V COMPILATION OF THE LECTURES GIVEN. BY THE SPIRIT-BAND THROUGH THK MKDRIMSHIL* OF MRS. MAGDALENA KLINE, AND WHICH IS CALLED THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL. "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of Heaven, having the Everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the Earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people."— John the Seer: Eev. xiv. 6. VOL. I. NOV 341882 BOSTON: COLBY & RICH, PUBLISHERS. 1882. y Copyrighted, 1SS2, by Mrs. Magdalen a Kline. DEDICATED TO MRS. MAGDALENA KLINE, THE MEDIUM AUTHOR, AND TO MRS. JOHN EDSON, THE PUBLISHER, AND TO THE WORLD, IN WHICH ITS DESIGNER SHALL WORK OUT EFFECTS IN ABUNDANT BLESSINGS FOR ALL PEOPLE. PREFACE. "Presumptuous skepticism, which rejects facts without examination of their truth, is in some respects more injurious than unquestioning credulity." — BARON VoN Humboldt. " To the making of books," said one of old, " there is no end." And here comes another from the press, claiming the patronage of the public. Who wrote it ? for what purpose was it written ? and what considerations entitle the medium, or rather the unseen authors, to a hearing in this period of art, science, and literature ? Have they something new to communicate, — something that will enlighten, build up, and spiritually benefit humanity? These are legitimate inquiries. This volume consists of a series of lectures and messages, written and delivered in public through the mental organism of Mrs. Magdalena Kline, — a trance, clairvoyant, and inspirational medium with no advantages of education. She is a resident of Van "Wert, Ohio, and the presiding genius over an interesting family. Mrs. Kline was born in Germany, and, in early life, was put to hard, exhaustive labor instead of the high school. Her life lias been a rough pilgrimage, and the sea upon which she has sailed threatening and stormy. Though originally endowed with good natural abilities, and a quick and accurate perception of things, she was exceedingly ignorant of books, of history, of modern culture, and the wisdom of the world generally. She knew nothing of Spiritualism when becoming a medium. The gift was thrust upon her. When her vision was opened, enabling her to see clairvoyantly, she was terribly frightened, and, running to a neighbor's house, said she had seen a "ghost," and declared that her house was " haunted." Friends acquainted with these phenomena quieted her, and, after a few seances, she gave most excellent tests in the way of seeing and describing spirits. But, when her hand was controlled mechanically to write good, fair English, she of herself could not write a word of (5) 6 PREFACE. English, nor could she speak it in only the most crude and broken manner. And, yet, her communications with their tests and prophe- cies, afterwards literally fulfilled, astonished both investigators and believers. If the story of ordinary life is instructive, the story of a medium's life, impinging upon and largely over-shadowed by the spirit-world, is almost infinitely more instructive ; and for the reason that it reveals character under the influence of different psychic forces and psychological tendencies. If mechanism reveals the ma- chinist, so do mediums reveal, speaking in general terms, the moral qualities and characteristics of their controlling intelligences. We judge spirits as we do mortals, by their fruits. Each individual is not only a radiating center of force but a spirit, — a conscious spirit, now, though incased in a mortal body. And it is too plain to require proof that wherever the soul or mind ran reach there it can observe ; and wherever it can observe there it can induct ; and wherever it can induct there it can discover. This Baconian train of reasoning, made practical, bridged the two worlds, — the today and the tomorrow of existence, — and opened wide the gates of immortality. If " holy women of Palestine," intuitive and mediumistic, were the first to announce " He is not here, but risen,'" so good and true women in this morning hour of the spiritual era are first and fore- most in the mediumistic demonstrations of a future conscious exist- ence. Mrs. Kline, the medium, and Mrs. John Edson the publisher of these lectures and teachings, are not only excellent women but, if purity of life counts anything in this transition age, they are orna- ments to society. Mrs. Judge Rose, of Van Wert, writes the fol- lowing of Mrs. Kline : " The greatest proof to me of the truth of Spiritualism is the development of our own medium. I have known her for full twenty or more years, three of which she lived in my family, and was married at my house. I know her to be a good, honest, and upright woman, thoroughly reliable in every respect. . . . She has frequently seen my beloved companion, Mr. Rose, in spirit life, and through her I have received from him the most convincing and satisfactory messages. . . . Some have taken issue with the spirit-teachings of Mrs. Kline's band, called "Jus- tice Band," because they speak so reverently of God, of Jesus Christ, and urge the necessity of living holy, self-sacrificing lives. From conversing with different spirits, through a variety of mediums, I confess that I was inclining towards infidelity, if not atheism ; but the first written communication that I received from my bus- PKEFACE. 7 band was in relation to the divinity of Christ. He informed me that he found things in the spirit-world much as he expected, except one thing, and that was in regard to Christ, who was really divine ; and he was now compelled to return to earth and, so far as he could, eradicate the infidel ideas he had inculcated. This has been a part of his mission for the last fifteen years." It is simply but justice to myself to say that I did not hear these lectures delivered, nor have I had time to read them ; hence, though writing the preface, I must in no way be held responsible for the doctrinal teachings, methods of expression, or style characteriz- ing this volume ; neither does the medium claim responsibility, for she was but the passive instrument. Those who dictated these les- sons and messages, and urged their publication, must bear the respon- sibility ; and from this, I am credibly informed, they do not shrink. These heavenly intelligences — " Justice Band" — do not choose to give their names to the public, nor reveal their individualities in this volume of lectures and essays, only so far as to inform us, by way of inference, that they are ancient spirits, speaking when upon earth several of the oriental languages. And the structure of those lan- guages, as well as the German of the medium, is largely unlike that of the English ; hence, the necessity of charity in pronouncing judg- ment. Husks are of not so much importance as the corn they cover; and so it is not so much the language — the external verbi- age — as the thoughts, ideas, and moral precepts that these ancient spirits desire to impress upon the human mind. Highly exalted spirits and a growing class of Spiritualists see the almost perfect identity between true religious Spiritualism, and the Christianity of Jesus Christ and the Apostles. This Christianity, under whatever name, will live forever, because true in fact, and divinely beautiful in practice. Spiritual phenomena demonstrate the fact of a future existence ; and they further demonstrate that various grades and kinds of spirits have access to and influence mortals. Hence, the Apostolic admo- nition : " Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits." And again: "All our fathers were under the cloud. . . . And did all eat the same spiritual meat ; and did all drink the same spiritual drink ; for they drank of the spiritual Rock that followed them : and that Rock was Christ." — 1 Cor. x. 1, 2, 3, 4. "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have com- manded you : and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world." — Matt, xxviii. 20. " He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do, and 8 PREFACE. greater works than tliese shall he do, because I go to the Father." — John xiv. L2. It is perfectly evident that the disciples believed and taught that these "works/' "signs," "gifts," were for all future ages; for, in Acts ii. 29, Peter says : " The promise is to you and to your chil- dren, and to all that are afar off." Only a rational and spiritual religion can stand the test of sci- ence and searching investigation. Creeds are the tares to be burned. And Christ, compared to a refiner's fire, is continually coming. " They cry : ' He comes ! — The signs are sure, — all lands are armed for war, — The mystic number is fulfilled, — He comes ! ' We answer : O that he would come ! We want The Christ ! We want a God to burn the truth Afresh upon the forehead of the world ! We want a Man to walk once more among The wrangling Pharisees, to drive the beasts And money-mongers from the temple courts ; To bring the Gospel back again, and prove How all unlike our bigots are to Christ ! We want that Christ again to tell the ' saints ' Their sins ; that they were sent to bless the poor, And they have sold themselves unto the rich ; That they were sent to preach the works of peace, And they have filled the world with war of words ; That they were sent the messengers of love, And they have driven love out of their creeds ; That they were sent to teach men not to lie, Nor tremble when their duty led to death. O for the Christ again ! " The Nazarene, born in Palestine, and crucified upon Calvary, lives now in glory, and makes radiant the Christ-Heavens. And " Behold, I make all things new " is as much the vision of today as in the time of John the Revelator. This is the "second coming" of Christ, — a coming in power and glory, — a coming in the clouds of heaven, with holy angels and ministering spirits, — a coming in spiritual victory to enlighten and redeem humanity. J. M. PEEBLES. INTRODUCTION. BY GEORGE WASHINGTON, Who was the forerunner of Jesus; 'and, therefore, did materialize many times, through or b}- using the uiediumshii) of Mrs. L. E. Lewis for his special labors. The earth revolves constantly, and moves around on its axes. Time never ceases ; eternities are formed and brought forth as the earth can be mantled with the material qualities that are needed to call forth the products to supply the demands of man, of beasts, and of all in which is the breath of life. Man, the master, set over nature's and earth's products by the Divine Will and Wisdom, is not called into actual, physical life, and of the consciousness of the facts surrounding him, until the corres- ponding conditions will justify such an act. To retrace the evolving of worlds requires more study than we wish to launch upon the minds of mortals now, for the geological processes are too numerous to give a comprehensible statement for the limited abilities which mortals possess to grasp. Therefore, in all these writings, we have only spoken of those things which duty, in accord with law, demands of us, and in regard to the present eternity, which is near its close now. It was estimated that the labors of the plan could be performed and finished in six thousand years ; therefore, we have compelled forth the review of all the past works wdiich are in progress upon earth ; and all the revelations required to complete the former pro- phecies are given ; also, countless lesser transactions are being per- formed daily by the celestial harvesters everywhere all over earth, so that the wheat and cheat can be cut, gathered, and sejmrated. Xew worlds have been forming, and are now clad in sufficient material textures ; so that when this process is declared finished, and parts of the earth pass away, new worlds will be ready to be in- habited by those who shall come after (for the end is not yet), — male and female, of superior qualities, and of a special, divine creation. The parent pair of the race that has been born in the present eternity, according to law and divine decision, and the plan of this eternity, had to take upon themselves the greatest parts of the labors and enact them, and also to see them transacted upon earth ; and these compact, co-joined labors are now in transaction to be finished, even now ! (9) INSTRUCTIONS. The contents of this volume were given inspirationally through the mecliumship of Mrs. Magclalena Kline ; hence, wherever it is read, it will bestow a benefit, for it contains leaves from the living Olive Trees, which are thus diffused for the healing of the nations ; and as time passes, and the mists clear away, this book will be under- stood in its bearing upon mortals and their encumbered conditions, and also in its bearing upon their final redemption. Then, all who shall read the book, and comment upon its contents, — which are so arranged as to dissolve conditional difficulties, and unite the good and true, — they shall also speak of Mrs. Kline, the medium-author, through whom these heavenly issues were given for the emancipa- tion of mortals from captivity into the enfranchisement of heavenly freedom ; and it shall be remembered that these issues were given under similar oppressions and conditional encumbrances of this medium to those which are to be conquered and subsided by them. This will answer the question which has often been asked, — why we permitted or tolerated so many hardships for our medium. Also, Mrs. John Edson shall be remembered as publisher of the first edi- tion of The Everlasting Gospel ; and for furnishing the means for the first edition, as well as transcribing part of the manuscript for the I press. These laborers have earned a great reward, which shall be given them in the heavenly kingdom ; also, all who labor and have labored in the Lord's vineyard ; and all who aid now in gathering the harvests of earth shall be richly rewarded in heaven. This work has long been promised to mortals ; and many seers and susceptible persons have had glimpses of The Everlasting Gospel, that should, in its own time, bless the world ; and many who have longed to see and read it are now in the immortal worlds, wonder- ing as they behold reality, and perceiving faintly how the plan of God with man is being completed. (io; INSTRUCTIONS. 11 The price of this book shall be three dollars per copy, the pro- ceeds of which shall belong to the medium-author, for use if needed, but more particularly for further editions or additions of The Ever- lasting Gospel which we shall write, as this book contains only con- ditional fragments, serving as an index for further works, and for the enfranchisement of mortals, as before stated, and for the subsiding of conglomerate conditions, and the healing of many ill diseases. It will, therefore, cause in effect abundant blessings for all the people, as we said before, and is a legal issue in compliance with the demands of mortals at this time. A PRAYER.* "When you assemble together for meeting, repeat these words for a prayer : — We have convened together for the purpose of gathering mate- rial to fill out the warp of time, so that the useless tissues can become useful when filled out and woven into a substantial web, which can be taken from the conditional loom, in which it has long been hang- ing, and brought into the world's markets, to be appraised, and sold, and used to benefit humanity. We are placed on earth to be useful, and to learn that life is sweetest and most real when we are active in doing all we can to improve the condition of the world ; for then are we great, though ,we may be suppressed and poor in goods and in the estimation of the world. We are mighty, although we work in weakness, and sow in that which seems dishonor in the eyes of the world ; the seeds from which will be reared useful material for the rising humanity with which they can build ; and with which life's incompleted webs can be completed. Then, let us consider the value of time, and the importance of meeting together in the presence of the angels who are God's ministers to us. May we heed each les- son well, and ponder upon each word until it becomes aglow in our memory, and so well adjusted in our minds that it will remain with us, to aid us in the duties of life, and also to be a preventative within against the assaults from the mortal and immortal adversaries, who are termed opposing influences, which are brought to bear upon the people in different ways. They come from the great world's tide, and so try men and their motives. Life is everlasting, is real, is earnest; and, therefore, time, life's most valuable companion, is the same, and must be made use of in a proper way, lest there will be remorse and punishment for the neglected duties and wasted time. We appeal to mortals instead of their appealing to God, for it is on earth where the will of God shall become practical, and His King- dom become established ; and mortals must look around them, and do their part in their department, so that God can do His in sending down to them wisdom, honor, riches, and blessing. Yea. Amen. April 11, 1880. * Note.— A few prayers only are given in this connection, to show that our ser- vices for worship or the reading of lectures were always opened by prayer, not written, but spoken inspirationally by the medium, therefore could not be given iu connection with the lectures. (12) A SEQUEL TO THE LORD'S PRAYER. Our Father, who art in Heaven, we, a portion of thy children who are on earth, raise our voices to Thee in gratitude for Thy great and constant care over us, and also for the many blessings which we receive from home. With true gladness do we behold the Kingdom of Heaven established and recognized on earth; we behold Thy will, and in a measure, and according to our strength and understand- ing, try to do it, the same as Thy children do who are in Heaven. We are truly thankful for the bread we eat, which is provided for us by Thy power and wise management of the natural forces, with the labor of our hands and minds ; and pray that blessings may crown all our efforts in our combined duties here. We know that Thou dost forgive our sins, seeing our inabilities to perceive Thy will aright ; and we also forgive everyone who tres- passes against us, or infringes ignorantly, or by a perverted impulse, on our rights, in accordance with our knowledge of right and wrong. We thank Thee, O Father, that Thou dost send Thy angels to guide us on earth, — these, our sisters and brothers, who are not encumbered with material bars ; who are able to show us the dangers, and aid us when we meet with temptations, that we may not become their victims ; that by their aid, according to Thy provisions, we may be delivered from evil ; and, when divested from ignorance, we may be able to see the light of truth shine around us on our pathway ; that by it we may discover why we are here, and what we are to do, so as to crown our Creator and to be an honor to Him, and a joy to the guiding angels, and a blessing to humanity ; also, to be partakers ourselves of Thy riches according to the merits of our labors. And for all Thy mercies, which are ever extended toward mortals, and its Thy brightness is seen and felt on earth, shalt Thou be glorified and praised by all Thy children forever and ever, as Thy power, will, and wisdom shall be comprehended by them. Then all will worship Thee in spirit and in* truth ; and in doing so Thy will is done not knowing or seeming, being led by a desire to be true and good, which will be the crowning of Thy labors, and Thy glory shall fill Heaven and earth forever. Amen. August 24, 1879. (13) LECTURE I. A FEW WORDS OF EXPLANATION ON THE FOLLOWING POEM. "THE BIRD OF PARADISE." Having been told by my spirit-daughter to write down what had been shown and promised to me about the bird, and to have it pub- lished with the poem in this book, I will say that for the last four years I have had one hour of each day set apart and devoted to medi- tation and spirit-communion with the unseen. During this hour I sometimes have had visions of spiritual things shown to me. Nearly a year ago, during one of these hours, as I sat quietly by myself in meditation, a paper was placed before my spirit-vision upon which was a printed poem. I could see the words and lines quite plain clairvoyantly, and yet I could not read them, for a misty-like vapor seemed to cover them, which prevented me from doing so. I wondered somewhat at this, but I thought it would all be explained to me in due time. This vision was shown to me at several different times. Sometime after I had a sitting, or seance, with our medium, when my spirit-daughter Effie controlled and talked with me. She said, during the conversation, that she had some verses which she desired to write for me, and would do so as soon as permission was granted her. I asked her if the verses were those in the poem that I had seen in the visions. She said yes. I asked her why I could not read it. She said the reason was that the time had not yet come for me to read it. During another visit to the medium, Effie brought a bird and placed it upon my shoulder. The medium described it as being snow white, but with wings faintly variegated with gold, and the tints of the rainbow colors, and that it was beautiful beyond descrip- tion. Effie said it was the Bird of Paradise, that it was a token of a work that would be given us to do. At one time my husband and daughter both told me they were afraid that the bird or poem would never be given to me. I felt very sad at this, and wondered what it all meant. June 27, 1881, the poem called " The Bird of Paradise'' was written by my spirit-daughter for me, and with these explanations (13) 16 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. will be published in this book. The bird is an emblem of the ever- ] as ting gospel which is now to be given to the world. The poem will explain itself to all who carefully read it; and may everyone be bene- fited by a careful perusal of it. Mrs. John Edson. THE BIRD OF PARADISE. By Effie Irene Edson, to her Mother, Mrs. John Edson. by permission. Look at its beauty, O ye friends on earth ! For on this mundane sphere it doth have birth, Now in these days of heavenly revelations. 'Tis of all hues, all shades are therefrom reflected; 'Neath its great wings all beings are protected. 'T is the emblem bird of gospel and law, We view it with pleasure, we view it with awe. In its flights down to earth's habitations, Glad tidings it carries with eager delight, It flashes like lightning, and scatters earth's nigM. Oh, the dazzling splendor, as it wings the air! First as one bird, then as the pair. Oh, united power, how strong and how pure ! For all ills and deformities it is a cure. The promise of God will be realized sure. The justice and mercy this force brought declares, It breaks man-made webs, and removes all the snares ; Spread subtly out in conditions, The lessons contained here may mortals perceive ; And through them strength and truth receive. The Paradise bird not a clove, yet it brings in its bill The branches of olive which mortals need still. Kind words it whispers, and sweet consolation, That cheerful become to those in desolation ; And hope sparkles over the lonely and sad. Its shades throughout this volume are reflected, They can be traced here, criticised, inspected; Those changing hues, in all their heaven-born splendor, Appear to mortal view by careful sight, While flashes from its heavenly home rend vails asunder, And fills the searching minds with much delight. As lightning, it divides from east to west The atmospheric elements, and its behest Is levied upon all that dwell beneath the sun. These works of power and wonder with speed are done. Gaze north and south, behold the aerial change! By force of laws mind powers are enhanced. COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 17 Not in the distant future, friends of earth, Comes this great change for which this bird had birth; No, it is nigh ; the wise behold afar The glimmer of the rising morning star ; As in the firmament it doth appear, And signals loud that now the time is here. The time, friends, when He, the Morning Star, Calls mortals to appear before the bar ; That they be judged for all the good and ill. The wicked heed it not, are bold to have their will Until the sentence passed is set in execution, And minds and elements whirl on a revolution. LECTURE II. REGARDING THE LEADERSHIP IN SPIRITUALISM. God gives no right to angels or men, only that of exerting the powers they possess, in order to represent and wield actively the wis- dom imbodied in that which constitutes their office ; and the benefit thus accomplished for the human race, or the whole family created by God. All this defines lawfully their position. In the just measures of immutable law no one merits any title of honor, or possession of treasures, or of true happiness, unless it has first been earned and justly deserved. All laborious careers acquire a brilliancy according to the magnitude of the good that has been or is being achieved by the representative angel. In this day, when a change of earthly customs is being indelibly marked on nature's constitution, the moral and religious truths need to be set forth for discussion by the leading minds — one as a repre- sentative in each department — who are capable in all just measures to represent truthfully and comprehensively their side of the question. This course is required in order to have the principles belonging to each department brought forth. If the word leader is offensive, let it be given in some other way ; but try to advance and not retard the universal cause by disputing about the authority. In order to accom- plish the work of design now at issue, no one must crave or desire honor, or fear authority. The chief of all must be universally the servant of all. But the interior elements are in confusion, caused by the warring ideas regarding the demolishing of old things and erecting therefrom a new order of things or customs. Therefore, our watch- 18 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. word to you, Spiritualists, is to be united firmly, and let each one per- form his duty just and well ; and let the signals from above be fully heeded ; and let the leading mind that is best qualified for the purpose be officially installed in each degree of labor which is required to accomplish universal liberty ; which must be known and understood, and acknowledged by all, as a platform, lest false pounds should be given when the triumphs were nearly achieved, which could then with great difficulty be won. Therefore, it is not everyone that has uiedi- umistic powers that is a fit subject for a leader or teacher; far from it. Many are chosen that a few may be elected. Those who stand the persecutions of their allotted time of provocation, and do not fall victims to temptations when pressed with physical needs, those who can be sifted thoroughly and yet retain their gifts unblemished, but which will have grown brighter and stronger through trials and sitt- ings, they shall stand, and they only. Then it is required that all presented and represented problems shall, by those who fill the phys- ical office for commissioned messengers from the worlds above, be demonstrated clearly and comprehensively as to that which they repre- sent, so that there cannot exist any doubt or difference of opinion ; but that the gradation differences of the orders of progress shall become distinctly understood, and the respective representatives of each grade likewise. Only in this way can the victory be won over error and misconceptions, and in consequence of this comes discord. Then confine yourselves to your duties, w r hich are herein made plain to you. The best methods employed to bring the surest and speediest results are to have places appointed, whereby the universal aid of all who are concerned in the spread of truth and the subduing of error can be obtained. All mediums who have a special calling to represent and demonstrate problems as stated should meet, and should be by learned and competent committees examined and tried, and after due trials let it be decided whether they are capable or not of filling their respective offices, to which they have been appointed by the angels or spirits. Then those that stand shall teach ; the others can serve as it were in circles and at home until they attain to clearer views and stronger powers, thus acquiring the ability to do more, according to truthfulness and honesty of purpose. The quicker this plan can be put in action the better it will be for securing the desired ends, for which the angels labor with mortals on earth. Your Guide. Life's trials are gems of great value, although their rare beauty is not seen by the beclouded minds of those afflicted by the trials that are necessary ; yet they are so beautiful ! The angels know the beauty COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 19 of the gems which are created by trials, and preserve them for the patient sufferer. Therefore, they rejoice when mortals are patient, and take all with which they chance to meet with gentleness ; and can perceive the use and the strength derived from each separate trial. Do not doubt nor fear when obstacles of interference are thrown in the path you wish to pursue. You do not see the subtle emergencies which you would meet with at a place and time when you could not compete with it. Therefore, to be detained w r ould be a blessing ; and often from seeming losses come great gains ; and priceless lessons can be learned when quietly pondering, when the path of pursuit is block- aded. Therefore, be thankful for whatever comes, and learn to say from your heart: "Thy will, O Lord, be done." By being schooled to see that earth-life is made up of trials and disappointments for the physical man and woman, you will learn to appreciate the realization of things which you have really hoped for. Do not think they will never come, if there should be delay, for surely they will come some- time ; but it will be in God's own time ; and you will realize all you have ever longed or hoped for. But it may not be while you are a pilgrim on earth, and disfigured by the earth-form. Keep this in mind, that all will sometime and somewdiere be realized. Look aloft, and see the star of hope brightly beaming above you while you think darkness is drawing nigh. LECTURE III. MISUNDERSTOOD AND MISCONCEIVED. Waves set off from the great world's tide Are viewed as great, or else as mites ; Extremes as foam appear, are tossed By unsteady minds at any cost. The shadow of the wave is seen, And eager eyes are dimmed by the view; They thus adjust what first they glean, And are at labor ere they know What they are doing. This, friends, is the common experience of all who are first aroused by visible or invisible beings to observe a new act which, by the natural law of progress, according to divine wielding, is enacted on earth ; and many who are to labor in actual work in such degree so as to bring it to a recognition and to a place as progress demands. Many, I repeat, run, they cannot stay to walk; and thus they get 20 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. ahead of the rolling in of the wave, and waste their strength and means to have a place made for the shadow which comes before the real. This is because they are so eager to learn. The more wonder- fid and marvelous these shadows appear the more conjectures are provoked forth ; therefore, there is a greater amount of misconcep- tions. It is even so with Spiritualism today. The movement is like that of a mighty wave which is to flood the earth for a renovation and a union of religious opinions ; for, in fact, a number of things of importance are to be accomplished by the coming in of this wave ; for it is the largest one ever set off from the conditional tide, and enforced on earth, and brought into practical use. It is but little understood as yet even by those who bear the name of Spiritualists, and claim the ministry of spirits to be their accepted religion. But they have misconceived that which they have seen and learned of it, and do not in a great measure know what they do. The majority of them hold the idea that a knowledge of continued life after the timely dissolution is enough, and to hold circles and to give room thus for these spirits to come so that intercommunion can be made possible. To them this is all that Spiritualism implies. There is nothing more to do when this is known than to eat, drink, and be merry ; for they think Hell is bridged over, and that Heaven is open, and the spirits are free agents subject to nothing, but are at liberty to roam over earth, and assist when they see proper in all the affairs of earth. All who have no higher conception of Spiritualism than this are, as it is truly said, deluded ; for the sparkling glimmers, or the fore- runners of the great wave, blinded their vision ; and what they saw and learned in this way was not the truth, only a mockery of it. The worst feature about it for all such is that they will drift into cold materialism, and yet are not aware of it ; having no knowledge of the facts at all, they grow mighty in their supposed wisdom and power. They set God their Creator aside, and deny Him by whom God was made manifest on earth, and who also was the mediator for the great accomplishment of the bringing together God and man, so that the man of clay can be transformed into an angel of light. These, they say, are all natural changes. Yes, my wise friends, so far as your dim eyes can see, they are natural, and would have ever remained so if it had not been for divine interposition. Tell me what it means when one nation and race after another has to be brought near and engrafted into the divine body, so that all in due time will become heirs of salvation ? Explain this, you who have studied, as you claim to have done, the signs of and pertaining to Spiritualism. When you can do this, you can understand about the elementary spirits, sylphs, COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 21 and all sorts of objects not tangible in form or spirit. Spiritualism is not sent to create any more mists around mystic forms, but to clear the mists away, and to reveal the true nature of that which had been misconceived and misunderstood. Much trouble is incurred by not g >ing slowly on with the tact of the mills which grind over the con- ditions, and send forth whatever there is in regular seasons for each grade of material. Alas, there will be agitation until the clearing up of the foam is done, and the true ideal can be seen in its full beauty, then it will be hailed with delight by all who are pure and true. If we were to tell all how our labors are conducted here, and how we instruct, — for our ways differ greatly from the ways of the world in the teaching for growth, both intellectual and spiritual, — and also tell you how mortal degrees of scholarship and religious growth stand in relation to these here in the spheres, it would not help you. You would have learned something which of itself is of no use to you, only as you grow pure, and live according to the principles of purity, truth, and justice in all you do or desire. As long as you are incongenial witli the co-relative grades, you will be dissatisfied with yourself, also with the knowledge offered you for study. You love the material and the precious now and its enjoyments the best, and therefore you be- long to those grades, and your experience system struggles, which you of course feel, but which do not admit of an explaining, because it is a force without form which is acting upon you, and as long as you do not understand j^ourselves, you cannot understand these, for they are parts of your nature. Only then when you search yourselves and find this force, when you observe and can learn by observation the harm which such a force may have done, then you can call it forth and bring it to become an object, and as the tangled condition threads are wound together, which are of similar tissues, and which are produced from the system, then only can this be cured and a change will be wrought in your whole being. The old desires and the extremes of ambitions, if there should be any, must be thrown away as dross, as a reactive counterpart to former displays in worldly measures. Let them be displayed for the welfare of the unfortunate. Seek to be great by being the servants for others, and ministering in all the ways open to you to the wants and demands of the people, in work, in care of them, in teaching them, in tying up their wounds, and in paying the costs of their fare if it should be in your power to do so, for this is religion, pure and undefiled, and is acceptable above worship with words from the lips when the heart is not in it. Spiritualism is a harbinger .of light. The things which lie obscured in the minds of earth's people are brought forth by it, and the light from Heaven shining thereon, 22 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. aids in bringing into life the innate germs, and supporting their growth until the tendency of each plant is seen, — also its nature, and the treat- ment which it requires, is understood. Then these misconceptions will cease to be, and those which have been will be rectified as they come to be understood. Oh, how earnest and sincere should the investigator of Spiritual- ism be, and how much will those who call themselves devotees of this new faith have to unlearn and learn over anew! Spiritualism is truly a religion, also a sign, for that which tends to develop and support the spiritual nature in mortals must be a religion and a sign, because it brings the evidence of each claim and demonstrates effects by point- ing to and explaining the causes of the effects that are realized, which is being done now, and will be done more fully as the progressive flood advances in its movement over earth. In Spiritualism there are and have been presented both the mocking and the real conditions which are in mortals. This has been done by spirits who are servants or errand spirits ; but this is not all that it is to do or will do. It will furnish the keys to all the mystic recesses, and by it the missing links will be produced which will make history, both religious and profane, complete. Also class degrees shall be numbered by the works of the angels, so that mortals can know where they belong and where they will go. The short trip from the visible to the invisible will be no uncertain voyage, for these mists shall all be cleared away. Now, says the investigator, how wMl these mists be cleared away, and how is all this to be done ? We will answer : The ethereal force which is cast into your atmosphere does this work. All that you have to do is to be honest and upright in all you do. Observe and compare the lessons of today with those of the past, and patiently await the ful- fillment of these labors now in process and commotion all over earth. This mighty work cannot be done by talk alone ; if all the angels should talk so as to be heard by the people, and would explain the creative and transforming processes from the beginning to the present time, it could not be retained by the people, or understood. If there were not a corresponding force in the air which they breath to support their system, and give them the constantly needed strength until this summit can be reached, — which is surrounded by so many difficulties, — "then when it is reached all can be clearly seen which had before this time been robed in midnight gloom, and all uncertainties will vanish, and errors will fall like the drops formed from the hazes in the twilight when the sun rises. Says the critic : What are we to think or conclude upon about the exposing of those who had been endorsed as genuine medial instruments, through and by whom spirits did their COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTUPvES. 23 works? This is rather hard to answer anyone who is not acquainted with the subtle force and conditions which are in the mortal being, also around them, which is in different ways compelled into action by the errand spirits in the phenomenal displays of supernatural power and presence. It is to a great extent owing to the medium and the aura around them that does this work. It is the effect of this unknown power which is provoked forth by the denizens of the spirit worlds ; and this work causes what we term forerunners or shadows of the real, and is found to be of use when studied in its own degrees, and properly applied to the designed use ; for by it can be learned that which the people need to know con- cerning the subtle force in nature and in themselves, from which they have suffered intense pain and misery. Many pollutions are levied on the human race which are ignorantly ascribed to a power out- side of mortals, but which is not the case, for the power is within themselves, but is not understood ; and it is active with a correspond- ing power or force from nature's resources, which is often increased by having added to it the force and power of spirits who by wise design are sent to do such work for beneficial purposes. It is true that the basest frauds have been committed by witty mimics, but in no case were these persons alone in what they did; they were compelled and aided by a force corresponding with that which issues from within themselves, and forming around them the aura in which the spirits mingle, and compel forth acts according to their wishes. This has many niches to fill, for it teaches concerning the debased nature in the people ; it teaches also the reality of a future existence, and prepares the atmosphere for the rolling in of that which is to come, viz., the ethereal flood of light, the knowledge of these mystic things, for all these shadows shall vanish, the dross shall be shaken off and consumed, and, instead of curiosity, there will be a true desire for learning and to know nothing but the truth which will compel the investigator to search and find for himself, that he may be one among the others to act in the mortal courts for the deciding upon truth and error, after spending much time and labor, during which time the light from above will light up the mystic past and future, and reveal God's glory on earth, and His power in the whole universe, so that there can be no concealments as there have been ; all shall be upright action, for the purer air which will be enforced will not admit of practices like those of ihe past, and which are reproduced and practiced at the present time for a review and from which to gather testimony. When all the labors are viewed and seen as they are meant to be, then the tur- bulent wild waves, which are not the real ones of design, can be laid. 24 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. How often have we said that this was the time in which all flesh was being tried as by fire, and that you should beware of the delusions that are cast, and which are those manifestations produced which are compelled forth by this force in the people, acting with a correspond- ing force thereupon. It is not the control of spirits over mortals, but it is wholly in the vapors and fluids, and its action is provoked forth by different methods, and the earth people are drunken with it. It is called occultism, arts of different names or kinds. It is the ready force that produces j)henomenal facts, and demonstrates to physical view or handling invisible or concealed objects. But while this is a fact there is also a genuine part closely corresponding with this, which has now and then by various persons been demonstrated, who are true instruments in the hands of spirits. There have been but few genuine physical manifestations, yet there have a few taken place, and they will again take place more powerfully than those that have been given. The teachings which we give now will be clearer as time secures to us a better access to the brain or organism of the medium ; and as the fossils of the wild waves that are left around are cut off, and washed away, and the tide is left calm and clear for the true and pure to come forth upon so as to compel forth the action of the labors of design. Do not let anyone be disheartened, but let everyone learn all that is offered in any way, for it is all, even if in an obscure way, a part of the great review, and, when it is learned aright, it will aid you in the studies necessary for all to be versed in, for you cannot ascend any faster than competency will secure to you a promotion. All that now is and has been, and which will yet be, must be studied before the platform is reached from whence all this vast universe can be viewed without any doubt as to the constant advance in but the one way into which all other routes must lead, and that consists in being perfected in form and in the knowledge of self and becoming purified, and as self becomes understood, the secrets of the natural laws and evolvings are revealed to the sincere students. We will now leave the subject for this time, and let you ponder over the many misconcep- tions which you have permitted to cluster around you, and in your mind, and let you think over the lessons taught you, as well as the advice given you, that you may find how often you have misunder- stood these, and misapplied them. By so doing you will be enabled to learn the true meaning and what it was intended to do. You will be benefited, have already been, for the disappointments that were realized came from the wrong use, and from not understanding how to act in what was taught or advised, and from many misconceptions of simple things as well as of important ones. But in all t}ie labor COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 25 was (lone, but the reward was delayed because it was done according to the conditional picture of the plan as to physical results ; but the reward will be sure to come to those that are faithful. Walk slow and confident, And if much time be spent Without avail Of that which is the most craved, All tends the way to pave, And against all the adverse You will prevail. LECTURE IV. SPIRITUALISM. Can it or its adherants be successfully organized under the pres- ent existing misconceptions of its proper mission on earth, and without a well-developed material force which can govern all unruly actions of the undeveloped masses, and hold them in check and in their places ? We answer no. Preceding such a step as organization there must be found a physical compact of worthy and competent workers with the heavenly compact who are the master builders. These, then, receive from the heavenly compact their instructions how to allow freedom to all grades and degrees in their sphere for proper investi- gation and beneficial development. Then it will prosper and conquei all earthly opposition, and become the one great religion. Those persons have been already reared, yea, developed for their proper places, but are not found in one vicinity, therefore must first become acquainted by a written correspondence which will lead to a personal acquaintance, in order to form properly the agreements for a labor that will finally result in the accomplishment of a work of such great magni- tude that all mortals can be led to perceive and bask in the brightness of Heaven's wisdom and glory as it is brought to earth by the com- pact, and given through the instrumentality of mortal beings. We have degree order in Heaven, and in the different spheres and worlds. There is the council called the Heavenly Hierarchy, the Seraphim, the Cherubim, the Justice Power, the Poets, the Students of Art, the Philanthropists, and Healers, the sphere of Inventors, Mechanics, Politicians, Detectives, and Adversaries, by whom to probe mortal devotion and compel their development ; errand spirits of all grades, 26 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. wonder-workers, and undeveloped spirits, commonly called deceivers, because they are not reliable. They work in the primary degrees for mortal development. We make no distinction in color or cast, for all spirits are classed according to their worth, and consequently can work only in accord with their own knowledge, and with the force of their own degree granted them. Then, there are illegal beings who often cast themselves upon mortals and do harm ; but when the proper order of degrees is established, these can no longer annoy, and Spirit- ualism will grow and prosper like a healthy plant, grown out from chaotic forces and elements ; and as it grows it will be supplied with all the elements and forces of the universe, and thus become the universal tree of freedom and salvation,— - yea, it will represent and become man's ultimate redemption. LECTURE V. FACTS WILL PROVE THEMSELVES. In history, both religious and profane, is contained the proof and positive testimony of all things which have ever become a conjecture or a speculation of the human mind, although many links of the golden chain of unity have become obscure by the means of losing some of the reverence for it, and by misrepresenting some of the non- connecting fragments left to puzzle the developing brows of mortals. Here before me is a strange narrative given in an article headed " Our Israelitish Origin," written by John Fondey, M.D., and published in the Day Star, of Philadelphia, in which paper the same gentleman published two of his letters which he had written to us in regard to our visit to Terra Haute ; also one of our letters written in answer to him was published in the same paper. This I state merely to show that he is, as he claims to be, undoubtedly stirred up to do what he does by spirit power, but he grapples with obstacles the same as many other explorers have done, and does not or cannot enter into the full- ness of what he aims to show. I trace very clearly in this article the links which have been so long obscure to mortal view and understand- ing. It seems astonishing to me as I see this, and look over what the spirits have shown and taught me, and I am led to exclaim that truly history does repeat and also prove itself. I will quote only a small portion of said article to which I have referred. Mr. Fondey states COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 27 clearly how the scattered tribes of Israel came to people the north countries of Europe. He says further they are, like ancient Israel, to go into the wilderness before they return to the land of Israel. Israel went out of Egypt through the Red Sea into the wilderness of Sinai, there to be organized, and then pass into the land of Canaan. And it is so in the anti-type. Israel was to come out of the north country of Europe, through the Atlantic Ocean, into the wilderness of America, here to enter into the new covenant, and be organized preparatory to a final return to the land of Canaan. Further on he says, we have spoken of the binding up of the breach between Ephraim and Manassah as having been partially accomplished in the British Isles. Here, however, is the spot where the nationality of Israel, which had been destroyed for more than twenty-four hundred years, was again to be revived ; and which event was accomplished by the confederation of the North American States ; which was to be effected in the third projmetic day of Hosea, or five hundred years after the expiration of the two days which, as we have seen, terminated about A. D. 1281, thus bringing the middle of the third day to about 1781, about which time Israel again stood up as a nation on the earth, constituting the one great nation which God promised to Abraham, as stated in Gen. 12th ch. 2d v., and again the many nations as in Gen. 17th ch. 4th v., of which lie was to be the father. Here is something so grand presented before me ; and Mr. Fondey had not the least idea how closely he approached the gates ajar when he summed up the article in question. If he would only allow the spirit more control over him, he would then find all he could wish for by which to produce the lost Scriptural links. How much plainer can we expect history to prove itself ? Washington was the one who became the father of this American country. He gathered together the lost sheep of the House of Israel from all nations. Is it to be wondered at then that America is becoming the queen of nations? No, not at all, when all is seen as it is in reality. I will now give an account of a vision that was shown to me about eight years ago. I was not at that time in a dreamy or drowsy state, but wide awake and able to use my senses, to hear, see, and ask questions if I wished to do so. One day my spirit-guide approached me and said that I should remain very quiet and observe closely what would be shown to me. Soon many spirits came before me, and I saw that they were all of the ancient Hebrew nation. I looked at them carefully, and noticed each one's peculiarities, for I had something to learn from these visitors and the vision, which I did not comprehend as well as I should like to have done. After they had retired, one of them came before me 28 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTUEES. again and told me to observe him well, which I did without speaking, lie retired again, but suddenly returned the third time. I now saw my spirit-guide looking towards me, and I spoke to the spirit stand- ing before me and said : " Who are you, and when have you lived before ? " He seemed pleased because I had understood him, and said he was or had been Abraham. He smiled and bowed, and then my visitors left me. It was about four years after I had seen this vision, that is, according to the notes I have kept, when one afternoon, hav- ing entered my room for the purpose of writing, I felt a strange sen- sation like that of a spirit presence. I sat quietly waiting, feeling that something pleasant was about to take place, when suddenly the spirit of Washington stood before me. He looked at me, calling me by name, and said: "We have taught you by vision, orally, and by writing all these years, now I would like to question you a little to see how well you retain what has been taught you ; " and, looking pleas- antly at me, he said : " Whom among those ancient patriarchs that you once saw do I resemble? " I looked at him closely but could make no reply, and yet I thought I had seen some one whom he resembled. He asked the second time if I did not remember the visit of the patri- archs ? I said yes. He turned as if to speak to some one, and then stepped forward and said : " Can you not recall that likeness of my- self ? " Then all seemed clear to me, and I said: " Oh, yes, you are so like Abraham in form and feature, the same in stature, as if you were one ; but," said I, " pray tell me how this is ; what does it all mean ? " He then bowed and was gone without answering me. He then took control of me to write. He wrote a wonderful message, beginning with these words : " I will write my pedigree." In this he gives a full account of himself from the beginning, what careers had been his, and in what characters he had been an actor upon the mortal stage. He said he really was Abraham, and that when he was born as Washing- ton, he took on his complete form as Abraham, because he was to realize the promise made him, and to gather the lost sheep of the House of Israel. This is set forth in Mr. Fondey's article, yet he would not believe the clear truth, even of what he has stated himself. He has figured up his statements from the Bible and other records. We have ours given by the characters themselves, who were and are now the important actors in all these wonderful works. Washington became the father of this American country, and of all the people who have come from all parts of the earth and found shelter under this lofty tree of freedom. Is not this a literal proof of prophetic state- ments? and are not in this the missing links found and produced? If Washington was Abraham, he has realized the promise made COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 29 him. He has done his work, and we are partakers of the great and grand works which he did. We too are doing our parts which are necessary, and which belong to the said organization. The result of all this will be grand and glorious, it cannot be otherwise ; and we shall yet have reason to rejoice over our labors, for we shall win the prize angels have laid up for us if we work faithfully with them, and aid in subsiding these collected labyrinths, and help them to bring truths like these, which from time to time are given to us, before the world. In this American wilderness Mr. Fondey further says : " God said he would plead face to face with Israel." Has He not done this ? Yes, even in the way Mr. Fondey gives it as occurring in 1861. He has spoken face to face since then even to us, and also to others, and I think we are safe to conclude that we too are truly a fart of Israel. I thank God from the depths of my heart that He counts us worthy to receive the revelations of all these grand truths, even from those mighty spirits. America was a wilderness when first discovered, yet it was peopled by Indian tribes ; so was the land of Canaan inhabited by the wild nations when the Israelites wandered out of Egypt into that land of promise, and was told to take posses- sion of it. ■ If that course was right, then the course pursued by the white people of America must also have been right when they drove back the savages, and took possession of the American wilderness, and, through bloodshed and battles, made it a land of freedom, and a Republican government, with a constitution different from any other on earth. Washington, the father of this country, was powerfully aided from the heavenly courts, and the organization or confedera- tion of these United States of North America was founded upon Heaven-born rights and principles, and although these principles have become somewhat corrupted a.s time passed on, yet they were rooted and grounded in the true principles. Now, let us look at the facts as they really exist. All who are not organized as yet under the new covenant, and do not belong to this collected number of the Israelites, must pass through the wilderness of conditions which have been con- stituted; and, after extended travels, can enter into Canaan, or the blessed conditions by which they will be surrounded, when they can see and understand the truth of all these works. No change in local- ity will be needed in order that all this may be brought to pass, for America is the promised land for all those who have been and are being gathered daily and added to the number which are to be the first fruits with the Israelites of old in the great decision which is very near, when, according to Scripture language, the Heavens and the earth shall be shaken and changed, for the looked-for judgment 30 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. has been, and the new clause for the said separation will soon be announced physically, as it is already issued and has gone forth. Having explained this, I will tell you the secret of Indian control over modern mediums, for this is the cause of so many conditional battles Avhich are being constantly fought. These red men of the American forest were driven out by the white people, and are led to wage a conditional war against all who are to be organized under the new covenant, and under the head powers of the universe ; and, let it seem as it may, all mediums who are controlled by Indians are their captives, and aid by physical means to lead others into the conditional wilderness for a stated season, which may seem pleasant at first, but after the march is pursued for a time it will grow unpleasant, for therefrom have come all the realized failures which Spiritualism in its purer shades and works has had to encounter. All must battle with these conditions until they conquer and can be led out from them into the purer conditions which are of supreme issue, and which will then make their Canaan, for they will realize the changed and blessed condition, and appreciate it for having learned the difference by expe- rience, which is of priceless value to all who have thus gained it. They can truly appreciate the milk and honey, symbolical in these days of law and gospel, which flow from the universe center upon all in this blessed land of Canaan in this organized condition, as said, and belong to the gathered number which represent the first fruits, and with which number will terminate the first resurrection, when the clause spoken of shall be announced, which will be a great event, and the shaking such as Heaven and earth never realized before. The literal and spiritual are greatly interwoven even as the works are being compelled forth, and are performed by mortals and spirits. America will be in a literal sense a land of milk and honey, and will abound in riches, both spiritual and material likewise. I have made these explanations to avoid misapprehensions, as there are still many good, well-intentioned people, who truly belong to the House of Israel, who are laboring under the mistake that a return to Palestine alone can make this change. There must be a building up there to fill the prophetic records, yet it is not necessary since this country is the selected spot, and is far more productive, and the soil and elements are well adapted to have all this transacted as stated, and accomplish the work of design in these important degrees w r hereby the time for this eternity shall be terminated. ' Look well at the produced facts. Ponder upon them from all sides, and you will see as you gaze aloft that the harvest is almost ripe and ready for the reapers' sickle, even the grain grown from the late rains and mind infusions, the other COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 31 having been already reaped and garnered. If mortals could but realize better this time of their present visitation from on high, how soon these elements and conditional conflicts would be brought to a close ! and a heavenly, peaceful atmosphere would fill all space, and also all mortal bosoms ; but while the works of opposition continue, as at the present time, let us watch and pray, and make ready for the great change which is so soon to take place. LECTURE VI. THE SPIRIT-WORLD — WHERE IS IT ? Go in thy secret chamber, to meditate and pray, Stir up the slumbering embers within, and then a ray Of light from them will show thee so definite and clear That world afar all around thee, and spirits ever near. Men and women are mere animals by mortal nature, yet they also possess an immortal nature. Now, the spirits of men and women are within them while they are travelers on earth as much as when they leave earth by the flight of the spirit, and take another form more suitable for the spirit and climate. This spirit in them then is said to be and is truly a divine inheritance, a divine gem deposited in the material elements of clay, in order to begin the great work of creat- ing tangible spirits who can acquire mortal forms, and can test and handle objects. That those spirits in mortals, then, are akin to the Infinite is also a fixed fact ; hence, if they proceeded forth from the world of spirit, they also have the power to revisit the world of their nativity. They have left in that world many elements of their own, and also many complete spirits who are akin to them, and whose sole delight is to aid the new beginners on earth in their acquirements of knowledge and materials for which they were implanted in matter. These imparted qualities, which are the spirits in mortals, are sparks of the Infinite, and will grow and leaven with their power the whole mortal being, if they are called into life and action by ever remaining as branches of the vine or the great universal tree of life. But all spirits in mortals are not of the same grade, and although many are classed but a little above the matter grades, they must be nurtured from the elements and spirits of that world from whence they came. This is a rule of progress, and requires much study, for God impulses 32 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. thrill in all things that manifest life throughout the whole universe. This thrill is not always alike, but is according to the touch, as upon coarse or refined metal, and even so will you discover the spirit-world to be in accord with your relation to it. It is enough for mortals to know that all can discover this if they will but do as they are bidden. They can see it and learn from those spirits who surround them where and in what part of these worlds upon worlds they belong. Some parts of the spirit-world are so far off from mortals and their world that it would require a great space of time to get there should they travel even at lightning speed, and no one who has no kindred there, or no spirit-power of his own, can go there ; because the spiritual elements which are within the mortal and go out at death, or even when in an abnormal state, go directly out into space, and are met by corresponding elements, and also by spirits which form the pathway and give the spirit strength to go where these powers of assistance came from, and to which the individual spirit just escaped from a mortal house has a lawful right to go. People in blind fancy form many absurd ideas about spirits and the spirit-world, where it is located, &c. ; and why is this ? Simply because their spirit-sparks have not been fanned into life by the breezes from the world from whence they were given, — by the breath of the all-pervading Infinite Spirit ; for if the spirit-spark had been fanned into life, they could ask no question which would not be answered from within, through their own spirit. They could peer through the mists by the light from within, and see clearly before and all around them the spirit-world and the ministering spirits. They could see it extend far out in space, farther than the power of the eye could penetrate, and they would be satisfied that the innate powers and possibilities of the mind are immortal and eternal, and would thus enlarge and expand until, in the changeable progressional march, they could scan the Infinite, and comprehend the heights and depths, length and breadth, of the wisdom and power which so wonderfully creates and developes man by the power of the spirit within and upon them, and by the effectual compulsion of the laws governing each part and parcel of spirit and matter, in evolving and cohering ; and all these ways are carved and marked out, but which are often shunned by mortals, their own will marking out a seemingly pleasanter path for the purely mortal being to walk in, although at the expense of the spirit-spark which lies spiritually dead within them ; and which has never been called into life or action. Here we will say a word upon fore-ordination, since the question was involved when we said that all the ways are marked out in which these clay-clad angels should walk, COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 33 while pursuing their pilgrimage on earth, for the purposes already stated. Masses of the cultivated people of today do not accept or believe in fore-ordination. They say men make the ways in which they walk by their ambition, their will, and energy. These three qualities, almost the same in meaning, are each of different force when meet- ing with material and elements, and, casting conditions therein, by the force of these factors, do in a measure make the ways in which men walk ; and thereby are offences committed in the first degree against the statute laws, because the will of God is forfeited and set at naught by the pride of natural and worldly ambition, which desires not to yield to the will, or to be governed by the Spirit of God, — yet takes the given talents, and begins scheming with them, trying to find how to acquire self -greatness, and to gratify the natural longings, and rule over material concerns. This can be, and certainly is, done to a great extent by the majority of mortals who now people this lower world. This, then, is the reason why the end must be hastened on, because the spirit in man develops a vain ambition, and a strong self-will that resists the Spirit of God, and will not be gov- erned by it, nor walk in the prescribed limits. Mortals desire to have all things according to their fleshly craving, so far as their will, ambition, and, I should say, cunning will assist them in gratifying their desires ; but that does not put away with the statute laws at all, in which fore-ordination is one principal part ; hence, it follows that these people are given over to their own lusts and desires ; that, during the short allotted space of time given them, they do all that is for them to do so far as they, being aided by said factors, can make the conditions subservient to their wills ; but, alas, not one of them can be counted as among the first fruits, nor can they have a part in the first resurrection, which is but a figurative statement, for spirits all live, but all do not meet with approbation as you will learn ; but will be set low to begin a new eternity's march under different surround- ings and developing methods, at the end of which they will nearly all have learned the important lesson that God's laws are fixed and eternal ; and as long as subjects trespass against these laws, and do not love and serve their Creator, just so long they must and shall remain outside of Paradise, and bear the curse of the law they have trespassed against; but, when it is heeded and complied with, it will prove a strong power both of protection and a constant support. And so it is that mortals pay heavily for the exercising of this self- power, and for gratifying their natural fleshly cravings at such costs as are spoken of above, namely, an eternity's toil through adverse 34 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. or perverse conditions ; also, an eternity's punishment which has unfortunately been stated in the Bible record as eternal punishment, and has been misunderstood as meaning this, — that a mortal, once losing the race, is lost forever, that no more chances are given him, and no changes take place for him through all eternal, never-ending time. This, friends, is contrary to the statute laws which are eternal and fixed, and remain so forever ; hence, it is stated that cycling changes are lawful at times for conditional divisions, and for new spiritual infusions, and also for the changing of methods for moral and religious training, in accord with the advance march of nature's laws, and of progression, which is the grandest object of all these labors, and it is to be secured to all beings, and to all things in nature. This, surely, is not to be set back as a side issue, and have placed before it a monotonous course of man-made formulas and creeds which have their birth in the misconceptions and suppositions of mortals. But this the world's scholars aim to do, and if they do admit progression (since it is made compulsory and mortals cannot do otherwise), still these wayward people strive to have their own ways, and to govern heavenly issues, and call it progressional or pro- gressive according to their own ways or desires. It is no wonder the spirit-world is shunned as something of which mortals need not to know, and the return of spirits is spoken of as if it were wicked and unlawful. This, however, is not true. It is lawful, or it could not and would not be so, and the spirit-world becomes more and more visible to the eyes, yes, even to the natural eyes, of mortals. The curtain which divides the mortal and spirit spheres is growing thinner and more transparent every day, and no mystery concerning the spirit- world shall remain, nor concerning the future occupations, rewards, and punishments. Those who are found worthy to take part in the first resurrection, or to enter into heavenly rest, will also be illumined to see and learn all these things, as the Spirit of God touches them and opens their understanding. The others will resist and keep up a useless and strength-destroying contention until assigned to their proper places. Alas, only a fraction of those even shall be left to comprehend the truth. As soon as the decision is over, these, then, shall be the foremost workers in building up the next age with zeal and purity of purpose. We cannot understand how it is that the study of the spirit-world, and of the future state of the mortal race, can be set aside as such an idle tale by so many who stand so much in need of the information they might gain upon these points. We hear much said about looking after the soul's salvation and preparing to die, but how is it to be done ? There is no true knowledge gained, COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 35 nor is the salvation desired obtained, nor are they ever ready to die, for the future is unknown to all who do not study and worship God in spirit and truth. Many sad pictures we see presented to us daily as the result of a fancied salvation, in which there cannot be and is no reality ; and why ? Because the subjects walk in the broad, worldly ways ; they eat, drink, and make merry, and throw all the work of their soul's salva- tion upon Jesus, and they have no right to that claim unless they walk in his foot-prints, and follow him closely in all they do, both in precept and example. But there are not many that do this. Hence, they have drawn a fancied picture before them instead of a real one when they reach the immortal shores. In my view, this is like a man forming plans for erecting a magnificent building or mansion, and furnishing it, but, having no capital of his own, is dependent upon the goodness of some benefactor to build the grand mansion for him at the expense of his benefactor. Now, this generous nobleman had not been consulted in the matter so as to know how or in what way these great privileges were to be conferred or realized for the subject who, being full of fancy, had only read the terms and promises, but did not see or understand the meaning proclaimed in them ; hence, it follows that, as the preparations were all made, the servants of the benefactor are sent to tell this man how all this was, that it was his own vain ambition that had led him to fancy and form his plans, therefore, he should find it all a void instead of having his desires gratified, for a punishment for such a course of scheming without ascertaining the facts, or searching the secret depths for the meaning of each promise. We see this picture verified every day by those who have planned for an inheritance in Heaven on the great capital and through the merits of Jesus the Great Mediator. They find they have the plans but can command nothing else, and are, for the reasons of their many offences in those degrees, sentenced to roam over deserts and endure punishments instead of living and ruling with Jesus as they supposed. Arise, O mortals ! do not slumber in these important days when light from above is being shed upon you, and all over earth. Why close your eyes and fear to behold the bright rays as they come from the eternal light-house above ? Open your eyes that you may see the reefs against which you are drifting. Yes, open your eyes and behold the Heavens open and the Son of Man as He descends and ascends, and the millions of immortal beings going with delight to and fro, bringing the light and the glad tidings to earth. Proofs palpable of spirit return to earth are daily given, and the labors which they do by commission, received from the throne of the Most 86 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTUEES. High God ; for from the supreme issues all that is done as a neces- sity to meet the claims of law, and to fill those injunctions marked to be fulfilled in this last cycle or epoch of time. Make yourselves acquainted with the spirit-world, as it will prove a lasting benefit to you. Do not shun the spirits and spirit-teachings, O mortals, but consider that all which mortals ever had, as well as that they receive now, was given by the Spirit of God in the ways suiting to each time and purpose, and by and through subjects chosen and marked for such labor, which mediation is an eternal right conferred upon those who, of that order, are sent forth to earth to receive and impart heavenly truths and wisdom which belong to the people of each age. It is for this reason it is said that he who receiveth a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward for all the kindnesses and sympathy shown to such a person, who is by nature susceptible to all the conditions on the spirit- ual and material side, and is therefore borne down by the weight of all these conditions, and feels the bitterness which is concealed in the bosoms of mortals as much as that which is boldly and coarsely made manifest. And these immortal mortals feel more pain as the result of conditions and unkindnesses of mortals than language can describe, and need, therefore, mortal sympathy to mingle with the effusions from the spirit-world to protect, as with a strong shield, the sensitive nature ; but it is not often given, that is, true sympathy, from the mortal side. These subjects are looked upon rather, by those who should be their strongest and truest friends, as Jesus was by the Scribes and Pharisees, that is, as being cursed by God, that they must bear their burthens and wear out their miseries, and would rather that they should be made a sacrifice for them so as to grant them liberty and relief. This is very wrong, and severe penalties are incurred by such a course, but if true friendship and sympathy were bestowed, riches and blessings would be the sure reward. LECTURE VII. CHRISTMAS. "What are events in mortal history ? Are they but land-marks, and remembered by physical merriment only ? or do they all have an infinite meaning and bearing, which, to learn, should be the object instead of aimless pleasures ? Events differ in significance owing to the circumscribed condition of events, or to the full freedom by which to exert an influence or power ; they mark themselves on nature's COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 37 canvas, and faintly, as a reflex of these marks, do they mark them- selves in the minds of the people, and form a part of their formal or practical life and worship. But no matter what event occurs that marks a change, it should be carefully considered from all sides, and shall be kept sacred in con- nection with the side or shade thereof by which man and angels are brought nearer to each other, though it be by proxy ; and it should be carefully studied by the pilgrims of earth as to what each event does for them, and what it does for each individual. But there has not been much of the mortal mind invested in ascertaining these facts, and really they cannot be obtained from the worldly records ; hence, the people are blessed with revelations in these days. They are advised to study unwritten history, and to heed the advice and to practice the precepts which the angels bring to earth, for thereby will they be aided to discover the mighty forces which compel forth results, and that which is in accordance with the design and the result of each event, and the various duties they owe in order to properly mark their joy for the progress made in the transmould- ing and spiritualizing of mortals. And as they enter into the spirit of things, or, as it were, into the inner life, from whence all temporal results proceed forth, they will become enabled to commemorate acceptably the Christmas of the middle age, named thus because God's truths were brought to earth through the child Jesus, who was endowed with power from on high. But today, as we see that event fully merged into two others, the one the first central dispensation, and also the present one, we say that it is a sad tumult, that is, this external merriment on this day, kept by Christians in commemora- tion of Jesus the Christ. And as we list to issues from above, And see the flood of our Father's love Go forth to earth, and as it descends it is repelled, The worldly wisdom and pleasures have excelled. They who should hold the key to Heaven in their hands have lost it ; and they do not feel the presence of the Holy Spirit as it endeavors to overshadow them ; and we are compelled to say that they know nothing of the birth of the true Christ. Had the Churches abided in Christ, the Living Vine, they would have hailed the present event with great joy, for they would have known that He has returned, and that He will labor upon earth in spirit until all the works are realized under the sun, of which mortals had received the fore-shadowed pictures through the prophets ; and as Jesus indicated 38 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. the signs which should appear, and that which should go before that great day of this eternal decision now to be made, the admonitions contained in revelations to the several Churches should be carefully studied and applied, even now, for those fore-shadowed typical prophecies, or shaded descriptions rather, as we might term them, are now in the course of their fulfillment under the sun. The seven Churches, the seven candlesticks, and the seven angels, alluded to there, stand emblematical of the seven master- builders, the creative compact, from whence all religious infusions have been given in their varied degrees and differences, and which were arranged for the use of mortals by that central force going forth from that united center, as supreme issue, and governed by omnipotence, the all-pervading Omnipotent Spirit, God, which is the soul and the force of the whole universe. But the Chris1>power is not felt much as yet by the confessed, or professed, followers of Jesus, - or they would have kept these words before them day and night, " Hold fast until I come ;" yes, hold fast to the truths of the Gospel ! Hold fast to the testimony of Jesus ! Do not depart from the given precepts ! follow the examples though not in the same degree, yet be ever willing to sacrifice whatever may be at stake, so as to promote the general progress of the people, and also to declare the truths of God boldly whenever it is observed that truth is set aside, or is covered with a selfish mask. The works in the middle age that were done by the man Jesus were of a very different nature from what, in this modern age, has been said and taught in regard to them. He was the promised Messiah, which means message-bearer. He received truth from His heavenly home and gave it to the people. He filled the injunction of law pertaining to the initiating steps of generating and leading out the created beings into the knowledge of their surroundings and conditions, but by no means does He, or can He, wash away the sins of the world which the people commit inde- pendent of and outside of those clauses. He did His works in order to receive power to mingle with earthly elements, as a man to sanc- tify earth and produce a great chemical cementing process, by which mortals and their atmospheres were rendered purer. Such processes are being produced now again, for now He does come as the Christ of God in power and glory. In the middle age He was compelled to come in meekness and humility, as a man gov- erned by finite rule in which His career made changes, although spiritually operated upon by the Christ-power from the Christ- Heavens; heuce, these being facts which mortals must accept, although they rebel against them, for it is truth and will prove itself COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 39 as such, and will conquer. Then, why not arise, ye stray children of earth, and return to your primitive faith, and receive the Christ of this age with joy, that you may receive knowledge from Him con- cerning all the things which you had hoped for in that faith, and can realize all the promises made in regard to the present time ? Jesus the Christ of God comes, and has been coming through the condi- tional clouds ; hence, with greater power and glory, will He come when He comes to inspect personally the stewardship of mortals, and what really are the fruits produced by His followers, or rather the fruits grown from his works in the middle age, for, although the records are correctly kept, He has been standing before justice as mercy all these long years in mortal reckoning, but in spiritual reckoning it is but a little while compared with eternal time. Now that justice proceeds to cast the levies upon mortals, even as they have incurred them by their trespasses, He comes to see whether they had in all cases carefully considered the frailty of mortals and their lack of power to perceive aright, and to live and walk in accordance with law and Gospel, so that just judgments may be issued on that great day which will decide for all their just abiding place. When we observe the great display made in the whole land upon Christmas Eve we are sad, we cannot sing songs of gladness, for we cannot approve of all this external merriment, and that because no reverence is shown by the religious leaders in regard to the spiritual gifts which the child Jesus has brought to earth for the benefit of mortals, and this being neglected, which is so all-important, renders it all a non-acceptable ceremony ; although they may paint His birth, mission, and works in glowing colors, so far as it satisfies their especial desires, yet all these sounds die away on the air as uncertain sounds which cannot rise to Heaven ; and when all is ended there is a void, for there is no returning and abiding pleasure, as there would be if these services were held in the right way, and in keeping with the primitive faith, and in the pure exercise of the spiritual gifts. As the spiritual gifts are not coveted in the Churches, are not taught as they were, and are still being given as a divine legacy to mankind, and are not being practiced in purity and with an increased power at each recurring Christmas, just so long will the masses of mortals be held tightly under the dominion rule of the worldly ruler, the unrighteous prince, who will leave them to their faith or fate, when his time expires, as unpardoned prisoners, and so then will they find their future beginning. Now, we do not object to external merriment, nor to the presentation of physical gifts on the 40 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. day of general importance ; but when physical gifts so fully occupy the heart and mind, and the pleasures being so thoroughly material, on a day which requires a holy reverence, if any, then we say it is sinful, for there is not one particle of this display that could be applied in honor to Him for whom Christmas was affixed in the history of mortals ; moreover, it brings His works into the shades of the worldly degrees altogether, and He cannot exercise either power nor mercy over mortals because they do not remember Him, for the gifts He brought to earth, by which alone He could be enabled to govern His Church upon earth, and bring to all of His true followers new truths, and constantly increased spiritual powers ; but, when this is spoken of to the Churches, they do not wish to be governed by the Spirit of God in this way. The Jews said to Jesus in the middle age : " We have Moses and the Prophets, we will follow them; but this fellow and his teachings we will not accept." The Gentiles say : " We have Jesus and the Gospel truths He taught ; we will cling to them ; but these new truths given through modern Prophets, or, as they are now called, mediums, we will not accept." Jesus said to the Jews : " If ye were of God, ye would hear My voice and be gladly instructed, for I am come from Him ; but ye cannot hear My voice or words, because ye are not of God." It is even so today, for if those who reject the truths and revelations were true followers of Jesus, they would be glad to be instructed. They would recognize the manifest Christ of God. Yes, they would rejoice because He has come again to prepare the world for judgment, also for a brighter dawn immediately after the decision. Do you think, O mortals, that your power will conquer in the ensuing conquests ? No, verily, no. He holds the victory in His hand, and all these rebellious contentions are tolerated only until all these works pertaining to the plan of God with man are filled, then the change will come. But we must leave this subject, and say something in regard to the Christmas of the new era, which comes on the eighth of Feb- ruary, as on that day the birth of the Christ of this age was announced upon earth, by which His labors during this, or of this, event should mark themselves ; and as Jesus remained secluded from the public, amid physical labors and studies, so were these marks destined to remain in the back-ground, and though the heavenly workers have been out by the millions, heralding the tidings of joy even as the people could be approached and were able to receive. Yet there was but one great design to be accomplished through COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 41 modern Spiritualism, for which all work, though all are not aware of the fact, yet, in the days to come, the scholars can trace the works, and find striking similarities to the career of the child Jesus, and the works now being performed by Him, as the Christ of God, through a mortal organism. As he appeared in the Temple, at the age of eleven years, and astonished the lawyers and scribes by His wisdom, so there was a work performed which compares with that, though the present works are different, because they fill altogether different injunctions of law, and the results will be unlike those which were achieved in the middle age ; but, at the age of thirty-three years, He came forth boldly before the public, and performed many mighty works, and finished that which was given Him to do in three short years ; hence, in keeping with former time, the works of modern Spiritualism will be compelled forth before the scribes and Phari- sees and the lawyers of this age to be inspected, or investigated, and criticised ; for it must be so, as it is a demand of the law that all the works that have been produced must pass through the fixed crucibles, where all the impure shall be consumed, so that only the pure truths will remain for a great blessing for humanity, for the Christ-power shall subdue all the rebellious elements and forces, and bring about the promised peace on earth, and all realize good Avill toward one another. But darkness goes before the face of the Lord, and trials and conquests are necessary by which to achieve these grand results which have been labored for so long. In order to bring about the conquests spoken of, we must send out among mortals the work which has been an issue from the Christ-power, by which this pres- ent event shall be marked. The leaders of the standing religions have already taken steps to investigate the manifest works of God, which abound in these days, so as to bring them unawares before their courts, and then the compelling forces will be increased, so that after due councils they will declare their own standing in relation to the Christ of the age. But their councils will prove to be nothing but folly, and the for- tresses, behind which they hope to safely shelter themselves, will crumble into dust, and the victory of truth over error shall power- fully mark itself, for it is the mark of the central power under whom all other powers and principalities serve, and by which they are governed. Hence, to all who are true, but weak, when the conquest comes, we say : take courage, aud remember the words of Jesus : " Hold fast to My testimony until I come ; " and, though you 42 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. have failed in your efforts to bring about the desired results, yet try again. Perseverance only can win in times of great struggles, and each endeavor will bring you nearer to the goal where the hidden pearls of the greatest price are to be found, and where the results of your efforts will win the medal of honor, with the inscription upon it: " Good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joys of Heaven." Dec. 25, 1881. LECTURE VIII. THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL. That which from eternity, compelled to action, in each cause espoused,— 'T is that which is the Gospel true; 'Tis not belief; 't is know and do; 'T is to be useful, to be true. Religious cultivation has, at present, too much attached to it to make it wholesome or comprehensive. The devotional faculties are cramped by the sublime, and the fast-developing idealty goes on with force, and a grand display in language, according to desires. This is done heedless of the pain issued through the wrong devotional organ. It is compelled to silence, the other organs acting for it or in its stead, according to their impulses, which, by the designers, were marked for a different use, and, therefore, give an untrue physical form in words to that which should have been given forth from the devotional organ for religious ponderings, and for the edification of that most exalted organ of the spiritual structure. Therefore it is, and has been, from presumptions and suppositions mostly that that which the commentators on religious matters and points have decided upon ; and then one looks to the other to be upheld in their assump- tions. What, is this pure devotion to God? No, verily, no. It is devotion to man ; a fearing of man's judgment, and a seeking for man's approval. Wherefore it is a sham, and not gospel. The Everlasting Gospel is the truths given from the all-pervad- ing spirit concerning the spirit ; that part found in the complicated composition of mortals which is contributed by the great spirit, and is centered in the devotional organ, and extending its rays of light all through the system when it is not cramped or crushed as stated. Then those who would know a Gospel truth must learn it through the COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 43 spirit, must consult Him of whom they are a part ; they must know that the head recognizes the faces of each member of its body, and that no sensation can escape the head. Then, when this devotional organ truly aspires, it is felt, and answering blessings are administered. The Gospel, true and pure, is not eloquent, for it is activity and purity of purpose which must be manifested in all the deeds done. The most simple duties often require the most bodily exertion, and it is observed how well it is done, and whether the purpose is a pure one which compels forth that which is performed, or thought, or spoken. Then how shall the Gospel be styled in its divisions to make it comprehensive ? Is it to expound how to crush out of existence the many sins by which the human race is beset without their know- ing the cause by which such sins are compelled forth ? Nay, friends, this is not religion, nor of any benefit to hearers, for the simple reason that he who tries to tell about something which he does know or understand himself stands upon dangerous ground, for he is telling untruths all the while, and his presumptions upon them render him a trespasser an hundred-fold ; and those who hear are not benefited, neither is any evil cured by adverse treatment, but lives and thrives boastingly because it did not meet with any lawful repulsion or justly waged rebellion by which it could have been conquered and laid in the dust. Now, take intemperance, for instance. It is a blight on the fair intellect of the age ; and why is it tolerated ? Why, after crusades and temperance revivals ' it still grows, and is a frantic monster, by which are governed and held millions of mortals. Now, the seasons of actual labor are inaugurated according to universal design, so then the great crusade made upon and for temperance a few years ago was compelled forth by a wave set off from the conditional tide, and those going through the land holding meetings on that topic were the devil's accessories. They were to get up the list physically to see how many could be claimed by those wielding the intoxicating deposits and enactments on earth for mortal temptations, if its designed uses should be set aside or misused, which has been done truly. Now, behold what a work our people made of it. They all signed the pledge, — the pure and the polluted, the innocent children, the thought- less maiden along with the tempted youths, — so as to make the list great, and compel something in a way which only caused a greater incumbrance ; for, believe me, it is true that those lists were counted up, and the ones who were soiled with strong drink, and had thereby damaged their bodily functions, their families, and also their duties, are known on the list ; also, the pure and innocent, and of the latter 44 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. the majority grace the list. Now, what are they given over for into these hands ? Shall they be thrown in the ordeals to be purified with the wicked, or those who sinned who should not be termed wicked, but weak, unmanly, distorted, which are the results of self-abuse ? No ! They cannot hold in common that which, for a certain class, is and can be lawful treatment. Therefore, there is a work of uncer- tainty and disorder in these pursuits, and the result is no victory, but more trouble, because the causes are not studied. Go to the root of the evil, and let the rich and poor, and small and great, study the laws of the country, and the laws of self-hood, and also those laws by which the rains are kept in the circuit of their allotted hemispheres, according to fluidic and elementary divisions, for these restrictions. Strange factors have been employed, and there is no enactment ever, nor was there ever any, which would be otherwise than beneficial if it were not misapplied and put to adverse uses. Since those who do not study their self-hood rights, nor the rules for that which they indulge in, are immoral and unmanly, it follows that the law which shall defend the weal of a people by whom its reign is sanctioned steps in and strongly subdues all immoral conduct, and strongly defends the weak sinners. The distilling of strong drink must be stopped, for there the first transgression was made. Love for money did its work there, and those who buy to sell again labor to make gains from oth- ers by an impure business in order to escape harder work. Now, this must be stopped, but it cannot be done by praying. God works through His own laws, and, when these are observed and complied with, help comes, and not otherwise. It is not necessary to preach, but it is necessary to arise. All who are not denied with strong drink should place themselves on record, and so have the record of Heaven or the spheres, where they are numbered, compared with the one on earth. Let it thus go forth to have a lawful hearing. Claim boldly the rights which a government owes to a people. Ask for the uprooting of the gigantic tree of distilling. Leave no root nor branch of it. Let those who are diseased by it resort to proper remedies, and do away with this evil, then y*ou will be prac- ticing true religion. You must make your physical interests subservi- ent to the higher claims of your being. You must live so as to elevate yourself and others, not in money or in fine apparel, but in true living and deeds. Suffer no corruption about you in any shape or form, disguised or bold, subtle or open. No matter where or how evils have taken practical form, they must be pulled up by the root regardless of pain or loss ; for justice must close her eyes to that, as it is self-made pain, and a just loss to those who are in these unlaw- COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 45 ful ways seeking to accumulate this world's goods. When the proper way is pursued in a battle, and the powers from the preceding worlds co-operate with those on earth, then victory is sure to be gained. So must the religion of the world move on with the changing and moving elements of nature. All sin is human weakness, and the strong are expected to care for the weak by way of using the remedies which are in a natural and lawful way always ready. Those of better cul- ture, and not in the trap of the prevailing evil, should do all they can, all in their power, to help others out. Praying and preaching will not do it, it takes work. Religion, pure and undefiled, is to be true, to help others thus to be working with God; for He lets His sun shine upon all alike, and desires that none of His creatures should be in torment because they are too blind to behold the true way from whence they came and whither they journey, and are too weak to stand upright and defy the temptations constantly held out for the natural appetites by the officials over the matter-grades, who are swayed and controlled by the beasts of opposition to God, and will be so until the plan of design is filled, and God is all in all. But the struggle is in this. An immense number was stated in the book who should be purified and completed in bodily structure, and that they cannot be affected by any temptation nor have an impure desire in them, though the refined tissues composing their being could draw support from all in the universe which would be compati- ble with them for their health and beauty, and that they therefore have lawful access to all the knowledge and wealth they may desire. These also should be marked as the first-fruits, being first completed. This being done, the plan of God is filled so far that the beasts of opposition can hold no more control, for this is the lawful agreement between them by which the victory should be marked, and the plan declared finished. As the work goes on, all will, in due time, be completed ; yet a change of training will be issued after the coining struggle is over, by which this eternity's close is to be marked. The struggle is to be between Materialism and Christianity. No matter where they are, or what they call themselves, those who are true to God and his Christ must be one army, and those who deny them make up the opposite army, and between these the strug- gle is to be until the wild waters swallow up the materialistic army, and the sun of righteousness revives every germ of life in those who remain faithful to the end. It is not religion to pray and confess much, yet it belongs to a true Christian to do this, too ; but, verily, it should be done in a true spirit, and the works not left undone, for the works must go hand in hand with faith and knowledge which is 46 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. dow given. No blind faith is needed now about the duties which mor- tals owe to their Creator. They know, too, that we live, and that we shall live, also, and that angels work with mortals, and are with them at all times to guide and protect and to compel when action is needed. Be ever on your guard, therefore ; be pure in heart and mind, and then no impure attendants will ever come near you. Shrink not from hardships, nor from humiliations, if others can be uplifted thereby and changed from the animal state to the manly and moral. It is greater honor to conquer the beasts of opposition in such a fight, and take from their grasp one captive, than fighting the nations and conquering them on the battle-field. Great is the reward of the heroic and true. Many bitter pangs they feel, And have nought in the world but sorrow ; In Heaven is balm these wounds to heal, And for them comes a grand tomorrow. Yes, this short earth-day soon is fled, And earthly pleasures all die with it; But principles and deeds live ever, No change these from a being sever. Then work, be true, the gospel new is labor. Learn to be useful. LECTURE IX.- (poetry.) SONG OF MOSES AND THE LAMB. Hail, hail ! all ye redeemed, with joy and delight, This present, so glorious a dawn. Gospel and law are revealed to shed light Upon the first picture that was drawn. Love drew the lines delicately fair, Law drew the back-ground so dim, Mortals were prone to misconceive ever, And thought all dark shades come through sin. O mortals, arise and join in our song; You Ve been in the thrall of wrong ideas long ; The plan was drawn lovely, just shaded enough, And all grand careers were sketched rather rough. COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 47 Oh, the great beauty of that plan I Solve it, ye mortals ; try and scan The great love in it concealed, And the wisdom by which 't is nowTevealed. Bow in reverence, mortals, with us; The prize is won, changed is the cross; Press on, press on, O mortals, Through struggles and through pain, And you will reach yon portals, Where losses all count gain. Join us, ye earthly pilgrims, As in reverence we bow Before the Great Designer, And twine wreaths for His fair brow. May 18, 1S81. LECTURE X. TYPICAL ILLUSTRATIONS. Men in all ages of time have been taught according to their capacity, and the divine tissues of intelligence over the book of nature have ever been spread out before them, which is, and ever has been, done to aid in the development of devotion to the Creator, and to call out aspiration. All the grand lessons of nature teach of the transitory changes for the purpose of enhancing the superior forces, and thereby to achieve the moral developments of man; while that intelligence, revealed from the Spirit of God to the spirit of man, supports the divine attributes in man, and by this the religious growth and developments are achieved ; but all that had thus far been given to man, in all ages and in all nations, has been typical, and all that is stated in the Bible was also typical at the time it was given, for all prophecies are in strict keeping with the drawn sketches of design ; so far, then, they are an ever-enduring reality, but, when given, they only shadow forth the glimmers and shades of that reality which, when it is realized in its own time upon earth, will then also be revealed as it is, in accord with the mental ability of those among whom such works are made manifest or are first enacted upon earth. Hence, there is a great deal of study required 48 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. by which to distinguish the real from the typical. Now, in the pres- ent review of the mental efforts and products, all minds are worked upon powerfully by the returning spirits and angels, and by these invisible labors the capacities of mortals become enlarged, the minds ventilated and opened for the reception of a new flood of ideas, which we would term a needed supply of power and intelligence, which is imparted by the means of intuition from the upper mind realm to the mind -realm of man ; also, special inspirations are showered through the channels that are prepared, even as the time demands, so that all the works can be finished after a proper enact- ment, and demonstrations by which conclusions can be compelled forth into the minds of mortals, and all the dead-letter theories must die, and also all typical shades must vanish, as reality will be set bare before mortal mind and vision, and the force of the spirit com- pels forth life and action, where there had only been a ceremonial worship in accordance with the lifeless letter, and also in accord with the typical illustrations. All this will pass away, and instead a practical religion will be enforced, and a worship in accordance with the Spirit oi God, from whom the Word, which is light and intelli- gence, law and gospel, and is therefore the general compelling and sustaining force, is derived or given. Men will cling to their errors, and it is hard for them to give up the ideas and beliefs which have become rooted in the mind ; but, strive as you may, brother man, you will and must be led to behold your errors, and to outgrow them. From whence came all these errors ? will be the question in many minds, even after so many proofs as to how and whence they came. But, again we say, and wish it to be adjusted to your memory, that these so-called errors in that which has ever been issued from above for the training of the spiritual nature of man, that these errors arose from, or came from, those typical pictures which had been presented through inspired brains, and were looked upon or accepted as the reality of which only an illustration was fore-shadowed ; hence, the reflections of these typical sayings have created many shades in the minds of the people, and these shades hang heavy over the brows of mankind. There has been too much worldly-minded exertion upon that which was given in typical prophe- cies, also inspirationally, to mankind, and not enough real spirit- ual study ; and, by this perverted mind exertion, the most significant things, in their universal bearing, have been rendered absurd in accord with worldly wisdom, that does not understand a spiritual truth simply because the spirit is excluded from their hearts and minds. COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 49 Let us be;a;les. Men do not wish to yield and to be governed by the Spirit of God, there are so many tints and shades of prejudice, the hues of which have been cast and left by their ancestors, and are also natur- ally inherited ; they turn the brains of man queerly, and cause their hearts to fail them when the strong rays of light gleam in on the soul, and which reveal faintly the pure tissues of Heaven without tints and shades. The perverted breath of man has woven guises for him, which cover his natural beauty, and he exercises his worldly ambition behind the screens, and the assumed piety is a pitiful cover- ing which is not rooted within, but is rather a surface condition. The real activity of the Christians who live to enhfence the general conditions of the world, by which to create no luxuriant habits, cannot indulge in the commodities which serve simply the oody ; they must keep pace with the force and power of the spirit of the creative energy and economy, and then they learn how to make the best use of time, and how the greatest amount of wealth can be secured. They are led aright in their walks, for the light from the light-house above shines upon them ; in that light they can discern the significance of every imparted truth. They learn how that all things are wisely wielded in accordance with the laws of the universe, and that all religious practices that are not in keeping with, but are averse to, those laws are nothing but mockery and a worldly display by which to create remorse for the future. All the statements made from what is termed inspiration, or superior knowledge, concerning man and his own rights and duties in relation to the All-Father are now being compelled forth for trial ; 50 COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. and those which cannot stand the test of the times were wrongly stated, were misconceived, and misapplied ; hence, isms of the grand truths proved themselves errors, because they were not received as they were meant to be given, and this is due to the ignorance of the people, and their deficient spiritual developments ; hence, a season of general rectification was needed. That these works are being phys- ically transacted, no man shall or can gainsay, for the proofs abound, and even now, as the works of the past are being reviewed and rectified, all the typical statements are proven, and will be explained, and their meaning, or how they were meant to be understood, will be revealed ; also, what the design of each picture was in the mortal world, the many shades which compose a great problem, therefore, an illustrated picture thereof had not been considered. Men did not even strive to discover the shades, but took all things in a literal sense, without any comparison as to the fountain, or law, from whence the shades of each illustrated picture were issued forth. Learn, O man, that all things have been and are still being done in accordance with law. Even men are born, and transformed in accordance with law, in the rounds of time ; and all who are born unlawfully, the purity of the legal design being violated, must pass through changes and ordeals until they can become acceptable chil- dren of the Most High, in accordance with that code of law which particularly pertains to God and His creature man. Now, to avoid misapprehension about the saying of mortals being born unlawfully, we say this : that it has no reference to matrimonial or iion-matri- monial states, although we commend nia'tr knony as being the best rule for the travelers upon earth ; yet, the lawfully born children in that sense are almost universally and unlawfully born children, in the strict sense of the supreme law, in regard to the generating of mortals. Multitudes of sins are committed, which result in miseries and woes for those who occupy earth, which the Creator had never designed, and which are the creations of the people altogether. But I must leave this subject, for perhaps the reader does not wish this topic to be illustrated any further. Alas, let all who hear take it to heart and profit by it. Day is fast dawning for those who live on earth ; hence, the twilight glimmers must all disappear. Law and gospel will be taught without any symbolic forms by which to explain. Truth, as it is now, and was, and as it shall ever be, is declared, and the differences of degree are taught; and the great structure reared by mortal fancies, and by mind speculations upon those typical statements, must shake, — it must fall! and then, sud- denly, by the same power that had issued and supported the typical, COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 51 will be reared the real ; and it will be so powerfully demonstrated that man will quake, yet they can do nothing but submit, for they are as sparks gone forth from that power. They have acquired mate- rial tissues and strength, and the strong wills sustained at present by the people is owing to the abundance of substances which have con- centrated in the mind realm of mortals, and which can be used as a force in them, but it makes man no stronger in power nevertheless. He can only exercise his natural senses better, and defend natural desires and instincts with his strong will. He can, and does, build fortresses by this force, which is given him at this time, against the works of the spirits, and the enactments of the truths of God, as they are in the place of the shaded and typical illustrations. But, alas, man has only as much power as God wills for him, the will of God being stronger than all other wills combined. Perceive that this is done only that all may bear testimony of themselves when they are set low, and the power of God will work upon earth and change the views of man, so that earth will appear changed, and the Heavens also, as the typical vanishes, and the real will be enforced into a practical reality, more so than what consists in teachings, for the past has proven the sad fact that all these teachings for religious training and improvements have created too many mind phantasies, and not enough sound sense and practical religion. The Bible is a book of facts, so called, that have been gathered as they were given, in different ages and at different times, through susceptible brains or organisms, from finite and infinite sources, from the universal fountain ; we say, then, we certainly mean the finite and infinite issues, even as the demand of mortals now are, and have ever been ; but these differences have not been observed ; hence, we say that although the intellects of the people are expanded, and to some extent illumined, yet there is a general deficiency in regard to a proper understanding and defining. Therefore, when the forces of these mind-powers are brought to issue, that is, the intuitive and discerning forces, and placed in the scales of justice so as to be weighed for a decision, then mortals are found wanting in spiritual unfoldments, hence found wanting in the powers by which to discern the shadowy from the real, the portrait pictures from the solid facts, which make difficult records, and which will cause the levying of a severe tax. The avenues of the mind are closed by the shades which hang over them, because they have not come out even with wisdom and the understanding. "When you read the Bible, brother man, be careful and aim to 52 COMPILATION OF SPHtLT LECTURES. enter into the spirit of that which you are reading, so that you may be led by that spirit to understand. Let your purest aspirations go out to the ultimate fountain, and the responsive issue will be given from the source from whence that which you may have read was derived, and with proper explanations given by the force of that spirit in its universal office through which to aid humanity, for there are too many statements in that book which are a pollution upon its truths, and which were caused by the prejudiced breath of man. Learn to discern truth from errors, and typical illustrations from solid truths. It is not needed now, in this last hour, that we should state each typical presentation which, during this eternity, was given ; we could not do this very well, for those which are in the world now are the poorest that have been given ; they were only partial descriptions and illustrations. I could pen a volume of defects only in the few presentations contained in the Bible, and they are but fragments, — scattered frag- ments. Study upon the mortal origin as stated in Genesis, and you cannot become mentally illumined if you do not see the missing shades required to fill even a typical picture ; and, as the story is prolonged, there is much assumed that is altogether strange to the typical picture, there being no resemblance, and is therefore of no use, only as having created obstructions in the mind, which must now be removed. Go through the recorded acts of the kings of Israel, and the heathen nations, and what do you discover? Well, it is too absurd ; that all these mortal histories, with occasional aid and advice from supernal-finite sources, were styled sacred, and were treated as though they were the inspired deeds of man from God. What a pollution upon deity. Read Job; what w T as that, a real biography or a typical picture of characters ? nothing more than an allegory for the study of the people, and a trial for them also, to see whether they could discern real truths from the shaded pictures or not. Read the Psalms, and what do you discover ? If you enter into the spirit of it, you will see a strange variance, changing almost as rapidly as the changes of the musical strains which aided David to receive the words he penned. That book is the strangest production the world has, for in it are set forth tints and shades from all the powers and forces in the universe ; it is, therefore, only to be a study, and many lessons can be learned from it in regard to the typical and also the purely inspirational truths from the Christ-Heavens. From the Christ-Heavens alone the pure truths are issued to the people inspirationally through the organisms of subjects who are prepared COMPILATION OF SPIRIT LECTURES. 53 and sent forth to receive such inspirations. But let us go on a little further. The prophets all spake typically, and received their inspi- rations chiefly from standing authorities, yet not always from the highest sources, as can be easily discerned when this subject is studied. But how is it about the mission of Jesus and the New Testa- ment records? Has humanity gained the right understanding of Shis, or have they said much for which they will receive punish- ments ? for they did have a knowledge of that which they spake of, for it is stated so here in our records which are before us. The prophets, by whom the coming of, the Messiah was fore-shadowed in accordance with the picture of His universal career, spoke of it only in part, as all the masters of the creative energy and power have their shades painted on that picture. It was only a partial prophecy, as also His work then was only a partial work, but which is now to be fulfilled ; and now that which the prophetic statements then indicated is being clearly revealed. As for the New Testament record, it is less faulty than the other Bible contents, and can be easily rectified when the spirit of it is entered into, or rather when the hearts and minds are opened, and the spirit can enter and open the understanding, and show in what sense the statements were made, and for what purpose. The minis- ters, of course, have preached the Gospel, but they did not know after all of what they spake, because the Spirit of God, the universal spirit of truth, could not find access to their hearts and minds. This is rather a harsh saying, but nevertheless it is true, and truth will bow at no human shrine, but she will rise and subdue error and fiction. Oh, the many trials which mortals have thus prepared for them- selves by uttering that of which they had no proper or right under- standing, and so many great debts have been and are now being incurred by this much praying and sending up undue petitions, and no one can escape the punishments thus legally incurred. They will be led through the ordeals until the truth dawns upon them, an I they can obtain the correct knowledge of that of which they had such an indefinite or uncertain knowledge before ; and yet they spoke as though they knew whereof they spoke. It takes not only one but many eternities in which to complete the majority of mortal i born on earth and to transform them into angels of li