.W3I l2S5c P 199 U31 1885c Copy 1 ;LE\[ELi(WD \ pp^\l\f AUGURATION, MARCH 4, 1885. IN CHARGE OF THE CELEBRATION AND RULES FOR THEIR GOVERNMENT ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL COMMITTEE OF FIFTY, DECEMBER 29, 1884. HEADQUARTERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, 1317 F STREET, X. IF» Cfi'm General Com., COL. JA8. G. BEKRET. Secretary^ JA.MES E. HARVEY. Treasurer, (HAS. C. GLOVER, CWm ExecxiHve Gom.^ WM. M. GALT. Secretary, IJORSEY CLAGKTT. Cor. Secretary, LAWRENCE GARDNER. R. O. P0LKI.;H0RN & SON, PRINTERS, Fin .UI3I NOTICE. ^g-sr^c Xo iiionej' shall bo disbursed by the treas- urer, except ill payment of cheeks bearing- the approval of the chairman of the execu- tive committee, Wm. M. Gait, and counter- signed by Dorsey Clagett, secretary of the executive committee. The treasurer shall report to the executive committee, at each meeting^ thereof, the amount of disbursements and the balances on hand. It is deemed advisable to announce, that Avhile the several committees herein named Avill spare no pains or exertion to extend to all visitors a hearty welcome, and to make every possible provision for their comfort, whether coming- as individuals or as asso- ciations, or military organizations, that the free entertainment of any porti- cr.Ttic C<'miuittee, shall be known as the General Committee, and shall huTC supervisoiy charge of all matters pertaining to the celebratlou. Fifteen members shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. The committee is composed and officered as foll<)^\s: Chairman, Col. Jas. G. Berret, Secretary, James E. Harvey, Treasurer, Charles C. Glover. Members . Adams, Geo. W. Baird, Prof. Spencer F. Barbour, James L. Berret, Col. James G., Bo vie, Watson Clauett, William H. Clarke, Dr. Daniel B. Cochran, George W. Corcoran, W. W. Davidge, Walter D. Dodge, Henry H. Diilany, H. Grafton, Jr. Fisher, Thomas J. Gait, AVilliam M. Gardner, Lawrence Garuett, Henry Wise Glover, Charles C. Harvey, Jas. E., Hillver, Curtis J . Holtzman, R. O. Hume, Frank. Hutch ins, Stilson. Leiter, L. Z. Luttrell, Thomas J. Lydecker, Garrett J., Major, U. S. A. Matthews, Charles M. McCauley, Col, Chas.G. U. S. M. C. McGiiire, Frederick B. Mcllhenny, George A. McKeever, Gen. CU. S. A. Moore, F. L. Morris, 3lartin F. Niles, Samuel V. Korris, John E. Parke, Gen. John G. , U. S. A. Executite Committee. Porter, Admiral David D., Toner, Dr. Josepli M. U. S. N. Walsh, Dr. Ralph Richardson, F. A. Welling, James C. LLD. Riggs, E. Francis Wheatley, Samuel E, Rodgers, Rear Admiral C. Willard, Henry A. R. P., U. S. N. Willett, James P. Sheridan, Gen. Philip H., Wilson, Albert K. U. S. A. Worden, Rear Admiral Simms, John M. John L., U. S. K. Thompson, John W. There sli»ll Ije four vice cliairmen selected from tlie Gen- eral Committee, upon whom the chah-man, Col. Jas. G. Ber- ret, may confer auy portion of liit? authority, who shrill rep- resent him in the discharge of his duties. These gentlemen are named as follows : 1st Vice Chairman — M. F. Morris, M Vice Chairman — Rear Adm'l C. R. P. Rodgers, 3. AV. Voorhees William S. Holm an Illinois. Jolin A. Logan William R. Morrison Minnesota. S. J. R. McMillan Horace B. Strait Iowa. William B. Allison J. H. Murphy Missouri. Francis M. Cockrell A. H. Buckner Arkansas. Augustus H. Garland J. K. Jones Tennessee. Isliam G. Harris George G. Dibrell Idaho. T. F. Singiser JSfew Mexico. F. A. Manzanares Wyoming. M. E. Post Nebraska. Charles H. Van Wyck E. K. Valentine Nevada. James G. Fair George W. Cassidy Colorado. Kathaniel P. Hill James B. Belford Oregon. James H. Slater M. C. George California. James T. Farley William S. Eosecrans Kentucky. James B. Beck John G. Carlisle Arizona. G. H. Oury Montana. Martin :Maginnis Dakota. J, B. Raymond WaslUngton. T. H. Brents Utah. T. Caine Military Organizations 11 The Committee on Military Organizations shall receive and have charge of all visiting military orgauizatioas, malce care- ful estimate of the number that can be provided with nuar - ters under roofing, and also cousider and report, when neces - eary, as to the feasibility of tents. Col. Wm. G. Moore, Ghairrnan. Addison, Jas. C. Ayers, R. B. Gen. U. S. A. Allabach, P. H. Col. Abner, Chris. Armes, G. A. Maj. U. S. A Britton, A. T. Bacon, P. F. Gen. Boughton, Horace Beall, Fillmore. Benjamin, S. N. Col, U.S.A. Breitbarth, Geo. Capt. Boyd, Robert Cooke, H. D, Cleary, James K. Christy, Robert. Cranford, H. L. Clarke, Geo. W. Gen. Calvert, F. G. Cowie, J. G. Dyer. J. Tarbell. Dalton, Wm. N. Capt Dinaman, H. Capt. Drew, J. W. Dillon, M. A. Capt. Dubant, P. M. Entwisle, J: C. Capt. Evans, Geo. W. Lieut. Fleming, R. I, Col. Fleetwood, C. A. Capt. Farnsworth, J. A. Gen. Fisher, C. B. Maj, Greene, F. V. Capt. Gieseking, Fred. Goddard, Matthew. Gwyn, R. C. Gray, W. P. , Capt. Holabird,S.B.Gen.U.S.A. Harrington, F. H. L't, U. S. M. C. Hutchinson, E. S. Henkle, S. S. Hume, Frank. Jones, Frank Col. Kelly, T. S. Capt. Kelley, A. W. Capt. Kalbfus, T. B. Lemon, George E. Lewis, Frank M. Lee, Joseph C. Lewis, Richard C. Mitchell, Geo. L't, U.S. A. Miller, John S. Capt. Manson, J. O. Lieut. Morgan, Chas. W. Mueller, Carl. Murphy, W. H. Capt. Mushbach. G. A. Capt. McCauley, C. G. Col. Nailor, Allison. 12 Cimc Organizations Nicholson, A. S. Maj. U. S. M. C. Oyster, J. F. Capt. Orel way, Albert Parker, 31. M. Payne, J. G. Phelps, J. P. D. Ross, B. R. Capt. Rogers. R. M. Capt, U.S. A Ryon, James P. Rickey, Joseph. Rockwell, A. F.Col.U.S. A Roose, Wm. S. Robertson. B. H. Slack, Wm.B.Maj. U. S.M. C. Shafer. Charles. Saks, Andrew. Smith. F. H. Scot-t, D. :\r. Capt. Somerville. Thomas. Saville. J.H. Tirams, Geo. F. Col. Thomason, S. E. Capt. Throckmorton, C. Maj. Urell, M. E. Capt. Vanderburgh, J. V. W. Varnum, Jas. M. Gen. Waugh, Jas. E. AYorthington, A. S. Woodbury, Levi, Capt. Webster, Amos, Col. Weller, M. I. Wright, L. P. Col. The Com mil tee on Civic Ori;iniizaiioiis sliull receive and liave eliar^e of all civic aspO( iatioiis, make carelul e.«;tiiijate8 of the mimljcr thai can he provide d for at hotels, l)alls, and private houses, aud infoim the Executive Committee from time to time of the associations expected aud to he provided for. Tiios. J. LuTTRELL, Chairman. Addison, J. C. Baumgarten, Julius Arnold, Joseph W. Barker, James W. Allen, Charles, M. D. Berry, W. 0. Barker, II. H.,M. I). Ball,"^ Charles, M. D. Bauer, George AV. Clagett, H. C. Butcher, C. J. Cropley, R. L. Berry, E. P. Coombs, Joseph L. Bellow. P. Chrism an, P. II. Barljour, Harry W. Clauett, Dorsev Barrett, Franklin Callahan, Robert Dovle. R. E. Cogan, Thomas Cixic Organization. 13 Connell, Dennis Colegate, J. Hall Coiiftney, George Clagett, Hezeldah Cooney, John H. Cook, John J. Cusick, P. F. Curet, A. Doyle, J. Hadley Dean, Mills Darr, C. W. Dayton, J. B. Dubant, W. E. Donaldson, George W. Dickson, John Divine, Hugh G. Douglass, William H. De Grummond, A. Dufour, O. B. Dupre, L. I. Emner, Julius Entwistle, J. D. Edmonston, R. O. Edmonston, Richard Ellis. W. P. Falbey, James L. Finley, F. H. Fanning, Joseph Fielding, C. H. Goddard, James Gaddis, George W. Green, John t. Glasscock, R. C. Hutchins, W. A. Hamlin, Joseph Harkness, W. A. Hall, Clarence Hanson, T. A. Hollister, John J. Hewitt, R. C. Johnson, Edward Johnson, George J. Kilmartin, Bernard Kelley, J. Fred. Kennedy, R. J. Kelley, Thomas F. Key worth, J. T. Lloyd, Benjamin F. Loughran, Daniel Lynch, E. D. Leitch, John Lipscomb, A. A. Maginnis, "W. H. Moore, Charles S. Muntz, Thomas McLaughlin, Charles Madigan, M. J. Norris, John E. Newmeyer, L. O'Brien, J. H. Polkinhorn, R. O. Probey, J. T. Robertson, T. A. Rowe, Charles F. Rose, W. H. Swart, B. T. Sears, J. W. Stewart, George T. Shelton, Charles F. Splain, Maurice Small, Arthur Shuster. Alvin Sardo, Nathaniel Trader, H. G. Thompson, jr., Charles Tyler, W. Bowie, M D. Wright, E. D. White, Charles AV^aters, R. A. Watkins, Edward P. Yates, Jackson 14 ' Committee on Transportation. The Committee on Transportation shall, as soon as possible, obtain the lowest possible rates for round-trip tickets from all points of the Union to this city, and announce the same publicly as fast as received. Henry L. Biscoe, Chairman. John Jameson, Vice Clmirman. Percy G. Smith, Cor. Secretary. Rob't T. Heiston, Rec. Secretary. Members. Baum, Wm. H. JMcDaDiel, K Blake, L. L. Moss, Geori>-e W. Bi'ophey, S. M. Miirdock, Win. C. Buckey, T. W. Kailor, Wash. Cranford, H. L, Kewmever, L. Eberly, Samuel G. Parke, R. A. Emmert, Lloyd Phillips, Geoige R. Faivhrother, Isaac Reed, J. L. Heiston, Robert T. Sailer, C. C. Hammond, Thos. B. Sharp, J. K. Hewitt, R. C. Smith, Percy G. Hume, Frank- Stevens, Oscar A. Jameson, John Trig-Ji-, Frank Knox, George W. Wanstall, AVilliam Lesig, J. F. Walker, W. J. Lockwood, E. J. Welsh, W. P. Tho Comniittee on H cks will have charge of the modes of coMveyaiice to and fiH)m tlic In.iugural Ball, and are char^^ed with tlie duty of procniing suitabh' service, at a reasonable and stated rat<', hy contract with our own citizens, if possi- ble, and, failing in th^it, to sccuie the Sfime from neighboring cities. A. A. Wilson, Chair ma a. Watson Boyle. L. P. "Wright. Committee on Public Comfort. 15 TLe Coniniittee'on Public Comfort shall provirle quarters — eitlier at liotelKor private liouses— for persoue desiring tliera, and Sihall invite and t btain the nunjt s, capacity ard rates of all liouseliolders willing to entertain visitors. Thej' shall es- tablish headquarters at some central place and keep a list of obtainable accommodation s ■witb prices for the same. This committee shall also ascertain, if possible, tbe number of ra- tions tbat can be furnished by responsible caterers, for the subsisting of visiting military or civic organizations ; of what said rations are to consist, and the prices for tbe same; and take such other steps as "will, in their opinion, redound to the credit of the city and Insure the comfort of tbe guests. Col, L. P. Wright, Chairman. Adams, J. Brad. Buckley, E. F. Brown, W. R. Bogan, James Bartlett, John D. Burt, E. J. Baker, R. F. Benson, Thomas R. Bacon, R. A., MD. Coggins, S. S. Connell, Dennis Cross, Samuel Croggin, W. A. Clarke, Henry A. Dyer, Geo. W. Gen'l Duffy, P. J. Dove, J, Maury De Witte, Henry Duunington, C. W. C. Fletcher, A. W. Fardon, A. P., M. D. Fenwick, G. P., M. D. Fegan, Peter Hollingshead, Frank Harbin, Thomas H. Hill, Thomas O. Heurich, Christian Hickey, E. P. Howard, George T. Harvey, George W. Hawkes, Walter Hoi!:an, John T. Hoie, W. S. Hurt, Henry Hammett, C. M., M. D. Holtzman, W. F. Johnson J. H. Kirby, W. W. Kennedy, George E. Kennedy, J. W. Landic, Isaac Lansburgh, James Lancaster, C. C. Leach, H. E., M. D. 16 Committee on Public Order Miller, John S. ]\[cCormick, M. G. Murray, PI. T. Madio-an, Frank P. Mclntyre, H. D. Miller, Thomas F. McCullough, W. W. Mades, Charles Mc Williams, A. M. D. Nicholson, L. L. Oyster, George M., Jr. O'Brien, Daniel Pettit, Charles W. Spofford, C. W. Staples, O. G. Saks, I. Scott, John B. Stephenson, A. H. Yates, Stincmetz, B. H. Selden, Willian Smith, William H. Solomons, A. S. Thompson, W. S. Towles, H. O. Towlcs, Gilbert Tune, W.J. Thornton, W. H. Vogt, John L. Waggaman, Thomas Willard, C. C. Wright John S. Wheatley, Chailes Woodbury, Levi Waugh, J. E. Wormley, W. H. A. Young, J. Fenwick Thomas A. The Committee on Public Order shall, in co-operation with the District Cominiseioners and the Police, take all necessary steps pertaining to the good order of the city during the pe- riod of the inauguration. It shall establish headquarters at some central place during such period, where, imder charge of an officer of the Police Deiiartment, jiroper aid or assist- ance may be given to any visitor requiring it, and vrhere lost articles may be stored and reclaimed. This committee may, if found desirable and practicable, provide for a special force of citizen police, to be under the control and general direc- tion of the chief of police, for the maintenance of order. N. D. Larner, Chairman. Allen, Charles, M. D. Baldwin, W. O., M. D. Anderson, E. W. Ball, Robert Committee on Press. 17 Boteler, J. W. Byrn, ITarrv Bogau, S. W.,M. D. Combs, George Cochran, Geoi'ge W. Powlinir, Thomas Dowling, E. D. Dve, William McE. Maj. Feu wick, 11. W. Gawler, Joseph Gra)% George R. Green, O. C. Greaves, Edward Hine, L. G. Howard. H. P. Huiile, Julius Hudson, H. T. Hewitt, R. C. Johnson, 1. L. Key worth, John King, W. C. Leiberman, Charles D. Losekam, Charles Lord, W. B. Morgan, Thomas P. McGowan, M. A. Middleton, Alpheus Morrison, Wm. H. Peachy. W. D. Pratt, F. W. Poole, K A. Plater, Mayhew Rover, T. A. Ruff, John A. Ridgeway, E. A. Shiilington, Joseph Shuster, M. C. Smith, J. W. Thorn, C. AV. Tobriner, Leon Washington, L. Wilson, W. J. Walter, Charles Williams, Charles P. White, R. E. Witmer, Calvin Young, J. Fenwick Young, W. P., M. D. (Boitiiitil'tce ott- ^z