O* c ° " ° -» ' o .^^ *'j^dr/7y>:. '*^ prt. Venetian Red. 9. I prt. white lead, 6 oz. Prus. Blue. 10. Yz prt, white lead, Yz prt. Yellow Ochre. 11. Orange Mineral. 12. -3 prt white lead, J^prt Tuscan Red, 30Z. ^*rus. Blue 13- H prt. white lead, X P^t. Chr. Yellow. 14. Y2 prt. white lead, % prt. Yellow Ochre, 12 oz. Venetian Red. 15. I prt. white lead, 6 oz. Ult. Blue. 16. Yi prt. white lead, % prt. Yellow Ochre. 17. X prt. white lead, i^ prt. Yellow Ochre, lYz oz. P. Blue, 3 oz. B. Umber. 18. I prt. white lead, 3 oz. Chr. Yellow, i>4 oz. P. Blue. 19. Indian Red. 20. Chr. Med. Yellow. 21. I prt. white lead, 1Y2 oz. Ult. Blue. 22. I prt. Yellow Ochre, 6 oz. Tuscan Red. 23 Y prt. white lead, Y prt. Yellow Ochre, 3 oz. Raw Umber, Y oz. Lampblack. 24. Kprt. white lead, ^prt. Yellow Ochre, 3 oz. P. Blue 25. I prt. white lead, lY oz. Chr. Yellow, Yz Crylight Green. 26. I prt. white lead, \Y oz. B. Sienna, 1Y2 oz. Lamp- black. 27. I prt. white lead, 6 oz. R. Sienna. 28. Prussian Blue. 29- % prt. white lead, Y prt. Yellow Ochre, 6 oz. B. Umber, 3 oz. Lampblack. 30. I prt. white lead, 6 oz. B, Umber. 31. I prt. white lead, 3 oz. Ult. Blue. 32. Yellow Ochre. 33. Yi prt. white lead, Y?, prt. Yellow Ochre, 1Y2 oz. P. Blue. 34. I prt. white leati, i '/2 oz. Lampblack. 35. Ult. Blue. 36. Raw Sienna. 37- % prt. white lead, X P^t. Yellow Ochre. 38. I prt. white lead, }/% oz. P. Blue, 3 oz. Venet. Red. 39. I prt. white lead, 6 oz. Chr. Yellow, % oz. P. Blue. 40. B. Umber. 41. R. Umber. 42. I prt. Yellow Ochre, 12 oz. Chr. Yellow, 6 oz. P. Blue, 6 oz. L. Black. 43. Venetian Red. 44. y2 prt. white lead, Yz prt. Yellow Ochre, 1 54oz. Ve- net. Red, lYz oz. B. Sienna. 45. I prt. white lead, Yt oz. Chr. Yellow, y% oz. Lamp- black. 46. Vermillion. 47. I prt. white lead, Y% oz. P. Blue, 3 oz. Tus. Red. 48. i^prt. white lead, 12 oz. R. Sienna. 49. Lampblack. 50. Yi prt. white lead, % prt. Yellow Ochre, 6 oz. B. Sienna, 3 oz. Lampblack. 51. Y^ P^'t- white lead, Y2 P^t. Yellow Ochre, 3 oz. R. Umber. 52. Crylight Green. 53- Yi prt. white lead. % prt. Yellow Ochre, lYi oz. P. Blue. 54. Tuscan Red. 55- % prt. Yellow Ochre, Yi prt. Venet. Red, 3 oz. B. Umber. 56. X prt. white lead, }i prt. Yellow Ochre, 3 oz. Ve- net. Red, 3 oz. B. Umber. 57. I prt. white lead, 6 oz. B. Sienna, % oz. P. Blue. 58. Emerald Green. 59. I prt. white lead, 6 oz. Venet. Red, lYz oz. P. Blue. 60. Yi prt. white lead, Y-x, prt. Yellow Ochre, 3 oz. R. Umber. 61. I prt. white lead, lYz oz. Chr. Yellow, ^oz. P. Blue. 62. B. Sienna. 63. Ys prt. white lead, Y P^t. Yellow Ochre, Y oz. B. Umber. RECEIPTS FOR WATER COLORS. To every pound of whitening mixed ready for use add: 1. 2 oz. Paris Green. 2. 2 oz. Rose Lake. 3. 2 oz. Ultramarine Blue. 4. I oz. Turkey Red. 5. 1 oz. Turkey Red, i oz. Pru.ssian Blue. 6. I oz. Yellow Ochre, i oz. B. Sienna. 7. I oz. Chrome Med. Yellow. 8. I oz. Chrome Med. Yellow, i oz. P. Blue. 9. 2 oz. Chrome Med. Yellow. 10. I oz. Indian Red. 11. 2 oz. Dutch Pink. [2. 2 oz. Distempered Black. 13. I oz. Distempered Black, 2 oz. Turkey Red. 14. I oz. Chrome Green. 15. 2 oz. Yellow Ochre, 2 oz. Venet. Red. 16. 2 oz. Ultramarine Blue, i oz. Turkey Red. 17. 2 oz. Chrome Med. Yellow, i oz. Chrome Gi'een Med. 18. 2 oz. Distempered Black, i oz, Indian Red. 19. 2 oz. Dutch Pink, i oz. Distempered Black, 2 oz, Turkey Red. 20. 2 oz. Chrome Med. Yellow, i oz. Turkey Red. 21. 2 oz, Paris Green. 22. 2 oz. Ultramarine Blue. 23. I oz. Vandyke Brown. 24. I oz. Venet. Red, ^ oz. Black. 25. X oz. Distempered Black, >4 oz. Paris Green. 26. X oz. Distempered Black, ^4 oz. Paris Green, yi oz. Ultramarine Blue. 27. 2 oz. Yellow Ochre, 28. I oz. Chrome Med, Yellow, Ys oz, Prussian Blue, 29. I oz. Emerald Green, i oz. Distempered Black, 30. ^ oz. Distempered Black, 31. 14 oz. Distempered Black, i oz. Rose Lake. 32. }{ oz. Distempered Black, >^ oz. Ro.se Lake. 33. ^ oz. Distempered Black, 4 oz. Venet. Red. 34. ^ oz. Distempered Black. 35. I oz. Burnt vSienna, i oz. Dutch Pink. MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS. Ascertain amount of surface to be painted by square yard measurement. When lead is not used Yellow Ochre makes a satisfac- tory priming. WAX PRIMING. To five' gal Ions of linseed oil add one pound of bees- wax and one pound of litharge; bring to boiling point; add lead ochre or other material desired. This will require far less lead, etc., per gallon tli&n the usual priming, owing to the fact tliat the wax gives . much greater body to the oil and causes it to act as a fil- ler. It will not lap and is easy to apph'. When apply- ing second coating over this priming, one-quarter less stock will be required than over ordinary priming as the paint will retain the gloss and not strike in. Do not use the priming for second coating or for white work. Mix second coating in the usual manner. ROUGH STUFF For use on carriage or housework. Use English or Reno filler; % rubbing varnish, Japan yi\ add small quantity of lead for body. Mix to a paste; thin with turpentine; opply three or four coats; rub with pumice stone to an even surface. FRENCH OR SHHLLAC POLISH — NO. I ARTICLE. Dissolve X pound of shellac in one pint of alcohol; then add two or three spoonsful of olive oil. This will prevent the shellac from setting immediately, as it would do were the oil not added. Apply shellac to fur- niture, etc., desired to be polished; ruV) briskly with a woolen cloth. Should the shellac set to quickly, add more oil. GROUND WORK 1 OR GRAINING. For oak use — Light oak: Nos. 27, 37, 48. Dark oak: Nos. 10, 16, 93. For walnut, use Nos. 14, 22, 56, 57. GRAINING COLORS FOR OAK AND WALNUT. For light oak use: i — Raw umber; 2 — Raw sienna, raw umber; 3 — Burnt sienna, raw umber. For dark oak use: i — Burnt umber and burnt sienna. For walnut use: i — Burnt umber and burnt sienna; 2 — Black and burnt sienna; 3 — Vandyke brown and burnt sienna. Graining colors are transparent and will not conceal defects in the ground work, which should be smooth and of sufficient body. Oak and walnut graining colors are mixed with % tur- pentine ami y'l, oil. One ounce of beeswax and 2 ounces of litharge should be boiled in oil and added to each gal- lon of the color. Wax prevents the color from setting too quickly. Litharge is a superior (iryer. Japan, etc., causes the color to work tough. HARD WOOD FINISHES. Oil an wood, and, when thoroughly dry, apply filler. Should you desire to make your own filler, take one pound of corn starch and mix with oil to a paste; add Japan as a dryer; thin with turpentine; apply with l)rush when set, which should be from two to tnree hours; rub off with rags or waste; sand-paper after twentv-four hours, when it will be ready for apphdng shellac or var- nish. SOFT WOOD FILLERS. A substantial finish may be given to redwoods, etc. bo- using oil prepared in the following manner. To each gallon of oil, add from one-half to one pound of l^ees-wax and one pound of litharge, boiled in oil; apply to the wood work, and, when thoroughly dry, varnish. WHITE GLUE SIZE FILLP::r. Apply to the work hot; avoid having too strong. OIL STAINS. Use Umber or Vandyke Brown for walnut. Use Venetian Red or Burnt Sienna for mahogons-. WATER COLOR STAINS. Should you desire to do a good and cheap jol) of stain- ing, dissolve Diamond Dyes m a small quantity of water and strain into glue size; size to be applied hot. Mahogony: Terra Cotta or fast brown. Rose Wood: Crimson; Cardinal red; Garnet, Cherry: Crimson. Color putty to match wood when staining or finishing. WHITENING AND TINTING. Defects in wall should be remedied with Plaster of Paris, adding some of the mixed color to be used. This will prevent setting too quickly; then a coat of alum size should be applied. ,.,.-,<, AI^UM SIZE. To two gallons of water, add yi pound of glue dis- solved; X pound of alum dissolved. Tint anv desired color. OR'DINARV WHITENING. Soak ten pounds of whitening, (avoid ha\ing too thin); add coloring matter desired; add one pound of white glue, reduced to a size and previously brought to boiling point. This is the old method of preparing whitening. IMPROVED METHOD. Thoroughly soak ten pounds of whitening; soak one-quarter to one half pound of white glue and then bring to a boiling point, stirring meanwhile. iJissolve Vs pound of alum in water; add the alum and glue size to the whitening separately. Dissolve one- quarter to one-half pound of common laundry soap to a suds, add to the whitening and strain the whole. For pure white work, use* a proportion of zinc if desired. Desiring to mix tints, reduce colors and strain into the w^hitening. When mixed in accordance with the above receipt, it is easily applied, making a much nicer job, and leaving no laps. Nothing equals it for cloth or porous walls and ceilings. . ORDINARY WHITE-WASH. To every ten pounds of lime add one pound of tallow and two pounds salt (while slacking). DRYER FOR FI,AT COLORS. Such as China, Gloss, etc, where it is necessary that each successive coat should be perfectl)- dry, dissolve sugar of lead in alcohol and use for same. FROSTING ON GLASS. Permenant: Mix zinc or lead flat and pounce with cheese-cloth, etc. Temporar}^ To '/^ pint of stale beer, add one oz. ep- som salts, btir thorouglily before applying. 'This frost- ing will break into crystals and present a beautiful ap- pearance. It can be easily washed off and renewed as often as desired. FLOOR STAINS. Desiiing to stain floors, note receipts for oil stain; ap- ply shellac or varnish. FLOOR PAINTS. Use tints desired. For porch floors, steps, etc. use litharge for dryer. GOOD CHEAP VARNISH. To one gallon of turpentine or benzine varnish (cheap) add one pint of brown Japan, one pint boiled oil; thin with turpentine. This will not scratch or turn white. You will save at least one-half in the cost of varnish. THINNERS. To five gallons of water, add }i to j^ pound of shellac and one pound of carbanate of soda; heat gradually un- til shellac is dissolved. Break up your lead, etc. in oil and use thinners. Use for priming or second coating. Slack lime and when settled pour off the w^ater for thinners. Use gallon for gallon with oil. POTASH. Take potash (canned) and dissolve in water. Mix in oil your Metallic, Venetian, or other coUoring matter. Add your potash to oil color and add water, stirring thoroughly until water refuses to amalgamate. Vou have a good fire-proof paint. The first receipt is first class, the second good and the third all right for the purposes recommended. The ingredients are more expensive than those used in most of the patent paints. The thinners will cost about five cents per gallon. A prerequisite to a first class job is that you thorough- ly strain 5'our paint, color or whiting, and use good brushes. 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