J-^ IC 9061 Bureau of Mines Information Circular/1986 Titanium l\/linerals Availability Market Economy Countries A Minerals Availability Appraisal By R. J. Fantel, D. A. Buckingham, and D. E. Sullivan ;*/ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR {4^ZdJi^' IWvw^'fi^ ^ Information Circular 9061 Titanium IVIinerals Availability- Market Economy Countries A Minerals Availability Appraisal By R. J. Fantel, D. A. Buckingham, and D. E. Sullivan UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Donald Paul Model, Secretary BUREAU OF MINES Robert C. Morton, Director As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserving the environment and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is in the best interests of all our people. The Department also has a major responsibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who live in island territories under U.S. administration. .(\^^■^^ a:^^ ,ofc\ Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Fantel, R. J. (Richard J.) Titanium minerals availability— market economy countries. (Bureau of Mines information circular; 9061) Bibliography: p. 28 Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27; 1. Titanium industry. 2. Titanium mines and mining. I. Buckingham, D. A. (David A.) II. Sullivan, Daniel E. III. United States. Bureau of Mines. IV. Title. V. Series: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines); 9061. TN295.U4 [HD9539.T72] 622 s [338.274623] 85-600114 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing OfTice Washington, DC 20402 PREFACE The Bureau of Mines Minerals Availability Program is assessing the worldwide availability of nonfuel minerals. The Bureau collects, compiles, and evaluates information on active and developing mines, explored deposits, and mineral processing plants worldwide. The program's objectives are to classify domestic and foreign resources, to identify by cost evaluation resources that are reserves, and to prepare analyses of mineral availabilities. This report is part of a continuing series of reports analyzing the availability of minerals from domestic and foreign sources and those factors affecting availability. Analyses of other minerals are in progress. Questions about the Minerals Availability Program should be addressed to Chief, Division of Minerals Availability, Bureau of Mines, 2401 E Street, NW., Washington, DC 20241. CONTENTS Page Preface i" Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Acknowledgments 2 Evaluation methodology 2 Data analysis 2 Deposit selection criteria 3 The world titanium industry 4 Production 5 Exports, imports, and consumption 8 Pigment plant production 8 Stockpiles and recycling 11 Byproducts 11 Mining and beneficiation methods 12 Mining 12 Beneficiation 12 Upgraded ilmenite-synthetic rutile 13 Geology and resources 14 Titanium deposit costs 16 Costing methodology 16 Operating costs 16 Capital costs 17 Typical beach sand mining costs — Australian deposits 17 Page Titanium concentrate availability 19 Economic evaluation methodology 19 Total availabiUty 20 Rutile 20 Ilmenite 22 Leucoxene 23 Synthetic rutile 23 Titanium slag 24 Anatase 24 Miscellaneous titanium operations 24 Annual availability 24 Rutile 24 Ilmenite 25 Leucoxene 25 Synthetic rutile 25 Titanium slag 25 Anatase 26 Mixed concentrate 26 Availability of byproduct zircon 26 Conclusions 27 References 28 Appendix A. — World titanium deposit geology and resources 31 Appendix B. — Titanium dioxide pigment 47 Appendix C. — Titanium sponge and metal production 48 ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Flowchart of MAP evaluation procedure 3 2. Mineral resource classification categories 4 3. Flow of titanium mineral products 4 4. Total production of titanium concentrates by mineral types, 1981 5 5. Exports of titanium minerals from AustraUa in early 1980's 8 6. Exports of ore and ilmenite concentrate from Norway in early 1980's 8 7. U.S. imports of titanium concentrates, 1981 8 8. Generalized flowsheet of a mineral sand wet mill 12 9. Generahzed flowsheet of a mineral sand dry mill 13 10. World titanium resources, by region and type 15 11. Capital costs for a dredge, Austraha 17 12. Capital costs for wet and dry mill concentrators, Australia 17 13. Annual operating costs for dry mining operations, Australia 18 14. Annual operating costs for dredge and wet and dry mill concentrators, Australia 18 15. General costs associated with beach sand mining operations, Austraha 19 16. Total recoverable rutile concentrate 21 17. Total recoverable ilmenite concentrate 22 18. Annual availability curves for producing rutile mines, at various total costs of production 24 19. Annual availability curves for nonproducing rutile mines, at various total costs of production 25 A-1. Location of titanium mines and titanium-bearing deposits of North America 31 A-2. Location of titanium mines and titanium-bearing deposits of Brazil 36 A-3. Location of Finland's Otanmaki Mine 37 A-4. Location of Norway's Tellnes Mine 38 A-5. Location of Italy's Piampaludo rutile deposit 38 A-6. Location of India and Sri Lanka heavy-mineral sand deposits 40 A-7. Location of Sierra Leone mineral sand deposit 42 A-8. Location of Republic of South Africa's Richards Bay mineral sand deposit 42 A-9. Location of Australia's east coast mineral sand deposits 43 A- 10. Location of Australia's west coast mineral sand deposits 45 CONTENTS— Continued TABLES Page 1. World production of titanium concentrates 5 2. Ownership and status of titanium mines and deposits in market economy countries 6 3. U.S. total consumption of titanium concentrates and related imports for consumption in 1981 8 4. U.S. imports for consumption of titanium concentrates, by country, 1981 9 5. Titanium pigment plant input source and type and output capacity 9 6. Summary of identified titanium resources in market economy countries, January 1984 14 7. Estimated average operating costs for selected titanium mines and deposits 16 8. Estimated capital costs to develop nonproducing surface titanium deposits in Australia 17 9. Market prices of titanium concentrates and related minerals for January 1984 19 10. Total estimated recoverable rutile concentrates, as of January 1984 20 11. Total estimated recoverable ilmenite concentrates, as of January 1984 22 12. Total estimated recoverable leucoxene concentrates, as of January 1984 23 13. Total estimated recoverable synthetic rutile concentrates, as of January 1984 23 14. Total estimated recoverable titanium slag, as of January 1984 24 15. Total potentially recoverable zircon concentrates, as of January 1984 26 16. Average revenue distribution for selected mines producing zircon 26 3-1. Typical capital and operating costs of titanium dioxide pigment plants by region 47 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT °c degree Celsius mt/h metric ton per hour d/yr day per year mt/yr metric ton per year g/mt gram per metric ton pet percent ha hectare US^\/ Titanium metal ^^^^Ox S. Sorel slag \^^)k' Chloride process pigment "!>jC^ <. Ilmenite and leucoxene ^"^^ / 7^ Sulfate process pigment / / ' ^ Synthetic rutile / Figure 3.— Flow of titanium mineral products. Quebec, Canada, has in the past graded approximately 70 pet TiOa, although it is presently (as of 1984) 80 pet. The Sorel slag (as it is called in the industry) feeds sulfate pigment plants. Richards Bay slag (Republic of South Africa) grades 85 to 87 pet Ti02 and feeds both sulfate and chloride pigment plants (3, p. 11). PRODUCTION Table 1 lists, by country, the production of titanium concentrates for the years 1961, 1971, 1981, and 1983 (estimated). The table shows that for all the titanium concentrates an increase has occurred in production over the past two decades. The values for 1983 are listed to illustrate that in recent years, owing to world economic conditions, production of titanium concentrates has declined slightly in most countries. Austraha is the largest producer of ilmenite and leucoxene. As shown on the table and in figure 4, Australia produced 37 pet of the ilmenite and leucoxene mined during 1981. Norway produced over 18 pet, and the United States and the U.S.S.R. produced almost 14 and 12 pet, respectively. During the 20-yr period shown in table 1, when world production of ilmenite doubled, production from Australia increased eightfold. Australia accounted for approximately 64 pet of the 1981 world production of rutile. Sierra Leone and the Republic of South Africa each produced about 14 pet. Titaniferous slag was produced primarily in two countries during 1981; Canada produced just over two- thirds and the Republic of South Africa produced the remainder. In the Sichuan Province of China, very small amounts of slag are also produced (on the order of 1,000 mt/yr). Seven major companies and the State of Western Australia mined and produced titanium mineral concen- trates from 10 mines in Australia during 1981. The companies are Associated Minerals Consolidated Ltd., Rutile & Zircon Mines (Newcastle) Ltd. (RZ Mines), Mineral Deposits Ltd., Cable Sands Pty. Ltd. (owned by Kathleen Investments), Allied Eneabba Pty Ltd. [59 pet owned by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. (Du Pont)], Westralian Sands Ltd., and Consolidated Rutile Ltd. In addition, four mines in Austraha were being developed by three companies. Mineral Deposits Ltd., Murphyores Holding Ltd. , and Associated Minerals Consolidated Ltd. Four mines produced titanium mineral concentrates in the United States during 1981. They were owned by three companies — Associated Minerals (USA) Ltd. Inc., Du Pont, and NL Industries, Inc. Companies that have produced titanium concentrates in the recent past include ASARCO Incorporated'^ and American Cyanamid Co. ^he Asarco operation closed in 1981. This analysis considers the mine to be shut down; substantial redevelopment would be required for the mine to again produce. Table 1.— World production of titanium concentrates (4-6) (Thousand nnetric tons) Concentrate type and country 1961 1971 1981 1983^ Ilmenite and leucoxene: Australia: Ilmenite 169 829 1,321 875 Leucoxene 19 18 Brazil NA 10 15 15 China* NA NA 136 140 Finland 19 140 161 160 India 174 66 162 150 Japan 3 Madagascar 4 Malaysia' 109 156 172 190 Nonway 311 641 658 544 Portugal (=) 1 (') (') Senegal 17 South Africa, Republic of . . 90 Spain 30 .24 Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) 3 93 80 82 United Arab Republic 34 USSR* NA NA 426 435 United States^ 709 620 492 W_ Total 1,670 2,582 3,644 2,609 Rutile: ~~ Australia 103 367 230 172 Brazil e) e) {') (.') India 1 3 6 7 Senegal (') Sierra Leone 12 51 72 South Africa, Republic of . . 3 50 56 Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) 3 14 8 United Arab Republic *1 U.S.S.R.^ NA NA 10 10 United States 8 W W Total Titaniferous slag: Canada" Japan" South Africa, Republic of' Total 422 779 1,129 993 ^Estimated. NA Not available. W Withheld to avoid disclosing company proprietary data. 'Exports. ^Less than 500 mt. ^Includes a mixed product containing ilmenite, leucoxene, and rutile. "Contains 70 to 74 pet TiOg (Sorel slag nov\^ 80 pet). 'Contains 85 to 87 pet TiOz NOTE:— Data may not add to totals shown because of independent rounding. 117 385 362 326 420 2 774 5 759 370 612 381 ilmenite and leucoxene Rutile Titaniferous slag 3,644,000 mt 362,000 mt 1 ,1 29,000 mt Figure 4.— Total production of titanium concentrates by mineral types, 1981. Other countries with operations included in this study Canada, one producer, QIT-Fer et Titane Inc. (QIT), which is owned by Standard Oil Co. of Ohio (SOHIO); Brazil, one producer, owned by Titanio do Brasil (TIBRAS), as well as a developing deposit owned by Cia. Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD); both are govemmentally owned companies; Finland, one producer, Rautaruukki Oy, which is Government owned; Norway, one producer, Titania A/S, owned by NL Industries; India, three producers and one developing deposit, all owned by the Government of India; Sri Lanka, one producer, which is Government owned; Sierra Leone, one producer, owned by Sierra Rutile Ltd. (which is wholly owned by Nord Resources Corp. of Ohio); Republic of South Africa, one producer, which is owned by a consortium with majority interest held by QIT of Montreal, Canada, and Union Corp. and Industrial Develop- ment Corp. (IDC), both of Johannesburg, Republic of South Africa. Synthetic rutile was produced in Australia, India, Japan, the United States, and Taiwan. Each of these countries has at least one synthetic rutile plant, the largest being the Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. plant in Mobile, AL. The mines and deposits in this analysis, including their ownership and status, are listed in table 2. Table 2.— Ownership and status of titanium mines and deposits in market economy countries Status' Deposit type^ Mining method Milling method Ownership NORTH AMERICA United States: Arkansas: Magnet Cove California: lone Colorado: Powderhom . . Rorida: Green Cove Springs . . Highland Operation . . . Trail Ridge Operation , Georgia: Brunswick-Altamaha . , Cumt}erland Island . . . New Jersey: Manchester New York: Maclntyre Development. North Carolina: NL Industries. Oklahoma: Otter Creek Valley. Tennessee: PP {*) EXP PRD PRD PRD EXP EXP PP PRD EXP EXP Silica Mine (") P Oak Grove EXP P Virginia: B. F. Camden Anomaly . PP HR Piney River EXP HR Wyoming: Iron Mountain . . EXP HR Canada: AllardLake PRD HR Pin-Rouge Lake EXP HR SOUTH AMERICA Brazil: Bananeira EXP HR Camaratuba PRD P Campo Alegre de Lourdes . EXP HR Catalao EXP HR Tapira DEV HR EUROPE Rnland: Otanmaki PRD HR Italy: Piampaludo EXP HR Nonway: Tellnes PRD HR See footnotes at end of table Open pit Dredging Open pit Dredging ..do ..do ..do ..do ..do Open pit Magnetic-electrostatic Numerous private owners . . Magnetic North American Refractories Co. Buttes Gas and Oil Co Magnetic-electrostatic ..do ..do . .do ..do ..do... ..do.... Rotation Associated Minerals (USA) Ltd. Inc. E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. . .do Union Camp Corp., Jones family. U.S. National Park Service ASARCO Incorporated . . . . NL Industries, Inc ..do Placer mining Open pit Dredging Magnetic-electrostatic Magnetic .do. Numerous private owners Magnetic-electrostatic Tennessee Silica Sand Co. ..do Ethyl Corp Open pit Open pit-sublevel caving. Open pit do Private ownership S. U. Wilkcens, Jr. .do.,.. .do.... Rotation Gravity-magnetic' .... Magnetic-electrostatic* . .do Rocky Mountain Energy Co., The Anaconda Company. QIT-Fer et Titane, Inc. (SOHIO). Laurentlan Titanium Mines Ltd. . .do Flotation Mineracao Itaqui Strip level Magnetic-electrostatic* Titanio do Brasil Open pit do* Cia. Bahiana de Pesquisa Strip level do. Metais de Goias S. A., Goias Fertilizantes S.A. Cia. Vale do Rio Doce Sublevel stoping . . do Rautaruukki Oy (Government) Strip hillside do Open pit Gravity flotation Mineraria Italiana S.p.A. Milan. NL Industries Inc R, I, L, Z, RE M, Z M, Z M, R. Z, RE M, Z ,Fe R, L. Z, O, RE R, Z, RE S, Fe S, Fe S, Fe A R, I, Z S, Fe A A I, Fe, O R. I, G I, Fe, O Table 2.— Ownership and status of titanium mines and deposits In market economy countries— Continued Status' Dep°sit type^ Mining method Miliing method Ownership Products^ ASIA India: Chavara (IREL) . Chavara (KMML) Manavalakurichi . Orissa-Chatrapur Sri Lanka: Pulmoddai AFRICA Sierra Leone: Mogbwemo South Africa, Republic of: Bay. OCEANIA Australia: New South Wales: Bridge Hill Ridge Evans Head Munmorah Stockton Bight . . . Tomago Sand Pits Yuraygir National Park Queensland: Agnes Waters Cooloola Curtis Island Fraser Island Gladstone Mainland . . . Moreton Island (MDL) . . Moreton Island (Murphyores) North Stradbroke (AMC) North Stradbroke (CRL) Western Australia: Allied Eneabba Cable Sands Capel Cataby Cooljarloo . Eneabba . . Gingin Jurien Bay . North Capel Scott River Yoganup Extended, Boyanup, Tutunup. New Zealand: Barrytown PRD P PRD P PRD P DEV P PRD P PRD P PRD P PRD P EXP P PP P EXP PRD EXP PP EXP PP EXP P EXP P EXP P PRD P PRD P PRD P EXP P EXP HR PRD P PRD P EXP P EXP P PRD P EXP P PP P PRD P EXP PRD Strip level Dredging . Strip level Dredging . .do. Magnetic-electrostatic Indian Rare Earths, Ltd. R, 1, L, Z, RE ..do Kerala Minerals & Metals Ltd. R, 1, L, Z, (Government). RE ..do6 Indian Rare Earths, Ltd. 1, R, SR, Z, (Government). RE ..do ..do 1, R, Z, RE, SR ..do Ceylon Mineral Sands Corp. (Government). 1, R, Z, RE ..do Sierra Rutile Ltd. R ..do= QIT, Union Corp., Industrial S, R, Fe, Z Dredging ..do ..do Magnetic-electrostatic ..do ..do ..do ..do Strip level Ground sluicing Open pit Dredging ..do Development Corp. Mineral Deposits Ltd State of New South Wales . Associated Minerals Consolidated Ltd. Mineral Deposits Ltd Rutile & Zircon Mines (Newcastle) Ltd. State of New South Wales and Federal Government. Mineral Deposits Ltd. . . . State of Queensland and Federal Government. Murphyores Holdings Ltd. Murphyores Holdings Ltd., Dillingham Minerals. Murphyores Holdings Ltd. Mineral Deposits Ltd. . . . Murphyores Holdings Ltd. Associated Minerals Consolidated Ltd. Consolidated Rutile Ltd. Allied Eneabba Pty. Ltd. Magnetic^ Magnetic-electrostatic do« ..do Strip level ..do ..do ..do ..do Dredging Open pit Dredging Magnetic- electrostatic^ Associated Minerals Consolidated Ltd. Ferrovanadium Corp. N.L. Kathleen Investments . . Associated Minerals Consolidated Ltd. Metals Exploration Ltd., Alliance Minerals NL. Western Mining Corp. Holdings Ltd. Associated Minerals Consolidated Ltd. Westralian Sands Ltd., Lennard Oil NL. Western Mining Corp. Holdings Ltd. State of Western Australia ..do Westralian Sands Ltd Fletcher-Challenge Ltd. . . R, I, Z R, I, Z R, I, Z. RE R, I, Z R, I, Z, RE I, R, Fe, Z R, I, Z, RE I, R, Fe, Z R, I, Z R, I, Z R, I, Z, RE R, I, Z, RE R, 1, L, Z, RE I, R, L, Z S, Fe I, R, Z, RE I, R, L, SR, RE R, I, Z, RE R, I, L, Z, RE SR, I, R, L, RE R, I, L, Z I, R, L, Z, RE I, R, L, Z, RE I, R, L, Z I, R, L, Z, RE I, R, SR, Z, RE 'DEV = developing deposit; EXP = explored prospect; PP = past producer; PRD = producer. ^HR = hard-rock deposit; P = placer (or sand) deposit. ^he first product listed was assumed to be the primary product for this study. A = anatase concentrate; Fe = iron, magnetite, or pig iron; G = garnet; I = ilmenite concentrate; L = leucoxene concentrate; M = mixed ilmenite-leucoxene concentrate; P = perovskite concentrate; R = rutile concentrate; RE = rare earth oxide concentrate (monazite); S = titanium slag; SR = synthetic rutile concentrate; Z = zircon concentrate; O = other miscellaneous (sulfides, precious metals, vanadium, pyrite, etc.). "These deposits are producers of silica sand, but not heavy minerals. Assumed as EXP for this study. ^After beneficiation, the ilmenite concentrate is smelted in an electric furnace. ^After beneficiation, some or all of the ilmenite concentrate is further upgraded in a synthetic rutile plant. EXPORTS, IMPORTS, AND CONSUMPTION Exporters of titanium concentrates have been, in recent years, primarily Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, Nor- way, Sierra Leone, and the Republic of South Africa. The exports discussed in the following paragraph represent world exports as they existed in the late 1970's and early 1980's. More than 23 pet of Australian exports of ilmenite and leucoxene were shipped to the United States; about 18 pet went to the United Kingdom; almost 15 pet went to the U.S.S.R.; and almost 8 pet went to Japan. The remainder went to unknown destinations. Almost 47 pet of Australian exports of rutile were shipped to the United States, more than 15 pet to the United Kingdom, more than 10 pet to the Netherlands, and over 6 pet to Japan (iig. 5) (7). The remainder went to unknown destinations. Canada exported titanium slag to Belgium, England, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, and the United States (8). Sierra Leone exported its rutile mainly to the United States, with some to Europe (9). Europe receives 59 pet of the Republic of South Africa's slag exports, North America receives 23 pet, and Japan receives 18 pet (10). Norway exported almost 45 pet of its ore and ilmenite concentrate to the Federal Republic of Germany, over 12 pet to the U.S.S.R., and almost 11 pet to Poland (fig. 6) (11). Malaysia exports nearly all of its ilmenite concentrate to Japan. India exports to Japan, the Federal Republic of Germany, and China. The United States consumed 776,700 mt of ilmenite concentrate during 1981; 214,300 mt or over 27 pet of this was imported (table 3, fig. 7). Most of these imports, over 89 pet, came from Australia, and about 10 pet came from the Republic of South Afi-ica (table 4). Table 3.— U.S. total consumption of titanium concentrates and related imports for consumption in 1981 (6) Total ''^P°^^ '°^ Concentrate rr,r>tv, consumption Japan /unitedV / /^ \ KingdomX // \ Japan v^^ether>>v 7 /unitedro7 y\ /Wngdom\ / X \ _3^^ Other k United \ 35 / \ States \ / 1 OtheT/united I \ 20 / states / Ilmenite and leucoxene Rutile Figure 5.— Exports of titanium minerals from Australia in early 1980's. Numbers within pies refer to percent of total exports. lO^mt 10= mt pet' Ilmenite Titanium slag Rutile; Natural ... Synthetic . . 776.7 229.3 258.9 214.3 243.9 146.1 1 37.5 27.6 106 4 70.9 'Percentage of total consumption. South Africa ^ South Africa Figure 6.— Exports of ore and Ilmenite concentrate from Norway in early 1980's. Numbers within pie refer to percent of total exports. Rutile, synthetic 37,514 mt Figure 7.— U.S. imports of titanium concentrates, 1981. Numbers within pies refer to percent of total Imports. The United States consumed 229,300 mt of titanium slag during 1981, all of which was imported. During 1981, slag imports for consumption were more than 6 pet greater than consumption, indicating that some were stockpiled. The United States consumed 258,900 mt of rutile and synthetic rutile during 1981; about 71 pet of this was imported, 146,100 mt of rutile and 37,500 mt of synthetic rutile. About 55 pet of rutile imports were from Australia, over 29 pet from the Republic of South Africa, and 16 pet from Sierra Leone. Synthetic rutile imports were mostly from Australia, 96 pet, vdth about 3 pet from Japan and 1 pet from India and other. PIGMENT PLANT PRODUCTION Pigment manufacture utilized about 91 pet of 1981 U.S. consumption of titanium concentrates (6). Pigment is produced from ilmenite or slag in sulfate process plants and from rutile (both natural and synthetic), slag, and occa- sionally high-grade ilmenite and leucoxene in chloride process plants. The product from pigment production ranges from about 87 to 100 pet Ti02. The decision as to which plant Table 4.— U.S. imports for consumption of titanium concentrates, by country, 198V (6) Concentrate and country Imports, mt llmenite: Australia 191,256 Norway 1 ,502 South Africa, Republic of 21 ,538 Total 214,296 Titanium slag: Canada 223,295 South Africa, Republic of 20,580 Other 3 Total 243,878 Rutile, natural: Australia 80,147 Malaysia 10 Sierra Leone 22,894 South Africa, Republic of 43,007 Other 23 Total 146,079 Rutile, synthetic: Australia 36,023 India 399 Japan 1,089 Other 3 Total 37,514 'Adjusted by the Bureau of Mines. NOTE: — Data may not add to totals shown because of independent rounding. to build relates to the availability of either sulfuric acid or chlorine in addition to the availability of the raw material feed. If pollution is not a factor and sulfur is easily obtainable, the sulfate plant is often selected. Cost and availability of the titanium concentrate may also influence the plant process selection. Primarily because of environ- mental considerations (particularly sulfate emissions), no new sulfate plants have been built in the United States since the early 1970's; some plants have closed during this time. Table 5 shows that as of the late 1970's' there were four sulfate process pigment plants in the United States with a combined capacity of 249,700 mt/yr. Since that time, the NL Industries plant, with a capacity of 100,000 mt/yr, has closed; also, there have been various expansions of capacities and changes in ownership for other plants (see table 5 footnotes). The table also shows that there were nine domestic chloride process plants producing Ti02 pigment, vrith a combined capacity of 670,200 mt/yr. There were 39 sulfate and 7 chloride plants in foreign countries. The United States had only 14 pet of the annual world capacity from sulfate pigment plants and 77 pet from chloride pigment plants. The Federal Republic of Germany and Japan are also significant sulfate pigment producers, and the United Kingdom is one of the few countries outside the United States with significant chloride pigment production. '^he reports used to develop the table are dated 1981 for the U.S. plants and 1978 for the foreign plants. Table 5.- Titanium pigment plant Input source and type and output capacity (6, 12) Raw material Pigment capacity, mt/yr Company and location of plant Source Type Sulfate Chloride MARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES Imported . .do . . . . Rutile Slag, ilmenite Rutile . . Mixture ..do... ..do... NORTH AMERICA United States: American Cyanamid Co.:' Savannah, GA Do E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Inc.: Antioch, CA do ... . DeLisle, Ml do . . . . Edge Moor, DE Domestic New Johnsonville, TN do Gulf & Western Natural Resources Group Chemicals Div. (formerly New Jersey Zinc Co.):^ Ashtabula, OH^ Imported Rutile and synthetic rutile Gloucester City, NJ^ do Slag Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp.: Hamilton, Ml" ... Mixed Synthetic rutile, rutile, and high-grade ilmenite NL Industries, Inc.: Sayreviile, NJ^ Domestic Ilmenite SCM Corp., Glidden Pigments Group, Chemical-Metallurgical : Ashtabula, OH Imported Rutile Baltimore, MD Mixed Ilmenite, slag Do Imported Rutile Total, United States Canada: Canadian Titanium Pigments, Ltd.: Varennes, Quebec. Tioxide of Canada Ltd.: Tracy, Quebec Domestic . ..do Total, Canada Mexico: Pigmentos y Productos Quimicos S.A.: Tampico. SOUTH AMERICA Brazil: Titanio do Brasil S.A.: Camacari.^ 49,900 40,800 31,800 136,100 100,500 206,800 39,900 27,200 100,000 50,800 59,900 38,100 38,100 249,700 670,200 28,000 30,000 58,000 See footnotes at end of table. 10 Table 5.— Titanium pigment plant input source and type and output capacity (6, ?2)— Continued Company and location of plant Raw material Type Pigment capacity, mt/yr MARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES— Continued EUROPE Belgium: Bayer 3A: Anvers Kronos Titan (NL): Langerbrugge Total, Belgium Imported ..do .... Finland: Vourikemia Oy: Pori Mixed Ilmenlte France: Thann et Mulhouse: Le Havre Thann Tloxide SA: Calais Total, France Imporled ..do .... ..do .... Ilmenite ..do... Germany, Federal Republic of: Bayer SA: Uerdingen Unknown' Kronos Titan :^ Leverkusen Nordenham Unknown Pigment-Chemie GmbH: Homberg Total, Federal Republic of Germany Italy: Montedison S.p.A.: Scarlino' Spinetta-Marengo'" .do . ... Imported ..do.. Rutile Ilmenite, slag Ilmenite Rutile .do Slag, ilmenite . ,do do Total, Italy Netherlands: Tiofine: Rozenburg Imported Norway: Kronos Titan A/S: Fredrikstad Domestic Spain: Dow Unquinesa, Axpe-Bilbao: Erandio Mixed Titanio S.A.: Huelva do . Slag Total, Spain United Kingdom: Laporte Titanium:" Stallingborough Lines, Lincolnshire Tioxide: Billingham do — Greatham do Grimsby do Total, United Kingdom Yugoslavia: Cinkarna: Celje, Slovenia Republic Unknown Imported Synthetic rutile and rutile . . .do Slag, ilmenite ..do... Rutile . . Ilmenite ASIA idia: Travancore Titanium Products: Trivandrum Kerala Minerals & Metals Ltd Domestic . ..do Japan: Fuji Titanium Industry Co., Ltd: Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture Furukawa Mining Co. Ltd.: Osaka Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd.: Yokkaichi, Mie Prefecture Unknown'^ Sakai Chemical Industry Co. Ltd.: Onahama. Tiekoku Kako Co. Ltd.: Okayama Titan Kogyo KK: Ube, Yamaguchi Prefecture. Tohoku Chemical Co. Ltd.: Akita, Akita Prefecture. Imported ..do .... ..do .... Ilmenite Rutile and synthetic rutile ..do Domestic Synthetic rutile . Total. Japan 25,000 40,000 65,000 80,000 80,000 20,000 60,000 160,000 70,000 70,000 66,000 50.000 20,000 36,000 256,000 56.000 54,000 43.000 97.000 35,000 25,000 27,000 40,000 67,000 65,000 27,000 90,000 40.000 30.000 182,000 70.000 20,000 24,000 28.000 14,000 8,000 24,000 90,000 30.000 27,000 13.000 12,000 20,000 208,000 20,000 See footnotes at end of table. 11 Table 5.— Titanium pigment plant input source and type and output capacity {6, 72>— Continued Company and location of plant Raw material Type Pigment capacity, mtyr MARKET ECONOMY COUNTRIES— Continued ASIA— Continued Korea, Republic of: Hankook Titanium Ind. Co. Ltd.: Seoul. Taiwan: China Metal Chemical: Taipei AFRICA Imported ..do .... South Africa, Republic of: South African Titan Products: Umboglntwinl. OCEANIA Australia: Laporte Titanium:^ Bunbury Australian Titan Products: Burnle do Domestic ..do .... Ilmenite ..do.... Total, Australia 30,000 27,000 CENTRALLY PLANNED ECONOMY COUNTRIES Czechoslovakia: Prerovske Chemlcke Zadovy Prerov Unknown Unknown Spotek: Ostrava Imported Ilmenite . Total, Czechoslovakia Poland: Z.P.N. : Police U.S.S.R.: State-owned Grand t( do .do. 30,000 12,000 42,000 30,000 Unknown Unknown ^Recently added a combined 9,100-mt/yr capacity to its plants. ^Purchased by SCM Corp. In 1 983. Chloride capacity now rated at nearly 32,000 mt/yr, with plans to expand to 38,000 mt/yr. ^Shutdown In 1983. "Plans are to expand the chloride plant capacity to 58,000 mt/yr in 1984, then to 65,000 mt/yr In 1986. ^As of the study date, January 1981, this was a producing operation. It has since shut down (in September 1982). ^As of study date, capacity reported to be 50,000 mt/yr. 'As of study date, reported to be shut down. ^Plans are to more than double the chloride plant capacity and reduce the sulfate plant capacity. ^As of study date, this plant was owned by Tioxide. '•This plant is presently closed. "Laporte sold its TIO2 interests to SCM Corp. In September 1984, and plans are to increase capacity to 105,000 mt/yr. '^Plans are to expand to 36,000 mt/yr. STOCKPILES AND RECYCLING Rutile is the only titanium mineral concentrate held in the National Defense Stockpile. As of January 1983, the quantity of rutile in the stoclq)ile amounted to 35,000 mt, 37 pet of the stockpile goal established in 1980 (3). The sponge metal form of titanium is also stockpiled. The amount in the stockpile as of January 1983 was 29,000 mt, or only 17 pet of the stated goal. Although some limited recycling of titanium metal occurs, there is none at the concentrate or pigment stages. BYPRODUCTS Titanium deposits often contain other minerals, which may be recovered with the titanium and improve the economics of the operation. These minerals include zircon, monazite, garnet, sillimanite, and kyanite. From an economic standpoint, zircon is typically the most important nontitaniimi byproduct. It is widely used in refractories, pigment glazes, foundiy sand, and alloys. It is also used in explosives, lamp filaments, special magnets, and miscellaneous specialty items. The availability of zircon concentrates from the titanium mines and deposits in this study is discussed in a later section, "AvailabiUty of Byproduct Zircon." The mineral monazite is recovered for its thorium and rare-earth content. Monazite is a cerium phosphate, but thorium is often substituted for cerium along with lanth- anum and other rare earths. It is separated with the zircon in the beneficiation processes. Monazite is widely used as a source of color-producing elements on television tubes. Garnet is sometimes recovered, depending on the market. It is used exclusively as an abrasive. The market for garnet is not widespread since it is cheaply available throughout the world. Sillimanite and kyanite are aluminum silicates that are interchangeable for most uses. The predominant use is as a ceramic refractory ingredient. Because they are abundant and other minerals can be used in their place, in some operations they are rejected in tailings. Pig iron is produced in titanium slag operations. It is an integral part of these operations and an important source of revenue. For this study, all operations that produced a titanium slag product also sold a pig iron byproduct. Titanium minerals are themselves potential byproducts of porphyry copper operations, kyanite mines, massive sulfide ores, silica sand pits, some types of bauxites, and numerous other operations. Titanium minerals currently are produced as byproducts of placer tin mining in Southeast Asia. 12 MINING AND BENEFICIATION METHODS MINING Titanium ore can be mined by both surface and underground methods, although surface mining, principally for sand deposits, is most commonly used. Of the 63 deposits in this study, all but 2 used or were proposed to use 1 of 3 surface mining methods: dredging, strip level, or open pit. Dredging is the typical surface mining method for placer beach sand deposits. This method is used for deposits in Australia (east coast), Sierra Leone, the Republic of South Africa, and the United States. Types of dredges most often used are cutterhead suction dredges and, in some cases, bucket-ladder dredges. Floating on water, dredges advance forward through the ore. If the dredged ore is soft and at depths of 20 m or less, the suction-cutter type is used. This dredge is often equipped with hydraulic jets to loosen and agitate the sand banks prior to drawing the ore toward the suction pipeline. The suction pipeline moves a slurry of sand, organic matter, and other waste to oversize screens and detrashing trommels. After organic matter and oversize (greater than 5 mm) and other waste is removed, the ore is deslimed if necessary, using hydrocyclones and/or hydrosiz- ing. Preliminary concentration may take place on the dredge or on barges alongside, using gravity separation devices. A typical "wet mill" with gravity circuits may have gravity separation devices carrying out rougher, cleaner, and recleaner duties, with banks of spirals upgrading recleaner concentrate. High-grade deposit operations may employ scavenging gravity concentrators to recover more of the middlings. The tailings are stacked behind the dredge. Factors such as ore body location (usually several kilometers inland), size and shape, and lithology, or lack of an adequate water supply may make the use of dredges for some placer deposits impractical. In those instances, other surface mining methods, including draglines and/or front- end loaders (FEL's) and trucks, are used. Ore is either stockpiled for blending or placed in a slurrying sump before going to rough concentration. These methods are typical of mines in Western Australia and Sri Lanka. Open pit or underground methods are used on all hard-rock titanium deposits. Finland's Otanmaki Mine, using a sublevel stoping method, is the only underground mine producing titanium in this study. The Piney River, VA, deposit was proposed to combine an open pit using FEL's and trucks, and underground sublevel caving using load-haul-dump to recover the remaining ore tonnage. Open pit methods that require little or no blasting and use FEL's and trucks for ore and waste haulage are proposed for -deposits in Brazil and the United States. Hard-rock deposits in Canada, Italy, Norway, and the United States will require extensive blasting. Diesel or electric shovels and trucks or FEL's and tmcks are proposed for ore and waste haulage. The only exception to the above mine descriptions are the Indian coastal beach sand deposits, where natural concentrate beach sand is skimmed by hand using shovels and buckets, baskets, or handcarts to transport the ore to stockpiles. The ore is then taken by conveyor, hand-pushed mine car, or canoe directly to a "dry mill." BENEFICIATION Titanium ores mined from placer beach sand deposits are processed through preliminary concentration in "wet mills," with final concentration taking place in "dry mills" (figs. 8-9). In wet mills, ore is separated, using wet-gravity methods, into a heavy-mineral fraction containing the titanium raw materials and a lighter mineral fraction (tails). Ore from a dredge or slurry sump is pumped at 25 to 30 pet Bulk wet heavy-mineral concentrate (from wet mill) Note: If concentrate has magnetite,' take it out wet before dry mill Dryer (may be operated at temperature high enough to burn off organics) Bucket elevator Multicompartment bins High-tension electrical separators Several stages of roughers, scavengers, and cleaners Nonconductors- zircon, residual silica, traces of ilmenite and rutile Conductors Repulp in water Dry induced-roll, high-intensity magnetic separators Several stages of roughers and cleaners 4 stages of spiral concentration Silica sand- fine and often high quality Ilmenite concentrate (magnetic) Nonmagnetic rutile and monazite Dryer Secondary polishing with high-tension electrical separators Final zircon Very high-intensity crossbelt magnetic separator Rutile ~1 Monazite Conductors \- Figure 8.— Generalized flowsheet of a mineral sand wet mill. 13 Trash— mostly roots and vegetation Excess water and -^ — organic slime Slurry line from dredge 1 , Trash screen[ Plate thickener or overflowing sump Transfer pump Rougher spiral feed sump Wash water Wash water Rougher spirals Rougher tailings "3 Rougher middling Rougher concentrate Scavenger spirals (optional) J. Scavenger concentrate Final tailings— return to dredge pond Cleaner feed sump and pump Wash water 7^ Cleaner spirals L J Cleaner tailings Wash, water Cleaner concentrate Gravity-feed recleaner spirals I Recleaner tailings Final concentrate Screw or rake dewatering devil To dry mill Figure 9.— Generalized flowsheet of a mineral sand dry mill. solids to the wet mill where it is fed into one or more stages of gravity concentrators, producing a preliminary heavy- mineral concentrate. Wet mills can be land based or floating, depending on the condition required at the deposit. Rough, heavy-mineral concentrate from the wet mill is transported, usually by truck or barge, to the dry mill for further separation and concentration. The specific flowsheet of a dry mill depends considerably on the type of ore and heavy- mineral assemblage to be recovered. Dry mills use various stages of high-tension electrical separation, induced-roll magnetic separation, and additional gravity separation methods to produce specific titanium raw material (ilmenite. rutile) and other heavy-mineral concentrates (zircon, mona- zite). A general flowsheet would consist primarily of high-tension electrical separators to separate conductors (ilmenite, rutile, monazite) from nonconductors (zircon). The conductors are further separated using both dry, induced- roll, high-intensity magnetic separators and very high- intensity crossbelt magnetic separators, into the ilmenite, rutile, and monazite concentrates. The nonconductors use various stages of spiral concentration and high-tension electrical separators to separate the zircon concentrate from the residual silica sand. Variations to typical wet and dry mill procedures are used throughout the world based on the composition and type of mineral sand. Three nonproducing hard-rock deposits — one each in Brazil, Canada, and the United States — have proposed operations that would use gravity and/or magnetic and high-intensity electrical separation methods to recover titanium concentrate. Operations such as the Maclntyre Development in New York, the Tellnes ilmenite mine in Norway, the Otanmaki Mine in Finland, and the Piampaludo deposit in Italy use or would use flotation methods to recover titanium raw materials. At Tellnes, the coarser part of the ilmenite is being recovered by gravity separation. Ore is processed through various stages of crushing, grinding, and wet or dry magnetic separation, to remove any tramp iron, magnetite, and garnet; it is then deslimed, thickened, scrubbed, and conditioned prior to flotation. Most operations have one or two flotation circuits; large operations use more circuits to remove various minerals such as pyrite, pyroxene, and remaining garnet, and apatite. Operations such as Tellnes and a proposed Brazilian operation (Catalao) leach the flotation concentrate to remove apatite. In other operations, the flotation concentrate is processed through high-intensity magnetic separators to separate the titanium raw materials of ilmenite-anatase or ilmenite-rutile. All the recovered titanium concentrates from either wet or dry mill or flotation processes are for pigment production using either the chloride process or the sulfate process. In addition, ilmenite can be used in the production of titanium slag or synthetic rutile. UPGRADED ILMENITE-SYNTHETIC RUTILE The abundance of ilmenite and scarcity of rutile has led to the research and development of processes for upgrading ilmenite to a low-iron, high-titanium (90 to 97 pet Ti02) product called synthetic rutile. Most upgrading processes fall into four major groups: direct oxidation often followed by reduction and acid leaching, a pyrometallurgical method, a carbonyl process, and direct acid leaching methods. A commonly used ilmenite upgrading process is direct oxidation-reduction followed by "rusting" and acid leaching. This is often referred to as the "Western Titanium"" process. The Australian and Indian synthetic rutile is produced in this manner. After the oxidation of ilmenite, the iron oxide content is reduced to metallic iron in a rotary kiln with the addition of coal. The metallic iron is removed by agitating the reduced ilmenite in aerated water (which is slightly acidic) so that the iron oxide "rusts away" from the ilmenite. The precipitated iron oxide is then separated from the upgraded ilmenite, and the final product is leached in acid {13). A 93-pct-Ti02 product is produced by this process. Another significant synthetic rutile process is that practiced by Kerr-McGee Chemical Corp. at its Mobile, AL, 'Developed by Western Titanium Ltd., Western Australia. 14 facility. The Kerr-McGee process is a modification of the benelite cyclic process. The basic steps include a reduction roast of the ilmenite ore followed by a hydrochloric acid pressure leach. In this process, a 95-pct-Ti02 product is produced (U). The Bureau has researched three different upgrading methods — a pyrometallurgical process, a carbonyl process, and a direct acid leaching process. In the pyrometallurgical process, low-iron, high-titanium ilmenite concentrate is blended with coke and lime, then smelted in electric arc furnaces, producing a salable pig iron and a titanium slag. The slag is treated with oxygen and titanium pyrophos- phate, which converts titanium oxides to crystalline rutile and produces a phosphate glass containing most of the impurities. Following this step, the rutilized slag is leached with dilute sulfuric acid and filtered to extract the synthetic rutile product containing approximately 92 pet TiOg (15). In the carbonyl process, an ilmenite concentrate is first reduced, converting iron oxides to metallic iron, then treated with carbon monoxide at high temperatures and high pressures. This converts the metallic iron to iron pentacarbonyl, which appears as liquid or vapor and is removed by gravity flow and vapor transport. The synthetic rutile product, having a rutile crystal structure, is suitable for chlorination (16). In 1970, the Bureau of Mines investigated the use of direct acid leaching methods to convert ilmenite to rutile substitutes. The best results appear to be processes that employ hydrochloric and sulfuric acids (17). GEOLOGY AND RESOURCES Estimates of demonstrated titanium resources through- out the world in the deposits studied are 438 million mt of contained Ti02 (table 6, fig. 10). Although Austraha has the largest share of demonstrated ore resources (42 pet of the world total), these low-grade beach-sand-type deposits account for only a small share (11 pet) of the total contained Ti02 in the demonstrated resources. Nevertheless, Austra- lia's mines and deposits account for a large share of current world production of titanium concentrates (at 37 pet for ilmenite and 64 pet for rutile). Regionally, titanium resources are widespread, with North America and Europe accounting for over 50 pet of the contained Ti02 in the deposits included in this study. Table 6 also shows the large potential of anatase resources located in Brazil. From the 63 deposits studied, additional resources of at least 314 million mt of contained Ti02 are estimated to exist at the inferred level. The majority of this is located in Australia and New Zealand (41 pet), Brazil (18 pet), India (14 pet), and the Republic of South Africa (13 pet). The remainder is found in the United States, Canada, Finland, Italy, and Sierra Leone. These inferred resources repre- sent an increase of over 70 pet from the demonstrated amount. Table 6.— Summary of identified titanium resources^ in market economy countries, January 1984 Ore-sand, 10^ mt Contained TiOs, 10* mt Demonstrated Inferred Demonstrated Inferred^ Av Ti02 grade,^ wt pet Source," pet NORTH AMERICA United States: Rutile Ilmenite Leucoxene Canada: Ilmenite Total or average, North Ameriea SOUTH AMERICA Brazil: Anatase Rutile Ilmenite Total or average. South America EUROPE Finland: Ilmenite Italy: Rutile Ilmenite Nonway: Ilmenite Total or average, Europe ASIA India: Rutile Ilmenite Leucoxene Sri Lanka: Rutile Ilmenite Total or average, Asia See footnotes at end of table. ,726 238 223 114 473 497 400 1.0 72.5 0.24 12 2.32 58 .15 30.50 100 1.17 5.69 42 100 1,963 337 114.8 17.7 5.85 83 t7 526 670 75.5 .1 17.8 37.0 .5 19.4 19.68 .11 12.58 100 91 100 9 526 670 93.4 56.9 17.75 98 2 20.7 17.5 4.37 100 8.5 7.2 1.79 100 89.4 18.00 100 4.3 2.4 0.88 100 30.2 41.6 6.20 100 .6 .27 100 100 100 15 Table 6.— Summary of identified titanium resources^ in market economy countries, January 1984 — Continued Ore-sand, 10^ mt Contained TiOs, 10^ mt Av TiOz Source," pet grade,^ Demonstrated Inferred Demonstrated Inferred^ vvt pet ^^'^ fock Placer AFRICA Sierra Leone: Rutlle 129 17 2.1 0.3 1.61 100 South Africa, Republic of: Rutile 1 / 2.3 5.1 .33 100 llmenite | 685 1,538 ll5.6 35.1 2.28 100 Total or average, Africa 814 1,555 20.0 40.5 2.46 100 OCEANIA Australia (east coast): Rutile j J 7.2 4.7 0.24 100 llmenite / 3,007 1,461 112.0 4.4 .40 100 Australia (west coast): Rutile 1 ( 2.8 2.8 .56 100 llmenite 546 813 22.7 70.9 4.16 18 82 Leucoxene J i 1 .9 1 .8 .37 100 New Zealand: Rutile llmenite Total or average, Oceania Grand tot al or average 8,462 6,634 437.9 314.4 5^17 71 29 'Representing only those mines and deposits included in this study. ^Inferred contained TIO2 tonnage is not necessarily based on the listed demonstrated grade and therefore cannot be calculated from the average Ti02 grade. ^Represents demonstrated level resource grade. The total average T1O2 grade for each region is a weighted average of all titanium minerals from that region. "Based on the contained demonstrated level tonnage. 73 924 13:4 .9 42.5 .09 4.60 100 100 3,626 3,198 50.1 128.0 1.38 8 92 Figure 10.— World titanium resources, by region and type. (Total = 438 million mt of contained TiOj.) Numbers within pies refer to percent of total resources. In 1973, the U.S. Geological Survey reported that nearly 2 billion mt of contained titanium existed in the world at the identified resource level (demonstrated plus inferred), with approximately 1& pet in the United States, and there may be an additional 1.5 billion mt of contained titanium in hypothetical resources in the world (18). Both of these values have recently been updated by the Geological Survey's titanium specialist and are discussed in appendix A (2). The economic titanium minerals ilmenite, rutile, and anatase, and the possibly economic mineral perovskite, occur in a variety of different deposit types. These include several types in hard rocks (igneous gabbro-anorthosite assemblages, alkalic igneous rocks, unusual metamorphic rocks), weathered and hydro thermally altered rocks, and placer deposits. Gabbro-anorthosite assemblages, typically of Precam- brian age, commonly contain ilmenite (locally with rutile) disseminated and/or as massive segregations. Intergrowths with magnetite are a major problem. Major deposits are in Norway, Canada, and the United States. Alkalic igneous rocks (of any age) may contain rutile, anatase, or perovskite, all commonly with chemical impuri- ties. Alteration by weathering may produce a more attractive ore, as in Brazil. Metamorphic rocks of eclogite facies contain rutile and are important resources in Italy and the U.S.S.R. Alumi- nous metamorphic rocks and hydrothermally altered rocks contain large low-grade resources of rutile. The rock-hosted deposit types in the United States have collectively been estimated to contain 67 million mt Ti02 by the Geological Survey and Bureau titanium speciaUsts (2). (Their estimates include low-grade resources and a larger number of deposits than this study.) Placer deposits of titanium minerals include shoreline- complex sands of modern and former shorelines and fluvial placers. Shoreline-complex sands, which contain the more important resources, include beach deposits, aeolian (dune) deposits, and other related sand deposits. Any titanium mineral resistant to abrasion and weathering, such as rutile and ilmenite (or formed by weathering such as altered ilmenite), may be concentrated along with other resistant heavy minerals such as zircon and monazite, in the manner commonly observed on many beaches. These deposits may be of any age, but most resources are present in Tertiary to modern deposits with relict depositional topography. Impor- tant deposits are in Australia, South Africa, and the United States. Placer deposits in the United States have been estimated {2) to contain 49 million mt of Ti02. 16 TITANIUM DEPOSIT COSTS COSTING METHODOLOGY For each property included in this study, a cost evaluation was made for both capital and operating costs, to reflect, as nearly as possible, actual operations, or in the case of nonproducing sites, expected operational technolo- gies and capacities. Costs for the deposits in the United States were developed by Bureau Field Operations Centers in Pittsburgh, PA, and Denver, CO, based on actual reported company data, scaling from similar known opera- tions, or using the cost estimating system (CES) (19). Costs from all foreign deposits were collected and developed by Kaiser Engineers, Inc., under a contract with the Bureau. Some of the foreign deposit costs are actual company-reported data; others were estimated by Kaiser Engineers, using the contractor's knowledge of the operation or deposit plus experience in the industry. The costs for Australia were modeled by the contractor based on actual Australian heavy-mineral operation's costs. All costs presented in this report are in terms of January 1984 U.S. dollars. The cost estimates should be accurate to vdthin ±25 pet, which reflects standard industry prefeasibility estimates. Capital expenditures were calculated for exploration, acquisition, development, mine plant and equipment, construction of the mill plant, and installation of the mill equipment. Capital expenditures for mining and processing facilities include the costs of mobile and stationary equipment, engineering design, facilities and utilities, and working capital. Facilities and utilities (infrastructure) include the cost of access and haulage facilities, water facilities, power supply, and personnel accommodations. Working capital is a revolving cash fund required for such operating expenses as labor, supplies, taxes, and insurance. Mine and mill operating costs are a combination of direct and indirect costs. Direct operating costs include materials, utilities, direct and maintenance labor, and payroll overhead. Indirect operating costs include technical and clerical labor, administrative costs, facilities mainte- nance and supplies, and research. Other costs in the analysis are fixed charges that include local taxes and insurance. When applicable, the mill operating cost includes the cost of both the wet and dry mill. In addition, synthetic rutile plant or titanium slag smelter operating and capital costs are included where applicable. OPERATING COSTS Table 7 lists the average operating costs for selected titanium operations (expressed as dollars per metric ton of titanium concentrate). The costs for titanium operations in other countries are not represented on the table because of the Hmited numbers of deposits in those countries, to protect confidentiality. For primary rutile operations, the mine operating cost primarily represents the cost of dredging and the wet mill (particularly for Australia). For the producers in Australia, this cost is nearly $200/mt, while in India and Sri Lanka it is only one-quarter of that. The mine costs in India and Sri Lanka are considerably less than in Australia because mining is very labor intensive (in India, mining is done by hand-shoveling). The mine cost increases to nearly $300/mt for the nonproducers (in Australia), primarily ovdng to the lower ore grades. The mill costs for Table 7.— Estimated average operating costs for selected titanium mines and deposits^ (January 1984 U.S. dollars per metric ton of product on a weight-average basis) Transportation Mine Mill Other^ to plant or Total market^ Primary rutile (natural): Australia: Producers $195 $100 $49 $6 $350 Nonproducers 286 125 168 24 603 India and Sri Lanka: Producers 48 91 1 73 18 330 Primary ilmenite: Australia: Producers 12 9 4 2 27 Nonproducers 41 19 21 17 98 United States, Finland, and Norway: Producers 10 18 4 4 36 NAp Not applicable. 'The costs are expressed in terms of dollars per metric ton of titanium concentrate, whichever is appropriate (i.e., the costs for primary rutile mines in Australia would be in terms of dollars per metric ton of rutile concentrate). ^Includes all property. State, Federal, and severance taxes, plus any royalty. Nonproducers would require higher income in order to provide the stipulated 1 5-pct DCFROR, thus aggregate tax payments are generally higher than for producing operations. ^Cost represents the transportation cost to pigment plant or local port or market. the primary rutile operations represent primarily the dry mill. For producers, this cost averages $90/mt to $100/mt in both Australia and India and Sri Lanka, and only increases to $125/mt for the nonproducers (in Australia). The costs labeled "other" include all property. State, Federal, and severance taxes, plus royalties, if any. Taxes are generally greater for nonproducers in this study, because, in most cases, the revenues required to cover the higher overall costs (including profit) are greater. In other words, nonproducers would require a higher taxable income (leading to higher tax payments) in order to cover all operating costs and provide for a 15-pct DCFROR on all investments. The high cost Hsted under "other" for the Indian and Sri Lankan rutile producers is due to the high Federal corporate income tax rate in those countries. The total operating costs shown on table 7 for primary rutile producers range from a low of $330/mt in India and Sri Lanka to a high of $350/mt for mines in Australia. These compare closely vdth the average market price of rutile in 1984 of $350/mt. The Australian nonproducing rutile deposits have an average total cost of just over $600/mt, considerably higher than the 1984 market price. The mine cost for primary ilmenite mines (producers) averages $ll/mt in Austraha, the United States, Finland, and Norway, and increases to about $40/mt for the nonproducers in Australia (where the ore grade is lower). The mill cost for the producers in the United States, Finland, and Norway is twice that of Australia ($18/mt versus $9/mt). This represents the higher cost of processing hard-rock ore as opposed to the ore from beach sand deposits. The total operating cost for primary ilmenite producers in Austraha is nearly $10/mt less than for the producers in the United States, Finland, and Norway. This compares well with the $10/mt differential in market prices for ilmenite in Australia (at $32/mt) versus the United States (at $42/mt). The total operating cost for the primary ilmenite nonproducers (in Australia) is almost four times 17 that of the producers, owing primarily to the lower grades at the nonproducing deposits. A representative synthetic rutile operating cost is just over $280/mt product, on the average, for both Australian and Indian plants. Since nearly 2 mt of ilmenite concentrate, at approximately $30/mt to $40/mt of product (depending on market location), is necessary to produce 1 mt of synthetic rutile, the cost to produce synthetic rutile is comparable to that of producing natural rutile ($70 + $280 = $350/mt). The 1984 market prices for rutile and synthetic rutile are $350/mt and $340/mt, respectively. CAPITAL COSTS Table 8 shows average capital costs estimated for this study to develop nonproducing surface deposits in Australia, in terms of U.S. dollars. Only Australia was used because no other regions of the world have enough nonproducing deposits to be included separately without compromising the confidentiality of individual deposit data. Costs represent acquisition, exploration, development, and equipping a new mine site, along with construction of any mine and mill plants and buildings necessary (wet and dry mills). Mine costs, mainly for the dredge and floating wet mill, are greater than the mill costs, which mainly represent the dry mill. Table 8.— Estimated capital costs to develop nonproducing surface titanium deposits in Australia (Thousand January 1984 U.S. dollars) Capacity, 10= mt/yr ore feed 3,400 15,800 Exploration, acquisition, and development Mine $4,300 8,600 6,300 19,200 $7,700 22 600 Mill 16,100 Total 46,400 TYPICAL BEACH SAND MINING COSTS— AUSTRALIAN DEPOSITS Nearly two-thirds of the mines and deposits included in this study produce or are proposed to produce beach-sand- type ores. In most of these operations, standard beach sand mining technologies are applied, which typically include dredging or dry surface mining plus wet and dry milling. Australia is by far the leader in the field of beach sand mining; therefore, costs for its operations are representative of typical beach sand production costs, when financial differences from one region of the world to another are not taken into account. The costs presented in this section were estimated based on known Australian operations. Costs were original- ly estimated in 1981 Australian dollars, updated to 1984 Australian dollars, then converted to 1984 U.S. dollars using the appropriate exchange rate. In most cases, the costs were estimated for 500-, 1,000-, 1,500-, and 2,000-mt/h dredges and wet mills, and 15-, 30-, 45-, and 60-mt/h dry mills. In nearly all cases, these operations were assumed to run three shifts per day, 300 d/yr (or 7,200 h/yr). Figures 11 and 12 show capital costs for the dredge, wet mill, and dry mill. The dredge cost represents the cost to buy and construct the dredge including the floatline. This capital cost ranges from just over $500,000 for dredges with a 500-mt/h capacity up to $2.6 million for dredges with a 1 1 1 Annual cost is based on 7,200 h/yr 2.5 y ^ 2.0 Dredge/ 1.5 / - 1.0 L 1 1 1 20 18 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 CAPACITY mt/h Figure 11.— Capital costs for a dredge, Australia. WET CONCENTRATOR CAPACITY, mt/h 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 16 - ^ 12 10 - T I r n Annual cost is based on 7,200 h/yr Dry mill concentrator 10 20 30 40 50 60 DRY MILL CAPACITY, mt/h Figure 12.— Capital costs for wet and dry mill concentrators, 18 2,500-mt/h capacity. The data indicate a slight economy of scale for the higher capacity dredges. The costs for the floating wet mill represent the costs to construct and equip the floating wet concentrator, typically with cones. The capital costs range from $6.2 million for a 500-mt/h mill to just over $18 million for a 2,000-mt/h mill. A slight economy of scale seems to occur for the higher capacity mills. Costs for the dry mill, in addition to the magnetite and electrostatic circuits, include costs to equip and construct the feed preparation section, service buildings, and product bins (for truck loading) or feed conveyors (for rail loading). The costs range from just over $4 million for a 15-mt/h mill to $13.5 million for a 60-mt/h mill. Figure 13 shows the annual operating costs for dry mining (contractor operated). These curves depict the costs for three operations: bulldozer and sluicing, scraper with dozer (for hauls of 0.75 km or less), or front-end loader (FEL) and truck haulage (for hauls up to 2.5 km). Bucket wheel excavators and a conveyor (for large amounts of tonnage and long hauls) would be a fourth option, but there were insufficient data points to construct a curve. Bulldozer- sluicing costs range from approximately $750,000/yr for a 600-mt/h operation to nearly $2 million per year for an 1,800-mt/h operation. Scraper-dozer costs range from $1.8 million per year for a 600-mt/h operation to $4.7 million per year for an 1,800-mt/h operation. Costs for FEL-truck operations range from over $3 million per year for a 600-mt/h operation to nearly $6.7 million per year for the 1,800-mt/h operation. The curves exhibit some economy of scale, especially at the higher capacities. Figure 14 shows curves depicting the annual cost of operating a dredge (for wet mining), a floating wet mill, and a dry mill. A cable dredge was assumed more effective at lower capacities and a walking (pontoon) dredge at higher capacities. Costs for the dredge range from just over $400,000/yr for a 500-mt/h operation to over $1.3 million per year for a 2,000-mt/h operation. Labor costs account for approximately 17 pet of the total annual dredging cost; fuel and electricity (with electricity being the far greater cost) account for almost 35 pet; and parts plus maintenance labor CO O O 2 300 600 900 1,200 1,500 1,800 2,100 CAPACITY, mt/h Figure 13.— Annual operating costs for dry mining opera- tions, Australia. 4.0 3.5 3.0 DREDGE AND CONCENTRATOR CAPACITY, mt/h 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3 •* CO 0) ■*" 2.0 o K 'A 1.5 o 1.0- .5- \ I f Annual cost is based on 7,200 h/yr Walking (pontoon) dredge 10 20 30 40 50 DRY MILL CAPACITY, mt/h 60 Figure 14.— Annual operating costs for dredge and wet and dry mill concentrators, Australia. account for 48 pet. Floating wet mill costs range from nearly $2.4 million per year for a 500-mt/h operation to over $3.5 million per year for a 2,000-mt/h operation. Labor costs account for 54 pet, electricity for 15 pet, and parts, maintenance labor, and water supply for the remaining 31 pet of the total annual wet mill costs. Dry mill costs range from over $1.5 million per year for a 15-mt/h operation to approximately $2.8 million per year for a 60-mt/h operation. Labor costs at the dry mill also account for 54 pet of the total annual operating costs; electricity and fuel account for 28 pet; and the remaining 18 pet is for parts and maintenance labor. The only curve that exhibits any significant economy of scale is that of the floating wet mill, at its higher capacities. Labor costs for all of the curves are based on an annual average wage scale in Australia (U.S. dollars) of approx- imately $23,000/yr per person (including 50 pet overhead). This cost is based on Queensland Award Rates for mineral sands mining operations. For operations in other States, a factor was applied to convert this rate. The total number of people employed to operate the equipment ranged from 4 to 8 persons per year on the dredge, 60 to 80 persons in the wet mill, and 45 to 55 persons in the dry mill. The ranges reflect the various sizes of the operations. Power costs range from 2.7(Z/kW«h to 3.6(Z/kW'h in Queensland (in U.S. dollars), and these rates are also applicable to the other States of Australia where mineral sand operations exist. With the exception of the dry mill, fuel costs are nonexistent or very small. Fuel costs at the dry mill are based on just over 30 UScL. Annual cost ' 'key 1 is based on A Production overlieads 8 7.200 h/yr \\ e Services C Rehabilitation D Water services E Clearing and ■ \\ s, preparation F Road maintenance G Housing and amenities 6 \ H Surveys-mine planning / Storekeeping W Laboratory operations 5 \^ \ \^/\ 4 \ Vfi \ v^\ ^^ 3 - "^^o.^V° \ \\ ^ 2 ^v^ ^' XV- < --^3=; 1 T""^ ^ ^ AVN. /'. 1 1 1 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 CAPACITY, mt/h Figure 15.— General costs associated with beach sand mining operations, Australia. 19 The last set of curves (fig. 15) identifies all of the general costs not directly associated with the mining and milling operation in particular. Curves are represented for clearing and preparation, rehabilitation, services, water services, road maintenance, housing and amenities, produc- tion overheads, storekeeping, surveys and mine planning, and laboratory costs. The costs on these curves are presented in terms of cents per metric ton ore. TITANIUM CONCENTRATE AVAILABILITY ECONOMIC EVALUATION METHODOLOGY Once all of the cost and engineering data are established, production parameters and cost estimates for each mine and deposit are entered into the supply analysis model (SAM). The Bureau has developed the SAM to perform discounted-cash-flow rate of return (DCFROR) analyses to determine the long-run constant dollar price at which the primary commodity must be sold to recover all costs of production and investments {20). The DCFROR is most commonly defined as the rate of return that makes the present worth of cash flow from an investment equal to the present worth of all after-tax investments {21). For this study, a 15-pct DCFROR is considered the necessaiy rate of return to cover the opportunity cost of capital plus risk. The determined value for the primary commodity price is equivalent to the average total cost of production (including credits for byproducts) for the operation over its producing life, under the set of assumptions and conditions necessary to make an evaluation (e.g., mine plan, full capacity production, and a market for all output). If an operation has more than one product, the prices of the byproducts are assumed to be the market prices for the period of analysis, which for this study is January 1984. Revenues generated from byproducts are credited against the costs of production. Market prices used in this analysis are shown in table 9. No revenues were generated for byproduct ilmenite, when assumed to be stockpiled. Table 9.— Market prices of titanium concentrates and related minerals for January 1984 {22-24) Commodity Where applicable (f.o.b.) Grade, pet 85 TiO, Do Richards Bay, Republic of South Africa Byproduct: Garnet Iwlill Magnetite do Monazite concentrate do Pig iron do Zircon concentrate . . Mill, Australia 65 ZrO; Do Mill, United States . . 65 ZrO; NAp 55REO NAp Price, $/mt Titanium product: Ilmenite concentrate Mill, Australia '54 + Ti02 $32.00 Do Mill, United States . . '54 + Ti02 42.00 Leucoxene Mill, Western Australia 87 TiOj 225.00 concentrate. Mill 95 Ti02 347.00 Synthetic rutile Plant, Mobile, AL, United States 90 + TiO2 350.00 Titanium slag Sorel, Quebec, 71 Ti02 159.00 10.00 23.00 389.00 235.66 104.50 182.00 'Price does vary on TiOz grade (from -47 to -64 pet TiOs). This also applies to the values listed in the text. 20 If an operation has more than one titanium product, a "primary" product is selected on which to run the price determination. The primary product is defined as the titanium product that generates the greatest revenues. All other products are assumed to be the byproducts. Based on the methodology for this study, all capital investments incurred earlier than 15 yr before the initial year of the analysis (January 1984) are treated as depreciated costs. Capital investments incurred less than 15 yr before January 1984 have the estimated undepreciated balance carried forward to January 1984, with all subse- quent investments reported in constant January 1984 dollars. All reinvestment, operating, and transportation costs are updated, by computer, to January 1984 U.S. dollars using country economic indexes. The SAM contains a separate tax records file for each State or nation, which includes all the relevant tax parameters such as corporate income taxes, property taxes, royalties, severance taxes, or other taxes under which a mining firm would operate. These tax parameters are applied against each mineral deposit under evaluation v«th the implicit assumption that each deposit represents a separate corporate entity. Other items that may be considered in the analysis, if they are allowed in the specific country, include deprecia- tion, depletion, deferred expenses, investment tax credits, and tax loss carryforwards. Detailed cash-flow analyses are generated by the SAM for each preproduction and production year of an operation, beginning with the initial year of the analysis, 1984. Upon completion of the individual property analyses for each mine and deposit, all properties included in the study were simultaneously analyzed and the data were aggi-egated into resource availability curves. Two types of curves have been generated for this study: (1) total availability curves and (2) annual curves at selected production costs. Costs reflect not only capital and operating costs, but also all pertinent taxation and the cost of transporting the product to the nearest port or point of consumption. The total resource availability curve is a tonnage-cost relationship that shows the total quantity of recoverable primary product (titanium concentrate) potentially available at each operation's average total cost of production (less byproduct credits) over the life of the mine, determined at the stipulated (15-pct) DCFROR. Thus, the curve is an aggregation of the total potential quantity of titanium concentrate that could be produced over the entire producing life of each operation, ordered from operations with the lowest average total cost of production to those with the highest. The curve provides a concise, easy-to- read, graphic analysis of the comparative costs associated with any given level of potential output and provides an estimate of what the average long-run price of the titanium concentrate (in January 1984 dollars) would likely have to be in order for a given tonnage to be potentially available to the marketplace. For this study, separate discussions and curves were generated for each titanium concentrate (rutile and ilmenite) in order to correctly represent the various titanium concentrate availabilities. Annual curves are simply disaggregations of the total curves to show annual titanium availability at varying costs of production. Each curve represents a specific cost level. The horizontal axis represents time, either actual years (for producers) or the number of years following the commence- ment of development (for nonproducing operations). The vertical axis represents the annual production level based upon aggregation of the proposed production levels of each individual property. Certain assumptions are inherent in all the curves. First, all deposits produce at full operating capacity throughout the productive life of the deposit. Second, each operation is able to sell all of its byproducts at the stipulated prices and all of its primary product at a price sufficient to generate total revenues at least equal to its average total production cost. Third, development of each nonproducing deposit began in the same base year (N) (unless the property was developing at the time of the evaluation). Since it is difficult to predict when the explored deposits are going to be developed, this assumption was necessary in order to illustrate the maximum potential availability with a mini- mum lag time. It is doubtful, however, that this potential would be reached in the short term since it is unlikely that all new producers would start preproduction in the same year. The preproduction period allows for only the minimum engineering and construction period necessary to initiate production under the proposed development plan. Consequently, the additional time lags and potential costs involved in filing environmental impact statements, receiv- ing required permits, financing, etc., have not been included in the deposit analyses. TOTAL AVAILABILITY Rutile The 40 deposits containing rutile that are analyzed in this study contain 29.2 million mt of recoverable rutile concentrates, mth an average grade of 95 pet Ti02 (table 10). These resources are either the primary product of rutile Table 10.— Total estimated recoverable rutile concentrates, as of January 1984 (Thousand metric tons of product) Brazil, Italy India, Sri Lanka Sierra Leone, Republic of South Africa United States As primary-product rutile: Producers Nonproducers Total As a coproduct from ilmenite; Producers Nonproducers Total Grand total . . 3,270 4,257 12,081 2,837 1,544 169 713 7,820 17,051 7,527 12,081 2,837 1,544 882 24,871 1,136 461 39 866 1,556 313 3,597 774 1,597 39 866 1,556 313 4,371 21 mines or occur as a coproduct from mines producing ilmenite. Rutile resources available as a primary product are 24.9 million mt, 85 pet of the total. Estimated recoverable rutile resources located in Australia are over 9 million mt, or 31 pet of the total recoverable rutile contained in deposits analyzed in this study. Rutile potentially recoverable from producing mines in Australia is 4.4 miUion mt, about 39 pet of rutile concentrates estimated to be recoverable from all producing rutile mines included in this study. Recoverable rutile concentrates from Australian nonproducing deposits are over 4 million mt, more than a quarter of the estimated rutile recoverable from all nonproducing rutile deposits. Rutile concentrates recoverable from mines and de- posits located in India and Sri Lanka are almost 4 million mt; this is almost 13 pet of the total. Rutile concentrates located in the United States are about 1.2 miUion mt or only 4 pet of the total. Other countries with deposits containing recover- able rutile concentrates are Sierra Leone, the Republic of South Africa, Brazil, and Italy. The Italian Piampaludo deposit has the largest future potential of all the nonproduc- ing deposits represented on the table. The total availability curve for rutile concentrates from deposits containing rutile as the major product or as an important coproduct is shown in figure 16A. This curve shows that about 10.8 million mt of rutile concentrate, 37 pet of the total estimated recoverable rutile concentrate, can be produced at a cost that is less than the January 1984 market price of $347/mt, f.o.b. mill. An additional 14.5 million mt is available at costs up to double the market price. The tonnage available at costs of less than $700/mt represents 87 pet of the total resource. The curve does include a very small tonnage of rutile associated as a byproduct from ilmenite operations (3.5 pet). Because Australia is a major world producer of rutile concentrates, accounting for 64 pet of world production in 1981, a separate resource cost curve, figure 165, is presented for mines and deposits in Australia. The total amount of rutile concentrate potentially recoverable from Australian deposits is about 9. 1 milhon mt; almost 52 pet of this, 4.7 million mt, is potentially available at a cost of production of less than $347/mt. (The curve does not include a small quantity of rutile associated with costs greater than $l,200/mt.) The United States has only a small amount of its total rutile resource of 1.2 million mt available at costs less than the January 1984 market price. This is associated with the only producing primary-product rutile mine in the United States in 1984. The tonnage of rutile concentrates potentially recover- able from producing mines for which rutile was the primary product or a major coproduct is shown on figure 16C. The total rutile recoverable from producing mines is over 11.4 million mt of rutile concentrate, only 39 pet of the total 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 F \ 500 ^ 3 ^ 250 00 G> ■<- d 500 CO C) o 400 < 1- o 1 1 r— A All mines and deposits 300 200 100 5 10 15 20 25 30 T 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r e 1 ~i— -1 — r ■ 1 T Australia J 1,000 - / - 750 C ^ - 500 r 1 1 250 1 1 J 1 1 L C Producing mines 1,250 12 3 4 5 1,000- 750- 500- - 250 7 8 9 10 "I 1 1 — D Nonproducing deposits 6789 10 11 2 4 6 RECOVERABLE RUTILE CONCENTRATE, 1 0« mt Figure 16.— Total recoverable rutile concentrate. 10 12 14 16 18 potentially recoverable from all rutile mines. (The curve in figure 16C shows less than 11.4 million mt because it does not include a small quantity of byproduct rutile available at costs greater than $450/mt.) About 10.3 miUion mt, 90 pet, is potentially available at costs less than $347/mt. The total rutile cost-tonnage relationship for nonpro- ducing deposits is illustrated in figure 16Z). Resources associated with nonproducing deposits were almost 18 million mt, almost 61 pet of all rutile potentially available. (The curve does not include a small quantity of rutile associated with costs greater than $l,200/mt.) Approximate- ly 500,000 mt was potentially available at a cost of less than the current market price, primarily from deposits located in restricted areas in Australia, such as national parks. This study shows that the majority of low-cost rutile is contained in Austialian deposits. It also demonstrates that there is only a small quantity of low-cost rutile that was not being produced in 1984. Later sections will discuss potential substitutes for rutile in the future, such as anatase and synthetic rutile. Ilmenite It is estimated that 246 million mt of ilmenite, containing typically 54 pet TiOg, could be recovered from the demonstrated resources of 17 primary-product ilmenite mines and deposits, 23 primary-product rutile mines and deposits, and 3 mines that feed synthetic rutile operations (table 11). This demonstrates an abundance of ilmenite resources based on a 1981 world production level of 3.6 million mt/yr. This analysis assumed that for many potential byproduct sources the ilmenite would be stockpiled rather than sold. Resources of ilmenite that were selected as being a part of a stockpile are those that are presently being stockpiled or would likely be stockpiled. Most often these stockpiles of ilmenite are or would be high in chromium content and therefore not a desirable product. Most of these resources are located in Australia. This tonnage was part of the ilmenite resources, but no revenues from the sale of ilmenite were credited. Resources associated with primary-product ilmenite mines account for approximately 72 pet of the total recoverable ilmenite concentrate. Ilmenite resources lo- cated in Europe contain by far the greatest portion of all primary-product ilmenite potentially recoverable (76 pet). Ilmenite potentially recoverable from primary-product ilmenite operations located in the United States and Australia is 24 million mt and 17 million mt, 13 pet and 10 pet of the total, respectively. The total recoverable ilmenite from primary ilmenite deposits is shown in figure 17A. (The total quantity shown is less than 178 million mt because the curve does not include ilmenite associated with costs greater than $200/mt.) The curve shows that over 145 million mt of ilmenite concentrate is potentially recoverable, primarily from European de- posits, at a cost less than the January 1984 U.S. cost of $42/mt. This is over 81 pet of the total primary ilmenite potentially available. Primary ilmenite resources located in Austrlia that can potentially be recovered at a cost less than the January 1984 Australian market price of $32/mt are over 10 miUion mt. 200 150- 100 1 1 1 1 r - A Primary ilmenite mines and deposits 50 1.250 1,000 750 500 250 r / J L 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 1 1 1 1 1 r B Rutile mines and deposits 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 RECOVERABLE ILMENITE CONCENTRATE, 1 0" mt Figure 17.— Total recoverable Ilmenite concentrate. Table 11.— Total estimated recoverable Ilmenite concentrates, as of January 1984 (Thousand metric tons of product) India, Sri Lanl0tter Creek Valley 1^ Magnet Cove LEGEND H: Mines and deposits Cumberland Island Brunswick-ANamaha! gGrs'en Cove Springs ^.^ ' Trail Ridge ^ Highland Figure A-1.— Location of titanium mines and titanium-bearing deposits of North America. 32 Two significant deposits in Georgia containing heavy minerals, particularly titanium, were included in the evaluation. Both are located in the southeast corner of the State, the Cumberland Island deposit on the coast just north of the Florida State line, and the Brunswick-Altamaha deposit slightly inland just north of the town of Brunswick. Neither of these deposits has ever been developed, although various drilling programs have defined the ore bodies. These deposits are placer beach sand deposits of Pleistocene to Recent age. The Cumberland Island deposit is located in the Silver Bluff Shoreline Complex covering the entire island (2,833 ha) and is overlain by 0.2 m of overburden. Heavy minerals are located in the upper, sandy unit. The Brunswick-Altamaha deposit is found in the Princess Anne Shoreline Complex. It is 10,460 m long and 805 m wide, and has a thickness of 4.6 m. It, too, is overlain by 0.2 m of topsoil. Ilmenite is the major titanium-bearing ore mineral at both the Georgian deposits. Small amounts of rutile and/or leucoxene are present. Zircon and monazite may also be recoverable. The average heavy-mineral content of the Silver Bluff Shoreline Complex (for Cumberland Island) has been reported to be 1.7 pet, containing over 45 pet ilmenite, nearly 3 pet leucoxene, and almost 7 pet rutile. Zircon and monazite have also been reported to be nearly 13 pet and over 1 pet, respectively, of the heavy minerals (29). Demonstrated resources for the two deposits range from 200 to 500 million mt of sand (or from 1.5 to 4 million mt of contained Ti02). Identified resources from old beach sands in Georgia have been reported to contain nearly 3 million mt TiOs (2). The Brunswick-Altamaha deposit is presently owned by Union Camp Corp. (40 pet), the Jones family (40 pet), and the Brunswick Pulp and Paper Co. (20 pet), which did the drilling of the deposit in 1960. The Cumberland Island deposit is primarily owned by the U.S. Department of the Interior's National Park Service (86 pet). The remaining 14 pet is privately owned. The deposit was drilled out in the 1950's, and very little has been done since then. The Folkston deposit, not included in the present study, was a significant producing titanium mine in Georgia (near the Florida border along the coast) throughout the 1960's and into the 1970's. Humphreys Mining Co. ceased operations there in 1974 because of the exhaustion of reserves. The only deposit in North Carolina evaluated for this study is NL Industries' property located near the east coast of the State, west of the town of Aurora. The deposit consists of heavy-mineral sands occurring primarily in unconsolidated placer beach sands of Pleistocene to Recent age. The sand occurs in narrow strips within a zone 19 km long and 0.85 km wide. The average thickness of the ore zone is 6 m, covered by approximately 1 m of overburden. Although the heavy-mineral sands in this deposit are un weathered, poorly sorted, and contain various impurities (making processing and recovery more difficult), scattered pockets may contain as much as 15 pet heavy minerals. The average heavy-mineral content is 3 pet. Ilmenite is the primary titanium mineral present. Small amounts of zircon and rutile, although insufficient to recover, are also present. Reserves at this deposit have been reported to be 35 million mt of beach sand, or approximately 400,000 mt of contained Ti02 (30). Various drilling programs defined this deposit in the 1950's, 1960's, and 1970's. This deposit has never been developed. Two deposits in Virginia were included in the evalua- tion, both associated with ferrodiorites of the Roseland District. These deposits, the B. F. Camden Anomaly and the Piney River deposit, are located in Amherst County in the center of the State. Ilmenite is the major ore mineral at these deposits and is found either at the base of ferrodiorite sheets or with apatite in dikehke masses also known as nelsonite (31). The nelsonite deposits are higher grade but limited in size. Some rutile also exists in the district but is not significant in the two deposits studied. The B. F. Camden Anomaly ore body is just over 2 km in length and approximately 200 m wide. The ore zone averages 20 m thick under approximately 1 m of overburden. At the Piney River deposit, the ore body is nearly 900 m long, extending to a depth of over 120 m. Ilmenite grades average nearly 20 pet (10 pet Ti02) at both these deposits, with demonstrated resources ranging from 20 to 30 million mt of ore (or 1 to 3 million mt contained Ti02). Ilmenite has been mined in New Jersey since the early 1960s. Glidden Industries operated the Lakehurst operation until it was closed in 1973; and the Manchester Mine, which is included in this evaluation, was operated by Asarco from 1973 until it was closed in 1981 for economic reasons. Even though this operation is presently closed and Asarco has no intention of ever returning (all equipment and structures are being dismantled and sold), it was included in this evaluation since some resources remain. It was evaluated from the standpoint of a nonproducing deposit that would need complete development to start production. Asarco retained the mineral rights to the deposit. The Manchester deposit is located in northern Ocean County, NJ, southwest of the town of Lakehurst. The ore is found in the Cohansey Sand formation, of late Miocene or Pliocene age. The formation is a medium-grained poorly sorted quartz sandstone approximately 30 m thick. It lies unconformably on the Kirkwood Formation of Miocene age. The Cohansey, in the central part of the State, is ilmenite rich and has been the only formation mined, although heavy minerals are present above and below it. Resources for the Manchester Mine were originally estimated to be on the order of 163 million mt at 1.95 pet Ti02 (32). Once production through January 1981 is subtracted (approximate time of shutdown), approximately 100 million mt of ore (2 million mt contained Ti02) remain. The entire district, including both the Manchester deposit and the old Lakehurst Mine, had been estimated by Markewiez in 1969 to contain as much 11.3 million mt of contained Ti02 resources (33). Subtracting production to date, the district may contain as much as 10 million mt of contained Ti02 (^)- These estimated resources should probably be considered identified since they may include both demonstrated and inferred resources. The heavy- mineral content at these deposits ranges from 3 to 15 pet, averaging 4 to 5 pet (28). Altered ilmenite makes up 85 to 90 pet of the heavy minerals (33). The only deposit in New York included in this evaluation is the Maelntyre Development, located near Tahav^Tis, in Essex County. The Maelntyre Development is within the Precambrian Sanford Lake magnetite district in the midst of the Adirondack Mountains. Although titanifer- ous magnetite deposits have been known to exist in the Adirondacks since the 1800's, no significant development occurred until National Lead Co. (now NL Industries) began developing the Sanford Hill ore body in the early 1940's. Iron (from magnetite) and titanium (from ilmenite) have been produced from this region since then, moving to the south (the South Extension) in the 1960's. As of the end of 1982, the ilmenite concentrates have been stockpiled, since NL's pigment plant in Sayreville, NJ, the main 33 consumer of Maclntyre's ilmenite, has closed because of economic conditions. Anorthositic ore, occurring as massive lenses, and gabbroic ore, occurring as oxide-enriched bands, are both found at the South extension, where mining presently exists. The Sanford Lake district contains four major ore bodies: the Sanford Hill-South Extension, the upper works (also called Calamity-Mill Pond), Mt. Adams, and Cheney Pond, where mining activities would probably occur next. Demonstrated resources, used in this evaluation, include the Sanford Hill-South Extension (nearly mined out) and Cheney Pond. It has been reported that total resources for the entire district are 8.6 million mt of contained Ti02 (2). The Ti02 grade ranges from 10 to 30 pet (28) throughout the district although it is closer to 15 to 20 pet at the South Extension and Cheney Pond. Small amounts of vanadium (0.5 pet V2O5) exist in the magnetite phase throughout the district but are not recovered. Iron grades range from 15 to 30 pet at the South Extension and Cheney Pond. Two deposits in Tennessee were included in the evaluation, the Oak Grove deposit and the Sihca Mine. Both deposits occur in the Cretaceous McNairy Sand formation at the eastern edge of the Mississippi River Embayment. The deposits, located in northwestern Tennessee, are secondary, ancient marine beach sands. The Silica Mine presently produces only a quartz sand product. Altered ilmenite and rutile are the major heavy minerals at both deposits, with zircon, leucoxene, staurolite, kyanite, tourmaline, and monazite also potentially recoverable. Resources for this region have not been published for specific deposits but are estimated by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Mines to be 8.4 milhon mt contained Ti02 from the ilmenite and 1.3 million mt contained TiOg from the rutile (2). This estimated resource is at the identified level and contains more tonnage than at Oak Grove and the Silica Mine. These estimates seem to include tonnage owned by Kerr-McGee and in Natchez Trace, which was not included in this evaluation because of a lack of information. Oak Grove is owned by the Ethyl Corp. and is located in Henry County. The ore body is over 20 km long and 8 km wide, and approximately 12 m thick with 12 m of overburden. Although the deposit was explored in the early 1970's, no development has ever occurred. Sihca sand is produced by the Tennessee Silica Sand Co. (a subsidiary of Jesse S. Morie and Sons, Inc.) at the Sihca Mine in Benton County. This deposit, about 400 ha in extent, and with sand outcropping in many places, has a minable ore thickness of about 4 m. The mine has been in production for more than 40 yr and has only recently been acquired by its present owners. There are three known significant titanium deposits in Hot Spring County, AR; only the Magnet Cove deposit, just north of the city of Hot Springs, was included in this analysis. The other two, both of which have never produced, are the Christy deposit and the Hardy-Walsh deposit. The Magnet Cove deposit produced about 5,000 mt of rutile concentrate from 1932 to 1944. The Magnet Cove deposit has been owned by various companies and is now held in fee by numerous private owners. These deposits in northern Hot Springs County are part of a complex mixture of alkahc igneous rocks (the throat of an ancient volcano). Cretaceous in age, intruding into folded sedimentary and metamorphic rocks (28). Rutile and brookite are the most significant titanium minerals present. In situ resources of ore remaining at the Magnet Cove deposit have been reported to be just over 7 million mt at 2.6 pet TiOg (or nearly 200,000 mt of contained TiOa) (3Jt). Small amounts of columbium are also present but not in quantities sufficient for recovery. Idealized dimensions of this ore body are 580 m in length and 151 m in width. Maximum pit depth is presently 9 m, with little or no overburden, and the ore body has been drilled to depths of at least 41 m. The Christy deposit was drilled by the Bureau in 1948 and, although no quantification of resources was made, it has been stated that the ore body contains 5.8 pet Ti02 (35). An alluvial river sand deposit of Quaternary age in southwestern Oklahoma (Kiowa and Tillman Counties) was included in this evaluation. The Otter Creek Valley deposit, located along the southwest flank of the Wichita Mountains, 3.5 km west of the town of Snyder, is a portion of the valley fill within the Otter Creek drainage system. These ilmenite-bearing black sands, first recognized by the Oklahoma Geological Survey in the early 1950's, were extensively investigated by the Bureau in the late 1950's. There has never been any development at this deposit and no further studies since the Bureau's 1960 report (36). The Otter Creek Valley deposit is approximately 20 km long and 2 km wide. The thickness of the deposit averages 7.6 m (a basal sand-elay component), while the overburden averages 5.9 m thick (a silt-clay alluvium). The indicated potential resource for the Otter Creek Valley deposit was estimated to be approximately 340 million mt of alluvial material containing 1.24 pet Ti02 (or 4.2 million mt of contained TiOg) (36). The Ti02 is in the form of ilmenite. Small amounts of Columbian are also present but not in sufficient quantities for recovery. The resource estimated by the Bureau in 1960 includes the northern portion of the deposit, flooded by a reservoir. It is estimated that of the 340 million mt, only 317 milHon mt with a grade of 1.23 pet Ti02 (or 3.9 million mt of contained TiOg) would be available for mining. The deposit has no clear overall owner, since it is covered by a collection of numerous individual landholders who may or may not own the mineral rights. The Powerhorn titanium deposit, owned by Buttes Gas and Oil Co. , was the only deposit in Colorado evaluated for this study. It is 1-^eated 40 km southwest of the town of Gunnison, in the southwestern part of the State of Colorado. The deposit is an alkalie igneous stock and carbonatite, which intruded a Precambrian host rock, consisting of gi-anites and other metamorphic rocks, approximately 550 million yr ago (Cambrian period). The carbonatite is surrounded by pyroxenite, which, primarily in northeastern half of the complex, contains the titanium-bearing mineral perovs- kite, together with magnetite. The perovskite and magnetite occur as both irregular lenshke bodies several feet long and an accessory minerals in the pyroxenite. The ore body has been studied and drilled out at various times from the 1950's to the late 1970's. Holes drilled to a depth of 180 m had not determined the lower hmits of mineralization. The deposit is 4 km long and 0.6 km wide. Resources for the Powderhorn deposit were pubhshed in a 1976 Wall Street Journal article as 380 milhon mt averaging 12 pet Ti02. This was classified as 88 million mt measured, 158 milhon mt indicated, and 134 million mt inferred (37). Although the ore body is reported to be 12 pet Ti02 in total, much of this titanium is mineralogieally "locked up" in augite, magnetite, mica, and even leucoxene. The major recoverable titanium mineral, perovskite, con- tains the only potentially recoverable Ti02 from the ore body. It has been estimated that recoverable perovskite is approximately 8 pet of the ore body and that the perovskite contains only about 50 pet Ti02. Therefore, only 4 pet Ti02 would be reahzed, resulting in 9.8 milhon mt contained Ti02 at the demonstrated level and an additional 5.9 million mt 34 contained Ti09 at the inferred level. Columbium and rare earths are also present in this deposit; the rare earths are considered to be of commercial significance. Little has been done with this deposit since Butte's drilling program in 1976. The Iron Mountain titaniferous magnetite deposits, located in the Laramie Range, were included in this evaluation. The deposits are in southeastern Wyoming, approximately 76 km northeast of Laramie. The rocks in this region are predominantly a metamorphic Precambrian complex intruded by anorthosites and associated igneous rocks, which were subsequently intruded by dikes of granite and magnetite-ilmenite (28). The main Iron Mountain dike contains the major ore deposits occurring as either massive megnetite-ilmenite or as disseminated magnetite-ilmenite. In either case, ore is composed of extremely fine inter- growths of magnetite and ilmenite and occurs as irregular masses or as streaks in the central areas of the anorthosite. Since most of the ilmenite is combined with the magnetite, these intergrow^ths would have to be upgraded using a smelting process similar to that used by QIT in Sorel. Resources for the high-grade massive ore at Iron Mountain have been estimated to be 30 miUion mt with an average grade of 45 pet Fe and 20 pet Ti02. The lower grade disseminated ore has been estimated to be 148 million mt with an average grade of 20 pet Fe and 9 pet Ti02. Much of this material was classified as inferred. The resource value used for this evaluation was a portion of the high-grade massive ore (38). The Iron Mountain deposits were drilled and evaluated in the 1950's and 1960's. They are owned by Rocky Mountain Energy Co., a subsidiary of Union Pacific (64 pet), and by Anaconda, a subsidiary of ARCO (35 pet). The remaining 1 pet is controlled by local ranchers. The deposit has never been developed. The evaluation also included a clay-producing operation in central California near the town of lone. The waste material found in the tailings pond from this mine (called the lone pit and mill) contains titanium, in the form of altered ilmenite, and zircon. The commercially important clay, sand, and lignite deposits of this region are found in the Tertiary lone Formation. The waste material, which could be reprocessed for the heavy minerals, contains just over 1 pet zircon (ZrOg) and 20 pet ilmenite (10 pet TiOg) (39). No published resources exist. The mine is owned by North American Refractories Co. and has been operating since 1954. Additional United States Resources The following section briefly describes those U.S. deposits not included in this evaluation. Most of these were too small to include, or their resource is not presently extractable vdth today's technology, or the resource was not at the demonstrated level. Unless otherwise noted, the resource level was not stated in the literature. Most of the resource values that were given in the literature are probably inferred estimates. Florida phosphate deposits contain various heavy minerals, including rutile, ilmenite, zircon, and monazite, found in the Phocene Bone Valley Formation UO). The Bureau has studied the potential for recovering these heavy minerals from the flotation circuits of central Florida phosphate mines. Although commercial-grade concentrates were produced, the heavy-mineral recoveries were ex- tremely low ovdng principally to the fineness of grain size Ul). Resources have been estimated to be at least 200,000 mt TiOg (2). The Bureau has also investigated the potential for recovering heavy minerals from sand and gravel operations in Alabama. The most significant heavy minerals found in these Cretaceous sand operations were ilmenite (an altered form), rutile, zircon, kyanite, and monazite. The study found that the occurrence of heavy minerals in these operations is widespread U2). Other Bureau studies have investigated the potential recovery of rutile as well as various heavy minerals from sand and gravel operations throughout the southeastern United States (particularly Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and South (Ilarohna) U3-4-4-). The resource could be substantial based on the number of sand and gravel operations in that region and, in fact, has been estimated to be as much as 400,000 mt of contained Ti02 from Alabama and Georgia operations (2). The Bureau has also investigated the potential to recover byproduct heavy minerals from sand and gravel operations in Oregon and Washington U5) and in central and southern California U6). Resources in these regions were not estimated, with the exception of lone. Various old beach sand deposits have been investigated in South Carolina. One source estimates identified resources of 3.8 million mt of ilmenite and 1.0 million mt of rutile (together equahng approximately 3.0 million mt of contained TiOz) from 11 of these deposits U7, p. 7). The Charleston area deposits contain an additional resource, containing 2 miUion mt of heavy minerals U8, p. 14). The Natchez Trace area of Tennessee, in Henderson County, is reported to have over 7 million mt of heavy minerals containing significant quantities of rutile (250,000 mt) and ilmenite (4.1 million mt) as well as various other heavy minerals U9, p. 17; 50, p. 24). There could be as much as 2.5 million mt of contained Ti02. Iknenite resources on the western side of Ship Island, MS, have been reported to be on the order of 200,000 mt (100,000 mt contained TiOg) (51, p. 23). Ship Island is a modem barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico. An ilmenite mine in Caldwell County, NC, called the Yadkin Valley deposit, produced high-gi-ade ilmenite from. 1942 to 1952. The deposit consists of small masses of ilmenite in a quartzite and mica schist. The Ti02 grade (49 to 52 pet) has been considered unusually high for a rock-type ilmenite (28). Remaining resources have been estimated to be 200,000 mt of contained TiOa (2). The Willis Mountain Mine, a producing kyanite mine in Virginia, is reported to have 300,000 mt of contained Ti02 resources. This value is based on the rutile content of identified kyanite resources (2). In the serpentinite belt of Harford County, MD, initile is found in significant quantities in the ultramafic chlorite rock. Although averaging approximately 1 pet rutile, some pockets contain as much as 16 pet (52). Resources for this deposit have been estimated to be 700,000 mt of contained Ti02 at the identified level (2). The Port Leyden heavy-mineral deposit, at the edge of the Adirondack Mountains in New York, contains significant quantities of low-gi-ade ilmenite and zircon resources. The ilmenite sands are found in Pleistocene glacial deposits. Although the grade of the Ti02 in the ilmenite is only 25 pet, there is a reported 31 million mt of ilmenite at this deposit (7.8 milhon mt of contained Ti02). Inferred resources have been estimated to be on the order of 2.4 billion mt of sand with an ilmenite grade of 1.5 pet. Zircon and small quantities of rutile also are present at this deposit (53). Technology to recover this ilmenite resource is questionable, and there- fore, this large resource has never been considered for development. Resources discusssed here are only for the 35 Port Leyden Quadrangle. Possibly more tonnage exists outside that area. The Duluth Gabbro Complex of mafic igneous rocks in Minnesota has recently been studied to determine various byproduct recoveries. Of interest is the large quantity of ilmenite that could potentially be recovered. It was estimated that over 500,000 mt/yr ilmenite with a grade of 50 pet TiOg could become available from the copper-nickel tailings (54). Resources for the complex, at the identified level, have been estimated at 10 million mt of contained Ti02 (2). Various rare earths were mined from Idaho alluvial placer deposits in the 1950's. Ilmenite does exist at these deposits and could be recovered, although the grade is very low. These resources would become significant only if mining for rare earths ever reoccurred. Some years ago, the Bureau studied the titaniferous Cretaceous shoreline sandstones of Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Colorado. In that reconnaissance, nearly 28 million mt of sandstone containing an average of 7 pet Ti02, equivalent to 2 million mt contained Ti02, was quantified (55, p. 8). The titanium minerals present were ilmenite and altered ilmenite. Some zircon and monazite were also found to be present in these deposits. The resource estimate was based on field sampling and dimensional calculations, and therefore the resource level should not be considered any greater than inferred. Technology to recover these re- sources is unproven. A rutile deposit was discovered in 1968 in a Precam- brian gneiss near Evergreen, CO. Average rutile grade was 2. 1 pet in an indicated resource estimated to be 115,000 mt of rutile, with additional inferred resources of 47,000 mt rutile for every 30 m in depth below the 73 m measured. Although this resource was determined to be recoverable, it was felt that it would never be mined owing to both environmental and economic factors (56). Deposits similar to the type found in Evergreen, CO, are also found in Farmville District, VA, Kings Mountain District, NC and SC, Graves Mountain, GA, White Mountain, CA, Yuma County, AZ, and Santa Cruz County, AZ (56). Preliminary studies have been made by both the U. S. Geology Survey and the Bureau to determine the potential for recovering rutile from porphyry coper tailings in Arizona and Utah. The Geological Survey work has estimated that 8 million mt of recoverable rutile may exist at just three deposits (Bagdad and San Manuel, AZ, and Bingham, UT) (57, p. 2245). The Bureau work has centered on the technology to recover these very large resources of rutile (58). Although the tests proved that the rutile could be partially recovered from these tailings, additional research will be needed before these could be considered a commercial source. Clay deposits near Spokane, WA (400,000 mt contained Ti02) (2), and bauxite deposits near Salem, OR (1.8 million mt contained Ti02) (2), both contain presently unrecover- able ilmenite. An ilmenite deposit in the San Gabriel Mountains of California contains possibly as much as 4.8 million mt of Ti02 (2). The ilmenite, found in an nnorthosite, may contain 45 pet Ti02 (28), which could be upgraded by smelting. Recent studies by the Geological Survey have outlined areas along the U.S. Atlantic Continental Shelf where heavy minerals may be present (59). Although very little work has been done on these offshore deposits, the potential appears to be significant. Large tonnages of ilmenite have been estimated to be present offshore south of New York City, in the inner New York Bight. This, too, is from recent work and remains under investigation (60). Canada The Allard Lake deposit in Canada is one of the most important titanium deposits in the world (fig. A-1). It occurs as massive dykes, sills, lenses, or irregular bodies associated with a local anorthositic intrusion within this Precambrian shield area. Ilmenite and hematite are the primary economic minerals. The deposit consists of three primary ore bodies: the Min ore body, (the most important), the Northwest ore body, and the Cliff ore body. In total, the deposit is approximately 1 km long by 1 km wide. The open pit mine currently exploits approximately one-half of that area. Demonstrated resources for the three ore bodies at Allard Lake plus the Grader, Springer, and Mills ore bodies have been estimated, as of 1980, at 218 million mt at 31 pet Ti02 (68 million mt contained TiOg) and 36 pet Fe (61). Although the Allard Lake deposits were explored throughout the 1940s, production did not begin until 1950. The mine was originally owned by Quebec Iron and Titanium Corp. (a company formed by Kennecott Copper Corp. and the New Jersey Zinc Co.). It is now owned by QIT-Fer et Titane Inc. (which is owned by Standard Oil Co. of Ohio). The Puyjalon Lake and Magpie Mountain deposits, located near the Allard Lake deposits, were not included in this evaluation primarily because of the lack of information and the low grade of the ore. These two deposits are also asociated with the local anorthosites and, as with Allard Lake, are iron-titanium deposits. The Puyjalon Lake deposit has been reported to contain almost 210 million mt of ore with 11 pet Ti02 and 18 pet Fe, while the Magpie Mountain deposit was estimated to contain 1 billion mt of ore with 11 pet Ti02 and 43 pet Fe, both at the indicated level (62, p. 57). The Pin-Rouge Lake deposit in Quebec was included in the evaluation (fig. A-1). As with the Allard Lake deposits, the deposit at Pin-Rouge Lake is also associated with an anorthositic core. The titanium mineralization is primarily ilmenite and is associated predominantly with the gabbros that rim the anorthosites. Hematite is also widespread and is associated with the ilmenite as well as some magnetite. The evaluation treated this deposit like the Allard Lake deposit in that a titanium slag and a pig iron byproduct would be produced. The ore body at Pin-Rouge Lake was thoroughly explored in the 1950's by Laurentian Mines Ltd. and later, in the 1970's, by the Canadian Nickel Co. Ltd. (CANICO). Presently, Laurentian Mines Ltd. controls the 34 un- patended claims. Pin-Rouge Lake is located approximately 50 km northwest of Montreal. The ore body, consisting of a main zone and its northern extension, contains numerous massive steep dipping lenses of ilmenite-hematite. Both zones are approximately 1.5 km in length, with widths ranging from 20 to 50 m. Published demonstrated resources for the Pin-Rouge Lake ore body are approximately 15 million mt averaging 20 pet Ti02 and 27.6 pet Fe to a depth of 69 m (63). This is the equivalent of approximately 3.0 million mt contained Ti02. Values used in this evaluation were somewhat higher based en unpublished sources. The Athabasca Tar San('? of Canada were not included in this evaluation. This deposit, located in Alberta, is an oil sand, often termed a "tar sand," deposit that contains approximately 1 pet heavy minerals, of which titanium and zirconium minerals are the most notable (6i). Various Canadian companies such as Syncrude Canada, Great Canadian Oil Sands, and Canadian Titanium Pigments are investigating the feasibility of recovering these minerals from the tar sands {65). Total resources for this deposit have not been quantified. Mexico A titaniferous deposit, located at Pluma Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Mexico, was not included in this study. The titanium minerals present in this deposit are rutile and ilmenite. The deposit is similar in nature to those Virginia deposits included in the study and discussed earlier. SOUTH AMERICA Titanium resources in Brazil (fig. A-2) are found primarily in five mines and deposits, all. of which were included in this analysis. Three of the deposits (Catalao, Bananeira, and Tapira) are proposed anatase operations, while the other two (Camaratuba and Campo Alegre de Lourdes) are ilmenite deposits. Of the five mines and deposits, Camaratuba is the only one producing as of January 1984. Owned by Titanio do Brasil (TIBRAS) and operated by Rutilo e Ilmenite do Brasil S.A. (RIB), this operation began production some- time in late 1982 or early 1983 (66) producing an ilmenite concentrate and rutile and zircon byproduct concentrates. Camaratuba is located along the Grajua beach in the municipality of Mataraca between the States of Paraiba and LEGEND •south AMERIC Area of map A State boundary ® Capital • City or town * Mines and deposits 400 800 1 1 , t Scale, km Figure A-2.— Location of titanium mines and titanlum-bearing deposits of Brazil. Rio Grande do Norte. It is about 80 km south of the city of Natal. Exploration of the beach sand deposits in this region was undertaken by RIB in the late 1970's, with leases approved by the state in 1978. Construction of facilities preceeded until 1982 when startup was scheduled. Camaratuba, a conventional secondary bei.ch sand deposit of Recent age is a series of elevated sand dunes that he between the ocean and an ancient sea chff. The dunes stretch in a continuous line parallel to the shoreline, extending in a north-northwest by south-southeast direction for approximately 20 km. The dunes average 25 m high, and those that have been explored cover an area of approximate- ' ly 10 ha. The total heavy mineral content of the sand is 5 to 6 pet, containing ilmenite, zircon, rutile, along with other, less important heavy minerals such as monazite, xenotime, garnet, and tourmaline. The Campo Alegre de Lourdes deposit, located in the north-central part of the State of Bahia, 100 km northwest of Salvador, is the only other Brazilian ilmenite deposit included in this study. There are actually 10 individual deposits in that area grouped together for the purpose of this analysis. These deposits are associated with a regional intrusive gabbro within the Precambrian Brazilian shield, found in a small mountain range called Serra Dois Irmaos. The 10 deposits are Anfilofio, Branco, Carlata, Chico Velho, Lazan I, Lazan II, Redondo, Siyio, Testa Branca, and Tuicuiu (66-67). These deposits are owned by Cia. Bahiana de Pesquisa Metais (CBPM), a state-owned company (70 pet), and Caraiba Metais S. A. (30 pet). The deposits were explored in the mid- to late 1970's, but no development ever occurred or was planned. It was assumed, based on the type of ore and the investigations made by CBPM, that the product from these deposits would be a titanium slag. The deposits at Campo Alegre de Lourdes occur in a series of 10 north-south-oriented hills covering a length of 11 km, averaging 2.5 km wide. The resources are composed of a gabbro intrusive in the schist country rock. Two distinct zones are found at these deposits: the nonoxidized and the oxidized. Even though the nonoxidized rocks contain mineralization such as titaniferous magnetite, ilmenite, and other accessory minerals (rutile and various sulfides), the oxidized rocks contain the exploitable resources. In the oxidized rocks, ilmenite and leucoxene are the most prominent titanium minerals, averaging 20 pet Ti02 in the ore (67). The ore zone averages 100 m wide and 1,000 m long (67). Measured and indicated resources at Campo Alegre de Lourdes have been reported to be 100 million mt of ore; the inferred resource could be as much as 500 miUion mt of ore (68). The three anatase deposits included in the study are located in south-central Brazil. These deposits are unique in that the major titanium mineral is anatase, rather than rutile or ilmenite. Anatase has never been produced on a commercial scale, although significant testing has occurred at the pilot plant stage. There still remains some uncertainty in producing an untested product such as anatase. The largest of the three anatase deposits is the Tapira mine in the State of Minas Gerais. It is approximately 400 km west of Belo Horizonte in a region already being mined for phosphate. The mine, which is in the development stages preparing for production, is owned by Cia. Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD). Most recent accounts show that the pilot plant work at this deposit is now completed and CVRD is constructing a plant that will produce a 90-pct-TiO2 concentrate (69), which is anticipated to feed a chloride plant to be built in the city of Uberaba (State of Minas Gerais). 37 The Tapira deposit occurs in a large alkaline pipe (6.4 km in diam). Titanium ore is found in residual deposits overlying phosphate ore already being mined by Fertili- zantes Fosfatados S.A. (FOSFERTIL). The alkaline pipe, or diatreme, is of late Cretaceous age, having intruded into Precambrian metasediments of the Canastra Group. The ore contains as much as 22.4 pet TiOg (at a 15-pct-Ti02 cutoff), with resources reported to be approximately 190 million mt (70, p. 46). Resources used for this study were larger, using a lower cutoff grade. Demonstrated resources have been reported to be as large as 1.6 billion mt with more than 10 pet TiOz (71). The Bananeira deposit, also in the State of Minas Gerais (Municipality of Patroeinio), is an anatase deposit with characteristics very similar to those of Tapira. The Bananeira deposit is actually composed of three deposits: Bananeira, Salitre II, and Sierra Negra. These deposits are located approximately 400 km west of Belo Horizonte, just north of the Tapira Mine. Bananeira is owned by Mineracao Itaqui, Ltd., which is owned by Cia. Brasileira de Mineracao e Metalurgia (CBMM). Ore from this deposit is being tested in a pilot plant. The resources at Bananeira are in rock almost identical in age and characteristics to rock at Tapira. Resources have been reported to be 150 million mt averaging 22.4 pet Ti02, using a IS-pct-TiOg cutoff (70). The third anatase deposit evaluated is the Catalao deposit (also called Catalao-Ouvidor), located in the south- ern part of the State of Goias, approximately 350 km south of Brasiha. The owners of this deposit, Metais de Goias S. A. (METAGO) and Goias Fertilizantes S. A. (GOIASFERTIL) (a phosphate producer) have plans to do pilot plant studies on the ore at Catalao, although, as of this writing, no progress has been made. The Catalao deposit is located just to the northwest of the Tapira and Bananeira deposits, and its geological characteristics are nearly the same. Resource data for this deposit are not available, although it is fair to assume that Ti02 grades are very similar to those at Tapira and Bananeira. Demonstrated resources used in this study for the three anatase deposits in Brazil total nearly 300 million mt of ore (over 75 million mt contained Ti02). Inferred resources are an additional 145 million mt of ore (containing approximately 37 million mt TiOg). EUROPE Finland and Norway have the two most important producing titanium mines in Europe at Otanmaki and Tellnes, respectively. Italy's Piampaludo deposit, in the feasibility planning stage, has a large potential. Titanium resources are found in Portugal and Spain, although they are small and rather insignificant. Romania and the U.S.S.R. also produce titanium products. Finland and Norway The Precambrian areas of the Baltic Shield characterize the titanium deposits of Finland and Norway. Deposits appear to belong to one main genetic type, being generally considered as differentiates from the crystalhzation of basic magmas. These deposits almost invariably show an associa- tion with provinces, complexes, or single bodies of mafic, less often ultramafie, igneous rocks in which anorthosites, gabbros, norites, and/or their metamorphie deriv- atives predominate. The two most important deposits are Otanmaki in Finland and Tellnes in Norway (72, p. 22; 73). Figures A-3 and A-4 show the locations of these deposits. The Otanmaki operation is Finland's only titanium producer. It is located 500 km north of Helsinki. The vanadium-bearing magnetite-ilmenite ore deposit is located on the northern flank of a large layered Precambrian hornblende gabbro-anorthosite intrusive. Amphibolite is the predominant rock type. The ore itself is the contact zone between the gabbros and anorthosites, and is made up of heterogenous anorthosites, gabbros, metagabbros, and orthoamphibolite. This zone is about 2.5 km long and 500 m wide and can be traced to a depth of 800 m. Several types of A Otanmaki * ^\ /'^ V \ 1 )' ^ ) \ r \ FINLAND ) -^r-^ LEGEND Provinical boundary 9 Capital • City or town * Mine Figure A-3.— Location of Finland's Otanmalti Mine. W^nrC^ \ :^m-.^ .4S W E D E N Yt, V; VjtTellnesV / ^ i^ Flekkefjord* "-i/ ^ LEGEND International boundary — -County boundary ® Capital • City or town * Mine 1 100 200 Scale, km Figure A-4.— Location of Norway's Tellnes Mine. trate at approximately 45 pet Ti02, 35 pet FeO, and 12 pet Fe203; magnetite eoncentrate at 64.5 pet Fe, and 3.5 pet Ti02; and a sulfide eoncentrate at 2.5 pet Cu, 4.5 pet Ni, and 0.7 pet Co (79-83). A potential slag operation in Norway was not included or discussed in this study because of a lack of information. Italy Italy's Piampaludo deposit could potentially be Europe's only natural rutile producer. The deposit is still undergoing feasibility studies. Piampaludo is located in northwest Italy (fig. A-5) in the province of Savona near the town of Piampaludo, about 13 km from the coast, 55 km (by road) from the nearest coastal cities of Genoa and Savona. The deposit consists of a low-grade eclogite. Eelogites are metamorphic rocks formed at extremely high temperatures and pressures during regional metamorphism. A massive and highly fractured ore body, the deposit is 1.8 km long by 500 m wide, covering 90 ha. Rutile, as an accessory mineral in eelogites, is disseminated throughout the entire ore body at approximately 3 to 5 pet. Industrial-grade garnet, at 25 to 30 pet of the deposit, is also recoverable. Diamond drilling has proven the existence of 150 million mt of ore at 6 pet ore are present: impregnation ores (low grade, less than 20 pet Fe) to massive ores (high grade, greater than 40 pet Fe). Individual ore bodies are lens shaped and range in size from 2 to 20 m long and 5 to 30 m wide. Their long axis is oriented east to west; dips are near vertical to vertical, and they plunge from 45° to 60° to the west. Average grades are 39 pet megnetite, 29 pet ilmenite (13.5 pet Ti02), and 1.5 pet pyrite. Vanadium does not occur as distinct vanadium minerals but is contained in the magnetite at 0.9 pet (0.275 pet in the deposit). The deposit was discovered in 1938, by tracing titaniferous float material and by subsequent magnetic surveys. Exploratory drilling in 1939 delineated two ore bodies, Otanmaki and Vuorokas, approximately 3 km to the east. Construction and development of the mine, mill, and support facilities begun in 1951; a small amount of ore was hoisted in 1953. Over the years, production has increased to over 1.0 miUion mt/yr. Between 1953 and 1955, only concentrates of iron, ilmenite and pyrite were produced. In 1956, the vanadium pentoxide concentrate was added. This is now the most valuable product of the operation {74--78). The Tellnes mine is located in southwestern Norway in the State of Rogaland, northwest of FlekkeQord. In the early 1950's, NL Industries' subsidiary Kronos Titan A/S realized that the accessible resources at its Storgangen Mine would soon be depleted. Exploration for other resources was initiated in 1954 using aeromagnetic surveying techniques, resulting in the discovery of the Tellnes ore body. Half of the ore body is under the waters of Tellnesvann (Tellnes Lake). The deposit is a large lens- or boat-shaped homogeneous ilmenite-norite intrusive in the Ana-Sira Anorthosite Massif of the Egersund Anorthosite Complex. It is a large complex covering 1,000 km^ of southwestern Norway. The deposit is 2.7 km long and up to 450 m wide, covering 57 ha; mineralization was proven to a depth of 330 m. Diamond drilling indicated substantial ore resources of 200 to 300 million mt at 18 pet Ti02 (39 pet ilmenite) and 23 pet Fe (2 pet magnetite). Resources used for Tellnes in this study are substantially larger. Production at Tellnes began in 1960 at 300,000 mt/yr and has increased to over 2.0 million mt. Three types of concentrates are produced: ilmenite concen- SWITZERLAND LEGEND International boundary • City or town * Deposit 100 J Scale, km Figure A-5.— Location of itaiy's Plampaiudo rutile deposit. 39 Ti02 (rutile plus ilmenite), with another possible 300 million mt at 5.8 pet Ti02. Mineraria Italiana S.p.A. Milan, the owners, are looking for a joint venture in order to begin development and production (8^-86). Romania Although no deposits from Romania were evaluated in this study, there exist three deposits worthy of discussion. All heavy-mineral deposits in Romania are owned and operated by the Federal Government, Ministry of Mines- Geology. The Chituc heavy-mineral deposit is located in the Dobrogea Province on the Black Sea coast. The mine was developed in the late 1970's and has been known to have produced at least at pilot plant scale. The plant produces an ilmenite concentrate along with some zircon and garnet. The ilmenite concentrate cannot be used for pigment production owing to its high nickel and chromite content. Resources at Chituc have been estimated to be approximately 200 million mt of ore grading 0.51 pet TiOg at the inferred resource level. The Tigveni Mine is located on the River Topolog in Arges Province. It appears to have been in production since the late 1970's. The deposit consists of several heavy- mineral-bearing formations of late Pliocene to early Pleis- tocene age. The mine produces primarily an ilmenite concentrate although it is possible that zircon is also recovered as a byproduct. Identified resources at this deposit have been estimated at 50 million mt of sand grading approximately 1.0 pet Ti02 from the ilmenite. The Glogova-Sisesti deposit is located on the banks of the River Motru on the boundary between Mehedinti and Gorj Provinces in southwest Romania. Exploration at this deposit occurred in the late 1970's although further development is not thought to have taken place. The deposit consists of three heavy-mineral-bearing formations of late Pliocene to early Pleistocene age, similar to the Tigveni deposit. It appears that ilmenite, rutile, zircon, and monazite could all be recovered. Resources have been estimated at 340 million mt of sand grading 0.75 pet TiOg at the inferred resource level. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Significant production of titanium in the U.S.S.R. began after World War II. The ilmenite-magnetite deposits of the Urals were the early sources. Since 1960, the fossil placer deposits in the Ukraine have assumed greater importance. Ilmenite is ^Iso obtained from titanomagnetite deposits in the Kola Peninsula. Other significant deposits of titanium in the U.S.S.R. are located in the Azov Coast, Kasakhstan, Siberia, Transbaikalia, and the far eastern provinces. Titaniferous magnetite deposits in the Caucasus Mountains of Armenia, discovered in the early 1970's, are also considered important, as well as titanomagnetite sands on the Kuril Island, Iturup. By far the most important producing titanium deposits in the Soviet Union are the ancient heavy-mineral placers along the middle reaches of the River Dnieper in the Ukraine. Production is centered in two main areas near Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk, with the latter being more important. Heavy minerals at this deposit ocur in thin Cretaceous- Tertiary sediments overlying the northeast flank of the Ukrainian Massif. It appears that there are two types of commercial titanium placers in the Ukraine, ancient littoral marine placers and alluvial placers. Resources for these deposits are not known, although the ilmenite content of the sands averages 20 kg/m', and some of the sands contain as much as 2,000 kg/m'. Until the discovery and development of the Ukraine heavy-mineral placers, the titaniferous magnetite deposits of the Ural Mountains were the major source of ilmenite concentrates for the developing Soviet titanium industry. Iron ore mining is the main activity in the area, but a variety of other mineral concentrates are being produced including vanadium, titanium, and more recently, rare-earth miner- als. Of the nuf^erons mines in the Urals, it is believe:! th;;- three of these at present are important titanium ore deposits, although it is known that other deposits do contain significant resources of titanium minerals. The three deposits are Gusevogorsk, Kachkanar, and Kopansk (Kusa), which occur in titaniferous magnetites related to basic, ultrabasic intrusive rocks, and amphibolites outcropping along the main range of the Ural Mountains. Total titanium resources in the Urals have been estimated as 132 million mt of ore at the inferred level averaging 10 pet Ti02. Important titanium deposits are found in the alkalic rocks of the northwest part of the Soviet Union, in the Kola Peninsula, and in the Karelia Autonomous S.S.R. Ores are primarily of the titanomagnetie associations and the main mining and processing acvitities in the area are centered in the iron ore fonnations. Five or six deposits are producing iron oxide and vanadium pentoxide concentrates, but it appears that only the Afrikanda Mine is actually producing a titanium dioxide concentrate, from perovskite and titano- magnetite. Resources for Afrikanda are not known, although they have been estimated as "large"; Ti02 grades range from 8 to 18 pet. Other present and potential sources of titanium on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia are the apatite-nepheline (aluminum) deposits at the Khibiny Massif and the titanomagnetites of the Pudozhgorsk, Tsaginsk, and Yelet Lake deposits. The most recent discovery of importance is the titaniferous magnetites of the Caucaeuses, found in 1973. Deposits are referred to as Kamakorskoye and Svoranzkoye in the region of Armenia. The area is considered very promising for further exploration. These deposits may be suitable for iron ore exploitation with ilmenite as a byproduct. Resources, estimated based on dimensions, are in the order of 100 million mt of ore grading from 0.7 to 3.7 pet Ti02, primarily from ilmenite. ASIA India-Sri Lanka Beach sand deposits of India and Sri Lanka (fig. A-6) have been exploited for their monazite content since the early part of this century. Extraction of ilmenite and some rutile began in the 1920's in India and around 1961 in Sri Lanka. India's heavy-mineral sand deposits are located on the west coast and peninsula tip in the States of Kerala (formerly Travancore and Cochin) and on the east coast in Orissa. Orissa Mineral Sands Complex, also known as the Chatrapur Sand Deposit, is India's largest and newest deposit, located 300 km southwest of Calcutta and 22 km northeast of Berhampur. It is planned to come onstream in 1985. The Chavara, or Quilon, sand deposit located on the west coast near the town of Quilon has produced ilmenite since 1932; monazite was probably recovered long before this. Peak production was reached in the 1940's as a result of _^ NORWAY ^•x-Tellnes*^ Flekkefjord* LEGEND International boundary County boundary 9 Capital • City or town ■X- Mine 100 200 I I I Scale, km Figure A-4.— Location of Norway's Tellnes Mine. trate at approximately 45 pet Ti02, 35 pet FeO, and 12 pet Fe203; magnetite eoneentrate at 64.5 pet Fe, and 3.5 pet Ti02; and a sulfide eoneentrate at 2.5 pet Cu, 4.5 pet Ni, and 0.7 pet Co {79-83). A potential slag operation in Norway was not ineluded or diseussed in this study beeause of a lack of information. Italy Italy's Piampaludo deposit eould potentially be Europe's only natural rutile producer. The deposit is still undergoing feasibility studies. Piampaludo is located in northwest Italy (fig. A-5) in the province of Savona near the town of Piampaludo, about 13 km from the coast, 55 km (by road) from the nearest coastal cities of Genoa and Savona. The deposit consists of a low-grade eelogite. Eelogites are metamorphie rocks formed at extremely high temperatures and pressures during regional metamorphism. A massive and highly fractured ore body, the deposit is 1.8 km long by 500 m wide, covering 90 ha. Rutile, as an accessory mineral in eelogites, is disseminated throughout the entire ore body at approximately 3 to 5 pet. Industrial-grade garnet, at 25 to 30 pet of the deposit, is also recoverable. Diamond drilUng has proven the existence of 150 million mt of ore at 6 pet ore are present: impregnation ores (low grade, less than 20 pet Fe) to massive ores (high grade, greater than 40 pet Fe). Individual ore bodies are lens shaped and range in size from 2 to 20 m long and 5 to 30 m wide. Their long axis is oriented east to west; dips are near vertical to vertical, and they plunge from 45° to 60° to the west. Average grades are 39 pet megnetite, 29 pet ilmenite (13.5 pet Ti02), and 1.5 pet pyrite. Vanadium does not occur as distinct vanadium minerals but is contained in the magnetite at 0.9 pet (0.275 pet in the deposit). The deposit was discovered in 1938, by tracing titaniferous float material and by subsequent magnetic surveys. Exploratory drilling in 1939 delineated two ore bodies, Otanmaki and Vuorokas, approximately 3 km to the east. Construction and development of the mine, mill, and support facilities begun in 1951; a small amount of ore was hoisted in 1953. Over the years, production has increased to over 1.0 million mt/yr. Between 1953 and 1955, only concentrates of iron, ilmenite and pyrite were produced. In 1956, the vanadium pentoxide concentrate was added. This is now the most valuable product of the operation m-78). The Tellnes mine is located in southwestern Norway in the State of Rogaland, northwest of Flekke^ord. In the early 1950's, NL Industries' subsidiary Kronos Titan A/S realized that the accessible resources at its Storgangen Mine would soon be depleted. Exploration for other resources was initiated in 1954 using aeromagnetic surveying techniques, resulting in the discovery of the Tellnes ore body. Half of the ore body is under the waters of Tellnesvann (Tellnes Lake). The deposit is a large lens- or boat-shaped homogeneous ilmenite-norite intrusive in the Ana-Sira Anorthosite Massif of the Egersund Anorthosite Complex. It is a large complex covering 1,000 km^ of southwestern Norway. The deposit is 2.7 km long and up to 450 m wide, covering 57 ha; mineralization was proven to a depth of 330 m. Diamond drilling indicated substantial ore resources of 200 to 300 million mt at 18 pet Ti02 (39 pet ilmenite) and 23 pet Fe (2 pet magnetite). Resources used for Tellnes in this study are substantially larger. Production at Tellnes began in 1960 at 300,000 mt/jT and has increased to over 2.0 miUion mt. Three types of concentrates are produced: ilmenite coneen- SWITZERLAND LEGEND — International boundary • City or town * Deposit Scale, km Figure A-5.— Location of Italy's Piampaludo rutile deposit. Ti02 (rutile plus ilmenite), with another possible 300 million mt at 5.8 pet Ti02. Mineraria Italiana S.p.A. Milan, the owners, are looking for a joint venture in order to begin development and production (8^-86). Romania Although no deposits from Romania were evaluated in this study, there exist three deposits worthy of discussion. All heavy-mineral deposits in Romania are owned and operated by the Federal Government, Ministry of Mir.es- Geology. The Chituc heavy-mineral deposit is located in the Dobrogea Province on the Black Sea coast. The mine was developed in the late 1970's and has been known to have produced at least at pilot plant scale. The plant produces an ilmenite concentrate along with some zircon and garnet. The ilmenite concentrate cannot be used for pigment production owing to its high nickel and chromite content. Resources at Chituc have been estimated to be approximately 200 million mt of ore grading 0.51 pet Ti02 at the inferred resource level. The Tigveni Mine is located on the River Topolog in Arges Province. It appears to have been in production since the late 1970's. The deposit consists of several heavy- mineral-bearing formations of late Pliocene to early Pleis- tocene age. The mine produces primarily an ilmenite concentrate although it is possible that zircon is also recovered as a byproduct. Identified resources at this deposit have been estimated at 50 miUion mt of sand grading approximately 1.0 pet Ti02 from the ilmenite. The Glogova-Sisesti deposit is located on the banks of the River Motru on the boundary between Mehedinti and Gorj Provinces in southwest Romania. Exploration at this deposit occurred in the late 1970's although further development is not thought to have taken place. The deposit consists of three heavy-mineral-bearing formations of late Pliocene to early Pleistocene age, similar to the Tigveni deposit. It appears that ilmenite, rutile, zircon, and monazite could all be recovered. Resources have been estimated at 340 million mt of sand grading 0.75 pet Ti02 at the inferred resource level. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Significant production of titanium in the U.S.S.R. began after World War II. The ilmenite-magnetite deposits of the Urals were the early sources. Since 1960, the fossil placer deposits in the Ukraine have assumed greater importance. Ilmenite is ^Iso obtained from titanomagnetite deposits in the Kola Peninsula. Other significant deposits of titanium in the U.S.S.R. are located in the Azov Coast, Kasakhstan, Siberia, Transbaikalia, and the far eastern provinces. Titaniferous magnetite deposits in the Caucasus Mountains of Armenia, discovered in the early 1970's, are also considered important, as well as titanomagnetite sands on the Kuril Island, Iturup. By far the most important producing titanium deposits in the Soviet Union are the ancient heavy-mineral placers along the middle reaches of the River Dnieper in the Ukraine. Production is centered in two main areas near Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk, with the latter being more important. Heavy minerals at this deposit ocur in thin Cretaceous- Tertiary sediments overlying the northeast flank of the Ukrainian Massif. It appears that there are two types of commercial titanium placers in the Ukraine, ancient littoral marine placers and alluvial placers. Resources for these deposits are not known, although the ilmenite content of the sands averages 20 kg/m', and some of the sands contain as much as 2,000 kg/m'. Until the discovery and development of the Ukraine heavy-mineral placers, the titaniferous magnetite deposits of the Ural Mountains were the major source of ilmenite concentrates for the developing Soviet titanium industry. Iron ore mining is the main activity in the area, but a variety of other mineral concentrates are being produced including vanadium, titanium, and more recently, rare-earth miner- als. Of the numerous mines in the Urals, it is believ? ! th:"' three of these at present are important titanium ore deposits, although it is known that other deposits do contain significant resources of titanium minerals. The three deposits are Gusevogorsk, Kachkanar, and Kopansk (Kusa), which occur in titaniferous magnetites related to basic, ultrabasic intrusive rocks, and amphibolites outcropping along the main range of the Ural Mountains. Total titanium resources in the Urals have been estimated as 132 million mt of ore at the inferred level averaging 10 pet Ti02. Important titanium deposits are found in the alkalie rocks of the northwest part of the Soviet Union, in the Kola Peninsula, and in the Karelia Autonomous S.S.R. Ores are primarily of the titanomagnetic associations and the main mining and processing acvitities in the area are centered in the iron ore formations. Five or six deposits are producing iron oxide and vanadium pentoxide concentrates, but it appears that only the Afrikanda Mine is actually producing a titanium dioxide concentrate, from perovskite and titano- magnetite. Resources for Afrikanda are not known, although they have been estimated as "large"; Ti02 grades range from 8 to 18 pet. Other present and potential sources of titanium on the Kola Peninsula and in Karelia are the apatite-nepheline (aluminum) deposits at the Khibiny Massif and the titanomagnetites of the Pudozhgorsk, Tsaginsk, and Yelet Lake deposits. The most recent discovery of importance is the titaniferous magnetites of the Caucacuses, found in 1973. Deposits are referred to as Kamakorskoye and Svoranzkoye in the region of Armenia. The area is considered very promising for further exploration. These deposits may be suitable for iron ore exploitation with ilmenite as a byproduct. Resources, estimated based on dimensions, are in the order of 100 million mt of ore grading from 0.7 to 3.7 pet Ti02, primarily from ilmenite. ASIA lndia*Sri Lanka Beach sand deposits of India and Sri Lanka (fig. A-6) have been exploited for their monazite content since the early part of this century. Extraction of ilmenite and some rutile began in the 1920's in India and around 1961 in Sri Lanka. India's heavy-mineral sand deposits are located on the west coast and peninsula tip in the States of Kerala (formerly Travancore and Cochin) and on the east coast in Orissa. Orissa Mineral Sands Complex, also known as the Chatrapur Sand Deposit, is India's largest and newest deposit, located 300 km southwest of Calcutta and 22 km northeast of Berhampur. It is planned to come onstream in 1985. The Chavara, or Quilon, sand deposit located on the west coast near the town of Quilon has produced ilmenite since 1932; monazite was probably recovered long before this. Peak production was reached in the 1940's as a result of 40 ORISSA Orissa-Chatrapur^i Berhampur ^ -O LEGEND State boundary Capital State capital City or town Mineral sand deposit Figure A-6.— Location of India and Sri Lanlta heavy-mineral sand deposits. World War II. A third mineral sand deposit, located on the peninsula tip near the town of Triandrum, the M.K., or, more formally, the Manavalakurichi (also known as the Kayankomari deposit), has been in production since 1911 when monazite was recovered. By the mid-1920's ilmenite replaced monazite in importance. However, after Chavara was discovered, M.K.'s ilmenite was not as acceptable for market, at 54 pet Ti02, as the ilmenite at Chavara, which is 60 pet Ti02. Chavara's titanium is recovered as ilmenite and rutile concentrates, while M.K. produces ilmenite, synthetic rutile, and rutile. Orissa's sand deposit vdll produce only synthetic rutile (from ilmenite, 51 pet Ti02) and rutile, as proposed in this study, although it may also produce monazite, zircon, and siUimanite. Geologically and physiologically, many similarities exist between these deposits, including their coastal locations. Wave-action-formed sandbar deposits are the most common- ly occurring deposits {87). With emergence, these beach deposits became buried by sand dunes. The Orissa- Chatrapur deposit is a system of transverse coastal and inland dunes separated by another system of lower dunes. Maximum elevation reached by these dunes is 17 m above sea level. This dune system is approximately Quaternary in age. Sri Lanka has only one major heavy-mineral sand deposit, Pulmoddai, a beach deposit located about 58 km north of Trincomalee (China Bay) and 400 km northeast of Colombo. It is owned by the Ceylon Mineral Sands Corp. (CMSC). Pulmoddai began production in 1961, although heavy-mineral concentrations at Pulmoddai have been known since the 1920's. The deposit covers an area of 3.2 km^ approximately 7.2 km long and 46 m wide. Ilmenite is the major economic mineral; however, rutile, zircon, and monazite are also present. Origin of these sands has not been firmly established, although the mountainous region at the center of Sri Lanka has been suggested. As an intermediate host of the heavy minerals, the younger Pleistocene and Recent rocks along the coast have been considered. Eroded material is transported by the Ma-Oya River to the Kokkilai lagoon north of Pulmoddai; from there it is carried southward by coastal drift and offshore currents to the Pulmoddai deposit area. A promontory at Arisi Malaa acts as a barrier to further southward development. Under appropriate conditions, monsoon storm waves attack the intermediary host rock and add additional material to the deposit. Drill-hole exploration of the deposit has yielded a consistant pattern of placer sands to a depth of 6 m, where Precambrian crystalline rocks are f-ncountered {88). Because of the confusing nature of pubhshed sources and confidentiality, Indian and Sri Lankan mineral sand resources are combined into a single number and not discussed on property-by-property basis. Demonstrated heavy-mineral sand tonnages are estimated at 552 million mt, with inferred resources of 455 million mt; total contained titanium is 40 and 44 million mt, respectively. Demonstrated resources contain ilmenite, 33.9 million mt, rutile, 5.1 million mt, and leucoxene, 0.6 miUion mt. Inferred tonnages are 41.6 million mt ilmenite and 2.1 million mt rutile. Resources in Southeast Asia Titanium resources in Southeast Asia were not included in this study because of the scarcity of data and the relatively minor impact of these resources on world titanium availability. The greatest potential for titanium resources in this region is from Malaysia where small-scale alluvial tin operations recover ilmenite and other heavy minerals; in aggregate they represent significant production. At these operations, ilmenite and many of the other heavy minerals are separated from the tin in the "amang" plants, using gravity and magnetic separation. Ilmenite concentrates range from 51 to 64.5 pet Ti02 {89). Many of the ilmenite concentrates prod"ced in Malaysia are sold to Japan. A synthetic rutile plant was built in 1976, but owing to market conditions, it has been inactive since 1980. Malaysia should continue to be a producer and net exporter of ilmenite concentrates so long as it is producing tin, although its exports of ilmenite will remain limited. The size of the resources of ilmenite in Malaysia is currently unknown and very difficult to quantify. Much of the ilmenite is stockpiled and never marketed. 41 A similar situation occurs in Thailand and Indonesia where ilmenite is also stockpiled as a byproduct from tin mining. These untreated resources of ilmenite, termed "amang" as in Malaysia, are currently unquantified. Ilmenite grades of treated amang have been reported to be over 53 pet TiOg (90). Titanium resources also are found in Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, New Guinea, and Japan. Most are small prospects of alluvial beach sands or are associated with tin mining as in Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. People's Republic of China Resources in the People's Republic of China are not included in this study. The most significant deposits of titanium are at Sai-Lao, Wuzhuang (Hainan Dao), Xun Jiang, Beihai, Guangxi, Panzhihua (Sichuan), and other deposits in Guangdong Province. All titanium mines and deposits are Government owned and, in most cases, operated by farmer collectives. Two producing titanium mines are located on Hainan Island off Guangdong Province (Sai-Lao and Wuzhuang). Mining has occurred on Hainan Island since the late 1950's The deposits are beach sands that have been concentrated along the coastline by wave action. The primary product produced at both these mines is ilmenite, although rutile, anatase, monazite, and zircon are also recovered. Resources for Sai-Lao have been estimated to be 203 million mt of sand (measured plus indicated) containing 1 pet Ti02 (as ilmenite). Total heavy-mineral content at Sai-Lao is approximately 2.5 pet. Wuzhuang is a larger deposit totalling 508 million mt of sand (measured plus indicated) but averaging only 0.3 pet Ti02 as ilmenite. The percent of heavy minerals at Wuzhaung is L5 pet. The mines that are producing titanium products in the Guangdong Province (mainland) are feeding five heavy- mineral processing plants (Dianbai, Haikang, Xiton, Yang- jiang, and Zhanjiang). The mines are producing from beach sands located along the coast that have been concentrated by wave action. These mines have been operating since at least the early 1960's. Ilmenite is the primary product from all of the mines, with monazite, rutile, and ziron also recovered. Demonstrated resources for the Guangdong Province operations are estimated to be 434 million mt with the Ti02 ilmenite grades averaging 1.1 pet. The total heavy-mineral content averages 1.5 pet. Ihnenite deposits of the Guangxi autonomous region are both river and beach sand deposits. Mines producing from these deposits feed a processing plant in the city of Beihai. Production of ilmenite began at Beihai in 1966, with small quantities of rutile, zircon, and monazite recovered in later years. In the late 1970's, a synthetic rutile plant was added to the operation for the purpose of producing welding rod coatings. Two-thirds of the heavy mineral concentrates feeding the Beihai plant originate in river sand rather than beach sand deposits. Indicated resources from the deposits feeding Beihai total 557 million mt of sand grading 0.7 pet Ti02 from the ilmenite. Approximately 1.5 pet heavy minerals are contained in the sand. A fairly high-grade explored ilmenite prospect in Guangxi is located along the Xun Jiang River. The deposit was discovered in the mid-1970's but has not yet been developed. Measured resources at this deposit have been estimated to be 66.7 million mt of sand containing 2.7 pet Ti02 from the ilmenite. The heavy-mineral content of 6 pet is high compared viath that of other deposits in Guangxi. A large vanadium titaniferous magnetite deposit, called Panzhihua, is located between the cities of Dukou and Xichang in Sichuan Province. Various products are recovered from this operation including ilmenite, nickel, and cobalt (which is presently stockpiled), a titanium slag (which is discarded because of its vanadium), and steel ingots. _The Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co. operates the processing plant, the blast furnace, and the steelmaking facilities. The operations at Panzhihua have been producing for many years, although the ilmenite concentrate has only been recovered since 1980. Proven (measured) resources at Panzhihua are just over 1 billion mt of ore, and as much as 5 billion mt of additional resources have been estimated at the indicated level. The ilmenite grade averages 9 pet. Some of the ilmenite resources are contained as tailings, which also average approximately 9 pet TiOg. AFRICA Deposits containing titanium minerals in Africa are known to exist in Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta), Egypt, the Gambia, the Ivory Coast, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Senegal, Sierra Leone, the Republic of South Africa, and Tanzania. Most of these deposits have not been extensively explored, have low tonnages and are too low grade to be of special interest. The two most important deposits, the only two African deposits evaluated in this study, are the Gbangbama area (also known as Mogbwemo) of Sierra Leone and the deposit at Richards Bay, Republic of South Africa. Sierra Leone Sierra Leone's heavy-mineral resources potential was estabhshed in 1954 with the discovery of rutile at Mogbwemo in the Sherbro River estuary of the Bonthe and Moyamba districts (fig. A-7), 100 km (400 km by road) from Freetown, Sierra Leone's capital city {91-92). Major production first occurred in 1967. Total area of the deposits is approximately 1,000 kml Mineral leases are held by Sierra Rutile Ltd., owned wholly by Nord Resources Corp. of Ohio. There are four separate deposits covering an area of 1,600 ha (called collectively in this report Mogbwemo), and the possibility exists that more deposits will be discovered. Principal deposits lie between the Gbangbama and Imperri Hills and in the coastal plain-tidal flats zone. Primary sources of the sediments containing the heavy minerals are the Precambrian garnetiferous gneisses and other metamorphic rocks and granite intrusions to the north and northeast. Deposits consist of layers of loosley consolidated interbedded sands and clays with occasional laterite cappings {91). Rutile is the only titanium mineral recovered, although ilmenite is present in recoverable amounts. Other heavy minerals are monazite, zircon, sillimanite, and staurolite. None of these are of sufficient quantities to be recoverable. Published resource tonnages of these deposits range from 110 to 187 million mt of sand averaging 1.5 pet to 2.0 pet rutile {72, 93-95). Republic of South Africa The Republic of South Africa has large resources of titaniferous ore in various types of deposits ranging from layered intrusions such as the Bushveld Igneous Complex, carbonatite deposits, and Kimberlite deposits to the numerous beach deposits, both fossil (located in the interior. 42 FREETOWN OCEAN LIBERIA LEGEND International boundary Provinical boundary % Capital ^ Mineral sand deposit 50 100 _J Figure A-7.— Location of Sierra Leone mineral sand deposit. such as the Waterberg and Karroo systems) and the more recent deposits along the east coast, Richards Bay (96). The most important heavy-mineral occurrences are located on the Republic of South Africa's east coast along a 965-km stretch between East London and the Mozambique border. Heavy-mineral concentrations, known to exist in this area since the 1920's, have an estimated total sand tonnage of about 2.3 billion mt, with heavy-mineral concentrations of 2 to 25 pet, averaging 9 pet. The east coast ilmenite deposits are of relatively low grade at 48 pet average TiOa content and 0.14 pet ehromite. Rutile on the east coast runs about 91 pet TiOa {96-97), although as much as 93.5 pet at Richards Bay. Origin of the heavy minerals has not been established with any consistency. Suggested sources are the Karroo dolerite and Sternberg basalt; however, the basalt contains more magnetite than ilmenite. The Richards Bay Minerals operation (fig. A-8) is located along a stretch of eastern coastline, primarily north of the port-town of Richards Bay. Deposits of mineral sands occur as a Pleistocene coastal dune system about 2 km wide and aligned roughly parallel to the coast. Dunes attain elevations of 180 m and rest on the Port Durnford beds, a raised fossil beach formed by constructive wave action and representing an old high-water mark. Estimated sand tonnage is 750 million mt at 6 pet ilmenite, 0.25 pet rutile, and 0.4 pet zircon, with some garnet and a trace of monazite. Production began in 1977 with the output of rutile and zircon; in 1978, ilmenite and titanium slag were also produced. South Africa's west coast dune deposits are unexploit- able owing to the poor quality of the ilmenite, deposit size and configuration, and their remoteness. MOZAMBIQUE-^ -^^^ S W A Z 1 L A N D^<:^7 AMAPUTA /r E P U B L I c m y^v^^ ^Richards Bay L E S T H 0^,X ^ J^ y\ y F VOurban / SOUTH / / y INDIAN OCEAh AFRICA y^ ^East London r—-^ LEGEND International boundary Capital City or town Mineral sand deposit 100 200 1 1 I Area of map Figure A-8.— Location of Republic of South Africa's Richards Bay mineral sand deposit. OCEANIA Australia Australia's heavy-mineral beach sand deposits first attracted interest owing to their gold content. Between 1870 and 1895, small-scale operations continued intermittently to recover this gold. Possibilities of commercial exploitation of the heavy-mineral sand deposits were recognized by D. H. Newland, who was commissioned in 1928 by Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Co.. of America (TAMCA), to report on the economic potential of these sands. Zircon-Rutile Ltd. began the first large-scale heavy-mineral sand mining operations in 1933-34, producing a mixed zircon-rutile-ilmenite concen- trate for overseas shipment and sale to TAMCA {98, p. 8; 99, p. 1; 100, p. 51). World War II, the Korean war, and interest in atomic energy increased demand for rutile, zircon, and monazite between 1939 and the early 1950's. Later work confirmed that the monazite content was insufficient for large-scale commercial exploitation. However, at the present time, some monazite is stockpiled for later processing to a 95-pct monazite concentrate for export markets. EstabHshment in 1954 of a commercial-scale metaUic titanium industry in the 43 United States and Europe continued the increased rutile demand and helped the rutile market become independent of wartime activity {98, p. 8). Much of Australia's heavy-mineral sand deposits are concentrated by wave action or by wind-sorting in both parallel and transgressive dunes. Wind-sorted heavy- mineral sand deposits generally do not compare in grade or size to wave concentrations. However, in some areas of extensive dune development, e.g., Fraser, Moreton, and North Stradbroke Islands, there are large quantities of low-grade heavy-mineral concentrations of economic import- ance. The interaction of tidal currents in protected waters is a third concentrating method. A large deposit of heavy- mineral sands exists on the southwest side of Moreton Island from the interaction of northern and southern tides. One dune deposit without any cover or interbedding of lower grade sand exists in a sheltered estuary area protected from waves and storm action. The concentration mechanism is not apparent but it does require a stable, long-continued concentrating condition. One mechanism is possibly the interaction of tidal currents and oblique waves resultant from east-southeast winds, which persist through most of the years, with constant accumulation over a lengthy period while the sea level gradually recedes {99, pp. 4-5). The occurrence of zircon and rutile of similar type and grain size over about 1,700 km of coastline from just north of Curtis Island to just south of Sydney indicates derivation from more than one localized source. Accumulations of ilmenite are considered to be more from local sources such as the Mesozoic and Permian sediments of the Clarence, Moreton, and Sydney Basins. The origin of Western Austrahan heavy-mineral sand deposits is beheved to be the Yilgarn Block, which supplied the sediments for the Pleistocene shorelines where these deposits occur. The source of Austraha's coastal heavy-mineral sands is thought by many in Australia to be pegmatite and quartz veins of the Precambrian shield {98, pp. 27-31; 99, p. 8; 100, p. 73; 101, pp. 21-23). East Coast Heavy mineral deposits on Australia's east coast occur along approximately 1,700 km of coastline, from the mouth of the Shoalhaven River, N.S.W., north to about Cape Clinton, Queensland. The 13 east coast deposits considered in this study are located between Sydney, N.S.W., and Curtis Island, Queensland, along nearly 1,400 km of coasthne (fig. A-9). Individual deposits range in size from 700 to 13,000 ha. Heavy-mineral concentrations commonly encountered are wave-concentrated deposits along present day beaches and/or in old strandlines. Wind-concentrated deposits are also present along the crests of beach and coastal dunes and the parallel and transgressive dune systems further inland from the shoreline. Estimated geologic age of these deposits has been placed at late Pliocene or early Pleistocene to Recent. Mineralogically, the four deposits of New South Wales (Evans Head, Munmorah, Tomago Sand Pits, and Yuraygir National Park) have a ratio of zircon-rutile to ilmenite of nearly 5.0 to 1.0, while the Queensland heavy-mineral deposits have a ratio of 0.54 to 1.0, a consequence of an increasing ilmenite content rather than a decreasing zircon-rutile content as the deposits go north. The ilmenite concentrate has a high chromite (Cr204) content, generally above 1.0 pet, and a low Ti02 content, 56 pet or less, which makes it useless for the production of pigment unless upgraded to synthetic rutile first. Curtis Island Gladstone^ Gladstone Mainland Agnes Waters CORAL SEA Fraser Island Moreton Island f North Stradbroke Island PACIFIC OCEAN Evans Head Yuraygir National Park TASMAN SEA Bridge Hill Ridge Stockton Bight LEGEND State boundary State capital City or town Mineral sand deposit 50 100 I I I Figure A-9.— Location of Australia's east coast mineral sand deposits. 44 Munmorah-Tomago Sand Pits Area Deposits in the Munmorah-Tomago Sand Pits area are located directly to the north and south of Newcastle, N.S.W. Rutile & Zircon Mines (Newcastle) Ltd. (RZ Mines) and Associated Minerals ConsoHdated Ltd. (AMC) own the Tomago Sand Pits Mine and the Munmorah deposit, respectively. Tomago Sand Pits was in production in 1982; Munmorah ceased operation owing to State mining bans enacted in 1977. These deposits are concentrations of windblown sand, redeposited by aeolian erosion of older dunes. Heavy minerals average less than 2.0 pet of the total sand through the area. Rutile and zircon are the major ore minerals, and ilmenite and monazite are also available. These minerals represent over 90 pet of the total heavy minerals. Published estimates of the Munmorah area are 578,000 mt of heavy minerals, averaging in terms of percent of the concentrate about 46.2 pet rutile, 22.7 pet zircon, 14.0 pet ilmenite, and 0.8 pet monazite (102-103). Mineral tonnages of the Tomago Sand Pits area were reported by RZ Mines in 1977 to be 640,000 mt of rutile and 670,000 mt of zircon (lOi). Evans Head-Yuraygir National Park Area The Evans Head-Yuraygir National Park area covers a coasthne distance of about 100 km, approximately 40 km north of the Clarence River (Evans Head area) to 60 km south of the Clarence River (Yuraygir National Park area). Heavy-mineral deposits are mostly beach strandhnes concentrated at the back beach line during storms. Age classification of deposits is Recent and currently forming. This area was first mined for gold and plantinum between 1890 and 1900, v^ith sporadic mining to the 1930's. Reported heavy-mineral content of this area is 130,000 mt •with grades, in terms of percent of the concentrates, of 30.7 pet rutile, 21.6 pet ilmenite, 30.8 pet zircon, and 46.1 pet monazite. Current owners of this area are the McGerary brothers and both the Federal and State governments. Most of this area along the coasthne is national park, and because of this, little production occurs {101, pp. 89-96). North Stradbroke Island North Stradbroke Island lies off the coast of Queens- land, Australia, separated from the mainland by Moreton Bay. The island is approximately 35 km long and is 8 km at its widest point. Two companies own mining leases on the island: Associated Minerals Consolidated Ltd. (AMC) and ConsoHdated Rutile Ltd. (CRL). Heavy-mineral deposits on the island occur as beach strandlines, both present and buried, coastal and parallel dunes, and high and transgres- sive dune systems. The current island ai'eas being mined are the old high-dune system of the eastern-central, central, and west coasts. These deposits are Pliocene to Pleistocene placer deposits formed by aeolian action. Large low grade heavy-mineral deposits are found to depths of over 30 m. In 1961, the average heavy-mineral grade was estimated to be 0.7 pet with a heavy- mineral composition, in terms of the percent of the concentrate, of ilmenite, 51 pet, rutile, 28 pet, zircon, 17 pet, and monazite, 0.12 pet (99, p. 16). More recent estimates of the heavy-mineral composition (102, p. 1062) are ilm.enite, 50.1 pet, rutile, 15.8 pet, zircon, 12.5 pet, and monazite, 0.2 pet. AMC does not publish its heavy- mineral resources separately, only as part of the total of all its operations. Heavy-mineral tonnages reported in the CRL 1981 annual report are 1.5 million mt of rutile and 1.4 million mt of zircon. Both companies are currently mining their heavy-mineral leases on this island. Moreton Island to Eraser Island This area includes Moreton and Eraser Islands, plus the intervening part of mainland Queensland, covering about 215 km of coastline. The four deposits considered in this study are both the Mineral Deposits Ltd. (MDL) and Murphyores Holdings Ltd. leases on Moreton Island, the Cooloola deposit owned by the State of Queensland and the Federal Government, and the Eraser Island leases owned by Murphyores and Dillingham Minerals. Moreton Island is situated about 60 km off the coast northeast of Brisbane, Queensland. It is approximately 40 km long and 9 km vdde at its vddest point. Four types of deposits exist on Moreton Island: (1) current beach deposits, (2) foredune and low-dune deposits near the beach, (3) high-dune areas, formed by the reworking of older dunes that existed at a higher sea level, and (4) some offshore and swamp areas. MDL lease holdings are mostly the high-dune areas of the island. Estimated heavy-mineral tonnage is about 3.6 million mt in 421.8 miUion mt of sand. Composition of the heavy mineral, in terms of the percent of the concentrate, is 42.8 pet ilmenite, 26.9 pet rutile, 16.6 pet zircon, and monazite (although no grade was reported) (105). Murphyores does not publish its lease holdings' sand and mineral tonnage. At the present time, neither owner is operating its leases. The Cooloola deposit, located on the Queensland mainland in Cooloola National Park, stretches along 20 km of coastline. Deposits consist of beach concentrations, northwest-trending transgressive dunes, and frontal paral- lel dunes backing the beach areas. Windblown dune coneentations occur on the crest of dunes to depths of 24 m. Here, as in other east coast deposits, rutile and zircon are the major economic minerals, about 18 pet to 20 pet, respectively, of the heavy-mineral fraction. However, ilmenite dominates the heavy-mineral fraction with a 59-pct average. Some monazite is also present at nearly 0.9 pet. No recent tonnage estimates have been published for this area. Since 1974, when the area was placed in the Australian national park system, all mining has been banned. Eraser Island is located off the coastline of Queensland approximately 12 km east of Mary Borough. The island is about 122 km long and from 5 to 25 km wide. About 16,300 ha of land (10 pet of the total island area) was held as mineral leases in 1976 (106, p. 4). Deposits are largely high transgressive dunes and other areas similar to those at Cooloola. Murphyores and Dillingham Minerals jointly hold leases to the major mineralized areas, although mining is presently banned at Eraser Island because of environmental restriction by the Government. Most of the leases are located along the 123 km of eastern coastline, while some are on the south and west of the island. Estimated tonnages of these holding have not been published by the owners. Tonnage estimates in 1961 were about 1.0 million mt of heavy minerals along the east coast of the island. Composition of this estimate was 60 pet ilmenite and 16 pet each of i-utile and zircon (99, p. 22-23). Agnes Waters — Gladstone — Curtis Island Three deposits, Agnes Waters, Gladstone, and Curtis Island are located along Queensland's central coastal section between Bundaberg to just north of Gladstone, about 150 km of coastline. The Agnes Waters deposit is located about 45 128 km north of Bundaberg near the small town of Agnes Waters. MDL holds the lease applications to 1,300 ha of land. This deposit comprises three generations of dune formation ranging from Pleistocene to Recent. Aeolian action and eustatic variations are the mechanisms of concentration. Rutile and zircon are the major ore minerals, with ilmenite and monazite as secondary minerals. A total of 2.7 million mt of heavy minerals with an estimated content, in terms of the percent in the concentrate, of 60 pet ilmenite, 10 pet rutile, and about 15 pet zircon, is present in 217.8 million mt of sand {107, p. 5). Extensive exploration and feasibility studies have been carried out; however, no development has taken place. The Gladstone Mainland deposit is actually a number of deposits located from 15 to 60 km southeast of Gladstone. Mineral leases held by Murphy ores total 3,331 ha {108). Both aeolian and wave action have formed the heavy-mineral concentrations of this deposit. These concentrations are found in low parallel dunes near the coast and on the beaches adjoining the low dunes. Values of the Gladstone area's heavy-mineral concentrations, in terms of the percent in the concentrate, are 65 pet ilmenite, 5 pet rutile (some places up to 10 pet), zircon averaging 16 pet, with monazite variable up to 0.2 pet. Total heavy-mineral tonnage is estimated at 2.6 million mt. Heavy-mineral content of the sand is 4.3 pet {109, pp. 17-18). Extensive reconnaissance driUing has been done throughout the area by Murphyores and other companies; however, no development has taken place. The Curtis Island deposit is located near the Capricorn Peninsula on Curtis Island, approximately 40 km north of Gladstone. Approximately 300 km' of coastal dunes (2,726 ha) are covered by the deposit. Murphyores holds the mineral leases for the deposit. Concentrations of heavy minerals are found on the beaches and the northwest- trending parabolic dune system. The most recent heavy- mineral tonnage estimate (1968) is 705,000 mt containing concentrate with 78 pet ilmenite, 6 pet rutile, and 13 pet zircon. This represents only part of the Curtis Island tonnage {109, p. 18). Again, extensive reconnaissance drilling has been carried out although no development ha'^ taken place. West Coast Since 1956, the State of Western Australia has been a major ilmenite producer. Discovery and development of new deposits in the late 1960's to mid-1970's has continued this trend {100, pp. 61). Titanium deposits of Western Australia (fig. A-10) are located on the Swan Coastal Plain from Busselton north to Eneabba (1,300 km) and on the Scott Coastal Plain, 160 km south of Busselton. The majority of these deposits are found within 400 km north and south of Perth, W. A. , with the best ilmenite deposits occurring between Busselton and Bun- bury. West coast heavy-mineral deposits were formed under conditions and mechanisms similar to those that formed the east coast deposits, and the west coast deposits occur within 2 or 3 km of the present coasthne at or near sea level, or up to 70 km inland, as much as 130 m above sea level. Concentrations of heavy minerals are found in "fossil" shorelines as buried strandlines and dune systems deposited in wave-cut platforms in the underlying Mesozoic basement rock, formed as a result of sea regression and coastline uplift during the Pleistocene epoch. A total of 850 million mt of sand at 9.6 pet heavy minerals has been estimated for this area. Ilmenite is the principal economic ore mineral estimated for the west coast. Two types of ilmenite are \ Adamson (Eneabba and Allied Eneabba) Jurien Bay Cooljarloo INDIAN OCEAN WW lAustrallnd Bunbur^^ Cable Sands, North CapeL CapalJ^Yoganup Ssstt il^ir "-■^-.s-i' LEGEND State capital City or town IVIinerai sand deposit 50 100 Scale, km Figure A-10.— Location of Australia's west coast mineral sand deposits. present, "altered ilmenite" at 65 to 85 pet Ti02, which is suitable for pigment production via the chlorination process, and "pure ilmenite" at 52 to 54 pet Ti02, which can be upgraded to synthetic rutile or can be used for pigment production via the sulfate process. Leucoxene, rutile, zircon, and monazite are of secondary importance (100, pp. 65-77; no, pp. 18-19; 111, p. 419; 112, p. 627). An estimated total sand tonnage of 600 million mt averaging 10 pet heavy minerals from 14 deposits on the west coast was evaluated in this report. The heavy-mineral content, in terms of the percent of the concentrate, is 54 pet ilmenite, 14 pet zircon, 5.1 pet rutile, 4.4 pet leucoxene, and 0.4 pet monazite. The remainder includes other miscel- laneous heavy minerals. The most important ilmenite heavy-mineral area is located south of Perth (400 km), between Bunbury and Busselton. The deposits of Australind, Capel (north and south areas), and the Yoganup area (three deposits) are part of three "fossil" shorelines associated with the Whicher Escarpment. These deposits are lenticular in shape and occur in sequential units of conglomerate heavy-mineral sands and sandy silts and clays. They are found at the surface to a depth of 15 m, with an average ore zone thickness of 5 m. Total estimated sand tonnage is 162 million mt at 14.2 pet heavy minerals. The heavy-mineral fraction content, in terms of the percent of the concentrate, is ilmenite, 30 pet, zircon, 6.5 pet, leucoxene, 5.0 pet, rutile 0.5 pet, and monazite, 0.4 pet. Australind, owned by Associated Minerals Consohdated Ltd. (AMC), is undeveloped while the others are producing. Their owners are also AMC, as well as Westralian Sands Ltd. Another major west coast heavy-mineral area, discov- ered in the late 1960's to mid-1970's, extends for 400 km north of Perth along the Gingin Scarp located approximately 70 km inland on the Swan Coastal Plain between the cities of Perth and Eneabba. These deposits are also associated with ancient shorelines 25 to 130 m above sea level and are a mixture of buried strandlines and dune systems formed during the Pleistocene epoch. Heavy-mineral concentrations occur within the same sequence of conglomerate and sandy silt and clay. Ilmenite is still the dominant titanium mineral at 50 pet of the heavy-mineral fraction. The remaining heavy-mineral fraction, in terms of the percent of the concentrate, is zircon, 20 pet, rutile, 8.5 pet, leucoxene, 4.2 pet, and monazite, 0.5 pet. Depth and thickness of these concentrations are similar to those in the Busselton- Bunbury area. Estimated total demonstrated sand at these six deposits [Cataby, Eneabba area two, Gingin, Jurien Bay and Cooljarloo] is 393 million mt containing 36 million mt of heavy minerals. The Eneabba deposit is one of the most important rutile mines in the world. Production began there in 1974, and identified resources account for nearly 100 million mt of heavy minerals. Deposit owners are Metals Exploration Ltd. and Alliance Minerals NL (Cataby), Associated Minerals Con- solidated Ltd. (Eneabba), Allied Eneabba Pty. Ltd. (Allied Eneabba), Lennard Oil NL and Westralian Sands Ltd., (Gingin), Western Mining Corp. Holdings Ltd. (Jurien Bay area). Only the two Eneabba deposits are producing (100, pp. 72-73). The Scott Coastal Plain, 160 km south of Busselton, is the newest area of heavy-mineral sand exploration and discovery in Western Australia. The Scott River deposit is located in the northwest corner of the coastal plain about 7 to 10 km inland. It was discovered in the mid-1970's. As in other west coast mineral sand areas, this deposit is also associated with former shorelines; however, the deposit suggests shore and backshore areas of former lake and river deposits rather than a coastal beach deposit. The ore zone is 9 m thick, with about 4 m of overburden. Leucoxene, rutile, and zircon together make up 20 pet of the heavy-mineral fraction, while ilmenite is 60 pet of the fraction. No reported tonnage was published for the deposit; however, a total tonnage of 10 million mt of heavy minerals at 10 pet for the total area is estimated to include the Scott Coastal Plain, Bremer Basin, and the Leeuwin Block. Ownership of the deposit area has probably reverted back to the State. A joint exploration project by Union Oil Co. and Samedan Australia Pty. Ltd. failed to find significant heavy-mineral content. Barrambie (not shown on figure A- 10), a hard-rock titanium, vanadium, and iron occurrence in Western Australia, was included in this study because of its potential as Australia's largest hard-rock titanium deposit even though no mine presently producing slag in the world has as low a grade of Ti02. The deposit is owned by Ferrovanadium Corp. N.L. and is located approximately 420 km inland from Geraldton. Initial exploration began in 1968 with geological mapping, geophysical surveying, and percussion and di- amond drilling detailing the mineralization. The vanadifer- ous titanomagnetite deposit occurs within an Archean anorthositic gabbro complex approximately 20 km long and 400 m wide. Drilling has indicated mineralization to a depth of 50 m. The deposit was first discovered in 1960 by H. J. Ward during aerial reconnaissance of the Murchison Goldfield. Gold has been produced from the deposit at various times. Total indicated tonnage of 27 million mt at 26 pet Fe, 15 pet Ti02, 0.7 pet V2O5 was estimated based on the exploration. Another 415 million mt at the inferred resource level was also estimated, but no grades were established. Development plans call for open pit mining and production of titanium slag, low-manganese iron and flake vanadium pentoxide. The deposit is undeveloped and is undergoing feasibility and technical processing studies {113). New Zealand New Zealand's titanium-bearing sands occur on both the North and South Islands. Those on the North Island are associated with the Waikato River at Murina and Munukau Heads. South Island deposits are found on the west coast between Jackson Bay and Karamea; the most promising area lies between Barrytown and Westport. The South Island deposits contain the only significant ilmenite deposits in New Zealand. A churn driUing program begun in the late 1960's found sufficient quantities and grades of heavy minerals plus gold, seheelite, and cassiterite to indicate a viable deposit. The heavy-mineral concentrations are beach deposits formed by wave and wind action. Deposits occurring along the coastline from sea level to 20 m above sea level have overburden and deposit thickness averaging 1.4 and 5.2 m, respectively. Ilmenite is the titanium mineral of importance, at 4 pet of the total sand tonnage. Other minerals are rutile (0.1 pet), zircon (0.35 pet), monazite (0.001 pet), and gold (0.06 g/mt), along with seheelite and cassiterite. The ilmenite, however, is low in Ti02 (47 pet) and must be upgraded to synthetic rutile or the sulfate process must be used for pigment production. Total sand tonnage of the area is estimated at 1.0 million mt (llA, p. 16). Fletcher-Challenge Ltd. at one time had an interest in this property although no development was ever under- taken. If land for mining is ever developed, it would have to be bought or leased from various farmers, who use some of the area for grazing land. 47 APPENDIX B.—TITANIUM DIOXIDE PIGMENT Under current technology, the two processes for producing Ti02 pigment are the chloride process and the sulfate process. The two major factors that influerice which process is selected are (1) the availability of the raw materials (ilmenite or titanium slag for the sulfate process; rutile, synthetic rutile, titanium slag, or leucoxene for the chloride process and (2) environmental concerns related to soHd and hquid waste disposal (this problem is less severe for the chloride process than for the sulfate process). However, the diminishing supply of rutile resources is a concern to producers using the chloride process. A description of each process is given below. of water or weak sulfuric acid. This solution is passed over scrap iron to convert all ferric sulfate [Fe3(S04)2] to ferrous sulfate (FeS04) if ilmenite was the feed material. The resultant solution is clarified by filtration. The clarified solution is then cooled to 10° C in vacuum crystahzers where about 50 pet of the ferrous sulfate precipitates out as copperas. After further concentration and filtration, the hquor containing soluble titanyl sulfate [Ti(S04)2] is hydrolyzed by injection of steam. By careful seeding techniques, either an anatase-grade or rutile-grade titanium pigment may be produced. Typical titanium recoveries range from 80 pet to 85 pet Ti02, depending on the Ti02 content of the feed material (115). CHLORIDE PROCESS The chloride process was introduced commercially in 1956 by Du Pont. This process primarily utihzes as material feed stock, rutile, synthetic rutile, or other high-grade Ti02 sources. The one exception is Du Font's special patented process which uses a mixture of rutile, leucoxene, and ilmenite, ranging from 63 to 80 pet Ti02. For the chloride process, materials are chlorinated at 850° to 950° C in a fluid-bed reactor in the presence of oxygen and a carbon source. The products are titanium tetrachloride (TiCU) and other titanium and iron chlorides. The TiCU is separated and purified by fractional distillation. The product is then oxidized with air or oxygen, yielding Ti02. Typical recovery for the chloride process, depending on the Ti02 content of the feed material, is 90 pet (115). This process is now able to produce both anatase-grade and rutile-grade Ti02 pigments, although the anatase grade is usually a mixture of anatase and rutile (70/30). SULFATE PROCESS The majority of world Ti02 pigment plants use the sulfate process. Their raw materials are ilmenite or titanium slag from ilmenite. In a typical sulfate process, feedstock is ground to minus 200 mesh, then leached with concentrated sulfuric acid, agitated with air, and heated to 110° C by steam in a batch reaction tank. The reaction requires an acid-to-ilmenite ratio of 1.3 to 0.8, with the ilmenite added over a period of from 15 to 30 min. A soHd mass of soluble titanium and iron sulfate and insoluble compounds is produced. The soluble sulfates are dissolved by the addition TITANIUM PIGMENT PLANT COSTS Table B-1 gives the capacity, capital, and operating cost of typical titanium pigment production for both the chloride and sulfate processes in various parts of the world (116). These costs include construction of all necessary facilities and infrastructure to initiate production and to produce a commercially marketable pigment product. Labor, energy, and material costs are also included. In some cases, as in Japan, the costs of pollution control equipment are included; these costs can add from $90/mt to $120/mt to the cost of titanium pigment production. Table B-1.— Typical capital and operating costs of titanium dioxide pigment plants by region, January 1981 dollars (116) Capacity, Capital °PT$!mt Region and plant type 10' mt/yr cost, concentrate TiO, pigment 10^ ^°"S Australia: Chloride 33,000 63,000 1,p38.6 Sulfate 33,000 58,125 911.9 50,000 74,600 710,7 Japan; Sulfate 33,000 88,300 '873.4 50,000 120,000 '632.1 Spain: Sulfate 25,000 65,000 '509 2 50,000 100,000 '487.9 United States: Chloride ^ggooo 143,832 ^B^^.7 Sulfate ^66,250 NA ^755.3 NA Not available. 'Costs do not include cost of feed material or depreciation or return on investment. ^Costs are averaged based on available data. APPENDIX C— TITANIUM SPONGE AND METAL PRODUCTION There are two processes for the production of titanium sponge: the Kroll and Hunter processes. Both involve the use of magnesium or sodium to reduce TiC^. The Kroll process, using magnesium, is the most widely used. The reaction takes place in a sealed, pressurized vessel, previously purged with argon or helium, from which a mass of titanium metal and soluble magnesium chloride (MgCl2) are produced. This mass is removed from the reaction vessel by a special boring machine and washed to dissolve the MgCl2. The MgCl2 is sent to electrolytic cells that separate it into chlorine and magnesium metal, which are both recycled. The chlorine can be used in the chlorination of the titanium feed material, if necessary, and the magnesium metal is used in the reduction reaction. ine production of titanium sponge is only an intermedi- ate process to the final production of the metal form. Special techniques such as double arc melting, electrolytics, or the iodide process are used to produce the metal. Estimated capital costs for titanium sponge plants range from $10,000 to $18,000 per annual ton of sponge produced. One total capital cost estimate is $138 million for a 7,000-mt/yr plant, with an operating cost of $5.49/lb of sponge (1982 U.S. dollars) (ii 7). i^U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICf 1986- tf98'--733-if2it30 ]\ 153 8b ^* ,^0 xO-?-^, %, 0^ sL-^'. ^> ./v 'oK - -^oi^ 'T * 4 O ;-.'^«,. .,«^ I-*- .c:,^^ -t. . ^^ V \' <.^^ v^» g" ' — * '• t^ A^ ^>^Va:^ ■'^^. .c'?^'^ ^ "j^-:.^ '» 0.^-^ * -^^ '^^ '^^ % &'°- /...v- ^^ ■** ,^^"- V ^ "^o. r/ **'% %• .*^"*. •: - '■^^s'^ ." .'^^'*. ".-^ ^ t >o ./\^^:^v\. ./.-s^^-^ ./' ,/\,. ° .^^ 40, /1^ o rv. llNUtHY INU. ^ ^v JUN 86 Bfei^ N. MANCHI N. MANCHESTER, INDIANA 46962