Lc m 1115 Copy 3 FOR PUBLICATION Department of Commerce l(%, BUREAU OF THE CENSUS WASHINGTON ILLITERACY IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. The Bureau of the Census of the Department of Commerce has just published a table giving the percentages of illiteracy in most of the principal countries of the world, the figures having been brought as nearly up to date as the available sources of information permit. Illiteracy statistics of different countries are not always strictly comparable, because the basis is not always the same. Quite gener- ally, however, the percentage of illiteracy here given is based upon the total population over 10 years of age, which is the basis in the United States, but sometimes it is necessary to accept some other age limit, and in several countries the only available figures refer to illiteracy among army recruits or to that shown by the marriage records. In the United States the percentage of illiteracy is 7.7 for the total population (over 10 years of age) and 3 for the native white popu- "•ation. In Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzer- land, and the United Kingdom the percentage of illiteracy is lower than that for the native white population of the United States. Doubtless the list should also include Norway, although no figures are available for that country; but in the other European countries the percentage of illiteracy is higher than it is in the United States, and usually very much higher. In Bulgaria it is 65 per cent; in Greece 70, in Hungary 33, in Italy 37, in Portugal 69, in Koumania 61, in Russia 69, in Servia 79, and in Spain 58. There is less illit- eracy in Australia than in the United States, but in all other non- European countries the percentage of illiteracy is in general very high. 73899—15 (Uj^J 3 .' ILLITERACY IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. The term "illiterate," as used in the table below, includes all persons unable to write their own language, except in the case of figures marked with an asterisk (*), where the basis is inability to read. In some instances, however, the figures for army recruits are taken from Otto Hubner's Geographisch-Statistische Tabellen for .1913, in which the use of the term "illiteracy" is not in most cases defined. EITROPE. Austria.. Belgium. Bulgaria. Denmark England and Wales. France German Empire. Greece Hungary Ireland Italy . Maltese Islands. . The Netherlands . Portugal Prussia Roumania. Russia . . Scotland . Servia . Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom. Per cent illiterate. 13.7 «12. 7 7.9 65.5 25.4 58.4 0.2 1.8 14.1 4.3 4.1 &0. 05 <=57. 2 30.0 ^33.3 *9.2 8.1 *37.0 o31.1 38.7 *57. 5 /0. 8 2.2 ■0 68.9 &0.02 0.4 /60.6 C41.0 ^69.0 >>61.7 1.6 78.9 43.4 36.7 58.7 0.2 *0.3 1.0 Basis. Population over 11 years Population over 10 years Army recruits Population over 10 years Army recruits Marriages Army recruits Marriages Population over 10 years Army recruits Marriages Army recruits Population over 10 years Army recruits Population over 6 years Population over 9 years Marriages Population over 10 years Army recruits Marriages Population over 5 years Army recruits Marriages Population over 10 years Army recruits Marriages Population over 7 years Army recruits Population over 10 years Army recruits Marriages Population over 11 years Army recruits Marriages Population over 10 years Army recruits Army recruits Armv recruits Year. 1910 1910 1913 1905 1909 1901-10 1907 1901-10 1906 1912 1901-10 1912 1907 No date. 1910 1911 1901-10 1911 1910 1901-10 1901 1912 1901-10 1911 1910 1901-10 1909 1911 1897 1894 1901-10 1900 1911 1901-10 1900 1911 1911 1903-04 (See notes on page 4.) (2) MA* i® t920. AMERICA. Continental United States: Total population Native white Native parentage Foreign or mixed parentage Foreign-born white Negro Indian Chinese Japanese Argentina Bolivia Brazil British Honduras Canada Chile.. Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Guatemala Mexico Newfoundland Porto Rico Uruguay AUSTRALIA. Commonwealth of Australia New South Wales New Zealand Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia ASIA AND OCEANIA. Ceylon : All races European race Other than European . India Philippine Islands Russia .' Hawaii 7.7 3.0 3.7 1.1 12.7 30.4 45.3 15.8 9.2 54.4 82.9 85.2 68.8 11.0 *49. 9 *73.0 80.2 *43. 4 92.7 70.7 45.8 66.5 a 39. 8 *)1. 8 *i2.0 1.0 **0.9 0.3 *;'2.5 2.0 *n.8 0.8 *>'3.3 2.4 *il.l 0.4 *n.6 0.6 78.3 11.9 78.4 *92. 1 "»55. 5 «87. 3 26.8 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 6 years. 7 years. 5 years. 10 years 10 years Population over Population over Population over Population over Population over Population over Population over Population over Population over Population over Population over All ages All ages Population over Population over Males of all ages All ages Population over All ages Population over Population over Population over Population over Population over 10 years Population over 10 years Marriages Population over 10 years Marriages Population over 10 years Marriages Population over 10 years Marriages Population over 10 years Marriage-;. Population over 10 years Marriages Population over 10 years Marriages 12 years 5 years. 10 years 5 years. All ages All ages All ages Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1910 1895 1900 1890 1901 1911 1907 1912 1892 1907 1893 1910 1901 1910 1908 1911 1911 1901-10 1911 1901-10 1911 1901-10 1911 1901-10 1911 1901-10 1911 1901-10 1911 1901-10 1901 1901 1901 1911 1903 1897 1910 (See notes on page 4.) Percent illiterate. 029 498 565 7 Basis. AFRICA. Algeria Cape of Good Hope: All races European race Other than European Egypt Natal: All races European race Other than European. Orange Free State: All races European race . . ^ Other than European Transvaal: All races European race Other than European Union of South Africa: All races European race Other than European 13.0 64.0 3.8 82.8 = 92.7 86.7 1.6 94.8 58.0 2.7 85.8 69.4 2.5 91.1 69. 3. Army recruits. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Population over 10 years. Year. 1912 1911 1911 1911 1907 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 a Based on number unable to read and write. 6 Based on number without schooling. c Based on number illiterate; but this term is not denned in the census report. d Based on number over 6 not reported as able to read and write. e Native Maltese population. / Based on number unable either to read or write. e Including Azores and Madeira. h Exclusive of Finland. i Based on number without any proficiency in writing. i Exclusive of full-blooded aboriginals. fc Exclusive of Maoris and Chinese and of population of annexed Pacific islands. l Illiteracy, as here used, represents inability to write a letter to a friend and read his reply. m Civilized population. « Caucasia, Siberia, and Central Asia. WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1815 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS % 029 498 565 7 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5