LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, "P S i o o a ~ Chap, Copyriglii No. 8helf..i.]S)-5"Gc. iS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. J GLEANINGS IN VERSE T'/wHlTlNG BANCROFT For well I wote, that ye hau ben beforne Of maken ropen, and had alway the corne, And I come after, glening here and there, And am full glad if I may find an eare Of any goodly worde that ye hau left." — Chancer. PROVIDENCE, R. I. PRESTON & ROUNDS CO. 1899 1' .V ', 45084 Copyright, 1899, BY Preston & Rounds Company. TWO COPIES RECEIVED. ^<^">> PRESS OF E. L. FREEMAN & SONS, PROVIDENCE. PREFATORY NOTE. With few exceptions the poevis in this voluvi have already appeared in print ; a7id, as I have no list of the various papers i7i zvhich they were published, it has not been easy to avoid an un- conscions infringement 2ipon some previous copy- right. I believe, however, that zvith such means as were available such am avoidance has been snc- cessfnlly made : and. I desi7'e to thank those ivlio have kindly given me permission to i^epnblish poems zvhich have been previously brought out in The Sunday School Times, The Christian In- quirer, The Watchword, and The New York Ledger. E. D. R. B. CONTENTS iNaomi's Question to Ruth 9 Striving 11 A Distant Outlook 12 Autumn Color 13 The Prisoner of Gisors 15 Master Spirits 17 Silver Speech and Golden Silence 21 Go and Tell Jesus 25 The Quest of the Magi 26 The Hour of the Gloaming 28 The Secret of Beauty 31 The Lute of Alfarabi 33 At the Turnstile 38 "The Sisters Three" 40 Ruskin's Law of Help 42 Longing 46 5 Gush 47 The Setting of the Foresail 51 Now and Hereafter 54 At the Ingleside 56 Temptation 58 Azazel 60 "V/hat Cheer" 61 Catherine Douglas 66 Alone 69 Beneficence 71 Under Tints 81 The Ox-Eyed Daisy 82 Star-lit Skies 84 The Old Plantation Days 86 The Scent of the New-Mown Hay .... 88 The Bow in the Cloud 90 No Night There 92 The Wish of Christmas 93 The First Christmas Eve 95 The Hope of Easter 97 The Promise of Easter 99 The Last Breakfast 100 5 Influence 104 Searching for God 105 Like to Lil