Food Combinations AND Methods of Cooking By George E. Cornforth Chef, New England Sanitarium, Instructor in Hygienic Cookery Reprint of Mr. Cornforth's articles in the December, 1915, and January, February, and March, 19 1 6, issues of Life and Health Life and Health Washington, D. C. Food Combinations AND Methods of Cooking By George E. (^^ornforth Chef, New England Sanitarium, Instructor in Hygienic Cookery Reprint of Mr. Comforth's articles in the December, 191 5, and January, February, and March, 1 9 16, issues of Life and Health Life and Health - Washington, D. C. ,. -K 5^ V Copyrighted 191 6 by Review and Herald Publishing Assn. APR -4 !9I6 ^P^ -4 1916 'CI.A430040 luiuiu iiiuiiiiiHiainnm>