y ^//. V r ' • " ,^" o -a5 ° o '^:-- .^*' * ■^ ' » « * * ,-1 c. r-^^^. ^ . -^^ o"^ : ^. ^. ^\' -J^-^ . ^^■^i 61ST Congress, ) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, j Document 3d Session. \ 1 No. 1232. ALABMIA INDIANS IN TEXAS. LE T TEK FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, SUBMITTING A REPORT ON THE ALABAMA INDIANS IN TEXAS. January 5, 1911.— Referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Department of the Interior, Washington, December :?3, 1910. Sir: In accordance Avith the provision of the act of Congress of April 4, 1910 (36 Stat.L., 269, 274), which reads, " * * * and the Secretary of the Interior is hereb}^ authorized and directed to investi- gate the conditions of the Alabama Indians in Texas and to submit his report thereon to Congress at the next session," I have the honor to submit the following report: On October 15, 1910, William Loker was appointed commissioner to the Alabama Indians of Texas and instructed October 26 by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to proceed to Livingston, the county seat of Polk County in that State, and to such other places as might be necessary to investigate fully the condition and needs of the Indians mentioned. Mr. Loker was advised that these Indians were reported in the Federal census of 1890 as being located on Big Sandy Creek, Polk County, upon a tract of 1,280 acres given them by the State of Texas; that they were said also to be civilized and self-supportmg ; to have a chief and suborduiate chiefs; to mamtain to a great degree their Indian habits m dress and manners; and to cultivate lands like their white neighbors, for whom they worked on occasion. For his guid- ance the essential points to be reported upon were given as : 1. The population, including the number of children of school age. 2. The present condition of the Indians as regards subsistence and self-support. Z ALABAMA INDIANS IN TEXAS. :i. Their condition as to clothing and their absolute needs for the winter. 4. What schools, if any, are available, and what is the disposition of the Indians toward sending their children to such schools. 5. The actual condition of the lands occupied by them, and whether they are exercising reasonable diligence in their farming operations; how they compare with their white neighbors in this respect; and what their needs are as regards additional lands for homes and farms. 6. The views of the leading Indians as to their needs, etc. Mr. Loker's report of December 6, 1910, shows that these Indians, numbering 192 individuals, inchiding men, women, and children, are located 17 miles east of Livingston upon a tract of 1,280 acres of land which the State of Texas, about 1850, deeded to them con- ditionally — free of taxes, but with restriction on alienation. The report of this official shows also that in two decades these Indians have made marketl progress m civilization, and are now on about the same plane in this respect as are their white neighbors ; that their old tribal customs have been abandoned; that they speak the English language almost entirely, and that they have adopted the manners and dress of the whites. With respect to their present economic condition, the investigation shows that these thrifty and steady workers are now self-sustaining — more by outside labor on farms, in lumber camps, railroad construc- tion, etc., than by farming the small amount of their available agri- cultural land. Also they are well clothed and are not in need of any assistance for the winter. They send their children of school age to the public school within their village, and the majority of them are members of the Presbyterian Church located in their midst. These Indians are subject entirely to the laws of the State and county wherein they reside; they use very little intoxicating liquor, and are reported as being peacable and law abiding. About a third of their land, which is held in common, is said to be timbered; 35 per cent is of fair agricultural character, and the remainder of the land is sandy and not fitted for farming. Their one-story houses, of their own construction, contain two or three rooms, and are fairly comfortable; they raise a small amount of stock, poultry, etc., and cut such timber from their lands as is absolutely needed for building and fuel purposes. As shown, these Indians derive their greatest revenue from outside lumber industries, and as the supply of timber in that region is rapidly decreasing they must in the near future seek other means of supjDort. Commissioner Loker reports that while they say they have no claim against the Government, their needs are: (1) More land to cultivate, and (2) a school with manual-training instruction. He adds that if these Indians had about 5,000 acres of land they would be able to compete successfully with their white neighbors in farming and stock raising, and would be able to take cars of themselves in the future. A copy of the letter of instructions to Commissioner Loker and of his report are inclosed. Very respectfull}'^, R. A. Ballinger, Secretary. The Speaker of the House of Representatives. M 11 I311 21 ALABAMA INDIANS IN TEXAS. 3 ^5 Department of the Interior, ^ — >, Office of Indian Affairs, , ■^- Washington, October 26, 1910. * Sir: Referring to your recent appointment as commissioner to the Alabama IndiaiLs S in Texas, under the provisions of section 6 of the Indian appropriation act approved ^ApriH, 1910 (36 Stat. L., 269, 274), which reads as follows, "* * * and the Secretary ^ of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to investigate the conditions of the S Alabama Indians in Texas and to submit his report thereon to Congress at the next session," you are hereby directed to proceed to Livingston, the county seat of Polk ("ounty, Tex., and such other places as may be necessary, to investigate fully the condition and needs of the Indians mentioned. For your information there is transmitted herewith a memorandum and a copy of office letter of April 3, 1896, setting forth the full history of these Indians so far as known to the office. In 1890 these Indians were reported in the Federal census as being located on Big Sandy Creek, Polk County, upon a tract of 1,280 acres given them by the State of Texas. They were said also to be civilized and self-supporting; to have a chief and subordinate chiefs; to maintain to a great degree their Indian habits in dress and manners; and to cultivate lands like their white neighbors, for whom they worked on occasion. By referring to the copy of office letter of April 3, 1896, it will be seen that the position then taken was in effect that these Indians had never held or possessed lands in their own right, or held any treaty relations with the Government, and that they had no claim upon the United States; also that the legislation then proposed in their behalf by which they were to be given 25,000 acres of land to be located on the public domain was reported upon adversely. Most if not all of these Indians are located in Polk County, and by going to Living- ston you will be able to ascertain their exact location and also to acquaint yourself with the views of the local authorities regarding them. You will thus be better able to form some definite plan to be carried tout by you in visiting personally the IndiariB at their homes and in forming an estimate yourself as to their present needs and conditions. P"or the purpose of convenience the essential points to be reported upon by you are: 1. The population, including the number of children of school age. 2. The present condition of the Indians as regards subsistence and self-support. 3. Their condition as to clothing and their absolute needs for the winter. 4. What schools, if any, are available, and what is the disposition of the Indians toward sending their children to such schools? 5. The actual condition of the lands occupied by them, and whether they are exercising reasonable diligence in their farming operations; how they compare with their white neighbors in this respect; and what their needs are as regards additional lands for homes and farms. 6. The views of the leading Indians as to their needs, etc. Your report should cover the points indicated and such others as you may after investigation deem proper to submit, to the end that the office may have all the data possible before it upon which to base the required report to Congress at the beginning of its next session. This work, of course, should be expedited as much as possible, consistent with thoroughness and accuracy. Should any points arise not covered by the foregoing instructions upon which you desire further information, etc., you should submit them promptly in order that the office may advise you concerning the same. Very respectfully, F. H. Abbott, Assistant Commissioner. William Loker, Esq., Commissioner for the Alabama Indians in Texas, (Care of E. P. Holcombe, Chief Super\dsor, Denver, Colo.) 4 ALABAMA INDIANS IN TEXAS. Report of William Loker, Commissioner, etc., December 6, 1910. Roll of Alabama Indians rending in the State of Texcs. [Post office, Kiam, Polk County, Tex. Trading point, Livingston, Tex.] Willie Bullock.... Gala vay Bullock. lazzie Bullock Eva Bullock Thomas Anton. Birdie Anton... Mary Anton George Battist. . Sissie Battist.. . Tenney Battist. Laura Battist.. John Battist Gustin Battist. Liza Battist Durant Battist. Jesse Battist. . . Asom Battist. . Miller Battist.. Nellie Battist.. Nela Battist.... Baker Battist.. McConico Battist. Mabel Battist Inie Battist Fulton Battist Billie K. Battist. Bettie Battist.... Sarah Battist. . . . Andre v Battist.. Lizzie Battist Fred Battist Alfred Battist... Jefferson Battist. Lizzie Battist Ashley Battist. . . Hollis Battist.... Isaac Battist... I'annie Battist. Henry Battist.. James Battist.. Tom Battist... Ed Battist Josephine Battist. Bula Henderson '. Pedigo Carson. Sadie Carson.. Alice Carson. . Nicie Carson . . Caleb Carson.. Joshua Carson. Charles Fitze. Dennis Henderson . Minnie Henderson. Hattie Henderson.. Silesia Henry ' Mary Henry . . James Henry. Harry Henry. Sam Lockhard Hubbert Lockhard. Male . . . ....do.. Female. ....do.. Male Female. ....do.. Male. . . Female. Male. . . Female. Male. .. ....do.. Female. Male . . . ....do.. ....do.. ...do.. Female. ....do.. Male. .. ....do.. Female. ....do.. Male. . . ....do.. Female. ....do.. Male... Female. Male . . . ....do.. ....do.. Female. Male... ....do.. ....do.. Female. Male do.. ....do.. ....do.. Female. do.. Male Female. do.. do.. Male do.. .do. do.. Female. do.. do. do. Male.. do. Relation. Single Head A ife Daughter. "vVidower. . Daughter. ....do Head \ ife Son Daughter. Son Head . ife Son do do do Daughter. do Son Head \ ife Daughter. Son Head \ ife Daughter. Son Daughter. Son do..... Head.. Wife.. Son... do. .do Widower. .do Son Head.. Wife... Son.... do. do. do. Widow Granddaughter. Head Wife Daughter. do Son do..... Single. Head Wife Daughter. Wife Daughter. Son do 1 Months. 3 Orphan. * Husband is not Alabama Indian. ALABAMA INDIANS IN TEXAS. liEPORT OF William Loker, Commissioner, etc., December (i, 1910— Continued. Roll of Alabama Indians residing in the State of Texas — Continued. No. Names. Sex. Relation. Age. 61 Cassie Joe Male Years. 72 H2 Venie Thomas > Granddaughter (W David Uilliamsi Male.... ti4 Liza Williams ' Granddaughter do Co Minnie W illiams' Claud Williams > Lindsey Ponclio Sallie I'oncho IJavid Poncho Sarah Poncho Mason Poncho Josie Sylestine Dollie Sylestine Hastings Sylestine Hardin Svlestine Xoney Sylestine Emma Svlestine Klizabeth Sylestine Charlie Thompson do 7 W Male Grandson 5 (17 do Head 44 Female Wife 26 77 do Daughter 5 78 do do 1 79 Male Head 48 SO Josie Thompson Female Wife 43 XI Philip Thompson Male Son 5 82 Oscar Baltist ■> do .do 13 KS Bob Thompson do 75 84 Fannie Thompson Female. 26 8.1 Nona Thompson do 11 8(1 Joe Alexander Male Head 27 87 Liila Ale.xander Female Wife 26 88 Male.. Son 2 8<) .Sam Thompson . ...do Head 28 90 Annie Thompson Wife 26 91 do . .. 4 92 John H. Thompson Male Head 32 93 Margaret Thompson Female Wife 21 94 Ettie Thompson do 4 95 Hill Thompson. Male Son 22 9ti Sissic .Vlcxander. . . . .. Female . . 60 97 Ed Alexander ' Male Nephew 19 9S John .Vlexander ' do .do 16 99 Sissie S vlest ine Female Widow Daughter 56 KM) Delia Sylestine. . do 15 101 LucvHean.. . .do Widow 35 !()■> Aaron Bean. Male Son 19 10.3 .do Head 32 104 .Mosina Svlestine Female Wife 26 1 (),'> .do Daughter 4 lOti Martha Svlestine . . do do 2 107 Male Head Wife 60 108 61 109 do Daughter 33 IHI Male Son 29 111 Female Daughter 26 IT' Male Son 13 113 PoUie Poncho Female Widow Daughter 58 114 do 26 IKi Male Son 23 no do do 36 117 Female Daughter Widower 1 118 Male 55 119 do Son do 23 1''0 Ilollis Svlestine do 16 121 Nannie Sylestine Female Daughter 13 Orphan. 2 Months. 3 Son of No. 80 by first husband, a full-blood Alabama. 6 ALABAMA INDIANS IN TEXAS. Report of William Loker, Commissioner, etc., December 6, 1910 — Continued. Roll of Alabama Indians residing in the State of Texas — Continued. No Names. Relation. 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 Jennie Sylestine.. Elvina Sylestine. Susie Sylestine... Callie Sylestine... Jesse Poncho Maggie Poncho.. . Dorothy Poncho. Emma "Poncho 2.. Gibson Sylestine 3. John Sylestine Virginia Sylestine. Feagan Sylestine C Carter Sylestine*.. Frank Sylestine. . . Frances Sylestine. Davis Sylestine Edna Sylestine * Mattie Sylestine * Clenson Sylestine^ . . . Gotherine Sylestine*. Benton Sylestine' Amos Sylestine' Tom Scott... Dollie Scott.. Fanny Scott. Falony Scott. Folby Scott.. Bill T. Scott. Lucy Scott... May Scott Eunice Scott. Sarah Scott. . Enby Scott.. Dennis Williams. Jennie Williams.. Legget Williams. Epperson Williams. John Poncho John Scott Scott '. John Scott Maggie Jane Sampson. John Sampson James Poncho.. MoUie Poncho.. Mattie Poncho. Female Daughter . do 1 do do \ do do do Male I Head Female I Wife do I Daughter. do Widow Male I Widower. do.. Female. Male do.. do.. Female. Male Female. do.. Male Female. Male ....do.. ....do.. Female. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. Male Female. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do.. Male... Female. Male .do. .do. .do. .do. Female . Male ....do.. Female. ....do.. Tom Johnson ' Male Li '.zie Johnson i Female. Ida Johnson i do.. Emma Johnson do.. Lillie Johnson do.. James Johnson Male Louise Tnoids.. Everest Tnoids. 175 Palmer Carson do. 176 Fanny Carson Female. 177 I Lucy Carson j do.. Female. Male Son Daughter . Grandson . do Head. Wife. Head Daughter . Son...'.'.'." Daughter . Son do Head Wife Daughter. '.'.'.'.do'.'.'.'.'. Head Wife Daughter. .'.'.'.'.do'.'.'.'.'. do Head. Wife. Son... Single. do. Widower. Son Widow. Son Head Wife Daughter. Head Wife Daughter . ....do ....do Son Widow. Son.... Head Wife Daughter. ' Months. ^Mother of No. 126. 3 No. 130 is the leading man of this village and about the only one capable of giving early history of these Indians, but he was too ill to be interviewed. Was under care of Dr. Martin, of Knoxmill. ■* Orphans. ' These children all by first wife; present wife is Caddo Indian. 6 No. 160 is chief of tribe; is very feeble and quite childish; lives with son 10 miles northeast of village. ' This family lives about 10 miles north of village on account of head's employment in lumber mill; have a home within the village. ALABAMA INDIANS IN TEXAS. 7 Report of William Loker, Commissioner, etc., December 6, 1910 — Continued. Roll of Alabama Indians residing in the State of Texas — Continued. No. 178 179 180 181 182 Names. Carrie Walker. Ida Walker.. . Lee Walker... Josh Walker.. Elma Walker. Male Female. do.. Male do.. 183 ' Willis Thompson 184 ; Josie Thompson 185 Mary Thompson 186 Thomas Thompson 187 I McLane Thompson 188 j Jennie Pere > Female. 189 1 Sam David Male. 190 I Mary David Female. 191 ' Jack David ' Male... 192 ! Floyd David j do. Sex. Female . ....do... Male ....do.. Female. Relation. Widow Daughter. Son ....do Daughter . Head Wife Daughter. Son do Single Widower.. Daughter. Son do Years. 32 13 9 6 2 47 32 12 1 No. 188 is living with this family; is a sister-in-law of No. 189 and came from Louisiana to care for chil- dren; No. 189 is seldom at home, being employed at Knox Lumber Co.'s mUl about 10 miles from village. 1. Population. — The population, including the number of children of school age, is 192 individuals, 51 of school age (7 to 17 years inclusive). 2. Self -sup-port. — As regards the present condition of the Indians, they are not prosperous. They are a farming people, but have not sufficient land to produce a living foi all. They are thrifty and sturdy workers. They seek employment in the lumber industries and the railroad work, and assist the white farmers, which, with their own farming, makes they absolutely self-sustaining. .3. Clothinq. — They are well clothed and have no immediate needs for the winter. 4. Available schools. — Thev Lave uy)on their own propertv about the center of their village "The Public Free School of District No. 17 of Polk County, Tex." This public school is supported by the county. The instructor, Mrs. C. W. Chambers, is a very capable woman, and the course of instruction is the .same as all the county public schools, embracing agriculture, algebra, arithmetic, composition, drawing, geography, grammar, hi'-tory (United States and Texas), language lessons, nature study, physiology, reading, spvlling, writing, and sewing. The instructor's report to the county superintendent shows an enrollment of 47 children and a more than average regular attendance. The Indian parents are strict in compelling attendance of children. 5. Use of land. — The Indians have 1,280 acres, about 30 per cent of which is timber. They are cutting only what they require for construction and fuel. About 35 per cent is only sand and incapable of cultivation. The balance is cultivated. They raise cotton, sugar cane, potatoes, and garden truck, and a little corn, although this is not a corn country. They raise ponies, goats, chickens, hogs, and a few cattle. They are doing just as well," all things considered, as the white men of this part of Texas. If they had about 5,000 aQres of land these Indians would successfully farm and raise stock in competition with the white people. 6. Vietcs of Indians as to their needs. — All of these Indians state that their needs are first, more land to cultivate; second, a school with manual training instruction. They advise that they require nothing else, and they are in this borne out by statements of the white people. SUMMARY, The Alabama Indians residing within the State of Texas number 192 individuals. They are located 17 miles east of Livingston, in Polk County, Tex,, upon a tract of land 1,280 acres in extent, deeded to them by the State of Texas, free of taxes, but which they can not dispose of, about 60 vears ago. These Indians have abandoned all their old customs. In fact they have preserved no history of their people. They use only English names and almost uniyersally speak English. Their manners and dress are as the white people and they live just as their white neighbors. 8 ALABAMA INDIANS IN TEXAS. They farm all of their land that is capable of cultivation, but obtain their living more by working in the lumber industries, upon the railroad construction and section work, and hii'ing out to the white farmers. They are thrifty people and steady workers. They have a public school within the village and take full advantage of same; also they have a Presbyterian Church supported by the "Ea.=t Texas Presbytery," and the rector's roster shows the great majority faithful members. Their land is not divided, but they farm for the benefit of all. They are of course subject to the State and county laws, but any disputes within the village are settled by their church com- mittee, and I am told that there is seldom a necessity for action. There is no instance of th(! civil authorities having been called upon. They are an absolutely civilized and peaceful people and appear to use every means to advance themselves. I am told some of the younger men that go out to the mills to work have used whisky to excess, but strong drink is not a habit among these Indians. They are living in a prohibition country, but am told that even before the county had prohibition these Indians spent very little for liquor. They live in homes of their own construction and as good as fheir state of prosperity could command. These homes are one story, but of two and three rooms, and they are comparatively comfortable. They raise for their own purposes chickens, hogs, goats, cattle, and ponies — only a small number, but all they can care for. They dress as well, if not better, than the class of white people they have for neigh- bors. In particular, I noted the young girls at church. All wore hats and gowns of store make. Were it poar.ible to assist these Indians toward getting more land and manual train- ing, it is verv certain they would take full ad\-antage of the benefits. These Indians advance no reasons A^hy the Government should give them any- thing. They do not pretend to have a claim of any sort against the Government, but for some years have understood that Congressman Cooper and others had asked assist- ance for them and have hoped the Government would increase their land holdings. They are stronglv inclined to agriculture, and thev believe, as do the white people, that with sufficient land they would be successful farmers and a prosperous ])eople. They are not in prosperous circumstances, but neither are they in want. They are sturdy workers, and as long as the present lumber industries continue they will con- tinue to make a living. It is in the lum^ber industry that they obtain the greatest part of their revenue. The timber is verv rapidly being cut, and when this industry ceases they must seek other means of subsistence. It is their hope and that of all the white people that knovr anything of them that the Government will assist them to the extent of giving them more land, which would care for their future. The health condit ions are better than those of the white people. This mav be due perhaps to the fact t!';.' rnost of the white people have located in this part of Texas of late years and the climate is tryine. Still these Indians k^ad regular industrious lives and take the best care of themselves. In sickness they call in the white physicians. From all information I am able to obtain, advise that there are no other Alabama Indians in Polk County, Tex. There are a few Caddo Indians, not more tlian a dozen, and most of them are intermarried with these Alabama Indians. Also there are sime of the Kickapoo Indians in Polk County. I am told that they are of low degree, have intermarried with the Negroes and are placed in the same class with the Negro. The only other Alabama Indians can learn of are about 100 located in Louisiana. These have been asked to locate here in Texas, but always have (Inclined to consider the proposition. Occasionally a party of Alabamas from Louisiana visit these Texas Alabamas, and while it is admitted they are all of the same tribe the Louisianas do not in the least compare with the Texas Alabamas in point of civiliza- tion a id advancement. There is now practiciUj' no cammunication between the Texas and Louisiana Alabamas. It can be said without fear of contradiction that the Alabama Indians residing in Texas are absolutely civilized, have availed themselves of every means of advancing themselves; that they would' appreciate and profit by Government assistance, and are in every way deserving of any assistance the Government might give them. REFERENCES AND AUTHORITIES. For assistance and information rendered, which was of much helj) in investigating conditions, I am indebted to these persons particularly. Mr-. M. V. Curri'^, Kiam, Polk ( o' ntv, Tex. Mrs. Currie is the widow of a Presby- terian minister, and with her son is living among these Indians. Mr. and Mr.-. Currie spent 25 years in m.i^pion work among different Indians. Five years they spent with the Creeks, 4 vears with the Alaska Indians, and 16 years with this tribe of Alabama RD 1 2.8 ii\A n ALABAMA INDIAN'S IN TEXAS. 9 Indians. During a period of 10 years Mr. Currie was rector of the Indian church, and Mrs. Currie was the instructor of the Indian school. It was through Mr. Currie's influence that the East Texas Presbytery established their church for the Indians. Mrs. Currie is considered their best friend and the greatest worker and authority by both the Indians and -white people. She expresses the opinion that these Alabama Indians are the best she has met with in all her work. Advises that when she first located among them they observed all Indian customs, held their various dances, used their own language, dressed in buckskin clothing of their own make, and did work only sufficiently to obtain a poor living, and spent the great part of time hunting. She considers their advancement very remarkable. She now considers them in every way the equal of the whites and in a degree their superior. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb W. Chambers, Kiam, Polk County, Tex. Mr. Chambers is present rector of the Indian church and Mrs. Chambers is the instructor of the Indian school. They are now in the eleventh year of service among these Indians, and like Mrs. Currie, are very enthusiastic in speaking of the remarkable advancement of these Indians. Mr. Chambers knows something of agriculture and has been of much assistance in this work with the Indians. He also assists in the school. Mrs. Cham- bers is a very energetic and capable woman, and besides being a very successful instructor has taught the Indians much in the way of domestic duties. Both Mr. and Mrs. Chambers are held in the highest esteem by these Indians. Mr. Davis Sylestine, Kiam, Polk County, Tex. Mr. Sylestine is a full-blood Alabama Indian and was born and rai'^ed in this "\dllage. He speaks English fluently and is a capable man. He has attained of his own efforts the responsible position of "saw filer" in Knox Lumber Mill and is looked upon as among the most trustworthy of the employees. He is a trustee of the church, clerk of the village, and is looked upon as the leader of the younger element of the village. Capt. Evans, "postmaster," Livingston, Polk County, Tex. Capt. Evans is the oldest resident, having been in this part of Texas for 40 years, and has known these Indians all of that time. He advises that their advancement has been remarkable and gives them a very high reputation for industry, honesty, and says they have always been peaceable and excellent neighbors. Mr. Nute Green, Livingston, Polk County, Tex. Mr. Green is connected with M. Stone Co., general merchants, of Livingston. He has been engaged in this line for 25 years in Livingston, and has always been in close touch with these Alabama Indians. He gives them the highest reputation for honesty, sobriety, and industry, and advispa tiat they have always been peaceful and the best kind of neighbors. William Lokeb o H. Doc. 1232, 61-3 2 ^.

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