E 601 .S445 Copy 1 WEBBER S. SEAVEY Manager. El^e Shtpl Irtprttlip ^ttbite (Hampmy Seattle, Wadtington April, 1910 (^ vo »o I ilg Armu Sprnrb 1861 — Enlisted at Omaha, Nebraska Territory, November 12. 1862 — Mustered at Benton Barracics: St. Louis, Mo., and assigned to Company H, Curtis Horse, Jan. 9. Promoted to Commissary Ser- geant Feb. 1; Q. M. Sergeant May ], and First Sergeant Sept. 1. Engaged in both battles at Fort Donelson and at Clarksville, Tenn., Hop- kinsville, Ky., and a number of skirmishes, scouting in Kentucky and West Tennessee. 1863 — Engaged in battles at Guy's Gap, June 25; Sugar Creek Oct. 8; and a number of hard skir- mishes and fights with the forces under Con- federate Generals Wheeler and Roddy. 1864 — Re-enlisted Company H, Fifth Iowa Vet- eran Volunteer Cavalry. Engaged in all the hard fought battles on the Rosseau Raid, July 4-18, and the McCook raid July 26-31, where we lost seventy per cent, of the regiment. Slightly wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Flint River, Ga., Aug 31. Escaped at Griffin Sept. 1st; recaptured Sept 9; escaped from. Andersonville prison Sept 27; recaptured and escaped from Macon prison, and reported to General Sherman at East Point, Ga..Oct. 2. Engaged in battle at Nashville Dec. 15-16, and spent Christmas week in the mud and rain chasing Hood's army across the Tennessee river. Promoted and commissioned Captain of Co. H, 5th Iowa Cavalry Dec. 20, and assigned to duty as such Dec. 26. 1865 — On the Wilson raid, which left Chickasaw Landing, Ala., March 22, and arrived at Ma- con, Ga., April 24. During this raid we were engaged in many skirmishes, and the battles of Elyton, Monte- vallo, Ebenezer Church, Selnja and Montgom- ery, Alabama, and ColutntjuJ; and Macon, Ga. Mustered out of service, ,aJ*Nashville, Tenn., August 11. A ^0Utt?ntr nf Aff^rttott ^at iHg Qlomrabrs of Dear Old Company H. 5th Iowa Cavalry. for the Companions of the Washington Commandry of El}t Sjogal ICrgion Comrades of Grant and Custer Posts, G. A. R. of Omaha, Nebraska; Julius White Post, G. A. R., of Chicago, Illinois, and Stephens Post, G. A. R., of Seattle, Washington, also POLICE For the Members of the Police Department of Omaha, Nebraska, and Members of the International Association of Chiefs of Police; and ^^,snH(iU«ii"n(i!fo.^ My Brother Officers and Associates of the Thiel Detective Service Company. Seattle. Wn., April 2nd. 1910. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 013 763 186 6 Q WEBBER S. SEAVEY Captain, Company H. 5th Iowa Cavalry- July. 1865 LIBRy^Y OF CONGRESS 013 763 186 6 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5