es:^'? LIBRfiRY OF CONGRESS il1IPill||lil|l||l|l|illlllllillllllll Hollinger Corp. PLANS AND SUGGESTIONS for New Mexico Rural School Buildings Issued by the State Department of Education, Santa Fe, New Mexico Jonathan H. Wagner, State Superintendent of Public Instruction "We have two great branches of architectural virtue, and we require of any building:— 1. That it ACT WELL, and do the things it was intended to do in the best way. 2. That it LOOK WELL, and please us by its presence, whatever it has to do." "All works of quality must bear a price in proportion to the sldll, time, expense, and risk at- tending their invention and manufacture. Those things called dear are, when justly estimated, the cheapest. A composition for cheapness and not for excellence of workmanship is the most frequent and certain cause of the rapid decay and entire destruction of art and manufacture." — John Ruskin. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ^E'-EIVEB IV1AR181921 DOCUME.rslT':. L-ViSION SENA HIGH SCHOOL AT SANTA FE— MISSION TYPE OF ARCHITECTURE POPULAR IN NEW MEXICO INTRODUCTION. "PHERE IS LITTLE that needs to be said by way of introduction to these plans and suggestions for New Mexico Public School Buildings. One of the most valuable publications ever sent out from the Department of Education was one similar to this one issued by the Territorial Department of Education under the direction of the Territorial Superintendent, Mr. James E. Clark, in 1909. During my administration from time to time, many calls have been made for these designs and suggestions by school officials and architects, and we have been able to accommodate many. That supply is now exhausted and to meet the continu- ally increasing demand for plans and suggestions of sanitary, convenient, and artistic school buildings this publication is sent out from the Department of Education with confidence that it will result in better school buildings in our state. In the preparation of this book, we have consulted not only similar publications from the educational departments of the various states in the Union, but we have conferred with close observing practical school men and architects in order that this book may be of real service. Much of the subject matter has been prepared under the direction of Teachers' College, Columbia University, in the Department of Rural School Administration, and we have embodied the rules governing the sanitation of pub- lic buildings as promulgated by the State Board of Health in New Mexico. I am indebted to many sources for the suggestions, the material in plans and suggestions and the drawings and designs in this book, but more especially to the members of the Department of Education, who realizing the demand for this book have given their best efforts. JONATHAN H. "WAGNER, Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 1st, 1920. State Superintendent of Public Instruction. BUILDING STANDARDS FOR RURAL SCHOOLS. I. The School Grounds. Beautiful, well kept school grounds are an indication of a progressive community; and money invested in school property brings returns in enhanced farm values, and in a happier, richer life for children as well as adults. The schoolhouse should be located on the best plot of ground to be secured in the district provided it isn't too far from the center of the community and has the advantage of the best roads. The fact that the district already has a site is no reason why it should not be changed if a better one is obtainable. The grounds, which should contain at least two acres, must be well drained, must contain water supply if possible ; and should provide for school gardening if older children are expected to attend school. Hence a rocky, wind-swept bit of land which is of no use for anything else will not be a satisfactory school location. Care must also be taken in the mountainous sections lest hillsides or trees shut out the light supply. Beautifying the school grounds by means of trees and shrubbery seems a hopeless task in many parts of the state but even sage brush and cactus can be utilized for hedges. Walks can be made about the building and the premises kept neat if nothing more is done. The building should be far enough away from the road to avoid the dust and noise from passing vehicles. Many com- munities will provided a teachers' home and a shed for horses, if they have not already done so, and the general plan of the school ground should make allowance for convenient arrangement of these features. The grounds should be entirely enclosed by a fence, a practical one being made with several strands of barbed wire or -with. a strip of hog wire topped with two strands of barbed wire. If the posts are painted white the fence will look well and be more durable. One of the most important features of any school is its playground. We have changed the old idea of providing separate playgrounds for boys and girls for several reasons. Girls and boys must study together, compete with each other for school honors, go to and from school together and they are associated with one another in the homes. Then why should they be partitioned off on the playground where there is excellent opportunity for the development of team work, respect for one another's rights, and wholesome, natural relationships between boys and girls? This latter factor is too often sadly neglected as countless errors in later youth give evidence. There is practically no difference in the play interests of school boys and girls, age being the important factor which de- termines variation in play. There should be a large, general playground so planned that a baseball diamond and a basket ball court can be laid out. A place is reserved for the smaller children and is provided with a sand pile and some small wooden boxes for building playhouses, besides such equipment as a giant stride and a slide. The older children may provide other play equipment for the little ones. II. The Building. X(i sfhiKil building should be hastily planned for in most it must serve a good many years and is likely to become quite inadequate for the community's needs. There are many places in New Mexico where consolidation will never be possible largely because of geographical conditions and sparseness of population. This means that one or two teachers will have charge of all grades in school. It should not mean however that the children in such a comnuniity be deprived of school advantages which children in more favorable localities enjoy. Any school building is primarily for children — a place where they may work and play, and learn and live. Building plans should make provision for the teaching of industrial arts, usually by the regular teacher; for a library that all the children may from the habit of enlarging their experieinces through reading; for assemblies of all the children in school and for ultimate growth of attendance. Whether a basement is provided or not, a good foundation is essential e.speeialh- since winds are so strong in most sections of the .state. The general durability of any structure should be referred to an architect. Each school \\ill have different needs in such matters as size of lobrary, amount of blackboard and so forth, but no school should neglect such conveniences as built-in cupboards, ample cleoak room space, place for dinner boxes, and bulletin boards. The coat rooms are especially convenient when provided with a separate compartment for each child. In buildings with four or less teachers the rooms should all be on the ground floor except that an assembly hall and fuel and furnace rooms are provided in the basement. Separate woHk room for boys and girls in the basement are inadvisable be- causes of inadequate supervision. For the same reason separate basement playrooms for boys and girls are inadvisable. In most part.s of the state any inside playi-oom is imnecessary for childreii are able to play outside pratically all the time. The classrooms should provide eighteen square feet of floor space for each child, should be twelve feet high and not more than twice as wide as high. III. Ventilation and Heating. In rural schools the heating and ventilating systems are one hence when no fire is needed wndow ventilation must be substituted for the gravity system. To secure proper heat and ventilation in winter the jacketed heater is the most economi- cal and simple in construction. The heated air which is admitted from the outside expands and rises so that factor alone will cause circvdation in the school room. But in order that the heavy foul air may be removed, an outlet near the floor admits this air into a flue which is built beside or around the smoke chimney. Since tliis foul air is caused to rise by being heated from the smoke chimney it is necessary to have a thin partition between the two. IV. Lighting. The window space in the classrooms should be on the left side only of the pupils and should equal from one-fifth to one- fourth of the floor space. Windows in the back of the room are unnecessary and they inconvenience the teacher who must face them. The windows should extend to within at least six inches of the ceiling to three and one-half feet from the floor, to the back of the room and to within about seven feet of the front of the room. This last di.stance depends upon the placing of the seats; as a rule the window farthest front will not be ahead of the front desk, thus avoiding, as much as possible, light in the faces of the children. If the width of a schoolroom is more than twice its height the desks farthest from the window will be inadequately ligMed. No room will be properly lighted if the upper half of the window is continually covered by a shade. Shades need be used only to keep out direct rays of sunlight and since the folding, adjustable shades are so easily managed no school- room need be dimly lighted if the windows face east or west. If southern exposure is unavoidable shades which permit a dif- fused light are desirable. The tinting of the walls makes considerable difference in the brightness of a room. Experts have decided that the best decoration is light brown for the lower part of the room, light buff for the walls, and a light cream color for the ceiling. The furniture and wood work should be of light colored wood and should never be highly polished. The location of windows in other than classrooms is not important, the main essential being that there are plenty of them for the admission of sunshine. V. Equipment and its Arrangement. All equipment from blackboards to library tables should be furnished for the small as well as the larger children. Too often all the blackboards are beyond the reach of the little ones, there is no little reading table in the library which they may claim, nor are there any other provisions made especially for their comfort. PRINCIPLES IN SCHOOL HOUSE CONSTRUCTION- I. Foundation. 1. Necessary to have one which is firm, to avoid sagging of building or racliing it in strong winds. It also helps in keeping dry and warm. 2. Where no basement is finished off 18 inches to 2 feet is sufficient height. With a basement it should be at least 3 feet above ground line. Additional light may be given to basement room.s by terracing the ground. II. General plans : 1. Consider: a. Number of teachers, grades, and children. b. Use by community (children first). c. General durability. 2. Convenience and hygienic principles should never be sacrificed for architectural symmetry and fanciful plans. a. Long eaves over windows exclude light and cast shadows. 3. Plans should include provision for such conveniences as built-in cupboards, book cases. 4. Room should be no more than 12 feet high or more than 24 feet OTde. III. Ventilation. 1. Provision should be made for admission of warm fresh air and extraction of foul air — both entrance and exit to be on same side of room, fresh air 6 or 7 feet from floor, foul air near floor. 2. In New Mexico the heater (if a jacketed stove is used) is best placed on the west side of the building because the winds are so often from that direction. 3. Where possible a furnace should be installed for all except perhaps the one-room building. IV. Lighting. 1. Light in the class rooms should come from the left side only. 2. W^indows placed thus : a. 31/4 feet to 4 feet from floor. b. As near ceiling as possible. c. Five to seven feet from front of room. d. Banked as closely together as possible. 3. Window space equal to one-fifth to one-fourth of floor space. 4. Glass doors in rooms to light hallways permissible. 5. Windowsbuilt in wall of one room to light another good. V. Equipment. 1. Blackboard in front of the room is essential in all classrooms. It should extend all the way across the room in a rural school because of the extended use to be made of it. The board at the side, between the windows and the front wall, should be 28 inches wide or maybe width of other in the room and a chalk rail but24-26 inches from floor — this to be for use of small children. Space above this board for posters, etc. The board on the opposite side of the room may correspond to this. Then the board in the front and back of the room may be regular height from floor. VI. Coat Rooms. 1. Lighted, ventilated and large enough for winter wraps. 2. Hooks adjusted to accommodate small and large pupils. VII. Miscellaneo'us. 1. Doors from rooms should open into corridors. 2. Light into a class room comes from these directions, in order of desirability. a. Southeast, southwest, west, south, east. 3. In cold climate walls may be made double with air space between; and with water proof paper between for the outer walls. 4. Basement rooms which are used for classes or meetings of any sort should not be more than 3 feet below ground level. 5. Eighteen square feet of floor space per pupil minimum for class room. 6. No thresholds in the building. 7. An auditorium should be provided where possible — if furnace is placed at one end then there would be room in the base- ment for a large room in the schools of three- and four-teacher type. 8. Separate playground for boys and girls undesirable, except that some schools may provide athletic field; even this is not to be forbidden to the girls. 1 »1 , — , >i MODEL TWO ROOM SCHOOL No. 1. — A general playground and toilets in the basrmeni ; it no basement is made then plan can be made for heaters in the room. Size of rooms, inside measurement, 24x32; work room and library 10.\24; partition between the two rooms to be folding or rolling or a solid wall. Building to face north and south. Class Roi. "•" Per-cJr Mode./ Ohc-roo/n \5cAoa/ N- / MODEL ONE ROOM SCHOOL No. 1. — Size of class room 22x34, inside measurement; work room 12x18; girls and boys' coat rooms 5x12; hall 6x6; porch covered by roof and cabinets may be provided under the windows for books. o C / a s i> /foo I I, J,, /eiihU \Vcrk Room 'WX Mode/ otie- leac /rei ■■hod /V-°>a MODEL ONE TEACHER SCHOOL No. 2.— Class room inside measurement 22x32; work room 10x20; girls' and boys" coat rooms and vestibule ■1x10; porch SxlO; library 8x16. Under the windows small shelves may be placed for plants and under this a case tor small children's favorite books. Building faces north and south. ^ilfil This plan is made with consideration tor the convenience of both teacher and pupils, for comfort, for happy, profitable time spent at school, and for the use by the community. Since the school house must be built, why not have it built so that the maximum use may be made of it? It costs a ilttle more at the outset but the returns in desirable influence on the children and community are immeasurable. The porch adds to the hominess and beauty of the building and provides shelter tor those who may arrive before the door is unlocked. The vestibule, as Territorial Supt. J. E. Clark wrote in 1909, "has its advantages at all times and in a windy country especially is almost in- dispensable. Otherwise the wind would get a full sweep into tile building whenever the outside door was opened." Some of the equipment, as the shelf under the windows, might be added later by the older boys; but most of it should be put in when the school house is built, then it is sure to be there and to be well constructed. If there is a basement, and this is recommended for the colder districts of the state, the fuel room will serve as an entrance, and the hot air flue can be put near the chimney, perhaps as indicated by dotted line in ink. The advantage of having the foul air enter a flue beside the smoke chimney is that the heat accelerates its removal. 1 ~5 1^ ■ 1 l__L PLANS FOR REMODELING OLD BUILDING. — Class room inside measurement 32x22; work room 22x12; fuel room 8x8; boys' and girls' coat rooms 5x8; hall 6x8; teachers' room and supplies 8x8. €13 v^ r!X J K ^ 5 ETL ED v^ ^ ^ T^ JhLii J D D -JL. 6 '" ^ 1 Nl '■■'Ijfr- ] J D as D C / ass f?D O l-H I r b r a t C a af^ P/ac /ta C / o 5vS f? o o trr C / a 5& f?o o frr Co a 7" s C / 03 i> ffoo tn MODE-L PLAN ro/^ FOUFT-RooM scHOOl- MODEL PLAN FOR FOUR ROO'M SCHOOL.^ — Size of class rooms 22x31; coat rooms 3x22; library 14x28; teachers' room 19x11; office 14x11; placita 16x16; porch built high as rooms to give plenty of light to the rooms. This building is heated by a furnace. Basement plan not given. School Building standards are observed in this floor plan. KANSAS PLAN ^^^ Oi »>1 s» ^ ^ O' ^ ik ^ V ^ " 'i i ■Iff \ 1 J J > ^ ■ Hal/ 1 1 1 "> -^ —3 — f- 1 1 _P Ha// 1 1-^ ^ 1 T 1 i X s, ^ 1 •> 1 1 i ^* ■V 1 io 1 5 o o 0\ Q Q Q o o o n M n a ^ ^ , a - « ^ a 2 o C7 5]nddnG-?-5nivowdVAaoLv a D nuNiiJTing isvj'nooe M M— M M SPACE FOO LABGE CONSTBUCTTO (WAGON BOXES, ETC.) OR REPAIRS Jo i PLAN or FAQH W, INCLUDINC PLANNED FOR IS TO £0 STUDENTS ROOM £4-ff X 38'-6- '^5==^==Baasf ,. -".^-^BQBsaSs^ ' ; ; '^^jiaQsisC^ai^ -6 Roo». - B wJw/w)////A ty^AdJA4iMV>idd^i E_3 ^ — CORPiiDOPi — rt3 47 A 5OGGESTE0 PLAN Vocational HoMt Economics Depai^tment PE0ER-4fc QQAfiO FOR V0CATI0H>>,L EDUCATlfM Me fa/ iyDr/(in9 MODEL MANUAL TffA/IV/N^ Ofiof tv EEGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SANITATION OF PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Promulgated by the State Board of Health of New Mexico April 30, 1920. Section 1. — Drainage. — All public school buildings and grounds shall be located on well drained sites. If the natural drainage is insufficient, adequate artificial drainage shall be provided sufficient to insure freedom from dampness of buildings and grounds. Sec. 2. — Sanitary Construction. — All public school buildings shall be so constructed as to conform to the follomng sanitary requirements : a. All buildings shall be weather tight, free from crevices in the floors or walls and from leaks in roofs. b. All buildings shall be as nearly fire-proof as possible, and if of more than one story shall be provided with at least one fire escape for each corridor or hall above the ground floor. All future construction shall provide at least one fire- escape for each end of each corridor or hall above the ground floor. It is recommended that all buildings of more than one story be also protected with a sprinkler system meeting the minimum requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. c. All doors shall open outward only, and all outside doors shall be provided, in schools having more than one room, with fire-bolts on the inside. d. All basements or cellars shall be so constructed as to be well ventilated and dry. e. All future construction shall provide adequate cloak room space, including facilities for the care of wraps, hats and other personal effects. Section 3. — School Desks. — All school desks used in any class room shall be of an adjustable iype; or, in lieii thereof, desks of different sizes shall be provided to accommodate children of varying bodily growth. Section 4. — Ventilation. — Class rooms shall at all times when occupied be adequately ventilated through one of the follow- ing arrangements: a. Through wide-open windows in mild weather. b. Through window-board ventilators under other conditions, or c. Through special air ducts, inlets or outlets in connection with an adequate steam, hot-water or hot-air heating and ventilating system. d. When a jacketed stove is used for heating, the jacket shall be fitted with a direct air inlet not less than twelve (12) inches square, opening through the wall of the building against the middle, or hottest part, of the stove, and a special foul air outlet shall be provided in the base-board on the same side of the room as the stove is located. e. All future construction shall provided not less than two hundred forty (240) cubic feet net of free air space for each pupil using any class room. Section 5. — Heating. — Unless an adequate steam, hot-water or hot-air heating sustem is installed in the school building, at least a jacketed stove shall be provided in each class room. No unjacketed stove shall be permitted in any class room. Every class room shall be provided with a thermometer, and the temperature of the air, when artificial heating is necessary, shall at all times, when such room is occupied, be kept at not less than sixty-five (65) nor more than seventy (70) degrees (Fah- renheit). Section 6. Lighting. — ^Every class room shall be provided with lighting facilities which will permit adequate illumination of all parts of the room on the darkest days. The net area of clear glass in windows in each class room shall be not less than one-fifth (1/5) of the floor space of the room. Window shades shall be provided for all windows in class rooms, for the proper control of lighting and the protection of the eyes from a glare of light, and such shades shall permit adjustment from either the top or bottom. No trees, shinibbery or other obstruction shall be permitted so near any school building as to materially impair the natural ligliting of any class room. Section 7. Drinkiiig Water. — There shall be provided in every school building at all times when such building is occupied, a supply of safe, potable drinking water, ample in quantity for the normal needs of every school child. Every public school building shall be provided with not less than one sanitary drinking fountain of a type that will not at any time permit the mouth of the individual using the fountain to come in contact with the spout or faucet from which the water flows; or, in lieu thereof, a closed sanitary jar, tank or cooler, with a faucet, shall be provided. No bucket or other open container for drinking water shall be used. No drinking cup, dipper or other utensil which is, or may be, used in common by more than one person shall be provided or permitted in any public school building. A supply of individual sanitary cups may be provided, or pupils may provide their ovm cups for individual use. Section 8.— Lavatory.— Every public school building shall be supplied where possible with an adequate supply of safe, clean, running water for washing purposes, and provided with sufficient lavatory equipment and supplies, placed, if possible, in a separate lavatory room, convenient and accessible. No towel which is, or may be, iused in common by more than one person, without thorough laundering after each individual use thereof, shall be provided or permitted in any public school building. A supply of individual sanitary towels may be provided, or pupils may provide their o-wn towels for individual use. Section 9.— Sewage Disposal.— All public school buildings, where a sufficient supply of water piped under pressure is avail- able, shall be provided with a water-carriage plumbing. Where there is water-carriage plumbing, separate toilets for girls and boys shall be provided, located if practicable in the school building. Such toilets shall be connected, for disposal of the sewage, with a sewer system approved by the State Com- missioner of Health, or vidth a sewage disposal system built in accordance with general plans approved by said Commissioner. Where there is no water-carriage plumbing, separate privies for girls and boys shall be provided. Such privies shall be well ventilated, rain-proof and fly-proof, and shall be constructed in accordance with general plans approved by the State Commis- sioner of Health. Section 10. — Cleanliness. — School buildings, privies and grounds shall at all times be kept in a clean and sanitary condition. Class rooms and halls, cloak rooms, toilet rooms and lavatories shall be cleaned at least once each day. Floors and furniture shall be cleaned, as far as possible, with dampened or oiled cloths or sweepers, or by vacuum cleaners. No class room shall be swept while such room is occupied. No person shall spit upon the floors or walls of any public school building, nor shall any person throw any waste matter upon the floors or grounds of such building. Suitable and adequate sanitary receptacles for waste matter shall be provided in con- venient places. Whenever any public school building shall be put to any use other than for school purposes, such building so used shall immediately thereafter and before being used for school purposes again, be thoroughly cleaned. Section 11. — These regulations shall take effect on September 1, 1920, and be in full force and effect on and after that date. BILL or f^/JT£/iMLS rfl/rr?£ Fi/iA/ rmm /-/fo/vr No. 0,n„„!„n! Dejcrrpfion % @ © @ @ @ @ ® @ ® r/jj^/^e i ^V0/7/ Ajj/j 2 2--1'-7f fir,,, fa^li S£/77 / /■,/S:-7-4- '"•.,;"/,*;"■■'■•"'■ 2 /--J"- /2' Co.,t, SaeAtny 2 /■•/2--/4- Covers 1 >-• 2- /O- C/eotj /or Covfra /Vo 0,rnrr,„t,nt De..r,„„or, -> £" "'"f" OOOfI J /■'->■■ 2S- f^or,ion/a/ 0nieei ? /'•f-jy- O'agona/ Sraees 8 ;;;'■■?•• 7 '£' T. iC 3 J' //ingea / /a/c/, / / HooA and S/ap/es /!COf- 11 K--f-so- r.ic. /^/rorjr 6 '/.■">--ae- T e, c. a-. 2e- nr,.,t„„.., — • — 2 /■• /■■2a' C/ta/s No D>rr,ena/on3 OeJr,/,/iort 2 /•'/■• a- C/eofs ^ 9 % ■, <>-. 7- r. & C.

/ /■ . 2-. 90- /fern/orctnf S/r,/i S/SSS © 2e fi:i:(ii> T iC. B/yc/f @ 2S {4 -■<'•' 7 '2/. ■ Tie. flOO/i & /J /■' ■>■• Z-9- T LC. /f/Sf/t TOSMT ® /J %-.'!-. /rf- TS.C. Nof/3. Screws t/oor Spr/nfs ® ® ® i ® ] [ ® ii 11 P/T /z Y-p/iooF F/T fk/vr smT£ D£P/?/^mrNr or /^£/!i.n Diva ion of So/i/fa/y fn^wcc///7y ffffi/ San/fat/on Design No. 3 One- Room Brick Building D.K.r~5iO»HOorS,nE)— Scrtoo^Ro, . Soo.r.oB ,~r„,.t nti Viv BILL OF MATERIAL FOR A ONE ROOM BRICK BUILDING. Footings — Foundations — Walls — ^Chimney. Cement, 15 sacks. Brick, 40,000. Lime, 10 bbls. Sand, 21 yds. Broken stone, 4 yds. 1 Chimney cap. 4 Screen Wires for air inlets, 24 in. x 24 in. 2 Stones, 8 in. x 8 in.— 6 (t. Sill course stone, 10 in. — 134 tt. lineal. Cap course stone, 6 in. — 120 ft. lineal. Stone window sills 4 in. — 35 ft. lineal. Stone window caps 6 in. — > 35 ft. lineal. Framing Timber. Girts — 1 piece, 6 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. 1 piece, 6 in. X 6 in. — 14 ft. Floor joists — 60 pieces, 2 in. x 10 in, — 12 ft. Ceiling— 30 pieces, 2 in. x 8 in.— 24 ft. Purlin Plates — 2 pieces, 2 in. x 6 in. — 16 tt. Basement Frames — 2 pieces, 2 in. x 8 in. — 12 ft. Braces and bridging — 32 pieces, 1 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. 60 pieces, 1 in. x 6 in. — 12 ft. Studding — 30 pieces, 2 in. x 6 in. — 14 ft. Ratters— 36 pieces. 2 in. x 6 in.— 24 ft. Sheeting— Roof, 1,200 ft. Rough Floor, 1,200 tt. Ventilating flue and chamber — ^Flooring 50 ft. Exterior Finishing Work. Steps made of cement. 8 squares of 5-ply tar and gravel roof. Windows — 10 windows 30 in. x 48 in. — 2 lights. 1 transom 60 in. x 16 in. — 1 light. Doors — 2 sash doors, 2 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. Interior Finisliing Work. Flooring, 1,200 ft. Base, 220 ft. Quarter round, 220 ft. 4 panel doors 3 ft. x T ft. 1 panel door 2 tt. 6 in. x 6 ft. 6 in. Shelving, 3 pieces 1 in. x 12 in. — 16 ft. Door and window frames casing — 1 piece, 2 in. x 6 in. — 20 ft. 8 pieces, 1 in. x 6 in. — 10 ft. 29 pieces, 1 in. x 5 in. — 18 ft. 4 pieces, 1 in. x 5 in. — 16 ft. 20 pieces, 1 in. x 5 in. — 14 ft. Parting stop, 190 ft. Parting stop mould, 190 tt. Stool, 38 ft. Brick mould, 130 ft. 32 Base Blocks, IVt in x 12 in. Hook strips, 1 in. x 4 in. — 100 ft. Chalk troughs, 72 ft. Cap mould, 72 ft. Panel mould, 72 ft. Lath and Placter. Lath, 3,900. Plaster, 47 sacks. Sand, 10 yds. Hardware. 1 front door lock. 4 mortise locks. 1 rimlock. 1 transom lift. 500 lbs. window weights. 200 tt. sash cord. 10 window locks and lifts. 9 pairs, 4 in. x 4 in. door butts. 1 pair 3% in x 3% in. door butts. 5 door bumpers. 40 pulleys. 4 dozen cloak hooks. 1 flue thimble. 1 register, 20 in. x 20 in. Is — 60 lbs. 20 ds. common. 150 lbs. 10 ds. common. 50 lbs. 16 ds. common. 100 lbs. 8 ds. flooring. 18 lbs. 3 ds. lath. 10 lbs. 10 ds. casing. 10 lbs. 8 ds. casing. 5 lbs. 6 ds. casing. 4 lbs. 4 ds. casing. 2 lbs. 3 ds. casing. ISL B 7 - s s -i i & -^^ lib 1 ; ^ ? ; BILL OF MATERIAL FOR A TWO ROOM BRICK SCHOOL HOUSE. Footings — Foundations — Walls — ^Chimney. Cement, 25 sacks. Brick, 68,000. Lime, 68 bbls. Sand, 31 yds. Broken stone, 7 yds. 2 Chimney caps. 4 Screen Wires for air inlets, 24 in. x 24 in. 4 Stones, 8 in. x 8 in.— 6 ft. 10 in. Stone Silll Course— 182 ft. lineal. Stone cap courses, 6 in. xl53 ft. lineal. 4 in. stone window sills, 67 ft. lineal. 6 in. stone window caps, 67 ft. lineal. Framing Timber. Girts — 2 pieces, 6 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. 2 pieces, 6 in. x 6 in. — 14 ft. Floor joists — 120 pieces, 2 in. x 10 in. — 12 ft. Ceiling josits — 60 pieces, 2 in. x 8 in. — 24 ft. 4 pieces, 2 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. Basement frames — 4 pieces, 2 in. x S in. — 12 ft. Braces and bridging — 64 pieces, 12 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. Door and window frames and casing 120 pieces Studding — 63 pieces, 2 in. x 4 Rafters — 70 pieces, 2 in. x 6 20 pieces, 2 in. x 4 Plates— 1 piece, 2 in. x 8 in.— 16 ft 1 piece, 2 in. X 8 in. — 14 ft. Sheeting root, 2.400 ft. Rough floor, 2,400 ft. Ventilating flue and chamber, flooring. Exterior Finishing Work. Steps of cement. 18 squares of 6-ply tar and gravel roof. Windows — 18 windows, 30 in. x 48 in.— 1 sash • - - 30 in. X 48 in.— 2 transoms 10 in. x 16 in.— Doors— 4 sash doors, 2 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. Interior Finishing Work. Flooring, 2.400 ft. lineal. Base, 440 ft. lineal. Quarter round, 440 ft. lineal. 8 panel doors, 3 ft. x 7 ft. 2 panel doors, 2 ft. 6 in. x 6 ft. 5 in. Shelving, 6 pieces, 1 in. x 12 in.— 16 ft. in. x 6 in.— 12 ft. 14 ft. ,—24 ft. 16 ft. -2 lights. 1 light. •1 light. - 2 pieces, 2 in. 14 pieces, 1 in, 1 piece, 1 in 57 pieces, 1 in, 9 pieces, 1 in 41 pieces, 1 in Parting stop, 383 ft. lineal. Parting stop mould, 283 ft. lineal. Stool, 76 ft. lineal. Window casing, 240 ft. lineal. Brick mould, 260 £t. lineal. 8 Corner beads, 5 ft. lineal. 54 Base blocks, 1^4 in. v 12 in. Hook strips, 1 in x 4 in. — 160 ft. Chalk troughs, 144 ft. Cap mould, 144 ft. Panel mould, 144 ft. Lath and Plaster. Lath, 7,500. Plaster, 85 sacks. Sand, 20 yds. Hardware. Heavy wire screen tor coat rack — 6 ft. x 18 ft. 2 front door locks. 8 mortise locks. 2 rimlocks. 2 transom lifts. 1,000 lbs. window^ weights. 400 ft. sash cord. 18 window locks and lifts. 21 pairs 4 in. x 4 in. — door butts. 2 pairs SVb in. x 3% in.— door butts. 10 door bumpers. 72 pulleys. 8 dozen cloak hooks. 2 flue thimbles. 2 registers, 20 in. x 20 in. Nails — 100 lbs. 20 ds. common. 100 lbs. 16 ds. common. 300 lbs. 10 ds. common. 200 lbs. 8 ds. flooring. 30 lbs. 3 ds. lath. 20 lbs. 10 ds. casing. 20 lbs. 8 ds. lath. 10 lbs. 6 ds. lath. 8 lbs. 4 ds. lath. 4 lbs. 3 ds. lath. X 6 in.- x 6 in.- X 6 in X 5 in, X 5 in x5 in -20 ft. —14 ft. —10 ft. —IS ft. ,—16 ft. —14 ft. l/'KoM'irlEiigWi'ifBOKi ""^o- %>}@'M.9@M JAeKs^sUatuhmwsi itlMSC!l»B0B]8(0«T»-B«)— 31'!.* A b3'f*' BILL OF MATERIAL FOR A TWO ROOM ADOBE BUILDING. Footings — Foundations — Walls — Chimney. Cement, 28 bbls. Brick, 7,000. Adobes, 17,000. Lime, 70 bbls. Sand, 56 yds. Broken stone, 20 yds. 4 Screens tor ail inlets, 24 in. x 24 in. 2 Stone chimney caps. 2 Stone sills, 7 ft. 16 Stone sills, 3 ft. 6 in. Framing Timber. Girts — 2 pieces, 6 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. 2 pieces, 6 in. x 6 in. — 14 ft. Floor Joists — 8 pieces, 2 in. x 10 96 pieces, 2 in. x 10 30 pieces, 2 in. x 10 Ceiling Joists — 48 pieces, 2 in. x 8 8 pieces, 2 in. x 8 30 pieces, 2 in. x 8 Closet Studding — 12 pieices, 2 in Plates — 9 pieces, 2 in. x 8 in.- 9 pieces, 2 in. x 8 in.- 8 pieces, 2 in. x 8 in. — 14 ft. Rafters — 14 pieces, 2 in. x 6 in. — 24 ft. 17 pieces, 2 in. x 4 in. — 18 ft. 60 pieces, 2 in. x 4 in. — 16 ft. Bridging, 12 pieces, 1 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. Sheeting, roof, 3,200 ft. Rough floor. 2,700 ft. Shingles, 23,000. Ventilating flues and chambers, flooring Steps made of cement. Windows — 14 windows, 30 in. x 36 in. — 2 lights. 2 sash, - - - 30 in. X 36 in. — 1 light. 2 sash, - ■ - 62 in. X 42 in. — 1 light. 16 transom windows, 34 in. x 22 In. — 3 lights 1 transom window, 66 in. x 22 in. — 6 lights Doors, 2 front doors, sash 2 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. Interior Finish. Flooring, 2,700 ft. Base, 360 ft. Quarter round, 360 ft. Doors— 2 sash, 2 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft.; 4 panel, 3 ft. x 7 ft.; 2 ft. 6 in. X 6 ft. 6 in. Shelving— 6 pieces, 1 In. x 12 in. — 16 ft. Door and Window Frames. Jambs — 3 pieces, 1 in. x 5 in. — 12 ft. 48 pieces, 1 in. x 5 in. — 18 ft. -16 ft. -12 ft. -10 ft. -26 ft. -12 ft. -10 ft. X 4 in.— 16 ft. -16 ft. -14 ft. 180 ft. Headers — 3 pieces, 1 2 pieces, I'A in 1 piece, H4 in 4 pieces, 1% in 1 piece, l^A in, 4 pieces, 1 1 piece, 1 Door casing, 300 ft. Window casing, 840 ft. Closet casing, 100 ft. Hook strips, 200 ft. Chalk troughs, 144 ft. Cap mould, 144 ft. Panel mould, 144 ft. Stop, 480 ft. Mould, 480 ft. Stool, 200 ft. Lath and Plaster. 3,720 lath. 53 sacks of plaster. Cement tor outside walls. 21 loads of sand. . X 5 in.- 1. X 6 in.- 1. X 6 in.- 1. X 6 in.- 1. X 6 in.- 1. X 6 in.- 1. X 6 in.- ,—16 ft. 18 ft. ,—10 ft. ,—14 ft. —12 ft. 14 ft. 12 ft. 2 registers, 20 in. x 20 in. 2 flue thimbles. 1 front door lock. 4 mortise locks. 6 rimlocks. 72 sash pulleys. 18 sash locks and lifts. 720 lbs. sash weights. 3G0 ft. sash cord. 8 dozen, cloak hooks. 16 transom lifts. Nails — 100 lbs. 20 ds. common. 100 Igs. 16 ds. common. 200 lbs. 10 ds. common. 200 lbs. 8 ds. flooring. 25 lbs. 3 ds. lath. 2 lbs. IVi ds. brads. 20 lbs. 10 ds. casing. 20 lbs. 8 ds. casing. 10 lbs. 6 ds. casing. 8 lbs. 4 ds. casing. 4 lbs. 3 ds. casing. Door butts — 6 pairs of 3 li 4 pairs of ^V^ in. 6 pairs of 4 14 pairs of 21/2 36 sheets of No. 1 sand paper. 2 pieces of heavy wire screen for cloak rooms, 6 ft. x 8 ft. X 3 in. door butts. X 3% in. door butts. X 4 in. door butts. X 4 in. transom butts. Front Elevation — - Three Roan Adobe Buildihc ca©. T/ ©ffSBSM c** J^ TMBss-^a -16 ft. in.— 14 ft. -12 ft. -10 ft. BILL OF MATERIAL FOR A THREE ROOM ADOBE BUILDING. Footing — Foundations — Wall — Chimney. Cement, 32 bbls. Brick, 10,650. Lime, 100 bbls. Sand. 78 yds. Adobes, 23,000. Broken rock, 27 yds. 6 pieces screen wire for fresh air inlet, 24 in. x 24 in. 3 stone chimney caps. 18 stone sills, 3 ft. 6 2 stone sills, 11 ft. 6 2 stone sills,, 4 t't. 6 Framing Timber. Girts — 3 pieces, 6 in. x 6 in.- 3 pieces, 6 in. x 6 in 1 piece. 6 in. X 6 in 1 piece, 6 in. X 6 in Flooring joists — 56 pieces, 2 in. x 10 in. — 12 ft. Ceiling joists — 7S pieces, 2 in. x 8 in. — 24 ft. Closet studding, 12 pieces, 2 in. x 4 in. — 16 ft. Plates — 4 pieces, 2 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. 4 pieces, 2 in. x 6 in. — 14 ft. 1 piece, 2 in. x 6 in. — 12 ft. Rafters — 97 pieces, 2 in, x 6 in. — 24 ft. 4 pieces, 2 in. x 4 in. — 16 ft. 4 pieces, 2 in. x 4 in. — 14 ft. 25 pieces, 2 in. x 4 in. — 12 ft. 3 pieces, 2 in. x 8 in. — 12 ft. Bridging and braces — 96 pieces, 1 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. 156 pieces, 1 in. x 6 in. — 12 ft Sheeting, root, 3,200 ft. Rough floor, 3,200 ft. Ventilating flues and chambers, flooring, 200 ft. 27 squares of 5-ply tar and gravel root. Steps of cement. Windows — 18 windows, 30 in. x 36 in. — 2 lights. 2 windows, 42 in. x 42 in. — 2 lights, 6 sash 18 in. X 30 in.— 1 light. 18 transoms, 34 in. x 22 in. — 3 lights, 1 transom, 5 ft. x 2 ft. 2 half circle windows, 10 ft, diameter. — 1 light. 1 circle window. 3 ft. diameter. — 4 lights. Doors— 2 sash doors, 2 ft, 6 in. x 7 ft. in. Interior Finish. Flooring, 3,200 ft. Base, 450 in. Quarter round, 450 ft. Doors — 2 sash doors, 2 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. in. 4 panel doors, 2 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. 0' in. 2 panel doors, 3 ft. x 7 ft. 6 panel doors, 2 ft, 6 in. x 6 tt. 6 in. Shelving, 6 pieces, 1 in. x 12 in, — 16 ft. Door and window frames and casings — 4 pieces, 2 in. 8 pieces, 2 in 1 piece, 1 in, 57 pieces, 1 in 8 pieces, 1 in 2 pieces, 1 in. 3 pieces, 1 in, 20 pieces, 1 in, 2 cement door sills, 6 in. x 8 in. — 6 ft. Stop mould, 533 ft. lineal. Parting stop, 382 tt. lineal. Chalk rail, 216 ft. lineal. Panel mould, 216 tt. lineal. Cap mould, 216 ft. lineal. Lath and Plaster. Lath, 4,590. Plaster, 100 sacks. Cement for outside walls, 80 sacks. Sand, 32 yds. Hardware. 3 registers, 20 in. x 20in. . 3 flue thimbles. 1 front door lock. 4 mortise locks. 6 rimlocks. 14 pairs, 4 in. x 4 6 pairs, 3V2 in. x 3% i 18 pairs, transom hinges. 15 transom lifts. 80 sa:sh pulleys. 20 locks and lifts. 800 lbs. sash weights. 400 ft. sash cord. 12 dozen coat and hat hooks. 36 sheets No. 1 sand paper. Heavy wire screen for cloak 1 Nails — 150 lbs. 20 ds. common 150 lbs. 16 ds. common 150 lbs. 12 ds. common . 400 lbs. 10 ds. common, 300 lbs. 8 ds. common 35 lbs. 10 ds. casing. 30 lbs. 8 ds. casing. 15 lbs. 6 ds. casing. 8 lbs. 4 ds. casing. 4 lbs. 3 ds. casing. 25 lbs. 10 ds. finishing 25 lbs. 8 ds. finishing, 35 lbs. 3 ds. lath. 2 lbs. 114 ds. brads. X 6 in— 20 ft. X 6 in— 16 tt. X 5 in— 20 tt. X 5 in— 18 ft. X 5 in— 16 It. X 5 in- 14 ft. X 5 in- 10 ft. X 4 in— 18 ft. in. door butts, in. door butts. acks, 6 ft. X 20 ft. PILL OF MATERIAL FOR A FOUR ROOM ADOBE SCHOOL BUILDING. Footings — Foundation — Walls — Chimney. Cement, 50 bbls. Brick. 11,650. Adobes, 32,000. Lime, 140 bbls. Sand, 112 yds. Broken stone, 22 yds. 8 screen wires tor fresh air inlets, 24 in. x 24 in. 4 stone chimney caps. Framing Timber. Girts — 4 pieces, 6 in. x 6 in. — 20 tt. 5 pieces. 6 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. 4 pieces, 9 in. x 6 in. — 14 ft. Floor joists— 281 pieces, 2 in. x 10 in.— 12 tt. Upper girts — 4 pieces, 6 in. x 6 in. — 12 tt. Ceiling joists — 96 pieces, 2 in. x 8 in. — 24 tt. 97 pieces, 2 in, x 8 in.— 12 tt. Closet studding — 48 pieces, 2 in. x 4 in. — 14 tt. Ratters — 96 pieces, 2 in. x 6 in, — 24 tt. 97 pieces, 2 in. x 6 in. — ^12 ft. Posts — 24 pieces, 2 in. x 4 in. — 16 ft. 24 pieces, 2 in. x 6 in.— 12 tt. 4 pieces, 2 in. x 6 in. — 16 ft. Braces, bridging, 96 pieces, 1 in. x 6 in. — 12 tt. Sheeting, root, 5,000 tt. Rough floor, 5,000 ft. Ventilation flue and chamber, flooring, 400 tt. 30 squares of 5-ply tar and gravel roof. Steps are made of cement. Windows — 24 windows, 12 in. x 24 in. — 12 lights. 4 sash, 12 in. X 24 in. — 6 lights. 1 halt circle sash, 5 ft. in diameter — 8 lights. Doors— 4 sash doors, 2 ft. 6 in. x 7 ft. Lookouts — 13 pieces, 4 in. x 6 in. — 14 ft. Plancie— 1 in. x 12 in.— 390 ft. lineal. Facie— 1 in. x 10 in.— 108 ft. lineal. 9 corner beads, 5 ft. long. Interior Finishing Work. Flooring, 5,000 tt. Base, 700 ft. Quarter round, 700 ft. Doors — 4 sash doors, 2 tt. 6 in. x 7 tt. in. 4 panel doors, 2 ft. 6 in. x 7 tt. in. 12 in.— 16 tt. 4 panel doors, 3 tt. x 7 ft. 8 panel doors, 2 ft. 6 in. x 7' ft. 8 pieces, 1 in. x 6 Door and window frames — 4 pieces, 2 in. x 8 4 pieces, 2 in. x 6 24 pieces, 2 in. x 6 1 piece, 1 in. X 6 80 pieces, 1 in. x 5 22 pieces, 1 in. x 5 Inside easing, 450 ft. Parting stop, 508 tt. Window stop mould, 572 ft. Shelving, 10 pieces, 1 Hook strips, 320 ft. Chalk troughs, 288 ft. Cap mould, 288 tt. Panel mould, 288 tt. Lath and Plaster. Lath, 8,000. Plaster, 212 sacks. Cement for outside walls, 106 sacks. Sand, 68 yds. Hardware. Nails — 200 lbs. 20 ds. common. 200 lbs. 16 ds. common. 200 lbs. 10 ds. common. 200 lbs. 8 ds. flooring. 75 lbs. 3 ds. lath. 30 lbs. 10 ds. finishing. 30 lbs. 8 ds. finishing. 15 lbs. 6 ds. finishing. 10 lbs. 4 ds. finishing. 10 lbs. 4 ds. finishing. 5 lbs. 3 ds. finishing. 4 registers, 20 in. x 20 in. 4 flue thimbles, 6 in. 4' front door locks. 8 mortise locks. 8 rimlocks. 12 pairs of door butts, 4 in. x 4 in. 16 pairs of door butts, 3% in. x 2V2 in. 96 sash pulleys. 24 sash locks and lifts. 1,000 lbs. sash weights. 500 ft. sash cord. 200 cloak hooks. 2,500 ft. tin roof. 4 heavy wire screens for cloak racks, 6 tt. x 12 ft. -14 ft. -12 ft. -16 ft. -14 ft. -16 ft -16 ft. -14 ft. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 029 452J6ijj