.0^ V-. %,# --^i^f^:". x/ ;;^\ \^^^ •• O 0^ * ^ o ' . . s * . ^ V- V '^'o ^o :) • o <^. .0 * » • • ' <> •1, c V^ * « « O ' O,^ o o -0 % * • * ' "O- . '-4 V* % «'' ^*^ O N '> f-j >P-r.. \ < • * ■« -/ « ^^ ^^ .0^ c 'o . A o <5>- * o M o >' > o> > '^ f I M m -I « o o u ^ V \i. - « O OS u u u lA ■?■ r^ S c w .S t/! ;;:; < ;3 K O S W (Eastman. '/.ft j c,n I AUTHOR'S PREFACE EaHy in 1894 the compiler became interested in the his- tory of his own ancestry and commenced making inquiries in regard to it. During the progress of his researches there was awakened in him a desire for more extended information, and he was encouraged to continue his efforts until he had accumulated sufficient material to warrant him in publishing a " Genealogy of the Rix Family and Collateral." From the experience thus gained he had acquired such a fondness for genealogical research that it became to him an almost irresistible fascination, and in consequence he was impelled to continue the pursuit in the collateral branches of the family. He was especially prompted to do this from the recollections of his dear old grandmother, and the many good things received from her in his childhood ; her constant solicitude for the happiness of others, which led her to min- ister to their necessities ; and her abiding faith in the Divine Master, all tending to make the desire greater to honor her memory, and to ascertain from whom her noble qualities were inherited, and also to perpetuate the same in some permanent form by publishing the history of her ancestry. Mistakes will undoubtedly be found in the volume, but they exist, not for want of painstaking efforts to avoid them, but generally from imperfect manuscripts and contradictory statements sent by members of the same family. Many persons would be surprised to see the errors in their own' letters, which are frequently the result, not of ignorance, but of carelessness. What is worth recording at all is worth recording carefully and correctly. I should esteem it a favor when mistakes are discovered to have the corrections sent to me. 4 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. The method of this work is that which is recommended by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, in an important sense the foster-mother of almost every New England genealogy. The author is under obligations to all who have furnished records, who are many, but he feels under especial obliga- tions to Mr. Sumner Kimball, of Lovell, Me. ; Mr. Enos Eastman, of Plymouth, Wis. ; Miss Mildred Eastman, of Kearsarge, N. H. ; and to Mr. George P. Eastman, of Mil- bury, Mass., who turned over to him all the old records gathered by his grandfather, Rev. Lucius Eastman, who spent years on the work, and who published a pamphlet of about ten pages of the first four generations of the family. The abbreviations used in this work are but few and will be readily understood. The marginal numbers indicate that a further record is given, which will be found further along in the book. It is the earnest hope of the author that the result of his labors may impart to others the same gratification it has afforded him in its preparation, and he will be pleased to -receive any additional material, which will be carefully pre- served and deposited with the New Hampshire Historical Society, at Concord, N. H., where future genealogists of the family can obtain it, should it be thought advisable years hence to publish another edition. GUY S. RIX. Concord, N. H. INTRODUCTION. Genealogy has been defined as " an account or history of the descent of a person or family from an ancestor ; the enumeration of ancestors and their children in natural order of succession." But it is sometimes asked, "Of what use is it .^ " The question might with almost equal propriety be asked con- cerning the kindred sciences of history and biography, for if there is utility in preserving a record of events, or of the life and character of individuals, then science which embraces, as it is now understood and practiced, in a considerable degree both these features, must also be interesting and profitable. Our ancestors, the early founders of New England, were a reverent, conscientious and industrious people, and a consider- ation of their lives, their hardships and their achievements, cannot fail of proving salutary. It is both a natural and honorable ambition on the part of any man to have his gene- alogy traced, but unfortunately there are some who cannot see the necessity or desirableness of having their pedigrees ascertained, or of preserving any papers or documents bear- ing upon them, that they may have their descent defined and arranged in authentic genealogical order. Most people appear content with mere traditionary details of their lineage, without being at the pains to authenticate them by reference to proper records or regular genealogical authorities. And to show the apathy some have, the author will state that he has repeatedly sent self-addressed stamped envelopes for information, and to this day no reply has been received. But he will say in addition, and to their credit, that the Eastmans, as a general thing, have taken' a good deal of interest in the work. 6 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. There is a satisfaction to most persons in being able to trace their lineage to remote ancestors ; in knowing where they lived, and what scenes and hardships, prosperity and adversity, they passed through, and in recollecting what ben- efits they conferred on their posterity. As nothing is certainly known of Roger Eastman pre- vious to his emigrating to this country, his settling at Salis- bury seems a suitable epoch from which to commence an account of his family and descendants. Roger Eastman and the first settlers in Salisbury and adjoining towns were Puritans, and under the tyranny of the Tudors and Stuarts, many left their native country to enjoy civil and religious liberty. They did not come here to accumulate property, to live in ease and splendor, or acquire fame. They had vastly higher and holier views and aims, to obey God and prepare themselves for heaven. These sons of the forest had sound hearts, firm in their resolutions, and persevering effort. Their faith in God never failed. They kept constantly in view the grand design of their coming to this wilderness. To the Puritans are we indebted for our civil liberty and free institutions, as well as for our religious privileges. It might under other circumstances seem unbecoming in us to speak of the virtues of the descendants of our ances- tors, but in a history of the family it would seem strange if we did not find some who rose to eminence. We find more of the name who were college graduates than any other. Many have been ministers, lawyers, members of congress and many have held other public positions. Many have been mechanics, inventors and farmers. HISTORY AND GENEALOGY OF THB Eastman Family in America. The farthest back found of the Eastmans is of John East- man, of Romsey, county Southampton, will dated September 24, 1602, proved October 22, 1602, to be buried in church of Romsey : To son Roger Eastman all lands whatsoever in default to son John, also to Roger, 100 niarksat 14, to be paid by my father Roger Eastman, to my son John 50 pounds at 14, to daughter Elizabeth and Margaret when 21 or married 40 pounds each. Ditto to child my wife now goith with, to servant Elizabeth Head 5 pounds. Residuary legate and executrix, wife Anne ; overseers, Roger Eastman, Michael Mackeall and Mathew Mundsy. Witness : Walter Godfrey. Giles Newe. Thomas Stote. The first one of the name in America was Roger Eastman', born in Wales, England, in 161 1, and died in Salisbury, Mass/, December 16, 1694 ; married Sarah Smith (.?), born in 162 1, and died in Salisbury, Mass., March 11, 1697. They were both members of the church in Salisbury in 1694. 8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Roger Eastman came from Langford, county of Wilts, and sailed from Southampton in April, 1638, in the ship Confi- dence, John Jobson, master, bound for Massachusetts Bay Colony. On the ship's papers he was entered as a servant of John Saunders. It is believed that on account of the emigration laws, or for political reasons, his real rank was higher than appears. Many traditions have been handed down, but it is believed that Roger Eastman was the sole ancestor of all the East- mans in this country. The name has been, in some cases, spelled " Easman," even by members of the same family. No record of his marriage has been found or of his wife's full name, and it is only by tradition that we suppose it to be " Smith." Roger Eastman received lands in the first divi- sion in Salisbury, in 1640-3. His minister's tax in 1650 was 8s. 3d. From Salisbury the tribe dispersed, but the major part settled in the southern towns of New Hampshire and the northern towns of Massachusetts. The third generation, however, settled farther north, fol- lowing up the Merrimack river, while others settled further south in Massachusetts and Connecticut and others in Maine. From these places they scattered over the United States and Canada. CHILDREN. i. John2, b. Jan. 9, 1640. XathanieP, b. March 18, 1643. Philip-, b. Oct. 20, 1644. Thomas^, b. Sept. 11, 1646. Tiniothy2, b. Sept. 29, 1648. Joseph^, b. Nov. 8, 1650. Benjamiu2, b. Dec. 12, 1652. .Sarah2, b. July 25, 1655. SamueP, b. Sept. 20, 1657. Ruth2, b. Jan. 21, 1661. 2. i. 3. ii. 4. iii. 5. iv. 6. V. 7. vi. 8. vii. 9. viii. 10. ix. 11. X. 1. 12. ii. 13. iii. 14. iv. V JOHN EASTMAN% OF SALISBURV, MASS. 9 2. John Eastman^ (Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 9, 1640; died there March 25, 1720; married ist, Oct. 27, 1665, Hannah HeiHe ; 2d, Nov. 5, 1670, Mary Boynton, born in Rowley, Mass., May 23, 1648, daughter of William Boynton, of Rowley, Mass. Mr. Boynton was a school teacher for many years, also a tailor and planter ; owned lands in various parts of Essex county. He gave a farm to each of his children, seven in number. Mr. Eastman took the oath of allegiance in 1677, and was made freeman in 1690. He represented Salisbury in the general court at Boston in 1 69 1. CHILDREN. Hannahs, b. Nov. 23, 1673 ; d. Dec. ]i}, 1673. Johns, b. Aug. 2-4, 1675. Zachariahs, b. Aug. 2-1, 1679. Rogei-s, b. Feb. 26, 1682. Elizabeths, b. Sept. 26, 1685 ; ui. 1st, April, 1705, George Brown ; 2d, Dec. 10, 1713, Thomas Fellows. vi. Thomass, b. Feb. 14, 1688 ; d. Aug. 27, 1691. 15. vii. Thorn as3, b. 1691. -< 16. viii. Josephs, b. June 23, 1692. 3. Nathaniel Eastman- (Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., March 18, 1643 ! ^^^^^ Nov. 30, 1709 ; married April 30, 1672, Elizabeth Hudson, daughter of Jared Hudson. She died June 10, 17 16. He lived in Salisbury, where he took the oath of allegiance in 1678, and was made freeman in 1690. He was admitted to the church in Salisbury in 1698, and his wife in 1687. He was a cooper by trade. His will was admitted to probate in 17 10. CHILDREiX. i. Marahs, b. ; admitted to the church in Salisbury Aug. 13, 1693 ; m. Samuel Joy. 17. ii. Hannahs, b. Nov. 11, 1674. 18. iii. Jemimas, b. Aug. 25, 1677. 19. iv. Nathaniels, b. March 3, 1679. V. LydiaS, b. 1683 ; m. Sept. 28, 1701, Ephraim Brown, vi. MaryS, b. March 29, 1680; m, Philip Eastman, son of Philip2. lO EASTMAN FAMILY IN AMERICA. 4. Philip Eastman^ (Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 20, 1644 ; married ist, a woman whose name is unknown, by whom he had one. daughter. He married 2d, Aug. 22, 1678, Mary Morse, born Sept. 22, 1645, widow of Anthony Morse and daughter of Thomas Barnard and Elenor, his wife, both of Newburyport, Mass. He married 3d, Mar- garet . Mr. Eastman first lived in Haverhill, Mass., but his house being burned by the Indians, March 15, 1697, and some of his family captured and others dispersed, and himself captured at same time, he finally, after his escape soon after, concluded to settle in Connecticut, where his son Philip had preceded him. A full record of his family has never been found. On the town record of Woodstock, Conn., where he settled, mention is made of Philip Eastman as being represented by his heirs in the distribution of lands as laid out among the pro- prietors in 171 5 ; mention is also made of his buying a piece of land in Ashford, a town adjoining Woodstock. Mr. East- man was a soldier in King Philip's war. He died before 1714. CHILDREN. 20. i. Susannah^, b. in Haverhill, Mass., 1073 ; 111. 1st, Thomas Wood, who was killed by Indians, March 1.5, 1697 ; m. 2d, John Swan, and moved to Conn. She was twice cap- tured by Indians. She died Dec, 1772, in her 100th year. 21. ii. Hannah^, b. in Haverhill, JMass., Nov. 5, 1679. 22. ill. Ebenezers, b. Jan. 10. 1681. 23. iv. Philips, b. ^ng. 18, 1684. V. Abigail, b. 1689 ; m. John Morse. 5. Thomas Eastman' (Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. II, 1646 ; killed by Indians in Haverhill, Mass., April 29, 1688 ; married Jan. 20, 1679, in Haverhill, Deborah Corlis, born in Haverhill, Mass., June 6, 1655, daughter of George and Joannah (Davis) Corlis. After her husband's death she married 2d, June 29, 1691, Thomas Kingsley. Mr. Eastman TIMOTHY EASTMAN-, OF SALISBURY, MASS. II lived in Haverhill previous to 1675. He took the oath of allegiance in 1675. His estate was administered upon in 1688, and his brother John was appointed guardian of his only son, Jonathan, and of his mother, Deborah, who was then in captivity. Thomas Eastman was a soldier in King Philip's war in 1675-6. Mary Corlis, Deborah's oldest sister, married William Neff, Jan. 23, 1665, who went after the army, and died in Rhode Island in February, 1688-9. Mary was taken prisoner with Hannah Dustin, March 15, 1697, and shared in her trials. Mrs. Neff had been a widow nine years at the time of her capture, and remained so till her death, which occurred Oct. 22, 1722. CHILDREN. 24. i. Jonathan^, b. in Haverhill, Mass., Jan. 8, 1680. ii. Sarah^ b. June 9, 1GS3 ; killed by Indians March 15, 1697, in the Dustin massacre, iii. Joannah^, b. (twin) ; d. August 17, 1684. iv. Joannah, 2d^, b. May "27, 16S6 ; d. young. All from Haverhill, Mass., records. 6. Timothy Eastman- (Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 29, 164S ; died in Hadley, Mass., April i, 1733 ; married in Sufifield, Conn., Lydia Markham, daughter of William Markham. Mr. Eastman first lived in Suffield, Conn., and in 1685 removed to Hadley, Mass., where he died. CHILDREN. i. Williams, b. in Suffield, Conn., April 9 or 19, 1684 ; 3. April 22, 1705. ii. Lydia^, b. in Hadley, Mass., May 2, 1691 ; d. Oct. 5, 1746, unm. 25. iii. Sarahs, b. in Hadley, Mass., Oct. 11, 1694. 26. iv. Timothys, b. in Hadley, Mass., Jan. 10, 1697 ; d. March 25, 1733. ^2 EASTMAN FAMILY IN AMERICA. 7. Joseph Eastman^ (Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Nov. 8, 1650 ; died April 4, 1692 ; married Mary Tilton, born Feb. 8, 1649. ^he was the daughter of Hon. Peter Tilton, of Hadley, Mass. After Joseph's death his widow married Joseph Guernsey, with whom it is said she quarrelled. They , removed to New Jersey. It is very likely she took her children with her. Joseph settled in Hadley, and probably did so on his marriage. There is a record of a Joseph East- man, who was a soldier in King Philip's war, and as no other Joseph Eastman was old enough to be a soldier in that war, this Joseph must be the one. CHILDREN. 27. i. Joseph^, b. Aug. 2, 1683 ; d. Sept. 29, 1769. ii. Mary3, b. Dec. 11, 1684 ; d. April 10, 1685. 28. iii. Peter3, b. Jan. 20, 1686, 8. Benjamin Eastman^ (Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Dec. 12, 1652 ; died prior to March 4, 1728. He married 1st, April 5, 1678, Anne Pitts, widow of Samuel Joy; she died Dec. 13, 1698. He married 2d, April 4, 1699, Naomi Flanders ; she died July 24, 17 18. He married 3d, Oct. 5, 1 7 19, Sarah, widow of Samuel Carter and of Ephraim Brown. This marriage was her third as tVell as Mr. Eastman's. He took the oath of allegiance in December, 1677 ; made free- man in 1690; admitted "to the church in Salisbury July 3, 168 1, and his wife, Anne, June 16, 1695. His will was dated Aug. 13, 1725, in which he speaks of "my first wife," and again of "my second wife" and "the estate she brought me." His will was admitted to probate March 4, 1728. He was a tanner by trade. CHILDREN. 29. i. Benjamins, b. in Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 8, 1678-9 ; bapt. Sept. 18, 1687. 30. ii. Edmund^, b. Jan. 20, 1680 ; bapt. Sept. IS, 1687. SARAH EASTMAN'-, OF SALISBURY, MASS. I J iii. Jeremiahs, b. Feb. 18, 1682 ; bapt. Sept. 18, 1687 ; d. 1733. Graduated from Harvard College in 1703; traveled abroad, iv. Joseph^ b. March 29, 1685; d. young. 31. V. Joseph, 2d3, b. July 17, 1700; bapt. Sept. 1, 1700. 9. Sarah Eastman- (Roger"), born in Salisbury, Mass.,. July 25, 1655 ; died Dec. r, 1745 ; married ist, June 13, 1678, Joseph French ; 2d, August 4, 1684, Solomon Sheppard. CHILDREN BY FIRST HUSBAND. 32. i. Joseph French^ b. March 26, 1679. ii. Timothy French^, b. June 16, 1683; m. Feb. 15, 1704, ]\iary Harriman. iii. Simeon French^, b. Aug. 26, 1683 ; m. Sarah ; res. in Kingston, N. H. CHILDREN BY SECOND HUSBAND. iv. Sarah Sheppard^ b. March 25, 1686 ; m. William Long. 33. V. Bethia Sheppard^, b. March 13, 1688; m. Jan. 7, 1713,. Joseph Kimball, vi. Solomon Sheppard^, b. April 15, 1691. vii. Israel Sheppard^ b. March 7, 1693 ; bapt. May 6, 1694 ; m. Aug. 27, 1724, Sarah Kimball, b. in Amesbury, Mass.,. Xov. 15, 1700, daughter of John and Hannah (Gould) Kimball, viii. Jeremiah Sheppard^, b. Aug. 10, 1698; m. Aug. 27, 1724, Sarah Kimball. 10. Samuel Eastman^ (Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 20, 1657 ; died Feb. 27, 1725 ; married ist, Nov. 4, 1686, Elizabeth Scriven. She was baptized and admitted to the church in Salisbury, Oct. 8, 1690. He married 2d, Sept. 17, 1 7 19, Sarah Fifield, who died in Kingston, N. H., Aug. 3, 1726. He took the oath of allegiance in Salisbury in 1677, and was admitted freeman in 1690. He removed from Salisbury to Kingston about 1720, being a grantee of the town. He was dismissed from the church in Salisbury, Sept- 26, 1725, to join the church in Kingston. 14 EASTMAN FAMILY IN AMERICA. CHILDREN, ALL BY FIRST WIFE. i. Ruth3, b. Jan. 5, 1687 ; bapt. Oct. 4, 1702. ii. Elizabeth^, b. Dec. 1, 1689 ; bapt. Oct. 4, 1702 ; m. Dec. 10, 1713, Thomas Fellows, of Salisbury, Mass. iii. MaryS, b. Jan. 4, 1691 ; bapt. Oct. 4, 1702 ; m. Nov. 4, 1714, John Burley. iv. Sarah^, b. April 3, 1694 ; bapt. Oct. 4, 1702. 34. V. SanmeP,b. Jan. 5, 1695-6: bapt. Oct. 4, 1702. 35. vi. Joseph^, b. Jan. 6, 1697; bapt. Oct. 4, 1702; m. Patience Smith, vii. Ann3, b. May 22, 1700 ; bapt. Oct. 4, 1702. 36. viii. Ebenezei-s, b. Jan. 11, 1701 ; bapt. Oct. 4, 1702. 37. ix. Thomas^, b. Jan. 21, 1703. X. Timothys, b. March 29, 1706 ; bapt. July 14, 1706. xi. Edward^, b. March 30, 1708 ; m. Jan. 27, 1730, Deborah Graves. 38. xii. Benjamin^, b. July 13, 1710. 11. Ruth Eastman- (Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 21, 1 66 1 ; married May 23, 1690, Benjamin Heard, of Dover, N. H., son of Capt. John and Ehzabeth (Hull) Heard, of Dover, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Elizabeth Heard^, b. May 26, 1691 ; m. Sept. 24, 1713, William Raker, b. Nov. 11, 1687, son of William and Sarah (Fitts) Baker, ii. Samuel Heard^, b. Feb. 28, 1693. Benjamin Heard^, b. Dec. 16, 1702. 12. John Eastman^ (John^ Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., married (published) July 31, 1697, to Huldah Kings- bury. He lived in Salisbury, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Hannah*, b. May 16, 1698 ; m. Jan. 28, 1722, Samuel George, of Amesbury. 39. ii. Mary*, b. Jan. 19, 1700 ; m. John Hoyt. 40. iii. John*, b. Dec. 27, 1701 ; m. Martha Fitts. iv. Samuel*, b. Aug. 18, 1705 ; d. Sept. 28, 1706. 41. v. Roger*, b. May 9, 1707 ; ra. Jerusha Fitts. / ZACHAKIAH EASTMA^•^ OF SALISBURY, MASS. 1 5 vi. Elizabeths b. March 3, 1708 ; m. Nov. 3, 1726, Daniel Flan- ders, vii. MeliitableS b. July 15, 1711 ; d. Oct. 16, 1721. 42. viii. Huldah-*. b. Oct. 7, 1714 ; ni. Aug. 17, 1742, Daniel Foulsom, Exeter, N. H. 43. ix. David'*, b. June 11, 1720 ; ni. Aug. 17, 1742, Susan Flanders. X. TabithaS b. Jan. 20, 1722 ; d. March 29, 1725. 1 3. Zachariah Eastman^ (John-, Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 24, 1679 ; married ist, May i, 1703, Martha Thorn, of Ipswich. She died June 6, 1718. She was admitted to the church in SaHsbury, July 28, 1706. He married 2d, Phebe West, who died March 3, 1723. He married 3d, Sept. 3, 1724, Deborah Pillsbury, widow of Reuben Whittier, by whom he had seven children. He lived in Ipswich, Mass., where he died Nov. 18, 1732. CHILDREN. 44. i. Jeremiahs b. March 30, 1704. ii. ]\IarthaS b. Nov. 19, 1705 ; bapt. in Salisbury, July 14, 1706. iii. Abigails b. Dec. 16, 1708 ; bapt. June 12, 1709. 45. iv. Jacobs b. March 29, 1711 ; d. June 23, 1754. Ruths b. May 25, 1713 ; d. May 23, 1714. BT SECOND WIFE. vi. Williams b. March 9, 1719. vii. MaryS b. Nov. 25, 1721. viii. Benjamins b. Feb. 2, 1723. BY THIRD WIFE. ix. Timothys b. Aug. 10, 1725. X. Daughters b. Oct. 1-5, 1727; d. soon after birth. 14. Roger Eastman^ (JohnS Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 26, 1682 ; married Jan. 5, 17 10, Hannah Kim- ball, daughter of John^, Henry^, Richard'. He lived in Amesbury, Mass. His will was admitted to probate in April, 1743, and his widow's, Feb. 5, 1753. 4t). 1. ii. iii. iv. 47. V. vi. vii. 48. viii. 49. ix. l6 EASTMAN FAMILY IN AMERICA. CHILDREN. Roger*, b. April 12, 1711. Hannah*, b. May 23, 1712. John*, b. April 17, 1714. Mary*, b. Feb. 25, 1715. Jonathan*, b. 1717. Nathaniel*, b. Feb. 6, 1719. Abigail*, b. May 28, 1725; m. April 2, 1741, Jacob Morse. Miriam*, b. Nov. 21, 1727. Samuel*, b . 15. Thomas Eastman^ (John', Roger'), born in 1691 ; mar- ried in Concord, N. H., by Rev. Timothy Walker, Nov. 25, 17 — , Eunice Chase. When Eunice was a girl, she was gather- ing berries on a hill on the east side of the Merrimack river in Concord, when she discovered a young fawn asleep under the shade of some bushes. Taking off her apron, she threw it over the fawn, and clasping it in her arms, carried it home. She sold it to Andrew Mc'Milan for six pounds of sheep's wool. Mr. Eastman lived first in Concord, N. H, Removed to Hopkinton about 1758. CHILDREN. i. Collins*, b . He enlisted April 23, 1775, in Capt. Isaac Baldwin's company, Col. John Stark's regiment, as a pri- vate ; time of service, 3 months and 16 days. He was in the battle of Bunker Hill, where his captain was killed. There is a tradition that Collins was killed or died in the war, but it is not at all likely, because he was discharged at the time his company was. He died soon after his discharge, as the following shows : , "To the paymaster of New Hampsliire. " Dear Sir : Please pay to Capt. Stephen Hereman, the wages and Coat money that is due to Mr. Collins Eastman, and you will oblige me. her " Mary X Eastman, widow, mark '• Witness : " Stephen Hoyt." JOSEPH EASTMAN^ OF SALISBURY, MASS. 1 7 CHILD. a. J^unice Collilks^ b. in Hopkiiitoii, N. H., Jan. 30, 1776. The date of his birth is not on the records of Hopkinton, where the records of all the other children are. Probably they were not recorded in Hopkinton until after the death of Collins. His first four children were born in Concord, the others in Hopkinton, N. H. ii. Elizabeth*, b. Dec. 26, 1752 ; m. Bickford, of Hop- kinton, N. II. iii. Annie Nancy'', b. Oct. 7, 1754 ; m. Benjamin Holmes. 50. iv. Thomas^ b. Dec. 27, 1756. V. Judith*, b. Sept. 17, 1758 ; m. William Stanley. 51. vi. Samuel*, b. Aug. 25, 1760. 52. vii. John*, b. Jan. 20, 1762. 53. viii. Abigail*, b. Feb. 15, 1765. 54. ix. Hannah*, b. Jan. 10, 1767. 1 6. Joseph Eastman^ (John-, Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., June 23, 1692 ; died in Hopkinton, N. H., Oct. 8, 1761 ; married June 10, 17 14, Abigail Merrill, daughter of John and Lucy (Webster) Merrill, of Newbury and Haverhill, Mass. Another account says they were married March 23, 17 1 5. He lived first in Salisbury, Mass., but later removed to Concord, N. H., where he was an early settler. Records show that he, with his two sons, Samuel and Joseph, were in Jeremiah Stickney's garrison in Concord in 1746. He removed to Hopkinton, N. H. CHILDREN. Samuel*, b. Nov. 21, 1715. Thomas*, b. July 10, 1717 ; d. Nov. 23, 1719. Jonathan*, b. March 13, 1718; d. Nov. 13, 1757. iv. Joseph*, b. May 26, 1720. Abigail*, b. March 16, 1722 ; m. July 28, 1745, Stephen Hoit. ^mi^ Benjamin*, b. ; m. Susannah Jackman. Enoch*, b. June 1, 1725. Stephen*, b. March 15, 1727. Mary*, b. April 2, 1728. 55. 1. ii. 56. iii. 57. iv. V. 58. vi. 59. vii. 60. viii. ix. 1 8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 17. Hannah Eastman^ {Nathaniel, Roger'), born Nov. 1 1, 1674; died Sept. 6, 1719; married ist, May 9, 1696, Samuel Clay; married 2d (published Dec. 9, 1797), to Nathaniel Ambrose, born Feb. 26, 1677, son of Henry and Susannah, widow of Timothy Ambrose. Mr. Ambrose and his sons, Henry and John, and daughter, Abigail, settled in Chester, N. H., in the fall of 1731. His will was proved June 26, 1745. CHILDREN BY SECOND HUSBAND. i. Elizabeth Ambrose*, b. Oct. 2, 1698 ; m. Sampson Uuder- hill. ii. Henry Ambrose*, b. Aug., 1701 ; d. 1746. iii. John Ambrose*, b. Sept. 28, 1707 ; m. Elizabeth ; had 6 children, one of whom, Robert^, the oldest, b. March 6, 1732, m. Mary Ethredge. His father (John) gave him half of his farm, but he sold out and removed to Concord, N. H. 18. Jemima Eastman^ (NathanieP, Roger'), born Aug, 25, 1677; died Nov. 15, 1760; married Joseph Davis, of Amesbury, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Nathaniel Davis*, b. Sept. 12, 1699. ii. Joseph Davis*, b, Feb. 23, 1701 ; m. and had sons Joseph and William. iii. Jemima Davis*, b. Jan. 25, 1705 ; m. Whittier. iv. Rebecca Davis*, b. May 20, 1708 ; probably d. young. V. Elizabeth Davis*, b. Sept. 25, 1711 ; m. Colby. vi. Samuel Davis*, b. April 27, 1714. 19. Nathaniel Eastman^ (NathanieP, Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., March 8, 1679 ! ^^^^ 'Nov. 25, 1760 ; mar- ried June 10, 1704, Sarah Davis, born Nov. 8, 1679, daughter of Samuel and Deborah (Barnes) Davis, of Haver- hill, Mass. She was admitted to the church in Salisbury, Feb. 5, 1698. He lived in Salisbury. SUSANNAH EASTMAN^ OF SALISBURY, MASS. 1 9 CHILDRKN. i. Mehitable^ b. Sept. 24, 1706. ii. Sarahs b. April 27, 1710 ; d. Sept. 6, 1719. iii. Abigail-*, b. June 18, 1712; iii. June 25, 1735, William Carr. iv. Ruth*, b. July 5, 1716; m. Benjamin Greeley. Nathaniel having no sons, the name in this branch becomes extinct. 20. Susannah Eastman^ (Philip^ Roger'), born about 1673, in Salisbury, Mass. ; died in Stonington, Conn., Dec. 20, 1772, in her looth year. She "married ist, in Haverhill, Mass., Thomas Wood, born ; killed by Indians, 'March 15, 1697. She married 2d, Aug. i, 1699, John Swan, born Aug. i, 1668 ; died in Stonington, Conn., May i, 1743. They resided in Haverhill until their third child, William, was about two years of age, when they removed to Stonington, Conn. When they removed to Stonington, William was a sturdy boy, and Susannah, wearied with much work, and carrying him in her arms, deposited the sleeping boy in an empty tub in the cellarway, telling her husband it must be put on the load of goods, while she, with Ruth behind her on the horse, went awhile on the journey, then she would take the babe in her arms. John, the eldest, ran by the ox team or was placed among the goods when tired. After a few miles on their journey, Susannah called to Capt. Swan to give her the babe, when lo and behold ! he had for- gotten to put the tub and child on to the load. Smart man — that curtain lecture can be heard to-day by their descendants all down the one hundred and ninety-two years. They retraced their steps and found " little Billie " still sleeping and started again, right this time. Susannah's first child was killed at the same time that Thomas Wood, the husband and father, was. 20 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. \^ i. Susannah Wood*, b. ; killed by Indians in 1697. 61. ii. John Swan*, b. Haverhill, Dec. 26, 1700. iii. Ruth Swan*, b. Haverhill, Dec. 31, 1703 ; m. Feb. 8, 1726, Jabez Wright. iv. William Swan*, b. Haverhill, June 24, 1706 ; ni. 1st, Jan. 20, 1726, Thankful Holmes ; 2d, April 14, 1743, Anna Smith. V. Nathaniel Swan*, b. Stonington, Conn., April 11, 1709 ; m. Jan. 3, 1731, Mehitable Brown, vi. Asa Swan*, b. June 4, 1712 ; m. Nov. 19, 1740, Marrin Holmes, vii. Elizabeth Swan*, b. May 14, 1715 ; m. Dec. 19, 1739, 2eda- diah Andros/ 62. viii. Timothy Swan*, b. Sept. 2, 1721 ; m. Mary Smith, Dec. 28, 1743. 2 1. Hannah Eastman^ (Philip^ Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 5, 1679 ; married James Corbin, of Ashford, Conn. She went with her parents to Ashford. CHILD. i. Mary Corbin*, b. ; m. Benjamin Marcy. CHILDREN. a. Lois Marcy^, b. ; m. Jabez Hennick. b. Hannah Marcy^, b. ; m. 1st, Isaac Skinner ; 2d, Samuel Warner. c. Benjamin Marcy^, b. ; m. Louisa Gilbert. d. Elizabeth Marcy^, b. ; m. Thomas Tiffany, of Ashford, Conn. e. Mary MarcyS, b. 1733; d. Nov. 23, 1815; m. Capt. William Ainsworth. f. Eunice Marcy^, b. ; m. Dole. g. Asahel MarcyS, b. ; m. Rosilla Dunham. h. Dolly MarcyS, b. ; m. Samuel Munger. 22. Ebenezer Eastman^ (Philips Roger'), born in Haver- hill, Mass., Feb. 17, 1681 ; another record says born Jan. 10, 1687. The first record is from Haverhill records, and ought to be correct. He married March 4, 17 10, Sarah Peaslee EBENEZER EASTMAN^, OF HAVERHILL, MASS. 21 (spelled by some Peasley), daughter of Col. Nathaniel and Judith (Kimball) Peasley and grandson of Dr. Joseph Peasley. The latter was born in Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 9, 1646 ; died Nov. 5, 1723. Dr. Joseph was the son of Joseph, the emigrant, made freeman in 1642. He settled in Haverhill before 1746, thence to Amesbury, where he died Dec. 3, 1660. Captain Eastman was the first settler in Concord, N. H. There are many interesting facts concerning the part Mr. Eastman took in the settlement of Concord ; the services he rendered, and the affairs of trust and honor committed to his charge, were many. Having considerable property, and coming, as he did, at the earliest period of the settlement of the town, with his six sons, the eldest of whom was fifteen years of age and able to do a man's work, it is no wonder that Captain Eastman became in a few years the strong man of the town. In 1 73 1, his house and home lot were in better order and he had more land under cultivation than any other in the settlement. From his youth he had been inured to hardships and to bold and daring enterprises. When nine years of age his father's house was destroyed by the Indians. At the age of nineteen he joined the regiment of Colonel Wainwright in the expedition against Port Royal. In 171 1, when the British fleet under Sir Howenden Walker against Canada arrived in Boston, the land forces that were to accompany the expedition were organized with great despatch, and Mr. Eastman, then about twenty-one years of age, had command of a company of infantry, which embarked, with others, on board a transport. In going up the St. Lawrence river they encountered a violent northeast storm, in which eight or nine of the vessels were lost and about 1,000 men met a watery grave. The story as related by Jonathan Eastman, a grandson of Captain Eastman, is that as night came on the orders were that all the vessels 22 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. should follow the Admiral's ship, which had a large light hoisted at masthead for a signal. Captain Eastman had been somewhat acquainted with the navigation of the river, having sailed up and down before. In the night the light of the Admiral's ship was not to be seen, and it was at the time when the fleet was'doubling a very dangerous and rocky point or cape. When the Admiral's fleet had fairly doubled the cape and got into line, the light appeared in such a position as to draw the line of shipping directly on to that dangerous point. Aware of the danger. Captain Eastman went to the commander, and informed him of the peril, and begged him to alter the course of the vessel ; but being under the influence of liquor, this the captain positively refused to do, saying that "he would follow his Admiral if he went to h — ." Captain Eastman replied, " Well, I have no notion of going there, and if you won't alter the course of the vessel, I will." "If you do," replied the captain, "your head shall be a button for a halter in the morning:." Informing his company of the danger and relying on their support. Captain Eastman ordered the captain below and the helmsman to change his course. Thus they escaped the wrecks v^/hich befell other vessels of the fleet, by which so many lives were lost. The next morning the humble captain tendered his acknowledgments to his deliverer, and begged his friendship. On the following day the Admiral came aboard, and on seeing Captain Eastman abruptly said, " Captain Eastman, where were you when the fleet was cast away .-• " " Following my Admiral, sir," replied he. " Following your Admiral ! you Yankees are a pack of praying devils. You saved yourself, but sent my men to h— ! " Among the many traditions and anecdotes that are related is one that, soon after settling in Concord, he made a journey to Haverhill on horseback, and purchased a barrel of EBENEZER EASTMAN^, OF IIAVEKHILL, MASS. 23 molasses, which he intended in some way to convey home with him. He contrived what was called a car, that was formed with two shafts, one of which was fastened to the horse and the other to drag on the ground. Lashing the barrel of molasses on his car, he proceeded on his journey homeward along the path through the wilderness. He got along very well until he got to the Soucook river, when, after crossing and ascending the hill, which was very steep, he had got nearly to the top, his horse starting suddenly, the rigging gave way, and down went the barrel full speed, and was dashed to pieces against a tree. The captain, summoning all the patience at his command, exclaimed, " Oh dear, my wife will comb my hair, yes, and harrow it too ! " It was truly a hard case. Captain Eastman went to Cape Breton twice, the first time March i, 1745, in command of a company, and was present at the reduction of Louisburg, June 16, 1745. He returned Nov. 10, 1745. Early the next year he went again, and returned home July 9, 1746. He was also a captain in Col. Sylvester Richmond's regiment, of Massachusetts, Feb. 6, 1744. Mr. Eastman lived on the " East Side," was a farmer, and was employed for many years in public affairs. He commenced a two-story house, but died before it was finished. He died July 28, 1748. HIS WILL. " In the name of God amen. I, Ebenezer Eastman of Rumford in the Province of New Hampshire in New England, Gent. Being of perfect mind and memory, do therefore make and ordain this my last will and testement. Imprimis. I give and bequeath unto Sarah, my well and beloved wife, all that my house and my former homestead in Haverhill in the County of Essex, and also that part of my pasture which joines the Cow Commons which I purchased of Lieut. Richard Flaggan, Dec, and also my Negro man 24 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. named Cesar, and also three of my cows which she shall chuse, and a horse now in possession of my son in law Ezra Carter, and also the whole of my household goods, or as many as she sees cause to take for her improvement during her natural life, and afterwards, what she does not expend for her necessities, to be equely divided among all my children, except Joseph to have one hundred pounds old tenor, less than the rest, because I have already given him the value thereof by deed, and my exet'rs, hereafter named, viz, Ebenezer and Philip my two eldest sons and Ezra Carter, my son in law, to pay all my just debts out of my estate before the division thereof, whom I have hereby appointed to be my sole Exet'rs, of my estate. " In confirmation of this my last will and testement, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of March in the eighteenth year of his Majestys reign. Anno Dominie, 1744. " Ebenezer Eastman, (seal) Signed, Sealed, Published, Pronounced, and Disclosed, In the Presence of Moses Clement. his David X Heath. mark Edward Thompson." Will proved and admitted to probate at Exeter, Aug. 31, 1748. In Vol. II, page 405, in Exeter probate records will be found the following inventory of Capt. Ebenezer Eastman's estate by John Chandler and Jeremiah Stickney, and report made Nov. 25, 1748 : EBENEZER EASTMAN^, OF HAVERHILL, MASS. 2 5 "The 1st, 2nd, & 3rd lots of Addition, The i6th, 17th, i8th & 19th Lots, The 3 next Lots adjoining the Addition, The 2 1 St, 22nd, and 23rd Lo'ts, The 1st and 2nd Lots on the intervale, Five acres of land in the Abbott Lot, The lower Fan Lots, The Shepley Lot in the Fan, The sLx acre Lot in Water Nummeries, The six acre Lot on Horse Shoe Island, One acre and quarter of Emandation Land, One House Lot, The six, 88 acre Lot, The Mill farm 20 acre Lot, The 3, 20 acre Lots & half on the east side of Sewells Swamp, One 20 acre lot adjoining the Mill farm. The other 20 acre Lot, The medow 18 acre Lot, Pine Plains 40 acre Lot, Swamp on the Mill Brook, Two acres and ^ meadow, The Mill farm. The buildings and well, One Saw Mill, Corn Mill, Cattle, horse and hay. Iron and Husbandry tools, Bedding, bed clothes, wearing clothes, and house-hold goods, A Negro man, A Smith's vice, Harrow teeth, Loom and tackling. Flax combs and wool combs. £200, 0, 0. £400, 0, 0. £195. 0, 0. £300, 0, 0. £300, 0, 0. £100, 0, 0. £140, 0, 0. £ 50, 0, 0. £ 50, 0, 0. £ 60, 0, 0. £ 16, 0, 0. £ 10, 0, 0. £1,200, 0, 0. £ 70, 0, 0. £280, 0, 0. £200, 0, 0. £120, 0, 0. £100, 0, 0. £ 31. 0, 0. £ 10, 0, 0. £ 10, 0, 0. £1,400, 0, 0. £355. 0, 0. £100, 0, 0. £100, 0, 0. £733, 0, 0, £121, I OS, 6d. I £539. 0, 0. £400, 0. £ 10, 0. £ 12 £ 9 £ 8 26 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Corn and meal, ^ 45' O' O- Peas & beans, £12, los, o. Malt and berley, £132, los, o. Rie and pork, £ 7^^ O' O- Rum, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, and Butter, £ 15, o, o. " By virtue of a warrent from Hon. Andrew Wiggin, Judge of probate of wills &c for the Province of New Hampshire bearing date Aug. 31, 1748, we, the subscribers have apprised the estate of Capt. Ebenezer Eastman as is set down in the above inventory. " Jeremiah Stickney. "John Chandler." CHILDREN. Ebenezer*, b. in Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 5, 1711. Philip*, b. Nov. 13, 1713. Joseph*, b. June 10, 1715. Nathaniel*, b. March 10, 1717. / Jeremiah*, b. Aug. 25, 1719. Obadiah*, b. Dec. 11, 1721. Rath*, b. in Concord, N. H., Jan. 17, 1729. Moses*, b. Feb. 28, 1732. 23. Philip Eastman^ (Philip', Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 18, 1684 ; married Oct. 20, 17 15, Mary East- man, born March 29, 1690, daughter of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Hudson) Eastman (see No. 3, vi). Mr. Eastman went to Ashford, Conn., when a young man ; returned to Salisbury and married and returned to Ashford, where he lived and died. He was agent for Ashford in presenting a petition to the Connecticut Assembly, praying for exemption of the town taxes on account of the drouth. He was a lieutenant of a trained band in Ashford in 1733 ; justice of the peace in and for Windham county in 1733-5. He was chosen to lay out highways in 17 15, and was admitted a 63. i. 64. ii. 65. iii. 66. iv. 67. V. 68. vi. 69. vii. 70. viii. JONATHAN EASTMAN^ OF HAVERHILL, MASS. 2/ proprietor the same year, and in 1732 was chosen to represent Ashford in the Connecticut Assembly, and so continued for several years. CHILDREN. 71. i. SamueP, b. in Ashford, Conn., May 17, 1716. 72. ii. Timothy*, b. March 5, 1717. iii. Ebeiiezei'*, b. Feb. 16, 1719. Revolutionary soldier. 73. iv. Kuth-*, b. April 23, 1722. 74. V. Jonathan'*, b. June 3, 1724. vi. Peter*, b. Feb. 22, 1728 ; d. April 12, 1737. vii. Hannah*, b. March 31, 1731. viii. Elizabeth*, b. Feb. 23, 1733. Ix. Abigail*, b. Aug. 1, 1735. 24. Jonathan Eastman^ (Thomas-, Roger'), born in Hav- erhill, Mass., Jan. 8, 1680; married April 8, i/Oi, Hannah Green, born on the historic Dustin Hill in Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 20, 1677. HANNAH EASTMAN'S CAPTURE. Haverhill, Mass., was first settled in 1640. It was the thirtieth town within the limits of the state of Massachusetts, thirty-second in the list of incorporated towns, and forty-ninth in New England list. It was a frontier town for more than seventy years, and there were few New England towns that suffered so severely from the depredations of the Indians. Its early history is one long record of blood and misery. The early colonies suffered from six wars : first, the Pequot war ; second, King Philip's war ; third, King William's war ; fourth. Queen Anne's war ; fifth, the three years, or Lovewell's war ; sixth, the second P'rench war. Hannah Eastman's capture occurred during Queen Anne's war, which commenced in 1703, and ended in 1713. The foes with whom the colonists contended were the Indians and Canadian French. 28 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. It would be hard for the present generation to conceive of the suffering of the inhabitants at that time. Haverhill village at this date consisted of about thirty houses, and it was rare to find a family that had not lost some of its mem- bers at the hands of the Indians. The men went armed to their daily labors, and went to church with a Bible in one hand, and loaded gun in the other. They were safe from Indian attacks nowhere ; their fields, their dwellings and their churches were alike subject to their stealthy and fiendish raids. , It was really an "Age of Terror" for those hardy and courageous men. But history can show none more heroic and none that exhibit a more fearless and undaunted spirit. At this period Jonathan Eastman and his young wife Hannah had made for themselves a home in Haverhill. Jonathan was born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 8, 1680. He was the son of Thomas and Deborah (Corlis) Eastman, and grandson of Roger'. Jonathan married April 8, 1701, Hannah Green, born Dec. 20, 1677, on the historic " Dustin Hill," in Haverhill, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth Green. Their first child, Thomas, was born March 17, 1702, and died July 20, 1703. The second child was Abigail, born Feb. I, 1704. The Indians seldom made their appearance before the opening of spring, and on this account less care was taken to guard against surprises during the winter months. But as a means of defence, the selectmen had appointed six garrison and four " houses of refuge." These were either built of brick or had a single layer of brick between the outer and inner wall. They had but one outside door, often so small that a single person could enter at a time. The buildings were of two stories, with windows two and one-half feet long, and eighteen inches wide, secured inside by iron bars. The glass was extremely thick and very small, was cut in diamond shape and fastened with lead instead of putty. HANNAH EASTMAN S CAPTURE. 29 There were two rooms on the lower floor, and the entrance to the chambers above was by a ladder that could be drawn up, should the lower floor be taken by the enemy. The fireplaces were of enormous size, and wood of sled length was often burned in them. The ovens opened on the outside of the building, generally at one side, behind the fire- places and were very large. Late in March, 1704, Jonathan removed with his wife to the fifth garrison, which was owned and commanded by Joseph Bradley. It was situated in the northerly part of the town, and has long since been torn down and no trace of it remains. In one of the upper chambers of this garrison, their little daughter, Abigail, was born Feb. i, 1704. Eight days later (Feb. 8), Jonathan left the place to attend to some necessary duties at their old home, intending to return before nightfall. Before leaving, he stopped for a moment at the bedside of his wife. He was not a demon- strative man, but he bent down and kissed her and turned away and carefully drew the covers over the dimpled hand of his tiny daughter. Mrs. Bradley was in the lower room engaged in soap boiling. He stopped only to inform her when he expected to return and passed outside. It was a lovely day ; the air was crisp and keen, the sun shone brightly, the snow was deep upon the ground, and drifted in many places quite deep. During the winter, the settlers had grown secure and careless of danger, and the sentries were absent from their stations and even the gates were open. Little did Jonathan think as he rode forth that he was watched by cruel eyes, far less did he think that he was never again to see his infant child, or that many weary months would pass before he again met his beloved wife. Why the Indians allowed Jonathan to escape will never be known. His powerful frame and commanding presence 30 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. may have deterred them. However, they let him pass on, and waited until between three and four o'clock in the after- noon before attacking the garrison. They then cautiously approached, and finding the way clear, rushed through the open gates before they were discovered. Jonathan Johnson, a sentinel, who was standing inside the house, shot at and wounded one of them, but the savage, infuriated by the pain, made the air ring with terrific yells as he pushed forward into the house. With great presence of mind, Mrs. Bradley filled her ladle full of boiling soap and threw it over him. He was so severely burned that he soon died. The rest of the party rushed forward and killed Johnson, and made Mrs. Bradley and some others prisoners. Only three persons escaped from the garrison. Then they mounted the ladder and entered the room where Mrs. Eastman was alone with her child ; affrighted, she sat up in bed, but the movement disturbed the child and it began to cry and she took it into her arms, pressing it to her wildly beating heart. With a fiendish yell, the foremost savage snatched it from her clinging hands and brutally dashed it against the door- post, beating out its brains, when, with a satisfied grunt, he threw it into a corner and ordered Mrs. Eastman to arise and prepare to go with him. The poor woman was so stunned and horrified by the shock of seeing her child murdered before her eyes, that she could not move. The savage then seized her by her long hair, and brandishing his tomahawk over her head, forced her to obey. The party hastily collected their prisoners and plunder and commenced a hasty retreat toward Canada. The cap- tives were separated, some going in one direction and some in another. Night was coming on, the weather was cold, and the snow was quite deep, the wind blew keenly over the hills, yet Mrs. Eastman was compelled to arise from her HANNAH EASTMANS CAPTURE. 3 1 sick bed. Her yearning eyes were fastened upon the little heap in the corner, and her arms ached to clasp again the tiny form, but it was not allowed. Her captors were in a hurry, forcing her down the ladder, and with threatening words and gestures compelled her to go forward in her weary march towards Canada. They took her first to Ossipee Lake, where she remained until spring, when they went on to the " Ox Bow " in Newbury, Vt. Here they planted corn and remained until it was in the second hoeing, when they were visited by another party of Indians, who probably informed them that some scouting party was in search of them, for the next day they hastily packed up and left for Canada. Pen cannot describe the tortures endured by Mrs. Eastman during this terrible journey. Weak and weary she dragged through the long days and the longer lonely nights. Often she tried to escape, but her captors guarded her so closely that she found no opportunity. The memory of that journey to Canada remained with her through life. It was a deep, unbroken, and seemingly inexhaustible wilderness that daily grew between her and her beloved home and friends. Pathless mountains, swollen and almost impassable rivers lay behind and before her. No friendly smoke curled from the chimney of a white inhabitant,- but she sometimes saw the red flames leaping heavenward — flames kindled by her savage captors, and telling the fearful story of other wrongs. When within a few miles of their destination, Mrs. Eastman was too exhausted to go on ; she was therefore left alone to spend the night in the wilderness. A kind squaw gave her a piece of punk-wood set on fire to make a smudge to ward off mosquitoes. Their poisonous bite had caused her face to swell so badly that the Indians called her " Fat Hannah." The next morning they sent a squaw to find her. The swelling had subsided, so as to show her extreme emaciation, and the squaw seeing her thus, piti- fully exclaimed, " W'hy, Hannah !" 32 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. The tribe were encamped at Three Rivers in Canada, near to a French settlement, and soon after their arrival there, a French woman became interested in Hannah, seeing she was a captive, and was very kind to her, and often gave her salt to season her food. She finally proposed that Mrs. Eastman make her escape and offered to secrete her from the Indians. Mrs. Eastman gladly accepted the offer, but was obliged to keep out of sight, lest she be again captured. Winters passed with their snows and wind ; springs succeeded with their early buds ; summers followed, filled with flowers and sunshine ; autumns brought forth their abundant harvests, but the heart of the lonely woman grew sick with hope deferred. For nearly three years she had been held captive, but she well knew that if Jonathan were living he would search for her, but she fully understood how small his chance was of finding her. A plan for escape began to take form in her mind, for she felt an intense desire to return home. The thought grew upon her, and finally took definite shape. She shuddered as she remembered the fearful journey through trackless forests, invested by fierce wild beasts and ruthless savages. Could she hope to pass such dangers alone .'' One day she stood beside her chamber window, thinking deeply on her plan of escape, when her attention was attracted to a man who was passing the house. Her breath came faster as she gazed upon the tall, deep chested, broad shouldered man, with a strong, serious face. In the whole neighborhood there was not as splendid a specimen of manhood. He was fully six feet four inches in height, and of powerful frame. He was dressed in a long jacket, or what was called a " fly coat," made something like a surtout, reaching half way to the thigh, a striped jacket under a pair of small clothes, like the coat, made of flannel cloth, that was fulled, but not shirred. His flannel shirt was HANNAH EASTMAN S CAPTURE. 33 buttoned loosely at the throat, he wore woolen stockings and thick leather shoes and a broad brimmed fur hat. There was nothing unusual in the costume ; similar costumes were generally worn by men in moderate circumstances, when about their ordinary business. But his unusual height, broad shoulders, and erect car- riage seemed strangely familiar. She was almost certain that it was her husband that was passing. She called to him by name, "Jonathan," when he stopped and looked around, but seeing no one, passed on. She called again, but this time he did not hear. She flew down stairs and informed the French woman, who immediately sent a little girl to call him back. The child could speak no English, but by motions and pulling his coat she persuaded him to return with her. There were many changes in Hannah's appearance,- caused by exposure and hardship, and at first Jonathan did not recognize her, but it was the happiest moment of his life when he again clasped her in his arms. It was the third time he had passed the house while search- ing for her. He at once redeemed his wife, and they started back to Massachusetts. Their journey was of long duration, for they had to walk the entire distance, but despite its necessary hardships the journey was a delightful one, and left in their minds impressions destined to bear future fruit. We have no record of the length of their stay in Haverhill. In 1 710, we find Jonathan Eastman enrolled as a "snow- shoe man." The general court (June 19, 17 10), having ordered that a large company 'of soldiers under the command of Lieut. Col. Saltonstall be kept constantly armed and equipped and exercised in the town, and that these soldiers might be better prepared for every emergency, ordered them to be supplied with snow-shoes. 34 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. In April, 1723, the pastor of the first church in Haverhill, finding that the church records were lost, or that there never had been any, requested all members then living to give their names to him. Among the members was Hannah, 7ife of Jonathan Eastman. No records of this church earlier than 1 7 11 can be found. Again, Dec. 5, 1723, in the town record of Haverhill, among other petitions for land, we find that Jonathan Eastman requests 20 acres in " Providence neck," and his request was granted. It is a tradition that Jonathan lived at one time in Ando- ver, Mass., but there is no record of it. In 1746, they lived in Concord, N. H., in a fort known as "Eastman's" fort. It stood at the fork of the road at St. Paul's School, about two miles west of the city on what is known as the "mill road." It was to this fort that the party were destined when massacred, Aug. 10, 1745, about one mile out of Con- cord. March 2, 1747, Jonathan executed a will, appointing his son Amos executor, and it was admitted to probate in Exeter, May 30, 1758. The following year (1759), Amos removed to Hollis, N. H., taking his mother with him. Mr. Eber Eastman, of No. Haverhill, said when living, that his mother had seen Hannah, when an old lady, riding horseback behind her son Amos in Hollis. In a list of people in Hollis who died at great age, the name of Hannah does not appear. The date of the deaths and the place of burial of Jonathan and Hannah Eastman is unknown, but as we trace the life and character of this devoted couple, we cannot fail to observe that they possessed to a notable degree the true pioneer spirit. We find the tribe ever the leaders, but never the followers of civilization. Was it simply a coincidence, that along the line of that fearful journey, where Hannah Eastman once trudged a miserable captive, where the path had been marked by fire JONATHAN EASTMAN^ OF HAVERHILL, MASS. 35 and the tomahawk of the savage, with her devoted husband, she should return to plant the seeds of civilization and religion ? Where the Indian once hunted and fished and lived his sav- age life, pretty villages now cluster among the trees and hill- sides, and well-filled barns and storehouses attest to the fruitf ul- ness of the country and the mdustry of the inhabitants. Hard indeed would it be to find a hamlet, however small, that did not contain one or more of the desceridants of Jonathan Eastman and wife Hannah. From Massachusetts line to Canada, they have left the impress of their lives upon the land and upon the people. The descendants of Jonathan Eastman show on the New Hampshire Revolutionary rolls their loyalty to the colony in 1776. Four brothers, grandsons of Jonathan Eastman, served in the war of the revolution. Take the Eastmans as a whole, the writer has found them extremely patriotic, and all,^vith the exception of only two, Very fond of their country. No costly granite, nor sculptured marble, marks the resting place of this couple. Mournfully and sweet the breezes chant a requiem over those lonely graves hidden among the granite hills. But in the hearts and memories of their descendants they will ever be held in honored remembrance, until that " last great day " when each hillside grave shall give, up its dead, " touched by God's right hand." "Jonathan and Amos Eastman both of Haverhill, bought of Barachias Farnum Millwright of Rumford a piece of land lying in said Rumford containing one hundred & 90 acres being said Farnum's homestead and commonally called the Mill lot bounded as follows. Beginning at a hemlock marked standing by Turkey river thence running easterly by land of Benjamin Rolf Esq, about seventeen poles to a Beach marked thence northerly by land of said Rolf in part and partly on land in possession of Abram Hoit about one hundred and seventy nine poles to a pitch pine marked being the north 36 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. east corner bounds of said hoits land thence by the mill road about one hundred and forty two poles to a white oak marked thence westerly about thirty poles to a white oak marked, standing by the mill pond thence southerly about sixty four poles to a pitch pine standing on the southerly side of said pond thence by common land and land of Ebenezer Hall and Turkey river to the bounds mentioned togather with all the stream of said Turkey river in said Rumford and all right and privilige of flowing mill ponds on said river and the land adjoining togather wdth eight acres and one hundred and twelve rods more or less togather with six acres more or less the laying out and selling of said land was accepted by the proprietors of Rumford at their meeting on the second day of February, 1737, togather with six acres and twenty seven perch more or less lying on Millers brook so called." Deed dated April 11, 1745. Note. This deed probably establishes the date, or about the date, of Jonathan's removal from Haverhill, and also that at the time he lived in Haverhill instead of Andover. It is a little singular the deed makes no mention of a consideration at all. This property is now owned by St. Paul's School Corpora- tion, Concord. WILL OF JONATHAN EASTMAN. " The last Will and Testament of Jonathan Eastman of Haverhill in the Province of New Hampshire in New Eng- land, Yeoman. " First, I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God from whom I received it, and my body to the earth to be decently buried at the direction of my executor herein named, and touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God in this life to bless me. I give, devise, and dispose thereof in manner and form following. JONATHAN EASTMAN^ OF HAVERHILL, MASS. 37 " Imprimis : I will that all the debts which in duly right or conscience I owe to any person or persons whatsoever togather with my funeral expenses and charges be well and truly paid b}' my executor hereafter named in convenient season after my decease. " Item : I give unto Hannah, tny dear and well beloved wife the free use and improvement of all the East room in my house in Rumford with the chamber belonging to the same and the priviledge of so much of the cellar as she wants for her own use and improvement during the time she remains my widow. I also give her one cow, six sheep, one swine and my horse, to be hers forever, all which I will and order my son Amos to keep for her, winter and summer, or others of the like number if she dispose of them during the time she remains my widow. " I also give her twelve bushels of Indian corn, six bushels of rye, two bushels of wheat, four bushels of malt, one hun- dred and twenty pounds of beef, twenty pounds of flax from the swingle, and ten cords of wood to be cut and corded up at her door, all of which I will and order my son Amos to pay her yearly and every year w^hen she demands it during the time she remains my widow, but if it so happens that she marrey again, then in lieu of the aforesaid donation, I give her ten pounds money old tenor pr. annum, which I order my son Amos to pay her yearly and every year during her natural life if she demands it of him. " I also give her the household stuff or all moveable within doors which are utensils of housewifery, to be dis- posed of by her to such of my daughters as she sees cause. " Thirdly : I give and bequeathe unto my dear and well beloved son Peter, all that tract of land he now lives on near Wash Pond in Haverhill District, containing sixty acres more or less, which land he has already by a deed of gift from me and thirty pounds money and tenor in lawful money equal to it which I will and order my son Amos to pay him within 38 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. eight years after my decease which lands with what he has of me before is in full share and portion of my estate. " Fourthly, I give and bequeathe unto my dear and well beloved son, Richard, all that right of land at the plantation called Suncook which I purchased of William Ayre, and is now in my said sons possession, also one half of my wearing apparrel in full of his portion of my estate. " Fifthly : I give and bequeathe unto my dear and well beloved son William, that land where he now lives near the Wash Pond, containing in the fifty five acres more or less part of which I purchased of Mr. James Mc'Hard, and part I had of Joshua Harriman by exchange. " I also give him the one half of my wearing apparel being the whole of what I have not already given to my son Wil- liam which lands he has already by deed from me, and is with what has before had of me his full share and portion of my estate. " Sixthly : I give and bequeathe unto my dear and well beloved son Jonathan, ten pounds old tenor which I will and order my son Amos to pay him within ten years after my decease, which ten pounds togather with four hundred and twenty pounds he has before received of me, is his full portion in my estate. " Seventhly : I give and bequeath unto my dear and well beloved son Amos all my estate in the town of Rumford whether real or personal in possession, revision or remainder, togather with all my other estate which I have not herein disposed of, of all kinds whatsoever. " Eighthly : I give and bequeath unto my dear and well beloved daughter Mehitable ten pounds money old tenor, which I will and order my son Amos to pay her in money or passable bills of credit within five years after my decease, which sum togather with what she has received of me is her part in full of her portion of my estate. JONATHAN EASTMAN^, OF HAVERHILL, MASS. 39 " Twelfthly : I give and bequeath unto my well and beloved daughter Hannah ten pounds money old tenor or lawful money equivelent to it which I will and order my son Amos to pay her in six years after my decease in money or passable bills of credit, which sum with what she had before received of me is her full portion in my estate. " Lastly : I do hereby constitute, ordain and appoint my dear and well beloved son Amos, to be sole executor of this my last will and testement, to all intents and purposes to whom I give all the remainder of my estate not herein expressly disposed of to in possession revision or remainder, and I hereby utterly revoke, disanul and disalow all former wills, testements, legices executed by me heretofore named or made, ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testement. In witness whereof I, the said Jonathan Eastman have hereunto set my hand and seal in this second day of March Anno Domini 1747, and in the twenty first year of his Majesty's reign. " Signed, Sealed, Published and declared by the said Jon- athan Eastman to be his last will and testement. his " Jonathan X Eastman. mark. " Before us, Wait Stephens. John Shute. Richard Hazzen." Will admitted to probate May 30, 1758, at Exeter. Will probably executed in Concord, as John Shute and Richard Hazzen certainly lived there. Wash Pond is in Hampstead, N. H., formerly Haverhill, Mass. Will can be found in Vol. 14, page 503, Exeter probate records. 40 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Thomas*, b. March 17, 1702 ; d. July 20, 1703. ii. Abigail*, b. Feb. 1, 1704 ; killed by Indians Feb, 8, 1704, at the time her mother was captured. iii. Mehitable*, b. Nov. 17, 1707 ; died . 75. iv. Peter*, b. April 20, 1710 : m. Elizabeth Harrimau. 76. V. Richard*, b. Aug. 9, 1712. vi. Sarah*, b. Feb. 16, ;714. 77. vii. William*, b. Oct. 3, 1715. viii. Jonathan*, b. Sept. 3, 1717 ; m. Hannah VVilkins. 78. ix. Amos*, b. Aug, 3, 1719. X. Elizabeth*, b. Sept. 5, 1721 ; d. Jan. 31, 1724. xi. Hannah*, b. June 5, 1726. 25. Sarah Eastman^ (Timothy^ Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., Oct. II, 1694 ; died Sept. 29, 1747 ; married Jan. 24, 17 1 6, William Montague. They lived in Hadley. CHILDREN. i. Sarah Montague*, b. ii. William Montague*, b. . He married, and had a son, William H. Montague^ b. . He was one of the founders of the New England Genealogical Historical Society, and its first meeting was held at his house. iii. John Montague*, b. . He was a Canadian soldier. iv. Joseph Montague*, b. . He married and had a son, William Montague, an Episcopal minister in Boston, Mass. V. Hannah Montague*, b. . ^ vi. Timothy Montague*, b. — — . 26. Timothy Eastman^ (Timothy", Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., Jan. 10, 1697; died in Hadley, March 23, 1733 ; married Dec. 7, 1726, Sarah Cook, born June 7, 1703, died March 10, 1793, daughter of Lieut. Samuel and Ann (Marsh) Cook. Mr. Eastman resided in Hadley, Mass., where his children were born. Timothy having no sons, the name in this branch becomes extinct. JOSEPH EASTMAN^ OF HADLEV, MASS. 4 1 CHILDREN. 79. i. Sarah'', b. June 16, 17l2S; lu. Ebenezer Marsh. ii. Joaniiali^. b. June 2, 1731 ; in. Phiueas Lyman, April 5, 1750. iii. Elizabeth-*, b. Jan. 31, 1733 ; d. Aug. 1.3, 1811 ; m. June 2, 1757, Oliver Smith. 27. Joseph Eastman^ (Joseph-, Roger") born in Hadley, Mass., Aug. 2, 1685 ; died Sept. 29, 1769; married July 3, 1697 (?), Mercy Smith ; died Jan. 27, 1784, in her 90th year. Joseph was a student with Rev. Mr. Williams at Deerfield, Mass., when that place was burned by Indians. He was three years a captive of the French government in Canada. On his return he settled on his grandfather Tilton's estate in Hadley. He was a deacon of the church in Hadley for many years, a staunch friend of Elder Edwards, and endorsed his views. CHILDREN. i. Mary4, b. Oct. 11, 1712; m. Nov. 27, 1735, Fellows Bil- lings. They had (a) Ruth Billings^, b. Feb. 10, 1742 ; m. Oct. 20, 1763, Joseph Ashley, b. in Winchester, N. H., April 26, 1738. Xo children. He was a Tory, and it was made so hot for him that he went to New York, where he soon after died. 80. ii. Joseph*, b. Feb. 1, 1715. 81. iii. William*, b. Aug. 25. 1718. 82. iv. John*, b. March 28, 1721. V. Mercy*, b. Sept. 5, 1723 ; m. Ephraim Smith, of Granby, Mass. 83. vi. Rachel*, b. Jan. 2, 1725; m. Nov. 23, 1749, John Clary. 84. vii. Benjamin*, b. Jan. 2, 1725; d. March 13, 1740. viii. Abigail*, b. Jan. 2, 1725 ; d. Nov. 28, 1792 (twin). ix. Ruth*, b. Nov. 13, 1731 ; d. March 13, 1740. X. Keziah*, b. Nov. 5, 1733 ; m. Dec. 28, 1765, Jonathan Beld- ing. 85. xi. Timothy*, b. Sept. 9, 1739 ; d. Aug. 19, 1818. 28. Peter Eastman^ (Joseph', Roger') born in Hadley, Mass., Jan. 20, 1786; married Nov. 28, 1708, Mehitable Root, daughter of Hezekiah and Mehitable (Frary) Root, of Deer- 42 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, field, and granddaughter of Thomas Root, of Northampton, Mass. Peter Eastman probably settled in Suffield, Conn., at that time in Massachusetts, as we find in the records of that town the birth of five children. From Suffield, Peter removed to New Jersey, probably on account of his mother going there, sometime between the birth of his son Hezekiah and son Benjamin, The earliest mention of him in New Jersey is in the deed mentioned below. It is very probable all his children, except the first five, were born in New Jersey, but no records of their birth can be found. He returned to Connecticut and located in New Fairfield in the thirties, as the proprietors records of Cornwall, show he bought land there in 1738, and he was called then "of New Fairfield." He sold the land in 1739, " all rights and title," so that it is evident he never lived there, although the history of that town says he " built the first house there and the first meeting of the proprietors was held at his house." The records say, however, that though this meeting was appointed at his house it was changed to another man's. We have no record of his death, but it is probable he died soon after the leasing of his last and only farm to his beloved son, Joseph. No will or settlement of his estate has been found. The records of this branch of the family have been so imperfectly kept that not much data concerning them can be obtained, consequently we have to rely on tradition. One is that he had twelve sons and some daughters. It is possible he had more than one wife, though we have no record of another, CHILDREN. i. Peter^, b. in Suffield, Conu,, Sept. 7, and died the next day. ii, Mary4, b. March 21, 1710 ; d, 10 days old. 86. iii. Peter*, b. June 16, 1712, iv. William*, b, Aug. 5, 1714 ; d. Dec. following. PETER EASTMAN^ OF HADLEY, MASS. 43 V. IIezekiali-«. b. in X. J., Feb. 5, 1715-16. 87. vi. Benjaiuin-', b. , 1717. 88. vii. Azariali-*, b. , 1718. 89. viii. -losepliS b. , 1724. 90. ix. :\Iehitable-', b. , 1738. "Indenture dated Oct. 28, 1727 between John Hamilton of Perth Amboy, Middle Co. one of the Proprietors of Plast- ern Division of Province of N. J. Esq., and John Hayvvard & Peter Eastman both of the town of Hanover, Hunterdon Co. in Province aforesaid, yeoman, Consideration L, 105, 300 acres of land in any place unappropriated in said Eastern Division of N. J., being part of said John Hamiltons third part of a property purchased by said John Hamilton of John Beain, to be surveyed to John Hay ward & Peter Eastman. " Nov. 27, 1727, Then Returned to John Hayward & Peter Eastman 299 34-100 acres in part of the within deed, in 2 tracts, whereof one of 29-8-1 oths and the other of 269, 54- 100. "By Jas. Alexander, Surveyor Gen." (From N. J. Deeds, liber K, folio 108.) "Indenture Dated Oct. 14, 1727 Between Abraham Scott of Springfield, Burlington Co. east N. J., and John Hayward & Peter Eastman both of Hanover township, Co. of Hunter- don, Province of N. J. yeoman, consideration L, 5, 10 acres of land in Hunterdon Co. west N. J., lying in a triangler part of 200 acres left Abraham Scott by his father, Henry Scott by will Dated June 14 17 14." (N. J. Deeds, liber D, folio 293.) " Peter Eastman administrator on estate of Samuel Jones late of Hanover, township, yeoman, date Oct. 14, 1727, bondsman, John Hayward." He was appointed by Gov. Burnett of N. J. 44 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ' " Indenture Dated Jan. 12, 1750-51 Between Peter East- man of New Fairfield in the County of Fairfield & Colony of Conn. N. E. and my beloved son Benjamin Eastman of New Milford in New Haven County, Consideration L-400, a tract of land in East N. J. formerly called Essex Co. in a place called Rochesticus, near the head spring of contain- ing about 276 acres be it more or less, the above said tract of land laid out in 2 peices. About 30 acres are laid out by the north branch of Raritan so called to accomodate an iron work, the aforesaid tract I bought of Col. John Hamilton which will appear in Records of Perth Amboy. " Peter Eastman. (Seal.) " Witness. John S underling. Ephraim Hubbell. "Acknowledged in New Fairfield same day Jan. 12, 1750- 51, before Ephraim Hubbell Justice of Peace." (From N. J. Deeds, liber K, 2 folio 333.) "This indenture of Lease made this first day of Novelber A. D. 1756 between Peter Eastman of Newfairfield in Fair- field County of the one party and Joseph Eastman of sd town and County of the other party witnesseth that the sd Peter Eastman for the love good will and afection which I have and do bare to my well beloved son Joseph Eastman Do Demise Grant and to f armlet unto my sd son Joseph and his heirs During the term of my Natural Life one Certain Peac or parcel of Land Cituate and Lying in Newfairfield North Society Bounded as foloth Begin ing att a stake and stons sd stake and stons Standing one the South Side of the Highway against Amos Leaches hous and from thenc Run- ing Southerly acrost the medow to the Edge of the orchard to a stump and stons and from thenc Southerly to a stak and stons Standing by the South sid of an orchard and from PETER EASTMAN^ OF IIADLEV, MASS. 45 thenc Southerly a stake and stons Neai the fot of a hill and from thenc Easterly to the top of sd Hill to a stak and stons by a fenc and from thenc Southerly as the fenc runs taking in the mountain to a walnut tree and stak with stons to itt Standing att the South End of sd mountain and from thenc Southerly as the fenc goes to the crick and from thenc westerly and northerly as the Crick goes till itt comes to the highway First' mentioned and from thenc to the first mentioned Bounds, sd Peac or parcel of Land Being Part of a tract of Land which I sd Eastman have already made over to my sd son Joseph By a Deed in which Deed I sd Eastman Reserved the Improvemen of sd Land my Life time all which may more fully apear on Record Referance thereunto being had to have and to hold ackuir Poses and Injoy for the use of him self and his heirs as above sd During the time above sd and sd Joseph shall as a yearly Rent Render and Pay unto the sd Peater Eastman Six penc Lawful money herby Reserving to my Self the use ten aple trees next to the Line During sd term of time in witness where of I have here unto set my hand seal the day Date above. " Peter Eastman. (Seal.) her " Sarah X Leach. mark. Ithen Sill." Note. The original is in possession of Mr. Almon R. Eastman, Waterville, N. Y. "This indenture made the ist Day of August A D 1761 Between Peter Eastman of Newfairfield in ye County of Fairfield and Colony of Connecticutt in New England of ye one party and Joseph Eastman of said Newfairfield of ye other Party Witnesseth that the sd Peter Eastman for the 46 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Considerations hereafter mentioned hath Demised Leased and to farm letton unto the sd Joseph Eastman and to his heirs a certain farm or Tract of Land in Newfairfield aforesaid Being all ye land I now own in said Town sd tract of land is Bounded north on a highway west in said Joseph Eastmans Land, South on a River East on John Leaches land which farm is now in ye tenure ocupation of Azariah Eastman. To have and to hold Posses and enjoy to him 3^e sd Joseph East- man or his heirs From the 19th Day of August next ensuing ye natural life of the sd Peter Eastman and the sd Joseph Eastman or his heirs shall yearly and every year Render and pay to ye sd Peter Eastman During sd Peters natural life for ye use of sd farm twelve Bushels of Wheat & Sixteen Bushels of Indian Corn and four Bushels of Rye and 2 Bushels of potatoes and 2 bushels of turnips the first Payment to be made on or Before ye first Day Janury 1763 & on and before ye fiist Day of June each and every after During sd term also sd Joseph shall each and every year from ye Date of these presents find sd Peter a sufficient quan- tity of firewood alwais Ready at sd Peters Door also carefully make ye apples growing on sd farm or tract of land into Cyder and Deliver ye one half of ye Cyder or grain annually to sd Peter in sd Peters Cellar or store where he now lives also shall wall Pastures in ye Summer and will provide for and feed in the Winter one horse and three cows for sd Peter sd Peter finding sd Creatures. Sd Joseph shall yearly and every During sd term pay all Rates or taxes arising on sd farm and creatures and for the true performance of each and every of ye above articles & agreements have inter- changbly set theire hand & seals on the Date above Signed Sealed and Dated in presence of " Ephraim Hubbell "Joanna Hubbell " Peter Eastman. PETER EASTMAN^, OF HADLEY, MASS. 4/ "August ye i' Day A D 1761 " then Personaly appeared Peter Eastman Signer and Sealer to ye within Instrument & acknoledged the Same to be his free act and Deed before me " Ephem Hubbell Justice of Peace." " To the Sheriff of the County of F"airfield his Deputy or to Either of the Constables of the Town of New Fairfield within sd County Greeting — " Whereas Silas Hill of New Milford in Litchfield County on L I. i5"7 the fourth Day of September A D 1764 before ^'j me Paul Welch Esqr — Justice of Peace within & for Litchfield County recovered Judgement 2. 2"2 against Peter Eastman of sd New Fairfield in sd Fairfield County for the sum of one pound fifteen Shillings & Seven pence Lawful Money Debt, also the Sum of Six Shillings & Seven pence The money cost of suit as appears of Records whereof Execution remains to be done, THESE are therefore in his MAJESTIES name to Command you that of the Money of the sd Peter Eastman or of his goods or Chatties within your precincts you cause to be Levied (& the same to be disposed of as the Law directs) paid & Satisfied unto the sd Silas Hill the above sd Sums being L 2. 2"2 Law- ful Money in the whole with one Shilling — Lawful money more for this writ — together with your own fees. And for want of Such money Goods or Chatties of the sd Peter East- man to be by him shown unto you or found within your precinct for the Satisfying the aforesaid Sums you are hereby Commanded to take the body of the sd Peter Eastman and him Commit to the Keeper of Goal in Fairfield in the County aforesaid with sd Prison who is hereby Commanded to receive the sd Peter Eastman & him safely to keep until he pay unto sd Silas Hill the full Sums above mentioned & he by him discharged & also to Satisfy your own fees, Hereof fail not 48 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. & to make due return of this writ with your doings thereon unto the said Paul Welch Esqr within Sixty days Next Coming. " Dated at New Milford this 4th Day of Septr A D 1764 & in the fourth year of his Majesties Reign " Paul Welch Justice of Peace. "May the 10 A D 1766 " Then Reseved two pounds three Shilens and two pences Lawfull money Demands a pon this encushon per me " David Arnold " 29. Benjamin Eastman^ (Benjamin^, Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Dec. 8, 1678 ; married ist, Oct. 5, 1705, Judith Knight ; 2d, Oct. 5, 17 19, Sarah Brown, widow of Samuel Carter. His estate was administered upon June i, 1729. CHILDREN. i. Anne*, b. May 6, 170G ; bapt. in Salisbui-y, Mass., July 28, 1706 ; m. in 1725, Solomon Pike, ii. Lydia^ b. June 28, 1708 ; bapt. in Salisbury, Mass., April 24, 1709. iii. Kezia4, b. May 28, 1713. 30. Edmund Eastman^ (Benjamin^, Roger'), born in Salis- bury, Mass., Jan. 20, 1680 ; died March 18, 1719 ; married May 10, 1708, Susannah Singletary, daughter of Nathaniel Singletary, born in Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 19, 1691. She married again, Dec. 8, 1720, Richard Bartlett, and died in 1 76 1. CHILDREN. i. Hannah*, b. Feb. 13, 1710 ; m. Hill ; died Oct. 4, 1810, over 100 years old. 91. ii. Edmund*, b. March 21, 1715 ; d. Oct. 21, 1804. 92. iii. Benjamin*, b. Aug. 23, 1717; m. Aug. 17, 1742, Martha Carter. JOSEPH EASTMAN^, OF SALISBURY, MASS. 49 31. Joseph Eastman^ (Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Salis- bury, Mass., July 17, 1700; bapt. Sept. i, 1700; married I St (wife unknown) ; married 2d, Sept. 24, 1724, Mrs. Doro- thy (Lindsey) Ouimby. Mr. Eastman first lived in Salisbury, Mass., and between 1732 and 1734 removed to Boscawen, N, H. "^ Joseph Eastman and wife Dorothy deeded a piece of land with mill privilege in Contoocook to Joseph Coffin of New- bury, County of Essex, Mass., deed dated May 21, 1743. (Book 27, p. 394, Exeter deeds.) CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. i. Elizabeth*, b. in Salisbury, Mass., May 1, 1725. ii. Sarah*, b. Nov. 24, 1726. iii. Naomi*, b. Dec. 17, 1728 ; m. Joseph Long, of Chester. 93. iv. Benjamin*, b. Sept. 9, 1730. V. Eleanor*, b. Apr. 16, 1732. 94. vi. Timothy*, b. 1733 ; d. 1820. 95. vii. .Jeremiah*, b. in Boscawen, N. H., Feb. 5, 1734. 96. viii. Susannah*, b. 1738. 32. Joseph French^ (Sarah Eastman^, Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., March 26, 1679 ; married Abigail Brown. He lived in Salisbury, Mass. CHILDREN. 1. Sarah Fi-ench*, b. in Salisbury, Mass., Nov. 20, 1700 ; d. Dec. 19, 1700. ii. Joseph French*, b. Feb. 27, 1701-2. iii. Ebenezer French*, b. Jan. 3, 1703-4, 97. iv. Daniel French*, b. Aug. 21, 1708. V. Abigail French*, b. Sept. 22, 1710 ; bapt. Nov. 5, 1710. vi. Obadiah French*, b. Sept. 29, 1716. Bethia Sheppard^ (Sarah Eastman^ Roger'), born March 13, 1688 ; married Jan. 7, 171 3-14, Joseph Kimball, son of John^, Henry^ Richard', born in Amesbury, Mass., where he died Oct. 12, 1723. On Oct. 8, 1718, he bought one and one half acres of marsh in the Higelty Piggelty, so- 50 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. called. Administration was granted his widow, Bethia, Nov. 4, 1723. The property amounted to £,21^. On Feb. 5, 1763, Bethia Kimball, widow, represented to the general court "that she has been a widow thirty-eight years; that she has lost all her children, having that by law are obliged to support her, and she asks that the court may assist her." Mr. Kimball was a wheelwright, and lived in Amesbury, Mass. CHILDREN. 98. i. Joseph Kimball*, b. m Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 25, 1717. ii. Joshua Kimball*, b. Sept. 27, 1719 ; d. Aug. 5, 1734, unm. iii. Sarah KimballS b. Aug. 4, 1722 ; m. July 8, 1742, Caleb Pillsbury. 34. Samuel Eastman^ (SamueP, Roger'), born in Salis- bury, Mass., Jan. 5, 1695 ; died in Kingston, N. H., Dec. 20, 1753 ; married Nov. 7, 1728, Mrs. Sarah (Brown) Clough, widow of Ezekiel Clough. Rev. Lucius Root East- man in his work says he married 2d Sarah Brown, but it is very doubtful of his having a second wife, as in his will dated Dec. 18, 1753, two days before his death, he mentions his wife Sarah. Also he mentions his son Timothy, of whom we have no account. He also mentions his " Brother Philip Huntoon." This may be the husband of one of his sisters. Samuel Eastman's will can be found in Vol. xii, page 622, on the old Exeter records now in Concord. CHILDREN. i. Samuel*, b. iu 1729 ; m. Aug. 1, 1754, Mary Eastman, and settled in Barnstead, N. H. ii. Shuah*, b. Dec. 5, 1731 ; m. Chase Osgood. 99. iii. William*, b. June 3, 1734 ; bapt. IMarch 14, 1735 ; m. Sept. 12, 1759, Mary Bean, and removed to Salisbury, N. H. iv. Ezekiel*, b. Oct. 27, 1735 ; bapt. Dec. 10, 1735. V. Elizabeth*, b. April 26, 1739; m. Samuel French, of Epping, N, H. 100. vi. Ebenezer*, b. April 24, 1746. vii. Nehemiah*, b. June 26, 1748 ; went to Halifax, and died there. JOSEPH EASTMAN^ OF SALISBURY, MASS. 5 1 35. Joseph I^^astman^ (SamueP, Roger"), born in Salis- bury, Mass., Jan. 6, 1697; married ist, Feb. 9, 1729, Patience Smith ; 2d, Tamison Woodwell. She died in Hop- kinton, N. H., May 26, 1750. Married 3d, Hannah ; she died in Hopkinton, Aug. 24, 1756. Mr. Eastman settled in Kingston, N. H., on Green Brook, and removed to Concord, N. H., when Benjamin was a boy. Later it is sup- posed he removed to Hopkinton, N. H., as the death of two of his wives are on record there. CHILDREN. 101. i. Joseph^ b. 1730. ii. Hannah'*, b. 102. iii. John-', b. May 11, 1739. iv. AnnS b. Feb. 6, 1742. V. David*, b. May 4, 1746 ; d. Aug. 24, 1758. 103. vi. Benjamin'*, b. Aug. 26, 1747. vii. David, 2d*, b. Aug. 17, 1749. 104. viii. Aaron*, b. in Hopkinton, N. H., July 10, 1758. This child must be by a fourth -wife, of -whom we have no record. 36. Ebenezer Eastman^ (SamueP, Roger'), born in Salis- bury, Mass., Jan. 11, 1701 ; married May 5, 1729, widow Mary Sleeper. He died in Kingston, N. H., Feb. 16, 1746. He lived in Kingston, N. H. ; the record of the baptism of his children is on the church books of Kingston, and it would naturally be supposed that they were born there. CHILDREN. 105. i. Samuel'*, b. ; bapt. May 7, 1727. 106. ii. Edward*, b. Feb. 25, 1732 ; m. May 12, 1758, Anna Judkins. iii. Mary*, b. ; bapt. Aug. 25, 1734. iv. Hannah*, b. ; bapt. May 3, 1741. 37. Thomas Eastman^ (SamueP, Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Jan. 21, 1703 ; married Jan. i, 1729, Abigail French. She died Feb. 3, 1742. He married 2d, Mary ; married 3d, Elizabeth, who survived him. Thomas Eastman lived in Kingston, N. H. 52 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. . HIS WILL. " In the name of God Amen, the 9th day of January 175 1-2, I Thomas Eastman of Kingston in the Province of New Hampshire in New England, husbandman being indis- posed of body but of sound mind and memory, thanks be given to God therefore calHng unto mind the mortaHty of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament that is to say principally and first of all, I give and recomend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I recomend to the earth to be buried in decent and Christian burial at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God and as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life I give, devise, and dispose of the same in the following manner and form : — " Imprimis : I give and bequeath unto my now dearly beloved wife, Elizabeth, all the moveable estate, goods, and effects which she brought with herself to me when she became my wife all to be at her dispose. " Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved sons Obadiah and Thomas all my lands lying within the east parish in said Kingston, it being all my lands in my home place whereon I now live as it lays and is bounded and nine acres be it more or less in said parish as it lays and is bounded which I pur- chased of Thomas Brown of late of the parish the said lands with the buildings and the orchards thereon be it more or less with all the appurtenances, privileges, and commodities unto the same belonging or in anywise appertaining to be equaly divided between them the said Thomas and Obadiah and they, the said Obadiah and Thomas, their heirs and assigns forever the said premises to have and to hold forever. THOMAS EASTMAN^, OF SALISBURY, MASS. 53 " Further I give and bequeath unto my said son Obadiah his heirs and assigns forever all my moveable goods and effects without doors as my stock of cattle, horses, sheep Etc., and all manner of tools or instruments for all sorts of work both for man or beast and all sorts of furniture and tackling for horses and neat cattle and also my part in the saw mill at the Trickling Falls so called in said town, also all my moveable goods and effects within doors, viz, all my household stuff or goods saving and excepting my own wearing cloths which I hereby give to my son Thomas as shall be hereafter mentioned and also the wearing cloaths which Mary my late beloved wife brought with herself to mend some of her household goods which she also brought which I hereby give to my two daughters which I had by her and shall be also hereafter mentioned, also I give to my said son Obadiah all the profit and improvement of all that part of my estate which I have hereby given to my said son Thomas that is to say all the profit and improvement untill the said Thomas shall arrive at the age of twenty one years and then the said Thomas to come into the possession of his part of the premises and in case the said Thomas should depart this life before he arrive at the said twenty one years of age that then I will and ordain that all his part of my estate which I have hereby given him shall go to the said Obadiah by him his heirs and assigns freely to be possessed and enjoyed forever. " Item. I give and bequeath to my beloved son Thomas all my wearing cloaths. " Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved sons, Edward and Ebenezer all the residue of my lands being sixty acres more or less being or lying in said Kingston, viz, fifty acres more or less, being part of the sixteenth lot in the two hundred acre grants so called in said Kingston and ten acres I purchased of the commoners of said Kingston adjoining the former and also one half of a right so called both in the 54 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. divided and undivided lands in the town of Canterbury in the Province aforesaid, the said premises, viz, the said lands in said Kingston, viz, in the two hundred acre grants and adjoining and also in Canterbury aforesaid with all the appurtenance, privileges and commodities thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining the said Edward and Ebenezer, their heirs and assigns to have and to hold forever and in case either the said Edward or Ebenezer should depart this life before he arrive at the age of twenty one years my will is that the survivor enjoy the deceased's part of the premises, viz, to his heirs and assigns forever. " Furthermore, I hereby give my said son Edward full privilege to cut and work up timber on any of the last men- tioned premises till the said Ebenezer shall arrive at the age of twenty one years. " Furthermore, I do hereby will and ordain that the said Edward and Ebenezer pay to my beloved daughters Sarah and Mary the sum of ten pounds each according to that which is called ' old tenor ' to be paid on their arrival of twenty one years, or if they or either of them should marry sooner than that then to be paid on their marriage day. " Item. I give and bequeath unto my beloved daughters Sarah and Mary all the wearing cloaths that their mother, my late well beloved wife Mary brought with her to me when she became my wife, to be equely divided between them. Also I hereby give to the said Sarah and Mary, one good feather bed and feather bolster and two pillows all with their cases and the said bed to be furnished with two pairs of cotton and linen sheets and three coverlids and a suit of curtains all which their mother my late wife Mary brought with her to me, also six pewter platters and a dozen of pewter plates to be equely divided between them also two table cloths, one diaper, the other cotton and linen to be equely divided all which their mother brought, and also a case THOMAS EASTMAN^ OF SALISBURY, MASS. 55 of drawers made of maple wood and a chest of drawers made of pine, one oval table, a dozen of black chairs, Banister backs and round stand or tea table all which their mother brought with her when she became my wife and to be equely divided between them the said household goods to be delivered to the said two daughters when they arrive at the age of eighteen years or if they or either of them should marry sooner than that age, then to be given to them on their marriage but their wearing clothes to be given up to them as soon as they grow up to wear them, and if either of them should depart this life before the above mentioned things are delivered to them as before mentioned, then the survivor to have and to enjoy all as if both of said daughters should die before they come into possession as afforesaid that then my will is that all these things given to my two daughters, shall go to my son Ebenezer by him to be freely possessed and enjoyed forever. " Further, I give to my two daughters, one hundred pounds, viz, fifty pounds each according to that which is now called the 'old tenor' to be paid as follows, viz, twenty pounds, viz, ten pounds each by the said Edward and Ebenezer as before mentioned and the remaining eighty pounds of the same tenor I hereby will and ordain my said son Obadiah to pay as followeth, viz, forty pounds to Sarah and forty pounds to Mary to be paid when they arrive at the age of twenty one years or in case they or either of them should marry before they come to that age, then to be paid on marriage or in case either the said Sarah or the said Mary should depart this life before marriage or before they at the before mentioned age, that then the survivor shall have all of the forementioned money paid her as above said and I do constitute and make, ordain my said son Obadiah, to be my sole executor of this my last will and testament, and I do hereby will and ordain that my said executor pay the said sum of eighty pounds old tenor to my two daughters as before mentioned and he shall 56 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. also surrender and give up to the said daughters the said wearing cloathes and household goods before mentioned and also that he pay all my honest debts also I hereby will and ordain that my said executor take the care and be at the charge of bringing up my small children for which care and trouble I have considered him in giving him my moveable goods and effects. Furthermore, I hereby will and ordain my said executor immediately after my decease to agree with his mother in law, my present wife well beloved wife Eliza- beth and make her full satisfaction for her trouble which she shall have been at with and for me and my family during the little time she has been my wife and furthermore in case my present wife should have a child by me I hereby will and ordain my said executor to pay the said child fifty pounds equel to the 'old tenor' when it shall arrive at the age of twenty one years. Furthermore I will and ordain that my said executor shall give my daughter Sarah my looking glas which my said wife Mary brought with her to me when she shall arrive at the age of eighteen years and if she should marry sooner than that age then to be delivered on marriage also to Mary my great Bible to be given up to her when she arrive at the age of eighteen years and if she should marry sooner than that age, then to be delivered up to her on her marriage also to give up to the said Sarah a gold ring which was also my wife's to be delivered as the looking glass and to Mary a silver book pin and a pair of silver shirt buttons to be delivered as the Bible, And I do hereby utterly dissalow, revoke, and disanul all, every, and other former wills, testa- ments, legacies, and bequests by me in any way before named, willed, and bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. " In witness whereof I do hereby set my hand and seal this nilth day of January Anno Domini 175 1-2. " Thomas Eastman (Seal.) THOMAS EASTMAN^ OF SALISBURY, MASS. 57 " Signed, Sealed, published pronounced and declared by the said Thomas Eastman to be his last will and testament in the presence of the subscribers. "Jeremy Webster, "Jeremiah Currier, "Joseph Eastman." " Province of New Hampshire : " At a court of Probate held at Portsmouth in and for said Province on the 25th day of March 1752 before the Hon. Andrew W'iggin Esq. Judge of the Probate of wills for said Obadiah Eastman executor of the foregoing will and testa- ment presented the same to be proved and accepted that trust. Jeremiah Webster Esq. Jeremiah Currier and Joseph Eastman, the subscribing witnesses appeared and made solemn oath that they were present and saw Thomas Eastman the testator sign, seal and heard him declare this instrument to be his last will and testament that at time of doing this he was to their best discerning of a sound mind and memory and that they subscribed their names hereunto as witnesses at the same time in the testators presence wherefore said will is proved, approved, allowed, vide "Andrew Wiggin. " A copy of record. Examined by William Parker, Register." " Kingston, July 5, 1771, this day received of my brother, Ebenezer Eastman, ten shillings lawful money which is in full of what was given to me by my honored father Thomas Eastman in his last will and testament which my brother Ebenezer Eastman was ordered to pay me I say received by me. her " Mary X Eastman. " Witness mark. Edward Eastman. Daniel Eastman." ^8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. 107. i. Obadiah", b. Oct. 21, 1729 ; lived on the homestead, in Kingston, N. H. 108. ii. Edward*, b. Feb. 25, 1733. iii. Thomas*, b. April 23, 173.5 ; d. in French war. 109. iv. Ebenezer*, b. Feb. 2, 1746. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. V. Sarah*, b. ; she never married ; went to Sanbornton, N. H., with her brother Ebenezer, and died there Dec. 18, 1835, age 91, hence born in 1744. vi. Mary*, b. ; m. Eliphalet Gordon, of New Hampton, N. H. ; she had no children, and the last known of the old family Bible was that she had it, but it cannot be found. 38. Benjamin Eastman^ (SamueP, Roger'), born in Salis- bury, Mass., July 13, 1710; married Aug. 16, 1733, Mar- garet Graves, sister of his brother Edward's wife. Letters of administration were granted to Margaret Eastman, Oct. 30. 1751- CHILDREN. i. Edward*, b. in Kingston, N. H., Feb. 23, 1734; bapt. April 21, 1734. ii. Mary*, b. April 3, 1736 ; bapt. June 6, 1736. iii. Margaret*, b. April 30, 1738 ; bapt. Dec. 10, 1739 ; m. Oct. 27, 1762, Israel Graves. 110. iv. John*, b. May 10, 1741 ; bapt. same day. v. Sarah*, b. June 27, 1743 ; bapt. Aug. 7, 1743. 111. vi. Benjamin*, b. Oct. 13, 1745 ; bapt. Oct. 23, 1745. vii. Elizabeth*, b. Jan. 6, 1747 ; bapt. Aug. 9, 1747. viii. Anna*, b. June 5, 1750; bapt. March 31, 1751. 39. Mary Eastman* (John^, John", Roger'), born in Ames- bury, Mass., Jan. 19, 1700; married Dec. 29, 1726, John Hoyt, born July 2, 1703, died previous to 1754. She out- lived him. He and his wife were admitted to the church in South Hampstead, N. H., Nov. 18, 1743-4, by letter from the church in Amesbury. JOHN EASTMAN-*, OF SALISBURY, MASS. 59 CHILDREN. i. Joseph IIoyt^ b. in 1727 ; 111. 1st, Sarah Collins ; 2d, widow Ruth Brown. He was known as " Capt." lloyt. ii. Jolm Iloyt^, b. Dec. 8, 1729 ; ni. 1st, Sarah ; 2d, widow Marion Ilobbs, Feb. 3, 17 — . His wife survived him. iii. Jonathan Hoyt^ b. Oct. 1, 1731 ; bapt. Oct. 31, 1731 ; ni. 1st, Sarah Shepard, of Salisbury, Jan. 24, 1753; 2d, Elizabeth (Eastman) Currier. iv. David Hoyt^ b. Aug. 25, 1734; m. Joannah Smith. V. Benjamin Hoyt^, b. Sept. 17, 1736 ; bapt. Nov. 7, 1736 ; m. Nov. 26, 1739, Mary Colby. vi. Samuel Hoyt^ b. Jan. 24, 1739-40 ; m. 1st, in 1778, Joannah Brown, died Jan. 1, 1778 ; 2d, June 18, 1788, widow Anna (Sibley) Stephens, she died Sept. 4, 1792 ; 3d, Feb. 4, 1797, Mehitable Kilburn, she died Nov. 5, 1830. He died in Hopkinton, N. II., in February, 1791. vii. Eastman Hoyt^ b. ; m. Martha Clough. 40. John Eastman-* (John^, John-, Roger'), born Dec. 27, 1701 ; married April i, 1727, Martha Fitts, born Jan. 18, 1 701-2, baptized March 29, 1702, daughter of Richard and Sarah (Thorn) Fitts, of Ipswich, and SaHsbury, Mass. Mr. Eastman lived in Salisbury, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Jerushas, b. April 21, 1728; ni. July 27, 1749, Samuel Baker. 112. ii. Isaacs, b. March 30, 1729 ; m. Jan. 11, 1757, Anna Brown, daughter of Ephraim. iii. Johns, b. March 20, 1731. iv. SamueF, b. June 28, 1734. V. James^, b. ; died in the army at Cape Breton. 113. vi. Richards, b. June 21, 1739. vii. Jacobs, b. April 6, 1742 ; d. Jan., 1776. He never married ; was a ship carpenter. viii. MaryS, b. April 21, 1744; d. 1784, unmarried. 41. Roger Eastman'* (John^, John^ Roger'), born in Salis- bury, Mass., May 9, 1701 ; married Jan. 25, 1730, Jerusha Fitts, born Dec. 10, 17 12, daughter of Richard Fitts, and sister of his brother John's wife. They lived in Salisbury. 60 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 114. i. Ezekiel*, b. April 28, 1731 ; was a Revolutionary soldier, and served in Colonel Bedel's regiment against Canada, in 1776. ii. Daniels, b. Sept. 29, 1733 ; moved to Conway, N. H. ; m. May 16, 1760, Mary Jackraan. She died Sept. 7, 1763, and he soon after removed to Maine, iii. Sarah5, b. Jan. 10, 1735; m. June 26, 1764, William Walton. 115. iv. Abigails, b. Sept. 27, 1739; m. Oct. 13, 1774, Col. Ebenezer Webster. She died in 1816. 42. Huldah Eastman* (John^, John^ Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Oct. 7, 17 14; married Aug. 17, 1742, Daniel Folsom, of Exeter. She was his second wife. huldah's children. i. Betsey Folsom^, b. ; m. Joseph Hoit and settled in Sandwich, N. H. They had (a) Daniel Hoite, b. Oct. 26, 1778, d. Aug. 11, 1858 ; m. Sally Flanders, and had (_1) Albert G. Hoit^ b. 1809; (2) William Hoit', b. , and others. Mercy Folsom^, b. . Huldah Folsom^, b. in Epping, June 10, 1753. George Folsom^, b. May 21, 1777. Abraham Folsom^, b. in Exeter, April, 1741. (?) Jonathan Folsom^, b. in Epping, abt. 1750 ; m. Joanna Willey. 119. vii. John Folsom^, b. abt. 1755 ; m. Aug. 27, 1778, Mary Conner. 43. David Eastman* (John^ John^ Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., June 11, 1720; married Aug. 17, 1742, Susannah Flanders, born April 24, 1725. He settled in South Hampton, N. H. On the South Hampton church records, there is to be found the record of three of his chil- dren as being baptized. It is probable he removed to San- down, where he died, as license was granted by the Judge of Probate, dated July 27, 1757, to sell real estate of David Eastman, late of Sandown, to Susannah Eastman. She married 2d, Nathaniel Eastman. 11. 116. iii. iv. 117. V. 118. vi. I JEREMIAH EASTMAN-*, OF IPSWICH, MASS. 6 1 CHILDREN. i. Huldah^ b. ; died young. ii. Susan nah^ b. ; bapt. Jan. 20, 174.5. iii. John^ b. ; bapt. Aug. 7, 1748. 120. *iv. Kingsburys, b. ; bapt. July 19, 1750. 44. Jeremiah Eastman-* (Zachariah^ John^ Roger'), born in Ipswich, Mass., March 30, 1704; married Feb. 10, 1725, Lydia Brown, daughter of Thomas Brown and EHzabeth Brown, of Newbury and SaHsbury, Mass. He settled in Byfield, Mass. CHILDREN. 121. i. Lydias, b. Nov. S, 1726. ii. Hannah^, b. ; d. June 29, 1730, 122. iii. Martlias, b. Dec. 17, 1730 ; m. 1st, a Mr. Gould ; 2d, Joseph Folsoni. 123. iv. Jeremiahs, b. Nov. 28, 1732 ; m. Oct. 2, 1758, Hannah Quiniby. 124. V. MeriamCb. Feb. 28, 1740. vi. MaryS, b. Sept. 3, 1745. 125. vii. EphraimS, b. Aug. 4, 1747. 126. viii. Phebe^ b. May 1, 1750 ; m. Ebenezer Prescott. 127. ix. Benjauiin^, b. ; m. Nancy Cram. 45. Jacob Eastman^ (Zachariah^, John^, Roger'), born in Ipswich, Mass., March 29, 171 1 ; died June 23, 1754; married Jan. 2, 1735, EHzabeth Brown, daughter of Thomas Brown and EHzabeth, his wife, of Newbury and SaHsbury, Mass., and sister of his brother Jeremiah's wife. CHILDREN. 128. i. Hannah^ b. ; ra. Sept., 1753, Abner Hoyt. ii. William^ b. March 23, 1738. He w&s a Revolutionary soldier, served in Captain Livermore's company, Third N. H. Regiment, in 1779, and in Captain Kingman's company, in 1780. iii. EphraiinS, b. Jan. 30, 1743 ; d. March 14, 1743. iv. Jacobs, 5. Dec. 28, 1752 ; d. May 13, 1753. 62 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ' 46. Roger Eastman-* (Roger^ John-, Roger'), born in Amesbury, Mass., April 11, 1711 ; died in Newton, N. H. ; married Rachel . Mr. Eastman settled in Newton, and at the time supposed he was in Massachusetts, but when the line was run out found he was in New Hampshire. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ROGER EASTMAN. " In the name of God Amen. I, Roger Easman of New- ton in the State of New Hampshire in New England, Husbandman, being sensible of my mortal state, and finding the infirmities of age coming upon me, but through the good- i ness of God of perfect mind and memory and of a disposing mind and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die. Do make and ordain this my last will and testament : and in the first place I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it, and my body I commit to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian manner at the descretion of my executor after named, nothing doubting but at the general ressurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as to such worldly goods and estate as it hath pleased God to bless me within this . life, I give and dispose in the following manner and form. 1 " Imprimis : I give and bequeath to Rachel Easman my * well beloved wife, one cow, three sheep and one swine, and the use and improvement of all my household good so long as she shall remain my widow : as also the improvement of one third part of all my lands together with the easterly half part of my dwelling house and a convenient part of my barn. " Item. I give and bequeathe to my two sons namely Thomas and Samuel Easman to them and their heirs and assigne all my lands in Weare town in the said State of New Hampshire to be divided to them into two equel parts : I likewise give and bequeathe to my said two sons Thomas and ROGER EASTMAN^, OF AMESI5URV, MASS. 63 Samuel ten dollars each to be paid to them out of my estate by my son Isaac F^asman at the end of six years after my decease which is to be their full share of my estate. •' Item : I give and bequeathe to my son Ichabod Easman and to his heirs, thirty pounds lawful money to be paid him out of my estate by my son Isaac Easman in four years after my decease, which sum of thirty pounds is to be his full share in my estate. " Item : I give and bequeathe to my son Nicholas Easman or to his heirs thirty pounds lawful money to be paid him out of my estate by my said son Isaac Easman in two years after my decease which som of thirty pounds is to be his full share in my estate. " Item : I give and bequeathe to my two daughters, namely Hannah Hunt and Judith Earrin two third part of all my indoor household good after my wives decease as also one pound four shillings lawful money each to be paid to them out of my estate by my son Isaac in six years after my decease which sum is to be their full share of my estate. " Item : I give and bequeathe to my daughter Jenne Sargent and to her daughter Sarah Sargent my grand daughter the other third part of all my household goods and furniture to be divided to them immediately after my wives decease as aforesaid two third part to the said Hannah and Judith and one third part to the .said Jenne and Sarah : My will and meaning is that my said daughter Jenne shall be entitled to receive two third parts of the one third part given to the said Jenne Sargent and her daughter Sarah. I likewise give to my said Jenne Sargent one pound four shil- lings lawfull money to be paid her out of my estate by my son Isaac Easman in six years after my decease. " Item. I give and bequeathe to my son Isaac Easman to him and to his heirs and assignes all my lands and buildings in Newton and South Hampton and meadows in South Hamp- 64 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ton in the state of New Hampshire with all my lands and meadow ground in Amesbury with all my stock of cattle sheep horse and swine together with all other my personal estate not disposed of before in this my last will, with the third part of my land given to my wife after her decease — he the said Isaac Easman paying all my just and due debts funeral charges and doctors bills and shall pay three pounds to my son Thomas and three pounds to my son Samuel and thirty pounds to my son Stephen and thirty pounds to my son Ichabod and thirty pounds to my son Nicholas and one pound four shillings to my daughter Hannah Hunt and one pound four shillings to my daughter Judith Farrin and one pound four shillings to my daughter Jenne Sargent and shall perform and execute this my will in all respects as I have before ordered at the several times before mentioned. " Moreover, my will and meaning is that in case said son Isaac Easman do not pay the several legacys before mantioned in this my will that each of my children shall be intitled to the value of each legacy as before mentioned in my lands and that my lands be held to make good the same, and lastly I do constitute and appoint my said son Isaac Easman to be my sole executor to this my last will and testament. " This is my mind and my will and I do confirm this and no other to be my last will and testamont this twenty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred seventy and seven, " Roger Easman. (Seal.) " Signed, sealed, published, pronounced and declared by the said Roger Easman to be his last will and testament. "In presence of us the subscribers, " Caleb Pilsbury. " Micajah Pilsbury. " Isaac Pilsbury." ROGER EASTMAN-*, OF AMESBURY, MASS. 6$ " I, Moses Pillsbury testify that About a year before the death of the above named Roger Easman, he brot this will to me to read it to him, which I did, whereupon the deceased said it was agreeable to his mind and he did not see how he could mend it and desired me to keep it which I did till after his decease, " Moses Pillsbury." " Rockingham, ss. "Sept 19, 1 79 1. Then Moses Pillsbury, personaly appear- ing made solomn oath to the truth of the above deposition by him subscribed, and at the same time Micajah Pillsbury, one of the subscribing witnesses made solomn oath that he saw Roger Eastman the testator sign, seal and heard him declare this instrument to be his last will and testament, that at the time of doing so he was to the best of said Micajah's discern- ment of sound and disposing mind and memory, and that he with Caleb Pillsbury deceased and Isaac Pillsbury, not present set their names hereto as witnesses in presence of the testator. " I do therefore more approve and allow the same. " Oliver Peabodv, Judge of Probate." CHILDREN. Thomas^ b. 1740 ; m. Sarah Sargent. Stephen^, b. in Xewton, March 27, 1744. Ichabods, b. May 22, 1749. SamueP, b. 1747. Isaacs, b. Oct. 30, 1754. Nicholas^ b. . Hannah^, b. ; m. Henry Hunt. Judith^, b. ; m. Farrin. Jennie^, b. ; m. Sargent. The births not in order. 129. 130. 131. iii 132. 133. 134. vi 135. vii viii. 136. ix 66 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 47. Jonathan Eastman-* (Roger^ John% Roger'), born in Amesbury, Mass., in 1717 ; died in Rupert, Vt., Feb. 26, 1807 ; married in 1744 Elizabeth Wood, born in 1730 and died in Rupert, Jan. 10, 1800. He lived in Norwich, Conn., where the first four of his children were born and are on record there. It is said he removed to Woodstock, Conn., and from there to Bennington, Vt., just before the Revolu- tionary war. He later removed to Rupert, where he kept tavern, and was known far and near as " Landlord Eastman." He was within hearing of the battle of Bennington. CHILDREN. Lydias, b. April 22, 1745 ; d. 1796, uum. Bathshebas, b. Sept. 29, 1746. Enochs, b. April 24, 1748. CypriauS, b. Jan. 29, 1749. Bathsheba, 2d5, b. 1751. Jonathan^, b. 1753. Peter^, b. ; went to Canada during the Revolutionary war and later to Ohio. Stephen^, b. 1754. Esther^, b. Sept. 18, 1757 ; d. Jan. 30, 1837. Miriam^, b. 1758 ; died 1839 ; m. Amos Scott. CalvinS, b. May 25, 1760 ; d. Oct. 5, 1856. Olivei'S, b. 1762 ; went to Ohio and died there. Justing b. 1764 ; d. in Rupert, Vt., in 1772. Amy^ b. ; d. in Buckmantown, N. Y., in 1853. AmosS, b. Feb. 6, 1768 ; d. in Bristol, Vt., June 20, 1864. 48. Miriam Eastman-* (Roger^, John^, Roger'), born in Norwich, Conn., Nov. 2, 1727 ; died in Woodville, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1818 ; married May 3, 1748, Nathaniel Wood, born Nov. 18, 1729; died in Woodville, N. Y., April 27, 181 5. His sister was wife of Jonathan Eastman {47). They were married in Norwich, Conn., where the most of their children were born. Late in life he removed to Vermont and located in Bristol, but later removed to New York, and founded a new settlement, which they called Woodville. 1. ii. 137. iii. 138. iv. 139. V. 140. vi. vii. 141. viii. ix. 142. X. 143. xi. 144. xii. xiii. xiv. 145. XV. SAMUEL EASTMAN-*. iSj CHILDREX. i. Jacob Woods, b. March 2, 1740. 146. ii. Ephraiiii Wood^, b. Nov. 20, 1755. iii. Miriam Woods, b. April 21, 1760 ; m. a Mr. Hazen. iv. Solomon Wood^, b. March 31, 1762 ; m. Parthenia ; had son. William. V. Hannah Wood% b. March 5, 17G4 ; m. 1st, a Hibbard; 2d, Obadiah Kinq-slev. vi. Nathaniel AVood^, b. Dec. 5, 1766 ; m. Lucretia . 147. vii. Ebenezer Wood^ b. Sept. 17, 1770; ni. Abigail . 49. Samuel Eastman-* (Roger^, John^, Roger"), born ; married ; settled in Hawke, now Danville, N. H. There is a tradition in the family that he served in the French war and in the Revolutionary war, died wath fever in Charlestown, Mass., and was buried near the public square. Miss Emer- son, a cousin, said when living she had seen his grave, but now no trace of it can be found. The name of his wife is unknown. CHILDREN. i. Thomas^ b. . ii. SamueP, b. . iii. Ichabod^, b. . 148 iv. Stephen^, b. in Hawke, novi^ Danville, N. H., in 1748. It is said Samuel left a widow and five children. 50. Thomas Eastman-* (Thomas^, John-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Dec. 27, 1756 ; died in Bridgewater, N. H., in 1838. He married and settled in Bridgewater, N. H. Thomas Eastman enlisted April 23, 1775, in Capt. Isaac Baldwin's company. Col. John Stark's regiment, as a private ; time of service, three months and sixteen days. This was the same company his brother Collins was in. Thomas Eastman again enlisted in Captain Hutchins's company, Col. Joseph Cilley's regiment, as a private ; mus- tered in February, 1778. His brother John was in this same company. Thomas was in the battle of Bunker Hill, where his captain was killed. His descendants claim that he 68 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. was in the battles of Stillwater, Saratoga, and Monmouth, but there are no records to show it. It is honor enough to know he was in the battle of Bunker Hill, with a big B. Mr. Eastman removed from Hopkinton, N. H., to Bridgewater in 1804. CHILDREN. 149. i. Johns, b. . 150. ii. Stephen^, b. in Hopkinton, N. H., Sept. 25, 1784 ; d. Feb. 19, 1873. 151. iii. Aquilla^ b. ; m. Dorothy Peaslee. 152. iv. Thomas^ b. ; m. Sally Howe ; settled in Holderness, N. H. 153 V. Benjamin^, b. ; m. Polly Harris ; settled in Holderness^ N. H. 154. vi. Hannah^, b. . 51. Samuel Eastman-* (Thomas^, John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Aug. 25, 1760 ; married and settled in Boscawen, N. H., but later removed to Warner, N. H.^ where he died. He was called "Bonus." CHILDREN. i. Gardner K.^ b. ; m. Sargent, and had two daughters ; d. in Warner, N. H. Was a stonecutter, ii. A daughter^ b. . "a"^ iii. Mariner^, b. ; had the home farm in Warner ; m. Dolly Pingree : had one son, Winslow, murdered in Cali- fornia. 52. John Eastman-* (Thomas^ John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Jan. 20, 1762 ; married and had children, and most of them removed to Maine. John Eastman enlisted in Captain Hutchins's company, Col. Joseph Cilley's regiment, in February, 1778. This was the same company his brother Thomas was in. The following record, taken from New Hampshire Revolutionary rolls, shows that he was not as loyal as he ought to have been : ABIGAIL EASTMAN''. 69 " This may certify that John Eastman of Hopkinton, for- merly an enlisted soldier in Capt. Nathaniel Hutchins com- pany, has been a deserter with the enemy, has since returned and joined his regiment and was present last Dec. "Concord, N. H., Mar. 21, 1782. (Signed) " D. Livermore, Capt." 53. Abigail Eastman-' (Thomas^ John% Roger"), born ; married Nov. 15, 1789, Benjamin Kimball, of Concord, N. H., born April 24, 1756 ; died 1829; lived in Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Gardner Kimball^, b. Oct. 18, 1790 ; d, Aug. 20, 1799. ii. Mahala Kimball^, b. Jan. 16, 1795 ; m. Preserved Robinson. 155. iii. Hazen KimbaUs, b. July 2, 1796. iv. Mary Kimball^ b. March 18, 1801 ; m. Samuel Clifford. V. Betsey Kimball^, b. July 12, 1802 ; m. July 6, 1824, Hazen AValker, of Boscawen, N. H. vi. Clarissa KimbalP, b. Aug. 27, 1804. vii. Charlotte Kimbalis, b. Feb. 2, 1808. 54. Hannah Eastman^ (Thomas^ John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Jan. 10, 1767 ; died May 19, 1858 ; married in 1784, Dea. Jonathan Fowler, of Hopkinton, N. H., died Sept. 7, 1840, age ^6 years. CHILDREN. i. Mary Fowler^, b. Feb. 15, 1785; m. John Tiltou ; had Timothy Fowler. 156. ii. Thomas Fowler^, b. Nov. 13, 1786 ; m. Olive Hale, iii. Nicholas Fowler^, b. Aug. 29, 1788. iv. Timothy Fowler^, b. June 19, 1790. V. Ruth FowlerS, b. March 7, 1792. vi. Joannah Fowler^ b. Feb. 23, 1794. 157. vii. Jeremiah Fowler^, b. March 23, 1796. viii. Eunice Fowler^, b. Feb. 6, 1798. ix. Betsey Fowler^, b. Feb. 20, 1801. X. Martha Fowler^, b. April 3, 1803. xi. Chase Fowler^, b. Sept. 3, 1806. 70 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 55. Samuel Eastman-* (Joseph^ John^ Roger'), born Nov. 21, 171 5 ; married Nov. 18, 1739, Elizabeth Putney. CHILDREN. i. Elizabeths, b. Jan. ]1, 1740. 158. ii. Abigail^, b. March 21, 1742. iii. MaryS, b. May 21, 1745. 56. Jonathan Eastman-* (Joseph^ John^ Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., March 13, 1718 ; died Nov. 13, 1757; married Nov. 18, 1742, Martha Allen. After his death his widow married again. He lived in Salisbury, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Elizabeths, b. Juue 6, 1743. ii. Sarahs, b, \ug. 24, 1745. iii. Mehitables, b. Aug. 22, 1747. 159. iv. Jeremiahs, b. April 1, 1750. V. Jonathans, b. Nov. 29, 1753. vi. Samuels, born Sept. 6, 1756. 57. Joseph Eastman** (Joseph^, John-, Roger'), born prob- ably in Boscawen, N. H., May 26, 1720; died in Concord, N. H., in 181 5, aged 95 years. Married ist, Elizabeth Jackman ; she died, and he married 2d, Abigail Eastman, daughter of Joseph-* (Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born May 27, 1741 ; died Dec. 2, 183 1, aged 90 years. Mrs. Eastman was called by the neighbors, to distinguish her from others, "widow Deacon Joseph Eastman." Joseph Eastman belonged to " Rogers' Rangers," and was a Revolutionary soldier, as was also his son William, and served in the same company. CHILDREN BY FIRST -WIFE. 160. i. Williams, b. Feb. 12, 1758. ii. Elizabeths, b. Sept. 19, 1761 ; d. young. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. 61. iii. HenryS, b. July 12, 1765. 162. iv. Jamess, b. Aug. 5, 1767 ; d. March 23, 1856. V. Dorothys, b. Aug. 7, 1769. vi. Nathans, b. July 30, 1772. BENJAMIN EASTMAN'*, OF SALISBURY, MASS. "J I vii. Naomi^ b. Feb. 11, 1775. viii. Polly^ b. Oct. 15, 1780. ix. Sarahs, b. July 80, 1783; d. Sept. 11, 1855. She never married. 58. Benjamin Eastman-* (Joseph^ John-, Roger"), born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 9, 1730; married Susannah Jackman. He lived in Newport and Boscawen, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Jereniiali^ b. July 2, 1758. 163. ii. Johnson^, b. Nov. 15, 1764. iii. Susannah^, b. Aug., 1766 ; d. young, iv. Cyrus°, b. June 1, 1779. V. Benjamin^, b. June 22, 1781. vi. Enochs, b. Oct. 26, 1782. 164. vii. Amoss, b. Dec. 18, 1784. viii. Susannah^, b. March 6, 1786. ix. Hannah^, b. March 6, 1787. 59. Enoch Eastman^ (Joseph^ John^ Roger'), born June I, 1725 ; died in Hopkinton, N. H. ; married in Concord, N. H., Aug. 13, 1750, Rebecca Abbott, born in Concord, N. H., Aug. 13, 1730. She was a twin and daughter of James and Abigail (Farnum) Abbott, of Concord. Mr. Eastman was one of the first members of the church in Hopkinton, N. H., where he lived. CHILDREN. i. Enochs, b. Feb. 12, 1752 ; drovpned. ii. Ezras, b. March 21, 1754; died. 165. iii. SimeonS, b. Dec. 23, 1755. iv. Enochs, b. March 2, 1757. 166. V. Abigails, b. Feb. 23, 1759. 167. vi. Samuels, b. Xov. 13, 1760. 168. vii. Rebeccas, b. April 10, 1762. 169. viii. LucyS, b. Dec. 13, 1763. 170. ix. Tamisons, b. Oct. 14, 1766. 171. X. Josephs, b. Sept. 18, 1768. 172. xi. Ezras, b. Aug. 15, 1769. 173. xii. SallyS, b. ; m. Thomas Cater, of Hopkinton, N. H. 72 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 60. Stephen Eastman'^ (Joseph^, John^ Roger'), born March 15, 1727; married Miriam . He lived in Hop- kinton, N. H. CHILDREN BORN IN HOPKINTON. i. SamueP, b. May 1, 1771. ii. DaiiieP, b. Aug. 12, 1773. iii. Elizabeth^, b. July 10, 1775. 61. John Swan"* (Susannah Eastman^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 26, 1700 ; married Dec. 14, 1725, Lucy Denison, born in 17 10, in Stonington, Conn., daughter of William and Mary (Avery) Denison. CHILDREN. i. Anna Swan^, b. March 10, 1727 ; m. Benadam Denison. ii. Lucia Swan^, b. Nov. 30, 1729. iii. John Swan, Jr.^, b. Sept. 2'4, 1731 ; m. Mary Prentice, iv. Joseph Swau^, b. March 12, 1734. 174. V. Joshua Swan^, b. Nov. 15, 1736. vi. Peris Swan^, b. Oct. 3, 1739. vii. Thomas Swan^ b. March 18, 1742 ; ni. Amy Denison. viii. Eunice Swan^, b. Sept. 10, 1744. ix. Edward Swau^ b. Nov. 17, 1746 ; settled in Vermont. X. George Swan^, b. Aug. 26, 1750 ; m. Abigail Randall. 62. Timothy Swan-* (Susannah Eastman^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Stonington, Conn., Sept. 2, 1721 ; married Dec. 28, 1743, Mary Smith, of Groton, Conn. She was a lineal descendant of Nehemiah and Ann (Bourne) Smith. CHILDREN. i. Mary Swan^, b. Nov. 5, 1744 ; m. 1st, William Wheeler ; 2d, Thomas Wheeler. 175. ii. Ruth Swan^, b. June 5, 1747 ; m. Lieut. Isaac Wheeler, iii. Lucy Swan^ b. Jan. 17, 1750 ; m. Isaac Avery. iv. Timothy Swan^ b. July 15, 1752; m. Ayer. V. Nathan Swan^ b. Jan. 23, 1754 ; m. Esther Avery, vi. Elisha Swan^, b. Dec. 26, 1755 ; m. Experience Smith, vii. Elias Swan^, b. Jan. 31, 1758. viii. Eunice Swan^, b. Aug. 20, 1759 ; m. John Wheeler, ix. Oliver Swan^, b. Sept. 22, 1762. X. Elizabeth Swan^, b. July 25, 1764 ; m. Holdridge. xi. Cynthia Swan^, b. 1770 ; m. Isaac Hewitt. EBENEZER EASTMAN-*, OF HAVERHILL, MASS. 73 63. Ebenezer Eastman'* (Ebenezer^ Philip', Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., Sept. 5, 171 1 ; died in 1778 ; married Eleanor . He came to Concord, N. H., in the early settlement of the plantation, then called Penacook, with his parents when about fifteen years of age. He always resided in Concord, N. H. He enlisted Jan. i, 1745, in Captain Goffe's company of thirty-seven men, scouting the woods by order ; discharged April 5, 1745. CHILDREN. 176. i. Sarahs, b. in Concord, N. H., July 14, 1737. 177. ii. Stilsons, b. Jan. 7, 1738 ; d. 1837. iii. Ebenezer^ b. April 17, 1740 ; Revolutionary soldier in battle of Bunker Hill. iv. Peaslee^, b. Aug. 20, 1743 ; Revolutionary soldier, Rhode Island, in 1779. V. Elizabeths, b. July 31, 1744. vi. Eleanoi'S, b. Sept. 6, 1746; m. a half-breed Indian called " Lieut. Bill Philips," on a forged license, and had one son. She left him and joined the Shakers in Canterbury, N. H., in 1784, resuming her maiden name. She was married by Esq. Samuel Fowler, of Boscawen, a Quaker, and the second husband of widow Ruth (Eastman) Carter, daughter of Capt. Ebenezer Eastman, of East Concord, N. H. She died at the Shakers Nov. 17, 1816. Lieut. " Bill " was a worthless vagabond, and picked up his living just where he could find it. He died about 1819, about 100 years of age. vii. Miriam^, b. 1756 ; died at the Shakers, where she went with her sister, June 1, 1813, aged 57 years. She never married. 64. Philip Eastman^ (Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger"), born in Haverhill, Mass., Nov. 15, 171 3 ; died in Concord, N. H., Sept. I, 1804 ; married May 29, 1739, in Concord, Abiah Bradley, daughter of Abraham and Abigail (Philbrick) Brad- ley. She was probably born in Haverhill, Mass. Mr. Eastman was one of the most useful citizens of his genera- tion ; was a man of sterling integrity, great resolution and force, of sound judgment, and took a leading part in the business of the town. 74 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Roberts, b. in Concord, X. H., Oct. 5, 1742 ; ni. Mary Brad- ley, and died May 22, 1812. He resided in the house now owned by Col. J. E. Pecker, East Concord. He had no children. He was about forty years of age when he married. 178. ii. Jonathan^, b. June 10, 1746 ; married Mary Chandler, and d. Oct. 19, 1834. iii. Ruth^, b ; ra. a j\lr. Page, and settled in Fryeburg, Me. 65. Joseph Eastman^ (Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., June 10, 171 5 ; died in 1803 ; married Abigail Mellen, born in 1720, died March 13, 1801. He lived in Concord, N. H. He was known as " Captain Joseph." In 1775 he commanded a company at Crown Point, was constable in 1731, and selectman in 1732. He signed the oath of allegiance in 1776. He was with Colonel Gerrish at Ticonderoga. His tax in 1778 was 9 pounds, 9 shillings, and 4 pence. CHILDREN. 179. i. INIaryS, b. Feb. 16, 1740 ; m. Asa Kimball. ii. Abigail^ b. May 27, 1741 ; m. Joseph Eastman (see No. 57). 180. iii. Moses^, b. March 3, 1743; m. Lucretia Tyler, iv. Sarah^ b. Nov. 3, 1755 ; m. David Young. 181. V. John^, b. March 4, 1759 ; m. Syble Chamberlain. 182. vi. JennyS, b. Sept. 12, 1762 ; m. Hon. William Chamberlain, of Peacham, Vt. 66. Nathaniel Eastman-* (Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., March 10, 171 7 ; married in 1754, Phebe Chandler. Mr. Eastman was in Colonel Williams' regiment at the battle of Lake George in 1755, as also in " Rogers' Rangers." He was also a Revolutionary soldier in Capt. Ebenezer Webster's company at Ticonderoga in 1777. He lived in Concord, N. H. His town taxes in 1778 were 8 pounds, 9 shillings. JEREMIAH EASTMAN-*, OF IIAVKKHILL, MASS. 75 CHILDREN. 163. i. XathanieP, b. Oct. 9, 1755 ; m. Kutli Bradley. ii. MaryS, b. April 0, 1758 ; in. Abiel Blanchanl, of Peacham, Vt. iii. Elizabeth*^, b. June 5, 17G1 ; ni. Abiel Blanchard. His second ^Yife. 184. iv. Jacobs b. July 9, 1703 ; m. Abigail Kimball. 185. V. Rhoda^, b. April 7, 1766 ; rn. James Hosmer. vi. Levi^, b. April 24, 1771. 6"] . Jeremiah Eastman'* (Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 25, 1719; married in Concord, N. H., by Rev. Timothy Walker, Nov. 29, 1744, Dorothy Carter. Mr. Eastman was a merchant in Concord, but eventually removed to Maine. An old account book of his is in the possession of Mr. F. E. Eastman, of Cornish, Me., a great-grandson of his. CHILDREN. 186. i. Daniel^ b. in Concord, N. H., in 1757. 187. ii. Obadiah^ b. in Corinth, Me. 6^. Obadiah Eastman^ (Ebenezer^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., Dec. 11, 1721 ; died in Salem, N. H., March 28, 1767 ; married in 1744, Mehitable Watts, daughter of John and Sarah (Dustin) Watts, and granddaughter of Hannah Dustin. Sarah was about eight years of age when her mother was captured. Mr. Eastman lived in Salem, N. H., where he died. He seems to have been a worthy and substantial citizen. He was chosen selectman ten times, commencing in 1752, in which year he was chosen treasurer of the town ; was moderator in 1764. "Salem, Feb. ye 14th, 1764, bid off to Henry Lancaster, the pue next to the broad alley upon the women's side, right before Mr. Samuel Hazeltines pue, for one hundred and sixty and one pounds, which I resign to Obadiah Eastman, his giving the town security, as witness my hand. " Henry Lancaster. " Executed by me, Obadiah Eastman." 1. 188. ii. iii. iv. 188 a. V. 189. vi. 190. vii. •■[6 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. It is said that Mehitable married again, but we have no record of it. The grave of Obadiah is in the cemetery near the south part of the town, and is the only grave, so far as known, of an Eastman in town. His children all left town and died elsewhere, except those who died young. CHILDREN, ALL BORN IN SALEM, N. H. Hannah^, b. Jan. 20, 1745 ; d. Sept. 21, 1754. Obadiahs, b. April 27, 1747 ; m. Mehitable Merrill. Timothy^, b. Jan. 1, 1750. Calebs, b. June 22, 1753 ; d. Aug. 24, 1754. Anna^ b. Oct. 25, 1755; m. Enoch Knight; d. April 11, 1851. EbenezerS, b. June 23, 1758. Simeon^ b. Dec. 25, 1762 ; m. Anna Kimball. 69. Ruth Eastman-* (Ebenezer^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Jan. 17, 1729 ; married at the age of thir- teen years. Dr. Ezra Carter. Her first child was born before she was fourteen years old. She was married by Rev. Timothy Walker, Jan. 30, 1743 (church records). Dr. Carter died, and his widow married 2d, by Rev. Timothy Walker, Aug. 14, 1768, Samuel Fowler, Esq., of Boscawen, N. H., a prominent citizen. He was the first lawyer and tavern keeper in Boscawen. CHILDREN BY FIRST HUSBAND. i. Ezra Carter^ b. June 12, 1743. 191. ii. Ruth Carters, b. Feb. 26, 1745. 192. iii. Ephraim Carter^, b. Oct. 21, 1746. 193. iv. Judith Carter^, b. ; m. Thomas Gross. CHILDREN BY SECOND HUSBAND. V. Ruth Fowler^, b. . She was the mother of William Pitt Fessenden, born in Boscawen, X. H., Oct. 16, 1806, in the house subsequently owned by Dea. Thomas Ger- rish. The child was christened after the Episcopal ser- vice, Daniel Webster being its god-father. His father was Gen. Samuel Fessenden, of Portland, Me. William Pitt graduated from Bowdoin College in 1823, with dis- tinguished honors, receiving his degree of A. B. before MOSES EASTMAN-*, OF CONCORD, N. II. 7/ he was seventeen years of age. Such precocity has few equals ; one was Edward Everett, and another was the great commoner of England, for whom he was named. He was a member of the national convention in 1840, candidate for congress in 1850, member of national con- vention in same year. He was elected to congress in 1854, elected senator in 1859, for six years. The year previous, Bowdoin conferred on him the degree of LL. D., and Harvard paid the same compliment in 1864. He died suddenly after a week's illness, Sept. 8, 1869. His mother married Nathaniel Green, of Boscawen, N. H., and they had a daughter who married Moses Bailey, of Hopkin- ton, N. H. vi. A daughter^, b. ; m. Dr. Daniel Peterson. 70. Moses Eastman-* (Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Feb. 28, 1732 ; died in Concord, April 4, 1812 ; married in 1756, Elizabeth Kimball, born in Concord, N. H., Sept. 23, 1738, daughter of David and Mary (Wilson) Kim- ball, and granddaughter of David^, Benjamin^, Richard', the emigrant. During the French and Indian war, in Septem- ber, 1754, he was one of Capt. John Chandler's company of scouts, and in 1755 he was sergeant in Capt. Joseph East- man's (his brother's) company of Rangers, who marched to Albany, then to Fort Edward, in the expedition against Crown Point. September, 1762, he was one of Captain Marston's company, at Crown Point. Early in the Revolu- tion he enlisted as sergeant, on April 23, 1775, for three months and sixteen days, in Captain Baldwin's company, in Col. John Stark's regiment. He was with Stark on the seventeenth of June at the battle of Bunker Hill. During the siege of Boston, in 1775, in consequence of the Connect- icut troops retiring at the expiration of their term of enlist- ment, General Washington sent messages to the Committee of Safety of New Hampshire, for three regiments of militia to be raised immediately for his reinforcement, and within ten days thereafter. New Hampshire furnished thirty-one com- 78 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. panics of six-weeks men, who, on their arrival at Cambridge, were highly complimented by Washington. The sixth com- pany on the hst was from Concord, N. H., had fifty-one privates, three sergeants, three corporals, commanded by Capt. Benjamin Emery, of which company Moses Eastman was second lieutenant. These companies of militia were discharged soon after the evacuation of Boston, March 17, 1776. In September, 1777, Moses Eastman again enlisted in Capt. Joshua Abbott's company, in Lieut. -Col. Henry Gerrish's regiment. This company marched to reinforce the Northern Army, and while they arrived too late for the battle of Bennington, they joined the army at Saratoga, and were present at the surrender of Burgoyne. In August, 1778, Moses Eastman again enlisted as sergeant in Capt. Aaron Ouinby's company of volunteers, in Col. Moses Kelly's regiment, in the expedition to Rhode Island. Moses was a signer of the Association Test, in 1776, wherein each of the subscribers solemnly engaged and promised that they would to the utmost of their power, at the "risque" of their lives and fortunes, with arms oppose the hostile proceedings of the British fleets and armies against the United American colo- nies. In the Old Fort Cemetery in East Concord, a fine granite monolith was erected last October (1894) to the memory of thirteen Revolutionary soldiers buried there. Five of the names inscribed on the tablet were Eastmans, among whom were Moses and David Eastman. CHILDREN. 194. i. Sarahs, b. Aug. 8, 1757 ; in. Jacob Carter. 195. ii. Susauiiah^, b. Oct. 30, 1759 ; m. John West. 196. iii. David^, b. Jan. 15, 1763 ; m. Ruth Carter. 197. iv. EbenezerS, i;^. Qct. 19, 1765 ; m. Esther Farnum. 198. V. AbieP, b. Oct. 3, 1767 ; m. Sally Thompson. 199. vi. Judith^, b. Sept. 7, 1769 ; m. Aaron Austin. 200. vii. Phineas^, b. Jan. 20, 1772 ; m. Susan Osgood. 201. viii. Simeon^ b. May 11, 1774; m. Abigail Virgin. ix. Jemima^ b. Oct. 13, 1776 ; m. . SAMUEL EASTMAN'*, OF ASHFOKD, CONN, 79 X. Betsey^ b. April 2, 1779; 111. a ]Mr. Latlirop, of Cleve- land, O. xi. Persist b. May 31, 1781 ; 111. Jacob Trussel, of Canaan, N. li. 71. Samuel Eastman-* (Philip^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Ashford, Conn., May 17, 1716 ; married ist, Feb. 25, 1742-3, Thankful Reed; 2d, March i, 1759, Dorothy Humphrey, daughter of John and Hannah (Russell) Humphrey, and widow of John Gaggail. Mr. Eastman was licensed as a tavern keeper in Ashford, in 1762. On the town records of Ashford will be found the births of his first six children, and on the records of Rehoboth, R. I., will be found those of his second wife, so it is supposed he removed to Rehoboth about 1767. On the Congregational church records in Rehoboth will be found the date of the baptism of the children of Samuel East- man, viz., Abigail, Dorothy, John, Ruth, and Samuel, baptized May 17, 1772. On the same records will be found the name of Dorothy Eastman, a member of the church, Jan. 26, 1772. This was probably Mrs. Eastman, as her daughter Dorothy would have been rather young to join the church at eleven years of age. It is not known when or where Samuel or his wife died, but it is thought in Rehoboth. CHILDREN BORX IN ASHFOKD, CONN. i. Abigails, b. jan. 20, 1742-3. ii. Joanna^, b. July 7, 1746 ; d. Feb. 2, 1749. ill. Joanna^, b. June 6, 1749. iv. Mary^ b. June 20, 1751 ; m. Xov. 15, 1770, Jehiel Webb, of Westminister, Yt. Children : (a) Mary'', b. ; bapt. in Rockingham, Vt., Xov. 7, 1778 ; (b) Hannah^, bapt. in Rockingham, Aug. 24, 1783. V. LucyS, b. Sept. 29, 1753. vi. Thankful^, b. Feb. 16, 1756 ; m. Dec. 5, 1778, Nathan Wright, lived in Rockingham, Yt. CHILDREN BORN IN REHOBOTH. SamueP, b. March 30, 1768 ; settled in Rutland, Yt. Johns, 1). Sept. 6, 1770 ; settled in Grafton, Yt. Ichabod-^, b. Sept. 80, 1773 ; settled in Rockingham, Vt. One of these daughters married a Bixby. 202. vii. 1 viii. 203. ix. 80 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 72. Timothy Eastman* (Philip^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Ashford, Conn., March 5, 1717 ; married April 5, 1739, Esther Clark. He lived in Ashford ; was a surveyor of high- ways in 1762. CHILDREN, ALL BORN IN ASHFORD, CONN. i. Josephs, b. Jan. 24, 1740 ; d. Sept. 27, 1756. ii. Philips, b. Jan. 17, 1742. iii. Timothys, b. April 24, 1744. He was a Revolutionary soldier. 204. iv. PeterS, b. July 22, 1746 ; m. Mary Trumbull. V. Esthers, b. April 4, 1749. vi. Hannahs, b. March 9, 1752. vii. Sibbeis, b. Feb. 8, 1755 ; d. Dec. 6, 1757. ^ viii. .Josephs, b, Aug. 31, 1758. 205. ix. Clarks, b. Sept. 30, 1763 ; Revolutionary soldier. 73. Ruth Eastman-* (Philip^ Philip^, Roger"), born in Ashford, Conn., April 23, 1722 ; died Oct. 10, 1755 ; mar- ried in Ashford, March 14, 173S, William Cheeney, born in Cambridgeport, Mass., about 171 7. The date of his death is unknown. Mr. Cheeney and wife both joined the church in Ashford, May 16, 1742. He bought lands there of Martha Fitch, of Boston, Oct. 6, 1746, a part of which he sold to his brother. Col. Thomas Cheeney, April 13, 1748. Six of their children were living at the date of their uncle's death, and inherited a share of his estate. CHILDRE>f, ALL BORN IN ASHFORD, CONN. i. Ebenezer CheeneyS, b. May 23, 1740 ; bapt. July 11, 1742. ii. Thomas CheenejS, b. July 1, 1742 ; bapt. July 25, 1742. iii. Benjamin CheeneyS, b. June 10, 1744 ; bapt. June 27, 1744, iv. William CheeneyS, b. May 23, 1747 ; bapt. July 11, 1747. V. John CheeneyS, b. March 14, 1749 ; d. young. vi. Elizabeth CheeneyS, b. 1752 ; m. John Babyno. vii. John Cheeney, 2ds, b. Nov. 10, 1754; d. young, viii. Joseph CheeneyS, b. Feb. 23, 1759. ix. Abigail CheeneyS, b. Feb. 23, 1759. X. John Cheeney, a son by adoption ; bapt. Oct. 12, 1760. JONATHAN EASTMAN^ OF ASHFOKn, CONN. 8 1 74. Jonathan Eastman-* (Philip^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Ashford, Conn., June 3, 1724 ; married Elizabeth Pearse, and settled in W'alpole, N. H. Mr. Eastman was a farmer. Late in life he removed to Northfield, N. H., but in about a year, in 1787, removed to Enfield, where he soon went to the " Shakers," where he died. Of his family record it is difficult to obtain much, especially dates, as his records were lost by fire at the " Shakers." It is not known how many of his children went there with him, but one, Jonathan, went with his father, but when about fourteen years of age left them. CHILDREN. 206. i. SamueP, b. . 207. ii. Jamess, b. 1761. 208. iii. Comforts, b. . iv. Isabel^, b. . 209. V. Jonathans, b. April 28, 1774. The order of births may not be correct. 75. Peter Eastman-* (Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., April 20, 1710 ; married Elizabeth Harriman, of Hampstead, N. H., where he settled and died. He, with Peter Green (probably his uncle), owned a large share of Hampstead, as also the island in Island Pond in Hampstead. We have no further record of him except the birth of his children on the town books. The proprietors of Haverhill, March 21, 1731, gave to Hon. Richard Saltonstall, a member of His Majesty's Council, one half of the large island in Island Pond, in consideration of valuable services rendered the proprietors ; the remainder was sold to him for thirty shillings an acre. It was then estimated to contain two hundred acres, and called Island Farm in Perch Pond. It was sold by Saltonstall in 4734 to Jonathan and Peter Eastman and Peter Green, who sold it to Gov. Benning Wentworth in 1741. It was owned by him and his heirs until 1780, and from then till 1865 it was trans- 82 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ferred seventeen times, at which time it was purchased by its present owners. This Jonathan Eastman must have been the father of Peter, as his will mentions Wash Pond, which lies in Hampstead, though no record is in existence of Jona- than ever living in Hampstead. Peter settled in the town about 1732, and made his home near the western shore of Wash Pond. Peter Eastman was town clerk of Hampstead in 1758 and 1760. On a petition sent to Gov. Penning Wentworth and to the General Court assembled Jan. i, 1743-4, the names of Peter and William Eastman appear. In a list of persons assessed in Hampstead in 1764 the name of Dr. Peter Eastman appears. CHILDREN BORN IN HAMPSTEAD, N. H. i. MaryS, b. May 1, 1735. 210. ii. Mehitables, b. June 24, 1737. iii. Elizabeths, b. Oct. 15, 1740. iv. Petei-s, b. Jan. 14, 1742 ; d. Sept. 20, 1747. .211. V. Jonathans, b. Sept. 17, 1746. vi. Susannah^, b. May 25, 1748 ; d. Sept. 21, 1750. vii. Tamoi-s, b. May 7, 1750 ; d. Oct. 16, 1750. viii. Hannah^, b. Dec. 17, 1751. ix. Susannah^, b. Sept. 8, 1754. X. Abigails, b. July 7, 1756, ^6. Richard Eastman'* (Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 9, 1712 ; died in Lovell, Me., in Dec, 1807 ; married' ist, in Andover, Mass., by Rev. Mr. Philips, Nov. 15, 1737, Molly Lovejoy, born Dec. 17, 17 18, bapt. Dec. 24, 17 18, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Far- num) Lovejoy. She died in Pembroke, N. H., June 14, 1764. He married 2d, Sarah Abbott, daughter of James and Abigail (Farnum) Abbott, of West Parish, Concord, N. H., born Aug. 13, 1730. Sarah was the widow of Job Abbott. Mr. Eastman settled first in Pembroke, N. H., and about 1768 removed to Conway, N. H. He purchased of Thomas Chadburn all the interest he had in the "mill lot," with the improvements thereon, but soon transferred by gift, or WILLIAM EASTMAN"*, OF HAVERHILL, MASS. 83 Otherwise, the property to two of his sons that settled in Conway. Soon after, he removed to Lovell, Me., where he established the ferry across the Saco river, and when the toll bridge was built a little further up the river, he tended it. The most of his children settled in Conway and the adjoining towns, and at this day there are more of the name in that part of the country than any place known, the greater part of them descendants of Richard. He took a prominent part in the settlement of Fryeburg, and was a deacon of the church there. CHILDREN BORN IN PEMBROKE, N. H. Calebs, b. Oct. 27, 1738 ; d. Aug. 25, 1739. Jonathans, t). Sept. 13, 1739 ; d. Feb. 23, 1761, in the French war. MaryS, b. May 22, 1742. Abiathars, b. April 29, 1745. Richards, 5. April 20, 1747. Sarahs, b. May 6, 1749. Jobs, b. July 26, 1751. Noahs, b. March 20, 1753, Hannahs, b. April 7, 1755 ; d. Oct. 28, 1796, Martha (or Marsha)s, b. Aug. 8, 1757. Abiahs, b. (twin) ; both died young. Esthers, b. May 6, 1761. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. Daniels, b. April 21, 1766, Cyruss, b. July 17, 1767. Susannahs, b. in Fryeburg, Me., April 29, 1769. JeremyS, b. in Fryeburg, Me., April 25, 1771. JamesS, b, Jan. 30, 1775 ; d. young, yy . Williami Eastman-* (Jonathan^ Thomas^, Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., Oct. 3, 171 5 ; died in Bath, N. H., Nov. 30, 1790; married ist, Dec. 14, 1738, Ruth Chase, died Jan. 22, 1742 ; married 2d, April 19, 1748, Rebecca Jewett, died in Bath, N. H., Jan. 26, 1806. It is not known where he lived when his first three children were born, but the next 1. ii. 212. iii. 213. iv. 214. V. vi. 215. vii. 216. viii. ix. X. xi. xii. 217. xiii. 218. xiv. XV. 219. xvi. xvii. 84 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. four were born in Hampstead, N. H., and perhaps others. Mr. Eastman removed to Haverhill, N. H., in the early- settlement of the town, but he stayed but a short time, removing to Bath, N. H., in 1767, where he lived the rest of his life. He lies in an old abandoned burying ground in Bath, in the neighborhood known as " Petty Borough." The railroad crosses his farm in a deep cut just below Lisbon village, about two miles. 222. iv. 223. V. 224. vi. 225. vii. 226. viii. 227. ix. X. CHILDREN. 220. i. Ruths, b. Feb. 14, 1740. ii. Stephen^, b. Dec. 11, 1741. 221. iii. Williams, b. April 8, 1743. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. Obadiah^, b. Jan. 26, 1749. Hannah^, b. July 1.5, 1751. James^, b. Sept. 24, 1753. Moses^, b. Dec. 27, 1755. Azuba^ b. ; m. Nathan Judd. Jonathan^, b. ; Revolutionary soldier. Peter^ b. ; enlisted in Captain Simpson's company, Colonel Johnson's regiment, at Coos, N. H., in 1776 ; was in the same company as his brothers James and Jonathan. He was also in Colonel Hale's regiment in 1777. He was from Bath, N. H. We can find no further record of him. 228. xi. Amoss, b. . 78. Amos Eastman'' (Jonathan^ Thomas^, Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., Aug. 3, 1719; died in Hollis, N. H., March 6, 1808 ; married in Concord, N. H., by Rev. Timothy- Walker, January 9, 1743, Mehitable Bradley, the ninth child of Abraham Bradley, of Haverhill, Mass., died in Hollis, N. H., Nov., 18 1 3. Amos lived in Concord, N. H., with his- father, in 1746, in Eastman's fort, at the fork of the road at St. Paul's School, about two miles west of the city. Mr. Eastman was a lieutenant in the war. Mr. Eastman, in AMOS EASTMAN'', OF HAVERHILL, MASS. 8$ company with John and Wilham Stark, of Derryfield, now Manchester, N. H., in April, 1752, was on a hunting expedi- tion near Baker's river, in Rumney. The company had been very successful, estimating their furs at five hundred and sixty pounds old tenor. Here they fell in with a party of ten Indians of the St. Francis tribe. It being in time of peace danger was not at first apprehended, but towards even- ing the Indians made a prisoner of John Stark, who had sepa- rated from the rest to collect traps. Suspecting mischief, the party was proceeding down the river, William Stark in a canoe and Amos Eastman on the bank, when the Indians came upon them, took Amos prisoner, shot into the canoe and killed Stinson, who was afterwards stripped and scalped.' William Stark escaped through the intrepidity of his brother John, who struck up the gun of the Indian who aimed at his brother. Eastman and John Stark were taken captives to St. Francis, Canada, which they reached the ninth of June. Here they were compelled to run the gauntlet, the usual ceremony in such cases. The young Indians arranged them- selves in two lines, each armed with a rod to strike the cap- tives as they passed along. Eastman was severely whipped, but Stark snatched up a club and made his way through the lines, knocking the Indians down right and left whenever they came within reach, and escaped with scarcely a blow. Eastman was sold to a French master and was kindly treated, as was also Stark, who became a favorite among the Indians. Both were redeemed after about six months by a Mr. Wheel- right and Captain Stephens, from Charlestown, who were sent from Massachusetts for the purpose of obtaining the release of the prisoners. Stark paid for his redemption one hundred and one dollars, and Eastman sixty. They returned home by the way of Lake Champlain and Albany. Mr. Eastman removed to Hollis, N. H., in 1759. Mr. Eastman was also a soldier in the French and Indian war. 229. ii. 230. iii. iv. 86 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Mehitable^ b. in Concord, N. H., June 16, 1746 ; m. June 28, 1768, William Cununings. Jonathans, b. July 30, 1748 ; d. Dec. 29, 1829. Amoss, b. May 9, 1751 ; d. Aug. 2, 1832. Calebs b. Oct. 3, 1753. He enlisted as a private May 17, 1775 ; service, one month, four days. On the company return dated Cambridge, Oct. 6, 1775, he was reported as having died June 19, 1775. See Mass. Rev. Rolls, vol. V, page 160. V. Sarahs, b. March 5, 1756 ; d. March 30, 1813 ; m. Aug. 16, 1778, John Warren, vi. Hannah^, b. Jan. 12, 1759 ; m. March 15, 1790, Richard Warren. 79. Sarah Eastman"* (Timothy^ Timothy^ Roger'), born June 16, 1728; died Jan. 31, 1794; married Dec. 4, 1746, Ebenezer Marsh, born in Hadley, Mass., in 1723 or 1724, died May 29, 1795. He was the son of Cornet Ebenezer Marsh^, DanieP, John'. He always lived in Hadley, where he died. He held many town offices, and was employed for years in public affairs. CHILDREN. i. Timothy Marshy b. July 5, 1747 ; d. May 12, 1751. ii. Daniel Marshy b. June 26, 1749 ; d. April 30, 1751. 231. iii. Timothy Marsh^, b. Oct. 5, 1751. 232. iv. Sarah Marshy b. July 20, 1754. V. Ebenezer Marshy b. Sept. 8, 1757 ; d. Jan. 25, 1761. vi. Elijah Marshy b. Dec. 25, 1760 ; d. Jan. 11, 1761. vii. Ebenezer Marsh^, b. Jan. 5, 1762 ; d. uum. about 1818. viii. Mary Marsh^, b. May 9, 1765 ; d. same day. ix. Susannah Marshy b. Jan. 26, 1766 ; d. Feb. 26, 1766. 80. Joseph* (Joseph^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., Feb. i, 17 15 ; died Oct. 23, 1793 ; married May 17, 1746, Sarah Ingraham. She was a lineal descendant of John Ingraham, an English emigrant. She was a lady of fine personal appearance, of great industry, and exercised a marked influence in the church, of which she was a distin- guished member. Mr. Eastman was a pioneer of Hadley, a WILLIAM EASTMAN"*, OF HADLEY, MASS. 8/ selectman, delegate to state convention, and the first treasurer of the town of Amherst when set off from Hadley. He was a godly man. He died in Hadley, Oct. 23, 1790 ; his wife, Aug. 30, 181 1. Mr. Eastman enlisted in Capt. Reuben Dickinson's company in the War of the Revolution ; service, five months, two weeks, in 1778. His son Joseph was in the same company ; he served one year, eleven months, three weeks. CHILDREN. i. Sarah", b. Jan. 28, 1744 ; m. David Cowles, and died Aug. 4, 1815. ii. Ruth6, b. Aug. 10, 1745; m. Oct. 30, 1765, Ebenezer Dickinson, iii. Joseph^ b. Mar. 21, 1747 ; m. Feb. 6, 1771, Eunice Dick- inson, and died May 26, 1826, 233. iv. Ebenezer^, b. May 31, 1749 ; m. Mary Dickinson. 234. V. Johns, b. May 7, 1751. vi. MercyS, b. Oct. 14. 1754 ; m. Dec. 15, 1778, Daniel Kellog. She was the grandmother of Eugene Field, the poet (deceased), vii. Lydia^, b. Jan. 13, 1757 ; m. June 8, 1778, John Dickinson. 235. viii. Mary^ b. Aug. 2, 1761 ; m. Azariah Dickinson, ix. Hannahs, b. Feb. 21, 1766; ni. March 1, 1786, David Billings, and died June 18, 1786, aged 20 years. X. TiltonS, b. April 28, 1769 ; d. Aug. 17, 1773. ■^ 81. William Eastman^ (Joseph^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., Aug. 25, 1718 ; died July 20, 1793 ; married I St, Dec. II, 1 744, Mary White, daughter of Dea. Joseph White, born June 25, 1727, died Nov. 19, 1752 ; married 2d, Elizabeth Mosley. He settled in Granby, Mass. Mr. East- man was a deacon in the church in Granby, was a prominent man, and became very wealthy. CHILDREN, ALL BORN IN GRANBY. 236. i. MaryS, b. Sept. 12, 1745 ; m. Joel Lyman, ii. MercyS, b. Dec. 3, 1746 ; d. -fan. 22, 1747. iii. Williams, b. Nov. 10, 1749 ; d. 1759. iv. Josephs, b. July 14, 1751 ; d. Feb. 26, 1752. 88 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. "^ V. Josephs, b. Nov. 13, 1754. vi. Elizabeths, b. Dec. 1, 1756. vii. Rachel^, b. Dec. 15, 1759 ; m. a jMr. Dickinson, viii. LoisS. b. July 8, 1761 ; m. a Mr. Kellog. ix. William^, b. Nov. 20, 176-3. X. Abigail^, b. ; d. young. xi. AbigaiP, b. ; d. young. xii. Ruths, b, , ^ 82. John Eastman-t (Joseph^ Joseph-, Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., March 20, 1721 ; died March 28, 1790; married Dec. 3, 1765, widow Submit Keyes, died in East Hartford May 23, 18 16. She was the sister of Jonathan Belding, of Northfield. Mr. Eastman was a deacon in the church in Hadley. He Hved on the Eastman estate in Hadley. CHILDREN. i. Loiss, b. Sept. 27, 1764; m. Dec. 9, 1788, William Porter, M. D., and died Dec. 12, 1792. He died Nov. 6, 1767. Children : (a) a daughter^, b. , d. young ; (b) John Porters, b. Oct. 14, 1790 ; (c) Anna Porter^, b. April 22, 1766, d. Aug. 22, 1767. ii. JohnS, b. May 18, 1768. He graduated from Yale College in 1788, and settled in Flushing, L. I. iii. Josephs, b, Feb. 22, 1771 ; d. Aug. 21, 1775. >^ iv. Davids, b. Aug. 31, 1774. He left home for the west, and was never heard from. V. Submits, b. Aug. 24, 1776 ; d. Aug. 24, 1778. 83. Rachel Eastman-* (Joseph^, Joseph-, Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., Jan. 2, 1725 ; died April 9, 1782 ; married Nov. 23, 1749, John Clary, born in Sunderland, Mass., Jan. 24, 1722 ; died in Conway, Mass., July 20, 1798, son of John Clary. CHILDREN. i. Mary ClaryS, b. Sept. 24, 1750. ii. Elijah ClaryS, b. Aug. 25, 1752. iii. Joseph ClaryS, b. Sept. 17, 1756. 237. iv. Lucinda ClaryS, b. Oct. 9, 1760. 238. V. Lucy ClaryS, b. Sept. 20, 17—. BENJAMIN EASTMAN-*, OF HADLEY, MASS. 89 84. Benjamin P2astman'» (Joseph^, Joseph', Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., Jan. 2, 1725 ; died Nov. 28, 1792 ; married in 1758, Eunice Day, of Springfield, Mass. Resided in Granby, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Benjainiu'', b. May 23, 1760. ii. John^, b. April 24, 1762 ; d. young. iii. Eunice^ b. Nov. 8, 1763; m. Samuel White. iv. John5, b. Dec. 23, 1766 ; died at B^'owlerville, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1834. He graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1795 ; studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the churches in Norwich, Vt., Hanover, N. H., and Chemung county, N. Y., and remained twenty-three years ; removed to York, Livingston county, N. Y., in 1834. He married Sept. 30, 179.9, Mary Hooker, of Farniington, Conn., daughter of Joseph Hooker. His son, Joseph Addison, born in Paris, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1806, married Oct. 17, 1835, Emilie J. Mc'Knight, daughter of Judge Calvin Mc'- Knight, of Watertown, N. Y. Joseph Addison graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1827. He taug-ht at Scottsville, N. Y., eight months, also at Fredonia, N. Y., from July, 1829, to October, 1831 ; read law with Thorp & Buttolph, of Norwich, N. Y., the Hon. James Mullett, of Fredonia, N. Y., and with Kirkland & Bacon, of Utica, N. Y. ; commenced practice at Scottsville in March, 1834; removed to Rochester, N. Y., in May, 1836, where he held the offices of city clerk and city attorney. V. MercyS, b. April 14, 1768; in. James Smith, of Granby, Mass. vi. Keziahs, b. Oct. 20, 1772 ; d. July 29, 1806 ; m. Oct. 21, 1792, Asa Worth. "^ 85. Timothy Eastman-* (Joseph^ Joseph^, Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., Sept. 9, 1739; married ist, Nov. 15, 1770, Anna Smith, daughter of Jonathan Smith, born , died Dec. 7, 1777; married 2d, in 1780, Ruth Sheldon. She died in 1830. On the Mass. Rev. Rolls, vol. v, page 160, will be found the following : " Timothy Eastman, of Had- 90 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ley, enlisted as a private in Capt. Eliakim Smith's company^ later commanded by Capt. Moses Kellogg, which marched April 20, 1775, in response to the alarm of April 19, 1775 ; returned home April 24, 1775 ; service, nine days, travel included ; also list of men returned as serving on main guard under Lieut. -Col. Loammi Baldwin, at Prospect Hill, dated July 16, 1775." CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Anna^ b. 1773 ; d. young, ii. Timothys, b. Sept. 1, 1775 ; d. Sept. 15, 1775. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iii. Annas, b. May 22, 1781 ; d. Feb. 23, 1841 ; m. Dec. 20, 1807, Elisha Cook, iv. Lucinda^, b. July 12, 1785. V. SainueP, b. Sept. 27, 1785. vi. Joseph^, b. April 8, 1788. vii. Ruths, b. March 2, 1791 ; d. Jan. 1, 1834; m. Jan. 1, 1824, a Mr. Wright, of Northampton, Mass., viii. Graces, b. ^ov. 5, 1793 ; m. Nov. 7, 1815, Dea. Aaron Brock, ix. Timothys, b. Sept. 15, 1796. 86. Peter Eastman-* (Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Sufifield, Conn., June 16, 1712. He married twice; the name of his first wife is unknown. He married 2d, Feb. 10, 1762, a Miss Laird. He lived in New Fairfield, Conn., where his son Tilton was born. It is thought he removed to Danbury, as his estate was administered upon there in 1767. CHILDREN. 239. i. TiltonS, b. 1741 ; d. in Hamburg, N. J., in 1805. 240. ii. WilliamS, b. ; enlisted in Captain Bass' company, Queens county, N. Y., at the age of twenty years. He was a Tory, and went to Canada. 241. iii. PoUyS, b. . 242. iv. PeterS, b. ; settled in Paris, N. Y. BENJAMIN EASTMAN-*, OF MORRISTOWN, N. J. 9I Sy. Benjamin Eastman-* (Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in Morristovvn, N. J., Jan., 1719; married in New Milford, Conn., Jan. 16, 1756, Mary Hitchcock. He died in Fair- field, Herkimer county, N. Y., April i, 18 14. She died in Arlington, Vt., in 1774, giving birth to a son, Abihue. He married 2d, Ruth , who died in Fairfield, N. Y. Mr. Eastman lived in New Milford, Conn., where the most of his children were born. He moved just before the Revolution to Arlington, Vt., and after the death of his wife followed one of his sons to Fairfield, N. Y., where he married his second wife. " Indenture dated Apr, 11, 1751 Between Benjamin East- man of New Milford, N. Haven Co. Colony of Ct. in N. E. Cordwainer, & Ebenezer Byram of Mendum (Mendham) in Morris Co. East N. J. Consideration L 20, 276 acres of land in Morris Co. East N. J., in town of Mendum (Mendham), adjoining to the head spring of Pesaach River, 30 acres lying on north branch of Raritan laid out to accomodate Iron works which Samuel Palmer now works in. The above said tract or right of land was purchased by John Haward & Peter East- man of Col. John Hambleton as will appear by the records of Perth Amboy, " Benjamin Eastman. (Seal.) " Signed in the presence of " Elias Byrum. " Silus Baldwin. "Acknowledged in Morris Co. Feb. 28, 1752." (N. J. Deeds, Liber K 2, folio 331.) CHILDREN. i. Nadabs, b. 1756 ; d. 1759. 243. ii. Benjamins, b. Oct. 3, 1759. iii. Nadabs, b. Oct., 1761. iv. Rachels, b. Oct., 1763. V. Deidam^, b. 1765 ; died young. 92 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. vi. Mehitable^, b. . No date of her birth on the records of New Milford. vii. Amherst^, b. 1768. 244. viii. David^, b. 1770. No other records on the books of New Milford. ix. Mehitable^, b. ; m. a Mr. Fairchild. They lived in Vermont, and died there. X. Theresa^, b. ; m. a Mr. Spence. He died and she married 2d, his brother, and removed to Herkimer, N. Y. 245. xi. Daniel Hitchcock^, b. Aug. 26, 1772. 246. xii. Abihue^, b. in 1774. His mother died in giving him birth. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. xiii. Annos^, b. ; m. Arnold Wood. xiv. AlmonS, b. May 27, 1786 ; d. March 13, 1813. 88. Azariah Eastman^ (Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born ; married Ruth Jenkins. We know but very little about him. He lived in New Fairfield, Conn. There are no church records of the church there prior to 175 i, and of the eight male members at that date, the name of Azariah East- man appears as one. The same records say the wife of Azariah Eastman was admitted a member by profession, Jan. 2, 1757. The same records say the widow Eastman died in 1777. This must have been the widow of Azariah, and of course if so he must have died first. The dates of baptisms will be found on the books of the church in New Fairfield. It is very likely his children were all born in New Fairfield. CHILDREN. 247. i. Azariah^, b. Aug. 5, 1746. ii. Esther^, b. . iii. Hannah^ b. . iv. Eli^, b. ; bapt. June 7, 1752. 248. V. Vespasion^, b. ; bapt. Oct. 12, 1754. vi. Ruth5, b. ; bapt. Aug. 2, 1756. 249. vii. Deliverance^, b. ; bapt. Oct. 7, 1759. viii. Prudence^ b. ; bapt. Oct., 1763; m. Maloon, and settled in Massachusetts. JOSEPH EASTMAN'*, OF NEW JERSEY. 93 250. ix. Alvin^ b. ; bapt. Aug. 9, 1767. 251. X. Benjamin'', b. ; ni. May 20, 1774, Eliza Sherwood. xi. Mary^, b. . 252. xii. Frederick^, b. ; m. Xov. 21, 1786, Sarah Shipman. xiii. Ruth^ b. . The birth of these children may not be in order except where the dates of baptism are given. 89. Joseph Eastman-* (Peter^, Joseph^ Roger"), born in New Jersey in Sept., 1724 ; died in Marshall, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1802 ; married Oct. 12, 1746, Phebe Hendricks. When a boy of fourteen or fifteen years of age, he went with his parents to New Fairfield, Conn., where he was married. A deed of 1756 shows where Joseph bought lands in New Fair- field, and in 1761 leases his father's farm. Another deed of 1788 calls Joseph of "New Milford," so he may have removed there after his father's death, n In 1788, he removed to Kingsbury, Washington county, N. Y., and in 1798 we find him in Paris, Oneida county, and 1799 in Marshall, once a part of Paris. In a small plot of ground taken off the original farm in Marshall, lie the remains of Joseph and his wife Phebe.,y The following are inscriptions from their tomb- stones : In memory of In memory of Joseph Eastman Phebe, wife of who departed this life Joseph Eastman Sept. 15, 1802, in the who departed this life 78th year of his life. March 4th 18 12 in the 89th year of her life. CHILDREN. 253. i. Hezekiahs, b. Sept. 1, 1748. ii. Nathaniel^, b. 1750 ; m. and settled in Marshall, N. Y., subsequently removed to Ohio, and settled near the Ohio river. He was a doctor. 254. iii. Joseph^ b. 1756. I \ 94 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 255. iv. Jol^l^ b. . 256. V. Peter^, b. . 257. vi. Abraham DaytonS, b. 1769 ; d. Feb. 25, 1850. vii. Experience^ b. ; m. April 19, 1787, Ephraim Conger. 258. viii. Phebe^, b. ; m. Paul Wellman. These sons all accompanied their parents to Marshall, N. Y., and all except Peter settled on Paris Hill road, within two miles of each other. Subsequently, Nathaniel and John left Marshall. " This Indenture made the Sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty- Eight Between Edmund Hunt of Kingsbury in the County of Washington and State of New York Yeoman of the first part and Joseph Eastman of New Milford in the County of Fairfield and State of Connecticut of the Second part Wit- nesseth, That the Said party of the first part for and in Consideration of the Sum of One Hundred and five pounds Lawful Money of the State of New York — to me in hand paid by the party of the Second part, the receipt whereof is hereby Confessed and acknowledged Have granted bargained Sold, remised released aliened and confirmed And by these presents Do hereby Grant bargain Sell remise release alien and Confirm unto the said party of the Second part in the Actual possession now being by virtue of a bargain sale, and lease to him thereof made, by said party of the first part, by indenture bearing date the day next before the day of the date of these presents and by force of the laws transferring of uses into possession and to his heirs and assigns forever. " The one third part of a Lott of Land No 6o lying and being in the Township of Kingsbury in the County of Wash- ington and State of New York. Bounding as follows — begining at the northwest corner at a black birch Tree Spotted, Said Tree Standing at the northeast corner of a Lott occupied by David Elliott and Southeast corner of a Lott occupied by Joseph Colvvell in the Township aforesaid. Runing from thence South three degrees East fifty chains to a JOSEPH EASTMAN*, OF NEW JERSEY. 95 Bass wood Tree spotted. Thence runing East three degrees north to a Beach Tree spotted. Thence North three degrees West fifty chains to a White Oak Tree spotted on four sides. Thence West three degrees South to the first mentioned Bounds the said third part Supposed to contain about Eighty- acres be the same more or less. Together with all and Singular hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong- ing, or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders rents issues and profits thereof and all the estate right title interest, claim, demand whatsoever of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premises with the said hereditaments and appurtenances. To Have And to Hold the said third part of said Lott No. 60 to the said party of the Second part his heirs and assigns, to the sole and only proper use benefits and behoof of the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns forever. And the said party of the first part, for himself his heirs Executors and Administrators Do Covenant grant bargain promise and agree to and with the said party of the second part his heirs and assigns That the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns Against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part of the said above mentioned and described premises will forever Warrant and Defend. " In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto interchangebly set their hands and seals the day and year above written. " Edmund Hunt. " Sealed and delivered In the presence of " Henry Beverly (.'') " Asa Flint ' Eben Wales." g6 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. " To all People whom these presents Shall Come Greeting Know ye that I Joseph Eastman of Newfairfield in fairfield County in Colony of Connecticut In New England for the Consideration of four hundred pounds new york money received to my ful Satisfaction of Peter Eastman of said Newfairfield Do give grant Bargain Sell and Confirm unto him the said Peter Eastman to his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract of land Lying in Said Newfairfield Bound- ing as followeth Beginning at the north East Corner a heap of Stones by the highway from thence running Easterly Said highway to the river from thence Southerly as the river runs to a fence joining rivers Bank from thence Easterly to heap of stones from thence as runs the fence to John Leaches Land from thence by said Leaches land to the first Corner also dwelling house and Barn fences and fruit trees Standing on Said Land with all the appurtances thereto or thereof Belonging. " To have and to hold the above granted and Bargained Premises with the appurtenances thereof unto him the Said Peter Eastman to his heirs and assigns forever to his and their own proper use and Behoof and I also the Said Joseph Eastman Do for my self my heirs Executors and adminis- trators Covenant with the said Peter Eastman his heirs and assigns that at and until the Ensealing of these presents I am well seized of the premises as a good Indefeasible Estate in fee simple and have good wright to Bargain and Sell the same in manner and form as is above written and that the Same is free of all Incumbrances whatsoever and furthermore I the said Joseph Eastman Do by these Bind my self and heirs forever to Warrant and Defend the above granted and Bargained Premises to him the said Peter Eastman and to his heirs and assigns against all clames and Demands What- soever In Witness whereof have hear unto Sett my hand & Seal this 21th JDay of february in 33d year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second of Great Brittain & King Annoque Domini 1760. " Joseph Eastman. JOSEPH EASTMAN'*, OF NEW JERSEY. 9/ " Signed Sealed and Delivered In presence of " Jonathan Hill '• Silas Hill." " Litchfield County SS New Milford " February 20th 1760 " Personally appeared Joseph Eastman Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged the same to be his free act and Deed " Before me Roger Sherman Justice of Peace." " Know all men by these presents — " That I Elnathan Brunson of Sheffield in the County of Hampshar and Province of ye Masschucets bay in New England. Husbandman for and in Consideration of Twenty Sk pound five Shillings Lawful Money paid me by Joseph Eastman of Newfairfield in Fairfield County and colony of Connecticut. The Receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge do hereby give grant and convey to the said Joseph Eastman and to his Heirs and assigns forever a certain tract of Land Containing one Hundred Acres of Land, Lying and being in a Province about half a mile of Stephen Kelseys Dwelling house and is the one half of that two hundred acres I bought of the Comtte appointed by ye General Assembly at Boston as may more fully appear by the Deed the sd Comtee gave to me a Land is hereafter to be measured of beginning at the South East and South west Corners and is to run in north westerly so many rods as to make Compleatly one hundred acres of Land. " To Have and to Hold the same to said Joseph Eastman with all the Priveledges and appurtinances thereof to their own proper use and behoof & I ye sd Elnathan Brunson my 98 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Heirs and Assigns do Covenant with the Said Joseph East- man his heirs Executors and Administrators. That I am lawfully Seized in Fee of the Premises. That they are Free of all incumbrances. That I have good Right to Sell and Convey the same to the said Joseph Eastman — his heirs and assigns — to hold as aforesaid And that I and my heirs will warrant and defend the Same to the Said Joseph Eastman and to his Heirs and Assigns forever, against the lawful Claims and Demands of all Persons. " In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal ye 20th Day of February A D 1756 " Elnathan Brunson. " Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence " David Ackley " Ephm Hubbell." " In Newfairfield Fairfield County on ye Day and Date above mentioned personally appeared Elnathan Brunson the Signer and Sealer of the above within Instrument and acknowledged ye same to be his free act and Deed before me " Ephm Hubbell Justice of Peace." " Know all men by these Presents that I Joseph Eastman Senior of the Town of Paris in the County of Oneida and State of New York for divers good Causes & Considerations me hereunto moving have made Constituted & appointed & by these presents do make Constitute and appoint Joseph Eastman Junior of the Town County & State aforesaid my true & lawful Attorney for me & in my name to sell & grant & convey the same in fee simple all or any part or parcel of land or Lands that I am Seized of Situated in the Town of New Fairfield in the County of Fairfield & State of Connect- icut to Such person or persons as he shall think fit & convenient & also for me & in my name to Seal Execute & JOSEPH EASTMAN-*, OF NEW JERSEY. 99 deliver Such Deeds Conveyances bargains & Sales for the absolute Sale & disposal thereof or any part thereof as my said Attorney shall think fit and convenient hereby ratifying & Confirming whatever my said Attorney shall do touching the Premises — " In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my Seal this first day of April in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety-nine " Joseph Eastman. " Signed and Sealed in presence of us " Hezekiah Eastman " Sally P. Coe." " State of New York Oneida County S S April ist 1799 Personally came before me Ithamar Coe Esquire one of the Justices Assigned to keep the peace in and for Said County Joseph Eastman signer and Sealer of the above Instrument and acknowledged the same to be his free act & Deed for the purpose mentioned " Ithamar Coe Just of the Peace." " Know all men by these Presents that I John Leach of Newfairfield in the County of Fairfield and Colony of Con- necticut in New England for the Consideration of twenty four Pounds Lawful money Reseved to my satisfaction of Joseph Eastman of Newfairfield in Sd County and Colony, Do give grant Bargain Sell and Confirm unto Said Joseph Eastman and to his heirs and assigns forever a certain peece of Land in Said New fairfield Lour Siven mile contain ye teen acres bounded as followith, begining at a pople stump the Stump being the South west Corner of thee Land that I bought of Azeriah Eastman runing, Easteardly thirteen rods to a stak and Stone to nour Smiths Land thence northerly on Said Smith Line twenty four rods to agrt rock with Stons LofC. lOO EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. on it being said Smith Coner thence northly forty rods to two rocks at sprorets and Stons to them, thence westardly twenty seven rod to a Stak and Stons in said Eastman Line thence riming Sixty four rods Southardly in Said Eastman Line to the first mansin bounds begon at. " To have and to hold ye above granted Bargained primises with ye appritinces thereof unto him ye Said Joseph Eastman his Heirs and assigns that at and untill ye Ensealing of these Presents I am well Seised of ye primises as a good Indefise- able Estate in free simple and have Right to Bargain and Sell ye same in the manner and form as is above written and that furthermore I the Said John Leach Do by these Presents Bind my Self and Heirs forever to warrant and Defend ye above granted and Bargained Primises unto him ye Said Joseph Eastman and his hais assigns against all claims and Demands whatsoever. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the 28th Day of March A D 1765 "John Leach. " Signed Sealed & Delivered in presents of " Ephm Hubbell " Abraham Northrop. " Rec'd April i8th A D 1765 folio 310 per Ephm Hubbell Town Register." " This Indenture made the twenty Day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ninety- two Between John Williams of Salem in the County of Wash- ington in the State of New York Esquire of the one part and Joseph Eastman of Kingsberry in the said County and State aforesaid Yeoman of the other part, Witnesseth that the Said John Williams for and in Consideration of the Sum of twenty Six Pounds nine Shillings to him in hand paid by the JOSEPH EASTMAN^ OF NEW JERSEY. lOI said Joseph Eastman the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged by the said John Williams Hath granted bargained sold aliened released enfeoffered and Confirmed and by these pres- ents Doth grant bargain Sell alien release enfeoff and confirm unto the said Joseph Eastman his Heirs and assigns forever, All his right title property possession interest claim and demand which Jie now hath of in and to all that certain tract of land situate lying and being in the Township of Kings- berry aforesaid known and distinguished by the name of Lot number sixty containing eighty acres on the west end of said Lot by virtue of a certain Conveyance in fee simple of the said tract of Land made and executed to the Said John Williams by the Loan officers of the County of Washington pursuant to a Law of the State of New York Entitled An Act for omitting the Sum of two hundred thousand Pounds in Bills of Credit for the purposes therein mentioned, To have and to hold the Premisses above granted and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances and heredita- ments to the same belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said Joseph Eastman his Heirs and assigns forever. In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have here- unto Set interchangeably their hands and Seals the Day and Year first above Written. "John Williams. " Sealed and Delivered in the presence of The Word He interlined between the 6%i J Lines before Execution " Mary Williams "Anthony Blanchard." "Washington County SS — Be it Remembered that on the Day of the date of the within Indenture of Release That I John Williams one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for said County did Seal and Deliver the Same as my Voluntary act and Deed for the uses and purposes therein, mentioned and allow it to be recorded." 102 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 90. Mehitable Eastman^ (Peter^, Joseph% Roger'), born in 1738 ; died in Rodman, N. Y., at the age of about 100 years; married in 1755, Oliver Burton. He died in Rod- man, N. Y., in 181 3, aged •]6 years. They removed to Har- rison, now Rodman, Jefferson county, N. Y., about 1800. They were among the first settlers in Harrison, and were both early members of the Congregational church in Harrison, CHILDREN. i. Seley Burton^, b. in New Fairfield, Conn., in 1756. He was a Revolutionary soldier, enlisted in Captain Stod- dard's company, Colonel Canfield's regiment, and was a pensioner ; died in Rodman, N. Y. ii. Othniel Selye^ b. ; bapt. in New Fairfield, 1766. iii. Molly Burton^, b. ; m. an Eastman. iv. Lemira Burton^, b. ; m. in 1796, Alpheus Barton. V. Ruth Burton^, b. ; bapt. in New Fairfield, Aug. 21, 1774 ; m. Walker. vi. Diadama Burton^, b. ; bapt. Nov., 1776 ; d. unm. vii. David Burton^, b. ; m., had 2 children, all deceased. viii. Lyman Burton^, b. ; resided in Rodman, N. Y. 259. ix. John Burton^, b. April 7, 1783. On the church records of New Fairfield is the following: \ o X. A daughter to Oliver Burton, b. March, 1772. xi. A daughter to Oliver Burton, b. May, 1774. xii. A daughter to Oliver Burton, b. May, 1778. There were two more children, but we have no record of them. 91. Edmund Eastman^ (Edmund^ Benjamin-, Roger'), born May 21, 1 7 1 5 ; died Oct. 21,1 804 ; married Aug. 1 7, 1743, widow Hannah Hill, born in 1715, died Aug. 21, 1806. Mrs. Eastman was the grandmother of Governor Hill of New Hampshire. Mr. Eastman resided in Hampstead, N. H. H. 260. i. Jemima^, b. March 1, 1750. 261. ii. Edmunds, |j. April 3, 1752. 262. iii. Joshua^, b. Aug. 31, 1754. iv. Susannahs, b. Oct. 13, 1763. BENJAMIN EASTMAN'', OF SALISIJURV, MASS. IO3 92. Benjamin Eastman-' (Edmund^ Benjamin^ Roger"), born Aug. 23, 1717 ; married Aug. 17, 1742, Martha Carter. He lived in Salisbury, Mass., but about 1750 removed to Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Susannahs, b. Oct. 16, 1743. ii. JNIarthaS, b. July 29, 1745 ; m. Anthony IMorse. ■93, Benjamin Eastman'' (Joseph^ Benjamin-, Roger'}, born in Salisbury, Mass., March 9, 1730; married Dorothy ; removed to Concord, N. H., and lived in a house which stood on the spot where Woodbridge Odlin's house now stands (1899). He was a tanner and shoemaker. CHILDREN. 263. i. Belljanlin^ b. in Concord, Jan. 18, 1§6S: 264. ii. Miriam", b. ; ui. Samuel Farrington, settled in Hop- kinton, N. H. iii. A daughter", b. ; m. Mr. Heath, and settled in War- ner, N. H. iv. Josiah^, b. ; m. and removed to Windsor, Vt. 265. V. Edmund^ b. ; m. Nov. 26, 1795, Hannah Carter, of West Concord, N. H. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1793, taught school in Concord till 1795, when he entered the ministry, and removed to Limerick, Me., where he died in 1812. 266. vi. Jeremiahs, b. in Concord, N. H., Nov. 4, 1772. 94. Timothy Eastman-* (Joseph^, Benjamin-, Roger'), born in 1733; died in 1820; married Hannah Richardson, of Chester, Yt. He was a Revolutionary soldier, enlisting in 1776 in Capt. James Sheppard's company, Col. Isaac Wyman's regiment of New Hampshire troops. He was paid in bounty and wages in July, 1776, nine pounds and eighteen shillings. 104 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN, ALL BORN IN BOSCAWEN. 2G7. i. Sarahs, b. Jan. 2, 1760 ; d. July 16, 1837 ; m. Moses Morse. ii. Hannah^ b. May 9, 1761 ; m. Daniel Burbank. iii. Priscilla^ b. ISIay 2, 1763 ; m. Abraham Sweat, iv. Thomas^, b. Nov. 1, 1764 ; m. Lois Baker. V. Lydia^ b. Aug. 25, 1766 ; m. Jonathan Ball. vi. Enochs, b. March 31, 1770 ; m. 1st, Betsey Bartlett ; 2d, Judith Adams. 268. vii. Pearson^, b. Oct. 8, 1772 ; m. Martha Sweat, viii. Jeremiah^, b. Dec. 29, 1774 ; m. Rebecca Corser. 269. ix. Timothys, b. Dec. 2, 1776 ; died in Pompey, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1870. The history of Boscawen, N. H., says he married Dorothy Hunt, but his grandson, Oscar Luce Eastman, says his grandfather married Louisa Badger, born Dec. 17, 1789, and she died Aug. 13, 1857. X. Jonathan^, b. Sept. 17, 1778 ; m. Susan Vale, xi. PollyS, b. ; m. David Williams. 95. Jeremiah Eastman'^ (Joseph^, Benjamin^, Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., Feb. 5, 1734; married Nov. 27, 1804, Rebecca Corser, born Oct. 24, 1787, daughter of James and Martha F. (Gould) Corser. She died Dec. 18, 181 5, aged 28 years. CHILDREN. i. JohnS, b. July 13, 1805 ; d. young. ii. Amoss, b. July 15, 1808. 96. Susannah Eastman-* (Joseph^, Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., in 1738 ; died May 9, 1828 ; mar- ried in 1757, Winthrop Carter, born in 1736, died June 8, 1808. He Hved in Boscawen, N. H. Lieutenant Carter held various trusts and offices in town, was a large land- holder in Boscawen and Canterbury, N. H. He was licensed as an innkeeper Oct. 12, 1790, and kept tavern in house lately occupied by N. S. Webster, the front part of which he built, and planted the elm standing near. DANIEL FRENCH'*, OF CHESTER, N. H. IO5 CHILDREN. i. Jesse Cartei-s, b. Aug. 17, 1758 ; d. Aug. 17, 1828. 270. ii. Daniel Carter^, b. Dec. 19, 17.59 ; d. March 4, 1840. 271. iii. Nathan Carter^, b. April 6, 1761 ; d. Sept. 25, 1840. iv. Dorothy Carter^, b. 1762 ; ni. Josiali Eastmau, of Brad- ford,'A^t. V. Jeremiah Carter^, b. April 26, 1764 ; d. July 28, 1801 ; m. ]\Iay 27, 1795, Hannah Gerrish. vi. Judith Carters, 5. ^y^g . j. ^[^y jo, 1785. vii. Sarah Carter^, b. April 6, 1769 ; d. I\Iay 12, 1796 ; m. Joshua Jacknian. viii. Humphrey Carter^, b. 1771. Left home and never heard from, ix. Mary Carter^, b. May 7, 1773 ; m. John Gile, and died March 27, 1850. X. Betsey Carter^, b. ; m. Albert Flanders, and died in Hyde Park, Vt. xi. Naomi Carter^, b. April 9, 1780 ; d. Aug. 12, 1852 ; m. Caleb Putney, xii. Susannah Carter^, b. May 25, 1782; d. Feb. 2, 1858; m. David Elliott. 97. Daniel French'* (Joseph French^, Sarah Eastman^, Roger'), born Aug. 21, 1708 ; died Sept. i, 1785 ; married Sarah Gould. He lived in Chester, N. H. CHILD. 272. i. Gould French^, b. in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 17, 1741. 98. Joseph Kimball-* (Bethia Sheppard^ Sarah Eastman^, Roger'), born in Amesbury, Mass., Aug. 25, 171 7 ; died before 1763 ; married June 5, 1740, Martha Colby. Resided in Amesbury, Mass. CHILDREN. 273. i. Joseph Kimball^, b. April 20, 1745. ii. Anna Kimball^ b. April 23, 1742. iii. Rhoda Kimball^, b. June 1, 1746 ; m. Jan. 8, 1766, David Bar tie tt. I06 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 99. William Eastmarf* (Samuel^ Samuel", Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., June 13, 1734; married ist, Sept. 12, 1759, Mary Bean, in Kingston, daughter of Joseph Bean. She died, and he married 2d, Jane Knight. Mr. Eastman removed from Kingston to Salisbury, N. H., previous to 1776. He married 3d, Hepzibah Colby, widow of Ezekiel Colby. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Jeremiahs, b. April 15, 1760 ; d. in the army. ii. Sarah^ b. Sept. 8, 1762 ; m. Peter Barber, of Grafton, N. H. iii. Miriam^, b. April 10, 1764 ; m. in Salisbury, N. H., Oct. 9, 178.5, Tristram Noyes, of Boscawen, N. H. iv. Pollys. b. June 10, 1769 ; m. in Salisbury, Jan. 8, 1798, John Root, and settled in Royalton, Vt. V. Lydia^ b. ; m. Samuel Alexander, of Grantham, N.H. vi. Ezekiel^, b. ; m. March 10, 1799, Ruth Jackman, set- tled in Corinth, Vt. He lost his life soon after by a clay bank caving in. He had one son, Moses^, b. . vii. Stephen^, b. ; m. and settled in Croydon, N. H. Children : (a) William^, b. ; (b) James^ b. ; (c) Harrison^, b. ; and three daughters. James lived in Fairlee, Vt., where all the family went to. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. viii. Mary^ b. ; m. Timothy Emerson, of Alexandria, N. H. CHILD BY THIRD WIFE. ix. Jane^ b. ; d. at the age of about 16 years. 100. Ebenezer Eastman^ (Samuel^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., April 24, 1746; died in Gilmanton, N. H., Oct. 27, 1794; married in 1773, Mary Butler, born in 1756; died Dec. 10, 1836. Lieut. Ebenezer Eastman commanded a company in Stark's brigade at the battle of Bunker Hill. The next Sabbath after, and while she was at church, hearing the neighbors telling of hearing the cannon- ade, she became alarmed, started on horseback through the JOSEPH EASTMAN^ OF KINGSTON, N. H. I07 wilderness, guided by blazed trees, taking her babe with her, for Charlestown. Leaving her child about half way on her journey with friends, she arrived at Charlestown and found her husband safe and sound. This incident is fully described by Benjamin F. Taylor in his poem " Mary Butler's Ride." Mr. Eastman lived in Gilmanton, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Abigails, b. Jan., 1775 ; d. Aug., 1776. (Child of the " ride.") Ebenezei-s, b. Jan. 12, 1777 ; m. Deborah Greely. Stephen^ b. Nov. 21, 1778 ; ni. Hannah Page. SaInuel^ b. March 12, 1780 ; ra. Dorothy Kimball. Xehemiah^ b. June 16, 1782 ; ni. Antris Barker Wood- bury. Sally^ b. June 21, 1784 ; m. Nicholas Taylor. Ira Allen^, b. Sept. 25, 1780 ; d. at sea. PollyS, b. Jan. 10, 1789 ; m. Stephen Gale. Shuahs, b. June 10, 1791 ; d. March 31, 1825. DollyS, b. Aug. .5, 1793 ; d. Aug. 20, 1793. William^ b. April 29, 1795 ; m. Laura Elizabeth Wilson. lOi. Joseph Eastman-* (Joseph^ SamueP, Roger"), born in Kingston, N. H., in 1730; married in Kingston, N. H., in 1758, Sarah Smith. Another account says he married ist, Abigail ; 2d, Tamsin Woodwell. Still another account says she married 2d, Colonel Fogg, by whom she had one child, a daughter. Can any one reconcile this .'' CHILDREN. i. Philips, b. 1759 ; d. 1762. 280. ii. Timothys, b, Feb. 2, 1761 ; d. Oct. 2, 1833. iii. Elizabeths, b. ; m. Jesse Robinson, of Center Har- bor, N. H. iv. MaryS, b. ; m. Samuel Clifford, of Loudon, N. H. 102. John Eastman^ (Joseph^, SamueP, Roger"), born in Kingston, N. H., May 11, 1739; married Judith ; set- tled in Hopkinton, N. H., where it is supposed all his chil- dren were born, as shown on record on the town books. i. 1 1. 275. 11 iii 276. iv 277. V 278. vi vii 279. viii ix X xi I08 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Josephs, b. Sept. 22, 1763. '^ii. Henrys, b. April 12, 1765. iii. Abels, b. Oct. 11, 1766. iv. Judiths, b. March 27, 1770. V. Johiis, b. March 27, 1772. vi. AniiaS, b. Jan. 1, 1773. vii. Abigails, b. April 4, 1775. 103. Benjamin Eastman-* (Joseph^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Aug. 26, 1747 ; died in Hopkin- ton, N. H., July 18, 1826 ; married March 13, 1772, Annie Ouimby, born Oct. 17, 1755 ; died Feb. 25, 1827. He lived in Hopkinton, N. H., where all his children were born. CHILDREN. i. Davids, b. Sept. 13, 1774 ; d. April 4, 1827. ii. Tamesins, b. Dec. 17, 1777 ; d. ]\Iay 19, 1838. 281. iii. Mosess, b. Feb. 3, 1782 ; d. May 2,^1842. iv. Benjamins, b. July 21, 1787. 282. V. Abiahs, b. Aug. 6, 1794 ; d. Sept. 17, 1867. vi. Josephs, b. June 2, 1776 ; d. Nov. 5, 1777. 283. vii. Josephs, b. April 8, 1796 ; d. June 13, 1844. viii. Susannahs, b. Jan. 17, 1780 ; d. Aug. 31, 1820. ix. Esthers, b. Jan. 20, 1785 ; d. April 5, 1789. X. Betseys, b. Xov. 19, 1793 ; d. Feb. 19. 1832. xi. Hannahs, b. March 15, 1798 ; d. Sept. 30, 1799. 104. Aaron Eastman-* (Joseph^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., July 10, 1758; married Esther . He settled in Henniker, N. H. He lived upon the top of the hill, between where the Pattersons now live and S. B. Heath's. The house is not standing, but the cellar is still to be seen. He lived there during the Revolution. He died Feb. 15, 1802, and his wife, July 30, 1834. CHILDREN. i. MarthaS, b. in Fraucestown, N. H., Sept. 13, 1780 ; d. July 25, 1870. ii. AaronS, b. June 15, 1782 ; d. April 14, 1855. iii. Ruths, b. Julv 10, 1784. SAMUEL EASTMAN"*, OF KINGSTON, N. H. ICQ iv. Elizabeths, b. Oct. 14, 17b6. V. Mosess, b. July 5, 1789. vi. Johns, b. Feb. 24, 1708. vii. Patty 6, b. 1793. 105. Samuel Eastman-* (Ebenezer^ SamueP, Roger'), born ; baptized in Kingston, N. H., May/, 1727 ; died in 1799; married Sept. 8, 1748, Abigail Hubbard. He lived in Kingston, N. H., until about 1761, when he removed to Pittston, Me. He held a town office prior to his leaving Kingston, and soon after his arrival in Maine, he built the Togus bridge. CHILDREN. i. DollyS, b. ; in. Christopher Jackson. ii. Elizabeths, b. June 29, 1749 ; d. Aug. 13, 1790 ; m. David La^Yrence. iii. MaryS, b. 1758 ; d. unmarried. 284. iv. Benjamins, b. Oct. 27, 1761 ; d. July 14, 1831. 285. V. IlattieS, b. 1764 ; ni. Stephen Rowe. They were Quakers. 286. vi. Samuels, b. 1767 ; m. Sally Stephens, and moved to Gard- ner, Me. vii, Hubbards, b. 1770 ; d. Aug., 1843. 106. Edward Eastman-* {Ebenezer^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., Feb. 25, 1732 ; baptized there April 21, 1734 ; died in Salisbury, N. H., April 12, 1814 ; married in Kingston, May 6, 1758, Anna Judkins. Mr. Eastman accompanied by his small family removed from Kingston to Salisbury, N. H., in 1765. Another record says he did not remove to Salisbury till 1774. He settled on the west side of " Smith's Hill," where he cleared up a large farm, and erected the buildings now (1899) occupied by Titus H. Wadsworth. He was a prominent man in the town and served with distinction in the Revolutionary war, and was one of the committee of safety. His first four children were baptized in Kingston, the fourth one in 1766, so that it is possible he did not remove to Salisbury until the latter date mentioned. IIO EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 287. i. Benjamin^, b. June 19, 1759 ; bapt. Aug. 12, 1759. 288. ii. Joeis, b. Nov. 23, 1760 ; bapt. Nov. 26, 1760. iii. Hannahs, b. Feb. 22, 1764 ; d. April 23, 1823 ; m. William Calef. 289. iv. Phineass, b. June 20, 1766 ; bapt. Oct. 3, 1766. V. Mehitables, b. June 20, 1768 ; m. April 26, 1794, William Hoyt. No children. 290. vi. Moses5, b. Aug. 11, 1770. vii. Nancy^ b. Aug. 5, 1772 ; d. April 2, 1814 ; never married. viii. Abigail^, b. April 4, 1775; d. , age 80 years; never married, ix. Samuel^ b. April 4, 1780 ; m. and went west ; had no children. 107. Obadiah Eastman-* (Thomas^ SamueP, Roger'), born Oct. 21, 1729. He lived in East Kingston, N. H., where it is on record on the church book that his children were baptized. Letters of administration were granted to Judith, wife of Obadiah Eastman, of Kingston, June 15, 1765, and in the settlement of the estate she rendered an account for the support of four children under fourteen years of age. The compiler has reasons for believing that his wife was Judith Barnard. Obadiah lived on the home farm. CHILDREN. i. DanieP, b. in Kingston ; bapt. Dec. 2, 1753. ii. Thomas^ b. ; bapt. Sept. 28, 1754. iii. Anne^ b. ; bapt. Aug. 7, 1757. iv. Jonathan^, b. ; bapt. May 4, 1761. 291. V. Barnards, b. ; bapt. Oct. 7, 1762. 108. Edward Eastman-* (Thomas^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., Feb. 25, 1733 ; died in Hawke, now Danville, N. H., Nov. 7, 181 5 ; married ist, Sally (Wadley) Clough. She died Dec. 30, 1782; married 2d, widow EBENEZER EASTMA^'^ OF KINGSTON, N. H. Ill Prudence (Stephens) Bryant. She died April 9, 1813 ; mar- ried 3d, widow Hannah (Hoyt) Hazelton. After the death of Edward she went to Chester, among her people. Mr. Eastman settled in Hawke, now Danville, N. H., where he always lived and died. CHILDREN. 292. i. Abigail^, b. April 26, 1757. ii. Hannah^, b. Feb. 6, 1759 ; in. Moses Sweet, of Sandford, Me. 293. iii. Thomas^, b. Sept. 15, 1760 ; m. Sally Brown. 294. iv. Elizabeth^, b. Dec. 17, 1761 ; m. Nathaniel Morrill. V. PhebeS, b. March 9, 1763 ; m. Samuel Sleeper, of Hill, N. H. vi. Dorothy^ b. April 6, 1765; ni. Sleeper, and settled in Francestowu. vii. Mehitable^, b. March 30, 1767 ; m. Joseph Eaton, of Washington, Vt. viii. Obadiah^, b. Xov. 28, 1768 ; ra. Williams, settled in Sutton. 295. ix. Edward^, b. April 28, 1771. X. Rhoda^ b. June 2, 1777 ; ni. George, of Washing- ton, Vt. The above children were all born in Hawke, now Danville, N. H. 109. Ebenezer Eastman^ (Thomas^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., Feb. 2, 1746 ; died in Sanbornton, N. H., Sept. 14, 1 8 10. He removed from Stratham to San- bornton before the Revolutionary war ; first settled and cleared up the farm, Lot No. 12, second division. This he did in part previously to his marriage to Abigail Barker, of Stratham, but whether he left his bride as well as his farm, when he responded to his country's call as one of the " six- teen Sanbornton men " prior to May 27, 1775, is uncertain. He was an "ensign" in Capt. Jeremiah Clough's company, Colonel Poor's regiment. His wife was born Oct. 16, 1754, and died Nov. 20, 1824, his widow. 112 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 296. i. Thomas^, b. Nov. 29, 1776. 297. ii. Ebenezei'S, b. Sept. 22, 1778 ; died in Pembroke, N. H., May 18, 1850; m. 1st, Patty Goodhue; m. 2d, Mrs. Charlotte (Gushing) Sturtevant, in 1816. 298. iii. Obadiahs, b. Aug. 26, 1780. iv. AbigaiP, b. July 5, 1783. 299. V. Noahs, b. Nov. 5, 1781. vi. Polly (Mary)^, b. March 25, 1787 ; d. ,iu Sanborntou, N. H., Dec. 27, 1872, in her S6th year ; unmarried, vii. NathanieP, b. Sept. 5, 1788 ; d. May 7, 1869 ; m. Dec. 28, 1830, Nancy Plumer, and after her husband's death she married Chase Jaques. There is no record of his having any children, viii. Benjamin^, b. April 25, 1792 ; removed to Ohio, where he was a teacher ; d. June 17, 1837. 300. ix. SallyS, b. Dec. 1, 1797 ; m. Jeremiah Calif. iio. John Eastman^ (Benjamin^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., May lo, 1741 ; bapt. same day in Kings- ton; died Sept. 10, 18 14; married Joannah French. He first lived in Kingston, but later removed to Salisbmy, N. H., where he died. CHILDREN. i. Joannah^ b. in Kingston, N. H.; bapt. July 14, 1766; d. young. ii. John^, b. Sept. 7, 1776. iii. Joannah, 2d5, b. July 2, 1780. iv. MaryS, b. April 1, 1782. V. Sarah^, b. May 8, 1785. 301. vi. Jonathan^, b. June 17, 1787. vii. Mehitables, b. Aug. 29, 1790. viii. Annas, b. July 21, 1793. ix. Josephs, b. Sept. 15, 1796. X. Samuel^, b. July 7, 1799. III. Benjamin Eastman^ (Benjamin^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., Oct. 13, 1745 ; bapt. Oct. 23, 1745 ; married . He lived in Kingston. CHILD. 302. i. Jacob Peaslees, b. April 4, 1809. ISAAC EASTMANS, OF SALISBURY, MASS. I I 3 112. Isaac Eastman^ (John-*, John-', John-, Roger'), born March 30, 1729, m SaHsbury, Mass. Married Jan. 11, 1757, Anna Brown, born Jan. 7, 1729, daughter of Ephraim and Rachel Brown. They hved in Sahsbury, Mass. CHILDKEX. i. Jerusha^ b. in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 21, 1754 ; d, Aug. 28, 1852; uura. Slie died in Barnstead, N. H., probably with her sister ^lary. ii. Rubin^ b. j\Iarch 23, 1759 ; m. Annie ; had son, Richard, b. Sept. 13, 1798, who married and had son, Edwin George, born in Hallowell, 'Me., Oct. 5, 1833 ; m. July 5, 1862, Jennie Maria Harwood, of Bowdoinham. He commenced to follow the sea in 1850, and had com- mand of a vessel in 1856, of about 1700 tons, in the East India trade, to 1860; was appointed United States consul at Cork, Ire., in 1862, by Abraham Lincoln ; Aug. 16, 1869, was appointed consul (anterium) to fill a vacancy by Mr. Motley, which position he was holding in 1869. Children : (a) Jennie Harwood^ b. Aug. 10, 1863 ; (b) Annie Frances^, b. Oct. 17, 1866 ; (c) Gertrude Sanford^, b. Aug. 30, 1868. iii. Martha^, b. July 30, 1760. iv. Rachel^ b. Sept. 24, 1762; d. young. V. Sarah^, b. Aug. 15, 1764 ; m. David Goodwin and settled in Barnstead. vi. Hannah'', b. April 2, 1766 ; m. John Oilman, of Gilford, N. H. vii. Ephraim^, b. May 7, 1768. viii. Mary6, b. Feb. 16, 1771 ; m. Aug. 27, 1789, Dea. Edgerly, of Barnstead, X. H. 113. Richard Eastmans (John-*, John^ John^ Roger'), born in SaHsbury, Mass., June 21, 1739; married May 11, 1769, Hannah Merrill, born Feb. 10, 1735, daughter of Dea. John and Lydia Haynes Merrill, of Concord, N. H. After the death of her husband she returned to Concord, from Conway, to her parents, when she married Feb. 2, 1790, Joseph Odel, and returned to Conway, N. H. Mr. Eastman was a blacksmith, lived in Pembroke, Concord, and Conway, N. H. 114 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Betsys, b. July 14, 1770. 303. ii. Richard«, b. in Concord, N. H., May 19, 1771. iii. Hannah^ b. April 1, 1772 ; d. young. 304. iv. Molly6, b. Nov. 9, 1774. 305. V. Hannahe, b. June 10, 1776. 114. Ezekiel Eastmans (Roger-*, John^, John^ Roger'), born April 23, 173 i ; died in 1790; married in 1754, Sarah Blaisdell ; died April 27, 1798. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and served in Colonel Bedel's regiment against Canada in 1776. CHILDREN. 1. Eunice^, b. Jan. 4, 1756 ; m. and settled in Alton, N. H. ii. Elizabeth^, b. Sept. 30, 1757 ; m. Benjamin Toung. iii. Sarah^, b. Dec. 30, 175S ; m. Sept. 30, 1781, Benjamin Morrill, iv. Ezekieie, b. Oct. 30, 1766. V. Danieie, b. June 20, 1763. 306. vi. Davide, b. July 25, 1765. vii. Mollys, b. May 3, 1767. 307. viii. Mosess, b. Oct. 7, 1769. ix. AaronS, b. Oct. 7, 1769, twin. 115. Abigail Eastman^ (Roger-*, John^ John% Roger'), born Sept. 27, 1739; died April 14, 1816, aged j6 years and 6 months ; married Oct. 13, 1774, Col. Ebenezer Webster, of Salisbury, N. H. She was his second wife. CHILDREN. i. IMehitable Webster^, b. in Salisbury, N. H. 308. ii. Abigail Webster^, b. ; m. William Haddock. iii. Ezekiel Webster^, b. April 11, 1780. 309. iv. Daniel Webster^, b. Jan. 18, 1782. 310. V. Sarah Webster^, b. May 3, 1784. 116. Huldah Folsoras (Huldah Eastman-*, John^ John-, Roger'), .born in Epping, N. H., June 10, 1753 ; married March 24, 1774, George Weymouth, of Gilmanton, N. H. She was a large, strong, and grave woman ; lived to be quite aged. ABRAHAM FOLSOM^, OF EXETER, N. H. I I 5 CHILDRKN. i. James Weymouth^ b. in 1774. ii. John AVeymouth*', b. in 177(J. 311. iii. George Weymouth", b. May 21, 1777. iv. Joseph Weymouth'', b. . V. Daniel Weymouth*', b. . vi. Betsey Weymouth*', b. . vii. Hannah Weymouth", b. . viii. Abigail Weymouth", b. . ix. Anna Weymouth", b. . X. Huldah Weymouth", b. . xi. INIary Weymouth", b. . xii. Sally Weymouth", b, in 1797. 117. Abraham Folsoms (Huldah Eastman'', John^ John% Roger'), born in Exeter, N. H., April, 1741 (.') ; married Nov, 10, 1772, Elizabeth Moody. He lived in Epping and Gil- manton, in which latter place he died in 1 79 1 . CHILDREN. i. Jacob Folsom", b. June 11, 1773 ; m. Maiy Fifield. ii. Amos Folsom", b. Feb. 5, 1775. Went to learn the black- smith trade with his uncle, Joseph Hoit, of Sandwich ; left and was never heard from. iii. Abraham Folsom", b. Nov. 17, 1776. He engaged in the lumber business on Lake Champlain, and is supposed to have been impressed into the British naval service, and to have died on a man of war. iv. Ruth Folsom", b. Oct. 2.5, 1778 ; m. Benjamin Lougee, of Gilmanton, and had Elizabeth, Susan, Mary, Abraham, Levi, and Julius. V. Elizabeth Folsom", b. July 30, 1780 ; m. Deacon Simeon Hunt, lived in Tunbridge, Vt., had 3 daughtei's, one of whom, Ruth, m. Rev. E. G. Cilley, of Tyrone, Mich. vi. Asa Folsom", b. Aug. 30, 1782 ; m. Fanny Bennett. In 1800, he went to Tunbridge, Vt., and in 1810 removed to Warsaw, Wyoming county, X. Y., and settled on the " Holland Purchase." He married and died there Jan. 28, 1813, leaving three small children, the oldest not seven years of age, and all became prominent men iu that part of the country. I 1 6 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. II 8. Jonathan Folsoms (Huldah EastmanS John^, John^ Roger'), born in Epping, N. H., about 1750; died Nov. 14, i860; married Joanna Willey ; died May 10, i860. He settled in Gilmanton, N. H., but late in life removed to Wheelock, Vt. CHILDREN. i. David Folsom^ b. . ii. John Folsom^, b. . iii. William Folsom^ b. . iv. Abraham Folsom^ b. . V. Hannah Folsom^ b. . vi. Rhoda Folsom^, b. . vii. Abigail Folsom^ b. . viii. Polly Folsom^, b. in Gilmanton, Dec. 27, 1789 ; m. in Wheelock, Vt., Dec. 6, 1810, Dudley Clark, born April 18, 1787, son of John and Lydia Clark. Children : (a) Lydia Clark^ b. Wheelock, Sept. 11, 1811 ; (b) Malinda Clark', b. March 6, 1815; d. June 11, 1846; (c) John Clark^ b. 1818; d. 1842; (d) Keziah Clark^ b. 1821 ; d. 1844 ; (e) Leonard Clark^ b. 1823 ; d. 1824 ; (f) Mary Clark^ b. 1826 ; d. 1828. 119. John Folsoms (Huldah Eastman'*, John^ John^ Roger'), born about 1755 ; married Aug. 2"], 1778, Mary Conner, born in Exeter in 1754. She was living in 1844. He settled in Gilmanton, N. H., where his father-in-law went in 1873. CHILDREN. i. Hannah Folsom^, b. in Gilmanton, July 26, 1779 ; m. May 17, 1804, Benjamin Rollins, and lived in Gilmanton. Children : (a) Maria Rollins^ b. Oct., 1807 ; m. William Watts, of Chelsea ; (b) Sally Rollins^ b. Nov., 1810 ; d. 1856 ; (c) Charles A. Rollins^ b. March, 1813 ; d. 1825 ; (d) Hannah F. Rollins^ b. Oct. 8, 1816 ; d. 1850 ; m. 1849, James A. Williams, ii. Huldah Folsom^, b. Aug. 6, 1781 ; m. Nathaniel Avery ; had Nancy, Sally, Betsey, Huldah, Nathaniel, Daniel F., Mary, Hannah, John. Huldah m. John Dearborn, and settled in Rumney, N. H. iii. Anna Folsom^, b. Sept. 23, 1783 ; m. Kinsman Hart, and had John, Samuel, Nancy, Louisa, and William Hart. KINGSBURY EASTMAN^, OF SOUTH HAMPTON, N. H. 11/ iv. John Folsom^ b. Aug. 15, 1780 ; in. in Gilmanton, March 13, 1811, Betsey Gilman, and had (a) Levi G. Folsom'', b. March 19, 1813 ; ni. 1st, Percy Cox ; ^d, Leah or Rachel Osgood. He had no children, (b) John Folsoni'^, b. Feb. 23, 1815; d. unm. ; (c) William Folsom", b. Oct. 3, 1818 ; m. Elizabeth Boas, no children; (d) Betsey Folsom", b. May IS, 1823; ni. David lluulett, of Exeter; (e and f ) twins, Ann Maria Folsom^, b. April 4, 1825; m. Weeks. Her reason was impaired, and they separated, and he lived with her twin brother, Benjamin G. Fol- som^, in Gilmanton, until his death, Nov., 1878, of heart disease. V. Dudley Conner Folsom^ b. Feb. 9, 1789 ; m. Hannah Gil- man ; had Xancy, Mary, Alva, Almira, Albert, Sally, Hannah, and Dudley Folsom''. vi. Mary Folsom^, b. Feb. IS, 1792 ; d. Nov. 8, 1881 ; m. Nov. 23, 1810, Levi Gilman, born in 1786. He lived in Gil- ford, N. H. Children : (a) Betsey Gilman" ; b. Oct., 1811 ; m. William Wadley ; (b) John Gilman", b. Aug. 9, 1816; (c) Sally H. Gilman^ b. Oct., 1818; (d) Mary Ann Gilman'', b. Dec. 22, 1823; (e) Freeman L. Gilman^, b. 1828. vii. Betsey Folsom^, b. 1795; m. Joseph Hoit, of Sandwich, X. k. viii. Sally Folsom^ b. 1798; d. Oct. 18, 1861 ; m. Moses Lake- man, of Pembroke. Child : Mary Elizabeth Lakemau'', b. June 21, 1842; m. Aug. 18, 1873, Gustavus Gray, of East Tilton, X. H. I20. Kingsbury Eastmans (David'*, John^ John-, Roger'), born in South Hampton (?) ; bapt. there July 19, 1750. He lost his life at sea, Nov. 10, 1791. He was in Harpswell; Me., as early as 1770. He probably went there earlier than that. The ear marks of his cattle are recorded on the town records, May 30, 1774. Many traditions have been handed down of this family; one is from a very aged descendant. " Three brothers came from England to America. One of these settled in New Hampshire. The other two settled in Harpswell, Me. One of these took the king's side in the Il8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Revolutionary war, and settled on the English side of the St. Croix river. He finally went to Nova Scotia. The third brother, whose name is not recalled, espoused the cause of liberty. His wife's name was Susan, of Dutch origin. She was a woman of superior strength, and at all the raisings and gatherings in all those days they had wrestling bouts, and she would always throw the last man. She could pick up a cask of cider and drink from the bung. She could butcher a 400- pound hog and hang him up v/ithout aid from any one. She drove six English officers from her house because they were saucy to her." The farm of Capt. Kingsbury Eastman has been in the family for over 130 years. His house stood at Cundy's Harbor, East Harpswell. In Vol. v., page 160, Mass. Rev. Rolls, will be found the following : " Eastman, Kingsbury. Return of men enlisted by Capt. John Snow to serve at Harpswell ; service from July, 1777, to Dec. 7, 1777 ; also sergeant in Capt. Nehemiah Curtis' company, Col. Jona- than Mitchel's regiment; entered service July 7, 1779; dis- charged Sept. 25, 1779; service, 2 mos. 18 days on Penob- scot expedition ; roll dated Harpswell and sworn to at North Yarmouth, Cumberland county." He married ist, Nov. 22, 1770, Mary Hadly ; 2d, Ruth Mareen Eaton. He had seven sons and four daughters, of whom we have only the following. CHILDREN. '&• 312. i. Nathaniel^ b. . 313. ii. Sarahe, b. in Harpswell, Me., Dec. 30, 1788; d. Oct. 13, 1839. 314. iii. Janies6, b. Dec. 24, 1791 ; d. Nov. 28, 1882. 315. iv. Philip^ b. . V. Rachel', b. ; m. a (iould, and lived in Poi'tland, Me. vi. Caroline", b. ; m. a Storer. vii. Mary", b. ; did not marry. viii. Ruth^, b. ; m. Samuel Eaton Batchelder, lived in Bow- doin, Me. Some of the other sons, it is said, were lost at sea. LVDIA EASTMAN5, OF UVFIELD, MASS. IIQ 121. Lydia Eastman-^ (Jeremiah', Zacha^ah^ John-, Roger'), born in Byfield, Mass., Nov. 8, 1726 ; died in Mon- mouth, Me., with her son John, March 9, 1820, aged 94 years; married ist, Capt. Joseph Chandler, born in Salisbury, Mass., in 1725, son of Joseph and Mary (Tucker) Chandler ; married 2d, Nov. 19, 1778, John Bartlett. Captain Chandler served in the French war ; was by trade a blacksmith, and had a farm about a mile north of the centre of Epping, N. H., near the Governor Plummer estate, on Oak Hill. It is recorded at Epping that " in 1760 Capt. Joseph Chandler's cattle mark was a crop of the left ear." He was highway surveyor in 1763, and at the annual parish meeting, held March 14, 1774, he w^as chosen parish clerk. On the 2d January, 1775, Captain Chandler was chosen one of the com- mittee of inspection and correspondence for the parish of Epping. He was a captain in the Revolutionary war, and at a meeting, July 22, 1776, of the New Hampshire Committee of Safety, their record says : " Gave Southampton soldiers leave to go join Captain Chandler's company." He died in the service of his country, at Mt. Independence, Sept. 17, 1776. An inventory of the estate of Capt. Joseph Chandler, late of Epping, was exhibited Jan. 29, 1777, by Lydia Chand- ler, administratrix. The real and personal estate amounted to ;^849 :o : 3, and on Feb. 25, 1778, she exhibited a further account of personal estate of ^272 : 3 : 61/2, of which she had paid out ^224 14 : 8. her (Signed) Lydia X Chandler. mark. On the 26th of Feb., 1778, Jeremiah Eastman was appointed guardian of the three youngest children of Captain Chandler. Probably he was their grandfather. I20 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Xathaniel Chandler^, b. Sept. 22, 1748; m. Anna Prescott. • ii. Molly Chandler^, b. April 26, 1751 ; m. Major James Norris. iii. Lydia Chandlers, b. May 15, 1753; m. March 7, 1778, Joseph Whittier. iv. Joseph Chandler^ b. July 29, 1755 ; ra. Sarah Haynes. V. Sarah Chandler^, b. Aug. 5, 1757 ; d. Nov., 1774. vi. Hannah Chandler^, b. Sept. 22, 1759 ; ni. David Maloon. vii. John Chandlers, b. Feb. 1, 1762; m. Aug. 27, 1783, Mary Whittier. viii. 011a Chandler^, b. March 16, 1764 ; d, July 10, 1783. ix. Jemima Chandler^, b. Dec. 7, 1766 ; d. Nov., 1785. X. Jeremiah Chandler^, b. March 26, 1769 ; d. in Monmouth, Me., Sept. 16, 1806 ; m. 1st, Dolly Runlett. He had no children. She married again in Gilmanton, X. H. (See Chandler Genealogy.) 122. Martha Eastman^ (Jeremiah'*, Zachariah^ John^, Roger'), born Dec. 17, 1730; married ist, May 17, 1754, a Mr. Gould. He died, and she married 2d, Joseph Folsom, son of John, born Sept. 23, 1725. They lived in Deerfield, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Jemima Folsom^, b. March 27, 1756 ; m. Peter Folsom. ii. Asa Folsoms, b. Sept. 24, 17.57; m. Sally Boardman; 2d, Xancy Guild ; 3d, Mary Gove. Children : Polly, Sally, Betsey, Xancy, and Hannah, iii. Abigail Folsom^, b. Aug. 6, 1760 ; m. 1st, Israel Gilman ; 2d, Capt. Shepard, of Holderness, X. H. 123. Jeremiah Eastman-^ (Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^ John^, Roger"), born in Byfield, Mass., Nov. 28, 1732 ; died in Deerfield, N. H., in 1802 ; married Hannah Ouimby. He first lived in Kingston, but removed from there and settled V on a large tract of land on the southwestern shore of Pleasant Pond in Deerfield, N. H., in 1762. He was selectman in 1772-4, and in 1776 was one of a committee to fix the site for a meeting house, and in 1779 was one of a committee of nine to build one. For six years, from 1775 to 1781 inclu- JEREMIAH EASTMAN5, OF BVFIELD, MASS. 121 sive, he was elected a delegate to represent the parishes of Deerfield and Northwood in the congress at Exeter. He was also for two years, 1783-4, elected to the general assembly at Concord, N. H. His name appears as one of the signers to the Declaration made April 12, 1776, in response to a call fiom the Committee of Safety. For twenty years from 1775, he was town clerk. He was an active member of the church in Deerfield to which he belonged. WILL OF JEREMIAH EASTMAN. " In the name of God Amen. I, Jeremiah Eastman, now of Deerfield in the county of Rockingham and State of New Hampshire, being and enjoying at this time a considerable measure of bodily health and of a sound mind and memory, thanks be given to God for the same and calling to mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following, (that is to say) I give & recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, and my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretian of my executer herein after named. As touching my worldly estate, I will & bequeathe the same in the following manner. " Imprimis. I will that all my just debts & funeral charges be paid & discharged by my executor within a convenient time after my decease. " Item : I give & bequeath to my beloved wife Anna Eastman the improvement of one third of my homestead farm on which I now live lying & being in Deerfield, so long as she remains my widow, including the southerly four room in my dwelling house & one third of the barn & also one cow & three sheep to be delivered her by my son Benjamin within two months after my decease & my will is that my said wife have the improvement of all my beds & bedding & all my 122 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. household furniture except my desk to improve the above mentioned stock & household furniture during the term afore mentioned. " Item : I give & bequeath to my son Jeremiah his heirs & assigns all the land I own at the northerly part of Pleasant Pond (so called) which belongs to the lots numbered twenty one & twenty two in the 7th range except the privilege of building half a mill on the outlet of said Pond, with a con- venient mill yard. I also give him the said Jeremiah, all the rangeway at the northeasterly end of said two lits which was returned to me by the selectmen of Deerfield as satisfaction for a highway as may appear by Deerfield records & also the one half of my pew in Deerfield meeting house numbered thirty which with what I have heretofore given him by deed is his full share of my estate. " Item : I give & bequeath my son Jacob Eastman his heirs &. assigns five silver dollars to be paid by my executor within one year after my decease which with what I have already given him by deed is his full share of my estate. " Item : I give & bequeath to my son Enoch Eastman his heirs & assigns five silver dollars to be paid by my execu- tor within one year after my decease which with what I have already given him by deed is his full share of my estate. " Item : I give & bequeath to my son Ephraim Eastman his heirs & assigns five silver dollars to be paid him by my executor within one year after my decease which with what I have already given him by deed is his full share of my estate. " Item : I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Tirrel her heirs and assigns fifteen silver dollars to be paid her by my executor within one year after my decease, also my will is that she the said Sarah Tirrell have the full one half of my household furniture after my wife has improved the same herebefore mentioned in this my will. JEREMIAH EASTMANS, OF BVFIELD, :\IASS. 1 23 " Item : I give & bequeath to my daughter Lydia Wallis her heirs & assigns fifteen silver dollars to be paid her by my executor within eighteen months after my decease. I also give to her the said Lydia the full one half of my household furniture after m)- wife has improved the same term before mentioned in this my will. " Item : I give & bequeath to my son Benjamin Eastman his heirs and assigns all my homestead farm which I now live with the buildings thereon to come into the improvement of two thirds of the said premises at my decease the other third when my wife has improved at the term allotted her as aforesaid. I also give to him the said Benjamin his heirs & assigns all the land I own in the lot numbered twenty three in the eight range in Deerfield being by estimation about twenty three acres and ninety six rods be the same more or less, and also all my stock of cattle horses sheep & swine and my husbandry utensils & also my saddles bridles & also half the privilege of building a mill on the outlet of Pleasant Pond as hath been before reserv^ed in my bequest to my son Benjamin the one half of my pew in Deerfield meeting house numbered thirty & also my desk. I further give unto my five sons viz Jeremiah, Jacob, Ephraim, Benjamin & Enoch or the surving ones all my wearing apparel to be equely divided between them. " Lastly, I make constitute & appoint my son Benjamin Eastman sole executor of this my last will and testement to whom I give all my estate not hereinbefore disposed of. " In witness whereof I the said Jeremiah Eastman have herewith set my hand and seal this 27th day of March A. D. 1798. "Jeremiah Eastman. (Seal.) 124 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. " Signed sealed published & declared by the said Jeremiah Eastman to be his last will and testament in presence of us who in his presence in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names the day & year above written. " Mich McClary. " Thomas Babb. "James McClary. " A true copy attest, "Andrew J. Brown, " Registra. CHILDREN. i. Jacob^, b. ; bapt. Aug. 17, 1766 ; was the first male child born in Deerfield ; d. in Andover, N. H. ; unm. 316. ii. Ephraini*^, b. March 15, 1768. 317. iii. Benjamin^, b. April 8, 1770 ; d. Feb. 10, 1836. iv. Sarah^, b. . V. Lydia^, b. . vi. Enocli^ b. ; in. Hannah Eastman ; no children. 318. vii. Jeremiah*^, b. . 124. Meriam Eastman^ (Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^ John^, Roger'), born Feb. 28, 1740; married Joseph Sawyer, and settled in Deerfield, N. H. He was born in 1737, and died June 10, 18 1 2. CHILDREN. i. Josiah Sawyer^, b. ; settled in Gilford, N. H. 319. ii. Jeremiah Sawyer^, b. . iii. David Sawyer^, b. in 1765. iv. John Sawyer*', b. ; settled in Andover, N. H. V. Israel Sawyer'^, b. ; lived on the homestead in Deer- field, X. H. 125. Ephraim Eastman^ (Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^ John^ Roger'), born in Byfield, Mass., Aug. 4, 1747 ; died Jan. 26, 1836; married Feb. 28, 1771, Elizabeth Colby; died Sept. 20, 1820. He first lived in Kingston, but later removed to Deerfield, N. H., where they both died. PHEBE EASTMANS, OF RAVMOXD, \. H. 1 25 CHILDREN. 320. i. Joseph«, b. 1772. ii. Israel*^, b. ; d. young. 321. iii. Lydia", b. Marcli 3, 177-1; 111. Tlioinas Burbank. 322. iv. rolly«, b. 1775 ; m. David Shaw. V. Hannahs b. Nov. 25, 1778 ; m. Enocli Eastman. (See No. 123, vii.) 323. vi. Jereniiah«, b. Jan. S, 1781 ; ra. Sally Webster. 324. vii. John^ b. July 21, 1788 ; lu. I\Iary Worthen James, viii. Daniel*^, b. Oct. 17, 1785. 325. ix. Isaac Benson^, b. June 17, 1788 ; ni. Jemima Shaw. 126. Phebe Eastman^ (Jeremiah^, Zachariah^, John^ Roger'), born May I, 1750; married Dec. 14, 1771, Ebenezer Prescott, born Feb. 9, 17 — . They were both killed in Raymond, N. H., where they lived, by their horse rtinning away, in 1880. CHILDREN. i. Ebenezer Prescott^, b. Feb. 9, 1773 ; d. May 16, 1844 ; m, in 1798, Mary Tuck, b. Oct., 1774, d. Nov. 2, 1850 ; re- sided iu Monmouth, JNIe. ii. riiebe Prescott^, b. Sept. 13, 1775 ; m. Feb. 28, 1791, Israel Sawyer, of Deerfield, N. H. iii. Elisha Prescott^ b. 1777 ; m. Mary Chase, of Epping. He lived in Raymond, N. H. iv. Jedediah Brown Prescott'', b. April 10, 1784 ; m. Oct. 8, 1807, Mary Graves, of Brentwood, N. H., born Sept. 2, 1782 ; d. June 12, 1828 ; m. 2d, Jan. 22, 1829, Sally Thompson, b. in Epping, N. H., Oct. 20, 1799. He was a minister. He died July 10, 1861. V. Tristram Prescott^, b. Aug. 29, 1793; m. May 22,1826, Roxanna Orcutt, born Dec. 7, 1801 ; d. in Monmouth, Me., where they lived. 127. Benjamin Eastman^ (Jeremiah'*, Zachariah^ John% Roger'), born in Byfield, Mass. ; married Nancy Cram, and lived in Kingston, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Abner'', b. ; m. twice, had two daughters by 1st wife, and by 2d : (a) Seth, lived in Montreal, was cashier of a bank there ; (b) Mary, lived in St. Albans, Vt. 126 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ii. Xathaniel^ b. ; m. a Miss Morrill ; lived on the home- stead in Kingston. Children : (a) NathanieF, b. ; lived on the old place, unm. ; (b) Benjamin" ; (c) Wil- liam'', lived in Lowell, Mass. ; (d) Oliver'^, b. ; (e) ]Mary", b. . iii. Mary'', b. ; m. an Eastman, and lived in Kingston, had : (a) John", b. ; (b) Enoch^, b. ; (c) Oliver^, b. ; (d) Charles", b. ; (e) Calvin, and others. 128. Hannah Eastmans (Jacob-', Zachariah^ John-, Roger'), born June 3, 1736; died Feb. 29, 1813 ; married Sept., 1753, Abner Hoyt, born Jan. 25, 1731 ; died Oct. 22, 1807. He hved in Hopkinton, N. H., and Weare, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Jacob Hoyt^ b. Feb. 15, 1754 ; d. in Lincoln, N. Y. ; m. 1st, Tabitha Hayes, of Concord, X. H., marriage inten- tions published March 30, 1776; 2d, Nov. 11, 1813, widow ]Mary Towner. He lived in Hopkinton and Henniker, N. H., and about 1850 removed to Livonia, X. Y. ii. Benjamin Hoyt^, b. Jan. 25, 1757 ; d. Feb. 13, 1813 ; m. 1st, Marj^ Jewett ; 2d, Feb. 5, 1888, Jane French, of East Kingston, N. H. He lived in Henniker, N. H. iii. Betsey Hoyt^ b. ; m. John Huntington. 326. iv. Abner Hoyt^, b. Nov. 30, 1760. V. Mary Hoyt^, b. March 15, 1763 ; m. Thomas Cilly. vi. Hannah Hoyt^, b. ; m. 1st, Ambrose Chase, of Hop- kinton, N. H., born May 7, 1789 ; m. 2d, a Mr. Howard. 327. vii. Aaron Hoyt^, b. Sept. 20, 1771. 129. Thomas Eastman^ (Roger-*, Roger^, John', Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., Oct. 1 1, 1740, o. s. ; died in Newbury, Vt., Oct. 17, 1828 ; married in 1767, Sarah Ann Sargent, died in Newbury, Vt., March 25, 1831, aged 90 years. He settled in Weare, N. H., the year he was married. In 1797, he removed to Newbury, Vt., leaving Weare the day Daniel was married, driving an ox team with the goods, Daniel driv- ing the cattle and sheep, the women on horseback. They purchased one of the best farms in Newbury, leading from STEPHEN EASTMAN', OF NEWTON, N. 11. 12/ the river to the town, now (1899) owned by the Cailtons. Mr. Eastman was one of the first settlers of Weare. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and was at the surrender of Ikir- goyne. He was a hard working man, and was often heard to say that he never used spirituous liquors in all his life. In religion he was a Quaker or Friend. Thomas Eastman bought of John Kimball, of Amesbury, for 400 pounds old tenor, one half of lot 2, range 3, in Weare, and settled on it. His brother Samuel bought of John Moffatt, lot 3, range 2, in Weare, for ^39, i.ios, lawful money. childrp:n. i. Roger*', b. Jan. "2, 1769 ; he was a clerk in a store and never married; d. in Weare, in 1790. 328. ii. Isaacs b. April 13, 1775; m. Nov. 22, 1796, Mehitable George, and settled in Sunapee, X. H. o29. iii. Daniel'', b. Feb. 25, 1777 ; m. 1797, eJemima "Worthley, and settled in Xewbury, Vt., the same year. 330. iv. David^ b. ; m. Susan Ordway, and settled in Tops- ham, Vt. 130. Stephen Eastman^ (Roger-^, Roger^ John', Roger"), born in Xewton, N. H., March 27, 1744; died in Lyndon, Vt. ; married in 1767, Anna Colb)^ born Aug. 17, 1747, daughter and fourth child of Abraham Colby and Elizabeth, his wife. Anna was born in Amesbury, Mass. They lived in Newton, N. H., till 1778, when they removed to Bow, X. H., and bought the tract of land at the base of "Wood Hill." The first definite account of Abraham Colby, who, with his five sons, settled on "Wood Hill," in Bow, N. H., in 1768, is to be found in the Amesbury, Mass., Records, where it is stated that the children of Abraham Colby and Elizabeth (Blaisdell) Colby went with him to Bow. Aug. 16, 1768, he bought of John Leavitt, of Stratham, part of lots Nos. 3 and 4, in the 14th range, being 120 acres, for ^45, lawful 128 EASTMAN FAMILV OF AMERICA. money, equal to $150 at that time. The road through Bow was only a bridle path from Samuel Rogers', where Lewis C. Goodhue now (1899) lives, to Elisha Clough's and Francis Carr's, on the hill where the first meeting house was built, and extending on to where Bow Mills village is now located. Here on this land his five sons settled. On the town records on file by the town of Bow, the name of Stephen Eastman appears as one of the signers of the Association Test. Imagine such a man, with four small children to support, the eldest not quite seven years of age, taking such a stand. It meant life or death to him. It is related that when he was past 80, he would, with staff in hand, every Sabbath, in fair or foul weather, walk six or eight miles and return, to attend the church to which he belonged. He was a shoemaker, and wished to have his son Stephen follow the same business, but it was distasteful to him ; they had some trouble about it and the boy bolted. He went to his uncle Colby and conferred with him, and he advised him to make a bee, and fell ten acres of trees on his father's farm and follow farming. He was then only fifteen years of age, but followed the advice, and when his father came home from an absence of a few days and saw what had been done he exclaimed, "We are ruined!" But from this day things began to prosper better, and he admired the management of his son so well that in time he deeded all his property to him, expecting him to stay at home and care for him and his wife in their old age. After a while a new house was to be erected ; one wanted it to face one way, and the other wanted it to face the other. The result was that Stephen, Jr., left the old home in Bow, and went to Vermont. He first went to Danville, looked over the ground, but not finding anything to his liking, he went to Sutton and bought one hundred acres, July 12, 1804. He moved his family there in February, 1806. He lived first in a neighbor's house a mile away from his purchase, but the skteenth of June following raised a ICHABOD EASTMANS, OF NEWTON, N, H. 1 29 house on his own lot, and his son David was born the same day. When they moved into their new home, his wife carried the babe, and he the Httle girl, not quite two years old, and a bag of meal. When Stephen, Jr., left Bow, he had a deed of the property there, and when he had left home his father selected David, his youngest son, a man of amiable and even disposition, to stay and care for him in his old age. After Stephen had been in Vermont a few years, he saw it would be to the advantage for his father and brother to go to Vermont to live, and he selected a tract of land in the edge of Lyndon, and adjoining his farm, and then went to Bow for them ; but no argument could convince them until he said, " You will be obliged to go, for I have sold and deeded the place over your heads." Then they concluded to go, which they did, including all the children except his second child, Hannah, who had married. CHILDREN. i. Elizabeth^ b. iu Newton, N. H., Oct. 22, 1767 ; d. young. 331. ii. Hannahs b. in Newton, X. H., Oct. 13, 1769 ; m. David Hammond, iii. Elizabeth^, b. Xov. 30, 1771. Xo further record of her. 332. iv. Jane Worth'', b. March, 1774 ; m. Joseph Duncklee. 333. V. Stephen^ b. July 23, 1776 ; m. Rachel Clement. 334. vi. Rachel^ b. in Bow, X. H., Jan. 9, 1779 ; m. Jacob Sullo- way. 33.1. vii. Elis, b. Xov. 15, 1782 ; m. Ruth Clement. 336. viii. Anna^, b. Aug. 12, 178.5 ; m. Daniel Hurd. 337. ix. Davids, b. July 3, 1788 ; m. Rhoda Brewer, 338. X. ^Nlary^ b. April 30, 1791 ; m. Samuel Leach, and went West. 131. Ichabod Eastman^ (Roger-', Roger^, John^ Roger"), born in Newton, N. H., May 22, 1749; died in Weare, N. H., Sept. 3, 1825 ; married Mary Whittle, of Merrimack, N. H., born in 1750, died in Weare, N. H., Sept. 22, 18 17. He settled in Weare in the early settlement of the town. He was a carpenter and joiner, and did a good business, and 1 usually had a number of apprentices. 30 339. ii. iii. 340. iv. V. 341. vi. 342. vii. 344. viii. EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. Molly6, b. Nov. 20, 1774 ; m. Samuel Worthier. Abigail^ b. 1776 ; ni. John Hazen. Sally^ b. June 2, 1779 ; m. in 1801, Philip Eastman, son of Samuel. RacheF, b. May 25, 1781. Faiinys, b. Aug. 22, 1783. Williame, b. Dec. 6, 178.5. James^ b. January 13, 1788. Ichabode, b. March 17, 1792. 132. Samuel Eastmans (Roger-*, Roger^, John', Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., Oct. 3, 1747 ; died in Weare, N. H., March 2, 1841 ; married Sarah Cm-rier, of Newton, died in Weare, N. H., June 21, 1821. He removed from Newton to Weare, N. H., subsequent to 1776. CHILDREN. i. Molly6, b. Aug. 17, 1769 ; m. Elijah George, of Sunapee, N.H. 345. ii. Sarahs b. Sept. 22, 1771 ; m. Moses Hazen. iii. Philip", b. Oct. 3, 1773 ; m. Sally Eastman, daughter of Ichabod, and his first cousin. He lived in Croydon, X. H. iv. Ruth", b. Sept. 17, 1775 ; m. Jonathan Clement. V. Hannah", b. Xov. 4, 1777 ; m. Jesse Clement. vi. Lydia", b. 1781 ; m. Amos Hadley. vii. Jane®, b. 1782 ; m. Jacob Straw, of Sandwich. 346. viii. Samuel", b. 1784. 347. ix. Thomas", b. , twin. X. Betsey", b. 1787 ; d. unmarried. xi. Moses", b. , twin ; m. Mary Gould, and had a son, Edmund G.", m. Mary McCurdy, and lives in Chicago, 111. 133. Isaac Eastman- (Roger^, Roger^ John^ Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., Oct. 30, 1754 ; died there suddenly, July 8, 1792 ; married Hannah George, born March 3, 1759. He lived in Newton on the home farm. After his death his widow went to Newbury, Vt., with her son Samuel. She died June 16, 1838, and was buried in Topsham near the Lime Kiln. NICHOLAS EASTMANS, OF FRANCESTOWX, N. H. I 3 I CHILDltKX. i. Roger'"', b. July 19, 1770 ; in. Sopliin ; settled on Sugar Hill, N. H. Timothy", b. Aug. 16, 1778. Thomas*', b. Feb. 11, 1779; settled in Denny.sville, Me. Betsey^ b. July '2, 1783 ; ni. Richard Currier. William'^, b. April 1, 1785: settled in Xewburyport, Mass. Samuel", b. Sept. 19, 1787 ; settled in Newbury, Vt. Nicholas", b. Sept. 8, 1789. Isaac", b. April 22, 1792 ; went to Topsham, Vt., in 1838. 134. Nicholas Eastman^ (Roger^ Roger^ John^ Roger'), born Jan. i6, 175 i ; married Olive Barnes, daughter of Dr. Joseph and Sarah Barnes. Nicholas settled in Frances- town, N. H. CHILDREN. ciicS. 11. iii. iv. V. 349. vi. 350. vii. viii. 1. Rachel", b. - ; m. John Clough. 11. Olive", b. — — ; m. Joseph Clough. iii. Joseph", b. - ; m. Sarah Warren, of Shirley, Mass. iv. Betsey", b. - ; d. at 16. V. A son", b. — — ; died in infancy. vi. A son", b. — — ; d. in infancy. vii. Sarah", b. — — ; d. unm. viii. Mary", b. — — , twin ; m. Shepard Leonard. 351. ix. Hannah", b. in Francestown, N. H. 135. Hannah Eastmans (Roger^, Roger^ John^ Roger'), born in Newton, N. H. ; married Henry Hunt. She was probably the eldest of her father's children. CHILD, AXD PROBABLY OTHERS. 352. i. Hannah Hunt", b. in Kingston, N. H., May 29, 1758. 136. Jane Eastman^ (Roger^ Roger\ John-, Roger'), born in Newton, 1^. H., Oct. 2, 1735 ; died Aug. 7, 183 1 ; married Feb. 23, I $5 8, David Sargent, born in Amesbury, Mass., April 8, 1737 ; died April 12, 1808 ; son of David and Mary (Goodwin) Sargent. He was a farmer, and resided in New- ton, N. H. His will was probated at Exeter in 1808. 132 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN BOKX IN NEWTON. 353. i. Roger Sargent^ b. April 13, 1759. ii. Mary Sargent^ b. March 31, 1761 ; ni. in Warner, July 11, 1819, Levi Flanders. 354. iii. David Sargent", b. Oct. 7, 1763. iv. Janney Sargent", b. March 11, 1766; m. March 1, 1792, Eliphalet Bartlett, a farmer in Newton. Children : (a) David, (b) Gilman, (c) Jane, and others. V. Hannah Sargent", b. July 26, 1768 ; d. . vi. Ichabod Sargent", b. May 26, 1771 ; d. 1790. vii. Hannah Sargent, 2d", b. July 25, 1773 ; ni. Nathan Johnson. 355. viii. Moses Sargent", b. Jan. 8, 1776. 356. ix. Jonathan Sargent", b. July 20, 1780. Another Sarah Sargent, her grandfather, Roger Eastman, names in his will. 137. Enoch Eastmans (Jonathans Roger^, John% Roger'), born m Norwich, Conn., in 174S; died in East Rupert, Vt., June 23, 1829; married Sarah Rising, of Scotch descent, born in Norwich, Conn., in 1760; died in East Rupert, Vt., March 27, 1826. He removed from Connecticut, in the early settlement of that town. He was a lieutenant and captain in the Revolutionary war and was at the battle of Bennington. CHILDREN. 357. i. Elijah", b. June 24, 1780 ; d. Sept. 25, 1842. ii. Elisha", b. May 24, 1781; d. Dec. 6, 1863; m. Hannah Gleason, b. 1787. iii. Enoch", b. Feb. 7, 1783; d. May 6, 1865; m. Clarinda ; had one daughter, Caroline'^, b. about 1830-1 ; m. William Root, had two daughters and one son. The oldest daughter ra. a Weed, had no children. The other daughter m. a Herrick, and lived with her mother. The son, Frank Root, m. and lives on the old homestead in E. Rupert, Vt. iii. Elizabeth", b. Nov. 12, 1784. 358. iv. Enos", b. Aug. 20, 1786 ; d. April 13, 1865. 359. V. Elias", b. Feb. 26, 1788. vi. Sarah", b. Jan. 16, 1790 ; d. in Rupert. Wt mo. Vll. viii. 361. is. X. 362. xi. 363. xii. xiii. 364. xiv. CVPRIAN EASTMAX5, OF NORWICH, CONN. 1 33 Jiistin«, b. Oct. 31, 1791 ; d. in Wis. Jonathan^, b. July 23, 1793 ; d. in Wis. in 1860. ^leriani*', b. Aug. 6, 1795; d. in northern Vt. Orpha", b. Sept 7, 1797 ; d. in Wis. in 1748-9. Aarons, b. Sept. 7, 1799 ; d. Oct. 10, 1868. Calvin«, b. July 30, 1801 ; d. in Wis. May 8, 1871. Sarah^, b. Sept 2, 1803 ; d. young. LoisG, b. Sept. 18, 1806 ; d. at Rock Falls, 111., July 23, 1803. 138. Cyprian Eastmans (Jonathan-*, Roger-^, John% Roger'), born in Norwich, Conn., in 1749; died in Bristol, Vt., May 23, 1798, from small pox contracted in Montreal, Canada. He removed from Norwich, Conn., to Rupert, Vt., in the early settlement of that town, and located on Bristol Flats, his brother Jonathan following soon after. He married Rosamond Nelson. He was one of the first selectmen in the town ; was appointed one of a committee to lay out the first division of lots of land and roads in the town. In June, 1 79 1, a militia company was organized and he was chosen captain. The captain was a good citizen and well esteemed. We have very little of his family record. He had ten chil- dren, of whom we have the names of the following : CHILDREN. i. Bersheba^ b. ; m. Robert Dunshe. He was one of the first settlers of Bristol, Vt., was a good citizen and industrious man. He died from the effects of cancer. 365. ii. Luther^, b. ; ra. Lydia Eastman, daughter of Jona- than. iii. RusseP, b. ; m. and lived in Monkton, and both he and his wife became insane, and died soon after. Had a daughter Jane, who m. a Mr. Barnum, and had three children. A few years ago, Jane became insane and com- mitted suicide, and in 1899, the youngest son, who was unmarried, committed suicide. Mr. Barnum died many- years ago. 10 134 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 139. Bathsheba Eastmans (Jonathan4, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Norwich, Conn., in 175 i ; died in Theresa, N. Y., about 1843 I married OHver Scott, of Bristol, Vt. He died soon after the Revolution. They had four sons and one daughter. 140. Jonathan Eastman^ (Jonathan^, Roger^ John^, Roger'), born in Norwich, Conn., in 1753 ; died in Bristol, Vt.,. Dec. 16, 1816 ; married ist, Ruth Davis; 2d, Ruth Dean. He came when a young man to Rupert, Vt., soon after his brother, Cyprian, where he first located, but in 1 79 1 removed to Bristol, where he always lived afterwards. By his first wife he had one daughter, and by his second wife five children (from Mrs. " Hemmingway's works " on Ver- mont). Another account says his first wife was a Miss Haynes. Mr. Eastman was a worthy citizen and was first representative in 1792, and again in 1795, and four years one of the selectmen. It is supposed he died in Bristol, as Mrs. Allen, granddaughter of his, says his second wife, Ruth Dean, removed to Ohio when his children, Sarah, William and Almond, were quite young, where the widow, William, and Sarah died. CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. i. Lydia®, b. ; m. Luther Eastman, son of Cyprian. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. ii. Sarah®, b. ; m. a Mr. Sawyer, and removed to Ohio. 366. iii. Jonathan®, b. in Vergennes, Vt. 367. iv. William6, b. in Bristol, Vt., Sept. 11, 1797. 368. V. Ahnon®, b. Sept. 28, 1800. vi. Ira®, b. ; d. about 1835 of consumption ; m. Sally Foote. 141. Stephen Eastman^ (Jonathan-*, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Norwich, Conn., Jan. 25, 1755 ; died in East Rupert, Vt., April 25, 1 8 19; married Jerusha Jones, of Rupert, Vt. He lived in East Rupert, Vt. MIRIAM EASTMAN^ OF RUPERT, VT. 1 35 CHILDREN. i. Stephens, b. Sept. 6, 1787. ii. Johii^ b. Jan. 2.5, 1789. 369. iii. Ainos^, b. Sept. 6, 1790 ; 111. and settled in Manchester, Vt. 370. iv. Levi6, b. June 1,1792. V. Polly'', b. May 9, 179-1 ; ni. John Cusluuan, had 2 children, and d. in Michigan. vi. William"^, b. . twin ; ni. Cynthia Jenkins, had (a) Frederick, (b) William, vii. Lydia*', b. Dec. 22, 1797 ; m. Hiram Ilerrick, had a family, viii. Mary^ b. Oct. 2, 1799 ; m. William Gray, had a family. ix. Oliver^, b. May 22, . X. Alvin Griswokie, b. March 1, 1806. xi. Jerusha^, b. March 19, 1810. 142. Miriam Eastmans (Jonathan'*, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born 1758; died 1839; married Amos Scott. She was his second wife. They resided in Rupert, Vt., where their first five children were born, and in 1789 removed to Bristol, Vt. He bought him a farm near New Haven river at the lower end of New Haven mills, and there built a forge. At this forge was made the first iron that was made in that section of the state. He died in 1822. CHILDREN. i. Sylvester Scott^, b. 1779 ; d. in Bristol, Vt., Jan. 7, 1856, ii. Sylvanus Scott'', b. ; d. in Ohio. iii. Salome Scott*', b. ; m. a Uouglas.s ; d. in Cornwall, Vt. iv. Cylinda Scott^, b. ; m. a Drake ; d. in Bristol, Vt., March 6, 1861. V. Amy Scott^ b. ; m. a Chase ; d. in Utah. vi. Amos Scott^. b. in Bristol, Vt. vii. Mariah Scott^, b. ; m. a Chase. viii. Enoch Scott^ b. ; d. in St. Louis, Mo. ix. Sarah Scott^, b. ; m. a Davis. X. Artemas Scott", b. ; died in New York, age 21. xi. Ruth Scott% b. ; m. a Chilson ; d. in Iowa. xii. Lois Scott^ b. ; d. in Bristol, Vt., age 20. xiii. Ansou Scott^, b. ; d. in Bristol, Vt., age 18. xiv. Oren Scott", b. ; d. in Kansas in ISSS. 371. XV. John L. Scott", b. July 1,1805; d. in Bristol, Vt., March 7. 1855. 136 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 143. Calvin Eastmans (Jonathan"*, Roger^ John% Roger'), born in Norwich, Conn., May 25, 1760 ; died in Bristol, Vt., Oct. 5, 1856 ; married March 2, 1787, Lois Standish, born Aug. 23, 1757 ; died in Bristol, Vt., April 25, 1845 5 daughter of Samuel and Abigail (Brown) Standish. Mrs. Eastman was a descendant of Capt. Miles Standish, of the Mayflower. They first lived in Rupert, Vt., but soon removed to Bristol, where they bought a farm on the east side of the river, and on Bristol Flats, and built a log house near where the old mill stood. They always resided on this farm. CHILDREN. Lois", b. Jan. 9, 1788 ; d. Aug. 5, 1850. Olive^, b. Jan. 10, 1789 ; m. Amos Eddy ; no children. Calvin, Jr.e, b. March 20, 1791 ; d. July 4, 1862. Abigails, b. June 10, 1792. Clarisae, b. June 22, 1795. Oliver^, b. ; went to Ohio about 1820, settled on the Holland purchase. Justin^, b. ; died 8 years of age. Amos^, b. ; m. and had son George. 144, Oliver Eastman^ (Jonathan^, Roger^, John^, Roger'), born in Norwich, Conn., in 1762 ; married Sophy . He lived in Bristol, Vt., but it is said he removed to Ohio, where he died. It is said he had seven sons. But little can be found of this family. CHILDREN. i. Oliver^, b. ; had the home farm in Bristol. ii. Cyprian'^, b. . 376. iii. Henrys, b. in Bristol, Vt., Oct. 10, 1796. iv. Matthew^, b. . V. Enos^, b. . av2. 1. ii. 373. iii. 374. iv. 375. V. vi. vii. viii. vi. SophyS, b. . 377. 'vii. Guy Carltous, b. in Bristol, Vt., May 15, 1804; d. Dec. 25, 1873. viii. Lucinda^, b. . AMOS EASTMANS, qF NORWICH, CONN. 1 3/ 145. Amos Eastmans (Jonathan*, Roger^ John^ Roger'), born in Norwich, Conn., Feb. 17, 1763 ; died in Bristol, Vt., in 1861 ; married Sally Hewitt, born Feb. 12, 1773. He lived in Bristol. He was quite a poet. The following is a specimen : " This day my age is eighty-eight, How like a dream ! how short the time ! The scenes and trials I've passed through All lie before me to review, The adage true in every land, We 're twice a child, and once a man. ]\Iay childhood's innocence be mine, With age, experience, all combined. Time swiftly passes on we see. Waits not for you, waits not for me, Then seek a city out of sight, Where all is found that can delight." CHILDREN. i. Zaida^ b. May, 1795 ; d, ; m. Uriah Arnold. 378. ii. Cynthia Hewitts, b. Nov. 10, 1796. iii. Phebe Parks^, b. Sept. 22, 1798 ; d. . iv. Laura C.^, b. Sept. 29, 1801 ; d. . 379. V. George Clinton Van Vetchen^, b. July 22, 1807. vi. Marima^, b. June 23, 1816. 146. Ephraim Woods (Miriam Eastman'*, Roger^ John^, Roger'), born Nov. 20, 1755 ; died in Woodville, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1830; married July 27, 1779, Esther Eastman, daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Wood) Eastman, born in Nor- wich, Conn., Sept, 18,^1757 ; died in Woodville, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1837. He first lived in Middletown, Vt., but soon removed to New York, and located at a place which was called Woodville, from their name. CHILDREN. 380. i. Ephraim Wood^, b. April 15, 1780. 381. ii. Hannah Woods, b. March 3, 1784. iii. Esther Wood^, b. Dec. 2, 1785; d. April 27, 1843 ; m. 1st, Simeon Titus, who died Aug. 21, 1810 ; m. 2d, Silas Wheeler, March 22, 1812. He died April, 1813. She married 3d, Nov. 7, 1813, Joseph Watson. 138 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 382. iv. Amos Eastman Woode, b. Dec. 12, 1787 ; d. Feb. 25, 1863. 383. V. Parthenia Woode, b. Oct. 16, 1791 : d. March 19, 1888. vi. Alvin Woods, b. Sept. 12, 1789 ; d. March 19, 1873, in Streetsboro, Ohio ; m. Dec. 9, 1813, Lydia Brewster ; d. in Ohio, March 11, 1878. vii. Miriam Wood^, b. Aug. 27, 1793 ; d. Sept. 14, 1872 ; m. Asa Averill, a Baptist minister, viii. Orilla Woode, b. June 30, 1795 ; d. April 2, 1813. ix. Lydia Britt Wood^, b. March 26, 1797 ; d. March 14, 183- ; m. Nov. 4, 1819, Luther Jenkins. X. Almedia Wood^, b. March 15, 1799 ; d. June 3, 1853 ; m. Sept. 11, 1820, Charles Alton. 384. xi. Louisa Wood^, b. June 3, 1802 ; ra. Jan. 31, 1819, Asa Car- penter. 147. Ebenezer Wood^ (Miriam Eastman^, Roger^ John% Roger'), born in Norwich, Conn., Sept. 17, 1771 ; died in Woodville, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1858; married Abigail Wood, born in Middletown, Vt., died there April 8, 1842. They resided in Middletown, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Victor Augustus Wood^, b. in Middletown, Dec. 20, 1795 ; d. in Woodville, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1870; m. Jan. 2, 1820, Susan Burnham, d. May 18, 1893. 385. ii. Polly Wood^, b. in Middletown, Oct. 25, 1799 ; d. in Wood- ville, Nov. 30, 1831 ; m. Oliver Batchelder, had four children, iii. Jacob Wood^, b. in Middletown, Aug. 26, 1791; d. in Woodville, Nov. 6, 1824. iv. Abigail Wood^, b. in Middletown, Sept. 25, 1802 ; d. in Woodville, Feb. 8, 1825 ; m. Curr G. Rounds. 386. V. Ebenezer Wood, Jr.e, b. in Woodville, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1811 ; d. Feb. 1, 1885. 387. vi. William Henry Harrison Wood^, b. in Woodville, Jan. 9, 1814. 388. vii. Nathaniel Wood^, b. in Woodville, N. Y., June 22, 1816. 148. Stephen Eastmans (Samuel, Roger^, John% Roger'), born in Hawke, now Danville, N. H. ; married in Kingston, N. H., March i, 1769, Miriam Quimby. He moved to Canaan, N. H., in 1787 or 1788, and died April 8, 1797, in his JOHN EASTMANS, OF HOPKINTON, N, H. 1 39 seventy-ninth year, and was buried in West Farms Cemetery at Canaan. Stephen Eastman was a Revokitionary soldier, and the following records can be found on the Massachusetts Revolutionary rolls. His name appears with rank of drummer on muster roll of Capt. Moses McFarland's company. Colonel John Nixon's regi- ment, dated Aug. i, 1775 ; enlisted April 30, 1775 ; service 3 months, 9 days ; receipt for pay dated Cambridge, June 10, 1775 ; residence, Hawke, N, H. (Vol. 15, p. 62, Mass. Rev. Rolls.) His name also appears on the same company and regiment, on a return dated Sept. 30, 1775, at Winter Hill; residence, Hawke, N, H, (Vol. 56, p. 21, Mass. Rev. Rolls.) His name also appears on an order for bounty, coat, or its equivalent in mortey due for eight months' service in 1775, in the same company as before stated, dated at Winter Hill, Dec. 20, 1775, payable to Capt. McFarland. Auto- graph signature appears on the roll. (Vol, 57, file 3, Mass. Rev. Rolls.) CHILDREN. 389. i. MaryS, b. in Hawke, N. H., Jan. 13, 1770. ii. A daughter who m. 1st, a Mr. Harris ; 2d, a Mr. Allen and lived in Lyme, N. H. She had a daughter by Mr. Allen, who went out west. 390. iii. James", b. in Hawke, N. H., April 28, 1780. 149. John Eastmans (Thomas^ Thomas^, John% Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H. ; married Hannah Fellows, a descendant of Hannah Dustin. He lived at first in Bridge- water, N. H., but finally went to Peacham, Vt., and later to Sutton, P. O., where he died, away from home, while at work. His widow married 2d, Isaac Stanope, of Sutton. CHILDREN. i. Enochs, b. July 3, 1800 ; d. Sept. 3, 1825. 391. ii. Sumner*5, b. in Bridgewater, X. H., in 1806. iii. Julia6, b. April 3, 1808; d. Sept. 27, 1896; m. May 5, 1844, Stephen Buswell. They had no children. 140 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 392. 393. 394. 395. Betsey^ b. IV. V. Valentine^, b. vi. Amanda®, b. - vii. Haunah^ b. - viii. John F.^ b. - m. Noah Leave tt. — ; m. Adelia Dodge. ■ ; m. Levi Meader. ; m. Moses L. Kimball. ■ ; m. Elvira McCalister. Children : (a) John F.^ b. ; (b) Ella F.^ b. ; (c) Ida', b. 1 50. Stephen Eastmans (Thomas^ Thomas^, John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Sept. 25, 1784 ; died in Bridge- water, N. H., Feb. 19, 1875 ; married Sallie Emmons, of Bristol, N. H., who died Dec. 24, 1824 ; married 2d, in 1834, widow Sallie Piper. He lived and died in Bridgewater, N. H. 396. 397. 1. ii. iii. iv. V. vi. Luther D.e, b. Calvin L.^, b. CHILDREN. — ; m. Lucretia Green. — ; m. in Peoria, III., Elmira French. Stephen W.s, b. ; m. 1st, in Tulon, lU., about 1848 ; m. 2d. in Jan., 1855, Martha Merchant. Albert®, b. . Sarah®, b. ; she is living in Tulon, unm. John E.6. b. Nov. 20, 1852 ; m. Elizabeth Coggswell. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. vii. Harriett A.®, b. . 151. Aquilla Eastmans (Thomas'*, Thomas^, John-, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H. ; married Dorothy Peaslee, and settled in Holderness, N. H., but later removed to Illinois, where most of his descendants live. CHILDREN. i. Riley®, b. in Holderness, N. H. ii. Aquilla, Jr.®, b. . iii. Jerome®, b. . iv. Thomas®, b. . V. Lidia®, b. . vi. Jane®, b. . 152. Thomas Eastman^ (Thomas^, Thomas^, John^, Roger'), born ; married Sallie Howe, and settled in Holderness, N. H. BENJAMIN EASTMAN^, OF HOLDERNESS, N. H. I4I CHILDREN. i. Holmes^ b. . ii. Charles*', b. ; in. and had Susau A., .John R., Charles E., Fremont D., Owen E. iii. George'', b. ; ni. and had Martha E., Clementine E., and George A. iv. John*', b. . V. Stephen*', b. ; ni. and had Fred L., Frank H., Carrie E.. and Forrest S. vi. Hannah", b. ; m. Shaw, had Emma A. and Perley E. vii. Adaline^ b. ; m. Howe, had Emmiletta H., Mary Lunette. Belle O., Alden T. Others died young. 153. Benjamin Eastman^ (Thomas-*, Thomas^ John^, Roger'), born ; married Pollie Harris, and settled in Holderness, N. H. He died Jan. 17, 1881. She died Nov. 30. 1854. CHILDREN. i. Horace W.e, b. Dec. 17, 1816 ; d. Sept. 7, 18-39. ii. Walter B.% b. June 27, 1819 ; d. June 15, 1864. iii. Alvin R.% b. Jan. 28, 1822. iv. Caroline M.*', b. March 20, 1824. V. Mary A.<5, b. Nov. 26, 1826. vi. Sarah M.*5, b. Oct. 4, 1829. vii. Rufus H.6, b. Aug. 17, 1831 ; d. Nov. 10, 1879. viii. Otis M.*5, b. July 1.5, 183.5 : d. April 22, 1869. ix. Orrin C.^, b. Nov. 24, 1837. X. Cora A.*5, b. June 24, 1841 ; d. Sept. 2, 1844. 154. Hannah Eastman^ (Thomas-*, Thomas^ John-, Roger'), born ; married Jonathan Fellows, of Bristol, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Winthrop Fellows^ b. . ii. Pickering^, b. . iii. Ruth*5, b. . iv. Lydia^ b. . V. Sallie*5, b. . vi. Hannah^, b. vii. Nancy®, b. — ii 142 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 155. Hazen Kimball^ (Abigail Eastman'*, Thomas^ John% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., July 2, 1796; died in 1832 ; married Nancy Fifield. Resided in Concord and Northwood, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Eliza Ann Kimball^ b. 1823 ; m. Oct. 20, 1852, Benjamin Robbins, of Boston, Mass. No children. ii. John F. KimbaUe, b. in Northwood, N. H., Dec. 20, 1825; d. in Newburyport, Mass., Sept. 15, 1884 ; m. Aug. 5, 1865, Dorothy M. Ellsworth, of Newburyport, Mass. iii. James A. KimbalF, b. in Northwood, in 1832 ; m. Aug. 31, 1865, Anna M. Kendall, of New Bedford, Mass. Resided in Newburyport, Mass. 156. Thomas Fowler^ (Hannah Eastman"*, Thomas^, John^, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Nov. 13, 1786; died in Newark, 111., March 16, 1872 ; married Olive Hale, daughter of Capt. John Hale, who commanded a company at the battle of Bunker Hill. She died in Newark, 111., April 19, 1850. CHILDREN. i. Olive Fowlei-e, b. in Hopkinton, N. H., July 23, 1812 ; d. April 22, 1832. 398. ii. Jonathan Fowlere, b. in Warner, N. H., Dec. 27, 1817 ; d. in Newark, 111. 399. iii. Thomas Milton Fowler^, b. in Hopkinton, N. H., Aug. 7, 1814. 157. Jeremiah Fowler^ (Hannah Eastman"*, Thomas^ John% Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., March 23, 1796; married Dorothy J. Morrill, of Hopkinton. CHILDREN. i. Martha MorrilF, b. Dec. 13. 1821. ii. Mary J.e, b. Dec. 3, 1828 ; m. John D. Fife, of Pembroke, N. H. Child : (a) Mary Dorothy Fife^, b. April 1, 1854 ; m. Francis S. Warren ; resides in Penacook, N. H. 1. 400. ii. 401. iii. iv. ABIGAIL EASTMANS, OF CONCORD, N. H. I43 158. Abigail Eastman^ (Samuel'', Joseph^ John', Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., March 5, 1742 ; died March 3, 1819; married Jan. 21, 1767, Samuel Kimball, born in Plaistow, N. H., June 5, 1745 ; died Dec. 6, 1802. They lived in Plaistow and Henniker, N. H. CHILDREN. William Kimbalis, b. March 22, 1768 ; d. June 14, 1787. John Kimballfi, b. Nov. 1, 1769 ; d. May 27, 1812. Samuel Kimball^, b. -Tan. 22, 1770 ; died Feb. 3, 18-52. Hannah KimbalP, b. Dec. 10, 1771 ; m. Nov. 16, 1797, Micah Hoyt. V. Abigail Kimbalis, b. Jan. 1,1774; m. July 2, 1797, Baxter Bowman, of Ilenniker, and removed to New York, vi. Joseph Kimball^ b. Aug. 18, 1776. 402. vii. James Kimbalie, b. June 27, 1779 ; d. April 11, 1853. viii. Molly KimbalP, b. Dec. 22, 1783 ; m. Jan. 26, 181.5, Moses Pearson, ix. Fanny Kimball^ b. July 28, 1786 ; d. unm. X. William Kimbalie, b. July 9, 1789 ; d. Nov. 30, 1791. xi. Sophia KimbalF, b. Dec. 22, 1791 ; m. Dec. 14, 1815, John Sawyer. 159. Jeremiah Eastmans (Jonathan^, Joseph^ John% Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., April i, 1750; died there May 30, 1828 ; married Edna Poore, of West Newbury, Mass., born in 1750; died Nov. 18, 1832. They lived on the old Eastman homestead, in Salisbury, Mass. It is said that he was a Revolutionary soldier, but no record of such service can be found either on the Revolutionary rolls of New Hampshire or Massachusetts. They were buried in the family grounds at Salisbury Point, Mass. CHILDREN. 403. i. Hannah^, b. ; m. Daniel Eastman, of Salisbury, Mass. 404. ii. Polly^ b. ; m. Thomas JNIorrill, of Salisbury. 405. iii. Edna^ b. ; m. Jacob Smith, of Seabrook, N. H. 406. iv. Sally^ b. ; m. David Flanders, of Salisbury. 407. V. Betsey^ b. ; m. Enoch Caswell, of Strafford, N. H. 408. vi. Jonathan^, b. Oct. 23, 1788 ; m. Elizabeth Chase. 144 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. i6o. William Eastmans (Joseph^ Joseph^, John% Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., Feb. 12,1758 ; married Phebe Elliott. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War, in the same com- pany with his father. He always lived on Horse Hill in Concord, N. H., where all his children were born. CHILDREN. i. Betsey^ b. ; ni. Xov. 10, 1802 (the record of m. says Elizabeth) Samuel jMooney, of Canterbury, N. H. ; weut west. 409. ii. Sally6, b. ; m. Lowell Blaisdel, of Epsoiu, N. H. iii. Rhoda", b. ; m. Joseph Stevens, of Andover, N. H. 410. iv. Joseph^, b. ; m. Judith Sutton, of Concord, N. H. V. Johu^, b. ; tn. Eliza French, of Boscawen, N. H. 411. vi. Hannah^, m. July 5, 1819, Benjamin Hoyt, b. July 25, 1793. 412. vii. Williams, b. ; ni. Jan. 9, 1821, Ruth Hoyt. viii. Miriam^ b. ; m. Joseph Barnard, of Hopkintou, N. H. ; d. Dec. 26, 1899, aged 82 years, 1 month, 15 days. ix. MaryS, b. (twin) ; m. Joseph Hoyt. Children : (a) Lucinda Hoyt^ b. Dec. 9, 1820 ; d. Sept. 28, 1825 ; (b) Joseph True Hoyt^ b. June 25, 1823 ; d. April 22, 1848 ; (c) Caroline Hoyf^, b. Jan. 22, 1825 ; m. John "Wedge- wood ; (d) Amos Gilbert Hoyt^, b. Sept. 2, 1828; d. Feb. 25, 1849. X. Priscilla^, b. ; m. Stephen Perrin. 413. xi. Thomas^, b. ; m. 1st, Emiline Shaw, of Salisbury, N. H.; m. 2d, Lucinda Wilson, of Franklin. Thomas Eastman shared with Dea. Benjamin Farnum, of West Concord, the pride of being the oldest native residents of Concord, X. H. He was born on Horse Hill in Concord, and always lived in the house in which he was born, and for the last sixty years of his life on the same farm. He died May 25, 1893, aged 98 years, 10 months, 3 days. 161. Henry Eastman^ (Joseph"*, Joseph^, John^ Roger'), born July 12, 1765 ; married and settled in Grantham, N. H. CHILD AND PERHAPS OTHERS. 414. i. .leremiahe, b. Oct. 21, 1790. JAMES EASTMAN^, OF BRADFORD, MASS. I45 162. James Eastman^ (Joseph^, Joseph^ John-, Roger"), born Aug. 5, 1767 ; died March 23, 1856 ; married Aug. 13, 1787, Susannah French, born in Epping, N. H., Sept. 7, 1767. He was born in Bradford, Mass., removed to Sand- wich, N. H., and later to Bloomburg, Ohio, where he died. He became a Quaker, and his son David went to Ohio with him, where his son Ezekiel had preceded him, and in 18 16, Jacob followed. CHILDREN. 415. i. Jacob Weed^, b. May 29, 1790; d. July, 1852. 416. ii. Ezekiel Freuche, b. Xov. 27, 1793 ; d. Sept. 1, 1867. 417. iii. David Cloughe, b. Dec. 18, 1801; d. Aug. 22, 1869. 163. Johnson Eastman^ (Benjamin^ Joseph^ John% Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., Nov. 15, 1764; married Sarah Lewis, lived in Boscawen and Newport, N, H. He finally removed to York state. CHILDREN. i. NathanieF, b. Sept. 29, 1781 ; d. young. ii. Lois6, b. March 28, 1784. iii. Pollys, b. July 11, 1788. iv. John6, b. March 18, 1802. V. Sukeys, b. Jan. 11, 1804. vi. Feluciafi, b. Aug. 3, 1807. vii. XathanieP, b. Jan. 3, 1812. 164. Amos Eastman^ (Benjamin-*, Joseph^, Benjamin^, Roger'), born Dec. iS, 1784; married Joannah Pell, born May 4, 1775. He lived in Newport, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Thotnass, b. Aug. 23, 1803. ii. Mary^ b. June 30, 1808 ; d. young, iii. John*', b. Sept. 8, 1811 ; m. and went to Mich, iv. Horace®, b. Feb. 19, 1812 ; m. Emma Wells ; went to Niles, Mich. ; had a child, Alois K.", b. . V. Amos**, b. July 4, 181.5 ; studied medicine and after grad- uating, located in Chester, Vt., where he practiced until his death, which occurred early in life, vi. Albert", b. Nov. 29, 1819 ; ni. Lucinda Wood. Had (a) Arlie E.", (b) Horace A.", (c) Lydia A.' 146 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 165. Simeon Eastman^ (Enoch^ Joseph^, John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Dec. 23, 1755 ; married Mehit- able Piper. He liv-ed in Hopkinton, where his children were born. CHILDREN. i. Samuel^ b. May 3, 1781 ; settled in Sunapee, X. H. 418. ii. Enoche, b. Dec. 17, 1782, removed to Holly, New York, iii. Josiah^ b. March 8, 1787. iv. Stephen^ b. Jan. 30, 1788 ; settled in Western, N. Y. 419. V. Timothys, b. Jan. 29, 1790 ; m. Polly Sibley. 420. vi. Amoss, b. Jnne o, 1793 ; m. Patty Hillard. vii. Darius^, b. . viii. A daughter", b. 166. Abigail Eastman^ (Enoch^, Joseph^ John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Feb. 23, 1759 ; married Moses Colby, of Hopkinton, N. H. Mr. Colby was a Revolutionary soldier, enlisted from Hopkinton, N. H., for three years, in 1777, in Captain Hutchins' company. (See vol. i, pages 567 and 611, N. H. Rev. Rolls.) Also, Sept. 14, 1781, in Capt- Nathaniel Head's company, Colonel Reynolds' regiment, as sergeant ; discharged Nov. 25, 1781. He was from Hopkin- ton, N. H. (See vol. iv, page 430, N. H. Rev. Rolls.) CHILDREN. i. Anna Colby^ b. 421. ii. Enoch Colby", b. iii. Hezekiah Colby", b. iv. Rebecca Colby", b. — V. Abigail Colby", b. . 167. Samuel Eastman^ (Enoch-*, Joseph^, John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Nov. 13, 1760; married in 1784, Sarah Harris. He was a Revolutionary soldier from Hopkin- ton, N. H., where he lived. CHILDREN. i. Anna", b. May 30, 1785, in Hopkinton. ii. Rebecca", b. April 14, 1787, near Rochester, N. Y. 422. iii. Joseph", b. April 28, 1789. REBECCA EASTMANS, qF HOPKINTON, N. H. 1 47 iv. Janies«, b. July 30, 1791. V. Auuao, b. Aug. 13, 1793. vi. Nabbyc, b. May 15. 1706. 423. vii. Saniuel^b. July 3, 1798; u). Jemima Flanders. 424. viii. Jonathan G.% b. Sept. 20, 1800. ix. Sarah", b. March 14, 1803 ; d. in Columbia, N. H., unm. X. Mary", b. July 15, 1805; m. Couch, and lived in Warner, N. H. xi. Abigail", b. ; ni. Joel Ray, and lived in Columbia, N. H. ; d. there. 168. Rebecca Eastman^ (Enoch-*, Joseph^ John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., April lo, 1762; married James Putney, and removed to Tunbridge, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Anna Putney", b. ii. Jonathan Putney", b. iii. Baily Putney", b. 169. Lucy Eastman^ (Enoch-*, Joseph^, John^, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Dec. 13, 1763 ; married Benjamin Ordway, and removed to Tunbridge, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Tappan Ordway", b. ii. Lucy Ordway", b. iii. Parthenia Ordway", b. iv. Abigail Ordway", b. — V. Dorcas Ordway", b. — vi. Moses Ordway", b. vii. Benjamin Ordway", b. . viii. Frederick Ordway", b. . 170. Tamison Eastman^ (Enoch-*, Joseph^, John-, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Oct. 14, 1766 ; married Samuel French, of Bradford, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Enoch French", b. . ii. Samuel French", b. . 425. iii. Elizabeth French", b. ; m. John Eastman. 148 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 171. Joseph Eastman^ (Enoch-*, Joseph^ John-, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Sept. 18, 1768 ; died Feb. 16, 1823 ; married in Hopkinton, N. H., Oct. 26, 1790, Betsey Clough, born June 30, 1770. He resided in Hopkinton, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Rutli^ b. Sept. 3, 1791 ; m. Thomas Barnard. She died April 14, 1822. ii. Betsey6, b. July 28, 1793 ; d. June 25, 1820. iii. Phebe*', b. Sept. 29, 1795 ; m. Thomas Barnard, husband of Ruth. Phebe d. June 30, 1845. 426. iv. Joseph^ b. Oct. 25, 1797 ; d. 1871. V. Dariuss, b. Sept. 2, 1799 ; d. Sept. 12, 1822. vi. Stephen^, b. Aug. 23, 1801 ; d. Feb. 11, 1803. 427. vii. Stephen Clough^, b. Aug. 21, 1803. viii. Moses Colby^, b. July 14, 1805 ; d. May 31, 1825. ix. Enochs, b. June 5, 1808 ; d. Jan. 13, 1816. X. Hannah Parsons^, b. July 18, 1812 ; d. Dec. 23, 1822. xi. Sallyfi, b. April 21, 1815 ; d. Jan. 27, 1847. 172. Ezra Eastmans (Enoch**, Joseph^, John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Aug. 15, 1769; died June 14, 1816 ; married Aug., 1778, Polly Eaton, born Aug. 10, 1769 ; died in Hopkinton, Jan. 11, 1825. He lived in Hopkinton, N. H. CHILDREN. Sally6, b. Jan. 23, 1788 ; d. April 6, 1867. Moses6, b. March 5, 1790 ; d. March 3, 1817. Polly6, b. April 4, 1792 ; d. Nov. 18, 1841. Lucy6, b. March 4, 1794 ; d. June 8. 1815, unni. IraS, b. xMarch 30, 1796 ; d. IMay 3, 1825 ; m. Rhoda Morrill, had one son, Cyrus^ b. . He was in the U. S. army previous to the late Rebellion. Ezra6, b. April 11, 1798 ; died April 19, 1884. Clarisae, b. Feb. 17, 1800 ; d. Xov. 22, 1815. Childe, b. May 30, 1802 ; d. same day. Thomas Eaton^, b. May 8, 1803 ; d. Oct. 9, 1829 ; m. Olive Whitney, of St. Lawrence county, N. Y., had one child. He returned soon after the birth of the child to Hop- kinton, the child dying on the way, and Thomas died soon after ; his widow returned to her people in New York. 1. 428. ii. 429. iii. iv. V. 430. vi. vii. viii. ix. SARAH EASTMAX5, OF HOPKINTON, N. H. 1 49 431. X. Adaliue^ b. ; in. 1st, James Davis of Warner, N. H. ; 2d, George Burnham. She is a widow, and resides in Contoocook, N. H. 432. xi. Flora*', b. ; m. Seth Low. 173. Sarah Eastmans (Enoch'*, Joseph^, John-, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H. ; married Thomas Eaton or Cater, of Hopkinton, N. H. i. Po11y«, b. ii. ]Moses®, CHILDREN. iii. Stephen«, d. M. D. D. C. 1823. iv. Enoch'', b. ; d. V. Rel)ecca^ b. ; d. vi. Sally6, b. . vii. Walter'^, b. . d. viii. Thomas^ b. ; d. ix. Rufus^, b. ; m. a True. 174. Joshua Svvan^ (John Swan-*, Susannah Eastman^ Phihp-, Roger'), born Nov. 15, 1736 ; died in Milton, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1803 ; married Dec. i, 1762, Martha Denison, born Dec. 20, 1746; died Aug. 5, 1832. They removed to Sara- toga county, N. Y., in 1788. Mr. Swan was a slave owner. His body servant was " Nero." He was never seen out of doors without him. His wife, Martha Denison, was the daughter of Amos and Martha (Gallup) Denison, son of Joseph, son of George, son of Capt. George, son of William Denison, the emigrant. CHILDREN BORN IN STONINGTON, CONN. Amos Swan^, b. May 1, 1764 ; d. young. Joshua Swan^, b. June 21, 1766. Adam Swan^, b. June 8, 1768. Peleg Swan6, b. July 2, 1770. Stephen Swan^, b. Aug. 16, 1772. Prudence Swan^, b. 1775. Gilbert Swan^, b. June 15, 1777. Isaac Morley Swan^, b. July 15, 1779 ; d. March 26,'1797. Patty Swan^, b. 1781. Phebe Swan^, b. April 30, 1785. 441. xi. Amos Swan^, b. March 9, 1788. 11 1. 433. ii. 434. iii. 435. iv. 436. V. 437. vi. 438. vii. viii. 439. ix. 440. X. 150 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 175. Ruth Swan5 (Timothy Swan*, Susannah Eastman^ Philip^ Roger'), born June 5, 1747; died Dec. 6, 1834; married Dec. 29, 1765, Lieut. Isaac Wheeler, born Dec. 26, 1746 ; died Dec. 31, 1S34. He served in the Revolutionary war. CHILDREN. i. Mary Wheeler^, b. Sept. 16, 1766 ; m. Jesse Hakes. 442. ii. Isaac Wheeler, Jr.e, b. June 6, 1768. iii. Bridget Wheeler^, b. March 26, 1770 ; d. young, iv. Lodo (?)6, b. Feb. 19, 1771. V. Noyes Wheeler^, b. Dec. 17, 1772 ; m. Priscilla Stewart. vi. Peleg Wheeler^, b. Feb. 18, 1775 ; m. Euuice Utter. vii. Timothy Wheeler^, b. March 17, 1777 ; m. Lucy Grant, viii. Bridget Wheeler^ b. June 25, 1779 ; m. Benjamin Green. ix. William Wheeler^, b. Oct. 7, 1781 ; m. Haley. X. Ruth Wheelers, b. Feb. 2, 1784 ; m. John Holmes, Jr. xi. Oliver WheelerS, b. March 22, 1786 ; removed to Ohio, xii. Matilda Wheeler^, b. Dec. 6, 1788; d. Nov. 15, 1876; unm. xiii. Elizabeth Wheeler^, b. Jan. 26, 1792 ; m. James Pitman, xiv. Charles Phelps Wheeler^, b. July 1, 1795 ; m. Nancy Hewitt, daughter of Isaac and Cynthia (Swan) Hewitt (cousin). 176. Sarah Eastman^ (Ebenezer*, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., July 14, 1737 ; married in 1755, Capt. Daniel Chandler, born in Concord, N. H., Feb. 14, 1735. She died leaving a daughter, Sarah^ born in Con cord, Dec. 15, 1756, published to Abner Flanders, of Con- cord, Aug. 14, 1773. Captain Chandler married 2d, Sarah Merrill, daughter of Dea. John Merrill, who kept the first ferry over the Merrimack in Concord. Captain Chandler was a Revolutionary soldier. 177. Stilson Eastman^ (Ebenezer-*, Ebenezer^ Philip^, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Jan. 7, 1738 ; died in 1837 5 married a daughter of Capt. Nathaniel Hutchins. Mr. East- man was a ranger under Lieut. John Stark ; was in the STILSON EASTMANS, OF CONXORD, N. H. I5I bloody fight in Jan. 1757, when Major Rogers was twice wounded, and the command devolved upon Lieutenant Stark. Eastman related that on receiving his second wound, Major Rogers advised a retreat, but Stark, taking command, declared that he would shoot the first man that fled, and that he would fight, and "fight the enemy till death", and then if necessary, retreat. While Stark was speaking, a ball took off the lock of his gun, and at the same moment observing a Frenchman fall, he sprang forward, seized his gun and returned to his place and continued the fight. At Crown Point, General Amherst had command of the army. The General was so fond of milk that he kept a cow in camp, which had liberty to run at large to find the best feeding ground. It happened after a while that the cow was miss- ing and could not be found. Soldiers were sent in all direc- tions, but could not find her. At length Eastman found her, to the great delight of the General, who, as a reward, ordered Eastman's canteen to be filled. Eastman at this was as well pleased as the General, for no one loved the good " critter" better than he. The cow had strayed away into a piece of meadow where she found good feed. Well, for the sake of the good " critter" Eastman would occasionally drive the cow to the same place, where no one could find her but himself, and whenever he brought in the cow, he got his pay in the canteen. Mr. Eastman became embarrassed in business and lived a dissolute life until he was eighty years of age, w^hen he was converted to religion and went to live with his son, Caleb, in Rumford, Me. In 1825, Caleb was allowed by the town twenty dollars for the support of his father. CHILDREN. i. Nathaniel, b. ; m. Elizabeth Watts, July 9, 1774. ii. Peaslee^ b. ; m. Molly Graham. Aug. 13, 1786. 443. iii. Theodore^, b. ; m. Deiuaris Darling, Aug. 25, 1799. 444. iv. Caleb^, b. ; m. Comfort Haynes, March 9, 1790. 152 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. V. Ezras, b. Aug. 29, 1792 ; m. in Gilford, N. H., Nov. 28, 1819, Nancy Osgood, b. in Loudon, N. H., June 15, 1795 ; d. in Loudon, Jan. 20, 1869. Child : (a) Nancy ^ogg^ b. in Northfield, N. H., Feb. 15, 1829 ; d. March 22, 1842. vi. Betsey^, b. ; m. Simeon Brackett. vii. Ruth^, b. ; m. Weeks, who committed suicide. 178. Jonathan Eastman^ (Philip'*, Ebenezer^, Philip^, Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., June 10, 1746 ; died in Concord, Oct. 19, 1834 ; married ist, Jan. 5, 1769, Molly- Chandler, died ; 2d, July 12, 1776, Esther Johnson, daughter of Francis Johnson, of Woburn, Mass. She died Sept. 17, 1834. Mr. Eastman was a man of robust frame and distinguished daring, active and enterprising. He was an ardent patriot ; was in Capt. Joseph Abbott's company of volunteers that marched to reinforce the northern army September, 1777, and was ready to fight at any time after- wards for his country. Squire Eastman, as he was usually called, lived on the east side of the Merrimack river in Con- cord, on the spot near where the old garrison house stood, where his grandfather lived, and where all his children were born. He had but very little education, but learned to write on birch bark, and in later years was well posted in all political and public affairs. As illustrations of his enterprise and force of character, it is related that when a boy of fifteen years he was sent by his father on foot to Conway, N. H., driving two cows and two shoats the whole distance, and going by the way of Saco, Me. Near a solitary cabin in the woods, about half way to where he was to stop, he met a bear in the path, which he faced, till old bruin, put out of counte- nance, fled. He lodged in the cabin alone at night, and reached Conway in safety the next day. Mr. Eastman's second wife was the daughter of Francis Johnson-*, Uriahs, Major William^, Captain Edward', who came from Hern Hill, County of Kent, England, in 1630, and settled in Woburn, Mass. He represented Woburn in JONATHAN EASTMAN (178). From an old painting in possession of the New Hampshire Historical Society, Concord, N. H. d 111. iv, 446. V, 447. vi, 448. vii, 449. viii, ix, MARY EASTMANS, OF CONCORD, N. H. I 53 the General Court twenty-eight years, and was speaker of the house. Mr. Johnson published a history of New England in 1652. He died at an advanced age, April 23, 1672. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. 445. i. Asac, b. Dec. 5, 1770 ; m. Mary Kimball. ii. Philip^, b. Jan. 15, 1773 ; m. Susan Osgood. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. MoUyS, b. Aug. 30, 1777 ; d. Sept. 10, 1778. Sethe, b. June 12, 1779 ; d. March 22, 1801. Jonathan^, b. Nov. 14, 1781 ; m. Mary Chandler. Robert'', b. Dec. 30, 1783 ; m. Sarah Lee. John Langdon^, b. Dec. 31, 1786 ; m. Mary Osgood. Molly6, b. Sept. 3, 1791. Susannah^, b. ; d. Feb. 5, 1808. 179. Mary Eastmans (Joseph^, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Feb. 16, 1740; died in Concord in 1805 ; married Asa Kimball, born in Concord, N. H., Nov. 25, 1 74 1, son of David and Mary (Wilson) Kimball; died May 18, 1804. After his death, his son Mellen was author- ized to sell real estate to pay debts. He resided in Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. Mellen Kimbalie, b. Oct. 16, 1761. Betsey Kimball*^, b. Nov. 2, 1765. Asa KimbalF, b. April 6, 1707 ; d. Oct. 20, 1815. John KimbalF, b. June 25, 1769. Reuben Kimball^, b. Dec. 27, 1771. Polly Kimball^, b. April 15, 1775 ; m. Simeon Kimball. William Kimball^ b. Aug. 14, 1777. Jenny KimbalP, b. May 19, 1780. Moses Kimball«, b. Jan. 13, 1782. 180. Moses Eastman^ (Joseph'*, Ebenezer^, Philip% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., March 3, 1743; died in 1796; married April 23, 1769, Lucretia Tyler, daughter of Moses and Miriam (Bailey) Tyler, of Bradford, Mass., born in Pem- broke, N. H., in 1748, died April 16, 18 15. He died in 1796, and she married 2d, Capt. Reuben Kimball, of Concord, N. H., June i, 1793. 400. 1. ii. 451. iii. 452. iv. 453. V. 454. vi. 455. vii. viii. 456. is. 154 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 457. i. Hannah^, b. June 5, 1770 ; m. Stephen Ambrose, ii. Salomee, b. Aug. 3, 1771. 458. iii. Charles^, b. Dec. 11, 1774; m. Sally Bradley, iv. Xancy«, b. Dec. 11, 1778. V. Warren^, b. Oct. 2, 1781. vi. Lycurgus^, b. Jan. 3, 1787. vii. Lucretias, b. Sept. 6, 1789. i8i. John Eastman' (Joseph-*, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., May 4, 1759; died Oct. 18, 1838; married Oct. 10, 1781, Sybel Chamberlain. Captain East- man was a highly respected and useful citizen. He resided on the east side of the Merrimack river in Concord, in the ancient house which stood a few rods north of the railroad station at East Concord. He was a man of much decision, industrious and religious. He united with the church in 1808, and maintained a consistent Christian walk and conver- sation as long as he lived, leaving in property, character, and example, a valuable legacy to his children. She died July 8, 1827, aged 67. CHILDREN. i. SamueP, b. July 15, 1783 ; m. Eleanor Campbell, ii. Polly*', b. Oct. 29, 1784; m. Deacon Nathaniel Ambrose. Xo children. 459. iii. Cyrus^, b. May 7, 1787 ; m. Eliza Gushing. 460. iv. Thomas^ b. May 7, 1789 ; m. Lucy Gushing. 461. V. John6, b. Sept. 3, 1791; m. 1st, Dorothy DeForest ; d. July 8, 1836; 2d, Lucinda Buswell, and removed to Peachara, Vt. vi. Moses^ b. June 17, 1794 ; m. Elizabeth Tuthill ; moved to Savannah, Ga. vii. Betseys, b. June, 1797 ; d. March 26, 1838. viii. MellenG, b. Nov. 3, 1800 ; d. in Troy, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1822. ix. Joseph*', b. June 1, 1803 ; m. Nov., 1835, Almira Farnum. 182. Jane Eastman' (Joseph^ Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Sept. 12, 1762 ; died in Peacham, Vt., Oct. 23, 1830; married March 15, 1781, Gen. William Chamberlain, born in Hopkinton, Mass., April 27, 1755 ; JANE EASTMANS, OF CONCORD, N. H. I 55 died in Peacham, Vt., Sept. 27, 1828 ; son of Samuel Cham- berlain. General Chamberlain settled in Canterbury, N. H., with his parents. He took his bride on horseback to Peacham, where he was an early settler. The following will be found in the records of the Governor and Council of the State of Vermont, Vol. iv, page 105 : " Gen. William Chamberlain volunteered in the army in 1775, and served as orderly sergeant in the invasion of Canada, suffering all sorts of privations and being one of nine officers and privates out of the company of 70, who survived to take part in the battle of Trenton, N. J. At the expiration of his enlistment, he returned to N. H., but on Burgoyne's invasion he again enlisted and was in the battle of Benning- ton, Vt., from which it is said he brought away some trophies of personal combat with his enemies. About 1781, he removed to Peacham, Vt., being then clerk of the pro- prietors of the town, where he held the office 1 2 years ; justice of the peace 24 years ; town representative 12 years ; chief justice of Caledonia Co., 17 years ; councillor of the state, 7 years; Lieut. Gov., from 181 3-18 15 ; a delegate to the Constitutional Convention 1 791-18 14; presidential elector in 1800. A member of Congress two terms from 1803-5 3-nd 1809-11. In private life he was upright, a friend of order, learning and religion. He lived to see the wilderness become a cultivated and populous region, and as a matter of far greater moment to himself, closed a long, use- ful and eventful life on earth in humble trust of the better life in heaven. He received his title as General, from com- missions he held in the state militia from Major to Major- General." His Revolutionary record can be found on the New Hampshire Revolutionary Rolls in Vol. i, pages 194, 305, 304, and 465. 463. V. 464. vi. 465. vii. 466. viii. ix. 156 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. * i. Joseph Chamberlain^, b. ; d. aged four, years. 462. ii. Elizabeth Chamberlaine, b. Sept. 2, 1783. iii. Abigail Chamberlain^, b. Nov. 14, 1786; d. March 30, 1861; unm. iv. Lydia Chamberlain^, b. April 18, 1790; d. Dec. 15, 1862; m. March 12, 1812, Dr. J. Shedd, b. Nov. 20, 1781 ; d. Sept. 4, 1851. They had one child, Jane Elizabeth Shedd", b. July 14, 1816 ; m. Prof. Noah Worcester, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Jane Chamberlain*^, b. June 17, 1792. Mellen Chamberlain^, b. June 17, 1793. William Chambei-lain^, b. May 24, 1797. Ezra Carter Chamberlain^ b. Oct. 17, 1799. Joseph Chamberlains, b. Dec. 21, 1801 ; drowned in 1803. 183. Nathaniel Eastmans (Nathaniel^ Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Oct. 9, 1755 ; died May 7, 1839; married in Concord, Ruth Bradley, born in 1757; died Nov. 4, 1841. Mr. Eastman was a Revolutionary soldier ; was at Ticonderoga in 1777. Mrs. Eastman was a very gifted woman in conversation, and was one of the first members of the First Baptist church in Concord. CHILDREN. Isaac^, b. June 16, 1780 ; m. Abigail Tay. , Phebe^, b. April 8, 1782 ; m. Samuel Brown. Bradley^ b. June 18, 1784 ; m. Sally Noyes and died Nov. 27, 1840. Timothys, b. Sept. 15, 1786 ; m. Abigail Wilkins. Ruth^, b. Jan. 7, 1789 ; m. Benjamin Bailey. Ebenezerfi, b. Feb. 20, 1791 ; m. INIary D. Underwood. Abraham^, b. March 24, 1793 ; d. Oct. 2, 1818. Seths, b. Aug. 11, 1801 ; m. July 14, 1830, Sarah Coffin. 184. Jacob Eastman^ (Nathaniel^ Ebenezer^, Philip% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., July 9, 1763 ; died June i, 1850; married June 27, 1784, Abigail Kimball. He was a Revolutionary soldier, resided in Concord, 1^. H. 467. i. 468. ii. iii. 469. iv. 470. V. 471. vi. vii. 472. viii. RHODA G. EASTMAN^, OF CONCORD, N. H. I 5/ CHILDREN. i. Chandlei-e, b. Dec. 31,1784; d. July, 1851 ; m. March 10, ISOS, Abigail Bradley, ii. Esthers, b. Oct. 27, 1786; ni. April IG, 1807, Stephen Chase. 473. iii. Abieie, b. Jan. 12, 1788; d. Nov. 13, 1822; m. Sally Chan- dler. 474. iv. Haramond^ b. Dec. 20, 1790 ; m. Sally Hosmer. V. Polly6, b. Nov. 16, 1793; m. Dec. 25, 1811, Zephaniah Batchelder. 47.5. vi. Hazen6, b. Nov. 4, 1794. vii. Sophias, b. Dec. 7, 1796 ; d. Oct. 2, 1788. 476. viii. Sophia^, b. J.uly 7, 1799 ; m. July 9, 1816, Josiah Furnald. ix. Jacobs, b. Oct. 23, 1801 ; d. May 5, 1829. 477. X. Phebes, b. Dec. 14, 1803 ; m. Jonathan Sargent, of Canter- bury. xi. Nathaniels, b. June 20, 1806 ; d. Nov. 18, 1830. xii. Luthers, b. April 11, 1809 ; d. Dec. .30, 1826. 185. Rhoda G. Eastmans (Nathaniel^ Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., April 7, 1766 ; died Nov. 2 3> 1839; married in 1784, James Hosmer, born in Bos- cawen, N. H., in 1761 ; died in Aug., 183 i. CHILDREN. i. James Hosmer, Jr.s, b. in Concord, Mass., 1785 ; died in New Orleans, La. 478. ii. Jacob Hosmers, b. Aug. 25, 1787 ; d. June 21, 1868. iii. Samuel Hosmer^, b. in Groton, Mass., May 5, 1791 ; d. in Enfield, N. H., Aug. 25, 1836. iv. Nancy HosmerS, b. in Concord, N. H., 1795 ; d. young. V. Nathaniel Hosmer^, b. in Boscawen, N. H., April 1, 1800; d. in Orford, N. H., in 1865. vi. Reuben Hosmer^, b. in Boscawen, N. H., 1802 ; d. 1844. vii. Albee HosmerS, b. in Boscawen, N. H., 1804; went to Texas ; m. there and had one son ; Albee d. there. 186. Daniel Eastman^ (Jeremiah'*, Ebenezer^, Philip% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., in 1757 ; died in Parsons- field, Me., March 9, 1847 ! married Annie Alley, born in 1 76 1. He settled in Sanford, Me., and afterwards lived in 158 EASTMAN FAMILV OF AMERICA. Cornish and Parsonsfield, Me. Mr. Eastman was a Revolu- tionary soldier. He enlisted May 3, 1775, in Capt. Joshua Bragdon's company, Col. James Scammon's Thirtieth Massa- chusetts Regiment ; service, three months, six days ; also, Aug. 14, 1777, in Capt. James Littlefield's company, Colonel Storer's regiment, discharged Nov. 30, 1777 ; service, four months, three days, travel included ; discharged at Queman's Heights ; also, in Capt. Samuel Waterhouse's company, Col. Jacob Gerrish's regiment of guards ; marched from home March 30, 1778 ; service, three months, nine days, at Winter Hill ; company detached from militia to serve from April 2, 1778, to July 3, 1778. CHILDREN. i. Jeremiah^, b. . 479. ii. Timothye, b. April 20, 1788. iii. Samuel^ b. . iv. John^, b. . V. Nancy^, b. . 187. Obadiah Eastman- (Jeremiah-*, Ebenezer^, Philip% Roger'), born in Corinth, Me. ; killed coming home from Portland, fell from his team ; married Sally Knight, of Water- boro, Me. He always lived in Corinth, where he was buried. His wife was the daughter of Zebulon Knight, who had two wives, one a Miss Wilson. Mr. Eastman was a teamster. CHILDREN. i. Wilson^, b. . ii. Dorothy^, b. . iii. Annie^, b. . iv. Polly^, b. . V. Zebulon^, b. vi. Carter^ b. - vii. Ezekiel^ b. ■ 480. viii. Sally6, b. — ix. Jeremiah^ b. ; d. at birth. OBADIAH EASTMAN^, OF SALEM, N. H. 1 59 1 88. Obadiah Eastman^ (Obadiah-', Ebenezer^, Philips Roger'), born in Salem, N. H., April 27, 1747 ; died in Ben- ton, N. H., Jan. 10, 1812; married in Salem, Nov. 19, 1767, Mehitable Merrill, daughter of Peter Merrill, born in Salem, N. H., April 16, 1747, died in Benton, Dec. 27, 18 15. Mr. Eastman removed to Coventry, now Benton, N. H., in the early settlement of that town, and located on what is now known as High street, and about one mile from Warren Sum- mit depot. He was chosen surveyor of Salem, N. H., where he lived in March, 1767 ; was chosen fence viewer March 31, 1779, and on July 13, 1780, was chosen or drawn as petit juror. When he first moved to Coventry he was chosen one of a committee to lot the town, and was- its first surveyor. He called the first town meeting held in the town. He was a Revolutionary soldier ; was in Capt. Jesse Page's com- pany, Col. Jacob Gale's regiment, Aug. 5, 1778, as corporal; joined the army in Rhode Island, Aug., 1778, discharged Aug. 25, 1778. (N. H. Rev. Rolls, vol. ii, p. 568.) Mr. East- man and his wife are buried in the old burying grounds on High street, in Benton, N. H. In 1892, Mr. Ira Whitcher erected a stone at his grave which reads : " Erected in 1892, by Ira Whitcher, in memory of one of the first settlers of Coventry." It seems that he went to Coventry before his family, as his daughter Mehitable was born in Salem in 1780, and he was in the war in 1778, from Haverhill, a town adjoining. The exact date of his going to Coventry is unknown. CHILDREN. Jessed b. in Salem, N. H., Sept. 13, 1769. Sarah^ b. in Salera, M". H., July 31, 1771. Obadiahe, b. in Salem, N. H., Oct., 1777. Jamess, b. in Salem, N.H., Feb. 21, 1780. Moses'', b. in Coventry, N. H., now Benton, Dec. 21, 1782. Ruthe, b. July 26, 1785. Petei-e, b. June 3, 1788. 481. i. 482. ii. 483. iii. 484. iv. 485. V. 486. vi. 487. vii. l60 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. i88a. Anna Eastmans (Obadiah^ Ebenezer^, ^Philip^ Roger'), born in Salem, N. H., Oct. 25, 1755 ; married Enoch Knight, born in Atkinson, N. H., Oct., 1752, and died April II, 185 1, son of Oliver and Sarah (Coffin) Knight, born in Newbury, Mass., April 3, 1725, and settled in Atkinson, son of Tristram and Elizabeth (Greenleaf) Knight, son of Joseph and Deborah (Coffin) Knight, son of John and Elizabeth Knight, who came to America in June, 1635. Enoch Knight resided in Atkinson, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Phebe Knight^, b. Aug. 21, 1777 ; m. Dr. Edward Dear- born, of Seabrook. 488. ii. Sarah Kuighte, b. Aug. 19, 1779. iii. Abigail Knighte, b. Aug. 31, 1781. iv. Polly Knights, b. Oct. 15, 1783. V. Oliver Knights, b. March 7, 1788 ; d. April 21, 1816. vi. Caleb Knighte, b. Aug. 31, 1790 ; d. May 14, 1797. vii. Belinda Knights, b. Jan. 27, 1796. 189. Ebenezer Eastman^ (Obadiah^, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Salem, N. H., June 23, 1758; died in Lis- bon, N. H., May 31, 1828 ; married Susannah Wheeler, born May I, 1763, died at the home of her son William in White- field, N. H., June 30, 185 i. Mr. Eastman settled in Landaff, N. H., during the early settlement of the town, but about 1790 removed to Stanstead, Canada. About 1 807 he returned to the states and located in Concord, now Lisbon, N. H. He was a Revolutionarv soldier and a pensioner, and after his death his widow drew a pension. ■ CHILDREN. i. Hannahs, b. Jan. 7, 1784 ; m. Hosea Bradford, removed to New York state, where they became wealthy. ii. Thaess, b. Oct. 28, 1785 ; d. Jan. 5, 1877 ; m. John Leigh ton, and moved to Potsdam, N. Y. iii. MehitableS, b. Dec. 13, 1788 ; m. Joseph Eaton, removed to Ohio. ■ 489. iv. Calebs, b. in Stanstead, P. Q., Sept. 1, 1790. 490. 491. vi, 492. vii. viii 493. ix. s. SIMEON EASTMAN^, OF SALEM, N. H. l6l Simeon6, b. Jan. 11, 1792. Williaine, b. Sept. 2, 1795. Sarahs, b. Jan. 22, 179-. Bennajah^ b. April 7, 1800; d. in Landaff, Jan. 13, 1831; m. Kachel Morse, had one child who died young. Jessed b. Sept. 6, 1802. Thomas^ b. Nov. 28, 1804; m. Naomi Guernsey; lived in Milan, N. H. 190. Simeon Eastman^ (Obadiah-*, Ebenezer-', Philip^, Roger'), born in Salem, N. H., Dec. 25, 1762 ; died in Landaff, N. H., Sept. 11, 1830; married Jan. 7, 1786, Anna Kimball, daughter of Reuben (Capt.) Kimball, born in Con- cord, Jan. 7, 1780 ; died in Landaff, N. H., Dec. 3, 1849. Mr. Eastman settled in Landaff, N. H., during the early- settlement of that town. They lived at first in a log house, but in a few years built a good frame house, and a few years later a more commodious one, which for many years he kept open for the traveling public. The old town records show that year after year, at the annual town meetings, there was voted to Simeon Eastman, license to keep tavern the ensuing year. Some times the town meetings were held at the tavern and meetings for the election for the district comprising the towns of Landaff Franconia and Lincoln. In 18 18, his house was burned, Mr. Eastman escaping very severe burns in trying to save something. Mrs. East- man and daughter, Lucinda, then about eighteen years of age, barely escaped with their lives. Mr. Eastman's loss was severely felt, there being no insurance, but he soon built another house, which is still standing (1899). Mr. Eastman was a thrifty man, a man of unusual enter- prise, a man of perfect integrity, genial, companionable, a good provider, and generous to those in need. Mrs. East- man was one of the noble cooks in all that region and her fame reached far and near. Her marriage portion from her father was one barrel of pork, a barrel of beef, one cow and 494. i 495. ii. 496. iii 497. iv 498. V 499. vi vii 500. viii ix X. 162 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. a yoke of oxen. A flock of sheep would have been added but for the bears and wolves in that section. They traveled through the wilderness driving the oxen, taking along the things for housekeeping her mother had given her. They always lived in Landaff, where all their children were born. CHILDREN. Benjamin6, b. Oct. 17, 1787 ; m. Sally Walker. Samuel^, b. Oct. 1, 1789 ; m. Mary Pell. Charles^, b. June 4, 1791 ; m. Betsey Snow. Fanuy^, b. July 1, 1793 ; m. Jacob Sanborn. Anna6, b. May 14, 1796 ; m. Ward Clark. Mehitables, b. July 22, 1797 ; ni. Benjamin Morrill. A son, nameless, b. 1799 ; d. Sept., 1799. Lucinda^ b. Sept 21, 1800 ; m. James Clark. A sou, nameless, b. 180.3 ; d. aged four days. Simeonfi, b. May 10, 1808 ; d. Oct. 21, 1812. 191. Ruth Carters (Ruth Eastman-*, Ebenezer^, Philip% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Feb. 26, 1745 ; married David Gale, of Haverhill, Mass. He was a blacksmith and came early to Concord, N. H., and carried on business there. He died Aug. 16, iSoo, and she died April i, 1833. CHILDREN. i. Harriett Gale", b. April 20, 1762 ; m. Dr. Robins. ii. Ezra Galee, b. Dec. 20, 1763. iii. Moses Gale«, b. Xov. 15, 1765. 501. iv. Benjamin Gale^ b. June .5, 1767. V. Daniel Gale^, b. Oct. 10, 1769. vi. Ruth Gale6, b. Oct. 6, 1771 ; m. a Huston, vii. Mary Gale^, b. July 19, 1773 ; m. a Gibson, viii. William Gale^, b. March 19, 1777. ix. Judith Gales, b. Jan. 17, 1779 ; m. Nov. 30, 1804, Phiueas Eastman, of Salisbury. X. Hubbard Gale^, b. Dec. 10, 1780. xi. Sarah Gale^, b. May 3, 1783 ; m. a Gage, xii. Betsey Gale^, b. Jan. 13, 1786 ; m. a Greenlief. xiii. Susan Gale^, b. March 27, 1788 ; m. a Brvant. 4 EPHRAIM CARTERS, qF CONCORD, N. H. 1 63 192. Ephraim Carters (Ruth Eastman'', Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., Oct. 21, 1746; married Dorcas Hall, born Jan. 13, 175 1 ; died Sept, 5, 1823. CHILDREN. i. Ezra Cartere, b. Oct. 24, 1769. ii. Hannah Carter^, b. Oct. 31, 1770. 502. iii. Ezra Carter^ b. Feb. 15, 1773. iv. Ebenezer Carter^ b. April 2, 1775 ; d. Charleston, S. C, 1795. V. Dorcas Carter^, b. Oct. 22, 1777. vi. Ruth Carter^, b. Sept. 21, 1780 ; m. Knight, of Calais, Me. vii. Judith Carter^, b. (twin). viii. Polly Carter^, b. July 1, 1783. ix. Thomas Gross Carter^, b. May 21, 1786 ; a seaman. 503. X. Bela Carter^, b. July 12, 1789. xi. Hubbard Carter^ b. April 21, 1791 ; a school teacher, xii. Sally Carter^, b. June 6, 1794. 193. Judith Carters (Ruth Eastman'*, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born ; married in 1776, Rev. Thomas Gross, and settled in Hartford, Vt. CHILD. i. Ezra Carter Gross", b. in Hartford, Vt., July 11, 1787; died in Albany, N. Y., April 9, 1829. He graduated at the University of Vermont, in 1806 ; studied law with Roger Skinner, of Sandy Hill, N. Y. ; was admitted to the bar in 1810; was an attorney of the supreme court the same year, and soon removed to Elizabethtown, N. Y., and in 1812, was admitted a Master in Chancery, and in 1815, married Phebe Fisher, daughter of Josiah Fisher. In 1818, he was elected to congress. In 1827 - and 1828, he was elected to the state legislature. As a speaker he shone with great lustre, his style and lan- guage were unconsciously correct and chaste. In his manner there was an ease and nonchalance which set him oft" at great advantage. His personal appearance gave evidence of his talents. His face wore the intelli- gence which his language conveyed. It was, while in 164 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. the house, a common remark that he was the ablest member in the house. He had an influence correspond- ing with the high opinion held of him. He left three daughters, one of whom, Juliet Maria Gross^, b. in Keese- ville, N. Y., in Sept., 1817, m. in Elizabethtown, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1841, Monroe HaU, b. in Jay, N. Y., June 4, 1817; d. in Plattsburg, N. Y., July 10, 1897. His wife d. in Jay, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1853. He m. 2d, Ermina P. Wells. Mr. Hall was an active business man, promi- nent in church and town affairs. He resided in Platts- burg, N. Y., where he was engaged in the real estate business. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. a. Henry Hall^, b. Sept. 28, 1844 ; m. Emma Baker, of Saranac Lake, X. Y. b. Charlotte G. HalP, b. Nov. 2, 1846 ; unm. and res. in Plattsburg, N. Y. c. Jeanie Stone HalP, b. Feb. 4, 1849 ; m. Samuel James Whitley, of Blackbrook, N. Y. d. Alice Mary HalF, b. June 14, 1851 ; m. Elbridge Gerry Rickelson, of Bloomingdale, N. Y. CHILDREiS' BY SECOND WIFE. e. Monroe Eugene Hall^, b. July 29, 1859 ; d. Nov. 24, 1888. f. Benjamin Elihue Hall^, b. Nov. 2, 1862; m. Mary H. Brown. He is a lawyer in N. Y. city, and has an office at No. 32 Nassau st. He is active in politics, was an alderman during Mayor Strong's term, and was the leader of the Republicans on the board. g. Emma Juliet HalF, b. . 194. Sarah Eastmans (Hoses'*, Ebenezer^, Philip^, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Aug. 8, 1759; married ist, Jacob Carter, son of David ; 2d, Benjamin Colby, of Boscawen, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Susannah Carter^, b. Jan. 21, 1777 ; d. Sept., 1778. 504. ii. Susannah Carter, 2d^ b. May 21, 1780; m. Abraham Dunkly. iii. Moses Carter^, b. Aug. 8, 1782 ; m. Clarissa Poore. He was an M. D. SUSANNAH EASTMANS, OF CONCORD, N. H. 1 65 iv. Sally Carter^ b. Aug. 2, 1785 ; m. 1st, John Robie ; 2d, Jonathan Worthen ; removed to Binghamton, N. Y. V. Ruth Carter*', b. March 10, 1788 ; ni. Jonathan Proctor, vi. Abiel Carter, Rev.", b. May 2, 1791 ; ni. Maria Beach. He died in Georgia, 1827. 505. vii. Nancy Carter^ b. Dec. 12, 1793 ; m. Jeremiah Tilton. viii. Jacob Carter^ b. : m. Carolina Stocking. ix. Ebenezer Carter^, b. ; ni. Mary Goodhue. '195. Susannah Eastman^ (Moses-', Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'.), born in Concord, N. H., Oct. 30, 1759; married John West, son of Nathaniel and Hannah West. They resided in Concord, where their children were born. CHILDREN. Susannah West^ b. March 22, 1786 ; ni. Henry Sweetser. John VVest^ b. Sept. 7, 1788 ; m. Nancy Montgomery. Hazen Kimball West^ b. March 25, 1791 ; d. April 13, 1798. James AVest^ b. May 4, 1793 ; m. Isabel Blanchard. Clarissa AVest^, b. Dec. 1, 1795 ; d. July 19, 1810. Hazen K. West", b. May 4, 1798 ; m. Maria Farnsworth. Persis Maria West^ b. June 9, 1802 ; d. young. Charles West^ b. Sept. 9, 1805 ; m. 1st, Hannah Adams ; 2d, Amanda Fairbanks. Mr. West died Sept. 1, 1825, age 65 years. Susannah died Nov. 7, 1831. 196. David Eastman^ (Moses-*, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Jan. 15, 1763 ; married Ruth Carter, born in Concord, N. H., July 6, 1765, daughter of Ezra and Hannah (Fowler) Carter. He died suddenly of cramps in the stomach, Monday, March 12, 1824. Mr. Eastman was a soldier of the Revolution, enlisting July 17, 1781, for three months, in Captain Head's company, Colonel Reynolds' regi- ment. Mr. Eastman settled in Loudon, N. H., where he was a well-to-do farmer. CHILDREN. 510. i. John^ b. ; m. 1st, Anna Drake; 2d, Sally Seavey. 511. ii. Ezra^ b. ; m. Deborah Philpot, Limerick, Me. 512. iii. William KimbalP, b. in Loudon, N. H. 12 506. i. 507. ii. 508. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. 509. viii. 1 66 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERECA. 513. iv. Cynthia^, b. Feb., 1788 ; m. Moses Kiiuball. V. Claracy^, b. ; m. Joseph Towle. vi. Ruth^, b. ; m. Winship True. vii. Moses^, b. ; never married. viii. Emily6, b. ; m. Albert Merrill; d. April 2, 1841. 197. Ebenezer Eastmans (Hoses'*, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Oct. 19, 1765 ; died in Salisbury, N. H., April 10, 1833 ; married Esther Farnum, daughter of Ephraim Farnum, born Oct. 25, 1772. The gravestone says his wife was Esther Lyford. He settled in Salisbury about 1 797, as his first tax was paid that year. For a time he leased the Capt. John Webster mill, on Chance brook, in what is now Franklin, afterwards purchasing the mill and other buildings and three hundred acres of land of Bailey Bartlett, of Haverhill, Mass., for $775, the deed bear- ing date of Aug. 27, 1803. He was a man of extraordinary business capacity, upright, honest, and interested in every good work. The land upon which the Congregational church at Franklin stands, was a gift from him to the society, as was also the school lot, "given for educational purposes." Uncle Ebenezer, as he was familiarly called, was always ready to do what he could for every moral and religious enterprise, and was the prime mover in getting the town of Franklin incor- porated. He built a tavern on the site of the Webster House. After his death his widow built the Rev. A. H. Martin house, where she died Oct. i, 1854, aged 82 years. CHILDREN. i. Judith^, b. Oct. 1, 1793; d. in 1849; m. Dec. 31, 1815, Caleb Morrill, of Plymouth, N. H. ; had ten children. ii. Charlotte^, b. April 19, 1798 ; died Jan. 30, 1826 ; m. May 21, 1823, Dudley Ladd ; child : (a) Charlotte E. Ladd% b. in Hallowell, Me., May 5, 1824 ; m. Oct. 28, 1845, Edward H. Barrett, resided in Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Barrett m. 2d, Amanda Flanders, by whom he had five children. iii. MaryS, b. Feb. 8, 1799; m. Dr. John Perley, of Mere- dith, N, H. iv. Franklin®, b. ; m. Mary Morrison ; had two children. ABIEL EASTMANS, OF CONCORD, N. H. 1 67 198. Abiel Eastmans (Moses-*, Ebenezer^ Philip', Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Oct. 3, 1767 ; died March 28, 1841 ; married Sally Thompson. He lived in Concord. CHILDREN. i. Ilirani^ b. Aug. 6, 1799 ; m. Mary Kimball, of Concord, N. H. Child : Webster, went early to San Francisco, Cal. ii. Adalines, b. Aug. 25, 1800. iii. Susannah", b. May 21, 1802. 514. iv. Moses Kimball^ b. March 16, 1805 ; d. in Lockport, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1840. 515. V. Abieis, b. Nov. 24, 1806 ; d. June 5, 1890. 516. vi. Alexander Hamiltone, b. March 17, 1808 ; d. Dec. 18, 1882. 517. vii. Sally^ b. ; ni. Luscomb ; d. Sept. 17, 1899, buried in Concord, N. H. 199. Judith Eastmans (Moses**, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Sept. 7, 1769; married in Concord, Nov. 25, 1800, Aaron Austin ; lived in Concord. CHILDREN. i. Betsey Austin", b. ; m. Kendall O. Peabody, of Frank- lin, N. H. ii. "William Austin", b. ; m., had son, David S. Austin", b. ; they were both sea captains ; the latter died in Panama, Feb. 18, 1894. iii. Sarah Austin", b. ; never married ; d. in Mobile, Ala., where she went to live with her brother William. 518. iv. Judith Austin", b. ; m. Jeremiah Davis. 519. V. Persis Austin", b. ; m. John Holmes Morey. vi. John Austin", b. ; he was a sea captain. 200. Phineas Eastman^ (looses'*, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Jan. 20, 1772 ; married Susan Coggs- well, daughter of Nehemiah Coggswell, of Boscawen, N. H. CHILDREN. 520. i. William E.", b. ; m. Mary Walker. 521. ii. Phineas", b. ; m. Sarah Whidden. iii. Margaret", b. ; d. in infancy. iv. John", b. ; went to Maryland. 1 68 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 522. V. Moses^b. ; m. Adaline Morgan ; went to New Orleans, La. 523. vi. Simeon^, b. ; m. Matilda Wilson ; went to Maryland. 524. vii. RacheP, b. ; m. John Felt, and was left a widow in Newton, N. H. 201. Simeon Eastman^ (Moses-*, Ebenezer^, Philips Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., May ii, 1774; married Abigail Virgin, Jan. 7, 1796. CHILDREN. 525. i. Jacob Carter^, b. in East Concord, N. H., Nov. 26, 1799 ; d. Sept. 21, 1836. 526. ii. Galen Fay®, b. in East Concord ; m. Martha Colby, iii. Ruth®, b. ; died young. 202. Samuel Eastman^ (Samuel'*, Philip^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Rehoboth, Mass., March 31, 1768 ; married Abigail Stowell and settled in Rockingham, Vt. It is said that late in life he removed to Rutland, Vt. He served seven months in the Continental army. CHILDREN. i. Mispah®, b. in Rockingham, March 23, 1790 ; d. May 9, 1790. ii. Umphiafi, b. March 10, 1791 ; d. Feb. 23, 1792. 527. iii. SamueP, b. Sept. 4, 1792. iv. Abigail", b. May 8, 1794 ; m. John Cheney. V. Caroline^ b. Aug. 16, 1796. She married a Mr. Webber, and he died, when she joined the Shakers at New Lebanon, N. Y., and died there. vi. Seba" (male), b. July 18, 1798 ; m. and settled in Huron county, Ohio, where he dropped dead at the age of fifty- eight years. He had two daughters and son James, who was an engineer on the B. & O. R. R. in 1880. vii. Laura®, b. June 11, 1800 ; ra. John BuUard. viii. Charles®, b. May 18, 1802 ; d. in Lykins, Crawford county, Ohio. ix. Walter®, b. Oct. 22, 1804. X. Nancy®, b. May 3, 1806 ; m. Harley Waterhouse. xi. Jarvis Chase®, b. May 9, 1810 ; d. in McHenry county, 111., in 1848. xii. Philura®, b. Feb. 20, 1815 ; m. John Brown. ICHABOD EASTMANS, OF REHOBOTH, R. I. 1 69 203. Ichabocl Eastmans (Samuels Philip^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Rehoboth, R. I., Sept. 30, 1773 ; died in Hancock, Vt., Feb. 7, 1841 ; married in Rockingham, Vt., Feb. 23, 1804, Mabel Wolfe, born in 1784 ; died in Hancock, March 22, 1 84 1. She was the daughter of John Casper and Rachel (Battles) Wolfe, and granddaughter of Casper and Cather- ine (Young) Wolfe, of Germany. CHILDREN. i. Lucy*^, b. in Rockingham, Vt., May 5, 1805 ; d. Aug. 21, 1822. 528. ii. Electa^, b. April 5, 1807. 529. iii. Dorothy Humphrey^, b. Oct. 5, 1812. 530. iv. Mabel Catherine^, b. Aug. 9, 1816. V. James Willard^, b. in Hancock, Vt., Aug., 1820 ; d. Aug. IS, 1822. vi. Willard V.e, b. Feb. 1, 1823; m. Sept., 1844, Sarah P, Culver. They had no children. ^ 204. Peter Eastman^ (Timothy*, Philip^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Ashford, Conn., July 22, 1746; married ist, Sarah Pierpont, born July 31, 1747; died Jan. 21, 1801 ; daughter of Joseph Pierpont ; married 2d, Mary Trumbull, daughter of Benjamin Trumbull, D. D., the historian of Connecticut ; married 3d, Abigail Hill. He was a Revolutionary soldier, and was known as "Captain Eastman." There is a tradi- tion that he was a captain, but there are no records to show that to be a fact. The following records are from the Con- necticut Revolutionary rolls : " Peter Eastman marched from Ashford, Conn., for the relief of Boston in the Lexington alarm, April ; time in service, 10 days, as a drummer. He was also in Capt. Brackett's company. Col. Douglass' regi- ment, raised in June, 1776, to reinforce Washington's army at New York ; was a sergeant. He was in the battle of Long Island, Aug. 27, 1776 ; engaged in the retreat to New York, Aug. 29-30, 1776 ; stationed at Kips Bay, 34th 170 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, Street, on the East river, at the time of the enemy's attack on New York, Sept. 15, 1776, and forced to retreat hurriedly ; was at the battle of White Plains, Oct. 28, 1776. He was also in General Gates' command in an expedition to the northward. His brother, Timothy, was in the same expedi- tion." He lived in Westford and Guilford, Conn CHILDREN. i. AsheP, b. ; removed to North Amherst, Mass. He was m Capt. Hill's company, Col. Samuel McClellau's regiment, in the Revolutionary war, from July, 1778, to March 1, 1779 ; was taken prisoner with Col. Wells, near Horse Neck, Dec. 10, 1780. Settled in Deerfield, Mass. ii. Philip^ b. ; settled in Ind. iii. Typhonia*^, b. ; m. Benjamin Whiton, of Ashford, Conn. Children : (a) Abigail Whiton^ b. ; m. George Dunnorth (?) ; no children ; (b) Hannah Whiton'^. b. ; unm. ; living in 1873, in Westford, Conn. ; (c) F. Whiton', m. 1st, Esther Elmore, by whom he had (1) Esther^ ; m, •2d, Mary McKnight, by whom he had five daughters and one son. He was living in 1873 in Ver- non, Conn., with his daughter, Flavia R. ; (d) Ebenezer Whiton", b. ; had three wives, but had no children. (e) Horace Whiton", b. ; m. Mary Ann Brett, of Mansfield, Conn. He died Feb., 1871, and left widow and three children, viz.: (1) Mary Matilda^ b. ; m. M. Robbins ; (2) Harriett^, b. ; m. Charles Brett ; (3) Ellen L.s, b. ; unm. in 1873; (f) Matilda Whiton", b. ; unm. ; d. 1830 ; (g) Chauncy Whiton", b. ; deacon Cong, church ; m. Lucinda Moore. Children : (1) Rev. Samuel J. Whiton^, b. ; Cong, minister in Iowa, and missionary to Africa ; d. May, 1870; (2) Lucinda Whiton^, b. ; m. ; living in 1873. 531. iv. Justus^ b. ; m. Sally Farnham. V. SquierS, b. ; m. Matilda Whiton. Children : (a) Nancy, (b) Lucy, (c) Hiram. 532. \i. Roswelis, b. -^ ; m. Abigail Snell ; m. 2d, Polly Kendall ; m. 3d, Susan Adams ; m. 4th, a James. I, CLARK EASTMAN^ OF ASHFORD, CONN. I71 CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. 533. vii. Mary", b. 1803; m. a Mr. Jones; lived in Wallingford, Conn. 534. viii. Benjamin C.e, b. Dec. 29, 1806. 205. Clark Eastman^ (Timothy^ Philip^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Ashford, Conn., Sept. 30, 1763 ; married April 15, 1788, Mary . He was a Revolutionary soldier, enlisting in Captain Daniels' company, April 30, 1777, for eight months as musician; reduced to the ranks Oct., 1777; dis- charged Jan. I, 1778. He was from Ashford, Conn. His brother, Timothy, was in the same company, July 25, 1777 ; discharged Jan., 1781. Mr. Eastman settled in Windsor, Vt. CHILDREN. 535. i. Jonathan Sheppard®, b. in Xo. Haven, Conn., Oct. 30, 1788 ; m. Adaline Pease, of Suffield, Conn, ii. Samuel^ b. in Xo. Haven, Conn., in 1789. 536. iii. Mary6, b. in Windsor, Vt., March 27, 1793. 206. Samuel Eastman^ (Jonathan-*, Philip^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Ashford, Conn. ; removed with his parents to Walpole, N. H. ; married ; enlisted in the Revolu- tionary army and died Aug. 24, 1778. CHILDREN BORN IN WALPOLE, N. H. 537. i. Samuel", b. 1760. ii. James", b. 207. James Eastman^ (Jonathan-*, Philip^ Philip-, Roger'), born 1761 ; died Dec. 18, 1821 ; married Esther Stearnes. He settled in Walpole, N. H., and later moved to New Fane, Vt. CHILDREN. 538. i. James", b. in Walpole, X. H., Oct. 20, 1786 ; died Dec. 18, 1821 ; married Clarisa Goss. ii. Sally", b. in Walpole, X. H. ; d. young. 539. iii. Joan", b. ; m. Flint Johnson and settled in Vermont. 1/2 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iv. Betsey^, b. ; m. Amassa Lindsay, aud settled in Ver- mont. 540. V. Lydiae, b. March 27, 1784. 541. vi. Esther^, ra. Zeuophen Houghton, of Vermont. 542. vii. Ruth^, b. ; m. Solymon Cune. 543. viii. Polly^, b. ; ni. Charles Aaron Hitchcock, of Vermont. 544. ix. Nancy^ b. ; m. Emery Moore, of Vermont. 545. X. William^, b. ; m. Lydia Taylor, of Vermont. xi. Lorin^, b. ; m. Miss Stocking, of Ohio. 208. Comfort Eastmans (Jonathan-*, Philip^ Philip^ Roger'), born ; married Dr. Moses Emerson. Doctor Emerson settled in Walpole, N. H., between 1775 and 1780, where he was married and practiced medicine as long as he lived. CHILD. 546. i. Jonathan EmersonS, b. 1781 ; d. March 26, 1861. 209. Jonathan Eastmans (Jonathan-*, Philip^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Walpole, N. H., April 28, 1774 ; died in Littleton, N. H., Sept. i, 1858 ; married Sally Heath, born in Epsom, N. H., Feb. 3, 1773 ; died in Danville, Vt., May 16, 1837. M^- Eastman went with his parents to the Shakers at Enfield, N. H., and when about fourteen years of age, left them. He was a carpenter, spent the most of his life in Danville, Vt., where all of his children, except the first, were born. He died with his son Cyrus in Little- ton, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Abiaie, b. in Northfield, X. H., July 14, 1800 ; m. Nov. 24, 1825, Mary Colby. He died in Northampton, Mass., March 25, 1885. ii. Susan H.e, b. in Danville, Vt., Sept. 27, 1802 ; d. at Little- ton, N. H., Dec. 11, 1879 ; m. Thaddius Thayer. iii. Ebenezei-s, b. June 15, 1804 ; d. in Littleton, Aug. 24, 1853. iv. Malinda^, b. Dec. 5, 1806 ; d. Lyndonville, Vt., Nov. 5, 1882 ; m. Joseph Mathewson . v. Cyrus6, b. Oct. 10, 1807 ; d. March 21, 1813. MEHITABLE EASTMAN^ OF HAMPSTEAD, N. H. 1/3 547. vi. Mason K.^ b. Juue 15, 1809 ; d. in Kansas, Nov. 27, 1857. ^-'vii. Sarahs b. June 15, 1811 ; d. at Littleton, Aug. 15, 1893. 548. viii. Cyrus, ^d", b. March 15, 1814; d. at Littleton, March 31, "^isgc. 549. ix. Jonathan F.^ b. June 10, 181b ; d. in Tilton, N. H., April 8, 1893 ; m. Louisa H. Tuttle. 210. Mehitable Eastman^ (Peter^ Jonathan^ Thomas', Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., June 24, 1737 ; married in Hampstead, Dec. 13, 1757, by Rev. Henry True, David Hale. It is supposed that they lived in Hampstead, N. H., as the birth of their children is on record there. CHILDREN. i. Davids, b. March 23, 1759 ; d. March . ii. David^ b. June 7, 1760. ^ iii. Sarahe, b. Oct. .30, 1762. jf- iv. Abigails, b. May 27, 1765. V. Elizabeths, b. Sept. 19, 1768. vi. Susannahs, y^^ April 4, 1773. vii. Hannahs, b. April 12, 178 1. ^ , . , _ , _ 211. Jonathan Eastman^ (Peter'*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., Sept. 17, 1746; died Feb. 12, 1S27 ; married Esther Morgan. She died Jan. 25, 1829. He settled early in Hopkinton, N. H., and about the commencement of the Revolutionary war removed to Henni- ker, and settled on the south side of Crany Hill, where he died. CHILDREN. i. Abiahs, b. March 14, 1778 ; m. March 7, 1799, Xahum Brown. He was a deaf mute. He lived and died in Henniker, X. H. Had a son, David, who lived in Sunapee. 550. ii. Jonathans, b. Feb. 22, 1780. iii. Mehitables, b. 1783 ; d. Sept. 24, 1823. 551. iv. Jeremiahs, b. July 6, 1788. V. Fattys, b. Feb. 21, 1791; m. Feb. 4, 1816, Dr. Silas Hunter. They n)oved to New York, where he was con- victed of horse stealing and sent to state prison. She procured a divorce, and married David Brown, of Weare, N. H. Removed to Sunapee, X. H. 174 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 212. Mary Eastmans (Richard-*, Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger^, born in 1743 ; died July 26, 1801 ; married Jonathan Cummings. He married 2d, Dec. 30, 1802, Mary Parker. He died^n Andover, Mass., in 1805. Mr. Cummings was one of the proprietors of Norway, Me. Jonathan Cummings and his wife were admitted to the church in Andover, she joining by letter from Pembroke, N. H. He was a black- smith. CHILDREN. i. Sarah Cummings^, b. May 21, 1767. ii. Mary Cummingss, b. Aug. 28, 1768 ; d. young, iii, A nameless babe, b. Aug. 28, 1769 ; d. . 552. iv. Jonathan Cummingse, b. Feb. 5, 1771 ; m. Joannah Cobb, of Gray, Me. 553. V. Stephen Cummings^, b. Jan. 12, 1773 ; m. Elenor Heald. vi. Mary Cummings^, b. Nov., 1774. vii. Daniel Cummings®, b. Dec. 6, 1776. viii. Amos Cumraingse, b. July 2, 1781 ; m. Abigail Judkins, and had (a) Abi'ather Cummings^ ; b ; (b) Stephens Cummings", b. . ix. Betsey Cummings^ b. Oct. 13, 1783. s. Abiather Cummings®, b. Sept. 22, 1786. The first seven of these children were born in Andover, Mass. 213. Abiathar Eastmans (Richard^, Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger'), born in Pembroke, N. H., April 29, 1745, died in No. Conway, N. H., Jan. 10, 18 15 ; married in No. Conway, N. H., Dec. 3, 1775, Phebe Merrill, born in 1753, daughter of Thomas Merrill, and granddaughter of Dea. John Merrill, of Concord, N. H. She died Oct. 9, 1839. Mr. Eastman accompanied his parents to Conway, N. H., where he settled and lived the remainder of his life and where he died. He was a deacon in the church in No. Conway. He served in the Revolutionary war ; was from Conway, N. H., and was in Capt. Joseph Pettingill's company. Colonel Baldwin's reg- iment of Massachusetts, as sergeant, in 1785 ; reported absent in Sept., 1785, in Chelsea, Mass., by order of Major Watson's order as not fit for duty. 554. ii. 555. iii. iv. 556. V. 557. vi. RICHARD EASTMANS, OF PEMBROKE, N. H. 1/5 CHILDREN. Samuel^ b. No. Conway, N. H., Jan. 19, 1777 ; d. June 25, 1802. Lydia«, b. Sept. 1, 1770. Abiathar^ b. Aug. 1, 1781. Job*', b. June 3, 1782. Heury6, b. Aug. 29, 1786. Thonias«, b. July 18, 1788. vii. Calebs, b. Aug. 12, 1790; d. July 1, 1791. 558. viii. Caleb^, b. March 12, 1793. 214. Richard Eastmans (Richard'', Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger'), born in Pembroke, N. H., April 20, 1747; died in North Conway, N. H., Dec. 6, 1826; married ist, in 1767, Abiah Holt, in Pembroke, N. H. She died in North Con- way, March i. 1790. He married 2d, Aug. 27, 1791, widow Susannah Durgin, of Lee, N. H. (nee Runnels) ; died in North Conway, N. H., May 29, 1849. Mr. Eastman removed from Pembroke, N. H., with his father, to Conway, N. H., then an unbroken wilderness, the pathway being marked by spotted trees. He first lived in a log house, where his second child was born, viz. : Jonathan, he being the first white child born in the town. Richard, with his brother Noah, soon received from their father the property he pur- chased of Thomas Chadburn, including the first "frame" house built in the town, and soon after, Richard, Jr., and wife Abiah, his brother Noah, and Hannah Holt (whom Noah afterwards married), occupied this house. When Richard, Sr., and his sons first went to Conway, they settled where they could find buildings, but they soon found that on account of the spring freshets everything was carried away, and so removed to higher ground. Richard, Jr., moved a house from the intervale to the " mill " bridge, where seventeen of his eighteen children were born. Susannah Runnels had by her first husband, Benjamin Durgin, two daughters, Susan Durgin, who married Abiatha Eastman, Jr., and Lydia Dur- gin, who married Job Eastman. Richard, Jr., had great grandchildren older than his youngest child. 176 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Sally^ b. in Pembroke, N. H., June 20, 1776 ; d. Feb. 19, 1801 ; m. Lovejoy. 559. ii. Jonathan^, b. in Conway, IST. H., July IS, 1770 ; d. May 11, 1868 ; m. Lovejoy. iii. Polly6, b. Feb. 17, 1772; died Aug. 19, 1859; m. Amos Barnes, a Revolutionary soldier, whose father was killed iu the French war. Amos enlisted in the Revolutionary army when he was eighteen years old. He was in the battle of Bunker Hill, in the retreat from Canada, and with Washington at the battle of Trenton. In January, 1778, he enlisted for the third time, joined General Washington's army at Valley Forge, and served for two years. In 1789, he was with General Sullivan in the Indian country, and for two months was on half allow- ance of rations. In 1780 he returned to Concord, and shortly afterwards went to Conway, N. H., where he was married. Lieutenant Barnes was also an officer in the state militia, and lieutenant of a volunteer company of the war of 1812. Of this family but little is known, but he had a son, Richai'd E., who was an honored veteran of the war of 1812, living to a great age, dying only a few years ago. iv. Phebe6, born Oct. 21, 1773 ; d. May 14, 1866 ; m. a Cram. V. Abiahs, b. Jan. 26, 1776 ; d. Oct. 6, 1776. vi. Hannahs, b. Feb. 25, 1778 ; d. July 6, 1876 ; m. a Merrill. vii. Richards, b. April 18, 1780 ; d. Aug. 17, 1876. viii. Abiahe, b. April 6, 1782 ; d. Nov. 19, 1840 ; m. a Ford. ix. Williams, b. April 18, 1784 ; d. March 25, 1872. X. Dorcass, b. June 4, 1786 ; d. Nov. 7, 1873 ; m. a Merrill. xi. Pattys, b. June 22, 1788 ; d. 1845. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. 560. xii, Kesiahs, b. Oct. — ; d. March, 1881 ; m. a Tucker. 561. xiii. Betseys, b. May 11, 1795 ; d. Nov. 9, 1891 ; m. a Hill. 562. xiv. Amoss, b. Aug. 28, 1797 ; d. Jan. 30, 1854. XV. Clarissas, b. Oct. 28, 1799 ; d. July 12, 1869. 563. xvi. Harrietts, b. April 18, 1803 ; d. April 18, 1893 ; m. a Meserve. 564. xvii. John LangdonS, b. March 12, 1805 ; d. March 28, 1885 ; m. a Douglass. 565. xviii. IrenaS, b. March 22, 1815; m. Jonathan Chase, living (1899). JOB EASTMAN^, OF PEMBROKE, N. H. 1 77 215. Job Eastmans (Richard^ Jonathtln^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in Pembroke, N. H., July 26, 175 i ; died in Norway, Me., Feb. 28, 1845, aged 95 years ; married in Conway, and removed to Norway, Me., in the early settlement of that town. He had no children. He was forty years town clerk. He taught the first man's school in the town in 1803. He was one of the petitioners of Cummings' and Lee's grants in the town in 1795, treasurer of Norway in 1797, treasurer and selectman in 1798. In 1S43, Mr. Eastman's house caught fire in the dead of winter, and he, his wife and another inmate escaped with nothing but their night clothes. Mr. Eastman was nearly helpless from old age, and his wife with extreme difficulty dragged him from the house and through the deep snow to the barn yard. They were exposed to the extreme cold of a winter's night for a considerable time before help arrived, when they were taken to the house of a neighbor, Mr. Eastman's feet were frozen in a shocking manner, but he recovered and survived two years. They had no children. 216. Noah Eastmans (Richard-*, Jonathan^, Thomas^, Roger'), born in Pembroke, N. H., March 20, 1753 ; died Aug. 28, 1829 ; married Hannah Holt, born Feb. 28, 1758; died April 15, 1820. Hannah was sister of Abiah, who married Noah's brother, Richard. Mr. Eastman resided in Conway, N. H. CHILDREN. Benjamin^, b. Dec. 28, 1775. Richards, b. Feb. 6, 1778. Noah«, b. jNIay 7, 1780 ; d. . Joh% b. 1782. Noah, 2d6, b. April 15, 1784. Sukeyfi, b. May 12, 1786. Esther^, b. Aug. 14, 1788. Fry Holts, b. Aug. 12, 1790; m. Aug. 25, 1812, Hannah Healy. ix. DanieP, b. Sept. 6, 1792. 566. 1. 567. ii. iii. 568. iv. 569. V. 570. vi. vii. 571. viii. 178 " EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 572. X. John6, b. Nov. 25, 1794 ; an M. D. xi. Hannahe, b. June 22, 1796. xii. Phebe6, b. Aug. 27, 1799. 573. xiii. PollyS b. Dec. 27, 1801. 217. Daniel Eastmans (Richard^, Jonathan^ Thomas-, Roger'), born in Pembroke, N. H., April 21, 1766 ; died in Lovell, Me., Jan. 16, 1844; married Sarah Whiting, she died in Lovell, Jan. 19, 1806, aged 44 years. He lived in Lovell, Me., but it is not known at what date he went there, but he was town clerk in Lovell for the years of 1 803, 4 and 5 . His fine penman- ship, at that time, showed him to have been a man well skilled in the use of the old time goose quill with which he wrote. The names and dates of the births of his children on the books are of his own handwriting. It is possible that his children were born in Lovell. For the last few years of his life he was blind. Mr. Eastman was a Revolutionary soldier. His name appears on the Revolutionary rolls of Massachusetts in the secretary of state's office, Boston, as being under Lieu- tenant Farrington, Fryeburg, Me. The last years of his life were spent with his son Phineas, who lived on " Eastman's Hill," Lovell, Me. CHILDREN. Phineas^, b. April 5, 1787. James^ b. Dec. 25, 1788. Sallyfi, b. March 6, 1791. Soloraon6, b. Dec. 6, 1792. Cyrus6, b. Dec. 3, 1794. Asa6, b. Feb. 7, 1797 ; d. July 16, 1819. Danieie, b.Jan. 10, 1799. Jonas«, b. Jan. 28, 1801. Isaacs, b. March 2, 1803 ; d. June 16, 1887. 2x8. Cyrus Eastmans (Richard^ Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger'), born in Pembroke, N. H., July 17, 1767; died in Lovell, Me. ; married Betsey . Mr. Eastman was a farmer. He was for many years a justice of peace and was known as Esquire Eastman. He moved from Lovell to 574. i. 575. ii. 576. iii. 577. iv. 578. V. vi. 579. vii. 580. viii. 581. ix. JEREMY EASTMAN'S, OF FKVEBURG, ME. 1 79 Sweden, Me., where he resided many years, when he and his wife returned to Lovell, and passed the remainder of their days with their nephew, James Eastman, son of Daniel, with whom they Hved at the time of their death. CHILDREN. i. Cyrus, Jr.e, b. Dec. 8, 1821 ; d. June 14, 1838. ii. Richard*', b. . 219. Jeremy Eastman^ (Richard-*, Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born in Fryeburg, Me., April 25, 1771 ; died in Stow, Me., Oct. 8, 1846; married Betsey Kilgore, born April 2, 1776, died in Stow, Me., Feb. 16, 1873, age ninety- six years, ten months, fourteen days. She was a sister of James Kilgore, a Revolutionary soldier in the war that tried men's souls. Mr. Eastman was a farmer. The first years of his life were passed in Conway, N. H., where his first chil- dren were born. From here he moved to Fryeburg, Me., residing on what is well known as Christian Hill, where most likely his last eight children were born, as their names are found on the town's books. His last place of residence w^as in the town of Stow, Me., where he died. His old family Bible, now in possession of one of his great-grandchildren, shows very plainly the marks of time and frequent usage ; and here within is to be seen the complete register of his family made by his own plain and legible handwriting. In the record of his decease, the prefix of " Dea." is added to his name. CHILDRKN. Joseph Kilgore^ b. 1794, in Conway, N. H. Stephen C.^, b. 1796, in Conway, N. H. Abigail^, b. 1798, in Conway, N. H. Caleb^, b. Sept. 16, 1800, in Lovell, Me. Jeremy, Jr.6, b. April 6, 1802. Sylvanusfi, b. Feb. 24, 1804. Eliza6, b. . Richarde, b. March 11, 1809 ; d. 1811. 582. i. 583. ii. 584. iii. 585. iv. 586. V. 587. vi. vii. viii. l80 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ix. Elizabeth^, b. 588. X. Moses KilgoreS, b. May 9, 1815. .589. xi. Hannahs, b. Feb. 24, 1818. 590. xii. Betsey^, b. Aug. 14, 1820. 591. xiii. Mary Kilgoree, b. Nov. 1, 1822. 220. Ruth Eastman^ (William^ Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born Feb. 14, 1740; married Caleb Johnson, of Hampstead, N. H., where the birth of their children is on record, so it is supposecl they lived there. CHILDREN. i. Moses6, b. 1761. ii. Calebs b. 1763. iii. Ruthe, b. 1765. iv. Lydiafi, b. 1767. V. Nane6, b. 1769 ; d. Jan. 19, 1773. vi. Sarah^, b. 1771. vii. Nane, 2d6, b. 1774. viii. Haynes^ b. 1776. ix. Williame, b. 1778. X. Polly6, b. 1784. xi. Benjamin^, b. . xii. A daughter^, b. 221. William Eastmans (William-*, Jonathan^, Thomas^, Roger'), born in Haverhill, Mass., April 8, 1743; died in Haverhill, N. H. ; married Nabby Lyle, born Feb. 28, 1744. Mr. Eastman lived at one time in Hopkinton, N. H., v^here he bought lands of Enoch Eastman, who was agent for the proprietors there. He removed with his father to Haverhill, N. H., where they settled on the place now known as the Smith place at Ladd street. William Eastman was a Revo- lutionary soldier from Haverhill. Both died young people in Haverhill. CHILDREN. 592. i. Mii-iamfi, b. in Hopkinton, N. H., June 20, 1766 ; on record there. 593. ii. Stephens, b. in Haverhill, X. H., April 15, 1768. OBADIAH EASTMANS, OF HAMPSTEAD, N. H. l8l 222. Obadiah Eastmans (William-*, Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., Jan. 26, 1747; died in North Littleton, N. H., Nov. 14, 1836 ; married in Hollis, N. H., Feb. 8, 1774, Elizabeth Searle, of Hollis, born July 26, 1748. He was a Revolutionary soldier from Bath, N. H. He enlisted in Capt. Joseph Hutchins' company, under the command of Major-General Gates, in the northern depart- ment, engaged Aug. 18, 1777 ; discharged Sept. 10, 1777. He was also in Capt. Samuel Young's company, Col. Timothy Bedel's regiment. Also a scout at anoth'er time. Also he was in Capt. Samuel Young's company, Col. Timothy Bedel's regiment, for an expedition against Canada ; pay com- menced Feb. 28, 1778 ; original pay-roll in the pension office, Washington, D. C. His military record can be found on the New Hampshire Revolutionary rolls, Vol. ii, pages 279 and 589; Vol. iii, page 307; Vol. iv, page 114. He went with his parents to Bath in the early settlement of the town in 1767. He built the first mill in Bath, situated on Petty- borough brook, so called. He paid a visit in 1774 to his uncle Amos, living in Hollis, and while there became acquainted with his to-be wife and married her in Hollis and started the same day on horseback, his wife on a pillion, for his future home in Bath. Mr. Eastman was in the same company in the war of '"j^ as Nathaniel Rix, where a long life friendship was formed which was never interrupted during life. With the exception of a short period when Nathaniel Rix was in Canada, they always resided near each other. They, with their wives, died in the same house and lie buried in the same grounds in North Littleton, N. H. CHILDREN. 594. i. Betseys, b. Oct. 9, 1775 ; m. Day Petty. 595. ii. Hannah^, b. Oct. 31, 1778 ; m. David Young. 596. iii. Rebecca^ b. Sept. 23, 1780 ; in. Nathaniel Rix. iv. Williame, b. Aug. 10, 1782 ; d. April 27, 1816, unm. 13 1 82 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 597. V. Jonathan^ b. Oct. 1, 1785 ; m. Sophia Sampson. 598. vi. Seaborne, b. Aug. 25, 1787 ; m. Ruth Rix. 599. vii. Petei-s, b. Jan. 7, 1790. 600. viii. Stephen Royces, b. Oct. 12, 1792. All born in Bath, N. H. 223. Hannah Eastman^ (William'*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., July 15, 175 i ; married Dea. John Ladd, of Haverhill, N. H. ; removed to Hanover, where their descendants now reside. 224. James Eastman^ (William**, Jonathan^, Thomas', Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., Sept. 24, 1853 ; ^^^^ ^^ Haverhill, N. H., Jan. 7, 1853 ; married March 18, 1782, Mary Searle, of Hollis, N. H., born there March 18, 1760. She was on a visit to her sister Elizabeth, in Bath, and becoming acquainted with James, married him. He was a soldier of the Revolution. He inherited the home farm in Bath, but soon sold out and removed to Haverhill, N. H. CHILDREN. i. James«, b. in Bath, Nov. 13, 1782 ; d. there May 1, 1842, unmarried. 601. ii. Moses6, b. Dec. 16, 1784 ; d. March 6, 1842 ; m. May 16, 1816, Sally Smith, died 1886. iii. Amos6, b. Dec. 9, 1786 ; d. Oct. 15, 1787. 602. iv. Searle^, b. Jan. 24, 1789. V. MaryS, b. in Bath, Jan. 9, 1792; d. Jan. 30, 1879; m. Lazarus Sampson, vi. William^ b. in Bath, N. H., July 9, 1794 ; d. in Benton, N. H., 1879, unm. 603. vii. Joeie, b. in Bath, N. H., Aug. 24, 1800 ; d. in Washington, D. C, Oct., 1833. viii. Eber6, b. in Bath, N. H.. Aug. 10, 1803; d. Sept. 24, 1891 ; m. Cynthia Clark, d. Nov., 1882. Had two chil- dren who died young. He lived in Haverhill. 225. Moses Eastmans (William'*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., Dec. 27, 1755 (town records of Hampstead) ; died in Haverhill, N. H., Feb. i, AZUBAH EASTMAN'S. I 83 1853. He married ist, Azubah Snow, daughter of Nathaniel Snow, the first settler in Bethlehem, N. H. Mr. Snow was a surveyor, and surveyed the most of the town. Mr. Snow had a daughter, Hahala, who married Major Amos Wheeler ; another, Jerusha, married Dea. Thomas Hale. A son, Asa, lived on the Wheeler place. Another son lived on the hill where the rose bushes are now growing from the same roots. Moses married 2d, Lois Martin, born May 13, 1782. Moses was a shoemaker, and first lived in Bethlehem, N. H., where he was a sealer of leather. He removed to Lyman, N. H., and later to Haverhill. When Moses was 93 or 94 years old, he paid a visit to his grandchildren in Massachusetts, and after his arrival home made several pairs of custom boots. But few records have been kept in this family, "consequently but little can be obtained. CHILDREN. 604. i. Azubah^, b. in Bethlehem, N. H., in 1792; d. Aug. 16, 1844. 605. ii. Sallys, b. May 14, 1795 ; d. Oct. IS, 1870. iii. Susan", b. in Bethlehem, 1791 ; d. there in 1822. 606. iv. Louisa'', b. in Lyman, N. H., m. Edmund Heath ; lived and died in Pittsburg, N. H. 607. V. Betsey^ b. ; m. Edward Kellogg ; lived in Richford,Vt. vi. JNIartha*^, b. ; ra. Ezra Childs, of Bath, N. H. ; had no children. vii. Elvira^ b. ; m. Dr. John Russell, of Methuen, Mass. viii. Laura®, b. ; m. Daniel Webster ; lived in Methuen, Mass. 608. ix. Moses", b. ; m. Emma Carney ; lived in Boston and other places ; d. in Pittsburg, N. H. 609. X. Emily", b. Oct. 17, 1823 ; d. Oct., 1881 ; m. a Ward. 226. Azubah Eastman^ (William-*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born ; married Nathan Judd, who lived in Lis- bon, N. H., and during his last days was cared for by his son-in-law, William Beebe Leighton. 184 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Rebecca^ b. . ii. Sarah^, b. . iii. Marinda*', b. . iv. Susannah (Susan)6, b. ; ni. William Beebe Leighton, b. in Franipton, Eng.. Sept. 7, 1805. He experienced religion when about 20, entered the ministry, and lived in Lisbon, X. H. He wrote " Memoirs of his Life " in 1835, giving a very interesting account of his early life. He was imprisoned in Quebec for a long time under sentence of death for deserting from the British regiment to which he belonged, but was reprieved, atfd finally escaped and came to the states and first settled in Waterford, Vt., where he learned the harness maker's trade, then he removed to Lisbon, X. H., where he married. 610. V. Azubah^, b. ; m. David Bronson, of Landaff, N. H. vi. Nathan^, b. . vii. Lewis^ b. ; went west. 227. Jonathan Eastman^ (William^, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Concord, in 1759 ; died in Littleton, N. H., July 5, 1829 ; married Phebe Leach, born in 1769, died Feb. 23, 1852. Their remains lie in the burial grounds at West Littleton. He removed from Bath to Littleton in 1787, being induced to by the proprietors, to build a saw and grist mill on Rankin brook, at Pattenville, they giving the farm now known as the Steer place. This was .the first mill worthy the name built in the town. He was a Revolutionary soldier. Served in Capt. Joseph Hutchins' and Capt. Samuel Young's companies ; also, is credited with two months and one day in Capt. Thomas Simpson's company of Rangers. CHILDREN. 611. i. Jonathan^ b. .Jan. 28, 1788. ii. Lucinda^, b. Jan. 30, 1789; m. Dec. 10, 1810, Samuel Gleason. 612. iii. Almirafi, b. July 15,1791; m. April 11, 1811, John Stan- ford. 613. iv. Elizabeths, b. April 22, 1793; m. Dec. 25, 1823, Joseph Chase. AMOS EASTMAN'S, qF ORFORD, N. II. 1 85 V. Calvius, b. April 22, 1796 ; d. Sept. 27, 1799. vi. Sinieone, b. April 11, 1798; d. in Lyman, N. H., Jan. 24, 1889 ; m. Nov. 29, 1822, Serviah Iliise, b. in 1801, d. March 7, 1873. He resided in Littleton irom his birth to 1886. He was a farmer and miller. Appointed captain 11th company, 32(1 Regiment N. H. Militia, Sept. 13, 1828. They had no children, vii. Lewiss, b. Sept. 22, 1803 ; left Calais, Vt., for home and never heard from. Never married, viii. Rebecca^, b. July 6, 1806; m. March 7, 1827, Washington Goldthwait. > ix. Laura^ b. April 5, 1809. 614. X. Arza6, b. Aug. 3, 1812. 228. Amos Eastman^ (William'*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born ; died in Orford, N. H., Jmie 2, 1830 ; married in 1823, Susan Truel. He lived in Orford, N. H. CHILD. 615. i. Nancyfi, b. Sept. 26, 1824 ; m. Leonard B. Harrington. 229. Jonathan Eastman^ (Amos*, Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., July 30, 1748 ; died in Hollis, N. H., Dec. 29, 1829; married Sarah Fletcher, who died in Hollis, April, 1836. Jonathan was a Revolutionary soldier from Hollis, and was in the battle of Bunker Hill. Resided in Hollis, N. H. CHILDREN. 616. i. Joseph^, b. in Hollis, N. H., Jan. 14, 1772 ; d. Sept. 20, 1836 ; married Abigail B. Blanchard. He was an M. D., of Hollis, where he practiced medicine many years. ii. Jonathan^, b. in Hollis, N. H., Jan. 8, 1780 ; d. April 6, 1827; married Ellen McNiff, daughter of Judge McNiff, of Detroit, Mich. Jonathan was a graduate of Dartmouth College in the class of 1803. He became an ensign in the United States army in 1803, second lieutenant in 1804; first lieutenant in 1808, and captain in March, 1813, and soon retired from the army and spent the remainder of his life in his native town. 1 86 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 230. Amos Eastman^ (Amos-*, Jonathan^, Thomas^, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., May 9, 175 i ; died in Hollis, N. H., Aug. 2, 1832 ; married ist, Jan. 6, 1774, Ruth Flagg, born Oct. 27, 1749 ; died Nov. 18, 1797 ; married 2d, Jan. I, 1798, widow Deborah Woods, born Feb. 30, 1750; died March 7, 1821 ; married 3d, July 4, 1821, widow Lydia Moore, born Feb. 6, 1763 ; died at Andover, Mass., March 8, 1843. Amos Eastman was a Revolutionary soldier ; was in the army, April 19, 1775, and was in the battle of Bunker Hill. He also enlisted again in 1776. He resided in Hollis, N. H., where he held the office of first selectman, and was justice of the peace for years. CHILDREN BORN IN HOLLIS. Ruth6, b. Oct. 27, 1774 ; d. March 21, 1795. Persist b. Dec. 1, 1775; d. Dec. 31, 1775. Persist b. Oct. 24,1776; ni. and settled in Westford, Vt. Anios6, b. Aug. 4, 1778 ; d. Nov. 28, 1805. Calebs, b. May 4, 1780 ; d. Feb. 11, 1831. Charles6, b. Feb. 4, 1782. Hannahe, b. June 25, 1783 ; d. May 29, 1798. Alpheus^, b. Oct. 9, 1787. Luke^ b. in Hollis, N. H., June 15, 1790 ; d. in LoweU, Mass., Feb. 3, 1847 ; m. in Boston, Mass., Jan. 1, 1818, Rebecca Welch. He graduated from Dartmouth Col- lege in the class of 1812, read law with Augustus Peabody at Boston, went into practice in 1816 ; removed to Sterling, Mass., in 1820 ; removed to Dracut, Mass., and opened an office there and finally settled in Lowell, as a teacher of music. Children: (a) Helen Welch^ b. Oct. 29, 1818; d. March 14, 1819 ; (b) Helen Rebecca^, b. Nov. 19, 1819 ; d. Aug. 28, 1848; m. in N. Y., July 1, 1847, John A. Rogers; child : (1) John Eastman Rogers^, b. May 9, 1848 ; d. Aug. 27, 1848; (c) Olivia Persis^ b. Jan. 14, 1821; d. May 16, 1874; m. Jan. 13, 1848, Elisha Stone, of Lowell, Mass. ; children : (1) Clarence Eastman Stone^, b. Jan. 7, 1854 ; d. Sept. 12, 1886, at Marlboro, N. H. ; (2) Kate Olivia Stone^, b. in Boston, Mass., Jan. 27, 1856 ; d. Marlboro, Aug. 19,1885. It will be observed this family has become extinct. 1 ii, 617. iii, iv. 618. V. 619. vi. vii. 620. viii ix, TIMOTHY MARSH5, OF HADLEV, MASS. 1 87 231. Timothy Marsh^ (Sarah Eastman-*, Timothy^ Tim- othy-, Roger"), born in Hadley, Mass., Oct. 5, 175 1 ; died in Hadley, Oct. 18, 1796; married Sept. 23, 1779, Mercy Smith, born Oct. 26, 1756 ; died in Leverett, Mass., Aug, 31, 1 85 1. She married Rev. Joseph Cowles, and removed to Leverett, Mass. Mercy Smith was the daughter of Windsor-*, Chileab^ Chileab^ Lieut. Samuel', of Hadley, from England. He resided in Hadley; field driver in 1774 and 1776 ; Revolutionary soldier, four months of his ser- vice by town vote, June 28, transferred to his father. CHILDREN. i. Infant^ b. Oct. 25, 1780 ; d. same day. 621. ii. :\Iary Marshy b. Nov., 1781. iii. Sarah Marshe, b. ; bapt. Oct. 26,^ 1783 ; m. Elezer Wright, and d. about 1832. iv. Clarissa JNIarsh^, b. April 9, 1786 ; d. about 1806 ; m. Oliver Warren. V. Lois Marshs, b. June, 1788 ; m. Feb., 1807, Elisha Dickin- son ; lived and died in Whitinghani, Vt. Children : Harrison and Emily Dickinson', b. . 622. vi. Jonathan Marsh«, b. Jan. 19, 1793. 232. Sarah Marsh^ (Sarah Eastman-*, Timothy^, Tim- othy% Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., July 20, 1754 ; died Dec. 9, 1801 ; married Dec. 9, 1779, Nathaniel Dickinson, born Sept. i, 1750 ; died Nov. 10, 1802. He graduated at Harvard college in 1771 ; studied law three years with the celebrated Major Hawley, of Northampton ; was town delegate to the first provincial congress in 1774, to that at Cambridge in 1775, and to the third at Watertown. He was a representative to the general court in 1778-80-83. Once when the tory minister of Amherst, Mr. Parsons, to the concluding words of the proclamation from the pulpit, " God save the commonwealth of Massachusetts," added " But I say, God save the King," lawyer Dickinson sprang 1 88 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. up in his pew and cried out, " I say you are a rascal." He was author of a large part of Amherst Revolutionary papers. Governor Hancock, in 1781, appointed him justice of the peace. CHILDREN. i. Susannah Dickinsons, b. Sept. 6, 1781 ; d. Oct. 8, 1836 ; m. May 29, 1808, Chester Dickinson ; d. May 10, 18.50. No children. 623. ii. Walter Dickinsons, b. May 2, 1784. 233. Ebenezer Eastmans (Joseph^ Joseph^, Joseph-, Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., May 31,1 749 ; died in Amherst, Mass., Nov. 7, 1820; married Nov. 12, 1772, Mary Dickinson, born Dec. 27, 1 746. He resided in Amherst, Mass. He was a Revo- lutionary soldier, enlisted as private April 24, 1775 ; served 3 months, 15 days; also, as private in Capt. Moses McFarland's company, Lieut. -Col. Thomas Nixon's regiment; regimental return dated North Castle, Nov. 9, 1778 ; also, enlisted as cor- poral, May 7, 1777, in Capt. John Thompson's company, Colonel Leonard's regiment, discharged July 8, 1777, service 2 months, 10 days, travel included; company marched to rein- force northern army for two months ; also, enlisted as private in Capt. Reuben Dickinson's company, Col. Elisha Porter's regiment, Sept. 23, 1777, discharged Oct. 2, 1777, service 10 days. The company marched to Stillwater on an alarm ; also, same company and regiment, return for equipment dated Nov. 9, 1778 ; also, Captain Dickinson's company, credit bill (year not given), said Eastman credited with service for 7 months, 2 weeks. CHILDREN. 624. i. Tiltons. b. Aug. 1.5, 1773. ii. Polly", b. Nov. 8, 1775. 625. iii. Elijahs, b. March 13, 1777. iv. Zebinas, b. Sept. 28, 1778. V. Salome", b. Oct. 25, 1780 ; ni. Silas Adams. vi. Samuels, b. March 18,1783; d. April 11, 1864; m. Sally Plymton. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College in 1802. JOHN EASTMAN^ OF AMHERST, MASS. 1 89 62G. vii. Clarissa^, b. Nov. 9, 1784 ; ni. Asa Adams. viii. Achah", b. Oct. 19, 1786; m. April 15, 1805, Josiah War- ner, Jr. ix. Theodore^, b. Dec. 17, 17SS ; d. May 11, 1810 ; m. Susannah Scott. X. Ebenezer*', b. ; died in the war of 1812. 234. John Eastman^ (Josephs Joseph^ Joseph-, Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., May 7, 1751 ; died May 6, 1829; married Hepzibah Keyes. They resided in Amherst, Mass. The following will be found in Vol. v, page 160, Mass. Rev. Rolls : " Eastman, John. Private in a company commanded by Lieut. Noah Dickinson, Col. Elisha Porter's (Hampshire county) • regiment ; enlisted Aug. 18, 1777; discharged Aug. 21, 1777; service, 4 days; company marched to New Providence on an alarm ; also, in Capt. Reuben Dickinson's company. Colonel Porter's regiment, return for equipments dated Nov. 9, 1778 ; also, Capt. Reuben Dickinson's com- pany, credit bill (year not given), said Eastman credited with service for 5 months, 2 weeks." CHILDREN. Submits, b. Oct. 20, 1780 ; d. Aug., 1868. EmilyS, b. March 7, 1782 ; d. Jan., 1870. Joseph", b. Xov. 4, 1783. Beulah", b. June 1, 1785; d. same day. Hannahe, b. June 22, 1786; d. Sept. 5, 1818; unm. vi. Solomon Keyes*', b. July 12, 1788. Jonathan", b. March 21, 1790 ; d. Sept. 7, 1830; unm. OrnauB, b. ]March 30, 1793 ; d. Dec. 28, 1793. Lois", b. Aug. 17, 1794. Oruan«, b. March 27, 1796 ; d. April 24, 1874. Anna", b. .Sept. 14, 1797: d. Sept. 11. 1870. John", b. May 3. 1799 ; d. Nov. 28, 1799. xiii. Hepzibah", b. Jan. 8, 1802. John", b. July 19, 1803. XV. David", b. June 16, 1806. 627. i. 628. ii. 629. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. viii. 630. ix. 631. X. xi. xii. 632. xiii. 633. xiv. 634. XV. igO EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 235. Mary Eastman^ (Joseph-*, Joseph^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 2, 1761 ; died in Amherst, Aug. 30, 1818; married Dec. 22, 1785, Azariah Dickinson. They resided in Amherst, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Sarah Dickinsons, b. June 17, 1787 ; d. April 1, 1788. ii. Kansoiu^ b. May 8, 1789 ; ra. Betsey Dickinson. iii. Austin^, b. Feb. 1.5, 1791 ; d. Aug. 15, 1849 ; m. in 1836, Laura M. Camp. He graduated from Dartmouth Col- lege in the class of 1813. He was a clergyman. 635. iv. DanieF, b. June 18, 1793 ; m. Laura Adams. V. Baxter^, b. April 14, 1795 ; m. June 4, 1823, Martha Bush. He graduated from Yale in the class of 1817 ; clergy- man, D. D. iv. Hannah^, b. June 7, 1797 ; m. Austin Loomis. 236. Mary Eastman^ (William'*, Joseph^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in Granby, Mass., Sept. 12, 1745 ; married Joel Lyman, born 1742, died Oct. 10, 1801. He died in Northampton, Mass., where he lived. CHILDREN. i. Joel Lyman^, b. in 1765 ; died Sept. 5, 1778. ii. Mary Lyman^ b. in 1768 ; m. John Dickinson, of Granby, Mass. Children : (a) John H. Dickinson'', b. ; he was a minister, died in Plainesville, Conn. ; (b) Abby Dickinson'^, b. ; m. George Salisbury ; removed to Oregon, and died there, leaving three children ; (c) Margaret Dickinson", b. ; m. George Underwood, of Hinsdale, Mich. ; died there ; had one son, who went to Williston Seminary, and died thei'e. iii. Mary Lyman^, b. in 1778 ; d. aged 10 years, 1 month. - iv. Elizabeth Lyman«, b. Sept. 9, 1785 ; m. Xov. 2, 1813, David Bassett. CHILDREN. (a) Justin Bassett^ b. July 22, 1814 ; d. Aug. 20, 1846. (b) Joel Bassett^ b. Feb. 17, 1817 ; d. Aug. 8, 1817. (c) Elizabeth Bassett", b. July 21, 1818 ; d. April 22, 1838. (d) Hannah Bassett^ b. Xov. 14, 1821 ; d. May 10, 1838. (e) Joel Lyman Bassett', b. Jan. 13, 1825. i LUCINDA CLARV5, OF CON WAV, MASS. I9I ^17 Lucinda Clary^ (Rachel Eastman-*, Joseph^, Joseph^, Roger"), born in Conway, Mass., Oct. 9, 1760; married Martin Root, of Montague, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Lois Root^, b. ; m. Joseph Eastman. See No. 629. ii. Molly Roote, b. . iii. Joseph Root^ b. . iv. Abigail Root^ b. . V. Electa Root^, b. ; m. May 28, 1818, Isaac Cheney, of Holden, oMass. Children : (a) Henry Cheney", b. ; (b) Martin Clary Cheney'', b. ; (c) Sarah Ann Cheney^ b. ; (d) Elizabeth Webb Cheney^ b. ; (e) Isaac Cheney, Jr.^, b. . vi. Lucius Root^ b. . vii. Martin Root^ b. . viii. Lucinda Root^ b. . 2^^. Lucy Clarys (Rachel Eastman-*, Joseph^ Joseph% Roger'), born in Conway, Mass, Sept. 20, 17 — ; died in Arlington, Vt., Nov. 15, 1819 ; married in 1788, Bani Wing, born Aug. 10, 1763 ; died in Charlemont, Mass., April 2, 1847. Hg married 2d, Thirza . Mr. Wing was a Revo- lutionary soldier. He lived in Conway, Mass., and in Arling- ton, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Adolphus WingS, b. in Con-way, Oct. 20, 1789 ; m. Nancy Hamilton, ii. Wealthy WingS, b. Nov. 24, 1793. iii. Joseph Wing'^, b. in Arlington, Yt., Nov. 18, 1795 ; d. Aug. 11, 1803. iv. Charles Wing^, b. in 1797. V. Rufus WingS, b. Aug. 7, 1799. vi. Gulielmus WingS, b. April 3, 1802. vii. Lucy WingS, b. Sept. 21, 1804. viii. Stephen WingS, b. Oct. 20, 1806. 636. ix, Joseph Kno-wles Wiug^, b. July 27, 1810. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. 5. Lucius B. Wing^, b. ; resides in Ne-wark, O. 637. i. 638. ii. 639. iii. iv. 192 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 239. Tilton Eastmans (Peter-t, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in New Fairfield, Conn., in 1741 ; died in Hamburg, New Jersey, in 1805 ; married Polly Owen, of Orange county, N. Y. Tilton Eastman enlisted May 16, 1760, in Captain Bogardis' company of Queens county, N. Y., at the age of nineteen years. The military records will be found in Vol. ii. Third Annual Report of the State Historian of the State of New York, page 560. Tilton Eastman was enrolled during the Revolutionary war in the Ulster county, New York, militia in Col. James McClaghry's command. (See page 192, " New York in the Revolution.") CHILDREN. Jonathan^, b. in 1769 ; ui. Abigail Carmichael, of X. Y. Peter«, b. Jan. 20, 1774. Daniel Wards, b. Sept. 2, 1778 ; d. Aug. 4, 1856. Polly*', b. ; ni. a Mr. Seeley, and died at the age of 88 years. 240. William Eastmans (PeterS Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Hamburg, N. Y., about 1739. He enlisted in Cap- tain Bass' company. Queens county, N. Y., at the age of twenty years. He was a Tory, and it is said he went to Canada. The name of his wife in unknown. CHILD. 640. i. Amos^, b. . 241. Polly Eastmans (PeterS Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), b. ; married John Hill ; she died and he married 2d, Mary Cooley (widow). CHILDREN OF POLLY. 641. i. Tilton Eastman Hilie. b. March 16, 1765. ii. Caleb Hilie, b. . iii. John HilP, b. . iv. Fry HilP, b. . PETER EASTMAN, 5 OF DANBURV, CONN. 1 93 242. Peter Eastmans (Peter-*, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in Danbury, Conn. ; died in Attica, N. Y. ; married Lois Strong. He chose his uncle, Azariah Eastman, of New Fairfield, Conn., as his guardian, when he was between four- teen and twenty-one years of age. He settled in Marshall, N. Y., on Paris Hill, on the road leading from Paris to Waterville. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Luther®, b. . 642. ii. Irad", b. in Great Barrington, Conn., March 26, 1789. iii. Amassa®, b. . iv. Calvin'5, b. . V. Lois*^, b. . 243. Benjamin Eastman^ (Benjamin-*, Peter^ Joseph% Roger'), born in New Milford, Conn., Oct. 3, 1759; died in Cornwall, Canada, Oct. 2, 1836 ; married Mary Waterbury, born in Nova Scotia. Benjamin was a Tory. He went with his parents to Vermont and settled in Arlington during the early settlement of that town. At a convention of delegates at a meeting held in Washington, Vt., on the 15th day of June, 1777, the town of Arlington was not represented. They had suffered much from New York, and it would have been difficult to specify wherein the king had harmed them. The king had given them their farms at a nominal price, and they did not think it right to rebel against a king who had done them no harm. Perhaps one-half of the people were on either side. The British army of more than seven thousand were on their way from the north and were creating alarm. Samuel Adams, about this time, or a little later, formed a company of Tories gathered from Arlington, Manchester, Sangate and from some of the other places for the purpose of co-operating with Burgoyne's army. Their place of ren- dezvous was at Abiel Hawley's tavern, which was, strange as it may appear, used by the patriots for a similar purpose. The settlers were soon startled by the abduction of Phineas 194 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Hurd, son-in-law of John Hawley, of Arlington. Hurd was a Loyalist and owned one of the best farms in Arlington. On a certain occasion, he, with a company, including Benja- min Eastman, of Arlington, went to Sangate, an adjoining town, and persuaded the inhabitants to deliver up their arms, that they might be in no condition to fight. The arms were eventually used against them by the Tories. For this Eastman was arrested and reported to General Lincoln. Eastman took the oath of allegiance and was released. It is said by his descendants that he fought at Saratoga in the British army, and was taken prisoner, and after his release, he, with his brother, Amherst, traveled through the woods to Canada, and settled in Cornwall. He paid his brothers a visit in Herkimer county, N. Y., and urged without success to have one of them settle in Cornwall near him. He became very wealthy, and offered his brother a fine farm if he would remove to Canada. He had a family of nineteen children. CHILDREN. i. Johii^, b. . ii. Samuel^ b. iii. Joel^ b. — iv. Benjamin^, b. . 843. V. Solomone, b. in Cornwall, Canada, July 28, 1813. 644. vi. Simeon Sherman^, b. . vii. Jacob^, b. . viii. James^ b. . ix. Hiram^ b. . X. Nancy^, b. ; m. Ninicks. xi. Elizabeth^ b. . Births may not be in order. 244. David Eastman^ (Benjamin'^, Peter^ Joseph% Roger'), born in New Milford, Conn., in 1770 ; died in Dumfries, Va., Sept. 25, 1863 ; married Sylvia Gunn Scotch. She died April 10, 1853. DANIEL H. EASTMAX5, OF NEW MILFORD, CONN. I95 CHILDREN. 1. Triiinan*', I). ; drowned ; uiuii. ii. Oliver*', b. ; 111. Esther Hopkins ; both deceased ; left three children : (a) Sylvia", b. ; m. (Jeorge Graham, of Weedsport, N. Y., both d. ; child : Florence (xrahani^, b. ; ni. J. H. Iversoii ; child: Louisa Iversou^, b. in 1885 ; (b) Jay Graham", b. ; m. and d., left a son who is married ; (c) Emily Graham", b. ; m. Willis W. Siltzer, of Weedsport, N. Y. He died in 1898, leaving four children who are married and have children. 645. iii. Hiram'5, b. Oct. 16, 1802, in Sennet, Cayuga county, N. Y. iv. Spencer^, b. ; m. Olive Hall. Children : (a) Ardella'', b. ; m. L. Vinal, had two sons ; (b) Samantha", b. ; m. Amidon, had two sons. V. Samantha^, b. ; m. and had two daughters who m. and d. Xo children. Other children. 245. Daniel Hitchcock Eastmans (Benjamin^*, Peter^ Joseph", Roger'), born in New Milford, Conn., Aug. 26, 1772 ; died in Oswego, N. Y., Jan. 31, 185 1 ; married in Homer, N. Y., in 1 80 1, Elizabeth Neely, daughter of Captain Henry and Susannah (Nelson) Neely, born in Montgomery, Orange county, N. Y., in 1771 ; died in Homer, Courtland county, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1 83 1. He went with his parents to Vermont when a babe, and after the death of his mother in 1774, he went back to New Milford, with his uncle Hitchcock and was brought up by him. Mrs. Eastman, for the last few years of her life, was a sad daughter of affliction, being a complete cripple. CHILDREN. 646. i. Susannah^, b. Jan. 11, 1803 ; m. 1st, Dec. 15. 1829, Stephen Lunt ; 2d, July 15, 1830, Joseph Smith, of Fairfield, N. Y. 647. ii. Mary Ann^, b. Nov. 1, 1804 ; m. Sept. 23, 1838, Walker Bennett. iii. Mehitablee, b. Feb. 18, 1806 ; d. Jan. 4, 1809. iv. Saphroniae, b. Oct. 8, 1808 ; d. Jan. 4, 1809. 648. V. Hiram XewtonS, b. Aug. 17, 1810; m. Feb. 11, 1835, Mary G. Curtiss. 196 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. vi. Hannah^, b. Aug. 20, I8I0; d. same day. vii. Saphronias, b. Jan. 12, 1815; d. March 7, 1898; m. 1847, Daniel Hartnian. 649. viii. Benjamin'', b. ; lived on the old homestead in Fair- field, N. Y. 246. Abihue Eastman^ (Benjamin-^, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in Arlington, Vt., Dec. 28, 1774, his mother dying giving him birth. He was drowned in the Oswagatche river, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., in April, 1828. He was a soldier in the war of 1 8 12-14 ; married Bathsheba Gardner, probably in Fairfield, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. MaryS, b. Oct. 17, 1796 ; m. Seth Baker Keeler. ii. Daniel Hitchcocke, b. May 29,1798; d. Feb. 5, 1864; m. Betsey Keeler. iii. Milton^, b. May 5, 1800 ; d. young, iv. Benjamin^, b. March 26, 1802 ; lived in St. Lawrence county, X. Y. V. Diana (Diadama)^ b. April 9, 1804 ; m. Nathan Day ; lived in St. Lawrence county, N. Y. vi. Lydia^, b. Sept. 9, 1806 ; m. Christian Burnhart, of Palmyra, N. Y. vii. Minerva^ b. Aug. 31, 1810; m. Thomas Bacon, of Ogdens- burg, K Y. viii. Almena^ b. Dec. 3, 1812 ; m. a Johnson. 650. ix. Morgan Lewis^, b. Nov. 11, 1814. 651. X. Henry Milton^, b. in Ogdensburg, N. Y., May 4, 1819. xi. Sylvester W.^, b. in Depeyster, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1822; ni. Alzina Stratton. 247. Azariah Eastman^ (Azariah-*, Peter^, Joseph^, Roger'), born in New Fairfield, Conn., now Sherman, Aug. 5, 1746 ; married July 1 1, 1770, Sarah Booth, daughter of David Booth, of Woodbury, Conn., and granddaughter of Dea. Joseph Booth, of Stratford, Conn. He was a doctor and settled in Roxbury, a part of Woodbury, Conn., where he died May 27, 18 1 8. His widow married, Nov. 21, 18 19, Lemuel Laven- worth, of Whitestown, N. Y., where she died April 2, 1828. Dr. Azariah was interred in the "old" grounds, so called, near where the first meeting house stood in Roxbury Society. VESPASION EASTMANS. 1 97 CIIILPREX. 652. i. Josiah^ b. Feb. 14, 1771 ; 111. Amarilla Hurd. ii. Hannah*', b. ; ra. July 12, 1780, James jNIinor. iii. Sally6, b. ; ni. Dec. 27, 1797, Daniel Shipman. iv. Mahala^ b. ; ra. Aug. 29, 1798, Ira Sanford. 248. Vespasion Eastman^ (Azariah-*, Peter^ Joseph^, Roger'), bapt. Oct. 12, 1754 ; married . CHILDREN. i. Abijah Stoddard^, b. ; bapt. May 24, 1778. ii. Abigail Stoddard®, b. ; bapt. June 4, 1780. iii. Esthers, b. ; bapt. July 6, 1785. 249. Deliverance Eastman^ (Azariah-*, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born ; married Rebecca . He was a Revolutionary soldier from Connecticut ; enlisted from Woodbury, April 20, 1776, in Capt. Charles Smith's com- pany, Edward Shipman, Esq., commanding battalion. He was also at "Horse Neck" in 1781. He settled first in Vermont, where his first two children were born, it is thought, as the record of the next four are on record in Rodman, N. Y., where he was an early settler. They were among the original members of the church in Rodman. CHILDREN. i. Thomas^ b. . ii. Minor®, b. . 653. iii. Azariah®, b. in Jan., 1795. iv. Stephen®, b. . V. Freeman®, b. . vi. Ollimus®, b. . vii. Betsey®, b. ; m. Benjamin Lindsley. viii. Rebecca®, b. ; ni. William Stanford. 250. Alvin Eastman^ (Azariah^ Peter^, Joseph-, Roger'), born in New Fairfield, Conn., July 7, 1767 ; died in Rodman, Jefferson county, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1845 ; married Mary Weller, born in Connecticut, Oct. 26, 175 1, daughter of Daniel Weller. Mr. Eastman first settled in Vermont, but in 1 809 removed to Rodman, N. Y. 14 198 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 654. i. Annas, b. April 4, 1790 ; d. Aug., 1831 ; m. Ira Blanchard. ii. Alvins, b. Nov. 15, 1791 ; d. Sept. 7, 1806. iii. Staly6, b. May 6, 1794; d. in 1860; m. Stephen Priest, iv. PoUyfi, b. Jan. 11, 1796 ; d. in 1868 ; m. George Vaughn. 655. V. Herman6, b. Aug. 17, 1798. 656. vi. Johns, b. March 25, 1800 ; d. April 25, 1864. vii. Daniels, b. Oct. 28, 1802; d. in April, 1892; ni. Loretta Cook ; had two children ; went to Ohio, then to Iowa. 251. Benjamin Eastman^ (Azariah"*, Peter^, Joseph% Roger'), born ; married May 26, 1774, Elizabeth Sherwood. CHILDREN. 657. i. Elis, b. Oct. 3. 1777 ; bapt. Oct. 31, 1784. ii. Elizabeths, b. ; bapt. same date. iii. Sarahs, \)^ . bapt. same date. iv. RoxanaS, b. ; bapt. same date. V. Benjamins, b. ; bapt. July 9, 1786. 252. Frederick Eastman^ (Azariah-*, Peter^, Joseph^, Roger'), born probably in New Fairfield, Conn. ; married, Nov. 21, 1786, Sarah Shipman. CHILD. i. Harveys, b. in 1796 ; d. May, 1799. 253. Hezekiah Eastman^ (Joseph'*, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born Sept. i, 1748 ; married Oct. 17, 1774, Hannah Porter. He was a Baptist minister, and was the first settled minister in Danby, Vt., and the first pastor of the first church there. He was ordained Oct. i, 1 781, at the house of Stephen Calkins. He received one share of land reserved by the charter for the first settled minister. He was a person of great natural ability, a close student of the Bible, and an observer of men and things. He supplied the church at Middletown, Vt., from 1784 to 1790, and per- formed the rites of baptism there. He removed to New York, and settled in Marshall, Oneida county, where he died, and was buried in a little plot of ground taken off the origi- nal farm on which he settled. Married 2d, Sarah . HEZEKIAH EASTMAN^, OF DANBY, VT. 1 99 CIIILDRKN. 658. i. Harveye, b. Sept. 8, 1777. ii. Buelie, b. 1779 ; d. 1804 ; iiuin. iii. Joseph*', b. ; d., leaving no children. iv. Hezekiali^ b. ; an M. D. ; lived in Attica, N. Y. V. Sarah'', b. ; ni. a Watkins. vi. Phebe^ b. ; ni. a Potter. vii. Hannah^, b. ; m. a Butler. viii. Saviah^ b. . " Know all men by these Presents that I Hezekiah East- man of Danbe in the State of Vermont of the Consideration of twelve pounds Lawfull money received to my full Satis- faction of Joseph Eastman of Newfairfield in the County of Fairfield and State of Connecticut Do give grant bargain Sell and Confirm and the Said Joseph Eastman and his heirs and assigns for over a certain peace of land in said Newfairfield lore seven miles Containing five acres be it more or less bounded as followeth, begining at a white Walnut Stadel with Stons to it by the side of the Mountain by Eag of roks being the East Corner of the land that I bought of Ephm Leach from thence running as the mountain runs northwest- erly forty rods to a heap of stones at the root of a basewood tree by a spring thence runing north west thirteen rods to a heap of stons then runing westerly fifteen rods to a heap of stones then runing Southerly fifty rods to a heap of stones then runing Easterly twelve rods to the bounds first begun at. " To Have and to hold the above granted and bargained premises with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Said Joseph Eastman to his heirs and assigns for ever and also I the said Hezekiah Eastman do by the presents for my self and my heirs Covenant with the said Joseph Eastman his heirs and assigns that at and until the Ensealing of these presents I am well Seased of the premises as a good inde- feaseble estate in fee simple and have good write to bargain and Sell the Same in manner and form as is above ritten and 200 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. that the same is free of all Incombrences whatsoever and further more I the said Hezekiah Eastman do by these presents bind my heirs forever to warrant and defend the above granted and bargained Premises unto him the said Joseph Eastman and his Heirs and Assigns against all Claims and demands whatsoever " In witness whear of I have hear unto Set my hand and Seal the 4th day of September 1782 " Hezekiah Eastman. " Signed Sealed and Delivered In presence of " Phebe Buell " Ephm Hubbell. " Fairfield County SS in Newfairfield on the Day and Date above personally appeared Hezekiah Eastman Signer and Sealer of the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged the same to be his free act and Deed " Before me Ephm Hubbell Justice of Peace." The following is the filing on the back of the deed : " Joseph Eastman " Deed From Hezekiah his son Recorded Sept 5th 1782 in ye 4th Book folio 523." 254. Joseph Eastman- (Joseph'^, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Connecticut in 1756 ; died in Marshall, N. Y., in March, 1844 ; married ist, Hannah Martin Warner, born in Connecticut, and died about 1832 ; married 2d, widow Eliza- beth Paddock, who survived him a few years. He removed from Connecticut about 1784, to Brothers-town, now Mar- shall, N. Y. Here he purchased of the Government one hundred and forty-four acres of land at fifty cents per acre. He built a log house and cleared up his land and burned coal and paid for his land from the proceeds. The name of Joseph Eastman, Jr., appears on the Revolutionary rolls of Connecticut in a list of men from Ashford, who marched for JOSEPH EASTMANS, qF CONNECTICUT. 201 the relief of Boston in the Lexington alarm, in April, 1775 ; was in service sixteen days. Joseph and his wives lie in a small plot of ground taken off his home farm, about two miles from the village of Waterville, N. Y. He lived to be loved and respected by all with whom he came in contact. The following story is told by his daughter, Saphronia, who is living in Canandaigua, N. Y., at the age of minety- four (1900) : At the time Danbury, Conn., was burnt, her grandfather lived a few miles north of that place, and he, with his three sons, Nathaniel, Joseph, and Hezekiah, were called out with the militia to repel or capture the " Red Coats," who had succeeded in burning Danbury. A Tory family lived nearly opposite Joseph's house, and they opened their house and made preparations to welcome the British when they came ; but not so with the Eastman's. Abram Daton, the youngest, was sick at home with his mother, who, fearing harm, saddled the family horse, hitched him to the back door, put up some provisions and things she would need, intending to get the sick boy on to the horse and start for the hills as soon as the" Red Coats " came in sight. Soon she saw a single horseman coming, who niformed her the raiders had been captured and there was no more danger from them. The Tory family across the way shut their doors, closed their windows and were seen no more that day. Saphronia says her father was in the Revolutionary war three years, but no record of it is in the archives of Connecticut. She says also that he was a pensioner. 659. CHILDREN. i. Pollyfi, b. - — ; ni. a Caulkins. ii. Abigail^ b ; m. a Williams. iii. Selina", b. - ; m. a Williams. iv. Nathan Warner*^, b. ; m. Phebe Eastman. V. Ruthe, b. - — ; d. young. vi. Almira^ b. ; m. a Shaw. 15 202 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, vii. Minerva^ b. ; m. a Shaw. viii. Farzina^, b. ; m. a Boj'd ; m. 2d, a Williams. 660. ix. Andrew Squire^, b. Jan. 25, 1800. X. Emily^ b. ; m. a Tuttle. xi. Electa^, b. ; m. a Galpiu ; m. 2d, a Wright. 661. xii. Saphronia^, b. March 17, 1806. 662. xiii. Joseph Socrates*^, b. June, 1809. xiv. Achsahs, b. April, 1812. 255. John Eastmans (Joseph-*, Peter^, Joseph^, Roger'), born in Connecticut ; died in northwestern Ohio ; married Anna Kimball, and it is thought he settled in Charlestown, N. H., as his daughter, Malintha, says her oldest brother was born there. Soon after the birth of his first child he removed to Ohio.* CHILDREN. 663. i. Apoluss, b. . ii. William*^, b. . 664. iii. Therou^ b. ; ni. and had John, Leonard, Martha, Laura, and Etta. iv. Levi^, b. ; m. and had James and Alonzo. V. John^ b. . vi. Malintha^, b. ; m. Adams ; d. near London, O. vii. Lucy^, b., m. and d. in Madison county, O. viii. Anna"^, b. ; d. unm. in Illinois, March 13, 1895. * The compiler had in his possession for several years the record of John and Peter Eastman, and searched all that time to find some of their descendants who could name their father and mother. Finally he found one who said their parents were Joseph and Phebe Hendricks, and lived in Marshall, N. Y. Mrs. Saphronia Galpin, now over ninety years of age, says there were no such children in Joseph's family, but when the compiler obtains records from parties corroborative of other records he has, he is bound to believe there were such children. Miss Sands, of Meriden, Conn., had in her possession for a long time the name of Joseph's wife as Phebe Hend (the balance of the name torn off the records), and she supposed her name was Hendricks, because there were families by that name in Connecticut where Joseph lived, and one of the descendants of John (255) wrote the name in full, which was the first time we had her name spelled in full. John and Peter never lived in Marshall, N. Y. PETER EASTMAN, 5 OF ATTICA, N. Y. 2O3 256. Peter Eastman^ (Joseph-*, Peter^, Joseph-, Roger"), born ; died in Attica, N. Y. ; married Phebe Eilmore ; settled in Granville, N. Y., soon removed to Attica, N. Y. CHILDREN. 665. i. Matthews, b. in Granville, X. Y., Dec. 13, 1797. 666. ii. Petei-s, b. in Attica, N. Y. 667. iii. Harvey ^ b. . 668. iv. Ferdinand^, b. . V. Phebe^ b. ; m. Nathan Warner Eastman. See No. 1,.381. 669. vi. Huldahe, b. . 670. vii. Hannah^, b. . 257. Abram Dayton Eastman^ (Joseph-*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in New Milford, Conn., in 1769; died in Marshall, N. Y., in 1850; married Ruth Rundell, died in Marshall in 1849, aged 'j'j years. Abram Dayton went with his parents to Marshall, N. Y., in the early settlement of the town, where the whole family settled within two miles of each other, and all lie in a small plot of ground taken off the old home- stead. He was always known as "Dayton," and the school- house situated at the fork of the road where he settled, is known to-day as the " Daytonville " schoolhouse. On his gravestone it says, " Abraham D. Eastman, died Feb. 25, 1850." CHILDREN. 671. i. Nathaniel^, b. ; settled in "Wyoming, Wyoming county, N. Y. 672. ii. William*', b. ; it is said he -went to Canada. Nothing more is known, iii. Mahala'', b. ; m. a Mr. Phinney, and died about 1896,, aged 90. She always lived in Oneida county, N. Y. iv. Mary Ann^, b. ; m. Charles Wilcox; lived on her father's homestead in Marshall until her father's deaths ■when they removed to Wisconsin. 673. V. .Joseph®, b. . 204 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 258. Phebe Eastman^ (Joseph'*, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in New Fairfield, Conn. ; married in New Milford, April 9, 1778, Paul Wellman. She died there during the winter of 1790-91, and he married 2d, Nov. 8, 1791, Abigail Wheeler, by whom he had six children. Paul was descended from a long line of English ancestors, from Sir Richard Ward, of Harleston and Homersfield, Suffolk, Eng., Sir Roger Greenville, Edmund Sherman, of Dedham, Eng., the ancestor of the famous Sherman family of America. Paul Wellman enlisted in the spring of 1775, when only 17 years of age, in Capt. Phineas Porter's company, of Waterbury, Conn., of the first regiment. Col. David Wooster, of New Haven. The regiment marched via Albany to Lake Champlain, where it was at the expiration of his enlistment, and was discharged Dec. 14, 1775. He enlisted again, April 8, 1776, in Capt. David Smith's company, for one year. Colonel Elmore, of Sharon. He enlisted again Jan. 10, 1777, in Capt. Aaron Stevens' fifth company of Killingworth, seventh regiment, Col. Heman Swift. This time he enlisted for three years. The regiment fought at Germantown, where it suffered some loss ; wintered at Valley Forge, 1777-7^, and June 26, 1778, he was engaged in the battle of Monmouth, and during the summer was encamped at White Plains, N. Y. They win- tered (1778-79) at Reading, Conn., and during the next sum- mer of 1779, served on the east side of the Hudson. The regiment went into winter quarters, 1779-80, at Morristown Huts, where he was discharged Jan. 10, 1780, his term of enlistment having expired. Paul was a pensioner. In 1798- 1800 he removed to Cairo, Oneida county, N. Y., leaving his son Hezekiah bound out, and it is said he left also a daughter Phebe bound out, taking all his other children with him. In the autumn of 18 10, he removed to Paris, Oneida county, N. Y., and later removed to Wolcott. In the fall of 1820, his wife died and he married 3d, Mrs. Mary Thayer. 1. 674. ii. iii. 675. iv. 676. V. vi. JOHN BURTON^, OF RODMAN, N. Y. 205 Soon after his last marriage, Paul and his new wife and her son with his wife, removed to Mount Morris, Livingston county, N. Y., where his 3d wife soon died and he returned to Mentz (?), Cayuga county, where he was living when his last pension was paid in March, 1829, and where he died. phebe's children. Rarney Wellraan^, b. in Xew Fairfield, Conn., 1779. Joseph Wellnlan^ b. Jan., 1781. Manley WellnianS, b. about 1784. Phebe Welluian^, b. in 1787. Hezekiah Wellmane, b. March 25, 1789. A daughter^, who was found smothered in her cradle soon after Paul's 2d marriage. 259. John Burtons (Mehitable Eastman'*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born April 7, 1783 ; married Betsey Daniels, born Aug. 4, 1784, died in Rodman, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1855. Mr. Burton removed with his parents to Harrison, now Rodman, N. Y., about 1800, in the early settlement of that town. He was a soldier in the war of 18 12, and served in the defences of Sackett's Harbor. CHILDREN, ALL BORN IN RODMAN. i. Lucinda Burton^, b. July 18, 1805 : m. William Barton. 677. ii. John Daniel Burton^, b. Jan. 28, 1807 ; m. Sophronia Weed, iii. Mary Burton^, b. March 26, 1809 ; m. Clark Budlong. iv. Harriett Burton^, b. March 9, 1811 ; ni. Wareham Grant. V. Oliver Burton^, b. Aug. 19, 1813 ; m. Emeline Pierce, vi. Isaiah Burton^, b. Feb. 15, 1815; ra. Sarah Carrington. vii. Elijah Burton^, b. Feb. 15, 1817. viii. Elias Burton^, b. April 5, 1819 ; m. Paraelia Thomas. ix. Teunnia Burton^, b. Oct. 16, 1821 ; d. young. X. Betsey Burton^ b. March -3, 1825 ; m. Caleb Budlong. xi. Caroline Burton^, b. Xov. 19, 1827; m. Clinton M. Wash- burn. 206 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 260. Jemima Eastmans (Edmund^ Edmund^ Benjamin% Roger'), bom in Hampstead, N. H., March i, 1750 ; died March 10, 1821. She married in Hampstead, N. H., Feb. 10, 1766, Parker Stephens, son of WiUiam and Mary (Tucker) Stephens, of Gloucester, Mass. Mr. Stephens married 2d, widow Marian Tilton, by whom he had no chil- dren. He died Oct. 15, 18 18, by drinking oil of tansy through mistake. Mr. Stephens lived in Hampstead, N. H., where all his children were born. In 1787, he removed to Piermont, where he purchased a tract of land consisting of five hundred acres, which he in time divided among his sons. Soon after his going to Piermont in 1787, he petitioned the general court to be allowed to run a ferry across the Connect- icut river on his farm. Mr. Stephens was an enterprising man, and of great force of character. His first wife died Feb. 29, 1784, his second, March 10, 1821, aged seventy- five years. CHILDREN. 678. i. Parker Stephenss, b. Oct. 6, 1767.. ii. Polly Stephenss, b. Nov. 13, 1769. iii. Edmund Stephens^ b. Feb. 11, 1772. iv. Hannah Stephens^, b. Feb. 24, 1775. V. John Stephens^, b. Sept. 25, 1777. vi. Joseph Stephens^ b. Feb. 19, 1780. 679. vii. Caleb Stephens^, b. Xov. 27, 1782. 261. Edmund Eastmans (Edmund^, Edmund^ Benja- min", Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., April 3, 1752 ; died in Corinth, Vt., March 15, 1838 ; married Mary Davis. She died in Corinth, Vt., Aug. 30, 1836, aged eighty-four years. He was a farmer, and settled in Corinth, whe"re all his children were born. CHILDREN. 680. i. Edmunds, b. . ii. Josiah^, b. ; -went to Ohio. 681. iii. Joshua^, b. . 682. iv. James«, b. . JOSHUA EASTMAN^, OF HAMPSTEAD, N. H. 20/ 683. V. Orrainus W. B.e, b. 1783. vi. John", b. . 684. vii. Harvey^ b. . 685. viii. Jess^ b. . ix. Dolly«, b. . X. Lydia^ b. . xi. Daughter^ b. . xii. Daughter^, b. . 262. Joshua Eastman^ (Edmund-', Edmund^ Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., Aug. 31, 1754 ; married Dec. 4, 1780, Sarah Tucker, of Sandown, N. H. He lived in Hampstead, N. H., where all his children were born. He died Feb. i, 1841. She died Aug. 22, 1827. CHILDREN. 686. i. Joshua«, b. Oct. 24, 1787. 687. ii. Amassa^ b. April 11, 1789. 688. iii. Tappan^, b. Nov. 23, 1790. iv. SallyS, b. Jan. 10, 1793 ; m. George Moore, of Derry, X. H. ; had three daughters, one of whom married a grandson of Benjamin Eastman, of Derry, and moved to Fram- ingham, Mass. 263. Benjamin Eastman^ (Benjamin^ Joseph^ Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Jan. 18, 1752 ; died in Bar- nard, Vt., Oct. 6, 1838 ; married in Concord, N. H., Aug. 10, 1775, Susannah Clements, born in Concord, N. H., Jan. 18, 1757 ; died in Barnard, Vt., Oct. 6, 1838. Mr. Eastman run his father's tannery for a season, and finally removed to Barnard, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Ruth^, b. July 13, 1777 ; m. a Fisher, ii. Susannah^, b. Oct. 10, 1779. iii. Jemima'', b. March 1, 1782 ; m. a Grossman ; d. Jan. 23, 1811. iv. Mary^ b. April 21, 1784 ; m. an Austin ; d. . V. Martha^, b. May 20, 1786 ; d. March 6, 1873. 689. vi. Benjamin Clement^, b. June 16, 1788. 208 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. vii. Timothy^, b. Sept. 7, 1790 ; d. in Claremont, N. H. ; Jan. 2, 1859 ; m. Susan Barnes, of Claremont, N. H. ; had a son, Charles H., who lived in Claremont, and died there iu 1888. He married and had one son, viz., Charles, who died about 1879, without issue. He was a man of prominence in Claremont where he lived. He was a member of the governor's council at one time, viii. Hannah^ b. June 9, 1793. ix. Levinia^ b. July 14, 1795. X. Harriets, b. Nov. 29, 1798. 264. Miriam Eastman^ (Benjamin^, Joseph^, Benjamin% Roger'), born ; married Samuel Farrington and settled in Hopkinton, N. H. He was the son of Stephen Farring- ton, who came from Massachusetts and settled early in Con- cord, N. H. His son Stephen was a carpenter and built the first frame house in Concord. The name of Farrington dates far back in English history. The armorial bearings was, " Domat Omnia Virtus." CHILDREN. i. Aphia Farrington^, b. ; m. a Flanders. ii. Martha^, b. ; m. Joseph Eaton, of Hopkinton, N. H. iii. Philip^, b. ; m. Mary Herrick. 690. iv. Stephen^, b. ; m. Dorothy Brown. V. SamueP, b. ; m. Martha Pratt. 691. vi. Benjamin^, b. ; m. Prucilla Allen. vii. Lois^, b. ; m. Elijah Farrington, a cousin. 265. Edmund Eastman^ (Benjamin-*, Joseph^, Benjamin^, Roger'), born ; married Nov. 26, 1795, Hannah Carter, of West Concord, N. H. He graduated from Dartmouth College, in the class of 1793 ; taught school in Concord till 1795, when he entered the ministry, and removed to Lim- erick, Me., where he died in 18 12. CHILDREN. 692. i. Edmund (xreeley^, b. ; m. Dorcas Holmes Ridlow. 693. ii. Esther C.% b. in Limerick, Me., in 1801. JEREMIAH EASTMAN^ OF CONCORD, N. H, 209 266. Jeremiah Eastmans (Benjamin-*, Joseph^ ]:5cnjamin% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Nov. 17, 1758 ; married Dec. 5, 1793, Phebe Powers, of Claremont, N. H. Mr. Eastman first settled in Rochester, N. H., and soon removed to Hart- ford, Vt., and about 1800, removed to l-^ryeburg. Me. He was an educated man, and a grand singer ; taught singing school, and was known far and near as " Master" Eastman. CHILDKEX. i. Betseyfi, b. in Rochester, X. H., Sept. 18, 179-1 ; d. in Roch- ester, Oct. 22. 1798. 694r. ii. Kosea^, b. in Hartford, Vt., Sept. 5, 1797. 695. iii. Phebe6, b. in Fryeburg, Me., Oct. 2-3, 1800. 696. iv. Susanfi, b. May 11, 1803. 697. V. Davids, b. Aug. 13, 1805. 698. vi. Benjaniin6, b. Aug. 12, 1807. 267. Sarah Eastman? (Timothy*, Joseph^ Benjamin% Roger"), born Jan. 2, 1760; died in Boscawen, N. H., July 16, 1837 ; married about 1783-4, ?vIoses Morse. They had several children of whom we have the record of CHILD. i. Moses Morse^, b. about 1793 ; m. Ruth Morse, of Bos- cawen, X. H. CHILDREN. (a) Harriet Russell Morse", b. Dec. 26, 1814 ; d. . (b) Harriet Newell Morse", b. July 4, 1815 ; d. Jan. 9, 1847 ; rn. Alpheus Clough, of Concord, N. H. (c) Lucy Jane Morse", b. May 20, 1817; ui. Dec. 5, 1839, Moses Johnson, of Concord, X. H. Had (1) Herman Rolph Johnson^ (2) Harrison Morse Johnson^. (d) Maria Webster ]\Iorse", b. Jan. 29, 1819 ; d. ; ni. Xov. 2, 1842, William Rollins. (e) Mary S. Morse", b. Oct. 31, 1821 ; d. Sept. 29, 1823. (f) Harrison Russell Morse", b. July 26, 1824 ; m. Oct. 27, 1845, Clara Barber. Children : (1) Oscar^, b. Oct. 4, 1846 ; (2) Herman Rolph^, b. Aug. 20, 1849. (g) Mary Ann Morse", b. June 2, 1832 ; d. June 13, 1846. (h) Caroline Eastman Morse", b. Aug., 1835 ; m. Colby. 2IO EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 268. Pearson Eastman^ (Timothy*, Joseph^, Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., Oct. 8, 1772 ; married Martha Sweat. He Hved in Webster, N. H., where he died. CHILDREN. 699. i. Sarali^ b. ; m. a Bowers ; both d. 700. ii. Isaacs, b. in Webster, N. H., in 1800 ; d. in Lyme, 1892. 701. iii. Edmunde, b. April 8, 1805 ; d. Aug. 8, 1880. 269. Timothy Eastman^ (Timothy*, Joseph^, Benjamin', Roger'), probably born in Boscawen, N. H., as his father was in the army from Boscawen in 1776. He was born Dec. 2, 1776 ; died in Pompy, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1870 ; mar- ried 1st, Dorothy Hunt ; 2d, Louisa Badger, born Dec. 17, 1789; died Aug. 13, 1S57. They were married Oct. 20, 1806. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Hannah^ b. ; in. Erastus Washburn, lived at Manlius, N. Y., until about 1840, when they moved to Canada. ii. Bartlett^, b. ; settled in Penn. He had by Dorothy six other children. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. Nelsonfi, b. June 23, 1807 ; d. Sept. 1, 1894. Ezra F.6, b. July 21, 1809 ; d. Nov. 10, 1850. David W.6, b. Oct. 20, 1811 ; d. June 6, 1885. Rosetta^, b. Aug. 31, 1813; m. Jan. 15, 1834, John F. Howard ; d. 1839. Lydias, b. Sept. 2, 1815 ; d. Jan. 23, 1841. Ebeuezer R.e, b. March 17, 1818 ; d. Sept. 22, 1843. Orrestae, b. Dec. 16, 1819 ; d. Aug. 6, 1870. Giles6, b. Nov. 26, 1821 ; d. Sept. 11, 1823. ' . Thomas J.s, b. June 13, 1824. Louisa^, b. Oct. 22, 1826 ; m. March 25, 1845, Ira Holmes ; residence Appleton, Wis. 708. xis. Jklary W.s, b. Oct. 26, 1832. 270. Daniel Carter^ (Susannah Eastman-*, Joseph^, Ben- jamin^ Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., Dec. 19, 1759 5 died March 4, 1840 ; married April 15, 1784. Mr. Carter 702. ix. 703. X. 704. xi. xii. xiii. 705. xiv. 706. XV. xvi. 707. XV ii. xviii. NATHAN CARTERS, qF BOSCAWEX, X. H. 211 enlisted in the Revolutionary army at the age of sixteen years ; served under Generals Stark and Sulli\-an ; was at the battles of Bennington, Stillwater, Bemis Heights and Saratoga ; was wounded in Rhode Island. He resided in Boscawen, N. H. CHILDREN. 709. i. Daniel Carter«, b. May 16, 1785 ; d. Sept. 10, 1873. ii. Mary Carter^ b. Jan. 26, 1787 ; d. Xov. 16, 1856 ; m. May 21, 1816, John Osborn, of Loudon, X. H. iii. Sally Cartei-s, b. April 27, 17Q0; d. Sept. 7, 1873. 271. Nathan Carter^ (Susannah Eastman-', Joseph^ Ben- jamin-, Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., April 6, 1761 ; died Sept. 25, 1S40; married Sarah Farnum, of West Con- cord, N. H. He lived in Boscawen, N. H., v.-here he kept tavern, and where he died. CHILDREN. i. Judith Carter^, b. Dec. 15, 1787 ; d. Jan. 13, 1871 ; in. John French, ii. Moses Carter^, b. Aug. 6, 1790 ; d. May 30, 1851. 710. iii. John Carter^, b. Dec. 10, 1797 ; d. June, 1850. 711. iv. Jeremiah Carter^, b. Feb. 20, 1803 ; d. Nov. 19, 1871. 712. V. Nathan Carter^, b. Feb. 4, 1807 ; d. Feb. 16, 1875. 272. Gould French^ (Daniel French-*, Joseph French^, Sarah Eastman^ Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass., Sept. 17, 1 74 1 ;■ died in Maine, May 12, 1S25 ; married Dorothy or Dolly Whittier. CHILD. 713. . i. Daniel French^, b. in Epping, N. H., Feb. 22, 1769 ; d. Oct. 15, 1840. 273. Joseph Kimball^ (Joseph Kimball-*, Bethia Shep- pard^ Sarah Eastman^ Roger'), born in Amesbury, Mass., April 20, 1745 ; married Sept. 19, 1771, Sarah Whittier. Resided in Amesbury, Mass. CHILD. i. Nathan Kimball^ b. Sept. 9, 1772. 212 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 274. Ebenezer Eastmans (Ebenezer'', Samuel^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Gilmanton, N. H., Jan. 12, 1777 ; married March 17, 1803, Deborah Greeley, daughter of Samuel. They resided in Gilmanton, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Ebenezer^ b. ; d. in early manhood. ii. MaryS, b. ; m. a Page, of Center Harbor, N. H. iii. Arthur Mack^ b. June 8, 1810, in Gilmanton ; m. Elizabeth ]\lou]tou, and died in Manchester, N. H., Sept. 3, 1877. They had two children, viz. : (a) Fanny'', b. ; m. C. G. Colgate, of New York city ; (b) Julia'', b., m. and settled in New York city, iv. William Pitt^ b. ; resided in Eastmanville, Ga. V. Adaline^ b. ; m. Mr. Gurnsey, and lived in Frank- ford, Pa. 275. Stephen Eastman^ (Ebenezer+, Samuel^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Gilmanton, N. H., Nov. 21, 1778; married Aug. 21, 1 80 1, Hannah Page, daughter of Dea. Winslow Page. He lived in Gilmanton, N. H. CHILDREN. i, Henrys b. . ii. Franklin^, b. . iii. Arte m us Stephen^, b. . iv. Ira Allen^, b. in Gilmanton, N. H., Jan. 1, 1809 ; m. Feb. 20, 1833, Jane, daughter of John N. Quackeubush, of Albany, N. Y. 'Mr. Eastman graduated from Dart- mouth College in the class of 1829 ; was judge at Con- cord, X. H., in 1852 ; was elected to the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh congresses ; associate justice of the supreme court of New Hampshire in 1849-53 ; trustee of Dartmouth College in 1859. Bis picture hangs in the college. Dartmouth College conferred the Hon. degree in 1858. CHILDREN. 714. (a) Anna Quackenbush', b. Jan., 1836. (b) Clarence', b. Aug., 1843 ; d. March, 1878. SAMUEL CONNER EASTMAN^, OF GILMANTON, N. H. 213 276. Samuel Conner Eastman' (Ebenezer-*, Samuel^ Samuel^ Roger"), born in Gilmanton, N. H., March 12, 1780; died Nov. 8, 1833; married Dorothy Kimball, born June 12, 1789, died Feb. 4, 1859, daughter of Trueworthy and Hannah (Oilman) Kimball, of Gilmanton, N. H., grand- daughter of John', Thomas', Thomas^ Richard', Richard', the emigrant. Mr. Eastman resided in Gilmanton, N. H. The Kimball Genealogy says he was a doctor. She married 2d, June 3, 1849, James Lane, born Aug. i 5, 1780 ; died Nov. 6, 1865. Mr. Lane's first wife was Leah Prescott, by whom he had children, but none by Dorothy. CHILDREN. i. Wealthy^, b. in Gilmanton, X. H., March 18, 1812 ; d. May 14, 1896. ii. William ButlerS, b. Oct. 8, 1813. 715. iii. Charlotte A. B.s, b. . 716. iv. Mary Ann^, b. Oct. 17, 1826. 277. Nehemiah Eastman' (Ebenezer-^, Samuel^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Gilmanton, N. H., June 16, 1782 ; died in Farmington, N. H., June 11, 1856; married Oct. 24, 1813, Antris Woodbury, daughter of Peter Woodbury, of Farm- ington, N. H. She was the sister of Hon. Levi Woodbury, of Portsmouth, N. H. She was born in Farmington, May 29, 1794 ; died there April 10, 1847. Both buried in Farm- ington, N. H. Mr. Eastman was a la er, and always resided in Farmington, N. H. CHILDREN. V i. Charles^, b. ; d. in Peoria, 111 ; had a family. 717. ii. Martha Ann^, b. ; m. Rev. Mr. Curtice ; resided in Tilton, X. H. 718. iii. George N.^, b. in Farmington, N. H., Jan. 20, 1820. 719. iv. Henry Patrick^, b. in Farmington, N. H., March 16, 1826 ; d. Jiilv 13, 1894. 720. 721. ii 722. iii 214 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, 278. Sally Eastman^ (Ebenezer^, Samuel^ SamiieP, Roger'), born in Gilmanton, N. H., June 21, 1784; died Dfec. 29, 1864 ; married April 5, 1803, Nicholas M. Taylor, born in Sanbornton, N. H., Oct. 4, 1783, son of Jonathan and Rachel (Moore) Taylor. He died instantly, Jan. 13, 1861. Mr. Taylor was a blacksmith and justice of the peace ; lived in New Hampton village for fifty-two years, and was a valuable citizen. Holding office under the state govern- ment for nearly half a century, he did more legal business for the public than any other man in town. He was competent and honest. His counsel was sought with confidence, and his decisions gave evidence of intelligence, discernment, and sound judgment. CHILDREX. Mary Butler Taylore, b. in Sanbornton, N. H., Oct. 22, 1804. Ira Allen Taylor^, b. in Salisbur}^ N. H., Dec. 25, 1805. Rachel Moore Taylor*', b. in Sanbornton, N. H., Sept. 26, 1807. iv. Sarah Robinson Taylor^, b. in New Hampton, N. H., Jan. 18, 1810. 723. V. Jonathan Moore Taylor", b. Oct. 30, 1811. 724. vi. Ebenezer Eastman Taylor", b. May 22, 1813. vii. Clarinda Jane Taylor", b. March 9, 1815 ; m. ; one child, d. young ; she d. young, viii. Anna Chase Taylor", b. April 27, 1817 ; m. Daniel S. Mason ; no children. 725. ix. Cyrus Chase Taylor", b. Dec. 18, 1818. X. Martha G. Taylor", b. June 17, 1820. 726. xi. William E. Taylor", b. Jan. 23, 1822. 727. xii. Laura Elizabeth Taylor", b. Aug. 31, 1830. 279. Polly Eastman^ (Ebenezer-*, Samuel^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Gilmanton, N. H., Jan. 10, 1789; died June 17, 1853; married March 28, 1816, Stephen Gale; resided in Meredith, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Lucius Gale", b. May 25, 1818 ; m. Sarah Elizabeth Chad- wick, of Farringdale, Me. ; had one child : (a) Mary East- man Gale', b. ; she lived in Laconia, X. H. Lucius died April 18, 1878. TIMOTHY EASTMAN^, OF KINGSTON, N. II. 21 5 ii. Hannah Gale«, b. Feb. 22, 1820. iii. Charles Stephens Gale", b. July 13, 1821; d. April 18, 1857. 280. Timothy Eastmans (Joseph*, Joseph^ Samuel^, Roger"), born in Kingston, N. H., Feb. 2, 17^1 ; died in Harmony, Me., Oct. 2, 1833 ; married ^A^ilV 18, 1782, Abigail Gale, daughter of Col. Jacob Gale, sne died in Harmony, Me., March 8, 1832. He lived in Kingston until about 1826, when he went to Maine with his son Timothy. CHILDREN. 728. i. Josephs, b. Feb. 26, 1782 ; d. 1816. ii. Jacob Gale«, b. Oct. 2, 1785 ; d. Oct., 1824 ; imm. iii. eJosiahs, b. March 14, 1790 ; d. Oct. 2, 1814 ; nnin. iv. Susan^ b. Sept. 2, 1792 ; m. Moses Morse. 729. V. TimothyG, b. Jan. 17, 1798 ; d. Feb. 21, 1868. 281. Moses Eastmans (Benjamin^ Joseph^, Samuel% Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Feb. 3, 1782 ; died May 2, 1842 ; married Mehitable Gould Lowell. She died in Newport, N, H., in 1875, aged eighty-three years. Mr. Eastman first lived in Hopkinton, and about 18 18 removed to Sunapee, N. H., where he died. He was called " Honest Moses." CHILDREN. 730. i. Caroline M.e, b. March 3, 1812, in Hopkinton, N. H. ii. Ezra StowelP, b. ; never ni. 731. iii. Moses Quimbys, b. Sept. 21, 1813. iv. William Conant«, b. Oct. 10, 1825, in Sunapee, N. H. ; married in Canaan, N. H., July 29, 1847, Melissa Jane Goodwin, born in Hanover, N. H., April 16, 1827, daughter of Francis W. and Sarah (Parker) Goodwin, of Bradford and Windsor, Vt. Mr. Eastman resides in Trempealeau, Wis., where he was a photographer, but has retired from business. They have no children. 282. Abiah Eastman-^ (Benjamin^, Joseph^, SamueP, Roger"), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Aug. 6, 1794 ; died Sept. 17, 1867; married Feb. 15, 1815, Timothy Corser, born in Boscawen, N. H., March 9, 1788 ; died there Sept. 6, 1 8 19. They lived in Boscawen, N. H. 2l6 EASTMAN p-AMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDRKN. i. Ann E. Corsei-e, b. April 1, 1816; m. May, 1836, John .j. Coffin. Removed to Wisconsin ; had six children. He is deceased. 732, ii. Louisa Corser^, b. Dec. 25, 1818 ; m. Solomon B. Greeley. 283. Joseph Eastmans (Benjamin^, Joseph^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., April 8, 1796; died June 13, 1844 '■> married Lucy Powers. Mr. Eastman settled in Croydon, N. H., where he was a carpenter. CHILDREN. 733. i. Timothy Corser^, b. ; m. Lucy Putney. ii. Stephen Goodwin^, b. ; lived in Elmira, N. Y. iii. Prosper Lee^, b. ; is living in Albany, N. Y. 284. Benjamin Eastman' (Samuel'', Ebenezer^ Samue^' Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., Oct. 27, 1761 ; died in Strong, Me., July 14, 1831 ; married Feb. 6, 1783, Ann Carr Barker, born in Fort Weston, Augusta, Me., Sept. 8, 1766; died in Strong, Me., March 29, 1852. She was the daughter of John and Grace (Wright) Barker, formerly of Hanover, Mass. John Barker, with his father, owned and worked a foundry for casting bells, etc., and during tb i Revolution cast cannon for the army. In after years tl i works were destroyed by fire, and soon after the family removed to Maine. Mrs. Eastman received her name frcn her grandmother, Ann Carr, daughter of Sir John Carr, S( n of Sir Robert Carr, who was appointed one of a commissio of four to settle a controversy between Connecticut and Massachusetts, as to the ownership of Rhode Island. This decision was rendered to King Charles, dated at Warwick, April 4, 1665. It is told by the family that Sir Robe t Carr was the first governor of Rhode Island, but it is not .- •." William Coddington was the first governor of Rhode Islai''' Caleb Carr, probably a son of Sir Robert, was elected gc^ ernor in May, 1695, and died while in of^ce, making i6\'^ who died while in office. Mr. Eastman resided in Dresde* Mt. Vernon, and Avon, Me. SAMUEL EASTMAN^, OF PITTSTON, ME. 217 CHILDREN. 734. i. Sainnel«, b. in Mt. Vernon, ^le., Oct. 27, 1784 ; d. in Strong, Jan. 20, 1864 ; m. Jane Hitchcock. 735. ii. Susannah^ b. in Mt. Vernon, Jan. 18, 1786; d. in Charles- ton, Me., Aug. 21, 1868 ; m. David Stinson. 736. iii. Nancy^ b. in Mt. Vernon, Feb. 6, 1788 ; d. in Strong, July 12, 1873 ; m. Lemuel Delano. 737. iv. Martha^, b. in }^It. Vernon, April 20, 1790; d. in Ohio, Feb. 9, 1862 ; ni. Ephraim Stevens. 738. V. Violettae. b. in Mt. Vernon, July 31,1792; d. in Strong, ]\Iay 11, 1881 ; m. Benjamin Hitchcock, vi. Benjamin'', b. in Mt. Vernon, March 23, 1794 ; d. Oct. 6, 1800. 739. vii. John B.^, b. in Mt. Vernon, April 2, 1796 ; d. in Illinois, April 7, 1860 ; m. Sibyl Stevens, viii. Edward*^, b. in Mt. Vernon, March 8, 1798 ; d. in Mt. Ver- non, Oct. 5, 1800. 740. ix. Benjamin Franklin^, b. in Mt. Vernon, Nov. 15,1800; d. Feb. 10, 1894 ; m. Eliza Dyer. 741. X. Eliza W.e, b. in Mt. Vernon, April 28, 1803; d. in Haver- hill, Mass., ]March 29, 1872 ; m. John Carr. 742. xi. Philip A.s, b. in Avon, Me., July 29, 1805 ; d. in Illinois, April 18, 1863 ; m. Mary Day. 285. Samuel Eastman^ (SamueP, Ebenezer^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Pittston, Me., in 1767 ; died in South Gardiner, Me. ; married in 1791, Sarah Stephens. He settled in South Gardiner, Me. 743. CHILDREN. i. Hannah^ b. . ii. Sarah^, b. . iii. John^, b. ; m. Katherine Bryant, of Dresden, Me. iv. Samuel^, b. in Gardiner, Me., Aug. 19, 1797 ; m. Eliza Luce. V. Nathaniel^ b. ; lost at sea. vi. William^, b. ; ra. Susan Hill. 286. Hubbard Eastman^ (SamueP, Ebenezer^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Pittston, Me., in 1770; died Aug., 1843;, married in June, 1794, Patience Godfrey, of Hallovvell, Me. He lived in Littleton, Me. 16 2l8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Benjamin^ b. April 27, 1796 ; d. in 1831. ii. ThaukfuP, b. April 20, 1798; d. Nov., 1825; m. John Scott. iii. SaniueP, b. April 14, 1800 ; lost at sea in 1830. 744. iv. Hubbard^, b. April 4, 1802 ; d. in Dresden, Me., Jan. 26, 1876. V. MaryS, b. Oct. 25, 1804 ; m. A. Barton Wales, vi. Nancy6, b. March 27, 1807 ; m. 1831, Thomas Lines, vii. Augustus^, b. 1809 ; d. in the army in 1863. viii. Olive^ b. 1809 ; m. Abram Wales. 287. Benjamin Eastman^ (Edward-*, Ebenezer^ SamueP, Roger'), born June 19, 1759; died April 14, 1813 ; married March 23, 1787, Dolly Bean, born in Orford, N. H., in 1768. They lived in Salisbury, N. H. Mr. Eastman enlisted in the Revolutionary army at the age of sixteen years. He was promoted from a private to ensign. He was a farmer and shoemaker. CHILDREN. 745. i. Edwarde, b. Sept. 12, 1788; d. April 5, 1880; m. Susan Cheney. ii. Johu6, b. Jan. 13, 1791 ; d. Aug. 18, 1793. iii. Betseyfi, b. May 7, 1793 ; d. April, 1824 ; m. David Bean, iv. Nabby6, b. April 24, 1795 ; d. Aug. 20, 1803. V. Phebias, b. Oct. 21, 1797 ; d. Aug., 1803. 746. vi. Moses6, b. Nov. 2, 1799 ; ra. April 22, 1826, Irena Wells, vii. Danieie, b. March 26, 1802; d. in 1854; m. Cynthia Whitcher. She died in Buda, 111., May 5, 1882. viii. Abby6, b. Jan. 25, 1805 ; d. Jan. 11, 1837 ; m. in 1822, Moses Sweat, of Andover, N. H. 747. ix. John", b. Oct., 1808 ; d. Nov., 1879 ; m. May 29, 1830, Bet- sey Chandler, of Danbury, N. H. X. Benjamin^, b. July, 1811 ; d. July, 1878 ; m. Sarah Leavitt. xi. Nancy6, b. Oct., 1813 ; d. May, 1814. 288. Joel Eastman^ (Edward"*, Ebenezer^, SamueP, Roger"), born in Kingston, N. H., Nov. 23, 1760 ; died May 23, 1849; married April 6, 1785, Betsey Pettingill, daugh- ter of David and Betsey (Heath) Pettingill, born April 22, JOEL EASTMAN^, OF KINGSTON, N. H. 219 1763 ; died Sept. 30, 1867, aged one hundred and five years and nine months. They Hved in SaHsbury, N. H. He removed from Kingston to Salisbury with his parents during the early settlement of that town. He built a large set of buildings which were destroyed by fire in the winter of 1882. He was one of the most wealthy farmers in the town, and a prominent citizen, enjoying the respect and good-will of his townsmen, and all who knew him bear testi- mony to his uprightness of character. For more than forty years he was a member of the Congregational church. His wife when quite young rode from her home in Rockingham county to Salisbury on a pillion with her uncle. She was one of a number of young girls who discovered the lifeless body of an infant under a loose floor in a building in South Hampton, N. H., connected with a schoolhouse where Ruth Blay was teaching. She was then about five years of age. Miss Blay was arrested, tried and convicted for concealing the death of an infant child. She was executed in Dec, 1768. The sheriff who executed her was Thomas Parker. The fact that the discovery was made by Betsey and her schoolmates, in consequence of which Miss Blay was exposed, tried, and executed, cast a gloom over Mrs. Eastman's whole life, dwelling upon it with much sadness. CHILDREN. i. Sally6, b. April 20, 1786 ; d. Aug. 1, 1852 ; m. Dr. Elijah Rowell. A grandson, Mr. E. Meserve, is living in Con- way Center, N. H. ii. Pettingilis, b. Nov. 18, 1780 ; d. Jan., 1790. iii. PettingilP, b. Dec. 9, 1788 ; d. young. iv. Betsey^ b. Dec. 12, 1790 ; d. 1806. V. Mehitablee, b. Sept. 25, 1793; m. June 7, 1836, Moses Fellows. vi. Nancy6, b. Feb. IS, 1796 ; d. Sept. 26, 1828 ; m. Dec. 25, 1822, Enoch Couch. 220 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. vii. JoeF, b. Feb. 22, 1798; m. 1833, Ruth Gerrish Odel, daughter of Hon. Richard Odel, of Conway, N. H., where Joel settled and died. He graduated from Dart- mouth College in the class of 1824, read law with Samuel Israel Wells, at Salisbury, N. H., and William C. Thompson, at Plymouth, N. H. He removed to Con- way, and commenced practice there. He represented Conway in the New Hampshire legislature, was judge of probate for Carroll county and United States district attorney for New Hampshire, in 1841. He had no children. vii. Lucia'', b. Aug. 3, 1802 ; m. Jan. 4, 1839, Moses Fellows, whose first wife was her sister Mehitable. viii. Gilbert^, b. (twin). ix. Marcia", b. Sept. 13, 1804 ; m. John E. Forest. 748. X. Betseys, b. Oct. 27, 1808 ; m. 1832, Dr. Robert Morrill, of Canterbury, N. H. 289. Phineas Eastman^ (Edward-*, Ebenezer^, SamiieP, Roger'), born in Salisbury, N. H., June 20, 1766; died Feb. 17, 1847 ; married Judith Gale, daughter of Daniel and Judith Carter, granddaughter of Dr. Ezra Carter and Ruth Eastman, the daughter of Capt. Ebenezer, of Concord, N. H. He lived in Salisbury, N. H., on the old homestead, and late in life removed on " Raccoon Hill," where he died. His widow spent her remaining years with her daughter, Mrs. James Jackman. His house being burned, the family records were destroyed and a full record cannot be obtained. CHILDREN. i. Susan", b. ; m. Wm. Smith, resided in New Boston, N. H.; three children. ii. Samuel", b. ; d. ; unm. iii. Sarah", b. ; m. James Jackman ; three children, two daughters and one son. iv. Maria Mehitable", b. 1816; d. 1863; m. July 4, 1848, Isaac Child. They lived in Roxbury, Mass. She was a noted writer. V. Edward", b. ; d. young. MOSES EASTMAN', OF SALISBURY, X. II. 221 vi. Charlotte^ b. ; in. a Houston and lived in Hanover, N. H. Children : (a) Carter Houston", I). ; enlisted in the Twenty-sixth Regiment New York Volunteers, was in the second battle of Bull Run and Antietam, iu which latter battle he was wounded, I'eturned home at the expiration of his term of enlistment, and soon after enlisted in the Seventeenth Vermont Volunteers, was in the battle of the ^Vilderness, taken prisoner in front of Richmond, and was in Salisbuiy prison five months and five days, was exchanged in March before the fall of Richmond. He resides in San Jose, Cal ; (b) Isaac Houston", b. ; he enlisted in the First New Hamp- shire Cavalry, just before the close of the war. They had four daughters besides. vii. Sophia*', b. ; m. an Eastman. viii. Edward'5, b. ; he settled in Nashville, Tenn., and when war was declared against Mexico, he was among the first ones to enlist. He was commissioned second lieutenant of the Nashville blues. He died in Carmago, Mexico, Oct. 5, 1846. 290. Moses Eastmans (Edward-*, Ebenezer^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Salisbury, N. H., Aug. ii, 1770; died April 19, 1848, in Waltham, Mass. ; married Oct. i, 1800, Sukey Bartlett, died Nov. 6, 1806; married 2d, Dec. 10, 1807, Eliza Swester, died July 5, 1865. Mr. Eastman fitted for college under the Rev. Dr. Samuel Wood, of Boscawen, N. H. ; graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1 794 ; read law with Thomas W. Thompson and was admitted to the bar in 1797. He commenced the practice of law in an office on the site occupied in 1874 by Mrs. H. C. Morse, at the south road in Salisbury. In 1826, he removed to Concord, N. H. Previous to the formation of a new county, he was clerk of the circuit court from 18 16 to 1823. When upon the organization of the county of Merrimack, he was appointed clerk of superior court, and was continued in that office till 1834. He was clerk of common pleas in 1834, and during that year he returned to Salisbury, his native town, when in 1847 removed to Waltham, Mass., where he died. 222 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 749. i. Joseph Bartletts, b. Feb. 4, 1804, iu Salisbury, N. H. ii. Elbridge Gerrye, b. Oct. 25, 1808 ; d. Oct. 4, 1834, in Fort 'Gibson, Ark. 750. iii. Elizabeth Rogers^, b. May 4, 1810. iv. William Swester^, b. Oct. 20, 1811 ; d. in Hingham, Mass., Aug. 2, 1838. 751. V. Charles J. F.% b. May 24, 1813. 752. vi. Susan Bartlett^, b. March 19, 1815; d. in Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1847. vii. Samuel Judkius^, b. Oct. 19, 1816 ; d. March 29, 1817. 753. viii. Ichabod Bartlett^, b. Feb. 4, 1818. ix. Sarah Bates^, b. Sept. 5, 1819 ; m. a Coleman, of Buffalo, N. Y. X. Moses Judkinsfi, b. March 5, 1821 ; d. Oct. 21, 1822. 754. xi. Rebecca Frothingham^, b. Aug. 11, 1822. xii. Francis Henry^, b. May 27, 1825 ; d. in Bismark, Dakota, xiii. Alfred Rogers, b. in Concord, N. H., Jan. 10, 1827; drowned in Hill, X. H., on a fishing excursion, Aug. 29, 1842. xiv. Elbridge Gerry, 2d6, b. in Salisbury, N. H., Aug. 26, 1835 ; d. in Baltimore, Md., Feb. 4, 1849. 291. Barnard Eastmans (Obadiah-*, Thomas^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H. Baptized there (East Kingston), Oct. 7, 1762 ; married Sally Jones; farmer, and resided in Kingston, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Betsey^ b. ; m. Enoch Nichols. ii. S'ally^ b. ; m. John Hoyt. iii. Obadiah^, b. ; settled in Maine. iv. Mary^ b. ; m. Asa Currier. V. Nancy^ b. ; m. Samuel Eastman. vi. Barnard*', b. ; lived on the old home farm in East Kings- ton. 292. Abigail Eastmans (Edward-*, Thornas^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., April 26, 1757 ; married Israel Diamond, resided in Hawke, now Danville, N. H. She was baptized Aug. 7, 1757. ABIGAIL EASTMANS, qF KINGSTON, N. H. 223 CIIILDKEN. i. Thomas Diamond^ b. ; went to New York. ii. Obadiah Diamond^ b. ; m. Sophia Blake, lived in Hawke, N. 11. Children: (a) Lavina'', b. ; unm. ; (b) Almond", b. ; m. Almene Currier, of Newton. iii. .John Diamond^, b. ; m. Abigail Parker, of Newton, N. H., resides in Danville, N. 11. Children : (a) Sarah'^, b. ; m. Amos Gale, of Newton ; (b) Maria'^, b. ; unm ; (c) IsraeF, b. ; m. Hannah Garland, of Barnstead, N. H. ; two children, one of whom married Alfred Emerson and they had seven children ; lives in Ilanipstead, N. H., one, Melvin J. Diamond^, b. , m. Emma Davis, of Kingston, N. H. ; two children ; P. O. Danville, N. H. iv. Reuben Diamond^, b. ; m. Nancy Tewksbury. Child : (a) Orrin Diamond", b. ; m. Mehitable Bradley, lived in Danville; childien : (1) Francis^, d. ; (2) Mary B^., lives at home ; (3) Sabra*, m. Austin Currier, lives in Haverhill, Mass ; (4) Sarah^, ra. John Judkins, lives in Haverhill ; (5) Reuben^, m. Luella Carter, of Newton, had one child ; all deceased ; (6) Josiah^, m. Kate Peaslee ; child : John I.^, m. and left two children ; Josiah^, married 2d, Almira Collins, had one daughter, Cora Belle^ ; m. Walter Carter ; child : Sada^" ; he lives in Danville, N. H. V. Sarah Diamond^ b. ; m. Josiah Philbrick. Children : (a) Andrew Jackson", m. a Beede, of Fremont ; had (1) George A.*; (2) Arthur L.^ ; (3) Sarah Ann^, m. John Bartlett, lives in Fremont ; children : (i) Bertha^, at home ; (ii) Sarah^, is a widow ; (b) Rosina Philbrick'', m. Frank Nudd, had one son : (1) Eugene Nudd^, m. a Perkins, and had three children ; resides in Hampton Beach., N. H. vi. Nancy Diamond^, b. ; m. Moses Hook, of Fremont. vii. Naomi Diamond®, b. ; m. Jarius Towle, of No. Dan- ville, N. H. ; both deceased. Children : (a) James Byron Towle", m. Ella Webster, of Kingston ; three children ; resides in Haverhill, Mass. ; a shoemaker; (b) Ransom Forrest Towle'', m. Elma L. Gordon ; four girls ; residence No. Danville ; (c) Frank Towle'' ; d. young ; (d) Frank Towle''; m. Dora Smith, of Epping ; two children. 224 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. viii. Hannah Dianioiid'', b. ; m. Darius Towle ; had (a) Melvin Towle", m. Anna Fifield, of Kingston, N. H. She died leaving one daughter, who m. a Savage in Concord, N. H. ; ni. 2d, Miss Work, of Exeter, N. H., who died, leaving no children. Mr. Towle was for a long time superintendent of Holt Brothers Manufactur- ing Co., in Concord, N. H. ; is now in business for him- self in Concord, where he resides ; (b) INlary Ann Towle'^, d. young ; (c) Ellen J. Towle", m. Dr. Henry Sweeney, lives in Kingston, N. H. ; no children ; (d) Lilla Belle Towle''', m. Dr. John Dearborn ; (e) another son, d. young. 293. Thomas Eastman^ (Edward**, Thomas^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., Sept. 15, 1760; married in 1784, Sally Brown, born Jan. 22, 1766. He first settled in Hawke, now Danville, N. H., where his first child was born; removed to Sanbornton, N. H., in 1786, and located on lot No. 42, second division, where all his other children were born ; removed thence a short distance, to the edge of Meredith, and there died, May 18, 1834. She died April i, 1826. Thomas was baptized Oct. 26, 1760. CHILDREN. 1. Daniel", b. Dec. 5, 1785 ; was killed Oct. 1, 1812, being dragged 100 rods by a frightened horse from his father's towards the Leavitt place. Thomasfi, b. Dec. 15, 1787. Sally6, b. March 17, 1791 ; m. :.Ioses Kimball. Paitiis, b. Nov. 13, 1792; d. in 1829; in. Sept. 8, 1809, Benjamin Thompson, b. April 26, 1788 ; d. April 26, 1829, of consumption. Child : (a) Fanny Thompson'^, b. in Sanbornton, N. H., Jan. 22, 1821 ; m. June 17, 1840, Alvin T. Burleigh, b. in Sanbornton, March 27, 1821. 757. v. Hannah", b. March 11, 1795 ; ni. William Taylor, vi. John", b. Oct. 6, 1797 ; d. Feb. 23, 1818. 758. vii. Abel Brown", b. Oct. 24. 1799. viii. Miriam", b. May 11, 1802 ; m. Edward Colby. IX. Rhoda", b. (twin) ; m. Joseph Parley. 755. ii. 756. iii. iv. ELIZABETH EASTMAN^, OF KINGSTON, N. H. 22$ X. Edward", b. Aug. 12, 1804; was a clock maker in Sauboru- toii, removed to Cato Four Corners, X. Y., and died there prior to 1855. 759. xi. Obadiah". b. June 15, ISO". 294. Elizabeth Eastmans (Edward-', Thomas^ SamueP, Roger"), born in Kingston, Dec. 17, 1761 ; divid in Sanborn- ton, N. H., Nov. 15, 1841. She was "benevolent, and kind and industrious" (gravestone) ; baptized June 15, 1762. " Welcome day that ends the cares Of my declining years." She married in June, 1783, Nathaniel Morrill, born in Hawke, N. H., Nov. i, 1762 ; died in Sanbornton, Jan. 20, 18 14. Mr. Morrill served when quite young in the Revolu- tionary war. He was collector in Hawke previous to his removal to Sanbornton, N. H., in 180 1-2, v.diere he settled on lot No. 40, second division, near the Pemigewasset river. Mr. Morrill married 2d, Mrs. Sally (Johnson) Flanders, widow of Eliphalet. CHILDREN'. 760. i. Henry ]\IorrilP, b. in Hawke, May 5, 17b4. 761. ii. Sarah (Sally) MorrilP, b. July 5, 17S6 : m. David Shaw, iii. Susannah (Susie or Sukey) Morrill'', b. Dec. (Oct.) 14, 1788; m. Samuel George, of Salisbury, Oct. 8, 1S07 ; d. April 14, 1864. She had 12 children, of whom (a) Nathaniel jMorrill George and (h) "William George, lived in Boston. 762. iv. Edward Morrill", b. June 21. 1791 (June 8, 1790). V. Nancy :\Iorrill«, b. May 9, 1793; d. in Franklin, X. H., Feb. 1, 1879 ; m. May 81, 1819, John Colby, b. Jan. 9, 1792; d. Sept. 4, 1867. Children: (a) Obadiah M. E. Colby", b. Nov. 11, 1821 ; d. Dec. 2, 1829 ; (b) John W. Colby", b. June 18, 1827 ; d. ; (c) Nathaniel M. Colby", b. June 19, 1833 ; (d) infant son b. and d. same day ; (e) Obadiah M. E., 2d", b. June 30, 1836 ; d. May 28, 1837. Obadiah Ea.stman MorrilP. b. March 21, 1796. Folsora Morrill", b. in Hawke, Dec. 9, 1798. Betsey ]\Iorrill", b. in Sanbornton, X. H., ^larch 1, 1801 ; m. John Simons, of Franklin, X. H. Huldah Weeks Morrill", b. Oct. 3. 1804. Nathaniel Morrill", b. Dec. 13, 1807. 763. vi. 764. vii. viii. 765. ix. 766. X. 226 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 295. Edward Eastman^ (Edward-*, Thomas^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Hawke, N. H., April 28, 1771 ; died Sept. 29, 1848 ; married Hepzibah Bean, born Dec. 16, 1773 ; died Feb. 26, 1857. He resided in Hawke, N. H., where he was born, lived and died on the same farm ; he was an ensign in the New Hampshire militia. 767. i. Sallyfi, b. March 21, 1792 ; m. Samuel Batchelder Eastman, adopted, ii. Huldah^, b. Sept 15, 179.5 ; 111. Caleb Page, of Gilmanton, N. H. 768. iii. Hepzibah^, b. June 15, 1803; m. 1825, Amos Page. iv. Prudence^, b. Oct. 14, 1805 ; 111. Joel Page, lived iu Dan- ville, X. H. V. Nancy*^, b. Aug. 5, 1808 ; m. Thomas George, lived in Danville. 296. Thomas Eastman^ (Ebenezer-*, Thomas^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Sanbornton, N. H., Nov. 29, 1776; died Dec. 23, 1858; married Dec. 10, 1788, Hannah Heath, of Northfield, N. H. ; died Sept. 18, 1864. He always resided in Sanbornton, N. H. CHILDREN. 769. i. Nancy^ b. March 5, 1801 ; m. Nathaniel Leavitt. 770. ii. Barker^, b. Jan. 21, 1803. iii. Martha^, b. April 27, 1805 ; d. July, 1855 ; m. 1st, Frederick J. Merriam, of Topsfield, Mass., Oct. 25, 1831. He d. March, 1843 ; she m. 2d, in 1849 (50), Gen. Solomon Low, of Boxford, Mass. Child : (a) Nathaniel Perley Merriam'', b. April, 1835 ; m. Sarah Siddemore, of Danvers, Mass. He was a highly prosperous trader in that place. They adopted a child. Jessie. iv. Jannett^ b. May 25, 1807 ; m. Asa Wadley. 771. V. Ebenezer^, b. April 3, 1809. EBENEZER EASTMAN^, OF SANBORNTON, N. H. 227 vi. Abigail", b. Dec. 0, 1812; in. Dec. 31, 1838, Capt. Ell)ri(lge Sumner Bixby, of Topsfield, Mass., b. Nov. 25, 1811 ; d. suddenly of heart disease, Dec. 30, 187G. Children : (a) Sarah Abby Bixby'^, b. Dec. 7, 18-10 ; m. Richard D. Chandler, resides in California ; child : (i) Richard Bixby Chandlers, b. :May 1, 1873 ; (b) Clara Bixby', b. June 16 (?), 1847 ; (c) William Sumner Bixby^ b. May 8, 1850. 772. vii. John Badger«, b. Oct. 3, 1815. 297. Ebenezer Eastmans (Ebenezer-*, Thomas^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Sanbornton, N. H., Sept. 22, 1778 ; died in Pembroke, N' H., May 18, 1850. He left home early in life for Deerfield, N. H., and married there ist, Patty Good- hue, of Deerneld, N. H. He married 2d, Mrs. Charlotte (Gushing) Sturtevant, of Pembroke, N. H., in 18 16. He settled early in Pembroke. He was a shoemaker by trade. CniLDKEN. 773. i. Josiah Stui-tevant^ b. in Pembroke, N. H., March 23, 1817. ii. Charlotte Cushing^, b. Oct. 27, 1820 ; d. June 24, 1867, unm. 774. iii. John Beal«5, b. Jan. 23, 1823. 77.5. iv. Charles Cushing", b. Aug. 13, 1825; d. Feb. 2, 1866; m. in 1858, Xancy P. Healey, of Lawrence, Mass., where he resided. He was a machinist by trade. 298. Obadiah Eastman^ (Ebenezer-*, Thomas^ SamueP, Roger"), born in Sanbornton, N. H., Aug. 26, 1780 ; died May 5, 1850; married Nov. 26, 1810, Nancy Sinclair, of Barnstead, N. H. She died June 2, 1856. He settled as a farmer in Dorchester, N. H., having received a piece of land which he cultivated summers, teaching school winters, until he was married. He held the office of selectman several times in Dorchester, where they both died. CHILDREN. Charles Grandison^ b. Xov. 29, 1811, in Dorchester, N. H. Ebenezer Barker^, b. Feb. 12, 1814. Fanny Dennett^ b. June 19, 1816; m. Barker Eastman. (See No. 770.) iv. Eliza Sinclair^ b. April 10, 1818 ; d. April 17, 1839. 776. 1. 777. ii. iii. 228 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. V. Abigail Peirsoii^ b. Dec. 31, 1823 ; m. Joseph Plummer. vi. Nancys, b. Xov. 7, 1825 ; d. March 18, 1840. vii. Lucretia Augusta^ b. Jan. 18, 1833; m. in 1870, John Janes (?). He lived in New Ipswich, where his wife died Jan. 11, 1872. 299. Noah Eastmans (Ebenezer-*, Thomas^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Sanbornton, N. H., Nov. 5, 1784; died of lung and throat complaint, Oct. 9, 185 1 ; married Nov. 4, 1813, Betsey Calif, daughter of Jeremiah, born Oct. 15, 1791, died July 27, 1873. Mr. Eastman retained his father's farm for several years, but finally sold it and removed to Sanborn- ton Square, where he died. He was a justice of the peace, and a prominent man of business in Sanbornton. His wife remained his widow twenty-two years, retaining his last home- stead ; was an estimable lady, member of the Congregational church for many years. CHILDREN. i. Elizabeth Califs, b. in Oct., 1824 ; resided at home ; unm. 778. ii. Noah Barker^, b. Jan. 7, 1827. 300. Sally Eastman^ (Ebenezei"*, Thomas^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Sanbornton, N. H., Dec. i, 1797; died in Northfield, N. H., Aug. 26, 1850; married for her 2d hus- band, Jeremiah Calif, Sept. 2, 1824, died Feb. 23, 1856. Mr. Calif was a farmer, first with his father, till 18 14, then on lot No. 71, first division, in Sanbornton, then in Loudon, N. H., till 1 84 1, when he settled in Northfield, on the "Shaker road," where he died. He was a member of the Congregational church in Sanbornton. CHILDREN'. i. James Osgood Califs, by first wife, Nancy Osgood ; d. unm. June 15, 1808. ii. Samuel Prescott Calif, b. . iii. Mary Ann Califs, d. young. 779. iv. Arthur Benjamin Califs, b. June 30, 1825 ; 2d wife. V. Abigail Eastman Califs, b. Feb. 26, 1827 ; d. July 4, 1829. vi. Jeremiah, Jr., Califs, b. Dec. 13, 1830 ; d. Nov. 11. 1833. vii. Ebeuezer Barker Califs, b. Aug. 11, 1832. JONATHAN EASTMAN^, OF KINGSTON, N. H. 2 29 301. Jonathan Eastman^ (John-*, Benjamin^ Samuel-, Roger"), born in Kingston, N. H., June 17, 1787; died in Union, Me., Feb. 27, 1871 ; married Jan. 15, 181 7, Nancy Hills, daughter of Reuben and Sarah (Currier) Hills, of Hawkes, now Danville, N. H. He settled in Union, Me. CHILDREN. i. Nancy*"', b. ; m. Joseph Irish, settled in Malaga, N. J. ii. Elvira*', b. ; d. in Union about 1867. 780. iii. Joseph*^, b. May 4, 1822 ; ra. Mary M.Bradford; removed to Hinkley's Corner, Me. ; a trader there. 781. iv. Benjamin^ b. ; ra. Delia Rokes ; resided in Union, Me. V. Louisa^ b. ; m. Nathaniel Clark ; resided in Union, ]\Ie. vi. Eveline^ b. ; m. Laomi Cumraings ; resided in Union, Me. vii. Augustin^, b. ; m. 1st, Mary Burket ; 2d, Nancy Colby; resided at West Village, Union, Me. 302. Jacob Peaslee Eastman^ (Benjamin-*, Benjamin^, SamueP, Roger"), born in Kingston, N. H., April 4, 1809; died in Canfield, 111., Oct. 14, 18 — ; married in Kingston, N. H., July 13, 1836, Ann Eliza Ann Calef, of Kingston, N. H., died in Exeter, N. H., Oct., 1898. He was admitted to the church in Kingston, Jan. i, 1832. He was a railroad contractor. CHILDREN. i. Martha*', b. April, 1836 ; unni., and lives in Exeter, N. H. ii. Charles Robert^, b. July 13, 1838 ; resides in Doddsville, 111. 782. iii. Emma Calefy b. July 3, 1844. 303. Richard Eastman*^ (Richard^, John-*, John^ John^, Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., May 19, 1771 ; married Elizabeth Butters (.''). Richard lived and worked for Samuel Butters, who kept the old " Butters " tavern at the south end of Main street. Concord, N. H. He had one child by his wife, and it is said he deserted her and went to Maine ; married again ; had a family ; but it is only a tradition. However, no further trace of him can be obtained. 230 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILD. 783. i. Samuel, b. in the old Butters tavern, in 1793. 304. Molly Eastman^ (Richard^, John^ John^, John% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., March 9, 1774; died in Conway, N. H., July 4, 1828 ; married March 19, 1796, Hon. Richard Odell, born in Andover, Mass., March 3, 1770 ; died in Portland, Me., Jan. 2, 1850. Hon. Richard Odell went with his parents to Conway, N. H., in 1773. He was a farmer, trader, town clerk of Conway, justice of the peace, representative to the general court of New Hamp- shire, 1804 to 18 15, inclusive, member of the governor's council, 1 820-1-2 ; moved to Portland, Me., in 1837. After the death of his wife, he married again. CH.ILDREN. i. Ricliard Eastman Odell", b. Dec. 27. 1796 ; d. June 20, 1804. ii. Ai-thur Odell", b. Feb. 26, 1799 ; d. Oct. 25, 1801. iii. Child. 784. iv. Almira Odell", b. in Conway, N. H., Sept. 8, 1803. V. Ruth Gerrish Odell", b. Sept. 11, 1805. vi. Hannah Eastman Odell", b. Sept. 29, 1807 ; m. Jan. 20, 1832, Rev. Daniel B. Randall, of the Methodist Episco- pal church. She d. June 27, 1838 ; he d. 1899 ; had one child, INlary, who m. Joseph E. George, vii. Thomas Fletcher Odell", b. April 1, 1812 ; read law with Gen. Samuel Fessenden, of Portland, Me. ; settled in Shelborne, N. H. Name changed by act of New Hamp- shire legislature to Fletcher Odell. He died June 27, 1882. 305. Hannah Eastman*^ (Richard^, John-*, John^, John% Roger'), born June iQ| 1776 ; married Joseph Odell, born in Salem, Mass., Dec. 24, 1736 ; his first wife was Sarah Ingalls, daughter of Daniel and Sarah (Fletcher) Ingalls, of Andover, Mass. His first marriage was April 17, 1764; he settled in Andover, Mass. In 1770, he bought a farm DAVID EASTMAN'S. 23 I in Conway, N. H., and in 1773 moved there. His son, Hon. Richard Odell, married INIolly, his second wife's sister. Hannah had no children. 306. David Eastman'^ (Ezekiel^, Roger-*, John^, John^ Roger"), born July 25, 1765 ; married Hannah Eastman, resided in Salisbury, M'ass. CHILDREN. i. Elizabeth^ b. Jan. 2, 1793 ; lu. JMay 19,1812, John Smith (?). ii. Ezekiel", b. Sept. 6, 1795. iii. Ednor", b. March 6, 1798. iv. Jerusha", b. July 24, 1800. V. Molly", b. . 307. Moses Eastman^ (Ezekiel-, Roger-*, John^, John^ Roger"), born Oct. 7, 1769; died May 23, 1807; married Feb. 22, 1794, Hannah Chandler, of Amesbury, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Chandler", b. Sept. 21, 1791. ii. Sarahs b. Dec. 30, 1798. iii. Moses", b. June 12, . 308. Abigail Webster^ (Abigail Eastman^, Roger-*, John^, John^ Roger"), born in Salisbury, N. H. ; married William Haddock, of Salisbury, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Charles Brackett Haddock", b. previous to 1807 ; m. Caro- line Kimball, daughter of Richard and Mary (Marsh) Kimball, b. Dec. 18, 1807. She was the -widow of Robert Young, of Pottsville, Pa., a wealthy mine owner. Mr. Haddock, for thirty-two years, was professor of intellec- tual philosophy, political economy and rhetoric in Dart- mouth College. During President Pierce's administra- tion, Prof. Haddock was charged with affairs at Lisbon. Mrs. Haddock went to Portugal -with her husband. She was a lady of cultu7-e, of wide social experience and a most charming woman. Pleasant recollections of her will occur to many Dartmouth graduates. ii. William Haddock", b. ; he was a well educated man. 232 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 309. Daniel Webster^ (Abigail Eastman^ Roger^, John^, John-, Roger'), born in Salisbury N. H., Jan. 18, 1782 ; married May 29, 1808, Grace, daughter of Rev. Elijah Fletcher, born in Hopkinton, N. H., Jan. 16, 1781 ; died Jan. 12, 1828. She was a woman of superior culture and refinement, associating with the greatest men of the day. He married 2d, in 1832, Catherine Bayard Le Roy. There has been so much written about Daniel Webster that it would be superfluous to write more about him here, except to give his pedigree on the male side. Thomas Webster, of Ormsby, Norfolk county, England, married Margaret ; died there in April, 1634. His widow married 2d, about 1635, Dea. William Godfry, of Hampton, N. H. She married 3d, Sept. 14, 1671, John Marion, of Hampton, N. H. It thus appears that she came to New England very soon after the death of her first hus- band. Thomas Webster had three children, of whom Thomas, the eldest, born in England, baptized Nov. 20, 1 63 1, married, Nov. 2, 1657, Sarah Brewer. He died Jan. 5, 1 71 5. He probably came here with his mother. Thomas, 2d, had nine children ; Ebenezer the fifth, born Aug. i, 1667, died Feb. i, 1736, married July 25, 1709, Hannah Judkins, and had nine children ; his son, Ebenezer, of Kingston, N. H., married Susannah Batchelder, and their son, Eben- ezer, of Salisbury, N. H., married ist, Mehitable Smith; married 2d, Abigail Eastman, and Daniel Webster was their son. CHILDREN. 785. i. Fletcher Webster", b. July 23, 1813. ii. Grace Webster'^, b. Jan. 16, 1818 ; m. in Loudon, N. H., Sept. 24, 1839, Samuel Appleton, and had one child ; she d. April 18, 1848 ; he d. Jan. 4, 1861. iii. Charles Webster", b. Dec. 81, 1821 ; d. Dec. 14, 1824. SARAH WEBSTER^, OF SALISBURY, N. H. 233 310. Sarah Webster'' (Abigail Eastman^, Roger'*, John^, John-, Roger'), born in Salisbury, N. H., May 3, 1784; mar- ried Ebenezer Webster, son of Col. William Webster, born Aug. 14, 1787. He was a merchant in Hill, N. H., from 181 5 to 1846, when he removed to Boscawen, N. H., where he died June 3, 1861. He was colonel of militia. CHILD. i. Emily Webster", b. Feb. 12, 1809; m. E. K. Webster, M. D., of Hampstead, N. II. 311. George Weymouth*^ (Huldah Folsoms, Huldah East- man-*, John^ John^ Roger"), born in Gilmanton, N. H., May 21, 1777; died in 1849; niarried in 181 1, Mary Folsom, daughter of Dea. Daniel Folsom. CHILDREN. i. Huldah F. Weymouth^ b. May 6, 1812 ; d. Aug. 17, 1826. ii. Hannah F. Weymouth", b. Aug. 25, 1814; m. T. G. Pren- tice, a merchant in Aylmer, Ottawa, Can. iii. Phebe Weymouth^ b. April 18,1816; m. S. S. Hackett ; had 3 children. iv. Daniel F. Weymouth^ b. June 22, 1818 ; m. 1st, Mary Rebecca Blodgett ; 2d, Mrs. Linda Flint ; 3d, Mrs. Harriett E. Blaucliard ; had 8 children ; settled in Mar- shall, Minn. V. Mary Weymouth'', b. Oct. 23, 1821 ; m. twice, the last hus- band was J. Hatwood ; lived in Ludlow, Vt. vi. Daughter, G. F. Weymouth^ b. July 25, 1825 ; d. in 1835. vii. Abigail F. Weymouth\ b. April 26, 1829 ; m. Royal Cook, who was killed in the Rebellion of 1861-5 ; resided in Brandon, Vt. 312. Nathaniel Eastman^ (Kingsbury^, David-*, John^ John^ Roger'), born in Harpswell, Me. ; drowned in a wreck on the coast of Maine, at Mt. Desert Rock, in 1807 or 8. He married April 12, 1803, Nancy Dingley. Only two children recorded. 17 234 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 786. i. John", b. May 10, 1803 ; d. June 6, 1892. ii. Hannah^ b. Oct. 1, 1804. 313. Sarah Eastman^ (Kingsbury^, David'*, John^ John% Roger'), born in Harpswell, Me., Dec. 30, 1788 ; died Oct. 13, 1839; ii^arried Aug. 16, 1810, Robert Ashford, born on the Island of Barbadoes, April 9, 1788, died March 16, 1859. This family settled in Litchfield, Me., soon after their marriage. CHILDREN. i. Elizabeth Combs Ashford'^, b. in Litchfield, July 16, 1815 ; d. May 30, 18.59. ii. Robert Ashford", b. Oct. 27, 1818 ; d. March 15, 1897 ; m. Aug. 29, 1844, Sarah Hilton ; 4 children now living in Windsor, Me. 787. iii. Anthony Combs Ashford'^, b. Jan. 19, 1825 ; m. June 6, 1852, Martha D. Hilton. She died Dec. 8, 1895. iv. James Eastman Ashford''', b. June 15, 1827 ; m. June 15, 1853, Hannah Hilton ; 4 children, 2 of whom are living. V. Aphia Combs Ashford^, b. Feb. 10, 1833 ; m. June 6, 1852, Isaac Hall. He died Oct. 5, 1859 ; one child. She mar- ried 2d, Horace Choate, had by him two children. 314. James Eastman^ (Kingsburys, David"*, John^, John^, Roger'), born Dec. 24, 1791 ; died Nov. 28, 1882 ; mar- ried Nov. 25, 1817, Lucy Small, born Oct. 4, 1891 ; died in Bath, Me., Feb. 3, 1882. Mr. Eastman was for many years deacon of the Free Baptist church at Great Island, or East Harpswell, Me. He lived on the old Eastman home- stead for over seventy-five years, then went to Bath, where he died. He was a successful sea captain. He commenced to follow the sea when but thirteen years of age. He was wrecked three times, once on the coast of Maine, where his brother, Nathaniel, lost his life. Capt. James Eastman was familiarly called " Sampson Eastman," because of his superior strength. On returning from a trip, he would easily pick up a barrel of flour and carry it on his shoulder from the shore to his house, three quarters of a mile away. ■I J PHILIP EASTMAN^'. 235 CHILDREN. 788. i. Sarah Tabiatiia", b. Aug. 30, 1818 ; d. Nov. 2, 1809. 789. ii. Ruth B.", b. July 10, 1820 ; d. Oct. 5, 1899. 790. iii. Eveline", b. Feb. 11, 1824. 791. iv. James, Jr.\ b. June 26, 1829. 792. V. Israel S.^ b. Feb. 27. 1832. 315. Philip Eastman^ (Kingsburys, David'*, John^, John^ Roger'), married Abigail Harsa, daughter of William Harsa. CHILDREN. i. Mehitable", b. Feb. 1, 1790. ii. ]\Iar>^ b. Oct. 22, 1793. iii. John', b. Nov. 2, 179.5. iv. Susan", b. Aug. 8, 1797. V. Hannah", b. Oct. 1, 1804. Nothing more is known of this family. 316. Ephraim Eastman*^ (Jeremiah^, Jeremiah^, Zacha- riah^, John^ Roger'), born March 15, 176S; died in 1853; married Lydia Robie, of Weare, N. H., and removed to Andover, N. H., where they both died. He was baptized May I, 1768, at Deerfield. CHILDREN. i. Mary", b. May, 1801 ; d. Aug., 1816, aged Lo years, ii. Versal Ransom", b. Dec. 13, 1803 ; m. Saloma Burton East- man, daughter of Isaac Burton Eastman. They had uo children. 793. iii. Royal Friend", b. March 30, 1805 ; m. Saphronia Mayo ; I had one son, John, who married Mary G. Ambrose, and one daughter. Hiram", b. Nov. 7, 1806. Butler'?, b. 1808 ; d. young. John Langdon", b. April 1, 1810 ; m. Mary C. Morey. Ephraim^ b. Nov. 26, 1812 ; m. Mary Frost. Lydia''', b. Feb. 15, 1814 ; m. Fifield ; lived iu Andover, N. H. George'?, b. 1816 ; d. young. Jeremialv, b. 1817 ; d. young. James Mouroe'?, b. Julv 6, 1820. 794. IV. v. 795. vi. 796. vii. 797. viii. ix. X. 798. xi. 236 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 317. Benjamin Eastman^ (Jeremiah^, Jeremiah'', Zacha- riah^, John% Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H., April 8, 1770; died in Deerfield, Feb. 10, 1836; married Anna Cram, daughter of Tristram and Anna (Simpson) Cram. He lived in Deerfield, N. H. He lies with all his children in the East- man burial grounds at Pleasant Pond, in Deerfield, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Mary Worthen", b. Sept. 20, 1804 : d. March 12, 1864 ; m. Haynes Kidder ; she had no children, ii. Benjamin", b. May 10, 1806 ; d. Aug. 30, 1828 ; unm. iii. Jacob'^, b. Nov. 7, 1808 ; d. June 3, 1828 ; unm. 799. iv. Enoch Worthen', b. (twin) ; d. Dec. 31, 1851. V. Thomas S.", b. Oct. 16, 1810 ; d. Feb. 1, 1834. vi. Nancy Cram", b. Nov. 20, 1812 ; d. Oct. 17, 1853 ; m. Sam- uel Whittier ; no children, vii. Ahiniaaz", b. Nov. 21, 1817 ; d. Aug. 22, 1846. viii. Elizabeth', b. July 8, 1821 ; d. Oct. 5, 1826. These children all had a great taste for music, and for playing on the violin and bass viol in church. Mrs. Eastman died Aug. 16, 1865, out- living the whole family. 318. Jeremiah Eastman'' (Jeremiah^, Jeremiah"*, Zacha- riah^, John^, Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H. ; married Sarah Sally Ham. He lived in Deerfield, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Jeremiah^ b. ; d. in Deerfield. ii. Joseph^, b. ; m. ]\Ielinda Eastman, daughter of John ; he lived in Pittsfield, N. H. ; drank to excess ; had no children. iii. Sally'^, b. ; d. young. iv. Lydia", b. ; m. George AVallace ; had no children. V. Sally, 2d", b. ; m. Gilbert Chadwick ; lived in Deer- field, N. H. vi. Betsey'', b. ; lived at home, unm. vii. Hiram", b. ; m. a Terrel and lived in Andover, N. H. Children : (a) Nancy^, b. ; m. Mitchell, lived in Andover ; (b) Sally^ b. ; d. ; and others. JEREMIAH SA^VYER^ OF DEERFIELD, N. H. 237 319. Jeremiah Sawyer^ (Miriam Eastman^, Jeremiah'*, Zachariah^, John-, Roger"), born in Deerfield, N. H. ; mar- ried Purrington, and settled in Gihnanton, N. H., where he died. CIIII.DRKN. i. John Sawyer, b. . ii. Jeremiah Sawyer, b. . iii. James Sawyer", b. . 800. iv. David Sawyer", b. . V. Xaiicy Sawyer", b. . vi. iMiriam Sawyer", b. . vii. Lydia Sawyer", b. . 320. Joseph Eastman^ (Ephraim^, Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^ John^ Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., 1772 ; married Sally Prescott, born March 4, 1774; he lived in Deerfield, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Hannah", b. in Deerfield, N. H. ; m. Xathaniel Cotton ; she d. in Derry. N. H. ii. Sally", b. ; m. John T. Cram, of Exeter, N. H. 801. iii. Joseph", b. ; m. Abigail Taylor, of Deerfield. iv. Abraham", b. ; d. of spotted fever in 1815. 802. V. Benjamin'^, b. ; m. Sophia Symons ; he lived in Derry, N. H., where he was a lumber dealer. 803. vi. Timothy Goodhue", b. Feb. 21, 1804 ; d. July 15, 1850 ; m. Abigail Hall ; they had seven children. 321. Lydia Eastman*^ (Ephraim^, Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^, John^ Roger"); born in Deerfield, N. H., March 3, 1774; died in Kingston, N. H. ; married Thomas Burbank. They lived in Kingston and Deerfield, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Hannah", b. ; d. young. ii. Jewett", b. ; d. young. iii. David", b. ; d. young. iv. David, 2d'', b. ; m. Ann Kingman ; had one son ; m. 2d, Brown ; had five children ; lives in York state. 2^8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. O V. Elizabeth^, b. ; m. Joseph Gate ; they lived in Deer- field, but later removed to Manchester, jST. H. Children : (a) Virgil H. Cate^, b. ; (b) Hannah B. Cate^, b. ; (c) Ann Kingman Cate^, b. ; (d) William Henry Cate^ b. . 322. Polly Eastman^ (Ephraim^ Jeremiah^, Zachariah^, John-, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., in 1774 ; married David Shaw, of Epsom, N, H., and between 1807 and 1808, removed to Chelsea, Vt. CHILDREX. i. Eliza Shaw", b. in Epsom, N. H., March 10, 1807. 804. ii. Lydia Shaw^ b. in Chelsea, Vt., April 13, 1809; m. Paschal Grove. 805. iii. Ephraim Shaw^, b. in Chelsea, Vt., Sept. 25, 1812 ; m. Emeline Wise, iv. Samuel T. Shaw", b. in Chelsea, Vt., March 15, 1816 ; m. Hannah Metcalf. Child : (a) Livonia Shaw^, b. ; resides in Thetford, Vt. 323. Jeremiah Eastman^ (Ephraim^, Jeremiah^ Zacha- riah^, John*, Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., Jan. 8, 1780 ; died June 18, 1834; m. Sally Webster, born May 19, 1780; died June 1 1, 1838. In 1816, Jeremiah removed from Deer- field, N. H., to Schoharie county, N. Y., remaining there but a short time ; removed to Broome county, and was drowned in the Susquehanna river, near Union village ; he was a strong, vigorous man, was six feet six inches tall, active, ener- getic, and lost his life in his prime ; he was a soldier in the war of 18 1 2-14. His daughter used to take his dinners to him when he was stationed at Fort Constitution. CHILDREN. i. Hannah^ b. 1804 ; m. and lived in N. Y. ii. Asenath^, b. 1809 ; d. June 12, 1853 ; m. a Mr. Kenney, and had (a) George Kenney^, b. ; m. a BoUes, and died in Minnesota ; (b) Viola Kenney^, b. ; m. a BoUes, and lived in Cortland, N. Y. 806. iii. George \V.", b. Feb. 12, 1812. iv. DanieF, b. . JOHN EASTMAN^ OF KINGSTON, N. H. 239 • V. Sally", b. . 807. vi. NathanieF, b. Sept. 1, 1816 ; d. March 12, 1879. vii. Webster", b. ; d. young. viii. Webster, 2d'', b. . ix. Child", d. young. X. 324. John Eastman^ (Ephraims, Jeremiah^ Zachariah^, John^ Roger"), born in Kingston, N. H., July 21, 1783 ; died in Deerfield, N. H., Dec. 12, 1865 ; married Mary Worthen James, born Dec. 27, 1780. Mr, Eastman was a soldier in the war of 1 8 12-14 ; deacon in the church in Deerfield ; selectman for a number of years ; settled many estates. He lived on his father's old homestead in Deerfield, N. H., where he died. CHILDREN. i. Albert", b. Sept. 12, 1806 ; d. Sept. 15, 1836. For several years before his death he followed the sea. He was a very muscular, strong and robust man, kind disposition, and not easily offended, and was imbued with a high tone of morality, of feeling, and action. He died of yellow fever on a passage from Mobile, Ala., to Phila- delphia, Pa. 808. ii. Lowell", b. Aug. 11, 1808 ; d. July 21, 1SS3. 809. iii. Enoch Worthen^ b. April l-o, 1810 ; d. Jan. 9, 1885. iv. Melinda", b. March 26, 1812 ; m. Joseph Eastman ; no chil- dren ; d. in Solomon City, Kansas, Aug. 25, 1887. V. Mary Worthen''', b. Oct. 7, 1814 ; died unm. Resided in Solomon City. vi. John James'', b. Dec. 29, 1816 ; d. on his way to California, July 31, 1849. vii. Joseph us'', b. Aug. 3, 1822. 325. Isaac Benson Eastman^ (Ephraims, Jeremiah-*, Zacha- riah3, John^ Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H., June 17, 1788; died in Andover, N. H., Dec. 5, 1865 ; married in May, 1807, Jemima Shaw, born June 17, 1788; died in Andover, N. H., April 8, 1854. It will be noticed that they were both born the same day. He lived in Deerfield, Epsom, and Andover, N. H. 240 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 810. i. Harvey^b. in Deerfield, K. H., May 24, 1807; m. Mary Trowbridge. 811. ii. Jewett", b. iu Deerfield, July 6, 1811 ; m. Mary M. Miller. 812. iii. Timothy Shaw'^, b. in Deerfield, June 24, 1813 ; m. Sarah A. Fiifield. iv. Mary Shaw', b. Jan. 25, 1815; d. in Newmarket, March 4, 1831 ; unm. 813. V. Jemima Dodge''', b. in Deerfield, June 12, 1817 ; m. William Ward, vi. Saloma Burton^ b. Aug. 16, 1819; m. 1838, Versal R, Eastman, of Audover, N. H. She had no children. 814. vii. Isaac Benson^ b. in Deerfield, Feb. 20, 1821 ; m. Ellen Sanders, viii. Josiah Shaw", b. in Epsom, N. H., Jau. 20, 1823 ; m. Esther Burns. 815. ix. Elizabeth Colby", b. in Epsom, N. H., Feb. 1, 1825. X. Thomas BurbanF, b. April 14, 1826 ; m. Oct. 4, 1855, Rosilla B. Hanaford, of Manchester, N. H., where he lived. 816. xi. Benjamin Franklin''', b. in Epsom, X. H., Oct. 21, 1828 ; m. Lavinia Morey. 817. xii. John B.'^, b. in Epsom, IST. H., Xov. 9, 1830 ; m. Mary A. Lowe, of Boston. 326. Abner Hoyt^ (Hannah Eastman^, Jacob'*, Zachariah^ John^, Roger'), born Nov. 30, 1760; died Sept. 13, 1829; married ist, Joannah Crafts ; 2d, Lucretia Haskell. He lived in Weare, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Betsey Hoyt", b. Oct. IS, 1784 ; m. Nathan George. ii. Samuel Hoyt^, b. INIarch 28, 1788 ; m. Joannah Wells ; lived in Hill, N. H. iii. Hannah Hoyf^, b. May 12, 1783 ; m. Joseph Leach. 818. iv. Abner Hoyt^ b. 1790. 819. V. Francis Hoyt", b. June 16, 1794. vi. Sarah Hoyt^ b. Dec. 12, 1809. 820. vii. John Hoyf^, b. March 7, 1819. viii. Asenath Hoyf^, b. ; m. Thomas Eastman. ix. Abigail Hoyt", b. 1801 ; d. Jan. 17, 1821. X. Susan Hoyt''', b. ; d. unm. xi. Eleazer Hoyt''^, b. ; m. Susan Cilly. xii. Luke Hoyt'', b. ; went to AVisconsin. AARON HUVT'". 241 CHILDREN BY SECOND WIKK. xiii. WarrtMi Hoyt", b. April. 1821 ; 111. Upton ; d. Xov. 4, lt»8:3. xiv. Susan Iloyt", b. 1822 ; d. June 12, 1836. XV. Pluuinier Hoyt", b. . xvi. Abigail Iloyt", b. : ni. Alonzo Howell. 327. Aaron Hoyt^ (Hannah Eastman^, Jacob'*, Zacha- riah^, John-, Roger"), born Sept. 20, 1771 ; died March 12, 1853 ; married Betsey Kilburn, died Jan. 21, 1862. CHILDREN. i. Jesse Hoyt", b. Nov. 9, 1703 ; d. young. ii. Jesse Hoyt", b. Dec. 11. 1794; m. Abigail INIarcey, or ]Morey(?), and moved to Runiford, Me., where he died Sept. 11, 1853. They had 12 children, one of whom, Lavinia, m. Benjamin Hoyt, of Dunbarton, N. H. iii. Abigail Hoyt", b. Dec. 27, 179(3 ; m. Richard Hoyt. iv. Kilburn Hoyt^, b. jNIay 25, 1709 ; m. Asenath Bailey, d. in Texas. V. Elizabeth Hoyt", b. Dec. 10, 1800; m. 1st, Asa Stickney ; 2d, Herman Smith. vi. Aaron Hoyt", b. Sept. 3, 1802 ; d. 1803. vii. Mehitable Hoyt'', b. April 11, 1804; m. Nathan Blanchard. viii. Aaron Hoyt", b. Sept. 7, 1806 ; d. 1823 ; unm. ix. Hannah Hoyt", b. May 9, 1809 ; m. 1st, Joseph Lovekiu ; 2d, Joseph Fogg. X. Emily Hoyt", b. May 19, 1811 ; m. William C. Simons. xi. Horace Hoyt'', b. Jan. 18, 1815; m. 1st, Mary Felch, who d. Dec. 12, 18.57 ; m. 2d. Betsey Gove, of Deering ; he d. Dec. 7, 1883. Chil(b-en liy first wife : (a) Ellen Hoyt*, b. ; m. Harley B. Fitch ; (b) Mary Hoyt*, b. ; m. Lucius Heath ; (c) Frank Hoyt*, b. . By second wife : (d) Lizzie Hoyt*, b. ; in. Daniel Lock ; (e) Jennie Hoyt*, b. ; m. Warren A. Sanborn ; (f) Fred Hoyt*, b. 1868. 328. Isaac Eastman^' (Thomas^, Roger^, Roger^ John% Roger'), born in Weare,N. H., April 13, 1775 ; died in Sunapee, N. H., June 16, 1856; married ist, Mehitable George; 2d, April 12, 1 82 1, Mary Conant, born in Beverly, Mass., March 1st, 1787; died Feb. 11, 1874. Mr. Eastman was a farmer and lived in Sunapee, N. H. 242 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ' CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Sally'^, b. ; d. at the age of about eighteen years. ii. Thomas", b. ; d. in Lebanon, X. H. ; m. 1st, Fanny Eastman, born in Newbury, Vt., April 16, 1807 ; d. April 7, 1859 ; had two children : (a) Bela N. and (b) Elmira Jane ; both deceased ; m. 2d, Judith Davis. iii. Nancy^ b. Oct. 25, 1801 ; d. Sept. 30, 1877 ; m. Smith Sanborn. Children: (a)MahalaS; (b) Isaac Eastman^ ; (c) Mehitable^ ; (d) Asenath^ ; (e) Mercie^. iv. Joseph George^, b. ; m. 1st, Ann Paul ; 2d, Aseuath Paul. V. Isaac'', b. July 6, 1811 ; d. in Grinnell, Iowa, Nov., 1891 ; m. 1st, Louisa Eastman, b. in Newbury, Vt., Dec. 10, 1812 ; d. Aug. 15, 1873 ; dau. of Daniel and Gemima Worthley Eastman, and sister of Thomas' wife. Child- ren : (a) Ellen M.^, b. ; (b) Ann Laura^, b. ; (c) Ackla^ b. ; he m. 2d, Ehnira Bowers. vi. Mehitable", b. March 25, 1816 ; d. Oct. 25, 1889 ; m. David Brown. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. vii. Daniel Conant", b. Dec. 2i, 1821 ; d. March 31, 1893 ; m. 1st, Lois Elliott ; 2d, widow Sarah Jane Dole, dau. of Capt. David Messer, of Salem, N. H. viii. David', b. Feb. 8, 1825 ; d. Oct. 7, 1842. ix. Mary Ann'', b. Nov. 30, 1827 ; m. Amos Beck, resides in Newport, N. H. ■ZOi 129. Daniel Eastman^ (Thomas^, Roger-*, Roger^, John^, Roger'), born in VVeare, N. H., Feb. 25, 1777 ; died in Newbury, Vt., March 22, 1840 ; married March 6, 1797, Gemima Worthley, died in Newbury, Vt., June 14, 1852, aged one hundred and twelve years. He started the day he was married for Newbury, Vt. When Daniel was twenty- one, he weighed about three hundred pounds, and when' he died about four hundred. CHILDREN. > i. Mary', b. Feb. 15, 1798; d. Sept. 30, 1804. 821. ii. Ptoger', b. Aug. 16, 1800; d. May 25, 1883. iii. SamueF, b. March 11, 1803; d. May 6,1885; m. Judith Tucker. DAVID EASTMAN^ OF WEAKE, N. H. 243 iv. Fanny", b. April 16,1807; d. April 7,1859; m. Thomas Eastman. V. Sarah Ann", b. Sept 24, 1809 ; d. Jan. 7, 1SG8. vi. Louisa", b. Dec. 10, 1812 ; d. Aug. 15, 1873 ; m. Isaac East- man, vii. David", b. April 2, 1814 ; living (1899) in W. Newbury, Vt. viii. Daniel", b. Feb. 23, 1816 ; d. Dec. 2, 1857 ; m. Laura Ann Wiggin, born in Newbury, Vt., July 12, 1821, daughter of Enoch and Mary Carter Wiggin ; she m. 2d, April 5, 1859, G. L. Butler ; neither had any children. ix. Susau^ b. March 2, 1819 ; d. Nov. 2, 1820. All born in Newbury, Vt. 330. David Eastman'^ (Thomas^, Roger-*, Roger^ John^, Roger'), born in Weare, N. H. ; married Susan Ordway, and settled in Topsham, Vt. CHILDREN, AND MAY BK OTHERS. i. Samuel", b. Dec. 31, 1803. ii. Nancy George", b. July 5, 1805. iii. David", b. Jan. IG, 1811. 331. Hannah Eastman^ (Stephen^, Roger-*, Roger^, John^, Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., Oct. 13, 1769; died in 1844 ; married David Hammond, born in Rowley, Mass., Nov. 13, 1757; died in 1840. He served as a substitute for his brother Thomas, at the battle of Bunker Hill, and was for a number of years in the service. He was a pensioner till his death. While in the army he obtained information from the books of the army physicians that was of great importance to those afflicted with that sullen disease, the mumps, to which hundreds have testified. The secret has been in the possession of certain members of the family to this time. In the spring of 1791 he settled in Bow, N. H., purchasing the farm of Richard Dow, and now (1899) owned by his grandson, Charles F. Hammond, near Wood Hill in Bow. 244 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 822. i. David Hammond", h. Feb. 13, 1794 ; m. Esther Quimby. ii. Stephen Hammond'^, b. 1796 ; m. Hannah Hunt. iii. Anna Hammond", b. Oct. 30, 1797. 823. iv. Hannah Hammond', b. 1800 ; m. John Clement. 824. V. Naomi Hammond^ b. Sept. 8, 1802. 825. vi. Eli Hammond", b. April 21, 1805. 826. vii. Thomas W. Hammond^ b. Aug. 14, 1809 ; m. 1832, Lucy Quimby. 827. viii. Jonathan C. Hammond", b. Feb. 19, 1811 ; m. Clarissa Elliott. 332. Jane Worth Eastman^ (Stephens, Roger^, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., in 1774; married April 1,1792, Joseph Dimcklee, born in Amherst, N. H., March 2, 1772. They lived in Bow, N. H., till 1816, when they removed to Sutton, V"t. CHILDREN. i. Anna Duncklee", b. in Bow, N. H., Oct. 9, 1793 ; m. Jacob Blake ; no children. ii. Jonathan Blaisdell Duncklee^ b. Aug. 2, 1795 ; m. Lucy Prescott ; had five children, born in Sandwich, X. H. He had read the Bible through over fifty times ; never saw a railroad, train of cars, or a ship ; he d.4n 1881. iii. Jane Duncklee", b. Sept. 26, 1798 ; m. Ira Webster, of Sandwich ; four children. iv. Jacob W. Duncklee", b. Aug. 29, 1800 ; m. Cyntha Loch- ran. V. Amos Duncklee", b. March 7, 1802 ; m. Annie Orcut, of Wheelock, Vt. vi. Hazen Duncklee", b. Feb. 25, 1805 ; m. Phebe Leighton, of Farmington, X. H. vii. Stephen Duncklee", b. March 3, 1808. viii. Rial Duncklee'', b. Dec. 23, 1811 ; m. Mary Pticker, of Mil- ton, N. H. ; two children. ix. David Duncklee'', b. in Sutton, Vt., Aug. 16, 1819 ; m. Ruth Eastman, of Wheelock, Vt. ; had Adaline and Avaline, twins. X. Rhoda Duncklee'', b. Aug. 10, 1820 ; m. Hanson Cloutman, of Milton, N. H. STEPHEN EASTMAN^, OF NEWTON, N. H. 245 333. Stephen Eastman^ (Stephen^, Roger*, Roger^, John% Roger'), born in Newton, N. £J., or Bow, July 23, 1776; died Sept. 30, i860; married Oct. 30, 1803, Rachel Clem- ment, born March 27, 1782, daughter of Dea. Jonathan Clemment, of Bow, N. H. ; she died Dec. 27, 1843; he removed from Bow, N. H., to Sutton, Vt., in 1806, where they both died. (See his father.) CHILDREN. i. Siiida", b. in Boat, X. H., Feb. 23, 1804 ; d. :May 10, 1827. 828. ii. David", b. in Sutton, Vt., June 16, 1806 ; the same day they moved into their new house. 829. iii. Sarah", b. in Sutton, Sept. 15, 1808. iv. Rhoda", b. Sept., 1812 ; d. 1843. 830. V. Mary", b. July 27, 1810. vi. Anna^ b. Dec. 13, 1814; m. March 8, 1843, Caleb G. jMoulton. 831. vii. Stephen", b. July, 1817 ; d. 1860. 832. viii. Jonathan", b. Oct. 2, 1819. ix. Bradbury", b. March 27, 1823 ; m. May 17, 1849, Elizabeth J. Ham, b. May 3, 1827. X. John", b. June, 1827 ; d. April 11, 1837. 334. Rachel Eastman*^ (Stephen^, Roger'*, Roger^ John^ Roger'), born in Bow, N. H., Jan. 9, 1779 ; married Jacob Sulloway, born July 22, 1777. CHILDREN. 833. i. Lydia Sulloway^ b. Jan. 12, 1799. 834. ii. John Sulloway^ b. Nov. 18, 1804. iii. Anna Sulloway", b. Aug. 12, 1806 ; m. Eli Hammond. 835. iv. Lorenzo Sulloway^. b. April 6, 1809. 836. V. Sylvania Sulloway", b. June 29, 1811. vi. Lucy Sulloway", b. Aug. 8, 1813 ; m. May 31, 1857, Newell Smith. 335. Eli Eastman^ (Stephen^, Roger-*, Roger^, John% Roger'), born in Bow, N. H., Nov. 15, 1782 ; married in 1809, Ruth Clement, sister of Isaac Clement. 246 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. John^ b. 1810 ; m. White, and had (a) Carrie^, (b) Harriets, (g') Charles^, (d) JohnS, (e) Stephen^. ii. Mahala'^, b. ; d. unm. iii. Beri', b. Sept. 14, 1814 ; m. Dec. 1, 1844, Rachel Pearl, and had (a) Hannahs, b. Oct. 28, 1845 ; m. Mr, Ayre ; (b) Hirams, b. April 24, 1847 ; (c) Eli^, b. Oct. 1, 1851. 336. Anna Eastman^ (Stephen^, Roger'', Roger^ John% Roger'), born in Bow, N. H., Aug. 12, 1785 ; married Daniel Hurd. CHILDREN. i. Daniel Hurd'^, b. : lived in Portsmouth, N. H. ii. Stephen Hurd", b. . iii. Sally Hurd", b. ; went to Burke, Vt. 337. David Eastman'' (Stephen^, Roger^, Roger^ John^, Roger'), born in Bow, N. H., July 3, 1788 ; died July 6, 1877 ; married Sept. 24, 18 10, Rhoda Brewer, born Feb. 5, 1790 ; died Feb. 9, 1880. CHILDREN. 837. i. Calving b. April 8, 1811. ii. Xaomi'', b. Sept. 6, 1813 ; m. Peter Woodman ; no children. 838. iii. Silas", b. March 2, 1816. iv. Elizabeth", b. Jan. 13, 1818; m. 1843, David Willey. Children : (a) George Willey*, b. ; m. Nora Aiuger ; (b) Luvia Willey^, b. ; m. George R. Hodgdon ; residence Danville, Vt. V. William'^, b. 1819 ; never m. vi. David^ b. Feb. 4, 1821 ; m. Diantha Willey. Children: (a) Cyruss, b. 1847 ; d. 1865 ; (b) Emma^, b. Oct. 7, 1858. vii. Hiram", b. 1822 ; d. . viii. Alanson'', b. Sept. 3, 1825 ; m. Roantha WiUey ; had Wil- liam^ and Etta*. ix. Rhoda^ b. 1828 ; d. 1843. X. Melinda^ b. April 7, 1832; m. 1860, Albert Ball; had HarleyS, Henry*, Frank*, John* and George*. MAKV EASTMAN*", OF DOW, N. H. 24/ 338. Mary Eastman'' (Stephen-S Roger'*, Roger^ John-, Roger'), born in Bow, N. H., April 30, 1791 ; married Samuel Leach, of Vermont, and went west. CHILDREN. i. Elizabeth Leach", b. . ii. Thomas Leach", b. . iii. Jane Leach", b. . 339. Abigail Eastman^ (Ichabod^, Roger'*, Roger^, John% Roger'), born in Merrimack ( ? ), N. H., Nov. 20, 1776; married John Hazen, born in Rowley, Mass., May 9, 1772, son of Moses and Rebecca Cheney Hazen ; married 2d, Mary Kendrick ; they lived and died in Weare, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Polly Hazen'^, b. in Weare, N. H., March L5, 1800 ; m. Robert S. Fifield, b. Jan., 1805 ; d. Dec, 1885 ; she d. Sept., 1887 ; uo children, ii. Moses Hazen", b. July 29, 1803 ; m. Mehitable Emerson. Child : (a) Mary Hazen^, b. 1835 ; m. William B. Morse, b. in New Boston, X. H., Feb. 21, 1833; son of Oliver and Jane Beard Morse ; resided at South Weare, N. H. Children: (1) Frank Morse^, b. Nov. 10, 1865; (2) Carrie J. Morsel b. July 16, 1871. 340. Rachel Eastman^ (Ichabod^, Roger-*, Roger^, John", Roger'), born in Merrimack (.'), N. H., May 25, 1881 ; died Oct. 28, 1863 ; married Jeremiah Hazen, born in Row- ley, Mass., Aug. 31, 1778 ; died Aug. 20, 1833 ; he lived and died in Sutton, N. H. 341. William Eastman*^ (Ichabod^, Roger'', Roger^, John% Roger'), born in Weare, N. H., Dec. 6, 1785 ; married Sarah Atwood. He settled on lot 53, in Weare. Sold to Enoch Bartlett, and moved to Lowell, Mass. 248 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Louisa'^, b. Sept. 9, 1811 ; 111. William F. Burroughs. ii. Mary", b. May 5, 1813. iii. Dolly^ b. July 24, 1816. iv. Sarahs b. April 13, 1819. V. Cyrus Lufkiiv, b. in Weare, X. H., June 11, 1822 ; m. 1st, Nov. 10, 1846, Sarah Sylvina Oakmau, she died March 8, 1853; 2d, Aug. 29, 1854, Ellen Priscilla Budington, she died July 17, 1864 ; od, April 5, 1865, Clara E. Sias, she died Xov. 12, 1869 ; 4th, Sept. 14, 1870, Jane Cathe- rine Rice, she died June 12, 1895; 5th, in Chelsea, Mass., Jan. 29, 1896, Jennie Elizabeth Cassidy. Mr. Eastman is pastor of the Methodist church. He is a justice of the peace ; resides at No. 21 Chestnut street, Chelsea, Mass. Child by first wife : (a) Arthur Mel- villes, b. Oct. 31, 1852 ; d. Oct. 29, 1853. vi. Caroline'^, b. May 7, 1825. 342. James Eastman^ (Ichabods, Roger**, Roger^ John^, Roger'), born in Weare, N. H., Jan. 13, 1788 ; married Elsie Gove. He lived on the homestead in Weare, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Sarah", b. in Weare, N. H., Jan. 26, 1813; m. Abel B. Cram, in 1834. He was a trader in Weare Centre for several years ; was town clerk, and representative in the New Hampshire legislature. He removed to Nashua, N. H., and was chosen representative from that place. Their children died young, ii. Mary'', b. May 24, 1815 ; m. 1st, Ezra Chase, of Deeriiig ; 2d, William Short, of Lowell, Mass. iii. Lelia", b. Oct. 12, 1818 ; m. 1st, L. Chase, of Deering ; 2d, Daniel Andrus, of New Boston ; 3d, William H. Brown, of Weare, N. H. iv. Hannah'^, b. ; d. young. V. Hannah, 2d'', b. June 2, 1821 ; m. Reuben Shepard, of Lempster, N. H. vi. Charles F.^ b. May 12, 1823 ; m. ]\Iary J. Colby. vii. Jonathan', b. Sept. 1, 1825 ; d. Sept. 29, 1828. 839. viii. Squires G.^ b. Sept. 13, 1827. ix. Elsie', b. Jan. 14, 1830 ; m. Daniel Lovering, of Deer- ing, N. H. X. James'', b. Jan. 15, 1832 ; d. young. 840. xi. Ezra', b. Nov. 26, 1834. ICHABOD EASTMAN^, OF WEARE, N. H. 249 344. Ichabod Eastman^ (Ichabod^, Roger'', Roger^ John'', Roger"), born in Weare, N. H., March 17, 1792; married Polly Cross, daughter of Theodore and Susan (Jackman) Cross, of Weare, N. H. He lived in Weare a few years, and then removed to Sunapee, N. H. CHILDREN. 841. i. William W.", b. in Weare, N. H., in 1816 ; m. Hepsey Kelso. 842. ii. Caroline'', b. ; m. Lyman Lattimer. iii. Charles'', b. ; d. young. 345. Sarah Eastman^ (Samuel^, Roger-*, Roger^ John% Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., Sept. 22, 1771 ; married Moses Hazen, born in Rowley, Mass., Aug. 8, 1776; lived at South Weare, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Hannah Hazen', b. ; m. Peter Dearborn, b. June 2, 1801, d. June 24, 1870. Children : (a) Irene H. Dear- born^, b. June 8, 1824 ; m. Jesse N. Gould ; (b) Mary Ann Dearborn^, b. Feb. 10, 1830, d. about 2 years of age ; (c) Sarah Jane Dearborn s, b. Aug. 23, 1832 ; m. •Jonathan Buxton, b. 1830. He was in trade at South Weare, X. H. She had one child : (1) Alphonso C. Bux- ton^, b. 1857 ; m. Sarah E. Thorpe, and had son Alphonso^", b. 1877. Alphonso C. died in 1877. Hannah Hazen died June 24, 1834, and Mr. Dearborn m. 2d, Hannah Gould, who died Aug. 7, 1886. She had two children. ii. Irene Hazen', b. ; m. John Dearborn, b. Feb. 6, 1808, d. Nov. 7, 1878, son of Josiah and Susannah (Emerson) Dearborn. His wife died Oct. 24, 18.30. She had one son : (a) Elbridge H. Dearborn^, b. April, 1829, d. Feb. 10, 1833. He married 2d, 1834, Marilla Philbrick, who died May 7, 1886. 346. Samuel Eastman^ (Samuel^, Roger^, Roger^ John% Roger'), born in Weare, N. H., in 1784 ; died in 1847 ; niar- ried Betsey Bailey. He resided in Weare and owned the Asa 18 250 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Sargent farm, in the " Gore." He sold and bought the Rev. Amos Wood place, lot one, range two, in Weare, and owned later by his son. CHILDREN. 843. i. Daniel B.^, b. in Weare, N. H., July 4, 1812. 844. ii. Josiah B.^ b. in Weare, July 19, 1814. 845. iii. Eliza B.^, b. Dec. 3, 1816 ; ui. David Buxton, iv. Miriam S.'^, b. Sept. 9, 1819 ; ni. David Buxton. 347. Thomas Eastman^ (Samuel^, Roger'', Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Weare, N. H., in 1784 ; died Nov. 26, 1870 ; married ist, Asenath Hoyt ; she died in 1823, aged 27 ; 2d, Abiah Muzzy, died in 1853, aged ^J . Thomas was a soldier in the war of 1812-14. CHILDREN ALL BY FIRST WIFE. 846. 1. Francis^ b. in Weare, N. H., May 12, 1820 ; m. Abbie G. Tewksbury. 847. ii. SamueF, b. in Weare, N. H., Nov. 10, 1821 ; m. Fidelia Nichols. 348. Timothy Eastman^ (Isaac^, Roger-*, Roger^, John% Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., Aug. 16, 1778; settled in Walden, Vt. CHILDREN. i. OliveT, b. . ii. Hannah'^, b. iii. Isaac'^, b. — 848. iv. Thomas^ b. in 1800. 349. Samuel Eastman^ (Isaacs, Roger-*, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., Sept. 19, 1787; died in Newbury, Vt., Aug. 4, 1855 ; married Nancy Eastman, born July 30, 1788, died Sept. 21, 1845. They both lie in the cemetery near the lime kiln, in Topsham, Vt. He married 2d, Emeline, daughter of Jacob Bayley, born June 30, 1802, and died Jan. 30, 1869. After Samuel's death she married NICHOLAS EASTMAN^, OF NEWTON, N. H. 25 I Abiel Chamberlain. Mr. Eastman lived on the homestead in Newton till 1826, when he removed to Newbury, Vt., and settled at the lime kiln, where Mr. C. B. Fisk now lives (1899). CHILDREN. 849. i. Bernard^ b. in Newton, N. H., March 19, 1809 ; d. Nov. 18, 1889. 850. ii. Isaac", b. in Newton, N. H., Jan. 11, 1812. iii. Sarah', b. in Newton, Feb. 5, 1814 ; m. Archibald Miller. 851. iv. Harriett", b. in Newton, March 5, 1816. V. Emily^ b. in Newton, May 6, 1818 ; d. 1876 ; m. William Randall, vi. Betsey", b. in Newton, May .30, 1821 ; d. Aug. 25, 1846. vii. Alvira'^, b. in Newton, Oct. 20, 1823 ; m. Wyatt Perkins. She married 3 times. viii. SamueF, b. in Newbuiy, Vt., Sept. 11, 1826 ; d. Aug., 1829. 852. ix. Samuel S.\ b. in Newbury, Vt., Feb. 11, 1830. 350. Nicholas Eastman'' (Isaac', Roger-*, Roger^, John% Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., Sept. 8, 1789; died in Landaff, N. H., June 18, 1865 ; married ist, April 20, 1 8 18, Betsey Abbott, who died in child birth of her first child, Jan. 22, 1819 ; he married 2d, Oct. 19, 1820, Hannah George; died in Lisbon, N. H., Feb. 14, 1S56. CHILDREN. 1. S. Abbotf^, b. in Bath, N. H. ; d. four years of age. n. Betsey Abbott", b. in Sugar Hill, N. H., March 25, 1822 ; d. June 25, 1890 ; m. Israel Young, of Landaff, N. H. iii. Isaac^ b. in Lisbon, N. H., May 18, 1823; d. May 23, 1865, in Lisbon ; m. Mary Townes ; lived in Lisbon, iv. Charles Oats^ b. Oct. 25, 1824; d. Oct. 4, 1893; m. Ella J. Carroll, sister of Lysander Carroll, of Concord, N. H. ; he had no children. V. Horace", b. Aug. 13, 1826 ; d. seven years of age. vi. Horace'^, b. Feb. 21, 1832 ; d. young, vii. George Oscar^, b. June 6, 1837 ; lives in Landaff, N. H., with his brother-in-law, Israel Young ; he is unm. 252 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 351. Hannah Eastman^ (Nicholas^ Roger'*, Roger^, John-, Roger'), born in Francestown, N. H., April 4, 1792 ; married Aug. 31, 181 3, Abijah Spaulding, born in Merri- mack, N. H., March 18, 1787; died Sept. 21, 1867. Mr. Spaulding purchased a farm in Andover, Vt., and went there to reside immediately after his marriage. After remaining a short time, he removed to Amherst, N. H., thence to Litch- field, N. H., thence to Lyndeborough, N. H., and in April, 1824, to Dunstable, now Nashua, N. H. This was the year the work commenced on the factories. He lived to see the place grow from a small village to a most thriving city. The life of Mr. Spaulding was one of great changes and some heavy misfortunes. He was genial in his nature, kind hearted in all neighborly relations, and generous to a fault. CHILDREN. i. Elenor Meriel", b. in Litchfield, N. H., Nov. 15, 1816 ; d. July 29, 1825. 853. ii. Sarah Heale^ b. in Merrimack, N. H., Sept. 2, 1818. • 854. iii. Samuel Jones', b. in Lyndeborough, N. H., Dec. 11, 1820. 855. iv. Elizabeth Goodrich', b. March 27, 1824. 856. V. Mary Bowers', b. in Nashua, N. H., June 16, 1827. vi. Josiah Oscar', b. July 5, 1829 ; d. March 28, 1830. vii. Gershom Fay', b. Feb. 1, 1831 ; d. March 11, 1862 ; unm. 352. Hannah Hunt^ (Hannah Eastman^, Roger'', Roger^, John% Roger'), born in Kingston, N. H., May 29, 1758 ; died in Weare, N. H., Dec. 31, 1859, aged one hundred and one years, seven months, two days ; married at the age of nineteen years, Jonathan Peaslee, born in Weare, N. H., April 2, 1755 ; died in Weare, N. H., in 1794, son of Gen. Nathaniels and Mary (Colby) Peaslee, Joseph'*, John^ Joseph^, Joseph'. He was a farmer ; lived in Weare, N. H. Jona- than Peaslee was killed by falling down the cellar stairs and breaking his neck, in 1794. On the anniversary of Mrs. Peaslee's one hundredth birthday, between seventy and ROGER SARGENT^ OF NEWTON, N. H. 253 eighty of her children and relatives met at her house and celebrated the day. She was a kind and benevolent woman, loved and respected by all who knew her. CHILDREX. i. Stephen Peaslee", b. 1778; vmm. ii. Jonathan Peaslee", b. May, 1780; unm. iii. Lydia Peaslee", b. Aug. 4, 1782 ; m. Benjamin Huzzy. iv. Sarah Peaslee", b. ; m. Benjamin Twiss ; removed to New York. V. Hannah Peaslee", b. ; m. Ezekiel Morse ; settled in Moultonborough, N. H. vi. Miriam Peaslee'^, b. ; m. Jeremiah Twiss; removed to New York. vii. Abner Peaslee", b. ; m. Betsey Patch ; resides in Weare, N. H. ; seven children. viii. Nathaniel Peaslee", b. 1792 ; m. Sally Patch ; resided in Weare, N. H. Abner has a grandson, Herbert J. Peaslee, who is station agent at Franklin Falls, N. H 353. Roger Sargent^ (Jane Eastman^, Roger'*, Roger^ John^ Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., April 13, 1759; died in Pleasant Run, Ohio, July 12, 1839 ; married Dec. 17, 1779, Elizabeth Bartlett, of Newton. She died Sept. 11, 1819, at Venice, Ohio, buried in Hamilton, Ohio. He was a farmer and millwright ; he was one of the first settlers in Bath, N. H. CHILDREN. Roger Sargent", b. 1780 (?). Moses Sargent", b. 1782. Stephen Sargent", b. Feb. 4, 1785. Emery Sargent", b. Jan. 4, 1790. Ichabod Sargent", b. 1792. Elizabeth Sargenf, b. ; d. . Jane Sargent", b. Oct. 29, 1795; m. July 29,1820, Enoch Bond, a merchant of Venice and Mendota, Ohio; she d. 1881. Children: (a) John R. S. Bond^, b. ; (b) Mary E. Bonds, b. ; d. ; (c) Jane S. Bond^, b. 1827 ; (d) Emery S. Bonds, b. 1828 ; (e) Ellen B. Bond^, b. Jan. 12, 18.39 ; m. William Parker, an editor ; resides at Rock Falls, 111. viii. Michael B. Sargent", b. 1797 ; graduated from Dartmouth, 1817 ; a lawyer, and d. in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1830. 857. i. 858. ii. 859. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. 254 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 354. David Sargent^ (Jane Eastmans, Roger^, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., Oct. 7, 1763 ; died in Newton, in Sept., 1854 ; married April 13, 1791, Sarah Fevor, born in Newton, 1763 ; died March 22, 1855. They resided in Newton, where they both died and were buried. CHILDREN. i. John Sargent'', b. June 27, 1791. ii. Nancy Sargent", b. March 8, 1798 ; d. . iii. Tappan Sargent'', b. May 15, 1797. iv. Timothy Sarg■ent^ b. April 15, 1806. V. Joseph F. Sargent^ b. Aug. 20, 1809. 355. Moses Sargent'^ (Jane Eastman^, Roger-*, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., Jan. 8, 1776 ; died Nov. I, 1842; married ist, Anna ; 2d, widow Sally (Durfee) Lamos, born in Cornwall, Conn. ; died Jan. 21, 1869. They settled in Lincoln, Vt., where their children were born. CHILDREN. i. Ruth S. Sargenf, b. ; ra. Elihue Roberts. ii. Sewell Sargent^ b. Dec. 11, 1802 ; d. 1824. iii. Joseph Sargenf, b. July 9, 1816. iv. Moses Sargenf, b. April 2, 1817. V. Daniel H. Sargent^ b. Feb. 26, 1821. vi. Chase L. Sargenf, b. Sept. 1, 1825. 356. Jonathan Sargent^ (Jane Eastman^, Roger-*, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Newton, N. H., July 26, 1780; died Feb. 6, 1874; married Miriam Currier, of Newton, where he lived and died ; he was a farmer. CHILDREN BORN IN NEWTON. i. Nancy Sargenf, b. Aug. 6, 1808 ; m. William Bagley, of Xewton. ii. Sally Sargenf, b. April 2, 1810 ; m. 1831, Israel Gale, M. D., of Deerfield. iii. Richard Sargenf, b. April 30, 1812. ENOS EASTMAN 1358). ELIJAH EASTMAN^, OF RUPERT, VT. 255 357. Elijah Eastman^ (Enochs, Jonathan-*, Roger^, John% Roger"), born in Rupert, Vt., June 24, 1780; died Sept. 25, 1842 ; married Charlotte Baldwin. CHILDREN. 860. i. Dorsoiv, b. 1«06. ii. Le Grand'', b. June 20, 1808 ; he is unm. and resides at No. 82 Church street, Rutland, Vt. (1899). 358. Enos Eastman^ (Enochs Jonathan-*, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in East Rupert, Vt., Aug. 20, 1786 ; died in Ellisburg, N. Y., April 13, 1865 ; married in East Rupert, Dec. 28, 1808, Vashti Green, born in Tinmouth, Vt., Sept. 4, 1788 ; died in Ellisburg, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1823 ; daughter of David Green and Vashti his wife. Mr. Green removed to Byron, N. Y. Mr. Eastman married 2d, March 24, 1824, Charity Woodward ; he was town assessor and poor master ; member of the " New Jerusalem " church. Charity was the daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Ferrington) Woodward. CHILDREN. 861. i. Austin", b. in East Rupert, Vt., Oct. 11, 1809 ; d. March 11, 1890. 862. ii. Cyrus", b. July 6, 1811 ; d. Jan. 11, 1898. 863. iii. Lamira", b. June 28, 1813 ; d. March 17, 1890. iv. Orilla Wood", b. in Ellisburg, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1815; d. unm. 864. V. La Fayette^ b. Jan. 22, 1819 ; d. April 25, 1898. 865. vi. Enos, Jr.", b. Oct. 27, 1821. vii. A daughter, nameless", b. Nov. 30, 1823 ; d. young. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. viii. A son, nameless", b. April 18, 1825 ; d. . 866. ix. Enoch Rising", b. in Ellisburg, N. Y., July 26, 1826 ; d. April 10, 1889. 867. X. Charles Benjamin", b. June 14, 1828 ; d. Sept. 2, 1897. 868. xi. William Heury^ b. Aug. 26, 1830. xii. Vashti Elizabeth", b. May 17, 1832 ; d. young. 869. xiii. Lois", b. Sept. 10, 1834. xiv. Charity Elizabeth", b. July 14, 1836. 256 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 359. Elias Eastman^ {Enochs, Jonathan^, Rogers John^, Roger'), born in East Rupert, Vt., Feb. 26, 1788 ; died in West Derby, Vt., Aug. 28, 1865, and buried there ; married in Dorset, Vt., Jan. 9, 18 17, Mary Dunton, born in Dorset, Vt, Oct. 31, 1794 ; died in Lowell, Mass., in June, 1878, and buried beside her husband; about 1840, he removed to Barford, Stanstead county, Canada, where he carried on farming until the last two years of his life, when he removed to West Derby, Vt. CHILDREN. 870. i. Chole Ulissa", b. in Dorset, Vt., Oct. 16, 1822 ; d. in Hold- rege, Neb., Nov. 11, 1895; m. Samuel Child, b. in Barnston, Canada, June 9, 1819. ii. Mary Melissa^ b. in Coventry, Vt., Feb. 28, 1833 ; married Mr. Gushing ; he d. in Canada ; she had no children, iii. Asa Baldwin", b. in Coventry, Vt., Aug. 5, 1835 ; m. Nancy Jane Lary ; she resides in Westford, Mass. 360. Justin Eastman'' (Enochs Jonathan-*, Roger^ John^ Roger'), born in Rupert, Vt., Oct. 31, 1791 ; died in Belle- ville, Wis. ; married Thirza ; she died in Milwaukee, Wis., at the age of ninety years. CHILDREN. i. Sarah", b. ; m. Van Rensselaer Pettis ; she d. in Iowa, leaving two children : (a) Charles, (b) Jannette. ii. Thirza', b. ; m. Philander Dodge ; d. in Milwaukee, and she in South Haven, Mich. Children : (a) Philan- der, (b) Judson. 871. iii. James", b. ; he died in the army during the civil war. iv. Lucy Elvira'^, b. ; m. Steph Gray. 872. V. Nancy Ann'', b. in Oswego county, N. Y., April 9, 1820. vi. Enoch', b. . vii. Margaret Maria", b. ; m. Allen Edson ; residence Sun Prairie, Wis. 361. Meriam Eastman'' (Enochs, Jonathan-*, Roger^, John% Roger'), born in Rupert, Vt., Aug. 6, 1795 ; married Simon Fletcher, born Sept. 6, 1798 ; died in Chester, N. Y., March 17, 1865. He was a Baptist minister; ordained in AARON RISING EASTMAN^ OF EAST RUPERT, VT. 257 Wilton, N. H. ; he preached in several places in New Hamp- shire and Vermont. From early life to his death, he was an earnest and faithful laborer in the cause of the Redeemer. CHILDREN. i. Sarah Maria Fletcher", b. in Wilton, X. H., Aug. 1, 1828. ii. Lewis Fletcher", b. in Grafton, N. H., Oct. 7, 1830. iii. Eleanor Vioma Fletcher", b. in Londonderry, N. H., Nov. 21, 1831. All three of these children died in one week in Jan., 1833. iv. Lenora Fletcher", b. in Chester, N. H., April 14, 1833 ; m. Appleton Lathe ; she graduated from Kew England Female Medical College, and when last known of, was practicing medicine in Cambridgeport, Mass. V. Orlando Fletcher", b. in Bridgeport, Vt., Jan. 24, 1836 ; d. young. vi. Miron Fletcher", b. Feb. 23, 1838; m. March 12,1867, Rose Anthony, resided in North Creek, N. Y. Child- ren : (a) Rose Fletcher^, b. Sept. 3, 1868; (b) Miron Elbridge Fletcher^, b. Oct. 9, 1869. vii. Daniel Eldridge Fletcher", b. in Monkton, Vt., Dec. 25, 1840; he enlisted Aug. 14, 1861, in Company A, Ninety- third New York Volunteers; re-enlisted Oct., 1863; promoted sergeant, and was killed at the battle of the Wilderness. 362. Aaron Rising Eastman^ (Enochs Jonathan*, Roger^ John% Roger'), born in East Rupert, Vt., Sept. 7, 1799; died Oct. 10, 1868 ; married in Dorset, Vt., in 1822, Eunice Woolson, born March 19, 1807 ; died Jan. 11, 1874 ; daugh- ter of Asa and Ann his wife ; he was a farmer and resided in Hannibal, N. Y. CHILD. i. Cyrenus Fuller'', b. Jan. 26, 1824; m. Feb. 23, 1849, Eliza- beth Ann Wilson, d. July 11, 1870; m. 2d, Mariam Malinda Wood, daughter of Amos Eastman Wood ; they live in Woodville, N. Y. Child : (a) Le Gi'and De For- esfs, b. Feb. 15, 1853 ; m. March 10, 1875, Adah Frank- lin Cleveland ; child : (1) Frederick^, b. Nov. 28, 1881 ; residence in Woodville, N. Y. I 258 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 363. Calvin Eastman^ (Enochs, Jonathan-*, Rogers John% Roger'), born m East Rupert, Vt., July 30, 1801 ; died in Wisconsin, May 8, 1871 ; married Adelia Grain. Mr. East- man passed his early married life in Vermont and New York, and later removed to Wisconsin. CHILDREN. i. Laura Crain'^, b. in Dorset, Vt., April 15, 1824 ; d. April 12, 1874 ; m. in Fort Winnebago, Wis., Avery Spicer. Child : (a) Carrie Ardella^, b. in 1864 ; m. March 13, 1883, Elisha B. Maltby ; 4 children. 873. ii. Calvin", b. in Underbill, Vt., Dec. 27, 1828. 874. iii. Sarah Luthera'', b. in Poultney, Vt., Aug. 11, 1835; m. Aaron Sanford. iv. Hiram Cranle^ b. in EUisburg, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1840 ; d. ^larch 4, lb41. 364. Lois Eastman^ (Enochs, Jonathan-*, Roger^ John^ Roger'), born in Rupert, Vt., Sept. 18, 1806; died in Rock Falls, III, July 23, 1893 ; married Simeon Sheldon, of Rupert, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Edgar J. Sheldon", b. ; resides 404 Center street, Man- kato, Minn. ii. Kirk H. Sheldon", b. ; P. O., Station A, Portland, Ore. iii. Maria C. Sheldon'', b. ; resides Sterling, 111. iv. Sarah E. Sheldon'^, b. ; m. a Phelps ; resides Red- lands, Cal. V. Louise K. Sheldon'^, b. — '— ; m. a Saxton ; resides Red- lands, Cal. vi. Corinne Sheldon^, b. in Rupert, Vt., Oct. 29, 1848 ; m. in Rock Falls, 111., Dec. 8, 1874, O. A. Oliver, born in Pal- myra, 111., April 6, 1851, son of John C, born in New- Hampshire, May 3U, 1804, and Lydia (Fello-ws) Oliver, of Sterling, 111. O. A. Oliver is manager and cashier of M. E. Book Concern ; resides in Evanston, 111. Children born in Rock Falls, 111. : (a) Maud L. Oliver^, b. ; (b) Jay C. Oliver^, b. ; (c) Mary B. Oliver^, b. . The births of Lois' children may not be in regular order. 875. 1. ii. 876. iii. iv. V. vi. LUTHER EASTMAN^, OF BRISTOL, VT. 259 365. Luther Eastman^ (Cyprian^, Jonathan^, Roger^ John-, Roger'), born in Bristol, Vt. ; died in Cleveland, O. ; married Lydia Eastman, daughter of Jonathan Eastman by his first wife, Ruth Davis. CHILDREN. Cyprian Dunshee'', b. in Bristol, Vt. Gilbert", b. ; lived in Vermont. Loraine', b. ; ni. Jonathan Vickerv. Abigail", b. ; ni. Harrison Cast, a minister; lived in Ohio. Marilla", b. ; m. ]\Ir. Edison ; lived in Ohio. Luther", b. ; lived in Cleveland, O. 366. Jonathan Eastman*^ (Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Roger^, John^, Roger'), born in Vergennes, Vt. ; married Margaret Truesdale. They resided in Ellsworth, O., where they both died. CHILDREN, William", b. Nov. 1.5, 182.3. James R.'', b. Aug., 1827 ; deceased. Sarah", b. March, 1829 ; m. George Kelly ; no children. Almond b. April 4, 18:31. Joseph'^, b. March, 1883. John^ b. Aug. 22, 1835. , Marilla", b. Oct. 20, 1837; m. a Harroff; resides in Can- field, O. viii. Melissa", b. (twin) ; m. a Hayes. 367. William Dean Eastman'' (Jonathan^, Jonathan'*, Rogers John-, Roger'), born in Bristol, Vt., Sept. ii, 1797 ; died in North Royalton, Cuyahoga county, O., in 1854 ; married Feb. 9, 1823, Lois Harvey, born in Whitehall, N. Y., July 22, 1800, died in Cleveland, O. She was the daughter of Moses and Deborah (Standish) Harvey. Between the birth of his first and second children, in the spring of 1829, he with his widowed mother and child, Rollin, removed to Ohio and settled in the town of R-oyalton, at that time a bit. 1. ii. iii. •878. iv. 879. V. 880. vi. 881. vii. 260 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. wilderness. They started from Vermont with a one-horse chaise and a two-horse team. They were about six weeks on the road. They stopped at Whitehall, N. Y., to visit Mrs. Eastman's parents or friends, the Harveys. They went on to Cleveland, where they found but few houses, perhaps a half dozen at that time, and here they crossed the Cuyahoga creek on a raft, where the viaduct is now. From here they started for their destination, and when they got as far as Parmalee there was no road, and the trees were marked for guidance. At night they could get no further with their team, and so had to leave their wagons and go the rest of the way, about twelve or fifteen miles, on horseback. They rode all night, and arrived in the morning. Here they found friends who went back with ox teams and managed to take their goods and wagons to where they settled. Mr. Eastman built him a nice house where he lived and died, March 27, 1854. CHILDREN. 882. i. Rollin Carlos", b. in Rutland, Vt., Oct. 1, 1825 ; m. Caro- line Searles. ii. Electa^ b. June 7, 1829 ; d. at North Royalton, O., in 1854 ; m. in 1848, Julius Damon. He died in 1894. Had one daughter, who married Frank Tenant ; lives in Michigan. 883. iii. Deborah Ann", b. Oct. 2.5, 1831 ; m. Solomon Searles. He died in Kipton, O., where his widow resides. 884. iv. William Harvey^ b. Feb. 12, 1836; m. in 1863, Sarah Redrup, d. in Washington, D. C, in 1875 ; m. 2d, in Cleveland, O., Sarah Palmer. V. Belinda", b. June 20, 1840 ; m. AVilliam Tompkins, son of a Methodist minister. She died in Georgia, leaving one child, a daughter, who is married and lives in Georgia. vi. Esther", b. April 18, 1844; m. in 1865, Cyrus C. Thomas, of Cleveland, O., where they resided until her death. Mr. Thomas married 2d, and resides at No. 65 Prospect street, Cleveland, O. Children : (a) William^, (b) Allen^, (c) Daisey^. ALMOND EASTMAN^, OF BRISTOL, VT. 26 1 T,68. Almond Eastman^ (Jonathan^, Jonathan^ Roger^, John', Roger'), born in Bristol, Vt., Sept. 28, 1800 ; died in Dundee, Wis., in 1884 ; married in North Royalton, Deborah Searles ; died in Dundee, Wis. Mr. Eastman removed to Ohio when a young man and settled in North Royalton ; married there and soon after removed to Wisconsin, in the fall of 1846, and settled on a farm in Lyndon, where he remained many years ; when late in life he removed to Dun- dee, Fon du Lac county. When he began pioneer life in Wisconsin, he had a family of seven children, and the inhab- itants at that early date were principally Indians, with now and then a white settler. There were ten lodges within sight of his house, and fully one hundred Indians living on the farm when he took possession of it. He was an intelligent and enterprising citizen ; devoted to the interest of the county, taking a prominent part in the government of the same. He was deeply interested in the cause of education, his influence doing much towards establishing excellent schools at an early date. In politics he was a Republican, in religion, an earn- est, humble Christian. CHILDREN. 885. i. Sarah Maria", b. in North Royalton, O., Dec. 9, 1831. ^- ii. Julius Jonathan'^, b. Oct. 29, 1833 ; m. Antoinette Nichol- son. Children : (a) Freeland Ray^, b. ; (b) Arthur RandalP, b. ; (c) Bert Eugene^, b. ;.>(d) Lois*, b. . Julius resides in Tallahassee, Fla. iii. Darwin Ambrose", b. May, 1836; d. in 1851. iv. Charles Eugene'', b. March 17, 1838 ; m. Louisa Ricketts. He enlisted in the fall of 1864 ; died in hospital the nest year. Children : (a) Cecil Edward^, b. ; (b) Henry Eugene^ b. ; both died in infancy. 886. V. Julia Ann", b. May 13, 1840. vi. Mary Ann", b. Dec. 28, 1841 ; m. IMartin G. Lee ; no chil- dren ; reside in Barry, 111. vii. Martha Celesta'^, b. April 5, 1845 ; d. June, 1886 262 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 369. Amos Eastman^ (Stephen^, Jonathan^, Roger^ John% Roger'), born in East Rupert, Vt., Sept. 6, 1790; married Sabrina Eaton, born Nov. 12, 1795. Mr. Eastman' settled in Manchester, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Stephen^ b. Feb. 4, 1817. 887. ii. Nathan B.^ b. Aug. 4, 1819. iii. Leatider J.^ b. Oct. 22, 1821. iv. William W.^ b. May 19, 1824. V. Marion B.^ b. Oct. 25, 1826. vi. Murton A.^ b. Nov. 18, 1829. vii. Almira Z.', b. Feb. 5, 1833. viii. Sabrina G.", b. March 10, 1835. 370. Levi Eastman^ (Stephen^, Jonathan^ Rogers John^ Roger'), born in East Rupert, Vt., June i, 1792 ; died Oct. 13, 1867 ; married Ora Maria Shumway. He lived in Rupert and Dorset, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Smith Jones^ b. in Rupert, Vt., May 16, 1820. 888. ii. Augustus Mortimore'', b. April 6, 1822 ; d. in Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1858. iii. Caroline Amelia", b. in Dorset, Vt., Sept. 6, 1825 ; m. a Roberts. 371. John L. Scott^ (Miriam Eastman', Jonathan'*, Roger^ John% Roger'), born in Bristol, Vt., July i, 1805 ; died in Bristol, Vt., March 7, 1855 ; married Sept. 22, 1828, Martha G. Haseltine, born Sept. 19, 1809, died June 19, 1884. Resided in Bristol, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Salome Scottf^, b. June 15, 1829. ii. Cornelia A. Scott', b. April 28, 1833. 889. iii. Lauren A. Scotf^, b. April 6, 1840 ; d. in California, April 6, 1896. iv. Rolliu A. Scott^ b. March 21, 1843; d. in Bristol, Vt., Feb. 28, 1866. LOIS EASTMAN^, OF BRISTOL, VT. 263 372. Lois P^astman'' (Calving Jonathan^ Rogers John% Roger"), born in Bristol, Vt., Jan. 9, 1788; died in Bristol, Aug. 5, 1850; married March 10, 1816, John Myres, who died in Bristol, Dec. i, 1862. He was a farmer, and resided in Bristol. CHILDREN. i. Olive Myres", b. Dec. 19, ISIG ; d. in Bristol, May 30, 1889 ; in. Charles Stewart; had son Ira, who married Florence Williams, and they had a daughter. Bertha Myres, b. . ii. Clarisa Myres", b. Oct. 19, 1818; m. Sept. 12, 1838, Samuel II. Stewart, b. in Vergennes, Vt., Jan. 16, 1817, d. Nov. 27, 1897 ; no children, iii. Calvin E. Myres^ b. Aug. 11, 1821 ; m. 1st, Sept. 19, 1843, Sarah A. Hoffman, b. Dec. 19, 1822, d. Jan. 8, 1872 ; 2d, June 2, 1875, Hattie L. Sherman. Children by first wife : (a) Ellen Myres^, b. March 9, 1847 ; (b) Emma Myress, b. Jan. 21, 1851, d. April 16, 1872 ; (c) George Myress, b. Feb. 24, 1859 ; (d) John M. Myres^, b. June 11, 1865. Children by second wife: (e) Frederick W. Myress, b. June 2, 1877, d. Sept. 30, 1877 ; (f) Willis Eastman Myres^, b. March 16, 1881 ; (g) Cecil Ezra Myress, b. Feb. 21, 1884. 373. Calvin Eastman^ (Calvins, Jonathan^, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Bristol, Vt., March 20, 1791 ; died in Bristol, July 4, 1862; married in New Haven, V^t., Nov. 12, 18 17, Clarissa Pettibone, born in Lanesboro, Mass., April 30, 1795, died in Bristol, Vt., Nov. 3, 1889. They resided in Bristol, where he was a farmer. CHILDREN. 890. i. Emily Juliette b. Sept. 15, 1818 ; died in Pantou, Vt., May 20, 1896. John Calvin", b. Feb. 27, 1820 ; d. Nov., 1842. James Harvey", b. Dec. 3, 1821 ; d. Dec. 19, 1852. Betsey Eliza^ b. Dec. 20, 1823. Harriet Calista", b. May 28, 1826. Elisha Jackson", b. May 30, 1828 ; m. Jan. 18, 1859, Mari- etta Thomas. Lois Marie^ b. Oct. 18, 1830. Clara E.'^, b. Aug. 4, 1833 ; resides in Bristol, Vt. ; unm. Alfred John", b. March 22, 1840; m. March 27, 1872, Mary Grover ; no children. 11. 891. iii. 892. iv. 893. V. vi. 894. vii. viii. ix. 264 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 374. Abigail Eastman^ (Calvin^, Jonathan"*, Roger^, John^, Roger'), born in Bristol, Vt., June 10, 1792 ; died in Read- ing, Mich. ; married Luman Case, who died in Reading, Mich., where they resided. CHILDREN. i. Calvin Case^ b. ; d. . ii. Eastman W. Case", b. 1816. iii. Laura Case'^, b. ; d. — iv. Sylvia Case'', b. ; d. — 375. Clarisa Eastman^ (Calvin-, Jonathan-*, Roger^ John^, Roger'), born in Bristol, Vt., June 22, 1795 ; married Samuel Eddy. CHILDREN. i. Anna Laurency Eddy'', b. ; d. ii. Melissa Eddy', b. ; d. . iii. Ezra B. Eddy', b. ; d. . iv. Melissa Eddy', b. ; d. . 376. flenry Eastman^ (Olivers, Jonathan'*, Roger^ John% Roger'), born in Bristol, Vt., Oct. 10, 1796 ; died in Zanes- ville, O., March, 1873 ; married Phebe Hall, widow of Ezra Bigelow, born May i, 1795, died in Zanesville, July 17, 1887. They were both buried in Greenwood "Cemetery, Zanesville. He was educated for a doctor, but never prac- ticed. He invented a great many valuable medicines, and was a good chemist, but never had patents. He used his discoveries for the good of the community. He settled in early life in Zanesville, where he always resided. CHILDREN. 895. i. Ezra Bigelow', b. in Zanesville, O., Dec. 22, 1820 ; d. July 21, 1858. 896. ii. George', b. ; m. Mary Sperry. iii. Henry'', b. . iv. Elizabeth', b. 897. V. Sarah', b. March 6, 1833 ; d. July 29, 1860. GUY CARLTON EASTMAN^, OF BRISTOL, VT. 265 377. Guy Carlton Eastman" (Olivers, Jonathan-*, Roger^, John-, Roger'), born in Bristol, Vt., Aug. 15, 1804; died in Napoleon, O., Dec. 25, 1873 ; married Sarah Madison Dyer, born Jan. 28, 1806, died in Delta, O. Her mother was a cousin of President James Madison. Mr. Eastman resided in Canton, N. Y., and removed to Ohio, where he was a mer- chant and farmer. The widow of Edmund Madison says her husband always spoke of his father as Guy Cuyler. CHILDREN. i. Martin H.', b. Aug. 10, 1824. ii. Edmund Dyer", b. April 9, 1826. 897a. iii. Harry^ b. in Canton, N. Y., May 29, 1830. iv. Oliver^ b. Feb. 22, 1832. 897b. V. Edmund Madison", b, June 27, 1834. vi. Sarah Philina", b. June 12, 1838. 3 78. Cynthia Hewett Eastman^ (Amos^, Jonathan-*, Roger^, John-, Roger"), born in Bristol, Vt., Nov. 10, 1796; died March 18, 1871 ; married Benjamin Atwood, born Dec, 1791, died Sept. 3, 1882. They settled in Cornwall, Vt. CHILDREN. 898. i. John Quiucy Atwood", b. in Cornwall, Vt., Aug. 3, 1825. 899. ii. William Benjamin Atwood^, b. in Cornwall, Vt., Oct. 9, 1832. iii. Amos Eastman Atwood", b. May 11, 1828; m., but no children, iv. Morianna Cynthia Atwood", b. April 9, 1835. 379. George Clinton Van Vetchten Eastman^ (Amos^, Jonathan^, Roger^ John-, Roger'), born in Bristol, Vt., July 22, 1807; died in Benton Harbor, Mich., March 5, 1896; married in Sept., 1834, Minerva Hitchcock, a native of Kings- bury, N. Y. She died in Burlington, Vt., in 1878. Married 2d, Mrs. Margaret Cook, of Virginia, who survives him. She was the daughter of Peter Hay, a resident of the Old Domin- ion. Dr. Eastman spent his boyhood in Addison county> 19 266 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Vt., and prepared for college in the academy at Middlebury, after which he entered the college at that place, being grad- uated in 1829. In 1880, his Alma Mater conferred upon him the degree of D, D., and about the same time he received the degree of S. T. D., from Trinity College, at Hartford, Conn. At Marblehead, Mass., he was ordained in 1834 to the priesthood, the impressive ceremony being performed in St. Michael's church by the Rt. Rev. Mr. Griswold, at that time bishop of the New England states, excepting Rhode Island. Dr. Eastman served as rector in churches of Massa- chusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New York, Vermont, Kansas, and Michigan, as well as in Canada. In politics he was a Democrat, with Prohibition sympathies. About fifty years ago he became a member of the Masonic order, belonging to the Commandery at Montpelier, Vt., and filled the position of Grand Prelate of the Grand Commandery of Vermont, for a period of two years. He took the Commandery degree at Saratoga, N. Y. He had also taken the fourteen degrees of the Scottish Rite Masonry, being a member of the Lodge of Perfection. For a number of years he held fraternal rela- tions with the I. O. O. F. In 1884, he removed to Michi- gan and became pastor of the Holy Trinity Mission, at Ben- ton Harbor, there being no church edifice there at that time. Through his efforts funds were secured, and a comfortable brick church was erected, and he remained its pastor until June, 1 89 1, when he retired from the ministry, after having spent fifty-seven years in pastoral work. Dr. Eastman went to pay a visit to his native place in 1891, after giving up active work in the ministry, and while there he suffered a slight stroke of paralysis, and was for some time quite ill. He returned home as soon as able to travel. In June, 1895, he suffered another shock of paralysis, from which he never recovered. The following September he fell and broke his ankle, which was a severe shock to his enfeebled constitution. EPHRAIM wood'', OF MIDDLETOWN, VT. 26/ He recovered somewhat from the accident, and was able to sit around the house most of the time until about a week before his death, which marked the close of an active, useful life, that deserv^es the highest reward eternity can give. He was a great Hebrew scholar, well versed in Greek and Latin. He was buried in Lake View Cemetery, in Burlington, Vt. CHILD. 900. i. Hetty Elizabeth Hart", b. in Litchfield, Conn., May 9, 1845. 380. Ephraim Wood" (Ephraim Wood^, Miriam Eastman'*, Roger^, John-, Roger'), born in Middletown, Vt., April 15, 1780; died in Woodville, O., Sept. 13, i860 ; married Han- nah Dean. CHILDREN. i, Amos Eastman Wood", b. . He was a member of congress from Ohio, about 1850. ii. A son", who married and left children in Ohio, iii. Two daughters. • o' 381. Hannah Wood*^ (Ephraim Wood^, Miriam Eastman'*, Roger^, John-, Roger'), born in Middletown, \^t., March 3, 1784; died Nov. 3, 18 15; married in 1800, Jonathan Scott. CHILDREN. i. Basha Scott", b. ; was drowned previous to 1810. ii. Ephraim Wood Scott", b. Aug. 26, 1803 ; m. ; and has two sons living in Stockbridge, Wis. : Henry Scott^, b. ; and San ford INIerton Scott^, b. . iii. Simeon Titus Scott", b. ; d. of small pox. iv. O. Brewster Scott", b. March 26, 1807. V. Jonathan Eastman Scott", b. Dec. 25, 1811. vi. Henry Dearborn Scott", b. March 20, 1814 ; he married and has a son, Henry Ephraim Scott^ b. ; about fifty years of age, living with his mother in Chicago, 111. 382. Amos Eastman Wood^ (Ephraim Woods, Miriam Eastman-*, Rogers John% Roger'), born in Middletown, Vt., Dec. 12, 1787; died in Woodville, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1863; 268 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. married in Woodville, N. Y., Jan. 31, 18 19, Hannah Bean, born in Chester, Vt., March 26, 1790 ; died in Woodville, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1889. Mr. Wood was a farmer and resided in Woodville. CHILDREN. 901. i. Elvira Ainirilla Wood^, b. in Woodville, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1819. 902. ii. Simeon Titus Wood", b. Dec. 24, 1821. 903. iii. Amos Freeman Wood", b. May 11, 1824. iv. Rachel Marina Wood^ b. Dec. 28, 1826. V. Maria Melinda Wood^ b. Aug. 14, 1829. vi. Mary Elizabeth Wood% b. Dec. 16, 1831. 383. Parthenia Wood^ (Ephraim Wood^, Miriam East- man^, Roger^, John-, Roger'), born in Middletown, Vt., Oct. 16, 1791 ; died in Wisconsin, March 19, 1888 ; married April 2, 1S09, George Jenkins ; they removed to Wisconsin. CHILDREN. i. Esther Wood Jenkins'', b. in Woodville, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1810. ii. Lydia Orinda Jenkins^, b. Jan. 18, 1816. iii. George Averill Jenkins'', b. May 19, 1818. iv. Alvin Wood Jenkins", b. July 26, 1820. V. Daniel Hicks Jenkins^ b. Dec. 27, 1822. The latter is living in Woodville, N. Y. 384. Louisa Wood^ (Ephraim Woods, Miriam Eastman^ Roger^, John-, Roger"), born in Woodville, N. Y., June 3, 1803 ; married Jan. 31, 1819, Asa Carpenter, son of Samuel and Sibyl (Alton) Carpenter, both born in Connecticut. They resided in Sandy Creek, N. Y. Married 2d, Sukey Robbins. CHILDREN. i. Sybil Carpenter^, b. March 22, 1820. ii. Miriam Carpenter'', b. Feb. 16, 1822 ; m. Enos Eastman. (No. 865). iii. Syreno Carpenter'', b. April 24, 1824 ; resides in Plymouth, Wis. POLLY WOOD^, OF MIDDLETOWX, VT. 269 iv. Amy Carpenter', b. IMay 5, 1826 ; resides iu Plynioutli, "Wis. V. Asa Carpenter", b. Dec. 26, 1829 ; resides in Plymouth, Wis. vi. Esther Louisa Carpenter'^, b. March 2.5, 1832 ; resides Plymouth, Wis. vii. Hannah Partheua Carpenter", b. April 12, 18.36. viii. Ebenezer R. Carpenter", b. April 26, 1842 ; resides on the home farm at Sandy Creek, N. Y. 385. Polly Wood^ (Ebenezer Wood^ Miriam Eastman'*, Roger^ John^ Roger'), born in Middletown, Vt., Oct. 25, 1799; died in Woodville, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1831 ; married in 18 17, Oliver Batchelder, born in Brookfield, Mass., Dec. 31, 1786, died in Woodville, N. Y. He married 2d, 1833, Eliz- abeth Doyle, and she died in 1835, ^^^ ^^ married 3d, in 1837, Polly Clark, who died in 1862. Mr. Batchelder resided in Woodville, N. Y., and was a blacksmith. CHILDREN. i. Abigail Batchelder", b. Aug. 5, 1819 ; m. Feb. 7, 1844, Henry Dutcher ; she died Aug., 1864. Child : (a) Lydia Malvina Dutcher^, b. Aug. 1, 184 — ; d. , aged eighteen years ; unm. 904. ii. Ebenezer Batchelder", b. Nov. 7, 1824. iii. Lydia Malvius Batchelder", b. Dec. 5, 1825 ; d. Oct. 4, 1843. iv. Cordelia Batchelder", b. Xov. 10, 1822 ; m. Jan. 18, 1843, Benjamin F. Waterman, b. Aug. 10, 1820; d. Jan. 14, 1896 ; resided at Athena, Oregon. Children : (a) Her- bert Burdett Waterman^ b. Jan. 8, 1844 ; m. Oct. 4, 1870 ; resides in Rutland, Iowa ; no children ; (b) Eben- ezer S. Waterman^, b. ; m. Sept. 25, 1878 ; resides in Athena, Oregon. Child : (1) Earl B. Waterman^, b. Mr. Batchelder had other children by his other wives. 386. Ebenezer Wood^ (Ebenezer Wood=, Miriam East- man^, Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Woodville, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1811 ; died Feb. i, 1885; married Oct. 8, 1825, Lamira Eastman, born June 28, 181 1, died March 17, 1890, daughter of Enos and Vashti (Green) Eastman. He resided in Woodville, N. Y. 2/0 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Jacob Harley Wood", b. Feb. 2, 1837 ; residence in Wood- ville, N. Y. ii. Vashti AbigaiF, b. Aug. 7, 1838 ; m. Kendrick C. Little- field, Dec. 23, 1863; d. in Brookfield, Mo., March 1, 1879, and her body bi'ought to Woodville, where she was buried ; she had no children. iii. Phebe Loretta Wood^ b. Aug. 14, 1841 ; lives in AVood- ville ; unm. iv. Charles Augustus Wood^ b. June 1, 1852: d. March 20, 1854. 387. William Harrison Wood^ (Ebenezer Woods, Miriam Eastman*, Roger^, John% Roger"), born in Woodville, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1814 ; died in Woodville, N. Y., May 6, 1894 ; mar- ried March 8, 1841, Phidelia Rachel Convers, born Dec. 3, 1820. Mr. Wood resided in Woodville, N. Y, CHILDREN. i. Ella Florence Wood^ b. March 8, 1849 ; m. Oct., 1871, Arthur J. Wheelock. ii. Clarence Eugene Wood", b. June 7, 1851 ; m. July 24, 1890, Minnie Pease. Child : (a) William Clarence Woods, b. . iii. Eva Irena W^ood^ b. May 21, 1853 ; ra. March 14, 1877, Alva C. Laird; she died June 7, 1881, leaving (a) Wil- liam Sheldon Laird^, b. ; d. ; (b) Harrison Clarence Laird^, b. . iv. William Henry Harrison Wood, Jr.'^, b. Jan. 15, 1856 ; d. in Blissfield, Mich., Oct. 18, 1877, buried in WoodvUle, N. Y. V. Stella Wood^ b. July 15, 1858 ; resides in Chicago, vi. Charles F. Wood^ b. Oct. 28, 1860 ; m. Oct. 5, 1892, in Olean, N. Y., Florence Katherine Painter ; resides in Detroit, Mich. vii. Frank Arthur Wood^ b. Aug. 20, 1865 ; m. June 18, 1890, in Sandy Creek, N. Y., Fanny Caroline Salisbury; resides in Woodville, N. Y. viii. Lottie Eliza Wood^ b. Oct. 18, 1869 ; d. Dec. 1, 1889. All born in Woodville, N. Y. i NATHANIEL WOOD", OF WOODVILLE, N. Y. 2/1 388. Nathaniel Wood'^ (Ebenezer Woods, Miriam East- man-*, Rogers John-, Roger"), born in Woodville, N. Y., June 22, 1816; married in Woodville, June 12, 1842, Flora Clark, born in Middletown, N. Y., April 26, 1823, daughter of Milton and Amelia (Willard) Clark, of Mid- dletown, N. Y. Mr. Wood resides in Woodville, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. George ]Milton Wood^ b. May 22, 1843; m. Feb. 7, 1867, Frances Eulala Littlefield. Mr. Wood is a merchant and postmaster in Woodville, N. Y. Children : (a) Fanny Wood^, b. ; (b) George Milton Wood^, b. . ii. Xathaniel Wood, Jr.'^, b. Xov. 6, 1846 ; m. Sept, 3, 1875, Mary Ensworth Eaton. Child : (a) Nathaniel Eatou Wood^, b. ; Mr. Wood is a merchant, residing in Woodville, N. Y. 389. Mary Eastman" (Stephen^, Samuel"*, Roger^, John^, Roger',) born in Hawke, now Danville, N. H., Jan. 13, 1770 ; died April 23, 1 82 1 ; married Jan. 13, 1788, Daniel Morse, born in Hampstead, N. H., April 22, 1763, died Jan. i, 1839, son of Lieutenant Edmund and Rachel (Rowell) Morse. Daniel Morse was a Revolutionary soldier. He lived in Hampstead, and perhaps in Canaan, or Hanover, N. H. CHILDREN. Silas Marshall Morse", b. Sept. 5, 1788 ; d. 1789. Silas Marshall Morse, 2d^ b. March 25, 1790 ; d. 1868. Lucinda Burdick Morse", b. May 7, 1792 ; d. 1882. Rachel Morse", b. Jan. 13, 1795 ; d. 1871(?). Irena Smith Morse'', b. Sept. 17, 1796 ; d. aged 7 years. Mary Eastman Morse^ b. March 25, 1800 ; d. 1845. Louisa Morsel b. Feb. 24, 1802 ; d. 1876. Daniel Morse^ b. March 12, 1804 ; d. 1878. Irena Smith Morse, 2d", b. July 20, 1807 ; d. 1866. Chastina Sophronia Morse'', b. April 6, 1810. Almira Morse'', b. June 19, 1812; d. 1868; m. 18-37, J. Blake, who died in 1873. They had 6 children, but only two were living in 1882. 1. 905. ii. 906. iii. 907. iv. V. 908. vi. 909. vii. 910. viii. 911. ix. 912. X. xi. 2/2 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 390. James Eastman^ (Stephens, Samuel'', Roger^, John^ Roger'), born in Hawke, now Danville, N. H., April 28, 1780; died Dec. 17, 185 i ; married Polly French, born Dec. 29, 1787, died July 13, 1874. He resided in Enfield, N. H. CHILDREN. 913. i. Ira O.^ b. Jan. 27, 1807 ; d. Sept. 30, 1879. 914. ii. Sophronia^ b. July 31, 1808; d. May 10, 1871; in. Daniel L. Smith, iii. Miriam', b. June 24, 1810 ; d. April 24, 1865 ; m. Aaron Kidder, of Bristol. 915. iv. Larnard Lamb", b. in Hanover, N. H., March 13, 1813. V. Rhoda F.', b. May 11, 1815 ; died Nov. 4, 1884 ; m. Benja- min Piper, of Hanover, N. H. vi. Stephen", b. Feb. 10, 1818 ; d. at Hanover, N. H., March 14, 1858 ; m. in 1846, Laura L. Lovering, of Loudon, N. H. They had no children. He was licensed to preach in 1842 ; admitted on trial at the New England Conference in 1846 ; ordained deacon by Bishop of Hedding, at Manchester, June 25. 1848, and elder by Bishop Morris, at Xewmarket, May 12, 1850. He preached at Hopkinton, N. H., 184.5-6 ; Charlestown, and at North Charlestown, N. H., 1847; Walpole, N. H., 1848-9 ; Alexandria, Hebron, and Groton, N. H., 1850-1 ; superannuated in 1853. 916. vii. Janies^ b. Jan. 1, 1820. viii. Richard B.", b. March 19, 1822. ix. Jonathan F.^ b. April 17, 1824 ; d. April 23, 1871 ; never married. 917. X. Mary F.", b. March 25, 1826 ; m. George W. Smith, of Enfield, N. H. xi. Moses F.", b. Jan. 12, 1830 ; d. June 1, 1843. 391. Sumner Eastman^ (John^, Thomas^, Thomas^, John^, Roger'), born in Bridgewater, N. H., Jan. 10, 1806 ; died in Glen Sutton, P. O., Jan. 16, 1861 ; married ist, Jane Miller ; 2d, Hannah Ayres. He lived and died in Glen Sutton, P. O. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. 918. i. Albert^ b. in Glen Sutton, P. Q., Dec. 27, 1827. ii. Elvira^ b. Jan. 16, 1830 ; d. April, 1875 ; m. Thomas Dol- liver. BETSEY EASTMAN*', OF BRIDGEWATER, N. H. 2/3 CHILDREX I5Y SKCOND WIFT. iii. Judith", b. in Glen Sutton, P. Q., .March 31, 1833. 919, iv. Sunnier, b. Feb. 23, 1838 ; d. in Montreal, March 20, 189.5. 920. V. James Ayre", b. Jan. 4, 1845 ; d. in Monsouville, P. Q., May 2, 1871. 392. Betsey Eastman'' (John^, Thomas-*, Thomas^ John^ Roger'), born in Bridgevvater, N. H. ; married Stephen D. Leavitt. CHILDREN. 1. Bradley G. Leavitt", b. ; d. . ii. John E. Leavitt", b. ; d. iii. Stephen Leavitt", b. ; resided in Glen Sutton, P. Q. iv. Mary E. Leavitt", b. ; m. a Gross ; resided in Glen Sut- ton, P. Q. V. Noah D. Leavitt", b. ; d. . 393. Valentine Eastman'' (John^, Thomas^ Thomas^ John^ Roger'), born in Bridgewater, N. H., March 20, 18 14 ; died in Troy, Vt., Jan. 5, 1892 ; married Adelia Dodge. She died in Potton, P. O., Sept. 15, 1900, where she was living with her daughter, Mrs. King. She was buried beside her husband in Troy, Vt. Mr. Eastman resided in Troy, where his children were born. He learned the blacksmith's trade, but afterwards the machinist's trade. He worked in Waterloo, P. O., for fourteen years, at the same time his family resided in Troy. CHILDREN. i. Auneta J.", b, Oct. 2, 1839 ; in. Xelsou Fisher, from whom she was divorced, when she m. 2d, E. Perkins : had sou by first husband, Clarence Fisher^ ; b. ; resides in Battle Creek, Mich. : unm. ii. Mary Jane", b. Xov. 9, 1841 ; m. 1st, Edward Duuwoody; 2d, in Boston, Mass., about the date of her mother's death, Gridley Colburn, with whom she kept company previous to her first marriage. They had a misunder- standing, drifted apart, both married, lost their partners, met after a separation of forty years, and finally were married and reside in Boston, Mass. She had no children. 274 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 921. iii. Selden Vernon^ b. May 16, 1846. iv. Louise M.'^, b. Oct. 7, 1849 ; m. Titus Brown ; resides in Potton, P. Q. V. Melviu C.'', b. June 20, 1850 ; d. young ; unm. ■ vi. Laura A.", b. Aug. 17, 1855 ; d. ; m. Thomas King. vii. Ludella^ b. Aug. 20, 1858 ; m. Thomas King ; resides in Potton, P. Q. 394. Amanda Eastman*" (John^, Thomas-*, Thomas^ John% Roger'), born March 26, 1817 ; died in Rochester, N. H., March 24, 1888; married Dec. 24, 1837, Levi Meader, died Sept. 25, 1 88 5. They resided in Rochester, N. H. CHILDREN. 922. i. Stephen C. Meader", b. in Rochester, N. H., Dec. 14, 1840 ; m. in Sept. 1870, EfRe Seavey, b. in July, 1849. 923. ii. Valentine Eastman Meader", b. in Rochester, N. H., July 8, 1842 ; in. jMartha Ellen Carker ; resides in Central Falls, R. I. 924. iii. Charles Henry Meader", b. in Rochester, N. H., March 10, 1844; d. Sept., 1870. iv. Sarah Frances Meader'^, b. in Rochester, N. H., June 21, 1845 ; m. May 1, 1865, Asa S. Baker ; resides at Dover, N. H. ; they have no children. 925. V. George Edward Meader", b. in Rochester, N. H., Feb. 2, 1847. vi. Julia Eastman Meader'^, b. in Rochester, X. H., Aug. 22, 1848 ; unm. 926. vii. John Eastman Meader", b. in Rochester, N. H., Aug. 29, 1850. viii. Benjamin Hanson Meader", b. in Rochester, N. H., Oct. 22, 18.53; d. 185.5. 927. ix. Walter Sidney Meader^ b. in Rochester, N. H., March 11, 1857. 395. Hannah Eastman^ (Johns, Thomas'*, Thomas^ SamueP, Roger'), born ; married in Farmington, N. H., Moses L. Kimball, born in Dover, N. H., Jan. 13, 1824, died Jan. 13, 1869. He resided in Dover, N. H. CALVIN L. EASTMAN^ OF BRIDGEWATER, N. 11. 2/5 CHILDREN. i. Ellen A. KinibalF, b. July 9, 1846 ; m. Henry K. Roberts, of Rochester. N. H., and died leaving four children, ii. Alice M. Kin:iball", b. ; d. young. 928. ill. Oscar F. Kimball", b. Dec, 1853. iv. Emma F. Kimball", b. March 27, 1859; d. Dec, 1862; m. William Albrech, of San Antonio, Tex. ; she left one child. 396. Calvin Livermore Eastman^ {Stephen^, Thomas'', Thomas^ John-, Roger'), born in Kridgewater, N. H., Jan. 14, 1814 ; died in Toulon, 111., Oct. 28, 1S87 ; married in Peoria, 111., Elmira French, born in Princeville, 111., Sept 16, 1823 ; died in Toulon, 111., July 3, 1886. CHILDREN. 929. i. Charles Walter", b. in Toulon, 111., June 19, 1847. ii. Fred A.", b. ; resides in Winterset, Iowa. iii. Frank F.", b. March 4, 1854 ; he graduated at West Point, in the class of 1879 ; he was captain of Companj- A, Fourteenth United States regular infantry ; he had command of the first two companies of regular troops sent to Alaska, in February, 1898. In May, 1899, he was ordered back to San Francisco, and went with his regiment to Manila, being the first troops sent there ; he was in all the fights and skirmishes around that place ; he was ordered to Fekin, and was in com- mand of his company in the advance of that city ; it was his regiment that stormed and took the sacred city. He is now major in the Fourteenth United States Regi- ment Infantry (1901). His address at this date (1901) is Manila ; his wife's, Washington, D. C. He m. in Lawrence, Mass., July 29, 1880, Susan Colby, b. in Lawrence, Mass., Sept. 30, 1856, daughter of William Wallace and Elizabeth A. F. (George) Colby, of Law- rence, Mass. Children : (a) Guy Warner^, b. in Law- rence, Mass., Oct. 7, 1881; (b) Clyde Leslie^ b. in AVorthington, Minn., May 14, 1883 ; (c) Pauline^, b. in Vancouver Barracks, Wash., Jan. 9, 1886 ; (d) May Louisa^, b. Jan. 30, 188S; (e) Eugene^, b. at Fort Leav- enworth, Kansas, Sept. 25, 1896; (f) Susan^, b. in Van- couver Barracks, Wash., July 28, 1898. 276 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 397- John Emmons Eastman^ (Stephen^, Thomas'', Thomas^, John^ Roger'), born in Bridgewater, N. H., March 7, 1823 ; married ist, Nov. 20, 1852, Elizabeth F. Cogs- well, daughter of Dea. Jonathan and Mary (Dickey) Cogs- well, born in Henniker, N. H., May 15, 1826; died in Man- chester, N. H., Sept. 13, 1855 ; married 2d, Dec. 22, 1855, Louisa A. Cogswell, sister of his first wife, born in Henniker, N. H., Aug. 7, 1829; died in Bloomington, 111., Sept. 5, 1887 ; he died in Peoria, III, from an accident, Jan. 7, 1880. Mr. Eastman was for fifteen years superintendent of the boiler department of the Chicago and Alton railroad shops in Bloomington, 111. Afterwards the general boiler inspector on the Central Pacific Railroad. At the time of his death, he was the senior partner of the Peoria Boiler Works, Peoria, 111. CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. i. Elizabeth D.', b. Aug. 31, 1855 ; d. iu Manchester, N. H., Oct. 10, 1855. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. ii. Lizzie Francis", b. March 24, 1857, in Aurora, 111. ; d. in Galesburg, 111., Aug. 2, 1858. iii. Cora Belief b. iu Aurora, 111., Nov. 27, 1859. iv. Mary Louisa", b. Aug. 19, 1863 ; m. in Bloomington, 111., Sept. 1, 1886, Anton C. H. Behr, b. in Lobenstine, Ger- many, Feb. 3, 1859. Child : (a) Mary Louisa Behr^ b. in Bloomington, 111., Aug. 7, 1887. V. Ella Cogswell", b. March 12, 1866, in Bloomington, 111. vi. Emma Folsom", b. (twin), vii. Lillie Antoinette^ b. March 14, 1868. viii. Lucy Eleanor^ b. Nov. 26, 1875 ; d. Feb. 7, 1876. 398. Jonathan Fowler*" (Thomas Fowler^, Hannah East- man'', Thomas^, John^ Roger'), born in Warner, N. H., Dec. 27, 1817; died in Newark, III, Nov. 20, 1850; mar- ried June 9, 1842, Sarah E. M. P. Philips, born in Henniker, N. H., Sept. 24, 1817 ; died in Newark, 111., Nov. 4, 1896. 930. i. 931. ii. 932. iii. 933. iv. V. THOMAS MILTON FO^VLER^ OF HOPKINTON, N. U. 2// CHILDREN ALL BORN IN NEWARK. John Hale Fowler^ b. March 23, 1845. Charles N. Fowler^ b. Aug. 15, 1846. Albert J. Fowler", b. Aug. IG, 1848. Jonathan Fowler'^, b. July 2, 1850. Thomas Fowler'^, b. (twin). 399. Thomas Milton Fowler'' (Thomas Fowlep, Hannah Eastman-*, Thomas^ John-, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Aug. 7, 1814 ; died in Newark, 111., Sept. 14, 1889; married Nov. 8, 1849, Hannah F. Philips, born in Erie county, N. Y., March 22, 182 1. They resided in Newark, 111., where their children were born. CHILDREN. 934. i. Calvin Fowler", b. April 9, 1851. ii. Sylvanus Fowler^, b. Feb. 10, 18.52 ; m. Ida R. Philips, iii. Orville Fowler^ b. Feb. 11, 1854. 935. iv. Olive Fowler", b. (twin). V. Annie Fowler'^, b. Jan. 11, 1856; d. in Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 4, 1874. 936. vi. Emma Fowler", b. Dee. 28, 18.57. vii. William Fowler", b. Aug. 2, 1860. viii. Matilda Fowler^ b. July 11, 1862 ; d. March 3, 1876. ix. Adell Fowler", b. Feb. 1, 1864. 400. John KimbalP (Abigail Eastman^, Samuel, Joseph^ John-, Roger'), born in Plaistow, N. H., Nov. i, 1769; died May 27, 1812 ; married Feb. 7, 1796, Betsey Hughes; resided in Rochester, N. H. CHILDREN. i. William Kimball", b. Dec. 8, 1796. ii. Betsey Kimball", b. July 5, 1798. iii. James Kimball", b. Oct. 2, 1800. iv. Molly Kimbair, b. Oct. 17, 1802. V. Huse KimbalF, b. 1804 ; d. Dec. 23, 1805. vi. Catherine Kimball", b. 180- ; d. May 21, 1811. vii. Harriett Kimball", b. ISO- ; d. May 21, 1811. 278 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 401. Samuel KimbalP (Abigail Eastman^, Samuel^, Joseph^, John', Roger'), born Jan. 22, 1770 ; died Feb. 3, 1852 ; married Nov. 17, 1797, Betsey Sargent, died March 2, 1813 ; married 2d, Feb. 10, 18 18, Jennie Mannehan. He resided in Henniker, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Mary KimbalF, b. Feb. 20, 1798 ; in. David Plummer. ii. Betsey Kimball", b. Jan. 1, 1800 ; m. Nathaniel Patch, iii. Abigail E. KimbalF, b. April 7, 1802. iv. Lucy KimbalF, b. Oct. 9, 1804. V. Joseph KimbalF, b. Dec. 24, 1806. vi. Fannie KimbalF, b. Jan. 4, 1810 ; d. Oct. 11, 1869. vii. Catherine KimbalF, b. Dec. 14, 1812. viii. James KimbalF, b. . 402. James KimbalP (Abigail Eastman^, Samuel^, Joseph^ John-, Roger"), born June 27, 1779; died April 11, 1855 ; married July 24, 1808, Catherine Monroe. He was a leather dealer and resided in Charlestown, Mass. CHILDREN. i. James Monroe KimbalF, b. Jan. 11, 1809. ii. Albert KimbalF, b. June 17, 1811 ; m. 1830, Sarah Ann Williamson ; he was a hotel keeper at Brome, Canada. 937. iii. Samuel KimbalF, b. Sept. 18, 1813. iv. William Henry KimbalF, b. Nov. 4, 1815. V. George KimbalF, b. March 6, 1818. vi. Catherine M. KimbalF, b. 1824 ; d. Wilmington, N. C, 1865 ; she was a nurse in the army hospital during the rebellion, vii. Sarah KimbalF, b. 1827 ; d. Salem, 111., in 1844. viii. George KimbalF, b. Boston, Mass., 1829; d. Salem, 111., in 1844. 403. Hannah Eastman*^ (Jeremiah^, Jonathan^ Joseph^, John% Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass. ; married Daniel Eastman, of Salisbury, Mass. ; think he was the son of Ezekiels, Roger"*, John^ John^ Roger', born June 20, 1763. POLLY EASTMAN^, OF SALISBURY, MASS. 2/9 CHILDREN. , i. Betsey'^, b. . ii. EzekieF, b. . The name makes the compiler believe his name came from his grandfather, iii. Edna", b. ; m. Capt. William Orne, of Newburyport, who, with his vessel, was lost at sea. iv. Daniel", b. . 404. Polly Eastman^ (Jeremiahs, Jonathan'', Joseph^, John-, Roger"), born in Salisbury, Mass. ; married Thomas Morrill, of Salisbury, Mass. CHILDREX. 1. Amos MorrilF, b. . ii. Polly Morrill", b. . iii. Betsey jNIorrill", b. . iv. Lurena Morrill", b. . V. Thomas MorrilF, b. . 405. Edna Eastman'' (Jeremiah^, Jonathan'', Joseph^ John% Roger"), born in Salisbury, Mass. ; married Jacob Smith, of Seabrook, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Polly Smith", b. ii. Abigail Smith", b. — iii. Jeremiah Smith'^, b. iv. Sabrina Smith", b. - V. Edna Smith", b. vi. Sally 8mith", b. vii. John Smith^, b. viii. Jabez Savith", b. 406. Sally Eastman^' (Jeremiah^, Jonathan'', Joseph^ John% Roger'), born in Salisbury, Mass. ; died Oct. 26, 1833 '■> married David Elanders, born in Salisbury, Mass., May 5, 1774, died June 8, 1832, son of Jacob and Hannah (Green- field) Flanders. They lived in Salisbury, Mass. 938. vi. 939. vii. 940. viii. ix. 280 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Harriet Flanders', b. Nov. 15, 1803 ; d. March 28, 1859 ; unm. ii. Ebenezer Flanders", b. March 7, 1805 ; d. Nov. 4, 1827. iii. Luranna Flanders'^, b. Feb. 5, 1806 ; d. ; unm. iv. Paulina Flanders', b. Nov. 19, 1808; d. Dec. 27, 1884; unm. V. Sarah Ann Flanders', b. Jan. 14, 1811 ; d. Sept, 18, 1889; unm. Loira Flanders^ b. May 21, 1814 ; d. Dec. 23, 1897. Emeline Flanders^ b. Nov. 24, 1815 ; d. March 9, 1879. William Flanders", b. Sept. 8, 1818 ; d. March 27, 1881, Charles Newell Flanders', b. Sept, 26, 1823; living,' 407. Betsey Eastman'' (Jeremiahs, Jonathan'*, Joseph^, John^ Roger'), born m Salisbury, Mass., March 23, 1786 ; died in Strafford, N. H., June 6, 1832 ; married Enoch Caswell, born May i, 1780, died in Strafford, N. H., July 17, 1864. He settled in Strafford, N. H., where he was a farmer. CHILDREN. 941. i, Paulina Caswell', b. in Strafford, N, H., Nov. 25, 1809; m. Oct, 28, 1841, Edward Walker, and lived in Straf- ford, N, H., where she died Sept. 3, 1875, ii. Cornelius E. Caswell", b. in Strafford, N. H., July 30, 1814 ; d. July 7, 1881 ; m. Betsey Chase ; he was super- intendent of poor farm, Dover, N. H. iii, Elijah CaswelF, b. in Strafford, N. H., July 7, 1818 ; d. Dec. 4, 1825. 942. iv. Betsey Caswell", b. in Strafford, N. H., April 15, 1821 ; d, June 24, 1896; m. April 7, 1850, James Walker, a farmer, lived in Strafford, N, H, V, Emeline CaswelF, b. , vi. Deborah CaswelF, b, in Strafford, N. H., July 31, 1825 ; d. Dec. 23, 1899 ; she never m. ; buried at Center Straf- ford, N. H. 408. Jonathan Eastman^ (Jeremiah^ Jonathan'*, Joseph^ John^ Roger'), born in Salisbury (now Amesbury), Mass., Oct. 23, 1888 ; died in Salisbury, July 6, 1861 ; married in SALLY EASTMAN^, OF CONCORD, N. H. 28 1 i8i2, Elizabeth Chase, of West Newbury, Mass., born April 2, 1894, died Oct. 9, 1882, daughter of Jeremiah and Hannah Chase. He lived in Salisbury, Mass. CHILDREN. 943. i. Adaline^ b. iMarch 12, 1813 ; d. July 12, 1893. ii. Harriet Newell", b. June 5, 1815. 944. iii. Joseph Leonard", b. Oct. 4, 1818 ; d. Aug. 10, 1864. iv. Joseph', b. July 27, 1822 ; d. Oct. 7, 1828. 409. Sally Eastman^ (William^, Joseph-*, Joseph^ John^, Roger'), born on " Horse Hill," Concord, N. H. ; married 1st, Nov. 20, 1806, Lowell Blaisdell, of Salisbury, N. H. ; 2d, Samuel Bickford. They lived in Epsom, N. H. CHILDREN BY FIRST HUSBAND. i. William Blaisdell", b. . ii. George Blaisdell", b. . iii. Mary Ann BlaisdelF, b. . iv. Sarah Ann Blaisdell", b. ; (twin to the above). CHILDREN BY SECOND HUSBAND, V. Benjamin Bickford", b. . 94.5. vi. Samuel Bickford", b. . 410. Joseph Eastman^ (William^ Joseph'', Joseph^ John^, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., on " Horse Hill," Aug. 28, 1789; died in East Concord, N. H., Oct. 9, 1848 ; married 1st, March 12, 18 12, Judith Sutton, born in Canterbury, N. H., Jan. 27, 1795 ; 2d, the widow of Dr. Byronsburg. She was a Miss Richardson. Mr. Eastman lived in East Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. 946. i. Phebe", b. in Concord, N. H., Feb. 18, 1813 ; d.in Concord, Feb. 17, 186.5. ii. Clarisa", b. Jan. 13, 1815 ; d. in York state ; unm. iii. Lowell", b. Jan. 7, 1817 ; m. Xov. 12, 1845, Nancy C. Xoyes ; no children. He resides in Concord, N. H., where he has been a dealer in sash and blinds for forty years. 20 282 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iv. Percy Anu'^, b. July 11, 1819 ; m. Jeremiah Clough. V. Thomas^ b. July 26, 1821 ; ni. April 30, 1867, Cynthia A. Willey. Child : (a) Thomas Freeman^ b. ; both reside in San Francisco ; the latter unm. vi. Martha^ b. May 14, 1824 ; d. June 11, 1824. vii. Lewis^ b. May 30, 1830 ; d. Sept. 7, 1832. viii. Asa", b. Jan. 13, 1829 ; went to Pennsylvania and died there March 6, 1868 ; unm. 947. ix. EUen^ b. April 10, 1836 ; m. July 2, 1853, George Vi. Gault. 411. Hannah Eastman^ (Williams, Joseph^, Joseph^, John", Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., July 5, 18 19; died in Con- cord, N. H., Aug. 9, 1876; married July 5, 1819, Benjamin Hoyt, born July 25, 1793, died Sept. 6, 1864. Hannah experienced religion when she was about fourteen years of age, and joined the church. At eighteen she learned the tailoress trade, and worked around in the different districts several years. She was a good tailoress, and always had plenty of work. Mr. Hoyt was a farmer ; settled in the borough, in Concord, N. H., where he died. He was con- verted when he was twenty-eight, joined the Baptist church in Fisherville, now Penacook, N. H., of which he was deacon when he died. He was a good husband and father, and a consistent Christian. CHILDREN. i. Lucretia Hoyt', b. ii. Lavina A. Hoyt', b. ; d. at 18 months of age. iii. Roxalana Hoyt", b. . iv. Luther M. Hoyt", b. V. Jason R. C. Hoyf^, b. . vi. Lavina E. Hoyt^, b. ; m. a Lovering. vii. Lucy E. Hoyf^, b. . 412. William Eastman^ (Williams, Joseph^, Joseph^, John% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., on "Horse Hill," May 14, 1796; died in 1838, in the "Pan Handle," Pa., on his return from the west, where he had been on a business trip. THOMAS EASTMAN'', OF CONXORD, N. H. 283 He married Jan. 9, 1821, Ruth Hoyt, born in Concord, N. H., May 21, 1803, died Dec. 17, 1876, daughter of Joseph and Molly (Elliott) Hoyt. CHILDREN. i. Harrison Gilman'^, b. Feb. 7, 1822 ; m. Sophia Eastman. He is an artist, and resides in San Francisco, Cal. ii. Cyrus Alvah", b. April 18, 1827 ; m. his cousin, daughter of his uncle, John Eastman. He died in Pennsylvania. 948. iii. Edson Alonzo", b. Concord, N. H., Feb. 10, 1835; m. Oct. 24, 1860, Adaline Augusta Corser. 413. Thomas Eastman'' (Williams, Joseph^ Joseph^ John^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H. ; died there May 25, 1893, aged 88 years and 10 months. He was born, and always lived on the home farm on " Horse Hill." He married ist, widow Emeline Shaw ; 2d, Lucinda Wilson. CHILDREN. i. Alfred Augustus", b. March 20, 1833 ; d. Sept. 3, 1861 ; unm. ii. Hiram Sullivan", b. June 2, 1885; m. Nov. 18, 1871, Lizzie Ann Hardy. She was the daughter of Robert and Betsey (Ordway) Hardy. Mr. Eastman is a farmer, residing on the old homestead on " Horse Hill." They had a nameless daughter, who died at birth. 414. Jeremiah Eastman^ (Henrys, Joseph^, Joseph^, John% Roger'), born Oct. 21, 1790; died in Grantham, N. H., Sept. 23, 1849; married Oct. 4, 1813, Betsey Leavitt, born Nov. 17, 1791, died in Enfield, N. H., May 21, 1857. After her husband's death she married 2d, in Dec, 1855, Samuel Stevens, of Enfield, N. H. Mr. Eastman was a farmer in iff Grantham, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Dudley Leavitt^ b. Feb. 6, 1814 ; m, Dec. 28, 1842, Eunice March Stevens, b. Sept. 4, 1817. He was a carpenter in Concord, X. H. ; no children. ii. Harry", b. April 21, 1815 ; m. Dec, 1844, Livonia Leavitt, daughter of Josiah and Betsey (Brown) Leavitt, who was his first cousin. Children : (a) Ozro^ b. ; (b) Alphonso^, b. ; farmer in Grantham, N. H. 284 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iii. Charlotte^ b. Aug. 20, 1816; m. May, 1841, Jefferson Pillsbury, of Grantham, a farmer in Grantham, N. H. Children : (a) Adelaide^, (b) Clarence^, (c) Marcellus^, (d) Joseph^, (e) Alice Pillsbury^. iv. Rosina^ b. June 28, 1818 ; m. Feb., 1841, David March Stevens, of Enfield, M". H., a farmer in Grantham, N. H. ; had no children. V. Betsey Ann", b. Aug. 1, 1821 ; m. 1st, June, 1841, Philan- der Lovering, of Springfield, X. H ; had two children. He died and she m. 2d, Nov., 1864, Joseph Fogg, of Enfield, N. H. ; no children by 2d husband. vi. MarshalF, b. April 22, 1825 ; m. Jan. 6, 1850, Hepsibeth Boyce. Farmer in Springfield, N. H. Children : (a) HenryS, b. ; (b) James^ b. ; (c) Wellington^ b. ; (d) Abbies, b. . vii. Lorenzo", b. May 26, 1825 ( ? ) ; went to California, viii. Joseph", b. Dec. 26, 1826 ; d. Sept. 12, 1849. ix. Mariuda", b. July 18, 1829 ; m. May, 1850, John Riley Heath, a farmer at North Enfield, N. H. X. Erasmus Darwin", b. March 9, 1831 ; d. April 24, 1852. xi. Mary^, b. April 22, 1833 ; ra. George Burnham, a butcher at North Enfield. 415. Jacob Weed Eastman'^ (Jamess, Joseph-*, Joseph^, John^, Roger'), born in Sandwich, N. H., May 20, 1790 ; died July, 1852; married Oct. 31, 181 1, Mary Webster, born Nov. 22, 1793. He Hved in Methuen, Mass., and later moved to Indiana. He was a minister ; graduated from Dartmouth College. CHILDREN. 949. i. John Calvin", b. March 17, 1813 ; d. July 23, 1855. 950. ii. Susan Priscilla''', b. Oct. 17, 1816 ; m. Charles Evans, in Ohio, iii. Mary Jane Knapp'^, b. Oct. 6, 1824 ; m. Charles McCor- mick, in Ohio. » iv. Nancy", b. July 18, 18 — . 951. V. William Webster'^, b. Sept. 20, 1836, in Ohio. 416. Ezekiel French Eastman"^ (James^, Joseph-*, Joseph^, John^, Roger'), born in Sandwich, N. H. ; died Sept. i, 1867 ; married March 13, 18 17, Nancy Blackwell, a lineal descendant of Pocahontas. Mr. Eastman was an M. D. DAVID CLOUGH EASTMAN'', OF SANDWICH, N. H. 28 5 CHILDREN. i. A son nameless", b. and d. Aug. 26, 1719. ii. Pocahontas", b. Sept. 22, 1822 ; in. July 29, 1839, Robert McClure. iii. Nancy Mills", b. March 5, 1822 ; m. July 29, 1839, John Flood, iv. Susan French", b. July 30, 1824. V. Mary", b. April 12, 1827. vi. Martha Evaline", b. Nov. 21, 1828. 417. David Clough Eastman^ (James^, Joseph*, Joseph^ John^ Roger'), born in Sandwich, N. H., Dec. i8, 1801 ; died Aug. 24, 1869; married ist, March 6, 1825, Sarah Moore, died Jan. 3, 1831 ; 2d, Nov. 16, 1831, Margaret Jones, died Nov. 15, 1832; 3d, Aug. 31, 1833, Ann Web- ster. He removed to Fayette county, O. ; was a Methodist minister and teacher. CHILDREN. i. Betsey", b. Dec. 31, 1828 ; d. March 7, 1881 ; m, Sept. 25, 1851, J. T. Moore, ii. Margaret", b. Aug. 29, 1832 : d. Aug. 15 (2d wife), iii. Clarisa Dalton", b. Sept. 26, 1835; d. Dec. 3, 1879 (3d wife) ; m. Sept. 23, 1855, Hugh Tomlinson. 952. iv. Joseph Moores", b. Sept. 26, 1837 ; d. Jan. 20, 1867. V. James", b. Jan. 5, 1841 ; d. Dec, 1843. vi. James Calvin", b. Nov. 12, 1843 ; d. Sept. 4, 1873. vii. Nancy G.", b. Oct. 14, 1844 ; d. Jan. 8, 1872. viii. Ruth", b. May 27, 1848. ix. Mary E.', b. Dec. 11, 1851 ; m. Sept. 18, 1873, Lyman Hayes. 418. Enoch Eastman'' (Simeon^, Enoch'*, Joseph^, John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H,, Dec. 17, 1783 ; died in Holley, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1853 ; married ist, Susan Eastman, of Hopkinton. She died and he married again in Holley, N. Y., Sophia Curtis, died March 28, 1886. Mr. Eastman removed to western New York in or about 18 10, and located in Holley. 286 EASTMAN FAMILY' OF AMERICA. CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. i. George Washington", b. in Hopkinton, N. H., Nov. 2, 1809. When a young man he returned to his native town on a visit, and soon after his return home, died, July 7, 1836. He never married. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. 953. ii. Balsina Dehiia^ b. in Holley, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1846. 419. Timothy Eastman*^ (Simeon^ Enochs Joseph^ John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Jan. 29, 1790; died Dec. 20, 1879; married March 26, 1820, Polly Sibley, born in Hopkinton, N. H., July 30, 1794, died May 30, 1887, in Roby's Corner, N. H. She was the daughter of Jacob and Anna (George) Sibley, of Hopkinton. Mr. Eastman removed from Hopkinton to Roby's Corner in 1821, where he died. CHILDREN. i. Laura^ b. March 20, 1821, in Hopkinton, N. H. ; unm. 954. ii. George Sibley^ b. April 16, 1823, in Roby's Corner, N. H. iii. jNIary^ b. June 23, 1827 ; m. Sept. 9, 1853, George Au- druss. They reside in Bradford, N. H. iv. Walter Scott^ b. Sept., 1829. He was a rover, and the last known of him alive was at Niagara Falls in 1875, when his body was found in the river, identified, and brought home and buried. His body indicated that he was murdered. He never married. 955. V. Timothy B.'', b. Jan. 17, 1833. vi. Elizabeth^ b. May 25, 1835; m. Samuel Wheeler; resides in Bradford, N. H. vii. Eleanor C", b. Dec. 24, 1839 ; d. Aug. 19, 1897 ; m. Oct. 26, 1864, John S. Bean. Children : (a) Mabel Ordway BeanS, b. May 1, 1867, d. Aug. 13, 1888 ; (b) Jennie M. BeanS, b. April 27, 1873; P. O. address. Armour, South Dakota. 420. Amos Eastman^ (Simeon^, Enoch-*, Joseph^ John% Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., June 3, 1793 ; married Patty Hilliard. ENOCH EASTMAN COLBY*', OF HUPK.INTON, N. H. 287 CHILDREN. i. Elizabeth", b. ; 111. .John Potter, of East Concord, N. H. ; their son, Cliarles Potter, is in the milk business, and lives in East Concord, X. H. ii. Charles H.", b. . 421. Enoch Eastman Colby^ (Abigail Eastman^, Enoch**, Joseph^ John-, Roger"), born in Hopkinton, N. H., March 30, 1784 ; died in Sandusky, Ohio, in 1828 ; married Mary Hurlbiirt, born in Suffield, Conn., Oct. 4, 1792, daughter of John and Phebe (Harmon) Hurlburt. Mr. Colby, with his young wife, settled in Richmond, Ontario county, N. Y., where they lived till 1S22, when they removed to Sandusky, Ohio, and bought a farm adjoining that of Jaques Hurlburt, brother of Mary, who with another brother, Cyrus, located in Sandusky, in 1818. After the death of Mr. Colby, his widow sold the place and located on the east side of the San- dusky river. Here the Indians were plenty, and the childien being small, l\Irs. Colby would take her knitting and sewing and go out and keep company for the boys while at work. She spent her last days with her son William and family. She was a woman of fine character, a trusting Christian, a kind and loving mother. CHILDREX. i. Eliza Colby-, b. 18U ; d. 1814. ii. Moses Colby^ b. 181.5 ; d. in Toledo, Ohio, 1848 ; m. Mary Bushnell, of Xew York state. Moses was a civil engineer. Child : (a) George F. Colby^ b. in Toledo, Ohio, Feb., 1847 ; ni. in 1888, Clara Hastings, of Toledo, Ohio; he graduated from the public schools of Toledo, and from Troy Polytechnic School, and was admitted to the bar at the age of twenty-one years, but on account of his eyes was obliged to give up his profession ; they have no children ; reside in Toledo, Ohio, iii. Phebe Colby^ b. 1817 ; d. in Toledo, 1847 ; uum. iv. Wesley Colby", b. 1819 ; m. Louise Hofford. v. Lorinda Colby", b. 1820 ; d. young. 288 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. vi. William Pitts Colby", b. in Richuioiid, Ontai-io county, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1822 ; d. Aug. 2, 1878 ; m. in 1847, widow Anna Foote (Bridges) Graves, born in Bolton, Conn. He was a strong Republican, as all of his brothers, a great worker for his party ; interested in school matters and often on the board, a great reader and a good conversationalist ; served the township as justice of the peace a number of times ; a member of the Pres- byterian church, a sweet singer, and with his wife a member of the choir for many years. Child : (a) Mary Anna ColbyS, t,. Jan. 9, 1848 ; m. Nov. 6, 1873, Willard I. Norton ; he graduated from Bryant and Stratton's Commercial College in Cleveland in 1858, and in 1860, entered into business with his father in the manufac- ture of hubs and spokes, and contiuued in the business some fifteen years ; in 1863-4, he was a member of the independent company known as the " squirrel hunters," raised for the protection of the southern part of Ohio from the threatened invasion of the Rebels on Cincin- nati. Mr. Norton is a strong Republican and a Mason. Child : (1) Anivette Graves Norton^, b. ; graduated from the public schools in the class of 1896 ; resides at Fremont, Ohio, vii. Enoch Eastman Colby", b. in Sandusky, Ohio, July 13, 1824 ; living. 422. Joseph Eastman^ (Samuel^ Enochs Joseph^, John% Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., April 28, 1789; died in Columbia, N. H., Aug. 10, 1875 ! married in Hopkinton, N. H., in Oct., 1 81 5, Sallie Dustin, daughter of Asa and Sarah (Martin) Dustin, of Sandwich, N. H. Mr. Eastman resided in Columbia, N. H. ; was a farmer. CHILDREN. 956. i. Alonzo^ b. in Hopkinton, N. H., Oct. 11, 1816. ii. Thomas White", b. April 12, 1819; d. June 28, 1839; unm. ill. Brooks Leonard", b. in Columbia, N. H.. Aug. 31, 1821 ; d. Dec. 9, 1839. iv. Jonathan Martin", b. Nov. 20, 1825; d. May 28, 1843. V. Rhoda Dustin", b. March 2, 1829; d. Jan. 16, 185U; m. ; no child. 957. vi. Sarah", b. April 25, 1832. vii. Lydia Hall", b. INIay 12, 1835 ; d. Oct., 1852 ; unm. SAMUEL EASTMAN^, OF HOPKIXTON, N. H. 289 423. Samuel Eastman^ (Samuel^ Enoch^ Joseph^ John', Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., July 3, 179S ; died in Columbia, N. H., Feb., 1840; married ist, in I'eb., 1824, Jemima Flanders; she died in 183 1, and he married 2d, Hannah ; he lived in ]?oscawen, N. H., and Columbia, N. H. ; farmer. CHILDREX. i. Sally", b. ; m. Alfred S. Alls, and had several chil- dren, ainoug whom was Wynian Alls^, b. ; resides iu Coaticook, P. Q. ii. Charles", b. ; 111. Eliza Howe. Child : (a) Amanda Josephine®, b. 1850 ; m. Gihnan Hurlburt ; she died from injuries from being thrown from a wagon by a runaway horse, Nov. 3, 1S97. Children : (1) Arthur Charles Hurlburt^, b. 1873 ; d. at two years of age ; (2) Henry Hurlburt^, b. 1874 ; d. at two years of age ; (3) Addie May Hurlburt^, b. ]\Iay 2, 1875; m. Dec. 28, 1897, Arthur "W. Stevens, a farmer who lives in Cole- brook, N. H. ; child : (i) Gladys Alberta Stevens^'J, b. Nov. 21, 1899; (4) William Oilman Hurlburt^, b. Dec. 15, 1876 ; he is a farmer ; resides in Canton, Me. ; unm. ; (5) Maude Anna Hurlburt^ b. Nov. 18, 1880 ; m. Guy S. Hammond ; resides in Colebrook, N. H. ; harness maker ; child : (i) Don James Hammond^°, b. Sept. 28, 1899; (6) Grace Hurlburt^, b. 1883; d. 1886; (7) Georgiauna Hurlburt^, b. Dec. 2, 1885 ; (8) Mary Edith Hurlburt^, b, Feb. 5, 1887 ; (9) Lizzie Etta Hurlburt^, b. Aug. 7, 1889. 958. iii. Henrys b. in Boscawen. N. H., Aug. 18, 1829. iv. Horace", b. ; d. ; unm. (2d wife). 424. Jonathan G. Eastman*^' (SamueP, Enochs Joseph^ John^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Sept. 20, 1800; died in Hopkinton, July 24, 1875 ; married ist, Mary Sleeper, in 1830, died in 1835, she had no children; married 2d, May 8, 1836, Charlotte Kimball, daughter of John and Lydia (Clough) Kimball, of Hopkinton, N. H. Charlotte was the widow of Hazen Jackman. 290 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Walter Scott^ b. in Hopkinton, N. H., Jan. S, 1838 ; d. in Hopkinton, April 6, 1867; m. June 25, 1863, Maria Chase, of Hopkinton. Child : (a) Henry Chase^ b. May 1, 186-4 ; m. Jan. 26, 1889, Nellie Miulgett, of Hop- kinton, X. H. ; he d. May 11, 18S9. ii. Almira^ b. July 8, 1839 ; m. March 19, 1862, Charles Put- ney, of Hopkinton, N. H. Children : (a) George Mar- tin Putney^ b. Jan. 18, 1864; (b) Grace Emma Putney^ b. Oct. 13, 1869. :Mr. Charles Putney d. May 2, 1892, and his widow lives in Contoocook, N. H. 425. Elizabeth French" (Tamison Eastmans, Enoch^, Joseph^ John-, Roger"), married John Eastman, son of 160; removed to Scranton, Pa., where he died. CHILDREN. i. John F.', b. . ii. "William', b. . iii. Eliza B.", b. . iv. Persis A.'', b. . V. Jonathan G.'^, m. Eleanor Xicholls ; d. without children ; she m. 2d, a Mr. Ftussell, of Boscawen, N. H., where she is living. vi. Phebe'', b. . vii. Angeline", b. . viii. Joseph B.", b. . ix. Lucinda R.", b. . X. Charles and Lucy Jane", twins, b. xi. Mary", b. . 426. Joseph Eastman^ (Joseph^ Enochs Joseph^ John% Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Oct. 25, 1797; died in Spring Creels, Warren county, Pa., in 1S71 ; married ist, in Hopkinton, N. H., about 1824, Hannah Chase, born Aug. 15, 1806, died in Orange, N. H., March, 1S60, daughter of Enoch and Polly (Moss) Chase. He married 2d, Jan, 17, 1864, Louisa A. Stevens. He removed early to Orange, N. H., bought a tract of land of two hundred acres, cleared up one hundred and fifty of it and made a good farm. He moved to Spring Creek, Warren county. Pa. 425. Elizabeth French^ (Tamison Eastmans, Enoch'*, Joseph^, John% Roger'), born in New Hampshire, April 5, 1795 ; died in Spring Creek, Pa., Jan. 6, 1875 ; married April 24, 1 8 14, John Eastman, born in Concord, N. H., on "Horse Hill," Nov. 22, 1790, died in Spring Creek, Warren county, Pa., May 17, 1865, son of William and Phebe (Elliott) Eastman (160). Mr. Eastman lived in Boscawen, N. H., just over the line from Concord, near what is called the "Flag Hole," or called by some the "Bog." His farm was the second one north of his father's. Here all their children were born. He, with his whole family, removed to Pennsylvania and settled on a farm at Spring Creek, Warren county. CHILDREN. Enochs b. Sept. 21, 1815. (See 959.) William M.^, b. Aug. 14, 1817. Eliza B.^, b. July 5, 1819 ; committed suicide (drowned). Persis Anti^ b. July 24, 1821 ; d. Nov. 3, 1835. Jonathan G.'', b. Sept. 8, 1823 ; m. Eleanor Nichols, d. ; no children. Phebe Angeline'^, b. April 4, 1826; m. Jeremiah Titcomb ; removed to Minnesota. Joseph B.^ b. Aug. 8, 1829. Lucinda R.'^, b. April 13, 1832; m. Cyrus Alvah Eastman, son of 412. Charles^ b. Dec. 9, 1835. Lucy Jane'', twin to Charles. Mary'', b. Aug. 20, 1838 ; lives with Charles ; unm. Child, nameless ; d. in a day. 958a. 1. ii. iii. iv. V. vi. 958b. vii. 958c. viii. 958d. ix. 958e. X. xi. xii. 962. vi. 963. vii. viii. ix. s. 964. xi. 96.5. xii. 966. xiii. STEPHEN CLOUGH EASTMAN", OF HOPKINTON, N. H. 29 1 CHILDREN. 959. i. Betsey^ b. Jan. 22, 1825. 960. ii. lluth^ b. July 14, 1826. iii. Faiiny^, b. May 19, 182S; d. young. 961. iv. Euoch C", b. April 7, 1830. V. Joseph B.^ b. Feb. 9, 1832. vi. Daniel", b. April 26, 1834. Randall", b. April 5, 1836. Matilda H.", b. March 6, 1838. Emeline'^, b. March 3, 1840 ; d. young. Melvina", b. April 23, 1S41. Emeline", b. March 2.5, 1843. Polly", b. June 8, 1845. xiii. Henry X.", b. July 25, 1847. 967. xiv. Edna Augusta", b. Oct. 2, 1849. XV. Alvin Q.", b. March 18, 1852. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. xvi. Irven", b. May 8, 1865. xvii. Edgar", b. June 19, 1867. 427. Stephen Clough Eastman'' (Joseph^, Enoch'*, Joseph^, John-, Roger"), born m Hopkinton, N. H., Aug. 21, 1803 ; married Sept. 6, 1824, Ruhamah Rogers, daughter of Obadiah Rogers. Mr. Eastman was a farmer and resided in Hopkinton, X. H. Later in Hfe he removed to Henniker, to- Orange, again to Henniker, and still later to Manchester, X. H. CHILDREN. i. Moses Clough". b. in Henniker, N. H., Dec. 11, 1824 ; ii. Lydia Margaret", b. Jan. 30, 1826 ; d. . 968. iii. Sarah Jane", b. Sept. 3, 1828. 969. iv. Rosetta M.', b. in Orange, N. H., Oct. 16, 1829. v. Angeline D.^ b. Aug. 31, 1831. 970. vi. William R.", b. Nov. 9, 1833. vii. Helen M.", b. Aug. 3, 183.5. viii. Hannah A.", b. in Henniker, N. H., Aug. 9, 1838; d. March, 1864. ix. Betsey A.^, b. Dec. 19, 1840. 971. X. Stephen Scott", b. in Manchester, N. H., Nov. 23, 1844. 292 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 428. Moses Eastman^ (Ezra^, Enoch*, Joseph^, John% Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., March 5, 1790; died March 3, 1817; married in 18 14, Sarah (Currier) Putney, widow of Samuel Putney ; she married for her third husband Herman Abbott. Moses lived in Hopkinton, N. H. CHILDREN OF MOSES. i. Moses Harrison', b. in 1S15; he went to Ohio about 1835, taught school in Chillicothe, then went west till he struck the Mississippi river, when he took passage on a steam- boat to the mouth of the Arkansas, when he went to Little Rock. After his arrival, he took account of stock and found he had just money enough to pay his board one week. He made his situation known to the town's leading men, when he soon had funds advanced him to start a private school, which he continued for twenty years. During this time he married Jane Leadbeter, and also bought a plantation of 1,100 acres in Little Prairie, Parish of Stuggart, La. He then I'emoved to Bayo Meto, La., where he taught two years, when he returned to Little Rock, and soon after was elected judge of probate, having read law for twenty years, but preferring to teach ; he never entered practice ; this was during the war of 1861-5. They never had any chil- dren, but their love was so great for them that they adopted a niece of Mrs. Eastman's, who married and had a large family, and Mr. Eastman spent his last days with the youngest, ii. Samuel Putney", b. 1817 (posthumous) ; d. in middle life in Baltimore, Md. ; he never m. 429. Polly Eastman^' (Ezra^, Enoch-*, Joseph^ John', Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., April 4, 1792 ; died Nov. 18, 1 84 1 ; married Nov. 26, 1821, Joseph P. Thomp- son, died Nov. 28, 1841. He lived in Hopkinton, N. H., where they both died. CHILDREN. i. George Thompson', b. ; m. and his wife lives in Andover, N. H. ii. John Thompson", b. ; d. , aged nine years. EZRA EASTMAN^ OF HOPKINTON, N. H. 293 iii. Walter Scott Tliompson", b. . iv. Melon Mare Thoiiipson', b. ; m. and resided in San Francisco, Cal. V. Mary Adaline Thompson^, b. . 430. Ezra Eastman*' (Ezra^, Enoch-', Joseph^, John% Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., April ii, 1798 ; died in Hopkinton, April 19, 1884 ; married Sept. 30, 1828, Cyn- thia Winter Conner, born Sept. 30, 1805, daughter of John and Mary (Whitney) Conner. She is living with her son, George Alfred, in Henniker, N. H. (1899). CHILDREN. i. Mary Whitney^ b. July 19, 1829. 97-2. ii. George Alfred", b. Oct. 26, 1831. 973. iii. Adaline Sophronia', b. Sept. 27, 1833. iv. Susan Conner''^, b. May 5, 1838. 974. V. Helen Josephine^ b. March 26, 1849. 431. Adaline Sophronia Eastman^ (Ezras, Enoch'*, Joseph^, John^ Roger"), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Oct. 21, 1808 ; died Nov. 24, 1881 ; married ist, Jan. 16, 1837, James Davis, died Dec. i, 1842 ; 2d, Feb., 1854, John Burnham, died April 10, 1867, in Hopkinton, N. H. They lived in Hopkinton, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Geoi'gianua B. Davis^, b. 1838 ; m. Edwin D. Burnham, and lives in Contoocook, N. H. ii. Xathan Davis", b. 1840 ; d. 1842. 432. Flora Godfrey Eastman*^ (Ezra^, Enoch-*, Joseph^ John^, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., July 18, 18 12 ; died in Hopkinton, N. H., March 26, 1893 ; married Jan. 25, 1844, Seth Low, of Warner, N. H. He died in Salisbury, N. H., in 1897. 294 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. John Low", b. ; lives in Methueu, Mass. ii. George Low', b. ; lives in Claremont, N. H. iii. Charles Low'^, b. ; lives in Boston, Mass. iv. Helen M. Low', b. ; m. Charles Holmes, and lives in Salisbury, N. H. V. Clara Low'^, b. ; d. young. 433. Joshua Swan^ (Joshua Svvans, John Swan**, Susannah Eastman^, Philip', Roger'), born June 21, 1766; died March 6, 18 19; married March 29, 1792, Mary or Polly Frick, born May 24, 1776. CHILDREN. 975. i. Desire Swan^ b. Feb. 11, 1793 ; m. Henry Miller. ii. Susan Swan^, b. Feb. 11, 1795 ; m. July 29, 1818, Philip McOmber ; d. Sept. 10, 1831. iii. Robert Swan", b. Jan. 24, 1797; ni. April 21, 1818, Elect Couch. Child: (a) Desire Swan^, b. ; n). a Mr. Hathorn ; they have two sons, both married, and reside in Johnstown, X. Y. Lucy Swan^ b. Dec. 4, 1798. Phebe Swan^ b. March 2, 1801. Mary Swan^ b. Feb., 1803 ; m. 1st, Nov. 13, 1826, William R. Pitts ; 2d, George Pitts. She died in 1862 or 3. Joshua Swan", b. March 26, 1805. Maria Antoinette Swan^ b. April 4, 1809. Emily Frink Swan", b. March 27,1811; d. ; never married. X. Henry Frink Swan'^, b. Dec. 3, 1814 ; never married. 434. Adam Swan^ (Joshua Swans, John Swan^ Susannah Eastman^, Philip^ Roger'), born June 8, 1768 ; died Feb. 5, 1835 ; married Dec. 29, 1791, Mercy Fitch, born in New Canaan, Conn., April 21, 1775, daughter of Nathan and Mary (Reed) Fitch. He settled in Milton, Saratoga county, N. Y. CHILDREN. 981. i. Maria Swan", b. April 25, 1793 ; d. May 27, 1833. ii. John Swan'', b. March 24, 1795 ; d. young, iii. John Swan, Jr.^, b. July 15, 1796 ; d. Sept. 26, 1857 ; never married. 976. iv. 977. V. 978. vi. 979. vii. 980. viii. ix. PELEp SWAN'-'. 295 iv. Adam Swan", b. ]\Iay 13, 1799 ; d. June 9, 1861 ; never married. 982. V. Henry Swan", b. Sept. 12. 1802 ; d. Aug. 3, 1807. vi. Cynthia Swan", b. April 25, 1805; d. Oct. 9, 1881 ; m. John Williams ; no children. 983. vii. Nathan F. Swan", b. June 1, 1808. viii. Erasnuis Darwin Swan", 1>. Feb. 10, 1810; d. July 10, 1878 ; m. Amanda Hilman ; no children. ix. Marcy Swan", b. Feb. 10. 1813: d. Dec. 8, 1877; never married. X. Dewit C. Swan^ b. May 14, 1817 ; d. June 9, 1879 ; never married. xi. Roswell N. Swan", b. April 0, 1820; d. June 9, 1879 ; never married. 435. Peleg Swan^ (Joshua Swan^, John Swan'', Susannah Eastman^ Philip-, Roger"), born July 2, 1770 ; died Aug. 24, 1826; married May 2, 1793, Mary (Polly) Young, born June 2, 1778, daughter of Dr. Isaac Young. CHILDREN. 984. i. Isaac Swan", b. Jan. 21, 1797 ; m. Betsey Lyon. ii. Phebe Swan", b. March 13, 1799 ; d. Jan. 18, 1800. iii. Patty Swan", b. Nov. 7, 1800 ; d. Feb. 8, 1802. 985. iv. Edward Swan", b. July 27, 1805 ; d. Sept. 23, 1870. 986. V. Emeline Swan", b. July 17, 1807 ; d. Dec. 8, 1868. 987. vi. Loretta Swan", b. Feb. 13, 1810 ; d. April 11, 1848. vii. Perry Swan", b. June 10, 1813 ; d. Jan. 15, 1815. viii. Cyrus S-wan", b. Sept. 18, 1818 ; d. Dec. 18, 1818. ix. Joshua Swan'?, b. June 7, 1819 ; d. Sept. 10, 1819. 436. Stephen Swan^ (Joshua Swan^, John Swan'', Susan- nah Eastman^, Philip-, Roger'), born Aug. 16, 1772 ; died Feb. 20, 1841 ; married for his second wife, Feb. 28, 1800, Phebe Frink, born July 10, 1781, died Nov. 8, 1847. CHILDREN. 1. William Swan", b. Sept. 19, 1793 ; d. March 1, 184- ; m. 1818, Helen Morrison, ii. Fannie Swan", b. May 20, 1802 ; m. Jan. 22, 1822, William Gore, iii. Henry Swan", b. Jan. 13, 1804 ; d. Jan. 5, 1848. iv. Ira Swan", b. Oct. 19, 1805 ; d. Oct. 19, 1837 ; m. Aug. 22, 1830, Susan Young. 296 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. V. Hiram Swan", b. April 5,1807; d. June 1,1833; m. Jan. 12, 1831, Mary Renden. vi. Edward P. Swan^ b. March 8, 1809; d. Sept. 19, 1837; ra. Aug. 22, 1830, Laura Ball, vii. Simeon Swan^ b. Jan. 8, 1819 ; m. July 17, 1847, Eliza Tompkins. 988. viii. Eliza Ann Swan^ b. Sept. 20, 1820; m. James N. Morris, who died March 7, 1877. 437. Prudence Swan'" (Joshua Swan^, John Swan^, Susan- nah Eastman^, Philip^ Roger'), born Oct. 26, 1775 ; died Feb. 24, 1844 ; married Dec. 4, 1794, Luke Williams, born Oct. 26, 1765 ; died Aug. 30, 18 10. CHILDREN. 989. i. Wareham Williams', b. Oct. 23, 1795. ii. Isaac Williams", b. Jan. 7, 1798 ; d. March 12, 1858 ; uum. 990. iii. Cyrus Williams", b. April 9, 1800 ; had children. 991. iv. Patty Williams", b. Aug. 25, 1802. 992. V. Joel R. Williams", b. July 17, 1805. vi. Amos Williams^ b. Jan. 7, 1808 ; m. Caroline Howe; left no children ; he d. Dec. 31, 1886. vii. Phebe Williams", b. April 8, 1810; d. Nov. 11, 1888; m. Sept. 10, 1840, James Tyler, died June 19, 1888. 438. Gilbert Swan^ (Joshua Svvan^, John Swan'', Susan- nah Eastman^, Philip', Roger'), born in Stonington, Conn., June 15, 1777; married Phebe Young. CHILDREN. i. George Swan'^, b. ; d. in Xew Jersey. 993. ii. Luke Swan'', b. 1814. iii. William Swan", b. ; d. in Syms, N. Y. iv. Isaac Swan^ b. Oct. 19, 1821 ; d. Sept. 28, 1856, at Glens Falls, N. Y. V. Lucinda Swan'', b. ; m. Rev. Seymore Coleman ; d. in Williamsport, Penn. vi. Harriett Swan'', b. ; d. at Ballstou Spa, N. Y. vii. Mary Swan'', b. ; d. in Washington, D. C. ; m. John Jones. Child: (a) Lucretia Joues^ b. ; m. Wel- lington Luce ; has one son and three daughters ; live in Bozeman, Mont. PATTY SWAN^, OF STONINGTON, CONN. 297 439. Patty Swan^ (Joshua Swan-, John Swan'', Susannah Eastman^ Phihp', Roger"), born in Stonington, Conn., in 1781 ; died in 1758 ; married Jonathan Chesbrough. CHILDREN. i. eJaue Chesbrough", b. ; m. Darrow. ii. Eliza Chesbrough", b. ; m. Munger. iii. Martha Chesbrough", b. ; m. Henry Ball ; he d. March 12, 1895 ; she six weeks later, aged seventy-three years ; lived at Girard, Pa. ; left daughter, Mrs. Jennie S. Sherman, of Girard. 440. Phebe Swan*^ (Joshua Swans, John Swan-*, Susannah Eastman^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Stonington, Conn., April 30, 1785 ; married Sidney Thompson. CHILDREN. i. Child", b. 1813; d. 1892. ii. Howard Thompson", b. 1817. iii. Hugh Thompson", b. Dec. 24, 1819. iv, V, vi. Three daughters, died in infancy. Howard and Hugh were married in Northumberland, Saratoga county, N. Y., Sept. 11, 184-1, and celebrated together, at that place, on Sept. 11, 1894, their golden wedding. Hugh has one daughter, married and living at Fort Edward, X. Y. 441. Amos Swan^ (Joshua Swan^, John Swan-*, Susannah Eastman^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Stonington, Conn., March 9, 1788; died May, 1848; married Dec. 5, 1818, Keziah Hanford, born in Greenfield, Saratoga county, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1792, died May, 1869. They lived in Milton and Richmond, N. Y. CHILDREN. 994. i. Seneca Swan", b. in Milton, Saratoga county, N. Y., June 8, 1818. 995. ii. Joshua Swan", b. in Richmond, Ontario county, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1819. 21 298 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 996. iii. Martha Ann Swan^ b. April 29, 1821. iv. Cyrus Swan', b. Oct. 29, 1823 ; d. young. 997. V. Charles Henry Swan', b. April 9, 1824. vi. Peleg Swan', b. June 1, 1826 ; m. Harriet L. Hersey, in 1855. vii. Abigail Adelaide Swan^ b. Aug. 19, 1828 ; m. Philip J. Stout ; d. 1900. viii. Sarah Caroline Swan'^, b. Dec. 18, 1830; m. 1st, Jan. 9, 1851, George W. ; he d. Jan. 18, 1854, and she m. 2d, Dec. 18, 1873, George Cook. 998. ix. Hiram Swan", b. in Bristol, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1833. 999. X. Cyrus Swan^ b. Oct. 4, 1835. 442. Isaac Wheeler*^ (Ruth Swan^, Timothy Swan'*, Susannah Eastman^, Philip% Roger'), born June 6, 1768; died May 11, 1856 ; married ist, March 20, 1790, Hannah Holmes, who died in 1808 ; married 2d, in 18 10, OHver Bur- dick, born 1786; died Dec. 8, 1873. Isaac Wheeler, Jr., served as a fifer in his father's company in the Revolution- ary war ; stationed at Newport, R. I., when only eight years of age. He was the youngest soldier of the war so far as known. CHILDREN. i. Hannah Wheeler'^, b. June 4, 1791 ; m. William Wright. ii. Grace Wheeler'^, b. Sept. 25, 1793 ; d. ; never m. iii, John Holmes Wheeler", b. Nov. 6, 1795 ; m. Esther Hill Buddington. iv. George Washington Wheeler'', b. Jan. 23, 1798 ; m. Eliza Baldwin. V. Pitts Stanton Wheeler", b. April 7, 1802 ; m. Rebecca Roberts, vi. House Holmes Wheeler^, b. Nov. 27, 1803 ; m. 1st, Mary Ann Roberts ; 2d, Euretta Jefferys ; 3d, Augusta Miner ; 4th, Frances S. Wheeler. vii. Martha Ann Wheeler'^, b. Oct. 1, 1805 ; m. Henry S. Bur- dick. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. 1000. viii. Nancy Lord Wheeler^ b. Jan. 11, 1811 ; m. Samuel Stan- ton. THEODORE EASTMAN^, OF CONCORD, N. H. 299 ix. Thomas Jefferson Wheeler", b. Jan. 20, 1812 ; in. 1st, in 1843, Amelia Cheseborough ; 2d, 185G, Sophia P. Chese- borough ; 3d, 1879, Almira Phillips ; 4tb, IMary (Deni- son) Collins. He d. at the age of eighty-two years. X. Elizabeth Denison Wheeler", b. Oct. 20, 1813 ; m. Stephen F. Nye. xi. Stiles Denison Wheeler", b. March 14, 1815; m. Sarah Elizabeth Biggs, xii. Calvin Wheeler", b. Oct. 21, 1816 ; d. young, xiii. Harriet Sophia Wheeler", b. Sept. 12, 1S17; d. June 18, 1834. xiv. William Nelson Wheeler", b. March 11, 1819 ; m. Susan Wilcox. XV. Mary Ann Wheeler", b. Nov. 19, 1820 ; d. 1900 ; unni. xvi'. Emily :\1. Wheeler", b. Sept. 2, 1822; m. Thomas W. Holmes, xvii. Sarah Maria Wheeler", b. April 3, 1824 ; m. Samuel W. Bidwell. xviii. Francis Alvira "\^'heeler", b. Feb. 28, 1826 ; m. Robert R. Mattisou. 443. Theodore Eastman^ (Stilsons, Ebenezer'*, Ebenezer^ Philip^, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H. ; married Demaris Darling; resided in East Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. 1001. i. Ebenezer", b. in 1790 ; drowned in Onion River, Vt., in 1840. 1002. ii. Demaris", b. in Bridge water, Vt., Oct. 28, 1794. 444. Caleb Eastman*^ (Stilsons, Ebenezer-*, Ebenezer^ Philip^, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H. ; married March 9, 1790, Comfort Haynes, and soon after removed to Rumford, Me. He was one of the first members of the Con- gregational church in Rumford, organized in August, 1803, and he was baptized Aug. 17, 1803. He held several offices in the town. CHILDREX. 1003. i. Mehitable", b. April 15, 1791 ; m., published Jan. 14, 1811, to John Richardson. 300 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1003a. ii. Haines^ b. June 24, 1793 ; m., published Oct. 29, 1818, to Lovina Peterson. He was a soldier in the war of 1812-14. He was in service at Portland, Me., from Sept. 25 to Nov. 9, 1814 ; was in Lieut.-Col. William Ryerson's regiment, Capt. William Wheeler's company, of Rum- ford, iii. Phebe^, b. June 21, 1795 ; m., published Aug. 27, 1814, to Benjamin Elliot, iv. Harriet^ b. June 24. 1797 ; m., published Feb. 20, 1813, to Levi Abbott. 1004. V. Hannah", b. Nov. 28, 1799; m., published March 21, 1818, to George Graham, vi. Ruth', b. Feb. 7, 1802 ; m., published Nov. 16, 1821, to Jonathan Page. 1005. vii. William^ b. Feb. 11, 1806 ; m., published Jan. 25, 1829, to Olive Wilson. 1006. viii. Caleb^ b. Sept. 2, 1808 ; m., published March 31, 1828, to Molly F. Whitman. 1007. ix. Harmon^ b. May 20, 1811 ; m. Polly (Mary) Philbrick. 445. Asa Eastman^ {Jonathans, Philip^ Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Dec. 5, 1770; died Aug. 16,1818; married Dec. 31, 1795, Molly Kimball, daughter of Phineas and Lucy (Pearl) Kimball, born in Concord, N. H., May 15, 1775. Mr. Eastman removed to Chatham, N. H., about 1796, where they both died. At the time of their going to Chatham, it was a wild place on the borders of civilization. There were no roads, only paths, and they travelled on horseback, and their supplies had to be carried in on sleds in winter. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN CHATHAM, N. H. Jonathan K.^ b. Sept. 28, 1796 ; d. March 10, 1840. Philips b. Feb. 5, 1799 ; d. Aug. 7, 1869. Susan', b. May 16, 1801 ; d. Jan. 22, 1870. Eliza', b. Feb. 28, 1803 ; d. Jan. 24, 1805. Molly Chandler', b. Sept. 5, 1804. Robert Kimball', b. Nov. 8, 1808 ; d. in Stockton, Cal., Dec. 9, 1876 ; m. Mrs. Fanny Bartlett, of Stockton, Cal., formerly of Plymouth, N. H. She died in Sept., 1869. Asa Parker', b. March 8, 1810 ; d. July 23, 1869. Lucy Eliza', b. July 7, 1813 ; d. Nov. 9, 1849. Esther Johnson', b. June 28, 1816. 1008. i. 1009. ii. 1010. iii. iv. 1011. V. vi. 1012. vii. 1013. viii. 1014. ix. ,>«^ "^niv JONATHAN EASTMAN (446). JONATHAN EASTMAN^ OF CONCORD, N, 11. 3OI 446. Jonathan Eastman^ (Jonathan^, Philip'*, Ebenezer^ PhiHp^ Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., Nov. 14, 1781 ; died in Concord, March 23, 1867; married Aug. 9, 1804, Mary Chandler, born Sept. 3, 1786, died in Concord, Feb. 27, 1872. Mr. Eastman was a soldier in the war of 18 12-14, in Colonel Ripley's regiment ; was in the army two years as staff officer, paymaster, and quartermaster. He was stationed at Sackett's Harbor and French Mills, N. Y. He was at the battle of Stony Creek, fought June 6, 18 13, near Niagara, N. Y. He was a justice of the peace from 1833 to his death ; presidential elector in 1848. CHILDREN. Caroline", b. Sept. 29, 1806 ; d. Aug. 30, 1830. Annetta", b. Oct. 80, 1809 ; m. Jeremiah F. Daniel. Sarah Chandler", b. Dec. 16, 1812 ; m. James Frye. Mary Lang'', b. Dec. 22, 1815 ; m. 1st, Jeremiah Pecker, Jr. Harriet Stark^ b. July 26, 1818; resides in Concord, N. H. ; unm. 447. Robert Eastman*" (Jonathan^, Philip-*, Ebenezer^, Philip% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Dec. 30, 1783 ; married Mary Henderson, in 1835. ' 1. 1015. ii. 1016. iii. 1017. iv. V. CHILDREN. i. Seth'', b. in Brunswick, Me., Jan. 2-4, 1808; m. Mary Hen-, derson ; had 6 children. He graduated at the military academy at West Point in 1831 ; was in the service at Fort Snelling as lieutenant ; was captain and professor of drawing for eight years at West Point. He was also in the Florida war. ii. Charles'', b. March 4, 1809 ; graduated at Union College ; removed to Austerlitz, N. Y. iii. Mary Jane", b. ; m. Rev. Samuel Utley ; had a large family. iv. Julia Ann'', b. ; m. Jonathan Palmer ; lived in Bos- ton, Mass. V. Sarah E.'', b. ; m. Stephen Sage, a merchant. vi. Maria Lee'', b. ; a teacher in Village Green, near Philadelphia. 22 302 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. vii. Hannah EJ, b. July 7, 1817 ; d. May 7, 1818. viii. Hannah E.^ b. ; m. Martin B. Chittenden, a musician at Granville, 111. ix. Robert^, b. ; in. Martha Richardson. He was a mer- chant in Lowell, Mass. X. Harriet Lee'', b. . xi. Caroline O.', b. . xii. Rachel O.", b. ; m. Benjamin E. Badger, of Concord, N. H. xiii. John F.'^, b. . He is a machinist; attended the World's Fair, London. The two latter are the only ones living (1899). 448. John Langdon Eastman^ (Jonathan^ Philips Eben- ezer^, Philip", Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Dec. 31, 1786; married Mary Osgood, born June 8, 1788. He was adjutant of the Fourth Regiment New Hampshire Mihtia, in the War of 181 2 ; he served with credit and was promoted to Major, and when retiring from the army, settled in Frye- burg, Me. Subsequently he returned to Concord, but remained only a few years, when he returned to Fryeburg with his family, where he died June 12, 1865, aged seventy- eight years. CHILDREN. 1018. i. Philip^ b. Nov. 23, 1805; m. Nov. 20, 1838, Martha Love- joy- ii. Seth^ b. 10, 1807 ; d. Feb. 27, 1815. iii. Susan^ b. Sept. 4, 1809 ; d. Oct. 10, 1838 ; m. July 26, 1835, Henry B. Brewster, iv. Marianna^ b. Dec. 19, 1811; m. Dec. 11, 1834, Joel S. Morrill. V. Sarah H.^ b. Dec. 24, 1814 ; m. Nov. 23, 1837, Joshua Osgood, vi. Lucretia A.'', b. Aug. 17, 1816. vii. John L.^, b. Dec. 29, 1824 ; d. Nov. 16, 1826. viii. Ann E.^ b. Feb. 19, 1828. ix. John L.\ b. Oct. 27, 1829. X. Seth\ b. Feb. 13, 1831. xi. Maria L.\ b. Aug. 22, 1833 ; m. Oct. 25, 1851, Otis Warren. MARY F.ASTM.W^', OF CONCORD, N. }{. 303 449. Mary l^astman^' (Jonathan', Philip-*, Ebenezer^ Philip', Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Sept. 3, 1791 ; died in Oct., 1882 ; married May 21, 1809, Samuel Weare Lang, son of Stephen and Abigail (Weare) Lang, daughter of Meshech Weare ; married 2d, Jeremiah Pecker, Sen. Mr. Lang was employed in a store in East Concord, N. H., till he was twenty-one, when he moved to Boscawen, N. H., and associated himself in business with Joel P'rench in the sale of goods in a building now standing opposite the meet- ing-house on Boscawen Plain, N. H. Mr. Lang was fre- quently elected to fill various of^ces in town, and held that of town clerk when he died. CHILDREN BY FIRST HUSBAND. 1019. i. Esther Johnson Lang", b. in Boscawen, N. H., May 12, 1810 ; d. April 2, 1847 ; m. May 23, 1832, Robert E. Pecker, son of her mother's second husband by his first wife. He died in 1867. 1020. ii. Jonathan Eastman Lang", b. in Boscawen, X. H., Aug. 27, 1811 ; d. Oct. 17, 1876 ; m. Oct. 29, 1838, Sophia M., daughter of Jeremiah Tilton. iii. William Lang", b. Nov. 1, 1812; d. in infancy. 1021. iv. Mary Chandler Lang^, b. in Boscawen, N. H., June 27, 1816 ; d. Dec. 5, 1897. CHILDREN BY SECOND HUSBAND. V. Samuel Lang Pecker", b. Sept. 18, 1823, d. . vi. Ruth Maria Pecker'^, b. Dec. 23, 1825 ; living ; m. Joseph A. Merian. vii. Seth Eastman Pecker'^, b. Feb. 15, 1828; d. ; m. Marianna Snow, viii. George Bradley Pecker^ b. May 4, 1832 ; d. Dec. 8, 1841. ix. Mary A. Pecker'^, b. Sept. 5, 1834 ; living ; m. Thomas H. Snow. 450. Mellen KimbalP (Mary Eastman', Joseph^, Eben- ezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Oct. 16, 1761 ; died in 1831 ; married Mary Worthen ; she died in 1839. H^ was a Revolutionary soldier ; was in Colonel Stickney's regiment. He lived at East Concord, N. H. 304 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Charles Kimball', b. ; d. young. ii, Melinda Kimball", b. ; d. . 1022. iii. Samuel Kimball, b. Aug. 15, 1793 ; d. Jan. 27, 1864. 1023. iv. Cyrus KimbalF, b. , 1795. V. Ambrose KimbalF, b. . vi. Abbie KimbalF, b. ; m. Josiah Putney, of Hopkinton, N. H. vii. Jane KimbalF, b. 1807 ; d. June 3, 1869 ; m. John H. Maynard. 451. Asa KimbalP (Mary Eastman^, Joseph-*, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., April 6, 1767 ; died Oct. 20, 181 5 ; married Jan., 1799, Polly Gibson, born May I, 1772, died Oct. 27, 1859. ^^ resided in East Con- cord, N. H. CHILDREN. 1024. i. Reuben Kimball', b. April 3, 1800 ; d. Oct. 9, 1870. ii. John Emery Kimball", b. April 23, 1805. iii. Benjamin KimbalF, b. June 18, 1809 ; d. Nov. 30, 1849. 452. John KimbalP (Mary Eastman', Joseph^, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in East Concord, N. H., Jmie 25, 1769; died Nov. 19, 1845; married Lydia Clough, born March, 1772, died Nov. 11, 1870. He was a carpenter and was known as "Joiner John," to distinguish him from other John Kimballs in town. He built many meeting-houses. He removed to Hopkinton, N. H., where he lived the remainder of his life. CHILDREN. 1025. i. Asa Kimball", b. Oct. 13, 1794 ; d. Feb. 4, 1871. ii. Isaac Kimball', b. July 31, 1796; he never m. ; went to New Orleans, thence to St. Louis, Mo., where he died in 1845. iii. John Kimball'', b. Feb. 10,1798; d. in New Orleans, in 1845. iv. Charlotte KimbalP, b. Nov. 15, 1799 ; m. 1st, Hazen Jack- man ; m. 2d, Jonathan Eastman. REUBEN KIMBALL^, OF EAST CONCORD, \. H. 305 1026. V. Hazen Kinibair, b. Aug. 14, 1802; d. March 28, 1877. vi. Lydia Kimball'', b. Sept. 9, 1804 ; lu. May 9, 1825, James Conner, of Hopkinton, N. H. vii. George Kinibair, b. March 4, 1806. viii. Mary Ann Kitnball", b. March 20, 1808 ; m. Horace C. Stanley. ix. Elmira Kimball", b. . X. Apphia Kimball", b. Oct. 13, 1814 ; ra. 1st, Henry Hall, of Concord, N. H. ; m. 2d, William C. Hall. 453. Reuben KimbalP (Mary Eastman^, Joseph-*, Ebene- zer^ Philip-, Roger'), born in East Concord, N. H., Dec. 27, 1 77 1 ; died in Belfast, Me., March 21, 1835 ; married Deborah Spring, born in 1786, died Oct. 14, 1855. He resided in Belfast, Me. CHILD. i. Asa KimbalF, b. ; d. at sea. 454. Polly KimbalP (Mary Eastman^, Joseph'', Ebenezer^ Philip', Roger"), born in East Concord, N. H., April 15, 1775 ; died in 1848 ; married Simeon Kimball, born Dec. i, 1772, died in 1829, son of Reuben and Miriam (Collins) Kimball. He lived in Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Pamelia KimbalF, b. Jan. 3, 1800 ; m. Lougee. ii. Mary Kimball', b. Dec. 18, 1804 ; m. 1st, George Moulton ; 2d, Eastman. iii. Hiram KimbalF, b. Jan. 2, 1806 ; m. Eliza Jane . He d. Jan., 1864. He resided in Concord, N. H. Children : (a) Alvin W. Kimball^, b. 1839 ; d. Nov. 13, 1877 ; m. Sept. 29, 1860, Edie L. Robinson ; m. 2d, July 9, 1874, Martha Scott ; resided in Concord ; child : (1) Minnie L. KimbalP, b. ; (b) Hiram Kimball^ b. ; (c) Sophronia T. Kimball^, b. 1842; m. Sept. 25, 1872, William H. Neal, of St. Paul, Minn., b. 1838. iv. Harriet Kimball", b. May 2, 1814 ; m. Curtis, of East Concord, N. H. 306 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 455. William KimbalP (Mary Eastmans, Joseph'*, Eben- ezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in East Concord, N. H., Aug. 14, 1777 ; married Susan Foster. They resided in East Concord, Pembroke and Nashua, N. H. CHILDREN. 1027. i. Gardner Wood KiuibalF, b. Dec. 19, 1803. 1028. ii. Asa Foster Kimball", b. March 7, 1806. iii. Mary Foster Kimball", b. Oct. 7, 1807 ; m. a Mn Gillis, of Nashua, N. H. Children : (a) William Gillis^, b. ; (b) Aramantha Gillis^ b. ; (c) Susan Jane Gillis,^ b. . 1029. iv. Moses Foster KimbalF, b. May, 1809. V. Hannah Foster KimbalF, b. Oct. 3, 1810; d. unm. vi. Caleb Foster KimbalF, b. Nov. 10, 1811 ; d. unm. vii. Priscilla Foster KimbalF, b. March 10, 1815. viii. Charlotte Foster Kimball", b. Oct. 3, 1816 ; d. ; m. George Hodge. Child : (a) George Hodge, Jr.^, b. . They lived in St. Paul, JNIinn. ix. Emily KimbalF, b. ; m. James Payson. He is dead. X. Sabriua KimbalF, b. ; d. unm. xi. William KimbalF, b. . 456. Moses KimbalP (Mary Eastman^, Josephs Ebene- zer3, Philip-, Roger'), born in East Concord, N. H., Jan. 13, 1782 ; died in 1820 ; married P"eb., 1788, Cynthia Eastman, daughter of David and Ruth (Carter) Eastman ; died in Lou- don, N. H., Dec. 23, 1859. They resided in East Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. 1030. i. Orin Drake KimbalF, b. Jan. 8, 1811 ; d. April 6, 1870. 1031. ii. Clara Tolle KimbalF, b. Feb., 1814 ; d. Nov. 12, 1887. iii. Sabra KimbalF, b. Oct. 21, 1816 ; m. June 3, 1845, George Lock. They are both deceased ; had two daughters. 457. Hannah Eastman*^ (Mosess, Joseph-*, Ebenezer^ Philip", Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Aug 5, 1770; died July 31, 1832 ; married Stephen Ambrose, born in Con- cord, N. H., died at his daughter's, Mrs. William G. Walker, CHARLES EASTMAN^, OF CONCORD, N. H. 307 Oct. 5, 1845. llis disease was dropsy in the chest. He rose at the usual hour in the morning, nearly completed dressing himself and had been called to breakfast by his daughter, to which he answered. In about fifteen minutes afterwards she opened the door of his room and found him sitting in an upright position in his arm chair, dead. He was a trader at the East Village for more than forty years. He represented Concord in the legislature for several years. He was president of the Concord bank at the time of its failure. CHILDREN. i. Robert Ambrose', b. Jan. 24, 1797 ; d. in Boston, Mass., Sept. 20, 1831 ; ni. Dec. 25, 1823, Jane Johnson Hutch- ins. Children : (a) George H. Ambrose^ b. ; (b) Charles Ambrose^, b. ; (c) Nancy Jane Ambrose^, b. ; d. ; (d) Robert S. Ambrose^ b. . 1032. ii. Lucretia Ambrose^ b. Jan. 15, 1799 ; m. Sept. 22, 1823, Rev. Charles Walker, D. D. iii. Mary Ambrose", b. July 23, 18—; m. July 23, 1827, Philip Eastman, Esq., of Yarmouth, Me. iv. Hannah Ambrose", b. ; m. June 23, 1834, Hon. Amassa Walker, of Boston. V. Nancy Ambrose", b. ; d. . vi. Benjamin Ambrose", b. Aug. 5, 1807. vii. Susannah Ambrose'^, b. Aug. 22, 1809 ; m. June 8, 1829, William G. Webster, Esq. 458. Charles Eastman^ (Moses^, Joseph-*, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Dec. ii, 1774; married I St, Sally Bradley ; married 2d, Persis Chamberlain, died Aug. 12, 1857. He resided in Concord, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Lucy^ b. Oct. 24, 1799 ; d. July 13, 1813. ii. Eliza", b. April 21, 1801; d. March 18, 18.5-5; m. Joshua Emery, iii. Maria", b. July 16, 1803 ; d. May 2.5, 1857. 1033. iv. Sarah", b. Aug. 6, 1805 ; d. Oct. 11, 1893 ; m. Adam Foster. 1034. V. Lycurgus', b. July 14, 1807. vi. Lucretia", b. Oct. 15, 1809 ; d. Feb. 22, 1831, in Cambridge, Mass. 308 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1035. vii. Moses L.", b. July 13, 1814 ; d. Dec. 31, 1S90. viii. Betsey", b. April 3, 1816 ; d. June 30. 1826. ix. George C.^ b. April 20, 1818 ; d. Sept. 18, 1837. X. Franklin^ b. July 28, 1820 ; d. June 28, 1882 ; m. Sarah Paine, d. Oct. 8, 1881. He was a printer, and removed to San Francisco, Cal., about 1851, where he founded the " Franklin printing office." He left in his will a bequest of one thousand dollars to the erection of a monument at Con- cord, N. H., in memory of Capt. P^benezer Eastman. He had no children. 1036. xi. Alfred", b. Jan. 15, 1822. 1037. xii. Charles H.', b. Oct. 14, 1823. 459- Cyrus Eastman^ (John^, Joseph'*, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., May 7, 1787 ; married Eliza dishing ; removed to Amherst, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Laura'', b. April 16, 1813 ; m. Dr. Hezekiah Eldridge, of ]Milford, Mass. ii. Cyrus C. ", b. . iii. Harriett 11.", b. ; m. W. B. Woodman, of Danvers, Mass. iv. Elizabeth", b. ; m. George B. Melendy, of New York city. V. Abigail'^, b. . vi. Mary', b. . vii. Sarah", b. . viii. William C.^ b. . ix. Helen'', b. . 460. Thomas Eastman^ (John^ Joseph-*, Ebenezer^, PhiHp^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., May 7, 1789; mar- ried Lucy Cushing, and removed to Rochester, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Marian'', b. - ii. Sarah'', b. — iii. Thomas'', b. iv. Lucy'', b. — V. Martha', b. vi. elohn'', b. — JOHN EASTMAN'^, OF EAST CONCORD, N. H. 309 461. John Eastman*' (Johns, Joseph^, Ebenezer^ Philip-, Roger'), born in East Concord, N. H., Sept. 3, 1791 ; died March 4, 1858 ; married in Canterbury, N. H., by Rev. William Patrick, Dec. 30, 1823, Dorothy DeP'orrest, born in Canterbury, N. H., May 30, 1796, died in East Concord, July 8, 1836; 2d, Lucinda Buswell, who survived him and married Deacon James Carlton. Dorothy DeP'orrest was a perfect blonde. She was too pretty, her husband said, to be smoked up over a fireplace, and so the first cooking-stove came to East Concord. She was, however, a very domestic woman, a great economist, and tireless worker. Mr. P^ast- man was a man of extensive business. He inherited his father's large and fertile farm, and also manufactured plaster, and ran a grist and bark mill besides. The old home, just across the track at East Concord railroad station, is still standing. They were members of the Congregational church, and among its most generous supporters. In fact, it was so unusual a thing that none of them attended service, that it is said the family horse, one Sunday morning, not being called on as usual, broke from the pasture, took his accustomed place, and remained quietly during the service, and then trotted home. Mr. Eastman was the prime mover in the Sewall's Falls canal enterprise, and the failure of that project by the opening of the Boston & Montreal Railroad, swept away one half of his wealth. The old ditch is still to be seen west of the railroad track. His second wife, Miss Lucinda Buswell, of Windham, Vt., dispensed the most generous and dignified hospitality until a good old age. CHILDREN. 1038. i. Mellen^ b. in East Concord, N. H., Feb., 1825 ; d. April 22, 1825. ii. John", b. May 12, 1827 ; d. Oct. 30, 1829. iii. Mellen Chamberlain", b. (twin). 10.39. iv. Jane Anlbrose^ b. 1831 ; d. Way 24, 18G2. V. Laura", b. 1834 ; d. Aug. 29, 1830. vi. Dorothy Eliza", b. July 15, 1836 ; d. Dec. 20. 1836. 3IO EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 462. Elizabeth Chamberlain'^' (Jane Eastman^, Joseph*, Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Sept. 2, 1783 ; died in Ryegate, Vt., Oct. 25, 1859 ; married in 1810, Nehemiah Bradley, born in Haverhill, Mass., May 17, 1779, son of Ithamer and Mehitable (Chickering) Bradley, of Haverhill, and later of Hollis, N. H. Mr. Bradley settled in Peacham, Vt., where he died July 20, 1854. He was a mer- chant. Miss Chamberlain was his second wife, his first being Louisa Plympton, who died in Peacham, Vt., May 2, 181 1. CHILDREN. 1040. i. Mary Bl•adley^ b. in Peacham, Vt., Oct. 1, I8I0. ii. Laura Bradley'', b. 1818 ; m. Aug. 16, 1843, Samuel Colcord Bartlett, b. in Salisbury, N. H., Nov. 25, 1817, d. in Hanover, X. H., Nov. 16, 1898. He was tutor at Dart- mouth, 1838-9 ; studied divinity at Andover Theological Seminary, graduating in 1842; was ordained pastor of the Congregational church, at Monson, Mass., in 1843; dismissed ; was professor at Western Reserve College, Hudson, O., from Sept., 1846, to July, 1852 ; installed pastor at Manchester, Nov. 3, 1852 ; dismissed Feb., 1858; installed pastor of the New England church, Chicago, 111., April 15, 1858 ; dismissed March 1, 1859. Dartmouth gave him the degree of Hon. in 1861. He was President of Dartmouth College 1877 to 1892. His wife died Dec. 1, 1843, and he married 2d, May 12, 1846, Mary Bacon, who died April 2, 1893. iii. Martha Bradley'^, b. 1821 ; d. young. iv. William Bradley^, b. in Peacham, Vt., April 23, 1823 ; d. in Charlestown, Mass., Nov. 20, 1850 ; graduated from Dartmouth in the class of 1845. He taught at Peacham Academy two years, two at the Winthrop School, Charlestown, and at the date of his death was principal of the High School in Charlestown, Mass. He never married. 463. Jane Chamberlain^ (Jane Eastman^, Joseph^ Eben- ezer^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Peacham, Vt., June 17, 1792 ; died May 18, 1853 ; married Oct. 17, 1820, Elnathan Strong, born in Chatham, Conn., March 25, 1787, son of Rev. Cyprian Strong. Mr. Strong was a merchant in Hardwick, Vt., where he died June 19, 1843. MELLEN CHAMBERLAIN^ OF FEACIIAM, VT, 3II CHILDREN. 1041. i. ITarrietE. Strong", b. Sept. 21, 1821. 1042. ii. William Chamberlain Strong", b. Aug. 18, 1823. 1043. iii. Jane Chamberlain Strong", b. Dee. 1, 1828. 1044. iv. Elnathan Ellsworth Strong^ b. May 2, 1832. 464. Mellen Chamberlain^ (Jane Eastman^, Joseph'*, Eben- ezer^, Ph^ip^ Roger'), born in Peacham, Vt., June 17, 1793. He graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 18 16. He taught at Bellefonte, Pa., one year ; read law with Judge Samuel Prentice at Montpelier, Vt., and at Litchfield, Conn., Law School; began practice at Castine, Me., in 1820; removed to Pittsburg, Pa., and became a partner with Profes- sor Morse, inventor of the telegraph ; went to Europe in the interest of the firm, and in going up the Danube his boat was upset and he was drowned, near Vienna, Austria, May 14, 1839. He married Mrs. Catherine Hills, daughter of Josiah Hills and relic of the Rev. John Crosby. CHILD. i. Katharine Chamberlain'^, b. ; d. about 21 years of age. 465. William Chamberlain'^ (Jane Eastman-^ Joseph'', Ebenezer^, Philip', Roger'), born in Peacham, Vt., May 24, 1797; died there July 16, 1830; married in July, 1823, Sarah L. Oilman, daughter of Dr. Joseph Oilman, of Wells, Me. He graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1818. He taught at Moor's Charity School, at Hanover, from 18 18 to 1819 ; read law the next year with Daniel Webster, at Boston, Mass. ; was professor at Dartmouth from 1820 to the year of his death. CHILDREN. i. Frances E. Chamberlain", b. in Hanover, N. II., Oct. 4, 1824 ; d. in Hanover, Jan. 17, 1842 ; unm. 104.5. ii. William Mellen Chamberlain", b. Oct. 10, 1826. iii. Sarah Gilman Chamberlain'^, b. Nov. 1, 1829 ; m. ; no children. 312 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 466. Ezra Carter Chamberlain^' (Jane Eastmans, Joseph^, Ebenezer^ Philip*, Roger'), born in Peacham, Vt., Oct. 17, 1799 ; died in Peacham, Nov. 3, 1877 ; married at Peacham, March 22, 1827, Deborah Shedd, born in Salem, Mass., Oct. 5, 1800, died in Peacham, Aug. 8, 1876, daughter of Henry and Sarah (Bickford) Shedd, of Rindge, N. H. Mr. Cham- berlain's eyesight failing him, he was obliged to give up a college education and remained at home with his parents and took charge of the family estate and business. He was trustee of the Caledonia county grammar school thirty-nine years and treasurer fourteen years, a trustee treasurer of the Congregational church funds and was a deacon thirty-five years. He had the charge and settlement of many estates. He held many town offices, represented the town in the state legisla- ture and was one of the prominent men of the town. CHILDREN BORN IN PEACHAM. i. Henry Shedd Chamberlain^ b. Aug. 13, 1829 ; d. April 29, 1856. ii. Jaiie Eastman Chamberlain'^, b. Oct. 5, 1831 ; living, iii. Julia Ann Chamberlain^ b. April 20, 1834; d. Oct. 15, 1840. 1046. iv. Sarah Ellen Chamberlain^ b. Sept. 19, 1838 ; d. July 24, 1870. V. Abbie Mellen Chamberlain'', b. July 19, 1840 ; unm. vi. . Laura Bradley Chamberlain'^, b. April 12, 1843. 467. Isaac Eastman*^ (Nathaniel, Nathaniel*, Ebenezer^, Philip", Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., June 16, 1780; married in Woburn, Mass., in 1807, Abigail Tay, born in Woburn, Mass., March 16, 1781, died in Concord, N. H., Oct., 1869. She was the daughter of Major Samuel Tay, of Woburn, Mass. He was a captain in the Revolutionary war ; was captain of a company he raised in Woburn, and which he commanded at the battle of Bunker Hill. Mr. Eastman was made a Mason in 18 14, and was one of the few who were constant in attendance at the meetings of Blazing Star Lodge during the troublous times of Masonry. He was Worshipful ISAAC EASTMAN^ OF CONCORD, N, H. 313 Master of his Lodge for eleven consecutive years, commen- cing in 1834. He was also Grand Tyler of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. When a young man he entered the New Hampshire militia as a private, and worked his way up to a lieutenancy, and held every commission up to major- general. He resided in Concord, N. H. THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. To Isaac Eastman Esquire. Greeting. We, reposing especial Trust and Confidence in Your Fidel- ity, Courage, and good Conduct, Do, by these Presents, constitute and appoint you, the said Isaac Eastman, Major- General of the P'irst Division of militia, in the state of New Hampshire. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the Duty of a Major General, in leading, ordering, and exercising said Division in arms, both Inferior Officers and Soldiers ; and to keep them in good Order and Discipline : Hereby commanding them to obey you as their Major General and yourself to observe and follow such Orders and Instructions as you shall from time to time receive from the Commander in Chief of the Army, Navy and Military Forces of said State, for the time being, or any of your Superior Officers for the Service of said State, according to Military Rules and Discipline, pursuant to the trust reposed upon you. And to hold said Office during good Behavior. In testimony, whereof. We have caused Our Seal to be hereunto affixed. Witness Levi W^oodbury, Governor of Our State, the sixteenth day of June in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three and of the Independence of the United States of America the forty seventh. By his Excellency's Command Levi Woodbury. With advice of the Council, Sam'l SparhaW'K, Secretaiy. 314 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. Rockingham ss. On the sixteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and twenty three, the said Isaac Eastman took and sub- scribed the Oath of Allegiance and Oath of Office as a Major General of the First Division as prescribed by the Constitution — Before me Isaac Hill Richard Bradley Justices of the Peace. CHILDREN. 1047. i. SamueF, b. Aug. 30, 1807 ; d. in Concord, N. H., April 22, 1860. 1048. ii. Ruth Bradley", b. March 22, 1812; ui. Nov. 11, 1840, Edward L. Staniels. iii. Abram Bradley", b. April 29, 1817 ; killed by explosion of an engine, Feb. 3, lb60. 1049. iv. Charles Smithy b. Dec. 27, 1818; d. Oct., 1893. V. Isaac C^, b. Oct. 1, 1826; d. in Lowell, Mass.; ni. Helen French. 468. Phebe Eastman^ (Nathaniel^, Nathaniel-*, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., April 8, 1782 ; died July 29, 1867 ; married Samuel Brown, and settled in Han- cock, N. H. He died Oct. 2, 1849, aged sixty-eight years, eight months. CHILDREN. i. Hannah Brown^ b. Feb. 25, 1808 ; d. May 16, 1881. ii. Nathaniel E. B^own^ b. April 20, 1810 ; d. July 3, 1870. iii. Ebenezer E. Brown^, b. ; d. June 18, 1876, aged fifty- six years, ten mouths, three days. 1050. iv. Phebe Ann Browu", b. Feb. 26, 1826, 469. Timothy Eastman*^ (Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Eben- ezer^, Philip% Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., Sept. 15, 1786; married ist, Abigail Wilkins ; 2d, Mrs. Underwood. He learned the hatter's trade, removed to Plymouth, N. H., KUTll KASTMAN^ OF ?:AST CON'CORD, N. II. 315 where he carried on business. He was postmaster at one time in Plymouth. He died in January, 1S69, in a sleigh, while returning from his sister Ruth's funeral in company of his brother Seth. CHILDREN. i. Abigail", b. June 30, 1811. 1051. ii. Elbridge", b. Feb. 27, 1813 ; lived in Xashville, Teiiu. iii. Charles B.'^, b. Jan. 27, 181.5 ; went to California. iv. Hazen B.'^, b. Nov. 1, 1821; Baptist minister; went to California. 470. Ruth Eastman*^ (Nathaniel^, Nathaniel*, f2benezer^ Philip-, Roger"), born in East Concord, N. H., Jan. 7, 1789 ; married Benjamin Bailey ; settled in Plymouth, N. H. She died in January, 1869. CHILDREX. i. Jane Bailey", b. ; d. about 70 years of age ; unm. 1052. ii. Phebe Bailey", b. ; d. April 3, 1887, age 72 years ; m. Charles Currier Flanders, of North Hampton, N. H. 1053. iii. Timothy Bailey^ b. ; d. Feb., 1900; resided in Plymouth, N. H. 471. Ebenezer Eastman^ (Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Eben- ezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Feb. 20, 1791 ; married Mary D. Underwood, of Portsmouth; lived in East Concord. CHILDREN. 1054. i. John^ b. in Concord, N. H., June 24, 1823; went to Tennessee. ii. Sarah D.^ b. June 25. 1828 ; m. H. S. Thatcher, iii. John M.', b. July 1, 1838 ; lived in New York city. 472. Seth Eastman^ (Nathaniel^, NathanieP, Ebenezer^ Philip', Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Aug. 11, 1801 ; married July 14, 1830, Sarah Coffin, born Jan. 19, 1805. He lived in Concord ; was a jeweler. 3l6 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Enochs b. in Concord, N. H., April 20, 1831 ; d. June 20, 1837. 1055. ii. Edson C.^ b. Nov. 9, 1832. 1056. iii. Samuel C.^ b. July 11, 1837. iv. John M.\ b. April 13, 1840 ; d. Jan., 1841. 473. Abiel B. Eastman'^ (Jacob', Nathaniel'', Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., Jan. 12, 1788; died in Belfast, Me., Nov. 13, 1822; married Oct. 11, 1808, Sarah Chandler, died in Concord, N. H., April 25, 1856, aged 65 years. Mr. Eastman was the earliest watch and clock maker in Belfast, going there in 1 806, from Concord, N. H. He occupied a shop at the northeast corner of Main and High streets, in a house owned by Capt. James Douglass. CHILDREN. 1057. i. Chandler", b. in Belfast, Me., Nov. 20, 1815; m. Sept. 12, 1858, Martha Farnuni, born March 19, 1827. ii. Emily Jane'^, b. in Belfast, Me., Jan. 6, 1809 ; m. Sept. 2, 1832, John Weeks Moore, of Concord, N. H., b. in Andover, N. H., April 11, 1807. Three of her children live in INIanchester, N. H. 474. Hammond Eastman^ (Jacob', Nathaniel^, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Dec. 20, 1790; died in Exeter Mills, Me., Oct. 23, 1870; married Sally Hosmer, died July 23, 1867. He resided in Exeter Mills, Me. CHILDREN. i. Harriett'', b. ; m. a Mr. Brown. 10.58. ii. Hammond^ b. Nov. 15, 1819. iii. Cai'oliue'', b. ; m. a Mr. Chapman. iv. Jacob'', b. ; m. a Miss L. Leighton. 475. Hazen Eastman*^ (Jacob', Nathaniel-*, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., Nov. 4, 1794 ; mar- ried in 1822, Elizabeth J. Currier. He lived in Exeter Mills, Me. He was a tanner. SOPHIA EASTMAN^ OF CONCORD, N. H. 317 CHILDREN. i. Willis", b. ii. Abel", b. - 1059. iii. NathanieF, b. iv. Hazen, Jr.", b. V. Bartlett", b, — vi. Sarah", b. vii. Janette", b. 1060. viii. Chandler^ b. . 476. Sophia Eastman^ (Jacobs, Nathaniel, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., July 7, 1799; died in Exeter, Me., April 22, 1885 ; married July 9, 1816, in Concord, N. H., Josiah Eernald, born in Loudon, N. H., Dec. 20, 1788, died in Exeter, Me., May 27, 1863. He removed to Exeter, Me., about 1836-7. He was a tanner and Morocco dresser, and after he removed to Maine he followed CHILDREN. Josiah Fernald", b. in Concord, N. IL, Jan. 17, 1817. Sophia Eastman Fernald'^, b. in Concord, April 10, 1819 ; d. unm., aged 20 years. Robert Fernald", b. April 1, 1821 ; m. ; 2 daughters. John Fernald", b. May 2, 1823 ; resided in Dixniont, Me. Mary Jane Fernald", b. May 27, 1825 ; ni. a Nelson ; d. . Emily Eastman Fernald'^, b. April 4, 18-_'7 ; m. Charles T. Seavey. vii. Lucy Elizabeth Fernald", b. Sept. 5, 1829 ; m. George A. Rice. viii. Jacob Eastman Fernald", b. Dec. 20, 1831 ; m. Sarah . ix. Persis Chamberlain FernaW, b. Feb. 4, 1884 ; m. a Hard- ing. X. Lucretia Eastman Fernald'', b. (twin) ; m. Jackson Turner, xi. Charlotte M. Fernald", b. June 16, 1836 ; d. unm. xii. Amanda Frances Fernald'', b. in Exetei% Me., Feb. 14, 1839 ; m. John Harding, xiii. Benjamin Franklin Fernald', b. in Exeter, Me., July 10, 1841 ; m. Clara S. Foss ; resided in Winn, Me. 23 farm in ig- 1061. i. ii. iii. iv. V. 1062. vi. 3l8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 477. Phebe Eastman^ (Jacobs, Nathaniel, Ebenezer^, Philip", Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Dec. 14, 1803; married Jan. 27, 1825, Jonathan Sargent, born in Canter- bury, N. H., Nov. 6, 1794, died Jan. 6, 1864. He was a farmer in Canterbury, N. H., where his children were born. CHILDREN. 1063. i. Luther Sarg•ent^ b. Oct. 26, 1825. ii. Lucia M. Sargent^ b. Sept. 10, 1833 ; m. Dec. 2, 1885, James S. Elkins. 478. Jacob Hosmer'^ (Rhoda Eastmans, Nathaniel, Eben- ezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, Mass., Aug. 25, 1787 ; died in Boscawen, N. H., June 21, 1868 ; he married Oct. 16, 1808, Catherine Wellington, born in Concord, Mass., March 26, 1790, died Jan. 25, 1876. Mr. Hosmer was a hatter, settled in Groton, Mass., removed to Concord, N. H., and later to Boscawen, N. H., where he lived the rest of his life. CHILDREN. i. Lucy Ann Hosmer", b. in Concord, Mass. ; d. . ii. Charlotte Maria Hosmer", b. . iii. William Henry Hosmer'^, b. in Concord, N. H., June 13, 1814 ; m. Sept. 5, 1838, Mary Jane Sanborn, who died March 6, 1843; m. 2d, June 15, 1865, Mrs. Julia Ann Dunlap, daughter of Robert Eastman (448). Her first husband was Jonathan Palmer ; 2d, a Dunlap ; she never had any children. Mr. Hosmer graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in the class of 1838. He resides in Penacook, N. H., where he is still in practice. Dr. Hosmer is a man of wonderful vigor, and can, in an operation of surgery, carry as steady a hand as ever. He has always been devoted to his chosen profession, and has been very successful in his practice. He is also a musician of some note. Children : (a) Mary Frances Hosmer^, b. in New London, N. H., Sept 2.5, 1842 ; m. John E. Abbott, and they have two sons ; reside in Mountain View, Cal. ; (b) Carrie Elena Hosmer^ b. in Concord, N. H., Oct. 28, 1848 ; d. eighteen months of age ; (c) Ella Jane Hosmer*, b. Nov. 15, 1851 ; m. Feb. TIMOTHY EASTMAxN*^, OF CORNISH, ME. 319 16, 1874, John Chadwick, a livery man, and reside in Penacook, N. H. ; children : (I) Julia Ann Chadwick'-*, b. in Penacook, N. H., April 2, 1876 ; lives at home ; unm ; (2) Jennie May Chadwick^, b. ; in. Jan. 1, 1901, James Arthur Bean ; resides in Somerville, Mass. iv. Leonora Wellington Ilosmer^, b. in Boscawen, N. H. V. Catherine Ilosmer", b. ; d. young. vi. Jacob Eastman Hosmer", b. ; d. . vii. Nancy Permelia Hosmer'^, b. ; d. . viii. Mary Frances Ilosmer", b. in Boscawen, N. H., Dec. 28, lS'2o ; m. Dec. 2, 1854, Asa L. Drew, b. in Barnstead, N. H., April 13, 1819, d. Feb. 13, 1870. He resided in Concord, N. H., where he was a musician ; his widow resides on Park st.. Concord, N. II. Child : (a) Clara Frances Drew*, b. in Concord, N. II., March 27, 1862 ; m. Edward Filion ; resides in Westbrook, Conn. ix. Charles Frederick Hosmer", b. ; d. at the age of four years. X. George Ilosmer", b. ; d. at the age of two years. xi. Charles F. Hosmer", b. ; d. at the age of two years. xii. Charles F. Hosmer, 2d''', b. ; d. at the age of seven years. Three of these children died of scarlet fever. 479. Timothy Eastman'^ (DanieP, Jeremiah'', Ebenezer^, PhiHp% Roger'), born in Cornish, Me., April 20, 1788 ; died in Parsonsfield, Me., Nov. 28, 1869; married in Parsonsfield, Me., March 13, 181 1, Susan Knights, born in Parsonsfield, Me., March 11, 1793, died there Dec. 22, 1864. He was a farmer, member of the Free Will Baptist church of which he was deacon ; resided in Parsonsfield, Me. CHILDRKN. i. Joseph K.'^, b. July 6, 1811, in Parsonsfield, Me.; d. April 17, 1833. DanieF, b. Jan. 26, 1815, in Cornish, Me. Sarah K.'^, b. Nov. 13, 1819, in Cornish. James Monroe'^, b. Dec. 19, 1821. Timothy, Jr.^ b. Sept. 18, 1823. Susan^ b. July 16, 1826. Mary Ann', b. April 28, 1828. Moses S.^ b. May 10, 1832 ; d. Jan. 31, 1847. 1064. ii. 1065. iii. 1066. iv. 1067. V. 1068. vi. 1069. vii. viii. 320 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ix. Joseph K. P.", b. May 25, 1834. He went south previous to the Rebellion and settled at Oak Ridge, La. At the commencement of the war, he enlisted in the Twenty- fifth Louisiana infantry, was promoted to sergeant, orderly sergeant of his company, lieutenant and captain. His regiment was in the famous Gibson's Louisiana brigade. He was in the battles of Farmington, Shilo, Corinth, luka, Bragg's campaign through Kentucky, battles of Perryville, Rome. Chickamauga, Chattanooga and Missionary Ridge, when he was killed, Dec. 23, 1863, at the junction of the Chattanooga and Chickamauga roads, near the top of the Ridge. At his last fight, he killed three Union soldiers with his revolver before he fell. It is not known that he had a family. 1070. X. Andrew Jackson'^, b. ; m. Sarah Jane Frost. 480. Sally Eastman^ (Obadiah^, Jeremiah'*, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in East Parsonsfield, Me., Aug. 4, 1805 ; married in Chelmsford, Mass., Sept. 16, 1832, Thomas Gowdy, born in Ossipee, N. H., Nov. 20, 1807 ; died in Wakefield, N. H., where he lived. He was a shoemaker. She is living with her daughter, Mrs. Susan Emily Barstow, Lynn, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Sarah Ann Gowdy^ b. Aug. 26, 1835 ; d. . ii. Martha Maria Gowdy ■^, b. July 11, 1840 ; d. same year, iii. John Leighton Gowdy", b. Jan. 11, 1840. iv. Susan Emily Gowdy'', b. May 25, 1842 ; m. Sidney Barstow, and resides in Lynn. V. Elizabeth Frances Gowdy'', b. March 15, 1844. 481. Jesse Eastman*^ (Obadiah^, Obadiah-*, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger"), born in Salem, N. H., Sept. 13, 1769; died Sept. 6, 1858 ; married Sally Merrill, born Jan. 21, 1780, died Jan. 30, 1863. He lived in Haverhill, N. H. CHILDREN. 1071. i. Sevina', b. July 24, 1798; m. John Lothrop. 1072. ii. Jesse', b. Feb. 27, 1803. 1073. iii. Belinda'', b. Aug. 6, 1800 ; m. Joseph Niles, of Haverhill, N. H. iv. Benjamin', b. Nov. 30, 1807. SARAH EASTMAN'', OF SALEM, N. H. 32 1 482. Sarah Eastman^ (Obadiah-S Obadiah'*, Ebenezer^ Philip", Roger'), born in Salem, N. H., July 31, 1771 ; died July 8, 1830; married (published) Nov. 17, 1792, John Kim- ball, born Sept. 26, 1769, died April 24, 1850. He resided in Boxford, Mass. CniLPREN. i. Almira KimbalF, b. Oct. 24, 1895 ; m. Jane 15, 1828, Wil- liam Moody ; resided in Byfield and West Newbury, Mass. 1074. ii. Moses Kimball", b. Jan. 8, 1798 ; d. June 8, 1879. 1075. iii. Abigail Tyler Kimball", b. July 13, 1801. iv. Rebecca Poor Kimball", b. Jan. 15, 1805 ; m. William Farnham ; resided in Andover, Mass. V. Dorcas Foster Kimball", b. Nov. 1, 1808 ; d. Nov. 27, 1828. vi. Horation G. Kimball", b. March 10, 1811 ; d. April 4, 1836. vii. Ruby Kimball", b. Oct. 3, 1813 ; d. Jan. 1, 1817. viii. Ruth Kimball", b. April 4, 1818 ; d. Sept. 5, 1834. 483. Obadiah Eastman^' (Obadiah^, Obadiah-*, Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Salem, N. H., Oct., 1777; married 1st, Ruth Lovekin ; she died in Haverhill, N. H., but was buried in the High street grounds in Benton, N. H. ; mar- ried 2d, Jan. 24, 18 1 4, Eunice, widow of his brother Moses. Obadiah lived in Benton and Haverhill, N. H., but late in life removed to Brome, Canada, where he died with his son Ezra. CHILDREN. i. Obadiah", b. in Haverhill, N. H., Nov. 6, 1804. 1076. ii. Ezra Bartlett^ b. Nov. 9, 1808. iii. Ebenezer'', b. Aug. 22, 1810. iv. Ruth", b. Sept. 8, 1814. 484. James Eastman^ (Obadiahs, Obadiah'*, Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Salem, N. H., March 21, 1780; died in Clintonville, N. Y., June 5, i860; married ist, Aug. 28, 1790, Elizabeth Boynton, born Oct. 8, 1778, died Jan. 25, 18 1 3 ; 2d, Dec. 22, 1792, Mary Boynton, his first wife's sister, died Dec. 10, 1841. He removed to Clintonville, N. Y. 322 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 1077. i. Jessed b. July 28, 1799. 1078. ii. Rosilla^ b. Sept. 14, 1803 ; m. Michael Burbank. 1079. iii. Louisa", b. Juue 20, 1805 ; m. Charles Straight ; d. Sept. 13, 1877. iv. Nancy'', b. 13, 1808; m. Gilman White; removed to Michigan, 1870. 1080. V. Sylvester", b. Aug. 3, 1814 ; d. Jan. 19, 1860. vi. Betsey^ b. Sept. 22, 1816 ; d. March 25, 1847 ; in. . vii. Moses^ b. Dec. 13, 1818 ; d. Feb. 20, 1840. viii. Phileua", b. April 24, 1821 ; d. Dec. 15, 1891 ; m. William White ; no children. She removed to Michigan about 1870. ix. James'', b. March 12, 1823; d. in the South; never mar- ried. X. Rutlv, b. Aug. 13, 1828; m. Adam White; removed to Michigan about 1870. xi. Sarah Jane", b. Oct. 8, 1833 ; d. Aug. 24, 1860 ; m. . These W^hites are brothers, and are descended from Pereguin White, of the "Mayflower." 485. Moses Eastman^ (Obadiahs, Obadiah^, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Coventry, now Benton, N. H., Dec. 21, 1782; died in Benton, N. H., March 6, 1813 ; married Ei^mice , who afterward married his brother, Obadiah. CHILDREN. i. Phebe^ b.in Benton, N. H., June 9, 1808. ii. Caroline', b. Dec. 3, 1810. 486. Ruth Eastman^ (Obadiahs, Obadiah^, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Coventry, now Benton, N. H., July 26, 1785 ; married Plant Sawyer, son of Richard Sawyer, of Hampstead, N. H., born in Hampstead, N. H., April 10, 1779, died of dropsy, Feb. 28, 1840. CHILDREN. i. Ira Sawyer^ b. Nov. 6, 1808 ; d. Nov. 26, 1808. ii. Rosilla Sawyer'', b. Aug. 25, 1810; m. Horace Richardson, of Corinth, Vt. Children : (a) Fanny Richardson^ b. ; (b) Orrin Richardson^, b. . PETER EASTMAN^, OF I5KNTON, X. H. 323 iii. Otis Sawyer", b. Feb. 17, l.sl;5; ui. Mary Ann Bickford, b. Feb., iks. Cliildreu: (a) Ira SawyerS, b. ; (b) Dana Sawyer^ b. . iv. Alniira Sawyer'', b. INlarch o, 1815 ; d. iNIarch 7, 1817. V. Dana Sawyer", b. Aug. 14, 1817; m. Sally C. Sanborn, b. Feb. IS, 1818. Children : (a) Emma V. Sawyer^ b. ; (b) Henry T. Sawyer^, b. . vi. Almira Sawyer''', b. Sept. 13, 1819 ; m. Daniel Fitts, of Washington, Yt. Children : (a) Mary Jane Fitts*, b. ; (b) Julia Ann Fitts^ b. ; (c) Lucia Fitts*, b. ; (d) Monroe FittsS, b. ; (e) Emeline Fitts*, b. . vii. Emeline Sawyer'^, b. Jan. 9, 1822; m. Hilas Dickey, a mason by trade, and lived in Manchester, N. H. Child : (a) Eddie Dickey*, b. ; d. young. 487. Peter Eastman^ (Obacliah-S Obadiah'*, Ebenezer^ Philip% Roger'), born in Coventry, now Benton, N. H., June 3, 1788; died early; married March 14, 1809, Sarah Fel- lows, by William Coolidge, Justice of the Peace, of Benton. CHILDREN. i. Asa", b. Feb. 18, 1810 ; d. Aug. 14, 1814. ii. Abigail', b. Aug. 28, 1812 ; d. May 20, 1813. iii. Adaline'^, b. June 18, 1814. J 488. Sarah Knight*^ (Anna Eastman^ Obadiah"*, Eben- ezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Atkinson, N. H., Aug. 19, 1779; died in Salem, Mass., April 27, 1849; married June I, 1803, Nathaniel Kimball, born in Plaistow, N. H., March II, 1777, died in Plaistow, Oct. 20, 1821, son of Nathaniel and Susannah (Sawyer) Kimball. He was a farmer, and resided in Plaistow, where he owned a large farm. He was a captain of militia, and retired after the war of 1812. He was a representative in the New Hampshire legislature in 1812. 324 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 1080a. i. Anna Maria Kimball", b. April 9, 1804 ; m. Dec. 24, 1824, David Pingree, of Salem, Mass. ii. Susan Augusta KimbalP, b. Nov. 26, 1805 ; d. March 26, 1833. iii. Abigail Knight Kimball", b. April 14, 1807; d. Jan. 2, 1844 ; m. Jan. 3, 1828, Dr. Sewell Brown, of Seabrook, N. H., b. in Litchfield, Me., Jan. 10, 1798, d. March 3, 1850, son of Sewall and Hannah (French) Brovrn. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College. 1080b. iv. Edward Dearborn Kimball", b. Dec. 18, 1810. V. Elbridge Gerry Kimball", b. Sept. 5, 1816 ; d. July 5, 1849 ; m. March 6, 1844, Sarah Millett, of Salem, Mass., b. April 14, 1825, d. Dec. 19, 1847. They had no children. vi. Nathaniel A. Kimball,^ b. May 22, 1822 ; d. Aug. 27, 1862. 489. Caleb Eastman'^' (Ebenezer^, Obadiah'*, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Stanstead, Can., Sept. i, 1790 ; died in Whitefield, N. H., Aug. 28, 1856; married Tabitha Aldrich, born at Sugar Hill, N. H., Aug. 20, 1793, died in Whitefield, N. H., Sept. 22, 1868. Mr. Eastman settled in Sugar Hill, and about 181 5-16, removed to Whitefield, N. H., where he passed the remainder of his life as a farmer. CHILDREN BORN AT SUGAR HILL. 1081. i. Mary Ann", b. Dec. 2, 1813 ; d. April 4, 18.52 ; m. 1835, Benjamin Bowles, ii. Moses A.^, b. Nov. 15, 1815 ; d. 1888. 1082. iii. Thaes", b. ; d. in Whitefield, June, 1896. 1083. iv. Asa", b. in Whitefield, N. H., Nov. 27, 1817 ; resided iu Whitefield. V. Sally A.", b. April 26, 1820 ; d. Sept. 21, 1822. 1084. vi. Willianv, b. March 17, 1822 ; d. July 18, 1865. William enlisted Aug. 12, 1862, in Company I, Third New Hampshire Infantry, as private ; mustered in as such Aug. 21, 1862 ; discharged at Goldsborough, N. C, June 26, 1865 ; died in Whitefield, N. H., July 18, 1865. 1085. vii. Hannah B.'', b. April 11, 1623 ; m. Daniel Parker, viii. Sally", b. Jan. 1, 1825; d. Nov. 13, 1835. ix. Charles^ b. Jan. 29, 1828. X. Bennajah^ b. Sept. 1, 1829 ; d. Sept. 22, 1878. SIMEON EASTMAN^, OF LANDAFF, \. H. 325 xi. Benjamin Manson", b. Dec. 31, 1830 ; resides Boise, Idaho ; UUMl. 1086. xii. Myron B.", b. July 30, 1833 ; d. July, 1889. 1087. xiii. Ilosea B.'', b. Nov. 21, 1835; resides in Boise, Idaho. xiv. Emily B.", b. Sept. 3, 1837 ; d. in Boise, Idalio, Jan. 20, 1885. 490. Simeon Eastman^' (Ebenezers, Obadiah^, l^^benezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Landaff, N. H., Jan. ii, 1792; died in Lisbon, N. H., Dec. 7, 1835 ; married Judy Ouimby. He was a farmer, and resided in Lisbon, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Isaac", b. 1088. ii. David", b. in Lisbon, N. H., May 13, 1819. iii. Ebenezer", b. . iv. Joseph", b. . V. Laura", b. . 491. William Eastman'^ (Ebenezer^, Obadiah'*, Ebenezer^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Stanstead, Can., Sept. 2, 1795 ; died in Whitefield, N. H., May 13, 1869; married March 20, 1820, Rebecca Gale, born in Franconia, N. H., Sept. 15, 1795 ; died in Whitefield, N. H., June 10, 1888. Mr. East- man was a farmer in Whitefield, where all of his children were born. He was a Free Will Baptist. CHILDKEN. 1089. i. Eben", b. Jan. 14, 1821 ; d. in California. Feb. 13, 1853. 1090. ii. Susan", b. July 17, 1822 ; d. Aug. 12, 182.5. 1091. iii. Adeline", b. Feb. 25, 1824 ; d. Aug. 15, 182.5. iv. Susan", b. May 6, 1826 ; d. at Sugar Hill, X. II., Sept. 15, 1853. V. Adeline", b. April 10, 1828; d. Aug. 4. 1870. 1092. vi. Mary Jane", b. July 22, 1830. 1093. vii. Angeline M.", b. Aug. 24, 1833 ; d. April 27, 1872. 492. Sarah Eastman^ (Ebenezers, Obadiah^ Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Landaff, N. H., Jan. 22, 1798 ; died June 20, 1886; married Mitchel Eaton. 326 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. I 1094. i. Charles Eaton'', b. in Landaff, N. H., June 19, 1834. ii. Ann Eaton", b. July 14, 1837; d. in Landaff, N. H., Feb. 5, 1838. iii. Julia Ann Eaton^ b. Jan. 11, 1839 ; d. in Lisbon. N. H., May 10, 1862. 493. Jesse Eastman^ (Ebenezer^, Obadiah*, Ebenezer^, Philip", Roger'), born in Landaff, N. H., Sept. 6, 1802; died May I, 1879 ; married Priscilla Page. CHILDREN. i. Arthusa^ b. June 2, 1830 ; d. Oct. 20, 1852. ii. Hosea Bradford', b. ; d. aged 9 months. iii. Henry Elliott^ b. Oct. 12, 1833. 1095. iv. Martha Maria'', b. Jan. 10, 1836 ; m. L. B. Chandler. 1096. V. ]\Iary Marshall', b. June 7, 1838 ; m. xVug. 30, 1870, Lary Gordon, vi. Ellen Page", b. May, 1840 ; d. May, 1841. vii. Lary^ b. Dec. 10, 1843 ; d. Feb. 14, 1865. 494. Benjamin Eastman^ (Simeon^, Obadiah^ Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Landaff, N. H., Oct. 17, 1787 ; died there Feb., 1861 ; married in 1812, Sally Walker, born Sept. 27, 1787, died in Landaff, Sept. 30, 1866. They resided in East Landaff, N. H., now Easton. CHILDREN. i. Mary", b. Aug. 23, 1813; d. Dec. 10, 1862; m. William Quimby. ii. Simeon^ b. Sept. 26, 1815; d. Sept. 2, 1838; never mar- ried. iii. Fanny'', b. June 23, 1819 ; m. Stephen Brownson, of Lan- daff, N. H. ; d. March 3, 1898. iv. Benjamin KimbalF, b. Nov. 15, 1821 ; m. Ann Trussell, of Lyme ; d. Nov., 1892. V. Laura'', b. Sept. 14, 1823 ; m. Amos Brown ; d. . vi. Stephen'', b. May 11, 1827 ; m. 1848, Jane Moody; d. . SAMUEL EASTMAN^ OF I.ANDAFK, N. II. 327 495. Samuel Eastman'' (Simeon^, Obadiah-', Ebenezer^ Philip", Roger'), born in Landaff, N. H., Oct. i, 1789 ; died in Elkhorn, Wis., in 1858, of pneumonia; married May 11, 183 1, Mary Fell, born Sept. 15, 1796, died Nov. 27, i860. When quite young Mr. Eastman went to Ohio, visited Cin- cinnati, Columbus, Urbana, and other cities. He contracted malaria, which nearly cost him his life. He was obliged to remain in Urbana nearly a year to recover his health, after which he went down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to Natchez, where he taught a large and successful school. Here he became converted, and was baptized in the " Eather of W'aters " and became a member of the Baptist church. He was soon afterward licensed to preach. Erom there he went to Philadelphia, where he studied theology with Dr. Stoughton, then eminent in the denomination, and pastor of the Samson-street church in Philadelphia. He received an appointment from the Foreign Missions to preach in Missis- sippi and Louisiana, and was for a time very successful, but was stricken down with yellow fever, and after partial re- covery, with congestion and bilious fever, in which he was quite given up to die, he said, "After I had familiarly shaken hands with death, I was suffered to crawl up a few steps from the borders of the grave among the living." Then fever and ague took hold of him, and he in desperation barely escaped from the country with his life. After recruiting somewhat he became pastor of a Baptist church in Cincin- nati, O., where he spent three years of great pleasure and prosperity, but ill health coming upon him again he was obliged to resign his charge. Then he spent a year at the mineral springs in Harrodsburg, Ky. From there he went to New York city, where he planted the Stanton-street church, since become one of the largest and most flourishing churches in the city. There he remained several years, when again, on account of failing health, he returned to his native town 328 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. with the intention of spending the remainder of his hfe there. He built a pleasant home on a part of his father's farm, and spent a few years in gardening and farming in a small way. After preaching in Landaff and adjoining towns, and as his health improved, held pastorates in Haverhill and Meredith, N. H., and in Rutland and Groton, Vt. In 1844 he removed to Wisconsin, and .died there. He was highly esteemed as a preacher ; was a fine scholar for the times ; made special study of French, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and was well versed in medical science, and had a remarkable retentive memory, being able to repeat page after page from his favorite authors. CHILDREN. 1097. i. Emily Celia", b. Feb. 24, 1823; m. 1st, May 21, 1852, Samuel H. Montgomery ; 2d, Nov. 2, 1857, Richard E. Ely. ii. Octavius', b. March 2, 1833 ; d. March 27, 1837. iii. Mary Helen^ b. June 10, 1841 ; d. May 5, 1845. iv. Sarah Ann", b. Oct. 1, 1842 ; d. March 23, 1845. 496. Charles Eastman^ (Simeon^ Obadiah*, Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Landaff, N. H., June 4, 1791 ; died in Newbury, Vt., Sept. 9, 1836 ; married in Landaff, N. H., Feb. 7, 1812, Betsey Snow. She married 2d, Jan. 25, 1838, Samuel Gibson, by whom she had no children."] She died at Benton Harbor, Mich., April 11, 1876. CHILDREN. 1098. i. Eliza", b. June 7, 1813. ii. Lorenzo Dow'^, b. Dec. 31, 1817 ; d. March 12, 1856, unm. 1099. iii. Amos", b. Feb. 6, 1820. 497. Fanny Eastman^ {Simeons, Obadiah^, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Landaff, N. H., July i, 1793 ; died] May 14, 1825 ; married Dec. 25, 18 17, Rev. Jacob Sanborn,, born in Unity, N. H., May 16, 1788, died March 16, 1867, at Concord, N. H. As a result of pious training, Mr. San-1 \ FANNY EASTMAN^ OF LANDAFF, N. H. 329 born early felt attracted to the ministry, and joined the Methodist church at i8 years of age. In order to test his convictions, he preached one year at his own expense ; his labors proving successful, he joined, in 1812, the Methodist Conference. From that time until 1850, he gave himself up to his life work, filling, in thirty-eight years of ministerial duty, many important pulpits in New England. He preached in Portland, Me., in Exeter, N. H., and in Providence, R. I. He was for four years presiding elder in the New Hampshire district. In Massachusetts, he preached in many cities. After his regular labors as a pastor had ceased, he continued frequently to occupy the pulpit until 1863, closing his minis- terial career where he began it, fifty-two years before. As a pulpit orator he had marked ability ; a man of dignity and of noble stature, fine voice, clear thought, and impressive utter- ance. In business affairs he was a model of punctuality and good faith. The soul of honor himself, it grieved him much to hear of improvidence, of business dishonor, or even of apparent disregard of pecuniary obligations, in any one bear- ing the Christian name. By strict economy he was able often to fill out from his own limited means, the inadequate salaries so common in his time. During all his career, he contributed to the charities of his church, and never, even in his old age, received any aid from them. A stalwart and brave religious teacher, he belonged to that heroic age of the New England Methodist church, and was prominent among the moral heroes of his day. Mr. Sanborn married 2d, June 21, 1826, Eliza Robinson, died March 25, 1888. CHILDREN. i. Harriett Sanborn", b. Feb. 8, 1819 ; d. 1827. 1100. ii. George Wilson Sanborn", b. May 11, 1822. 1101. iii. John Eastman Sanborn", b. Aug. 17, 1824. Mr. Sanborn had by his second wife, four children. 330 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 498. Anna Eastman^ (Simeons, Obadiah^ Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Landaff, N. H., May 14, 1796; died in Landaff, April 3, 1880 ; married Ward Clark, born in 1785, in Landaff, N. H., died in Landaff, May 29, 1839. CHILDREN. i. Lucinda E. Clark^ b. in Landaff, N. H., Feb. 17, 1817 ; d. July 26. 1852. ii. Julia Ann Clark^ b. 22, 1819 ; m. Joshua T. Clark. iii. George West Clark^ b. Oct. 20, 1820 ; d. Jan. 2, 1821. iv. Maria Clark", b. Feb. 17, 1822 ; m. Oliver Brown ; resides in East Boston, Mass. V. West Clark^ b. July 27, 1825 ; m. Betsey Noyes ; resides in Springfield, Mass. ■ vi. Fanny S. Clark", b. Dec. 29, 1827 ; m. Russell T. Gordon, and d. May 22, 1862. She united with the church in 1850. I vii. Chester Clark^ b. Dec. 23, 1830; d, April 18, 18—; m. Luna Clark, viii. Susan W.Clark", b. Aug. 6, 1833; d. June 21, 1871; m. R. T. Gordon, of Landaff, his 2d wife. 499. Mehitable Eastman^ (Simeon^ Obadiah\ Ebenezer^, Philip% Roger'), born in Landaff, N. H., July 22, 1797 ; died in Boscawen, N. H., July 6, 1825 ; married Nov. 22, 1819, Benjamin Morrill, of Boscawen, N. H., born Jan. 16, 1797, died in Boscawen, April 21, 1859. ^^- Morrill was a clock maker, and of great ingenuity. He resided in Boscawen, N. H. CHILD. 1102. i. Lucretia MorrilF, b. in Boscawen, N. H. ; ni. a Mr. Don- aldson. Mr. Morrill tnarried 2d, a Miss Choate, of Derry, N. H., by whom he had ii. Franklin Morrill'^, b. in Boscawen, March, 1835. iii. Mary Francis Morrill", b. Aug. 24, 1843. 500. Lucinda Eastman'^ (Simeons, Obadiah^ Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Landaff, N. H., Sept. 21, 1800; | married James Clark, brother of Ward, who married her sister Anna. He was born in Landaff, Feb. 21, 1792, died BENJAMIN gale'', OF CONCORD, N. H. 33 I Nov. 30, 1865. Heresided in the westerly part of Landaff, on the farm occupied by his son Charles, in 1888. They united with the church in 1842. CHILDREN. i. Charles Eastman Clark", h. in I^isbon, N. H., Feb, 3, 1825 ; d. Oct. 18, 1896; ni. 1st, INIehitable Atwood ; 2d, Julia ' Atwood, his first wife's niece. Had one child, born Dec. 5, 1880; d. May 4, 1883. ii. Elvira Clark', b. Oct., 182G ; d. Sept. 22, 1829. iii. Elvira Clark, 2d^ b. Feb. 18, 1830 ; ni. in 1853, Rev. D. P. Leavitt, of the New England Conference. iv. Luella Clark", b. March 10, 1832; resides in Landaff, N. H., on the old home farm of her grandfather East- man. She followed teaching for many years. She never married. V. Eliza B. Clark", b. Nov. 21, 1836 ; m. Henry C. Simonds, who died Nov. 12, 1888. She resides with lier sister, Luella, in Landaff, N. H. 501. Benjamin Gale'' (Ruth Carter^ Ruth Eastman'', Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., June 5, 1767; married " Nov. 28, 1801, Prudence Varnum, daughter of Col. James Varnum, of Dracut, Mass. She died in Con- cord, N. H., where they resided, April 3, 1850. Mr. Gale learned the trade of blacksmith, and worked with his father till he was 26 years of age, when he opened a public house on Main street, which he kept for forty years. Thus Mr. Gale became -widely known and universally respected as a good landlord. His wife was a pattern of neatness, industry, and good manners, and a true helpmeet in the care of a public house. CHILDRKN. i. James Varnum Gale'^, b. Aug. 18, 1804 ; d. . ii. James Varnum Gale, 2d", b. Nov. 2, 1806. iii. Ruth Gale", b. Sept. 23, 1808 ; d. Oct. 3, 1809. iv. Ruth C. Gale", b. Aug. 23, 1810. V. Eleanor Varnum Gale'', b. Sept. 16, 1812. vi. John Varnum Gale'', b. April 5, 1814. vii. Benjamin F. Gale", b. April 13, 1819. viii. Levi B. Gale", b. May 17, 1821 ; d. . \ /" X 332 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 502. Ezra Carter^ (Ephraim Carters, Ruth Eastman*, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born Feb. 15, 1773; married Martha Ellsworth, daughter of John and Martha (Elton) Ellsworth. John Ellsworth was the second husband of Martha Elton ; her first was Richard Hall. Martha was in her thirtieth year when she married Mr. Ellsworth. Ezra Carter died Oct. 10, 181 1. Mr. Carter graduated from Dartmouth College in the class of 1797 ; was the first prin- cipal of Peach am Academy, Peacham, Vt. He was principal ten years. He lies buried in the old burying ground in Peacham, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Emily Carter'^, b. ; m. Professor White, of Wabash College. ii. Mary Carter'^, b. ; married Professor Hovey, of Wabash College. They went at once to Indiana as Home Missionaries ; a part of the journey was made with oxen. They boated up the Maume river in a canoe, and puslied their boat along with poles, and were three months on the way. In 1834, they went to Crawfordsville and founded Wabash College. Here they labored more than forty years, Mrs. Hovey being the friend and counsellor of the students in health, and tlieir nurse in sickness. A son, a Presbyterian minister, is living in Newburyport, Mass. iii. Dorcas Carter''', b. ; m. Ephraim Chamberlain, a cousin of Gen. William Chamberlain, who married Jenny Eastman, daughter of Joseph* (Ebenezer^, Philip^, Roger^). They had a daughter who married Rev. William Scales, Jr., who was settled over the Con- gregational church at Lyndon, Vt., in 1837. Mrs. Scales is a widow, and resides at No. 224 Chicago avenue, Evanston, 111. Another daughter married a Mr. Bart- lett ; another, Carrie, married Larado Taft, the sculptor. She died, and Mr. Taft married 2d, a daughter of Mrs. Bartlett, who was a sister of his first wife ; in short, he married his niece. 503. Bela Carter^ (Ephraim Carter^, Ruth Eastman*, Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born July 12, 1789; married Judith Carter, born May, 1783, daughter of Ezra and Phebe (Whittemore) Carter. SU.SANNAH CARTKK. T -> ^ CHILDREN. i. Clarisa Carter", b. Aug. 18, 1815. ii. Dorcas Hall Carter'', b. June 1, 1817. iii. riiehe Whittemore Carter', b. Feb. 21, 1819. iv. Ruth Townseiid Carter^ b. INIay 122, 1821. V. Judith Ann Carter", b. Oct. 28, 1824 ; d. Sept. 5, I82(i. vi. John Whittemore Carter", b. Aug. 18, 1826. 504. Susannah Carter^ (Sarah Eastman^, Moses^ l^ben- ezer^, Phihp-, Roger'), born May 21, 1780; married Abra- ham Dunkley. CHILDREN. iiu;i. 1. ii. 1104. iii. 1105. iv. V. 1106. vi. 1107. vii. Franklin Dunkley", b. Sophia Dunkley'', b. — Winslow. Sarah Dunkley", b. — William Dunkley'', b. Nancy Dunkley", b. — Jacob Dunkley", b. — Harriet Dunkley', b. — viii. Josephine Dunkley'', b. m. Marenda Gould. - ; m. 1st, Moses Shute ; 2d, Joseph ; m. Thomas Butters. — ; m. Caroline Sawyer. ; d. young. ; m. Sarah Tilton. - ; m. John W. Dodge. d. aged 22 years. 505. Nancy Carter^ (Sarah Eastman^, Moses^ Ebenezer^ Phihp-, Roger'), born Dec. 12, 1793 ; married Jeremiah Tilton. Resided in Tilton, N. H. CHILDREN. 1. ii. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. viii. ix. d. young. Louise Tilton'', b. — Jeremiah Tilton, Ji.' AVilliam Tilton'', b. ; d. young. Sophia McMillan Tilton', b. June 19, 1822. Louise Tilton, 2d', b. . Charles Tilton', b. ; d. young. Ann Tilton', b. Minneapolis, Minn. Charles W. Tilton', b. Mehitable Tilton', b. in Tilton, N. H. m. John C. Johnson ; resides in ; resides in Tilton, N. H. — ; m. Adam Valentine ; resides 24 334 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 506. Susannah West*" (Susannah Eastman^, Hoses'*, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born March 22, 1786; married Henry Sweetser. CHILDREN. i. Clarissa W. Sweetser^, b. . ii. Nancy B. Sweetser", b. iii. Henry Philips Sweetser", b. iv. John Sweetser'', b. . V. Isaac Sweetser'^, b. . vi. Susan A. Sweetser'^, b. , vii. John W. Sweetser'', b. . viii. Augusta Sweetser'', b. . 507. John West^ (Susannah Eastman^, Moses'*, Eben- ezer^ Philip^, Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., Sept. 7, 1788 ; died Oct. 17, 1836 ; married Nancy Montgomery. CHILDREN. i. George M, 'NVesf, b. 1108. ii. Clarissa Ann West", b. Dec. 17, 1820 ; m. William Picker- ing Hill. iii. Francis S. Wesf, b. . iv. John M. Wesf, b. . 1109. V. Ellen E. West^, b. (twin). vi. Charles H. West^ b. . vii. Montgomery Wesf, b. . 508. Hazen K. West^ (Susannah Eastman', Moses"*, Ebenezer^, PhiHp^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., March 25, 1 791 ; married Maria Farnsworth. CHILDREN. i. Henry C. West^ b. ii. Charles West^, b. - iii. Sarah A. Wesf, b. iv. Mary Wesf, b. — V. Augusta Wesf, b. ■ vi. James Wesf, b. — vii. John Wesf, b. JOHN \V. EASTMAN (1113). WII^LIAM K. EASTMAN (512). ARTHUR M. EASTMAN (1785)- MILDRED EASTMAN (17851). CHAKI. F.S WKST'^', OF CONCORD, N. H. 335 509. Charles West'' (Susannah Eastman^, Moses'*, Kben- ezer^ PhiHp-, Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., Sept. 9, 1805 ; married ist, Hannah Adams; 2d, Amanda Fairbanks. CniLDKEK. i. Ellen A. West", b. ii. Henry West', b. - iii. Lucy West", b. — iv. James West", b. — 510. John Eastman'" (Davids Moses-*, Ebenezcr'', Philip% Roger"), born in Loudon, N. H. ; died in Loudon ; married 1st, Annie Drake; 2d, Sally Seavey. She married 2d, Abial Maynard, of Loudon, N. H. Mr. Eastman lived in Loudon, N. H., where all his children were born. CHILDKEN. 1110. i. Jacob Carter", b. Jan. 6, 1818 : d. Feb. 2, 1889. 1111. ii. Amorette", b. ; m. John K. Gate. iii. Flora Ann", b. ; d. about 13 years of age. 511. Ezra Eastman'' (Davids Moses"*, Ebenezer-', Philip^, Roger"), born in Loudon, N. H. ; married Deborah Philpot ; settled in Limerick, Me. ; he was a tanner, being proprietor of a large tannery there. CHILDREN. i. David", b. . ii. John", b. . iii. Moses", b. . Besides these he had four daughters. 512. William Kimball Eastman^ (Davids Moses\ Ebene- zer3, Philip-, Roger"), born March 5, 1794, at the "old homestead " of his father, in Loudon, N. H, He was the fourth child of David Eastman ; his mother's name was Ruth, daughter of Ezra and Phebe (Whittemore) Carter and granddaughter of Daniel and Hannah (Fowler) Carter. (Corrected from page 165.) Ruth was born in Concord, July 6, 1765, and died at Loudon, Oct. 18, 1822. William T,^6 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 00 K. received his education first at the town school of Lou- don, and afterwards attended the high school at Concord for several winters. At the age of seventeen he served an apprenticeship of one year in the bakery of Horn & Robert- son, of Concord. He then went to Limerick, Maine, and spent two years learning the trade of tanner and currier. At twenty he went to Conway and built a tannery. In 1816, he returned to Loudon, and on Dec. 8, 18 16, married Rhoda Messer, daughter of John and Olive (Ladd) Messer. She was born at Salem, N. H., Aug. 18, 1797. They went at once to Conway and in two years moved into the house which was their home for fifty-four years and where all of their children were born. The house is located on the principal street of the village, nearly opposite the church. It is a large two-story white structure, with green blinds, surrounded by large beautiful trees. There were ten acres of land about the house, most of which was in the rear, extending towards the Swift and Saco rivers. The view from the back of the house was superb, the mountains and intervales of Conway first com- ing into view, and in the distance the White mountains. In addition to the ten acre garden about the house Mr. East- man had a good farm, about fifty acres, on the intervale, which was always highly cultivated. He continued in the tannery business, to which he added shoemaking and harness making until about the year 1835, when he opened a general merchandise store, and continued in the trade for a number of years. He built a paper mill, which, after running two weeks, burned, when he built a second and ran the business for many years. He was deputy sheriff for nine years ; he represented the town of Conway in the legislature for two terms, beginning 1842, being elected on the Democratic ticket. In June, 1842, he introduced and had passed a bill to incorporate the " South Conway Seminary," which was established soon after. This WILLIAM KIMBALL EASTMAN^, OF LOUDOX, K. H. 337 institution became quite celebrated, and educated many who afterwards became quite distinguished. The first principal was a Mr. Walsh, who was for some time interpreter to Napo- leon. Mr. Eastman also held many other positions of honor and trust, such as lieutenant in the militia, selectman, juryman, coroner, and was several times delegate from Carroll county to the Democratic state convention. Many anecdotes are related of the married life of Mr. and Mrs. Eastman, among which was an eventful trip to Con- cord, in June, 1825, to meet General LaFayette. Another was the terrible catastrophe to the Willey family, Mr. East- man being the first man on the ground after it occurred. On May 14, 1870, Mrs. Eastman died, and ten years later Mr. Eastman sold his estate in Conway, and moved to Min- neapolis, where he made his home with his son, Haskett D. Eastman. On Oct. 18, 1887, Mr. Eastman died. In the Minneapolis Saturday Evening Spectator of Oct. 22, 1887, appeared the followed article, written by the talented Viola F. Miner : " A PATRIARCH DEPARTED. " In the death of the venerable William K. Eastman, in his ninety-fourth year, not only the relatives and intimate friends of the deceased, but all who were so fortunate as to know him, have sustained a deep loss. And yet, dearly as he was beloved, his death was singularly free from those scenes of gloom and of anguish which nearly always shroud the portal of the tomb. He, rather, seemed to go up the shining way, and there remain behind him some rays of the glorious light into which he has entered. "Mr. Eastman's birthplace was Loudon, N. H., but he belonged to the old family of Concord Eastmans, well known in New England for their high social position and respecta- bility. His boyhood and youth were spent in Concord, but 338 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. after he married Miss Rhoda Messer, he settled in Conway, N. H., where the greater part of his long and useful life was passed. Among Mr. Eastman's earlier business enterprises were the carrying on of a large tannery and a boot and shoe factory. Later, he built two paper mills and conducted a flourishing business for many years. During all this time, his industry and sobriety doubtless contributed to build up those lasting qualities of mind and body which so eminently distinguished him in his 'green old age.' " Besides attending to his own private affairs with commend- able zeal, Mr. Eastman was frequently called upon by his fellow citizens to occupy many public positions of trust and honor. For several years he was a respected member of the legislature of his native state. He was an old-time Demo- crat, and clung to his early predilections up to his latest day. When Cleveland was elected, the old gentleman sat down and wrote him a letter of congratulation, which the President honored with a personal reply from his own hand. He would have paid his respects to President and Mrs. Cleveland during their recent visit to our city, had his strength permitted. Twenty years ago Mr. Eastman and wife happily cele- brated their golden wedding at the old home in Conway. At the same time he united with the Methodist church of that place, though before his death he was led to accept the Swedenborgian faith. But he never forgot the old church, and only a few days ago sent the officers a check for a thou- sand dollars. And only the other day, also, he sent in his seventy-third annual subscription to the Nciv Hampshire Patriot. " A few years after the death of his wife became to Minne- apolis in order to be with his children, all of whom had gradually established homes in this city, principally on the East Side and Nicollet Island, John W. Eastman coming first in the year of '54. He had four sons and four daughters : Haskett D., John W., William W., Mrs. Annette Thompson Wn.I.IAM K1.MUALL EASTMAN^', OF I.Ol'DON, N. 11. 339 (deceased), Mrs. D. A. Secombe, Mrs. C. C. Eastman, Mrs. John DeLaittre, and George H. Eastman. " Although an old gentleman when he came to Minneapo- lis, Mr. Eastman has, nevertheless, taken a li\cly interest in the affairs of the city, and has made a host of devoted friends. His vigorous health and temperate habits preserved his mental and physical forces to a wonderful degree, and enabled him to pass his old age in comfort and happiness. He had that rare faculty of passing through life without worrying. In company he was always genial and entertain- ing, one of those choice spirits who help to make life worth living. One of his grandsons. Dr. Arthur Eastman, of St. Paul, had a photograph taken a few months ago in which four generations were represented. " Eor some weeks past Mr. Eastman suffered a good deal of pain. There was no disease — there was a general break- ing down of the tissues as a result of old age ; but his mind was perfectly bright and clear to the last, and he often expressed himself as contentedly ' v/aiting for the Master to call.' At the last, all was painless, and he sweetly sank to sleep like a tired child — fitting end of a well-spent life. " John \V. Eastman left for the East, Wednesday night, and accompanied the remains to the old home at Conway, where the friends of other days will help lay them to rest amid the scenes of his youth and manhood. When another spring smiles upon the New England hills, his grave will be green, but we know that " Dust thou art, to dust returnest, AVas not spoken of the sou].'" CHILDREN BORN IN CONWAY, N. II. Haskett Derby^ b. June 9, 1818. John Whittemore^ b. Oct. 28, 1820. Ezra", b. 1823; d. 1830. William Wallace", b. Feb. 6, 1827 ; ni. July 23, 1855, Susan Randall Lovejoy. Annette Electa'', b. Sept. 3, 1830; d. March 1, 1882; m. Charles M. Thompson. 1112. 1. 1113. 11. iii. IIU. iv. 340 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. The following obituary notice was printed in the Pioneer Press, of March 2, 1882, on the death of Mrs. Charles M-. Thompson : "END OF A NOBLE LIFE. " In the death of Mrs. Charles M. Thompson, the daughter of Mr. W. K. Eastman, and sister of John, Haskett, William and George Eastman, and of Mrs. David Secombe, Mrs. John DeLaittre, and Mrs. Caroline Eastman, and the foster mother of Mrs. George B. Eustis, of this city, the Pioneer Press is compelled to record the sorrowful ending of a truly noble life. Mrs. Thompson was one of those lovely characters whom we too rarely meet, combining in her large and gener- ous nature the qualities of a devoted daughter, a faithful wife, an affectionate sister, a self-sacrificing mother, a loyal friend, and in every relation of life a refined and accomplished woman. Her death is the first to break the ranks of the children of this large and attached family, whose father is still among them at the ripe age of eighty-eight years, and who are inconsolable over their terrible loss. The close heart-ties that will be broken by the death of this lovely woman are many, and are included in a large circle of devoted friends who knew her but to love her." 1115. vi. Charlotte Augusta", b. April 26, 1833 ; m. Feb. 27, 1855, David Adams Secombe, b. May 25, 1827, d. March 18, 1892. vii. Caroline Calista", b. Feb. 3, 1835 ; in. W. H. Barnes. 1116. viii. Clara Towle", b. Dec. 3, 1838; ni. July IS, 1865, John DeLaittre, b. March 5, 1832. 1117. ix. George Henry", b. Feb. 9, 1840. 513. Cynthia Eastman^ (David^, Moses'*, Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger"), born in Concord, N. H., Feb., 1788 ; died in Loudon, N. H., Dec. 23, 1859 ! married Moses Kimball, born in East Concord, N. H., Jan. 13, 1782, died 1820. They resided in East Concord, N. H. MOSES KIMDALL EASTMAN^, OF CONCORD, \. II. 34 1 CIIII.DHKX. 1118. i. On-ill Drake Kimball', b. Jan. S, 1811 ; d. April 0, 187U. 1119. ii. Clara Tolle Kimball", b. Feb., 1814 ; rl. Nov. 12, 1887. iii. iSabra Kimball', b. Oct. 21, 1816 ; m. June 3. 1845, George Lock; both deceased; they had two daughters. 514. Moses Kimball Eastman^' (Abiel^, MosesS Ebenezer^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., March i6, 1805 ; died in Lockport, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1840; married Jan. 10, 1829, Mary Went worth, of Dover, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Alexander Hamilton', b. in Albany, N. 1'., Dec. 6, 1S2:» ; d. March 23, 1831. 1120. ii. Mary Frances^ b. in Albany, N. Y., May 8, 1832. iii. Margaret Malburn", b. in Albany. N. Y., Feb. 28, 1835 ; d. same place, Feb. 28, 1836. 1121. iv. Hiram Washington Kimball", b. in Albany, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1838. 515. Abiel Eastman'' (Abiels, Moses^ Ebenezer^ Philip% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., Nov. 24, 1806; died in Lockport, N. Y., June 5, 1890; married in Salem, Mass., 1835, ^ary Kinsman, born in Manchester, Mass., May 8, 181 3, died in Lockport, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1884. Mr. East- man removed from Salem, Mass., to Lockport, N. Y., where he carried on the tanning business, associated with his brother, Alexander H., where the firm erected a large build- ing on Market street. For many years the business con- ducted by the firm was one of the leading industries of the city. The compiler well remembers dealing with them, when living near Lockport in 1865-6. As a citizen, Mr. Eastman was a man who v/as universally esteemed ; always genial and social and made many warm personal friends who were attracted by his many good qualities of heart. 342 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 112-2. i. James T.", b. May 18, 1836. 1123. ii. Mary Kingsman", b. Oct. 31, 1837. iii. Charlotte Malvina", b. Feb. 1, 1840; d. Dec. 30, 1861; unin. iv. Rachel Ann", b. Sept. 11, 1841. 516. Alexander Hamilton Eastman^ (Abiel^, Hoses'^, Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., March 17, 1808 ; died in Lockport, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1882 ; married in Schenectady, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1833, J^ne Ann Gates, born in Schenectady, March 18, 18 15, died in Lockport, July 24, 1892, daughter of Samuel and Catherine (Ostrom) Gates. Mr. Eastman resided in Lockport, N. Y., and was in business with his brother Abiel. CHILDREN. i. Abiel", b. Jan. 13, 1834 ; d. Dec. 23, 1897, at the National Soldiers' Home in Milwaukee, Wis. He served five years on board U. S. Store Ship " Supply " as clerk. ii. Daniel G.', b. Sept. 15, 183o. iii. Alexander Hanlilton^ b. Sept. 10, 1838; d. Feb. 2, 1S63, at Lafayette Barracks, Baltimore, Md. ; a member of the One Hundred and Fifty-first Nev^^ York infantry, iv. Clara^, b. March 7, 1842 ; m. George Lewis Holmes. V. Kate A.", b. March 5, 1846 ; she is a teacher in the public schools, vi. Alices b. Sept. 15, 1849 ; d. March 10, 1862. vii. Jennie', b. Aug. 5, 1853. 517. Sally Eastman^ (Abiels, Moses*, Ebenezer^ Philip% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., April 24, 1813; died in Salem, Mass., Oct. 17, 1899; remains taken to Concord, N. H., and buried in the old family lot ; married in Salem, Mass., Oct. 15, 1834, Henry Luscomb, born in Salem, Mass., Oct. 15, 181 3, died Nov. 28, 1890, son of Henry and Mary (Barrett) Luscomb. Mr. Luscomb was a grocer and resided in Salem, Mass. JL'niTH AUSTIN^ OF LOUDON, N. H. 343 CHILDKEN. i. Ellen Frances Luscoiub'^, b. Oct. 19, 1835. ii. Henry Roswell Luscotnb''', b. Sept. 30, 1837. iii. Charles Phelps Luscomb", b. Ang. 12, 1839. iv. Abiel Thompson Luscomb", b. Marcli 5, 1842. V. Edwin Hyatt Luscomb', b. Jan. 17, 1847. vi. Clara West Luscomb", b. April 10, 1849 ; d. Oct. 10, 1850. vii. Frank Luscomb", b. March 22, 1852. 518. Judith Austin' (Judith Eastman', Moses'*, Ebene- zer3, Philip^ Roger"), b. ; married April 14, 1828, Jere- miah Davis, of Loudon, N. H., died Aug. 4, 1851, in Loudon, N. H., where they Hved. CHILDREN. i. Judith Ann Davis', b. ; m. 1st, Elbridge G. Chase, of Canterbury, N. H. ; m. 2d, Joseph P, Dearborn ; resides in Canterbury, N. H. ii. Sarah Sabrina Davis", b. ; ui. Alonzo 13. Lovering ; resides in Canterbury, near the " Shakers." iii. Susan Frances Davis", b. ; m. Edward Hillsgrove ; she is a widow and resides corner of Nortli ?>Iain and Montgomer}' sts., Concord, N. IL iv. ]\Iary Grace Davis", b. ; m. Nov. 20, 1857. M. W. Favor ; he is a railroad engineer on the B. & M. R. R. ; resides in Concord, N. H. Children : (a) Walter Web- ster FavorS, b. in Concord, X. H., Oct. 30, 1859 ; m. Mary Edel Rowe, of Franklin, X. H. ; resides in Bristol, N. H. ; (b) Frank Howard Favor*, b. March 19, 1864; m. Pearl Blackwell ; resides in Lafayette, Ind. ; he is a railroad engineer; (c) Cora Adel Favor*, b. in Bristol, N. H., Sept. 2, 1867 ; m. Ira O. Mathews ; resides in West Concord, N. H. ; he is head man at Sewell's Falls Power Co. ; (d) Nina Grace Favor*, b. in Bristol, N. H., Nov. 16, 1871 ; unm. 519. Persis Austin'' (Judith Eastman^, Moses'*, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Concord, N. H. ; married John Hohnes Morey, born in Lyme, N. H. He lived in Eranklin, N. H., but died in Tilton. She died in Chelsea, Vt., with her daughter, Sarah Persis. 344 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN, ALL BORN IN FRANKLIN, N. H. 1. ii. ; m. a Miss Symouds ; lie is in the livery business A son", b. ; d. young. J. Trussell Morey", b. in resides in Montreal, Can. there. 1124. iii. John Holmes MoreY^ b. Jan. 31, 1834 ; d. March 12, 1895. iv. Sarah Persis Morey'^, b. ; m. John Bacon, of Chelsea, Vt. She was a school teacher in Chelsea, where she was married. Children : (a) Sarah Persis Bacon^, b. ; d. young ; (b) John B. Bacon^ ; he is a banker in West Lebanon, X. H. 520. William Elwell Eastman'' (Phineas^, Moses'', Eben- ezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H., in 1796; died in Manchester, N. H., in 1873 ; married Mary Walker, who died in Manchester, N. H. Mr. Eastman settled in Vershire, Vt. CHILDREN. Lyman Walker", b. in Vershire, Vt., in 1820. Susan C.^b, 1821. INlaria ^.^ b. 1822. Aphia C.'', b. 1824 ; d. in Lawrence, Mass., 1890 ; unm. Mary G.", b. 1825 ; never married. William Elwell, Jr.^ b. 1828. Rachel Coggswell", b. 1831. Moses", b. 1835. Arthur Middleton", b. in Canaan, N. H., in 1841. 521. Phineas Eastman^ {Phineass, Moses"*, Ebenezer^, Philip-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H. ; married Sarah Wheaton, of Chelsea, Vt. 112.5. 1. 1126. ii. 1127. iii. iv. V. 1128. vi. 1129. vii. 1130. viii. 1131. ix. CHILDREN. i. Mary Ann", b. — Mass. Children Walworth^. ii. Coggswell", b. . iii. Caroline", b. . iv. ; m. Clark Walworth, of Boston, (a) Ellas, (b) Alice^, (c) LouHe Simeon", b. MOSES EASTMAN'^', OK CONCORD, N. H. 345 V. Josephine", b. ; in. Aziah Hoyt, of Boston. Children : (a) Cliarles and (b) Arthur. vi. Albert", b. . vii. Persist, b. ; ni. William Webster, of Chicago, 111. Children: (a) Edward^, (b) Annie«, (c) Charles«, (d) William^, (e) MaryS, (f) LoulieS, (g) Alices. 522. Moses Eastman'^ (Phineas^, Moses^, libenezer^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Concord, N. H. ; married Addie McNeal, daughter of General McNeal, of New Orleans, La. He settled in New Orleans, La. CHILDREN. Ella^ b. ii. Elwell", b. (twin to Ella) ; had three sons. iii. Middleton", b. ; m. and had two sons. iv. Susan'', b. ; ni. and had two children. V. Catherine", b. . vi. Austin", b. . 523. Simeon Eastman^ (Phineas^, xMoses\ Ebenezer^ Philip-, Roger"), born in Concord, N. H. ; married Matilda Wilson ; settled in Maryland. CHILDREN. i. Son", b. . ii. Susan'^, b. iii. Etcy'^, b. . iv. Daughter", b. - 524. Rachel C. Eastman^ (Phineas^, Moses'*, Ebenezer^, Philip% Roger'), born in Concord, N. H. ; married ist, Capt. John Felt. She was left a widow in Newton, N. H., when, after a while, she married 2d, a Mr. Low, of P^ssex, Mass., where she afterwards resided. CHILDREN BY FIRST HUSBAND. i. Carrie Felt", b. . ii. George Felt^, b. . 346 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 525. Jacob Carter Eastman'^' (Simeon^, Moses^, Ebenezer^, Philip^ Roger"), born Nov. 26, 1799; died Sept. 21, 1836 ; married July 16, 1725, Ann Marinus, born April 3, 1807, d. . CHILDREN. 1132. 1133. 1. ii. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. Henry W.'', b. May 8, 1826. George^ b. Aug. 26, 1829 ; d. Jan. 22, 1832. Elizabeth", b. Dec. 15, 1830; d. Dec. 31, 1831. George", b. Oct. 13, 1832 ; d. Jan. 23, 1833. George^ b. Dec. 9, 1833 ; d. Dec. 16, 1834. Mary Adaline^ b. Sept. 27, 1835. Emily^ b. March 1, 1837 ; d. Aug. 12, 1838. (Posthumous.) 526. Galen Fay Eastman'' (Simeon^, Moses^, Ebenezer^ Philip^ Roger'), born in East Concord, N. H. ; married ist, Martha Colby ; 2d, Rebecca Small. He lived in Plymouth, N. H. CHILDREN. 1134. 1135. 1136. 1. ii. iii. iv. V. vi. vii. viii. ix. Ruth^ b. ; d. a baby. Julia Ann^ b. March 11, 1819. Nancy Proctor^ b. March 18, 1821. Ebenezer^ b. ; d. . Simeon^b. 1825; d. . Martha^ b. Mav, 1828; d. . Edvvin^ b. June, 1830 ; killed in the war of 1861-5. Aaron'^, b. Aug. 2, 1844. George Henry", resides West Manchester, N. H. 527. Samuel Eastman*^ (Samuels, SamueP, Philip^, Philip^ Roger'), born in Rockingham, Windham county, Vt., Sept. 4, 1792 ; died in 1858 ; married Betsey Tanner, and settled in Ridgevvay, Orleans county, N. Y. He was a farmer, and his farm was located about one mile east of the village of Medina, on the line of the Erie canal. He removed west in 1830, with his two children, going from Buffalo by boat, and when opposite Silver Creek, N. Y., the boiler exploded and killed and scalded thirty people, Mr. Eastman and family escaping. Mr. Eastman was a soldier in the War of 18 12-4, and was in the battle of Plattsburg. ».' ELECTA EASTMAN , OF ROCKINGHAM, VT. 34/ CHILDREN. llo7. i. Horace T.", b. in Orleans county, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1819 ; ni. Hannah Snow. 1138. ii. Samuel J.", b. Nov. 9, 1825; d. Jan. G, 1874. 528. Electa Eastman^ (Ichabod^, Samuel, Philip', Philip', Roger'), born in Rockingham, Vt., April 5, 1807 ; died in Leicester, Vt., Sept. 21, 1881 ; married in Hancock, Vt., Oct. 18, 1829, Silas Whitney Stanley, son of Jonathan^, John5, Jonathan-*, SamueP, SamueP, Mathew'. Mr. Stan- ley resided in Leicester, Vt., where all of his children were born. CHILDREN. i. Mercy Maria Stanley'^, b. Nov., 18;}0 ; m. R. O. Dorr. 1139. ii. Albert Eastman Stanley^, b. June 4, 1833. iii. William Henry Stanley", b. Jan. 8, 1837; ni. in the west and d. there, iv. Chauncy Stanley'^, b. Aug. 18, 1840 ; m. Jennette Johnson, of Rochester, Vt. V. Sophia Adelaide Stanley", b. Sept. 7, 1843 ; m. Adelbert Rossiter, of Saratoga, N. Y. vi. Helen Perry Stanley'^, b. Aug. 14. 1846 ; d. unm. vii. Jonathan Parker Stanley'^, b. Feb. 14, 1850. 529. Dorothy Humphrey Eastman'' (Ichabod^, SamueP, Philip^, Philip^, Roger'), born in Rockingham, Vt., Oct. 5, 1812; died March 13, 1852 ; married ist, Dec. 5, 1831, Elijah Lee; 2d, Nov. 7, 1829, Joseph Phillips, and lived in Hancock, Vt. CHILD BY FIRST HUSBAND. i. Lucy Elvira Lee", b. May 5, 1833. CHILDREN BY SECOND HUSBAND. ii. Adelaide Phillips", b. May, 1842. iii. Joseph Lee Phillips", b. Feb. 14, 1845 ; enlisted in the army and was killed at Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept. 20, 1863. iv. Edgar Willard Phillips^ b. March 28, 1847. 348 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 530. Mabel Catherine Eastman'' (Ichabod^, Samuel-*, Philip^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Rockingham, Vt., Aug. 9, 1816 ; married July 29, 1841, Charles White Boardman, who died Sept., 1885. He settled in Haverhill, Mass., where his widow still resides (1900). CHILDREN. i. Susan Mabel Boardman", h. Dec. 17, 1842 ; d. 1857. 1140. ii. Mary Ann Boardman^ b. March 18,1851; ni. Benjamin Franklin Barnes; they have five children; reside in Haverhill, Mass. iii. Catherine White Boardman", b. Nov. 5, 1853 ; m. May 16, 1894, Perley Leslie, of Haverlaill, Mass. 531. Justus P^astman^ (Peter^, Timothy*, Philip^ Philip^, Roger'), born Nov. 22, 1767; died P'eb. 11, 1840; married Sally Farnum, and settled in Kingston, N. Y. ; he was a Christian gentleman of his day, but drank to exxess. CHILDREN. i. Otis^ b. July9, 1801. 1141. ii. George Willys'', b. Feb. 9, 1803. iii. Lucius", b. April 30, 1805. 1142. iv. Asa Farnum^ b. April 21, 1808. V. Alanson", b. Aug. 7, 1810. 1143. vi. Hannah Spaulding'^, b. May 17, 1813. vii. Sally Madelia^ b. March 3, 1817. viii. Mary Elizabeth^ b. July 9, 1819. 532. Roswell Eastman'' (Peter^, Timothy*, Philip^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Guilford, Conn. ; married ist, Abigail Snell ; 2d, Polly Kendall ; 3d, Susan Adams ; 4th, a James ; he lived in Westford, Conn. ; died in Ashford, Conn., Aug. 25, 1 86 1, aged eighty years. CHILDREN. 1144. i. Erastus", b. in 1809 ; d. Aug. 4, 1893. ii. Remington", b. ; lived in Milwaukee, Wis. iii. Morton", b. . iv. Betsey'', b. ; m. a Mr. Currier for her 2d husband. • v. Rosette', b. ; m. a Mr. Harvey or Harry Butler, of Ashford, Conn, vi. Craff, b. ; lived in Douglass, Mass. 1145. i. 1140. ii. 1147. iii. iv. V. 1148. vi. 1149. vii. viii. ix. X. MARY PIEKPOXT EAS'JMAN". 349 533. Mary Pierpont Eastman^ (Peter', Timothy', Philip^ Philip', Roger'), born Dec, 1803; died Nov. 12, 1851; married Street Jones, born July 5, 1801, son of Nicholas and Anna (Street) Jones. He married, after the death of his wife, three other wives. childrb:n. Benjamin Trumbull Jones", b. Feb. 13, 1827. Peter Eastman Jones", b. Jan. 9, 1829. Charles Nicholas Jones'^, b. Sept. 18, 1831. Mary Elizabeth Jones", b. ; d. young. Street \V. Jones', b. July 12, 1835 ; d. aged eight months. Harriet Emily Jones", b. July 19, 1837. Sarah Ann Jones'', b. Sept. 9, 1841. Fanny Jones^, b. Jan. 21, 1844; d. Feb. 5, 1844. Julia Eastman Jones'^, b. Aug. 3, 1845. Samuel Street Jones'^, b. March 22, 1847 ; m. Dec. 3, 1879, Ella Eliza Hall, born in Kane county, 111., May 15, 18.52, daughter of Williarn and Rhoda Amanda (Hooker) Hall. Mr. Jones is a farmer, residing in Lake City, Kansas. 534. Benjamin C. Eastman^ (Peter', Timothy*, Philip^ Philip^ Roger"), born Dec. 29, 1806; married ist, Gertie Ives, with whom he lived only a few months. He married 2d, May 12, 1834, Sarah S. Clark, of Chester, Conn. Mr. Eastman entered Yale College in the class of 1827, but on account of his health did not take up a profession. He travelled for some years for a New York firm. He lived in New Haven, where his first four children were born, when he removed to Meriden, Conn. CHILDREN. i. Gertie Ives^ b. March 23, 1835 ; m. March 9, 1865, Theo- dore F. Harwood. Children : (a) Mary Trumbull Har- wood^ b. Dec. 2, 1866; (b) Benjamin Eastman Har- woods, b. May 27, 1869. ii. Sarah Clark^ b. July 11, 1836. iii. Marianne TrumbulF, b. Feb. 19, 1838. iv, Theresa Janette", b. Jan. 22, 1841. V. Benjamin Trumbull", b. Oct. 26, 1845; d. April 25, 1846. vi. Katie Griggs% b. March 31, 1849. The two latter were born in Meriden, Conn. 25 350 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 535. Jonathan Shepard Eastman^ (Clark^, Timothy*, Phihp3, Phihp% Roger'), born in North Haven, Conn., Oct. 30, 1788 ; married Jmie i, 1828, Adahne Pease, born in Suffield, Conn., in iSoi. He settled in Baltimore, Md. CHILDREN. i. Sarah A. Pease^ b. April 9, 1829 ; d. 1849 ; m. July 1, 1847, James Henry Coghill ; had two children. ii. Henry Pease', b. Dec. 27, 1830. iii. William Mayhew^ b. Feb. 4, 1832. 1150. iv. Henry William^ b. in Baltimore, Md., Oct. 21, 1833. V. William Henry^ b. June 13, 1835. 1151. vi. Lewis Meacham^ b, July 17, 1836. 536. Mary Eastman^ (Clarks, Timothy^, Philip3, Philip% Roger'), born in Windsor, Vt., May 27, 1793 ; died in Troy, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1822; married in Windsor, Vt., May 9, 18 1 5, Jonas Brown, born in Sterling, Mass., Sept. 2, 1790, died in Auburn, N. Y., Sept. i, 1875. He married in 1823, Lois Choate. Mr. Brown was a lieutenant under General Scott at the battle of Lundy's Lane ; was acting sergeant on Commodore McDonough's flagship in the battle of Lake Champlain in 18 14. He was granted a pension for service in Captain Burnap's company, from Oct. 15, 181 3, to Oct. 15, 1 8 14. He was then detached to Navy Galley No. 7, Captain Robbing, and served until six months after the war closed, and received his disckarge October, 18 15. He was also in the battle of Plattsburg. His father, Samuel Brown, enlisted six different times from Sept. i, 1777, to Dec, 1778. (Mass. Soldiers and Sailors of Revolutionary War, and Annals of Lancaster, Mass.) CHILDREN. 1152. i. Mary Abigail Brown'^, b. in Chelsea, Yt., June 25, 1816. ii. Eliza Ann Brown^, b. in Chelsea, Vt., 1818 ; d. in Aulxirn, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1878 ; m. Harvey L. Smith. 1158. iii. Sarah Acenith Brown", b. in Lansingburg, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1820. MRS. JAMES EASTMAN (538). SAMUEL EASTMAN'', OF HENNIKER, N. H. 35 I 537. Samuel Eastman'^' (Samuel^, Jonathans Philip^ Philip', Roger'), born in 1760; married Mercy Tucker, and settled in Henniker, N. H. He went there before the Revo- lution, and lived on Crany Hill, on the southeastern slope, upon the place so long afterwards known as the " Eastman place." Late in life he removed to Strafford, Vt., where his youngest son was born. Mr. Eastman enlisted May 4, 1775, in Capt. Gordon Hutchins's company. Col. John Stark's regiment. Time in service, 3 months and 5 days. He was in the battle of Bunker Hill. (N. H. Rev. Rolls, vol. i, p. 49.) CHILDREN. SamueF, b. Feb. 18, 1779 ; d. Feb. 12, 18G2. Hapzabeth", b. 1781. Elizabeth", b. Feb. 9, 1781. William", b. April 5, 1786. John", b. June 4, 1788 ; d. Oct. 1, 1856. MaryS b. Nov. 3, 1791. David", b. Feb. 6, 1793. Jonathan'^, b. March 4, 1796. Sally", b. April 24, 1799. Hiraiu", b. Feb. 20, 1802. Amos WhitneyS b. Sept. 23, 1805 ; d. Aug. 12, 1878. 538. James P2astman^ (James^, Jonathans Philip^ Philips Roger'), born in Walpole, N. H., Oct. 20, 1786; died in Plattsmouth, Neb., April 10, 1847; married in Dummers- ton, Vt., Jan. i, 18 12, Clarissa Goss, born in Dummerston, Vt., March 8, 1792, daughter of Daniel and Tirzah (Prouty) Goss. She died in Franklin, Oneida county, Idaho, June 22, 1883. Mr. Eastman was a wagon maker and house builder. He settled in New P'ane, Vt., where he joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, June 12, 1842, and soon went west. Mrs. Eastman identified herself with the Latter Day Saints in August, 1842, and in 1843 moved to Nauvoo, 111. In 1846, they, with others of their faith, were compelled to seek a home in the wast where they could 1154. 1. ii. iii. iv. V. vi. 115.5. vii. 1156. viii. ix. 1157. X. 1158. xi. 1. ii. 1159. iii. 1160. iv. 352 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. worship God according to the dictates of their own con- science. They made a temporary home at or near Plattsmouth, Neb., where Mr. Eastman died. Their third son went with the pioneers to the Rocky Mountains in 1847. He returned the next year and took his mother and sister, Sylvia, by ox team, to Salt Lake City, Utah, where they arrived Sept. 23, 1848. Here they resided a few years, when they moved to Lehigh, Utah county, Utah, where she lived with her daugh- ter, and later moved to Franklin, Idaho. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN NEW FANE, VT. William Goss^ b. Sept. 2, 1815 ; d. May 5, 1819. Benjamin Franklin'^, b. March 5, 1820 ; d. in Victoria, B. C, March 23, 1885 ; m. in 1846, Sophia Smith. Sylvia Savonia'^, b. Nov. 4, 1826 ; m. Lorenzo Hill Hatch. Ozro French^ b. Nov. 18, 1828 ; m. 1855, Mary Whittle. 539. Joan Eastman'' (James^, Jonathan^, Philip^ Philip^, Roger'), born (supposed in Walpole, N. H.) ; married Flint Johnson, and settled in Vermont. CHILDREN. i. Malinda Johnson'', b. ; m. Samuel Gray, of Town- send, Vt. ii. Hiram Johnson'^, b. in Vermont. iii. Robert Johnson^, b. in Vermont, iv. Sally Johnson'', b. in Vermont. V. Tirzah Johnson^, b. in Vermont. vi. Abigail Johnson'', b. in Vermont ; moved to Troy, N. Y. 540. Lydia Eastman^ (James^, Jonathan-*, Philip^, Philip% Roger'), born March 27, 1784; married in 1806, Nathaniel Herrick, born at Brattleboro, Vt., March 7, 1782, son of Jonathan and Mehitable (French) Herrick. They resided in Dummerston, Vt., where he died Oct. 2, 1853, and his wife March 27, 1825. ESTHER EASTMAN^ OF WALPOLE, N. H. 353 CHILDREN. i. Esther Herrick'', b. Dec. 30, 1806; 111. Sept. 19, 1835, Stephen Mann, of Dumnierston, Vt., who was born Dec. 3, 1802, died Feb. 17, 1872; she died without children, Dec. 2, 1883. ii. Harriet Herrick^ b. March 22, 1809 ; d. Oct. 20, 1840. iii. Nancy Herrick'', b. July 4, 1811 ; m. 1837, Nathaniel French Roel. lie was born Jan. 12, 1811 ; d. July 19, 1878. iv. Jaraes Ilerriak", b. March 19, 1814 ; graduate of Williams College, 1841. V. John HerrickT, b. July 27, 1815 ; d. March 22, 1884. 541. Esther Eastman^ (Jamess, Jonathan'', PhUip^, PhiHp% Roger'), born (supposed in Walpole, N. H.) ; married Zenophen Houghton, and settled in Vermont. CHILD. i. Malinda Houghton", b. ; m. a Mr. Gibson, of Grafton, Vt., where she lives. 542. Ruth Eastman'^ (James^, Jonathan^, PhiHp^, PhiHp', Roger'), born (supposed in Walpole, N. H.) ; married Solyman Cune, of Brattleboro, Vt. ; he was a silk raiser and lived in Brattleboro, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Dexter Cune", b. ; went to sea. ii. Elenor Cune'', b. ; d. young. iii. James Stanford Cune", b. ; d. aged two years. 543. Polly Eastman^ (Jamess, Jonathan^, Philip^, Philip^ Roger'), born (supposed in Walpole, N. H.) ; married Charles Aaron Hitchcock, of Troy, Vt., where she lived at the time, and where they settled. CHILDREN BORN IN TROY. i. Charles Hitchcock", b. . ii. Samuel Hitchcock^, b. ; lived in Troy. iii. Sophronia Hitchcock", b. ; m. a Mr. Conaut. 354 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 544. Nancy Eastman^ (Jamess, Jonathan^ Philip^, Philip^ Roger'), born (supposed in Walpole, N. H.) ; married Emery Moore, of Dummerston, Vt. ; they removed to Dela- ware, Ohio, CHILDREN. i. Sophronia Moore'', b. ; m. Charles Converse. ii. James Dorr Moore'', b. ; d. young. iii. Franklin Moore'', b. ; was a telegraph operator ; m. 545. Wilham Eastman^ (Jamess, Jonathan^, PhiHp^, Philip^ Roger'), born (supposed in Walpole, N. H.) ; married Lydia Taylor, of Dummerston, Vt., and moved wrest. CHILDREN. i. Harriet^, b. Others, but names not known. 546. Jonathan Emerson*' (Comfort Eastman^, Jonathan"*, Philip^ Philip^ Roger'), born in Walpole, N. H., 1781 ; died March 26, 1861 ; married Lydia Crosby, of Dummerston, Vt. ; she died June 5, 1875. CHILDREN. i. Caroline F. Emerson'^, b. ; m. Silas Augier, Nov. 8, 1838 ; had five children, ii. ]\Iary Jane Emerson'', b. Feb. 3, 1822 ; m. William B. Mason, iii. John Crosby Emerson^, b. Oct. 12, 1823 ; m. Urania C. Mason. Children : (a) George E. Emerson^, b. 1857 ; (b) Franklin B. Emerson^, b. 1858; (c) Harriet U. Emerson^, b. 1863. These people were living in Walpole in 1878. iv. George Eastman Emerson'', b. Sept. 11, 1825 ; d. Sept. 3, 1833. v. Sarah Abigail Emerson^ b. Feb. 21, 1827 ; m. WilliamJB. Mason. Children : (a) William Mason^, b. 1852 ; (b) Harriett Mason^, b. 1854 ; (c) Charles Mason^, b. 1856 ; (d) George Mason^, b. 1862; (e) Walter Mason^, b. 1864. vi. Harriet Maria Emerson'', b. Sept., 1830; ni. Charles W. W^'man ; had four children. MASON K. EASTMAN'', OF DANVILI.K, VT. 355 547. Mason K. Eastman'" (Jonathan^ Jonathan^ Philip^, Philip', Roger'), born in Danville, Vt., June 15, 1809; died in Kansas, Nov. 27, 1857 ; married Delia Tisdale, who, after her husband's death, married Chandler Bailey, for his second wife ; she resides in North Troy, Vt. CHILDREN liOKN IN NOHTH TROY. 1161. i. Charles jMasoii", b. April 3, 1849. Ilfi2. ii. Adelaide M.", b. Nov. 27, 1852. 548. Cyrus P^astman*^ (Jonathans, Jonathan-^, Philip^, Philip', Roger'), born in Danville, Vt., March 15, 1814 ; died in Littleton, N. H., March 31, 1896; married in Dan- ville, Vt., Nov. 28, 1839, Susan Truel Tilton, born in Dan- ville, Vt., Nov. 20, 181 3, died in Littleton, N. H., Jan. 20, 1866, daughter of Joseph and Betsey B. Tilton, of Danville, Vt., and Littleton, N. H. Mr. Eastman resided in Littleton, N. H., where he had held the most of the town offices ; was on the governor's council one term ; he was in the mercantile business the most of his life. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN LITTLETON. i. Lucia Wait", b. Dec. 28, 1839 ; ni. June 13, 1866, Harvey P. Ross, b. in Bath, N. H., Jan. 18, 1831, d. in Bath, Oct. 22, 1896, son of Samuel Ross ; they had no children ; his widow resides in Bath, N. H. 1163. ii. Charles Franklin", b. Oct. 1, 1841. 1164. iii. ]\Iartha Ann", b. Sept. 9, 1843. iv. Laura B.^ b. July 10, 1845. 549. Jonathan P^anklin Eastman'' (Jonathan^, Jonathan-*, Philip^ Philip-, Roger'), born in Danville, Vt., June 10, 181S ; died in Tilton, N. H., April 8, 1893 ; married in Barnet, Vt., Nov., 1841, Sima Hibbard Tuttle, born in Lyman, N. H., Sept. 7, 1820, daughter of Dr. Socrates and Mary (Bullock) Tuttle. Mr. Eastman spent his early married life in Barnet, Vt., where he was engaged in mercantile 356 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. business; he removed to Littleton, N. H., about 1852, and entered into business with his brother Cyrus, where he remained until they went out of business ; he represented Littleton in the New Hampshire legislature ; was town treasurer and notary public. CHILDREN. i. Frank Tuttle'', b. in Barnet, Vt., Oct., 184:2 ; d. young. ii. Alice Murry", b. June 27, 1844 ; d. young. iii. Sima Jane^ b. June 17, 1846 ; m. Oct. 27, 1874, George H. Ellis, and resides in Newton Center, Mass. ; they have no children. iv. Edward Dana^ b. May, 1848 (?) ; d. young. V. Franklin Edward'^, b. June 27, 1851 ; d. young. vi. Mary Adelia^ b. in Littleton, N. H., April 16, 1853 ; ni. Sept., 1873, Joshua Piper Dennis. Children : (a) Blanch Marguerite Dennis^ b. ; (b) Alice Elbridge Dennis*, b. ; (c) Robert Harvey Dennis^, b. . vii. Katherine Gray", b. in Littleton, N. H., Aug. 15, 1856 ; m. Oct. 31, 1883, Harvey Kelsey Weeks, of New York. Children : (a) Harvey Kelsey "VVeeks^, b. ; d. young ; (b) Harold Eastman Weeks^ b. ; (c) Karol Gray Weeks*, b. . Mrs. Weeks d. Jan. 10, 1887. viii. Elma Genieve^, b. in Littleton, N. H., Jan. 4, 1859 ; m. Dec, 1882, Charles Elliott Tilton ; residae in Tilton, N. H. Child: (a) Charles Elliott Tilton, Jr.*, b. . ix. George^ b. in Littleton, N. H., Feb. 22, 1861 ; d. unm., April 30, 1894. 550. Jonathan Eastman^ (Jonathan^, Peter-*, Jonathan^ Thomas% Roger'), born Feb. 22, 1780; died in 1871. He married Mehitable Dole, born in 1783, died Sept. 26, 1823. He left his family and was gone forty years, and during all this time his family knew nothing of his whereabouts. The family struggled hard for existence, and when the father returned his children did not consider him a real father, and he became a town charge, and afterwards a county charge, where he died. JEREMIAH EASTMAN^, OF HENMKKR, K. H. 35/ CUILDRKN. 1165. 1. Jonathan", b. July f), 1805 ; d. April 18, 1885. ii. Esther",!), in 1807; d. in Boscawen, N. 11.; m. William R. Sargent, b. in Ilenniker, N. II., Aug. 29, 1809, d. iu Hopkinton, N. H., April 28, 1860. Children : (a) Martha J. Sargent^ b. Oct. 7, 1837 ; d. 1803; m. Enoch Poor, of Hopkinton, N. H. ; children : (1) Alta Poor', b. ; (-J) Addie Poor^, b. ; (3) Helen E. Poor', b. . iii. Patty", b. 1809 ; d. April 24, 1888. 1166. iv. AVilliain", b. Aug., 1810; d. June 4, 1894. 551. Jeremiah Eastman^' (Jonathans, Peter'*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Henniker, N. H., July 6, 1788; married Feb. 10, iSii, Judith Eager, and hved on the farm with his father. CHILDREN. i. Edward M.^ b. May 28, 1811. ii. Hepsibah", b. March 2, 1813 ; ni. David Clark, iii. Abigail S.", b. Nov. 20, 1S15. iv. Jeremiah^, b. May 18, 1818 ; had the home farm. V. Jonathan", b. May IS, 1820 ; d. Oct. 14, 1840. vi. Mary H.^ b. Jan. 8, 1823. vii. Letty^ b. July 13, 1825. viii. Calista H.^ b. April 20, 1828. ix. Judith", b. March 2, 1832. 552. Jonathan Cummings'' (Mary Eastman^, Richard^ Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger'), born Feb. 5, 1771 ; married Joannah Cobb, daughter of Jedediah Cobb, of Grey, Me. Mr. Cummings went to Norway, Me., quite early to his father's purchase, and was an active and enterprising citizen. He cleared lands, built mills, and made other improvements. He died July 12, 1820, and his widow married, in 1823, Capt. Charles Barber, by whom she had two children, and died June 30, 1844. 358 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, CHILDREN. i. :Mary Holt Caramings^ b. March 20, 1804 ; m. Sept. 2, 1822, Josiah Little, of Newburyport, Mass. She died in Minot, Me., Oct. 6, 1829. ii. Eliza Cummings^ b. Oct. 6, 1806 ; d. Oct. 22, 1808. iii. Daniel Cuinmings'^, b. Aug. 18, 1810; went to Tuscumbia, Mo. ; there reared a family ; d. July 14, 1885. He was much respected iu the community where he lived, and was buried with Masonic honors, in the presence of a large crowd of people v/ho came to pay their last respects to '' everybody's friend." iv. Clarisa Ann Cummings'', b. Aug. 20, 1815 ; d. in Gray, Me., Dec. 4, 1832. V. Lewis Ladd Cummiugs^, b. Jan. 30, 1818 ; d. in Winthrop, Me., March, 1847. He was a civil engineer, and was engaged in surveying the Androscoggin Railroad at the time of his death. 553. Stephen Cummings^ (Mary Eastman^, Richard'*, Jonathan^ Thomas^, Roger'), born Jan. 12, 1773 ; married Eleanor Heald. He was a distinguished physician and sur- geon in Waterford and Portland, Me. CHILDREN. i. Stephen Cunimings, Jr.'^, b. ; m. Frances, daughter of William Clark Whitney, of Norway, Me. ; no children, ii. William Clark Whitney Cummings'', b. March 2, 186- ; m. Elvira Judkins. iii. Sumner Cummings", b. April 10, 1828. iv. Ellen Francis Cummings", b. eTan. 19, 1829 ; m. Otis True. V. Stephen Henry Cummings', b. Jan. 2, 1832 ; m. in 1S6S, Mary L. Loring. 1168. vi. Charles Bradley Cummings', b. Dec. 19, 1834; m. Frances E. Staples, vii. John Cummings'^, b. Oct. 15, 1840. He is a livery stable keeper in South Paris and Norway, Me. ; is unmarried. viii. Harriett M. Cummings'', b. ; m. Charles H. Tibbetts, of Fryeburg, Me. 554. Lydia Eastman'' (Abiather^, Richard^, Jonathan^ Thomas^, Roger'), born in North Conway, N. H., Sept. i, 1779; died in Bartlett, N. H., April 21, 1872 ; married in ,h ABlATlll-.R KASTMAN , Ol' COXWAV, N. 11. 359 North Conway, N. H., May 26, 1801, Frye Holt, born in Pembroke, N. H., and died in North Conway, April 8, 1850. He resided in Pembroke, and North Conway, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Phebe Holt", h. in Pembroke, N. H., Aug. 26, 1802 ; d. in Bartlett, N. II., Oct. 1:3, 1882; unni. ii. Robert F. Holt', b. in Pembroke, Sept. 15, 1804 ; d. in Bartlett, N. H., Nov. 24. 1842; unm. 1160. iii. Esther Holt", b. in Pembroke, May 8, 1806. 1170. iv. Ahuira Holt", b. June 13, 1808. V. Abiather Holt", b. April 12, 1812 ; d. April 16, 1812. vi. Lydia Holt", b. April 21, 1814; never married; d. 1843. 1171. vii. Sally Holt", b. April 13, 1816. viii. Laura Holt", b. Jane 8, 1821. 555. Abiather liastman'^ (Abiather^, Richard^ Jonathan^ Thomas', Roger'), born in Conway, N. H., Aug. i, 1781 ; died in Plattsburg, N. Y., in the army, Dec., 1813 ; married in Conway, N. H., in 1802, Susan Durgin, born April 17, 1784 ; died in Sweden, Me., April 19, 1853. CH I LDIJ EN. 1172. i. Benjamin Durgin", b. Dec. 21, 1802. ii. Samuel", b. June 17, 1804 ; went to South Carolina in 1822; never heard from. 1173. iii. Otis", b. April 1.5, 1806; m. Florella Merrill. 1174. iv. Caroline^, b. Dec. 25, 1808 ; m. James Evans, of Loudon, X. H. V. Calvin", b. Jan. 13, 1811 ; went to Maryland; never heard from, vi. Polly R.^ b. Dec. 14, 1812 ; taught school ; d. in Portland, Me., March, 1862; unm. 556. Henry Eastman'^ (Abiather^, Richard-', Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger'), born in Xoith Conway, N. H., Aug. 29, 1786; died there July 3, 1838 ; married in 1815, Esther Eastman, born Aug. 14, 1788, daughter of Noah and Hannah (Holt) Eastman. Mr. Plastman was a farmer ; resided in North Conway, N. H. 360 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN BORN IN NORTH CONWAY, N. H. 1175. i. Lydia^ b. May 1, 1816. ii. Hannah'', b. Dec. 2, 1819 ; d. unm. 1176. iii. Susan^ b. Sept. 2, 1823 ; d. . 557. Thomas Eastman'^ (Abiather^, Richard'*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in North Conway, N. H., July 18, 1788 ; died there Aug. 7, 1846 ; married April 18, 18 16, Eunice Hill, born in North Conway, died there Jan. 24, 1862. Mr. Eastman was a farmer, and resided in North Conway, N. H. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN NORTH CONWAY, N. H. 1177. i. Abigail H.", b. Jan. 22, 1817 ; ni. Jonathan R. Thompson, M. D. ii. Brasilia Adams", b. July 10, 1819 ; never m. ; lived with her brother Leavitt, till 1886, when she lived in her own house near her brother Thomas, iii. Abiather', b. April 29, 1822 ; d. Oct. 11, 1843. iv. Leavitt H.'^, b. May 6, 1824 ; never m. ; kept boarding house. V. Charles^, b. June 3, 1829. 1178. vi. Thomas C.\ b. Oct. 8, 1831. 1179. vii. Mary Ann^ b. Nov. 12, 1835. 558. Caleb Eastman^ (Abiather^, Richard-*, Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger'), born in North Conway, N. H., March 12, 1793 ; died in York, Me., where he was a practicing M. D. ; married May 8, 1833, in York, Adaline Taply ; she died at her daughters', Mrs. Cutts and Mary, in Portland, Me., March 15, 1888. CHILDREN. i. Abbie Jane'', b. in Portland, Me., April 24, 1834 ; d. July 29, 1837. ii. Louisa M.^ b. Dec. 6, 1835 ; m. Nov. 26, 1866, Eastman Cutts, born June 16, 1827, d. in Liverpool, Eng., of con- sumption. Child : (a) Henry Eastman Cutts^, b. Sept. 21, 1867. JONATHAN EASTMAN', OF NORTH CONWAY, N. H. 36 1 iii. Mary A.", b. April 15, 1838. iv. Ellen F.", b. Feb. 5, 1840. V. Annie E.", b. Oct. 28, 1841. vi. Abbie II.". b. Nov. 22, 1843. vii. Kate", b. Aug. 4, 1846. 559. Jonathan Eastman'' (Richard^, Richard-*, Jonathan^ Thomas', Roger'), born in North Conway, N. H., July i8, 1770; died May i6, 1868; married April 18, 1793, Phebe Lovejoy ; he was the first male child born in the town. He was a deacon of the Congregational church in North Con- way, N. H., where he lived, and where all his children were born. CHILDREN. i. Nancy", b. Nov. 6, 1794 ; d. unm. ii. Jereuiiah", b. Sept. 15, 1795; d. Oct. 21, 1855 ; ui. Esther Philbrock. iii. Sally", b. July 27, 1797 ; d. unm. iv. Alpha", b. Aug. 23, 1799 ; ni. Deborah Blake. 1180. V. Eliza", b. Dec. 26, 1802 ; m. Jetters Furber. vi. Phebe", b. July 17, 1805. vii. Jonathan C", b. Aug. 12, 1807 ; m. Susan Merrill. 1181. viii, Lewis'^, b. Aug. 7, 1809 ; m. Plannah Chandler. ix. Susan", b. July 29, 1811 ; d. April 6, 1813. 1182. X. Abbie J.", b. Feb. 19, 1815 ; m. Dana Hill. xi. Henry", b. 1817. xii. AbigaiP, b. Feb. 19, 1819. 560. Kesiah Eastman*^ (Richard-^ Richard'*, Jonathan^ Thomas-, Roger"), born in Cojiway, N. H., Oct. 5, 1792; married Dec. 26, 18 13, Henry Tucker, of Conway, N. H., born in Falmouth, England, May i, 1789, died in Conway, N. H., Aug. 18, 1830. She moved to Leeds, Me., Oct. 30, 1868. CHILDREN. 1183. i. Lewis McMillan Tucker", b. Jan. 30, 1815. ii. Mary Ann Tucker", b. May 26, 1817. 1184. iii. Elizabeth Eastman Tucker', b. July 18, 1821. 1185. iv. Susan Runnels Tucker^ b. Oct. 1, 1823. 362 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. V. Heni'y Eastman Tucker", b. Jan. 18, 1831 ; he went to California in 1853, where he was engaged in mining, but was severely injured by a bank falling on him severely injuring him in the back, causing paralysis of the lower limbs. Reaching Conway in July, 1857, with much suffering, he was afterwards enabled to move about in a wheeled chair ; he commenced trade on a small scale in a private house ; m. April 9, 1863, Susan Willey, and d. Jan. 25, 1865; he had no children. 561. Betsey Eastman'' (Richard^, Richard^, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born May 11, 1795 ; died Nov. 9, 1891 ; married Dec. 6, 1821, John Hill, of Conway, N. H. He was a merchant and lived in Conway. CHILDREN. i. Polly Freeman HilF, b. Oct., 1822 ; d. young, ii. Mary Freeman Hill", b. May 22. 1824. 1186. iii. Elizabeth HilF, b. Feb. 15, 1827. iv. George Freeman Hill", b. June 2, 1829. v. Thomas HilF, b. Feb. 2, 1831. vi. Sumner Cunimings HilF, b. Aug. 10, 1833. vii. Charles Henry HilF, b. Jan. 31, 1836 ; d. April 23, 1842. viii. Susan Ann HilF, b. July 4, 1838; ni. June 8, 1871, Dr. Simeon A. Evans. Child : (a) George Hill Evans^, b. May 6, 1872. 562. Amos Eastman*^ (Richards, Richard^, Jonathan^ Thomas^, Roger"), born in Conway, N. H., Aug. 28, 1797 ; married Betsey E. Merrill ; resided in Conway, N. H. ; he was killed by accident while sledding in the woods, Jan. 30, 1854 ; he had only two children, only one grew to manhood, viz. : 1. Richard'^, b. . 563. Harriett Eastman*" (Richard^, Richard^, Jonathan^ Thomas^, Roger"), born in Conway, N. H., April 18, 1803 ; married May i, 1821, George Pendexter Meserve ; resided in Jackson, N. H., where he was a farmer ; he was a major- general of the New Hampshire Militia, at the age of twenty- six, and has represented his town in the state legislature. JOHN LANGDON EASTMAN"'', OF NORTH COXW AV, X. H. 363 CHILDREN. i. Martha Tricket Meserve^ b. Sept. 20, 1822. ii. Alice Pendexter Meserve", b. Aug. 7, 182.5. iii. Susan Eastman Meserve'^, b. Jan. 7, 1828. iv. Mary Davis Meserve", b. June 18, 18-31. V. Clara Eastman Meserve'^, b. Oct. 5, 1835; teacher. 1187. vi. Ilattie Douglass Meserve'', b. Aug. 27, 1837; graduated New Hampton, 1862 ; preceptress in Littleton, N. H., high school, several years, vii. George Washington IMeserve', b. June 19. 1839. viii. Lizzie Amelia Everett Meserve", b. Sept. 6, 1842; m. May 19, 1872, Chase Burnum Perkins, of Jackson, N. H. ix. Sarah Addie Williams INIeserve'^, b. April 28, 1845 ; m. Oct. 25, 1868, Alonzo Stillings, farmer, of Jackson, N. H. 564. John Langdon Eastman'' (Richards, Richard'*, Jona- than^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in North Conway, N. H., March 12, 1805 ; died in same place March 28, 1885 ; mar- ried in Portland, Me., Nov. 18, 1834, Margaret Douglass, daughter of Barnard and Betsey (Cummings) Douglass, of Portland, Me. She died in North Conway, N. H., April 28, 1885. Mr. Eastman was a farmer boy, and spent several years of his early life in manufacturing industries, and then returned to farm life at the old homestead in North Conway, where be was born, and where he died. He was a man of a retiring and modest disposition, an intelligent man, and much respected by all with whom he came in contact. He was a deacon in the Congregational church in Conway. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN NORTH CONWAY, N. H. Barnard Douglass^ b. Feb. 5, 1836. Edward Paysou", b. July 15, 1838. Charles Henry", b. Feb. 14, 1841. Maria Cumming.s", b. April 16,' 1844. Margaret Douglass'', b. April 12, 1846. John Langdon'', b. Feb. 5, 1851. Harriet Elizabeth', b. May 16, 1849. Elmer Flllsworth', b. Dec. 21, 1861. 1188. i. 1189. ii. 1190. iii. 1191. iv, V, vi. vii. viii. 364 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 565. Irena Eastman^ (Richard^, Richard-*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in Conway, N. H., March 22, 181 5 ; married Jonathan E. Chase. She is Hving (1900) in Con- way, N. H. CHILDREN. i. George Henry Chase", b. 1838 ; d. 1845. ii. Isabella Eastman Chase", b. 1844; d. 1865. iii. George Mason Chase", b. 1849 ; m. Carrie Wilson, of Mar- blehead, Mass. He died in Conway, in March, 1870 ; he had no children. 566. Benjamin Eastman^ (Noahs, Richard"*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in North Conway, N. H., Dec. 28, 1775 ; died in North Conway, April 30, 1846 ; married Aphia Stevens. He hved in North Conway, N. H. CHILDREN. 1192. i. William Henry^ b. Oct. 6, 1816 ; d. Jan. 2, 1900. 1193. ii. Joseph Stevens", b. 1819. 1194. iii. Allen Flint^ b. Jan. 6, 1823. 1195. iv. Elizabeth Maria", b. Feb. 16, 1830. 1196. V. Charles Edwin^ b. July 8, 1831. 567. Richard Eastman^ (Noah^, Richard-*, Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger'), born in Conway, N. H., Feb. 6, 1778 ; died in Lancaster, N. H., Jan.- 22, 1852 ; married in Lancas- ter, May 5, 1 80 1, Persis Faulkner, and settled in Lancaster, N. H. He was a carpenter and joiner, and did the joiner work on the Lancaster Academy ; was a leading citizen of the town. He was one of the first trustees of the Lascaster Academy. He was selectman in 1810-11-12-13-22-26 and 31. He was quartermaster, June, 1811, of the Twenty- fourth Militia. He was justice of the court of common pleas, 1 84 1 to 1848 ; was county treasurer. He was representative to the General Court, at Concord, in 1818-20-26-27-32-34 and 38. I JOB EASTMAN", (.)F BAKTLPITT, N. H. 365 CHILDREN. i. George Vernon", b. Nov. 10, 1802; ni. in 1823, and settled in Lancaster. 1107. ii. Edwin Fanlkner", b. Nov. 16, 1804 ; d. 1864. 1198. iii. Elvira", b. Sept. 13, 1806. 1199. iv. Richard Holt", b. July 20, 1810 ; ni. 1832. v. Noah", b. .Alay 23, 1813 ; d. Nov. 13, 1867. vi. Persis Fayette", b. Jan. 3, 1816 ; m. 1838, Bryant O. Steph- enson. Children : (a) Mary^, b. ; (b) Charles^, b. ; d. young. vii. Chole", b. Nov. 13, 1818 ; d. 1822. 56S. Job Eastman^ (Noah^, Richard^ Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Bartlett, N. H., June 3, 1782 ; died in Bartlett, N. H., Sept. 5, 1869; married Feb. 11, 1803, Lydia Durgin, born Oct. 18, 1785 ; married 2d, May 19, 1842, widow Mary A. (Lang) Heath. She died in Bartlett, N. H., May 24, 1888. Mr. Eastman was a farmer, and resided in Bartlett, N. H. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. Mary Runnells", b. March 29, 1804. Adaiine", b. Feb. 14, 1806. Lorenzo", b. July 14, 1808. Daniel", b. May 29, 1811. John Osborn", b. March 24, 1813. Abiather", b. July 12, 1815. Clarissa Ann", b. May 22, 1818 ; d. . Susan", b. June 2, 1820 ; d. . Jeremiah Chandler", b. June 11, 1824. George Freeman", b. Oct. 9, 1827. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. 1208. xi. Calvin", b. July 29, 1843. 1209. xii. Richard", b. June 3, 1846. 569. Noah Eastman'' (Noah^ Richard'', Jonathan^,. Thomas% Roger'), born in Conway, N. H., April 15, 1784;; died in North Conway, N. H., Oct. 15, 1857 ; married Polly (Sally) Dolloff, born June 16, 1781 ; died in Lowell, Mass., or Somerville, Sept. 13, 1855. 26 1200. i, 1201. ii, 1202. iii, 1203. iv. 1204. V, 1205. vi. vii. viii. 1206. ix, 1207. X. 366 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 1210. i. John Dolloff, b. in Bartlett, N. H., Oct. 12, 1818. ii. Martha'', b. in Bartlett, N. H., Aug. 6, 1820 ; d. in Ossipee, N. H., in 1899. She never married. These were the only children. ' 570. Sally (Sukey) Eastman^ (Noahs, Richard^, Jona- than^ Thomas^, Roger'), born in Conway, N. H., May 12, 1786; died May 29, 1844; married Oct. 8, 1806, John Pendexter, born July 29, 1784, died May 21, 1840. CHILD. 1211. i. George Pendexter^ b. June 14, 1808 ; d. April 14, 1882. 571. Fry Holt Eastman'' (Noahs, Richard-*, Jonathan^ Thomas% Roger"), born in Conway, N. H., Aug. 12, 1790; died in Bartlett, N. H. ; married in Chebeague, Me., Aug. 27, 18 1 2, Hannah Henley, died in Bartlett, N. H. They were members of the Methodist church in Bartlett, where they lived. CHILDREN. 1212. i. Henry Tucker^ b. in Bartlett, N. H., Nov. 12, 1812. 1213. ii. Louisa H.^ b. Dec. 9, 1815. 1214. iii. Sumner Cumraings'', b. Dec. 27, 1817. 1215. iv. Julia Ann\ b. Feb. 2, 1820. V. Roswell^ b. Oct. 5, 1821 ; d. Dec. 27, 1847. vi. Alfred^, b. Dec. 18, 1823 ; d. Oct. 16, 1843. vii. Harriett T.^ b. April 18, 1825 ; d. Jan. 23, 1845. viii. Sarah H.'^, b. Dec. 15, 1826 ; m. Benjamin Hamilton ; no children. ix. Mary Jeanette'^jb.. April 8, 1829 ; m. Brooks Nichols ; two children. X. Alvira B.', b. March 4, 1833 ; d. July 29, 1850. 1216. xi. Caroline Mehitable", b. March 11, 1836. 572. John Eastman'' (Noah^, Richard^ Jonathan^ Thomas% Roger'), born in Conway, N. H., Nov. 25, 1794; died in Saco, Me. ; married Elmira Stevens ; he was an M. D. ; he died in 1854, and his wife, Jan. 5, 1863. POLLV C. EASTMAN*^, OF CON'WAV, N. 11. 367 CIIII.DKKN. i. Hannah Holt", b. April lb, 1S2U ; ni. A. B. Holden ; resides No. 1 Cuiiiberlaiui st., Portland, Me. Child : John C. Holden* ; resides No. 1 Cumberland st., Portland, Me. 1217. ii. Joseph Stevens', b. Feb. 24, 1823. 1218. iii. Moses Swett", b. Jan. 3, 182(j. iv. Jolm William", b. Oct 19, 1827 ; d. Dec. 30, 1832. V. An infant son", b. Dec. 5, 1829 ; d. Dec. 6, 1829. 573. Polly C. Eastman'^' (Richard^ Richarc^, Jonathan^ Thomas-, Roger'), born in Conway, N. H., Dec. 27, 1801 ; died Nov. 12, 1855 ; married Oct. 21, 1822, Jeremiah Chandler, born in Newmarket, N. H., in March, 1894 ; he was an M. D., and resided in North Conway, N. H. CIIILDKEX. 1219. i 1220. ii Sarah Goodwin Chandler", b. July 16, 1823. An infant son", born May 9, 1825 ; d., two weeks old. Caroline Chandler", b. Oct. 21, 1826 ; d. eTau. 11, 1852. iv. Charles Augustus Chandler'^, b. July 9, 1828 ; m. in April, 1857, Sarah Chandler; she m. 2d, Dr. George Jaquith, of the U. S. army, and resides in New York city. Charles Augustus was drafted into the army while living in Winthrop, Me., was wounded in the battle of Gettys- burg, and d. in the hospital, July 3, 1863. Child : (a) Susan Chandler^, b. ; d. in infancy. 1221. V. Susan Poindexter Chandler, b. April 28, 1834. 1222. vi. Moses Chandler", b. June 9, 1836. 574. Phineas Eastman^^ (Daniel^, Richard^, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born April 5, 1787 ; died in Lovell, Me., Feb. 20, 1847; married Nov. 23, 18 13, Dolly Charles, born Dec. 23, 1799, died July 6, 1873, daughter of John and Olive (Abbott) Charles. Mr. Eastman was born either in Conway, N. H., or Ffyeburg, Me., which latter place he settled in early. He was a farmer and lumberman ; a real live man, a man of business, keeping a large stock of cattle and horses and doing a large business lumbering during the winter time. In 1833, he built the first brick house in 368 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Lovell. The brick he made himself at the old brick yard just above the center of the town. This house is now stand- ing on Eastman Hill, so named for him, has sheltered four generations of this family, and with its substantial founda- tion and thorough construction bids fair to remain many years to come, one of the ancient landmarks to which the coming generations may look upon the early cares and strifes of the pioneers of the town. Mrs. Eastman through life was a great worker and held in high esteem by her many friends. On Sept. 2, 1832, she became a member of the Congrega- tional church under its first settled pastor. Rev. Valentine Little. CHILDREN. Betsey W.\ b. Feb. 14, 1815. Isaac', b. Feb. 10, 1817 ; d. Dec. 7, 1895. John Cha^les^ b. Jan. 25, 1819 ; d. Feb. 24, 1864. Olive Chal•les^ b. April 8, 1821. Phineas', b. Oct. 20, 1823 ; d. June 5, 1864. Daniel Charles", b. Oct. 14, 1825. Job^ b. Oct. 1, 1827. Asa Prescott^ b. April 27, 1830. George^ b. Oct. 8, 1834. 575. James Eastman^ (Daniel^, Richard-*, Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger'), born Dec. 25, 1788 ; died in Lovell, Me., Feb. 21, 1870; married July 10, , Susan Dresser, died Sept. 22, 1882 ; she was daughter of Lieut. Stephen and Abigail Dresser. Mr. Eastman was a farmer, land surveyor and justice of the peace. He had held various town offices, and his continued services as town clerk from 1834 to 1842, have been of great value to many, as it was through his efforts that the town records contain so complete a list of the births and marriages and deaths of its inhabitants. Mr. and Mrs. Eastman did not know what it was to be a father and mother, but their love for children was so great that they adopted the following. 1223. i. 1224. ii. 1225. iii. 1226. iv. V. 1227. vi. 1228. vii. viii. ix. SALLY EASTMAN*^, OF FRVEBUKG, ME. 369 CHILDRF.N. i. Jolin Carlyle Farrington ; m. Miranda Dresser ; both deceased ; resided in Lovell, Me. ii. Betsey Farrington ; m. Enora Heald ; both deceased, iii. Samuel Farrington ; m. Katherine Ilarrinian ; d. iv. Mary Dresser; b. Oct. 29, 1821, in (Jiiathani, N. H. ; ni. William Walker; shed. Oct. 3, 1898. V. Henry F. Dresser ; b. Aug. 25, 1824, in Chatham, X. H. ; m. April IS, 1850, Eliza Loretta Barnard, deceased. 576. Sally Eastman-' (Daniel^, Richarc^, Jonathan^ Thomas', Roger"), born in Fryeburg, Me., March 6, 1791 ; married Thomas Farrington, of Stow, Me. (published March 20, 1 8 10). It is thought he had the following children and perhaps others. These children are supopsed to be the ones adopted by their uncle, James Eastman (see No. 575). CHILDREN. i. Betsey Farrington'^, b. . Adopted by James, 575. ii. Samuel Farrington", b. . Adopted by James, 575. iii. John Carlyle Farrington", b. . Adopted by James, 575. 577. Solomon Eastman^ (Daniel^, Richard^ Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Lovell, Me., Dec. 6, 1792 ; married Pamelia Dresser (published Nov. 28, 18 17), of Lovell, Me. He was a farmer, and resided in Fryeburg and Lovell, Me. CHILDREN. James", b. Sept. 28, 1818 ; d. Dec. 10, 1819. Sally", b. July 18, 1820, in Fryeburg, Me. Solomon^ b. June 28, 1822. James", b. Sept. 5, 1824 ; d. Nov. 26, 1833. Uriahs b. Feb. 11, 1827. Otis M.", b. May 29, 1829. Alraira O.", b. June 11, 1831. Harriett^ b. March 15, 1834. Mary C.'', b. Jan. 16, 1837. John C", June 27, 1839. 1. ii. iii. iv. 1229. V. 1230. vi. vii. viii. 1231. ix. X. 370 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 578. Cyrus Eastman^ (Daniel^, Richard-*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Lovell, Me., Dec. 3, 1794 ; died in Stow, Me., June 11, 1853; married Polly Heald (pub- lished July 12, 1818), born Nov. 10, 1802, died Sept. 14, 1 8 19; married 2d, Eliza Pray (published in Lovell, Me., June 22, 1823), born May 19, 1806, died Feb. 11, 1887, daughter of Charles Pray. Mr. Eastman was a farmer. He resided first in Lovell, then in Stow, which town was called at that time, Fryeburg Addition, and until it was incorporated in 1834. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. i. Asa^ b. Sept. 18, 1824 ; resides in Milford, Me. ii. Job', b. April 24, 1826 ; d. Sept. 29, 1826. iii. Nathaniel D.', b. Sept. 19, 1827 ; d. in California, Sept. 16, 1896 ; m. Maria Buzzell ; one daughter living. iv. Mary', b. Aug. 21, 1829; d. in Michigan, May 22, 1898; ra. and had two sons. V. Charles P.', b. May 9, 1831 ; d. xMay 29, 1855. vi. Tami,son P.', b. March 17, 1833 ; d. in Bartlett, N. H., June 19, 1884 ; in. Joel Emery ; left three children, vii. Seth H.', b. Feb. 27, 1836 ; d. in Pennsylvania, March 21, 1872 ; in. and had four children, viii. Harriett N.', b, Dec. 30, 1837 ; d. Jan. 29, 1859 ; unm. ix. Albert', b. Aug. 14, 1840 ; d. Sept. 26, 1843. X. Leonard S.', b. Aug. 10, 1844 ; killed on railroad in Penn- sylvania, Aug. 10, 1873 ; unm. 1232. xi. Albert F.', b. Aug. 15, 1848 ; m. in Lovell, Me., Nov. 12, 1873, Susan J. Johnson, b. in Stow, Me., May 17, 1855. 579. Daniel Eastman^ (DanieP, Richard**, Jonathan^ Thomas-, Roger'), born in Fryeburg, Me., Jan. 10, 1799; died there Oct. 25, 1877; married Lucy Walker, born Aug. 29, 1806, died April 10, 1835 ; married 2d, Rebecca Smart, born P^eb. 25, 18 15, died Dec. 7, 1885. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. James W.', b. July 24, 1825 ; d. Nov. 21, 1862 ; m. a Miss Hutchins. She married 2d, A. H. Price, and resided in Rumford, Me. He left two daughters, one of whom married J. H. Wardwell, of Rumford, Me. JONAS EASTMAN^. 37 I ii. Abigail W.^ b. in Fryeburg, Me., Feb. 19, 1827; d. Feb. 22, 1862. iii. Hall C.', b. Feb. 13, 1829 ; d. Nov. 10, 1807. He married, and his widow, wlien last known, was living in Beverly, Mass. iv. Horace D.'^, b. (twin to above) ; d. Nov. 14, 1830. 1233. V. Horace DJ, b. Jan. 29, 1831. vi. :\Iary Ann", b. Feb. 12, 1833 ; d. . vii. Samuel \V.', b. June 23, 1834 ; d. Aug. 24, 1834. CHILDRKN BY SECOND WIFE. 1234. viii. Andrew Jackson'^, b. . ix. Seth", b. Nov. 4, 1838; d. Oct. 11, 1863. He was a soldier of 1861-5. X. Tobias Lord", b. Feb. 20, 1841 ; d. March 2, 1841. 1235. xi. Lucy W.^ b. Dec. 22, 1842. 1236. xii. Tobias Lord", b. Dec. 30, 1844. xiii. Susan S.", b. Jan. 2, 1846 ; m. Seth Walker. Child : Isaac C. Walkers, b. March 19, 1883. xiv. Emma", b. Jan. 30, 1848 ; m. Hon. Tobias Lord ; no chil- dren. 580. Jonas Eastman'^ (Daniel^, Richard-', Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born Jan. 28, 1801 ; d. ; m. ; and she married 2d, Rev. George Pierson. They resided in Maiden, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Edmund F.'', b. ; m. Cecelia E. Green. ii. William H.^, b. ; m. Annie E. Longdendyek ; resides in South Boston, Mass. 581. Isaac Eastman''^ (Daniel^, Richard"*, Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born in Lovell, Me., March 2, 1803 ; died in Sweden, Me., June 16, 1887 ; married Nov. 25, 1830, Esther Woodbury, born in Sweden, Me., June 25, 18 10, died Aug. 25, 1880, daughter of Andrew and Sally (Stevens) Woodbury. They resided in Sweden, Me. 1. ii. iii. iv. V. 1237. vi. 1238. vii. 1239. viii. 372 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. Aaron Woodbury", b. Oct. 17, 1831 ; d. Nov. 6, 1831. Enoch Lyman^, b. July 21, 1833; unm. Stephen Andrews", b. Oct. 13, 1834 ; d. March 1, 18.56. Susannah Woodbury^ b. Dec. 20, 1836 ; d. Dec. 25, 1844. Aaron Woodbury^ b. June 13, 1839 ; d. Oct. 5, 1897 ; m. Sept. 16, 1871, Melissa Webb. They had no children. Isaac Andrews'^, b. Feb. 2U, 1841. Esther Elizabeth^ b. Oct. 14, 1846. Wellington Karris'^, b. Jan. 6, 18.53. 582. Joseph Kilgore Eastman^ (Jeremys, Richard'', Jona- than^, Thomas-, Roger'), born m Conway, N. H., m 1794 ; died in Andover, Me. ; married Mary Kilgore, born in 1796, died in Andover, Me., May i, 1876, aged eighty years. Mr. East- man was a farmer, and resided in Lovell, Me. He was very fond ot nice cattle and most always kept for his own use a nice pair of oxen. His last years were passed in Andover, Me., where he and his wife were buried. CHILDREN. i. Seth^, b. ; resides in South Boston, Mass. ii. Frances J.", b. ; ni. a Tuck ; i-esides in Walnut Hill, Mass. 1240. iii. Harriett Kilgore^ b. Oct. 5, 18 — , in Lovell, Me. iv. Sarah'^. V. Joseph'', vi. Richard'^, vii. Mary". 583. Stephen Eastman*^ (Jeremys, Richard^ Jonathan^ Thomas% Roger"), born in Conway, N. H., in 1796. Mr. Eastman was a farmer and resided in Conway, N. H. ; married Hannah Walker, sister of Sylvanus' wife, Mary Walker. CHILDREN. — ; m. a Ward, in Fryeburg, Me. -; in. William Chase, of Conway, N. H. — ; m. a Dinsmore ; had a son. - ; ni. . i. Betsey'^, b. ii. Emilys b. iii. Martha'^, b iv. Edwin", b. V. Mary", b. - ABIGAIL EASTMAN% OF CON WAV, N. II. 373 584. Abigail Eastman^ (Jeremys, Riciiarc^, Jonathan^ Thomas-, Roger'), born in Conway, N. H., in 1798; mar- ried (published March 10, 1819) Thaddeus Bcmis, both of Lovell, Me. Mr. Bemis was a farmer and the first years of his married life were passed in Lovell, Me. CHILDREN. i. Charles Bemis", b. in Lovell, Me., March 23, 1820. ii. Alpheus Ben]is^ b. Dec. 24, 1822. iii. Abigail Bemis", b. Oct., 1827. iv. Betsey Bemis", b. . 585. Caleb Eastman*^ (Jeremys, Richard^ Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born in Lovell, Me., Sept. 16, 1800; died in Stow, Me. ; married (published Dec. 8, 1822) to Lucy Brickett, of Lovell, Me.; married 2d, Sept. 9, 1855, in Lovell, Catherine Stiles. Mr. Eastman was a farmer and resided first in Lovell, Me., later in Stow ; he removed to Wisconsin but returned to his native state about 1855. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Caroline E.", b. May 14, 1825 ; m. Oct. 15, 1844, Joshua Fifield, of Stow, ii. Emeline D.", b. June 2, 1827; m. April 26, 1846, Henry Nutter, of Maine, iii. Lucy B.", b. May 18, 1829 ; m. William Hobbs, of Chat- ham, X. H, iv. Eliza B.", b. June 24, 1831 ; in. May 25, 1853, Sylvester Richmond, of IJiram, Me. 1241. V. Sarah M.^ b. iu Waterford, Me.. Jan. 1, 1833 ; m. Langdon Kimball, vi. Marsha B.", b. Aug. 7, 1836 ; m. June 10, 1857, Robert Bryant, of Lovell, Me. vii. GeorgiaTUia", b. Oct. 0, 1838; m. Benjamin Burbank, of Hiram, Me. viii. James A.", b. April 16, 1842 ; d. Nov. 16, 1843. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. ix. Charles Freemont", b. Oct. 26. 1856; m. Ella Welt, of Waldoboro, Me. 374 EASTMAN' FAMILY OF AMERICA. 586. Jeremy Eastman'^ (Jeremys, Richard^ Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger"), born in Lovell, Me., April 6, 1802 ; mar- ried (published March 31, 1823) to Cynthia Abbott, of Frye- burg, Me. CHILDREN. i. Esther'^, b. ii. Peter', b. — iii. Miranda', b. ; m. an Ames. iv. Benjamin W.', b. . V. Daniel D. H.', b. . vi. George H.', b. ; m. an Andrews. 1242. vii. Alices b. ; m. George Chandler. 587. Sylvanus Eastman'^ (Jeremys, Richard-*, Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born Feb. 24, 1804 ; married in Lovell, Me., Oct. 12, 1802, Abigail Bean (published Nov. 27, 1827), of Conway, N. H., died Oct. 30, 1832 ; married 2d, Mary Walker, died Oct. 17, 1878. Mr. Eastman was a chair maker and lived in Lovell village, Me. His make of chairs have long been noted for their strength and durability ; the seats were of wood made from two-inch solid pine plank and the backs and legs so securely fastened that time and much ill usage have failed to sunder them. Some of these old high back rockers are still to be seen in a good state of pres- ervation and bid fair to last for generations to come. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Ellen Bean', b. Oct 13, 1828. ii. Catherine Bean', b. Jan. 27, 1831 ; m. . CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iii. Barnell W.', b. Oct. 27, 1835 ; d. Aug. 20, 1837. iv. Hannah Walker', b. Feb. 19, 1837 ; d. Feb. 20, 1838. V. Morgianna Shepard', b. Dec. 6, 1839; m. June 5, 1861, David F. Files, of (jorham. Me. 588. Moses Kilgore Eastman'^ (Jeremy^, Richard^, Jona- than^ Thomas-, Roger'), born in Lovell, Me., May 9, 181 5 ; married ist, Abigail Dresser, born Sept. 31, 18 17, died HANNAH W. EASTMAN^ OF LOVKLL, ME. 375 Sept. 17, 1862, daughter of Stephen and Mehitabic Dresser; married 2d, Dec. 25, 1864, Hannah Charles, born June 29, 1839, daughter of Russell and Melinda (Ames) Charles, of Chatham, N. H. Mr. Eastman is a farmer and resides in Stow, Me., near the place where his father last resided. Although quite aged he is mentally sound and quite active, maintaining one of the characteristics of his race. In his young days he was a great lover of good horses and usually kept a supply from which he derived much pleasure in driving;. CHILDREN I5Y FIRST WIFK. '&• 1243. i. Alfred A.-, b. Feb. 26, 1835. 1244. ii. Betseys b. April 6, 1840. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iii. Maria C. E.", b. Oct. 9, 1872. iv. Mildred W.', b. May 20, 1875. V. Maurice M.^ b. July 20, 1881. 589. Hannah W. Eastman*^ (Jeremys, Richard^ Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born in Lovell, Me., Feb. 24, 181 8 ; mar- ried in Lovell, IVIe., James W. R. Farrington (published July 4, 1 841). Mr. Farrington was a farmer and resided in Fryeburg, Me., in the toll bridge neighborhood, where he and his wife both died ; their children are all married and reside in Massachusetts. f — CHILDREN. , i. Amanda Farrington", b. . ii. Geraldine Farrington'^, b. . iii. Charlotte Farrington", b. . They had no sons. 590. Betsey F. Eastman^ (Jeremys, Richard-*, Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger'), born in Lovell, Me., Aug. 14, 1820; married David Sawyer, of Lovell, Me. (published Nov. 5, 1842). He was a farmer and shoemaker and resided in Lovell and Fryeburg, Me. 376 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Barnet Walker Sawyer", b. Sept. 8, 1843 ; resides in Con- way, N. H. ii. Edward Selden Sawyer'^, b. Jan. 25, 1847 ; m. and died, iii. Lewis AVarner Sawyer", b. Dec. 10, 1850. iv. Georgiauna Colby Sawyer", b. Aug. 6, 1854. 591. Mary Kilgore Eastman'' (Jeremys, Richard-*, Jona- than^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Lovell, Me., Nov. i, 1822 ; married Rev. Selden Wentvvorth ; they resided in Dexter, Me. CHILDREN. i. Ripley Weiitworth", b. . ii. "Wheelock Wentwortli", b. iii. Clarence Weutworth'', b. - iv. P'rank Wentworth'^, b. — V. Abigail Wentworth'^, b. — ■ 592. Miriam Eastman'' (WilHams, WilHam'*, Jonathan^ Thomas% Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., June 20, 1766 ; died in Lyman, N. H., Feb. 26, 1854, aged ninety-eight years ; married Capt. John Barber, a Hessian soldier, died in Lyman, N. H., Dec. 8, 1843, aged eighty-two years; they lived in Lyman, N. H., and were buried in the grounds near the town house in Lyman. CHILD. 1245. i. William Barber", b. ; ni. Anne Moulton. He was their only child. 593. Stephen Eastman^ (Williams, William*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Haverhill, N. H., April 15, 1768 ; died in Lyman, N. H., Dec. 10, 1844, aged seventy-six years ; married in Corinth, Vt., June 29, 1795, Lydia Ford, born in Dracut, Mass., Feb. 8, 1776 ; they resided in Haverhill and Lyman, N. H. ; they were buried in the grounds near the town house in Lyman. BETSEY EASTMAN% OF 15ATH, N. H. 377 CIIILDRKX. i, Pamelia", h. in Haverhill, X. II., March 17, 1796; in. .John Young, ii. Clarinda", b. May 28, 1798. 1246. iii. Eber", b. in Lyman, N. H., Aug. 16, 1800. iv. Elon", b. Aug. 7, 1802 ; d. young. 1247. V. Stephen Ambrose", b. Aug. 28, 1803. vi. Abigail Lyle\ b. Oct. 1, 1805; m. ; left her husband and went to Minnesota with her sister, Solinda ; no children. vii. Saphronia", b. Feb. 17, 1808. viii. Irad", b. July 22, 1810; d. young. ix. Dan', b. Oct. 11, 1811 ; m. Matilda Stickney. X. Solinda", b. Aug. 13, 1814 ; m. George Archer and removed to Minnesota. 594. Betsey Eastman'^ (Obadiah^, William-', Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born in Bath, N. H., Oct. 9, 1775 ; died in Pelham, N. H., May 11, 1867; married in 1801, Day E. Petty, born Dec. 28, 1776, died in Haverhill, N. H., "Swift Water," June 6, 1856; they resided in " Swift Water," where all their children were born. CHILDREN. i. Zilpha Petty", b. May 9, 1802 ; d., aged two years. 1248. ii. Orris Petty", b. Dec. 20, 1803; m. in 1826, Salley Rollins, of Bath. 1249. iii. Zilpha Petty", b. Jan. 22, 1806 ; m. June 23, 1833, George Carlton. 1250. iv. Jason Petty", b. Aug. 2, 1807 ; m. Lucinda Mead. 1251. V. Polly R. Petty", b. May 11, 1809 ; ni. Timothy N. Wood. 12.52. vi. Livonia D. Petty", b. ; m. 1st, Charles Kent; m. 2d, Xathaniel Currier. 595. Hannah Eastman^ (Obadiah^, William'', Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in Bath, N. H., Oct. 31, 1778; died in Landaff, N. H., March 28, 1866; married David Young, a farmer of Landaff, where they always lived and died. 378 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1253. 1. 12.54. ii. 12.54a. iii. 12.5.5. iv. V. vi. CHILD (illegitimate). Alvah^ b. in Bath, N. H., Jan. 18, 1799. CHILDREN. Hiero Young^ b. March 21, 1811. Archiraides Young'^, b. Nov. 7, 1812. Sally Young'^, b. May 31, 1814 ; m. Artemus Jackson. Israel Young^ b. March 29, 1816. Betsey Young", b. Aug. 20, 1818 ; m. William Hall. Mary Young^ b. July 1, 1822 ; m. Ebenezer Hall. 596. Rebecca Eastman^ (Obadiah^, William'*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Bath, N. H., Sept. 23, 1780 ; died in Dalton, N. H., April 27, 1867; married March 3, 1802, Nathaniel Rix, born in Landaff, N. H., Nov. 26, 1777, died in Dalton, N. H., Oct. 21, 1857. They were buried in the, burial grounds in North Littleton, N, H. Mr. Rix went to Stanstead, Can., with his parents in 1799, and in 1802 returned to Bath, married there, and took his bride to Canada. While in Canada he had command of a militia regiment, and when the war broke out in 18 12, he, not having taken the oath of' allegiance to King George, refused to command the regiment. This was the regiment that was so fearfully cut up by "Yankee Miller" at Lundy's Lane. Mr. Rix, in consequence of the war, left Canada and returned to the States, to Lyman, N. H., where he remained about one year, when he removed to Littleton, N. H., where he purchased a tract of land in North Littleton, built, and settled there. He was employed in public affairs for many years. He represented the town in the New Hampshire legislature for the years of 1821 to 1827, inclusiv^e. He was counsellor under Governor Dinsmore's administration in 1832-3. Mr. Rix was related to Governor Dinsmore through his mother, Elizabeth Searle, whose mother was a sister of the governor's father. Mr. Rix was one of a committee to build the north MRS. NATHANIEL RIX (596). NATHANIEL RIX (596). f JONATHAN EASTMAN'', OF HATH, N. H. 379 extension of the old state prison in Concord. He was an early advocate of total abstinence ; register of deeds of Graf- ton county from 1835 to 1840, during which time he remo\'ed to Haverhill, the county seat, and between 1840 and 1850, represented Haverhill in the state legislature. He was Worshipful Master of Morning Lodge, No. 43, V. A. M., located at Waterford, Vt., in 1820-21. He never entered a lodge affer the "Morgan" affair, in 1826. His picture hangs on the walls of his old lodge, located in Littleton, N. H., under the old charter. His father, Nathaniel Ri.x, sen., was a Revolutionary soldier, and his grandfather, Nathaniel, was a Colonial soldier in 1745. On the books of the lodge in Waterford is a record of Nathaniel Rix as a visitor, and as there was no other Nathaniel Rix, sen., he must have been the father of Nathaniel Rix, of Littleton, though no record of his being a Mason can be found on the records of Stanstead Lodge, they being lost through the Morgan excitement in 1826. CHILDREN. Guy Carlton Rix", b. in Stanstead, Can., Dec. 14, 1802. Lucretia Rix", b. Oct. 16, 1804 ; m. Joel Eastman. (See No. 603.) Narcissa Rix", b. Jan. 3, 1807. Percis Rix", b. Aug. li), 1809. Wilder Pierce Rix^ b. Jan. 13, 1812. Benjamin Franklin Rix", b. in Littleton, N, H., July 28 1815. Charles Rix^ b. June 6, 1818. (See No. 1269.) Rebecca Jane Rix", b. March 23, 1821. 597. Jonathan Eastman*^ (Obadiahs, William'*, Jonathan^ Thomas', Roger"), born in Bath, N. H., Oct. i, 1785 ; died in Orford, N. H., Dec. 3, 1833 ; married ist, Sophia Samp- son, d. ; married 2d, Ruth Davis. He resided in Orford, N. H. 1206. 1. ii. 12.57. iii. 1258. iv. 1259. V. 1260. vi. vii. 1261. viii. IV. 1262. V. 1203. vi. vii. ;80 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Orlando^ b. Dec. 25, 1808 ; d. Dec. 19, 1814. ii. Stephen Orlando", b. 1810 ; d. 1814. iii. Rebecca'^, b. Jan. 17, 1813 ; d. Sept., 1891 ; ui. George Lucas. They were both deaf mutes ; had three chil- dren, the two first died young, and the other, (a) Eva^ b. in Bradford, Vt., m. George Avery, and resides in Palmyra, N. Y. She had no children. He is a farmer. Mr. Lucas and his wife both died in Oswego, X. Y., where they resided. Maria'^, b. 1815; d. same year. Stephen Royce", b. March 1, 1819 ; d. Oct. 15, 1890. William", b. March 4, 1821 ; d. Oct. 20, 1865. Nathan Howe^ b. IMarch 24, 1823 ; d. Dec. 9, 1886. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. viii. -Jane'', b. in Orford, N. H., Oct. 23, 1832. After the death of her husband, Ruth Davis removed with her sister, Mrs. John Ramsey, to IMichigan, when Jane was about three years of age. Jane m. Oct. 1, 1851, Samuel Burr Lanning, and d. in Portage, Mich., Dec. 28, 1879. Her children were : (a) Ella Jane Lanning*, b. in Portage, Sept. 22, 1852 ; m. 1st, Dec. 25, 1873, George TngersoU ; 2d, Albert Kaufman ; (b) Eliza Jane Lanning*, b. in Portage, Mich., Jan. 28, 1855; d. Aug. 28, 187- ; m. Dec. 25, 1871, Henry Trumble ; (c) P^stella Jane Lan- ning*, b. Feb. 4, 1857 ; m. Jan. 24, 1881, Ira D. Matte- son, and resides in Portage, Mich. ; no children ; (d) Albert Burr Lanning*, b. Aug. 16, 1861 ; ni. Linda May- hoi-ter, and lives in Portland, Lid. 598. Seaborn Eastman^ (Obadiah', William'*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in Bath, N. H., Aug. 25, 1787 ; died in Bradford, Vt., Feb. 13, 1862 ; married Ruth Rix, daughter of Nathaniel and Esther (Clark) Rix, born in Landaff, N. H., Aug. 8, 1 791, died in Newbury, Vt., Jan. 19, 1838. He lived in Bath, N. H., and Newbury, Vt. CHILDREN. George Rix^ b. in Bath, N. H., Nov. 19, 1812. Esther Rix^ b. Jan. 20, 1815. Lucretia H.", b. Sept. 4, 1817. 1264. 1265. ii 1266. iii PETER EASTMAN^ OF BATH, N. H. 38 1 iv. Williaiii", b. Oct. 4, 1820 ; m. Mary Ann Farr ; d. in Brad- ford, Vt., June 1, 1872 ; no cliiklren. SvloaM C^"" V. Searle", b. Sept. 25, 1823 ; m. Aug. 30, 1854, Auii Lalbei , ''^^ had a son Henry 8, h J^ ". \ Searle died about a year after his son's birth, and his widow niairied a Mr. Whitcher, and lives in Whitefield, X. II. vi. Jason", b. Jan. 20, 1826; d. in Wells River, Vt., Oct. 1, 1851 ; unm. 1267. vii. Charles W.^ b. in Newbury, Vt., Nov. 22, 1830. 599. Peter Eastman^ (Obadiah^, WillianT*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Bath, N. H., Jan. 7, 1790 ; died in Hartland, N. Y. ; married Susan Lock, died in Hartland, Niagara county, New York. Mr. Eastman removed to Hart- land about 1840. He was a farmer. CHILDREX. 12G8. i. Mary", b. in Bath, N. H., Jan. 3, 1813 ; d. in Hartland, KY., Jan. 9, 1890. ii. David", b. Nov. 16, 1814 ; d. April 15, 1869, in Hartland, N. Y. He married, and had one son, who died young, iii. Child", b. in Bath, 1816 ; d. 18 months of age. 600. Stephen Royce Eastman^ (Obadiah^, William'*, Jona- than^ Thomas-, Roger'), born in Bath, N. H., Oct. 12, 1792 ; died in Clyde, O., Jan. 31, 1873 ; married ist, Sally Taplin ; 2d, April 28, 1827, Mrs. Nancy Corlis. She died March 14, 1848. Mr. Eastman removed west, but left his family behind, and never lived with them afterwards. CHILDREN. i. William", b. in Corinth, Vt., Jan. 2, 1821 ; d. in Littleton, Mass. ; m. in Charlestown, Mass., Jan. 1, 1850, Hannah M. Sawyer. They had no children. William was a railroad engineer ; left the road when he got beyond work, and settled on a farm in Littleton, Mass., where his widow now resides. 1269. ii. Susan^ b. in Corinth, Vt., Nov. 23, 1822. iii. Alma^ b. Jan. 28, 1828 ; m. and lives in Bradford, Vt., a widow. 27 382 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 601. Moses Eastman*^ (Jamess, William^ Jonathan^, Thomas% Roger'), born in Bath, N. H., Dec. 16, 1784; died in Haverhill, N. H., March 6, 1842 ; married May 16, 18 16, Sally Smith, born Feb. 18, 1796, died Dec. i, 1886. Another account says she died May i, 1842. Who can reconcile this ? CHILDREN. 1270. i. Melissa^ b. in Bath, N. H., July 25, 1817 ; m. S. S. South- ard. 1271. ii. Hubert", b. Nov. 16, 1818 ; m. Jan. 4, 1847, Esther Rice, iii. Celesta", b. Nov. 25, 1820 ; d. July 30, 1851. iv. Susan E.^ b. April, 1822 ; d. June 28, 1900 ; unm. V. Wilbur F.^, b. Dec. 14, 1823 ; d. Dec. 22, 1841. vi. Charles W.", b. May, 1825 ; d. June 29, 1825. vii. Lucia K.", b. in Bath, N. H., July 18, 1826 ; d. April 14, 1853 ; m. Moses Abbott, born in Bath, N. H., Dec. 27, 1818, d. at Bath, July 30, 1889, son of Moses and Lucy (Willis) Abbott, of Haverhill, N. H. Mr. Abbott was a farmer and lumberman, resided in Bath, N. H., and had held nearly every town office. Children : (a) Chester Abbotts, b. in Bath, N. H., Oct. 13, 1853; m. 1st, Nov. 1, 1877, Mary Elizabeth Whitcher, only daughter of Ira Whitcher, of Woodsville, N. H. She d. of pneumonia, April 15, 1897, and he m. 2d, June 22, 1898, Abbie S. Williams, b. in Waterf ord, Vt., Aug. 4, 1871 ; no chil- dren ; resides in Woodsville, N. H. ; (b) Lucia Celia Abbotts, b. in Bath, N. H., Sept. 12, 18.52 ; d. Dec. 27, 1852. 1272. viii. Henry O.", b. Aug. 26, 1829 ; m. Harriett Livangood. 1273. ix. Ruth E. S.', b. Sept. 4, 1832 ; d. Nov. 30, 1885 ; m. Charles Chamberlain. X. Abbie F.", b. Oct. 28, 1834 ; d. April 3, 1864. 602. Searle Eastman*^ (James^, William^ Jonathan^ Thomas% Roger'), born in Bath, N. H., Jan. 24, 1789; died ; married ist, Rebecca Bailey; 2d, Sally Moulton. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Nancy''', b. ; m. Amos Page, of Bradford, Mass. ii. Eliza",' b. ; m. Ferdinand Wetheral, of Chicago, 111. JOEL EASTMAN^, OF BATH, N. H. 383 CHILDHKN 15Y SKCOND WIKE. iii. Persis", b. ; in. John H. Kelsey; lived in Lisbon, N. H. ; she died leaving four children, viz. : (a) Arthur Kelsey^ b. in Lisbon, N. H. ; (b) Noah Kelsey^, b. ; (c) Edgar Kelsey^, b. ; (d) Charles Kelsey^, d. ; had one child, a daughter ; his widow lives in Massachusetts. 1274. iv. Orrin", b. ; ni. Hannah Nute. V. Pressilla", b. ; m. Parker B. Ilibbard. Children : (a) George Edgar Hibbard^ b. ; (b) Charles P. Ilib- bard^ b. . They lived in Lisbon. vi. Huldah", b. ; ni. Aldeu Sanborn ; d. leaving four children, viz. : (a) Pei-ley Sanborn^ b. ; living in "Wisconsin, and three daughters living in Madison, Wis. vii. Augusta", b. ; ni. Lsaac E. Barber, son of William and grandson of Capt. John and Miriam (Eastman) Barber, the Hessian soldier ; she is a widow without children, living in Lisbon, N. H. viii. Laurency'^, b. ; m. I\Ir. Kimball, d. ; m. 2d, Benjamin F. Andrews, of Lisbon. ix. Joel", b. ; m. Ellen Moulton, and they had one child : (a) Carrie Blanch^, who resides in Littleton, N. H. 603. Joel Eastman^ (Jamess, William"*, Jonathan^ Thomas^, Roger'), born in Bath, N. H., Aug. 24, 1800 ; died in Washington, D. C, in Oct., 1S33, from small pox; married Aug. 30, 1827, Lucretia Rix, daughter of Nathaniel and Rebecca (Eastman) Rix, born in Stanstead, Can., Oct. 16, 1804, died in Lowell, Mass., Oct. 24, 1874 ; her body was taken to North Littleton, N. H., and buried in the family lot. Mr. Eastman was a very ingenious mart He invented and patented the first central discharge water wheel ever made, also the first machine for cutting clapboards from the round log, which is still in use. He also invented other useful machines and not one of them has become obsolete. Mrs. Eastman remained a widow until her death ; she was a cripple from a girl of fifteen years of age,' caused from being poisoned by ivy ; then at nineteen, upon her return home from the marriage of her brother, Guy C, Jan. 4, 1826, she suffered a shock of paralysis, from which she never fully recovered. 384 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILD. i. Alfred', b. in Littleton, N. H., in 1830 ; he enlisted in the army in 1862, in a Vermont regiment, and died in Washington, D. C, Nov. 10, 1864, just after his dis- charge. 604. Azubah Eastman^ (Moses^, William'', Jonathan^, Thomas^, Roger'), born in Bethlehem, N. H., 1792 ; died Aug. 24, 1844; married Feb. 21, 18 12, Frederick Kimball, born in Lisbon, N. H., March 10, 1790, died Sept. 6, 1863. He was a lumber dealer and farmer, an energetic, pushing business man. He resided in Methuen, Mass. CHILDREN. 1275. i. Francis Frye KimbalF, b. Nov. 17, 1812. ii. Azubah Snow Kimball", b. April 27, 1813 ; m. Nov. 29, 1832, Chai'les Russell, iii. Emily Eastman Kimball^ b. July 9, 1815 ; d. May 4, 1822. iv. Mehitable Messer KimbalF, b. April 6, 1818; m. May 18, 1842, David Kimball, of Bradford, Mass. 1276. V. Frederick KimbalF, b. April 4, 1824 ; d. June 10, 1868. 1277. vi. Moses Eastman KimbalF, b. May 29, 1829. vii. Emily Eastman KimbalF, b. Sept. 8, 1832 ; m. April 13, 18.54, Horatio M. Howard, of Stoughton, Mass., aged twenty-eight years. 605. Susan Eastman^ (Moses', William'*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger"), born in Bethlehem, N. H., May 14, 1795 ; died Oct. 13, 1870; married Sept. 27, 1821, Frederick Messer, of Salem, N. H., where she passed her life. CHILDREN. 1278. i. Susan Eastman Messer^ b. Oct. 21, 1832. 1279. ii. Amanda Jane Messer'^, b. Aug. 19, 1835. 606. Louisa Eastman^ (Mosess, William'*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger'), born in Bethlehem, N. H., May 19, 1803 ; died in Pittsburg, N. H., Feb. 3, 1847; married Edmund Heath. They resided in Lyman and Pittsburg, N. H. BETSEY EASTMAN^ OF BETHLEHEM, N. H. 385 CHILDREN. i. AVilliani Heath", b. 1826 ; a soldier of '61. ii. Eliza Heath", b. 1828. iii. John Willard Heath", b. 1830. iv. Charles Heath', b. 1832. V. Mary Heath", b. 1834. vi. Albert Heath", b. 1836. vii. A nameless child', d. young, viii. Persis Heath', b. 1840. ix. Nathan Heath', b. 1843. X. Louisa Heath', b. in Pittsburg, N. H., Dec, 1845. 607. Betsey Eastman^ (Moses^, William'', Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Bethlehem, N. H., March ii, 1808 ; married in Lyman, N. H., Nov. 29, 1827, Edward Kellogg, born in New Salem, Mass., Dec. 2, 1802, died in Richford, Vt., July 13, 1891, son of Ezekiel Kellogg, of New Salem. He was a Methodist Episcopal minister, and later a Seventh Day Adventist. He was a justice of the peace and quorum. He resided in Richford, Vt., where he died. After his death, his widow removed to Battle Creek, Mich., where she died with her daughter Persis, in 1900. CHILDREN. i. Persis Parker Kellogg', b. Nov. 8, 1829 ; m. and resides in Battle Creek, ]\Iich. ii. Betsey Berkley Kellogg', b. Aug. 4, 1831. iii. Juliett Kellogg', b. July 27, 1833. iv. Elizabeth Rebecca Kimball Kellogg', b. March 1, 1836. V. Albina Frances Kellogg", b. Jan. 11, 1838. vi. Edward Burge Kellogg', b. Aug. 11, 1840. vii. Emma Leora Kellogg', b. March 25, 1843 ; unm. ; resides in Glenwood, la. viii. Susan Mary Kellogg', b. June 14, 1845. ix. Charles Leonidas Kellogg', b. in Richford, Vt., June 22, 1847. X. Moses Eastman Kellogg', b. in Richford, Vt., March 25, 1850 ; resides in Battle Creek, Mich. 386 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. TO THE p. \V, A. BY EMMA LEORA KELLOGG. When a child I stood by the rfver side And threw pebbles into the stream, While I watched the circles spread far and wide, Till they touched the far shore, oh, joy supreme ; And the thought is so sweet to me to-day, The thought of that time and my childhood's play. But a sweeter thought has come to me, 'Tis the thought of a circle of circles, our own. Spreading far and wide from sea to sea, From the sunny land to the frozen zone, A circles of circles like links in a chain. That calls for the best work of heart and brain ; Filling our souls with a noble desire For self-improvement, that we may rise By stepping-stones, yet higher and higher To loftier heights and fairer skies ; Gathering sheaves as we pass on our way. Freely bestowing them where'er we stray. There are many ways to do good unto all — Encouragement oft is more helpful than gold — In sharing their burdens, great or small. Forming true friendships that will ne'er grow cold, While hands clasp hands in the kindliest way And hearts are loving and true for aye. May this be our aim, as we journey along, To keep our lights burning like beacons so bright, That the sad will rejoice and will sing a glad song, And the lonely and weary come into the light ; Giving our aid unto all who come near, Filling their souls with glad hope and good cheer. And when the redeemed gather round God's throne On the earth made new and fair. In the beautiful city where sin is unknown — For Jesus our Savior reigns there — May our circle be found, an unbroken band. And dwell ever more in that beautiful land. ELVIRA B. EASTMAN^ OF METHUEN, MASS. 387 607a. Elvira B. Eastman''' (Mosess, William'', Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born July 17, 181 2 ; died Oct. 17, 1869; married Dr. John Russell and lived in Methuen, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Elvira Jane llussell", b. May, 1839 ; d. May, 1863 ; in. William Fail-banks ; lived in INIethuen, Mass. ; had one child, Willie H. Fairbanks^, b. 1863 ; d. 1863. ii. Henry Russell', b. ; d. young. iii. John Henry RusselF. b. Oct. 2, 1845 ; in. Annie Florence Walton ; resides in Lawrence, Mass., P. O. box, 295. Children : (a) Edith Walton Russell*, b. 1879 ; (b) Ernest Munroe RusselP, b. 1884 ; (c) Florence Elvira Russell*, b.l891. iv. Loella Russell', b. in Methuen, Mass., July 4, 1848 ; m. in Methuen, Mass., Nov. 18, 1868, Warren Leonard Teele, born in East Cambridge, Mass., 1844, son of Jonathan William and Eineline (Learned) Teele. Mr. Teele enlisted in Sept., 1861, in Company E, Twenty-sixth Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry; mustered in Oct. 18, 1861 ; re-enlisted Jan., 1864, in the same company and regiment, Massachusetts Veteran Infantry ; was wounded Sept. 19, 1864, at Winchester, Va. ; mustered out of ser- vice, Oct. 22, 1865, at the close of the war, from U. S. General Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. He is a member of the West Somerville Baptist church and has held every elective position in the church ; he resides at No. 33 Curtis street. Children : (a) Fred Warren Teele*, b. in West Somerville, Mass., Dec. 5, 1869 ; married July 18, 1894, Alice May Robertson. Mr. Teele was born in the old Teele house, at the corner of Broadway and Curtis streets ; his ancestors on his father's side were among the early settlers of Boston, two brothers, Jonathan and Amos Teel, coming from England in 1634. Later they lived in what is now Somerville, and in 1644 leased a large tract of land from the crown, which the family afterwards bought outright in 1684. Part of this land, including the Teele homestead, where Mr. Teele was born, has been held in the family ever since, as the records at East Cambridge will show. This is probably the longest that any estate in this country has been held 388 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. in the same family. Mr. Teele attended the old Lincoln school on Elm street, and afterwards the Highland school, where he was graduated in 1884. After graduat- ing from the Somerville high school in 1888, he took the electrical engineering course at Tufts College, graduat- ing in 1891. Mr. Teele has worked himself up through all the different stages of electrical engineering, includ- iiig that of steam, so that to-day he is chief engineer of the largest electrical power plant in the world, located in Boston, Mass. He is an honorary member of the Tufts College and Harvard College engineering societies ; a member of the National Association of Stationary Engineers ; secretary and treasurer of the street railway club ; president of the New England alumni of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity ; president of the Young Men's League of West Somerville ; and a member of Caleb Rand Lodge of Odd Fellows, John Abbot Lodge of Masons and St. Aldemar Commandery, Knights of Malta. He married July 18. 1894, Miss Alice May Robertson ; they have one child, (1) Kenneth Robertson Teele^, b. in West Somerville, Mass., Sept. 24, 1895. He resides at No. 37 Electric ave., West Somerville, Mass. ; (b) Adeline Carrie Teele^, b. Nov. 13, 1871 ; (c) Alice Ida Teele8, b. Aug. 10, 1881. V. George Washington Russell", b. Feb. 5, 1851. 6o8. Moses Eastman^ (Mosess, William^, Jonathan^, Thomas', Roger'), born in Bath, N. H. ; died in Pittsburg, N. H. ; married in Sheepscott, Me., Oct., 1841, Miss Eme- hne Carney, born in Boston, Mass., Jan. 25, 18 17, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Wheeler) Carney, of Boston, Mass. Mr. Eastman was a carpenter, lived in several places ; was a policeman while he lived in Charlestown, Mass. CHILD. i. Clara Roselia", b. ; married Charles L. Feltman, a blacksmith ; lived in Concord, N. H., for a while, now resides in Baldwinsville, Mass. Mr. Feltman served three years in the war of the rebellion ; they have five children. - EMELINE W. EASTMAN^ OF LYMAN, N. H. 389 609. Emeline W. Eastman'' (Mosess, William', Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger"), born in Lyman, N. H., Oct. 17, 1823 ; died in North Haverhill, N. H., Oct., 1881 ; married Samuel Thorp Ward, born in Hanover, N. H., April 27, 18 14 ; was a farmer and resides with his daugater, Mrs. Richard C. Drown, North Haverhill, N. H. CHILDREN. 1280. i. Mina Ward^ b. in Xorth Haverhill, N. H., May 30, 184.5. ii. Caleb F. Ward", b. iu Pittsburg, N. H., Nov. 28, 1847 ; m. Sept., 1872, Ann L. Gordon, of Landaff, N. H. Child : (a) Terley G. Ward^. Caleb resided in Lyme, N. H. iii. Martha M. Ward'', b. Nov. 3, 1848 ; d. Aug. 3, 1864. iv. Lois A. AVard", b. April 27, 1851 ; d. April 26, 1853. V. Ines F. Ward", b. Oct. 3, 1856 ; d. July, 1864. vi. Sidney Ward^ b. May 3, 1861 ; d. July, 1864. vii. Clinton R. Ward", b. Feb. 17, 1864 ; m. in 1886, Minnie F. Hanaford, of Haverhill, N. H. Children : (a) Leon C. Wards, b. ; (b) Keamer E. Ward^, b. . He resides in Woodsville, N. H. ; is in the employ of the Boston & Maine Railroad. 610. Azuba Judd^ (Azuba Eastman^, William'*, Jonathan^, Thomas^ Roger"), born in Landaff or Lisbon, N. H. ; mar- ried David Bronson, of Landaff, N. H. He lived in Lisbon. CHILDREN. i. Elijah Sabin Bronson", b. ; resides No. 246 Michigan St., Duluth, Minn. ii. Lucy Chandler Bronson^ b. ; 111. W. Mitchel. iii. James Webster Bronson", b. ; d. in the army of 1861. iv. Rebecca Whitcher Bronson", b. ; m. George E. East- man, son of Sylvester ; resides iu North Haverhill, N. II. v. Nancy Ellen Bronson", b. ; m. Richard Lothian ; resides in Strabane, Out. vi. Stephen Bronson" b. ; d. young. 611. Jonathan Eastman*^ (Jonathan^, William^ Jonathan^ ThomasS Roger"), born in Littleton, N. H., Jan. 28, 1788; died in Lyman, N. H., Nov. 6, 1869, aged eighty-three years; 390 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. married Roxanna Gordon, died in Lyman, N. H., Oct. 7, 1875, aged eighty-four years. He lived in West Littleton and Lyman, N. H. He and his wife were both buried in the grounds near the town house in Lyman. CHILDREN. i. Daniel", b. - ii. Hiram", b. - iii. Luciuda", b. iv. Harrietf^, b. V. Sarah'^, b. — ) 612. Almira Eastman^ (Jonathans, William-*, Jonathan^, Thomas', Roger'), born in Littleton, N. H., July 15, 1791 ; died in Irasburg, Vt., July 15, 1879 ; married John Stanford, born in Dover, N. H., died in Albany, Vt., son of Josiah Stanford, of Littleton, N. H. He resided in Albany, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Josiah Stanford", b. ; m. Lucretia Thompson ; re- moved to Northfield, Minn., left a family there ; mur- dered May 5, 1867. ii. Phebe Stanford'', b. ; m. George Durgin, lived in Pittsfield, X. II., died there. Children : (a) Helen Dur- gin^ b. ; lives in Pittsfield, N. H., unm. ; (b) John S. Durgin^, b. ; m. and lives in Boston, Mass. iii. Sylvender Stanford'^, b. ; m. Abigail Taylor. Chil- dren : (a) Alvina Stanford^, b. ; m. George Abbott, and lives in South Barton, Vt. ; (b) James Stanford^, b. ; m. and has a family ; resides in Barnet, Vt. iv. Alona C. Stanford'^, b. ; m. Amos George, and resides in Valley Falls, R. I. V. John Stanford", b. ; m. Judith McGaffney. Children : (a) Gordon McGaffney^, b. ; resides in Minneapo- lis, Minn. ; (b) Charles McGaffney^, b. ; resides in Bangor, Me. vi. Alvina Stanford'', b. ; m. Horatio N. Peck ; resides in iAIedfield, Mass. Children : (a) Frank Peck^, b. ; (b) Adda Peck**, b. ; resides in Boston, Mass. ELIZABETH EASTMAN*', OF LITTLETON, N. H. 39 1 vii. Samuel Stanford^ b. ; m. Sarah INI. Rurt, Oct. 23, 1850; resides in Irasburg, Vt. Children: (a) Dana Stanford^ b. ; m. and lives in Olcott, Vt. ; (b) Lena Stanford^ b. ; m. William Carter, lives in IMeriden, Conn.; (c) Ellery Stanford**, b. ; d. unni. ; he was an ]\I. D. ; (d) Jenny Stanford*^, b. ; ni. Clayton Allen ; d. ; she had no children ; (e) John and Carrie Stanford^, b. (twins) ; John unni. and lives in Fargo, Dakota, and Carrie m. E. A. Holbrock ; resides in Irasburg, Vt. ; (f) Nellie Stanford^ b. ; ni. H. S. Towle ; resides in Kensington, N. 11. ; (g) Nameless child^, b. ; d. young. 613. Elizabeth Eastman^ (Jonathans, William^, Jonathan^ Thomas-, Roger'), born in Littleton, N. H., April 22, 1793 ; died ; married Dec. 25, 1824, Joseph Chase. He resided in Concord, Vt. CHILDREN. 1281. i. Martha Chase^ b. Feb. 11, 1825, in Concord, Vt. 1282. ii, Laureston Chase", b. in Concord, Vt., June 8, 1828. 614. Arza Eastman^ (Jonathan^, William-*, Jonathan^ Thomas-, Roger"), born in Littleton, N. H., Aug. 3, 1812 ; died Dec. 5, 1884; married May 30, 1839, Maria Winch, born in Bethlehem, N. H., Sept. 27, 18 14, died Feb. 5, 1893. He was a farmer, and resided in Littleton all his life. She was the daughter of Abel Winch, and granddaughter of Nathan Winch and his second wife, Abigail . Abel Winch was the son of Thomas Winch and Deborah Gleason. Thomas was born in 1694 ; died Sept. 22, 1761 ; his wife was born April 27, 1703, and they were married Oct. 23, 17 18. Deborah was the daughter of Isaacs Thomas', Thomas', the emigrant. Thomas Winch was the son of Samuel Winch and Hannah Winch, daughter of Matthew Winch. Thomas Winch was a lieutenant in Captain Brown's troop that was ordered out Sept. 23, 1747, and was in service till October 27. He is mentioned as owning one negro slave. His son Nathan was born Nov. 9, 1737 ; died Dec. 2, 392 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1803 ; lived in Framingham. He was in Capt. Josiah Stone's company, ordered out and in service on the expedition to Crown Point, Sept. 15 to Oct. 30, 1756; is spoken of as lieutenant in 1778. He had thirteen children, and Abel was next to the youngest. Abel's sister Lucy married John Palmer, and settled in Littleton, N. H. CHILDREN. 1283. i. Charles B.'', b. in West Littleton, N. H., Nov. 4, 1840. ii. Maria", b. Aug. 16,1842; m. George Bowman, Nov. 1, 1865. He died leaving a son, (a) Harry £. Bowman^ b. Jan. 12, 1877 ; d. June 12, 1895. She m. 2d, in 1899, and resides in Lancaster, N. H. iii. Willard^ b. Sept. 25, 1845. 1284. iv. Lewis^ b. Nov. 3, 1847. 1285. V. Ira Arza'^, b. June 16, 1851. 615. Nancy Eastman^ (Amos^, William*, Jonathan^, Thomas-, Roger'), born Sept. 26, 1824 ; married Leonard B. Harrington, of St. Johnsbury, Vt., born Feb. 25, 1820, died in Pennsylvania, Nov. 22, 1890. She resides with her children at No. 9 Park avenue, Rochester, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. Susan Harrington'', b. Jan. 21, 1844. ii. Calvin Harrington'', b. Aug. 17, 1846 ; m. Narcissa M. Perry, b. May 2, 1847, d. July 13, 1880. Children : (a) Virginia Harrington^, b. Jan. 13, 1876 ; (b) Leorna Har- rington^, b. Jan. 14, 1878 ; (c) Minnie Harrington^ b. July 4, 1880. iii. Leonard Harrington'', b. March 9, 1848 ; d. April 3, 1848. iv. Celia Harrington'', b. Nov. 9, 1850 ; d. April 4, 1877. V. Wallace C. Harrington'', b. Feb. 22, 1852 ; m. Clara Stephenson, b. Sept. 17, 1860. Children: (a) Portia Harringtons, b. Dec. 3, 1868, d. Aug. 27, 1889; (b) Dorothy Harrington^, b. Sept. 2, 1890. Mrs. Harrington's children are all of a musical turn, and they sing in one of the most popular churches in Rochester, N. Y. JOSEPH FLETCHER EASTMAN^ OF HOLLIS, N. H. 393 616. Joseph Fletcher Eastman^ (Jonathan^, Amos^ Jona- than^, Thomas-, Roger'), born in Hollis, N. H., Jan. 14, 1772; died Sept. 20, 1836; married Dec. 15, 1797, Abigail Blanchard, born Nov. 20, 1770, died Oct. 7, 1848, daughter of Gen. Jonathan and Rebecca Blanchard. Mr. Eastman was a physician, but gave up practice and devoted himself to farming. He resided in Hollis, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Sarah^ b. Sept. 7, 1799 ; m. Feb. 26, 1818, Jeremiah Dow, of Hollis, N. H. Child : (a) Sarah A. Dow^, b. ; m. Juue 18,. 18-44, John C. Bell, and had (1) Charles Dow BelP, b. June 2, 1845, who married iMarch 16, 1865, Anna Parker, and had Charles J. Beipo, b. Sept. 1, 1866, and George F. BelPo, b. Aug. 28, 1868 ; (b) Frank BelP, b. Sept. 8, 1847. ii. Sophia^ b. Sept., 1801 ; d. Feb. 5, 1870 ; unni. iii. Charles Henry", b. Feb. 22, 1803 ; d. 18.57. iv. Abigail Blanchard^ b. July 8, 1805. V. Joseph Fletcher", b. May 7, 1809. vi. Augusta", b. March 14, 1814 ; d. March 28, 1860 ; unm. 617. Persis Eastman^ (Amos^, Amos'*, Jonathan^ Thomas^, Roger'), born in Hollis, N. H., Oct. 24, 1776 ; died Oct. 29, 1846; married Nov. 27, 1797, Levi Nutting, of Pepperell, Mass. In October, 1803, they removed to Westford, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Kuth Nutting^ b. Oct. 18, 1798. ii. Levi Nutting^ b. Oct. 29, 1800. iii. Luke Nutting^ b. Sept. 1, 1806 ; d. Aug., 1807. 618. Caleb Eastman^ (Amos^, Amos*, Jonathan^ Thomas% Roger'), born in Hollis, N. H., May 4, 1780; died Feb. 11, 1831 ; married Dec. 30, 1805, Dorcas Faxon, born Dec. 29, 1783, died Jan. 18, 185 i. He settled in Westford, Vt. 1286. i. 1287. ii. iii. iv. V. 1288. vi. 394 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. Mary^ b. Oct. 12, 1806 ; d. Sept. 14, 1841. Anios^ b. Jan. 28, 1809. Hannah^ b. Sept. 26, 1810. Calebs b. July 7, 1812. Faxon^ b. April 4, 1815 ; d. Feb. 9, 1833. Lukes b. July 23, 1818. 619. Charles Eastman'^ (Amoss, Amos-*, Jonathan^ Thomas^ Roger'), born in Hollis, N. H., Feb. 4, 1782 ; died in Lowell, Mass., June 26, 1836; married Rebecca Spauld- ing, born in Hollis, N. H., April 10, 1785, died in Waltham, Mass., June 25, 1875. Farmer and blacksmith. CHILDREN. 1289. i. Rebecca Spauldiug^ b. in Hollis, N. H., June 27, 1804. 1290. ii. Charles Franklin", b. in Washington, N. H., Sept. 3, 1806. 1291. iii. Hannah Vienna", b. in Hollis, N. H., Oct. 11, 1808. 1292. iv. Ruth Maria^ b. Nov. 11, 1810. 1293. V. Persis Lucretia^ b. May 23, 1813. 1294. vi. Mary Christina^ b. Oct. 19, 1815. vii. Ainos Brain bridge", b. in Hollis, N. H., Jan. 13, 1818; d. in Preston, Tex., March 20, 18.54 ; ni. Elizabeth Love. Her parents resided in Indian Territory and Arkansas. They had no children. He was a mechanic, and aftei'- wards a merchant. Alpheus Perry", b. May 17, 1820. Elizabeth Augusta", b. May 2, 1822. Nancie^ b. July 4, 1824. Horace", b. May 2, 1826 ; d. in Indian Territory, July, 1896 ; unm. 1298. xii. Elvira Annette", b. in Amherst, N. H., March 9, 1830. , 620. Alpheus Eastman'' {Amos^, Amos'*, Jonathan^) Thomas-, Roger'), born in Hollis, N. H., Oct. 9, ly^j ; died Feb. 23, 1858; married ist, March, 1811, Betsey Ames, daughter of Burpee and Hannah Ames ; she died in Hollis, Jan. 8, 1827; married 2d, May 26, 1828, Sally Wil- liams, born Dec. 4, 1793, died in Hollis, Sept. 25, 1877. Mr. Eastman was a farmer and resided in Hollis, N. H. 1295. viii. 1296. ix. 1297. X. xi. MAKV marsh", of HADLEV, MASS. 395 CHILDREN BY FIUiST WIFK. i. Elizabeth", b. Feb. 24, 1612 ; d. Jan. 12, 1620. 1299. ii. William Pluumier", b. Sept. 20, 1813 ; d. Oct. 2, 1887. iii. Oliver Perry", b. Jan. 4, 1815 ; d. Sept. 2, 1818. 1300. iv. H^nllall^ b. March 2, 1817; d. Jan. 31, 1890 ; m. Oct. 1, 1845, Samuel Crowell. 1301. V. Harriett", b. July 7, 1819; d. Sept. 14, 1848; m. p:ii Spaulding. vi. Mary Ann", b. April 29, 1821 ; d. Feb. 18, 1879 ; m. Oliver Lawrence Dow. They resided in Hancock, N. 11., where their children were born, but afterwards removed to Stoddard, N. H., where she died. Children: (a) Mary Ames Dow^, b. Nov. 12, 1851 ; m. Feb. 25, 1877, Blanchard A. Bicknell ; child : Mabel Grace Bicknell^, b. May 1, 1878; m. Charles B. Snyder, of Brentwood, N. H., where they reside ; Mrs. Bicknell married 2d, Rev. Henry H. Colburn, resides in Brentwood, where he is pastor of the Congregational church ; (b) Lucy Ann Dow^ b. Sept. 27, 1855 ; resides in Fitchburg, Mass. ; (c) Harriet Emma Dow^, b. Dec. 16, 1857 ; m. Charles N. Reid and resides in Keene, N. H. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. vii. Amos", b. April 9, 1829 ; d. April 23, 1841. 1302. viii. Oliver Perry^ b. April 2, 1831 ; d. Nov. 3, 1900. ix. Sarah Elizabeth", b. March 26, 1834 ; d. Sept. 1, 1837. X. Josephine Luella", b. July 6, 1838 ; d. Oct. 6, 1839. xi. Sarah Josephine", b. Sept. 25, 1840; m. June 22,1864, Amos J. Blood, of Nashua, N. H., where they reside ; they have no children. The compiler is indebted to her for the records of this family. 62 1 . Mary Marsh" (Timothy Marsh-, Sarah Eastman-', Tim- othy^ Timothy^ Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., Nov., 1781 ; died Dec. 8, 1840 ; married Jan. 22, 1800, Thomas Baker, of Chesterfield, Mass., and about 1803, removed to Lafayette, N. Y., where she died. CHILDREN. i. King Baker", b. Nov. 11, 1800 ; d. May 18, 1841 ; had ten children by wife, Catherine Cramer, ii. Anson Baker", b. Nov. 5, 1802 ; d. in fifteen days. 396 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iii. Timothy Baker^ b. Oct. 11, 1803 ; m. Jan. 22, 1828, Lucy Bardwell ; removed to Waupaca, Wis. ; had seven chil- dren. iv. Clarissa Baker^ b. Jan. 18, 1806; d. March 1, 1861 ; m. James Abbott ; had five children. V. Electa Baker", b. Aug. 23, 1806 ; m. Hiram Abbott ; no children. vi. Lyman Baker''', b. Aug. 16, 1810 ; m. Sarah Beach ; had four children. vii. Thomas E. Baker^ b. July 31, 1812 ; m. Jan. 17, 1833, Samantha Baker ; had six children, viii. Mary Baker", b. Sept. 21, 1814 ; d. April 18, 1816. ix. Ansel Baker^ b. Aug. 4, 1818; m. April 6, 1847, Martha L. Foster; had five children. X. Martha M. Baker", b. Dec. 28, 1821 ; m. William Otter- bourn. xi. Rufus Baker", b. July 7, 1825 ; d. June 80, 1839. 622. Jonathan Marsh'' (Timothy Marshy Sarah Eastman'*, Timothy^ Timothy-, Roger"), born in Hadley, Mass., Jan. I9> 1793; ched May 3,. 1843; married Oct. 25, 1821, Har- riett Warner, daughter of Ehhu^, Orange-*, Jacobs Jacobs Andrew", of Cambridge, in 1632, Hartford, 1639, and one of the first settlers of Hadley, Mass. When he was three years of age his father died, leaving his mother a widow with five children. When seven he saw ane of his playmates drowned, and long after would not let his own children play at the river. In 1806, his mother' sold the place and mar- ried Josiah Cowles and removed to Leverett. Jonathan was early apprenticed to a shoemaker, but disliked the trade and was bound out to Silas Ball, of Townsend, Vt., and when twenty-one took a certificate that he had learned the carpen- ter's and joiner's trade. He worked, his first three years in Westfield, Mass., and joined a military company, the only one thereabouts not ordered to Boston in 1814. He worked one season in Pompy, N. Y., and visited Niagara Falls and the battle-field of Lundy's Lane. He settled in Hadley about 1820, and bought, for two hundred and forty dollars, of his 1303. 1304. 1305. iii. iv. V. WALTER DICKINSON^ OF HADLEY, MASS. 39/ father-in-law, two and one-half acres in Haclley and built him a one and a half story house, and married the next year. He was an exemplary member of the church for many years. CHILDREN. John Warner Marsh^ b. Feb. 1, 1824. Timothy Smith Marshy b. Sept. 18, 1826. Josiah Dwight Marshy b. March 6, 1829. Harriet Sophia Marsh^ b. Sept. 4, 1832. Sarah Elizabeth Marshy b. Oct. 12, 1835. 623. Walter Dickinson^ (Sarah Marsh^, Sarah Eastman*, Timothy^ Timothy^ Roger"), born in Hadley, Mass., May 2, 1784 ; died April 9, 185 i ; married Nov. 7, 1806, Lydia Dickinson, born July 9, 1791, sister of Chester, who married Walter's sister, Susannah. Both lived and died in Amherst, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Sylvester Dickinson^ b. Nov. 23, 1809 ; m. July 24, 1856, Harriet Cutler ; had three children, ii. Frederick Ely Dickinson", b. Oct. 25, 1811 ; m. Elmira Brown. Children : (a) Ely Othman^, b. ; (b) Henry^, b. . ; (c) Julias, b. Oct., 1839. 1306. iii. Marquis Fayette Dickinson", b. Jan. 4, 1814. iv. Nathaniel Albert Dickinson'^, b. Dec. 1, 1815 ; d. Nov. 4, 1884. V. Lydia Eastman Dickinson^, b. Sept. 17, 1717 ; d. ; unm. vi. Nehemiah Othman Dickinson'^, b. July 25, 1819 ; d. April 13, 1833. 1307. vii. Leander Melancton Dickinson", b. Aug. 20, 1821. viii. Amy Stoughton Dickinson'', b. Oct. 22, 1823. ix. Walter Mason Dickinson', b. Feb. 27, 1826. 1308. X. Sarah Marsh Dickinson^ b. March 3, 1828. 624. Tilton Eastman^' (Ebenezers, Joseph^ Joseph^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 15, 1773 ; died in Randolph, Vt., July 8, 1842 ; married in Plainfield, N. H., Oct. 20, 1802, Experience Smith, daughter of Francis Smith. Rev. Mr. Eastman taught at Moores Indian 28 398 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Charity school in Hanover, N. H., from 1796 to 1797 ; studied divinity ; was ordained pastor of the Congregational church in Randolph, Vt., June 3, 1801 ; dismissed May 25, 1830. He still continued to reside there until his death. CHILDREN. 1309. i. Francis Smithy b. in Randolph, Vt., Dec. 16, 1803. ii. Edward^ b. in Randolph, Vt., Feb. 22, 1806. iii. Eunice Smithy b. in Randolph, Vt., Aug. 5, 1809. 1310. iv. George Burder^ b. in Randolph, Vt., Dec. 24, 1811. V. Mary^ b. in Randolph, Vt., Nov. 3, 1816. 625. Elijah Eastman'' (Ebenezers, Joseph^ Joseph^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., March 13, 1777 ; died March 26, 1820 ; married Oct. 24, 1802, Rebecca Hall, born April 19, 1779, died Aug. 1 1, 1822. He lived in Mans- field, Mass. CHILDREN. Elijah Lyman^ b. Dec. 13, 1803. Caroline^', b. Jan. 2, 1806 ; d. April 24, 1823. William^ b. April 13, 1808; d. April 8, 1826. Samuel", b. July 18, 1810; d. May 11, 1828. Austin^ b. Oct. 5, 1812. Zebina^ b. Sept. 8, 1815. Baxter^ b. Jan. 29, 1818 ; d. Dec. 9, 1860. 626. Clarissa Eastman^ (Ebenezers, Josephs Joseph^, Joseph', Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., Nov. 9, 1784 ; died Aug. 26, 1870; married Nov. 25, 1801, Asa Adams, Jr., born in Shutesbury, Mass., Feb. 3, 1777, son of Asa, Jr., and Grace (Ward) Adams. He was a successful farmer in Shutesbury ; was selectman three terms. He died June 26, 1833- CHILDREN. 1314. i. Mary Adams^ b. July 26, 1803 ; m. Joseph Davis. 1315. ii. Joannah Davis^ b. March 30, 1805 ; m. Park Warner. 1316. iii. Clarissa Adams", b. Nov. 15, 1806 ; m. Danforth Bangs. 1317. iv. Achsah Adams", b. Sept. 24, 1809 ; m. Cyrus King. 1318. V. Silas Ward Adams^ b. Sept. 26, 1811 ; m. Licinda Blodgett. 1. ii. iii. iv. 1311. V. 1312. vi. 1313. vii. SUBMIT EASTMAN^, OF AMHERST, MASS. 399 1319. vi. Nathaniel Dickinson Adams'', b. July 5, 1813 ; in. Harriet Hastings. 1320. vii. Joseph Baxter Adams", b. March 24, 1815 ; m. Silence Hall. 1321. viii. Lucina Adams^ b. Dec. 18, 1816 ; m. Alden C. Fifield. 1322. ix. Caroline Adams'', b. July 24, 1818 ; m. Ebenezer P. Spear. 1323. X. Dea. William Adams^ b. Feb. 18, 1820 ; m. Mary East- man Dickinson. 1324. xi. Harriet A. Newell Adams^ b. Nov. 28, 1821 ; ra. Edmund Hobart. 1325. xii. Dea. Asa Adams'', b. June 25, 1824 ; ni. Ist, Carrie Bingham, xiii. Isaac Adams", b. June 25, 1826 ; d. Nov. 6, 1848. 627. Submit Eastman^ (John^, Joseph"*, Joseph^ Joseph% Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass; married ist, Enoch Bangs, born in Barre, Mass., Dec. lo, 1769, died in Amherst, Mass., Sept. 7, 181 1, son of Enoch and Eunice (Stone) Bangs, of Hardwick, and later of Wilmington, Vt. Eunice Stone was the daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Stone, of Hardwick, first Congregational minister of Hardwick. Eunice died Feb. 5, 18 16, aged one hundred and four years and nine months. Submit married 2d, Lewis Cowles, by whom she had no children. She married 3d, Oliver Cowles. When one hun- dred years old she walked almost a mile upon the occasion of a sermon in honor of her reaching her century mark. Being a little deaf, she took her seat in the pulpit. Capt. Samuel Bangs, the grandfather of Enoch, married Mary Hinkley, daughter of Samuel Hinkley, and granddaughter of Gov. Thomas Hinkley. Mr. Bangs had by a previous wife, one child. CHILD. i. Eli Dickinson Bangs', b. Feb. 8, 1799 ; d. Oct. 19, 1854. CHILDRKN BY SUBMIT. ii. A nameless child', b. Aug. 5, 1802 ; d. Aug. 25, 1802. 1326. iii. Azubah Dickinson Bangs', b. Feb. 22, 1804. iv. Danforth Keyes Bangs', b. Sept. 26, 1806; d. Oct. 19, 1895. V. William Freeman Bangs', b. Oct. 23, 1809; d. Feb. 24, 1892. 400 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 628. Emily Eastman^ {Johns, Joseph^ Joseph^, Joseph% Roger"), born in Amherst, Mass., March 7, 1782 ; died Jan., 1870 ; married John Hawkes, born in Deerfield, Mass., died in same place March 21, 1883. CHILDREN. 1327. i. Charles Hawkes'', b. in Deerfield, Mass., Feb. 14, 1815. ii. Harriett Hawkes^ b. March 16, 1816 ; d. Feb., 1851 ; m. 1st, in 1841, Hall Bleeker; m. 2d, in 1848, Daniel Hawkes. Child : (a) John Hawkes^, living at Ballston Lake, N. Y. iii. Frederick Hawkes^ b. Sept. 26, 1817 ; m. in 1856, Mary Barnard ; he resides in Greenfield, Mass. iv. Emily Hawkes'^, b. June 28, 1819 ; resides in Rockville, Ind. V. John Hawkes, Jr.^ b. Jan. 22, 1823; d. March 1, 1894; m. 1st, Elizabeth Woods ; m. 2d, Mrs. Emma ; she resides in Rockville, Ind. 629. Joseph Eastman^ (John^, Joseph"*, Joseph^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in Hadley, Mass., Nov. 4, 1783 ; died in Bleeker, N. Y. ; married Lois Root, daughter of Martin and Lucinda (Clary) Root, of Montague, Mass. Lois was grand- daughter of John Clary and Rachel Eastman"*, Joseph^ Joseph^ Roger'. Lois died at the age of about 23, and was buried in Hadley, Mass. Joseph resided on theTilton estate in Hadley ; he died in Bleecker, N. Y. CHILDREN. 1328. i. Rilus^ b. . 1329. ii. Lucius Root^ b. Sept. 15, 1819. iii. Martin'^, b. ; d. young. 630. Lois E. Eastman^ (Johns, Joseph'', Joseph^, Joseph% Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., Aug. 17, 1794 ; died in Syracuse, N. Y., March 8, 1848 ; married Aug. 26, 1824, Lewis Whittemore, born in Worcester, Mass., July 17, 1796 ; died in Sept., 1861 ; he resided in Auburn and Syracuse, N. Y. ORNAN EASTMAN^ OF AMHERST, MASS. 4O I ClIILDKEN. i. Celia Ann Whittemore^ b. in Auburn, N. Y., June 28, 1845 ; d. Dec. 24, 1845. 1330. ii. Cecil Starritt Whittemore^ b. in Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1829. iii. Hepsibah Whittemore", b. in Syracuse, N. Y., Aug., 1831 ; d. Feb. 1.5, 1839. 1331. iv. Oliver Cowles Whittemore", b. in Syracuse, N. Y., April 18, 1834. 631. Oman Eastman^ (Johns, Joseph'', Joseph^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., March 27, 1796 ; died in New York city, April 24, 1874 ; married Nov. 6, 1832, Mary- Reed, born in Marblehead, Mass., Jan. i, 1806 ; died in New Britain, Conn., Oct. 18, 1878. She was the daughter of Benjamin Tyler and Rebecca (Batchelder) Reed, of Marble- head, Mass. Mr. Eastman was prepared for college at Amherst Academy. He entered Yale College, and graduated in the class of 1S21, studied theology at Andover, Mass., graduating in 1824, and served the following year in organ- izing auxiliaries to American Board of Foreign Missions in New Hampshire. He then entered on his life-long work in the service of the American Tract Society, and after employ- ment as secretary of the New England branch in Boston, where he was ordained as an evangelist, Aug. 27, 1828, and as general agent for the Mississippi valley, was elected May, 1832, finance secretary. In this work he labored untiringly until May, 1870, when he voluntarily laid down his heavier responsibilities, thence forward as honorable secretary, attending only to such lighter duties as his grow- ing years permitted. CHILDREN. i. Benjamin Tyler", b. New York city, April 28, 1834; d. Oct. 3, 1867. 1332. ii. William Reed', b. Oct. 19, 1835. iii. Mary Dwight", b. Aug. 1, 1838. iv. Elizabeth Reed^ b. Feb. 26, 1841. V. Harriett Maria', b. in Nevi^ York city, March 7, 1843. 1333. vi. John Cotton', b. Dec. 20, 1845. 29 402 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 632. Hepzibah Eastman'^ (Johns, Joseph^ Joseph^, Joseph% Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., Jan. 8, 1802 ; married ist, a Mr. Clary ; 2d, Mathias Ogden Halstead ; they resided in New York city. CHILD. i. Cornelia Wade Halstead'^, b. in New York city, June 24, 1838 ; m. in East Orange, N. J., Oct. 15, 18.57, a Mr. Bowers. Children all b. in East Orange : (a) Mary Stockbridge Bowers^ b. ; (b) Ogden Halstead Bowers^ b. ; (c) Cornelia Bowers^ b. ; (d) Emily Bowers^ b. ; (e) Laura Halstead Bowers^ b. ; (f ) William Bowers^, b. ; (g) Mabel East- man Bowers^, b. . « 633. John Eastman^ (John^, Joseph*, Joseph^ Josephs Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., July 19, 1803 ; died in Wellesley, Mass., May 19, 1880; married July 26, 1834, Prudence Dole, born in Shelburne, Mass., in Aug., 18 12, died Feb. 17, 1844. He was a Congregational minister and held pastorates in Danville, Vt., and Amherst, Mass. CHILDREN. i. Julia Ardella'', b. in Fulton, N. Y., July 17, 1837 ; she is a teacher in Wellesley college, Wellesley, Mass., where she resides : unm. ii. Sarah Porter'^, b. in Mexico, N. Y., July 17, 1839 ; unm. 634. David Eastman^ (John^, Joseph*, Joseph^, Joseph^ Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., June 16, 1806, the "dark day"; married ist, Jan. 31, 1839, Sarah Elizabeth Smith, born in Exeter, N. H., Oct. 4, 18 15, died in Leverett, Mass., March 3, 1843, she was the daughter of Joseph and Sarah Smith, of Exeter. He married 2d, Oct. 8, 1844, Emily Pomroy, born Oct. 30, 18 14. Mr. Eastman graduated from Amherst College in the class of 1835, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1838. Minister, preached in Lev- erett and New Salem, Mass. DANIEL UICKlN.SON^ OF AMHERST, MASS. 4O3 CHILDREN IJY FIRST WIFE. 1334. i. Anna Ferry", b. in Leverett, Mass., Nov. 20, 1839. ii. David B.", b. ; d. young. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iii. Sarah Elizabeth", b. July 24, 1846 ; d. May 24, 1849. iv. Jonathan Edwards", b. Feb. 21, 1849 ; d. Feb. 20, 18.50. V. Emma Josephine", b. Feb. 27, 1852 ; d. Dec. 6, 185.5. 635. Daniel Dickinson'^ (Mary Eastman^, Joseph^, Joseph^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Amherst, Mass., June i8, 1793; died in Amherst, Dec. 15, 1874; married ist, Laura or Louisa Adams, Feb. i, 1819, died March 16, 1828; married 2d, June 25, 1829, Tamesy Eastman, died Oct. 15, 1887, aged ninety-six years. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Mary Adams Dickinson", b. . ii. Daniel Austin Dickinson'^, b. April 1, 1822. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. iii. Louisa Dickinson", b. July 14, 1830; m. Sept. 30, 18.57, Rev. John M. Greene ; she graduated at Mt. Holyoke, Col., in 1857 ; resided in Hatfield and Lowell, Mass. ; they had six children. 1335. iv. William Eastman Dickinson", b. June 11, 1832; graduated A. C, in 1855, M. A. in 1885; pastor at Chicopee, Mass., for years ; resided in Amherst, Mass. 1336. V. Sarah Tamison Dickinson'', b. May 19, 1834 ; m. April 19, 1865, Rev. Frederick Phillips, vi. George Dickinson'^, b. 1836 ; d. young. 1337. vii. Charles Reed Dickinson'', b. Oct. 16, 1837. 636. Joseph Knowles Wing^ (Lucy Clarys, Rachel East- man*, Joseph^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Arlington, Vt., July 27, 1810 ; died Jan. i, 1898 ; married Oct. 17, 1842, Mary Brown, of North Bloomfield, Ohio. 404 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 1338. i. Mary Huntington Wing'', b. Aug. 18, 1843. ii. Elizabeth Brown Wing^ b. Dec. 30, 1844. iii. Virginia P. Wing', b. Nov. 17, 1840 ; d. Feb. 13, 1871 ; m. Horace R. Cheney, of Boston, Mass. iv. George Clary Wing'', b. April 4, 1848. 1339. V. Francis Joseph Wing^ b. Sept. 14, 1850. vi. Julia King Wing^ b. May 7, 1853. 1340. vii. Ann M. Wing', b. March 7, 1857. 637. Jonathan Eastman^ (Tiltons, Peter^, Peter^, Joseph% Roger'), born in 1769 ; died Oct. 5, 1839; married Feb. 3, 1 79 1, Abigail Carmichael, of Orange county, N. Y. ; she died Feb. 5, 1843. In 1806, they removed to Ohio where they both died. CHILDREN. 1341. i. Cinderilla', b. Jan. 9, 1793 ; d. in 1865-6 ; m. James Mealls. 1342. ii. Lois', b. July 29, 1794 ; m. James McQuaid. iii. Bathsheba', b. March 20, 1796 ; d. in childbirth with her first child; ni. a Coleman. 1343. iv. Mahlon', b. March 27, 1798 ; d. 1875 ; m. 1831, widow Ann Saudus. V. Sarah', b. Nov. 27, 1799 ; d. Dec. 9, 1803. vi. Daniel', b. Aug. 20, 1801 ; d. in Texas, Oct. 7, 1879 ; m. Amy Fairchild. 1344. vii. Mary', b. Jan. 10, 1803 ; m. Samuel B. Harris. viii. Phebe', b. July 18, 1805; d. April 8, 1880; m. Abram Harris ; no children. ix. Calvin', b. April 6, 1808 ; m. Jane Cornel. X. Asa Culver', b. March 28, 1810 ; d. 1828. xi. Abigail', b. Sept. 3, 1813 ; d. 1847 ; m. Robert Hustin. 1345. xii. Jonathan Owen', b. Oct. 17, 1814 ; d. 1875. xiii. James Seeley', b. May 16, 1816 ; d. 1881 ; m. Mary E. Hustin. 1346. xiv. Minerva Ruth', b. May 17, 1818 ; d. Feb. 27, 1883. Three children died young, making in all seventeen children. ¥ REV. DANIEL, WARD EASTMAN (639). PETER EASTMAN*', OF MIDDLETOWN, N. Y. 405 638. Peter Eastman^ (Tilton', Pcter^ Peter^ Joseph-, Roger"), born in Middletown, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1774 ; died in 1858; married Feb. 19, 1797, Sarah Wisner, born in 1777, died in RepubHc, Seneca county, Ohio, in Sept., 1862. She was the daughter of Capt. John Wisner, of Florida, Orange county, N. Y. ; a captain in the revokition ; they removed early to Ohio. CHILDREN. 1347. i. John Wisner^ b. in Middletown, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1797. ii. Daniel AVard^ b. March 10, 1800 ; d. . iii. Mary Ann", b. March 28, I8O0 ; d. . 1348. iv. James Thompson'', b. in Hamburg, N. Y., July 17, 1805 ; d. Sept. 8, 1848. V. Peter Owen^, b. Feb. 18, 1808 ; d. July 20, 1892 ; he was a doctor ; m. twice ; had several children ; all d. young. He was quite well off at one time, but lost his wives and children as also his property, and was always in poor health. He was quite a poet in his way, but not noted as such. He was a life member of the Eastman Asso- ciation, of Concord, N. H. Moses Wisner'', b. June 10, 1810. William Wallace'', b. Feb. 13, 1813. Henry M.^ b. Feb. 5, 1816 ; d. . Charles Lee^ b. July 17, 1821 ; m. in 1866, in Keuka, Steuben county, N. Y., Annetta Swartout, b. in Keuka> daughter of Andrew L. and Anna (French) Swartout. Mr. J^astman is a mei-chant living in Penn Yan, N. Y. ; they have no children. • 639. Daniel Ward Eastman^ (Tilton^, Peter'*, Peter^, Joseph% Roger'), born in Goshen Township, Orange county, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1778 ; died Aug. 4, 1856, and was buried in St. Ann's, Gainsboro, Lincoln county, Ontario, where a beautiful monument commemorates the historic fact that he was the father of the Presbyterian churches of the Niagara and Gore districts, and that he served his Master faithfully and with eminent success for more than half a century. He married ist, Nov. 21, 1800, Elizabeth Hopkins, daughter of 349. vi. 350. vii. viii. ix. 406 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Capt. Silas Hopkins of the British service, then living in Newark, N. J.; she died Oct. 9, 1844. He married 2d a widow Lowe, who died about 1856, when he married 3d a widow Hinton, who died Jan. 22, 1879. Mr. Eastman was converted when fourteen years old ; attended North Salem Seminary ; studied theology with the Rev. Mr. Lewis, of North Stamford, Conn., and later with Dr. Benedict, of New Jersey. He was licensed to preach by the Presbytery of Morristown, N. J., March 18, 1800; preached at Elizabeth- town, Amity and Warwick. The oldest manuscript sermon of his extant bears date of Sept. 23, 1800. In May, 1801, Mr. Eastman started with a company of friends under the leadership of Captain Hopkins, his father-in-law, for Canada West. After about four weeks' journey across the state of New York, they crossed the Niagara river to St. Cathernes, where Mr. Eastman preached his first sermon in Canada, the first Sunday in July, 1801. At that time there were, besides him, only two Presbyterian ministers in all Upper Canada, Mr. Bethune at Williamstown, denary, and M. McDowell, Bay of Ouinte. Mr. Eastman first settled in Stamford and in June, 1802, moved on to a fifty acre farm of his own, near Beaver Dam, and soon after was ordained by the Presbytery, of Canandaigua, at Palmyra, N. Y., and soon after was authorized to solemnize marriages, and during the thirty years next ensuing, he married about three thous- and couples. At that time no other clergyman, except Mr. Addison of Niagara, a Church of England minister, was authorized to perform the marriage ceremony in the Niagara district. Between 1802 and 181 5, Mr. Eastman founded and mostly supplied the churches at Louth, Clinton, Gains- boro, Grimsby, Wellandport and Vienna, subsequently known as Mr. Eastman's seven churches. His labors, however, were not confined to these seven points, for he preached all over the Niagara peninsula from the Niagara river to beyond where Hamilton now stands. In 18 15, Mr. East- DANIEL WARD EASTMAN^ OF GOSHEN, N. Y. 4O7 man moved to Barton, where he lived four years, and preached as far west as London and Long Point, as well as eastward to Louth and Stamford, traveling sometimes fifty miles to an appointment. During the war of i8 12-14, Mr. Eastman was living at Beaver Dam. Most of the peninsular battles were fought near his home, and in the skirmish of Beaver Dam, his house was pierced by so many bullets that the family was compelled to take refuge in the cellar. On that occasion an Indian ally of the American forces decamped with the minister's horse, but was compelled by the American commander to restore him. Mr. Eastman was a member of the first Presbytery, of York, about 1820; it was short lived, soon expiring, but was revived about 1830, when he again became a member, but owing to differences between the old country members and the American Presbyterians, res- pecting the Westminster confession and Psalmody, he with- drew from all connection in 1833, and in May of that year assisted in the organization of the Niagara Presbytery of Upper Canada, which went to pieces in the McKenzie rebel- lion of 1836-7, many of the American members then leav- ing the country. In 1840, Mr. Eastman went onto the synod of the Presbyterian church in Canada in connection with the church of Scotland, and after its disruption in 1 844, he entered the F'ree church, and with his relations continued till the end of his ministry. In the latter part of his minis- try, he was greatly assisted by his son, William Osgood, who frequently filled his appointments, especially after his eye- sight began to fail him. This calamity began to threaten him about 1840, but he continued to preach till about 1850, when increasing blindness compelled him to desist from reg- ular labor and about 1856 became totally blind. To one of his active energetic habits and temperament, blindness was especially aflflicting. It was a trial to which he found it hard to become reconciled, but he won the victory at last and was able to say, "Thy will be done." Mr. Eastman's first wife 408 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. was the mother of ten children and she lived to see them all married and settled. The second wife was a most intelligent, amiable, and excellent woman, whose companionship and sympathy went far to render Mr. Eastman's blindness toler- able. She died of quick consumption. His third wife, also, was a most estimable woman ; though possessed of less edu- cation and refinement than the other wives, she proved a faithful and affectionate wife and her kindness and fidelity to Mr. Eastman commanded the respect of even those members of his family who opposed his third marriage. Rev. Mr. Eastman had a paralytic stroke about 1865, by which he was for a time completely deprived of the power of speech, having lost the memory of words, but regained language in about three months under the patient training of his daughter, Mrs. E. G. Emerson, of Rochester, N. Y., but his mind was never so vigorous as before. He died of apoplexy. CHILDREN. i. Daniel Ward, Jr.'^, b. ; d. young. ii. Sarah Maria'', b. Nov. 18, 1801, in Stamford, Canada ; d. Feb. 21, 1879 ; m. Jacob Davis, iii. Azubah'', b. May, 1804 ; m. Thomas Hardy. iv. Eliza'', b. Dec. 1805 ; m. Judge Emerson ; lived in Roch- ester, N. Y. ; she lived a widow many years in Rochester. 1351. V. William Osgood", b. Dec. 9, 1807 ; d. Sept. 17, 1848. vi. RacheF, b. in Thorald, Canada, Aug., 1809 ; m. Henry Griffin, vii. Hannah A.^, b. May, 1812. viii. Lydia M.'', b. in Barton, Canada, Dec, 1815 ; m. Rev. R. Close ; d. young, ix. Phebe^ b. Oct., 1817 ; m. Rev. H. Rice. 640. Amos Eastman^ (Williams, Peter'*, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born ; married Polly Ingalls ; he lived for a while on " Dunns patent," Canada East, where he built a mill, but a freshet carried away the dam and he removed to Attica, N. Y., but soon removed to Pennsylvania, and still later to Ohio. He was, after he left Canada, a doctor. TILTON EASTMAN*^. 409 CHILDREN. i. Remembrance", b. . 1352. ii. Amos", b. in Canada, May 22, 1804. iii. John", b. . iv. Nelson", b. . V. Alvah", b. . vi. Laura", b. . vii. Herman", b. . viii. William", b. . ix. Alexander", b. . 640a. Tilton P^astmaiV', probably son of Williams (240), (Peter'*, Peter^, Joseph-, Roger"), born in 1 773-1 775 (?) ; died in Arkona, Can., about 1850 ; married, about 1797, Esther Moon ; 2d, a Mrs. Smith. He lived in New York state until about 1835, when he moved with his family to Canada, where he was a farmer and became quite wealthy. Tilton's brother Amos's wife said, when living, that there were several brothers, and among them were Tilton, William, Peter, and several daughters. CHILDREN. i. Polly", b. 1798 ; m. Jaynes. Children : (a) Chester Jaynes^, b. ; (b) Mary Jaynes^, b. ; m. Bowen ; children : (1) Fred Bowen^, b. , res. No. 5 John street, Seattle, Wash. ; (2) Frank Bowen*, b (3) Chester Bowen^, b. ; (4) Charles Bowen*, b res. Seattle, Wash. ; (c) Thirzah Jaynes*, b. ; m Barnes, of California ; (d) Albert Jaynes*, b. ii. Thirzah", b. in Vermont in 1800 (?) ; m. in 1817 or 1818 Joseph Stryker ; 2d, Jonathan Smith, b. in Deerfield Mass., about 17S9, d. in Arkona, Can., in 1859. Mr, Smith was a captain in the war of 1812. Both of her husbands were contractors on the Erie and Welland canals. Children by first husband : (a) Alfred Stryker*, b. ; (b) Esther Stryker*, b. ; m. William East" man ; (c) Betsey Stryker*, b. ; ni. Babcock. Children bj- second husband : (d) Thirzah Smith*, b. in Strykersville, Wyoming county. New York, Dec. 14, 1832; m. in Arkona, Can., May 19, 1853, Alexander 410 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Proctor, b. in Scotland, Jan. 8, 1822, son of John and Annie C. (McGreggor) Proctor. Mr. Proctor resides in Snohomish, Wash., where he was a tailor. He is a deacon in the Congregational church. Children : (1) Thirzah Anne Proctor^, b. in Arkona, Can., 1854, d. 1864; (2) Lois P. Proctor^, b. 1856; m. July 4, 1877, John Tregoning. CHILDREN. (i) Edith C. Tregoning", b. in Denver, Col., 1878. (ii) Mabel P. Tregoningio, b. in Denver, Col., 1879. (iii) Franklin B. Tregoningio, b. in Denver, Col., 1881. (iv) Charles F. Tregoningio, b. in Denver, Col., 1883. (v) Inez F. Tregoning" b. in Denver, Col., 1886. (vi) Kenneth A. Tregoning", b. in Denver, Col., 1890. (vii) Rowena Tregoning", b. in Snohomish,Wash., 1897. (3) George Rufus Proctor^, b. in Arkona, Can., 1858 ; m. June 1, 1891, Ellen Martin Proctor. CHILDREN. (i) Norma Alexandra Proctor", b. 1892. (ii) Thirzah Elaine Proctor", b. 1894. (iii) Esther Proctor", b. 1896. (iv) Harold Vestal Proctor", b. 1898. (4) Alexander Phimister Proctor^, b. in Arkona, Ont., in 1860; m. in Chicago, 111., Sept. 27, 1893, Margaret Thompson Gerow. Mr. Proctor is quite a successful sculptor. He had thirty-two statues of animals on the grounds of the World's Columbian Exposition, 1893 ; he took gold medal at the World's Fair, Paris, 1900 ; he made the quadriga* for the United States building at the World's P^air, Paris ; has two colossal bronze pumas in Prospect Park, Brooklyn, N. Y. He v>'ill have several groups at the Pan-American Exposition. His address is 141 East 40th street, New York City. He is on the jury for sculpture for Pan-American Exposition, also for Society of American Artists. CHILDREN. (i) Hester Elizabeth Proctor", b. in Paris, 1897. (ii) Aldeu Alexander Proctor", b. in Paris, 1900. * Note. A quadriga is a car drawn by four horses abreast, as represented on ancient medals. TILTON EASTMAN*". 4 I I (5) Mary Ellen Proctor^, b. in Clinton, Mich., 1802 ; m. Feb. 14, 1SS4, James Harris. CHILDREN. (i) Vera Anna Ilarrisio, b, 1885. (ii) Ina Proctor Ilarris^o, b. 1887. (6) Anna Belle Proctor^, b. in Newton, la., 18G7 ; in. Dec. 13, 1884, Edward John Delbridge. CHILDREN. (i) Jessie Proctor Delbridgei", b. in Denver, Col., 1887. (ii) Lois Adelaide Delbridge^*', b. in Seattle, Wash., 1890. (iii) Clifford Edward Delbridge^", b. in Seattle, Wash., 1893. (iv) Doris Isabel Delbridge^o, b. in Seattle, Wash., 1900. (7) Hattie Jane Proctor^, b. in Des Moines, la., 1870 ; m. March 9, 1891, John Lovett Boyle. CHILDREN. (i) Helen Margaret Boyle^", b. in Snohomish, Wash., 1892. (ii) Phimister Proctor Boyle^", b. in Snohomish,Wash., 1895. (8) Helen Sophia Proctor^, b. in Des Moines, la., 1872. She is a teacher in Snohomish, Wash. ; unm. (9) William Martin Proctor^, b. in Denver, Col., 1875. He graduated from Whitman College, June 12, 1901 ; he enters Chicago, 111., Theological Seminary in Sept., 1901, preparing for the ministry of the Congregational church ; m. June 13, 1901, to Agnes Adams. iii. Nile", b. 1802 ; d. in IMichigan about 1881 ; m. John Murry, and lives at Arkona, Out. She has a daughter, Sophronia, who is a missionary in India. iv. Hile", b. . V. Mahalah'', b. ; m. Allen. vi. Sanford'', b. ; m. ; had son Charles ; both minis- ters ; son in Michigan. vii. Lois", b. ; m. Channer. viii. Jonas", b. . 412 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ix. Nathan'^, b. . X. Esther'^, b. by second wife ; m. McAlpine. Children : (a) Albert McAlpine^ b. ; (b) Andrew McAlpine^ b. ; res. Seattle, Wash. ; (c) Maud McAlpine^, b. ; m. Street ; res. Edmunds, Wash. ; (d) Julia McAlpine^, b. ; m. White, Thedford, Neb.; (e) Edwin McAlpine^ b. . 641. Tilton Eastman HilP (Polly Eastman', Peter'*, Peter3, Joseph-, Roger'), born March 16, 1765 ; married ist, Esther Cooley, daughter of Mary Cooley by her first hus- band, whose first name is unknown ; he married 2d, Christine Robins; he died Dec. 27, 182 1 ; he lived in Middletown, Orange county, N. Y., where he owned a large tract of land, and when his sons married, he gave each a farm on which they settled. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Gabriel Hill", b. April 28, 1788 ; m. Huldah Updegrave. ii. Henry HilF, b. Aug. 5, 1790 ; m. Ruth Neeley. iii. George Hill", b. July 21, 1792 ; m. Julia Wells, iv. Moses HilF, b. Aug. 12, 1794 ; m. . V. Valentine HilF, b. Feb. 15, 1797 ; m. Harriet Bennet. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. 1353. vi. Asenath Hill", b. April 19, 1799. vii. Harvey HilF, b. May 20, 1801. viii. Cynthia HilF, b. May 12, 1803 ; ra. Peter . ix. Ruth HilF, b. Jan. 29, 1805 ; m. Milton Tuttle. X. Fannie HilF, b. Dec. 2, 1806 ; m. Nathaniel Mulligan. xi. Mahala HilF, b. Oct. 28, 1808 ; ni. 1st, Jefferson McQuaid ; m. 2d, a Morrison, xii. Nelson HilF, b. Oct. 9, 1811. xiii. Newton HilF, b. Aug. 8, 1813 ; m. Maria Piatt. 642. Irad Eastman^ (Peter', Peter'*, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger"), born in Great Barrington, Conn., March 26, 1789; died in Utica, N. Y., March 8, 1869 ; married in Paris, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1806, Azubah Skinner, born in Hartford, Conn., Sept. 25, 1791, died in Deerfield, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1858. The places of birth of his children show where he lived. p SOLOMON EASTMAN^ OF CORNWALL, CAN. 4 1 3 CHILDREN. 1354. i. Peter Sylvester", b. in Paris, X. Y., April 8, 1807. 1355. ii. Phebe Lavina", b. Feb. 27, 1809; 111. Jonathan Johnson; lived in Deerfield all her life ; had five children, iii. Amos Augustus^, b. ]March 2(3, 1812; ni. Kliza Palmer; removed to Wisconsin ; had children, iv. Daniel D. Tompkins'', b. in Attica, Wyoming county, N. Y., March 20, 1814 ; m. in 1834, Sarah Palmer, sister of Eliza ; removed to Wisconsin, where he died in 1878. V. Lydia Livonia'^, b. in Alexander, Genesee county, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1816 ; m. in 1838 Robert Brown ; went to Wis- consin and later to California. vi. Louisa Orrela", b. in Paris, Oct. 20, '1820; never married; d. in 1852. vii. Irad Secratus", b. July 8, 1820 ; m. Margaret ; went to W^isconsin ; returned east for a visit and never got there or ever heard from, viii. Horace Erastus^ b. in Deerfield, April 10, 1823 ; d. 1860, unin. ix. Diana Azubah", b. April 9, 1825; m. Jan. 19, 1847, John Buchanan ; had daughter, Ella, residing in Berkeley, Cal. 1356. X. Mary E.", b. in Washington Mills, N. Y., Xov. 22, 1826. xi. Juliette", b. in Deerfield, Jan. 27, 1832 ; m. William Haddon ; lived in Utica, X. Y. ; had two daughters, now in the west. 643. Solomon Eastman^ (Benjamin^, Benjamin'*, Peter^, Joseph^, Roger'), born in Cornwall, Province of Ontario, July 28, 18 1 3 ; died in 1883 in Alvinston, P. O. ; married in Cornwall, Feb., 1S36, Phebe Hartle, born in Cornwall in April, 1819, died in Alvinston, April, 1895. CHILDREN. 1357. i. Benjamin^ b. in Cornwall, Dec. 6, 1836. ii. George Archibald", b. in Cornwall, March 7, 1841. iii. Caroline^, b. in Cornwall, Dec. 29, 1843. iv. Permelia Alvira^ b. June 26, 1846 ; d. Feb. 15, 1864. V. Mary Christiana'', b. May 2, 1851. vi. Pheba Ella^ b. July 23, 1856. 414 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 644. Simeon Sherman Eastman^ (Benjamin^, Benjamin*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Cornwall, Can. ; married ist, Jennette Johnson ; 2cl, Permelia Davenport ; 3d, Margaret Grififin. He lived in West Hawkesbury, Ottawa district. Can. CHILDREN. i. Robert", b. ; lives in West Hawkesbury, Can. ; m. Adeline Davenport. ii. Benjamin", b. ; d. in Wisconsin ; m. Miss Griffin. iii. Eli", b. ; d. in Wisconsin ; m. and had five daughters. iv. Levi'^, b. . 1358. V. Simeon", b. in West Hawkesbury, Ottawa district. Can., May 22, 1828. vi. John", b. ; d. . vii. Sarah'', b. ; d. ; m. in 1849 or 1850, McKiusey Eastman, viii. John", b. . CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. ix. Peter'', b. ; lives in Wisconsin ; was in the War of the Rebellion. X. Henry'', b. ; was in the War of the Rebellion. xi. Andrew', b. ; was in the War of the Rebellion. xii. Hannah Julia'', b. . xiii. Amanda', b. . 645. Hiram Eastman*^ (David', Benjamin*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Sennett, Cayuga county, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1802 ; died in Dumfries, Va., Aug. 30, 1863 ; married ist, Eliza Russell ; 2d, Katherine Waldron North ; 3d, Margaret Russell, widow of Charles Russell. CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. i. Jonathan RusselF, b. ; d. . CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. ii. Sylvia Jane'', b. in Marietta, Onondaga county, N. Y., in 1838. She is unmarried, and is principal of the Ogontz school, Ogontz, Pa. iii. Hiram Firman'', b. ; m. Martha Crook. She died, leaving children : (a) Hiram Walter^ (b) William HenryS, (c) Ulysses Grant^, (d) Grace EtheP. iv. Julia Alida'', b. ; m. in 1892, Ray Thomas Spencer, Ph. D. Child : (a) Sylvia Spencer.^ SUSANNAH EASTMAN^. 4 I 5 CHILD HY THIRD WIFE. V. Anne Naomi', b. ; ni. Walter Keys. Children : (a) Eastman Keys*, b. ; (b) Viola Keys*, b. . 646. Susannah Eastman^' (Daniel Hitchcock^, Benjamin"', Peter^, Joseph', Roger'), born Jan. ii, 1803; died Oct. 12, 1882 ; married ist, Dec. 15, 1829, Stephen Lunt ; 2d, July 15, 1830, Joseph Smith, of Fairfield, N. Y. CHILDRKN. i. Hiram Hobart Smith'', b. in Herkimer, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1831 ; m. 1st, Mary L. Frank, b. July 4, 1830, d. Feb. 12, 188.5, dau. of Isaac and Mai'y (Stevens) Frank, of Herkimer, N. Y. ; m. 2d, May 16, 1885, Mrs. Nellie A. J. Jacobson, dau. of William A. and Catherine M. (ZoUer) Swift, both of German Flats, Herkimer county, N. Y. Child by first wife : (a) S. Clark Smith*, b. April 8, 1858 ; d. Feb. 28, 1885; ra. Maribel E. Getraan, who is a teacher, in which work her husband was engaged at the time of his death. lie also studied for the ministry. Hiram Hobart was a soldier in the War of the Rebellion, was a charter member of Aaron Helmer Post, No. 404, G. A. R., has held every ofBce in the Post, and is now quartermaster. Resides in Herkimer, N. Y. ii. Sophronia Smith", b. Sept. 7, 1839 ; d. Oct., 1896 ; m. 1863, Hannibal Patte, of Fairfield, Herkimer county, N. Y. 647. Mary Ann Eastman^ (Daniel Hitchcock^, Benjamin^, Peter^, Joseph% Roger'), born in Eatonville, Herkimer, N. Y., Nov. I, 1804 ; died in Portland, Me., July 14, 1889 ; married in Candor, Tioga county, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1838, Walker Bennett, a farmer, born in Weston, Fairfield county. Conn., Feb. 25, 1795, died in Danby, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1842, son of James and Ann (Cable) Bennett. She was his second wife, the first being Cynthia Cole, by whom he had seven children, who are all deceased. CHILDREN BY MARY ANN. 1359. i. Ann Cynthia Bennett", b. in Danby, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1839 ; m. Talcott Ogden. ii. Frances Elizabeth Bennett", b. in Danby, N. Y., Aug. 9, 1841. She is a teacher in Ogoutz school, Ogontz, Pa. ; unm. 4l6 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 648. Hiram Newton Eastman'' (Daniel Hitchcock^, Ben- jamin-*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born Aug. 17, 1810 ; died in Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1879 ; married in Homer, N. Y., in 1838, Mary G. Curtiss, born in Homer, N. Y., July 12, 1 8 14, died in Oswego, N. Y., April 27, 1886. She was the daughter of Hon. Gideon and Ruth Day Curtiss. Dr. Eastman was professor of medicine in the Geneva Medical College, N. Y. ; afterwards lecturer in the medical depart- ment of the University of Buffalo, N. Y., and still later professor in the College of Physicians, Syracuse University, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. Mary G.^, b. Dec, 1838 ; d. 1842. ii. Charles CarrolF, b. in Oswego, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1841 ; m. Oct. 9, 1867, in East Bloomfield, N. Y., Mary G. Sears. Child : (a) Louisa U.^, b. Mar. 12, 1868. He resides in Binghamton, N. Y. ill. Joseph H.', b. Dec, 1843 ; d. 1845. 1360. iv. Rush Spencer', b. Jan. 31, 1845. V. Cornelia M. C.^ b. April 26, 1847. 1361. vi. George Newton^, b. Feb. 6, 1851 ; graduated at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y., in the class of 1873, M. A. Has since held pastorates in Pennsylvania and Ohio. 1362. vii. Robert Watts^ b. Feb. 7, 1353. " viii. Edward LJ, b. Aug., 1856 ; d. July 2, 1857. ix. Ruth Caroline", b. April 8, 1849. 649. Benjamin Eastman^ (Daniel Hitchcocks, Benjamin'*, Peter^ Joseph-, Roger'), born Dec. 7, 1818 ; died Nov. 14, 1879 » rnarried Euphany Burnhart, daughter of Christian and Lydia (Eastman) Burnhart, of Palmyra, N. Y. She was his first cousin, daughter of Abihue Eastman. They were married Oct. 13, 1864. Benjamin lived on the homestead in Fairfield, N. Y. CHILD. i. Daniel Henry", b. July 29, 1865. MORGAN LEWIS EASTMAN^ OK FAIRFIELD, N. Y. 417 650. Morgan Lewis Eastman*" (Abihues, Benjamin^, Peter^, Joseph-, Roger'), born in Fairfield, N. Y., Nov. ii, 18 14. Another record given the compiler says he was born in Little Falls, N. Y., Nov. i6. He married Emeline Thorpe. Mr. Eastman has been for forty years a preacher in the Congregational church, having but two settlements, one in Lisbon, N. Y., and one in Royalton, Wis. His present church was founded by leading members of his former charge in Lisbon, N. Y. Mr. Eastman was an entirely self-educated man, had but sbc months' schooling in all his life, but became a man of far-reaching influence. While in Lisbon for twenty-one years and while pastor there, he did evangelistic work in twenty-five different churches in St. Lawrence and Jefferson counties. New York. In 1869, he removed to Royalton, Wis., where he did evangelistic work in fourteen different churches in the state. Mrs. Eastman's father was among the pioneer Dutch settlers of New York state. She was a woman of rare ability, her sphere being the home, where she reigned queen for nearly fifty years. He died Oct. i, 1900. CHILDREN. 1363. i. Mary Elizabeth'', b. in Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1843. ii. Lois Miriam'^, b. in same place Sept. 11, 1844 ; ni. in Royalton, Wis., Sept. 26, 1874, George Hewett Clark, b. in Cambridge, Eng., Feb. 17, 1840. He is a jeweler and stationer, residing in Daytona, Fla. They have no children. Samuel Elijah^ b. May 17, 1846. Lucy Ann Eliza^ b. in Lisbon, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1847. Luna Briggs", b. in Lisbon, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1849. Lewis DanieF, b. ; res. in Menominee, Mich. Marcia Helen'', b. in Lisbon, N. Y. ; m. Phillips ; res. Oshkosh, Wis. viii. Everett Clark'', b. ; resides in Marinette, Wis. 30 1364. 111. iv. 1365. V. 1366. vi. vii. 41 8 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 651. Henry Milton Eastman^ {Abihue^, Benjamin*, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger"), born in Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., May 4, 18 19; drowned in Delavan Lake, Walworth county, Wis., in 1888. About 1829, Mr. Eastman removed with his parents to Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence county, N. Y. He married June 9, 1852, Loraine Waring, born in 1823, died in 1889. Mr. Eastman studied law and went into practice in New York City, when, disliking the profession on account of the confinement, abandoned it, and went into mercantile business, in which he lost everything. He then took up civil engineering and surveying, in which business he made a success. In 1855, he removed to Elk- horn, Wis. He was a man of gigantic intellect, not, however, supported by a cool disposition, but endued with great kind- ness of heart. CHILDREN. 1367. i. Charlotte'^, b. April 27, 1855, in New York state. 1368. ii. Carrie Estelle^ b. July 31, 1857, in Elkhorn, Wis. 652. Josiah R. Eastman^ (Azariahs, Azariah*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born Feb. 18, 1771 ; married Nov. 8, 1798, Amarilla Hurd, daughter of David Hurd, Jr. He was a doctor, and lived in Roxbury, Conn. She died his widow, Nov. 23, 1846. CHILDREN. i. Richard H.'', b. in Roxbury, Coim., Nov. 27, 1800; m. March 21, 1821, Eunice Terrell. He studied medicine with his father, attended lectures, was licensed in 1821, at New Haven, Conn., and the same year commenced practice in the town of Summit, Schoharie county, N. Y., where he was favored with an extensive practice for a number of years ; but at the solicitation of friends in Pennsylvania, he removed to Mount Pleasant in that state, where after a short period he died Oct. 12, 1831, leaving a daughter, Caroline S., who married Rev. Charles Fabrique. AZARIAH EASTMAN**, OF VERMONT. 419 ii. John Randolph", b. April 14, 1805 ; d. Dec. 8, 1851, and was buried in the Pearse family burying-ground in Pawling, N. Y. lie studied medicine witli his father and with Dr. Sherald, of Poughkeepsie, attended lectures, was licensed in the city of New York, and after practicing his profession about twenty years, on account of failing health gave it up. iii. Harmon B.", b. July 17, 1807; ni. Nov. 17, 1847, Emily Painter, iv. Amarilla", b. ; unm. V. Mary Ann^, b. ; ni. Grandison Beardsley, of Iloxbury, Conn. 653. Azariah Eastman^ (Deliverance-, Azariah'', Peter^ Joseph', Roger"), born in Vermont, Jan. 17, 1795 ; died in Rodman, N. Y., April 30, 1865 ; married in 1819, Percy Parsons, born in Connecticut, daughter of Joseph and Plunice (Fobes) Parsons. Mr. Eastman was a farmer, and resided in Rodman, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. Chauncy", b. . ii. Levi", b. . iii. Dennis Deliverance", b. . iv. Ruby'', b. ; m. a Hill ; resides in Rodman, N. Y. V. Adolphus Theodore'', b. . 654. Anna Eastman*" (Alvin^, Azariah*, Peter^ Joseph\ Roger'), born April 4, 1790; died in Aug., 1831 ; married Ira Blanchard. CHILDREN. i. Herman Blanchard'', b. ; m. . Children : (a) Orrin H.s, b. ; m. ; had (1) Lottie Colby, (2) Cora Miles ; res. Wisconsin ; (b) Francis O.^, killed in battle of the Wilderness, 1864; (c) Sidney H.s, b. ; m. ; had (1) Viola^, b. , d. ; (2) Elton', b. ; (d) Cornelia^ b. ; ni. Gibbs ; children : (1) Harry Gibbs^, b. ; (2) Frank Gibbs', b. ; (3) Forrest Gibbs', b. ; m. ; children : (i) Blanch^o, (ii) Clarence^^, (iii) Richard^", b. , d. young. ii. Ira Blanchard, Jr.", m. and had three children. 420 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ) iii. Lucinda BlancharcU, b. - » iv. Reuben Blanchard", b. ; m. and had two children. V. Mahala Blanchard', b. ; d. , vi. Alvin Blanchard'', b. ; ni. ; had one son ; both parents and son deceased. vii. Amy Blanchard'', b. ; m. a Haws ; resides in Grand Rapids, Mich, viii. Riley Blanchard'', b. ; ra. ; had two sons. .655. Herman Eastman^ (Alvin^, Azariah^, Peter^, Joseph% Roger'), born Aug. 17, 1798; died in Rodman, Jefferson comity, N. Y., July 25, 1886 ; married in 1826, Laura Parsons. Mr. Eastman removed to Rodman with his parents when he was eleven years of age. He always resided in Rodman after he went there. He was a very highly esteemed citizen, and made friends with whom he came in contact. He accumulated a good property, lived an industrious and useful life, reared his family in the way they should go, held the universal esteem of his fellow townsmen for his many acts of kindness to them, in accommodations in times of trouble, and general benevolence to the poor and destitute. He did not wait until his death and his children were old before assisting them, but distributed his patrimony with a just and even hand as they grew up and went for themselves or were married off, and the most beautiful and touching scenes of his life, reminding one of some ancient patriarch, was his going from home to home and spending weeks and months alternating between his sons and daughters, where he was ever received with open arms and loving hearts. CHILDREN. 1369. i. Herman Lefifert^ b. Dec. 6, 1828. ii. A nameless daughter^ b. July 1, 1830 ; d. July 29, 1830. 1370. iii. Laura Lodorsa'', b. Aug. 22, 1831. 1371. iv. Mary Ann^ b. Feb. 23, 1831. V. Helen M.^ b. Feb. 27, 1839 ; m. William Hitchcock; no children ; she d. July 25, 1900. JOHN EASTMAN^ OF RODMAN, N. Y. 42 1 vi. Charles Weller", b. May 31, 1841 ; d. Dec. 8, 1861 ; he enlisted in the Ninety-fourth New York Volunteer Infantry, and died at his home from disease contracted in camp at Sackett's Harbor just before the regiment was sent to the front. 1372. vii. Louis Parsons'', b. Sept. 8, 1846. 656. John Eastman'^ (Alvins, Azariaht, Peter^ Joseph-, Roger'), born in Rodman, N. Y., March 25, 1800; died April 25, 1868 ; married ist, Patty Cook; 2d, Eliza Lucas, born in Connecticut, Aug. 14, 1802, died in Rodman, X. Y., Dec. 6, 1874, daughter of John and IrLsther (Stowe) Lucas, of Barnes Corners, N. Y. Mr. Eastman was a farmer and carpenter and joiner, residing in Rodman, N. Y. CHILDREN. 1. Alvin", b. ; m. Juliette Eastman, daughter of Thomas Eastman. Children : (a) Adelbert^ b. ; res. in Texas ; (b) Clara*, b. ; d. ; (c) Alice*, b. ; res. in Michigan ; (d) John*, b. ; d. ; (e) Effie*, b. ; res. in Michigan ; (f) Lilla*, b. ; res. in Michigan. ii. Malvina'^, b. ; m. Merrill Crandell. Children : (a) Addie Dobbin CrandelP, b. ; (b) Aldro Crandell*, b. ; (c) Albert CrandeU*, b. ; (d) Ella Fox Crandell*, b. . iii. Celistine'^, b. ; m. Philip Wright. Children : (a) George Wright*, b. ; res. in Saratoga, N. Y. ; (b) Ida Wright*, b. ; d. . CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. iv. Caroline E.'^, b. in Rodman, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1832 ; m. in Adams Center, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1849, Egbert Cooley, b. in Rodman, N. Y., in 1828. He is a jeweler and resides in Rodman, N. Y. Children : (a) Everett Auston Cooley*, b. in Rodman, N. Y., June 7, 1851 ; m. Dec. 24, 1873, Ida May Cleveland ; he is a druggist and jeweler ; resides in Rodman, N. Y. ; (b) Oris Cooley*, b. March 23, 1853 ; d. Sept. 20, 1854 ; (c) Edwin J. Cooley*, b. Oct. 5, 1855 ; d. Oct. 11, 1870. 422 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 657. Eli Eastman^ (Benjamins, Azariah'*, Peter^, Joseph^, Roger'), born in Guilford, Conn., Oct. 3, 1777; died in Adams, N. Y., Sept. 16, 1844 ; married in Westmoreland, N. Y., July 7, 1809, Lucy Chittenden, born in Guilford, Conn., Sept. 22, 1786, died in VVatertown, N. Y., July 31, 1865, daughter of Jared and Pllizabeth (Lusk) Chittenden, of Guilford, Conn., and Westmoreland, N. Y. Dr. Eastman was a well educated man, but where he studied medicine or with whom it is impossible at this late day to determine, but it is evident he received an academic education, as his granddaughter, Mrs. A. P. Sigourny, of Watertown, N. Y., distinctly remembers of seeing his diploma. Immediately after his marriage he settled in Adams, N. Y., where he practiced his chosen profession as long as he lived. It is thought he was the first physician permanently settled in that town. There is a tradition about a Dr. Green previous to that time, but how long he stayed, or where he came from, or where he went to is not known. Dr. PZastman was highly esteemed, had an extensive practice, and so much were his professional services sought after, that for the two or three years previous to his death, after he was unable to drive him- self, people from the surrounding country having severe cases of sickness in their families came in their carriages and took him to their homes where they kept him until the result was known. He was a surgeon in the war of 18 12-14, was at the battle of Sackett's Harbor. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN ADAMS, N. Y. 1373. i. Charles William', b. April 21, 1811. 1374. ii. Lucy Ann^ b. June 12, 1813. 1375. iii. Elizabeth Rowe^ b. March 14, 1821. 1376. iv. Julia Chittenden', b. Dec. 8, 1824. 658. Harvey Eastman^ (Hezekiah^, Joseph^ Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born July 8, 1777 ; married July 4, 1797, Anne Rundell. He resided in Marshall, N. Y. NATHAN WARNER EASTMAN^. 423 CHILDREN. i. Khoda", b. in Marshall, Dec. 9, 1799 ; -d. ii. Lucy", b. Oct. 4, 1801 ; d. . iii. Martin L.\ b. Sept. 8, 180;3 ; d. . 1377. iv. Joseph P.", b. May 2, 1805 ; d. 1378. V. Horace 11.^ b. June 27, 1807 ; d. vi. Almon P.^, b. March 18, 1809 ; d. vii. Mary A.^ b. Feb. 8, 1811 ; d. viii. Erastus H.", b. Sept. 3, 1812; d. - ix. Clarissa", b. Aug. 5, 1813; d. 1379. X. George W.", b. Sept. 9, 1813 ; d. . 659. Nathan Warner Eastman^' (Joseph^, Joseph'*, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), married Phebe Eastman ; he died in Auburn, Iowa. CHILDREN. i. Rufus", b. in Waterville, N. Y. 1380. ii. Joseph Preserved", b. March 1, 1822. 1381. iii. Nathan Warner, Jr.", b. ; res. Elgin, Iowa. iv. Lof tus Haseltine'', b. ; res. Douglass, Iowa. V. Nancy^, b. . vi. Wealthy'', b. . 660. Andrew Squires Eastman*^ (Joseph^, Joseph'*, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger'), born Jan. 25, 1800; died Dec. 11, 1856; married ist, Sept. 24, 1822, Lucretia Yemmons Phinney, born Oct. 25, 1798, died Nov. 5, 1829; married 2d, Feb. 4, 1830, Emeline Dorcas Miller, born Sept. 21, 181 1, died Sept. 13, 1830 ; married 3d, March 6, 1831, Rosannah Rich, born Aug. 20, 1802, died Feb. 3, 1881. Mr. Eastman in May, 1825, moved to the town of Junius, Seneca county, N. Y., considered at that time to be far west, where he had gone before his family. His father took the family and household goods on a wagon to Utica, put the goods and family on a boat and proceeded by canal to their future home. At Waterloo, they were met by Andrew S., with an ox-cart, with which they finished their journey of three and one-half 1384. iii. iv. 1385. V. vi. 424 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. miles. He remained here till 1842, when he sold out and removed to Butler, Wayne county, N. Y., remaining there till 1852, when he removed to Hannibal, Oswego county, residing there till his death, Dec. 11, 1856. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. 1382. i. Andrew Lorenzo^ b. iu Marshall, N. Y., March 16, 1825. 1383. ii. Hannah Lucretia'^, b. in Junius, Seneca county, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1829. CHILDREN BY THIRD WIFE. Emeline Dorcas^ b. Feb. 7, 1834. Martha Matilda", b. June 8, 1836. Marietta^ b. May 19, 1840. Louisa", b. Jan. 31, 1843. 661. Sophronia Eastman^ (Joseph^, Joseph-*, Peter^, Joseph^ Roger"), born in Waterville, N. Y., March 17, 1806 ; married in Waterville, N. Y., Josiah Galpin, born in Woodbury, Conn., June 7, 1799, died in Canandaigua, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1885. His occupation was teaching, carpentering and farming. The places of the birth of his children indi- cate where he lived. CHILDREN. i. Melosany M. Sherman Galpin^, b. in Vernon, N. Y. ii. Attilia M. Velia Galpin'^, b. in Vernon, N. Y. 1386. iii. Leman Quintilian Galpin^, b. in Mecca, Ohio, Nov. 23, 1836. 1387. iv. Eastman J. Galpin^ b. May 23, 1840, in Mecca, Ohio. V. Clinton Sedate Galpin'', b. in Locke, N. Y. 662. Joseph Socrates Eastman^ (Joseph^, Joseph'', Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Waterville, N. Y., in 1809 ; died there in August, 1883 ; married in Sherburne, N. Y., March I, 1829, Caroline Rees, born in Sherburne, N. Y., Sept. 11, 181 1, died in Waterville, N. Y., F'eb. 14, 1898, daughter of Jacob and Anna (Gillett) Rees, of Sherburne, N. Y. He was born, liv6d and died on the old homestead in Marshall, about two miles north of the village of Waterville. APOLUS EASTMAN^ OF CHARLESTOWN, N. H. 425 ONLY CHILD. 1388. i. Virgil Sedate^ b. in Waterville (Marshall), Nov. 29, 1829. 663. Apolus Eastman^' (John?, Josephs Peter^ Joseph', Roger'), born in Charlestown, N. H., in 1800 ; died in Troy- Mills, Linn county, Iowa, Oct. 17, 1869 ; married in Madi- son county, Ohio, in 1829, Barbara Peasley, ncc Segar, born in Madison county in 1802 ; died in Arbela, Ohio, in 1887. Mr. Eastman was an early settler in Ohio, in Madison county, near London. He removed from there, about 1850, to Rush Creek, Union county, where he lived until 1864, when he re- moved to Troy Mills, Linn county, Iowa. CHILDREN. i. Jacob", b. April 27, 1830 ; d. in Essex, Ohio. Richard Kimball", b. in Madison county, Jan. 8, 1832. Oliver", b. Aug. 16, 1833. Malintha", b. 1835 ; in. Osborn. Ephraim", b. May 12, 1837. Adolerius'^, b. in Dupont, Putnam Co., Ohio, April 21, 1846. '664. Theron Eastman*' (John^, Joseph^, Peter^ Joseph% Roger"), born in Ohio ; married Eeb. 21, 1833, Nancy Brillingham, born in Fairfield county, Ohio, Aug. 9, 181 5, came to Pharisburg, Union county, Ohio, where they were married and lived for sixty-three years. She united with the M. E. Church in 1842, and remained a consistent member as 1389. ii. 1390. iii 1391. iv V vi long as she lived. CHILDREN. i. John^ b. June .5, 1840 ; d. . ii. Leonard", b. Dec. 2, 1843 ; d. . iii, Althea", b. June 14, 1850. iv. Etta", b. 1855. V. Martha Elizabeth", b. Dec. 21, 1837; m. March 10, 1859, Samuel F. Merritt. They had other sons and daughters who died young. 426 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 665. Matthew Eastman^ (Peter^, Peter-*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Granville, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1797 ; died in Attica, N. Y., March 15, 1868; married Sally Sanborn, born in Hampton, N. H., in 1796, died Nov. 23, 1870, daughter of James and Sarah (Elkins) Sanborn, his second wife. Her father was a soldier of the Revolution. Enlisted in Captain Elkins' company in 1775 for the defence of Ports- mouth harbor. James Sanborn was the son of James^ Ste- phen^ William', the emigrant. CHILDREN. i. Warren S.^ b. ii. Emily A.'', b. ; d. . 1392. iii. Matthew^, b. in Attica, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1835. 666. Peter Eastman"^ (Peter^, Peter-*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Attica, N. Y. ; married, lived in Attica, where he died. CHILDREN. i. Sylvester'^, b. ; d. . ii. Newman'' ; b. ; d. in the army. iii. Seymour", b. ; d. . iv. Emily", b. . V. Juliet', b. . vi. Eveline', b. . vii. Edwin', b. . viii. John', b. . 667. Harvey Eastman^ (Peters, PeterS Peter^ Joseph^, Roger"), born in Attica, N. Y. ; married and went early to Michigan. CHILDREN. i. Dexter', b. — ii. Henry', b. — iii. Wilbur', b. - iv. Norris', b. — V. Lafayette', b. FERDINAND EASTMAN'', OF ATTICA, N. Y. 427 668. Ferdinand Eastman^' (Peters, Peter-*, Peter^ John% Roger'), born in Attica, N. Y. ; married Nancy Lindsey ; both deceased, in Attica. CHILDKEN. i. Truman^, b. . ii. George", b. ; died in the army. iii. Frank'', 1). . iv. Olive", b. . V. Man", b. . vi. Caroline M.", b. in Attica, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1846; ni. JMatthew Eastman, vii. Sarah", b. . 669. Huldah Eastman'^ (Peters, Peter-*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Attica, N. Y. ; married Ebenezer Bul- lock ; lived in Wisconsin. CHILDREN. i. Myron Bullock'^, b. . ii. Lyman Bullock", b. . iii. Phebe Bullock^ b. . iv. Amanda Bullock'^, b. . V. Mariette Bullock', b. . 670. Hannah Plastman*^ (Peter^, Peter-*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Attica, N. Y. ; married Benjamin Osborn. She died in Attica, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. INIary Osborn'', b. . ii. Phebe Osborn'', b. . iii. Minerva Osborn'', b. . iv. Diana Osborn'', b. ; m. Brown. V. Harriet Osborn'', b. . vi. Lucina Osborn'', b. . 671. Nathaniel Henry Eastman^ (Abram Dayton^, Jo- seph^ Peter^ Joseph", Roger'), born in Marshall, N. Y., Dec. 28, 1 791 ; died in Middlebury, Wyoming county, N. Y. ; married Marilla Patterson, born Nov. 4, 1796, died in War- saw, Wyoming county, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1878. Mr. Eastman 428 " EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. was a soldier in the war of i8 12-14. Soon after the war, he settled in Middlebury, Wyoming county, N. Y., where he opened up a farm, and where he passed the remainder of his life. CHILDREN. 1393. i. Vinson Dayton^ b. Feb. 14, 1814. 1394. ii. Leander^ b. Oct. 9, 1815. 1395. iii. Calvin Barross", b. Sept. 15, 1819. 1396. iv. Lucinda Jane^ b. Oct. 14, 1821. These children were all bovn in Middlebury. 672. William Eastman'' (Abram Dayton^, Joseph'', Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in Marshall, N. Y. ; died in 1885 ; married Jane Barnes, daughter of Thomas Barnes. He left home and settled in or near Welland, Canada. He was a rather wild chap ; left home and never corresponded with his folks. He had sixteen children. CHILDREN. 1397. i. Nancy Jane', b. about 1817 ; d. 1896 ; m. Josiah Mosier and removed to Reese, Tuscola Co., Mich. Had thirteen children. ii. Moses'^, b. ; died about 1893 ; m. Maria Mosier, had eight children, lived in Pelham, Canada West. iii. Thomas'^, b. ; m. 1st, Sarah Foreman; 2d, Sarah Potts ; 3d, Mary Hotchkis ; 4th, Tamar Arnett ; had eight children by 1st wife and four by 2d wife. Chil- dren : (a) George^, b. ; ni. Mary Ann Phillips ; had four children, all living in Pelham, Ont. ; (b) Ireue^, b. ; m. Isaiah Wicks ; had (1) George AVicks and (2) Irene Wicks. Mrs. Wicks died in Los Angeles, Cal., June 8, 1888. iv. Malissa", b. ; m. William Blood, a farmer, and resides in Middleton, Ont. ; had (a) Nella ; (b) Willie Blood. V. Rollaud'', b. ; removed to Michigan ; had (a) George^, b. ; (b) Nella*, b. . Rolland married Emily Herman. vi. MindwelF, b. ; m. Edwin Clark Eastman, son of Joseph, and own cousin. She died June 24, 1896, aged 74 years. No children. JOSEPH EASTMAN*, OF MARSHALL, N. Y. 429 vii. Elizahetli", b. ; ni. Arlonijah Taylor, and d. in 1889 ; had three cliildreii. viii. Mary", b. ; in. Albert Benson ; had four children ; res. Dunnsville, Ont. ix. Ruth", b. ; ni. John Daire ; she died about 187G ; one child. 1398. X. William Rundell", b. in Pelhani, Ont., Feb. 23, 1841. 673. Joseph Eastman^ (Abram Daytons, Joseph'', Peter^ Joseph-, Roger'), born in Marshall, N. Y. ; died in Oakville, Ont., in 1878 ; married Nancy McCabe, who died in Pel- ham, Ont., in 1877. Mr. Eastman's early married life was spent in Marshall, and between 182^ and 1830, he removed to Oakville, Ont. He was a fisherman. CHILDREN. 1399. i. Edwin Clark", b. in Marshall, N. Y., in 1828; ra. Mind- well Eastman, daughter of his uncle, William Rundell Eastman, and was his first cousin. They had no children. 1400. ii. George Porter'', b. in 1830; resides in Welland, Ont. 1401. iii. William RundelF, b. in Oakville, Ont., in 1832; res. Welland, Ont. 674. Joseph Wellman'' (Phebe Eastman?, Joseph^ Peter^ Joseph-, Roger"), born in New Fairfield, Conn., in 1781 ; died April 29, 1835 ; married in Pompey, N. Y., in 1804-5, Chloe Nichols, and settled in Sangerfield, now Waterville, N. Y. In or about 1832, he removed to Sheriden, Chau- tauqua county, where he died. His widow removed to Kingsville, O., where she died Jan. 13, 1862. ' CHILDREN ALL BORN IN W^ATERVILLE, N. Y. i. Manley Wellman'', b. 1806 ; m. Nancy Cook, settled in Syracuse, N. Y. Had one child at least, Jennie^ b. . 1402. ii. Roxana Wellman". b. 1808. iii. Phebe Wellman", b. 1811; d. 1849; m. Rex Keach ; re- moved to Wisconsin. She had no children ; she was his second wife. 1403. iv. Matilda Wellman'', b. 1813. 14U4. V. 1405. vi. 1406. vii. 1407. viii. 1408. ix. 1409. X. 1410. xi. 1411. xii. 430 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. Rhoda Wellmau'', b. Dec. 30, 1815. Melancthon Hezekiah Wellman", b. Sept. 6, 1816. Mary Emeline Wellman^ b. Feb. 28, 1819. Almira Frutilla Wellman^ b. May 11, 1821. Eliza Wellman", b. Jan. 20, 1823. Sarah Lusetta Wellman^ b. March 28, 1825. Harriett Jane Wellman'^, b. June 3, 1827. Charlotte Helen Wellman^ b. March 23, 1829. 675. Phebe Wellman'' (Phebe Eastman^, Joseph'*, Peter^ Joseph^ Roger'), born in New Fairfield, Conn., in 1787 ; died January 26, 1863; married in 1814-15, John Caulkins, who died at West Butler, Wayne county, N. Y., Aug. 18, 185 1, aged 66. Phebe was between three and four years old when her mother died, and it is said that she or her brother, Hezekiah, got along very well with their step mother, and after a little while she was taken and cared for by some of her mother's people, where she remained till her marriage. The first few years of their married life was passed in New Fairfield, when after a few years they removed to West Butler, Wayne county, N. Y. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN BUTLER. i. Milo Caulkins", b. ; d. 1890 ; settled in Michigan. ii. Sarah Caulkins'', b. . iii. John Caulkins'^, b. . iv. Louisa Caulkins", b. . V. Emeline Caulkins", b. ; m. Napoleon Howe ; resides in South Butler, N. Y. vi. Ensign Caulkins'', b. • vii. Martin Caulkins'', b. . viii. "William Caulkins'', b. ; resides in Savannah, Wayne county, N. Y. 626. Hezekiah Wellman*^ (Phebe Eastman^, Joseph'*, Pe- ter^, Joseph^ Roger"), born in New Fairfield, Conn., March 25, 1789; died Sept. 15, 1865; married ist, in the fall of 181 1, Martha Wakeman, born in New Fairfield in 1793, daughter of Jeremiah and Phebe (Hendrick) Wakeman. Martha was of the seventh generation in this country. She HEZEKIAH WELLMAN^ OF NEW FAIRFIELD, CONN. 43 I died Feb. 22, 18 19, and in the fall of the same year he married 2d, Lossey Maria Watkins, daughter of Abijah W'atkins, of Monroe, Conn. She was born in Monroe in 1801, and died in New Fairfield, Jan. 4, 1889, aged 88 years. Hezekiah was bound out until he was twenty-one years of age, to William Leach, of the town now known as Sherman. Here Hezekiah stayed his full time, and perhaps more, as it is said Mr. Leach fooled the boy out of one year's time by pretend- ing he was born in 1790. Hezekiah was a fine singer in his day, and led the singing in the church in New F"airfield many years. He and his wife were both members of the Metho- dist church in New Fairfield, where he was a class leader. He was a farmer, and lived at first on the farm called the "David Wakeman " place, which place was the last on the road leading to Ball's pond from the part called "The Bogs." His wife's father lived on the next farm above, and this farm came into possession of Hezekiah through his wife. Later he bought the lower farm (where he lived first), so eventually owned them both. Hezekiah was drafted into the army in 181 2, and assigned to Capt. Charles Parks' company, and was stationed at Bridgeport, Conn. Time in service from July 14 to Sept. 9, 18 14. He received at one time forty acres of land, and at another time one hundred and twenty acres, making one hundred and sixty in all, for his services in the war of 181 2-14. CHILDREN. 1412. i. Phebe Jane Wellman'', b. in New Fairfield, Conn., June 17, 1817 or 1819. He had other children by Martha, but none grew up. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. 1413. ii. Marvin Eastman Wellman'', b. in New Fairfield, Conn., Dec. 8, 1820. 1414. iii. Hendrick Hudson Wellnian", b. in New Fairfield, Conn., March 25, 1830. 432 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. ^yy. John Daniel Burton^ (John Burtons, Mehitable East- man^, Peter^, Joseph", Roger'), born Jan. 28, 1807, in Rodman, N. Y. He died in Rodman, Jmie 7, 1874 ; married Nov. 27, 1834, Sophronia Weed, born in Pulaski, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1 8 14, died in New Haven, Conn., Feb. 4, 1895. CHILDREN ALL BORN IN RODMAN, N. Y. i. Helen Pamelia Burton^ b. Dec. 2, 1835; m. Jan. 20, I'seS,, Charles B. Smith, aud resides in Florence, Mass. ii. Lewis Burton', b. March 14, 1837 ; d. 1839. 1415. iii. George Riley Burton'', b. Sept. 14, 1838. iv. Alfred Burton", b. 1840; d. 1848. V. Manfred Stebbins Burton^ b. Feb. 24, 1845 ; died in Chi- cago, 111., Jan. 3, 1872. vi. Annette Esther Burton", b. May 31, 1849. She received her education at the University of Michigan ; resides in Florence, Mass. 6']^. Parker Stevens^ (Jemima Eastman^, Edmund'*, Ed- mund^ Benjamin-, Roger'), born Oct. 6, 1767 ; married Tabathy Davis. He lived in Piermont, N. H. CHILDREN. ' i. AVilliam Stevens'', b. Jan. 3, 1797. 1415a. ii. John Osgood Stevens^ b. Aug. 31, 1798. iii. Nathan D. Stevens^ b. Sept. 22, 1799. iv. Samuel Stevens'', b. Jan. 8, 1802. V. Charles J. Stevens^ b. July 5, 1806. vi. Kuth J. Stevens'', b. Nov. 16, 1812. She married late in life, and lived and died in Wentworth, N. H. 679. Caleb Stevens*' (Jemima Eastman^, Edmund'*, Ed- mund^ Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., Nov. 27, 1782 ; died in Concord, N. H., March 29, 1870 ; married in Piermont, N. H., April 21, 18 13, Sally Dewey, daughter of Nathan and Sarah (Chandler) Dewey, born in Piermont, N. H., Jan. 2, 1793, died in Concord, N. H., Jan. 2, 1879. Mr. Stevens went to Piermont with his parents, and lived on the home farm until late in life, when he went to Concord, N. H., where he spent the last years of his life with his son, Lyman D. EDMUND EASTMAN", OF CORINTH, VT. 433 CHILDREN. 1416. i. Cynthia Dewey Stevens^ b. in Pierniont, X. II., March 21, 1814. 1417. ii. Lyman Dewey Stevens'', b. in Pierinont, N. H., Sept. 20, 1821. 68o. Edmund Eastman'^ (Edmunds, Edmund^ ICdmund^ Benjamin-, Roger'), born in Corinth, Vt., in 1782 ; died in Corinth in 1876 ; married Polly Currier of Newburyport, Mass. He resided in Corinth, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Ransom", b. 1418. ii. Calvin', b. - iii. Lyman', b. - iv. Addison", b. V. Betsey", b. — vi. Lucinda", b. vii. PoUy^ b. — viii. Nancy'', b. — ix. Maudana', b. . 1419. X. Erael■son^ b. Dec. 12, 1813. 681. Joshua Eastman'' (Edmund^ Edmund^ Edmund^ Benjamin% Roger'), born in Corinth, Vt. ; lived and died there ; married Hannah Heath. CHILDREN. 1420. i. Laban Clark^ b. Aug. 24, 1805. Perhaps others. 682. James Eastman*^ (Edmunds, Edmund^ Edmund^ Benjamin^ Roger'), born and died in Corinth, Vt. ; married 1st, Esther ; 2d, Clarissa Moulton ; died in Corinth. He was a farmer, and resided in Corinth, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Hiram'', b. ; m. and had two daughters. ii. Richard'', b. ; m. his cousiii ; no children. iii. Willard^ b. . iv. Edmund^, b. . 31 434 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. V. Emeline', b. ; m. Tewksbury, had Richard and Willie, all deceased. vi. Jess'^, b. ; m. Lorinda Heath. vii. Esther'^, b. ; in. ; had five children. viii. Sylvia'^, b. ; d. at the age of 23 or 24 years. ix. Polly'', b. ; m. John Bohann ; had Jeannette, Mary, John, and Richard. X. Hilas^, b. ; m., and had Ella, Sarah, and Clinton ; lat- ter lives in New York City. 683. Orramus W. B. Eastman^ {Edmund^, Edmund'*, Edmund^ Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Corinth, Vt., 1783 ; died in Corinth in 1862; married Lydia Anice, born in Corinth, Vt., Oct. 30, 1788, died there Dec. 24, 1863. He was assistant surgeon in the war of 1812-14; stationed at Plattsburg. Afterwards, he took a course of lectures at Philadelphia, but finally took up dentistry and practised it all his life. He always resided in Corinth, Vt. CHILDREN. 1421. i. Robert F.', b. Oct. 22, 1811; settled in Mt. Clement, Mich, ii. Alanson T.^ b. Sept. 20, 1813. iii. Laton F.'^, b. Aug. 24, 1815 ; settled in East Saginaw, Mich, iv. Betsey^, b. Nov. 6, 1818. V. Mary Ann', b. April 20, 1821. 1422. vi. Ezra M.'^, b. July 8, 1823 ; resides in Corinth, Vt. vii. Sally^ b. June 16, 1828. viii. Laura Ann', b. Dec. 18, 1830. 684. Harvey Eastman'' (Edmund^, Edmund^, Edmund^, Benjamin^, Roger'), born in Corinth, Vt. ; died in Corinth, Vt. ; married Lovey Titus, who died in Chelsea, Vt., where she was buried, while he was buried in Corinth. 1423. CHILDREN. i. Bezar L.'', b. — — . ii. Sarah Ann'', b. ■ ; m. Varnhara iii. Emeline'', b. — — ; m. Sanborn. JOSHUA EASTMAN (686). MRS. JOSHUA EASTMAN (686). JOHN TRUE EASTMAN (686 iii). r I JESS EASTMAN^ OF CORINTH, VT. 435 685. Jess Eastman^' (ICdmundS Eclnluncl^ I'^dmuncP, Benjamin-, Roger'), born and died in Corinth, Vt. ; married Lorinda Heath. He was a farmer, and lived in Corinth, Vt. CHILDREN. i. Mariiida'^, b. ii. Cordelia", b. iii. Maria", b. — 1424. iv. Joseph Heath", b. in Corinth, Vt., Nov. 26, 1830. V. James Warren", b. . vi. Madelia Leali". b. . vii. Willard Otho", b. . viii. William Ilenry Harrison", b. . ix. George Wrentham", b. . 686. Joshua Eastman^ (Joshua^, Edmund"*, Edmund^ Benjamin-, Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., Oct. 24, 1787; died in Hampstead, N. H., June 15, 1859; married Susan Chase, daughter of Joseph Chase, of Salisbury, Mass., born March 4, 1788, died in Hampstead, March 10, 1865. Mr. Eastman lived in_ Hampstead, N. H., where he was a member of the Congregational church, and a deacon for more than twenty years. He was prominent in political, social, and religious interests ; a Webster whig in early life, later a "Free Soil" voter. CHILDREN. t i. Mary Putnam'', b. in Hampstead, N. H., Oct. 10, 1819 ; m. Nov. 30, 1855, Robert Henry P^merson, son of Deacon Emerson, of Hampstead ; resides in Chelsea, Mass. Child : (a) Walter A. EinersonS, b. July 23, 1860 ; d. Oct. 29, 1861. 1425. ii. Edmund Tucker", b. Nov. 7, 1820. iii. John Trne^ b. Nov. 27, 1823 ; d. Sept. 5, 1864 ; merchant in Boston, iv. Judith Sawyer^ b. July 15. 1825. 1426. V. Hamilton Chase^ b. March 4, 1830. h 436 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 687. Amasa Eastman^ (Joshua^, Edmund'*, Edmund^, Benjamin^ Roger") born in Hampstead, N. H., April 11, 1789; died Nov. 29, 1853 ; married Nov. 19, 1813, Betsey Eaton, born Aug. 14, 1795, died Nov. 20, 1855. CHILDREN. i. Roxanna^ b. Oct. 15, 1819 ; d. Nov. 29, 1821. ii. Jacob Edmund^ b. Dec. 18, 1820. 1427. iii. George W.'', b. June 18, 1822. iv. Roxanna 2d^ b. May 15, 1824 ; d. Jan. 31, 1829. V. Mary Elizabeth^ b. Sept. 14, 1826. vi. Harriett NewelF, b. Dec. 4, 1828 ; d.Dec. 31, 1832. 1428. vii. Charles CarrolF, b. Aug. 21, 1832. viii. John Amasa^ b. Oct. 20, 1835 ; d. Aug. 26, 1837. 688. Tappan Eastman*^ (Joshua^, Edmund'*, Edmund^ Benjamin^, Roger'), born in Hampstead, N. H., Nov. 23, 1790; died Sept. 13, 1864; married Dec. 28, 181 3, Susan K. Boyington, born June 20, 1787, died April 4, 1883. CHILD. i. Albert LJ, b. in Hampstead, N. H., Oct. 17, 1815 ; died in Hampstead, N. H. ; married June 29, 1881, Mary Irving, born April 26, 1833. He was a member of the New Hampshire legislature in 1867 and 1881 ; was on Governor Cheney's staff in 1876-77. He lived in New York city, where he was a member of the dry goods firm of Bigelow & Dayton. He retired from business in 1885, and returned to his native town. Child: (a) Albert Irving^, b. . 689. Benjamin Clement Eastman^ (Benjamin^, Benjamin'*, Joseph^ Benjamin'', Roger"), born in Canterbury, N. H., June 16, 1788; died in Concord, N. H., July 12, 1858; married ist, Mary Rebecca Gamage, born in Fryeburg, Me., died Oct. 5, 1832; married 2d, in Concord, N. H. His second wife was known as " Mother Eastman " in the Methodist church, of which she was a member. She was a most estimable woman ; was gifted in exhortation and prayer. Mr. Eastman was a Methodist minister. I I 1429. ii iii 1429a. iv V STEPHEN FARRINGTON'', OF HOFK.1NTON, N. 11. 437 CHILDRKN BY FIRST WIFE. i. Charles Ganiage'^, b. in Fryeburg, Me., June 1, 1813 ; d. in Montpelier, Vt., 18(J0. William Henry", b. in Barnard, Yt., Dec. 27, 181.5. Martha Amelia", b. Oct. 17, 1819 ; d. young. Charlotte Helen^ b. in Barnard, Vt., Oct. 22, 1821. Mary Arobel", b. Sept. 23, 1826 ; ni. George Franklin, a railroad contractoi', and is a widow residing in New York city. vi. Benjamin'', b. Jan. 26; 1829; resides in Los Angeles, Cal. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. vii. Abner Chase'', b. July 3, 1834. viii. Laura Washburn'', b. July 20, 1836 ; m. Samuel Straw, and lived in Concord. ix. Susan Phelps'', b. Nov. 1, 1838 ; m. George I. Fogg. She died a widow in Concord, N. IL, Aug. 31, 1896. She had one son, George L. Fogg, a machinist ; resides in Concord, N. H. X. Allyene Baldwin', b. May 8, 1840 ; m. May 28, 1865, Clara A. Dame, b. in Lowell, Mass., Aug. 3, 1840. They have no children ; reside in Concord, N. H. xi. Albert Francis'', b. Aug. 15, 1845 ; resides No. 21 Maiden Lane, New York city. 690. Stephen Farrington'' (Miriam Eastman^, Benjamin'*, Joseph^, Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H. ; married in 1800, Dorothy Brown, and settled in Hopkinton, where all his children were born. CHILDREN. 1. Eliza Farrington'', b. in 1802 ; m. Jonathan Clark, and lived in Hopkinton, N. H., and after his death his widow went to Chicago to live with her daughter, where she died in 1882. Children : (a) Dorothy Clark^, b., m., d. in Nashua, N. H. ; (b) Lucy Emily Clark^ b. ; m. John Vincent Colby ; went early to Chicago, 111. ii. Hiram Farrington'', b. April 5, 1805 ; m. 1st, Laura Jewett, d. ; m. 2d, Ann Maria Caldwell, born in Hopkin- ton, N. H. He is now (1899) living in Concord, N. H. Child : (a) Joseph Farrington*, b. ; graduated from Dartmouth College : studied medicine in New York city ; practiced in Concord, N. H., where he died. 438 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA, iii. Nancy Farriiigton'^, b. in Hopkinton, N. IL, Feb. 3, 1809 ; m. April 8, 1832, Dr. William Hutchins Smart; d. in Concord, N. H., Jan. 11, 1875, aged 75 years. Dr. Smart graduated from Dartmouth College ; studied medicine witli Drs. Chadbourn and Haynes of Concord ; com- menced practice in Center Harbor, N. H., where he continued eleven yeai-s, when in 1849 he removed to Con- cord, where he continued in practice until his death. Children : (a) William H. Farrington Smart^, b. in Hop- kinton, N. n., Sept. 28, 1833; m. May 1, 1858, Helen Sanderson of Claremont, N. H. ; he resides in Boston, Mass., and is employed by the Pullman Car Company as conductor on the run from Boston to Montreal ; chil- dren : (1) Elizabeth Parker Smart^, b. ; m. Lucius A. Bigelow ; resides in Boston ; (2) Ann Wentworth Smart^, b. ; unni. and lives at home, (b) Hiram F. Smart^, b. Dec. 13, 1834 ; m.lst, Mary Evens ; m. 2d, Flora Brown, of Hillboro' Bridge, N. H., where they reside ; he is a printer and publisher of a newspaper in Hills- boro' ; children by first wife : (1) Edward Smarts b. ; (2) Elsie Loomis Smart^, b. ; both married. (c) Herman Franklin Smart^, b. Dec. 14, 1834 ; m. Cath- erine Rhodes ; she died and he remains unmarried in Concord, N. H. ; he is a baker ; child : (1) Howard Farrington Smarts b. in Concord, N. H., May 12, 1873 ; m. June 27, 1893, Minnie Rix. (d) Helen Mar Smarf, b. in Hopkinton, N. H., May 16, 1836 ; d. in Concord, N. H., Dec. 28, 1895 ; m. John Q. A. Bean ; he resided in Boston, Mass., where he died, and after his death his widow removed to Concord, N.H. ; children : (1) John Car- roll Bean^, b., m., and lives in Boston ; no children ; (2) Benning Malcolm Bean^, b. ; (3) Florence Hutchins Bean*, b. ; she is a school teacher, and lives in Concord, N. H. (e) Charles Benning Smart*, b. in Cen- tre Harbor, N. H., June 10, 1839 ; d. April 8, 1841. (f) James Henry Smart*, b. in Centre Harbor, N. H., June 30, 1841 ; m. July 21, 1870, in Bloomfield, N. Y.. Mary Swann ; he is president of the University of Lafayette, Ind. ; children: (1) Richard Addison Smart^, b. ; unm. ; is a professor in the university with his father ; (2) Mary Farrington Smart®, b. in Indianapolis, Ind. ; unm., and lives at home, (g) Stephen Farrington Smart'', BENJAMIN E. FARRINGTOn'', OF HOPKINTON, N. H. 439 b. in Meredith, X. H., .July -i, 1844; he is in London, Eng., in the U. S. Exchange, (h) Fred Snoarf, b. in Hopkinton, N. H., June 3, 1849; d. Sept. 27, 1851. (i) Jessie Annie Sniarf , b. in Concord, Sept. 10, 1853 ; in. Frank Hall ; she d. in Concord, Sept. 24, 188U ; no children. 691. Benjamin liastman Farrington'' (Miriam Eastmans, Benjamin^ Joseph^ Benjamin', Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Aug. 8, 1783 ; married Priscilla Allen, born Dec. 31, 1785. Resided in Hopkinton, N. H. CHII.DKEN. i. Aphia Farrington'', b. March, 1809. ii. Sarah Farrington'', b. Sept. 25, 1810. iii. Martha P. Farrington'', b. Oct. 4, 1812. iv. Thomas F. Farrington^ b. Feb. 20, 1814. V. David A. Farrington^ b. May 29, 1816. vi. Samuel P. Farrington", b. Jan. 27, 1818. vii. Stephen F'^arrington", b. Aug. 8, 1820. viii. Mary H. Farrington^ b. Jan. 29, 1823. ix. Harriet A. Farrington^ b. Jan. 20, 1825. 692. Edmund Greeley Eastman*^ (Edmund^, Benjamin"*, Joseph^, Benjamin', Roger'), born in Concord, N. H. ; died in Limerick, Me. ; married Dorcas Holmes Ridlow. He died in 1857 ; she died April 4, 1884. He was a cooper. CHILDREN. i. Ruth", b. ; ra. Jotham R. Harrington ; had two chil- dren ; resides in Abbott Village, Me. ii. Hannah B.^ b. ; m. Nathaniel S. Harrington ; had eight children ; resides in Parkman, Me. iii. Sarah A.", b. ; m. Joseph Peabody; had one child; resides in Terre Haute, Ind. iv. Clara A.'^, b. ; m. a Buxton; had two children; re- sides in Abbott Village, j\Ie. 1430. V. Edmund Greeley^ b. in Eaton, N. H., Feb. 16, 1846. vi. William", b. . vii. S. Angie'^, b. . viii. Edmund FiJ, b. . ix. Child. X. Child. 440 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 693. Esther Eastman'' {Edmund^, Benjamin'*, Joseph^ Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Limerick, Me., in 1801 ; died March 20, 1851; married Feb. 17, 18 17, John Sanborn, born April 22, 1893, died Feb. 18, 1868. He was a mer- chant in Boston, but hved the most of his life in Parsons- field, Me. CHILDREN. i. Edmund Eastman Sanborn'^, b. ; m. Elizabeth Free- man ; had one child, Nancy Sanborn^, b. . ii. John Sanborn'^, b. . iii. Charles A. Sanborn^ b. ; m. Phebe Brown ; had Charles, Edmund and Ella. iv. Erastus E. Sanborn'', b. ; m. Littie T. McLoud ; had Anna Littie, m. Charles Martin ; and Carrie E., b. July 1, 1877. V. William H. Sanborn'', b. ; m. Anna Sabin ; had Luther, who m. a Forsythe. vi. John Sanborn'', b. ; d. young. vii. Harriet Eastman Sanborn'', b. ; resides in Chelsea, Mass. viii. Lucia Ann Sanborn'', b. ; d. 1880 ; m. Daniel McLean, ix. Edward Sanborn'', b. . 694. Hosea Eastman^ (Jeremiahs, Benjamin", Joseph^ Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Hartford, Vt., Sept. 5, 1797 ; died in Fryeburg, Me., Dec. 3, 1856; married Nov. 24, 1825, Sally Barker. He was a tanner and farmer ; resided in Fryeburg, Me. They had no children, but brought up a number. 695. Phebe Eastman^' (Jeremiah^, Benjamin", Joseph^, Benjamin", Roger'), born in iM-yeburg, Me., Oct. 23, 1800; married July 22, 18 19, Philip Eaton. CHILDREN. i. Harriet Eaton'', born in Fryeburg, Me., June 13, 1820. ii. Betsey E. Eaton'', b. March 10, 1823. iii. Benjamin Franklin Eaton", b. in Chatham, N. H., Oct. 14, 1825. iv. Charlotte Eaton'' (twin). SUSAN EASTMAN^, OF FRYEBURG, ME. 44 I V. Ansyl Eaton", b. in Chatham, N. II., Aug. 7, 1.S2.S; d. Sept. 4, 1828. vi. Pliebe Eaton^, b. in Lovell, Me., Dec. 2G, 1829. vii. Susan Eaton', b. in Stowe, Me., Aug. 30, 18:53. viii. Dorinda Eaton", b. in Chatham, N. II., Aug. 30, 1836. ix. Joseph Hall Eaton', b. in Fryeburg, Me., Nov. 26, 1839. 696. Susan Eastman^' (Jeremiahs, Benjamin^ Joseph^ Benjamin-, Roger'), born in Fryeburg, Me., May ii, 1803 ; died Dec. 27, 1879; married March 31, 1825, John Farring- ton, died June 19, 1894. Most of Mr. Farrington's life was passed in Lovell, Me. He was a farmer and noted as one of the best gardeners in town. In this work he took especial care, following it late in life, meeting success so justly due him. childrp:n. i. Stephen Barker Farrington", b. in Fryeburg, Me., Oct. 3, 1825 ; ni. ; d. . 1431. ii. Abel Farrington', b. Dec. 4, 1827. iii. Susan Farrington', b. Nov. 19, 1829 ; d. young. iv. John Farrington', b. Dec. 4, 1831 ; m. Jan. 10, 1856, Emily McKeene. He is a farmer, but in the spring months he labors at grafting fruit trees quite extensively, and in the fall months devotes a share of his time to trapping, having caught more foxes than any one in his vicinity. Child: (a) Lilla FarringtonS. b. July 21, 1859; d. June 11, 1864. V. Mary Farrington', b. Feb. 0, 1834. vi. Hall Farrington', b. July 6, 1836 ; d. Nov. 2, 1838. vii. Sally Eastman Farrington', b. in Lovell, Me., June 6, 1839. viii. James Farrington', b. in Eovell, Me., Feb. 11,1844; d. Oct. 11, 18.52. 697. David Eastman'^ (Jeremiah^, Benjamin^ Joseph^ Benjamin^, Roger'), born in Fryeburg, Me., Aug. 13, 1805 ; married Sept. 13, 1827, Sarah Carlton; resided in Frye- burg, Me. CIIILDUKN. 1432. i. Benjamin', b. in Fryeburg, Me., Sept. 4, 1828. ii. Hosea', b. May 22, 1830 ; d. in Fryeburg, Me., Dec. 11, 1848. 1433. iii. Henry Nelson', b. in Lovell, Me., Aug. 23, 1838. iv. Sarah Edna', b. in Fryeburg, Me., Nov. 13, 1842. 442 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 698. Benjamin Eastman'' (Jeremiahs, Benjamin^, Joseph^ Benjamin-, Roger'), born in Fryeburg, Me., Aug. 12, 1807; died Dec. 11, 1875 ; married Sept. 27, 1846, Elona Harvey P. Kimball, born Oct. 15, 18 14 ; had five children. CHILDREN. i. Robert Kim ball", b. in Mattawamkeag, Me., March 11, 1847. ii. Mary Frances', b. in South Lincoln, Me., March 14, 1848. iii. Frances Anna'', b. April 22, 1849. 699. Sarah Eastman^ (Pearsons, Timothy*, Joseph^ Ben- jamin^ Roger'), born in Webster, N.H. ; married Bowers. CHILDREN. i. George Bowers'^, b. ; res. in California. ii. Ira Bowers", b. ; lived in Boston ; d. -. iii. Edwin Bowers", b. ; res. in Goffstown, JST. H. 700. Isaac Eastman'' (Pearson^, Timothy*, Joseph^ Ben- jamin% Roger'), born in Webster, N. H., in 1800; died in Lyme, N. H., in 1892 ; married Hannah Baker. CHILDREN. i. Janette'', b. . ii. William^ b. . 1434. iii. Hiraui", b. in Lebanon, N. H., Sept. 10, 1841. iv. Hannah', b. . V. Edmund', b. . 1435. vi. Gideon', b. in Lebanon, N. IL, July 7, 1827. 701. Edmund Eastman^ (Pearson^, Timothy*, Joseph^, Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Webster, N. H., Aug. 8, 1805 ; died Aug. 8, 1880 ; married Lucy Ann Sweet, of Bedford. CHILD. 1436. i. Alphonso', b. in Lowell, Mass., Feb. 23, 1846 ; m. Carrie M. George. 702. Nelson Eastman^ (Timothy^, Timothy*, Joseph^, Ben- jamin-, Roger'), born in Pompey, N. Y., June 23, 1807 ; died at Manlius, N. Y., Sept. i, 1894 ; married April 28, 183 1, Miranda Groves, born Jan. 4, 181 5, died Aug. 26, 1885. He lived in Pompey and Manlius, N. Y. EZRA F. EASTMAN^. 443 cillLUUEN. i. A nameless son"', b. ; d. young. ii. Loisa", b. in Pennsylvania, Aug. 'J2, 18;J;J ; d. Sept. 28, 1873 ; m. James Day, Oct. 30, 1851. iii. Luciua", b. in Pouipey, X. Y., July 17,1835; d. in 1857; m. William Ilussell. iv. William'', b. Sept. 21, 1838; res. Greenville, Mich. 1437. V. Augusta', b. iu Alanlius, N. Y., Dec. 10, 18-10 ; m. William Vandoser. vi. Achsa^ b. Sept. 4, 1843 ; d. Oct. 7, 1849. vii. Sarah A.', b. March 14, 184G ; d. Oct. 0, 1849. viii. Julia Ann^ b. April 29, 1848 ; d. Oct. 1, 1849. 1438. ix. Lucinda A.'', b. Oct. .5, 1851 ; m. Leander L. Pradt. X. Emma^ b. Sept. 29, 1856 ; d. March 30, 1859. 703. Ezra F. Eastman^' (Timothy^, Timothy^, Joseph^ Benjamin-, Roger'), born July 21, 1809 ; died Nov. 10, 1850 ; married ist, Oct. 17, 1837, Charlotte Elliott, died Sept. 6, 1839 ; married 2d, at Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1839, Nancy Ann Burnell, born in Delphi, N. Y., died Sept. 17, 1841 ; married 3d, at Delphi, Sept. 11, 1842, Julia Ann Burnell, born in Delphi, April 25, 18 16, died in Delphi, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1900. CHILD BY FIKST WIFE. i. Ezra, Jr.^ b. July 7, 1839 ; d. Sept. 26, 1839. CHILD BY SECOND WIFE. 1439. ii. Nancy C.^ b. in Manilas, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1841. He had no children by his third wife. 704. David W. Eastman'" (Timothy^, Timothy^ Joseph^ Benjamin-, Roger'), born in Pompey, N. Y., Oct. 20, 181 1 ; died in Walworth, N. Y., June 6, 1885 ; married in Cazeno- via, N. Y., April 12, 1837, Olive Brown, born in Wilming- ton, Upper Canada, April 26, 18 19, died in Fayetteville, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1885. He lived in Manlius and Fayetteville, N. Y. 444 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Sarah Amelia^, b. in Manlius, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1839 ; d. March 23, 1865 ; m. in Fayetteville, Lawrence Law. Children : (a) Floyd Law*, b. ; (b) Eva Law^, b. ; m. George Norton, and resides at Los Angeles, Cal. 1440. ii. Albert H.^ b. in Manlius, N. Y., March 29, 1842. 1441. iii. Hiram David^ b. in Manlius, Aug. 24, 1844. iv. Ida U.'', b. June 27, 1855 ; d. in Jordan, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1884 ; m. in Fayetteville, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1884, Jay H. Whiting, who died in Jordan, Jan. 5, 1893. Child : (a) Atta Whitiugs, b. in Fayetteville, N. Y. 705. Ebenezer R. Eastman^ (Timothys, Timothy', Joseph^, Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Manlius, N. Y., March 17, 1818 ; died there Sept. 22, 1845 ; married in Fenner, N. Y., March 12, 1844, Mary Esther Butler, born in Chittenango, N. Y., March 12, 1826, died in Northfield, Minn., March 8, 1882. CHILD. 1442. i. Delia Abigail", b. in Manlius, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1845. 706. Orresta Eastman*^ (Timothys, Timothy*, Joseph^, Benjamin^ Roger'), born in Pompey, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1819; died at Walworth, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1870; married ist, April 30, 1837, Margaret Fancher, born April 12, 1817 ; died at Pompey, N. Y., Jan. 5, 1839; married 2d, Martha Maria Sweet, from whom he was divorced Oct. 28, 1845 ; married 3d, at Lincklaen, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1845, Elizabeth Houghton, born at Lincklaen, N. Y., April 27, 1823, died in Roches- ter, Minn., Jan. 31, 1888. He was a Baptist minister. CHILD BY FIRST WIFE. i. Levi Dwight^ b. in Fabius, N. Y., April 27, 1838 ; m. in New Hartford, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1864, Evelyn Rebekah Risley, b. in Litchfield, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1838. They have no children, and reside in Utica, N. Y. THOMAS J. EASTMAN^ OF MANLIUS, N. Y. 445 CHILD BY SKCOND WIFK. ii. Charles Orresta'', b. in Oraii, N. Y., J;ui. 15,184:?; d. in Auburn, N. Y., April If), ISSO. He inarried in Jcir.Tson, Wis., Aug. 23, 18(J8, Mary Elvira IJIakesley. He \v;us a soldier of the great American Rebellion ; went out first with the three months men; enlisted second in tin- Kitli N.Y. Cav., Oct. 11, 1801, and served with them until ,lune 19, 1865, when he was honorably discharged. During his military service he contracted inflammatory rheuma- tism, and it stayed with him until his death. In the last years of his life liis suffering was intense, and he was drawn all out of shape with the disease. He was buried with military iionors by the (i. A. R. Post, at Auburn, N. Y. His widow has been lost track of, but it is supposed she is living somewhere in the West. Chil- dren: (a) Victor Lyman'', b. in Whitewater or Palmyra, Wis., Aug. 26, 1869; living in the West; (b) Oscar*, b. in Palmyra, Wis., Dec. 19, 1873 ; d. in Auburn, N. Y. CHILDREN BY THIRD W^IFP",. iii. Rachel", b. ISIay 12, 1847; d. same day. iv. Harriet Elizabeth", b. in West Monroe, N. Y., March 12, 1849 ; d. April 10, 1850. Oscar Luce'', b. in Ira, N. Y., April 1, 1851. Harriet Emma", b. in Turin, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1853. Ida May'', b. in Litchfield, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1857. 707. Thomas J. Eastman^ (Timothys, Timothy*, Joseph^ Benjamin^ Roger"), born in Manlius, N. Y., June 13, 1824 ; married at Delphi, N. Y., Nov. 18, 1846, Acta Olive Griffin, born in Pompey Center, N. Y., July 28, 1830. They reside in New Woodstock, N. Y. He died at his home, June 26, 1 90 1. CHILDREN. 1446. 1. Dwight Monroe'', b. in New Woodstock, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1855. 1447. ii. Elisha Eugene", b. April 4, 18.52. iii. Lucy Delana^ b. July 27, 1850; m. July 30, 1872, Joseph Billings Mann, b. in Georgetown, N. Y., June 8, 1849 ; d. ; had one daughter, b. April 17, 1877, d. young ; Lucy m. 2d, Dec. 20, 1882, Benonia Barrett. Tliey re- side at Delphi Station, N. Y. 1443. V. 1444. vi. 1445. vii. 446 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. iv. Sarah Aun", b. March 8, 1860 ; m. Michael Rourke, from whom she was divorced in March, 1892 ; m. 2d, in De- cember, 1893, F. W. Clancy. Child by 1st husband : (a) Thomas J. Rourke^, b. March 1, 1880. They reside in Cortland, N. Y. 708. Mary W. Eastman^ (Timothy^, Timothy', Joseph^, Benjamin^, Roger'), born Oct. 26, 1832 ; married March 25, 1854, John G. Christopher, who died April 8, 1887. She resides in Oran, N. Y. CHILDREN. i. Sarah E. Christopher", b. April 17, 1857 ; m. Dec. 25, 1877, Fred A. Porter, ii. Charles N. Christopher^, b. Jan. 10, 1860 ; d. Jan. 30, 1860. iii. Louisa E. Christopher^ b. Oct. 18, 1862 ; m. April 30, 1882, Luke J. Fitch. iv. Lily V. Christopher^ b. April 22, 1872 ; m. July 4, 1887, James B. Fry. V. Fred E. Christopher^ b. Sept. 8, 1874. 709. Daniel Carter^ (Daniel Carters, Susannah Eastman*, Joseph^, Benjamin^, Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., May 16, 1785 ; died Sept. 10, 1S73 ; married Sally Flint. CHILD. 1448. i. Elbridge G. Carter', b. Dec. 4, 1808. 710. John Carter*" (Nathan Carters, Susannah Eastman*, Joseph^, Benjamin^, Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., Dec. 10, 1797; died in June, 1850; married Lydia Gill; resided in Canterbury, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Bradbury G. Carter^ b. Feb. 3, 1827 ; m. Asenath Speller, of Concord, N. H., where he resided. 1449. ii. Luther Carter^ b. Aug. 24, 1829. 1450. iii. John Carter', b. March 5, 1834. iv. Sarah R. Carter', b. Oct. 4, 1838 ; m. Robert G. Morrison, of Concord. V. William Carter', b. Dec. 20, 1842 ; m. Mattie C. Wheeler, of Canterbury, N. H. JEREMIAH CARTER^, OF BOSCAWEN, N. M. 447 711. Jeremiah Carter^' (Natlian ("artcr\ Susannah J-^ast- man'», Joseph-^ Benjamin^ Roger'), horn in l^oscawen, N. II., Feb. 20, 1803; died Nov. lo, 1871 ; married ist, Sally Woodman ; married 2d, Mary N. Young. He resided in Nevvburyport, Mass. CHILDREN HY FIRST WIFE. 1451. i. William Carter^ b. Oct. 4, 1828. ii. Jeremiah Carter", b. March 21, 1830; d. in Newburyport, Mans. 1452. iii. Sherman Carter", b. Oct. 25, 1831. iv. Xathan Carter", b. Jan. 5, 1833 ; m. Lucy Grafton, and re- sided in Stanwall, East Australia. V. Sarah Carter^, b. Oct. 2, 1834 ; d. Nov. 9, 180D ; in. . vi. John Carter^ b. Feb. 25, 1836 ; m. Aimie W. Haskell, of Gloucester, Mass., where he resided, vii. Lucy Carter", b. May 1, 1838; m. Moses Davis, of New- buryport, Mass. He resided in Lynn, Mass. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. viii. Richard T. Carter^ b. Jan. 20, 1841. ix. Ellen J. Carter", b. June 30, 1842 ; m. Calvin Mardin ; re- sides in Canton, Mass. X. Georgianna Carter", b. Dec. 3, 1843. xi. Walter I. Carter^ b. May 21, 1845 ; d. in infancy. 712. Nathan Carter^ (Nathan Carter^, Susannah East- man'', Joseph^ Benjamin^, Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., Feb. 4, 1807 ; died Feb. 16, 1875 ! married Mary A. Pear- son. He resided in Newburyport, Mass., where he was a contractor for years on the Georgetown and Newburyport Railroad. CHILDREN. i. Mary Carter^ b. Nov. 11, 1832; m. Charles A.Todd; re- sided in Lynn, Mass. ii. Sarah E. Carter^ b. April 2, 1834 ; m. John T. Burrill. 1453. iii. Nathan P. Carter^ b. April 27, 1836. iv. Caroline E. Carter^ b. Jan. 20, 1838 ; m. Charles E. Stock- man, and resided in Newburyport, Mass. v. Lydia P. Carter'', b. Nov. 4, 1841 ; m. Albert J. Atkinson ; resides in Newburyport, Mass. vi. Ellen J. Carter^ b. Oct. 2, 1846 ; d. Aug. 19, 1848. vii. Edward T. Carter^ b. Oct. 17, 1848. 448 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 713. Daniel French^' (Gould French^, Daniel F'rench*, Joseph French^, Sarah Eastman^, Roger'), born in Epping, N. H., Feb. 22, 1769; died in Chester, N. H., Oct. 15, 1840; married ist, Mary Brown; 2d, Betsey Flagg ; 3d, Nov. 6, 1812, Sarah Wingate Flagg, daughter of Josiah, and widow of Jonathan Bell. Mr. French was a student at Exeter ; studied law with Hon. William K. Atkinson, of Dover, N. H. , admitted to the bar in 1796 ; practiced at Deerfield two years, and then went to Chester, N. H., in 1799; solicitor June, 1808; admitted to United States courts in 1809 ; attorney general, 1812 ; resigned in 181 5, and con- tinued in the practice of law until within a few years of his father's death, Oct. 15, 1840. He was appointed postmaster in April, 1807, and held the office till 1839, when he resigned, and his son, Henry F., succeeded him. Besides his profes- sion he was quite a farmer. CHILDREN. 1454. i. Benjamin French^ b. Sept. 4, 1800. ii. Arthur L. French'', b. May 28, 1806; d. April 25, 1825; an undergraduate of Dartmouth College. iii. Ann Caroline French'^, b. Feb. 3, 1808 ; m. Hon. Simon Brown, iv. Catherine J. French'', b. Jan. 12, 1810; m. Dr. P. P. Wells, of Brooklyn, N. Y. V. Sarah French'', b. Aug. 3, 1811 ; lu. Dr. S. L. Chase, of Lockport, N. Y. 14.55. vi. Henry F. French^ b. Aug. 14, 1813. vii. Harriette V. M. French^ b. ; d. March 7, 1841. viii. Elizabeth Jane French'', h. ; d. July 4, 1848. ix. Edmund Flagg French'', b. July 17, 1819 ; m. Margaret Brady. X. Arianna French'', b. ; d. May 14, 1865; m. Charles E. Soule, of Brooklyn, N. Y. xi. Helen Augusta French'', b. . 714. Anna Quackenbush Eastman^ (Ira Allen^ Stephen^, I Ebenezer-*, Samuel^ SamueP, Roger'), born Jan., 1836; married in Oct., 1858, Judge David Cross, born in Weare, ANNA QUACKENBUSH EASTMAN^. 449 N. H., July 5, 1817, son of David and Olive (Kimball) Cross. Olive was the daughter of Thomas'', Thomas^, Daniel*, Thomas^ Richard^ Richard", the emigrant. Judge Cross is a descendant of Thomas Cross, of Bradford, Mass., whose son, Abial Cross, was born there, but moved to and died in Salem, N. H. David Cross, son of Abial, and father of Judge Cross, was born in Salem, June 19, 1772, moved to Weare, N. H., and died there March 7, 1856. Judge Cross received his early education in the district schools of his native town. He taught school in 1834, and entered Pembroke Academy. He afterwards entered Hopkinton Academy. He was also a student at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and in the fall of 1837 entered Dartmouth College, from which institution he was graduated in the regular course in 1 84 1, with membership in the Phi Beta Kappa, and with an oration at commencement. Deciding on the profession of the law, he studied in the office of Willard & Raymond, in Troy, N. Y., with Sidney Bartlett, in Boston, and at the Harvard Law School, and in 1844, settled in Manchester, N. H. He was in the office of Hon. Daniel Clark for a short time, and in December of the same year he was admitted to the bar. In January, 1845, he began practice in Manches- ter, on the spot where he has ever since maintained an office. Judge Cross has been counsel for many corporations, among which are the following : Manchester Mills, Amoskeag Manu- facturing Company, Amory Manufacturing Company, P'irst National Bank, and the Merrimack River Savings Bank. For many years he was counsel for the Boston & Maine Railroad, and conducted its business before the New Hamp- shire legislature, where contests with other railroads were numerous and bitterly fought. He has been associated with, as partners at various times, Hon. Elijah M. Topliff, Hon. Ira Allen Eastman, his father in law, Hon. Henry E. Burnham, and Hon. David A. Taggart, and no office in the 32 450 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. state for the last forty years has had so many law students as his. In 1852 and 1853 he was city sohcitor, and in 1848- 49-56-76 and y^j, he was a member of the legislature from Manchester. In 1856 he was appointed judge of probate for Hillsborough County, which office he held until 1874. He was also United States pension agent for the district of New Hampshire from 1865 to 1872. During all the time he held these offices he continued in the practice of law. Judge Cross has held various offices in the financial institutions of the city. He has been one of the directors and vice-presi- dent of the First National Bank of Manchester since its organization in 1865, and later its president. Judge Cross is endowed with a sound physical constitution, strong and active mental powers, good judgment, and excellent common- sense. Add to these a cheerful temper, a cordial and engag- ing manner, and a genial good nature, and we have the secret of his success. In politics he has always been an ardent Republican, and was a delegate to the Baltimore convention of 1864 that nominated Lincoln and Johnson. Judge Cross is living to-day (1900), a rugged old gentleman of the old school. CHILDRKN. i. Clarence Eastman Cross^ b. Jan. 22, 1860; d. Jan. 11, 1881. He was a member of the junior class in Dart- mouth College, and a young man of much promise. He seemed to have inherited from his father and maternal grandfather a taste and ability for the law, and his character and talent gave high hope of success. ii. Allen Eastman Cross^, b. Dec. 30, 1864 ; m. Ethlyn Mar- shall. He graduated from Amherst College in 1886, and from Andover Theological Seminary in 1890. He is pastor of a Congregational church in Springfield, Mass, iii. Edward Winslow Cross^, b. July 21, 1875 ; d. in 1899. He graduated from Manchester High School, from Phillips Andover Academy, and from Amherst College. He was in the office of his father studying law for one year, and at the Harvard Law School from Sept., 1898, until he died. CHARLOTTE A. li. EASTMAn'', OF GILMANTON, N. H. 45 I 715. Charlotte Augusta Burns ]*]astman'' (Samuel Con- ner-S Ebenezer-», SamueP, SamueP, Roger'), born in Gilman- ton, N. H., ; died in Somerville, Mass., in 1.S91, with her son. She married in 1.S52, Simon Blake, born in Bar- rington, N. H., July 11, 1824, died in Tilton, N. H., March 26, 1876. Mr. Blake settled first in Pittsfield, N. H. Owned and drove the stage line from Concord to Dover, N. H. About 1850 he sold out the Dover branch to Samuel Freeze, and in 1852 sold out entirely and removed to New York city, where he was superintendent of the horse car stables for the Fifth Avenue horse railroad, where he remained one year, when he removed to Worcester, Mass. Here he remained one year, when he went to Boston and drove stage about three years, when he entered the police force, where he remained until 1871, when he accepted the position of station agent at Tilton, N. H., which position he held at his death. CHILDREN. i. Lizzie Blake", b. in Pittsfield, N. H., Sept. 19, 18.54; d. June 17, 1893. She received her education in the schools of Boston ; studied stenography and telegraphing at East Concord, X. H., and was assigned to Tilton, where her father was station agent. In 1882 she went to Boston and entered the office of the Western Union at the time of the great strike, and was the first lady operator who ever worked the " New York Quad." She left the Western Union in 1890, and took the position of stenog- rapher and telegrapher in the office of the freiglit agent of the B. & M. 11. R. in Boston, which position she held at the time of her death. 1456. ii. Walter Blake", b. in Worcester, Mass., Sept. 18, 1856. 716. Mary Ann Eastman^ (Samuel Conner', EbenezerS SamueP, SamueP, Roger'), born in Gilmanton, N. H., Oct. 17, 1826; married in Pittsfield, N. H., Aug. 31, 1847, Nathaniel Greeley Foote, born in Newburyport, Mass., April 452 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 22, 1822, died , son of James and Susan (Woodman) Foote. Mr. Foote was a representative of the New Hamp- shire legislature in 1868-9. His widow resides with her ^daughter in Pittsfield, N. H. CHILDREN. i. George William Footed b. July 5, 1852 ; d. Nov. 29, 1867. ii. Mary Hattie Footed b. April 25, 1856; m. Nov. 30, 1879, John S. Rand, a merchant in Pittsfield, N. H. 717. Martha Ann Eastman^ (Nehemiahs, Ebenezer^ Samuel^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Farmington, N. H. ; died there May 8, 1874, aged 57; married in Farmington, June 6, 1852, Rev. Corban Curtice, born in Windsor, Mass., Feb. 9, 1809. She was his third wife. At the age of twenty- one, having gone to the vicinity of Boston, he was stricken with paralysis in the lower limbs, resulting in a lameness through all his life. He then added to a good common school education a four years' course at the Hancock Academy, where the grace of God took possession of his heart. He then taught one year at Nelson, as also for ten consecutive years, or winters rather, and was three years at the Gilmanton Theological Seminary. He commenced his long and useful pastorate of twenty-seven years, over the Congregational church of Northfield and Sanbornton Bridge, N. H., May i, 1843, being ordained the October following. He retired in 1870. He was ever faithful and impartial in his visits as a pastor, and sound and universally popular as a preacher, while in his retirement he exhibits a cheerful exemplification of the Christian life under all its infirmities and trials. He had one child by his second wife, who died young. CHILDREN BY MARTHA ANN. i. Mary Esther Curtice', b. Dec. 28, 1853 ; d. May 14, 1868. She was a fine scholar, and for her amiable traits pecu- liarly endeared to her parents, ii. John Henry Curtice^ b. Sept. 29, 1858. He was a railroad man in Canterbury, N. H. GEORGE N. EASTMAN*^, OF FARMINGTON, N. H. 453 718. George Nehemiah Kastman^ (Nehemiahs, Eben- ezer'*, Samuel^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Farmington, N. H., Jan. 20, 1820; married Dec. 30, 185 1, Ellen Francis Gil- man, daughter of Benjamin R. Gilman, of Gilford, N. H. He read law with his father, and the Hon. Levi Woodbury, of Portsmouth, N. H. He began practice at Boston, Mass. ; returned to Farmington after some years ; represented Farm- ington in the New Hampshire legislature one year. He died April 28, 1892. His wife was born June 30, 1872, and died Oct. 29, 1896. Both buried in Farmington. No children. 719. Henry Patrick Eastman^ (Nehemiahs, Ebenezer^, Samuel^ SamueP, Roger'), born in P^armington, N. H., March 16, 1826; died in Merrittstown, Pa., July 13, 1894; married in Merrittstown, Nov., 1853, Mary Elizabeth Porter, born in Merrittstown, Pa., Nov. 6, 1836. She lives there. Mr. Eastman settled in Fayette county. Pa., in 1847 '■> was taken sick soon after, and when he recovered was without money or friends, and single-handed he began the battle of life. Locating at Merrittstown, Fayette county, he con- tinued to make it his home until his death. He was an M. D., and his practice extended over a vast territory. During his lifetime he accumulated quite an estate, educated his children, and left each of them a competency. Dr. Eastman was a synonym for honesty, integrity and purity. CHILDREX ALL BORN IN MERRITTSTOWN. i. Austris Woodbury", b. Oct. 29, 1854. ii. Thomas Nehemiah', b. Nov. 23, 1856. 1457. iii. Anna Mary^ b. Oct. 10, 1860. iv. Martha Jane', b. Dec. 23, 1862 ; d. Jan. 25, 1878. V. Henry'^, b. Sept. 21, 1868; resides in Brownsville, Pa.; unm. vi. Ellen Maria", b. Aug. 15, 1870. vii. Nora Blanch", b. Oct. 18, 1878 ; uinn. 454 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 720. Mary Butler Taylor^ (Sally Eastman^ Ebenezer^, Sam- uel^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Salisbury, N. H., Oct. 22, 1804 J married March 29, 1823, Benaiah Sanborn Crockett, born April 20, 1802. They resided in Sanbornton, Holderness, and the last years of his life in New Hampton, N. H. The last years of his life was spent in almost total blindness. He died at his daughter's, in Plymouth, Jan. 26, 1880. CHILDREN. 1458. i. William Elkins Crockett^ b. in Sanbornton, N. H., Sept. 1, 1824. 1459. ii. Ira Taylor Crockett", b. May 12, 1826. 1460. iii. Laura Elizabeth Taylor Crockett''', b. in Holderness, July 6, 1828. iv. George Whitefield Crockett^ b. Oct. 7, 1831 ; d. Dec. 9, 1839. 721. Ira Allen Taylor^ (Sally Eastmans, Ebenezer'*, Sam- ueP, SamueP, Roger'), born in Salisbury, N. H., Dec. 25, 1805 ; died in Randolph, Mass., Dec. 25, 1870 ; married in 1829, Hope M. Rich, born in Boston, Mass. He was a morocco dresser ; resided in Randolph, Mass. CHILDRKN. i. John AVarner Taylor^ b. March 5, 1832 ; d. 1861 ; unm. 1461. ii. Frances J. Taylor'^, b. in New Hampton, N. H., April 7, 1834. iii. Caroline S. Taylor^ b. Feb. 3, 1837 ; d. 1845. iv. Sarah A. Taylor'^, b. March 2, 1839 ; m. Charles Brainard; one child ; d. young. V. Martha M. Taylor^ b. April 1, 1841 ; m. 1st, John De Costa, who was in the 11th Mass. Infantry, and lost his life in the fight before Richmond in 1862 ; she m. 2d, Jeremiah Capeu ; lived in Quincy, Mass. ; two children. vi. Abby A. Taylor^ b. March 8, 1846. vii. Clarinda J. Taylor'^, b. May 25, 1848. viii. George W. Taylor^ b. Sept. 22, 1851 ; lived in Randolph, Mass. ; m., but had no children. RACHEL MOORE TAYLOR", OF SANHORNTON, N. H. 455 722. Rachel Moore Taylor" (Sally Eastman', Ebenezer'', SamueP, SamiieP, Roger'), born in Sanbornton, N. H., Sept. 26, 1807 ; died in Columbus, Miss., at her oldest son's, July 18, 1888; married ist, August, 1828, Arthur Livermore MacLellan ; 2d, September, 1849, ^'- ^'- Halbert. CHILDREN. 1462. i. George Boardmaii MacLellan^, b. in King and Queen county, Va., July 27, 1833. ii. Martha Jane ]\IacLellan", b. June 25, 1836 ; d. young, iii. Nicholas Taylor MacLellan^ b. Nov. 12, 1838. iv. Henry Franklin MacLellan^ b. Nov. 25, 1840. V. Anna Mason Halbert", b. in Mississippi, Feb. 4, 18.52; ni. Feb. 16, 1871, Thomas Gray, a merchant and farmer re- siding in Choctaw Agency, Miss. Children : (a) Nina Albertine Gray^, b. Jan. 13, 1876; (b) Mabel Sallie Bod well Grays, b. March 18, 1878. 723. Jonathan Moore Taylor" (Sally Eastman', Ebenezer"*, Samuel^, Samuel-, Roger'), born in New Hampton, N. H., Oct. 30, 181 1 ; married ist, June 10, 1833, Elizabeth Wright Du Bois, born in New York city, April, 1815 ; died there December 25 following her marriage, aged 18 years, 8 months. She was buried at Pleasant Valley, N. Y. He married 2d, June 4, 1839, Eveanna Storms, born in New York city, June, 1821 ; died there Jan. 2, 1841, in her 20th year ; entombed in the Second Street Cemetery. He married 3d, April 12, 1842, in Roxbury, Mass., Harriet Amanda Gregg, born in Boston, Mass., August, 1823 ; died in New Hampton, N. H., Jan. 23, 1849, aged 25 years, 5 months ; entombed in the family vault. Mount Auburn. He married Oct. 4, 185 1, in Effingham, N. H., Anne Melissa Taylor, born July 17, 1829. The birth-places of his children show where he has lived. He resided in Dunkirk, N. Y., in 1872, and in Detroit, Mich., in 1880. 456 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Henry Mason Taylor'', b. in New York city, Dec. 30, 1840 ; He served neai-ly four years in the 3d Wis. Cav. during the Rebellion ; entered as private ; vpas ranking captain when discharged, having twice been promoted for meri- torious conduct ; was under fire many times ; in two general engagements ; wounded once, on the right cheek ; " a splendid officer." He died of yellow fever in New Orleans, La., Sept. 14, 1866, being under government ap- pointment at the custom-house. ii. Charles Follen Taylor^, b. in Roxbury, Mass., July 10, 1848 ; d. . iii. Howard Taylor^, b. in New York city, April 7, 1845 ; en- listed in Co. C, r2th Regt. N. H. Infantry, for three years ; was promoted from private to sergeant ; made a good record, like his brother ; was in ten battles ; wounded in his left hand at Chancellorsville, in his right at Gettysburg, and in the head while doing picket duty. iv. Harriet Alice Taylor'^, b. in New York city, Dec. 1, 1846 ; m. March 13, 1872, in Detroit, Mich., C. M. Bond. V. Herbert Taylor^, b. in New Hampton, N. H., Jan. 4, 1849 ; d. July 2, 1858. vi. Channing Taylor'^, b. in New Baltimore, Mich., Aug. 9, 1852 (fourth wife). vii. Elery Taylor", b. in New Baltimore, Mich., June 21, 18.54 ; d. in Detroit, Mich., July 27, 1855 ; buried in Elmwood Cemetery. viii. Orville Dewey Taylor'^, b. in Detroit, Mich., July 25, 1856. 724. Ebenezer Eastman Taylor*' (Sally Eastman^, Ebene- zer'*, Samuel^ SamueP, Roger'), born in New Hampton, N.H., May 22, 181 3 ; died Oct. 28, 1848 ; married Dec. 9, 1841, Theodosia T. Brown. He lived in New Hampton, N. H. His widow married 2d, Charles Cawley. CHILDREN. i. Eveanna Storms Taylor'^, b. in New Hampton, N. H., March 24, 1845; m. Dec. 6, 1864, John Perley Piper, b. July 20, 1842 ; he d. in Sanbornton, of consumption, Feb. 23, 1873. Children : (a) Joseph Bartlett Piper^, b. Aug. 21, 1866 ; (b) Katie Taylor Piper^, b. Dec. 4, 1867. CYRUS CHASE TAYLOR^ OF NKW HAMPTON, N. H. 457 725. Cyrus Chase Taylor'' (Sally I'^astman^ I'lbcnczer*. Samuel^ Samuel-, Roger"), born in New Hampton, X. 11., Dec. 1 8, 1818 ; married May, 1845, Martha Minot, of Leba- non, N. H. He was for many years a prosperous merchant and leading citizen in Bristol, N. H., where lie li\c(l. He held various town offices ; was elected to the senate, in the state legislature, in 1869-70. CHILDKEN. i. Henry Arthur Taylor", b. in Bristol, X. II., June IS, 1848 ; ni. Helen Abbie, daughter of Warren White, of Bristol. He was for three years a banker with his uncle, Josiah Miuot, of Concord. lie was highly respected as a busi- ness man, of irreproachable character, quiet and reticent. He died at Bristol, of typhoid fever, Sept. 25, 1877 ; was buried with Masonic honors. Child : (a) Edith Henry Taylor^, b. April 29, 1878. ii. Abbie Maria Taylor', b. in Bristol, X. H., Dec. 11, 1851 ; m. July 6, 1881, Ira Arthur Chase, and resides in Bristol, N. H. 726. William E. Taylor^ (Sally Eastman^ Ebenezer*, SamueP, SamueP, Roger'), born in New Hampton, N. H., Jan. 23, 1822 ; married Aug. 26, 1845, Betsey Kelley Simp- son, born Feb. 4, 1827. Mr. Taylor removed to Minnesota, and resided first in Duluth, where he had charge of the Northern Pacific Railroad shops in 1872, and at Bird Island, Minnesota, in 1880. CHILDREN. i. Marianna S. Taylor", b. in New Hampton, X. H., Feb. 7, 1848; m. Dec. 1, 1868, in Waukesha, Wis., James H. Phelps ; res. 639 Martin St., St. Paul, Minn, ii. Cara Elizabeth Taylor", b. in Concord, N. II., June 26, 1850 ; d. there Aug. 20, 1854. iii. Corrie M. Taylor", b. in Waukesha, Wis., Feb. 1, 1866. 727. Laura Elizabeth Taylor'' (Sally Eastmans, Ebenezer^ Samuel^ Samuel", Roger'), born in Sanbornton, N. H., Aug. 31, 1830; died in Portland, Ind., Jan. 17, 1900; married 458 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. George Putnam Smith, born in Wentworth, N. H., Dec. 5, 1828; died in St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 25, 1895. Mr. Smith resided in Bristol, N. H., where he was a druggist. Soon after the birth of his second child, he removed to Milwaukee, Wis., later to Muscoda, then to Boscobel, Wis., then to Monona, Iowa, and from there to St. Paul, Minn. Mr. Smith was employed nearly all his life after going west by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. CHILDREN. i. Clara Bartlett Smith '^i b. in Bristol, N. H. ; d. in Milwaukee. 1463. ii. Howard Taylor Smithy b. in Bristol, N. H., July 16, 1855. iii. Kate Ilibbard Smith^, b. in Muscoda, Wis., July 25, 1858; ra. Charles Ferris, and resides in Portland, Ind. ; two children, iv. Sarah Bodwell Sniith'^, b. in Boscobel, Wis. ; m. Scott B. Mercer; res. 1935 loth St. N. W., Washington, D. C. V. Willard Putnam Smith^, b. in Boscobel, Wis. ; m. 1st, Flora Wheaton Pratt. She died in 1896, and he married 2d, Kosa Harris ; had four children by first wife. He resides in New York city, where he is manager of the cigar de- partment of R. C. Williams & Co., wholesale gi'ocers. 728. Joseph Eastman^ (Timothy^, Joseph'', Joseph^, Sam- ueP, Roger"), born in Kingston, N. H., Feb. 26, 1783 ; died in Meredith, N. H., in 1816 ; married Miriam Calef, daughter ot Joseph and Miriam (Bartlett) Calef. Miriam Bartlett was the daughter of Hon. Josiah Bartlett, a signer of the Declaration of Independence ; was president (1790-93), and first governor of New Hampshire (1792-93). He graduated from Dart- mouth Medical College in 1806. CHILDREN. 1464. i. Josiah Calef", b. in Loudon, N. H., April 22, 1811. ii. Susan'', b. ; m. 1st, Dr. Chandler; 2d, a Mr. Batch- elder. 1465. iii. Joseph C.^ b. Jan. 28, 1814. TIMOTHY EASTMAN (729). TIMOTHY EASTMAN^, OF EAST KINGSTON, N. H. 459 729. Timothy Eastman" (TimothyS Joseph^, Joseph^ Samuel", Roger'), born in East Kingston, N. H., Jan. 17, 1798; died in Chicago, 111, Feb. 21, 1868; married ist, Oct. 18, 1825, Mary Jane Barker, born July 8, 1809, died April 7, 1853 ; married 2d, Sept. 14, 1859, her sister, widow Sophia Barker Reed, who died Feb. 24, 1870. He sold his interest in the Green Brook farm in East Kingston in 1826, which was to be divided between him and his sister Susan and her husband, Moses Morse. The same year he removed to Canaan, Me., taking his parents with him. In 1831 he removed the family to Harmony, Me., where his parents both died. Dr. Timothy Eastman studied medicine with Prof. Ingalls, of Boston, Mass., and graduated in 1822, and began practice at Canaan, Me. In 1835 he removed to Ottawa county, Mich., where he established the town of Polktown, afterwards changed to Eastmanville. The country was then a wilderness, the modes of conveyance primitive. He went as far as Buffalo by the Erie Canal, then but completed, thence by sailing vessel to Detroit, and the balance of the way by stage and birch-bark canoes. His family was the second white family to settle there. He was the first clerk of Ottawa county, and for several years associate judge of the circuit. He was a member of the Constitutional Conven- tion in 1850, and from time to time filled many important official positions. His colloquial powers were unsurpassed, and meet him wherever you would, he was always the center of attraction, owing to his richly stored mind, and the happy faculty which he possessed of interesting others and express- ing himself. In 1858 he prepared a genealogical chart of the Eastman family, which was revised in 1894, and which has been a great help in the present work. It was a source of regret that he could not make it more complete. Dr. East- man spent the last years of his life in Chicago, where some of his children resided. 460 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. 1466. i. Mason^ b. in Canaan, Me., Aug. 2, 1826 ; d. March 7, 1860. 1467. ii. George^ b. May 29, 1828 ; d. June 6, 1896. 1468. iii. Galen^ b. July 8, 1829 ; d. Jan. 18, 1889. 1469. iv. Sarah Jane^ b. in Harmony, Me., Feb. 22, 1831 ; d. March 26, 1900. 1470. V. Abbie Ann^ b. Sept. 29, 1832. vi. Newton'', b. in Polktown, now Eastmanville, Mich., Oct. 20, 1842. He married Eliza A. Sherlock, who died at Edison Park, near Chicago, 111., Feb. 11, 1901. 1471. vii. Mary S.\ b. in Polktown, Mich., April 28, 1844. 1472. viii. Octavia Elizabeth^ b. in Eastmanville, Mich., Feb. 2, 1846. ix. TimothyT, b. Sept. 9, 1848 ; d. Jan. 29, 1875. 730. Caroline M. Eastman'^ (Mosess, Benjamins Joseph^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., March 3, 18 12 ; died in Canaan, N. H., Oct. 5, 1883 ; married in Sunapee, N. H., Sept. 8, 1836, Col. Elijah George. He died in Canaan, N. H., June 7, 1895. Mr. George first lived in Smiapee, N. H., and between March 12, 1843, and Dec. 9, 1844, removed to Canaan, N. H., where he was considered one of the wealthy men of the town. He was a farmer. CHILDREN. 1473. i. Louisa Hannah George'^, b. in Sunapee, N. H., June 22, 1837. 1474. ii. - Moses Eastman George", b. Aug. 30, 1838. 1475. iii. Mercie M. George", b. Dec. 19,1841; m. Jan. 21, 1860, Herbert J. Morrill, a man of much prominence, but died with consumption. 1476. iv. Ahuina L. George", b. in Sunapee, N. H., Sept. 7, 1843 ; m. Edwin E. Huse. 1477. V. Charles E. George^ b. March 12, 1845. vi. Carrie M. George'', b. in Canaan, N. H., Dec. 9, 1848. (See 1436.) 731. Moses Ouimby Eastman^ (Moses^, BenjaminS Joseph^, SamueP, Roger'), born in Hopkinton, N. H., Sept. 21, 1813 ; died in Sunapee, N. H., June 4, 1901. He mar- ried Asenath Reddington, born in Wenham, Mass., Oct. 5, 18 13, died in Sunapee, N. H., July i, 1890, daughter of LOUISA CORSER EASTMAN^, OF BOSCAWEN, N. 11. 46 1 Adam and Sally (Knowlton) Reddington, late of Sunapcc, N. H. Mr. Eastman was a farmer, and resided in Sunapee, N. H. CHILD. i. Rufus Anderson^ b. in Sunapee, N. H., Sept. 28, 1836. He is a farmer, and resides in Sunapee Village, N. II. He never married. 732. Louisa Corser Eastman^ (Abiah^, Benjamin-*, Joseph^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Boscawen, N. H., Dec. 25, i> f?^ m ^^^^^^^^^fa^^y^ *''^^^^fl^^| v^^HJI^H^ *w ■•^T^"?^ ' ARTHUR B. CALEF (779). JOSEPH EASTMAN^ OF UNION, N. H. 48/ Calef Oratorical Prize in Wesleyan University in 1862, was president of the Alumni Association of Wesleyan University from 1862 to 1866, was trustee of that institution from 1862 to 1880, and lecturer on constitutional law in Wesleyan Uni- versity in 1878. Judge Calef had a large practice in the state and United States courts. Aside from his law business he was for some years president of the Middletown Gaslight Company, and a director in several financial institutions. He was a well-known Mason, having served as grand junior war- den of the grand lodge of the state of Connecticut. In Mid- dletown, where Judge Calef resided and spent so many years of his life, he held the respect of its citizens for the many sterling qualities that mark an upright man. He was a credit to himself and an honor to the institutions with which he was connected. Having practically retired from legal business, he accepted at the earnest solicitation of friends the position of referee of bankruptcy under the new United States bank- ruptcy law. Judge Calef took a great deal of interest in the genealogy of the Eastman family, and spent a good deal of time and money in searching records, especially the old land and probate records at Exeter. Among the probate records was found the will of Thomas Eastman, whose wife was Abigail Erench, which establishes beyond a doubt his line of ancestry. He died Aug. 17, 1900. CHILDREX ALL BORN IN MIDDLETOWN, CONN. J. Francis Calef", b. Oct. 14, 1855. Arthur Benjamin^ b. Feb. 20, 1858. Edward Baker Calef", b. Jan. 25, 1862. Samuel Prescott Calef", b. Nov. 8, 1864. 780. Joseph Eastman^ (Jonathan', John-*, Benjamin^ Samuel*, Roger'), born in Union, May 4, 1822 ; married Mary. M. Bradford; removed to Hinkley's Corner, erected a store there, and entered trade. 1511. 1. 1512. 11. 1513. iii. iv. 488 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. George B.^ b. Dec. 25, 1862 ; d. Aug. 19, 1863. ii. Joseph W.^ b. Jan. 13, 1865. iii. Minnie B.'', b. Sept. 12, 1869 ; resides in Warren, Me. 781. Benjamin Eastman^ (Jonathans, John^ Benjamin^ SamueP, Roger'), born in Union, Me., Jan. 17, 1826; mar- ried in Rockland, Me., Nov. 26, 1855, Delia Augusta Rokes, born in Hope, Me., July 12, 1829, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Newbert) Rokes, of Hope, Me. He is a farmer residing in Rockland, Me. CHILDREN. i. John^ b. Aug. 24, 1856 ; d. July 21, 1883. ii. Lizzie A.^ b. Oct. 3, 1857 ; d. April 21, 1874. 1514. iii. Lula Augusta^ b. in Union, Me., Feb. 12, 1859. iv. Benjamin L.\ b. Sept. 21, 1860 ; d. Aug., 1884. V. Mary^ b. Nov. 7, 1862 ; resides in Rockland, Me. ; unm. vi. Edward E.^ b. Nov. 22, 1869 ; d. Jan. 30, 187i. 782. Emma Calef Eastman^ (Jacob Peaslees, Benjamin*, Benjamin^, SamueP, Roger'), born July 3, 1844 ; died Aug. 7, 1874 ; married in Canfield, 111., Jan. 11, 1869, William C. Davis, of Boston, Mass. CHILD. 1515. i. Elizabeth Coffin Davis", b. in Boston, Mass., Nov. 21, 1873. 783. Samuel Eastman^ (Richard^ Richard^ John^ John^ John', Roger"), born in the old Butters tavern at the south end of Main street. Concord, N. H., in 1793 ; married in 1812, Anna Robertson, daughter of Peter Robertson, who deserted from the British army and fled to this country to save his life. His father's name was Robert Finley, and after deserting he changed his name to Robertson. At the outbreak of the American Revolution he was among the first to respond to the call to arms, and fought at Bunker Hill, where he lost an arm. The musket he carried on that memorable day is now owned by his great-grandson, Mr. E. F. Eastman, living in Weston, Vt. ALMIRA 0DELL,7 OF CONWAY, N. H. 489 rillLDUKN. 1516. i. Timothy Butters^ b. in Concord, N. II., iMay 0, 1813. ii. Elizabetii Butters*, b. in Concord, N. II., Jan. 8, 181.5; married Oilman Searles, and lived in Nashua, N. H. ; had two children, Aurelia and Nellie, iii. Ebenezer Ridgerway^ b. in Concord, N. II., Jan. 18, 1818. He enlisted in the United States navy in 1834, served three years ; shipped on a sailing ve.ssel and was wrecked in the Gulf of Mexico; went to Cleveland, Oiiio, aud became captain and part owner of a schooner trading ou the Great Lakes; enlisted in 1846, at Fort Wayne, Ind., for the Mexican war, and was nevei- definitely heard from again. 784. Almira Odell^ (Molly Eastman^ Richard?, John*, John^, John', Roger'), born in Conway, N. H., Sept. 8, 1803 ; married in Conway, N. H., Oct. 30, 1826, Alvah Conant, born in Kennebunkport, Me., Dec, 1800. He lived in Alfred, Me. CHILDREN. 1517. i. Richard Odell Conant^, b. in Alfred, Me., April 1, 1828. 1518. ii. Emma Dow Conant^ b. in Alfred, Me., April 4, 1830. 785. Fletcher Webster^ (Daniel Webster'', Abigail East- man?, Roger-*, John^ John^ Roger"), born July 23, 18 13 ; died Aug. 30, 1S62. He was colonel of the Twelfth Massa- chusetts Volunteers in the war of 186 1-5, and fell in the ser- vice of his country. He graduated at Dartmouth College in the class of 1833 ; married Caroline S., daughter of Stephen White, of Salem, Mass. CHILDREN. 1. Caroline Webster®, b. in Detroit, Mich., Aug. 29, 1837; d. in Boston, Feb. 7, 1844. ii. Harriett Webster®, b. Sept. 6, 1843 ; d. March 2, 1845. iii. Daniel Webster®, b. ; d. 1866. iv. Atherton Webster®, b. . 72>6. John Eastman^ (NathanieP, Kingsbury?, David^ John3, John^ Roger"), born May 10, 1803; died June 6, 1892 ; married Abigail Rich, of Harpswell, Me., daughter of David and Betsey Rich, born in 1800, died Jan. 16, 1876. 490 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Maria Elizabeth^, b. June 1, 1831. ii. NancyS, b. Sept. 21, 1832 ; m. Dec. 14, 1854, Lemuel S. Wallace. 1519. iii. Levi DingleyS, b. July 26, 1834. iv. Abigail Rich^, b. Nov. 3, 1836. 1520. V. John Richs, b. Sept. 10, 1839. vi. Sarah MariaS, b. Sept. 2, 1849. 787. Anthony Combs Ashford^ (Sarah Eastman^, Kings- burys, Davids John^ John% Roger'), born in Litchfield, Me., Jan. 19, 1825; married Jmie 6, 1852, Martha D. Hilton; she died Dec. '8, 1895. CHILDRKN. i. Elizabeth C. Ashford^, b. July 16, 1857 ; m. Dec. 25, 1883, Freeman W. Jordan. Child : (a) Cora E. Jordan^, b. . ii, Sarah Eastman Ashford^, b. Oct. 24, 18.59 ; d. March 15, 1884. iii. Anthony Snow Ashford^, b. Oct. 13, 1861 ; m. April 4, 1889, Lillian A. Berry, of Litchfield, Me. Children : (a) Willard Berry Ashford^, b. June 26, 1891 ; (b) Rona Gladys Ashford^, b. Jan. 17, 1894 ; (c) Ethel Flora Ash- iord% h. Jan. 6, 1899. iv. Louisa Varney Ashford^, b. Aug. 18, 1863 ; unm. v. Hattie Page Ashford^, b. June 21, 1867 ; d. Oct. 7, 1884. 788. Sarah Tabitha Eastman^ (James^, Kingsburys, David'*, John^, John% Roger'), born Aug. 30, 1818 ; died Nov. 2, 1899 ; married Jan. 7, 1849, Stephen S. Rich, born in Harps- well, Me., Jan. 4, 1822, died in Brunswick, Me., May 15, 1896, son of Isaac and Sarah (Small) Rice. CHILDREN. i. Charles H. Rice^, b. April 26, 18.50 ; m. June 9, 1878, Mrs. George H. Hatch. Children: (a) Arthur^, b. ; (b) Sadie Belle^, b. . ii. Israel A. RiceS, b. in Bath, Me., March 20, 1852 ; d. May 4, 1853. iii. William S. Rice^, b. ; d. youflg. RUTH R. EASTMANS 49 I iv. George .M. RiceS, b. Aug. 29, 1857; d. April 14, 1898. V. Albert C. Rice^, b. in Brunswick, Me., April 19, 18(51 ; d. .May 8, 1897 ; ni. June 24, 1890, Mary A. Snow. Chil- dren : (a) Lena Rice^, b. ; (b) Josie Rice», \>. ; (c) Edith Rice'-', b. . 789. Ruth B. Eastman' (James^ Kingsburys, David^ John^, John-, Roger'), born July 10, 1820 ; died Oct. 5, 1899 ; married Aug. 20, 1844, Jonathan R. Snow. He died Sept. 17, 1899. CUILDKEN. i. Lucy Ann Snow^ b. in Pownal, Me., Oct. 8, 1847; ni. in 1865, Frank D. i:stes. Children : (a) Mary L. E,stes», b. May 26, 1867 ; ni. Winfield Cox ; children : (1) Winfield Coxio, b. Dec. 19, 1893; (2) Rowena Cox^, b. May 13, 1895. ii. James W. Snow^ b. in Pownal, Me., April lU, 1871 ; unm. iii. Henry Merrill Snow^, b. in Bath, Me., June 18, 1853 ; m. in California, Jan. 17, 1863, Mary Elizabeth Hoffman. Children : (a) Celia Ruth Snow^, b. Sept. 28, 1881 ; m. June 17, 1897, Merton Mcintosh ; (b) George Raymond Snow^, b. May 8, 1883; (c) Mary Henrietta Snow", b. Sept. 12, 1885 ; (d) Lucy Rose Snow^, b. Feb. 3, 1888 ; (e) Jessie Eva Snow^, b. Nov. 5, 1890; (f) William Frank Snow^, b. Jan. 18, 1894; (g) Margaret Gertrude Snow9, b. April 5, 1895; (h) Mabel Estelle Snow», b. July 9, 1897 ; (i) Minette Florence Snow*, b. March 1, 1899. iv. Nellie J. Snow^ b. in Bath, Me., March 28, 1855 ; m. Nov. 18, 1882, John Combs, Jr. Children : (a) Raymond C. Corabs^, b. Nov. 20, 1884 ; (b) Ernest F. Combs", b. Feb. 19, 1887 ; (c) Mary Everett Combs^, b. Oct. 9, 1889 ; (d) Alice Maria Combs^ b. ; d. young; (e) Alice Maria Combs", b. Oct. 5, 1892. v. Eva G. Snow8, b. in Bath, I\Iay 7, 1857 ; m. Feb. 6, 1887, Mal- lie O'Neal ; resides in Ferguson, Iowa. Children : (a) Earl Malcora O'XeaP, b. June 2, 1888 ; (b) Walter Mearl O'Neal", b. June' 22, 1892 ; (c) Roy Snow O'Neal", b. May 25, 1894 ; (d) Perry Curtis O'Neal", b. Feb. 13, 1896 ; (e) Ruth O'Neal", b. ^—. vi. Jessie Curtif Snow*, b. in Durham, Me., Nov. 28, 1868 ; unm. ; employed in Faneuil Hall market, Boston, Mass. 492 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 790. Eveline Eastman^ (James'', Kingsbury^, David'', John^, John^ Roger'), born Feb. 11, 1824 ; married March 8, 1862, Lyman Avery, of West Campton, N, H. He was born April 24, 1822 ; died Dec. 2, 1894. CHILDREN. i. Austin W. Avery^ b. Dec. 11, 1865; unm. ii. Mary Eva Avery^, b. Nov. 2, 1868 ; unm. ; resides in New Hampton, N. H. 791. James Eastman^ (James'', Kingsburys, David"*, John^ John^ Roger'), born June 26, 1829; married ist, July 28, 1855, Louisa D. Purrington, daughter of David and Rachel (Storer) Purrington; married 2d, Sept. 27, 1874, Lizzie D. Purrington, sister of his first wife. He resides in Bruns- wick, Me. CHILDREN. i. James E.s, b. Dec. 12, 1875. ii. Winnie M«, b. Sept. 27, 1877. iii. George E.s, b. Oct. 21, 1879. iv. Evie J.^, b. Oct. 3, 1881 ; d. Aug. 5, 1883. V. Clarence E.^, b. Aug. 10, 1884. vi. Clara G.^, twin. 792. Israel Eastman^ (James'', Kingsbury^, David"*, John^ John^ Roger'), born Feb. 27, 1832 ; married in April, 1856, Mary N. Snow, daughter of Humphrey Snow, of Harpswell, Me. He has resided in Bath, Me., since 1853. CHILDREN. i. Ida Mays, b. Jan. 20, 1857. ii. Howard^ b. July 11, 1862; d. young, iii. Alice Etta^, b. Jan. 13,' 1865. 793. Royal Friend Eastman^ (Ephraim'', Jeremiahs, Jere- miah'', Zachariah^ John^ Roger'), born March 30, 1805 ; died April 9, 1868 ; married ist, in 1833, Saphronia Mayo, born Jan. i, 18 14, died Aug. 22, 1840, daughter of John Mayo, of Andover, N. H. ; married 2d, Mary A. Langley, born Jan. i, 18 15, died March 4, 1896. He resided in Andover, N. H. HIRAM EASTMAN^ OF ANDOVER, M. H. 493 CHILDREN nV FIRST WIKK. i. Helen Mar^, b. May 11, ls;Jl; um,,. ii. John Robie*, b. July 29, 1830 ; m. Dec. 26, 18GG, Mary Jane Ambrose, of Boscawen, N. H., daughter of Samuel A. Ambrose. On the maternal side he is descended from John Mayo, who was the first pastor of the Xorth Church in Boston, and who died in Hi76. Thomas Mayo, great-great-grandfather of -fohn Robie Eastman, was a privateersmaii in Revolutionary days, and died from the effects of confinement in a prison ship in New York har- bor. Mr. Eastman attended the common schools and the academy at Andover, and the academy at New Lou- don, N. H. He passed through the last two years of the Chandler Scientific School course at Dartmouth Col- lege, and was graduated in 1862. His early training for active life was upon the farm, but he taught school more or less from 1853 to 18G2, inclusive. He passed the examination, and was appointed assistant in the United States Naval Observatory in Washington, D. C, Nov. 7, 1862. On the recommendation of the assistant astronomer of the Naval Observatory, he was appointed professor of mathematics. United States navy, with the rank of lieutenant-commander, on Feb. 17, 1865, and was stationed there until he was retired in 1899. His work while here was astronomical work, except when away on special scientific work. Since his appointment as professor in the navy he has been promoted to the rank of commander and captain. Profes.sor Eastman served in the trenches about Washington at the time of General Early's raid, July 12 and 13, 1864. He was vice-president of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science, in 1887 and 1892. In the latter year he was president of the Cosmos Club, of Washing- ton, and in 1889 he was president of the Philosophical Society of that city. In 1898 he was elected the first president of the Washington Academy of Science. In politics he is a tariff for revenue, gold standard, honest money Democrat. He has no children ; resides iu Ando- ver, N. H. 794. Hiram Eastman^ (Ephraim^ Jeremiah^, Jeremiah*, Zachariah^ John', Roger'), born in Andover, N. H., Nov. 7, 494 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. 1806; died in Andover, March 15, 1879 ; married in Salis- bury, N. H., Sept. 4, 1836, Ann Salome Calef, born in Salis- bury, N. H., April 29, 1818, died in Andover, N. H., March 2, 1879, daughter of William and Polly (Kimball) Calef. Mr. Eastman was a cabinet maker, and resided in Andover, N. H. CHILDREN. i. Valentine^, b. Nov. 17, 1837 ; d. Dec. 21, 1837. ii. Carloss, b. Oct. 8, 1838 ; d. Sept. 10, 1839. iii. Rufus M.8, b. Aug. 18, 1839 ; d. Aug. 2. 1898. iv. Harriet R.^, b. May 24, 1841 ; m. l]dwin Stephens ; no children. V. EdwinS, b. Jan. 24, 1843 ; d. July 10, 1878. vi. Eniily^, twin ; d. May 13, 1889 ; m. George Williams ; no children. 1521. vii. Janies, b. Aug. 18, 1845. viii. AnnieS, b. Feb. 19, 1848; d. Aug. 4, 1873; m. Charles Worthen ; no children, ix. Martha^, b. June 14, 1851 ; d. June 27, 1889 ; m. Henry Donelson ; no children. X. Elmira^, b. Sept. 26, 1855 ; ni. George W. Getchell ; no children, xi. Aribelis, b. March 3, 1859 ; d. Oct. 14, 1883. xii. Hiram F.s, b. Dec. 9, 1862 ; d. Jan. 80, 1891. 795. John Langdon Eastman^ (Ephraim^, Jeremiah^, Jeremiah'*, Zachariah^ John-, Roger'), born in Andover, N. H., April I, 1810; died May 28, 1887 ; married Mary C. Morey, born in Wilmot, N. H., March 18, 18 18, died May 9, 1888. Mr. Eastman was a blacksmith ; removed to Weare, N. H., in 1849. He was quite a musician in his day. CHILDREN. i. George^, b. in 1837. ii. Minerva L.^ b. Nov. 11, 1839 ; m. George R. Congdon, and lives in Lawrence, Mass. Child ; (a) Arthur G. Congdon^ b. Jan. 12, ]867 ; res. in Amesbury, Mass. iii. Sallie L.s, b. in May, 1841. iv. Angies, b. May 22, 1842 ; d. Sept. 20, 1885 ; unm. V. Matilda^, b. Oct. 5, 1844 ; res. in Lawrence, Mass. ; unm. EPHRAIM EASTMAN'', OF ANUOVER, N. H. 495 1522. vi. Kirk B.s, b. Jan. 26, 1847. vii. Abbie M.s, b. March 11, 1849 ; d. May 18, 1805. viii. Frank S.^ b. May 29, 18o2 ; res. in Lawrence, Mass.; unin. ix. Anna 11.^ b. June 16, 1854 ; d. Sept. 20, 1885 ; m. Leonard Farley. X. Juliette*, b. Jan. 20, 1857; res. in Lawrence; unni. xi. Irena V.^, b. June 17, 1859 ; ni. Albert Murch ; res. in Lawrence, Mass. 796. Ephraim Eastman^ (EphrainV', Jeremiah', Jeremiah^ Zachariah^, John^ Roger'), born in Andover, N. II., Nov. 26, i8t2 ; died suddenly May 6, 1863 ; married Mary Erost, of Sandford, Me., died Nov. 5, 1868. He lived for a long time in Weare, N. H., but finally removed to Rockland, Me., where they both died. CHILDREN. 1523. i. George W.s, b. Aug. 0, 1840. ii. Francis^, b. Jan. 15, 1843 ; lived in Amesbury, Mass. iii. Annas, b. 1845; d. 1847. iv. Caroline*, b. 1847 ; d. young. V. Augustus*, b. Oct. 14, 1850. vi. Augusta*, twin. 797. Lydia Eastman^ (Ephraim^, Jeremiah^, Jeremiah^ Zachariah^, John^, Roger'), born in Andover, N. H., Feb. 15, 1814; died in Sutton, N. H., April 26, 1865; married in Andover, N. H., May 6, 1841, Asa Nelson Fifield, born in Salisbury, N. H., April 27, 18 16, died in Danbury, N. H., Jan. 23, 1899, son of Benjamin and Betsey (Nelson) Fifield, of Wilmot, N. H. Mr. Fifield was a farmer, and lived in Wilmot, N. H. CHILD. 1524. i. Rosalthe*, b. Sept. 21, 1842, in Wilmot, N. H. 798. James Monroe Eastman^ (Ephraim^, Jeremiah', Jeremiah^, Zachariah^ John% Roger'), born in Andover, N. H., July 6, 1820; died in Boston, Mass.; married Mary G. Sawyer. He resided in Weare, N. H., for a long time, then removed to Boston, Mass. 496 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. CHILDREN. i. Irving^, b. . ii. Marinetta F.^, b. 1854 ; d. in July, 1875. iii. Ella M.^, b. 1856 ; d. Nov. 25, 1865. 799. Enoch Worthen Eastman^ (Benjamin^ Jeremiahs, Jeremiah'', Zachariah^ John^, Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H., Nov. 7, 1808 ; died Dec. 31, 185 i ; married Cyrene Babb, died Dec. 21, 1875. He lived and died in Danbury, N. H. CHILD. i. Volana^ born in Danbury, N. H., Oct. 3, 1845 ; m. Feb. 28, 1867, in Concord, N. H., Charles F. Kilton, b. in Grafton, N. H., June 3, 1836, d. in Grafton, April 15, 1889. He represented Grafton in the state legislature two years, and was selectman and town clerk several years ; removed to Wiltnot, N. H., where he was a repre- sentative-elect at the date of his death. He had no chil- dren. His widow resides at No. 38 South State street, Concord, N. H. She is a dressmaker, but at this date (1900) she is an invalid. 800. David Sawyer^ (Jeremiah Sawyer'^, Miriam East- mans, Jeremiah^ Zachariah^ John-, Roger'), born in Gilman- ton, N. H. ; married Hannah Palmer, and lived in Deerfield, N. H., but subsequently removed to Lee, where he died Aug. 21, 1845, aged 80 years. He married 2d, Mary Knowles ; 3d, Mrs. Susan Chesley, widow of Thomas. CHILDREN. i. David Sawyer^, b. ; m. Deborah Knowles, of North- wood. Children : (a) Gilman Sawyer^ b. ; (b) Emeline Sawyer^, b. ; (c) Perry Sawyer^, b. . ii. Josiah Sawyer^, b. ; m. Joanna Sanborn, of Kingston, N. H. Children : (a) Angeline Saw^yer^, b. ; (b) Alraira Sawyer^jb. ; m. Edward Bartlett, of Lee,N. H. 1525. iii. John Sawyer*, b. March 6, 1801 ; m. April 19, 1826, Clarisa Chesley, daughter of Thomas Chesley, of Durham, N. H., and settled in Deerfield, N. H. iv. Hannah Sawyer*, b. ; m. John Palmer. V. Luella Sawj^er*, b. ; m. a Mr. Conklin, of Exeter, N. H. vi. Jefferson Sawyer*, b. ; by 2d wife. JOSEPH EASTMAN^, OF DEERFIELD, N. H. 497 801. Joseph Eastman" (Joseph'^', Kphraini', Jeremiah^, Zachariah^ John-, Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H., March 28, 1798; married March 20, 1823, Abigail Taylor. He settled in Rumney, N. H., where he was a farmer and general jobber. CHILDREN. i. Abigail Ann^ b. Nov. 26, 182-1; m. a Mr. Brown, of Rum- ney, N. H. She died in Nashua, N. H., in 1898. He resides in Nashua. 1526. ii. Adaline Jane^, b. Feb. 17, 1831 ; m. a Mr. Fletcher. She died in 1898. Mr. Fletcher resides in Nashua, N. H. iii. Martha Maria^, b. March 5, 1834; m. L. Farnsworth ; res. ill Fort Scott, Kan. 1527. iv, Josephine Estelle^ b. July 7, 1841 ; m. Oct. 13, 1859, John A. Spalding. 802. Benjamin Eastman^ (Joseph^, Ephraims, Jeremiah**, Zachariah^ John', Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H. ; died in Derry, N. H., March, 1859; married Sophia Symmes. She died in Derry, N. H. Mr. Eastman lived in Medford, Mass., but later lived in Derry, N. H., where he was in the lumber business. CHILDREN. Henry Edward^, b. in Medford, Mass., Jan. 26, 1826. Sarah MariaS, b. Dec. 6, 1827. Benjamin Franklin^, b. Feb. 13, 1830. Sophia Louisa^; twin to B. F. ; d. in 1855; m. Samuel H. Quincy ; no children. V. Charles Prescott«, b. in Derry, N. H., Nov. 23, 1832 ; d. aged four years. vi. George Warren^ b. Jan. 14, 1835 ; d. in infancy. 1527d. vii. Josephine Prescott^, b. May 17, 1836. 1527e. viii. Ellen Frances^, b. Feb. 4, 1839. ix. Mary Adeline^ b. July 14, 1842 ; lives in Lynn, Mass. ; unm. X. Julia Walton^, b. Jan. 22, 1845 ; d. Aug. 24, 1895, in Derry, N. H. She married George Brickett, of Boston, Mass. Her life was one of rare loveliness, accompanied with much suffering. She had no children. 36 1527a. i 1527b. ii 1527c. iii. iv 498 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. .803. Timothy Goodhue Eastman^ (Joseph^, Ephraims, Jeremiah'*, Zachariah^ John^ Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H., Feb. 21, 1804 ; died in Exeter, N. H., July 15, 1850 ; married March 22, 1830, Abigail Hall, born Nov. 25, 1809, died in Maiden, Mass., Sept. 13, 1852, daughter of Aaron and Abigail (Pratt) Hall. Mr. Eastman was a marble worker, and first lived in Rumney, and soon removed to Derry, N. H . CHILDREN. i. Angeline Augustus^ b. in Rumney, N. H., March 27, 1831 ; d. Feb. 10, 1861. ii. A nameless son^, b. April 11, 1833 ; d. April 16, 1833. iii. Abbie Maria^, b. in Derry, N. H., Sept. 14, 1834 ; m. Sum- ner Wheeler. 1528. iv. Emma LouisaS, b. Feb. 27, 1837. V. Frank Crane^, b. April 17, 1839 ; m. Martha M. Ford. 1529. vi. Albert Prescotb^, b. Sept. 6, 1841. vii. Susan Elizabeth^, b. Oct. 16, 1844. 804. Lydia B. Shaw^ (Polly Eastman^ Ephraims, jere- rniah'*, Zachariah^, John% Roger'), born in Chelsea, Vt., April 13, 1809; married Sept. 11, 1831, Paschal Grove. He died in Lowell, Mass., Jan. 29, 1879. CHILDREN. i. Hannah Grove^, b. in Chelsea, Vt., Aug. 14, 1832 ; m. April 28, 1850, Horace E. Lock, ii. Charles Grow^, b. in Chelsea, March 18, 1835; m. 1st, Josie Robinson ; 2d, m 1869, Katie Dalton. He died in Chelsea, Vt., Sept. 23, 1872. Children : (a) Charles R. Grove^, b. ; (b) Hattie May Grove^ b. . 805. Ephraim Shaw^ (Polly Eastman^ Ephraims, Jere- miah^, Zachariah^, John% Roger'), born in Chelsea, Vt., Sept. 25, 1812 ; died in California in 1880; married Emeline Wise. CHILDREN. i. Belief b. . ii. French^, b. . iii. Caroline^, b. . GEORGE \V. EASTMAN , OF DEERFIEI.D, N. II. 499 806. George Washington Eastman^ (Jeremiah^, ICphrain.', Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^ John', Roger"), born in Deerfielcl, N. H., Feb. 12, 1812 ; died in Berkshire, Tioga county, N. Y., June 9, 1866 ; married in Homer, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1835, Nancy Walter Atwater, born in Homer, N. Y., March 17, 1813, died in Berkshire, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1893, daughter of Ira and Philanda (Stone) Atwater. Mr. Eastman was a tanner, farmer, and currier ; resided in Berkshire, N. Y. He was a soldier of the War of the Rebellion, enlisting in the 137th N. Y. Infantry. CniLDRKN. 1530. i. James Archibalds, b. in Berkshire, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1837. ii. Charles AVatson*, b. Dec. 24, 1838; d. July 1, 1839. iii. George Dwight^, b. Feb. 1-1, 1841. He was a soldier in the Rebellion, enlisting in the 1st N. Y. Mounted Rilies, and died on board of floating hospital, Oct. 20, 1862. 1531. iv. Charles Robert®, b. in Cortland, N. Y., March 19, 1843. V. Sarah Jane*, b. Oct. 8, 1844 ; d. June 9, 1874. vi. John Du Fay®, b. Feb. 8, 1846 ; d. July 2, 1874. lie was a soldier of the war of 1861-5, enlisting in the 137th N. Y. Infantry. vii. Ralph De Witt^, b. in Cortland, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1848; m. 1st, Helen W. Stark, of Penn Yan, N. Y., d. June 19, 1879 ; m. 2d, Catherine S. Van Duzer, of Horsehead, X. Y. Mr. Eastman graduated from the medical depart- n)ent of the University of P.uffalo, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1878, and has practiced medicine in Berkshire, N. Y., since that time ; is United States examining surgeon for Tioga county, secretary of the Medical Society of the county of Tioga, member of the Congregational church, and in politics a Republican. He was employed by the state department as instructor in Teachers' Institute from 1873 to 1878. They have no children. viii. Leonard Du Fay^, b. in Berkshire, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1854 ; d. April 7, 1855. ^ 1532. ix. Leonard (Jdell®, b. July 7, 1857. 807. Nathaniel Webster Eastman? (Jeremiah^, Ephraim?, Jeremiah^ Zachariah^, John% Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H., Sept. I, 1816 died March 12, 1879; married ist, Mary Stebbins, daughter of James and Eunice (Tidd) Steb- bins, born May 14, 18 19, and died Aug. 24, 184 1. He mar- ried 2d, Oct. 15, 1842, Emeline Cook. During his early I 500 EASTMAN FAMILY OF AMERICA. manhood he resided in Schoharie and Broome counties, N.Y., and later in Frankhn Forks, Penn., where he died, Mr. Eastman was one of those energetic, enthusiastic natures, who when young worked early and late, making great sacri- fices to obtain an education, and possessed a marked apti- tude for mechanical engineering and scientific pursuits. For many years lig enjoyed the reputation of being the most skilful and best educated mechanic in the Susquehannah Valley ; and later, after having studied law, he acquired an extensive practice. He was a ready speaker, good debater, and took an active part in all political campaigns, especially during the disturbed period of the civil war, being only pre- vented from enlisting in the army by an accident which made him lame for the rest of his life. -He was always a close stu- dent of affairs, and took a deep and active interest in all the important questions of the day. CHILDREN BY FIRST WIFE. 1533. i. Austin Vitruvius^, b. in Maine, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1839. ii. Mary Stebbins^ b. Aug. 23, 1841 ; m. Lewis Grant ; re- moved to California ; mother of two children, and died in childbirth ; is buried with her children in the cemetery of San Francisco. CHILDREN BY SECOND WIFE. 1.534. iii. Caroline Webster^, b. July 12, 1843. 1535. iv. Elvira^, b. in Maine, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1844. 1536. V. Elmiras, b. (twin to Elvira). 1537. vi. Fanny Lucretia^, b. in Maine, N. Y., July 14, 1846. 1538. vii. John Jesse Jeremiah^ b. in Maine, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1848. 153Sa. viii. Julia Marion^, b. in Maine, N. Y., March 9, 1850. 8o8. Lowell Eastman^ (John^, Ephraims, Jeremiah-*, Zachariah^, John^ Roger'), born in Deerfield, N. H., Aug. II, i8o8 ; died in Epsom, N. H., July 2i, 1883; married 1st, May 22, 1843, Phebe Griffin; she died Feb. 18, 1848 ; 2d, June 24, 1852, Mrs. Lydia A. Whitney, born March 26, 1826, in Nottingham, N. H., widow of Charles E. Whitney. Mr. Eastman resided in Deerfield until his father's death, when soon after he removed to Epsom, N. H. He was a justice of the peace in both Deerfield and Epsom, N. H. He was a farmer. *^\ lEAg32 ^«| !.*• «« 40 V u O V .Ov o «>t. t'i*-" o^/rr^^^^^^^sll^fe"" '"^V A ^/i^^^'* ^ S^ o'/7V^^^^^ " '"^^ rN^t is o .0 ,0 C •^0^ A- ^J^ "^ ^v^ H°<. 0' \:? 'o . . - A. <. / . . 5 o -. V t^^' "^ / *>S^- ^^h ,0 r « o .f •^^0^ G^ ^O 'o. \ o '>". 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