the city's most important industries. In 1872 he became secretarv^ and general manager of the Buck- eye Sewer Pipe Company and was identified with it until the close of his life. He was also president of the Summit Sewer Pipe Company and of the Permanent Savings and Loan Association, and a director in the Cen- tral Savings and Tni.?t Company. He was looked upon as the pioneer in the clay indus- try in this section. In 1853 Mr. Baldwin was married to Marv A. Kent, a daughter of Alson Kent, who was a well-known citizen of what was fonnerly known as Middlebury. Two children were the fruit of this marriage: Alson, born in 1856, who died at the age of eleven years, and Eleanor L., born in 1859. The latter, in 1888, married Harry H. Gibbs, a prominent busi- ness man of Akron, who is treasurer of both the Buckeye and the Summit Sewer Pipe Companies. Mr. Baldwin is also sun'ived by a Ijrother, Harvey Baldwin, of Akron. During the Avhole course of his life, Mr. Baldwin was interested in public affairs, and especially active in advancing the cause of education. In early yeare he ser\'ed on the Council of Middlebury and in later life on the Akron City Council, as a citizen ever being true to the r&sponsibilities he accepted. In his political views he was a Republican. He was actively interested in c^hurch work and for many years he had been a member and a trustee of the Firet Congregational Church at Akron. He was laiown in different parts of the country, it having been his cus- tom for the past twelve years to spend the winter months in the South. In all places of sojourn he impressed those who were admitted to his acquaintance as a man of business ability and high personal honor. CHARLES BRADLEY, one of Stow Township's highly esteemed citizens, who is now retired from active pursuits, was for many years engaged in farming. Mr. Brad- ley was born April 29, 1838, at Streetsboro, Portage County, Ohio, and is a son of George and Nancy Paulina (Peck) Bradley. Stephen Bradley, the grandfather of Charles, was a native of Lee, IMassachusetts, where he was engaged in agricultural pur- suits. He and his wife Lydia were the parents of a large family. George Bradley, one of this family, was born at Lee, Massachusetts, and as a young man came to Streetsboro, Ohio, where he purchased a farm of seventy- one acres. Lie was married May 17, 1837, to Nancy Paulina Peck, who was bom July 20, 1809, in Connecticut, and who was a daughter of Rufus Peck, of Litchfield, that state, who AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 381 came to Ohio in 1835. Mrs. Bradley died June 9, 1874, and her husband survived her until 1894, wheu he passed away, aged eighty-five years. They were the pai'ents of seven children, five of whom grew to ma- turity, namely: Emily (deceased), Avho was the wife of George Nighman ; Charles, whose name begins this sketch; Clara, who is the wife of Samuel Foster, of Richland, Michi- gan; William, a twin with Clara, and Susan, who married James E. Oliu, of Ravenna, Ohio. Charles Bradley was reared in Streetsboro. (^hio, and remained on the home farm un- til attaining his maturity. In the fall of 1863 he came to Stow Township and purchased a farm of forty-one acres, which he increased from time to time by purchase, until it ag- gregated 100 acres. Mr. Bradley has always engaged in general farming and dair}'ing, and his herd of from twenty-five to thirty head of cattle include some of the finest to be found in the township. His milk finds a readj^ sale at Cleveland. His farm build- ings are all large and substantial, and include a circular silo, 14x28^2 feet. Mr. Bradley married Henrietta Le Moine. who was a daughter of Noah Le Moine, of Stow Township. They had three children : Ora D., who is engaged in cultivating the home farm; "W. Earl and Clara M., who re- side at home, ili-s. Bradley died Septem- ber 27, 1899, in the faith of the Bisciplas Church. In politics Mr. Bradley is a Demo- crat. He is an active member of the local Grange, in which he has held official posi- tion. ARTHUR J. WEEKS, proprietor of the extensive chemical pottery manufacturing plant situated at No. 926 East ]\Iarket Street, Akron, iias been a resident of this city for a quarter of a century. He was born in Cop- ley Township, Summit County. Ohio, in 1847, and is a son of Darius Weeks, and a grandson on the paternal side of Leavitt Weeks, who came to Summit County \^'ith his two brothers as early as 181."). Settling on a farm in Copley Town.ship. Darius Weeks resided there all his life, with the exception of a few years, which he spent in mercantile business. He married Elizabeth Wilcox, daughter of ilajor John R. Wilcox, a graduate of West Point, who was stationed at Fort Edwards, Warsaw, Illinois, where Mrs. AVceks was born. Her grand- father Pliny Wilcox settled on the farm on which the Raymond House is now located, just across the road from the old home of -lohn Brown in Akron. Darius Weeks had three sons and two daughters, namely: Ar- thur J., whose name begins this sketch : Vir- ginia, wife of William H. AVhitmore, of Ak- ron ; Celestia A., wife of 0. E. Robinson, of St. Louis, Mis,souri ; Frederick H., who is en- gaged in the lumber and potterj^ business in Akron, and Charles D., also engaged in the pottery business, and a resident of Akron. Arthur J. Weeks was reared mainly on his father's farm in Copley Township. After completing the disitrict school cotirse, he spent two years in Willoughby College, and then became a student at Bethany College, in West Virginia, where he took a course in civil en- gineering. Here he became a member of the Delta Tau Delta Fraternity. Subsequently he was connected with the construction of the Wheeling & Lorain Railroad, and of the Val- ley Railroad, on the latter of whieh he was a diA^sion engineer. He then went to Evans- ville, Indiana, where he was engaged for seven years in a wholesale business. Returning at the end of this period to his native county, he embarked in the potterv^ business in Akron in partnership with his brother, F. H. Weeks, aTid Jo.seph Cook. After three years the Weeks brothers bought !Mr. Cook's interest, and three years later Arthur J. Weeks sold his interest in the concern to F. H. Weeks and purcha^d the F. W. Rockwell plant, which he has been since engaged in operating. Here he manufactures all kinds of pottery, but makes a specialty of chemical potter^'. His business, carried on along careful and con.servative lines, gives employment to from thirty to forty men, and is now ranked among the important industries of the city. Mr. Weeks has always been actively interested in the public affairs of Akron, and on numerous 388 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY occasion has been elected to civic office, always proving ihimself equal to the demands made upon him in sucli official capacity. Ilis fra- ternal connections include the Odd Fellows and the beneficiary order of the Royal Arca- num. In 1874 Mr. Weeks was united in marriage with Lovina Humbert, who bore her husband three children : Edmund A., Lulu L., and Arthur J. (deceased). Edmund A. Weeks, who was a student of Buchtel College and a graduate of the Western Reserve Medical Col- lege, is a physician residing in Akron. Lulu, w-ho al,so attended Buchtel College, is the wife of M. A. Knight, son of Dr. Knight of Buch- tel College, and also, like the subject of this sketch, is engaged in the potterv bu.Siine.«s. Mrs. Weeks died July 31, 1907. WILLIAM .AIcFARLIN was one of Ak- ron's prominent business men for a long pe- riod, during which he was either at the head or officially connected with many of the most important interests of this section. For some years prior to his death he was president of the First National Bank of Akron, and was also treasurer of the National Sewer Pipe Com- pany, of Barberton, Ohio. Mr. McFarlin was born January 16, 1843, at Bath, Ohio, and was one of the family of four children of Moses and Elnora (Wood- ruff) McFarlin. He was educated at the Brooklyn Normal School and the Akron High School, after w'hich he was en- gaged in teaching until April, 1863. He then entered the Union army as chief clerk for Colonel Crane, who had charge of the military railroads in the Department of the Army of the Cumberland. He served in this capacity until October, 1865. In the follow- ing spring he accepted the position of teller in D. P. Eberman and Company's Bank at Akron. In 1867 he became teller and as- sistant cashier of the First National Bank of Akron, being made cashier in January, 1878. From 1871 until August 1, 1891, Mr. McFarlin was secretary and treasurer of the Akron Gas Company. On the organization of the Portage Strawboard Company, in 1882, he became its secretary and treasurer, and served as such until its merger with the Amer- ican Strawboard Company in 1889. Other large corporations in which he was a promi- nent factor were: the National Sewer Pipe Company, at Barberton ; the Creedmoor Cart- ridge Company, at Barberton ; and the Akron Woolen and Felt Company. In all these organizations he proved himself a man of the quickest business perceptions, and was cred- ited with sound judgment and broad views of the business field. On December 31, 1872, Mr. McFarlin was married to Julia Ford Henry, who was one of a family of seven children born to her parents, Milton W. and Abigail (Weeks) Henry, of Akron. Her father was a native of Massachusetts, but subsequently engaged in a mercantile business in this citv, where he died March 16, 1886. Mr. McFariin died November 8, 1894. His widow survives and resides at No. '61 Fir street, Akron. They had three daughters— Anna, Bessie, wife of E. H. Fitch, manager of the Diamond Rub- ber Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Laura. J. GRANT HYDE, a leading business citi- zen of Clinton, Ohio, who is manager of the Clinton Milling Company, was born in Bris- tol Township, Trumbull County, Ohio, Sep- tember 6, 1872, and is a son of Charles P. and Clara M. (Hunter) Hyde. Charles P. Hyde was also born in Bristol township, and there he has resided all of his life, being engaged in agricultural pursuits, and owning an excellent property. He was married to Clara M. Hunter, who was born at Niles, Ohio, and to them four children were born: Joseph Grant; John, of Trumbull County; Mary E., who married S. T. McBrier; and Clara E., who is single. J. Grant Hyde was reared on his father's farm, and after graduating from the public schools of Bristol township at the age of eighteen years, he began teaching school, at which occupation he continued for eleven years, during which time he attended Mount Union College, at Alliance, Ohio, for four MINER ALLEN AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 391 years. Mr. Hyde then engaged in the mill- ing business at Niles, having a half interest in the George F. Sager and Company mills for about one year and one-half. In April, 1903, with Mr. Sager he came to Clinton^ where they purcha.^ed property and estab- lished the present mill. They conducted this business together until September, 1905, when it was incorporated into a stock company, George F. Sager being elected the first presi- dent and Mr. Hyde manager, a position which he has held to the present time. Thomas McBrier is the present president. The capac- ity of tlie mills is 100 barrels of flour and twenty tons of feed daily, and among their best known products are the "Clinton Best" flour and the "Fancy Blended." A branch office is situated at No. 63 West Market street, which is in charge of S. T. McBrier. In October, 1905, Mr. Hyde was married to Maude H. Mahan, who was born at Bris- tol, Trumbull County, Ohio, and is a daugh- ter of Joseph Mahan, a son of one of Trum- bull County's early pioneers. Mr. Hyde is a Republican in politics, and. fraternally is connected with Western Star Lodge No. 21, of Youngstown, and the Knights Templar of Warren. With his family, he belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a direc- tor in the Clinton Savings Bank and presi- dent and director of the Clinton Bell Tele- phone Company. MINER JESSE ALLEN, prominently identified with the American Cereal Com- pany, is one of Akron's substantial citizens whose large interests make him a notable factor in its Vmsiness life. Mr. Allen was born November 11, 1829, in Coventry Town- ship, Sunnnit County, Ohio, and is a son of Levi and Phebe (Spicer) Allen. Jesse Allen, the paternal grandfather of Miner J., was born in 1770, in Litchfield County, Connecticut, and came to Ohio in 1811, purchasing a large tract of wild land in Coventry Township, Summit County. He reared a family of ten children. The maternal grandfather, Major Miner Spicer, was also a native of Litchfield Countv, Connecticut, and came on horseback to Summit County, Ohio, in 1810, buying 260 acres' of land in what is now Portage To\vnship., He settled here with his family in 1811. During the War of 1812 he served as a major of militia. Major Spicer married Cynthia Allyn, who traced her an- cestry back to Lieutenant Governor Jones, who was the first governor of the New Haven Colony. Levi Allen was born February 10, 1799, in Tompkins County, New York, and was the second child of his parents. He was twelve years of age when he walked from there to Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, driving the cattle and sheep with which his father proposed to stock the new farm. He assisted in clearing and developing the land imtil his majority, when he purchased land for himself on which he resided until 1868. He then retired to Akron, where he died May 11, 1887. On December 10, 1823, he was married to Phebe Spicer, who was a daughter of Major Miner and Cynthia (Allyn) Spicer, and they had the following children: Levi, Miner S., Albert, Miner J., Walter S. and Cynthia. Mrs. Levi Allen died January 10, 1879. Miner J. Allen, the direct subject of this sketch, was engaged in farming in Coventry Township, where he was reared and educated, until 1867, Avhen he came to Akron to as- sume the duties of local, and also traveling, grain buyer for the firm of Commins & Al- len. In 1884 he invested in a one-fifth inter- est in the Akron Milling Company, which was merged two years later into the F. Schu- macher Milling Company. Later this organ- ization was merged into the American Cereal Company, and Mr. Allen is still connected with this great corporation, being one of its directors. Mr. Allen was married June 1, 1876, to Frances C. De Wolf, a daughter of Samuel and Margaret (King) De Wolf, of Trumbull County, Ohio. Mrs. Allen's grandparent-^ were Joseph and Sarah (Gibbons) De Wolf, the former of whom was a Revolutionary sol- dier. Mrs. Allen can trace a clear anc&stral line to early colonial days, members of her 392 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY family residing at Wethersfield, Connecticut, as early as 1664. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have five children, namely: Albert Mark, Miner W., Margaret P., Christine C, and Frances De Wolf. The family home is at No. 30 Hovvery Street. Mr. and Mrs. Allen are mem- bers of the First Disciples' Church at Akron. They have always evinced a deep interest in educational matters, and Mrs. Allen was one of the first two ladies to be elected a member of the Akron Board of Education. In earlier years Mr. Allen Wcos interested in politics, but since taking up his residence at Akron he has been too closely engaged in business to give much time to political affairs. His pub- lic spirit, however, has often been proved and he stands high in the estimation of his fel- low citizens. GEORGE PHILIP SCHNABEL, who has operated a fruit farm at Cuyahoga Falls, since 1892, is a well known citizen and belongs to a highly respected old family of this place. He was born at Liverpool, Medina County, Ohio, December 5, 1852, and is a son of John George and Johanna Christina (Kurtz) Schnabel. The parents of Mr. Schnabel were both born in C4ermany, in the town of Weims- burg, the father on April 1, 1829, and the mother in 1818. The former died in Jan- uary, 1900 ; the mother sui-vived her husband six years, dying in 1906. They came to America in 1846, settling first at Liverpool, Ohio, where -John George Schnabel followed his trade of shoemaking for seven years. In 1854 tie came to Cuyahoga Falls, where he continued to work as a shoemaker for the rest of his life. Of his eight children, the following six grew to maturity: Katherine, who married Frederick Eberly, residing at Akron; John, who died in the army, during the Civil War, having served three years in the Sixth Ohio Battery; Eliza, who married George Brewster, residing at Findlay, Ohio; Elizabeth, who married Elmer R. Brewster and resides in Akron ; Christina, who married William A. Williston, residing at Cuyahoga Falls; and George Philip. John George Schnabel and wife were quiet, worthy, indus- trious people, kind and neighborly in- their relations with others, and consistent mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. George P. Schnabel was educated in the schools of Cuyahoga Falls. After he had com- pleted the High School course, he learned the trade of shoemaking under his father and Sanuiel Wills, and continuing with the latter until he went out of business, after which Mr. Schnabel went into business for himself with his father. After they retired from this business, George P. Schnabel op- erated a store for Bowman & McNeil of Ak- ron, for eighteen months, when he purchased it. After conducting it for himself for three years, he sold out to George Hanson. In 1892, Mr. Schnabel started his fruit farm, acquiring five acres on Portage street, which he has put into a fine state of cultivation. Under his intelligent care all kinds of fruit adapted to the climate flourish, but he has made specialties of grapes, strawberries and German prunes, devoting about one acre to strawberries. He raises about eight tons of grapes and disposes of all his products at Akron, receiving the highest market price on account of their superior quality. Under his way of conducting it the business has proved very profitable. In 1904 he erected his comfortable home — an eight-room, two- story residence, conveniently located on the farm. Mr. Schnabel married Martha C. Harris, who is a daughter of Henry C. Harris, of Orrville, Ohio, and they have four children, namely : A. Garfield, a practicing physician, residing at Tucson, Arizona; AA'alter H., a stockholder in and secretary of the Nute Foun- dry Company at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; and Harriet F. and May B., both residing at home. The family is a representative one of the city. WILLIAM J. O'NEIL, president of the Akron Pneumatic Tire Company, which has found a productive business field in this city, is a native of Akron, where he was born Au- gust 16, 1862. He is a son of the late Owen AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 393 O'Neil, who came to Akron about 1845, and engaged here in the oil business for a number of years, subsequently selling out to the Stand- ard Oil Company. After leaving school, Mr. O'Neil became cashier and bookkeeper for Cyrus Miller, a grocer, later becoming associated in an official position with the Akron Wholesale CTrocery Company. He then entered the employ of the B. F. CTOodrich Company, which he served six years as bookkeeper and nine as cashier. Mr. O'Neil then severed his connection with that company in order to assist in the organ- ization of the Akron Pneumatic Tire Com- pany, incorporated for $25,000, which manu- factures pneumatic tires, the Greenwald Ex- tensible Tread Tire and the Internal Protector Reinforced Tube-Non-skid Tread. It coiltrols also the manufacture of the Non-Puncturable Tire, one of the greatest inventions known in the automobile trade. Mr. O'Neil is a mem- ber of St. Vincent's Church at .\.kron. A. ADAMSON, who is proprietor of one of the largest machine-shops and foundries at Akron, has been prominent in this indus- try here for the past twentj^-one years. ITe was born in Scotland, in November, 1861, and was brought' to America by his father, when he was nine years of age. Mr. Adaimson resided in Western Pennsyl- vania until he was seventeen years of age and then moved to Portage County, Ohio, where he was employed as an engineer in mines until 1885. He then came to Akron, where he served an apprenticeship as a ma- chinist with the firm of Webster, Camp and Lane, remaining six years with that com- pany. Then, in partnership with J. W. Den- mead he started a machine-shop of his own on the present site of the Doyle Block. This partnership continued for eight months, when Mr. Adamson bought out Mr. Denmead's in- terest, and continued the business at the same place for five years. He then built a brick block on West Exchange street, with dimen- sions of 50 by 100 feet, utilizing it exclu- sively as a machine-shop. Since then he has added to the original building, it being now two stories in height and 100 feet square. He has also built a foundry plant with dimen- sions of 60 by 100 feet and has equipped it with the best foundry machinery in this sec- tion of the State. The products of these works are all kinds of rubber machines and molds, this being the largest mold manufacturing plant in the world. Employment is given to eighty workmen and the distribution of wage money is very large. In 1881 Mr. Adamson was married to Flora E. Burnett, and they have two children, C. F. and Vera L. C. F. Adamson is consult- ing engineer, with offices in the Hamilton Building. Vera L. has recently completed her third year at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Mr. Adamson has been particu- larly blessed in his children, both possessing talents of a superior order. He is an elder in the First Disciples Church at Akron. Fraternally he is a Mason. GEORGE HELMSTEDTER, a promi- nent citizen and one of the largest landowners in Coventry Township, resides on his well-im- proved farm of 100 acres, owning about 366 acres in all, with property in Franklin town- ship and four residences in Barberton. He was born June 18, 1849, in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, and is a son of Jacob and Eliza- beth (Baduna) Helmstedter. The parents of Mr. Helmstedter were both natives of Hesse-Darmstadt, where there were farming people. The father died when his son George was six months old. The mother sur\'ived until ;863, dying about six months before George rfelmstedter left Germany for America. Her first marriage had been to a Mr. Jones, who left her with two children, Adam and Elizabeth. Two were born of her second marriage, Catherme and George. George Helmstedter grew up on the home farm and attended school until he was thir- teen Years of age. He then apprenticed him- self to a blacksmith, paying the sum of $45 as a premium, and worked for two and one- half years learning the business, but receiv- ing nothing in return but his board. Two of his companions, Peter Frederick and Peter 394 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Flariet, determined to emigrate to America and join an uncle who was then living in Jackson Township, Stark County, Ohio, and it was easy to persuade the orphan boy, who had just lost his mother, to join them. George was then but sixteen years old, and his friends were each seventeen, and together they crossed the Atlantic ocean and made their way fo Massillon, Ohio. Peter Flariet was of a more adventurous disposition than the other boys and he soon left them and drifted west and was entirely lost sight of. Peter Frederick, however, became a well-to-do farmer, and George Helmstedter accepted the offer of the uncle on the Stark County farm, who offered him work for six months and wages of $6 a month. This looked like affluence to him and he accepted the offer, and faithfully earned his money. After completing his contract with his em- ployer, Mr. Helmstedter went to Millersburg in Holmes County, where he worked during the winter for Peter Myers, who paid him $7 per month. In the spring he started to work at his trade at Richville, near Mas- sillon, where he remained for six months. He then entered the employ of John Frank, at Berlin, and afterwards worked for the Frank Brothers for four years. He carefully saved his money and although he received but a comparatively small wage at any place, in the aggregate, it amounted to a considerable sum. About this time he married and for four years he worked his father-in-law's farm on shares, a farm located in Manches- ter, which Mr. Helmstedter now owns. In 1876 he bought ninety-six acres of his pres- ent farm and later added the rest, buying ninety-seven acres from the Carmenter estate in Coventry township. That is a fine place well improved, with large house and barns and he obtains a good rental for it as he does for the well-improved farm near Manchester. All his property is well improved and kept in good repair. He has achieved a gratifying success and has acquired all his property hon- estly, and in a way that is open to any other quiet, industrious, saving young man. On October 24, 1 872, Mr. Helmstedter was married to Lavina Row, who is a dauglfter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Harton) Row. They have had seven children, namely : Rose Jane, who died aged two and one-half years; Arty Arvilla, who married Dustin Weaver and has four children — Homer, Charlotte, Nellie and Leo; Anice, who married George Painter, and has three children — Jennie, Clarence and lea; and Frank, Wesley, Levi and Lena Viola. Mrs. Helmstedter was born in Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, and her parents were among the early pioneers of that section. Her father died in February, 1892, aged eighty-one years, and her mother in 1898, aged eighty-two years. They had eleven children, namely: Leah, Polly, and Susan, all deceased; Sarah, who married Fred Wey- rick; Jacob; Elizabeth, who married George Carmenter; Rebecca, who married H. Clack- ner; Lavina, Amanda, Levi, and an infant, all deceased. Mr. Helmstedter and his family belong to the Evangelical Church. In politics he is a Republican. When he landed on the shores of America his money capital consisted of $15 in gold, a coin worth $10 and five one dollar gold pieces. This money he kept for a number of years, and used the larger coin at a time when just that amount was lacking to pay on a farm he was buying. He still has several of the smaller coins which he brought from Germany. His life has been a busy and interesting one. In spite of all disadvantages he has acquired more than in- dependence, and has gained the friendship and regard of a wide circle of acquaintances. He has helped develop the resources of his section and lived to enjoy the results. JACOB ABLER, president of the Ameri- can Scrap Iron Company, the largest concern of its kind in this section of the comitry, is also the proprietor of the Akron Brass & Bronze Company, another important concern in the commercial life of Akron, and is also interested in many things which make this city a place of note. Mr. Adler was born in far off Russia, where he lived until he was nine years of age. AARON TEEPLE AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 391 From the age of nine to that of fourteen, he resided in Sharon, Pennsylvania, during which time he learned the English language. In 1891, when he had reached his fourteenth year, he came to Akron, and for two years wa.s employed here in the Diamond match factory. He then entered mto his present business, and finding it remunerative, in 1903 assisted in the organization of the American Scrap Iron Company. It was incorporated with a capital .«tock'^of $50,000, with Jacob Adler as president ; Max Holub as vice presi- dent and Robert Chalmers as secretarj'. The business is of more importance and of greater extent than the average citizen has any con- ception of, and includes a trade in second- liand machinery. Their yard is situated at No. 30 North State street, Akron. The Ak- ron Brass it Bronze Company, of which Mr. Adler is at the head, gives employment to a goodly number of workers. On January 25, 1898, Mr. Adler was mar- ried at Akron, to Ray Rosenbloom. He and his wife are the parents of three children — Bernard, Sylvia and Selma. Mr. Adler takes an interest in politics, to the extent of being concerned that good men get into office. He belongs to the order of Maccabees and to the Sons of Peace, and is liberal in the support of various religious organizations. As a citi- zen and business man he enjoys the respect and esteem of those with whom he comes into contact and is a worthy representative of a country which has sent many good citizens to America. AARON TEEPLE, a well known and high- ly respected Akron citizen, who for a number of years has been closely identified with the agricultural and horticultural interests of the county, and whose residence is at No. 24 South Portage Path, was born in Franklin Township, in 1841, and is a son of John and Dorothy (Miller) Teeple. His father, a native of Newark, New Jersey, came to Summit County before its organization, purchasing a tract of 160 acres in the wilderness, on which he built the indi.spensable log cabin. After long and arduous labor he cleared his land and developed it into a good farm, on which he and his wife spent the rest of their days. He died in September, 1864, and was followed to the grave by his -nafe a year later. They reared a worthy family of six sons and one daughter. Three of the sons, including the subject of this sketch, fought for the preser\a- tion of the Union in the Civil War, one of them — Isaac — losing his life in the caase, be- ing killed on the skirmish line in the battle of Champion Hill, in the rear of Vicksburg, May 16, 1863. George Teeple, the other brother, who was a member of the Fifty- Eighth Illinois Regiment, died near Spring- field, Missouri, after the war. The daugh- ter, Catharine, became the wife of Henry Brunkhart, who died in Missouri. She now resides in Akron. Her daughter Mary grad- uated from the State Normal School at War- rensburg, Missouri, and is now a teacher in the Akron Public Schools. John Teeple, the father, took a pride in giving his children a good education. All of them, except David, taught in the public schools. Aaron Teeple, with whose history we are more directly concerned, passed his boyhood and youth amid the healthful surroundings of the farm. He was educated in Franklin Township and at the Western Reserve Eclec- tic College, at Hiram, Ohio, the principal of which was at that time James A. Garfield, afterwards president of the United States. On the breaking out of the Civil War, he, with a number of students, enlisted, in September, 1861, in Company A, Forty-Second Regi- ment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, of which Principal Garfield was Colonel. His military record includes the winter campaign of 1861 and 1862 in the Big Sandy Valley, in East- ern Kentucky, in which the rebels under General Humphrey Marshall were driven from the valley; the taking of Cumberland Gap in the summer of 1862, with the frequent skirmishing and fighting, and its evacuation in the fall of the same year, followed by a march of eighteen days among the moun- tains of Eastern Kentucky without rations, harrassed by the enemy under General Kirby Smith and John Morgan until they 898 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY reached the Ohio River at Greenupsburg ; the campaign up the Kanawha Valley in West- esn Virginia and return to Point Pleasant; the embarkation on fleet of transports to Memphis and Vicksburg; the first attack on Vicksburg by way of the Yazoo at Chickasaw Bluffs; the assault on Fort liindman or Ar- kansas Post, January 10, 1863, in which his regiment was in the advance line of the charge, resulting in the capture of the entire garrison; the campaign against Vicksburg, including all the engagements in the rear of the city, the siege and the surrender of Gen- eral Pemberton's entire army; the campaign after General Joe Johnston at Jackson, Mis- sissippi, and engagements incident thereto; the return to ^'icksburg and transfer to the Department of the Gulf; an expedition by land against Galveston, Texas, going as far as Opelousas and returning to the Mississippi River at Plaquemine, where a large fort Avas built; the patrolling of the Mississippi River by transports and gunboat fleet, and finally by aiding and covering the retreat of General Banks in his Red River campaign, in May, 1864. His service covered a period of over three years, during W'hich his regiment trav- eled more than 5,000 miles. He took part with the regiment in all of its engagements, excepting that at Black River, Mississippi. He remained behind on that occasion to bury his brother, who had been killed on the bat- tle field on the day previous. About three weeks before his term of service expired he was taken sick, and was sent to the United States Barracks Hospital at New Orleans, where he was lying at the expiration of his term of service. By hi.? comrades he was brought to the hospital at Columbus, Ohio, where he was met by his mother and younger brother, who brought him home. For two years after his return he remained an invalid. After his army service he attended school for a time at Baldwin University, Berea, Cuya- hoga County, Ohio. Then it became neces- sary for him to be earning something, and he bought a farm of 140 acres, well timbered, near Akron, and engaged in the manufacture of lumber, clearini;: in lliis wav about fiftv acres, and paying for the farm from the sales. The land thus cleared he turned into farming land. He lived on this farm for about six- teen years, at the end of which time he bought a few acres of land near the corporation line of Akron, and built for himself and family a home. The extension of the city limits now includes his place. A man of refined and intellectual tastes, Mr. Tceple has for many years taken a great interest in the fascinating science of horti- culture, on which subject he is a well recog- nized authority. An article on horticulture from his pen may be found in this work. He has also furnished many similar contribu- tions at different times to agricultural and horticultural journals, his communications being eagerly sought and welcomed by all lovers of fruits and those interested in floral culture. In politics he is a Republican. He has held various offices in Portage Township. For thirty years he has been a member of Buckley Post, G. A. R., of Akron, being a past commander of the same. Religiously he is affiliated with the Christian or Disciple Church. Mr. Teeple was married in the fall of 1865 to Miss Rachel Heiser. This vmion has been blessed with two children : J. Frank, a former student of Buchtel College and now a busi- ness man of Akron ; and Nellie, a graduate of the public schools of Akron, who resides at home with her parents. \r HON. AVILLIAM BUCHTEL, the founder and formerly president of the Akron Savings Bank, and largely interested in many of Ak- ron's most important business enterprises, for years has also been prominent in affairs of public import in county and State. Mr. Buchtel was born in Green township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, December 23, 1822, and is a son of John and Catherine (Richards) Buchtel, and a grandson of that hardy old pioneer, Peter Buchtel. Wiliam Buchtel obtained his education in the district schools and has led a busy, useful life since reaching the years of discretion. He was twenty-two years of age when he pur- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 399 c'ha.secl his father's farm of 106 acres which lie continued to operate for twelve years, being mainly engaged in the cultivation of wheat. He then became interested in milling, and after renting his farm removed to Springfield Township, where he operated both grist and saw mills. He was so engaged when troops were called for to strengthen the defences around Washington, and he quickly re- .sponded, enlisting in the 164th Regiment Ohio National Guard, and remaining until honorablv discharged from the .service, in 1866. Upon his return to Summit County, Mr. Buchtel became interested in the lumber busi- ness, first as a member of the firm of Jackson, Buchtel and Company, which later became William Buchtel and Sons. He estimates that during his many years of activity in this line, his firms had the handling of more than 20,000 acres of Government and State pine lands. Mr. Buchtel also turned his attention to banking interests at Akron, organizing, in company with W. B. Raymond, the Citizens' Savings Bank, of which E. Steinbacher was president, William Buchtel, vice-president, and W. B. Raymond, cashier. This later be- came the Citizens' National Bank. Mr. Buchtel then became vice-president of the City National Bank of Akron, a position he re- signed in 1888, when he organized the Akron Savings Bank, of which he remained the head for a number of years. He served also as president of the Thomas Lumber and Build- ing Company, and as treasurer of the Akron Building and Loan Association. Mr. Buchtel was interested for some years in building op- erations. Many of the stately residences at Akron are testimonials to his enterprise and ability, as also are some of the city's finest business structures, among them the Akron Savings Bank and the Buchtel Hotel, the lar- ter being still his property. Mr. Buchtel was married March 7, 1842, to Martha Hendei-son, of Springfield Town- ship, Summit County. She died December 17, 1884, having been the mother of four children, namely : Catherine Jane, James H. (deceased), John D. and William M. Mr. Buchtel married for his second wife, Decem- ber 3, 1885, Mrs. Nora Sackett Wilcox. As a citizen, devoted to public duty, Mr. Buchtel has always shown his interest in civic affairs, and frequently even when the holding of office, interfered considerably with his pri- vate business, he consented to serve when con- vinced that it was for the public welfare. Thus he served on the board of city commis- sioners, several terms as its chairman ; was a member of the Decennial Board of Equaliza- tion in 1890, and held other important posi- tions in which he safe-guarded the interests of the public. In November, 1901, he was elected a member of the Seventy-fifth Gen- eral Assembly and during his first term at Columbus, served on the standing committees on Geology, Mines and Mining, Municipal Affairs and Prisons and Prison Reforms. In 1903 Mr. Buchtel was returned to the Legis- lature and during his term in the Seventy- sixth General Assembly, he served as chair- man of the committee on Prisons and Prison Reforms and wa^ a member of the standing committees on Banks and Banking, Villages and Taxation. Mr. Buchtel is a member of the Elks and of the Hoo-hoos, a very extensive organization composed wholly of men connected with the lumber industry. He belongs to Buckley Post, Grand Army of the Republic. For two years after his return from military service in the Civil War, he remained connected with the same batallion of National Guards. MAX HOLUB, vice president of the American Scrap Iron Company, was born in Rassia, in September, 1857, and came to this country in 1882. Settling immediately in Akron, he began working for the Wilkoff Brothers Scrap Iron Company, at $1.00 per day. From this humble beginning he has by industry and intelligence risen to the posi- tion of vice-president of one of the largest scrap-iron firms in the State. He was mar- ried in October, 1889, to Mary Rosenfeld, and has two children — Harry and Dave — both of whom are attending the Akron Public Schools. 400 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Mr. Holub has attained a gratifying success in the business world, but has sustained a severely felt loss in the death of his wife, which occurred in July, 1904. PETER BIENZ, farmer and cheese manu- facturer of Stow town.ship, where he owns a good farm of fifty-four acres, was born in Switzerland, in the Canton of Berne, Decem- ber 31, 1851, and is a son of Frederick and Barbara (Schweetzer) Bienz. The making of Swiss cheese has been an industry which the Bienz family has followed for generations. Johannes Bienz, the grand- father, kept a dairy in the Alps, it being situated at the little mountain hamlet of Ammenthal, where no other industry could be carried on with profit, the seasons being too short for farming. Even the feed for the cows had to be brought from the valleys and the wood used for the curing of the cheese had to be carried several miles up the moun- tains on the backs of the dwellers on these heights. Frederick Bienz, father of Peter, also manufactured Swiss cheese, and as he set- tled in the village of Kirchdoef, near Berne, he was able to engage also in farming. He became a man of prominence there and was elected a member of the Gemeindonath. He married a daughter of Johannes Schweetzer and they had twelve children. Frederick Bienz and all of his family except two sons, remained in Switzerland, where he died in 1882, age sixty-four years. The first member of the Bienz family to come to America, was Christian Bienz, who arrived in 1866 and settled in Nebraska. He was followed by the younger brother, Peter, in the spring of 1875. In his own land, Peter Bienz went to school and assisted his father in the farming and cheese-making. Later, in order to be thoroughly qualified as a cheese- maker, he worked in a cheese factory for two years. After coming to Ohio he worked in Tuscarawas County and spent one season in a cheese factory at New Berlin, and in the fall of 1878, he came to Stow Township. Here he entered the employ of Hiram Reed, with whom he remained until 1888, when he pur- chased Mr. Reed's factory and a part of his farm. He carries on general farming on thirty acres of his property, raising hay and grain, and keeps nine head of cattle. His dairy has proved a great success. He makes 350 pounds of American cheese a day, using 4,000 pounds of milk, and this choice product he sells in New York and Philadelphia. He also makes fine butter, averaging from fifteen to twenty tons annually. His dairy is modern and first-class in every way, being equipped with all kinds of machinery used in butter and cheese-making. Mr. Bienz hires a man to operate the farm, while he, with the as- sistance of his sons, carries on the dairy. Mr. Bienz married Ellen H. Reed of Stow Township, and they have two sons: Frank C, who was born December 11, 1881 ; and Frederick Hiram, who was born October 6, 1893. Mrs. Bienz is a member of the Episco- pal Church at Hudson. Hiram Reed, father of Mrs. Bienz, was born in Columbiana Countv, Ohio, January 13, 1825, and died September 21, 1894. He was one of twelve children born to John and Rebecca Reed. John Reed was a weaver by trade but when Hiram was about six years old he moved to Portage County and engaged in farming. Hiram Reed learned the carpen- ter's trade and followed it for a number of years, for several years after his marriage liv- ing with his father-in-law. His wife sub- sequently received twenty acres of land from her father, which Mr. Reed increased to eighty-three acres, in the meanwhile continu- ing to work at carpentering. In 1866 he sold this property and purchased the old Wolcott farm of 127 acres, near Munroe Falls, to which he subsequently added, selling it in 1871, when he moved to Hudson. He bought a farm there and resided on it for two years, and then sold and bought 300 acres, one-half of which was situated in Stow Township and the other half in Hudson Township. In 1877 Mr. Reed erected a factory for the man- ufacture of American cheese, which he car- ried on until 1878, when he turned his atten- tion to manufacturing Swiss cheese, in which he met with great success. He subsequently AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 401 sold his interest to his son-in-hiw, Peter Bienz. In 1851 Hiram Reed married Phoebe Sad- dler and they had the following children: Angeline, Elizabeth H., Ellen, Harriet, Ar- thur and one that died in infancy. The mother died February 7, 1871. Mr. Reed was married (second) March 20, 1873, to Mrs. Sophia Galloway, who was the widow of Henry Galloway and a daughter of Broady McKenzie. Mr. Bienz conducts his business under the trade name of the Darrowville Creamery, man- ufacturers of American full cream cheese, cottage cheese and fancy creamery butter. In 1891 he erected his present comfortable eight- room house on Payne Road. In politics, Mr. Bienz has always remained an independent voter. He is a Mason, belonging to Hudson Lodge, No. 510, F. & A. M. JOHN A. MOORE, a prominent business man of Akron, conducting a men's outfitting establishment at No. 32(3 South Main street, was born in 1865, at Akron, Ohio, and is a son of J. B. Moore, one of Akron's honored retired citizens. Born in Pennsylvania he came to Summit County in his boyhood. He was reared in Springfield township and worked on his father's farm until he came to Akron. where he assisted in building the plant of the Buckeye Mower and Reaper. He was associated industrially with the Buckeye Mower and Reaper Works for twenty-seven years, severing his connection with the same in 1892. He has now reached the age of seventy-one years and has been a witness of the city's wonderful development. J. A. Moore was reared and educated iii Akron, completing a business course in Ham- mel's College, where he was a bright student. He entered business life and was one of the first to take stalls in the old Market House on South Main street, where he held stalls Nos. 6 and 7, for two years and a half. After selling out his interest he traveled through the "West, including the States of Michigan and Indiana. In the winter of 1888-9 he returned to Akron and in 1890 he established his present business. Like other successful enterprises of this city, it was started in a .small way and built up into a large busines? through the energy and capacity of its owner. Mr. Moore started with but $70 in cash and put in a stock worth $800. In nine months time he w^as out of debt, and he has steadily . advanced until now his business is one of tlic leading ones of its kind in the city. He carries a complete line of gent's furnishing goods, including hats, and as a side line he keeps on hand a stock of cigars and high grade tobaccos. He has other business inter- ests also, and is a member of the finance com- mittee of the Depositor's Savings Bank. In 1891 Mr. Moore was married to Ora •Johnson, who was born at Kent, Ohio, and who died February 11, 1906. She is sur- vived by three children — Raymond C, Bessie L. and Eva L. Mr. Moore is an active mem- ber of Grace Reformed Church. His frater- nal connections include membership in the Protected Home Circle and the Pathfinders. Since 1901 Mr. Moore has done a consider- able amount of building. In the. spring of that year he purchased a desirable lot, where his business is now located, with a twenty-two foot front and a depth of 165 feet, on which he erected the fine two-story brick building, which is one of the finest store buildings in the city. He also erected his beautiful mod- ern residence at No. 816 West Cedar street. NELSON B. STONE, who passed from this hfe at his home in Akron, November 9, 1893, after a well spent life of seventy-seven years, was born September 18, 1816, as his parents, Milo and Sarah (Beardsley) Stone, were rest- ing at the hamlet of Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio, on their way from Connecti- cut, by ox-team, to Tallmadgc Township, Summit County. When the mother and babe could travel, the father of Mr. Stone continued on his way with his family to Tallmadge Township, set- tling in the woods and subsequently clearing up a good farm there. On this farm. Nelson B. Stone was reared, attending the district school through boyhood and later the Tall- madge Academy, and still later Allegheny 402 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY College, at Meadville, Pennsylvania. He be- gan industrial life as a clerk, filling positions successively at West Bloomfield, iSlew York, and at Ravenna and Chardon, Ohio. In December, 1840, he came to Akron, which place was to be his future home. Shortly after locating here he was offered and ac- cepted a position in the county clerk's office, under Clerk Lucius S. Peck, and served until the fall of 1851, when he was elected clerk of Summit County, being the first incumbent of the office under the new constitution. For a short time he served also as deputy clerk in Cuyahoga County, but still maintained his residence at Akron. He was subsequently connected, for a short tnne, with the firm of Aultman, Miller and Company, but in 18135 he became secretary and treasurer of the Weary, Snyder and Wilcox Manufacturing Company, a position he filled during the re- mainder of his active life. Mr. Stone was married (first) to Mary H. Clarke, of Akron, who died April 6, 1853, leaving one son. Nelson C, who is now presi- dent of the National City Bank, and one of Akron's most prominent business men. Mr. Stone married for his second wife, Elizabeth H. Beardsley, of Akron, and they had two sons, of whom the one survivor, Dwight M., resides in Akron. In political sentiment, Mr. Stone was a stanch Republican, and was sent as a dele- gate to the first Republican State convention held in Ohio, at which time the late Hon. Salmon P. Chase was nominated for gov- ernor. During the whole extent of his long and useful life, Mr. Stone was actively interested in the First Methodist Episcopal Church. For fifty-two consecutive years he served as secre- tary of the Sunday-school of that church, and he preserved his interest in the work until the peaceful close of his life. He was a practical Christian, one who believed thoroughly in supplementing thoughts and w'ords with ac- tion, hence his mourners did not come entirely from the higher walks of life. The poor, the lowly, the needy and afflicted had so often partaken of his kindness and practical sym- pathy, that they crowded to the bier, at his funeral, to pay the only token of affection they could give. In religious, political, so- cial, benevolent and business circles, the esti- mate of his character was the same, and as his remains were borne away to be laid in the quietude of Glendale cemetery, each recog- nized that a good man had passed from their midst. G. F. BURKHARDT, treasurer and mana- ger of the Burkhardt Brewery Company, at Akron, was born in this city, in 1874, and is a son of William and ]\Iargaret Burkhardt, the latter of whom is president of the above company. William Burkhardt died in 1882. The business of the Burkhardt Brewery Company was established at Akron in 1870, and after the old brewery burned in 1879, the family bought the land and erected the fine plant which is located at Nos. 513-523 Grant street. It is finely equipped with the most modern appliances pertaining to the busi- ness, and its output, which finds ready sale, is about 40,000 barrels. On November 24, 1902, the Burkhardt Brewery Company was incorporated with a capital stock of $50,000, and with the following officers: Margaret Burkhardt, president; William F. Burkhardt, vice-president and sui^erintendent ; G. F. liJvirkhardt, treasurer and manager; and E. C. Dietz, secretary. G. F. Burkhardt was reared and educated at Akron and when seventeen years of age started to learn the brewing business, com- mencing at the bottom. In order to perfect himself he entered the American Brewing Academy of Chicago, where he was graduated in 1899. The benefit of his thorough knowl- edge has been given to the business, and its results are apparent. He has also other busi- ness interests. Mr. Burkhardt is connected with a number of fraternal orders and social organizations, among them, the Elks and the Odd Fellows, the German, the Akron and the Turkeyfoot Lake clubs, and several German societies. COL. JOHN C. JiLOO.MFlELD AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 405 COL. JOHN C. BLOOxAIFlELD, one of Akron's leading citizens, has been identified with many prominent local interests during his fifteen years' residence in the city, and has taken an active and useful part in their promotion. He was born March 4, 1842, in New York city, coming from an old New Jersey family which could boast of its Revo- lutionary patriots. In the great metropolis in which he was born. Colonel Bloomfield was reared and edu- cated, and early in life displayed many of the qualities which later contributed to his successful military career. In 1859, when but seventeen years of age, he joined the Seventh New York Regiment, which was the first regiment of State troops to be sworn into the service of the United States in 1861. Shortly afterward, Mr. Bloomfield was made captain of Company F, Sixth New York Regi- ment of Volunteer Infantry, and for the next two j-ears served under Generals Hunter and Butler, in the Department of the Gulf. He was then transferred to the Trans-Mississippi Department, and was assigned to the haz- ardous special duty of looking after and breaking up the numerous guerrilla bands that infested that section, work that could only be performed by men of the highest courage and daring. In the conflicts incident to this dangerous service. Colonel Bloomfield was wounded several times, and even now, after an interval of over forty years, feels the ef- fects of a wound received at Escambia, Flori- da. After the close of the war, Colonel Bloom- field located at St. Louis, Missouri, where he was engaged for some time in the wholesale hardware business under the firm name of Menzie-Rashcoe and Company. In 1871 he became interested in the insurance business. He had not long been a resident of St. Louis before he became connected with military affairs. Associating himself with the Mis- souri National Guards, he was made lieuten- ant colonel of the Seventh Missouri Regiment, and was in command of that organization when it took part in the ceremonies at the inauguration of General Grant, in 1873. Colo- nel Bloomfield's knowledge and experience of military matters, as well as his soldierly bearing, have made him a useful and almost indispensable man at many public functions. He is a Knight Templar and Past Grand Com- mander, and organized the military parade of the first conclave of Knight Templars of America held in St. Louis, in 1868, and served as chief of staff of the grand com- mander. He has held all the commanding offices in all the bodies of the Masonic order up to the Knights Templar degree. He was also commander of the Missouri National Guards. On May 30, 1892, Colonel Bloomfield came to Akron and opened an insurance business, in the Hamilton building, in which he has since retained his office. He represents such reliable companies as the Penn Mutual Life, the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York and the Eagle Fire Insurance Company of New York, besides a number of others. Colonel Bloomfield was married June 3, 1889, at Akron, to Fannie C. (Cobb) Wager, a daughter of Charles B. Cobb, who was one of the pioneers of Summit County. PUTTERILL BROTHERS, a successful firm engaged in the double occupation of farming in Stow Township and manufactur- ing cement blocks at Akron, is made up of Thomas and Edward Putterill, brothers, who came from England to America in 1872. The parents of the Putterill Brothers were Francis and Annie (Morris) Putterill, natives of Lin- colnshire, England, where the father carried on farming. He was the owner of a piece of landed property. Thomas Putterill was born in Lincolnshire, England, October 7, 1839. He has never mar- ried. Edward Putterill was born in Lincoln- .shire, England, May 1, 1848. He married Tabitha Corn, who is a daughter of Joseph Corn, of Akron, and they have had five chil- dren, tlie three survivors being: Annie Nina, who married Henry Mitchell, of Akron; George Fletcher and Thomas Edward. Thomas and Edward Putterill came to Ak- ron after landing in America, having friends 406 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY already settled in that city, and they soon found work in the various industries. In 1877 they pui'chased an omnibus line which they operated for three years, and then sold it and bought their present farm, which orig- inally contained 141 acres. It was known as the \"ictor farm, and it was densely wooded at that time, with few improvements. The two brothers have done an almost superhu- man work in the improvement of this place, in the comparatively short period of time. They have sold a part of their land, retaining ninety acres, seventy-five of which they have cleared. What is known as Wahoga Lake, a beautiful sheet of water, was formerly a part of this farm. Some eighteen years ago the present fine ten-room residence was built, which is one of the most comfortable in Stow township, and ten years ago the brothers put up the barn, the dimensions of which are 40 by 42 feet, with 18-foot posts. For many years the brothers en- gaged extensively in agriculture, and they now grow hay, corn and oats and devote from ten to fourteen acres to wheat and several acres to celery. They ship their milk to Cleveland. In addition to their farm- ing and dairying operations, they have a suc- cessful enterprise in the manufacture of ce- ment building blocks, at Akron, doing the work themselves. In all their enterprises, the brothers have been united, their aims and objects being identical, their lives presenting an agreeable picture of fraternal affection, as well as practical business sense. They are men of high standing in their community. In politics they are Republicans and both have served as supervisors of Stow Township. JOSEPH S. BENNER, a well known capi- talist and business man of Akron, who is iden- tified with a number of the city's most sub- stantial financial institutions, was born at Akron, January 3, 1872. He is a son of John AV. Benner, who came here in 1868, and who still continues in business in this city. Graduated from the public schools of Ak- ron at the age of sixteen years, the subject of this sketch found his first regular em- ployment in the office of J. E. Seiberling & Company, where he remained until 1890. He then became bookkeei^er and assistant cash- ier for the newly organized People's Savings Bank Company, which position he held until 1897. Then with J. R. Nutt and Will Christy, he organized the Central Savings Bank Com- pany, taking the position of cashier in this concern, which he held until 1904, when the Central Savings Bank Company, mainly through Mr. Benner's efforts, effected a con- solidation with the Akron Trust Company, after having first taken over the Guardian Savings Bank. The result of this merger was the Central Savings and Trust Company, of which institution Mr. Benner has been secretary ever since. Other successful busi- ness concerns with which Mr. Benner is iden- tified are: The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company; The Akron People's Telephone Company, of which he is secretary; the Ak- ron Coal Company, of which he is treasurer; the Globe Sign and Poster Company, of which also he is treasurer; and the Hower Building Company, of which he is secretary He is also a director in the Permanent Sav- ings and Loan Company, and the Bannock Coal Company, and is treasurer of the Young Men's Christian Association. His large busi- ness interests are held with a firm hand, and his affairs are directed with the sound judg- ment and wise conservatism which ensure success. Mr. Benner was married in 1894 to Nillie E. Stuver, a daughter of Jonas F. Stuver, of Akron. Of this imion there is one child, Mary Joyce. Mr. Benner takes considerable inter- est in civic matters and is a member of the Portage County Club. With his wife he be- longs to the Lutheran Church. CORNELIUS A. BROUSE, of the firm of Brouse and Hollinger, general insurance agents and prominent dealers in real estate, loans, investments and abstracts, with offices in the Doyle Block, Akron, is also secretary of the Permanent Savings and Loan Com- pany, and stands as one of the city's influ- ential business men. He was born at Chip- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 401 pewa, Wayne County, Ohio, July 3, 1837, and is a son of -William and Rebecca (Baughman) Brouse. In 1842, the parents of Mr. Brouse removed from Wayne County to Wadsvvorth, Medina County, where he had the advantage of ex- cellent schools and later he was a student at the AVestern Star Academy and at Berea. At home he worked on the farm, and beginning when he was but fourteen years of age, he acted for five years as engineer in his father's sawmill. In 1859 he came to Akron, first in the capacity of a clerk for J. E. Wesener & Company, becoming a partner in this firm four j'ears later, when the style was changed to Wesener, Brouse & Company. This asso- ciation continued for five yeai"s, and after the dissolution of the firm, Mr. Brouse became connected in partnership with David L. Wall, and the firm of Brouse & Wall continued for six years. At the end of that period, Mr. Brouse associated himself with his brother, Myron D. Brouse, and the new firm of Brouse and Company became a prominent factor in the dry-goods business in Akron. Mr. Brouse was connected with the dry-goods business in all for forty-two years. The Permanent Savings and Loan Com- pany, of Akron, of which Mr. Brouse is secre- tary, is one of the leading financial insti- tutions of this section of Ohio. Its board of directors is made up of men of the highest commercial and personal standing and its officers represent a large amount of wealth and social influence. The officers are : Joseph A. Baldwin, president; R. B. Walker, first vice-president; Harvey M. Hollinger, second vice-president and treasurer; C. A. Brouse, secretary. Its executive committee consists of C. A. Brouse, F. H. Holton and Harvey M. Hollinger. The company is in an excellent financial condition, its assets amounting, in 1907. to $854,334.86, with a surplus of $25,676.64. On October 14, 1862, Mr. Brouse was mar- ried to Kate We.=!ener of Akron. They are the parents of four children, viz. : Adelaide L., Cornelia A., Edwin W., and Miriam M. The family belong to the First Congregational Church, at Akron, of which Mr. Brouse is one of the deacons. In politics, he is an ardent Republican. He belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic, having been a member dur- ing the Civil War of Company F, 164th Regi- ment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He has a handsome residence at No. 481 Market street, Akron. J. MARTIN BECK, president and a direct- or of the Home Building and Loan Company of Akron, and one of the founder,* and vice- president and treasurer of the Akron A'arnish Company, is identified with numerous other successful enterprises of this section, and is a very important factor in the city's com- mercial life. He was born October 14, 1843, at Selb, Bavaria, Germany, and came to America in 1862. He is a son of Adani and Christina ( Hoef er) Beck^ the former of whom died in 1890. Mr. Beck was trained to business in a wholesale grocery and drug house, in his na- tive land, and after an apprenticeship of four years, satisfactorily passed a difficult examin- ation. As his half-brother, John Wolf, was a partner in the firm of M. W. Henry and Company at Akron, Mr. Beck came to this city and entered the employ of that firm, with which he remained for six years, and then was with the house of E. I. Baldwin, of Cleveland, for one year. In the spring of 1869 he visited Europe, returning to Akron in the fall, much improved in health. Soon after he entered into partnership with John Wolf and H. J. Church, under the firm name of Wolf, Church and Beck. In 1878 Mr. Beck sold his interest in the firm and formed a partnership with E. G. Kubler, in the estab- lishment of the Akron Varnish Works, a con- corn which is the oldest of its kind in Summit County and one of the largest in the country. The busine.«s of the Akron Varnish Company is the making of varnishes and japans, and its plants are located at 254 South Main and Canal Streets, Akron. Tlie industry Ls a lead- ing one in this city and the products of this concern have a world-wade sale. The officers of the company are: E. G. Kubler. presi- HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY dent; J. M. Beck, vice-president and treas- urer; E. M. Beck, secretary; F. M. Whitner, assistant treasurer, and F. A. Fauver, super- intendent. Mr. Beck was married January 12, 1871, to Kate J. Buchtel, who is a daughter of Wil- liam Buchtel, of Akron. They have four children, namely: William B., Edward M., who is secretary of the Akron Varnish Com- pany, Martha Louise, and Carl ¥. Frater- nally Mr. Beck is an Odd Fellow and an Elk. The family residence is at No. 640 West Mar- ket Street. ARTHUR M. AELEN, residing on his fine farm of 235 acres, situated in Stow Township, where he carries on general farming and dairying, is one of the substantial and lead- ing citizens of this section. He was born at Cuyahoga Falls, October 18, 1875, and is a son of Robert H. and Mary R. (Cochrane) Allen. George Allen, the grandfather of Arthur M., was born in County Antrim, Ireland. He married Elizabeth Harper, and with his wife and three children, came to America and set- tled at Lee, Massachusetts, removing later to Cuyahoga Falls. He followed the trade of paper-making to within a few years of his death, when he moved on a farm near the Falls, TV'hich is now largely built over. Both he and his wife were members of the Episco- pal Church. Robert H. Allen was born at Lee, Massa- chusetts, December 25, 1832, and was still an infant when his 'parents came to Cuyahoga Falls, where he was reared. During boyhood he W'Orked in the paper mills. He subse- quently learned the trade of wagon-maker, and in partnership with his brother, W. A. A. Allen, was engaged for many years in the manufacturing under the firm name of R. H. Allen & Company. About 1887, he bought 640 acres of land in Stow Township, and settled on a part of it, where he engaged in extensive farming, cattle-raising and dairy- ing. He had large business dealings with his fellow-citizens, and enjoyed their confidence and esteem. Though he was no politician. he took an intelligent interest in good local government. For a number of years he was a member of Star Lodge, No. 187, F. & A. M., Cuyahoga Falls. In early manhood Robert H. Allen married Mary R. Cochrane, who is a daughter of John M. Cochrane, of Cuyahoga Falls. She was born July 18, 1837, and still survives, resid- ing with her son, Arthur M. Her parents were John M. and Jane (Sample) Cochrane, the former of whom came to Cuyahoga Falls from Calcutta, Columbiana County, Ohio, and conducted a blacksmith- business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Allen had four children, three of whom survive, namely: Andrew Harper, residing at Cuyahoga Falls: William A., resid- ing in Stow Township; and Arthur M. Robert II. Allen died May 14, 1902. Arthur M. Allen was reared on the home farm and was educated in the public schools of Cuyahoga Falls and at Hudson Academy. At the time of his father's death, he received 235 acres, 150 of which he has under culti- vation. He continues the dairying interests in which his father was engaged, keeping about forty head of cattle, and ships his milk to Cleveland. He raises his own hay and feed, and he is also interested in threshing and baling hay, doing a large amount of work of this kind throughout the county, keeping three men constantly employed. He is a member of the board of directors of the Springdale Horse Company, the syndicate that owns the $3,000 Belgian stallion, Toto. Mr. Allen is intimately concerned with all agricultural interests in his locality and is looked on as a man of business enterprise and sound judgment. Mr. Allen was married to Mertie Best, who was born in Northampton Township, Summit County, and is a daughter of Henry Best. They have one daughter, Mildred E. Politically Mr. Allen is a Repub- lican. FRANK C. REED, M. D., of Akron, was born at Austinburg, Ashtabula County, Ohio, in 1851, and is a son of the late Simon Reed, who was one of the pioneer settlers and later one of the leading manufacturers of that sec- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 409 tioii. Reared in his native place, he obtained his literary training at Grand River Institute, and in 1876 was graduated from the old Wooster Medical University at Cleveland. He at once located for practice at Akron, with which city he has been honorably identified ever since. He is a member of the Sixth Dis- trict Medical Society, of which he was presi- dent in 1906, and belongs also to the Summit County, and the Ohio State Medical Societies. Aside from his profession he has some busi- ness interests, being a director of the Robin- son Clay Product Company and a stockholder in the American Clay Product Company. For six years Dr. Reed served as a member of the Akron Board of Education, and he has ever shown a laudable desire to further public movements looking toward the welfare of his city. He has unselfishly given his profession- al services in times of public peril. In 1881 Dr. Reed was married to Ellen M. Robinson, who was a daughter of the late Thomas Robinson, one of the early business men of this city. Mrs. Reed died May 11, 1907, leaving one daughter, Josephine R., who is a bright student in her classes at Buch- tel College. Dr. Reed is an elder in the Presbyterian Church. FRED T. ELLSWORTH, proprietor of the Spnngdale Stock Farm, a tract of 200 acres, situated in Stow Township, was born in Summit County, Ohio, October 8, 1867, and is a son of Edward and Emma (Thomp- son) Ellsworth. Mr. Ellsworth was reared on his Grandfath- er Thompson's farm. The Thompson family came to Ohio from Connecticut in the person of Dr. Moses Thompson, Mr. Ellsworth's great-grandfather on the maternal side, who was born at Goshen. When seventeen years of age, Moses Thompson was permitted by his father to leave home and he started out in the world to seek his fortune, practically without any assistance. In 1800 he turned his course toward Ohio, and tramped the long di.stance, through unbroken forests and un- bridged streams, until he reached Hudson. He was commissioned to buv 600 acres of land for Connecticut investors, and he purchased 160 acres for himself. He began to clear his land and subsequently returned to Goshen, where he married Elizabeth Mills, bringing his bride to the pioneer home. He became one of the pioneer physicians of this section. ^'irgil Thompson, the maternal grandfath- er of Mr. Ellsworth, was born in Hudson Township, Summit County, Ohio, March 14, 1810, and, in 1830, purchased the farm now owned by his grandson, Mr.' Ellsworth. He was one of a family of thirteen children. In 1836 he married IMaria Smith, who died two years later, and in May, 1842, he married An- toinette Turner. They had three daughters: Celia M. (deceased), who married H. H. Chamberlain; Mary A., who was the second wife of H. H. Chamberlain ; and Emma, who married Edward Ellsworth. Mr. Ellsworth has one sister, Mary. Fred T. Ellsworth, when twenty years of age, went to Cleveland, and for five years was employed in W. Bingham's hardware store. He then went to Chicago, where he was in a livery business for five j^ears. In 1893, when his grandfather Thompson died, he re- turned to the farm to take charge of it. He cultivates 100 acres, raising thirty acres of hay, twenty of oats, and twenty of wheat. The Spnngdale Stock Farm has an excellent reputation through Summit County. Mr. Ellsworth deals more or lass in horses, of which he breeds some, and winters twenty- three head for Akron parties. He is a mem- ber of the board of directors of the Springdale Horse Company, which is composed of twelve local horsemen, who imported the $3,000 Belgian stallion, Tofo, for the purpose of im- proving the breed of local draft horses. In 1901 Mr." Ellsworth built what is one of the finest barns in Summit CountJ^ Its dimen- sions are 36 by 100 feet, with 20-foot posts, and with the Shawver patent truss frame. There are twenty fine box stalls and the horses are carefully attended to and kept clean and sanitary by- a competent employe. Mr. Ellsworth married Elizabeth Harring- ton, who was born in London, England, and who came to America in 1889 with her moth- 410 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY er. The latter is still living, and is now fifty- eight yeai's of*age. Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth have one daughter, Lucy,. born October 12, 1898. Mrs. Ellsworth is a member of the Catholic Church. In politics, Mr. Ellsworth is a Republican. As a good citizen he is ac- tive in promoting the welfare of the commu- nity, in which he is very popular, but he seeks no political preferment. B. R. BARDER, president of the Biggs Boiler Works Company, at Akron, was born in Akron, Ohio, in 1878. He is a son of the late John P. Barder, whose death occurred in 1893, and who for many years was identi- fied with the business interests of this city. B. R. Barder was reared and educated in Akron, and began industrial life in the em- ploy of the Biggs Boiler Company, in a hum- ble capacity, in order to learn the business thoroughly. He continued with this com- pany, rising step by step, and when the busi- ness was incorporated in 1900, Mr. Barder was prepared both by training and natural ability, to take the position of secretary and treasurer. Upon the death of Mr. Biggs, Mr. Barder was made president and treasurer, and continues at the head of this large indus- try, effectively directing its policy and enlarg- ing its scope. In 1903 Mr. Barder was married to Sarah I. Groff, of Akron, and they have one child, Louise E. As becomes a public-spirited citi- zen, Mr. Barder takes an interest in civic af- fairs and on various occasions he has con- sented to serve a.? a member of the City Coun- cil. His fraternal connections are with the Masons and the Knights of Honor. M. O'NEIL, president and treasiyer of The M. O'Neil & Co., which operates the largest mercantile store at Akron, has resided in this city for more than thirty years and during a large part of that period has been an active business man. He was born in Ireland, De- cember 12, 1850, and in the following year was brought to America by his parents, who were natives of that country. His father, James O'Neil, was reared to ag- ricultural pursuits in the "old country," where in early manhood he married Catherine Walsh. In 1850 he came to the United States with his wife and family and settled in New York City, where he found profitable employment. The boyhood of the subject of this sketch was spent in the city of New York where he finished school attendance at the age of six- teen years and then became a messenger in a broker's office. In 1868 he entered a large wholesale dry goods house as bookkeeper, re- maining until 1873, at which time he re- moved to Lancaster, Ohio, where he embarked in a retail dry goods business. In 1876 Mr. O'Neil came to Akron and entered into partr nership with Isaac J. Dyas, under the firm name of O'Neil & Dyas, and they began a wholesale and retail dry goods business at No. 114 East Market Street. Their business soon expanding to such an extent as to neces- sitate larger quarters, they erected a four- story, stone-front store on South Main Street, which they filled with a complete stock of goods, taking possession in February, 1889. On October 28, 1889, their building and im- mense stock were destroyed by fire. Their loss was large and was not half covered by insur- ance. The firm then returned to the former place of business on East Market Street, where they remained until they had com- pleted the erection of the magnificent build- ing, on the burned site, now occupied by the M. O'Neil & Co. Isaac J. Dyas died in 1890. Mr. O'Neil subsequently took in as partners three of his clerks — John J. Feudner, William T. Tobin and F. B. Goodman — who took stock in the incorporated company and be- came officials, Mr. Feudner becoming vice- president, Mr. Tobin, secretary, and Mr. Good- man, manager, while Mr. O'Neil assumed the positions of president and treasurer. The members of the company are men of high commercial standing and large experience. The company's store is the only department store in the city, and is headquarters for dry goods, carpets, wall paper, furniture, house furnishings, books, shoes, cloaks, furs, cloth- ing and millinery. A large force of clerks, JOHN II. IIOWEK AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 413 numbering about 300, is kept busy in attend- ing to the wants of the store's many patrons. Mr. O'Neil is interested in other business en- terprises in .Vkron and is numbered with the leading men of the city. On July 16, 1884, Mr. O'Neil was married to Patience J. Mahar, of Cleveland. He and his wife have seven children: William F., Augustine, Patience, Thomas, Annette, Cy- ril and Marj". The family are members of the Catholic Church, and Mr. O'Neil is a member of the Knights of Columbus. The beautiful family home is situated at No. 370 West Market Street. JOHN H. HOWER, until recent years one of Akron's most notable captains of industry, formerly president* of the Hower Oatmeal Mills, owing to his early and close identifi- cation with the industrial growth of the city has been often called the father of its manu- facturing interests. He was born at New Ber- lin, Stark County, Ohio. February 22, 1822, but was reared in Summit County. He is one of a family of five children born to his par- ents, who were Jesse and Catherine (Kryder) Hower. Jesse Hower, who was a wheelwright by trade, died in 1829, when this section was still a wilderness. He was a son of Jacob Hower, who was of German parentage. John H. Hower had comparatively few educational advantages in his boyhood, ow- ing to the poor schools existing. When he was seven years old his father died, and he subsequently found it necessary to become self-supporting at an earlier age than is cus- tomary with more favored youths. Learn- ing the trade of painter, he followed it after he was eighteen years of age, in Summit County during the summers, teaching school, both English and German, during the win- ters. When about thirty years old he em- barked in a mercantile business at Doyles- lown. Wayne County, Ohio, where he re- mained for some years. In 1861, he organ- ized the Excelsior Mower and Reaper Com- pany, in Doylestown, Ohio, to manufacture the invention of J. F. Seiberling, the inventor of the dropper, etc., on the reapers, for whom Mr. Hower procured the patents for a good remunerative interest. The great demand for the machines soon outgrew the capacity of the plant. The Excelsior factoi"ies, established here through Mr. Hower's influence and by means of his personal exertions, formed a sort of industrial nucleus around which gath- ered other new and varied industries. The large royalties which they received from other manufacturing concerns, both in this and other states, amounting to nearly $500,000 were reinvested here, and helped largely to give that strong impulse in the direction of manufacturing activity which found its logi- cal outcome in the widespread and substantial business prosperity which we behold here at the present time. As Mr. Hower was one of the first to build a manufacturing plant in Akron of the kind above mentioned, the title of "father of the industry," so frequently ap- plied to him, seems peculiarly appropriate. Some of the largest works of this kind in the city were built by his influence and for a long period, during his ripest years of business ac- tivity, he was closely associated with the ini- tiation and subsequent progress of many of Akron's most successful industrial enter- prises, and finest of homes. In 1865 he as- sisted in the organization of the J. F. Seiber- ling Company, of Akron, of which he became vice president. In 1879 Mr. Hower bought an interest in the Turner Oatmeal Mill, and in 1881 he be- came the owner of the plant. Then, with his sons, Harvey Y., M. Otis, and Charles H., he organized the firm of Hower & Company, which was incorporated in Januarj'-, 1888, as the Hower Company, this being merged in June, 1891, with the American Cereal Com- pany. On the incorporation of the Hower Company the board was made up as follows: .Tohn PI. Hower. president; Harvey Y. Hower. vice-president; M. Otis Hower. secretary'; and Charles H. Hower. treasurer. Mr. Hower was also one of the incorporators of the Akron Reed nnd Rattan Company, of which he was elected president. In 1852 Mr. Hower was married (first) to Susan Youngker, who was born near Pitts- 414 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY burgh, Pennsylvania, and who died at Akron in 1895. Their family consisted of the three sons mentioned above, who, besides being as- sociated with their father, have been prom- inent in many other lines of business enter- prise. In 1900 John H. Hower married, for his second wife, Rebecca Ralston, a daughter of William Ralston, of Massillon. Mr. and Mrs. Hower reside in a beautiful home at No. 356 Buchtel Avenue. Mr. Hower is a charter member of Trinity Lutheran Church, and served as a member and trustee from its organ- ization in 1870 to 1879. In politics he was in his earlier years a Democrat, but has been identified with the Republican party since its organization. Harvey Y. Hower, eldest son of John H. and Susan (Youngker) Hower, was born Oc- tober 16, 1855, at Doylestown, Wayne County, Ohio. He was educated in the pub- lic schools of Doylestown and Akron, and at Smithville Normal Academy, and then en- tered the employ of J. F. Seiberling & Com- panj^ first in their shops and later as a trav- eling representative. This was followed by a two years' bu.siness connection with Ault- man. Miller & Company. In the spring of 1879 he became interested with his father in the manufacture of oatmeal and cereals, and became a partner in 1881, when the business of Robert Turner & Company passed into the hands of the Howers. He wa« connected with his father and brothers in the organization of the firm of Hower & Company, whose business location was the corner of Canal and Cherry Streets, Akron. On November 29, 1877, Har- vey Y. Hower was married to Helen M. Stone, who was born at Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. June 25, 1865. They have four children — John Frederick, Harvey Burt, Lloyd Ken- neth and Lewis Stone. ]M. Otis Hower, second son of Mr. How- er, was born in Doylestown, Wayne County, Ohio, on November 25, 1859. He received his education in the Akron schools and at Buchtel College, after which he joined his father in the cereal milling business until the transfer to the Cereal Milling Company. He remained with that company in the different capacities of general manager, director, etc., until 1901, when he embarked in various suc- cesful enterprises. Charles H. Hower, third son of John H. and Susan (Youngker) Hower, one of the incoqjorators of the Hower Company, and since June, 1891, a stockholder in the Ameri- can Cereal Company, is also one of the incor- porators and a stockholder in the Akron Reed and Rattan Company. He was born August 31, 1866, at Akron, Ohio, and completed his education at Oberlin College. AVhen seven- teen years of age he became a traveling repre- sentative of the oatmeal firm of Hower & Com- pany, and meeting with success, remained so engaged until the incorporation of the com- pany as above detailed. On September 27, 1887, he married Nellie E. Long, who was 'born at Copley, Summit County, Ohio, De- cember 6, 1868. He and his wife are the parents of one child — Helen M. JAMES ALONZO DOX, formerly a high- ly respected citizen of Stow Township, was born at Geneva, New York, August 26, 1832, and died in Stow Township, Summit County, Ohio, July 18, 1906. His parents, Tunis and Clarissa (Dimick) Dox, were also natives of New York. For many years his father was engaged in the manufacture of brick at Ge- neva, and during boyhood and youth, James Alonzo assisted in the work. Later he began railroading, with which work he was con- nected for forty years, thirty of which he passed at Cleveland. A few years prior to his death, he retired to Stow Township and settled on the old Martin Sadler place, on which Mrs. Dox was born and on which she still resides. Mr. Dox was a member of Bigelow Lodge, No. 243. F. & A. M., of Cleveland, and of the Commandery at Akron. On November 11, 1858, .James Alonzo Dox wa': married to Rebecca Sadler, who is a daughter of Martin and Susan (Steele) Sad- ler. Martin Sadler was born in Ireland and came to America when eighteen years of age, accompanying his parents to Stow Township, where he followed his trade of shoemaker. AND REPEESENTATIVE CITIZENS 415 which he had learned in liis native land. He lived with his parents on the homestead farm and assisted in clearing it and in building the first log house. His wife, Susan, was a daughter of Adam Steele, of Stow Township, and six of their seven children reached matur- ity; namely: Jackson, Thomas, Adam, Gib- son, Phoebe Ann and Rebecca, Mrs. Dox be- ing the only survivor. Her parents were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mai-tin Sadler died in 1877. To Mr. and Mrs. Dox were born seven chil- dren, four of whom reached maturity, namely : Susan Charlotte, who was married (first) to George Shattuck, of Cleveland, and (second) to Samuel Frank, of Akron ; Phoebe Ann, who married Charles Ellsworth Saffell, of Stow Township; William, deceased; and Clin- ton Andrew. Clinton Andrew Dox was born November 27,1865, in Whitley County, Indiana, and was educated in the public schools of Cleve- land. Before accompanying his parents to Stow township he was engaged in railroad work, and also kept a store. He cultivates the home farm which contains sixty acres of excellent land, and devotes considerable at- tention to dairying, keeping twelve cows and shipping milk to Cleveland. He raises his own feed and has a silo 12 by 24 feet in di- mensions. In politics he is a Republican, but, like his late father, is no politician. WILLIAM H. HAVER, a well-known cit- izen of Coventry Township, who owns a val- uable tract of twenty-five acres, which is sit- uated near Barberton, has been identified more or less with the development of this section of Summit County, for a number of years. He was born at Doylestown, Wayne County, Ohio, January 11, 1856, and is a sou of Robert and Elizabeth (Frederick) Haver. The father of Mr. Haver died when he was a babe. His mother was a daughter of Sam- uel Galehouse, one of the early settlers of Wayne County. After the death of her hus- band she was married^ to Stephen Latham, a well known and old-time resident of Summit County. He was accidentally killed on the railroad, December 21, 1906. Mrs. Latham died October 16, 1905, aged seventy-three years. • William H. Haver was reared on his step- father's farm and in young manhood, worked for twelve years in the coal mines. Later, in association with J. C. Russ, Captain Morrison and S. N. Wilson, he acquired the ownership of Long Lake Park. A stock company was subsequently formed, and Mr. Haver sold his interest to S. N. Wilson, five years later. He removed from his old home near the park, about this time, to Barberton, where he erected several houses, and after selling them, he bought the Snyder farm, which adjoins his own property. Sutisequently he sold that to the Barberton Real Estate Company, and the land is now covered with dwellings. In Octo- ber, 1904, Mr. Haver bought the old Daniel Harter home place, and in 1907 he erected a handsome new residence on a desirable cor- ner to take the place of the old eight-room house still standing. Mr. Haver was married January 11, 1880, to Elizabeth Hutchinson, who died in Janu- ary, 1898, leaving four children, namely: Dorothy Joanna, who married Albert Heim- baugh ; Lottie May, who married John How- ard, and has two children, Helen and James; Carrie, who married Wallace Knecht; and William Julian. Mr. Haver was married (second) October 30, 1900, to Cora B. Har- ter, who is a daughter of Daniel and Mary Harter. Daniel Hai'ter was born in Franklin Town- ship, .June 4, 1820, and has spent the greater part of his life in Summit County. He was married, October 26, 1844, to Mary Grove, and their family numbered eleven children, four of whom are now living, namely: Eliza J., residing in Copley Township; Lavina A., of Congress Town.'^hip. Wayne County; Jos- eph J., of Akron, and Cora B.. wife of the subject of this sketch. Mr. Haver has retired from farming and leads a rather leisurely life, having the means to enjoy himself along congenial lines. He is fond of the water and has spent one delight- 416 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ful winter in a house-boat, mainly on the Mississippi River. Another trip of 200 miles was made on the Kusa River from Rome, Georgia, to Gladstone, Alabama. He has spent twenty winters in fishing and trapping, in various pai'ts of the South. His excursions have opened up a wide field of adventiu-e and enjoyment for him, a recital of which would make an interesting volume. Politically Mr. Haver is identified with the Repul)lican party. He Ls a member of the Disciples Cluu-ch. WILLIAM ROWLEY, formerly a well known business man of Akron, was Ixiru in England in 1838, and died in Akron, in No- vember, 1891, at the age of fifty-three years. He was a son of Enoch and Eliza Rowley, who settled here in 1848. Enoch Rowley, Avho established the first pottery at Akron, was. until middle life, a resident of Sf«ke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England. He then came to America and es- tablished him.self at Akron. He was a pot- ter by ivude and built up a large pottery busi- ness, which he carried on for many years, partly with his son, the late William Rowley. He was one of the sterling men of Akron in has day. For eight years he sen'ed in the City Council from the Sixth Ward. In Poli- tics he was identified Avith the Republican party. He was a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. William Rowley was one of a family of twelve children. He was educated in the Akron public schools, and as soon as he was old enough entered his father's pottery to learn the business. Later he entered into partnership with his father, whose interest in the business he aftenvards purchased. In 1886 he retired from activity, but continued to be interested in the public affairs at Akron as long as he lived. He was a zealous Re- publican and for six years served on the Board of Equalization. Fraternally he was an Odd Fellow. Mr. Rowley married Mary .1. Wills, of Cuyalioga Fails, and they had four children, namely: Florence, who died in infancy; Ar- thur James, who is a prominent member of the Summit County bar; Maude L., wife of George H. Stubbs, of Akron, and Zelle I., wife of Jonathan Taylor, of Akron. Mrs. Rowley lives at No. 824 East Market Street, Akron. JOHN T. MERTZ, chief of Akron's fire department, which responsible position he assumed August 1, 1901, has been regularly identified with this branch of the city's pub- lic service for the past twenty-four years. Chief Mertz was born in March, 1864, at Cleveland, Ohio, where he attended school to the age of fifteen years. From Cleveland Mr. Mertz went to Blyria, Ohio, where he worked in a factory for two years and then came to Akron, and for one year was em- ployed in the grocery store of Cyrus Miller. His next position M^as in the ^Etna Mills, wheire, after six months of work, he was made assistant engineer, and he remained in the em- ploy of the mill company until the plant was destroyed by fii-c, in December, 1884. Soon after that event he secured a po.sition as en- gineer for the Ohio Stoneware Company, in the 'meantiime taking a gread deal of interest in the work of the fire department, and occa- sionally working on the force as a substitute. In the fall of 1886, he accepted a position as driver for the department, and eighteen months later was promoted to the position of pipeman, serving as .such until July 1, 1897, when he was still further promoted, being made captain. Under the administra- tion of Hon. W. B. Doyle, he was made chief of the department, in August, 1901. Chief Mertz is well qualified in every way to fill the office he holds, and it is a satisfaction to the citizens of Akron to know that their homes and other property are under the pro- tection of so efficient a fire chief. In January, 1885, Mr. Mertz was married to Susan Thiese, of Akron, and they have two sons, namely: Arthur B. and Raymond A. The former is bookkeeper for the Cleve- land Twist Drill Company, of Cleveland, and was educated in Akron. The latter attends the public schools. Chief Mertz was reared in the German Lu- ALANSOX WOUK AND EEPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 419 theran Church. Fraternally, he belongs to the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Council of the Masons, and to the Odd Fellows and the Elks. Socially he is a member of the Ger- man-American Club and the Liebertafel So- ciety, of Akron. The family home is sit- uated at No. 328 Buchtel Avenue, Akron. ALANSON WORK, formerly vice-presi- dent of the Akron Rubber Works, and for many years well known in this city as an en- ergetic and successful business man, was born at Quincy, Illinois, March 1, 1842. His fa- ther, Alanson Work, Sr., was a native of Con- necticut, from which State he moved to Illi- nois. One of the early Abolitionists, he was imprisoned in 1841 for helping slaves to es- cape, the sentence being for twelve years; he was, however, pardoned out after three years. When the subject of this sketch was three years old, his parents moved to Middletown, Connecticut, and thence to Hartford, that State, where he attended the public schools until he was seventeen, spending one year also in Trinity College. At the age of nine- teen he entered the employ of A. T. Stewart, later of the Metropolitan Bank of New York, and so continued for seven years. In 1869 he moved to "\'ineland, New Jersey, and one year later to Cincinnati, and, as a partner in the firm of Chamberlain, Gibbs & Company, was engaged for two years in building railroad bridges and railroads. He then went to Rhode Island and took a contract to rebuild the bridges on the Providence & Wooster Rail- road, putting up fourteen double tract bridges in about one year. He was superintendent of the Allen Fire Department Supply Com- pany at Providence, Rhode Island, for five years, and during that time took out several patents on fire engine supplies, one now- adopted by the United States, being Work's Patent Coupling. On January 1, 1875, Mr. Work moved to Akron as superintendent of the Akron Rubber Works, and in 1880, when the corporation was organized, he became vice- president of the B. F. Goodrich Company. He was married, in 1865, to Miss Henrietta Lane, of Brooklyn, Long Island. Of this marriage there were seven children, as fol- lows: Alice, wife of Prof. Walter Wilcox, of Cornell University; Bertram G., president of the B. F. Goodrich Company; Dorothv W., Effie A., Fred W., and Gerald S., all of whom are residing at home; Clarence, who was ac- cidentally drowned at the age of thirteen years. Mr. Alanson Work died at his home in Akron, October 29, 1881. His portrait may be seen on a neighboring page of this vol- ume. THE BREWSTER FAMILY. Prominent among the families which have been identi- fied with the development and progress of Summit County, from the early days of its settlement, is the Brewster family, which ha^ numerous worthy representatives in Coventry Towmship. It is of New England ancestry and' its immediate progenitors came from Groton, Connecticut. Earlier records, if pre- served, could prove that this sturdy, vigorou.? family was a leading factor in events preced- ing the American Revolution by many years. The year 1811 marks the entrance of this family into Ohio. Stephen Brewster was born at Groton, Connecticut, probably there had good educational advantages, and at any rate he learned to be a good carpenter and capable millwright. Following his marriage at Groton, he removed to the State of New York, and in 1811 came to what is known as the Brewster estate, situated in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio. The long journey was made in wagons, through a rough and almost unsettled region for the larger part of the way. there being no rail- roads or other means of transport-ation hither at^ that time. Not a single house had yeit. been built between Coventry Township and Akron. Stephen Brewster purchased 160 acres of land at a very low price, from the Connecticut Land Company, and the home was .started in the midst of the virgin fore.~t. A log cabin wa5 built on a little clearing, in which were placed the possessions brought from tlie old Connecticut home, and here the duties and burdens of life were assumed as in more civil- 420 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ized coniimunities, but attended by many hardships. The family lived on the wild game that abounded, until they could raise grain, the deer at that time being so numer- ous that they ran through the woods like a flock of sheep. Stephen Brewster and wife never left their pioneer home for any other, and here he died at the age of eighty-eight years, and she survived to be seventj'. Their descendants tell of the deep affection exist- ing between them, which continued through childhood, youth and mature life. Stephen Brewster married Lydia Bellows, who was born at Groton, of another promi- nent old New England family. This was probably about 1796. They had the follow- ing children : James G., Lucinda, who mar- ried a Mr. Mus.say; Hannah, who married (first) William Clark, (second) David Dun- bar; Charlotte, who married Martin Housel ; Alexander, and Hiram, who died about 1813, shortly after the family came to the farm, and was buried in the orchard, where a stone still marks the spot. James G. Brewster, the eldest son of Ste- phen and Lydia Brewster, was born at Gro- ton, Connecticut, in 1797. When he was a boy the family came to Ohio, where, as the eldest, he was called on to do almost a man's work in clearing up the w'Hd farm. His educational chances were few, there being no settled .system of schools at that early day, but his parents were well informed, and his own mind was active enough to enable him to at first quickly absorb primary teaching and later to apply common sense and good judgment to the actualities and demands of life. He died in June, 1842. From his fatlier he inherited a part of the homestead, and to thi.s land he added until he owned 320 acres, lying on both ?ides of the road. Jamos G. Brewster was married in Colum- biana County, Ohio, to Martha ITa'^scn, who was born in Pennsylvania and was brought to the above county in childhood, where her people -were prominent pioneers. Her death occurred in November, 1881. at the age of seventy-five years. They had the following children: Stephen (deceased), who married Charlotte Meech (also deceased) ; Jonathan H. and James G. (both deceased), twins, the latter of whom married Mary Davies ; Hiram, a very prominent retired citizen of Coventry Township, and George, who died May 25, 1907. Probably there is no better known family in Summit County than the one now repre- sented as its head by Hiram Brewster, who was born on the family estate in Coventry Townshij). June 8, 1835. He was reared here, and three months has been the longest period that he has ever been absent from the old place to which he is so closely attached through long as.sociation. His education was secured in the old district school near his home, which building was of frame construc- tion, although many in the township were built of logs. His summers in boyhood were spent in farm work, but during three winter months, each comfortable old farm-house gave up its quota of pupils. Mr. Brewster never married but remained with his parents and assisted in the building of all the houses, barns and other structure on the estate, which now aggregates 750 acres, lying jointly in Coventry and Springfield township-. The residence is one of the large ones and it con- veniently accommodates Mr. Brewster and his nephew, Hayes Brewster, who is a son of the late Stephen Brewster. Hiram Brewster now lives retired from ac- tive work of any kind, to the extent of taking no responsibility, but as long as he lives he will probably feel an interest in all that goes on on the old home place. His tastes never led him into politics to the extent of accept- ing office, hut his influence has always been turned in the direction of progress and im- provement. For many years he has been in- teresited in several of Summit County's most prosperous business enterprises, and is a mem- ber of the firm controlling the Buckeye Sewer Pipe Company, and a stockholder in the Sum- mit Coimty Sewer Pipe Company. Hayes Brewster, in the fourth generation from the pioneer of the family in Ohio, is a well-known and valued citizen of Coventry Township, where he was born, June 25, 1876. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 421 His parents were Stephen and Charlotte (Meech) Brewster. Hy father died in Jan- uary, 1887, and his mother passed away in December, 1903. He was the second born in bis parents' family, the others being: Ephraim, residing in the far West; Stephen, also residing in tJie West, and -lohn. In 1899, Hayes Brewster was married to Susan Dodd, who is a daughter of Daniel and Cath- erine (Griffith) Dodd, and they have two children, Hiram and Charlotte. Mr. Brew- ster is interested in the Buckeye Sewer Pipe Company. Other descendants of the pioneer Brewster settler are found in the daughter and grand- daughter of the late George Brewster, who was born March 21, 1837, and died May 25, 1907. He was a lifelong resident of Coventry Town.ship and wa« one of the most success- ful business men in this section of Summit County. He was largely interested in coal for many years and, with a brother, operated what is known as the Brewster mill, for a long period. He shared in of the large Brewster estate, which passed into the hands of his widow at the time of his death. He was identified with the Re]niVjlican party and with the Ma.sonic fraternity. On October 19. 1876, he married Maria Kent, who was born in SufFleld Township, Portage County. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Brewster had four chil- dren : Georgia, who married Perry A. Kriisher and has one daughter, Dorothy ; Wallace, who died at the age of two and one- half years: Artlmr, who died at the age of fifteen, and Bessie, who died a2;ed twenty DAVID A. METZLER, assistant .superin- tendent of the Alkali Rubber Company, Ak- ron, is one of this city's young and enter- prL^ing bu.siness men. He was born here in 1881. and is a .son of William Metzler, who is prominently connected with the Diamond Rubl)er Comjiany. He was educated in the Akron public schools, and at the Cathedral College. Trenton, New -Jersey. Upon his re- turn to Akron he entered the employ of the Diamond Rubber Company, serving first in the laboratory and later becoming assi-stant superintendent. He remained with the concern for five years. In 1904, when the Alkali Rubl)er Company was made a di.«tinct plant, Mr. Metzler was selected for the position of assistant superintendent, in which he has since served very etficiently. He has other business interests, being concerned in the promotion and success of the Ohio Rubber Culture Company, which is operating planta- tions in Mexico, where rubber trees are now being cultivated. On October 25, 1904, Mr. :Mctzler was mar- ried to Abbie Lawton, a daughter of E. A. Lawton, who is .superintendent of the Akron Water Works. Mr. Metzler is a member of St. Vincent's Catholic Church. He belongs to the Knights of Columbus and to various organizations of a social nature. HON. JOHN McNAMARA. Sometimes tnith reads as strangely as fiction and the record of the life of John McNamara, from the condition of an orphan bound-boy tr) the honorable .station of leading citizen in a prosperous community, in another land than that of his birth, contains matter for serious consideration. He was born in County Clare, Ireland, probably on February 12. 1833, and certainlj^ was baptized by the lar- ish priest on February 15th. of that year. His parents were Martin and Mary (Mcln- ery) McNamara. There can be little provision made for the future by the small tenant farmer of Ireland, and when John McNamara's parents died, the mother when he was nine years old and the father three years later, the little lad of eleven years found himself entirely depend- ent upon his own abilities. The kind-hearted farmers in the neighborhood were all poor, but they gave the child a chance to work, and with a prudence that was remarkable, he saved the pittances he earned until he had accunnilated enough capital to take him to England, where he bound him.«elf out to learn the pla.sterer's trade. His emplover, taki"g advantage of his youth and ignorance, kept him for two vears at labor without giving 422 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY him any chance to learn the trade, and the boy stood it no longer, but ran away. He then became a coal miner and worked in a coal bank until 1854, when he came to Amer- ica, landing at Philadelphia. He first sought farm work in the agricultural districts, and was employed for two years in Delaware County. Then coming to Ohio, he contin- ued to work as a farmer in Geauga County, until 1863, when he came to Barberton, or to New Portage as it was then. He saw a good business opportunity in the opening of a general store, and in this enterprise met with success, conducting a first-class mercan- tile establishment here for many years. He was made the first postma.ster and served in that capacity for eighteen years. In the meantime, through his industry and legiti- mate business methods, he had acquired property and had promoted the growth and development of the town in many ways. In 1900 his fellow-citizens honored him by elect- ing him their mayor, and he served as sueh until 1903. During his administration Bar- berton took many forward strides. Mr. Mc- Namara is now largel}' interested in tlie real estate business. In 1864 Mr. McNamara was married to Hannah Woods, who i.s a daughter of Jertv miah Woods. They have had seven chil- dren, four of w'hom survive, namely: Mary, James, who has succeeded his father as mayflr of Barberton; Stephen, and Myrtle, who is the wife of Thomas Davis. Mr. McNamara, with his family, belongs to the Roman Catholic Church. W. A. INWOOD, .superintendent of the Alkali Rubber Company of Akron, came to this city in 1899, since which time he has been connected with some of Akron's largest business enterprises. Mr. Linwood was born in 1877. in Connecticut, and when six years of age accompanied his parents to Califor- nia, where he was reared and educated, en- joying some unusual advantages of travel in his youth, as he cro.ssed the continent three times before he was eight years old. Mr. Inwood's first business experience was with the Hercules Powder Works, of California, with which he remained connected for seven years. Coming then to Akron he entered the employ of the Diamond Rubber Company. After serving four years as foreman, he was transferred to its branch establishment, the Alkali Rubber Company, of which he was made superintendent, this promotion being due to his superior knowledge of the busine&s and his tact and ability in managing men. On April 4, 1906, Mr. Inwood was mar- ried to Genevieve Williams, who was born at San Francisco, California. Mr. Inwood is a Free Mason and an Odd Fellow, being affil- iated with local lodges of these orders. FERDINAND SCHUMACHER, formerly president of the American Cereal Company, but now retired, has long been identified with great manufacturing enterprises which have brought wealth and fame to the city of Ak- ron. Mr. Schumacher was born March 30, 1822, at Celle, Hanover, Germany, and is a son of F. C. and Louise Schumacher. Until he was fifteen years of age he attended school, then became clerk in a grocery, and later an employ in a sugar refinery. In 18.50 he emi- grated to America, settling first on a farm near Cleveland. His previous training, how- ever, had not been in the line of agriculture, so in 1851 he is found at Akron engaged in a fancy goods business. In the year 1856 he embarked in the business, which through his enterprise developed into one of the great world industries, and which has brought him the title of "Cereal King." Under his own name he continued in the manufacture of oatmeal, pearl barley and other cereal prod- ucts, until later he con.solidatcd with the firm of Co-mmins and Allen, under the style of The F. Schumacher Milling Company. He thus largely increased the capacity of the mills and immediately repaired his great loss in the fire of 1886, which destroyed mills and elevators at the depot. About 1801 he consented to a further combination of in- terests under the great corporation known as the American Cereal Company, and was elected as its president. He continued with AND REPRESENTATIVE CITI2JENS 4^3 H. P. Crowell and Robert Stuart as executive committee of this great concern until 1899, when he failed to 'be re-elected, and gladly accepted retirement from the busy life he had led for so many years, finding rest and quiet in his beautiful home at No. 258 East Market Street, Akron. The American Cereal Company's head office is now located at Chi- cago, that city being a great center, but the Akron Mills are its most important prop- erty. On October 7, 1851, Mr. Schumacher was married at Cleveland to Hermine Schu- macher, who was born at Bevern, Brunswick, Germany, and died June 1, 1893. They had seven cliildren, two of whom survive, namely: Louis, a resident of Akron, who was vice president of the F. Schumacher Milling Company, and F. Adolph, who was secretary of the same company, and is now engaged in business at Riverside, Iowa. Mr. Schu- macher married for his second wife, August 1, 1S99, Mary Zipperlen, wlio is a daughter of Dr. A. Zipperlen, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Schumacher has always been a valued citizen, not because he lias busied himself in regard to local political affairs, but because he ha= been a man of broad views and gen- erous inclinations, which have resulted in public-.~pirited enterprises, and in liberal a-^- sistance given to education, religion and charity. It was mainly through his benefac- tions that a number of the religious edifices of the city were completed, this notably be- ing the ca^e in regard to the Universalir-t Church. By example and years of protest against the liquor evil, Mr Schumacher has become known as one of the leading temper- ance advocate.^ of Ohio. Time ha« touched him liglitly. and notwithstanding his many years of intense devotion t.o business, with the care- tbat harass even tlie most success- ful, he has retained remarkable vigor. AUGUSTUS F. STUHLDREHER, a member of the important real e-tatc, loan and in.surance firm of Stuhldreher Brothers, which commands a large business at Barber- ton and h.Ts offices on the Stuhldreher Block, on the corner of Second and Tuscarawas Ave- nue, has been located in this city since 1891. He was reared on his father's Stark County farm and attended the district schools in his neighborhood, completing his education by a course in the Massillon Business College. He then took a position with the Pennsyl- vania Railroad as station agent at Barberton, and served also as agent for the Baltimore and Ohio Road, his railroad connection cov- ering ten years. He then embarked in the real estate business with his brother, Edward J. Stuhldreher, who left the railroad service at the same time. They control an immense amount of business in their line, a large part of it being buying and selling on commis- sion. In 1902 Mr. Stuhldreher built the fine business block knowm as the Stuhldreher Block, a three-story brick structure with di mansions of 50 by 100 feet, in which is lo- cated the Barberton postoffice and the Bar- berton Opera House, the latter seating SOO people. Another large house having quar- ters here is the Union Furniture Company. The upper floors are admirably fitted up for offices. Mr. Stuhldreher takes a somewhat active interest in politics and served as city clerk from 1896 to 1900. He and brother repre- .sent the most progressive and enterprising business element in the city. REV. T. F. MAHAR. D. D., pastor of St. Vincent de Paul's Church, at Akron, is a well-'beloved and valued member of the Catholic clergy in this city. PTe was born September 28, 1851, at vScranton, Pennsyl- vania, and is a son of Thomas and Ann (Hart) Mahar, both of whom were of Ameri- can birth. Father Mahar entered St. Mary's Collcoe. .at Cleveland. Ohio, where he devoted four years to .study, prior to becoming a pupil at St. Lois College, at Louisville. Stark County, which he entered in 1866 for a term of three years. In 1869 he went to Rome, Italy, where, amid churchly .surroundings, he pur- sued his ecclesiastical studies for six veal's, under eminent iastructors, subsequently be- 424 HISTORY OF SUIVIMIT COUNTY iiig awarded the degrees of Doctor of Pliilos- ophy and Doctor of Divinity. In 1875 Father Mahar came to Cleveland, having been ordained May 30, 1874, and wa~ made assistant pastor of St. John's Cathe- dral. In this capacity he served for five years. On Angnst 1, 1880, Bishop Gilmour appointed him pa.stor of St. Vincent de Paul's Church at Akron, which Ls one of the largest and most influential Catholic churches in the city, having a inenibership of 500 fam- ilies. His work in connection with this charge has been eminently successful. A history of churches, as of individuals, is vastly interesting and instmctive, when it tells a story of obstacles bravely overcome and difficulties surmounted in a righteous Clause, and a short account of the growth of St. Vincent de Paul, from the early nucleus of little pioneer fire-side gatherings, visited by an over-worked priest, when it was pos- sible for him to make his way through the then un.settled regions, to the stately struc- ture now standing, which fitly represents the faith, endurance and piety of both priests and people, must arrest general attention. The records tell of Father Henni, afterward Archbishop of Milwaukee, coming to Akron in 1835, riding on horse-back from Cincin- nati, and holding services and saying mass in the cabin of the late James McAllister. From 1837 to 1842 the village was visited by Rev. J. B. Purcell, later Archbishop of Cincinnati; Rev. Louis Goesbriand, Father McLaughlin, Father Basil Shorb and others. In 1843 a small frame house was commenced on Green Street by Father M. Howard, who retained charge of the congregation until 1844. From 1845 to 1848 Father Cornelius Daly had charge, and during his pastorate, he being the first regularly appointed, the on Green Street was enlarged and com- pleted. Following Father Daly came a long list of able and faithful priests as follows: Rev. Ca.siimir ^louret, from October, 1848, to June, 1850; Father Goodwin, June to De- cember, 1850; Rev. Francis McGann, De- cember, 1850, to August, 1855; Rev. L. Mo- lon, January, 185(3; Rev. Thomas AValsh and Rev. W. O'Connor, to 1859; Rev. M. A. Scanlon, from July, 1859, to November, 1873; Rev. Timothy Mahoney, from Novem- l>er, 1873, to August 1, 1880, when Rev. T. F. Maliar assumed charge. The present imposing stone edifice on the corner of West Market and Maple Streets, was begun on St. Patrick's Day, 1864, and continual imju'ovements have been going ou ever since. The architecture is of the Roman order, with twelve large,, em- blematical windows. The tower contains a fine bell and a first-class clock. An elegant brick parsonage has also been erected, and the church owns seven acres of land fronting on West Market Street, which is dedicated to cemetery purposes. Father Mahar has many ideas as to future improvements. SOLOMON E. SHOOK, who fills the im- portant position of head miller in the Walsh Milling Company's mills at Cuyahoga Falls, was born in Jackson Township, Stark County, Ohio, November 22, 1860, and is a son of Philip and Margaret (Everhard) Shook. The great-grandfather of Solomon E. Shook was John Shook, who was born in Germany and came to America in 1752, landing at what w-as then called Port of York but is now the city of Philadelphia. He lived there for a time and then went into the farm- ing regions of the State, purchasing 400 acres of land in Nortlnnnberland County, which are still owned by his descendants. He mar- ried a Miss Ohl," and he died in 1799. His son, David Shook was born on the land above referred to, and died Octoljer 24, 1868, aged .«eventy-nine years. He Avas a carpenter by trade and also a farmer. In 1810 he came to Ohio, settling at New Berlin, Stark County, and from there went out as a soldier in the War of 1812, in which he sensed as captain. He married Sarah Mark, who was born in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, and died in Ohio, in 1861. Both grandparents of Solomon E. Shook lie buried at New Ber- lin, in the old Zion church-yard. Philip Shook was born at New Berlin, Stark County, Ohio, in 1840, and died at FRANK G. STIPE AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 427 "Wadsworth, Ohio, aged sixty -three years. He comhined farming with carpenter's work and contracting. He reared a family of twelve children, Solomon E. being the youngest son and tenth child. When Solomon E. Shook was three years old, his parents moved to Wadswotth Town- ship, Medina County, where he was educated in the district schools. In 1877 he went into the grist mill of his eldest brother, David Shook, where, during his eighteen months' stay, he learned the elementary principles of inilling, and from there he went to Millport and worked for James McLean as second mil- ler. He remained with him for two years, and then went to Toledo as head miller for Potter & Company, t\\"0 and a half year.'* later coming to Akron to become second mil- ler for Seiberling Milling Company. For four years Mr. Shook -was foreman for the Seiberling people. In 1889 he went to New Brighton, . Pennsylvania, where for threo years lie was head miller in the City Mills. Then returning to Akron he took charge of the Clinton Milling Company's plant, which was owned Ijy A. L. Clause ifc C(ini])any. In 1895 Mr. Shook took a pleasure trip to River- side, California, which covered two years. After his return to Akron he accepted his present position. He has two millers in his employ and turns out 200 barrels of flour per day. His equipments are ample for the grinding of all kinds of feed. Mr. Shook is not only an expert miller, but an inventor. He is the author of an appliance intended to take the place of the usual babbitt metal, wliich is easily adjusted and which he ha- been using in his mill for the last five years. It has proved to be of the utmost utility and is an invention that well deserves to be pat- ented. FRANK G. STIPE, president of the Board of Education of Akron, has been identified with the interests of this city since 1866, and is well known in business circles here as a general contractor. Of German-Irish descent, he was born, in 1846, in Greentown, Stark County, Ohio, and is a nephew of Colonel Robert Nugen, who was a member of Con- gress from Tuscarawas County in 1861-63. When nine years old he removed with his parents to a farm near Greensburg, Summit County. He attended the district schools and Gteensburg Seminary, teaching during the winter near his home until he was eighteen years of age. He then enlisted in Company II, 164th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, a part of the National Guard belonging to the Fifty-Fourth Battalion. Company H was sent from Fort Taylor directly to the forts around Washington, where it took part in the defense of the city. At the end of 115 (lays' service it was discharged, the soldiers, as Mr. Stipe well remembers, being addressed Ijy President Lincoln. In the spring of 1866 Mr. Stipe came to Akron and worked six months for Rockwell & Danforth, in the contracting business. Sub- sequently he entered the painting department (if Aultman, Miller & Company, where he con- tinued for five years. His health becoming somewhat impaired, owing to his close appli- cition to his trade, in 1871 he went to Spring- field Township, where he worked on a farm for three years, teaching during the winters. Upon his return to Akron he entered into business for him.self as a contractor, executing in a most satisfactory manner some of the city's largest contracts for painting and dec- orating. Appointed city commissioner, he as- simied the (iuties of that office in April. 1895, and served three years on the board. He then became an organizer for the Pathfinders' so- ciety, being one of the first deputies in the field in the interests of this organization, with which he remained connected for about a year. At the end of that time he resumed business as a contractor. In 1888 Mr. Stipe was elected a member of the Board of Education, from the old Fourth Ward, by a majority of forty votes, overcoming a normal Democratic majority of .300. In 1890 he was appointed decennial ap- praiser of the city, and was re-elected to the school board for a term of three years, being made its president on organization in Janu- arv, 1907. This honor, which was totallv un- 428 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY solicited, reflects the opinion of his fellow citi- zens concerning his ability, and his fidelity to the best interests of the city. By virtue of his office as president of the Board, Mr. Stipe is also chairman of the depositary commis- sion of the Board's funds. In 18(35 Mr. Stipe was married to Soviah C. Koons, who was born in Summit County. They are the parents of four children, name- ly: Nora E., wife of George Barker, an iron worker, of Cuyahoga FalL?; Harry J., who is cashier at the Akron office of the Electric Package Company; Mabel L., who is the wife of Arthur L. Foster, a manufacturer of New York; and Martha M., wife of Alonzo Jack- son, a resident of Akron, who holds an official position in a railroad office. Mr. Stipe has other business interests not mentioned above, and is one of Akron's busy, callable, and public-spirited citizens. He be- longs to Nemo Lodge of Odd Fellows, and to Buckley Post, G. A. R. A member of the First ]\Icthodist Episcopal Church, he is serv- ing that organization on the Board of Trus- tees. ARTHUR JAMES SAALFIELD, pub- lisher, was born in Leeds, England, in 1863. His father, Albert Saalfield, Esq., was a man- ufacturer of woolens. With the other mem- bers of his family, a large one, he came to the United States while still a small boy. Mr. Saalfield tells with amusement, of the wonder and comment excited by himself and brottiers when they arrived in New Y'ork, on account of the Highland costumes they wore, then the fashion for small boys in England. The family lived for a time in New York City, where the father shortly died. Here young Arthur attended the public schools. In 1872, at the age of nine years, his business career began. The Saalfield family had re- moved to Chicago. Refusing longer to be dependent, the embryonic publisher com- menced to make his own way in the world. His first engagement was with Messrs. W. B. Keene, Cook & Company, then the leading book-sellers in the West. With them he re- mained for four years. He then returned to New York and spent the following year at Steven's Academy, Hoboken. In 1877, then fourteen years of age, A. J. Saalfield became an employee of Charles T. Dillingham, the well-known book jobber. Here he remained for fifteen years, beginning at the bottom, and gradually working his way to the top of the business. Long before he left Dilling- ham's he was a salesman of exceptional abil- ity, widely known and well liked by the trade. Mr. Saalfield started a book jobbing and publishing business of his own in 1892, and continued in its management until 1898, when he removed to Akron, Ohio, to take charge of the book publishing department of The Werner Company. He had not been in successful occupancy of this responsible po- sition very long when the opportunity of buy- ing the business was presented. With his usual business acumen, he recognized the pos- sibilities thus placed within his reach and at once concluded the purchase. At that time The Saalfield Publishing Company, A. J. Saalfield, proprietor, came into existence. From the first, the new concern prospered. Its growth and development has been such OS to di.scredit the opinion, long held, that the natural and only habitat of the success- ful publisher is the Enstern seaboard. Un- der A. J. Saalfield's able guidance, hi^ con- cern shortly outgrew its original quarters. Thereupon he purchased new and larger premises, but they, too, soon becaine too small to accommodate the demands of has in- creasing business, as is best evidenced by the large additions that have been constnicted. Today The Saalfield Publishing Company is well and favorably known wherever books in the 'language are read. While their greatest market is, of course, at home, a large and growing demand is found in Canada, England. Australia, New Zealand, South Af- rica, The Argentine, The Hawaiian Islands and the far Philippines. The books of The Saalfield Publi'^hing Company are widely various, ranging from monumental and expensive sets to tiny ju- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 429- venileg. The long experience of the proprie- tor, coupled with rare good taste and a talent for planning and selecting material that the public wants, amounting almost to a sixth sense, is accountable for an almost unhroken series of successful publishing undertakings, and promises in the not-distant future to make his company one of the leading pub- lishing houses of the country. In 1885 A. J. Saalfield was married to Adah Louise Sutton, the accomplished and talented daughter of the Rev. George Sut- ton. Mrs. Saalfield is widely and favorably known to the reading public by her maiden (pen) name. She .shares with her husband the enviable responsibility for the success of The Saalfield Publishing Company, for her books, both prose and verse, have been among the most lucrative of the Saalfield enterprises. Of late, this gifted authoress is turning her attention more particularly to writing ju- veniles. There are five children in the Saalfield family: Albert G., Arthur J. Jr., Edith M., Robert S. and Alice C. No expense is spared in their liberal education. The advantages of the best schools and travel are freely theirs. The commodious and beautiful home of the Saalfield family is located at 24 North Prospect Street, where tlie latch .string is ever on the outside for the friends of every mem- ber of the family, and where a generous and cordial hospitality is always charmingly dis- pensed. Both Mr. and ]\Irs. Saalfield are prominently identified with movements for the public welfare, church work, charities and society. H. A. HINE, .secretary and treasurer of the Star Drilling Machine Company, at Ak- ron, has been a resident of this city since February, 1890, and is identified officially with a number of other large busine-s en- terprises in this .section. Mr. Hine wa.s born at Shalersville, Portage County, Ohio, in 1865. He was educated in the schools of Shalersville. West Farmington and Au.stin- burg. and afterwards spent four years teach- ing school. He then entered the law office of R. W. Sadler, but after a few months of law study in Akron, he became connected with the Star Drilling Company of this city, with which he has been identified in one ca- pacity or another for the past seventeen years. He began his services with this organization as bookkeeper, but for the past eight years has been treasurer and secretary of the com- pany. He is also secretary and treasurer of the Star Rubber Company, and occupies the position of president in a number of smaller enterprises. November 14. 1905, Mr. Hine married Jane Hall, who was born in Akron and is a daughter of John Hall, a well-known citi- zen. Mr. Hine has a number of fraternal connections, belonging to the various Ma- .sonic bodies, the Knights of Pythias, the Modern Woodmen of the World and the Pat.hfindejs. JAMES ALBERT FISHER, a business citizen of Cuyahoga Falls, dealing in hay and straw, was born in Franklin County, Penn.sylvania, May 26, 1863, and is a son of Cornelius and Catherine (Martin) Fisher. Cornelius Fisher, now living retired on his farm in Northampton Township, Summit County, was born July 16, 1840, in Hesse- Cassel, Germany, and came to America in that year, in company with a sister and his widowed mother. For ten years Mrs. Fisher lived with her children at Chamber.?burg, Penn.sylvania, and then moved to Greenca.«tle, where Cornelias engaged in farming. In 1869 he came to Summit County and was engaged in farming at different points in Northampton Township until 1903, when he purchased a small farm which be devotes mainly to fruit-growing. He served one vear in the Civil War. enlisting in 1863 in Coini- pany D, 158th Regiment. Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was honorably discharged in 1864. He has never been an active politi- cian, but he always exerts his right of citi- zen.«hip and casts his vote for the candidates of the Republican party. Cornelius Fisher marriid Catherine Mar- 430 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tin, a daughter of James Martin, all being natives of Franklin County, Pennsylvania. They had ten children, namely: Ida, James, George B., Elizabeth, Netta, Annie Virginia, John, Gertrude, Arthur and Myrtle. The mother of the above familv was born April 5, 1840, and died September 5, 1903. Slie ■was a valued member of the Disciples Church at Cuyahoga Falls. Cornelius Fisher was reared in the faith of the German Reformed Church, by has parents, George and Eliza'beth Fisher. George Fisher wa.s killed in a coal mine. His wife later united with the Meth- Epi.scopal Church, and died at Cuya- hoga Falls in April, 1904, aged eighty-eight years. James Albert Fisher was educated in the common schools of Northampton Township and followed farming in that section until 1887, when he emharked in his pres<'iit busi- ness at Cuyahoga Falls. He handles hay and straw and does a very large busines-;, his sales to the Robinson Clay Product Com- pany at Akron alone amounting to more than 1,000 tons yearly. He is a careful busi- ness man and bears a very high reputation as such with the large dealers and eonsmners at Akron, among Vhorn his trade mainlv lies. Mr. Fisher was married to Aiigusta Weber, of Cleveland, Ohio. She is a member of the Episcopal Church. Politically, Mr. Fisher is a Republican and has held local offices. JAMES CHRISTY, formerly one of the most public-spirited ajid successful bu.«iness men of Akron, was the head of the firm of James Christy & Sons, manufacturers of leather, and dealers in leather, hides, furs and findings, was born in Springfield Town- sihip, Summit County, Ohio, and died in Oo tober. 1904. He was educated in the district schools and worked on his father's farm until sixteen years old. Then for three years he enjoyed the advantages offered by a privat:' school at Middlebury. He afterwards taught two terms of school, but gave up teaching in 1841 to enter into business with his brother- in-law, James Sawver, establishiing a tannery on North Howard Street, which was operated under the firm name of Christy & Sawyer. They later added a shoe manufactory and a store, and continued in until 1851. In the following year Mr. Christy entered into a partnership with his brother, .John H. Christy, which continued until 1879, when Mr. Christy took his two sons, James Jr. and Will, into partnership. The style of the firm then became James ChrLsty & Sons. Their specialty was the manufacture of harness leather. In 1850 Mr. Christy, like many of his neighbors, made the overland journey to California, returning by way of the Lsthmus of Panama. Forty years later, when seventy years of age, he again visited the Pacific coast, and made a leisurely return journey through many of the far western States, not- ing with interest the wonderful changes which this space of time had brought about. In politics he was identified with the Repub- lican party, but never accepted office outside his city. He .served for five years as a mem- ]yeT of the Akron city council. In October, 1849, Mr. Cbri-sty wa* mar- ried to Janet Warner, of Akron, who died in March, 190:5. Of their si.x children the following survive: Alice, who is the wife of John E. Metlin ; James and Will, wh i are prominent business men of Akron, and Net- tie, who re.«iides at the family home. No. 160 Fir Street. James Christy, Jr., is proprietor of the wholesale and retail leather, saddlery and hardware companv, which is established at No. 142 South Howard Street, Akron. Will Christy is president of the West Hill Land Company, the Akron People's Telephone Company, the Hamilton Building Company and the Central Savings and Tnist Company, the largest savins? bank in Akron, and vice- president of the Northern Ohio Traction and Light Company, and the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company. PHILIP R. SCHNABEL, a partner in the Western Reserve Robe and Tannins Com- pany, of Cuyahoga Falls, wa.s born at Munroe AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 431 Falls, Summit County, Ohio, May 10, 1876, son of Charles W. and Jennie E. (Clayton) Schnabel. His paternal grandfather was Philip Schnabel, who was born in Hessen, Germany, in 1825. Emigrating to America in early manhood Philip settled at Cuyahoga Falls, residing on the thoroughfare now known as Fourth Street. His wife, in mnid- enhood Martha E. Lapp, was born in Ger- many, May 10, 1820. Charles \V. Schnabel, father of the sub- ject of this sketch, and son of the Philip above mentioned, attended school in the Big Springs school house at Cuyahoga Falls and later continued his studies at Munroe Falls. He remained on the old homestead until his marriage, at which time he purchased a prop- erty at Munroe Falls, where he lived for eleven years, being employed there in a paper mdll. He 'married Jennie E. Clayton, who was a native of Tallmadge, Summit County, Ohio, and a daughter of Richard Clayton. Mr. Clayton, who was born in Wales, wa« a coal miner by occupation and resided at Tall- madge, where his widow now lives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles "\V. Schnabel have been the par-" ents of three children, namely: Philip R., whose name begins this sketch; Harrj- C. who died at the age of eighteen months, and Milo Clayton, residing with his parents, who is a graduate of the Cuvahoga Falls High School, Cla-s.-. of 1907. Philip R. Schnabel was reared and edu- cated in his native city, graduating from the Cuyahoga. Falls high school in 1893. After assisting his father on the home farm for .sev- eral years, he was appointed mail carrier, be- ing one of the first_ rural carriers in the State. He remained at this occupation for eighteen months, and then became assistant postmas- ter at Cuyahoga Falls, which position he filled up to 1908, a period of six years. For sev- eral years suljseauently he was associated with his father in the live-stock business, breeding and selling cattle. He then entered the employ of the company in which he i< now a partner, as a taxidermist. Possessing a strong taste for this kind of work, he had. even in his boyhood, acquired considerable skill as a taxidermist, and entered into it be- cause it was congenial. He holds a permit from the State Fish and Game Commission, which is dated 1903. The Western Ra=erve Robe & Tanning Company was astablished in the fall of 1904 by Hon.\j. C. Jones of To- ledo, and Charles J. Appleby, the latter a tanner of twenty-five years' experience. The company's plant at Cuyahoga Falls was es- tablished for the inanufacture of fur gar- ments, including fur robes, coats, gloves and mittens, the company tanning their own skins and making a specialty of taxidermy. Mr. Schnabel purcha.'^ed Mr. Jones's interest in the firm on March 1, 1907. The factory is located in a convenient section of the town — on North Front Street — and each year its importance grows. and its output Mr. Schnabel married Edna Whittlesey, a daughter of J. H. AVhittlesey, of Stow. Mr. Schnabel was reared in the Methodist Epis- copal church. His wife is a Catholic. A. WESLEY HAWKINS, proprietor of the Akron Lumber Company, who is lo- cated at No. 569 South Main Street, Akron, is one of the city's successful men of affairs. He was born in Portage Township, Summit County, Ohio, in 1854, and is a son of Nel- son C, and a grandson of John Hawkins, who was one of the very first settlers in Por- tage Town.ship. Nelson C. Hawkins was born on his father's pioneer farm in Portage township. Summit County, in 1824, and died iti 1891. He as- sisted his father in developing the land from its native wdlderness, but did not devote his entire life to agricultural pursuits. For twenty-five years prior to his death, he was employed by the firm of Aultman, Miller & Company. In political .sentiment he was a Rqjublican, and during .some years he ser\'ed as a tnistee of Portage Township. A. Wesley Hawkins was reared and edu- cated in Portage Township, and worked for about one year for the mercantile firm of Hall Brothers, at Akron, following which he was in the county recorder's office for a short time. He then took a complete commercial 432 • HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY four^e ill 0. S. ^^'al•nel■'^ Business College. During the succeeding year he kept books for the firm of Oviatt & Warner, dealers in agricultural implements, when Mr. Oviatt organized a company for the manufacture of threshing machines 'and farm wagons, of which Mr. Hawkins becaime secretary, serv- ing eleven inonths a^ such at Hudson. He then returned to Akron and went to work for the firm of Aultman, Miller & Company, for a short time, subsequently serving two years as bookkeeper for Jahant & Grey. After- wards he became bookkeeper for the Akron Lumber Company, which was operated by the Diamond Match Company. After eight years' connection with this company, Mr. Hawkins, in association with J. H. Dellen- berger, in 1891, bought the plant, since which time, the firm has done a large whole- sale and retail lumber, operating a planing mdll and manufacturing sa.«h, doors and blinds. In 1876 Mr. Hawkins was married to Clara A. Smetts, a daughter of the lute George W. Smetts, who was a postal railway clerk, residing at Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins have two sons, George W. and Charles W., the former of whom is book- keeper for the firm of Rohrbacher & Allen, ai Akron, the latter being employed in the of- fice of the Akron Lumber Company. Mr. Hawkins and family belong to the Congrega- tional Church. Mr. Hawkins is a Thirty-second Degree Mason, belongs to all branches of the Odd Fellows and lis also a Knight of Pythias. While not particularly active in politics, he has always shown his inlerest in public af- fairs and has served as a member of the City Council. CHARLES HERBERICH, secretary and trea.surer of the Depositors' Savings Bank Company, at Akron, has spent the greater part of his life in this city, but is a native of Germany. Early in life he was brought to America and was reared and educated in Akron. After completing his education. Mr. Her- bericli entered the employ of the American Hard Rubber Company, and was connected with the shipping department for seven years. He then became a member of the firm of D. Ilerberich & Company, dealers in general insurance and real estate, of which he is at present the secretary. He is a stock- holder in a number of corporations and has been secretary and treasurer of the Deposit- ors' Savings Bank since its organization. The other officers of this financial institution are: Carl Dietz, president, and A. H. Mallisfni, vice president. The bank was open for busi- ness April 15, 1907, with a capital stock of $50,000, and it has been successful from the start,. its officers inspiring general confideiic ■. In 1902 Mr. Herberich was married to Ve- ronica Storz, who is a daughter of Georgj Storz, now deceased, but formerly a substan- tial citizen of Akron. They have two chil- dren, Grace and Richard. Mr. Herberich is a member of the First German Reformed Church, which he served on the board of trustees for four years. He l)elongs to the beneficiary order of the Royal Arcanum and to the Liebertafel Club." CLYDE K. FOWLER, local agent for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, and for the United States Express Company, at Cuyahoga Falls, has been a resident of this place for the past seven years, coming here first as a telegrapher. He was born at Char- don, Lawrence County, Ohio, July 23, 1875, and is a son of Seymour S. and Celia J. (Clark) Fowler. Seymour S. Fov\4er, father of Clyde K., was born in Ma.ssachusetts, and when about seventeen years of age, went to Michigan, where he was engaged in a lumber business for some years. He then moved to Sheridan, Ohio, where he was occupied as an auctioneer and insurance agent, going thence to Ravenna and later to Akron, where he was connected with the Akron Machine Company for eleven years. For the past six years he has been in the piano business at Mas.'sillon. Ohio. His wife, Celia, died October IB. 1902, aged fiftv-six vears. She was a consistent member AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 435 of the Metibodist Episcopal Church, to which religious body Mr. Fowler also belongs. Of their six children, four grew to maturity, namely: Clark B., residing in Pennsylva- nia; Caroline, who married Charle.s W. Can- field, and resides at Chardon; Nellie, who married Wilbur F. Bliss, residing at San Diego-, California, and Clyde K. Clyde K. Fowler attended the public schools at Chardon, and at the age of seven- teen years learned telegraphy at Ravenna, where his parents were then residing. He has been employed solely in railroad work, for the first five years being with the C. & P. Railroad, and since then with the Baltimore & Ohio Company. He has been located in different sections of the State, and because of liis expert manipulation of the keys, 'has been many times placed in responsible posi- tions. Mr. Fowler was married in 1896 to Eliza- beth E. MacLaughlin, a daughter of George and Rachael MacLaughlin, of Alliance, Ohio. They have two children, Ruth E. and Harold G. Mrs. Fowler is a member of the Congre- gational Oiurch. Politically, he is a Repub- lican. He belongs to Pavonia Lodge, No. 301, Knights of Pythias. Mr. Fowler has recently purchased a comfortable home, at Cuyahoga Falls. Although he has been phy- sically handicapped since the age of fourteen years, when the accidental discharge of a ,gini shattered his right hand, he has overcome all disadvantage resulting therefrom, and in his line of work has been successful. MILTON H. AA^ARNER, owner of the Hillside Fruit and Dairy Farm, which con- sists of sixty-five acres of some of the most pro- ductive land in Coventry Township and is favorably located within one-half mile of the corporation limits of Akron, is one of the prominent and substantial men of this sec- tion. Mr. Warner was born on his father's farm in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, August 1, 1859, and is a son of Solo- mon and Matilda E. (Ritter) Warner. Mr. AVarner's grandparents were Henry and Elizabeth (Kepler) AVarner, who were born in Pennsylvania. In 1835 they came to Ohio, settling first at Canton, but later they came to the farm in Coventry Township, Summit County, which is now owned by AA'il- ham Ferris. AVhen they came to this neigh- Ijorhood as pioneers, the whole region was a wilderness, and before they could build their first log house, a clearing had to be made in the forest. After Henry AVarner had pro- vided a comfortable home in Ohio, he was joined by his aged father, Adam AA^irner, who survived until the age of ninety-nine years. Henry AA'arner died aged seventj'-six years and his widow when three years older. They reared a sturdy family of eight chil- dren, six of whom are still living. They were John, Adam, Jacob, AA^illiam, Samuel, Abra- ham, Solomon and Daniel. Jacob AVarner, of this family, served as a 100-day soldier in the Civil AVar, and AA^illiam AA'^arner served three years, both receiving an honorable dis- charge at the close of their terms of service. Solomon Warner, father of Milton H., was born in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, June 22, 1837, and still survives, re- siding with his .son, Milton H., his only child. He was married May 27, 1858, to Matilda E. Ritter, who was born in Springfield Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, October 28, 1837, and died April 24, 1888. For many years, Solomon AA^arner followed the thresh- ing business. Milton H. AA^arner, their only child, was reared on the old home place. He attended the district schools and later spent a sliort time in the Smithville High School. AA'^hen about seventeen years of age he began to work in the mill of Brewster Brothers, at Pleasant A''al]ey, where he remained for twelve years, when he went to East Akron and worked for eighteen months in the Seiberling mill, re- taining his home, however, at Pleasant A^'alley until 1897. He then moved to his present farm, which he had bought from the Austin Spicer heirs, in 1895. This land has always been considered fertile and has been made ex- ceptionally productive under Mr. AA'arner's excellent methods. He makes a specialty of dairying, keeping sixteen licad of cattle and 436 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY five head of horses, and of fruit-growing, es- pecially berries. He finds a ready market for all his produce at Akron. The improve- ments on the farm, including the commodi- ous fourteen-room residence, and substantial barn and other buildings, have all been made by Mr. Warner. Mr. Warner is also con- nected ivith the Norton Mutual Fire and Cy- clone Insurance Company ajid has written some of the largest policies in this locality. Mr. Warner was married December 18, 1884, to Ida C. Grotz, who is a daughter of John and Almira (Martin) Grotz. Tlie ma- ternal grandmother of Mrs. Warner, Rebecca Way, was the first white child born in Suf- field Township, and the family is an old and prominent one of this section. Mr. and Mrs. Warner have two sons, Harry J., residing at home, assisting his father, and Edgar S., who is connected with the Goodrich Rubber Com- pany. Mr. Warner and family belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the spring of 1907, Mr. Warner wa^ elected a member of the Summit County Agricultural Society. Fraternally he belongs to Summit Lodge, No. 50, of the order of Odd Fellows, and is also a member of the Encampment. His portrait is pre-eiited on an adjoining page. ALBERT H. MALLISON, one of Akron's leading citizens now retired from active busi- ness life, is a member of a prominent pioneer family, and a son of the late Albert G. Malli- son, who came to Akron in 1832. Mr. Mallison's father came to Summit County in the capacity of a civil engineer, and was a.ssociated with Captain Howe in the surveying and laying out of about 300 acres of land which is now in the central part of Akron. He did a large amount of surveying in this section, and many of the old recorded papers of conveyance, have his name at- tached. He was a native of Connecticut, born in 1797, and he died at Akron, in 1879. In 1843 he was married to Cornelia G. Washburn, who was born in Ohio, and died in 1875. Of their family of three children there are two sur\'ivors — Eveline, who mar- ried H. G. Moon, a retired citizen of Akron, and Albert H. Albert H. Mallison attended school in Ak- ron when the present busy city was a village and he has seen all of its wonderful develop- ment. Until 1890 he was engaged in farm- ing, and still retains farming interests. At that date he platted his farm, which has been largely sold in town lots, and is one of the most desirable residence portions of the city. Mr. Mallison is identified with the banking interests of Summit County. In addition to being vice president of the Depositors' Sav- ings Bank, he is a stockholder in the Second National Bank of Akron and also in the Cuyahoga Falls Bank of Cuyahoga Falls. His beautiful home, at 513 Wooster Avenue, is situated within half a dozen rods of the spot where he was born. On March 16, 1875, Mr. Mallison was mar- ried to Alice M. Miner, and they have four children, namely: Edith M., who married Joseph H. James, a profea-^or in the Carnegie Institute, at Pitt.'^burg; Celia R., wife of W. E. Hardy, who is connected with the Dia- mond Rubber Company, of .^kron;. Blanche J., who was a member of the graduating at Buchtel College in 1907, and Albert G., who is a third-year student at the West- ern Reserve University. Mrs. Mallison is a member of the Universalist Church. Mr. Mallison has ever taken a good citi- zen's interest in public matters. Politically a Republican, he has served on numerous occasions in office, both in the city of Akron and in the county. He was a trustee for three terms of Portage Township, assessor for two terms, and for tiiree years served as a member of the Akron School Board. He is liberal in his donations to charity and in his support of benevolent institutions. FRANK T. MOLONEY, cashier and treas- urer of the Cuyahoga Falls Savings Bank, treasurer of the Walsh Paper Company and also of the Cuyahoga Falls Board of Trade, occupies a prominent position in the business life of this city. Mr. Moloney wa« born at Chicago, Illinois, November 16, 1873, and is AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 437 a son of John J. ;ind Mary A. (Smith) Mo- loney. John J. Moloney was born in Ireland and after the death of his father, accompanied his mother to America, about 1843. He was seventeen years of age when he enlisted for sendee in the Civil War, entering the Nine- teenth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, in which he served for three years, during which time he was twice wounded and other- wise injured. He and wife have spent the most of their lives in Chicago, where he has followed carpenter work. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. Frank T. Moloney has been identified with the banking business ever since he completed the High School course in his native city. He was in the employ of the Commercial National Bank of Chicago for eleven years, beginning as a messenger boy, and he was gradually advanced until 1903, when he became connected with Euclid Park National Bank of Cleveland, as general bookkeeper. He remained there until 1905, when he came to the Cuyahoga Falls Savings Bank, He is one of the executive committee of the Cuya- hoga Savings Society. Mr. Moloney married May Belle Vim Hart, of Cincinnati, and has one child, a daughter, Adella, Mr. and Mrs. Moloney are members of the Congregational Church. In political sentiment, Mr. Moloney is a Republican. He is prominent in Masonic circles, belonging to Union Park Lodge, No. 610, A. F. & A.' M,, of Chicago; York Chap- ter, R. A. M., No. 148, and AI Sirat Grotto, of Cleveland, GEORGE H. WORRON. president of the Star Planing Mill and Lumber Company, with plant at No. 55 Cherry Street, Akron, has been a resident of this city for a quar- ter of a century and has a wide circle of bu.sine,ss as well as personal friends. He was born in County Kent, England, in 1854. In 1856 the parents of Mr. Worron came to America and settled at Utica, New York, The subjec-t of this sketch was reared in that sec- tion of the covmtrv, and after he had com- pleted his schooling, at the age of fourteen years, he learned the carpenter's trade. In 1882 he came to Akron and entered the em- ,ploy of the D.' W, Thomas Company, con- tractors and builders, and tecoming foreman, remained with that firm for about fifteen years. He then organized The Star Plan- ing Mill Company, with a capital stock of $25,000, and a finely-equipped plant. The business is the manufacturing of sash, doors, blinds and general interior finishings, and in connection the company conducts a lumber yard, and also do a general contracting bu-i- II ess. In 1882 Mr. AVorron was married to Alice S. Hunsicker, who is a daughter of Peter Hunsicker of Johnson's Corners. He is a member of the English Lutheran Church. His fraternal connections are with the Odd Fellows and the Maccabees. HARRISON THEODORE ROETHIG, a successful business man at Cuyahoga Falls, proprietor of a meat market on Front Street, was born at Cuyahoga Falls, Summit County, Ohio, September 19, 1869, and is a son of Ferdinand Julius and Sarah J, (Faze) Roe- thig. Ferdinand Julius Roethig was born at Krakow, Au.strian Hungary, February 24, 1825, and when he was five years old his father died and his mother took him to Ger- many. She pas.sessed means and he was edu- cated at Leipsic, where he later learned the trade of tinner and copper.-^mith. He was one of the young men who rallied under the banner of the Plungarian patriot, Louis Kos- suth, whose fortunes he followed for three years. After the defeat of their .great leader, at Temesvar, on August 9, 1849, the mem- bers of the regiment to which Mr. Roethig be- longed, including himself, escaped to the United States, and here he fell back on his trade as a means of support. For a year he worked at New Orleans, and then ascended the Mississippi to St, Paul, From that city he went to Chicago, and worked there at his trade for one year, and then coming to Cuya- hoga Falls. Here he followed his trade for 438 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY many years, a part of the time for himself and partly in the shops- of L. W. Loomis and Parks & Gillette. After coming to Ohio he enlisted for service in" the Civil War, but was stricken with illness at Massillon, which caused his discharge. He died April 17, 1886, eight years before his old commnnder. On August 30, 1852, Ferdinand Julius Roethig was married to' Sarah J. Faze, who sun'ives him and resides at Cuyahoga Falls. She was born at Manchester, Carroll County, Maryland, February 24, 1832, and accom- panied her parents to Cuyahoga Falls, wJieu !?he was five years of age. Her family came in M-agons and were three weeks making the trip. Her father, Peter Faze, was born in Gennany and came to America with his par- ents when five years of age. He was a and was accidentally killed in a paper mill in April, 1852, when aged fifty- nine years. There Avere nine children born ■to Ferdinand J. Roethig and wife, namely: Ferdinand J., deceased; Julia Sarah, who married C. W. Moon, both being now de- ceased; Oharle.s B., residing at Syracuse, New York; William Washington, residing at Cuyahoga Falls, and Edward Loon, Lillian, Alfred Herman and Harrison T., all resi- dents of Cuyahoga Falls. All of the above family was reared in the German Lutheran faith." Harrison Theodore Roethig was educated in the common and High Schools at Cuya- hoga Falls, and then learned the butchering business with Smith Tifft, with whom he re- mained for ten years. He then went to work for his brothers, "\A^illiam and Edward Roe- thig, who were doing business under the firm name of Roethig Bros., remaining with them for another ten years. In Febniary, 1901, he opened his own market. He has a clean, sanitary place, puts up his own ice and does a large part of his own butchering. He deals only in first-class meat, carrying all the .sta- ple delicacies in his line. Lie is essentially a man of business, and although he votes with" the Republican partv, he takes no active part in political affairs, devoting his time ex- clusively to looking after his constantly in- creasing interests. Mr. Roethig married Bertha L. Holden, who is a daughter of James Holden, of Kent, and they have one son, Lowell H. W. G. WISE, secretary and manager o! the Wise Furnace Company, which operates large works at Akron, was born at Green- town, Stark County, Ohio. He was educated in the district schools and at Mt. Union and subsequently taught school for two years. Coming to Akron in search of a satisfactory business field, Mr. Wise entered the office of J. F. Seiberldng, where he remained for six years. He then went to Catskill. New York, where he was engaged in a brick industry for two years, after which he retu^-ned to Akron. Here he was associateid for a time with the Werner Company, and later mih the Twentieth Century Heating Company, re- maining with the latter house for four years. In January, 1904, Mr. organized the Wise Furnace Company, which Avas incorpo- rated Avith a capital stock of $50,000. Avith J. W. Myers, presidemt; George Carmichael, vice-prasident, and AV. G. Wise, secretary and manager. This company manufactures fur- naces of the WLse pattern, and the National Gas Hot Water Heaters, and their large fac- torj' gives employment to seventy-five men. The business has been a pro.sperous one from the beginning, and the jirogress of the com- pany has ben the most rapid known in the furnace business. In 1893 Mr. AVise was married to Emma Filbey, of Shreve, AVayne County, Ohio, and they have one child, Atlee. Mr. aTid Mrs. AVise belong to the AA^oodland Methodist Epis- copal Church. He is a member of the U. C. T. GEORGE J. RENNER, president of the George J. Renner BrewerA' Company, of Ak- ron, and a resident of this city for nineteen A^ears, is a native of G6rmanA^ where he \^as ijorn in 1835. In 1849 Mr. Renner came to America and lived at Covington and Cincinnati, Ohio, un- til 1882. He then removed to Wooster, ELUE 0. FRITCH AND PvI']PRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 441 where he was in a brewing business for three or four years, and was afterwards in the snnie business in Mansfield up to 1888, when lie came to Akron. Purchasing an old brewery plant here he added to it until he now owns one of the finest equipped breweries in the country. He still owns a brewery at Mans- field, and has also other business interests, having been concerned in oil production for some years. The Akron brewery operates an ice plant having a capacity of fifty tons daily. The sales of the brewery aiuount to about 28,000 barrels annually, but could be ad- vanced, with the present equijiments, to from 30,000 to 50,000. In 1853 Mr. Renner married a native of (Tcrmany, and they have a pleasant family and a fine home in Akron, where Mr. Rmi- ner is numbered with the leading citizens. ELUE 0. FRITCH, secretary and manager of the Faultless Broom Manufacturing Com- pany, of Akron, a prosperous enterprise which is capitalized at .$25,000, is a native of Ohio and was born in Stark Countv, June 13, 1883. Mr. Fritch was fifteen years of age when he came to Akron, and his education had been secured in the schools of Stark County and at a commerical correspondence school in Rochester, New York. His first position was with the National Drill and Manufacturing Company at Barberton, where he had entire charge of the cost and time pay-roll depart- ment. After three months he took charge of the controler department of the Alden Rubber Company and had charge of the warehouse until the works were closed. Mr. Fritch then went to Cleveland and took charge of the books of the University club for one year and later was assistant manager of the Chamber of Commerce club, for two years. He subse- quently returned to Akron and as.sisted in the organization of the Faultless Broom Manu- facturing company, which was incorporated March 1, 1907, with John A. Boughton as president; E. 0. Fritch. as secretary and man- ager ; J. W. Harter as vice-president and T. F. Waters as treasurer and sales manager. This industry has bright prospects, and judging from the character of the men who have put their capital in the venture, there is little doubt that it will soon be numbered with the city's most important enterprises. The plant is located at No. 15 West Center Street. Mr. Fritch is a member of St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church. He lielongs fraternally to the Royal Arcanum. ERNEST C. DEIBEL, general manager of the Renner Brewing Company and a resi- dent of Akron for the past sixteen years, was born at Youngstown in 1862. After com- I)leting has education in his native city, he l)ecame connected with the brewing interests, and later took a course in the Brewing Acad- emy, at Chicago. In 1892 he came to Akron and assumed the position of general mana- ger of the Renner Brewing Company. He is also the 'manager of the Renner-Deibel Gas Company, operating sixty-two wells in Co- lumbiana County, Ohio. He married Eliza- beth Renner, who is a daughter of George J. Renner, and they have one child, Helen Dei- l)el. Mr. Deibel is a member of the Eagle and Elk fraternities. He belongs to St. Ber- nard's Catholic Church at Alcron. ROBERT RUSSELL PEEBLES, superin- tendent of the Turner, Vaughn and Taylor Company, at Cuyahoga Falls, is a practical and experienced machinist, having devoted all of hds mature life to this line of work. He was born at IMillersburg, June 24, 1869, and is a son of James W. and Isabella (Pat- terson) Peebles. Mr. Peebles' parents came to Cuyahoga Falls when he was about two years of age. The father was engaged in railroad work, and was a conductor on the C. A. & C. Rail- road for a number of years. Later he was a liartner of the Falls Rivet and Machine Company, but is now in the employ of the Turner, Vaughn and Taylor Company. He married Isabella Patterson and they have two children, Robert Russell and Evalena, the latter of whom is a teacher in the Cuya- hoga Falls High School. Mr. James W. 442 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Peebles is a -member of Star Lodge, No. 187, F. & A. M., and of Washington Chapter, "R. A. M., at Akron, Ohio. Robert R. Peebles married Clara Belle Mc- Oracken, who is a daughter of William Mc- Cracken, of Natick, Massachusetts. In political sentiment Mr. Peebles is a Re- publican. He served two years as a member of the board of public affairs, has been on the City Council, and has been president, and at present is vice-president of the Cuyahoga Falls Board of Trade. He is prominent in Masonry, having served two vears as worship- ful master of Star Lodge, No. 187, F. & A. M. ; he is a 'member also of Washington Chap- ter and of the Council at Akron. JOHN C. WEBER, a retired business citi- zen of Akron, formerly president of the Ak- ron Foundry Company, and for a number of years a leading factor in the city's commercial life, was born August 20, 1S44, at Monroe- ville, Huron County, Ohio. AVhen he was three months old his parents moved to Akron. He attended the public and parochial schools connected with the Cath- olic Church until prepared for St. John's Col- lege at Cleveland, Ohio, where he spent two yeai-s. Then he was a student in the Chris- tian Brothers' College at Dayton for one year. In 1860 he became a clerk in the general store of P. D. Hall at Akron, where he re- mained until October, 1861. He then enlisted in the Si.xth Ohio Independent Light Battery, which became a part of General Sherman's brigade, and saw his first active service at the battle of Shiloh. His battery wa.« sent all through Mi.s.sissippi, Alabama and Kentucky and its next serious engagement was at Perry- ville in the latter state. Mr. Weber participat- ed in the battle of Stone River, and in the fol- lowing .June started with his comrades on the Chattanooga campaign, in which they took part in the battles of Hoover's Gap, Chicka- mauga and Missionary Ridge. Thence they went to East Tennessee to take part in the At^ lanta campaign. The Sixth battery partici- pated in all the hard battles of this mem- orable period, Rocky Face Hill, Buzzards' Roost, Dalton, Resaca, Adamsville, Calhoun, Pumpkinvine Creek, New Hope Church, Pick- ett's Mills, Lost Mountain, Pine Top, Kenesaw Mountain, Chatahoochee River, Vining Sta- tion, Atlanta, Jonesboro and Lovejoy Station. From Atlanta his command was attached to the army under General Thomas at Gales- ville, Alabama, where Mr. Weber's term of enlistment expired. During the Atlanta cam- paign he had served as an orderly for the chief of artillery on the staff of General Wood. After a visit home, Mr. Weber returned to Nashville, Tennessee, where he remained un- til the close of the war. He wa« then engaged for two years in a grocery business at Akron, after which he went to California by way of the Isthmus of Panama. He spent some three years visiting the different states of the West, before returning to Akron. He tiaen became iis.sociated as traveling salesman with the wholesale drug house of G«orge Weimer, with which he remained connected for three years. In 1875 he superintended the erection of the Weber Block on Howard Street, Akron, a fine two-story business structure 60 by 1 00 feet in dimensions. In 1876 Mr. AVeber went to Cleveland, where he became associated with the C. E. Gehring Brewery Company, where he continued in until 1885, then re- turning to Akron. He purchased the inter- est of William Gray in the tinware and house furnishing goods firm of Jahant & Gray, and for fourteen years confined a large part of his attention to this enterprise. He also built the plant of the Akron Foundry Company, of which he was president, but disposed of his interest in 1899. In 1874 Mr. Weber was married to Emeline Oberholtz, and they liave five chil- dren, namely: Eva, who is the wife of E. W. Donahue, residing at Akron: C. Irene, Susie M. and Bertha T., residing at home; aiid Florenz, who is a.ssistant superintendent of the Columbia Gas and Electric Light Com- pany, of Cincinnati. Mr. Weber and familv belong to St. Bernard's Catholic Church. He is a Knight of St. -lohn, a Knight of Colum- bus, a member of the Catholic Knights of Ohio, and of the Catholic Knights of America. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 443 He belongs to Buckley Post, G. A. R., and is a member of the Lincoln Farm Associa- tion. He is also connected with the Commer- cial Travelers' Association, of Cleveland. Mr. Weber has always enjoyed the recrea- tion of travel and has seen almost all sections of his native land. Several years since, after retiring from the environments of business, he took a tour through Europe, accompanied by his son. He has never taken any active part in politics and would never consider any of- fice of a political nature, but he accepted a position on the Humane Association when proffered him by the Humane Society of Akron. FRANK A. SEIBERLING, president and general manager of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, at Akron, is a business man of this city who has been identified with many of its important enterprises. He was born on Jiis father's farm near Western Star, Summit County, Ohio. October 6, 1859, and is a son of John F. and Catherine L. (Miller) Seil>erling. In 1861 John F. Seiberling re- moved with his family to Doylestown, and in 1865 to Akron. Of his eleven children nine are .still living. Frank A. received his first school training in the building then used for school purposes which stands adjacent to the Congregational Church on the .south. After he had com- pleted the first year's course in the Higli School, he entered Heidelberg College at Tif- fin. He remained there two years, retiring at the end of his junior year in order to be of assistance to his father, who had just started the manufacture of the Empire harvester. The young man's collegiate training proved useful in the official 'bu-siness which grew out of this industrs', and in 1884, when the Sei- berling Company was organized, Frank A. became secretary and treasurer. Other large industries, companies and corporations with which he has been identified, either as stock- holder or as official, are the Akron Twine and Cordage Company, the AVerner Printing and Lithographing Company, Superior Min- ing Company, Canton Street Railway Com- pany, Zanesville Street Railway Company, Akron Street Railway Company, Manufactur- ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Association, the Thomas Philips Company, and the National City Bank. His main attention is now given to the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, of which he is president and general man- ager, the other officers being: L. C. Miles, vice-president; G. M. Stadleman. secretary; C. W. Seiberling, treasurer ; and P. W. Litch- field, superintendent. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, with which Mr. Seiber- ling has ben identified since 1898, was or- ganized in that year. They are engaged in the manufacture of rubber goods, their spe- cialties being solid and pneumatic carriage and automobile tires, bicycle tires, rubber horse shoes, rubber tiling, golf 'balls, moulded rubber and rubber specialties. There is no portion of the civilized world where goods do not find ready sale. On October 12. 1887, Mr. Seiberling was married to Gertrude F. Penfield, of Willougb- by. Lake County, Ohio. He and his wife are the parents of five children: John Frederick, Irene Henrietta, Willard Penfield. James Pen- field and Gertrude Virginia. HARRY S. DAVIDSON, M. D., a promi- nent physician and .surgeon at Barberton, and coroner of Summit County, has been a resi- dent of this village since August, 1899. He was lx)rn at East Springfield, Jefferson Coun- ty, Ohio, April 7, 1871, and is a son of C. L. and Mary A. (O'Connell) David.son. Dr. Davidson is of Scotch-Irish descent, his paternal grandparents having been lioni in Scotland, and his maternal grandparents, in Ireland. The families were both agricultuml ones. Young Davidson was reared on his father's farm and remained at home until he was twenty years of age. In the meantime he attended the country schools and improved his oportunities to such an extent that, with- out difficulty, he passe-d the necessary exami- nation for teachers. Except a"! a substitute, however, Dr. David.son never taught school He spent two years in a drug store at Mingo Junction, with his uncle. Dr. W. J. O'Con- 444 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ncll, a well-known physician and druggist, and then entered the Scioto School of Phar- macy, graduating therefrom after an attend- ance of two years. Immediately following, he entered the Ohio Medical University at Co- lumbus, where he was graduated in April, 1897. He practiced his profession for one years at Somerdale, Tuscarawa.s County, ai,i it are raised about sixty acres of wheat, wliich Mr. Rattle markets, and fifty tons of hay be- yond what is used on the farm, and all the corn and oats for feeding. Formerly Mr. Rattle raised many sheep, but when the price declined, he, like other .slieep-growcrs in the township, turned his attention to otlier lines of indu.stry. He rais&s many Berkshire hogs, keeps thiiij' head of highgrade catt'e of various breeds, has .six full-blood Guernsey cows and a Guernsey bull. Moon Arch, a noble and valuable animal. This farm is con- spicuous, not only on account of its size and fertility, but of the care which has developed it into a place so full of beauty as well as Titility. Mr. Rattle keeps six men employed and has provided every kind of im- proved machinery, and all modern con- veniences, so that all his plan* can be suc- cessfully carried out. His beautiful home is but one of the fine buildinp« which make the whole estate one of note. There are two fine residences on the place, one of which was once the home of his grandfather, Thomas Gaylord, who, with other member- of the family, owned large estates in Summit County. Mr. Rattle was married in 1877 to .Julia Gary, who is a daughter of .John E. Cary, and they have tliree children. AA^illiam, Mary and Elizaheth. AA'illiam Rattle was born .Tune 27, 1878, and has grown up in the business in which he is engaged. After completing the SHERMAN B. STOTLER AND EEPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 449 public school course, he received scientific training at the Case School of Applied Science at Cleveland, later at Kenyon College and with his father in the latter's office, and is thoroughly qualified to further the firm's in- terests in every way. In April, 1907, he was married to Susie Dewitt, of Cleveland. Mary married Harvey Mansfield; they have one daughter, Mary, and reside in Cleveland, Ohio. Elizabeth was born at Stow, Ohio, July, 1890. Mr. and Mrs. Rattle belong to St. John's Episcopal Church at Cuyahoga Falls, as also do all their children. Mr. Rattle is prominent in Masonry, be- longing to Star Lodge, No. 187, F. & A. M., at Cuyalioga Falls; Akron Chapter, R. A. M. ; Akron Commandery, K. T. ; Cleveland Con- sistory and Alkoran Temple at Cleveland. In political faith he is a Republican. He is a member of the Summit County Horticul- tural Society, and of the American Institute of Mining Engineers. SHERMAN B. STOTLER, superintendent of the Summit County Infimiary, holds a very responsible position, the duties of which have been faithfully and efficiently performed since he assumed them. Mr. Stotler was born Decemljer 25, 1856, in Doylestown, Wayne County, Ohio. His parents, Emanual and Eliza (Franks) Stotler, were well-known farming people of Wayne County, and the fa- ther was also a skilled mechanic. His death occurred in 1889. There were seven children in the Stotler familv. Mrs. Stotler died Julv 1st, 1901. Sherman B. Stotler was reared on a farm and was educated in the local schools. For many years after attaining manhood, he was employed by the late J. F. Seiberling, as an expert machine man. In 1887 Mr. Stotler was appointed super- intendent of the Summit County Infirmary, which shelters, at the latest report, 178 in- mates. His duties include, besides the care and management of this large number of un- fortunates, the cultivation of the infirmary farm of 345 acres. Only a man possessed of tact, good judgment and excellent business capacity could satisfactorily fill so important an office. • On December 20, 1882, Mr. Stotler married Delia Shafl'er, who is a daughter of David and Harriet (Cornelius) Shafl'er. Politically, Mr. Stotler is a Republican. He is connected fraternally with the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows. The publish- ers take pleasure in presenting his portrait in this connection. WILLIAM L. CAMPFIELD, undertaker- and dealer in furniture, at Barberton, is one of the leading citizens of the town, a man of progressive ideas and real public spirit. He was born April 2, 1862, in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, and is a son of Andrew Jack- son and Mary J. (Montgomery) Campfield. Mr. Campfield lost his father when he was fourteen years of age, and remained on the home farm wath his mother, until her death. He then sold the property, and in partnership with H. Orrison, embarked in an undertak- ing and furniture business at Martin's Ferry. After one year, ^Ir. Campfield bought out his partner's interest and conducted the busi- ness alone until 1902, when he disposed of it and one year later came to Barberton. On January 1, 1904, he arrived from Martin's Ferry and bought out the furniture store of Frank Hale, continuing the business at the same stand and inceasing its scope by adding undertaking. On April 18, 1901, Mr. Camp- field was graduated from the Pittsburg School of Anatomy, and understands every detail of the undertaking business. He is well cquijiped for all the business demands made upon him in this line, and is also the lead- ing furniture dealer in Barberton. In the fall of 1895 Mr. Campfield was married to Matilda E. Shaffer, and fhey have a very pleasant home in Barberton. Frater- nally, Mr. Campfield belongs to the Elks and Knights of Pvthias. With his wife, he be- longs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Since locating here he has taken an active interest in promoting every movement for the welfare of the town. In the Business Men'.s Association, of which he is a director, he seas 450 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY a strong factor in the ultimate development of Barbertofl's business activities, as well as greatly increased prosperity along all lines. WILLISTON ALLING, president of the Dime Savings Bank at Akron, and formerly county recorder of Summit County, was born October 26, 1842, in Vienna Township, Trumbull County, Ohio, and is a son of Jonathan and Maria (Clark) Ailing. The parents of Mr. Ailing came to Trumbull County from Connecticut, in which state he resided imtil he was twelve years old. He then became a member of his uncle's family, in Northampton Town.«hip, Summit County. After remaining with his uncle for three years, he secured farm work in Tallmavge Township. In August, 1862, he enlisted frcm that township for service in the Civil War a:id for three and a half years thereafter Avas a member of Company I, One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infan- try. He was honorably discharged in De- cember, 1865. Mr. -Ailing then returned to Tallmadge Township and engaged in contracting and building, in wliich business he continued un- til 1897. Mr. Ailing became president on its organization of the Dime Savings Bank, at Akron, which is now one of the leading finan- cial institutions of the city. The other offi- cers* of this bank are: Clint W. Kline and Charles Switzer, vice-presidents, and William H. Evans, secretary and treasurer. The capi- tal stock of thds bank is $50,000, with a sur- plus of $2,250. The bank i,s .^dtuated in the Ma.sonic Building on the corner of Mill and Howard Streets. Mr. Ailing was married in 1867 to Emilie A. Carter, who was born in Brimfield, Portage County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Horatio Tj. and Julia A. (Lyon) Carter, native'; of Ma,'«achusetts. He and his wife have b en the parents of six children: Julia M., Wal- ter C, Ruth W., Fannie M.. Mary E. and Ed- win L., of whom the last mentioned died in December, 1904. The family ha> a hi^ih so- cial standing in Akron. Politically, Mr. Ailing is a staunch Ropulv iican, and at various times he has served in important offices. For twenty-one years he was a justice of the peace, for several years county recorder, and for a long period an active and useful member of the Board of Education of Tallmadge. Mr. Ailing and family reside at No. 39 South Balch Street. The Ailing family are members of the West Congregational Church. JOSEPH COOK, an old and honored citi- zen of Akron, now retired from active busi- ness life, was born in England in 1847. His parents came to America when he w-as an infant, settling first at Danville, later at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, and still later at Eagt Liverpool, Ohio. He was reared up to the age of sixteen years in East Liverpool, obtaining his educa- tion in the public school.*. He was still a schooll)oy when he first enlisted for sei-vice in the Civil War, entering Company F. Fourth Regiment, West Virginia Cavalry, in which he served, nevertheless, with the cour- age and efficiency of a man through the eight months for which he had contracted. After his discharge he re-enlisted, entering Co'm- pany A, One Hundred and Forty-third Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in which he served four months, and being lionorably discharged, came to Akron. Here he enlisted for the thira time, in Company A, One Hundred and Fif- teenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for one year, but as this was an old regiment, it was soon mustered out, and Mr. Cook wns transferred to Company E, One Hundred and Eighty-eighth Regiment. Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, in which he remained until the close of the war, being finally mu.«tered out in the fall of 1865. He had served imder Gen- eral Butler in the Eastern army and under General Kelley in West Virginia, his la-t field service being with the Army of the Cumberland. Mr. Cook then returned to Ohio, his par- ents in the meanwhile having settled on a farm in Summit County, where he remained until he had recuperated from his long period of fatigufts a.nd exposure incidental to army AND IfKPlJESENTATIVE CITIZENS 451 life. Settling in Akron, he became inter- ested in a pottery business with John Hich- ardson and David Butler, under the firm name of Richardson, Cook & Butler. This firm was afterward incorporated as the Ak- ron Stoneware Company, of which Mr. Cook was president and general manager for three years. Failing health caused him to dis- pose of his interests in the company, and he took a season of rest. He subsequently retiu'ned to the pottery busines.s. however, under the firm name of Weeks, Cook & Weeks, building a pottery plant and managing the business for four years. He then sold out to F. H. Weeks, and turned his attention to improving his education, which' his early enlistment had interrupted, to that end tak- ing a complete coui'se in Hammel's Business College, at Akron. Mr. Cook then accepted a position as manager with the Wood Type and Novelty Company, and so continued until the busi- ness Avas clo.sed out. For .«ome four subse- quent years he was associated with the Drop Hammer Forge Company, filling the office of president, and later went into business with Charles S. Hart, mider the firm name of Hart & Cook, which connection lasted for fifteen years. At the same time Mr. Cook was president and general manager of the Akron China Company, but he sold his in- terests therein and later became connected with the Cleveland China Company in the decoration of china and white ware. After four years Mr. Cook practically retired, in 1905, from active business life, although he owns a large amount of land, to which he gives attention, and he is also financially in- terested in the Aluminum Flake Company. He was for so long an active factor in the city's bu,«iness life that his name is a famil- iar and an honored one in the local mart* of trade. He has also been active in political life to the extent of working for ci\T[c reform and good government, but has consented to service in no oflice, except on the school board, where he continued for four years. On October 9, 1873, Mr. Cook was mar- ried to Mary P. Norton, who is a daughter of Thomas Norton, and who was born in the pleasant old home at No. 1320 East Market Street, in which Mr, Cook and his family now reside. Six children have been born into their household, namely: Eva, who married Carl Trulson, residing at Cleveland; Thomas M., residing in Nevada; Mary P., who lives at home with her piuents; Martha, who married John Lemmon, and resides in Oakland, California; George W., residing in Oakland, but in business at San Francisco; and Celia, who resides with her parent*. Mr. Cook is a member of Akron Lodge, F. & A. M.; Buckley Post, No. 2, Grand Army of the Republic; the Odd Fellows, and of some purely .social organizations. RICHARD L. MOORE, postmaster at Cuyahoga Falls, and one of the representa- tive citizens of the place, was born at Black- lick, Indiana County, Pennsylvania, August 24. 1880, and is a. son of McConnell and Eliza- beth (Mildren) ^loore. The Moore fainilj- is of Scotch-Irish extrac- tion. William Moore, the great-grandfather of Richard L., was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, where his life was .spent, engaged in agricultural pursuits. His son, Hugh Moore, was born in Westmoreland County in 1806, and died in Sugar Creek Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, in 1900. He followed the trade of black- smith. His wife was Fannie, daughter of John Shryock, of Butler County, Pennsyl- vania, and they reared the following children : John and William, both deceased; James, re- siding at Johnstown, Penn.sylvania; Lavinia, deceased; Thomas H., residing at Los An- geles, California; McConnell, residing at Cuy- ahoga Falls; Sarah Jane, who is the wife of Captain Samuel J. Nicker.son, of Indiana, Pennsylvania: Margaret Ann, widow of John Adams, of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania; and George H., of Rimer.sburg. Pennsylvania. The mother of the above family died at the age of eighty-three years. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore were devout Presbyterians. Mr.. Moore being an elder in the church. McConnell Moore, father of Richard L.. 452 IIIS'I^OUY OK SUMMIT COUNTY was reared in Armstrong County and educated in the district schools. He was emploj-ed as clerk in a general store at Brady's Bend for several years, and then went to Oil Creek, where he had cliarge of some oil interests for about a year. Then he went to Pittsburg, where he worked at heating in a rolling mill for two and one-half years. He then returned to Brady's Bend as an inspector of ore for the Brady's Bend Iron Company, in which capacity he worked for seven years, after which he was in the oil business for himself for one year. In 1872 Mr. Moore went to Blacklick Station, in Indiana County, where he managed a firebrick business for his brother-in-law, E. J. Mildren, and he contin- ued there until 1885, when he came to Cuya- hoga Falls. For a time he was engaged with different firms in this city in more or less re- sponsible positions, until he en teamed the em- ploy of the Rivet and Machine Works as time- keeper, remaining with that great indu.stry until April 15, 1907, when he retired from business activity. In 1861 Mr. Connell ^loore was married to Elizabeth Mildren, who was born in Penzance, Cornwall, England, in 1842, and is a daugh- ter of Jacob L. Mildren, formerly of Brady's Bend. Of the thirteen children of this mar- riage twelve grew to maturity, namely : Fan- nie Jane, who is the widow of B. B. McCon- naughey, of Homer City, Pennsylvania; A. Kate J., deceased; Edward J., who is a resi- dent of Cleveland; Mel da, who was a victim of the great flood at Johnstown, Pennsyl- vania, May 31, 1889; Lavina, who married F. J. Creque, and resides at Cuyahoga Falls; Charles M., residing at home; Alice, who mar- ried John Young, of Muskegon. Michigan; Leroy M., a resident of Newark, New Jersey; Frank R., residing at Cuyahoga Falls; Ralph R., who is engaged in the jewelry bvisine-ss and resides at Cuyahoga Falls ; Richard L. ; and Dora, who married Rev. C. A. Coakwell, a minister of the Disciples Church, located at Lennox, Iowa. Richard L. Moore was reared and educated at Cuyahoga Falls, attending both the com- mon and High School. Prior to his appoint^- ment as postmaster, which was made June 15, 1906, he worked in different factories in this vicinity, being a .skilled mechanic, but since he assumed his present duties, on July 1, 1906, he has given the postoffice his main at- tention. His success a^s a public ofhcial has been generally recognized, and he is held in high esteem by his fellow citizens. Mr. Moore married Bessie Belle Schnee, Avho ds a daughter of Joseph and Jennie Schnee, of Cuyahoga Falls. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. Mr. Moore has alwaj's been in-- terested in public matters and has been an active worker in the Republican party. Fra- ternally he belongs to Howard Lodge, No. 62, Odd Fellows, and to the Foresters. JAMES M. LAFFER, vice-president of the Security Savings Bank, and vice-president of the People's Savings Bank, at Akron, is one of the city's leading financiers and business men. He is a dealer in drugs, paints and oils, and is largely interested in real estate. He was born in 1848, in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, but Akron has been his home for over a half century. He is a son of John Laffer, former- ly a farmer and miller, .father was Henry Laffer, an early settler in Tuscarawas County. James M. Laffer was reared and educated in his native comity, where he remained until 1861, when he moved to Millersburg, (_)hio. In 1865 he established himself in Akron. During his youth he ser\'ed for four years as a clerk in a driig store, and then went to Chi- cago, where he was engaged in a drug busi- ne.-^ for about nine months, afterwards re- turning to Akron. In October, 1869. the W. C. Byride & Company drug house was estab- lished. Mr. Laffer being interested, which con- tinued until 1873, when he bought the inter- est of Mr. Byride and has continued alone ever .«ince, having an excellent business loca- tion on the corner of Main and Exchange Streets. Mr. Laffer is one of the city's old and experienced business men — one who has wit- nessed and assisted in the wonderful develop- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 453 nieiit of her ccmimerce and the growth of her institutions. In 1872 Mr. Laffer wa.-i married to Minnie Collins, who is a daughter of J. H. Collins, of Aki-on. He and his wife have one daughter, Josephine, who is the wife of Francis Seiber- ling, a well known attorney of Akron. Mr. Laffer has taken a prominent part in public affairs, and in 1884 consented to serve on the City Council, in which he proved himself a careful guardian of municipal interests. His fraternal connections include the Knights of Pythias and the Odd Fellows, of Akron. W. W. McINTOSH, president of the Mc- Intosh-Baum Company, at Akron, has been a resident of this city for the past decade, but is a native of New York, having been born in Schoharie County, that state, in 1863. Mr. Mcintosh was educated in the schools of Sloans^^lle, and, after attending Claverack College, Claverack, New York, was prepared to enter into busine&s. and went to Jackson, Michigan, where he learned the jewelry trade, remaining in that location for five years. He was then engaged in the jewelry business at Clinton, Illinois, for about ten years. His health failing him, he was compelled to change his business, and, accordingly, he be- came interested in the manufacture of furni- ture, in which industry he was engaged for five years, at Constantine, ilichigan. Mr. Mcintosh then came to Akron, and for a .short time was engaged in the wholesale man- ufacture of undertaking goods. ;\fter sell- ing his interest in that business he became vice-president of the Hall & Harter Insurance Company, continuing as such for a period of two years, after which he organized the Mc- Intosh-Baum Company, which is now incor- porated. Mr. Mcintosh is connected with a iunnh)er of other Akron enterprises, being a director in the McNeil Boiler Company, vice- president of the S. & O. Engraving Company, director of the Beacon-Journal Company, and other succesful concerns. In 1889 Mr. Mcintosh was married to Grace Bishop, of Clinton. Illinois, and they have two children. Bishop and Margaret. A sister of Mrs. Mcintosh is the wife of Hon. \'espasian Warner, United States Commis- sioner of Pensions. Fraternally, Mr. Mcintosh is prominent in Masonry, having attained the thirty-second degree. He is a member of the Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council, Commandery, Consistory and Shrme at Cleveland. He has taken an active interest in locating a nimiber of indus- tries at Akron since he has made this city his home, and is a valued publicnspirited citi- zen. ISAAC SHELDON COWEN, one of the representative agriculturists of Northfield Township, was born on his farm in this township September 18, 1863, and is a son of John and Eliza (McNiece) Cowen. John Cowen was born in November, 1794, on the Isle of Man, whence he came to Amer- ica in 1827, and for eight years worked on the Ohio Canal. Sub-sequently he settled on a farm of forty acres in Northfield Township, where he engaged in sheep and cattle rais- ing, and built the home now occupied by Isaac S. He died at the age of eighty- three years. Mr. Cowen married Eliza McNiece, who was born in County An- trim, Ireland, and was a daughter of Isaac McNiece. Eight children were bom to Mr. and Mrs. Cowen. of whom six grew to ma- turity, namely: Rebecca Jane, born October 20, 1850, who married William Henry Price, of Cleveland, and who. w-ith her husband, is now decea.sed: Isaac Sheldon, .subject of this sketch ;3ViiHam Henry, who was born March LS, 1856; Minnie Eliza, who married John B. Ward, of Solon, Ohio; Elsie Ann, who lives on the home farm ; and Bertha Adele. who m-arried Ernest. E. Leslie, of Northfield Town- ship. The mother of these children was, like her father, an adherent of the Ouaker faith, hut after coming to Northfield Town- .'hip, there being no meeting-houses here of that denomination, she attended the Presby- terian Church. Isaac Sheldon Cowen was educated in tbe com^mon .schools, and has resided all of his life on his present farm, which was purchased 454 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COU^^rV by his fatlier from the Connecticut Laud Com- pany. He has tlirec barn.s, 26x30, with 14- foot posts; 26x42, with 14-foot posts, and 3Bx 46, with 18-foot posts, respectively, and all of his buildings are kept in the best condi- tion. He keeps about twelve head of cattle, his milk being shipped to Cleveland, and his principal crops are potatoes, grain and hay. Since procuring his farm Mr. Cowen has added thereto by purchase, and he now owns 131 acres, about thirty-five of which are under cultivation. An up-to-date farmer, he uses the most modern methods and machinery, and is conceded to be one of the townshijis prosperous agriculturists. Mr. Cowen is a Democrat in liis political views, but he has never cared for public office. REV. IRA A. PRIEST, I). D., who served as president of Buchtel College, at Akron, from 1897 until 1901, is one of the prominent men of this city. Dr. Priest was born at Mt. Holly, Rutland County, Vermont, and be- longs to an old colonial family of that sec- tion. After attending the public schools of his native place, Ira A. Priest entered a seminary at Barre, Vermont, where he prepared fi>r Tufts College, at Medford, Massachusetts, where he was entered in 1880, and was grad- uated four years later with his degree of Ph. B. In 1884 he continued his studies, in the theological department, and in 1887 he was graduated with the degree of A. M. In 1898 his alma mater conferred on him the degree of D. D. Dr. Priest was connected exclusively with churcih work for many years and served nimieroiis pastorates prior to coming to Ak- ron. For two years he had charge of the Universalist Churcli at Monson, ^Iassachu- setts, for three years he was at Adams, Ma.s- sachu.setts, and for five yeare at Newtonville, Massachusetts. In the fall of 1896 he took charge of the Akron church, and in the fol- lowing year became president of Bncht^l Col- lege. Although he .still continues his pas- toral work, since the close of his official con- nection with Buchtel College, he has been more or less interested also in business and political life. In 1901 he embarked in a real estate, loan and general insurance busi- ness, which he conducted alone until Septem- ber, 1906, when the firm of Patton & Priest was organized. This has since become one of the leading firms in its line at Akron and has offices in the Everett building. Dr. Priest is a stockholder in a number of the business enterprises of the city, and has attained rank among her men of capital and commercial capacity. On June 23, 1887, he was married to Eva Hall, who was born at Lacon, Illinois. They have one child, Ruth Hall. Dr. Priest has always taken an active and intelligent interest in politics, and has done his part in promoting good local government. On numerous occasions he has been elected to city offices, in 1903 becoming president of the City Council, to which office he was re- elected in 1905, and which he .still holds. A stanch Republican, he has been trea.surer for the past year of the Summit County Central Committee, and he is his party's choice for membership on the Board of Public Service. Fraternally, Dr. Priest is a Knight Templar Mason, and he belongs also to the Odd Fel- lows. WILLIS E. PETTITT, secretary and treas- urer of the Petfitt Brothers Hardware Com- jiany, of Akron, was born in Portage Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, in November, 1868, and is a son of the late Williaaii Pet- titt. His father was a prominent farmer and stockraiser in Portage Town.'^hip, where lie .settled in 1830, coming from Pennsylvania. The death of AVilliam Pettitt took place in 1882. He married Lucy Cook, who died in 1892. Of their eight children seven survive, namely: Orilla (married D. N. Spellman, of Akron) ; Clara. Ida, George, Miles, Lewis M., and AVillis E., all residents of Akron. Willis E. Pettitt was reared and educated in Summit Coimty until the age of seventeen years, when he caune to Akron and secured a po.sition a.s bookkeeper with the firm of May & Fiebeger. which he filled for sixteen years. Then, in 1903, in partner.ship -with his FIRST SCHOOL HOUSE FIRST HIGH SCHOOL .csMfiieiMfietm^i. Y. W. C. A. BUILDING, AKRON NEW COURT HOUSE, AKRON M. W. HOYE'S RESIDENCE, AKRON IN PERKINS' PARK AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 457 lirothcr, Lewis M. Pettitt, he established a hardware business under the name of Pet- titt Brothers & McDo^-ell, which continued until the fall of 1906. Mr. McDowell then retired and the firm name became The Pet- titt Brothers Hardware Company. The com- pany was incorporated with a capital stock of $50^000, with L. M. Pettitt as president; AVil- lis E. Pettitt, secretary and treasurer; Alfred Winkler, vice-president, and W. F. Ringler. general manager. The company docs a whole- sale and retail hai-dware and paint business, carrying a full and up-to-date stock, and hav- ing a wide trade ter^ito^}^ Willis E. Pettitt wasmarried in 1899 to Ab- bie A. Mead, who is a daughter of the late William H. Mead, of Illinois. They have one child, Grace A'irginia. Politically, Mr. Pet- titt is a Republican. He is a member of the West .Vkron Congregational Church and is on its official board. THOMAS .lEFFERSON SNYDER, owner of the East Side Dairy Farm, which com- prises 150 acres of valuable land situated in Coventry Township, belongs to an old pioneer family which settled in this section of Sum- nnt County eighty-eiglit years ago. Mr. Snyder was born in his father's log cabin, not far distant from his present farm, in Cov- entry Township, Summit County, Ohio, Aug- ust 16, 1857, and is a son of George M. and Mary (Rex) Snyder. George ^I. Snyder was born in 1814, in Pennsylvania, and was five years old when his father, Yost Snyder, brought his family and possessions to Coventry Township, making the long journey through the wilderness with an ox-team. When he built his log cabin in the woods, ^^kron was a hamlet of a half dozen rude shanties, and it would have required a vivid imagination to depict in its place the present l)usy, beautiful city. The digging of the canal was a great event and George M. Snyder told his children how the whole fam- ily "walked to Akron to see the finst canal boat on its waters. Yost Snyder and wife lived to old age on this farm and reared a large fam- ily of children, George M. being among the older ones. The latter assisted in the clearing of the farm and later learned the mason trade, at which he worked for twenty-two years, during the summers, and during the long, cold and stormy winters -he would use the old loom and w-eave cloth. He acquired land of his own, and possessed the farm in the Snyder allotment, through which Snyder Avenue, Barberton, now extends. He lived to the age of eighty years, and in many ways was a remarkable man. Pie had enjoyed but few advantages of any kind in his youth and had never learned to either read or writ* the English language until the Civil War, when, on account of the deep interest he felt in pub- lic affairs, he .set himself the task of learning to read, his children being his teachers, and became thoroughly informed in this way, al- though, at his age, it doubtless required great perseverance. He was a stanch Democrat, of the old type. George M. Snyder was married (first) to Catherine Harter, who bore him two children : Henry, now residing at Barberton. and George, who is deceased. He married (sec- ond) Mary Rex, whom he also survived, and they had fourteen children, namely: Jacob, Daniel, Lewis, Thomas J., William F., Mary (Mrs. Anderson), Sarah, who married H. Deisen, residing in North Dakota; Inez, who married J. H. Horner; Elvina, who married H. Pontius; Emma, who married William Stott; and four children now deceased. George M. Snyder was married (third) to Lucinda Bachman, but they had no family. Thomas J. Snyder remained with his fa- ther on the farm on which he was l)orn until 1859, when the family moved to w-hat is now the Snyder allotment. Land then could be bought for $2.50 an acre which later has been valued at $300. During his boyhood the family endured many hardships, their home having few of the comforts or conveniences of the present day. Mr. Snyder remembers when his mother used to come with her broom and sweep away the heavy snow that had sifted through the wide cracks onto the floor, so that her many children could get out of bed without having a chill. He attended the 458 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY old district school whenever farm work per- mitted. In 1887 he bought his present farm in Coventry Township, purchasing it from George Fouser, and settled on it in 1891. It was cleared land at the time, but he has spent a large amount of money in making the ex- cellent improvements, which are to be seen on every side. He practically rebuilt the house, making it both attractive and comfortable, and erected commodious barns and other buildings made necessary on account of his farming operations and dairying. He is as- sisted in the work of the farm by his sons, and superintends the dairy himself, keeping twenty-four head of cattle, and numing a milk wagon to Barberton. He has spent al- most his whole life in Coventry Township, and is interested in everything concerning its welfare. With peace and plenty on every side, congenial work, many friends, and the re- spect and esteem of his fellow citizens, Mr. Snyder perhaps enjoys life to a greater de- gree than many of those who spend their time and substance moving in a larger cir- cle. On October 5, 1877, Mr. Snyder was mar- ried to Mary E. Deiter, who was a daughter of Samuel and Lorinda Deiter. They have had ten children, namely: George, who mar- ried Cora Croser, and has three children — Love, Celia and Blanche; Lucy, who married 0. Nicodemus, and has three children — Hazel, Park A. and Ethel; Carrie, who is the wife of M. Hissem, and the mother of four chil- dren — Guy, Helen, Pauline and Clifford; Lil- lian, who married W. Nicodemus, and has three children — Chester, Roy and Elnora; Thomas R., who married Mary First; Wil- liam. Nora Belle, Halley Maude, Howard, who died aged fifteen months; and Edna Fern. Mr. Snyder and family belong to the Reformed Church. Politically he is a Demo- crat. ADAM HUDDILSTON, whose death on December 28, 1905, removed from North- field Township, one of her leading citizens, was a native of Ireland, born near the city of Belfast, October 31, 1840. He was a son of Gilbert and Sarah Elizabeth (Whighani) Huddilston. The father of Mr. Huddilston was born near Belfast, in 1798. In Ireland he had cliarge of large estates belonging to his- un- cle, Adam Patterson, w-hose heir he became. The is still in the Chancery Court, and forty years must yet elapse before the heirs can come into possession. With his wife and three children, Gilbert Huddilston left Bel- fast for America, on the ship Wales, -Tune, 10, 1841, and landed at the port of New York, August 12, 1841. He settled first at Glen- ville, Ohio, and in 1842 bought a farm near Solon, where he died in 1878. His wife survived liiin until 1900. Adam Huddilston was reared on the farm at Solon, which when, lie grew to manhood, he conducted, also carrying on a flour and .feed store and dealing in agricultural imple- ments. For seventeen years prior to his mar- riage, he traveled over the country selling farm machinery for Warder, Bushnell, Glas- ser & Company. In 1886 he came to North- field and settled on Mrs. Huddil^ton's home- stead farm, and two years later he bought the Z. P. Sorter place of 100 acres, ad.i'oining the other farm. Of his land Mr. Huddilston made a dairy and .grain farm, raising over 900 Vni.shels of oats annually and other grain in proportion, cultivating 100 acres. He kept thirty head of cattle. Since his death, which was caused accidentally, his horses becoming unmanageable when stnick by a car. Mrs. Huddilston has kept up the farm and dairy. In 1884 Mr. Huddilston married Anna McNeice, of Northfield Township, and they had five children, namely: Leigh, born March 4, 188P>: Hes.sie Marian, born March 26, 1888; Mercedes (decea.«ed), born Juno 24, 1890; Gilbert Leonard, born June 11, 1892 ; and Warren Paul, born May 12, 1895. Leonard McNeice, father of ^Irs. Huddil- ston, was born in County Antrim, Ireland, and was twenty-eight years of age when ho came to .\mcrica, accompanied by his wife. For a time he worked as a molder at Cleve- land, and then came to Northfield Town- ship, where he bought the farm which Mrs. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 459 Huddilston owns, and where she was born December 29, 1859. Mr. McNeice mamed Anna Bell, also of Count\' Antrim, and they had six children, the two who survived to ma- turity being: Jonathan B., residing at Solon, and Mi-s. Huddilston. Prior to her marriage she built her comfortable residence, a coni- modius and attractive one, with seventeen rooms. The bank barn, 36 by 60 feet in di- mensions, was built in 1898. The Lake Erie and Pennsylvania Railroad purchased ninety acres of her land when they built their cross line. This farm is one of considerable value and has always been well kept up. ^Irs. Huddilston has a magnificent apple, plum and small frait orchard. She was reared in the faith of the Presbyterian Church, and during his residence at Solon, the late Mr. Huddilston was an elder in the same. His untimely death was a terrible blow to his family, and a shock to the community in which he was so highly esteemed. P. H. SCHNEIDER, president of the Schneider Building Company, of Akron, lie- longs to that cla&s of able, far-seeing business men, whose energy and enterprise have added greatly to the reputation of this city as an important commercial and manufacturing center. He was born December 1, 1866, in Wayne County, New York, but was reared on a farm in Kent County, Michigan. Being a farmer's boy, he attended the country schools, and was nineteen years old before he found -an opportunity to attend tlie High School, at Lowell, Michigan, where he spent one year. He then became employed in a grocery and dry goods store, first as a clerk, and later as manager of the dry goods departments of the different stores conducted bv the -T. L. Hudson Company, of Detroit, Michigan, remaining in their employ for ten years. In 1897 he came to Akron in the capacity of manager for the dry goods store of William Taylor, Son & Company, at 155 and 157 South Howard Street, a position 'e filled for eighteen months. He organized t'e P. H. Schneider Company, purcha'iing the Taylor .store. Of this company Mr. Schneidi-r was president, treasurer and general manager, and he contmued to operate the store for seven years, in the meantime doing an exten- sive dry goods business. Disposing in Au- gust, 1905, of his mercantile interests to the M. O'Neil Compiiny, he decided to enjoy a period of rest from the demands of busiiie-is life. In March, 1903, the Schneider Build- ing Company was organized, of which Mr. Schneider is president and treasurer. Subse- quently, Mr. Schneider bought the buildings between the Central Savings and Trust Com- pany and the Odd Fellows' Temple, on South Main Street, one of them being a six-story, and the other a five-story building, both val- uable and paying properties. Mr. Schneider is a director, and member of the executive committee of the Central Savings and Trust Company, and took a prominent part in the consolidation of the Central Savings Bank and the Akron Trust Company, 'at which time he was director of the Akron Trust Company. He is interested in other succes.sful enterprises in this vicinity. In 1880 Mr. Schneider was married to Jen- nie Winegar, who was born in Michigan. He and his wife reside in a beautiful home at 120 Adoiph Avenue. Fraternally, Mr. Schneider is a Thirty-sec- ond Degree Mason, and belongs to the Blue Lodge. Chapter, Council and Commandery at Akron and to Lake Erie Consistorv at Cleve- land. GEORCtE T. RANKIN, JR.. M. D., one of tlie leading practitioners of medicine and sur- gery at Akron, was born in this city, Septem- ber 6, 1875, and is a "Son of George T. and Mary C. (Shumaker) Rankin. The father of Dr. Rankin was born at Hud- son, New York, where he learned building and contractine. In 1872 he came to Sum- mit County, Ohio; he followed contracting at Akron and became superintendent of the improvements made in the public school buildings. George T. Rankin was reared at .Vkron, and, after completing the public school course, attended Buehtel College. He then began to 460 PIISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY read medicine. His medical education was completed in the University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, where he was graduated in June, 1899, following which he sen'ed six months as an interne in the Allegheny Hos- pital, and two year.-; in the Kings County Hospital at Brooklyn, New York/ In 1901 Dr. Rankin returned to hLs native city and opened an office. He is surgeon of the Akron City Hospital, and also of the Mary Day Ho.S'pital. He occupies well-appointed offices in the Hamilton Block, being well equipped to handle any case of modern surgery in- volving the most complicated treatment. Dr. Rankin is a member of the American Medi- cal Association and of the Ohio State, and Summit County Medical Societies. Politic- ally, he is identified with the Reiniblican party. Fraternally, he is a Thirty-second Degree Mason, and belongs also to the Elks. MILTON A. YA^ HORN, clerk of North- field Township, which position he has ably filled since the spring of 1904, was bom in Summit County, Ohio, March 27, 1843, and is a son of Robert, and Catherine (Kuhn) Van Horn, and a graiidson of Edward Van Horn. Edward Van Horn, the grandfather, was born in Mifflin County. Pennsylvania, in 1778, and died in Ohio in 18.")4. He came to Ha.rri.son County,Ohio, in all probability, immediately after hLs marriage to Margaret Hamilton, who was a woman of rare gifts and noble character. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, being stationed near Toledo, where either wounds or sickness prostrated him, and word was pent to his wife far away in her little log cabin, that her husband was dving. The coairageous woman stopped only long enough to wrap her infant son w-armly, and, with him in her arms, in the dead of winter, .she rode alone through the dee)) virgin forasts until she reached the military camp. There she found prepara- tions were being made to bury one whom his comrades believed to be past help, but the sight of his brave wife and babe created a reajction, and he recovered and lived many years afterward to show his devotion to so faithful a wife. He was one of tlie first men to banish liquor from the harvest field, going against a popular custom of the day. Robert Van Horn was born at New Athens, Harrison County, Ohio, January 10, 1812, and died in November 24, 1905. He wa< a man of excellent parts, well educated for his day, having spent a year at Franklin Col- lege. In 1837 he came to Northfield and taught school, and he siibsequently jiurcha-ied a farm of eighty-six acres north\\est of North- field Center, on which he raised cattle and slieep. He was an on t-sj token Free-Soil man and attended many of the early conventions as a delegate and subsequently became a zeal- ous Republican. He served in many local offices and was a truly representative citizen. He married a daughter of Archibald Kuhn, a prominent man in his dav, who represented Allegheny County in the Pennsylvania State Legislature. To this marriage three children were born : Archibald, who died in 1889, aged fifty-eight years; Jennie A., who mar- ried Joseph Boyd, residing at Northfield ; and Milton A. The mother of this family was born in Pennsvlvania in 1809 and died in Northfield in ]\iarch, 1889. Milton Van Horn attended school in North- field Township and continued to a■^«i-t on the home farm imtil his marriage. He owns a farm of fifty acres on which ho resided until 1903, condiicting it mainly as a dairy farm, making a choice grade of butter and cheese. He erected a comfortable and attractive home residence at Northfield Center, where he has resided since retiring from the farm in 1903. For nearly thirtv years he served as a mem- ber of the school board, being elected by the Republican partv in 1878. He is a progres- sive, public-spirited citizen and has contin- ually shown a commendable interest in pub- lic affairs. Mr. Van Horn was married (first) in 1804 to Harriet Thompson, who died in 1872. aged twenty-nine years. She left two chil- dren, namely: Rev. Francis J., D. D., who is a minister of the Congregational Church, stationed at Seattle, Washington ; and Jen- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 461 nie, who married Bird Waite, a farmer in Northfield Township. Mr. Van Horn was married (second) to Mary Rinear, who died in 1889, leaving no issue. Mr. Van Horn was married (third) in 1890 to Cynthia Honey, who died October 16, 1906. Mr. Van Horn is an active member of the United Presbyterian Church, of which he is clerk. For a period of forty years he was choir mas- ter of this church nnd is now Sunday-school superintendent. JOSEPH COl'RTNEY, a general farmer and extensive dairyman, owns 190 acres of valuable land in Sunnnit County, 159 acres lying in Portage Township, and 31 acres in Northampton Township, the township line jiassing through his land. Mr. Courtney was born in Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio, July 13, 1862, and is a son of James and Julia (Bergin) Courtney. His parents were born in Ireland. James Courtney came to America in early manhood, settling in Bos- ton Township. His .second wife, Julia, mother of Joseph Courtney, was mar- ried first in Ireland to John Hogan, and with him came to America. Mr. Hogan died in New York and his widow, with her chil- dren, came to Summit County. Three of the latter still survive, namely : Stephen ; Nora, who married Francis Courtney, a son of James Courtnej' by his iirst marriage; and Mary, who married James McGuire, of Peninsula. By his marriage .lames Courtney had three" children— Francis, who married Nora Hogan ; James, who was killed in the Civil War; and Ellen (Mrs. Tosier), who is now deceased. Two children were born of the second marriage of James and Julia Court- ney — .loseph and Julia, the latter of whom married Charles Martin, of Akron. James Courtney acquired a farm of eighty acres, in Boston Township, which he sold in 1864, at which time he bought ninety-six acres of the present home farm, later adding ninety-one acres, his son Joseph also adding five acres. When James Courtney came to America he was a poor boy, entirely dependent upon his own efforts, but he was industrious and pru- dent and when he died in February, 1878, he possessed what was for him an ample for- tune. He was survived by his widow until December, 1903. At her death she was al- most eighty-three years old. Both were ear- nest Christian people. Joseph Courtney was reared on the farm he now owns, and with the exception of a few years, when he lived at Akron, he has been continuously engaged in farming. In 1893 he entered into the dairy business, and now keeps from twenty to twenty-five head of cows. In April, 1894, Mr. Courtney was married to Maud Cassidy, who is a daughter of William Cassidy, and they have seven children: James, William, Julia, Joseph, George, Mary and Margaret. Mr. Courtney, with his fam- ily, belongs to the Catholic Church at Akron. He is one of the leading agriculturist men of this section and is held in esteem by all who know him. WILLIAM H. STONER, secretary and general manager of the Baker-McMillen Com- pany, at Akron, -was born in this city, in Sep- tember, 1870, and is a son of Samuel D. and Lucinda E. (Shirk) Stoner, the former of whom is deceased. William H. Stoner completed his education in his native city, and when sixteen years of age, entered the employ of the Baker-McMil- len Company, with which he is .still identified, having risen step by step from the humblest position to that of general manager, which he has ably filled for the four and one-half years. In 1895 Mr. Stoner was married to .Julia A . Pardee, who is a sister of Judge Pardee, of the Summit County Probate Court, and a daughter of the late George K. Pardee, who wa-^ for many years one of Akron's promi- nent attorneys. Mr. Stoner has long been considered a rep- rasentative citizen of Akron, and has taken nart in public movements of various kinds, For four years he served on the Board of Jury Commi.ssioners, of which he was .secretary. He is a member of the First Disciples Church of Akron. 462 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ANDREW HALE, who bore the distinc- tion of being the first white child born in Bath Township, died in the same township, July 29, 1884, aged seventy-three years. He was a son of Jonathan and Mercy S. (Piper) Hale. The father of Mr. Hale was the first perma- nent settler in Bath Tcnvnship, Summit County, to which he had come from Gla-ton- bury, Connecticut, in 1810. Andrew at- tended the subscription schools and spent his life engaged in clearing and improving the lands belonging to himself and father. He was a man of sterling character, and is men- tioned as a faithful friend and good neighbor. Like his father, he possessed the qualities wihich marked the representative settlers of those times — men to whom we like to point as 'Our ancestors of unpretentious honesty, dauntless courage and untiring perseverance. Mr. Hale was married April" 12, 1838, to Jane Mather. Of this union there were six children : Pamela L. Oviatt, Sophronia J. Ritchie, Clara Ashmun, Charles 0. Halo, Alida Humphrey and John P. Hale. Mr. Hale, with his family, belonged to the Con- gregational Church. GEORGE A. McCONNELL, dairy farmer of Northfield Township, was born in Coshoc- ton County, Ohio. April 8, 1856, and is a son of John and Jane L. (Shannon) McConnell. John McConnell was born in Comity Done- gal, Ireland, and was brought to America by his parents when he was eight years of age. He died March 6, 1905, aged within a few days of hLs eightieth birthday. He lived on the home farm in Coshocton County, where his parents had settled, until 18B4. Prior to his marriage, with his brother Alexander, he operated the home farm of 480 acres. After coming to Northfield Township he l)ought one tract of land after another until he owned 367 acres, on which he wintered from sixty to seventy head of cattle, and raised many horses and hogs and some 200 sheep. Later he turned his attention to raising wheat, at which he was very successful, and he also en- gaged in dairying. He took an intelligent in- terest in public, matters, but he was never a politician. In Coshocton County he mar- ried a daughter of Is9,ac Shannon. She died March 30, 1896, aged sixty-five years. They had nine children, namely: John, who is deceased; Isaac, of Northfield Township; George A., subject of this sketch; Hervey A., jusitice of the peace in Northfield Township; LaGrande, a physician, now deceased; James and Albert, deceased; Sarah, who married H. R. Boyden, of Northfield; and Charles, of Magnolia, Colorado. George A. McCoiniell attended school in Northfield Township until he was sixteen years of age, in the meanwhile assisting on the home farm, as did also his brothers, all working for the common benefit. He then learned cheese-making, an industry that he followed for six years, and with the excep- tion of that period, has ever since been a farmer. He keeps from thirty to thirty-five head of cattle and ships milk to Cleveland. He raises nearly all his own cows and is mak- ing plans to keep only the Ayreshire stock, having purchased a thorough-bred Ayreshire bull. He has had a valuable silo constructed with dimensions of 16 by 18 feet, 27 feet high. In 1892 he built his present com- fortable residence. Mr. McConnell married Jane A. AVillcy, of Northfield Township, and they have a family of five promising children: Albert A., Carl W., Ella L., Clark and Lucy. Mrs. McCon- nell is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. McConnell is affiliated with the Repub- lican party. He has never served in any of- fice except one connected with educational af- fairs, including a number of terms on the school board, and for a few years as towii.ship trustee. He is giving his children every edu- cational and socifl advantage in his power. FR.VNK S. PRIOR, secretary and treasurer of the Akron Plumbing and ITeatinu- Com- pany, at Akron, was born in ISSO, in Sum- mit County, Oliio, and belontrs to a family which was numbered among the first .settlers in the county. His grandfather, Samuel S. Prior, was a native of Massachusetts, and his AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 463 father, Frederick S. Prior, was born in Sum- mit County, in January, 1848. He resides at Akron, where he follows the profession of stationary engineer. He is active in Repub- lican political circles. Before becoming identified with the Akron Plumbing and Heating Company Frank S. Prior was mainly engaged in securing a good education, attending the schools of Cuyahoga Falls and Hammel's Business College. He was connected with his present business house before it was incorporated in March, 1907, at which time he became its secretary and treas- urer. He is one. of the younger set of busi- ness men at Akron, who are injecting much vigor into the city's commercial and indus- trial life. In 1905 Mr. Prior was married to Leota J. Zink, who was born at Akron and who is a daughter of Z. E. Zink, foreman at the plant of the American Cereal Company. Mr. Prior is a member of the Disciples Church at Cuyahoga Falls. He belongs to the bene- ficiary order of the Protected Home Circle. JOHN P. HALE, one of Akron's promi- nent business men, proprietor of a large jewelry establishment, belongs to one of the earliest pioneer families in Summit County, his father having been the first white child born in Bath Township. He was born in Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio, in 1862, son of Andrew and Jane (Mather) Hale. He was reared on the home farm and was mainly educated in the schools of Tall- niadge. spending one year in the Ohio State University at Columbus. After completing his college cour.*e, he spent three years on the farm, and then, in 1887, came to Akron and embarked in a jewelry business with a Mr. George Jackson, with whom he remained as.-*ociated for two years. Since then he has been establi.shed alone, doing a large retail business at his convenient location. No. 54 South !Main Street. He has made an exten- sive study of optics and lens-fitting, and, like his forefathers, is used to hard work. He is engaged in 'both the manufacturing and repairing of jewelry-, and can-ies a large and well-assorted stock. He is interested also in other enterprises. In 1891 Mr. Hale was married to Zedella Frank, who was born and reared in Copley Township, and is a daughter of the late David Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Hale have one son, Andrew. They are members of the West Congregational Church, of Akron, Mr. Hale being a member of its present board of trus- tees. CHARLES H. JAITE, president of the Jaite Company, manufacturers of paper and paper bags, with a plant in Northfield Town- ship. The parents of Mr. Jaite settled at Cleve- land in 1860, where he attended the public schools ^intil he was thirteen years of age. He then went to work in a paper mill. Be- ing suited with this employment, he set out to master every detail of the business, and in time became a thorough expert. He later became president of the Standard Bag and Paper Company and vice-president of the Cleveland Paper Company. In 1902. when the two companies were consolidated with the Akron Paper Company, the new style of The Cleveland-Akron Paper Company was as- sumed. Mr. Jaite had charge of the manu- factiu'ing part of the business, and located the plant in Bo.ston Township, Summit Countv. He continued to be thus occupied until July, 1905, when he resigned as director and man- ager, at the same time disposing of his stock. He had, however, no idea of going out of the paper basiness, bvit merely desired an estab- lishment organized according to his own plans, and on September 18, 1905, he founded the .Jaite Company. The officers of this new company are: Charles H. Jaite, president; Robert H. Jaite, vice-president ; Emil W. Jaite, .secretary; and Julius Kreckel, treasurer. The business was incorporated September 18. 1905, and was followed immediateh' after- ward by the erection of their plant in North- field Township, which they placed on the Cuyahoga River. They now own one of the most substantial manufacturing buildings in Summit Countv. The machine room of the 464 HLSIORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY plant is 50 by 200 feet in dimensions and over this, in the second story, is located tlie bag factory. The boiler room for heating is 60 by 157 feet in dimensions; the boiler room for the 580 horse-power steam engine and engine room is 61 by 74 feet; the bleach room is 37 by 60 feet, and the of- fice is 16 by 20 feet. The building is two stories in height, with a warehouse 60 by 164 feet. The plant is equipped wdth a capacity of eight tons of manufactured paper a day, which is made into paper bags, the product being sold direct to manufacturers of flour and cement. The company has drilled five productive gas wells, each 900 feet deep, and thus they get abundant heat, their power being obtained by a gas and a steam engine. The quality and purity of the water used is a factor of importance in the manufacture of paper and this company has an artesian well, 390 feet in depth, which flows 400,000 gal- lons of water a day. It ls of such purity that the paper manufactured with its use is many points stronger than paper made heretofore by the same formula, wdth ordinary water. The company has built five two-flat buildings just across the line, in Brecksville Township, for the housing of their employes. This is one of the most important business enterprises of this section, and its success must be attrib- uted to the quiet, resourceful man who has studied the manufacture of paper in a prac- tical way from boyhood. Mr. Jaite married a daughter of E. L. Peebles, of Cuyahoga Falls, and they have had six children, namely: Grace May, Rov W., Giles, Edna E., Nettie and Fern J. "Giles died at the age of three years. Mr. Jaite built a beautiful home in Boston Township in 1904, in which he has resided since the spring of 1905. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce at Cleveland, the Royal Arcanum in Cleveland, and of Cri- terian Lodge, K. of P. He belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. JOSEPH C. HILL, formerly county com- missioner of Summit County, and a leading citizen of Akron, carries On a large contract- ing business liere, and has been a resident of the city since 1882. He is a prominent member of Buckley Post, Grand Army of tlie Republic, having served as a soldier in the Union army during the entire period of the Civil War. He was born in Pennsylvania, March 9, 1844. When a youth of but seven- teen years, in June, 1861, he voluntarily as- siuned the dangers and hardships that fell to the lot of those who took active part as sol- diers in the great Civil War, which he faced with courage and endurance that would have been creditable in one much older and more seasoned. As a member of Company E, Seventy- .seventh Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, Colonel F. H. Stambaugh, and under com- mand of General Negley, he left Pittsburg on October 26, 1861, going directly to Ken- tucky. He served under some of the greatest commanders of the war — Generals Grant, Sherman, Rosecrans and Buell — and par- ticipated in some of the most memorable en- gagements, including those of Pittsburg Land- ing, Corinth, Perryville, Chickamauga, Mis- sionary Ridge, the campaign from Chatta- nooga to Atlanta., Jonesboro, Sherman's March to the Sea, through the Carolina.*, and in the last' struggle at Bentonville. He was honorably discharged and was mustered out of the service at Louisville, Kentucky, in Sep- tember, 1865. During all this period of al- most constant exposure to danger, Mr. Hill was wounded but once, and then slightly. He was captured once, at Chickamauga, but for- tunately made his ftscape on the same day. After the close of his very creditable mili- tary serve, Mr. Hill returned to-Pennsylvania, and in 1867 went West. , There he soon found profitable employment in building, and his work was so approved that he became con- cerned in the building of all the bridges for the Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston Rail- road, from Chetopn, Kansas, to Fort Gibson. He subsequently built the Plaza hotel at Santa Fe, New Mexico; the Palace hotel at Las Vegas, New Mexico; the Adelia Silver Mill, for the Adelia Mining Company, at Sil- ver Cliff, Colorado. After completing the last AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 46c mentioned contract, in January, 1882, he re- turned east to "Ohio and located permanently at Akron. Here Mr. Hill has had a good share of the general building and contract- ing work of the city, and has erected some of the finest residences here, including those of M. 11. Crumrine, Charles Berry, on Portage Path ; H. H. Bender, on Batch Street, and that of Dr. Rose, on Rhodes Avenue. He is a stockholder in the Dos-De-Atril Mining Company, of Chico, New Mexico. In 1870 Mr. Hill was married at Clinton, Summit County, Ohio, to Belle Whittlesey, of that place. He and his wife have four sons and two daughters, namely: Clarence M., who is a conductor on the A. B. & C. Railroad; Charles R., who is connected with the firm of Yeager Company, as windoiw dresser; Wil- liam W., residing at home with his parents; Kathrj'n, who married Charles Ellet, resid- ing at Akron; and Mabel, who is a graduate nurse, connected with the Akron City Hos- pital ; and Frank, who is a stenographer in the offices of the Goodrich Rubber Com- Formerly Mr. Hill was quite active in poli- tics, and served very efficien'tly as a commis- sioner of Summit County, but latterly has given the larger part of his attention to busi- ness affairs. A. POLSKY, one of .Vkron',-; entei-prising men and successful merchants, dealing in dry goods, cloaks and milliners', and carrying tlie largest and most exclusive stock of its kind in this city, occupies a three-story and base- ment building, at Nft«. 51-53 South Howard Street, where he ha^ a floor space of 40 bv 90 feet. Mr. Polsky was born in 1848 in Polish Russia, where he remained until twenty years of age, >when he emigrated to America. After landing in the United States be remained for six months in New York and then wpnt on a tour through Iowa, Minnesota and -other states in search of a d&sirable location, finally, irt 1877, coming to Ohio and engaging in a general mercantile business at Orwell, Ash- t'abula County. He entered into partnenship with Samuel Myers, under the firm name of Myere & PoLsky, and they continued there for eight years. In 1885 they came to Akron and contirmed the business until 1893, when Mr. Polsky became sole proprietor, and has since continued the business alone. Mr. Polsky has demonstrated his fine business qualities, and in the face of much competition, has attaim d a place in the front rank of local merchant-. Good judgment in buying, honest methods in selling and courteous treatment to all have been the leading factors in his success. In his native land Mr. Polsky was married to Molly Bloch, who died in 1803, leaving children as follows: Anna, who married C. R. Finn, a wholesale grocer of Cleveland; Eva, who married I. Sands, who is in the con- fectionery business at Cleveland; Rose, wife of Dr. Morgenrath, of Akron ; Harry, who is manager of the cloak department of A. Pol- .sky; and Bertram, who is also an a-ssistant in his father's bu.siness. Mr. Polsky is a mem- ber of the Akron Hebrew Congregation. Fra- ternally, he Ls connected with Adoniram Ma- sonic Lodge and Akron Lodge of Odd Fel- lows. JAMES B. SENTER, one of the prominent citizens of Northfield Township, who is serv- ing his second term as township trustee, was born November 14, 1850, in Northfield Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of .lohn and Jane (Boyle) Sentcr. John Senter, who was a native of Ireland, came to America as a young man, and set- tled at Cleveland, Ohio, where he was offered two acres of land, on which the Case Block now stands, for one year's work. After a short time in Cleveland, Mr. Senter caime to Northfield Township, where he purcha-ed a farm of eighty acres, to which he later added from time to time. Here he .spent the re-t of his life in dairy farming, his death o-^- curring in his seventy-.sixth year. He wa« married in Stow Township, Summit County, Ohio, to .lane Boyle, who was also a native of Trelatid. They had ten children, of whom seven grew to maturity, namelv: Sarah Jane, whrr' married' ■SiiTip.*oii IIibl)ard : William. 466 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY who resides in Bedford Township; Edward, Jiuiies B., Ellen, Robert, Delia, who married Frank Southwick, of Twinsburg Township; Caroline, who married Chai'les Belong, and resides on Ihe home farm; and three others, who died in infancy. The family are mem- bers of the Baptist Church. James B. Senter was educated in Northfield Township, where for two years he carried on agricultural pursuits with his brother, Ed- ward. In 1880, however, he sold his inter- ests to his brother, and purchased his present farm of 100 acreis on the road between Center and Macedonia, where he has been engaged in dairy and general farming to the present time. He raises hay, corn, wheat and oats, using everything for feed, except wheat, and keeps about forty head of thoroughbred Hol- stein cattle. He has shipped milk to Cleve- land for thirty years. Mr. Senter was a mem- ber of the Northfield Grange until the dis- bandment of that organization, and he is now connected with Bedford Lodge, Knights of Pythias. In politics Mr. Senter is an inde- pendent Democrat, and he is now serving his second term as town.¥hip trustee. For about eight years he has been a member of the board of directors of the Children's Home. Mr. Senter was married to Adda L. Sheppard, who is a daughter of Simeon Sheppard, of Solon, Ohio, and five children have been bo:n to this union, of whom three survive, name- ly: May, who is the wife of Clarence Jones, of Macedonia; Clyde, who resides in Bedford, and who married Dortha Barn^; in S?])t?mber, 1907; and Opal. FRED S. VIALL, president of tlie Akron Plumbing & Heating Company, of Akron, has been a resident of this city for the past .seventeen years. He was born in Summit County, Ohio, in 1873, and is a son of Syl- vester Viall. The father of Mr. Viall was also born in Summit Coimty. in 1844, and is a son of Sullivan Yiall, who settled early in Summit County. Sylvester Viall re=ides on his farm in Boston Township and is one of the prominent citizens of the coimtv. Fred S. A''iall wa.=! reared on his father's farm and obtained his education in the coun- try schools. He came to Akron when he was .■seventeen years old, and, deciding to learn the plumbing business, entered the employ of Kraus & Oberlin, with which firm he re- mained three years. For one year afterward he traveled through Vermont and Massachu- setts, working at his trade, and then return- ing to Akron, and was connected with the firm of Kraus & Kirn for four years. About this time, in association with other practical men, he formed the Akron Plumbing & Heat- ing Company, which was incorporated in the spring of 1907, with a capital stock of $15.- 000. The officers are: Fred S. Viall, pre-i- dent ; R. H. A^iall, vice-president and man- agei'; and F. S. Pryor, secretary and treas- urer. The business of the company is' gen- eral contracting and plumbing of the most approved style. In 1897 Mr. Viall was married to Kate M. Watson, a daughter of Frank Watson, who came originally from Scotland. They have four children : Irene, Blanche, Mary Frances and Carl Sylvester. Mr. Viall has a fine lai-- iness record and is numbered with tlie i)rn- gressive men of this city. C. P. FRAIN, of the firm of Frain & Manbeck, leading dealers at Akron in fine groceries, fruit "and meats, with extensive quarters at Nos. 422-424 East Market Street, is a prominent man in the city's commercial life and a citizen of most reliable character. He was born at Middleburg, Snyder County, Pennsylvania, in 1853, and was reared and educated in his native place, where he lived to the age of twenty-one vears. He then went to Lewistown, Pennsvlvania, where for five years he was engaged in a clerical capac- ity in a dry goods .store. In 1879 he came to Akron, and for the five following years was with the firm of O'Neil & Dyas. Then, in partnership with Frank J. Mell, he estab- lished his present business at the same loca- tion. The firm name of Mell & Frain was continued until the .spring of 1885. Mr. Mell then sold his interest to Harry J. Shref- fler, and the business was conducted for two AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 469 years under the name of Shreffler & Frain, when Mr. Shreffler sold out his interest to C. D. Manbeck. The business has been con- ducted under the present style since 1887. Mr. Frain has remained continuously a mem- ber of the firm and the business is one of the oldest in the city in its line. In 1878 Mr. Frain was man-ied to Mar- garet C. Brenneman. In 1892 Mr. Frain erected his handsome residence at 92 Forge Street, on which street he has resided since coming to Akron. AVILLIAM COOPER, for many ycar.s con- nected with the industrial interests of Akron a.^ a manufacturer of brick, but now retired, was born in Staffordshire, England. March 19, 1845. His knowledge of brick-making \va.s ac- (juired in his native land, where he served an early and thorough apprenticeship to the trade. Coming to this country in 1865, at tlie age of twenty, Mr. Cooper found employ- ment in Akron in Brewster's coal mines, in which he worked for six years, gaining the reputation of being one of the most skillful coal miners in this section. He then returned to England, where for the next seven years he was employed in the mines. At the end of that period he came again to the United States and took up his permanent residence in Akron, where he was employed by Dr. .Jewett, on contract, to man- ufacture brick. In this line of industry he proved himself an expert, and probably no better brick was ever made here than that turned out by him. About the same time two of Mr. Cooper's brothers, Samuel and Joseph, botli practical Itrick-makers, were working at Akron, and the. three brothers decided to embark in the manufacturing business for themselves. Though posessing but a small amount of cap- ital, the most of which was absorbed in leas- ing their plant and buying a horse, they all had the requisite knowledge, industry and perseverance to make the business a success, and they were rewarded by early and long continued prosperity. Under the style of the Cooper Brick Company they carried on the business for sixteen or seventeen years, at the end of which time Mr. William Cooper bought out his brothers' interests, afterwards conduct- ing the business alone until 1905. He then sold the plant to George W. Crouse, Jr., and retired. He is now living in the enjoyment of the ease earned by his long years of honest labor, which is sanctified by the blessings which accrue to those who lead a sincere Christian life. Mr. Cooper was married in 1864, near Portsmouth, England, to Elizabeth A. Bag- gott. He and his wife have been the parents of eleven children, of whom seven still sur- vive, namely: Hattie, Emily J., Rose, Ed- win T., Amanda, Charles Ford, and Eva (Irace. Hattie, who Ls the wife o/ William Leoder, of Akron, has one child by a former marriage — Grace Mattocks. Emily J., wife of Charles Tewksberry, of Akron, by her finst marriage to Charles Spellman, had four chil- dren — Clarissa, William, Eva, and Pearl — of whom Clarissa and William are deceased. Ro-e, who married Jesse Schofield, of Akron, has had five children, namely: Edith, Ellen, Ethel, Mabel, and Park, of whom Edith and Ethel are now deceased. Amanda, who is the wife of Eugene Spellman, of Altoona, Pennsylvania, has two 'children — Ruth and William. Edwin T., who is an engineer at the Weeks Pottery, Akron, is married and has one child — William. Charles Ford, an engi- neer, residing in Akron, has two children — Viola and Edwin. Eva Grace is the wife of Thomas Johnson, of Akron, and has one child —Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper, whose por- traits appear in this connection, are memljers of the United Brethren Church. Mr. Cooper has been a member of the order of Sons of St. George for a number of years. He is a strong advocate of the temperance, and casts his vote in support of the Prohibition party. GEORGE STARR, one of Copley Town- ship's most highly respected residents, who owns 245 acres of well-improved land at Cop- 470 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ley Center, was bom on the faxm and in the house which continues to be his liouu', November 1, 18-lG. His parents were Simon iind Parnell (Orcutt) StaiT. Simon Starr was born in Connecticut, in August, 1800, and wa^ twenty-six years of age when be came to Ohio. He remamed for two years in Medina County and then pa?hed on into Summit County, where he bought Mr. Starr's present farm from the Perkins fam- ily. It was mainly covered with a timber growth at that time, imd only a portion of the present residence had been built. Short- ly after coming to this section Simon was married to Parnell Orcutt, who was born in New York, and had accompanied her father, Chester Orcutt, to Ohio. This remained the family home and liere the father died in 1800 and the mother in Febiiiary, 1880. They h; d eight children, namely: Mary, who married Samuel Moore; Lucius, who is deceased; Sarah, who is the widow of Henry Ingham; Simon, deceased; George, subject of this sketch; Martha, deceased, who married 0. B. Hardy; Eddie, who died at the age of two years; and Charles. George Starr obtained his education in the district schools. His home has ever been in Copley Township, and he has been mainly interested in farming, but as a matter of rec- reation, he htis visited many parts of the country, including the states of Indiana, Illi- nois, Iowa, Missouri and California. While interested in the products and resources of those sections, he remains satisfied with Ohio and hi.? own fine ftirm in Copley Township. He can recall how this land looked before it ■was improved by his father and himself, and knows the fertility of its soil. He is an en- terprising agriculturist, as was his father, the latter having purchased the first reaper ever used in Copley Township. It was but the forerunner of other improved machinery. Mr. Starr was married to Martha Searle;-, and they have two children, namely: Clark, engaged in farming near his father, who married Fannie Bender, and has onesm, George Eber; and Maude, who married Guy AVeeks, has one son. George Harrison, and also lives in Copley Township. Mr. Starr is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Politically, he is a Republican and has served on the Township School Board. A. C. ROIIRBACHER, senior member of the leading hardware firm of Rohrbacher & Allen, has been identified with this line of trade foi' a quarter of a century, making him one of the oldest hardware men at Akron, in point of years of service. He was born in 1856, in Mississippi, but was reared at Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania. Mr. Rohrbacher was educated at the West- ern University of Pennsylvania, and prior to coming to Akron, had been engaged in the drug business in Pittsburg. In 1882 he bought a one-third interest in the hardware business at Akron, of Williams & Rohrbacher, he being the junior partner, and this firm con- tinued for fourteen years, at its termination, Mr. Rohrbacher purchased Mr. Williams' interest. . Subsequently, Mr. Rohrbacher took in I. F. Allen and the present firm style has since continued. The firm deals both by wholesale and retail. Their building at No. 66 South Howard Street is five stories high, with dimensions of 22 by 108 feet, and with a warehouse in the rear of 75 by 27 feet, and two stories high. The busi- ness is a leading one of the city and keeps two salesmen on the road, who cover a larg> amount of territory. Mr. Rohrbacher has other business interests and is concerned in the Jaihant Heating Company. He is an en- terprising citizen and ever ready to further public-spirited movements, but he cares httl ■ for political preferment. After serving one term in the City Council he declined to ser\'e longer. In 1877 Mr. Rohrbacher was married to Marv E. Lyon, of Courtland, Ohio, who died July 28, 1905. She left one son, Paul F., who creditably completed the Akron High School course and then entered Buehtel Col- lege. Mr. Rohrbacher is one of .Akron's most prominent Masons. He belongs to the Blue Tjodge, of whicli he was treasurer for a nuin- )>er of years. Cliapter, Coinicil and Command- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 474 ery at Akron, Lake Erie Consistory and Al- koran Shrine, at Cleveland, and to the Ma- sonic club. He aLjo belongs to the Knights of Pythias, and the Odd Fellows, and is treasurer of the organization known U5 the Builders' Exchange. ASHER F. SIPPY, M. D., physician and surgeon at Akron, who is a valued member of the Sixth Councilor District, the Summit County, the Ohio State and the American Medical Associations, came to this city in May, 1894, a graduate of- the Rush Medical College of Chicago. Dr. Sippy was born in Richland County, Wisconsin, in 1861, where he secured his lit- erary training and grew to sturdy manhood on the homestead farm. His inclinations, however, were in another direction and from farming and dairying, he turned to profes- sional work, and at the age of twenty-seven years entered the medical institution above named. There he was graduated in 1892, re- ceiving the Benjamin Rush gold medal for the highest standing in examinations for the three years' course in his class of 163 mem- bers. For nineteen months following he had the advantage of ser\'ing as an interne in the Cook County Haspital, at Chicago, where probably everj^ disease that afflicts the human body, and many of the most serious accidental injuries, came under his care and were ob- jects of study. From there Dr. Sippy came to Akron, where he has built up a large and satisfying practice. In 1884 Dr. Sippy was married to Nona Jaquish, who was born in Wisconsin, and they have two .sons: Burne 0. and H. Ivan. Dr. Sippy retains member.«hip in his college society, the Alpha-Omega-Alpha fraternity. He belongs also to the Odd Fellows and the Maccabees, the Sunnnit County Medical club and the Celsus club. 0. D. LEVY, junior member of the whole- sale and retail clothing house of Federman it Levy, at Akron, is one of the city's represent- ative business men. Fie was born in 1868, in the citv of London, Fniiland, and wa- thirteen years of age when he came to Amer- ica. Mr. Levy's first year in the United States was passed in Philadelphia, removal then be- ing made to New York City, where he was practically educated. During his eighteen years' residence there he sei'ved a two-year apprenticeship to the jeweler's trade, and then traveled for three years for a New York con- fectionery company. He was afterward in the wholesale stationery and confectionery line for himself for eight years. He then lo- cated at McKee-sport, Pennsylvania, and opened a branch store at Youngstown, and later at Akron and at Lorain, in 1899 establishing the firm of Federman & Levy, The firm has disposed of its stores at Y^oungs- town and McKeesport, but still retains the Lorain trade. Mr. Levy has made his home at Akron for the past seven years. The firm here has a very large store and does a wholesale and retail furnishings business, a retail cloth- ing business, and make a specialty of hosiery and underwear, wholesale. During his period of residence in New Y^ork, Mr. Levy took considerable interest in public affairs, but since coming to Ohio has not been active in politics. He is recognized as a fine business man and stands very high commercially. In 1884, in the city of New York, Mr. Levy was married to Sadie Federman, and they have a family consisting of seven cliildren, namely: Bertha, who maiTied Morris Gross- man, a prominent business man of Akron ; Rebecca; Sadie, who married Arthur Brown- stein, of Newburg, New Jersey; Harry, who is associated with his father; Hannah, Hilda and Edgar. Mr. Levy is a member of the Akron Hebrew Congregation. SYLVESTER G. VIALL, who is cultivat- ing a finely imijroved farm of forty-three acres in Boston Township, was born ilareh 13, 1844, in Northampton Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Sullivan and ]\Iary Ann (Freeby)Viall. He attended his first term of school in the old log schoolhouse with split log floors and '^eats, and after his father's death removed with his mother to Richfield Townsliip, where Mr~. YxaW pur- 472 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY chased a small farm. In 1864 Mrs. Viall sold this place and Sylvester G. started out in life for himself, his mother marrying Stephen Dales of Copley Township, where .she died. In 1864 Mr, Viall worked in Bath Township, but soon thereafter married, and started house- keeping at Peninsula, where he was engaged in teaming for two years. He then removed to Copley Township and began farming a rented property, but in 1883 located on his present tract, which he had purchased some time previously. In this year he built his house, and in the following spring his barn. He now has growing fruits of all .staple vari- eties and in addition raises wheat, corn and potatoes. He makes a specialty of breeding thoroughbred Poland China hogs. Mr. Viall was married October 15, 1864, to Mary E. Ozmun, who is a daughter of Hec- tor Ozmun of Boston Township. He and hi- wife have been the parents of seven children, namely: Florence, wife of F. C. Lee, a resi- dent of Brunswick Township, Medina County, Ohio; Theda, who is the wife of David C. Ilarpham, of East Akron, Ohio; Ward, who died when twenty-two years of age; Fred, of The Akron Plumbing & Heating Company of Akron ; Rutherford H., also a member of the same firm; Maud, the wife of James Crum, of Brunswick Township, Medina County, Ohio; and Mabel, a .stenographer, who lives at home with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Viall are identified with the Congregational Church, of which the former has been a deacon for the sixteen or seventeen years. They are also members of the Richfield Grange, No. 1260, of which Mr. Viall has been master, and he has also been overseer of Summit County Pomona Grange for six consecutive years. In political mat- ters he is a Republican, and he was personal property appraiser for three years and real estate appraiser during the last appraisement, which occurred in 1900. Nathaniel Viall, grandfather of Sylvester G., was born March 28, 1782. After his death his widow Betsey, who was born December 14. 1768, in Vermont, came to Northampton Township with her son Sullivan, with whom she made her home until her death. Sullivan Viall was born in \'ermont March 3, 1811, and received hi^ education in the conmion schools. He came to Middlebury, Ohio, which is now a part of Akron, and thence he went by team to Pittsburg, hauling tlour there and returning with dry goods. In this business he was engaged for many years and accunmlated in it about $4,000, which he lost through the failure of a private bank. He then decided to engage in agricultural pursuits, and accordingly purchased a farm, on which the remainder of his life was spent. He met with a sudden and accidental death, being gored to death by a savage bull in 1851. He was one of the first Whigs in this county, and served as township trustee, and for nearly the full period of his residence in Northampton Township was a member of ihe School Board. Sullivan Viall was married August 28, 1836, to Mary Ann Freeby, who was born in Pennsylvania, .^lugust 28, 1813. Her father, George Freeby, was a shoemaker and farmer who came to America from Ger- many and died in Indiana about 1855. Mrs Viall died March 21, 1890, having been the mother of three children, namely: Henrietta, Avho is the widow of Isaac Smith, of Portage Township; Sylvester G., name stands at the head of this article ; and Damaris, who is the wife of Dr. F. N. Chamberlin, of Stow Township. Mr. and Mrs. Viall were mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. FRANK J. CONVERSE, whose valuable farm of eighty acres is situated in one of the best portions of Copley Township, was born on the old Converse homestead in Portage County, Ohio, November 23, 1863, and is the youngest child born to Chauncey and Eliza- beth (Stewart) Converse. Chauncey Converse, the father, was born in New York and was brought to Ohio by his parents when ho was a child five years old. The Converse family settled in Franklin Township, Portage County, the Franklin mills there giving the name to the place, which was later called Kent. Chauncey Con- AND REPRESENTATI\'K CITIZENS 473 verse assisted hi; fatlier to clear and culti- vate the farm, and grew to manhood in the log cabin first erected on it. In early man- hood he married Elizabeth Stewart, who was born in Portage County and spent the whole of her life there. Chauncey Converge owned a farm of 14-t acres at the time of his death, which took place in 1878, when he was seventy-three ye^irs of age. His widow sur- vived him some years. They had five chil- dren, namely: William J., residing in Sha- ron Township, Medina County; Emma A., deceased; Tillinghast. re^-iding on the old home place; Edward S.. deceased; and Frank Jefferson, residing in Copley Township. It was upon the above mentioned farm that Frank J. Converse spent his boyhood and early manhood, attending the schools of Kent and assisting on the farm. After his mar- riage he lived for a year and a half longer in Portage County. In 1885 he moved to Summit County, renting a farm near Mont Rose, in which vicinity he remained for seven years. In 1892 he came to his present farm, which he purchased a few months later from the .Joseph Decovy estate. Here. Mr. Converse carries on general farming and dairying, and for eight years he ran a wagon to Akron. He is interested also in the Logan Clay Product Company, located at Logan, Ohio, where all kinds of clay products are manufactured. Mr. Converse married Ella Moore, who is a daughter of 0. C. and Mariuiu Moore, who came to this .section as pioneers. Mr. and Mrs. Converse have had five children, namely: Vera, who married F. C. Thompson, a resi- dent of Cuyahoga Falls, Ruth, Bina, Pauline and Marcia. Mr. Converse is a member of the Church of Christ. He takes an interest in the public affairs of the township, and has served as a member of the Board of Edu- cation. CHARLES R. MORGAN, pn^^ident of the Pouchot-Hunsicker Company, prominent wholesale and retail gen<»ral hardwai'e house of long standing in this city, was born at London, England, in 185R. He was reared in England, and was in France at the time Napoleon III. became a prisoner of war. He accompanied his parents to America when se\-enteen years of age. He had been well educated in schools on the other side of the Atlantic, and after his parents located at .Vsh- land, Ohio, he attended an American school for one term and was then apprenticed to the Ashland Machine Company. He learned the pattern-maker's tx'ade very thoroughly and remained with that firm for ten years. In 1880 he came to Akron and for ten years was connected with the Buckeye Mower and Reaper Company, working in the winters, and through the summers working with the Webster, Camp and Lane Company. Later lie became connected with the firm of Jahant and Weber, which was the oldest stove house of Akron. On March 24, 1893, Mr. Morgan embarked in- his present business on South Howard Street, under the style of Morgan & Pouchot, the partnership lasting three years, when Mr. Morgan sold his interest and went to Chicago as representative of Kernan Fur- nace Company, of Utica, New York, where he remained for two years, when he returned to Akron, buying back his interest in the firm, which then became Pouchot-Hunsicker & Company. In 1903 thev bought the brick building at Nos. 200-202 South Main, its di- mensions being 44 by 90, five stories high in the rear and three in front, where they are .-till situated. The company is an incorpo- rated one, its capital stock" being $30,000, and the present officers are: Charles R. Mor- gan, president; H. D. Holland, vice-president; Horace Hunsicker, treasurer, and Irvin Barth, secretary. All are active members of the firm and are practical business men in this line. They occupy five floors of their build- ing, do both wholesaling and retailing in stoves and general hardware, and also oper- ate a tin shop, making a specialty of factory repair work. Mr. Morgan js interested also in Akron real estate. In 1879. Mr. Morgan was married to Kate Stahlheber, of Ashland, Ohio. He is a mem- ber of Trinity Lutheran Church and belongs to the church council. Fraternally Mr. Mor- gan is a Master ^lason, a Knight of Pythias, 474 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY and an Odd Felluw, belonging to the En- campment. He id connected also witii tlie beneticiary order of I'rotected Home Circle. E. tf. UNDEKWOOi), M D., a representa- tive member of liLs proiessioHj who nad been engaged in the practice of medicine and sur- gery at Akron, for the past sixteen years, was born in Akron, Ohio, m ISijy, and is a son of Dr. Warren J. Underwood, formerly a well known physician of Summit County. After completing the public school course at Akron, Edward S. Underwood, subject of this notice, entered Buchlel College, going thence to the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, and afterwards to Jefferson Aledi- cal College, at Philadelphia, where he was graduated in 1891. He innnediately located in his native city, where he has been in active and successful practice since. He has served as health officer of Akron for four years, his intelligent inauguration and supervision of various sanitary reforms in this connection resulting in a greatly lessened death rate. Dr. Underwood is a man of public spirit, and dur- ing two terms when he served in the city council, he advocated many public improve- ments. He is visiting physician to the Ak- ron City Hospital and is a member of the Summit County, the Ohio State, and the Northeastern Ohio Medical Societies. He is also surgeon for the Akron fire department. In 1899, Dr. Underwood was married to Sarah J. Kile, who is a daughter of Salem Kile. The doctor belongs to the Elks and also to the Elks Club. WILLI.VM H. BOWER, farmer and dairy- man, residing on his valuable farm of ninety- four acres, which is situated in Green Town- ship, wa.s born on his father's farm in Stark County. Ohio, October 12, 1840, and is a son of David and Mary (Bullinger) Bower. The grandparents of Mr. Bovver came to Ohio when their son David wa.s not more than eighteen months old and settled on a farm in Stark County, where they were pio- neer.". There David wa« reared and assisted his father to clear the land. The latter, had secured it from the Government, and it was still in its wild state when the Bowers located in Nimishilleii Township. David Bovvers was a man of an adventurous spirit and was so fond of traveling that lie frequently made long journeys. He was a good tanner and had a business w'hich kept a number of men employed, but when he felt the desire to travel he left everything and started out. He was a man of pletisant, genial manner and could always interest people telling them of his experiences. He spent nineteen years in California, in early days, during which period he was his own housekeeper. When he was about fifty-four years of age, he moved with his wife and family to Kansas, where his wife died. She was a native of Pennsylvania and had accompanied her parents to Stark County when about fourteen years old. David Bower died while traveling in Oregon. Of their fourteen children, but four survive, these being: William Henry, subject of this article; James, residing in Michigan; Ade- line, now Mrs. Studebaker; and David, who is a resident of Kansas. While living in Stark County, David Bower owned and oper- ated a fai'm together with his tannery. William lienry Bower remained on his father's farm in Stark County until 1861, when he enlisted a.s a private to serve three months, in Company A, 19th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which regiment formed a part of the force that drove the Confeder- ates out of their strongholds in West Virgin- ia and saved that State to the Union. After the close of his first ser\-ice, he returned to his home, thinking, like many others, tliat tlie war was practically over, but when Presi- dent Lincoln issued his call for 600,000 men, he re-enlL>ted, entering Company II, 107th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with the rank of third sergeant, and during his faithful subsequent service of thirty-five months, he rose step by step until the close of the war found him wearing a lieutenant's uniform. He participated in many of the most telling battles of the war. notably those of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862, Chan- cellorville, Mav 1-4, 18fiR, and Gettysbiirg, F. WIJJ.IAM FUCILS AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 477 July 1-3, 1863. On the tiret day at Gettys- burg, he was struck in the breast by a bullet, l>ut his life was saved by a buckle on hi.s uni- form. In 1865 Mr. Bower came to Summit County and found employment with John Chisnell, grindino- potters' clay, at which work he continued for three years. He wa.s faith- ful and industriou.s, and proved that he could do his duty in peace as well as war. On March 5, 1868, he was married to Lydia Winkleman, who is a daughter of Christian and Susan (Witmyer) Winkleman. The Winklemans came from Pennsylvania, where Mrs. Bower was born, and settled on the pres- ent farm, which was then wild land. For two years after marriage, Mr. Bower farmed for hLs father-in-law, and then rented a farm in Northampton Township for three years. It contained 229 acres and belonged to George McMillen. After the expiration of his con- tract there, he rented his present farm for one year, and then removed to the old Goug- ler farm in Green Township, which he oper- ated for two years. Afterwards he farmed the Aaron Swartz farm for three years. In 1878 he purchased the present farm, the old Win- kleman property, from the heirs, moving here in 1879. He has put this property into fine condition, expending a large amount in repairs and improvements. He carries on general farming and makes a specialty of dairying, his products finding a good market in Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Bower have had five chil- dren, namely: Cora, who married William A. Sutton, residing near Barberton, and has four children — Clarence, Lillian, Anna and Nellie; Mary Ellen, who died aged eighteen years; Anna, wife of D. Buckmaster, who farms for Mr. Bower, . has two sons — Isaac and Charles William: two other children died in infancy. F. WILLIAM FUCHS, secretary and man- ager of the Akron Brewery Company, who is interested also in other important business enterprises in this city, was born in Akron, in 18.'')8. He is a son of Nicholas Fuchs, a na- tive of Germany, who came to Akron in 1849, and embarked here in a grocery business, later keeping a hotel. He continued in active business life here for many years. His death took place in 1890. F. William Fuchs, after leaving school, worked five years for a railroad company, af- terwards operating a summer resort at Cuya- hoga Falls. In January, 1886, he engaged in a wholesale beer business, and, since 1903, he has been largely interested in the Akron Brewery Company, which concern was organ- ized in that year and incorporated with a cap- ital stock of $150,000. The company has erected a fine plant at No. 851 South High Street, which has an annual capacity of 60,- 000 barrels. Mr. Fuchs has been manager and secretary since the enterprise was launched. He is also proprietor of the Buck- eye Supply House, located at 66 North How- ard Street, wholasale dealers in glassware, hotel and bar supplies of all kinds. He is one of the directors of the Dime Savings Bank and Ls connected with other successful busi- ness houses. In 1886 Mr. Fuchs was married to Anna AVilhelm, and they have two children — Mina and Frederick W. The former is a student at Oberlin College, and the latter a recent graduate of the Akron public schools. Mr. Fuchs is a man of genial disposition, and is a popular member of the Knights of Pythias, the Elks, and the German Club. WARREN J. UNDERWOOD, M. D. For twenty-three years the late Dr. Warren J. Un- derwood was a jirominent physician and lead- ing citizen of Akron. He was a Pennsylva;nian, born in York County, March 20, 1840, and belonging to one of the old representative families of that section. He died at Akron. Ohio, June 9, 1890. Dr. Underwood obtained his education in the district schools, where he prepared him- self for the profession of teaching, which he followed thereafter until 1860. He then be- gan the study of medicine, and in 1864 was graduated at Jefferson Medical College, of Philadeli)hia. In the meantime he had .served 478 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY as assistant surgeon, attached to the Nine- teenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, later becoming surgeon of the 151st Regiment. In the spring of 1864, after re- ceiving his degree, he came to Ohio, finding a useful field of practice at Canal Fulton, where he remained for three years. He came to Akron in August, 1867, and this city re- mained the scene of his professional labors for the remainder of his useful life. He identified himself with the various medical organiza- tions of the State and belonged to the Ameri- can Medical ^^sociation, in all of which his high professional ability was recognized. In 1873 he was appointed examining pension surgeon, and continued as such until the or- ganization of the board in 1889, of which he was unanimously elected president. He was a man of enlightened views and public spirit and was a valuable member of the City Coun- cil for several years. Dr. Underwood was first married in 1864, to Harriet Shoemaker, who died December 9, 1873. One of their three children survives — Dr. Edward S. Underwood, of Akron. Dr. Underwood married, second, Mrs. Frances C. Pizzala, of Brooklyn, New York. JOHN H. WEBER, M. D., a specialist in surgery, to which he limits his practice, is one of the skilled jtrofessional men of Akron, whose ability is recognized and whose services are in demand all over and even beyond Sum- mit County. He was born at Miamisburg, Ohio, in 1877, and is a son of the late Chis- tian Weber. He acquired his elementary education in the schools of his native i)lace, and then en- tered Adelbert, College, where he was grad- uated in 1899, with the degree of Ph. B. He immediately entered the medical department of the same institution, from which he was graduated with his degree of M. D. in 1902. Having a strong predilection for surgery, Dr. Weber decided to make that branch his spe- cialty, and has directed the larger part of his study to that end. He spent two and a half years in the Charity Hospital, at Cleveland. where he had an opportunity to study almi)-t every kind of surgical case, after which he spent six months in St. Ann's Maternity Hos- pital in the same city. Before settling in Ak- ron he still further increased his knowledge by visiting as a student, the clinics of Phila- delphia and Baltimore, witnessing and taking part in some wonderful surgical operations. He is surgeon of the Summit County iledical Society, and he belongs to the Summit County Sixth Councilor District, the Ohio State Medi- cal Society and the American Medical Associa- tion. On January 3, 1906, Dr. Weber was married to Norma Smith, of Willoughbv, Ohio. WARREN MILLER, who is well known throughout Summit County as a former suc- cessful buj-er and seller of stock, to which busi- ness he devoted many years, now carries on general farming on his valuable tract of sixty- four acres, situated in Copley Township, ten miles west of Akron, on the township road of Bath and Copley, and the county road of Summit and Medina Counties. He was born in Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio, August 18, 1840, and is a son of William and Electa (Crosby) Miller. William Miller, his father, was born in 1817, in the State of New York, a son of Morris and Hettie (Lucas) Miller, who came to Ohio in 1818. For a short time they lived with the Turner family on the very farm that Warren Miller now owns, and then moved to Bath Township, locating west of Ghent, where Morris Miller cleared up a farm. He died in Bath Township, after which his widow returned to Copley Township and died at the home of a daughter. They had the follow- ing children: John, William, Aaron and Morris, all deceased; Harriet, now deceased, who was the wife of N. Hubbard; Charlotte, who is the widow of B. Lee; and Laura, who married George McMillan, and. with her hus- band, is now deceased. William Miller attended school for a short time at Lamb's Corners, not far from his son's present farm, but the greater part of his boy- liood was passed in Bath Township. He mar- ried Electa ' Crosby, whose parents came to AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 479 Summit County at an early day, from New- York, settling in Granger Township. After- ward, he and wife lived for a short time on Liberty Hill, Granger Township, and then settled in Bath Township, remaining there until 1858, when they moved to Copley Town- ship, living here for a number of years. Later, AVilliam Miller bought the Harris mill in Bath Township, but subsequently returned to Copley Township. Afterwards he built a fine residence at Akron, where he died in 1893. His widow married a Mr. Findlay, who died in 1904, .she surviving him up to the present time. There were two children born to William Miller and wife : Ralsamond and Warren, the former being now decea.sed. Warren Miller spent his boyhood on the farm, and obtained his education in the schools at Stony Hill and Sharon Center. For a number of years and until quite re- cently, he devoted the larger part of his time to dealing in stock. In 1870 he pur- chased his present farm from the Turner heir.s — Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Sackett. The present residence was then standing, Init he built the substantial barn in 1880. Mr. Miller was married ( in Novem- ber, 1863, to Eliza Hawkins, who died in 1870, leaving one son, Forrest C. The latter married Effie Hoeglan, and they have one child, Florence. Forrest C. Miller is engaged in farming in Coj)ley township. Mr. Miller was married (second) in June, 1877, to Emi- ly Huntley, who is a daughter of Seymour and Eveline (Miller) Huntley. One son, William H., has been born of this union. Mr. Miller is one of the solid, substantial men of his community and has the esteem of hi.s fellow-citizens. 0. (i. LYON, proprietor of the Lynn Rub- ber Co., Akron, came to xVkron in 1893. He was born at Mt. Rose, Summit County, Ohio, in 1859, .son of Morris Lyon. His father, a native of Connecticut and one of the early settlers in the county, died in 188'o. The present Mr. Lyon resided in Mt. Rose until reacliing the age of twenty-four, completing his literary education in the Cojiloy high school. He then went to Medina County, where he was engaged in farming until 1893. In that year he came to Akron and engaged in the real estate business, with which he was connected for .some six years. His con- nection with the rubber manufacturing in- dustry dates from 1899, in which year he became connected with the Faultless Rubber Co., in whose employ he remained for two years. He then establLshed the Lyon Rub- ber Co., of which he is still the proprietor and which is doing a successful business in the manufacture of rubber cements and other similar products. In e.stablishing this indus- try Mr. Lyon has placed himself in line with the many other enterprising business men who have helped to spread the fame and build up the fortunes of this wide-awake, l)us- tling city. Mr. Lyon was married in 1882 to Miss Miranda F. Adams of Munroe Falls, Ohio. He has one son, who is a.ssociated with him in business. Religiously Mr. Lyon and his family are affiliated with the Methodist Epis- copal church. M. D. KUHLKE, junior member of the firm of Jones and Kuhlke, machinists, with l)lant located at No. 14 East E.xchange street, Akron, was born in 1872, at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is a son of Diedrich Kuhl- ke, who is connected with the American Cereal Company of this city. He "was four years old when his parents came to Akron, and he has been identified with the interests of this place ever since, gaining his educa- tion here and his training as a machinist. He worked for the first three years of his industrial life in a pottery plant and then went into the shops of Webster, Camp & Lane, where he learned his trade, and where he continued for seven years, after which he worked in various shops throughout the city up to 1900, when he went into business for himself. In partnership with B. E. Jones, he established the Jones it Kuhlke Machine shops, the firm fitting uji their plant with all kinds of improved machinery, and mak- ing it the best equipped in the city. On 480 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY account of ill lioalth, Mr. Jones lias been forced to lake up his residence in Arizona, which causes Mr. Kuhlkc to have sole charge of the shops. AVork is furnished for eleven skilled employes and the capacity of the ]ilant is taxed to its fullest extent. In 1897 Mr. Kuhlke was married to Augusta Zintel, who was born at Akron and is a daughter of Casjier Zintel, of thi- city. They have one child, Barbara Eleanor. Mr. and Mrs. Kuhlke are mcmliers of the (Jcr- man Reformed Church. The former l)i'loug- to Granite Lodge of Odd Fellows. MARK A. REPLOGLE, secretary of the Lombard and Replogle Engineering Com- pany, of Akron, an hydraulic engineer of wide reputation, has been a resident of this city since 1895. He was born in Martin.s- hurg, Pennsylvania, September 8, 1861. When a child he accompanied his parent.s to MifRin Countj', that state, where he was reared, attending the district schools mitil nineteen years of age. He then went to Franklin County, Iowa, where he worked one year on a farm. The. following year wa.s spent in an agricultural machine .shop, after which he made a short sojourn in Hardin County, Iowa, in a .second country shop. His next move was to Fayette County, where he found employment in running a saw-mill and was also otherwise occupied. Then re- turning to Franklin, he devoted another year to agriculture. Although married and with a family to support, he resolved to complete his education and accordingly went to Cedar Falls, Iowa, where he became a student at the Iowa State Normal School, taking a spe- cial Normal course of three years. During summer vacations he worked in the harvest field for Aultman, Miller & Co. While at this place he became interested in electrical water-wheel governors, built by H. E. 01- brich and H. H. Clay. After completing his college course he taught school for two term.s at Mt. Pleasant and Mattawana, Pennsyl- vania. Then returning to Cedar Falls, he engaged in the manufacture and sale Of water- wheel governors, and was so occupied until 1895, when the manufacturing rights were bought by the Selle Gear Company of Ak- ' ron, with whom Mr. Replogle then became associated. He continued with them until 1899, when he became hydraulic engineer for the Webster, Camp & Lane Company, and was with them for nearly four years. He then turned his attention once more to the water-wheel governor manufacture, organiz- ing the Lombard and R^eplogle Engineer- ing Company, under which style he has since continued in the manufacture of water-wheel governors and automobile transmissions. While he was with the AA'ebster, Camp & Lane Company, they constructed the equipment for the largest water-] )Ower plant (in the mun- bcr of turbines used) ever erected in .Vmer- ica — at Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, the work being under his .supei-vision. He also has the credit of inventing a method and govern- ing the first water-power plant driving an electrical railway by water i>ower that was automatically governed, in America. He also turned on the water and started the first turbines in the plant of the Niagara Falls Paper Company, and furnished the gov- ernors. These were the first turbines to de- velop power from the great tunnel tail race. The United States Patent Office and foreign office records show that Mr. Replogle has been active as an inventor, not only in his chosen line of turbine governors, but in kin- dred lines. He is inventor of many devices in other fields that have been found useful in this Electric Age. As an author it can be said that the first book ever publi.shed treating on "Electricity and Water-Power," liears his name. Also, at the request of the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, he pre- jjared a. paper on "Speed Regulation in Water-Power Plants," that has been the foim- dation of American literature on that subject. A number of mechanical essays and engineer- ing papers have appeared from time to time in our own country as well as articles for European and Japanese publications. Mr. Replogle is a member of the ^^meri- can Society of Mechanical Engineers of New Y'^ork. He also belongs to the Masonic Or- JOHN MOT/ AND REPKESENTATI\'E CITIZENS 483 der, being a member of the local Blue Lodge and Chapter, to the Ancient Order of United Workmen in Iowa, and to the Modern Wood- men of America. He belongs to the German Baptist church, with which he became af- filiated when a young man. JOHN MOTZ, an esteemed citizen of Ak- ron, who has been a resident of this city for the past thirty-nine years, was bom in 1846, in Pennsylvania, and was reared and educated in his native state. Coming to Akron in 1868, Mr. Motz con- ducted a restaurant here for some years, and then embarked in a real estate and insurance business under the firm name of Motz & Brother, which in 1883 became Motz it Myers. This firm is one of the oldest real estate and insurance firms in the city. It represents such companies as the following: the Phoenix, of England ; Pennsylvania Fire, of Philadelphia; Union, of Philadelphia; Richland Mutual; Western Mutual, Ohio Mu- tual, and Lloyds' Plate Glass. Mr. Motz has numerous other business interests, being a stockholder in the Indiana Rubber Company ; vice-president of the Akron Provision Com- pany; and a director in the Peoples' Savings Bank, and in the Masonic Temple Company. He is a man of forceful business qualities, but, while careful of his own interests, scrup- ulously upright in his dealings with others. He is interested in the general development of the city, and has done his full share in promoting it through his business enterprise and public spirit. Politically a Democrat, he was his party's candidate for city treasurer in the fall of 1907, and was elected by a handsome majority. For three years he was assessor for the Third Ward, and for one term was councilman for the First Ward: and in all the conventions of his party he is a prominent factor, usually attending a? a delegate. Fraternally Mr. Motz is a Mason, belong- ing to the Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery. at Akron, and to Alkoran Shrine at Cleveland. For twelve years he ha= been treasurer of the Akron Commandery, and has frequently ser\ed as an official in the lower divisions of the order. For the past twenty-nine years Mr. Motz has been a mem- ber of the board of deacons and treasurer of Trinity Lutheran Church, and for twelve years he has been treasurer of the East Ohio Synod. At the meeting of the General Synod of the Lutheran Church of the United States, held at Sunbury, Pennsylvania, to which he was a delegate, a movement of the lay mem- bers to raise the synodical funds by lay in- stead of ministerial effort, was started, and a committee of five was appointed, of which Mr. Motz was a member, to lay out a feasible plan for this purpose. The members of this committee are: .J. L. Clark, of Ashland, Ohio, chairman; Hon. J. L. Zimmerman, of Springfield, Ohio ; attorney, George E. Neff, of York, Pennsylvania; Mr. Jesse Schwartz, of St. Joseph, Missouri; and Mr. John Motz. In 1868 Mr. Motz was married to Martha Dotts, who died in 1885. There are three surviving children of this union, namely: -John A., who resides in Akron; Harley J., who is connected with the Diamond Rubber Company, of Akron ; and Ruth, who is the wife of Harry Kirwin, of Akron. Mr. Motz wa^ married, second, in 1886, to Emma K. Hilbish, who died in 1899, having borne her husband three children: Guy W., a law student in the Western Reserve University; Paul, who is a student in the Akron High School, and Helen Leotta, who is attending school in Akron. HOMER G. LONG, M. D., the only rep- resentative of the medical profession at Cop- ley Center, Copley Township, is one of the leading men of this township, having served as clerk since 1901 and having been promi- nent in almost all public matters. Dr. Long was born November 29, 1871, in Wayne Township, Noble County, Ohio, and is a son of John T. and Amanda E. (Stoneburner) Long. He grew up on his father's farm in Noble County, where he attended the district schools until sixteen years of age. He then entered the High School at Quaker City, from which he was subsequently graduated. 484 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY He afterwards taught school for two years in Noble County, and in 1893 entered the Uni- versity of Michigan, from which he was grad- uated in 1897 with the degree of M. D. He immediately settled for practice in Portage County, Ohio, where he remained for one winter. He then came to Copley, remaining here for over a year, and subsequently re- moving to Piedmont, Harrison County, Ohio. In 1901 he returned to Copley Center, where he has since been located. His present resi- dence was purchased in 1899 from Dr. George Huntly. On August 31, 1899, Dr. Long was mar- ried to Bessie Hammond, w'ho is a daughter of James and Celia (Heustis) Hammond, of Summit County, Ohio. Of this union there have been born two children — Lucille and Stanley. Dr. Long is a member of the Na- tional Protective Legion. CHARLES T. INMAN, business man and capitalist of Akron, has been a resident of this city since 1870, coming here at the age of eleven years. Born in Trumbull County, Ohio, he was educated in the district schools of Cuyahoga County, subsequently entering the Akron High School, where he was grad- uated in 1877. Deciding to make the drug business his main sphere of activity, he en- tered the Cleveland College of Phaarmacy, from which he was graduated in 1880. His experience as a druggist covered a period of thirty five years. He did not confine him- self entirely to this line of trade, however, as his store included four departments — drugs, groceries, hardware and pottei'y supplies, being located in fine business blocks on East Mar- ket Street, which he had erected. For a num- ber of years he was counted among the lead- ing men of Akron engaged in active business life. About three years ago, however, Mr. Inman, feeling the need of rest, retired from the active conduct of his business, closing out his large interests in the store, though retaining his ownership of the building. Mr. Inman is president of the Harmony Coal Company, of Harmony, Utah; director of the Lake Erie Terminal and Southern Rail- way, and a stockholder in many other con- cerns, both in Akron and elsewhere. He also owns a large amount of Akron and Sum- mit County real estate. He was formerly president for a number of years of the Ak- ron school board. He is a member of Akron Lodge, F. & A. M., also of the Masonic Club and the German Club. Mr. Inman is a mem- ber of the Christian church, and was for many years a member of the official board of the Disciples' church in Akron. Mr. Inman was married in 1881 to Miss Lillian Jewett, a daughter of the late Dr. Jewett, who was one of Akron's most promi- nent physicians. Into their houshold were born four children, namely: Hilda, who is now the wife of Dr. J. H. Hulse, a leading medical man of Akron ; Hesper, who has been a student at Lake Erie College : Eleanor, who is attending the public schools, and Richard Mendal, who is the youngest member of the -family. URIAH A. MILLER, a prosperous agri- culturist of Copley Township, where "he is cultivating a fine farm of fifty-two acres, was born on his grandfather's farm in Norton Town.ship, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Jonas Franklin and Marietta (Slaugh- back) Miller. John Miller, his grandfather, was the first of the family to come to Ohio, making the trip from Pennsylvania in wagons, with about sixty other pioneers, and settling on the partly cleared lands of Norton Township. His honie was one of the first frame houses in that section, and he became the owner of two farms, of eighty and 175 acre,s respect- ively, which are still in the family name. He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. F. Seiberling. John Miller and his wife had a family of eleven children, eight daugh- ters and three sons, of whom three survive: Catherine, who married J. F. Seiberling; Pollie, who is the widow of John Lahr; and S. H. Miller, of Doylestown. Jonas Franklin Miller was a boy of eight or ten years when he made the trip from Pennsylvania with his parents, and he was AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 485 reared on his father's farm, experiencing all the hardships of pioneer life. Thronghout his entire active period, Mr. Miller was a hard- working, industrious citizen, and at the time of his death had accumulated a fortune esti- mated at $20,000, most of which was in- vested in land in Norton Township, Barber- ton and Loyal Oak. His death occurred at Loyal Oak, Ohio, Febiiiary 1, 1907. Mr. Miller married Marietta Slaughbaek, who was born at Northampton County, Pennsylvania, and who still survives, her Iiome being at Loyal Oak. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Miller, namely: Uriah Augustus; Alice, who became the wife of H. F. Myres; Milton H. ; Ida, who is decea.sed; Harry E. ; John G. ; Ella, who married James Harter ; Ellsworth, deceased; and Elizabeth, who mar- ried Charles Gable. Uriah Augustus Miller, the direct subject of this sketch, lived on his grandfather's farm in Norton Township until he wa.s eight years old, at which time the family removed to his grandfather's 170-acre property in the same township, where he resided until attaining his majority. He then spent seventeen years and a half on his father's property. On February 14, 1894, he purchased his present farm from Frank Seiberling and Frank Wil- cox of Akron, it being known as the Cali- fornia property, Mr. California having been the original owner. The farm has been im- proved to a high state of cultivation, and under Mr. Miller's able management yields large crops. In June, 1877, Mr. Miller was married to Adaline Amelia Koplin, who was born in AVadsworth Township, Medina County, Ohio, a daughter of David and Mary A. (Moser) Koplin. Her parents were natives of Sum- mit County, to which Mrs. Miller's grand- father, Christian Koplin, came from Hunt- ingdon County, Pennsylvania. He died in Wadsworth Township when his son David was a child of four years. Jlrs. Miller died April 23, 1891, aged thirty-three years, hav- ing been the mother of four children, namely : Morris E., who died in infancy;; Inez, who lives in Akron; Nellie, who resides at home; and Raymond, who is an employe of the Barberton Rubber Company, at Barberton, Ohio. On Febiniary 22, 1899, Mr. Miller mar- ried for a second wife, Sarah Jane Stocker, who was born in Norton Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Phillip and Mary (Acre) Stocker, both of whom are living. Phillip Stocker came from Pennsyl- vania, and was married to Mary Ann Acre, who had come to Summit County at the age of fourteen years with her parents, who were pioneers of Summit and Medina Counties. Mr. Miller is a Republican in politics, to which party his father also belonged, his grandfather having been a stanch Whig. He served his township as ditch commissioner the only year that the office was in existence. With his wife he attends the Lutheran Church of Loyal Oak. STACY G. CARKHUFF, secretary of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, of Ak- ron, has been identified with lai-ge and success- ful houses in different cities ever since he com- pleted his education. He was born January 12, 1872, on a farm east of Jerseyville, Jer- sey County, Illinois. Mr. Carkhuff was ten years old when his parents left the farm and moved to Rood- house, Greene County, Illinois, where he at- tended school until he completed the course. He then went to Chicago for the completion of his education, after which he entered the publishing house of Rand, McNally Com- pany, from which he went to the Washburn, Crosby Company, where he remained for eight years, a part of the time having charge of their branch agency at Peoria, Illinois. May 1st, 1901, Mr. Carkhuff came to Akron ancl a&sociated himself with the Firestone Tire & Rubber Company, less than one year after its organization, when the industry was still in its infancy; he has contributed of his en- ergy and ability, with others, until this con- cern has become the largest exclusive tire, manufacturing one in the United States, while its goods are sold all over the civilized world. 486 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY December 16, 1896, Mr. Carkhuff was mar- ried to Jessie L. Johnson, of New Castle, Indiana. Their one child, a daughter, is deceased. Mr. CarkhnfF is a member of the Congregational Church, and his social con- nection is with the Portage Country Club. W. WALLACE WARNER is the sixth son and eighth child of John Warner, who was born in Middletown, Connecticut, in 1798, and of Marietta (Woodard) Warner, born in Glenmore, New York, in 1805. His parents moved to the "New Connecticut" in 1834. Mr. Warner was born in Springfield Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, February 28, 1848. When he was four years old his par- ents moved to Cuyahoga Falls, where he re- ceived the most of his schooling, finishing at the Quaker City Business College of Phila- delphia in 1866. He was married in Phila- delphia to Annie E. Yeamans, daughter of Robert and Mary (Greer) Yeamans in 1869. By this union two children were born, Jan- uary 14, 1870. Arthur Lee, who died in 1881, and Harry Albert, who married Miss Josie James. His wife died in 1871. He was again married to Miss Alice Grace, daughter of George and Susanna (Dodson) Littleton, October 25, 1877. By this union three chil- dren were born — George Littleton Warner, now married to Miss Martha Burton of Okla- homa; Wallace Vincent, who died April 23, 1907; and Mabel Marietta. There are two grandsons, Irvin Shelley, aged nine, son of Harry A. and Josie; and George Burton, one year old, son of George L. and Martha. Mr. Warner's business life has been mostly spent in Akron, in the real estate business. He is known as the pioneer abstract man. Commencing in 1870, when abstracts were comparatively unknown in business transac- tions, he compiled the first abstract books of the county, and established the business now conducted by The Bruner Goodhue Cooke Company, with whom he is now associated. He has made several maps of the city, county and other places. His most notable work in this connection is an atlas, known as "Illus- trated Summit County, Ohio," published in 1891-2, and, which, though out of date, is a standard authority in its line. His business life of forty years has been an active one; inter- spersed with its pleasures, anxieties and dis- appointments. He is hale and hearty and at sixty is actively engaged in abstract work. He became deputy recorder in 1868, and does not believe that anj^one then a county officer is now living, and but four attorneys, only one of whom is practicing. He does not recall a business house or factory now do- ing business in the same name. Two hundred thousand real estate papers have been re- corded. Barberton, South Akron and nearly all the present industries have come into ac- tivity since that time. ERNEST A. PFLUEGER, president of The E. A. Pflueger Company, manufacturers of all kinds of fishing tackle, is one of Ak- ron's busy men and prominent citizens. He was born in 1866 at Erie. Pennsylvania, but has been a resident of this city since he was four years old. Mr. Pflueger was reared and educated at Akron and started to work in boyhood in the factory of his father, E. F. Pflueger, who founded the Enterprise Works, for the manu- facture of fishing tackle. After learning the necessary details of this business, Mr. Pflueger became secretary and treasurer of The Enter- prise Company, with which he continued for almost twenty-five yeare, resigning this posi- tion in September, 1906, and establishing The E. A. Pflueger Company. This com- pany carries on the manufacture of every kind of fishing appliance and also manxi- factures a large line of saddlery specialties. The company is incorporated with a capital stock of $100,000, with E. A. Pflueger as president; George D. Bates as vice-president; C. I. Bruner as treasurer and L. W. Griiflths as secretary. Mr. Pflueger retains his interest in the Enterprise Manufacturing Company, which was incorporated in 1886, and is also a stockholder in other concerns of this sec- tion. In 1896 Mr. Pflueger was married to Ruth AND REPRESEXTATR'E CITIZENS 487 Seiberling, who is the youngest daughter of J. F. Seiberling, and they have four children ; John S., Theodore S., WilHam S. and Eohert S. Mr. Pflueger and family belong to the Lutheran Church. Only as a good citizen, anxious to promote the general welfare, is Mr. Pflueger interested in politics. He is prominent in Masonry, having attained the Thirty-second Degree, and belongs to the Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery of Akron, and Alkoran Shrine and Lake Erie Consistory, of Cleveland. PHILIP STOCKER, who is one of the best-known and most highly esteemed among the older residents of Norton Township, re- sides on his valuable farm, five acres of which lies in Copley Township and seventy-three and one-half acres in Norton Township. This property is beautifully situated on what is known as the East and West road, about eight and one-half miles west of Akron. Mr. Stocker was born in Northampton County, Pennsyl- vania, August 29, 1829, and is a son of Jona- than and Christina (Stecker) Stocker. His father worked as a carpenter in early man- hood but later became a farmer. Philip Stocker assisted his father on the home place until he was twenty years of age, when he came to Summit County, and worked for Peter Lerch for one year. He then went with his brother Eli Stocker, who rented a farm for three years. The brother then bought a farm in Norton Township and he remained with him for one year and after- wards worked for other farmers. In 1864 he bought his present farm, settling on it in March of that year, and he has made all the improvements, which consist of a fine residence and substantial barns and other buildings. It is not too much to assert that Mr. Stocker has one of the best improved farms in Norton Township, and its condition has been brought about by his own industry and good management. He no longer under- takes the active operation of the farm, dele- gating this work to a son-in-law, who is a practical and successful farmer. On October 21, 1855, Mr. Stocker was mar- ried to Mary Acker, who is a daughter of Henry and Sarah (Hartman) Acker. Mrs. Stocker was born in Pennsylvania, her father being a weaver in Union County, from which place he moved to Sharon, Medina County, Ohio, when she was sixteen years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Stocker have had four children, the three now living being, AVilliam, resid- ing at Akron, who has two children, Harry and Grace; Sarah Jane, who married U. Mil- ler, and resides in Copley Township; and Viola, who married F. 0. Moser, who farms for Mr. Stocker and who has one child — Hilda Belle. For fifty-one years Mr. and Mrs. Stocker have been members of the Evangelical Lu- theran Church at Loyal Oak — the oldest members in continued attendance. Mr. Stocker is a trustee of this church and he and his estimable wife have been active in promoting its good influence for a half cen- tury. Their lives have been quiet, temperate and useful and they have journeyed through life and reached old age together, surrounded by comforts of their own securing. They take great pleasure in their three bright grand- children. CHARLES W. SEIBERLING, treasurer of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, at Akron, and a business man who is largely interested in many successful manufacturing enterprises of this city and vicinity, was born in Norton Township, Summit County, Ohio, not far from Western Star, January 26, 1861, and is a son of John F. and Catherine L. (Miller) Seiberling. John F. Seiberling was born at Norton, Ohio, March 10, 1834. In the spring of 1861 he moved with his family to Doyles- town and thence in 1865 to Akron, with the business interests of which city he was promi- nently identified until the close of his long and fruitful life. From operating a sawmill at Norton, where he pursued the studies and experiments which resulted in the invention of the agricultural machinery with which his name is still connected, he removed to Doyles- town, where better conditions prevailed for 488 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the erection of works and manufacture of the inventions which had sprung from liis fer- tile brain. Later for Hke business reasons, he came to Akron, soon after calling his eldest son, Frank A., who is now president and gen- eral manager of the Goodyear Tire and Rub- ber Company, from college to assist in fur- ther developing his plans. In 1871 he or- ganized the Akron Strawboard Company, in 1883 he founded the Seiberling Milling Com- pany and in 1889 he gained a controlling interest in the Akron Electric Street Railway. His death took place at Akron, September 3, 1903. In 1878 Charles W. Seiberling, the second son of the late John F. Seiberling, completed the public school course at Akron, and then entered Oberlin College. At that institution he pursued a two-year eclectic course, and then returned to Akron in order to assume the duties of foreman of his father's extensive works where the Empire Reaper and Mowers were manufactured. On the incorporation of the J. F. Seiberling Company, in 1884, Charles W. was elected a director and subse- quently became superintendent of the works. In 1896, in association with his father, Mr. Seiberling became interested in the organi- zation of the India Rubber Company, of which his father was elected president, and he became its secretary. He continued with this company for two years in this capacity, and then resigned in order to accept a similar position wdth the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. This company, with which Mr. Seiberling has been identified since 1898, was organized in that year. It is engaged in the manufacture of rubber goods, especially solid and pneumatic carriage and automobile tires, bicycle tires, rubber horseshoes, rubber tiling, golf balls, moulded rubber and rubber spe- cialties. The officers of the company are as follows: F. A. Seiberling, president and general manager; L. C. Miles, vice-president; G. M. Stadleman, secretary; C. W. Seiber- ling, treasurer; and P. W. Litchfield, super- intendent. The goods of this company find a market all over the world. Mr. Seiberling has not confined his attentions to the enter- prise mention, but has also invested in and promoted other prosperous concerns. In 1895 Mr. Seiberling was married to Blanche C. Carnahan, and they have four children : Charles W., Jr., T. Carnahan, Lucius Miles and Catherine. They reside at No. 76 Fay street, Akron. J. Y. SWARTZ, who is engaged in a whole- sale confectioner J' business at Akron and is located at No. 69 East Mill street, was born in Coventry townshiiD, Summit County, Ohio, in 1870. and is a son of the late Alfred Swartz. When a hamlet, village or town bears the name of a family it is pretty good evidence that this family is one held in general esteem and the Swartz family in Coventry town- ship, gave its name to Swartz Corners, a pleas- ant little place of residence and quite an active business center. John Swartz, the grandfather of J. V. Swartz, came to Summit County as an early settler and became a prominent man in the organization of the various civilizing agencies. His son, the late Alfred Swartz, was born in Coventry Town- ship, in 1844, and died at Akron, in 1899. J. V. Swartz was reared in Coventry Town- ship and there attended school through the primary grades. He then passed through the Akron schools into Buchtel College. His first business experience was as traveling salesman for S. B. Lafferty, confectioner at Akron, and he continued in this capacity for nine years, when he embarked in the wholesale con- fectionery business for himself. In 1905 he built a three-story brick building at No. 69 East Mill street, with dimensions of 20 by 80 feet, occupying the basement, and the first and third floors, in his business, and having the second floor comfortably arranged as a residence. Mr. Swartz takes a practical part in his business himself and has two other travel- ing representatives, covering a radius of twenty-five miles around Akron. His trade name is a guarantee of the excellence and purity of the goods. In 1902 Mr. Swartz was married to Caro- line Kolp, a daughter of John Kolp; she was M. W. IIOYK AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 491 born and reared at Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Swartz have one son, Forest Swartz. Frater- nally, Mr. Swartz is a member of the Masonic order and belongs also to the United Com- mercial Travelers' Association. MICHAEL W. HOYE, one of Akron's best known citizens, who is interested in a number of her business enterprises, has been one of the city's faithful and efficient public servants since 1887, when he was appointed sanitary policeman, with quarters at the City Hall. He is also a veteran of the Civil War. Mr. Hoye was born at Castle Dermott, County Kildare, Ireland, April 22, 1844, and accom- panied his parents to America in 1847, when they settled at Akron. Mr. Hoye attended the public schools of Akron, and made himself useful to his father until he was seventeen years of age. He then enlisted, August 28, 1861, in Company K, Nineteenth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infant- ry. He served three years, when the regi- ment veteranized, and Mr. Hoye re-enlisted in the same company. His command was at- tached to the Army of the Ohio and Cumber- land, taking part in every battle that the army engaged in: It was finally mustered out at San Antonio, Texas, October, 24, 1865. Mr. Hoye reached Akron November 28, 1865, making a period of sei"\-ice of four yeai"s and three months. He shortly afterward entered the employ of Abbey & Johnson, manufacturers of stone- ware, with whom he remained for six years. On April 1, 1872, he accepted the foreman- ship of the extensive coopering establishment of C. B. Maurer. and continued at the head of these shops until January 1, 1885. He then became traveling salesman for the Franklin Milling Company, but returned to Akron in the following year to accept the ap- pointment of sanitarj' policeman and milk inspector of the city. In this position ilr. Hoye has since rendered efficient service to the decided benefit of the public and satis- faction of the citizens generally. He has taken an active part in political campaigns on various occasions, and has been one of the local leaders of his party. He is interested in the National City Bank, and is treasurer of the Akron Times-Democrat Company. On October 3, 1867, Mr. Hoye was mar- ried to Isabella Mulligan, who died May 16, 1872, leaving two children — William J. and A. P. On October 14, 1872, he married for his second wife, Mary Cummins, who has borne him five children^ — Mary, Isabella, Rob- ert, Grace and Julia. Since Mr. Hoye's sec- ond marriage he and his wife have adopted twelve children, making nineteen in all, whom they have reared and educated. J. T. ENRIGHT, of the firm of Enright & Hummel, funeral directors and embalm- ers, at Akron, came to this city in 1894, where he' has resided up to the present time. He was born at Urbana, Ohio, December 4, 1868, and was there reared and educated. After leaving school, Mr. Enright went to Chicago and became connected with the un- dertaking firm of Lawrence Foley & Sons. He remaining with that concern for three years, learning all the details of the business. The holding of the World's Fair offered many business opportunities to young men in Chi- cago, and during the period of its existence, Mr. Enright filled a lucrative position in the Custom House department. In 1894 he canae to Akron and went into the undertaking busi- ness for himself, continuing alone until Jan- uary 1, 1907, when J. B. Hummel became his partner, and since then the firm style has been Enright & Humniel. Mr. Hummel was born in Akron, October 15, 1878, and is a son of Valentine Hummel. The latter was born in Bavaria, Germany, and has been a resident of Akron for over forty years. He was one of the first German teachers in this city. For the past thirty-eight years he has been organ- ist at St. Bernard's Catholic Church. In 1902 Mr. Hummel married Barbara Willenbacher, and they have two children: John H. and Laurence V. On May 8, 1899, Mr. Enright wa^ married to Catherine H. Doran, who was born in Ak- ron, Ohio. They have three Children — James, Francis and Mary. Mr. Enright is a 492 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY member of St. Vincent de Paul's Church. He belongs to the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association, the Catholic Knights of Ohio, the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Modern Woodmen. Mr. Hummel is a member of St. Bernard's Church organization. He belongs to Com- mandery No. 6, Knights of St. John, and to the Bavarian Society of Akron. Mr. Enright and Mr. Hummel have well arranged and convenient quarters at No. 159 South High street. They are equipped to handle funerals in every detail. LUTE li. MILLER, gardener and dairy- man, residing on his well-cultivated farm of eighty-six acres, situated in Copley Township, was born on this farm, March 1, 1871, and is a son of Charles C. and Mary Ann (Phil- brick) Miller. Charles C. Miller, father of Lute H., was born at Akron, December 11, 1832. His father, Ansel Miller, came from Vermont to Ohio, in 1819, locating at Akron, which was then a settlement consisting of a few houses. The outlook apparently did not please Ansel Miller, as he went back to the East, and did not return until he could find work in the building of the canal, during which period he bought the farm in Copley Township. In November, 1860, after the marriage of his son, Charles C, he came to live on the farm, where he died in 1879, aged eighty years. He was married at Akron to Lucy Hawkins, who came to Ohio with her parents, from Vermont. She died in 1838, leaving two sons: Charles Carroll and James Nelson, the latter of whom died in infancy. Charles Carroll Miller grew up in the vil- lage of Akron, and attended the sessions of school held in the old stone building known to all the older residents of the city. Llis literary education was completed in Cleve- land. He then became bookkeeper in a store in Akron, on the canal, but being of an enter- prising nature and wishing to see something of the world, he shipped, in 1848, on a whal- ing vessel, with the expectation of going around Cape Horn to California and visiting the gold fields; but after two years of sea- faring life he gave up the idea and returned to Akron, bringing with him some souvenirs, such as whale's teeth, which his son still pre- serves. He then went to Michigan to assist his uncle in clearing a farm. While there he was married and at once came back to Summit County, and settled on the farm his father had purchased, where he died in Sep- tember, 1897. On August 7, 1860, Charles C. Miller mar- ried Mary Ann Philbrick, who was born in the State of New York and who, when nine years of age, accompanied her parents to Ionia County, Michigan. The long joui'ney was made by wagon to Buffalo, by water to Detroit, and by ox-team to the pioneer farm on which settlement was made. There, on that farm, the parents, Daniel and Mary (Gould) Philbrick died. Mrs. Miller still survives. Charles C. Miller and wife had the following children: Frank E., who died in infancy; Lottie A., who married M. Weager; Ansel P., Lute H. and Carl E. Lute H. Miller was educated in the dis- trict schools of Copley Township, and the High School at Copley Center, and later taught school for two years in Northampton Township. In 1892, with his brother Ansel, he began operating the home farm, and they continued together until 1901, when Mr. Miller purchased his farm from the other heirs. He lauis a dairy with fourteen cows, but his main industry is gardening, his suc- cess which is shown by the long list of pre- miums that he has received for some years past for his choice vegetables, which he raises under glass. He has recently built a brick and cement-lined silo — the first of its kind in this section. His early lettuce and rhubarb, grown under glass, sell at fancy prices. He also luakes a specialty of raising poultry. He began to exhibit the products of his farm in 1899, when he was awarded four premiums at the county fair, and he has exhibited each year since that time, and his premiums have amounted to a considerable sum. In 1900, he received twenty-seven premiums, amounting to $14.55; in 1901, 180 premiums, amount- AND REPEESENTATIVE CITIZENS 4'.)3 ing to $64.00 ; in 1902, forty-eight premiums, amounting to $38.00; in 1903, sixty-two pre- miums, amounting to $47.40 ; in 1904, sev- enty-seven premiums, amounting to $59.90; in 1905, eighty-six premiums, amounting to $59.05; and in 1908, seventy-seven pre- miums, amounting to $61.40. On August 11, 1897, Mr. Miller was mar- ried to Amy B. Arnold, who is a daughter of Charles F. and Rosina (Burr) Arnold, and they have had three children, namely: an infant, now deceased, Ross 0. and Gay] R. Politically Mr. Miller is a Republican and he has served as township trustee, being elected on that ticket. He belongs to the National Protective Legion. Mr. Miller is one of the progressive men of his community. He has made a scientific study of everything relating to the industries in which he is en- gaged, and he keeps well informed in regard to modern methods and new discoveries. In large part this explains his remarkable suc- cess. JOSEPH YEAGER, vice-president and treasurer of the C. H. Yeager Company, at Akron, one of the leading dry goods enter- prises of this city, the phenomenal growth of which has been a noted commercial achieve- ment here, is an old "and experienced mer- chant who has associated his sons with him for some years. Mr. Yeager was born at Newton Falls, Trumbull (Jountv. Ohio, in 1847. Mr. Yeager was reared in his native place, and was engaged in a mercantile business there for a number of years. He then re- moved to Conneaut, Ohio, where he did an extensive business and operated a department store for seven years. Seeking a wider field, as his sons had reached maturity, Mr. Yeager selected Akron, coming to this city July 1, 1906. Here he bought out the old firm of Dague Brothers, which was one of the oldest in Akron. The Yeagers have made the acquisition one of the largest, neatest, best stocked and most modern stores of this section. They are centrally located at No. 82 Main Street, where they occupy over 50,000 square feet of floor space. The public has been quick to recognize the opportunities they offer, and the success of this venture has been already assured. On April 25, 1872, Mr. Yeager was married to Eliza Jane Goldner, of North Jackson, Ma- honing County. He and his wife are the parents of three children, namely: R. G., who is manager of the C. H. Yeager Company at Akron ; John L., who is manager of the suit deijartment of the C. H. Yeager Com- pany ; and Chloe Estelle, who resides with her parents. C. H. Yeager is president of the C. H. Yeager Company and he has a department store at Sharon, Pennsylvania. Mr. Joseph Yeager is a member of the Masonic fraternity, .of the Eastern Star, the Elks and the Macca- bees. He belongs to the Congregational Church. Both sons belong also to the EUis, and R. G. Y''eager is also a Mason. JAY HORACE HAWKINS, one of Cop- ley Township's substantial citizens, residing on his well-improved farm of sixty-two acres, is a leading farmer of this section, and a mem- ber of the Summit County Agricultural So- ciety. He was born on his father's farm in Portage Township, Summit County, Ohio, November 29, 1866, and is a son of Nelson and Esther (Sherbondy) Hawkins. The Hawkins family is of Vermont stock, Mr. Hawkins' grandfather, John Hawkins, coming to Ohio from that state and settling in Summit County when it was still a wilder- ness. His family consisted of six daughters and three sons. Nelson being the youngest son. Nelson Hawkins' life was passed near his birthplace, in Portage Township, where he was engaged in carpenter work and con- tracting, and also in He married Esther Sherbondy, whose father, Peter Sher- bondy, was one of the first settlers in Sum- mit County. Mr. Hawkins died on his farm in Portage Township at the age of sixty-six years. His widow survived to the age of seventy-six. They had four children : A. Wesley, who is engaged in a lumber business at Akron; Walter N. ; Ella B., who married M. B. Shoemaker; and Jav Horace. 494 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Jay Horace Hawkins Ls known a.s one of Copley Township's progressive and successful farmers. He had good educational advan- tages in his youth, attending first the country schools, then the public schools of Akron, and later a business college in that city. For eight years he was clerk in a clothing and shoe store. After his marriage, in 1891, he spent one more year at Akron and then moved to the old home place, which he farmed until 1904, when he purchased his present farm from his father-in-law, John Moore. He owns a portable sawmill and for the past ten years has given a large part of his attention to the lumber business, employing twelve men. On December 9, 1891, Mr. Hawkins was married to Jennie G. Moore, who is a daughter of John and Nellie (Chamberlain) Moore. He has two children — Howard Paul and May Gracia. Politically Mr. Hawkins is a Republican. He is a man of sterling qualities, and is recog- nized by his neighbors as a representative citizen. In 1907 he was appointed a mem- ber of the Fair Board of the County Agricul- tural Society to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Moore. HENRY B. SPERRY, manager of the fire brick department of the Robinson Clay Prod- uct Company, of Akron, Ohio, having also a leading interest in several other prominent business entei-prises of this city, was born at Tallmadge, Summit County, Ohio, Novem- ber 1, 1863. His parents were Ira P. and Clarissa (Carlton) Sperry. The father, the Hon. Ira P. Sperry, was born in Watertown, Conn., November 24, 1817, and came to Tall- madge with hi? parents when an infant one year old, they being among the first settlers of that place. He received a common school education, and from the age of fourteen to that of seventeen was employed as a black- smith's apprentice. From seventeen to twenty he served an apprenticeship to the earriage- ironer's trade. He then spent a year in school at Cuyahoga Falls. He then worked two years for William C. Oviatt as carriage ironer, at the end of which time he purchased an in- terest in the concern, which, under different partnership relations, he successfully carried on for nearly a third of a century. In 1870, with his brother. Dr. Willis Sperry and Mr. Samuel J. Richie, he established extensive sewer-pipe works, which, in connection with his son, George P. Sperry, he successfully con- ducted for a number of years. An early anti- slavery man, Mr. Sperry, in 1858, was elected on the Republican ticket as Summit County's representative to the State Legislature, ably serving two years. On September 27, 1841, he was married to Miss Clarissa Carlton, of Portage County. Of this union were born six children — Willis *C., Charles O., Mary A., George P., Francis L., and Henry B. Henry B. Sperry acc^uired his education in the schools of Tallmadge, including the high school, and at the Western Reserve Academy at Hudson, Ohio. When a young man he became associated with his father in the sewer-pipe business, in 1884 being sent to Chicago as assistant to William M. Dee, the manufacturing agent of the company in that city. He then spent two years traveling in the interest of the Union Sewer Pipe Com- pany, after which he spent five years in the sewer-pipe business at Huntingdon, Pennsyl- vania. Mr. Sperry then purchased the silica brick plant of J. Park Alexander, which he operated for about thirteen years thereafter, or until 1904. In that year he formed his present connection as manager of the tire brick department of the Robinson Clay Prod- Tict Company. The silica plant of The Rob- inson Clay Product Company was designed and constructed under the supervision of Mr. Sperry, who is also the inventor of a machine for stripping the mold from the silica brick. Mr. Sperry's other business interests include the presidency of the Baker McMillan Com- pany, of Akron, enamelers and wood-turners, and proprietors of the Akron Spirit Level Works. Mr. Sperry is a 32d degree Mason, belonging to the Blue Lodge at Cuyahoga Falls, the Chapter and Commandery at Ak- ron, and Lake Erie Consistory of Cleveland; also to the Masonic Club. He was married in 1800 to Miss Helen B. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 495 Alexander, a daughter of J. Pari Alexander, oue of Akron's prominent citizens. Of this union there were four children — George Alex- ander, John Alexander, Robert Alexander, and Helen .Vlexander. ALFRED AKERS, president of "The Ak- ron Brick & Tile Company" and of "The Ak- ron Vitrified Clay Manufacturing Company,"' besides holding a large interest in the firms of "Akron Supjsly Company" and "Akers & liai-pham," has been a prominent representa- tive of business interestcj in this city for many years. Alfred Akers was born in England in 1849, and at an early age served his apprenticeship to the tinsmith's trade in that country, and at the age of eighteen years came to ^Vmerica and settled in Akron in 1869. Mr. Akers was married at Tallmadge, Ohio, to Lottie Cowley, and they have five children — Addle May, Walter Thomas, Alice, Charles B., and Grace — all of w'hom are living, and now married, with the exception of the lat- ter, who resides at home. After following his trade for two years, em- ployed by "Jahant Brothers" and "Cramer & May," he started into business for himself, which he conducted alone until 1881. The partnership of "Akers & Haipham" was then formed, and is continued to-day, having been developed into the city's largest and oldest sheet metal and roofing establishment. In 1890 Mr. Akers bought the controlling interests of the "Akron Brick & Tile Com- pany." which he still retains, and which is one of the leading shale brick factories of Ak- ron. In 1892 he was one of the organizers of the "Akron Supply Company," which has built up a large business in the wholesale and retail trade in builders' supplies. In 1901 he was one of the organizers of "The Akron Vit- rified Clay Manufacturing Company," which has a large clay plant at Tallmadge, Ohio, for the manufacture of sewer pipe and drain tile and fireproofing, the product of w-hich plant is handled by representatives in the large eastern cities, i. e., Pittsburg, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, etc. Mr. Akers is still actively engaged in busi- ness and with his sons, Walter T. and Charles B., and F. M. Ilarpham, son of his deceased partner, is joint owner of the above com- panies, the busine.-s of which they conduct together. COL. ARTHUR LATHAM CONGER, formerly president of the Whitman and Barnes Manufacturing Company; president of the Akron Steam Forge Company, of Ak- ron ; and also president of the Diamond Plate Glass Company, of Kokomo and Elwood, Indiana; president of the Hartford City, In- diana, Glass Company; and for years closely identified with the American Tin Plate Com- pany, of Elwood, Indiana, w-as one of the shrewdest financiers and remarkably success- ful business men that ever engaged in great industrial enterprises, in this part of Ohio. He was much more than a business man, how- ever, having distinguished himself in the Civil War, and having been a leading factoi in the political life of his state. Arthur Latham Conger was born at Boston, Ohio, February, 19. 1838, and up to date of his enlistment in the Union Army, in 1862, he had remained a resident of Summit County, working on his father's farm and in his brick-yard, then turning his attention to boating on the canal, and just as easily, two years later, becoming a school teacher. In whatever direction he turned his attention he met with corresponding success. In July, 1862, he enlisted in Company G, 115th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, of which he w^as elected second lieutenant, and before the expiration of his three years of service he had been suc- cessively promoted to the ranks of first lieu- tenant, captain and then assistant adjutant general and provost-marshal, at Covington, Kentucky, a member of court martial, assist- ant inspector of railroad defenses, and w-as recommended by General Thomas as captain and commissary' of .subsistence. After the war had closed and there "was no longer need for his services in defense of his country. Colonel Conger returned to Summit County and resumed farming. In the mean- 496 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY while he became interested in politics, and in 1866 he was elected treasurer of Summit County, and served in that office for four years, officiating also as treasurer of Portage Township and of the city of Akron. He sub- sequently served as a member of the County, State and National Executive Committees of his party, was twice chairman of the Repub- lican State Central Committee and once chair- man of the Republican State Executive Com- mittee, and for eight years was an active and able member of the Republican National Com- mittee. In 1870 he first became connected with the Whitman and Miles Manufacturing Company, as a stockholder and director, and six years later became president of that com- pany. Identification with other important industries followed, and he crowned his busi- nes career by becoming the president of the American Tin Plate Company, which was or- ganized at Elwood, Indiana, in 1891, with a capital of $300,000. On November 1, 1864, Colonel Conger was married to Emily Bronson, who is a daughter of the late Hiram Volney and Ruth L, (Ran- ney) Bronson, Mrs. Conger survives her dis- tinguished husband and resides at Irving Lawn. They had four children, namely: Kenyon Bronson, Arthur Latham, Latham Hubbard and Erastus Irving. Colonel Con- ger died in Des Moines, Iowa, February 25, 1899. Colonel Conger always took a deep interest in the Grand Army work and in military af- fairs; in 1884 he was made commander of the Akron Post, and from July, 1881 , until July, 1888. he served as colonel of the Eighth Reg- iment, Ohio National Guard. He also served on the staff of Gen. Asa S. Bv:shnell of Ohio. He was a man who won admiration for his business genius and personal affection for the loA'al, generous, considerate way in which he treated both friend and foe. In Boston Township stands a beautiful monument which was uncovered on July 4, 1889, which will ever serve to keep green the memorv of Colonel Conner and that of his beloved wife. It i- of Westerly granite, the base stone weiohinj}; over five ton?, which is surmounted by two small base stones, on the upper end of which stands the three-foot square pedestal. On the front is this inscrip- tion: "Presented to Boston Township, by Artlmr Latham and Emily Bronson Conger, to commemorate the bravery and patriotism of the soldiers who served in the War of the Rebellion— 1861-65, erected July 4, 1889." The names of the 141 soldiers of Boston Township who served are then inscribed, and four of the greatest battles in which they par- ticipated ai'e given, namely: Nashville, Five Forks, Cedar Creek and Appomattox. On the sur-base stands a tapering square shaft of nearly 26 feet, surmounted by a beautifully carved capital, with a Grand Army badge ex- ecuted on the side, the whole being sur- mounted by the finely-proportioned figure of a soldier, six feet and six inches in height, in fatigue uniform, standing at parade rest. The entire structure is a work of art and it reflects not only the taste but the patriotism and lib- erality of its donors and is above money value to the citizens of Boston Township. Its cost was more than $3,000. The presentation speech was made by Kenyon B. Conger, the unveiling by the second son, Arthur L., while the third son, in the uniform of the Grand -Vrmy of the Republic, acted as orderly of the dedication procession. Colonel Conger, wife and sons were all members of St. Paul's Pi'otestant Church at Akron, Ohio. DANIEL TAYLOR, a representative citi- zen and agriculturist of Copley Township, where he owns 125 acres of valuable farming land, was born on his father's farm in Cop- ley Township, Summit County, Ohio, Decem- ber 4. 1831, and is a son of Theodore and Matilda (Hoyt) Taylor. Theodore Taylor was born in Connecticut in 1801, and in 1818 accompanied his parents,* AVade and Diana Taylor to Ohio, after which they lived for two years in a log cabin in Norton Township, near the Copley line, on the Chauncy Beckwith farm. Then Theo- dore and his brother. David, took up 160 ncres of land, on which the fatlier and mother FRKl) -M. 1I.\1;PITAA[ AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 499 both died, the father's burial being the first to take place in the early graveyard of the township. For some ten years the Taylor Ijrolhers lived together on the farm, and then Theo- dore acquired eighty acres for himself, paying for it $2.50 per acre. To this he later added thirty-five acres which cost him $5.00 an acre, and for which he made part payment with one yoke of oxen and three head of cows. His wife, Matilda, whose family name was Hoyt, was born in New York, and was ten years old when her parents brought her to New Portage, where Barberton now stands, the long journey being made with ox teams. For eight j-ear.s after their marriage, Theo- dore Taylor and his wife lived on the Charles Hemple farm, and then moved to the farm on which Daniel Taylor was subsequently born. There both parents died, the father aged sixty-one years and the mother at the age of seventy-one. Of their thirteen children all died young except five, namely : Orson, now deceased; Daniel; Charles; Correl. who died while in service in the Civil War; and Orphelia. who married F. Arnold. Daniel Taylor assisted his father to clear the homestead farm and was reared to habits of industry and honesty. On November 4, 1858, he married Louisa Foster, who is a daughter of Alanson and Elvira (Harvey) Foster. After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Tay- lor conducted the tavern at Copley for four year?. He then sold it and bought his pres- ent farm from the Bruno Brothers. Two years later the husband and wife started a dairy, and for seventeen years they made cheese which found a ready sale at Akron, their son in the meanwhile operating a milk route. For a number of years Mr. Taylor raised fine cattle, in addition to farming. He has made many improvements on his place and has built his present house and a new barn, the old one having been destroyed by lightning. Mr. and ]\trs. Taylor have five children, namely: Harrison, who married Martha Bramley; Martha, who married Charles Crum, and has two children — Pearl and Arlis, the former of whom married W. Smith; Carl, Avho married Ida Edgar, and has three chil- dren — Ethel, Glen and Earl; Bert, who mar- ried Amanda Squires, and has two children — Lewis and Gladys ; and Frederick, who mar- ried Etta Riley, and has one child — Frances. Politically Mr, Taylor is a Republican and served four years as township constable. He voted twice for Abraham Lincoln. He has seen this section of country develop from a ■wild region to its present cultivated state and he can remember when his father caught deer and bear on this farm and sold their skins at Canton. FRED M. HARPHA]\I, one of Akron's en- terprising young business men, junior mem- ber of the firm of Akers & Harpham, the lead- ing roofing and cornice manufacturing house of this city, was born at Akron in 1S75, and is a son of the late William Harpham. William Harpham was born in England and in 1870 came to Akron, where he engaged in the roofing and cornice . business, brick manufacturing and dealing in buildei's' sup- plies. He was one of the representative busi- ness men of the city and was honored and es- teemed by his fellow citizens. At the time of his death he was president .of the City Council. Following his graduation from the Akron High School, Fred M. Harpham was em- ployed for a time in the Akron Savings Bank, but on the death of his father he assumed the latter's interest in the finn of Akers & Harp- ham. He is also a stockholder and a director in the Akron Brick & Tile Company, and is a director and treasurer of the Akron ^''itri- fied Clay Manufacturing Company. In 1904 Mr. Harpham was married to Cecil A. Johnson, who is a daughter of Judge A. B. Johnson, of Kenton, Ohio. They have one child, Louise Murcott. Mr. ■ Harpham for some time represented the Sixth Ward on the Board of Education, and during this period he started a new era of school building. It was while he was the chairman of the build- ing committee that the Miller school building was built, which was considered by experts one of the model school buildings of the 500 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY country. Thi^ type of building was imme- diately followed by the construction of the Lane, Fraunfelter, Findley and Portage Path SchoolSj which are of a similar type, JOSEPH A. P. WHITNEY, who has been connected with the Diamond Rubber Com- pany, at Akron, since 1897, id a well-known and respected citizen, and is a veteran of the Civil War. Mr. Whitney belongs to a prom- inent old New England family, and he was born in 1842, at Boston, Massachusetts. He was reared and educated in his native city, and was in his eighteenth year when he entered Company D, 8th Regiment, Massachu- setts Militia, as a private, which regiment responded to the first call of President Lincoln for troops. It became famed for its practi- cal work, being called the "Working Eighth," an honorable appellation which it deserved, being made up of expert mechanics. Mr. Whitney was its youngest member, but he did his part in the building of bridges and the construction of roads in the vicinity of Annap- olis and Washington City. This regiment formed part of the command under General B. F. Butler, and having served out its first enlistment of three montlis, immediately re- enlisted for nine months, and again for 100 days, the last service being mainly in Vir- ginia. At the end of his period of service, Mr. Whitney was honorably discharged, with the rank of sergeant, and returned to his home in Bo.ston. He has been an interested and honored member of the Grand Army of the Republic, ever since its organization. Mr. Whitney went into the rubber business in 1859. and prior to starting out as a com- mercial traveler in this line, was taught how to sell rubber goods by Robert D. Evans, -who started in the rubber busine-?s at $3.00 per week and rose to be president of the Ameri- can Rubber Trust Company. He continued to sell rubber goods for some years and then embarked in the hardware business, which he conducted for twenty-five years. In 1897 he cnme to Akron, and has since been asso- ciated with this city's largest rubber industry. :\t Roxburv. ^Lassachusetts, which is now a part of the city of Boston, Mr. Whitney was married, in 1862, to Emma D. Bills, who is a daughter of Mark Bills, who founded the omnibus line that was formerly i-un between Cambridge and Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Whit- ney have two children : Florence Bills, who married A. H. Marks, superintendent of the Diamond Rubber Company at Akron; and Lynwood Gore, who is engaged in business in New York City. Mr. Whitney has been a Republican since casting his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. He is identified with the leading fraternities, having been a Mason for thirty- five years, an Odd Fellow for thirty years, a Knight of Pythias for the same length of time, and a member of the Royal Arcanum since it was organized. He belongs to the Episcopal Church. WILLIAM F. BRUNSWICK, junior mem- ber of the firm of Dietrich & Brunswick, pro- prietors of the pattern works operated under the above name, is one of Akron's progres- sive young business men. He was born in Germany in 1878 and is a son of John Bruns- wick who brought his family to Akron and established a home on Arlington Street, where he still resides. William F. Brunswick, after accjuiring his education in this city, went to work for the American Cereal Company, and was later with the Buckeye Mower & Reaper Company, where he remained six years. He then en- tered the employ of the Akron Pattern Works; and still later, for over four years, was con- nected with tlic Taplin-Rice pattern shops. Subsequently, in partnership with A. J. Diet- rich, he established the Dietrich & Brunswick Pattern Works, which is now a thriving in- dustry. On June 8, 1898, Mr. Brunswick enlisted for service in the Spanish-American War, en- tering the Third U. S. Artillery, which he accompanied to Tampa, Florida.. He was sent several weeks later to Santiago, and subse- quently was detailed with his comrades to participate in the expedition to Porto Rico, under General Allies. Mr. Brunswick was in AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 501 the West India Islands for six months, and after his return was mustered out at Fort Riley, Kansas, February 23, 1899. In 1900, Mr. Brunswick was married to Hattie Cutting, who was born and reared in Kansas, but who later resided in Akron. They have two sons: Wilbur F. and Dewitt John, sturdy little Americans, but showing a trace of their German ancestry. Mr. Bruns- wick belongs to the Knights and Ladies of Honor, and to other beneficial societies. ANDREW T. BROOKS, general merchant at Macedonia and manager of the Brooks Creamery Company at this point, was born at Cleveland, Ohio, July 2, 1859, and is a son of John H. and Catherine (Plunkett^ Brooks. The father of Mr. Brooks was born in Hol- land, in 1831, and was brought to America when he was fourteen years of age. He learned the trade of shoemaking at Cleve- land, where he followed it for a number of years, and in 1866 moved to Brecksville, where he was engaged in business for him- self until 1894, when he retired. He served during the last three months of the Civil War. He is a member of the lodge of Odd Fellows at Brecksville. Andrew T. Brooks attended school at Brecksville through boyhood up to the age of fifteen years. He learned cheese-making and followed this industry until 1890. during the last seven years being in partnership with J. E. Wyatt. under the firm name of Wyatt & Brooks. After selling his interests in the cheese business to his partner, Mr. Brooks be- came associated with Jesse J. Barnes, under the firm name of Barnes & Brooks, and to- gether they purchased the general mercantile bu.^iness of T. T. Richie & Co., at Macedonia. Mr. Brooks continued to increa.=e his business interests and in 1900, when the Macedonia Implement Company was organized, he be- came its president, with J. L. Ranney as man- ager. The company handles agricultural im- plements and make a specialty of manufactur- ing a can wa.sher, for the use of dairymen. In 1896 the Brooks Creamery Company was in- corporated, Mr. Brooks being manager and main stockholder, and he is also president of the Northern Ohio Dairy Company of Cleve- land. By marriage, Mr. Brooks is connected with a well-known family of Macedonia, his wife being a daughter of Abram C. Munn. They have two children — Norma L. and Neva L. Politically Mr. Brooks is strongly Republican in his sentiments. He was appointed post- master by the late President McKinley. He served as a justice of the peace for six months, resigning the office, and is a member of the Macedonia village council. His fraternal relations are with Summit Lodge, No. 213, F. & A. M., of Twinsburg; the Odd Fellows of Brecksville, and the Maccabees, of Mace- donia. 0. AV. BAUM, of the firm of Mcintosh & Baum, leaders in the insurance line at Ak- ron, dealing extensively also in loans, invest- ments and real estate, occupies a prominent position in the business circles of this city and is identified with numerous important concerns. He was born at New Berlin, Stark County, Ohio, in 1862, and has been a resi- dent of Akron for fifteen years. Mr. Banm completed his education in the High School at Canal Fulton, and then taught school for about three years in Stark County. He then became connected with the retail de- partment of the George Worthington Com- pany, of Cleveland, Ohio, with which he re- mained associated for three years. For the following three years Mr. Baum was interested in a hardware business at Greenstown, Ohio, and later became traveling salesman for the Standard Hardware Company, of Akron, rep- rasenting it for four or five years. He then turned his attention to fire insurance, and with a Mr. Graham, bought out the insur- ance business of App & Carr, later purchasing Mr. Graham's interest. In 1900 he was elected secretary of the Summit County Build- ing & Savings Company, which, in 1903, was consolidated with the German-American Building it Loan Association, a.s.suming the name of the latter, of which Mr. Baum has 502 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY been secretary ever since. In 1905 Mr. Mc- intosh purchased an interest in the business and the firm of Mcintosh and Baum was es- tablished. This firm does an immense busi- ness and stands deservedly high among simi- lar concerns in Summit County. Mr. Baum is also secretary of the Summit Real Estate Company, and is a stockholder and director in the Dollar Savings Bank Company. In 1887, Mr. Baum was married to Jennie C. Spangler, of Manchester, Summit County, Ohio. Their only child, Lucile, is now de- ceased. Mr. Baum is identified with a num- ber of fraternal organizations. He is a mem- ber of Nemo Lodge, of Odd Fellows; Akron Tent, No. 126, Maccabees, and of the Uniform Rank of that order; the Protected Home Cir- cle; the Independent Order of Heptasophs; and the Junior Order of American United Mechanics. He takes a deep interest in and is a member of the Young Men's Christian Association. He belongs to Grace Reformed Church. HIRAM W. LIMBERT, vice-president and manager of the Limbert-Smith Plumb- ing Company, is one of Akron's representa- tive business men. He was born in Tall- madge Township, Summit Coimty, Ohio, in 1875, and is a son of the late John Limbert. The Limbert family was established in Summit County by the grandfather of the subject of this sketch in pioneer days. John Limbert was born in Summit County and dur- ing his active life took a deep interest in everything concerning the welfare of this sec- tion. He was for .some time engaged in the pottery business in Tallmadge Township. H. W. Limbert was reared and educated in Tallmadge Township. When sixteen years old he came to Akron and went to work for the Baker-McMillen Company. Later he was connected with other shops in the plumbing business, was with J. A. Smith for two and one-half years, then was with Whyler & Smith for two years, with Englehart & Eckert one year, with the Akron Plumbing & Heating Company for two years, and in 1903 he be- came connected with the firm of Slater & Smith, the firm name thru becoming Slater, Limbert & Smith Company. The business was incorporated in 1904 as the Limbert- Smith Plumbing Company, with a capital stock of $10,000, its officers being: J. D. Slater, president; H. W. Limbert, vice-presi- dent and manager; and B. G. Smith, secre- tary and treasurer. All these oflicers are men of practical experience and their business con- cern is a leading one of the city. Mr. Limbei't was married May 29, 1895, to Nellie Hall, who is a daughter of J. L. Hall, of Akron. They have three sons: Donald Arthur, Garland Ardell, and Wayne. Mr. Limbert is afilliated fraternally with the Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen. ALEXANDER NESBIT, general farmer and a well and favorably known citizen, of Northfield Township, was born on the farm on which he now lives, on March 10, 1843, and is a son of William and Lucinda (Hun- gerford) Nesbit. William Nesbit was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and came to Northfield Township as an early settler. He cleared a farm and acquired 100 acres of valuable land. He was a son of Wil- liam N&sbit, who was born in Scotland, who settled first in Westmoreland County and came to Northfield Township in 1834, where he died. William and Lucinda Nesbit had four children, namely: David G., of Cleve- land; Emily Lucinda, who married Samuel Gallic, of Northfield; Caroline Esther, who married William Deisman, of Bedford, Ohio; and Alexander, of Northfield. Alexander Nesbit was reared on the home farm, which he now owns, a valuable tract of land, consisting of sixty-two and one-half acres, of which he has fifty under cultivation. He raises corn, oats, wheat and hay. keeps four head of cows, and raises calves for the market. Mr. Nesbit married .Tosephine Fillius, who is a daughter of Philip Fillius, of Hudson, and they have one daughter, Grace E., who is residinc; at home with her parents. Mr. Nesbit and his family belong to the United Presbyterian Church. During its existence, MR. AND MRS. A. PETERSEN AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 305 he belonged to the old Northfield Grange. Although his father was a Jacksonian Dem- ocrai, Mr. Nesbit is identified with the Repub- lican Party. A. Pi:TERSON, proprieiur of the A. Peter- son Company, located at No. -482 kSouth High Street, Akron, Ls one of the city'.s enterprising and successful business men. Mr. Peterson was born in Denmark, in 1859, where also he was reared and educated. Denmark has contributed a large number of valued citizens to the United States, many of them having come as emigrants, and others, like Mr. Peter- son, with lives of useful effort and a measure of social prestige back of them. Mr. Peterson owes to his interast in public movements his present establishment in one of the most prosperous cities in the State of Ohio. He was sent from Europe to the World's Fair at Chicago, in 1893, as a representative of the So- cial Democrat Press, and came with the expec- tation of returning to Denmark. Finding bet- ter opportunities for business in New York than he had anticipated, he entered Wrigley's box factory, in that city, and learned the busi- ness, remaining there until 1901, when ho came to Akron. By thLs time Mr. Peterson wa-; prejKired to embark in business for him- .self. and although confronted with competi- tion, he started a factory with eight employes. He has since achieved a remarkable .success. Where at first his few men scarcely had enough to keep them busy, -he now finds fifty- four none too many. His plant is fitted with all kinds of modern box-making machinery, and its finished product is sold all over the country. In 1893 Mr. Peterson was married to Dagmar Heuriette .lenson, who was born in Denmark, and they have two children: Mag- da Marie and Reinholdt. The A. Peterson Company is made up of Mr. Peterson and his wife, the latter being a capable business wom- an. M. M. NEUMAN, secretary and treasurer of the Stein Double Cushion Tire Company, of Akron, was born in Hungary in 1859, and was there reared and edueated. At the age of twenty-one he came to America and first found employment for about three months as a traveling agent. This was followed by two years' othce work as bookkeeper, after which Mr. Neuman was engaged for three years in the grocery business in Zanesville, Ohio. In 1885 he went to Cleveland and entered into the cigar business, in which he was engaged until 1902. In September, 1902, the Stein Double Cushion Tire Company was organized and incorporated with a capital stock of $100,- 000, with Mr. C. K. Sunslian of Cleveland, president; J. Neuman of Cleveland, vice-presi- dent; and M. M. Neuman, secretary and treas- urer. In the following year the firm began business as manufacturers of a double cushion tire, in which they have been very succesful, they having now about sixty employees. Mr. Neuman was married in 1888 to Hattie Stein, of Mcadville, Pennsylvania. He and his wife are the parents of two children — -Miriam J. Neuman and Beatrice S. Neu- man. Mr. Neuman is a member of the He- brew congregation of Akron. He is one of the substantial business men of the city. A. C. BACHTEL, manager of the Bachtel Paper Company, at Akron, has been prom- inently identified with important business in- terests in this city for many years. He was born May 4, 1855, near Huntington, Indiana, from which point his parents moved to Can- ton, Ohio, in his childhood, and there he was reared and educated. One of his favorite teachers was Miss Anna McKinley, a sister of the late President William McKinley. Early in his business career, Mr. Bachtel came to Akron and engaged in the manufac- ture of brooms, under the firm name of Bach- tel & Pontious. The firm became one of con- sequence, and continued in business for near- ly a quarter of a century, their trade relations extending over Ohio and Western Pennsyl- vania. They continued a jobbing business until 1898, when the Bachtel Paper Company succeeded the firm of Bachtel & Pontious. This firm does a jobbing business in all kinds of wrapping paper, paper bags, stationery and 506 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY wrapping twine, giving employment to a large force and keeping one man on the road. In 1873, Mr. Bachtel was married to Amelia T. Pontius, who is a daughter of Nicholas Pontius, of a prominent Ohio fam- ily. They have two children, Edwin S. and Ella, the latter residing at home. Edwin S. Bachtel i^ connected with the Carter Rice Paper Company, of Boston, Massachusetts, with headquarters at Denver, Colorado. Mr. Bachtel is one of the leading Odd Fel- lows of Ohio, belonging to all divisions of the order and having been a delegate to the Grand Lodge on two occasions. He was responsible for the motion that started the agitation which resulted in the building of the beautiful fra- ternity temple, at Akron, and served several years as its president. In political sentiment, Mr. Bachtel is a stanch Democrat and has served his party and city in a number of im- portant positions. During his term of five years as park commissioner, Mr. Bachtel de- voted himself so closely to the extension and improvement of the park system of the city and with such great results, that he justly considers it a satisfactory and productive period of his public life, one that shows him possessed of enterprise, sound judgment and civic pride. DAVID ITANKEY, a representative agri- culturist of Copley Township, as well as one of its best-known citizens, having served as a justice of the peace and in other offices, resides on his farm of sixty acres of valuable land. He was born on his father's farm in this town- ship, October 8, 1850, and is a son of Sam- uel and Maria (Witmer) Hankey. T^ewis Hankey, his grandfather, came to America from Germany. In earlier years he followed the trade of shoemaker, but in later life was a farmer and also a preacher. He died in Copley Township, aged eighty-eight years. His children were: Lewis. John, Jacob, Snm- uel, Sarah, Catherine and Susan, all of whom have passed away. Samuel Hankey, father of David, was a young man when he came to Wavne County, Ohio, where ho married IMaria Witmer, a na- tive of Pennsylvania. He then bought a farm near the reservoir, in Copley Township, from which he subsequently moved, purchasing land where South Akron now stands, which 13lace he farmed for five years. After that he moved to the farm now owned by his son David, on which he lived many years, moving thence to a farm where White Elephant has been built, and there both he and wife died. They had five children: David, whose name begins this sketch; Mary Ellen, who married P. S. Prentiss; Catherine (deceased), who mar- ried Charles Travor; John Frederick, who owns a farm in Copley Township; and Eliza- beth, who married J. D. Arnold. David Hankey attended the district schools of the localities in which his parents lived, but as he was the eldest of the family, more responsibility fell upon him than upon the others. He has been accustomed to farm work almost from childhood, and has made farming his main occupation in life. He purchased his present farm from his father, clearing a part of the land and putting up substantial buildings. Mr. Hankey was married (first) in Novem- ber, 1872. to Amy First, who left at death one child — Forest, who lived but three years. Mr. Hankey married (second), in June, 1881, Agnes Delong, a daughter of Jonathan De- long. Of this vmion there is a daughter, Maude Ethel, who is now an educated and ac- complished young lady, a graduate of the Copley High School. It was a pleasant inci- dent that at the time of her graduation her father was president of the School Board and had the agreeable duty of presenting her with her diploma. She subsequently married Wal- lace Gingery, and they reside in Akron. Politically, Mr. Hankey is a Republican. With his wife he belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, being a member also of the official board. C. L BRUNER, vice-president of the Sec- ond National Bank at Akron, president of the Akron Building and Loan Association and president of the Bruner-Goodhue-Cook Com- pany, all of Akron, is also identified with AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 507 other large business interests here, either as prim-ipal, director or stockholder. Mr. Brun- er \v;ui born in Montgomery County, Ohio, in 185(5. When he was ten years of age, his parents removed from Ohio to Wabash, In- diana, where he was educated, and where dur- ing his earUer business years, he wiis asso- ciated with his father in a grain and later in a hardware business. Subsequently he es- tablished himself in the hardware business at Kokomo, Indiana, afterwards taking charge of a wood-working plant there. Seven years later this manufacturing plant was consoli- dated with a similar one at Ludington, Mich- igan, and a central agency was established at Akron, of which Mr. Bruner had charge for three years. After disposing of his interest in that concern, he went into the real estate business and was engaged in it to a large ex- tent for some years. He then became cashier of the Citizens' National Bank, and in 1903, at the time of its consolidation with the Sec- ond National Bank, he became its vice-presi- dent. He is a director in the AVhitman-Barnes Manufacturing Company, treasurer of the Werner Company, treasurer of the E. A. Pflueger Company, a director in the Peo- y)le's Savings Bank, and for four years has been president of the board of trustees of the city sinking fund. The quiet efficiency with which he discharges the duties of all these responsible offices, marks him as a man pos- sessed of great natural ability, sound judg- ment, and a clear business foresight that re- sults in successfiil achievement. In 1883, Mr. Brimer was married to Nel- lie Pettit. of Waliash. Indiana, and they have two daughters, viz.: Marion, who is a grad- uate of Welleslcv College: and Julia. Mr. Bmner and family belong to the First Metho- dist Episcopal Church, at Akron, which he is serving; as a member of the board of trustees. Fraternally he is connected with the Odd Fel- lows, and sociallv with the Portage Countrv Club. LEWIS A. MILLER, one of Akron's capi- talists and men of lars;e business interests, whose investments and dealings in real estate in city and vicinity include the handling of some of the most valuable property in this section, is also interested in the manufacture of electric automobiles, and he is vice-president and a director of the Byrider Auto Company of Cleveland. Mr. Miller was born at Canton, Ohio, in October, 1863, and is a son of Lewis Miller. His parents moved from Canton to Akron when he was six months old. Lewis Miller, the father, was the inventor of the Buckeye mower, reaper and binder, and he was also the founder of the great Chautauqua move- ment, in 1874. Lewis A. Miller was reared at Akron, where he attended the public schools and for a time was a student at Mt. Union College. He then made a tour of Europe, afterwards returning to Akron, For the fifteen years following, Mr. Miller was connected with the firm of Aultman and Miller, as a department man- ager and as a member of the board of direct- ors. He also acted as assistant .secretary to his brother. For the past si.x years he has given his main attention to investments of a realty character, as mentioned above. Mr. Miller is a member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church at Akron, and belongs to its official board. He still retains his member- ship and interest in his Greek fraternity at Mt. Union College. LORAN LUMAN OVIATT, formerly one of the most highly esteemed citizens of North- field Township, who was largely interested in the cattle business for many years and was identified with many schemes of public im- jiroveineiU in his immediate community, was born in the southwest corner of Twins- liurg township. Summit County, Ohio, Feb- ruary 19, 1844. His parents were Luman and Lucinda (Cregg) Oviatt. He was reared on his father's farm, and early became interested in the cattle business, which was his father's principal occupation. He attended the dis- trict schools, but gained rather' through prac- tical experience the knowledge which made him one of the best-informed men of his sec- ' tion. He carried on general farming on his 508 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY farm of 238 acres, eight\'-four acres of which had been originally purchased by his father, and the balance was added by himself, ('ul- tivating about sixty-live acres, he used all his produce for feed, except his wheat. Urom the beginning of his business career he dealt largely in cattle, and he probably was one of the best judges of cattle in the county. For one year he owned a meat market at Cuya- hoga Falls, butchering his own cattle and sup- plying the Macedonia market with dressed meat. This business he sold to Roethig Brothers. Buying cattle took him all over the country, and wherever he did business he made friends. He was honest in business and a man of .strong family affection — wdthout, it is said, an enemy in the world. For two years he was township trustee, and for twenty- one years was a^ member of the School Board, spending a considerable part of that time in supervising the erection of school buildings. His death, which took place June 6, 1907, re- moved from the community one of its most useful members. Loran L. Oviatt was married, first, March 17, 1864, to Lura, daughter of Elisha Temple- ton. She died March 18, 1878, leaving two children — Edward Lunian, now a resident of New York ; and Frank Loran, who resides on his farm adjoining the homestead farm at Little Fork. Mr. Oviatt was married, second, to Elva Adell Eggleston, who is a daughter of Milton Eggleston. Three children were born of this marriage, namely: Yinna P., Hazel L., and Lynn E., all of whom are re- siding with their mother. Captain Joseph Eggleston. the grandfather of Mrs. Oviatt, was born July 6, 1779. In 1807 he carhe from Massachusetts and settled at Aurora, Portage County, Ohio, where he was a pioneer, erecting his log cabin among the first in the place. Tie married Parlia Leonard, and by her reared six children. She was born in Mas.sachusetts and died in 1842. He married for his second wife, Anna Mack, a daughter of Colonel Mack. Of this latter union there were no children. Milton Eggles- ton, father of Mrs. Oviatt, wa-< horn .Tune 29, 1814, and died November 9, 1898. He en- gaged in farming and cattle-raising, and be- came a man of considerable substance. He married Eraeranca Loveland, who was born at Aurora, Portage County, Ohio, and who died August 17, 18(30. The two children born to Milton Eggleston and wife were: I'^rances, now deceased, who married C-iustavus G. Cass, W'ho is also deceased; and Elva A. (Mrs. Oviatt), who was born at Aurora, January 22, 1855. The members of Mrs. Oviatt's family were all Congregationalists, and during her residence at Aurora, she was identified with that church. She takes an active interest in promoting various charitable projects. FRANK NOLTE, vice-president of the Ak- ron Foundry Company, has been a resident of this city since he was seven years of age, but was born in Hanover, Germany, August 14, 1865. In 1867, his father, the late John Nolle, brought hLs family to America and settled in Akron. After leaving school, Frank Nolte entered the employ of May & Fiebeger, with which -firm he continued for twelve years. In 1900 lie entered the shops of the Akron Foundry Company, of which lie is now the vice-jiresident. Step by step he advanced through the different depart- ments to his j)resent responsible position, which he gained through his own energy, en- terprise and industry. Tie has also other bu.s- iness interests and is secretary of the Pruden- tial Heating Company. On June 21, 1893, Mr. Nolte was married to Margaret Kauth, who wa.s born at Akron, and they have one child, Florence I. Mr. Nolte is a member of the order of Maccabees. FRED \V. TWEED, who is superintendent of Factory No. 2, of The Robinson Clay Prod- uct Company, has been a resident of this city for the past thirty-nine years. He was born in 1862, in the Dominion of Canada, where •his parents, George "William and Ann (Clark) Tweed then resided. His father died when he was six year> old and his widowed mother came with her children to Summit County, where she rounded out her useful existence, dying in 1902. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 509 Fred W. Tweed attended tlie public schools of Summit County until old enough to enter the employ of the Diamond Match Company, where he remained for three years. He then became employed in the pottery of Richard- son, Cook & Butler, and later went to the Ak- ron Sewer Pipe Company. He next worked for the firm of L'obk & ^\'eeks, and afterwards for the Robinson Clay Product Company, which was then known as the E. H. Merrill Company. A period of twenty-four years lias passed since then and Mr. Tweed has never severed his connection, gradually winning promotion, and for the past seven years he has been superintendent of Factory No. 2, an of- fice which requires many special qualifica- tions. On July 19, 1882, Mr. Tweed was married to Louisa Remmy, who was born at Akron and is a daughter of Charles Remmy. They have two sons — Charles W., who is a draughts- man for the Diamond Match Company, and Frederick G., who is a student at Akron. Mr. Tweed is connected fraternally with the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows. HOUSTON KEPLER, residing on East Robii>son Avenue, just outside of the corpo- ration lines of the village of Barberton, form- erly owned the 300 acres adjoining the plant of the Diamond Match Company, as well as other valuable farming land. Mr. Kepler was born on the farm on which he lives, Au- gust 25, 1839, and is a son of Jacob and Susan (Marsh) Kepler. Mr. Kepler comes from German and Eng- lish ancestry. His father. Jacob Kepler, was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and was a son of John Kepler, who came to Sum- mit County from Pennsylvania, settling in Green Township, when Jacob was a boy of eight years. Both grandparents died on their farm in Green Township. Jacob Kepler was reared and married in that township. The mother of Houston Kepler was born in Penn- sylvania and came with her parents to Frank- lin Township. Summit County, when she was 10 years of age. She was a daiighter of Adam Marsh, who purchased a farm, .\fter mar- riage, Jacob Kepler and wife came to the farm on which Houston Kepler hios lived all his life. Jacob Kepler first purchased 128 acres of land which he subsequently increased to 882 acres, all but 329 acres of which were situated in Coventry Township, the latter be- ing in Franklin Township. There were thir- teen children born to Jacob Kepler and wife, seven of whom reached maturity. UnJil re- cently five were living, namely : Mrs. Lavma Reninger, who was the widow of Solomon Reninger and resided in Akron, died October 30, 1907; Samuel, residing in Akron; Hous- ton, whose name begins this sketch; Eliza- beth, who LS the widow of Henry Wise, residing in Barberton ; and Amanda, who mar- ried Andrew Oberlin, and resides at Doyles- lown, Wayne County, Ohio. Both ]iarents died in this township. Houston Kepler attended the district schools of Coventry Township. He has always de- voted himself to agricultural pursuits. In 1863 he was married to Catherine Foust, who was born in Pennsylvania and is a daughter of Abraham Foust. She was reared in Green Township, Summit County, her parents hav- ing come here in her childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Kepler have four children, namely: Clara A., married Andrew Kreighbaum, and has three children — Houston, Marjorie and Flor- ence; Laura J., who married W. D. Foust, has one son. Forest ; Maggie E., married Wil- liam G. Steadman, and resides in Cleveland, where her husband is engaged in the drug biisiness; and Nelson E., who lives at home with his parents. At one time Mr. Kepler owned a large amount of land, but has disposed of a great deal of it. After .selling the 300 acres to 0. C. Barber, for manufacturing purposes, he bought 127 acres in Copley Township. He owns also a store building and a brick build- ing in Barberton, which is utilized as a livery stable. Mr. Kepler is one of the capitalists of Coventry Township. He is a stockholder in the Dime Savings Bank, and in the Bar- berton Savings Bank Company, and is a director in the former. He is a member of the Reformed Church. 510 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY In polilifs Mr. Kepler is a Democrat and lias been honored by being elected as justice of the peace, which office he held for twenty- four jears. He was township clerk seven yeai's and was to.wnship treasurer one year, and coroner of the county two years. HON. JAMES McNAMARA, mayor of Barberton, is one of Ihe best known and most popular citizens of Summit County. He was born at New Portage, Summit County, Ohio, December 4, 1866, and is a son of John Mc- Namara, also a well known smd popular citi- zen. Mayor McNamara spent his boyhood days at New Portage, which is now a part of Bar- berton, and, with the exception of two or three years' residence in Akron, has spent his life in this town. During his youth, while attending school, he assisted his father in the latter's store, at New Portage, and later was connected with the Barberton Sewer Pipe Company. He served under Mayor E. M. Buel for two years as clerk, and was assistant postmaster during the nineteen years that his father held the government office, from July, ]893, until February, 1898. Later he was as- sociated witli his father in the real estate business, the firm being large dealers in real- ty in this vicinity for many years. When his father was made mayor, in 1900, the present mayor served as his clerk, and in the fall of 1905 he was elected to the same high office on the Democratic ticket. He was re-elected in the fall of 1907, which is the first time in the liistory of Barberton that any mayor has succeeded him.self. His whole life ha* been passed, more or less, in the public eye, and whatever important position he has filled, his integrity has never heen questioned. He pos- sesses in large degree those qualities which arouse ■warm friendship, and enjoys the re- spect and esteem of his fellow-citizens, irre- .spective of party lines. Mayor McNamara was married ffirst) to Minnie McMullin, who died August 2, 1901, leaving one child, Velva. He was married fsecond) January 9, 1907, to Mary Mc- Mahon. In church relationship Mayor ^Tc- Namara is member, councilman and secretary of St. ^Vugustine Roman Catholic Church at Barberton. He belongs to the Elks and holds membership with Lodge No. 982, Barber- ton. HORACE B. CAMP, one of Akron's most stirring and successful business men, came to Middlebury, now East Akron, in 1854. He was born in Ohio, November 9, 1838. When he was a child his parents settled in Cleveland, where he resided until he was fifteen years of age. During the family's sojourn there he attended the public schools, his literary education, however, being completed at East Akron. After leaving school he engaged in farming in Northampton Township, and was so occupied until 1865, in which year he en- gaged in the manufacture of sewer pipe at Cuyahoga Falls in the firm of Lewis & Camp. In this business he continued until 1893, at which time the style of the firm was Camp & Thompson, they having plants also at Green- town. In 1893 there was a division of the firm and Mr. Camp took the plaTits at Green- town, which he operated subsequenth' until 1901, wlien he sold out to the National Fire- proofing Company. Mr. Camp has various other important, business interests, being presi- dent of the Faultless Rubber Company of Ashland, Ohio; president of the Camp Con- duit Co.; president of the Akron Clutch Com- pany; president of the Colonial Sign and In- sulator Company ; president of the Indiana Run Mining Company; president of the Ak- ron Fireproof Construction Company; a di- rector in the Hamilton Building Company. and is also president, or a leading oflicial. in several other companies. He is fraternally affiliated with the Free Masons. Mr. Camp was married, in 1874, to Amelia M. Babb. Their household has been graced by four children, as follows: Grace E.. who is now the wife of R. E. Armstrong; Henry H., now a prominent voung business man of this county; Louis, who is residing at home with his parents: and Laura M., who is the wife of Professor Willi.nm E. Mosier, of Ober- lin Collece. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 513 CHARLES HENRY, architect, of the well known firm of Charles Henry & Son, of Ak- ron, has been a resident of thid city for more than a quarter of a century, and is one of the experienced men in his profession. Mr. Henry was born in Vernon, Trumbull County, Ohio, on May 24, 1847, and belongs to one of the old families of that section. He received his first education in the com- mon schools near his home, afterwards attend- ing the High School at Palmyra in Portage County, and later taking a scientific .course in Hillsdale College at Hillsdale, Michigan. This was followed some years later by a full business course in the Bryant & Stratton Col- lege at Meadville, Pa. Mr. Henry commenced the study of archi- tecture early in life, and for ten years (1870- 1880) was engaged in contracting and build- ing in northwestern Wisconsin. He first came to Akron in 1881 and engaged with Mr. Jacob Snyder as a draughtsman in his office, remaining in his employ until Mr. Snyder's death, when he became his successor. In 1896 Mr. Henry admitted his son, Leroy W. Henrj', into partnership, adopting the firm name of Charles Henry & Son, architects, which has not since been changed. The younger member of the firm received his primary education in Wisconsin, after- ward finishing in the High School at Akron. Since completing his education he has de- voted all of his time to the study and practice of architecture. The firm of Charles Henry & Son do a gen- eral architectural business, including nearly all classes of buildings, but make a specialty of church architecture, and more than two hundred beautiful church edifices, scattered through eighteen different states, have been erected from drawings made by them. Their work is of a high class character, and in walk- the streets of Akron their many buildings may be recognized for the qualities which mark their work. Akron has been very ap- preciative and thus has added greatly to her reputation as a city of beautiful structures, graceful in outlines, substantial in construc- tion and entirely adequate for the purpose for which they were built. This firm has a well grounded reputation. In 1869 Mr. Henry, Sr., was married to Charlotte Anna Bartlett, of Ravenna, Ohio, and they have two children, viz.; Leroy W., who was married in 1895 to Myrtle Royer, of Uniontown, this county, and has one child ; and Julia A., who is the wife of John E. Mc- Canna, of Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Henry are members of the Congregational Church of Akron, and he is one of the deacons. For many years he has been an active member of the Odd Fellows in all of its branches. In the Masonic bodies he is a member of Akron Lodge, No. 83, A. F. & A. M. ; Washington Chapter, No. 25 ; Akron Commandery, No. 25; Akron Council, No. 80, and Lake Erie Consistory, of Cleveland, Ohio, 32d degree. He belongs also to the Protected Home Circle of Akron. Mr. Henry's portrait, also that of his son Leroy, may be found on an adjoining page. _ WILLIAM WAGGONER, a representative citizen and leading agriculturist of Copley Township, resides upon his well-improved farm of ninety-six acre,?, and has been a resi- dent of Ohio since his childhood. lie was born on his father's farm in the state of New York, November 13, 1829, and is a son of William and Catherine (Spohr) Waggoner. The coming of the Waggoner family to Summit County from the old home in New- York was a wonderful event for many of its members, and was probably full of interest to little William. The long journey was made in a prairie schooner and reached Copley Township in the fall of the year. The country was unsettled and no house was to be secured, but the Waggoners were people full of re- sources, and before long some timber was se- cured from an old sawmill, and what wa.s known as an "Irish shanty," in those parts, was erected. The present young generation of the family would consider it impossible to pass a long and stormy winter, in a strange neighborhood, in such a structure, but their sturdy ancestors made light of hardship. In the spring, removal was made to a log hoiise 514 JILSTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY near William Waggoner'ji present farm, in which the family lived until the younger Wil- liam was twelve years old. HLs father bought forty acres in the heart of the woods and was occupied through all his active life in im- proving this farm, on which he died. His widow died at the home of her son William. William Waggoner, direct subject of this sketch, had scarcely any educational advan- tages. There was always plenty of work to do in clearing and cultivating the farm and while he gained little book learning in his boyhood, he was trained to be obedient, in- dustrious, and self-reliant. In 1850 he went to Akron, where he learned the brick-laying trade, which he followed until 1857. lie then married and with his wife removed to Iowa, where he remained six years. In the fall of 1863 he returned to Copley Township and here liis wife died. She was, in maidenhood, Betsey A. Stearns, and was born in Copley, a daughter of John 0. and Orpha A. (Clark) Stearns. Mr. Stearns was living at that time on Mr. Waggoner's farm. Mrs. Waggoner left no children. After the death of his wife, Mr. Waggoner enlisted in the Union army, in the fall of 1863, enter- ing the Sixth Ohio Independent Battery, and remaining i;i the service until the close of the war. He particii)ated in the Atlanta cani- ]>aign and was with the force that jiursued General Hood. When the war closed Mr. Waggoner re- turned to Akron and worked at his trade for four years. In 1869 he returned to Copley Township, in the spring of that year being married to his second wife, Lydia Ann Ran- doljih, a daughter of Bayliss Randoljih. She 'died April 7, 1896. After his second mar- riage, Mr. Waggoner bought his present farm from Samuel Long, and has been engaged in a general line of agriculture for many years. He has now, however, given over the manage- ment to his nephew, Harry Weeks, who makt^^ his home with his uncle. Mr. Weeks married Nellie Prentice, and they have three children : Arthur, Myron and an infant. Although, in boyhood, ;is mentioned, Mr. Waggoner was deprived of school advantages. that did not prevent him studying on his own account. He thus prepared for teaching, and when he wiis twenty years old began to teach the winter schools in an adjoining district, and so acceptably, that he taught in various districts through nine winters. There are many residents of Copley Township who re- member him as a schoolmaster. Politically, he is a stanch Republican and has frequently served in offices of responsibility. For two and one-half terms he was township trustee, for two terms was a justice of the peace, and for ten years was a member of the Board of Education. For the thirty years he has belonged to the Grange, and he is proud to belong also to the Grand Army of the Re- public. SOLOMON M. GOLDSMITH, secretary and treasurer of the J. Koch Company, Ak- ron's largest clothing .store, was born in 1873, at Rochester, New York, where he was reared and educated. Mr. Goldsmith has been associated with the clothing business throughout his whole busi- ne.'^s career. He began in boyhood in a hum- l)lc capacity in the line of work he had chosen and learned its details from the bottom up, gradually rising until he became a member of tlie clothing manufacturing firm of Goldsmith & Son. When the firm of J. Koch Company was incorporated in February, 1907, he came to Akron and accepted his present position with this house, his thorough training and long experience making him a most desirable acquisition to the house. In 1904 Mr. Goldsmith was married to Ce- lia Moss, who is a daughter of H. W. Moss, one of Akron's pioneer merchants and a mem- ber of the old firm of Koch & Moss, for years Akron's leading clothiers. Mr. Goldsmith is a Free !NLason. He is a member of the Ak- ron Hebrew Congregation. He is a young man of pleasant address and undoubted busi- ness capacity. W. T. TOBTN, secretary of The M. O'Neil & Company, Akron's leading department store, bus been identified with this husines': since AND REPKESKNTATIVE CITIZENS 515 he wa.s a youth of fifteen years, and has grown up with tlie house as it were. He was horn at Akron in 1864, and is a son of the hite Martin Tobin, formerly a well known citizen. Martin Tobin was born in Ireland and set- tled in Akron in 1863, where he became con- nected with the Hills Sewer Pipe Company, the Akron Iron Company and the Wliitman- Barnes Company. He married Honora Brazell, who was also born in Ireland. W. T. Tobin was reared in his native city and up to the age of twelve. years attended the parochial schools attached to the Catholic Church in the parish of St. Vincent. Until he was fifteen years old he worked in the shops of the Diamond Matcli Company and the McNeil Boiler Company, and then en- .tered the store of O'Neil & Dyas as cash boy. His indu.«try and capacity brought him quick- ly to the attention of his employers and he rapidly rose to be cashier, and later book- keeper. The mannnoth enterprise with which Mr. Tobin has been connected so long, wa« started in 1877 and was incorporated in 1892, when Mr. Tobin became secretary of the company, the other officers being: M. O'Neil, president and general manager; J. J. Feudner, vice- president; F. B. Goodman, assistant man- tiger. The company has a capital of $200,- nOO and a surplus of $275,000. Its location is at 38-48 South Main Street and 41-49 South Howard Street. It occupies five floors and a basement, and 300 persons are given employ- ment. In addition to performing the duties of .secretary, Mr. Tobin is buyer and manager of the Leader Ready-to-Wear Garments and Millinery and Manufacturing departments. He served for twelve years as a tni.stee of the Akron Public Library, and is now a mem- ber of the Sinking Fund Commission. He is also a director in. and actively connected with, the Akron Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany. In September, 1892, Mr. Tobin was mar- ried to Anna G. Walsh, of Cleveland, and they have had eight children, those now living being Dorothy, Honora, Mar\', Catherine, Paul and Richard. The family belong to St. N'incent Catholic Church. Mr. Tobin is a member of the Knights of St. John, and has filled the office of district deputy of the or- ganization. CALVIN GOUGLEK, a highly esteemed citizen and substantial agriculturist, who oper- ates a well-improved tract of land consisting of eighty-seven acres in the north central part of Green Township, was born in this town- ship August 20, 1870, and is a son of Daniel and Phoebe (Arnold) Gougler. Daniel Gougler was born in Snyder County, Pennsylvania, and was a son of Tilton Goug- ler. a life-long agricidturist of Pennsylvania, and a soldier in the Mexican War. In his youiiger days Daniel was a blacksmith, but subsequently engaged in farming, and in 1870 with his family came to Ctreen Town.ship, Summit County, Ohio, and settled on a rented farm near the Inland cemetery, where he resided for one year. He then removed to the present farm of Ami Gougler, on the Akron Road, in Green Town.ship, but in the following year located on the farm now owned by Calvin CTOugler, which Mr. Gougler pur- e-based from the Chisenell heirs in association with his uncle, John Gougler. This tract originally consisted of 153 acres, but on its division Daniel secured the south part of the property. Here Mr. Gougler died in 1887, aged fifty-nine years, four months. He was married in Pennsylvania to Pho'be Arnold, who was also born in Snyder County, and who still survives and makes her home with her son, Calvin. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Gougler, namely: Savoris, who lives in Coventry Township ; Irving, who died, aged two years ; Louisa, who married Frank Miller, of Green Town.«hip : .lacob, who lives in Springfield Township; .Tackson. who resides at Kent, Ohio; Maria, who is the wife of J. Gearhart, of Tallmadge Township; and Calvin. Calvin Gougler attended the old di.strict school in Green Township, and has re- sided in this section all of his life. He bought an undivided interest in his present farm from his father's heirs, and has l)ro\ight the 516 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY property to a high state of eviltivation, using the latest methods and most improved ma- chinery. On March 16, 1902, he was united in marriage with Alice Hershey, who was born at New Berlin, Stark County, Ohio, and is a daughter of William and Ada (Hule) Hershey. Mr. and Mrs. Hershey, the former of whom died in Stark County, had four chil- dren : Alice, the wife of Mr. Gougler ; Maude, w:ho married C. White; and Anna- and George, who are single. Mrs. Hershey was married a second time to Samuel Stover and resides in Stark County. To Mr. and Mrs. Gougler have been born two children — Ray A. and Opal. Mr. Gougler is a stanch Democrat in politics, and served as township supcr\isor for two years. He belongs to the Grnnge. With his family he attends the United Evan- gelical CShurch. ALEXANDER H. COMJNHNS, formerly the senior member of the prominent business firm of Commins & Allen, at Akron, was born June 1, 1815, at Lima, Livingston County, Ne^v York, and died at Akron, .\ugust 17, 1880, aged sixty-five years. He was the eld- est son of Dr. Jedediah D. Commins. His parents located at Akron in 1832. After a short period spent as clerk in his father's drug store, Mr. Commins became interested with a number of Akron capitalists in the manufacture of woolen cloth, satinets, etc., be- coming a member of the Perkins Company. The business was carried on in the old brick building on Canal Street, which is now known as the Allen mill. Tn 1867 Mr. Commins, with Albert Allen, purchased the old stone mill and the firm of Commins and Allen con- tinued to do a very large and .successful busi- ness for many years. This business was sub- sequently merged into The American Cereal Company, now The Quaker Oats Company. Mr. Commins was married October 8, I860, to Addie H. Starks, who was born at Buf- falo, New York. They had nine children, six of whom still sun'ive, Cora, Katherine B., Adelaide H., Daisy, Alexander PL and Au- gustus J. Alexander H. Commins, of this family, is an attorney and director in the Cen- tral Savings and Trust Company, with othce at No. 12 East Market Street, and residence at No. 135 Fir Street. The death of Mr. Com- mins was a distinct loss to Akron, where as business man and citizen he had so long been held in esteem. His widow survived him than four yeans, dying June 29, 1884. J. J. FEUDNER, who has been identified with the bu-siness interests of Akron ever since he was twenty-one years of age, and is now vice-president of The M. O'Neil & Com- pany, the largest dry goods store of this whole section, is a man whose capacity is universal- ly recognized, and whose good citizenship makes him a representative man in the broad- est application of the term. Mr. Feudner was born in Stark County, Ohio, in 1857, and he was reared and edu- cated in the vicinity of his birthplace. In 1878 he came to Akron and was employed by the old dry goods firm of Hall Brothers, for eighteen months, later working for Brouse & Wall on Howard Street. In 1881 he entered the employ of O'Neil & Dyas, and continued with that firm until The M. O'Neil & Com- pany was organized and incorporated, when he became vice-president and has since de- voted his exclusive attention to that concern. In 1882 Mr. Feudner was married to Kath- eryn Brumbaugh, who is a daughter of Con- rad Brumbaugh, of Stark County, and they have three children : Grace, Harry and Lloyd. Ever since coming to Akron Mr. Feudner has been connected with Trinity Lutheran Church, and he is now a member of its offi- cial board. For fully thirty years he has been affiliated wnh the Odd Fellows, of which he is a Grand, GEORGE A. SWIG ART, a representative citizen of Copley Township, Summit County, Ohio, who is carrying on agricultural opera- tions on his fine farm of sixty-eight and one- half acres, was bom July 7, 1842, in Frank- lin Township, and is a son of George and Elizabeth (Daily) Swigart. George Swigart, grandfather of George A., was a native of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 51' from whence he eauie to Oliio iu a prairie schooner and located in a cabin in the Wilderness of Stai'k County. He married Elizabeth Peifer, who survived him many yearSj and they had the following children: John, George, Joseph, Jacob, Peggy, who married Joseph Rex; Catherine, who mar- ried H. Sours; and Caroline, who married a Mr. ^Vsper. George Swigart, father of George A., was also born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and was just a lad when he made the journey to Ohio with his parents. After his marriage he purchased a farm in Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, and there he spent the rest of his life. Mr. Swigart married (first) Mary Daily, who died without i.ssue some years later, and he married (second) her sis- ter, Elizabeth Daily, by whom he had the fol- lowing children : Margaret, who married D. Waggoner; John; Susan, who married Sam- uel Kepler; Joseph; Mary Ann, who married J. Yocht; Sarali : Jacob; Catherine, who mar- ried Daniel Grill ; Elizabeth, who married Pliillip; Caroline, who married J. Cormany; Henry; David; George Adam; Dajiiel; and Hiram. George Adam Swigart was reared on the home farm, and, after obtaining a good com- mon school education, began teaching school, an occupation which he continued to follow until his marriage, after which he rented a farm in Norton Township for three years and then purchased his present farm, on which he built all of the buildings. Mr. Swigart is a Democrat in politics, and has .served on the school board. With his wife he attends the Reformed Church. On September 28. 1871, Mr. Swigart was married to Eliza J. Harter, who is a daugh- ter of Daniel Harter, who now lives with Mr. and Mrs. Swigart and Ls eighty-eight years old. One child has been born to this union: Homer A. Homer Alden Swigart w,ts bom 9, 1875, on his father's farm in Copley Tow-n- ship, attended school at Montrose, the Copley High School, the Ohio University at Ada and the Mount Union College at Alliance. In 1892 he began teaching school and continued in that profession for thirteen years in Cop- ley and Coventry Townships. After giving up teaching he engaged in a creamery busi- ness at Cleveland for five months, but re- turned to Copley Township and engaged in business with his father-in-law, Eugene A. Hawkins, with whom he is still in partner- ship. They are dealers in coal, fertilizer, lime, cement, plaster, farm implements, bug- gies, wagons, etc., and do a large business throughout the surrounding countrj-. He is also considering a proposition to become ticket freight agent for the N. 0. Railroad. Mr. Swigart purchased his present large dwelling in 1904. He is a Democrat in politics, and has been active in the ranks of his party in Copley Township, serving for four years in the capacity of township clerk, to the satis- faction of all concerned. During the year of the Buffalo Exposition Mr. Swigart was married to Mabelle A. Haw- kins, who is a daughter of Eugene A. and Laura (Colson) Hawkins, and two children have been born to this union: Alverda M. and Alice V. JOHN LIMRIC, now living retired at Akron, enjoying the comforts of a beautiful home at No. 556 Buchtel .\venue, was one of the leading busine.«s men of this city for many years, and he is also an honored veteran of the Civil War. Mr. Limric was bom in Germany. May 14, 18.36, and was a babe in his mother's arms, when his parents — Baltis and Ursilla Limric — came to America. The parents of Mr. Limric settled first at Liverpool. Ohio, but came to Akron in 1839, and in this city he was reared and educated. In boyhood he ser\'ed three years as a clerk in a grocery store and when seventeen years of age learned the carpenter's trade. On Oc- tober 9, 1861, he entered the Ihiion army, en- listing in the Sixth Ohio Independent Light Battery. He participated in the battle of Shiloh, the siege of Corinth and the battles of Stephenson and luka, and accompanied his command to Na., suffering from the ef- fects of a wound received at Shiloh. He was later sent to a hospital at Gamp Dennison, where he remained three months, receiving his honorable discharge December 20, 1862, on account of this disability. During his service of fifteen months, until incapacitated, he performed eveiy duty of a true jiatriot and faithful soldier. Within three weeks after returning home and receiving the care and attention he needed, he went to work at his trade with the late George Thomas, a large contractor and builder of that day, and after his death he continued with his son and successor, D. W. Thomas, remaining with father and son for a period altogether of forty years. He was made superintendent of many of their larg- est contracts and worked at Cleveland, Bal- timore and in other cities, including Akron. February 21, 1858, Mr. Limric was mar- ried to Anna L. Williams, who was born at Harpersfield, As:htabula County, Ohio, in 1841. Hei; parents were Lemuel and Lucinda Highby Williams, the former of whom was born in Vermont and the latter in Connecti- cut. They were early settlers at Akron and Mrs. Limric easily recalls the little log cabin home, to the door of which Indians would frequently come. Mr. and Mrs. Limric have four children, namely: Arthur Eugene, wlio was one of the first mail carriers in Akron, which position he still holds; Rev. Harry George, who is rector of an Episcopal Clnirch at Abilene, Texas; Lulu May, wife of .7. C. Leohner, of New Castle, Pennsylvania: and Curtis Clifton, who is employed in tlu^ olfico of the Diamond Rubber Works at Akron. Mr. Limric is a member of Bucklev Post, No. 12, G. A. R. Since 1864 he has been identified with the Odd Fellows as a member of Lodge No. 50 and of Encampment No. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Limric are both members of Colfax Lodge, No. 23, Daughters of Re- bekah, Mrs. Limric being one of the charter members. H. PL CAMP, whose business interests at Akron cover many of the leading enterprise? of the city and neighborhood, is treasurer and manager of the Camp Conduit Company. He was born at Cuyahoga Falls, in October, 1876, and is a son of the venerable IL B. Camp, who was prominently identified for many years with the nianufacture of clay prod- ucts. Mr. Camp was educated in the schools of Cuyahoga Falls, Hudson and Akron, and first entered into bu.S'iness as assistant to his father. Later he went to New York city to take charge of a large contract his father was filling. He remained there three years, at the end of which time he returned to his father's office and continued with him until the Cami) fac- tory was bought by The National Tinproof- ing Company. He remained with that cor- l>oration as manager for three years, when the organization of The Camp Conduit Com- pany called him to accept official position with tliis organization. The plant of this company is situated at Independence, in Cuyahoga County. Other enterprises in which Mr. Can>p is interested are the Central Savings and Company, of which he is a di- rector and stockholder; the Akron Fireproof Construction Company, of Akron, Ohio, and the Akron Coal Company, in both of which lie is also stockholder and director. Other less important concerns also claim his attention. On September 10, 1902, Mr. Camp was mar- ried to Anna Christy Metlin, who was born and reared at Akron. Mr. Camp is a member of the Akron club. .T. IT. ANDREWS, superintendent of the Quaker Oats Company's Akron mills, is an experienced man in his line, having been identified with the grain business almost all his mature life, and since 1881 has been par- ticularly occupied in milling. He was born in 1856, at Cincinnati, and was reared and educated in his native city, where he was en- gaged for three years in a wholesale grocery business. In 1881 he embarked in a milling business at Ravenna, in connection with which he operated an elevator. He contin- ued there until 1891, when he came to Akron, since which time he has been .superintendent REV. JOHN B. BROUN, D. D. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 521 of the millg of the Quaker Oat« Company, one of Akron's most impoi'tant indastrie.*, where from 700 to 1,000 people find employment. In 1887 Mr. Andrew.s wa.s married to Laura L. Day, of Kent, Ohio, and they have three children : Laura, Llelen and Edward. With hi.s family, Mr. Andrews belongs to St. Paul's Episcopal Chiirch. Fraternally, Mr. An- drews is a Ma.-on and has long been promi- nent in the Portage Coimtry cluV). of which he is vice-president, and is at present acting president. REV. JOHN B. BROUN, D. D., pastor of St. Bernard's Church at Akron, and the oldest Catholic priest in the city, was born at Ren- ing, France, March 2, 1834, and accompanied his parents to America and to Monroe, Michi- gan, in 1847. In his boyhood he attended the parochial schools, and at the age of 20 years became a pupil in A.ssumption College, at Sandwich, Ontario, Dominion of Canada, where he remained three years. He then en- tered St. Thoma-s's College, near Beardstown, Kentucky, where he was graduated in 1860, and after one year in St. Mary's College, Cleveland, returned to Assumption College, where he studied theology for three years. In 1863 he wa.* ordained a priest by Bishop Bar- raga, of Michigan, and located at Eagle Har- bor, in that stat.e. The three years which Father Broun spent in this mission were memoraljle ones. His territory covered fifty- five miles in extent, and pastoral visits to some of the 1,000 families included under his charge could be made only on foot, often through dense forests. Nevertheless, twice each month, the faithful priest was on hand at churches or missions scattered far apart, to greet his people and comfort them liy his ministrations. Since 18G6 Father Broun has been identified with pastoral work at Akron, his only respite from continuous duty having been obtained during two brief visits to Eu- rope. St. Bernard's Church, of which Father Broun has been pastor for forty-one years, has an interesting history. Originally all the people of various nationalities subscribing to the Roman Catlaolic faith, at Akron, were identified with the parish of St. Vincent de Paul. As the German element increased, an amicable separation was effected in 1861, twenty-three German families of the latter nationality forming a new society which was named for St. Bernard. In 1862 a church edifice was connnenced and when Rev. Mr. Broun took charge, as the third regular pas- tor, St. Bernard's had become the church home of the German Catholic element in Ak- ron. Father Broun's work has not only been directed for the .spiritual welfare of his con- stantly increasing congregation, but he has worked alrnost as persistently and successfully for their material benefit. Through many changes St. Bernard's has become one of the most substantial congregations in the city, and the church, which was completed in 1905, is one of the finest religious edifices in Akron. The corner stone of the new church was laid with impre.ssive ceremonies, June 23, 1902, and was dedicated October 14. 1905. Father Broun is one of the most beloved among the Catholic clergy, and is held in the high es- teem also, both in his own and other churches, for his business ability, his scholarly attain- ments, and his other admirable personal qual- ities. ALFRED CAPRON, who has been a life- long resident of Copley Township, Summit County, Ohio, was born in the log cabin erected by his father on the pioneer family farm. May 8, 1832, and is a son of Ara and Eliza (Sweet) Capron. The Caprons and the Sweets both belonged to Pennsylvania. Orren Capron, the grand- father of Alfred, was the leader of the fam- ily party that came to Ohio. He took up 160 acres of land on the Smith road on the Bath- Copley Township line, in Summit County, and there spent the remainder of his life, dying at the age of eighty-four years. He had four sons and one daughter, and he all of his children to procure farms. Ara Capron, the youngest son, had accompa- nied his father wdth his newly-made wife, and he took up land in Copley Town.«hip, 522 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY which he subsequently cleared, and built the log house in which his children were born. There were five of these, as follows: Laban, who died in 1907, aged eighty-three years; Elias, who died, aged fifty-three years; Adeline, who married Abel Allen, deceased; Albert, deceased; and Alfred, residing in Copley Township. When Alfred Capron was two years old he lost his father by death, and, although he re- mained on the old farm with his mother, he was obliged to look after himself from the age of ten years. He attended the district school for a short time, but his educational advantages were' few. Different farmers in the neighborhood employed him at a .salary of three dollars a month, which was increased as he grew older, and he continued to work by the month until he was thirty years of age. On April 10, 1862, he was married to Emily Moore, who is a daughter of "William and Mary (Baer) Moore, who came from Frank- lin County, Pennsylvania, to Summit County and settled on this farm in 1833. Mr.s. Cap- ron was born near this place. Her father died at the age of forty -five years and her mother, in 1872, at the age of fifty-nine years. There were six children in the Moore fam- ily, namely: Oliver and John R., both de- ceased; Perry, Emily and Amanda and Mc- Curdy, both deceased. All of Mrs. Capron's brothers, except the youngest, served in the Civil War, and all the brothers of Mr. Cap- ron also were soldiers, these families being very patriotic. Mr. Capron preserves the splintered gun which his brother-in-law, John R. Moore, carried. Elias Capron served in the Mexican War and later participated in the In- dian troubles in the West. Albert Capron also served in the Civil War. enlisting in 18(i2 in the Second Ohio Volunteer Cavalr\', and was a courageous soldier, who faced the dangers of war for four years, but fortunately escaped injury. Shortly after his marriage. .Mfred Capron enlisted, in August, 1862. and served six months as a teamster. In February, 1864, he re-enlisted as a private in Company I, 188th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Captain Smith and served until the close of the war. When Mr. Capron ret\u-ned from his military service he began farming for himself, buying from E. Randall one-half of his present farm, to which he moved, and • here he has continued ever since. He has 143 acres of valuable land, which he devot&5 to general farming. Mr. Capron made the greater number of the improvements on the place, erecting the substantial buildings, set- ting out the hedge fence, which is very orna- mental, and has made a comfortable and at- tractive home, both without and within. Among the interesting articles of furniture that he di.splays with pardonable pride, is his grandfather's old clock, which is made of wood and stands eight feet high. Its pendu- lum still swings true, although it must have marked the flight of time for the past hundred years. In addition to looking after his farm, Mr. Capron is interested as a stockholder in the Logan Clav Product Companv. at Looan, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Capron have two children, Ara and Bessie. The former married Flor- ence Vallen and they live on a part of Mr. Capron's farm. Politically, Mr. Canron is a Republican, and he belongs to the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic. Both he and wife are valued members of the United Brethren Church. His life of seventy-five years has covered an important part of his country's history, and he has been a witness of many beneficial changes in his own com- munity. WILL CHRISTY, one of Akron's mo-^t prominent busines'; men and influential citi- zens, who is president of the Central Savings and Trust Company, vice-president of the Northern Ohio Traction and Light Company, president of the Akron People's Telephone Company and president of the Hamilton Building Company, has also other extensive interests in Akron and the vicinity. He was born in Akron, in 1859, was reared in this city and was educated in its public schools. In early manhood, Mr. Christy became in- terested in the tannine; and leather business. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS with his father, and remained connected with that industry for ten years, after which his at- tention was attracted to the promotion and construction of electric railways. It was Mr. Christy who organized the Cleveland Con- struction Company, which has built many thousands of miles of electric railroads through Ohio and in Canada, at present hav- ing 170 miles of road in course of construc- tion. His business interests have gradually broadened until he has become associated, either as the head or a.s a director or stock- bolder, in a large number of the leading bu.siness concerns of this section. In the prime of life, he has hardly yet reached the full measure of his usefulness. In 1890 Mr. Christy was married to Rose Day, who is a daughter of E. S. Day, vice- president of the National City Bank, of Ak- ron. Mr. and Mrs. Christy belong to St. Paul's Episcopal Church. He is identified wath a number of social organizations, in- cluding the Portage Country club and the Union. Euclid and Country clubs, of Cleve- land. DR. ARTHUR M. COLE, banker and manufacturer, and one of the busiest men in .\kron, is a native of Summit County, hav- ing been born near Everett. His education, begun in the district schools of Boston Town- ship, was continued later in Cleveland, Ohio. He then spent several years as clerk in his father's store at Peninsula, Ohio. Toward the end of this period he had leanings to- ward a professional career, and so we find him beginning the study of medicine, which he pursued first in New York city, graduating from the New York Medical College, and aft- erwards in the Cleveland (Ohio) Medical Col- lege, from which he was graduated in the of 1876. For two or three years subse- quently he practiced his profession in Cleve- land. Then, returning to hi? native county, he practiced for about a year at Peninsula. The death of his father, which occurred about this time, changed the whole current of his life, and directed it into those chan- nels of trade and finance in which it has since flowed with such momentous volume. He purchased his father's business and con- ducted it very successfully until his election in 1883 as treasurer of Summit County. His election to this responsible office shows that he had by this time become generally recog- nized throughout the county as a man of financial ability and trustworthy character, and the record he made while in the office justified the people's confidence, and resulted in his re-election for a second term, the period of his incumbency thus covering four con- ■secutive years. During the same period he served as city treasurer of Akron. He had now entered fully into the business life of the city; his ability was recognized and his opinion sought in regard to matters of trade and finance by the leading business men here, and led naturally to his connection with some of Akron's representative concerns. He was for some time president of the City National Bank; was one of the organizers of the Akron Twine and Cordage Works, and was its secre- tary, treasurer and manager until its merger with the National Cordage Company in Tan- uary, 1891 ; he was president also of the J. C. McNeil Boiler Company. He has since con- tinued his successful business career, being, or having been, president of a number of other flourishing enterprises in Akron and in other cities. He organized the Western linoleum Company and was its president for years; it is now the Standard Oil Cloth Com- pany, in which he is largely interested, and of which industry he may be called the pioneer in the West. He has also been and is still closely connected with the match man- ufacturing industry, is president of the Re- liable Match Company at Ashland, Ohio, and is also concerned in the manufacture of drill- ing machines, for ten years having been president of the Star Drilling Machine Com- pany. He was one of the organizers of the Plome Building & Loan Company, and was its vice-p resident until his resignation. He is also an active and influential member of the Akron Board of Trade, of which he wa« one of the organizers, and president for some time. He is also at the head of the firm of A. 524 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY M. Cole & Company, bankers. In short, Dr. Cole may be described as a man of wide and useful activities, in close touch with every- thing connected with the growth and ma- terial advancement of the thriving city in which he has made his home. In his fraternal and religious affiliations also he is not lacking. In the Masonic Or- der he has advanced as far as the Connnand- ery, and both the Knights of Pythias and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows claim him as a brother. An Episcopalian in re- ligion, he is a member of the Church of Our Saviour at Akron, which he consistently helps to support, his benefactions (lowing also at times, as he sees cause, in additional channels. Dr. Cole was married, January 20, 187B, to Mrs. Lucy J. Tru.scott, of Cleveland, who, besides the two children she brought to him^ Harry and Jessie Truscott, has borne him two sons — Samuel Jackson, born May 30, 1879; and Edmund Herbert, born November 25, 1882. Of the two latter, Samuel J. Cole is now cashier for the United States Express Company, while Ednnmd H. Cole is his fath- er's as.sociate in business. Mrs. Cole is a sis- ter of the Hon. A. L. Conger. The family home is at No. 18 Bowery Street. PERRY GIBSON EWART wa.< born August 28, 1847, in Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of John and Elizabeth "(Harris) Ewart. The Ewart> family is of Scotch-Irish extrac- tion, the groat-grandfather, in company with several of his brothers, coming to America at a very early day and settling in Pennsylvania, where he died. His son Joseph Ewart, the grandfather of Perry G., in company with his family and James Caruthers and family, came to Ohio, in 1811, and both settled at Tallmadge, where the Carutlior.-; family re- mained, but Grandfather Ewart pushed far- ther into the country and in 1812 settled in Springfield Township, on the farm now occu- pied by C. C. Ewart. He lived on that farm until his death in 1852, at the age of eighty- eight years. This land he purchased for eight dollars an acre. It liad formerly been ten- anted and an old blacksmith shop stood on the place. His wife died aged eighty-seven years. They were perfect types of the early j)ioneers and faced the certain dangers and hardships with cheerful hearts and brave de- meanor. Their children were: James, Josiah, Campbell, John, Robert Lee, Polly and Mar- tha. John Ewart, father of Perry G. Ewart, was born in Butler County, Pennsylvania, in 1809, and came to Ohio in the arms of his mother, in 1811, who rode on horseback the whole dis- tance. He was educated in the early district schools and followed farming all his life. He married Elizabeth Harris, who was left an orphan when young. They had the following children : Joseph, who died when five years old ; Perry G. ; Charles Calvin ; Belle, who married John L. Sheppard, residing in Lake County, Ohio; and Ada, who married Hubert J. Wright, residing in Lake County. John Ewart died in 1901, aged ninety years, hav- ing lived on the same farm continuously for eighty-eight years. Perry G. Ewart was educated in the com- mon schools of his township and later be- came a student in the Akron High Scliool, when Professor Hole was superintendent, and subsequently was graduated from a military academy at Cleveland, in 1867. He then took a business course in the Bryant and Stratton Commercial College, following which he ac- cepted a position as bookkeeper in Cleveland. After he returned to Sunnnit County, he took charge of the books for the Brewster Brothers Coal Company, at Akron, and for six years was bookkeeper with the Thomas Phillips Co.'s Paper Mill. For the past twenty-five years he has been residing on his present farm. Mr. Ewart was married to Jennie Shaft'er, who is a daughter of Sannicl and Katherine (Kepler) Shaffer. The remote ancestors of Mrs. Ewart were natives of Pennsylvania, but her parents came to Summit from Stark Coun- ty, Ohio, about 1824, and both are deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart have had two .*ons and two daughters, three of whom are living: SAMUEL COOPER AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 52^ Haxry, who operates the home farm, married Laura Brumbaugh and they have one son, Donald Brumbaugh ; Jessie, who married Dr. Floyd J. Metzger, residing in New York, have one daughter, Elizabeth ; and Claude, who was born in 1886, graduated from the Akron High School and has taken two years of the four-year course at Buchtel College. One daughter, Mabel, died in November, 1895, aged eighteen years. Politically Mr. Ewart is a Democratic leader in this section. For twelve years he served as a justice of the peace and has been elected to various township offices, and in 1893, he was chosen by his i>arty as their candidate for the Legislature. Although conditions were such that no Democrat could have been elected, he cut the majority very materially. Later he was selected as candidate for auditor of Summit County. He has been identified with insurance affair.* for many years and ha? been a director in the Farmers' Lake Township Mutual Company for twenty-four years. In 1907 Mr. Ewart was elected a mem- ber of the State Board of Agriculture. He is a member of the local Grange, having always taken an interest in this movement. SAMUEL COOPER, brick manufacturer, a member of the firm of Cooper Brothers, came to Akron May 15, 1883, from Stafford- shire, England, where he was born July 27, 1853. In his native land, Mr. Cooper learned the brick business, to which he has devoted his attention almost all of his busines.s life. For a .short time after reaching Akron, he worked in the brick manufacturing plant of Byron Allison, and later for eighteen months was in a brick business with John Dehaven and Dr. Jewett. Subsequently he went into partnership with his brothers, Joseph and William Cooper, in a brick manufacturing business which has been continued with great success until the present time. The firm of Cooper Brothers manufacture at their plant at No. 573 Spicer Street, all kinds of build- ing and sewer brick, and their product has entered into the construction of many of the substantial buildings of Akron. November 18, 1872, Mr. Cooper married Ann Edge and of this vuiion have been born four children, namely: Ann Elizabeth, who married Timothy Emery, a missionary, resid- ing at Liverpool, England; Samuel, Jr., and John William, both of whom are connected with the firm of Cooper Brothers; and Sarah Jane, who married William Johnson, a stu- dent at the Bible School at Alliance, Ohio. Mr. Cooper is identified politically with the Republican party. He belongs to the order of Foresters and to the Sons of St. George. He is one of the attendants of the Gospel Mis- sion Church on East South Street, Akron, of which his family are members. CHARLES A. HARING, who owns sev- enty-nine acres of fine land, was born on his present farm in Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, April 3, 1869, and is a son of Daniel and Mary E. (Ludwick) Haring. Charles Haring, the grandfather of Charles A., was born in Green Township, Summit County, Ohio, to which place his parents had come in early days. After his marriage he settled on a farm in Franklin Township, and here he and wife spent the remainder of their lives. Charles Haring was married to a Miss Willtrout, who was born in Pennsyl- vania and came to Franklin Township when quite young. They had a family of eight children: Joel, Daniel, Allen, Hiram, Mrs. Whitmire, Mrs. Dailey, Mrs. Swigart and Mrs. Marsh, all of whom are deceased with the exception of Mrs. Swigart. Allen Haring was a school teacher and was credited with teaching more terms than any other native teacher of the township. Daniel Haring, father of Charles A., was reared on his father's farm in Franklin Town- ship, which he helped to clear, and after his marriage he removed to the present farm of Charles A. Haring, which he purchased from a Mr. Kaler. There the rest of his life was spent, his death taking place in 1886, at the age of fifty-six years. He married Mary E. Ludwick, who died in 1891, aged fifty-three years. She was a daughter of Samuel Lud- wick. Three children were born to thL^ union : 528 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Elmina, who died at the age of ten years; Charles Alvin; and Delia M., the latter of whom died aged eighteen years. Charles A. Haring was educated in the district schools and was reared to agricultural pursuits. For two years he was in partner- ship with E. 0. Cox and Warren Miller in a threshing business, but for the past five years he has carried on this line of work by himself, owning- a complete thrashing outfit and portable saw mill. On September 5, 1895, Mrs. Haring was married to Carrie M. Young, and to this union there have been born two children: Russell and Ophir. With his family he at- tends the Reformed Church at Barberton, Ohio. He is a Democrat. FREDERICK G. SHERBONDY, secretary of the Biggs Boiler Works Company, of Ak- ron, was born in this city, in 1884, and is a son of Joseph P. Sherbondy, a business man residing on Sherbondy Hill, at Akron. The grandfather, Levi Sherbondy, came to Ohio in 1814, traveling by wagon from Penn- sylvania. He was an extensive farmer and large land-owner and a prominent man in Summit County for many years. He died at Akron in 1898, aged eighty-six years. Frederick G. Sherbondy was reared and educated at Akron, and immediately after leaving school, entered the Biggs Boiler Works Company's employ as book- keeper. In February, 1907, he became secretary of the company. He is rec- ognized as one of the capable and pro- gressive young business men of Akron who hold the future prospcritv of the citv in their hands. On November 22, 1906, Mr. Sher- bondy was married to Pearl M. Winkler, who is a daughter of Frank B. Winkler, of Akron. Mr. Sherbondy is a member of the Disciples Church. JACOB FINLEY JAMES RICHEY, who, for the past seven years has been a trustee of Northfield Township, is one of the progressive and successful general farmers of this section, and resides on the homestead farm of 231 acres, of which he owns 116, his mother re- taining the balance. He was born September 20, 1859, and is a son of Andrew K. and Elizabeth (Bain) Richey. Thomas Richey, the paternal grandfather, came to America when twenty-one years of age and first worked in fisheries near Phila- delphia. During the War of 1812 he was employed in the Du Pont Powder Works at Wilmington, Delaware, and then came to Ohio, pre-empting land in Chippewa Town- ship, Wayne County. He continued to work in the powder works until he had made two payments on his land, and after making his third payment he settled on it, and lived there until 1852, when he sold that property and bought 211 acres in Northfield Township. He carried on large agricultural operations, en- gaging in farming and dairying in the old way, when butter and cheesemaking were im- portant household industries. On April 3, 1826, Thomas Richey was married to Mar- garet Koplin, who came from Pennsylvania to Wayne County. She died June 22, 1879, having passed her eightieth birthday. Thom- as Richey died August 27, 1867, seventy- seven years. All of their children are now deceased, namely: Andrew K., Matthias, Jane, Margaret, George, Catherine, Thomas, and Mary Ann. Andrew K. Richey was born in Chippewa Township, Wayne County, Ohio, January 31, 1828. He obtained his education in the old Tallmadge school, which, like others of that period, made the study of the classics a lead- ing feature of the curriculum. He was a fine Latin student and at the age of eighteen years began to teach school, and he taught one year also after his marriage. He subsequently purchased the present homestead farm, start- ing with 114 acres and adding to it grad- ually until he owned 231 acres. He erected buildings here and made improvements which have been still further added to by his son, one of these being the enlarging of the barn until now it is a handsome, substantial struc- ture with dimen.'^ions of 105 by 40 feet, with basement and 24-foot post^. During the Civil War, Andrew K. Richey ser\'ed as a lieuten- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 529 ant in the militia. He was a man every one trusted, one who met every obligation, treated all men fairly and displayed in full the manly qualities which brought him universal esteem. He served as a justice of the peace, and as township assessor and township trustee. On November 6, 1856, he married Eliza- beth Bain, a daughter of .Jacob Bain, who was born in Washington County, New York, April 30, 1807, and who died May 5, 1877. Mr. and Mrs. Richey had six children, namely: Margaret Zephina, who married John L. Ritchie; J. F. J., of Northfield Town- ship ; Thomas Tell, residing at Cleveland ; Andrew Fenn, residing at Northfield ; Emmer Ross, now deceased; and Elizabeth Catherine, residing with her mother. Mrs. Richey was born September 19, 1836. She is a member of the old Associated Presbyterian Church in which Mr. Richev was a deacon and trustee. He died July 7, 1900. The paternal great-grandfather of Mrs. Richey was James Bain, who was born at Argyle, New York, where he married, and where his nine children were born. Jacob Bain came to Ohio in 1855, and reaching Macedonia in July, and in the following De- cember he settled on the farm on which he subsequently resided until his death. He was a carpenter and joiner by trade and assisted to build the first museum ever erected in the city of Albany, New York. In 1832 he mar- ried Catherine McNaughton, a former neigh- bor of his, who was born April 14, 1806. They had five children: Finley, deceased; Mrs. Richey; Mary Etta, who married Joseph C. Finney, residing near Mansfield, Ohio ; Catherine M., who married Dickson T. Har- bison, residing at Robinson, Illinois; and James M., residing at New York city. The Bain family was affiliated with the As.sociated Presbyterian Church. Jacob Finley James Richey has spent his Ufe on the homestead farm. He tills about 160 acres, his main crops being corn, oats, wheat, hay and potatoes. He raises horses and keeps thirty head of young cattle. Mr. Richey believes in scientific farming to a large degree, and makes use of modern machinery. following the latest improved methods. The fine condition of his farm testifies both to his industry and to his thorough knowledge of his chosen calling. Mr. Richey was married to Mary Alice Martin, who is a daughter of Henry Martin, of Northfield Township, and they have four children — Clarence La Mar, Laura Alice, Wil- lis Paul and Ada Blanche. WILLIAM H. WAGONER, the owner of seventy-six acres of excellent farm land which is situated in Coventry Township, about five miles south of Akron, is a well-known citizen. He was born in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, not far from his present farm, March 4, 1857, and is a son of David and Margaret (Swigart) Wagoner. The grandfather of Mr. Wagoner was George Wagoner, who was born in Pennsyl- vania and after coming to Summit County, located on land near Manchester, which he cleared and developed into a good farm. He was married (first) to a Miss Roades and (second) to Catherine Souei-s. Both grand- parents died on that farm, when about eighty- three years old, the second wife surviving her husband for thirteen years. There were four children born to the first marriage and ten to the second, six of the children still sur- viving, as follows: Philip, who is an ex- county commissioner of Summit County; Henry; John; Aaron; Harriet, who Ls the widow of John Harpster; and Mrs. Amanda Spangler, who is also a widow. David Wagoner, father of William H., had a twin brother, who died in childhood. They were born near Manchester and were children of the first marriage. David became a farmer and also a carpenter working at his trade to .some extent all his life. He bought twenty- six acres of the farm now owned by his son, from Emanuel Sholley, and resided on it until his death in his fifty-seventh year. He married Margaret Swigart, who survived him for nine years. She was born on an adjoin- ing farm,' near Manchester, and was a daugh- ter of George Swigart, who came to Ohio from Pennsvlvania. He had fifteen children and 530 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the mother of William H. Wagoner wa-s one of the first to die. David Wagoner and wife had six children, namely: Oliver, who was a soldier in (he Civil War, a member of Company H, 104th Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and died while at home on a fur- lough; Mary, who died aged three years; Al- berta, who died aged one year; John, who is deceased; William Henry; and Sarah, who is the widow of Adam Carmany. William Henry Wagoner was nine years of age W'hen his parents moved on the present farm and he has lived here ever since. From boyhood he has been accustomed to farm work and from the age of twenty years, when his father died, he has had charge of this property. The original farm of twenty-six acres was divided among three children, each one receiving a small amount after the debts of the estate were paid. Mr. Wagoner cleared off the above claims, and by hard and honest effort acquired land for himself, adding until he became possessed of his present farm. He owns also a one-half interest in thirty-one acres of timber land in Green township. He greatly improved his property by building a comfortable home in 1889, having erected the barn in 1883. On November 26, 1886, Mr. Wagoner was married to Clara E. Shook, who is a daugh- ter of George A. and Elizabeth (Mutchler) Shook. They were born near New Berlin, Stark County, Ohio, where they lived until 1881, when they bought and moved on the farm adjoining that of Mr. Wagoner, where they now reside. Mr. and Mrs. Shook had four children, namely: Clara; Henry; Ir- win and Anna, the latter of whom was born in Summit County, and married Edward Eippert. Mr. and Mrs. Wagoner have had four children, namely: Edward Samuel, Elsie May, Floyd H. and William Ray. Ed- ward Samuel died in infancy. Mr. Wagoner is a Republican and he has been elected by that party to a number of important offices. For nine years he served as township trustee and then resigned in order to assume the duties of infirmary director, to which office he had been elected, in a normal Democratic town.-hip, by an overwhelming majority. For a number of years he has served as school director and at the present time is a valued member of the School Board. With his family he belongs to the Lutheran Church at Akron, having a.ssisted to build this church edifice. He was one of the build- ing committee and a trustee and gave his time and services as well as financial assist- ance. Mr. Wagoner has given his children excellent educational advantages and Elsie May and Floyd H., both graduated from the Kenmore High School in 1907, receiving di- plomas and teacher's certificates. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Wagoner was a teacher as were her brothers and sisters. CHARLES S. JOHNSON, who stands de- servedly high as a business citizen at Barber- ton, where he is the leading dealer in hard- ware, is president of the Ohio Hardware j\s- sociation and is known all over the State as a man of thorough knowledge along hardware lines. He was born at Allegheny, Pennsyl- vania, March 7, 1867, and is a son of George R. and Florence Estella Johnson. The father of Mr. Johnson was an oil well engineer and was also employed in the oil fields as a well shooter. For about ten years he followed farming, but during his later years he was in business with his son Charles S., at Barberton. As his business demanded, he moved to different sections of the country, in 1873, to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he remained for three years, in the fall of 1876, to Philadelphia, and from there to a farm near ^^'est Liberty, low'a. For several years he was also engaged in a hotel business. It was during the residence of the family in Iowa, that Charles S. Johnson took a com- mercial course at Drake LTniversity, at Des Moines, where he was graduated with the highest honors in a class of twenty-two stu- dents, and carried off the coveted prize of being chosen valedictorian. Mr. Johnson then went to Pittsburg, and for a number of years he was employed there in the auditor's office, but, desiring a more active life, he accepted a position at Salem, Ohio, with Bakewell AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 531 & MuUins. About one year later, he took charge of a general store at Burkettstown, Pennsylvania, for six months, and then re- turned to Salem, where, in 1886, he became bookkeeper and collector for the firm of Mc- Lern & Crumrine, hardware merchants. In 1891 Mr. Johnson retired from this connec- tion and embarked in business for himself at Barberton, locating first in a frame build- ing situated just across the street from his pres- ent spacious quarters. In 1892 he purchased this property and in the following year he added a second story in order to facilitate in- creasing demands of business, and in 1902 he was obliged to still further add to his prem- ises by building a third story. His line of goods comprises everything denominated hard- ware and his trade covers a large territory. Mr. Johnson's thorough knowledge of this line of goods, as well as his well established reputa- tion for business ability and commercial in- tegrity, caused his election to the office of vice- president of the Ohio Hardware Association for two successive terms and later to the presi- dency of the organization. He is connected with other successful business interests of Barberton, and is a member of the board of directors of the Barberton Savings Bank and also of the Deming Manufacturing Company. Mr. Johnson owns real estate of consider- able value in this city, including a pleasant home. He married Laura Hartong. He is a member of the Christian Church. Fraternally Mr. Johnson is connected with the Masons, the Elks and the Maccabees. PETER LEPPER, whose farm of 255 acres is situated in Springfield Township, is a promi- nent and substantial citizen of this section. He was born October 7, 1826, at Milton, Ma- honing County, Ohio, and is a son of John A. and Magdalena (Stine) Lepper. The Lepper family belonged originally to Hesse Darmstadt, Germany. There the grandfather of Peter Lepper, John A. Lep- per, followed his trade of milling and lived and died. He had a family of eleven chil- dren and three of his sons, Johan A., Anthony and John A., serv^ed in the Germany army, all members of the same regiment. John A., father of Peter, served ten years and survived all dangers, but his two brothers were killed on the field of battle. The Stine family also belonged to Hesse Darmstadt and Grand- father Henry Stine was reputed a prominent and wealthy man at one time. He married Louisa Ritthousen and they had four chil- dren, Mrs. John A. Lepper being the eldest. John A. Lepper was born in June, 1779, and in 1803 he was married in Germany to Mag- dalena Stine. She was born in April, 1780, and died December 11, 1871, surviving her husband exactly three years. They both were faithful members of the Lutheran Church and through a long life which brought them many undeserved misfortunes, they preserved their old faith intact. To John A. Lepper and wife were born the following children: Elizabeth; an infant that died on the ocean while the family was coming to America; Adam, who died at New Lisbon, Columbiana County, Ohio; Philip, who was killed in 1864, while serving as a soldier in the Civl War, was born in Germany in 1813, owned a farm in Missouri; Gerhardt, who died January 11, 1865, aged fifty-two years, ten months and twenty-one days ; Cath- erine, deceased, who married Joseph Crase; Louisa, who never came to America, died in Germany, in 1893, and was the wife of Philip Hommel ; and Peter, who is the only survivor and the only one of the family who was born in America. Early in the year 1819, John A. Lepper be- gan to make preparations to emigrate with his family to America, and finallj- reached the docks at Bremen ready to take passage in one of the old sailing vessels of that time. It was a great undertaking for these quiet, home-loving people to break all old ties and start for a strange new country, but possessed of such courage and determination were the early pioneers whose efforts have made the LTnited States the great grand land that it is. It was no easy matter to accumulate at one time the required passage money, a sum of some $510, but it was finally obtained, the amount was paid and the eager emigrants 532 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY were gathered awaiting the last arrangements before they went on the ship which they con- fidently believed was to take them to a land flowing with the proverbial milk and honey. Just then happened one of those unforeseen accidents, brought about innocently but of vast importance to the Lepper family. One of the waiting emigrants picked up a bullet, about the size of a small nut, and instead of throwing it away, unfortunately gave it to one of the restless Lepper lads, who, boy-like, immediately saw in it a plaything with which to while away the weary hours of waiting. He attached it to a string and found amuse- ment in swinging it in a circle, until suddenly the string broke and the piece of lead flew off at a tangent, crashing into the front of a business house on the street and breaking a show window valued by the irate proprietor at $400. The passage money of the Lepper family was immediately attached, and for a time it seemed as if they would have to re- turn to their old home instead of sailing across the Atlantic. The glass broken was a fine one and among the passengers the broken bits were purchased to take with them to their new homes as relics, and to assist the unfor- tunate family, but although they paid good prices, there still remained $200 to be paid. In this serious dilemma, the captain of the vessel came to the aid of the Leppers with the suggestion of a custom then in force, that of giving free passage to the port of Baltimore to those members of the family who could not pay, if such members would consent to be auctioned off as servants, to work until the amount was settled, or, if children, until the age of majority. This was a hard propo- sition for the honest old German father, but he saw no other way and finally signed the necessary papers. After ninety-one days on the water, during forty-one of which the passengers never saw daylight on account of the tempestuous seas, the little vessel reported at the Baltimore docks and the news was spread through the city streets that a family would be sold to pay pas- sage money. It was not quite so dreadful a thing then as it would be now, for it was the custom, and in that way many large land- owners in the vicinity secured their necessary help. It was decided that little Catherine, then a maid of fourteen years, should be the one offered to float the family out of its diffi- culties, and she was sold for enough to cover the shortage, and went with the strange fam- ily who had bought her, to remain until she was twenty-one years of age. However, her .sturdy father had no intention of permitting her to remain and fill out the conditions. With the rest of the family he went on as far as Northumberland County, Pennsyl- vania, where he soon secured employment at his trade, that of miller, and as soon as the kind-hearted people among whom he had set- tled learned of little Catherine's fate, they raised by subscription enough money to re- lease her, and a messenger was sent to Balti- more for this purpose. He proved unreliable and never returned. A second subscription was then taken up and a reputable citizen took the matter in hand and went to Baltimore and returned the daughter to her afflicted family. This incident is presented as recalling a his- toric custom and also as a bit of family his- tory. The family had landed at Baltimore in June, 1819, and Mr. Lepper continued to work at milling in Northumberland County, for three years and then they moved to Ohio, where he followed milling at New Lisbon for three years at Milton, Mahoning County, for one year, and at Tompkins Creek, for one year, and in the following year removed to Akron, which was then known as Middle- bury. After working for two years at a mill in East Akron, he came to Springfield Town- ship, and after working one year at his trade at Millheim, he bought twenty-six acres of land and took charge, at the same time, of the Randolph flouring mill, this being in Randolph Township. This land subsequently passed into the hands of his son Peter, who took it upon himself to pay all incumbrances on it and to take care of his parents as long as they lived. Peter Lepper was three years old when his parents moved to the farm in Suffield Town- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 533 ship, Portage County, which was then all dense forest. When twelve years of age he began to make his way independently, find- ing plenty of employment in his own neigh- borhood, assisting in clearing up the wild farms and chopping wood. He worked for three seasons as a driver on the canal, and in 1840, made a trip as cabin boy on the Mis- sissippi River. In the fall following the above trip, he attended school for three months, in Suffield Township, and in the spring of 1841, resumed work on the canal, as bows- man, under Captain Woodward, working sat- isfactorily all through that summer, although only a boy in years. He at last accumulated enough capital to enable him to buy an ax and saw, with which implements he made a good living for the next two years, going from house to house at Akron, chopping and saw- ing wood. Thus he earned enough to buy a two-horse wagon and team and for the next two years he did general hauling. In 1845 he sold his team, and during the next two years he was employed peddling groceries and cigars. About this time, his older sister, who also possessed an independent spirit and good business capacity, started a little grocery store in Suffield Township and induced her brother Peter to enter into partnership with her, he to do the purchasing in connection with his peddling, while she managed the business at home. They were entirely successful in car- rying out their plans. In 1847 Mr. Lepper bought forty-seven acres in Suffield Township, lying adjacent to the twenty-six acres owned by his parents, and then followed the agreement formerly noted, and as long as the aged parents lived they had a comfortable and happy home with this devoted son. Mr. Lepper followed farm- ing and stockraising in Suftield Township un- til 1853, and also, for fourteen years operated a threshing machine and for thirty years was more or less engaged in selling farm machin- ery and agricultural implements. After a resi- dence of nearly forty years in Suffield Town- ship, Mr. Lepper moved to Springfield Town- ship and purchased his present valuable farm of 255 acres. It is situated convenientlv near to Akron and was formerly known as the Philip Kramer farm. It is acknowledged to be one of the finest farms in Summit County and Mr. Lepper still carries on general farm- ing and sheep raising, formerly being one of the largest shippers in the county. He has made many improvements on his property, erecting his fine home in 1878 and subse- quently his substantial barns and other build- ings. There is an air of solidity about this farm and its surroundings that give on a fair indication of the character of its owner. On May 20, 1848, Mr. Lepper was married, at Hartsville, Stark County, to Cather- rine Sausaman. This estimable lady was born September 25, 1818, and died on this farm July 9, 1896. Her death was a great affliction to her sorrowing family, for she had been a loving, faithful wife and kind mother. Her parents were Isaac and Cather- ine ( Jarrett) Sausaman. Her father was born in Union County, Pennsylvania, in 1842 moved to Stark County, Ohio, where he fol- lowed his trade of saddler for many years and then bought twelve acres of land in Suf- field Township, Portage County. He had nine children, two of whom survive. Peter Lepper and wife had seven children born to them, as follows: John H., residing at Brittain, Summit County, where he con- ducts a large grocery, married Anna Kling, who is a daughter of George Kling and they have these children : George, Winnifred Mar- garet, Benjamin Franklin, Kittie Lillie and Daisey Ruth; Louisa, who is her father's housekeeper and devoted attendant; Benjamin Franklin residing on his large sheep ranch in Montana, has made a great success of sheep- i-aising and has resided in the West for twenty- five years; Margaret A., residing on a farm in Portage County, married Henry Swartz and they have had six children: Lillian, de- ceased, Sylvia, Lois, Ruth, Louise and Frank ; Mary Elizabeth and Jefferson, twins, the latter of whom was married (first) to Ottie Smith., daughter of Orrin Smith, who died January 1, 1890, leaving one son, Howard, and (sec- ond) to Maria Adams, daughter of Horace Adams. They have one daughter, Edith, and 534 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY they reside near New Springfield ; and Cather- ine, who married Frederick Hawk, residing in Portage County, and they have seven children: Frederick, Helen P., John, Earl P., Clair, Irene, and Eva. During fourteen years in Springfield Town- ship, Mr. Lepper wiis a valued member of the Summit County Agricultural Society, of which he was president for two years, vice- president for two years and for eight years was superintendent of the horse department. During the time he was president he spent the available funds in such a way as to meet with the approbation of all concerned. With K. J. Ellet, he set out the fine poplar trees which give such needed shades on the fair ground, without any compensation. For several years he took a great interest m Fountain Park and has always been willing to contribute liberally to various public improvements. Politically, he is a Democrat and has been elected to al- most all the local offices, although never seek- ing them, and has served as township trus- tee and assessor. In 1890 he was elected ap- praiser of real estate in Springfield Town- ship and served as township trustee, super- visor and as a member of the School Board for many years, in fact until he refused to serve longer. On one occasion he was select- ed as his party's candidate for Representa- tive to the General Assembly and although he was not elected, his personal popularity re- duced the normal Republican majority from 1,500 to 380 votes. He has been prominent in political life for a long period and his judgment is often consulted by the party leaders in his locality. Mr. Lepper is a member of xVkron Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 83, and of Akron Comman- dery, K. T., No. 25. He is one of the old- est members of that lodge, having entered the fraternity at Kent, Ohio, in 1861. He is a charter member of both the Pomona and the Tallmadge Grange. In his religious life Mr. Lepper belongs to the Reformed Church and formerly was a deacon in that body. He is a man of kind heart and generous impluses and in his treatment of others, on his journey through life, has never forgotten the time when he was a poor boy with no future to look forward to except one made by himself. His generosity and sympathy have cost him many thousands of dollars, but he still has faith in human nature and still plays the part of a philanthropist on many occasions. Few residents of Springfield Townhip are more generally esteemed. WILLIAM P. BARKER, senoir member of the firm of W. P. Barker and Son, at Cuya- hoga Falls, engaged in heavy blacksmith work for the big machine shops, and sub- contracting work for the United States Govern- ment, came to this city in 1845, and it has been his real home ever since. Mr. Barker has been a great traveler through the United States, but in all his wanderings has not found a section more to his liking than the one to which he was brought by his English father, sixty-two years ago. Mr. Barker was born in Yorkshire, England, on August 3, 1841, and is a son of Jonathan and Mary Bar- ker. Mr; Barker's mother died when he was a child, he being the youngest of her sixteen children. The father, a weaver by trade, de- cided to come to America to better his busi- ness prospects, and brought with him his sur- viving children, namely: Elizabeth, who died unmarried; Anna, deceased, who mar- ried George Irvington ; Sarah, who married J. C. Daly, residing at Medina; and William P. Jonathan Barker worked for a time in the fork factory at Cuyahoga Falls, after which he bought a horse and wagon and for many years traveled through the country as a tin peddler, retiring several year prior to his death, which occurred in 1877, when he was aged seventy-seven years. Under the above circumstances it can be seen that William P. Barker had fewer oppor- tunities of obtaining an education than is the Ciise with children of the present day; in fact, he went to school regularly for but one year. When he was fourteen years of age he went to Windsor, Ontario, Dominion of Canada, where he was apprenticed to his brother-in-law, George Irvington, and learned AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS r)37 the horseshoer's trade. He continued to work there for two years, when he came back to Cuyahoga Falls and worked for one year at blaeksmithing for John and Robert Allen. In 1863 he accompanied John Allen to Red- wood, California, where Mr. Allen opened a blacksmith shop. After working in this shop for about a year, Mr. Barker joined a party of three and went with them to Arizona, and thence to Montana. He walked 1,800 miles that winter, going from Montana to Los An- geles, back to Arizona, around by Salt Lake City, and then back to Montana. Mr. Bar- ker worked at his trade during favorable sea- sons and prospected during the rest of the time. He reached Cuyahoga Falls about two years after the close of the war, and then em- barked in his present business, in partnership with his brother-in-law, J. C. Daly. A few months later he bought Mr. Daly's interest and continued to work alone for about a year, when he was again seized with a desire to travel. On this occasion, Mr. Barker went to Min- nesota, where he remained for a year engaged in lumbering and trapping. Then returning to his old home, he reopened his shop and continued in business until 1896. He then took a gold prospecting trip to Alaska, but was forced to return home on account of ill- ness, after an absence of sixteen months, dur- ing which time he experienced hardships which almost terminated his life. He soon recuperated, however, under home' care, and resumed business at his present place, which he had built before .starting for the far North- west. His shop is a one-story brick building 107 feet long and 50 feet wide in the north end and 36 feet in the south end. For the past twenty-five years he has been engaged as above indicated, and fully one-half of the work of the plant goes to Alliance. Since 1895 his son, William H. has been his part- ner. Mr. Barker was married to Charlotte Lyons, who was born probably in New Jersey, and is a daughter of John Lyons. They have had ten children, all of whom are still living as follows: Mary, Amelia, Sarah, William H., George, John, Samuel and Susan, twins, Harry and Fred. Mr. Barker is a good citizen in all that pertains to keeping the laws and exerting an influence in the direction of morality and business integrity, but he has united with neither of the great political parties, casting his vote independently. GEORGE STROBEL AND WILLIAM STROBEL, owners of 125 acres of valuable farming land, which is favorably situated in the southwest corner of Coventry Township, are the sons of William and Lovina (Cor- many) Strobel. Their grandfather, Lorenzo Strobel, was a native of Germany, from which country he came to America in about 1840, in a sailing vessel, the journey consuming six weeks. Continuing his journey to Summit County, Ohio, he settled on Sherbondy Hill, near Ak- ron, which was at that time a mere village. For a few years he lived in the woods, follow- ing weaving, an occupation which he had learned in Germany, and then removed to a farm in Coventry Township, that is now- owned by his grandsons. There he died in 1900, aged eighty-eight years, his wife hav- ing passed away when 75 years old. To Lorenzo Strobel and his wife Margaret there were born six children, namely: Elizabeth, who married George Miller; William; Sophia, who married John Filler; John; Hannah, who married George Haas; and Lawrence, who died in childhood. William Strobel grew up on his father's farm, and experienced all the hardships of pioneer life. When a young man he learned the shoemaker's trade with a Mr. Hoskins, but did not follow it to any great extent, giv- ing more of his attention to farming. About 1867 he purchased the farm of his father, which Tvas mostly cleared by this time, and here he met his death, being killed by a run- away team December 23, 1874. He was mar- ried to Lovina Cormany, a daughter of George Cormany, who came to Manchester, Ohio, from Pennsylvania, and hero became a prom- inent agriculturist and large landowner. 538 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Strobel, namely: George, the subject, with his brother, William, of this article; John, who married Nellie Hardin, and resides at Akron ; Anna, wife of Ellsworth Hall, and a resident of Norton Township; William, mentioned above; and Elizabeth, who died at the age of eight years. George and William Strobel are now en- gaged in general farming, although for two years they carried on poultry raising, and for a like period George and his brother John conducted a confectionery store at Barberton. They reside on the old homestead, where George was born August 25, 1866, and Wil- liam April 23, 1871. Both are good, practi- cal agriculturists, public-spirited citizens, and stanch Democrats in politics, William hav- ing served on the school board, and as town- ship supervisor in 1904-5-6. For some time both brothers were connected with the Good- rich Rubber Company at Akron, and William spent one year on the Akron street car lines, while George was for a year with the Webster, Camp and Lane Machine Company. They were reared in the Lutheran and Reformed faiths. William Strobel is a member of the Independent Order o^ Foresters, No. 356, Court Pride, in whien he has passed the chairs, and of the Knights of Pythias, Akron Lodge, No. 603. HARVEY E. STEIN, a representative farmer of Bath Township, who owns 155 acres of excellent land, was born May 23, 1863, in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, and is a son of Joseph and Catherine (Leiby) Stein. Harvey E. Stein remained at home until fourteen years old, assisting his father in his general store, and then went to Guilford Township, Medina County, Ohio, where he worked for about two years as a farm hand. He then spent one year in the coal mines of Norton Township, Summit County, after which he engaged in farm work in Granger Township, Medina County, for one and one- half years. At the end of this time Mr. Stein came to Bath Township, where he was em- ployed by C. P. Heller for five and one-half years and by Edward Jones for two years. After his marriage he settled on a rented farm for several years, and in 1900 purchased his present property from the heirs of Edward Heller. Here he has since been engaged very sucessfully in general farming and stock- raising, and has made a specialty of breeding imported horses. In 1888 Mr. Stein was married (first) to Dora Heller, and (second) to Amanda Hel- ler, who were born in Copley Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, daughters of Edward and Julia (Dutt) Heller. JAMES ALBERT SMITH, who owns 104 acres of some of the best land in Bath Town- ship, which is situated in School District No. 12, one-half mile north of the Smith or Medina road, has owned and resided on this property since 1896. He was born in Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, March 22, 1856, and is a son of Housel and Susan (Moore) Smith. When James Albert Smith was an infant, his father moved first to Bath Township, pur- chasing a farm of ninety-four acres, in its eastern part, on which the family lived for a short time and then went back to Springfield Township. James Albert was twelve years old when his father returned to Bath Town- ship and settled on the farm he now owns, which he subsequently purchased from the other heirs. Both parents died on this farm, the mother surviving until April 17, 1907. They had eight children, two daughters and six sons, as follows: Emanuel C. and John Newton, both residing at Akron ; James Al- bert of Bath Township; Robert, residing at Montrose; Sarah L., who married James Ed- gar; Charles Henry, residing at Peninsula; George, residing in Coshocton County; and Maggie L., who married Cyrus Fields, of De- troit, Michigan. Until he was twenty-one years of age, James Albert Smith resided at home and then learned the stone-mason trade, at which he worked for seventeen years, during thirteen of this period, living at Copley. For the past eleven years he has engaged in general farm- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 539 ing and is numbered with the successful men of this section. On December 28, 1882, Mr. Smith was married to Elta Barber, who is a daughter of Solomon and Harriet (Wright) Bajber. Solomon Barber was born in Stark County, Ohio, and accompanied his father in boyhood to the farm in Bath Township, on which Newton Hackett lives. The mother of Mrs. Smith was born at Lima, New York, and in her widowhood, lives with Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Her parents were Richmond and Betsey (Egbert) Wright. They came to Akron when Mrs. Barber was a babe and be- came well-known residents. Mr. and Mrs. Barber were married at Independence, Cuya- hoga County, Ohio, and they had twelve chil- dren, eight of whom survive: William, re- siding at Minneapolis; Leonard, residing in Oregon ; Sylvenes, deceased at the age of twenty-five years; Elta; Belmont, who is de- ceased; Belle, residing at Youngstown, is the wife of DeForest Richards; Theron, residing at Brown Valley, Minnesota; Minnie, de- ceased, married Peter Hanson; James, resid- ing at Youngstown ; Emily, deceased, mar- ried Louis Molton, residing at Warner, South Dakota; Thomas, residing at Roches- ter, Minnesota, and Paul, residing in South Dakota. The father of Mrs. Smith died Au- gust 29, 1901. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have four children: Pearl, who married Harry Robinson, has three children, Albert, Victor and Jessie; Bessie, who married Ervin Snyder, has one child, Celesta; and Ethel and Ruth. Mr. Smith belongs to the beneficiary or- ganization known as the Knights of the Pro- tective Legion. ■ CHARLES HATCH, superintendent of the Ohio Canal between Cleveland and Na- varre, Ohio, who has been identified with this waterway during all his business life, was born at Peninsula, Summit County, Ohio, in 1855. His father, Asa D. Platch, who was a native of Vermont, removed from that State to Pennsylvania, where he operated a saw- mill for about twenty years. He served over three years in the Civil War as a member of Company D, Battery F, Second Regiment Ohio Volunteers, and survived the war thir- teen years, dying in 1878. Shortly after the death of his father, Charles Hatch bought a boat which he oper- ated on the Ohio Canal until 1884. He then entered the employ of the State of Ohio, as foreman of a State boat on the canal, which position he continued to fill until 1902, when he became superintendent of the Ohio Canal from Cleveland to Navarre, with his office at Lock No. 1. He takes an active interest in politics and for years has been a member of the Summit County Republican Executive Committee. In 1878, Mr. Hatch was mar- ried to Fannie Hardy, who was born in Sum- mit County, Ohio, and they are the parents of three children: Stella E., who married D. E. J. Williams; Asa D., and Harold H., all residents of Akron. Mr. Hatch is a Mason, an Elk, and a Maccabee and belongs also to the Sons of Veterans. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. NORMAN WARE, highly esteemed retired citizen of Norton Township, residing on his valuable farm of sixty-three acres, situated at Johnson's Corners, was born on the old Ware home place, near Hometown, Summit County, Ohio, February 24, 1840, and is a son of Israel and Mary (Lautzenheiser) Ware. Israel Ware came to Ohio from Pennsyl- vania and settled in Norton Township at a very earlj' day, marrying into a Norton Township family, and purchasing the farm that is now occupied by Forrest Swain. On that farm his eight children were born, four of whom are deceased, one of whom was killed in the battle of Jackson, Mississippi, July 12, 1863, and there both he and his wife died. Norman Ware was reared on his father's farm and assisted in its care and development. He attended the country schools and re- mained working on the homestead until 1884, when he purchased his present farm, on which he carried on a general line of agri- 540 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY culture until he retired from hard work. His second son then assumed his responsi- bilities in the management of the property. In 1864, Mr. Ware married Louisa Waltz, who was born in Chippewa Township, Wayne County, Ohio, but was reared in Norton Township, Summit County. Her parents were David and Lydia (Baughman) Waltz, old settlers. Her father was born in Penn- sylvania and came to Medina County when a young man, and after marriage moved to Summit County. Mrs. Ware is one of a family of thirteen children. Mr. and Mrs. Ware have two children : Roy D. and Loman, the latter of whom is the home farmer. Roy D. Ware resides at Johnson's Corners and is employed in the Sterling Boiler Works, at Barberton. He married Nellie Sharp and they have two children : Earl and Lloyd. Politically, Mr. Ware is identified with the Democratic party. He has served as a member of the School Board of Norton Town- ship and also as township treasurer. He is one of the reliable, representative men of his section and is a consistent member of the Re- formed Church. GEORGE P. IIEINTZ, a prominent citi- zen of Bath Township, a member of the School Board and a leading farmer, resides on his well-improved farm of eighty-seven acres, which lies in School District No. 10, on the Croten House road, running north from the old Smith or Medina road. Mr. Heintz wtis born on the corner of Brown and Exchange Streets, Akron, where the family then resided, October 24, 1845, and is a son of John and Sophia (Keck) Heintz. John Heintz, the father, was born, reared and married in Germany and came to America in 1834, living for six months at Cleveland, then coming to Akron. At Cleve- land, he engaged in butchering and after reaching Akron he worked both as a butcher and a.s a cooper, having learned the latter busi- ness in his native land. Later he owned a small slaughter house and marketed his meat through Akron. Subsequently he moved to Summit Hill, Coventry Town.ship, where he first bought sixty acres, to which he later add- ed fourteen acres of the old Witner farm. He died in Coventry Township in 1903, aged ninety-one years. His first wife, the mother of George P. Heintz, died when the latter was five years of age, and John Heintz married Mrs. Margaret Bolick for his second wife. She died in 1900. George P. Heintz was six years old when his father moved to Coventry Township, and there he obtained all his schooling. He re- mained at home until 1864, when he enlisted for service in the Civil War, during his first term being a member of the Sixth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, connected with the Army of the Potomac, for one year and seven months. During the great war he partici- pated in a number of battles, including: Boynton Plank Road, October 27, 1864; Stony Creek Station, December 2, 1864; Hatcher's Run, December 9-10, 1864 ; ^Monk's Neck Bridge, February 5, 1865; Hatcher's Run, (2), February 6, 1865; Dinwiddle Court House, March 31, 1865; Fettersville, April 4, 1865 ; Famer Cross Roads, April 5, 1865 ; Farm,sville, April 6, 1865; Harper's Farm, April 7, 1865 ; and Appomattox Court House, the memorable spot where General Lee sur- rendered to General Grant, April 9, 1865. Mr. Heintz was in the brigade that opened the fight in that closing action of the war. On his discharge papers may be read the follow- ing, under the signature of Lieutenant Smith, of his company: "In all eleven engagements in which he was commendable for his bravery and coolness." Those simple words tell the story of how Mr. Heintz served while in the uniform of his country. He was promoted to the rank of corporal, from being a private. His enlistment was for the whole of the war, the termination of the struggle happily end- ing it. He was honorably discharged at Petersburg, Virginia, August 7, 1865, hav- ing entered the army when a little past seven- teen, and wiis not quite nineteen when he was discharged. After a short season at Akron he went to Louisville, Rentucky, where he enlisted a second time, on May 5, 1866, entering Com- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 541 pany G, Second United States Infantry, and served for three years with the Regulars. On April 1, 1867, he was made a corporal, and July 15, 1868, was promoted to be a sergeant. He was discharged at Atlanta, Georgia, on May 5, 1869. About one-third of his second term of service was spent in Kentucky, his regiment being stationed at Louisville, at Danville, at Stamford and Paducah. For a short time it was at Union, West Virginia, but returned for several weeks to Louisville, then was sent to Atlanta, where it was dis- charged some four months later. During all this long season, when each day was filled with danger, Mr. Heintz escaped every death- 1}" missile, and at no time was seriously hurt except on one occasion when his horse fell on him. Three days after he returned to Akron, in 1869, Mr. Heintz with his widowed sister, Mrs. Sarah Pelott, moved to his present farm which his father had previously purchased. Here he has continued ever since, engaging successfully in farming and stockraising. On November 25, 1869, Mr. Heintz was married to Sarah J. Harris, who is a daughter of Thomas and Eliza (Peach) Harris. She was born and reared in Bath Township, Sum- mit County, but her father was a native of Pennsylvania, and her mother of West Vir- ginia. Mr. and Mrs. Heintz have no children of their ow^n, but they adopted a little girl named Edith, who subsequently married Clyde Miller. Mr. Miller assists in carrying on the farm work with Mr. Heintz. The Millers have had four children, namely: Iva Marie, Nona Grace, Homer Guy, and Lee Harold, the latter of whom died aged four years. Since November, 1906, Mr and Mrs. Heintz have been enjoying the handsome resi- dence which was completed at that time. Both are members of the Evangelical Church, of Bath Township. Since 1905 he has served on the School Board. He is a member of Buckley Post, No. 12, Grand Army of the Republic. GEORGE W. M'COY, residing on his well- improved and valuable farm of eighty-six acres, which is situated in Norton Township, here carries on a general line of farming. He was born at Wadsworth, Medina County, Ohio, March 4, 1844, and is a son of Robert and Lucinda (Bartlett) McCoy. Robert McCoy was born in Tallmadge Town.ship, Summit County, and was a son of Samuel McCoy, who was born in Ireland. Samuel McCoy came to America in young manhood and was an early settler in Tall- madge Township, moving from there to Wadsworth Township, in Medina County, where he purchased a farm. On that farm Robert McCoy was reared from boyhood, and in Medina County he was married to Lucinda Bartlett. Of their nine children, the four sur- vivors are: Mrs. Olive Dickerson, residing at Akron ; George W. ; States, residing in Copley Township; and Mrs. Ella Britton, re- siding at Sharon, Medina County. About 1859, Robert McCoy moved to Summit County and invested in 225 acres of land at what is known as McCoy's Cro.ssing. It was all farming and pasture land at that time, but the city of Akron has long since invaded the fields which Mr. McCoy used to follow over with his plow. South Main street, a busy thoroughfare of Akron, now spreads out over this land. Robert McCoy also owned the land upon which Lakeside Park now stands. All this land each year grows more and more valuable. Robert McCoy was a contractor and he met his death while en- gaged in grading on North Hill, the accident occurring while he was superintending the work. His wife had died when the children were small. George W. McCoy attended school at Wads- worth and later in Coventry Township. When twenty-one years of age he left home and spent three years on a farm in California and then moved to Nevada, where he went into contracting, cutting and hauling wood to the quartz mills. He owned a number of teams and employed a large force of men. Mr. McCoy remained in the West for ten years and then returned to Akron for about two years, but went back to Nevada and re- sumed contracting. Several years later he again visited Akron for a short period and 542 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY returned to Nevada for the third time, ac- companied by his wife, and remained six years. In October, 1881, Mr. McCoy re- turned permanently to Summit County and purchased the farm he resides on. This was first tlie property of his brother, the late Samuel McCoy, who sold it to another broth- er, States McCoy, who, in turn sold it to George W. It thus has not been out of the McCoy family for a number of years. In 1876, Mr. McCoy was married to Amelia J. Falor, who is a daughter of .John Falor, of Akron. Her grandfather, Abraham Falor, was an early settler in this section, and when Mrs. McCoy drives through South Main Street, Akron, it is over land which was once her father's farm, on which she was reared. They have four children, namely: Elsie, who married Norman Miller, of Barberton; George, unmarried, residing at Baiberton ; Ernest, residing at home'; and Myrtle, who married Henry Zeisick, residing at Barberton. The beautiful family home was built by Mr. McCoy in 1883. It is one of the fine, modern re.sidenoes of thLs section. JOHN D. ARNOLD, proprietor of a valu- able farm which contains 102 acres and is situated on the old Smith road, about one and one-half miles west of Montrose, was born on a farm one mile west of Copley Center, August 1, 1855. His parents were Daniel and Sophia (Porter) Arnold. The iVrnolds came to Summit County, Ohio, from Maryland. The father of Mr. Ar- nold owned and disposed of a half dozen farms in course of his life, but John D. grew up on the farm near Copley. He was reared to agricultural pursuits and has been able to trace a straight furrow with his plow, ever since he was eight years of age. AVjout two years after his marriage, he moved to the pr&sent farm, eighty-two acres of which he purchased at that time, subsequently adding twenty adjoining acres. This makes a fine, easily cultivated farm and here Mr. Arnold carries on a general line of agriculture. Mr. Arnold married Lizzie Hankey, De- cember 25, 1876, who wa* born in Copley Township, and is a daughter of Samuel and Maria (Whitmer) Hankey. Samuel Han- key was one of the earliest settlers at Akron and from there he moved to Copley Town- ship. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold have three children of their own and another child. Hazel Brad- ley, whom they have reared from' the age of two years to seventeen. Their three children are : William, who is employed by the Akron Telephone Company, married Mary Wiley, and they have two children, Eva and Ray; Lilly, who married Albert Boltz, has two children. Earl and Glen; and Frank, who as- sists his father. Mr. Arnold's farm and surroundings show good management and thrifty methods. All of the substantial fai'm structures, except the house, he has placed here, and he has done much additional improving. AARON A. SWIGART, who is engaged in agricultural operations on an excellent tract of 200 acres, is one of the substantial citizens of Franklin Township, and was born August 6, 1857, on his present farm in FrankliJi Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Joseph and Sarah (Hai'ing) Swigart. George Swigart, grandfather of Aaron A., was a native of Pennsylvania, whei"e he mar- ried. On coming to Ohio he had to clear most of his farm from the woods, and here his first wife died. He was married the .second time to a Miss Daily, a native of Summit County, and here the remainder of their lives were spent, his death occurring in his 85th year, his second wife having preceded him to the grave. They had a large family, about fourteen children, and of these Joseph was next to the eldest. Joseph Swigart was born on his father's farm, which was located south of the present Swigart farm, and was reared to manhood here, helping to clear the farm from the wil- derness. Prior to his nuirriage he purchased a part of the present Swigart farm, and to this he kept adding from time to time, making im- provements, including a large house and barn, and converting his property into one of the finest farms in Franklin Township. Here he AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 543 died in 1895, at the age of seventy years. Mr. Swigart was married to Sarah Haring, who was born in Franklin Township, and who is a daughter of Charles Haring. Mrs. Swigart survives her husband and resides on the home farm with her son Aaron A. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Swigart: Aaron A., above mentioned, and Charles, who married Hattie Diehl, a daughter of William Diehl, and has two children — Gladys and Hallie. Aaron A. Swigart attended the district schools and afterward engaged in agricultur- al pursuits, in which he has been occupied all of his active period. With his mother and brother he owns the excellent homestead of 200 acres, on which is situated a large and comfortable residence. The row of beautiful shade trees on each side of the driveway lead- ing to the house were planted by Mr. Swigart and others twenty-five years ago, and add much to the attractiveness of the property. On September 16, 1901, Mr. Swigart was married to Mary Scholl, who is a daughter of Peter and Ann Scholl, and to this union one child has been born: Joseph Herman. Mr. Swigart is a member of the Reformed Church at Manchester. L. K. FORCE, president of the Summit China Company, has been a resident of Akron for the past fifty-eight years. Born in New- York, in 1848, he came to this city with his parents, in the following year, and thus may almost be called a native of Akron, where he was reared and educated. In 1863, when only a school-V)oy of fifteen years, he enlisted for service in the Civil War entering the Sixth Ohio Volunteer Inde- pendent Light Artillery. His battery was sent immediately to become a part of the Army of the Cumberland, and thus he par- ticipated in all the battles and marches of the Atlanta campaign. After returning to Tennessee, this battery took part in the bat- tles of Franklin and Nashville, after which it went into winter quarters at Pulaski. In the spring of 1865 it returned to Nashville, where it took boat to New Orleans. In the succeeding August it returned to Columbus, where it was honorably discharged September 1, 1865. After all this long and hazardous army ex- perience, Mr. Force returned to Akron, where he set about learning a peaceful trade, having no more desire for military life. He entered a factory where he learned the pottery trade, becoming so expert a worker, that in 1879. when the Akron Stoneware Company was organized, he was made superintendent and also president, and served as such until March, 1900. At this time, in association with R. H. Kent, he organized the Summit China Company, which is incorporated with a capital stock of $100,000, Mr. Force being president and superintendent and R. H. Kent, secretary and treasurer. This com- pany employs 150 men and does an annual export business of $175,000. In 1870, Mr. Force was married to Alice L. Washburn, a daughter of Daniel B. Wash- burn, who was one of the pioneers of Summit County. Mrs. Force died March 14, 1893, leaving six children, namely: Mildred, who married E. L. Demming; Orlando, residing in Akron ; Jessie B., residing at home; Daniel B., working with the Summit China Company; Ferdman F., assistant superintendent of the Summit China Company; and Benjamin F., who is a student at the Ohio State University. Mr. Force was married (second) in June, 1897, to Mi's. Yeomans, who is a daughter of John Wilson, of Brimfield, Ohio. Although he has never sought public office, Mr. Force has long taken an active interest in politics, and on many occasions has demon- strated his public spirit and civic pride.. Fra- ternally, he is an Odd Fellow. He is a mem- ber of Buckley Post, Grand Army of the Re- public, and also of the German Rifle club. He ranks well up among Akron's prominent citizens. WILLIAM A. MORTON, notary public at Barberton, has been established in the in- surance and real estate business here since 1903, and has been a resident of Summit Countv .since 1873. He wa« born in Law- 544 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY pence County, Pennsylvania, June 6, 1864, and is a son of Thomas and Elizabeth (Scott) Morton. The parents of Mr. Morton were born in England and were married there prior to com- ing to vVmerica in 1862. Thomas Morton was a coal miner and he engaged in this work first in Pennsylvania and after 1873, in Summit County, Ohio. For two years he lived at Tomotown, east of Akron, but in 1875 he moved to Norton Township and lo- cated at a point then known as Dennison and now as Sherman. At this place he became a mine boss and was known as a very reliable, capable man. His wife died in 1881 and his death followed in 1884. Prior to coming to Summit County, Wil- liam A. Morton had attended school for a short time but had in no way gained a suf- ficient amount of education to satisfy him, even in boyhood. For three years he worked in the mines in Summit County and then started again to school, attending first the Copley and Norton Center High School and later the Normal Schools at Wadsworth and Lebanon. He then taught school for some time, after which he took a commercial course in the Iron City Business College at Pittsburg, where he was graduated in 1884. Upon his return to Summit County he engaged in teaching for ten years and for four years of this period he was principal of the Western Star Academy. He became widely known as an excellent educator, and he was made treasurer of the Summit County Teachers' Institute and latel- its president, serving one year in each position. In 1900, Mr. Morton came to Barberton and became a member of the office force of the Sterling Company, later of the Pure Gum Specialty Company, and later bookkeeper for the American Clay Company, of Akron. In 1903, he established a fire insurance office and began also to deal in real estate, and in company with Godfrey Werner he entered also into the coal business and developed the mines at Manchester, in Summit County. His business interests are large and important. On September 8, 1887, Mr. Morton was married to Sadie A. Boden, who is a daugh- ter of John Boden, and they have three children, namely: Raymond E., Bessie and Mary. Mr. Morton has been in public office for a number of years. Since 1889 he has been a notary public and for nine yeaiv he served as a justice of the peace in Norton Township, where he also was trustee for two terms, and township clerk for four years. He is a mem- ber of the Summit County Court House Com- mission, appointed by Judge J. A. Kohler, has served two terms as Deputy State Super- visor of Elections, and has been a member of the city council of Barberton. Mr. Morton is a popular and respected citizen. He is fraternally connected with the Odd Fellows and the Elks and is one of the trustees of the latter organization. GEORGE DREISBACH, whose farm of 125 acres of valuable land, all in one body, is situated in Norton Township, is a representa- tive citizen of this section and one of its best farmers. He was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, December 19, 1843, and is a son of Charles and Sarah (Konkle) Drei.sbach. About 1865, Charles Dreisbach became a resident and landowner in Summit County and continued to invest in property until he acquired a very considerable amount. His first purchase was of 144 acres, to which he added sixty-five acres, and later bought sixty- seven acres where Barberton now stands, a part of which, on which Lake Anna is situated, he sold to John J. Warner, and also owned fifteen acres in Coventry Township, the total reaching 300 acres, the result of careful foresight and wise investing. He died on the farm where his son lives, in 1885. He was married three times, Sarah Konkle. his second wife, being the mother of George. He had fourteen children, ten of whom still survive. George Dreisbach was born near a place called Big Grass Pond, from which his father moved in his boyhood, to near Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania, where he bought a farm. In 1865, George accompanied his father to Sum- AND REPEESENTATIVE CITIZENS 545 mit County, where he was subsequently mar- ried and one year later he moved to Michigan. He learned the joiner's trade in youth, work- ing with E. A. Barber of Akron, and worked also at this trade in Michigan. He also made a great deal of money by handling farming lands, buying, improving and selling, fre- quently owning and disposing of two farms in a year. Upon the death of his father, he returned to Ohio and bought out the other heirs, and has resided in Norton Township ever since. For a short time he owned the old Surfass farm, but this he sold to George Cowling. Mr. Dreisbach was given but few education- al chances in his youth. He was only thirteen years of age when he was sent into the harvest field, and was proud to be able to do the work of a half hand. He has always enjoyed the hard, hearty work incident to safely get- ting in the crops, and for a period covering fifty-two years he has never failed to take part in this labor, even when working as a joiner. Mr. Dreisbach married Martha A. Raber, who was born in Stark County, Ohio, who is a daughter of L. B-. Raber, and she came to Summit County in girlhood. They have two children : Lewis B. and Charles C. A. The elder son married Anna Blocher, who is a daughter of Martin Blocher, and they have one son, Leroy. He resides on the home farm. Charles C. A., who owns forty acres in Coventry Township, married Mamie Strawhacker, and they have one child, Mer- land. B. .T. GIFFORD, city superintendent of the Mohican Oil and Gas Company, whose portrait appears in this connection, has been identified with the gas business all his life. He was born in the state of New York, in 1872. and was reared and educated in Penn- sylvania. After finishing his schooling, Mr. Gifford went to work for the Standard Oil Company, at Titusville, and eighteen months later went to Fremont. Ohio, where he was engaged in the gas business for six months. Thence he went to Toledo, where he was employed for two years. Later he worked all through the Indiana gas belt, subsequently returning to Pennsylvania. AVhen the Mohican Oil and Gas Company was organized, in May, 1905, Mr. Gifford became associated with it at Bar- berton and later, when it became the lessee of the Akron Gas Company, and the offices were transferred to Akron, he became the su- perintendent at this point. His steady con- tinuance in one line of effort has given him the experience needful for an office of the im- portance of the one who fills. In 1898 Mr. Gifford was married to Bernice Giles, who was born at Dennison. Ohio, and they have two attractive children : ^Margaret Grace and Bernice June. WILLIAM H. JIcCHESNEY. a descendant of one of Springfield's oldest and most hon- ored families, and a man of prominence and influence in his community, was born on the farm on w-hich he now resides, in Springfield Township, Summit County Ohio, December 3, 1857, and is a son of William and Louise (Gressard) McChesney. John McChesney, the grandfather of Will- iam H., was a farmer and distiller, and he erected the residence which stands, well pre- .-^en'ed, on his grandson's farm. The name of his wife was Martha and they had the follow- ing children: Andrew, who married Betsy Cables, died in Kansas; Margaret, who mar- ried Eli Flickingcr, died in Iowa; Mary, who is the widow of Jacob Merton, resides in Ne- braska; Leslie, deceased, married Harriet Chote, who resides in Kansas; and William. William McChesney was born March 3, 1817, in Westmoreland County, Pennsylva- nia, and wa.s eight years of age when he accom- panied his parents to Ohio. He followed farming all his life and died in 1905, in his eighty-ninth year. Enterprising and public- spirited, William McChesney did much to- ward building up the community in which he lived. He was one of the heartiest sup- porters of the Valley Railroad, to which he donated the right of way through his farm. He was one of the pillars of the Presbyterian Church. Politically, he was a Republican 546 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY but hi.s desires never lay in the direction of political preferment. William McChesney married Louise Gres- sard, who was a daughter of Frederick Gres- sard and had been a soldier in the French army before coming to America. He landed at Philadelphia but subsequently came to Coventry- Township, Summit County, where he reared a family of six children. Both he and wife died in Coventry Township. To William and Louise McChesney were born the following children : Charles Lewis, who died in infancy; Edward Austin, a contractor and farmer, residing in Springfield Township, married Sarah Wise, of East Liberty ; Philora, who married George L. Sypher, residing at Akron ; Herman G., residing at Akron, owns a farm near Krumroy ; Frederick, residing on his farm in Springfield Township, who mar- ried Nettie Yerrick, and William H. William H. McChesney was reared in his native section and was educated in the dis- trict schools. For many years he carried on agricultural pursuits on the home farm. It is a tract of almost sixty acres and Mr. Mc- Chesney's careful cultivation resulted in abundant returns. When he tired of farm- ing he became associated with his brother, Edward Austin, in building and contracting, renting his farm to a tenant. He is well known all through this section and. enjoys the respect and esteem of his fellow-citizens. By his marriage to Lucy Thompson, Mr. McChesney became connected with another prominent old family of Summit County. Mrs. McChesney is a native of Summit County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Henderson) Thompson, and a granddaughter of Jame.s and Margaret (Sunderland) Thompson. Robert Thomp- son was born in 1809, and came to Summit County, in 1832, where he died at the age of seventy-two years. The children of Robert Thompson and wife were : Margaret J. ; Mary F., who married Oscar Collins, re.sid- ing at Cleveland; Nancy J., who died in 1900, was the wife of William L. Ewart; James A., who died in 1906. resided in Indiana; one son died in 1864; and Lucy, the youngest, who married William H. McChesney. xVlthough Mr. and Mrs. McChesney have no children of their own, they have an adopted son who is very dear to them, who bears the name of Walter McChesney. He is a bright, intelligent youth of twelve years. Mr. McChesney is a stanch Republican. He belongs to the Presbyterian Church which has been the faith of the family for genera- tions. His beautiful modern home he erected in 1906, and there he and wife enjoy oft'ering hospitality to their many friends. ROBERT A. McCLELLAN, who was, for almost seventy-two years a prominent citizen and successful farmer of Springfield Town- ship, was born April 9, 1835, on the farm on which his son, William J. McClellan, now re- sides in Summit County, Ohio. He was a son of William and Jane (Fite) McClellan. The parents of the late Robert A. McClel- lan came to Sunnnit County in pioneer days and the family has been one of prominence in this section ever since its founding. Of the children of William and Jane McClellan the following reached maturity: William A., residing at Akron, married Alice Russell; Elizabeth, who married Urias Cramer, resid- ing at Wichita, Kansas; and Robert A. Robert A. McClellan passed his boyhood attending the district schools, and working on the farm, of which he later became man- ager and subsequently owner. He married Amanda Hoff, a member of another family that has been identified with Summit County from its earliest days. Her parents were James and Wilhelmina Hoff, who died in Springfield Township, where they had spent long and useful lives. They were natives of Pennsylvania. Mrs. McClellan still survives and is an esteemed resident of Mogadore. She was born February 9, 1847, and is one of a family of eight children, namely: Lucinda, who married James Stall, residing at Delta, Ohio; Miles, residing at Akron, who mar- ried Mattie Swain ; Emma, residing in Spring- field Township, who married Thomas Hale; Zadia, residing at Cuyahoga, Falls, who mar- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 547 ried L. Cranier; Albert, re.burg, Pennsj'lvania, where he attended school in early boyhood. Mr. Wickline is a self-made man, begin- ning at a very early age to provide for his own maintenance. He began to work as a feeder in a nail factory and so careful, ac- curate and industrious did he prove himself that by the time he was eighteen years old he was given charge of four machines, which he operated for about seven years. Desiring to see something of the country and to en- gaged in a more congenial business, Mr. Wick- line then went to East Liverpool, where he learned the pottery trade, his natural deft- ness and ready understanding of the prin- ciples of this industry soon bringing him into notice with china manufacturers and dealers. Coming to Akron he was here given charge of one department of the Akron China Com- pany, in which he owned stock. His manifest ability resulted in his rapid promotion, and for the past six years he has occupied his I)resent responsible position. The Akron China Company commands an extensive trade, as at their Chicago office they do a half mil- lion dollars' worth of business yearly in im- ]>orted goods alone. They have 225 employes in their Akron plant. In addition to his in- terest in this important enterprise, Mr. Wick- line is a director in the Akron Mutual Fire Insurance Company. He has always taken some interest in local political affairs. In 1892 Mr. Wickline was married to Mary Frances Hawkins, who was born at Steuben- ville, Ohio. Her grandfather was one of the first settlers in Jefferson County. Mr. and Mrs. Wickline have one son, Frank Hawkins. Mr. Wickline, with his family, is affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is quite prominent in Masonry, having been identified with the fraternity for many years. He is past worshipful master of Akron Lodge, N. 83, F. & A. M. ; past high priest of Wash- ington Chapter No. 25 ; past thrice illustrious master of Akron Council, No. 80 ; and belongs to the Akron Connnandery and Lake Erie Consistory. COMFORT JACKSON CHAFFEE, who has the distinction of being the oldest resident of Northfield Township, was born in what is now Hampden, Ma.ssachusetts, April 14, 1817, and is a son of Comfort and Persis (Skinner) Chaffee. The family can be traced back to France, from Avhich country it early went to Wales and in colonial days came to Massachusetts. The original settler was named Samuel and he had a son, John, who settled at Pomfret, Connecticut, and he had a son, Asa. Asa Chaffee, the great-grandfather, was born in Connecticut, and was one of the early set- tlers at Wilbraham, Massachusetts. He had sixteen sons, many of whom were killed in the French and Indian and in the Revolu- tionary War. The youngest of these. Com- fort Chaffee, was born at Wilbraham, Mas- sachusetts. He participated in the Revolu- tionary War and proved a bold and resolute man. He was a strict Sabbatarian and per- mitted no household or farm work to be done on Sunday. Comfort Chaffee (2), the second child and eldest son of his parents was born at Wil- braham, Massachusetts, where his life was spent. He was a farmer and stockdealer and was a man of considerable substance. He as- sisted in suppressing Shay's Rebellion. He took a leading part in the town's government and held many of the offices. He married Persis Skinner, who was born in Woodstock, Con- necticut, and they have six sons and three daughters. Their children were reared in great strictness. Comfort Jackson Chaffee attended the dis- trict schools in his youth and received excel- lent training in the rudiments. On the last day of December, 1837, he entered the em- ploy of the firm of Waters & Flagg, armorers, at Millbury, Massachusetts, and remained a year, afterward worked at the Chicopee Falls Arms Company, and later cut a large amount of cord wood, taking his pay of thirty-seven and one-half cents a cord, in sole leather. 552 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Later he worked at manufacturing monkey wrenches. About 1839, Mr. Chaffee received a letter from his brother Jonathan, who was then at Brecksville, Summit County, asking him to join him in this part of the country. On April 1, 1840, he left Massachusetts, trav- eling by rail to Rochester, New York, which was then the terminus of the line, and there took a stage to Dunkirk, at that point tak- ing passage on the steamer General Scott, then making her maiden trip to Cleveland. Having safely reached Northfield Town- ship, Mr. Chaffee bought seventy acres of land, which is included in his present farm and to the original purchase he continued to add until he owned 300 acres. He cleared the timber from his land, making his home for two years with his brother and also work- ing in a machine shop at Brecksville. In the second year he built a barn. When not em- ployed on his land he worked at Brecksville, in the iron works when they were running, and also, in the machine shops at odd times. He afterwards assisted in establishing a plant for the manufacture of rifles at Brecksville. He began to stock his farm with cattle and sheep, as soon as practicable, and in 1848, he began dairying, starting with two cows, and later increased to eighty-seven cows. At the same time he had 400 sale cows on the place. Later Mr. Chaffee became a drover, a very successful one, and in this capacity he was on the road until he was eighty-eight years of age, selling at Brooklyn, Ohio, and South Cleveland, when not holding sales on his own place. Mr. Chaffee is well known all over this section of the State, and for many years was regarded as an authority on cattle and stock. His operations sometimes were on a large scale and through his excellent business judg- ment, he accumlated an ample fortune. Mr. Chaffee married Asenath W. Ferry, who died May 30, 1904, aged eighty-six years. She was a daughter of Noah Ferry and was born at Wales, Ma.ssachusetts. There were two children born to this marriage: Mozart, deceased : and Anna Maria, who is the widow of Dr. Franklin Coats, of Berea, Ohio. In his early political life, Mr. Chaffee was a Whig, later became a Free Trade Repub- lican, but at present is identified with the Democratic party. The only ofhce he would ever consent to hold was that of school direct- or. His life has covered a notable period of history and has been more or less filled with interesting incidents. Mr. Chaffee is remark- ably preserved and enjoys social intercourse and takes the interest of a much younger man in the affairs of his community and of the world at large. J. M. WILLS, president and superintend- ent of the United States Stoneware Company, at Akron, is one of the city's prominent and substantial citizens. He was born in 1841, in England and was eight years of age when he accompanied his parents to America. Mr. Wills was reared and educated at Cuyahoga Falls. After graduating from the High School of that city, he looked about for employment, and was engaged for some two years in making plows. He embarked then in a mercantile business in which he con- tinued for twenty-six years, during sixteen of which he officiated as postmaster at Mid- dlebury. In 1889, Mr. Wills became super- intendent of the United States Stoneware plant at Akron, and this city has since been his place of residence. On the death of George W. Brewster, Mr. Wills succeeded him as pres- ident of the company. This concern was organized for the manufacture of all kinds of stonewai'e and enjoys a heavy trade, the plant giving employment to fifty workers. Mr. Wills is himself master of every part of the business, and keeps closely in touch with commercial and manufacturing interests all over the country. Under his guidance the business is enjoying continued prosperity. In 1863 Mr. Wills was married to Martha E. Willis, of Middlebury (East Akron), and they have five children: Rena; Nellie J., who married A. H. Coles, of Cleveland; Bessie, who married J. J. Chamberlain, of Akron; Frank S., of Lima, traveling freight agent for the Lake Erie & Western Railroad; and Grant M., residing at Cleveland, who is stock clerk for the Ferro Machine & Foundry Com- AND EEPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 553 pany. Mr. Wills has taken an active interest in city politics and for four years served as a member of the City Council. He belongs to the beneficiaiy order of the Protected Home Circle. WALTER A. FRANKLIN, of the firm of Franklin Brothers, also a general contractor, at Akron, has been for the past twenty-eight years a resident of this city, which has been the scene of his greatest business activity. He was born a Baltimore, Maryland, in 1868, and is a son of Charles Franklin, who is a retired citizen of Akron. The parents of Mr. Franklin came to Ohio when he was about two years of age, and he attended school in this city. His entrance into business was as a clerk in a tea store for two years, commencing at the age of thirteen years. Afterward he worked in a brick yard for one year and then engaged in lathing. He also learned the plasterer's trade and subsequently served two years at the cooper's trade. Prior to his twenty-first birthday he had accom- plished all this and was theii prepared to en- gage in contract plastering, which he did at the age of twenty-one. This easily led to mason work and general contracting. In 1898 the firm of Franklin Brothers was estab- lished for the purpose of dealing in all kinds of sand and gravel and other commodities and doing all kinds of excavating and heavy teaming, an extensive business being car- ried on along all these lines. C. F. Frank- lin manages this business W. A. Franklin, independent of the Franklin Brothers does a large amount of contract work, private residences especially, in connection with city building. He has built the follow- ing fine residences: S. J. Rickie, B. G. Work's addition to residence, George G. Allen's, John Gross's. George Warner's. M. O'Neil's; I. R. Manton's, also Frederick Mil- ler's, of Cuyahoga Falls, and the addition to the palatial home of C B. Raymond, besides many others. In 1889, Mr. Franklin was married to Jes- sie E. Salmons, of Akron, and they have four children: William Charles, Harriet Ann, James A. and Robert D. Fraternally Mr. Franklin is a Mason and he belongs to the Blue Lodge, Chapter, and Council at Akron. His business location is at No. 327 Cuyahoga Street. He is recognized as one of the city's most capable business men, and is also an interested and a.ctive worker in advancing the welfare of Akron in every way. His portrait on the neighboring page will be regarded as an appropriate supplement to this article. C. F. FRANKLIN, of Franklin Brothers, the leading general contracting firm of Akron, is one of the city's successful, self-made men. He was born in 1873, at Cleveland, Ohio, but wiis reared and educated in Akron, attending the North Hill School. In boj'hood he started out to make his own way in the world, and he was the first lad to carry the Cleveland Press north of the Balti- more & Ohio Railroad, which work he per- formed for three years, and under conditions which would have discouraged, many less per- severing youths. At that time the newspa- per, which was greatly in demand, did not reach Akron until five o'clock in the after- noon, causing the brave little carrier to make a somewhat risky trip over the North hills at night. This determination of character has been a winning attribute in later life. From being a newsboy he entered the employ of the Akron Building and Cabinet Company, and reonained with this concern during seven busy years. He then took charge of L. D. Ewing's planing mill for two years. During the next two years he worked for the Akron Spirit Level Company, then for thirteen months w^as with the Summit Lumber Com- pany, following which came his partmership with his brother, Walter A, Franklin, under the style of Franklin Brothers. This firm is one of the most progressive in the city. The Franklin Brothers were the first to make a business of delivering screened sand to their customers, and they own the only steam shovel. They are engaged in all kinds of heavy teaming, having thirty-eight teams in operation to assist in excavating and other contract work. A large contract now 554. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY bfing filkni is the building of the new State Mill Reservoir, which is progre.*sing satisfac- torily. The Franklin Brothei-s are the owners of the North Hill sand banks, situated at the corner of North Howard StTeet and Glenwood Avenue, whieh contains fifteen acres of sand and to an average of forty feet high. On November 15, 1893, Mr. Franklin was married to Ada M. Gillett, of Akron, and they have five children, namely: Charles E., Howard L., Walter A., Ada May and Francis Gillett. Mr. Franklin is a member of the order of Modern Woodmen and of the Build- ei-s' Exchange. McAllister brothers, the name in- cluding Isadore and Alexander McAllister, own the old Alexander McAllister farm of eighty-eight and one-quarter acres, which is .situated in Bath Township. It formerly con- tained eighty-nine acres but the McAllister school building, in School District No. 10, takes off three-fourths of an acre. This farm was purchased from an early settler, Dr. Cros- by, June 30, 1840, and has never been out of the family. The parents of the McAllister Brothers were born and reared in Ireland and came to Amer- ica in 1836, following their marriage. They settled first in Coventry Township, Summit County, and Alexander McAllister, the father, was a contractor on the Pennsylvania & Ohio Canal. Later he moved to Monroe Falls, where he took a second contract. His first contract was the building of the canal be- tween Akron and Middlebury, now East Ak- ron. From Monroe Falls he moved on the present farm of his sons, in Bath Township, finding no buildings but an old log house. Many of the trees had been girdled and were dead, and old stumps made a lonesome ap- pearing landscape, but he was a man of great energy and industry and completed the clear- ing of the whole farm. This was a large undertaking, as in those days, the use of pres- ent explosives and machinery for this purpose was unknown, and all the heavy work had to be done practically by sheer strength. In 1843 he replaced the log house with the frame one in which his sons reside. He had seven children and Isadore and Alexander are the only survivors. The others were: John, who died in infancy in Coventry; Alexander (1), who died an infant, in Coventry ; an unnamed infant; Mary, who died June 20, 1854, aged three years; and James, who died in Bath Town.ship, September 6, 1873, aged twenty- one years. The father died April 22, 1854, and the mother, February 6, 1891. Isadore McAllister was seven year's of age when hL« father died, leaving a family of small children for the mother to rear. Her children being too young to give much as- sistance, she let the farm out on shares until her sons were old enough to take charge, which they did when young. They have proven themselves good farmers and stock- raisers and excellent business men as well. They operate a fine dairy with twelve cows. Isadore, the elder of the McAllister Broth- ers, was born April 4, 1847. He married Miranda Vallen, who is a daughter of Wil- liam Vallen, and they have two children : Lloyd, aged twenty-one years, and Alma, aged seventeen years. Mrs. McAllister died April 12, 1902. Both brothers work together in harmony and present a picture of brotherly affection and devotion to each other's welfare that it is jileasant to contemplate. They are both consist- ent members of St. Vincent's Catholic Church. For four years, Alexander McAllister has served as a member of the School Board.' CALVIN SPADE, foreman of the Robin- son Clay Company factory No. 3, at East Ak- ron, a responsible position he has filled for the j)ast five years, was born in Springfield Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, September 6, 1851, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Heckman) Spade. John Spade, the grandfather of Calvin Spade, came to LTniontown, Springfield Town- ship, in 1812, from Snyder County, Pennsyl- vania, and died when advanced in years. Of his fourteen children, all reached maturity except two, and the survivors reached a good AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 555 old age, the majority leaving descendants. The eldest child, George, was born in Snyder County, in 1811, was brought by his parents to Springfield Township, where he married Rebecca Weaver; Jacob married Miss Myers, and died at the age of seventy-two years; Samuel also married a Myers, and died aged sixty-seven years; Catherine also married into the Myers family, and died aged seventy-three years; William married a Miss Weaver, and died aged seventy years; Henry married a member of the Myers family, and lived to be sixty-eight years of age; Noah married a Miss Starr, and died aged seventy-eight years ; Thomas married a Miss Weaver, and died aged seventy years; Sarah married a Kreich- baum, and died aged thirty-five years; Eve never married, and lived to the age of eighty- one years; John, father of Calvin, lived to the age of seventy-seven years; and Michael mar- ried a member of the Weaver family. The grandparents died aged sixty-six and eighty- one years, respectively. Both parents of Calvin Spade were born in Springfield Township, where their lives were passed. They had the following children : Samuel, who died aged two years; Catherine, who married Joseph Bollinger ; Eve, who mar- ried Moses Israel ; Calvin ; Michael, who mar- ried Barbara Jane Swinehart; William, who married Barbara Keller; John, who married Minerva Schriner; Sarah, who remains un- married; Elizabeth, who is unmarried. Calvin Spade had few educational advan- tages in his youth. His life had been one of constant industry and has been mainly confined to the pottery industry. He learned his trade at the pottery of his uncle, George Spade, and for the past thirty-three years he has been engaged at Factory No. 3, this plant having been established for a half century. Mr. Spade, from his long experience, has the work here well in hand, and since he has been superintendent, the product has not only been increased in quantity but has still more surely confirmed its reputation as to quality. Mr. Spade has thirtj'-six workmen under his con- trol and the most cordial feelings exist between the foreman and his employes. In 1873 Mr. Spade was married, and nine of his family of children still survive, namely: William Edward, residing in New Mexico, is a locomotive engineer, married Pearl Metzger and they have one child; Robert, residing at Atlanta, is a pitcher in the Southern Base Ball League, married Carrie Boiling and they have two children, Glynn and Vera; Grace, who married William Ritzman, a farmer of Spring- field Town.ship, has one child, Hazel; Stella, who 'married John Ritzman, a farmer of Springfield Township, has one child, John; Louisa, who married George Ody, resides in the Hunt Allotment of Akron ; Ira, who is engaged with his father at the pottery; and Huldah, Lillie and Carrie L., all residing at home. The family belong to the East Mar- ket street Reformed Church. For thirty years Mr. Spade has been a member of the order of Knights of Pythias, belonging to Aetolia Lodge, No. 24, Akron. GEORGE A. SHAW, organizer, president and general manager of the Buckeye Match Company, of North Baltimore, Ohio, has been a prominent resident of Barberton and New Portage, for the past thirty-four years, serving with credit in public offices, successfully di- recting business affaii-s and taking an active part in political life. Mr. Shaw was born about one-half mile north of Johnson's Cor- ners, in Norton Township, Summit County, Ohio, September 1, 1853, and is a son of Merwin and Emily E. (Betz) Shaw. The father of Mr. Shaw was born at Medina, Ohio, and spent the larger part of his life in Norton Township, Summit County, where he engaged in fanning and also operated a grist mill. Attending the district schools in the winter seasons and working on the home farm during the summers, made up the larger part of Mr. Shaw's boyhood life. Later he attended the High School at Doylestown and subse- quently attended the Mennonitc College at Wadsworth, Ohio. The failure of his father's health, about this time, threw the responsibil- ity of managing the home farm on his shoul- ders. Several years later he went to South 556 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Dakota, where he took up a Government cluini of 160 acres, but made his home at Mitchell. While there he entered into the employ of a railroad company, first as night yardniiister and later as manager of the day yards. After residing there for some two years and con- tinuing his railroad work, he was so seriously injured while making a coupling, that all further railroad work was abandoned and he returned to Summit County, on a pass gladly offered by the company. Mr. Shaw located at New Portage, where he opened a general stone, and for eight years he served as postmaster there, when, on being elected mayor of Barberton, he moved to his prsent home. He served four years also as postmaster of this city and- was elected a member of the first board of Public Affairs, of Barberton. Mr. Shaw is concerned in various business enterprises and is presi- dent of the Barberton Wire Lock Fence Com- pany, which plant employs about twenty-five men. He has recently organized an indus- try which promises to be one of great im- portance, the Buckeye Match Company, which has been incorporated for $100,000. The works are to be established at North Balti- more, Ohio. Mr. Shaw owns a majority of the stock and is president and general mana- ger of the company. He is recognized as one of the able and enterprismg business men of Summit County. In 1898 Mr. Shaw was married to Harriet L. Marshall. Politically he has always been identified with the Republican party and has been an im- portant factor of the same in Summit Coun- ty. He organized the first McKinley club in the county and has been liberal in contribut- ing to its work. Fraternally he belongs to the Junior Order of American Mechanics and to the Knights of Pythias. C. CHARLES CONAGHAN, a leading bus- iness citizen of Tallmadge, belongs to one of the old pioneer families of Ohio that crossed the mountains from Pennsylvania and en- tered the Western Reserve about 1800. C. Charles Conaghan was born October 16, 1842, in Wyandot County, Ohio, and is a son of Charles C. and Mary L. Conaghan. The Conaghan family is of Irish extraction, the grandfather, DennLs Conaghan, having been born in Ireland and left his native land in youth. He settled in Adams County, Penn- sylvania, married and subsequently came to Ohio, where he reared a large family, and died in old age in Wyandot County. Charles C. Conaghan, father of C. Charles, carried on agricultural pursuits on what was known as the old Logsdon farm, in Wyandot County. He married Mary A. Bardoon, who was born in Perry County, Ohio, in June, 1822, and was a daughter of Anthony and Magdalene Bardoon, the former of whom was a native of France and the latter, of Ger- many. There were two children born to Charles C. and Mary (Bardoon) Conaghan: C. Charles and A. Frank. Charles C. Conag- han, died aged thirty-two years. His widow married (second) William Best, and .she be- came the mother of four more children, namely: Mary E., Agatha, Louisa and Ma- tilda. Mrs. Best died November 9, 1891. C. Charles Conaghan, bearing his father's name along with inheriting his sterling traits of character, was reared on the old farm in Wyandot County, which his father and grand- father had redeemed from the forest. He attended the district schools in boyhood and had already become very useful on the home farm when the Civil War broke out and its i<% February 27, 1884: Oreorge, September 15, 1885 ; Anna, August 10, 1887 ; Paul, May 2, 1889. Mr. Davis is a strong Republican and cast his first presidential vote for General Grant. Of a retiring disposition, however, he takes but little part in politics, though in response to the desires of his fellow citizens he has served the town as a member of the Board nf Education. He and his wife are both members of the Congregational Church at Bath. FREDERICK J. BAUER, M. D., a lead- ing physician at Mogadore, who has been lo- cated here for the past twenty-seven years, is, with one exception, the oldest continuous medical practitioner in the place. Dr. Bauer was born in Sufiield Township, Portage Coun- ty, Ohio, March 5, 1854, and is a son of Jacob and Christiana (Holzworth) Bauer. The parents of Dr. Bauer were born in Wurtemberg, Germany, and they came to America in 1839, settling on a farm of 100 acres, which then was located about a mile from the village of Erie, Pennsylvania, but is now included in the corporate limits of that city. At that time the land could have been purchased for thirty dollars an acre, but .Jacob Bauer could not command that much capital at the time and the opportunity was lost for the making of an indepejident for- tune. He removed from Pennsylvania and settled in Suffield Township, Portage County, Ohio, between 1840 and 1845, on a farm two miles southeast of Suffield. He died about 1887, aged eighty-one years. He married Christiana Holzworth, who died in 1882, at the age of sixty years. They were the parents of nine children, namely: Rudolph, George, Sophia. Mary, Odelia, Frederick J., Lena, Lucinda and .Jacob. Rudolph Bauer died in 1905, and George died at the age of two years. Sophia, who died in 1859, was the wife of William Wilson, who was a soldier in the Union army during the Civil War. They left one son, Charles Wilson, who is a prominent citizen of Lamar, Missouri, of which village he has been mayor, and is now serving as night telegraph agent for the Missouri & Pa- cific Railroad. Mary, who is the widow of George Price, resides, with her eight chil- dren, on her farm adjoining the old home- stead. Odelia, who is the widow of Newi.on StaufFer, resides with her daughter and granddaughter northea.«t of Tallmadge. Lena, who married .John Peterson, resides in Jas- per County, Missouri. Lucinda married John May and they reside with their children on the old Bauer homestead. Jacob W., the yoimgest member of this family, has charge of the United States Weather Bureau at Co- 580 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY lumbia, South Carolina, where he has been located gmce 1893, having served at various points since 1881. He was educated at Mt. Union College. He married Esther Wash- burn, of Brooklyn, New York, and they have one son and several daughters. The boyhood of Dr. Bauer was spent on his father's farm and his early education was ob- tained in the district schools. He secured better educational advantages after he had earned the money by teaching, to pay for them, and he spent three years at Mt. Union College. In 1876 he left school and in the following year began to read medicine with Dr. Ferguson, of Mogadore, and later entered the Ohio Medical College, at Cincinnati, for one year, going from there to the medical de- partment of the Wooster University, which is now the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, of Cleveland, where he was graduated in the class of 1880. Dr. Bauer returned to Mogadore and en- tered into partnership with his old preceptor, Dr. Ferguson, and this association continued until the death of the latter in January, 1886, since which time Dr. Bauer has been alone. During his twenty-seven years of professional work in this place. Dr. Bauer has so demon- strated his ability that he has gained the con- fidence of the public and the respect of his associates in the practice of medicine. He has taken an active part in public affairs, par- ticularly in those concerning his own state, coimty and city, and has shown his sincerity by lending his influence to many public-spirit- ed movement*. He owns considerable real es- tate at Mogadore and is a stockholder in the Colonial Brick Company. In 1885 Dr. Bauer was married to Cath- erine S. Rubbins, who was born in the state of New York, and is a daughter of .John and Lydia M. (01d«) Rubbins, the former of whom was born in England, and the latter in New York, where .she was one of a family of twelve children. Dr. and Mrs. Bauer have two sons, Fred Otis and Carl Hnltzworth, the former of whom i= a student at Mt. Union College, and the latter of whom graduated in the class of 1907, from the Mogadore High School. Both fine types of young American youths. The residence in which Dr. Bauer and family reside and which he owns, was built by the Kents, very early settlers here. It has a historic interest from the fact that when it was completed, one of the workmen broke over its roof a bottle of liquor and christened the village of Mogadore, from the town of that name in Africa, where he had once been a prisoner. Dr. Bauer is one of the leading Democrats of this section, and on one occasion was chosen by his party as its candidate for coun- ty auditor. He has served a number of times as a delegate to the state conventions and for many years has been a regular delegate to the county conventions. Since 1885, Dr. Bauer has been a Mason, and in 1891 he be- came a charter member of Lodge No. 482, Knights of Pythias, at Mogadore. JOHN A. WHITMAN, who resides on a well-improved farm of three and one-half acres in Chippewa Township, Wayne County, Ohio, owns also eighty-seven acres in Norton Township, Summit County, and eight acres in Wadsworth Township, Medina County, this property being all in one body. Mr. Whitman was born June 24, 1857, in Chip- pewa Township, Wayne County, Ohio, and is a son of .John and Jane (Allerding) Whit- man. Andrew Whitman, the grandfather of John A., was a native of Pennsylvania, and at an early day came to Chippewa Township, where he was married to Margaret IMarshall, who was a native of Knox County, Ohio. He pur- chased the farms on which both his son John and his grandson. .John A., were born. He acquired considerable property, and, in addi- tion to farming, he operated a cider mill and also engaged in threshing. John Whitman was born on a farm located south of Doylestown in Chippewa Township, Wayne County, and subsequently purchased the present farm of John A. AVhitmnn, from his father. He became thresher, miller and eeneral farmer. He was married in Knox County. Ohio, to Jane Allerding. who came JOSEPH CO()P]i;R AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 583 from France when aged sixteen years. To them were born eight children, as follows: Caroline, who is the widow of Frank Stotler, John A. ; Ella, deceased, who was the wife of Bartley Lynch; Mary, who died at the age of thirteen years; Lawrence and Josephine, both of whom died of diphtheria, the last three named children dying within six weeks; Clara, who is a graduate nurse, re- siding at Cleveland, Ohio; and Matilda, who resides at Doylestown. The mother of these children died September 30, 1904. The father died in 1876. John A. Whitman was reared on the home farm, and attended the country school. When aged nineteen years liLs father's death oc- curred and the main duties of the farm thus fell upon his shoulders. He has always car- ried on general farming, and, in addition, is now making a specialty of raising Durham cattle. A rather unusual circumstance is that his excellent farm lies in three counties, his residence being on the Wayne County por- tion, while his barn is situated in Summit County. Mr. Whitman was married in 1885 to Jo- hanna Schmitz, whose death occurred April 16, 1902, and to them there were born eight children, namely: Lawrence, Mary, Clara, John, Lucy, Herman, Leo and Cecelia. Mr. Whitman is a member of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. With his fam- ily he attends the Doylestown Catholic Church. JOSEPH COOPER, of the brick manufac- turing firm of Cooper Brothers, at Akron, has been a resident of this city and identified with its business interests for the ]iast forty years. Mr. Cooper was born in Staffordshire, Eng- land, in 1847, and was reared, and educated, and learned his trade in his native land. At the age of twenty years, Mr. Cooper came to America, settling in Akron, and work- ing the first year for the firm of Kent & Bald- win in their machine shops. He subsequently entered the employ of Byron Allison, in the brick business, with whom he remained for about ten years. Then, in partner.-ihip with his brother, Sanuiel Cooper, he leased the old Briggs brick plant, and" the firm, under the name of Cooper Brothers, have been engaged since in manufacturing and deliverng all kinds of building brick. Their plant is lo- cated at No. 573 Spicer Street. They give employment to a number of skilled workers, and the industry is one of the substantial ones of the city. In 1869, Joseph Cooper was nuirried (first) to Agnes Lang, who died soon after marriage. He married (second) Mary Palmer, of which union there is one daughter, Emily, who mar- ried Samuel Crisp, and resides at home, with her parents. Mr. Cooper is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He belongs to the English Society, known as the Sons of St. George. In politics he is a republican. HIRAM F. SNYDER, who owns an excel- lent farm of 104 acres in Franklin Town- ship, was born on the old Snyder homestead, in Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, August 10, 1859, and is a son of Mich- ael and Nancy (Marsh) Snyder. Michael Snyder, father of Hiram F., was born in Alsace, France, and accompanied his parents, Michael and Barbara (Weimer) Snyder to America. They came to Spring- field Township, Summit County, by way of the canal, and when they passed through Ak- ron, in 1838, there was but one .store in the village. Mr. Snyder was looking for land on which to establish a home and he was offered 100 acres on the site of Akron for the sum of $600. He con.?idered the soil there too light for deep cultivation and purchased a farm in Springfield Township, from which he moved, eight years later, to another near that on which his grandson, Pliram F., re- sid&s. He died in 1897, aged ninety-two years, his wife having pa.ssed away in 1876, aged seventy years. In France he engaged in milling, but confined himself to farming after coming to Ohio. Michael and Barbara Snyder, or Schneider as the name was spelled in their day, had the following children: George; Michael; Frederick, residing at Bar- berton; Eve, who married John Dailey; and 584 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Julia, who married David Steel. Frederick Snyder is the only survivor of this family. Michael Snyder, father of Hiram F., was six years old when his parents emigrated, and as he grew to youth and manhood, found much hard work in assisting in the clearing up of his father's property. He accumu- lated land of his own and at the time of his death in 1893, he owned 246 acres. He mar- ried Nancy Marsh, who was born in Franklin Township, and they had a family of ten chil- dren, two of whom died in infancy. Those who reached mature age were: Milton, re- siding at Barberton ; Hiram F. ; Samuel ; Louisa, who married James Henry; Amanda, who married C. Blough; William E., resid- ing at Akron, where he is a well-lcnown attor- ney; Elliott; and Ida, who died at the age of nineteen years. Hiram F. Snyder was fourteen years old when the family moved to a place near the one he owns, and he remained at home until his twenty-third year, when he secured his present farm from the family estate. In ISliG coal was found on this farm and rich veins have been opened, many tons having been excavated by the Franklin Coal Company and the C. F. Wagoner Company. Mr. Sny- der was employed by the coal company for eighteen months, but with this exception, has devoted himself entirely to farming. He ha.'? served as a member of the School Board for several terms. On December 12, 1882, Mr. Snyder wa< married (first) to Elizabeth Keller, wlio died in the spring of 1894, leaving three children: Eva, Frank and Howard. In 189(5 he was married (second) to Mary Limbaugh, and they have four children: Henry, Martha, and Paul and Ruth, the latter twins. Mr. Snyder and family belong to the Reformed Church. G. LEE BRTGGS, one of Akron's enter- prising young b\asine.s.s men, engaged in gen- eral contracting, was born in Medina County, Ohio, in 1871, and is a son of Thomas G. Briggs, a prominent farmer, and a grandson of Daniel G. Briggs. who settled in Medina County in 1852. C. Lee Briggs was reared in Medina County and, after completing the common school course, entered Buchtel College. After leav- ing college he made his home for some five years at Springfield, Missouri, where he was first employed in the office of a street railway and later in the Bank of Springfield. Since 1898 he has been engaged in a general con- tracting business, but for eighteen months previously he had served as secretary of the Builders' Exchange. In 1905 he erected a fine home at Akron and this city has been his place of residence up to the present time. In 1895 Mr. Briggs was married to Mary Brown, of Akron, and they have one son, Clifton. Mr. Briggs is interested in a num- ber of organizations at Akron, is a director in the Dollar Savings Bank, is a member of the Masonic club and the Portage Country club, and of the Builders' Exchange of Cleve- land. IRVIN H. SPANGLER, residing on his farm of forty-seven acres, which is situated in Franklin Township and is a part of the old Spangler homestead, was born on this farm in Summit County, Ohio, August 4, • 1870, and is a son of Joseph and Adaline (Hoy) Spangler. Joseph Spangler was born in Franklin Tmvnship, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of David Spangler, who settled here at an early day. Joseph Spangler was married ( to Caroline Smith, who also was reared in Franklin Township, and the four chil- dren born to that marriage were: Adam, John, Charles and Jennie, the latter of whom married 0. W. Baum. Mr. Spangler was married (.second) to Adaline Hoy, who died .July 4, 1904. She was a daughter of David Hoy, of Hocking County, Ohio. Three chil- dren were born to the second union, as fol- lows: David E., Irvin H. and Joseph. The father still survives, having reached the age of eighty-seven years, and is a resident of Akron. Irvin H. Spangler was reared on the home farm and attended the local schools. With the exception of six years spent at Manches- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 585 ter, in boyhood, he has lived continuously on the present farm, having purchased forty- seven acres from his father. He cultivates both his own fann and the one his father retains, which is also situated in Franklin Township. On December 18, 1890, Mr. Spangler was married to Laura Bender, who is a daughter of Hai'vey F. Bender, and they have had six children, namely: Florence, Robert, Lydia, Burdette, Irene and Ira, all of whom ai'e liv- ing, with the exception of Lydia, who died aged four months. Mr. Spangler is a mem- ber of the order of Maccabees. HARVEY A. MYERS, a well known farmer and stock dealer of Norton Town- ship, was born on the excellent farm of eighty acres on which he now resides, De- cember 29, 1853, son of Alpheus and Salome (Myers) Myers. Alpheus Myers was born in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, July 10, 1818, and in boy- hood accompanied his father, Henry Myers, to a farm near Wooster, Ohio. Tjater, TIenr\- Myers, with all his family except Alpheus, removed to Indiana, where he died. Alpheus Myers came to Sunnnit County April, 1846, where he purcha.sed the 80-acre farm now owned and operated by his son, Harvey. He later bought the Sherman farm of 140 acres, .and during the Civil War he further increased the extent of his property by purchasing a farm of 100 acres situated across the road from where he lived and which was called the Mazier farm. In addition to these farms he owned one of 140 acres in Missouri. He also drilled and found coal and opened the mine, known as the Myers mine in Wad.s- worth Township, Medina County. He was a man of excellent business qualifications, and during the Civil war made a large amoinit of money in buying and shipping horses for the government. He was a highly respected citizen of Norton Township and died March 1, 1878. His death was the result of an ac- cident. He was about to make a bu.sines3 trip to the west and also visit his aged mother. While waiting at the Wadsworth station, en- gaged in cofiversation with a friend, he ac- cidentally stepped in front of a moving train and was instantly killed. Alpheus Myers married Salome Myers, who sun'ived him many years, dying in October, 1900. They had six children, the young- et^t of whom, Owen, died October 7, 1905. The others were as follows: William H., resid- ing in Akron; Mary, wife of Isaac Tinsman, and a resident of Akron; Lavina, who mar- ried Solomon Kraver, and resides in Medina County ; Josepha, residing in Medina County, who married ( Septimius Siberling, and moved to Iowa, where he died, and (.second) Jacob Slamker, whom she survives; and Har- vey A., of Norton Township. Har\'ey A. Myers was reared in his native place and has always resided on this fine, old farm, where he successfully carries on gen- eral farming and stock-dealing, making n, specialty of cows. He attended the district schools during his boyhood, and is a nian of Tnuch general information, keeping himself abreast of the times, as the modern farmer has to do to enjoy a full measure of pros- perity. Mr. Myers married Alice B. Miller, a daughter of Frank Miller, of Norton Town- ship, and they have a family of eight chil- dren, namely: Frank, married and re.siding in Akron; Fred, who married Emma Weaver and resides at home with his parents; Sadie, who is the wife of Charles Messner, and ha? one child, Florence; Mattie, who married William Helmick, and has one child, Floy; Hattie. who married Elmer Hall and has one child, Harold; and Elsie, Vernie and Chloe. Mr. and Mrs. Myers have their children set- fled around them, or still remaining under the home roof, and have never yet been called on to part with any of them. The family is one well known all through Norton Township. 'C. W. MOORE, president of the Union Printing Ink Company, one of Akron's ful indu.stries, with a plant located at 1031 South High Street., has been a resident of this city for over a quarter of a century, and 5S() HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY from boj'hood has been identified with niiuiy of its various interests. Mr. Moore was born April 10, 1866, at Erie, Pennsylvania, and when fifteen yeai's old came to Akron, where he attended school for a time. He then went to work for the Thomas Phillips Paper Com- pany, with which he remained for nine years, being for six years afterwards with the Akron Chemical Company. He then became one of tho organizers of the Union Printing Ink Companj', wliich enterprise was incorporated April 27, 1901, with a capital stock of $10,- 000. Mr. Moore has been president of the company since its incorporation. The com- pany manufactures all kinds of ink, and its field of trade is constantly widening. Mr. Moore has that practical knowledge of the business, combined with executive ability, which enables him to direct its course suc- cessfully in the face of competition. On June 30, 1896, Mr. Moore was mar- ried to Louise E. Meir, who was born in Ak- ron. He and his wife are members of Grace Reformed Church, and he belongs to the Board of Deacons. His fraternal connections include membership in Nemo Lodge, and the Encampment, I. 0. 0. F. WEBSTER FRANKLIN CARMANY, an enterprising and progressive agriculturist of Stow Town.ship, who is engaged in the cultivation of a farm of 108 acres, was born on his present farm July 18, 1878, son of Isaac and Ellen (Durstein) Carmany. Isaac Carmany was born in Manchester, Franklin Township, Summit County, where he now carries on extensive farming opera- tions. His wife, Ellen, wlio was the daughter of Jacob Durstein, died in July, 1903, aged forty-eight years. She professed the faith of the Evangelical Church of the local organiza- tion, of which Mr. Carmany is treasurer. An earnest Christian woman, she wa'' active in church and charitable work. Three children were born to I\Ir. and Mrs. Carmany — Coi-a Elnora, who is deceased ; Webster Franklin ; and Rus.sell Glennard, who lives at home. Webster Franklin Carmany was educated in the common schools and at the age of eighteen years received a teacher's certificate in Manchester, to which place he had come in 1887. He never engaged in 'teaching, however, but learned the trade of drafting and patternmaking in Franz Body's shop in Akron, which he followed for ten or twelve years at different places. In 1904, on ac- count of ill health, he was forced to give up this occupation, and purchased his present farm from his father, it having been former- ly the property of his mother. Mr. Carmany cultivates seventy-five acres of this tract, rais- ing oats, wheat, corn and potatoes, and his farm is one of the most highly cultivated in this section of the township. In the win- ter months he keeps seven or eight head of cattle and disposes of his milk to the Co- operative Creamery at Stow Corners. Mr. Carmany was married to Amelia Shu- maeher, who is a daughter of Charles Shu- macher of Akron, and four children have been born to them : Florence Blanche, Helen May, Mabel Celia and Charles Isaac. Mr. Carmany is a member of the Macca- bees at Elkhart, and in politics Ls independ- ent. With his family he attends the Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Mrs. Carmany's father was born in Germany, coming to America at twenty-one years of age, in 1865. He married Celia Ilerbruck, of Stark Coun- ty, Ohio. Both parents are now living. GEORGE H. COWLING, residing on a very valuable farm of eighty-four acres, which was formerly known as the old Lin- ford Surfass farm, in Norton Township, was bom in what is now known as Barberton, on the farm of his nncle, Abraham Betz, March 27, 1861, and is a son of Joseph and Cath- erine (Betz) Cowling. The father of Mr. Cowling was born in Lycoming County, Pennsylvania, where he learned the trade of weaving woolen blank- ets, at which he worked until about thirty years of age, when he went to farming. When he came first to Summit County he .settled at Middlebury and operated a weaving factory for a time and then moved to the present site of Barberton, from which point, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 587 in 1865, he moved to the Jacob Wise farm, of Norton Center. After living there for six yeare he moved to the J. F. Seiberhng farm, which he rented for twenty-one years. Mr. Cowling then moved to Nebraska, ac- companied by all of his family except George H., Avhere he bought a farm of 300 acres. He lived there for seven years, but sold on ac- count of the climate not agreeing with his wife, and returned to Ohio in the hope of restoring her to health. He settled in Me- dina County in 1893, where she died in 1894. Mr. Cowling still survives, aged eighty years, residing on his farm in Wadsworth Township. George H. Cowling wa« reared in Norton Township and has made farming his main business in life. In 1884 he was married to Mary Baughman, who died April 20, 1905. She was a daughter of James Baughman, a tanner by trade, who formerly lived at West- ern Star. Two children were born to this marriage, Be-ssie and William. For sixteen years Mr. Cowling and family lived in Wadsworth Township, moving from there to Sharon Town.sihip for four years, and then came to Norton Township. Summit County. He purchased the present farm of George Dreisbach, January 6, 1903, and moved to it on March 7, 1904. He sold the property on May 28, 1907. to 0. C. Barber. Mr. Cowling is a well known and highly re- .•^pect'Cd citizen. FRANK SPRIGGLE, the owner and op- erator of the old Chamberlin mill, a land- mark in Summit County, which is situated in Springfield Town.?hip, as is also Mr. Sprig- gle's truck farm of seventeen acres, is a well- known and re.=pected citizen of this section, where he has spent the whole of his life. He wa* born in Summit County, Ohio, May 18, 1856. and is a son of Jacob and Christina (Pontius) Spriggle. The first of the Spriggle family to locate in Summit County was Emanuel Spriggle, who caame from Lancaster County, Pennsyl- vania, and settled on the Rudy farm, one mile ea.=;t of Uniontown, but a few acres of which had yet been cleared, the rest of the land being covered with a heavy growth of timber. Emanuel Spriggle lived into his ninety -ninth year, and never moved beyond the radius of twenty miles from the place on which he settled. Jacob Spriggle, father of Frank, was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in 1827, and accompanied his parents to Summit County in 1833. He often told his children, in later days, of the wild conditions that prevailed in his boyhood, where thej^ only saw cultivated land and a comfortable home. There were many deer in this .section and it was no unusual event to find them hiding in various places al)out the farm, sometimes in a hollow tree and at other' times under a shock of grain. They had not yet learned their later fear of hu- man beings and at that time were not diffi- cult of capture. Jacob Spriggle learned the blacksmith trade at Uniontown, which he followed more or less for forty-five years in Coventry Township. He retired from work by order of his physician, who had discov- ered heart, trouble, and he now resides at Monroe Falls. During his active years he built hundreds of coal cars for Brewster Brothers and the Steese Coal Banks. He was married (first) to Elizabeth Pontius, a native of Ohio and a member of a prominent old family. She died in 1865, the mother of two .sons and two daughters, namely: Monia, w-ho died at the age of twelve years : Frank ; Amanda, who married Cyrus Kepler, and Malinda, who married Philip Danner, now deceased. The second marriage of Jacob Spriggle was to Elizabeth Spitler, and they had the following children: Allen, residing between Monroe and Cuyahoga Falls, married Emma Myers; Jacob, residing on the old home with his father and sister, operates the farm and also works in the adjacent paper mill; Jeremiah, residing at Cuyahoga Falk, engaged in a grocery business, married Ad- die Huron ; Jacob, residing a few miles west of Winnipeg, Canada; Barbara, re5iding near Monroe Falls, is the widow of Frank Donald- .son, who died in 1904: PTenry, who lives at home; Sarah, who married William Ritzman. 588 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY residing between Tallmadge and Monroe Falls, and Mary, who married Isah Beclitel, residing in Monroe Falls. Frank Spriggle was reared a farmer and all his mature life has been devoted to tilling the soil and milling. He owns seventeen acres of very valuable, productive land, and this tract he devotes to truck purposes, mak- ing it very profitable through his excellent methods. He divides his time between his farm and the mill, having acquired the latter property in 1896. He makes here only Gra- ham and rye flour and chops and has a steady run of custom. This mill was built sixty-five years ago by James Chamberlin, who oper- ated it for a number of years. Later it was the property of AVilliam Buchtel and still later of John Hosier, who made the last flour produced here. After his death the property was disposed of at the administrator's sale, and was purchased by Mr. Spriggle. In 1881 Mr. Spriggle wa.s married to Sa- villa Grable, who is a daughter of Jonathan Grahle, a substantial farmer of Green Town- ship, Summit County, and they have had two sons and two daughters born to them, namely: Delia, who married William Bri- ner, residing in Copley Town.ship, has two children, Frank and Margaret ; Susie, who married Frank Gougler, residing in Spring- field Township, has three children, Park, Pearl and Dayton ; NcAvton, residing at home and working in the mill, and Earl, residing at home and working on a railroad. In political sentiment, Mr. Spriggle is nominally a Democrat, but he reserves the right to cast his vote independently. Re- ligiously, he is a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, the Saints and the Last Days. There are many lessons to be learned in considering the life of Mr. Sprig- gle. He left home in boyhood after the death of his mother, and without the slight- est assistance in the way of counsel or finan- cial help, has acquired valuable property and has gained a place in the commimity where he commands the respect and enjoys the es- teem of his fellow-citizens. His success is the direct result of his own unassisted efforts. ABRAHAM SNYDER, a leading citizen of Springfield Township, who is engaged in threshing and operating both a grain and sawmill, was born May 7, 1833, on a farm but one and a quarter miles distant from the one on which he lives, in Springfield Townsliip, Summit County, Ohio. His par- ents were Jost A. and Salome (Baughman) . Snyder. The father of Mr. Snvder was born August 25, 1791,- in Low Hill Township, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, and came to Green Township, Summit County, which was then a part of Stark County, after his marriage. He served under General Jackson in the War of 1812, and participated in the battle of New Orleans. When he settled in Summit County he had a wagon and two horses, by means of which he had tran.^ported his family and possessions over the 500 miles between the old home and the new, and a money capital of $105, all but five dollars of which he paid for twenty acres of land. To this first purchase he made seven additions of adjoining land, and at his death owned sixty- three acres. He built first a cabin of logs. 10 by 15 feet in dimensions, which was sup- planted by a larger cabin having a board roof, and this in turn was followed Ijy a hewed-log house, two and one-half stories in height, its dimensions being 30 by 20 feet, and his fourth house and the last one which he erected was also of logs, framed about. 24 by 16 feet in dimensions, with a kitchen attached -which was 10 by 12 feet. Mr. Snyder was a man of pioneer robust- ness and was reasonably proud of his prowess in hunting bear, and frequently shot wolves and deer on the very land on which Akron now .stands. He never forgot the friends of his youth, and during his subsequent resi- dence in Ohio, walked the distance of 500 miles back to Pennsylvania to visit those left behind, on three occa.sions. He was welcome wherever he went, being a man of kindly na- ture, jovial spirit and great native intelli- gence. He married Salome Baughman and they had fifteen children, namely: Jo.shua, Elizabeth, George, Joel, Isaiah, Jacob, So- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 589 pihia, Daiiiel, Paul, Ezra, Jonas, Abraham, Nathan and Peter, all surviving to a good age except two, one of these being an \xa- named infant born next to the youngest. They grew up resembling their father, large, fine appearing men and women. The survivors are: Nathan, residing in Brimfield Town- ship, Portage County; Paul, residing in West Township, Marshall County, Indiana, and Abraham, of Springfield Township. Abraham Snyder had few educational ad- vantages in his youth, his real school attend- ance being covered by two months, but he has always made the most of his opportunities and is able to write intelligently in both the English and German languages, something very many of the younger generation cannot accomplish . He thinks he is probably one of the oldest threshers in all this section, as he w'as not more than ten years of age when he began feeding a threshing machine. Dur- ing his boyhood he worked in the mill in his neighborhood, during a large part of the time when not threshing, and during the winter seasons helped operate the old loom in the kitchen, where all the cloth for (he big family was woven. He grew to manhood with ingrained habits of industry and thrift. AVhen the Civil War broke out, Mr. Snyder commenced to consider the subject of enlist- ing, but like many others, private duties and' responsibilities stood in the way. He had been reared a Democrat by a stanch Demo- cratic father, but both were men of loyal sentiment and, in 1863, Abraham Snyder proved that his patriotism was more than mere talk by ofi'ering his services and enlist- ing in Company F, Third Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and .served until the close of the war, with the rank of first lieu- tenant. He participated in many important battles and traveled thousands of miles on long and weary marches. After the close of the Civil War, Mr. Sny- der returned to his home and engaged in farming and his previous occupations until 1888, when he moved on his present farm, where he is still engaged in milling and also in threshing. Snyder's mill at Millheim is a historic landmark. The dam was built in 1817 and the mill constructed shortly afterward, and it is the oldest mill in Sum- mit County. In 1828 it was rebuilt by Mi- chael Myers and is situated on a part of lot 7, tract 6, on the banks of Tuscarawas Creek. Mr. Snyder purchased the mill from H. J. Kreighbaum in 1899, he being the assignee of its former owner, William C. Shook. The stanch old frame work is of hewed timber. A sawmill formerly stood near, but the grain mill was built soon after the first settlement. It is a paying property under Mr. Snyder's excellent management. He grinds chop and feed and has all he can do, keeping the mill running both day and night. On June 19, 1858, Mr. Snyder was mar- ried to Catherine Cranoble, who is a daugh- ter of Jacob and Elizabeth Cranoble. She was born in Grote Township, Center County, Pennsylvania, January 8, 1831, and accom- ]>anied her parents to Suffield Townshi]), Por- tage County, where they settled on the farm now owned by Jacob Mishler. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have had born to them four sons and one daughter, the sur- vivors being: William, Stephen Douglas, Sarali and George Pendleton. William Snyder, residing at Millheim, married Mary Rodenbaugh, who is now deceased. She left two sons and one daughter, Curtis, Oscar W. and Sadie. Stephen Douglas Snyder married Marj' Ellen Tritt, who is a daughter of Jo- seph Tritt, and they reside in the brick house near Tritt mill. They have six children, namely: Agnes, Frank, George, Stanley, Harry and Anna. Sarah Snyder married William Tritt, who has a farm and owns a home at Middlebury. He is engaged in the rural mail delivery ser\'ice. Their children are: Norman, Hugh, Elton, Wilbur and Net- tie, George, the youngest of Mr. Synder's fam- ily, is unmarried, and resides at home assist- ing his father. Both Mr. Snyder and his wife remain hale and hearty, and they both con- tinue their usual avocations and enjoy the pleasant social life of the neighborhood with as much ease and zest as they did many years ago. They are people who stand very 590 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY high in the esteem of the community and iire known from one end of the township to the other. All his mature life, Mr. Snyder has taken an interest in seeing his neighborhood ad- vance with the rest of the world and he has willingly done his share in develoi>ing it. He has been liberal in his contributions to schools, churches and public-spirited enter- prises of various kinds, while he is noted for his many acts of benevolence which he never discusses. For the past fifteen years he has served as township assessor, and in keeping his records he has preserved the ages of all the taxpayers in the township, finding it to sum up at present to 18,671 years. He is a faithful and efficient official. THE COLUMBIA CHEMICAL COM- PANY, manufacturers of soda ash, caustic soda and sulphate of ammonia, with exten- sive works located at Barberton, is one of the most important industries of Summit County. The plant of this great company covers more than fifteen acras, and the factories are en- tirely of modern construction and equip- ment. The location of the plant is on the old Baughman farm, which was devoted to agriculture for many years. The company owns also some 300 acres of land, from which source are obtained a large part of the material consumed in the manufacture of their products. The trade field is not confined to the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company, al- though that mighty corporation uses the bulk of their goods. Employment is given to from 400 to 500 men and boys, many of the former being expert chemists. The Columbia Chemical Company was or- ganized and incorporated in Pennsylvania in 1899, beginning operations in 1900. Its capi- tal stock was placed at $1,500,000. The works of this company were built at Barber- ton, but the main offices of the company have always remained at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The officers of the Columbia Chemical Com- pany are all men of experience, enterprise and large capital. They are: W. L. Clause, president; William D. Hartupee, vice presi- dent; Charles W. Brown, secretary; Edward Pitcairn, treasurer, and H. A. Gait, general manager, the officers making up the Board of Directors. EPHRAIM STUMP, a highly respected re- tired resident of Franklin Township, residing on his farm of nineteen acres near Jlanches- ter, which is particularly valuable on account of several fine veins of coal having been opened on it, was born on the old homestead north of Manchester, Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, May 28, 1842, and is a son of Jacob and Catherine (Sorrick) Stump. John Stump, the grandfather of Ephraim, was born in Pennsylvania, from whence he came to Ohio, settling west of Manchester, in Franklin Township, Summit County, locat- ing on a farm which was but partly cleared. In 1841 he replaced the original log cabin with a stone house, which is still standing, it being about the only one left of the many stone houses of the '40's. Wild game was jjlentiful in those . days, and Mr. Stump has in his possession some turkey feet, the birds having been .shot in 1850, by his grand- father. The Indians had not yet left this locality, and Mr. Stump recalls numerous in- teresting experiences with them. Here John Stump and his wife, Elizabeth (Grove) Stump, lived for the remainder of their lives. They had eight children, four sons, namely: Jacob, David, John and Levi; and four daughters, namely: Catherine, who married William Kauffman; Eliza, who married Samuel Grove ; Mary, who married P. Myers, and Sarah, who married J. W. Swigart. Jacob Stump was about ten years old when the family journeyed from Pennsylvania to Ohio. In his youth, when not engaged in farming, he frequently filled the family larder with game. After his marriage he settled on a farm near which the Brewster mines were later opened, although this did not take place vmtil after his death. He married Catherine Sorrick, who was a daugh- ter of Adam and Elizabeth (Raber) Sorrick, who came to Ohio from Pennsvlvania. Five GEORGE W. HART AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 593 children were born to this marriage, as fol- lows: Ephraim, Matilda, who married George Donnenwith; Nathaniel, William, who is deceased, and Amos, who died in in- fancy. Jacob Stump died at the age of sixty- seven years and the death of his widow fol- lowed a few years later. Ephraim Stump had but limited educa- tional opportunities, as his services were re- required on the home farm, where he chopped wood, picked stones and threshed rye. From his sixteenth year until he was married he worked his father's farm, and thereafter operated rented farms until 1873, when he purchased his present farm in Manchester, a tract of nineteen acres, from the Hamm heirs. He located on this place in 1884, and until 1903 was engaged in agricultural pur- suits. In that year coal was discovered on his property, which has since been mined by the Beachwood Company of Cleveland, the output of the mines being from 300 to 400 tons daily. Mr. Stump is now living in quiet retirement. In his political views he is a Democrat and supports that party's can- didates on every occasion, but he has never cared for public life nor held oflfice. His fraternal connection is with the Knights of Maccabees. On November 29, 1870, Mr. Stump was united in marriage with Louisa Smith, who is a daughter of Daniel and Eliza (Diehl) Smith, and to this union there were, bom three children, namely: Bertie, Clarence and Frederick. Bertie married William Sissler, and they have three children : Gerrold, Don- ovan and John. Mr. and Mrs. Stump are consi.«tent members and liberal supporters of the Reformed Church. GEORGE W. HART, who, for twenty years was a highly respected resident of Cuyahoga Falls, and formerly a succes.sful of Stow Townsihip, was born at Middleburg, Summit County, Ohio, July 12, 1832. and died at Cnvahoga Falls, December ir>. 1900. He wa=! a son of Colonel John C. and Margaret (Steriing) Hart. The Hart family originated in England and came to Connecticut among tlie early colonists. Rufus Hart, the grandfather of George W., was born at Goshen, Connecticut, in 1771, and in 1795 he married Esther Cot- ter. In 1802 he moved to Genasee County, New York, and in May, 1815, to Middle- bury, Ohio, which is now the Sixth Ward of Akron, which city was then represented by less than a half dozen log cabins, the whole surroimding country being then covered by a heavy forest growth. As an officer in the War of 1812, he participated in the battles of Chippewa and Limdy's I-ane, and the burning of Buffalo. Colonel John C. Hart, father of George W., was born at Cornwall, Litchfield County, Connecticut, April 17, 1798, and was only fourteen years of age when he joined Captain Stone's company of cavalry. He was in his father's regiment at various points and Ijravely faced hardships with the veterans at the evacuation of Fort George. He continued in the service until the close of the war, and then accompanied his father to New York and subsequently to Ohio. When he was twenty-one years old he left the paternal roof and started out to seek the proverbial for- tune, incidentally to find employment. He was of robust constitution, and the mere fact of being obliged to walk a hundred miles or so probably did not discourage him to any great degree. When he reached Steul>enville he boarded a lumber raft and floated a dis- tance down the river; from that point he walked to Cincinnati, and from there made his way to St. Louis. For about two inonths he worked in a mill in that city and later engaged in the manufacture of brick at a small place where malarial conditions pre- vailed to such an extent that he was taken ill with chills and fever, and his adventure,* abroad were brought to a close. Pie managed to return home, and when he regained his health purchased a farm of fifty acres ju.s his father. Mr. Waltz is a Democrat in politics. He and his wife and son attend the Reformed Church, of which they are lib- eral supporters. LOUIS LOEB, president of the J. Koch Company, which is the largest clothing house at Akron, has been a resident of this city for almost forty years and is a man of promi- nence in its commercial life. Mr. Loeb was born in Germany, in 1853, and remained in his own land until he was seveteen years of age. securing there a good education. Mr. Loeb located at Akron after reaching the United States, entering the employ of the reliable old firm of Koch & Levi, from which Mr. Levi retired in 1878, Mr. Loeb purchasing his interest, and he remained a.s- sociated with Mr. Koch, until January 1, 1907, when the latter retired. After the re- tirement of Mr. Koch, the business was in- corporated as the J. Koch Company, with a capital stock of $50,000. the officers being; Lnuis Loeb, president: Philip Huber, vice president, and Solomon Goldsmith, secretary and treasurer. This is not only one of the oldest but one of the largest and most sub- stantial houses in its line in this section of Ohio. In 1882 Mr. Loeb was married to Alice M6.SS, who is a daughter of H. W. Mass, of Akron, and they have three children, namely: Edna, who is the wife of Arthur L. Abt, one of the leading business men of Canton'; Joy T., who is in charge of the o'ffice of the J. Koch Company, and Irene, Residing at home. Mr. Loeb and family be- long to the Akron Hebrew Congregation, and he has served in various church offices. Mr. Loeb is a member of the Masonic lodge, of the Royal Arcanum, the National Union and the Elks club. I. F. ALLEN, vice president and treasurer of the R. & A. Supply Company, wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, located at No. 66 South Howard Street, is also vice presi- dent and secretary of another large basiness enterprise of Akron, the Jahant Heating Company. He was born in 1868, in Sum- mit County, Ohio, and is a son of John Allen, a retired resident of Akron. Mr. Al- len's father was born in 1829, on the same farm in Summit County on which his son was burn thirty -nine years later. He is a son of Jonah Allen, who came to this section of Ohio from Connecticut in 1811. The fam- ily is one of the most respected and substan- tial ones of the county. After completing his education, which in- cluded a full commercial course at Ham- mel's Business College, I. F. Allen went to Cleveland, and for seven years was connected with the George Worthington Llardware Company, of that city. In 1891 he came back to Akron and bought the interest of Mr. Williams in the hardware firm of Wil- liams & Rohrbacher, the firm of Rohrbacher & Allen being then established. In October, 1907, the business was incorporated as the R. & A. Supplv Companv with a capital stock of $50,000. The officers are: A. C. Rohrbacher, president; T. F. Allen, vice president and treasurer, and Mr. . Hawkins, .secretarv. The members of the finn are all practical hardware men and the business is one which extend? over a wide extent and does a large amount of annual trading. In 1891 Mr. Allen was married to Eva May Geddes, of Cleveland, and they have one child, Clifford I., who is a bright student in the Akron public schools. Mr. and Mrs. Allen are members of the First Church of Christ, Akron. Fraternally, Mr. Allen is a Knight Templar Mason, affiliated with the Masonic cliib, al-^o an Odd Fellow. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 599 ALFRED WOOD, a leading citizen of Northfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, who owns a farm of fifty-six acres, about thirty of which are under cultivation, was born October 23, 1842, at Independence, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and is a son of Ben- jamin and Charlotte (Belden) Wood. Benjamin Wood Avas born in 1816 on the Strand, London, England, where he attended boarding school until fourteen years of age, and at the age of twenty-one years came to America. He had learned the tailor's trade in his native land, but did not follow it to any extent, after a short residence at Cleve- land settling on a farm in Independence. From 1862 until 1900 he was connected with the firm of Benjamin Stair and Son, at Cleveland, and became a man of some means, making three trips to his native country. Mr. Wood was possessed of scholarly attainments, and was elected to a number of township offices, including that of trustee. His death occurred in August., 1905. Mr. Wood was married to Charlotte Belden, -who-se ancestry dates Vjack to colonial days, and they had three children : Norman, who died Novem- ber 18, 1907; Alfred, subject of this sketch, and Martha, who is the widow of John R. Richardson, of Cleveland. Benjamin Wood was reared in the faith of the Episcopal Church, Init there being no churches in In- dependence when he located there, he be- came a Presbyterian, and paid nearly half of the of erecting there the church of that denomination. Alfred Wood received a common school education in Independence, and in youth se- cured employment with the firm of Benja- min Stair & Son, at Cleveland, for whom he worked for a year and a half. At the end of this time he rented a farm at St. Mary's, Canada, where he remained for five years, and then located at Akron, being em- ployed in the Buckeye shops for sixteen years. Subsequently he became foreman of the Lamson and Session shops at Cleveland, but in 1893 purchased the Charles Vders •farm, a tract of fifty-six acres in lot 65, about thirtv acres of which Mr. Wood ha? under cultivation. He keeps about eight head of cattle, is largely interested in bee culture, and raises blooded. horses. His prin- cipal crops are oats, wheat, hay and corn, and he has a fine orchard of apple, peach, pear and plum trees. Mr. Wood has given much attention to horticulture and was one of the charter members of the Summit County Horticul- tural Society. He has been very active in scientific work, being associated with Prof. Claypole of Buchtel College, his studies em- bracing all the natural sciences. On one oc- casion he read a paper before the Scientific Society of Buchtel College, setting forth the theory that the Cuyahoga River has always flowed north as at present, the accepted the- ory at that time (Newberry's), being that in prehistoric times the river flowed south. Mr. Wood's paper aroused wide discussion, but his theory was finally accepted, and was in- corporated in the reports of the State De- partment of Geology. Fraternally, Mr. Wood is connected with Hesperion Lodge No. 281, Knights of Pythias, of Cleveland, and he was a charter member of Etolia Lodge No. 24, Knights of Pythias, of Akron, of which he was secretary and treasurer. Mr. AVood was married to Sarah J. Johns, who is the daughter of James Johns, and to this union there were born six children : Mary, who is the wife of F. H. Fanning, of Cleveland: Charlotte, who is a well-known artist of Cleveland; Norman B., who lives at Pititsburg, Pennsylvania; Robert J., William H. and Amelia B., who reside in Cleveland. The family is connected with the Episcopal Church. The Johns family, which is an old one of Hatherly, Devonshire, England, was founded in America by the parents of Mrs. Woods, who came to Canada when she was a child of three years, in 1843. James Johns, Mrs. Wood's father, was a machinist by trade, an occupation w-hich he followed at Darlington. Ontario, until 1860. and then for a few years at Cleveland, Ohio. Later he removed to Independence, where he car- ried on farming for two years, but he sub- 600 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY sequently sold his fai^m and returned to his trade at Cleveland. Thence he went to Strat- ford, Ontario, in which place he established a machine shop. His death occurred in 1893, -when he was in his eighty-ninth year; his wife, Mary (Bourne) James, died in 1891, when eighty-two years old. Mrs. Wood was the seventh of a family of sixteen chil- dren. ARTHUR A. MOORE, president of the People's Savings and Banking Compaaiy, at Barberton, and also interested in a real estate and insnrajice business, was bom in Ashta- bula County, Ohio, September 15, 1857, and is a son of Reuben and Lavantia (Adams) Moore. For a number of years Reuben Moore, father of Arthur . A., conducted a general mercantile business at Leon, Ohio, and was concerned to a considerable extent in the lumber industry of Ashtabula County, where he owned mills. He owned and operated mills in Florida. Both he and wife are re.?i- dents of Barberton. Arthur A. Moore in boyhood attended the countn- schools near his home, and later the Grand River Tn.stitute at Austinburg. When eighteen year.s of age he started into busi- ness w'ith his father with whom he remained two years. On attaining his majority, he decided to go into business for himself, hav- ing his own ideas concerning its develop- ment. Lacking, capital to purchase a horse and wagon, he hired them, bought a stock of seasonable goods, and started out through the country to .sell them. He met with ex- cellent .success, and soon established a store of his own at Leon, Ohio, keeping a man on the road, and was thus engaged for about thirteen years. When he came to Barljerton he immediately .showed hL< enter]')rise by the erection of the fii-st brick block in the place, a substantial building, in which he estab- lished a general .store. He was appointed the first postmaster of the village, serving in this office for two years. Closing out his mercantile interests, Mr. Moore, in 1901, en- tered into the insurance and real estate busi- ne.«, in which he is now the leader in this place. AA'lien the People's Savings and Bank- ing Company was organized, Mr. Moore was elected presddent of this financial institution, which enjoys the confidence of the public. In many ways he has shown his public .spirit and demonstrated his progressive ideas, and he ranks among the most prominent citizens of Barljcrton. In 1879 Mr. Moore was married to Dora N. Bailey, and they have three children, namely: Nellie, Lena and Hattie. For five years Mr. Moore served as a member of the Barberton Board of Education, all his influ- ence being given to encouraging good schools and other uplifting agencies. Mr. Moore is a member of the U. B. Church, of Barber- ton, and one of its mo.«t liberal supporters. Fraternally, he is a Mason. NOAH ERASE, a prominent citizen of Franklin Township, Avho is engaged in agri- cultural operations on a well-cultivated tract of 100 acres, was born December 23, 1850, at the family home in Wayne County, Ohio, known as the Frase Settlement, and is a son of .lohn A. and Mary (Ettling) Frase. .lolin A. Erase, the grandfather of Noah, wa-^ a native of Pennsylvania, and a tailor by trade. From Pennsjdvania the trip to Obid was made in wagons by Noah Frase, with Ills wife and five children. When John A., was about two years old. They at once ■settled on a lOO-acre tract of land, which was sulisequently mainly cleared and operated by the children, Mr. Frase continuing with his tailoring until his death. John A. Enise, Jr., father of Noah, was reared upon the home farm, and there re- sided until about five years after his mar- riage, when he p^irchased a tract of eighty acres in the northeastern corner of Wayne County, and al?o acquired land in Summit County so that he was considered a man of .some wealth. He married Mary Ettling, who survived him twelve years. To them were born eight children : Noah, William, who resides at Ashtabula; Catherine, who married William Deckerhoof; Peter M., who ROBERT S. PAUL AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 803 is an employe in a bank at Clinton; John W., who resides on the old home place in Wayne County; Mary, who married Charles Opplinger; Emma, who married Henry Slee, and Ida, who married Christopher Albrecht. The father died in Wayne County in 1888. Noah Erase was reared on the home farm and attended the district schools until he reached his twenty-first year, when he went to work in the coal banks, where he contin- ued for about ten years. He then worked for John Grill, at farming, and also in a sawmill for three years, at the end of which time he came to his present property, which he purchased from the old estate. Mr. Erase has been engaged in general farming here since 1887. and has proven himself a good, practical agriculturist. For the past seven years he has been a director in the Norton Mutual Insurance Company, of which he served two terms as treasurer. In jx>litical matters he is a Democrat. On October 28, 1880, Mr. Erase wa* mar- ried to iVmanda Grill, who is a daughter of John and Maiy (Snyder) Grill, and to this union there have been born six children : Elmer, who married Elizabeth Oar, has one child. May; Oscar, Ida, who died at the age of nineteen years; Clayton, Doyle and Eliza- beth. Mr. Erase, wiih his family, belongs to the Reformed Church, in which he serves as deacon. ROBERT S. PAUL, third son of Ho.sea and Ellen Gamble Paul, was born at Cuya- hoga Falls, Ohio, October 3, 1842, and died at Akron, Ohio, May 23, 1905. Pie received his a.cadeariical e-ducation at home, it being extended by attendance at the Lebanon, Ohio, Institute and at Oberlin, and later by an en- gineering course at the Pennsylvania Poly- technic at Philadelphia. He l>ecame practi- cally familiar with surveying operations and computations at an early age by reason of a«si.sting his father, who was county surveyor and town engineer of Akron ; his youthful activities, wnth the exception of a couple of terms teaching school, being thus quite ex- clusivelv in the line of service in later vears. During the Civil ^^'a^, he spent about three years (1862-1865) with the Engineer Department, Army of the Cumberland, a part of which time was devoted to laying out the earthwork defenses for the city of Cincinnati. He spent the years 1865 and 1866 sur- veying on Oil and Pithole Creeks, in Ve- nango County, Pennsylvania. He was then over two years in Cleveland with the engi- neering firm of Sargent & Hartnell, and re- turned to Akron in 1869 to reside perma- nently. Upon the death of his father in 1870, he became county surveyor, and held the office three terms. From 1874 to 1877 he Ava.« en- gaged in surveying and was the chief en- gineer of the 6. & T. R. R. He was the chief engineer of the Valley Railway in 1887 and 1888. He was president for two terms of the Ohio County Surveyors' Association, and was secretary and treasurer of the Ohio In- .stitute of Mining Engineers, and was a mem- ber of the I. 0. 0. F., K. of P., F. of A. and I. O. R. M. He was a member of the firm of Paul Brothers, civil and mining engineers and surveyors, one of the oldest and best known firms in the state. His written records, gen- erally full and definite, were supplemented and illuminated by a marvelous memory, which could recall every tradition, fact or circumsitance. His knowledge of titles and land law was extensive and accurate. He had a wide acquaintance, and his advice and counsel were sought not only by his profes- sional brethren but in many other directions. He was well equipped in mathematics, and a wide reader of the best literature, and gave much serious thought to deep problems. Mr. Paul married Sarah M. Romig. July 25, 1872, and of this union there were seven children, four of whom are now living — Ellen Paul Nice, Ada Paul Bordner, Mary Paul and Edward W. Paul. Robert S. Paul had five brothers: Harri- son D. (deceased), George (deceased), Ho- sea, Jr., T. D wight and Edward J., all of whom were or are now engaged in surwy- ing and civil engineering. He had one sia- 004 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ter, Mary (deceased), w^ho was an expert draftsman and helped extensively in both the business of her father and of her brothers. EDWARD W. PAUL, of the firm of Paul Brothers, civil and mining engineers and sur- veyors, at Akron, has been identified with this kind of work ever since he entered into business life. He was born at Akron, Ohio, August 23, 1880, and is a son of Robert S. and Sarah M. (Romig) Paul. His father was one of the county's most prominent men for many years and was a son of Hosea Paul, one of the first surveyors of Summit County. Edward W. Paul was reared and educated in Akron, graduating from the Akron High School in 1898, and received his knoAvledge of surveying and civil engineering from his father, having assisted him for many yeare. He has had considerable experience in the line of railroad engineering, having served in the engineering department of the Erie Railroad in New York State in 1897: with the N. 0. T. & L. Co. in 1898 and 1901 ; with the Chootaw, Oklahoma & Gulf R. R. Co., in Indian Territory and Texas in 1902, and has charge of several railroad surveys in this section. He does a considerable amo\int of coal mine surveying and engineer- ing and is considered an expert in thi.-; line. He was married December 31, 1903, to Agnos M. Burman, and they have one child, Wini- fred Mary. HARRY D. TODD, M. D.. a well-known physician and surgeon of Akron, belonging to Uie Eclectic School of Medicine, was born and reared at Springfield, Ohio, and in 1895 was graduated from Wittenberg College. He then entered the Eclectic Medical Institute at Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was graduated in 1898. Dr. Todd immediately located at Akron, where he has been singularly suc- cessful in his practice. He is an enthusiast in his profession and keeps thoroughly posted on all matters pertaining to the scientific dis- coveries of the day; is a thoughtful student and a frequent contributor to medical litera- ture. He is a member of the most promi- nent organizations of his school, including the Summit County and the Ohio State As- sociations, and is visiting physician of the Akron City Hospital staff. In 1900 Dr. Todd was married to Margery B. Pottenger, of Lib- erty, Indiana, and they have one child, James W. Fraternally, Dr. Todd is asso- ciated with the Elks and he belongs also to the Elks' club. W^ILLIAM W. ROETHIG, a well known and respected citizen of Cuyahoga Falls, now retired from active business life, was born February 22, 1858, in this place, son of Fer- dinand Julius and Sarah J. (Faze) Roethig. He is of Iliuigarian ancestry, his father hav- ing been born at Krakow, Austro-Hungary, February 24, 1825. When Ferdinand J. Roethig was five years old his father died and he was taken by his mother — a woman of some means — -to Germany. He was edu- cated in the schools of Leipsig, in which city he learned the trade of tinner and copper- .smith. His heart remained true, however, to his native land, and he was one of the young men who fought nobly for Hungarian freedom under Louis Kossuth, whose for- tunes he followed for three years. On the defeat of the great leader, at Temesvar, Au- gust 9, 1849, most of the men in the regi- ment to which Mr. Roethig belonged escaped to the United States, he among them. Here he fell back on his trade a? a means of sup- port. After working at it in New Orleans for a year, he ascended the Mississippi River to St. Paul, thence going to Chicago, where he remained a year. He then came to Cuya- hoga Falls, where he worked at his trade for many years, a part of the time for himself and for the reniiiinder in the shops of L. W. Loomis and Parks and Gillette. After com- ing to Ohio he enlisted for service in the Civil War, but was stricken with illness at Massillon. which occasioned his dii'charge. He died April 17, 1886. He married Au- gust 30, 1852, Sarah J. Faze, who survived him and is now a resident of Cuyahoga Falls. She was born at Manchester, Carroll County, Maryland, February 24, 1832, and accom- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 605 paiiied hor parents to Cuyahoga Falls when she was but five years old, the family taking three weeks to make the trip with wagons. Her father, Peter Faze, a native of Germany, came to this country with his parents at the age of five years. He was a paper-maker by trade and was accidentally killed in a paper- mill in April, 1852, being then fifty-nine years old. Of Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand J. Roethig's nine children, the following arrived at matui'ity: Ferdinand J., deceased; Julia Sarah, afterwards Mrs. C. W. Moon, who, W'ith her husband, is deceased ; Charles B., a resident of Cortland, New^ York; Wil- liam Washington, w'hose name appears at the head of this sketch; Edward Loon, Lillian, Alfred Herman and Harrison T., all of whom reside in Cuyahoga Falls. All the members of this family Avere reared in the German Lutheran faith. William W. Roethig, after attending the common and high schools until he had ac- quired a sound practical education, began in- dustrial life as an employe of Isaac Lewis in the grocery business, in which occupation he continued from 1867 until 1888. On January Ifith of the year last mentioned he went into business for himself wath his brotlier, Edward, they opening a meat mar- ket under the firm name of Roethig Bros. This partnership lasted for ninetteen years, being discontinued January Ifi, 1907, when they sold out to their brother Fred. In 1899 Mr. William Roethig built the Roethig block on Front Street, which is now occupied by a meat market and the Post Office, with bu-si- ness ofhces on the second floor. Mr. Roethig is a member of Howard Lodge, No. 162, I. 0. 0. F., of Cuyahoga Falls'. He is well knoTvn as a substantial citizen and successful busin&ss man, and his aid and influence can usually be counted upon in behalf of any worthy cause. HOWARD W. HAUPT, superintendent of the Klages Coal & Ice Company at Akron, has been connected with this concern since he was twenty years of age. He was born in 1870, at Loyal Oak, Summit Comity, Ohio. His father, William F. Haupt, has long been one of the leading citizens of Loyal Oak, where he lives retired after a successful agri- cultural life. He has served as trustee of Norton Township and in other local offices. He came to that Township in early man- hood, and has had much to do with its sub- sequent progress and development. Howard W. Haupt went from the local schools to the Normal Schools at Wadsworth and his course there was supplemented by one at the Spencerian Commercial College at Cleveland. In 1890 he entered the employ of the Klages Company as assistant bookkeeper, later became bookkeeper, and .still later was admitted to partnership. For the last six years he has been superintendent of the com- pany. He is interested also in other pros- pering concerns. In 1897 Mr. Haupt was married to Nellie Murphy, who was born at Mt. Gilead, Ohio. He is a member of the Lutheran Church at Loyal Oak. He is prominent in the brother- hood of Odd Fellows, being a trustee of Lodge No. 50 of Summit County and a mem- ber of the Board of Directors of the Odd Fel- lows' Temple at Akron. He belongs also to the order of Modern Woodmen and the Knights of Pythias. FRANK E. AVERILL, one of Summit County's representative agriculturists, whose farm of 100 acres is situated in the south- west corner of Bath Township, adjoining Copley on the south and Granger Township, Medina Coimty on the west, was born No- vember 17, 1861, in Bath Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, and is a son of Benjamin and Louisa (Harvey) Averill. Benjamin Averill and his wife were both born and reared in New York State, where they married, and soon thereafter came to Ohio and settled on a farm in Bath Town- ship, about four miles east of Frank E. Averill's present home. In 1867 they re- moved to the present property, which then consisted of 105 acres, five acres having been sold. Mr. and Mrs. Averill both died on this farm. They were> the parents of ten chil- 606 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY dren, tlie survivors being: Ellen, who mar- ried ]). L. Parker, of Copley Township; Ohaxles, who is a stock dealer of Granger Township, Medina County, Ohio; Perry, wlio also resides in Granger Township; Frank E. Those dec-eased were: Mary E., Welthia A., Alice A., Clara A., Henry W. and Minnie L. Frank E. Averill has resided on his pres- ent farm since his sixth year, and has always engaged in general farming, stock-raising and dairying. His property is finely culti- vated, his buildings of the most substantial kind, and his farming machinery the best to be secured. He is known as a good, practi- cal farmer, and his reputation as a citizen is beyond reproach. In 1881 Mr. Averill was married to Anna A. McMillen, who is a daughter of James and Amanda (Peckham) McMillen, and to them there have been born three children, namely: William, who is an engineer and machinist, married Iva Hammond; Mary, w^ho is the wife of Paul C. Crosier, lives in Granger Township, Medina County, and Earl, who resides at home. Mr. Averill is a member of the Knights of the Maccabees and the National Protective Legion. In political matters he i? a Repub- lican, and has 9er\'ed as chairman of the Bath Township Board of Election, and has been a school director for the ten years. With his family he attends the East Granger Dis- ciple Church. JOEL MYERS, residing on his 100 acres of valualjle land which is situated on the old Smith road, in Bath Township, was born in Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, April 15. 1848, and is a son of Sarn- uel and Mary (Paulus) Myers. Samuel Myers accompanied his father, Ja- cob Myers, from Snyder County. Pennsyl- vania. The family settled near Uniontown, Springfield Township, in 1805, in fact the greater part of that village is built on the old Myers farm. Sanniel was at that time a strong lad of twelve years and he learned the stone-^mason trade, at which he worked on the construction of the old canal. He died on the farm in Springfield Township in 1883. He married Mary Paulus, who was born in Jackson Township, Stark County, Ohio, and died in 1868, the mother of ten children. Samuel Myers married a second time and had two more children. Joel Myers was reared in Springfield Township and attended the district schools. His main business in life has been farming, stock-raising and manufacturing brooms. He was married May 30, 1869, to Elizabeth Schnee, who is a daughter of John and Han- nah (Young) Schnee. They were natives of Snyder County, Pennsylvania, and were of German extraction, Great-grandfather Schnee having come from Germany to America on the good .ship Phoenix, in 1746. Mrs. Myers was born within a half-mile of the old Myers homestead in Pennsylvania, in 1852, and accompanied her parents to Springfield Township in 1864. Mr. and Mrs. Myers have had eight children : Lydia, John, William F., Frederick, Ira, Robert, J. Park and an infant, the babe and John being deceased. Lydia married Charles Boltz and they live in Bath Town.ship and have three children: Edith, aged sixteen years; Harley, aged twelve years, and Irma, aged eight years. William F. married Dottie Martin, who died 23, 1907, her infant son dying on the previous day. She is survived by her bereaved hu.sband and little Eva, three years old, who will find a home with her grand- parents. Frederick married Amanda Sny- der and they have a bright little three-year- old son, Floyd, and reside at Akron. Ira, wiho was born in 1881, operates the home farm. Robert, who is a graduate of the Bath High School, is successfully teaching the Maple Valley, the largesTt country school in Summit County, where he has fifty-two pu- pils. J. Park resides at Cleveland, where he is employed as a bookkeeper. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Myers lived on the Myers home place until 1875, where Mr. Myers carried on farming in the summer and engaged in making brooms in the win- ter. In the fall of 1874 Mr. Myers purchased the present place, in which they settled in AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 607 the following year. He has made many im- provements here, including the building of a substantial barn in 1881. The commodious frame residence in which the Myers family reside, was built by a Mr. Meridith and was the first frame one erected in Bath Town- ship. The Meridiths were great entertainers and were somew^hat given to frivolity, and on many occasions countrj^ dances were held in the big rooms of the upper portions of the house. Prior to coming to tliis farm, Mr. Myers bought one of eighty acres in Indiana, but sold it before moving to it. This is one of the old. substantial and representative families of this section. COL. THOMAS E. MAJOR, who is now engaged in general farming and dairying, in Boston Township, was born in Paint Town- ship, Highland County, Ohio, September 19, 1849, and is a son of Rev. Thomas and Sarah (Righter) Major. Thomas Major, the colonel's great-great- grandfather, was born in Ireland, County Londonderry-, and in early manhood emi- grated to America, settling four miles north- west of Xorristown, Pennsylvania. He was accompanied by a son, John. John Major learned the tailor's trade and later became proprietor of the Blue Ball tavern, near A^'al- ley Forge, in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He married Jane Adams, who was born near Norristown, and who died June 14, 1813, aged fifty-four years. He died June 17. 1819. aged over sixty-one years. Thomas Major, son of John and grand- son of Thomas, the original settler, was born in Pennsylvania, and pa.ssed the larger part of his life in Noriton Township. Montgom- ery County, where he died December 5, 1823, aged forty years, two months and twenty-one days. He followed the trade of shoemaker. He married Catherine Curry, who died Febm- ary 27, 1863, aged eighty-one years. Her whole life was .spent in Pennsylvania. Her father, James Currv*. was born September 25. 1755, in Montgomery- County. His services in the Revolutionary- War may be briefly summed as follows : "Volunteered in Captain Archibald Thompson's rifle company in 1775; was a member of Captain John Hamil- ton's company. Major John Berry's battalion, in 1776; member of Captain Stephen Por- ter's rifle company, in 1776 ; adjutant to Gen- erals Potter and Heiston, 1776-1777; served as express rider for General "Washington, in 1777, and in 1778, while encamped at Val- ley Forge; member of Captain Pitts' com- pany. Colonel Thomp.son's regiment, in 1777 ; adjutant to General Potter and Colonel Moore, 1777-1779. He w^as pensioned as cap- tain." The father of Captain James Curry was also James Curry, -who came to America from County Londonderry, Ireland, and became an officer also in the Patriot army in tlie Revo- lutionary War. He settled one mile west of Norristown, where he engaged in farming. He died April 8, 1788, and was buried at Norton Church cemetery, where many of the ancestors of Colonel Thomas E. Major lie. AVhen the Pennsylvania Legislature met at Pliiladelphia, Colonel Currv^ serv^ed as clerk of that body. Like other members of his own and the Major family, he lived and died in the faith of the Presbyterian Church. Revolutionary records give much space to the loyalty and bravery of both Colonel and Cap- tain Curr}^ Rev. Thomas Major, father of Colonel Thomas E. Major, was one of six chil- dren, and wa« born September 19, 1811. He was ed\icated in the common schools and learned the carpenter's trade in Philadelphia, which he followed there until he came to Ohio. He married in that city, Sarah Righter, who was born August 29, 1808, and died September 18, 1884. She was a daugh- ter of John Righter. She wa« converted to the faith of the German Baptist Church when she was nineteen years of age. under the preaching of the famous Harriet Livermore, who was the only woman for whom the Pres- ident of the United State* ever requested ad- journment of Congress, which he did in or- der that she might be given an opportunity to addre.«s that body. For fifty years thereafter Mrs. Major was a preacher in the German Bap- 608 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tist faith, and, in 1840, both her husband and father took up the same work. They had three children, namely: Samuel, who was born February 23, 1847, graduated from Del- aware College, and at the time of his death in 1894 was superintendent of schools at HilLsborough, Ohio; Thomas E. and Annie M., the latter of whom was born December 13, 1852, married Aaron Johns, and resides at Washington, D. C, with her husband. After marriage, Rev. Thomas Major and his wife came to Portsmouth, Ohio, where he bought a farm, subsisting by its cultivation, as neither he nor his wife accepted any re- muneration for their ministerial work. Some- time between 1847 and 1849 they removed to Highland County, where they lived until their retirement from active life. For a num- ber of years before his death Rev. Major resided at Greenfield, Ohio, but after the death of his wife he made his home with his daugh- ter in ^^'a.shington city, where he passed away April 17, 1888. During his residence in Highland County he carried on his agricul- tural work on his 135 acres. The ministerial labors of Thomas Major and wife were a heavy drain upon their time, resources and sympathy. Each Sunday they held from one to three services, often traveling a distance of from ten to fifteen miles over poor roads to meet thase who eagerly gathered to listen to them. Their joint efforts resulted ultimate- ly in the building of a church at what was then called New Lexington, in Highland County. They have long since gone to their final reward, but the influences of their worthy, virtuous, unselfish lives go on and on. Thomas E. Major attended the public schools of Paint Township and the Southwest Norma] School at Lebanon, Ohio. AVhile he was living on the farm his parents received some literature sent by Harriet Livermore, and among the books there chanced to be an old Pitman manual of phonography. What a find this was to the eager, ambitious farmer boy, and to mastering its contents he applied himself every moment that he could secure from the farm duties, which were heavy on account of the frequent absences of his father. On January 7, 1870, he received an appoint- ment as clerk in the office of the Comptroller of Currency in the Treasury Depiixtment at Washington, a position he could never have aspired to without a knowledge of the art of stenography. He satisfactorily filled positions of this nature in different departments of government work for a number of years and became recognized as one of the best stenog- raphers in the service, .so much so, that on the reconunendation of Assistant Secretary of the Treasurer, C. E. Conant, he was invited to become the private secretary of General B. F. Butler. Pie entered upon the duties of this position in April, 1875, and remained in the ■most intimate and confidential relations with this soldier-statesman \intil the lafter's death in 1893. During the period that General Butler -was governor of Mas!5achusetts Mr. Major served as the governor's private secre- tarv and also A^ith the rank of colonel on his staff. While thus closely associated with General Butler, Colonel Major became acquainted, and on terms of friendship with many of the lead- ing men in public life, men of large affairs and weighty deeds. He studied law during this time, and not only overlooked the steno- graphic work, but also a.«sisted General But- ler in his professional labors. In 1895 he was admitted to the bar of Suffolk County, Massachusetts, and practiced his profession in the city of Boston until 1901. Failing health warned him to give up office work and hence his removal to the healthful air and simple life of the farm. He purchased 208 acres in Boston Township, and here, far removed from the complex problems of politics and law, he oversees his agricultural operations, and has recovered an excellent state of health. He makes a specialty of dairying, sending his milk to the cheese factory at Richfield. On April 16, 1873, Colonel Major married Virginia P. Berkley, of Washington, D. C, and they have three children : Sarah Avan- elle, who married Dr. Joseph W. Proctor, re- siding at Maiden, Mass; Syhna Pearl, residing at Maiden, and holding an important pon- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 609 tion in the office of the Massachusetts Com- missioner of Corporations, at Boston; and Selwj-n Berkley, who resides at home mth her parents. Mrs. Major and her daughters axe artists of acknowledged ability. Colonel Major resided at Baston until 1884 and taught shorthand in the Boston evening classes in the High School for several years, having the reputation of being one of the most expert stenographers of the day. In 1884 he established his home in Maiden, one of Boston's most agreeable suburbs, and while living there served on the School Board as its chairman ; also as a member of the Board of Park Commissioners, and in other public capacities. While living there he also took an active interest in the order of Knights of Pythias, was pa-st chancellor of the IMalden lodge and served on the judiciary committee of the Grand Lodge. He is a member of Ri.?- ing Sun Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Richfield, and has taken the Royal Arch and Knight Templar degrees. Politically, he is an ardent Republican ; personally, a cultivated gentle- LYNN WORDEN, a prominent citizen of Bath Township, proprietor of the well-knowTi place of business, which, in a large measure, supplies the needs of households for miles around, known as the Worden Grocery Store, has been established here since 1897. It is lo- cated about two and one-fourth miles north of the Smith road, on the county line highway which divides Medina from Summit. Mr. Worden wa« born in Hinklev Township. Medina County, Ohio, April 23, 1860, and is a son of Hiram and Melissa (Bissell) Worden, The father of Mr. Worden was bom at Broome, Schoharie County, New York, and ■accompanied his parents to Richfield Town- ship, Summit County, in boyhood, and later removed to Hinkley Township, Medina County, where both he and wife died. Mrs. Worden was bom at Granger, Medina County, Ohio. Lynn Worden was reared in Medina County, attended the country schools and remained at home until about nineteen years of age. and then went to Medina village, where he worked three years. For several years he was tele- graph operator for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, working in various places. He married Anna Speneer, who is a daughter of Abijah and Mary Spencer, old residents of Bath Township, who formerly owned the farm which belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Worden. Two children have been born to Mr. Worden and wife, namely: Ethel M. and Esther. The family belong to Moore's Chapel, IMethodist Episcopal Church. In 1897, when Mr. Worden established his store at its present location, he had it made a postoffice, which, on account of the intro- duction of the riiral mail delivery service, was discontinued July 31, 1903. Mr. Worden takes a great deal of interest in all matters pertaiiung to his end of Bath Town.?hip and since 1898 he has served on the School Board. JOSEPH DANGEL, superintendent of the American Hard Rubber Company, at Akron. is a thoroughly experienced man in the rub- ber industiy, and a leading business citizen. Mr. Dangel was born in Germany, Decem- ber 19, 1860, and remained in his own coim- try until he was twenty years of age. Equipped with an excellent education, Mr. Dangel came to America to enter into busi- ness, locating first at Butler, New Jersey, where he entered the plant of the Butler Hard Rubber Company, beginning at the bottom, in order to learn the business in all its de- tails. From Butler one year later he went to Hoboken wnth the LTniversal Rubber Com- pany, and in the following year he was in the employ of the Keystone Rubber Company, at Morrisville, Pennsvlvania. where he remained from 1883 until 1887. In the latter year he came to Akron, being connected with the Goodrich Hard Rubber Company, which had just been organized. In 1898 the Goodrich Hard- Rubber Company became the Akron factory of the American Hard Rubber Com- pany, and Mr. Dangel was made superintend- ent of the plant, having its whole operation under his charge. Thus his intere.sts have been centered in the 610 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY rubber business from the beginning of his business life, and he has advanced from one position to another with the sureness that marks hds abiHty. He is also a stockholder in several other enterprises which are pros- pering. In addition to his absorbing business resjionsibilities, Mr. Dangel has somehow found time to show an active interest in civic affairs, being elected councilman-at-large in 1903. In this capacity he has served as chairman of the Finance Committee of the City Council, proving a competent and val- uable official. In 1887 Mr. Dangel was married to Amelia Schafer, residing in New York, but a native of Germany. They have five children: Emily, an accomplished young lady, who has just graduated from the Sacred Heart Acad- emy ; Lena D., who is a graduate of St. Mary's school ; Marie D., who is a student at the Sacred Heart; and Rosa and Joseph, Jr., who students at St. Mary's. Mr. Dangel is a prominent Catholic, one of the leading mem- he.Ts, and a trustee of St.. Mary's Catholic Church since its organization in 1887. He belongs to the Knights of Columbus and to other Catholic organizations of a benevolent character. WILLIAM A. SEARL, M. D., one of the founders and medical director of Fair Oaks Villa, a sanitai'iimi for the treatment of ner- vous disorders at. Cuyahoga Falls, is a gen- tleman of broad experience in this line of medical practice, and as such is well known to the profession all over the state. Dr. Searl was born at Ellicottville, Cattaraugus County, New York, March 25, 1864, and is a son of Alonzo and Jessie (Vaughn) Searl. His father is still a resident of Cattaraugus. County, New York, where he was engaged in farming and lumbering for many years prior to his retirement. Arza Searl, the doc- tor's grandfather, was a pioneer settler of Western New York, coming from New Eng- land. The family, including the doctor's one living si.«ter, are identified with the Methodist Episcojial Church. \\'il]iain A. Searl attended the common and high schools in his native town, and prepared for college with Dr. Stephen Spencer, from whose tutorship he entered the medical de- partment of Buffalo University. After one year's study there he entered the Alexis Hos- pital, where his duties were such as now fall to an interne, although at that time there was no organization of the hospital work that exactly corresponded- to the present system. With the added experience thus gained he en- tered the medical department of Wooster Uni- versity, where he was graduated in 1890. For three years subsequently he was engaged in general practice in Cleveland, later becoming assistant physician at the Cleveland State Hospital, and then going to Yankton, South Dakota, where he was superintendent of the Yankton State Hospital. In July, 1894, Dr. Searl came to Cuyahoga Falls, and in association with Dr. A. B. How- ard, established Fair Oaks Villa, for the treat- ment of nervous and mental diseases. For the first four years Dr. Howard was in charge of the sanitarium, and then Dr. Searl had the management until 1904, when Dr. H. I. Cozad becanie associated with him. The build- ing, which is a large, elegant brown stone structure, steam heated and illuminated by electricit^^ was originally erected and occupied by the wealthy Newbury family, who were among the notable pioneer settlers of Cuya- hoga Falls. It is particularly well adapted to the purpose to which it is now applied, the surroundings, atmosphere and internal econ- omy of the institution having a domestic and home-like flavor very favorable to the class of patients herein treated, and which is doubt- less responsible in part for the very success- ful rasults which have been attained. Dr. Searl is a member of the Summit County and Ohio State Medical Societies, the Academy of Medicine, the Medical Library Association of Cleveland, and the American IMedical Psycho- logical Association. In politics he is a Repub- lican. He is a Free Mason, belonging to Star Lodge, No. 187, P. & A. M., of Cuya- hoga Falls and to Lake Erie Consistory. Dr. Searl was married, at Cleveland, to .\nna Dalrymple of that city. He and his IIKXDERSOX STEELE AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS ()1 3 wife are the parents of three sons: Howard A., Miller V., and William A. With his fam- ily the doctor belongs to the Methodist Epis- copal Church, which he is serving oificially as a meml>er of the Board of Stewards. HENDERSON STEELE, whose recent death, at the age of sixty-two years, removed one of the best knowm and most highly re- spected citizens of Cuyahoga Falls, was born in Stmv Township, Summit County, Ohio, November 15, 1845, son of Isaac and Mar- garet C. Steele. His paternal grandfather was Isaac Steele, ■who was a son of Adam Steele. Adam w-as a pioneer farmer of Fayette County. Penn- sylvania, and also fought for American in- dependence in the Revolutionarj' War. Af- ter the war he moved with his family to Stow Township, Summit County, Ohio, where he died in July, 1811, aged about six- ty-seven yeairs. He was buried in Hud.son Cemetery. His son, Lmac. grandfather of the direct subject of thi- sketch, upheld the military traditions of the family, participating in the War of 1812. He had first come to Stow Town- ."^hip in 1804, but had returned to Pennsyl- vania, where he remained until 1820, except during the period of his military .service. Re- turning to Stow Township in the year last mentioned, he located here permanently, his death occurring here in 1845. He was one of the .sturdy agriculturist of the county, and a man well respected. He married, in Penn- sylvania, Bet,?ey Galloway, and they had six children — .John, Isaac, Mars', Eliza, Anna and Margaret. Henderson Steele was reared on the home farm in Stow Township, of which he subse- quently became the owner, and to which he added seventy-four acres. In his latter years he ceased to operate this property him.self. renting it on sliares to two men, one of whom carries on general farming and the other con- ducts the celery garden, con.=isting of four- teen acres. Dairying is also carried on largely on the farm, fourteen cows being kept for this purpose, and the milk being shipped to Akron. On the fiurm is .some excellent stock. In the .spring of 1906 Mr. Steele retired from active work and purchased a home in Cuya- hoga Falls, where he died. In 1877 Mr. Steel, in partnership with his brothei-s, Thomas and St. Clair, started in the lumbering business under the firm name of Steele Broithers. Purchasing a portable sawmill, they operated it all through this sec- tion of the State, Mr. Henderson Steele hav- ing charge of the business for many years. For a quarter of a century the firm also did an exten.sive thre-shing bu.siness. In 1906 the firm was incorporated as The Steele Brothers Hardwood Lumber Company. The company buys the standing timber and sells the rough lumber locally. Mr. Steele's death occurred suddenly at his home, on Sunday evening, September 29, 1907, and was due to heart failure. His end was peaceful, and on the morrow the connmunity of Cuyahoga Falls knew that a good man and sterling citizen had passed from among them. In 1885 Mr. Steele was married to Mrs. Emily J. (Malone) Carr, wJio w'as the widow of William L. Carr, of Northampton Town- ^-hip, and a daughter of Thomas JL and Lucy A. (Rice) Malone. Thomas H. Malone was born in Stow Town.ship. November 20, 1815, and died February 4, 1852. In hi.s younger days he taught school, and at the time of his death he was overseer of the Ohio Canal, having succeeded his father in that position. The greater part, of his life was spent at Akron. He w^ a son of Patrick Malone, who came to America from Ireland with his parents when about five years old. They settled in Stow Township. Mrs. Steele's maternal grandfather was Lewis Rice, a Revolutionary soldier, whose gun, u.sed in the of American free- dom, is .still preserved in the family. He owned a farm in Northampton Township, and w\as also a physician of prominence in his dav. Mrs. Steele's mother was born Mav 15, 1817, and died September 15, 1898. Mrs. Steele had two brothers who ser\'ed in the Civil War — .James M., born Deceml>er 18, t}14 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY 1843, who died October 25, 1902, and Vin- cent, born November 7, 18-17, who is a resi- dent of CuyaJioga Falls. Mrs. Steele was born at Akron, January 17, 1846, and was educated in the schools of that oitj'. By her marriage with Mr. Carr she had two sons — Frank B., a resident of Cleveland, and Claude L. of Reading, Penn- sylvania. Of her marriage with Mr. Steele there is one son, Lester H., who was bom February 21, 1887. He is now a bright stu- dent in Buchtel College, having previously graduated from the Cuyahoga Falls High Scliool and Hammel's Business College. Mrs. St-eele is a member of the Episcopal Churcli, while her husband was reared in the Presby- terian faith. In politics Mr. Steele was a Democrat, vot- ing for the candidates of that party in Na- tional elections, but in local politics some- times placing the man before the party when in his opinion there was sufficient reason. Though he never sought public office, he took a warm interest in the caaise of education, and had served as school director. He was also for six years a township trustee. His fellow citizens knew that whatever matters were entrusted to his hands would be well taken care of. He was a prominent member of the I. 0. 0. F., holding membership in Howard Lodge, Cuyahoga Falls, and he was laid to rest by that body. ISAAC SHANNON McCONNELL, who cultivates a valuable farm in Northfield Town- ship, was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, December 14, 1854, son of John and Jane L. (Shannon) McConnell. The grandparents of Mr. McConnell came to America from Coiinty Donegal, Ireland, when thedr son John was a child of eight years, settling in Coshocton County, Ohio. There John McConnell remained until 1864, when he came to Northfield Township, Sum- mit County, and here, in the course of time, through his industry and good management, he acquired B67 acres of land, which he and his sons farmed in common. He was a high- ly respected man and lived a long and useful life, dying March 6, 1905, when almost eighty years of age. He married Jane Ij. Shannon, who died March 30, 1896. They had the fol- lowing children : John, deceased ; Isaac, whose name begins this sketch; George A., resid- ing in Northfield Township; Hervey A., a present justice of the peace in Northfield Townsliip-; Dr. LaGrande, deceased; James and Albert, deceased; Sarah, who married H. R. Royden, of Northfield; and Charles, of Magnolia, Colorado. Isaac S. McConnell was ten years old when his parents moved to Northfield. AVith the exception of nine summers, during which period Mr. McConnell worked at cheese-mak- ing, he has followed farming ever since old enough to handle farm implements. In the spring of 1894 he came to his present farm, of which he became the owner at the time of his father's death. It contained originally 156 acres, but sixteen acras have been taken by the Lake Erie and Penn- .'^ylvania Railroad. Thirty-nine acres and a fraction of the original farm belongs to Charles E. Mr. McConnell has seventy-five acres of his land under cultivation, his crops being hay, com, wheat and oats. He keeps on an average fourteen head of cattle and forty head of sheep. Mr. McConnell is one of the most modern farmers of this section. He makes use of the best machinery, keeps a man all the year around and makes his business a thorough success. Mr. McConnell married Ella H. Ne.-ibit, who was a daughter of James Nesbit, of Northfield, and they had two children: Myrtle Louis and Rebecca. Mrs. McConnell died December 19, 1904, at the age of. thirty-seven years. This was a heavy affliction from which her family have not yet recovered. She was a lovely Christian woman, a devoted mem- ber of the United Presbyterian Church, to which religious body Mr. McConnell also be- longs. A. J. PAUL, .secretary of the Akron Sella Company, at Akron, has been identified with the interests of this city and Summit County AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 615 throughout the whole period of his business Hfe. He wa.? born in 1863 at AUentown, Penn- sylvania, where he remained until twenty ■years of age, enjoying in the meanwhile the advantage.-; offered by the public schools. From AUentown Mr. Paul came to Akron, where he was employed for one year in the county recorder's office, during the adminis- tration of Recorder A. A. Bartlett, following which he was in the office of Auditor Aaron Wagoner, working on the tax duplicate for a year. He then entered the employ of the C. A. & C. Railroad, and remained with that corpo- ration for fourteen years, as agent and tele- graph operator. For three years more he was connected with the American Cereal Com- pany, for one year he was with the Whitman- Barnes Companj', and then he worked for a year for the Diamond Rubber Company. For the three years has been secretary of the Akron Selle Company. Mr. Paul has thus been associated with a number of Ak- ron's leading business houses, and the knowl- edge and experience he has gained have broad- ened his commercial views and increased his capacity for work. He is interested in the Selle Company as a member of its Board of Directors, in addition to being its secretary. In 1889 Mr. Paul was married to Mary A. Wolf, who was born in AUentown, Pennsyl- vania. He and his wife have two children: Ruth V. and Earl R. With hi? family, Mr. Paul belongs to Grace Reformed Church. In political sentiment Mr. Paul is a Republican. He is pre-eminently public-spirited and enter- prising, and all that pertains to advancing the public welfare, receives his hearty endorse- ment. He is a leading member of the Ma- sonic fraternity at Akron, belonging to the Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council and Command- RAMUEL S. CARPER, a leading citizen of Springfield Township, residing on his well- improved farm of ninety-seven acres, was bom in Springfield Township. Summit Ooun- tv, Ohio. October 27. 1873, and is a son of Oeorge and Elizabeth (Young") Carper. The Carper family came to Ohio from Penn.-^yhania, Samuel Carper, the grand- father, being the first one of the name to set- tle in Stark County, where he and wife both died. They had four sons and four daugh- ters, namely: John, Andrew, Samuel, George, Catherine, Elizabeth, Susan and Sarah. George Carper, father of Samuel S., was born in Stark County, Ohio, April 15, 1838, and grew to manhood on his father's farm, which was situated two and one-half miles south of Hartville, and was educated in the district, schools. In the fall of 1860 he was married in Springfield Township to Eliza- beth Young, who was born in 1843, and was the only child of Henry and Margaret (Mish- ler) Young. Henry Young was born in Pennsylvania and lived to the age of eighty- five years. His widow still survives, aged six- ty-nine years. There were five children born to George Carper and wife, as follows: Henr>', who died, aged nine years; Amanda, who married Alvin Holl, resides with her hus- band and two daughters, Lorena and Elvina, one-half mile south of Mogadore; Margaret., decea.sed, who married Frank Cordier, left two daughters, Lizzie and Amanda: and Samuel S. and Reuben F. The latter was born in 1877 and resides on and farms the homestead for his mother. He owns .sixty acres of fine land. He married Flora Hall, who is a daugh- ter of Alonzo Hall, of Stark County, and they had one child that died in infancy. After his marriage, George S. Carper, then a poor young man, settled first in his wife's old home and a.ssLsted his father-in-law. but later bought a farm of 142 acres. While he operated his farm he was also in partnership with his father-in-law for about eighteen years in the stoneware clay industry', a business which was ver\^ remunerative at that period. Subsequently he acquired different tracts of land which made him one of the most sub- stantial men of the township. He purchased 172 acres north of Mogadore and later the farm on which his .son. Samuel S., resides, which was known as the John B. Mishler farm, the latter having built the old house and barn. This residence was the first frame 616 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY house ever erected in Springfield Township, and is still in an excellent state of preserva- tion. George Carper later bought the John Rover farm of sixty acres, and at the time of the death of Henry Young he acquired the old Young homestead of eighty acres, to- gether with eig'hty more acres in SufReld Township. At the time of his death, October 27, 1905, George Carper was the largest land- owner in Summit County, being possessed of more than 732 acres. He was a man of great business capacity. He was widely known also for his sterling traits of character and enjoyed the respect and esteem of his fellow citizens. For twenty-eight years he was a minister in the German Bapti.«it Church and for a long period was pastor of the church of this body in Springfield Township. Samuel S. Carper wa.« roared in his native township and attended the district schools. He was taught habiits of industry and fru- gality in his youth and had the advantages resulting from the religious teaching of Christian parents. He has devoted his atten- tion through mature life to farming and stock-raising and some eight years since pur- chased his present farm of ninety-seven acres from his late father. The remainder of his father's large estate has not been divided. Mr. Carper has a very valuable property, which, under his careful management, is probably one of the most produobive in Springfield Township. On October 2, 1894, Mr. Carper was mar- ried to Lillie E. Kurtz, who is the youngest daughter of Eli and Catherine (Koones) Kurtz, and they have had three children : Geo'rge, who was born January 7, 1896, died March 11, 1896; Eunice, who was born May 31, 1898; and Clarice, who was born July 22. 1903. These littk daughters are particular- ly attractive children and give promise of amiable and beautiful womanhood. In politics, like his father, Mr. Carper is a stanch Democrat. He is a good citizen, but he has no desire to hold public office. He and wife are members of the German Bap- Church and he is a liberal supporter of the same. JOHN W. CLAPPER, whose magnificent fiU'm of 175 acres, all in one body, lies three and one-half miles north of the Smith road, on the line road separating Medina and Sum- mit Counties, is one of Bath Township's lead- ing citizens, and is also a veteran of the Civil War. Mr. Clapper was born in Baughman Township, Wayne County, Ohio, February 12, 1845, and is a son of John and Lydia Ann (Beers) Clapper. Jacob Clapper, the grandfather, was the first of the family to come from Pennsylvania and settle in Baughman Township, where he secured several hundred acres of land. There his son, John Clapper, the father of John W., was born and he died three months previous to John W.'s birth. Mrs. Clapper subsequent- ly married Abraliam Zimmerman and had four more children. The two born to her first marriage were: Sarah Ann, who is the widow of R. Y. Robinson, residing in Bath Township; and John W. Those of her sec- ond marriage were: Mahala, who married Adam Cook, of Baughman Township; Wes- ley, who died in boyhood; Jesse B., who lives in Bath Township; and Laura Elizabeth, de- ceased, who married Thomas Welsh. During his boyhood, the mother and step- father of John "\A'. Clapper, moved to Chip- pewa Township, and took up land in the woods, and there the boy grew to nineteen yemrs, when he enlisted for ser\'ice in the Civil War. He entered Company I, Fifth Regi- ment, Ohio Cavalry, in the winter of 1864. He remained in the army until the close of the war, performing the duties and bearing the hard.ships of a soldier all through Georgia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Vir- .ginia and Kentucky. When his army service was over, Mr. Clap- per returned to his home in Chippewa Town- ship and worked by the month for different farmers mitil the fall of 1867, when he was married to Mary Martha Huston, who is a daughter of William Hu.ston, of Baughman Township. Mr. Huston formerly owned the farm which is now the property of Mr. Clap- per. The latter bought first a one-third in- terest in 102 acres and in 1906, bought sev- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 617 enty-two acres of land adjoining on tlio .^ontli, and on this purchase he has built a very fine barn. He is nialiing plans to build a nice residence here also, which will be for rental. On the older part of his farm he has put up all the buildings, except the house, which has been completely remodeled. Formerly, Mr. Clapper wa< a \"ery large raiser of stock and still keeps many sheep, hogs, cattle and hoi-ses, but not to the extent that he once did. Mr. and Mrs. Clapper have four children : Emma, who married John Wilson, has one child, Georgia; William, who married Edith Swigart, a paper-hanger and painter, at Bar- berton, has three children, Earl, Ellen and Lucille; and Sadie and Ross, residing at home. Mr. Clapper is a member of the Grange and he belongs also to the Grand Army of the Republic. MILAN TRE:\IAN, whose well-cultivated farm of 118 acres lies in Bath Township, one mile west of Montrose, on the Smith road, hns owned his property and carried on gen- eral farming and stockraising here since the fall of 1880. Mr. Treman was born in De- Kalb County, Indiana, October 8. 1844. and is a son of Edgar and Laura (Spencer) Tre- man. Edgar Treman, father of Milan, was born in Granger Town.ship, Medina County, Ohio, and is a son of John Treman, who came to Medina County, from New York, in pioneer days. Later, John Treman moved to In- diana, accompanied by his three sons, and settled on the farm in DeKalb County, on which Milan Treman was subsequently born. .'\t. the age of nineteen years, Edgar Treman was married to Laura Spencer, who was reared in Granger Town.ship, Medina County, Ohio, and died in Indiana. Her father, Nathaniel Spencer, came to Ohio from the same section as did John Treman, the latter of whom died in Indiana. Milan Treman was reared in DeKalb Coun- ty and attended school until about eighteen years of age. when he came to Ohio to visit relatives in Medina County and was .=o pleased with the country and people that when he was twenty-one and at liberty, he left home and returned to Ohio. For several years he worked on various farms, and on October 7, 1869, was married to Sarah Arnold, wlio was born in Copley Township, Summit County, Ohio, September 8, 1843. She is a daughter of Daniel and Sophia (Porter) Arnold, the former of whom was born in Wayne County, Ohio, and was a son of Daniel Arnold who came to Summit County from Maryland. His wife came also from a Maryland family that settled in Medina County. After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Treman went to live on the old Seth Dye farm, in Granger Township, where he had worked for thre3 years previously, and he spent foTirteen years in all on that farm. In 1879 he bought his present farm in Bath Township, settling on it in the following year. He has made many fine improvements here and among thase is his substantial barn, 40 by 80 feet in dimen- .sions. which he erected in 1886. CLARENCE D. CRUMB, of the sales de- partment of the Falls Rivet and Machine Company, of Cuyahoga Falls, has been an ac- tive citizen of this place for a number of years, during which period he has ser\'ed as mayor and in other public offices. He was born at Canastota, Madison County, New York, December 7, 1855, and ls a son of .Jo- seph D. and Nancy H. (Hale) Crumb. The father of Mr. Crumb was born in Che- mung County, New York, and followed car- penter work all his life. He died in 1899, aged .seventy-four years. He was connected fraternally both with the Masons and the Odd Fellows. In politics he was a Republican. HLs wife, Nancy, died in 1864, aged thirty- three years. They had four children, of whom there now are two sun-ivors: Clarence D. and Nettie, the latter of whom married W. H. Stanley and resides at Cuyahoga Falls. Clarence D. Crumb attended school in th:' old Cuyahoga Falls High School, having come first to this section when thirteen years of age. and his finst industrial employment was as a clerk in the general store of Samuel Q18 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Conistock, where he remained for three years, and during the next three years he carried on a hardware business for himself. For five years subsequently he was with the firm of Snyder and Blood, who were succeeded by Harvey Snyder, and in turn by the Phoenix Hardware Company, and diiring this period Mr. Crumb served as bookkeeper and a part of the time as secretary. In 1885 he was ap- pointed deputy revenue collector and served as such until 1889, following which he was engaged for four years in the in.suranoe busi- ness. In 1885 Mr. Crumb located at Akron, where he resided until 1890, moving then to Cleveland, and from there in 1894 back to Akron, his business demanding these change*. Until 1898, Mr. Cnimb was engaged as book- keeper with the Akron Iron and Steel Com- pany, and when that organization retired from business, he -was in the accounting de- partment of the Whitman-Barnes Company for ahout two years. The Falls "Wire Works tiien secured him in their auditing departr mont. where he continued for three years, coming back to Cuyalioga Falls in 1902. In 1905 he accepted his present responsible po- .sition in tlie sales department. Mr. Crumb married Ella ITaynes, who is a daughter of John N. and Martha Haynes, of Cuyahoga Falls, and they have two children, namely: Mabel M., who married Ray C. TToilis. and resides at Alliance, and Metta. who is residing at home with her parents. The family belong to the Episcopal Church, in which Mr. Cramb is a vestryman. In politics, Mr. Crumb has always been a stanch Democrat, but, notwithstanding, in 1895, he was elected mayor of the town, which is distinctively Republican. He made an admirable magistrate, but resigned hi-i honors when he was a'ljiointed a member of the revenue serWce. Since 190.S he has served a* village clerk. Fraternally, he is a Masort, belonging to Star Lodge, No. 187, and to Washington Chapter, R. A. M.. at Akron. JACOB HERMAN, one of Akron's leading general contractors in brick, stone and cement work, has been a resident of this city for the piist twenty-one years and during this time has been identified almost exclusively with the building trades. He was born June 21, 1858, in Wayne County, Ohio, and Ls a son of Henry and Elizabeth Felger Herman. The parents of Mr. Herman were old residents of Chester Township, Wayne County, where they engaged in farming. Of their family of nine children eight survive. In 1880 Jacob Herman came to Akron tmd for about ten years he worked as a journey- man bricklayer and mason, having learned his trade in Wayne County. He has carried on a general contracting business in Akron f(ir many years and has built a number of the most' substantial structures in this city. He gives employment to about ten men, in- creasing the number when the business de- mand.s it. He is a stockholder in the Odd Fellows' Temple and in other enterprises. In 1886 Mr. Herman married Enmia M. Hoff, who was born at Sterling, Ohio, and they have five children — Verna, Ada, Leroy, Freda and Marguerite. Mr. Herman is identified fra- ternally with the Odd Fellows. He is one of Akron'> substantial and valued citizens. LANSON BARKER, a representative citi- zen of Bath Township, re.siding on his val- uable farm of 155 acres, which is favorably situated within three-quarters of a mile of Ghent, was born on this farm, in Summit County, Ohio, February 6, 1857, and is a son of William and Anna Eliza (Hutchinson) Barker. Mr. Barker is a member of a pioneer family of Ohio, of New England ancestry. The grandfather, Lanson Barker, whose hon- ored name has descended to the grandson, was born in Connecticut, in 1791, and his father, Jared Barker, wa.s born in England. Lanson Barker moved to New York and sub- sequently to Ohio, settling first in Holmes County, later in Medina County, and still later in Cuyahoga County, where he died in 1855. His children were: Roxie A., Wil- liam, .Jared, Jolm. Lyman, Mary, Frances and Nelson. William Barker, the eldest of the above AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS P)19 family, was born in New York, July 30, 1817, and accompanied the family to Ohio. After a prospecting visit to California, in 1849, he returned to the E;ist, and in 1853 he purchased a farm in Bath Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio. To the clearing and de- veloping of this farm he devoted practically the rest of his life, making of it some of the most valuable land of this section. He died February 10, 1896. He was a man of sterling character, honest and up'right in his deal- ings with his fellow-men and was entitled to the respect and esteem in which he was held. He was a .stanch Republican and at various times held public office. He married Anna Eliza Hutchinson, who was born April 3, 1826, and died October 2, 1876. They had four children, the two survivors being: Lan- son and Jared, the latter of whom was former- ly sheriff of Summit County. Lanson Barker has always lived on his present farm, with the exception of three years of Vx)yhood spent at Ghent. His education was secured in the schools near his home. His occupation ha? been farming ever since he reached mature years and he is numbered with the progressive and succe-ssful a.gricul- turists of Bath Township. He cultivates 155 acres, having recently sold sixty acres. Mr. Barker married Alice Behmer, who is a daughter of Moses and Mary Ann (Myers') Behmer. She was born in Springfield Town- ship, Summit County, but was reared in Rich- field Town.ship. They have three children : Anna, Frederick and Alba. The son is a ."tudent in a bu.siness college at Akron. The family residence is a commodious and com- fortable frame building which Mr. Barker erected in 1895. He is a member of the Dis- ciples Church at Ghent and one of the trus- tees. He takes a deep interest in educational affairs and for several years was a member of the town.ohip School Board, and a director of District No. 4, one in which Bath Town- ship takes particular pride on account of the excellence of its schools. DURASTUS VALLEN. township trustee, and one of Bath Township's prominent and substantial citizens, resides on his valuable, well-improved farm of eighty acres, and owns an additional twenty-five acres, which is sit- uated in Northampton Township. Mr. Val- len was born in Northampton Township, Summit County, Ohio, December 16, 1840, and is a .son of William and Catherine (Chris- man) VaHen. Abel Vallen, the grandfather, came to Ohio with his family among the pioneers of Medina County, bringing his household goods from New York in huge ox-drawn wagons. The Vallens lived long enough in Medina County to prove that they were people of merit, but the grandfaither decided to move farther east, and later invested in a farm in Northampton Township, Summit County, where he lived until his death. His widow- spent her last years with a daughter at Nor- walk, Ohio. William Vallen was a boy when the fam- ily left New York and settled in Ohio. He remained at home assisting his father, and when he reached man's estate, the farm was divided, William taking the western portion, on the line separating Northampton and Bath Townships. He proved to be a good business man and from time to time kept adding to his land until he acquired 217 acres, which he owned at the time of his death, in 1878. He was a man who was highly respected by all who knew him and in every sense was a good citizen. William Vallen married Catherine Chris- man, who is a daughter of George Chrisman, who was a native of Pennsylvania. They had .■seven children, namely: Enos. re.«iding in Williams County, Ohio; Durastus: Sylvester, residing on the old homestead in Northamp- ton Township: Lavina, who married Perry Moore, residing in Bath Township : Adeline, who is the -n-idow of Charles Boies; and two deceased, O.scar, the eldest of the family, and Miranda, the voungest. The mother died in 1858. Durastus Vallen remained at home work- ing for his father and attending the di.strict schools, until he was twentv-one years of age, at which time he owned his own team and 820 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY went to farming by the month. After his marriage, when twenty-four years old, he settled for one year on a farm in Copley Township, axid spent two years on a farm in the wet^tern part of Bath Township, in 1871, moving to his present farm, one that his father had previously bought of J. Park and Joseph II. Alexander. It was not much im- proved and Mr. Vallen built a barn the same year that he came to the place, which he later rebuilt, a.nd in 1882, he erected his fine residence. In 1864 Mr. Vallen was married to Wealthy Averill, who died December 22, 1905, on the forty-first anniversary of her wedding. She was a daughter of Benjamin Averill, a na- tive of New York, and she was born in Cop- ley Township, but was living in Bath Town- ship at the time of her marriage. She was a kind and faithful wife and a devoted mother and her death left a sad vacancy. Mr. and Mrs. Vallen had four children, the only survivor being the youngest, Frank D., who operates the home farm. He married Eva Heller and they have one daughter, Mr. Vallen's other children were daughters and all died in childhood : Jennie, aged four years, Ruby, aged sixteen months, and Nellie, aged two and one-half years. Mr. Vallen has carried on general farm- ing and has raised cattle, horses and hog? very profitably. Politically, he is a Repub- lican, and in 1900 he was elected township trustee and has been continued in office. He has also sen-ed on the School Board. JEREMIAH HARTER, residing in the pleasant village of Western Star, owns an ex- cellent farm of eighty acres, situated on the county line road, about one mile south of the town. He belongs to a pioneer family of Stark County, which was established there in the days of hi.? grandfather. Mr. Harter was born in Stark County, Ohio, on a farm one mile east of New Berlin, August 14, 1838, and is a son of Je.sse and Deborah (Essig) Harter. Jesse Harter was born al firm of ITenrv & Patter- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 657 son operates a planing mill in connection with their other work. The firm wa^ established in February, 1907. Mr. Henry employs from twelve to twenty men and divides them into three gangs. He gives his personal attention to all his contracts and has been careful to keep up the standard which he established when he first started into bu.siness. In 1873, Mr. Henrj* was married to Eliza- beth Weeks, of Trumbull .County. He and his wife have two children : Carrie, who mar- ried P. H. Baldwin, of Newark, New Jersey ; and Bertha M., who married Arthur Richards, of Akron, Ohio. Mr. Henry is a member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Ak- ron, and for twenty years has served on its official board. BENJAMIN HART, a representative citi- zen of Springfield Township, where he owns a fine, well-improved farm of -eighty acres, has been a resident of the village of Moga- dore since 1902. Mr. Hart was born June 5, 1832, and is a son of Jesse and Freelove (Ive.s) Hart. Mr. Hart belongs to an old and honorable pioneer family of New England stock, his ancestors having been among the first settlers of Springfield Township and among the very early residents of Summit County, coming here a few years after the admission of Ohio as a .state. Jesse Hart, father of Benjamin, was born in Connecticut, in 1773, and died in Summit County, Ohio, July 18, 1868, aged ninety- four years. When twenty-eight years of age he married Esther Warner, in Connecticut, and they had the following children : Worthy, who wa« born March 12, 1808 ; Amy, who was born January 29, 1805; Esther, who was born •Tanuary 15, 1808 ; Patience, who was born April 10, 1809 ; and Welcome, who was born February 19, 1811. The mother of these children died March 28, 1811. Jesse Hart was married (second) also in Connecticut to Freelove Ives, September 15, 1811. She wa.s born in Vermont and died in Summit Countv. Ohio. November 7, 1863, The children of Je.sse and Freelove Hart were: Louisa, who was born August 2, 1812, married Homer Root; Jesse, who was born April 27, 1813, married Rachel Richards; Phoebe, who was born September 17, 1816, married Otis Merri- man ; George, who was born October 22, 1818, married (first) Eliza Nelson, and (second) Mrs. Lizzie (Hile) Bean; Elizabeth, who was born October 18, 1821, married John Hixon; Amos, who was born April 28, 1824, died from an accident, when two years of age; Harriet, who was born August 27, 1826, mar- ried (first) William Chapman, and (second) John Smith ; Sarah, who was born August 1, 1828, married (first) Joseph Conrad, and (second) Robert Fisher; and Benjamin, who was born June 5, 1832, the youngest of a fam- ily of fourteen children. "^In 1812, Jesse Hart left Conecticut with his family and made the journey to Summit County, Ohio, in covered wagons, bringing along many household treasures, and probably, as did many other early settlers, his cows and horses. He settled on what became known as the Hart homestead, in Springfield Town- ship, west of Logtown, where the remainder of his life was pa.ssed. He found only a small portion of the land cleared, heavy timber cov- ering the balance, and it required years for himself and sons to cut down this timber, blacken and then grub out the stumps and I)lace it all under cultivation. His experience was that of other pioneer settlers, a little easier in his case because he possessed more ample means than many others. His older chil- dren, however, were all daughters and years I)assed before his sons could materiallj' assist in the heavy labor. He first erected a log house of fair dimensions, and in this the fam- ily lived and increa.sed for ten years. About 1822. he erected a .substantial brick house, in which he lived until he died and which still remains on the farm in habitable condition. In all that went to promote the civilization of this section and to advance the welfare of the community in which he had been an early pioneer. -lesse Hart was a man to be de- f>ended upon. He lived to witness wonderful changes in tlie country to which he had come so early, and on which he left an imj)ress on 658 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY account of his sterling character. The Hart connections are found all over this section, almost all of his children having married and left descendants. Benjamin Hart was born in the brick house above mentioned and resided in it until 1892. His education was obtained in the early dis- trict schools near his home and he enjoyed one term's instruction at a private school in Mogadore. He continued to cultivate the patrimonial farm until 1892, when he passed it on to his children and grandchildren and at last the old place was sold, but it is still called the old Hart homestead. In 1892, Mr. Hart moved from the old farm, which con- tained 150 acres, to a farm of eighty acres, which he purchased of R. L. Ewart, and that farm he occupied and operated until he moved to Mogadore, in 1902. On November 15, 1855, Benjamin Hart was married to Mary L. Meacham, who is a daughter of Benjamin and Prudence (Force) Meacham. Benjamin Meacham was born in Connecticut, came as an early settler to Sum- mit County, and lived in both Tallmadge and Springfield Townships. The mother of Mrs. Hart died when she was two years old, but her father survived some forty years. The children born to Benjamin and Mary L, Hart were the following: Alice, Clara, Mary L., Sarah L., Wilbur Judd, and Raymond, Alice, who married Clark AVoolf, resides in Spring- field Township, and they have three children. May, Mahlon and Bessie. Clara, deceased, married Edward Daugherty, and at death, December 12. 1886, left two sons, James Ben- jamin, who has become a prominent citizen of New Berlin, and Irvin Garfield, who is a succes.«ful dentist residing at New Berlin. May L., who married Homer L. Hudson, October 7, 1882, died September 7, 1888, leaving one daughter. Clara Louise; Sarah L., was married August 27, 1885, to Amos K. Douglas and they have four children, Rosa- mond. Ray Hayes, Ethel and Helen. Wilbur ,Tudd Hart was married .Tune 3. 1890, to Viola Funt, and they have eight children, Jennie, James, Edith, Clara, Gertrude. Trvin (de- ceased), Elwood. and Florence V, Wilbur Judd Hart is engaged in farming in Tall- madge Township, Raymond Hart, the youngest member of the family, conducts a meat-market at Mogadore, On October 14, 1900, he married Mrs, Maggie (Flick) Kline. Benjamin Hart has been a life-long Repub- lican and was a strong supporter of the policies of the late Governor Pattison. He has always been a vigorous fighter for the cause of tem- perance and lives up to his convictions. He has never used into.xicants nor tobacco, and in the vigor of his seventy-five years may be read an excellent and convincing temperance lecture. Mr. Hart is one of the prominent and sub- stantial men of this part of Summit County, not only on account of his material posses- sions, but for the sturdy qualities and sterling attributes which have marked the family name. The years have touched him kindly, silvering his hair but leaving his heart young. In the friendly clasp of his hand and the hearty sound of his voice is a cheer that speaks of a well regulated life, a clear past and a hopeful future. ROSSEAU HESS, proprietor of the Ak- ron Nurseries, which are located on B^itler .\ venue, North Hill, and include seven and on&-half acres, was bom in Guilford Town- ship, Medina County, Ohio, July .30, 1865, a.nd is a son of Henry and Charity (Howe) Hess. When Ro-;seau He.«s was eight years of age. his father, who was a blacksmith by trade, moved to Akron, and the son enjoyed excel- lent school advantages there. Subsequently, he attended Buchtel College and later en- gaged for some years in teaching school, be- ginning in Geiauga County, Later he became principal of the schools at Frontenac, Kan- sas, and from there went t-o Montana, where he taught school for three years on a govern- ment resen-ation. When Mr. Hess returned to .\kron, he became secretary and treas- urer of the Akron Soap Company for one year, and for two following years conducted a roofing bu.siness under the firm name of Kasch & He=s. When he .sold out his inter- DAVID J. THOMAS AND RErRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 661 est in this concern, he embarked in his pres- ent line. Mr. Hess makes a specialty of or- namental trees, shrubbery of all kinds and perennial plants. He employs five agents and is doing a large business. His natural bent led him into landscape gardening, and dur- ing the eight years in which he has been in the nursery business, he has done a large amount of work in this line, being the only landscape gardener at Akron. He is frequent- ly called to different parts of the county to lav out grounds around country houses. On May 26, 1892, Mr. Hess was married to Mamie Rockwell, Miho is a daughter of Dr. J. W. and Elvira (Van Evera) Rockwell. Dr. Rockwell is one of the leading phvsicians of Akron. Mrs. Rockwell died July 20, 1907. Her father, Reinhardt ^^an Evera, operated for many years the old stage coach hotel at Copley Center. Later he became proprietor of the old E.rchanyi' Hotel, at Akron, and, after it Inirned down, he bought a farm in Tallmadge Township, but later returned to Akron. He died at the home of his daugh- ter, Mrs. Peterson, who is the mother-in-law of Hon. Charles Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Hess have two children : Hazel R. and J. Mr. belongs to the Modern Woodmen and the Odd Fellows. DAA'ID .1. THOMAS, coal dealer, at Cuya- hoga Falls, is an honored survivor of the great Civil War, from which he safely emerged after many thrilling adventures and innumerable dangers and hardships. Mr. Thomas was born at Palmyra, Portage County. Ohio, March 14, 1841, and is a son of .Tohn and Anna (Rees) Thomas. John Thoma«, his father, was born in Wales, came to America in 1835, and died on the farm which he had cleared from the \-irgin forest, in Portage County, when aged seventy years. Prior to emigrating he had met with an accident which nece.«sitated the ■ amputation of a leg, and, as typical of his character and showing his physical courage, lie calmly watched the surgeon at his work, disdaining to even deaden his with the alcohol, which, at that time, was the only Tnerciful help known in surgery. Although disabled, he held his own with men who had more advantages, and in addition to clearing up his pioneer fai'm and carrying on its cultivation, he worked as a blacksmith and was employed in this line on the old Ohio and Pennsylvania Canal. After coming to America he became interested in politics, and up to the time of the formation of the Re- publican party, was a strong Whig, later giv- ing active supporti to the new organization, and for years was one of the two Repub- licans in his township. He married Anna Rees, who died in 1867, aged seventy-one years, and they had ten children, namely: Sarah, now deceased, who married Da\'id Williams; Rees, deceased; Ann, who married Henry Harris, both being now decea.sed; Margaret, who married Evan Hughes, of Braymer, Mi.ssouri ; David J., John, decea.sed; Martha, who married David Jenkins, both of whom are deceased, and three others that died in infancy. David J. Thomas remained at home assistr ing in the farming, until he was nineteen years of age. He attended the district school, had one year's instruction in the High School, and then went to Tallmadge, where he worked in the coal mines until 1862. Early in this year, Mr. Thomas enlisted for service in Company C, 115th Regiment. Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with which organization he .«erved in the Civil War for three years, lacking a month. This re.giment was kept actively engaged and Mr. Thomas took part in all its movements until he was taken pris- oner at Lavergne, Tennessee, during Greneral Hood's raid on Nashville. After ten days, with two other members of the regiment, he escaped, and a recital of the way in which this was managed is very interesting. The weather at this time was very cold and the prisoners were guarded in the Court House at Columbia, Tennes.«ee, in which they huddled around one little fire which was to- tally inadequate for the .«pace it was supposed to heat. The Union prisoners were sent out to gather the wood to burn and these expe- ditions gave them the opportunity to learn 062 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the lay of the land and to secure other in- formation necessary in effecting their escape, which was foremost in the minds of all. Mr. Thomas remembers saying to his fel- low prisoners, on the day of capture: "If tliey get me to Andersonville, they are smarter than I think they are," and to this significant remark Samuel Perry replied: "Davie, I am with you," and they shook hands on it, meaning that each one should watch for an opportunity and follow up any advantage gained. The other comrade, James Cassidy, soon joined in the compact, all three deciding to stand together. While the pris- oners were stamping about the room, in this way trying to keep up a circulation, Mr. Thomas and his companions were able to secretly remove the nails from a barricaded door, which happened to be imguarded, and they managed to place their blankets on the floor right by this door, pretending to go to sleep there, but they were never more wide awake. The night guard became drowsy, and Cassidy managed to slip the cap from his gun, in this way preventing his sihooting if he awakened while they were getting awaj'. As all preparations had been made to take the prisoners to Andersonville, Mr. Thomas and his comrades felt there was no time to be last. In the afternoon they had all been given full rations. As Mr. Thomas and his two friends slipped out, he threw his blanket, for which he had swapped his overcoat, over his .shoulders, a common practice among the thinly-clad Confederates, and picking up an old musket, which was really entirely use- less, he marched his two comrades, appar- ently prisoner.'^, down the street in front of him. It was a daring venture, the night be- ing one of bright moonlight, l)ut the ruse was never suspected by the many Confed- erate soldiers whom they passed, and on and on they went, cro-ssing rivers and barely es- caping capture on many occasions. Once they came face to face with a Confederate officer, .whom they had thought was a Union man, but escaped from him, although fired on a number of times. On another occasion they just, got over a fence in time to escape a marching regiment of Confederates. They suffered, greatly from the drenching rains and from fording creeks where the water came up to their armpits, the intensely cold weather hut adding to their misery. By means of a compass which they had secured through trading an overcoat, they were able to shape their course, traveling by night and secretiHg themselves by day. On one occar sion they overheard one man tell another, unconscious that three half-famished Union soldiers were lying behind the cedar log by the roadside, the good news that the Con- federates were retreating from Nashville. Be- fore the conversation ended, a third man joined the others, and the horse he rode came so near Mr. Thomas that the latter thought every moment his brains would be crushed out by his hoofs. Not daring to make a motion, Mr. Thomas thinks that ten or fif- teen minutes was about the most perilous of his life. Under such circumstances Mr. Thomas and his comradas managed to make their way to a point three miles back of La- vergne, where they met kind treatment from a Mr. Austin, who hid them for .several days, and in the meantime their locality was brought within the Union lines. Ever since the close of the war, these three old veterans have held an annual reunion, and it is a privilege indeed, when one of the younger generation is permitted to hear this story from the lips of the participants. Mr. Thomas is a member of Eddy Post, Grand Army of the Republic. After the close of his army service, Mr. Thomas returned to Tallmadge, where he lived until the fall of 1867, when he came to Cuyahoga Falls and embarked in the gro- cery business, in partnerehip mth John I. Jones, under the firm name of Jones and Thomas. Fourteen months later, Mr. Thomas sold his interest and started a pot- tery opposite his present coal office, where, in partnership wiih his brother, R. J. Thomas, he engaged in the manufacture of all kinds of stoneware, under the firm name of Thomas Bros. Until the plant was de- stroyed by fire, .several years later, the firm AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 663 did a large business. Mr. Thomas then opened up his coal office, which is the oldest coal business in ithe town, and his yards are favorably located just opposite the wire mill. Mr. Thomas married Ruth Williams, who is a daughter of William H. Williams. She was born in Walas, where her mother died, and she was five years old when she and a sis- ter were brought to America by her brother- in-law and her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have had seven children, the four to reach maturity being: Ella, who married William Graham, residing at Akron; Elizabeth, who married Dr. L. J. Kehres, residing at Cleve- land; Sarah Jo.sephine, deceased, and Tracy David, residing at Ma.ssillon. Mrs. Thomas is a member of the Congregational Church. Politically, Mr. Thomas is identified with the Republican party, and he ha'* served some seven years as a member of the School Board at Cuyahoga Falls, and one term in the Town Council. He is one of the directoi-s of the Agricultural Society. JOHN GIRDEN BRITTAIN, a represent- ative member of one of the honorable old families of Springfield Township, which has been established here for a period of seventy- five years, was born .June 16, 1847, in Spring- field Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a .son of John Thomas and Hannah (Rodgers) Brittain. John T. Brittain, residing on his farm of 135 acres, in Springfield Township, wa.s born in Pennsylvania in 1823, and was about seven years of age when he accompanied his father, John Brittain, to Ohio. He has been married twice, and has had ten childi'en, thirty grand<^ihildren and forty great-grand- children, and in this large family, up to the present writing, there has been but one death, a remarkable proof of vitality. Mr. Brittain has long l)een regarded as one of the mast substantial men of his community. John G. Brittain was the second eldest and only son born to his father's fii^st man-iage, there being three daughters, all of whom sur- vive. His education ■was obtained in the dis- trict schools. - He was only sixteen years of age when he offered his services to his country, enlisting in Company D, First Ohio Regiment, Volun- teer Light Artillery, in February, 1864, the officers of which were: Captain Cockrell, First Lieutenant Reid and Second Lieutenant Palmer. After the company was mustered in at Cleveland, it proceeded to Columbus, and thence to Knoxville, Tennessee. It took part in the engagements from Chattanooga to Atlanta, participated in the battles of Resaca and Big Sandy, and at Atlanta assisted in cut- ting the railroad communication. From that city the regiment returned to Tennes.see, where Mr. Brittain was detained for a time by .sickness, but rejoined his regiment at Moore- head, North Carolina, and continued to per- form his duty as a brave and effective sol- dier until the expiration of his term of serv- ice, and in July, 1865, was mustered out at Cleveland. That was a very strenuous period for a youth of sixteen years, but Mr. Brit- tain has a record that would do credit to a seasoned veteran. In 1869 Mr. Brittain was married to Frances A. Dema.^s, who is a daughter of .Jacob and Lucy Demass. Jacob Demass was a soldier in the same regiment with Mr. Brit- tain and he sitill survives, aged seventy-eight years. Mrs. Brittain was reared in Portage County. Mr. and Mrs. Brittain have the fol- lowing children: Thomas R.. who married Minnie White, has five children; .Jud.son who married Margaret Selser, has three chil- dren : Dilla, who maried Clement Chew, has three children ; Mead, who married Lizzie Roberts, has four children: and John, who resides at home. Mr. Brittain owns a comfortable home in one of the allotments of 'East Akron, in Springfield Township. He is a carpenter by trade. He belongs to Buckley Post, Grand Army of the Republic, at Akron. In poli- tics," he is a Republican. ALBERT H. RUCKEL, general farmer, residing on his valuable farm "of fifty-one acres, is a well known citizen of Tallmadgo Towiiship, whore his father settled in 1849. ('>64 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Albert 11. Ruckel was born on the Susqui'- liannah River, in Columbia County, Pennsyl- vania, November 4, 1843, and is a son of George and Hannah (Crivling) Ruckel. The father of Mr. Ruckel was also born in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and resided there until after his marriage, when he and family started to Michigan in one of the great covered wagons of pioneer days. He proposed to huy 640 acres of land at $1.25 per acre, but, after reaching Michigan, he found that climatic conditions were such that it would be difficult to establish .there a com- fortable home. In six weeks' time the wagon was again on its way in the direction of Me- dina County, Ohio. Mr. Ruckel settled in Sharon Township, Medina County, and lived there for three years, removing then to Tall- madge Townsihip, Summit County. Here all the five children were reared, namely: An- drew, W'ho dieecialty of growing potatoes and he iilso liaises timothy hay. On August 30, 1873, Mr. Ruckel was mar- ried to Mary Greenman, who was born at North East, Erie County, Pennsylvania, and is a daughter of Norton and Elizabeth (Irish) Greenman. Both parents of Mrs. Ruckel were born in ^^'ashingtoll County, New York. Her father died March 22, 1901^ aged eighty- five years, and the mother died February 10, 1903, at the age of eighty-nine years. The four children of Norton Greenman and wife were: Cynthia, who is the widow of Leonard Cole; Mary, who is Mrs. Ruckel; Job, residing at Bradford, Pennsylvania, mar- ried Adell Cole; and Josephine Cole, who is deceased. The family record of Mrs. Ruckel can be traced far back. Her great-grand- father Ba.ssett followed the sea and lived at Martha's Vineyard. He was commander of a cocTsting ves,sel that touched many sihores in the course of his voyage. The paternal grandfather was Job Greenman, a farmer, and the grandfather on the mother's side was Charles Irish, who was also a farmer. All seem to have been men who left an impress that recalls them to their descendants. Mr. and Mrs. Ruckel have two daughter*. Nora and Edith. The former is employed in the office of the American Cereal mill. The latter married Harry Feudner. who is the son of the vice-prasident of the M. O'Neil Dry Goods Company, one- of the largest business houses of Summit County. Both daughters of ^Ir. Ruckel were educated at Akron. The Democratic partv claims Mr. Ruckel as a member, hut he is very liberal and broad-minded and usually exercises has right to support those candidates for office, who. in his judgment, will best provide good govern- ment and make wise laws. FRANCIS HANMER WRIGHT, a lead- ing citizen of TaJlmadge. was born in Tall- madge Township, Summit County. Ohio. July 7. 1834. and is a .son of Francis H. and Clarinda (Fenn) Wright. In 1810 the grandparents of Francis Han- AND EEPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS mer Wright, Elizur and Rhoda (Hanmer) Wright, came to Suiniuit County. They set- tled on what was known as the Southwest road, along which Mr. Wright bought a large tract of land. He built here the first frame barn in Tallinadge Township, and this struc- ture was utilized for a time as a place in which lo hold religious exercises. He con- tinued to acquire land until he owned a large portion of the western half of the township, including the valuable property known as Coal Hill. He had been a pi'ominent man in both church and public affairs at Canaan, Connecticut, and he continued to be held in high esteem after .settling in Summit County. He reared a family of five daughters and four sons, all of whom became more or less noted in their various communities. They were: Philo, Elizur, Francis H., James, Pol- ly, Clarissa, Harriet, Amelia and Lucy. Philo Wright married Sally Owen and they resided in Tallmadge Township, where he practiced medicine for many j-ears. Elizur W^right (2) was a distinguished man. He resided for a time in the city of New York and was the able editor of a strong anti-slavery paper there. He became professor of mathematics at the Western Reserve University, at liud- son, which position he was obliged to resign on account of his radical views against slav- ery-. He then removed to Denham, Massa- chusetts, and had an office in Bo.ston, where he was an actuary of life insurance, and for several years was Commissioner of Insurance for the state. He died in 1890, aged eighty years, at which time a biographical sketch of bis life was produced in McClure's Magazine. James Wright became a minister of the Con- gregational Church. After a pa«eared and was supposed to have been killed for a sum of money in his possession ; Charles, who died ait Oswego, and John. The sons all learned the milling business with their father and they ran the same mill, an old tide-water one, which had been in the pos- session of the family in Cornwall, England, for generations. As some families were farmers as far back as can be traced, the Chapmans were millers. John Chapman, father of John L. Chap- man, of Tallmadge, was born in Cornwall, England, in 1812, and was nineteen years of age when he left England, and with other members of his family, settled at Oswego, New York. Although little more than a boy in years, he had a good knowledge of his trade and found immediate employment in the flour mills of that place, where he re- mained until 1832, when he came to Akron. He was a pracitical mechanic, a natural one, and understood the wheelwright trade and ever\"thing concerning not only the operating but the consti-uction of mills and mill ma- chinery. He came to Akron at first to start in operation the old stone mill, which was then being erected, but it had not been com- pleted when he arrived, and he went to Mid- dlebim' and worked some time for the firm of McNorton & Noble. T\Tien the stone mill was completed, John Chapman took charge and he made the first flour ever ground in Akron proper, and con- tinued to operate that mill for one year. In 1833 he returned to New York, and for one year operated a mill at Rochester and then came back to Akron, and for a sihort time resumed work at the stone mill. He was called to different points to superintend the building of mills and many of those scattered over Summit County, which, in their day, were valuable adjuncts to the comfort and convenience of se-ttlers, were either built by him or under his supervision. Mr. Chapman then bought a farm on which he lived for twenty-five years, and in 1872 he purchased the farm on which his widow and son still live. In 1857 John -Chapman married Phoebe Budd, who still sur\-ives, and . they had six children: John, Nellie, Carrie, Cora, Alva and Charles, the latter two dying in infancy. John Chapman died in April, 1881, after a .71 cation. After reaching the United States he settled in Akron, and for seventeen years af- ter was employed in the Buckeye Works, in the meanwhile hecoming interested with his brothers in the founding of their present business, to which for the past seven years he has devoted his exclusive attention. He belong-s to the German Reformed Church, as above intimated, while his social connec- tions include a number of German societies. In 1904, Herman Ziinmerly w^as married to Emma Brodt. The brothers are intere.sted also in tlie Depositors Savings Bank and the Akron Brewery Company. The Zimmerly Bi-others' business, started in a small way, as above mentioned, .soon required additional buildings, and the brothers accordingly erected a brick struetxire 20 by 50 feet, two stories iri height, at No. 215 We*t Main Street, Akron. By 1904 the business had further increased to such an extent that the firm found it necessary to erect and equip a three-story brick building, 30 by 62 1-2 feet, at the same time adding a story to their former structure. This firm was the first in Akron to put in a refrigerat- ing machine for the cooling of their meat. They own also five acres of land at Ken- more on which they have a pork-packing plant located, which is finely equipped, be- ing installed with all modern appliances. The main building is of brick, 100 by 40 feet, and there are three refrigerating rooms attached. The thorough sanitary condition of all the surroundings ensures the wholc- someness of the meat, which has an extensive sale all over this section. The firm slaugh- ter 100 hogs a week and manufacture at least 3,000 pounds of Bolougna sausage. Their name i.* a .«atisfacfory guarantee of the quality and purity of their goods. EDWIN SEEDHOUSE, pre^^ident and general manager of the Palls Rivet and Ma- chine Company, of Cuyahoga Falls, one of its most important induf^tries, was bom at Birmingham, England, April 4, 1864, and is a son of .John and Mary (Cox) Seedhouse. The parents of Mr. Seedhouse came to America in 1868, and settled at Wadsworth, Ohio, Avhere ho attended the public schools. He afterward became station agent for the Erie Railroad Company, at Sherman, where he .'served from 1884 to" 1887. Mr. Seedhouse was then sliipping clerk for the Akron Iron Company, holding that position for two years and then becoming salesman for the branch of this company, at Boston, Ma.ssachusetts, where he remained until 1892. He occupied the same position in New York, for the New York branch, from 1892 until 1893. His return to Akron was in the capacity of con- tracting agent for the same concern, but in 1897 he severed his relations with the above company, as it had been affected by the pre- vailing business depres.?ion, and went to New York as general ea.stern manager for the Falls Rivet and Machinery Company, where he continued until 1903. Then returning to Ohio, he became president and general man- ager of the Falls Rivet and Machine Com- pany, which was organized May 16, 1903. Tt succeeded the old Falls Rivet and Machin- ery Company, that had been in existence for thirty years. The business was incorporated by the present board of directors — Edwin Seedhouse, Charles H. Wells and Theophilus King. This concern is one of the largest of its kind in the whole country. One plant is located at Cuyahoga Falls, where it covers four acres, with its own foundry and build- ings of two, three and four .stories in height, where employment is given 250 men. Power is tran.smitted from the falls to the other plant, which is located at Kent, where em- ployment is afforded 150 men. The product — rivets and bolts — are sold all over the wortd. The management of this large indus- try requires the handling of a large amount of capital and the exercise of rare business capacity. In addition to his interests con- nected -n-ith the above business. Mr. Seed- house is vice president of the Cuyahoga Falls Savings Bank. Mr. Seedhouse married T.ucy M. Miller, who is a daughter of Jacob TT. Miller, of Norton Township, and their one child. Edna A., is decoa.^ed. Both ^fr. and Mrs. Seed- 672 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY house ai'e laenibers of Trinity Lutheraxi Church, and he belongs to the Church Coun- cil and to the Music Committee, of which he is chairman. The family home of Mr. Seedhouse is a handsome residence situated on North Hill, Akron. He is a member of the Portage Country club. Mr. Seedhouse has been the architect of his own fortune. His parents returned to England when he was seven years of age, and the death of his mother following, he was reared by an uncle, and after maturity practically made his own way in the world. JOHN W. BRADY, who has resided m Tallmadge Township for many yeare and has lived on his present place for a half century, was born in Oi'ange County, New York, on the Hudson River, in December, 1831, and is a son of James and Elizabeth Brady. The father of Mr. Brady was born in the north of Ireland, and the mother was born in Scotland. They were married in Amer- ica and they had four children: Bennett, James, Elizabeth and John W. About 1850, James Brady went from Albany, New York, to St. Louis, by way of the Erie Canal, the trip consuming six weeks, including visits to Cleveland, Cincinnati and East St. Louis. He remained at the latter point, where he bought 100 acres of land and engaged in gardening. From there he removed to Jonesboro, Illinois, where he bought a half section and made a business of raising peaches for a time, but later sold this land, the timber having been bought by the railroads, and moved then to Hamil- ton County, Ohio. The wife of James Brady died in Illinois, and he died in Hamilton County, Ohio. John W. Brady is the only survivor of his parents' family. He came to Akron prior to the Civil War, and worked at his trade of stone-mason until after his marriage in 1862, when he went to Pitt.sburg, where he was an employe of Andrew Carnegie for a time, and then returned to Akron. He served as a mem- ber of Company E, 50th Regiment. Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, under General Hayes, and remained in the service until after the battle uf Fort Donelson, in which he was severely injured. Owing to the disability thus caused, he was honorably discharged. He returned to Akron and purchased his present place on which he has lived for tifty years. In 1862, Mr. Brady was married to Ellen O'Neill, who died March 21, 1907. She was a daughter of John O'Neill. They had the following children ; John, who died in the far West; Lois, who is deceased; Chai'les; Grace, who married Ernest Crouse, resides at Massillon ; and Bennett and Agnes, both of \vhom are deceased. In political sentiment, Mr. Brady is a Re- publican. Among his many interesting rem- iniscences of the past, he recalls the time when the C. A. & C. 'Railroad was the only transportation line that entererd Akron. HIRAM F. KREIGHBAUM, sole owner of the Barberton Artificial Stone Company, and the People's Coal and Feed Company, at Barberton, was born in Green Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, November 29, 1850, and is a son of Levi and Nancy (Gayman) Kreighbaum. The father of Mr. Kreighbaum was also born in Green Township and both paternal and maternal grandparents settled there at an early day, when they came west from Pennsylvania. They were all people of solid character, honest and industrious and their descendants have been noted for the same vir- tues they possessed. They did much to hasten the development of the agricultural regions in the vicinity of Barberton. Hiram F. Kreighbaum attended the dis- trict school and helped on the home farm un- til h-e was fifteen years of age, when he learned the carpenter trade, and it is estimated that during the time he worked at the same he built a larger number of bank barns than any man in the town,«hip. They still stand strong and true to line and compass, testifying silently to Mr. Kreighbaum's mechanical .'^kill. He settled on his present home place in 1875 and for a number of years followed contracting. In August, 1905, he purchased the People's Coal and Feed yard, which had AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 673 been the property of Mr. McDowell, aud has made a iuccesa of thii business. Since the spring of iyU4 he has been manufacturing artilicial stone, and he has built up a very large and important industry. ill l.b(4, -ur. Kreighbaum was married to Ann Louisa SlioUey, who was born in Cov- entry Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Emanuel Sholly, vvho, with his wife, was born in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mi-s. Kreighbaum have four children, namely: John Wesley, residing at Barber- ton, a contractor and builder; Louis Franklin, residing at Reno, Nevada, a cigannaker; Amos, residing at Elyria, Ohio; and Harry, who works as a carpenter for his eldest broth- er. Mr. Kreighbaum's sons are all practi- cal, successful business men. The family be- long to the Methodist Episcopal Church. A. S. GREENBAUM, proprietor of the Greenbaum Foreign Exchange Bank and Steamship Agency, and a large real estate dealer, at Bai'berton, is one of the leading capitalists of the town and one of its enter- prising and progressive business men. Mr. Greenbaum was born October 14, 1877, in Austria-Hungary, where his parents still re- side. The story of Mr. Grenbaum's life is one of unusual interest, proving as it does, the intrinsic value of personal effort, for he has climbed from almost penurj' to affluence en- tirely through his own efforts and by steps which are everywhere recognized as entirely honorable. The old home in Hungary was a huinljle one and its resources so scant, that when the lonely boy was able to earn fifty cents a day, in a foreign land, he brought his own expenses down to five cente a day so that he could send the balance to help eke out the small amount his father was able to make by conducting a little store. He was about fourteen years of age when he left home, being the eldest of the family, and came to America, relying on himself to make his way in a country the language of which was even unknown to him. The courage of vouth is sometimes sublime. It was at Pittsburg that Mr. Greenbaum was able to find his first steady employment, but he desired to get farther west and after securing the means, he went to Akron, where he was engaged in the clothing house of Henry Krouse. His education, thus far, had been neglected, but he soon remedied this, at- tending night school and devoting every spare moment to study. Thus he not only educated himself in literature, but also in law and has practiced in the local courts for some years. While at Akron, his knowledge of different German dialects made him valuable as an interpreter. At present Mr. Greenbaum has command of six languages without includ- ing English, namely: Hungarian, German, Slavish, Croatian, Servian and Krainer. He continued to reside at Akron and be connected with clothing interests in that city until 1900, w'hen he came to Barberton, where he is, as above stated, a prominent and influential business man. Mr. Greenbaum is a very valuable assistant to his fellow-countrymen in their purchases of real estate, giving them legal advice and watching their investments, and there are now more than 200 foreign-born settlers in Sum- mit County, who own their farms and homes through Mr. Greenbaum's agency. Mr. Greenbaum recognized how easy it w-as for even hard-working people to spend their raon- ej' carelessly and heedlessly, and it has been his aim to show these how a small investment will result in later independence. On October 16, 1901, Mr. Greenbaum was married to Minnie Fuerst, who is a daughter of M. W. Fuerst, one of the pioneers of Ak- ron. Mr. Greenbaum is a member of the Knights of Pythias. He has served as a mem- ber of the Barberton Humane Society, having been one of its organizers. In a contest re- cently held by the Akron Beacon-Journal, the prize of a handsome gold watch was awarded to Mr. Greenbaum, as tlie most popular man of Barberton. Mr. Greenbaum resides at No. 616 Sixth Street, Barberton, one of the popular streets of this citv. 674 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY WALTER C. HOLLINGER, secretary and treasurer of the HoUinger Company, at Bar- berton, which does a general real estate, in- vestment, loan, collection and insurance busi- ness, has his ottices at No. 209 North Second Street. Walter C. Hollinger was born May 30, lyGo, at Clinton, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of David D. and Mary N. (Hous- man) Hollinger. David Hollinger, father of Walter C, re- sides on the farm on which both he and his father, Jacob Hollinger, were born, in Frank- lin Township, Summit County, Ohio, the lat- ter's father having been a pioneer from Penn- sylvania. He took up 640 acres of govern- ment land and part of this property is now owned by his son, David D. Hollinger. It was bought for $1.25 an acre, but it would take a large amount of money to purchase it now. The mother of Walter C. Hollinger was also born in Franklin Township, and is a daughter of Jacob Ilousman, who was a na- tive of Pennsylvania and an early settler in Summit County. The three children of David D. tlollinger and wife are : Walter 0. ; Lloyd Jacob, residing on the home farm ; and Charles A., residing on a farm in Franklin Township. Walter C. Hollinger was reared on his fath- er's farm and attended the district schools of the neighborhood. He was about eighteen years of age when he began to teach school and for ten years spent his winters in teach- ing and his summers in farming. In Janu- ary, 1S94, he left the educational field to ac- cept an appointment as deputy .-sheriff vuider Sheriff Griffin, but returned to teaching after serving in that office for two years, but was subsequently reappointed deputy .sheriff and served under Sheriff Fn\nk G. Kelly, for four years. Mr. Hollinger then entered the Guard- ian Savings Bank at Akron, as bookkeeper, and upon the consolidation of that bank with the Ci'ntral Savings and Trust Company, he came to Barberton, and when the Hollinger Company was organized he wxis elected to his present position. This company was incor- porated under the laws of the State of Ohio, in 1904. with a capital stock of $10,000, its of- ficer,> being; H. M. Hollinger, of Akron, jiresident ; C. A. Brouse, of Akron, vice presi- dent, and Walter C. Hollinger, secretary and treasurer. The board of directors is made up of tlie following leading men : Fred J. Stein- ert, of Akron, H. M. Hollinger, of Akron, Thomas Cleinenger, of Akron, Walter C. Holl- inger, of Barberton, L, N, Oberlin, of Clinton, Ohio, and C, A, Brouse, of Akron. The com- panv's books were open for business on Sep- tember 14, 1904. On July 11, 1907, Mr. Hollinger was united in marriage with Cora E. Grove, a native of Franklin Township, Summit County. Mrs. Hollinger taught school in Summit County for a period of fourteen years, seven of which was in the public schools of Barberton. Mr. Hollinger has many pleasant social connec- tions at Barberton, and he is fraternally asso- ciated with the Elks and the Odd Fellows. MTLLIAM II. LAHR, one of Norton Township's prominent citizens, and the owner and operator of ninety-three acres of excellent farming land, situated on the Wadsworth road, about one-quarter of a mile west of Norton Centre, was born April 16, 1850, on his present farm in Summit County, Ohio, and IS a son of Jolm and Mary Margaret (Miller) Lahr. John Lahr, who was a son of John Lahr, Sr., was born in Northampton County, Penn- sylvania, and came to Norton Township in 1.S45 wlien a young man of twenty-three years. After his marriage for four years he resided at Norton Centre and then removed to the present farm of William H. Lahr, where his death occurred January 21. 1897. In 1846 John Lahr was married to Mary Margaret Miller, who was born October 19, 1825, in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, and is a daughter of John and Susan (Bauer) Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Miller had come to Summit County, Ohio, in 1853, with a party of fifty people, but eight of whom are now living, and settled on the farm now owned by Samuel Miller, Mrs. Lahr's brother. Mrs. Lahr still survives, and makes her home with her son, and although having reached ad- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 675 vaoced years, her nieinorj- is excellent and she is well preserved both in body and mind. She has been a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Loyal Oak ever since its establishment, her father having assisted in the erection of the church building. To Mr. and Mrs. John Lahr there were born three children : Lucinda Elizabeth, who married Daniel Everhard, died in 1874; and Jonas Franklin and William H., twins, the former of whom died at the age of two years. William H. Lahr was educated in the schools of his native section and was reared to agricultural pursuits, which he has car- ried on all of his mature life. Since 1904, he has lived more or less retired from the ac- tive duties of the farm, but he still takes an earnest interest in its improvement. In addi- tion to two fine residences, there is a substan- tial barn on thi-^ propertv, which was built by Mr. Lahr in 1868. On December 1, 1870, Mr. Lahr was mar- ried to Sarah J. Lerch, who is a daughter of Peter Lerch, and to this union there were born two children : Charles H., and Aletta Pearl. Charles 11. is a graduate of the Ham- mel Business College, at Akron, and is auditor of the Northern Ohio Traction Company. He married Lizzie Sieger. Aletta Pearl is the wife of Carman Mj'ers, and they have one child, William A. DANIEL O'MARR, general contractor, and one of the best-known citizens of Akron, has been a resident of this city since 1881 and has been closely identified with its material upbuilding. He was born at Cleveland, in 1849, but was reared at Independence, Ohio, where he learned the brick- and stone-ma- son's trade. Mr. O'Marr ha.s been interested in the stone business all his active life, with the ex- ce])tion of his school days and the period up to seventeen years when he worked on a farm, and even during that time he did some work in the stone quarries. Later he ac- quired an interest in the stone quarries at Independence and Clinton, Ohio, and opened up several quarries of his own, continuing in the quarry business for about fifteen years, at those points. He came to Akron, in 1881, and wa.s engaged as foreman of the repair work in the stone construction of the Ohio Canal from Cleveland to Clinton, for three years, and since closing that contract has been occupied with general contracting. His sub- stantial work may be seen in all parts of the city, his first structure being the big cereal mill on Howard Street, following which he built the foundation of the High School Building, and then erected the Baker-Mc- Millan Building, the National Citv Bank Building, the Gas Works of the Sixth Ward, a part of the Buckeye "Works, a part of Adamson's foundry, five buildings, for the Goodrich plant, and many others. For the past seventeen years he has also been engaged in street paving and has put down many miles of it in Akron, He estimates his pres- ent contracts as worth $30,000. He has al- ways been and still continues to be one of the busiest of busy men and has built up a repu- tation for thorough work and prompt service second to no contractor in this section, Mr. O'Marr was first married in 1873, to Mary Conners, who died in the fall of 1882. The four children of that marriage were: Jessie, deceased; Minnie, who married a Mr. Connelly, residing at Chicago, Illinois; Maud, who married Je&«e Jackson, residing at Buf- falo, New York; and William, a resident of Olio, New York, Mr. O'ilarr married, sec- ond, Kate Glennon, and they have three chil- dren : John, Paul and Elinor. With his family, Mr. O'Marr belongs to St. Vincent's Catholic Church. He takes a good citizen'.s interest in politics and was appointed sani- tary officer, but found the pre-ss of private bu.siness too heavy and be resigned tlie of- fice. JONAS BAUER, general farmer and suc- cessful grower of small fruit, who resides on his fertile farm of fifty-five acres, which ad- joins the Medina County line on the west, has been a resident of Norton Township since 1882. He was born in a section that has .sent manv excellent citizens to Summit (376 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY County, xs'ortliaiiipton County, Pennsylvaiiiu, July 18, 184G, aud is a sou of Jacob aud Mary (Mai'sh) Bauer. Jonas Bauer was reared on his father's farm and remained in Pennsylvania for ten years succeeding his marriage, when he came to Summit County aud rented farms in Nor- ton Township until 1895, when he purchased his present place. Mr. Bauer was married in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, to Amanda Oplinger, who is a daughter of Daniel and Catherine (RaiJt) Ojalinger. She was reared near Mr. Bauer's former home. To this marriage four children have been born, three sons and one daughter, namely : Owen, who is employed at Akron; Marcus, residing at Lafayette, In- diana, who married Grace Bryan; Oliver; and Minnie, who married Earl llarter. With his family, Mr. Bauer belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Loyal Oak, of which he is a trustee. J. A. GEHRES, surveyor of Summit Coun- ty, has been identified with this branch of the public service since 1884. He was born at Marshallville, Wayne County, Ohio, October 2, 1861. After completing his education, he taught school at Marshallville up to 1882. During 1882-83 he was enrolled as a student at the O. S. U. College of Columbus, Ohio. He entered the surveyor's office as deputy, in 1884. From 1892 imtil 1893, Mr. Gehres was engaged for the State in surveying the State i-ivers and canals, and for two years was engaged in platting for the city. With the excc]ition of these periods of special work, he has been occupied for the past eleveii years as county .surveyor. He was trained to the work in the Ohio State University, and with his public contract and extensive outside de- mands, has his time very fully occupied. In addition to his engineering and surveying he is interested in a number of the successful business enterprises of Akron, being a stock- holder in .several and one of the officials in the German-American Building and Loan Association. In 1888 Mr. Gehres was mar- ried to JcnTiie M. Ilartoncr. He is a member of the Lutheran Church, and belongs to the Ohio Engineering Society, the Elks, and the Liebertaufal, and to the German-American club. HARVEY A. SPARHAWK, whose sterling qualities and useful life made him a leading citizen of Tallmadge Township, was born in Norton Township, Summit County, Ohio, July 25, 1844, and died in 1896, on the farm of 138 26-100 acres, in Tallmadge Township, on which he had lived from the age of four- teen years. Ilis parents were Henry G. and Lucy (Baker) Sparhawk. The Sparhawk family is of New England origin and was established in Ohio by the father of Harvey A. Sparhawk, who brought his family from Vermont. Henry G. Spar- hawk came to Norton Township on horseback, his possessions consisting of his saddle bags and an ax. He took up land in Norton Township which he cleared and developed and which is now known as the Jacob Bowers farm. He married Lucy Baker and of their large family five reached maturity, namely: Lucy, who married Rev. Henry Brown, re- siding at East Ninety-eight Street. Cleveland; Harvey A., who is dece'ased; Hattie, twin of Harvey A., who married Rev. Newton Brown, residing at Elliott, Maine; Melanchthon. who married Phebe Beebe, residing at Columbus, Nebraska ; and Martha, unmarried, residing at Columbus, Nebraska. Henry G. Sparhawk acquired the present home farm in Tallmadge Township about fifty years ago. and he died on it in 1870, at the age of sixty years. His widow died at Ol^erlin, Ohio. Harvey A. Sparhawk received his educa- tion in the public schools and subsequently attended school at Adrian, Michigan. He was fourteen years old when his father settled on the present family estate, and he continued to reside on it, managing and improving it, until the time of his death. He was a man of high character and was regarded with respect and esteem hv his fellow-citizens. He lielonged to Apollo Lodge. No. 51. Odd Fellows, at East Akron, and to Tallmadge Lodge of Knights of Pvthins, and wa- also a member of Tall- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 677 madge Grange. For many years he was a leading member of the Congregational Church. In 1870 Harvey A. Sparhawk was married to Emma Wolf, who is a daughter of Aaron and Catherine Wolf. Mrs. Sparhawk was born in Pennsylvania and accompanied her parents when they moved finst, to Maryland, and later to Tallmadge, Summit County. They had the following children : Arthur, William, Frank 0., Mary Arvilla, Howard H., Ira, Elmer, and an infant, the two last named being deceased. Arthur Sparhawk was born April 1, 1872. He attended the schools of Tallmadge Town- ship and later took a course in Hammel's Business College, and still later spent a short time at Buchtel College. He is successfully engaged in farming. William Sparhawk was born February 20, 1874, and from the public schools entered the Ohio State Uni- versity at Columbus, and is now a resident of Cleveland, where he is employed as a meat inspector for the Government. He married Lulu Arbogast and they have three children : Theoron, Mildred and Evaline. Frank 0. Sparhawk was born February 27, 1876. He first attended the public schools of Tallmadge Township and then took a course in Forestry, at the University of Colorado, and is in the employe of the Government as forest ranger and owns a section of land at Rongis, Wyo- ming. Mary Arvilla Sparhawk was born May 29, 1880, and married Herman T. Schlegle, of East Akron, who is the general manager of the Akron Fertilizer Company. They have one child, Harold Howard. Dr. Howard H. Sparhawk was born March 19, 1885, in the old family home in Tallmadge Town.ship and attended first the local schools and later the public schools of Akron. He then entered the Ohio State University and wa« graduated in the class of 1907, in the de- partment of veterinary medicine. Ira Spar- hawk was born July 24. 1886, was educated in the public school* of Tallmadge Township and later the common and High School at Akron. The mother of this family resides on the homestead. She is a valued member of the Congregational Church, and a lady who is highly esteemed for her many womanly qual- ities. The whole family ranks very high among the representative people of Tallmadge Township. ROSWELL HOPKINS, residing on his valuable farm of 100 acres,' which is situated in Bath Township, owns a second farm of 156 acres, in the same township, and in addition to farming, has been interested in the lumber business since boyhood. Mr. Hopkins was born in the house in which he resides, Sum- mit County, Ohio, in 1872, and is a son of Roswell and Emily (Briggs) (Case) Hop- kins. The grandparents of Mr. Hopkins, Isaac and Susannah (Harrison) Hopkins, were na- tives of Connecticut, from whence they moved to the State of New York, and removed from there to Summit Comity, Ohio, locating in Bath Township, September 10, 1814, where the grandfather later bought a farm on which they lived the rest of their lives. Roswell Hopkins, Sr., was born in Bath Township, and resided here until his death. In 1860 he went into the lumber business, in partnership with William Barker, .and they operated a sawmill and bending works. Mr. Hopkins sold his interest at a later date and com- menced to operate the sawmill near Ghent, which his son still conducts, this old mill hav- ing been in use over seventy-five years. He married Mrs. Emily (Briggs) Case, who is also deceased. Roswell Hopkins, son of Roswell, was reared on the home property, and ever since leaving school he has been engaged in the lumber busines.-s. In 1905 he bought the planing mill and lumber interests of former Sheriff Barker, and moved the mill to its present location on his own land, one mile west of Ghent. Here he has large lumber yards and does a great amount of business. Mr. Hopkins married Ossie Pierson and they have seven children, namely: Cecil, Ruth, Helen, Anna, Paul, .Juanita, and How- ard. Mr. Hopkins is one of the leadinig citi- zens of his community and is interested in 678 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY all that i^LTtaiiis to its \\olfare. He is a mem- ber of the township Board of Education. Fraternally he is connected with the Masons and the Maccabees. LEVI ALLEN, formerly for many years a well-known and highly respected citizen of Akron, and a worthy repreisentative of several of the old and honored families, not only of this section of Ohio, but also of New^ Eng- land, was born February 10, 1799, in Tomp- kins County, New York, and was a. .son of Jesse and Catherine (Fiethrick) Allen. Jesse Allen, father of Levi, was born at Cornwall, Litchfield County, Connecticut, in 1770. He Avas still in young manhood when he went to Tompkins County, New York, where he was married, in 1797, to Catherine Fiethrick, who was born at Trenton, New Jersey, in 177B, of Holland ancestry. Jesse Allen followed farming and shoemakmg un- til July, 1811, when he came to Ohio, trav- eling in a covered wagon and bringing along cattle and sheep with which tq stock the new farm in the wilderness. He bought land in Coventry Township. Summit County, and here developed a valuable farm on which he died September 12, 1837. He served in the War of 1812 under Maj. Miner Spicer. He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church, and in the early days, when the vis- its of the pioneer preachers were neces.sarily few and far between, he opened his log house to his neighbors and kept religious feeling alive. His ten children were: Jonah, de- ceased, whose wife was Cynthia Spicer ; Levi ; David, who married Beulah Jones ; Jacob, who married Catherine Van Sickle; John; Jesse; Catherine, who married Mills Thompson; Sarah, who married James M. Hale: Hiram; and Christiana, who married Charles Cald- well. Levi Allen was just twelve years old when his parents and other relatives came to Sum- mit County, Ohio, and in the exodus from the Eastern home it fell to his lot to drive cattle and .sheep over the long route. LTntil his majority he remained assisting his father. but when his own marriage took place or was in contemplation, he purchased land of his own in Coventry Township, on which he re- sided vuitil 18(38, when he retired to Akron, where the rest of his life was passed, his death occurring May 11, 1887. On December 10, 182:1 Levi Allen was married to Phebe Spicer, who was a daughter of Major Miner and Cynthia (AUyn) Spicer, and who died January 10, 1879. Major Miner Spicer was born May 29, 1776, and in 1798 married Cynthia Allyn, who died Sep- tember 10, 1828. In the following year he was married (second) to Mrs. Hannah (Al- lyn) Williams, a sister of his first wife and the widow of Barnabas Williams. Major Spicer served as a commander of militia dur- ing the War of 1812. He came to Summit County prospecting, in 1810, bought 260 acres of land in Portage Township and established his family on it in 1811. He was a promi- nent man in all the affairs of Portage Town- ship, and died September 11, 1855. The mother of Mrs. Levi Allen was a daugh- ter of Ephraim and Temperance (Morgan) Allyn, the latter of whom was a daughter of Captain William and Temperance (Avery) Morgan. These are old New England fami- lies of Welsh extraction. Captain William Morgan was a son of William and Mary (Axery) Morgan, the former of whom was a son of John and Elizabeth (Jone.s) Morgan, the latter of whom was a daughter of Lieu- tenant Governor Jones, who was governor of the New Haven Colony. The Morgans, also of Wales, were Puritans and from this same family came Edward D. Morgan, who be- came governor of the State of New York. Temperance .Vvery, wife of Captain Williain Morgan, was a daughter of Colonel Christ o- ]iher and Prudence (Payson) .\very, and a granddaughter of James and Dcburali (Stel- lyon) Avery. Ca])tain William Morgan served \mder Colonel Parsons dvn-ing several years of the Revolutionary AVar. Levi Allen and wife had six ciiildrcn. iis follows: Levi, Miner S., .\\\>vi-[. Miner J., Walter S. and Cvntbia. GEORGE PAUL AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 681 GEORGE PAUL, for many years a promi- nent citizen of Cuyaihoga Falls, and probably the most able civil engineer who ever claimed this section as his home, was born at Cuya- hoga Falls, Summit Countv, Ohio, September 8, 1837, and died January 9, 1900. His par- ents were Hosea and Ellen (Gamber) Paul. He was educated in the common and High schools of his native place, and in 1857 be- gan to learn the machinist's trade. With him this natural leaning developed into something very nearly approaching genius. Going east he worked at his trade in early manhood at Boston and at Brooklyn, New York, in the meantime devoting his evenings and leisure time to the study of civil engineer- ing, under a private tutor. When the Civil War broke out he was working as a machinist at Wilmington, Delaware, and in 1862 he enli.sted in the Federal navy, as an engineer. For three years he sensed in the South At- lantic squadron under Admiral Dupont, and was attached to the "Nahant," the "Sonama," and to other monitors. At the close of the war he came back to Cuyalioga Falls, and in 1867 purchased a small shop, which, how- ever, he carried on but a short time, his sub- sequent work being all in the line of 'civil engineering. In 1871 he went to Waterloo, Iowa, where he designed the magnificent bridge across the Cedar River, which is 600 feet long and one of the largest in the coun- try. Long before this he planned the first stoam canal boat that plied on the Ohio Canal. After the filling of his contract for the above mentioned bridge. Mv. Paul had many professional calls in Iowa, and did the surveying for a projected narrow-guage rail- road running north from Waterloo. Later he was engaged in laying the .grade of a road projected from Marion, Ohio, to Chi- cago, but this work was stopped on account of the panic of 1873. At this time Mr. Paul was residing at Kenton, Ohio, from which city he again returned to Cuyahoga Falls, where for many years he was engaged in the practice of his profession, frequently be- ing identified with notable feats of engineer- ing. At the time of his death. January 9, 1900, ho had full charge of the work of con- structing the Akron, Bedford and Cleveland Railroad. He died just as he would have wished, still with full mental powers, and at the head of a work of great importance. His death left a void in his profession at it did in the family and social circles. For six years he had been a m-ei^iber of the State Board of Public Works, and one of its most valued advisors. On May 18, 1871, Mr. Paul was married to Olive A. Babcock, a member of an old Co- lonial family. She was bom at Cuyahoga Falls May 21, 1842, and is a daughter of Austin and Eliza (Taylor) Babcock, and a granddaughter of Chester Babcock, who was born June 9, 1781, and who lived and died at Tolland, Connecticut. Austin Babcock was born at Tolland, Con- necticut, October 28, 1810, and died in 1876. He married Eliza Taylor, who was born at Lee, Massachusetts, December 28, 1809, and who died in September, 1890. They had two children, Erskine L., residing at Springfield, Ohio, at time of his death, in June, 1907, and Olive A., who is the widow of George Paul. Both parents were members of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. In boyhood, Austin Babcock learned the trades of paper- malving and mill constniction. He came to Cuyahoga Falls in 1835, and was employed in the paper mill at this place for a number of years. In 1850 he made a trip to Cali- fornia, mainly for the benefit of his hesilth, and came back three years later much im- proved. Subsequently he became a member of the firm of J. M. Smith & Company, pa- per manufacturers, the firm later becoming Harrison, Hanford & Company. On this company's mills being burned he assisted in rebuilding them. At a still later date he and his son, Erskine, started into business as builders, and in connection with their 1)uilding operations, they conducted a plan- ing mill. In the course of time he, with his son and several other business men, converted the planing mill into a rivet factory, and this was the first firm to manufacture riA'eta here. The old building is ."till utilized as 682 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY a part of the present plant at Cuyahoga Falls. This was Mr. Babcock's last business connec- tion, and he wa^ associated with these works at the time of his death. In early life he was a Whig, but later became identified with the Republicans. Politically, Mr. Paul was a Republican, taking the interest of a ^ood citizen in pub- lic affairs. He always enjoyed his connection with Eddy Post, No. 137, Grand Army of the Republic, of which he was past com- mander. Mrs. Paul prizes very highly a number of historic relics which Mr. Paul gathered while in the service of liis country and not the least of these is a quaint little ginger jar that was picked up at Fort Sum- ter on the day after it was evacuated. Mr. Paul was a imember of Star Lodge, No. 187, F. & A. M., Cuyahoga Falls. Mrs. Paul is a member of the Congregational Church of this city, of which Mr. Paul was an attend- ant. He was a man of great mental equip- ment, brofld-minded in his views, and ehari- table in thought, word and action. H. G. MOON, one of Akron's retired capi- talists and leading citizens, was born Novem- ber 12, 1830, in Oswego County, New York, and is a son of Silas and Mary (Russell) Moon. His parents came to Northampton Town.ship, Summit County, about 1831, cross- ing the lakes and traveling by way of the canal to Old Portage. Their last years were spent with their el(lf'.-orn in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, October 18, 1816, and was a son of Jacob and Rachel (Brittain) White, who carne from Luzerne County to Summit County in 1824, making the long journey in wagons. They were na- tives of New England and possessed much of the jmidenee and thrift belonging to natives of that section. In 1827 they settled in Springfield Township on what is known as the Hilbish farm, removing later to the farm nO'W owned by Milo White, which contained at that time 150 acres. Jacob WTiite and wife both died in 1853, the former in May and the latter in April, aged about eighty-four years. Abia White was reared on the home farm and when twenty-one years of age learned the car{:ienter's trade, which he followed for a few years, and then engaged in farming through the rest of his active life. His death occurred May 16, 1893. He married Martha Hagenbaugh, who died December 24, 1893. She is a daughter of Christian Hagenbaugh, of Medina County, Ohio. There were five children horn to this marriage, and Milo is the only survivor. The others were: Mary Elizabeth, who died aged about seven years, and three others in infancy. Milo White gained his primary education in the di.strict schools near his home, and attended tln-ough one term, a school at Moga- dore, then spent two years at Oberlin College, and a short time at Buchtel College, at Akron. . After he left school he engaged in farming, and has proved the efficiency of an educated MR. AND MRS. ELMER A. GAULT AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 691 man in agriculture. He has a valuable farm of 145 acres, admirably managed, on which he raises feed for liis cattle, a considerable amount of wheat, and inilks a number of high-grade cows. In addition to these inter- ests, he has been concerned for some time in handling estates, and has dealt to some ex- tent in realt}'. He has also given his atten- tion to public matters, having been elected township treasurer, trustee and assessor, and for more than twelve j^ears has been a jus- tice of the peace. His management of his various interests have made him a leader among the representative men of Springfield Township. Mr. White was married (first) to Mattie L. Ellet, who died November 7, 1891. She was a daugliter of Ki«g J. and Lucinda E. Ellet. King J. Ellet sensed two terms as commis- sioner of Summit County and was a man of much prominence. His parents, John and Elizabeth Ellet. were natives of Maryland, who settled in Springfield Township in 1810. Mr. and Mrs. Ellet had three' children : Mat- tie, who became Mrs. "\^%ite; Cora J., wlio married Frank Weston, of Springfield: and Fred K. Mr. Ellet retired from the office of county commissioner in 1889. and in March. 1890, he was appointed a trustee of the Sum- mit County Children's Home, a position he filled in an able and efficient manner. Both he and wife died in 1896. Mr. and Mrs. White had a family of three sons aud three daughters born to them, name- ly: Addie M., who married Charles W. Sur- fass, a machini.?t, and the superintendent of an automobile garage, residing at Akron ; Frances L., who married Mark IMetzger, sii- perintendent of the Akron ]Mariufacturing Company, residing at Akron, have one daugh- ter, Mary; Roscoe A.. re.«iding in Chicago, connected with a large diamond importing was educated at Buchtel College, and married Dorothy Butler, of Elkhart, Indiana; William R., residing on the home farm, is interested also in a milk business at Akron ; and Blanche Irene, re,ile Club. He is also a director of The Akron Gas Company and the Home Building it Loan A.ssociation, and is active in the promotion of all private and public en- terprises, having for their object the moral or material advancement of the commimity. Mr. Hower was married. November 16, 1880, to Miss Blanche Eugenia Bruot, daugh- ter of James F. and Rosalie (Gressard) Bruot, of Akron. Of this marriage there are two children, Grace Susan Rosalie and John Bruot. Mr. Hower resides in the old Hower homestead. No. 60 Fir Street, one of the larg- est and most co^nnnodious residences in the city. He is an independent Republican and noted for his fight against corruption and graft in any party. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 693 FOREST SWAIN, trustee of Norton Town- ship, and a substantial fanner residing on his valuable ninety -six acres, was boro October 4, 1870, on the old Swain homestead, in Norton Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a i^on of Frederick and Rosanna (Roth) Swain. Jacob Swain, the grandfather of Swain, was born in Germany, and, after com- ing to the United States, settled near Smith- \dlle, Wayne County, Ohio. There Frederick Swain was born aaid resided until he came to Su'onnit County, just prior to his marriage. He became one of the leading farmers of Nor- ton Townijhip. He was married (first) to Rosanna Roth, who died August 18, 1880. She was 'the mother of seven children ; of these, John, Forest and William axe surviv- ors, the latter living on the old Swain home- stead. Frederick Swain was married (sec- ond) to Ella Fisher, and they had two chil- dren, the older of these dying in infancy, and the younger, Grace, residing in the old home. Frederick Swain died February 20, 1902. Swain has never lived outside of Norton Township. In boyhood he attended the neighborhood schools, and since attain- ing manhood he has devoted his attention to agricultural j)ursuits. In 1900 Mr. Swain, together with his brother John, purchased the present farm. Forest Swain bought his broth- er's interest and later the latter bought one of the father's fann.s of ninety acres and removed to it in 1905. John Swain erected a fine dwelling. The Swain brothers have always been bound by the closest of fraternal ties and they hold many interests together. They married sisteirs, both being daughters of Jeremiah Ilarter, a well-known resident of Norton Township. Swain married Clara Ilarter, and they have one child, Harold. John Swain married Ede Harter, and they have four children: Paul, Rxith, Frederick and Clifford. Both brothers are leading mem- bers of the Lutheran Church. For ten years ■Tohn Swain has been a member of the School Board, and at present is president of this body. In 1903 Forest Swain wa« elected township tnistee on the Republican ticket. and has served as such ever since. In Forest and John Swain Norton Township has two honorable, intelligent, broad-minded citizens, men who exert a good influence in the com- munity and who command the respect of all who know them. CHARLES CALVIN EWART, a promi- nent -and suhstantial citizen of Springfield Town.ship, who is engaged in mixed farming and dairying on his fine estate of 200 acres, on which he was born, in Summit County, Ohio, July 13, 1850, is a son of John and Elizabeth (Ha.rris) Ewart. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Ewart was Joseph Ewart, who came with his wife to Summit County, in 1811. She was of Scotch descent, and was a girl of eleven yeare when the Revolutionary War closed. Joseph Ewart was born in the north of Ireland and Arhen he emigrated to America, located in Washing- ton County, Penn.syh^ania, where he married. After coming to Ohio, the Ewarts lived for one year at Tallmadge and then settled in Springfield Township, on the farm on w-hich their grand-Jon now lives. Joihn Ewart, was born in Butler County, Pennsylvania, December, 1809, and died in, 1901. He was one of the following family of children : John ; James, who mar- ried Rebecca Babb, daughter of George Babb, died in Summit County; Campbell, who wa=: married (first) to a Miss McClelland and (.second) to Ann Adams, died in Wvandot County; Silas, who married a Miss Hile, moved to Clark County, Missouri, where he subsequently died; Robert, who married Martha Lemon, died in Springfield Town- ship; Polly, who married a ^Ir. Frederick- burg, moved to Tuscaraw-as County, but died in Summit County; and Nancy, who married Armstrong Thomas, died in Springfield Township. There arc numerous descendants of the above children of Joseph Ewart settled in different sections of this county. The parents of the mother of Mr. Ewart died when she was two years old and she was reared in the family of William Kranfzer. She still sun'ives, having reached her eightv- 694 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY fourth year. There were five children born to John and Elizabeth Ewart, as follows: Jo- seph, who died in boyhood; Perry A., who resides in Springfield Township, married Jen- nie Schaffer; Charles Calvin; Mary B., who married John Sheppard, resides in Lake County; Ada, who married Hubert Wright, resides in Lake County. Charles Calvin Ewart obtained his early education in the district schools and spent a short season in academies at Darby and Moga- dore. With the exception of a period of four months, Mr. Ewart. has always lived on the present farm. It was first settled about 100 years ago, the original owner being named De Haven. He was a blacksmith and had a shop on the farm. For many years Mr. Ewart was engaged in sheep-raising, but for some years past he has given the larger part of his attention to the dairy business. His beau- tiful herds of Guernsey cattle are of great value and at the present writing he has thir- ty-five head, milking twenty head. He feeds many hogs annually, and with the good man- agement which has made him a prosperous man; he watches his opportunity to make each line of agriculture profitable. On January 1, 1874, Mr. Ewart was mar- ried to Leora Weston, who is a daughter of Solomon and Mary Jane (Force) Weston, the former of whom died in Summit County in February, 1907, and the latter in July, 1905. Both were natives of Summit County and Mr. Weston died on the farm on which he was bom. Mr. and Mi-s. Ewart have had six children, the survivors being: Eva, who mar- ried Lewis Houseley, residing in Brooklyn, New York, has one son, Burton; Aurie, who married Curtis Ewart, residing at Pomona, California, has one .son, Robert Weston; and John and Elizabeth, both residing at home. In politics, Mr. Ewart is a Democrat. For the fifteen years he has served continu- ou.sly as a member of the School Board, his whole term of service covering twenty years. For a number of years this Township was the banner one of the county in relation to the number of graduates and it is only reasonable to suppose that the excellent control of the schools by an intelligent township l^oard had much to do with this. JAKE L. RANNEY, general merchant at Macedonia Village, was born in Northfield Townsliiip, Summit County, Ohio, July 10, 1855, and is a son of Moses and Miranda (Rogers) Ranney. Moses Ranney was born in Hudson Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, August 12, 1819, and died June 24, 1895. After attending the district school through boyhood he learned the blacksmith trade at Little York and then opened a shop at Peninsula, which be ran for seven years. On May 1, 1851, he came to what is now Macedonia, where he established himself in business, where he re- mained active until within twenty years of his death. He took much interest in public aff'airs, was a Democrat in political belief, and served frequently in township offices. He was a valued member of the Masonic lodge at Hudson. He married Miranda Rogers and they had. the following children. Edward G., who was killed at the battle of Gettysburg; Frank, residing at Akron ; J. L., residing at Macedonia; and Fred E., residing at Akron. Jake L. Ranney leaxned the blacksmith trade with his father and worked at it for some nine years and then embai'ked in a gen- eral mercantile business, in partnership with his brothers, under- the firm name of F. M. Ranney & Company. In 1888, after eight years of experience, Mr. Ranney sold his in- terest and learned the carpenter trade, but in 1892 he returned to merchandising. In 1904 he became manager of the Mace- donia Implement Company, handling all kinds of agricultural implements and feed, and making a sjiecialty of the manufacture of a can cleaner for the use of dairymen. It is a very u.«eful device and is in general de- mand, being much superior to any article of the kind ever before put on the market. Mr. Ranney married Pearl M. Clifford, who is a daughter of .Tame? C. Clifford, of North- field, and they have had two children, the one survivor bearing the name of Roger Clif- ford, and he was born April 6, 1897. Mr. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 695 Rannej' owns considerable property at Mace- donia, including his own home, which is fur- nished with beauty and taste. When Mr. Ranney became a member of the Masonic fraternity there were about for- ty-eight members in Northfield. Previous to this time, township politics had been largely controlled by the United Presbyterian Church influences, inimical to the Masons, and this induced the Masonic people to get up a popu- lar ticket which would sweep the town. On this ticket they elected Mr. Ranney, who was then twenty-two years of age, constable, an otfice he soon resigned. He never con.sented to hold any other until he was elected to his present office of township trustee. In the fall of 1904, he w^as appointed a justice of 'the peace, without being consulted, and he promptly declined the honor. Mr. Ranney is to some degree interested in opening up a giis well, in this section, which may prove of considerable value. He is one of the rep- resentative men of this part of Sunmiit County. JOSEPH BENSON CARTER, general farmer at Macedonia, Northfield Town.'ihip, was born in Twin.sburg Township, Summit County, Ohio, February 2S, 1839, and is a son of Thaddeus Andrews and Esther (Mar- shall ) Carter. The Carter family originated in southern England and probably the first settler in America was Robert Carter, who was the father of seven children, and who died at Killingsworth, Connecticut, in 1751. His son, William, was born in 1702, and joined the church at Killingsworth in 1725, soon after this removing to Guilford and thence to Wallingford. where, in 1733, he married Ann, daughter of Capt. Theophilus Yale. Thaddeus Carter, son of William, was born at Wallingford, in 1735. removed to Richfield, Connecticut, in 1783, and married Lucy, a daughter of Elisha Andrews. Noah Andrews Carter, son of Thaddeus, was born at Wallingford in 1777, removed to Richfield with his father, thence to Bris- tol. He was adopted by his nncle, Noah An- di-ews, one of the pioneer Methodist preachers of Connecticut. In 1815 he moved to Bark- hamstead, where he died in 1830. He mar- ried Lydia Gaylord, who was born in 1778. Thaddeus Andrews, father of Joseph B. Carter and second child and first son of Noah Andrews Carter and wife, was born at Bristol, Connecticut, March 24, 1902. In 1828 he married Esther Alford Marshall, who was born at Canton, Connecticut, December 9, 1805. They probably came to Ohio soon after their marriage, locating two miles west of the center of Twinsburg, on a wild, unim- proved tract of land. On this farm Mrs. Car- ter died, September 1, 1845, leaving behind a record of a beauitiful, unselfish life and many heroic deeds, as fell to pioneer woman's lot. The father of Mr. Carter was married (second) December 28, 1845, to Margaret McKesson, who was born at Yorktown, Marv- land. May 6, 1812. He died October 22, 1870. At one time he was a member of the Masonic lodge at Twinsburg. In early life he was a Whig and later a Republican, and frequently was elected to offices of responsi- bility, both in public affairs in the commu- nity and in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Joseph B. Carter remained assisting on the home farm until twenty-two years of age, hut when the Civil War Avas precipitated on the land, he determined to ofl^er his life and sendees in of his country. He enli.«ted 26, 1861, in Company K, Nineteenth Regiment, Ohio Vohmteer Infantry, and was honorably discharged in the fall of 1864. He was oonnected with the Army of the Cum- berland and participated in all the battles in which his regiment took part, from Pittsburg Landing to Stone River, where he was w^ounded by a bullet in his knee. This injury confined him to the hospital and subsequently made his transfer nece^ssary to the invalid corps, in which he remained eight months. He barely escaped death on the same battle- field, as a bullet penetrated the buckle of his belt. This buckle is preserved as a very precious object by his family. After the honorable close of his military .service Mr. Carter returned to the Twinsburg 696 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY farm and remained until 1870, and two years later bought a farm of K30 acres, which was the old homestead, which he still retains and has cultivated by a tenant. In 1889 Mr. Car- ter came to his present farm of 275 acres, on which his wife was born. Mr. Carter has 100 acres under cultivation, and feeds all he grows except wheat and potatoes. He keeps forty head of cattle, ten horses and seventy- five sheep. He ships his milk to Cleveland. He has excellent, substantial buildings and has a silo 18 by 30 feet, 30 feet high. On December 24, 1873, Mr. Carter was married to Amarilla L. Spafford, who is a daughter of Jason M. Spafford, of Northfield, where she Avas born August 4, 1852. They have two children. Lena May and Thaddeus B. The family belong to the Methodist Epis- copal Church, at Twinsiburg. Mr. Carter has l>een vice commander of Royal Dunn Post, No. 177, Grand Army of the Republic, at Bedford. The father of Mrs. Carter 'was born at Sa- lem, Ohio, September 13, 1831, and died May 25, 1876. His parents mioved into Summit County when he was a small boy. Soon after bis marriage he bought the farm in lot 3, on which the Carter family now lives. He niarnied Philena Cranson, who was born in New York, and accompanied her parents to (ieauga County, Ohio, in childhood. She still survives. Mrs. Carter was an only child. MUNN BROTHERS, a firm made up of twin brothers, Abram Cranmer and Amos R. Muiiii, has been prominent in the business affairs of Macedonia for a number of years, and the two brothers, together and individ- ually, have been identified mth much of the public life and conmiercial concerns of this section. The brothers were born at Mace- donia, Northfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, May 6, 1840, and are sons of Hiram and Esther (Cranmer) Munn. Warner Munn, the grandfather, was a na- tive of New Jersey, and sei-ved in the Revolu- tionary War. For a number of years near the close of liis life he lived in Northfield Town.sliip, and his remains lie in Northfield Cemetery. Hiram Munn was born at Trenton, New Jersey, in January, 1800, and died in 1880. When he was still young his parents moved to the State of New York, and during the War of 1812 he served as a drammer boy at the battle of Sacketts Harbor. Subsequently he followed his trade of cabinetmaker at Cleveland for a few years, and then came to Northfield, where he followed carpentry dur- ing the remainder of his active life. He mar- ried E.sther Cranmer, who was a daughter of Abraham Cranmer, of Macedonia. She was ithe first school teacher in Northfield Town- ship. Hiram Munn and wife had eleven children, eight of whom reached maturity, as follows: Irene, who married J. J. Brit- tain, residing in Streetsboro Township ; Fran- cis Adelda, who is survived by her husband, J. W. Caldwell, residing at Macedonia ; John Wesley, who is decea.sed ; Abram C. and Amos R.; Zorada, who married Harry Brumley, re- siding at Cleveland, and Ferdinand Sylve.«ter, residing at Macedonia. The parents of the above family were most worthy people in every phase of life. They were active mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which the father was a local preacher, and they were largely instrumental in having erected the presenif Northfield Church. Abram C. Munn obtained a common schonl education at Macedonia, and after acting in the cafiacity of a clerk for several years, in the post-office, he learned the shoemaking trade, and in 1858 the firm name of Munn Brothers came into existence, the young men enitering into partnershi]), and they continued to carry on a shoemaking indu.stry for about ten years. In 1861 A. C. Munn was appointed post-master by President Lincoln, and in 1863 he became local agent for the American Merchants I^nion Express Company, and con- tinued in that capacity iintil he went to Cleveland, where he fitted himself to be a practical .^team engineer. He was succeeded as agent by his brother, Amos R., who fills the po,-:ition for the Adams Express Com- pany at this point. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 697 After closing out their first business entor- |), the brothers engaged in a general mer- cantile ^business at Macedonia, which they continued as a partnership until 1885, when Abram C, went to Cleveland to accept the pasition of engineer of the waterworks depart- ment for the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany. Amos R. continued the business at Macedonia, changing its character somewhat, and has added notions and coal to the com- modities he handles. Abram C. Munn re- mained in the employ of the railroad com- pany until 1902, when he returned to Mace- donia, where he now lives partially retired, al- though the ibrothers still have business inter- ests in common. They are much alike in their niodeotii in Springfield Town.ship and was a daughter of an old pio- neer familv, .Tames and Elizabeth (Smdth) HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTS Henderson. She died in 1902, aged seventy- two years. James F. Wright is one of a family of six children. He was educated in the district school and the Akron High School, going from there to Monnt Union College, after Avhdch he taught school for some two years in Coventry and Springfield Townships. His life, however, has heen mainly devoted to farming. For some time he managed his father's farm, but, later purchased property, which he has continued to improve to the present time. On September 10, 1875, Mr. AA'right was married to Mary J. Steese, who was born in Green Township, and is a daughter of George and Esther (Faust) Steese. Her parents came to Ohio from Pennsylvania. Both are deceased, the fatlier reaching the age of eighty years. Mr. and Mrs. ^A^right have three chil- dren: Esther Elta, who married Robert Manson, resides a/t Akron, and they have one child, Finley Manson; Bert A., residing at Akron, where he is assistant draught'^man for the firm of Taplan and Rice, and Myron E., who is stenographer and bookkeeper for the Welsh Paper Mill Compamv, at Cuvahoga Falls. ^ ~ Mr. Wright is one of the leading Repub- lican politicians of Summit County. For a number of years he has sensed as a member of the party executive committee of this pre- cinct, has attended numerous county conven- tions as a delegate, and in 1906 he was elected alternate to the State convention. He has also served in local offices, and for some ten years has been a member of the School Board. Fraternally, Mr. Wright is an Odd Fellow, belonging to Summit Lodge, No. 50, Akron. Both he and wife are members of the German Reformed Church. GEORGE W. SHRIBER, general farmer and trucker, resnding on . a well-cultivated farm near Loyal Oak, Norton Township, was born at On-ville, Wayne County, Ohio, No- vember 23, 1855, and is a son of Emanuel and Elizabeth (Crites) Shriber. Emanuel Shriber was a farmer and also a carpenter and George W. was reared to agri- cultural pursuits. His education was ob- tained in the country schools. For fourteen years after marriage, Mr. Shriber lived on his farm in Ashtabula County, Ohio. After the death of his father, which took place in September, 1895, Mr. Shriber returned to ^Vayne County, and continued to reside on the home farm in Baughman Township, un- til March, 1902, when he came to Summit County and settled on^his present farm. His land is well adapted to the growing of vege- tables and small fruiits and he engages largely in this industry, in addition to general agri- cultural work. Mr. Shriber was married to Clara E. Erase, who is a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Erase. She was reared in Chippewa Town- ship, Wayne County. Mr. and Mrs. Shriber have had six children, namely: Carrie E., Bert Alvin, Carl C, George Neil, Howard Erase and Glen Russell. Mr. Shriber's chil- dren have been well educated, the three older ones all becoming teachers. The eldest daughter, who is principal of the High School at Carrolton, the county seat of Carrol County, is a talented lady and \\'idely-known edu- cator. She attended the High School at Mar- sha.llville, Ohio, spent one year at Jefferson, Ohio, and completed her liberal education at Wooster University. Bert Alvin, the eldest son, is successfully engaged in the practice of dentistry at Akron. For four years he en- gaged in teaching. He is a graduate of the Mar.shallville High School, and studied his profesision at the Western Reserve University at Cleveland. He married Blanch Woods, who is a daughter of Dr. A. T. Woods, of Loyal Oak, Ohio. Carl C, the second son, attended the Marshallville High School and completed his education in the .summer ses- sions at "Wooster I^niversity, for three years teaching through the -n-inters. Mr. Shriber and familv belong to Grace Reformed Church at Loyal Oak, in which he is an elder. He is a man of upright char- acter and the family is a representative one of Norton Township. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 701 REUBEN B. BAUGHMAN, a representa- tive citizen and leading farmer of Norton Township, resides upon a well-improved and finely-cultivated farm of ninety acres, which is situated one mile south and west of John- son's Corners. He was born at Hametown, Summit County, Ohio, July 12, 1850, and is a son of John C. and Elizabeth (Barkhamer) Baughman. - John Baughman, the grandfather of Reu- ben B., came to Norton Township when his son, John C, the youngest of the three chil- dren, was four years old, the other being Joel C. and Mrs. Su.^anna Waltenberger. At that time the family name was spelled in the old German way — Bachman — the change be- ing made to the present orthography by John C, when he came to man's estate. John Bach- man, or Baughman, was a cabinetmaJvcr by trade and settled first in Chippewa Township, A^'ayne County, but it is probable that he did little else than farming after coming to Nor- ton To^raship. John C. Baughman was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, but was reared and educated in Wayne and Summit Countie.-i, Ohio. He married Elizabeth Bark- liamer, who was reared in Franklin Town- ship. She was a daughter of John Bark- hamer, who walked the whole distance from Pennsylvania and bought a tract of wood- land in Franklin Township, Summit County, on which he lived for the remainder of his life. For many years he was a justice of the peace. The parents of Reuben B. Baughman went to housekeeping in Norton Township and as he had learned the carpenter trade he worked at it and subsequently became a well-known contractor and carried on a large wliolesale lumber business. In addition to his carpen- ter, contracting and lumber interests, Mr. Baughman dealt in land and acquired 308 1-3 acres of farming land, and owned also a .etore property at Hametown. The Barberton Chemical Company plant is located on land which was once his farm. He died in Sep- tember. 1898. He is survived by his widow and the following children : Reuben B., Tsaae James; Arvilla, who married William H. Nice, of Barberton; Calista B., who mai-- ried Huston Snyder, living on the old home fairm; and Clara E., who married Clyde 0. Rasor. Three children are deceased, name- ly: Amanda, Emma and Cora. Reuben B. Baughman was reared in Nor- ton Township and attended the district schools. His attention has been given to farm- ing and his fine property shows that he is successful as an agriculturist. He raises grain and enough stock for his own use. Mr. Baughnnm married Martha Jane Wise, only child of Michael and Martha (Myers) Wise. The Wise family is a very old and prominent one in ftiis township. For many years Michael Wise, who resides at Johnson's Corners, served as a justice of the peace, and few men are better known in this section than 'Squire Wise. Mr. and Mrs. Baughman have had four children — Loma Blanche, who died aged four years; Lloyd AV. is a bookkeeper for the L. S. & M. S. Railroad, residing at Cleveland; Clarence C, who died at the age of eighteen years; and John R., residing at home. Mr. Baughman is a man who takes aii in- terest in the welfare of his community and as a prominent man has freqviently been se- lected by his fellow-citizens for office. He ser\'ed two terms as Township treasurer, and .since 1904 he has been a member of the School Board. He belongs to the Reformed Church. L. D. CASTLE, general manager of the Pittsburg Valve and Fitting Company, an important industry which has been located at Barberton, since 1902, is a practical ma- chinist, who has had a large experience in differemt parts of the country. Mr. Ca.«tle was bom at Frederick. Maryland, but in his childhood, his parents moved to Charlcstown, Jefferson County, Virginia. Mr. Oa.«it.le was educated at Charlestown, and when eighteen years of age. he moved to Connecticut, locating at Bridgeport, Fairfield County. There he had an opportunity to study mechanical drawing, and he also served an apprenticeship of three years to the ma- 702 HISTORY OF SUjniTT COUNTY chinist's trade. For two years he worked a^ a journeyman machinist and then became foreman of the Eaton, Cole and Burnham Company's shops, and while serving as such was offered the superintendency of the Kelley and Jones Company, of New York, which he accepted. PTevioi:isly he declined the offer of assisitant superintendent with the former company. The Kelly and Jones Company, two years later, removed their plant from New York to Greensburg, Pennsylvania, where they built larger works, and Mr. Castle re- mained with them until prepared to go into the organization of the Pittsburg Valve and Fitting Company. This important business concern of Bar- berbon was organized in 1901 at Pittsburg, by L. D. Ca.stle and M. J. Alexander. For one year the partners operated a pattern sliop at Pittsburg, but as the scope of their busi- ness was enlarged, it was considered advisable to build the necessary large works at another place, Barberton offering a suitable location. The officers of the company are the follow- ing capitalists and experienced men in this line of work: William D. Hartupee, presi- dent, residing at Pitt,sburg; M. J. Alexander, secretary and treasurer, residing at Pitt-sburg. and L. D. Ca.«itle, general manager, residing at Barberton. The board of directors includes . these names : Alexander R. Peacock, Charles W. Brown, William D. Hartupee, M. J. Alex- ander, L. H. Castle, Joseph H. O'Neill and Kenneth K. McLaren. The company own- eighty acres of land, seventy-five of which was purchased from the Huntsburger heirs and five acres from the Barberton Land Com- pany. Employment is given to 900 men and the pay roll is a very heavy item. The products of this plant are standard brass and iron valves and iron pipe fittings, for use in con- nection with .steam, water, oil and gas. They sell through jobbers, their trade territory be- ing the United States and foreign countries. The business was incorporated under the laws of New Jersey, with a capital .'^tock of $1,000,- 000. They run three foundrys, a grey iron, a malleable iron and a foundry. Mr. Castle was married in New York City to Carrie L. Fuller, and they have two chil- dren, namely: l/ouis H., who is connected with a bank, in Boston, in which city he re- sides with liis family, and George Fuller, who is a student in the Barberton schools. Mr. Castle is a member of the order of Elks. GREGORY J. GONDER, a substantial citizen and leading business man at Barber- ton, conducting a store at No. 345 Second Street, in the Gonder Block, devoted to wall paper and painters' supplies, was born at Ak- ron. May 29, 1853, and is a son of Joseph and Catherine (Steinbecker) Gonder. Joseph Gonder, a son of Joseph Gonder, was born in Germany, and came alone to America in boyhood, settling at Akron, where he was joined two years later by his father, who established the business in 1835. The three brothers, Gregory J., William H. and Joseph, all learned the painting trade. Gregory J. Gonder grew up at .likron and began to assist his father when only twelve years of age, in the old shop which was lo- cated on East Market Street, Akron, and after he became his father's partner the business was continued at Akron, Mr. Gonder not set- tling at Barberton until September, 1906. He still runs a shop in the basement of the Windsor Hotel, but his main business is car- ried on in the Gonder Block, which fine three-.story brick building, 24 by 100 feet in dimensions, he erected in 1904. He give* employment to nine men and does general contracting in painting. Mr. Gonder was married at Akron to Emma M. Edwards, who is a daughter of John Edwards, and they have had three chil- dren, the one survivor being the eldest. Greg- ory R., who is as,sociated with his father in business. He married Mary Condon. The oither children of Mr. and Mrs. Gonder were: Susan, who died aged two years, and Howard, who died aged seventeen years. Mr. Gonder is an active member of the Baptist Clmrch at Akron. Fraternally, he is connected with the Knights of Pythias. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 703 CHARLES B. TRYON, farmer, residing in tihe village of Macedonia, was born on a farm he owns, situated in lot 2, Northfield Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, July 22, 1855. His piirents were Jesse and Ruth (Gibson) Try on. Jesse Tryon, father of Charles E., was born at Wethersfield, Connecticut, September 15, 1819, and was twelve years of age when he came to Ohio with his parents. They settled in Cuyahoga County, and he was educated in an old log school house near his father's farm. After he was married, Jesse Tryon came to Summit County and bought the farm on which his son Charles B., was sub- sequently born. It contained originally, for- ty-nine acres, to which Jesse Tryon added until he had 158 acres, and on this land he rai-ed many cattle and sheep. He became identified with the Republican party and served in township offices. He married a daughter of Asa Gibson. She was born in Nctv Jersey and died in Ohio, in 1896, aged seventy-six years. She was a member of the Baptist. Church. Three of their four children grew to maturity, namely: Jennie R., de- ceased, who married V. B. Murphey, also de- ceased: Charles B., and Zettie R., who mar- ried C. A. Bis.sell, residing at Antwerp, Ohio. Charles B. Tryon remained on the home farm through childhood, youth and into mid- dle ago, developing the property and carrj-- ing on both farming and dairying for many years. Prior to the spring of 1907, when he retired to a plea.sant home in the village of Macedonia, he looked after all his farm in- dustries himself, but these he ha« largely dele- gated to his son, who resides on the farm, in tlie sub.stantial old hou.-=e which was built by his grandfather, .sixty years ago. The barns have be«n enlarged and other building- added, Mr. Tryon always having taken con- siderable pride lin his surroundings. There are kept twenty-five head of Holstein cattle on the farm, milk being shipped to Cleve- land. Hay, corn and oats are raised for feed, and wheat and potatoes for sale. Mr. Tryon married Delia Robin.son, who is a daughter of Sidney Roliinson, of Michi- gan, and they have had three children: Pearl, deceased, who married Z. A. Hoasell, of Northfiicld; Fred, who was born August 11, 1880, residing on the farm, married Delia Baldwin and has three children, and Treva, residing at home. Politically, Mr. Tryon is identified with the Republican party and for twenty years has been a member of the School Board of Northfield ToAvnship. He was one of the prime movers in securing the in corporation of the village of Macedonia and at present is a member of the village council. He is the secretary of the Twinsburg German Coach Honse Company, which owns the imported German coach .stallion, Olof. With his wife he attends the Methodist Episcopal Church and contributes liberally to its support. IRA L. HART, who resides on his well- improved farm of eighty-seven acres in Springfield Township, is one of the best- known farmers in the township and a rep- resentative member of one of the oldest fam- ilies of this section. He was born in Sum- mit County, Ohio, October 8, 1861. and is a son of George W. and Rebecca (Myers) Hart. He is a grandson of John D. Hart, who came to Summit County from Pennsyl- ■\ania, at a very early date which has not been preserv-ed, but at that time there were few other settlers in this region. .Tohn D. Hart made his first permanent settlement where his granrLson Ira now resides. A log cabin had been bi;ilt on the land by a former tenant and in that rude but sufficient abode this worthy pioneer and his wife rounded out their lives. John D. Hart was a soldier in the War of 1812, and he was a son of the John Hart -whose name is appended to the Declaration of Independence. John D. Hart's family included four daughters and two sons who reached mature age, namely: Mrs. Margaret Gillen, ^lary A., who married John A, Myers and died in Springfield Township ; Rel>ecca, who married Abraham Rodenbaugh, and spent her life in Spring- field Township: Jane, deceased, who sur\dved her hu.=band, Benjamin Clay; John, who died 704 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY in 1900, aged eighty years, and who married Margaret Haiwk, and George W., father of Ira L., who died in 1898. John D. Hart and his wife died soon after the close of the Civil War, and were buried in the cemetery of the Presbyterian Church at Springfield. He owned a farm of ninety acres at that time. The parents of Ira L. Hart were both born in Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio. The mother, Mrs. Rebecca Hart, died when Ira L. Hart was about seven years of age. Her husband survived her until April 10, 1898, when he died at the age of sixty- six years. They had eight children, the three survivors being: Arilda J., who mar- ried 0. J. Swinehart., residing at Springfield Lake; Luther E., residing at Akron, but owning a farm in Springfield Township, who married Minerva Ritzman, daughter of Sam- uel Ritzman, and Ira L., whose name begins this sketch. After marriage, George W. Hart and wife started housekeeping in the old log house which still stands on the farm, and his life was mainly devoted to agricultural pursuits. He was one of the organizers of Pomona Grange, Patrons of Husbandrs'. He owned a farm of sixty acres which he placed under good cultivation and he built an excel- lent barn, of which his .son now makes use. The old home was comfortable and neither he nor his wife desired any other. They were quiet, \'irtuous, godly people, members of the Presbyterian Church, and estimable in every relation of life. Their remains lie in the Presbyterian cemetery. Mr. Hart was a pa- triotic citizen and served in the Union army during the Civil War. Ira L. Hart was born in the old family residence which still remains standing on the farm. He obtained his education in the dis- trict schools. He and his brother Luther worked some years for their father, after which they purchased the Henderson farm. After the father's death they returned, Ira L. receiving a small portion of the esrtate, to which he subsequently added by purchase until he now owns a fraction over eighty- seven acres. Formerly he was largely in- terested in growing potatoes for the Akron market, but now carries on mixed farming and raises .small fruit. In 1903 he completed hLs fine modern residence, of eight rooms, wliich, in architecture and convenience, is one of the handsomest in Springfield Township. All his surroundings show thrift and good management. In a large measure, Mr. Hart is a self-made man, having acquired his pop- ularity through industry and frugality. On December 22, 1885, Mr. Hart was mar- ried to Ida B. Traster, of Springfield Town- ship, and they have three children, namely: Jessie, Willard and Dawn, all residing at home. The family belong to the Presbyte- rian Church at Springfield. In politics, Mr. Hart is a Democrat. In the spring of 1901 he was elected township treasurer, and subsequently served efficiently four years and four months in this respon- .«ible office. He is a man of liberal, broad- minded views on public matters, and is in- terested in all that promises to be of bene- fit to his locality. ALBERT R. HENRY, secretary and treas- urer of the Paul & Henry Constnietion Com- pany, and member of the firm of Paul & Henry, of Barberton, is one of the prominent citizens and a representative business man of this community. Mr. Henry was born in Butler County, Penn.sylvania, March 26, 1866, and is a son of Milton and Margaret (Reed) Henry. The parents of Mr. Henry moved to New Castle. Pennsylvania, when he was about one year old, and he was reared and educated in that place, completing the High School course. In 1891, just about the time the business awakening reached Barberton, Mr. Henr\- came to this place, accompanying the Stirling Boiler AA^'orks as bookkeeper, and manager of the clerical force, and he re- mained with that organization until 1900, when he entered into partnership with John Paul, in the coal business and in city contract work, including pa^nng, etc. The extensive yards and offices of this firm are located at Bolivar Road and Baird Avenue, where they AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 705 have about an acre of land. Paul & Henry are contractors and builders in stone work and sewer work, and make a specialty of heavy hauling and moving. Much of the extensive work required by the Diamond Match Company is placed in the hands of this firm. They did all the stone work on the school houses here, the abutment at the gorge, at Akron, over the Cuyahoga River, and also all of the stone work for the Pitts- burg Valve Company's buildings. Employ- ment is given to from 150 to 225 men. In May, 1907, the firm entered into the manu- facture of artificial ice, in a newly constructed building. Paul & Henry is a separate organ- ization from the Paul & Henry Construction Company. The latter is incorporated at $20,000, and do nothing but grading, con- crete work and masonry. John Paul is presi- dent of that branch. The fonner company does some construction work but is mainly interested in coal and ice. Both members of the above companies are practical engineers and are prominent in industrial circles at Barberton, and equally prominent as citi- zens. Mr. Henry was married in 1904 to Martha McMichael. He is an active and interested member of both the Masons and the Elks. WALTER A. WHITE, who has been iden- tified with the match industry since 1868, is superintendent of the Diamond Match Company, at Barberton. Mr. White was born at Brooklyn, New York, December 28, 1855, and is a son of James P. and Keziah (Hunt) White. When Mr. White was eleven years of age, his parents removed to Akron, Ohio. During the Civil War his father, a ship carpenter, had worked for the Government at Brooklyn, and after he came to Akron he devoted him- self to building canal boats. He w^as a good workman and met with material He lived to be eighty-six years of age, dying from the effects of an accident. April 8, 1907. His widow still survives, aged seventy-seven years. Walter A. White completed his education at Akron, in 1868 beginning to work for 0. C. Barber in the match business, at first only during the summer vacation, but later taking regular work and attending night school. Step by step he has risen in the business, from its humblest position to that of one of the most important on its working force, each year becoming more valuable to Mr. Barber and his associates, both on account of his effi- ciency as well as fidelity. On December 24, 1883, Mr. White was married to Alice Westcott, and they have two children, namely: Ethel C, who married Oris Tichnor, has one child; Walter H., and Howard W. Mr. White has two brothers and one sister: John, proprietor of the White Lumber Company, at Akron ; James, in a lumber business at Detroit, and Anna, who married Charles Akers, who is a hardware and real estate dealer at Akron. Mr. White is a prominent member of the Elks. \y. IT. SHAW, a representative agricul- turist of Northfield Township, residing on his valuable farm of 112 acres, was born in Washington Township, Licking County, Ohio, September 3, 1853. and is a son of Ha.r\'ey F. and Rebecca (Helphrey) Shaw. The father of Mr. Shaw was born in New Jersey and there learned the trade of .stone- mason. He came to Washington Township, Utica village. Licking County, Ohio, in young manhood, acquired a farm and carried dt on together with work at his trade. He died in 1870, aged forty-eight years. He married a daughter of George Helphrey, and they had the following children : Annabel, W. H., Laura, Simon L., Frank, Arthur and Cor- bett. The mother of the above family still survives, aged seventy-eight years. She is a member of the Presbvterian Church at Berea, Ohio. W. H. Shaw attended school in Washing- ton Township. Utica village, and was fifteen years of age when his parents moved to Clin- ton, Henr>' County. Mi.-n- Cm s 02 o O o iz; I— I M 02 AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 711 Frank H. Miller attended the district schools of Norton Township, and his occupa- tion in life htis been farming. In 1877, he was married to Sarah Ann Moser, who is a daughter of Louis and Litina Moser, and they have four children: Mattie, who married William Moser, has one child, Roy Daniel ; Elsie; Loui^ D., who resides in Sharon Town- ship, married Nettie Davis, and they have two children, Wanda May and Una Marion ; and Earl Francis. Mr. and Mrs. Miller lost one daughter, Carrie. The family belong to the Lutheran Church, of which Mr. Miller has been secretary for fourteen years. For several years Mr. Miller has been the treasurer of the Norton Fire Insurance Company. MILTON A. SEIBERLING, a substantial citizen and successful agriculturist, residing on a small farm of five acres, which is located in Norton Township on the Center road, owns a very valuable farm of 111 acres, which lies on the Llamet-own road, near Sherman. Mr. Seiberling belongs to a prominent old fam- ily of Summit County, and he was born on the farm which is the property of his brother, Gusta\ais Seiberling, November 20, 1850. His parents were Nathan and Cath- erine (Peters) Seiberling. The parents of Mr. Seiberling were both born in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, where they were reared and attended school. Short- ly after their marriage they came to Norton Township. Summit Gournty. where they lived long and virtuous lives; and when the father died at the age of eighty years, and the mother, aged eighty-four, there were many outside their large family who grieved to lose them from the community in which they had been long noted for their kindness and char- ity. They were the parents of fifteen chil- dren. Milton Seiberling was reared on the home farm in Norton Township, and, after com- pleting his education in the country schools, he immediately began active farming opera- tions. He remained on the home farm for about four years after his marriage, and then purchased the farm which is occupied by his son-in-law, Robert Helmick, and started at once to make improvements. He removed a house from another farm to the new loca- tion, remodeled it, and built a substantial barn, and then set out orchards and a grove of maple trees, and continued improving un- til his property was equal in value to any of like size in the neighborhood and more at- tractive than any. On that farm Mr. Seiber- ling continued to reside, carrying on farm- ing and stock-raising, imtil in the spring of 1898, when he retired from hard work and settled on his present tidy little place, which it gives him only needful exercise to manage. Mr. Seiberling has always been considered one of the prosperous farmers of Nor- ton Township on account of his progressive methods and the great interftst he always took in his work. On November 30, 1871, Mr. Seiberling was married to Fayetta Johnson, who is a daugh- ter of Joseph Johnson, who was born and reared in Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Sei- berling have three children : Minnie, who married Harman Dague, resides at Doyles- town and has three children — Ethel. Flor- ence and Roy; Martha, wife of Robert Hel- mick, who operates her father's farm, and who ha^ had two children — one who died in infancy; and Gertrude, the younger; and Ruth, residing at home. Mr. Seiberling and family belong to the Lutheran Church. He is a member of the beneficial order of Path- finders. REUBEN STAUFFER,' residing on his well-improved farm of forty-two acres, situated in Norton Township, is .one of the leading men of his community. He was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, January 1, 18:3.3, and is a son of Abraham and Susan (Ruth) Stauffer. They were farming people and the father also followed carpentering. Reuben Stauffer was reared in his native county and attended the district schools. He was twenty-one years of age when he came to Summit Ci>unty, Ohio. Before leaving Penn- sylvania he learned the cooper trade and this he followed for a time, l)ut worked mainly as 712 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY a carpenter, following that trade for thirty- five consecutive years. During this time he ha^ done a large amount of building through the county, erecting as many as thirty bank barns and many of the most sub- stantial residences in Norton Township. His farming has been of secondary importance. In 1855 Mr. Staufler was married to Eliza- beth Hartzell, who is a daughter of Isaac and Mary Hartzell. Mrs. Stauffer was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, and was ten years old when her parents settled in Nor- ton Township. Mr. and Mrs. Stauffer have had three children, namely: Ellen, who married Hower Van Hyning, has two children. Earl and Ethel May, the former of whom married and has one child, Ellen; Harry Abraham, who died aged five years; and Milton Albert. For seven years following his marriage, Mr. Stauffer lived at Norton Center and then set- tled on the present fiirm. They are members of the Reformed Church at Loyal Oak. For thirty years, Mr. Stauffer has served as school director and his fellow-citizens have, on vari- ous occasions, elected him trustee and treas- urer of the township. LUTHER A. KUHN, a retired farmer of Northfield Township, who still retains his valuable farm consisting of 114 acres, was born at Northfield, Summit County, Ohio, December 10, 1845, and is a son of William H. H. and Mary (Elder) Kuhn. The father of Mr. Kuhn was born in Plum Creek Township, Allegheny County, Pennsyl- vania, and he came to Summit County with his wife and one child, settling on land lying on the line separating Northfield and Bedford Townships. He owned 208 acres on which he raised sheep for many years, but later turned his property into a dairy farm. He was a man of substantial character and was frequently chosen for local offices. He sup- ported the Republican party. He married Mary Elder who was born at Blairsville, Penn- sylvania, and of their children, the following grew to maturity: Margaret Jane, who mar- ried John H. Shirk, residing in Falcon County, Dakota; Luther A.; Elder, who died September 14, 1907, aged sixty years, resided at Lincoln, Nebra.ska; and Louis and Frank, both residing at Cleveland. The mother of the above family died in 1896, aged seventy- two years. The father passed away in 1894, aged eighty-three years. Luther A. Kuhn was educated in the com- mon schools and at the age of eighteen years he became a clerk in a general store at Bed- ford, later entering into business under the firm name of Voght & Kuhn, in the gro- cery line, at Cleveland, occupying a building near the city market-house, which was owned by Mr. Kuhn's father. Six months later Mr. Kuhn sold his interest and went to Muscatine, Iowa, where he bought a farm of eighty acres, subsequently selling this at an advantage and buying 100 acres, to which he later added a second farm of the same area. These farms he operated for many years, when he sold one, but retains the other, which he rents. In 1867, Mr. Kuhn came back to Northfield Township for a few years and. then returned with his wife to Iowa, where he continued to live until 1904. In that year he again came to Northfield Township and took up his resi- dence on what was formerly the McCon- neaughey farm, which he had bought in 1902. It formerly contained 120 acres, but six acres has been sold to the Lake Erie & Pennsylvania Railroad. In 1867 Mr. Kuhn was married to Isabella Darrow, wdio is a daughter of the late Captain Darrow, who died in Cuyahoga County. Mrs. Kuhn is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Kuhn is a stanch Republican, but he is no seeker for political recognition. JOHN CRISP, of the firm of John Crisp and Son, contractors, with offices at Nos. 173- 175 Annadale street, xikron, has been a resi- dent of this city for a quarter of a century, and during this period has been one of its most active business men. He was born in 1851, in Northamptonshire, England, where he obtained his education and prior to coming to AiTierica in 1872, he learned the trade of brick-layer. Mr. Cri.

as his business grew, remaining as its active head for twenty-four years. In many ways Christian Roeger is a remarkable man. He landed at Akron with a knowledge of the blacksmith trade, but with only forty-eight cents capital. At first, to provide for his immediate wants, he cut timber in South Akron for the building of Buchtel College. He -was married at Canton to Rosainna Ribold, who was born in 1850, and they had four children, the three sur- vivors being: Charles, George W. and Archer. Elbert J., who was born in 1882, died unmar- ried in 1895. The parents of this family re- side at Brittain, worthy and highly respected people. Charles Roeger attended the schools near his home, and as soon as old enough began to work in his father's shop, and until 1906, devoted him.self almost entirely to the paint- ing department of the business, since which time he has exercised a general superintend- ence. Charles Roeger married May L. Mc- Chesney, who is a daughter of Edward and Sarali (Wise) McChesney, and they have two children, Glynn and Reginald. Mr. Roeger is a member of the East ^larket Street Re- formed Church, in which he is a deacon. He belongs to Apollo Lodge, No. 61, East Akron, Odd Fellows. Politically, he is a Repub- lican. George W. Roeger, who is his brother's ]jartner in the firm of Roeger Broth ei-s, was born in Springfield Township, Summit Coun- ty, Ohio, in Mtu'ch, 1878. He was educated in the local schools and, like his older brother, eai'ly began work in his father's shop. He was married to Anna Brubaker, September 17, 1902, and they have one child. Politic- ally, he is a Republican. He is a member of the East Market Street Reformed Church. The firm of Roeger Brothers does a very large business. It is one of the oldest houses of its kind in this section and it has gained the confidence of the public through honor- .able businftss dealing and high quality of goods. The factory is located at Brittain. The firm manufactures diff^erent kinds of carriages and wagons and deals also in harness and fann implements, twelve men being given constant employment. Their repair shop alone does a bu.sines3 of from $5,000 to $6,200 per year, and their new business amounts to from $5,- 000 to $6,000 annually. The present factory was built about 1892 and has been remodeled .severl times since, excellent facilities now be- ing afforded. RUSSELL T. DOBSON, one of AkroTi's practical and succe,ssful business men, who is president and manager of the Dobson Build- ing Company, has been an active and valued citizen of this place since 1892. He was bom in 1861, at Battle Creek, Michigan, re- moving from there with his parents when eleven yeaxs of age, and settling at Toledo. Mr. Dob.son was mainly educated at Toledo, both in the public schools and in that other school, a printing office. In 1880, with W. B. Dobson, his brother, he purchased the newspaper property of The Wood County Democrat, at Bowling Green, Ohio, where he resided until 1889, servinsr AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 727 as postmaster during the administration of President Cleveland. He then moved to De- fiance, Ohio, where he published the Defiance County Democrat, and also the Daily News. In 1891 he removed to Springfield, Ohio, and there engaged for a year in the publication of the Daily Democrat, and then came to Ak- * ron. Mr. Dohson and his brother estal^lished here a newspapei" under the name of the Daily Democrat, which is now known as the Daily Times, which he continued until 1897, when he sold out, and in the following year took over the management of the Beacon-Jour- nal, and was owner and manager of the same mitil 1903, when he sold out his newspaper interert.'?. Mr. Dobson then turned his attention to other lines, and shortly afterward erected the Dobson Building, one of the most modern, sanitarj' and convenient office buildings in Akron. It is five stories in height, situated on the corner of Howard and Main Streets, occupying 74 feet on the latter, with 110 feet of depth, and with two basements. In 1885 Mr. Dobson was married to Jen- nie A. Wiley, of Bowling Green, Ohio, and they have one son, Russell T., Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dobson attend the Episcopal Church. Fraternally he is affiliated with the Elks and the Knights of Pythias. HARRY A. COCHRANE, one of North- field Township's representative citizens and successful agriculturists, was born at Ligonier, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, March 9, 1866, and is a son of Huston and Rachel (Scroggs) Cochrane. Huston Cochrane was born at Latrobe, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, where he received a common school education and learned the trade of potter, which he fol- lowed for nearly twenty-five years, owning his own kilns and making stone, china nnd all kinds of earthenware. About 1874 Mr. Cochrane sold his pottery, and purchased a farm at Latrobe, on which he resided for nine years, and at the end of that time came to Northfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, purchasing the old Griswold farm of 106 acres, on which he spent the remainder of his life, his death occurring July 1, 1906. Mr. Cochrane was a Republican in politics, and while at Ligonier, Pennsylvania, served as tax collector and school director for three years. He married Rachel Scroggs, who was a daughter of Rev. Joseph Scroggs, a clergj'- man of the United Presbyterian Church, who preached for fifty years in the Ligonier Val- ley. There were six children born to this union, namely: Laura, who is the wife of William McFarland, of Latrobe; James Ed- win, who died in infancy; Joseph, who is de- ceased; Harry A.; Aggie, who is the wife of George McFarland, of Greensburg, Pennsyl- vania; and Thomas, who died at the age of five years. The mother of these children, who is now seventy-three yeaVs old, makes her home with her son Harry A., and is a de- voted member of the United Presbyterian Church, of which her husband was an elder for thirty years. In 1885, after coming to Summit County, Harry A. Cochrane entered the Northfield High School, and after graduating there he took a course in the Cleveland Business Col- lege. For some time afterward he traveled for the Brooks Oil Company, and also handled agricultural implements for a while. About 1900 he bought a one-half interest in the Macedonia Milling Company, taking full charge of buying and selling, also running a cider press and apple jelly factory in connec- tion. He closed this business out in 1905. Since then he has been engaged in farming and stock-raising, devoting seventy-eight acres of his property to raising corn, oats, wheat and hay, and from twelve to fifteen acres to growing potatoes. Mr. Cochrane keeps from six to eight head of cattle, raises young stock, and keeps about nine head of horses. He uses the most modern methods in operating his farm, and is considered one of Northfield Township's good, practical agri- culturists. Mr. Cochrane was married to Myrtle Ne.s- bitt. who is a daughter of James Nesbitt, one of Northfield Township's most prominent citizens, who was county commissioner of 728 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Summit County for seven yearti. Two chil- dren have been born to thL!< union: Helen liaehel and Lucille, the latter of whom died in infancy. Mr. and Mr.<. Cochrane are mem- bers of the Uiiited Presbyterian Church, of which he is a trustee. In political matters Mr. Cochrane is an independent Kepublican. M. B. SHUMAKEK, of Shumaker and Company, boot and shoe merchants, at Akron, with business located at No. 17 South How- ard Street, was born in Wayne County, Ohio, in l(Sr)4, and is a son of William and Mar- garet (l^locker) Shumaker. Williiun Shumaker, father of M. B., accom- panied his father, also William Shumaker, to Wayne County from Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, in 1823, and resided on his farm, which his father had secured from the gxjvernment, until his death, in February, 1907, at the age of eighty-.--ing out a design for a tack-making ma- chine and succeeded in making a practical model during the early months of 1907, which has been a complete success in ever^^ way. Mr. Grose has a dozen automatic machines at work in his facton- and they are being rap- idly installed in other places. Their con,«truc- tion is unique, nothing of the kind ever hav- ing been put on the market previously. To Mr. Grose belongs the credit for a thorough- ly i)ractical and labor-saving invention. His factory needs no traveling representatives, as the demand for itcs product already far exceeds the supply. Mr. Grose married Rose A. Keeney, who is a daughter of Charles Keeney, of Cuyahoga Falls, and they have had three children, namely: Ethel and Margaret, living, and George, the eldest, who died at the age of thirteen months. Mrs. Grose is a member of the Catholic Church, but Mr. Grose was reared a Methodist. Mr. Grose, like his father, has always been identified T\'ith the Democratic party, but takes no very active interest in poli- tics. He belongs to Fostoria Lodge, No. 86, Knights of Pythias. JAMES W. RABE, M. D.. physician and surgeon, of many years' experience, has been a resident of Akron since 1891. He was bom at Caldwell, Noble County, Ohio, but was reared at Cleveland. Dr. Rabe received his literary training in the city of Cleveland, and his medical educa- tion in the University of Pennsylvania, where he was graduated in 1888. He returned to Cleveland and for two years was demon- strator of anatomy in the Western Reserve Medical College. He is a member of the Sum- mit County, the Ohio State, the Noi-theastern Ohio and the American Medical As.sociations. He has taken an active part in various sani- tary movements in the city when the judg- ment of a phy,sician bore considerable weight. but takes only a good citizen's interest in poli- tics. Dr. Raibe is surgeon at the Akron City Ho.spital, and is also surgeon for the ^Balti- more & Ohio, the Pennsylvania & Western and the Cleveland and Valley Railroads. He is medical examiner for a number of life^ in- surance companies, including the New York and Manhattan, of New York; the Northwest- ern, of Milwaukee; the Metropolitan ; the Mas- sachusetts Mutual; the John Hancock. Cana- dian Life and others. In 1891 Dr. Rabo was married to ]\Iaud Na.'sh. daughter of Sumner 756 HISTORY OF SUMjMIT COUNTY Nash, of Akron. They have two children, Mary and J. W., Jr. Dr. Rabe belongs to the Elks and the Elks club and also to the Akron club. JAMES P. BREEN, superintendent of the northeast side of Portage Township, is a suc- cessful general farmer, residing on his val- uable farm of thirty-seven acres, which was formerly owned by John McCausland, a prom- inent pioneer settler, and his father-in-law. Mr. Breen was born at Akron, Ohio, April 1, 1859, and is a son of Patrick and Mary (O'Neil) Breen. Patrick Breen was born in Ireland, where hds father died when he was about si.x years old. Shortly afterward the widowed mother came to America with her two sons, James and Patrick, settling at Xenia, Ohio, where Patrick's mother died. When a young man he came to Akron and entered a powder mill in that city, having learned the business at Xenia. He was married at Akron to Mary O'Neil, a native of that city; her father was a native of Ireland. Patrick and Mary Breen had three children, namely: James P., Lydia and John. Lydia married Harvey Sharp, also of Akron. WTien James P. Breen was six years of age, his father was killed by an explosion in the powder mill. His mother subsequently married James Glen- nan, of which union there were three chil- dren, namely: Edward, William and Joseph, the latter of whom lives at Akron. Edward died at the age of twenty-seven years, and William died aged fifteen years. The mother survived until 1871. James P. Breen was deprived of his moth- er's care and affection when he was a boy of twelve years. He remained at home with his srtepfather until he was fifteen, attending .school and assisting in oaring for the family, as he began work as a teamster when he was only a boy of a dozen years. For about ten years he followed teaming and then entered the Schumacher flour mills, where he worked for eight years. Shortly after his marriage he came to live on the McCausland home- stead, acquiring forty-nine acres, and he has follciwed farmins; ever since. Recentlv five acres were sold to the Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road, and the remainder of the land is very valuable. In November, 1884, Mr. Breen was married to Mary McCausland, who is a daughter of the late John McCausland. The family is a very prominent and old-established one of Summit County, Mr. and Mrs. Breen have had seven children, all of whom survive, except the sec- ond, Mary, who died aged six years. Those living are: John, who holds a good position with the B. F. Goodrich Company as travel- ing salesman; and Bertha, Loretto, Charles, Leo and Francis, who are at present students. Mr. Breen is a good citizen and takes a deep interest in all that concerns Portage Town- .ship. He is one of the three township super- intendents and looks carefully after public improvements and private interests through that portion over which he has jurisdiction. He is a consistent member of the Catholic Church. JOHN A. KEMPEL, proprietor of the large department and grocery store at Nos. 633-635 South Main Street, Akron, is one of the na- tives of this busy and prospering city who has assisted in its commercial development and enjoys a large amount of its prosperity. Mr. Kempel was born in this city February 26, 1855, and is a son of Adam Kempel, who was born in Bavaria, Germany, and who came to Summit County in 1842, subsequently be- coming a leading business man of Akron. John A. Kempel was only nine years old when he first .started to work in a local shoe- maker shop, assisting his father, and when he was thirteen he became blacksmith's helper in the Buckeye shops, where he remained un- til he was seventeen years of age. One trade is about all the ordinarv man learns, but Mr. Kempel went from the blacksmith's shop to the chainmaker, and learned that trade and worked at it until he was thirty-six years old, \-isit1ng various parts of the country as his work demanded. After this he worked for two years in the knife works, gaining a working knowledge of another self-supporting trade, but in 189.S ho embarked in business for him- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS self in the grocery line. As a merchant he prospered, and in 1903 he added a regular department line of goods. He owns consid- erable valuable business property, and in 1895 erected a brick building 22 by 140 feet, two stories in height, on South Main Street. In 1900 he built the City Laundry building, 20 by 200 feet, which he sold to Lawrence Hal- ter, and in 1903, he built a two-story brick adjoining his first building both of these being utilized by Mr. Kempel for his large stock. Mr. Kempel is gradually retiring from the active management of the business, in which he has met with such deserved success. He is a stockholder in the Great Western Cereal Company, is proprietor of the Magic Cereal Cofifee Company and is principal owner of Grand\'iew allotment of Barberton. In 1883, Mr. Kempel was married (first) in Pennsyl- vania, to Eldora Willis, of New Brighton, Pennsylvania, who died in 1884, leaving one son. George A., who is with the Sherwood- Potter Company, of New Brighton. Mr. Kempel was married (second) September 1, 1887, to Rosa Berg, who was born in Ger- many, and they have two children, Dorothy and Lawrence, the former of whom will grad- uate in the class of 1908, at St. Mary's Acad- emy, Notre Dame, Indiana. ^Ir. Kempel is a member of St. Vincent de Paul's Catholic Church. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, of St. Joseph's Society, of the Cath- olic Mutual Benefit Association and of St. Bernard's club. CHARLES E. HELD, M. D., who stands very high among Akron's physicians and sur- geons, and occupies the chair of pathology at the Akron City Hospital, was bom at Akron, Ohio, in 1869, but was taken to Portage Coun- ty by his parents when a babe of one year. After completing a liberal education, which included attendance in the schools of Clin- ton, a period at Mt. Union College and one at Wooster University. Dr. Held went into the educational field, beginning to teach in Wayne County, and seven years later he taught his last .school at St. Thomas, North Dakota, where he had charge of the schools of that place. In the meanwhile, his leisure had been given to the study of medicine and later he entered the medical department of the Western Reserve University, and after gradua- tion he served for fifteen months as an interne at the Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland. On May 1, 1899, he returned to his native city, locating here for the practice of his profes- sion. With the exception of periods when he has been doing post-graduate work at Cleve- land, Dr. Held has seldom left his patients, and he has a large and lucrative practice. He keeps in close touch -with all modern advance- ment in his science and is a member of the Summit County Sixth Councilor District, the Ohio State and the American Medical Asso- ciation. His social connection is with the Celsus club of Akron. Fraternally, he is a Mason, a Woodman and a Maceabee. In 1902 Dr. Held was married to Nettie Burt, of Breckville, Ohio, and they have one son, Burt. Dr. Held is a member of the Wabash Avenue Church of Christ, of which he "is a trustee, and superintendent of the Sunday School. JAMES W. BROWN, secretary of the I. S. Myers Company, at Akron, leaders in the clothing line, is one of the city's active busi- ness men and has been identified with this concern for many years, both before and since its incorporation. He was bom at Morris Run, Penn.sylvania, in 1871, and is a son of the late William R. BroTvn. James W. Brown was eight years old when his father brought the family to Akron, and he was reared and educated in this city, and as the whole of his business life has been con- nected with her enterprises, he may be re- garded almost in the light of a native son. After lea\ang school he was employed for a short time by the Diamond Match Company, and following this for eight years was with the New York Clothing House. Afterwards he entered the employ of Myers. Ganyard & Stump, which firm was .succeeded by Ganyard & Myers, and thi=, in turn, was siicceeded by I. S. Myers & Company. In 1899 he became a member of the firm and when the business 758 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY was ineoi'i>orateid, February 17, 1904, he 'be- came secretai'y. The other officers are: I. S. Myers, president and manager ; T. J. Stebick, vice-president; and M. F. Rhodes, treasurer. In 1896 Mr. Brown was married to Mar- garet A. Frangen, of Doylestown, Ohio, and they have one child, Gertrude M. Mr. Brown is identified with a number of the leading frar ternities. He is a Knight Templar Mason and also belongs to the Maccabees and the A. I. U. FRANK WALTZ, a highly esteemed, re- tired citizen of Johnson's Corners, Summit County, Ohio, and the owner of a tract of thirty-six and one-half acres in Norton Town- ship, is one of the township's most venerable residents and a survivor of the great Civil War. Mr. Waltz was born February 11, 1831, in Chippewa Township, Wayne County, Ohio, and is a son of David and Lydia (Baughman) Waltz. David Waltz, who was a son of Jacob Waltz, removed from Trumbull County to Wayne County, Ohio, and in about 1847 to Norton Township, Summit County, M'here he pur- chased a property now known as the J. C. Baughman farm. This he later sold and re- moved to Wadsworth, where he bought a farm, and subsequently he went to Sharon, Medina County, Ohio. Here, however, he re- mained Ics- than a year, returning to Wads- worth, wlirrc tlic remainder nf Ids life was .spent. After hi.« marriage, Frank Waltz went to housekeeping on his father's farm in Norton Town,ship, whence, in 18B2, he enlisted in the Twenty-ninth Regiment, Ohio ^'^^olunteer In- fantry, being vnth the Twentieth Army Coi-ps most of the time, under General Gary. He enlisted as a musician, and served as such for two years, and t«n months under Sherman, participating in the siesie of .\tlanta, and the March to the Sea, and being mustered out at Washingt.on, District of Columbia. He was a brave and faithful soldier, and his war record is one which any man might well be ]iroud of. After the war he returned to .Tohnson's Corners and engaged in the mercantile busi- ness for eight vears. He afterwards moved to his father's farm in Wadsworth, whence he went to the farm in Sharon, remaining there six years. Subsequently he purchased a tract of eighty-three and one-half acres in Chippewa Township, Wayne County, Ohio, to which he moved, having sold his eighty- acre farm in Sharon. For about eighteen years he was engaged in agricultural pursuits in Chippe^'a Township, and at the end of this time located in Doylestown, where he carried on a grocery business for five years, selling out in 1900 to again locate at Johnson's Corners. In 1904 Mr. Waltz sold his farm in Chippewa Township, and since that time he has lived retired. In addition to his home at Johnson's Corners, Mr. Waltz is the owner of a thirty- six and one-half acre tract in Norton Town- ship. In 1862 Mr. Waltz was married to Elizabeth Hoffman, who is a daughter of John Hoffman, the blacksmith of Johnson's Corners, and to this imion there were born two children — Harry and Albert. Harry, born June 19,1870, who conducts a store at the Corners, mar- ried Nina Schondle in 1900, and they have one child. Alberta, born October 1, 1902. Albert, died at the age of eight years, eight months and ten days. Mr. Waltz has served as town.ship trustee in both Sharon Township, ]\Iedina County and Chippewa Township, Wayne County. ]Mr. Frank Waltz's wife, Elizabeth, died February 27, 1906, at the age of sixty-three years and eleven months. WILLIAM FRANKLIN AVERTLL, pro- jirit^tor of the Spring Brook Farm Dairy, lo- cated at No. 970 West Exchange Avenue, Ak- ron, was born in Copley Township, Summit County, Ohio, March 1, 1863, and is a son of William 'and Margaret (Welker) Averill. The father of Mr. Averill died when he was aliout. eight years old and he was reared by his mother, remaining at home in Copley until January 1, 188,5, when he was married to Emma Rotzum, who is a daugliter of Adam and Eliza Botzuni. For one year after mar- riage Mr. and Mrs. Averill remained in Cop- lev, where he still owns 100 acres of land, on HON. ELI CONN, A. .M., M. 1). AND REPRESEiNTATIVE CITIZENS 761 which his dairy farm is situated, and then moved to Northampton Township for one year, coming to his present home September 22, 1887. At that time his place was located in Portage Township, but has since been ab- sorbed into Akron. In 1900 he erected his substantial barn and recently has remodeled his house, making of it a handsome, modern residence. Up to 1903, when he retired, Mr. -Vverill was mainly interested in a lumber business, in partnei-ship with A. V. Bennage, under the firm name of Bennage & Averill. The firm bought timber, and owning a port- able sawmill, they furnished lumber to con- tractors and shipbuilders in the rough. They shipped large cargoes of lumber to Cleveland, Buffalo, Tonawanda, Lorain and other points. This firm carried on this lousiness for seven- teen years. In 1903 Mr. Averill retired in or- der to give his attention to farming and dairj-- ing. He operates two milk routes and pur- chases milk by wholesale. This industry is an important one in this section. Mr. and Mrs. Averill have had two children, namely: Lilian and Frank. Lilian, who residas with her parents, on January 1, 1907, married Clarence Brown, w'ho is interested in the dairy business with Mr. Averill. Frank, a bright and promising child, was snatched away by death in April, 1904. at the age of eight years, five months and five days. HON. ELI CONN, A. M.. M. D., of Akron, now living retired from active pursuits, was formerly a member of the Ohio State Senate, representing Summit County, and for many years was one of the leading physicians and surgeons of Akron. As another claim to hon- orable distinction, he is a veteran of the great Civil War, to which he gave four years of his young manhood. Dr. Conn was born June 10, 1838, in Butler County, Pennsyl- vania, and is a son of Joseph and Elizabeth fFerguson) Conn. Dr. Conn comes of Irish and Scotch an- cestry. His father was born in Ireland, while his mother, who was of Scotch descent, was born in Pennsylvania. Joseph Conn and Elizabeth Ferguson were married in Pennsyl- \ania, where they continued to live the re- mainder of their lives, the former dying when his son Eli was fourteen years old, and the latter at the advanced age of ninety-two years. Eli Conn was primarily educated in the district schools of Butler County, Pennsyl- vania, and was engaged in teaching when the Kebellion broke out. In 1861 he enlisted as a private in the 102nd Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry, which became a part of the Army of the Potomac ; and during the whole progress of the war he served with courage and fidelity, participating in thirty- two severe battles, and innumerable skir- mishes, and enduring all the necessary hard- ships in army life. With great good fortune he survived them all, and when his country no longer needed his services, he received an honorable discharge and returned to the paths of peace. He had been first lieutenant of his company.. He then set about completing his education, in 1865 entering Baldwin Col- lege, at Berea, Ohio, where he was graduated in 1868. He then attended the Cleveland Medi- cal School for two terms, receiving therefrom his degree of M. D. Subsequently Baldwin Col- lege, his alma mater, conferred upon him the degree of A. M. Dr. Conn entered into prac- tice in Butler County, Pennsylvania, but was shortly afterward elected probate judge, and served four years in that office. In 1880 he came to Akron, and in 1882 was elected health officer of this city, in which capacity he served two years. In 1896, in recognition of the qualities he possessed which go to make a statesman. Dr. Conn was elected to the State Senate from Summit County, and during his term of service fulfilled every expectation of his friends. From the time he located in Akron until 1897 he continued actively en- gaged in the practice of medicine. Pro- fessionally as well as socially he is a man of liigh standing. He is an able writer for the medical press, and is frequently called upon to discuss important questions at the meetings of the various medical associations to which he belongs. 762 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Dr. Conn wa^; married in 1869 to Helen Kingsbury, who was born at Medina, Ohio. They have four children : Ellwood K., Maud J., Mary A. and Helen E. The family home is at No. 740 South Main Street. Politically Dr. Conn is a Republican. W. L. KELLER, M. D., physician and sur- geon at Akron, was born in 1872, at Alliance, Ohio, and has been a resident .of Akron for the past five years, during which time he has built up a large practice and gained the friend- ship and confidence of many of his fellow- citizens. Dr. Keller aittended the schools of Alliance and, after graduating from the Al- liance High School, entered Mt. Union Col- lege, yvhere he was graduated B. S., in the class of 1896. For the succeeding five years he taught school, in the meanwhile directing his reading and study to medicine, and subse- quently he entered the -medical department of the University of Cincinnati, where he was graduated in 1901. For two years before com- ing to Akron he practiced in Jefferson Coun- ty, Ohio. Dr. Keller may be found at his well-appointed office at No. 335 South Main Street. He is a member of the Summit Coun- ty, the Sixth Councilor DL-itriet, and the Ohio State Medical Societies. In 1902 Dr. Keller was married at Canton, Ohio, to Edith E. Mc- Conkey. who is a daughter of Dr. W. J. Mc- Conkey, re-iiding on North Walnut Street, Canton. Fraternally, Dr. Keller is a Mason. He belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. LOUIS J. WISE, M. D., Perhaps no city in Ohio has a more notable body of medical men than has Akron, they being, as a whole, educated and enthusiastic men of science. Among these. Dr. Louis J. Wise occupies a leading place and, although one of the younger members of the profes.sion, has been exceedingly successful as a practitioner. Dr. Wise was born in 1878, in Suffield, Ohio. After completing the public school course there he entered Notre Dame Univer-. sity at South Bond, Indiana, and subsequent- ly Starling Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1901, with his medical de- gree. He practiced for a short time at St. •Joseph, Portage County, Ohio, and then came to Akron. He belongs to the leading medi- cal organizations of the state, including the Summit County Sixth Councilor District, and the Ohio State, and is also a member of the American Medical Association. Dr. Wise belongs also to the Summit County Physi- cian's club. Dr. W^ise is a member of St. Bernard's Catholic Church. He belongs also to the Knights of Columbus and to the Cath- olic Mutual Benefit Association. FRED HUNSICKER, who is carrying on agricultural operations on his fine farm of 160 acres in Northampton Township, Sumjnit County, Ohio, was born March 2, 1874, in Akron, Ohio, and is a son of John Jacob and Rebecca (Fritz) Hunsicker. John Jacob Hunsicker was born in 1842 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and there re- ceived his education in the common schools. When about sixteen years of age Mr. Hun- sicker came to Loyal Oak, Ohio, and there learned the trade of carpenter, which he fol- lowed imtdl his last illness. He was a Thirty- second Degree Mason, and was a charter mem- ber of the first Lodge of Odd Fellows in Ak- ron, being presented with a medal just be- fore his death as being one of the four oldest Odd Fellows in that city. Mr. Hunsicker was a Republican, with independent inclinations. He married Rebecca Fritz, a daughter of Solo- mon Fritz, who was a native of Clarion Coun- ty, Pennsylvania. Four children were born to this union, and three of these grew to ma- turity: Horace, who is a member of the Pouchot-Hunsicker Company, married Flora E. Yost, a daughter of Charlas Yost, of Akron, where he resides; Sadie C, who is the wife of L. E. Smith and resides at Greentown, Ohio ; and Fred. John Jacob Hun«icker died in 1904, aged .sixty-two years. His widow, who lives in Akron, is fifty-eight years old. She is a member of Grace Reformed Church of Akron, believing in the faith in which her husband died. Fred Hunsicker received his education in AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 763 the common and High schools of his native locahty, and as a young man learned the trade of lithographer, which he followed for fifteen years. He then gave it up, resigning the position of foreman of the commercial en- graving department of the Werner Company, which he had held for three years. In 1904 he engaged in farming on his present tract, of which he cultivates about 100 acres, rais- ing wheat, oats, corn and hay, each of which crops he markets a portion. He keeps on an average of twenty-four head of cattle, which he fattens and butchers himself for private customers, whose demand is greater than he can accommodate. He has always been indus- trious and hard^'orkdng, and his farm pre- sents one of the best appearances in this sec- tion of the township. Mr. Hunsicker was married to Sarah Jane Stevenson, who is a daughter of Thomas Frazer, and Rachel Stevenson, of Akron. Four children have been born to this union, name- ly: Thomas Jacob, Horace Irving, Hiram Robert, and one who died in infancy. Mr. Hunsicker is a Republican in politics, but he has never been an officeseeker. With his family he attends Grace Reformed Church, of Akron. LAWRENCE HALTER, proprietor of the City Laundry, ha? been actively engaged in business here since December, 1898, coming from Chicago, where he had filled a respon- sible position with a large manufacturing con- cern. Mr. Halter was born in 1867, in South- eastern Mi.ssouri, where he was reared and educated, pa.ssing his life up to twenty years on a farm. In February, 1888, Mr. Halter came first to Akron, where he formed many plea.«ant ties during his residence of sixteen months, when he was employed by the Goodrich Company. He then returned to St. Louis, which he had pre\nously visited and where he entered the street railway servnce, going then to Phila- delphia, where he was employed in the same line of industry, and from there to Chicago. In the named city he entered the manu- fncturiiig firm of Morgan & Wright, .starting in the shops and working up until within three years he was made foreman of the me- chanical molding department, in which ca- pacity he continued therefor three years longer. In 1898, when Mr. Halter returned to Ak- ron, he purchased a small place at his pres- ent location and at first carried on a hand laundry. This he has developed until he has now one of the best equipped laundry plants in the city. Mr. Halter is established in the building at No. 637 South Main Street, where he has a frontage of 20 by 110 feet, with rear dimensions of 28 by 90 feet. He makes use of the best laundry methods known and has installed all kinds of improved machinery. He is interested in other business enterprises and is a director in the German-American Building and Loan Association. In 1894 Mr. Halter was married to Lottie J. Bernard, of Akron, and they have five children: Lottie L., Herbert B., Helen, Ger- trude and Beatrice. Mr. Halter and faimily belong to St. Mary's Catholic Church. He is a member of the order of Knights of Colum- bus, the Pathfinders, and of the German club. Politically, he is a Democrat. Mr. Halter is numbered with the city's successful citizens. T. J. STEBICK, vice-president of the I. S. Myers Company, clothiers and leaders in this line at Akron, was horn in this city in 1872, and is a son of George Stebick, who was born in Germany and has been a respected resident of Akron for more than thirty years. T. J. Stebick was reared and educated in his native city and at the age of fifteen years entered the employ of Ganyard & Myers, and has been identified with thL^ house ever since. The original firm was succeeded by I. S. Myers & Company, and February 17, 1904, it was incorporated as The I. S. Myers Company, the officers of which are : I. S. Myers, presi- dent and manager; T. J. Stebick, vice-pres- ident; J. W. Brown, secretary; and M. Y. Rhodes, treasurer. Mr. Stebick is a member of St. Bernard's Catholic Church. He belongs to the order of 764 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Knights of Columbus aud to the Forresters. His standing both socially and in business is very high and he is justly regarded as a good and representative citizen of Akron. GERALD S. WORK, department mana- ger of the widely known B. F. Goodrich Company, of Akron, manufactures of rubber tires, was born in this city in 1880, a son of Alanson Work. He was reared in Akron, bis literary education being completed at St. Paul's school, Concord, N. H., and at Yale College, where he spent one year, leaving the college in June, 1900. In the same year he entered the office of the B. F. Goodrich Com- pany and in the following January became manager of the company's Department No. 1. Mr. Work is a prominent figure both in the business and social world of Akron. He is a member of the Akron Club, the Portage Country Club, the Walton Fish and Gun Club and the Automobile Club of Akron. Few are more ready than he to lend their aid in sup- port of any practical movement for the ad- vancement of the material prosperity and so- cial elevation of the community. ALBERT ALLEN wa.s long one of the leading and successful business men of iVk- ron. He was born March 12, 1827, in Cov- entry Township, Summit County, Ohio, and was a son of Levi and Phebe (Spicer) .Mien. The parents of Mr. Allen had settled in Coventry Township in 1811 land he grew up amid pioneer surroundings. Instead of turn- ing his attention to agricultural piirsuits M'hen he reached his majority, he learned the millwright's trade and worked at the same for nine years. In 1856 he was given the contract for converting the old Perkins woolen mill into a flouring mill and when it was completed he was retained in (he employ of the firm of Perkins & Company. Later, in partnership with Alexander H. Commins, he bought the Stone mill, and under the firm name of Commins & Allen a large amount of business was done. Mr. Commins died in 1880, leaving his entire estate in the hands of Albert Allen, his will beins; such that Mr. Allen had the disposition of till the prop- erty without bonds. The firm name of Com- mins & Allen was continued until the busi- ness was merged into the F. Schumacher Milling Company, in 1886. Mr. Allen be- came vice-president of this company and one of its directors and continued his interest un- til his death, which occurred September 25, 1888, wihen he was over sixty-one years of age. Mr. Allen never married. His only sister, Cynthia Allen, cared for his home, and young life was introduced in the person of his niece, Minnie E. Allen, who subsequently became the wife of Henry M. Stone, now a resident of Denver, Colorado. At the time of his death, Mr. Allen's large estate was shown and its wise provisions made public. To his devoted sister was given a large portion, while educational institutions and religious bodies were remembered with the justice of a con- scientious man. Like all other members of his family, he was devoted to the interests of the Disciples Church. F. DATON VOGAN, of the prominent business firm of Tifft & A^'ogan, carriage deal- ers and also dealers in all kinds of agricul- tural implements, at Cuyahoga Falls, is num- bered with the representative men of this place. Mr. Vogan was born at Princeton. Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, March 18. 1856, and is a son of Joseph E. and Clarissa f Allen) Vogan. Joseph E. Vogan was a native of Venango Cotmly, Pennsylvajiia, and at the time of his death a resident of Newcastle. He w^as a member of the fire department in that town and it was in answering a call of duty that ho was accidentally killed. He was a stanch Republican, and for a number of years had held the position of policeman and street com- missioner. Fraternally he was connected with the United Workmen. He married Clarisra Allen, who died in April. 1905, when within a few days of being seventy-two years of age. They had two children, namely: F. Daton and Olive, now deceased, who married Albert T>indsey. of Yotingstnwn. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 765 F. Daton "\^ogan spent his boj'hood in New- castle, and then went to Youngstown, wliere he learned the trade of horse-shoer, after which he returned to Newcastle and formed a partnership with William Evans, under the firm name of Evans & Vogan, and they op- erated a blacksmith shop for some years. Sub- sequently, Mr. Vogan sold out and in 18S1 he came to Cuyalioga Falls and entered into business with Robert Tryon, now of Akron, under the firm naime of Vogan & Tryon. This connection lasted several years, when Mr. ^"ogan bought his partner's interest and conducted the busine&s alone until 1885, when he added buggy dealing to his other busi- ness, continuing to prosper as formerly. On January 26, 1896, he entered into partner- ship \\-ith Smith D. Tifft, and together they have established the largest house of its kind in this .section of Ohio. Both partners are capable business men and possess the quali- ties which command the confidence of the buying public. Mr. Vogan married ]Mary C. Weidner, daughter of Jacob AVeidner, of Cuyahoga Falls, and they have two children — Florence M. and Kathryn Ruth. Mrs. Vogan is a de- voted member of the ]\Iethodi.*t Episcopal Church, in which religious body Mr. Vogan was reared by his parents. Politically he is a Republican, but with him business comes first and he has found no time to accept po- litical office. He is a member of Star Lodge, No. 187, F. & A. M. OHIO C. BARBER, president of the First National Bank of Akron, was born at Akron, April 20, 1841. and is a son of George and Eliza (Smith) Barber. George Barber was born January 27. 1805 in Hartford. Connecticut, but was reared in Onondaga County, New York, where he learned the coopering business. When about twenty-one years of age, he came to Ohio, in the capacity of peddler of clocks, his main idea, hon-ever, being to select a favorable lo- cation for his business, and this he found at the village which was then known as Middle- bury. He worked as a cooper until 1847, and then embarked in the match manufacturing business, being one of its pioneers in this ter- ritory. Business facilities were then far from perfect and, although Mr. Barber's enterprise was eminently successful, he decided to enter into another line for a time, and embarked in hotel-keeping. One year later, however, he resumed his match manufacturing, which he continued as long as he found it profit- able. This business may be described as the nucleus of the great combination of capital now known as the Diamond Match Company, of which bis .son, Ohio C, is the president. On April 1, 1835, George Barber was mar- ried to Eliza Smith, who was born at Cantnn, Ohio, January 15, 1817. Of their eight chil- dren, but two survive: Ohio C. and Mrs. John K. Robinson. The death of Mr. Barber occurred April 12, 1879. Ohio C. Barber as early as the age of six- teen years became associated unth his father in the match business, in 1862 assuming en- tire management. In 1868 the busina«s was organized as the Barber Match Company, with George Barber as president, Ohio C. Bar- ber as secretary and treasurer and .John K. Robinson as general agent. In 1881 the great corporation known as the Diamond Match Company came into existence, through the combination of twenty-eight match com- panies, its capital then " being $6,000,000. Ohio C. Barber was the first vice president and was made president in 1888. Mr. Barber has been and still is deeply interested in many- great enterprises, representing wide and varied interests. He has always been one of the most enterpri,sing citizens of Akron, and. with all his vast outside interests, has ne^"er been indifferent to her welfare. On October 10, 1865, Mr. Barber wa-; married to Laura L. Brown, and they have had two children, one of whom, Anna Laura, .still survives. HORACE HUNSTCKER, treasurer of the Pouchot-Hunsicker Company, one of Akron's large business enterprises, was bom at Ak- ron, Ohio, in 1870, and is a son of John Jacob Hunsicker. a carpenter and builder, who came, in 1862. to Akron, where he died 766 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY in 1904. Horace Hunsicker was reared and educated at Akron and in boyhood started to learn the first principles of the carpenter's trade, wliich, however, he never completed. After spending several seasons on the farm, he entered the employ of the firm of Jahamt & Weber, where he continued for eight years. When the company of Morgan & Pouchot was organized, he became a member of that firm, which was succeeded by the Pouchot- Hunsicker Company. He has been treasurer of this organization ever since he became a member of the original firm. His business acumen and enterprising methods have been just so many assets to the concern. Person- ally, he is a man of honorable life and of high social standing. On March 4, 1896. Mr. Hunsicker was married to Flora E. Yost, of Akron, and they have two children — Edna Rebecca and Sarah Alberta. Mr. Hunsicker is a member of Grace Reformed Church. Fratemally, he is a Mason. DAVID C. LONG, a general farmer and dairyman, who resides on his first-class farm of forty-four acres, which is situated near Fairlawn, in Portage Township, came to Summit County in 1867. He was born in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, February 8, 1849, and is a son of Samuel and Magdalena (Arnold) Long. David C. Long spent his boyhood in Penn- sylvania, where he was partly educated, and he attended a select school in Green Town- ship, after reaching Summit Coimty, his par- ents living there for one year. His father then purchased the farm on which Mr. Long resides, moving onto it in 1873. The father died on this farm in September, 1892, his wife having passed away in 1874. They had eleven children, of whom David C. was the seventh son. In 1879 David C. Long was married to Lydia Staver, who is a daughter of Rev. Elias Staver, an Evangelical minister located at Greensburg. Mr. and Mrs. Long have had four children: Ralph, who died at the age of thirteen years; Leo, residing at Akron, who married Clai'a Robinett, and Harry and George, both valuable assistants to their father. Mr. Long and his family belong to the West Side Congregational Church at Ak- ron. He takes an active interest in public matters and leu'ds has aid and influence in promoting the best interests of the township of which he is a representative citizen. In politics a Republican, Mr. Long served as as- sessor of Portage Township for four years and at present is one of the township trustees. JOHN W. WALSH, whose fine estate of ninety-five acres can scarcely be excelled in Summit County for beauty of location or ex- tensive improvements, has here made stock- raising a science and farming a hobby. Mr. Walsh was born in Cuyahoga Falls Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, August 18, 1854, and is a son of William and Rose (Car- lin) Walsh. William Walsh was born in County Cork. Ireland, came to America in 1848, and died at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, March 28. 1904, aged seventy-six years. In Ireland he learned the trade of shoemaker, which he intended to follow after locating in the United States, but circumstances diverted him to the paper- making industry, which he followed for some forty years at the Falls, being an active man lip to the time of his death. He married Rose Carlin, whom he survived, her death taking place January 23, 1901, when she had attained the age of seventy-five years. They had eight children, naanely: Mary, who married Jacob Donaldson, residing at Cuya- hoga Falls; John W.. Richard E., who is de- ceased; Rose A., residing with her brother, John W. ; Thomas F., Isabelle A., deceased; Cornelius M., who is connected with the WaLsh Milling Company, and Margaret E., residing with her brother, John W. The family was reared in the Roman Catholic faith. John W. Walsh obtained his education in the common and High Schools of Cuyahoga Falls, after which he spent seven years in the Hanford Brothers' paper mills. At the end of thi« time he entered the regiilar army, be- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS coining a member of Company E, Second U. S. Infantry. He remained in the service for five years, being successively under the command of General Miles, General Wheaton and General Howard. He reached Idaho, in August, 1877, and for one year was engaged in the campaign against the Nez Perce In- dians. After leaving the army Mr. AVaJsh continued to live in the West for five years more. He went to Washington and there em- barked in a saw-mill business which he ex- panded into a flourishing industry, requiring him to employ a force of twenty men. This business he continued until 1889, when his thoughts turned to the East and to the sec- tion in which he was born, resulting in his coming back to look over the business situa- tion here. He has never since left this fa- vored part of the country. Shortly after his return to Cuyahoga Falls, Mr. Walsh purchased an interest in the Cuy- ahoga Paper Company, which later became the Walsh Paper Company, and he continued to manage this business until May 19, 1902. In the meantime he had purchased the Howe farm, his present estate, and resided in the old homestead until the completion of his magnificent residence, which, without doubt, is the finest rural home in Summit County. The building of this home was commenced in 1899 and -was completed in 1901. It is solidly constructed of brick and its stately ex- terior is matched by its fine interior finish and rich furnishings. Every modem com-' fort and convenience made po.ssible by the use of money and the exercise of good taste, have been introduced to make this a home in every sense of the word. The house has a beautiful setting, including a wide, grassy lawn, noble shade trees and flowering shrubs. There is about the entire place a harmony of details that is pleasant to contemplate and must have been a joy to plan. On this beautiful farm is to be found a herd of some of the finest cattle in Summit County. They include Aberdeen, Angus and Holstein, with a few Jerseys. Mr. Walsh owns a Polled-An.gus bull, a splendid speci- men, which took the prize at the Sunamit County fair in 1905. He makes farming only a side issue, enjoying it more as a hobby than as an occupation for profit. He has two silos and raises his own feed. Mr. Walsh here also is able to indulge his love of fine dogs and owns a number of blooded Shepherd and French bull dogs, of the test strains. It is scarcely necessary to add, in a work which belongs especially to a section in which he is .-o well known, that Mr. Walsh is a genial, companionable man, big-hearted and gener- ous, benevolent and charitable. Although he is an admirer and strong supporter of the present Chief Executive of the Nation, he was reared a Democrat and still adheres to the old principles of that party. He is a mem- })er of St. Joseph'.* Catholic Church of Cuya- hoga Falls. WILLIAM .M. METZLER, assistant gen- eral .superintendent of the Diamond Rubber (,^ompany, at- Akron, was l)orn in this city in 1860, and is a .son of the late Chri,stnpher Metzler, who was born in German^^ and who came to Akron in 1840. For a number of years Christopher Metzler was turnkey at the Summit County Jail, and for eighteen years he was a mail carrier. He was a widely re- spected citizen. His death occurred in 1881. After finishing school William M. Metzler, with the healthy sentiment which inspires American youths to seek to become self-sup- ]>orting, entered the Merrill Pottery Works, where he continued one year. He then was vnth the Baker McMillan Company for three years, going from their employ to that of the Buckeye Mower & Reaper Works, where he remained for three years. He then spent seven years with the B. F. Goodrich Com- pany. For the five following years he was wiih the Eastern Rubber Company, at Tren- ton, New Jersey, as superintendent, and then returned to Akron, where he became assistant superintendent of the Diamond Rubber Com- pany, a po.sition he held until 1904, when he was advanced to assistant general superin- tendent. Mr. Metzler has climbed to his pres- ent responsible position step by step, show- ing industrs' and capacity at every point, and 768 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY is a typical successful business man of the day, one well up in technical knowledge as well as trained along executive lines. He has other business interests and is a stockholder in the Northwestern Rubber Company, of Liverpool, England. In 1881 Mr. Metzler married Rosa Jones, who was born at Kent, Ohio, and they have four children, namely; David A., who is assistant superintendent of the Alkali Rub- ber Company; William J., who is general foreman of the hose room of the Diamond Rubber Compajiy; Mary, who is a student in the Akron High School, and Ethel, who is a .student in the Sacred Heart Academy. Mr. Metzler and family belong to St. Vincent's Catholic Church. His fraternal associations are with the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. HARRY F. BLACKBURN, assistant cash- ier of the First National Bank of Akron, was born in Hudson, Summit County, Ohio, in 1871, and is a son of Thomas Black- burn, who located at Hudson in 1856, where he now lives a retired life. His former occu- paition was farming. Harry F. Blackburn was reared and edu- cated in his native section, and in 1889 came to Akron, where he was engaged as book- keeper in the roofing business with the ficm of Akers & Harpham until 1893, when lie entered the First National Bank at Akron, as a clerk. His faithfulness and fidelity soon caused advancement and by 1902 he was made assistant cashier of this firmly estab- lished financial institution. He has other connections, also being treasurer of the Burt. Manufacturing Company, and secre- tary and treasurer of the Akron Manufactur- ing Company. Mr. Blackburn enlisted in 1893 in Com- pany B, Eighth Regiment, Ohio National Guards, and was promoted from the position of a private through all the ranks to a cap- taincy. At the outbreak of hostilities with Spain, he went out as first lieutenant of Com- pany B, being mustered in May 13, 1898, at Columbus, from which point the regiment was sent to Falls Church, Virginia, and on July 4th following left for New York city. There the Eighth Regiment took transports for Cuba, reaching the island in time to take part in the closing up of the Santiago cam- paign. After three weeks in Cuba, during which period the company showed the valor justly attributed to American soldiers, it was tran.sported to Montauk Point, reaching there on August 26th. Mr. Blackburn was given a furlough home and was mustered out of the service November 21, 1898. Subse- quently he was appointed regimental adju- tant and held this rank until he retired quite recently, having no cause to feel anything )3ut pride in his military record. In 1899 Mr. Blackburn was married to Clara Schaeffer, who is a daughter of George (t. Schaeffer, of Akron, and they have four children — Grace A., Metta Aleen, Helen and Harryette. With his family Mr. Blackburn is connected with Trinity Lutheran Church. Mr. Blackburn is master of Adoniram Lodge, F. & A. M., of Akron, and is captain gen- eral of Akron Commandery. He is identi- fied with the Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery at Akron, and with Lake Erie Consistory and Alkoran Shrine, at Cleve- land. He belongs also to the Knights of Pythias. CHARLES BOUTON, of the firm of Charles Bouton & Son, proprietors of the Champion Evaporator Company, manufac- turers of the Champion Evaporator for ma- ple, sorghum, cider and fruit jellies and sugar-makers' supplies, at Hudson, was born at Concord, Lake County, Ohio. December 3. 1829, and is a son of Seth and Sallie (Poole) Bouton. The Bouton family is of French extraction and its founders in America came to the United States with General Ivafayette. during the Revolutionary War. Seth Bouton was bom in the State of New York and there mar- ried Sallie Poole, who came of English an- cestors. Their surviving children are: Charles, Lyman H., residing at Perry, Jeffer- son County, Kansas; .Tane, who married a CHARLES Tl'TTLE PARKS AND EEPEESENTATIVE CITIZENS 771 Mr. Hawkins, and Elizabeth, who married a Mr. McCloughry, both residing at Blue Is- land, Illinois. In 1836, Seth Bouton moved to Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio, and built a log house in the woods between Hudson and Peninsula. Later he and wife removed to Blue Island, Illinois, where both died. Charles Bouton was seven years of age when he accompanied his parents to Summit County, and he assisted his father to clear up the farm, to the extent of his strength, remaining at home until he was fourteen years of age. . He then went to live with Lawson Waterman, with whom he remained until twenty-two years of age, with Mr. AVat- erman engaging in the construction of canal boats. When he was nineteen years old he was capable of building boats himself. AVhen the excitement spread through the country on account of the discovery of large deposits of gold in California, Mr. Bouton made the trip westward by way of the Isthmus of Panama, but returned in 1854, overcome by home- sickness. He married soon after and re- sumed boat building at Peninsula. Later he bought a canal boat and engaged in boat- ing for five years. He then engaged with his father-in-law in running a dry dock and boatrbuilding, under the firm name of John- son & Bouton — a business that flouri.shed un- til 1873, Mr. Bouton having continued it alone from 1866, when his father-in-law died. On April 15, 1874, Mr. Bouton came to Hudson and bought the old Mansion House and also started a livery business, conducting the hotel untiil 1883 and the livery business until 1886. In this year he acquired a financial interest in the business of G. H. Grim & Company, which had commenced the manufacture of evaporators some years previously, and in 1888 the business was in- corporated as the G. H. Grim Manufacturing Company and was so conducted until Mr. Bouton purchased, in 1895. Since then he ha? operated the business under its present style. Rebuilding and improvement of the plant was made in 1905, and a large amount of business is carried on, the territorv extend- ing from Central New York through a large part of the West. Mr. Bouton served as township assessor. On April 5, 1854, Mr. Bouton was mar- ried to Helen A. Johnson, who was born at Boston Village, Summit County, Ohio, and who died May 29, 1872. She was a daughter of Henry Johnson, who was long a prominent man in this section. They had three chil- dren : Lillian, Lawson W. and Clarence R. Lillian, now deceased, married R. K. Pelton, of Cleveland, and they had two children — Mrs. Helen Williams, who has one daugh- ter, Ruth, and Roy. Lawson W. died at Gal- veston, Texas, in 1904, and is buried with his mother, at Peninsula. Clarence R., who is associated with his father in business, mar- ried Oma Coyle and has one child — Dar- lene. He is a member of the Hudson Vil- lage School Board. Charles Bouton is a Democrat, and he has served both as township trustee of Boston Township and as a member of the School Board. He belongs to Hudson Lodge, No. 510, F. & A. M., his son being also identified with the same body. CHARLES TUTTLE PARKS, funeral di- rector, located at No. 17 High Street, Akron, also official undertaker for the Harrison Burial Association of Akron, is one of the sub- stantial men of this city. He is a survivor of the great Civil War, in which he served for four years. Mr. Parks was born October 27, 1844, in Summit County, Ohio, a son of George and Ruth (Tuttle) Parks. He was only a schoolboy when he answered the call for soldiers to suppress the Rebellion, enlist- ing April 27, 1861, in Company C, 16th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in which he served four months. When this regiment went out it was generally believed that a few months would .«ee the end of the war, but this hope was soon dispelled, and after the close of his first term of service. Mr. Parks felt it his duty to re-enter the ranks and continue his service in behalf of the Union. He was a member of Com- pany H, 16th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for over three vears, making a total of four vears HISTORY OF SUMIMIT COUNTY of army service. He bears a token of the siege of Vicksburg in the absence of a fin- ger of his right hand. After returning from the army, Mr. Parks engaged for some seven years in a lumber business at Wooster, Ohio. In 1874 he opened an undertaking establishment at Wooster, where he remained until 1880. He then came to Akron, and was here connected with the Buckeye works for eight years. Subsequently he took a complete course in the embalming department of the Western Reserve Univer- sity at Cleveland, and then resumed undertak- ing at Akron. He has a modern, well- equipped establishment and has gained an excellent reputation in his line of business. The Harrison Burial Association of Akron, of which Mr. Parks is official undertaker, has owned its burial grounds for the past .'ix years. The president of the association is John Sowers, county recorder; vice-president is B. F. Clark, ex-county recorder, and its secretary and treasurer is E. J. Jenkins. The organization has a large membership and commands the confidence of the general pub- lic. As official undertaker Mr. Parks gives ambulance service both day and night. Mr. Parks was married in 1865 to Mar- garet Curry, of Wooster, who died in 1891. He was married (second) in 1893 to Leora Allyn, of Akron. Mrs. Parks is also a gradu- ated embalmer, probably the only one of her sex in this vicinity to have taken a course of this kind. Her husband finds her a valuable assistant. Mr. and Mrs. Parks reside at No. 200 Cole Avenue. Politically Mr. Parks is identified with the Republican party. Fra- ternally he is a Knight of Pythias. Odd Fel- low, and Woodman. A. H. MARKS, who, as vice president and superintendent of the Diamond Rubber Company, occupies a very prominent place in the business world at Akron, belongs to a rather notable body of young men of af- fairs, who are prominent in a number of the great indu'tries of this city. Mr. Marks was born in 1874, at Lynn, Massachusetts. After completing the High School course at Lynn, Mr. Marks entered Harvard Col- lege. Later he became associated with the Boston Wire Hose and Rubber Company, with whom he remained for two years as as- sistant chemist. For one year subsequently he was with the Revere Rubber Company, at Chelsea, Massachusetts, as chief chemist, leaving there to come to Akron as vice presi- dent and superintendent of the Diamond Rubber Company. He is identified mth other rubber interests, being president of and a director in the Alkali Rubber Company, occupying also the same relations with the Northwestern Rubber Company, of Liverpool, England, and also with the Pan-American Crude Rubber Company. In October, 1896, Mr. Marks was married to Florence B. Whitney, and they have one child. Robert Whitney. Mr, and Mrs. Marks belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is connected with a number of social or- ganizations, among them being the Portage Country Club, of Akron; the Union Club, of Cleveland ; the Hermit Club, of Cleveland, and the Eastern Yacht Club, of Marblehead, Massachusetts. Fraternally, he is a Mason. ALBERT E. ROACH, who fills the im- portant office of paymaster for the B. F. Good- rich Company, of Akron, has been a resident of this city for the past quarter of a cen- tury and is a well-known and highly regarded citizen. He was born at Twinsburg, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Moses N. Roach. The Roach family came to Ohio from Vermont in the person of James Roaoh, grandfather of Albert E., and was one of the earliest settlers at Twinsburg. Moses N. Roach was born in 1829. at Twinsburg, where he died in 1886, having spent almost his whole life at that place. Albert E. Roach was reared at Twinsburg, attended Bissell Institute, and took a course at the Western Reserve Seminary, at West Farmingfon, after which he went into the railroad business. For ten years he was con- nected vnth the Valley Railroad, and for nine years with the C. A. & C. Railroad. In 1900 he entered the office of the B. F. Goodrich AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS Company in his present capacity, which is one of great responsibility, entailing the ac- curate handling of large sums of money for the army of employes, incidentally adding greatly to the business of Akron and to the comfort of many of her citizens. On May 13, 1885, Mr. Roach was married to Agnes M. Meikle, the ceremony taking place at Unadilla, Nebraska. They have three children— Ethel M., Elizabeth M. and Al- berta. Mr. Roach and family are affiliated with the Universalist Church. For the past fifteen years Mr. Roach has been secretary of Akron Lodge, No. 83, F. & A. M., and be- longs also to the Chapter and Council at Ak- ron. His social relations are with the Ma- sonic Club and he was one of the promoters of the Portage Path Canoe Club. CHARLES A. WEIDNER. purchasing agent of the Falls Rivet and Machine Com- pany, at Cuyahoga Falls, has been identified ■with this important industry for many years. Mr. Weidner was born at Cuyahoga Falls, Summit County, Ohio, June 29, 1857, and is a son of Jacob F. and Caroline (Hess) Weidner. The father of Mr. Weidner was born in Wertemberg, G«rmany, January 18, 1827. and was only eight days old when he was bereft of his mother. He was reared under the careful but strict super\'ision of his father and was taught the trade of cooper. In 1849 he emigrated to America, and after spending one year in Cleveland, came to Cuyahoga Falls, in March, 1850. Here he went into a cooperage business which, during the Civil War, was a very thriving one, and which he carried on as long as it was profitable, retiring some years prior to his death, December 8, 1900. He was active at one time in politics and served on the City Council. On August 9, 1853, he was married to Catherine Anna Hess, at Vermillion, Ohio, who was bom in Hessen, Germany, July 13, 1832, and was brought to America by her parents when four years old. There were five children born to this marriage, namely: Elizabeth, now de- ceased, who was the wife of E. E. Pierce, of New Brighton, Pennsylvania; Charles A., whose name begins this sketch ; Mary C, who married F. D. Vogan, residing at Cuyahoga Falls; George F., residing at Columbus, and Nellie G., who married C. E. Wilsdorf, resid- ing at Cleveland. The mother of this family died April 8, 1905. Both she and husband were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he was treasurer for many years. Charles A. Weidner was educated in the common and High Schools at Cuyahoga Falls. In 1875 he entered the employ of the Falls Rivet Company, where he remained about ten years, and then for several years was otherwise engaged, in 1887 re-entering the employ of the same company. For the past fourteen years, Mr. Weidner has been connected with the offices of this company, and for the past three years he has been pur- chasing agent, a position which carries with it large responsibilities, and the holding of which indicates the high degree of confidence placed in him by his employers. Mr. Weidner married Elae C. Smith, who is a daughter of William M. Smith, of Cuya- hoga Falls, and they have one son, Harry C. In politics Mr. AVeidner is a Republican, and for ten years he served as city clerk. E. A. LAWTON, superintendent of the Akron Water Works Company, has been a resident of this city for a period covering forty years. He is of New England birth, born at New Bedford, Massachusetts, Septem- ber 30, 1836, and was reared and educated in his native place. WTien nineteen years of age Mr. Lawton went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he secured work as a machinist and lake engineer. He remained in that city for about twelve years, coming then to Akron and entering the employ of the Brewster Coal Company as locomotive engineer, and thus continuing for thirteen years. In 1880, he became superintendent and engineer of the Akron Water Works Company, a responsible position in which he has continued until the present time. Mr. Lawton is a ver\' capable man in his line. Since locating at Akron he HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY has sought to fulfil the duties of a good citi- zen and has worked for improvements of a public nature, aiming to advance the general welfare. For four yeai's he was a member of the City Council from the Fifth Ward. At Cleveland, Ohio, Mr. Lawton was mai'- ried to Mary Cox, who died in 1894. The surviving children are the following: Han- nah Ida, residing at home; Alfred, who is a locomotive engineer employed on the Pan- ama Canal ; Emma, who is the wife of John Engelhardt, of Atlanta, Georgia; Edward, who is a member of the Cleveland Fire De- partment; Lottie, who married John Dona- hue, residing in Chicago; Charles, residing at Akron, and Abbie, who married John Metz- ler, in the employ of the Diamond Rubber Company. Mr. Lawton is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. FRED E. SMITH, president of the South Akron Banking Company, has been a resi- dent of Akron for the past thirty years, and is prominently identified with many of her leading interests. He was born in Portage County, Ohio, September 4, 1857, came to Akron in 1877, and in point of service is the oldest banker still active in the business in this city. Mr. Smith was reared in Portage County through boyhood and attended the common schools and later the Akron schools and Hi- ram College. When eighteen years of age he started out on the road as salesman and collector for a Cleveland firm, traveling for three years over Ohio and the northea.stern States. He then came to Akron, where he was connected with a millinery store for three months, and then was engaged for three years in a real estate and insurance business with John H. Alible. Since then Mr. Smith has been continuously connected with the bank- ing business. For thirteen years he was vice president and cashier of the Second National Bank. The South Akron Bank was organized in May, 1906, and Mr. Smith has been its president since. The banking institutions of Akron have an established reputation tbrnughont the Stale, and the South Akron Bank is no exception, Mr. Smith's name lend- ing it assurance of stability and fidelity. On account of the confidence felt by his fellow- citiizens, he is frequently called upon to act as receiver, and satisfactorily performed the duties of this position for the Aultman-Mil- ler and other companies. In 1882, Mr. Smith was married to Addie E. Tuttle, w^ho is a daughter of Seth Tuttle, who, for forty years was identified with the Taplen Rice Stove and Furnace Company. ^Ir. and Mrs. Smith have three children, viz: Jessie M., who is the wife of H. M. Eaton, residing at Akron, and Howard R. and Ger- trude M., who are students in the Akron High School. Mr. Smith belongs to numerous fraternal, benevolent and business organizations, and has been frequently elected treasurer of the same. He takes a patriot's interest in public affairs and has often been honored by elec- tion to positions of trust and responsibility. He has served both as city treasurer and a'^ a member of the board of Education, also as county treasurer. Personally, he is a man held in very high esteem. His public spirit has helped the city and his benevolence has frequently prompted him to extend a help- ing hand to those less fortunate than him- self. FRED G. ZELLER, a prominent stock farmer of Northampton Township, where he owns 186 acres of land, and has 150 under cultivation, was born at Fremont, Ohio, No- vember 19, 1881, and is a son of George and Lenora (Sharp) Zeller. George Zeller, residing on a fine farm of ninety-five acres, in Portage Township, was born in Stark County, Ohio, March 19, 1852, and is a son of AVilliam Zeller, who came to Akron, Summit County, in 1860. He was a saddler by trade and followed this for a numbpT of years in both Greentown and Ifniontown, Ohio. He married a daughter of William Wise, of Stark County, and she died in 1888, aged sixty-two years. AVilliam Zeller died March 2. 1907. aged eighty-two years. He had acquired considerable property AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS and presented his grandson, Fred G., with his farm, when the latter was twenty years of age. George Zeller worked on his father's farm until he was twenty-four years old and then entered the Buckeye shops at Akron, where he worked for some years as a steam- fitter. In 1895 he resumed farming, pur- chasing the property on which he has resided ever since. In 1896 his barn was destroyed by fire, and in 1897 he replaced it by one of the most substantial structures in Portage Township, with dimensions of 70 by 40 feet, with 18-foot posts. George Zeller carries on a general farming line, raising wheat, corn and oats, keeps a dozen head of cattle and ships his milk to Akron. Formerly he raised hogs quite extensively, but does not take much interest in this industry- at present. George Zeller married Lenora Sharp, of Akron, and they have had three children, the two survivors being: Fred G. and Clara, the latter residing at home. Mr. Zeller, like hi.-: father, has been a supporter of the principles of the Republican party, since he reached maturity. Fred G. Zeller was educated in the schools at Akron. He has been engaged in agricul- tural pursuits ever since he took possession of his farm, which he operated first as a dairy farm. He realized, however, that there was more money to be made on his land in stock- raising and now gives the larger part of hi^ attention to buying calves, pigs and sheep, which he fattens for market. His main crops are hay, oats, com and wheat. He is an enterprising young man with modem ideas and progressive methods and occupies a recognized position among the agricultur- ists of his section. Mr. Zeller married Emma Gartley, who is a daughter of Samuel Gartley, of Cuyahoga Falls, and they have one daughter, Esther Lenora, bom .July .31, 1906. In politics, Mr. Zeller is somewhat independent, with a lean- ing toward Republicanism. •TOHN W. FRANK, county commisioner of Summit County, and one of its leading citi- zens, resides on his valuable and well-im- proved farm of 200 acres, situated in Portage Township. Mr. Frank was born near the vil- lage of Uniontowu, Lake Township, Stark County, Ohio, November 29, 1838, and is a son of George Jacob and Eva (Weimer) Frank. The parents of Mr. Frank were both bom in Germany, the father in Wurttenberg and the mother in Alsace-Loraine. George Jacob learned the cabinet-maker's trade and also that of house carpenter. When he reached military age, he entered the German army and served out his necessary term and was in Alsace-Loraine when he was discharged. It was there he met the lady who became his wife, and after their marriage they settled near her home and continued to live there until 1837, when they came to America, bringing their five children. One daughter died at Havre, France, while the party was awaiting the sailing of their vessel. It took them a long time to reach Buffalo, New York, from which point they went to Cleveland and then on down the canal to Stark County, where George Jacob Frank bought a farm of eighty acres, the same on which John W. Frank was born. John W. Frank remained on the home farm until he was seventeen years old and then entered on an apprenticeship to the car- penter's trade. He also learned cabinet mak- ing, following this business for eight years. His mother died in 1870, and in 1872, the father sold the farm and subsequently lived until his death, in 1884, with his son, George Frank, at Uniontown. On the breaking out of the Civil War, John W. Frank started on his way to Indiana, where he anticipated find- ing work at his trade, and as he happened to be at Wabash, he attended a great war meet- ing held there that night, and when he reached Marshall County, his intended des- tination, he found war excitement prevail- ing. He worked there for several months, however, but on September 10, 1861, he fol- lowed the example of the majority of the young men of the neighborhood, and enlisted in the Ninth Illinois Cavalry, made up from 77(5 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY both Indiana and Illinois, Mr. Frank belong- ing to an Indiana organization. Almost immediately after enlisting, Mr. Frank was appointed corporal of his com- pany, and during his fifteen months of service he performed every duty with cheerfulness and bravery. The cavalry was called on to do a great deal of scouting in Arkansas, and many of the regiment took sick at Helena, Mr. Frank among the number. Three boat- loads of sick were sent up the Mississippi River to Keokuk, Iowa, landing there ten days later, Mr. Frank, at this time being un- able to walk. He was prostrated for ten weeks in a hospital, his brother George assist- ing in his nursing for seven weeks, and finally taking him home, where good care finally re- stored him to health. He was honorably dis- charged at Keokuk as orderly sergeant hav- ing received several promotions. Mr. Frank came to Akron in 1863 and worked several month at his trade, and from his marriage in October, 1863, until the fol- lowing spring, he lived in Uniontown. At this time his wife, who was a very capable young woman and for many years a teacher, took charge of the Uniontown schools, teach- ing through the summer, while Mr. Frank be- came bookkeeper for a merchant in this vil- lage. In the fall of 1864 they returned to the Frank farm and lived there for the following eight years, in the spring of 1873, moving to the farm on which they now live. At that time, Mr. Frank bought 116 acres, which he devoted to general farming, but as he gradually added more land he went into stock- raising. For many subsequent years he dealt largely in sheep, feeding and shipping, at times as many as 500 head. He is one of the township's substantial men and useful citizens. On October 27, 1863, Mr. Frank was mar- ried to Margaret F. Thompson, who is a daughter of Jacob Thompson. She was born in Stark Coimty, Ohio, but was reared at Springfield I^ake, Summit County. Mr. and Mrs. Frank have four children, namely: Elta Lorena, residing at home; Charles Wal- ter, township clerk of Portage Township, manages the home farm; Margaret Leora, re- siding at home; and John Clarence, residing at Barberton, is purchiising agent for the Sterling Boiler Works. Politically, Mr. Frank is a Democrat and he has been active in public affairs for many years. Prior to removing from Stark County, he was a trustee and treasurer of Lake Township, and since coming to Portage Township has been its clerk for two terms. In 1906 he was elected county com- missioner, a just tribute to Mr. Frank's promi- nence in this section. He holds membership with Buckley Post, Grand Army of the Re- public. With his family, he belongs to the West Congregational Church at Akron. ARTHUR W. SCUDDER, postmaster at Fairlawn, resides on his well-improved farm of eighty acres, in Portage Township, where he is a well-known and much respected citi- zen. He was born in Copley Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, November 1, 1844, and is a son of Walter and Catherine M. (Stim.son) Scudder. Walter Scudder, father of Arthur W., was born in the State of New York, where he was reared, educated and married. In the spring of 1844, with his wife and two children, he started in a two-ox wagon, for Ohio. He lo- cated at Copley Center, where he followed his trade of shoemaker for many years. He then purchased a farm near Montrose, but not hav- ing been accustomed to an agricultural life, in three years he sold his farm and returned to Copley Center, where he resumed work at his trade. In 1854 he again tried farming, purchasing a farm of 118 acres, south of Copley, on which he lived until 1883, when he sold out and removed to Akron, where he died in 1896. Mrs. Scudder died on the farm south of Copley, in July, 1868. They had four children : Thurlow, Emogene, Arthur W. and Carlton R. The eldest son was a sol- dier in the Civil War, serving throe years as a member of Company H, 104th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, after which he was janitor for Grace School at Akron, for many vears. At the time of his death, he left manv AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS Til friends to mourn his loss. Emogene married A. C. Francisco, residing at Copley. Carl- ton R. is a resident of Barberton. Arthur W. Scudder was reared in Copley Township and attended the district schools. When but nineteen years of age he left home to enter the Federal army, enlisting for three years in Battery A, First Ohio Light Artil- lery. His contract was dated February 14, 1864, and he served until the close of the war, and was honorably discharged at Cleveland, Ohio, reaching home July 31, 1865. He was with Sherman's army in its march to the sea and took part in the siege of Atlanta, where his battery was used for skirmishing purposes. He was a brave soldier, as his record testifies and never evaded a duty. He had thus performed a man's part in life be- fore he had reached man's estate. Mr. Scudder then returned to the home farm and attended one term of school, and during the winter of 1865-6 he taught school. His marriage followed, to Maria A. Stirk, who is a daughter of Henry Stirk, formerly of Pennsylvania, but later of Wayne County, Ohio. They have four children, namely: Carlton H., who married Mary Porcher, owns a general store at Boneta, Medina County, and ha.s two children — GJrace and Thurlow Frederick ; .James Thurlow, who married Harriet Quirk, has one son. Quirk Thurlow, purchased his father's store in February, 1907, and is assistant postmaster at Fairlawn; Orville E., who married Viva Baxter, resides at AlvTon, where he is manager of the North Howard Street Mi.ssion, being inclined toward a religious life: and Marv Belle, who married Clyde E. Orton. After their marriage, in 1868, Mr. and Mrs. Scudder went to live in a small hoase situated on his father's farm, but in the spring of the following year, they moved to a farm in Wayne County, and later to a farm near Lodi. In 1870, Mr. Scudder bought a farm in Medina County, not far from Chatham. .\bout one year later he sold this farm and moved to Copley, where he lived until May, 1872, when he bought his present farm. A man of excellent business judgment, he has al- ways been able to make his enteiprises paying ones. For a number of years he operated three milk depots at Akron, having at one time twenty-six head of cows. In 1891 he moved to the pleasant little hamlet then known as Fair- view, and it was through the efforts of Mr. Scudder that the place was renamed. Fair- lawn, there being another Fairview in the State. He went into a mercantile business in the village and was the first postmaster, which office he retains, although he is no longer in business. He operated the store now owned by his son, at Boneta, for a time, as well as the one at Fairlawn. Mr. Scudder is a member of Buckley Post, No. 12, Grand Army of the Republic. Both he and his wife come of military ancestry. His grandfather, R. R. Stimson, was a soldier in the War of 1812, enlisting August 28, 1814, as a fifer in Capt. Jenks Pullen's com- pany. First New York militia, and was dis- charged November 1, 1814. Joseph Fox, the great-grandfather of Mrs. Scudder was com- missioned a captain in Col. David Henley's regiment of Continental troops, June 29, 1777, in the Revolutionary War, and later was transferred to the Sixteenth Massachu- setts and afterwards to the Ninth Massachu- setts Regiment. JOSEPH WIGLEY, of the firm of Hunt & Wigley, general contractors at Akron, is an old established resident of this city. He was born in Staffordshire, England, in 1859, and came to America in 1882. Mr. Wigley had attended school and had also learned the building trade in his own country before emigrating, and after settling at Akron he worked at his trade exclusively until 1886, when he went into general con- tracting. The firm of Wigley Brothers for a number of years was the leading one of Sum- mit County. In 1901, Mr. Wigley formed a partnership with W. H. Hunt, under the .«tyle of Hunt & Wigley. which continues. The firm does general contracting, -building, pav- ing, sewer building and like work. The fine pressed brick building they erected in Akron in 1907. is two stories in height, dimensions HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY of 100 by 47 feet, and is one of the ornaments to the section of the city in which it stands. The firm leased it to the Clinton Milling Com- pany for a term of five years, with the priv- ilege of renewing the lease. Mr. AVigley was married in 1899, to Agnes Cooper, of Akron, and they have two chil- dren : Florence Agnes and Edward John. Mr. Wiglcy is a member of the Episcopal Church. Politically, he is a Republican and takes an active interest in city affairs. WILLIAM F. HAUPT, one of the repre- sentative citizens of Loyal Oak, was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Febru- ary 19, 1848, and is a son of Christian and Elizabeth (Edelman) Haupt. The parents of Mr. Haupt were both na- tives of Northampton County, and both died there, the father in 1853 and the mother in 1876. Christian Haupt was a farmer during all his mature years, he departed this life at the age of forty-two. William F. being then only five years of age, was I'eared and educated in his native county, where he lived with his widowed mother until he was eighteen years old. In 1865 he came to Norton Town.'^hip. Soon after he learned the stone-mason's trade, and followed that occupation for a number of years, after which he took up farming. In 1869 he was united in marriage to*Ellen Cecelia Lerch. daughter of Peter and Rebecca (Schweitzer) Lerch. Mr.?. Haupt was also a native of Northampton County, Pennsylva- nia, born August 4, 1848. Her parents em- igrated to 'this state (Ohio) in the spring of 1849, making the journey in wagons, and lo- cating in Copley Town.ship, Mrs. Haupt be- ing only nine months old at the time. Two sons were born to Mr. and Mrs. Haupt — Howard W. and Clinton F. — both residents of Akron. William F. Plaupt was one of the three or- ganizers of the Norton Mutual Fire Associa- tion, in the interest of which he worked .«ome of his time for six years as agent and direct- or, without compensation. Many meetings were held at his residence imtil it was fullv organized, and is now the only surviving charter member. The said association has now an insured capital of $4,000,000. He is identified with the Lutheran Church of Loyal Oak, has held church and township of- fices and is in every way a worthy and reliable citizen and is now living a retired life. HORACE G. CANFIELD, who conducts a job printing establishment at Akron, was born November 19, 1830, and has resided in this city since 1842, when his parents came here from Medina, Ohio. In boyhood, Mr. Canfield attended school but the larger part of his education he secured in the printing office, he beginning to set type in his father's establishment, before he was eight years old. He is a printer by inheritance, both his father and grandfather having been practical print- ers. His father, Horace Canfield, settled in Cuyahoga Falls in 1833, where he established the newspaper, the Ohio Review, and later had papers at Cleveland, the Cleveland Com- mercial Advertiser, and Medina, The Watch- tower, coming to Akron, in 1842, where he published his last paper. Horace G. Canfield learned the printer's trade from the ground up, and has made a specialty of job printing. He was foreman of the Beacon from 1855 to 1866, at which time he purchased a one- third interest, Mr. S. A. Lane also purchas- ing a third interest. Shortly after A. L. Paine and D. J. Long purchased the remain- ing third of Messrs. Beebe and Elkins. The firm name was then changed to Lane, Can- field & Company. Thinking Akron about large enough to support a daily paper, he is- sued the Daily Beacon with S. A. Lane as editor, H. G. Canfield, business manager, and Paine and Long in charge of the job and news departments. Tliis was the first success- ful launching of a daily newspaper in Akron. Under the above-described management it flourished until it was sold out about four years later. During the Civil War Mr. Canfield served in Company F, 164th Regiment. Ohio \ ol- untoer Infantry, for 100 davs, his rocjiment RICHARD FREEMAN PALMER AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 781 being stationed through thii time, at Fort Cocoran. Ho is a member of Buckley Post, Grand Army of the Republic Akrou Lodge, No. 83, F. ifc A. M., and Nemo Lodge, I. 0. O. F. On October 12, l6o~, Mr. Canfield was mar- ried to Jennie Galbraith, and they have four children, namely: Etta M. and Hattie G., both residing at home; Jessie W., who is chief clerk and stenograijher in the ottice of the State Fire Marshal, at Columbus; and Dr. Charles H., residing at Island Pond, Ver- mont, where he i.s in the Government service as a meat inspector. Politically, Mr. Canfield is now a Democrat, having been formerly a Fremont and Lincoln voter. For forty-five years he has been iden- tified with the Masonic fraternity, and he has earned the ''fifty-year badge" as a member of the Odd Fellows, and is captain of the degree staft' in tlie auxiliary order of Rebecca. Mr. Canfield has a little private museum in which he has collected a number of old family treasurers, among which is his great-grand- father's diploma, issued in 1772, by Yale Col- lege, and a tiny shoe which was once worn by his great-great-grandmother. He is one of Akron's best known citizens. RICHARD FREEMAN PALMER, who for some years has lived at Akron retired from active participation in business, was formerly identified Mith some of the city's large industrial enterprises, and owns a large amount of real estate within it.s boundaries. Mr. Palmer was born at Akron, Ohio, IMarch 13. 1840, and is a son of Jo-seph and Eliza (Freeman") Palmer. Joseph Palmer was born in England and came to Akron in 1836. Pie was a millwright bv trade and the work that brought him to this .section was the building of the locks in the Ohio Canal. Later he a.ssi.sted in build- ing the Cascade mill, and was identified with that mill for eisbteen vears. In 1854 he moved to a farm in Medina County, on which he lived until the death nf his wife. He then returned to Akron, making hi~ home with his «on, Richard. Richard F. Palmer was little more than a school-boy when he found occupation as a driver on the canal, and he continued to work as such until he was eighteen years of age. About that time he entered the high school, where he remained until President Lincoln's call, in 1861, for 75,000 troops, when he en- listed for service in the Union Ai-my. He was for three months a member of Company G, 19th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, being stationed during this time mainly in West Virginia. For the following two years he ran a station- ary engine and then, in February, 1885, re- enlisted, entering Company I, 188th Ohio \'olunteer Infantry. During this second term of service, which covered a year, he was lo- cated in Tennessee and Kentucky. After be- ing mustered out of the army the second time, Mr. Palmer then bought a canal boat and operated on the canal for some three years. In 1872 he found employment in the oflice of the Akron Iron Company, remaining there two years. He then entered the employ of Anltman, ^Miller & Company, becoming their general agent, with headquarters at Tiffin, Ohio, being in their employ for twenty-seven years. Since 1897 Mr. Palmer has lived re- tired from active business life, but he has many congenial interests to occupy his atten- tion. ^Ir. Palmer was married June 9, 1862, to Frances E. Field, who is a daughter of Asa Field. Mrs. Palmer died April 26. 1898, leaving three sons and an adopted daughter. The eldest son, Frank L.. is a resident of Pitts- burg. J. Dwight, residing in Akron, is one of the city's representative men and has just been elected a member of the City Council. J. Asa. the third son, is secretary of the Burt ^lanufacturing Company, of Akron. Mar- garet, the daughter by adoption, is the wife of Willis Bacon, an attorney of Tiffin, Ohio. Mr. Palmer has always taken a laudaV)le interest in (he nublic matters concerning the development of his citv. Years ago he ser^'ed on the Citv Council, in 1871 and 1872. At present be is a member of the Summit County Court House Building Commission. ,ju:^t completing the erection of a $400,000.00 782 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY court house. For maay years he has been Ijrominent in Masonry and is the present emi- nent commander of Akron Commandery, and served seven years as prelate. He has twice been commander of Buckley Post, G. A. R. PRESTON D. STRATTON, the founder and Past Supreme President of the benefi- ciary order of the Protected Home Circle, with offices in the Everett Building, Akron, was born in Mahoning Countv, Ohio, Decem- ber 28, 1852. Mr. Stratton had an early agricultural training and country schooling, but com- pleted his education at Mt. Union College, leaving sooner than he had proposed, on ac- count of the death of his father, following which he taught school for six terms. It was in 1886 that he originated the central idea and wrote out the plan for the Protected Home Circle,, organizing at Sharon, Pennsyl- vania, with an initial membership of twenty- nine persons. Mr. Stratton would scarcely be blamed if he evinced some pride at the growth of the order, it now having a membership of more than 65,000. The organizaton has paid out during its twenty-one years of existence, more than $4,000,000, in death benefits, and ha-s a reserve fund of $1,000,000. In addi- tion in 1894, the order erected a fine temple at a cost of $50,000, which with equipment is now worth $100,000. This magnificient structure is located at Sharon. Mr. Stratton served for eight years as Supreme Secretary and for seven years as Supreme President and is now Past Supreme President in charge of the work in the State of Ohio. In addition to the fraternal relations exist- ing between him and so many of his fellow- citizens, in the order he founded, he is actively associated in other fraternities, being a Past Grand in the order of Odd Fellows, a member of the National Union, Ben Hur, K. & L. of Honor, and of the Foresters. Mr. Stratton has always been recognized as a good citizen since locating at Akron, and he was selected for the head of the Law and Order League, serving as its president during its term of usefulnes.~. Llis political sympathies are with the Republican party. As he is a fine sijcaker, his voice was frecpiently heard dur- ing the camijaign preceding the first election of President McKinley. In 1877, Mr. Stratton was married to Mary E. Protheroe, who is a daughter of Francis Protheroe, the latter of whom was bOrn in Wales and came to America and settled in Goshen Township, Mahoning County, in young manhood. Mr. and Mrs. Stratton have three children : Florence E., who is a graduate of . the College of Commerce, at Sharon, Pennsylvania, is her father's private secretary and stenographer; Delbert P., who is assistant manager of the billing department of the B. F. Goodrich Company, is a graduate of tlie Akron High School; and Raymond F., is a student. Mr. Stratton is one of the leading members of the Baptist Church at Akron, in which he is a deacon, and is also president of the Men's club. WILLIAM A. DICE, a practical farmer of Franklin Township, who operates an excel- lent tract of seventy-four acres, was born Oc- tober 27, 1859, on"^the old Grill farm north of Clinton, Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Jeremiah and Caroline (Dissinger) Dice. .leremiah Dice was born in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and was a son of Michael Dice, a substantial farmer of Franklin County. There were nine children in Michael Dice's family, but Jeremiah was the only one to come West, he settling north of Manchester, Franklin Township, when about tw-enty-one years of age. On first engaging in farming here he rented land, but later purchased two fine farms which aggregated about 250 acres, and here he died in 1904, at the age of seventy-three years; his widow, who survives him, is seventy-two years old. Jeremiah Dice was married in Franklin Township, to Caro- line Dissinger, who is a sister of Dr. Dissinger, of Canal Fulton, and daughter of John Dis- singer, who came to Ohio from Pennsylvania by wagon and settled north of Manchester on a farm now owned bv William A. Dice and AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 783 other lieirs. On this property Mrs. Dice was born. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Dice, namely: John; Mary, who mar- ried M. Waltz; William Albert; Alma, who married L. W. Baughman; Elton; Emma, who married Thomas Sours; and Marvin, all living in Summit County, Ohio. William A. Dice spent his boyhood days on the old home place north of Manchester, at- tending District School No. 1, and working at farming. He purchased a part of his present farm from Henry D. Dailey, and has here carried on general farming very successfully. He is a Democrat in politics, and has shown interest in the success of his party in this section. On November 12, 1881, Mr. Dice was mar- ried to Elizabeth Diiiley, who is a daughter of Henry D. and Mary (Rhodes) Dailey, early settlers in this section. Henry D. Dailey, who was the original owner of W. A. Dice's pres- ent farm, which he helped to clear, died at the age of seventy-eight years, while his widow, who survives him, is in her eighty- second year. Mr. and Mrs. Dice have two children : Henry, attending Wooster Col- lege, who taught school for five years in the count}', and is engaged to teach in the grammar grades in 19G7 ; and Hazel, also a student at Wooster College, who will teach at Barberton, Fi'anklin Township. WALTER R. WOLFSPERGER, electrical contractor, with offices at No. 575 East E.xchange Street, Akron, has been established in business for himself in this city for the past six years, prior to which he was connected with the electrical work of a number of the largest institutions in this section. He was born in 1878. at Canal Fulton, Stark Countv, Ohio. Mr. Wolfsperger was educated in the public schools at Canal Fulton, where he lived until fourteen years of age, and earned his first money by working in the coal mines in Stark County. In 1893, he came to Akron and for about five years was more or less continuously employed in the shops connected with the various rubber industries. In 1807, ho wont to Massillon, where he was connected with the Massillon Light, Lleat & Power Company until 1900, when he returned to Akron and for the succeeding eight months, did the elec- trical work for the B. F. Goodrich Company. He was then employed by an electrical con- tractor up to 1901, when he embarked in business for himself. Mr. Wolfsperger's skill has been exercised in behalf of a number of the large institutions of Akron. He has done the electrical work for some years for Buchtel College, in its Women's dormitory, the resi- dence of E. R. Held, the Crisp Block, the Bergen Iron Company's new plant, the Baker- McMillan plant, and a number of others. Mr. Wolfsperger's business has inci'eased 600 per cent over the first year, a record which tells' its own story. In 1899, Mr. Wolfsperger was married to Louise Anna Shopbell, who was born at Mas- sillon, Ohio, and they have two children, Rhea and Walter. Politically, Mr. Wolfs- perger is a Democrat. Fraternally, he is connected with the order of Eagles, and is also a member of the White Anchor Relief Association. SIMON P. LUDWICK, a substantial citi- zen and well-known agriculturist of Summit County, who owns and operates a farm of seventy-eight acres in Franklin Township, was born in an old log hou^e in Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, October 28, 1844, and is a son of Samuel and Mary (Dick) Ludwick. George Ludwick, his grandfather, and a na- tive of Pennsylvania, was one of the early set- tlers of Franklin Township, and entered the farm now owned by Frank Cox, which he cleared from the woods. There his death occurred, as did also that of his wife. Among the children of George Ludwick was Samuel, the father of Simon P: He was also bom in Pennsylvania, and was brought to Ohio by his parents, the remainder of his life being .spent farming in Franklin Township. Mr. Lud- wick purchased the old home farm and re- placed the old log house with bne of stone, which is <{]]] standing, and bore ho died in 784 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY about 1855, at the age uf fifty-three yeaK. Samuel Ludwick married Mary Dick, daugh- ter of Samuel Dick and she survived her hus- band one year. Mr. and Mrs. Ludwick had eleven children, as follows: George, residing in Michigan; Eve, who married Solomon Se- crist; Barbara, who married Isaac Snyder; Rachel, who became the wife of Martin Grill ; Mary, who married Daniel Haring; Samuel; Rebecca, who married H. Snyder; Simon Peter; Jemima, who married H. Surfass; Anna, and Amos. Of the foregoing, Eve, Barbara, Mary, Rebecca, Anna and Amos are deceased the last mentioned passing away in his fourteenth year. Simon P. Ludwick received a somewhat limited education, his parents dying when he was still a lad. However, he made the best of his opportunities and being an ambitious youth, he managed to secure a meager educa- tion. His young manhood was spent in M'orking on the neighboring farms, and when eighteen years of age he started to do thresh- ing, becoming a partner with his brother Samuel in this business on reaching his twenty-first year. He was also associated with Martin Grill and other partners, and for one year had charge of the business alone, operating the old style horse-power machine. After fourteen successful seasons spent in ■threshing, Mr. Ludwick, in 1875, purchased his present farm from the George Baughman heirs, and replaced the old buildings below the hill with his present large eight-room frame house, substantial barns and new outbuildings. Mr. Ludwick is one of Summit County's self- made men, and as .such is honored and es- teemed by all who know him. He ha.s always been industrious, biit in later years has found time for travel, and has visited brothers in Il- linois and Michigan. In March, 1872, Mr; Ludwick was married to Lucetta Baughman, daughter of George Baughman, and six children were born to this union: Samantha; Mirtie, who married Calvin Stump; Percy; Lottie, who died at the age of two years; Leeman; and Bertha. Mr. Ludwick, with his family, belongs to the Reformed (Jluirch. In political matter.- he is a Democrat. SOLOMON KEPLER, residing on his well-improved farm in Green Township, is one of the large land-owners of this section, his possessions amounting to over 400 acres, which are situated in both Green and Frank- lin Townships. He was born August 28, 1840, on his j^resent farm in Green Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Jacob A. and Christina (Hushberger) Kepler. Jacob A. Kepler was born near East Lib- erty, Ohio, to which place his father, Andrew Kepler, had come from Pennsylvania as a pioneer, and where his death occurred. Jacob A. Kepler grew to manhood on his father's farm, but after his marriage removed to a farm on the east side of Turkeyfoot Lake, where he erected a log cabin in the wilderness, Here Mr. Kepler cleared a farm of 200 acres, and this was his home for the remainder of his life, his death occurring at the age of sixty- two years. Mrs. Kepler survived her hus- band for a long period, being eighty-one years old at the time of her death. Jacob A. Kep- ler was married to Christina Hushberger, who was a native of Pennsylvania, and to them there were born eight children, four of whom grew to maturity, namely: Elizabeth, who is the widow of J. R. Neal ; Adam ; Sophia, who married H. Swaggert, and Solomon. Solomon Kepler attended the district schools of his native locality, and has been since engaged in agricultural pursuits. His fine farm, which is a part of the old home- stead, includes a large house and substantial barns, built by Mr. Kepler himself, and the large, productive orchard planted by him. He is in very comfortable circumstances, and in later years has devoted some time to travel, visiting the home of his ancestors in Pennsyl- vania, and going as far West as California. In politics he is a Democrat, and has served as township trustee and as school director. In 1861 Mr. Kepler was married, first, to Elizabeth Garst, and their children were: Samuel, who died in infancy: Oliver, who died at the age of six years; Belle, who mar- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 785 ried E. Rex, and has two children — Howard and Edith; Amanda, wife of N. Foust, with live children — Clarence, Jacob, Samuel, Oran and William ; and Mabel, who married M. Grove, and has two children — Willard V., and a baby girl unnamed. After the death of his tir8, and he was married (.second) April 2ft. 1«r!0. to .Tulia A. North, who was a daughter of Selah and Anna (Ne- well) North. The children born to this union were the following; Lucy, who is the widow of Linas E. Burr, residing at Cameron, Mis- souri; William, residing at Cleveland; Julia, who is the wife of Willard W. Wetmore, re- siding in Stow Township ; Charlotte, who mar- ried for her first husband Dr. Charles Hen- sliaw, aud her second marriage was to James L. Banning, residing at Stow Corners; and Charles N. Charles N. Gaylord attended the public schools of Monroe Falls and spent three years in the Tallmadge Academy. He then en- tered the paper mills at Monroe Falls, where he worked for some twelve years, after which he rented the farm from his father, and has been engaged in agricultural pursuits ever since. The homestead farm was the property of his mother until her death and he con- tinued to rent it until the settlement of the estate, when he purchased it together with seventy adjoining acres. During this whole period he has operated a dairy, keeping about twenty-five cows. During nine months of the year his milk goes to tlie Co-operative Cream- ery at Stow, of which enterprise he was one of the organizers, and of which he is a direct- or as well as a heavy stockholder. In 1899, he embarked in a new industry on his farm, this being the making of ice cream by whole- sale, and this dainty he sells all through this section, having the important contract of sup- plying Silver Lake Park. He has well-equip- ped quarters and utilizes a steam engine for power, Mr. Gaylord raises corn, oats and po- tatoes. His interests are many and varied, and he keeps a firm hand on all. Mr. Gaylord married Iaicv Southmayd, a member of an old and important family, and they have two children: Howard S. and Stanley G. Mrs. Gaylord is a daughter of the late William and Martha (Wilson) South- mayd. The paternal grandmother of Mrs. Gaylord was Clarissa (Rice) Gaylord, who was born February Ci. 180.5, and died March 14. 1879. She was a daughter of Captain Rice and was the first white child born in Stow Township. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 803 She became the second wife of Erastus South- mayd, who was born at Middletown, Connec- ticut, March 29, 1787. He came to the West- ern Reserve a single man and was married (first) to Annie Wetmore, in 1822, who died after the birth of three children: Charles, Lucy and Leonard. In 1827, he married Clarissa Rice, and they had four children: Walter, William, Horace and Heurj-. Eras- tus Southmayd owned a good farm situated one-half mile north of Stow Center, which he cleared from the forest, and for some years he also kept a hotel at Stow Corners. He died on this farm October 16, 1866. He was a member of the Disciples Church. William Southmayd, father of Mrs. Gay- . lord, was one of the best-known citizens of Smnmit County. He was a farmer and school teacher, following the latter profession for sixteen years consecutively in his native county. For many years he was one of the infirmary directors and held political posi- tions of various kinds, sending as clerk and as treasurer of Stow Township, on the Repub- lican ticket, for a long period. He was a member of the School Board, and was an elder in the Disciples Church. His last years were passed at Cuyahoga Falls, where he died De- cember 8. 1887, aged fifty-seven years. On November 4, 1852, he married Martha Wil- son, who was born at Pompey. Onondaga County. New York. December 27, 1831, and wa« a daughter of Dariu? and Temperance ("Cha^e) Wilson. Darius Wilson moved to the Western Reser\'e in 1835 and settled in Medina County, Ohio, where he died at the age of seventy-four years. Politically Mr. Gaylord is a Republican. He served one term as justice of the peace and several terms as township trustee. For four years he has been president of the Summit County Horticultural Society, for two years president of the Farmers' Institute of Summit County, and secretary of this organization for two years, and has been a member of the School Board for a long period. He belongs tr) Pavonia Lodge. No. 301. Knights of Py- thia=. at Cuyahoga Falls. He is a deacon in the Disciples Church. G. C. DONALDSON, manager of the Pitts- burg Coal Company, at Akron, has a large territory to cover in the interests of this im- mense concern, with w^hich he has been iden- tified since 1900. He was born at Girard, Trumbull County, Ohio, in 1872, where he secured his schooling. When sixteen years of age Mr. Donaldson went to Cleveland and entered the employ of Pickands, Mather & Company, with whom he continued for eight years, after which he was three years with the Canada Life Insur- ance Company. For a short time, Mr. Don- aldson was employed as a special agent by the Erie Railroad, and then entered upon his present connection with the Pittsburg Coal Company. Until 1904 he traveled in its in- terest through Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, and then was stationed at Akron and placed i n charge of all the business in Ohio west and .-outh of Warren, Ohio. On October 9, 1902, Mr. Donaldson was married to Anna Grace Dunbar, of Steuben- ville, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldson are members of the Presb\i,erian Church of Ak- ron. Mr. Donaldson is a talented musician and is treasurer of the Tuesday Musical Club, Akron's leading mu.sical organization. SAMUEL F. ZILIOX, president and gen- eral manager of the Commercial Printing Company, of Akron, has specialized in his line of work for many years, and has been at the head of his present enterprise since its incorporation in 1896. He was born at Mill- ville. Butler County. Ohio, in 1864, and was educated mainly at Hamilton. When a lad of fifteen years Mr. Ziliox en- tered the printing office of Jacob H. Long, at Hamilton, where he remained two years, then spent a short time at Urbana, only to return to Hamilton, where he was connected with the Hamilton Democrat as superintendent and business manager until May, 1889. For a short period he was a member of the adver- tising staff of the St. Louis Chronicle, then was identified with the Laning Publishing Company, of Norwalk, Ohio. In Febmary, 1891, he came to Akron and was in charge 804 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY of the job depai-tment of The Akron Print- ing and Publishing Company until March, 1896, when, with others, he organized the Commercial Printing Company. This con- cern was incorporated in 1898, with a capital stock of $20,000, which has been increased to $75,000. The officers of the company are: S. F. Ziliox, president and manager; D. W. Bowman, vice president; F. A. Lane, treas- urer and general superintendent, and W. E. Young, secretary and assistant superintend- ent. In 1904 Mr. Ziliox was married to Kath- eryn Aydelotte, of Hamilton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Ziliox are members of St. Paul's Epis- copal Church. Fraternally, he belongs to the Knights of Pythias and the Elks, and is a member of the Elks club. FREDERICK KUHLKE, one of Akron's sul)stantial bu.sdness men, who conducts one of the leading bakeries in the city, ha.s been identified with Akron's development for the past forty-one years. lie was born in Ger- many in 1846, and was reared and educated in his own land. In 1864 Mr. Kuhlke came to America and for two years he worked in a grocery store in New York City, and then came to Akron. Not being able to secure employment in a grocery at that time, Mr. Kuhlke worked on the Ohio Canal and at various things which an active, industrious young man is able to secure, in the meanwhile making friends for him.'*e]f and accumulating enough capital to go into bu.siness in 1882. In 1886 he first engaged in the bakery business, having a partner for a .space of six weeks, after which he continued alone. He proved himself a good manager and accumulated considerable money, but in the panic of 1893 he sastained losses which made it necessary for him to begin all over again. Mr. Kuhlke proved that he possesses the periseverance and courage which iLSually be- long to his countrymen, by setting to work immediately to repair his losses. He met with .such success that by 1904 he was able to con.sitruct liis present plant, consisting of a two-story brick building, 46 by 56 feet and basement, located at No. 830-2-4 South Broadway. Mr. Kuhlke conducts a first-class bakery, having sixteen employes and running seven wagons. His sales-rooms and office are located at No. 27 East Exchange Street. In 1869 Mr. Kuhlke was married at Akron to Mary Bramer, and they have two surviv- ing children — George, who is a salesman for the bakery, and Carl, who is foreman of the business. One son, HermaTi, died in 1894, aged twenty-four yeai-s, and his only daugh- ter, Meta, died also in 1894, at the age of twenty-two years. Mr. Kuhlke has taken more or less inte^rest in politics and has frequently shown his pub- lic spirit. Since 1869 he has been identified with the Odd Fellows and has twice been sent as a representative to the Grand Lodge of Ohio, which is no slight honor. He be- longs to various German societies of a l>ene- ficiary and social nature, including the Lie- dertafel. J. L. SHIREY, M. D., an old-established physician and .surgeon of Akron and a promi- nent and respected citizen, was born at Han- over, Harrison Coimty, Ohio, June 20, 1853. At the age of twelve years Dr. Shirey went to Indiana, and was educated at Dover Hill, in that State, and at Carroll ton, Ohio. In the meantime he had commenced the study of medicine and spent one term in the Ohio Medical College, at Cincinnati, and then en- tered Starling Medical College, where he was graduated in 1885, locating for practice at Tippecanoe, Harrison County, Ohio, from which place he came to Akron, in 1887. He ha.s been in the active practice of medicine and surgery in this city ever since, and claims a large amount of tJie legitimate business of the profession. He is a member of the Sum- mit County and of the Ohio State Medical Societies, and keejis thoroughly posted on all subjects relating to the advance of medical science. In 1881 Dr. Shirey was married to Anna Spiker, of Harrison County, and they have one daughter, Pearl K. She married Burt AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 805 I). Grief, who is superintendent of the largest sugar plantation in the world, which is lo- cated in Porto Rico. Dr. Shirey is an active politician and is a stanch Republican. He is a citizen of great public spirit and takes pride in the progress and welfare of the city. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ANDREW HARPER ALLEN, a well- known re.?ident of Cuyahoga Falls, now li\ing retired in his pleasant home on Sackett Street, was born at Pond Creek, Bureau County, Illi- nois, August 18, 1856, and is a son of Robert Henry and Mary Phylura (Cochran) Allen. The Allen family in Summit County, came from Scotch and Irish ancestors. John Al- len, the great-grandfather of Andrew H., was born in County Antrini, Ireland, where he died, leaving a fajuily of six children. George Allen, his third son, born in County Antrim, in 1799, married Elizabeth Harper, and they came to America in 1832, settling first at Lee, Ma.ssachusetts, and in 1836, coming to Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. He followed paper- making almost all his active life. He was a man of great industry and prudence and in- vested in land in Summit County, which be- came very valuable, a part of his eighty-acre farm being now included in the city of Cuya- hoga Falls. He had ten children, namely; Jane, Andrew H., John M., Robert H., Wil- liam A.. George L., Julia, Mary Alexander and the first Mary, who died in infancy while the family was cro.ssing the Atlantic ocean. Robert Henry Allen, father of Andrew H., was born December 25, 1882, at Lee, Massa- chusetts, and came to Cuyahoga Falls with his father, in 1836. For twenty years after reach- ing maturity he was engaged in the carriage- making trade at Cuyahoga Falls, but in 1874 he moved to a farm which was situated in Stow Township, on which he lived until 1882. He then moved to Akron, where he re- sumed work at his trade of carriage manu- facture, but one year later be discontinued it, and bought a farm of 170 acres in Stow Town.ship, to which he moved. He now turned his attention to acquiring land and continued to add one parcel to another until his possessions aggregate 600 acres. He was a man of exceptional business faculty, but he gained his ample fortune without dishonesty, mainly through his steady perseverance and frugality. On October 5, 1855, Mr. Allen married .Mary Phylura Cochran, who was born at Cuyahoga Falls, July 18, 1837, a daughter of John M. and Jane (Semple) Cochran. Both the Cochran and the Semples were old colonial families of Scotch-Irish lineage that had generations of honest ancestors behind them. John M. Cochran was born in 1775, at Calcutta, Ohio, and in 1814 was married to Jane Semple, who was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, but who had been reared in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, where her father, James Semple had settled, being an early teacher in that locality. The children of Robert Henry and Mary P. Allen were: .Vndrew H., Maria, William A. and Arthur M. Mrs. Allen ls a consistent member of the Ejiiscopal Church. Mr. Allen was identified with the Republican party, and wa« one of its founders in Summit County. He died May 5, 1902, aged sixty-nine years. Andrew Harper Allen's parents resided only one year at Pond Creek, moving then to Cuyahoga Falls, where he was reared and educated. After completing the High School course, he learned the trade of wagon-maker with his father and uncle. After finishing his apprenticeship with the firm of W. A, Allen & Company, he was married and moved to Lafayette, Indiana, where he worked for about a year. He w-as then in partnership with John Spafford, at. Akron, for a year, and for another year with John Agne, under the firm name of Allen & Agne. doing bu.siness enough to encourage him to organize the Allen Wagon Company. This enterprise was entirely successful and Mr. Allen car- ried it on for some years, .giving employment to thirty people in his works. After dispas- ing of his interests in this concern, in part- nersliip with his father he piirchased the old Galloway farm, and on it was engaged in general farming and dairving for five years. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY After retiring from the fai'm Mr. Allen went to the Goodrich Rubber Company as a mill- wright and pattern-maker, where he contin- ued for five years. He then started a pattern shop of his own, at Cuyahoga Falls, which he continued to operate, with two assistants, un- til the spring of 1907. Mr. Allen then retired from active business life, being able to look back over a useful and prosperous career of many years. Mr. Allen was married, first, to Ora War- ner, who was a daughter of William Warner, of Mogadore. She died in 1897, aged thirty- seven years. Her three surviving children are: Walter M., residing at Akron; Edna Grace, who married E. 0. Hale, residing at Akron, and S. Blanche, who married F. F. Bingham, and resides at Bedford, Indiana. Mr. Allen was married, second, to Emma Willgohs, who is a daughter of Dr. Charles F. Willgohs, of Doylestown. Mr. and Mrs. Allen are members of the Episcopal Church. In political sentiment, Mr. Allen is a Demo- crat. He has been identified with much of the development of Cuyahoga Falls, at all times performing his fiill duty to the com- munity as becomes a worthy citizen. FREDERICK C. WOOD, a well known business citizen of Akron, treasurer of the Akron Auto Garage, was bom in 1873, at Peninsula, Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Frederick Wood. The father of Mr. Wood was born in Ire- land, in 1828, and emigrated to America and settled in Boston Township, in 1835. For fifty years he was engaged in business at Peninsula, being a pioneer merchant of the place, and was prominent in the town's de- velopment. At the age of .seventy-nine years he still survives, enjoying life, and resides with his son at Akron. Frederick C. Wood entered his father's store as a clerk in early youth, and for twelve years was a partner with his father, the firm style being F. Wood & Son. In the fall of 1899 he came to Akron and engaged in a clothing business for six years, and in 1905 he became associated with the Youngstown Telegrwta, but subsequently sold his interest ;uid returned to Akron. Since then he has been identified with automobile interests. He bought a partnership in an established auto- mobile concern at Akron and the business was incorporated as the Akron Auto Garage Com- pany, with a capital stock of $25,000. The president and manager of the company is An- drew Auble, and Frederick C. Wood is secre- tary and treasurer. Scarcely any business is showing a more healthy growth than is the automobile. In 1896 Mr. Wood was married to Clara Brown, of Sharon Center, Medina County, and they have two children: Charlotte Josephine, and Frederick Southmayd. The name of Southmayd came from the youth's seventh greatrgraudfather, Rev. John Southmayd, who was presented with a. home by the citizens of Waterbury, Connecticut, in recognition of his .services in the Pequot War. Mr. Wood has been active in politics since early manhood and he was elected treasurer of Boston Township when twenty-one years of age, serving two terms. For four years he was postmaster at Peninsula, serving under the late President McKinley, and being reap- pointed by President Roosevelt, resigning the office when he came to Akron. He is still in- terested in public affairs, but holds no office, devoting the main part of his time to busi- ness. At present, with Mr. Auble, he is erect- ing a fine brick and cement building, 110 feet by 70 feet, on Buchtel Avenue, to be utilized as a garage. Fraternally, Mr. Wood belongs to the Ma- sonic fraternity, the Modern Woodmen, and is a council member of the Knights of P>i;hias. For a number of years he has been connected with the Episcopal Church of Our Savior, and is serving on the board of vestry- men. Recently, with Rev. Atwater and Frederick Work, he planned and carried out a mo-st delightful trip. The gentlemen took fifty Sunday school pupils whom they had formed into a quasi-military organization, to Wn,«hington city, where the party called on President Roosevelt, whose pleasure at seeing the lads in Rough Rider costumes, probably AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 807 equaled their pride in the same. The whole trip will long be remembered by all who took part in it. THE KELLER BRICK COMPANY, of Portage Township, manufacturers of wire-cut building brick, and shippers of the same to all parts of Ohio, consists of three brothers, namely: William F., Frederick W. and Charles, all practical business men and val- uable citizens. This business was established in 1890 as a partnership and was thus con- tinued until December 12, 1900, when it was incorporated and has since been known as the Keller Brick Company. The officers are: Frederick W. Keller, president, and William F. Keller, secretary and treasurer. The plant is equipped with the most modern machinery for the making of brick, and its capacity is 40,000 daily. Coal is the fuel used, and em- ployment is given to thirty experienced work- men. William F. Keller was born December 7, 1862, at Berlin, Germany, and is a son of Gottfried and Elizabeth (Haller) Keller. The father was born in Berlin and died at Wooster, Ohio, in 1899, aged sixty-five years. He emi- grated to America in 1865 and, after living for some years in the State of New York, went to Canada, where he followed his trade of mason and quarryman. In 1887 he set- tled at Wooster, Ohio, and continued to work at his trade during the rest of his active life. He had thirteen children, of whom the three sons already named, Frank, and two daugh- ters, are living, namely : Mary, who married James Lennon, residing at Akron ; and Kath- erine, who married Harry Ingersol, also re- siding at Akron. Seven children died young. The three brothers who are in business to- gether — Frederick W., Charles and William F. — were married to three sisters. Frederick W. married Sarah M. Seigfried; Charles mar- ried Jennie Siegfried, and William F. mar- ried Hattie L. Seigfried. William F. Keller's education was obtained in the public schools at Wooster. When eighteen years of age he came to Akron, where he followed teaming and other occupations for a time. In 1880 he went to work in a brick- yard, learning the trade with Arthur Bartges, and later he worked for the Cooper Brick Company. In 1890 he decided to go into busi- ness for himself, and, in partnership with his brothers, leased the present plant. The busi- ness has constantly increased and has been ex- panded into one of the large and prospering concerns of Portage Township. Mr. Keller, as above noted, married Hattie L. Seigfried, who is a daughter of Isaac Sieg- fried, of Akron, and they have five children, namely: Pearl, who is bookkeeper for the Keller Brick Company, and wife of Albert Phelps, who is employed by the firm; and Earl L., Claude, Helen and Ada. Mrs. Kel- ler is a member of Trinity Reformed Church of Akron. In politics, Mr. Keller is a Repub- lican. • Fraternally, he is connected with the Modern Woodmen. FREDERICK WOOD, a highly respected citizen of Akron, and a pioneer resident of Summit County, whose business life at Penin- .-ula covered more than fifty years, was born in County Wicklow, Ireland, in 1828, his par- ents being Nesbitt and Eliza (Morton) AVood. In 1835 the parents of Mr. Wood came to America with their children. They lived for two years in Michigan and then removed to Ohio, settling in Boston Township, Summit County. There the father died in 1863 and was survived five years by his wife. From the age of eighteen years, when he entered into business, until his final retire- ment, Mr. Wood's whole life was given to mercantile pursuits. After several years of training in the stores of the village of Bos- ton, in 1853 Mr. Wood embarked in business for himself at Peninsula, with which place he was identified for over a half century. He served in many of the township and town of- fices, for over twenty years was postmaster, and was the promoter and backer of many of the successful enterprises of the place. For twenty years or more he operated a stone quarry in Boston Township. With his re- tirement from active business life and removal to Akron he severed many ties at Peninsula. 808 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY In 1854 Mr. Wood was married to Ghax- lotte M. Baxnhart, who was born June 19, 1836, at Peninsula, wliere she died October 22, 1890. She was a daughter of Jacob and Rhoda (Bronson) Barnhart, the former of whom was born in New York and became a resident of Peninsula in 1833. He died Jan- uary 26, 1874, one of Summit County's most respected citizens. The mother of Mrs. Wood was born in Connecticut, in 1800, and she was a daughter of Hermon and Molly (Hickox) Bronson. There were four children born to Frederick Wood and wife, namely: Anna C, Stella A., Minnie E. and Frederick C. The eldest daughter died in womanhood and the third daughter died in infaincy. Stella A. married H. L. Cross, of Cleveland and they have three children. Frederick C. is a promi- nent citizen of Akron. An adopted daughter of Mr. Wood, Mrs. Julia E. Moody, resides in the old Wood homestead at Peninsula. Mr. A\'ood has been a member of the Epis- copal Church since boyhood and, with his wife, was very active in church work for years, the latter being organist and leader of the choir. She was a lady of many accomplish- ments and lovely character and her death was a loss, not only to her family, but to her church and community. Mr. Wood is a member of the Masonic fraternity. EDWARD COATES, a successful business citizen of Cuyahoga Falls, who has shown en- terprise and ability, not only in one trade, but in several, carries on two distinct industries on his property at the north end of Second Street in this city. His greenhousas cover a large space and his florist business is flourish- ing, while he has had his own blacksmith shop in operation for a number of years. Mr. Coates was born at Simcoe, County Norfolk, Ontario, Dominion of Canada, November 8, 1856, and is a son of Thomas and Jane (Alderson) Coates. Thomas Coates was born at Richmond, Yorkshire, England, in 1819. and died in 1883. He was a carriage-maker by trade, and after emigrating to Canada, settled at Simcoe, where he did a large business and gained an extended reputation as a carriage and wagon manufacturer. He retired from active busi- ness about eight years before his death. In the management of municipal affairs at Sim- coe he was very prominent, holding numer- ous responsible offices, and at the time of his death was acting mayor. His children were: Joseph, residing at Simcoe; Maria, who mar- ried Francis Hurt; Thomas, residing at Sim- coe ; Edward, and George. Maria and George are both deceased. The family was reared in the faith of the Episcopal Church. Edward Coates attended the common schools and during his vacations he learned the wood-working trade with his father, and by the time he was sixteen years of age he had a working knowledge of wagon-making. He then learned carriage-ironing and for sev- eral years was thus employed in some of the best shops at Simcoe. Following this he formed a partnersliip with his brother Joseph under the firm name of J. & E. Coates, for the manufacture of wagons and carriages, and the firm also engaged in undertaking. Edward Coates continued as a member of this firm un- til 1880, when he withdrew to give his entire attention to horseshoeing. For some years ])revious he had had considerable practice in this line, and had acquired enough skill to make him feel confident of success. After securing a diploma from the Toronto Veteri- nary College as a horse farrier, he opened a shop at Simcoe. In the latter part of 1883 IMr. Coates came to Cuyalioga Falls and started into business for himself, at Northampton. Shortly after- ward he removed to Miuiroe Falls, where he remained until 1885, wlien he returned to Cuyahoga Falls and entered into partnership with Joseph Jones, under the firm name of .Tones & Coates, in the business of horseshoe- ing and general repairing. Several yeaRs later Mr. Coates bought the interest of Mr. Jones and continued alone until 1899, when he pur- cha.«ed the business of F. D. Vogan. and after that was the only proprietor and operator of a shop of this kind at Cuyahoga Falls for four years. Mr. Coates prospered so well that he decided to expand his facilities and, accord- All, I',, w im;.\ I', i; AND REPEESENTATIVE CITIZENS 811 ingl}', moved to his present site on Second Street, building his present commodious and well-equipped shop. He still 3oes a very large business in this line. In his boyhood Mr. Coates had worked at times in a florist's establishment, and finding the work congenial, had subsequently re- solved, now that he had the time, to take up floriculture as a husines.-;. In 1904 he built his first greenhouse, a stnic- ture 14 by 60 feet, intending to i-un it as a kind of side issue, but he succeeded so well and his trade increased so rapidly that in 1905 he built another greenhouse, 20 by 60 feet ui dimensions, and he now devotes about three acres to plants and flowers. He deals mainly in bedding plants and finds a ready local mar- ket for all ho can produce. Beginning this business more for recreation than for profit, Mr. Coates has developed it into something very important and remunerative. Mr. Coates was married to Mary A. Mon- teith, who is a daughter of \^'illiam Monteith, of Simcoe, Ontario, but who was born in County Donegal. Ireland. They have two children. Edward M., residing at Cleveland, and Ruth M. The family belong to St. John's Episcopal Church, in which Mr. Coates has ser\-ed two terms as a member of the vestry. His fraternal connections are with the Na- tional Union, being secretary of the local council, and of the Modern Woodmen of America, being a chai"ter member of the or- ganization at Cuyahoga Falls. PAUL E. WERNER, founder, president and general manager of the Werner Company, at Akron, book manufacturers, lithograph- ers, printers and engi-avers, and also publish- ers of the New AVerner Edition of the Ency- clopaedia Brittannica. has been in active busi- ness life in this city for a great many years. Mr. Werner was born in 1850, in Wurtem- berg, Germany, a kingdom that has con- tributed to America some of her leading citi- zens, and came to the United States in 1867. Mr. Werner came to Akron as a boy of sev- enteen years and imtil 1874 he was employed in clerienl pn.=ition- with different business firms, in the meanwhile preparing himself and laying the foundations tor a business of his own. In the above mentioned year he purchased the Akron Germania, and in four years had made such progress that he felt justified in enlai-ging his scope of operations, ui 1878 founding the Sunday Gazette, and also the Akron Tribune, daily and weekly. The management of all these journals he kept in his own hands until 1884. Pressure of 'dher then induced Mr. Werner to dis- pose of his newspapers, and he then turned his entire attention to general printing, bind- ing and engraving. In 1888 Mr. Werner or- ganized a stock company which was the fore- runner of the present great book factory, which represents, in a special degree, the de- velopment of the ideas and the persevering industry and foresight of its founder. Among the many prospering business en- terprises of Akron few are more widely known, and still fewer are of equal import- ance to t^iis section than the Werner Com- pany, the officers of which are men of capital, public spirit and unblemished integrity. They are; Paul E. Werner, president and general manager; R. M. Werner, vice-president and a.~sistant treasurer; C. I. Bruner, treasurer; Karl Kendig, secretary; H. M. Huddleston, assistant secretary; and Edward P. Werner, general superintendent. The Werner Company is by far the largest and most complete book factory on the Amer- ican Continent. It comprises under one roof, so to speak, and vmder one management, all the graphic arts and trades. It furnishes di- rectlv and indirecth' the material means of livelihood for from 4,000 to 5,000 Akron in- habitants. The great majority of the em- ployees of the Werner Company are skilled in trades and arts and receive high compensa- tion. During the year 1906 the works of the Werner Company were in unintermpted oper- ation and a great part of the time were run- ning thirteen hours daily. In order to form an idea nf the magnitude of this great in- dustrv the following will be of interest: Dtir- ing that year this companv purchased and re- ceived raw material and shipped finished 812 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY products representing the full capacity of 1,200 railroad cars. The products included more than 3,000,000 of large books; more than 15,000,000 of large and finely-illustrated catalogs made for the largest manufacturing concerns of this country, and millions of other printed, lithographed and engraved articles. If the boolcs alone which were manufactured by the Werner Company last year were laid on one pile alone, one on top of the other, this pile would reach ninety-six miles into the air. If these books were laid side by side, they would constitute a line 500 miles long. The raw materials consumed during the past year comprise 3,500 different kinds, the largest consumption being in paper, cloth, leather, gold and ink. A little calculation will show how immense has been the output. If the paper consumed for only the past year were laid in sheets, side by side, they would reach around the world four times. The binders' cloth consumed for this period meas- ured 5,000,000 square feet. The different kinds of leather consumed required the skins of 25,000 cattle, 30,000 sheep, and 36,000 Persian and Morocco goats. Over 3,000,000 leaves of gold were consumed. While the principal product of this factory is books, the Werner Company has a world- wide reputation for furnishing fine commer- cial work, typographic as well as lithographic, and catalogs of every description, and of this particular kind of product it makes more than any other concern in the United States. President Werner of the above company has numerous other interests in city and county and has been the encourager of many of the enterprises which needed a helping hand when getting established. He is presi- dent of the Klages Coal and Ice Company, is president of the Akron Germania Company, and also of the German-American Company. On February 22, 1873. Mr. Werner was married to Lucj'^ Anna Denaple. and they have three sons — Edward Paul. Frank Albert and "Richard Marvin. All three were educated at Kenyon Military Academy, at Gambier, Ohio, subsequently attended schools in the East, and finally completed their gen- eral educations in Germany. Edward Paul, who is the general superintendent of the Werner CompaRy, was married in 1901 to Harriet Poehlman, and they have three chil- dren: Frank Albert, residing at Berlin, Ger- many, has made a reputation, at the age of thirty years, as a portrait artist ; and Richard Marvin, who is vice-president and assistant treasurer of the Werner Company, married Eda R. Hyndman, and they have one child. Their home is at No. 282 West Market Street. Although Mr. AVerner's life has been main- ly devoted to his large business interests, he is recognized as one of the foremost public- spirited men in the community. His influ- ence is felt in the furtherance of educational and philanthropic movements at Akron. T. DWIGHT PAUL, assistant state engi- neer, was born at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, July 21, 1848. He is a son of the late Hosea Paul, who was a pioneer citizen and sun'eyor. Hosea Paul was born at Northfield, Vermont, April 6, 1809. In 1834 he removed to Cuyahoga Falls, where he afterward served as justice of the peace and mayor. He located several of the first railroads in this section, and waa county surveyor for many years. During 1863-4 he served as an assistant engineer in the United States Engineer Corps department of the Army of the Cumberland. His death in 1870 was hastened by hardships endured in his war service. He was noted for his mgged honesty, and for his outspoken opposi- tion to slavery and intemperance, when it re- quired courage to express such sentiments. T. Dwight Paul was educated in. the public schools at Cuyahoga Falls and the Pennsyl- vania Polytechnic College at Philadelphia. He was married in 1877 to Emeline Owens, of Armstrong's Mills. Belmont County, Ohio. Two children were born to them : Ethel, who died in 1900, at the age of twenty-one years, and Frank D. Paul, a graduate of the Ohio State University, who is now a mechanical en- gineer at Cleveland. They have two foster children, Theresa and Lewis Paul, whom they took to raise upon the death of their daughter. Mr. Paul served one year ss county surveyor AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 813 by appointment and for three years was resi- dent engineer of the Public, Works of Ohio, and for one year was United States deputy mineral surveyor, of Montana. He was chief engineer of the B. Z. & C. R. R. in 1S75-6, building the same from Bellaire to Woodsfield, Ohio. He has sened as division engineer of the Canada Southern, Chicago, Lakeshore & Western, the Chicago & Erie, the Union Pa- cific, and other railroads, in Canada, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan. Kansas, Nebraska, Idaho, Montana and AVashington. In 1902-3 he was engineer in charge of con- struction of the Akron & Barberton Belt Rail- road. In 1894-5 he had charge of the field work of the survey of a proposed ship canal through Ohio for the United States govern- ment. Mr. Paul served in the Akron City Coun- cil from 1898 to 1901. He twice prevented the Akron Street Railroad from obtaining an extension of their franchise on a 5-cent fare basis, and compelled a basis of twenty-five tickets for one (1) dollar. He was very large- ly instrumental in securing independent tele- phone service for Akron. He made a remark- able record in opposition to all franchise ag- gression, and to all forms of hasty or secret legislation, often voting alone in his opposi- tion. Mr. Paul has still work to do before his history closes, and his friends believe it will not be unimportant. WARD B. MIDDLETON, physician and surgeon at Cuyahoga Falls, and proprietor of "The Elms," a private hospital, is an eminent member of his profession, for which he pre- pared by long courses of study in the most ad- vanced scientific schools of the country. Dr. Middleton was born in Jackson Township, Coshocton County, Ohio. October 24, 1858, and is a son of Jesse and Susan A. (Titus) Middleton. Ignatius Middleton, the paternal grandfather of Dr. Middleton, was bom in South Carolina, where he owned a large plan- tation and was one of a distinguished family, his uncle, .\rthur Middleton, being one of the .signers of the Declarntion of Independ- ence. Jesse Middleton, father of Dr. Middleton. was born in South Carolina and was a son of Ignatius and Sarah (Loomis) Middleton. He died in Coshocton County, Ohio, in 1886, aged seventy-six years. He had long been en- gaged in farming and stock-raising. In poli- tics he was a stanch Democrat. He married Susan A. Titus, who was a daughter of Tim- othy Titus, of Harrison County, and she re- sides at Roscoe, Ohio, being now in her eighty- sixth year. They had five children, namely: William C, residing on the old homestead; Caroline, who married John Norris and resides in Coshocton County; Frances L., who mar- ried Henry Ash and resides at Roscoe, Ohio; Bessie (deceased), who married Dr. G. S. Morris, of Arkansas City, Kansas; Ward B., the youngest, who-se name begins this sketch. Jesse Middleton and his wife were early pro- moters of the Presbyterian Church in Coshoc- ton County. In boyhood Dr. Middleton attended first the local schools and later the Normal school at Ada, and a school at Cannonsburg, Pennsyl- vania. He taught school for seven years, dur- ing which period he entered upon the study of medicine, beginning to read in 1880 under Dr. W. C. Frew, of Coshocton. He subse- quently entered the Medical College of Ohio, at Cincinnati, where he was graduated March 5, 1885. He began the practice of his profes- sion at Roscoe, where he remained for eigh- teen months, then practiced for one year at Newark, after which he became examining surgeon for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, for four years residing at Pittsburg, and for the latter four years of this connection at Akron. Dr. Middleton retired from railroad practice in 1899, since which time he has mainly devoted himself to surgery, residing at Cuyahoga Falls, where, in Februarv% 1905, he opened his private hospital. This medi- cal retreat which he has named "The Elms" is a modern institution, beautifully located and thoroughly equipped, with accommoda- tions for ten patients, all of whom come di- rectly under Dr. IMiddleton's personal care. Dr. Middleton is a member of the Summit Countv Medical Societv and the American 814 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Medical Association. He keeps closely in touch with the progress of his profession and iiiiikes use of such perfected apparatus as his own knowledge and experience have proved to be of value. In 1898 he passed three months in the New York Polyclinic Hospital, doing post-graduate work in surgery and gynecol- ogy ; in the fall of 1899 he spent three weeks in the Chicago Clinical School ; in the fall of 1900 he took a special course in gynecology ait the Mary Thompson Hospital, Chicago, un- der Dr. Byron Robinson, and at the same time he took an operative course in the post-grad- uat« school in the same city, which he has vis- ited since. Dr. Middleton married Clara R. Wood, who is a daughter of H. H. Wood, of Coshocton County, and they have two children, namely: Louise A. and Margaret L. Dr. Middleton is nominally identified with the Democratic party, but is practically independent in political action. He is affiliated Avith the Methodist Episcopal Church. HARRY W. HAROLD, one of the sub- stantial retired residents of Akron, where he has lived for the past twenty-seven years, was born at Maidstone, County Kent, England, in 1829. Prior to coming to America in 1859, Mr. Harold had been well educated in an English school, and had already served for twelve years in the British army. He located at Oxford, Worcester County, Massachusetts, from which place lie enlisted in 1861 for serv- ice in the Civil War in Company E, Fifteenth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. On accoimt of his previous military expe- rience, he was made drill master of Company E, in which he held the rank of sergeant. The regiment was stationed in Virginia during the term of Mr. Harold's service, and it partici- pated in numerous hai'd battles. After his honoraible discharge from the army, which came in 1863, on account of ill- ness, Mr. Harold returned to Massachusetts, and shortly afterward went to work in the government armory at Springfield, where he remained for two vears. This was followed bv a A'isit to his old home in England, and, after returning to America, he was engaged for thre« years in a cutlery business in Beaver County, Pennsylvania, and then came to Ohio, and for five years carried on a gun and cutlery business at Alliance. Four years of farming in Lee County, Illinois, followed, and then Mr. Harold lived one year at Canton, Ohio, coming from there to Akron. For three and one-half years he was superintendent of the Akron Cutlery Works, after which he en- gaged* in a gunsmith business for himself, continuing until 1900, when he retired from ;dl kinds of business. As recreation he does quite a little bit of gardening on his pleasant grounds at No. 318 Carroll Street. He owns (ither property at Akron. In 1866 Mr. Harold was married to Anna Proudley, : and they have one child, Charles B., who is bookkeeper for the Star Drilling A\'orks. With his family, Mr. Harold belongs to the Episcopal Church. Politically, he is a Republican. He has never lost his interest in military affairs and enjoys attending the re- unions of his old regiment. During and since the Civil War he has been interested in the philanthropic work carried on by Clara Bar- ton, of the Red Cross Society, for whom he has the greatest veneration and with whom he carries on a friendly correspondence. THE LOOMIS HARDWARE COMPANY, (ine of the oldest business firms at Cuyahoga Falls, which was established in 1864 and in- corporated in 1895, does the largest business in its line in Summit County. Its main founder was L. W. Loomis, the late father of the present proprietors, Byron H. and Ining L. Loomis, who was prominently identified with the progress and development of this section for very many years. L. W. Loomis was born January 11, 1836, at Nelson, Madi- son County, New York, and was the eldest of a family of eleven children born to his parents, who were William and Emeline (Thomas) Loomis. L. W. Loomis was five years of age when his parents moved to Wyoming Coimty, New York, and he remained on his father's farm AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 815 until he had reached his inajoritj-, when he started out for himself. His capital of $10 he used in preparing to go out on the road as a tin peddler for the firm of Smith & Harring- ton, of Waterloo, New York, and he was in the employ of this house when he enlisted for service in the Civil War, entering Company G, Thirteenth Regiment, New York Volun- teer Infantrj'. During the two years he was in the army he participated in the battles of Yorktown, Hanover Court House, Ball's Bluff and other engagements of more or less importance, and was honorabh' discharged at Canandaigua, New York, February 6, 1864. After his return from the army, Mr. Loomis resumed work for his old employers, until Febniary, 1864, when, with his brother, Horace E. Loomis, he came to Cuyahoga Falls, and, in partnership with his former firm, established the business which is now known as the Loomis Hardware Company. Mr. Loomis and brother contributed ten tin- ware wagons and they had a half interest m the business. In March, 1865, L. W. Loomis bought his brother's interest, and in 1868 he became the sole owner of the business. He found a market all over the country, and for twenty years kept up the peddling business in seasonable time, replacing the tinware with a hardware stock. On .Tune 10, 1895, the Loomis Hardware Company was incorporated by L. W., Byron H. and In'ing L. Loomis. This business has been since expanded into one of the largesit in the county. The store at Cuyahoga Falls is stocked with everything in the line of hard- ware, including kitchen furnishings and ranges. The tinware department has been resumed, and they have a special trade which takes their manufactured goods. "\ATien Mr. Loomis came to Cuyahoga Falls in 1864, he found a town with a population of 1.500. with few signs of improvements of a public character. It was through his per- sonal efforts that a petition was circulated which resulted in the incorporation of the town. He was a man of great enterpri-e and remarkable foresight. In 1879, in partner- .«hip with H. E. Parks, he opened up High Bridge Glen, which became a very popular public resort, and during Mr. Loomis' man- agement a pavilion costing $3,500 was erected. From the time of its organization until his death Mr. Loomis was president of the Falls Savings and Loan ^^ociation. In politics he was a Repubhcan, and no man was ever better qualified for civic office, but the only office he would accept was that of councilman. For many years he was connected with Howard Lodge of Odd Fellows. On June 3, 1864, Mr. Loomis was married to Jane Curtiss-, who w^as a daughter of Chaun- cey Curtiss, of Canandaigua, New York, and they had five children, three of whom reached maturity, namely: Lillian M., born March 21, 1865, who died August 31, 1898 ; Byron H., who was born September 18, 1868; and Ir\'ing L.. who was born August 21, 1871; Mrs. Jane Loomis, mother of these children, died May 26, 1895. Byron H. Loomis was reared and educated at Cuyahoga Falls and has been connected with his present enterprise during the whole of his business life. He is secretary and treas- urer of the Loomis Hardware Company. Irving L. Loomis, who is president and gen- eral manager of the Loomis Hardware Com- pany, like his brother, passed through the Cuyahoga Falls High School and then en- tered the present business, working for five years in the tinshop. On March 23, 1895, he was married (first) to Mabelle Campbell, a daughter of C. A. Campbell, of Hudson. She died November 7, 1897, leaving one son, Carl C. Mr. Loomis was married (second). No- vember 24, 1898, to Clara L. Nelson, who is a daughter of Chester Nelson, of Tallmadge. Mr. Loomis belongs to Star Lodge, No. 187, F. & A. M., and to the Knights of Pythias, in which he is pa«t commander, being also a member of the Uniformed Rank of Cuyahoga Company, No. 84. F. H. MASON, first vice-president of the B. F. Goodrich Company, at Akron, has been a resident of this city for twenty-eight years and is prominently and officially connected with many of the important business enter- 816 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY prises which have made its name known in all parte of the world. Mr. Mason was born iu 1852 at Littleton, New Hampshire. In early life the parents of Mr. Mason re- moved to Vermont, where he was reaxed and educated, but young manhood found him in the oil fields of Pennsylvania, and later on in the mining regions of California. There he gained a large amount of practical knowledge, combined with beneficial experience. In 1879 he came to Akron and entered the works of the Goodrich Company as a general employe, but was shortly made foreman, then assistant superintendent and later superintendent and general manager. On January 1, 1907, he suc- ceeded B. G. Work as first vice-president of this company. He owns .stock in a number of other successful enterprises, and is presi- dent also of the Bridgewater Machine Com- pany, and is on the directing board of the Thomas Phillips Company. In 1876 Mr. Mason was married to May L. Dexter, of Bangor, Maine, and they have two daughters: Mrs. H. K. Rayman, whose hus- band is connected with the B. F. Goodrich Company; and Mrs. Frank C. Howland, who is connected with the Thomas Phillips Pipe Company, of Akron. Mr. Mason is a member of the First Congre- gational Church at Akron. JAMES LYONS, one of the venerable resi- dents of Northfield Town.ship, Summit Coun- ty, Ohio, who, despite his years, is known as one of this section's most capable and ener- getic agriculturists, was born in 18B4, in Aber- deenshire. Scotland, and is a son of James and Martha (Sangster) Lyons. Mr. Lyons remained on his father's farm until reaching his majority, when he emi- grajted to America, and settled in Bedford, Ohio, being employed there for two years on the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad. Since that time he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits. In 1864 he came to Northfield Township and purchased his present fine farm of 160 acres, of which he cultivates about 100 acres, keeping two men constantly and extra hands during han^est tame. In the past he has paid particular attention to dairying, milking on an average of twenty-five cows and shipping milk to Cleveland, but because of the difficulty so universally experienced in securing competent farm help in these days, he has decided to give up dairying, and, there- fore, keeps but sixteen cows, giving his en- tire time to feeding cattle for the market. Mr. Lyons was married to Betsey Freeman, who is a daughter of John Freeman, of Solon, Ohio, and who was bom on the voyage from Scotland to America in 1836. Of this union there have been born four children : Ann (decea.sed), who was the wiie of Fred Aldrich, of Cleveland, and has two children: Ellen, who is the wife of Leon Kellogg, reared five children; (one. Hazel, died in September, 1907, in her thirteenth year) ; George, the only son of his parents, died in 1900, aged twenty-eight years; and Margaret, who is the wife of Frank Gossman, of Macedonia. They reared four children: Bertha, Ralph, Jennie and an infant, deceased. James Lyons is one of Northfield Town- ship's prudent, observing and public-spirited citizens, and stands deservedly high in the es- teem of his fellow-townsmen. Although never an office-seeker, he is a stanch Republican and has sensed several terms as supervisor. With his family he attends the United Presbyte- rian Church. T, L. FIRESTONE, proprietor of the Em- pire Hotel, the leading hostelry at Akron, has been a resident of this city for the past thirty- eight years. He was born at Fredericksburg, Wayne County, Ohio, in 1846, where he lived until twelve years of age, when his mother died and he went to live with his uncle at Newark, Ohio. His education was completed in the New- ark schools and at the age of seventeen he entered the Federal army. His fiLrst enlist- ment for six months was in Company E, ]29th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which regi- ment was raised at Cleveland. After the close of his first enlistment he remained at home for two weeks and then re-enli.sted, entering Company H, 102d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 811 for a term of three years, and served until the close of the war. During his first period in the army he was a member of Cox's Divi- sion, Burnside's Corps. He was present when Cumberland Gap was taken, in 1863, and went through the entire Knoxville campaign. Dur- ing liis second period he was in the Twentieth Army Corps, and his service w^as mainly in Tennessee and Alabama, the command to which he was attached following and inter- cepting the Confederate, General Hood, when- ever it was possible. During the first enlist- ment he served as a private, and during the second held the rank of corporal. He was honorably discharged August 12, 1865. After Mr. Firestone returned home he learned the turner's trade, at Fredericksburg, and - after coming to Akron, in 1869, he worked as a turner, being connected for ten years with the W. B. Doyle Company. For one and one-half years he was employed by the Simon Hankey Company, and later, for the same period, by the Baker-McMillan Com- pany. In 1882 he returned to his old home in Fredericksburg, where he engaged in a lumber business and planing mill for eight and one-half years, and subsequently worked with the Gobeille Pattern Company, of Cleve- land, for one year, and with the firm of Slatei and Taft for one year. Mr. Firestone then returned to Akron and was associated with Andrew Jackson in a lumber business, later was with the Akron Gymnasium Company for a year, and was with Hiram Henry for one and one-half years. After retiring from that line of work, Mr. Firestone went into the hotel business, for ten years having charge of the Windsor Hotel. In June, 1906, he took charge of the Empire Hotel, the leading one at Akron. In 1874 Mr. Firestone was married to NeUie Hanson, who is a daughter of Peter Hanson, and they have one son, G. Forrest. The lat- ter was born at Akron in 1876, and after graduating from the Akron High School, spent one term at Buchtel College, and three years in the law department of the University of Michigan, graduating at the latter institu- tion in 1898. Since then he has been in the active practice of law at Akron and is a mem- ber of the Summit County Bar Association. In 1904 he was married to Ruth E. Loomis, who is a daughter of H. E. Loomis, of Akron. He belongs to the Delta Tau Delta college frar ternity, is a Knight Templar Mason and a member of the Odd Fellows. T. L. Firestone is a valued member of Buckley Post, Grand Army of the Republic. THOMAS PORTER RITCHIE, a repre- .«entatlve agriculturist of Stow Township, who resides on his 110-acre farm, was born on his present property in Stow Township, Summit County, Ohio, November 27, 1859, and is a son of George Grier and Katherine (Shannon) Ritchie. William Ritchie, the grandfather of Thomas P., was a native of County Donegal, Ireland, and died in 1825, when compara- tively a young man. He left a widow, for- merly Isabella Grier. and in 1834 she came to America with her children, settling first in Hudson Township, Summit County, Ohio, and later removing to Boston Township, where she died. In Ireland Mr. Ritchie's family belonged to the Church of the Cove- nant, but after coming to America they be- came members of the United Presbyterian Church. Five children were born to William Ritchie and his wife, namely: William, Martha, Margaret, George G. and Alexander. George Grier Ritchie was born in London- deny, Ireland, in February, 1823, and was eleven years old when the family came to America. With his brother, Alexander, who now resides at Akron, he purchased the farm now owned by Thomas P. Ritchie, then a tract of 200 acres. Later he became the pur- chaser of this property and added, from time to time, until he was the owner of 312 acres. Mr. Ritchie was engaged in sheep raising principally imtil the cheese industry became more, profitable, when he engaged in dairy farming, and at one time kept as many as fifty cows. He was a Prohibitionist and a great Abolitionist, and, although physical infirm- ity prevented him from ser\"ing in the Union ranks during the Civil War, he gave $500 to 818 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the cause. George G. Ritchie married Kaith- erine Shannon, who was born in Holmes County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Thomas Shannon. Six children were born to this un- ion : Maria, who married Charles Ritchie, of Weyauwega, Wisconsin; Thomas Porter; W. Shannon, who resides at Corona, California; James, who resides in Stow Township; Mary, who married Will Sauder, of Ravenna, Ohio; and George, who resides at Columbus, Ohio. Mrs. Ritchie is a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, while her children are con- nected with the United Presbyterian. Thomas Porter Ritchie grew up on the homestead, and was educated in the common schools. With the exception of two years spent on an Iowa farm, he has always resided here, and he now raises hay, wheat, oats and corn, on about fifty acres. He keeps nine cows, and is also engaged in dealing in calves, which he buys all over the country, shipping them to Cleveland. Mr. Ritchie is a Democrat in politics, but he has never sought office. Mr. Ritchie was married to Carrie Deming, who is a daughter of George Deming, of Du- rant, Iowa, and they have six children, name- ly: J. Clayton, Leland A., Carlton W., George Deming, Nathan L. and Clark G. E. S. DAY, vice-president of the National City Bank of Akron, and a prominent busi- ness citizen here of thirty years standing, was born in 1852, at Bingiianilon. New York, and to his native state he owes his liberal edu- cation. Prior to coming to Akron, in 1877, Mr. Day was interested in busine.'v'; at ton, and since coming to this section has been engaged in the wholesale liquor business, in point of years being the oldest merchant in the citv. He has done an extensive business in dealing in real estate and is a large prop- erty owner. For the pa.^t five years he has been vice-president of the National City Bank, and he is on the directing board of the Cen- tral Savings Bank. His other interests here are varied and numerous. In the state of New York Mr. Day was mar- ried to Lizzie Foster, and their children are: Rose, who maiTied Will Chriiity; and Maud, ^vho mariied George jMemmer. Mr. Day is a ^ood citizen in all that the word implies. He has been closely identified with the material growth of Akron and her enterprises and has always been concerned in promoting her best interests. He is a mem- ber of the Masonic fraternity. B. G. WORK, president of the B. F. Good- rich Company, of Akron, which controls one of the largest manufacturing plants in this section of the state, was born in the state of New York, in 1868. Mr. Work's boyhood, up to twelve years, was spent in his native place, and there his pre- liminary education was secured. In 1880 he came to Akron and subsequently attended Williston Seminary, at Easthampton, Massa- chusetts, and then entered Yale College. After completing his education he took up practical work with the Goodrich Company, starting in as a clerk and climbing step by step until he became superintendent of the plant and served as such for twelve years, when he succeeded Mr. Corson as vice president, and on January 1, 1907, he succeeded Col. George T. Perkins as president. In June, 1900, Mr. Work was married to Marian Sawyer, of New York city, and they liave one son, Bertram. EDWARD RUSSELL PECK, one of the well known and highly esteemed residents of Stow Township, Summit County, Ohio, who owns a fine farm of 125 acres, was born Oc- tober 7, 1836, in Hudson Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of William Hall and Lydia (Bradley) Peck. Rufus Peck, the grandfather of Edward Ru.ssell, was born in Newtown, Connecticut, but in his later years removed to Street.sboro, Ohio, where he resided until his death, March 6, 1848. He married Sallie Hall, and to them were born the following children : Chloe, who married Abel Dibble; Lvman, born Decem- ber 26, 1801; William Hall, born .July 23, 1803; John N., born March 15, 1805; Nancy P., born .Tuly 20, 1809. married George .\M08 A. ROTHROCK AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 8ai Bradley; Clara, bora March 1, 1810, mar- ried (first) Jacob Mayhew, and (second) John Foster; Sarah Ann, born May 30, 1812; Rus- sell, born October 7, 1814 ; Henry, bom June 17, 1817; Nathan, born July 17, 1819; and Horace, born March 2, 1822. William HaJl Peck was born in Newtown, Connecticut, where he learned the trade of carpenter, but on coming to Ohio, in 1834, he purchased a farm in Hud^son Township, on which he resided until his death. He was a Democrat in politics, and was a ca)>tain in the state militia. Mr. Peck was married to Lydia Bradley, who was a daughter of Stephen Brad- ley, and they had four children : Sarah Ann, who married E. S. Beardsley, of Cleveland, Oliio; Stephen, born in 1834, who died in 1869; Edward Russell; and Joseph, who died in Cleveland. Mrs. Peck pa&-«ed away in 1869 at the age of sixty years. Edward Russell Peck was reared in Hudson Township, and, in 1863, he purchased the home farm, on which he resided several years. In 1860 he bought his present property, a tract of 125 acres, on which he has since car- ried on general and dairy farming, and in 1894 erected a fine residence. He is known as one of the township's good, practical farm- ers, and as a citizen his reputation is beyond reproach. Mr. Peck was married to Maria Y. Talcott, daughter of Hezekiah and Betsey Talcott, residents of Stow Township, and their chil- dren are the following: Nora, who married J. D. Ritchie, lives in Akron ; William H., born September 20, 1869, resides at home; and Gertrude L., who is the wife of Warner Huchison, resides in Chicago. AMOS A. ROTHROCK, farmer and town- ship trustee of Portage Township, spent twenty-nine years as an educator, teaching with much success in diff'erent sections. He was born in Stark County, Ohio. November 3, 1851. and is a son of Samuel and Cath- arine (Stauffcr) Rothrock. The parents of Mr. Rothrock were both born near Lebanon. Pennsylvania, but were married in Stark County, Ohio. In 1853 they moved to Copley Township, Summit County, where Samuel Rothrock bought a farm of 160 acres. On this place he died in 1870. His widow survived until 1901. Amos A. Rothrock was reared on the farm in Copley Township. He was a studious boy and in the local schools prepared himself for teaching. Before he entered upon his uni- versity career, he had already taught the dis- trict schools for nine winters, devoting his summers to work on the farm. He then en- tered Otterbein University, near Columbus, (^hio. where he completed his education June 11, 1885. Four years of training at college liad prepared him for a prominent place in the educational field, and when he was of- fered the superintendency of the Mogadore schools, he accepted and remained for one year. After an interval of one year at Dover Academy he spent another year at Mogadore. He then taught for two years at West Rich- field, one year in the Akron High School, and two years in the Copley High School, and then spent two more years at Mogadore. A period of twenty-nine years is a long time, but it has been a season of great enjoyment to Mr. Rothrock and of inestimable benefit to those who have come under his instruc- tion, and it is with pleasure that he sees so many of his old pupils occupying positions nf responsibility and prominence in different walks of life. In 1901, Mr. Rothrock retired from edu- cational work and moved to his finely-im- proved farm at Fairlawn, just west of Akron. He then resumed farming for the first time .'iince his youth. He takes an active interest in local affairs, the greater part of his life having been passed in this section, perhaps all of it, with the exception of a year during which he was principal of Dover Academy, which is situated within 100 miles of Chi- cago, Illinois. He is known to all his fel- low citizens and has a wide circle of friends. Politically he is a Repxiblican and is now serving his third term as township trustee. In 1892 Mr. Rothrock was married, first, to Ada Swigart, of West Richfield, and they had one son. Stanlev. who was born in Por- 822 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tage County, Ohio, October 17, 1898. Mrs. Rothrock died in February, 1904, and Mr. Rothrock was married, second, in April, 1905, to Harriet E. Stone. He is a member of the M^oodland Methodist Episcopal Church of Akron. He is a man of sterling charac- ter and in every sense a representative citizen. J. FRANK TEEPLE, one of Akron's well known business men, who does a large real es- tate and collection business, with offices in the Walsh Block, was born in Franklin Town- ship, Summit Couty, Ohio, in 1866, and is a son of Aaron Teeple, who was a substantial citizen of that section. J. Frank Teeple was mainly educated in a select school at Copley, and this was supple- mented by a business course under 0. S. War- ner, after which he became interested in the grocery line, in which he continued for six- teen years, during nine of these for other parties and seven years for himself. After selling out his grocery interests, Mr. Teeple started a collection agency and also went into the real estate business, having a valuable allotment on West Market Street. He handles a considerable amount of his own property, and among his fellow citizens is considered a man of his word and of most excellent busi- ness judgment. In February, 1892, Mr. Teeple was mar- ried to Minnie M. Howes. He is a first-class citizen and takes an active part in all local affairs, lending his influence in .support of public-spirited measures on all occasions. He is a Knight of Pythias and a member of the Modern Woodmen. A. W. BENNAGE, a leading business citi- zen of Akron, and a member of the firm of George A. Botzum Company, dealers in dry goods and ready-to-wear garments, has been a resident of this city for a quarter of a cen- tury and belongs to an old pioneer family of the county. He was born in Bath Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, in 1861, and is a son of John and Mary fWhitted) Bennage. The late John Bennage was a son of Jacob Bennage, who settled near Mogadore, about 1828. During the early business life of John Bennage, he was engaged in the manufactur- ing of stoneware, but after settling in Bath Township, he engaged in farming. He had ten children, and eight of these still sur- vive. A. W. Bennage was reared and educated in Bath Township and remained on the home farm until he was twenty years of age, when he went into the lumber business, and bought and cut timber through Ohio and Michigan, and manufactured Imnber for twenty-three years. He was in partnership with W. F. Averill, under the firm name of Bennage & Averill for seventeen years. In 1904 Mr. Bennage became associated with George A. Botzum, in the establishing of the firm of the George A. Botzum Company, which occupies a prominent place in the commercial activities of Akron. In 1880 Mr. Bennage was married to Sarah Averill, who was born in Copley Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, and is a daugh- ter of William Averill. Mr. Bennage is one of Akron's representa- tive citizens and has been identified with many of the movements which have encouraged her growth and increased her prestige. JAMES B. PAULUS, general farmer and dairyman, residing on his farm of eighty acres, situated in Stow Township, was born in SufReld Township, Portage County, Ohio. April 10, 1853, and is a son of William and Rebecca (Brouse) Paulus. The Paulus family came originally to Ohio from Pennsylvania, and the grandfather of James B. settled in Portage County, a little east of Mogadore, at a place called Horse- heaven, and there William Paulus was reared and there followed the trade of blacksmith. For forty years he served acceptably as a justice of the peace and from his business and the just emoluments of office, he accumulated a competency and retired at the age of fifty years. Politically, he was a Democrat. Fra- ternally, he was a Mason. He married Re- becca Brouse, who was born in Stark County, and they had the following children : Mary, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 823 deceased, who was the wife of George Geth- maii, residing at Kent; Urias, who died in the army during the Civil War, having enlisted at tlie age of seventeen years; Isaac, residing at Canton, Ohio; James B. and Jane, twins, the latter of whom married Louis Newbax, of Akron; Jefferson, residing at Kent; Chloe, who married Daniel Swartz, residing in Suf- field Township, Portage County. The father of the above family died in May, 1895, and the mother in December, 1905, the former aged seventy years, and the latter, seventy- nine years. The mother of Mr. Paulus was a consistent member of the Lutheran Re- formed Church. James B. Paulus grew up on the home farm and until fifteen years of age, more or less regularly attended the district schools, then hired out af farm work by the month. When he was twenty years old he rented a farm in Suffield Township, which he operated for two year.5, when he married, and in 1875, came to Stow Township, Summit County. He pur- chased his present farm of Horace Moon, and has all of it under cultivation, together with fifty-five additional acres, which he rents. He raises his own grain and hay, and for some years devoted a great deal of space to pota- toes. He runs a dairy business with four- teen cows, disposing of his milk at Kent, and he also keeps about five head of horses. Mr. Paulus has done a great deal of improving on this property. He found no better accommo- dations than an old log cabin and in the first year he built a part of his present comfortable residence, which he completed in 1904, in the meanwhile erecting substantial barns and putting up good fences. Mr. Paulus was married to Caroline Hively, who died July 15, 1907. She was a most es- timable lady, a devoted wife and mother and a kind friend to all who brought their trou- bles to her. She was the mother of six chil- dren, namely: Charles, deceased; Ada, who died aged twenty^hree years; Edwin, who died aged fourteen years ; Willard, residing at home; Theresa, deceased, who married Henry Brown : and Edna, residing at homo. In politics, Mr. Paulus is identified with the Democratic party. He is not an oflBce-seeker, but consents to serve in local positions when called upon, and for many terms has been township supervisor. JACOB LAPP, proprietor of the Lapp cooperage plant, located at No. 1120 East Mar- ket Street, is a representative citizen of Ak- ron, where he has lived since 1870. He was born in 1843, at Cuyahoga Falls, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of John and Mar- garet Lapp. The father of Mr. Lapp, who was born in Germany, emigrated to America, and in 1840 settled at Cuyalioga Falls, where he carried on a cooperage business. Of his seven children the six survivors are as follows: John and Jacob, both residing at Akron ; Louisa, wife of Ezra Spellman, of Akron ; Elizabeth, wife of William Eves, residing at Akron ; William, a resident of Akron ; and Hattie (Mrs. Doug- lass), also residing at Akron. Jacob Lapp was educated in the public schools of his native place, and learned the trade of cooper, working for many years ac- cording to the methods in vogue before coop- erage machinery was invented. He made many of the barrels formerly used by the Standard Oil Company. Later he associated his son with him in business and in 1883 they established the plant at its present location in Akron, where a very large business is now carried on. Staves are shipped to this plant by the carload from all parts of the United States. Mr. Lapp owns a stave factory him- self, which is situated at AVoodside. He also owns four other cooper shops located in Orr- ville, one in Columbus, another in Toledo, and still another in Kent, Ohio. These sev- eral plants give employment to about 100 men. Barrels of all kinds are manufactured, and the name of Lapp gives evidence of their superior quality. On July 8, 1863, Mr. Lapp was married to Frances E. Rice and they have the follow- ing children: Fred M., who is associated in business with his father, married Sarah Roth- rock, and has two children. Harry and Clay- tiLs; Harry J., managing a branch cooper shop 824 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY at Toledo, mai'ried Elizabeth Furness; Alma and Grace E., both residing in Akron, the former of whom is the wife of August Manthey, a molder by occupation; and the latter, wife of Charles Smith, captain of Fire Department No. 2, of Akron. Fraternally, Jacob Lapp is an Odd Follow, while Fred M. is identified with the Knights of Pythias. They both are men of high stand- ing commercially and belong to the progres- sive, reliable class of citizens to which Akron owes much of its prosperity. HARRY BROWN MILLS, proprietor of the Kleanit Manufacturing Company, at Ak- ron, is one of the city's native successful busi- ness men and representative citizens. He was born in 1867, at Akron, Ohio, and belongs to a old pioneer family of this section. Ithel Mills, the grandfather of Harry B., was born in New York, and was a pioneer of resourceful and enterprising character. He located in Summit County at a very early day and he built the old county court-house. He married Emily Spioer, who was a daughter of Major Minor Spicer, who was the first set- tler of Akron, a.nd one of Summit County's prominent men in his day. The late William H. Mills, the father of'H. B., was born at Akron, where his life AA-as spent. He mar- ried Alice S. Brown, a daughter of Charles W. Brown, the Browns being also old Summit County settlers. Harry B. Mills was reared and educated in his native place. Early in his business ca- reer he conducted a grocery, but for the past sixteien years he has been intere-^ted in his present manufacturing business. The introduc- tion of his product, Kleanit, met with success from the start, and in face of all competition, has been accepted as the best article of its kind ever piit on the market. It has reqiiired comparatively little advertising, proving its merits wherever used. Mr. Mills has a con- stantly increasing business which now extends over a large territo^^^ He is located at No. 1009 South High Street, Akron. In 1890 Mr. Mills was married to Carrie L. Smith, who was born at Clintou, Ohio. Her father was George Smith, a well-known citi- zen of that section. Mr. and Mrs. Mills have three children — Ruth, Paul and Mildred. Mr. Mills belongs to the First Christian Church at Akron. CHARLES EDAVARD HANSON, resid- ing on his finely-improved farm of 124 acres, in Stow Township, is one of this section's \v]t- rosentalive agriculturists. Mr. Hanson wa- born August 24, 185'). in Hudson Town.ship. Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Rich- ard and Susanna (Briggs) Hanson. Richard Hanson was born August 10, 1827, in the town of Whapwood, Lincolnshire, Eng- land, and was there married. He came to this country with his children, and immediately afterward engaged in the wagon-making busi- nass, with his brother Charles, under the firm name of Hanson Brothers, later becoming sole proprietor. Subsequently he purchased a farm in Stow Town-^hip. which he cultivated until his retirement from active farm work, when he removed to Hudson Township, and there his death occurred in his seventy-fifth year. Originally a Whig, Mr. Hanson later became a Republican, but he never aspired to political office. He was married to Susan- na Briggs, who was born in 1828, and to them there were born the following chil- dren: Charles Edward; Richard and Hewson, of Stow Town.ship : Thomas Henry, of Hud- son Township ; William George and Jamas, of Stow Township ; Mary Susanna and Char- lotte, both of Hudson Township; and Albert David. The family belong to the Episcopal Church. Charlfts Edward Hanson resided in Hudson Township imtil he was eleven years old, at which time his parents came to Stow Town- ship, and here he worked on the farm until 1880, at which time he purchased his present 124-acre tract, which he has cultivated to the present time. He also manages twenty-four acres helonging to his .sister-in-law. He de- votes considerable attention to cattle-raising and has from twenty to twenty-five head. He ships milk to the condensing milk factory, at Kent, Ohio. .Mr. Hanson recentlv remod- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 825 clod bLs home, vvbicli now includes twelve roon:is and a bath, and built his present barns, one being a combined horse-barn and wagon- house 30 by 60 feet, with 18-foot posts, and the other 58 by 60 feet, with' 22-foot posts, for his stock, and, in addition, has a fine granary, 20 by 28 feet. He keeps his build- ings in the best of condition, and his farm in general presents a fine appearance. Mr. Hanson was married to Orrie Stewart, who was a daughter of Thomas and Catherine Stewart, of Stow Township. She died in 1896, aged thirty-eight years, having been the mother of .six children, namely: Rose E., Zena, Charles Frederick, Abigail I., Thomas S. and Eddie, the latter of whom died aged seven yeare. In his political views. Mr. Han- son is a Republican, and he has filled the of- fices of school director and supervisor, and been township trustee for sixteen years. JULIUS OSCAR WILLIAMSON, one of Stow Town.ship's leading citizens, resides on his well-equi]iped farm of 186 aci^s, which he devotes to general farming and dairying. Mr. Williamson was born in Stow Town.^hiji. Summit County, Ohio, on the fann he now owns, March 14, 1846. and is a .son of Pal- mer and Amy (Horton) W'illiamson. Palmer W'illiamson was born in Westches- ter County. New York. October 9, 1802, and died April 30, 1883. From the age of six- teen years he was entirely dependent upon his own efforts, and from poverty and through many hardships he climbed to affluence also, and gained the respect and confidence of all who came within his .sphere. In his youth he worked on the docks and engaged in lumber-^ ing. In 1823 he secured a position as ship- fiing clerk at Poughkeepsie. where he con- tinued for three years, doing tlie hardest kind i>f dock work. After his marriage in 1827, he settled down to farming and this contin- ued his main occupation during the rest of liis life. Prior to coming to Ohio he kept a tavern for one year at Goslien, New York. In the .spring of 1831, he brought his family to Tallmadge Township, Ohio, but three years iMter settled in Stow Township, where he in- vested his capital in a farm of eighty acres. With the help of a frugal, industrious wife, he achieved success and. became a man of ample fortune. His life proved the value of industry, temperance and perseverance, and wiiile it presented no heroic qualities, its un- selfishness and general well-doing left its lieneficient influence on his family and com- munity." In 1827 Palmer Williamson was married tut he had to consider the failing health of his parents and the need they bad of his strength, judgment, and .services on the farm, and he speedily settled the mat- ter, by putting aside his own personal desires, and returning to Boston Township. On the homestead farm he carries on a general line of agriculture and makes the growing of fruit a specialty. His peach or- MR. AND MRS. JOHN T. FISHER AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 831 chards have partiuularly iiilertibted hiin, and he raises a large amount of all vaz'ieties of iino fruit and beiTies. His fruit stock has been scieutiticailj' selected, and under his fos- tering care produces in abundance. Foi-nierly, he did some trucking. He keeps about hf teen head of cattle and ships his milk to Cleveland. Mr. Ranney married Mary M. Ozman, who was a daughter of Abraham Neumau Ozman, oJ' Boston Township, and they had three chil- dren : Luther Carroll, Neuman Clinton and Caroline Eliza. Mrs. Ranney wa^ formerly a member of the Congregational Church at Hudson and a leader in Sunday-school work. Her death, which occurred July 27, 1897, re- moved a woman of most lovely Christian char- acter from her home and counnunity. Polit- ically, Mr. Ranney is an Independent Demo crat. He retains his membership in the Delta Tau Delta Greek letter fraternitj' of Buchtel College. He has a magniticient library of over 1,0U0 carefully selected volumes, and when other interests fail, Mr. Ranney can gen- erally be found finding plea^iure and recrea- tion in his books, toward which his natural in- clinations have always led. JOHN T. FISHER, a member of the firm of Fisher Brothers, lumber dealers and manu- facturers of doors, Siish and blinds, at Akron, was born in Portage County, Ohio, in 1859, where he was reared and secured a district school education. In early manhood Mr. Fisher learned the carpenter trade and learned it so thoroughly that for twenty-six years his work was in demand in every section he lived in, and it has all stood the test of time. Pie became a somewhat noted builder of bank barns, his record being of sixty-two of these substantial structures. The one he erected for AV. G. Hays & Son, near Ravenna, was 200 feet long and 50 wide, with 32-foot posts, being the largest barn ever built in this sec- tion of the country. He also erected numer- ous residences of different styles of archi- tecture. For four years he was interested in n lumber business at Kent and came to Ak- ron in 1901, where, in a.ssocinfion with his brother Philip, his partner, he erected the planing mill and lumber plant at No. 945 South Pligh Street. The firm of Fisher Brotliers do an extensive business and person- ally they stand high in public esteem. In 1887 Mr. Fisher wius married to Mary .Knapp, of Suffield, Portage County, Ohio, and they have three children, namely: Jennie, Edith and Esther. The eldest daughter was educated in the schools at Kent and Akron, and after graduating from the Akron Busi- ness College, became bookkeeper for the firm of Fisher Brothers and is a very capable young lady. Mr. Fisher and family belong to St. Bernard's Church. LUCIUS V. BIERCE. wlio has resided on iiis valuable farm of over 100 acres, situated in Tallmadge Township, for the past thirty-two years, is a member of a family which has made tlio name one of distinction in Ohio, ever since it journeyed down the Connecticut Valley t(i the Western Reserve. Lucius V. Bierce was born June 2_, 1827, in Athens County, Ohio, and is a son of William and Harriet (Hineman) Bierce. For seven years the grandfather of lAieius y. Bierce fought in the Patriot army, in the Revolutionary' AVar. The first of the family concerning whom reliable records have been found, was James Bierce, who was born in England prior to 1730, and who emi- grated and settled at Halifax, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, his son, Hezekiah Bierce being born on May 25th of that year. The latter married Deborah Sturtevant, who was born January 23, 1732, and they were the great-grandparents of Lucius A^. Bierce. AA^illiam Bierce, son of Hezekiah and Deb- orah Bierce, was born at Plymouth, Massa- tts, March 26, 1753, and he married Abigail Bell, who was born October 2, 1754. In April, 1775, AVilliam Bierce enlisted in the Continental army, in which he served until honorably discharged in November, 1783. He V)elonged to Colonel Herman Swift's regiment of Connecticut troops sent immediately after his enlistment, to Ticonderoga. This was thou considered, as if tndy was. an ontpo.«t of civilization, and with the rank of orderlv 832 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY sergeant, William Bierce did good service here as at other points, participating in the bat- tles of Monmouth, White Plains and Fort George, and starving with his comrades through the dreadful winter at Valley Forge. ^0 better proof of the strenuous life these patriots led in those stormy times, can be found than the fact that when Sergeant Bierce left the army, every superior officer of his company had either been killed or died from hardship. Another unhappy condition was that the soldiers were paid in money that at the end of the war was not negotiable, and for his seven years of faithful service, Wil- liam Bierce found himself possessed of a bunch of script, of no use except as playthings for his children. He came to Nelson, Ohio, an old man, and his death occurred there. Early in life he was a miller. His grandson, Lucius "V. Bierce, preserves the old veteran's powder horn, of which he made good use at Ticon- deroga, in 1775, and which he carried during his seven years of service. Mr. Bierce also treasures a title deed to property, which was given his grandfather in 1803, which bears the signature of Thomas Jefferson, as Presi- dent of the United States, and of James Madison, Secretary of State. The children born to William and Abigail Bierce were the following: Lueretia. who was born July 30, 1787, died March 10, 1847, and became the mother of Judge Robert F. Paine, of Cleveland; Hannah, who was born March 2, 1789, married Jeremiah Fuller and died at Nelson, Portage County, where they lived; Columbus, who was born at Litchfield, Con- necticut, March 8, 1791, became a physician, and moved to Athens, Ohio, and later to Cir- cleville, in Pickaway County, where he died; William, father of Lucius V., was born in Connecticut, in 1793 ; Lucinda, who was born December 20, 1796, married Dr. Hopkins, of Nelson, Ohio, where she died ; Marcus Aure- lius, who was born in Litchfield County, Connecticut, August 16, 1799, settled at Nel- son, Portage County, Ohio, where he was a merchant, but died in Indiana, and is sur- vived by a son, Ambrose Bierce, who is an au- thor, and Lucius V., who became so promi- nent in military life and so distinguished a citizen of Ohio. General Bierce was bom in the family home at Cornwall, Litchfield County, Con- necticut, August 4, 1801, from which place he moved to Athens, Ohio, where he entered the Ohio University, from which he was graduated September 11, 1822. He then went to the South, starting for South Carolina, Oc- tober 9, 1822, carrying his grip-sack in which, along with his clothing and small necessities, he had a splendid letter of indorsement to Robert J. Fennel, a lawyer at Yorkville, under whom he began the study of law, after he had recovered from his long walk to that point. In 1823, he was admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of Alabama, to which State he had subsequently removed, and the whole course of his life might -have been dif- ferent had he not listened to the entreaties of his father to return and comfort the latter's declining years. Again strapping the grip- sack on his shoulders, the young man started on his homeward trip of 1,800 miles, and reached Ravenna, Portage Count}', in time to be admitted to the Ohio bar in 1824. In 1825, he was appointed district attorney, an office he creditably filled for eleven years, when he removed his activities to Akron. During 1837-8 he was prominently identi- fied with the militaiy operations along the border and had command of the forces at Fort Maiden. He then returned to Akron and re- sumed the practice of law until the Mexican War broke out, in which he took an active part. Aside from his military record, had well-deserved notoriety for professional ability and literary accomplishment. One of the valu- able results of his .studi&s is found in the two volumes of Digest cases which he compiled and arranged in alphapetical order. He also wrote a comprehensive hi.story of the ^Veste^n Reserve. He was an authority on historical matters and this interest has descended to his nephew, Lucius V., who has been identified, with the Tallmadge Historical Society since its organization, in 1858, has filled all its of- fices and is the only surviving member of its body of organizers. General Bierce was AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 833 prominent politically and served as mayor of Akron until he declined to longer hold the office. As early as 1853, he was elected grand master of the Grand Lodge of Masons, in Ohio. William Bierce, father of Lucius V., was married (first) in 1818, at Athens, to Lucinda Culver, and they had two children: Mary N., who was born July 30, 1820, married Derastus Harper, and died when more than eighty years of age ; and James Culver, who was born in 1822, and resides in California. The second wife of William Bierce was Harriet Hindman and they had two children, Eliza- beth L. and Lucius V. Elizabeth L. Bierce was born in 1825, and is a resident of Tall- madge. She survives her husband, the late Spaulding Beach, vnth two children, Edward E. and Jessie. The latter resides with her mother. The former, Edward E. Beach, is manager of the Baldwin Piano Factory, at Chicago Heights, Illinois. Lucius V. Bierce came from Athens County, Ohio, to Portage County, when two years of age. His education was secured in the schools of Ravenna, and in 1843, he came to Tall- madge, where he completed his education under Gov. Sidney Edgerlon. Later he learned the carriage-trimming trade, com- mencing his apprenticeship in the Oviatt, Sperry Carriage Works, but in 1875, he turned his attention to farming, settling then on his present property, removing from Tallmadge Center, where he had previously lived. He has long been one of the township's leading citizens, taking an active part in its educa- tional, religious and political life. In his early years he was a Democrat, but for the whole life of the Republican party, has up- held its principles. At various times he has served in township offices and always to the satisfaction of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Bierce was married (first) to Delia Robinson, December 11, 1850, who died No- vember 15, 1856. They had two children, Alice Delia and Edmond Lucius, the latter of whom was born November 3, 1856, and died June 4, 1857. Alice Delia Bierce was bom December 4. 1851, and subsequently was mar- ried to A. E. Lyman, of the Lyman Lum- ber Company, of Akron. They have one son, Lucius Bierce Lyman, who married Laverne Bishop, of Medina County, Ohio, and they have one son, Richard. Lucius V. Bierce was married (second) to Harriet H. Camp, who can claim kindred with a number of the oldest and most promi- nent families of New England. Mrs. Bierce was born in Tallmadge Township, and is a daughter of Martin and Sallie (Coe) Camp. Martin Camp was born at New Preston, Litch- field County, Connecticut, October 6, 1791, and came to Tallmadge in 1815. He resided at the home of his uncle, Asaph Whittlesey. He purchased 200 acres of land northeast of Tallmadge, which became very valuable. On March 28, 1816, he married Sallie Coe, who was born at Granville, Massachusetts, and ac- companied her family who settled at Charles- ton, Ohio. She was a teacher at Charleston and Tallmadge Center. This , marriage was the first one celebrated at Charleston, Portage County, Ohio. Tracing the Coe branch of Mrs. Bierce's ancestry, it is found that Robert Coe lived at Litchfield at a very early date and died at Jamaica, New York, after 1687. He was a native of England, where he was born in 1596. His wife Anna was born in England in 1591 and died prior to 1674, at Jamaica, New York. They had three sons: John, born in 1626; Robert, born in 1627, and Benjamin, born in 1629. In June, 1634, they settled at Watertown, Massachusetts, and in 1635 removed to Wethersfield, Connecti- cut, in 1641, to Stamford, in 1644, to Hemp- stead, New York, and in 1652, to Newton, New York, where the son John settled. Ben- jamin settled at Jamaica, New York, and there Robert Coe went in 1656. Robert, the second son, left his father at Stamford, Con- necticut, in 1644, and went to Stratford, where he married Hannah Mitchell. Their son, John Coe (3), married Mary Hanley and lived at Stratford, where their fourth son, Ephraim Coe, was born. He removed to Dur- ham, Connecticut, and later to Middletown. He married Hannah Miller and their son, 834 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY fcamuel Coe, married Hope Hubbard. and they lemoved to Granville, Massachusette. Their aoii, Capt. David Coe, was born March 3, 1761, and died July '24, 1824. Captain Coe served in the Revolutionary War. He married Sarah Pratt, and in 1818, settled at Charles- town, where she died in July, 1828. Martin Camp died January 14, 1872, his wife having passed away September 17, 1850. They were pioneers in all the civilizing movements which benefitted the community. The children of Martin Camp and wife were: Heman Coe, now aged eighty-four years, who resides at Mentor, Ohio, married Samantha Clark, of Lake County; Henry Newton, aged eighty-one years, married Celia Wright, daughter of Amos C. Wright, and re- sides with a daughter at Detroit, Michigan; Leroy, aged seventy-nine years, married Har- riet Scott, of Tallmadge, and they reside "at Cleveland ; Mary Whittlesey, born in 1818, married Orestes "NA^right of Tallmadge, and died in February, 1883; Sarah C, born in 1821, married John Emery, of Philadelphia, and died October 29, 1895 ; and Harriet H., the youngest of the family, who is the wife of Lucius V. Bierce. The children born to the second marriage of Lucius V. Bierce are the following, all prominent members of the communities in v.'hich the circumstances of life have placed them: Antoinette, born June 28, 1861, mar- ried Harry D. Reed of Weeping Water. Ne- braska, and they have three children, Donald, Robert and Helen ; Wallace Camp, born Sep- tember 5, 1863, married Mollie Hoge, of Kearney, Nebraska, and they have three chil- dren, Alice, Bruce and Marion; Flora Eliza- beth, born March 27, 1868, married Thoma.s J. Dee, of Chicago; Fannie Louise, born April 26, 1872, married Carlton B. Skinner, of Tallmadge, who died October 27, 1900, leaving one daughter, Charlotte Bierce and Henry Newell, born July 30, 1874, unmar- ried. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bierce have been mem- bers of tlie Congregational Church for the past fifty years and they are widely known for their practical Christianity. Since he was twenty-two years of age, Mr. Bierce has been connected with the Masonic fraternity, and has been a member of the local Grange snice its organization. II. J. EMERMAN, senior member of the firm of H. J. Emerman and Company, of Akron, wholesale dealers in iron, steel and metals, was born in Germany, in 1880, and is a son of Benjamin Emerman. The father of JNlr. Emerman engaged in a clothing business at Akron, after coming to the United States. Later he removed his busi- ness interests to Erie, Pennsylvania, and makes his home at Cleveland. H. J. Emer- man attended school at Akron, after which he was engaged for eighteen months as a clerk m a grocery store, following which he served in the same capacity in liis father's clothing store for tw'o years. He then became a clerk for Emerman Brothers, who conducted a scrap iron business, and he continued eight years m that postition with the same firm. W^hen new yards were opened at Cleveland, H. J. lOmennan was placed in charge of the Akron Ijranch, and in 1904, the old firm was suc- ceeded by the present one. Mr. Emerman is interested in other Akron enterprises. On February 16, 1904, Mr. Emerman was married to Bertha B. Louer, who is a daughter of Meyer Louer. Mr. Louer is now a resident of Omaha, Nebraska, but for a number of years he was in the clothing business at Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Emerman have one son, Walter. They are members of High Street Temple, of the Akron Hebrew Congre- gation. Fraternally, Mr. Emerman is identified with the Masons and the Elks. Socially, he l)e] to the Kirkwood club. FRANK BUTLER, wlio., m partnership with his brother, John Butler, has been culti- vatin,g their excellent farm of 150 acres, in Boston Township, since 1870, is one of the loading agriculturists of this section, and is a son of Thomas and Catherine (Brennan) Butler. Thomas Butler was born in Countv Wex- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 835 ford, Ireland, where he learned the trade of mason. After his marriage, he came to America and with his wife eight months later settled near Botzum, Northampton Township, Summit County. He worked at first on the old Clinton Air Line Railroad, but later pur- chased a farm of sixty acres, in Northampton Township. He was a very capable and indus- trious workman and built nearly all of the brick houses in his neighborhood, plastered himdreds of structures and built over 150 cellars in Peninsula alone. He married Catherine Brennan and they had eight chil- dren, namely: Frank, John, Elizabeth, Mary, Sarah, Martha, Catherine and Chris- topher. Frank Butler was educated in the common schools of Boston Township, and in his youth did much work in the woods at lumbering, this being a heavily timbered region at that time. In the spring of 1864, he enlisted in Company B, 188th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and his services continued until the close of the war. His brother John Butler served in Company E, 124th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the battles of Chicamauga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge. While on the march from Missionary Ridge to Knoxville, he was taken prisoner by the Confederates and was sent to Richmond, from whence he was re- moved to the prison at Belle Island, where he was kept for four months. It is stating the truth to say that while there, John Butler was nearly starved to death. He owes his life to a comrade, whose loyal friendship and per- sLstent entreaty secured recognition from some Confederate officers of ^Ir. Butler's piti- able condition. Both Frank and John But- ler were brave and gallant .soldiers, the cheer- ful, faithful, hard-fighting kind of men that made the Northern forces invincible.- Their war records are such as any man might well be proud to acknowledge. In 1870, the Butler brothers purchased their present farm, of which seventy-five acres are under cultivation, being devoted to hay, wheat, corn and oat.«, in addition to which is an apple orchard of 100 trees. In 1877, a fine residence was built by Frank Butler, a sub- staiatial structure having ten rooms. Mr. But- ler is a Republican in politics. LOUIS R. MAY, secretary and treasurer of the Frantz-Body Company, one of Akron's large and important manufacturing concerns, was born in 1876, at Akron, and is a son of R. A. May, of this city. Mr. May's happy boyhood was spent in studj' and play, in his native city, where he completed the High School course prior to taking a commercial course in a business col- lege at Buft'alo, New York, and later a general literary course at Buehtel College. For seven years he was connected with the Citizens Na- tional Bank, and when it was consolidated, with the Second National Bank, he remained with the new organization for one year, and then came to the Frantz-Body Manufacturing Company, with which he has been identified ever since, becoming secretary and treasurer at the time of its reorganization, in 1904. In January, 1905, Mr. May was married to Gertnide Wanamaker, who is a daughter of Hon. R. M. Wanamaker, of Akron. Mr. May stands deservedly high among the business men of Akron. JAMES SULLIVAN, a representative citi- zen of Boston Township, who owns an unu- sually fine farm, consisting of 151 acres, was born in County Clare, Ireland, August 14, 1847, and is a son of Michael and Bridget (Ryan) Sullivan. Michael Sullivan, who was also a native of County Clare, Ireland, came to America in 1850, bringing his family with him, and in 1853 he purchased his first farm, which was in Twinsl)urg Township, Summit County, Ohio. In 1865, he removed to a farm on the State Road, in Boston Township, where his death occurred when he was over eighty years of age. He was a Democrat in politics. He married Bridget Ryan, who was also born in County Clare, Ireland, in 1825, and died in 1 889. They had five children : James ; John, who is deceased; Delia, who resides at J Fudson : Lawrence, who lives in Boston 836 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Township; and Agnes, who also resides at Hudson. James Sullivan went to school a part of a term in Boston Township, and the balance of his education was obtained at Twinsburg. He remained on his father's farm until twenty- six years of age, at which time he was mar- ried. Two years before marriage he pur- chased a fann, with his brother Lawrence, but in 1886 he sold his interest to his brother, and purchased his present property. At that time the land seemed barren, for not even a tree was growing on it, but Mr. Sullivan soon changed its appearance. He set out all of the beautiful shade trees which now are so thrifty, built an addition to the home then standings improved all the buildings, and has a substan- tial barn 32x102 feet, with 18-foot posts, and built a silo 16x32x32 feet. He has made this one of the best farms in Boston Town- ship. He cultivates about sixty-five acres, raising wheat, corn, oats and hay, and keeps about thirty head of cattle, disposing of his milk at Cleveland. Mr. Sullivan is a Demo- crat in politics. He is a member, of the Grange at Darrowville. For the greater part of the past twenty years he has been a mem- ber of the Board of Eudcation in Boston Township. Mr. Sullivan was married to Mary McGuire, who is a daughter of John McGuire, of Solon, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. They have five children, namely: Charles A., who resides in Hudson Township, has one child, Mil- dred; Hugh A., who resides in Hudson Town- ship; Laura, who married H. 0. Robinson, of Cuyahoga Falls, has one child, Gladys Mary; Elsie, who married H. A. Wolcott of Mace- donia, Ohio; and Lawrence C, who lives at home. Mrs. Sullivan is a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church, and is active in church and charitable work. CAPTAIN ADAM BOTZUM, one of the grand old men of Northampton Township, resided there for nearly a half century. He was born October 25, 1830, in Strasiburg, Germany, and died in Summit County, Ohio, October 15, 1907, and is a son of John George and Katherine (Dragaser) Botzum. John George Botzum was born in Germany in 1796, a son of John Botzum. He mar- ried Katherine Dragaser, who was born in 1796, in the village of Urmmerspach, Ger- many, whose parents removed to Poland when she was seven years old, and whom she never saw again, she making her home with relatives until her marriage. In 1836, John George Botzum and his family left home and traveled by ox-team to the nearest seaport, where they took passage on the vessel Princessa for the United States, arriving at New York, November 17, 1836. Here they met an agent who persuaded Mr. Botzum to agree to go to South America, where he was told that a fortune awaited him, but before arrangements were completed, Mr. Botzum discovered from the authorities that it was merely a scheme to get Mr. Botzum and his family to that country to be sold into slavery. Soon after the family took passage on a flat- boat to Albany, went thence by canal to Buf- falo and by lake to Cleveland, where they , stopped for a time on account of illness in the family, and on resuming their journey traveled upon an open flat-boat to Niles, from whence they made their way to Ghent. Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio. There Mr. Botzum secured his first employment, being engaged at digging on a mill race, at fifty cents per day. There the family con- tinued to reside for two years, and while Mr. Botzum worked at digging, his wife went out into the wheat-fields, her gleaning the first season being eight bushels of nice wheat. The family then removed to Niles, where they re- mained for four years, and by the .strictast economy and frugalty were able at this time to purchase a farm in Northampton Township, where Mr. Botzum continued to live until his death in 1855. He and his wife were faithful members of the Catholic denomi- nation, and Mr. Botzum assisted to build the first church of that faith in Akron. John George and Katherine (Dragaser) Botzum had the follomng children : Michael : Susan, who was the wife of George Neiberg; AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 837 Nicholas; George; Adam; Katherine, who is the widow of Conrad Buills ot Centralia, Illi- nois; John A., and Conrad, who reside,3 at Akron. Michael, Susan, Nicholas, George and John A. are deceased. Captain Adam Botzum wad six years old when the family came to America, aiid until seventeen years of age he made his home with his parents. At this time he became a driver on the Ohio Canal, an occupation he continued to follow for twenty years. In 1855 he built the canal-boat Germany, which he sold in 1860, and he built the boat Democrat, which he sold two years later. In 1861, he quit the canal and located on the farm, which he had purchased three years previously. Mr. Bot- zum engaged in general farming from that time until his death, his eighty acres of fine, fertile land being in a high state of cultivation and yielding good crops. He marketed wheat, corn and potatoes, while for his own use he raised hay and oats. He kept about seven head of cattle, and he also fattened calves and hogs for the market. On June 22, 1857, Captain Botzum was married to Eliza Seeley, who was a resident of Cleveland. Ohio, and she sui'vives, as do also their six children: George A., who re- sides at Akron; Emma, who is the wife of Frank Averill, of Akron; Frank, who also resides at Akron; Stella, who is the wife of Clyde Bookwalter, of Fort Wayne, Indiana; Lida, who resides at home; and Lillian, who is the wife of Charles Worth, of Akron. The late Captain Botzum was a Democrat in political faith and from the age of twenty- one years until his death, he never missed casting his vote believing that every good citi- zen should exercise this privilege. He was frequently sent as a delegate to conventions of his party and frequently was elected to township offices. He served for eight years aa township trustee and for many years as school director. In. religious belief he was liberal-minded, depending largely on the vir- tues included in looking after the welfare of his family and doing his full duty to his neighborhood, his state and his countrv. DANIEL McGARRY, of the firm of Mo- Garry & McGowan, general contractors, at Ak- ron, was born in Ireland, in 1861, and came to Akron in 1873, where he obtained his edu- cation in the parochial schools. Mr. McGarry learned the brick-layer'a trade and worked for six years at brick-lay- ing before entering into general contracting. For the past twelve years he has been at the head of the firm of McGarry & McGowan, which has done a large part of the important work on the Ohio Canal, and a great amount of street paving, concrete laying and sewer building, at Akron. A large contract which this firm is engaged in filling at the present writing (1907) is the putting in of ten and one-half miles of sewer, at Ravenna, Ohio. Mr. McGarry owns an interest in the Storer Land Company. In 1884 Mr. McGarry was married to Mar- garet McGowan, and they have six children, namely: Stephen, who is engaged in news- paper work at San Antonio, Texas; James, who is associated with his father; Arthur, who is a student at Holy Cross College; and Belle, Elizabeth and Madge. Mr. McGarry and his family belong to St. Vincent's Catho- lic Church. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Mutual Bene- fit Association. Formerly, Mr. McGarry took considerable interest in politics and at one time was a member of the city board of com- missioners, but in later j-ears he has not been active in public life. NICHOLAS KNAPP, trustee of Boston Township and a prominent agriculturist who resides on his valuable farm of 286 acres, was born in Rheinfalz, Hessen-Cassel, Germany, 28, 1843, and is a son of Peter and Barbara (Knapp") Knapp. The father of Mr. Knapp was born in the same place as his son and came from there to America in 1844, the voyage lasting sixty- five davs from Liverpool to New York, joining some friends who had previously located in Portage County. Peter Knapp acquired a farm in Suffield Township some five years after locating in Ohio, on which he lived for 838 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the remainder of his life, his death occur- ring in October, 1856, at the age of sixty-five years, his wife, liaving died in May, 1856, aged sixty yeare. Ahhough she was named Knapp before her marriage, she was no rela- tive of Peter Knapp. They had twelve chil- dren. Nicholas lynapp was the youngest of the family that accompanied their parents in an old sailing ship across the ocean to New York. In those days Ohio was reached by a still further voyage up the Hudson River to Al- bany, across New York by the Erie Canal, over the lake to Cleveland and by way of the Ohio Canal to Portage County. The father died when Nicholas was thirteen years of age and thus he had fewer advantages than many boys who had parents to provide for them into manhood. He was strong and industri- ous and won the favor of neighboring farm- ers, for whom he worked by the month until 1859. In the early part of that year he hired himself to a farmer in Brimfield Town- ship, where he had every rea.son to think hft would find a good home and continued em- ployment, but the great frost of that year destroyed the crops and the farmer had no further use for his services. He then went to Ravenna, where he found work in a glass factory at six dollar's a month, and boarded himself, and remained there during one sum- mer and in the fall he secured a better op- portunity, doing chores for his Vioard. after work in the factory was done. In the fol- lowing spring he retm-ned to work again by the month, in Suffield Township, and in the next year he foimd a home with his brother, with whom he remained until 1861. At the beginning of the Civil War, Mr. Knapp -^'as on(> of the first young men to enlist in Battery A, First Ohio Light Artil- lery, which wa.'* sent to the western depart- ment of the army, and he served with faith- fulness for four years, lacking but twelve days. He participated in many engagements and went through the Atlanta campaign, and al- though almost constantly exposed to danger. was able to return from his military service unharmed. It was left for times of peace and m pursuance of the quietest of avocations, that Mr. Knapp experienced an injury which lost him his good left arm. By the accidental overturning of a hay wagon, he was caught in such a manner that the injury was so ser- ious that no mending of the shattered bones was possible. This accident occurred in 1891. Mr. Knapp has borne this affliction with fortitude very remarkable. Mr. Knapp remained in Sufiield Township after his return from the army until 1874, when he moved to Stow Township, in Sum- mit County, Avhere he purchased a farm and lived on it until 1878, removing then to an- other in Franklin Township, on -which he lived until 1888. In this year he bought 186 acres of his present farm in Boston Town- ship, to which he added the second 100 acres in 1907. About 150 acres of this land is under cultivation and he raises hay, wheat, corn, oats and potatoes, marketing from 300 to 500 bushels of the tubers in a season. He keeps twenty head of cattle and sells his milk to the Peninsula Creamery, and has eight head of horses. In 1890 he erected his present comfortable residence. Mr. Kna]ip married Elizabeth Pero, for his first wife, who died February 22, 1873, aged thirty-two years. She had two children: Karl, who died at the age of nineteen years; and Park, of Portage County. Mr. Knapp was married (second) to Louisa Pero, who was a cousin of his first wife. She is a daughter of Nichola Pero. To this marriage seven children have been born, five of whom reached maturity, namely: Charles E., Pearl Ellen, Albert, Ralph H.,'and Orrin P. Pearl Ellen is deceased. She was the wife of Abra- ham Tischer, residing at Shalersville. For some years past Mr. Knapp ha.« been identified with the Democratic party. Form- erly he voted for both Abraham Lincoln and General Grant. For the past three years he has been a trustee of Boston Township, his re-election to this ofiice taking place on No- vember 5. 1907. While residing in Suffield Township, he served five years in the office of constable. He belongs to Northampton Grange, and to the Maccabees. No. 56, at GEORGE W. PLUjVIER AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 841 Peninsula. Mr. Knapp is recognized as a man of excellent business judgment. His many sterling traits of character have won him the respect and esteem of his fellow- citizens. ness interests of Akron, and George A. also of Akron. Mr. Plumer is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he was a trustee for many years. He is a Thirty-sec- ond Degree Mason. GEORGE W. PLUMER, a retired citi- zen of Akron, and a veteran of the Civil War, for many years was closely identified with the business and financial interests of this city. He was born at Franklin, Ve- nango County, Pennsylvania, in 1840, and is a son of Hon. B. A. Plumer, formerly a prominent merchant in "Western Pennsylva- nia, where he was elected to responsible of- fices, serving for a long period a.s a judge of the courts of Venango County. George W. Plumer was reared and edu- cated in his native place, and for a number of years was engaged in the hardware trade at Franklin. In 1887 he came to Akron and went into the furniture business in partner- ship with B. L. Dodge, under the firm name of Dodge and Plumber, which a.ssociation con- tinued until 1899. He was one of the or- ganizers of the Security Savings Bank and continued as its president until January, 1907, when this bank was sold to the Peo- ple's Savings Bank. Mr. Plumer owns stock in a number of Akron enterprises and also has busine.=s interests in Pennsylvania. In 1862 Mr. Plumer entered the Union armj' as second lieutenant of Company E, 121st Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer In- fantry, in which he performed the duties of a good soldier, both on the march and in battle, for two years, and was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. He is a' valued member of Buckley Post, G. A. R.. and of the Loyal Legion. In 1867 Mr. Plumer was married to -Ten- nie M. AVhitaker. who is a daughter of Al- bert P. Whitaker, one of the prominent journalists of Western Pennsylvania for half a century. Mr. and Mrs. Plumer have three children, namelv: Marv Plumer. who mar- ried Dr. F. H. Lyder, D. D. S., of Akron; Lida Plumer, who married S. H. Kohler, who is prominently connected with the busi- LEVI MADISON LEESER, who owns and operates a tract of 106 acres of excellent land in Green Townshij), is a leading agriculturist of this section. He was born on his father's farm in Jackson Township, Stark County, Ohio, and is a son of Peter and Sarah (Buch tel) Leeser. Abraham Leeser,. grandfather of Levi M., came .from Pennsylvania to Stark County, Ohio, and entered a tract of land there in 1815, on which the rest of his life was passed. He was the father of six children : John, Catherine, Elizabeth, Peter, Samuel and Nathan. Catherine became the wife of Rev. J. Eby. Peter Leeser was born in Lawrence Town- ship, Stark County, Ohio, and like his fath- er, cultivated land during all his active years. He died in Jackson Township in 1892, aged sixty-seven years. Peter Leeser was married to Sarah Buchtel, who was born in Summit County, Ohio, and is a daughter of John Buchtel, who was one of the pioneers of this county. Mrs. Leeser resides at Green.sburg. Five children were born to Peter Leeser and wife, namely : Catherine, who survives her husband, Samuel Devies; Eva; Levi Madison; Alma, who married Jasper Fry; and John R. Levi M. Leeser attended the district schools in his home neighborhood and spent his youth on his father's farm. One year after bis marriage he removed to his present farm, and this property he purchased in 1894, from liLs father-in-law's heirs. He has here en- gaged in general farming, and has been more than ordinarily successful. On January 27, 1881, Mr. Leeser was mar- ried to Emma Long, who was born on the present Leeser farm, and is a daughter of Christian and Anna (Heiss) Long. Mr. and ^frs. Long, who are now deceased, were mar- ried in Pennsylvania, and with two children made the long trip overland to Summit 842 HISTORY OF SUMxMIT COUNTY Oounty, Ohio. To Mr. and Mk. Leeser there have been born four children : Maude, who is stenographer at the Mount Pleasant Hos- pital, Mount Pleasant, Iowa; Mamie, who died in infancy; and Raj' and Wihna. Mr. Leeser is a member of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics. With his family he attends the United Evangelical Church. Like his father, he is a Republican in politics and has been one of tlw act- ive workers in that party's ranks in Green Township, where he has served as trustee and school director, and fills the latter office at the present time. D. W. KENDIG, a well-known citizen of Akron, who has been finance clerk of the city postoffice for the past three years under Post- master Ebright, was born near Dayton, Mont- gomery County, Ohio, October 16, 1846. Mr. Kendig attended the district schools through boyhood and later entered Wittenberg College. He was eighteen years of age when he enlisted in Company H, Eighth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in 1862, and served until the close of the great stiniggle, his field of action being mainly West Virginia. The Kendig family was one of marked loyalty, three of his brothers also becoming soldiers in the Federal Army. One of these, Lee, enlisted in the Sixteenth Ohio Regiment, Volunteer Infantry, which was one of the first regiments to answer the call for troops, and he died in the service. Benjamin, a sec- ond brother, was a member of the 161st Reg- iment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and he ac- companied General Sherman's army to the sea, and since the close of his military life has resided in Indian Territory. The third brother, Simon, now deceased, wa.^ in the 100-day service in Ohio. Shortly after his return from the army, Mr. Kendig went to Missouri, where he re- mained for several years, and after he came back to Ohio, he was engaged in business at Mansfield for fifteen years. He came then to Akron, where he was in the employ of the Erie Railroad for one year, connected with the freight department. For the four follow- ing years he was engaged in the retail coal business, after which he became interested in life insurance, and for the next fifteen years he represented some of the best life companies of the country. Since closing out his insurance interests, he has been an official in the Akron postoffice. In 1869 Mr. Kendig was married at Mans- field, Ohio, to Frances E. Creigh, of that city, who died June 22, 1905. They had three children, viz. : Karl, residing at Akron, who is secretary of the Werner Company; Lee, who died at the age of twenty-seven years, was associated with the Akron Iron Company for five years, at New York City; and Katherine, residing at home. Mr. Kendig is more or less active in politics and supports the Republican party. He is a member of Buckley Post, G. A. R., and is a Master Ma.son. He belongs to the First Con- gregational Clnu-ch at Akron. URIAS GARMAN, whose fine farm lies on the old Portage Path Indian Trail road, in Portage Township, about one-half mile north of the city limits of Akron, was born in Me- dina County, Ohio, March 27, 1853, and is a son of Benjamin and Esther (Clause) Gar- man. Benjamin Garman and his wife were both born and reared in Lehigh County, Pennsyl- vania, and after their marriage they came to Medina County, Ohio, driving the long dis- tance with a one-horse wagon. They settled on a farm of 115 acres, in two tracts, in Homer Township, and this land Mr. Garman cultivated and improved for a number of years. In the course of time he decided to remove to Summit County, and on April 1, 1862, settled on .a farm of 151 acres, in Por- tage Township, a portion of which is included in the farm of Urias Garman. He was ac- companied to Portage Township by his seven children, who were the following: Alfred, who resides on a farm of twenty-five acres in Portage Township, married Julia A. Norton and has four children; Rose, who is the widow of Louis Esselburn ; Elizabeth, who married J. F. Weygandt; Sarah, who died in AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 843 1906, wa5 the widow of Louis Andrews; Ui'ias, of Portage Township; Irene, who mar- ried Mandus Baughman, resides in Akron; and Mrs. ^lary Starks, resides in Akron. For several year's after moving to Portage Township, Benjamin Garman and his sons did general farming, and then he went into the stone business, in partnership with his eldest son, having excellent quarries on the land. After he retired, Alfred and Urias Garman carried on the business for some years. They also embai'ked together in a dairy business, which they conducted for six years. Benjamin Garman died in 1890, and his widow survived until December, 1902. Urias Garman has lived on his present farm since he was nine years old. He at- tended the district schools through boyhood and subsequent reading and mingling with the world has made him one of the township's well-informed men. He carries on a general line of farming and meets w^ith the success that usually attends industry and the follow- ing of excellent methods. For about nine years he woi'ked in the rubber shops of Ak- ron, otherwise his whole attention has been given to agricultural pursuits. In the spring of 1876 he erected the large frame residence which is a home of attractiveness and is full of comforts. In October, 1875, Mr. Garman was married to ilary Rogers, who is a daughter of Peter and Susan (Heberly) Rogers, and they have five children, namely: Frank, -n'ho married Allie Buss, has two children, Ralph and Mary, and he is a carpenter and contractor; Susan, w^ho married John Gammeter, of Ak- ron; Millie, who married Ralph Hogan. has one child, Garman; and Allie and Marjorie, both reside at home. CHARLES MERRIMAN, M. D., formerly a prominent physician and surgeon of Ak- ron, now lives retired on his farm in Portage Township, which is situated on the Merri- man road, about three quarters of a mile northwest of the city limits. Dr. Merriman was born in Massachusetts. Mav 21. 1829, and is a son of Charles and liai-riet (Allis) Mer- riman. Dr. Merriman's parents left Berkshire County, Massachusetts, with their possessions packed in wagons, and reached Ohio May 21, 1835, and came to Summit County a few weeks later, settling on the fann in Portage Township, on which the son now lives. The father invested his money in 372 acres of land, which then was covered with native timber. On this farm young Charles Merriman grew to manhood, assisting his father to clear a large ptu't of it and put it under cultiva- tion. He attended the country schools and when sixteen years of age taught a term of school in Bath Township, and in the follow- ing year, two terms at Greensburg. He con- tinued his own education at Akron and Tall- madge, and had academic training 'at West Farmington, in Trumbull County. When he made up his mind to study medicine, he placed himself under the tuition of Dr. Wil- liam T. Huntington, with whom he read for two and one-half years, and in- the fall of 1849 he attended the lecture course at the Cleveland Medical School. During his ab- sence, his preceptor. Dr. Huntington, died and he spent the summer and the following winter under Dr. Ackley, surgeon of the med- ical department of the Western Reserve Uni- versity. He W'OS graduated at this college, in 1858, having returned for his third course during the winter of 1857-8. Prior to this, however, he had studied and to some degree practiced, with his uncle, Dr. Andrus Merri- man, in Geauga, now Lake County, and in 1851 he went to Brownsville, Kentucky. He remained there until the latter part of the winter of 1853, having a third interest in the medical practice of Dr. Tra H. Keller. He gained other medical instruction and practice at the Transylvania Medical College, at Louis- ville, Kentucky, and at Dr. McDowell's col- lege, at St. Louis, Missouri. In looking over the country for a place to enter upon practice. Dr. Merriman noted that there was no physician established at Hills- l)orough, .Jefferson Coimty. Missouri, and he 844 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY located there until the fall of 1857, when he returned for his la:!-t course of lectures. He practiced one year at Peninsula, and then settled at Montrose, Summit County, where he remained from the spring of 1859 until 1873, when he came to Akron. This city was but a semblance of what it has since be- come, and the best location the young doctor could secure was a small office in Hall's Block, where he remained for several years. He moved from there to rooms over the City drug store and later established his office in his comfortable home on West Market Street. When he retired he sold his residence to Paul E. AVerner. His practice covered a period of fifty-three years and was one of unusual suc- cess. Dr. Merriman is held in high esteem. In 1856, at St. Louis, Missouri, Dr. Mer- riman was married in Lavinia P. !Myers, who is a daughter of Samuel and Gertrude (Rob- inson) Myers. .JOSEPH KENDALL, who has been di- rector of the Akron City Infirmary for more than twenty years, was born March 15, 1828, in England, and has been a resident of Ak- ron since 1862. The death of his father when he was young, made his boyhood one of many hardships. For three years he tended the flocks of a hard-hearted .«hepherd, in the neighborhood of his home, with whom he Avas obliged to remain until he had completed the period for which he was bound. In 1848, being then twenty years of age, he determined to make his way to America, in £)rder to better his condition, and he crosse'd the Atlantic Ocean in one of the old sailing vessels of the day, which required nine -weeks to make the voy- age. He landed at New Orleans, and in search of work Mr. Kendall went up the Mis- sissippi River, and at Evansville, Indiana, he found employment, mainly along the river, which furnished him with .support and enabled him to save a little money, with which he came to Akron in 1862. Here he engaged for twenty-five years in the metal business and then went into dealing in hay and the wholesale buying and shijiping of grain. In the meanwhile he had built up an honorable business reputation and had gained influential friends. When the Akron City Infirmary was opened, Mr. Kendall was selected its director, and so capable and so honest has been his administration of the of- fice that a change has never been suggested. He is the oldest officeholder in the city, in point of continuous service. It is a matter of justifiaye pride with Mr. Kendall that in all this time not a single bill he has ever con- tracted for public use, has been questioned by the board of directors of this institution. In 1864 Mr. Kendall was married to Frances Booth, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, who died in May, 1887. They had two chil- dren, Elizabeth and Ruth. Ruth resides at home, tenderly caring for her father. Eliza- beth died in 1905. . She was a noble woman, and was deeply interested in Sunday-school work. Mr. Kendall was reared in the Episco- pal Church, but for many years has been an attendant of the Presbyterian Church. SCOTT H. MERRIMAN, whose fine truck fai'm of sixteen acres is situated on the Merri- man road, about two miles northwest of Ak- ron, was born in the old stone house in T\diich his father still resides, located on West Mar- ket Street, Akron, August 8, 1863. His par- ents were Wells and Alberta Merriman. Wells Merriman was born across the road from the farm which Scott H. now owns, in Portage Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Charles and a brother of Dr. Charles Merriman. During his younger years, Wells Merriman engaged in farming, then learned the machinist trade and for twenty-five years was employed in the stove works of the Taplin-Rice Company. He built the old stone house on West Market Street, in which he lives, and which was then sur- rounded by seven acres of land which was used as a truck farm. The old hoiise is a landmark in that part of the encroaching cit.y. He was married twice and the children of his first union were: Grove, residing at Akron ; Forrest, residing at Minneapolis, Ottawa County, Kansas; and Scott IL, resid- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS Sib iug in Portage Township. The mother of these children died when her youngest son was small. ' To his second marriage, Wells Merriman had three children: Jesse, Mrs. Hattio Bechtol and Ruby, wife of Royal Scott. Scott H. Merriman was reared in the old home on West Market Street, Akron, and helped to cultivate the garden which is now covered with structures. He spent twelve years, after completing his education, in the packing business and in operating a hotel, at Omaha, Nebraska, but in 1889 he returned to Summit County and settled on his present farm. Mr. Merriman has made a success of the trucking business. He raises large crops of the choicest vegetables that can be grown in this climate and sells by wholesale. At Omaha, Nebra.ska, Mr. Merriman was married to Gertrude Finney, who is a daugh- ter of L. A. and Sarah (Oakley) Finney. They have four children : Claude and Byron, both born in Nebraska, and Albert and Dor- othy, born in Summit County. Mr. Merri- man is not active in politics, merely show- ing the interest of a good citizen in public matters. He takes great pleasure in improv- ing his tidy little farm and a plenteous re- turn is made him for his careful cultivation. JOHN WOLF, superintendent of the Mar- ket House at Akron, was formerly engaged in the mercantile business for many years in this city and established a name for biisiness ability and strict integrity. Mr. Wolf was born in Bavaria, Germany, January 25, 1837, and was a boy of fourteen years when he came to America. For two years prior to coming to Akron, Mr. Wolf was a clerk in a dry goods store at Aurora, Indiana, and after reaching this city, in 1853, he continued in the same capacity. In 1863 he became a member of the M. W. Henry Company, at Akron. In 1870, the firm of Wolf, Church & Beck was organized, which continued to do business until 1883, when Mr. Beck retired, the firm of Wolf & Church continuing until 1887, when Mr. Wolf became sole proprietor. He retired from the mercantile "business in 1893, and for some years devoted his attention to looking after the real estate of the Wolf family. For the past three years he has been superintendent of the Akron Market House, and has proven himself a careful and efficient officer. In 1864 Mr. Wolf was married to Anna Howe, who is a daughter of Capt. Richard Howe, who was one of the early pioneers of Akron, and who was a valuable assistant in the building of the Ohio Canal. Two sons were born to this marriage, Charles R. and Harry Howe, both of whom are prominent business men, the former being purchasing agent for the B. F. Goodrich Company, and the latter, president of a brick company at Muncie, Indiana. Politically, Mr. Wolf is a Republican and he has always been a patriotic supporter of the government. During the Civil War he served in the 100-day service,' as a member of Company F, 164th Regiment, Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, and during* his period of army service was located at Fort Cochran, AVashington, D. C. He is a member of Buck- ley Post, Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. Wolf was formerlv a member of the Lutheran Church. NATHANIEL PETTITT. Among the many valuable farms arid hospitable homes in the environs of Akron, that owned and occupied by Nathaniel Pettitt deserves spe- cial mention in connection with its respected and esteemed owner. It lies on the Merriman road, about two and one-half miles northwest of the city limits and has been occupied by Mr. Pettitt for forty-four years. He was born in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, January 1, 1823, and is a son of Claarles and Isabella (Karr) Pettitt. Charles Pettitt was born in New Jersey and was a son of John Pettitt, who moved to Mary- land when Charles was five years old. Later he moved to Bedford County, Pennsylvania. Charles Pettitt engaged in farming in Bedford County, Pennsylvania, until 1837, when he came to Ohio and rented a farm whicli was in Copley Township, then J 46 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY in Medina County. This farm belonged to his brother, Rev. John Pettitt, who had come to this section in 1830, and was the pioneer founder of the Congregational Church at Ak- ron. Some years later Charles Pettitt bought this farm but sold it in 1854, and purchased another of 150 acres, which was situated in Portage Township, subsequently selling it also. Charles Pettitt died in 1867, aged seventy-seven years. He married Isabella Karr, who died in 1863, aged seventy-three years. They were i>eople who were held in esteem and affection by their neighbors. Nathaniel Pettitt lived on the farm in Cop- ley Township until he w'as thirty-one j'ears of age. He attended the district schools in hiB boyhood and was trained by a strict father to be a good farmer. Pie assisted in clearing up the land and as the country was not very well settled at that time, experienced hard- ships which the present generation would probably consider luisupportable. With his brother, John Pettitt, he rented the farm now OTvned by Aaron Teeple, at Fairlawn, where he stayed two years and then bought the farm now owned by the Benjamin Garman heirs, on which he lived for seven years and then bought his present farm. Mr. Pettitt found a great deal of clearing had to be done and after that was completed he started improve- ments, and has a very valuable property. On February 9, 1854, Nathaniel Pettitt was married to Rachel Ann Jones, who was born near Sharon Center, Medina County, Ohio, and is a daughter of John and Mary (Foster) Jones. Her father was born in Maryland and her mother in New York and they were married in Wayne County, Ohio. They moved to Sharon when Mrs. Pettitt was small and later to Copley Township, Summit County, where she was reared. Her mother lived to be a venerable lady, surviving for ninety years, passing the last eleven years with Mr. and Mrs. Pettitt, where she died in 1896. Her husband died in 1867. To Mr. and Mrs. Pettitt were born seven children, namely: Mary Alice, who married Charles Brown; Charles Nathaniel, who operates the farm; Milton Howard; Myron Grant; Emma, who married Daniel Frederick; Elsie, who married A^inton Hardy ; and Homer, residing at home. Mr. and Mrs. Pettitt have been blessed in their children and they have four- teen grandchildren. A. II. STALL, M. I)., physician and sur- geon, at Barberton, has one of the best equipped ofhces and most complete medical libraries in Summit County. Pie was born July 7, 1876, at Hudson, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Hiram and Jennie (Gal: loway) Stall. The father of Dr. Stall died when he was a child of three years, after which his mother moved to Montrose, Summit County, and he attended the common and High School in Copley Township, following which he spent one session at Mt. Union College, at Alliance, and also attended the Ohio Normal University at Ada for one term. When eighteen years of age he began to teach school, and con- tinued in educational work through the town- ship for the succeeding three years, in the meantime preparing himself, by preliminary medical study, for entering the medical de- partment of the Western Reserve University, where he was graduated June 13, 1901, with his medical degree. By June 16, 1901, Dr. Stall was established as assistant to Dr. E. A. Bellford, at Barber- ton, with whom he remained until March, 1903, T\hen he located at Johnson's Corners, in Norton Township, where he was made health officer, having previously served in that office at Barberton. He remained in that vil- lage until July, 1906, when he returned to Barberton, locating on the corner of Baird and Fourth Streets. Dr. Stall is an enthu- siast in his profession and keeps fully abreast of the times, continually adding to his valu- able equipment of surgical instruments and making additions to h'is already large scien- tific library. He is a member of the Ameri- can Medical Association and the Summit County, the Ohio State and the Barberton Medical Societies. On December 24, 1904, Dr. Stall was mar- ried to Edna Prange, who is a daughter of AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 847 Herman Prange, who is superintendent of the McNeil Boiler \\'orkSj of South Akron. They had one son, Arthur, who died August 18, 190l], aged eleven months, and they have a daughter, IMargaret, who was born June 22, 1907. Dr. Stall i.s a member of the Masonic fra- ternity and retains his connection with his college society, the Sigma Alpha Epsilon and the medical fraternity society Nu Sigma Nu. He is to some degree interested in politics and since 1904 ha.s been township clerk of Norton Townsliip. .JONATHAN HALE, a pioneer settler of Summit County, was a member of an hon- orable old New England family and the name is still one of note in many sections, espe- cially in the vicinitj' of Ghxstonbury, Connec- ticut, where he was born, April 23, 1777, while the country was engaged in the arduous .struggle of the Revolutionary AVar. In the summer of 1810, Jonathan Hale penetrated to Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio, being the first actual settler, Mr. Hale trading property in Glastonbury, Connecticut, for 500 acres, valued at $1,200, with Thomas and Lucinda Bull, also purchas- ing the interest of a squatter who had located on the land to await newcomers; Later in the year he was joined by other members of liis family, and thus the Hales w^ere estab- lished in what wa.s then a wilderness of the "Western Reserve. Indians were so numerous and unfriendly that when Jonathan Hale was drafted for the War of 1812, he was released on account of the dangers that would sur- round his helpless family in his. absence. On July 11, 1802, Mr. Hale was married (first) to Mercy S. Piper, who died May 14, 1829. He was married (second) November 2, 1830. to Sarah Cozad Mather. The chil- dren of the first marriage were: Sophronia, William, Pamela, Andrew, Abigail and James M. Those of the second marriage were : Jon- athan D.. Mercy A. and Samuel C. Mr. Hale was an active citizen and did his full duty in promoting the progre.«.s of the communitv in which he lived. It was throuirh his influence and from his suggestion that the township was given its name. He died in Bath Township, May 14, 1854. ABNER L. CALDAVELL, general farmer and formerly township trustee of Portage Township, owns thirty acres of land which is liighly valuable on accovuit of its clo^e prox- imity to Akron, on the north, he having al- ready sold forty acres for building puiposes, the Caldwell School building having been erected on it. Mr. Caldwell was "born at Springfield, Indiana, January 13, 1839, and is a son of Tarlton and Julia Ann (A'rooman) Caldwell. In 1841 the parents of Air. Caldwell moved to Missouri, where they remained for eight yeaa-s and then removed to California, where the father worked in the gold mines for twenty years. He acquired a mine of his own and after he gave up the hard life of a miner, he settled on a large rai\ch in Southern Cali- fornia and on that both he and hi.s wife died. Up to the age of sixteen years, Abner L. (Jaldwell had few educational advantages, during these early years being called on to as- sist his father. After that, however, the family was in easy circumstances and in 1857 he re- turned to Ohio and entered the preparatory .school at Hudson, where he remained two years and then went back to California. Air. Caldwell made five trips across the Isthmus of I'anama. As may be judged, he takes a great deal of intercut in the progi"es6 of the Govern- ment work at that point, at present. His rem- iniscences of those early trips are very in- teresiting. In 1861, Mr. Caldwell was married to Alary Pitkin, who is a daughter of the late Judge S. II. Pitkin, one of the early pioneers of Summit County and a man of great promi- nence. Judge Pitkin owned 186 acres of land in Portage Township, to which lie retired after serving as probate judge. He died at Akron. Air. and Airs. Caldwell were married at Hud- son. AVhile attending school at Hudson he l)oarded in the family of Judge Pitkin. After (lieir marriage. Air. and Airs. Caldwell lived five vears in Californa and then returned to 8-18 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Summit. County, residing with Judge Pitkin, on the present farm, for a time, but subse- quently erecting a residence of tlieir own. jNIr. Caldwell has taken some interest in politics and, as one of the reliable and sub- stantial citizens, has been offered many posi- tions of responsibilitj', but he has declined all but that of township trustee, in which he has served several terms. DANIEL HOLIBAUGH, general farmer, residing on his excellent farm of sixty-three acres, which is favorably located just outside the city limits of East Akron, was born at Mul- berry, Stark County, Ohio, March 28, 1831, and is a son of Joseph and Lydia (Hosier) Holibaugh. Daniel Holibaugh was reared in Stark County assisting his father on the home farm and attending the district schools. His par- ents both died in Stark County, the father in 1879, aged 'seventy-nine years, and the mother, in 1886, at the same age. On October 22, 1857, Daniel Holibaugh was married at Canton, Ohio, by Rev. P. A. Ilerbruck, to Mary Brumbaugh, who is a daughter of David and Mary (Zelier) Brum- baugh. ■ The mother of Mrs. Holibaugh died when she was fifteen years of age. Her father continued to live in Stark County for a few years and then removed to Akron, where he .subsecj[ueutly married the mother of Judge J. A. Kohler. Mr. Brumbaugh was a caipen- ter and cabinet-maker and later a farmer. He died at Akron. After marriage, Daniel Holibaugh and wife lived on the old Holibaugh homestead in Stark County, for twelve years. In 1869, they bought 111 acres of land in Portage 'I'ownship, sixty-three of which they still own. and in February, 1870, -they settled on it. In the same year Mr. Holil)augh built his sub- stantial barn and in the following year his comfortal)le residence, and each year since he has done more improving. He carried on a general farming line and kept from five to ten head of cattle. On acount of his land be- ing so well located, Mr. Holil)augh has been able to sell as much as he has cared to part with, at good prices, for town lot sites, and in 1907, he sold six acres to the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, the new branch passing through the land in such a way that the residence had to be moved. Mr. Holibaugh is rather proud of his orchards as he set out every tree himself. As Mr. Holibaugh and wife had on chil- dren of their own, they decided to adopt a child and found a beautiful little daughter, in Jennie E. Ringer. She was motherless and was the child of Louis and Matilda (Royer) Ringer. She was taken by Mr. and Mrs. Holibaugh when aged four aod one-half years and was reared as their own until her mar- riage, in young womanhood, to "William E. Hale. Mr. and Mrs. Hale have had five chil- dren, namely: Jessie May, who married Ora Rowh, has one cliild, Cirace Lucile; Harvey C. ; Alvin F. ; Frank, who died aged ten weeks; and Lenora. Mr. and Mrs. Llolibaugh are consistent members of Trinity Reformed Church, of North Hill. He has served both as deacon and elder in this church. They are most e.^timable people, kind, ho.spitable and chari- table, and they have a wide circle of friends. jMcCAUSLAND BROTHERS, leading brick manufacturers in Portage Town.ship, and general farmers, owning ninety acres of valuable land, succeeded their father, who was the founder of the business, in 1885. The firm is made up of John J. and James C. McCausland, sons of the late John McCaus- lan-d. John McCausland was a son of James Mc- Causland, and he was born in Ireland, where he remained until 1848, when he came to America. The aged fatlier subsequently came from Ireland and died in the home of his son. For several yeai-s he worked in the agricultural districts as a farm hand and after coming to Portage Townshij), Summit County, rented the old Simon Perkins farm, now known as the Fouse farm, and then liought seventy- five acres of the present home farm. To this he added until he had 180 acres. He continued to farm after 1871. when he started his brick business, in which his sons were prac- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 851 tically brought, up. John McCausland built two brick houses ou his farm, the one in which lie resided until his death, being now the prop- erty of James Breen. He had commenced the erection of the large brick residence, in which his sons live, but did not survive to see it completed. His death occurred in Novem- beXj 1884. He was a man of great business enterprise and succeeded in whatever work he undertook. John McCausland married Mary McQuil- lan, who was a daughter of Charles McQuil- lan. She was born in Ireland and came to America in young womanhood. She died on Decoration Day, 189-1. They had six chil- dren, namely: James C, Margaret, John J., and Mary, who married James Breen. Two children died as infants. The two sons of John McCausland, as stated above, succeeded to tlieir father's interests and have continued together as they have been since boyhood. The older brother, James C, has never married. John J. McCausland mar- ried Anna M. Doran, who was reared at Akron and is a daughter of William Doran. They have three children : Leo, aged twelve years ; Helen, aged eleven years; -and Mary, aged four years. John J. McCausland ha.s served two terms as township treasurer and enjoys the full confidence of his fellow-citizens. Both brothers are members of St. Vincent Catholic Church and belong to the order of Knights of Columbus. The McCausland Brothers' brick plant has a capacity of about 4,000,000 building brick, and during the six months in the year that it is running, employment is given to about twenty-five men. It is one of the best estab- lished industries of Portage Township and its ownei-s are among the representative citizens. AULTMAN BROTHERS, bankers and ■ lirokers, with offices in the Hamilton Build- ing, Akron, and with additional offices at Toledo and Cleveland, manage and control many large financial interests in this section of Ohio. The firm is made up of William J. and George W. Aultman. William J. Aultman was born at Orrvillo. Wayne County, Ohio, in 1875, in which place he w'as reared and educated, and wliere he was engaged for two years in the bicycle business. Then coming to Akron, he entered the employ of the B. F. Goodrich Company, Avith whom he remained for five years. In 1892 the firm of Aultman Brothers was founded for dealing in mining stock, and they have since handled the most success- ful stocks of this kind in this section of Ohio. They carry on a banking and brok- erage business and their standing a? business men is very high. In 1902 William J. Ault- man was married to Ella Hostettler, of Orr- villc, Ohio, and they have one child, Gar- nett Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Aultman are members of the First Presbyterian Church at Akron. George W. Aultman, of Aultman Broth- ers, was born at Orrville, Wayne County, Ohio, in 1877. After leaving school he worked for three years at dentistry, later went into the bicycle business, and in 1890 came to Akron. For eighteen months he was con- nected wdth the Goodrich Company, and for the same length of time with the Diamond Rubber Company He then became associated with his brother, William J., in the brokerage business, making mining a specialty. In June, 1907, George W. Aultman was mar- ried to Edith McGurry, of Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Aultman belong to the First Pres- byterian Church. The material success which has attended this firm of enterprLsing young men is some- what remarkable. Both had practical busi- ness experience and with their ambition stim- ulated by enlarged opportunities, they found themselves qualified to accept new responsi- bilities and have rapidly built up a large and important' business. OTTO N. HARTER, president of the Ak- ron Pure Milk Company, with business loca- tion at No. 265 Bowery Street, Akron, was born April 4, 1866, at New Beriin, Stark County, Ohio, and is a son of Jeremiah Ilixr- ter. 0. N. Harfer was twelve years of age w-hen 852 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY his parents moved to Western Star, Summit County, where he completed his education and then entered into a milk and butter bus- iness. For a number of years he was a mem- ber of the firm of Harter Brothers, dealers in dairy products. In April, 1904, when the Akron Pure Milk Company was reorganized and incorporated, with a capital stock of $10,- 000, which put it on a firm foundation, 0. N. Harter became president, A. II. Harter, vice-president, and A. G. Teeple, secretary and treasurer. The Akron quarters are com- modious a.nd sanitary. They have their but- ter manufacturing plant at Killbuck, Holmes County, where fine creamery Ijutter is pro- duced which finds a ready market on account of its superior excellence. Employment is given by this company to twenty-five people. In partnership with J. M. Sumner, Mr. Bar- ter organized the Sumner Company, exclusive dealers in dairy products, but he has disposed of his interest in this concern. Other enter- prises of considerable importance claim a part of his attention and he is a stockholder in several banks. On June 15, 1893, Mr. Harter was married to Rose M. Spidle, of Akron, and they have five children, namely: Frederick S., Flora C, Bessie May, Bert H. and Harry Lee. Mr. Harter is a good, solid citizen, taking an interest in all that concerns the real wel- fare of the country, but he has never devoted much time to politics. GEORGE HART ROOT, a leading citizen of Tallmadge Township, was born May 21, 1833, on the farm and m the same house in which he lives, in Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of John Cole and Lydia (Hart) Root. The Root family is of English extraction and of Puritan ancestry. John Root, the settler, came from Badby, England, to Farm- mgton, Connecticut, with the first settlers of the place, in 1640. His father being decea.sed, he was adopted by a wealthy uncle, the latter of wliom was a zealous supporter of the great Protector. He insisted that his nephew, John Root, espouse Cromwell's cause against King Charles I. but the niephew was of a peaceable disposition and chose rather to ca^t in his lot with the little band of Puritans then on the verge of emigrating to the free land across the Atlantic Ocean. In the settlement at Farmington, John Root became a man of affairs and of much prominence. About 1640, he married Mary Kilbourn, who was born in 1619, at Wood Button, England, and died in Connecticut, in 1697, aged seventy-eight years. Her par- ents were Thomas and Frances Kilbourn. She came to the Colonies in the good ship Increase, in 1635. John Root, the settler, died in 1684, aged seventy-six years. The family record then goes to Ezekiol Root, who was born at Farmington, Con- nccti October 18, 1764, and was mar- ried February 17, 1786, to Cynthia Cole, of Kensington, Connecticut. She died at Tallmadge, Ohio, March 9, 1853. Ezekiel Root died in 1825, aged sixty years. He served for eight years dn the Patriot army during the Revolutionary troubles and for three years after the' close of the war he was an orderly sergeant at West Poijit He ciied at Farmington, in 1825. The children of Ezekiel Root and wife w^ere Horace, George, Fannie, John Cole, Cynthia and Hiram. Horace Root, the eldest son, was never mar- ried. He was born January 8, 1787. Just prjor to the War of 1812, he was visiting i^aston, Massachusetts, and while there was pressed on board one of the British ships of war and suffered the .same shameful treatment then accorded all Americans. It became so imbearable that with three companions he re- solved to attempt to swim ashore, although the distance w\as three miles. With one of liis fellow sufferers he was successful, and soon after joined the rank.? of the American army. He took part in the battle at Lundy's Lane, where Gen. Winfield Scott won his first pro- motion, and was with his regiment on the land near where Commodore Perry won his victory on Lake Erie. He assisted in digging the Erie Canal. His death .took place in Ohio. George Root, the second son, was Iborn at Farmington, Connecticut, February 13, 1791 . He war; a merchant and moved to Mil- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 853 ledgeville, Georgia, where he died, ;is did his wife and two children. Fannie Root was born at Farmington, April 5, 1793, and died at Freedom, Ohio. John Cole Root, was born at Farmington, October 18, 1795. Cynthia Root was born at Farmington, March 20, 1798, and died in Ohio. Hiram, deceased, was born at Farmington, August 29, 1800. John Cole Root came intolTallmadge, Ohio, in 1828, and purchased the farm of sixty- three acres on which his son, George Hart Root resides, on which he lived until his death, December 20, 1862. He was married at New Briton, Connecticut, November 29, 1819, to Lydia Hart, who was born there. May 13, 1796, and died in Tallmadge, March 9, 1876. Her father died in Connecticut but her mother came to Summit County soon after the Roots came, and she died at St. Mar}''s, in Auglaize County. John Cole Root and wife had but one child, George Hart. George Hart Root grew up on the farm on which he was born and gave his father all needed assistance in clearing and Cultivating the property. He was given excellent educa- tional advantages, including a district school training, a season at the Tallmadge Academy and one year at Oberlin College. After leav- ing school he engaged in teaching during the winters for a time and taught six months at Akron. He then accepted employment with the Cleveland Construction Company and as- sisted in the building of electric railways from Akron to Cleveland, and also the IS^iagara Falls Railway, and later aided in the building of the line running from Cleveland to Wil- loughby. For a time he worked on the line from Lima to Piqua, as commdssarj'^ of the construction camp, and was considered a very useful man in that department. He has long since done little but look after his farming interests, and has now reached a time in his life when the labors of this industry can be easily shifted to younger shoulders. Mr. Root was maiTied at Tallmadge, Oc- tober 7, 1856, to Marie Phoebe Upson, who was born in Tallmadge, September 30. 1838, and they have had the following children : Ella Evelync : who wa~ born in Tallmadge. July 14, 1859 ; Eddie Harland, who was born June 28, 1862, died in December of the same year; and Frank Lewis, who was born March 7, 1868. Ella E., the eldest daughter, was married to Edward L. Hinman, October 7, 1879, who is a farmer residing near Ravenna, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Hinman have children as follows: Helen ilarie, born in Tallmadge, Ohio, March 28, 1881; Lewis Edward, born at Ravenna, Ohio, October 15, 1885 ; Florence Jennie, born September 19, 1888, and Mabel Harriet, born January 16, 1891. Frank Lewis Root wa.s married in Tall- madge, June 12, 1896, to Olive A. Skinner, also of Talldiadge, and their four children liear the following names: Charles Edward, born in Tallmadge, April 8, 1898; Gilbert Hart, born February 8, 1900; Marion Phoebe, born September 10, 1902; and Frank Oliver, born October 10, 1905. Fi-ank Lewis attended the public schools of Tallmadge and the West- ern ReseiTe Academy, and took a course in the Reserve Academy, and took a course in the Spencerian Business College at Cleveland. He is engaged in farming and is also the rural mail route carrier in Tallmadge. Both Mr. Root and son are stanch Re- publicans and both are men of the highest personal standing in the community. Mr. Root has always taken as active interest in the development of the township's resources and has devoted time, labor and means to many public-spirited enteiprises. He has been a warm friend of the public schools, in which both he and his children enjoyed advantages. During a part of his earlier life he taught pen- manship and although the winters of seventy- four years have pa.ssed over his head and bodily afflictions have fallen on him, his hand is steady enough to pen letters that show little trace of weakness, and which may be placed .«ide by side with those of a younger genera- tion, to the latter's discredit. GEORGE C. STANFORD, one of the rep- resentative men of Boston Township, who is carrying on agricultural operations on his fine . farm of 300 acres, was born April 18, 1839, 854 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY and is a son of George and Catherine (Carter) Stanford. James Stanford, the great-grandfather of George C. Stanford, was a native of Ii-eland and his wife of Pennsylvania, and they set- tled at Bristol, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, in 1802. They remained there for about three years, and then moved to Jackson Town- ship, Trumbull County, Ohio, where they re- sided for one year. About this time James Stanford joined a surveying party which was appointed to locate and survey what is now Boston Township, and when the survey was completed, in 1806, he brought his family to Sujnmit County and located on 1S9 acres on the east bank of the Cuyahoga River. In the following j'ear he traded lands with Alfred . Wolcott, securing then a part of the farm now occupied by George C. Stanford, and here he spent the remainder of his life. It was James Stanford who suggested the name of Boston Township, and its acceptance happily ended a disputed question. His son, Andrew John- son Stanford, was the first white child born in Boston Township. George Stanford, father of George C, was born at Bristol, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, October 9, 1800, and died March 3, 1883. He was a prominent Whig and was a justice of the peace for many years. On January 17, 1828, he was married to Catherine Carter, who was born in 1809, and died December 20, 1872. She was a daughter of James and Elizabeth Carter. They had eight children : Emily, who died in infancy; James M. and Ellen, both of whom died when about twenty years of age; William Irwin, who died in childhood; Perkins W., who enlisted as a pri- vate in the Second Regiment, Ohio Volun- teer Cavalry, was promoted to be sergeant of Company A, was taken prisoner in 1864, and died at Andersonville; Eliza, who died when three years of age; George C. ; and Catherine, who is deceased. George C. Stanford went to school in the second schoolhousc which was erected in this district, and he has always lived on his pres- ent farm, which now comprises 300 acres, 100 of which arc under cultivation, being devoted principally to wheat and hay. Mr. Stanford has a fine silo, 19x20 feet, 26 feet high. In former years he kept from twenty-five to thirty head of cattle, but he now keeps only ten or twelve cows, and has a flock of sixty- five sheep. In politics he is a Republican, and he has sei-ved as a delegate to county con- ventions. He was elected justice of the peace and was re-elected, but resigned before the ex- piration of his second term. For three years he has been township assessor. He is a mem- ber of Meridian Sun Lodge No. 226, and Sum- mit Royal Arch Chapter No. 74 of Masons. Mr. Stanford was married to Eliza Lida Wefmore, daughter of William Wetmore, of Peninsula, and to this union there were born three children: Ellen, Perkins W., and Clay- ton J. The only daughter was born Febru- ary 6, 1871, and married Edgar E. Jobe. She lives with her father, and has one child, Cur- tis A., who was born January 17, 1905. Per- kins W., who was born May 2, 1874, resided in Indianapolis, Indiana, for eight years, where he received the main part of his school- ing. He enlisted in Company D, 158th Regi- ment, during the Spanish-American AVar, but was never called on to leave the country. He is a general merchant at Boston village, and is postmaster. He married Stella Morgan, and has two children, namely, George J., born December 7, 1904, and Dorothy, born June -19, 1906. Clayton J., who was born August 4, 1877, married Catherine E. Coonrad, of Brecksville, Ohio. Mr. and Mi's. Stanford are members of the Methodist. Episcopal Church, of whicli Mr. Stanford is trustee and steward, in addition to having been superintendent of the Sunday-school for many years. He has been a member of the Summit County Agri- cultural Society for a long period. F. B. LIVERMORE, M.D., a leading physician and surgeon, at Barberton, for- merly demon-strator of Anatomy at the Cleve- land University of Medicine and Surgery, has Vjeen located at this place since October, 1899. Dr. Livermore was born at Port Henry, New York, December 28, 1871, and is n son of R. F. and Eliza Hester (Bates) Livermore. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS In 1878, the parents of Dr. Liverinore re- moved from Port Henry to Corry, Pennsyl- \ania, where his father embarked in a whole- sale and retail dry goods business. There Dr. Liverinore was educated, and after gradu- ating from the Corry High School, he entered Allegheny College, at Meadville, where he took ;: preparatory course in medicine, following which he entered the Cleveland University of Medicine and Surgery, at Olev'eland, Ohio, from which institution he was graduted with his degree, in March, 1895. While Dr. Liver- more pjracticed at Cleveland, he held the chair of demonstrator in Anatomy in his alma mater, and was also one of the physicians at- tached to the Huron Street Hospital, in that city. The trainhig of two years which he en- joyed in hospital work was of inestimable benefit, giving him an opportunity to study diseases and injuries in a practical way. In October, 1899, Dr. Livermore came to Bax- berton, and although a number of other prac- titioners of excellent repute are located at thi^ point, he has built up a most satisfactory practice and in large degree enjoys the confi- dence and support of the leading citizens. In 1895, Dr. Livermore was married to Minnie A. Creel, who is a daughter of Ben- jamin Creel, of Parkersburg, "West Virginia. Fraternally, Dr. Livermore is connected with the Maccabees and the Knights of Pyth- ias, while also retaining membership with his college fraternity, the Delta Tau Delta. Pro- fessionally, he is a member of the Cleveland Medical Association and the Summit County Clinical Association. A. R. LODWICK, president of The Lod- wick Company, leaders in the grocery line at -Vkron. with business location at No. 10 East Market Street, has been a resident of this city for thirty-three years and during the whole period of his eommercial life has l>een identi- fied with grocery interests. Mr. Lodwick was lorn in 1870, at Clinton, Missouri, and was four years old when his parents brought him to Akron. In the schools of Akron. Mr. Lodwick se- cured his education. His father was engaged in the grocery business and very early the son l)ecame his a.ssistant and learned all the prac- tical details by the time he was ready to as- sume the responsibility of conducting a busi- ness of his own. For a number of years he was one of the stockholders in the Tanner Comi^any, grocers, at Akron, which was suc- ceeded in 1907 by the Lodwick Company. The latter was incorporated with a capital stock of $10,000, with these officers: A. R. Lodwick, president; A. M. Lodwick, vice- president; and I. A. Lodwick, .secretary and tieasurer. In April, 1901, Mr. Lodwick was married to Lilian Douglas who was born at Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Mr. Lodwick is affiliated with a number of the leading fraternal organizations. He is a 32nd degree Jlason, and belongs to the F>lue Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery at Akron, to Lake Erie Consist-ory at Cleveland. He is also a member of the Odd Fellows, the Royal Arcanum, the Protected Home Circle and the National Association of Letter Car- riers. He is identified with the Masonic club. He is not an active politician but always takes a good citizen's interest in public affairs, he gives liberally to charity and his civic pride is shown in the support he lends to public- spirited enterprises. WILLIAM AMOS MANSFIELD, M.D.. physician and surgeon, at Barberton, where he has been established since 1900, is one of the leading medical men of Summit County. He wiis born at Ravenna, Muskegon County, Michigan, February 28, 1859, and is a son of A. J. and Ann ^Ellithorpe) Mansfield. The father of Dr. Mansfield was born in Canada and was a son of Harry Mansfield, who was born near Plattsburg, New York, and was a son of an Englishman, who had settled very early in that city. The mother of Dr. Mansfield was l)orn near Toronto, Canada, where her English parents had set- tled. For a number of years the father of Dr. Mansfield was prominently identified with the lumber industry in Canada. He began a manufacturing business near Toronto 856 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUiSITY shortly after liis marriage, but subsequently removed to Muskegon County, Michigan, where he bought large tracts of lumber and continued in the lumbering business, and the furniture manufacturing business, until his death, in 1906, the death of his wife having immediately preceded his own. Dr. Mansfield was reared in Muskegon County, Michigan, and first attended the dis- trict schools near his home and then entered Bryant and Stratton's Business College, at Buffalo, New York, where he took a two- years course. Equipped with a first-cla-ss com- mercial education, he then went to Boston, Massachusetts, and for two years Avas a stu- dent in the Emerson College of Oratory and Dramatic Art, graduating from that well- known institution, May 3, 1889. From prob- a.ble succe&s in business and celebrity on the stage, he then turned his attention to the sci- ence of medicine and entered the Cleveland Universit}^ of Medicine and Surgery, graduat- ing in the class of 1895. For the succeeding five years he practiced his profession in the city of Cleveland and then came to the pros- pering town of Barberton, where he has be- come a leading citizen. He is a member of the Summit County Medical Club, and is an enthu.siast in his profession. His fine office is equipped with modern appliances of all kinds, including an expensive X-ray machine, and he keeps thoroughly in touch with medi- cal progress. He served one term as health officer of Barberton, liaving been appointtd by the village council. In 1893, Dr. Mansfield was married to Lenno Mowry, and they have two children : EUithorpe and Marie. Dr. Mansfield is prominent in fraternal life, belonging to ti:c Masons, the Elks and the Knights of Fythias. WILLIAM HENRY MIDDLETON, resid- ing on a very valuable farm of over 200 acres, which he acquired in 1882, is one of the sub- .stantial agriculturists and leading citizens of Hudson Township. He was born. May 19, 1856, in County Kent, England, and is a son of James and Mary Ann (Grigsby) Middle- ton. Both parents of Mr. Middleton wer_> born in County Kent, England, and in 1869 they came to America with their seven children. Tlie voyage was one of danger and disaster. The family set sail in the vessel the City of Hudson, which was wrecked on the banks of New Foundland and drifted backward help- lessly, for 500 miles, with three feet of water in the hold. The captain had lost all hope of saving his passengers, but fortunately kq^t up their courage when he lost his own, and finally help came and in the course of time the Middleton family reached East Cleveland in safety. The father was a brick-layer by trade. He died August 4, 1906, aged seventy- five years. The mother of William H. Mid- dleton died December 21, 1878. The father was married (second) January 7, 1880, to Mrs. Elizabeth Pincombe. The children born to his first marriage were as follows: Wil- liam H. ; George, residing at Mayfield Heights, Cleveland; Sarah Jane, who died October 12, 1905; Alfred who died April 12, 1883; Eliza- beth, who married George Lintern, died in 1894, at Cleveland; James, residing at Cleve- land'; Charles, residing in Hudson Township ; and Hattie, who married Julian Scott, resid- ing on the Streetsboro road in Hudson Town- ship. Wilham H. Middleton resided at East Cleve- land and at Glenville for about two years, and started a milk route which he continued until 1884, when he came to his present farm. He bought over 202 acres and has since added about twenty-seven acres. He operates his farm mainly as a dairy farm and ships his milk to Cleveland. On August 31, 1875, Mr. Middleton was married to Sarah Ann Pincombe, who was born at Plymouth, England, and was ten years old when her parents AVilliam and Elizabeth (Rockey) Pincombe, crossed the Atlantic Ocean. The father went back to England and died there. The mother, later in life, became the second wife of the father of Mr. Middleton, and died on the present farm in an adjoining house, December 3, 1894. The Pincombes had three children to grow to ma- turitv. namelv: Elizabeth, who married AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 857 John Lintern. reading at Cleveland; Selina, ■who married W. B. Hopkins, residing at Cleve- land ; and Sarah Ann, who married Mr. Mid- dleton. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton have five children, a.s follows; May Elizabeth, who married W. S. Mills, residuig at Twinsburg, has two children, Florence Elizabeth and Winnifred Ann; William, residing in Hud- son Township, married Pearl Beardsley; Emanuel Alfred, residing in Bedford, mar- ried Emma Po^t, of Macedonia; and Blanche "Winnifred and Bert Eli, both residing at home. Mr. Middleton and family belong to the Congregational Church at Hudson. In politics he is a Republican. Mr. Middleton is a tApe of self-made man and enjoys the posi- tion in which he finds him.self, in middle life, because through his own efforts he has brought his prosperity about. ELMER ROBINSON, residing on his valu- able farm of ninety acres, situated in Bath Township, where he is engaged in general farming and dairying, is one of the substan- tial men and reliable citizens of this section. Mr. Robinson was born in Wayne County. ( )liio. October 6, 1835, and is a son of Robert ;ind Sai'ali (Clapper) Robinson. The grandparents of Mr. Robinson were James and Sarah (Yates) Robinson, who were natives of Pennsylvania. James Robinson was a cigar-maker by trade, but after moving to Missouri in 1869, he followed farming. His children were: John and Robert, both f of whom are deceased; Jacob, residing in ' Missouri ; Benjamin, residing in Wayne County; Joseph and Abraham, both, of whom are deceased: Katherine, residing in Missouri; and Elizabeth, who is decea-ed. Robert Robinson, father of Elmer, was born at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, October 2. 1839, * and died in Bath Town.-hip, Summit County, Ohio, July 30, 1900. He accompanied his parents to Mis.souri, where lie lived for two years and then came to Bath Township, where lie passed the rest of his life. He was a man nf education and taught school in Missouri :ind later in Wavne Countv. He was a stanch Republican and was elected a director of the Summit County Infirmary, to which position he was re-elected, and was the only member of his party who gained popular recognition at that time in this section. He died while serv'- ing in his second term. His widow still sur- vives and resides on the home farm in Bath Township. The children of Robert Robinson and wife were: AUie, who married Charles H. Francisco, residing in Copley Township; Elmer C, Mettie, who married Andrew Harris, residing in Copley Township, Edward, who married Lottie Leiby, resides in Sharon Township; Irene, deceased, who mar- ried James Myers; and Vera, Avho mamed Earl Rockwell, residing on the old home in Bath Township. Elmer Robinson M-as reared on the home- .stead farm and obtained his education in the schools of Bath Township. He remained as- sisting his father until his marriage, when he puichased his present farm, where he has made all the improvements, including the building of the substantial residence and farm stnictures. He is a man of practical ideas and thoroughly understands how to make every part of his land produce satisfac- torily, in other words, he is a successful agri- In 18S6, Mr. Robinson was married to Alpha L. Miller, who is a daughter of Ral.<- man and Sarah (Hershey) Miller, former residents of Bath Township, where the former died in 1897, and the latter in 1899. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson have had four children, namely: Glenn, who died aged eight years; Pearl; Wayne; and a babe that died in in- fancy. Mr. Roliiiison is a member of the East Granger Disciples Church, in which he is one of the deacons, and is superintendent of the Sunday-school. Politically he is a Repub- lican and is serving in his fifth year as town- ship trustee. He is one of the directors in the Farmers' Mutual Cyclone Association, and the Bath Horse Protective Association, and is president of the latter organization. He is aiuember of the Grange of Bafli Cen- ter. 858 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY IRA L. UNDERWOOD, residing on Lis valuable farm of 152 acres, situated on tlie township line road, between Bath and Rieh- field, in Bath Township, was born in Granger Township^ Medina County, Ohio, February 18, 1857, and is a son of Henry and Han- nah (Dunsha) Underwood and a grandson of Henrj^ Underwood. The Underwood ancestors came to New York from Scotland. The grandfather was born in New York and came to Wayne County, Ohio, prior to the birth of liis son, Henry Underwood, who was a boy when his parents settled in Granger Township, Medina County. He died in Medina County, but his widow sui^v-ived some years and died on the farm of her son Ira L., in Bath Township. Ira L. Underwood was reared in Granger Township, remaining at home until his twenty-first year, when he came to Bath Town- ship, where he has since resided. In 1900, he came to his present property, which is a finely improved tract of lancl, and here he has engaged in general farming and dairying, keeping about twenty cows. Mr. Underwood also owns a small tract of seven acres in Ghent. He is very well known in his vicinity, and his fellow-townsmen elected him assessor for two terms. In 1881 Mr. Underwood was married to Louisa jNIiller, who is a daughter of Ralseman jililler, and to this imion there have been born two children: Edith: and Miller H.. who married Opal Fulmer. SMITH D. TIFFT. .senior member of the firm of Tifft and Vogan, dealers in carriages and agricultural implements, at Cuyahoga J'alls, is a leading citizen and representative Inisiness man of this section of Summit County. He was born in Norton Township, Summit County, Ohio, March 16, 1840, a,nd is a .son of John D. and Anna (Bangs) Tifft. John D. Tifft, father of Smith D., was born in the State of New York, and died at Cuya- hoga Falls, in 1876, aged seventy years. He remained on the home farm until he reached maturity and then came to Ohio, securing work at Cleveland, where he a.ssisted in clear- ing the virgin forest from the present sites of the beautiful Wilson and Euclid avenues of that city. After -two years at Cleveland, about 1840, he settled at Johnson's Corners, near the present site of Barberton, and in the fall following the birth of his son. Smith D., he came to Cuyahoga Falls. Here he kept a livery stable and also engaged in a meat business. The year 1847 he spent in Chicago, but returned to Cuyahoga Falls, where he be- came one of the substantial citizens, during the following seven or eight yeare. An un- lucky speculation in hogs caused his business failure and from then to the close of his life, he engaged in the manufacture of immerous patents and machines, of which he was the inventor. He first patented a fanning mill, for cleaning grain, his rights to which he sub- sequently sold. Later he patented and sold his rights to a certain kind of fence and still later, he patented an invalid's spring bed, also selling his rights in this valuable invention. All of his inventions were of such recognized utility that they came into general use, and before his death he had become again a man of ample means. Early in life he was a Whig, but after 1852 he was identified with the Republican party. He was a man of Ster- ling character and at the time of his death was a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church. The mother of Smith D. Tilft was liorn in Vermont and died in 1884. She was the youngest of a family of seven children, all of whom were remarkably long-lived, only two dying before the age of eighty-eight years, and .several living to be over ninety. The four children of John D. Tifft and wife lo reach maturity were: Smith D. ; Eliza ^L (deceased), who married W. A. Allen, of Akron ; Horace, residing in ihe Soldier's Home at Dayton, who is a veteran of the Civil War, and Alice, who married Charles Hawn, of CuyaJioga Falls. The mother of this family was a consi.stent member of the Metho- dist Epi.scopal Church through life. Smith D. Tifft was educated in the common and High Schools at Cuyahoga Falls, and en- tered into business on his own account in the GEORCIE T. BISHOP AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 861 meat and cattle industry, in which he con- tinued for eleven years. From 1867 until 1869, Mr. Tifft was in partnership with W. A. Taylor, speculating in cattle, after which he became the "Co." of the then well-known car- riage and wagon shop of ^^^ A. Allen & Co. He continued with this firm for nine years and then sold out to his partner and resumed speculating in cattle. Some six months later he started a meat market and continued in the meat business until 1885, when he traded it for a farm, which he operated for one year. He left farming in order to go out on the road as the traveling representative for the milling concern of Howe & Company. Mr. Tifft i-emained with the above firm until 1891, when he engaged in an agricultural imple- ment business beginning in a modest way and conducting it alone until January 26, 1896, T.'hen he entered into partnership with F. D. Vogan. The firm of Tifft & Vogan has pros- pered from the first and has desei"ved the name of being the first lousiness house at this place, to handle "everything for the fai'mer." The bu-siness ha.s increa.?ed to such proportions that it won the prize — a check for $100 — vhich was offered by the International Har- vester Company, of Cleveland, for handling the largest volume of business of that com- pany's products, through a certain area. This could not have c-ome about without excellent business management and a fine equality of goods. Mr. Tifft is interested in other en- terprises which contribute to the prosperity and good name of Cuyahoga Falls. He was one of fhe organizers of the Falls Sa^^ngs and Loan Association and has been its president for the past eighteen months. He is also a director of the Cuyahoga Falls Savings Bank. On January 29, 1863, Mr. Tifft was mar- ried to Julia E. Allen, a daughter of George Allen, of Cuyahoga Falls. For forty years Mrs. Tifft has been a devoted member of the Episcopal Church, and Mr. Tifft is a liberal contributor to its various beneficent enterprises. Politically, Mr. Tifft is a Republican, and he served as village clerk for six years. In 1863, he united with the Masons and is a member of Star Lodge, No. 187, at Cuyahoga Falls. GEORGE T. BISHOP, formerly president of the Northern Texas Traction Company, and president of the Washington, Baltimore & Annapolis Street Railway, for many years has been prominently identified with electric railways and has also been concerned in other important business enterprises, but since 1901 he has made his summer home on his farm in the township where his boy- hood was spent. Mr. Bishop was born at Ravenna, Ohio, October 11, 1864, and is a son of Clark Benjamin and Arvilla (Taylor) Bishop. Mr. Bishop's American ancestors were of New England birth and training. His great- grandfather, Benjamin Bishop, on the occa- sion of Lafayette's visit to America, in 1824, took that Revolutionary hero and friend of Washington from Burlington, Vermont, to Montpelier, that State, in a coach drawn by four white horses, with outriders. Mr. Bishop's grandfather, Orin Azro, was born at Richmond, Vermont. He married Celina Lillie, who, like himself, graduated at the Jericho Academy, at Jeri- cho, Vermont, and who after her graduation taught school. In 1831, after their marriage, they came to Northfield Township, where life mast have .seemed crude and hard in those early days. Here Grandfather Bishop erected a log cabin west of Northfield Center, and in 1838 built a tavern or public house, which still stands, as a landmark, on the southwest corner of the Square at Northfield Center. This was the first tavern in North- field Township, a commodious two-story build- ing which was quite a notable building in its prime, and was conducted under the name of the Washington Inn. By the premature discharge of a cannon, on training day, Mr. Bishop was so injured that he died one year after the accident. His three children were: Clark B., George L. and Orin Azro. Clark Benjamin was born September 12, 1833, in the little log cabin home in North- field, and was reared to his father's pursuits. .After his marriage he removed to Ravenna, Ohio, where he engaged with his father-in- law, in conducting a hotel, and during the 862 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Civil War they operated the Exchange Ho- tel, but in 1866 Mr. Bishop took charge of the American House, in Cleveland. Return- ing to Northfield in 1873 he purchased the farm one and one-fourth miles west of North- field Center, returning to the quiet of coun- try life as a means of regaining his health. Eight years on the farm restored him to his former robustness and on his son George T. Bishop's seventeenth birthday, he returned to Cleveland. He died April 3, 1899. Dur- ing his residence in Northfield Township, he served in public offices and was a representa- tive man of his section. Politically, he was identified with the Republican party. He was a member of Summit Lodge, No. 281, F. & A. M., of Twinsburg. On September 17, 1862, he married Ar- villa Taylor, who died February 3, 1904. She was a daughter of Timothy Taylor, of Twinsburg. They had two sons, George T. and Hal F., the latter now residing at Cleve- land. George T. Bishop's boyhood was mainly passed in Northfield Township. In his sev- enteenth year he accompanied his father to Cleveland, and in the following year entered the employ of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Railroad, in the traffic department. He was connected with the steam railroad business until 1895. during the last few years being general agent of the Toledo, St. Louis & Kansas City Railroad. In the above men- tioned year he became interested in financing and building electric railroads. He was president of the Northern Texas Traction Company, which built and financed the pio- neer interurban electric railway of Texas, the line connecting Dallas and Fort Worth. After disposing of his interests in Texas, Mr. Bishop became interested in other sections and, as mentioned above, fills the office of president of a very important electric line, which has great future possibilities. He is a director of the Cleveland Trust Company and is concerned in a number of other en- terprise.s in diff^erent sections. In 1901 Mr. Bishop gave way to a natural impulse in turning to the home of his child- hood, purchasing the old Baum property and converting it into an elegant summer home. Mr. Bishop has not spared expense in im- proving the old place and his improvements include making over the public highway in the vicinity. Mr. Bishop received a hearty welcome from his fellow citizens of North- field Township. He has named his place Sagamore Summit, the latter part of the name being suggested by its natural elevation, which is among the highest in Ohio, and the former coming from the beautiful stream of water named Sagamore Creek, which has its rise on his farm. The Common Council of Macedonia, in recognition of his public- spirted entei-prise in repairing the highway, \oted that henceforth it should bear the name of Sagamore Road. Mr. Bishop owns some of the finest Jer- sey stock in this section of Ohio, taking a great deal of interest in it, but not engaging in farming to any extent. Mr. Bishop married Anna L. Swearer, who i.s a daughter of Alfred Swearer, of Browns- ville. He is affiliated with the Republican ]iarty but is not active. He is prominent in Masonry, belonging to Tyrian Lodge, F. & A. M., of Cleveland; Webb Chapter, R. A. M. ; Oriental Commandery, K. T. ; Lake Erie Consistory, and Al Koran Temple of the Mystic Shrine. THOMAS BLACKBURN, a well-known citizen and retired farmer of Hudson Town- ship, was born October 9. 1833, near Gains- borough, on the River Trent, Lincolnshire, I'ngland, and is a son of William Blackburn, who died during the Civil War. Thomas Blackburn came to America in 1858 and located at Peninsula, with his brother John, who had come to America four years previously. In September, 1861, he en- listed for seiwice in the Civil War, entering Battery D, First Ohio Light Artillery, under Captain Conkle, and after the of his first enlistment, he re-enlisted in 1863, and was honorably discharged July 15, 1865. His first service was in the Western armv but AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 863 after the Atlanta campaign, he was connected with the Southern force. After his return from his military ser- vice Mr. Blackburn rejoined his brother at Peninsula, and in the following year was married and then settled on a farm which was owned by his father, in Hudson Township. It contained sixty-six acres and he rented the estate for five years, and culti- vated it antil six years since. To the original tract he added sixty-eight acres, and to this his son has added eighty more, making 215 acres. It is well stocked, and under the care- ful management of Mr. Blackburn and son, has been developed into a fine place. The aged mother lived with Mr. Blackburn until her death, at the age of ninety-three years, during the latter part of her long life being blind. Mr. Blackburn has two brothers, namely: John, who lives near Peninsula; and Henry, who lives at Cleveland. On April 10, 1868, Mr. Blackburn was married to Hannah Cowlej^, who was also born in England, being four years of age when her parents brought her to America. They w'ere Joseph .James and Hannah (Hunt) Cowley. Her father settled at Middlebury, where he carried on a blacksmith business. Mr. and Mr.?. Blackburn have had six children, as fol- low.? : Florence J., Harry James, Lotta, Mary Edna, and two who died in infancy. Flor- ence J. married Frederick Stauffer and at her death, January 6, 1903, left two children: Alice and Louise. Harry James married Clara Shaffer, and they have four children : Grace Augusta, Meta Aileen. Helen and Har- net. On May 13, 1898, he enlisted for three years as first lieutenant of Company B, Eighth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served under General Shafter at Santiago, Cuba and was honorably discharged at Wooster, Ohio, No- vember 21, 1898. Prior to the Spanish- American War he had been a member of the Ohio National Guards, entering April 23, 1893. in the following July was made corporal, on May 12, 1894. sergeant, on .Tune first, 1896. second lieutenant, and first lieutenant, July 15, 1896. After the close of the Span- i.^h-American War he retained his commis- sion as fii'st lieutenant, and in September, 1899, he was elected captain and so continued until he resigned his commission in 1902, when he was honorably discharged. He is bookkeeper in the First National Bank at Akron. Mr. Blackburn's second daughter, Lotta, married R. E. Miller, and they reside in Hudson and have one daughter, Claire Louise. In politics, Thomas Hudson is a Repub- lican. For twelve yeaxs he served as a trustee of Hudson Township and took an active in- terest in public affairs. He is a member and liberal supporter of the Congregational Church. He belongs to W. T. Sherman Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and Mrs. Black- tiui-n is serving her fifth year as president of the Woman's Relief Corps. L. H. OVIATT, county commissioner of Summit County, residing at Hudson and awning farming and cattle interests near Hudson, has his official residence in the Court House at Akron. He was born in Por- tage Township, Summit County, Ohio, in 1860, and is a son of Salmon F. Oviatt. The grandfather of Mr. Oviatt was Benja- min Oviatt, who, with his brother, Herman Oviatt, came to Ohio from Connecticut, and settled near Hudson, Summit County, in 1802, when this whole country was a wilder- ness. Benjamn Oviatt resided there until 1847, w'hen he removed to Twinsburg Town- ship, where he lived until his death. Salmon Oviatt, father of L. H., resided at Hudson, where he was born in 1827, until his father moved to Twinsburg Township, and he still re.sides on the same farm, having reached the age of eighty years. He has long been a prominent citizen of that section, L. H. Oviatt was reared and educated at Twinsburg and subsequently became an ex- tensive farmer and cattle raiser. Ever since a^ttaining manhood he had been active in politics, and has served in all the important township offices, having been a member of the School Board. a.ssessor and trustee. In the fall of 1901, Mr. Oviatt was first elected countv commissioner, and assumed the duties 864 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY of the office in the fall of 1902. His re- election took place in the fall of 1904. Mr. Oviatt has been chairman of the building commission for the erection of the Court House, and is also a member of the Sunmiit County Agi'icultural Socity. Mr. Oviatt was married in September, 1881, to Nina E. Slocum, who is a daughter of John Slocum, who was born in New York and be- came later a resident of Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Oviatt have two children: Ida, who is the wife of Silas E. Sawyer, who is en- gaged in a grocery busines.s at Falls Junction, Ohio, and Fayette L., residing at home. Mr. and Mrs. Oviatt are members of the Congre- gational Church at Twinsburg. Mr. Oviatt is a member of the Knights of Pythias. KENT A. FULMER, a representative citi- zen of Bath Town.ship, who owns forty acres of excellent farming land one mile east of Hammond's Corners, was born in Sharon Township, Medina County, Ohio, February 27, 1862, and is a son of Jacob and Matilda (High) Fulmer. Jacob Fulmer was born in Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, and as a young man re- moved to Wayne County. Ohio, subsequently going to Sharon, Medina County, where for thirty years he was in the potash business. He then engaged in farming, and at the time of his death, in 1892, owned a tract of sev- enty-one acre.*, in Sharon Township. Mr. Fulmer was married to Matilda High, who is a daughter of Abraham and Hettie (Whis- tler) High, the former of whom was an uncle of County Treasurer U. G. High, of Sum- mit County. Mr. and Mrs. Fulmer had the following children : Ida E.. who married William Wagar; Norman Ij., Kent A., Jen- nie E., who married Alexander Steese; Abbie, who married Harland Ganyard, and one child which died in infancy. Mrs. Fulmer was married (second) to Andrew Kaskey, who died in 1903. Mrs. Ka.skey now makes her home with her son, Kent A. Kent A. Fulmer was reared in Sharon ToAvnship, where he carried on farming until he attained his majority, at which time he went to .Vkron, where, for three years, he worked in the boiler works. He then entered the employ of the Goodrich Rubber Company, with which he remained seven years, after which he worked one year at the Diamond Rubber Works, and for three years more, he was employed at the Whitman-Barnes Rub- ber Works. In 1900 he purchased his pres- ent fai'm, buying fi-om Jeff Mull, and here he has carried on agricultural pursuits quite successfully, and in addition thereto performs the duties of constable of Bath Township, having been elected to that office in 1901, on the Republican ticket. He is a member of the Knights of the Maccabees. In January, 1884, Mr. Fulmer was mar- ried to Annie Ritchie, who is a daughter of George Ritchie, and they have one child. Opal, who married Miller Underwood. CHARLES BOLTZ, a well known citizen of Bath Township, who owns 178 acres of fine farming land located about one mile east and one-half mile south of Hammond's Cornel's, was born Jvme 19, 1866. south of Ghent, Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Peter W. and Elizabeth (Sheets) Boltz. Peter W. Boltz was born and reared in Pennsylvania, where he was married. After the birth of three children, Mr. Boltz came to Ohio and settled first in Bath Township, where he engaged in work by the day. I^ater he rented the present property of J. Hershey, in West Bath, and there resided for eighteen years, but at the end of this time removed to William Hardy's place, one-half mile east of Botzum, in Northampton Township, rent- ing this farm for three years. The next year was spent on the W. B. Doyle farm in Port- age Township, and the family then removed to a farm of sixty-seven acres near Harris Mill, in Bath Township, which Mr. Boltz had purchased in the previous year. The house on this farm burned down while Mr. Boltz was sick, and he was removed to the old Wil- liam Barker farm, where he died while his own house was in course of being rebuilt. Mr. and Mrs. Boltz were the parents of eleven AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 865 children, all al' wLoin but unu are living, namely: ^Vmelia, who is the widow of W. Bennage; Thomas, who resides at Cuyahoga Falls ; Jane, who is the wife of Alfred Cai-ver, of Akron; Charles, Sadie, who is the wife of George Snyder; John, who lives at Akron; Albert, who resides in Bath Township; Sher- man and Sheridan, twins, and Carl. Clara died when eleven years of age. Mrs. Boltz still sun'ives and makes her home in Bath Township. Charles Boltz was educated in the schools of his native section and until marriage re- sided at home. After this, he and his wife went to housekeeping on a rented farm in Northampton Township, where they resided for one yeai", then removed to a farm in Bath Township, which they rented for two years, and subsequently located on the old Stephen Dales farm in Copley Township. After two years on this place, they lived at Hammond's Corners, for a year, and then came to the pi'esent farm. Mr. Boltz rented a large part of the farm for five yeai's before he purchased it, and to the original tract, he subsequently added sixty-three acres which adjoined it. bringing it up to 178 acres. He carries on general farming and dairjdng, keeping from ten to twenty cows. In 1890 Mr. Boltz man-ied Lydia Myers, and they have three children, namely: Edith, Harley and Irma. BURT DONCASTER, funeral director at Hudson, was born in Tallmadge, Summit County, Ohio, August 1, 1865, and is a son of James and Louise (Collins) Doncaster. The gTandparents of Mr. Doncaster were William and Hannah (Darley) Doncaster, who Avere born and married in Lincolnshire, England. After coming to America they lo- cated at Streetsboro, Portage County, Ohio, Vnit later moved to Hamden, Geauga County. The grandfather met an accidental death at Chardon. James Doncaster. father of Burt, wa« born July 20, 1836, in Streetsboro Township, Por- tage County, and died at Hudson, March 30, 1906. He learned carriage-making at Tall- madge and followed this trade after coming to Hudson, together with undertaking, be- coming a member of the firm of Wadhams & Doncaster, in 1871, later buying Mr. Wad- ham's interest. He married Louise Collins, who was born at Brimfield, Summit County, August 7, 1837, who was a daughter of John Collins, who came to Ohio from Pennsylva- nia. The two children born to this marriage are : Burt and Grace, the latter of whom was born July 13, 1867, and both reside at Plud- son. James Doncaster was a Republican in his political views and frequently filled public office, serving many years as township trustee, also iis a.ssessor, and for thirty years was su- perintendent of the Hudson cemetery. He belonged to Hudson Lodge, F. & A. M. Burt Doncaster was two years old when his parents came to Hudson, where he acquired a common school education. He became an employe of the Adams Express Company and remained with them for twenty years, during one year of that period living at Cleveland, and during three and one-half years at Cuya- hoga Falls. He succeeded his father in the undertaking business, and later attended an embalming school at Sandusky. Mr. Don- caster has well-equipped quarters and is pre- pared to answer every call in his line of busi- ness. On October 23, 1887, Mr. Doncaster was married to Nellie Scott, who was born at Bedford and is a daughter of De Witt Clin- ton and Adlantha (Acker) Scott. They have four children: Hazel, born January 12, 1889: Harlev. born Februarv 3, 1891; Lena Rose, born .June 22, 1898, and Clarine Mil- dred, born June 30, 1902. Mr. Doncaster is a Republican. HORACE LAWRENCE DEACON, resid- ing on the old home farm, in Hudson Town- ship. Summit County. Ohio, on which he was born May 1, 1833, is one of the representa- tive citizens of this section. His parents were •Tohn and Julia Ann (Lawrence) Deacon. The grandfather of Mr. Deacon was Mar- maduke Deacon, who was born in Ireland. In 1805 he came from Washington County, HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Pennsylvania, to Summit County, Ohio, buy- ing 160 acres of land in Hudson Township, which was a portion of the present home farm. To his original purchase he added, buying from the Connecticut Land Company, and he became a large owner of valuable lands in this section. His wife, Mary Carter, died in July, 1806, in the little log cabin which had been completed in the previous April. She left motherless . the little four- year-old son, John, who was born in Penn- sylvania. He grew to sturdy manhood and cultivated 101 acres of the land now owned by his grandson, L. W. Deacon. John Dea- con married Julia Ann Lawrence, who was born at Seabrook, Connecticut, in 1813, and was a daughter of Martin Lawrence, who came to Hudson Township in 1817. They had the following children: Horace Law- rence, John Wesley, formerly a resident of Hudson Township, where he died aged sixty years; Mrs. Caroline Campbell, who is de- ceased; David, residing at Hudson; Mrs. Emily Slubaugh, widow, residing at Cleve- land; Cyrus B., who died at Hudson; Ed- mund, residing in Bath Township; Louis; Lucinda, who is deceased ; Frederick, residing at Akron, and Louisa, who married John Musson. Horace L. Deacon spent his childhood in the old log house which was built by his grandfather. On this land he has continued to carry on agricultural pursuits, and is con- sidered one of the excellent farmers of Hudson Township. He lived for a short time in Boston Township, but his home has mainly been in the vicinity of his birth. On May 12, 1863, he was married to Electa Johnson, who was born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Clark and Polly (Ferris) Johnson. Her grandfather came from Penn- sylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Deacon have three children: Emma, who married Frank Oviatt, residing in Northfield Township, have two children, Cliff and Opal; Julia May, who married Van Nostram, residing in Northfield Township, have two children, Mildred and Arleen, and Lawrence, who married Beatrice Delia Van Nostram, has had two children, Harold Lawrence, deceased, and Kenneth Samuel. In politics, Mr. Deacon is an inde- pendent voter. JOHN KEMERY, a well-known resident of Bath Township, who owns a fine 160-acre farm, was born March 1, 1842, in Wayne Township, Wayne County, Ohio, and is a son of Daniel and Susanna (Yergin) Kemery. Daniel Kemery came to Wayne County, Ohio, from New York, and was here married. He rented farming land in Wayne Town- ship, on which he lived until his death in 1850. He left a widow and five children, namely: Catherine, deceased, who was the wife of Benjamin Allman ; David, who died in the fall of 1906 ; Caroline, who is the wife of Jared Sheldon ; John and Samantha Jane, who married Silas Payne, of Richfield. John Kemery was about eight years of age when his father died, and the oldest of the children was not more than fourteen. Both he and his brother, David, were put out to work for neighboring farmers at an early age. In 1851 the mother removed to Rich- field Township, where she owned a tract of fifteen acres, and there John Kemery was principally reared. The mother died in Rich- field Township in 1883. Prior to his mar- riage, Mr. Kemery was engaged in the lum- ber business and in operating a sawmill, but afterward settled on a farm he bought in Richfield Township, from which he removed in 1882 to his present property, this being purchased in partnership with Israel Baum- gardner, whom he later bought out. Mr. Kemery has made many improvements, in- cluding the erection of all the buildings, the clearing of about fifty acres and setting out of trees. He has one of the best cultivated farms in the town.'^hip and has been very successful in his farming and dairying in- dustries. In 1900 Mr. Kemery served as real estate appaiser of Bath Township. Mr. Kemery was married in Richfield, in 1865, to Mary A. Peach, who is a daughter of David and Elizabeth Peach, and they have one son, Melvin Orlando, who was born Au- gust 31. 18<56. He is engaged in farming AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 867 the home place. He married Anna Snyder, •who is a daughter of Isaac and Pauhne (Powell) Snyder. WILLIAM F. MILLER, general farmer and stockraiser of ' Bath Township, who re- sides on his well-improved property of fifty- two acres, was born September 6, 1853, at Canton, Ohio, and is a son of David and Mary (Killinger) Miller. David Miller was born in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, where he was reared, and shortly after his marriage he came to Can- ton, Ohio, where he worked at shoemaking and also carried on farmmg. In 1856 he re- moved to Copley Township, Summit County, where he purchased a farm of eighty acres, one mile north of Copley, on which he re- sided until retiring from agricultural pur- suits in 1875, when he removed to Copley Center, and there his death occurred in April, 1904, aged ninety-four years. His wife had died in August, 1876. They were the parents of the following children: Mahlon, who died an infant at Canton, Ohio; Alice, who mar- ried Albertus' Kellar, of Portage County, Ohio; Caroline, who is the widow of Urias Miller, lives at Battle Creek, Michigan ; Eliza- beth, who is the wife of William Vickers, who is a farmer of Fulton County, Michigan, and William F. William F. Miller was reared in Copley Township, and all of his mature life has been spent in farming, with the exception of six years, when he was engaged in teaming at Akron. He remained at home until he was married, when he rented a farm in Copley Township for one year, and then removed to Richfield Township, to what was first called Baldi^an's, and later Miller's Corners, just across the Bath Township line. He purchased a farm of eighty acres in 1877, but in 1893, removed to Akron, where he lived for six years, and then returned to his farm for an equal period. In 1905 Mr. Miller sold that farm and purchased his present one. In 1876 Mr. Miller was married to Mary Goodman, who is a daughter of Peter and Mary (Jackson) Goodman. She was born and reared in Pennsylvania, and moved to Copley when about twelve yeai^ of age, at which place the father died in 1888. Her mother still lives at Copley. To Mr. and Mrs. Miller the following children have been born: Clarence, who died at the age of eighteen months; Marcia, who died when twenty-five years old, was the wife of Harry Brock, and left one child, Clarence Brock, who lives mth Mr. Miller; Earl, who is a shipping clerk for a large Cleveland shoe house, married Gertrude Vallen; Maude and Dana, who live at home, and Leta, who died at Akron, aged si.x years. PHILIP J. HEINTZ, a highly esteemed resident of Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio, where he owns and operates ninety-six and three-quarters acres of excellent farming land, was born in Germany, Januai-y 20, 1839, and is a son of Philip and Mary (Baird) Heintz. Philip J. Heintz was six and one-half years old when his parents left Germany for America, and on June 15, 1845, the family arrived at Akron, Ohio. One month later they removed to Coventry Township, where the father had purchased a farm of fifty acres. On this farm the parents of Mr. Heintz spent the remainder of their lives. Philip J. Heintz was the next to the oldest and is now the oldest living, of a family of. eleven children. He was reared in Coventry Township and was trained to be a farmer on the home place, on which he remained until March, 1878. On Thanksgiving Day, 1877, he purchased his present property, to which he moved when he left the homestead. He erected the house and barn, and after the destruction of the barn by fire in July, 1892, he built his present substantial one, which is 38x66 feet in dimensions. On November 23, 1865, Mr. Heintz was united in marriage with Mary Hendricks, who is a daughter of Jesse Hendricks. She was reared in Pennsylvania, and when the other members of her family removed- to Iowa, she accompanied her sister to Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Heintz have one child : Henry, HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY who wa.s born August 20, 1809. Jk' is un- iiiiirrifd and helps his father to operate tlie farm. EDWARD E. ROGERS, one of HucLion's prominent citizen.s. who has been identified with its important interests during a long and useful life, was born in Hudson Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, January 14, 1836. He is a son of Norman and Minerva (Lusk) Rogers, and a grandson of Henry and Mary (Day) Rogers, who came from Massa- chusetts and settled in Deerfield Township, Portage County, in 1800. Norman Rogers was born at West Spring- field, Massachusetts, and he was twelve yeais of age when he accompanied his parents to Deerfield Township, where he lived four years and then came to Hudson Township. He became a man of influence here and for a number of terms served as a justice of the peace. In early political life, he was a Whig, but later became affiliated with the Re- publican party. He died in 1862. He mar- ried Minerva Lusk, who was born in New- York and died in 1839. She was a "daughter of Capt. Amos Lusk, who was an officer in the War of 1812, and his wife, Mary (Adams) Lusk, the latter of whom was a cousin of John Quincy Adams. They had a farm two miles northeast of Hudson. They reared five chil- dren, namely: Amos, who died aged eighty years, residing at that time in Michigan ; Laura, who died in 1877 ; Mary, who died in 1895; Horace, who died in 1894: and Ed- ward E. The late Horace Rogers resided with his brother Edward until his death. He was a well-known artist and the work of his pen and pencil may be seen in the old atlas of Summit County. Dr. Rogers has passed the greater part of his life in Hudson and is one of her most highly esteemed citizens. From the local schools he attended a preparatory course in the Western Resen-e, and when twenty-four years of age began the study of dentistry, which he practiced for a short period in Me- dina County, but afterward returned to Hud- son. Occasionally, Dr. Rogers still practices, but to no great extent. For some thirty years, he has also been interested in a fire and accident insurance business, repjreseuting some of the leading organizations of the country. Dr. Rogers is identified with the Republican party and has been a leading and influential factor for many years. He served two terms as mayor of Hudson, for twenty- five years was a justice of the peace, and for over that time served as township clerk. On March 13, 1867, Dr. Rogers was mar- riwl to Catherine A. Whedon, who was born in the residence which the family occupies, at Hudson, in which she has lived all her life. Her parents were John B. and Catherine (Wells) Whedon, the latter of whom was horn in Connecticut, and the former in Ohio. Her father built the present residence and a drug store adjacent, the latter of which he conducted for many years. Mrs. Rogers is an accomplished pianist and for a number of years taught instrumental music. They have two daughters, Elizabeth Minerva and Catherine Wells, both residing at home. The former has been a teacher in the State insti- tution for the Feeble-minded, at Columbus. The latter has been a stenographer at Cleve- land. Dr. Rogers and family belong to the Episcopal Church. COULSON MONROE FOSTER, general farmer and representative citizen of Twine- burg Township, w'here he operates a large farm, owning 135 1-4 acres, was born in Bos- ton Township, Summit County, Ohio. May 13, 1846, and is a son of Edwin Francis and Ann Elizabeth (Deisman) Foster. Pardon Foster, the grandfathcT. came to Summit County from Rochester, New York, when Edwin Francis was nine years of age. The latter grew to manhood here and ac- quired a large amount of land in Summit County, one farm of seventy-five acres, one of 128 acres, a third of 135 acres, and still another of 180 acres. Coulson M. Foster attended excellent schools through boyhood and even into manhood, enjoying advantages at Boston, Oak Hill and Brandvwine. He remained with his father AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS S71 until almost twenty-one years of age, and then spent ten yeai"s working by the month, after which he came to his present farm, which he purchased of his sister. This property he has managed very successfully, and in addi- tion has bought a number of timber tracts which he has cleared and sold. Mr. Foster has had accident and sickness to contend with, and has overcome many difficulties which would have completely discouraged a less brave and cheerful man, but in .spite of all these drawbacks he has prospered. On December 31, 1876, Mr. Foster was married (fii-st) to Polly Maria Carter, who died October 4, 1904, after many years of in- validism. Two children were born to this macriage, namely; Martin Monroe, residing at Cleveland, married Blanche Strickler; and Edna Anna, resdddng in Bedford, who married George Strickler and has two children, Nettie and William. Mr. Foster wa.- married (sec- ond) to Rosanna Schuerman. who was born in Gennany. In politics Mr. Fo.ster is a Republican. CHARLES E. THOMAS, vice president and secretary of the Moody & Thomas Mill- ing Company, at Peninsula, and treasurer of both Boston Township and Peninsula cor- poration, is a leading citizen of this section of Summit County. He was born in 01m- stead Township, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, March 14, 1861. and is a son of George C. and Rhoda M. (Burrington) Thomas. George C. Thomas was born in Bangor Township, Franklin County, New York, and died in 1902. aged seventy-eight years. In early manhood he came to Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and worked for a number of years in n sawmill, then rented a mill and also pur- chased a farm in Middlebiiry. Later he dis- posed of hi? first farm and bought the farm in Olmstead Township on which his son, Charles E. was born. Here he also conducted ii flour mill. In 1881, in partnership with his son Oscar, under the firm name of George Thomas & Son. he purcha.sed the Peninsula mill, which he operated until ISS,*!, when the property was purchased by Moody & Thomas. Mr. Thomas then retired to his farm in Olm- stead Township, where the remainder of his life was spent. He was a man of local con- sequence, a Republican in his political faith, and for yeai-s held township offices. He married Rhoda M. Burrington, who died in 1887, aged fifty-live years. She was a con- .>istent member of the Presbyterian Church. They had four children: Oscar, residing at Peninsula; Hattie, who married George Yes- berger, residing in Olmstead Township; Charles E., and Edna, who married Sumner Ryder, residing at Cleveland. Charles E. Thomas was educated in the district schools of Olmstead Township. At the age of eighteen years he went to Cleve- land and entered into a flour and feed busi- ness with Chandler R. Jloody, under the firm name of Moody & Thomas. He made his home at Cleveland until the firm purchased the Peninsula mill in 1885, since which time he has resided at Peninsula. The Peninsula Mills stand on the west bank of the Cuyahoga River, where there is a natural fall of about six feet. Taking ad- vantage of this, Harmon Bronson, in 1832, tunneled through the rock and secured a good water power of considerable volume without building a dam. This mill, erected in 1832, remained standing until 1902. In 1849 the mill came into the possession of H. V. Bronson, son of the founder, who op- erated it until 1863, when it was sold to Pomeroy & Fisher, who operated it for three years. Afterwards it changed hands several times until, in 1872, it was bought by W. F. i- C. E. Bois, who sold it in 1881 to George Thomas & Son. In the following year it was completely remodeled, the new finn putting in a full line of rollers, this being the first mill in Northern Ohio to adopt the roller system. In 188.5. as noted above. Moody & Thomas secured the mill and operated it continuously until 1902. when, as their large and increas- ing trade had outgrown the capacity of tho old mill, it was razed and the present fine structure took its place. This fine mill, witli it~ modern equipments, was ready for opera- 8';2 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tion by the beginning of 1903. At this time the firm erected a concrete dam across the neck of the peninsula, increasing the fall of the stream to nine feet, in thi? way securing ample power to operate the new plant. A corporation was also formed to succeed to the old partnership, the officers being: 0. R. Moody, president and treasurer, and 0. E. Thomas, vice president and secretary. In addition to the Peninsula property, the com- pany owns a large warehouse and elevator at Cleveland, where an immense business is done in flour, feed, baled hay and straw, and from there the product of their mill is dis- tributed all over the city. The Peninsula mill and elevator are two buildings in one and stand on a stone foun- dation. The dimensions of the mill house are 38 by 48 feet, three stories above the basement. The elevator part is 38 by 24 feet, while the wheat bins have a capacity of 25,000 bushels. The power for the wheat mill is furnished by a 48-inch Little Giant water-wheel, and the power for the elevator and feed side by a 36-inch wheel of the same make. The construction is such that the power of these wheels can be united at any time. The mill machinery is all of the latest and most modern type, heating is done by a steam system and power transmission is so arranged that by throwing clutches in or out, any part of the mill can be stopped and started without affecting the rest. In addition to his large interests as above stated, Mr. Thomas owns a fine stock farm of 140 acres, which he purchased in 1905 of Horace Beers. He has about one-half of the farm under cultivation, but makes a specialty of raising Duroc red swine. He also raises horses and cattle for market, keep- ing about twenty-one head of cattle at all times. He personally supervises operations but has two trained men to look after his farm and stock business. It is a fine prop- erty and his industries there would be an ample fortune for a man without additional enterprises. Mr. Thomas married Georgia Johnson, who is a daughter of Adair H. Johnson, a vvell-known resident of Peninsula. They have had three children, the two survivors being Amy and Henry. Mrs. Thomas is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics Mr. Thomas is an ardent Re- publican and on many occasions has been elected to office on that ticket. He has fre- quently served as trustee of Boston Town- ship, and for a decade has been treasurer both of the township and of the town. He belongs to Rising Sun Lodge, No. 266, F. & A. M., of Richfield; also to General Sheri- dan Lodge, K. P., of Hudson; to the Elks, at Akron, and to the Maccabees at Peninsula. HENRY MYERS, residing on his valuable farm of 159 acres, situated in Hudson Town- ship, is a representative citizen of this sec- tion and is a man who in a large degree com- mands the respect and enjoys the esteem of bis fellow citizens. He was born in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, October 19, 1832, and is a son of Philip and Margaret (Erode) Myers. The father of Mr. Myers was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, and was a son of John Myers, who was born at New- ark, New Jersey. The grandfather had two brothers in the Revolutionary War, both of whom were killed at the Battle of Bunker Hill. Philip J. Myers owned a farm of some 300 acres in Northampton County and subse- quently operated a store in Luzerne County. Henry Myers has one brother and four sisters. The former resides in the old home neighbor- hood. His sisters are: Mrs. Christiana Lutsey, residing at Green Bay, Wisconsin; Mrs. Maria Spade, residing at Dorrance, Luzerne County; Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, re- siding at Scranton, Pennsylvania; and Mrs. Priscilla Jones, residing in Slocum Township, Luzerne County. When he was about twenty-one years of age, Mr. Myers went to Shalersville, where he was clerk in a hotel for three months, and then bought a farm adjoining his wife's prop- erty in Freedom Township, and engaged in farming. For two years, while living in Lu- zerne County, he was fireman on the railroad, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 873 and he was the first fireman and his brother George was the first engineer that ever ran a train over that part of the Pennsylvania system. He subsequently sold both farms and came to Hudson, and bought a farm of 102 acres for a son who was educated in the Western Reserve College. In 1902, he sold his own farm of seventy-two acres. On June 20, 1857, Mr. Myers was married to Ruth Ann Woodruff, with whom, in 1907, he has had the privilege of celebrating their Golden Wedding. Mrs. Myers was born at Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut, and is a daughter of Col. Daniel AVoodruff, who served as an officer in the War of 1812, as coast guard in Connecticut. A cannon ball fired during that time is preserved in the family, its mission to the fort having been the killing of Col. Woodruff and his brave men, which fortunately it did not accomplish. He lived to establish a home fii-st in Hud- son and later in Freedom Township, to which he moved in the spring of 1840, where he died in 1855. He married Sarah Ann Mills, who was born in Connecticut. Colonel Woodruff was county surveyor of Portage County, before Summit was divided from Portage. Mrs. Myers is the only living cousin of John Brown, of immortal fame. Mr. and Mrs. Myers have one son, Daniel Woodruff. He was born in Freedom Township, and was a student in the Western Reserve College be- fore it was moved to Cleveland. Daniel W. Myers was married (first) to Lelia J. Bediant, and they had four children : Maud Eliza and Mabel Anna, twins, and Marian and Daniel AVoodruff, Jr. Mr. Myers was married (second) to Carris P. Downing, and their one little daughter, Margaret Janette, died aged three months and one day. Henry Myers is a Republican in politics and has served as supervisor of his district. He is a member of the Congregational Church at Freedom, and is a liberal supporter of church and educational movements. T. S. MYERS, county treasurer of Summit County, elect, is president of the I. S. Myers Company, one of the leading clothing houses at Akron, in which city he has maintained his home for about a quarter of a century. He was born in Green Township, Summit County, Ohio, in 1862, and is a son of Peter and Jlary (Stump) Myers. Peter Myei-s was one of the early settlers in Stark County, just across the line of Sum- mit County. In 1860 he moved to Green Township, Summit County, of which town- ship he later became a prominent citizen, serv- ing as one of its trustees. He was a self-made man and was very highly esteemed. The mother of I. S. Myers was a daughter of John Stump, who came with his wagons across the wild country from Pennsylvania, and settled in Franklin Township, - Summit County, in 1832. He was one of the newly-settled re- gion's most reliable and substantial men. I. S. Myers remained on the home farm, assisting with the farm work and in the mean- tice acquiring a good education in the local schools, where he began teaching at the age of seventeen, when he came to Akron and en- gaged as a clerk in a clothing store until 1893. He then embarked in a clothing busi- ness for himself, under the firm name of Myers, Ganyard & Stump, which firm con- tinued for one year, when Mr. Stump sold his inteiest and the firm name became Ganyard & Myers, until 1900, when Mr. Myers bought his partner's interest. In 1902 the firm of the I. S. Myers Company was incorporated, with a capital stock of $55,000, with I. S. Myers as president. This is an extensive business and its method are along modern line. A branch store is operated at Wadsworth, which is also doing well. The firm deals in clothing and manufactures hats, having both a -large wholesale and retail trade, and gives constant employment to from twenty-eight to thirty people. A marked feature of its management is that all employes who have continued with the firm for a certain length of time, have a financial interest in the company, this liberal policy resulting in a better feeling and more satisfactory results than seem to prevail in many large concerns where different methods are followed. The Wadsworth store is a fine concrete structure, 114 by 80 feet in dimen- 874 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY sions, while their ^Vkron establishment is a three-story building, 30 by 100 feet, with a basement. Mr. Myers is also the owner of a plant for the manufacture of concrete blocks. In the fall of 190a Mr. Myers was elected to the important office of county treasurer, and a better selection could scarcely have been found. He is a man of great business faculty, has proven himself an able financier in his own affairs, and commands the confidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens for his pergonal high character. He assumes the duties of the office in September, 1907. In 1887, Mr. Myers was married to Mary Sisler, of Manchester, who is a daughter of the late John Sisler. They have one daughter, Ruth, who is a student at Painesville, Ohio. Mr. Myers belongs to the Odd Fellows and the Elks.'^ both at Akron. G. E. GARDNER, M. D., an experienced physician and surgeon, who has be«n engaged in practice at Barberton since the autumn of 1905, coming to this place from a field of successful professional work in Wayne County, ^\■as born near Danville, Knox County, Ohio, and is a son of John and Mary (Breckler) Gardner. Dr. Gardner spent his boyhood on his fath- er's farm and obtained his primary education in the country schools. His inclinations did not lead him in the direction of an agricul- tural life and as soon as the opportunity of- fered he began the study of medicine, reading for two years with Dr. Black, a physician lo- cated in the village of Democracy, near Dan- ville, and two years more, with Dr. William Balmer, at Mt. Vernon, during this time also attending the Normal School at Danville. Dr. Gardner entered Starling Medical College, where he was graduated April 5. 1891. His high medical standing brought him the ap- pointment of house physician of St. Francis Hospital, at Columbus, where he served one year, and this was followed by a year at St. Anthony's Hospital. He thus gained what every young medical man desires, hospital ftractice and experience, before entering upon regular professional work. In May, 1893, Dr. Gardner took up his practice at Doylestown, Ohio, where he re- mained until 1905, when he came to Barber- ton. In 1896 he was elected county coroner of Wayne County, on the Democratic ticket, and served two years in that office. He has met with a hearty reception at Bai'berton, has gained the confidence of the community and has a satisfactory professional connection. His offices are located on the corner of Baird and Fourth Streets, Barberton. On September 29, 1897, Dr. Gai'dner was married to Abbie M. Trotter, who is a daugh- ter of Joseph Trotter, of Doylestown, Wayne Count3^ They have two children, Mary and Geraldine. Dr. Gardner and family belong to St. Augustine Catholic Church. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, of the Elks, of the Knights of St. John, and of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. HARVEY A. SNYDER, M. D., physician and surgeon, at Barberton, was born in Cov- entry Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of John G. and Susanna (Kepler) Snyder. Dr. Snyder had the advantage of country rearing, remaining through boyhood and youth on his father's farm in Coventry Town- ship. After completing the common school course, he taught three terms in his native township and then entered Heidelberg Col- lege, at Tiffin, and was graduated in the clas- sical department in 1896, when he resumed educational work. For two yeare he served as school superintendent at Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, and for the same length of time filled the same office at Kirkland, Washington. Prior to going to Washington, Dr. Snyder had commenced his medical studies in the Pacific Coast Medical School, now known as the Hahnemann Medical College, during this period teaching medical Latin in the institu- tution. In 1908, he entered the senior class of the Cleveland Medical College, and was graduated in the spring of 1904. Prior to lo- cating at Barberton, lie sen'ed'as an interne at the Huron Street Hospital, Cleveland, where he gained valuable experience. He is AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 875 an active member of the Northern Ohio Medi- cal Society. Dr. Snyder's fraternal connections are with the Masons, the Knights of Pythian and the Modern Woodmen, and is examining physi- cian for the latter organization. On September 5, 1907, Dr. Snyder was married to Bessie Banning of Stow Corners, a daughter of J. H. Banning, a resident of that place. H. B. MANTON, treasurer of the Robinson Claj' Product Company, with which he has been identified ever since leaving school, was born in Summit County, Ohio, in 1867, and is a son of the late James B. Manton, who was one of the founders of this industry. M. B. Manton was reared and educated at Akron, graduating from the Akron High School in 1886, immediately becoming book- keeper for plant No. 4, of the Robin.'«on Brothers Company. In 1891. he was made secretary of the Crown Fire Clay Comjmny, at Canal Dover, Ohio, which office he held un- til 1894, when he came to the main office and held official postition in the different de- partments. When all the plants were merge-d under the style of the Robinson Clay Product Company, in 1902, Mr. "Manton was made treasurer. He is interested in other enter- prises and is a director of the Second National Bank. In 1892 Mr. Manton was married to Mary B. Seiberling, and they have two children: Margaret and Harriet. Mr. Manton and family belong to the First Presbyterian Church, of which he is a member of its Board of Trustees. He belongs to the Portage Country club. H. H. GIBBS, secretary, treasurer and gen- eral manager of The Buckeye Sewer Pipe Company, and secretary and treasurer of The Summit Sewer Pipe Company, at Akron, has been a resident of this city since he was ten years of age. He was born at East Liver- pool, Ohio, in 1861, and is a son of Henry A. and Eliza (Parker) Gibbs. The late Henry A. Gibbs was born in Con- necticut, October 4, 1834, and while he was a boy, after several removals, his parents set- tled at East Livei-pool, Ohio, where Henry attended school and worked in the pottery shops, first assisting his father and later mak- ing the manufacture of pottery the main busi- ness of his life. At the time of his death he was associated with a number of Akron's lead- ing business enterprises and was a man of large means which he had accumulated hon- estly through the avenues of trade. In 1862, Henry A. Gibbs enlisted in the 115th Regi- ment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war. During his term of service, while sick in a hospital, a mistake was made in the administration of his medi- cine on one occasion which produced gastric troubles from which he never recovered and which, in all probability hastened hLs death. He w'as an honored member of Buckley Post, Grand Army of the Republic, at Akron. He was connected with the Odd Fellows at East Liverpool. Mr. Gibbs was a resident of Akron for about thirty-six years, during a part of this time being employed in the Whit- more-Robinson factorj'. Later, when he found that the William Shenkle property was about to prove a failing investment, he showed his business acumen by purchasing the prop- erty, with his sons, and until his death the business was operated as the Ohio Stoneware Company. On March 8, 1856, Mr. Gibbs was married to Mrs. Eliza Parker, a young widow and a resident of East Liverpool, who had two chil- dren: George Parker, who is president and general manager of the Ohio Stoneware Com- pany, and Mrs. Charles Chapman, of Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs had two sons, E. H. and H. H. H. H. Gibbs was reared and educated at Akron and when he entered into business it was in the capacity of bookkeeper for the Strawboard Company, with which he re- mained one year and for two years was as- sociated thus with the Akron' Goal and Iron Company, of Buchtel. Ohio. In 1882, he 876 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY became bookkeeper for the Buckeye Sewer Pipe Company, of which he is now so im- portant a part, and great credit is due him for the strength which has been introduced into this business organization. He is vice- president of the Central Savings and Trust Company; is a director in the Permanent Savings and Loan Company ; a director in the Cleveland-Akron Bag Company, which was consolidated with the Akron Paper Company, of which he was one of the prime movers. In July, 1889, Mr. Gibbs, with other members of the family, organized The Summit Sewer Pipe Company. In 1883, Mr. Gibbs was married to Elanor Lucretia Baldwin, who is a daughter of the late Joseph A. Baldwin. Mr. Gibbs is a mem- ber of the First Congregational Church. JOHN WINFIELD ESSIG, one of the en- terprising young agriculturists of Green Township, where he is cultivating 140 acres of excellent farming land, was born on his father's farm in Plain Township, Stark County, Ohio, November 7, 1880, and is a son of John A. and Julia (Oberlin) Essig. Adam Essig, the great-grandfather of John W., secured land from the Government, in Stark County, Ohio, and his son, Jacob E. Essig, the grandfather, settled on it as one of the early pioneers. The children of Jacob E. Essig were: Sarah, John A., Ida, Simon, Curtis, Charles and two who died in infancy. Sarah married H. Bender, of Michigan and Ida married Cahdn Firestone, of Stark County. John A. Essing was born in Plain Town- ship, Stark Count}', Ohio, and has been en- gaged in agricultural pursuits all of his ma- ture life. He now resides on his 148-acre farm in Jackson Township, Stark County, and he is also a part-owner of the farm operated by his son John W., his daughter Bertha also having an interest in this prop- erty. Mr. Essig wa.s married to .Julia Ober- lin, who is a daughter of John Oberlin. He came to Ohio from Pennsylvania, when Mrs. Essig was six months old, and died in this sec- tion. Eight children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Essig, namely: Henry B., of Green Township, married Clara Swartz; Bertha, residing with her brother, John W. ; L. Etta, who married H. A. Hartong, resides at Zion City, Illinois ; John Winfield ; Magda- lena, living at home; and Walter J.; Nancy 0.; and William S. John Winfield Essig received a common school education, and was reared to agricul- tural pursuits. In the spring of 1904, with his sister. Miss Bertha Essig, he came to their present home, which their father had bought of the Samuel Wise heirs, and here he has carried on general farming and as he is enter- prising and industrious, his land has proved very productive. In political matters Mr. Essig is a Democrat. Both Mr. Essig and sister belong to the Lutheran Church. SAMUEL HARING, a highly respected citizen of Green Township, who is engaged in general farming, owns 147 acres situated about one mile south of East Liberty. He was born December 2, 1844, in Green Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Louis and Margaret (Kepler) Haring. Louis Haring came from Pennsylvania to Ohio with his parents in boyhood and they settled in the woods of Green Township. Here he grew to manhood and married Mar- garet Kepler, who was a daughter of Andrew Kepler, who came to Green Township in 1809, where one of his brothers had settled one year before, Mr. Kepler and his brother being the first settlers in what is now known as Green Township. They entered 320 acres of land lying one mile north by one-half mile east and west, and this they divided length- wise, Andrew taking the east half, and on this the remainder of his life was spent. The Keplei-s were friendly with the Indians, who often came to the home of Andrew for food, for which they gave him lead, which they found around Turkeyfoot Lake. The old log barn which was erected by Andrew Kepler is still standing, and is still in use and in good condition, being; one of the AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 877 baxns in Summit OounU'. After marriage Louis Haring and his wife went to housekeep- ing on a farm one and one-half miles south of the present farm of Samuel Haring, and here were born all of their seven children, all of whom are now deceased with the exception of Mrs. Leah Bittler and Samuel. Samuel Haring came to the farm which he now owns when ten years of age, and here he has practically been located ever since. He now carries on general farming and stock- raising, and has a well-improved, fertile prop- erty. Mr. Haring was married to Rebecca A. Wise, who was born in Green Township, and is a daughter of William Wise, one of Summit County's early pioneers. To Mr. and Mrs. Haring there were born eleven children, namely : Parvin, who lives in Akron ; Orvin, ■who lives at Manchester, Ohio; Hattie, who married Solomon Kepler of Green Town- ship ; Minnie, who married J. 0. Wagoner of Akron ; Samuel, who lived at Turkeyfoot Lake; Ida C, who married George Cesdorf; Celia who died at the age of twenty-one years ; William, who lives at home; Cassie, who mar- ried Samuel D. Wolt: Hiram, living in Franklin Township; and Clara A., who mar- ried Nelson Miller. FRANK WARNER, residing on the old Warner home place of ninety acres, which is situated in the northwest corner of Green Township, is a leading citizen of his com- munity. Mr. Warner was bom July 28, 1867, in Summit County Ohio, in the old log house that formerly stood on his present farm, and is a son of Samuel and Sarah (Thornton) Warner. Samuel Warner, father of Frank, was bom in Coventry Township, Summit County, in 1829. his parents having settled there when they came from Pennsylvania. Samuel wa<5 the fifth in a family of eight children, the other? being: John, William. Jacob, Adam, Abraham, Solomon and Daniel. Samuel Warner grew up on his father's farm and assisted to clear it of the heavy timber which then covered it, doing the work with teams of strong oxen. He married Sarah Thornton, who was born in Pennsylvania and died in 1900, aged sixty-three years. After mar- riage, Samuel Warner and wife settled on the present farm, which had belonged to the Thorntons in early days, and found domestic happiness living in the old log house that .stood for many years. During the strength of youth and manhood, Samuel Warner was a very industrious man, carrying on his farm- ing and stockraising and also threshing through the country, having one of the old- time horse-power machines, which were then considered entirely adequate. He resides ■ndth his son Frank but owns a farm of sixty acres separate from the one under considera- tion. Six of his large family of children reached maturity, as follows. Harriet ; Marj', who married Henry Hauff; Ellen, who mar- ried Grant Stahl; William; Frank; and Martha, who married Harvey Rex. Frank Warner may be said to have spent his whole life on his present farm for here his main interests have always centered. After leaving school he w^orked for a time in the rubber factories at Akron and the sewer pipe works at Barberton, but shortly returned 10 the life which makes a man independent, that of a farmer. He has a fine property and he has placed it 'under an excellent state of cultivation. There is a natural lake on the land which but adds to its value, and the beautiful shade trees around the residence make most attractive surroundings. Mr. Warner married Bessie Carmany, who is a daughter of Benjamin and Louisa (Bower) Carmany, and they have two chil- dren, Marie and Gertrude. Mr. and Mrs. Warner belong to the Evangelical Church. Politically, he is a Republican and for three years he sen'ed as township constable. AMI CORVIN GOUGLAR. general farmer and good citizen -of Green Town.ship, residing on his valuable farm of eighty acres, which is situated one mile south of East Liberty, be- longs to an old Penn,sylvania family which was established in Ohio by his grandfather. 878 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Ami C. Gougler was born iii Green Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, October 8, 1869, and is a son of Samuel and Clarissa (Har- tong) Gougler. Samuel Gougler was a small boy when he accompanied his father, John Gougler, to Green Township, who settled on the farm which is now owned by Henry Obelen. Later, John Gougler moved to Springfield Townsnip, where he died aged eighty-six years. His father was a soldier in the War of 1812. The children of John Gougler were the following: George, Samuel, Betsey and Elias, all deceased except Betsey, who married Jacob King. Samuel Gougler spent the great of his life in Green Township, his occupation being farming, and before he died, in October, 1903, he divided his large estate of 460 acres, situated in this township, so that each of his five children received a farm. His first ^^^fe and their one child died early. His second marriage was to Clarissa Hartong, who still' survives, residing at Greensburg, where Mr. Gougler had lived re- tired for six years prior to his demise. The children born to the second union are: Ed- ward, residing in Green Township on his farm; Monroe, also residing on a farm in Green Township; Corella, who married John Foltz; Anna and Clinton. Ami Corvin Gougler attended the district schools and assisted on the home farm, and has made agricultural work his business in life. Like his sister and brothers, he received his farm from his father, who also erected the fine brick house and substantial barn. In February. 1897, Mr. Gougler was married to Clara Renninger. who is a daughter of Frank and Catherine (Reese) Renninger. The Renninger family is an old and well-known one in Coventry Township. The parents of Mrs. Gougler now reside at Akron. Mv. and Mrs. Gougler belong to the Evangelical Church. JERRY J. GARMAN. an honored old veteran of the great Civil War, who is post- mast'Cr at Inland, conducts a general mer- chandise business at this point. He wa-s bom on the corner where his store now stand?, in Greensburg, Summit County, Ohio, Septem- ber 3, 1841, and is a son of Jacob and Eliza- beth (Husburger) Garman. Jacob Garman was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvsmia, and when a young man came mth his parents to Ohio. He seit- tled in what is now Green Township, Sum- mit County, then a part, of Stark County, but later removed to a hotel that stood on the present site of J. J. Garman's store. This hotel was destroyed by fire in 1841. Mr. Garman was a skilled carpenter, and helped to build the brick hotel near the Little Reser- voir, which is still standing. He spent his latter years on a farm near Greensburg, where he died at the age of seventy-six years. Mr. Garman was married to Elizabeth Husburger, who was a daughter of John Husbvu-ger, and she survived her husband for some time, dy- ing at the age of seventy-seven. They were the parents of eight children : William ; Mar- garet, who married E. Foster; Harry; Jerry J. ; Frank, who died at the age of nineteen years; Catherine, who married John Souers; Samuel, who died when seventeen years old; and Jacob. Jerry J. Gannan spent his boyhood days on liis father's farm, and attended school, first in the old log district schoolhouse, and later a small brick school-house. At the age of eighteen years he went to Canton and com- menced work in the Aultman Harvester Com- pany, but at the outbreak of the Civil War, in 1861, he enlisted in Company F. Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Captain ^^'allace, and .served throughout the war. Through- out the long and bitter stniggle Mr. Garman .sensed his country faithfully and cheerfully, and his gallantry in action soon won him the rank of sergeant and later that of captain, the rank he held when the war ended. At the close of the war Captain Garman enlisted with the rank of sergeant in Troop M. Second United States Cavalry, and .served three years in this company. After having .served in the military of his country for so long a time A. P. JAHANT AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 881 Mr. Ganiian then returned to civil life and began work for the Union Pacific Telegraph Company. He put in the first office equip- ment at Cheyenne, Utah, which was installed in a tent. After three year.~ spent in the em- ploy of this company he returned to Greens- burg, and for some time afterward worked in the Buckeye Works at Akron, also at Canton, Ohio. In 1870, he settled at Green.sburg, where he ha.s since remained, for the first five years conducting a hotel, and then embark- ing in the mercantile business. On May 12, 1897, Mr. Garman was appointed postmaster ait Inland by the late President McKinley. Mr. Garman was married in July, 1870, to Leah Harsherger, and they have two chil- dren : Mayme, who married John Haider- man, of Akron ; and Kirk, who married Ger- trude France, of Akron. The latter has two children, George and Maiy. Mr. Garman is a Republican. A. P. JAHANT, proprietor of the Jahant Electric Company, whose plant is located at No. 121 South Howard Street, belongs to an old French family which has been estab- lished in Summit County for a period of 100 years. He was born in Akron, in 1881. A. Jahant, the father of A. P. Jahant, wa.s born in 1845, in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Fran- cis Jahant, who was one of the very early settlers here, coming to this county directly from France. He brought all his effects with him and engaged in farming as a means of livelihood. At that time Canton was a small village and Akron still smaller. A. Jahant was a boy when he came to Akron, where, for many years he was engaged in the manu- facture of furnaces. A. P. Jahant was reared and educated in his native city, and his interests remain cen- tered here. From boyhood he has been in- terested in experimental electricity, gradu- ally acquiring the knowledge which enables him to safely and efficiently harness this mysterious element. He organized the Ja- hant Electric Company, of which he is sole owner. He deals in all kinds of electrical appliances and does electrical contracting and repairing. Mr. Jahant was married September 4, 1907, to Miss Lena M. Henry, of Akron, Ohio. Mr. Jahant is a member of St. Vincent's Catholic Church and he belongs to the order of Knights of Columbus. JAMES T. FLOWER, proprietor of the Flower Mantel Company, of Akron, was bom in this city in 1865, and is a .son of the late James Flower, who was formerly a prominent merchant here, where he settled in 1837. James Flower was born in Sheffield. England, and died at Akron, in 1877. James T. Flower was reared at Akron and obtained his education in the schools of his native city, after which he started to learn Ms present business, entering the employ of the Akron Cabinet Company. Later he em- barked in business for himself, continuing until 1896, when the Flower Mantel Company was organized. After fourteen months, Mr. Flower bought the interest of his partners and since that time has been sole proprietor and is the leading mantel dealer ait Akron. He deals also in tile and marble flooring, and keeps a fine stock continually on hand at his place of business on South High Street. In 1889, Mr. Flower was married to Ella Rothrock, who was born in Copley Township, Summit County, Ohio, and they have three children : Esther E., James T. and Rachel S. With his family, Mr. Flower belong to St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Politically, Mr. Flower is a Republican and in 1901 he was elected a member of the School Board on which he has served ever since. He is a Royal Arch Mason and belongs also to the Knights of Pythias. WILLIAM ALLEN McCLELLAN, who is engaged in a general contracting and manu- facturing business at Akron, with plant lo- cated at No. 273 Water Street, was bom in Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, 882 HISTORY OF SUMMIT. COUNTY December 30, 1838, and is a son of William McClellan, who settled in Springfield Town- ship in 1818. The McClellan family has long been one of prominence in Summit County and its name frequently appears on the old records which tell the story of how Springfield Township was changed from primeval condi- tions to its present fertility and civilization. William McClellan married Jane File and they had three children, namely: Robert A., Elizabeth Jane, who married Urias Cramer, residing at Wichita, Kansas; and W. A., re- siding at Akron. W. A. McClellan was reared on the home farm, where he remained until the age of twenty-one years, in the meanwhile obtain- ing his education in the schools at Mogadore and at Westminster College, New Wilming- ton, Pennsylvania. For several years prior to coming to Akron, in 1864, he taught school during the winter seasons, but after reacliing this city he learned the carpenter trade, at which he has worked ever since. In 1872, he began contracting and may be called the dean of the contracting guild in this city. For twenty-seven years he has operated his own factory on Water Street, and many of the most substantial buildings of Akron have been erected under his supervision. He is a stockholder and director in the People's Sav- ings Bank, of Akron, and he own 2,300 acres of land in Cuba. He has ever been a man of personal enterprise and is numbered with the city's capitalists. On June 28, 1871, Mr. McClellan was mar- ried to Alice R. Russell. liVaternally he is a Mason and belongs to the Blue Lodge, Chap- ter and Commandery at Akron, and for years was treasurer and a director of the Masonic Temple. J. D. SLATER, a thoroughly representative business man of Akron, president of the Lim- bert-Smith Plumbing Company and superin- tendent of the Star Rubber Company, has been a resident of Akron for the past twenty- three years, but he was born at London, Eng- land, and was eight years old when his par- ents came to America. Mr. Slater was reared and educated at New- ton, Kansas, where he resided until the age of twenty years, when he came to Akron For eight years thereafter he worked in the Smith Chemical plant, for the next six years was employed by the Aultman-Miller Com- pany, and then embarked in business for him- self. In partnership with J. W. Miller he organized the Faultless Rubber Company, of which he was superintendent until December 15, 1906, when the plant was removed to Ash- land, Ohio, Mr. Slater selling his interest in it at this time. Returning from a winter in California, in March, 1907, he re-entered the business field at Akron. In association with H. A. Hine, J. W. Miller, D. B. Duff, of Cleveland, S. E. Duff, of Beaver, Pennsyl- vania, and others, he organized the Star Rub- ber Company, an organization still in its in- fancy, but with every indication of healthy growth and lasting importance. A fine plant has just been erected near that of the Fire- stone Rubber Company, on a tract covering three and one-half acres. The company is capitalized at .$100,000, and its officers are: S. E. Duff, president ; J. W. Miller, vice presi- dent; H. A. Hine, secretary and treasurer; and J. D. Slater, superintendent. The busi- ness of the Star Rubber Company is the man- ufacturing of druggists' sundries in the rub- ber line. Mr. Slater has other interests and is president of the Limbert-Smith Plumbing Company, also an important busine^ enter- prise of Akron. In September, 1895, Mr. Slater was married to Sarah A. Hall, a lady born and reared in Akron, a daughter of John W. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Slater have one son, Ernest C. Slater. JAMES W. ORR, treasurer and manager of the Christy Steel Company, at Akron, has been associated with large manufacturing concerns in this city ever since he left col- lege. He was born at Akron, and is a son of William A. Orr, a prominent journalist of this city. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS James W. Orr prepared for an active busi- ness life by attending the public schools until he was graduated from the Akron High School, and later the Hammel Commercial College. He secured employment first with D. H. McBride & Company, and second, with F. D. Kridler, remaining one year with each firm, and then became bookkeeper for the Franz Building Company for two years, for three subsequent years was associated with the Barberton Pottery Company, and later with the Sterling Boiler Company, and came from the latter to the Christy Steel Company as treasurer and general manager. Step by step Mr. Orr has steadily advanced until he has secured very substantial standing among the business men of this great manufactur- ing city. Mr. Orr was reared a Catholic and is a con- sistent member of St. Mary's Church. He belongs to the Knights of Columbus, one of the most influential fraternal organizations in America. JOSEPH E. WESENER, a resident of Akron for more than sixty years, and for a large part of that time a prominent factor in its business world, was born May 7, 1827, at Frankfort, Pennsylvania, and is one of a family of twelve children born to his parents, who were Christopher and Charlotte Wesener. The Wesener family settled at Canton, Ohio, in 1840, and there Joseph E. Wesener was employed as a clerk until 1846, when he came to Akron, making the trip on horseback. He resumed clerking here, and by 1850, he had accoumulated enough capital to become a partner with the late Allen Hibbard and Gibbons J. Ackley, in a general mercantile business, their place on Howard street be- ing known as the Old Green Store. In 1851, they lost by fire, and in the following year Mr. Wesener embarked in business for himself. He later admitted Cornelius A. Brouse and David Wahl to partnership, and continued in the general mercantile line, with some specialties, until 1878. when Mr. Wesener retired from this firm. In 1880, in partnership with Albert C. Loh- man, he opened up a dry goods business in the Academy of Music Building, where the" Everett Building now stands, and they con- ducted the leading store of its kind in Akron until 1882, when Mr. Wesener sold his in- terest. For over forty years Mr. Wesener was one of the prominent wool-buyers in this part of Ohio. He became a man of large capital and has been a generous distributor of the same. He formerly -owned considerable valuable real estate, including a beautiful summer home and a fine farm adjacent to Akron, which have all been disposed of. Ever since becoming a resident of Akron, Mr. Wesener has been anxious to promote her best interests. In early days he was an active member of the fire department, one of the most important organizations a town could have, when much wood was employed in its construction, and he can recall 100 nights when he responded to the alarm and that on eighteen occasions he was seriously burned. He has been a liberal contributor to both pub- lic and private benevolent objects, gave gen- erously to the Memorial Chapel, and pre- sented the tower bell and clock to the First Congregational Church. Oh September 8, 1849, Mr. Wesener was married (first) to Philura Spalding, who died July 6, 1852. She was a daughter of Judge Rufus Spalding. The three children of this union all died in infancy. Mr. Wesener was married (second) to Anna J. Hopkins, who died January 1, 1876. On September 5, 1876, Mr. Wesener was married (third) to Alphonsine D. C'e Chevier. They have four children : Joseph E., Marj' A., Anna C, de- ceased, and Henry Huntington. The beau- tiful family home is situated at No. 22 Nelson Place. Mr. Wesener lived for over fifty years at No. 129 North High Street, the former home of Judge Spalding. Politicaly, Mr. Wesener is a Republican. In 1851 he served on the Board of Infirraarv directors of Summit County, and in 1855 and 1856, he was village recorder, but for many years past he has taken no active in- 884 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY terest in politics. The family belong to the Episcopal Church. JOHN B. CAMPBELL, president and manager of the McNeil Boiler Company, at Akron, has been identified with Akron en- terprises and interests since 1873. He was born at Clinton, Summit County, Ohio, in July, 1864, and is a son of John D. Camp- bell. Mr. Campbell beai-s a distinctive Scottish name and is of Scotch parentage, hLs father having been born in the Highland.?. The latter came to Summit County about 1832, and subsequently- was superintendent of the old Chippewa coal mines. He now lives re- tired, at the home of his .son, John B., having reached the age of seventy-five years. J. B. Campbell completed his education in the Akron High School and then became an employe of the Akron Sewer Pipe Company, for one year. He then came to the McNeil Boiler Works, where, from rivet driver he worked up, step by step, until he has become president and genei'al manager of this large industry. He is interested in otiier basiness enteiprises, and is a member of the l>oard of directors of the Akron Base Ball club. On September 15, 1886, Mr. Campbell was married to Margaret M. Berger, who is a daughter of Alexander Berger. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell are members of the First Pres- byterian Church at Akron. Fraternally, Mr. Campbell is a 32nd de- gree Mason, an Odd Fellow and an Elk. JACOB LAUBY, general farmer and trucker, who cultivates seventy-one acres of land in Green Township, was born on his father's place east of Greensburg, Green Township. Summit County, Ohio, April 27, 1851, and is a son of John A. and Elizabeth (Steib) Lauby. John A. Lauby was born in Germany, and there learned the weaving trade. He came to America in 1839, settling near Canal Fulton, Ohio, but two years later removed to Green Township, Siunniit County, where he con- tinued to follow his trade until his death in November, 1867. In his native country he was married to Elizabeth Steib, who died in 1898, and they had the following children: John G. ; Caroline, deceased, who was the wife of S. Yearick ; Henry, who is deceased ; Levi ; Jacob; and Louisa, who married J. Hum- bert. Jacob Lauby was eleven years old when he came with his parents to his present home in Green Township, then a wild tract of laud on which was situated a log hoase, with three windows. This property he helped to clear and has cut down white oak trees that meas- ured five feet across the stump. He attended the district school, and when he reached man- hood, he learned' the mason's trade, which he followed for some time, during which he as- sisted to build eight school-houses and many dwellings in this section. Until his marriage, he resided at home, but since then has been engaged on his own account, having purchased his property from his father's other heirs. He carries on gen- eral fai'ming and raises early vegetables for a trucking businei^s, finding ready sale for all he can produce, at Canton. He has replaced all the original buildings on the farm and has made many improvements. In March, 1883, Mr. Lauby was married to Mrs. Ellen Goodyear, who was born at Green- town, Stark County, Ohio, and is the widow of Charles Goodyear. She had one daughter. Pearl, who married ^l. Marker of Barberton, Ohio, and they have three children, Marie, Ray Benton, and Daisy Belle. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Lauby: Dora Alice, and AValter Edwin. The former married Thomas Gross, and they have one child, Roy Edwin. Walter Edwin is a school teacher. In politics, Mr. Lauby is a Dem- ocrat. With his family, he attends the Lu- theran Church. JOHN A. WARNER, residing on his ex- cellent farm of fifty acres, which is situated in Coventry Town.ship, is a member of one of the pioneer families of this section. He was AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 885 born in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, December 5, 1847, and is a son of Adam K. and Elizabeth (Renninger) Warner. Adam K. Warner was born in Pennsyl- vania and was brought to Ohio in infancy by his parents, Henry and Mary Wai-ner, who settled at a very early day in Coventry Town- ship. For a number of years they lived in the same old log hoase, which had been their earliest home. On one occasion the other membei-s of the family returned to find the aged father sleeping his last sleep, in his old arm chair. He was the father of eight stal- wart sons, all of whom became leading men in Summit County, and all survive, with the exception of Adam K. and Daniel. They were named as follows: John, Abraham, Solomon, William, Samuel, Daniel, Adam K. and Jacob. Two of the above, William and Jacob, served in the Union army during the Civil War and are members of the Grand Army of the Republic. Adam K. Warner assisted his father and brothers to clear off the farm and with the latter attended the old log school-house where they learned to read and write. In early manhood he was married to Elizabeth Ren- ninger, who was born in Coventry Township and died here in 1895, aged sixty-six years. She was the eldast of eight children born to her parents, John and Mary Renninger, who journeyed to Ohio from Pennsylvania', with an ox team. They settled in the woods in Coventry Township and, like other early set- tlers, cut 'down many dollars' worth of valu- able timber in clearing up their land. John Renninger died on hLs farm in advanced age. His widow died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Weaver, at Loyal Oak. The Renninger children were: Elizabeth, Catherine. Rebec- ca, Mary, Susan, Solomon, George and John. They have numerous descendants and it is a pleasant custom mth them to hold family reunions at stated times. Adam K. Warner died in 1897, aged' seventy-two years. The children of Adam K. Warner and wife were: Henry, who is decea.«ied ; John A. ; Mariah, -who married D. Rothrock: Jane, who married R. A. Messner; Levina, who married Frank Bowers; and George and Frank. John A. Warner attended the district school in boyhood and was well grounded in reading, writing and arithmetic, the founda- tion stones of all book learning, but he be- gan hard work on the farm when but twelve years old, even then being able to handle a plow very effectively. Although he has car- ried on farming for many years, he has a natural talent for working with machinery, and when he was nineteen years of age he learned wagon-making and conducted a shop of his own at East Liberty, until 1874. He then turned his attention to the threshing bus- iness, and he operated a threshing machine and a steam sawmill up to recent years. He was one of the early threshers traveling through this section and was a very capable and successful one. In 1894 he purchased his present farm from George Shutt, since when he has carried on general farming and has done many dollars' worth of improving on his valuable property. On December 21, 1871, Mr. Warner was married to Hattie 0. Rininger, who is a daughter of Christian and Rachel Rininger, who reared a family of seven children, name- ly: Lucinda, Mary, William, Christina, Maria, Hattie 0. and Sadie. The father of Mrs. Warner died in Green Township, aged seventy-five years, and the mother, aged sixty-two years. Mr. and Mrs. Warner have had three chil- dren, namely; Ofie, who died aged two yeai-s and five months; Chloe, who married Byron Bowers, residing near Mr. Warner, has three children, Ralph, Howard and Myron; and*ell Glen, who resides with his father. The Warners are Democrats. They belong to the Evangelical Church. C. A. KEMPEL, one of Akron's substan- tial citizens and representative men of busi- ness, who is engaged in a general mercantile line at No. 2<34 Wooster Avenue, was born at Akron, Ohio, in I860, and is a son of the late George Kempel. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY The father of Mr. Kempel was bom in Ger- many and came to Akron in boyhood. In 1849, when twenty years of age, he was one of a party of forty miners who left Akron and went to California, where he remained for three years. He then came back to Ak- ron and subsequently married Barbara Ho- noddle. They had five children, the three survivors being: F. J., residing at Ashtabula Harbor; C. A. and George, both living at Ak- ron. For some years the father of the above family engaged in a shoe business at Akron and later in a brewery business, continuing in the latter until within two years of his death, which occurred in 1867. He was a well-known citizen. C. A. Kempel learned the tinning trade after leaving school and followed it for four years and then went into the grocery business. This he developed, gradually adding to his stock, until now he operates a general mer- cantile store and for the past twenty-one years has been at his present location. He erected his present building, a commodious structure with dimensions of 38 by 57 feet. In 1885 Mr. Kempel was married to Louise M. Fricker, who is a daughter of the late John Fricker of Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Kem- pel have the following children : Frank, who is a student at Canisius College, at Buffalo; and Caroline, Karl, Florence, Ernest, Freda and Augustine, residing at home. The fam- ily belong to St. Mary's Catholic Church. R. H. DUNCAN, general farmer, residing in Northfield Township, was in Londonderry Township, Guernsey County, Ohio, March 13, 1858, and is a son of John and Mary Jane (Karr) Duncan. Adam Duncan, the grandfather, was an early settled in Guernsey County. John Duncan, father of R. H., continued to live on the home farm until 1878, when he moved to Adams Township, where he resided until his death, in 1905, at the age of seventy-one years. He was a man of sterling character and on account of his judgment and reliabil- ity was frequently elected to township offices. He married a daughter of Robert Karr, of Coshocton County, Ohio, and they had the following children : R. H. ; Martha, de- ceased, who married Charles Jackson, of Mich- igan; Mrs. Kenney, residing in Minnesota; Laura, deceased, who married James Dew- huirst, of Huron, Ohio; Andrew Calvin, re- siding on the home farm in Adams Town- ship ; and James Boyd, residing at Cleveland. The mother of the above family died in 1871. She was a consistent member of the United Presbyterian Church. John Duncan was married (second) to Helen Francy, but no children were born to this union. R. H. Duncan was reared in the comfort- able old home and in boyhood attended the district schools. He was nineteen years of age when, as his services were not needed on the home farm, he started out for himself, coming to Summit County. He found re- munerative work as a farm hand for five yeare, after which he rented a farm for two years and in 1885, he operated a creamery, at New Concord. In January, 1886, Mr. Duncan married Lillis Means, who is a daughter of A. S. Means, of Northfield Township, and in April of that year settled on the Wilson farm which he rented and operated for the following thirteen years. In December, 1898, he came to the present farm which formerly belonged to his father-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have two children : John Andrew and Lois. The family belong to the Presbyterian Church. CHARLES D. HARDY, a well-known res- ident of Northampton Township, who fol- lows an agricultural life, cultivating a large body of land, was born in Summit County, Ohio, April 23, 1864, and is a son of Norton Rice and Mary Rebecca (Belden) Hardy. Norton Rice Hardy was born in Northamp- ton Township, where he received his educa- tion in the common schools. When twenty years old he went to California by way of the Isthmus of Panama, where he remained for one year, engaging in mining, and was for- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 887 tunate enough to locate a paying mine near Georgetown, from which he took considerable gold. Upon the urgent solicitation of his mother, who grieved over his absence, he started home after a year of mining, leaving prospective wealth behind. On the return trip, during a terrible storm, one of the steam- er's shafts broke, and even the officers gave the ship up for lost, but good seamanship enabled it to weather the storm, and after repairs were made it completed the voyage. On his return home Mr. Hardy purchased the farm now occupied by his youngest son, Nor- ton, and later he purchased one-half of the old homestead, on which he lived until 1872. He also bought and remodeled the residence at No. 22 West Street, AkrOn, where he lived retired from then until his death. His widow returned to the farm, where she resided ten years, but after her son's marriage she again made her home in Akron. Mr. Hardy was a Republican in politics, and he served as township trastee. Near the close of the Civil War, he served 100 days in the Home Guards at Cleveland. He was a member of the Odd Fellows at Akron. Mr. Hardj' was married to Mary Sophia Belden, who was born in Boston Township, Summit County, Julj' 27, 1842, and is a daughter of Champion and Mary (Pratt) Bel- den, natives of Quincy, Massachusetts. Mrs. Hardy's parents came to Boston Township, Summit County, with their two eldest chil- dren, and the father died when she was a small child. Their children were: Daniel Chester, Champion Edson, Charles Wright and Mary Sophia. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy had three children : Lilly Rebecca, Norton Rice and Charles D- Mrs. Hardy is a faithful member of the Congregational Church. Charles D. Hardy began his education in Northampton Township and finished it at Ak- ron, and then returned to the homestead to take charge, at the age of sixteen years. He has continued here ever since, renting the property from the heirs of the estate. It con- tains 360 acres, Mr. Hardy operating about 250 acres of this, and he owns 270 acres. which he rents out. He gives special atten- tion to his large dairy, keeps on an average twenty-five cows, and sells his milk to the Akron Pure Milk Company. He has a circu- lar silo 12x30 feet, raises from 300 to 400 bushels of wheat, and in addition to what he uses for his stock, markets from fifteen to twenty tons of hay. Mr. Hardy is a Repub- lican in his political principles, and has served as township trustee for two terms and a num- ber of years as supervisor. Mr. Hardy was united in marriage with Mary Leona Carter, who was born in Portage Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Thomas Carter, an agriculturist of that section. To Mr. and Mrs. Hardy there have been born two children, namely: Margerj' R. and Daniel C. CAPT. GURDEN P. HARRINGTON, postmaster at Everett, where he is engaged in a mercantile business, is a leading citizen of Boston Township. He was born in North- ampton Township, Summit County, Ohio, August 16, 1838, and is a son of .Jeremiah and Hannah (Thompson) Harrington. The grandfather, Abraham Harrington, was the founder of the family in Ohio, com- ing from Massachusetts and settling in iSTorth- ampton Township, Summit County. Jere- miah Harrington was born in Massachusetts, accompanied his father to Ohio and died in 1842, aged thirty-two years. For a number of years he lived on what is known as the Botzirm farm, in Northampton Township. He married Hannah Thompson, who was born in Massachusetts, and was one of a family of eleven children. Her father, Robert Thomp- son, came to Summit County, where he fol- lowed shoemaking, being a traveling work- man, carrying his kit of tools from one house- hold to the other, as was the early custom. Jeremiah Harrington and wife had four chil- dren : Amanda, deceased ; Gurden P. ; Betsey, who married Nathaniel Point, of Boston Township, both deceased ; and Russell M., de- ceased. Mrs. Harrington contracted a second marriage, with Walter Hawkins, and they HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY had one son, Perry W., who resddes with Cap- tain Harrington. The father of Captain Harrington died when he was four years old and he was taken into the family of his uncle, Dudley Thomp- son. Mr. Thompson shortly afterward re- moved from Northampton Township to Kent County, Michigan, settling near Grand Rapids, and there his nephew was reared and educated in the public schools. He was about eighteen years of age when he returned to Boston Township and began to work on the canal, beginning as a driver and continuing on the water until he became commander of several boats. For a number of years no man was better or more favorably known to canal men than was Captain Harrington. He purchased the Ararat, when it was new, which he ran for a long time, and he was captain of the Mtna, in the Akron and Cleveland trade. He commanded a boat during the big wheat trade in 1862, and continued until 1867. For ten years afterward he had charge of a gang of men who made repairs on the canal. After leaving active work on the water. Captain Harrington worked at wagon-mak- ing for several years at Everett, but in 1880 he embarked in his present mercantile enter- prise. He owns a first-class general store, which is eqviipped with modern fixtures, cash register and other improved methods of do- ing business, and he carries a very complete and well-selected stock of seasonable goods. In 1889 he was appointed postmaster and has continued in office ever since. He is a Re- publican in his political preference, but dis- claims being anything of a politician. For a number of years Captain HaiTingion has been identified with the Masonic frater- nity, and is a member of Meridian Sun Lodge, No. 266, F. & A. M., of Richfield, and North Star Chapter, R. A. M., of Bedford. He be- longs to the Disciples Church. Captain Har- rington has never married. CHARLES E. BISHOP, a highly esteemed citizen of Peninsula, residing on a fine farm of 250 acres, 160 of which are under cultiva- tion, was born in York Township, Medina County, Ohio, October 27, 1849, and is a son of Zephaniah and Ellen M. (Waterman) Bishop. The grandparents of Charles E. Bishop were John and Jane (Wilson) Bishop, who came to York Township from the state of New York, where they lived during the re- mainder of their lives. John Bishop died in 1863, aged seventy-five years. Of his chil- dren, Zephaniah, father of Charles E. Bishop, was born in New York and was eight years old when he accompanied his parents to Ohio. The family home had probably been at W'hitehall, near Lake Champlain, but many of the old family records have been lost and some points cannot be clearly established. This is the case with many of the old fam- ilies whose ancestors became pioneers in a far distant locality from the original home. Zephaniah attended the old Mallet Creek school. With the exception of ten years, which he spent in Litchfield Township, his whole life was passed in York Township, where he owned 125 acres of land, on which he carried on general farming and sheep-rais- ing. In politics he was a Republican and he held various township offices. He married a daughter of Elisha Waterman, who, for many years was one of the leading citizens of Medina County, Ohio. The latter was a soldier in the War of 1812, and was a son of a Revolutionary soldier, who served through the whole seven years of that war. In 1843 Elisha Waterman brought his family from Otsego County, New York, to York Township, Medina County, Ohio. He mar- ried Diana Young and they had four chil- dren, namely: Lawson, Onesimus, Marietta and Ellen. The family of Zephaniah Bishop and wife consisted of three children, namely: Charles E., Henry and Frederick, the latter of whom died at the age of five years. The parents were members of the United Brethren Church. Zephaniah Biship died Januars^ 11, 1901, and his widow died vSeptember 30, 1907, having reached the age of seventy-nine years. . AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 891 Charles E. Bishop attended the schools of Litchfield and York Townships, more or less regularly, until he was twenty years of age, after which he came to Peninsula and entered the employ of his uncle, the late Lawson Waterman, for whom he worked for seven years by the month. Since that time he has had entire control of the farm, the manage- ment of which requires the work of himself and son, with the assistance of two capable men. The great jdeld of grain from the farm is used in the feeding of the stock, as each year some stock is fattened and marketed. About twenty cows are kept and many Po- land China hogs. The apple orchard covers about six acres and produces choice fruit. This land is valuable in many way.s. There are two fine sandstone quarries, one of which was sold to the Cleveland Stone Company in 1897, while the other is leased to the Inde- pendent Stone Company, also of Cleveland". Mr. Bishop's residence was built in 1852, by his uncle, and is yet one of the finest in thi.s section. It is situated on an elevation which commands a beautiful view and is suri-ounded by a well-kept sloping lawn, shaded by trees. Mr. Bishop married Catherine A. Boodey, who is a daughter of Merrill Boodey, of Pen- insula, and they have one son, Fred. In politics, Mr. Bishop is nominally a Re- publican, but, like many thoughtful men of the times, resei-\es the right to vote independ- ently on many questions. Fraternally he is connected with Meriden Sun Lodge, No. 266, F. & A. M., of Richfield. For some years Mr. Bishop has given a great deal of attention to promoting athletics at Peninsula, especially the great national game of ba.^e ball. For the past five years he has managed the ball team at this point, w^hich is made up entirely of local players and it ha.'^ developed considerable talent. He is a broad-minded, genial man, one whom it is pleasant to know, and one who enjoys wide popularity in the community where he ha.« pas-ed the nio.i.hing else. For twenty-eight years he was in the milk business and had an Akron route, but in January, 1907, he discontinued his dairv. He married Susan Royer, who is a daughter of Abraham Royer, of Stark County, and they have a fine, intelligent family of ten children, namely: Bertha, Aquilla, Austin J., Fred- erick, Clarence, Claude, Mabel, Floyd, Gladys and Elva. The eldest son, Aquilla Fouse, married Edna Sprague, and they have three children : Ruth, Helen and Harold. When the home farm was divided at the time of the father's death, John M. Fouse purchased twenty-five acres of the land, which is exceedingly valuable on account of being so desirable for city building extension, to- gether with the buildings, the substantial barn having been put up in 1880, and the fine frame dwelling, in 1881. Mr. Fouse is one of the recognized lead- ing men of the township and is a member of the Board of Education together with the folloT\ang prominent citizens: John Mc- Dowell, president, Roland Koplin, W. W. Washburn and Abner Caldwell. Mr. Fouse belongs to the order of Pathfinders. FRANK A. WILCOX, capitalist, who has been a resident of Akron since 1882, is exten- sively engaged in a general contracting and real estate business here and is identified with a large number of the successful enterprises from which the city has gained its name as an important commercial center. He was born at Richfield, Summit County, Ohio, May 17, 1852, and is a son of Dr. J. C. Wil- cox, one of the county's pioneers. Frank A. Wilcox remained at Richfield until he was eighteen years of age, securing his preparatory education there, and then en- tered Oberlin College. Here he was gradu- ated in 1878, and immediately afterward be- gan the study of law in the office of T. E. Burton, at Cleveland, Ohio. After one year there he accepted the position of superintend- ent of the schools of Glenville, which he filled for three years. Mr. Wlicox then bought the abstract books of Summit County and from 1882 to 1898, he did the abstract, real estate and insurance business which is now controlled bv the firm of Bruner. Good- AND EEPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 897 hue & Cook, being associated the most of the time with A. H. Noah. He still retains an interest in the business. He was then secre- taoy of the India Rubber Company for one year, and in 1899 took charge of the Penn- sylvania Rubber Company, serving as vice- president, treasurer and general manager. He remained with this company until March 1, 1907, and is still on its board of directors. Mr. Wilcox is now engaged in a general con- tracting and real estate business. His large real estate interests occupy much of his time. He is a stockholder in the Akron Selle Com- pany and in other concerns, being treasurer and general manager of the Arcturus Lithia Springs Company. In 1893, Mr. Wilcox was married to Delia M. Doyle, who is a daughter of the late Wil- liam B. Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox lost an interesting little son, Doyle, who died at Erie, Pennsylvania, aged but six years. They have one daughter, Margaret, and an adopted daughter, Elizabeth L. While residing at Glenville, Mr. Wilcox served as a member of the City Council, and from 1885 until 1887, he served on the Akron City Council. He was the founder of the order of Maccabees at Akron and is past mas- ter of the order here, and he is also past grand of Akron Lodge, No. 547, I. 0. 0. F., and was sent as a representative to the Grand En- campment of the state of Ohio. He belongs also to the Akron lodge of Elks. At Jean- nette, Pennsylvania, he united with the First Presbyterian Church. Akron has few more progressive, enterprising and public-spirited citizens than Mr. Wilcox. CLINT W. KLINE, Clerk of Courts, was born in Green Township, Summit County, Ohio, January 14, 1860 ; he is the sepond son of David and Elizabeth (Chisnell) Kline, now living in Greensburg, Ohio. Mr. Kline was reared on his father's farm and obtained the usual country school edu- cation : subsequent to this he was a student in the Akron High School, and was a student at Buchtel college and also at Hiram college. At the age of seventeen he began teaching country schools, which profession he followed for seven years, after which he took a course in stenography at Springfield, Ohio. In 1885 he came to Akron and engaged in the retail grocery business with his brother, Oliver J. Kline, under the firm name of Kline Bros., which partnership continued until 1903 when Mr. Kline entered upon his duties as Clerk of Courts, thus terminating the partner- ship. Mr. Kline has always been a Republican and has always been active in local politics, having served as chairman of the Republican City Central Committee for a number of years and vice-chairman of the Summit County Executive Committee. In 1895 he was elected to the Board of Education from the famous Old Fourth ward, the Democratic stronghold of the city, in which capacity he served during 1895 and 1896; he did not stand for re-election, having received the Re- publican nomination for member of the Gen- eral Assembly of Ohio. Mr. Kline was elected to the office of Clerk of Courts at the election of 1902 and assumed his duties as such in 1903 ; in 1905 he was re- elected to a second term, which will expire in August, 1909. Mr. Kline is connected with a number of our banking institutions and is vice-president of The Dime Savings Bank. He is also a stockholder in a number of Akron's flourishing enterprises. In 1886 Mr. Kline was married to Minnie E. Burnham, a popular teacher of the Akron public school; they have two children. Vera B. and Helen B. Mr. Kline is prominent in fraternal matters, affiliating with a great many fraternal bodies. CHARLES TSCHANTZ, a highly es- teemed citizen of Portage Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, who resides on the old Good farm and is engaged in farming and dairying, was born September 21, 1855, in Switzerland, and is a son of John and Chris- tina Tschantz, both of whom died in the old countrv. Charles Tschantz was reared in his HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY native country, where he received a good edu- cation, his father being a school teacher, and at the age of sixteen yeai's he came to Amer- ica, locating at once on the farm of Abe Mosier in Wayne County, Ohio. After re- maining there for two years Mr. Tschantz removed to Beaver County, Pennsylvania, where for two years he worked in a dairy, and subsequently went to Putnam County, Ohio, where he lived for seven years. After his marriage, Mr. Tschantz went to Ashta- bula, Ohio, where he continued to reside for six years, and in 1897 located on the old Sacket farm in Copley Township. Two years later he purchased forty acres of land in Cop- ley, where he resided for three years, at the end of which time he purchased a residence and ten building lots in Akron. Mr. Tschantz removed to his present home in 1899, and in 1905 purchased thirty acres of land, which he farms in connection with the 298 acres that he rents from Edward Good. He makes a specialty of dairying, having for this pur- pose a herd of from twenty-five to thirty finely bred cattle. Mr. Tschantz was man-ied in Putman County, Ohio, to Anna Vungunton, and to this union there have been born seven chil- dren: Lena, who married Allen Wright; William, who married Margaret Hodgson, and has one child, Buelah Margaret; Otto, who resides in Oregon ; .Tohn, also a resident of Oregon ; Charles, who lives at home ; Anna, who is a stenographer of Akron; and Lizzie. With his family Mr. Tschantz attends the Christian Church. C. H. PALMER, who is identified with a number of Akron's greatest business enter- prises, is still in the .vigor of middle age, hav- ing been born in 1850, in old Middlebury, now- Akron, and is a son of Albert and Ann Elizabeth (Hoyc) Palmer. Stephen Palmer, the grandfather of C. H.. was one of the earliest manufacturers of this section. He established a fanning mill factory which his son, Albert Palmer, con- tinued to operate until about 1850, in which year he to went to Tennessee, where, for a time he was engaged in the same business. In early manhood, Albert Palmer was a school teacher. He still survives, and resides at Akron, having reached hLs eighty-third year, while his wife has rounded out her seventy-seventh. C. H. Palmer was educated at Kingsville Academy. He was only twelve years old when he was sent out on his father's wagon, to sell matches, and thus from boyhood he has been connected with the great corporation now known as the Diamond Match Company. From the humble position of match boy, Mr. Palmer, through diligence and industry worked his way up, step by .9tep, through the different grades of service until he now occu- pies the responsible positions of vice-president and general superintendent of the Diamond Match Company, as well as a director in the same. Mr. Palmer is largely interested in many other flourishing enterprises of this prosperous city and section. He is president and director of the Granite Clay Company; trea.surer and a director of the Akron Smok- ing Pipe Company ; a director of the First Na- tional Bank of Akron ; a director of the Bar- berton Savings Bank, at Barberton, and other concerns of less magnitude. In 1876, Mr. Palmer was married to Ma- rion Peckham, who wa.s born, reared and edu- cated at Middlebury, and who is a daughter of Thomas H. Peckham, one of the set- tlers at Tallmadge, Summit County. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer have one son, Thomas A., who is manager of the Barberton branch of the Diamond Match factory, and vice-presi- dent and a director of the Granite Clay Com- pany. He was educated at Case's School of Applied Science. Mr. Palmer is a member and one of the trustees of the First Church of Christ, at Akron. WILLIS G. MARSHALL, a well-known citizen and general farmer of Norton Town- .ship, residing on his farm which lies one-half mile north of Johnson's Corners and about one-half mile south of Norton Center, was AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 899 born on this farm, in .Sununit County, Ohio, March 2, 1855, and is a son of Robert G. and Louisa (Vickers) Marshall. Robert Marshall was born in Perry County, Pennsylvania, and is a son of Joseph Mar- shall. He came to Sununit Covnity a.s a young man and after his marriage Ixnight the farm on which Willis G. resides. Both he and wife died on this farm. They had twleve children, Willis G. being the youngest of the family. Willis G. ilarshall wa.s reared on thi.s fine old farm and went to school at Norton Center. In 1878 he was married to Mary S. Betz, a daughter of Alvin D. Betz, and she was reared within a half mile of the farm on which Mr. Marshall grew up. They have three children —Roy G., Leonard E., ^md Nellie M. The eldest son is foreman of the hose room of the Rubber Products Company, at Barbert-on. He married Mabel Cooper and they have three .children— Ethel M., Cloyd C, and Ruth I. Leonard, the second son, is also employed in the Rubber WorlvS. He married Doxie Tawney. Miss NelHe resides at home. Both sons have built and are living on the place, which is now the West corporation limit of Barberton. Following his marriage. Mr. Marshall lived for two years at Norton Center, and then ino\'ed to a farm south of Johnson's Corners, on which he remained for four yeai-s. He then moved to Wayne County, for a three years' residence. He moved back to Norton for one year and then returned to Wayne County, where he remained for fourteen years. In the .spring of 1902, he bought the old home farm and has carried on agriculture here ever since. For three years he also car- ried on a dairy, but has discontinued that in- dui5try. The family is one that is very highly respected in this neighborhood. IRVIN R. MANTON, superintendent of factory No. 3, Robinson Clay Product Com- pany, at Akron, has been connected with this large business enterprise ever since he com- pleted his education, and his industry, ca- {)acity and fidelity have contributed in full measia-e to the success of the concern. He was born at Akron, Ohio, January 24, 1874, and was educated in the schools of Akron, with three years of instruction at Saltsburg, Pennsylvania. After completing his school studies he entered the factory of the Robin- son Clay Product Company, of which he has been superintendent for the past four years. He has engaged rather extensively, also, in the breeding of fine horses, at present own- ing about fifteen head, they possessing quali- ties which make them exceedingly valuable. On April 5, 1898, Mr. Manton was mar- ried to Fredericka Wickdal Hurxthal, a member of one of the old and substantial families of Canton, Ohio. They have one child, Laona. Mr. Manton is a member of the First Presbyterian Church. He has nu- merous social connections, being a member of the Portage Country Club, the Canton Coun- try Club, and the Gentlemen's Driving Club of Akron. IRVING C. RANKIN, M.D., specialist in surgery and diseases of women, is a leading practitioner at Akron. He was born at Akron, Ohio, -in 1871, and is a .son of George T. Rankin. Following his graduation from the Akron High School, in 1888, Dr. Rankin entered the Syracuse University, where he was graduated in 1892 with his degree of Bachelor of Phi- losophy. He received his Master's Degree in 1894. In 1895 he was graduated from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, and after serving one year as an interne in the Allegheny General Hos- pital, at Allegheny, Pennsylvania, he located at Akron, in 1896. He has been in con- tinuous practice in this city ever since, with the exception of a part of the year 1904, which he spent at Berlin and Vienna, tak- ing a post graduate course in the famous medical institutions of those cites. Dr. Rankin is gynecologist of the Akron Hos- pital, and surgeon for a number of the large industries of this city, notably, the Quaker 900 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Oats Company, the' Northern Ohio Traction and Light Company, and the Taplin and Rice Company. He also carries on a general prac- tice. He is a member of the Summit County, the Ohio State, the Cleveland, and the North Eastern Medical Societies. For three of the eleven years in which he has been engaged in practice at Akron, Dr. Rankin served as city physician. On November 1, 1898, Dr. Rankin was mariied to Lena J. Schreuder, of Syracuse, New York. Dr. Rankin retains membership in his Greek letter college frater- nity, the D. K. E.; also belongs to the Ma- sonic order. JOHN "W. PAYNE, city engineer at Akron, was born at Port Clinton, Ottawa County, Ohio, in 1857, and like many other men now in professional life, was educated in the district schools and was reared on the paternal farm. When Mr. Payne decided to adopte civil en- gineering as his profession he entered the en- gineering department of the University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, and was graduated in 2883, with his degree of a working Bache- lor of Science. Following his departure from the university, he worked for the Govern- ment, for two years, on the Mississippi River survey, and for two years on the Missouri River. The death of his brother, who had been in the dry goods business at Port Clin- ton, recalled him to that city and he took charge of that business, removing to Akron, Ohio, in 1887, and disposed of it in 1894. In 1892, he first began work in the city en- gineer's office as assistant, and continued in that capacity until 1899, when he was made city engineer, an office he has filled evei- since. In 1886, Mr. Payne was married to Martha A. Orchard, of Lima, Ohio, and they have two children, "William A. and Mildred. The latr- ter resides at home. William A. Payne is a student in the engineering department of the University of Michigan. Mr. Payne and family belong to the Woodland Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is a trustee. He has been prominent for a number of years, in the order of Odd Fellows, is a mem- ber of the Encampment, and belongs also to the Pathfinders. Formerly he was president of the Ohio Engineering Society and still re- tains his membership. ELMER I. McCAMAN, whose excellent farm of 100 acres is situated in Coventry Township, about two and one-half miles southeast of Barberton, is a native of Summit County, Ohio, and was born on the banks of Long Lake, in Coventry Township, August 30, 1871. He is a son of Elihu and Louisa W. (Foust) McCaman. Isaac McCaman, the grandfather of Elmer I., was the founder of this family in Ohio. He was born in Ireland and came to America accompanied by two brothers, one of whom settled first in Maryland, while the other, with Isaac, settled in Virginia. In a short time, Isaac McCaman pushed north to Ohio and set- tled near what is now the town of Uniontown, where he died aged forty-five years. His widow survives him into old age and died at Akron. Of their large family there are two survivors, namely : Percilla, who is the widow of Adam Cormany, and Lucinda, who is the Widow Gruber, residing at Akron. Elihu McCaman was reared on the farm on which his father had located and through youth assisted in clearing the same. In young manhood he bought the 3Iary Ellen, a tidy little canal boat, on which he and his mother lived for a number of years, during which time he followed a profitable business on the water. After his marriage he retired from the canal and disposed of his boat, fol- lowing agricultural pursuits in Coventry Township until his death, in December, 1899, when sixty-eight years of age. In middle life he married the widow of Michael Dixon, who was a daughter of George and Nellie Foust. One of the three children of her first marriage still survives, Delilah, who married Levi Gaugler. Two children were born to her marriage with Elihu McCaman : Elmer I., and Ella J., the latter of whom married AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 901 Charles Rhodenburger and is deceased. By a second marriage, to Orange Cook, one child was born, George L. The mother of Mr. Mc- Caman resides at Barberton. Elmer I. McCaman was nine years old when his parents moved to the farm in the southwest corner of Coventry Township, where he went to the old District No. 9 school, after which he worked in the shops at Barber- ton until his marriage. After this event, he went into a sawmill business with his half- brother, George Cook, and was a partner in the G. L. Cook Lumber Company, of Barber- ton, which engaged in business there for four years. Mr. McCaman then sold his interest to Mr. Cook, and in 1904, he bought his present excellent farm, from the Dickerhoof heirs. The property was improved to some degree, but Mr. McCaman has added to the value of the land very materially, by his care- ful cultivation and excellent agricultural methods. Mr. McCaman was married February 13, 1895, to Clara N. Stefifee ,who is a daughter of Amos and Alice (Fairbanks) Steffee. They have five children, namely: Carrie, Ellery, Edwin, Forest, Orwin, and Sadie B. Mrs. McCaman is the eldest of her parents' family of four children, the others being: Leon, Blanche, and Almira, the latter of whom died young. The mother of Mrs. McCaman died March 26, 1907, aged fifty-four years, but the father still survives. The maternal grandfather, Edwin Fairbanks, was a native of New York and was one of the earliest set- tlers in Copley Township. Mr. and Mrs. McCaman are members of the United Brethren Church at Lock wood Corners, in which he is one of the stewards. He is a Democrat. Formally he was a mem- ber of the Knights of Pythias, at Barberton. HIRAM HANCHETT WALLACE, a highly esteemed citizen of Northfield Town- ship, was engaged in farming for many years but is now retired from active management of his farms, though still residing in a com- modious residence which he built on one of them several years ago. He is the second son of the late James W. and Adeline (Hanchett) Wallace and was born February 18, 1843, in Northfield Township, Summit County, Ohio. This branch of the Wallace family became American through Robert Wallace, the great- great-grandfather of Hiram, who removed from Scotland early in the eighteenth cen- tury to Londonberry, Ireland, and thence to Londonderry, New Hampshire. To Robert was born James, and to James came two sons, George and Robert, not mentioning the nu- merous collateral branches. These brothers, George and Robert, having the spirit of ad- venture in them, and perhaps being restive under the strict New England discipline of those days, put good axes over their broad shoulders and fat bags of beans on their backs, and, leaving their native town of Ackworth, New Hampshire, directed their foot-steps west- ward. By aid of the axe they supplemented the provender in the bags and after traversing some six hundred miles of sparcely settled country they reached Youngstown, Ohio, where they were engaged by a Mr. Samuel Menough to chop wood at twelve and one-half cents per coid. The two brothers must have done more than chop well, for George cap- tured the hand of Mr. Menough's daughter Harriet, and her sister became Robert's wife. In 1806 George Wallace removed to Cleveland and purchased twelve acres of land on what is now Superior Avenue N. W., run- ning from the site of the old Weddell House (the present Rockefeller Building) to the river, and built thereon a log hotel building. It is said that Mr. Wallace paid three hundred dollars for this land which, with improve- ments at the present time, is worth millions. In the latter year Mr. Wallace removed with his family to the southern part of North- field Township to escape the malarious air of Cleveland and to develop a fine water-power on a beautiful stream to which Mrs. Wallace gave the name of Brandywine. Here George Wallace purchased a largo tract of land and built and operated a grist- mill, saw-mill, woolen-mill and a distillery, 902 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY making Brandywine the business point between Cleveland and Pittsburg. He remained active in his many enterprises until his death in 1846, at the age of seventy-three. Though not a church member he was a liberal supporter of the Presbyterian Church, his day-book now in possession of his grand-son Hiram, .showing among other items the entry of ten gallons of whiskey armually towards the minister's stipend ; the good liquor of that day and locality being known as "Brandy- wine currency." He left four children: James AVaugh, George Young, who was one of the early sheriffs of Portage County, Eme- line, and Perkins, a physician. James W. Wallace, father of Hiram, be- came one of the most widely known and uni- versally respected of the older residents of Smnmit County. Born in Youngstown, No- vember 27, 1803, he Avas three years of age M-hen the family removed to Cleveland and began the limited school curriculum of the time. Early in life he was intrusted with business interests by his father, at the age of fifteen managing alone the general store at Brandywine with its large and varied stock of goods. About 1825, in company with his brother George Y., he took immediate charge of the different branches of the Brandywine business including a twelve hundred acre farm on which were kept 2,000 to 2,500 sheep, seventy to seventy-five head of cattle and ten to fifteen horses. As an index to the time it is interesting to note that the total tax on this property was then but five dollars. Later, m a.ssociation with his father, he built many miles of the Ohio Canal and the aqueduct at Roscoe. Large tracts of the AVestern Reserve were faaniliax to him, as for years he was the representative of the Land Company which (iriginally owned tliat section of Ohio. This together with his otJier diversified interests, brought him ^Aade acquaintance in the ter- ritory between Cleveland and Pittsburg. His unfailing courtesy to all, combined with just but considerate business methods, made him the grand old man of the time and section. On September 8, 1836, Mr. Wallace mar- ried Adeline Hanchett, daughter of lliraui and Mary Hanchett. Previous to 1841 Mr. Hanchett built the "Lady of the Lake," the first good vessel built on Lake Erie, wliich is said to have paid for herself in two trips to and from Buffalo. From this union there were seven children: George, deceased; Hiram Hanchett, the subject of this sketch; Mary, wife of Mr. Lorin Bliss, treasurer of Northfield Township; AA^arner AA^, a retired farmer of Lexington, Ky. ; Leonard C. a re- tired farmer of Macedonia, Ohio; Jo.seph, who died in infancy ; Margaret Stanhope, wife of Mr. II. R. P. Hamilton, architect, Cleveland. After residing for several years in the .substantial homestead built liy the head of the family and overlooking the Fails of the Brandywine, Mr. and Mrs. AVallace re- moved, in 1870, to Maple Mound on the road leading from Macedonia to Hudson where in comfortable retirement, with childi'en and grandchildren about them, they enjoyed their later years, Mrs. AA'allace living until March 15, 1885, and her husband until September 28, 1887, their lives fully rounded in all relation,s of the home, the world and the church. Their second son, Hiram Hanchett Wal- lace, received his education in the Northfield public schools and at AVestern Reserve Col- lege, and remained at the home in Brandy- wine until his marriage Decemljcr 18, 1867, to Marianna Mearns, daughter of Air. John Mearns of Cecil County, Maryland. To them were born : Adeline Rebecca, now deceased ; Belle Alearns,' who became the wife of Air. Clark Dillow of Brecksville and is deceased, leaving two children, James Hiram and Elizabeth; Anna AVaugh, married to the Rev. Mr. AVm. T. Hammond of Northeast, Maryland, both deceased, leaving a daughter, Rebecca; Alargaret, deceased; George H., an intelligent farmer of Northfield who married Miss Emma Rudgers of Brecksville and has an infant daughter; Schuyler J., a promising young attorney of Cleveland; Harvey Bald- win, a.s.sistant manager of a large manufactur- ing concern in Detroit, who married Miss AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 903 Olive Snyder, and also has an infant daugh- ter; Marianna Mearns, who since infancy has been as a daughter to her aunt, Mrs. Lorin Bliss, Mrs. Wallace dying February 18, 1887, shortly after childbirth. In 1891 Mr. Wallace married (second) Mary Jane, daughter of the late Mr. James Fayen^veather of Boston Township. Soon after his firet marriage ]\Ir. Wallace settled in Pocahontas County, luwa, in the same neighborhood as his brother George, where he fanned extensively until 1879, when he sold hL-> holdings and, returning to North- field, bought the Proctor farm. Lot 04. In 1885 he increased his acreage by the purchase of the- Boyd farm, Lot Ho. and on a .-igluly eminence well removed from the public high- ways, he erected hLs present handsome resi- dence, which was completed in 1891. Beau- tiful shade trees, fruitful orchards, well kept gardens, a large barn with the lusual outbuild- ings, and an inexhaustible pure water supply, on an automatic system, make evident the thrift and comfort which prevail. His farms, through intelligent care and foresight, have been kept up to the high standard which might be expected and are now managed by his first son who resides in the substantial brick dwelling built sixty years ago by Mr. Daniel Proctor. Mr. Wallace's religious training and be- liefs are Presbyterian, of which church he is a supporter; his politics are Republican and he has served .several terms as township trus- tee in Iowa and for years he was a leading spirit in the Northfield Board of Education which has brought to a high standard the schools that he attended as a child. Natu- rally Mr. Wallace is widely known and enjoys an enviable reputation in the esteem of his extended acquaintance. WILLIAM JACOB FRYMAN, general farmer and stockraiser, owns ninety-one acres of excellent farming land in Bath Town- ship, which has been his home for the past twenty years. He was Ijorn January In. 18B1, in Copley Township. Summit Covnity, Ohio. and is a son of Joel and Mary Jane (Simons) Fryman. Daniel Fryman, the grandfather of Wil- liam J., was a native of Pennsylvania, who came from that State on foot, with his dog and gun, and continued his walk through Sunmiit County to Medina County, Ohio, where he later spent many years on his farm south of \\^xdsworth. He subsequently re- turned to Summit County and settled in Cop- lev Township, where ho died in October, 1874. Joel Fryman was born and reared in Me- dina County, Ohio, and in early manhood came to Copley Township, Summit County, where he was married. In 1870, he went to Williams Countj', Ohio, but after three years returned to Summit County and purchased a farm in Portage Township, where he and his wife still live. He was married to Mary Jane Simons, who was born at Lockwood'.^' Corners, in Coventrj' Township, and is a daughter of Henry Simons, a native of Eng- land, who secured the fii'st marriage license taken out in Summit County, Ohio. He set- tled in Coventry Township at an early day, and there became the owner of a large tract of land. Mrs. Fryman's mother died when she was five years old, and she went to live with here uncle, William Carpenter, and was known on this account as Mary Jane Carpen- ter. To Mr. and Mrs. Fryman there were boi-n eight children : Sarah, who is the wife (jf Frank Swift ; William J. ; Arvella, who married Thomas Carter; Mary, who died when three years old; Ella, who married Heiu-y Moeler; Plomer; Frank, who died when thirteen years old; and Cora, who died aged about one year. Until twenty-one years of age, Wilhani Jacob Fryman remained on the home farm in Portage Township, and he then started to work as a farm liand. In Febinjary, 1895, he bougtit two-thirds of a farm of 116 acres, formerly the McMillan property, which is lo- cated one and one-half miles west of Montrose, but as there was a dispute as to the title, he was obliged to repurchase it. He cultivates 904 ■HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the whole 116 acres and in addition forty-six acres belonging to his father-in-law, Norton Hubbard, whose home is almost across the road from Mr. Fryman's, in Copley Town- ship. Mr. Fryman has engaged very exten- sively in raising draft horses, and a number of fine animals belonging to him are in the service of the Akron Fire Department, the Lyman Lumber Company and the Akron breweries. On December 27, 1883, Mr. Fryman was married to Lena Hubbard, who was born in Copley Township, on a farm in sight of her present home, and is a daughter of Norton and Harriet (Miller) Hubbard. The mother of Mrs. Fryman died December 30, 1888, and her father November 4, 1907. Norton Hubbard was born at Batavia, New York, and on Christmas night, 1830, was brought by his uncle to Copley Township and they set- tled in a little log cabin. He lived in Sum- mit County for seventy-seven years and was one of its most highly esteemed citizens. To Mr. and Mrs. Fryman one child was bom: Eex, who resides at home. Mr. Fryrnan is a member of the National Protective Legion, to which all of the family belong. He is a deacon in the Church of Christ at Copley. PHILANDER D. HALL, JR., capitalist and traveler, who owns a vast amount of valu- able realty in and about Akron and is identi- fied with a number of the city's prosperous enterprises, was born at Bridgeport, Connecti- cut, July 10, 1854, and is a son of Lorenzo and Mary J. (Hubbell) Hall. The late Lorenzo Hall was one of the early merchants of Akron and for years was a mem- ber of the firm of Hall Brother, a name that for a long period stood for business acumen and commercial integrity. Lorenzo Hall ac- quired a large fortune and became one of Akron's most valuable citizens. He died January 9, 1892. He married Mary J. Hubbel, and they had two sons, Frank L. and Phi- lander D., Jr., The former is one of the lead- ing attorneys of the city of New York. He was a student in the office of David Dudley Field, in New York, and is a graduate of Yale College and of the Law School of Columbia College. Philander D. Hall, J., who bears the hon- ored name of his uncle, the late Philander D. Hall, was four years of age when his father came to Akron. He was reared in this city, attended first the primary and then the High School here, and then became a student in the Columbia preparatory school, of New York city. He continued there for two years and completed his education at Strasberg, Ger- many, where he took a special course. Upon his return to his native land, he engaged in a wholesale hardware business at San Francisco, for a period and then came to Akron and took charge of the Hall Brothers store, which he managed for five years, or until the death of his venerable uncle. After selling the store, Mr. Hall was engaged for a considerable time in looking after the large amount of real estate which had come into his possession. He is interested in the Colonna Tire and Rubber Company, and the Swinehardt Rubber Com- pany, and is a stockholder in a number of like concerns. He is one of the directors of the National City Bank of Akron and has in- terests in New York. During the past year, Mr. Hall has been a resident of London, Eng- land, where he has represented the Firestone Rubber Tire Company. He has spent much time in travel and is familiar with various parts of Europe, having but recently returned from visiting France and Italy. On June 28, 1894, Mr. Hall was married to Eva M. Grant, of Cleveland, and they have one son, Frank Hurlburt. Mr. Hall was reared in the Episcopal Church and is a vestryman of the Church of Our Savior at Akron. E. C. SHAW, general manager of works of the B. F. Goodrich Company, at Akron, has been a resident of this wide-awake city since 1893, and is numbered with her suc- cessful business men. Mr. Shaw was born in 1863, at Buffalo, New York. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 905 After receiving au excellent public school training in his native city, Mr. Shaw entered Yale College, where he was graduated in the class of 1886. Upon his return to Buffalo, he engaged in an electric light business until 1893, when he came to Akron to take charge of the Akron Electric Light Company, re- maining with that organization for that year and in 1894 coming to the B. F. Goodrich Company in the capacity of a mechanical and electrical engineer. Mr. Shaw soon became assistant superintendent of this great concern, later was made superintendent, and since January 1, 1907, has been general manager of works of a company whose products are of world-wide fame. In 1897, Mr. Shaw was married to Jennie L. Bond, of New York city. He is a Knight Templar Mason, and is a popular member of the Poi-tage Country club. ISAAC LEIBY, one of Copley Township's most respected citizens, owns a valuable farm of 131 1-2 acres, which has been managed by his son since Mr. Leiby retired from active life. He was born on his father's farm in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, November 10, 1821, and is a son of Jacob and Mary Leiby. Mr. Leiby comes of Pennsylvania Dutch stock, of people noted for their industry and honesty. His father was also born in Penn- sylvania and engaged in farming and dis- tilling. He servived his wife and lived to the unusual age of ninety years. They had a family of thirteen children, and all but one of these reached maturity and all have passed to their final reward except Isaac, and his sis- ter Emeline, who married Charles Krum. Isaac Leiby worked with his father until he was about twenty years old and then learned the carpenter trade. He has worked at this more or less all his life and even at the age of eighty-six years can do a good piece of work in this line. He had very little chance to go to school in his boyhood and never learned the English language until he was grown, the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect being used entirely in the neighborhood in which he lived. When he was twenty-five years old he was married to Mary Heimbaug, and about two year later, with his wife and two little ones, the youngest but a few weeks old, he started in a one-horse wagon, with the intention of acquiring land and settling in Norton Township, Summit County,- Ohio, both of which he accomplished. When Mr. and Mrs. Leiby reached Akron they found a small village, which then had no railroad connection, and the houses then standing were not of the kind Mr. Leiby afterward built all through this section. Mr. Leiby came to Summit County a poor but honest, temperate and industrious man, and it was not very long after he settled here that he bought his first tract of land, twenty acres, from a ilr. Myers, and then forty acres from S. J. Spake, and to this he soon added thirteen and one-eighth acres, bought of David Miller. From time to time, as a good piece of land came upon the mar- ket, he bought until he owned 141 1-2 acres. Recently he has sold ten acres. W^hen hfi settled here he lived for a short time in the log house that was standing, but before long put up the nice residence which has stood for fifty years. Its construction w^as so substan- tial that no repairs have been necessary until recently, when Mr. Leiby put down a ne^y porch floor, and it was well done. The wife of Mr. Leiby died September 14, 1899. They had seven children, as follows; Leander, who married Amanda Houghlan; Charles, who married Mary Miller; Henry, who married Jennie Jones; Aaron, who man- ages the home farm ; Lovena C. ; Mary Eliza- beth, who married L. Squires ; and Samantha Jane, who married W. Stonebrook. In politics Mr. Leiby and his son Aaron axe both stanch Democrats. During the time he served as road supervisor, the township prof- ited by his good judgment and close attention to the work in hand. He is a leading mem- ber of the Reformed Church in his neigh- borhood, in which he has served as deacon for many years and elder for the past five years. HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY W. A. SACKETT, M.D., a prominent medical practitioner at Akron, was born in Copley Township, Summit County, Ohio, in 1866, and is a son of the late William C. Sackett, a well-known citizen. William C. Sackett was born at Warren, Connecticut, in October, 1827, and died in Summit County, in November, 1902. He was a son of Aaron and Huldah Camilla (Tanner) Sackett, and was ten year old when his parents emigrated to Tallmadge Town- ship, Summit County. He was a representa- tive man of his section, deeply interested in its development and evinced public spirit and enterprise. In 1851 he went to California. later to Oregon, and after four j'ears in the far W^est, he returned to Ohio. Here he pur- cha'ied a large farm from George Sackett, his brother, and carried on extensive agricul- tural pursuits until 1893, when he moved to a farm in Portage Township. Here he continued to reside until 1898, removing then to a farm he bought in Coventry Township, where his death occurred. For a period of five years he w;as president of the Summit County Agricultural Society. On March 18, 1857, he married Harriet L. Galbraith, who was a daughter of Henry H. and Ann (Lang- worthy) Galbraith. Dr. W. A. Sackett graduated from the Akron High School in 1885, and from Ober- lin College, in 1890, with the degree of A. B. In 1893 he was graduated from the iVIedical Department of the University of Pennsyl- vania, and the A. M. degree has since been conferred on him by Oberlin College. Dr. Sackett immediately located at Akron, where he has met with hearty recognition. He is a member of the Summit County, the Ohio State Sixth Councilor District and the Ameri- can Medical Association. Until her lamented death in Janu.ary, 1906, the venerable mother of Dr. Sackett resided upon the farm in Coventry Township. She was born at Mogadore, Summit County, Ohio, July 25, 1837, and was a daughter of Henry Galbraith, who was born near Belfast, Ireland. He came to Canada in bovhood and in 1836 to Summit County, where he became a well- known citizen. He survived until 1893. Fraternally, Dr. Sackett l-< a Mason. Ke- ligiously, he is a member of the First Con- gregational Church. S. A. KEPLER, dairyman, and owner of forty-three acres of excellent farming land, situated in Coventry Township, five miles south of Akron, was born December 9, 1864, on the home farm, in the old log house situ- ated on the hill, in Coventry Township. Summit County, Ohio. His parents are Samuel and Susanna (Swigart) Kepler. Samuel Kepler was born in Green Town- shil). Sununit County. Ohio, and is a son of Jacob Kepler, who owned nuich land in Green Township and also worked as a mechanic. Samuel was the eldest son of Jacob, and on him fell many of the heavy duties of the farm. In early manhood he was married to SiLsanna Swigart, who was one of a family of fifteen children born to George Swigart, who lived in Franklin Township, Summit County. Samuel Kepler and wife had seven children, namely: Uriah, residing in Kansas; Anuh, the widow of H. C. Preyer, residing at Cleve- land; Jacob, residing at Barberton; Samuel Adam; Minnie, who married Dr. Roden- tjaugh, residing at Barberton; and Jefferson and Rahama, both of whom died young, of scarlet fever. Mr. and Mrs. Kepler reside in a fine large residence, at No. 56 South Broadway^ Akron, moving there after .selling a farm of 19(5 acres. He still owns 138 acres in Coventry Township. Samuel Adam Kepler grew up on the old home place and attended District School No 6, when home duties were not too pressing. He remained assisting his father until 1888, and when he married he bought his present farm from his father. At that time there were no buildings on the place and all the improvements, house, barns and other struc- tures he has put here. His barns, where his milk is handled, are model buildings, with cement floors and with every convenience and sanitary condition required in modern days. J. R. CAMPBELL AND KEPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 909 Hi^ dairy products are fir.~t-clasri in t-very par- ticular and meet with ready i^ale. On September 23, 1893, Mr. Kepler was married to Maggie B. Grubb, who wa.s born at Manchester, Summit County, Ohio, and is a daughter of William and Ro.ects. For ,-i.\ months he lived frugally and economic- ally, when things took a turn for the better, and now Mr. Campbell owns property val- ued at $6,000. In his case, energy, patience and perseverance brought a sure reward. For ( leven years he was at the head of the mal- leable department of the Whitman-Barnes Company, and in 1897 he was elected justice of the peace, in w^hich oltice he served nine years, or three terms. He made an excellent (ifticer and was noted for his wise decisions and incorruptible judicial attitude on all oc- casions. Since retiring from that office he has devoted himself to the real estate and in- surance business, and although competition is keen at Akron, he has had no trouble in securing a large part of the businet*s along these lines. He has been prominently iden- tified with the beneficiary order of Royal Arcanum for a number of years, and has done much to build up that organization in this section. In 1867 Mr. Campbell was married to Mary M. Bacheman, who is a daughter of Rev. Bacheman, a minister of the Reformed Church, and they have three children, namely: Arietta C, Homer C. and Carrie M. The latter is the widow of Robert E. Patterson, and resides at home. The older daughter is the wife of C. F. Tobey, residing at Cleveland. Homer C. Campbell, a practic- ing attorney at Cleveland, graduated with second honors at the Akron High School and later at the Adelbert Law School. Mr. Campbell is a member of the First Methodist Episcopal Church at Akron and has been identified with its Charity Associa- tion. He is serving in his twelfth year as chaplain of Buckley Post, G. A. R.. ha«! been 910 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY all through the chairs of the organization, and was commander in 1895. He is serving also as secretary of the county board of the Soldiers' Relief Commission. WILLIAM SOUERS, a prominent citizen and retired agriculturist of Summit County, who resides in his beautiful home at Ken- more, was born May 16, 1841, in Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of David and Catherine (Smith) Souers. Phillip Souers, the grandfather of William Souers, brought his family from Pennsyl- vania to Green Township, Summit County, and settled as a pioneer in the woods, where he lived for about forty years, clearing a small farm and pursuing the carpenter trade. In his later years he removed to Roanoke, Indiana, near Fort Wayne, where he died at the ripe old age of ninety years. His first wife having died in Green Township in 1851, Phillip Souers was married a second time in Indiana. To the first union there were bom five children: David; Allen; Sarah, who married Daniel Wiltrout; Mary, who married George Weston; and Elhanon, all now deceased. David Souers, father of William, was just a boy when the trip to Ohio was made in wagons, and his youth was spent in helping his father to clear the home farm. When still a young man he learned the carpenter trade, at which he worked until his marriage, when he bought a farm of about eighty acres in Franklin Township, which he sold after a number of years, in 1857, buying 120 acres of land from John R. Buchtel. This land, now known as the Cobern Allotment, cost him fifty dollars per acre, and here he carried on operations for three years, when he traded it off and removed to the Reservoir farm in Coventry Township, where his death occurred September 29, 1888, at the age of seventy- eight years, his widow surviving him until April 17, 1892, when she died aged seventy- seven years. In 1840, Mr. Souers was mar- ried to Catherine Smith, whose family also came from the East, and to this union there were born six children: William; Daniel, who resides in Akron; Ellen, the widow of Daniel Warner; Sanford, who is deceased; Frank, who lives at Akron ; and Charles who is a resident of Coventry. William Souers was bom in one of the first frame houses erected in this section of Franklin Township, and grew up on the farm, where most of his boyhood was spent. He attended the district school, which was situated about four miles from his home, and also worked for some time at New Portage. He lived with his father until thirty-one years of age, when he rented the farm where Kenmore is now located, a tract of seventy- five acres, from George Strawhecker. After living there about ten years, Mr. Souers pur- chased the farm at ninety dollars per acre, and here he continued to operate another ten years, when he sold the property to W. A. Johnson for about $12,000, and removed to his beautiful residence in Kenmore, where he and his wife have since lived in quiet retire- ment. At the time Mr. Souers first located on this property it was a barren waste of land, and he has seen it grow into one of the most beautiful sections of Coventry Town- ship, the town of Kenmore. In business circles Mr. Souers is regarded as a man of good judgment and clear insight, while as a citizen and as a neighbor he is held in high esteem. In political life he is a Republican, but he has sought no political preferment. With his family he belongs to the Evangelical Church at Kenmore, in which he is class leader. William Souers was married in 1864, to Susan Weaver, who was born in Coventry Township, and is a daughter of Daniel E. and Rebecca (Renninger) Weaver, the former of whom was a native of Ohio and the latter of Pennsylvania. To Mr. and Mrs Souers there have been born four children, namely: One who died in infancy; John, who died when twelve years old ; George, who died at the age of nine years; and Mary, who married Aaron Faylor, and resides at Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Faylor have one child, Ray. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 911 FRED W. WOLF, dealer in staple and fancy groceries and smoked meats, who has an excellent business location at No. 41 Ad- ams Street, Akron, was bom in 1867, at Cuyahoga Falls, and was brought to Akron in his infancy, where he was reared and edu- cated, graduating from the Akron High School in 1885. Following his graduation, Mr. Wolf be- came identified with a business house, the Whitman & Barnes Company, with which he remained for thirteen years, during five years of this period being employed at the branch conducted at West Pullman, Chicago, After leaving West Pullman, Mr. Wolf en- gaged, in 1899, in a grocery business at Akron and purchased the stock of Mr. Ely and isubsequently the property at No. 41 Adams Street, a building two stories high, with basement, its dimensions being 22x60 feet. In the rear he has a warehouse which is 24x30 feet. Business men generally con- sidered it an excellent investment. Mr. Wolf is also one of the stockholders of the Aladdin Rubber Company, the Tyler Wholesale Com- pany, the Akron Brewing Company, and others. In 1890^ Mr. Wolf was married to Helena McMullen, of Akron, and they have three children: Cecelia, Howard and Ralph. Mr. Wolf is a Mason, belonging to Blue Lodge, Chapter, Council, and Commandery, and is also a member of the Masonic club. WILIAM M. VANDERSALL, who owns a valuable farm of ninety-four acres in Co- ventry Township, situated about five miles south of Akron, belongs to an old pioneer family of this section and was bom in Green Township, Summit County, Ohio, June 8, 1851. He is a son of Samuel and Susanna (Yearick) Vandersall. Samuel Vandersall was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and was a son of Jacob Vandersall, who was born in Germany and sailed for America, in childhood, with his parents. They were unfortunate in their choice of a sailing vessel, as it lost its course and before landing was made, many of the poor emigrants star\'ed to death. Perhaps this would have been the fate of the Vander- sall family had not Jacob found a place in the hold of the vessel where rats had a nest and at night when the rodents came out, he would catch them and thus provide food which kept the party from starving. The Vandersalls settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and Jacob Vandersall, the grandfather of William M. became a preacher there in the Evangelical Church and preached also after he came to Stark County, Ohio. He had the following children: Jacob, John, David, Samuel, Mary A., Catherine and Elizabeth. On the Stark County farm, Samuel Van- dersall grew to manhood, helping to clear the land and also learning the wagon-making trade, having a shop of his own for several years. After his marriage he moved to Sum- mit County and settled on a farm in Green Township, on which he lived for forty-five yeare, his death taking place there in 1892, at the age of seventy-nine years. He was married January 21, 1834, to Susanna Year- ick, who was born on her father's farm m Green Township and who still sundves, now being the oldest woman in that township, hav- ing passed her ninety-second birthday, June 17, 1907. She has often told her children of her girlhood, when she used to pasture the cows on the site of the present great reservoir. The children of Samuel and Susanna Vander- sall were the following: John, residing on his farm of 160 acres in Coventry Township ; Mary, who married George Gougler; Abra- ham, at present preaching at Wellsville, Ohio, in the Evangelical Church; Simon, an Evan- gelical preacher, residing at Salem. Oregon; Sarah, residing on the old homestead with her venerable mother ; Joseph ; Elias Wesley ; William Madison,- Cornelius, who is deceased; and Daniel 0. William M. Vandersall grew to manhood on his father's farm in Green Township and obtained a good education for the time and locality, attending the district schools and a private school at Greensburg. He was, how- ever, expected to do his share of farm work 912 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY and thus he was trained both physically aii'l mentally. Shortly after his marriage he j air- chased his present farm, from William Shutt, his father-in-law. For a few years he lived with his family on his father's farm and for two years at Pleasant Valley, and then returned to this farm wliere he has remained ever since. He has always carried on a general line of farming and is numbered with the township's successful men. On September 1, 1876, Mr. Vandersall was married to Samantha Shutt, who is a daugh- ter of William and Susan (Cook) Shutt. They have had five children, namely : Clara E., who is a successful and valued teacher in the public schools of Akron; Herman M., who is a carpenter; Gomer, who died aged fourteen months; Laura C, residing at Ken- more ; and Ora, residing at home. Mr. Vandersall and family belong to the Evan- gelical Church at Kenmore, and at various times he has served in church offices. He is. one of the sterling men of the town.ship and he and family are all held in great es- teem. CHARLES SWITZER, one of Sunnnit County's mast substantial citizens whose mag- nificent farm of over 200 acres is situated in the southeastern corner of Coventry Town- ship, was born August 28, 1822, in York County, Pennsylvania, and is a son of An- drew and Eva (Stumer) Switzer. The grandpai'ents of Charles Switzer, who spelled the name Schweitzer, came from Ger- many and settled in York County, Pennsyl- vania, where they spent the remainder of their lives. They had two sons, the young- est of whom was Andrew, the father of Charles. Andrew Schweitzer grew up on the farm in York County, Pennsylvania, bu]t about twelve yeai's after marriage removed with his wife and five children to Indiana County, Pennsylvania, where they settled on a rented farm. In about 1832-3 the family went, to Portage County, Ohio, making the journey by four-horse team and wagon, and liere Mr. Schweitzer purchased a farm of sev- rnty-llve acre,-^, four acres of which were cleared and a log house built thereon. With the lielp of his children he cleared this prop- erty, and here made his home until after the death of his first wife, when he removed to Greensburg, Ohio, .south of East Liberty, and here his death occurred in his eighty-second \"ear. Andrew Schweitzer was married (first) to Eva Sturmer, whose parents had also come from Germany to, York County, Pennsyl- vania, where she was born. She died on the Portage County farm in her fifty-sec- ond year, having been the mother of six children : Elizabeth, who married a Mr. Hilderbrand; Christiana, who mar- ried George Enders, lives in Califor- nia, aged ninety-three years; Catherine, who married Adam Yerick ; John, who died at the age of ten years; Charles; and Sarah, who married Franklin Tousley. Mr. Schweitzer was married (second) at Greens- burg, Ohio, to Barbara Sweitzer, who survived him ten years. Charles Switzer had to contend early in life with a lack of educational opportunities, as his services were demanded on the home farm, first in York County, Pennsylvania, and later in Indiana County, even before he had reached his tenth year. In his native State he received about- one month's school- ing, and after the family located in Portage County, Ohio, he attended school for short periods at odd times, and later received about two and one-half months' educational train- ing in Sunnnit County. When about twenty years of age Mr. Switzer left home to make his own way, going to East Liberty, Ohio, where he worked for John Castitter at farm- ing, receiving twelve dollars i:>er month and his board, which were considered very high wages in that day. He continued with Mr. Castitter for two summers and then spent one season in the employ of Adam Yerrick. After his mariage, Mr. Switzer rented a part of his present property, which was then owned liy his father-in-law, John Tousley, and here he has made his home ever since. By 1853, he had accumulated enough capital to enable AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 913 him to j)urclia.'^e tliis exi-ellent i(roi)erty, a tract of over 200 acres, and here he erected a large eight-room frame hourie, a substantial barn and good outbuildings. Although re- tired from active pureuits for the past twenty years, Mr. Switzer still superintends the opera- tion of his farm, which is conceded to be one of the finest in Ihiii section of the county. In 1880, a fine vein of een found at the head of movements calculated to be of public benefit although he has never .-nought political office. WILLIAM F. LAUBACH, treasurer and general manager of the Akron People's Tele- phone Company, was born at .'Vllentown. Pennsylvania, and was four years old when his parents moved to Ix)yal Oak, Summit County, Ohio, where he received his early educational training. Later he attended tlie Copley High School. When fifteen years of age, Mr. Laubach came to Akron and began to learn the jewelrv trade under one of the leading jewelei"s of the city, devoting his evenings to advancing his knowledge, especially along the line of com- mercial college work. From 1878 until 1883, Mr. Laubach served an apprenticeship under the supervision of the firm of Foltz & F'rank, and continued wnth them as a clerk until 1892, when he was admitted to partnership and remained active in the business until 1900. Failing health warned him to change his occupation, and he then identified himself with the Akron People's Telephone Com- panj', becoming treasurer and general man- ager. In 1898, Mr. Laubach was married to Grace Henry, who is a daughter of M. W. Henry, one of Akron's pioneer merchants. They have one daughter, Martha. Mr. Lau- bach is a member of the First Congregational Church and one of its board of deacons. His fraternal connections are mainly with the va- rious Masonic bodies, as follows: member of Adoniram Lodge, No. 517; Washington Chapter, No. 25;' Akron Council, No. 80; eminent commander of Akron Com- mandery, No. 25 ; member of Lake Erie Con- sistory, and a thirty-second degree Mason. CHARLES E. WISE, who owns 160 acres of fine land in Franklin Township, which lies along the dividing line from Green Town- ship, is one of the representative farmers of this section, and one of its sub.stantial and reliable men. He was born on the farm of his grandfather, in Coventry Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, December 29, 1865, and is a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Kepler) Wise. Daniel Wise, the grandfather of Charles E., was born in Snyder County. Pennsyl- vania, and was a son of Peter Wise, whose whole life was pas.sed in Pennsylvania. His children were: Peter, John, Jacob, William, Daniel, Samuel, Betsey, Catherine and Lydia, all now decea«ed except Betsey, who married Peter Miller. Daniel ^A'Lse was the first of the family to come to Ohio, and he walked all the way to Summit Countv from Bucks County, Penn- 914 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY sylvania. He located in Green Township among the earlj' pioneers and began to clear land, and when opportunity offered, worked at his trade — that of stone-mason. After a time he was joined by his brother Samuel, who made the long journey with a horse and wagon. The brothers married sisters, Samuel espousing Catherine, and Daniel, Sarah Ra- ber, both being daughters of Henry Raber, a pioneer farmer in the locality. At one time Henry Raber owned 1,000 acres of land in Summit County, and he gave each >of his children a farm. In early times he carried his wheat by wagon, to Cleveland, where he sold it for from forty to fifty cents a bushel. He died on his original homestead farm of 160 acres, when almost ninety years of age. After his marriage, Daniel Wise gave the larger part if his attention to farming. He died in Green Township, owning at that time three farms, aged eighty-two years, and his widow died within three days of one year later. Daniel and Sarah Wise had the follow- ing children: John D.; Henry, father of Charles E. ; Louisa, who married John Neal ; Daniel, residing in Illinois; Frank and Cal- vin, both residing in Green Township; and Sarah, now deceased, who married L. Preere. Henry Wise was reared on his father's farm in Green Township, assisting from boyhood in the heavy work which was made necessary by the wild condition of a large part of his father's property at that time. For a short period he attended the old log school-house and sat on the rough benches which were con- sidered perfectly suitable in those days, but he had time to acquire no more than the rudi- ments of knowledge. From 1861 to 1863 he was engaged in drilling oil wells at Oil City, Pennsylvania, but with that exception, his whole life was spent in Summit County. For a time he resided south of Barberton, but later moved to the north of that town, where he died November 25, 1905, aged sixty-two years. He married Elizabeth Kepler, who was born and reared in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Jacob and Susan (Mar.>h) Kepler, both of whom sur- vive. They had four children: Charles El- mer, Olive, Harvey A., and Ida A., all now living, except the youngest, who died aged four years. Ida A. married Martin Ling. Charles Elmer Wise was born while his parents lived in the house now owned by Hus- ton Keppler, which was the home of his ma- ternal grandfather. In a short time they moved to Franklin Township and located on the farm where Harvey Wise now lives, and where the three other children were born. It was on that farm that Charles E. Wise lived until his marriage, in the meanwhile obtain- ing his education in the district schools. For one year following his marriage, Mr. Wise farmed for his father-in-law at Norton, re- moving from there to a farm in Franklin Township, where he remained until 1891, when he settled on his present place which he secured from his father. In addition to car- rying on general farming, Mr. Wise operates a portable sawmill. He has added to the orig- inal farm acreage and has much improved the property. In 1893 he built his substantial barn all of his buildings are kept in good order, his farm machmery is sufficient for his needs, and his surroundings indicate thrift and good management. In addition to this A'aluable property he owns the residence site at No. 76 Fay street, Akron. In February, 1888, Mr. Wise was married to Cora A. Miller, who is a daughter of Jacob J. and Theresa Miller, and they have one son, Walter A. Mr. Wise is a good citizen, but he takes no very active interest in politics. FRANK CORMANY, residing on his valu- able farm of fifty-one acres in Coventry Town- ship, is the owner of 112 acres, the balance being situated in Long Lake Park. Mr. Cor- many was born March 12, 1855, on the old Cormany homestead in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of John and Rebecca (Harter) Cormany. .Tohn Cormany was born in Pennsylvania and died in 1859. With his brothers he came to Summit County in early days, and they bought a large tract of timber land in AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 915 Coventry Township, which they set about clearing. When the land was subsequently divided, each brother secured about forty acres. John Cormany married Rebecca Bart- er who was born in Pennsylvania and died in Ohio, in 1906, aged eighty-five years. She was a daughter of Jacob Harter, who settled in the green woods of Summit County, on the site of the present city of Barberton. To her marriage with John Cormany there were born eleven children, namely: Jere- miah, who died aged five months; Phillip; Catherine, who married George Pow; Mrs. Araminta Miller; Mrs. Rohama Allen; Levi; Lushia, who is deceased; Frank; Aaron, who is deceased; Mary, deceased, who married Frank Shick; Mrs. Emma Wartsbaucher. Mrs. Cormany later contracted a second mar- riage with Moses Shick, to which no children were born. Frank Cormany remained with his mother for a short time after the death of his father, and then went to assist his uncle, Samuel Cormany, with whom he remained until the latter's death. In the meantime he had be- come a skilled farmer and after his marriage he purchased land, first from Samuel Peifer and ne.xt from Samuel Cormany, his uncle. His land is well improved and would com- mand a high price if placed on the market. For some years he has been practically retired from agricultural work, his stalwart sons be- ing capable of looking after the property, and they also are engaged in all kinds of teaming. In July, 1877, Mr. Cormany was married to Malinda Sellers, who is a daughter of Ja- cob and Catherine (Rinninger) Sellers, both of whom, in Coventry township, died in ad- vanced age. Mrs. Cormany has the following brothers and sisters: Mary, who married Daniel Thomas; Maria, who married Robert Bidiker; Henry; Hiram; Malinda, and Joel. Mr. and Mrs. Cormany have had five chil- dren, namely: Anna, who died in infancy; In'in, who married Miss Wagner, resid&s near his father, and they have children ; Sam- uel, who married Miss Mosier, has one child. and they reside at Barberton; and Clinton and Grace. Politically, Mr. Cormany is a Republican. In March, 1907, he was elected, with Allen Swartz and William Bergdorf, road superin- tendent in Coventry Township, and has proved a careful and efficient public official. JOHN ROSE, a representative citizen of Coventry Township, residing on his fine tract of 125 acres, was born on his father's farm in Lake Township, Stark County, Ohio, October 29, 1838, and is a son of George and Susan (Pontious) Rose, and a grandson of Philip Rose. George Rose was a native of Berks County, Pennsylvania, and was one of a family of five children, his only brother dying unmar- ried, at the age of twenty-one years. .He was young when the family came to Stark County, Ohio. After his marriage, in 1867, Mr. Rose sold his farm in Stark County, and came to Coventry Township, Summit County, where the rest of his life was spent. Both he and his wife reached advanced age, and died at the home of their son John. Reared to agricultural pursuits, George Rose continued to be a farmer all his life, and prospered to such an extent that he was able to give each of his children a start in life. George Rose was married in Stark County, Ohio, to Susan Pontious, who was also a native of Pennsyl- vania, and who came to Stark County with her parents when about twelve years old. To Mr. and Mrs. Rose there were born three chil- dren: Jacob, who moved to Indiana, where he became a man well thought of, and died at the age of sixty-nine years; Susan, who married Joseph Young, also moved to Indi- ana and later to Kansas; and John. John Rose received his education in the dis- trict schools of Stark County, and was reared on his father's farm, where his youth was spent in hard, honest toil. For about four years after his marriage he carried on farm- ing in Stark County, and then moved to Cov- entry Township, Summit County, and pur- chased his present farm from John Donner. 916 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY lie cleared ott' the timber, f;tiinip.s and built a substantial barn, and has done much to make his farm one of the best in the town- ship. Mr. Rose has always beeii an indastri- oiLS, hard-working farmer, and has the respect and e-steem of the entire community. Mr. Rase was married in Stai'k County, to Sarah Garl, who was born in Portage County, Ohio, and she died April 6, 190'6, at the age of sixty-seven years. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Rose, namely: Mary, who married E. P. Fouse; Christina, who married M. Fouse; Jacob, who married Amanda Focht; Lydia, who married F. Fouse; Elsie, who married Adam Warner; Amanda, who married J. Hicks; Daniel, who married Julia Willems, resides on his father's farm, and has three children, Chester, Wil- liam and Irene; Chai'les, who married Mary Hembauch; and Eli, who married Tillie Yankcr. In political matters Mr. Rose is a Demo- crat, and he has served as township trustee for twenty-three years. He and his family belon.ii' to the Reformed Church. FRANCIS X. ADAMS, M.I)., a very suc- cessful general medical practitioner at Akron, with well-equipped offices at No. ,7"2S South Main Street, has been engaged in ]iriitVssioiial work in this city since 1898, and has built up a large and very satisfactory jiracticc. He was born in Cambria County, Pennsvlvania. When Dr. Adams wius a youth of fifteen years, his par- ent* removed to Kent, Portage County. Ohio, when' he (-(nnplcted liis literary education, after wliicii be entered tlie Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio, wliere he was graduated in 1885. Dr. Adams .settled at Kent, where be continued to practice until 1888, when be removed to New Portage, Siun- mit County, and subsequently to Akron, in Se}itember, 1893. Dr. Adams is a progressive member of his ])rofession and keeps well posted on all matters pertaining to it, belong- ing to the Ohio State Eclectic and the North- eastern Ohio Eclectic Medical Societies. Dr. Adams was married, in 1877. to Cath- erine L. Sheridan, of Kent, Ohio, who died in October, 1908. She is survived by two daugh- ters: Gertrude R., who married Clyde Orr, who is in busines.s at Akron; and Geraldine, who is still at school. Dr. Adams and his daughters belong to St. Marj-'s Catholic Church. He is a member of the Catholic Mu- tual Benefit A.s.sociation, the Knight.s of Co- lumbus, and the Ancient Order of Hiber- nians, at Akron, and the Ohio State Eclectic Medical Society. WALTER L. SACKMANN, manufac- turer, ^\■ith a general machine shop located (in Sweitzer Avenue, Akron, does a large liusiness in the manufacture of steel stamps, .stencils and seals, brass and alumi- num checks, steel letters and figures. He was born at Cleveland, Ohio, in December, 1876, and is a son of the late Henry Sackmann, who settled in Cleveland in 1844 and carried on a manufacturing business there for a num- ber of years. From the schoolroom, ilr. Sackmann en- tered the manufacturing plant of his brother, who was engaged in the manufacturing of steel .stamps and stencils, and after four years of experience there, entered the employ of A. II. Dickey, in the same line. In 1900, he ciinie to Akron and engaged in the mold let- liriug business for the Goodyear Rubber Com- ]iany. and in May, 1901, he embarked in the stamj) and .stencil business. In his machine .t and most modern laundry in Akron, was born in Summit County, Ohio, in 1S!;2. and is a sou of the late Jonathan Wilson. Since completing bis (>dncation, Mr. Wil- CAPT. SUMNER NASH HOPHNI NASH AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 921 son has been mainly engaged in the laundry busines:?, operating a plant of his own. In 1901 the Akron Laundry Company was in- corporated, with a capital stock of $20,000, with N. P. Goodhue, president; E. J. Alder- fer, vice-president; and R. M. Wilson, secre- tary and treasurer. The company has erected a fine brick building, 42 by 132 feet in di- mensions, and two stories in height, which they have equipped with all modern appli- ances for the rapid, thorough, and sanitary conduct of their industrj'. They give work to forty-five employes and have five wagons in continual use. Their efforts to the ]>ublic have been generously recognized. In 1892, ^Ir. Wilson was married to Sophia M. Smith, of Akron. Mr. Wilson is an Elk and i.- a trustee of the Akron branch of this order. CAPT. SUMNER NASH, for years secre- tary and treasurer of the Akron Belting Company, and a member of the board of di- rectors of The Permanent Savings and Loan Company, and of The Abstract Guarantee & Tmst Company, at Akron, is now numbered with the retired manufacturers of this citv. Captain Nash was born May 10. 1836, in Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Hophni and Lovisa (King) Nash. The ancestors of Captain Nash on both pater- nal and maternal sides were of Scotch-Irish extraction and were early settlers in Massa- chusetts, where both the Nash and King fam- ilies have been identified with important public affairs for generations. Hophni Nash was born in AVilliamsburg, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, January- 10, 1797. At the age of twenty years, in the fall of 1817, he came to Ohio and during the following winter taught school in the vi- cinity of Ghent, Summit County. In 1819 he was elected the first to\raship clerk of Rath. In the same year, he returned to his native State and was married to Miss King, at Chesterfield. Soon after they settled on a farm near the center of Bath. He was re-elected and served as clerk of Bath Town- ship for many years, which office was in later years held by each of his three sons. He followed his chosen occupation of farming during the whole of his active life. He died at the home of his son, Sumner, in Akron, .\pril 17, 1882, at the age of eighty-five years. After his death, the widow resided with Dr; E. K. Naos- session the old tin box carried through the war by his grandfather for the safe keeping of his papers. Mr. McNeil died in Norton Township, and is buried at Norton Center, Ohio. William P. Irish was reared to be a farmer and from boyhood became practically ac- quainted with everything about a farm. He went to school in the neighborhood, and se- cured as fair an education as any of his com- panions. Much travel and mingling with the world have broadened Mr. Irish and made him a well-educated man, one well qualified for public office, though he has no aspirations in that direction, prefemng to give all his attention to agriculture. Mr. Irish, his two brothei-s, and .six nephews, served in the war of the Rebellion. Mr. Irish belonging to the Sixtv-fourth Regiment, O. V. I. In 1860 Mr. Irish was married to Sophia Shoemaker, who is a daughter of Daniel Shoemaker, and who was reared in Suffield Township. Portage County. They eleven children, all of whom arc still living 940 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY — a large happy family — as follows: Lura, Jennie, who married W. A. Burdick, lives in California; George W. is pro- prietor of the George W. Irish livery, at Barberton; Flora, who married Wen- dell Dunnell, resides in the historic old Pilgrim town of Kingston, Massachusetts ; Charles Wesley resides in San Francisco; Delbert William is proprietor of the D. B. Irish Coal Company, of Barberton; Cora Belle who married Frank Waters, r&sides near Boston, Massachusetts; James Ham- ilton, resides at Barberton; Alice, who mar- ried Seaman D. Filson, of Cleveland, has one child, Karl Robert; Henry Marshall, resides at Barberton; Mildred May, married Wil- liam Poirier, of Plymouth, Massachusetts; and Daisy Edna, who married Marehall Grenney, of Collingwood, a suburb of Cleve- land. Mr. Irish has in his possession a most valued souvenir in a cane carried by his father, during the time that Andrew Jack- son ran for President in 1832, and this cane has been carried either by Mr. or his father during every Presidential election from Jaclcson to Roosevelt. Besides this cane, Mr. Irish has in his possession a col- lection of canes, one of which was cut from the battlefield of Gettysburg. The cane that he has carried through all the Presidential elections was cut from the farm now owned by Mr. Irish and the handle was made from the horn of a deer killed on the same farm. The year of 1887 Mr. Irish .spent largely in travel, making a trip to Cuba, from New York, on a sailing vessel. Later he went to California, returned in August of the same year, and went back to California in Se]> tember, making two trips to the Golden State in one year. Mr. Irish remained at hi.-> home until 1894 and then made a third Irip to California. After remaining a year in the West, he returned once more to his home in- terests, but in 1896 again went back to Cali- fornia, where he remained seven years, spending ten years in all in that beautiful land. He resided in some of its most noted cities, including San Francisco, Los Angeles and Pasadena, and tried gold mining for a few months. During 1887 and 1888, he traveled a distance of 17,000 miles. But, after all home called him back, and since 1902, he has remained on his farm, remem- bering with pleasure the beauties and at- tractions of other parts, but acknowledging the solid advantages of Ohio. RALPH HUGH LODGE. The completed life of a successful man, in any avenue of life's activity, cannot fail of being an inter- esting study, and it becomes one of real bene- fit when its results show the blending into a harmonious whole, of those marked charac- teristics and ennobling virtues which be- longed to the late Ralph Hugh Lodge. To cherish beautiful ideals from boyhood, to bear them undimmed through youth and to carry them to their fullest fruition in man- hood, was a notable achievement, and this alone would have perpetuated his memory, had not personal attributes been equally po- tent in winning the respect, admiration and the warm afFection of all those whose life closely touched his. Did our philosophy per- mit us to believe that inanimate things were sentient, one might wonder if the soft breeze that stirs the placid bosom of Silker Lake did not oft times bear ^^^th it a sigh for the departed one, whose life work for thirty years was the perfecting of its beautiful surround- ings. Ralph Hugh Lodge was born August 3, 1830, at Monroe Falls, Summit County, Ohio, and was a son of George Horner and Rebecca (Smith) Lodge, and a descendent of an old Huguenot family that found refuge in Eng- land. When William Penn, in 1682, came to America with his band of colonists and re- ligious enthusiasts, he was accompanied by a representative of this family, whose views undoubtedly were in accord with those of the great Quaker. From the founder of Pennsylvania he received a grant of land in New Jersey, a fertile tract lying along the Delaware River, about fifteen miles below the city of Philadelphia. This land remained in AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 941 the possesison of the family for more than 220 years, and on the patrimonial acres George Horner Lodge was born in 1801. He married Rebecca Smith in Philadelphia, and probably in the same year, 1829, started with his bride to what was then the far West, Ohio. The journey was made over the newly-com- pleted Erie Canal, then considered a remark- able engineering feat, to Buffalo, thence by vessel to Cleveland, where they took the old packet boat on the Ohio Canal to Old Portage, or Akron. They settled on a small farm in Stow Township, Summit County, which George H. Lodge cultivated, although he was not a farmer in the general acceptance of the term, having learned the trade of mason. They resided on that farm for some seven years. In 1836 came about the era of land specu- lation in this section of Ohio, and Edmund Monroe, a Boston capitalist and promoter, bought up large tracts in this vicinity and founded what is now the village of Monroe Falls. Here all the children of the Lodge fam- ily were born. Ralph being the eldest, the five others being : Emma ; George H. ; Mary ; Cor- nelia, who married George J. Parks; and Mrs. Caroline Combes. The father of Ralph Lodge in the mean- time was kept busily employed at his trade and often required the assistance of his eldest son. He laid a part of the walls of the E. N. Sill stone house on Front Street. Cuyahoga Falls, now one of the landmarks of the place, and in 1846, prior to removing to Cleveland, did the lathing, plastered the rooms and built the fireplaces and chimneys in the Thorndike House, known as the Gaylord home, opposite Silver Lake, which is now the residence of William R. Lodge, secretary and manager of the Silver Lake Park Company. The family settled in Cleveland in 1846 and durine 1847-48 resided near the corner of Euclid Avenue and Pnan Street. Removal wa« then made to the Leonard Case farm, then so far in the countrv that it wa.= possible to oper- ate a large dairy, nnd during the six yenrs the family resided there, ymmg Ralph was hi.« father's helper and for one year of the time ran a milk route. At that time Cleveland was an overgrown town having but 12,000 inhabi- tants and much of the land round about had been but partially cleared. The building of the Cleveland and Pittsburg Railroad right through the Case farm and the erection of railroad shops soon made that a busy sec- tion, now being known as St. Clair Street. With other young men, Ralph Lodge secured work in the new industry and for several years was employed as fireman on the con- struction train and at the round house. About 1855 the family home was again changed, re- moval being made to a 100-acre tract east of Willson Avenue, now Fifty-fifth Street, their home, in w'hich they lived for seventeen years, being a site almost opposite the pres- ent Central High School. Ralph H. Lodge was now called to take an active part in the extensive fruit grow- ing and market gardening operations opened up, and, being the eldest son, gradually as- sumed the management which he continued until 1872. In the meantime he purchased a piece of property on Ontario Street, on which he established a grocery, this enterprise pro\'ing a very successful business venture. His life on the farm had but encouraged a natural inclination, a love of the soil, of all growing things and an appreciation of the bounteous beauties of Nature. In his boy- hood he had cherished dreams of a time when he might make his home on the banks of the beautiful lake, not far from his birthplace. Hither his feet wandered whenever an hour of recreation came into his rather practical life, and here he knew every tree, plant and mo.'is, and had not only made friends of the birds of the woods, but also of the .shy wild creatures in the thickets. At that time the consummation of his dream seemed far away, but it came to On .January 10. 1874. the beautiful, pel- lucid bit of water known as Silker Lake at present, but in pioneer days as Stow Lake, was purcha.?ed from Horace A. Miller, whose wife wa= a granddaughter of the original pro- 942 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY prietor of Stow Township. Mr. Lodge pur- chased thii-ty-live acres of the surrounding land, it being his idea to develop here a pleas- ure resort. This charming stretch of water has been likened to Lake Constance, at Como, but it is far more beautiful in its natural en- vironment. Even when it came into the pos- session of Mr. Lodge, in 1874, in its natural state it was beautiful in the extreme, in all that makes wild Nature attractive. Taking up his residence on this ground, in April, 1876, Mr. Lodge made it his permanent home and lived here until his death, May 22, 1907. After .secm'ing the prize which he had hon- estly coveted from boyhood, Mr. Lodge be- gan immediately to fit it up for a pleasure resort, taking away none of the natural beau- ties, but adding conveniences and attractions that have brouglit thousands from all over the country to spend happy summers, and have sent them back to their rounds of fash- ion or pursuit of business refreshed and with a better appreciation of the grandeur, beaiity and pleasure awaiting them in this quiet cor- ner of Ohio. The lake and its surroundings were perfect as they were to Mr. Lodge, whose poetic love for Nature was so sincere, but he recognized the demands of modern life and determined that Silver Lake should have every added attraction that the expenditure of time, laibor, thought and money could pro- cure. An interesting event was the planting of 1,000 hard maple trees which had all come from the seed of one tree. He .^let them out along the west border of the natural timber, where they have flourished and stand in their beauty, after the hands that placed them have become quiet. To the development of this property along the lines mentioned. Mr. Lodge devoted the remainder of his life, mak- ing it take the place of travel, recreation, so- ciety, everything which he otherwise would have enjoyed. Silver Lake Park, as it is today, is the most popular summer resort in this part of Ohio. Tt has grown each year in popularity, partly on account of its beauty of location and part- Iv on account of the careful wav in which it has always been managed by the Lodge fam- ily. It has its own electric lighting plant, water woi'ks system, sewerage system, bakery, laundry, police, iaxva, garden, hotel and jusi- tice of the peace. Excellent facilities are pro- vided for all kinds of athletic sports. Among the numberless attractions is a minature steam railroad with its track winding around through the shiiibbery and running along the lake shore. A herd of sixteen Shetland Ironies are kept for the use of the children. A number of cottages have been built, many of the best people of Akron and elsewhere throughout the country making this spot a permanent summer home, transportation be- ing of the best to many points. A sheet of about 100 acres of water offers delights to the yachtsman, and a number of steamers and boats ply liack and forth. A visitor in speak- ing of the delightful summer spent in this truly beautiful spot, mentions the loveliness of Silver Lake when its night illuminations are seen, the reflecting water making a picture not equaled by any storied spot in any other land. Visitoi-s to Silver Lake soon became ac- quainted mth the kind, una.ssuming man who proved a interesting companion when his friendship was gained. He could recall so much from a, long past that was in- .«tructive and entertaining that he never failed of auditors. His religious rearing had been after the precepts of the Society of Friends and in his nature and manner was much of their simplicity. He was a strong advocate of temperance and Silver Lake Park excludes every intoxicating feature. On April 7, 1869, Ralph Hugh Lodge was man-ied to Julia A. Plum, of Cuyahoga Falls, and nine of their ten children stirvive, name- ly: Dr. Edward Ballard, residing at Cleve- land; Mrs. Duncan P. Wolcott, residing at Kent, Ohio; Mrs. William R. Irvin, residing at Cuyahoga Falls; and Lillian P., William R., George H., Louis P., Laura C. and Ralph H., residing at Silver Lake Park. In summing up the life and character of AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 943 the late Ralph Hugh Lodge, we quote from the words of one who knew him well: "To his family aud friends he was kind, lovable iuid. generous; he had a nature free from ostentation, led a simple life, and what^ ever publicity he attained, was a result, not a means. He was born almost within sight of the spot, where, after a long and busy life, he laid down to rest. He wished no man ill; he gave everyone his due in all fidelity; he lived his life true to his best light. He be- lieved in the Golden Rule, in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man." SAMUEL A. CLICK, residing on his well- improved farm of seventy-three acres, sit- uatt'd in Coventry Township, belongs to an old pioneer family of Ohio, which settled in Stark County during the Eighteenth Century. Mr. Click was born on the old family home- stead in .lackson Township, Stark County, Ohio, May 27, 1851, and is a son of Samuel and Julia Ann (Koons) Click. Samuel Click, the grandfather of Samuel A., was the pioneer of the family in Ohio, bringing hit^ wife and children, together with the household possessions, from Pennsylvania, making the long journey with an ox-team. This was a slow method of transportation, but haste was not such a great factor in living as it is today, and the o.xen, through their great strength, were able to haul wagons through the rough and uncleared country as no other animals would have had power to do. The wife and children remained in Ohio for the rest of their days, but the fatlier made seven walking trips back to the old place in an ef- fort to collect money which he never was able to get. He settled in .Jackson Township, Stark C'Oumty, when his nearest neighbor wa* four miles distant. Six of his eight children were born in Pennsylvania, the other two in Stark County, his son Samuel being the third white child born in Jackson Township. The name of Samuel has descended in the Click family through three generations. Sam- uel Click, father of Samuel A., grew up on the old home farm and assisted in its clear- ing. When quite a youth the deer were still so tame and numerous, that he frequently was given the task of chasing them from the cultivated parts of the farm. He was not able to attend school continuously, the dis- tance being five miles, and farm work usual- ly being pressing. Later in life he frequently recalled the day on which he, with other young men of the neighborhood, walked to Columbus to see w^hat was then a wonderful spectacle, a railroad train pass through. Sam- iiel Click continued to live on the farm in •Tackson Township until his death, in Septem- lier, 1893. He married Julia Ann Koons, who was born in 1816, and died in her eight- ieth year, after a happy married life of fifty- seven years. She was a native of Pennsyl- vania, and accompanied the family to New York, where they lived for six years in the ^•icinity of Niagara Falls, and then came to Ohio, traveling with an ox-team, Julia Ann having the privilege of walking the greater [lart of the way. Her father bought a farm in Summit County, which is now the site of Greensburg. The children of Samuel and Julia Ann Click were: Adeline, who married Daniel Weaver; Sarah, who married Henry Gooden- l)erg; Aaron, Daniel; Maria, deceased, who married William Strow^sser; Clara, who is the widow of George McCoy ; Samuel Allen ; and Susan, who married A. J. Stoner. Samuel Click resided in Jackson Township in the early days before scarcely any advancement had }>een made, and on account of his being a man of strong character and good judg- ment, he was often consulted on public mat^ ters and his advice taken. He was success- ful in his business transactions, being a very careful man, and when he added thirty-five acres to fhe original homestead farm, he se- cured a bvck-skin deed, which his son pre- serves. Both Samuel Click and his wife were consistent members of the Evan- 2:elical Church, and Samuel A. remem- bers when he was carried in the arms of his father, while his mother carried the noxt vnunger child on a walk of six miles, across 944 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the iields, in order to attend church. Sam- uel Allen Click can recall many pleasant memories of his childhood and youth in the old home. He was reared strictly and had to work hai'd, but that was the case with the members of every household in the neighbor- hood which prosperity visited. He was still young when he could do a full day's work following after the hussey, which machine for cutting grain his father bought when he was nine years old, being the first farmer who was so enterprising in this section. He grew to manhood well instructed in everything con- cerning farming and stock-raising. Mr. Click was married April 27, 1876, to Mary Hanline, who was born in Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Samuel and Hannah (Roades) Hanline, who were among the pioneers of that township. Mr. and Mrs. Click have three children, namely: Edward who married Anna Zepp, residing near his father; Han- nah, who married Edward Cormany, a school teacher, has one child, Achah, residing in this neighborhood; and Elmer, who married Frankie Kemary, deceased, lives with his father. Mr. Click has always carried on general farming and for seventeen years was inter- ested in threshing, but has retired from that line of business and has disposed of his ma- chine. He remained on the old home prop- erty until November 30, 1890, when he pur- chased his present farm, then consisting of eighty acres, from the H. F. Flickenger heirs. He has generously given each of his children a nice home and has also sold some land, re- taining just enough to keep him busy over- seeing it. He is a Republican in his political preferences and has served the township as school director and as supervisor. With his family he belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has watched the development of this section with a great deal of interest and can recall the days when his threshing ma- chine did some of its best work right in what is now the heart of the busy town of Barber- ton. P. T. McCOURT, general contractor at Ak- ron, was born in Canada, in 1860, and is a son of John McCourt, who first visited Akron in 1850. John McCourt returned to Akron and established himself permanently here in 1865, and in this city P. T. McCourt has lived for the past forty-two years. For five years P. T. McCourt worked for the Aultman-Miller Company. In 1883 he purchased his first team and engaged in team- ing and contract work, and from 1890 to 1897 he worked for the rolling mill. It was during the latter year that he built his sub- stantial three-story brick barn, 44 by 100 feet in dimensions, to which he has since added an ell, 44 by 130 feet. This was erected for the accommodation of horses and vehicles, Mr. McCourt by this time having a great transportation business. He is also interested in disposing of coal, and takes contracts for the building of streets and sewers, and for concrete work. He had the contract for build- ing fifteen of the locks on the Ohio Canal. He is a director of the Summit County Fair Association. In all that he has been con- cerned since entering business life Mr. Mc- Court has followed his own instincts of busi- ness honor, and that his conceptions have been the true ones is proven by the high es- teem in which he is held by his fellow-citi- zens. Mr. McCourt was married (first) in June, 1890, to Rose M. Brady, who died in July, 1896, leaving two children, namely: Ethel R. and Walter P. He was married (second) to Anna Hefferman, and they have one child, Mary C. Mr. McCourt is a consistent member of St. Mary's Catholic Church at Akron, and he is liberal in supporting its various charities. He belongs to the Elks, the Knights of Co- lumbus and the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. JAMES BRADLEY, for many years a highly esteemed member of the farming com- munity of Springfield Township, was born at Mogadore, Summit County, Ohio, June 8, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 945 1827. He was a son of John Anson and Bet- sey (Adams) Bradley. His paternal grand- father was Ariel Bradley, who, in 1801, came from Salisbury, Connecticut, to Mahoning County, Ohio, and to Suffield in 1806, settling on lot 12, Springfield Township, in March, 1807, and being the first white settler in Springfield Township. The land hereabouts' at that period was all included in Trumbull County, but was subsequently apportioned to Portage County, and still later to Summit County, of which Ariel Bradley and his wife thus became residents. When he was seventy- eight years old Ariel went to visit his son, Bird, in Wood County, and while there was seized with his last illness. His remains are interred in the old cemetery at Waterville. He and his wife were the parents of efght chil- dren: James, John Anson, Harlow, Bird, Heman, Marilla, Amelia and Edgar. The last mentioned died in boyhood. Marilla became the wife of Lee Moore, and Amelia married Perrin Depew. The Bradleys cleared the land on which their descendant, the subject of this sketch, now resides, and they owned all of it lying south of the east and west roads, that is now covered by the town of Mogadore. They it was who planted the outposts of civiliza- tion in this locality. John Anson Bradley, son of Ariel, was bom at Salisbury, Connec- ticut, in 1796, and accompanied his parents to Ohio. He did his full share in taming the wilderness, and on arriving at a suitable age, married Betsey Adams, who lived a mile and a half south of the present site of Mogadore. She came from New Hampshire with her father, who settled in Suffield Township in 1809. There were two children born to John Anson Bradley and his wife— James and Charlotta. The latter became the wife of George C. Winship, and they moved to Iowa, where both died, leaving a daughter, Min- nie, who subsequently married a Mr. Abbey. James Bradley was brought up to agricul- tural pursuits, and was taught to be honest and industrious. On attaining years of dis- cretion he married Cec«Ha Andrews, a daugh- ter of A. C. and Almira (Kent) Andrews. Her parents were natives of Connecticut, whence they moved to Portage County, Ohio. The Keuts were also of New England stock, and descendants in the fourth generation of Martin Kent, who married Abigail Hale, and emigrated to the Western Reserve, purchas- ing a farm in Suffield Township of the Con- necticut Land Company. On this farm he resided for the rest of his life. The children of A. C. and Almira (Kent) Andrews were: Cecelia, who married James Bradley ; Quincy, who died unmarried in Minnesota; Emma, who married Dr. William Thompson, and Licasta, who died at the age of five years. James Bradley, by his first wife, Cecelia, had nine children, as follows: Cora, Minnie, Flora, Emma, Florence, Nellie, George, Her- bert, Charles K. and Louise H. The six first mentioned are all deceased, while the last three still survive. Charles is unmarried, and is engaged in general farming in Rolette County, North Dakota. Louise became the wife of Frank Parker and resides with her girls in MinneapoILs, Minnesota. Her hus- band is deceased. She had two children — Myrza and Gladys. Mrs. Cecelia Bradley died in 1875 when in her forty-fourth year, and .Tames Bradley married, second, Jlrs. Eliza- beth (Spencer) Bradley. Of this marriage there were two children, one of whom died in infancy, and the other, Bessie, when a charm- ing girl of fourteen years. George Herbert Bradley, son of James Bradley, by his first wife, Cecelia, was bom on the home farm in Springfield ToT\Tiship, January 20, 1855. He was trained to farm work and acquired his education in the dis- trict schools and at Buchtel College, where he .spent two years. The farm on which he now resides contains fifty acres of the original tract settled by his great-grandfather, Ariel Bradley, twenty acres having been subse- quently added. Since leaving the college in 1877, he has given his main attention to the operating of the home farm. Mr. Bradley is unmarried. Like his father, he is a Repub- licaui in politics. He has .served as a justice of the peace, and has taken a more or less 946 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY active interest in politics since attaining his majority. On several occasions he has been sent as a delegate to important conventions. The family he represents is one of high stand- ing in Summit County. J. EDWARD GOOD, president of the Hardware Supply Company, of Akron, is a native of this city in which his business suc- cess has been achieved. He was born in 1861 and was gi'aduated from the Akron High School in 1879, following which he entered Kenyon College, where he was graduated with credit in 1884. After this thorough preparation for busi- ness life, Mr. Good entered the hardware house of Mcintosh, Good & Com- pany, of Cleveland, where he remained until 1889. He then returned to Akron, with the interests of which city he has been clo.?ely and successfully associated ever since. He as- sisted in the organization of the Paige Broth- ers Company, which did business from 1889 until 1891, when the firm name was changed to the Standard Hardware Company, which continued until 1905, when the Ilardware Supply Company was incorporated, with a capital .stock of $150,000. The officers of this concern are; J. Edward Good, president; Crannell Morgan, vice-president; William W. Wohlwend, secretary; and E. S. Bunnell, treasurer. This company occupies commo- dious quarters at No. 50-52 South Main Street, where they have some 50,000 square feet of floor space. They carry a very heavy stock and deal both by retail and wholesale. In ad- dition to this important business, Mr. Good is interested as a stockholder in a number of others. In all of these his business ability and integrity are never questioned. In 1889 Mr. Good was married to Laura D. Zim- merman, of Pittsburg. He is a Knight Tem- plar Mason and "Shriner," and retains his membership in his college fraternities. GEORGE ADAM SHOOK, whose excel- lent farm of eighty-seven acres is situated in Coventry Township, about six miles south of the center of Akron, is one of the representa- tive agriculturists of this section. Mr. Shook wm born June 19, 1837, on his father's farm in Stark County, Ohio, and is a son of David and Catherine (Hanse) Shook. The Shook ancestors came to Pennsylvania, from Germany, in the day of the great-grand- father of George Adam, and settled in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. There the family {irospered and became one of prominence.- The grandfather, David Shook, was born in Pennsylvania, where he married and later, with his family, moved to Niagara County, New York, settling on a farm near Lockport. That he meditated coming to Ohio was shown Viy the interest he took in this section, visit- ing it on horseback when it was but a wilder- ness all through Summit County. However, he never settled here, and his last days were pa.«sed in Niagara County, New York. David Shook the second, the father of George Adam, was born in Pennsylvania and was one of the younger members of a fam- ily of fourteen children. He was a boy when his parents moved to Niagara County, New York, and remained there until his older brother, Philip Shook, moved to Portage County, Ohio. Shortly afterward, David went on a visit, but was so well pleased that he remained with Philip, assisting him in clearing up his vr\\d farm, until his own marriage, after which he acquired a small farm in Stark County. He lived there through the death of his first wife and after his second marriage, but in 1852 he removed to a farm in Michigan, where he died, aged sixty-two years. In Stark County, Ohio, David Shook wa.s married to Catherine Hanse, who was born near New Berlin, Ohio, and died in August, 18.38, aged twenty-three years, leaving but one child, George Adam. The father mar- ried (second) a Miss Holben, also of Stark County, who survived him, and they had the following children: .Jonathan, David, Cath- erine, ,Tohn, Elias, William and Reuben. George Adam Shook was left motherless when he was fourteen months old. and he was ;ii'i!ij I AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 949 taken to the home of aii aunt, Mrs. Mary Ranch, who reared him in Mahoning Countj', Oliio, until he wa^ fourteen yetus of age, per- mitting him to attend the district school while supporting himself by work on her farm. However, Mr. Shook did not feel independent until he had earned fifty dollars by himself and paid this sum to the Ranch family, this being sufficient to cover all the expense he had ever caused them. He had now sliu'ted out for himself and as his work was farm labor he lived at various homes in the neighbor- hood, remaining with the Sluss family for three years. Not being satisfied with the edu- cation he had been able to oljtain in the dis- trict schools, he arranged to attend the Ran- dolph select school, later took a coni'se in Greensburg Seminary, in Summit County. and still later, enjoyed one term at Mt. Union College. During the time he was thus ac- quiring a really superior education, he was in- dustrious and reliable and always found good homes where he worked on the farm during the summers. AVhen he was about eighteen years of age he began to teach, school and taught through fifteen winters, mostly in Stark, Summit and Wayne Counties, in 1864 teaching one term at the reservoir in Coven- try Township, and occasionally teaching sum- mer terms. Mr. Shook continued to teach until 1877. having also carried on farming during the larger part of the time. He had secured an interest in a farm near Uniontown, in Lake Town.'^hip, Stark County, and later purc'has'd the M'hole farm and lived there for six years. After retiring from the educational field, Mr, Shook bought a grist-mill at Uniontown, which he operated for three years, and then sold it to Dawd and Samuel Rittor, after which he rented a farm for a few years. In 1881 he bought his present property from Jacob Sellers and moved on this place in the spring of 1882. It was well improved prop- erty when he purchased it and he has kept up its condition. Later he bought a tract of timber land, in Green Township, which he still owns in partnership with his .«'On-in-law, William H. Wagoner. For twelve years after settling on this place Mr. Shook was engaged in the threshing business and also success- fully ran a sawmill for a time with Mr. Wag- goner. He carries on general farming, mak- ing his land pay for all the attention he gives it, and keeps good stuck and uses iiiipnn-ed machinery. On Mai-ch 17, 1861, Mr. Shook was mar- ried to Elizabeth Mutchler, who wa^s born in Stark County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Godfrey and .ludith (Meiers) Mutchler. Her parents came from Germany and were mar- ried in Stark County, Ohio, this being the second marriage of her father. There were live children bom to this union, namely: Eva, Elizabeth, Mary, Magdalena and Rosina, who is deceased. Mr. Mutchler had married tii-st in Germany, Christina, who left three children : Dorothy, Christina and Bar- Ijera. Both parents of ]Mrs. Shook died at New Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. Shook had the following chil- dren : Clara E., who married William Wag- goner ; 'Henry E., who married Emma Heim- baugh; Erwin J., who married Amelia Dietz; and Anna, who married Edward C. Eippert. Mr. Shook and family belong to the Luth- eran Church. His children are all well edu- cated and all four have been teachers. In politics Mr. Shook is a Republican and he has served both as township trustee and as as- sessor. .lOHN BREITENSTINE, one of Norton Township's most substantial citizens, who owns .378 acres of land in. this and Frank- lin Township, a part of which is particularly valuable because of coal beds, has been a resident of Summit County since he was eight years of age. He was born in Chip- pewa Township, Wayne County, Ohio, .Tanuary 14, 1847, and is a son of .Tacob and Lydia (Kellar) Breitenstine. The parents of Mr. Breitenstine were reared in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, but were married in Wayne County, Ohio. .Tncob Breitenstine was Itorn in Germany and 950 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY was fifteen years old wheu he accompanied his father, John Jacob Breitenstine, to America and later to Chippewa Township, Wayne County, Ohio. The family later all removed to Franklin Township, Summit County, where the grandparents died when over eighty years of age. Jacob Breiten- stine assisted his father in paying for the farm of eighty acres in Franklin Township. He was a smart man in the sense of being educated and of good judgment, and for some years he practiced law. He lived to the age of eighty-four yeai-s. He married Lydia Kellar who lived to the age of eighty- three. They had eight children, six of whom reached maturity. John Breitenstine is one of the township's self-made men. He was the eldest of the eight children of the family, and as soon as he was old enough, he took the management of the farm, as his father was engaged in his professional work. When twenty-one years of age, he went to work at the County In- firmary, but two years later he resumed farming and this has been his main occupa- tion since. Mr. Breitenstine bought his present farm in 1888 and has erected all the substantial buildings here. It was formerly owned by Dr. Samuel Bargess. A valuable coal bank was opened on this farm in 1840, and it has been worked ever since with little sign of giving out. On August 27, 1869, Mr. Breitenstine was married to Sarah Surfass, who was born and reared in Norton Township and who is a daughter of Cornelius Surfass. They have six children: Harvey, who is married, re- sides with his family in Norton Township; Harry, also married, is engaged in the thresh- ing business in Norton Township ; Milton follows the trade of plastering; Mattie mar- ried Logan Fletcher; Newton and Sadie re- side at home with their parents. Mr. Breit- enstine and family belong to the Reformed Church. Although he is one of the largest landowners and most independent men of this section, he has made his property all himself, using good judgment in his invest- ments and being industrious and frugal. He is one of the township's best-known men. A. J. STELZER,a leading general merchant at Akron, dealing in dry goods and fancy groceries, at Nos. 619-621 North Howard Street, has been a resident of Akron for the past twenty years, and is one of her best- known citizens. He was born in 1875 at Cleveland, Ohio. When Mr. Stelzer was a child one year old his parents moved to Canton, Ohio, where he lived until the age of ten, when family sicknass terminated his school days and prac- tically threw him upon his own resources. He came to Akron and entered a grocery store owned by his uncle, J. A. Rulmer, with whom he worked for one year, later was with John Keoberle for eighteen months, going from there to James Diehm. He continued with the last-named business man for seven years and then became connected with the Inman Brothers in a general mercantile business, where he remained for six years. In April, 1903, Mr. Stelzer bought out C. Reusch, who was conducting a store at the present loca- tion, 619-21 North Howard Street, and since that time has carried on a large and very sat- isfactory business. He occupies two rooms, one 21 by 60 feet in dimensions and the other 15 by 22 feet, both of which are well stocked. He owns also a commodious wareroom in the rear. He is known as the leading North Hill merchant and his trade is so large that he requires the assistance of five employes. On October 20, 1898, Mr. Stelzer was mar- ried to Edith Mason, who was born at East Akron, and they have two daughter: Mildred J. and Gretchen M. With his family he be- longs to the North Hill Methodist Episcopal Church. He is identified with the order of Maccabees. WILLIAM RALPH LODGE, secretary and manager of The Silver Lake Park Com- pany, vice-president and a director of the Cuyahoga Falb Savings Bank, and interested in a niimher of other successful business enter- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS ysi prises, is one of the best-known men of Sum- mit County, llu waii boru at Cleveland, Ohio, June 6, 1874, and is a son of the late Ralph Hugh and Julia A. (Plum) Lodge. There are few residents of Stow Township who do not recall with the kindest memories the late Ralph Hugh Lodge, the larger part of whose life was devoted to developing Sil- ver Lake Park, a property he acquired during the childhood of his son, William Ralph. Na- ture had done much, m her own wild way, for this region, but to the Lodges must be at- tributed the remarkable changes which were brought about in a comparatively few years. While the natural beauties have been retained every device of modern invention has been added and the result is an ideal summer re- sort to which thousands of people come from every part of the country, gladly returning year after year. William Ralph Lodge attended the corn- common and High schools of Cuyahoga Falls and then entered the preparatory department of Oberlin College, with the intention of completing the whole college course. In the meanwhile he became interested in his fath- er's enterprise of developing Silver Lake Park, and after seven terms at Oberlin, de- cided to return home and give his father as- sistance, which, on account of the increas- ing responsibilities attending the huge enter- prise, was greatly needed. Few men were better equipped for handling details as well as planning improvements than was the late Mr. Lodge, but the work went on so rapidly and in so many directions that even he was not able to properly attend to it. The yoimg man then came to share his father's burdens. He had also the capacity, but his ideas of business were more modern than were those of his father, and for some time the systema- tized methods of the son surprised the older man. William Ralph Lodge practically re- organized the whole business, opened an of- fice and installed a typewriter, purchasing the machine with his own money, which he had earned by selling ice to campers about the lake. He opened up books for the accounts formerly kept by his father laid away in his active brain, or on slips of paper in his pocket. At first these changes were innovations that the older Mr. Lodge scarcely approved of, but ere long he saw their value, and thence was brought about a perfect confidence which al- ways existed thereafter. Since 1894, William Ralph Lodge has largely had control, al- though he continued to w^ork under his fath- er's direction for the following six years, but since 1900 he has had the active management un his shoulders. Until the death of his father, however, Mr. Lodge sought and val- ued his parent's advice and counsel. He had much to do with promoting the park, acquir- ing a number of tracts of land to accommo- date the rapidly growing business. One of the most important undertakings was the nego- tiating and building of the railroad connec- tion with the C. A. & V. C. Railroad, and bettering the terminals of the trolley lines connecting with the resort. Silver Lake Park, with its buildings and other improvements, represents an investment of about $200,000. Every piece of work is done substantially, with a view to the future. The present beautiful pavilion could not be replaced for less than $50,000. The perfect sewerage system was put in under most diffi- cult conditions, a part of it being laid under the lake and the Cuyahoga River, being thir- teen feet below the surface. This engineer- ing work had to be done during the winter season when the river was frozen, entailing a stupendous expenditure. With his other duties, Mr. Lodge has always had charge of the advertising by which people, societies, churches and other organizations learn of the comfort, pleasures and advantages ofiPered by this unique resort, and a conception may be formed as to the amount of business to which it is necessary for Mr. Lodge to give personal attention, when it is stated that during the 100 days of the season, an average of 2,000 people are entertained daily. Regular em- ployment is given 150 workers in different de- pai-tments. Mr. Lodge is also interested in other pros- y52 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY periiig eiitei-prises, leading the busy life of the modern man of capital and affairs. He is vice-president of the Cuyalioga Falls Savings Bank and one of itts directing board; is vice- president and a director of the Success Dish- washing Machine Company, of Wooster, Ohio, of which he was one of the organizers, and is chairman of the Co-operative Creamery Company, at Stow Corners. Mr. Lodge married Marie Antoinette Ells- worth, who is a daughter of Edward Ells- worth, of Stow Township. They have two sons, William Ellsworth and Edward Ells- worth. Mrs. Lodge is a member of St. John's Episcopal Church at Cuyahoga Falls. In political sentiment Mr. Lodge is a Re- publican and has sei-ved as a delegate to coun- ty conventions. He gives generous assistance to his friends in various campaigns, but has no political ambition for himself. CRANNELL MORGAN, vice-president of the Hardware Supply Company, at Akron, treasurer of the Wise Furnace Company, and interested financially in a number of other local business enterprises, was born at Somer- ville, New Jersey, in 1871, where he was reared and obtained his education. Mr. Morgan was an employe of AVilliam Bingham & Company, in the hardware line, at Cleveland, for the first ten yeare of his business career, starting at the bottom of the ladder and learning all the details of the busin&«s. For two years he represented that firm on the road, and then came to Akron as manager of the Ohio Glass and Hardware Company for Cleveland parties. Later Mr. Morgan organized the Morgan and Bunnell w^holesale and retail company in the same line, continuing business for eight years. In 1904 the Hardware Supply Company of Ak- ron was organized, absorbing the Morgan and Bunnell Company and the Standard Hard- ware Company, and Mr. Morgan has been vice-president of thL'? concern from the be: ginning. In 1895 Mr. Morgan w^ns married to Bertha Weber, of Cleveland, and they have one son, Webb C. Mr. Morgan is a member of the Portage Country club, and the Auto club. His business and social connections axe both numerous and he is personally a very popular citizen. CAPTAIN FREDERICK K. REAM, one of tlie best-known citizens of Northampton Township, residing on his well-improved farm of forty acres, was born in Germany, Feb- ruary 2, 1826, and is a son of Christopher and Katherine (Stockel) Ream. The parents of Captain Ream were natives of Germany and the mother died prior to the family exodus to America, in 1830. The father sui^vived until 1869, being sixty-eight years old at the time of his death. Fred- erick K. Ream was the only child of the first marriage. The father's second marriage was to Mrs. Katherine Schrader, a widow with three children, and two more were born to this union. For some year's after reaching the United States Christopher Ream engaged in farming in the vicinity of Cleveland, and then purchased a farm near Royalton, Ohio, which he operated during the rest of his life. Frederick K. Ream attended school at Royalton, and remained at home until he was sixteen years of age, when he decided to go nut into the world and take care of himself, and he remembei"s now with amvLsement, that all he caried with him was one extra shirt and a clean handkerchief. At that time he was a sturdy youth and had a pleasant^ win- u'ing manner that brought him friends and he soon secured work with a farmer near Penin.sula, with whom he lived two years, dur- ing which time he was very industrious, but received for his labor little except his board. He next secured a position as driver on the canal and was promised five dollars a month salary, which was satisfactory to him when the bargain was made, and he worked hard from June imtil November, drawing but three dollars of the twenty-five dollars coming to him and doubtless laying great plans con- cerning the expenditure of this sum. These all came to naught, however, as his employer AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS !J53 left the neighborhood without making any settlement. Later he made a better bai'gain, by which he received twenty dollai's a month, with board, and he continued here until 1852, when he purchased a canal boat of his own and thii.? acquired the title by which he has been known ever since. For many years Captain Ream did a good basiness on the canal and continued to operate his own ves- sel as long as he remained on the water. He is well remembered by other captains and a number of his old associates recall their sea- sons of work together. Captain Ream had the reputation of keeping the neatest and best conditioned vessel among them all. Hia quick eye enever failed to note the slightest scratch on the and the merest dis- figurement made by the mo\4ng of freight or from other, and it was a familiar sight w^hen the skipper himself a]3peared with ptunt pot and brush, repairing all damages. When his boat went out of commisison at the close of the season, it was as clean and fresh as when it went in. Captain Ream continued to run his boat until 1865, when he bought a farm in Northampton Township, now known as the Herbruck farm, which he sold in 1875, and settled on the one on which he has resided ever since. For .some years he has had it under rental. At one time he owned con- siderable property in Akron, but has sold seven of his houses, retaining but one. Prior to November 10, 1905, Captain Ream had enjoyed the usual health afforded to those of his years, but at that time he suffered from a partial paralysis which has greatly incon- venienced him and di.stre.^sed his friends. His intellect, however, is clear, and a visit to Cap- tain Ream is ve^^' enjoyable as his reminis- censes reach far back and his .stories of life on the canal touch an important epoch in local history. In 1852 Captain Ream was married to Katherine Stockel, who died June 30. 1904, leaving no i.esue. WALTER A. FOLGER, treasurer of the B. F. Goodrich Company, at Akron, was bom July 13, 1858, at Mantua, Portage County, Ohio. Mr. Folger was educated in Portage Coun- ty. Until June 26, 1882, he had railroad of- fice experience, and afterward entered the Bank of Akron, at Akron, Ohio, as book- keeper, later becoming assistant cashier, and still later, cashier of the Second National Bank of Akron. This position he resigned, January 1, 1894, in order to become treas- urer of the B. F. Goodrich Company, and . has held this office from that time until the present. On October 15, 1883, Mr. Folger was mar- ried to Lola R. Russell, of Streetsborough, Portage County, Ohio, and they have three daughters, viz.: Florence, Elizabeth and Mary Joy. Mr. Folger is a Thirty-second Degree Ma- son. FRANK S. BALES, dairyman and farmer, owns eighty-four and one-half acres of land' in Northampton Township, which is exceed- ingly valuable, as it lies within the corpora- tion limits of Cuyahoga Falls. He was born in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, Decem- ber 31, 1871, and is a son of -John and .Tane (Miller) Bales. The father of ^Ir. Bales followed the trade of stonema.son at New Castle, Pennsylvania, but as he died when Frank S. wa« a child, the son has but few recollections of him. After death. Frank S. went to live with a maternal uncle. Sylvester Miller, who took the place of a father to him, and to whom he, in turn, is giving filial care in his old age. T\Tien thirteen years old Mr. Bales came to NorthaiTipton Township, where he worked for the substantial farmers of this .section for some three years, then spent a year in the lumbering di.stricts of Michigan, and after his return, in 1895, he rented the Allen farm for one year, and the Sperry farm for three years. In 1898 Mr. Bales purchased his present place, seventy acres of which he cul- 954 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tivates, the remaining being in timber or used as pasturage. He keeps about twenty head of cattle and for seven years has conducted a milk route, selling about forty gallons daily in Cuyahoga Falls. He raises hay and wheat, but his main crop is corn. He has two cir- cular silos, each ten feet deep and thirty feet high. Mr. Bales keeps all his buildings and surroundings in fine condition, and as he is a man of progressive ideas, he has supplied himself with all kinds of agricultural imple- ments to facilitate his work. His substantial barn, 40 by 72 feet in dimensions, with 20- foot posts, he built in 1903. Mr. Bales married Lillie Robinson, who is a daughter of Andrew Robinson, of North- ampton Township, and they have three chil- dren : Addie, Howard and Leona. Mr. Bales is a self-made man and takes just pride in the fact that his possessions have been acquired through his own industry and good management. ERNEST C. BUETCH. a prominent citi- zen of Coventry Township, of which he served as treasurer for many years, resides on his well-improved farm of seventy-four acres. Mr. Buetch was born October 11, 1855, in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Jacob and Mary (Richler) Buetch. The father of Mr. Buetch was born in Ger- many and grew up on his father's farm there. In 1853, when about twenty years of age, Jacob Buetch came to America, locating shortly afterward in Ohio, and in 1854 he came to the farm which his son Ernest. C. now owns. The land was then covered with tim- ber, but with the assistance of his sons, it was all cleared off. The comfortable res^idence in which Mr. Buetch lives wa? built by hia father. Jacob Buetch was married in Coventry Township to Mrs. Mary Richler, who was the widow of John Richler, and their only child was Ernest C. By her first marriage, Mrs. Buetch had six children, namely: John, Jacob. August; Mary, who is the widow of Jacob Grethers; Barbara, who is the widow of John Zitterly; and Louisa, who married John Keppler. Two of the sons were killed in the army during the Civil Mar, while August died after coming home from the effects of yellow fever, contracted while he was in the service of his country. Jacob Buetch died on this farm August 19, 1895, having survived his wife since May 14, 1885. They both were most worthy people, kind, ho.spitable, frugal and industrious. Ernest Buetch was mainly educated in the district schools of Coventry Township and had one winter's schooling at Akron. As he grew old enough he had to help his step- brothers in the work of clearing up the farm, and on the death of his father this property came into his possession. Since 1878 Mr, Buetch has made a feature of threshing, and in partnership with his son, owns an outfit, and together they do a large amount of busi- ness in this line. For about eight years Mr. Buetch operated a sawmill in addition to carrying on a general agricultural business. On May 14, 1881, Mr. Buetch was married to Sarah J. Renninger, who is a daughter of Solomon and Lavina (Keppler) Renninger, the latter of whom is deceased. They have two children : William F. and Emma Lavina The former is associated with his father in the threshing business and resides at home. He married Berdella Verick. In politics, Mr. Buetch is a Democrat and he has taken an active interest in party af- fairs in this neighborhood. As an evidence of the confidence which his fellow-citizens have in his ability and integrity, it may be .stated that he held the important office of township trustee for a continuous period of ten years, with the exception of two months. He was a capable, eflScient and honest offi- cial. He is an Odd Fellow and belongs to Nemo Lodge, No. 746, Akron. CHARLES' A. CALL, general farmer and respected citizen, who has lived on his pres- ent valuable farm of 185 acres, which is sit- uated in Stow Township, since he was five years of age, was born at Darrowville, Sum- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 955 mit County, Ohio, May 16, 1855. He is a son of Moses Danforth and Harriet Maria (Starr) Call. The father of Mr. Call was bom July 12, 1815, at Warner, New Hampshire, and died in Ohio, March 24, 1891. He was reared on his father's farm and attended the district schools. In 1835 he went to Boston, Mas- sachusetts, where he made his living peddling bread until 1837, when he started on a jour- ney to Peoria, Illinois, and stopped on the way to visit friends in Summit County. He was so pleased with what he saw that he de- cided to remain and make thi.s section his home. For five winters he taught school and for fifteen years he worked at the cooper's trade, running a shop of his own for a num- ber of years at Darrowville, where he em- ployed four men. In 1859 he purchased the farm which his son now owns and moved his shop to his own land. Later, he undertook the manufacturing of cheese, which industry he carried on for almost twenty-five years, continuing until 1890, and was the principal owner and the manager of the Hudson cheese factory. He was an earnest Republican and a .stanch supporter of the Union during the Civil War. He was a liberal supporter of educational and benevolent enterprises and was held in the highest esteem. For forty- six consecutive years he served as a justice of the peace in Stow Township, and from 1877 until 1883, he was one of the county commis- sioners of Summit County. He was in sym- pathy with the Grange movement and a member of that body. In his religious belief he was a Universalist. On November 17, 1842, Moses Danforth Call was married to Harriet Maria Starr, who wa.s a daughter of Josiah Starr, who settled in Stow Township in 1804. She died June 26, 1886, aged sixty-seven years, nine months and one day. She was the loving, devoted mother of four children, namely: Mary Lo- vina, deceased, who married G, H. O'Brien, of Stow; Emma Augusta, who married E. A. Season, of Hudson ; Ellen Jo.sephine, who married L. A. Darrow, of Stow; and Charles A. Charles A. Call was five years of age when his parents came to the farm which he now owns and which he has kept intact, with the exception of five acres, taken off for railroad purposes. His education was secured in the dis- trict schools, and his main business in life has been farming and dealing in cattle. He de- voted two years, 1892 and 1893, to the cheese business, but has no interest in that industry at present. He cultivates seventy acres of his land, raising hay, corn, oats and wheat, and at all times requires one man's assistance in the work. Mr. Call has two silos with dimen- sions of 11 1-3 feet in diameter and 29 feet in depth. Mr. Call is one of the agriculturists who recognize and take advantage of modern methods and improved machinery. Mr. Call was married on November 5, 1879, to Olive A. Prior. She is a daughter of Sam- uel Prior, of Northampton Township. They have four children : Leland, who is a grad- uate of the Ohio State University, is an in- structor in an agricultural college at Manhat- tan, Kansa.s; Florence, who married George H. Lodge; and Howard M. and Fannie, resid- ing at home. Mrs. Call belongs to the Dis- ciples Church at Stow. Mr. Call is a Republican. He belong to the Grange, Patrons of Husbandry and to the Maccabees. ANDREW A. SPIELMAN. farmer, stock- raiser and dairyman, residing on his produc- tive farm of eighty acres, which is situated in Northampton Township, was born October 4. 1867, and is a son of .Jacob and Theresa ("Schneider) Spielman. Both parents of Mr. Spielman were born in Germany, the father in 1810, and the mother in 1825. .Jacob Spielman was married twice. His first wife died in Germany and left three children, namely: Mrs. Victoria Neff, for- merly of Cincinnati: -Joseph; and Mrs. Mary Pfaft, residing at Cuba. ICansas, the latter being the only .survivor. Joseph Spielman then moved from his native province to 956 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Bavaria, where be followed his trade of wagon-maker, until he emigrated to America, after which lie became a farmer. He bought lirst a farm in Portage County, on which he lived some years, and then resided in various sections before he settled permanently in Northampton Township, where he bought the farm on which Andrew A., his son, was born and now resides. Jacob Spielman died on this farm in 1866, survived by his widow until September 8, 1905. Jacob Spielman married (second) Theresa Schneider, who was born in Bavaria, and was a daughter of John Schneider. They had one child born in that province, Barbara, who is the wife of John Zimmerman, of Ak- ron. After I'eaching America, seven more children were added to the family, as fol- loW'S: John, residing in Northampton Town- ship; Philip, residing at Cleveland; Kath- erine, who married Ernest Moody, residing in Kent; Amelia, who married Henry Murley, residing at Columbus; Eva, who is the widow of August Waggoner, residing in Kent ; Eliza- beth, who married Barton Hcwbridgo, resid- ing at Akron: and Andrew A., residing in Northampton Township. The family wns strictly reared in the faith of the Koman Catholic Church. Andrew A. Spielman lia.* always resided on the home farm. He is one of the leading hay and wheat raisers of this section and feeds his stock his corn and oats, raising fine cattle and many hogs. His dairy products, especially his superior butter, finds a ready market at Akron. He understands how to make every portion of his land repay him for his labor, and this is successful farming. Mr. Spielman has a very pleasant home circle. He married Lucy Leiser, who is a daughter of Peter Leiser, of Akron, and they have five children: Leo B., Gertrude A., Florence A., .Tames and -Jacob Albert. Mr. Spielman, with liis family, belongs to St. Bernard Catholic Church. Like his father before him, he is identified with the Demo- cratic party. . ri.LBERT FETTE, who tills the ofhce of deputy revenue collector, has been a resident of Akron since 1899, but his place of birth was Bremen, Germany, in the year 1839, full twenty years before the birth of the present brilliant, masterful German emperor. Mr. Fette learned the cigar-making trade in his native land and when he was twenty- one year's of age he came to ^Vmerica in the hope of finding better opportunities for ad- vancement. He remained for six months in the city of New York, and then located at Jamestown, New York, where he worked at his trade for eighteen months, going from there to Buffalo, where he remained until 1862. EiU'ly in that year he enlisted for service in the Civil War, entering Company H, 116th Regiment, New York Volunteer In- fantry, and remained in the service until the close of the war, spending a pai't of the period in Virginia, and two yeai-s in the Red River campaign, then returning to the Shenandoah Valley. He was seriously wounded in the neck at Plain's Store, Louisiana, and was con- fined- in the Lincoln Hospital, at Washing- ton, D. C, when he was mustered out. "When sufficiently recovered, he returned to BuA'alo, where he remained until 186S, going then to Warren, Pennsylvania. In 1873 he settled at Philadelphia, removing to Little Rock, Ar- kansas, in 1877, and moving from there in 1880 to Erie, Pennsylvania. A year later he went to Denver, Colorado, and remained in that section for seventeen years. He was mainly engaged in the manufacture of cigars. For one year prior to 1889, when he came to .Vkron, Mr. Fette resided at Vancouver, Brit- i.-'h Columbia. For the past five years he has held (he office of deputy revenue collector of the Eighteenth District of Ohio, with his h(^adquarters at Akron. In LSrsl Mr. Fette was married to ]\Iiiinie Ernestine Holtz, who died in 1899. Mr. Fette has been a very active Republican for many years. He belongs to Buckley Post, Grand Army of the Republic. He is a member of the Masonic fraternitv. HENUV CLAJIKXCK \IELE L. H. HORNER AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 9r)9 LA FAYETTE H. HORNER, who is large- ly interested in Sunmiit County real estate, has been a resident of Akron since November, 1890, and in the past seventeen years h^as done more real estate dealing than any other individual in this city. He was born in ISGl in Northampton Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of the late Uriah R. Horner. The father of Mr. Horner was one of Sum- mit County's most respected citizens. He waa born in Mahoning County, Ohio, and he be- came a successful farmer and stockman in Summit County, to which he came in 1856, where he died in 1893. LaFayette H. Horner remained on the home farm until he was twenty-four years of age, in the meanwhile obtaining his education in the district schools of Northampton Town- ship, afterward spending two years in a nursery business in Southern Indiana and Kentucky. In 1890 he came to Akron, and on a venture went into the real estate business in a small way, shortly afterward finding himself particularly well adapted for this field of work. Mr. Horner bought the Coburn al- lotment, making of this one of the greatest realty successes on record, distancing all com- petitors. In 1904 lie huilt thirty-two new houses; in 1906, thirty-four, and in 1907, the current year, forty new residences have been erected, all the lots in this large body of land having been dispo.sed of, except eighty-five, Mr. Horner deals only in his own real estate and he has investments all over the city and owns also county property, including a farm on which he breeds light harness horses from first-class stock. Mr. Horner, is an excellent type of the modern business man, whose trained faculties respond to the demands made upon them without interfering with his health or preventing his enjoyment of a rational social life. In 1897 Mr. Horner was married to Inez C. Hutchin,?on and they have three children : Gladys V., Fayette H.' and Fern Inez. He is a member and liberal supporter of Calvary Evangelical Church. His only fraternal con- nection is with the Akron Lodge of Odd Fel- lows. HENRY CLARENCE VIELE, retired, formerly was identified with the basiness and official life of both Akron and Summit County. Mr. Viele was born in Washing- ton County, New York, October 29, 1841, and is a son of Hiram and Abby M. (McFar- land) Viele. In the spring of 1842, the parents of Mr. X'iele settled in Akron, and he was educated in this city. When sixteen years old he be- gan clerking in the old stone mill, of which his father was superintendent. He subse- quently left that business in order to enter the army, enlisting in 1864, in Company F, 164th Regiment, 0. Y. I., which was sta- tioned at Fort Corcoran, Arlington Heights, during the whole of his 100 days term of service. Upon his return to Akron he en- tered the sendee of the Merchants' Union E.x- ]>ress Company and a year later became ticket agent for the C. A. & C. Railroad. Subsequently he become interested with his father in a flour and feed bu.siness. In 1868, Mr. Veile was engaged to assist the city and county in making up the du- idicate tax lists, and later was connected with the county treasurer's office for some time. In February, 1872, he was appointed county recorder to fill the vacancy caused by the death of the incumbent of "that office, and he served out that term and then served as deputy county treasurer until 1878. Mr. Viele's management of that office elevated him in public esteem and in 1878 he was elected county treasurer of Summit County; being re-elected in 1880, he held the oflfice for four years. The records of years testify to Mr. Viele's efficiency as a public officer. He then became teller in the Citi- zens' Savings and Loan Association, serving until 1887 ; he was a.ssistant trea his great stock farm of 190 acre.-, in Copley Township, and is interested in the Ijreeding of .standard horses of a type that has made liL'^ name known all over Ohio. Mr. .John- ston was born in Copley Townshij), Summit County, Ohio, ^Vugust I'A. J. Hardy, a prom- inent resident of Northam]iton Township, and they have one child, Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Walters attend the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics he is a stanch Republic- an and he has been a leading man in his community for many yeai-s. His long tenure in office speaks well as to the confidence felt in him by his fellow-citizens. LEVI RAWSON was born in Mendon. Massachusetts, July 2, 1808. He carne to Ohio in 1829 and settled in Massillon in Oc- tober, 1830, where he was engaged iA success- ful business under the titles of Rawson & Brainerd, L. & S. Rawson, and S. Lind & Co., conducting a general merchandise store, also operating the Red Mill on the Ohio Canal. Mr. Rawson in 1844 moved to Akron, where he owned and operated the Cascade and Mtns, Mills. During his residence in Akron he lived in the house at the northeast corner of East Market and Broadway. . The Akron mills were operated under the firm name of Rawson & Noble. He was also engaged in the woolen business, operating a mill in Mid- dlebury under the name of Rawson & Good- ale. In 1849 Mr. Rawson moved to Cleveland, although still retaining his interests in Ak- ron, and there until his death was engaged in the forwarding and conimi.s.-iion business, Ixing identified with the firm of Rawson, Foot iV; (.-'urtis. He was also interested in the ves- sels Massillon and Marshfield, which w-ere en- gaged in the lake trade, the Ma.ssillon in 1859 making a trip from Cleveland to Liverpool. Mr. Rawson died in Cleveland, January 25, I8:;4, after a successful business career of lifty-.six years. Socially, he was genial, kind and liberal to those less fortunate, giving frcfly and without ostentation. He is sur- vi\ed by one daughter, Mrs. Geo. T. Perkins, and two sons, Charles and Ed. B. Rawson, of Li.sbon, Ohio. .VITATST C. MILLER, general contractor at Akron, dealing in brick, stone and lime, with quarters at No. 295 Buckeye Street, came to this city in 1874. He was born in 1852, in Prussia-Germany, and was eighteen years of age when he came to America. Mr. Miller had partly learned his trade be- fore leaving his own land, and he completed his apprenticeship in America, working in New York, Chicago, Milwaukee and Cleve- land. When he reached Akron he was ready to undertake any kind of contract for mason work or building constniction. He worked awhile for different parties, but in 1876 em- barked in general contracting on his own ac- count, his fii-st big job being for the Robinson Brothers' Sewer Pipe plant. Mr. Miller has continued in the contracting business and during his business life of a quarter of a cen- tury here, he has had the contracts for some (if the city's most important buildings. His work is seen in the Akron Savings Bank Building; the O'Neil Buildins;: the brick work for the Diamond Rubber Buildings; the Kubler and Beck Buildings; the Burkhardt Brewery plant; the Star Drill Machine Com- pany's plant, and many others of lesser note. At the date of this writing (1907) he is build- ing the Star Rubber Company's new plant. In addition to what may be called his per- sonal business. Mr. Miller is interested in a number of other important enterprises of Ak- ron, in which his name has inspired addi- tional confidence. He was one of the organ- izers and a director of the Securitv Savings AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 913 Bank, and a stockholder in the People's Sav- ings Bank. He is interested in the Central Savings and Trust Company ; is a stockholder in the Diamond Rubber Company, the B. F. Goodrich Company, and the Akron Brewery Company, and is also a director in the Lodi Oil and Refinery Company. In 1881 Mr. Miller was married to Adele Uitas, who was born in Prussia-Germany, and Ihey have two children, Adele and Bodo E., the latter of whom is a medical student in (he Universit}' of Michigan, at Ann Arbor. Mr. Miller is a prominent member of the Democratic party in this city and takes much interest in local affairs. For three years he has been a member of the Akron Liebertafel, a leading German social organization. A man of unimpeachable character, Mr. Miller is a representative of Akron's best citizim- ship. FRANK F. MILLER, mechanical engi- neer, with the Star Drilling Machine Com- pany, of Akron, has been identified with this line of work ever since he entered into busi- ness, and has been a resident of this city since he- was ten years old. He was born in 1879 at Smith's Ferry, Ohio, but his childhood was passed at Braceville, Leavittsburg and New- ton Falls, to which point his parents, J. W. and Abbie (Brown) Miller moved while he was very >oung. Mr. Miller entered the public schools of Akron at the age above mentioned and con- tinued until he was graduated from the Ak- ron High School, in 1897. He then became a student at the 'Western University of Penn- sylvania, from which he was graduated in 1001, with his degree of M. E. During the following year he worked for the American Bridge Company, first at Pittsburg, Penn.syl- vania, and later at Canton, Ohio, then for one year he was with the Wollman-Seaver- Morgan Engineering Comnany, of Cleveland, since which time he has been with the Star Drilling Machine Companv, in his present canacity. He is a stockholder in this enter- prise and also owtis stock in the Star Rubber Company. In 1902 Mr. Miller was married to Clara A. Parisette, daughter of Charles and Susan (Selzer) Parisette. Charles Parisette was born in Germany and came to the United States about 1857. Mr. Parisette volunteered in a California regiment during the Civil War, and now makes his home in Akron, at 738 West Market Street. Mrs. Miller grad- uated from the Akron High School in 1898, also from the Perkins Normal School two years later. She then taught in the Allen school. With her hu.sband, she belongs to te First Congregational Church. They are the parents of two children — Forest Keimeth and Alma Lenore. ALBERT C. HARRINGTON, a general farmer of Northampton Township, is a worthy representative of a prominent old fam- ily of Summit County, was born April 19, 1872, on the old Harrington homestead, and is a son of Frederick L. and Mahala (Carter) Harrington. Job Harrington, grandfather of Albert C, was born at Bennington. Vermont, March 9, 1792, and was a son of Richard Harrington. In the fall of 1812 he left Bennington and reached Tallmadge Township, Summit Coun- ty, before the end of the year, commissioned to purchase a farm for his parents. In the following year the family came to the new home and l:)uilt their little log cabin in the midst of the forest. In 1814 .Job returned to Vermont and married Susan Hartle, who was born at Georgetown, Pennsylvania, January 27, 1796. In 1815 Job Harrington bought the farm on ^-hich Albert C. Harrington was born and reared. He died March 24, 1869. During the early -days -when pioneer condi- tions prevailed and the larger number of his neighbors were Indians, Job Harrington displayed those sturdy characteri.stics which made him one of the most useful men of the township. He conciliated the Indians and made friends of them for himself and the community, and possessed the shrewdness as well as the integritv which brought ahout im- proved conditions for all concerned. The ma- ternal grandfather of Mr. Harrington, Wil- 974 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY liam Carter, was also of New England birth and ancestry, and he too was a man of prom- inence and usefulness in Summit County. William Carter was born at Middletown, Con- necticut, February 13, 1792, married Chloe Wadsworth in 1814, and died April 24, 1876. William Carter came to Northampton Town- ship at a very early day. He was a bricklayer by trade and an expert workman, and build- ings in numbers still stand, both at Akron and Cuyahoga Falls, which testify to his skill. Frederick L. Harrington was born October 14, 1835, and died in 1899. He was married October 10, 1866, to Mahala Carter, who was born October 11, 1842, one of four children born to William Carter by his second wife, Jane Carter, to whom he was married in Northampton Township, October 17, 1834. The other children were: Patty, William and Helen. Frederick L. Harrington and wife had five children, namely: Charles E., who was born February 24,' 1869; Albert C, Frank L., who was born December 13, 1874; Myron E., who was horn May 22, 1877; and Laurel L. who was born June 8, 1896. and died at fifteen years of age. Albert C. Harrington was reared in North- ampton Township and after completing his schooling, engaged in farming on the old homestead until his marriage, when he set- tled on the farm on which he has resided ever since, this being a valuable tract of seventy- four and one-half acres, which came to his wife on the death of her mother. Mr. Har- rington operates this farm after modern meth- ods, largely as a dairy farm. He keeps about fifteen head of cattle and ships his milk to Akron. His main crops are hay, corn, wheat and oat^, and he has an excellent silo. The comfortable residence wa."? built by his late mother-in-law, Mrs. Flannigan. in 1891. On November 27, 1901, Mr. Harrington was married to Fanny May Flannigan, who was born and roared on the present farm. She is the second daughter of John and Maria (Cochran) fPurcell) Flannigan. The father of Mrs. Harrington was born in Ireland and died in Northampton Township, Summit County, Ohio, December 27, 1879, aged fifty- five years and five months. He came to Amer- ica in boyhood and worked as a farm hand until shortly after his marriage, when he bought a farm in the northeast corner of Northampton Township. This first purchase was of seventy-five acres, to which he subse- quently added 140 acres, located partly in Boston and partly in Northampton Town- ships, and these two farms he operated until his death as dairy farms, keeping twenty head of cattle. He carried on a large cheese and butter industry on the farm and its prod- ucts were disposed of at Akron. He was survaved twenty-five j'ears by his widow, who died December 20, 1903. She was born in ]825, in Stow Township, Summit County, Ohio, and was a daughter of Robert and Fanny (Bird) Cochran. Her father was killed by the Indians while making a trip through California. There were eleven chil- dren in his family, all of whom are deceased, except James, who is a general farmer and dairyman in Northampton Township, and Martha, who married William Galloway, also of Northampton Township. The mother of ilrs. Harrington was married, first to Nicholas Purcell, who was survived by one daughter, Josephine, who married Edward Donahue, of Northampton Township. To her second mar- riage two daughters were born : Martha Jane, who married John E. Raleigh, of Northamp- ton Township; and Fanny May, who married Albert C. Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. Harrington have three chil- dren, namely: Opal E., who was born Sep- tember 13, 1903; Chester A., who was born June 18, 1905; and Velma Rhea, who was born August 13, 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Har- rington are members of the United Presbyte- rian Church, to which Mrs. Flannigan also belonged, and in which she was much be- loved. In politics he is a Democrat, but he has never been willing to accept political of- fice, preferring the quiet life of a private citi- zen. With his wife he belongs to the North- ampton Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 975 M. C. HEMINGER, who is engaged in a real estate, insurance and loan business at Akron, with offices at No. 1094 South Main Street, is one of the representative business men of the city. He was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, September 10, 1861. Mr. Heminger was reared in his native sec- tion, attending the local schools, and later completed a normal course at Mt. Union and a commercial course at Painesville. He then took up the profession of teaching, which he followed more or less continuously for twen- ty years, having obtained an Ohio State Life Certificate in 1895. During this period he became interested in the buying and selling of property, and met with such good success that he declined his appointment as teacher of the Clinton schools, in 1901, in order to accept a position with the Akron Realty Com- pany. He entered that company as a book- keeper, later became a salesman and subse- quently secretary, treasurer and general man- ager. In 1906 Mr. Heminger went into the real estate business for himself, adding in- surance, 'loans and investments, and he has met with most satisfactory success. His method is to purchase tracts of land and make first-pla.=s improvements, subsequently finding no difficulty in disposing of them. His ef- forts have benefitted the whole community, as he has been the means of bringing much out- side capital to this point. He is a director of the South Akron Banking Company. His business office has been at Akron for the past seven years, but his beautiful home is situated at Kenmore. In 1887 Mr. Heminger was married to Sarah A. Jones, who was born in Wales, and they have a bright, interesting family of four sons and four daughters, namely: Vesta M., Richard B., Muriel "W., Alice C! Harold R.. Arthur L. Leah M. and Beryl G. The eldest daughter graduated from the Kenmore High School and is taking a course in mu- sic in the Cleveland School of Music, ha\nng a great natural gift. Mr. Heminger and fam- ily belong to the Reformer! Church at Ken- more, in the Sunday School of which he fakep a pace around the tower. Although these fig- ures are of great size, Mr. Ilolzhauer distinct- ly remembers that they looked diminutive from his viewpoint, as the tower is 500 feet high from the curb. Young Holzhauer joined a crowd that was intent on a,«cending the tower by the winding steps, but they final- ly arrived at a window where an entrance fee was demanded, so the disappointed child turned back. Everything was a source of wonder to hi.« childish juind. Having no through trains at that day, the party had a wait of five or six hours at Paris, and decided to view the various sights. At Havre, where they had to remain three days before embark- ing on their vessel, he saw for the fii-st time a colored man, and called to his mother that he saw a number of "chimney-sweeps," but was informed by his mother that they were Africans, Their sailing vessel, the "Eagle," was an American ship, and had a huge gold eagle for a figure-head under the bowsprit. From the sailors of this vessel, also Americans, young Holzhauer learned a number of words of English, including, imfortunately, some oaths. On this journey the vessel made most I'emarkable speed for that day, the trip tak- ing but 21 days, which included two days living in quarantine in New York. Air. Holzhauer distinctly remembers the sud- den change in temperature the passengers ex- Iierienced. Although the vessel left Havre in midwinter, it seemed almost like sununer weather during moas a young man when the family came from Union County, Pennsylvania, ahd like his father he died in Bath Town.ship. His wife, who was a native of North Carolina, died in Akron, Jacob AV. Bennage was reared in Bath Township, and on attaining his majority re- moved to California, where he lived for four years, engaged in threshing and hay baling. On his return to Bath Township he embarked in the lumber and sawmill business, and this he has continued to the present time, in April, 1907, opening his present mill, in which are employed eight men. Formerly Mr. Bennage operated two mills, when he employed about thirty assistants. Mr. Bennage has purchased several farms for their timber, which, after clearing, he sold; and from 1899 until 1905 he lived in Akron, where he was successfully engaged in the lumber business. Mr. Bennage was married, first, to Emma Alman, who is now deceased, and they had one child: Elvin, His second marriage was to Nellie Chase, and to this union there have been born two children : George and Mar- gery. ALBERT J. BREWSTER, who has been associated with the Buckeye Sewer Pipe Com- pany ever since he has been in business, was born in Summit County, Ohio, in 1871, and is a son of James G. Brewster, a leading citi- zen of this section. Albert J. Brewster was educated in the pub- lic schools and at Buchtel College, following ^i'hich he took a course in bookkeeping and ?tenographj', immediately afterward entering the offices of the Buckeye Sewer Pipe Com- ]:>any. He has numerous other interests of a business nature, being a stockholder in sev- eral of the leading industrial concerns of S\numit County. In 1890, Mr. Brewster was married to J. Evelyn Barder, who was born at Akron, Ohio, and they have four children, namely: Al- bert J., Evan Barder, Jane Elizabeth and Marian, Mr, Brewster is connected with a number of fraternal and social organizations. He is act- ive also in giving support to movements of public importance to his city and section, and takes an interest in all mattei-s pertaining to good citizenship. WILLIAM A. JOCKERS, a general farmer, in Boston Township, was born in the house in which he lives, August 4, 1873, and belongs to an old German family that once owned vast estates in Germany, which, in case litigation now going on should prove favorable, may be restored to the present gen- eration. The father of Mr. Jockers was born in Baden, Germany, and died October 31, 1899, in Boston Township, aged seventj'-two years. He came to America when seventeen years old and carried a peddler's pack for a period of eighteen months after landing in the United States. He spent four months at Buf- falo and the rest of the time until 1879, at Cleveland and in its vicinity, and then came to Boston Township and settled on the farm now the property of his son, William A. He learned brick-making at Cleveland and later engaged in a business in this line for him- self, giving employment to twenty men and turning out a fine quality of finished brick. He furni.shed the brick for many buildings, in- cluding that used in the erection of the White Se^-ing Machine Building, ai Cleveland. Prior to coming to Boston Township he sold his brick busine.«s, purchasing 104 acres when he came to this section, eleven of which he sold. He identified himself with the Repub- lican party and for several years while in Cleveland, served in the city council and aha belonged to the fire department, in its early daj's. He married a second cousin, Jlargaret •Tockers. who was brought to America from Germany when one year and six montlis old. She died on her birthday, August 6, 1899, aged sixtv-six vears. Of their eleven chil- 996 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY dren, five grew to maturity, namely: John, residing in Boston Township; Mary, who married Nelson Wood; Tibbie, who married (first) George Herman, and (second) Calvin Hill, residing at Cleveland; Hattie, who mar- ried (first) George Curtiss, and (second) . John Boughton ; and William A. William A. Jockers obtained his education in the common schools. His life has been an agricultural one, and when his father's estate was divided, he received eighty-six acres. On his excellent farm he raises hay, corn, wheat, oats and potatoCvS, the latter crop always doing A\ell and producing so that he is able to seM 300 bushels. He usually keeps about nine head of cattle. Mr. .Jockers married Annie Woda, a daugh- ter of John Woda, of Breckville, and they have three children : Florence Mary, j\Iar- gery Anna and Willianr Raljih. Mr. Jockers is a very intelligent, thought- ful man and he has given a great deal of calm consideration to public questions. In local matters he exercises his judgment as to what candidate shall receive his vote, but in na- tional affairs, he inclines toward the Socialist party as offering a clearer solution of the great problems of the country than does any of the others. FREDERICK N. SHAFFER, one of Akron's substantial citizens and honorable business men, is the junior member of the firm of Christy & Shaffer, leading dealers in saddlery, shoe findings and hides, both whole- sale and retail, with quarters at No. 142 South - Howard street. Mr. Shaffer was born at Western Star, Medina County, Ohio, in 1837. Mr. Shaffer's life until the age of twenty years, was spent on the home farm and in attending the covmtry schools. He then went to Akron, where he secured work with W. C. Kittleberger and thoroughly learned the har- ness and saddlery business and remained for twelve years. In 1899, he became a member of the present firm, then under the style of James Christy, Jr., & Compan}^, a cliange in name later taking place, and this connection has lasted until the pre,sent. Mr. Shaffer has grown up in the business, learning all its practical details and has its management well in hand. The firm does a large local business and keeps one representative on the road. In 1889, Mr. Shaffer was married to Elta M. Eberhard, of Western Star, and they have three children : Grace M., Raymond C. and Gladys E. Mr. Shaffer is a stockholder and a direc'.or in the Dime Savings Bank and a stockholder and director in the Aladdin Rubber Company. As a good citizen, he has other interests, of more or less importance, connected with civic advancement and public-spirited enterprises. JOHN BUCHTEL was one of the early residents of Summit County, accompanynig his parents to the neighborhood of (Coventry as early as 1830. He Avas born in Myers Township, Center County, Pennsylvania, No- vember 6, 1797, and was a son of Peter Buch- tel. His parents located first in Stark County, Ohio, later in Green Township, and still later in Coventry Township, Summit County, this being about 1818. The country was then a w'ild region, with only here and there a cabin erected by some courageous settler near the banks of a stream. Peter Buchtel was a pio- neer of the old tvpe and died at Tremont, Ohio. John Buchtel's early years were filled with the hard labor incident to clearing up a pio- neer farm. He was married in Green town- ship, January 18, 1821, to Catherine Rich- ards, and they had five children, three daugh- ters and two sons. The family was partly reared in the log cabin in which .John Buch- tel and wife commenced housekeeping. After thirteen years of residence in Gi'een township. Mr. Buchtel sold his farm there and bought another, in Coventry Township, on which he resided for forty-one years. In 1875, Mr. Buchtel gave up all active pursuits and with his wife removed to a .small farm just north of Akron, where Mrs. Buchtel died in 1882, iiged seventy-eight years. Mr. Buchtel then retired to the home of his son, Hon. William Buchtel, where he died at the remarkable age ALBERT A. KOHLER, M. D. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 999 of ninety-seven yeare and two months. For more than a tialf century he was a consistent member of the Evangelical Church. From the period of the Civil War, he had been an earnest supporter of the Republican party. ALBERT A. KOHLER, M.D., one of the leading professional men of Akron, of which city he has been a resident since 1870, Wiu; born September 12, 1863, in Snyder County, Pennsylvania. He is the son of Andrew and Sarah (Fisher) Kohler, who came to Akron in 1870. Andrew Kohler here fol- lowed his trade as a millwright until 1881. He then engaged in a grocery business, con- ducting it until his death, which took place December 31, 1885. He was a man of good standing in the world of trade and a valued citizen of Akron. He served as a member of the City Council, taking an active part- in the management of civic affaire. In re- ligion he was a Lutheran, fraternally a Ma- son and an Odd Fellow. He married Sarah Fisher, who also was a native of Pennsyl- vania, and their family consisted of seven children, namely: Charles F., who is en- gaged in busine&s at AVabash, Indiana; Mar- garet, who married F. L. Deibolt and resides in Cleveland; John, who is engaged in min- ing in Nevada; William, who is deceased; Albert A., whose name begins this article; Warren A., a business man of Leesburg, In- diana; and James L., who is in the grocery trade at Cleveland, Ohio. Albert A. Kohler acquired his literary education in the public schools and at Buch- tel College, graduating from the latter insti- tution in 1887. While in Buchtel College he became a member of the Greek letter fra- ternity, Phi Delta Theta. He began the study of medicine under Dr. Thomas Eb- right, and in the fall of 1887 entered the medical department of the Western Reserve University, at Cleveland, where he was graduated in 1890. He immediately located in Akron, where he has become a successful and prominent physician and surgeon. His offices are at No. 608 and 610 Hamilton Building. Politically Dr. Kohler is a Democrat, and from 1890 until 1894 he served as health officer of Akron. After a lapse of six years he was reappointed in 1900, and has filled that office continuously since. He is a mem- ber of the Summit County Medical, the Sixth Consular District, Ohio State, and the Ameri- can Medical Societies, and he also belongs to all the Masonic bodies up to and includ- ing the Commandery at Akron and the An- cient Accepted Scottish Rite, at Cleveland, Ohio. He is also a member of McPherson Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of Akron. Dr. Kohler was married, November 27, 1894, to Alice C. Slade, a daughter of William H. Slade of Columbus, Ohio. Their pleasant home is at No. 703 South Union Street. TODD CHARLES FOSTER, one of Bos- ton Township's most substantial farmers, owns an estate of 308 acres, and belongs to an honored old pioneer family of this section, Mr. Foster was born September 28, 1861, in Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Edwin Francis and Elizabeth (Deiceman) Foster. Pardon Foster, the paternal grandfather, was born in the State of New York, where he grew to manhood and before leaving home to better his fortunes, learned the trade of cabi- net-making and carpentering which included a knowledge of ship building. In 1831, he came to Boston Township, where he con- structed the first canal boat that ever went down the waters of the Ohio Canal. This boat was followed by the building of many others. When he gave up this work he retired to a farm he had purchased near Brandywine, in Boston Township, where he lived to the unusual age of ninety-two years. He married Nancy Ooulson, whose age exceeded his by four years. They were the parents of a large and robust family and their descendants have inherited in large degree, the health which accrued to them through clean, temperate and virtuous living. Edwin Francis Foster was nine years old when he accompanied his parents to Boston Township. He was afforded the best educa- 1000 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTS lional advantages to be secured in the territory in which his home wan located and through a thorough course of study, became a qualified civil engineer. For a long period he taught school in Northfield and Bedford Townships, and was also a competent teacher of vocal mu- sic. After his marriage, when twenty- seven years of age, he engaged in farming, in Boston Township and cai-ried on agricultural pursuits until the close of his life, which came in 1903, when he was eighty-one years of age. He was a natural mechanic and the use of tools came to him without instinictiou. It was a pleasure to him, even in advanced age, to be called on to fashion some domestic utensil or to repair some damage. The task would be done in a manner creditable to an instructed workman. Mr. Foster left two fine farms to his family, aggregating 400 acres, one of these he held rented and on the other he cultivated the natural products of this climate. In his early political views he was an Abolitionist and Whig and immediately identified himself with the Republican party on its formation. Until the end of his life he retained his vigor of mind and was a great reader, keeping him- self thoroughly posted on all public matters and discussing these questions with a thor- ough knowledge of the principles involved. In 1846, Edwin Francis Foster married Elizabeth Deiceman, one of the jiupils attend- ing his school. She was a maiden of seven- teen years at that time, a cherished daughter of William Deiceman, of Northfield Town- ship. She died in 1881, aged fifty-two years. Of the ten children born to this union, six reached mature years, namely: Coulson, re- siding in Hudson Township; James, who is deceased ; Amelia, who married Robert Miller, residing in Portage County; Nancy, who married Hiram Mowen, had one daughter, Ethel ; Todd C, residing in Boston Township ; Grant, residing in Northfield Township; and Henry, residing in Bedford Township. The parents of this family were worthy members of the United Brethren Church and reared their childi'en as became Christian people. Todd Charles Foster was reared in his na- tive township and attended school in the brick school-house in Boston. He remained with his father, assisting on the home farm, until he was twenty-one years old and for the next seven years followed various occupations, engaging in farming and teaming and also worked one year at plumbing, in the mean- while picking up valuable information along many lines, a great deal of which he has ];ractically applied since taking charge of his- present large property. During the above- named period, Mr. Foster was receiving excel- lent wages for his work and was providently saving them, and when he was able to secure his present estate, in 1889, he was prepared 10 invest $1,000, in the same. This payment of capital left him with just $15, and, as he adds, "a shovel, an axe and a hoe." Mr. Fos- ter does not add, as he well might, that he had other equipments, including the habit of fru- gality, an enterprising and industrious spirit ond a natural endowment of judgment and common sense. When Mr. Foster came here he purchased 108 acres, which had an unfinished house standing on it. This house he completed himself, even doing the painting, rooming off and plastering. The other substantial buildings which give his place such an air of completeness and thrift, were either totally built by him or entirely remodeled. We have no record of Mr. Foster learning the carpenter trade, but he is evidently one in .skill, as a number of the farm buildings give testimonial. He is an adept in all kinds of mechanical work and is independent of the wagonmaker and the blacksmith, having his own workshop, which he built himself, where all kinds of tools are kept, and where Mr. Foster may generally be found in the inclem- ent weather when farm work cannot be suc- cessfully carried on. He is so busy and in- terested that fair or foul, he finds no time hang heavily on his hands. Subsequently, Mr. Foster added 128 acres to his first purchase, and all his land is made to return its full value. In looking over even his ploughed fields, no stones or noxious weeds can be found, onlv the mellow soil AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1001 which responds to his careful, scientific culti- '/ation. He raises crops of all the cereals, wheat, oats and corn, a large amount of hay and many potatoes. He supplies a large amount of the milk sent to Cleveland, from his neighborhood, and also feeds considera- ble young stock. Mr. Foster has found it profitable to make a specialty of raising tur- keys and sells hi^ choice birds for breeding purposes at $5.00 apiece. He has some five head of horses for the farm work. Mr. Fos- ter has every reason to take pride in his beau- tiful estate, his stock and machinery', having the consciousness of having earned them all through his own energy and enterprise. Be- fore leaving the subject of this fine farm, mention must also be made of his two apple orchards, his 300-tree pear orchard, and his plum orchard. There are berries of all kinds grown in great quantities and beside mar- keting bushels of the same, in 1906, his capa- ble wife used 800 pounds of sugar in pre- ser\ang the remainder. On ""December 19. 1889, Mr. Foster was married to Jessie B. McGee, who is a daughter of William and Marjorie (Martin) McGee, who was born December 6, 1865. Her grand- father, William McGee accompanied his par- ents from Ireland when a boy of nine years, and lived into old age, in Lawrence township, Wa.«hington County, Ohio. There the father of Mr.*. Foster was born, and died March 19, 1871, on his thirty-fourth birthday. He was a veteran of the Civil War, serving in the Thirtj'-sixth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer In- fantry. He married Marjorie, daughter of John Martin, and Mrs. Foster was the eldest of their three children. Mr. and Mrs. Fos- ter have had eight children, seven of whom survive, namely: Anna Elizabeth, bOrn March 19, 1892; Charles E., born March 26, 1895"; George William, born Au- gust 23, 1898 : Nellie Marjorie, born October 25, 1901; Lottie May, born August 8, 1903; Harvey John, born November 16. 1905; and Alice Ethel, the pet of the family, born June 13, 1907. The eldest daughter may be re- garded as an exceptionally bright young lady. She graduated from the grammar school when but sixteen years of age, having a high average in all her studies. Mr. Fo.s- ter is giving his children every educational and social advantage in his power and there i'^ gi'eat promise of their developing into the the finest specimens of manhood and woman- hood. Politically, Mr. Foster is identified with the Republican party and he has served as supers'isor of the roads in Boston Township but he is no seeker for office. His aim is to be a good citizen and with this in view, he gives attention to public matters and casts his ballots intelligently. MICHAEL and JAMES CONWAY, broth- ers, and prominent farmers of Boston Town- ship, are the 'sons of John Conway, who was horn in Countj^ .Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1819, and died in Boston Township, in the fall of 1881, aged .sixty-two years. John Conway was reared on a small farm in his native land and came to America in 1 848, bringing his wife and an infant daugh- ter, Catherine, who lived to the age of twenty- six years. The Conway family settled first at Fall River, Massachusetts, where John Con- V. ay worked for three years in a foundry, com- ing from there to Hudson, Ohio, where he worked for three more years, in a cheese fac- tory. In 1860, he bought the Richardson farm in Northampton Township, 174 acres, on which he lived for eighteen years, and then purchased the John Douds farm of 262 acres, situated in Boston Township. Here he carried on general farming and dairying, and before any cheese factory had been estab- lished in his neighborhood, made a great deal of fine cheese on the farm. He was a very in- dustrious man and a good manager. In poli- tics, he ^v:as a Democrat. John Conway married Julia Martin, in Ire- land, where she was born in 1827, and is a daughter of Michael and Catherine Martin. She resides mth her sons and is a well-pre- served lady, one who takes part in the domes- tic life in the home and enjoys social inter- course. She is a consistent member of St. Mar\-'s Catholic Church at Hudson. Of the 1002 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY twelve children born to this marriage, six reached maturity, a.5 follows: Catherine, above mentioned; Walter, residing on the homestead in Northampton Township; Mi- chael, residing on the Boston Township farm, was born at Fall River, Massachusetts, No- vember 14, 1852; James, associated with his brother Michael, was born at Hudson, Ohio, in June, 1855; Mary, who married Lawrence Sullivan, residing in Boston Township; and John, i-esiding at Moundsville, West Virginia. Michael and James Conway have remained on the present farm ever since their late father purchased it. They cultivate about seventy acres, carrying on mixed farming and frow hay, corn, wheat and oats. They have a fine silo, with dimensions of 16 x 30 x 30 feet. Their apple orchard of 150 trees produces abundantly. They also do a large business in dairying. The new railroad cut through this section toolc off nineteen and one-half acres from the farm, necessitating the removal of the house and barn to a new location and the drilling of a new well. The property is a valu- able one and the brothers have it under a fine state of cultivation. The Conway brothers are both identified vi ith the Democratic party but are inclined to do considerable thinking on public matters for themselves. Both are members of St. Mary's Catholic Church. They are good citi- zens and men who enjoy the respect and con- fidence of their fellow-men. J. F. HEMINGTON, of The Hemington Companj', dealers in furniture, -carpets and stoves, has been a resident of this city for six- teen years and stands very high among its leading business men. He was born in 1869. at Madison, Ohio, but was taken in childhood to West Richfield, Summit County, where he was reared and educated. AVhen seventeen years old, Mr. Hemington came to Akron, and for a number of years following was interested in a meat business, first, for three years, on the corner of Spruce and Exchange streets, in this city, later at Lincoln, Nebraska, for one year, at Hudson, Ohio, for one year and again at Akron, for eight months. He then entered the employ of L. A. Barmore, on Main street, who was the pioneer furniture man here, with whom he continued for eight years. Removal was (hen made to Howard street and Mr. Barmore was succeeded by the Kirk Company, Mr. Hemington becoming vice president and gen- eral manager of the new organization. After four years and nine months, he sold his in- terest and for one season he was out on the road as traveling salesman. Being recalled on account of the precarious state of his father's health, he gave up his position and cared for his aged parent until the latter's death. Mr. Hemington then engaged in a carpet, furni- ture and stove business at No. 356 South Main street, for one year, removing then to l)is present location at No. 72 South Howard street. He carries a large and well chosen stock and does a good business. In 1890, Mr. Hemington was married to Mellie C. Knepper, of Beach City, Ohio, and Ihey have two daughters: Freda Catherine and Nellie Winnifred. Mr. Hemington is a member of the First Disciples Church. Fra- ternally, he is a Knight Templar Mason, and he belongs to the Protected Home Circle WILLIAM H. ROOK, mechanical engi- neer for the American Sewer Pipe Com]iany, at Akron, was born .January 8, 1866, at Mecca, Trumbull County, Ohio, and accompanied his parents to Akron in childliood. William H. Rook bears his father's name. The latter was born at Boston, Massachusetts. During his active years he worked as a ma- chinist and now lives practically retired, at Akron. William H. Rook, Jr., has been a resident of thi-s busy and beautiful city for a period covering thirt•y-se^■en years, almost his whole lifetime. After finishing school, he entered the machine shops of Taplin & Rice, where he learned the trade, showing a particular ap- titude for the same, and remained with that concern for some twenty years. Since sever- ing his relations with the above firm, he has been connected with the American Sewer Pipe Company in his present capacity. He is a AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1003 stockholder in several of Akron's leading en- terprises, and belongs to that body of pi'ogres- sive and enterprising young business men who have had much to do with the developing of this city along manufacti;ring lina?. Mr. Rook is identified with both the lower and the higher branches of the Odd Fellow's fraternity. GEORGE WELLINGTON DICKINSON, general farmer, residing on his finely-culti- vated, well-improved e.stato, which contains 138 acres, 100 of which lie has under the plow, is one of the sterling citizens of this part of Summit County. He was born in Northamp- ton Township, Summit County, Ohio, July 5, 1849, and is a son of Alexander and Harriet (Faylor) Dickinson. In the days of the great-grandfather, the name was spelled Dickerson and the family lived on Long Island and was driven from there by the British during the Revolutionary War. The name of the great-great-grand- mother was Mary Hamilton, who was born in the city of Dublin, Ireland. Their son, John Dickerson, was born August 20, 1782, at ]\Iillville, Connecticut, and was five years old when his mother died. Later, he went into partnerehip with an associate, in the shoe business, at Chai'leston, South Carolina. He had married Sabrina Cone, who was born at Middletown, Connecticut, January 19, 1778, and died in Northampton Township, Summit County, January 25, 1862. Her father was an officer in the Revolution War. It was the intention of John Dickerson to send for his family to join him but the only message ever received was that he had been drowned. After satisfying her.self that her hi^band no longer lived, the widow of John Dickerson went to New York. On September 15, 1834, lier son, William Dickerson, the grandfather of George W. Dickerson, left Watson, New York, for Ohio, and after many adventures through stormy weather on Lake Erie, reached Fairport. He was accompanied by his family and there secured a wagon and drove to the home of William Coleman, at 'Shalersville. The familv remained with this ho.spitable family for a week and then came on to Northampton Township, their son Riley at that time owning a place near Northamp- ton Center. Alexander Dickerson, son of William and father of George W., was born at Watson, New York, May 1, 1828, and died May 3, ]902. He followed agricultural pursuits all his active life. He married Harriet Faylor, who was born in Brimfield Township, Portage County, Ohio, October 15, 1827, and died July 7, 1904. Of their seven children, five grew up, namely: George Wellington; He- mon, residing in Stow Township ; Mary Jane, \\ho is the widow of Calvin Hunt, residing m Boston Township; Edwin Riley, residing in Boston Township; and Julia, who married Charles Trumphour, residing in Northamp- ton Township. The parents of this family were good, worthy, virtuous people, who were valued members of the Disciples Church. George W. Dickinson remained on the home farm until he was twenty-one years of age, after which he rented a farm in Boston Town.ship, which he operated for a year, and then worked as a teamster for a railroad com- pany and also for an uncle, for several years. After his marriage, in 1872, he bought his first farm in Boston Township, which he re- tained for three years, and in 1878, he came to his present place. In partnership with his brother Heman, he invested in 300 acres, which they later divided. Mr. Dickinson raises hay, wheat, corn and oats and markets a part of each crop. He keeps ten head of cattle, thirty head of sheep and four horses. His farm is one good to .see, its perfect order and careful state of cultivation satisfying even the eye of the stranger. Mr. Dickinson has met with some misfortune, having lost n large amount in 1884, when his barn with forty-eight head of cattle, six horses and all its other contents were destroyed by fire. In 1891, he put up his present substantial barn building, with dimensions of 40 by 68 feet, with eighteen-foot posts. In 1905 he built his tool house, a snug little structure 20 by 40 feet, wherein everything has its proper place. In 1881, the comfortable and attractive thir- 1004 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY tcen-room residence was erected. Mr. Dick- inson ha^ the reputation of being one of the most progressive farmers of the township, one who believes in the use of improved machin- ery and the adoption of sensible, modern methods of agriculture. On December 7, 1872, Mr. Dickin.son was married to Alice Enos, who was born Decem- ber 19, 1853, at Syracuse, New York. From the age of two years to eleven, .she lived in Michigan, and in 1870, she came to Boston Towmship. She is a lady of education and re- finement. Mr. and Mrs. Dickinson have four children : Nellie, who married Park Knapp, residing at Ravenna; Arthur, residing at home; Jessie, who married Ernest Cargould; and Alice. The family belong to the Disci- ples Church. Politically, Mr. Dickinson is a Republican. ALFRED E. McKISSON, trustee of Rich- field Township, resides on his valuable farm of fifty-two acres, which he devotes to general agriculture, and also .operates considerable ad- jacent land which he has rented for a number of years. Mr. McKisson was born in North- field Township, Summit County, Ohio, Janu- ary 29, 1859. His parents were Arthur and Jane (Kettlewell) McKisson. Arthur McKisson was born in Northfield Township, Summit County, May 29, 1831. His educational opportunities were very lim- ited, as his father died when he was young, and he was early called on to assi-st his half- brother, James, to clear the farm. When he was seventeen years of age he went to work for Ijucian Bliss, of Northfield, and continued in the lumbering business for fifteen years. In 1871 he engaged in farming and dairy- ing, renting land for the puipose near Brecks- viUe, five years later moving to Twinsburg, and later to Richfield, in the latter place work- ing again at lumbering for five years, as fore- man, for C. L. Newell. He also worked four years as foreman for Ralph Farnum, in the same industry. Prior to retiring from busi- ress activity, he operated the Newell Broth- ers' farm, at Brecksville. During the early part of the Civil War he endeavored three dif- ferent times to pass muster and become a soldier in defense of the Union, but he was re- jected. He is past overseer of the Summit County Pomona Grange, Patrons of Hus- bandry. On February 22, 1854, Mr. McKisson was married to Jane Kettlewell, who is a daughter of James and Elizabeth Kettlewell. Mrs. Mc- Kisson was born in England, May 10, 1832, and was an infant when she was brought to America. Of the eight chil- dren born to the above marriage, six survive, namely: William J., residing at Brecksville, Ohio; Alfred E.; Annie, who married AVitt Fonts, residing in Stark County; Francis, re- siding at Macedonia; Jennie, who is the widow of Robert. Mitchell, residing in Richfield ; and Horatio S., residing at La Grange, Ohio. The McKissons are Maryland people and the great-grandfather, Samuel McKisson, as well as the grandfather, also Samuel McKis- son, were both born in that State. Grand- father McKisson served in the War of 1812. For his second wife he married Susanna Boerntrigger, who was the mother of Arthur ]\TcKisson, and the grandmother of Alfred E. .'Vlfred E. McKisson attended the schools of Northfield Township until the age of thirteen years, when he started out to make his own way in the world, a courageous thing for a boy of his years to attempt. He found work with neighboring farmers and was employed by the month until 1880, when he was prepared to buy his present farm. For a number of years he has rented the Lockert farm of 115 acres, which adjoins his own. He keeps on an av- erage, twenty-five head of cattle and cultivates the land not needed for pasturage, about eighty acres, raising mainly wheat and po- tatoes. Mr. McKisson still finds profit in growing sheep, keeping .some forty head. His milk all goes to Cleveland. He has a fine apple orchard of three acres, w-hich he also considers a paying investment. He is an in- dustrious man, a careful and intelligent farmer, and is prospering. Mv. McKi-sson married Elizabeth R. Edgell, of Richfield Township, and they have three children: Rov E., Lillie and Bessie. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1005 Politically, Mr. McKisson is identified with the Republican party and is somewhat active, on numerous occasions having been sent as a delegate to various important conventions. He is serving in his first term as township trustee, and for a long period he has been a member of the township School Board. He is much interested in everything looking to the advancement of the agricultural welfare of this section and long ago united with the Richfield Grange. He is past grand of Chip- pewa Lodge, No. 675, Odd Fellows, at Brecks- ville. WILLIAM N. WOOD, general farmer in Boston Township, residing on a valuable es- tate of 332 acres, 150 of which are under cul- tivation, was born in Boston Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, July 11,' 1862, and is the only son of Thomas and Julia (Wetmore) W^ood. Thomas Wood, than whom there was no more highly considered citizen of Boston Township, at the time of liis death, in 1900, aged seventy-two years, was born in Ireland, and was seven yeare of age when his parents brought him to America. The family lived at Sheboygan, Michigan, until he was about twelve years of age, when they came to Bos- ton Township, where the grandfather of Wil- liam N. Wood worked in a mill. Thomas Wood learned to build canal boats and en- gaged in the business on his own account for some j^ears, from which he embarked in a lumber business, which he continued for forty years. He possessed great business enterprise, iiperat«d two or three sawmills, bought stand- mg timber and cut it, and acquired timber land both in Boston and Northampton Town- ships, at one time owning for one mile along the Cuyahoga River. He was held in the highest esteem by his fellow citizens. He was a member of Meridian Sun Lodge, No. 266, F. & A. M., of Richfield. He married Julia Wetmore, who resides at Peninsula since her widowhood. She was bom at Silver Lake, in Stow Township, Simimit County, Ohio, where her father, Hon. William Wetmore, was one of the earlv settlers. William N. Wood attended school at Penin- sula until he was eleven years of age. He was a boy of unusual brightness of mind, and, inspired with a desire to travel, he left home without asking his parents' consent, rightly judging that it would be withheld, and made his way to Chicago. His smiling face and en- gaging personality enabled him, with no pre- vious experience of city life, to secure a posi- tion as bellboy in the Palmer House. He was so obliging and attentive to guests of that somewhat famous hostelry, that his tips from the capitalists who frequently make it their home, were so generous during his stay of four months, that he had enough money with wliich to buy a horse, on which he started back home, which he reached in safety, hav- ing paused at several points on the way to trade horses with other travelers. After this little excursion into the world, the- youth qui- etly attended school imtil he was fifteen years of age and then worked several years for his father, driving a team, having always been fond of horses. He purchased a team of his own and continued to use it in his father's lumber business, until 1897, when he turned liis attention more especially to speeding horses. For .some j^ears he owned and took an interest in racing many fast horses in dif- ferent classes, traveling over considerable ter- ritory and becoming well known in the sport- ing world. In the meanwhile, the home farm was under rental, with the exception of sev- eral years when Mr. Wood conducted opera- tions on- it, but for the past five years it has been under his careful and successful super- vision. He keeps about forty head of cattle, selling -his milk to the Peninsula Creamery, and raises hay, corn, oats and wheat. He feeds all but his wheat. Mr. Wood married Olive Lee, who is a daughter of Edward Lee, of Richfield Town- ship. They have one son, Thomas H. Mrs. Wood is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Peninsula. Mr. Wood votes with the Republican party in National affairs, but independently in local matters. Mr. AVood's genial personality, open hospitality and his many sterling qualities of 1006 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY mind and heart, have won him a wide circle of warm friends wherever he has been. HENRY BLACK WELL, the efficient su- perintendent of Factory No. 1, of the Robin- son Clay Product Company, at Akron, came to this city in 1873, when fifteen years of vge, having been born in England, in 1858. Ever since locating at Akron, Mr. Blackwell has been identified with pottery interests, first entering the pottery works of Spafford & Rich- ardson, of East Akron, and continuing with the firm of Cook and Richardson, and later with Cook & Fairbanks. For the following twelve years, Mr. Blackwell was with the F. H. Weeks Company, and for the past twelve years he has been in charge of Factory No. 1 of the Robinson Clay Prod- uct Company. From his years of practical ex- perience, Mr. Blackwell has become thor- oughly efficient in the position to which his knowledge and abilities have advanced him, and the products of this factory continue to meet the high grade of excellence which long since made the name of this great manufac- turing house one of importance in the pottery world. In 1881, Mr. Blackwell was married to Emma Richards, of Akron, and they have one son, Edmund R., who has been afforded the best educational advantages Akron has to offer. Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell belong to the First Presbyterian Church of Akron. GEORGE P. HOFFMAN, part proprietor of the Excelda Stone Company, general con- tractors at Akron, and dealers in and manu- facturers of all kinds of plain and ornamental cement stone, is a leading business man of this citv. Mr. Hoffman was born at Akron in 1872, and is a son of B. F. Hoffman. The father of Mr. Hoffman was born at Manchester, Ohio, and now resides in Portage Township, Summit County, of which he is a trustee. After working for a quarter of a century in the Buckeye .^hops as a blacksmith, he retired to his farm. George P. Hoffman attended school at Akron and in youth learned the plumber's trade at which he worked for twelve years. In 1903, in association with I. S. Myers, the present county tieasurer, he formed the Excelda Stone Com- pany, which has grown to be a very important business concern of this city. They have im- I'ortant work under construction at the pres- ent time and all of it, both in appearance and .substantial character, is most creditable. In 1897, Mr. Hoffman was married to Miu- ine J. Warden, who is a daughter of John W^. Warden, of Akron, and they have one son, Glenn W. Mr. Hoffman is affiliated with the ^lethodist Episcopal Church. He belongs to the American Insurance Union. Personally he is a man of stable character and aptly rep- resents the class that is known as Akron's .sterling citizens. F. W. BUTLER, manager of the stoneware department of the Robinson Clay Product Company, and also president of the Akron Smoking Pipe Company, is one of Akron's leading business men and has been a resident of this city since boyhood. He was born at W'orcester, Massachusetts. Mr. Butler came to Akron in 1866 and completed his education in the High School of this city, after which he entered the employ of the old mercantile firm of Hall Brothers, with which he continued for four years. Sub- sequently. Mr. Butler became bookkeeper in the First National Bank, still later teller, re- maining with this financial institution for nine years, during which time ho acquired an interest in the E. H. Merrill Pottery Com- pany, and this connection became of sufficient importance to cause his resignation as teller and to V)ecome secretary and manager of the latter business. He continued to ])erform the duties of these positions until the E. H. Mer- rill Pottery Company was absorbed by the Robinson Merrill Pottery Company, when he Viecame manager of the stoneware department of the new firm. Mr. Butler remained with the concern after it became the Robinson Clay Product Company, and since 1900, has been manager of the stoneware department of this large industry. He is interested in other Akron enterprises and commands the consid- MR. AND MRS. AUlXSTUS O. Oi'LlNGER AND FAMILY AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1009 t ration of his fellow-citizens as a man of abil- ity and business honor. In 1879, Mr. Butler was married to Grace A. Merrill, who was a daughter of E. H. Mer- rill. Mrs. Butler died in 1888, leaving three children : li. Karl, Merrill W., and Fred W. The two older sons of Mr. Butler are interested in real estate in Cuba, owning a jDlantation in that island. The youngest son is employed in the shipping department of the Robinson Clay Product Company. Mr. Butler is a member of the Portage Country club. AUGUSTUS 0. OPLINGER, a leading citizen of Norton Township, residing on his valuable farm of fifty-six acres, T\'as born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, Novem- ber 25, 1848, and is a soii of Nathan and Sabina (Deiter) Oplinger. This section of Ohio is much indebted to Pennsylvania, for from that State have come manj^ of the most solid, substantial and relia- ble people, whose thrift and industry have brought prosperity. Among this class were the parents of Mr. Oplinger, who came over- land to Ohio, settling for a short time, in 1850, at Wadsworth, Medina County, but shortly afterward purchasing a small farm in NTorton Township, west of Loyal Oak. When Augustus 0. Oplinger was about fifteen years of age, his father sold that farm and going a little further west, bought a tract of fifty- eight acres, but subsequently this farm also was sold and the family moved to the village of Loyal Oak, where both parents died. They had seven children, all of whom are now liv- ing. Augustus 0. Oplinger has been a resident of Norton Township ever since his parents settled here. He has made farming and dairying his main interests, but from the age of twenty-two to that of twenty-five years, he worked at the carpenter's trade. For some twenty years he operated rented land, but in 1894 he bought his present farm, which, under his excellent management has proved very remunerative. He does general farm- ing and dairying and also gives attention to the growing of small fruits. Although the farm claims the larger part of his time, Mr. Oplinger has served his fellow citizens effi- ciently as a member of the township School Board. Mr. Oplinger married Isabella Houser, who is a daughter of Stephen and Mary Houser, and they have a family of thii-teen children, all of whom survive, proving the sturdy stock from which they came. They are : Horace, residing at Akron, married Emma Koch and has one child, George William; Edward, who married Anna Flannigan, has two children, Mary and James; Dora, who married Russell Phelps; Frank, who married Sadie Chance, has one child, Lillian; Robert, residing at Loyal Oak, who married Virgie Stripe, has two children, Marion and Doris; Charles, who married Cassie Messner, has one child, Charles: and Arthur, James, Walter, Fred- erick, Bessie, Mabel and Raymond, all at home. Mr. Oplinger and family belong to the Re- formed Church and from the age of twenty- five he has been one of the officials. He for- merly served as treasurer of the Norton In- surance Company, and has served on the Board of Directors for a period of eighteen years. At present he is serving as treasurer of and for six years has been a director in the Norton Cyclone Association. DR. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN GOOD- RICH, founder of the B. F. Goodrich Com- pany (Akron Rubber Works), the largest rubber factory m the United States, wa.s born in Ripley, New York, November 4, 1841. He was educated in the schools of Fredonia, New York, and Austinburg, Ohio, and was gradu- ated at the Western Medical College, Cleve- land, Ohio, in February, 1861. About this time he entered the army as hospital steward of the Ninth New York Volunteer Cavalry, and was promoted to as.sistant surgeon in the spring of 1862, in which capacity he served until September, 1864. being for a part of the time in charge of the hospital at Aquia Creek. On the close of the war he engaged in real istat^^ business in New York Citv. In 1870 1010 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY he came to Akron, and with Colonel George T. Perkins, George W. Grouse, of Akron, and H. W. Tew, of Jamestown, New York, he es- tablished in Akron the first rubber factory west of the Allegheny Mountains, under the firm name of Goodrich, Tew & Co., later changed to B. F. Goodrich & Company. The business slowly grew and prospered until in 1880 a co-pai'tnership was formed and the business incorporated under the name of the B. F. Goodrich Company, with a capitaliza- tion of $100,000.00, and with Dr. Goodrich as president, Alanson Work, vice-president, and Colonel George T. Perkins, secretary and treasurer. The company was engaged in the manufacture of fire hose, and other rubber goods. Later a second company for the manufacture of hard rubber goods was or- ganized, and styled The Goodrich Hard Rub- ber Company, with the Doctor also as it.s presi- dent. The growth of the company was con- tiniious from, that time on, and the capital was increased from time to time, as the demands of the business required, until at present the capitalization of the company is $10,000,000. The present product of the company consists of a full line of soft rubber goods such as belting, hose, packings, druggist sundry goods, golf balls, tennis balls, automobile and bicycle tires, carriage tires, molded goods, mats, boots and shoes. The factory buildings cover an area of sixteen and a half acres of floor space, on fifteen and a half acres of ground, and the works give employment to 3,300 people. Dr. Goodrich remained president of the company until 1888 — the time of his deaths v.'hen he was succeeded by Colonel George T. Perkins. He was a public-spirited citizen of high intelligence, and in his founding of this giant industry, proved one of the greatest bene- factors that Akron ever had. He was a mem- ber of the Akron City Council for the years 1880 and 1881, the first year being its presi- dent. Dr. Goodrich was married, November 4, 1869, to Miss Mary Marvin, daughter of Judge Richard P. Marvin, of Jamestown, New York. Of this union there were three children — Charles C, born August 3, 1871, who is now general superintendent of the B. P'. Goodrich Company; Isabella, and David j\I. Dr. Goodrich died at Manitou Springs, Colorado, August 3, 1888. CHARLES C. GOODRICH, general super- intendent of the B. F. Goodrich Company, of Akron, which controls the largest rubber fac- tory in the United States, and whose goods are known all over the civilized world, is a native of Akron, and a son of B. F. Goodrich, from whom the company takes its name. He was educated in the public schools of Akron, at St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hamp- shire, and at Harvard Univereity, from which he was graduated in the class of 1893. In February, 1895, Mr. Goodrich returned to Akron and began business life as a clerk in the oiUce of the B. F. Goodrich Company. His ability and application have since carried him steadily to the important position of gen- eral superintendent of tliis immense industry. Mr. Goodrich is prominent in Masonry, having attained the Thirty-second Degree. He belongs to all the Masonic bodies at. Akron, and to the Mystic Shrine, at Cleveland. He was reared in the Episcopal Church and is junior warden of the Church of the Savior, at Akron. In April, 1895, ]\Ir. Goodrich was married to Mary A. Gellatly, of Orange, New Jersey. FREDERICK H. WEEKS, president, treasurer and general manager of The F. H. Weeks Lumber Company, with plant situated at No. 570 South Main street, Akron, is one of the city's leading business men, interested m a number of its important enterprises. He was born in Copley, Summit County, Ohio, May 15, 1858, son of Darius and Eliza- beth (Wilcox) Weeks. He is descended from sturdy pioneer ancestry on both sides of the family. His paternal grandfather was Lev- ett Weeks, born in Vermont in 1798, who married Celestia Taylor, born in Connecticut, in 1799. Darius Weeks was born in Wads- worth, Ohio, April 7, 1825, and was married at Copley. Ohio. October 1. 1846, to Elizabeth AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1011 AVilcox, who was born at Fort Edwards, now Warsaw, Illinois, May 31, 1827. She was a daughter of John E. and Marj^ (Kinney) Wilcox. Her father, John R. Wilcox, was born in Salsbury, Vermont, in 1900, entered West Point at the age of eighteen years, fin- ished at the age of twenty-two, and was or- dered to frontier duty at Fort Edwards, Illi- nois. Mrs. Mary (Kinney) Wilcox was born in New Lisbon, Ohio, in 1807. Among the maternal ancestors also was Plinney Wilcox, born in Vermont, son of Mary Remley, also a native of that State. Frederick H. Weeks was educated in the public schools of Akron, as far as the second year in the High School at the age of four- teen years. In August of the same year F. H. Weeks commenced to work, as back flag- man with the sun'eying part}'^ that located the Valley Railroad from Cleveland to Can- ton. At the age of fifteen he went to Louis- ville, Kentucky, as a city salesman, where he spent four years and then returned to Akron, where he learned the potter's trade, at which he continued to work for four and one-half J ears. Mr. WeeliS then went into the busi- ress of manufacturing stoneware, under the name of Weeks, Cook & Weeks, and two years later, with his brother, bought out the interest of Mr. Cook. The jjusiness was continued under the name of Weeks Bros., up to 1890, when F. H. Weeks bought his brother's in- terest and now is sole proprietor of the F. H. Week's potteries, at Ea?t Akron, where stone- ware of all description is manufactured. In 1889, Mr. Weeks took charge of the Hankey Lumber Company as manager and treasurer. In 1898 he acquired the holdings of The Hankey people by purchase but con- tinued the business under the original corpor- ate name until March 1. 1907, when the firm of The F. H. Weeks Lumber Company was incorporated with a capital stock of nOO,000, $90,000 paid in. Of this organiza- tion, F. H. Weeks is president, treasurer, and general manager. F. H. Weeks, Jr., is vice-president, and L. R. Dietzold is secretary. This company manufactures sash, doors and blinds and makes interior finishings of all description. Mr. Weeks is also president of the National Blank Book & Supply Company and the Akron Clay, Company; is a stock- holder in the Crown Drilling Machine Com- pany ; w^as formerly pr&sident of the Builder's Exchange, of Akron ; formerly president of the State Builders' Exchange, and is vice president of the Employers' Association of .ikron, Ohio. In February, 1882, Mr. Weeks was married to Bertha A. Hankey, who is a daughter of the late Simon Hankey, who was the founder of the Hankey Lumber Company. Mr. and Mrs. Weeks have two children, F. H., Jr., and Charlotte A. The former was educated in both public and privat-e schools at Akron, and at Buchtel College and Culver Military Academy. He is vice president of the F. H. Weelcs Lumber Company. Miss Charlotte was educated in the Akron schools and at Miss Mittelberger's Preparatory School, at Cleveland. Mr. Weeks is affiliated with the Masonic and Elk fraternities at Akron. He is liberal m his support of public-spirited measures of various kinds. DAVID L. PARKER, a citizen and retired farmer of Copley Township, now residing in Portage Township, for many years engaged in teaching school. Mr. Parker was born on his father's farm in Copley Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, March 4, 1838, and is a son of Richard E. and Martha (Richardson) Parker. Mr. Parker's paternal grandfather, Luna Parker, was born in New York. He was a contractor on the old Ohio Canal. Richard E. Parker was his eldest son and he was born in Northampton Township, Summit County, Ohio, in 1811, being the first male child bom in that township. At the age of twenty- one years he bought a farm in Copley Towship and built a double log cabin. On April 18, 1833, he married Martha Richard- son, who was born in Vermont, whose parents were natives of Maine. In 1871 Richard E. Parker and wife retired from the farm and removed to Akron, where both died. Thev 1012 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY had the following children: Henry, Hart- well ; David Luna ; Mary, who is the widow of H. Harris; Eudora, who is the widow of Wil- liam Trimbell; Phoebe, deceased, who mar- ried C. Low; Perry P.; and Cordelia, who married Charles Stadler. David Luna Parker attended school first in the log school house near his home, but later the Granger Institute, beginning to teach school at the age of nineteen years, and he continued in the educational field until he was forty years of age, his last school being taught at Copley. During this long period he paid some attention to farming and also ful-nished stone and built a number of bridges and culverts for Summit County. He spent about two years introducing improved and advanced school books through the county. Mr. Parker is able to look back over many happy years in the school room and he is remembered with much kindness by his pupils. In November, 1859, Mr. Parker was mar- ried to Ellen S. Averill who is a daughter of Benjamin and Louisa (Harvey) Averill. They have four children, namely: Charle.s H., Allen, Nettie and Eugene. Charles H. married Minnie Lockert, and they have two children: Elta, who married Benjamin Lockert, and Nellie. Allen married (first) Grace Randall and had three children: Ethel, Junen and Evan, and (second) Maggie Kinch, and three children have been born to this marriage: Vera, Viva and Clarence. Nettie married Walter Palmer, and they have two children: Harry and Helen. Eugene married Cora Squires, and they have two children, Roy and William. In political preference, Mr. Parker is a Republican and he has served in numerous township offices. For twelve years he was assistant secretary of the County Agricultural Society and he belongs to the Grange, which was organized over twenty years ago, he being a charter member. CHARLES H. WATTERS, who has been the efficient secretary of the board of Public Service, at Akron, since 1901, is one of the alert, enterprising and progressive young men of this city. Mr. Walters was born at Akron, Ohio, in 1876, and is a son of Thomas Walters, a former well-known and highly considered citizen. Thomas Walters was born in Wales, Felj- ruary 4, 1846, and died at Akron, in Feb- ruary, 1906. He came to this city immedi- ately after completing four years of service iu the Civil War, having been a member of Com- pany E, 193rd Regiment. Pennsylvania Vol- unteer Infantry, during his first enlistment of three montlis, and of Battery E, Pennsylvania Volunteers, for the three years and more which covered his second enlistment. He was an iron worker and he enjoyed the dis- tinction of having worked the first bar of iron ever made in the works of the Akron Iron Company. He remained superintend- ent of the mills of this company, until 1889. when he accepted a similar position with the Cheny Valley Iron Company, at Leetonia, Ohio. Charles H. Walters was employed in cleri- cal work at Akron for a time after completing his schooling, and then engaged in a real estate business for several years. In 1901 he was elected secretary of the board of Pub- lic Service, his efficiency in this office being" generally conceded. He has been a very active worker in the Republican party and is a representative young American in his energy and business initiative. B. AV. ROBINSON, president of the Rob- inson Clay Product Company, also of the Second National Bank, both of Akron, is one of the city's native sons who have done yeo- man service in advancing her manufacturing and financial intere.sts, and adding materially to the volume of business which places her among the foremost cities of her size in the United States in point of enterprise and pros- perity. He was born, as has been already in- timated, in Akron, the year of his nativity being 1860. His father was William Robin- son, a native of Slaff'ordshire, England, who AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1013 on coining to America, settled first in East Liverpool, Ohio, whence he came to Akron iu 1856. Here William Robinson became a pioneer in the manufacture of pottery and sewer pipe, and was one of the stirring busi- ness men of Akron in his day. B. W. Robinson, with whom this sketch is more closely concerned was reared in his na- tive city, and after graduating from the Akron High School, supplemented his school' studies by a term at Oberlin College. His first business experience was gained as book- keeper for Whittmore, Robinson & Co., with whom he became connected in 1878; and with the exception of two years — from 1884 to 1886, when he was with the Akron Mill- ing Co. — he has been connected with the pot- tery and sewer-pipe manufacturing interests. Through his force of character and acknowl- edged ability as a business man he has risen from a subordinate position to the presidency of the Robinson Clay Product Company, as well as to that of the Second National Bank. The former concern is the largest of its kind in the United States, if not in the world, they being the sole owners of nine factories, six of which are located in Akron, one at Canal Dover, one at Midvale, and one at Malvern. They also control a number of incorporated companies scattered over the United States, among which latter may be mentioned the Eastern Clay Goods Co., with office at Bos- ton, Mass. Mr. Robinson is a member of the Portage Countrj- Club. He is also an active member of the First Presbyterian Church, serving usefully on its board of trustees. He was rriarried in 1893 to Miss Zeletta M. Smith, of East Liverpool. They have six children — Helen, Paul, William, Stuart, Ruth, and Zeletta. McCONNELL ]\IOORE. one of the highlv respected retired residents of Cuyahoga Falls, who has made this city his home since 1885, was born November 9, 1836, in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, and is a son of Hugh and Fanny (Shryock) Moore. The Moore family traces its ancestry back to Scotland and Ireland, but has been Ameri- can through a number of generations. John Moore, gi-eat grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in 1749. He was of Scotch-Irish blood, coming to this country di- rectly from Ireland and settling in Westmore- land County, Pennsylvania, near New Alex- ander. The exact date of his death is at pres- ent unknown, but it occurred some time be- fore the burning of Hannastown by the In- dians. He had four childi'en, namely : Wil- liam, born in 1773, who died in 1832. in Butler County, Pennsylvania, married Mary Conway; James, born in 1774, married Cath- erine Chambers, and died in 1846; Mary, who married Thomas Dickie. William and Mary (Conwaj')' Moore were the parents of children as follows: Jane, born in 1798, who married Thomas McCurdy; John, born in 1801, married Matilda Mc- Afee, died in 1881; Hugh, born in 1803, mar- ried Fanny Shryock, died 1889 ; James (dates of birth and death not given), married Mar- garet McAfee, Hugh Moore, who married Fanny Shryock, had the following children : John S., born August 23, 1826 ; died August 19, 1870, mar- ried Elizabeth Gibson ; William, born Feb- ruary 24, 1828, died December 25, 1864, mar- ried Elizabeth Conrad; James, born March 3, 1830, married Eliza Henry; Lavena. born December 8, 1832, died August 26, 1870, married Barnard Hendrick; Thomas Harper, born November, 1834, married Nancy Mc- Clery; McConnell, born November 9, 1836, married Elizabeth Mildrcn ; Sarah Jane, born January 22, 1839, mar- ried Samuel Nicholson; Margaret Ann, born September 25, 1841, married John Adams; George H., born November 8, 1843, married Annie Thomas: Samuel Curtis, born March 8, 1846, died February 17, 1854. The Shryock family originated in this country through a Leonard Shryock, who came, it is thought, from Prussia, between 1720 and 1730, one of whase grandsons was the maternal grandfather of the subject of this sketch. The said maternal grandfather. 1014 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY (born in 1776, died 1859) , married Jane Con- way, and had children — Margaret, who mar- ried Thomas Harper; Fanny who married Hugh Moore ; Eliza who married John Hind- man ; Sarah who became the wife of Andreas Wilk ; Lena, who married Thomas McElvain ; John, who mai'ried Eliza Dickson ; Daniel married Elizabeth Lincoln; Jane married ,Peter Hyskell. William Moore, the paternal grandfather of McConnell Moore, was born in Westmore- land County, Pennsylvania, where his whole life was spent. Hugh Moore, father of Mc- Connell Moore, was born in the same county in 1806, and died in 1900, in Sugar Creek Township, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, to which section he probably removed about the time of his marriage. Hugh Moore and wife were members of the Presbyterian Church. They had a family of ten children born to them, nine of whom reached ma- turity, as follows: John and William, both deceased; James, residing at Johnstown, Pennsylvania; Lavinia, deceased; Thomas H., residing at Los Angeles, California: IMcCon- nell; Sarah Jane, who is the widow of Capt. Samuel J. Nickerson, of Indiana, Pennsylva- nia; Margaret Ann, who is the widow of John Adams, of Armstrong County, Pennsylvania; and George H., of Rimersburg, Pennsylvania. The mother of Mr. Moore survived to the age of eighty-three years. McConnell Moore was reared in Armstrong Countjr and obtained his education in the dis- trict schools. For several years he was con- nected with mercantile pursuits at Brady's Bend, later had charge of oil interests at Oil Creek, after which he entered a rolhng mill at Pittsburg for several years. He returned to Brady's Bend in the capacity of ore inspec- tor for the Brady's Bend Iron Company, remaining with that concern for seven years, and was also interested in the oil fields for himself. In 1872, Mr. Moore became man- ager of a fire brick business owned by his brother-in-law, E. J. Mildren, at Bla<-klick Sta- tion. Indiana County, Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1885, when he caino toCuya- hoga Falls. Mr. Moore resumed his mercan- tile interests for a time but subsequently ac- cepted the position of time-keeper .at the Rivet and Machine Works, where he remained until April 15, 1907, when he retired. He owns a fine residence on Bailey Road, north of town, and a valuable farm of fifty-one acres, which is managed by his son Charles. In 1861, McConnell Moore was married to Elizabeth Mildren, who was born in Penzance, Cornwall, England, in 1842, and is a daugh- ter of Jacob L. Mildren, formerly of Brady's Bend. Of the thirteen children born to this marriage, twelve reached maturity; as follows : Fannie Jane, who married B. B. McCon- naughey, of Homer City, Pennsylvania; A. Kate J., now decea.sed; Edward J., residing at Cleveland; Melda, who was a victim of the great Johnstown flood; Lavinia, residing at Cuyahoga Falls, who married F. J. Creque; Charles M., residing on the home farm ; Alice, who married John Young, residing at Mus- kegon, Michigan; Leroy M., residing at New- ark, New Jersey; Frank R., residing at Cuy- ahoga Falls; Ralph R., residing at Cuyahoga Falls; Richard L., postmaster at Cuyahoga Falls; and Dora, who married Rev. C. A. Coakwell, a minister of the Disciples Church, residing at Lennox, Iowa. Mr. Moore has always been identified with the Republican party. For fifteen years he served as a member of the Board of Educa- tion of Cuyahoga Falls and during the larger part of this time he was clerk of the board. Ralph Moore, the second youngest son of Mr. Moore, is one of Cuyahoga Falls' most en- terprising young business men. He was born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania, Sep- tember 8, 1878, and his education was secured there and in this city. After completing his school course he turned his attention to the jewelry business and subsequently studied op- tics, and in both occupations he has met with the most gratifying success. He commenced his studies with B. F. Phillips, at Cuyahoga Falls, going from there to Cleveland, where he had expert teaching in the many technical points of his work, and after he became pro- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1015 ficient he entered the employ of the Webb C. Ball Company, of Cleveland. After sev- eral business ventures, more or less satis- factory, Mr. Moore took a complete course in the Philadelphia Horological College, and from this institution received his diploma ii\ optics. Following his graduation he took charge of a store of Bygate & Son, of Pitts- burg, later was with A. E. Siedle & Com- pany of that city, where he was watchmaker, engraver, and optician. Later he was in busi- ness at Port Huron, Michigan, which city he left on account of climatic conditions, and in Februai'v, 1905, he embarked in a business at Cuyahoga Falls, which has grown to re- markable proportions in the past two years, necessitating a change of quarters and fine facilities. Mr. Moore is a member of St;u' Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 187, and of Pavonia Lodge, No. 301, Knights of Pythias. MRS. SUSANNAH SNYDER, widow of John G. Snyder, has resided on her present farm of 178 acres, situated in Coventry Town- ship, ever since her marriage and the comfort and conveniences amid which she lives, are largely due to her years of frugality and good management. Mrs. Snyder was born ia Green Township, Stark County, Ohio, and is a daughter of George and Catherine (Marsh ) Kepler. The Keplers came to Ohio from Penn- sylvania. George Kepler was born in the latter State, and in boyhood accompanied his people to Stark County, the party con- ."^isting of the family of .John Kepler, hi.< father, and that of Andrew Kepler, his uncle. There were no railroads in those days and every one who left home with his belong- ings, traveled by wagon and frequently used an ox-team. The Keplers settled near to- gether in the wilderness which they found, but all were men of energy and indastry, and soon made clearings and erected comfortable homes. The grandfather of Mrs. Snyder reared a large family and lived far into mid- dle life. His death was caii.-^i'd by an ac- cident. George Kepler, father of Mrs. Snyder, was one of the older membei-s of the family and he assisted his father very materially througn the pioneer liardships which they had to en- counter. After he reached manhood he mar- ried Catherine Marsh, who had also accom- panied her parents from Pennsylvania. The latter were Adam and Susannah Marsh, who also settled in vi^hat was then Green Township, Stark County, but which is now Franklin Township, Summit County. The K(-p- lers removed from Green Township, where they originally settled, to Coventry Town- ship, locating on a farm on which Mrs. Snyder lives. It was then covered with a heavy growth of timber. George Kepler, who was a man of great in- dustry, built a log house and barn. He died when only thirty years of age, but had al- most completed the clearing of the place. He was not long survived by his wife, who died aged twenty-eight years, both falling victims to typhoid fever. Six children were left or- phans, namely: Susannah, Adam, Solomon, Alfred, Mary and William. Alfred and Mary are now deceased. Susannah Kepler was three years old when her parents settled in Coventry Township, and she lived on the present home farm until they died, when she returned to Green (Franklin Township) and made her home with her maternal grandfather, Adam Marsh. On January 3, 1856, she was married to John George Snyder, who was a son of Michael and Barbara Snyder, who had come to Ohio from Germany, after their marriage, and who died in Summit County. They had five children, namely: John George; Michael, now do- ceased; Eve (deceased), who married J. Daily; Frederick; and Julia Ann, both de- ceased, the latter of whom married D. Steele. John George Snyder was born in Germany, January 13, 1827. He came to America when he was eleven years of age, and lived at home mitil his marriage. Ho always carried on farming and became a man of local promi- nence, one who Ava.« • frequently selected by 101(5 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the Democratic party to serve in township offices. Such duties were always performed with honesty and fidelity. He died February 21, 1901. A family of ten children were born to John George Snyder and wife, as follows: Mary, who married M. Loutzeu- heiser; Savilla, twin sister of Mary, who mar- ried John Dice and has two children — Bertha, wife of C. Snyder, and Irving; Wil- liam, who died aged nineteen years; Solomon, who married Cordelia Dearling, and resides at Stoutsville; Huston E., who married Ce- lesta Bauchman, and has one child, Wallace; Albert, a clergyman, and president of a col- lege, residing in North Carolina, who has three children, George R,., Charlotte and Beatrice; Charles A.; Harvey A., a practicing physician at Barberton ; Ella, who married M. Asdale-, residing with her mother; and Emma Elvira, who died aged four months. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder gave their children the best educational advantages in their power, and encouraged them in their efforts to obtain a thorough schooling. While but three mem- bers of the family entered into professional life, all are intelligent and well-informed members of the communities in which they live, four being graduates of the Tiffin scliools. Mrs. Snyder has lived in the old home ever since her marriage and owns it, together with her children. It is a well-improved prop- erty and has always been carefully cultivated. Mrs. Snyder has a wide circle of friends. She is a valued member of the Reformed Church, attending services at Barberton. EUGENE F. CR.\NZ, a pros^perous farmer and highly esteemed citizen, of Bath Township, was born in Holmes County. Ohio, August 1, 1863, son of AVilliam F. and Mary (Drushel) Cranz. William F. Cranz was a native of Germany, born in 1820. who came to this country in 1834. with his father's family, they landing at Baltimore. They set- tled in Holmes County, where William's father followed the occupation of a Lutheran preacher, his residence being at Winesburg, that county. William F. Cranz in 1843 married Mary Drushel, who bore him eleven children, nine of whom are still living. In 1863, twenty years after his marriage, he removed to Bath Township, Summit County, where he and his wife subsequently died. They were worthy people who conscientiously performed their share of life's duties, and left behind a good name that shall long endure. Mary Drushel was the daughter of Henry Drushel, who came from Mt. Pleasant, West- moreland County, Pennsylvania, to Holmes County, Ohio, with his wife and large family about the year 1829, and with his father, John Drushel, who came some years earlier, bought a large tract of choice land, the most of which is still held by their descendants. This John Drushel was a soldier of the Rev- olution, and was in the battles of Bunker Hill, Long Island, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, and at Valley Forge. Mary Drushel was eleven years old when her grandfather died, in 1837, at the age of eighty -seven, but she clearly retold stories of the Revolution as told to her by her grand- father. One of these, which in after years her children were always fond of hearing, was as follows: By trade John Drushel was a blacksmith, and during some of the campaigns in New Jersey, General Washington's horse became very lame, owing to being improperly shod. He ordered the horse reshod with no better results. By some means the General learned that John Drushel was a blacksmith, and or- dered that he be brought forward, and after questioning him in regard to his trade, said to him : "Shoe that horse so that he doesn't go lame, or I will hang you up." After the job was done an orderly mounted the horse rode off at a brisk trot. No lameness was noticeable, and General Washington put his hand on John Drushel's shoulder and said "Did you think that I meant what I said?" To which he replied: "I thought you in- tended that I should do my best, sir." From that time John Drushel was the shoer of Gen- eral Washington's horse, and some years later ARMIN SICHERMAN, M. P. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1019 helped to make the famous carriage exhibited at the Chicago World's Fair in 1893, and now sacredly kept as a National treasure and relic. Eugene F. Cranz was but one month old when he accompanied his parents to Bath Township, so he may almost be said to have resided here all his life. He received a good education, after leaving the district schools, attending Copley Center High school, then a year at the Normal school, at Lebanon, an-1 afterwards a year and a half at the Ohio State University, at Columbus, Ohio. For five yeai-s after leaving college he taught school and also, before the death of his par- ents, carried on the home farm f9r some time. After their death he bought out the other heirs, except one sister, who owns a part of the homestead farm, and has since re- - sided on the propertj', making a specialty of dairying. The farm he now owns was first settled by Jason Hammond, who came from Connecticut, in 1810, and was in the Ham- mond family for three generations luitil pur- chased by Mr. Cranz's father of Irwin Ham- mond in 1863. Mr. Eugene F. Cranz has named the farm, Mt. Tom Farm, after a hill of that name included within the limits of tho property. An independent Democrat in politics, Mr. Cranz has served eflicienth' for twelve years on the School Board, has been town trustee for five years, and in 1903 was a candidate for the State Legislature, but because of his party being in the minority he made no for election." He is a prominent member of the Grange, having been secretary of Pomona Grange, Summit County, for ten years, and master for three years. He has also served the Ohio State Grange in minor offices for four years, at present being an assistant secre- tary. " Mr. Cranz was married, in 1893, to Miss Nettie Parker, of Hinckley Township, Me- dina County. Her father was Oliver H. Par- ker, a carpenter and prominent bridge builder of Summit and Medina Counties. He and hi^ wife are the parents of six children — Liiman P., Grac-ia E., Doris E., Damon D., Harmon F., and Paul H. Both Mr. and Mrs. Cranz are members of the Congregational Church in which also they are useful workers. They and their family are among the most respected residents of the township. ARMIN SICHERMAN, M. D., one of Akron's leading physicians and surgeons, whose well-equipped offices may be found in the Hamilton Building, and whose surround- ings all indicate the presence of a man of scholarly tast&s, was born in 1865, in Hun- gary. From the schools of his native land. Dr. Sicherman entered the college of Eperjes,. Im- perio-Royal LTniversity of Vienna, Austria, where he was graduated. Following the of his univer.siity career, he spent two years in the general hospital at ^^ienna. During the term of his medical studies he gave one year of service in the regular army. From Vienna, Dr. Sicherman came to America, reaching Akron in March, 1893, and this city has re- mained his field of labor ever since. He has won the confidence of his fellow-citizens, in his profession, and their esteem and friend- ship, in personal relations. He ls a memlter of the Summit County, the Ohio State, the Union Medical and the American Medical As- sociations, and he belongs to the Summit County Medical club. He is also a member of the Masonic fraternity. Dr. Sicherman was married in 1900, to Rose Loewy, of Alle- gheny, Pennsylvania, and they have two sons, ^lerryl and Karl. He belongs to the Hebrew congregation, at Akron. COL. GEORGE TOD PERKINS, presi- dent of the B. F. Goodrich Company, and of the Akron Rubber Company, and formerly president of the Second National Bank, of Akron, is one of the leading men of this city, where he was born. May 5, 1836. He is a son of Colonel Simon and Grace Tngersoll (Tod) Perkins, separate notice of whom may be found in this volume. George Tod Perkins was educated in the ,«chools of his native citv and at Marietta Col- 1020 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY lege. In 1859 he went to Youngitown, where he was associated with his uncle, Davirl Tod, later Governor of Ohio, as secretarj'- of the Brier Hill Iron Company. In April, 1861, he enlisted as a private in Company B, Nineteenth Regiment, Ohio ^'oluntee^ In- fantry, and was elected by the company to the rank of second lieutenant. During his enlist- ment he served in West Mrginia. In 1862 he re-enlisted, becoming major of the 105th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry ; he was made lieutenant-colonel, July 16, 1883, and colonel, February 18, 1884, and was mustered out at Washington, June 3., 1865. Colonel Perkins' service included many of the most serious battles of the whole war, notably Per- ryville, Kentucky, where two of his captains and foi'ty-seven of his men were killed ; Hoover's Gap, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Mission Ridge, Kenesaw Mountain and the siege of Atlanta, were among his other ex- periences. He commanded his regiment in the "March to the Sea," with General Sher- man, and was one of the gallant officers who won and received deserved promotion. Colonel Perkins then I'eturned to Akron and entered into business, from 1887 to 1870. being secretary of Taplin, Rice & Company. In the latter year he became president of the Bank of Akron, continuing from 1870 to 1878. and then served as cashier of the same until the consolidation of that institution with the Second National Bank, in March, 1888, of which latter bank he was president for some years. As mentioned above. Colonel Perkins has other important business inter- ests. In 1900 he presented to the city of Akron seventy-six acres of land for park pur- poses — to be known as Perkins Park. On October 6, 1865. Colonel Perkins was married to Mary F. Rawson, and they had three children, the one surviving being Mary, who is the wife of Charles B. Raymond, of Akron. Colonel Perkins has a beautiful home at No. 90 North Prospect Street. JA:\IE8 pierce NOLAND, general farm- er and nurscrvman, resides on his valuable 81 1-2 acre farm in Boston Township, and also owns the well-known Mackey place, which contains sixtj^ acres, with a fine resi- dence and farm buildings attached, also a valuable silo. He was born in Pike Town- ship, Coshocton County, Ohio, May 8, 1853, and is a son of James D. and Mary (Porter) Noland. The father of Mv. Noland was Lorn in Coshocton County and in childhood accom- panied his parents to Indiana and later to Iowa, but returned to his native comity, where the rest of his life was passed. He died in 1903, aged eighty-seven years. In politics he was a Democrat and he served in almost all the local offices of his township. He mar- ried Mary Porter, who died in 1884, aged fifty-three years. She was a member of the DiscijDles Church. Of their eight children, James Pierce was the eldest. Until he was twenty j-ears of age, James P. Noland remained on the home farm, in the local schools having good educational ad- vantages. He then went to Painesville, Ohio, where he entered the employ of Storrs & Har- rison, nurserymen, and after two yeare of practical experience there, formed a part- nership with his brothers, W. A. and C. C, under the firm name of Noland Bros. To- gether they conducted a nursery business at M'est Carli.sle, Ohio, for three yeai".-?. After Mr. Noland's marriage, in 1886, he took up his residence with his wife's parents in Boston Township, and put out a lot of nursary stock that same spring. The sixty acres which com- pose the Vowles farm, together with the IMackey farm, gives him a large acreage and ail .-eotions of the whole estate is made to pro- duce to its limit. Mr. Noland raises corn, wheat, hay and oats, but his main business is raising nursery stock of all kinds and he has the distinction of being the most extensive grower in Summit County. From the age of thirteen years Mr. Noland has given this line of business attention, and he is not an indifferent acceptor of just what the land will produce, but a scientifically educated tree, plant and flower developer, one who, seeming- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1021 ly. can briii^ forth any variety from the fer- tile land that he choose.'<. He is an indefati- gable -n-orker. a keen observer of all climatic conditions and also an excellent business num. Mr. Noland has originated a number of choice varieties of flowers and fruit. He has been very successful with strawberries, his main producers being the Bubach, the Sen- ator Dunlap, the Haviland, the William Belt, Samples and Yant, and the Noland, the latter a large, firm, berry that he originated him- self. He raises many raspberries and black- ben-ies, all of the kind easiest to ship. He has now on his place, 60,000 Norway spruces, a specialty, standing from four inches to eight feet, designed for the Christmas demand, while his fruit stock include all the varieties which will stand the climate. He calls atten- tion to a very fine species of crab apple, large, of fine flavor and handsome color, which ho originated himself. He has an abundance of roses and flowering shrubs of all kinds and in almost all seasons of the year he is sur- rounded by a perfect wealth of natural beauty. On March 9, 1886, Mr. Noland was married to Mary Vowles, who is a daughter of Levi and Jane? Vowles. of Boston Township. THE FOSTER FAMILY. Among the well-known and respected families of North- field Township, the Foster family, which has been established here since 1841, is now repre- sented by three members — two brothers and one sister. Lyman Fo,~ter was born at Bangor, Elaine, in 1805 and died in Northfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, in 1875. Lyman Foster's wife, Minerva Everest Foster, was born in Essex County. New- York, in 1808, and died in Northfield Township. Sunnnit County. Ohio, 1892. In the spring of 1841 Lyman Foster, wife, and family of six children started for Ohio. Taking canal boat at Albany, they arrived at Buffalo three weeks later, from there they took the steam-boat to Cleveland, from which place they made their way to Northfield Township by canal and overland. They were met at the canal boat by Zadae Everest, brother of Minerva Foster, wlio took them to her father's home (William Everest's) in Macedonia, Northfield Township. Remain- ing a short time with them, they then rented some land of Gabriel Curtis and commenced the battle of farming for a livelihood. By hard work and good management they were fairly prosperous and very soon purchased land where tlieir present liome has been for the past fifty-four years. This home is now occupied by L. R., A. L. and Z. M. Foster. Two children were added to the family, being born in Macedonia, making eight children iii all Avho lived to reach their majority. The records of the children are as follows: Orlando H. Foster, born in Warrensburg, Warren County, New York, in 1830, married in 1861 Mrs. A. R. Willard (now decea.sed), of Ravenna, Portage County, Ohio; he died at Macedonia in 1862, leaving no children. LeRoy Foster, born in Warrensburg, War- ren County, New York, in 1831, married Maria Stevens of Princeville, Peoria Countv, Illinois, in 1859. She died in 1862 leavnig one child. Ora M., who became the wife of T. D. ]McFarland, of Hudson, Ohio, in 1885. She died in 1892 leaving one child, Doris Marie. T. D. McFarland died in 1907. Doris Marie now makes her home with her grandfather, L. R. Foster. Andrew J. Foster was born in Warrens- burg, Warren County, New York, in 1833, married Mary A. Taylor, of Twinsburg, Sum- mit Countv, Ohio, in 1860, died at Fo-ter City, Michigan, in 1896. She died at the home of L. R Foster in 1903: no children living. Amanda Elizabeth Foster, born at Warrens- burg, Warren County, New York, in 1835, married James H. Clark, of Northfield Town- ship in 1859. To them three children were born, one now living, Mrs. F. M. Vaughn, of Cleveland. Mrs. Clark died at Macedonia in 1865. Mr. Clark died at Cleveland in 1903. Alonzo L. Foster, born- at Warrensburg, Warren County, New York, in 1837, was mar- ried in 1870 to Frances E. Barlicomb of Cadil- 1022 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY lac, ^liehigaii, who died in 1878, in Cleve- land, leaving no children. Sarah Jane Foster, born at Greenwicli, AVaihington County, New York, in 1839, married Rev. William Campbell, of North- field Town.ship, in 1862. To them two chil- dren were born: William, Jr., and Lillian, all of which now live at Minneapolis, Minn. Zorada M. Foster, born in Macedonia, Sum- mit County, Ohio, in 1841. Amelia M. Fo.ster born in Macedonia, Sum- mit County, Ohio, in 1844, married B. D. Hammond, of Smithfield, Jefferson County, Ohio, in 3863, died in 1887 at Wichita, Kansas, leaving six children : Foster, Myrtle, Daniel, Thorne, Lyman, and Tracey. Lyman Foster and wife were active mem- bers' of The Free- Will Baptist Church of Ma- cedonia and brought up their family in strict, New England Evangelical codes; were up-to- date Americans, Republicans in politics. The whole family was interested in the under- ground railroad. At one time eight negroes were concealed in a straw'-stack at the barn. The Foster family sang as a choir in church for many years. At the present time the three living mem- bers of the family at the old homestead and the granddaughter of L. R. Foster, Dons Marie McFarland, are active members of the Christian Science Church of Macedonia. ROSWELL KENT, once one of the leading business men of Akron, was well and widely known as a merchant and as a member of the manufacturing firm of Irish, Kent and McMillan, later Irish, Kent and Baldwin, and subsequently Kent, Baldwin and Company. He was born May 18, 1798, at Leyden, Massa- chusetts, and accompanied his parents to Hud- son, Ohio, in 1812. Mr. Kent was educated in the best schools of his day. He became industrially interested at Akron, then Middlebury, in 1820, when he established a general store for his brother and Capt. Heman Oviatt. In 1826 he bought the business and conducted it himself until his retirement. When the firm of Irish, Kent and McMillan ;was formed for the manufac- Unx' of woolen machinery, he became its sec- ond member, and during the changes in the course of years, remained a member. His name is associated with many of Akron's early enterprises and his assistance was given to a large number of its public-spirited eti'oi'ts. The Sixth Ward Kent school building, one of the finest educational edifices of the city, was named in his honor. In 1826 Roswell Kent was married to Eliza Hart, who was a daughter of Joseph and Annie (Hotchkiss) Hart, A'ho settled at Mid- dlebury in 1807. Mrs. Kent was born in 1808, and was the first white child born in the present limits of Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Kent had seven children, of whom three grew to maturity — Ekka K. (deceased), who was the wife of Findley McNaughton ; Russel H., and Flora K., who was the wife of T. S. Page. Russel H. Kent, the only surviving son of the late Roswell and Eliza (Hai-t) Kent, w-ho is secretary and treasurer of the Summit China Company, was born September 26, 1841, in Akron, Ohio. His education was se- cured in the common schools of Akron, after which he became associated with The Kent and Baldwin Company, of which his father was the head. In 1879 the Akron Stone- ware Company was organized, which was suc- ceeded in 1900 by The Summit China Com- pany, and Mr. Kent is still identified with this enterprise. Mr. Kent was married to Miss Mary Melissa Brewster, who is a daughter of the late Alexander and Margaret Ann (Kin- ney) Brewster. Mr. and Mrs. Kent reside at No. 398 East Buehtel Avenue. Alexander Brewster, w'ho was one of Sum- mit County's prominent pioneer citizens, was born September 10, 1808, at Augusta, Oneida County, New York, and died at Akron in May, i899. In 1812 the parents of jNIr. Brew- ster came to Summit County and settled as pioneers in the wilderness of Coventry Town- ship. There father and son developed a fine homestead farm, and together they worked at the carpenter's trade, although Alexander later gave his attention entirely to agricultural AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1023 pursuit-i. Ill 1848 a vein of coal was discov- ered on his land, but not being a practical miner, he did little to develop it until after his return from the California gold fields, in 1852. He soon found it more profitable to engage in mining than in farming, and after successfully operating on his own land, in 1865 he organized a stock company, under the title of the Brewster Coal Company, with a capital stock of $100,000. Of this organiza- tion, Mr. Brewster became president and hi.s two sons, Alfred A. and Austin K., were asso- ciated with him, the former as general agent, and the latter as secretarj- and treasurer. This company is still active in the coal fields and for years, during Mr. Brewster's management, mined 300,000 tons of coal annually. He was a man of fine business judgment and be- came one of Akron's most substantial citi- zens. CHARLES HENRY STROMAN, mie of Springfield Township's substantial citizens and leading agriculturalists, resides on his farm of 115 acres, and owns other land, thirty-eight and one-half acres being situated in Coventry Township. He was born in Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, May 14, 1854, on his father's farm, a mile and a half south of his jDresent home, and is a son of John and Rosanna (Raber) Stro- man. John Stromal! was born in Pennsylvania and he accompanied his. parents, Charles and Rebecca Stronian, who settled in Green Toiwu- ship. Summit County, but later removed to Incliana. The grandfather of Charles H. Stromal! died on his farm there, after which the grandmother returned to Ohio and lived the remainder of her life in the vicinity of her children. These were: Gemima. Matilda, Lucy Ann, Rebecca, Barbara, Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary Ann, Samuel, John and Charles, the latter two remaining residents of Summit County. John Stroman married Rosanna, daughter of Henry Raber, who came to Ohio from Pennsylvania. They had two children, Charles H. and Lovina. The latter married John P. Kepler. She is deceased. John Stro- man sold the farm where Charles Henry was born and bought the latter's present farm in 1856. He also owned 100 acres in Coventry Township. John Stroman died in 1884 at tl\e age of fifty-eight years. His widow died in 1894, aged sixty-eight years. Charles Henry Stroman was two years old when his father purchased and moved to the farm on which he has spent fifty-one years. He secured his education in the district schools and has devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits. For some five j'ears he rented the present farm and then purchased it and has made many improvements here. In 1900 Mr. Stroman was married to Nora Ellen Taylor, who is a daughter of Henry and Amanda (Ringer) Taylor, of Coventry Township. Henry Taylor was born in Ire- land and accompanied his parents to America and they still survive, living at Kistler, Penn- SA'lvania. The mother of Mrs. Stroman was born at Royalton, near Cleveland, Ohio, and died in 1889, aged forty-eight years. Mr. Taylor resides at Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Stro- man have one little daughter, Amy Mola, who was born in 1901. Mr. Stroman is a Democrat in his political views, but he is broad-minded enougli to see merit in men outside the ranks of either party and usually votes for the man he believes best qualified for office. He is a member of Sum- mit Lodge, No. 50, Odd Fellows, at Akron. FLORENZO F. FENN, a citizen of Tall- madge Townshij) and the oldest living repre- sentative of the Fenn familv. was born -lanu- ary 17, 1828, in Tallmadge, Ohio. His par- ents. Fowler F. and Esther (Law) Fei!i!, were born in ^Milford, Connecticut, and after their marriage in 1818 came to the Western Re- .serve, Ohio, and located in Tallmadge in 1820. Tallmadge w-as at that time a dense forest. His fan!! was in the eastern part of Talln!adge, and his father, Benjamin Fenn, Florenzo F. Fenn's grandfather, occupied a farm half a mile west of the center. As ilr. Fenn's father made hi:; home with tiie grand- 1024 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY father while preparing a home of hi::; own, it involved a walk of two miles and a half each way through a wilderness of trees and brush. Mr. Fenn's father once encountered a panther that bounded from one side of the path to the other, screaming like mad. He armed himself Avith a club and reached his home safely. After that incident he was care- ful to start for home before dusk. They built their own log cabin and the firet tree cut for it was felled by his wife, lie cutting off the larger part. Although frail in body, Mr. Fenn's mother was a helpmate in every sense of the word. She paid a sub- scription of $50.00 to the church by spinning flax and weaving linen. They were blessed with five children : Nathan W., who died at two; Lucinda S., still living at eightj'-six; Henrietta L., who died at twenty-one; Nathan W. (second), who died at twenty-one; and Florenzo F., the youngest, the subject of this sketch, still living. His mother died when he was thirteen months old, at the age of thirty- two. He Avas reared by his mother's sister, Abigail A. Law, whom his father afterward married, in 1830. She was the mother of three children : Edward P., who died at the age of two years ; Esther E., who died at the age of twenty-three years; and Edward P. (second), who died at the age of forty-one. She was a devoted and loving mother, and lived to the good old age of ninety-three years, spending the last years of her life in the home of Florenzo F. Fenn. When Mr. Fenn was nine years old, at a time when he most needed the loving care and watchfulness of a father, his father was taken away, at the age of forty-four. ]\Ir. Fenn attended school until seventeen years of age, when he went to Hudson and learned the carpenter's and joiner's trade. He also at- tended the preparatory department of West- ern Reserve College, which was in Hudson at that time. He, however, did not continue his studies, as his health would not permit. In the year 1854 he was married to Julia Eu- nice Treat. Her parents, Andrew Treat and Marietta Newton 'Treat, were born in Con- necticut, and lived there until thev were mar- ried in April, 1823, at which time they left their home for the adventures of a new coun- try. Tliey made the journey in a one-horse wagon, which for a time was the only wagon in the neighborhood and was used for all pur- poses — to go to mill, to meetings, to weddings and funerals. It is still preserved by Mr. Fenn, and is a curiosity which attracted con- siderable attention at the Tallmadge Centen- nial held in 1907, when a large up-to-date automobile stood "beside it, showing the prog- ress of events. Mr. Treat bought land on the southeast road in Tallmadge Township and settled on the same. By industry and fru- gality he became the largest land owner and one of the wealthiest citizens of Tallmadge. He cleared acres and acres of land by hand, chopping magnificent trees down in windrows and burning them — trees that w'ould be a for- tune to any one owning them now. They built on the land he had cleared and lived there all their lives. Mrs. Treat dying in 18S7, aged eighty-three years and Mr. Treat in J8S8, aged eighty-seven years. They had two children, Joseph A. and Julia E. Treat. Julia, who was the wife of Florenzo F. Fenn, secured her grammar edu- cation in Tallmadge. At the age of fourteen went to Cleveland to school, and later to New Haven for special study in music. She was married at the age of twenty-one and spent the remainder of her life in Tallmadge, her death occuring in November, 1901, when she had attained the age of sixty-eight years. She was a woman of estimable character, a devoted mother, and beloved by all who knew her. She was the mother of eight children: Frank and Florenzo. Everton Newton, Julian; Marietta A., Andrew Edward, Elbert Dwight and Julia. Frank and Florenzo died in in- fancy, Julian at the age of three and a half years, and Marietta at thirty years of age. The other four arc still living and reside in Cleve- land. Since Mr. Fenn's marriage he has spent most of his yeans in farming, and has always taken an interest in the affairs of the town.ship. He and his wife joined the Con- gregational Church in their youth and were active members ever afterward. He has been AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1025 a lueniber of Tallmadge Grange and Sunnuit County Hortic-ultural Society for years. He lias always supported the candidates of the Republic^'i party, and during the Civil War was a member of Company D, lG4th Regi- ment of Ohio A'olunteer Infantry. In his youth Mr. Fenn was not blessed wilh good health, and his friends feared an early death from consumption. Many of those he has outlived, and, although he has passed four score years, he bears Lheir weight better than many do the half century. He con- tinues to be actively interested in all that concerns the public life of his neighborhood and country, keeps thoroughly posted and in touch with modern thought along many lines, and enjoys social converse and family reunions. Mr. Fenn is a descendant of Gov- ernor Law, once governor of Connecticut. Also he and his wife are both descendants of Governor Treat. RANSOME MILTON SANFORD was born in Hudson Township, Summit Countv, Ohio, on the old Buck farm, May 26, 1830. and is a son of Garry and Emily (Richard- .son) Sanford, and Ls probably one of the besl-known men of Hudson Township. There are few buildings standing in Hudson that he ha.s not either constructed or repaired, and in large part, the same may be said over much of Hudson Township. The paternal grandfather of Mr. Sanford never left Connecticut and lived continuously in the old family home, which was built 120 years ago, and which is still occupied by a descendant. The father of Mr. Sanford came from Bridgewater, Connecticut, to Rootstown, Portage County, Ohio, in September, 1.S19, and seven years later to Hudson Town.ship. He was married in 1S22, and located in the southeastern corner of Hudson, where he h'ved until 1833, when he bought the farm where T. B. Terrv'^ now TTves. He cleared up that property and died there -Tune 7, 1R45. He married Emily Richardson, who survived un- til 1R70. her death taking nlace near .Mcron. Thev had the following children: A habe that died: Lorenzo, born in 1S24. ro=iding at Bridgeport; Perry L., who died in Pennsyl- vania; Henry M., who died at HutLson; Ran- some M.; Emily, who died, aged eighteen yeai-s; Marcus, who died aged fifteen years; Electa, born in 1839, who married Abel Un- derbill, residing neai- Akron ; Harlan P., who died aged three years; and Sarah Jane, who died in childhood. Ransome M. Sanford was three years old when his parents moved to what is now the Terry fai'm. He went to the district schools during boyhood and when seventeen years of age he learned the carpenter's trade at New- ton Falls, where ho remained at work for several years, although he always made the old farm his home a,s long as his mother re- tained the property. He has been one of the leading builders of this section, and can point to many substantial and handsome structures to testify to has ability. Although he is over .sevent.y-«even years of age, he is still working at his trade. For thirteen years he worked for Seymour, Strait & Company, engaged in building cheese factories. On November 19, 1856, Mr. Sanford was married to Mary Harmon, who was born at Aiu'ora, Ohio. The fifty-fii-st anniversary of their wedding has but recently been cele- brated. They have four children, namely: Harmon, deceased, who married .Jennie Doyle, also deceased, left two sons, two daugh- tere and a grandchild; Edward, residing at Columbus, married Clara Stover, and they have one son, Edward; Charles R., residing at Hudson, married .Jennie Dodge; and Burt Sheldon, residing at Hudson, married Ruth H. Ehy, and they have one .«on. Lawrence Eby. ]Mr, Sanford votes with the R'^publican party. JOHN L. COMSTOCK. one of Richfield Township's retired farmers and substantial, puhlic-^spirited citizens, residing on his farm of 103 acres, wa.s born near his present farm, in Summit County. Ohio. September 13, 1842, and is a son of .Mien and Lydia (!Mil- ler) Comstock. The father of ^Ir. Comstock was born at Independence. Cuyahoga County, whore lie 102(5 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY renuiiued until about the time of his mar- riage, when he purchased farming land iu Richfield Township. During the whole of his active life he engaged in farming and stock- dealing. He died in 1856, aged forty years, leaving an estate of 340 acres to his family. He married Lydia Miller and they had nine children, namely: John L., Myron R. and Orrin M., Rosaline C, Laura J., Julia M., Wai-ren E., George E. and Allah E. All are now dead but Rosaline C. and John L. John L. Comstock obtained a district school and academic education and his occupation since has been farming. When his father's estate was settled he purchased 103 acres of the homestead farm, on which he continued to carry on general farming and bred short- horn cattle and Shropshire sheep, until he retired from active life in 1902. His land is well situated and very fertile, producing excellent crops of potatoes, wheat, corn, hay and oats. He kept usually about twenty-five head of cattle. Mr. Comstock cai'ried on opei'ations along modern lines and made use of the best machinery. He was one of the first agriculturists of this neighborhood to see the value of silos and has two on his farm, with dimensions of 12 by 12 and 27 feet deep. His buildings are kept in com- plete repair and they are substantial and suf- ficient for the needs of a first-clas.? farm. Mr. Comstock has his farm under rental. Mr. Comstock married Elizabeth Killefer, who died in 1900, aged fifty-eight years. She was a consistent member of the Congrega- tional Church. They had three children, namely: Allen L., residing at Waynesville, Ohio; and Harley M. and Warren E., both residing at Cleveland. In political sentiment Mr. Comstock is a Republican. He is not a politician, but he has .served in township of- fices as occasions seemed to demand. He taiight school two seasons and was director in his district for about forty years in succes- sion, and for many years was president of the Board of Education. He is a member of the Congregational Church and has been one of the tru.stees. IIAR\'EY LANCE, who resides on his well-improved farm of eighty-five acres of excellent farnnrig land, situated in Norton Township, Summit County, was born in Chip- pewa Township, Wayne County, Ohio, Mai'ch 20, 1S48, and is a son of George and Eliza Jane (Richards) Lance. The founder of the Lance family in Ohio was Abraham Lance, the grandfather of Har- vey, who came by wagon from Jefferson County, Pennsylvania, when his son George was a child of two years, and settled on a tract of 152 acres in Chippewa Townshijj, Wayne County, on which he died, aged eighty-two years. George Lance was reared to manhood on the above mentioned farm and succeeded to its possession. He disposed of a portion of this farm, and the remainder comprises the farm of his son Harvey. George Lance mar- ried Eliza Jane Richards, who was born in AVayne County, Ohio, and was a cousin of John R. Buchtel, who was the founder of Buchtel College at Akron. To the above mar- riage eleven children were born. George Lance died March 5, 1881, aged sixty-four years, and was survived V)y his widow until January 5, 1887, her age being sixty-nine years. Harvey Lance was reared on the old farm settled by his grandfather, and attended the schools in his neighborhood during the period of boyhood. Farming has always been his occupation. In 1879 he was married to Flora Kepler, and they have had five children. Those surviving are: Cleber Leroy, re.«ading in Me- dina County, Ohio, a machinist, married Bes- sie Bear, and they have one child, Gladys Opal : Jesse Richard, residing on the home farm : and Alyrtle May, residing at home, deceased were: Gertrude, who lived but five days, and Roland Earl, who died aged eleven months. Mr. and Mrs. Lance resided at Johnson's Corners for two years following their mar- riage. Mr. Lance having purchased a farm there which he subsequently sold to Norman Ware. In the .spring of 1883 they settled on the farm they now occupy, and in August. SAl.E.M KILE AND REPRESENT ATRE CITIZENS 1U-J9 IbbT, they built their present comfortable residence. Both ilr. and Mrs. Lance are re- ligious people, I\Ir. Lance being a member of the Disciples Church and Mrs. Lance and the children of the Methodist Episcopal Church. S.VLEiM KILE, president of the Kile j\Ian- ufacturing Company, and one of Akron's firmly established business men, was born in 1839, in Canada, but was reared in Ashta- bula County, Ohio, where his parents located in 1848. He was one of a family of eleven children. Mr. Kile attended school during boyhood as opportunity offered, and early became in- tered in the lumber basiness. For forty years he engaged in the manufacture of sucker rods for use in the oil regions, and he continued his lumber operations in Ashtabula and Trumbull Counties until 189.T, when he came to Akron. At that date they moved the bend- ing works from AVest Farminglon to Akrnn establi.«hing the Thorpe and Kile Company here, for the manufacture of shafts and poles, the firm name later being changed to Kile and Ford. In the winter of 1902-.3 he sold out to the Pioneer Pole and Shaft Company, and in a.5.sociation with his sons. George and Wil- liam Kile, established the Kile Manufactur- ing Company, for the manufacturing of hoops, staves and sucker rods. This company has one of the finest bend sawmills in this section, which ha? a capacitv for ontting about .3.000.000 feet of lumber per year. The mill has over 100 names on its pay roll and keeps fifteen teams busy. In addition to the plant at Akron, Mr. Kile and his son George have a plant at Barberton for the manufacture of insulators and electrical supplia=!. He is inter- ested also in other Akron enterprises, being a .«tockhoIder in the Pioneer Pole and Shaft Company and in the People's Saving? Bank. In 1862, Mr. Kile was married to Carolina Heath, and they have a family of six chil- dren, namely: Orra, who married E. E. Northway. who is secretary of the Standard Tool Comnany. of Cleveland; George H. and AVilliam L.. who are associated with the Kilo Manufacturing Company; Flora, who mar- ried Dr. Hillman, residing at Akron; Mary .!., who married W. H. Lantern, of Shreve, Wayne County, Ohio; and Sai-ah G., who married Dr. Underwood, residing at Akron. For a period covering thirty years, Mr. Kile has been an Odd Fellow. From the age of . twenty-three years he has been a member of the jNlethodist Episcopal Church and for thir- ty-three years was superintendent of a Sun- day School. He is president of the Board of TriLstees of the Woodland Methodist Episco- pal Church, and is also president of the Board of Trustees of the Young Men's Christian As- sociation; also a member of the Board of Trustees of Mount Union College Alliance, Ohio. In 1904 he was sent as a delegate from his church to the General Conference at Los Angeles, California, and while in the far West spent two months visiting various points of interest, including the National Park. In September 1907, he was again elected a mem- ber of the General Conference to meet in Bal- timore in May, 1908. He is a man of stei-- ling character and bears his years lightly. Both his personal and business reputation are unblemi-shed. GEORGE W. WUCHTER, one of Tall- madge Township's well known citizens, resides on his farm of thirteen and one-fourth acre.?, which is widely known as a fine stock farm, having much more than a local reputation. Mr. Wuchter was born in Norton Township, Summit County. Ohio. August 26, 1848, and is a son of AVilliam and Aurilla (Cahow) Wuchter. The father of Mr. Wuchter came to Ohio from Penn.sylvania, with his father. .John Wuchter, who in early days lived at Stowe Corners. Later he moved to Norton Town- ship, where he owned land and he became a man of substance. He died in 1867, aged seventy-three years. He wa? twice married. Two .sons were born to him and his wife, Mary, namely. William and Eli. The lat- ter lived and died in Norton Township, where liis widow still resides. William Wuchter was a vounc: man when 1030 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY he accompanied his pai'eiits to Norton Town- ship, where he lived many years, finally sell- ing his faiin and moving to Johnson's Cor- ners. He died May oO, 1898, aged seventy- five years. He married Aurilla Caliow, who survived until 1905, dying in her seventieth yeai". Her father brought his family from Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, to Summit County, Ohio, by means of a wagon and an ox-team, and lived to see his fortunes so in- creased that he could have used any mode of transportation back again that he desired. From the old homes in Pennsylvania, both the Wuchter and Cahow families brought many articles of household utilitj-, and George W. Wuchter owns and highly prizes a chair that has been in the Cahow family for over 150 years. The children of William and Aurilla (Cahow) Wuchter were: George W., residing in Tallmadge Township; Mary, who married Ephriam Marsh, residing at Dixon, Tennessee; Aurilla, who married Joseph Knecht, residing in the State of Washing- ton; Helen, who married Burt Dilsworth, re- siding at Barberton ; Eli, who married Calista Flickinger, residing at Johnson's Corners; Lottie, who married Charles Heller, residing at Barberton; Lydia, who married Frederick Tincum, residing at Fairlawn ; and others who died in infancy. George W. Wuchter attended the district schools of Norton Township, where he grew to manhood. His occupation has been along agricultural lines and he has become a man of note as a raiser of fine stock. He resided for four years in Green Township, and for a time in Coventry Township, and cnme to Tallmadge Town.=!hip in 1879. In 1881 he purchased the farm on which he has resided ever since, which he has va.stly improved and brought to a high state of cultivation. Mr. Wuchter has made a specialty of raising Berk- .ehire hogs, but Bas stock of all kinds, from imported strains, which he has exhibited at agricultural expositions all over the country, including Buffalo, New York, Detroit. Mich- igan, the State Fair at Columbus, Ohio, at Wheeling, West Virginia, and other points, and he has taken many preminms. To see his tine stock bearing otf the coveted blue rib- bon is no new sensation to him. Visitors of note frequently are the guests of ilr. Wuchter, as his farm has an established repu- tation, but i^robably no more distinguished ones were ever entertained here than on the occasion when President Roosevelt and Vice I'resident Fairbanks spent an enjoyable half hour with him, while awaiting the train to convey them to the funeral of the late Mrs. McKinley. The visit impressed President Roosevelt so pleasurably that on his return to Wa-shington he hastened to write a letter to Mr. Wuchter, giving expression to his sen- timents, and enclosing an autograph-plioto- graph of himself. With a great deal of pride, Mr. W\icliter displays these tokens of the great executive's appreciation, and has both neatly framed. On November 7, 1871, Mr. Wnclitcr wa< married to Sarah Hines, who was born in Carroll County, Ohio, and is a daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Henderson) Hines. The father of Mrs. Wuchter died in the army dur- ing the Civil War. He was a member of Company F, 85th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. The mother of Mrs. Wuchter died when she was four years old. Mr. and Mrs. AVuchter have had the following children: William, residing on Buchtel Avenue, Ak- ron, married Mary Klinger, and they have one daughter, Ruth: John M., married Allie Kline, of Akron, residing at home; Bes.«ie, who married John M. Smith, residing at Akron; Lola A., who married Frederick W. ICirk, residing at Youngstown ; Arline S.. who married Jacob Kuhn. residing at Akron, has one daughter. .\ldn ; and Russell F.. residing at home. HENRY WILLETT HOWE, A. B.. I\T. A. No history of Summit Comity would be in any wav comnlete w-ithout extended mention of the Howe family, which has been so prom- inently identified with its growth and devel- o]-)ment through several generations. An honored representative of this family is found in Henry Willett Howe, residing at Tra, Northampton Township. He was born in AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1031 Bath Towiii-hi]?, Summit County, Ohio, within sight of his present home, June 29, 182y, and is a son of Richard and R:)xanna (Jones) Howe. Richard Howe was born in St. Mary's County, Maryland, March 8, 1799. He had but meager educational advantages, as his father died when he was quite young. At the age of ten years he accompanied his mother to Ohio, settling in Franklin Coun- ty, but hef second marriage deiirived him of a home. After leaving his mother, he went to live with Lucas Sullivan, a large land- owner and a surveyor, and soon made hLs way into the confidence and esteem of his employer, who provided him with books, which, in those days, were of considerable cost. The boy appreciated what w'as being done for him and studied hard by the light of the evening fire, acquiring a good knowd- edge of the elemental facts of learning and also of surveying and engineering, and had his home with Mr. Sullivan until he became of legal age. He then secured work as an en- gineer in the construction of the Ohio Canal, and while in pursuance of his duties he be- came well acquainted with William H. Price, the leading engineer on the construction work of the Erie Canal. This acquaintance developed into friend- ship and Mr. Price, recognizing the mechan- ical ability of Mv. Howe, and wishing to as- sist him, gave him a book containing pencil drafts of work used in the building of the Erie Canal, locks and other mechanical con- trivances which had, as yet, never come under Mr. Howe's observation. This book was of inestimable benefit to him. For a period cov- ering thirty years, Mr. Howe was in the em- ploy of the state of Ohio, the connection being- severed by his resignation in the spring of 1850. in order to visit California. This wa.s the period of the gold fever, and a compaiiy of enthusiasts had been organized to cross the great plains to the golden land, and Mr. Howe was elected captain of this company. He started on the long journey with the horse and sulkey that he had used in his work on the canal, both being well seasoned, and sub- sequently arrived in California with the liur.-e .still alive. ^Vt Sacramento, California, Mr. Howe en- gaged in a commission business with Samuel A. Wheeler, under the firm name of Wheeler, Howe & Company, he having known Mr. Wheeler in Ohio. He ibuilt a warehouse at Lock No. 1, Akron, wliich he had rented to Mr. Wheeler, who subsequently died in Cali- fornia. Other members of the original party from Ohio either died, fell sick or became discouraged and, as all the responsibility fell on his shoulders, Mr. Howe wisely closed out his interests at Sacramento. Soon after he entered into the employ of the United States government, and much of his work in the way of surveying and engineering proved of the greatest value for years afterward. He ran the base line from Mt. Diablo south to the Pacific Ocean and from that line all lands of the southern half of the state of California are still sui-veyed. He also laid out and superintended the construction of a mining race for the washing of gold, but finally be- came w'earied of the crude civilization of the far West and longed for the comforts of home, consequently he sold his intere-sts and re- turned to Ohio. The return journey was made by way of Panama, where he contracted fever, from which he suffered for two years. To name all the important work .subsequently done for his native state and particularly for Sunnnit County in the way of his profes- .sion, would fill many pages. He w'as widely known and is still recalled by the older gen- eration as a man of remarkable vitality and ability. He continued to engage in profes- sional duties up to the time of his death. For two years he had charge of Nugent's section of the canal construction, while Mr. Nugent was serving in Congress. He superintended the change in the connection of the lower end of the canal with the Ohio River. In 1825 ])(> bought 400 acrcis of land wliere Tra Station on the Valley Railroad is now located, and he also owned eighty acres on Summit Lake, in South Akron. The Howe school building at .\kron was named in honor of Richard Howe and his son. Henrv Willett Howe, the latter 1032 lIiyTOKY OF SUMMIT COUNTY of whom \va.- ti lueiuber of the sclioul board for six yeai-s, dating from 18(i2. liichard Howe was a Mason and an Odd Fellow. He was a AVhig in politics, but no active poli- tician. He died Mai-ch 19, 1872. liichard Howe married Roxanna Jones, who died February 14, 1875. She was a daughter of Sylvanus Jones, who was a min- ute man in the Revolutionai-y War, married a daughter of Captain Alden Sears, who was a descendant of Priscilla and John Alden, and they settled at Bristol, Ontario County, New York. There j\Li-s. Howe was born January 18, 1805. She taughf school in Bath Town- .«hip. Summit County, prior to her marriage. There were seven children born to this un- ion, namely: Henry Willett; Charles Rich- ard, who is deceased; Nathan J., who is de- ceased; Emily Barrett, who married James Ingersoll, residing at Chicago, Illinois; Mary Ann, who married John Wolf, residing at Akron; and two others w-ho are deceased. Both Richard Howe and wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and in the First ^Methodist Episcopal Church at Akron appears a beautiful memorial window in honor of J\Irs. Howe. For fifty yeai-s she was an active worker in church and Sunday school, a lovely Christian woman. Henry AVillett Howe attended the public schools at Akron and also was instructed in his earlier years in select schools chosen by his wise and careful mother, and there he was prepared for Oberlin College, where he was graduated in 1849 in the classical course, with the degrees from this institution of A. B. and M. A. For about two years after the close of hLs collegiate he took charge of his father's contracting business while the latter was in California, and then entered upon the study of law with Judge James S. Carpenter. In 1854 he was admittrd to the bar and entered into a law partnership with .Tudge Carpenter, under the firm name of Car- penter & Howe, this a.ssociation lasting until Jxidge Carpenter went on the bench, when Mr. Howe continued to practice alone. Tt was while attending to lesal work in connec- tion with certain patents that he became in- terested in agricultural implements, and sub- sequently engaged in the manufacture of the same under the firm name of Hawkins & Howe, a partnership which lasted for ten years. In 1870 Mr. Howe bought a manufac- turing property at Richfield and entered into partnership with a Mr. Hinman, the firm being Howe & Hinman, which engaged in the manufacture of spokes, handles of all kinds, axles and manufactured lumber, and as his manufacturing business increased Mr. Howe gradually dropped his law practice, thereby regaining the health which close pro- fessional work had endangered. After a suc- cessful period, he sold his manufacturing in- terests, and in 1881 he settled on his present farm, which originally contained 200 acres, but has been reduced to 100. For a long time Mr. Howe rented out the larger part of his estate, but in late years he has developed an active interest in raising fine stock. His father brought the first 'blooded Durham stock into Summit County. Mr. Howe has been closely connected with all the progressive movements made in this section during the last half century, in edu- cational circles and has been a more or less prominent factor in politics. Originally a Whig and an Abolitioni.?t, he identified him- self with the Republican party, but has never been a seeker for political preferment. He ser\'ed three years as a member of the Akron city coimcil, and in 1852 he was elected a member of the Board of Education at Akron and served six years as its secretary without compensation. He w-as one of the officials at the laying of the corner stone of the first granunar school of any size and was prac- tically its superintendent. For six years he was county and city examiner of teachers. For about twenty yeai-s he served also as a justice of the peace, both in Richfield and Northampton Townships. Mr. Howe married Isadore C. Bell, who is a daughter of Edwin Bell, of Portland, Con- necticut, and three of their four children still sun'ive: Edwin, who is station agent at Ira; Frank Richard, residing at Darrnwville, Sum- C. F. CHAPMAN AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1035 mit County: and ^Vl>bey, who is postmaster at Ira. Ill 1887 Frank R. Howe bought a small job printing press, making his office in a build- ing on his father's farm, in what is now the posloffico building. His early work was the printing of supplies for school teachers and he carried on his 'business under the style of the Howe Publishing Company. After his marriage he started a more ambitious business at Darrowville, under the name of the School Publishing Company, which he still contin- ues. His office is equipped with two large cylinder newspaper, two job presses, a power pajDer cutter, folder and binder, all of which are run by a gasoline engine. His publications include a small newspaper. The Enferfainment, which issues specialties for Fri- day afternoon exercises at the public schools and thousands of amateur plays. A postoffice has been established at 'Darrowville, Mr. Howes' brother-in-law, Edward Shirely, being po.?tma.ster. Frank R. Howe married Nina Danforth, who is a daughter of Milton Dan- forth, of Darrowville. At the age of eighty years, Henry W. PInwe is serving in the ofiice of president of the Association of Lincoln Voters. Mr. Howe joined the Odd Fellows at Ak- ron when a young man, where he also became a IMason. During his residence in Richfield Township he imited with the Richfield and Pomona Grange and for fourteen years he was secretary of the Summit County Grange. In 1850 he a.s.sisted in organizing the first agricultural fair of Summit County and in the same year was elected a director and for eight years continued to be identified with this enterprise, either as a director or as sec- retary. In his religious views Mr. Howe is ex- tremely liberal. Personally he is a man of fine presence. Time has treated him kindly as may be seen Ijy his clear eyes, which do not require the help of gla.sses, his erect stature and the vigor of every faculty. C. F. CHAPMAN, local manager of the American Sewer Pipe Company at Akron, was born in (his citv, in lSr)2. and is a son of the late Edgar T. Chapman, who was an early set- tler and later one of Akron's most prominent citizens. In early days he was postmaster of jMiddlebury and later was extensively engaged in the .stone-ware manufacturing industry. C. F. Chapman was reared and educated in Middlebury, now East Akron. After leav- ing school he learned the pottery bu.siness and worked at the stone-ware trade for twelve years. In August, 1881, he became connett?d with the Akron Iron Company, at Buchtel, Ohio, where he remained until August, 1884. He then became associated with the Akron & Hill Sewer Pipe Company, which in March, 1900, was merged into the American Sewer Pipe Company, since which time he has been local manager. His long experience in this line has made him a very efficient man for the position. He has, besides, other business interests and is one of the representative busi- ne.s.s men of Akron. In 1887, Mr. Chapman was married to Mary A. Parker, who is a .step-daughter of the iate Henry A. Gibbs, of Akron. He and his wife had one son, Parker E., a bright, en- gaging youth, who died in September, 1903, aged fourteen years. Mr. Chapman is con- nected with various civic bodies^ being an act- ive citizen, and fraternally lielongs to the Odd Fellows and the Royal Arcanum. GEORGE E. LANCE, general farmer and dairyman, residing on his valuable farm of 106 1-2 acres, situated in Northampton Township, w-as born in Summit County, Oliio, May 22, 1866, and is a .son of "William and Theodo.sia S. (Harvey) Lance. The Lance familv came from Pennsvlvania to Ohio. George Lance, the grandfather of George E., accompanied his father; the pioneer, to "Wavne County. Land that he cleared there still remains in the family. William Lance was born in Wavne County, attended the district schools and ensaged in farming. Durins the Civil War he frequent- ly drove cattle to Pittsburg for the use of the army. In the sprinq- of 1866 he came to Northampton Township, remaining but a few months, when he went to .\kron. and for five 1036 HISTORY OF SUAOHT COUNTY yeare worked iu the rolling mills in that eity. From there he went to Doylestovvn, Wayne County, later to Medina County, and then baek to Akron, where he lived for about one year before his death, which occurred July 22, 1889, at the age of fifty-two years. He was a man of quiet tastes and sought no political office, but supported the Republican party. William Lance married Theodosia S. Harvey, who still survives. She is a daugh- ter of Ebcr Harvey, of AVayne County, who emigrated from Pennsylvania in 1857. The following children were born of this mar- riage: George E., Theodore, Charles, Ray- mond, Ernest, Clyde, Bessie and Bertie. The mother of this family resides in Northampton TownshiiJ. She is a member of the Disciples Church. George E. Lance attended school through boyhood wherever the family home was lo- cated and remained under the household roof until his marriage. For the first six follow- ing years he worked in the Diamond Match factory at Akron, and since then has been engaged in farming. In 1896 he I'entcd a farm in Nort],iamj:)ton Township for three years and then bought his present place. Here he cultivates about sixty acres, paying espe- cial attention to wheat and corn, and pastures seven cows, selling his mdlk to the creamery at Peninsula. In early manhood George E. Lance was married to Emma R. Stinson, who is a daughter of Wesley and Kate Stinson, of Litchfield. Ohio, and they have six children, namely: Edna, who married William Sapp, of Northampton; and Claude, Irvin, Guy, Arthur and Frieda, residing at home. The family belong to the Disciples Church at Everett, Mr. Lance being one of the trustees. He is a member nf the order nf Maccabees, at Penin.=ula. .VLBERT H. BILL, M. D.. physician and .«urgeon at Cuyahoga Falls, is one of the lead- ing profes.sional men of this place, where he was born .Januarv 26, 18.'i1 . He is a son of Henry W. and Harriet E. (Butler) Bill. Dr. Bill come.'! of fine old New England ancestrv on both sides. The Bill generations can be easily traced to the great-grandfather, Solomon Bill, who was a great scholar. He taught navigation and higher mathematics in a Connecticut seat of learning. John Bill, grandfather of Dr. Bill, was born at Middle- town, Connecticut, and was a son of Solomon and Mary (Sizer) Bill. He died at Charles- town, Portage County, Ohio, in 1844, aged seventy-five years. He married Fannie Rog- er.s, who died before he came west in 183;l He was a strong Baptist and a very devout man. It is remembered how he maintained Bible reading and family prayers in his home. From him many of his descendants inherited their gift of song. Henry W. Bill, father of Dr. Bill, was born at Middletown-, Connecticut, where, in early life he started in the machine busine.-s. The destruction of his plant by fire caused him to turn his attention to the West, and about 1833 he accompanied his brother, Asa G., to Cuyahoga Falls. They began business to- gether on the river, opposite the plant of Turner, Vaughn and Taylor, i;nder the firm name of A. G. Bill and Brother, establishing a foundry and machine business, and built it up until it was the largest of its kind in that part of the country, running their plant night and day.- They manufactured paper mill machinery mainly, and during the time they were in business they, with others, started the first .steam paper-making plant in Cleve- land. They were the inventors of the first barrel-making machines. The brothers were associated in business for many years, but finally, Llenry W. withdrew. He was a very well known man. Nature had gifted him in music and he was at home with almost any in- .strument, playing the bugle and clarinet with skill. These instruments he played in the old pioneer Portage Countv band. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Chiu'ch ; his wife was a Congregationalist. He died aged seventy-four vears. Henry W. Bill and wife had (wo children, viz.: Alice B., who is the widow of George Dow, residing at Cuya- Falls : and .Albert H. Dr. Bill was educated in the schools of his native ]ilace. His medical education wa* pur- AND REPRESENTATRE CITIZENS 103' iiied under the direction of Dr. C. M. Fitch, of Chicago, IllinoiiS, after which he entered Rush iledical College, where he was grad- uated in 1875. Since then he has been en- gaged in general practice at Cuyahoga Falls. Dr. Bill married Isabella Fitch, who is a daughter of Dr. C. M. Fitch, a noted physi- cian and surgeon, of Chicago, and they have one son, Kenneth, who graduated in 1907 at the Cuyahoga Falls High School. Mrs. Bill is a member of the Congregational Church. Politically, Dr. Bill is a Republican. He is very prominent in fraternal circles, especially in the order of Knights of Pythias. He has passed all the chaii"s in Pavonia Lodge, is past deputy grand chancellor of the Twenty-fifth District and has the Grand Lodge rank. He has several Pythian offices in the Uniform Rank and is assistant regimental .surgeon. He is connected also with other organizations. ULYSSES F. HOURIET. In the death of Ulysses F. Houriet, which occurred June 28, 1904, Summit County, Ohio, a young man of brilliant parts, one whose business suc- cess and pei-sonal popularity had made his name a familiar one all througli Northeastern Ohio. He was born at Canal Fulton, Stark County. Ohio, May 25, 1868, and was a son of Floriant and Catherine (Miller) Houriet. The Houriet family came to America from Switzerland. In that land of magnificent mountain scenery, Floriant Houriet was born at St. Imier. Canton of Bern, March 17. 1834. LTis father, Victor Houriet, Avas known in his native land as a jeweler of great skill. Vic- tor married Zeline Flotron, a member of the celebrated Flotron watch-making firm of Switzerland, and the name of that family may yet be .seen engraved on the case of many fine, old Swiss watches of a half century ago. Three children were born to Victor Houriet and wife, namely: Emil. who became a prom- inent watch-maker and jeweler at Charleston, Illinois : Floriant. residing at Kenmore. Sum- mit County: and Paul, of IVIassillon. Ohio, whose tastes led him in the direction of me- chanics. In 1848 Victor Houriet eminrnfed to Amer- ica with his family, investing in farming land near Utica, New York, where he lived until 1852. He then sold his proi^erty there and removed to Wayne County, Ohio, purchas- ing a farm near Mt. Eaton. Before making his third and last trip to Switzerland Victor Houriet had engaged successfully in business in America, and had become attached to the land where he saw his sons prospering, but he could not reconcile himself to the thought of dying in any place beyond the shadows of his native mountains. When he bade his last farewell to his family he asserted that he would never again cross the ocean, and his premonition proved true, for his death fol- lowed soon after this return to his native land. His wife had died in 1876 at the home of her son. Floriant, at Canal Fulton. Floriant Houriet was fourteen years old when he came to America, and he well recalls the long passage of forty-four days' duration. He has never gone back to the little Swiss village, of which he has a picture, which was given his father, and which he treasures highly. The schools of Switzerland and Oer- many are justly noted for their efficiency. He was thoroughly in.strueted in both countries, and when he came to the United States had command of three languages. He no longer had time to go to school, but iip to 1858 he worked steadily on farms in Ohio, going then to Illinois, where he continued to farm un- til the outbreak of the Civil AVar. He then returned to Ohio in order to enter the army from that state. In 1861 he enlisted for three months in the Twentv-third Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, becoming a member of Company H. the survivors of which still proudly call it "McKinley's Regiment." Mr. Ilouriet was a young man well informed on public questions and during liis residence in Illinois had heard Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas discn-s the public mat- ters, and had been much impressed and had made up his mind concerning his choice of leaders. When his fii-st term of enlistment expired Mr. Houriet re-enlisted for three years, but was honorablv discharged on account of di<- 1038 mSTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ability, after a service of eighteen months. During this period he was detailed to carry messages to General Rosecrans, his command of the German language making him very useful in this capacity. He participated in a number of 'battles before he was disabled and on all occasions bore himself as a brave and faithful soldier. After his return to Ohio he worked in a coal mine at Canal Fulton, Init found this too hard labor, and, therefore, em- barked in a grocery business at Canal Ful- ton, which he continued to operate with suc- cess until 1883. During this period he had been buying small tracts of land within the corporate limits of the town, which land he still owns. In 1903 he came to Kcnmore, and in 1903 he purchased the residence in which the family resides, an elegant home, where the late Ulysses Houriet resided at the time of his death. Floriant Houriet married Catherine Miller, who was born May 18, 1840, in Germany, and accompanied her parents to America in 1852, when she was a girl of twelve years. They were Lawrence and Elizabeth (Bott) jNIiller. Her father died in 1879. Six children were l)orn to Floriant and Catherine Houriet as follows: Edward, who died in infancy; Ulysses F. ; Mary, who is a teacher in the pub- lic schools of Akron ; Willie, who died aged three years; Zelina, who married Edward Richert, and has one child ; Paul ; and Elsie, who fills the position of bookkeej^er in the South Akron Bank. All the children were born at Canal Fulton, graduated from the schools of that place, and all who sui"vived infancy, with the exception of the, have taught school. Floriant Houriet is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic and he accompanied his old regiment to Washinaton city to be present at the inauguration of the late Presi- dent McKinley, their beloved comrade. He is a meml)er of the Reformed Church, while Mrs. Houriet and the children are members of the Lutheran Church. Of the above mentioned family, the late UlvRses F. Houriet was the beloved and ad- mired son and brother. In his childhood he was noted for his quick, intelligence and his genial, happy nature and, after completing his time at school, he was gladly accepted as a teacher and very soon was made superintend- ent of the township schools, subsequently be- coming the principal of the High School at Norton Center. He remained in the educa- tional field from 1887 until 1895, in the meanwhile .spending some of his summers at "\^alparaiso College, Indiana. In 1895 he made a bicycle tour through Florida, visiting many interesting points outside the line of ordinary travel. When he returned it was to find the heated McKinley campaign agitat- ing Summit and adjoining counties, and he immediately began to stump the country fnr the leader of the party, in this capacity visit- ing almost every part of Summit County, and making friend* wherever he went. Many still recall him standing on the street corners in interested conversation, surrounded by his farmer friends, speaking first in English and then in German, being greatly gifted as an elocutionist. After his bicycle trip to Flor- ida Mr. Houriet made one to St. Louis using the same wheel, pausing at many places to ad- dress gatherings of the Young Men's Chris- tian Association, in which organization he was greatly interested. He was prominent a* a member of the building committee of the association at .\kron. and was one of its di- rectors. For a few months in 1896 he was con- nected with the New York Life Insurance Company, later becoming a.ssociated with the late Noah Steiner in the real estate business He had much to do with the rapid disposal of the White City allotment in 1898. At that time Mr. Steiner was pushing the claims of the Pathfinder order and Mr. Houriet became interested and joined the organization as its thirteenth member. He later began to or- ganize lodges, many of which are among the most prosperous of this beneficiary oraaniza- tion. notably the "Coshoction." After the death of Mr. Steiner. Mr. Houriet was elected in 1901 as president and assumed the command of the order. For some time he wa- active as manager of the company, which CHARLES G. lA'TZ AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1041 began laying out and building up Kenmore, and Mr. Steiner's death threw the whole busi- ness into Mr. Houriet's capable hands. It was about this time that he moved into the jiresent beautiful family residence, which later became the property of his father. Mr. Houriet never married. He died in Akron, Ohio, June 28, 1904. CHARLES G. LUTZ, who is engaged in a general contracting business at Barberton, is one of the substantial citizens of Norton Town.ship, of which he was elected a trustee in 1905. Mr. Lutz was born in AVayne County, Ohio, July 15, 1868, and is a son of Sebastian and Elizabeth (Eitonmiller) Lutz. In his boyhood, the parent.* of Mr. Lutz re- moved from the farm on which he was born, to Marshallville, where the father followed the business of carpet weaving. He attended the schools of Marshallville until about seven- teen years of age, when he began to learn the carpenter's trade, which he subsequently fol- lowed as a livelihood, six years later going into contracting. In March. 1897. he came to Barberton, since which time he has been very busily engaged, and has erected a num- ber of the busines.? blocks in the place, notably the Rodenbaugh Block, which was completed in 1906, the McKenna Block, in 1904, and the Henry Block, in 1907. He keeps from two to ten men employed. At Marshallville, in the spring of 1898, Mr. Liitz was married to Catherine Yeakley, who died March 28. 1901, leaving three chil- dren — Karl, Irene and Edna. Mr. Lutz was married (second) to Mrs. Flora (Houtz) Hel- ler, who was the widow of Jacob Heller, and they have one child, Nola. Mr. Lutz is a member of the Reformed Church at Barber- ton. In politics he is a Democrat and has al- ways taken a good citizen's interest in public affairs. GEORGE GRETHER. Among the rep- resentative agriculturists of Nortliampton Town,«hip may be mentioned George Grethcr, who owns a fine farm of 100 acres. He was born at Akron. Ohio. September 2, 1853, and is a son of John George and Elizabeth (Dice) Grether. John George Grether was born in Baden, Germany, in 1822, and there learned the trade of wagon-maker. He was about thirty years old when he came to America, and on lo- cating at Akron he entered the employ of his brother Jacob, who was in business there. Mr. Grether then went to Jackson's Corners, where he worked a rented farm for some years, after which he purchased a lot on what is now West Exchange Street, Akron, and during the Civil AVar he worked at his trade. In 1887 he purchased the farm now owned by George Grether, and here his death oc- curred in his sixty-seventh year. Mr. Grether was married to Elizabeth Dice, and she now makes her home with her only son, George Grether. She is seventy-eight years old. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Grether: George and Ernest Frederick, the latter of whom died when twenty-one years of age. George Grether attended the public schools, after which he learned the trade of chain- maker, which he followed for fourteen years, and which he finds of much value to him in farm work, as with this knowledge he can do all his own blacksmith work. He now gives his entire attention to agricultural pur- suits, and raises and fattens calves for the market., also selling many chickens and eggs. Mr. Grether was for five years a member of the Sixth Ohio Battery, Eighth Regiment, Ohio National Guards, for three years of which time he was corporal. Mr. Grether was married to Pauline Dice, who is a daughter of Martin Dice, of Akron, and they have had seven children, six of whom survive, namely: Louisa, who is the wife of Fred Shumaker, of Cleveland: Otto Frederick, who lives in Akron: Charles George A\''illiam, who resides in Copley Town- ship; and Edward, Frank Herbert and Ruth Marie Elizabeth. S. C. McGOAA^AN. junior member of the firm of McGarry & McGowan, prominent contractors and leading citizens of Akron, has spent the major part of his business life 1042 HISTORY OF SUMJNIIT COUNTY here, coming to this city in 1868. Mr. Mc- Gowau was born in 1857, in New Jersey, and is a son of Charles McGowan, who was an early contractor at Akron, and concerned in selecting sewer pipe clay and working for the Buckeye Sewer Pipe Company. S. C. McGowan's early life was spent on the farm of Miss Louise Sumner, after which he entered the employ of David R. Paige, who was engaged in a hardware and general con- tracting business, remaining there for twen- ty-five years. During nine years of this period Mr. McGowan was with Mr. Paige in the city of New York, working on the contract of con- structing the Croton aqueduct. Mr. Paige was called to Africa, and after his departure, Mr. McGowan built the piers for the suburban elevated road from the Harlem River to Tremont. With Mr. Paige he built the Guttenberg race track and was concerned in many other large jobs in that city. He was connected with D. C. Coolman and Page & Carey when they built the Ohio River Rail- road from Wheeling to Parkersbnrg, West Virginia, between the years 1882-1 8S6. After ' his return to Akron, in 1890, Mr. McGowan entered into partnership with Daniel Mc- Garry, under the firm name of McGarry & McGowan, and they do a general contracting business second to no other in this section. A contract is being carried out at the pres- ent writing (1907). -niiich includes the put- ting in of a complete sewer system for the city of Ravenna, extending some ten or twelve miles. The firm has done a great deal of street paving and the work is well done, it bedng the aim of this firm to excel in all that it undertakes. Mr. McGowan is intere.sted in other enterprises, and is ranked with the city's substantial business men. In 1902 Mr. 'McGowan was married to Amelia Wohlwend. He is a consistent mem- ber of St. Vincent de Paul's Catholic Church. He belongs to the organization known the world over as the Knights of Columbus. While not accepting office for himself. Mr. McGowan takes n lively interest in politics and is a loyal supporter of his friends. WILLIAM E. MARTIN, a reprusentaUve citizen of Summit County, Ohio, who is one of the heirs to the undivided estate of his father, a desirable farm in Northfield Township, lo- cated on the State Road, was born in North- field Township, December 14, 1861, and is a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Sodon) Mar- tin. Henry Martin, who was born in Sowham, England, was engaged in market gardening there with his father until coming to Amer- ica. He stai'ted to this country with his first wife and seven children, but on the voyage to the new home five of his children and his wife died of smallpox. Having friends in Northfield Township, Mr. Martin at once lo- cated here and for two or three years worked l)y the day. In 18(54 he rented several farms which he operated until 1874, in which year he purchased the farm now owned by Wil- liam E. Martin, and here carried on general farming until his death, in December, 1899, at the age of eighty-six and one-half years. Mr. Martin was married (second) to Eliza- beth Sodon, who was born in England, and Avas a daughter of John Sodon, and to this union there were born six children : William E. ; Mary, who is the wife of Jacob Ritchie, of Northfield Township; Hannah Emily, who married Lewis Whitcomb, of Northfield Township; Elizabeth Jennie, who married .James Rees, of Bedford Township: Minnie B.; and Rachel L., who is the wife of Ben- jamin Myers, of Northfield Town-hip. The mother of these children died- in June, 1906, aged seventy-one years, in the faith of the United Presbyterian Church, of which the family were all members. Mr. Martin was a Democrat in politics, but never sought public office. William E. Martin was educated in the public schools of Northfield Township, and his life has always been spent on the farm on which he now lives. This is a well-kept, fer- tile property in the northern part of the township, situated on the State Road, and being near Cleveland. Mr. Martin ha? al- ways engaged more or less in truck farming. His principal crops, however, are hay. wheat. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1043 corn and oats. Mr. Martin was married to Editli Smith, who is the daughter of Samuel Smith, of New Wilmington, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Martin is a devoted member of the United Presbyterian Church. JOSEPH R. MELL, senior member of the well known insurance firm of J. R. Mell & Son, at Akron, is also a veteran of the Civil War, one whose long and arduous service en- titles him to the honorable and grateful con- sideration of his fellow-citizens. Mr. Mell was born in Mahoning County, Ohio, where he was educated and remained until he was sixteen years of age, when he moved to Portage County. Among the first young men of Portage County to come forward in defense of the Union was Joseph R. Mell, who, as a private, entered Company K, Nineteenth Regiment. Ohio Volunteer Infantry, entering April 22, 1861. During the three months of this first enlistment he saw hard service in West Vir- ginia and participated in the battle of Rich Mountain. After its expiration he returned to Summit County, Ohio, but the call of hia country was again too strong to permit him to settle down in safety to peaceful pursuits, and he re-enlisted for a period of three years, on February 20, 1862, entering Company K, Sixty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which was organized at Camp Chase. This regiment returned the young soldier to the scene of hia former exploits in West Virginia, where it re- mained under the command of General Fre- mont until July, 1862, when it was sent to join General Pope's army at Culpeper Court House. Then followed the second battle of Bull Run, then Chancellorville, followed by the Gettysburg campaign, at this time the regiment being a part of the Eleventh Army Corps. On the second day of the fight at Gettysburg Mr. Mell was captured on Gulp's Hill and was taken to Richmond, where he was held a prisoner of war until the spring of 186r), being paroled just at the close of the war. From the ranks he was again and again promoted for personal valor, climbing from private to orderly sergeant, then to second lieutenant in 1863. During his confinement in prison he was promoted to be first lieu- tenant, and still later to the rank of captain, as which, however, he was never mustered in. Captain Mell returned to Summit County after being released from the Confederate prisons, and as soon as he was sufficiently re- cuperated, engaged in a hotel business, which he conducted for three years, and then came to Akron. He entered the employ of the Aultman-Miller Company, with which cor- poration he continued to be associated for twenty-one years. Since then he has been en- gaged in a general insurance business in part- nership with his son, Cloyd W., under the firm name of J. K. Mell & Son. In 1895 Mr. Mell was elected councilman at large, an of- fice he filled for about nine months, which he resigned to accept the appointment of court bailiff. On August 30, 1865, Mr. Mell was married to Sabina V. Koons, who is a daughter of Jonas Koons, and a granddaughter of Henry Koons, who came to Summit County from Allentown, Pennsylvania, among the earliest settlers. Mr. and Mrs. Mell have four sur- viving children, namely: Marvin M., resid- ing at Akron, engaged in a flour and feed business; Todd J., residing at Youngstown, where he is manager of the automobile tire department of the Republic Rubber Com- pany; Wade B., residing at Havana. Cuba, engaged in a brokerage business: and Cloyd W., of the firm of J. R. Mell & Son. For twenty-five years Mr. Mell has been an of- ficial member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is past commander of Buckley Post, No. 12, G. A. R. GEORGE T. WHITMORE, treasurer and general manager of the Granite Clay Com- pany, of Akron, has been a resident of Moga- dore since 1902. and is an experienced man in his line of business. He was born at Ea.«t Liverpool. Ohio, .January 1. 18.58. and is a son of Richard and Emma (Robinson) A^Hiit- inore. The parents of 1\Ir. T^liitmore were native? of Staffordshire. England. The father came 1044 HISTORY OF 8UMMIT COUNTY to America and settled in Wiscousiu, in 1847, removing from tliere to East Liverpool, where he lived until 1857, when he located at Ak- ron, where he died in February, 1898, aged eeventy-nine years. He was a potter by trade. The mother accompanied her parents when they crossed the Atlantic Ocean and settled at East Liverpool, where she was mai-ried. The following children were born to Richard Whitmore and wife: Elizabeth, William H., Maria H., George T., John A., James B., Emma H. and Earl. The mother of these children died in July, 1870, aged thirty-seven years. George T. Whitmore was reared at Akron and graduated from the High School of that city in 1876, later entered Buchtel College, where he remained for two years, leaving in 1 880 to accept the position of shipping clerk , with Whitmore, Robinson & Company. He contiinied to fill that position for one year and then entered into partnership with Cook & Fairbanks, which firm was later known as Cook, Fairbanks & Company, manufacturers of stoneware, remaining in that connection until 1889. After severing his busine.s,s re- lations with the above company, Mr. AVhit- more was one of the organizei's of the Summit Sewer Pipe Company and remained with that concern for eleven years. In 1899 he went to the City of Mexico, as general man- ager of the Mexico Clay Manufacturing Com- pany, and remained in that capacity one year and then returned to Akron. Mr. Whitmore is a man of too mucli busi- ness activity to remain quiescent for any length of time, and shortly after his return from the South, he organized the Granite Clay Company, with whfch he has been iden- tified ever since. The plant is located at Mogadore and the capacity is 2,000 car loads annually. Employment is given to ninety men. The bu.siness was incorporated in 1900. with C. H. Palmer, president; T. A. Palmer, vice-president; G. T. AVhitmore, treasurer and general manager; and W. N. Palmer, sec- retary. The business is capitalized at $250,- 000. ■ Mr. Whitmore was married April 22. IBS.'i. to May Peckham, who is a daughter of Thomas and Agnes Peckham, and was reared and educated at Akron, where she graduated from the High School in the class of 1880. They have four children, three daughters and one son, namely: Agnes Emma, Marion P., Elizabeth and Cicorge T., Jr. Fraternally, Mr. Whitmore belongs to the Odd Fellows and the Maccabees, being iden- tified with the former order at Akron and the latter at Mogadore. In politics he is a Repub- lican and he was elected to the city council, of Akron, in which he served one year as president. During 1887 and 1888 he served as treasurer of the Republican Central Committee. He has been active in county politics since he was twenty-one years of age. Mr. Whitmore's father was one of the pioneers in the clay in- dustry in Summit County and it has formed a leading feature of the son's successful busi- ness career. Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore reside in a beautiful residence which he erected after coming to Mogadore to make this place his permanent home. He is a man of pleas- ing personality, frank, friendly and sincere, and possesses the business capacity, good judo- ment and foresight to make successful both social and business aspiration. He is identifi' d with the various charities and with the civic organizations which prmnote the general wel- fare. EDWARD A. MrCHESNEY, who is a representative of one of the old and promi- nent families of Summit County, wa.s born on the farm in Sprinoifield Township, on which he still resides, March .SO, 1848, and is a son of William and Ivouisa (Gra^jsard) McChesney. William McChesney was born in Westmore- land County, Pennsylvania, in 1817, and was seven years of age when he accompanied his parents to this part of Ohio. They were John and Martha (Laramore) McChesney, the former of whom had come in boyhood to America, settling with his parents in Penn- sylvania, where other Irish emigrants had formed a colony. There were five children AUGUST 13LESSMAN AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1041 born to John McChesney and wife, namely: John Leslie, Andrew, Mary, Margaret and William. The parents of Edward A. McChesney were married in Coventry Township, Summit County, where the mother was born in 1825. She was a daughter of Peter Frederick Gres- sard, who served as a soldier under Napoleon Bonaparte. He came to America and settled in Summit County, where his last years were .spent. His children were: Catherine, Louisa, Eugenia and Rosalie, twins; Freder- ick and Charles. One daughter, Rosalie, who is Mrs. Bruot, survives and resides on Fir Street, Akron. To William and Louisa Mc- Chesney were born the following children : Edward A. ; William H., residmg in Spring- field Township, married Lucy Thompson ; Flora A., I'esiding at ATcron, is the wife of G. L. Sypher; Herman G., residing at Akron, married Lucy Wright; and Frederick W., residing in Springfield Township, married Nettie Yerrick. The father died in 1905, aged eighty-nine J'ears, and the mother in 1900, aged seventy-five years. Edward A. McChesney was reared on the present farm and was educated in the district schools. He carries on mixed farming and dairying on his forty-seven acres of excellent land, which is mainly looked after by his son. For the past thirty years Mr. McChes- ney has been engaged in building and con- tracting, working all over Summit County. Mr. McChesney was married in 1873 to Sarah Wise, who is a daughter of Samuel and Catherine (Rahber) Wise, and they have had three children : Gertrude, who l« deceased : May, who married Charles Roeger, have one son, Milford Glenn ; and Dwight, who man- ages the home farm. Politically, the Mc- Chesneys are identified with the Republican party. AUGUST BLESSM.AN, treasurer of the Klages Coal and Tee Company, of Akron, has been a resident of this citv for a period of twenty-five years. He was born in Germany, in 1857, and wn* r°ared and odncatcd tliTc. In 1882 he came to America, shortlv after- ward locating at Akron. Here he embai'ked in a coal business, for the first five years work- ing for Mr. Klages, and then, in partnership with Mr. McCue, bought the business. In 1887 the firm name was changed to II. Klages & Co., and when it was incorporated in 1890, it became the Klages Coal and Ice Company, with a capital stock of $50,000. At that time it was dealing largely in ice, having bought out two other companies. In 1 895 the Klages Company built an ice plant for the manufac- ture of artificial ice, it having a capacity of fifteen tons daily, and it completely changed the conditions of the ice business in this city. Since then it has been found necessai-y to en- large the plant and the output is now seventy- five tons daily, employment being given to forty men. The present officers are: P. E. Werner, president; A. Blessman, treasurer; L. Klages, secretary, and H. W. Haupt, supei-- intendent. In 1887, Mr. Blessman was married to Lillie FLsher of Akron, and they have three children — Matilda, M. Freda, and Walter B. Mr. Blessman is a Mason, belonging to the Blue Lodge, Council, Chapter, and Command- ery at Akron; also to the Odd Fellows' organ- ization in this city. He is numbered with the .successful business men of Akron and is a valued representative citizen. CHANCY SALISBURY, a highly re spected resident of Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio, who was born on the farm on which he lives, where he has seventy-eight acres of valuable land, is one of the older agri- culturists of this section. His birth took place March 10, 18.S0, and he is a son of AVilliam and Sylvia (Atrill) Salisbury. Both parents of Mr. Salisbury were born in New York state. William Salisbury came to Bath Township in 1827, where he re- mained a year a.esisting settlers to clear their land and begin its cultivation. He found the country .«o desirable that he decided to establish here a home of his own and made the long journey back to his native plnce in order to marry. The young couple bravely started in a belated April snow storm, biit the 1048 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY snow melted before they had covered the dis- tance and they completed their journey to the new home in a wagon. Wilham balls- bury built a modest log house on his land, having bought seventy-five acres of the pres- ent farm, and then began its clearing and subsequent improvement. At a later date he bought forty-five acres on the opposite side of the road. He and wife lived on this farm during the remainder of their lives, dying honored and esteemed in their community. William Salisbury's death took place April 8^ 1868; his wife died February 24, 1867. They had seven children, the three survivors now being: John, residing in Wisconsin, aged seventy-nine years; Chancy, who has reached his seventy-seventh year; and William, re- siding in California, who is aged seventy-one years. Those deceased are: Olive, who was the wife of Joseph Manly; Peter, Mary and Russell. Chancy Salisbury has devoted his life more or less to pursuits pertaining to the farm which he assisted in the strength of youth to clear. His opportunities for attending school were meager,, but having spent much time in travel, he is, in some important respects, one of the best-informed men in his neighbor- hood. He has made ten trips to Wisconsin, three to Iowa, three to Michigan and two to New York, and once, in the space of six weeks, he visited thirteen states. Mr. Saliisbury married Maria Hopkins. Having no children of their own, they opened their hearts to two little girls, Jennie and Nancy Lambight, who grew up under their protection and have married well. Jennie married William Wolf and they have seven children — Sherman, Ida, Howard, Alba, Cai-- rie, Earl and Maud. Nancy married Adam Wolf, and they live at Hammond's Corners, while Mr. and Mrs. William Wolf reside with Mr. Salisbury. Mrs. Salisbury died in June, 1891. She was an estimable woman and good Christian. In politics, Mr. Salisbury is a Republican and on that ticket he was elected township trustee. He is a member of the Disciples Church, of which for several years he was treasurer. CHARLES W. JAQUITH, who owns a fine farm of seventy-three acres, of well improved land in Coventry Township, was born in a log cabin in Medina County, Ohio, and is a son of William Henry and Margaret J. (Hunt) Jaquith, and a grandson of Josiah Jaquith. Josiah Jaquith, Sr., great-grandfather of Charles W., came to Ohio from Vermont in 1829, and settled on a 100-acre tract in the northern part of Wadsworth Township, Me- dina County, building a little log hut on the east side of the "Big Spring." Later, in 1831, Josiah Jaquith, Jr., the grandfather of Charles W., and his family, followed here and located on the same farm, making the trip in true pioneer style, with ox teams, it taking six weeks. The newcomers erected a larger log cabin of white wood, hewn on one side, the floor being of oak puncheons. For a number of years the Jaquiths made potash here, which was hauled through the woods to Pittsburg. The land was cleared and a number of orchards sol out, probably the first in the county, and Josiah Jr., received the west half of the prop- erty. This land, which had been purchased from a Mr. O'Brien for $3.00 per acre is now some of the most valuable property in Medina County. Here Josiah Jr., died July 30, 1842. William Henry Jaquith, father of Charles W., was born at Saint Albans, Vermont, July 6, 1827, and made the trip with the family to Ohio, growing up in the woods of Medina County, where he experienced all the hard- ships of pioneer days. In his younger days Mr. Jaquith did little farming, having learned the shoemaking and coopering trades, and also teaching school for a short time. In the spring of 1865 he went to Johnson's Cor- ners, Summit County, Ohio, and took charge of a .grist mill for a Mr. Shaw, where he re- mained six years, and from 1871 to 1879 he conducted the New Portage House, at New Portage. He also kept an apiary at New Portage, and sold honey, hives, bees, etc., but in 1883 gave up this business, and purchased the present farm of Charles W. Jaquith, where both he and his wife died. On March 24. 1850, Mr. .Jaquith was mar- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1049 ried to Margaret J. Hunt, who was a daugliter of John Hunt, who came from Union County, Pennsylvania, and purchased the old Jaquith home place. Mr. Jaquith died January 2, 1887, and his wife ?*lay '21, 1907. They were the parents of five children, namely: Mary E., who married J. H. Miller; Charles Wesley/ Ella, deceased, who married N. Van Hyning; Henrietta^ who died young; and William J., deceased. Charles W. Jaquith spent his boyhood days in Medina County, and attended the district schools of his native locality. When about ten years of age he left Medina County with the family, and went to Summit County, later how'ever returning to Wadsworth to attend the Mennonite College, learning to read and write in German. When a young man he helped his father in the mill at Johnson's Corners, and later taught singing in New Portage and the vicinity, being choir leader for many years. On account of poor health, Mr. Jaquith went to Michigan, locating for a while on a fruit farm in the west- ern part of the State, and. spending his winters in a lumber camp. In 1883 he returned to Summit County, Ohio, being beater engineer for two years with the Straw Boai'd Company, at New Portage. In the spring of 1885 he came to his present property, of which he became the owner soon after. He has been engaged in general farm- ing since that time. On May 16, 1883, Mr. Jaquith was mar- ried to Fannie Cady, who was born on a farm in Boone County, Illinois, and is a daughter of F. R. and Nancy (Schlellenger) Cady. F. R. Cady, who is still well preserved in spite of his eighty-two years, is serving as a county coroner in Michigan, where he has been a jus- tice of the peace for many years. He re- sides at South Haven, where his wife's death occurred. They were the parents of five chil- dren, namely : Ida and Flora, deceased ; Fannie, the wife of Mr. Jaquith; Jennie, and Allen, who belongs to the live-saving crew. Mrs. Jaquith taught school near South Haven for three years. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Jaquith, namely: William E., a machinist of Barber- ton, and a member of the Odd Fellows; and Bessie P. Mr. Jaquith is a Republican m politics, and has been a member of the School Board since 1896. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church of New Portage. JACOB A. SNYDER, residing at his beautiful home at No. 197 High Street, Bar- berton, is a worthy representative of one of the old and honorable pioneer families of Summit County, which has been established here since 1818. Jacob Augustus Snyder was born in Coventrj' Township, Summit County, Ohio, May 16, 1845, in the old log house in which the family lived until he was fourteen years old. His parents were George M. and Mary Ann (Rex) Snyder. George M. Snyder was born in Pennsyl- vania, in 1814, and -was four years old w'hen the family came to Ohio. His parents were Joseph and Maiy (Bachman) Snyder, who left Pennsylvania with their loaded wagons and ox-teams and made their slow way across the mountains and through the uncleared forests until they reached Summit County. They settled in Green Township, erecting a primitive log cabin, in which they lived dur- ing the remainder of their lives which reached into old age. They had numerous children, some of whom succumbed to the hardships and privations of pioneer life, but twelve reached maturity, as follows: Peter Joshua ; George M. ; Elizabeth, who married (first) a Mr. Hoobler and (second) Samuel Messer; Sophia, who married (first) George Tritt and (second) a Mr. Babb; Jacob; Daniel; Paul, residing in Starke County, In- diana; .Joel; Abraham, residing in Green Township, Summit County; Jonathan; and Nathaniel, residing in Green Township. The survivors of the above family are Paul, Abra- ham and Nathaniel. The children took after their parents, being large of frame and of robust constitution. George M. Snyder was reared on the pioneer farm and assisted in its clearing. His educational chances were feiw, school houses were far apart and in so large a family UiO HTS'J^ORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY there was always woi'k ready for every hand. He learned the mason's trade and worked at it during the season, heli:ied to farm and in the winter, assisted to work the old loom, weaving cloth. His marriage did not make much difference in his employments, merely transferring them to another place, for those were days when everything was hand-made and there was little leisure for any one. Oc- casionally he would talce his gun and go out for game, which was then very plentiful, and ■would shoot deer, turkeys and bear, and on one occasion a wild hog. His son still pre- serves a dangerous-looking tooth, which was one of its defensive weapons. After his chil- dren had grown up he settled down to farm- ing, purchasing 125 acres of the land on which the village of Snydertown now stands, and he owned property also at Barberton. He was a man who was well known all through this section. He died at the age of seventy-eight years. George M. Snyder was married (first) to Catherine Harter, who was a daughter of Jacob Harter, one of the pioneers in the neighborhood of Barberton. Mrs. Snyder died and left three children: Henry, and George and Catherine, both of whom are de- ceased. Mr. Snyder was married (second) to Mary Ann Rex, who was a daughter of Jacob Rex. She died in 1871, aged forty- three years, the mother of fourteen children. They were as follows: Eliza Jane, who died in infancy; Jacob; Sadie, who married Harry Deisem; Daniel W. ; Mary, who married Dr. Andereon ; Lewis ; Thomas J. ; Lucy, who died in infancy; William; Inez, who married L. Horner; Evelyna, who married H. Pontius; Emma, who married William Stott; and two younger children who died in infancy. .lacob Augustus Snyder was fourteen years old when his parents moved to the farm on which they spent many years, and he at- tended the district schools, making his home with his parents until he was twenty-five yeare of age. In the meantime, from the age of twenty-one, he taught school for about fovir years, at New Portage and Mount Hope, and for one year in Lee County, Illinois. He also operated a grocery store at Akron, in partnership with Henry Deisem, on the corner of High and Church Streets, tor about one year. Mr. Snyder was able to see many business possibilities and took advantage of a rmmber of them. In association with K. How, he operated an old horse-power thresh- ing machine for some four years, doing a good business. Then he worked for one sum- mer in the Baughman stone quarry, after which he learned to be a telegrapher, although he never put this knowledge to any practical end. Mr. Snyder then concluded to vLsit his uncle who lived in Illinois, and worked on his farm for a time. H(! later accepted a school and taught in Lee County, where he made many friends. In the following spring he took a course in Bryant & Strat- ton's Commercial College and then became bookkeeper for the Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road, which was extending its line be- tween Defiance, Ohio, and Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Snyder worked for two years in Indiana for this corporation, and after the great Chi- cago fire, which, for a time, interrupted busi- ness with that city, he went out as foreman of the Railroad Construction Company to Kentucky. After a time he returned to Sum- mit County and for a short time was as- sociated with Morris Young in a butchering business. After his marriage, Mr. Snyder settled on hLs present farm, which he purchased from Henry Swiggert, and has devoted considei'able attention to growing berries and trucking. He has been largely interested for many years in contracting. The stone for the building of ■ the strawboard works came from his farm. He has probably built more cellars than any man in Summit County, furnishing the stone from bis own quarries. He built the Bar- berton & AVestern Railroad road bed and also one mile of track from the sewer pipe com- pany's plant to the clay pit. He has done a large amount of grading and has filled many contracts for William A. .Johnston. He also carried on a successful florist business. In 1878, Mr. Snyder was married (first) HON. GU8TAVUS SEIBERLING AND RErRESENTATIVE CITIZENS ]0r>3 to Catheriue Blinn, who died in 1891. She was a daughter of Christopher Blinn. In 1892, Mr. Snyder was married (second) to Mrs. Minerva (Fi-eeman) Young, who was the wiuow of A. J. Young, and a daughter of Asa and Catherine (Wolfi'ed) Freeman. She had three children, namely : Lubert, who died aged seventeen years; Grace, who married (first) Dell Acres, and (second) Ben- jamin Eby, and has two children, Hazel and Farrell; and Clarence, who married Nona Fink. H&e purchased Mr. Snyder's green- houses and continues in the florist business. When Mr. Snyder retired from active life, he purchased a place at Barberton, on which there stood a residence. This he has com- pletely remodeled and made into a modern home. The suiToundings are tasteful, jiar- ticularly the arrangement and choice of shrubs, which Mr. Snyder set out himself. Politically, Mr. Snyder is a Democrat and has frequently held township offices. He is secretary and a stockholder in the Lalcewood Cemetery Association, of which he was one of the organizers. Prior to its disbanding, he was a member and master workman in the order of American Mechanics. Both he and his wife, as well as their son Clarence, are members of the beneficiary order of Path- finders. They belong to the Methodist Epis- copal Church, in which Mr. Snyder has sei'ved as a trustee for a long period: .Few men of this section are better or more favorably known. HON. GUSTAVUS SEIBERLING, who has been mayor of Western Star for the past fourteen years and a county commissioner of Summit County since 1905. was born .Tune 19, 18.54, on the fann in Norton Town.ship, on which he .*till resides. The father of Mr. Seiberling was born in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, in 1811, and came to Summit County and settled in Norton Township when the entire country was an uncleared wilderne.'^s. He bought eighty acres of land which he cleared, and on which he built a sawmill, where later was built the first Excelsior reaper. He lived a long and active life, and was identified with the development of Norton Township in a larger degree than almost any other citizen. He married Kath- erine Peters, who was also a native of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, and they reared a family of thirteen children, eight sons and five daughters. Of this family six sons and one daughter survive, namely: James Plenry, residing at Jonesboro, Indiana, where he owns a large rubber manufacturing plant; Monroe, a large plate glass manufacturer, residing in a suburb of Chicago; Charles, residing at Mitchellville, Iowa, a retired farmer, formerly a soldier in the Civil AVar; Columbus, a re- tired farmer residing at AVadsworth ; Milton A., a farmer residing in Norton Town.ship; Sarah, wife of Jacob M. Harter, residing at AA'adsworth, and Gustavus, w^ho is the young- est of the family. Mr. Seiberling was reared on the home farm and was mainly educated at AA'estern Star Academy. For many years he carried on extensive farming and stockraising, and has also taken a prominent part in the public affairs of Summit County. He was one of the organizers and a charter member of the Norton Mutual Fire Association, of which he has been secretary for twenty years, and for fourteen years he has served as mayor of the town of AVestern Star. He was elected com- mis.sioner in the fall of 1905, but prior to that had served in many offices, for twenty years being a member of the School Board of AA^'estern Star village school, for ten years school clerk; and in 1900 he was elected real estate assessor. Politically, he is a Re- publican and has been an important leader in the ranks of that party for many years. In 1875, Air. Seiberling was married to Julia Kulp, who is a daughter of .John M. Kulp. of Norton Township, and they have five children, namely: AA'^ilson F., residing on a farm adjoining that of his father; Claud, operating the home farm: Sarah Katherine, who is the wife of Dr. AA'illiam AA^'ise, V. S.. residing at Barberton ; and Pauline and Ray- mond G.. who reside at home with their par- ents. Mr. Seiberlinfr is a member if the Tjithcran Olmrch nt AA^ndsworfli. in which he 1054 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY has been choir leader for fifteen years. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity. GEORGE MAAG, a highly respected citizen of Akron, who was one of the or- ganizers of the Twentieth Century Heating and Ventilating Company, of this city, and who continued to be treasurer of the concern from its founding, has been active in the busi- ness life of the community for many years. Mr. Maag was born in Wayne County, Ohio, in 1853, where he remained until reaching the age of seventeen years. He then went to Orrville and learned the tinner's trade. After three years he looked around for a promising field for work, and in the fall of 1873, came to Akron, where, until 1878, he was with the firm of Cramer & May. Sub- sequently he established himself in a hard- ware bu.=iness at Haysville, Ashland County, where he remained until January, 1885, when he removed his interests to Shelby, Ohio. In 1890, he left Shelby and return- ing to Akron, became employed with the firm of May and Fiebeger, continuing with them until the fall of 1894. He then be- came associated with William Clerkin in establishing the manufacture of the Twentieth Centuiy Furnace under the firm name of Clerkin and Maag, which firm has been succeeded by the Twentieth Century Heating and Ventilating Company. In this line Mr. Maag has met with success. The ideas involved in the manufacture of the heaters and boilers illustrate new prin- ciples, and the plant is fitted with all kinds of modern machinery to carry out these de- signs. In 1899, Mr. Maag w-as married to Lydia Bans, who is a daughter of .Jacob Bans, of Akron. The family residence is situated at No. 40 Mt. View Avenue, Akron. DANIEL B. CAHOW, proprietor of the Cahow Pump Company, of Akron, is a leading business man of this city and one of its prominent merchants. He was born in York Township, Medina County, Ohio, in 1854, and is a son of D. J. Cahow, a pioneer in the pump manufacturing line. When he was two years old his father moved to Salem, Iowa, where he remained, however, Ijut two years, returning to Ohio and settling in Litch- field, Medina County. When Daniel B. was six years old his father began the manufacture of pumps and the subject of this seketch was therefore practically reared in this business. At the age of eighteen years he came to Akron with his father and brother, H. J. Ca- how, and engaged in a pump business, but for the past eighteen years he has been sole proprietor and is the head of the largest re- tail pump business in the United States. He handles all kinds of pumps, and has the exclusive sale of all the best ones, especially the Myers pump, which has no superior. As a pump man he has a reputation which ex- tends all over the State. On October 4, 1877, Mr. Cahow was mar- ried to Nellie M. Garman, who was reared at Akron, and they have three children : Grace, who married M. J. Hallinan, assistant city engineer at Akron; and Roy and Ray, twins, the former of whom is a lithographic artist and the latter is with the pump manufactur- ing concern of F. E. Myers & Brother, of Ashland, Ohio. Politically, Mr. Cahow is a Republican. He has fraternal membership in Akron Lodge, No. 88, F. & A. M. ; Nemo Lodge, No. 746, I. 0. 0. F. ; also the Encamp- ment ; the Daughters of Rebecca ; the Knights of the Maccabees, and the Protected Home Circle. GEORGE H. WADSWORTH, general su- perintendent of the machinery department of the Falls Rivet and Machine Company, at Cuyahoga Falls, is well known locally in this connection while his name is a familiar one in all the leading foundries of the United States, Canada and Europe, as the inventor of machinery of the greatest utility. Mr. Wadsworth was born near Chester, England, February 11, 1857, and is a son of William Collins and Agnes (Hogg) Wadsworth. On the paternal side, Mr. Wadsworth traces his ancestry to Holland and on the ma- ternal, to Scotland. His father, William C. Wadsworth, was born at Liverpool, England, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1055 where he later held a position as harbor mas- ter, and was killed in the performance of his duty, when his son, George H., was twelve years of age. He had four children, namely: John Murray, who has been gov- ernor of a province in India, for thirty years ; Agnes, who is deceased; George H.; and Elizabeth, who resides with her aged mother, at Colwin Bay, North Wales. The family is of the Presbyterian faith. In Eis boyhood, George H. Wadsworth showed a natural leaning toward mechanics, and as soon as his education was considered to be far enough advanced, he entered the Great Western Railway shops, at Wolver- hampton, where he served an apprenticeship of six years in what was there denominated the fitter and turner trade. This trade he followed until he was twenty-three years of age, when he came to Cleveland, Ohio, and entered the old Cleveland Bridge and Gar Worlcs. He continued work at his trade, mainly in Ohio, and was the first tool-maker employed by the National Cash Register Com- pany, and organized their tool room. Later, Mr. Wadsworth entered into business for him- self, at Findlay, Ohio, and from 1887 until 1891, he ran a machine shop under the firm name of Wadsworth, Sheesley & Company. Erom there he returned to Cleveland and re- mained superintendent of the Avery Stamp- ing Company until the spring of 1894. He was then called to Chicago and was with the firm of Frazer and Chalmers, coming from there to take the position of foreman of the machine shop of The Falls Rivet and Ma- chine Company. After one year, Mr. Wads- worth became superintendent, but six months later left the company in order to engage in other business. When the business of this company was re- organized and changes made under the ad- ministration of Jeremiah Long, about 1897, Mr. Wadsworth returned to the company as general superintendent. At this time, owing to his past experience. The Falls Rivet and Machine Company was successful in obtain- ing some large contracts for government work amounting to about $140,000, which were completed with satisfaction to the Govern- ment and with financial advantage to the company. Mr. Wadsworth continued with the company as general superintendent until 1901, when he again severed his relations in order to engage in the manufacture of a core- making machine, which was an invention of his own. The Wadsworth Improved Core Machines and Equipment, including the Wadsworth Portable Core Oven, have won their way through their obvious utility, and thousands are now in use in foundries throughout this and other countries. There are many similar machines on the market but the only medal given for a core machine, at the St. Louis Exposition, was awarded to The Falls Rivet and Machine Company for the machines invented by Mr. Wadsworth. He has made many other inventions relative to foundry work, all of them proving practical and valuable. He was the oldest continuous exhibitor at the American Foundrymen's As- sociation. In 1902, Mr. Wadsworth went to Cleveland and there engaged in the manufacturing of automobiles and was general superintendent and a stockholder in the American Motor Carriage Company. At the reorganization of The Falls Rivet and Machine Company, in 1903, Mr. Wadsworth again becme super- intendent of the machinery department, a position for which he is so thoroughly quali- fied. He has some 300 men under his super- vision and through his knowledge and care the great output is kept up to the standard which has won its present reputation for this concern. Mr. Wadsworth's interests have never centered in politics, but he gives a good citizen's support to all laudable public meas- ures and casts his vote with the Republican party. In England, Mr. Wadsworth was mar- ried to Cecily Blower, who is a daughter of Samuel J. Blower, of . Wolverhampton, and they have three children, namely: Florence E., Agnes K. and George H. The family belong to the Episcopal Church. 1056 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY ALEXANDER STEESE, proprietor of the Copley Mill, situated on Wolf Creek, has been a resident of Summit County, Ohio, for nearly a quarter of a century, and is one of Copley township's well-known business men. Mr. Steese was born November 20, 1862, in Stark County, Ohio, and is a son of Abraham and Lydia (Bowers) Steese. Abraham Steese was born in Pennsylvania, and when a young man of eighteen years moved to Akron, Ohio, which was then but a small village. He was employed for some time in digging wells in and around Akron, constructing probably 600 or 700 in the vicinity, but after his mai-riage he engaged in agricultural pursuits in Stark and Sum- mit Counties, and in this occupation spent the remainder of his life, which closed in 1902 when he had attained the age of eighty-five years. Mr. Steese was mar- ried to Lydia Bowers, a native of Stark County, Ohio, who died in 1882 at the age of fifty-nine years, and to them eleven children were born, namely: Elizabeth, who married Thomas Beck; Lewis; Susan, who married J. Guttenberger ; Levi, who was drowned at the age of eleven years; Elvina, who married Solomon Arntz ; Cecelia (deceased), who mar- ried Fred Shoemaker, the original jiroprietor of the Copley Mill; Israel; Melvin ; Alex- ander; Amanda, who married A. Phile; and Frances, who married Charles Phile. Alexander Steese grew up on his father's farm in Stark County, Ohio, where he at- tended school, and in 1885 started to work in his brother-in-law's mill, Mr. Steese's pres- ent property, where he continued for five yeai-s. In 1890 he removed to Tallmadge, where he worked imtil the fall in the plant of the Sewer Pipe Company, subsequently returning to his brother-in-law's mill in Cop- ley Township. In the spring of 1891 he went to Indiana, where he worked at the carpen- ter's trade with his brother Lewis, but he again returned to Copley Township, where he .spent the winter. In the spring of 1892 Mr. Steese went to Comet, Green Township, and there rented a mill from D. F. Burger, which he operated until 1904, at which time he pur- chased stock in the Clinton Milling Company, of Clinton, Ohio, where for two years he was engaged as miller. He then traded his stock in the company for his present business, which he has since conducted with much suc- cess. The capacity of the mill is twenty-five barrels daily, and the product is the well known "Household Favorite Flour." In September, 1887, Mr. Steese was married, first, to Jennie Fulmer, whose death occurred in June, 1890, and to this union th?re was born one child, Clark. Mr. Steese was mar- ried, second, in the spring of 1893 to Stella Kleckner, who is a daughter of John and Elizabeth Kleckner, of Green Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, and six children have been born to them: Ruth, Grace, Mvra, Laura, Paul and Carl. Mr. Steese is a Prohibitionist in political belief. With his wife and family he attends the Wesleyan Methodist Church. CAPT. W. M. HILTABIDLE, State agent for the North American Mutual Fire Insur- ance Company, with quarters in the Hamilton Building, Akron, has been identified with the Department of Public Works under the direc- tion of the State board, for many years, and since 1905 has been interested in his present enterprise. He was born at Mansfield, Ohio, July 31, 1857, where he was reared and edu- cated. During his eai'lier years, Mr. Hiltabidle served four years as shipping clerk lor the Humphrey Manufacturing ('om))any. of Mansfield, and for six years was with the Bodine Roofing Company, of Mansfield, both as superintendent of their works and as trav- eling .salesman. In' 1887 he entered the em- ploy of the State Board of Public Works and had charge of the steam dredge, continuing until 1892, when he was promoted to the office of division superintendent and in that ca- pacity came to Akron. He remained super- intendent until 1902, and then gave" up that position to become superintendent of the water supply for the manufacturers of Akron and Barbertoli. performing the duties of this office from 1902 until 1905. In the latter JAMES li. CASE AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS lor.u year he assisted in organizing the Noitli American Mutual Fire Insurance Compaiiy, the home office being at Mansfield. The fi^si. policy was issued October 26, 1905. They started into business with policies in force of $773,850. On July 12, 1907, their bool-s showed: Policies in force, $2,038,574.01, premiums paid, $75,264.52 ; fire losses paid, $21,505.61; contingent assets, $177,992.15. Mr. Hiltabidle is State agent and a member of the Board of Directors. The enterprise is one which has met with a hearty welcome and is in a very prosperous condition. Captain Hiltabidle gained liis title as cap- tain of Company B, Eighth Ohio Regiment, at Mansfield, and also during his long period of service with the Board of Public Works, when he was commanding officer. In 1878 he was married to Roberta Cairns, of Plymouth, Ohio. They have one daugh- ter. Myrtle Rose, who graduated from the Akron public schools, in the of 1907. With his family, Captain Hiltabidle belongs to Trinity Lutheran Church. He is a Thirty- second Degree Mason, and has held many of- fices in the local Masonic bodies. He is also an Odd Fellow, and a Knight of Pythias, past exalted ruler of the Akron Lodge of Elks, and belongs to the Ma.sonic and Elk clubs, and to Harry Foster Camp, No. 331, Sons of Veterans. JAMES H. CASE, who has been engaged in the drug business in Akron for the past thirty-one years, is one of the city's most es- teemed citizens. He is also an honored vet- eran of the Civil Wa;-, and one of the few survivors of the Third Division of Cavalry, which gained distinction under their brave and beloved leader, the gallant General Cus- ter. Mr. Case was born in 1844. in old Mid- dlehury, and is a son of Simon S. and Jane (McDowell) Ca,se. Simon S. Case, a harness-maker by trade, was horn in the State of New York and came to Akron among the early settlers. Later he engaged in 'general contracting, and he built an entire section of the C. A. & C Railroad. Still later he went into the stoneware busi- ness, and was the first shipper of stoneware from Summit County l)y rail. His death took place in 1877. James H. Case entered tl:e Federal army at the age of nineteen years, becoming a mem- ber of Company A, Second Regiment, Ohio Cavalry. This regiment was mustered into the sei-vice at Columbus, and it was first or- dered to Tennessee and Kentucky. It partici- pated in the battles of the Wilderness, Spott- .sylvania. Mine Run. Hanover Court Hoase, and all battles from the Wilderness to the surrender of Lee. After Wilson's Raid Mr. Case was taken sick and was confined to the hospital for two months in Baltimore and Wilmington. After rejoining his regiment he took part in the battles of Winchester, Berry\'ille, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek and Stony Creek. In October. 1863, Mr. Case re- enli-sted and remained in the service until after the final surrender of the Confederate forces, being honorably mustered out at St. Louis, Missouri, in September, 1865. His most thrilling war experiepce was during Wil- ■son's Raid, when he had his horse shot from under him. In recalling the various brave . commanders under whom he served, Mr. Case remembers the gallant General Custer, who was adored by his soldiers, who together keep green his memory in an annual gather- ing of the survivors of the old command. In 1907 Mr. Case attended the reunion held at Canandaigua, New York. After the end of his military service, Mr. Case retiu'ned to Akron where he worked at the machinist's trade until 1.S76. He then engaged in the diiig busine.s.~ in which lie has continued ever since. He is a stanch Repul)- lioan, and was a great admirer of the late Senator .James G. Blaine, during whose candi- dacy, Mr. Case's store was the Blaine head- quarters. He has served two terms in the City Council and has been postmaster at Pos- tal Station No. 4 ever since its orgauization. In 1872, Mr. was first married to Ella Farrar. In April, 1890, he was married, .sec- ond, to Mrs. Margaret Blocker. Frnternallv. 1060 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY he is a Mason of high standing. He has been a meanber of Buckley Post, G. A. R., since its organization. REED DEEDS, inventor, is the senior member of the firm of Reed Deeds & Son, builders and contractors at Cuyahoga Fall^i, and the patentee of the Deeds Monolithic Sys- tem of Concrete Construction, which provides forms, molds and methods for the erection and construction of all classes of buildings, with either solid or double walls, doing away with machine-made blocks. Mr. Deeds estab- lished himself in business at Cuyahoga Falls in 1889. He was born at Portersville, Butler County, Pennsylvania, July 11, 1848, and is a son of John and Ann Catherine (Wimer) Deeds. His family record includes an an- cestor who sei-ved on General Washington's staff in the Revolutionary "War. Philip Frederick Deeds, his paternal grand- fatlier, operated a mill near Slippery Rock, Lawrence County, Pennsylvania, but had lived in Butler County, where his son, John Deeds, was born, in 1806. In boyhood John Deeds learned the *heelright trade and later, when that business declined, took up carpen- tering. In 1857 he moved to Youngstown and continued in active business there until he retired, in 1879, when he went to live with a daughter at Keokuk, Iowa, where he died in 1883. He was one of the old-line Abo- litionists and in slavery days assisted many a "chattel" to escape from bondage. He was a strict Methodist and built a church near Portersville, and, unknown to the gen- eral public, constnicted an underground tun- nel which led to a big .stump in the woods. Down the tunnel from this stump, the operators of the Underground railroad con- ducted many fleeing slaves. Later he be- came an ardent Republican and at the out- break of the Civil War, offered his services, which were declined on account of his age, but he persisted in serving in the home guard. He was a man of most upright character and at various times honestly performed the du- ties of public office. The mother of Mr. Deeds was a daugh- ter of John Wimer, who resided near Portersville, Pennsylvania, where she was born in 1813. Her father was one of eight brothers, who migrated from the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, in about 1790, to what was afterwards called Butler County, Pennsylvania. He saw military sei-vice in the Black Hawk War. Of the nine children born to John Deeds and wife, eight grew to maturity, namely: Thirzah, now de- ceased, who married John Ramp, of Cuya- hoga Falls, also decetised; Joseph who served three years in the Seventh Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was killed near Kingston, Georgia, during the Civil War; Hiram, now residing at Cleveland, who was for three years a member of the same regi- ment, and was wounded four times; Eliza- beth, who married Joseph Ramp, of Keokuk, Iowa, and died at Cuyalioga Falls; Wilbur, who served one year in the Civil War as a member of the Second Ohio Battery, and who died in 1906, at Noblesville, Indiana; Reed, who served in the Fourth In- diana Cavalry, but was special orderly at Brig- ade Headquarters of the First Brigade, Second Division, Wilson's Cavalry Corps ;' Minerva, who married Richard Reid, residing at Cuya- hoga Falls; and Frank, residing at Schenec- tady. New York. The mother of this family died in 1892. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Reed Deeds was eleven years of age when his father settled at Youngstown, Ohio. After completing his education he learned the carpenter's trade with liis father, fol- lowing which he worked as a journeyman for a number of years, in Cleveland, Youngstown and Akron. In 1868 he came to Cuyahoga Falls, where he has since resided. In 1876 he began to work for H. B. Camp, building his shops, and thus he grad- ually worked into brick and cement contract- ing, which led up to the invention of his sys- tem of concrete construction. In 1878 he took up cement work, using some of the first Yeass Portland cement ever made in the United States. At Cuyahoga Falls he built John Walsh's residence, the Roethig Block, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1061 the Brand Block, and the power houses and barns for the A. B. C. Railway, both at Cuya- hoga Falls and Bedford, and their additions to their Akron plant; also the chapel at Oak- wood Cemetery, and the power house for the Youngstown lS!^ Ohio River R. R. at West Point, Ohio. Other fine building that he has done includes his own handsome residence, which was completed in 1893, which is sit- uated on North Front Street, and in 1904 he built a cement house for his son, Wilber Clyde, who became his partner in business in 1902, when the firm name of Deeds & Son was adopted. His pay-roll averages about thirty men. Mr. Deeds has always been more or less of an inventor and his machines have proved of remarkable utility. His patent on mono- lithic construction bears the number 787665, and that on hold molds No. 878664; he has also another on railroad water tanks. In the small space accorded to the present sketch it would be impossible to do full justice to Mr. Deed's invention of the monolithic concrete system. He has issued a clear and concise explanation of his invention which has been widely circulated, with the most gratifying results as to business. For some twenty-eight years Mr. Deeds has been a successful mason and builder and he has given a great deal of study to the use of concrete material, solving the problem as to its use at the smallest ex- pense and with the greatest amount of dura- bility. Mr. Deeds married Eliza Bradley, who was born at Cuyahoga Falls, December 17, 1849, a daughter of Robert and Margaret Bradley, of that place. Mrs. Deeds' father was born at Middletown, Connecticut, and accompanied his parents to Summit County, in childhood. Mr. and Mrs. Deeds have had two children : Arthur, who died in childhood, and Wilber Clyde, who is in partnership with hLs father. Wilber Clyde Deeds was born December 1, 1875. at Cuyahoga Falls, and was educated in the schools of his native place, and at the Western Reserve Academy, at Hudson, where he w^is graduated in 1895. He then spent one year in the Ohio State University, taking a course in mining engineering. lie learned the brick-laying trade with his father, whose business partner he became, in 1902. On June 25, 1898, he enlisted in Company F, 10th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, of which he was made corporal, for service in the Spanish-American War. Later he was transferred to the lltli Company of the Sig- nal Corps and in 1899 he accompanied that body to Cuba, where he was in service three and one-half months, and then returned and was honorably discharged at Savannali, Georgia. He is a member of the United Spanish-American War Veterans, of Camp Ward A. Wilford, at Akron. Wilber C. Deeds married Ethel Dean, who is a daughter of William Spray, of Mantua, Ohio, and they have two children, Dorothy and Ethel. Mrs. Wilber C. Deeds is a mem- ber of the Disciples Church. She also, with her husband, belongs to the Falls Chapter, No. 245, Eastern Star. He is prominent in Masonic circles, being a member of Star Lodge, No. 187, Washington Chapter, No. 25, R. A. M., and Akron Commandery, K. T., No. 25. In politics he is a Republican. Reed Deeds has- always been identified with the Republican party, but his interests have lain in an entirely different direction from of- fice-holding and he has never been willing to consider any such proposition. He is, how-- ever, a public-spirited citizen, one who has al- ways lent his influence in the direction of permanent improvements and substantial progress. He is not united with any religious body but liberally contributes to the support of the Congregational Church, to which Mrs. Deeds belongs. Fraternally he Ls a Mason, be- longing to' Star Lodge, No. 187, also to Pa- vonia Lodge, No. 301, Knights of Pythias. Mrs. Deeds is a member of the Woman's Re- lief Corps, and it was through her untiring efforts that the fine flag pole w^as pur- chased and erected at the corner of Second and Broad Streets, she having the honor of being the first to raise the flag. WILLIAM D. BAUER, a prosperous agri- culturist of Norton Township, who owns and 1062 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY operates a tract of 151 acres of fine farming land, situated on the Akron-Wadsworth road, about five miles west of Akron, was born in this township, June 14, 1863, and is a son of Joseph D. and Sarah (Surf ass) Bauer. Daniel Bauer, the grandfather of William D., was one of the first settlers of Norton Township, whence he came from Northamp- ton County, Pennsylvania, in 1843, and, lo- cating about one mile northwest of Loyal Oak, purchased land and eventually became the owner of several hundred acres. His son, Joseph D. Bauer, was but eleven years of age when he came here with the family. In about 1869 he located with his family on the farm now owned by Ed Laubaugh, and in the spring of 1888 settled at Loyal Oak, where Jo- seph b. Bauer died July 16. 1903. In March, 1894, Mr. Bauer purchased the present farm of his son AVilliam D., which the latter has been operating since 1895. Joseph D. Bauer was married to Sarah Surfass, who was born in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, and is a daughter of Andrew Surfass, who came to Noi'ton Township a few years after the arrival of Daniel Bauer. Four children were born to Joseph B. and Sarah Bauer, namely: AVil- liam D. ; Fietta E., who is the wife of Ed Lau- baugh; and two who died in childhood. William D. Bauer was educated in the schools of his home vicinity, and was reared on the farm now owned by Ed Laubaugh, whence his parents had removed when he was about six years old. In 1895 he located on his present property, where he has earned on gen- eral farming with much success to the jiresent time. In 1887 Mr Bauer was married to Phcebe Stimson, who is a daughter of Robert Stim- son, of Copley Town.ship, and they have eight children: Warren F., Celia L., Blanche May, Joseph R., Grace F., Nellie B., Elva P. and Floyd O. Mr. and Mrs. Bauer are mem- bers of the Lutheran Church of Loyal Oak. MILLER G. MOORE, who holds the re- sponsible position of division superintendent with the Northern Ohio Traction Company, with headquarters at Cuyahoga Falls, was born at Anthony, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, July 20, 1872, and is a son of John H. and Martha (Everett) Moore. John H. Moore was born in New Jersey, where he has always lived an honorable use- ful life. By trade he is a blacksmith and conducts his own business. For some years he has been a justice of the peace, and he is now serving as postmaster at Middle Valley. His three children are: Miller G. ; Georgia, who resides in Norwich, New York; and Frank, residing at Garwood, New Jersey. After completing the common school course in his native place, Mr. Moore learned tele- graphing, which he followed in connection with railroad work, for two years. He has been connected with transportation lines ever since he was fourteen years of age. Mr. Moore began in a humble way and understands the business in all its details. He has filled posi- tions similar to his present one both in Cleve- land and Detroit, and"came to Cuyahoga Falls in June, 1902. He has charge of the A. B. C, Kent and Ravenna and Barberton lines, and has control of about 125 "men, with seventy- five or eighty miles of track under his juris- diction. His thorough technical knowledge and reliable character, make him a valuable part of the great system which he represents. Mr. Moore was married at Detroit, Michi- gan, to Marie Common, a daughter of James Common, of that city, and they have two children, Melba and I)oris. The family be- long to the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Moore belongs to Court Bagley, of the order of Foresters, of Detroit, of which he has been (hief ranger; and he is also a member of the National Union. He is an Independent in politics. DAVID E. HILL, one of Akron's old and prominent citizens, was born at Gowanda, Cattaraugus County, New York, May 25, 1825. coming of sturdy English-Scotch an- cestry, lie was eighteen years old when he came to Middlebury, Ohio. During his early years at Middlebury, Mr. Hill worked in a machine shop and then became a.ssociated with others in the manufacture of the old- THOMAS RHODES AND REPRESENT;VTIVE CITIZENS 1065 fashioned fire engine,?. From 1847 until 1849 he represented the firm of -McMillan & Irish, on the road, selling woolen maehinerj', in the spring of the latter year first becom- ing interested in what is now the Akron Sewer Pipe Company, which was the pioneer cf the great industry. Mr. Hill was the or- ganizer and leading spirit of the American Sewer Pipe Company, which has an annual output of 5,000 car loads, or 60,000 tons. His influence on the business life of Middle- bury was pronounced and his standing was high in business circles as long as he remained an active factor in the business life of the community. On June 5, 1848. Mr. Hill was married to Harriet Louise ilcMillan, who is a daughter of the late Reuben McMillan. They have had three children, namely : David W., born March 15, 1850, who married Grace Perkins McCurdy, of Akron, Septembei 6, 1877, and died January 30, 1880. leaving one child, Eva C. ; Cora T., born July 10, 1852, who died February 6, 1874; and George R., born April 3. 1855. All his life, Mr. Hill has been a thoughtful and intelligent watcher of public events. He has been identified with the Republican party ever since its organization, and almost since his majority, has been an incumbent of office, sen-ing Summit County in some capacity, long and well. He served either in the Coun- cil or on the School Board of the village of Middleburv, until its annexation to Akron, in 1872, and from 1862 to 1868, he was county commissioner, and was elected a mem- ber of the Citv Council of Akron, from the Sixth Ward, for the years, 1875-76-77 and 1878. THOMAS RHODES, one of Akron's much esteemed retired citizens, residing at No. 610 West Market street, was born in 1826, in Lancastershire, England, and was about seven years of age when he accompanied his parents to America. The father of Mr. Rhodes settled in Sharon Township, Medina County, Ohio, where the son was reared, and under his brother's tutelage, mainlv educated. Mr. Rhodes followed farming and stockrais- ing in both Medina and Summit Counties, giving especial attention to the growing of sheep. After a busy and successful agricul- tural career, Mr. Rhodes erected the beautiful residence in Akron whioli has since been his home. In 1876, Mr. Rhodes was married to Sarah B. Garside. PIo and his wife are leading members of the West Hill Congregational Church. Prior to the Civil War, Mr. Rhodes was prominently identified with the Abolition party and was well known to many anti-slav- ery leaders, being a great admirer of William Lloyd Garrison. October 2, 1862, Mr. Rhodes enlisted in Company A, Seventy-second Regiment, 0. V. I. He took the place of his brother who had been drafted. Pie served till July 30, 1863, and was honorably discharged at a camp twenty miles in the rear of Vicksburg. CHARLES P. HELLER, who is carrying on extensive farming operations on his ex- cellent tract of 148 acres situated about three- quarters of a mile west of Bath Centre, Bath Township, Summit County, Ohio, has served as a.5sessor of this township for the past five ^ears, and is one of the most influential Re- publicans of his section. Mr. Heller was born October 1, 1855, in Guilford Township, Me- dina County, Ohio, and is a son of Levi and Elizabeth (Dutt) Heller. Levi Heller, who was a native of North- ampton County, Pennsylvania, where he was reared and educated, removed to Medina County, Ohio, a short time after his marriage, and there cultivated a seventy-seven acre farm until his death in 1865. He married Elizabeth Dutt. who sunnved him until 1893, and to them was born one child, Charles P. Charles P. Heller was but nine years of age when his father's death occurred, and when he was thirteen years old he took full charge of the farm in Medina County, where he and his mother lived alone. In 1881 this farm was sold, and Mr. Heller and his mother removed to his present home in Bath Town- ship, where he erected a fine home in 1882. 1066 HISTORY OF SU.M:\I1T COXTNTY Here he has carried on successful agricul- tural operations to the present time. He has been prominent -in the ranks of the Repub- lican party in this section, having been a member of the Summit County Republican Executive Committee for several years, served four years as a member of the Bath Town- ship School Boai'd, and was president thereof for two years, and since 1902 has served in the capacity of assessor, filling that position to the satisfaction of all concerned. In 1888 Mr. Heller was united in marriage with Mary Stnink, who is a daughter of William Stnmk, of Wadsworth, Ohio. Mr. Heller is a member of the Knights of the Maccabees and of the Masonic order. ALONZO SMITH, a prominent farmer and representative citizen of Sunuiiit County, Ohio, who is engaged in operating an excel- lent farm of 121 acres in Franklin Town- ship, was born December 26, 1846, north of Middlebranch, Stark County, Ohio, and is a son of George E. and Sarah (Crist) Smith. George E. Smith was born in Westmore- land County, Pennsylvania, and when a boy of twelve years came to Ohio with his parents, settling about seven miles north of Canton. He grew to manhood on the home farm, and in his youth learned the tanner's trade, which he followed for some years, conduct- ing a tannery north of Middlebranch, Stark County. In 1859 he purchased a farm near Canton, where the rest of his life was spent, his death occurring igni his eightieth year. Mr. Smith married Sarah Crist, who died at the homestead at the age of eighty-seven years. Owing to a fire accident when a child he lost the fore part of both feet, which much inter- fered with his ability to walk. At his death Mr. Smith owned 1,132 acres of choice land in Stark and Summit Counties, as follows: Eighty acres in Canton Town.ship near Ful- ton; ninety acres in Plain; 268 in Lake; 160 in Nenieshellen, and 190 in Perry Township, south of Massillon, and in Summit County he owned 344 acres. They were the parents of eight children, namely: Sarah Ann, who was the wife of Israel Bixler; Susan, who was the wife of Christ Wingerd; Christian, who went' West and has never been heard from; -Andrew H., who was a soldier in an Ohio regiment during the Civil War; Benjamin H., who was also a soldier during the Civil War, and now resides at Canton ; Joel, who lives in Stark County; Alonzo; and Philo, of Canton, Alonzo Smith was reared on the home farm, and for one year worked at the plaster- ing business in Canton, In 1872 he pur- chased his present farm from John Genine, and here he has continued to reside. Mr. Smith is a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, of which he is treasurer. He is agent for the Norton Mutual Fire Associa- tion for Franklin Township. In December, 1867, Mr. Smith was married to Harriet H. Longabaugh, and to them were born five children : Phidello, who married Maude Mefi'; Rahama, who married Dr, Harper; John, who conducts a general store; Orlando; and Sadie, who married Bert Pni'dy. WILLIAM J, POWELL, general farmer, cultivating 125 acres of valuable land in Northfield township, is a son of William and Sarah (Baum) Powell, He is a great-grand- son of George Powell, who was born at Bei'- lin, Germany, and who, during the times of Napoleon, Avhen the country was in an un- settled condition, became involved in politics, and, with other revolutionists, prepared to flee to America, He .succeeded in getting his wife and children on board of a sailing vessel and then, being hard pressed, endeavored, with soiue companions, to escape to the ship on a floating log, in which attempt he was drowned. His son, Henry Powell, grand- father of AA^illiam J,, came from Germany with his mother and two sisters. He was sold in New Jersey to work out the passage money for the family, he then being eight years of age. He lived up to the agreement and re- mained with his owner until he was twenty- cne years old, when he married Rachel Fow- ler and they subsequently came to Mahoning County, William Powell, the father, was born in New Jersey and emigrated to Alahon- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1067 ing County, Ohio, with hi^ father, when six yeajs old. He lived there until he was eight- een, and then came to what is now North- field, Summit County. In 1840, he married Sarah Baum, and settled on her homestead farm of fifty acres, to which he added until he owned 125 acres. On this land he carried on general farming and sheep growing. He voted \vith the Republican party, but never sought office. He died in 1868. He was leared in the Society of Friends, but as there was no religious organization of that body in this locality, he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church. His death occurred in 1868. Thomas Baum, the maternal grand- father of Mr. Powell, was born in 1798, in We.-^tmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and in 1801, was brought by his parents to Salem, Columbiana County, Ohio. He subsequently married Mary Perkey, and they had the fol- lowing children: John, deceased, served in the Civil AVar; Sarah, the mother of Mr. Powell, born June 1, 1824; Mary, now de- ceased; Martha, who is the widow of U. R. Plorner. of Akron; Elizabeth, who married David Silver, of Jennings County, Indiana; and .James M., who resides at East Toledo. To William and Sarah Powell were born five children, of whom the following now sur- vive: Louisa, widow of Elihu Griswold, re- siding at Akron; Harriet E., who married Andrew J. Kelty, of Bedford; Mary R., resid- ing at home with her mother; and William J., whose name begins this sketch. William J. Powell grew up on the farm which he now cultivates, and was thoroughly trained in agricultural work. He raises on 125 acres, wheat and potatoes for market, giving twelve acres to wheat and three to potatoes, and grows hay, com and oats for feed and dairy bu.siness, keeping about twenty-five bead of cattle.- The milk from his cows, all of excellent breed, is shipped to Cleveland. Hi? apple orchard is in fine producing condi- tion. Mr. Powell looks well to his buildings and his immense barn is of 30 by 90 feet, with eighteen-foot po.sts. He farms along modern lines and meets with excellent suc- cess. Mr. Powell married Margaret R. Nesbitt, who is a daughter of the late James Nesbitt, formerly county commissioner, and a promi- nent citizen of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Powell are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. Politically, Mr. Powell is a Re- publican, and for six years has been a mem- ber of the Republican County Executive com- mittee. He served for seven years on the School Board and one j^ear as a member of the Council at Macedonia. He has since been elected councilman for a term of two years. THE BAUM FAMILY. The immigrant ancester of this family was George Baum, Sr., who was born in Germany, November 17, 1754, and who, when seventeen years of age, sailed for America with a brother. The lat- ter died on ship-board and was buried at sea. The ship must have met with tempestuous weather, or have been a very slow- sailor, as it is recorded that the voyage lasted sLx months. He landed at Philadelphia in the year 1772, when public affairs were in more or less of a ferment owing to the troubles with England which were in a few years to bring on the Revolutionary War. In accordance with a not unfrequent custom in those days, his services had been sold to a man for three years to pay his passage. In 1783 he was married to Mary Higgin, a native of Pennsyl- vania. In 1801 he moved to Ohio, settling in Columbiana County, where he purchased 160 acres of land of the government, at $1.25 ].er acre, which land is now the site of the city of Salem. The nearest gristmill was then at Marietta, about sixty-five miles away, the route being through the woods, and it used to take him from three to four days to make the trip, leading his horse, which car- ried the grist. On each occasion he was obliged to camp at least two nights in the ^^ oods. Thomas Baum, son of George and Mary Baum (and maternal grandfather of William J. Powell, of Northfield Township, Summit County, Ohio), was born in Westmoreland 1068 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY County, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1798. In 1801 he accompanied his parents to Salem, Columbiana County, Ohio. Here he subse- quently married Mary Perkey. In 1821 he became a resident of Northfield Township, Summit County, where he purchased a farm for three dollars per acre. This farm was located about eighteen miles from Cleveland, and is now known as the G. T. Bishop farm. Here his death occurred, December 24, 1862. His wife had preceded him to the grave, dy- ing on her fifty-eighth birthday, June 28, 1855. They reared a family of six children - — John, Sarah, Mary, Martha, Elizabeth, and James M. The record of these children is, in brief, as follows: John enlisted in the 111th Regiment Ohio, Volunteer Infantry, in Williams County, Ohio, and served nearly three years. He died in that county November 16, 1865. Sarah became the wife of William Powell, of North- field Township, where she now resides. Mary married a Mr. White, of Jennings County, Indiana. Martha, who is the widow of Mr. Horner, resides in Akron, Ohio. Elizabeth is the wife of David Silver, of Jennings County, Indiana. James M. Baum, the remaining member of the above-mentioned family, was born on Christmas Day, 1838. He was educated in the district schools, and assisted his father in clearing and developing his land. In 1872 he located in Section 33, Ross Township, Wood County, Ohio, where he is now engaged in general farming and gardening, having a T^ ell improved farm of some forty acres. He also devotes a part of his attention to fruit raising. Being located but a short distance from Toledo, he finds a ready market for his produce, and has been quite successful. He is numbered among the prosperous and repre- sentative citizens of his locality. GEORGE R. HILL, viec-]iresident of the American Sewer Pipe Company, and inter- ested in other commercial enterprises, is one of Akron's leading business citizens. He was born at Akron, Ohio, and is a son of David E. Hill, who was the pioneer manufacturer of sewer pipe in America. The late David E. Hill was born in the State of New York and came to Akron in 1848, when the village was known as Middlebury. Here he established himself in business and after many experi- ments succeeded in manufacturing a drain- age pipe which was the very first article which proved of real utility in handling sewerage. He was the founder of the Akron Sewer Pipe Company and subsequently of the Hill Sewer Pipe Company, and at the time of his death, in August, 1901, was one of the leading man- ufacturers and capitalists of Akron. George R. Hill was reared and educated at Akron and from boyhood has been con- nected with the manufacture of sewer pipe. He was an early assistant of his father and succeeded to many of his interests. The American Sewer Pipe Company has thirty- seven plants, three of these being in the Akron district; the one located at Barberton is the largest plant of its kind in the world. From small beginnings the business has grown to enormous proportions. In 1884, Mr. Hill was married to Alice A. Hinman. He is a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church and also of its vestry. He is a Thirty-second De- gree Mason. JOHN CRISP & SON, a leading busine.-^,^ firiu at Akron, engaged in general contract- ing and dealing in all kinds of building ma- terial, is a prominent factor in the commercial life of this city. John Crisp, the founder of the firm, was born in England and learned hi.'^ trade in London. When he emigi'ated he lived for about one year at Hamilton, Can- ada, and then came to Akron. In 1876 the firm of Crisp Brothers was es- tablished at Akron, and it continued in busi- nes.s here for twenty years. Then John Crisp withdrew on acount of being elected a mem- ber of the Board of City Commissioners, on which he served for four years. In August, 1901, the firm of John Crisp & Son was or- ganized, compo.sed of John Crisp and his son, Edmond F. Mr. Crisp was married at Ham- ilton, Canada, to Susan Akell, and they had three sons: Edmond, Lee and Roland. Mr. ABNER E. FOLTZ, M. D. AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1071 Crisp is a Knight Templar Alasoii and is a member of the board of directors of the Em- ployers' Association. With his whole family, he is affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church. Edniond F. Crisp was born at Hamilton, Canada, and was one year old when his par- ents came to Akron, where he was reared and educated, graduating from the Akron High School. He immediately went into the office of Crisp Brothers, and then took a course in a business college in this city. Lat-er he learned his father's business, from the ground up, and when taken into partnership, was thoroughly familiar with the work as an arti- san, and perfectly competent to handle it in a business way. Among the first buildings •erected by the firm of John Crisp & Son, was the First National Bank building, and this was followed by the brick work for the Co- lonial Salt Company, the Wellman Seaver Morgan Company's plant, the Gothic flats, the Long & Taylor building, the shipping build- ing for the B. F. Goodrich Company, and many more of size and importance. In June, 1905, Edmond F. Cri.sp was mar- ried to Frances "Wilson, who is a daughter of John Wilson, a wealthy pioneer settler at Akron. Mr. Crisp belongs to the Knights •of Pythias and is a captain in the Uniformed Rank. He is as.sociated with the Masons and •other organizations and is vice-president of the Builders' Exchange. ABNER E. FOLTZ M.D., physician and surgeon and oculist at Akron, has been in active practice in this city for more than thirty years. He is a veteran of the Civil War and has more than a local reputation as a poet and professional author. Dr. Foltz was born in 1840, in Wayne County, Ohio. He obtained his literary education at Sharon Center, Medina County, and he and his four brothers served together in the same company, in the Civil War. They enlisted about August 6, 1862, in Company T. 102nd Regiment. 0. V. I., and remained in the army until the close of the war, during the larger part of this period being on detached duty. Dr. Foltz is a valued member of Buck- ley Post, No. 26, G. A. R., and also of the National Union. After completing h^ literary .education, Dr. Foltz began the reading of medicine. He spent six months in the medical department of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and in 1868 was graduated from the medical department of the Western Reserve College. In 1869 he took a post-graduate course at Jef- ferson Medical College, after which he was engaged in practice for one year, at Ashland, Ohio, and then came to Akron. Dr. Foltz was married in 1869, to Frances C. Bowen, who is a daughter of the late Dr. William Bowen. one of the early physicians of Akron. They have one son. Esgar Bowen, who is associated with his father in medical practice. Dr. E.sgar Bowen Foltz completed the High School course at Akron, was subse- quently graduated A. B. from Buchtel Col- lege, and later from the medical department of the University of Cincinnati. He has also a diploma from Christ Ho.spital. where he practiced for eighteen months. He is a close and earnest student of his profe.s.sion. Dr. A. E. Foltz is a member of the County. State and Northeastern Ohio Medical socie- ties, and Dr. Esgar belongs also to the Ameri- can Medical Association. .\ clinical chart, prepared by Dr. A. E. Foltz is in use all over the world and he also designed the optician* chart and is the designer and patentee of what is known as the Wizard Hinge. CHATTNCEY B. LANE, a prominent citi- zen of Twinsburg Township, resides on his A'aluable farm of 175 acres, on which, with only temporary periods of absence, he has spent his whole life. He was born on thi.-^ farm, in Summit County, Ohio, January 14, 1 844. and is a son of Chauncy and Phebe W. (Bailey) Lane. Chauncey Lane was born at Killingsworth. Connecticut. August 31, 1803. and died in Ohio in March. 1885. He was a son of Philip Lane, whose w'hole life was passed in Connec- ticut. The family was established in New England by three brothers, Joseph, John and 1U72 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Robert, who came from Englaud in 1670. Luman Lane, brother to Chauncey, was the first of the family to come to Summit County, reaching here November 2, 1820. In Novem- ber, 1828, Chauncey Lane came to Twinsburg Township, walking through the snow already fallen in the woods, and bought 100 acres of land, a part of Chauncey B.'s farm, cm which just enough clearing had been done to make possible the building of a log cabin, which was subsequently replaced by a com- fortable home. In 1837, Chauncey Lane was married to Phebe Worthington Bailey, who ■\Aas born at Groton, Connecticut, January 20, 1811, and died in 1885, when nearly seventy- five years old. Her parents were Asher and Abigail (Smith) Bailey, and her grandfather was Samuel Smith. She accompanied her brother to Geauga County, in 1836, settling in the town of Munson and came to Twins- burg to teach school. The two survivors of their family are: Caroline A., who is the wife of Hon. William Fowler, who was mayor of Redlands, California, and a very promi- nent citizen; and Chauncey B., of Twinsburg Township. Chauncey B. Lane was reared on the home place and was afforded much better educa- tional advantages than were enjoyed by many youths of his acquaintance. He was given academic training at the Bissell Institute at Twinsburg, and was but eighteen years _ of age when he enlisted for service in the Civil AVar. At Camp Chase he entered Company I), Eighty-fourth Regiment, 0. V. I., and served through his first three months of en- listment, mainly in Eastern Virginia and Maryland. In August, 1864, Mr. Lane re- onlisted, entering Company H, 177th Regi- ment, 0. V. I., in which he served until the close of the war. He participated in many battles and skirmishes, weary marches and tiresome and dangerous guard duty, travel- ing over a large extent of the southern coun- try, and received his honorable discharge at Greensboro, North Carolina. After the close of his military service, Mr. Lane went to Michigan, where he purchased a tract of eighty acres, but shortly after sold out and returned to his parents at Twinsburg. Here he has continued to reside, taking an active part in public affairs and carefully regulating a large private business, looking after the operation of a farm of 175 acres. For seven and a half yeai-s he served as a justice of the peace at Twinsburg, for many years has been connected with the Board of Education, serving frequently as its presi- dent, for two years was township assessor, and for a number of years was township trustee. On February 27, 1867, Mr. Lane was mar- ried to Mary E. Ames, who was born in Ver- mont, and is a daughter of Edwin and Anna (Scribner) Ames. The father of Mrs. Lane was born in Massachusetts, moved later to Illinois and still later to Minnesota, where he died. Her mother was bom at Pough- keepsie, New York. After her widowhood she moved to Ravenna, Ohio, and subsequently died at the home of her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lane have had four children, namely: Carrie A., who married E. W. Hull, and has two children, Florence L. and Lois M. ; Frank C, who died February 21, 1902, married Cleora B. Chamberlain; Edwin A., residing at Cleveland, who married Blanche Force, and they have one son, Wilbur C. ; and Edna, who is a student at Oberlin College. Mr. and Mrs. Lane are members of the Congregational Church at Twinsburg. Mr. Lane is a Repub- lican. T. M. PARKER, Sr., vice-president and manager of the Summit Lumber Company, with an extensive plant on West State street, Akron, has been a resident of this city since 1867. He was bom in 1837, in Kent County, Delaware, where he was reared and educated. Prior to leaving his native State, Mr. Parker engaged in farming, after which he spent eighteen months in the oil fields near Oil City, Pennsylvania. In 1867 he came to Akron and during the following year engaged in shipping fruit, when he became associated with the Thomas Company, contractors and builders, with whom he continued for eight- een years. Mr. Parker then engaged in a contracting business in partnership with Wil- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1073 Ham H. Jones, who died in 1897, after which Mr. Parlcer purchased a tract of land on State and Canal streets for a site, and proceeded to organize the Summit Lumber Company. It was incorporated with a capital stock of $15,- 000, with T. M. Parker, Jr., president; T. M; Parker, Sr., vice-president and general man- ager; and William H. Mantz, secretary and treasurer. The business is both wholesale and retail and in addition to dealing in lumber of all kinds the company operate a pla,ning mill and manufacture doors, sash and blinds, and do a general contracting business. This great industry gives employment to many men, adding both to the material prosperity of the individuals concerned and to the city at large. In 1861, Mr. Parker was married to Cather- ine Millington, of Caroline County, Mary- land, who died in 1905, leaving one son, T. M. Parker, Jr. He was educated in the Akron schools and subsequently traveled for ten years in the theatrical business. For the past ten years he has given his attention to the demands of the increasing business of the Summit Lumber Company, and like his father, is numbered with the city's reliable and substantial citizens. JOHN P. MACKEY, dairyman and gen- eral farmer, in Northfield Township, was born in Boston Township, Summit County, Ohio. August 23, 1853, and is a son of Thomas and Margaret (Pope) Mackey. The father of Mr. Mackey came to America from County Antrim, Ireland, when seven- teen years of age, and joined an older brother, who had located in the State of New York. There he learned the carpenters' and joiners' trade, which he followed for seventeen years, and then, about the time of his marriage, set- tled down to farming. While following his trade exclusively, he worked in various cities through what is now the Central West, thus visiting Summit County. He was pleased with this section and subsequently bought the farm on Oak Hill, in Boston township, on vdiich he spent the rest of his life. He was married in 1850 to Margaret, daughter of John Pope, of Northfield Township, and four of their eight children grew to maturity, namely: John P., above mentioned; Amy, who married Rev. William G. Harper, a -Methodist clergyman, residing at Washington Village; George F., residing at Rocky River; and T. Harvey, also rasiding at Rocky River. The mother of the above mentioned family died in 1895. She was a member of the United Presbyterian Church. The father, Thomas Mackey, died in 1891, lacking a few days of being seventy-five years old. His father, James Mackey, also came to America and farmed for a time in Northfield Towm- ship,> but later bought a farm near Everett, in Boston township. John P. Mackey obtained his education in the public schools and remained on the home farm until the second year after his marriage. He then moved to Portage County where he farmed for one year, then returning to the home farm on Oak Hill, where he remained until February, 1907. While there he lived on a tract of sixty acres just across the road from the old homestead, which he had pur- chased, and on which he carried on agricul- tural operations for twenty-seven years, fin- ally selling it to J. P. Nolan." In March, 1906, Mr. Mackey bought his present farm in North- field Town.ship. It originally contained 100 acres and was settled by his maternal grand- father. Later 108 acres were added, but the A. B. C. Electric Railroad has taken forty-one fi.cres, so that the present farm contains about 167 acres, ninety of which Mr. Mackey has under a fine state of cultivation. He keeps twenty-four head of cattle and sells his milk to- the Brooks Creamery Company, uses all the oats he raises for feed, and markets his wheat and potatoes. He has taken a great deal of interest in his a.gricultural operations, and has paid considerable attention to improv- ing the stock of horses in this neighborhood. He owns a magnificent Percheron stallion, ■'Valiant," the pedigree of which is recorded in the Percheron Stud Book of America. Mr. Mackey married Amelia Darrow, who is a daughter of Malcolm Darrow, of Bedford. They have one daughter, Margaret I., who 1074 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY married Henry Harrington and she and her husband reside with them. Mr. Mackey and family are members of the Congregational Church on Oak Hill, Boston Township, which is a branch of the Richfield Congregational Church, and of which formerly, Mr. Mackey was a trustee.. Mr. Mackey is one of North- field's most substantial men and highly re- spected citizens. SAMUEL WARNER, a higlily esteemed citizen of Copley Township, and the owner of 109 acres of fine farming land, was born January 13, 1852, in an old log house on his father's farm in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of John and Eliza- beth (Weaver) Warner. Henry Warner, the grandfather of Samuel, ^as an early pioneer of Stark County, Ohio, settling in the woods with the Indians for neighbors, at which time Akron was still a small village, and Cleveland the nearest point at which salt could be procured. Later Mr. • "\¥arner with his wife and several children came to Summit County, and became well known and highly esteemed residents of Cov- entry Township, where both passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Warner had eight children — John, the father of Samuel; Adam, now deceased; William; Jacob; Abraham; Samuel; Solo- mon, and Daniel (deceased). Of this family Jacob and William were in the Civil War. John Warner, father of Samuel, spent his boyhood days in the woods of Coventry Township, and attended the old log school- house. Throughout his life he engaged in agricultural pursuits, and he was the owner of the present farm of Samuel Warner, which he purchased from the Yearick estate. John Warner was married to Elizabeth Weaver, who died in 1901, and to this union there were born children as follows: William a resident of Coventry Township; Henry, who lives in New Portage; Samuel; John, of Nor- ton Township ; Adam, who lives in Coventry Township; and a daughter who died young. Samuel Warner was reared on his father's farm, and helped to clear the home place, modern machinery having come into use ;'.l)out that time. After his marriage he rented a farm in Norton Township for about four years, and then returned to Coventry Township, where he carried on operations on (he Thornton farm for a time, removing thence to the old Warner farm. There Mr. and Mrs. Warner lived until locating on the prasent property, originally the Yearick es- tate. On May 26, 1872, Mr. Warner was mar- ried to Emma Sailor, who is a daughter of Lewis and Rebecca (Sonon) Sailor, and one child has been born to this union: Clara, v.ho married Charles Winkleman, resides in .\kron and has one child, Thore Wayne. Mr. Warner has always been a Democrat ill politics, but has never aspired to public office. With Mrs. Warner he attends the Methodist Episcopal Church. PETER W. DOYLE, residing on his well- improved farm in Hudson Township, was born at Canton, St. Lawrence County, New York, June 5, 1853, and is a son of Michael and Mary (McGinnis) Doyle. Both parents of Mr. Doyle came to America from Ireland, about 1825, unmarried at the time. Mrs. Doyle accompanied her parents, Thomas and Catherine (Rooney) McGinnis, ;.nd they located at Waddington, New York. Peter W. Doyle is the sixth member of a family of fifteen children born to his parents twelve of whom survived infancy, as follows: John, who served in the Civil War, died in a hospital at Washington, D. C, May 11, 1865; Catherine, who married James O'Brien, of Morlcy, New York; Thomas H., in the con- fectionery businass, residing at Boston, Mas- sachusetts; Mrs. Margaret Bushaw, residing at Canton, New York; Mary A., residing at Columbus, unmarried ; Peter W. ; Jane, de- ceased, who married Harmon Sanford, also deceased; Michael J., who is ticket agent for the great Pennsylvania system on Euclid avenue, Cleveland; Elizabeth, who married Henry Mohan, of Holyoke, Massachusetts; Edwin C, residing in San Diego County, California; Julia A., residing at Columbus, AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1077 unmarried; and Agnes, who died at Colum- bus, in 1886. Peter W. Doyle was twenty-four years of age when he came to Ohio and located at the town of Hudson. For a time he worked tor the Straight cheese factory, and from 1879 until 1883, he engaged in farming for W. I. Chamberlain. From there he worked for Harvey Baldwin for three years, and at several other places prior to 1888, when he went to William Post's farm in Hudson Township, where he continued until 1892. He then came to his present farm, which he bought from W. B. Straight. He has made many improvements here and has a valuable property. On April 25, 1881, Mr. Doyle was married to Mary Raleigh, who was l)orn near North- ampton, Ohio, who is a daughter ot Edward and Mary (Ryan) Raleigh. They have had eight children, two of whom, twins, died in infancy. The others are: Sarah T., Mary Leona, Edward Walter, Leo Ignatius, Joanna Agnes; and Dorethy. Mr. Doyle and family belong to the Catholic Church at Hudson, of which he is secretary and one of the trus- tees. He is a member of the Board of Educa- tion of Hudson Township. In local affair.*. Mr. Doyle vot-es independently, but in Na- tional affairs he supports the candidates of the Democratic party. ALLEN F. HOFFMAN, one of the lead- ing business citizens of Kenmore. Ohio, where he holds the office of postmaster, was born on his father's farm in Medina County. Ohio, May 4, 1862, and is a son of .\dam W. and Julia (Sutter) Hoffman. Isaac Hoffman, grandfather of Allen F., came from Pennsylvania to Ohio as a pioneer and settled in Mahoning County, later re- moving to Burbank. Wayne County, where he died. Mr. Hoffman was a mason by trade, but in his later years engaged in farming. He had three children : Joseph, who died when a boy: Caroline, who was the wife of J. Baker: and Adam W., the father of .Mien F. .\d;ini W. Hnffmnn srew \n> on ])is fntlier's fai'm and was reared to agricultural pursuits, which he carried on in his younger years. He now holds a responsible pasition as sta- tionary engineer at Burbank. He married Julia Sutter, who was born in Pennsylvania and who came to Ohio with her parents. Al- len F. was the only child born of this union. Allen F. Hoffman attended the common schools and the Burbank High School, after graduating from which he began work as a clerk in a hardware store. He then spent some time in the hardware, grocery and post office of William Frary. In 1899 he removed to Barberton and entered the employ of the Barberton Hardware Company, in which he became a stock holder. His present place of business was then a branch of this company, he being the general manager thereof, and in 1907 he and his son Max L. purchased this place which is known as the Kenmore Sup- ply Company. Mr. Hoffman handles gen- eral merchandise, hardware, dry goods and groceries, and enjoys a .steady trade. He is a director and stock holder in the People's Sav- ings and Banking Company of Barberton, at which place he owns property. In 1901 Mr. Hoffman was appointed postmaster at Ken- more. being the first to hold that office here, and he was one of the organizers of the Fourth Class Postmasters' League, of which he wa< elected president Mr. Hoffman is connected fraternallv with the Knights of the Maccabees. With his familv he attends the TTnited Brethren Church of Barberton. Mr. Hoffman married Alta M. Lnse. who is n daughter of W. B. and Sarah fPelton) Luse. The fruit of this marriage is one child — Max L. — who at present is associated with his father in business, having been formerly connected with the Babcox-Wilcox Companv of New York City. He married Olive 0. Hoak. who is a daughter of Rev. J. T. Hoak. Mr. Hoffman is located on Kenmore Boule- vard. Kenmore. Ohio. GENER \L CHARLES DICK. The State of Ohio has onlv once come to Summit Countv for a T^nitod States Senator. That was in Februarv. 1904. when Charles Dick, 1078 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY then representing the nineteentli district in Congress, was triumphantly elected to the higher station. The fact that a trainload of the representative citizens of Akron journeyed to Columbus to be present at the joint-ses- sion of the legislature electing him, is evi- dence of the esteem in which he is held by his neighbors. Most of those who have risen to high places during their residence in Summit County were born elsewhere. Most of them had the advantages of a splendid education obtained elsewhere. The subject of this sketch, on the other hand, is. in all respects, a product of our own county. He was born in the city of Akron, Novem- ber 3, 1858. His parents were very poor, but eminently respectable people. His father, Gottlieb Dick, was born in Germany, and be- sides being able to rear his family in comfort and give them the benefit of the public schools education, he had not found America to be a place of riches for all who came to it. His mother, Mary M. (Handel) Dick, was also of German ancestry. In September, 1864, he began his education in the Akron jmblic schools and completed it by graduation from the Akron High School with the class of 1876. He was then com- pelled by circumstances to begin a business career at once and he secured a' position as clerk in the store for men's furnishings on the corner of Market and Howard Streets, then kept by Chipman & Barnes. He clerked for two years, continuing his studies the meanwhile, especially the business branches. The banking concern known as The Citizens' Savings and Loan AvS.sociation, since merged with The Second National Bank, offered him a position as bookkeeper and teller, which he accepted and honorably filled for a period of six years. His next advance was in 1879 when he became bookkeeper for the J. F. Seiberling Co., manufacturers of the Empire mowers and reapers. In 1881, he formed a partnership with Lucius C. Miles, a son-in-law of Mr. Seiber- ling. imder the firm name of Dick and Miles, and towther thev conducted the lending grain and commission business of the city. In Fel)- ruary, 1890, J. Ed. Peterson, brother-in-law of Mr. Dick, succeeded Mr. Miles in the part- nership. The new firm of Dick & Peterson continued until the increasing political re- sponsibilities of Mr. Dick made it necessary for him to withdraw from the active conduct of the business. In the spring of 1886, Mr. Dick was nomi- nated for Auditor by the Republicans of Sum- mit County, after one of the hardest fights in Summit County's history. The Republican ticket that year was elected by good plurali- ties, and Mr. Dick took up the duties of audi- tor early in 1887. In 1889, he was re-elected and served the county faithfully until the ex- piration of his second term in 1893. In the conscientious discharge of his duties, he felt obliged to proceed against some of Akron's wealthy and most influential citizens because of their failure to list personal property for taxation. It was at best a disagreeable and unwelcome task; but he performed it faith- fully and to the satisfaction of the great mass of citizens of the county, even though one or two unavoidable enmities resulted from this resolve of a conscientious office-holder to per- form his full duty, without fear or favor. As an evidence of the commendation accorded his course, his second election as county audi- tor was by a largely increased majority over his first. He was admitted to the Ohio bar in 1894, and to practice before the United States Su- preme Court in 1897. For about ten years he was senior member of the law firm of Dick. Doyle & Bryan at Akron, Ohio, until this partnersEip disbanded upon the election of Mr. Doyle to the Common Pleas bench. Senator Dick was continuously and more or less actively interested in many of Akron's indu-strial and financial institutions until the point was reached when his genius (for such it is) for organization in the political field was afforded full opportunity to display itself and consumed most of his time. His first experience was as meinber and chairman of the Summit County Republican Committee, with which he was actively identi- AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1079 fied for a long time. Splendid success crowned his efforts, and throughout his entire public career of more than a score of years, practi- cally all political contests under his leadership have resulted victoriously. No one having knowledge of his record would assume to question his fame and merit as a great politi- cal general. In 1892 he was made Chairman of the Ohio Republican State Executive Com- mittee, in which capacity he is still serving, and during more than a decade of his sei-vice as State Chairman increasing majorities have been piled up for the Republican ticket. In 1895-6 he co-operated most effectively with Senator Hanna in promoting the can- vass of William McKinley for nomination as Republican candidate for President, and dur- ing the ensuing campaign officiated as Secre- tary of the Chicago headquarters of the Re- publican National Committee, continuing as Secretary of that Committee until 1900. He was a delegate to the Republican National Conventions of 1892 and 1896, and delegate- at-large from Ohio to the Republican Na- tional Conventions of 1900 and 1904, In recognition of the statesmanlike quali- tie.« he had displayed and of his efforts in be- half of the party, the Republican Congres- sional convention at Warren, in .lune, 1898, nominated him as its candidate for the House of Representatives. He was selected from a field of most worthy opponents after a hard fight. In March. 1899, he began his duties at AVa=hington as Congi-essman and has been a national figure ever since. He wa^s re-elected in 1900 and in 1902. In February, 1904, on the death of Senator Hanna, he was elected to the United States Senate, to serve the remainder of the term expiring in 1905, and also for the full term expiring in 1911, receiving the unanimoas vote of his party in the Ohio General As- sembly. Mr. Dick's career in Congress has been such as to ju.?tify fully all the confidence and hopes which the people of Ohio have had in him. Senator Dick is the author of the Dick Militia Law. was the main instrviment in securing its passage, and ha.= actively participated in much other important legislation. The Mi- litia Law put the affairs of the entire National Guaixi on a practical and efficient basis, for the first time in our history. He is now Chairman of the Committee on ilines and Mining, and a member of several important committees, including that on Naval Affairs. Early in his career Mr. Dick became inter- ested in military affairs and joined Company B of the Eighth Regiment, O. N. G. He rose by steady promotion to be captain of the com- pany, and in 1888 was elected major of the Eighth Regiment. He was afterward made colonel and brigadier general, and finally, in 1904, he was put at the head of the Ohio National Guard with the rank of major-gen- eral. He is also president of The Interstate National Guard Association. In 1898, on the breaking out of the war with Spain. Lieuten- ant-Colonel Dick went to the front with the Eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served with the regiment in the short Cuban campaign. He was not one of the offi- cers participating in the famous "Round Robin," but was chosen and detailed by Gen- eral Shafter as the one to make personal rep- resentation to President McKinley and the War Department concerning the precarious situation of our troops in Cuba after the ces- sation of hostilities. Mr. Dick was married to Miss Carrie May Peterson, of Akron, on June 30, 1881. Seven children have been born to them, of whom five are now living, namely: Carl P.. .James E., Lucius A., Grace and Dorothy. :\IORDECAI JOHN MORRIS, superin- tendent of the Ma.ssillon Navarre Coal Com- pany, the mines of which are situated four miles northwest of Clinton, in Summit County, with offices at Massillon and Cleve- land, is a practical coal miner and ha« had years of experience in the mining field, both a.-; a worker and as an official. Jlr. Morris was born in Cumbach, Wales, the name of his home being translated into English as •'little valley," March 17, 1849, and is a son of .John and Ann (Edmunds) Morris. The father of Mr. Morris was a mining 1080 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY engineer who was educated at Oxford Uni- versity. After his marriage he emigrated to America, locating at Youngstown, Ohio, in 1845, where he engaged in a mining business with his cousin, David Morris, later coming to Summit County, where David Morris oper- ated the Chippewa mines in Franklin Town- ship, John Morris entering his employ. He was accidentally killed on the railroad at Orr- ville, in 1854, at the age of sixty-hve year- His widow survived to the age of seventy-two years, dying in Arkansas. Of their family of twenty children, the following survive; Mai'garet, who married Benjamin Morris; Jane, who married Peter Brown; Martha, who married William Jones; AVilliam and Mordecai John. Five of the sons proved their patriotism during the Civil War, namely: John, William, Thomas, Benja- min and Mordecai, all of whom were brave soldiers, several of them gaining distinction. John and William were members of the Thir- ty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, William being captain of Company D, and John be- ing first sergeant. Thomas was a member of Company A, Thirteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served in that regiment for four years and six months. Benjamin was a member of Company H, Ninetieth Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and Mordecai served in Company G, 179th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. It was brave John Mor- ris who was the engineer that blew up Fort Hill, at Vicksburg, his death following from wounds received. Mordecai J. Morris was a child when the family came to the United States, several weeks being passed on 'the sailing vessel that transported them. He went to school in a little stone structure that still stands across the road from his residence in Franklin Township, and later attended the Union School at Massillon. His first experience as a miner came while still very young. He found employment in Clark's mine at Mas- sillon, first as mule driver and later as laborer, and he was thus employed when the Civil War was declared. Although but sixteen years of age he was of robust figure and when he offered his services he looked capable of carrying a gun and was accejjted as a member of the 179th Regiment, Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, and he sei-ved from 1864 until the close of the war, in the meanwhile jjarticipat- ing in the battles of Franklin and Nashville. After the end of his milittury sei^vice, Mr. .Morris returned for a short time to Massil- lon, from which place he went to Mineral Ridge, in Ti'umbuU County, where he worked for his uncle until 1868. From there he went to Brazil, Indiana, in the heart of the coal fields, and was made assistant superintendent of the Clay Coal Company of Indiana, his brother William at that time be- ing general superintendent. He remained there for two years and then accepted the position of superintendent of the Sand Creek Coal Company of Parke County, Indiana, and continued there until the great business depression caused by the panic of 1873. Mr. Morris then went liack to Summit County and subsequently be- came superintendent of the Johnston Coal Company. The mines of this company are Idcated five miles south of Akron. He con- tinued to perform the duties of this office for five years, becoming well known. Mr. Mor- ris then went to Massillon, where he became superintendent of the Massillon Pigeon Run Coal Company, remaining for five years with that concern, and then spent one year as su- ]ierintendent of the J. F. Card Coal Company, at Wadsworth, Ohio. In 1882, Mr. Morris retired from the coal mining business for a time, and turned his attention to farming on his father-in-law's property until 1887. At that time he went to Springfield, Missouri, where he embarked in a real estate and mining busine&s, which he caried on luiitl 1893, when he returned to Summit County. He is interested in several mine properties in this section and is superin- tendent of one of the large coal industries of this part of Ohio. On April 16, 1876, Mr. Morris was married to Sarah Ellen Rhodes, who is a daughter of Peter and Nancy Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris belong to the United Brethren Church. L. M. KAUFFMAN AND REPRESENTATIVE CmZENS 1083 Politically, iMr. Morris is a Republican and is serving as a member of the Republican County Central Committee. As far back as the Morris family can be traced, its occupa- tions have been mining and fanning. L. M. KAUFFMAN, a promiuonl member of one of the representative families of Sum- mit County, a large land owner in Franklin Township, and president of the Summit County Agricultural Society, was born on his present farm of 200 acres in the southeastern corner of Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, January 25, 1851, and is a son of William and Catherine (Stump) Kauff- man. John and Mary (Young) Kauffman, the paternal grandparents of Mr. Kauffman, came to Ohio overland in 1827 from Pennsylvania and settled for a short time near Uniontown, whence they removed to Franklin Town- ship, and purchased IBO acres of the present farm of the subject of this sketch for about $450, receiving a deed therefor signed by President Andrew Jackson, which is still in the possession of Mr. Kauffman. This land had been entered prior to this time, but little clearing had been done on it. In their later years John and Mary (Young) Kauffman retired to Manchester, where Mr. Kauffman died in 1876, at the age of seventy-nine years, and his wife in 1867. They were the parents of two children: William, the father of L. M. : and Sophia E., who married Jonathan Sours and resides in Illinois. William Kauffman grew up on the Frank- lin Township farm, his education being se- cured in the schools of Manchester. He be- came a prominent citizen and leading agri- culturist of his section, and at his early death in 1859, at the age of thirty-four years, the township and county lost a good and useful man. For some years Mr. Kauffman had served on the School Board, and he had al- ways taken a great interest in educational work. He was married to Catherine Stump. who also came from Pennsylvania when young, and she .still survives him. >?ix chil- dren were born to Mr. and Mi\s. Kauffman. namely: Rev. J. C. Kauffman, D. D., who graduated from Wittenberg College, Spring- field, Ohio, and is now a resident of Mount Carmel, Illinois; L. M. ; Mary, who died in 1859; Ella, who married Dr. J. M. Sissler, now deceased; William F., who died in 1859; and Rev. S. S. Kauffman, D. D., a graduate of Wittenberg College, and of Union Semi- nary, New York City, who now resides at Chi- cago, Illinois. L. M. Kauffman removed with the family to Manchester after the death of his father, and there he secured his education in the pub- lic schools. He then attended Greensburg Academy, and at the age of sixteen years commenced teaching, which he continued for many years in Franklin Township, although his first term was in Coventry Township. Since retiring from the educational profession Mr. Kauffman has given his entire attention to farming and stock-raising, and his fine farm is one of the best improved and most valuable in Franklin Township. Mr. Kauff- man is a Democrat in jiolitics, and has been very prominent in public life. For about twenty years he was a member of the School Board, most of which time he was its presi- dent, and resigned from that position in 1906, at which time he was elected township treas- urer. He has been on the Fair Board for nineteen years, representing Franklin Town- ship, has served in the capacity of vice-presi- dent for some years, and since 1905 has been the official president of this important organization. With his family he belongs to the Lutheran Church, in which he is super- intendent of the Sunday School and a deacon. Mr. Kauffman takes rank among the solid, substantial men of the township. Mr. Kauffman was married to Amanda E. Marsh, who died .Januarv^ 22, 1903. She was a daughter of George L. and Elizabeth (Hayne) Marsh, of Franklin Township. Of this union there has been born a family of four children, namely: Leman W., who married Myrta V. Guiley, and died June 7, 1904, aged thirty years, leaving two children — Lenore and Kathryn; Edna E.; Myrtle E., and Edgar M. All of these children have 1084 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY been actively concerned in educational work as teachers in the public schools. CLARENCE EDWARD DIEHL, who owns 140 acres of excellent fai'ming land in Green Township, was born October 2, 1873, on his father's farm near Manchester, Frank- lin Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of William and Eliza M. (Diehl) Diehl. William Diehl was born in York County, Pennsylvania. He served throughout the Civil War, and although never wounded, he was confined in a hospital for several months with typhoid fever. He returned to Penn- sylvania after the war, but shortly thereafter moved to Ohio and settled on a small farm south of Manchaster, in Franklin Township, Summit County. There he resided until after his marriage, when he removed to the 165- acre farm now owned by his son, Clarence E. Diehl. On this property William Diehl re- sided until retiring from farm work, in 1905, when he moved to Barberton, where he is a foreman in the Barberton Boiler Works. Mr. Diehl was married in Franklin Township, to Eliza M. Diehl, who was born in that town- ship, and is a daughter of Daniel Diehl, a pioneer of Summit County. Daniel Diehl reached this section with but fifty cents in his pocket, and lived to become the owner of 11,000 acres of land in addition to other property. To Mr. and Mrs. Diehl the follow- ing children were born : Hattie, who married C. C. Swigart; Clarence Edward; Curtis; Bertha, who married H. Thornton; Claude; Wallace and Harley, twins; and Grace and Maude, the latter three being deceased. Clarence Edward Diehl was one year old when the family settled on the old Diehl farm on the township line, and there he spent his boyhood days. He attended the district school and spent one year at the High School at Manchester. Until his marriage he worked on his father's farm, after w^hich he bought a one-half interest in the farm where Otis Tritt now lives. He cultivated this property for three years, but subsequently moved to East Liberty. Mr. Diehl was married in September, 1900, to Laura M. Foust, who is a daughter of Frederick and Lucetta (Keplar) Foust, the former of whom died in 1902. The latter re- sides at East Liberty. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Diehl, namely: Lottie N. Mr. Diehl is an active member of the Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. He is a Democrat in politics, and he has served three terms as school director and has also been road supervisor. He is a member of the Lutheran Church. Mrs. Diehl belongs to the Reformed Church. GEORGE W. FOUST, township trustee and owner of sixty-three acres of farm land in Coventry Township, is one of the promi- nent citizens of this section. He was born July 5, 1842, in Coventry Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of George and Nelly (Farnsworth) Foust. George Foust was born in Pennsylvania, and grew to manhood in his native locality, there learning the wagon-making trade. After his marriage, Mr. Foust emigrated to Ohio, making the journey in wagons, and in 1832 settled in the woods of Coventry Township, where he pui'chased a small farm and erected a wagon-making shop. He also carried on farming to some extent, and was an indus- trious and useful citizen. His old sledge ham- mer, used by him for many years, is now in the posse.ssion of his son, George W. Mr. Foust died in 1878 at the age of 72 ye^rs, and his widow, who was born in 1810, passed away about five years later. Of the seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Foust, five grew to maturity, namely: Louisa, who is the widow of E. McCamm ; Julia, now de- ceased, who was the wife of E. ShoUey ; George Wa.shington ; Elizabeth, who married J. Hem- melrick; and Frank J. George W. Foust attended the old district school near his home, where he obtained a fair education. He remembers a custom which was in vogue at that time, that each family with children attending school should wood according to the number of pupils. Mr. Foust remained at home until after his marriage, and in 1869 ptu'chased AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1085 forty-two acrei- of laud from Andrew Metzler, later adding thereto from time to time until he became one of the township's large land- holders. This property, which is bounded on the south by the Erie Railroad, is situated about three miles southwest of the city of Ak- ron, and is well cultivated and very valuable. Mr. Foust recently sold forty-two acres of his land for town lots, and the remainder is rented by him, he having retired from 'active pur- suits. In political matters he is a Democrat, and in 1900 he was elected to the office of township trustee, a position which he still holds. On March 3, 1867, Mr. Foust was united in marriage with Marietta Triplet, who was a daughter of John and Laui'a (Bellows) Trip- let, and whose grandfather was a laborer on the canal at fifty cents per day. Mr. and Mrs. Foust attended the same district school, hav- ing grown up together in the same school dis- trict. Mrs. Foust died May 3, 1905, aged fifty -eight years, "having been the mother of two children, namely: Adda, who married Peter Carl, resides at Akron and has two chil- dren — Bessie and Park; and Lilly B., who married .John Wagoner, resides at Akron and has four children — Ernest. Florence, Harold and Ethel. Mr. Foust is a member of the Evangelical Church, which at the present time he is serving as trustee. T. M. COOICE, secretary of the Bruner- Goodhue-Cooke Company, of Akron, and also of the Akron Building and Loan Association, with offices at No. 136 South Main Street, is one of the popular and successful young bus- iness men of this city. He was born at Mid- dlepoint, Van Wert County, Ohio, in 1869. At the age of fourteen years, Mr. Cooke went to Blufi'ton, Ohio, and was graduated from the Bluffton High School, after which, in 1886. he entered Buchtel College, where he was graduated in 1891. with the degree of A. B. He at once accepted a position with the Crescent Fire Insurance Company, of Cleveland, where he remained one year. In June, 1892. he entered the office of Wilcox & Noah, at Akron, and when a stock company was formed, in 1897, he became secretary of the Wilcox-Bruner Company, which became the Bruner-Goodhue-Cooke Company in 1899. Since June, 1894, he has also been secretary of the Akron Building and Loan Association, having been assistant secretary for many years prior to that date. He is also a stock- holder in several other important business en- terprises of this city. Mr. Cooke is president of the Akron Board of Undenvriters and past president of the Ohio Association of Fire In- surance Agents. He belong to the Board of Trustees of Buchtel College, being a mem- ber of the Executive Committee. . In 1897, Mr. Cooke was married to Mabel K. Page, who is a daughter of Thomas S. Page, of Akron. Mr. Cooke is a Thirty-second Degree Mason, has held all the offices in the Blue Lodge, and was worshipful master of Adoniram Lodge, in 1903. He is president of the Akron Masonic Club and is a member of the Portage Country Club. MARTIN LIMBACH, JR., a prominent citizen and representative business man of Clinton, Ohio, who is a member of the well- known firm of Limbach Brothers, was born July 4. 1852, in Bavaria. Germany, and is a son of Martin and Mary (Zepp) Limbach. Mai'tin Limbach, Sr.. was born in 1806 in Bavaria, Germany, where he carried on shoe- making and farming until the fall of 1852, when with his family he came to America, where his son George had come some time before. The family made their way to Mas- sillon, via Cleveland, and in 1853 came to Clinton, where Mr. Limbach- established a shoe business, and here continued the re- mainder of his life. His death occurred March 28, 1885. Mr. Limbach married Mary Zepp, who was born September 12, 1808, and died September 14, 1863. and to them were born a family of eight children: George; Christina, who married John A. Weil; Mary, who married Peter Miller: Henry; Jacob, of Clinton ; Balzer. who was last heard of in the West, where he had gone in 1867; Adam, who is in partnership with Martin ; and Mar- tin. 1086 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Martin Linibach, Jr., spent his boyhood at Chnton, where he attended the district schools, and also went for a short time to the public schools at Ashland, after which he worked for a time at farming and at driving his brother Jacob's canal boat. In 1867 he started to learn the shoemaker's trade with his broth- er Henry, and this he has followed success^ fully to the present time. For thirty years he had the agency of the Domestic sewing machines, and in this time became well known throughout this part of the country. He and his brother v\dam then formed a partnership and started a shoe business in a small way. In 1872 they began adding fac- tory stock to their supply, and they now carry a full stock of all the best lines of shoes. In 1887 they built the fir,st brick block in Clin- ton and they now own all of the brick busi- ness buildings in Clinton except one. Martin Limbach also owns much property in Texas, as well as throughout Summit County. He is vice-president of the Clinton Savings Bank. In politics he is a Democrat, and has served one term as township treasurer and two terms as jury commissioner. On November 22, 1879, Mr. Limbach was married to Minnie M. Casenhiser, who is a daughter of Peter and Elizabeth (Emory) Casenhiser. W. E. WILSON, junior member of the firm of Betzler and Wilson, manufacturers of the Betzler and Wilson Fountain Pen, a pros- pering industry at Akron, came to this city in 1878. He was born at Niles, Ohio, Novem- ber 3, 1869, and was about nine years old when his parents — James and Isabella (Big- gers) Wilson — located in Akron. Mr. Wilson was educated in the Akron schools and, being an ambitious boy, early began to be self-supporting, securing a posi- tion with the B. F. Goodrich Company while still young. He was faithful and industrious and remained with that company and the American Hard Rubber Company until 1891. He then went to Cincinnati, where he was en- gaged in the fountain pen business until 1892, when he returned to Akron and, in partner- ship with J. F. Betzler, established the firm of Betzler and Wilson, for the manufacture of the fountain pen bearing the name of the firm. The business has prospered and fifteen men are employed in the factory at Nos. 54- 56 South Street, while four traveling salesmen represent the firm on the road. They manu- facture 100 different styles of pen, making a specialty of the Betzler and AVilson Self-filling Pen. In 1892 Mr. Wilson was married to Ella I. Gregory, of Akron. He is a Thirty-second DegiTc Mason and belongs to the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Council at Akron, the Alkoran Shrine and the Lake Erie Consistory at Cleve- land. He is prominent also as an Odd Fel- low, belonging to both branches of the order. Mr. Wilson, like Mr. Betzler, is an enterpris- ing business man, one who not only under- stands the demands of the public for a first- class article, but knows also how to push its .sale. The firm .stands high as a business house of Akron. CHRISTIAN VOGT, a retired capitalist of Akron, was born in Germany, in 1846, and was six years of age when his parents brought him to America, locating in Springfield Township, Summit County, Ohio, near the old Western Reserve mill. They were John and Su.san M. (Selzer) Vogt, the former of whom died on his farm in Springfield Town- ship, September 8, 1856, being survived by his widow until 1886. Left fatherless when still young. Christian Vogt had heavy responsibilities fall on his shoulders, and had fewer advantages than would have been his had his father's life been longer. Whenever he had the opportunity he attended school, but most of his time until he was sixteen years old was spent in working on a farm and in the coal mines. He subse- quently came to Akron, where he learned the blacksmith's trade, at which he worked until 1876. Then he opened a business of his own, which he conducted for about fifteen years, prospering in the meanwhile, and at various times being a good judge of values, investing in property. In 1880 he built the Vogt block, on the corner of Buchtel Avenue and MR. AND MRS. SAMUEL FREDERICK AND REPRESENTATR'E CITIZENS 1089 Main Street, a fine brick structure, 62 by 60 feet in dimension in its main part, and 40 bj' 60 in the rear, and another three-story frame 25 by 60 feet. Mr. Vogt owns a con- siderable amount of real estate in other parts of the city. In 1869, Mr. Vogt was married to Mary E. McDonald, who is a member of an old Summit County family. Politically Mr. Vogt is a Democrat and is his party's nominee for membership on the Board of Public Ser- vice, a position for which he is eminently fitted. Perhaps no citzen of Akron has done more to improve and beautify the city than has he. Its public parks have been improved greatly through his deep intei'est in the work, which he has carried on niore or less for twenty-three yeare, and for which he has never accepted any compensation. He served fifteen years as a park commissioner, four . yeare on the School Board and for four years occupied a seat in the City Council. . A true, public-spirited citizen, he has worked for the betterment of Akron from unselfish motives. SAMUEL FREDERICK, superintendent of the roads of District No. 3, Portage Town- ship, is a leading citizen of this section and now lives retired from agricultural pursuits, at his comfortable home on Wooster Avenue, Sherbondy Hill. He was born at Doylestown, Wayne County, Ohio, February 27, 1831. and is a son of Jacob and Margaret (Rasor) Fred- erick. .Tacob Frederick was born at New Lisbon, Columbiana County, Ohio, and at Dojdestown was married io Margaret Rasor, who was born in Trumbull County', Ohio. In 1841 Jacob Frederick moved from Doylestown to Copley Township, Summit County, where he pur- chased his first farm of eighty-four acres, to which he subsequently added until he owned 120 acres of excellent land. In partnership with his eldest son, Samuel, he bought forty acres of timberland, twenty of which came later into Samuel's possession. Both pai'ents of Samuel Frederick died in Copley Town- ship. Mrs. Frederick passing away first, fol- lowed by her husband four years later, when ho had reached his eighty-fourth j'ear. They were people of high character, honest, indus- trious and kind. For sixty-one years Samuel Frederick was a resident of Copley Township, the period covered being from the age of ten years to 1901, when he retired from his farm and settled at Sherbondy Hill. In early manhood Mr. Frederick went to Wadsworth and worked at the shoemaking trade with his uncle, John Rasor, but did not continue at this trade very long, later learning the cooper's trade, at which he worked for several yeai's, making flour barrels. He purchased his first farm in Copley Township, shortly after his mar- riage in 1851 and lived on it for almost fifty years. It contains 127 acres and is a good property. For sixteen years Mr. Frederick operated a threshing machine, engaging for two years in threshing clover seed, and during the last season he made the record of 1,300 bushels of this seed. In the meantime, he bought an acre of land on Sherbondy Hill, on which his son built a barn and comfortable residence, and in 1901 Mr. Frederick sold his farm to Hustus Keppler and removed to this quiet home. In 1851, at Wadsworth, Ohio, Mr. Freder- ick was married to Sarali Fryman, a daughter of Daniel Fryman. Mrs. Frederick was born in Pennsylvania and died in Copley Town- ship, September 8, 1901. She was a woman of many Christian vii'tues and was the mother of the following children: Susan, Benjamin F., John H., Jacob, Eliza, Ellen Elizabeth, Daniel and George Byron. The survivors are: Susan ; Benjamin F., who resides in Portage Township; Ellen Elizabeth, who married M. J. Lohr, and died November 8, 1907; and Daniel, who resides also in Portage Township. Mr. Frederick has been a leader in town- ship affairs for many years and has frequent- ly held offices of responsibility. He served as trustee and as road supervisor in Copley Township and now fills an important office in Portage Township. He is a member of the Loyal Oak Lutheran Church, having joined this religious body at Dojdestown, when but eighteen years of age. For sixty years he has kept the faith and lived according to the lOliO HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY precepts of his church. He is widely known and universally respected. FREDERICK W. McCIlESNEY, a lead- ing citizen of Si^ringfield Township, in which his family has been an old and honored one for several generations, was born at Krum- roy, Summit County, Ohio, March 11, 1860, and is a son of William and Louisa (Gras- sard) McChesney. The father of Mr. McChesney was born in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, and was seven years old when his parents moved to Ohio and settled on the farm now occupied and owned by William H., their grandson. They died in the house in which Frederick W. was born. William McChesney was reared in Springfield Township and became a man of property — owning 250 acres of land — and of much local prominence. It was mainly through his efforts that the Valley Railroad was extended through this section, and he gave the land for the site of the depot and even helped to build it. His death occurred in the fall of 1905, when he was in his eighty- ninth year. He married Louisa Grassard, who was born in France and was a daughter of Peter Grassard, who served as a soldier under the great Napoleon, afterward coming to America. She died January 25, 1897. Of the six children born to William and Louisa McChesney, Charles died in infancy. The survivors are: Edward A., residing in Springfield Township, a farmer, contractor and builder, married Sarah Wise; William H., residing on the old homestead, which he owns, married Lucy Thomp.son ; Philora E., residing at Akron, the wife of George L. Sypher; Herman G., residing at Akron, mar- ried Lucy Wright, a daughter of Hon. Thomas Wright, formerly a member of the State Legislature from Summit County (Lucy Wright McChesney died December 14, 1907) ; and Frederick W. Frederick W. McChe.sney was educated in the public schools of Springfield Township, and after attaining manhood, he engaged in farming and in real estate and loans. In 1884 he settled on his present farm of 115 acres. which he has placed under fine cultivation. He has done much improving and in 1904 he built his fine bank barn, 80 by 40 feet in dimensions. It is of modern architecture and is equipped with all sanitary conveniences. He carries on mixed farming and dairying and keeps first-class milch cows. His land is situated on the Massillon road and near Springfield Lake and close to the city of Ak- ron. March 6, 1884, Mr. McChesney. was mai-- ried to Nettie Yerrick, who was born in Springfield Township and is a daughter of Cyrus and Catherine (Swinehart) Yerrick, the former of whom was formerly a justice of the peace in this township. Mrs. McChes- ney before her marriage was a teacher in the public schools. Mr. and Mrs. McChesney have six children, namely: Maud, Leo, Lura, Fred, Mark and John. All the children have had superior educational advantages. Politically, Mr. McChesney i.s a Repub- lican, and has taken an active part in party work, attending many important conventions as a delegate. He has served as a member of the Springfield Township School Board for fourteen years, and has assisted in bringing the schools of liis township to a high standard excelled by few in the state of Ohio. With his family, he belongs to the Presbyterian Church. NEWTON CHALKER, a retired law- yer of Akron, who has been identified with both the business and professional life of the city for over thirty years, is generally recog- nized as one of Akron's prominent men. The Chalker family originated in England and became established about 1640 in Con- necticut, and in 1805 in Ohio. James Chalker, the grandfather of Newton Chalker, was born at Saybrook, Connecticut, where he married IMercy Norton, and with his wife and an infant son he came to the Western Reserve, locating in Southington, Trumbull County, in the year 1805. Selecting a location in the midst of the forest, he built a cabin of logs, and entered upon a pioneer existence. He lived until 1867. his span of life covering AND EEPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1091 ninety years, and the death of his aged wife but shortly preceding his own. They reared thirteen children — OiTin, Joseph, Edmond, James, Phoebe, Anna, Polly, Calvin, Daniel, Philander, Harrison, Allen and Mercy. James Chalker, Jr., the father of Newton, was born in Southington, June 15, 1811. His educational opportunities were confined to three winter terms in an old log schoolhouse, situated one mile east of Southington Center, but by much reading he became in after years well versed in history, and was also a thor- ough student of the Bible. When a young man he purchased on credit a tract of fifty acres of woodland, located two miles west of Southington Center, where, after years of earnest labor, he established a comfortable home for himself and family. He eventual- ly became one of the largest land owners in the township, having added to his original property from time to time. Mr. Chalker . was married (first) to Eliza Jane Hyde, of Farmington, who died in 1849, leaving three children: Byron, who became a farmer, and died in Southington at the age of fifty-two years ; Newton, subject of this article ; and Co- lumbus, who died at the age of twenty-seven years; another child, Benson, died in infancy. In 1851 Mr. Chalker was married (second) to Adeline Timmeranan, who was born in the state of New York, and they had two daugh- ters, Mary Jane and Bertha. The former married A. J. Morris, a resident of Southing- ton, and died in lier thirty-seventh year. The latter became the wife of Thomas McConnell, a resident of Young.stown, Ohio. James Chalker died September 23, 1893, having passed his eighty-second birthday. For years he was a pillar of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Newton Chalker, the subject of this sketch, was born in Southington, Trumbull County, Ohio, September 12, 1842, and was the third, but is now the only surviving, son of the above named James, Jr., and Eliza J. Chalker. In childhood and early youth he lived and labored on the farm of his father, and at- tended the district schools until he was four- teen years of age, after which, for six years, at irregular intervals, he was a student at the Western Reserve Seminary, West Farming- ton, Ohio, at times boarding himself and do- ing the janitor work of the school to pay his room rent and tuition; in the meanwhile be- coming a very successful district school teach- er. Beginning at the age of sixteen years he taught successively the winter term in the townships of Braceville, Southington, Park- man and Champion, in Ohio, and Litchfield, in Michigan. In the spring of 1862, while in attendance at school he ofi^ered his services in defense of his country, enlisting in Com- pany B, Eighty-seventh Regiment, Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, which belonged to the de- partment of the anny then under the com- mand of General George B. McClellan. The most important militai'y event of his term of service was the protracted battle of Plarper's Ferry, September 12-15, 1862, in which the Union forces were captured by those of Stone- wall Jackson, the latter having a very much larger force. In the fall of 1862, on account of the expiration of its term of enlistment, the Eighty-seventh Regiment was mustered out, and the membeis who had survived its many dangers returned to their homes, Mr. Chalker being one of them. In the spring of 1863, Mr. Chalker entered Allegheny College, at Meadville, Pennsyl- vania, where he was graduated in June, 1866, with the degree of B. A., later receiving that of M. A. During 1866-7 he sei-ved as prin- cipal of Dixon Seminary, at Dixon, Illinois, and in the year following he accepted the su- perintendency of the public schools at Dar- lin,gton, Wisconsin. But while successful to a flattering degree as an educator, this was not the full extent of his ambition. In Septem- ber, 1868, therefore, after some preliminary preparation, he entered the Albany Law School, and in 1869 he was graduated with the degree of B. L. In the fall of that year he entered iipon the practice of his profes- sion at Cameron. Mi.s.«ouri, where he remained until 1874. He then returned to Ohio, in the sunmier of that year locating in Akron, since which time, imtil recently, this city has been his home. 1092 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Mr. Chalker continued actively engaged in the practice of law until 1894, when he began to give the greater pai-t of his attention to his other large and varied interests. He was one of the founders of the Peoples' Savings Bank at Akron, and of the Savings Bank at Barberton, owning a large amount of stock, and serving on the Board of Directors of the former institution. He owns a large amount of property, including a farm adjoining Southing-ton, which he now makes his legal residence; also several hundred acres of land in the island of Cuba. He has purchased and improved a number of tracts in Summit County, several of these being new additions to Akron, notably that choice residence section known as North Hill. After giving up his law prac?tice, Mr. Chalk- er, in 1895-6, made a busy trip around the ■globe, having previously visited, by prefer- ence, almost evei"y interesting portion of his own land. Among the countries he visited on this trip were Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Nubia, India, Burmah, China, Japan and our own Sandwich Islands, in all of which he found much to interest a man of cultured mind. Mr. Chalker is identified politically with the Republican party. Since 1892 he has been a member of Buckley Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and has served as its com- mander. One of his distinguishing charac- teristics is his civic pride in regard to Akron, and another, his tender memory of the old home where he was reared, and of the locality with which his parents and grandparents were so closely identified. The old Methodist Church in which they worshipped has profited many hundreds of dollars by his bounty in the past few years. There has also just been completed at Southington the Newton-Chalker High School, which Mr. Chalker has erected at a cost of $20,000, and which was donated by him to the Board of Education, the dona- tion ceremonies taking place on AugiLst 22, 1907. His charities have always been large, their full extent being known only to himself. His acquaintance is extensive, and his friend- ships include individuals of taste, learning and culture in many parts of the world. JOHN WILLIAM SORRICK, M.D., one of Coventry Township's leading physicians and respected citizens, a veteran of the great Civil War, and a- worthy representative of an old and honored Summit County family, was born March 10, 1848, in Franklin Township, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Adam and Sophia (Hoy) Sorrick. John Sorrick, grandfather of John W., came from Huntingdon County, Pennsyl- vania, to Ohio in wagons, and settled in Franklin Township, Summit County, where the, rest of his life was spent in clearing a farm from the woods. He passed a very eventful life, accumulated considerable prop- erty, and died at a ripe old age, honored and esteemed. He was the fatlier of five children — Adam, John, Jacob, Solomon, and Ann. The menrtioned married AValdo Wag- ner. Adam Sori'ick was a native of Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania, and was about six years old when the family came to Ohio in 1817. He grew up on his father's farm and was reared to agricultural pursuits, but in his youth became a successful suiweyor. which occupation he carried on t« quite an extent in connection with farming. His death occurred in 1860, and that of his ^^^fe in 1889, when she was in her seventy-third year. Mr. and Mrs. Sorrick were the parents of thirteen children, of whom eight grew to maturity, namely: Oliver, A., a resident of Akron ; -John William ; Mai-shall H., who Jives at Grand Rapids, Michigan ; Thomas E., now deceased; Alice Ann, who is the widow of B. F. Grove; Lewis E. and Charles 0., deceased; and Mary E., who married Rev. E. P. Wise, of East Liverpool, Ohio. John William Sorrick was reared on his father's farm in Franklin Township, and se- cured his primary education in the district schools. In 1871 he began reading medicine with Dr. A. Sisler of Manchester, Ohio, and he was later under the preceptorship of Dr. W. C. Jacobs of Akron. He then entered the AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1095 Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, Ohio, from which he was graduated with his degree in 1875, when he immediately formed a partnership with Dr. Jacobs, with whom he remained three years. Dr. Sorrick spent three months in a trip to Paris, France, to visit the first exposition, and on his I'eturn settled at Thomastown for two years, subse- quently locating at his present offices, which he purchased from David Tritt in 1885. In 1898 Dr. Sorrick joined an Alaskan gold hunting party, but after about a year's unsuc- cessful prospecting he returned to his home, although he still owais claims above the arctic circle. Dr. Sorrick is now engaged in a very successful general practice at East Akron, where he has the confidence of the com- munity. At the age of sisteen years. Dr. Sorrick enlisted in Company A, 191st Ohio Volunteer Infantrv, and served eight months to the close of the war, when he received his honorable discharge. He can still call the roll from memory, and is a popular comrade of Buckley Post, Grand Army of the Repub- lic, of Akron. On July 3, 1884, Dr. Sorrick was married to Lucy S. Neitz, who was a daughter of Elias and Mary Neitz. She died April 28, 1904, aged thirty-nine years. To Dr. and Mrs. Sorrick there were born four children, two of wliom died in infancy. The survivors are: Kenneth Blaine, who married Maggie Whitfield, and resides at East Akron; and Esther, who makes her home with her father. CLINTON RUCKEL, whose valuable farm of 100 acres is situated at Fairlawn, on the Medina road, three miles west of Akron, has a home which excites favorable comment from every visitor through this section. Mr. Ruckel was born in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, November 15, 1840. and is a son of George and Hannah (Crevling) Ruckel. The parents of Mr. Ruckel left Pennsyl- vania in 1846, and made the OA'erland journey in a covered wagon to Three Rivers, Michi- gan, with the intention of buying a farm. Conditions there did not suit them, and the family all came to Medina County. Ohio, where the father invested in a small farm. This he cultivated for three years and then sold it and moved to Tallmadge Township, Summit County, where he bought some good land, and both he and wife died there. Clinton Ruckel was six years of age when his parents left Pennsylvania, and he was mainly reared in Ohio, attending school in Tallmadge Township and also two terms in the Middleburj', now the Sixth Ward school, at Akron. The country at this time was in an unsettled condition, owing to the Civil War, and on August 5, 1862, Mr. Ruckel threw in his lot with the defenders of the Union, enlisting in Company H, 104th Reg- iment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and con- tracting to serv-e until the end of the war. His regiment was attached to the Army of the Ohio, under General Schofield, who sub- sequently joined his forces to those of General Sherman for the Atlanta, campaign. After the capture of Atlanta the Twenty-third Army Corps, to which Mr. Ruckel's regiment belonged, was sent back to Tennessee. Dur- ing the first year of service, his regiment was mainly involved in the fighting in Kentucky, participating in the siege of Knoxville. In the spring of 1864, when the regiment went to Atlanta, it was in good condition, but from that expedition many never returned. With the exception of having his ear drum dam- aged from concussion at Franklin, Tennessee. November 30, 1864, Mr. Ruckel was fortunate in suffering no serious injury. Having hero- ically performed his full duty as a soldier, he was mustered out at Greensboro, North Carolina, -Tune 17, 1865. For a short time Mr. Ruckel rested at home with his parents and then went to work in a pottery at Akron, where he remained several years. In the spring of 1882 he settled, with his wife, on his present farm, which he began imme- diately to improve. All the substantial build- ings, including the fine home, were erected by him. He has been engaged in general farming and dairying up to the present time. On November 10, 1869, Mr. Ruckel was married to Fannie A. Hart, who is a daugh- ter of .John C. and Margaret .\. fStorliug) 1096 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Hart, early settlers in Summit County. John C. Hart, who waa in his later yeai's a railroad man, served in the War of 1812 ; he died very suddenly at Cincinnati in 1902. He left five children, one of whom — George — is living with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ruckel have had two children : John C. and Lorena, both of whom are now deceased. The little daughter, Lorena, was accidentally killed by falling from a hammock, when aged five years. FRANK FOWLER LOOMIS, city elec- trician of Akron, and one of the most expert electrical engineers of Ohio, is a native of this city, where he was born in 1854, a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Taylor) Loomis. Joseph Loomis located at Akron about 1845, and commanded one of the boats plying on the Akron Canal, which did a large busi- ness in those days. At the outbreak of the Civil War he enlisted in Company H, Twen- ty-ninth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, serving until his death, in 1862, from the ef- fects of a cold contracted while crossing the Cumberland River in the line of duty. His widow survived until 1892. Frank F. Loomis was eight years old when his father died, and he was taken to the home of his uncle, who operated a farm near AVads- worth, where he remained until 1868. He then came to Akron, where he worked for one year on the canal and one year for the Mor- rell Pottery Company. He then learned the blacksmith's trade, serving an apprenticeship of three years, and during that period became a meml^er of the Akron Fire Department, an organization with which he has remained identified ever since. In the very early days of the general study of electricity he became interested and soon began to experiment with motors and dynamos, ability for this line of work seeming to belong to him naturally. He soon devoted all of his time to experimenting and inventing, and has been very success- ful, not only in bringing OTit new inventions, but also in materially improving many old ones. He has had five patents granted him on motors and dynamos, and four patents on alarm boxes, two on electric drills and two on electric railway signals. It may not be generally known, for Mr. Loomis is modest, notwithstanding his many successes, that he designed and built the first electrical motor police patrol in the world. Since 1880 he has been city electrician at Akron. He practical- ly started the Akron Electrical Manufactur- ing Company, and he owns stock in a num- ber of other city enterprises. He is considered exceptionally expert in the placing of under- ground wires. In 1878 Mr. Loomis was mar- ried to Barbara Grad. Fraternally, he is an Elk and an Odd Fellow. C. W. MILLIKEN, M. D., one of Akron's representative medical men, who has been es- tablished in this city in the active practice of his profession for the past quarter of a cen- tury, is well known all over Summit County. Dr. Milliken was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, in 1856, belonging to an old pioneer family of that section. From the district schools Dr. Milliken en- tered the We-stern Reserve Academy at West Farmington, and completed his literarj' edu- cation at Scio, in Harrison County. Follow- ing this, he taught school for five years. In the meantime he engaged in the preliminary study of medicine, and in 1877 he entered the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was graduated in 1880. He then served as an interne in the City Hospital of Harrisburg. and in the Phil- adelphia City Hospital, coming to Akron in 1882. Dr. Milliken has confined his atten- tion to his profession and ranks very high, both as a physician and STirgeon. He is a valued member of the Ohio State, the Ameri- can and the Northwestern Ohio Medical As- sociations, whenever practicable, attending the conventions of these bodies, and frequent- ly contributing to their literature. Dr. Milliken married Kathryn McEbright, who is a daughter of Dr. Thomas McEbright. of Akron. He takes considerable interest in local pontic's and has .served as a member of SHERMAN P. THOMPSON AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1091) the Board of Education. His fraternal asso- ciations include membership in the Masonic and Odd Fellow bodies, and he belongs also to the Royal Arcanum and the Celsus club. URIAS C. WITNER, a prominent citizen and justice of the peace, in Portage Town- ship, resides on a valuable farm of thirty-one and one-half acres, which has been his home since his marriage. He was born in Coventry Township, Smiimit County, Ohio, March 20, 1852, and is a son of Urias and Louisa (Heintz) Witner. The father of Justice Witner was born in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, May 3, 1822, and was a son of Daniel and a grand- son of George Witner. The latter was the pioneer of the family to Siimmit County, where he secured land and formed the present site of Buchtel College. Daniel Witner remained in Pennsylvania, work- ing as a weaver until 1828, and secur- ing land, which is now included in the Fourth Ward of Akron, on which he lived for six years. He then purchased 113 acres in what is now Thorntontown, residing there for seven years, and then bought 151 acres on which he and wife lived until death. Of the thirteen children born to Daniel Witner and wife, Urias, the father of Urias C, was the third in order of birth. He was one year old when his parents came to Ohio, and with other member.= of the family, passed through the usual hardships of pioneer life, growing to manhood strong in body and vigorous in mind. He possessed in youth the qualities which made him friends. In 1850 he pur- chased a farm in Coventry Township, one which he cleared from the wilderness, and on which he still resides. Urias AVitner married Louisa Heintz on April 30, 1846, with whom he celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of this event in 1906. Mrs. Witner was born in Germany, June 1, 1822, and is a daughter of Peter and Louisa (Bauer) Heintz. Her parents having died, she came to America with a sister. To Urias Witner and wife were born eleven children. the four present survivors being: Uritis C, of i'ortage Township; Mathias, who married Louisa liallauer; Adeline, who married Wil- liam Bowers; and George, who married Lulu Killian. Mr. Witner is probably the oldest resident of Coventry Township. Both he and wife have long been valued members of tlie Baptist Church. Urias C. Witner was reared in Coventry Township, and in boyhood attended the dis- trict schools. Later he taught school, both in Coventry and Portage Townships. On April 2, 1885, he married Blanche Fenner, who is a daughter of Arthur Fenner, and they have four children, namely: Ava, who is a popu- lar teacher in the Grace school, is a graduate of Buchtel Academy and of the Normal school; Arthur, who is in the employ of the Goodrich Rubber Companv ; Joseph and Ruby. Following his marriage, Mr. Witner settled on his present farm, which he has greatly im- proved. In 1886 he erected a conmiodious frame residence, and in 1897 he remodeled it, introducing many modern comforts. Politically, he is a Democrat, and for twelve years sen-ed as a member of the School Board. In 1901 he was elected a justice of the peace and has continued in office to the present time. He is a leading member of the Baptist Church. SHERMAN P. THOMPSON, one of Hud- son Township's representative men, where he owns a large estate, consisting of 335 acres of valuable, highly-improved land, was born in Summit County, Ohio. February 2, 1840. He is a son of Hon. Sylvester H. and Caroline D. fPeck) Thompson, and a grandson of Dr. Moses Thompson. Dr. Moses Thompson was born January 22, 1776. at Goshen, Connecticut, where he was liberally educated and became a medical practitioner. On December 22, 1797, he mar- ried Elizabeth Mills and immediately after- ward moved to Kinderhook, New York. There ho practiced his profe.s.-^ion until 1800. when he joined the first party of settlers coming to Summit County. He accompanied David 1100 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Hudson and purchased 750 acres of land in the southwestern part of Hudson Township, for himself and two brothers, Abraham and Stephen, and for his father. Deacon Stephen Thompson. Dr. Thoini^son then walked baclv to Connecticut, making the trip in twelve days, and in the spring of 1801, accompanied by his wife and one child, he returned to Summit County and settled on a farm two miles southwest of Hudson, where he spent the rest of his life. On this land he built a log house, which he later replaced by what was considered a very grand house in those daj's. He lived to the venerable age of over eighty-two years, and even then an accident terminated a life which has been in high de- gree useful to his fellow-citizens. He was the first medical practitioner in what is now Port- age County, and the territory over which he practiced covered a radius of fifty miles. Dur- ing the War of 1812, Dr. Thompson served as a surgeon. His land in the meantime had proved very productive, and he engaged in the business of shipping produce from it to the southern markets. He was an earnest sup- porter of all religious and educational enter- prises, gave liberally to charity and was a leading man of his day and locality. Dr. Thompson has the following children : Eliza Lemira, who married Horace Metcalf; Susan, who married Horace Holbrook; Mills: Emily, who became the widow of Sanuiel Woods; Sylvested H. and Virgil M.; Ruth B., who married Leander Starr; Mary, who married John Hazelton ; Martha, who died aged twenty-two years; and Elizabeth, who never married, and survived all the other members of the family. Hon. Svlvester H. Thompson, father of Sherman P., was born July 28, 1808, on the old homestead, and attended the preparatory school in the Western Reserve. He was reared as a farmer and when twenty-two years old began farming on his own account. On May 14, 1832, he was married to Caroline D. Peck, who was born December 6, 1808, at Water- bury, Connecticut. She met Sylvester H. Thompson, whom she subsequently married, while on a visit to her brother at Hudson. She died November 23, 1876, having been the mother of seven childi'en, as follows: Charles S., now deceased; Sherman P., whose name begins this sketch ; Mai'tha E., who married P. G. Clark and resides at Cleveland; Theo- dore F'., residing in Akron; Albert S., resid- ing at Cleveland; and two died in childhood. Judge Thompson died January 15, 1883, aged seventy-four years, five months and seventeen daj's. After his marriage, Sylvester H. Thomp- son went to farming on a tract of land for which his father paid $420. He soon gained the esteem of his fellow-citizens, and was called upon to hold office more or less all through his life. He sen'ed first as assessor, and in other positions, and then was elected justice of the peace, an office he resigned with- in one year in order to accept an appointment as associate .judge. He served in this latter capacity from 1845 until the office was abol- ished by the new state constitution in 1851. In 1864 he was appointed commissioner of the Cleveland & Pittsburg Railroad. For thirteen years he was connected with the City Bank of Akron. In all things he worked faithfull}^ for the good of the community, and the annals of this section of . Summit County show his usefulness and prominence in public affairs. Sherman Peck Thompson was born on the farm now occupied by Judge Phillips, and was there reared until six years of age, when his father settled on what is now the Town- send farm, west of the depot, in Fludson. He resided until September 12, 1861, on this place, which he purchased from his brother in 1862, He has erected all the buildings ex- cept a part of his residence, and, distributed over his property, he has fifteen liouses and barns, be,«ides a number of silos. He rents three properties in Cleveland. AVhen he came here first lie had 130 acres, which he has in- creased to 335, the larger part of the property being under the capable management of his son. Dairying has been made a specialty, and at one time as many as seventy milch cows were kept. His land is well adapted to the growing of both wheat and potatoes, and AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1101 Mr. Thompson recalls that one year he har- vested 7,000 bushels of the tubers. His orchards have also been great producers. The history of apple-growing in this section is in- teresting. The first apples were probably grown on the old Dr. Thompson place, trees having been produced from seeds taken from a piece of pomace, which Dr. Thompson in- advertently picked up when he stopped to feed his ox-team, when coming through Pennsylvania in 1801. The wonderful vital- ity of the seeds were shown by their produc- ing trees, some of which are still living. The late Judge Thompson remembered the appear- ance of one apple that wa.'^ grown in 1813, and what a temptation it wa^ to the eager children who scarcely permitted it to reach perfection. In early manhood Mr. Thompson was mar- ried to Cordelia M. Chamberlain, who was born in Hudson Township, north of Hudson, and is a daughter of Amos and Jerusha (Crane) Chamberlain. Her father came to Ohio from Winchester, Connecticut, before he had attained maturity. William Chamber- lain, Mrs. Thompson's grandfather, emigrated from England to Connecticut, in 1780, and with his' wife came to Ohio in 1809. settling on a farm in Hudson Township, where he lived until the death of his wife, when he made his home with his son Amos. The hot- ter married Jerusha Crane, who was born at Saulsbury, Connecticut, and they had ten cliildren as follows: Horace, residing in Northfield Township; Harris, residing on the old John Brown fann in Hudson ; Schyler, also residing on the Brown farm; Mark, who died in infancy; Laura, who married Mr. Egbert, and resides in Bedford; Mrs. Jerusha Baldwin, a r&sident of Akron; Or\dlle, resid- ing at Freedom ; Catherine, who is unmarried, residing at Hudson; Cordelia M.. who mar- ried Sherman P. Thompson ; and Henry, who married Mary Thompson. Amos Chamber- lain had a farm of 288 acres, the larger part of which he cleared himself. The family set- tled in a log house there at a time when wolves and bears were very plentiful. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have had five children, namely : Charles Sylvester, born at Hudson, Ohio, February 18, 1S{}4, died February 6, 1879; Eddie S., born April 17, 1866, died young; Frederick Sherman, born January 4, 1868, was married to Lillian M. Terry, October 18, 1893, who died April 26, 1898, leaving two children — Carroll, born October 24, 1894, and Lynn M., born April 19, 1898; Caroline Estella, born August 28, 1870, died May 28, 1879; and Corda May, born May 8, 1876, who married Carl Case Scott, October 9, 1901, and has two children — Sherman and Dorothy. Their home is within one and one-half miles of Hudson. Mr. Thompson is independent in politics. Formerly he was identified with the Repub- lican party, but voted with the Democratic party during Mr. Bryan's first campaign, since which time he has been disconnected from both of the leading political organiza- tions. He has never sought political prefer- ment for himself. EBER HAWKINS,* president of the Board of County Commissioners of Summit County, and a member of one of the old pio- neer families of this part of Ohio, was born in Summit County, April 5, 1840, and is a son of Ira and Phoebe (Jones) Hawkins. The father of Mr. Hawkins was born near Bridgewater, Vermont, and his mother was a native of the State of New York. She came of a distinguished family of Revolutionary stock and she was the first school teacher in Akron. Ira Haw'kins was one of the very early settlers and for twenty-one years he was superintendent of the Ohio Canal. The latter years of their lives Mr. and Mrs. Hawk- ins spent on their farm in Portage Township. They had four children, namely: R. W., now deceased, formerly a merchant at Au- burn. Illinois: 0. P. Hawkins, residing in Kansas; Eber: and Addie. deceased. Eber Hawkins was reared in Portage Township and obtained his education in the neighboring schools. Shortly after his mar- riage he moved to Akron, but in 1870 located at Richfield, where he was engaged in farm- ing for a time. Ho suteequently went out on ]102 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the road as traveling representative of the Aultman-Miller Company, with which he continued for twenty-four years. His election to the responsible office of a commissioner of Summit County, took place in the fall of 1900 and he assumed its duties in 1901 and is now serving his fourth year as president of the board. On April 26, 1865, Mr. Hawkins was mar- ried to Clara Sweet, who is a daughter of the late Richard Sweet, who was an early settler in Richland Township, Summit County. They have three children, namely: Mrs. Janette Farnham, Richard S., residing in Illi- nois, and Nellie, residing at home. P. C. HUBER,* vice-president of the J. Koch Company, the largest clothing enter- prise at Akron, is interested also in other successful business concerns of this city and vicinity. Mr. Huber was born in Germany, June 5, 1845. and was eight years of age when he accompanied his parents to America, His father established the family home at Clinton, Ohio, and there he was reared and at- tended school. Later he worked on the home farm and in the coal mines, but as his incli- nations lay in an entirely different direction, in 1871 he came to Akron, and entered the employ of George Rosentahl, a clothing mer- chant, in the capacity of clerk, remaining there for six years. For three years subse- quently he was with the firm of Hoffman & Moss. In 1882, in partnership with a brother, Mr. Huber started a shoe store at Poylestown, Ohio, which they operated together for six years, although Mr. P. C. Huber, after a stay of one year at Doyleston, returned to Hoff- man & Moss and remained with that firm until it sold out to J. Koch & Company. On February 1. 1907. the J. Koch Com- pany was incorporated with Louis T^oeb as president: P. C. Huber, as vice-president; and S. M. Goldsmith as secretary and manager. Mr. Huber has been identified with the pres- ent business for twenty years and has labored faithfully in its interest before becoming one of its officials. In 1875. Mr. Hulier was married In Anna A\'illiams, of Wayne County, Ohio, and they have one daughter, Nellie M., who is the wife of AVilliam N. Fitch, paymaster for the Dia- mond Rubber Company. Mr. LIuber is a member of Trinity Luth- eran Church and for years has sen-ed on its official board. He belongs to the Knights of Pythias, is treasurer of the Uni- form Rank, and trustee of Aetotia Lodge, while he is also a member of the board of directors of both lodges, and has served as chairman. Mr. Huber's standing in the busi- ness world is of such an honorable character that it cannot be assailed. Jl'LIUS FRANK,* a leading citizen and lownship trustee of Portage Town.ship, Sum- mit County, Ohio, who is proprietor of the Tip Top Poultry and Fruit Farm, a tract of sixteen acres on Sherbondy Hill, adjoining the old Wooster road, was born February 1, 1850, in Germany, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Heintz) Frank. Juliais Frank was but seven years of age when his father died, and he was left an or- ]')han when ten years old by the death of hi~ mother. Of the five children of his parent*, two brothers, Charles, an electrician, and William, a shoemaker, live in Germany, while his two sisters, Minnie, who married August Waxter. and Carrie, single, came to America. Until he was fourteen years of age. Julius Frank attended school and resided with his guardian, and at this time learned the wood turner's trade, at which he worked for five years in Germany. Until 1879, he traveled as a journeyman at this trade, and in this year came to America, locating first at Pitts- burg, from whence he went to Braddock, Pennsylvania, where for three years he was employed in the Carnegie Steel Works. After his marriage, Mr. Frank conducted a bird store for six months, and then went to Stew- artson, Shelby County, Illinois, with the in- tention of buying a farm, but not liking the country, after four months he settled in Akron, Ohio, and purchased a home on South Bowery Street. For one year he worked at his trade with Baker and McMillau. and for AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS lo;^ several j'ears was in the employ of the Akron ■ Iron and Steel Company, then becoming em- ployed by the Goodrich Rubber Company, with whom he continued for sixteen years as a rubber turner. In 1898 Mr. Frank pur- chased his present farm, then a tract of four- teen acres, to which he has added two acres, and in the following April located thereon. For the past twenty-two years Mr. Frank has engaged in poultry raising, having started that industry as a side issue, but since .settling in the country he has made a specialtj' of rais- ing Hamburg, Polish and Bantam poultry^, which he has exhibited at various poultry shows, where he received premium.*, includ- ing the Pan-American Exposition, the St. Louis Exposition, and poultry show.- at New York City. Chicago, Washington, I). C, and Cleveland. Mr. Frank also grows a great dial of fruit, especially berries, which he disposes of in the retail markets. In 1884 Mr. Frank was married to Maria King, who was born at Newton Falls, Ohio, and is a daughter of William King. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank, namely: Otto, who is engasefl in teaming, owning his own team; Nelson A., who attends the Ohio Law University, at Co- lumbus, Ohio ; and Harry, who will be a grad- uate of the Akron High School in 1908. Mr. Frank has sen-ed as township trustee .since 1890. having been elected to that office the year after his arrival here. He is a member of the National Union. With his family he attends the German Lutheran Ohurch. HON. CHARLES W. KEMPEL,* mayor of Akron, serving in his second term, is a progressive and enterprising young man who has mainly made his way in the world and secured public position and esteem through his own personal ability. He wa* born at Akron, May 22, 1863, and is a son of Adam and Barbara fGonder) Kcmpel. The par- ent? of Mayor Kempel were horn in Bavaria, Germany, and came to America in 1844. in the same year settling in Akron. The father died in this city in 1904. The family con- si.sted of twelve children. Mayor Kempel was educated in the pub- lic schools of Akron and when old enough be- gan to make his own living. He was in the clothing business for fourteen years and after retiring from it was engaged in sign-writing, having developed a special talent for thi.< work in advancing his clothing interests. From early manhood he has been active in Democratic politics, and in 1903, he was nominated and elected by that party mayor of Akron. So well did he guide the munici- pal ship that his re-election followed in 1905, and it is generally conceded that few cities of its size have a more efficient administration than Akron has at the present time. Mayor Kempel was married to Nellie M. Bu.*hnell. who is a daughter of T. Bushnell. They have a pleasant home at No. Ill Beck avenue. Fraternally, Mayor Kempel is as- sociated with the Elks, the Knights of Co- lumbus, the Woodmen, the Maccabees, the Protective Home Circle and other societies. He is a member of the Catholic Church. EDWARD D. COX,* the owner and opera- tor of a tract of 100 acres of excellent farm- ing land in Norton Township, was born Sep- tember 9, 1860, in Franklin Township, Sum- mit County, Ohio, and is a son of Christopher and Mary fChisnell') Cox. Christopher Cos was born in Fayette County, Ohio, from whence he came to Green Township, Summit County, at the age of nineteen years. Leav- ing home with five dollars in his pocket, he walked most of the way to his sister's home in Green Township, where he worked one summer on the farm and (aught two winter terms in the district school. After his mar- riage Mr. Cox engaged in farming, his first property being in Green Township, on which he operated for two years, and after a like pe- riod .spent on another farm in the same town- ship, removed to Franklin Township, and purchased the old Ludwig farm. Being a hard-working, industrious man, he .soon be- gan to accumulate propertv and at the time of his death, March 20, 1903, his holdings aggregated over 1,100 acres. Mr. Cox was married in Green Township to ^lary Chis- 1104 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY nell, whose death occurred in Augiiat, 1889. Of this union tliero were eleven children, ten of whom still survive. Edward D. Cox was reared and educated in Franklin township, where he resided until his marriage, since which time he has lived on his present farm in Norton Township, on which he has erected good substantial build- ings. About thirty acres of the farm were cleared by Mr. Cox himself. He engages in general farming and stock-raising and i* con- sidered one of the good, practical agricultur- ists of the township and a valued and public- spirited citizen. On December 4, 1884, Mr. Cox was married to Leora High, who' is a daughter of AlemHigh and sister of U. fi. High, county treasurer of Summit County. To Mr. and Mrs. Cox there have been born nine children, eight of whom survive, namely: Grace, who attends a summer school at Ada, Ohio, and teaches school in the winter terms; Gertrude; Ethel; Blanche, who died at the age of twelve years; Feme; Gladys; Florence; Raymond; and Mary. JOHN MEMMER,* senior member of the insurance firm of John Memmer & Son, at Akron, has been an active business man of this city since 1861. He was born at Suffield. Portage County, Ohio, .June 14, 1839, and is a son of David and Margaret (Archart) Memmer. John IMemmer was reared on the paternal farm and obtained his education in the dis- trict schools and in the private school taught by Professor Fitzgerald, at Cleveland. Dur- ing this time he became well acquainted in that city and followed his school term by clerking in a grocery store and in a confec- tionery store for .some five years. On March 1. 1861, he came to Akron and &?tablished a business which he followed for seven and a half vears. opening up a confectionerv store ait No. 1R7 Howard Street. In 1868 'he in- augurated his present business and for almost twenty-five years his establishment on the cor- ner of Main and Market Streets was the home of large in.surance interests. Since admitting his son, George W., to partnership the firm style has been, John Memmer & Son. They do a large business in fire, life and accident insurance and Mr. Memmer has other inter- ests, including membei-ship on the directing board of the Central Savings & Trust Com- pany, of Akron. He is president of the .\kron Odd Fellows Temple Company. On August 22, 1880, Mr. Menuner was married to Louisa Boyer, who was born at Cleveland, Ohio, and died at Akron, Decem- ber 29, 1904. They had five children, as fol- lows: Laura, now deceased; Nellie M., also de- ceased; Ida May, who is the wife of Alex- 1 der W. Maynes, of Akron; George W., junior member of the insurance firm of John ^fcmmer & Son ; and Louise, wife of Mr. E. .V. Palmer. The handsome family home is located at No. 410 Market Street. Mr. Memmer has always been actively interested in politics and has served on the City Council of Akron. He is an Odd Fellow and a Ma- son, holding membership in the latter order in the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Command- ery. He is one of the best known residents of the city of Akron. EDWARD P. LAUBACH,* residing on his excellent farm of 135 aci'es, which is situated on the Wadsworth-Akron highway, fine-half mile of Loyal Oak, in Norton Township, was born in this' Township, Feb- ruary 24, 1868, and is a son of Edward and Lavina (Dewatch) Laubach. Edward Lau- bach was reared and married in Pennsyl- vania, and came to Norton Township accom- panied by his wife and two children. He settled at the village of Loyal Oak when his son, Edward P., was a few months old. mov- ing from the farm of 145 acres, and placing it under rental while he engaged in the operating of a sawmill in the town. His mill was twice burned to the ground and each time he rebuilt it. Tlie structui'e still stands, but Mr. Laubach sold it prior to removing to Akron, where he now lives retired. Edward P. Laubach has always lived in Norton Township, with the exception of two years which he spent in Fulton County, his parent.* having resided there from 1890 until AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS iiorj 1903. He was educated in the common schools and has made farming his chief occu- pation. In the spring of 1895 he settled on his present farm, which he has since con- tinued to opei'ate. It is fine, tillable land and yields good returns for the labor ex- pend on it. On October 24, 1894, Mr. Lau- bach was married to Fi'etta E. Bauer, a daughter of Joseph D. and Sai"ah E. Bauer, and they have two children, Mahlon George and Maud. Mr. Laubach and wife belong to the lleformed Church at Loyal Oak, in which he fills the office of deacon. He is one of the township's honorable men and most suc- cessful farmers. HON. ERNEST L. FILLIUS,* mayor of Hudson, ex-county commi.ssioner of Summit County, and head of the firm of Fillius & Companj', at Hudson, is a prominent citizen who is well and favorably known all through this section. Ernest L. Fillius was born in Hudson Township, Summit County, Ohio, May 20, 1856, and is a son of Philip and Anna (Keyes) Fillius. Philip Fillius, the grandfather of Mayor Fillius, accompanied by his three sons, John, Jacob and Philip, came from Baden-Baden, Germany, and reached Cleveland, Ohio, in 1832, with considerable capital. They were looking for a suitable investment and had the opportunity of buying land wliich now is worth thousands of dollars on Euclid Avenue, for $18 an acre, but to them it looked too light for farming purposes. They remained at Cleveland for two years, looking around in the meantime, and in 1834 the grand- father bought 600 acres of land in Hudson Township, Summit County, on which he continued to live during the rest of his life. Philip Fillius the second, son of Philip and father of Ernest L., married Anna Keyes. who had come from Germany in her youth. There were nine children born to this union, all of whom still survive, pro- claiming a vigorous ancestry. Their names and places of residence are as follows: Mrs. Katherine Corbett. residing at Bethany, Mis- souri : .Tohn. residimr in San Francisco; Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, residing at Kansas City, Kansas; Philip, residing at Reading, Califor- nia; Mrs. Josephine Nesbitt, residing in Northfield Township; Jacob, residing at Den- ver, Colorado; Mrs. Ella Sherman, residing at Augusta, Michigan; Charles, residing at Warren, Ohio; and Ernest L., of Hudson. Ernest L. Fillius takes justifiable pride in the fact that he is what may be termed a self- made man. It fell to him, as the young- est member of the family, to remain on the home farm, southeast of the city of Hudson, and to care for his parents. He lived at home but began working ■ on the outside when fourteen years of age, in the meanwhile attending the district school as opportunity offered. In 1890 he cafne to Hudson and his advent into the milling business was due to a rather unusual circumstance. He wa.< called on to sit on a juvj in a damage suit, where the plaintiff, a miller, sought redi'ess for damages to the mill-race, and in proving his case it was necessary to show his profit on a barrel of flour. This brought the subject to Mr. Fillius's attention and convinced him that there was money in the milling busi- ness. Consequently he laid his plans for .several years and the result was the establish- ing of the firm of Fillius & Company, the ownership of the business being invested in Ernest L. Fillius and the estate of H. H. Chamberlain. The old mill standing on the present site was torn down and a modern building of brick t(X)k its place, which is equipped with the best improved machinery. Fillius & Company are merchant millers and wholesale and retail dealers in flour, feed, hay, grain, coal, brick, hollow brick, cement, salt, sewer pipe and drain tile. Mr. Fillius has been a prominent factor in politics for the past fifteen j^ears serving al- most continuou.sly in office for that period. He has served in the Town Council and later was elected county commissioner on the Dom- ocratic ticket, ser\'ing one term, but as the county is normally largely Republican, he was defeated for re-election. He was elected treasurer of Hudson Town.«hip and later mavor of PTudson and hold lioth offices for 1100 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY several terms, and at present is completing his third term as mayor. His administra- tion has been marked with many forward strides for Hudson and in every way he can point to a creditable record. He was also put forward by the Democratic party as its candidate for sheriff and came nearer than any other of his organization to overcome the Republican majority. On August 18, 1880, Mayor Fillius was married to Irene Carson, who was born at Galesburg, Michigan, where her people lived prior to her marriage, although originally they were from Ohio. They have two chil- dren, Florence and Helen. The former married George Patterson, residing at Cleve- land, and they have one child. The latter resides at home and is bookkeeper for the mill company. Mr. Fillius is a mem her of the Hudson lodge of Knights of Pythias. ARTHUR R. SHAW,* a prominent citi- zen of Johnson's Cornere, and half owner of a farm of sixty-three acr&s, situated in Norton Township, on which are located the famous Pebble Rock stone quarries, was born August 10, 1866, in the very house in which he now lives. It is an historic old mansion, built by one of the pioneers more than 100 years ago. His parents were George and Haretta (Doug- las) Shaw. George Shaw was born in Me- dina County, Ohio, April 13, 1835, and was seven years old when his parents brought him to Johnson's Corners. His father, Joshua T. Shaw, came to Ohio from New York, when he was a young man, and in the old home mentioned above the father, grandfather and great-grandfather of Arthur R. Shaw died. There were three children born to George Shaw and his wife: Georgia, who died in in- fancy, Arthur R., and Bert. For three years during the Civil War, George Shaw was a soldier and was leader of a brigade band. He survived all the dangers and harships of that stormy time, and died at his home, June 20, 1902. His widow still survives. Arthur R. Shaw was reared at Johnson's Corners and acquired a common school edu- cation. For several years in early manhood he followed farming and then traveled one year as a representative of a grocery house, for a time dealt in real estate and then turned to developing his quarries, which he owns in partnership with his brother Bert Shaw. The farm formerly contained 120 acres, fifty-seven having been sold in the spring of 1907. The Pebble Rock quarries are widely known, the output being very large. The Shaws have in- .stalled a gas engine and crusher, and give employment to fifteen men. They have ex- cellent transportation facilities, having built a siding running down to the Belt Railroad line and their facilities are such that they can ship on four lines. They are energetic and progressive business men. Mr. Shaw was mar- ried to Inza C. Miller, who is a daughter of A. W. Miller, of Akron, and they have had six children, of whom George, the eldest, lived but one year. The survivors are: Stanley, Hattie, Arthur, Esther and Leslie M. GEORGE li. HELFER,* formerly a well known business man of Akron, was born Jan- uary 25, 1820, at Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, and was a son of Christopher and Lydia ( Hel- man ) Heifer. The parents of Mr. Heifer were born in Pennsylvania, the mother being of Scotch, and the father of German ancestry. In 1820 they moved to Ohio and settled in Congress Township, Wayne County, where Christopher Helfor followed the trade of shoemaker. In 1840 he turned his attention to farming and bought property in Congress Township, where he spent the re^t of his life. His children were: Mrs. Royce Sommerton, George H., Mrs. Stephen Collins, Mrs. Parker Campbell, Daniel and Mrs. Jo.seph Sharp. George H. Heifer was an infant when the family made the overland journey from Pennsylvania to Ohio in the winter of 1820. He attended .school pretty regularly until he was fourteen years of age, when he became a clerk in a dry goods store, in which capacity he worked for nine years. In 1843 he en- tered into partnership with Mr. Pancoast, and 'the firm of Pancoast and Heifer was engaged in a dry goods business in Congress Township AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1107 until 1847, when Mr. Heifer bought Mr. Pan- coast's interest, and continued at the same place for two years more. In 1849 he sold out and came to Akron, entering into general business in this city as senior member of the firm of Heifer and Sechrist. This firm con- tinued until 1867, when Clinton Heifer bought the interest of Mr. Sechrist and the firm style then became Heifer & Son, and no change was made until 1877, when the young- er partner became sole proprietor. Mr. Heifer was one of the original stockholders in the Akron Iron Company and he now entered the office of this concern as shipping clerk, a pos- ition he filled for twenty-one years. He was one of the first dniggists at Akron, and for many years was an extensive local dealer in coal. He retired from business in 1898. Mr. Heifer was married (first) to Mary Elgin, who was born in Wayne County, a daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Elgin. Of the five children of this marriage, the only survivor is Clinton E. Mr. Heifer was mar- ried (second) to Rebecca Luce, of Wayne County, who is a daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth Luce. The four survivors of the five children born to this marriage are: William A., Emma (Mrs. Clarence Rudolph) , Edwin W. and Minnie B. (Mrs. Henry Adams). Politically. Mr. Heifer was affili- ated with the Republican party from its birth. GEORGE HEER,* superintendent of the plant of the Wellman, Seaver, Morgan Com- pany, at Akron, is serving in his second year in this capacity. He was born in 1875, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, but was reared and educated at Alliance, Ohio. After leaving school, he served an apprenticeship in the machine shops of the Morgan Engineering Company, at Alliance, following which he was with the Harris Automatic Printing Com- pany, of Niles, Ohio, later with the Lloyd Booth Engineering Company, of Youngstown, for four months, and with the Diamond Match Company, of Barberton, for one year. Mr. Heer then entered the Sterling Boiler Works, where his training was severe and ]>rnc(ical. He remained there imtil Septem- ber, 1901, when he entered the Cleveland of- fice of his present firm, where he continued three years as an inspector, after which he came to Akron as assistant superintendent, later becoming superintendent of the whole plant, Mr. Heer is a member of the Knights of Pythias. He belongs' to the Methodist Episcopal Church. WILLIAM A. HELFER,* proprietor of tlie Imperial greenhovises at No. 565 Bowery Street, Akron, is one of the enterprising busi- ness men of this city. He was born July 24, 1860, at Akron, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of the late George H. and Rebecca (Luce) Heifer. The grandparents of Mr. Heifer were the first of the family to come to Oliio. They were natives of Pennsylvania and they crossed the mountains in the winter of 1820 and set- tled at Millbrook, Wayne County. Grand- father Christopher Heifer was a shoemaker by trade, but he later became a landowner and farmer in Congress Township. Of his six children, the late George PI. Heifer was the second in order of birth. George H. Heifer was born at Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, January 25, 1820. Until 1849 he engaged in mercantile pursuits in Wayne County and then settled at Akron, where he I>6came the senior partner in tlie general mer- cantile firm of Heifer and Sechrist, which con- tinued until 1867, when Clinton Heifer, the eldest son of George H., purchased Mr. Se- christ's interest. The firm continued Heifer and Son until 1877, when Clinton H. bought his father's interest and still conducts the business. For some twenty-one succeeding years Mr. Heifer was associated with the Ak- ron Iron Company, of which he had long been a stockholder. George H. Heifer was married (first) to Mary Elgin and they had five children, Clin- ton E. being the only present survivor. Mr. Heifer was married (.second) to Rebecca Luce, who was born in Wayne County and is a daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth Luce. Five children were born to the second mar- riage, the four survivors being: William A., 1108 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY Emma, Mk. Clarence Rudolph ; Edwin W., and Minnie B. (Mrs. Henry Adams). AVilliam H. Heifer was educated in the Ak- ron schools and subsequently entered the Ak- ron Iron Companj', where he learned the prac- tical details of the business and became a skilled workman. Later he became shipping- clerk, and remained with the company for five years as general foreman of the polishing depai'tment. He then went into the retail coal trade, which he followed from 1885 until March 1, 1897. In the meantime he had permitted his natural inclinations to domi- nate his future business career, from boyhood having been interested in the growth of flowers and plants. He sold his coal business in 1895 and erected his modern greenhouses which are situated at Ko. 565 South Bowery Street. He soon found himelf forced, in order to meet the demands of his trade, to greatly enlarge his capacity, and he now has six houses and does the largest business in his line in Summit County, giving constant employment to four .skilled men. The business includes the growing of cut flowers and plants, fine decorating being a specialty. Baskets, bouquets and designs are made to order and weddings, parties and fu- nerals are supplied. On June 23, 1893. Mr. Heifer Avas married to Hattie May Rothrock, who died JanuarA' 1, 1902. She was a daugh- ter of William H. and Sarah (Messer) Roth- rock, prominent residents of Akron. Poli- tically Mr. Heifer is identified with the Re- publican party but he has never sought polit- ical honors. Fraternally he belongs to the Knights of Pythias and to the Woodmen. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, with which his late wife was also identified. CHARLES B. CARR, M. D.,* physician and surgeon, has been a re,*ident of Barber- ton since 1890, and can almost lay claim to being one of the oldest inhabitants, as the town was then being just laid out. Dr. Carr was born July 25, 1861, in East Union Town- ship, Wavne County. Ohio, and is a son of David F.'and Sarah E. (Boydston) Carr. The father of Dr. Carr was a farmer and stockraiser and the boyhood of the future physician was spent in learning the details of agriculture, while securing a good primary education in the local schools. Later, after a literary course at Smithville, in Wayne County, he entered the university at Wooster. His inclination and ambition being in the di- rection of medicine as a profession, he made the necessary preparation and then entered the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, where he was graduated in 1890. He came to Bar- berton July 14, of the same year, which fact makes him the oldest physician in point of service, in the town, having practiced here continuoasly ever since, with the exception of the years 1893 and 1894, when he practiced at Youngstown. His reputation as physician and surgeon has cai-ried his name all over Summit Count}', and he is often called into consultation at distant points. He is a mem- ber of the American Medical Association and of the Summit County Medical Society. For some seven years he served as surgeon for the Erie Railroad. On February 14, 1904, Dr. Carr was married to Mary H. Morgan, of Shreve, Ohio, who is a daughter of John Morgan, a well-known citizen. They have two sons, Charles B. and Otis Paul. . Dr. Carr owns a large amount of valuable property at Ken- more, where he has a beautiful summer home, in which he has resided since 1905, and he is making preparations to build residences on his lots in this section. PERRY DELAZEN HARDY,* the owner of 106 acres of fine farming land in Nortli- amjrton Township, who has been prominent in the agricultural, educational and political af- fairs of this section of Summit County for many years, w'as born in Northampton Town- ship, Summit County, Ohio, April 11, 1834, and is a son of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Reed) Hardy. Nathaniel Hardy, the grandfther of Perry D., was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, in which he lost a leg. He came from New York State to Northampton Township, Ohio, at an earlv dav, and lived here retired for the AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS UOft rest of his life being a peusioner. Nathaniel his son, father of Perry D., was born in Mas- sachusetts, October 11, 1798, went to Western New York as a child, and when sixteen years old came to the vicinity of Old Portage, Sum- mit Count}', Ohio,, where his first emploj- ment was farming. Later he assisted in building several locks on the Ohio Canal, and after the completion of that waterway, erected, and for many years conducted a hotel and small store at Yellow Creek Basin, now known as Botzum Station. Mr. Hardy sub- sequently engaged in farming, purchasing 250 acres of land in Northampton Township, east of the Cuyahoga River. iVfter cultivat- ing it successfulh' for many years, he sold it to his sons, AVilliam and Noi'ton R. For a long period Mr. Hardy served as justice of the l^eace and was active in ridding the township of many disreputable character and prac- tices. Mr. Plardy was married in 1824 to Re- becca Reed, who was born June 11, 1805, at Delaware, Ohio, and to them were born eight children : Caroline, who married Jasper Drake ; William ; Norton Rice ; Perry Delazen ; Mary, who married (first) Champion Belden and (second) Hiram vVyres, and resides in Akron ; Harriet, who is the widow of Henry Hall, of Akron ; Clarissa, who is the wife of Charles AValters of Cuyahoga Falls; and Na- thaniel, Jr. Of this family Caroline and AVilliam are deceased. The father of these children died December 4, 1866, his wife hav- ing passed away July 11, 1865. Perry Delazen Hardy received his educa- tion in the piimitive log schoolhouse of his district, and was reared on the home farm. Early in life his energy and tenacity of pur- pose earned for him the nickname of "Com- modore Perry," and this was later changed to that of "Old Zach," after General Zachary Taylor, the hero of the Mexican War. Dur- ing the Civil AA^ar Mr. Hardy was very active in raising bounty money and securing recruits for the Union Army, and served as constable for several years, during which time by his vigilance he succeeded in ridding the town- ship of a gang of toughs known as the "Nor- wegians." For eiafht or nine vears he served as school director of District No. 9, being for one year president and the remainder of the time clerk, was township trustee for four years, and ex-ofhcio member of the Board of Education, securing after a long fight, a schoolhouse, for his district of the township. ilr. Hardy remained on the home farm until 1858, when he purchased fifty-five acres of farming land in Northampton Township, to which he has added from time to time by pur- chase until now he owns about 106 acres. He marketed large quantities of hay and wheat and did a large dairy business, his milk be- ing sold at the cheese factory, but he has now retired from active pursuits and is renting his property. For thirty years he was engaged in selling agricultural implements, traveling through Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York, and during all this time did a large business on his own account. In 1854 Mr. Hardy was married to Eliza- beth A. Lanphier, who was a daughter of Al- bert Lanphier, of Coddingberg, Ohio, and to this union there M^ere born nine children, six of whom grew to maturity, as follows: Ida S., born October 2, 1855, who was mar- ried October 1, 1888, to AVilliam Darrow, of Hudson; Harry B., born November 1, 1857, who resides in Portage Township; AA^illis Perrjr, born December 12, 1865, wa.s maiTied September 18, 1887, to Ida Lilley, and lives in Cleveland, Ohio: Nellie B., born July 2, 1869, M'ho is the wife of AA'illiam AA'alters of Northampton Township; Myrtle I., born De- cember 18, 1871, who is the wife of Dennis Clements of Akron; and A^'inton M., who was born January 1, 1874, and resides in Akron. The mother of children died April 11, 1907, after a long and painful illness. She had borne her suffering with patience, and passed away in the faith of the Methodist Episcopal Church. !Mr. Hardy completed a new home to replace the one totally destroyed by fire in 1905, in which he lost his violin, bass viol and several other stringed instru- ments. From boyhood he had been a lover of music and was vei'v proficient on the violin, often playing at dances in the early days. He is known to be one of Northamp- 1110 HISTORY OF SUjNBIIT COUNTY ton'.s foremost citizens and he stands deserved- ly high in the estimation of his fellow-citi- zens. (iOTTLIEB A'ONGUNTEN,* one of the self-made inen of Copley Township, Summit County, Oliio, the products of whose fine 138-acre truck farm find a ready sale in the markets of Akron, was born in April, 1858, in Switzerland, where his father followed agricultural pursuits all of his life. ^Ir. ^^ongunten lost his parents when a boy of twelve or thirteen years of age, and Avhen nineteen years old he came to America, locating at once in Wayne County, Ohio, where he worked at the shoemaker's trade, an occupation which he had learned in his native country. Two years later he re- tiUMied to Switzerland, but in a few months he again came to America, bringing with him his three sisters and one brother. He worked at odd jobs in AVayne County until his marriage, wlien he removed to Ashtaliula County, Ohio, purchasing a small farm. which he later sold in order to rent a much larger property. After living there for ten years ^Mr. Vongunten and his family came to Summit County, where he purchased ten acres of land located in Portage Township, but in October, 1901, he came to his pres- ent property, buying at first ten acres, the balance being purchased in 1906. On this fertile tract, the old Sackett farm, Mr. Von- gunten has carried on truck farming to the present time and his onions, celery and other small vegetables are of the finest grown in the county. He has always made a point of thoroughly cleansing his produce before put- ting it on the market, and for this purpose keeps large vats of running water, through which everything passes before leaving his hands. His success is due to his own indus- try and earnest efforts, and be is respected and esteemed as one of the representative agriculturists of Copley Township. Tn March. 1882, Mr. A'ongnnten was mar- ried to Anna Hein, also a native of Switzer- land, who came to America as a girl of twenty years, her parents haviu^ died some years jjreviously. Ten children have been born to Mr, and Mrs. A^ongunten, namely: Fred, who conducts a dairy, married Mary AA'ith, and ha.s one child — Ruth Anna; Ed- ward; Mary, who married P. Dockus, has one child — Mabel Anna; Christ; Emma; Elizabeth ; Ernst ; Clara ; AA'illiam, and Her- man. AA^ith his family Mr. A^ongunten at- tends the Apostolic Christian Church. CHARLES E. PERKINS,* chief engineer of the i^ublic works at Akron, is a graduate of the School of Mines of Columbia College, New York, and has had many years of prac- tical experience in his line of work. He was born May 7, 1850, at Akron, and is a son of Col. Simon Perkins, one of the early settlers of this region. Charles E. Perkins was educated and trained in his specialty in the AVcstern Reserve College, the Polytechnic Institute, at Troy, New York, and later at Columbia College. Upon his return to Akron he was made city engineer and served as such from 1878 to 1877 inclusive. From 1S7N until IS.S:!. be conducted an agricul- tural wareliduse business at Akron. In Oc- tober, 1883, he was elected county surveyor, and was re-elected in 1883 and again in 1889. He stands at the head of his profession in Akron and fills the most responsible posi- tion, in his line, in the gift of his fellow- citizens. On January 14. 1880, Mr. Perkins was inarricd to May Adams, who is a daugh- ter of Frank Adams, of Akron. JOHN S. BARLET,* one of the represen- tative citizens of Green Township, Summit County, Ohio, who in addition to farming twenty acres of fine land, has been in the auctioneering business for the past thirty years, was born December 5. 1848, in Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, and is a son of AVilliam and Harriet (Sonnon) Barlet. AA'illiani Barlet was a native of Pennsyl- vania, and there learned the trade of lime burner. On December 9, 1862, he brought liis family to Ohio, and the train on which lliey traveled was frequently side-tracked to allow Ibe train-loads of soldiers udiug to the AND REPRESENTATIA'E CITIZENS nil front to pas-s. The family came immedi- ately fi'om Canton to Green Township, where Mr. Barlet rented a farm from Jaeolj King for five years, and then purchased a home at Greensburg, where he died at the age of seventy-six years, his wife having passed away in 1895 when sixty-seven years old. Mr. Barlet wa.s married to Harriet Sonnon, also a native of Pennsylvania, where all their children except the youngest were born. These were: Lydia, deceased, who wa.s the wife of F. Winkelmau ; John .Samuel ; Har- riet, who married a Mr. Perry; Ellen, who married Benjamin Allman ; and .Jennie, who married Newman Smith. John Samuel Barlet attended the old frame district school in his native locality, and remained with his jaarents until his mar- riage. Wlien a young man he became a very successful auctioneer, and this occupation he has followed for the thirty years, hav- ing had charge of most of the important salefi in this section of the State. In addi- tion to his own twenty acres of land. Mr. Barlet rents fifty-five acres more, and en- gages in general farming. For the past ten years he has been overseer of the grounds of the Highland Park Camp Meeting Associa- tion. In 1869, Mr. Barlet was married to Emma Dickerhoof, wlio is a daughter of William Dickerhoof, an old Civil War veter- an and pioneer of Summit County, who was killed on a railroad. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Barlet, namely: Eflfie May, who married Charles Leonard, of the O'Neil Boiler Works, Akron, has one child — Harold ; Harvey, foreman of the Akron Linoleum Works, is married and has two children. Myrtle and Dorothy; Lloyd, a farmer and auctioneer in with his father, married Catherine Stark; and Ward, foreman of the Diamond Rubber Works at Akron, who married Lovina Fes- .«ler. J. DWIGHT PALMER,* one of Akron's native sons and prominent bvisiness men, wa.~ born in this city in 1867, a son of R. F. Palmer. He was reared in Akron and graduated from the High School in 1886. For .some time after leaving school, Mr. Palmer traveled for his health, mainly through the New England States, but when prepared to enter into business life, he re- turned to his native city and shortly after- ward became connected with the collection department of the Aultman-Miller Company, with which he continued for eighteen years. On .severing his relations with that firm he decided to remain in the collection business, in wJiich lie had become experi- enced, and in December. 1904. he es1.ablished the J. D. Palmer Collecting Agency, which he has successfully operated ever since. Mr. Palmer is a prominent factor in local politics, being a leading Iiepublican, and at the pres- ent writing, has just received the nomina- tion for councilman, from the Second Ward. He has every qualification for a first-class city official, being public-.spirited, judicious and popular. In 1897, Mr. Palmer was married to Jeannette Groesel, who is a daughter of G. A. Groesel, of Akron, and they have two sons: Roland F. and George A. Mr. Palmer is a member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. Fraternally he is connected with the Masons, in which order he has advanced as far as the conunandery. SOAVARAS GOUGLER,* a highly re- spected citizen and successful farmer, resid- ing on an excellent property of 140 acres in Coventry Township, not only owns this valu- able farm but also a tract of twenty-five acres which is situated across the line in Spring- field Township. Mr. Gougler was born in Snyder County, Pennsylvania, May 30, 1850, and is a son of Daniel and Phoelie (Arnold) Gougler." Daniel Gougler was born in Snyder County, Pennsylvania, and was a .son of Til- den Gougler, whose wliole life was passed in Pennsylvania, where he died at the age of eighty years. His children were: Samviel, Susan, Peggy. George, !Mrs. Stoll, Bivy, Daniel, Jacob, Sarah and Mary. Daniel, the seventh member of the above mentioned family, grew up on the farm, and learned 1112 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY the blacksmith trade. He married Phoebe Arnold, who was bora in Snyder County, and in 1870 they came to Ohio, settling at "Greensburg for one year, and then nioviilg to near East Libei-ty, where Mr. Gougler died March 15, 1887, aged fifty-nine years. His widow survives, having reached the age of seventy-four years, and lives on the old home- stead near East Liberty. The children of Daniel Gougler and wife were: Sowaras; Louisa, who married Frank Miller; Jacob; Jackson; jMaria, who married Julius Gear- hart; and Calvin. The whole family, with the exception of Jackson, who lives at Kent, are residents of Summit County. Sowaras Gougler received his education in the district schools of Snyder County and was about twenty years of age ^^•hen he ac- companied the family to Ohio. He attended school for a short time afterward. He en- gaged in farming and teaming, driving a team for two years and ten months for Steas & Company, after which he returned to work on the farm. On November 23, 1876, Mr. Gougler was married to Mary Bettler, who died October 14, 1902, aged forty-seven years. She was a daughter of Jacob and Mary (Tritt) Bet- tler. Mr. and Mrs. Gougler had six chil- dren, namely: Frank, who married Susan Spreggle, has three children — Park, Pearl and Dayton — and he lives on a part of his father's land; Elmer; Emma: Daniel; Lulu, and Clara Leona, the last mentioned of whom died aged six months. Mr. Gougler rented his present farm be- fore he purchased it. In partnership with his brother-in-law, Joseph Bettler, he bought 140 acres, and in 1890, Mr. Gougler bought Mr. Bettler's interest. The house was stand- ing, and this was remodeled and improved and the whole farm was gradually pvit into as fine shape as it is today. Mr. Gougler has resided right here for the past thirty years and can count all his neighboi"s as friends. He is a Democrat in his political views, but has never taken any very active part in poli- tics. F. II. ADAMS,* cashier of the First Na- tional Bank of Akron, has been identified with this financial institution for a long period and for the past eleven years has filled the responsible office of cashier. Mr. Adams was born at Akron, Summit County, Ohio, in ISSo, and is a son of Franlc Adams, who came to Akron as early as 1838 and who still survives, being a representative pioneer citizen. F. H. Adams was reared in this city, where his father was one of the early manufact- x;rers, and his education was secured in the excellent schools for which Akron has an established reputation. iVfter leaving school, the young man went to Mexico, where he re- mained for one year interested in mining. He returned to Akron for a short time and then became connected with a large manufac- turing concern at Fort Wayne, where he re- mained for two years. He then returned to Akron in order to become bookkeeper in the First National Bank, with which he has been associated ever since. He is interested also in otlier prospering enterprises at Akron and is recognized as one of the city's able busi- ness men. In 1891, Mr. Adams was married to Frances Robinson, who is a daughter of William Robinson, who was the pioneer manufacturer of sewer pipe at Akron. Mr. and Mrs. Adams are members of the First Presbyterian Church of this city. His social connections include membership in the Por- tage Country club. JOHN F. DICE,* one of Summit County's good, practical farmers, who resides on an ex- cellent farm of ninety acres, located in Frank- lin Township, w'as born May 9, 1856, near Manchester, Summit County, Ohio, and is a son of Jeremiah and Caroline (Dissinger) Dice. Jeremiah Dice, who was a native of Penn- sylvania, came to Ohio as a young man, and for some years was engaged in work on vari- ous farms in Franklin Township. He sub- sequently purcha.sed the farm now operated by John F. Dice, and at tlie time of his death, Fcliruarv 28, 1904, in his seventv- AND EEPKESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1113 seventh year, he was considered a man of ample means. Shortly after coming to Ohio, Mr. Dice was married to Caroline Dissinger, daughter of John Dissinger, one of the early pioneers of this section, and a native of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Dice, who was born in Ohio, survives her husband. Seven children were born to Jeremiah and Caroline Dice, namely : John Fra'tiklin ; Mary, who married I\I. Waltz; William; Alma, who mar- ried J. Baughman ; Elton ; Emma, who mar- ried Thomas Sauers; and Alarvin. John F. Dice received his early educa- tional training in the district schools of his native township, and here he has spent his entire life in agricultural pursuits. In as- sociation with his mother he owns the home farm of ninety acres, and his careful cultiva- tion has largely increased its value. On January 31. 1877. Mr. Dice was married to Savilla Snyder, who is a daughter of George and Susan (Kepler) Snyder. Two children have been born to this union, namely: Bertha, who married Clarence Snyder, resid- ing in Akron ; and Irving, who also makes his home at Akron. Mr. Dice is a member of the Reformed Church, of which he is now sen'ing as treasurer. In political matters Mr. Dice is a Democrat, but he has never aspired to public office, preferring to give his time and attention to his home interests. He is fraternally connected with the Maccabes. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN TRACY,* capi- talist and a leading citizen of Barberton, is vice-president of the Rubber Product Company, of this place, a large and im- portant industry, and has been for many years identified with the strawboard interests of this section of Ohio. Mr. Tracy was one of the original settlers at Barberton, coming to this point in 1879 when the town was founded. Mr. Tracy was born in Parkman Township, Geauga County, Ohio, December 10, 1840, and is a son of Evander and Almeda Tracy. The father of Mr. Tracy was born in the State of New York and the mother in Trumbull county. Ohio. Evander Tracy was an earlv settlor in Trumbull Countv. after marriage moving to Geauga County, where he engaged in farming. Both he and wife died when their son Benjamin F. was young. Benjamin Franklin Tracy was reared on a farm in his native county, where he resided until 1879. Through boyhood he attended school there and when a young man was married in the same county. When Mr. Tracy left his farm he went first to Akron and then, for a time to Barberton, where" he subsequently acquired much land. Mfr. Trac3^ about this time entered the employ of the Seiberling Straw Board Company, gather- ing straw for Mr. Inman, who had the con- tract for that work. After two years in that line he took charge of the straw department of the Straw Board Company, at New Por- tage. In 1884 he moved to Circleville, where he organized a straw board company, re- maining there eight years, during which time he had charge of the straw department. In 1892 he returned to Barberton and after the American Straw Board Company took charge of the New Portage Straw Board Company, he became superintendent of all their twenty- five different mills. After settling perma- nently at Barberton, Mr. Tracy erected the fine structure known as the Tracy Block, three stories in height, 96x100 feet in di- mensions, constructed of brick. The city of- fices are all located in this block. Mr. Tracy was married to Sarah White, and they have one son. Jay W. The latter also resides at Barberton and is associated with his father in an extensive real estate business. He married Stella Richards and they have one child, Harriet. Mr. Tracy is a member of the Masonic fraternitj'. BERT RODENBAUGH, M. D..* one of Summit County's rising young medical prac- titioner, who is serving as health officer of Barberton, Ohio, was born at Thomastown, Summit County. Ohio, in August. 1874. and is a son of N. J. and Nellie (Wagoner) Rod- enbaugh. the former a retired school teacher and farmer of Summit County, Dr. Rod- enbaush has one brother, Harrv, and one 1114 HISTORY OF SUMMIT COUNTY sister, !Mabel, who married Tliomas Stahl. Dr. Rodenbaugh attended the comniou schools of Tljomastown and Buclitel College for five years, and' after spending several years in the pottery works at Akron, Ohio, he entered the Ohio Medical University at Columbus, and after a four years' course was graduated therefrom in 1902. He immedi- ately located at Barberton, where he engaged in practice alone for a short period, then forming a partnerehip with his uncle, Dr. N. F. Rodenbaugh, with whom he has since been tissociated. They are surgeons for the Sterling Boiler Company, the Columbia Ce- real Company, the American Sewer Pipe Company, the Diamond Match Company, the Diamond Machine Shop and the Pittsburg Valve Company, all of Barberton. In Sep- tember, 1905, Dr. Bert Rodenbaugh was elected health officer of Barberton, on the Republican ticket. He is a member of the Woodmen of the World, and the State and county medical societies. In January, 1905, Dr. Rodenbaugh was married to Grace Robin- son, who was born in Youngstown, Ohio. Dr. and Mrs. Rodenbaugh reside at their residence, situated at No. 602 West Beard Avenue, Barberton. GEORGE A. SMEAD,* a leading business man of Akron, is located at No. 65 South Main Street, where he is proprietor of the larg- est art and wall-paper store in Northern Ohio. He was born in 1882, in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania, but was practically reared and educated at Akron. Mr. Smead has been identified with his present line of business ever since his entrance into the industrial world. For two years he was with" M. D. Brouse, following which, for three years he was in the wall-paper department of M. O'Neil, and for three years managed the wall- paper store of C. G. Oliver. In June, 1906, he Ijought the business and conducts the largest wall-paper store in all this section of the State, carrj'ing all grades of paper, and of the simplest to the most expensive and ex- clusive designs. In connection therewith he also carries on an art department, in which he handles only works of real merit, ^lany visitors go to his establishment to see the ex- quisite wall hangings and choice works of art always on exhibition. In 1903, Mr. Smead was ' married to Elta M. Biltz, who died June 9, 1903, leaving two little sons: Elmer E. and Chester Ray. Mrs. Smead is greatly missed, both in her home and in so- cial circles, where she was a favorite. ^Ir. Smead is a member of the Wooster Avenue Methodi-st Episcopal Church. Fraternally, he belongs to the Knights of Pythias, the Royal League, and the Pi'otected Home Circle. GEORGE V. BILUOW,* president of the Akron Paving and Plastering Company, of Akron, was born in 1854, at Kendallville, In- diana, but he was reared and educated in Williams County, Ohio. In young manhood, Mr. Billow learned the plastering trade and after removing to Mans- field, Ohio, he was engaged in contracting in plastering, for twenty years, and then he came to Akron, where he did the plaster work on the Post Office, and also work of this kind on many buildings in Cleveland. He did the plaster work on the Hamilton Build- ing and at this time, in 1900, he moved his family to Akron, where he took contracts for plastering the First National Bank, the Li- brary Building, the new Summit County and other large buildings. In 1901, Mr. Billow, in partnei'ship with George W, Carmichael and George J. Shaffer, organized the Akron Paving and Plastering Company, locating at No. 262 South Broad- \vay, and this enterprise is already numbered with the important industries of the city. In 1S75, Mr. Billow was married to Alice Bell, of Mansfield, Ohio, who died in 1883, leaving three children, namely: Paul, who is a student in the medical department of the Univei"sitv of Wisconsin, at ]\Iadi.*on; George 15., residing at Evansville, Indiana; and Grace, who married C. K. Reamer, residing at Akron. Mr. Billow was married (second) .Tuly 22, 1885, to Mary McGray. of Holmes County, Ohio, and thev have the following AND REPRESENTATIVE CITIZENS 1115 children : Herbert, Alice, Fern, May M., John, Kathryn and Dollie M. Mr. Billow and family are connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church. WILLARD N. FITCH,* who fills the im- portant office of paymaiiter for the great army of employes coimected with the Diamond Rubber Company at Akron, was born in 1872, in Medina County, Ohio, where he ob- tained a good, common school education and remained until he was twenty years of age. In 1892, Mr. Fitch came to Akron and for one year worked for the Akron Grocery' Company, after which he was with his father for a short time in an insurance business. Following this he entered the employ of the B. F. Goodrich Company and eighteen months later became foreman of a special de- partment of the Diamond Rubber Company, a position he filled until 1897. when he be- came time-keeper. In 1900, Mr. Fitch was made paymaster and as such has entire charge of the pay rolls of this company, handling annually vast sums of money and disbursing the same which is mainly spent in Akron. In 1898, Mr. Fitch wtis married to Nellie M. Huber, who is a daughter of P. C. Huber, of the Jacob Koch Company. They have two sons, James Huber and Robert Philip. With his family, Mr. Fitch belongs to Trinity Lutheran Church. He is a member of the Diamond Rubber Relief Association. -c-^* V^