Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5 Bugbee's Popular Plays Tke Midgets' Grand Parade An Entertainment For liny lots by WILLIS N. BUGBEE Author of " Coonville 'Ristocrat Club," " Uncle Si and the Sunbeam Club," "Jolly Dialogues," " Humorous Homespun Dialogues," etc., etc. Copyright 1916 by Willis N. Bugbee THE WILLIS N. BUGBEE CO. SYRACUSE, N. Y. THE MIDGETS' GRAND PARADE. Characters. One small boy ) , ^ j One small girl ^ «^ bystanders. Alore of each if desired. Mayor ) , • w ^ j Selectmen (3) S ^^o review the parade. People in Parade. Policemen ) , , Band S -^ ««'«^^^- Blacksmith Miller. Farmer John. Grocer, Doctor Bones Milliner. Dressmaker. Washwoman (colored). Housewife Schoolma'am. Dairymaids. \ Suffragettes. \ ,, t x l 17- r Any number of each. l