SK 401 mi 1 me and Fish Laws \°^^^ Of the State of Louisiana PUBLISHED BY THE Board of Commissioners for the Protection of Birds, Game and Fish New Orleans 1909 WALLE t CO. LIMITED. N.O. Game and Fish Laws Of the State of Louisiana A. c^ ^ s, sVo^Vv^ Vfc*> PUBLISHED BY THE Board of Commissioners for the Protection of Birds, Game and Fish New Orleans 1909 BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. Act No. 278 of 1908. By Mr. Ventress. AN ACT. To establish a "Board of Com- missioners for the Protection of Birds, Game and Fish" of this State, dtfining their duties and empowering them to em- ploy game and fish wardens and such other clerks, officers and assistants as may be necessary, and to provide the means to cany this Act into effect. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, ^hall appoint a Board of Commissioners for the Protec- tion of Birds, Game and Fish, composed of three (3) persons, residents of the State, the members to be chosen as follows : One from the western, one from the central and one from the eastern portion of 0- or 0. the State. The persons so tppoint- ed shall hold office as follows: One member for two (2) years, and one member for three (3) years, and the other member for four (4) years after which their successors shall hold office for the term of four (4) years, are until their successors are appointed, confirmed and quali- fied. Any vacancies occurring in the membership of said Board shall be filled by the remaining members of said Board, provided the person or persons so elected shall reside in the same part of the State as his predecessor resided. Section 2. Be it further enacted etc., The Board of Commissioner's above named shall be domiciled in the City of New Orleans, and shall hold an annual meeting at its dom- icile on the last Monday of March, but may hold meetings at such other times and places within the State as the Commissioners shall deem necessary for the transaction of business. It shall be the duty of said B ard to protect the birds, game and fish of the State and see that all laws relative thereto are enforced. It shall be the duty of said Board to collect, classify and preserve such statistics, data and informa- tion as will tend to promote the objects of thi> Act, and to take charge of and keep all reports, books, papers and documents which shall, in the discharge of their duties hereunder, come into their possession or under their control. It shall be the duty of said Board on or before the last Monday in April each year, to prepare and present to the Governor of this State a printed annual report, showing what has been done by them during the previous year, ending December 31st, the amount of money received by them, and from what sources, and the amount expended by them and for what purposes, and such recommenda- tion for legislation action, if any, as the Board may deem wise for the better accomplishment of the purposes of this Act. The Gover- nor shall lay copies of said reports before the General Assembly con- vening next after their receipt. Sections. Be it further enacted, etc., The Board of Commissioners above named shall have power and authority to appoint one or more competent men in each parish in the State, whose powers and duties shall be to enforce compliance with the Ga-ne Laws of the State aud who shall be known as game and fish wardens, "and who shall give bond in favor of the Board of Com- missioners in the sum of one ihous - and dollars, conditioned to pay all damages they may be liable for and which may be sued upon b}^ any person injured by them." They shall also appoint a compe- tent man as chief warden, who shall have general supervision of the parish wardens and the work of the said Board throughout the State. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc., The game and fish wardens so appointed shall hold office dur- ing the pleasure of the Board of Commissioners. Said Board may summarily remove any of the war- dens, and appoint another in his place. Said wardens shall enforce all laws relative to the protection of birds, game and fish, and the provisions supplemental thereto, shall serve and execute all legal process, and shall have the power and authority to arrest at any time, without warrant, any person or persons found by them in the act of violating the laws now in force, or that hereafter may be enacted for the preservation and protection of birds, game and fish; and take such person or persons forthwith before any justice of the peace or other magistrate having jurisdic- tion, who shall proceed according to law to hear, try and determine the case ; the person or persons so arrested may be released on bond conditioned as the law directs ; and in case of forfeiture of any bond given by any person or persons, charged with violating any of the provisions of this Act, the amount realized .from said forfeiture shall be paid to the State Treasurer and placed by him to the credit of said "Board of Commissioners for the Protection of Birds, Game and Fish." Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc., The said Board shall have full power to fix the amount of salaries of the "chief warden and other wardens and of all its clerks and employees; provided that none of the game and fish wardens shall be paid an annual salary in excess of eight hundred dollars- ($800) , and shall have power to require any or all of its employees to give bond and solvent security for such amounts as it may deem fit. Section 6. Be it further enacted, etc., All salaries and other ex- penses of said Board are to be paid by the State Treasurer, on war- rants issued by the said Board of Commissioners, from a fund kept by him of moneys received from the sale of State Hunting L,icenses, fines for violations of the bird, game and fish laws, from the for- feiture of bond«, as provided in Section "4" of this Act, and from moneys which may be appropriated by the General Assembly or the Police Juries of any of the parishes of the State. If the Police Jury of a parish appropriates money for the protection of game or fish, the same shall be used exclusively in such parish and be paid out by the proper parish official on warrants issued by the Board of Commis- sioners for the protection of Birds, Game and Fish. Section 7. Be it further enacted, etc. , Said warden shall have power, to search and examine any cold storage warehouse, boat, store, car, conveyance, vehicle, game bag, game coat, fish basket or other recepticle for birds, game and fish, when they have good cause to be- lieve that any laws for the protec- tion of birds, g^ame and fish have been violated; and the said war- dens shall at any and all times, have the right to seize and take possession of any and all birds or animals or fish or parts thereof, which have been caught, taken or killed at any time, in any manner, for any purpose, or had in posses- sion or under control, or have been shipped or are about to be shipped contrary to the laws of the State. All birds, game or fish siezed by the wardens shall be disposed of by gift to the nearest hospital, charit- able institution, or in default there- of, to be distributed to the destitute sick. Section 8. Be it further enacted, etc. , It shall be the duty of said game and fish wardens to see that every person hunting in this State has in his possession an official hunting license, except in the case of a resident hunting on his own land. Section 9. Be it further enacted, etc.. The Auditor of the State of Louisiana shall, during the month of June of each year, issue to the tax collector of each of the parishes of the State a book or books, con- taining a regularly numbered series of official hunting licenses, which licenses are to be issued by the said tax collector to all persons applying for same, at the rate of 8 one dollar ($1.00) for all residents and twenty-five doUlars ($25.00) for all non-residents and unnatura- lized foreign born residents, who may desire to hunt. On demand, the tax collector shall return to the Auditor of the State of Louisiana all unused licenses, with a full statement of licenses issued, to- gether with cash remittances, in settlement for all license that have been issued, less five (5) per cent, of the sum collected, which amount is to be deducted in full payment for their services in issuing said license, and at the same time said tax collectors must forward to the State Treasurer and to the said "Board of Commissioners for the protection of Birds, Game, and Fish" duplicate copies of said statements, Section 10. Be it further enacted, etc. , In order to carry out the pur- poses of this Act, the Comaiis- sioners shall receive traveling ex- penses while attending to all matters connected with said Com- mission and in fartherajice of the objects for which said Board has been created, and shall have power to ?ncur the expenses of any of its employees engaged in like duties, both within and without the State. Said expenses to be paid by the State Treasurer on duly executed vouchers, from the tund kept by him, as previously noted. Section 11. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws in conflict or inconsistent herewith be and the same are hereby re- pealed. W^ 10 GAME BIRDS. Act No. 277 of 1908. By Mr. Ventress. AN ACT. For the protection of game birds; their nests and eggs. To de- fine what species of birds are game birds. To authorize the issuing of a license to hunt and kill same. To provide the manner in which game birds may be killed. To limit the number of each species cf game birds that may be killed. To fix the seasons in which game birds may be killed. To regulate the transportat'on, shipping and carrying of game birds from within the State of Louisiana. To make game birds the property of the State. To provide for punishment of violators thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, that all wild game birds, both resident and migratory, found in this State, are hereby declared to be the property of the State. 11 And no person shall at any time or in any manner acquire any pro- perty in or subject to his dominion or control, any of the game birds or any part thereof of the species herein mentioned, but they shall always and under all circumstances be and remain the property of the State; except that by killing the same during the periods when their killing is permitted the same may be used by any person at the time, in the manner and for the purpose expressly authorized. And whenever any person kills, catches, takes, ships or has in pos- session or under control any of the birds or any part theieof, men- tioned in this Act, at any time or in any manner prohibited by this Act, such person shall thereby for- feit and lose all his right to the use and possession of such bird or any part thereof, and the State shall be entitled to the sole possession thereof. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc.. That for the purpose of this Act, etc., the following shall be con- sidered game birds: geese, brant, wild sea and river ducks, wood ducks, rails (mud hens), coots (poule d'eau), gallinules, jnipe, woodcock, sandpipers, (chorooks 12 and papabotte), tattlers, curlews, plover, wild turkey, imported phea- sants, grouse, prairie chickens, quail, doves. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc.. That it shall be unlawful for any per=on to kill, snare, trap or in any way take, capture, annoy or destroy any of the following named game birds during the closed sea- sons noted herein : Doves from March 1st. to September 1st; geese, brant, wild sea and river ducks, rail (mud hens), coots (poule d'eau), gallinules, tattlers, curlew and plover, from March 1st. to October 1st. Wild turkey cocks from April 15th. to November 1st. Quail (bob white), wood duck from March 1st. to November 1st. Snipe, Sandpipers, (chorooks and papabottes), from May 15th., to September 1st. Blue winged teal ducks from April 1 5th. to October 1st. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That wookcock and prairie chickens shall not be killed nor had in posession at any time until December 1st, 1910, and thereafter from February 1st to December 1st of any year. Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc.. That it shall be unlawful for 13 any person to kill or destroy more than twenty- five of the birds men- tioned in Section 3 of this Act in any one day during the open sea- sons named herein; nor shall any hunting be done between the hours of sunset and sunrise. Section 6. Be it further eracted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person to capture or attempt to capture any of the birds men- tioned in this Act, or to take, de- stroy, or atttmpt to take or de- stroy the nest or eggs of any cf the birds mentioned in this Act. Section 7. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful to kill any of the birds named in this Act in the open season, noted herein by any means other than by an ordinary gun capable of being held to and !?hot from the shoul- ders. Section 8. Be it further enacted^ etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, or have in possession for sale any game bird protected under the pro- visions of this Act, after the first day of March of any year and until the opening dates of the fall sea- son as well as during the closed seasons noted herein. 14 Section 9. Be it further enacted , etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, their agents, officers or employees, to sell, exchange, expose, offer for sale, or exchange or have in pos- session eitherfor himself or others, any of the game birds, mentioned in this Act, during the closed sea- sons named herein, irrespective of the time when or place where such birds were killed or captured. Section 10. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall. be unlawful for any person or any corporation act- ing as a common carrier, its offi- cers, agents, or servants, to ship, carry, take or transport beyond the confines of the State, any of the game birds mentioned in this Act, whether alive or dead. Each nou- resident hunter may not oftener than twice in one sea- son carsy home under his license or as baggage if exposed to view, not more than two wild tnrkeys, twenty -five ducks, snipe or rail or twelve other game birds. A non-resident hunter is hereby defined to be one who resides cut of this State. Section 11. Be it further enacted, etc., That all packages containing dead game birds or parts thereof, 15 when shipped within the State, shall be plainly and clearly marked with the name of the consignor and consignee, with an itemized statement of the number of the birds and names of the species, and said package shall be so con- structed as to readily permit an ascertainment of its contents. Ard any package otherwise shipped may be confiscated by any warden or duly authorized officers. Section 12. Beit further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any non-resident or unnaturalized foreign born resident to hunt with- in the State, unless he has in his possession, ready to exhibit to any warden or officer, upon request, a hunting license. Such license shall be issued by the tax collectors of the several parishes upon the payment of a fee of twenty -five dollars ( ^2 5 . 00 ) ; shall be non-trans - ferable, and shall be good only in the parish of issuance during the cpen season in which it is issued, and shall contain the applicant's signature and such other means of identification, as may be prescribed by the "Board of Commissioners for the protection of Birds, Game and Fish." Every non- resident or unnaturalized foreign -born resi- 16 dent found hunting, without said license, may be arrested on siiht by any officer or warden, and shall be liable to a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than one hundred doUars ($100.00) or imprisonment in the parish jail for not less than ten (lO) days, nor more than thirty (30) days, or both fine and imprisonment. Section 13. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any resident to hunt within the State unless he has in his poses - sion, ready to exhibit to any war- den or officer, a hunting license. Said license shall be issued by the tax collectors of the several par- ishes upon the payment of a fee of one dollar ($1,00); shall be non- tranferable, and shall be good throughout the State during the open season in wliich it is issued, and shall contain applicant's sig- nature and such other means of identification as may be prescribed by the "Board of Commissioners for the protection of Birds, Game and Fish." Every resident foucd hunting, on other than lands which he owns, without said license may be arrested on sight by any officer or warden and shall be liable to a fine 17 of not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than ten dollurs ($10.00) or imprisonment in the parish jail for not less than three (3) days nor more than five (5) days or both fine and imprisonment. Nothing in this Act shall be con- strued to give the holder of a hunt- ing license permission to hunt on the land of any other person, with- out written consent cf said owner, provided the latter shall have posted conspicuously a warning or warnings against hunting on said premises, and shall have given no- tice of such facts in three consecu- tive issues of the newspaper pub- lished nearest to said property. Section 14. Be it further enacted, etc., That any person or common carrier or their agents or officers, violating any of the provisions fo this Act, except Sections 13 and 14 shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and shall on conviction thereof pay the costs of the prose- cution, and be fined not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than ten dollars ($10.00) or be im- prisoned in the parish jail not kss than five (5) days nor more than thirty (30) days days, or both fine and imprisonment, for each wild game bird unlawfully captured » 18 killed, sold, offered for sale, had ' in possession for sale, purchased or exchanged, shipped, carried, trans- ported, or attempted to ship, carry, or transport either within or with- out the State, or had in possession during the closed season. Section 15. Be it further enacted , etc.. That all fees and fines col- lected under the provisions of this Act shall be payable to the State Treasurer for the use of the ** Board of Commissioners for the protection of Birds, Game and Fish" of this State. Section 16. Be it further enacted, etc. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby re- pealed. y^ 19 NOM-GAME BIRDS. Act No. 198 of 1906. By Mr. Friedrichs. AN ACT. For the protection of birds, other than game birds, ard their nests and eggs ; specifying which species are non-game birds; prohibiting trespass on bird breeding island; prohib- iting trapping; providing ihat such birds may be killed un- der certain conditions; pro- viding for the punishment »f violators thereof, and the dis- positions of all fines Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That all wild birds, other than game birds, both resi- dent and migratory, in this Stale, shall be, and are hereby declared to be, the property oi the State. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That for the purpose of this Act, the following shall be consid- ered game birds: Geese, brant, wild ducks, wood ducks, rails (mud hens), coots (poule d'eau), 20 galiinules, snipe, woodcock, sand pipers, (chorooks and papabottes), tatt ers, curlew, plover, wild tur- key, imported pheasants, grouse (pheasants), prairie chickens, sand hiil cranes, ortolans or cedar birds, quail and doves. All other species of wild resident and migratory birds shall be considered non-game birds. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc', That it shall be unlawful within the State of Louisiana, to kill, catch or have in possession, living or dead, any resident or mi- gratory wild bird other than a game bird, or purchase, offer, or expose for sale any such wild non-game bird, after it has been killed or caught except as permitted by this Act. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc., That no part of the plumage, skin or body of any bird, protected by this Act, shall be sold or had in possession for sale, irrespective of ihe time when, or the place where, such bird may have been killed or caught. Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person within the State of Louisiana, to take or destroy, or 21 attempt to take or destroy the nest or the eggs of any wild birds other than a game bird, or have such nest or eggs in his or their pos- session, except as permitted by this Act. Section 6. Be it further enacted, etc., That any person or society organized under the laws of this State, desiring to prevent tres- pass upon any land, enclosed or otherwise, or upon any island within the boundaries of the State of Louisiana, dedicated to the purpose of breeding and pro- tecting birds protected by this Act shall post same with suitable signs, located not less than every lineal one -half mile along the boundary lines of said lands or island; and it shall be unlawful for any person to trespass upon any such land or island. Any person or persons found so doing, may be arrested on sight by any warden or other officer, authorized by law. In the event of a conviction, said person or persons shall each be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than twenty -five dollars ($25.00), or be imprisoned in the parish jail for not less than ten (lO) days, nor more than thirty (30) days, or to be both fined and 22 imprisoned, and shall further be liable to the penalties imposed by law for the killing of birds or game, or the taking, or attempting to take of eggs, or disturbing nest. Section 7. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person, within the State of Louisiana, at any time, to use or set a trap, cage, net or other de- vice for the purpose of catching wild birds. Any person or per- son-;, found so doing, may be arrested on sight, by any warden or other officer, authorized by law. In the event of a conviction, said person or persons, shall each be fined not less than five dollars ($5.00) nor more than ten dollars ($10 00), or be imprisoned in the parish jail for not less than five (5) days, nor more than ten (lO) days, or be both fined and impris - oned. All wardens or other offi- cers are hereby given authority to confiscate all traps, cages, nets or other devices, which they may find set or being used for the purpose of catching wild non-game birds, and it shall be the duty of said officers to liberate any birds found in possession, contrary to the pro- visions of this Act. 23 This Act does not prevent any householder from keeping one resident and one migratory bird in a cage as a pet, provided it is not kept for sale, and that it shall not be shipped beyond the confined of the State. Section 8. Be it further enacted, etc,. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons or any cor- poration acting ss a common car- rier, its officers, agents or servants to receive for shipment, ship, carry, take or transport, either within or beyond the confines of the State, any resident or migratory wild non-game bird, except as permit- ted by this Act. Section 9. Be it further enacted, etc., That certificates m ay be granted by the Secretary of State to any properly accredited person of the age of fifteen years and up- wards, permitting the holder to collect birds, their nests or eggs, for strictly scientific purposes only. In order to obtain such certificate, the applicant for same must pre- sent to the Secretary of State en- dorsements from two well known ornithologists, one of whom shall be a resident of the State, certify- ing to the good character and fit- ness of said applicant to be 24 entrusted with such privilege, and must pay to said officer one dollar ($1.00) to defray the necessary expense attending the granting of such certificate. On proof that the holder of such certificate has captured or killed any bird, or taken the nest or eggs of any bird, for other than scien- tific purposes, the certificate shall become void, and he shall be lia- ble to a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00), nor more than one hundred dollars ($100 00), or imprisonment for not less than ten (10) days,, or more than thirty (30) days, or both .fine and im- prisonment. Section 10. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the certificates author- ized by this Act, shall expire on the 31st, day of December, of the year issued, and shall not be trans- ferable, and may be withheld or cancelled at the discretion of the Secretary of State. A statement showing the partic- ulars -regarding the issuance of such certificate, shall be immedi- ately forwarded by the Secretary of State to the "Board of Commis- sioners for the protection of Birds, Game and Fish." 25 Section 11. Be it further enacted , etc., That the English sparrow, cooper's hawk, duck hawk, sharp - shinned hawk, and great horned owl, are not included among the birds protected by this Act. This Act does not prevent any person from killing crows, crow blackbirds or red -winged black birds, on his premises, if destruc- tive to crops, provided that said birds are not sold or offered for sale or shipped out of the State ; nor does it prevent the killing of kingfish'irs found nesting in the levees of the State, provided said birds or not afterwards sold or offered for sale or shipped out of the State. Section 12. Be it further enacted, etc.. That any person, violating any of ihe provisions of ihis Act, except Sections 6, 7 and 9, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to a fine of not less than five dollars ($5.00), nor more than ten dollars ($10.00), or to be imprisoned in the pari^h jail for not less than five (5) days, nor more than ten (lO) days, or be both fined and imprisoned for each bird, living or dead, or part of a bird, or nest, or set of eggs, 26 or part thereof, taken, killed, cap- tured, possessed, sold, offered for sale, shipped, carried or trans- ported in violation of this Act. Section 13. Beit further enacted, etc.. That all fines collected under the provisions of this Act, shall be payable to the State Treasurer, for the use of the "Board of Commis- sioners for the protection of Birds, Game and Fish," of this State, except that any person furnishing to the game wardens or other offi- cers, authorized under the laws of the State to institute a prosecution, sufficient evidence to convict any person or persons, or corporations, for violations of the provisions of this Act, shall receive, in case of a conviction, fifty per cent. (50%) of the fine collected, the same to be paid by a warrant, issued by the "Board of Commissioners for the protection of Birds, Game and Fish." Section 14. Be it further enacted, etc.. That the State and Parish Boards of Public Education are directed to provide for the celebra- tion, by all public schools, of "Bird Day," on May fifth of each year, being the anniversary of the birth of John James Audubon, the distinguished son of Louisiana. 27 On the recurring anniversary days, suitable exercises are to be engaged in, and lessons on the economic and esthetic value of the resident and migratory birds .of the State are to be taught, by the teachers, to their pupils. Section 15. Be it further enacted, etc., That all the Acts or parts of Acts hereunto inconsistent With or contrary to the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. y^ 28 DEER AND FISH. Act No. 121 of 1906. By Mr. Friedrichs. AN ACT. For the protection of deer and fish. To provide the manner in which said animals and fish may be killed. To fix the sea- sons in which said animals and fish may be killed. To author- ize the issuance of licenses to hunt. To provide for the pun- ishment of violations of this Act. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That all deer and fish found in this State shall be and are hereby declared to be the property of the State. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc.. That no person within the State of Louisiana, shall kill, catch or have in possession, living or dead, any deer or fish, or purchase or offer for sale any such deer or fish, after same has been killed or caught, except as permitted by this Act. 29 Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person to snare, trap, or cap- ture deer. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc.. That it shall be unlawful for any person to kill a doe or fawn at any time. Section 5. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person to hunt or kill deer between the hours of sundown and daybreak, or kill deer driven to the high land by overflow or high water at any time. Section 6. Beit further enacted, etc , That there shall be a period of 7 months in each year in which it shall be unlawful for any person to kill, snare, or trap, hunt with hounds or in any way annoy or destroy any wild deer, and that the Police Juries of the parishes are hereby empowered to set the date in which the closed season shall begin and end, provided that the closed season so fixed by said Po- lice Juries shall not be for a less period than the seven months be- fore mentioned. And provided further that north of the 31st paral- lel of latitude the months of May, June, July and up to August 15th of each year shall in every instance 30 be included in the closed season. No person shall kill more than two deer in any one day nor more than six deer in any one season. Section 7. Be it further enacted, etc., That is shall be unlawful for any person to catch or kill black bass, commonly called green trout, between the 1st day of February and the 15th day of May. Or striped bass, commonly called bar- fish, between the 1st day of Dec- ember and the 1st day of March. Or catfish, except spoonbill catfish and buffalo fish between the 1st day of March and the 1st day of May. Or any other species of fresh water fish between the 1st day of December and the 1st d a y of March. Section 8. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person to catch or kill any bass, except by means of rod, hook and line; nor shall any bass short- er than four inches be had in pos- session ; all bass under that size that may be caught shall be imme- diately returned to the waters. Section 9. Amended by Act No. 249 of 1908, by Mr. Marston to read as follows : Be it further enacted, etc.. That it shall be unlawful for any person 31 to use dynamite, drugs, or throw sawdust in streams for the purpose of catching or killing any fish in the waters of this State; provided, That in the enforcement of this Act, the fishing and the fish caught with rod, liook and line, held in hand, is hereby exempt from the provisions of this Act. Nor shall any person kill fish at night by the method of striking. Section 10. Be it further enacted, etc., That no seining or netting of any description, shall be' done in the bayous, lagoons or fresh water lakes in this State, except on writ- ten p:rmiss on of the "Board of Commissioners for the protection of Birds, Game and Fish." All wardens and other officers are hereby empowered to confiscate any seines or nets being used with- out such permission- S:ction 11. Beit further enacted, etc.. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell, exchange, expose, offer for sale or exchange, have in posses- sion or keep in cold storage, either for himself or others, any of the deer and fish mentioned in this Act during the closed seasons noted herein, irrespective of the 2>2 time when or place where such deer and fish may have been killed or caught. Section 12. Be it further enacted, etc. , That it shall be unlawful for any person or corporation acting as a common carrier, its officers, agents or servants to ship, carry, take or transport beyond the con- fines of the State any of the deer and fish, protected under this Act. Section 13. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any non-resident or unnaturalized foreign -born resident of Louisiana to hunt within the State unless he has in his possession, ready to ex- hibit to any warden or officer up- on request, a hunting license. Such license shall be issued by the tax collectors of the several par- ishes upon the payment of a fee of ten dollars (^10.00), shall be non- transferable, and shall be good throughout the State during the open season for which it is issued, and shall contain the applicant's signa<-ure and such other means of identification as may be prescribed by the "Board of Commissioners for the protection of Birds, Game, and Fish." Every non-resident and unnaturalized foreign-born 33 resident found hunting without the aforesaid license may be ar- rested on sight by any officer or warden, and shall be liable to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25.00), nor more than fifty dollars ($50.00) , or imprison- ment in the parish jail not less than ten (lO) days, nor more than thirty (30) days, or both fine and imprisonment. Section 14. Be it further enacted, etc.. That it shall be unlawful for any non-resident or unnaturalized foreign -born resident found hunt- ing for profit, either to himself or others. Every non-resident or unnaturalized foreign -born resi- dent found hunting for profit to himself or others, may be arrested on sight by any officer and shall be liable to a fine of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00), nor more than one hundred dollars ($100 00), or imprisonment in the parish jail for rot less than ten (lO) days, nrr more than thirty (30) days, or both fine and im- prisonment. Section 15. Be it further enacted, etc., That any person or person-^, or common carrier, or their agents or officers, violating any of the 34 provisions of this Act, except Sec- tions 14, 15 and 16, s h a 11 be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction thereof, pay the costs of the prosecution and be fined not less than ten dol- lars ($10.00), nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00), for each deer, nor less than one dol- lar ($1.00), nor more than five dollars ($5.00), for each fishun- lawlully captured, killed, sold, offered for sale, or had in posses- sion for sale, purchased, exchang- ed, shipped, carried, transported or attempted to ship, carry, trans- port, either within or without the State, or had in possession during- the closed seasons, or be imprison- ed in the parish jail for not less than ten ('O) days, nor more than thirty (30) days, or both fine and imprisonment. Sec ion 16. Be it further enacted, etc.. That all fees and fines col- ected under the provisions of this Act shall be payable to the State Treasurer for the ufc of the "Board of Commissioners for the protection of Birds, Game and Fish" of this State, except that any person furnishing to the game wardens or other officers author- ized under the laws of the State to 35 institute a prosecution, sufficient evidence against any person or persons or corporation to secure a conviction for violations of the provisions of this Act shall receive, in case of conviction, fifty (50%) per cent, of the fine collected, the same to be paid by warrant issued by the ''Board of Commissioners ior the protection of Birds, Game and Fish." Section 17. Be it further enacted, €tc., That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are re- pealed. y^ 36 FUR BEARING ANIMALS. Act No. 79 of 1906. By Mr. Settoon. AN ACT. For the protection of fur-bearing animals in the State of Louisi- ana, and fixing fines and pen- alties for the violation of the provisions of this Act. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That it shall be unlaw- ful in this State to catch, trap or kill, -or pursue with intent to catch or kill, between the 1st day of March and the 15th day of Nov- vember in any year, any otter, beaver, mink, raccoon or opossum. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That any person or persons violating the above provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall on conviction thereof be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than one hun- dred dollars ($100.00), or impri- soned in the parish jail for not less than ten (lO) days, nor more than (90) ninety days, or both at the discietion of the court, for each offense; provided this shall not apply to farmers or others killing minks, coons or opossums about their premises or cultivated lands to prevent depredation. Section 3. Be it further enacted, etc., That any person reporting to any officer authorized under the laws of the State, to in- stitute prosecution, any violators of the Act, shall receive as a re- ward for such report one -half the fined levied and collected from the person so reported, and the re- mainder of such fine shall go to the public school fund of the parish in which the offense was com- mitted. Section 4. Beit further enacted, etc.. That all laws contrary to or in conflict with the provisions of this Act be and they are hereby repealed. y^ 3S TERRAPIN. Act No. 196 of 1908. By Mr. Butler. AN ACT. To declare diamond-back terrapin the property of the State; to regulate the catching, killing and sale of same; to regulate the transportation, shipping and carrying of the same from and within the State of Louisi- ana; and to provide for the punishment of violators thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, That all diamond-back terrapin found in the State are hereby declared to be the property cf the State, and no person, cor- poration or transportation company shall at any time or in any manner acquire any property in, or subject to his dominion or control, any fe- male diamond back terrapin which measures less than five inches in the length of the under shell; and whenever any person kills, catches, takes, ships, or has in his pcsses- sion, or under control, either as owner, agent, consignee, or trans- porter, any female diamond -back terrapin measuring less than five inches in the length of the under shell, the use, title and possession of such terrapin shall be recognized in the State of Louisiana which shall be entitled to assume sole possession and control thereof. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, their agents, officers or emplo\ees, to sell, exchange, expose, offer for sale or exchange, or have in pos- session either lor himself or others any female diamond -back terrapin as described in Section 1 of this Act, whether dead or alive. Sections. Be it further enacted, etc., That it shall be unlawful for any person or any corporation act- ing as a common carrier its officers, agents or servants, to ship, carry, take or transport beyond the con- fines of this State, any female dia- mond-back terrapin, as described in this Act, whether dead or alive. Section 4. Be it further enacted, etc.. That all packages containing diamond -back terrapin, when shipped within the State, shall be 40 plainly and clearly marked with the name of the consignor and con- signee, with a statement of the number of terrapin therein con- tained, and said packages shall be so constrncted as to plainly show its contents. And any package otherwise shipped may be confis- cated by any warden or other duly authorized officer. Section S. Be it further enacted, etc., That the violation of the pro- visions of this Act by any person, firm or corporation, or agent of any person, firm or corporation shall be and is hereby declared to constitute a misdemeanor, and up- on conviction thereof, they shall be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00), nor more than three dol- lars (;^3.00), for each female dia- mond-back terrapin of less than five inches in length of the under shell, found in their possession or control, or shown to have been caught, bought, sold or shipped by them; and in default of payment of such fine as may be legally im- posed, to be imprisoned with the discretion of the court for not more than thirty (30) days. 41 ALLIGATORS. Act No. 37 of 1908. By Mr. Welsh. AN ACT. To authorize Police Juries of each parish to enact such laws and to fix such penalties for the violations of the same as they deem necessary to prohibit the killing and destruction of alli- gators. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana, that the Police Juries of their respective parishes throughout the State of Louisiana, are hereby authorized to enact such laws as they deem best to prohibit the killing and destruction of alli- gators and to fix a penalty for the violation of the same. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. 42 SHIPMENT OF GAME. Act No. 207 of 1908. By Mr. Welsh. AN ACT. To authorize Police Juries of each parish throughout the State of Louisiana to enact such laws and to fix such penalties for the violation of the same as they deem necessary to regu- late the shipping- of game, except deer and game birds, out of their repectivepaiishes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the Stat- of Louisiana, That the Police Juries of their respective parishes throughout the State of Louisiana, are hereby authorized and empow- ered to enact such laws as they deem best to regulate the shipping of game, except deer and game birds, out of their respective par- ishes, and to fix a penalty for the violation of the same. Section 2. Be it further enacted, etc., That all laws in conflict with this Act are hereby repealed. 43 THE LACY ACT? Enacted by the United States Congress. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Con- gress assembled, That the duties and powers of the Department of Agriculture are hereby enlarged so as to include the preservation, distribution, introduction and res- toration of game birds and other wild birds. The Secretary of Agri- culture is hereby authorized to adopt such measures as may be necessary to carry cut the pur- poses of this Act and to purchase such game birds and other wild birds as may be required therefor, subject however, to the hws of the various States and Territories. The object and purpose of this Act is to aid in the restoration of such birds in those parts of the United States adapted thereto where the same have become scarce or extinct, and also to reg- ulate the introduction of American 44 or foreign birds or animals in lo- calities where they have not here- tofore existed. The Secretary of Agriculture shall from time to time collect and publish useful information as to the propagation, uses and preser- vation of such birds. And the Secretary of Agriculture shall make and publish all needful rules and regulations for carrying out the purposes of this Act, and shall expend for said purposes such sums as Congress may appro- priate therefor. Section 2. That it shall be un- lawful for any person or persons to import into the United States any foreign wild animal or bird, ex- cept under special permit from the United States Department of Agri- culture: Provided, that nothing in this section shall restrict the im'- poitation of natural history speci- mens for museums or scientific collections, or the importation of certain cage birds, such as domes- ticated canaries, parrots or such other species as the Secretary of Agriculture may designate. The importation of mongoose, the so-called "flying foxes" or fruit bats, the English sparrow, 45 the startling, or such other birds or animals as the Secretary of Agriculture may from time to time declare injurious to the intesests of agriculture or horticulture is hereby prohibited, and such species upon arrival at any of the ports of the United States shall be destroy- ed or returned at the expense of the owner. The Secretary of the Treasurer is hereby authorized to make regulations for carrying into effect the provisions of this Sec- tion. Section 3. That it shall be un- lawful for any person or persons to deliver to any common carrier, or for any common carrier to trans- port from one State or Territory to another State or Territory, or from the District of Columbia or Alaska to any State or Territory, or from any State or Territory to the District of Columbia or Alaska, any foreign animals or birds the importation of which is prohibited, or the dead bodies or parts thereof of any wild animals or birds, where such animals or birds have been killed in violation of the laws of the State, Territory or District in which the same were killed: Pro- vided, That nothing herein shall prevent the transportation of any 46 dead birds or animals killed during the season when the same may be lawfully captured, and the export of which is not prohibited by law in the State, Territory or District in which the same are k lied. Section 4. That all packages containing such dead animals, birds or parts thereof, when ship- ped by interstate commerce, as provided in Section 1 of this Act, shall be plainly and clearly mark- ed, so that the name and address of the shipper and the nature of the contents may be readily ascer- tained on inspection of the outside of such packages. . For each eva- sion or violation of this Act the shipper shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding two hun- dred dollars ($200.00) ; and the consignee knowingly receiving such articles so shipped and trans- ported in violation of this Act shall , upon conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00); and the carrier know- ingly carrying or transporting the same shall, upon conviction, pay a fine of not exceeding two hun- dred dollars ($200.00). Section 5. That all. dead bodies, or parts thereof, of any foreign game animals, or game or song 47 birds, the importation of whicli Is prohibited, or the dead bodies, or parts thereof, of any wild game animals, or game or song birds transported into any State or Ter- ritory, or remaining therein for use, consumption, sale, or storage therein, shall upon arrival in such State or Territory be subject to the operation and effect of the laws of such State or Territory enacted in the exercise of its police powers, to the same extent and in the same manner as though such animals and birds had been produced in such State or Territory, and shall not be exempt therefrom by any reason of being introduced therein in original packages or otherwise. This Act shall not prevent the im- portation, transportation or sale of birds or bird plumage manufactured from the feathers of barnyard fowl. Approved, May 25th, 1900. W^ 48 INDEX. PAGE Annual Meetings ot Board 3 " Report '' " 4 Appointment of Wardens 4 Alligators 42 Board of Commissioners 2 Birds in Cages 23 Bird Day 27 Black Bass, Season 31 Bar Fish, " 31 Buffalo Fish, " 31 Black Bass, Size of 31 Beavers, Protected 37 Catfish, Season 31 Cold Storage of Deer and Fish Pro- hibited 32 Domicile of Commissioners 3 Duties of " 3 " " Wardens 5 Deer, Property of the State 29 " Cannot be Captured 29 " Hours in which to Kill : 30 " Seasons " " 30 Dynamiting, Prohibited 31 Expenses of Commissioners 9 Fines, Payable to 37, 27, 19 Fish, Property of the State 29 " Fresh Water, Seasons 31 Fees, Payable to 38, 37 Fines , 37 Game Birds, Property of the State.... 11 Named 12 May be Killed 13 Protected 13 Number Killed 13 Nest and Eggs 14 " Closed Seasons 15, 14 " Shipment of 15 Guns, Prohibited 14 INDKX— Contlnueci. Hunting Licenses 8 " " for Non-residents.... 16 for Residents 17 Lacey Act 44 Minks, Protected 37 Non-residents 33, 16, 14 Nou-game Birds, Named 20 not Protected 25 Nests and Eggs, Non-game Birds 21 Netting, Prohibited 33 Opossums, Protected 37 Penalties 26, 14 Plumage of Birds 21 Posted Lands 22 Permission to Kill, Non-game Birds 24 Rights to Search 7 Residents Licenses 35 Raccoons, Protected 37 Salaries of Wardens 6 How Paid 7 State Auditor 8 Shipments of Game Birds 16 Striped Bass, Seasons 31 Seining, Prohibited 33 Shipment of Terrapin 40 " Deer " Game 43 Trapping, Birds 23 Terrapin, Property of the State 39 " Sizes Permitted 39 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 002 899 447 3 ( ■