^'.0* \. ..... ^, .0^ oM' Ifi.*. "V. ««•'*« . * .- /J-51X, HISTORY OF m^ftmater Halkg BY W . B . LENOIR SWEETWATER, TENNESSEE ' 'eetwater Cemetery, and one in the field on the east side of the railroad, perhaps nearly a quarter of a mile from the one mentioned above. For a long time the soil upon them was very unproductive, and it could be easily seen exactly where they were located. Now they have been so plowed down, fertilized and cul- tivated that to ascertain their exact location is a matter of some difficulty. These mounds, so far as I know, were never dug into and the findings made a matter of record. They are, however, supposed to contain what was found in the mounds in this valley and in the valley of the little Tennessee River that have been examined and their contents preserved and classified. The United States government and various universities and his- torical societies have carried on a series of explorations for a number of years. The results of different ones differ in many points. However, there are other points in which most agree ; That the American Indian did not erect these mounds. If any tribe did it, it was the Cherokees. If they did build mounds it was for defense and not for burial purposes. Their burial customs are different. The skeletons and stone sepulchres show that the! mound-builders were rather small people, and hardly so large as the American Indians who inhabited this sec- tion. They belonged to the stone age. There is no evi- dence of their having used any metallic weapons or in- struments. They were sun worshippers, as shown by the position of the stone and slate sepulchres. In this they show their kinship to the Aztecs of Mexico. There are no remains here of temples, roads, aqueducts or prominent residences. It is doubtful if they ever used wood for building. There is no mark of sharp instru- ments in any of the oldest trees. HISTOEY OF SAVEETWATER VALLEY 23 According to Thurston's Antiquities in some mounds, however, have been found bottles, spoons and cooking utensils of various characters, mostly earthenware. There are no inscriptions on these which have been de- ciphered, and it is presumed they had no written lan- guage. Their arrowpoints are simdar to those plowed up m the Roman Campagna, which far antedate any period of Roman history. So far there is no agreement of exactly when they inhabited this country, when they were driven away or destroyed, what was their color, race or nation. From my reading I infer that they were rather a small, war- like people, as shown by the weapons; were more civi- lized than the American Indians, l3ut not so much so as the Aztecs or the Arizona Cliff Dwellers; that they in- habited the bounds of the Hiwassee district in far greater numbers or for a longer period than did the Indian tribes; that the American Indians have no re- liable account even by tradition of what sort of people they were. When the mound builders disappeared, were de- stro3^ed or were assimilated is a matter of conjecture; probably more than five hundred years ago. For when Ponce de Leon landed in Florida in 1512 the Seminoles, a tribe of Indians, occupied that country and must have done so for many years. Later on in 1540 when De Soto, the discoverer of the Mississippi, started his wonderful invasion he found the Seminoles in Florida, and march- ing northwestward he encountered the Cherokees in what is now North Georgia. He wintered in Nacoochee Valley at the head of the Chattahooche River at the foot of Yonah, a peak of the Blue Ridge. Exactly what route he pursued from there to the Chickasaw Bluffs on the Mississippi River is uncertain. There are traditions of his passing through a part of western North Carolina. In Cherokee county in the Valley River Valley are the remains of old diggings and rude furnaces for the re- duction of ores, known as the De Soto mines. This was certainly not done by the Cherokee Indians, who held possession of that section, as they neither had the energy nor the appliances for such work ; nor was it done by the 24 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY English white settlers since their occupation. There is one of two things probable; either part of De Soto's invading army, tiring of the hardships of the campaign, deserted and did this mining, and afterwards were killed or amalgamated with the tribe and lost to history like the colony of Sir Walter Ealeigh on Roanoke Island; or that the whole force of that commander^ crossed the Blue Ridge Mountains at the Yonah Gap at the head of the Hiwassee River in Towns county, Geor- gia, and thence marched down that river to the junction of the Hiwassee and Valley Rivers. Six miles above there is the site of the so-called "De Soto mines.'* There are not many streams in that section which have, not produced gold in paying quantities, nearly all got by placer mining. De Soto's object was evidently to gain fame and riches by repeating the conquest of Pizarro in Peru and Cortez in Mexico. How strange this lure and thirst for gold in all people and nations from the earliest "syllable of recorded time" down to the present! Most of the explorations, discoveries, inventions and the greater number of wars and crimes have been attributed to it. "The love of money," we are told, "is the root of all evil." If we can credit historians, man's main effort through the ages has been to get and keep gold, "hard to get and harder to hold. ' ' Nothing has ever induced him to part with it save the charms of woman — Anthony flinging the world away for the love of Cleopatra. When Croesus, the Lydian tyrant, showed Solon, the Athenian, the greatest hoard of gold then in existence, taken, it is said, from the sands of the River Pactolus, and asked him, "Ought I not to be happy?" Solon re- plied: "I call no man happy while living." How true it was in Croesus' case : The barbarian afterward over- came him and made him swallow his own molten gold. "You always wanted gold, now take this." Or as Herodotus gives it he was captured by Cyrus and sub- jected to torture and the greatest indignities. No great hoard of gold, no matter where placed or how carefully guarded, has ever been safe from the robber, the vandal and the pirate, and those who rob are often robbed in turn. What becomes of all the gold taken from the earth too is a mystery! Millions upon HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 25 millions are buried in the depths of the ocean, as in the Titanic disaster. Great sums are in the teeth of people dead and living, but that has not been the case for long. Dentistry is comparatively a recent art. It must be that misers have hidden away innumerable treasures which have never been discovered. The greatest search for gold in history, undoubtedly on our own continent, taking into consideration the number en- gaged, was the ill-starred expedition of De Soto. 'Twas nothing to him to be the discoverer of the Father of Waters, naught cared he for the mighty forests, of the East, the immense, fertile plains of the West ; 'twas gold and gold only that he wanted. He and his followers preferred that their bones bleach in the unknown wilder- ness rather than to return to Hispania with their galleons unladen with "barbaric pearls and gold." The Jamestown colonists found "fool's gold," iron pyrites and took it to England. The Carolina colonists spent their first efforts in search for gold. These finally found something far more precious: "Liberty" and home. There was a rush to California for search for the precious metal. It so happens that the products now from that State in one year even, exclusive of gold, are worth more than all the gold ever taken out of it. Alaska's gold is but a drop in the bucket to the iron, coal, the copper and the furs of the animals in her bor- der; but little was said of anything but gold until the other resources were about all gobbled up by a favored few. In 1896 we had what some called the "silver craze." Wrong, all wrong. It was just the old time greed for gold. It was this struggle: The men who had silver wanted gold for it, and those who had gold were de^ termined to keep what they had. Gold won, as it nearly always does one way or another. Every intelligent per- son acknowledges that, except as a medium of exchange, it is far less useful to humanity than iron, tin or copper and it is not near so indestructible as most people imagine. It is easily abraded on account of its softness. There are numerous natural solvents of gold, as sho^vn by its wide distribution by deposition and the finding of it in a great variety of rocks and soils. Some sup- pose aqua regia the only solvent for gold. By no means 26 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY true. Even so mild a solvent as ten per cent, solution of sodium carbonate is capable of dissolving it, though but slowly. But people love gold on earth below, wiiether wisely or foolishly seems to matter not; and it is the opinion of many writers and speakers that we will love it in heaven above. If not, why is so much stress laid on the golden streets and the golden crowns the elect are to receive, as if it were impossible to attain perfect bliss in the New Jerusalem without the sight of the yellow metal? Exactly what use the disembodied or re-embodied spirits would have for a crown (for whom would they govern there?), or why it should in- crease their happiness to walk on the streets of gold is not explained. However, we return to the expedition of De Soto. If he came in his march to where Murphy, N. C, is now, two routes to Alabama and Mississippi, which territories he is known to have traversed, were feasible: one down the Hiwassee River and the Tennessee Valley to Ala- bama ; the other to strike the little Tennessee by way of some of its tributaries, thence down it to Chilhowee Gap. From there on to Alabama, Mississippi and the Chick- asaw Bluffs the march would not present very great topographical difficulties. THE CHEROKEES. From the time of De Soto to 1700 we have no history of the Cherokees. Ramsey's Annals, page 78, says: *' Early French explorers aver that the Shawnees, a powerfully and unusually intelligent tribe of Indians (in 1700), occupied the comitry from the Tennessee River in west Tennessee to the Cumberland Mountains. They were driven out by the Cherokees or Creeks, pos- sibly both, and went north and were incorporated with the Six Nations. "When the pioneers settled in Southwest Virginia and the coterminous part of North Carolina, those sections liad ceased to be, probably never had been, the settled residence of the modern aboriginal tribes. It was used as the common hunting ground of the Shawnees, Chero- kees and other Southern Indians. East and north of the Tennessee to the Ohio there was not a single Indian HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 27 hut. The Choctaws, Chickasaws and Cherokees, how- ever, of the South, used to engage in war with the Miami confederacy of the North. In their excursions they no doubt had certain trails which they were accustomed to travel. ' ' The Uchees were a small tribe which once occupied the country near the mouth of the Hiwassee River. Their warriors were exterminated in a desperate battle with the Cherokees. This took place at ''old fields" in Rhea county sometime between 1750-1775. The remainder of the tribe were incorporated with the Cherokees. *'Chera" in their language means fire. Chera-tage, men possessed of divine fire — of great courage. They were formidable alike for their numbers and their passion for war. When asked to make peace with the Tus- caroras, their reply was : "We cannot live without war. If we make peace with the Tuscaroras we must find some other tribe to war with. It is our occupation." According to Adair, in 1735 the Cherokees had sixty- four towns and could collect six thousand warriors. This included all the men not too old or too young to fight, which would probably be one-fourth of the population. In 15'50 there were not so many, they having been decimated by wars with the Creeks. (Ramsey, p. 89) : ''Little of the history of the Chero- kees can be ascertained from their traditions. These ex- tend little farther back than the early days of 0-ka-na- sto-to, their chief, who visited George II. of England. He was practically their king. His seat of government was E-cho-ta (more properly E-tsawty) on the Tellico River, which afterwards became the property of John McGhee. FORT LOUDON". After the visit of Okanastoto, Hugh Waddell, as com- missioner for North Carolina, negotiated a treaty with the Cherokees. In pursuance with that treaty. Governor Glenn erected a line of forts, the easternmost of which was Fort Loudon at the highest point of navigation on the south bank of Tennessee River, near the mouth of the Tellico, and on the east bank of this river. This fort was erected, Ramsay says, in 1756; Hay- 28 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY wood gives the date at 1757. Tlie fort surrendered after a long siege on August 7, 1760, being besieged by the united forces of the Cherokee nation. The English were to be allowed to march to the white settlements un- molested. The marching consisted of men, women and children, amounting to about three hundred. They were treacherously assaulted and massacred about daylight on the morning of the 10th of August. They had marched about twenty miles up the Tellico River, which would bring them not far from the site of the terminus of the Athens and Tellico Railway, now a part of the Louis- ville and Nashville system. There were only three or four survivors. One of them escaped to the town of Chota. THE TOWN OF REFUGE. ''Every Indian tribe," says Adair, ''had a town or house of refuge, which is a sure asylum to protect a man- slayer or an unfortunate captive if he can once enter it. Among the Cherokees Chota, about five miles above Fort Loudon, was their city of refuge. Thus passed Fort Loudon, the first place in the bounds of what is now Monroe county, that was inhabited by the whites.^ Tlie story has been told by numerous writers. Romance and truth have become so entangled that it is a matter of ex- treme difficulty to separate them. Wliat happened to those pioneers or early settlers forms one of the most interesting and pathetic stories in the annals of that time. After the fall of Fort Loudon the next we hear (historically) of the Cherokees was in 1769. They invad- ed the country of the Chicasaws beyond (west of) the Cumberland Mountains. They had what was called a bloody conflict. Not much is known of the battle except that the Cherokees w^ere defeated and retired to their own country. The Chickasaws were content with their victory and did not follow it up. "This defeat of the Cherokees," Ramsey remarks, "probably saved the Watauga settlement." Since the extinction of the gar- rison at Fort Loudon they had shown evidence of inten- tion of attacking it. A treaty was concluded at Fort (Patrick) Henry on the Holston (Hogehogee) River near Long Island, July HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 29 20, 1777, between the commissioners of the State of North Carolina and the Overhill Indians. By this treaty the Indians conveyed the upper Holston from the moun- tains and the Nolichucky River to the Virginia line. It is not necessary to go into details which, anyhow as to exact territory, are somewhat vague. I refer to it more than any other reason as showing who the signers were to the instrument. Those on the part of North Carolina were Waightstill, Avery, William Sharp, Robert Lanier and Joseph Win- ston. The Indian signers were Oconostota, of Chota; Rayetawah (Old Tassel), of Toquoe; Savannech (Raven), of Chota; Quillanuwah, of Toquoe; Octossetch, of Hiwassee ; Attusah (Northward Warrior), of Mouth of Tellico ; Ooskuah or Abram, of Chilhowee ; Rollowah, of Tellico River; Toostook, of Tellico; Amoyah (Pigeon), of Notchey Creek; Oostosseteh (Man Killer), of Hiwas- see; Tellehaeveh (Chestnut), of Tellico; Que-lee-kah, of Hiwassee; Annakehujah, of Tuskeega; Suahtukah, of Citico; Atta-kulla-kulla (Little Carpenter), of Notchey Creek; Okoo Neekah (White Owl), of Notchey Creek; Kata Quilla (Pot Cloy), of Chilhowee; Tuskasah (Ter- rapin), of Chiles Toosch; Sumie Waugh (Big Island). The Indians made their marks. The witnesses were Jacob Womack, James Robins, John Reed, Isaac Bled- soe, Price Martin, John Kearns. Joseph Vann was in- terpreter. INDIAN NAMES OF MOUNTAINS AND RIVERS. Thus we see from the location or dwelling place of the principal men who signed this treaty tliat there were no Indian towns west of Notchey Creek. Ramsey aptly re- marks the Indian proper names and the appellation of the creeks and rivers were euphonious. The names of the mountain ranges were smooth and musical, such as Alleghanee. T'enasee, Chilhowee, Unaka, Chattanooga, Dumplin, Sandy Mush, Calf Killer, High Tower, Hangin' Dog, Beaver Dam, and even Sweetwater would grate harshly upon the ears of those who sang their war songs upon the banks of the Allejoy, Oustanallee, Etowah and Euphassee. The Tennessee River was so named from the Little 30 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Tennessee River. By Tennessee River is meant that river from the Unaka Mountains and probably east- ward to the Tuckaseega and westward from its junction with the Holston clear to the mouth on the Ohio River. That is what the Tenasee River of the treaties means. The French called it Riviere des Cheraquis or Cos- quinambeaux ; the aborigines named it Kallamuchee. From Little Tennessee to French Broad, Agiqua (Racing River); Clinch, Pellissippi; Little River in Blount county, Canot ; Hiwassee, Euphassee. Right here I think it proper to say that there is absolutely no foundation for the spelling or pronunciation Hi-a-was-see. The mistake must have arisen from confounding the word Hiwassee (more properly Euphassee) with the Hiawatha of Longfellow''^ poem. The district was spelled Hiwas- see in the old survej^s, the river the same, the college always too. Dr. J. H. Brunner, former president of Hiwassee College, agrees that this is the correct spelling. I would not feel called upon to mention this attempted change in spelling, and also of pronunciation, had it not received the sanction of so high an authority as an ex- president of the United States. I am glad to say, how- ever, that his suggested changes in that line have not always met with eminent success; and I hope much that for the sake of preserving the real Cherokee names we have (I wish there were more), that this attempted change will also prove a failure. The Cumberland River was the Warioto, French name Chauvanon. We still have left the Indian names Lousatchie, Hatchee, Se- quachee, Ocoee, Conasauga, Chestua, Tellico (Psallico), Watauga and others. Watauga (properly, Waugh- taugah) signifies many island's, the river of islands. Hay- wood says in his History of Tennessee that the Holston, from its confluence with the Tennessee at what is now Lenoir City upward to the French Broad, was known as Watauga to the Cherokees. Until 1889 it was Big Tennessee from the junction of the Holston and Little Tennessee to its mouth. By an act of the General As- sembly, approved April 6, 1889, it was enacted as fol- lows: ''That the Tennessee extend from its junction with the Ohio River at Paclucah, Ky., past the Clinch and French Broad Rivers to the junction of the north fork of the Holston River with the Llolston at Kings- HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 31 port in Sullivan county, Tenn., all usages to the contrary notwithstanding. ' ' It is greatl}^ surprising that the Cherokee Indians, whose language was so musical, attempted so little in the way of song and had no musical instruments at all, unless the tom-tom and the rattle can be called so. Their chants and war songs were far from pleasing to the ear of the pioneer even though he did not happen to be tied to a stake during the ceremonial. Little of the Cherokee music so called has been preserved, and in an artistic sense is no loss. One hymn called '^Lamenta- tion," found in some of the old hymn books published in East Tennessee, is said to be an Indian air adapted to some English words. Francis S. Mitchell, Athens, Ga., in Confederate Veteran of July, 1916 : The aborigines lived so near the heart of nature that they learned her secrets and were unconscious poets. Their language, abounding in vowels, was soft and musi- cal. Every proper noun had a meaning that was sig- nificant and often wonderfully poetic, as Cohuttan (Frog Mountain), Tallulah (Terrible), Toccoa (Beau- tiful), Amicalolah (Tumbling Water), Hiwassee (Pretty Fawn), Okefinokee (Quivering Earth), and Chattahoo- chee (Rocky River), Nacoochee (Evening Star). Neither the Creeks nor the Cherokees had a written language, and their history is a matter of tradition. The Creek language bore a resemblance to classic Greek. Their legends— wild, romantic, often tragic — are still full of interest for their pale-faced successors. Extract from M. V. Moore, in March Harper, 1889: RFVERS OF TENNESSEE. Tennessee ! How were her rivers in the olden Indian tongue '? What syllabic rhythm had they ere the white man's changes rung? Wascibia and Shewanee — thus the Cumberland was known. With Obed, Caney, Obe, Sulphur, Harpeth, New and Stone. 32 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Holston once was Hogeeliogee ; and from the mouth of French Broad down (which was then the Taquas- tah) Cootchla on to Chota-town, This an Indian refuge city of an ancient, wide renown, where there empties into Tennesa, this the Little Tennessee ; Then began great Kalamuckee (Chalaqua in Cherokee), Once Hiwasse was Euphasa, with its brawling Chestoee, Estinaula, "where they rested," and Amoah or Ocoee. Through Chilhowee comes the Little, once the red man's swift Canoee — Where the wingless Pigeon flutters, once the Aguqua they knew, Where Unaka sent, his daughter Salacao is Tellico ; Where was once the Nalachuckee, simply Chucky now we know. Thundering through the AUeghanies with the Doe is yet Watauga; Out and in with Georgia pranking, straight to gulf goes Connesauga ; Out but never more returning, '' stream of death" is Chicamauga. By these w^aters fought the Shawnee, TJchee, Choctaw, Cherokee — Dead and vanquished are these warriors, but the music of the rivers, And the sw^eet syllabic rhythm of its names shall live forever. The following article will illustrate how, sometimes, history which is not history is accepted as history. It is taken from the Sweetwater Telephone: ^'SOITEE WOITEE." By W. B. Lenoir. ''Which I rise to explain" that things do sometimes turn out peculiar. In a very readable article in the Southern Field as reproduced in the Sweetwater Tele- phone of February 12, 1913, occurs this paragraph : ''The name Sweetwater came about in an unusual way. The Cherokee Indians, who formerly occupied the sec- tion, called the creek and valley 'soitee woitee,' which HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 33 means in the Cherokee language 'happy lionies. ' But when the early settlers came they heard the Indians pro- nouncing the name, and, getting the pronunciation only half correct, they referred to the section as Sweetwater, which is merely what 'soitee woitee' sounds to them." It may really not matter how a town or a valley may have gotten its name; and although the name Sweet- water is not uncommon for branches, creeks and towns yet people are usually curious to know why it is called so. They want some sort of an explanation; and if an explanation is not ready to hand one nmst be invented. Often the more unreasonable the explanation, the greater the credence given it. Repetition, too, gives it more and more a semblance to truth. Usually I would let such paragraphs as the above go uncontradicted, as no real harm could come of it. My main reason for writing this is that I feel myself partly responsible for having started the yarn. I am aware that fiction, fairy tales, fables and legends have their proper place in literature, and they often entertain and sometimes instruct. Santa Klaus and St. Valentine are patron saints and national institutions wdth us whether they ever had existence or not. Sometimes, too, a man writes an article, w^hich is accepted as truth, when at the time of its w^riting noth- ing was further from his desire than to have it so ac- cepted. This brings me to my confession, so to speak. Something like a decade ago, the late Mr. D. L. Smith, the then proprietor of the Sweetwater Telephone, o\\ onC' of its anniversaries, possibly the tenth, with commen- dable zeal got out a special edition or magazine exploit- ing Sweetwater and Sweetwater Valley. He requested me some time previous to its publication to write a paper on the legends of the Cherokee Indians. I told him I didn't know, couldn't find out any. If 'twas to indite a sonnet to beauty's brown mouth or rosebud eyes, I could sing my little song with more confidence. 1 then thought no more of the matter. I left town to visit a friend. Whilst on that visit I got another letter from Mr. Smith insisting that I send in my communication about legends of Sweetwater Valley Cherokees. Not wishing to disappoint Mr. Smith I consulted a friend who was versed in Indian lore and asked him what was to be done in the case. ^'The Cherokees," said he, "have -^4 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY few if any traditions or legends and never occupietT Sweetwater Valley so far as is known" (see Ramsey's Annals, page 87), but that lie would help nie invent a legend. I agreed to this ])rovided we evolved a legend that would not be taken at all as history. How would this do! he remarked. Have John Howard Payne on his trip from Virginia to Georgia travel through Sweet- water Valley, stop there and be entertained by a hos- ])itable and highly intelligent chief and draw a fancy sketch of the beauty and fertility of the counti-y as it ap- ])eared then ; nan-ate that he was also so mucli taken Avith the happiness of the Indian liome that it inspired him to write tlK> words and music of the song of ''Home, Sweet Home"; naming it "Swatee Watee," which in the Cherokee vernacular meant "happy home." As a matter of fact neither of us knew of such words in the Cherokee language, and if there were such words had not the remotest idea what they meant. There could be no equivalent in any Indian language to our word ''home," with its hallowed associations and civilized eml)ellish- ments. "What is Home Without a Mother?" when translated into the Indian's idea would be, "What is a (smoky) tepee without a squaw (maybe two or three squaws) to fetcli and carry and dig and cook and bear warriors to scal]i the enemy?" An Indian squaw was no better than a beast of burden, to be thrown aside when she became useless. As the article referred to was signed by myself, the responsi])ility for the statements rested on me. On the one hand I was guyed for attempt- ing to "palm oif any such silly stuff on an unsuspecting ])ublic," and on the other hand, which was worse, have the statements taken as true and come to me for con- firmation. I was sometimes tempted to stick to what I said and let them believe the lie and go their way; but here I am confessing my sins like a little man, as I should do, and promising to refrain from doing the like again. But — John Howard Payne, (), John Howard Payne! I almost wish that Home, Sweet Home, had not evolved from your fertile brain. Ramsey says in his Annals that Sweetwater had no Indian name, and, if it did, it ])ore no resemblance to its present one. A CHAPTER ON RACES. There* are recognized at least four races of men. Once geograpliically and more accurately than now they could have been named from the locations they occupied as the European, the Asiatic, the African, the American; or according to characteristics the Caucasian, the Mon- golian, the negro, the Indian; in relation to color, the white man, the yellow, the black and the red. Adopting either the biblical or evolutionary origin of man, it is equally uncertain where the cradle of the human race was. It is generally given as the highlands of Asia. This is, however, more speculation than actual history. There are individuals and even nations that are diffi- cult to be classed under any one of these heads and may resemble several of them. The most plausible explana- tion is that they are an admixture. In the early dawn of history, sacred and profane, the races Avere not so much inclined to amalgamate, but kept more distinct. Yet even the divine command could not keep the Hebrews apart from others. It is scarcely conceivable that the ten "lost" tribes of Israel were lost sight of except as being mingled with other nations of the globe. In the contest of races the strongest or, if you insist on the word, the '^ fittest" survives; mental and physical capa- city and environment make men and nations. A Ken- tuckian might use the phrase ** blood will tell." In the scheme. of humanity or nations only two of these races, the white and the yellow, need to be taken into consideration in the future as determining the destiny of the world. They already occupy or control much the greater part of it. The white men own by far the most territory, but have not a very large preponder- ance in number. Judging the future by the past it is more than probable at some time the whole habitable globe will be controlled by one race, and we think that will be the white man. The black and the red men have been nomadic in their nature. They have not the same attachment to home and country as the wdiite. man. Wlien an Anglo-Saxon gets hold of a piece of land he ei-ects his castle, and there he 36 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY stays until driven olt' by a more powerful foe or is dis- possessed by legal process by the sheriff. The white man lias the inventive power, he progresses. The yellow has only imitation, he is conservative. The white man has always held in slavery the black man, either by chains or commercially. The black man is no fighter. He doesn't know how to fight. The Indian lacks numbers, in- dustry and persistence. It is impossible either to enslave liim or impart to him successfully the civilization and habits of the white man. Wlien once he loses against the white man the places that knew him once know him no more forever. In one hundred years from now the small boy wall give his dime to see a pure blooded Indian in a side show. The "barker" will say: "Ladies and gen- tlemen and children, buy your tickets here and step right in and behold one of the few pure living descendants of the pow^erful red man, who once held undisputed sway over our mighty continent. He was finally overcome by superior arms and numbers and such was his pride of race that he preferred extinction to becoming the serf or underling of his hated conqueror. Don't neglect this wonderful opportunity ; for it ma}^ be many, many moons before you have a chance to view his like again ! ' ' The words of Pope have l)ecome so familiar that car- toonists sometimes name the Indian "Lo. " "Lo, the poor Indian! whose untutored mind Sees God in the clouds, or hears Him in the wind, His soul proud science never taught to stray Far as the solar walk or milky way ; Yet simple nature to his hope has given Behind the cloud-topp'd hill an humble heaveii; Some safer world in depths of woods embraced. Some happier island in the watery waste. Where slaves once more their native land behold. No fiends torment, no Christians thirst for gold. To be content's his natural desire, He asks no angel's wing, no seraph's fire, But thinks admitted to yon equal sky His faitlrful dog shall l)ear him company." "There is no good Indian but a dead one," said Kit ('arson, and it used to be such a favorite phrase out HISTORY OF SWEETWATEK VALLEY o7 West as to become wearisome. Here you have the two views entirely opposite, the poet who knew the Indian from hearsay and the soklier and scout who thought he knew all about him from experience. However, Car- son's experience Avas more with the Sioux, Comanche and Apache than with the Cherokee. The fact remains that an Indian is Indian, a negro a negro and the white man a white man, and the two hundred years they have lived under the same government have not changed them. The Hon. John B. Brownlow in an issue of the Knox- ville DaUy Journal in speaking of how history is some- times made, or how error or a lie may become an ac- cepted fact among a people, sa^^s: ''A lie w^ill beget permanent belief by constant itera- tion and reiteration. Constant dripping wdll wear a stone, and the muddier the water the faster the wear. We all believe a great many things which we know are not true. The thing most widely known about George Washington is that he cut down his father's cherry tree with 'his little hatchet,' and then expressed his inability to lie. No fact in the history of Washington has wider or deeper prevalence. We all know now that it is not true — but what is the use to 'argufy'? About the only thing that the best read people in the world know about William Tell is that he shot an apple off his little son's head. That never occurred — but Avhy 'argufy' about it? * * * Lee did not surrender to Grant under an apple tree at Appomattox, but what is the use of taking issue with every old woman and school child in the land who says he did!" It is just as popular an error that the Indians were cruelly treated when it was thought best to cause their removal across the Mississippi; but more of this here- after. TREATIES WITH THE CHEROKEES. Cessions o th'j State of North Carolina and the U. S. Government. In May, 1783, the General Assembly of North Caro- lina opened an office for the sale of w^estern lands for the purpose of paying the arrears due officers and sol- diers on that part of the continental line which was raised in North Carolina and for the purpose of extin- 38 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY guishing part of the national debt acquired in the pro- gress of the Bevolutionar}^ War. Without previous con- sultation with the Indians they enlarged the boundaries as follows : ' ' Beginning at the point on the line be- tween Virginia and North Carolina due north from the mouth of Cloud's Creek; thence west to the Mississippi Eiver; thence down said river to the line of 35 degrees of north latitude ; thence east to the Appalachian Moun- tain chain ; thence with the same to the ridge that divides the waters of the Nolichucky and French Broad Rivers ; thence wdtli that ridge to Brown's line (Acts of North Carolina, 1778) ; thence with Brown's line to the be- ginning. ' ' This was going farther than the General Assembly had a right to do and was almost certain to involve the State and settlers in bloody and expensive wars with the Cherokees and other Indian tribes. However, before much of the territory mentioned had been taken up under this act, the Legislature saw the unwisdom of it, and for this and other reasons they ceded their claim to this and other territory to the United States with certain con- ditions attached. This was in the year 1784. Congress, however, refused to accept the cession, and the act was afterward repealed. Then John Sevier and others claiming that the State of North Carolina had parted title to the land so ceded to the United States, organized the State of Franklin, and held a session of the Legislature in Greenville in 1785. They elected United States senators, ]^assed acts and attempted to exercise all the powers of a State. ' ' Thus, ' ' saj's Ramsey, ''in the beginning of 1786 Avas presented the spectacle of two empires exercised at one time over the same people and territorj^" Then arose that wonderful series of events in which John Sevier was leader for the State of Franklin, and Jonathan Tipton was leader for the State of North Caro- lina, which came near involving the factions in the throes of civil war. The Congress of the United States, after much wrangling, however, did not recognize the sena- tors and representatives from Franklin as belonging to a State and they were refused admission. For this, more HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 39 than any other reason, the State of Franklin, by legis- lative enactment on Marcli 1, 1788, ceased to exist. From tlien until 1796, when Tennessee was admitted to the Union, the State of North Carolina exercised un- disputed authority over her boundaries. The history of those times, with Sevier and Tipton as central figures, forms chapters of more thrilling in- terest than the happenings of almost any State in the Union — far more so than bull moose hunting in Maine, witch burning in Massachusetts, or tales of mining in Dead Man's Gulch, and stage robbing in Wyoming and Nevada. It is a favorite theme witli writers and his- torians; but however charming narrative could be made it is not within our province to write of them except the bare mention as leading up to other events in our im- mediate section. WHY FKOM WHITE IMAX 's VIEWPOINT NECESSARY TO REMOVE THE CHEROKEE. In 1735, Ramsey says, the Cherokees had sixty-four towns and six thousand warriors. These towns were scattered over North Georgia, Western North Carolina and a part of Eastern Tennessee. In 1750 there were not so many, having meanwhile been decimated by wars, the Overhill Towns with the Northern Indians and the Lower Towns with the Creeks. In 1755 the authorities of South Carolina divided the whole Cherokee country into six hunting districts : Over- hill Towns, Valley Towns, Joree Towns, Keowa Towns, Out Towns and Lower Towns ; in all thirty-eight towns. They gave the Overhill Towns as Great Tellico, Chatu- gee, Tenasee, Chote, Toc(ua, Sittiquo and Tallassee. Bertram's Travels (1773-1778) gives the Overhill Towns on the Tanassee or Cherokee River as Nuasha, Tallase, Chelowe, Sette, Chote, Jaco,^T'ahassee, Tamable, T'uskeege, Sunne Waugh, Nilacjua. Now in the treaty of Waightstill Averv and others, commissioners on the part of North Carolina at Fort Henry on July 20, 1777, with the Overhill Indians (heretofore discussed) the towns given as the abiding place of the head men are : Chota, Toquo, Hiwassee, Mouth of Ti^llico, Chilhowee, ;Notchee Cre<4', Tuskeega, Citico, Chiles Tooch. 40 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY The term "Overhill" means the towns west of the Great Smokies and situated between the (Little) Ten- nessee and Hiwassee Rivers. Tlie white men approach- ing the section mentioned from the east, the country then occupied by the whites, would naturally term the towns on the west of the Smoky or Unaka Mountain the Overhill Towns. The word "town" as applicable to Indian settlements was not open to the objection given in the song of ' ' Yankee Doodle ' ' : "Yankee Doodle went to town; he wore his striped trousers, He said he couldn't see the town for so many houses." An Indian town was a collection of tepees usually located near a considerable water course ; near the tepees were patches cleared from the cane brake, on which the squaws cultivated corn for bread and hominy. This with the game killed by the bucks furnished sufficient subsistence for those residing there. The tepees were made of skins of wild animals supported by poles. They were of conical shape and had an opening at the top for the escape of the smoke, and were of such light character as to Ije readily carried away by the squaws in case of emergency. The buck scorned anything so degrading as manual labor. " Fighting and hunting were his onl}^ occupations. The head men of these towns were elective. Only those who had performed some ex- ploit in war or the chase had any voice in the selection. From the statements of historians and from the signa- ture of the head men of the Overhill Cherokees to the different treaties it is almost certain that in the bounds of what is now known as the Hiwassee purchase or dis- trict, embracing most of Monroe county and a part of Ijoudon and Roane counties, all of Meigs and McMinn and a part of Polk county, the Cherokees really occupied about one thousand square miles only of this territory, to-wit: Bounded on the north by the Little Tennessee River; on the west by the Notchey Creek knobs; on the south by the Hiwassee River; on the east by the Great Smoky Mountains. The Indian population within this bouiuhirv it is likelv did not exceed five thousand in num- HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 41 ber. Thus counting five to a family would have given each family in the Overhills Towns a square mile if divided and not held in common. In the Calhoun treatv of March, 1819, Article 2 reads thus: "The United States agreed to pay, according to the treaty of July 8, 1817, for valuable improvements on land in the country ceded by the Cherokees and allow a reservation of six hundred and forty acres to the head of each family (not enrolled for removal to Arkansas) who elects to become a citizen of the United States." In addition to this, a portion of Article 1 contains this proviso: *'A11 the islands of the Chestatee and the Tennessee and Hiwassee Rivers (except Jolly Island at the mouth of the Hiwassee River) belong to the Chero- kee Nation." This left the Cherokee Nation to keep or dispose of these islands as they saw fit. In relation to one of these islands in Little Tennessee River not far above the site of Old Fort Loudon the late Henry Brad- ley related to me this anecdote. Mr. Bradley was for years an employe of Colonel Charles M. McGhee, son of John McGhee, of whom the story is told. An Indian chief (name not remembered) owned or claimed an island in the river, the bank of which was owned by McGliee. Mc- Ghee had a very fine rifle of rare make which the Indian was anxious to buy, but McGhee was unwilling to part with. On one occasion the Indian visited McGhee and after hanging around for a while he remarked: ''Big Chief had a dream. McGhee : "I hope it was a pleasant one ; what did the Big Chief dream ? ' ' Big Chief dreamed White Chief give Indian his fine gun." "Oh, that's it, is it f Well, if Big Chief was told by the spirit in a dream that he is to have the 'fine gun' he must not be dis- appointed" (taking it down from the rack and handing it to him). The Indian left in great glee. Not a great while afterward they met, and after the customary greeting, McGhee said : ' ' How did you like your gun?" "Great gun, kill anything." McGhee, "White Chief had a dream, too." Indian, "Uh, huh! What ? ' ' McGhee, ' White man dream Indian chief made him a deed to the island over there." Indian, "Here, take gun ])ack ! ' ' McGhee shook his head, ' ' Can 't do it ; Indian dreamed it away from liini, no good to him any more." After some minutes of gloomy reflection the 42 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Indian replied: "Big Chief make you a deed to it, but Indian no dream against white man no more." Tlius in wliat is iiow Sweetwater Valley from 1817 back for four hundred years or more we have the spec- tacle of a section without inhabitants, with no roads and not a trail through it. It was even nameless, not for- evermore, but for a long period. With the exception of a mound here and there to show a once human occupation and tlieir passing away, it was just as the geologic laws and time and weather left it. The Cherokees came not tlirough it when they went to tight their Northern enemies, nor when they surprised and exterminated the Euchees at the mouth of Hiwassee River; the trail to the Chicasaws and Creeks was not near it. So far as humanity was concerned it was a deserted country without a history or a name ; nameless also the streams and ridges. It was given over to the deer, panther, the wild cat, turkey, plieasant, the swan, the duck and other smaller birds and animals. Wlien the white man took possession in 1820 he found it almost as nature made it — Adamless, Eveless and with no apple to tempt save the sour wild crab. On the ridges the chestnut, poplar, tlie red, black and white oak predomi- nated, in the valley grew abundantly the sycamore, hickory, the gums, the elm, the willow and water oak. The creek flowed tranquilly through the valley on its clear winding way to the Tennessee River, spreading out into ponds and marshes, the home of the mallard, the coot and the crane. However desirable a counti-y it might be to the white man it was not such as tlie Indian, tliat child of nature, loved. It had no great wide reaches to gladden the eye, no stream large enough to easily and safely carry his birch bark canoe. To him it was merely a preserve or breeding gi-ound for game. "Wlien it got too plentiful here it went to the Tellico and Tcimessee where the Indian lived. So the Cherokees traded this country foi- land be- yond the Mississiy)])i "unsight, unseen" and "no rue back" as the horse swappers say. As it turned out it was a good trade for both. True it must be admitted that the white man had a slight advantage in knowing that the trade was going to be made and what the terms were to be. The Indian in bis childlike simplicity left the de- HISTORY OF SW]:ET\VATER VALLEY 4,> tails to "tlu' party of sec-oiul i)ai-t," and Retuiii J. Meigs, backed by tlie United States government, was prin- (•il)ally the jiarty of tlie second part, and he was no amateur when it came to a land deal. Be it known, how- (^ver, that if you have any extra tears to shed over the sorrows of humanity, the Indian does not desire nor need them. Save your sobs for the heroes and heroines of the dime novel, or exploited heathens of the ''rubber trust on the Congo, or the down-trodden Moros of Mindanao. Don't acknowledge there is much to weep over in home conditions ; it is too trying on the nervous system. Leave it to the politicians to "point with pride" and "view with alarm": it's their ])rincipal stock in trade. ENCROACHMENT OF WHITES ON CHEROKEE NEUTRAL GROUND. As early as August, 1790, President Washington in a message to Congress brought up the subject of the en- croachment of white settlers on Cherokee neutral ground. (See "Messages of Presidents," compih'd by J. D. Rich- ardson.) It was alleged that there were five hundred families settled and were occupying ])laces that they had no legal right to. Negotiations moved more slowly in those days, and it was not till 1798 that a new treaty was made with the Cherokees and the southern line of occupation for white settlers w^as established, to-wit : ' ' Commencing at Wild Cat Rock near the Tellico Block House; thence down the northeast margin of the (Little) Tennessee River, not including islands, to a point one mile above the junction of that river with the Clinch; thence at a right angle (northwardly) to Hawkin's line leading to the Clinch River ; thence with that line to the Clinch River; thence up Clinch to Emery; thence up Emery to Cumberland Mountain (Wallen's Ridge); thence northeast to Campbell's line." In 1803 President Jefferson urged the removal of the Indian tribes beyond the Mississippi. Congress ap- proved and in 1804 appropriated $15,000.00 for the pur- pose of negotiations, and commissioners were appointed to look into the matter. By a treaty concluded ( )ctol)er 27, 1805, and proclaimed 44 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY June 10, 1806, Return J. Meigs and Dan. Shields being commissioners for the United States, the Cherokees ceded : (1) The section of land at southwest point, extending to Kingston and the respective ferries of the two rivers and the first island in the Tennessee River above the mouth of the Clinch. (2) The Cherokees consent to the free and unmolested use by tlie United States of a mail road from the Tellico to the Tombigbee River in the territory of Alabama. This road was made and was called the Federal road. That part through what was afterward the Hiwassee district began at Nile's Ferry, passed by Ho (Torbett's) by what is now Nona- burg and continuing, crossing the Hiwassee River not a great ways from the mouth of the Ocoee. (3) The con- sideration paid for these concessions was $1,609.00. THE HIWASSEE PURCHASE. Below we condense some of the material provisions of the Hiwassee Purchase or treat}^ with the Cherokees in ] 819. To give in full would require too much space, and would not likely prove interesting to the general reader. Several of the articles as will be seen by the numbers given are not mentioned. Some of them are lengthy and relate minute particulars for the removal of the In- dians in flat boats; what guns, ammunition, provisions, blankets, etc., are to be furnislied them for their start in the new territory. Treatv concluded February 27, 1819. Proclaimed March io, 1819. Held at AVashington, D. C, between John C. Calhoun, secretary of war, and the chief heads- men of the Cherokee Nation. TEEMS OF TREATY. (Art. 1.) The Cherokee Nation cedes to the United States all of their lands lying north and east of the fol- lowing line : Beginning on the Tennessee River at a point where Madison county in the territory of Alabama joins the same ; thence along the channel of said river to the mouth of the Hiwassee ; thence along the main chan- nel of the last said river to the first hill that closes on this river about two miles above Hiwassee old town; HISTORY or SWEETWATER VALLEY 45 I hence along the ridge that divides the Hiwassee and the Tellico Bivers to tlie Tennessee at Takissee; thence along the main cliannel to the junction of the Gowee and Nanteyalee (Nantog Yulee — Nantahala) ; thence with the ridge in the forks of the said river to the top of the Blue Ridge ; thence along the Blue Ridge to the Unicoy Turnpike I'oad ; thence a straight line to the nearest main source of the Chestatee ; thence along the main channel to the Chattahooche ; and thence to the Creek boundary ; it being understood that all the islands of the Chestatee and (those) in the Tennessee and Hi- wassee Rivers (except Jolly Island at the mouth of the Hiwassee), which constitute a portion of the boundary, are the iDroperty of the Cherokee Nation, United States right of way, according to the treaty of 1805, not affected; twelve miles square on the Ten- nessee River near the Alabama line to be sold by the United States and the proceeds to be invested, the in- terest to constitute a school fund for the benefit of the Cherokee Nation east of the Mississippi River. (Art. 2.) The United States agrees to pay according to treaty, July 8, 1817, for valuable improvements on land within the country ceded by the Cherokees, and allow a reservation of six hundred and forty acres to the head of each family (not enrolled for removal to Arkansas) who elects to become a citizen of the United States. (Art. 5.) Leases made under the treaty of 1817, of land in Cherokee country are void. All white people in- truding upon lands reserved by the Cherokees shall be removed bv the United States under the act of March 30, 1802. (Art. 7.) The United States shall prevent intrusion on the ceded lands prior to January 1, 1820. THE ORIGIN OF LAND TITLES IN SWEETWATER VALLEY. It is a far cry from our time to that of Charles II. of England. We would naturally think that he Avould have had little to do witli us liei-e in Sweetwater Valley, yet the title to every acre of land in this section can be traced back to the grant given by that king to Edward, Earl of 46 IIISTORV OF SWEETWATEU VALLEY Clarendon, and six other nobles on the 24-tli day of March, 1663. Those were merry times in Merry Eng- land, and Charles, the Merry Monarch, was the merriest of them all. The people had become tired of long faces, long parliaments and long prayers. During the Crom- well i an period places of amnsement and theatres were closed. No musical instruments were allowed in the churches, and even the exhibition of Raphael's Madonna would have been considered a species of idolatry. If a man smiled it was as if he mocked himself for Ijeing so festive. Such hymns as "I Would Not Live Alway" were, if not popular, most in vogue. Small wonder that when Oliver Cromwell passed from the stage of action and Charlie from over the water appeared upon the scene, the pendulum of human emotions swung far in the opposite direction, and the parquet, the boxes and galleries all applauded. The people were all weary of tears, tragedy and solenm asservations. Charles, as principal actor, discounted in merriment the celebrated performances of ''Old King Cole, that merry old soul, A merry old soul was he ; He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl, xVnd he called for his fiddlers three." The populace in imitation of Charles, set out to have a rip-roaring, hilarious good time and proceeded to paint the town of London a vivid red. It w^as a Fourth of July and Christmas celebration all rolled into one. 'Twas in this era of good feeling that Charles, between drinks, which we are told were never very far apart, gave the grants spoken of to the overlords of Carolina, so named in honor of Carolus (Charles). This was likely accomplished in a space of time that the governors of the two Carolinas would occupy in discussing what beverage should next be consumed. Oh, no! There was nothing small about Charlie. He was all obliging. To satisfy his courtiers and keep his head on his shoulders he would have given them the moon with equal good humor. Tliis grant covered that part of Noi-th America included between the parallels of 31 and .16 degr(M»s north latitude, and stretched from the HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 47 Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans. Just think of it, a domain three thousand miles long and three hundred miles wide, tlie finest land in the world and the inhabitants thereof ! It embraced in its extent the greater part of the South- ern States south of Virginia and Kentucky east of the Mississippi River, a part of Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. In the game of giving Charles has Carnegie and Rockefeller bluffed to a standstill; their combined benefactions of half a bil- lion dollars or so look like thirty cents beside his. But he minded, not. If he owned the territory he wanted to shift the responsibility from his shoulders ; for he possi- bly knew that there were savage beasts and still more savage men and the French and the S]ianish, too, to fight. He was no fighter as his ancestors were. He pre- ferred to feed his clucks in the ponds of Windsor Park, drink the effervescing wines of France and Italy and dance to the lascivious music of the lute. To use an advertising phrase, w^ith him "ladies' society was a specialty." If he did not own the land, then the grim humor of the situation was like that of the father with no assets at all that left to his beloved son a million dol- lars — ' ' to get. ' ' The Earl of Rochester once said that Charles II. "Never said a foolish thing. And never did a wise one." "VVe are inclined to differ. This proved a wise act. However, if he had known that North Carolina and Ten- nessee w^ould turn out prohibition States he might have balked. For his warmest friends and bitterest enemies would scarcely claim Charles as a "State-wider." I wish to remark here that we will get to Sweetwater Val- ley after a while. If we do not arrive on schedule time remember that there were no roads and very few trails in the old days I next will write about. When I wrote the above about the origin of land titles in Sweetwater Valley I did not have access to a copy of the charter of Charles II. There is now before me a book entitled as follows : 48 HISTORY OF SWEET VSiATEE VALLEY LAWS of the STATE OF TENNESSEE, including those of NORTH CAROLINA, NOW IN FORCE IN THIS STATE, from the year 1715 TO THE YEAE 1820, INCLUSIVE. BY EDWARD SCOTT, one of the judges of the circuit courts of law and equity. IN TWO VOLUMES. Vol. I. KNOXVlLLE, TENN. Printed by HEISKELL & BROWN. 1821. As to Charles' fondness for the bowl and amusements, his lack of attention to details, his carelessness as to what he signed or did not sign, provided it did not trench on his own personal privileges, his being guided by his favorites, male and female, the statements written are absolutely true and are not to be added to or subtracted from. That there was any carelessness in the prepara- tion of the charter on the part of the grantees or in the protection of their own interests is not true. For the charter was a wonderfully comprehensive instrument. So far as I have been able to perceive, besides paying the small rent exacted, they were almost independent of the British crown. The overlords mentioned could make laws for the government of the colonists, pardon or punish as they saw fit. There was, however, a provision that the freemen should give their assent to those laws; but in tlie referendum who should call the elections and HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 49 how tlie ballots should be counted was not stated. We insert some of the provisions of the charter which are not the exact words of the charter, unless the wording as given are marked as ciuotations. This charter is ver}^ long and occupies ten pages of this volume; The second charter granted by King Charles II. to .the pro- prietors of North Carolina was dated March 24th in the fifteenth year of our reign (1665). The proprietors are Edward, Earl of Clarendon, High Chancellor ^of Eng- land; George, Duke of Albemarle, master of horse; Wil- liam, Earl Craven, Counsellor John Lord Berkely, Coun- sellor Anthony Lord Ashly, Sir George Cartereti Knight and Baronet ; Sir John Colleton, Sir William Berkely. King Charles grants to them all that territory called Carolina, ''Situate lying and being in our dominions of America; extending from the end of the island called Luke Island, which lieth in the Southern Virginia Seas and within 36 degrees north latitude; and to the west as far as to the south seas and so respectively as far as the river Mathias, which borders upon the coast of Florida and within 31 degrees of northern latitude ; and so west in a direct line as far as the south sea as afore- said. " This territory, I take it to mean, was to extend from ocean to ocean. The land having been explored only a few hundred miles to the westward, the immense extent of the territory was not known. The instrument par- ticularly cites that it conveyed all soils, lands, fields, woods, mountains, lakes, rivers, all whales and fish in the ba3\s, the seas upon the coast, all veins, mines and quar- ries discovered or not discovered, all golds, silver, gems, precious stones, metals or any other thing found or to be found within the province, territory or islets in the limits aforesaid. They had power to grant religious liberty and had ample rights, jurisdiction, privileges, prerogatives, royalties, liberties, immunities of anj^ kind whatsoever, and these privileges and rights were to ex- tend to their heirs and assigns forever. The considera- tion for this grant was the fourth part of all golds and silver ore found within its boundaries, and the yearly rent of tAvelity marks. They had full power and authority to erect, constitute and make several counties, baronies and colonies, also to make and enact under their seals 50 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY and to publish any laws and constitutions whatsoever either ap])eitaining- to the public state of the whole l)roviitC4' or any particular county of or within the same or to tiie private utility of particular persons by and with the adyiice and assent of the free men of said province or territory or of tlie county for which said law or constitu- tion shaii be made; and the said grantees have power to remit, release, pardon and abolish whether before judgment or after all crimes and offenses whatsoever against that law. They aiso had power to collect import duties, except that certain articles such as English tools, silks, raisins, almond oil and olives were to be admitted free of duty. They also had power to confer titles and honors ex- cept curtains ones, such as dukedoms, earls and baronets, which were exclusively the right of the crown. They had power to designate ports of entry, stating wdiere vessels should enter and trade under such I'egulations as were prescribed. They were given power also to convey ab- solutely by deed in fee simple any tract or privilege to the coloiusts which had been conveyed to them by King diaries except legislative and judicial functions. This charter had many other provisions conveying certain powers and privileges, making them, not the governors only, but the absolute owners of the vast domain. It is needless to state again that this territory included wdiat is now the State of Tennessee, but this State would not form a tenth of tliis u'rant. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. REV. JAMES AXLEY. Tliere lie in Comity Line Cemetery, two and a half miles from Sweetwater near the Athens road, the re- mains of the Rev. James Axley and his w^ife, Cynthia Axley. On his tombstone is inscribed: **Rev. James Axley died February 23, 1837, aged sixty years. He was ])residing- elder in the Methodist Episcopal church for thirty years." On that of his wife, ''Cynthia, wife of Rev. James Axley, died September 31, 1882, aged eighty- two years," Rev. R. N. Price, in Vol. II, Holston Methodism, gives a sjaiopsis of his life. That he was presiding elder for thirty years is clearly a mistake. He was, according to church records, preacher for only thirty-three years; circuit rider for seven, presiding elder for ten and located for sixteen years. By located is meant that he was not under the order of the bishop and though still licensed to preach, was entitled only to such pay as the churches that invited him in any locality chose to give him. Preaching or not was entirely voluntary. Born in Cumberland county, Virginia; father and mother, James and Lemuanna Axley. They moved to Kentucky about 1799. The subject of this sketch was admitted to the Western Conference in 1804 and located in 1822. His charges were : 1804, Red River, in Cum- berland district, a colleague of Miles Harper ; 1805, Hock- hocking, Ohio district; 1806, French Broad; 1807, Opelousas, Louisiana ; 1808, Powell's Valley; 1809, Hol- ston; 1810, Elk; 1811, presiding elder of Wabash dis- trict ; 1812, he Avas appointed presiding elder of Holston district and remained in charge of it four years ; he was two years in charge of the Green River district, and three vears presiding elder of the French Broad district (1818- 1821). James Axley had two brothers and two sisters, his brothers were Pleasant and Robert. James and Pleasant wei^e converted near Salem, Ky., where they lived in 1802. Pleasant was a local preacher for many years, but did J 2 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY not attain anything like the celebrity of his brother James. There are wealth-made, school-made, God-made, and self-made men. George Washington, fortunately for our republic, was all of these. Heredity, environment, phy- sical capacity, mental and moral attainments made him easily the foremost citizen of America. It is related that Axley had no school training and no advantages in his youth. His father was a strange man in his habits and manner of life. He was greatl)' devoted to hunting wild game and searching for minerals; he spent the greater part of his time this way and remained at home but little. The burden of the family support was upon the mother and older children. James Axley, the son, was also fond of hunting in his youth. He became power- ful in frame, alert and observing of the habits of animals. It thus became much easier for him to learn men and the customs of polite societ}^ and correct the deficiencies of early life. From a hunter of wild animals he became a hunter of men. As is often the case, especially with those who lack l^revious training the first efforts of Axley were consid- ered very unpromising, so much so that he was refused a license to preach, and when one of his j)reacher friends advised him his efforts would meet with failure and it would be useless for him to try further, he is said to have replied that if he couldn't be a preacher with God's \ie\i> he could make a first class exhorter. As R. N. Price says: "He was called of God to preach; he felt it, he knew it, and nothing ever deterred him from obeying the call. " Demosthenes was told he could never make an orator, Jenny Lind that she would not be a success in opera, and the prophecies of Lincoln's career were even more adverse. These things show what a poor prophet the average man is when he attempts to predict what others may make of themselves. Here is Dr. McAnally's estimate of Axley later in life: ''I have listened to popular orators among our states- men, to distinguished pleaders at tlie bar, to the preachers who were foUow^ed and heard by enraptured thousands, but the superior of James Axley in all that ccmstitutes genuine oratory and true eloquence I have not heard." HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 53 "His height was near six feet, muscular frame, large bones, but little surplus flesh, chest broad and full features strongly marked, large mouth and nose, heavy, projecting, shaggy eyebrows, high and well turned fore- head, dark gray eyes, remarkably keen, large head and hair worn short. His dress was plain and made of home- spun material. In the pulpit he stood erect and nearly still, gesticulating but little, only turning from side to side that he might see his auditors. If the weather was warm it was common with him, after opening the ser- vice and singing and prayer, deliberately to take off his coat and hang it on the pulpit." Few men perhaps ever had a finer voice and never yet have I met with one who could control it better. So completely was it under his command that the manner in which something was said often aifected the hearer more than the thing itself. He was a natural orator after the best models — those which nature forms." James Axley came into the ministry at a propitious time for men of his type. He was a born fighter polemi- cally." Those days required both moral and physical courage. Since 1775 there had been a long war with the British and many with the various tribes of Indians. Be- tween the I'ed and white men tliere was little other than animosity, it had been an eye for an eye, scalp for scalp, and life for life. The pioneers of that day had been compelled not only to keep rifles in their homes, but to take their arms witli them to their fields, their meetings in the forest and to tlieir rude log churches, for fear of an attack from their cunning and treacherous foes. They were liable at any moment to be called from the worship of the Prince of Peace to bloody combat. Bloodshed and retaliation were tlie order of the day. War and especially that kind of war where personal and race hatred is added to national conflict, has a most demoralizing effect on humanity. If the doctrine of returning good for evil, or turning the other cheek when one is smitten, had any place in the breast of the men of that day its application was among white men and did not apply to the red. They held that their own preservation and that of their wives and ciiildren reciuired no mild measures but almost a policy of extermination. Treaties of peace availed little ; tlie primeval instincts were much in evidence. Conse- 54 HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY ciueiitly religion and tlie churches languished. The peo- ple did not fully appreciate the educated ministry of the Presbyterians ; there were too few of them to go round and there was more or less prejudice against written ser- mons. Few of the pioneers adhered to the church of England. They had declared and gained their civil independence and they wished entire religious independ- ence. They wanted no written prayers and sacerdotal robes; life was entirely too serious for elaborate cere- monies. Some authors in speaking of that period from 1780 to 1800 have attributed the wave of xltheism and Deism (Infidelity) that swept over the country to the French revolutionary ideas and the writings of Voltaire and to Thomas Paine 's "Age of Reason." In western North Carolina, East Tennessee and eastern Kentucky we are inclined to think their influence was over estimated. The pioneers had not forgotten the parts the French had taken in the Indian wars and massacres and the prejudice had not been fully removed even by the fact thf^t La- fayette played so important part in the war of the Revo- lution against the British. They had little time and less opportunity for extensive reading. I can not believe that the books of Voltaire and Paine had a large circula- tion in our mountain comitry. Besides the "Age of Reason" was written for scholastic minds like Adams and Jefferson (who though violent political enemies were at one in their notions of religion) and not tor me mountaineer. In the beginning* of the Nineteenth cen- tury the New England ideas of Unitarianism had not taken any firm hold in our mountain country. The de- cadence of religion might have been more apparent than real or the preaching later on could not have been at- tended with such remarkable results. Fire cannot burst into flame without the proper fuel to feed upon. The ])eople of France were ripe for the Revolution when it came. The early settlers of that period and section were not engaged in speculations about fine spun theories; the^' needed something virile and exciting to arouse them, such as sermons hot with hell fire and eternal punish- ment; "Except ye repent ye shall all likewise perish." Then arose such men as Cartwright, Axley, Ijorenzo HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY .-)."> Dow, McKeiidree, Creed Fulton, Granade and Jesse Cumiingliam, and the celebrated revival of 1800, as it Avas called, commenced. It continued unabated for eight or ten years and with some vigor for ten or more years longer. The zealous, emotional, often uneducated preachers in the modern sense of the term, had their day. Their hearers would stand no sham or hypocrisy; they desired sincerity and earnestness; they cared not whether the preacher or exhorter, as the case might be, said sepul-chre or se-pul-chre, Geth-sem-a-ne or Geth-se- mane, so the thought was there. The intention of the listeners was to flee from the w^rath to come. During this revival came the days of the camp meet- ings. At their inception some accessible place was se- lected, preferably" near some large flowing spring ca- pable of furnishing plenty of water for men and beasts. If not already done a place was cleared and a stand was erected for the preachers. It was important that the lo- cation should be suitable one for stretching their tents. To hear the sermons the people stood up or sat on chairs and logs or sometimes climbed the trees near by. The inhabitants came from far and near bringing ^vith them their tents and provisions. When the weather permit- ted many slept out in the open air. These meetings were usually held in the fall, the pleasantest season of the year. Hospitality w^as unbounded for the visitors from a distance and hundreds and sometimes thousands were fed in one day. Great preparations were made for the entertainment of all comers. Tliese meetings were looked forward to for months beforehand. They an- nually, sometimes semi-annually, were a source of much religious and social en,io>^nent. Influences were brought to bear and friendships formed which lasted for a life- time, and were profitable for the Here and Hereafter. The services sometimes continued night and day for weeks as long as the interest lasted or the preachers and exhorters could bear the mental and physical strain. AVlien a place of meeting became popular and numerous- ly attended, a shed was built for protection against the weather, and it was seated with slabs, the sawed or hewed sides turned up and the legs Avere driven into two holes bored angling, thus making a firm but not a very comfortable seat, as there were no backs to lean against. 56 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Around the slied were built also camps for eating and sleeping in. The sleeping berths were arranged in tiers one above another so as to accommodate a greater num- ber. The camp grounds best known in this section were the Methodist at Pond Spring, three miles west of Sweet- water, and the Cumberland Presbyterian, three and one- half miles north of Sweetwater. Some very curious phenomena attended tlie early camp meetings. Different persons explained them dif- ferently. By some they were attributed wholly to su- ]iernatui'al causes, by others to material or natural causes, still others ]:>artly to both. Whatever may have been the true explanation the facts themselves were un- deniable. Tliese happenings extended over quite a wide territory; ]mrts of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia. Dr. Price, ^'Holston Methodism," Vol. I, page 340-1-2 quotes a Presbyterian divine. Rev. James Gallaher, as saying: 'The awful solemnity which now arrested the public mind was accompanied with bodily affections as notable and singular as those of Saul on his way to Da- mascus. Stout, stubborn sinners, bold, brazen-fronted blasphemers were literally cut down by the 'sword of the Spirit,' under the preaching of the Gospel men would drop to the ground as suddenly as if they had been smit- ten by liglitning. Among these were many men in the prime of life — strong business men, men whom no hu- man being ever thought of charging with enthusiasm. ''Holston Methodism," Vol. TI, has this from the pen of Lorenzo Dow: ''I have seen Presbyterians, Quakers, Baptists, Church of England people and Independents exercised with the jerks, gentleman and lady, l)lack and white, the aged and the young, rich and poor witliout exception, from which I infer as it can not be accounted for on national principles and carries such marks of in- voluntary motion, that it is no trifling matter, "On the 20th (August, 1803), I passed a meeting house where I observed tliat the undergrowth had been cut down for a camp meeting and from fifty to one hundred saplings left brenst high, which to me appeared so Slov- enish that I could not but ask jny guide the cause, who observed that they were topped so high and left for ]ieo- ple to jerk 1>y. This so excited my attention that I went HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 57 over tlio ground to view it and found that the people liad laid hold of the stumps and jerked so violently that they had kicked up the earth as a horse stamping at flies."' Let us mount a motor car, speed along the streets of the populous city and approach the grand cathedral. As we draw near its twin towers rise into the sky line. The building planned by the mind of some Christopher Wren, though immense in its proportions, is intensely pleasing to the beholder even to the smallest detail. The architect makes the whole world tributary to liim. The solid granite of the foundations is hewed from the Ap- palachian hills, the pure marble of tlie facade is from the quarries of Vermont, the heroic statues, the gar- goyles and the figures which adorn the niches and cor- ixlces have been chiseled from stone transported from Italy. "We enter the arched portals between the towers. We are struck by the grandeur and beauty of the in- terior, the lofty galleries are supported by colunnis of onyx and porphyry from Mexico; the dome is frescoed by great European artists; the stained windows are of glass manufactured from crystal quartz of the Rockies and colored with the blue of the sky, the gorgeous hues of the sunset, the purple from the hills of Arizona, the green of the mountain cedars, the variegated blooms of the garden flowers; the chancel is formed of costly woods from the isles of the sea; the magnificent organ is replendent with the gold of Alaska; tlie winds of heaven are made captive to the will of man, they breathe the soft notes of the flute, the plaintive strains of the viola, or give forth tlie hoarse roar of the tempest; the trained harmonies of the white robed choir float enchant- ingly down from the gallery through the incense laden atmosphere; the surpliced minister chants the lesson of the day in resonant tones ; everything that wealth can purchase or cultivated taste suggest is there ; every art of man has there some representative production; the least image in the niche and the great paintings in the dome all impress you ; every sense is held and concpiered by the surroundings ; you swell with pride of race ; you exclaim, "How wonderful, how complex is man ; in move- ment how graceful ; in conception how like an angel ; in creative powers how like a god ! " Yet, how utterly false this all is; how prone we are 58 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY to be puffed up wdth our own self conceit and how eas- ily we can deceive ourselves ! We build a temple to the Almighty but shut out God's sunshine, and light a faint taper of our own upon the altars. We listen with de- light to the paid singers and disregard the music of the spheres. We sit in our ten thousand dollar pew and hear the doctrines of the meek and lowly Jesus discoursed in words that cost us a dollar a minute. Under such cir- cumstances how dare the speaker offend the pew hold- ers? After all, what have we mortals to take so much pride in ? We know no more of the mystery of life, what it is, than w^hen Adam delved and Eve span. We come not here of our own will and seldom go of our own will. A germ, a breath of gas, a drop of hj^drocyanic acid and man becomes, as far as this world is concerned, less than a worm, merely a clod of dirt. Scientists tell us that there are creatures so small that ten thousand of them can dance on the point of a nee- dle and have plenty of room to spare. A man can de- stroy ten millions of them at a bloAv, but he can no more create the least one of them than he can make a woi'ld. Yet these animalculae bear no more infinitesimal relation to the earth than our planet does to the illimitable uni- serve. AVell might the psalmist say: ''When we con- sider the (suns) the moon and stars, the work of Thy fingers, what is man that Thou art mindful of him, or the son of man that Thou visitest him?" When Axley preached in his time it was often in the open. He was fanned by the invigorating breezes, shaded by magnificent forest trees, in hearing of the murmur of waters, in sight of the shining sun and the blue arch of heaven above. There were no works of man surround- ing to hypnotize the senses and divorce the attention of the audience from the Father and Creator. He (Axley), Avanted no luxuries and therefore feared no withdrawal of salary. He hesitated not to attack what he considered the evils and vices of the day. The preaching of those pioneers of the Methodist church in effect, though astonishing, is by no means without parallel. We arc told that aforetime, "In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilder- ness." He was a man plain in raiment and food but HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 59 multitudes flocked to him. He had a message to deliver. In the eleventh century a comparatively insigniticant hermit priest came forth from his cave in the mountains and by the zeal and frenzy of his discourses stirred up all Christendom. He started a series of crusades which cost millions of lives and almost bankrupted every king- dom in Europe, His cry was, ''Down with the Infidel. Rescue the tomb of the Saviour from dominion of the Mohammedans." Yet this was merely a sentiment and not inculcated by any tenet of the Christian faith. Ax- ley's message, in conjunction with the salvation of sin- ners, was against Masonry, Slavery, Whisky, Tobacco and the Fashions. He had a discourse which he reserved for important occasions. Dr. Price calls it his sermon on the "abominations." The text he sometimes used was "Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." Yet he could on occasion denounce the evils as he considered them spoken of above, regardless of text. It may appear strange to us now that a minister should attempt to start a crusade against Masonry or any be- nevolent organization. Brotherhoods are as thick now as leaves in Valhambrosa, (No matter where that is and however thick the leaves may be there.) A man who does not belong at this day to some society or brotherhood is as lonesome as Robinson Crusoe on the island before Friday came, Ou'e person can call another brother with perfect freedom. If he is not your brother in church or society or federation, he more than likely may belong or has belonged to your political party. In Axley's day, ]iarticularly in the latter part of his life, there was much prejudice against the Masonic order, A man named Mor- gan, who was or had been a member of the fraternity wrote a book purporting to expose the secrets of Free Masonry. Quite a while afterward he disappeared and if any one knew when or how, it was never made public. The Masons were charged with being responsible for his disappearance, Tlie country was wrought up. Wni. Wirt, who had become famous as prosecuting attorney in the case of the United States against Aaron Burr for treason, was the nominee of the Anti-Masonic party at a convention held in Baltimore in 1831, Mr. Wirt was a finished orator and a very distinguished man. He is f 60 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATEli VALLEY noted as the autlior of a life of Patrick Henry. If he had been really great he would not have allowed his name to be used in such a connection, for what could he have accomplished even if he had been elected? How- ever he was ignominiously defeated. The opposition soon died away. Not so with Axley. He quoted: "For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved." With him secrecy was the synonym of darkness and publication of light. If there is any good in it why not give the world the benefit of it? Why hide 3^our light under a bushel? Let everything be done in the open; do away with your se- cret signs and symbols; abolish your dark, mysterious meetings! He (Axley) did not know that there is no true Mason that is ndit an earnest seeker after Light. He was probably unaware that in the time of the Em- peror Nero the Christians had a symbol by which one believing brother made himself known to another. A fish was drawn with a staff or switch upon dust or sand. If the explanation was known to the observer it was sig- nificant, otherwise it was meaningless. It is related that the Emperor never discovered the true explanation even by torture. His persecutions and that of others forced the Christians for purpose of worship and burial to build the catacombs beneath the city Rome. Even to tliis day they are considered among tlie wonders of the world. He (Axley), had not the slightest conception that Ma- sonry reaches back far beyond the dawn of written his- tor}'. It was hoary with antiquity when the ]3yramids rose to their dizzy heights from the sands of ancient Egypt; before the spliynx smiled and Thebes flourished on the banks of the Nile, it was ; Moses learned in all the arts of the Egyptians was a Mason ; so Zerubabel, Solo- mon, Hiram of Tyre, the wi,se men, the Magi, who saw the Star in the East; Jesus was a priest after th(^ or- der of Melchisedek, a degree of Masonry conferred upon Him by the Mahatmas of India ; Richard I belonged to the order, Saladin, AVashington, James K. Polk; thous- ands of worthies could be mentioned but without nam- ing further one might say it was rather a respectable and ancient fraternity. The beautv and i-'lorv of Ma- HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 61 soni'Y is that it is world-wido. Any male of lawful ai>,"e, with a belief in a supreme Being, and of good moral character and f I'ee born can be made a Mason ; provided he obtains the unanimous consent of the members of the lodge to which he has been recommended for admission. It differs radically from Christianity in this respect that it is not reformatory. A man ought to be above re- proach before he is made a Mason. Most of the tenets of the Masonic fraternity can be known and read of the world. There is not near so much secrecy as is supposed. If one reads the Masonic Text Book of Tennessv^e care- fully and thoughtfully he can know more of the princi- ples of Masonry than some members of the order know. This can be bought through any reliable book store, if you are desirous of information. Dr. Price relates: *'Axley cherished an inveterate hatred to slavery, and often preached against it. Wliile on the Opelousas circuit in 1807 in Louisiana his tirades against slavery brought on him not only the censure of the church but of tlie community, the most of whom were slaveholders. He took the extreme ground that no slaveholder could be saved in Heaven or was a proper person for admission into the church. His views pre- sented from the pulpit made him so unpopular that he found it difficult to obtain food or shelter. But he con- tinued inexorable till relieved of his charge by the pre- siding elder, who found him in rags and well-nigh fam- ished from hunger." On the subject of slavery he was in agreement with the early bishoiis of the Methodist Protestant Episcopal church. Then it had few apologists and no real defend- ers. The mountain people were not usually slave owners. John Allison in ''Dropped Stitches in Tennesse History** says that the first abolition paper in the United States was started at Jonesboro, Tenn., by Elihu Embree. It required no particular exhibition of nerve to do so. Even long before this there had been various manumissions of slaves and at that time within the bounds of the Hol- ston Conference if the majority were not abolitionists they doubted the moral right of one human being to hold another in enforced servitude. Yet in East Tennessee during Axley's day the people were not so highly wrought u]) over the (jucstion of slavery until after the 62 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY secession of the Southern from their Northern brethren of the Methodist Protestant Episcopal church and the setting- up of a separate church government in 1844, This happened some time after the death of Axley. Had he lived what action he would have taken is conjectural. From that time on the Southern Methodists, if they did not contend for the absolute right of slavery accord- ing to the Bible, held that emancipation and making the negro citizens at home or emancipation and coloniza- tion abroad would be equally impracticable. The ques- tion was as bitterly fought in church as in politics and helped greatly to precipitate the Civil War. In Axley 's times the people were not so fully agreed as to the evils of alcoholic drinks. It was not commonly considered disreputable as now to make or sell whiskey .or brandy. There was no internal revenue tax on the manufacture or sale of intoxicants. Fruits which would otherwise be a total loss could be made into brandy and thus be a matter of considerable profit. Twenty-five or thirty cents a gallon or even less was considered a fair price for what was called ^'good" whiskey or bran- dy. Most people kept it and it was not uncommon to pass the bottle around. They had it on hands presumably for sickness, as most of it was kept until it was of some age, what was drank then w^ould now be termed a su- perior article. It is not a matter of surprise that indis- position requiring stimulants were not at all uncom- mon. A doctor who would not prescribe whiskey for ailments (with or without roots and herbs) was either a crank or did not understand the nature of symptoms ; so they took it anyhow. Axley in private and public talked and preached against stilling, drinking and the traffic in drink in terms that raised a blister. I have lieard the Rev. James Sewell, who was well acquainted with Axley, tell how one of his neighbors, who had be- come very angry with him for some remarks he had made in the pulpit about drinking, went to his house early one morning for the purpose of giving him a ''gen- teel thrashing," unless he took back what he had said. After he had stated his business Axley quietly remarked that when he called at the gate he was about to have family prayers and as that was something he never put off or neglected, he would be very much pleased if he HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 63 would join them, and afterwards if nothing else would do, he would try his best to accommodate him. He ac- cepted the invitation. Axley prayed (not as the preacher Bob Taylor used to tell about when a bully threatened him, mentioning how many fights he had had and al- ways been victorious) but it was equally etfective. He .offered up a fervent petition for the salvation of the young man and that he would see the error of his ways. When the prayer was over he thanked Axley, shook hands Avitli him and went away without saying anything fur- ther of the whipping he w^as going to give him. Axley was largely instrumental in changing public sentiment in regard to stilling and dram drinking in the Sweetwater community. He was especially severe on the women following the fashions, decking themselves out with jewelry, fine clothes, frills and furbelows. He read frequently the 3rd chapter of Isaiah commencing at the 16th verse. He denounced the wearers of ''round tires" as he termed the hoop skirts Avorn at that time. The reasons he gave for this action I have not learned. One of his illustrations (the sense not the language is given) was: Sometimes you farmers go out to the woods hunting for a good hickory tree to make a maul stick out of. After a while you spy one you think is well suited to your purpose. It is nice and trim and straight, the foliage is green and beautiful and it has every appearance of being sound, you therefore cut it down and when you come to examine it more carefully you find it is rotten at the heart; so many women are symmetrical and enticing but are useless in the fam- ily circle and unfit material for the church. At other times he compared them with the blue jay that carries all he has on the back, but of no value ex- cept for the plumage and the top knot on the head. Notwithstanding all this it appears that his admoni- tions were little heeded b}^ the ladies. They considered it none of his business. No man is looked up to by them as the arbiter of fashion. He failed not on occasion to express his opinion on the use of tobacco, snuffing, smoking and chewing; but chewing was his particular aversion. Judge H. L. White in Holston Methodism, Vol. II, is quoted to have said: "I confess that father Axlev brought me to a sense 64 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY of my evil deeds — at least a portion of them — more ef- fectually than any preacher I ever heard. ' ' Going on he further quotes him in an exhortation as mentioning sev- eral things that he was not going to talk about and then remarked. ''The thing I was going to talk about was chewing tobacco. Now I do hope than when any gentle- man comes to church who can't keep from using tobacco during the hours of worship he will just take his hat and use it for a spit box. You all know we are Metho- dists. You all know that it is our custom to kneel when we pray. Now" any gentleman can see in a moment how exceedingly inconvenient it must be for a well-dressed Methodist lady to be compelled to kneel down in a pud- dle of tobacco spittle. Judge White says further that during Axley's exhortation, "I was chewing and spitting my large quid with uncommon rapidity and looking at the preacher to catch every word and gesture. When at last he pounced upon tobacco, behold, there I had a great puddle of ambeor. I quietly slipped the quid out of nw mouth and dashed it as far as I could under the seats, resolved never again to be found chewing tobacco in a Methodist church." Axley preached much after ''location" and much in- creased his former reputation. He was of such inde- pendent character as to be restive under the order of the bishop. Although very much has been written of his quaint sayings and doings not much is now known of his early history and that of his family. It is proper here to give what one of the descendants says is the true history. A grandson of Rev. Jas. Axley says that the history be told of himself as folloM^s : "Axley, a Scotchman, and his wife and son named James, a boy of twelve years of age took passage in a sailing vessel to come to the United States in the year 1777. They had a rough and boister- ous voyage. Before r<5aching their destination, Axley and his wife both took sick and died and their bodies Avere consigned to the sea. At the end of the voyage at some port of entry on the James River or Chesapeake Bay the boy, James, was bound out or sold to one Judge Stevens to help pay for passage. Thus he was born in Scotland, place not known, and not in Cumberland Coun- ty, Va. Judge Stevens observing that he was a HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 65 bright boy educated him with the intention of maldng him a lawyer and making him a partner with himself. As has been seen however circumstances and Axley's will determined otherwise. If there is any relationship between the Tennessee and Virginia Axleys it is not known what it is." Whatever may have been his early history, that he was uneducated is negatived by the re- port of his sermons and exhortations by the Hon. Hugh Lawson White and various others. Something original and unique stirs the public pulse and brings out a crowd. He may have at times used slang and uncouth sayings for this purpose. Once he got the people together it is agreed on all hands that none knew better than he how to hold them. Shakespeare has Hamlet say in his soliloquy: "To be or not to be that is the question," paraphrasing; to stay here or go yonder, or as Ty Cobb would put it, '* re- main on the base or try for a home run." This same Danish gentleman on reflection concluded "to bear the ills he had than fly to others he knew not of." He also advised Ophelia, his former sweetheart, against love and marriage. Trust not mankind. "We are arrant knaves all of us." I am myself a deep dyed villain and guilty of crimes mispeakable. ' ' Get thee to a nunnery. ' ' Axley maybe knew what awful trouble this same Ham- let caused by his advice. Anyhow he faced a dilemma of ''to be married or not to be married." Whether to take the advice of John Wesley and Francis Asbury, the founder and the bishop of the M. E. Church, and remain a bachelor or to marry and settle down. T'o marry and rear a family on $60 a year, the then maximum sal- ary of a circuit rider, was entirely out of the question. Even could he reach the high office of a bishop the sal- ary of Bishop Asbury in those times was $80 a year only. Besides that he endured innumerable hardships. He traveled great distances almost wholly on horseback and sometimes in inclement weather in the mountains he was compelled to spend the night in a hollow log and let his horse crop the wild grass for a living. It is not at all surprising to us that Axley preferred marriage and a fine body of Sweetwater Valley land to a precarious support as a circuit rider even with a good chance of being elected a bishop. He was located 66 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY by the Holston Conference in the year 1821. From the best information at hand at present he must have pur- chased the tracts from Matthew Nelson, Treasurer of East Tennessee and the then agent of the State and obtained the grants directly from the State. The tracts he owned were the northwest quarter of section 1, Town- ship 3, Range 1, east, and the south half of the S. E. quarter of section 2, T. 3, R. 1 E. He built a house on the latter, near a large spring by the side of the Mad- isonville road one-half mile southeast from the South- ern Railway depot in the town of Sweetwater. It is needless to state at that time the town and railroad were not in existence or scarcely thought of. He must have married and settled there in the early twenties soon sfter the Hiwassee purchase from the Cherokee Indians. The house he built is still standing though almost a cen- tury old. It is diagonally across the road from the J. C. Waren (old Ramsey) residence. It is one of the old landmarks of the valley. There is growing at this house an Isabella grape vine which still (1914) bears grapes and which was planted as a slip by Axley previous to his death in 1837 ; thus making it more than seventy- five years old. At the head of the spring not far from the house is a giant oak tiee likely as much as one hun- dred and fifty years old. The two tracts of land men- tioned Were purchased in 1859 by Col. John Ramsey for the sum of $7,000. He (Axley), married C;\mthia Earnest one of a fam- ily of ten brothers and seventeen gisters. Oh: there were patriarchs and matriarchs in those days! The Earnests were Greene County people. Cynthia was a sister of Mary Ann Earnest who married John Lot- speich, Sr., one of the original white settlers of Sweet- water Valley. They resided in the brick near the Athens road one and a half miles southwest of Sweet- water. C^Tithia was considerable younger than Mary Ann ; the latter was born in 1789 and the former in 1800. The one. died in 1878 and the other in 1882. They are both buried in County Line Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Axley reared a large family. Numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren of theirs are now living. In the marriage license book of Monroe County in HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VAULrEY 67 the County Court Clerk's office this record is found: License issued to Samuel Blair and Cynthia Axley. Cere- mony performed July 30, 1844. James Sewell, Minister of the Gospel, M. E. Church. I am told the marriage did not turn out happily. They did not live together many years. I make no apology for thus giving at some length the history of Rev. James Axley. He was not only one of the early settlers but a very remarkable man. He was by far the most prominent preacher of the M. E. Church residing in the valley. He was brave and outspoken and feared not to condemn what he thought wrong or commend the right and added to that an unblemished character. He would have been a man in any age and any country. The children of the Rev. James Axley and Cynthia Axley were : One. James, b. Sept. 8, 1825. d. • Two. Samuel Douthard, b. 1827. d. 1903. Three. Elijah, b. d. ■ — Four. Marilla, b. d. Five. Betsy, b. d. Six. Jemima, b. d. Seven. Matilda, b. d. ■ One. James Axlev, married, first, Mary McKenzie Dec. 11, 1856. Their children were: 1. James Thomas, b. Oct. 4, 1857. He is a railway con- ductor Ogclen, Utah. 2. John McKenzie, b. D<^c. 31, 1858. Broker in Kan- sas City, Mo. James Axley married, second, Martha Ann Smith of McMinn Co., daughter John Pickens Smith of South Carolina, on August 7, 1860. She was born Aug. 12, 1832, and died Apr. , 1892. Their children were : 1. Mary Alice, b. May 23, 1861. She married George Reynolds of McMinn Co. They reside at Canyon City, Texas. 2. William Wesley, b. Sept. 23, 1862, at the old Axley place three miles west of Madisonville, Tenn. He mar- 68 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY ried Sarah F. N orris, of Lutherville, Ga., Dec. 19, 1895. She was the daughter of a Baptist minister. They lived first in Sweetwater for several years and then moved to Chattanooga, where they now reside. He is a travel- ing man. Their children are : Robert Chapman (named Chapman from grand- mother), born Feb. 14, 1897; Martha Francis, b. Aug. 31, 1898 ; and William Wesley, Sept. 20, 1901. 3. Charles Davis, b. Nov. 1, 1864. d. Oct. 5, 1885, at Troupe, Tex. 4. Samuel Wiley, b. Sept. 1, 1866. d. Mar. 10, 1911. Kansas City, Mo. 5. Ella, b. Dec. 4, 1868. Married Oscar Hunt, of Mon- roe County, Tenn., Sept. 6, 1894. They reside at Carson City, Texas. 6. Ida, b. June 6, 1870. Married S. P. Tolleson in 1900. He died in 1902 at Amarillo, Texas. Two. Samuel Douthard Axley married Eliza Jane Dean Jan. 31, 1860. She was born in July, 1836, and is still living (1916). He went to California in 1849 and returned in 1857 or 1858 and located on Bat Creek, in Monroe Countj^, where he lived on his farm until he died in 1903. Their oldest child died in infancy. Their other children were : 2. James, b. Sept. 14, 1862. Married Susan Eliza Johnson Mar. 3, 1886. She was born in May 1866. Was the daughter of Jacob Kimberland Johnson and Susan Swaggerty. He came to Philadelphia, Tenn,, in 1886, and moved from there to the James Axley farni three miles west of Madisonville in 1898. He was elected Trus- tee of Monroe County in 1900 and re-elected twice. He is a member of the General Assembly of Tennessee, as representative of Monroe County, elected in 1914. He lives in Madisonville, The children of James and Susan Axley are : (1) Walter Brunner, b, Jan. 17, 1887. Married Lois Kimbrough Nov. 1909. She was the daughter of Jos. Kimbrough. They have two children : Nannie Peck, b. Mar, 3, 1911, and James, b, Nov, 16, 1913. (2) Jacob Johnson, b. Feb. 16, 1890. Post-office, Dairy, Oregon. HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 69 4. Fred, son of Sam. Douthard Axley, born Nov. 9, 1865. Died Nov. 17, 1914. He was a farmer on Fork Creek. He married Malissa Johnson, daughter of Frank J., and granddaughter of Louis Johnson. She was born Mar. 13, 1870. They w^ere married Sept. 5, 1889. Their children are : (1) Zehna, b. Aug., 1890. Married Horace King, of Sweetwater Oct. 27, 1911. Thev have one child, Lucille, b. Aug. 18, 1912. (2) Beulah, b. Oct. 17, 1892. (3) Hazel, b. Jan. 29, 1899. (4) Flora, b. Apr. 6, 1901. (5) Blanchard, b. Feb. 5, 1905. 3. Nevada, b. July 16, 1864. She married C. P. A. Woolridge on Oct. 7, 1891. He is a farmer and they live near Madisonville. Their children are : (1) Birge Littleton, b. Sept. 8, 1892. (2) Edna Bond, b. Feb. 12, 1894. (3) Ealph, b. Feb. 11, 1896. (4) Ivy Modena, b. June 16, 1898. 5. Arch Bacome, b. Married Samantha Hull on July 16, 1896. Their children are: Antel Lee (about 18), Walter, James Douthard, Tennie May, Sarah, Blanche, Jay Hugh, Artie Lou, Gertrude Belle, and in- fant b. June, 1916. 6. Tennessee, b. 1872. Married Douthard Green, who is a farmer on Bat Creek, Monroe County. They have two children: Francis Irene, b. Feb., 1905, and Garland, b. 1907. 7. Philander, b. Apr. 22, 1873. Married Hattie Kel- ler Nov. 14, 1900, who was born Nov. 5, 1880. Their children are : Delia Irene, b, Nov. 9, 1902 ; Vola Eulalie, b. Feb. 22, 1905 ; Nellie Maude, b. Mar. 9, 1907 ; Ruby Alta, b. Jan. 11, 1909 ; Georgia Lois, b. Feb. 8, 1911 ; Vas- tine Sticklev, b. Jan. 27, 1913, and Raymond Philander, b. Apr. 2, 1915. 8. T'ressie, b. 1875. Married J. Henry Brakebill, Mar. 23, 1897. Eight children, three of whom are dead. The living are : Robert, Alonzo, Stella, Willis and Clyde. 70 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 9. Artie Lou, ninth child of Samuel Douthard Axley, b. 1880. Married Austin Brakebill, Dec. 7, 1899. Four children: Mabel (sixteen), Mary Axley, John Douthard and Milburn (eleven). Harriet Jeannette Axley, daughter of Elijah and Mar- tha Jane Axley was born Aug. 10, 1870. She mar- ried Wm. Haun at Rome, Ga., on May 9, 1887. He is the son of Abraham Haun of Monroe County, a Baptist minister. He (Wm. H.), came to Sweetwater Dec. 17, 1912, and has been Marshal of the city for three years. Their living children are : 1. Oscar C, b. Feb. 11, 1888. 2. Ella F., b. Oct. 26, 1890. 3. Davie Ann, b. March 7, 1893. 4. Ethel J., b. June 15, 1895. 5. Elijah C, b. March 27, 1900. 6. Cora Lee, b. Sept. 16, 1903. 7. Erskin R., b. Nov. 29, 1906. Bessie, daughter E. Axley, married Chas. Rickett, Dec. 19, 1898. Mack, son, E. Axley, married and lives at Chattanooga. Charles, son, E. Axley, married Kittie Moser Dec. 14, 1899. One child, Eva, "b. 1904. Ernest, son, E. Axley, married Ellen Frost. Four. Marilla, daughter of Rev. James Axley, mar- ried Jesse Fouche, Feb. 24, 1842. They had two chil- dren : Jesse and Matilda. Matilda married Har- old and they had two children : Margaret, who married Heneger, and Jesse, who is unmarried. Five. Betsy, daughter Rev. James Axley, married Josiah McGuire, Mar. 4, 1850. They moved to Iowa, near Des Moines. One son, Carl McGuire, married Mary Wilmot. They are bo'th physicians. Six. Jemima, married Wm. A. Flemings, Feb, 20, 1860. They went to Weatherford, Texas, and then to Oklahoma. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 71 Seven. Matilda, young-est child Rev. Jas. Axley, mar- ried Wm. Bryan, May 24, 1840, Tliey went to Grainger County, Tenn. Three. Elijah, third son of Rev. James Axley, mar- ried Martha J ane Forshee Dec. 23, 1858. Their children are: (1) Bascom, who married Angelina Kinser. They live on Dancing Branch, Monroe County, and have con- siderable family. (2) Cynthia Ella, b. Feb. 24, 1864. Married George H. Foland, who was b. Jan. 19, 1862. Died in Sweet- water Apr. 15, 1909. Their children: (1) Mollie b. Ang. 1, 1885. Married Ed. Colquitt, of Sweetwater. Four children: Willie, b. Dec. 21, 1907; Gracie, b. Aug. 3, 1909 ; George, b. Mav 6, 1911 ; Edgar, b. May 5, 1914. (2) Gracie, second child George Foland, b. Jan. 31, 1887. Married Garfield Stephens, Oct. 4, 1909. (3) Henry, b. Aug. 29, 1888. Died Nov. 21, 1913. (4) Harvey, b. Sept. 26, 1890. Married Jella Queen, of Sweetwater, Sept., 1911. One child, Katherine, b. Sept. 25, 1913. (5) Asburv, b. Jan. 9, 1893. Married Bessie Blanton May 31, 1908. One child : James Franklin, b. Apr. 22, 1915. Live in Sweetwater. (6) Martha, b. Mar. 7, 1896. Married Fred Sevmour Feb. 7, 1915. (7) Hobert, b. Aug. 24, 1897. Married Gertrude Aiken June 27, 1915. She was born Jan. 2, 1898. Live in Chattanooga. (8) Marv, b. May 22, 1899. (9) Prudie, b. Feb. 5, 1901. (10) Willard, b. July 22, 1903. (11) Elijah Eugene, b. May 30, 1906. Died infant. Elizabeth, daughter of Elijah Axley, married William Lambert Jan. 30, 1896, who is a guard at Brushy Moun- tain. Mattie, daughter of Elijah Axley, married Lafayette Hudgens. They moved to Iowa where he was at one time a member of the Legislature. 72 histoky of sweetwater valley William Browder. The following sketch was written for the Monroe Dem- ocrat and published in that paper of date July 9, 1890. The facts given were obtained from Mr. Browder himself shortly before his death. He died in Meigs County on Sunday, June 29, 1890. He had been living for a num- ber of years at County Line in McMinn County but had gone on a visit to his son William in Meigs. ''Wm. Browder was born on February 10, 1792, in Chatham County, North Carolina, about twelve miles from Hillsboro and twenty-two miles from Raleigh. He was therefore at the time of his death 98 years, 4 months and 19 days old. About the year 1800, two brothers, John and Darius Browder, moved from North Carolina to the Browder place between Lenoirs and Loudon. Darius Browder was the father of William, who was then about 8 years of age. At that time Knoxville was a mere village, hav- ing about seven or eight stores. The county around Le- noirs was a wilderness. Bear, deer, turkeys, wild-cats and game were plentiful. Wm. Browder enlisted in the war of 1812. . He served under Brigadier General White. This brigade camped for a long time at the famous Lookout Mountain await- ing orders and supplies. The war closed before the brigade saw much active service. At the time of the encampment at Lookout, no white man lived there, as it was before the purchase of the land and the removal of the Cherokees to the Indian Nation. Jack Ross was then the Cherokee chief and resided in that section. Hence the site near the city, now Chatta- nooga, was first known as Ross' Landing. Darius Browder, the father of William, died in 1812. In 1814, William Browder was married to Elizabeth Lackey, of Roane County. He afterward moved to what is known as the Hugh Goddard place and in one winter cleared eleven acres of land. He subsequently moved to the Hagler farm on Paint Rock, where he resided until 1835. He then came to Pond Creek Valley, to the place now o^vned by his son, James M. Browder. He lived there until 1862, when he went to Georgia, returning to this section after the war was over. Since then he has HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 73 lived principally with his son, David Browder, and since his (David's) decease, with his widow. William Browder was a man vigorous in mind and body, of great industry and sterling integrity. It would naturally follow that endowed with these qualities his life was eminently useful and successful. The history of his life would be the history of the sec- tion in which he lived. When he came to Tennessee, John Sevier the first Governor of our state was still governor. The Cherokee Indians occupied our section and warred, roamed and hunted amid the virgin forests scarcely touched by the axe of the white man. He had seen the Indian go from their hunting grounds ; the wheat and corn take the place of the forest ; school-houses, churches, railroads and all the concomitants of civilization rise where erstwhile roamed the bear and deer. He has seen a great number of his descendants grow to be good and useful men and occupy prominent posi- tions in the country. He can count his descendants in various parts of the Union. There are few, if any of them who do not reflect credit upon the name. Many of his children and grandchildren have passed before him to the other shore. They will be there to welcome his coming at the Golden Gates. He, more than most men, because of such a long and useful life, has seen the abundant harvests of his good works while still alive. Whatever was for good and for the upbuilding of society he has been foremost in, and has spent his time and money for its success. One of his last works was the Browder Memorial Church, for the building of which he furnished the prin- cipal part of the money. He was an ardent man and took an active part in busi- ness, in politics and church matters. In politics he was a democrat. When President Cleveland visited Atlanta, Mr. Brow- der went down saying that he wished to shake hands with another Democratic President before he died. When voting day came around, he was always to be found at the polls. He thought it as much a duty to vote as to go to church. He was a zealous Methodist and contributed greatly 74 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY to the success of that societj' in this section of the coun- try. He always went to preaching and there is hardly a man, woman or child in a circuit of ten miles who has not heard Brother Bxowder lead in prayer. He sup- ported his church with time and means. He believed that each church should meet promptly its obligations, pecuniary as well as religious, and he labored to that end. In all the relations of life, as farmer, neighbor, cit- izen, church member and as father of a numerous fam- ily, he has been everything that could be desired. Few men in any country have been loved, revered and re- spected as he was. He has indeed been a good and faith- ful servant and has gone to his rew^arcl. " Children of William and Elizabeth Browder: Mary- line, oldest child, married James Stone. Their children were Malinda and Elizabeth. Malinda married Wm. Murray of Pond Creek Valley, in the fall of 1850. They moved to Missouri and reared a large farmily. Eliz- abeth was married to Estel Low^e in the fall of 1851. There w^ere six of the Lowe children, 5 boys and 1 girl. James now living in Knoxville; David, dead; '' Billy '^ lives in Texas; Samuel and Lee both dead; Josephine died at the age of 8 years. Elizabeth Stone Lowe died in 1863 or 1864. William, third child and second son of William and E. B., b. in 1822. He married Sarah Deatherage in 1848. She died at Harriman in 1911, aged 90 years. Tliey lived in Sweetwater Valley many years, part of the time at County Line the D. A., now C. 0. Browder place. They went from there to near Nashville. They came probably in the early 80 's to Meigs County, where he died in 1906. They had no family. Darius, son of William and E. B., was b. . He moved to Bradley County, where he died in 1892. John Jefferson (oldest son of W. and E. B.), b. Nov. 9, 1818 ; d. July 14, 1903. James Madison (son of W. and E. B.), b. October 16, 1824; d. September 10, 1902. Nancv Jane Crump (daughter of W. and E. B.), b. May 1?; 1839; d. April 25, 1872. (She married J. H. Pickel w^hom see.) HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 75 David A., youngest son of W. and E. B., b. March 2, 1835 ; d. April 6, 1883. John Jefferson Browder Was born near Lenoir City, Tenn., on November 9, 1818. He was married to Elizabeth J. Lotspeich, De- cember 12, 1844. (See Lotspeich.) She was born March 7, 1825. He was a farmer. They first resided in Pond Creek Valley and then afterwards moved to the Brickel place, a short time previous to the Civil War. He died there on July 14, 1903, and there his widow still re- sides. Their children were: (One) Elizabeth A. Browder, b. October 10, 1845. (Two) Mary F., b. August 24, 1847. Married Wm. Cleveland. (See his history.) (Third) Amanda J., b. April 12, 1849. Married A. J. Dickev. (Fourth) William L., b. N'ovember 29, 1850; d. July 7, 1878. (Fifth) Sarah A., b. August 13, 1862; d. September 4, 1867. (Sixth) John W., b. April 1, 1854; d. April 18, 1890. (Seventh) Chas. D., b. January 27, 1856. (Eighth) Nancy E., b. February 19, 1858; d. March 27 188'^ '(Ninth) Alice, b. March 11, 1866. (Tenth) Samuel L., b. September 10, 1868. (Eleventh) Charles D. married Nettie Adldns Novem- ber 7, 1888. (See Adkins.) He is a farmer. Justice of the Peace. He resides near his mother. The family of C. D. and Nettie Browder are : Mildred, b. August 14, 1889. Ernest, b. December 9, 1890. He resides at Port Gib- son, Miss. Eli, b. May 27, 1894. Student at Emory and Henry College. Margaret, b. August 29, 1897. Amanda J. Browder. Amanda was the third child of Jno. Jefferson and Elizabeth L. Browder. She married Andrew J. Dickey, son of D. H. Dickey, of Pond Creek Valley, on April 16, 76 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 1872. He was born January 17, 1846. They resided in Pond Creek Valley until August, 1889, when they moved to the town of Sweetwater. Their children are five in number : (1) Hugh Browder, b. March 6, 1873. (2) Corry Rebecca, b. March 26. 1875. (3) David Wesley, b. January 11, 1877. (4 Lela, b. August 1, 1880. (5) Cecil, b. December 24, 1885. Corry Rebecca married John Brown, son of Hon, J. K. Brown, and Sarah E. Brown, October 29, 1895. He (Jno.) was born in Meigs County, Tenn., on November 24, 1869. His father came to Sweetwater in 1882. He is cashier of the Sweetwater Trust and Savings Bank. Their children are: (1) Grace Rebecca Brown, b. October 8, 1896. (2) Irene Elizabeth Brown, b. August 25, 1898. (3) Leta Jane Brown, b. January 2, 1901. (4) Gladys Brown, b. October 3, 1903. D. W. Dickey was married to Mabel, daughter of W. L. and M. E. Clark on January 17, 1907. She was born January 18, 1875; died August 1, 1908. Of this marriage there was one child, Mabel C. Dickey, born Au- gust 1, 1908. He married (2) Miss Clarine Lee, daugh- ter of Wm. Thomas, and Margaret Rhinehart Lee, of Waynesville, N. C, February 18, 1914. Mr. Dickey has been depot and express agent for the Southern R. R. Co., from 1902, up to the present time (1916). Hugh Browder was married to Miss Buna Bowling of Coal Creek, Tenn., June 20, 1912. He is a grocer and produce merchant in Sweetwater. Cecil married Major J. G. Engleman at Sweetwater on May 31, 1911. He was educated at Virginia Military Institute, graduating there in Elect. Eng. 1908. He was teacher of mathematics and modern language and assistant commandant at T. M. I. from 1908-1915. He was born in Lexington, Va., on August 26, 1886. His postoffice is now (1915), Lexington, Va. history of sweetwater valley 77 Lela Dickey Was the second daughter of Andrew J. and Amanda B. Dickey. She was married to Henry Lee Cecil, Oc- tober 25, 1905. He was born in Pulaski, Va., on March 8th, 1865. He is secretary and treasurer of Taylor- Christian Hat Co., Bristol, Tenn. Tlieir children are three in number : 1. Elizabeth Eloise, b. September 18, 1906. 2. Juanita Blanche, b. November 20, 1910. 3. Henry Lee, Jr., b. October 24, 1912. Alice, the sixth daughter of J. J. and E. L. B., was married to Dr. Joseph Albert Hardin on April 16, 1900. He was born in Meigs County on December 10, 1866. He was the son of and Hardin. He re- ceived the degree of M. D. at Vanderbilt University in 1883. He was a partner of Dr. D. N. Browder from 1894 to 1899. Partner of Dr. McClain from 1899 to 1905. He is now (1915) a practising physician in Sweet- water. He has had no partner since 1905. James Madison Browder Was born in Meigs County, October 16, 1824. He moved with his father to Roane County, then to the old Browder homestead and lived there in Pond Creek Val- ley. He bought this place in 1868 and lived there until 1893. He married Letitia Laird Patterson of Meigs County, November 29, 1849. She was born June 20, 1829, and died at Sweetwater July 4, 1879, and was buried at Mt. Zion, Meigs County. James M. Browder was a farmer. Served in the Con- federate army as a conscripting officer and refugeed to Georgia in 1863. After remaining there one year he re- turned home to his family. He moved to Sweetwater, December 12, 1893. He was a member of the M. E. Church, South. He died at Sweetwater, September 10, 1902, of pneu- monia, and was buried at County Line Cemetery. The children of his first wife were : 1. Mary, b. August 8, 1851; d. February 7, 1888. 2. David Newton, b. Julv 31, 1853 ; d. February 5, 1902. 3. Elizabeth, b. November 20, 1855. 78 HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 4. Ellen, b. March 22, 1858. 5. James Patterson, b. November 4, 1860. Postoffice, Chattanooga, Tenn. 6. John Jetferson, b. October 15, 1863. 7. Horace Lackey, b. May 17, 1868. 8. Lucv Pickens, b. June 16, 1871 ; d. January 3, 1914. 9. Robert, b. July 27, 1874; d. April 16, 1908. 1. Mary Browder married J. L. Suddath of Harriman, Tenn., on October 25, 1887. Their children were : (1) Jennie, b. August, 1880. Postoffice, Harriman, Tenn. (2) Carrie, b. , 1882. Postoffice, Murfreesboro, Tenn. (3) Frank, b. October 25, 1884. Emory & Henry, Va. (4) George, b. September 5, 1887. , Texas. 2. David Newton studied medicine at the Electic Col- lege, Cincinnati, Ohio, and got his diploma in 1881. He married Emma Byrd, daughter of Thomas Byrd, of Roane County, on September 1, 1881, when he moved to Sweetwater. He and Dr. J. A. Hardin were partners during the years 1894-1899. After acquiring a lucrative practice he attended lectures and took a course of hospital prac- tice in New York City. He died February 5, 1902, and was interred in West View Cemetery. Emma Byrd, his wife was born July 9, 1857, near Paint Rock Ferry, Roane County. She resides in Sweet- water. Their children are : (1) Byrd, a daughter, born October 28, 1882. She was musically educated at the Conservatory in Boston. Her profession was music teacher. She married 0. K. Jones on January 3, 1914. Their child ; John M., Jr., b. December 11, 1914. (2) Thomas, b. October, 1885. 3. Elizabeth Browder married James N. Heiskell. (SeeHeiskells.) HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 79 4. Ellen married A. A. Green, formerly of Kingston, Tenn., now of Boyd, Texas, on October 30, 1879. He is a merchant. 3. James Patterson Browder was a druggist at Phila- delphia, Tenn., from 1887 to 1892 when he moved to Harriman. He married Maude Critchell, October 2, 1895. He has been in the employment of the Standard Oil Co., since 1892. His present residence is Chatta- nooga, Tenn. His children are : (1) Byron, b. Jan., 1899. (2) and (3) James and Elise, twins. (4) Dorothy, b. June 1, 1908. 6. John Jefferson Browder married Bettie Taylor, of Morristown, Tenn., on November 25, 1889. They moved to Washington in September, 1902, where he engaged in farming. Present postoffice is Oakdale. Their children are : Svdney, Anna, Laura, Van, Robert, Newton, John, Kyle, Elbert. 7. Horace Lackey Browder married Huldah Cleve- land, daughter of Eli Cleveland on June 14, 1910. She was born in Sweetwater Valley, June 7, 1884. One child, Susan Laird, was born October 27, 1911. Horace L. B. is now postmaster at Sweetwater, since 1913. 8. Lucy Browder married W. K. Horton, a merchant in Sweetwater, on October 12, 1899. They moved to Waynesville, N. C, in April, 1909. Afterwards they moved to Harriman, Tenn. She died there. Their chil- dren are: Helen, b. January 21, 1901. W. K., b. May 17, 1903. Lucy Browder, b. June 29, 1906. ***** James Madison Browder was married (second!) to 80 HISTOBY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Elizabeth Armstrong, daughter of and Jane Armstrong of McMinn County, Tenn., on December 14, 1890. She was born September 16, 1858, and died at Sweetwater, April 17, 1909. Their children were : (1) Samuel P., b. July 8, 1882; d. November 1, 1883. (2) Clyde, b. , . Married May Rodgers, of Chattanooga, in 1907. They went to Nashville in 1909. Residence, 1403 Des Monbreun Street. Employee of the Standard Oil Co. Their children arer- Mary, b. July, 1908. Robert, b. July, 1910. (3) Zelma Lee, b. September 21, 1888. Married W. Roy Plott, now of Statesville, N. C, on April 22, 1914. They have one child, Elizabeth, b. March 13, 1915. David A. Browder. David A., son of Wm. Browder, was born in Roane Count}^, March 2, 1835. He moved to Pond Creek about 1840 or 1841. Married Rachel Dickey, October 12, 1858, the Rev. Mack Lillard, officiating. Rachel Dickey was born April 17, 1837. David A. Browder was a farmer. He was elected a member of the General Assembly of Tennessee, November, 1877, for McMinn County. He was a member of the M. E. Church, South. He moved to the Rowan (Brett) place, at County Line, in 1866, and died there April 6, 1883, and is buried at County Line Cemetery. He died of pneumonia. His children are: (1) William D., b. July, 1859. (2) Elizabeth, b. August, 1861. (3) D. H., b. September 29, 1863. Commission mer- chant. New Orleans, La. (4) Frank E., b. May 21, 1867. Manager milling com- pany, Mankato, Minn. (5) Chas. 0., b. December, 1870. (6) Hubert, b. October, 1878. Commission merchant, El Paso, Texas. William D., married Adda Lou Peak, of Meigs County, October 5, 1887, who was born March 18, 1866. He is a farmer and live stock dealer. They both belong to HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 81 the Soutliern Methodist Church. Moved to Sweetwater in 1901. Their children are : (1) Boy, d. in infancv. (2) Hattie May, b. 1895. (5) Chas. 0., was married to Georgia Duncan, of At- lanta, Ga., June 16, 1906. She was born at Hayesville, N. C, August 1, 1869. Her father was J. W. Duncan, a physician. Her mother was Mary Curtis. Their chil- dren are : David Duncan, b. May 29, 1907. Chas. 0., b. September 23, 1909. Eli Sandersox Adkins Was born in Massachusetts, January 6, 1824; d. Feb- ruary 20, 1889. His father was Henry Adkins, and his mother was Lucinda Grace Adkins, who was born No- vember 6, 1792 ; d. Nov. 23, 1869, at Philadelphia, Tenn. E. S. Adkins came to Talbot Count}^, Ga., when a young man. He was twice married, first to Miss Har- ris, of Talbot Countv. They had three daughters: Mary Ann, b, July 19", 1849; m. E. W. Cozatt in 1866. They had three children : Minnie, b. 1878 ; Rose, b. 1880 ; Lee, b. 1888. 2. Louisa Jane, b. October 2, 1850; m. Joe M. Jones in 1869. He died in 1870, leaving one daughter, Josie. Louisa married (second) M. C. Duncan in 1875. Their children were : William, b. 1875 ; Walter, b. 1877 ; Worth, b. 1879; Eli, b. 1881; Lenoir, b. 1883; Emma, b. 1886; Ethel, b. 1889. E. S. Adkins married (second) Elizabeth Mildred Childs, of Talbot County, Ga. She was born March 12, 1841; d. March 7, 1874." They came to Philadelphia, Tenn., in November, 1865. Their children were : 1. Emma Sophia, b. August 31, 1857. Married E. C. Jones, September 15, 1873. (See Jones.) 2. Fannie Amelia, b. February 18, 1859, in Talbot County, Ga. ; m. W. G. Lenoir. (See Lenoir.) 3. Nettie Grav, b. January 5. 1861 ; m. C. D. Browder in 1888. (See Browder.) 82 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 4. Eli Sandorson, b. April, 1863. Married. Wife died leaving one daughter who is married. E. S. A. is a mer- chant and ranchman and lives at Pony, Mont. 5. Annie Mildred, b. April 26, 1866; m. W. C. Can- non in 1890. (See Cannon.) 6. Henry, b. January 5, 1868 ; m. Kate Owen, of Sweet- water, Tenn., October, 1898. Thev have two daughters : Katherine, b. 1900, and Henry Taylor, b. 1902. They live at Pony, Mont. 7. Charles Childs, b. January 25, 1872 ; m. Grace Big- low in 1905. He died in 1911. They lived at Livingston, Hont. They had no children. Franklin King Berry, Sr. Was born near Williamsburg, Ky., March 25, 1809. He married Emily, daughter of Thomas Laughlin, of Phila- delphia, Tenn. He died October 28, 1845. He was buried in the old cemetery at Philadelphia. His wife was born January 26, 1823, and died October, 1884. Mrs. Berry's second husband was W. R. Molleston, of Philadelphia, who died January 25, 1872, at age of 63 years. The chil- dren of F. K. and Emily Berry were : One. F. K. Berry. He was born at Philadelphia, De- cember 4, 1841. He was a practising physician and a farmer. He married Caroline Cleveland, daughter of Robert R. Cleveland on April 15, 1868. They had a hand- some residence not far from the Cleveland Baptist Church on Sweetwater Creek, where they lived during nearly all their married life. Mrs. Berry was b. February 2, 1843. She d. Septem- ber 16, 1910. Buried in West View Cemetery at Sweet- water. Children of Dr. F. K. and Mrs. Caroline Berry are : 1. Frank E. Berry; was b. January 28, 1869. He m. Julia, daughter of J. L. Willson, of Pond Creek Valley. He (Berry), is a farmer and lives at Marble Bluff in Lou- don County on the Tennessee River, seven miles from Loudon, his postoffice. 2. Robert S. C. Berry, b. December 30, 1870; m. Ber- tie Healan, of Ringgold, Ga., December 9, 1897. He is a merchant and resides at Morristown. One child, Ro- berta, b. June 7, 1900. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 83 3. Nina, b. October 14, 1873 ; d. July 27, 1897. 4. Emily Ethel, b. November 4, 1875 ; m. J. Frank Mc- Guire, December 17, 1894, He is a farmer. They reside in Sweetwater. The children of J. F. and E. E. McGuire are : Charles Euclid, b. September 28, 1895 ; Dorothy Car- oline, b. August 23, 1897; Frank Ralph, b. January 1, 1900 ; Hilda, b. January 7, 1903 ; Jean Nicholas, b. Feb- ruary 24, 1906; Halstead, b. October 11, 1909; Ethel B., b. September 16, 1912. 5. Luke Danton, b. July 26, 1879; m. Julia Stowers. Tlieir address is Cushing, Okla. Annie Eliza, b. September 21, 1881; m. Virgil T. Rausin, June 6, 1906. He is a merchant in Sweetwater. Children are : V. T. Rausin, Jr., b. June 13, 1907 ; Kermit Wendell Rausin, b. April 1, 1910; Buford Quentin, b. March 25, 1916. Two. Sidney, b. in Philadelphia, August 17, 1844. (See C. Y. Caldwell.) Charles Y. Caldwell. Charles Y. Caldwell was born in Pike County, Georgia, February 17, 1847. He came to Sweetwater Valley with his mother in 1855, wdio came' to Philadelphia, Tenn., in that year. He w^as married to Sidne}^ Berry, of Phila- delphia, on November 5, 1868. She was born in Phila- delphia, August 17, 1844. He engaged in farming while located there. He moved to California in 1875 and moved back to Tennessee in 1876, where he farmed at the old home place until 1901, when he went to Wuako- mis, Okla. Their children are : Charles Sydney, b. December 20, 1872 ; m. Mary Kline, of Loudon, Tenn., May 6, 1896, going to Waukomis, Okla., where they now live. Robert Marvin, b. June 7, 1878 ; m. Maude, daughter of J. L. Willson, January 18, 1911, going to Waukomis to make it their home. Fred. Roy, b. April 7, 1883 ; m. Bertie D. Johnston, of Oklahoma City, August 6, 1913. They live at Wuakomis. 84 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Martha Emily, b. in California, September 1, 1875; d. December 18, 1876. Frank Berry, b. August 15, 1869 ; d. December, 1898. Mary, b. January 15, 1871 ; d. December 18, 1876. T. W. Bellamy Was born in Louisa County, Va., June 15, 1806. He came to Sweetwater Vallev in 1853. He married Sarah Griffin, April 3, 1828. She was born June 4, 1809, and died December 27, 1887. T. W. B. died September 4, 1889. Their children were : ■ William, b. December 23, 1828 ; d. July 15, 1847. Mary Ann, b. April 13, 1830; d. August 28, 1854. John Daniel, b. September 20, 1831. Lives in Benton, 111. Newton Walker, b. June 28, 1833. Thomas Conner, b. in Louisa County, Va., February 16, 1835. He came to Sweetwater with his father in 1853. He was employed in the cooper shop of McClung, Dobbins & Clayton. He was married. His children were eleven in number: six boys and five girls. Four girls died single. Three of the sons are married. Andy, the old- est one, is the father of eleven children. He is employed by Moore & Co., barytes manufacturers. Andrew Bellamy, son of T. W. B., was born October 15, 1838. In the Civil War he enlisted in Colonel Jno. A. Rowan's regiment, 67th, C. S. A., Company D., Cap- tain Robert Rowan, Priscilla Frances, daughter of T. W. B., b. October 28, 1840; m. W. B. Sample, Julv 25, 1858. W. B. Sample was b. August, 1833 ; cl. 1899. Eliz- abeth Melissa, b. April 4, 1843 ; m. Professor J. S. Cline ; she died June 19, 1913. Henry Washington, b. December 26, 1848. He is a Baptist minister of Mendota, Va. Alexander Biggs Was one of the oldest settlers in Sweetwater Valley. He acquired land in 1820 soon after the Hiwassee Dis- trict was open for settlement. On his tract adjoining Mayes and Heiskell near the large spring on the north side of the now town of Sweetwater, he built a one- story brick residence, which is still standing. This is HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 85 one of the oldest brick houses in the valley. It was oc- cupied continuously by the Biggs until the yeav when the farm was purchased by G. M. McKnight. In- formation in regard to the Biggs family is now hard to obtain, as there are no li\T.ng descendants in this section; one son went to California and his address is not known to the writer. Alexander Biggs; date of birth, death and where came from, not known. Isabella Biggs (inscription on stone in Sweetwater Cemetery) was born January 7, 1789 ; died January 12, 1877. She was the wife of Alex. Biggs. Their children were : Mary Ann, Nancy, Alexander Hamilton and J. M. Mary Ann and Hamilton never married. Nancy m. Rev. Thos. R. Bradshaw, April 2, 1861; no children. Mr. Bradshaw was a learned Presbyterian minister and was the second pastor of the New School Presbyterian Church at Sweetwater, Rev. Thos. Brown, of Philadelphia, Tenn., having been the first. (See history of Presby- terian Church.) Solomon Bogart "Was the son of Abram and Duncan Bogart, formerly of Washington County. They moved to King- ston, Tenn., and then to Athens, Tenn. Solomon Bogart was born in Washington County on January 4, 1800. He died at his home (which was located where the Bogart High School building now stands), at Philadelphia, on June 9, 1878. His wife was Ann Moore. She was born December 21, 1821. She died November 24, 1860. Solomon Bogart was a hotel keeper, teacher and land surveyor. He first kept hotel at Athens, Tenn., which he advertised as a strictly temperance hotel, meaning by that, that he allowed no one drinking or carrying whiskey with them to put up at his hotel. I have been told that he refused to keep General Winfield Scott because the general carried a bottle, and on stated occasions took his toddy. Solomon Bogart came to Philadelphia, Tenn., from Athens, Tenn., in 1847. He was a leading member of the Presbyterian church, which was located in the cem- 86 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY etery across the creek from and west of the town of Philadelphia. He reared a large family, eight of whom reached years of maturity and became highly respected and influential citizens. These children were : 1. Franklin, b. May 23, 1827; d. May 8, 1887. 2. Margaret, b. Julv 12, 1829 ; d. August 5, 1879 ; m. J. W. Goddard. (See Goddard.) 3. Newton, b. October 14, 1831 ; d. May 26, 1889. 4. Columbus, b. , 1833 ; d. during the war at Danville, Ind. He was a soldier in the Civil War, serv- ing on the staff of General Spears, U. S. A. 5. Susan, b. August 21, 1836; m. "W. Cannon. (See Cannons.) 6. Elizabeth, b. February 8, 1839 ; d. July 6, 1898. 7. Barbara, b. September 19, 1840 ; d. July 22, 1866. (See S. Y. B. Williams.) 8. Martha, b. January 6, 1844. Resides at Philadel- phia, with her sister, Mrs. W. Cannon, 9. Mary Cornelia, b. September 26, 1845 ; d. Nov. 21, 1864. 1. Dr. Franklin Bogart studied medicine and settled at Tellico Plains, Tenn. On January 21, 1857, he was married (first) to Elizabeth McEwen, daughter of George and Sarah Gaines. He came to Sweetwater soon after the town was started, purchased property and practised his profession until his death. His first wife died October 8, 1873. They are both buried in the old cemetery at Sweetwater. Their children were : (1) Thomas Cannon, d. in 1860 at the age of 3 years. (2) Walter G., b. April 13, 1858; m. Lorella Magill, OctolDer 15, 1884. He studied medicine at Nashville and graduated in the medical department of the University of Tennessee. He is also a post graduate of Belle View Medical College of New York. He practised his profes- sion in Sweetwater until 1888. He then went to Chatta- nooga and was a partner of Dr. G. C. Magee. He was Professor of Diseases of Women and Obstetrics in the Medical College at Chattanooga for twenty-one years. - He was founder of the Highlands Sanatarium in that city. Lorella Magill was daughter of Jas. Magill and Lizzie Lowry and granddaughter of James L. and sister of Harrison and Robt. Lowry. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 87 The children of W. G. and Lorella Bogart are: Elizabeth G., m. T. C. Olney in 1910. Franklin Magill, b, at Sweetwater in March, 1888. (3) John Newton, b. June 2, 1862, third son of F. and E. Bogart ; was a graduate of the University of Tennes- see and took the course in literature at Johns Hopkins University. He afterwards took a similar course at the University of Oxford, England. He was a teacher of English in the schools of New Orleans, La., at the time of his death (4) Anna, b. December 20, 1864; d. February 7, 18'93. (5) William Moore, fourth son of F. and E. Bogart, was born February 27, 1867. He married Keturah M. Thompson, November 10, 1892, She is the daughter of Franklin Blevins and Gurley Thompson, of Chattanooga. Their children are Franklin Blevins, b. May 15, 1894; Martha Josephine, b. June 7, 1898, and Emma Mary, b. January 7, 1901. W. M. B. is a practising physician at Chattanooga. (6) Frank Augustus, b. in 1868; d. at 3 years of age. Dr. Franklin Bogart married (second) Martha Ellen Cannon, daughter of Robert and Ann Galbraith Cannon, on October 28, 1879. She resides at Sweetwater. 3. New^ton, second son of Solomon and Ann Bogart, when a young man was employed by William Lenoir and Brothers at Lenoir's, Tenn., in the early fifties, and re- mained with them until 1870, when he was employed by the E. T. V. & G. R. R. as master of trains, and, after- wards as superintendent. He was a director anct stock- holder of the East Tennessee National Bank of Knox- ville, Tenn., and died possessed of a considerable for- tune, a part of which he left to Loudon and Monroe coun- ties, the interest on the amounts given to be applied yearly to the public school fund. John D. Bowman. The Bowman family, as the name implies, came from England. John D. Bow^man was born in Blount County, Tenn., March 4, 1816. He was married to Susan Jackson, who was born March 5, 1820. She was the oldest child of Josiah and Mary Jackson, of Blount County. They came to Sweetwater Vallev and settled near the big 88 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY spring one and one-half miles south of Sweetwater, on the tract now ow^ned by Kilpatrick. They lived there un- til October 1, 1857, when they moved to Texas, where he purchased land in Collins County, dying at Piano, Feb- ruary 27, 1852. Collins County was very sparsely set- tled at the time he moved there as one of the pioneers — his descendants are now prominent among a prosperous and numerous people. The children of John D. and Susan Bowman were: 1. Marv, b. February 2, 1839; d. February 25, 1875. 2. Julia, b. February 1, 1840; d. September 5, 1868. 3. Jackson, b. November 6, 1841. 4. George, b. April 19, 1844. 5. Nancy. 6. James, and Callie, all three of whom died when children, at the Bowman place near Sweetwater, of scar- let fever in the epidemic of that disease, in the summer of 1856. They were buried in the old Jackson burying ground, in Blount County, on the Little Tennessee River. 8. Fannie, b. in 1852, m. James Florence, of Piano, Texas ; had no children. 1. Mary married Wm. Lovelace. Their children were Laura, John, William, James, Ella and George. 2. Julia married Joseph Eussell, of Plana, Texas, and had one child, John. 3. Jackson married Dora Dye, of Piano, whose daugh- ter, Flora, married Edgar Wall, of Tampa, Fla., whose children were : Jack, Minnie, May and James B. 4. George W., who married Eliza McFarland, Feb- ruary 3, 1875, wdio died January 29, 1890. They had one son, J. Richard Bowman, who w^as born April 17, 1876. He was a lawyer a Piano, Texas, and died July 17, 1914. He was married to Edna Dilley, of Palestine, Texas, on Februarv 1, 1911. Their children were: Edna,'b. January 22, 1879. Died October 20, 1885. Russell, b. July 17, 1888 ; d. September 11, 1910. The father of these children, J. Richard Bow^man en- dowed a school in honor of his mother, Eliza, at Cien- fuegos, Cuba. George W. Bowman married (second) Mrs. Honaker, of Tampa, Fla. Henry Bowman married . Had three children. history of sweetwater valley 89 Rev. Thomas Brown Was born in Rockbridge County, Virginia, December 27, 1800, and was the son of James Brown, who came to Blount County, Tenn., in 1803 or 1804. When a young man Thomas Browoi went first to Bradley County, Tenn., locating at a town called Columbiana, which place does not now exist. There he followed his trade as black- smith until he went to Kingston, Tenn. He then en- tered school to prepare himself for the ministry. On April 10, 1834, he married Jane N". Patton, who was the daughter of David and Elizabeth Patton, of Kingston, at which place Jane Patton was born on November 19, 1817. Thomas Brown was ordained a minister of the Pres- byterian church, September 22, 1827. He took charge of the Presbyterian churches at Kingston and Philadelphia in November, 1828, and remained with them until 1866, 'when, on account of ill health, he gave up the work. He preached at Sweetwater Presbyterian Church, as first pastor, in 1859-60. He died at his home near Philadel- phia, April 21, 1872, and his wife died there on January 28, 1897. They are both buried at the Philadelphia cemetery. The Rev. Thomas Brown took both the theological and literary courses at Maryville College, Maryville, Tenn. The children of Thomas and Elizabeth Brov^m were : 1. Ignatius Cvprian, b. March 10, 1835; d. March 21, 1900. 2. Marv, b. March 30, 1836 ; d. September 29, 1837. 3. Rowena, b. Julv 2, 1838; d. December 9, 1908. (See T. J. Moore.) 4. William Leonidas, b. Januarv 9, 1840. 5. Nancy, b. 1843. 6. David J., b. March 26, 1844. 7. Marv E., b. January 19, 1846; d. August 2, 1888. 8. Susannah, b. January 13, 1847 ; d. April 23, 1849. 9. H. Virginia. 10. Laura A. 1. Ignatius Cyprian Brown married Ruth Hamlet, of Indiana. He died at Columbus Junction, Ind. They had four children: 90 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY (1) Jennie, m. Hall. Live at Columbus Junction, Ind. (2) W. T., is a druggist at that place. (3) Harry L., unmarried. A pliarmacist at Denver, Col. (4) Hadley, unmarried. A physician at Okatee, Okla. 4. William Leonidas, second son of Thomas and Jane Patton Brown, was born at Kingston, Tenn., and came with his father to Monroe County in 1847. He w^as mar- ried to Sydney G. Hood, daughter of Parker and Amanda Torbett Hood, on Februarv 9, 1875. She was born Au- gust 17, 1847, and died October 18, 1894. Hon. W. L. Brown is a farmer and lives on his farm, and in the house built by his father in 1848, one mile south of Philadelphia, on the Fork Creek road. He was a member of the Forty-seventh General Asseinbly of Tennessee, upper house, 1891-92. He was elected jus- tice of the peace for the Fourth District of Monroe Countv in 1875, and has served continuouslv until this time, 1916. The children of W. L. and "Sydney H. Brown : 1. Clara Maude, d. 2. Cecil, m. Buena V. West. He is teacher in high school at Sweetwater, Tenn. 3. Thomas G., m. Nettie Walker in August, 1907, in Jefferson County. He is superintendent of city schools at Calumnet, Mich. 4. John P., b. 1883 ; m. Hazel Jones, Morristown, Tenn. He is a civil engineer. 5. Huldah. 6. Jane Sydney. 7. Lois Amanda, b. January 31, 1893; d. September 24, 1901. Major John Calloway^. The history given below was mostly obtained from Mrs. Sarah WiUson, widow of James Willson, deceased, of Niota, Tenn. Major John Calloway came from the upper Yadkin valley, Wilkes County, N. C, where Eli and Presley Cleveland and William B. Lenoir came from. They were all descendants of King's Mountain heroes. From the purchases of land made by them in this country it is almost certain that they were in fairly comfortable cir- HISTORY OP SWEETWATER VALLEY 91 cumstances when they moved from North Carolina to Tennessee. John Calloway moved to Knox County and settled on Beaver Creek. He was sheriff of that county at one time. "When the Hiwassee District was surveyed and opened to purchase in 1820, the Clevelands and the Calloways bought numerous tracts. John Calloway w^as the pur- chaser of the northeast c[uarter of section 18, township 1, range 2, east. Date of sale w^as November 29, 1820. Eli Cleveland and John Calloway, together, purchased entry number 365, 160 acres, the southwest quarter sec- tion 17, township 1, range 2, east. Eli Cleveland bought the southwest quarter of section 18, township 1, range 2, east. The records of the Baptist church, then consti- tuted on Fork Creek in 1820, afterwards the Baptist church on Sw^eetwater Creek, near the old Eli Cleveland place, show that he was connected with that church in 1821. As to John Calloway, the church books of that church show that he joined the church by letter, in May, 1827. It is ])robable that he did not move to the valley until about that time. He built the first brick house that was built in the valley, if not in the county. Mrs. Will- son thinks that it antedated the old Meigs residence, which stood west of the old Reagan residence, at Reagan Station. The brick house built by Calloway stood at or near the site of the Berry residence, near the Cleveland Baptist Church, two miles southwest of Philadelphia. John Calloway was prominent in church affairs. His name was often mentioned with Snead, Fine and Cleve- land, as a delegate to Baptist associations and conven- tions. The members of the Calloway family have rec- ords in the Baptist church in Sweetwater as follows : John Calloway, received by letter the fourth Saturday in May, 1827. Sarah Calloway, received by experience fourth Satur- day in January, 1830. Joseph Calloway, received by experience fourth Sat- urday in July, 1832. Joseph, liberated for exhortation fourth Saturday in April, 1833. Joseph, ordained a minister fourth Saturday in No- vember, 1838. 92 HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VAL,LEY Joseph, granted letter of dismission fourth Saturday in January, 1839. Nancy Calloway (Webb), received by experience and baptism July, 1832. Judy Ann Calloway, received by experience and bap- tism July, 1839. James Callo"way, received by experience and baptism fourth Saturday in July, 1839. E. Malinda Calloway, received by experience and bap- tism fourth Saturday in July, 1839. Hugh L. W. Calloway, received by experience and bap- tism fourth Saturday in August, 1842. Judy Ann Calloway (Moffatt), dismissed by letter, fourth Saturday in August, 1842. On the fourth Saturday in February, 1844, there were granted letters of dismission to Louisa Hatchett and also to John Calloway and family, viz : Sarah (his wife), Nancy Webb, Hugh L. W., Polly (Mary) McReynolds, Malinda Walker and James H. Calloway, also to colored persons (his slaves), Abraham, Pinckney, Patsy and Chloe. John Calloway sold out to Eli Cleveland and moved to Harrisonville, Cass County, Mo., in 1842, so Mrs. Willson says. The family got their letters of dismission from the church, as above recited, in 1844, but as not infrequentl}^ happens, they sent back after them. Thomas H. Calloway, whose father was a brother of John C, used to live with his uncle until he, John C, went to Missouri. Thos. C. became a very wealthy man and was afterwards president of the East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad. John Calloway married Sarah Hardin, of South Car- olina. Their children were: One. Marshall, died on Sweetwater Creek. Two. William Saunders. Three. Hugh L. W. Four. Joseph, d. near Springfield, Mo., in 1869. Five. James, d. in Cass County, Mo. Six. Nancy, lived and died in 1872, in Cass County, Mo. Married Webb. Seven. Judy Ann, d. in Cass County, Mo. ; m. Moffatt. Eiglit. Mary, d. in Harrisonville, Mo., August 8, 1854; m. McReynolds. HISTOKY OP SWEETWATER VALLEY 93 Nine. Rebacca, d. in Harrisonville, Mo., in 1872; m. Reagan. Ten. Malinda, d. in Lee's Summit, Mo., in 1873; m. Walker. One. Marshall Calloway was a phj^sician. He mar- ried Grace Meigs, a sister of Return J. Meigs. He died at the Calloway place, as above stated. They had two children : Farrar, who married Julia Castella, and Mar- shall, who married Caroline Kirby. They lived in Brad- ley County. Two. William Saunders Calloway married Sarah Hurst, daughter of Elijah, and sister of John and Russell Hurst, of McMinn County. He was clerk of the county court of Monroe County 1832-36. He moved to McMinn County, near Riceville, Tenn., and resided there until his death. He was buried in the family cemetery on his farm. They were the parents of eleven children: 1. Marshall; 2. John; 3. William; 4. Thomas; 5. El- vira ; 6. Sarah ; 7. Malinda ; 8. Emma ; 9. Laura ; 10. Cor- nelia ; 11. Addie. Emma and Laura were twins. 1. Marshall was killed in the Civil War; m. Sarah Mayo, leaving no children. 2. John, moved to and died at Mountain Home, Idaho ; m. Laura Durham, Sparta, Ga. 3. William, m. Ida, daughter of Rev. N. Goforth. Moved to Mountain Home, Idaho. 4. Thomas, d. unmarried. 5. Elvira, m. Geo. Hill (October 16, 1871, R. Snead, M. G.), who was reared at the Schultz place, near Niota. His mother was Elizabeth Lane, daughter of Isaac Lane. They went to an Indian reservation in Idaho. 6. Sallie, m. Dr. Frank Durham, of Sparta, Ga. She died at old Governor McComb's summer residence, near Milledgeville, Ga. She left two sons : Calloway and Dr. Frank Durham, both of Sparta, Ga. 7. Malinda, m. Thomas Epperson, who lives near Rice- ville, Tenn. Their children are: Calloway, m. j Charles, m. ; Sallie, m. Wiseman, of Los Angeles, Cal. 8. Emma, m. Dennis R. Isbell, who lived near Mt. Har- mony, on December 28, 1871. J. B. Kimbrough, M. G. 94 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Their children were: John, m. Josephine Walker in Utah, and Earnest, who is a bachelor and lives at the old home in Monroe County. 9. Laura, m. Henry H. Matlock on November 14, 1870. J. B. Kimbrough, M. Gr. He is a farmer and lives nine miles w^est of Athens, Tenn. Their children are Mary, m. Henry Tittsworth, of Knoxville, Tenn., who is a con- ductor in the employ of the Southern Railway; they have four children: two sons and two daughters. The second child of H. H. and Laura Matlock, Sarah, m. John Thornburgh, a lawyer of Knoxville, Tenn. They have two children, a son and daughter. 10. Cornelia Calloway married W. P. Willson near Mt. Harmony. He died at Athens, Tenn., and was buried at the cemetery at Sweetwater, Tenn. They had four sons, two of whom, Frank and Robert are dead. Their son, William, married Katie Brown, of Murfreesboro, Tenn. She died. He lives at the old Doc Lane place between Niota and Reagans. Elbert, son of Cornelia and W. P. Willson, married Lucy Smith, of Oak Grove, Knox County. They live at Athens, Tenn. 11. Addie, youngest child of William Saunders and Sarah Hurst Calloway, married Robert Cooke, son of Dr. Cooke, of Madisonville, Tenn. Thiey live in Los Angeles, Cal. They have two children : Henry, who married a daughter of Lawrence Henderson, three miles east of Madisonville, Tenn. They live in Los Angeles, Cal. Ella, second child of Robert Cooke, married Rumsturm in Idaho. Three. Joseph Calloway married Mary Willson, of Meigs County (no relative, as I understand, of the James Willson, who married Sarah McReynolds). The church history of Jos. Calloway has already been given. His children were: Mary, who married a Cunningham, and James who married Minerva, a sister of the late Hon. S. J. Martin. There were two other children but I have not been able to get their names or history. Four. Hugh Lawson White Calloway married Car- oline, daughter of Sam'l McReynolds, brother of David McReynolds, grandfather of Mrs. James Willson. They moved to Saline County, Mo., in the settling of that state. There were three children, two daughters and one son: HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 95 Sarah married in California; Potter Calloway, the son, lives in California. Five. Nancy. Married George Webb some time previous to July, 1832, as she joined the Baptist church on Sweetwater, at that time, as Nancy Webb. Geo. Webb built the Second Presbyterian Church in Knox- ville, at the corner of Prince Street and Clinch Avenue. He was buried in the churchyard there, but his remains w^ere removed, with others, when that property was sold, and the new church built at the corner of Church Avenue and Locust Street. Mrs. Webb died in 1872, her husband many years previous. They had three children : 1. John. Never married. 2. Asenath, m. Thos. Hodge. No children. 3. Sarah, m. Dr. Logan McRejaiolds, son of Joseph McRe^aiolds, Saline County, Mo., another brother of David McReynolds. Six. Judy Ann Calloway, m. Thos. D. Moffatt, October 18, 1838, R. Snead, M. G. He was a merchant in Phila- delphia, until about 1842, when he moved to Cass County, Mo. T, D. and J. A. MotTatt were the parents of three children : Sarah, m. James Woolridge, a lawyer at Har- risonville. Mo. They left a son and daughter who both died without heirs. Seven. Mary Calloway, m. Coleman McReynolds, a young ph3^sician of Meigs County, Tenn. They moved to Harrisonville, Mo., in 1842. He died in 1852 and she August 8, 1855. Thev were the parents of five children : i. Sarah, b. February 24, 1838. 2. John C, b. 1840; d. 1865. 3. David M., b. Februarv 2, 1845. 4. Hugh, b. July 2, 1848; d. September 21, 1893. 5. Minta, b. July 2, 1848; d. March, 1871. Hugh and Minta twins. 1. Sarah, came back to Tennessee, to the Sweetwater Valley home of elder Robert Snead, on a visit to her aunt, Samantha McRepiolds, who had married Mr. Snead September 17, 1852. Mrs. Snead was the daughter of Tely Jane and David McRe>Tiolds, of Selma, Ala. On the 12th of April, 1857, Sarah McR., was married to James Willson, of Mouse Creek (Niota), Tenn., and at once moved to that place. He was born in Sevier County, the son of James and Sarah Willson. He was a 96 HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY successful business man and farmer. He died at his residence, near Niota, August 2, 1869. Their children were : 1. Hugh, b. June 30, 1858. 2. Robert S., b. May 6, 1860; d. October 10, 1907. 3. Ellie, b. May 17, 1862; d. June 17, 1887. 4. Mintie, b. July 5, 1864; d. July 23, 1887. 5. Sallie, b. May 10, 1866 ; d. August, 1869. 6. James C, b. July 7, 1869; d. September 17, 1887. 1. Hugh Willson married Carrie, daughter of Au- gustus P. and Dorcas Henderson Gaines, of Fork Creek Valley, on January 26, 1893. She was tjorn October 2, 1862. (A. P. Gaines and Dorcas Henderson were mar- ried July 19, 1856. ) Hugh Willson is a farmer and owns the place formerly owned by Russell Hurst, 1 and 1-4 miles southwest of Niota. He was president of the East Tennessee Farmers Convention in 1915. The children of Hugh and Carrie W. are: James Gaines, Dorcas Hen- derson, Mintie McReynolds and Sadie Gaines. 2. Robert Snead Willson married Lillian Boyd, of Sweetwater, November 18, 1891. She died September, 1907. He was a farmer and lived 1-4 mile from Niota. Their children were : Sarah Louise, Mary Lillian, Ellie, Mintie, Sallie and James C. 2. John C, son of Coleman McReynolds, was a soldier in the Confederate army, in Captain Forrest company of Colonel Bradford's regiment of Tennessee volunteers. He died at Abingdon, Va., in March, 1867. 3. David M. McReynolds married Laura Rice, of Athens, Tenn. He studied theology at Princeton, N. J., and was afterwards ordained a minister at Mt. Har- mony, Monroe County. He was pastor of the First Bap- tist Church in Sweetwater in 1883-1889. He then moved to Chattanooga, and was pastor of the Central Baptist Church. He was then called to the Boise, Idaho, Baptist church where he was pastor for several years. They -had no children. 4. Hugh McRcATiolds married Martha Rice, daughter of Wm. Rice, and sister of Laura, David McReynold's wife. He studied medicine and obtained his diploma at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Pa. He began the practice of medicine at Mouse Creek, but afterwards HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 97 moved to Chattanooga, where both he and his wife died. They had no children. Nine. Rebecca, fourth daughter of John and Sarah Calloway, was married to Jesse Ragon. They moved to Cass County, Mo., and they both died there, he in 1873, and she in 1871. They had four children: Mary, Ma- lincla, Nannie and Hugh. Ten. Malinda, fifth daughter of Jno. and S. H. Callo- way, married Jno. F. Walker of Fork Creek. She joined the Baptist church at Sweetwater, on the fourth Satur- day in July, 1839, as E. Malinda Calloway, showing that she was not then married. She was granted a letter of dismission as Malinda Walker on the fourth Saturday in February, 1844. They moved to Cass County, Mo., where she died, leaving three children. The Cleveland Family. The Cleveland family have to their credit many il- lustrious names both in England and the United States. The most celebrated of these on this side of the water was Grover Cleveland, thrice a candidate for and twice elected president of the United States. James Butler Cleveland, of Oneonta, N. Y., published a book in three parts in 1881 about the Cleveland fam- ily. Wft have had access to Part I and from this we glean the following information: From the year 1200 A. D. up to the present the family have spelled the name in a variety of waj^s, sometimes the same individual in the family spelling his name at different times in his life in more than one way. It is found spelled ''Cliff- land, Clyveland, Cliveland, Clieveland, Cleaveland and Cleveland ; the last way was the one adopted by the members of the family who came to this state. There used also to be a "de" before the name but that was dropped when they emigrated to this country as being undemocratic. Sir Guy de Cleveland was knighted at the siege of Boulogne in by King and was therefore entitled to place "de" before the name and to have a coat of arms, a crest and a motto. (For description of crest and coat of arms see J. B. C.'s book about the Clevelands.) They seem to have had rather more than their share of mottoes, claiming two as belong- 98 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY ing to them: "Pro deo et patrio," translated, "for God and country" sliowing them to be both a religious and a patriotic family; and another motto "semel et sem- per," "once and always," meaning, "once a (friend) al- ways a (friend) " or the opposite. Both mottoes, I think, have been somewhat characteristic of the family. For given names the Clevelands used Bible names of abstract qualities such as Faith, Hope, Perseverance, Justice, Mercy — answer to Pra^^er, Abigail, Sarah, Eph- raim, Abraham, Benjamin, Jacob, and by no means were Joseph and his Gypsy wife, Asenath, forgotten. However I have not found in my reading about them that any of them were named either Judas or Esau; these they avoided. The Butler Cleveland book deals mostly with that part of the Cleveland family descended from Moses Cleveland, who came to the colonies (Massachusetts) in 1635. His numerous descendants' are dispersed over various states of our union. They have had many towns and counties named for them; probably had much to do with naming them themselves. The most noted of these for commercial prosperity, its Euclid Avenue and lo- cation and the most notorious as having been the home of Mark Hanna, Rockefeller and Tom Johnson is Cleveland, Ohio, on the Lakes. It is the largest city in the world named for a citizen of the United States. The father of Benjamin and Robert Cleveland (the latter part of their lives citizens of Wilkes County, N. C), settled probably early in 1700 in Orange County, Va. There on Bull Run Creek Robert was born. In 1736 he married Aley Mathis of Kentucky. This is a verj^ common name among the Clevelands and their de- scendants. Robt. C. was twnce married and was the father of 15 or 16 children. Jeremiah, one of the sons, was the grandfather of the Marietta, Ga., Clevelands. Wheeler in History of North Carolina (page 4:62), has this to say of Benjamin Cleveland: "Colonel Benjamin Cleaveland, tlie hero of King's Mountain, and after whom Cleaveland County is called, lived and died in Wilkes County." (Cleaveland County was formed in 1841 out of Rutherford and Lincoln counties.) "He was a brave and meritorious officer. A serious impediment in his speech prevented his entering political life." HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VAULiEY 99 (However he w^as senator to the General Assembly from Wilkes County, N. C, in 1779.) "In 1875 he was ap- pointed an ensign in the 2nd Regiment of troops and served at King's Mountain and at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. He was also the hero of a hundred fights (rith the tories. He was the surveyor of Wilkes and lived at the place where Little Hickerson now (1850) re- sides. Some incidents of his life, dangers and daring conduct are recorded under Watauga County, their scene of action." Captain Robt. Cleaveland was little less distinguished than his brother Benjamin. He was with his brother Benjamin in the majority of the campaigns mentioned. Presley and Eli Cleveland were sons of Robert. In giving a sketch of Eli C. we can not do better than to quote an obituary of him written by Elder Robert Snead. In that, though Mr. Snead did not mention it, he made a deed of gift in perpetuity to the parcel of land on which the Baptist church on Sweetwater is situated, and the gift of a cemetery lot for a public burial, or more correct- ly speaking, a neighborhood burial place. But for our present purpose it does not matter, for in giving a his- tory of the Baptist on Sweetwater a copy of the deed and will as far as it pertained to those lots, are given in this book. Elder Eli Cleveland. An obituary written by Elder Robert Snead. Eli Cleveland was born in Wilkes County, N. C, on October 1, 1781. He was united in marriage with Polly Ragon the 28th of December, 1803. He w^as baptized the third Sabbath in December, 1813, and united with Baptist church in Ashe County, N. C, having obtained a hope in Christ a short time previous. Soon afterward he commenced exhorting and preaching to sinners *'to flee the wrath to come." He moved with family to Knox County, Tenn., in 1817. He was ordained to the full work of the ministry in 1818 by request of Beaver Ridge (now Brick Chapel) Church. He moved to Sweetwater Valley in 1821. He united with the church here (on Sweetwater) the fourth Saturday in January, 1822. He was chosen moderator soon after ; 100 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY which office he was eminently qualified to fill and which he retained until his deatJi. This being a newly settled country he preached much and was instrumental in building up and establishing a number of churches. For many years he has been, at times, the subject of severe afflictions which kept him from traveling much; but he never neglected to meet with his own church and ,fill his place in the house of Grod, when his health per- mitted. We, who were present the last time he met with us, will long remember the earnest, warm and faithful exhortation he gave. Having lived to a good old age he died on the 23rd of November, 1859, of disease of the heart. He retained his mind to the last and died trust- ing in Jesus only. His motto was "Born a sinner, but saved by Grace." (Note. This is the epitaph on his tombstone.) The writer of this was with Jiim the even- ing before and the morning of his death. He spoke of being fully conscious that the time of his departure was at hand. In his last conversation he said : "I shall not long be here ; I have given up ; I have no desire to stay here at all ; this world is nothing to me. I am perfectly resigned to go at any time it is the will of God to take me. I have great reason to be thankful for His good- ness towards me. My trust is altogether in Jesus, be- cause I could not trust in anything on earth or in my- self. I want you to pray for me that I may go easy, for God answers the prayers of His people. About thirty minutes after speaking thus he fell asleep in Jesus without a groan or a struggle. Presley Cleveland was born in Wilkes County, N. C, September 14, 1779. He died in Sweetwater Valley, May 31, 1861. He was married to Elizabeth Johnson. She was born February 17, 1792, and died November 20, 1854. These two brothers and their wives are buried in the (Cleveland) Baptist Cemetery. For history of Eli Cleveland see obituary by Elder Bobt. Snead. Eli Cleveland purchased the following tracts of land in the Hiwassee District from Matthew Nelson, treas- urer of East Tennessee : northwest quarter, section 19, township 2, range 3, west, on December 2, 1820; entry number 1323, northwest quarter, section 20, township 1, range 2, east, on June 10, 1825; grant 684, September 7, 1827 ; entry 5145, southeast quarter, section 13, town- HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 101 ship 1, range 2, east ; entry 5146, southwest quarter, sec- tion 18, township 1, range 2, east; granted 3212, dated February 13, 1838. He bought from John Calloway en- try 320, southeast quarter traction, township 2, range 3, west. The children of Eli and Polly Cleveland were: One. Robert R. He was born September 15, 1808 ; d. April, 1868. He married Sydney G., daughter of Mat- thew Nelson, of Philadelphia, January 20, 1835. She was born July 15, 1811, and d. October 3, 1884. He was a wealthy farmer and merchant of Philadelphia, Tenn. Tbey had one daughter, Clemintina, who married Dr. Franklin King Berry. (See Berry.) Two. Matilda. She married John Chesnutt, son of Henry Chesnutt. They moved to Ooltewah, Tenn. Had no children. Three. Caroline. She married Joseph Walker, of Fork Creek Valley on March 1, 1838. They had no chil- dren. (See Walker.) i Four. Jesse. Married Miss Spriggs, of Bradley Coun- ty, Tenn., and lived on Candy's Creek. Five. Eli Matthew, b. 1827; m. Emeline, daughter of Jno. Pennington, September 28, 1843. d. 1871. They had eight children, six girls and two boys. They moved to Hamilton County, near Ooltewah, Tenn., where he died three or four years after the Civil War; aged about 58 years. Six. Aley Mathis, b. May 7, 1813 ; d. May 30, 1855 ; m. J. D. Jones, whom see. Seven. Clarissa, b. September 6, 1815. Baptized March, 1833 ; d. March 11, 1880. She m. Jesse F. Jones (brother of J. D. Jones), whom see. Eight. David H., b. November 5, 1824; d. August 10, 1900. He joined the Baptist church in August, 1842. He married first, his cousin, Elizabeth A. Johnson, daughter of Louis Johnson, July 11, 1844. R. Snead, M. G. She was b. January 5, 1827 ; d. December 31, 1882. She was a member of the Baptist church. They lived on his father's, Eli Cleveland's, place which Mr. Cleveland vowned at the time of his death. The children of this marriage were : 1. Jesse F., b. July 11, 1845; d. October 27, 1846. 2. Mary Katherine, b. January 4, 1847. 102 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 3. Eli, b. December 11, 1848. 4. Sydney, A. 5. Louis J., b. February 17, 1853 ; d. October 4, 1853. 6. Callie, b. August 17, 1854. 7. Robert Mathis, b. November 9, 1856. 8. Joseph Jones, b. November 20, 1858. 9. Eliza, May 5, 1861 ; d. October 1, 1862. 10. Aley, b. December 11, 1863. 11. Viola Jessamine, b. December 15, 1865. 12. Benjamin, b. December 4, 1867. D. H. Cleveland m. Malinda Sherman (second), and their children were: 13. (1) John Sherman. 14. (2) Malinda Neil. 15. (3) Davy Grace. 2. Mary K., married Seth McKinney, son of David P. Walker, January 3, 1862. He then lived at Boiling Springs in Fork Creek Valley. In 188- they moved to Sweetwater. Went to Sherman, Texas, in 1887. Mrs. Walker died there in April, 1906. In a communication March 14, 1916, Miss Faun Yearwood, of Knoxville, gives me as follows about the S. M. and Mary K. Walker family. They were the parents of twelve children: 1. Jennie Anne. 2. Alice Elizabeth. 3. David Franklin (died in infancy). 4. Eliza Caroline. 5. Joseph (died in infancy). 6. Zeb McKinney. 7. Lena Ula. 8. Katherine. 9. Robert. 10. Helen (died in infancy). 11. Emmett. 12. Eugene (died in infancy). 1. Jennie A. Walker married Richard Jarnagin Year- wood, January 10, 1883. Now living in Knoxville, Tenn. niSTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 103 Have three children : 1. Maude, married John Staub Fouche, April 6, 1904, and have one son, John S., Jr. Live in Chattanooga, Tenn. 2. Faun, Knoxville, Tenn. 3. Richard Horace, U. S. N. 2. Alice Elizabeth Walker married John B. Montgomery, September 5, 1883. Now living in Knoxville, Tenn. Have one child: 1. Helen Louise, married Walter B. McLean, May 25, 1904, and have one daughter, Louise. Live in Knoxville, Tenn. 3. David Franklin, died in infancy. 4. Eliza Caroline. 5. Joseph, died in infancy. 6. Zeb McKinney Walker, married and lives in Sherman, Texas. 7. Lena Ula Walker married John Henry Hurst, at Bon- ham, Texas, February 24, 1888. Now live at Long- view, Texas. Have five children: 1. Henry Eugene Hurst, unmarried, employed by Ford Motor Co., Dallas, Texas. 2. John Russell, Longview Texas. 3. Edith Isabella, married Collie Carr Moye, January 1, 1912, and have one daughter, Edith Earline. Live in Longview, Texas. 4. Lewis, Beaumont, Texas. 5. Julian Harrison, Longview, Texas. 8. Katherine Walker, married George Blair. Now live in Sherman, Texas. Have two children: 1. Jeff. 2. Raymond. 9. Robert Walker, married and lives in Sherman, Texas. 10. Helen Walker, died in infancy. 11. Emmett Walker, died in Philippine Islands, U, S. A., 26 years. 12. Eugene Walker, died in infancy. 3. Eli, son of I). H. Cleveland, m. Susan Martin, dau. Polly Griffitts Martin on November 22, 1881. He is a farmer owning a large tract of land about half way be- 104 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY tween Sweetwater and Philadelphia. He lives in the town of Sweetwater, where he is interested in the hardware business. The children of Eli and Susan Martin Cleve- land are: (1) Annie, b. September 4, 1882; m. Edgar Heiskell, whom see. (2) Hulah, b. June 7, 1884; m. Horace Browder, whom see. (3) Elizabeth, b. April 18, 1886; m. Myrtland Rollins. He is assistant city attorney of the city of St. Louis, Mo. (4) David Martin, b. October 13, 1888. He is in the hardware business at Sweetwater. (5) Martha Waren, b. 1890; m. Frank Dykeman Ruth. He is a manufacturer of wood veneer at Buchanan, Va. (6) Eunice Eli. (8) Susan Marguerite. 4. Sydney A., fourth child of D. H. Cleveland, m. Benj. F. Hudson, son of Richard Hudson. He is. a farmer living in Fork Creek valley. Their children are : Eli, David, Jessie, d. ; Cleo. m. ; Pearl, m. Kimbrough, Ruby, m. ; Garnett m. ; Vanoy, m. Jessie Simpson. 5. Callie, m. James A., son of W. E. Johnson and grandson of Louis Johnson, on March 4, 1875. He was born January 31, 1849; d. February 26, 1899. He was a farmer in Pond Creek valley and afterwards moved to Sweetwater. After his death his wife and family moved to Oaksdale, Wash., March 21, 1910. Their children are : (1) Sydnev, b. September 3, 1876. (2) David Cleveland, b. September 30, 1878. (3) Eliza A., b. June 13, 1880; d. May 13, 1908. (4) Maud, b. September 13, 1883; d. July 12, 1912. (5) William E., b. June 18, 1886 ; d. December 13, 1886. (6) Elizabeth, b. May 11, 1890. (7) James A., b. March 3, 1892. (8) Robert M., b. November 13, 1894; d. June 19, 1895. 7. Robert Mathis, was born November 9, 1856. Came to the town of Sweetwater, first as a clerk and then in the mercantile business for himself. He married Mag- gie Carmichael, of McMinn County, on December 7, 1884. He was an alderman of Sweetwater for many years and was mayor of the town in 1890. He was a justice of the HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 105 peace of the first civil district of Monroe for sixteen years. He moved to Chattanooga in 1902, where he en- gaged in the retail grocery business until his death. His widow resides at 110 Findlay Street, Chattanooga. Their children were : Frances, b. December 8, 1886 ; m. J. Rollins, newspaper man, June 11, 1908. Sammie, b. January 5, 1889. Alena, b. January, 1891; m. 0. L. Holt, a manufact- urer, Chattanooga, August 17, 1911. Robert Mathis, b. November 13, 1900. 8. Joseph Jones, b. November 20, 1858; m. Sallie, daughter of Hon. W. H. Turley, of McMinn County, June 28, 1882. They lived in McMinn County., where his first wdf e died. He went to Hamilton, Texas," in Septem- ber, 1886. Tliere he married (second) Irene Perry on April 23, 1887. He is a school teacher. Their children are: (1) Geo. G., b. April 17, 1888 ; m. Fay Reid, Henrietta, Texas, April 13, 1913. Farmer. (2) Joe J., Jr., b. June 9, 1890. Assistant cashier Hamilton National Bank, Hamilton, Texas. (3) Charles C, b. August 18, 1894. Student Baylor Medical College, Dallas, Texas. 10. Aley, m. William Jones, son of Joshua Jones, of South Carolina, Mav 27, 1881. Their children are: (1) Alex., m.; (2) Rhea; (3) Ophelia; (4) Svdnev; (5) Frank; (6) Ole; (7) Pearl; (8) 11. Viola Jessamine, m. R. L. Carter July 1, 1886. He was born January, 1859. Children: (1) Matt, m. Nannie Martin, of Chattanooga, April 27, 1914. He is a bank emplovee there. (2) Bess. (3) Clifford, in the produce business with his father at Sweetwater. (4) Bland L., m. Alan B. DeArmond October, 1915. Re- side at Athens, Tenn. (5) Robert L., Jr. (6) Gladys. (7) Fred. 12. Benjamin, the twelfth child of D. H. and Elizabeth Johnson Cleveland, was born December 4, 1867. He went to Spokane, Wash., where he married. 106 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY David H. Cleveland married (second) Malinda Neil, daughter of John Sherman, of Niota, Tenn. She w^as at that time the widow of Bart Forrest. Their children : (13) John Sherman, b. October 28, 1885; d. Septem- ber 26, 1891. (14) Malinda Neil, b. February 4, 1888; m. J. Gid. Johnson November 10, 1910. He is a farmer and is also engaged in the jewelrv business at Sweetwater. They have one child, J. Gid, Jr., b. Mav 17, 1913. (15) Davy Grace, b. August 29, 1890; m. G. W. Fallin, of Fort Worth, Texas, on December 23, 1913. Presley Cleveland "Was born in Wilkes Count}', N. C, September 16, 1779; he w^as the son of Captain Robert Cleveland and the brother of Eli Cleveland. He died in Sweetwater Valley May 31, 1861. His wife was Elizabeth, the sister of Louis Johnson. She was born February 17, 1792, and died November 30, 1854. They were both memi)ers of the Baptist church on Sweetwater and were buried in the cemetery near that place. Presley Cleveland was a farmer and acquired lands as follows : 370 acres from the State, the northeast and northwest quarters of section 24, township 1, range 1, east, and 50 bought of Jno. Pennington, south side of southeast quarter sec. 13, town.ship 1, range 1, east. The children of Presley and Elizabeth Cleveland were : One. Robert, d. August, 1854. Two. Alev, b. October 14, 1816 ; d. November 3, 1824. Three. William, b. October 11, 1820; d. August 22, 1835. Four. Eliza Ann, d. 1911. Five. Larkin, b. 1825. Six. Caroline, b. November 25, 1827; d. November 10, 1896. Seven. Harvey H., b. March 18, 1830 ; d. September 25, 1854. One. Robert, m. Elizabeth Snead, daughter of Robert Snead, on June 4, 1840. They moved to Bradley County, Tenn., where he died and was buried. His widow came back to Sweetwater Valley and lived for some years across the creek from the Robert Snead residence. She HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 107 died July 27, 1875, and was buried at the old Sweetwater cemetery. She was a member of the Baptist church. The chiidreu of Robert and Elizabeth Cleveland were : 1. William, b. April 9, 1843. He served in the Con- federate army during the Civil War; was a member of the Methodist Church, South. He was a progressive farmer and lived on the Athens road one and one-half miles south of Sweetwater. He died February 10, 1902, and was buried in old Sweetwater cemetery. He mar- ried Mary F., daughter of J. J. Browder, on June 24, 1867. Their children were: (1) Addie V., b. March 6, 1868 ; m. Mark L. Harden, Au- gust 16, 1892 ; d. January 10, 1895. (2) William, b. August 25, 1879; m. Mvrtle Lavcock October 5, 1904 ; d. October 10, 1909. (3) Henry, b. March 8, 1882; m. Jennie Burk, of Sher- man, Tex., December 30, 1907. He is a farmer in Sweet- water Valley. (4) Ellis, b. November 5, 1886. Moved to Olustee, Okla., where he now (1916) lives. (5) Ora. (6) Julia. 2. Presley, second son of Robert and Elizabeth Snead Cleveland, was born in Bradley County, Tenn., January 28, 1845. He married Belle Bryant in' McMinn County July 4, 1867. She was the daughter of Ellis and the sis- ter of Louis Bryant. They moved to Gentry County, Mo., in 1877. He is a farmer. His address is Albany, Mo. He and his wife are members of the Baptist church. Their children were : (1) James H., b. in McMinn County, April 24, 1868. (2) William, b. November 11, 1871; d. Februarv 6, 1901. (3) Mary E., b. October 15, 1874, in Monroe County, Tenn. (4) Allison B., b. February 16, 1868. (5) Annie, b. November 1, 1880. (6) Allie v., b. August 24, 1882. Four of these children live in Gentry County, Mo. (3) Mary E. lives in Clarkston, Wash. 3. Mary E. aunt of above Mary E., sister of Wm. and Presley Cleveland married Horace F., son of Francis A. Patton, whom see. 108 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 4. Robert, third son of B. and E. Cleveland was b. in 1852. He m. Georgetta Martin nee Wallace and lives at Blue Spring, Tenn. Four. Eliza Ann m. William E. Johnson. He was a farmer and resided on Pond Creek just above old Os- borne (Dyche) farm. They were the parents of four children. Five. Larkin Cleveland, b. in 1825 ; m. Minerva Parker. They reared a large family. Seven of them went west. Of their history little is known. Nannie m. John Rausin and lives in Oregon. Alfred married and lives in Mis- souri; Cordie and Eliza are married; names of husbands and residences not known. Six. Caroline, third daughter of Presley and Elizabeth Johnson Cleveland, married Samuel Jesse Martin Oc- tober 24, 1859. He was the son of S. J. and Polly Ragon Martin. His father and mother both died when he and his younger brother, Charles B. were quite young. They were taken and reared by their kinsman, Elder Eli Cleve- land. When about 15 years of age Jesse went to Ham- ilton County, Tenn.. and lived four or five years with John Chesnutt, husband of Matilda Cleveland. He there learned the carpenter's trade and returned to Eli Cleve- land's. He was the first layman to be moderator of the Baptist church on Sweetwater, and also the first la>TQan to be moderator of the Sweetwater Baptist Association. He was a popular man with the people and was elected joint representative of Loudon and Monroe counties to the Thirty-eighth General Assembly of Tennessee, over H. A. Chambers, Democrat, in November, 1872. His children were: (1) Sallie, b. July 15, 1861 ; d. May 27, 1879 ; m. Pryor, son of Humphrey Schultz, of Niota, Tenn., February 16, 1886. They had two children. (2) Carrie Belle, m. Geo. Cline, son of Geo. Cline, works with Knoxville Traction Co. (3) Samuel, b. October 22, 1862; m. Amanda Patton, of Cumberland County, Tenn., January 21, 1892. She was the daughter of John Patton who lives nine miles northeast of Crossville, Tenn. Samuel M. is a farmer and civil engineer. Their children are : Jesse, Charles, Luther, Scott, Lucille, Beatrice, Zirkle, , Mc- Clain and Winona. HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 109 Charles B. Martin, younger brother of Samuel J. was educated for the ministry, mostly by Elder Eli Cleve- land, assisted partially by the Baptist church on Sweet- water Creek. When he was about 21 years old, in about 1856, he went to Van Buren County, Mo. Seven. Harvey H., fourth son of Presley and Elizabeth Johnson Cleveland, married Mary Ann, daughter of John and Alpha Pennington, in March,1854. He died about six months afterwards, September 25, probably of cholera. The Cannons. John Cannon was born in Caswell County, N. C, on March 18, 1744, and died in Grassy Valley, Knox Coun- ty, Tenn., in October, 1906. He was the son of William Cannon who first lived in Cumberland County, Virginia, and then moved to Caswell County, N. C. The w^ife of John Cannon was Ann Whitlow, who was born in North Carolina on November 18, 1747. She died in Knox Coun- ty, Tenn., on July 1, 1830. John Cannon moved from North Carolina to Sevier County, Tenn., some time be- fore 1795, when he came to Knox County, Tenn. He had three sons, William, John and Robert, and one daughter, Cynthia. Cynthia married M. C. Rogers. She died at Huntsville, Texas, November 24, 1855. Robert Cannon was born September 30, 1781, in Sevier County. He died at his residence in Roane (now Loudon) county, between Loudon and Philadelphia, on August 21, 1854, Ann Gal- braith, wife of Robert Cannon, was born July 15, 1792, in Knox County. She died April 29, 1859. They are said to have eloped, when they married in 1812, and lo- cated in Roane County (now Loudon), on what is known as the old Matlock farm near Lenoir City, Tenn. Their children were : 1. Evaline, b. August 5, 1813 ; d. of yellow fever Hunts- ville, Texas, about 1854. 2. John G., b. 1815 ; d. December 21, 1827. ■ 3. Louisa, b. April 16, 1819 ; d. at Philadelphia, Tenn., September 13, 1894. 4. Elizabeth Martin, b. June 11, 1822; d. in Indiana. (See Moore.) 5. William, b. November 10, 1824; d. Feb. 2, 1897. 6. Charles, b. , 1826 ; d. June 26, 1888. 110 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 7. Sydney Ann, b. April 19, 1830; d. July 21, 1854. (See J. W. Clark.) 8. Martha Ellen, b. April 25, 1833. (See Solomon Bogart. ) Of the above Cannon children the first three, Evaline, John and Louisa were born at the Matlock place, near Lenoir City, and the others were born at the Cannon place near Philadelphia, Tenn. 1. Evaline Cannon married Henderson Yoakum, the historian of Texas and a lawyer of Huntsville, Texas, in 1832. Their children were : (1) Elizabeth, b. at Murfreesboro, Tenn., in 1832; m. Campbell, a lawyer at Huntsville, Texas. She died at Los Angeles, Cal., leaving one son, who resides at Los Angeles. (2) Martha, d. in infancy. (3) Mary, married (4) Annie, d. April, 1871, at Springfield, Texas. Un- married. (5) Robert, lives at San Marcos, Texas. (6) Houston, b. 1858; married; d. San Marcos, Tex., about 1912. (7) Henderson, d. in youth. 3. Louisa, third child of Robert and Ann Cannon, mar- ried (first) Laurence, son of Mathew Nelson, in 1834. After his death she married (second) James Chesnut. He was born April 5, 1808. He di^d of cholera July 31, 1854. She married (third) Joseph D. Jones, on Decem- ber 6, 1861. (See J. D. Jones.) 5. William, fifth child of Robert and Ann Cannon, married Susan Bogart, daughter of Solomon and Ann Moore Bogart, on February 28, 1856. She was born at Athens, Tenn., October 21, 1836. Their children were : (1) Robert Newton, b. December 28, 1856; d. at Phila- delphia, Tenn., March 28, 1898. He was a grain broker and land owner at Paullina, Iowa, for a number of years before his death. (2) Frank, b. October 27, 1859; d. March 28, 1894. (3) Charles Columbus, b. January 28, 1862; m. Grace Jennings at Paullina, Iowa, on 18 — . Their chil- dren were : William, b. d. ; Susan, b. 190 ; Margaret Bogart, b. October 4, 1902 ; Marv Matil- da, b. May 15, 1908, and d.— HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 111 (4) Willie, b. January 10, 1865; d. October 8, 1867. (5) Annie Yoakum, b. May 21, 1868. (See W. F. Lenoir.) (6) Mary Louisa, b. June 18, 1871. She married Joseph M. Logan, son of the late Judge S. T. Logan, of Knoxville, Tenn., on July 22, 1897. Their children are : Maria Louise, born at the old Gannon place, Meadow- brook, near Philadelphia, on October 6, 1898, and Jose- phine, born at Knoxville, Tenn., March 9, 1908. (7) Arthur Bogart Cannon married Julia Clark Tliomas at Nashville, Tenn., on December 29, 1908. Their children were : Elizabeth, b. October 25, 1909 ; Sarah, b. August 12, 1912; d. 191 ; and Arthur Bogart, b. February 3, 1916. 6. Charles, second son of Robert and Ann Galbraith Cannon was born at the old Caimon place near Philadel- phia. He was married (first) to Lodusky Caroline, daughter of J. D. and Aley Cleveland Jones, on Feb- ruary 11, 1852. They moved from Philadelphia to the Fine place near Sweetwater, in 1859. Their children were: (1) Mary Alice, b. January 20, 1854. She mar- ried Joseph H. Bean, of Knoxville, on November 26, 1890. He was born in Monroe County, September 15, 1853. He learned the printers trade in Ivnoxville ; he was edi- tor and proprietor of the Monroe Democrat, a weekly published in Sweetwater, from January, 1876 to Jan- uary, 1890; he was manager and proprietor of the Knox- ville Tribune, a daily paper published in Knoxville, from 1890 to 1892. He is now^ a member of the firm of Bean, Warters and Company, printers, bookbinders and sta- tioners, at 706 Gay Street, Knoxville Tenn. The chil- dren of J. H. and Alice Bean are: Helen Lodusky, b. May 21, 1892 ; m. Geo. Rogers, teacher, of Charleston, S. C. ; thev reside at Charleston, S. C. ; Alice, b. Novem- ber 24, 1893. (2) William C, son of Charles Caroline Cannon, was born February 4, 1860. He married Annie Mildred, daughter of Eli S. Adkins, on , 1890. She was born April 26, 1866. They have one daughter, Louise, born July, 189 . William C. Cannon lives at Philadel- phia in the old home of his grandfather, J. D. Jones. Charles Cannon married (second) Helen Graham, of 112 HISTOBY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Pond Creek Valley, on December 17, 1868. Tlieir chil- dren were : (1) Martha Bland, who married David Carter Young on December 14, 1897. He was born August 18, 1865, the son of the Rev. Jas. N. and Sarah Carter Young. He attended school at Roane and Sweetwater colleges and studied law while teaching school. He w^as a law part- ner of his brother. Colonel Sam Epps Young, at Sweet- water, from 1888 to 1911. He is at present practising law at Sweetwater. He is also a farmer, real estate owner and dairyman. He is a member and elder of the Presbyterian church and has been Sunday-school sup- erintendent. Their children are : David Graham, b. Au- gust 27, 1900; Helen Graham, b. May 6, 1904; Bland Eliz- abeth, b. December 10, 1906, and Sarah Louise, b. July 22, 1910. (2) Sue Graham, second daughter of Chas. and Helen Cannon, married S. J. Pickel. (See PickeL) (3) Louise Caroline, third daughter of Chas. and Helen Cannon, married Everett Grace, son of the Rev. W. C. Grace, former pastor of the Baptist church at Sweetwater, He was born September 9, 1873. He is a broker at Birmingham, Ala. (4) Ann Elizabeth, fourth daughter of Chas. and Helen Cannon, married Jno. F. Hargrove, of Fork Creek valley. He is a merchant at Robbins, Tenn. (5) Ida Clark, youngest daughter of Chas. and Helen Cannon, married A. J. Binzel, trainmaster of the L. & N. Railroad at Knoxville, Tenn. Tlieir children are Cath- erine and Alvin John. David Burton Childress Was born in Sullivan County, Tenn., April 14, 1831, the son of Finley Childress. His mother was Betsey Perry, a direct descendant of Commodore 0. H. Perry. David Burton Childress came to Athens, Tenn., in 1857, where he clerked there for A. McKeldin. He married Miss Mary Jones on December 20, 1860. She was an older sister of Mrs. James M. Heiskell. She was born in Wilmington, N. C, May 11, 1841. They came to Sweetwater in 1865. He engaged in the general mer- cantile business with W. B. McKeldin as partner, for a HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 113 year or two, when the partnership was dissolved, Mr. McKeldin returning to his former home at Athens. Mr. Childress remained in business until a short time before his death which occurred November 21, 1887. Some of the clerks for D. B. Childress were Hugh M. McKeldin, Sam Scott, R. E. Magill, Millard Hudson and J. H. Dicke}", all successful business men afterward. For history of R. E. Magill see ''Magill Family Record, " page 103, by Robert Magill, Publisher, Richmond, Va. History of J. H. Dickey see Goddard, this book. He was interred in the old Sweetwater cemetery. He first lived in the house now owned by S. H. Sharp. On April 5, 1873, he bought 15 1-2 acres, now the j^roperty of Mrs. J. R. Love, on the Athens road, and built and moved there. He was both mayor and an alderman of Sweet- water a number of times. The children of Mary and D. B. Childress were: 1. Samuella, b, June 14, 1862. She married James I. Carter on December 27, 1881. He was born January 11, 1858, the son of John G. Carter, of Charleston, Tenn. He was in business with J. H. Patton for several years, then a merchant in Sweetwater in partnership with his brother, John Carter, until about 1884, when he went to Chicago, where he was a member of the Board of Trade. He is now a capitalist in Chattanooga, with a city resi- dence on Bluff View and a summer residence near the incline on Lookout Mountain. The children of J. I. and Samuella Carter are : (1) John Garnett, b. February 9, 1883. He m. Frieda Utermoehlen, a musical composer. (2) Mary Lynn, b. April 7, 1885. (3) Paul Burton, b. February 10, 1888. He is in busi- ness with his father. (4) Lucille, b. August 30, 1891; m. James Glasscock, now with Proctor & Gamble, at Cleveland, 0. (5) Doris Inman, b. March 3, 1900. 2. Laura Edna, second daughter of D. B. and Mary Childress, b. January 18, 1868. She was married Oc- tober 12, 1887 to L. P. Thatcher, wholesale grocer, of Chattanooga. He died in 1906. Their children were : (1) Burton Craighead, b. 1888. (2) Samuel Eugene. (3) Hugh Lynn. 114 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY (4) Elizabeth. (5) Louis P. (7) and (8) Wendell and Laurette, twins. (9) Kenneth. (10) Doug-las, about 10 years old. These are all liv- ing; the sixth child, Justis is dead. 3. Hugh Lynn, b. January 28, 1870; d. February 4, 1898. He was an expert telegrapher and fine business man. When he was 27 years of age he was superintend- ent of the southern division of the Postal Telegraph Company, the youngest in the service. 4. Berta, b. September 23, 1872. She m. David Ran- kin, of Chattanooga, June 23, 1896. She d. October 2, 1897. 5. Nellie Elizabeth, b. August 12, 1875 ; m. I. N. Steely, a lawyer of Williamsburg, Ky., on May 21, 1908. Chil- dren, three: (1) Hugh Childress; (2) Joe Francis; (3) Oarnett Carter. 6. James Finley (John), b. May 22, 1878; m. Lyda Boykin at Chattanooga, on June 17, 1903. One child, Margaret Evelyn. He is a druggist in Sweetwater. ^ 7. Annie EHen, youngest child of D, B. and Mary 'Childress, b. April 2, 1884, m. to Samuel E. Johnson, at Sweetwater on December 27, 1905. Four children: (1) Nellie Elizabeth; (2) Samuel G. ; (3) L^mn Cannon and Mary Childress. James Cooper. Lived on Mrs. Mira A. Reagan's place, one-half mile south of I. T. Lenoir's residence, for probably as much as twenty years, from about 1840 to some time in the early sixties. My information as to the family is some- what meager. What is given about them merely is as I remember it. James Cooper, I think, was twice mar- ried. Name of first wife unknown to me. The children of the first wife that I remember were: Washington, Patsy, Jane, David and James. He married, second. Miss West. Their children were: Cannon, Wesley. Levi, Nick and Joseph and two daughters, and , Washington joined the Confederate army, 1 think Rowan's company, and was killed, soon after the commencement of the war, in the Cumberland moun- HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 115 tains. Patsy married Matthew McGuire on December 21, 1858. Levi married Ellen Hayes December 31, 1878. Washington, the oldest child of the first marriage was born about 1838-9. Cannon, the oldest child of the sec- ond marriage was probably born about 1850. Joseph Cooper is a conductor on the street railway at Knoxville. Abram Whitenack Cozart 'Was born near Harrodsburg, Kv., on Februarv 11, 1822, and died at Columbus, Ga., on February 20,* 1889. He was buried at Philadelphia, Tenn., with other mem- bers of his famil}'. He was first married to Julia A. Cakhvell in Monroe County, Ga., in about 1847. Their children were : 1. Joseph H,, b. about 1848 in Macon, Ga. He mar- ried February 13, 1870, Addie, daughter of George Mont- gomery Cuson, near Philadelphia. He died near Wau- komis, Okla., leaving several children, who reside there. 2. Mattie, who married (first) the Rev. Joseph Mc- Ghee. They had one son, Joseph L. McGhee, Pli. D. (Johns Hopkins University), w^ho is now professor of chemistry in the Southwestern University at George- town, Texas. She m. (second) B. E. Tallent. 3. Jacob Abner, m. Belle Suavely of Virginia. They live at Bridgeport, Sask., Canada. 4. David, died near Philadelphia, in early manhood. He was a medical student. Tlie children of A. W. and Julia A. Cozart were, I think, all born in Georgia. Julie A. Cozart died August 16, 1854, near Philadel- phia, Tenn., to which place A. W. Cozart had moved a short time previous. After her death he married her sister, Martha G. Caldwell, who was born September 28, 1827. She died in Georgia January 2, 1899, and was buried at Philadelphia. Their children, who were born at the old home one mile east of Philadelphia, were : (1) Samuel, who married Mary Wilson. Died at Col- orado Springs, Col. (2) Hugh Walker, unmarried and lives at Pocatello, Idaho. (3) Hattie, m. Joseph Gates, Manatee, Fla. (4) John, m. Addie Caldwell, of Knoxville. Resides at Knoxville, Tenn. 116 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY (5) Linneaus, died at Atlanta, Ga., in early manhood. Buried in Philadelphia. (6) Abram Whitenack, b. June 14, 1870; m. Susan, daughter of Judge Brown, of Columbus, Ga. He lives at Columbus, Ga., where he practices law, and has served as judge of one of the courts. History says there was once a man whose name was Andrew Smith and he took as a wife Miss Ellen Seater. He settled or temporarily resided in Orkney Isles; for there on the Mainland, the largest of the group, a son of his and hers first saw the light of day or possibly more correctly the fogs of the north sea. This son was born on the 20th of May, 1797, at Kirkwall. They searched diligently for a name for him and finally settled on John ; not Ian, but just plain John without any frills to it. And why not John? There were John the Baptist, and John Knox, the Presbyterian, John the beloved disciple, and King John of Magna Charta fame and a host of other distinguished Johns. Anyhow if there was any- thing wrong with his being saddled with the name of John Smith and being born in the Orkneys John was not to blame for it; he couldn't help it. He was not obliged to stay there however, and when he grew to man- hood he moved about as far away from there as he could. The Orkneys are among the bleakest lands in the hab- itable parts of the globe. A frith separates them from the northernmost point of Scotia or the ''land's end" or the ''ultima thule" of the Romans; not a great ways north of them are the Shetland Isles, and like these islands they raise barley, ponies and rough and hardy breed of cattle. In the Orkneys there are nine months of winter and three months of rather cool weather; though in those three months of so-called summer the sun shines most of the time. The hills and cliffs around Kirkwall are about the same elevation above sea level as the depot at Sweetwater. Hoy, west of Mainland Isle, is a horneblende, Gnessoid islet rising sheer out of the sea to a height of more than 1,500 feet. On this uninhabitable, intractable rock the intense cold pro- duces no impression and the storm king and the mad waves of the north sea beat in vain. In summer from the towering cliffs of these islets the sunsets and the HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 117 starry nights are beyond compare. Formerly before the European war no wealthy Britisher's life was complete without a yatching trip to the north of Scotland. Are there flowers there! We would think so; because the great Creator in some way has rendered beautiful and attractive the most barren and inaccessible parts of the earth, the coldest and hottest. The edelweis blooms amid Alpine snows ; the acacia waves her yellow hair in Arabian sands, the cactus sheds its perfume In the rainless tracts of Arizona; gems sparkle in the fathomless depths of ocean. This contention with the forces of nature on such shores as the Orkneys has given to the Scotch thus ren- ders life in most climes easy. What chance would an Otaheite islander or a tropically reared man have against a descendant of the McGregors or a Scottish highlander with equal conditions. For the Scot it would be like taking candy from a baby. What time John Smith came to Scotland proper we are not informed. He undoubtedly must have received his ministerial education there. At the age of 29 he was married to Mary Bland, of Dumfries, on April 4, 1826. She was born July, 1808. She was the daughter of Robert Bland and Mary Mc- Gregor. Soon after marriage he was sent as a mis- sionary to China: to what particular part is now not known. From the dates of liis childrens' birth and where born he could not possibly have remained very long in China. We give the history as furnished us by Mrs. Bland Clark: Robert Andrew Tomlinson, born at Malacca January 17, 1827. Helen Margaret, born at Malacca September 22, 1828. Mary Ann Aldersey, born off the coast of the isle, of St. Helena, December 10, 1829. James Hen- ry, born at Montreal, Canada, November 30, 1831. Bland Elizabeth (Mrs. Clark) born at Kingston, Canada, Feb- ruar}^ 6, 1834. These were the children of the first wife. He married (second) Elizabeth Bland, a sister of his first wife (Mary Bland), in Canada on August 9, 1835. She was born at Dumfries, Scotland, October 30, 1800. Her children were : Wm. Henry, b. at Brockville, Canada, July 9, 1837; d. in infancv. 118 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Jane Isabel, b. at Brockville, on September 30, 1838. Angeline Henrietta, b. at Union Village, N. Y., February 16, 1840. Wm. Henry (2), born at Troy, September 28, 1843, Caroline Emily Hutchinson (afterward Mrs. Buell), b. at Troy, N. Y., September 23, 1845. There were some peculiar circumstances connected with this Smith family. That having a famil}^ he should traverse the oceans to Malacca and then to China, re- turning to Malacca and back again to England or Scot- land and thence to the British dominions in North America soon after. He made the voyage to British Isles from Malacca in 1829, as evidenced by the birth of one of his children off the coast of St. Helena. That also shows that he did not go direct from Asia to Canada, for in that case he would not have gone from the Cape of Good Hope by St. Helena, made historic as the prison of the great Napoleon. This was at a time when the canal on the isthmus of Suez had scarce- ly been conceived. It was some voyage then in a slow sailing vessel especially when buffeted by contrary winds. I assume also that John reared on the brink of a tempestuous ocean did not dread the waves and was never sick at sea or he would not have spent so much of his time on ships. Yet with the best accommodations then obtairable it was hard on the youthful mother of three children, she being twenty-one and a half years old and the eldest child less than three. He married two daughters of Robert Bland and Mary McGregor. One he married when she was 18 years of age and the other (the second wife) when she was 35 years old. His first wife was also eight years the younger of the two. Each was the mother of five chil- dren. He was born in the land of the diminutive Shet- land pony, two of his children in the region of the mighty elephant; one on the high seas, one in Montreal and one in Kingston, Canada. These were the children of the first wife. The .five children of the second wife w^ere born as follows : Two were born at Brockville, Canada, one at Union Village, N. Y., and two at Troy, N. Y. To three of the children were given the name of Henry: one James Henry and two William Henry, the first Wil- liam Henry dying in infancy. We infer from this that either John or his wives w^ere very partial to the name niSTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 119 of Henry but did not care to perpetuate the name of John; he had had enough of it. Mrs. Clark says too that though the grandchildren and great grandchildren are very numerous that not one of them living bears the surname of Smith. Also when once his children left the place of their nativity, which they usually did early in life, none re- turned to reside, like Roderick Dhu, on their native heath and very rarely set foot on it. His descendants are -dispersed from Canada to Brazil and not a Smith among them to perpetuate the name. There are how- ever a few Smiths left in New^ York City, so the direc- tory says. Mrs. Helen Margaret Cooke. I take this from the Chattanooga Times of Decem- ber 5, 1915. "Kirkwall is a little place with about 4,000 inhab- itants in the island county of Orkney. Its location may .be fixed in the minds of the reader by the statement of the fact that it is between 20 and 30 miles north of the famous 'John 0. Groats', the most northern point of Scotland. Because of its commodious harbor, in which can be held hundreds of vessels, and on account of the fact the harbor space is not occupied, it is used by the British as the most available place for the internment of detained United States ships. This has given it a prom- inence it miglit not otherwise have obtained." "It is of interest to note that Ivirkwall and its sur- roundings furnish one of the most interesting places in the world for sightseeing. History and tradition com- bine to trace the civilization and architecture back to the times of Scandinavian supremacy. The castle, pal- ace and cathedral are buildings of remarkable interest and the scener^^ of the surrounding country is described as beautiful." The springs and creek which supply the waters that flow through our town and by a thousand devious chan- nels for thousands of miles find their way to the Gulf of Mexico. And are they lost there! By no means. Warmed by the suns of Yucatan they become part of the Gulf Stream, the mightiest water course on our 120 HISTORIC OF SWEETWATER VALLEY globe — mightier even than the Bosphorus that empties from the Black Sea into the Mecliterranian and the form- er affording ten times the volume of the Mississippi. This, the Gulf Stream, sweeps northeasterly in its irresistible flow and tempers the climate of many lands. It ren- ders habitable the Orkneys and blesses wherever it goes. Thus one part of the world gets its food, its climate, its civilization and often even its religion from another part. "Am I (not) my brother's Keeper?" "And east is east and west is west and never, the twain shall meet, Till earth and sky stand presently at God's great judgment seat." A very pretty jingle, Mr. Kipling, but is it true! No, though w^e should endeavor to isolate ourselves on an uncharted isle of the Pacific, soon or late some ship would come our way and insist on knowing what we were there for. Mr. Smith was educated at Oxford, England; was a teacher and preacher and was possessed of a magnifi- cent library. Mrs. Cook was born in Malacca and ''Little Ellen," as her mother called her, sojourned some months in Singapore, Asia, traversed two oceans, lived in Mon- treal, Kingston, Brockville, and Bath in Canada, Troy and Union Village in New York, Selma, Ala., Athens, Cleveland and Sweetwater, Tenn., and Fort Valley, Ga., and also in Florida. There she spent her last days. With these advantages of parentage and education and being associated with the best people in many sec- tions and being a bright and attractive woman one can well conceive what her influence in life must have been. She came south to Selma, Ala., about 1850. She m. there Professor H. G. Cooke, a teacher of music on the violin and piano. They came to Athens, Tenn., probably in 1853. She taught there a private school till the fall of 1856. She taught also at Cleveland, Tenn., in 1857. At Athens Mrs. Julia B. Love, Mrs. D. B. Childress and Mrs. S, J. A. Frazier were among the number of her' pupils. In 1858 she came to Sweetwater and became the prin- cipal of the girls' school in the Union Institute, now the Baptist Seminary. She taught in this building until the schools were closed on account of the occupation of this section by the Federal troops. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 121 She was intensely southern in feelings. She always was very partial to the southern people and the climate of the south and the majority of her friends were in this section of the country. During the war she hesitated not to express her opinions and even her husband, a former Massachusetts man, was also a southern sympa- thizer. She entertained General John H. Morgan on one of his raids through this country. For this or more probably because she was under accusation of giving information to the '' rebels" through a secret, then termed an ^'underground mail system," she was sent through the lines, by whose order I am not informed. She finally reached Fort Valley, Ga., where the famil)^ of Sterling Neil "refugeed" wdien the Federal troops occupied this valley. Stella Neil, now Mrs. J. C. Slap- py, had been a pupil of hers at Sweetwater. Before the Civil War she contracted for lot No. 127, bounded by High, Morris, Church and Walnut streets, adjoining the Union Institute lot 126 and built a resi- dence thereon. The street between the two lots has since been closed by the town authorities. Some time after the war she returned to her home in Sweetwater. She had a small building erected on her own lot and taught a private school there. These build- ings now have both been removed or torn down. She also taught a school in the lower floor of the Ma- sonic Hall then occupying the site of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, South. She moved to Bridgeport, Florida, . She died there on May 13, 1896. Mrs. Cooke in her teaching strenuously insisted on thoroughness, industry' and obedience to rules. Being such an indefatigable w^orker herself she could not tol- erate a lazy pupil. Yet she was patience personified when the scholar was dull but really trying to learn. She was a strict disciplinarian and though firm she was always kind and managed to gain not only the respect but love of her pupils. I have heard many of them, most of whom are now passed away, express a devout thank- fulness that they were taught by Mrs. Cooke. She turned out many who were afterward teachers, both in the academical and musical departments. Few indeed were there of her pupils who were not well 122 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY grounded in the ''three R's" and numerous ones were shining lights in the higher branches. She taught near- ly everything but domestic science ; this her girls were expected to learn at home so far as they could. She was a member of the Presbyterian church and owing to her disposition never neglected church or Sunday-school duties. William did you mean it? ''Mean what," said the shade of the immortal Shakspear? "what you said about the evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones." ***** "Get thee to a sanitarium, you mast fed East Ten- nesseean, you, I'm not answering fool question today; but this I will say, a part of it I meant and a part I didn't. Take your choice. Good-bye." "William, sorry I disturbed you, take a rest and a coca cola for your nerves." Now there may be those who may have minds scepti- cally inclined. They may refuse to believe that I called his spirit up at all from the — the vastly deep — as the Sw^eetwater telephone thitherward is not in working or- der — and if I did call, there was no answer or if there was an answer it was not Shakspear but his ste- nographer that answered. Again the language attrib- uted to him is not Shakspearian and he had no knowl- edge that East Tennesseeans fed on acorns like the Druids of old. But you can have it your own way ; take it or leave it ; I'm agreeable. I am about to give you the contents of a paper showing that the good Mrs. Cooke did live after her and that her soul is "marching on" but not in the John Brown direction, which is bad for John B. The paper to which I refer was compiled and written by Miss Miranda E. Yearwood for the H. M. Cooke Memorial Library some time this year (1915). It is very highly interesting and instructive and almost a com- plete history of the library movement in the town of Sweetwater and surrounding country. That the town sorely needed a library goes without saying. Read her article, ye moneyed men and women, and loosen up your purse strings ! And do not wait till you are worth a million to do it, but help endow the library so that it HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 123 will not have a hand to mouth existence year after year. Right here permit me to say, whether pertinent or not, if any one. after reading- Miss Yearwood's paper, is bold enough to assert that the women of the first civil district of Monroe County have not sufficient intelli- gence and principle to transact business and cast the ballot, I would like for him to come forth and exhibit himself. True the ladies usually get what they want as it is, but not always when they want it. I have several times been told by some of them how I must vote or suffer the penalty, and I have no legal boss either. Some oppose female suffrage because they fear that the ballot will corrupt the women without elevating the franchise. A point not well taken. Is the sunbeam cor- rupted when it shines on a heap of garbage! The paper of Miss Yearwood follows: Helen M. Cooke Memorial Library. On February 11, 1905, twenty-three i^ersons from the town and surrounding country met in the Sweetwater Seminary building, then used by the "Tennessee Mil- itary Institute," to discuss plans to establish a j)ublic library in the town of Sweetwater. Mrs. J. Harrison Lowry was chairman of the meeting. She stated the purpose of the meeting and stressed the special need for a library in the town. Miss Bess Love told of the start made, stating that when the Misses Coffin were preparing to leave Sweetwater they had given her mother, Mrs. Julia Reagan Love, thirty-five books. Mrs. Love offered these books with others she would donate toward a public library. Many others offered from three to six books and numerous magazines. For the present Colonel 0. C. Hulvey offered a room in the school building, rent free, for ahome for the library. On voting the name was made the "Sweetwater Pub- lic Library Association," books to be obtained from membership fees, gifts, and by money earned by public entertainments, teas, etc. The membership (fee) was placed at $1.00 per year, thus making a membership within the reach of all. Without charge any one can use the reference books or read in the library when open to the public. 124 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Colonel 0. C. Hulvey was made president, Mrs. J. H. Lowr}^, vice-president, and Miss Bess Love, secretary- treasurer. A committee was named to draft By-laws and a Constitution, one to solicit memberships, one to se- lect books. The books were to be judiciously propor- tioned as to subjects in history, biography, fiction, na- ture, travel, essays, etc. The officers of February, 1905, served until Septem- ber, 1907. Then on February 7, 1907, S. T. Jones was elected president, Mrs. J. R. Love, vice-president, Miss Nancy Jones, recording secretary, Mrs. J. R. Bradley, corresponding secretary, and Clarence E. Young, treas- urer. Early in 1908 the room heretofore donated by Colonel 0. C. Hulvey was needed for school purposes and the books and furnishings were removed to a small build- ing in the yard of S. T. Jones, which we used rent free. On March 21, 1908, Mrs. Bland E. Clark offered as a gift the small building and the ground on which it stood, opposite the Southern Methodist Church, for a home for the library, provided the name be changed from the Sweetwater Library Association," to the "Helen M. Cooke Memorial Library," in memory of Mrs. Clark's sister, Mrs. Helen Margaret Cooke, one of the pioneer educators in this community. Mrs. Ida Clark Hutcheson offered $100.00 to the building fund provided Mrs. Clark's offer was accepted. It was with great pleasure that the association made the change in name by a unanimous vote. Several parties made an effort to secure a charter but each time failed in some essential. C. E. Young, treas- urer, took the matter in hand and secured a char- ter for the *^ Helen M. Cooke Memorial Library" in Sep- tember, 1910. It was signed by S. T. Jones, C. M. Young, Mrs. L. E. Heiskell and Misses Bess Love and Miranda E. Yearwood. A building committee was appointed composed of Mrs. Bland E. Clark, C. E. Young, Mrs. S. T. Jones, and Misses Bess Love, Nancy Jones and Miranda E. Year- wood. The building given by Mrs. Clark was originally a small barn which had been converted into a dwelling. The committee could not dispose of this building to ad- vantage, so concluded to remodel and add to it; which HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 125 was done. When completed it was convenient and com- modious. A circular was issued signed by pupils of Mrs. Cook now residing in this community and mailed to all her former pupils whose addresses we could learn, telling of the proposed memorial to her name and ask- ing for donations toward the building fund. Among the replies received enclosing check, was one from Mr. Will price (of Chicago), sending $25.00 and promising that when the building was completed he would donate a piano of his firm (Price and Peeple, Chicago) make. This he did. $200.00 was subscribed by citizens not pu- pils of Mrs. Cooke and the balance to complete the build- ing was made by various entertainments. The building w^as completed April, 1911, at a cost of $1,036.70 and all paid. The assembly room is finished in mission style, beamed ceiling, hardwood floor, built-in window seats, stone chimney, tinted walls, green stained woodwork and bookcases; large library table and piano to corre- spond. Electric light fixtures, rugs and window shades also to correspond. Clarence E. Young denated a mis- sion clock and Mrs. Clark a Morris chair for this room. Adjoining the main room is the kitchen, furnished; sink with water connections, table and dumb waiter to the second floor. In the pantry adjoining the kitchen there are numerous utensils and odd dishes in addition to three dozen small plates, three dozen large plates, three dozen cups and saucers, three dozen sauce dishes with green band and the ''Helen M. Cooke Library" in green. These dishes were donated by Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Penland. Across the end and down back side of the building is a wide porch lighted by electric lights. The stairs (enclosed) ascend from the side porch and enter the main room on the second floor (also hard- w^ood) and which has built-in seats and shelves. Adjoin- ing this main room is a storeroom and serving room with dumb waiter coming from the kitchen. The main room on the second floor is rented by the United Daugh- ters Confederacy chapter as an assembly room. The entire building with its contents is rented (when desired) for private or public entertainments at a rea- sonable rate and is an ideal place for holding receptions, etc. There are folding tables and folding chairs. The 126 HISTOBY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY library owns about 1,800 books and subscribes for four- teen magazines ; ten magazines are donated. The library is open to the public three hours every Saturda}^ afternoon. Different ones serve as librarian, donating their services. At the fair in 1914 in connection with the ' ' City Beau- tiful League" the members of the library served lunch and realized for the treasury $100.00. We have no in- come excepting membership fees and are compelled to resort to lunches, entertainments, etc., to replenish our bookshelves. We make an order for new books four times a year and have added new bookcases, rugs and curtains that were badly needed. When the plans of the building were submitted there was not enough ground for the building contemplated, so Mrs. Clark donated more ground to extend to yard fence of Mrs. Hutcheson and to extend to the wire fence of her (Mrs. Clark's) garden. 1915 officers are Mrs. S. T. Jones, president, Mrs. J. R. Love, vice-president, Clarence E. Young, secretary- treasurer, and Miss Nancy E. Jones, librarian. Children of Mrs. H. M. Cooke. Henr^^ B. Cooke was born at Athens, Tenn., May 8, 1854. He married Fannie S. Meir, of Boulder, Col. She was born in Mitchell, lud., November 27, 1861. He and she both are members . of the Baptist church. After learning his trade, that of brick-mason and plasterer, at Sweetwater under Captain W. L. Clark he went to Boulder, Col., then to Ash Grove, Mo., then to Coffee- ville, Kan., thence to Cedaredge, Col. At the last named place he died on January 15, 1912. Their children are : Harry D. Cooke, Red Cliff, Col. ; C. M. Cooke, Cedar- edge, Col. ; Nellie M. Cooke, Cedaredge, Col., and Mrs. Susan McCormick, Red Cliff, Col. Charles Maynard Cooke Was born at Athens, Tenn., July 1, 1856. He got his 'education from his mother and the public schools of Sweetwater. He studied law and went to Fort Smith, Ark., in 1882. There he married Sarah B. Luce, daugh- HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 127 ter of Rear Admiral John Bleecker Luce on June 2, 1884. He has been city atttorney and mayor of Fort Smith and was assistant United States district attorney for the Western District of Arkansas in Mr. Cleveland's first administration. Since 1908 he has been a Christian Scientist. He moved to Harrison, Ark., in 1912. The children of C. M. Cooke and wife are : 1. John Bleecker, b. May 17, 1885. In United States Navy at Mare Island. 2. Charles Maynard, b. December 19, 1886. In United States Navy at Brooklyn Navy Yard, Lieutenant in . command of Submarine E-2. 3. Helen m., b. November 8, 1888; m. Johnson, Fort Smith, Ark. 4. Cornelia P., b. July 21, 1890. Now at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia. 5. William Forester, b. July 8, 1892. 4229 South Ben- ton Boulevard, Kansas City, Mo. 6. Stephen Bland, b. August 23, 1898. Attending school in Philadelphia, preparatory to entering An- napolis Naval Academy to which he has an appoint- ment. Nellie Cooke (McLin) Was born at Sweetwater May 1, 1859. She married Chas. E. McLin on January 3, 1882. He was born in Blount Comity, September 3, 1858. Mother and father were George A. and Jane McConnell McLin. C. E. McLin is secretary and treasurer of Anchor Duck Mills at Rome, Ga. Children: Clifton, b. June 23, 1885; d. August 7, 1901. Helen, b. January 6, 1895. James W. Clark Was born in Washington County, Va., December 23, 1825. He came to Monroe County, Tenn., probably early in the forties. He helped to build some of the residences in and around Madisonville. He had re- ceived a common school education and was not afraid of work. He and laziness did not have a speaking acquaint- ance. He first married Sydney Ann, daughter of Robt. Cannon, who owned a large farm on the stage road one and a half miles northeast of Philadelphia, on Novem- 128 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY ber 20, 1847. They had been married scarcely seven years when death came suddenly. The summer and fall of 1854 there was a great scourge of cholera in this sec- tion of the country. It was very prevalent and very fatal in Sweetwater Valley. The people were panic- stricken and I am told that half or more that took it died. Mrs. Clark died of this disease July 29, 1854. She was born September 19, 1830. Robt. Cannon, father of Mrs. Clark, died also on the same date as his daughter. Previ- ous to that time there had been no deaths in the family for a great number of years. The Loudon Free Press, a newspaper then in the town of Loudon, published the fact that in August, 1853, E. P. Clark, and J. W. Clark, and R. T. Wilson after- ward a New York millionaire, w^ere each commencing the erection of a new residence in that town. Mr. J. W. Clark never occupied his. Mrs. S. A. Clark left an infant daughter, Ida, who was born January 20, 1853; she married C. H. Hutcheson on December 30, 1887; she died at her residence in Sweetwater, January 28, 1915. Mrs. Hutcheson was a faithful member of the M. E. Church, South, and one of the church's strongest sup- porters. She devoted a great deal of her time in later years to the church and its various organizations — the Sunday-school, missionary societies, etc. She also took great interest in the schools of the town and in the H. M. C. Library Association. Mr. J. W. Clark married a second time, this time to Miss Bland Elizabeth Smith at Weston Mills, Catta- raugus County, New York, at the residence of her brother-in-law, H. P. Weston. She was born in King- ston, Canada, February 6, 1834. In 1855 she came south with Robt. McEwen, a merchant then of Athens, Tenn., who had gone to New York to purchase his stock of goods. The trip then was a toilsome one, and a young lady needed an escort. Miss Bland, came to Athens on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Helen M. Cooke, who was prin- cipal at a school for females at that place. When Mrs. Cooke came to Sweetwater in 1857 Miss Bland came with her and here she met Mr. Clark and as stated they were afterward married. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 129 Mr. Clark was a contractor and builder. He and his brother, W. L. Clark, built many houses in Sweetwater, both business and residence. He was a zealous member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South. He superintended the construction of the new church here and he was the largest contrib- utor in money possibly with one exception, the Hon. Jno. K. Brown. He (Clark) spared no time or means to make the church and the parsonage adjoining such as would be an honor and a credit to the denomination and the town. The church stands on the site of the old Ma- sonic lodge, afterwards Victoria College, under charge of the Athens District Conference. He was a consid- erable stockholder in the bank of Sweetwater. The Sweetwater Flour Mill and the Sweetwater Woolen Mills. He was one of the town's most honored and respected citizens. From the time Sweetwater was incorporated he was either mayor or an alderman, so long as he would con- sent to accept the position. He died at his residence in Sweetwater on October 13, 1897, and was interred in West View Cemetery. Mrs. B. E. Clark survived her husband almost nine- teen years. She died at her residence in Sweetwater on Sunday, July 23, 1916, at 4:20 p. m. One of her last acts a short while before death was to donate $1,000.00 to build a Sunday-school annex to the Methodist Church, South. Captain W. Leonidas Clark Was born near Abingdon in Washington County, Va., October 19, 1829. Mr. J. W. Clark was an older brother. He took the gold fever and went to California in 1857. He went by the Panama route I think. The tribulations were not so great as in 1850 when General Vaughn went by that route, but it was still far from being a Sunday- school picnic excursion. I do not know exactly in what part of California he sought his fortune, but I have heard him speak of being with J. F. Owen and others. They were successful enough in their search for gold to get money enough to get back on, which was by no means always the case. Mr. Clark returned to this valley in 1860, as I am informed, as did also Mr. Owen. He 130 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY (Clark), after his return to Sweetwater commencecl the study of medicine under Dr. M. C. Parker to learn how to cure people and ameliorate the ills of humanity ; how- ever, before being fully equipped for "curing" he was called on in 1861 to go and help kill the hated "invad- ers of our sacred southern soil." He joined Co. of Regiment, Tennessee Vol. Cav., C. S. A. (I have not his army record at hand but it is in the archives of Jno. A. Rowan Camp at Sweetwater.) He came out of the war a captain. He did not resume the study of med- icine but was a mason, plasterer and contractor and builder. He wrought at these with the same energy and determination with which he had fought the "yankees" and with much more satisfactory results. He soon ac- quired a competence. On November 12, 1870, he married Mrs. Mary E., widow of Mr. J. J. Sheldon (of whom a sketch has been given in these columns), and thereby hangs a tale if not a romance. He was both an operative and a speculative mason. He was W. M. many times of Sweetwater Lodge No. 292, F. & A. M. Tlie Grand Lodge formerly held its sessions in Nashville in November instead of January. Captain Olark and Mrs. Sheldon planned to get married just previous to the session of the Grand Lodge but kept their intentions secret. They went to Nashville on their iDridal tour. The captain was considerable of a practi- cal joker and therefore sometimes became the victim of one himself. However he was always good humored r.bout it and would ''acknowledge the corn" which would mean in later phrase "'the treats are on me." Some of his Masonic brethren in Sweetwater thought he should have given some inkling of his intentions so that they could have given him a good send-off. As that pleasure was not afforded them they sent a dispatch to the chief of police at Nashville somewhat as follows: "Arrest W. L. Clark, of Sweetwater, who has absconded with another man's wife." Word was sent. The ar- rest was made according to schedule. But when the brethren tried to explain to the chief that it was all a practical joke he refused to listen and said it was no joke with him, that he was simply doing his official duty. The matter was becoming serious and it took the Grand HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 131 Lodge and the remnant of the Southern Confederacy to get his quick release. As the Captain laughingly said when he got back home: "I Scotts, bo3^s, you like to have got me in the jug, sure enough." Which goes to show that practical jokers sometimes go farther than they intend with their jokes and you can't always tell whom the joke is on. The senders of the telegram might have gotten into trouble. In 1878, Captain Clark bought 20 acres off of the Lenoir farm southwest of the town. He built a resi- dence on the hill on the Athens- road where he resided at the time of his death. He died April 20, 1889. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. He possesed a good library and read much. He con- versed intelligently and interestingly on a variety of subjects. He had a contempt for shams and superficial knowledge. He said it was far better not to know any- thing at all than to "know" it wrong; for then you would not have to unlearn w^hat you thought you knew. En- tire ignorance was better than action on wrong assump- tions, which subjected you to loss and ridicule. The children of W. L. and M. E. Clark were: 1. Charles L., b. October 11, 1873. 2. Mabel E., b. January 18, 1875. 3. Frances J., b. October 14, 1879. 1. Charles L. m. Annie Rhea, daughter of Jno. R. Gaines, of Sweetwater on January 12, 1905. She was b. September 4, 1880. Their children are: James W., b. March 31, 1906, and John Craig, b. November 3, 1910. Charles Clark resides at the W. L. Clark residence in Sweetwater. He was educated in Sweetwater and is secretary and treasurer of The American Textile Com- pany. _. 2. Mabel E., m. Wesley Dickey, January 17, 1907. (For his history see Browder family.) She died August 1, 1908. There" was one child, Mabel, b. August 1, 1908. 3. Frances J., m. Robt. C. Copenhaver, of Abingdon, Va., May 10, 1906. He is a manufacturer of iron and lives at Abingdon. She died there Nov. 16, 1908. She was buried in West View Cemetery at Sweetwater. They had two children: Robert C, b. June 10, 1907, and Frances Clark, b. October 28, 1908. 132 history of sweetwater valley The Cunnynghams. Tlie above is the way the family have commonly spelled the name in this country. The English use "i" instead of '^y. " I am inclined to think, however, without a thorough investigation, that the Scotch orthography was * ' Conyngham, ' ' meaning the home of the Con^Tigs. The Scotch word '^hame" means home. From the song "Comin' thro' the Rye" we cjuote: "What's his name or where 's his hame I dinna care to tell." James CunuAiigham was Scotch-Irish. He was an Episcopalian. He lived in Ulster, North Ireland. - He married Arabella Good. They emigrated to this country in 1769. They came through Philadelphia, Pa., and set- tled in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. He died there sixteen or seventeens years later. (Holston Methodism, Vol. 2.) Their children were six in number: James, William (Henry), Arabella, Charlotte, Magdalen, and the name of the other not known. Shortly after the death of her husband, Mrs. Arabella Cunnyngham moved with her family and some others to Tennessee, to what w^as knowm afterwards as "Tay- lor's Bend" of the French Broad River. The year is given as 1786. James and William were born in Ire- land, the others in Shenandoah Valley. James w^as killed by the Cherokee Indians. Charlotte married Greorge Turnley of Botetourt County, Va. Arabella married John Winton and they were the ancestor and ancestress of the Roane County Wintons. William was born in Ireland July 3, 1765 He died in Sevier County, February 11, 1845. He married a Miss Lewis, a daughter of Amos Lewis. He was converted under the preaching of the Rev. Thos. Wilkerson and be- came a minister of the M. E. Church. Their children were Jesse, John, Wiley, Wilkerson, Polly, Betsey, Jane and Charlotte. €Tesse was born in Jefferson County on the French Broad River ten miles above Knoxville, October 25, 1789. Ilis M. E. Church history is as follows: He was con- verted in 1805 ; admitted to Holston Conference in 1811 ; was Presiding Elder in 1816; located in 1826; read- HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 133 mitted in 1849 and superannnated. He died in 1857. He was married to Mary Etter on December 16, 1819, She was born in Fincastle, Va. She was quite a noted wo- man. (See Holston Methodism.) She died at the resi- dence of her son-in-law, Robert Craven, on May 28, 1868. Mr. Craven lived near Chattanooga on the side of Look- out Mountain. They both were buried in the cemetery near Athens, Tenn. Jesse Cunnyngham's home from probably about 1826 till the time of his death was in Monroe Comity not far from the head of Eastanallee Creek. This was after- ward known as the Edwards, now the W. F. Orr place. He w^as a noted revivalist. I heard a darkey talking about his preaching once. He was telling some other negroes: "He shore is a skeery preacher. I don't like to listen to him ; he makes me dream of the devil and the bad place." Jesse CunnjTigham was one of the four commission- ers appointed by the county court in 1835 to lay off Monroe County into districts ; the other commissioners being William Bayless, John Callaway, Senior and Thomas L. Toomy. They divided the county into seven- teen districts ; the number was afterward increased to twenty. Dr. Price in speaking of Jesse Cunnyngham and his wife says: "They reared a large family of children, brought them up in the fear of God, and they became or- naments to society and an honor to their parents. The Rev. W. G. E. Cunnyngham, one of his sons, came to eminence. He was for a number of years missionary to China and for a long time afterward was the Sunday- school secretarv and an editor of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, South." James R. Cunnyngham, son of Jesse Cunnyngham, was born January 28, 1828. He married Caroline S. Weathers, June 18, 1857. He died at his home on Eastanalla, October 3, 1898. Caroline S. Cunnyngham died at her home on Eastanalla Decem- ber 16, 1901. Children of J. R. and Caroline Cunnyng- ham: 134 HISTORY OF SWEETY/ ATER VALLEY (1) Virginia M., b. March 9, 1858. She married Thos. Hunnycutt January 11, 1888. She died April 26, 1888. He married (second), . Live in Choctaw nation, Oklahoma. (2) Sarah, b. October 27, 1859. She died November 10, 1861. (3) Charles W., b. February 12, 1863. He married Catharine Carter, March, 1893. He lives at Sweetwater, R. F. D. No. 1. (4) Mary C, b. May 6, 1865. She married J. A. Mc- Campbell April 15, 1899. They live at Knoxville, Tenn., E. F. D. No. 6. (5) Elizabeth C, b. November 22, 1867. She married C. B. Tansy, January 22, 1890. They live at Chatta- nooga. The children of Elizabeth Cunnyngham and C. B. Tansy are : a Hoyt, b. April 20, 1893. b Nita B., b. November 8, 1895. (6) Hattie, b. September 9, 1870. She married J. W. McBroom August 14, 1912. They live at Leon, Okla. (7) Jessie, b. May 30, 1877. She married Geo. C. Bout- well June 18, 1905. Mr. Boutwell died February, 1913. Mrs. Boutwell lives at Leon, Okla. We have no history of John, Wiley and Wilkerson, brothers of Jesse. The four sisters were Polly, Jane, Betsey and Charlotte. They all married and settled in this section. Polly married Thornton C. Goddard in Knox County on February 3, 1817. Betsey married Johnathan Pickel, of Pond Creek Valley, 1821. Jane married William Patton, of Sweetwater Valley, June, 1823. Charlotte was the third wife of Samuel McSpad- den. They lived on Dancing Branch seven miles south of Sweetwater. The descendants of the Cunnynghams, wherever you trace them, are numerous. Those in McMinn, Monroe, Loudon and Roane counties are not exceptions to this rule. They are long-lived and retain their mental and physical vigor to ripe old age. The Cunnynghams. It is a characteristic of the Cunnyngham posterity, wherever they have lived or whatever name known by. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 135 to be independent, free and untrammeled in politics, re- ligion and personal habits. However there is little or nothing of the puritan in their make-up. There was never any disposition to persecute others for opinions sake. Their attitude to the outside world was: '^You let me and my family alone and what does not concern you and I'll let you alone." They do not insist that others shall adopt their opinions and habits ; which con- sidering their number and influence is a "God's bless- ing." Not that what they do and the manner in which they do it may be wrong in itself, but some of them are idiosyncratic; have queer ways peculiar to themselves. One of these descendants I knew years ago said to a friend, who had criticised his actions: "I do and say what I please, when I please and where I please." This notwithstanding Solomon asserted: ''There is a time for all things." So he proceeded in summer to go bare- foot almost everywhere he went, except sometimes to church. This he did, not on account of the expense of boots and shoes, but he contended that it was more, healthful and saved much time He lived, as we would now say, according to eugenics. He did not try to make others go barefoot but said that was his w^ay and that was the way he was going to do as long as it violated no law of God or man. In simple matters of taste we should not dispute. No doubt it was just as uncom- fortable for him to wear shoes in hot weather as it would be for a tenderfoot to walk over gravels without them. As to church predilections the Cunn^mghams were near- ly all Methodists, a few have been Presbyterians. The Cunnynghams-Pattoks. We have already given the history of those branches of the Cunnyngham family which intermarried with Jonathan Pickel, T. C. Goddard and William Patton, of Sweetwater Valley. We now take up that branch of the Pattons, using largely as to remote ancestry infor- mation obtained from the late Wiley Patton, a former resident of Sweetwater but dying in Texas. Hans Patton, evidently of German origin, settled in what is now Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, betw^een 136 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VAX.LEY the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers near the site of Pittsburgh. Fort Duquesne, located in the forks of above rivers, was in possession of the French and Indians until 1738. It is presumed from what is narrated here- after, that he went there subsequent to that time and previous to 1776. Little is known of his history; when he died or what his wife's name was. He was the father of three sons, Robert, Frances and Jacob, and two daugh- ters, Jane and Phoebe. Robert was a Revolutionary soldier. His record is on file in the United States Pension Office, Washington, D. C. He was first a lieutenant and then a captain be- fore the close of the war. His son, William Patton, was born in Allegheny County, Pa., April 22, 1792. After that time "he (Robert)," Wiley Patton wrote, ''moving ■ from there (Allegheny County, Pa.) to Kentucky, thence to Knox County, Tennessee, staying a few years in each state, and died in Knox County on the 4th day of Sep- tember, 1815. He was about 65 years old. ' ' Tliis would make the year of his birth 1750. The maiden name of Robert's wife was Isabella Fraaser. From the use of the "aa" in the spelling of the name I would take it that she was a Hollander. She died in Knox County, October 18, 1822, at about the age of 59, making the year of her birth 1763. William Patton was the son of Robert and Isabella Patton. If there were other children we are not in- formed. William Patton. William P. married Jane Cunnyngham, as has been stated, in Knox County, in June, 1823. Soon afterward they settled in Sweetwater Valley four miles south of where the town of Sweetwater now is, and one mile north of the low gap in Sweetwater ridge. He was a farmer and a mechanic. He paid considerable attention to stock raising. He was the first man if not the only man to have a track in the valley for the training of horses. It was on the quarter section on which he resided. It was a straight half-mile track and ran along near the pub- lic road. It was not inclosed and sometimes young- bloods in this section who wanted to know who had the HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 137 fastest horse went there to find ont. The amount in- volved in the result was usually small and no great at- tention was attracted. William Patton did everything with conscientious thoroughness. To illustrate. He was a fine mechanic. During the Civil War here in the south iron furnaces and foundries either were not running, or if they were they were engaged in the manufacture of arms and mu- nitions of war for the Confederacy. W^ood in many in- stances had to take the place of iron. At that time near- ly every one wdio farmed at all raised a patch of sor- ghum. The cane was used for the manufacture of mo- lasses and sugar, more largely the former. When sugar could not be obtained molasses was substituted for it; one was called "long sweetening" the other "short sweetening." In serving cotfee or parched rye water (postum) it was sometimes asked which you preferred *'long or short sweetening." Cane mills were scarce in those days and very much needed. They were also considered difficult to make. My father, I. T. Lenoir, had tried several which had proved very unsatisfactory. It was a problem to find some one to make a good one. Mr. Patton learning of it told my father if he would furnish him a strong hand to turn the lathe and do whatever he w^anted him to do that he would make him one that would work. My father told him that he would gladly do so and furnish any ma- terial that could be obtained. This I think was in the summer of 1861 or 1862. For a shop Mr. Patton had only a hand lathe under a shed in front of the house near the road. He had only a few tools. True the machinery you might say was simple — two hard wood rollers with wooden cogs — the rollers placed upright in a frame and attached to a sweep or lever so a horse could turn them. The horse went in a circle and led himself around after he was started. It was a very much mooted question in the neighbor- hood with the appliances at hand whether or not Mr. Patton could make a satisfactory machine. It was next in importance to whether the ''yanks" or "rebs" would whip in the fight. It became a matter of neighborhood pride that he should be successful. I, a boy then, took great interest in the work, went along with the hand 138 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY and closely watched its progress. Mr. Patton took much pains and was very deliberate in his work. When the mill was finished we hauled it home with as much pride as if it had been the ark of the covenant. It worked like a charm; I would have been sorely disappointed if it had not. It lasted many years and proved a blessing also to the neighbors, who were free to use it. He was importuned to make other mills but refused; said that he made that one merely as a model to show what could be dotie ; that he was getting too old for such work : He w^as then about 70. He had no idea then that his sor- ghum mill would be written of more than fifty years afterward or become historical. The latter part of the war he resided with his son, J. H. Patton, of Sweetwater. He died there June 28, 1864. He was buried at Mount Lebanon Cemetery. His re- mains were removed and reinterred in the Wiley Pat- ton lot in the old Sweetwater Cemetery. His wife, Jane Cunnyngham Patton, was born Feb- ruary 9, 1798, and died October 28, 1857. Her remains lie in the old Presbyterian Cemetery at Philadelphia. They were both members of the Presbyterian church. The children of William Patton and Jane Patton were eight : (1) John Elbert, (2) James Harvey, (3) Elizabeth Ann, (4) Margaret Jane, (5) Alvin, (6)" William H, (7) Wilev, (8) Thomas Wilkerson. (1) J. E. Patton was b. July 22, 1824, d. February 23, 1852. Buried at cemetery at Philadelphia. He was never married. (2) J. H. Patton was b. February 11, 1826; d. Au- gust 2, 1894. He was married to Margaret A. McSpad- den, of New Market. Jefferson County. Tenn. She was b. October 3, 1836. She d. May 10,^1884. In the latter part of 1853 or early in 1854 he came from his father's farm to Sweetwater. He formed a partnership in a general merchandise business with his cousin, John W. Goddard, who had been in business at Philadelphia. Mr. Patton purchased from I. T. Lenoir a lot on the corner of Depot Street and Wright's Allej^ across the alley from the site now occupied by Guthrie, Bradley & Jones. In the old plan of the town, gotten up by I. T. Lenoir and as laid off by him, the street on HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 139 the west part of the depot square was always called De- pot Street and the street on the other side of the rail- road opposite was Railroad Street and it was always written so in the early deeds to the town lots. Since then I have noticed in some of the deeds of late years to lots on Depot Street that street is called Railroad Street, and sometimes Main Street. I note this fact so that hereafter confusion in names and titles may be pre- vented. In the fall of 1859 Wiley Patton, a brother of Har- vey, bought out J. W. Goddard and became a partner of his brother J. H. The style of the firm was changed from Goddard and Patton to J. H. Patton & Brother, and this partnership continued until 1880. Mr. Patton and his wife first lived in a building back of his store, then in a residence next to where Mrs. Julia Stilman now resides, afterward in the house where William Patton, his son, now lives (1916). His business affairs were various and he was emi- nently successful. He owned a quarter section of land one and a half miles west of Sweetwater. He occupied many positions of trust. He w^as elder in the Presby- terian Church at Sweetwater for fifteen years. He was secretary of the Sweetwater lodge F. & A. M. for more than that time. It was an exceedingly rare thing that he ever made a mistake in his accounts either in his personal business or in his offices of trust. Although not physically very strong he managed to transact a great amount of business. He w^as always known as a fine collector of clebts due the lodge, the church or him- self. Yet I have never known of his suing anybody or having a law suit or giving otfense for asking for the payment of a debt. How this w^as accomplished I never understood. He was always one of the moving spirits in his church and in all school affairs. He was particularly influential because of the confidence of the entire com- munity in his good judgment and correctness. He was naturally very conservative and opposed change unless he was thoroughly convinced that the change would be greatly beneficial. However if he was out voted or any- thing was determined in opposition to his wishes, he gen- 140 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY erally strove for its success as much as if he had been in favor of it. The married life of himself and his wife was an ideal one. He could not possibly have accomplished what he did in his varied business affairs had his wife been almost any other woman. They reared such a fam- ily of children as few people have ever been blessed with. The children of J. H. Patton and Margaret Patton were : 1. Emma, b. October — , 1860. Married R. A. Tedford May 12, 1897. He was a druggist at Maryville, Tenn. He Vlied in March, 1907. 2. Madge, b. June 3, 1863; d. June 28, 1908. 3. Alice, b. January 28, 1867. These three sisters were educated mostly by Mrs. H. M. Cooke at Sw^eetwater. Alice was m. to J. A. Magill on January 11, 1894. James Alexander Magill was b. August 20, 1865; He was the son of Aurelius N. and Jane L. Wilson Magill. Died on Lookout Mountain on July 10, 1899. He was cashier of the Bank of Sweetwater from November, 1886, till January 5, 1897. He resigned the office on account of ill health. He organized the Mascot Knitting Mills at Sweetwater. He was a re- markable business man of his age. He was president of the Y. M. C. A., superintendent of the Presbyterian Sunday-school, and on May 1, 1897, he and W. G. Bogart were ordained deacons in the Presbyterian church. Alice P. married (second) Rev. Wm, Bartlett, of Mary- ville, Tenn. He is the son of the late P. M. Bartlett, who at the time of his death was president of Maryville College. Mr. and Mrs. Bartlett now (1916) reside in Chattanooga. 4. William, b. June 29, 1872. Educated at Sweetwater. When a young man went to Dalton, Ga., as an employee of the Crown Cotton Mills of which his father was presi- dent. He married Francis McCuthen Bitting, daughter of John H. Bitting, of Dalton, Ga., on November 19, 1896, and they came to Sweetwater in that same month. They live in the J. H. Patton house, on Mayes Avenue, the third built by him in Sweetwater. He is president of the Mascot Hosiery Mills. 5. James Patton, b. December 28, 1874. Educated at Sweetwater College under J. L. Bachman, D. D. He HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VAJLLEY 141 married Bessie, second daughter of J. L. Bacliman, on January 16, 1902. They reside on Mayes Avenue, Sweet- water. He is secretary and treasurer of the Mascot Hosiery Mills. In 1915 was chairman of the Monroe County Road Commission. James and Bessie Patton have one son, James Harvey, III, b. February 27, 1903. (3) Elizabeth Aim Patton was born the 12th of Sep- tember, 1828. She married B. M. Porter. He was born in McMinn County, January 14, 1831. After their mar- riage they resided in Knoxville for a short while and then in October, 1876, moved to Weatherford, Texas. They both died and were buried there. They had five children (1) Jane Amelia, (2) Boyd, (3) Benjamin Franklin, (4) William Harvey, (5) ' Maggie Elizabeth. Jane Amelia was married to 0. K. Kidwell. Their post- office is at Weatherford, Texas. (4) Margaret Jane Patton was the fourth child of William Patton. She married A. H, Murray. They re- sided for many years in Sweetwater and \dcinity. They reared a family. Tliey moved to Ash Grove, Mo., exact date not known. They both died there. (5) Alvin Patton died in infancy. (6) William H. Patton was born in 1834. He moved to Texas two or three years before the Civil War. He joined the Texas Rangers and served throughout the war with them. A short time after his return home to De- catur, Texas, he died. He was never married. (7) Wiley Patton was born in Monroe County on his father's farm on April 3, 1836. He clerked for S. J. Rowan a part of the year 1859 ; in the fall of this year lie went into partnership with his brother, J. H. Patton. He joined the Confederate army January 2, 1862. He sur- rendered at Vicksburg, Miss., and was paroled. After his return from the war, he resumed business with his brother, J. H. Patton, and continued as his partner until 1880. On November 21, 1867, he was married to Julia A. Holston. She was born November 26, 1839, and died No- vember 6, 1880. They had two children. Margaret Cun- ningham, born in Sweetwater 22nd of December, 1868, and died in Atlanta, Ga., on August 18, 1887. (2) Ethel May. She was born July 27, 1875, in Sweet- water. Her residence is Weatherford, Texas. Married W. H. Arnett. 142 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Wiley Patton was married the second time to Mrs. Sal- lie P. M. Taylor on the 1st day of February, 1887. She was born in Williamson County, Tenn., in 1852. He died at San Antonio, Texas, in 1915. (8) Thomas Wilkerson Patton was the youngest of the children. He w^as born m 1838 or 1839. I went to the same school he did in the old log schoolhouse near the town of Sweetwater in 1856. There was so much ex- citement in the presidential political race that year that the scholars in the school, male and female, used to di- vide off in their games according to politics, the Whigs against the Democrats. Tom Patton was the largest scholar amongst the Whigs and Eagleton Ramsey the oldest of the Democrats. There was much rivalry, but so far as I remember, it was all good humored. Wiley Patton says that he (Thomas) joined the Con- federate army and was either killed or died during the war. He (Wiley P.), wrote me that he did not know his (Tom P.'s) history. He was not with him during the war. The Cunnyngham-Pickels. In the old family Bible of Jonathan Pickel he states that his parents were Christian Pickel and Katherine Pickel, formerly Pophanberg, and that they came from Germany. Entries are found showing that: Jonathan Pickel was born February 5, 1790, He died on Septem- ber 20, 1854. His wife Betsy Cunnyngham was born March 17, 1796, and died July 12, 1877. The date of their marriage I think is not stated. It probably oc- curred in 1819. They are buried in the cemetery at County Line. They were the parents of nine children: One'. Rufus M., b. July 10, 1820; d. April 23, 1878. Second. James Harvev, b. April 10, 1822 ; d. April 28, 1895. Third. Jno. H., b. August 2, 1824; d. Fourth. Hugh Cunn^mgham, b. October 28, 1826; d. Fifth. Jane Cunnyngham, b. September 3, 1828. Sixth. Jj. Mitchell", b. August 30, 1830. L. M. P. m. Nancy Lowry, daughter of James L. on Eastanallee. They went first to Missouri, then to Boulder, Col. Both HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 143 dead. Children: Robert, Emma, Emmett, Carrie and Jane. Live at Boulder. Seventh. Margaret S., b. November 23, 1832 ; m. H. B. Pennington, whom see. Eighth. Sara M., b. August 8, 1836. Ninth. Samuel Wilkerson, b. August 13, 1838. One. Eufus M. Pickel was married to Emmeline Lot- speich, July 5, 1839. Rev. Ira Falls, officiating. She was born February 4, 1821, in Green County, Tenn. They moved first to Henry County, Mo. Afterwards they settled near Ottumwa, la. He was a merchant and a farmer. He was a member of Board of Prisons for Henry County, Mo. He was collector of internal revenue from 1862-1867. In 1871 or 1872 he moved to Ottumwa, la., and died there April 23, 1878. He died of dropsy. They were the parents of eleven children, only three of whom are now (1913) living. Tliey are: (1) Hugh Marion Pickel, b. December 23, 1841. Re- sides at Des Moines, Iowa. (2) Maria Sophia Pickel, b. July 1, 1857. She mar- ried Jacob Pickle on . Their Post-office is Davenport, Washington. (3) Emma Etter Pickel, b. November 25, 1858. She married Thos. H. Pickel. They reside at Ottumwa, la. Second. James Harvey P. was married to Mary Jane Crump Browder, daughter of William and Elizabeth Browder on September 11, 1845. She was born May 17, 1827, and died April 25, 1872. '■ He was a farmer and resided three and a half miles Hvest of Sweetwater. He met with an accident while iplowing in the field. This accident caused internal in- (juries from which he died April 28, 1895. Although 73 years old at the time of his death he was very vigorous, and in the natural course of events he bade fair to live many years. He possessed in a large degree the Cun- nyngham strenuousness of opinion, the Pickel industry 144 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 'and in his home, the Browder hospitality. He especial- iy resented being dictated to. He was a zealous worker in the Methodist church and the Masonic Lodge. He understood music well and enjoyed conducting singing at the church and camp meeting. He preferred the square note system of where each note in the octave was represented by a different shaped character. The pitch /was regulated by a tuning fork. He did not look with favor on instrumental music in church. Being a man of a large family and a good citizen he took great in- terest in schools, and the cause of education generally. He was a Union man during the Civil War and was a deputy marshal under Captain S. P. Evans in 1865. Although an efficient officer, there was no complaint made that he used his office unkindly, or subjected those arrested to indignities. In most cases he read the warrant to the party and told him to report at Knox- ville. These were political not whiskey cases. The children of J. H. and Sarah Pickel were eight in number. Their names were: 1. William Wilkerson. 2. Jonathan Asbury. 3. James Mitchell. 4. Elizabeth Ann. 5. Samuel Jefferson. 6. Sarah Jane. 7. Hester Ella. 8. Ada Baxter. 1. William W. was born September 5, 1846, and died ^August 15, 1913. He attended school at the Union Insti- tute, now Baptist College, under Professors Ragsdale, Leyburn and MuUer. When a young man he learned the tinner's trade un- der Matt Carter at Sweetwater, and was with him until Mr. Carter's death. Working at his trade when a young hnan he got a fall from which he lay unconscious for sev- eral weeks and it was thought he would not recover, but a fine constitution brought him through. His death re- 'sulted from a fall of like nature. He never hesitated to go where his work called him and sometimes took chances which he should not have taken. He lost as HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 145 few days from work in liis business as any man that ever lived in Sweetwater. The taking of a holiday was ^almost unknown to him. Althoug'h Wilkerson, his middle name, which ran ^through the Cunnjaighams, the Pattons, the Goddards and the Pickels was a Methodist name, W. W. joined the Presbyterian Church in 1876 and was a faithful hnember. (Thos. Wilkerson was a noted Methodist preacher in Sender County in early times. }- William Pickel resided all his life in the First Civil district of Monroe County, and since about 1870 until his death in the town of Sweetwater. He was at the 'time of his death the oldest resident of the First Civil District, having lived in it all of his life 67 years. ■ On April 24, 1878, he was married to Nancy Ann Cook, daughter of Adolphus M. Cook. She was born March 15, 1857. She still (1915) resides in Sweetwater. Their children were ten, viz: (1) Frances Elizabeth, b. February 10, 1879. She married Robt. W. Johnston, June 28, 1911. He lives ort iFork Creek. He is the son of Jno. H. and Sarah Gaines Johnston. (2) Maude Ella, b. October 9, 1881. ' (3) James Adolphus Pickel, b. January 21, 1883. He was married to Miss Annie Reece, October 12, 1910. They have one son, James Reece Pickel, b. (4) Chas. Bates Pickel, b. February 10, 1885. (5) Dora Pearl, b. February 5, 1887. She was mar- Tied to Chas. N. Hulvey, June 8, 1909. Their children are: Frances Elizabeth (Dec.) Chas. Newton, Jr., b. . Col. Chas. N. Hulvey is president of T. M. In- stitute (1915). (6) William Hugh, b. March 2, 1889. (7) Mary Alice, b. July 23, 1891, d. October 22, 1893, (8) Robt. Lvmi, b. February 28, 1894. (9) Nellie Mav, b. February 8, 1897. (10) Nancy Louise, b. August 28, 1900. 2. Jonathan Asbury Pickel, second son of J. H. Pickel, was born July 22, 1848 ; d. August 16, 1900. He married Sallie A. Thompson, Mav 26, 1875, who was born in Franklin County, Va., April 15, 1852. Died June 3, 1907. Both are interred in Westview cemeterv. Thev moved 146 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY to Pilot Point, Texas, in August, 1881, and spent several years here, returning to Sweetwater, and lived here un- til their death. John, as he was usually called, took a great pride in raising fruit, vegetables and melons. When he was a boy thirteen or fourteen years old, in try- ing to protect his melon patch from Federal soldiers, he was shot through the body and came near dying from the wound. His pluck and determination to get well were all that saved him. After this occurrence no one ever again tried to steal his watermelons. The children of Jonathan and Sallie Pickel are: (1) Emma B., b. November 30, 1876, at Sweetwater, Tenn. Married Wm. Moser in November, 1899. They live in Chattanooga, Tenn. (2) Berta May, b. in Sweetwater, Januarv 20, 1879. Died at Pilot Point, Texas, September 12, 1881. (3) James Samuel, b. September 25, 1882. (4) Janey Lee, b. at Sweetwater, Tenn., October 26, 1886. She was married to B. A. Boone, October 26, 1911. Residence, Chattanooga. (5) Edith Lillian, b. November 25, 1888, at Sweet- water, Tenn. 3. James Mitchell Pickel. He was born November 17, 1850. He went to Pilot Point, Texas in . Married Nannie E. Murray at that place. May 16, 1888. He is a merchant. 4. Elizabeth Anne was born January 6, 1853. She married Robert H. Locke, of Meigs County, September 4, 1879. Died March , 1909. 5. Sarah Jane, b. March 16, 1857. 6. Samuel Jeiferson, b. April 5, 1855. Died February 12, 1911. Married Susan, daughter of Chas. Cannon, . He was a merchant at Sweetwater. Chil- dren. Samuel J. b. , (2). 7. Hester Ella was born August 31, 1859. She mar- ried Hon. Frank P. Dickey December 20, 1883. She died . Dickey was a farmer in Pond Creek Valley. He and his wife were members of the M. E. Church, South. Dickey married a second time, Martha Washington Suddarth, of Harriman, November 20, HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 147 1907. One son, Franklin Pierce, was born to them No- vember 4, 1908. They live at Harriman, Tenn. 8. Ada Baxter was born November 16, 1861. Married Frank L. Harmon of Germantown, Ky., on February 21, 1883. Their children are : Ethel, George, May and Ralph. John Fine. From inscriptions on tomb stones we find that John Fine was born January 1, 1781, and died January 26, 1857. His wife, Nancy was born November 10, 1782, and died February 18, 1859; both arriving at the advanced age of more than 76 years. It is very probable that they came here from Cocke County ; they at least were originally from there. They came to this valley as soon as the Hiwassee District was open for settlement. The church records of Baptist Church on Sweetwater, show that they both helped to organize on Fork Creek what was afterward called the Baptist Church on Sweetwater, on the first Saturday in June, 1820. As has been stated heretofore this valley was not open to settlement till that year. The records also show that before the building of this meeting house the members met at the residence of John Fine on the first Saturday in August, 1821. It was the house above the springs where the city waterworks now get their supply. He paid for his land and obtained a grant. No. 686, from the State, dated September 7, 1827, and de- scribed as being the southwest quarter of section 34, township 2, range 1, east of the basis line. It corners in the road leading west to Pond Creek at the northwest corner of Mrs. Love's property. It runs thence south one-half mile (160 rods) and the same distance west, north and east to the beginning. The part on which the old house now (1914) stands is owned by the Charles Cannon heirs. Tlie present Fair Ground is also on the tract. In the days of the stage line the Fine house was a stage stand and stopping place. The stage road from Phila- delphia to Athens went by there, the location of which was never much changed until the year 1913. Also the road from Madisonville west to Pond Creek Valley ran by there, leading almost straight from the Ramsey 148 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY (Waren) lane through the woods to the creek crossing near the house. The road from the McCroskey neigh- borhood on Fork Creek to the west took a turn at the Heiskell lane, led by the house and thence to Pond Creek. Thus from its natural location and the good ac- commodations obtained there by travelers, it was a well known stopping place. John Fine and his wife had been married and had a considerable family, when they came to Sweetwater Valley. They were in the prime and vigor of life, possessed of property and intelligence and con- sequently were an influential family. I have not found out the maiden name of Mrs. Fine. Mr. Fine was evi- dently interested in the cause of education, as the school- house was located one-fourth of a mile south of his house on his land. This schoolhouse was built some time pre- vious to 1834; for early in that year Baptist meetings are recorded to have been held in the Fine schoolhouse. The branch church here had authority to receive mem- bers for the old Sweetwater church. In the settlement of church difficulties and misunderstandings between neighbors John Fine was often called on to arbitrate. His fairness and sense of justice must have been gen- erally^ recognized. His name sometimes occurs in he Circuit Court records on the jury lists. It was custom- ary in the forties to summon men of the highest char- acter and intelligence for that service. To be a juryman was then a badge of honor and it was not considered good citizenship to try to get relieved without some valid excuse. There was until some years ago a Fine family burying ground, in which thirteen of the family were interred. This was situated on a hill north of the house. It was enclosed with a stone w^all. The bodies there were re- moved and re-interred in West View Cemetery. The children of Jno. and Nancy Fine were : John, Polly, Abraham, Sarah, Mahala, Minerva, Martha, and Nancy. One. John, date of birth not known. He may or may not have l^een the oldest child. He enlisted in the Mexi- can war, fought through it, and on his return from Mexi- co took sick on board of a ship in the Gulf. He died and his body was consigned to the waves. This was probably in the vear 1847, but the date is not known. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 149 Two. Polly was boiii NovMnbor 25, 180:5. Died Jan- uary 29, 1857. (UnmarrifHl). Throo. Abraham, married Mary S. PTaralsoii July 3, 18o8. Thoy movfsd to Missouri. IJistorv not known. Foui-. Sarali was born Novcmbor 29, 1809. DicA De- cember 25, 1870. She was married to Dr. Ira L. Hill, on April 5, 1832, He was born November 18, 1804. He died July .31, 1843. lie lived in Sevier County. He was a physieiaii. Their ehildren wei-(;: 1. Mary M., I), in 1834. She died in Brownsville, Neb., in October, 1884. She married Jos. Marshall Owen, Au- ^-ust 28, 1849. (See history of Owen family). 2. John was boi-n in Seviei- County, July 15, 1838. He moved to Sweetwatf^r with his mother in the year, 1844 — not long after the. death of Dr. Hill. She lived near the Fine residenee on the hill above the spring. Ih' married Isabelle Hotehkiss, d-'iughter of Claiborne Hotehkiss, on January 17, 1871. They resided in Loudon County. He was a farmer. Isabella Hotehkiss was born in Roane (now Loudon County) April 1G, 1848. She died Jan- uary 8, 1902. John liill died November 1, 1889, in Lou- don County, and was bur-ied in the New Providence graveyard. They were th(! parents of eight ehildr-en: Four girls and four boys: (1 ) Sallie Abbott, age 43, Mineral Wells, Texas. (2) C. H. Hill, age 41, Loudon, Tenn. (3) Jno. W. Hill (age not given). Died in Texas. (4) T. W. Hill, age 35, Loudon, Tenn. (5) Mary Brazeal, died at the age of 32, in London, Tenn. ((>) Ella Smith, age 28, Lenoir City. (7) Sam Hill, age 25, Chattanooga. This information was gotten from one of the family, I think C. H. Hill, in 1914. And the ages given refer to that date. He only sj)eaks of thre(* girls, Sallie, Mary and Ella, in listing the names. 3. Oliver Hazard Perrv Hill was f>oin in Sevier Coun- ty July 15, 1840. During the Civil War, in 1861, he en- listed . Capt. Jno. A. Rowans, do. of 43)d licir., C. 8. A. He was wounded at Chickamauga, on September 150 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 21, 1863. The lower portion of one arm was amputated and he was disabled from further service. On Novem- ber 7, 1867, he married Mary Carter, daughter of Jno. Carter. She was one of 25 children,. They settled near Lenoirs, Tenn. He was a farmer. He died March 23, 1911. She died , (1914). They left children as fol- lows : (1) Sarah Fine, b. December 13, 1868. Married Jno. Heffner of Lenoir City . (2) Ira Lee, b. November 10, 1870. Married Kate Miller , 1897. (3) John W., b. October 15, 1872. Died October 11, 1889. (4) Ambrose Parnell, b. August 15, 1874. St. Paul, Minn., is his address. (5) Nancv Lucinda, b. April 1, 1877. Died in 1878. (6) Martha E., b. June 8, 1879. Married Geo. O'Neal of Lenoir City, February 20, 1891. Their children are Levi, Paul, Cecil and Agnes. (7) Marion M., b. September 17, 1883. 1, 2 and 3 of the Hill children, Mary, John and Perry, were all born in Sevier County, as to Ira, the fourth child, probably in Sw^eetwater Valley in 1844. He went to Minneapolis, Minn., after the Civil "War and died there, not many years since. Not known to me whether he had a family or not. Mrs. Hill was married a second time to Welcome Beard, on December 29, 1859. Five. Mahala was born February 18, 1814. She was married to N. G. Walker of Mo. . She died at the Fine residence while on a visit there on Februarv 8, 1859. Six. Minerva, b. — . She married Jabin Snow Tay- lor of Pond Creek Valley, and brother of Elica A. Tay- lor on March 9, 1848. He was born in Grainger County, Tennessee, August 10, 1823. He died February 22, 1857. Seven. Martha was born in 1828. She married J. C. Starrett on May 7, 1861. She died February 19, 1889. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 151 He was born in Bradley Comity (date not given) and died September 14, 1874. Their children were: 1. Jno Starrett, b. October 27, 1864. Married Emma Boggs September 25, 1889, of Lenoir City. No children. He was married a second time. By this second mar- riage there were three children, Katharine Louis, in 1911, eight years old; Randall McKnight, in 1911, six years old ; infant son, Jno. M., in 1911, three months old. Second child of J. C. and Martha Starrett, was Flor- ence. She was born on October 12, 1868. She married Dr. J. T. Tillery, of Ebenezer, Knox County, on August 24; 1890. They" had one son, Duncan E. Tillery. Eight. Nancy E. Fine, b. October 15, 1836. Died April 9, 1857. From the time John Fine came to this country and built the old log house which now stands at the loca- tion mentioned, there were no deaths at that residence for about 37 years, although there was a large family. But from January to April, there were four deaths in 1857, viz: Jno. Fine, January 26, 1857; Polly, d. Jan- uary 29, 1857 ; Jabin Snow Taylor, d. February 22, 1857 ; Nancy, d. April 9, 1857. The disease which took them off was called pneumonia, but it occurs to me, or rather seems strange, that a whole family should have pneumonia, as I have never heard that it was a contagious or infectious disease. 1 believe that all of the family were attacked by some other disease and these four cases proved fatal. Now all the sons and daughters of Jno. Fine that were mar- ried in this country the Rev. Robt. Snead otficiated at the ceremony with the exception of Martha, who married Starrett. She was married by Hughes W. Taylor, a brother of her brother-in-law, Jabin Taylor. None of the Fines or their descendants ever belonged to any other church, than the Baptist except Mrs. Starrett who joined the Presbyterian Church, with her husband after marriage. Austin Fry Was born in Monroe County and died at Sweetwater, at an advanced age, in January. 1880. He married Jane Brandon in 1833. He moved to McMinn Coun- ty, near Reagan Station .in 1839, and then to near 152 HISTOKl" OF SWEETWATER VALLEY the head of Conesauga Creek, in the 19th civil district. Not long after the Civil War he came to Sweetwater. He was the first recorder of the town after it was incor- porated. He was buried in the old cemetery at Sweet- water. His children were : 1. Hugh, b. January 9, 1834; d. 1895. He was a me- chanic and contractor, and was the editor and publisher of the first paper published in Sweetwater, called the *' Sweetwater Forerunner." The first number of this paper was published September 21, 1867. He was mar- ried on November 8, 1855. Wife's name not known to me. 2. Sirena, b. 1835 ; 3. Kennedy, b. 1839 ; 5. Charlie, b. February 29, 1844; 6. Mary, b. August 6, 1846; 7. John, b. March 9, 1848. Married Sarah C. Young on Septem- ber 12, 1881; 8. Emma, b. August 4, 1850; 9. Nancy, b. March 1857. Married — Rose. Address, Spring City, Tenn, 4. William, b. about 1842. He married Mary Caro- line Orr on September 2, 1869. She was born August 28, 1848. He lives at Athens, Tenn. He is a mechanic. Their children are: 1. Minnie Laura, b. October, 1871; d. September 22, 1872 ; 2. Marv Etta, b. September 24, 1873 ; married H. A. McCambell, February 18, 1897 ; 3. Henry Mitten, b. April 6, 1876 ; d. January 19, 1877 ; 4. Willie Lee, b. March 27, 1878; married Agnes Under- wood, of Legrande, Ala., in 1904; 5. Charles Austin, b. April 23, 1880 ; d. Februarv 18, 1901 ; 6. Anna Lou, b. June 25, 1882; married Thos. Tidwell, of Dalton, Ga., September 15, 1909. Residence, Bonifay, Ga. Henry Glaze Came to Sweetwater Valley in 1824 from Washington County, Tennessee. In crossing the Tennessee River at Blair's Ferry, the ferry boat sank and his household goods were lost, together wdth his family Bible. It is therefore difficult to give exact dates as to himself and wife. His wife's name was Susan Wilhoite. He settled near Reagan's Station on a quarter section of land. Of that and two hundred and forty acres more, his descend- ants still hold possession. Tlie Glazes have been and are HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 153 excellent citizens, quiet and unassuming ; their names do not figure in courts either as criminals or litigants. Henry and Susan Glaze were the parents of ten chil- dren : One. Anna, Married Wm. Gate, brother of Elijah Gate. They moved to Gleveland, Tenn. Two. Jefferson, b. May 1820 ; d. July 11, 1910. Three. Lucinda, married Henry Martin and moved to Texas. Four. Henry, married Miss Martin and moved to Texas. Five. Emmaline, married Dr. Grow of Athens, Tenn. Six. Lizzie, married Jos. Neil, the brother of Wm. and Sterling Neil. Neil's wife died. He married again and now resides at Niota, Tenn. He was born February 20, 1828. Their children were : 1. James Polk, married Mollie Garrison. 2. John, married Miranda Rockwell. 3. Melvin, married Angelina Moore. 4. Laura, married Isaac Orr. 5. Sallie, married Noah Lybarger. Seven. William, d. in infancy. Eight. John, married Kirkpatrick and went to Gleve- land, Tenn. Nine. Ben, b. November 22, 1830 ; d. January 4, 1902. Married Lucy Reynolds of Ghestua on August 20, 1856. She was born September 9, 1831; d. January 12, 1902. They had six children: 1. Marion" J., h. September 7, 1857. 2. Mary, b. August 5, 1859. 3. James Henry, b. January 21, 1862. Tliese three live on the Ben Glaze place and are unmarried. Horace, Mattie and Hattie died in infancy. Ten. Mary, married George Wilson, brother of Dot Wilson. He served in the Confederate army and died during the war. Jefferson, second child of Henry Glaze, was married, iirst, to Miss Duggan. The children of first wife : 154 HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 1. John, L., b. October 1, 1853; d. at Chattanooga about 1905 or 1906. He w^as married to Sarah J. God- dard, daughter of ''Unc" Hugh Goddard, July 11, 1878. Their children were : Hugh, d. n 1896 ; Carter, Eugene and Ben. 2. Julia Miranda, married Homer Thompson, son of W. H. Thompson. They had one child. Homer Thomp- son died and she was married then to Wm. Malone. The second wife of Jefferson Glaze was Martha Jackson, whom he married October 32, 1865. She died Septem- ber 17, 1902. Their children were : 1. Henry, b. November 16, 1866. He went to Kansas and was married there to June Orr, granddaughter of Wesley Orr. 2. Lura, b. July 17, 1870. She married December 12,. 1905, Rev. D. M. Kerr of Greenback, Tenn. There was one daughter, born in 1907. 3. Horace, b. Mav 28, 1872. Married Edith Kratzer November 18, 1902." She was born August, 1880. They live on the farm adjoining James A. Reagan. 4. Grant, b. February 14, 1874. He married Mina Kratzer, who was born March 7, 1882. They were mar- ried September 28, 1904. Have one son, Carl Dean, born November 5, 1913, 5. Ella, b. September 22, 1876, d. June 20, 1896. Thornton Goddard Married Polly Cmmyngham in Knox County, Tenn., on Februarv 3, 1817. Their children were: One. "William, H., b. December 17, 1817. Two. Hugh, b. Mav 13, 1819 ; d. April 19, 1873. Three. Elizabeth C., b. April 2, 1831;. d. January 10, 1855 Four. Jane M., b. April 3, 1823 ; d. August 4, 1859. Five. John William, b. 13, 1825 ; d. October 5, 1896. Six. Robert Avis, b. Februarv 25, 1828 ; d. Mav 27, 1830. Seven. Marv Ann, b. February 13, 1830 ; d. April 30, 1901. Eight. Alvin, b. May 13, 1832; d. July 23, 1854. Nine. Marcus Bearden, b. June 4, 1834; d. March, 1910. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 155 Ten. Harriet Campbell, b. February 9, 1839; d. Jan- uary 10, 1855. One. William H. Goddard moved to Missouri. He died at Versailles, Morgan Comity, Mo. — His son, John J., lives at Clinton, Henry County, Mo. Two. Hugh Goddard. There were several Hugh God- dards. This son, I think, first married Isabella Wilson, date not known. He afterwards married the widow Taylor, formerly Marv Ann Weathers, on August 5, 1857. Three. Elizabeth, C, married W. F. Lenoir, whom see. Four. Jane M., married George McCulley who lived near Charleston, Tenn. Five. John W., married Margaret Bogart, daughter of Solomon Bogart, on December 23, 1852. He was a sol- dier in the Mexican war. In 1853 he w^as a partner in the mercantile business with his brother-in-law, W. F. Le- noir, at Philadelphia, Tenn. In 1854 he moved to Sweet- water and became a partner of J, H. Patton, under the firm name of Patton and Goddard. He was a first cousin of J. H. Patton. After the Civil War he did business with A. M. Dobbins as a partner, under the firm name of J. W. Goddard & Co. He died at Dancing Branch, on a farm in the 6th Civil District of Monroe County. The children of J. W. and Margaret Bogart Goddard were : 1. Betty Cornelia, b. October 8, 1853. (See Mayes). 2._ Susan Addie, b. June 4, 1857. On DecemlDer 25, 1879, she was married to Joseph H. Dickey, who was the son of Samuel H. and Sarah Wright Dickey, formerly of Madisonville, Tenn. Joseph H. was born at Rhea Springs, Tenn., August 12, 1855. He came to Sweet- water January 1, 1874. Was in the employ of D. B. Chil- dress for five years. He moved to Fort Worth, Texas, June 1, 1883, where he still resides. Their children are: (1) Joe Hubert, b. in Sweetwater Vallev, March 11, 1882 ; m. Rose M. Hardin of Fort Worth, November 12, 1902. Thev have two children, J. Hubert and Margaret. (2) Nellie, b. at Fort Worth, January 8, 1889. She is unmarried. She lives with her parents and is a teacher of kindergarten. (3) Anna Eva, the third child of J. W. and Margeret 156 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Goddard, b. June 23, 1861. She married T. A. Frierson, of Chattanooga, October 23, 1884. She died — . They were the parents of four children whose names I do not know. (4) John Newton, son of J. W. and Margeret God- dard, b. January 30, 1867. He married Mary Nicholson, of Atlanta. He is a broker with offices in the Equitable Building, Atlanta, Ga. Seven. Mary Ann, daughter of T. C. and Polly God- dard, was married (first) to Solomon L. Stowe of Mc- Minn Comity, in 1840. He died at Ellijay, Ga. Is buried there. Tlieir children were : 1. Julia, b. October 26, 1847 ; 2. Florence, b. 1849 ; 3. Doss, b. 1851 ; 4. Frank, b. 1853. All of these dates, ex- cept Julia's, are approximated. Julia married A. Q. Orr on September 1, 1880. His first wife was a daughter of Hugh Goddard. She died June 12, 1880. Their chil- dren were : Hugh, b. March 1866 ; Florence, b. January 27, 1868 ; Mav, b. June 10, 1870, and Ida, b. November 25, 1872. A. Q. Orr was the son of John W. Orr who came to this country from Virginia when a boy. His father entered land at the head of Sweetwater Creek. The chil- dren of A. Q. Orr and Julia, his second wife, were : Berta Leith, b. August 1, 1882; Dawson, b. February 28, 1884, and Irene, b. November 18, 1885. A. Q. Orr died at Chat- tanooga. Mrs. Julia Stowe Orr died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. R. E. McLean, Longview, Texas, No- vember 15, 1914. The other daughters, who are all mar- ried, reside in Texas. They are Mrs. H. B. Zigler, Hous- ton, Texas. Mrs. F. C. Engall, Cooper, Texas; Mrs. A. J. Robinson, Houston, Texas, and Mrs. C. F. Windall, Long\aew, Texas. I cannot state which girls married these persons. 2. Florence Stowe, married J. W. D. Williams. Whom see. 3. Doss Stowe married Artie Hutsell. Their children were Harvey, Doss and Harry. 4. W. Frank m. Lucy Mattox, of Bristol, Tenn. Their children were : Pauline, Fred, Raymond and Beatrice. Do not know their residence or history. Mary Ann Goddard Stowe was married (second) to HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 157 Arcliibald M. Dobbins on March 17, 1861. He was born in Knox County, May 30, 1831. He came to Sweetwater in 1856. He was first in the carriage business with AVm. McClung. Later he was a partner of his brother- in-law, Jno. W. Goddard, in the mercantile business in 1869. He moved to Knoxville in 1874. He now lives with his son-in-law, C. H. Gardner, who is a traveling man residing at 1213 West Landvale St., Baltimore, Md. The children of Mary Ann and A. M. Dobbins were : 1. Lula, m. James T. Cater; 2. Margaret, m. C. T. McClung; 3. Barbara, m. W. H. Lennon; 4. Henry, m. Mabel Willy; 5. Nina (first), m. — Fuller; second, m. G. H. Gardner ; 6. Charles Henry. Nine. Marcus Bearden Goddard married Clementine Amanda Hutsell on August 5, 1858. She was born Decem- ber 15, 1839, the fifth child of Andrew Hutsell, b. Jan- uary 2, 1805, and Polly Earheart, b. July 14, 1814. They resided near County Line and at Sweetwater until the year 1887, when they moved to Steptoe, Wash. Their children are : 1. Andrew Floyd, b. July 15, 1859; married Hattie Finlej^ of Meigs County. Their children were Mary Cray, b. January, 1892 ; Andrew, b. June, 1894, and Doro- thy. Andrew Floj^d is a farmer living at Rosalia, Wash. 2. Hattie Goddard married Finle^^ He is a farmer and lives at Rosalia, Wash. 3. Mary Ellen, b. October 23, 1860 ; married J. W. Ray- mond November, 1892. They have one son, George, b. May, 1894. Mr. Raymond is a grain dealer. Address, Elm Flats, Spokane, Wash. 4. Robert Henry, b. April 2, 1863, unmarried. He is Claim Agent for the Northern Pacific Railroad and lives at Missoula, Mont. 5. Grace Ophelia, b. December 20, 1864, married John B. Finley, of Meigs County, March 4, 1891. Their chil- dren are: Rex Goddard, b. December, 1891, and Isaac Raymond, b. March, 1894. The}^ own the Finley Islands, in the Tennessee River, near Decatur, Ala., which is their address. 6. Charles Avis, b. October 1, 1866; d. July 26, 1890. 7. Hutsell married Miss Mustard in Dayton, Wash. 158 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VAUliEY They had two sons, one of whom, Charles was killed on a railroad and another born August, 1897. 8. Artie Isabella, youngest child of Marcus and Cle- mentine Goddard, b. April 16, 1876. She married Cal F. Godfrey, capitalist, Roseland, 111. Their children are: Maurine and John ; the latter born January, 1908. Ten. Harriet Goddard, the youngest child of Thornton C. and Polly Goddard, married LaFayette Osborne and, I think, moved to Missouri. Few Hall Gregory, M. D. Was born in Culpeper County, Va., October 4y 1781. He came to Philadelphia, Monroe County, Tenn., in 1820. • He died August 18, 1872 in Sweetwater Valley at his home. He married Martha Lynn Reynolds, June 1, 1841. She was the daughter of James Reynolds of Philadelphia. She was a member of the Baptist Church on Sweetwater. She died on February 2, 1884, in Marion County, Florida, on Lake Gregorj^ Dr. Gregory enlisted in the war of 1812 from Virginia. He studied medicine in Petersburg, Va., Philadelphia, Penn. For 30 years he practised medicine and farmed. He was a legislator from Monroe County in 1839. He was a commissioned colonel of the State militia. He was called upon to act as Brig. Gen. Vol., in the Mexican war, but declined on account of his wife's health. He was a member of the Methodist Church, South, at Bat Creek (Hiwassee College). He owned a large amount of land. The Eli Cleveland, Jr., place, and the H. E. Martin place. He was a wealthy man for his day and time. Children of F. H. and M. L. Gregory were : 1. Susanna Virginia, b. May 13, 1842. P. 0. 1913, Nashville. 2. Jas. Few, b. January 27, 1844 ; d. April 30, 1897 at Citra, Fla. Married to Georgia Dallas January 19, 1876. 3. Mary Elizabeth, b. February 1, 1846. Married to Daniel J. Fogg, January 19, 1885 at Lake Gregory. P. O. Belleview, Marion County, Fla. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 159 4. William Richard, b. 1848. Died November, 1870, at Ocala, Fla, 5. Geo. Washington, b. Januarv 12, 1851 ; d. February 3, 1855. 6. Martha Georgiana, b. January 17, 1857; d. in in- fancy. 7. Ann Eliza, b. October 15, 1858 ; d. an infant. 8. Cora Francis, b. January 1, 1861; d. December, 1887, at Livyville Fla. She married Wm. Brown Jan- uary 1, 1885. Jas. Few Gregory was a student at Hiwassee College when the Civil War began and enlisted from there in 1861, C. S. A. Daughters of James F. G. : Lula Lynn, b. October 26, 1876. P. 0. (presumably) Citra, Fla.; George Dallas, b. February 21, 1878. Children of James and Susanna Hilton. Thej^ were married in 1866. (1) Robt. Reynolds H., b. April 25, 1868. Now in Colo- rado. (2) Geo. Gregory, b. September 18, 1870. (Dead.) (3) Wm. Andrew H., b. June 5, 1873. P. 0., Nash- ville. These children were all born in Sweetwater Valley. Above information was obtained from Mary E. Fogg, of Belleview, Marion County, Fla. Daniel Heiskell, We often hear mention of a family as being an "old family." Strictly speaking, if we are derived from a common ancestor whether we accept the Biblical or Dar- winian theory, one family is just as old as another. It may sometimes mean one which has been for long years to the same manor born ; oftener I take it to mean the ma- jority of whose members have acted in such a manner as to bring credit to themselves and to the country where they reside. This can be of a truth said of the Heiskells. An interesting and instructive book could be written of them, but it is beyond our space and province to speak at any length except of those who had their home in our valley or moved from here to other sections- The historv of the Heiskells so far as is known to us 160 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VA1.LEY reaches back to the time of William the Conqueror, the Norman who invaded England and overcame King Har- old of the Danish dynasty in the 11th century. After the battle of Hastings, which was fought in Sussex on the 14th day of October, 1066, William proceeded to parti- tion out the island to his principal followers, or reward them in other ways and started new orders of dukes, lords, earls, barons, knights, et cet. Rouget Heiskell, rather a Frenehy kind of a name for a Heiskell, was a knight under that monarch, what we might term now a '' soldier of fortune." He had a coat of arms which he was entitled to, being a knight. It is related that, dur- ing the hard fought and uncertain battle of Hastings, which raged incessantly from morning till evening, Wil- liam complained much of thirst. There was an apple tree loaded with apples on the hill of Senlac within Har- old's, the enemy's lines. Observing this Rouget true to the Heiskell motto, ''Dread Shame; Love Loyalty," dashed through the lines and gathering the fruit in his helmet returned to William and relieved his suffering. For this act of valor he was allowed to add an apple tree to the crest of the coat of arms with the word ' ' f ruc- tus" (Latin for fruit) engraved thereon. It is a tradi- tion also that when William ate the apples, his strength was renewed and Fortune from that time on favored the Normans. So the eating of the fruit of that difficult, if not forbidden, tree, did not prove as unfortunate to pos- terity as the event in the Garden of Eden. It may have been the tui'ning point in that decisive battle and settled the fate of the island; and wliat would England or for that matter our own America have been without the civil- izing influence of the Normans. Some of Rouget Heiskell 's descendants afterward drifted back across the channel to Holland. From Am- sterdam or Rotterdam, uncertain which. Christian Heis- kell sailed and landed on our own shores in the year 1700. He married Katherine Hampton, grand aunt of Wade Hampton of South Carolina. He or some of liis people lived and died at Hagerstown, Maryland, as a number of the Heiskells were buried in the Lutheran Churchyard, they being members of that church. This Christian Heis- kell was the father of five sons, one of whom was named Frederic. This Frederic was also the father of five sons, HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 161 George, William, Frederic, Samuel and Daniel and four daughters. Three of these brothers, William, Frederic and Daniel finally came to Tennessee. The father Fred- eric moved to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, near Winchester, and died there. Of the Heiskells who came to this State and their de- scendants many were prominent and well known public characters. Frederic, son of the Winchester Frederic, was one of pioneer newspaper men of our section, being editor and proprietor for years of the Knoxville Regis- ter, and was elected to the upper house of Tennessee Legislature in 1846. That same year William Heiskell was defeated in Monroe County by Col. John Ramsey for a seat in the lower house, an account of which has been given. Frederic Heiskell had distinguished sons, Joseph B. Heiskell and Carrick Heiskell. Joseph was a member of the Confederate Congress from the first dis- trict of Tennessee, elected in 1861. He was afterward Attorney General and Reporter for the State of Ten- nessee. Carrick is a distinguished lawyer and a judge in Memphis, Tenn. He, for a long time, has been promi- nent and influential there. ''Ned," his son, was for a short time U. S. Senator from Arkansas. W"m. Heiskell represented Monroe County in the Leg- islature and was prominent in politics. His son, S. G. (Samuel Gahagan) has been a Legislator and several times Mayor of Knoxville. He is a lawyer and one of the best known men in the State. Pride of birth and inherited wealth when considered as a responsibility, and not as an asset to cause you to look down on your neighbors, is all well enough. If it is expected by the possessor that he be toadied to on that account he invites the fate of a haughty spirit. Even pride is not objectionable if it prevents one from doing a mean thing; otherwise it is contemptible. That one's ancestors were honored in the past is at least a satisfac- tion to the descendants. The Coat of Arms of the Heis- kell 's as mentioned above may be described as a helmet on a field of sable and argent between two leopards and surmounted by an apple tree with the word ''fructus," aove and underneath the shield the motto (Norman French) ''Craignez Houte, Aymez Loyaute." (Dread Shame, Love Loyalty). 162 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Never do anything to be ashamed of and be loyal to your king or government. Daniel Heiskell was as far as any man from boasting of his ancestry. He was a simple citizen of the republic. He Vv^as born March 7, 1799, probably in the Shenandoah Valley near Winches- ter, Virginia. Exactly when he came to the State of Ten- nessee is not known but likely when he was a minor. Much to the disappointment of the members of the family, who chose rather the learned professions, he determined to learn the tanner's trade; deeming that this was a more certain avenue to competency than the learned profes- sions. He never aspired to office as the many other Heiskells did. He was, however. Justice of the Peace for a number of years. I have heard it said that he did not pay strict attention to the code always if he thought jus- tice pointed in another direction. For example he might give judgment in favor of the holder of a note, though out of date, if he was satisfied that the note was still un- paid and let the courts above on appeal correct the de- cision. He married Elizabeth McBride near Greeneville, Tenn., on March 4, 1823, and came to the neighborhood of what is now Sweetwater, as one of her daughters has told me, when William M., the oldest child, was near a year old. He (William) was born May 2, 1824. This tract is the one on which Edgar Heiskell now resides, having been in the family now for ninety years. He did not purchase this land direct from Matthew Nelson, Treasurer for East Tennessee. He purchased from Ivobert Shaw. At the time Mr. Heiskell came to this sec- tion there were no saw mills except those using the up and down straight saw; consequently most of the houses first built were of hewed logs and in many instances the floor of puncheons. A few of these are still standing, one on the rise above the Sweetwater water works spring and another one and a half miles south of town on Mrs. Love's farm. The Heiskell tan yard was just across the creek from where the Woolen Mill now stands. Mr. Heiskell also ])urchased some other tracts of land and was a success- ful farmer and tanner until his death, which was on July 23, 1875. He was interred in the Heiskell burying ground near his residence. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 163 As has been stated the Heiskells in Maryland belonged mostly to the Lutheran Church. Daniel Heiskell was an ardent Cumberland Presbyterian. He may have joined that church on account of the absence of Lutheran churches in our valley and that was the nearest approach in doctrine to the Lutheran Church. This is rendered more probable from the fact that one of his sons was named Luther Melancthon, after the two great German reformers. The Cumberland Presbyterian Church had its birth in the Cumberland Presbytery of Kentucky in 1810. In 1813 three Presbyteries resolved themselves into a synod and revised the Westminster Confession and excluded, as they claimed, the doctrines of fatalism and infant damnation. The passages they particularly objected to were: Chap. III. "God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of His own will, freely and unchangeabl}^ ordain whatsoever comes to pass." * * * * "By the decree of God, for the manifestation of his glory, some men and angels are predestinated unto ever- lasting life and others foreordanied to everlasting death." "These men and angels thus predestinated and fore- ordained are particularly and unchangeably designed; and their number is so certain and definite that it cannot be increased or diminished." Rapid Increase of the Cumberland Presbyterians. The C. P. Church increased rapidly in this section. There was a church of this order and a graveyard now mostly overgrown with considerable sized trees one and a half miles north east of Sweetwater at the corner of the Gaut, Young and Heiskell lands. The church there was called Mt. Lebanon. In about 1854, after the location of the E. T. & Ga. R. R. depot and the beginning of the town it was moved as being a more convenient location to the Heiskell land on a part of the lot now occupied by the Sweetwater Woolen Mill. Mt. Lebanon Cumberland Presbyterian Church moved to Sweetwater when the Cumberland Presbyterian Church or, as our Baptist brethren insist, church house (a church being a number of organized baptized be- 164 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY lievers, and not a house) was moved from its former lo- cation 1 1-2 miles northeast to the town on the Heiskell land, it thereafter answered several purposes. The schoolhouse in the bend of the creek southwest of the town was too small to accommodate the increasing num- ber of students, being only about 25 by 20 feet. The Cumberland Church, then the only church building in Sweetwater was about 35 by 30 ft. So it happened the first school taught in the town and the first I ever went to was in that building. I was between eight and nine years old at the time. I had been very much opposed to going to school because of what the school children I knew told me. I had come to believe that school was a place of confinement, punishment and torture, where the children spent the long sunmier day sighing for the open air. As they passed me trudging homeward, their talk was mostly of who had been whipped by the teacher and of who had unexpectedly managed to escape punish- ment. The}^ carried no books home, as the studying they did was at the schoolhouse during the day. I dreaded going to school as much as the heretics the Spanish Inquisition. What I knew I learned from my father by asking questions. Usually when I questioned my mother she would say, "Go ask your Pa." And once in a while he would say, ' ' Maybe 3'ou better ask Mr. Cotfin that, if you think of it, next time you see him." Therefore I came to believe that if Mr, James Coffin did not answer a question the answer was unknown or that it ought not to be answered. One summer day my father took me to the free (Pub- lic) school at the Cumberland Church. Instead of find- ing there some scolding ogre, armed with a large bunch of hickory switches ready for use as I expected, we found an intellectual, pleasant faced young woman^ Miss Mar- tha Stakely, daughter of Wm. M. Stakely, of Madison- ville. She was the soul of goodness and kindness, a characteristic family trait. She welcomed us and I liked her at once, and was willing to remain at school. I have always remembered her with warm feelings of gratitude, not because of what I was taught by her from the blue- back speller, for I did not learn very much, but because of her unvarying kindness to a sensitive boy. There were those of her scholars who could repeat their A-B- HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 165 C's forward and backward. This was to me an aston- ishing feat but was not to my taste. I did not see the sense in it. It was many months afterward when I be- gan to like to go to school and became interested in my studies that I learned that letters formed words, words represented objects and ideas and that ideas could be translated into actions. At that first school I used to watch from the window, near which I had a seat, the tan yard water wheel across the creek. It was an undershot wheel with cups attached, which as the wheel revolved dipped up the water and poured it into troughs that conducted the water into the vats in the tanyard. It was a never-failing source of pleasure to me to watch the wheel go round and see the streams of water sparkling in the sunshine. Miss Mar- tha did not get angry with me for preferring this to my one book. If she ever whipped anyone I do not recall it. She had reasonably good order without it. I have vividly in mind one escapade. I was in company with several boys larger than myself. Of course I was the dog tray of the crowd. A pot of greasy lamp black was found. It was suggested that we all black ourselves. It was agreed that it would be a fine joke, and so we all did. I used the blacking sparingly at the start, but they said it would not be a bit of fun miless we blacked up good and well. Tliis was amusing enough until just before "books" we tried to wash it off. We sta^^ed long enough to be sent for. Then we were given soap and sent back to the creek to stay till we were white again. But the black was like the smile on the face of ''Sunny Jim," it wouldn't come off. When I reached home then more soap and water till I ab- horred the very sight of them and a black mamma (as if I had not enough of black) was told to go along to assist in my ablutions. Pretty soon she said : ' ' Mercy 's sake ! child, 'taint a bit of use trying to git this black off, you '11 have 'sociate with niggers all yore born days." I jerked loose from her and looked for the dryest place I could find to meditate in. My thoughts were far from cheer- ful; there was a girl in the case. But the gentle reader may ask what has this story to do with early history and what is the moral of it ? It has not much to do with it and there is no moral to it. It is 166 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY no Aesop's fable but a digression; and a digression does not have to have a moral. All truth is useful. At least I have been told so. As has been remarked the Cumberland Presbyterian Church was a historic building. For the white people it answered the three fold purposes of a day school, church and a Sunday School building. The Sunday School car- ried on was a union, not a denominational one. After the new Cumberland Presbyterian Church was built the colored people used the old one for the same purposes. There were in the early days of the town, living in this section, quite an array of Cumberland preachers and ef- fective ones too. Among others were Eev. Jas. Tate, Joseph Johnston, Jas. Blair and Jas. H. Fryer. During the week we were taught Webster's speller and reader, and in the same house on Sunday we heard the gospel ex- pounded and the sacred desk pounded. In those days the conception of the Supreme Being as told was quite different from that presented now. Instead of preaching of love and gi^dng entertaining lectures on the lands spoken of in the Bible, we were told in the vivid terms of the torments that awaited the unrepentant beyond the grave. The pictures drawn were truly awful. The Rev. Blair was quite an artist in that line. But however soul harrowing he may have been in the pulpit, he was pleas- ant and companionable in the family circle. He some- times visited at my father's and was always a welcome guest. It is somewhat strange how, in the boyish mind, certain words and phrases are connected with certain public speakers and preachers. I never saw or thought of Mr. Blair without thinking at the same time of fire and brimstone. The Rev. Thos. Brown reminded me of the word ^' Faith;" Rev. Geo. Caldwell, then of Athens, of **Love;" Rev. Thos. R. Bradshaw of '^ dedicate and pre- destinate;" Rev. Jno. Scruggs of the Greek word of *'Baptizo," which he was prone to explain meant "plunge or immerse" and could not by any implication or indirection in the remotest degree mean anything else. Of most of these things my ideas were of the vaguest na- ture, except about the brimstone. This I found by ex- periment smelt bad when cold and worse when burning. I was not anxious enough for knowledge to try the effect on my flesh. I connected Mr. Fryer with the word HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 167 ' ' f reckwently " as he pronounced it. I became rather fond of the w^ord and adopted it till my father told me if I used the word at all to pronomice it " f ree-quently. " I then concluded not to use it at all, not being allowed to pronounce it as I wished. We hear often now of old time honesty and ''old time religion;" and many regret the changed conditions not only in church and state and ^schools, but even of the roads ; for they say that in the last instance if we have pike and graded roads the automobiles traveling there will frighten the horses and make them run away. It was also sinful in the minds of many to make places of worship comfortable, as by so doing you were listening to Satan's whispers and compromising with him. Serv- ices were twice as long then as now and the homes not so conveniently situated. Sunday to some children was made to appear as long as the rest of the week. Con- science did not make cowards of the people but it made them tyrants. Instrumental music in the church they thought a snare and a delusion of the devil. The favor- ite airs were heart-rending minors sung to such v/ords as ''Tw^as on that dark, that doleful night." The place of torment was no figTire of speech. The lake of fire and brimstone, the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the lost souls was made as realistic as possible, that its tortures were such as no words could picture. As to the public school money in the forties, East Ten- nessee got the best of the other sections of the State. The disbursements were made assording to scholastic population. The families were larger in this section of the State and the people poorer. Only about sufficient State taxes w^ere collected in this end of the State to sup- port the public schools. Middle Tennessee furnished the greater part of the money for the other State expenses. The eastern part was looked down upon as poverty stricken and that it should ever amount to anything in wealth or resources was considered a remote possibility, wdiicli goes to show how provincial people were in those days, and how little was known of us in the other sections of the State. As for the roads, they were built not for the purpose of transportation but for viewing the scenery and inci- dentally find out how much a yoke of oxen could pull up 168 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY a thirty per cent, grade. They went straight up the hill and directly down to the hollow; they descended to the depths and rose to the heights ; to wind and twist about was an unnecessary waste of energy. When they were muddy, Monroe County mud is about the muddiest mud of which I have any knowledge with the exception of Texas, whose weather behavior runs old probs crazy. If you happened to be traveling the road some night and saw something white in front of you, there was no oc- casion for alarm; it was no ghost but only the top of a North Carolina covered wagon, the rest of which was down belovr. All you had to do was to unhitch and leave your vehicle till tomorrow or next week as the case might be. When you trudged home from school you would likely be greeted with the remark ' * Where in the world did you get so muddy?" " Where f" and the whole blooming world was mud over 3^our boot tops. The town was lit- tle different from the country. When you went calling, after knocking you were allowed five minutes to clean your feet before the door was opened for your recep- tion. In 1873 and 1874 Daniel Heiskell, who had purchased a lot for that purpose, built the new Cumberland Presby- terian Church, where it now stands, across the railroad and east from the Southern passenger depot. He said he wanted to build the church as a monument to himself and, as he was amply able to build it, he would ask for no outside help, not even from the members of his own church. If they or others wished they could subscribe to the furnishing of the church and help to pay the salary of the pastor. He wanted to give the house and lot to the Cumberlands himself. Exactly what the church cost no one knew ; when asked the question he replied that he did not know precisely and if he did know would not care to say. Not long after the church was finished, Mr. Heis- kell executed a deed to the Cumberland Presbyterians. This deed was misplaced, lost or destroyed by fire. What the provisions in this deed were I have never been able to ascertain. Dr. R. F. Scruggs was confident it con- tained a reversionary clause, i. e. the property was to re- vert to the heirs unless used as specified for the Cumber- land Presbyterian church. This deed was not placed of HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 169 record on the Registers' Books of Monroe County, at Madisonville. But even after the Cumberland Presbyterian Church determined in their assembly to unite with a branch of the Presbyterians, the Cumberlands here continued to use it and to claim that it belonged to the members at' Sweetwater. There has been no suit entered to de- termine the question. The first pastor of the church, if I remember correctly, was Rev. Solon McCroskey. Some brief information about the older members of the Daniel Heiskell family: — Daniel Heiskell was born near Winchester, Virginia, March 7, 1799. He died at Sweetwater on July 22, 1875. He married Elizabeth McBride near Greeneville, Tenn., March 4, 1823. She was born April 15, 1803; she died August 1, 1841. The children of this marriage were: One. Wm. McBride, b. May 2, 1824. Married Vir^ ginia Netherland, December 30, 1852. Two. Eliza Adaline, b. Januarv 20, 1827; d. Julv 14, 1906. Married Nathaniel Pope Hight, October 9, 1851, b. Januarv 20, 1827 ; d. Mav 17, 1889. Three. Luther Melancthon, b. June 8, 1829. Married Ellen Wright Jmie 6, 1853. Four. Hugh Brown, b. November 20, 1831 ; d. Novem- ber 13, 1904. Five. Sarah Catherine, b. September 25, 1834. She married John Patterson February 3, 1853. They moved to Springfield, Mo. Six. Martha Isabella, b. November 13, 1836. She died in Missouri, April 21, 1861. She married N. W. Haun. Under the firm name of Haun & Stakely he was one of the first merchants in the town of Sweetwater. Seven. Betsey (Elizabeth) Ramsey, b. November 5, 1839 ; married R. F. Scruggs February 14, 1860. Daniel Heiskell married the second time Mary Wallace Montgomerv on March 14, 1844. She was born January 1, 1819, anddied June 4, 1888. Children of this marriage were : 1. James Montgomerv, b. Januarv 30, 1845; d. March 26, 1898. 170 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 2. Margaret Caroline, b. August 19, 1847 ; married A. D. Scruggs May 1, 1867. 3. Dorcas Ann, b. April 5, 1850; d. January 14, 1854. Most of those mentioned above were parents of large families. Daniel HeiskelPs grandchildren and great- grandchildren are very numerous. From present indica- tions, the Heiskell generation like the cause of popular government will not perish from the face of the earth. William McBride Heiskell Married Virginia Netherland. They had eleven chil- dren : 1. Ada Florence, b. November 2, 1853 ; married Isaac Johnson July 26, 1875. They had one daughter, Brucie Davis, who lives in Los Angeles, Cal. 2. Mary Lyde, b. February 3, 1855; married S. W. Flenniken, April 24, 1878. He died at Sweetwater, April 1902. She lives at Sweetwater. 3. James Netherland, b. July 20, 1856 ; married Eliza- beth Browder, November 18, 1880. Their children are: Mamie Letitia ; married J. W. Scott, September 19, 1914. Address, Sylvania, Ga. ; John, married Lem Dickey June 15, 1910. Address Dallas, Texas; Loyd, married Maggie Fisher, October 27, 1900. Address Sweetwater ; Samuel and Emmett, address Olustee, Okla., and Luther, ad- dress, Sweetwater. 4. Bettie Pendleton, b. April 16, 1858. Married Wil- son Small, December 18, 1872. They had one child, Rob- ert, who lives at Decatur, Tenn. 5. Myrtie, b. February 3, 1861. Married Mark God- dard, December 12, 1893. Tbey live at Sweetwater and have two children, Willie and Hugh. 6. Ann Lipscomb, b. June 29, 1862. Married James Small September 3, 1878. Tliey have three children, Willie. Henrv and Thomas. Thev live at Niota. 7. Willie, b. October 28, 1863 ; d. September 2, 1870. 8. Virginia N., b. January 18, 1865. Married Wilson Small August 7, 1878. They had two sons, Isham and William, who live at Decatur. 9. Daniel, b. January 8, 1867 ; married Bertha Willis, October 6, 1901. Their children are: Earnest, Beulah, Grace, Mack, Anna and Tyler. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 171 10. Gate, b. January 9, 1869 ; married John Ferguson, December 11, 1894. Their children are: Brucie (who married John Thomas, May 5, 1912), Earl, Charlie, Henry, Horace P. and Mary Alma. Henry Lee Heiskell and Martha Neil were married January 29, 1898. They had one child, Elga, b. December 9, 1898.^ They live at Pilot Point, Texas. Ada Heiskell Johnson, married second, T. J. Hinton, in 1894. They live in Knoxville. James N. Heiskell, owns and lives on th« farm his father bought in 1852. Luther Melancthon Heiskell. (The Melancthon is sometimes abbreviated to *Ton") was born June 8, 1829. He died at his residence near Spring City on September 16, 1909. He married Ellen Wright of Greenville, Tenn., January 6, 1853. She was born November 1, 1830, and died January 2, 1892. Soon after their marriage they moved to Missouri and from there to Rhea County, near the site of Spring City, in 1866. He was a farmer, being in a country where game abounded, he w^as very fond of hunting. Their children were seven in number : (1) Martha Elizabeth, b. May 11, 1854; died October 24, 1887. (2) Daniel, b. April 9, 1856. (3) Pope, b. June 25, 1858; died September 14, 1871. (4) John, b. March 26, 1860; died December 21, 1860. ' (5) Emma Ada Bell, b. August 23, 1863 ; died Septem- ber 12 1894. (6) Everett, b. March 13, 1866 ; d. August 28, 1867. (7) Minnie. Martha Elizabeth Heiskell was married to T. J. Robin- son October 26, 1871. To them four children were born, two boys and two girls. Daniel Heiskell married Belle Rose. To them were born five children. 172 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VAIiLEY Emma Ada Belle Heiskell was married to Jas. L. Hoyl October, 1882. To them were born two children, Ellen Hovl and Barbara Hoyl. Minnie Heiskell was married to S. E, Paul December 1, 1897. To them was born one child, Ellen Heiskell Paul, b. June 2, 1899. Hugh Brown Heiskell Was born in Sweetwater Valley, Monroe County, Tenn., November 30, 1831. He died at his residence in Rhea County, Tenn., November 13, 1904. He married Rhoda Farmer of Hillsville, Va., in 1856. She was born April 7, 1841, and died March 23, 1892. He moved to Rhea County in 1861. He was a farmer and stock raiser. He was Justice of the Peace for fifteen years. Their children were : 1. Florence, b. July 27, 1857; d. June 30, 1903; mar- ried R. M. Robinson of Rhea County on November 16, 1881. ■ 2. Wade, b. October 21, 1858; married Lydia Ganett, of Alton, Mo., in the spring of 1891. 3. Frank, b. February 21, 1860 ; married Lucy Patter- son of Bozeman, Montana, in November 1894. 4. Addie, b. July 21, 1861. 5. John, b. September 17, 1863 ; d. April 17, 1915. He was twice married; first to Eva Holloway, of Spring City, Tenn., on March 1, 1892. After her death in ■ he married Kittv Caldwell, of Spring City, on October 17, 1906. 6. Hugh Brown, b. August 11, 1865; married Carrie Wallis, Spring City, on March 7, 1900. 7. Catherine, b. February 8, 1867 ; married D. C. Kem- mer February 1, 1911. 8. Frederick, b. August 20, 1869 ; married Annie Smith, Bozeman, Mont., October 18, 1911. 9. Nellie May, b. May 2, 1871 ; d. August 13, 1898. 10. Richmond, b. September 2, 1873; married Etta Hart, of Spring City, on February 20, 1907. history of sweetwater valley 173 Sarah Heiskell Patterson. Sarah Catherine Heiskell, b. September 5, 1834, was married March 30, 1853, to John A. Patterson, moving to Springfield, Mo., the same year. She joined the church at an early age and lived a faithful Christian life to the end of her more than four score years. To them were born ten children, all of whom were living and present when she died on June 16, 1916. Their names are as follows : Bettie Y. Patterson, b. April 19, 1854. Addie Isabell Patterson, b. March 23, 1856. Virginia Ellen Patterson, b. May 13, 1858. Joe Alma Kate Patterson, b. November 1, 1860. Daniel Lewis Patterson, b. June 11, 1864. Jessie Heiskell Patterson, b. December 15, 1866. Hattie Amada Patterson, b. August 26, 1869. - John Hugh Rice Patterson, b. July 9, 1872. Eva May Patterson, b. January 30, 1875. Edward' Tefft Patterson, b. July 25, 1878. Bettie Y. Patterson, married W. E. Anderson, 1874; three children, Wm. Y. Anderson, Guy P. Anderson and Mary Heiskell Anderson (all living). Addie I. Patterson married Wm. H. .McCann, 1876 ; two children, John E. MeCann, Fred Harrison Mc- Cann. » Virginia E. Patterson married Hugh M. Cowan, 1877. Children, Katherine, Bruce H., Wm. P., Edna, Aleen, Hugh. Joe Alma Kate married Emory L. Hoke, 1886; two children, Clifford Hoke, Catherine E. Hoke. Daniel L. Patterson married Allie Murden, 1892; three children, Dwight M., Louise, Prank. Jessie Heiskell Patterson married Geo. D. Stateson, 1891; three children, Alberta, Salome, Ruth. Hattie A. Patterson (single). John H. R. Patterson married Elsie Moore, 1913, one child, Edward Moore Patterson. Eva May Patterson married A. C. Jarrett, 1901 ; no children. Edward T. Patterson married Marie Lagana, 1905; three children, Virginia Catherine, Bernice, Edward Raphael. 174 history of sweetwater valley Mr. James- Montgoiviery Heisnell, Son of Daniel and Mary Heiskell, was born in Sweet- water, Tenn., January 30, 1845. Died March 26, 1898. Interred in West View Cemetery, Sweetwater. He was married to Miss Laura Jones on October 18, 1874. Her father w^as James Jones, her mother was Sarah Pugh Jones of Bertie County, N. C. She was born in Memphis Tenn., October 23, 1848. J. M. H. owned a very large farm and a number of houses and lots in Sweetwater. He was a Cumberland Presbyterian. The children of Jas. M. and L. J. Heiskell were: Harry, b. August 27, 1875. Was married to Norali Jones on December 18, 1901. She was a daughter of Moulton and Sarah Cunningham Jones. He is a success- ful farmer and stock raiser and lives near Sweetwater. The children of Harry and Norah H. are : Lucille, King, Pauline, Harry Lee, Hugh Lynn and Annie Laurie. Edgar, b. November 19, 1877. He married Annie Cleve- land, daughter of Eli and Susan Martin Cleveland, Jan- uary 16, 1908. He is a farmer and resides in the old Daniel Heiskell residence. Their children are : James Eli, Christine and Edgar Burton. Maiden, b. October 4, 1880. She married D. C. Boykin June 15, 1902. He is a traveling passenger agent for the Southern R. R. Lives at Knoxville, Tenn. They have one child, Laura Elizabeth. Margaret C. Heiskell Scruggs, Of Knoxville, w^as born at Sweetwater on August 19, 1847. She was married to Dr. Abijah Scruggs on May 1, 1867, the Rev. Jas. Blair, officiating. Abijah was the son of the Rev. John Scruggs and brother of Dr. R. F. Scruggs. He was a physician and druggist. He moved from Knoxville to Niota in 1867 and from there to Cleve- land, Tenn., in 1874. They resided there until Septem- ber, 1889, wlien they moved to Knoxville. He died at Knoxville April 9, 1909, and was buried at Sweetwater April 11, 1909. The children of A. D. and M. H. Scruggs were : 1. Richard Francis, b. July 31, 1869 ; d. May, 1902. 2. Daniel Heiskell, b. September 15, 1874; d. July 11, 1909. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 175 3. Mary Heiskell, b. in Cleveland, Tenn. 4. Bess, b. in Cleveland, Tenn. 5. Samuel, b. July 7, 1881 ; d. July 8, 1882. Richard Francis married Geraldine Jackson of Nash- ville, Tenn., on January 24, 1895. She was the daughter of Dr. — Jackson, of Nashville. They had three children. Rev. Joseph Janeway Was born in Claiborne County, Tenn., June 28, 1831. He moved to Sweetwater Valley, McMinn County, De- cember, 1855, after having lived three years in Loudon, Tenn. He was educated in the literary course at Car- son and Newman College at Mossy Creek, now Jefferson City, Tenn. He married Jane Helms of Claiborne Coun- ty on February 12, 1852. She was a cousin of John Helms of Morristown, Tenn. She was born July 9, 1831. James Janeway 's father was a minister and farmer. On the second Saturday of July, 1859, he was ordained at Mt. Harmony. He was pastor of the following churches in the order named: Cedar Fork, Post Oak, Stockton's Valley; Providence, in Roane County, Prospect, Phila- delphia, Loudon; two churches in Knox County, Blair's Cross Roads and Mars Hill; Union (in McMinn) ; Good- field, Decatur, Sewell, Mt. Harmony, County Line, Eas- tanalee, Hiwassee, New Friendship and others. His chil- dren w^ere: William Thomas, b. February 16, 1853 ; d. in infancy. Nancy Jane, b. March 8, 1854; married S. K. Moun« tain. Address, New Tazewell, Tenn. Elizabeth Ann, b. April 14, 1856 ; married H. M. John- son, Bells, Texas. Jno. Nelson, b. December 10, 1859; married Alice Mitchell of Pennsylvania in 1898. They have four chil- dren. He is in the transfer business at Edmonds, Puget Sound, Wash. Prior Lee, b. July 14, 1862 ; married Etta Williams in Texas. They have seven children and live at Bonita, Texas. James Patton, b. October 29, 1864; married Josie Bushong. Two children living, two dead. They live near County Line, Monroe County, Tenn. Joseph Lung, b. March 13, 1867. Lives at the old Jane- way place. 176 HISTOBY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Franklin Berry, b. April 15, 1869, artist, portrait and landscape painter. Lives at Knoxville, Tenn. Mary Josephine, b, September 30, 1871. She married Jno. Hansard. He died in 1871. Mr. Janeway ceased ministerial work after his 70th birthday. He had read the Bible through more than fifty times. He was made a Mason at Loudon, Tenn., in 1861. Joseph Dyche Jones Was born in Bedford County, Tennessee. Came to Phila- delphia, Tenn., and lived there from the time of his mar- riage until his death. He was a cousin of the Rev. Eli Cleveland. He was a tanner by trade, and which in the early settlement of the valley was a very profitable one. He also owned a farm. Like many people of his time his house was always open to his friends whether on invita- tion or not. He married Aley Mathis, daughter of Eli Cleveland, February 6, 1830. She was born May 7, 1813 and died May 30, 1855. He died in June 1883. They were mem- bers of the Baptist Church. The children by this mar- riage were : 1. Lodusky Caroline, b. October 6, 1834; d. June 30, 1862. (See Chas. Cannon). 2. Mary Louise, b. December 16, 1836. Married S. Y. B. Williams. (Whom see). 3. Aley Mathis, b. August 8, 1840 ; d. March 3, 1857. 4. Eli Cleveland, b. January 25, 1841; d. August 4, 1902. 5. James Chamberlain, b. August 26, 1844 ; d. October 5, 1872. 6. Joseph Morton, b. August 30, 1847. 7. Robert Augustus, b. April 3, 1849; d. in 1903 at Greenfield, Mo. 8. Jesse Franklin, b. June 1, 1851 ; d. by accident when a young man. Eli Cleveland Jones was educated at Mossy Creek, Tenn., now Jefferson City. He entered the Confederate army, Co. F., 43rd Tenn. Regiment and was made cap- tain of that company after the death of Captain Turner. He married (first) Emma Adkins, daughter of Eli Ad- HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 177 kins, September 15, 1873, b. August 31, 1857. He was a mercliant at Philadelphia, Tenii., for many years, and afterwards at Loudon, Tenn., until his death. His first wife died at Philadelphia, August 8, 1878. Children were: 1. Paul, b. June 10, 1874. Married Annie, daughter of Dr. William Harrison, of Loudon, Tenn., on July 31, 1907. He lives in Colorado. They have one child, Wm. Harrison, b. October 15, 1915. 1 2. Alma, b. May 5, 1876 ; d. June 14, 1903. Captain E. C. J. was married (second) to Sarah, daughter of Rev. W. M. Kerr, minister of the M. E. Church, South, and formerly of Greene Count}', Tenn., January 25, 1882. She was tjorn January 14, 1861. She resides in Loudon, Tenn. Tlieir children are: 1. Earl C, b. January 19, 1883. Lives in Montana. 2. Edna, b. November 15, 1884. Married Frank Jones, son of Mat Jones, February 21, 1904. Live at Loudon Their children are : Jesse Franklin, b. June 15, 1908, Sarah Elizabeth, b. June 20, 1910. 3. Harriet, b. October 6, 1886. She married Ed., son of W. K. Blair, July 31, 1913. Two children : Jane, b. September 5, 1914 ; Corrv, b. December 18, 1915. 4. Ann Mathis, b. Februarv 28, 1889. 5. William Kerr ("Don"),'b. September 5, 1891. Em- ployee Bank of Loudon, Tenn. 6. Mar}^ Katherine, b. January 1, 1894. 7. Margaret Bicknell, b. January 19, 1899. James C., second son of Joseph D. Jones, m. Lou, daughter of Melvin Porter. They had one child, Sydney Lenoir, who died unmarried. After the death of her husband, James Jones, Mrs. J. married Mc- Knight and moved to Missouri where he died. Joseph Morton, third son of J. D. Jones, married Louisa J., daughter of Eli S. x\dkins, November 29, 1869. They moved to the state of Washington. They had one daughter, Joseph, who married Will, son of Philander McCroskey. Joseph M. J. died in Washing- ton and his w^ife married again. Robert Augustus, third son of J. D. Jones, married Nannie A., daughter of Thos. L. Upton, September 8, 1870. She was b. June 27, 1846; d. February 22, 1882. He was in the mercantile business, for a number of 178 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY years, with his brother, E. C. Jones, at Philadelphia, Tenn. Their children were : Joseph D., who died unmarried; Frank Upton and Thomas, both married and live in Missouri, and Hattie Cleveland, who died unmarried. Frank U. married Fannie, daughter of William Johnson, son-in-law of D. H.- Cleveland. They have two daughters, teachers in Greenfield, Mo. Jesse F. Jones was a brother of J. D. Jones, of Philadelphia, Tenn. He was born August 9, 1808. He married Clarissa, daughter of the Rev. Eli Cleveland. She was born , 1815. She died March 11, 1880. They lived on the Philadelphia and Sweetwater road about half way between those places, on a farm adjoining those of F. H. Gregory and David H. Cleveland. Their children were: 1. Aley, m. W. H. H. Bagon January 26, 1865. They moved to the state of Washington. Their children were : Bettie, b. January 22, 1866; d. October 23, 1885. Dora, b. April 27, 1867 ; d. January 21, 1891. Sons Charles and 2. Matthew, m. November 21, 1875, Bettie Harri- son, daughter of William Harrison, of Pond Creek Val- ley. She died in July, 1916. They had three sons and one daughter. One son is dead. One son, Frank, lives at Loudon and is postmaster. Tlie youngest son, Robert, and his father live in Loudon, Tenn. 3. Florence, third child of Jesse F. and Aley Jones, was b. February 19, 1859, and d. June 1, 1876. JosiAH K. Johnston. There is an old burying ground where the Mt. Le- banon Cumberland Presbyterian Church used to stand. It occupies about two-thirds of an acre, one and one- half miles northeast of Sweetwater on a corner of the farm now owned by Harry Heiskell. Now it is almost entirely grown up in woods and undergrowth. There are many graves there judging from the rocks and foot- boards and from the remains of palings rotted dowTi. The Josiah K. Johnston enclosure, near the northwest corner of the graveyard is a solid brick wall about three HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VA1,LEY 179 feet high and about 30 by 13 feet in dimensions. Next to the north end of the cemetery is a monument bear- ing the inscription "Nancy P., wife of William E. Snead and daughter of J. K. and C. Johnson. Born April 3, 1833. Died December 31, 1863." There is also a monu- ment near the centre of the enclosure, having on three sides of it these inscriptions : "Josiah K. Johnston, born February 10, 1805. Died December 10, 1861. Clarissa, wife of Josiah K. John- ston. Born April 23, 1811. Died April 9, 1864. Sue, daughter of J. K. and Clarissa Johnston. Born Decem- ber 15, 1845. Died August 8, 1864." The enclosure to the Johnston lot is the only one in the graveyard which is well preserved. Josiah K. Johnston came from Fork Creek Valley to the place on the Philadelphia road, one and one-half miles north of Sweetwater, where the Rufus Gaut fam- ily now reside. He purchased the land from W. M. Hen- derson. He had a fine body of land and, with slave la- bor, operated it successfully. He had a large family of daughters who were universally popular and, being of a hospitable nature, they entertained lavishly. Mr. John- ston was a Presbyterian. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston were the parents of six daughters and no sons. They were : One. Nancy, b. April 3, 1833; d. December 31, 1863. Two. Letitia, b. February 18, 1835. Three. Sophronia, b. September 10, 1837. Four. Callie, b. February 5, 1842. Five. Josephine, b. February 22, 1844. Susan, b. December 15, 1845 ; d. August 8, 1864. One. Nancy was married to William E. Snead. They had one son, William E., who resides on the Madisonville road, three miles from Sweetwater. Two. Letitia, the second daughter of J. K. Johnston was married to James A. Wright on March 13, 1855. James A. Wright was born in Wilkes County, N. C, in 1823. His father, Josiah Wright, came from England. His mother, Nancy Reynolds Wright was a native of North Carolina. Mr. Wright came to Monroe County, Tenn., in his boyhood. On the •25th of May, 1848, he married his first wife Emma Yoakum, of Philadelphia, Tenn. She died in 1854. They had one daughter, Mary, 180 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY born at Madisonville in 1849. She married George H. Holliday, of Atlanta, in 1868. About four years after his first marriage (second) to Miss L. Johnston, Mr. Wright bought the Bowman, now the Kilpatrick place, south of Sweetwater, and moved there. Mrs. Wright says he was the first postmaster of Sweetwater. He was a merchant in Sweetwater, belong- ing to one firm or another from the beginning of the town until after the commencement of the Civil War. He moved to Tyner's Station in 1862, and in 1867 from there to Atlanta, Ga., Avhere he became a member of the firm of Glenn, Wright and Carr, commission mer- chants. He died in Little Rock, Ark., where he then re- sided, on November 18, 1872, and was buried there in Oakland Cemetery. The children of James and L. Wright : (i) Josiah J., b. February 16, 1856; m. Margaret Maude Horsf al on Januarv 6, 1897. Tlieir children are : Harry, b. April 16, 1898; 'Edith, b. December 14, 1910; Richard, b. April 16, 1911. (2) Nannie, b. April 11, 1858 ; m. George A. Alexander in June, 1876. Their children are : Julia G. ; Letitia J. ; James A., and Florence Bell. Part (or all) of them re- side in Washington, D. C. (3) Benjamin B., third child of James A. Wright, was born April 6, 1860. He married Katie Ledwidge. They live at Little Rock, Ark. Their children are : Ben. B., Jr., b. June 26, 1892 ; Kathleen, b. October 15, 1891 ; Christopher L., b. February 18, 1898, and Edward L., b. July 16, 1903. They are Roman Catholics. (4) Dicky L., fourth child of James A. Wright, was born December 12, 1867. She married Eli Richard Shipp December 12, 1889. The children of Mary and George H. Holliday, men- tioned above, Mary being the child of J. A. Wright's first wife Emma Yoakum are: Mabel, who married John Moodv; Ethel m. Joseph Crenshaw, and George H. Holliday, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga. Three. Sophronia, third daughter of Josiah K. John- ston, married Archibald Bacome on October 23, 1856. He was born in Sullivan County, Tenn., July 29, 1814. He died December 7, 1899, at his residence, one mile south of Philadelphia. He had lived on this place since HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 181 his father, James Bacome, moved there in 1819. Dur- ing his lifetime he had bought and sold many valuable farms. The children of A. and Sophronia Bacome are: 1. Callie, b. October 21, 1858 ; m. W. C. Milligan Oc- tober 15, 1893. Residence, Philadelphia. 2. Beulah, b. May 12, 1865. 3. Clara, m. S. J. Akin, of Cleveland, Tenn., Novem- ber 11, 1898. He was a graduate of Annapolis and a lawyer at Cleveland. Their children are: Caroline, b. March 4, 1900; Samniie, dau., b. October 6, 1901. S. J. Akin died July 31, 1901. Four. Caleclonia, m. on October 4, 1865, H. C. Peake, a druggist of Warsaw, Ky. Their children were : 1. Clara, b. March 14, 1867 ; m. J. W. Evans February 11, 1885. They have three daughters, two of whom are married. Juliette, m. Henry Blanton ; Sue m. J, T. Fow- ler and a third daughter, who is a school girl. 2. Josie, b. May 3, 1869. She married S. D. McDan- nold. Address, Tarrant, Texas. He has a large farm and makes a specialty of high grade horses and cattle. 3. Sue, b. December 20, 1876; m. E. F. Earnest Jan- uary 9, 1909. Address, Douglas, Ariz. 4. Ben. b. September 26, 1879 ; m. May 7, 1910. He has been general manager of a large drug house for a number of years. They have one son of 4 years. 5. Nellie, fifth child of H. C. and C. Peake, was born January 25, 1886; m. E. Wolf June 6, 1903. He died June 20, 1904. She then married K. W. Goff, postoffice, Douglas. Josephine, fifth daughter of J. K. and Clarissa John- ston, was married to Dr. J. B. Lackey July 20, 1865. They had two children: James Gilmer and Lizzie J. The latter married W. W. Holton, a son of Mrs. Lack- ey's second husband. Dr. Lackey practised his profes- sion at Friendsville, Blount County, Tenn. He died on March 22, 1872. Mrs. Lackey married (second) John W. Holton, of Sparta, Ky., on April 5, 1876. He was a farmer and stock dealer. They had one son and two daughters. The son was drowned on January 1, 1897, at the age of 19 years. One of the daughters died at 2 years of age. The other daughter married Tilton Detheridge, a farmer living near Sanders, Ky. Mrs. Josephine Holton is dead. 182 history of sweetwater valley The Lenoir Family. Our destiny and character are in a great measure de- termined by heredity and environment. No biography is complete therefore without an answer to the ques- tions: "Wlio were your ancestors, where and when born, whence came you and why!" Nations, provinces and neighborhoods have their own particular racial in- stincts and proclivities, their prejudices, likes and dis- likes. Families have their own peculiar characteristics. One distinguishing trait of the Lenoir family is impa- tience of dictation from others where personal, political or religious liberty is concerned. If you make the mis- take of telling one of them he must or must not do some- thing, which he thinks should concern only himself and not the public good, he thereupon resolves himself into a committee of one to devise ways and means to do or not to do that very thing. This pertains especially to such matters as amusements, food, drink and clothing, as he deems these are purely personal matters. St. Paul said: ''If meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no meat while the world standeth." A truly commendable spirit, considering the fact that he was once a persecutor "even unto strange cities." I believe as a rule the Lenoirs have gone as far as they ought to relieve their fellow beings in distress, their time and money being at the disposal of their friends; but if one of them were asked, even by a friend or brother to refrain from something on account of some whim or fancy, I am afraid the answer would not be satisfactory. I have known few of them that would consent to reg- ulate their diet according to the notions of another. When Louis XIV in 1685 revoked the Edict of Nantes, the charter of religious liberty signed by Henry IV in 1598, a number of the Lenoirs left French soil forever. This they did not so much because they were enamored of the German, Martin Luther, or that the views of the gloomy and ascetic Calvin appealed to them, but because they resented the persecutions and tyranny then prac- ticed by the Pope of Rome and Louis XIV. When George III imposed a tax on the colonies they became ardent whigs and revolted, not that it would hurt them to pay the tax but because it was a violation HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 183 of the Charter granted Carolina by King Charles II. Thus the spirit of Touchstone in ''As You Like It" : ''If reasons were as plenty as blackberries, I give no man a reason on compulsion." In 1861 the Lenoirs in all parts of the south wished to stay in the Union. But when Mr. Lincoln issued his call for troops to whip them in when and if they seceded, they unanimously, with one accord, to a man and to a woman, did their level best to get out and stay out and were sorry when they did not succeed. Tliey were union men of their own volition but not on compulsion. Gov- ernment should not be founded on the consent of those that govern. In France the name Lenoir is not an uncommon one. It was first probably written Le Noir, then anglicized into Lenoir. The names Xavier and Cholmondeley have undergone still greater changes; now written in this country Sevier and Chumley. I have been told also that the Huguenots of the family even in France wrote the name "Lenoir" to distinguish themselves from the Catholics, who wrote it with a capital N. The Lenoirs in France so far as I have been able to ascertain were farmers, traders, merchants, manufacturers, explorers, and occasionally art collectors and bankers. They have never risen to celebrity as advocates, soldiers or profes- sional men. Nearly the same has been the case in our own country. Farmers, merchants and manufacturers will include nearly all of them. I have known only one lawyer and one physician of the name in Tennessee and North Carolina, and they did not depend on the practice of their profession for a living. They have never been soldiers for pleasure, pay, plunder or glory. They have been under arms only when they were assured their coun- try needed their services. Nor have they been states- men, orators or politicians. If ever one was a preacher or could write "Rev." before his name I have never heard of it. They never had the gift of fluent speech nor were fond of exhibiting themselves to the public gaze. Few of them were so fixed in the belief of the tenets of any one church organization as to feel called to preach. Some of them have represented their counties and dis- tricts in the lower and upper houses of the Legislature 184 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY of their states, as the saying^ goes, with credit to them- selves and their constituents,' but I believe that is about as far as they ever got or aspired to. They were not adepts at intrigue or swapping votes on public meas- ures. They have always taken prosperity and adversity with equal complacenc}' ; never boasted of the one or com- plained at the other or appealed to the public for sym- pathy. Their nonchalant disposition was illustrated by one of the Lenoirs who was an explorer in the deserts of northern Africa. Early one morning one of his com- panions came to his tent in great excitement and shouted: "Lenoir, the Bedouins are attacking us." "Tell the fools to wait; I'm shaving," was the answer. But the "fools" wouldn't wait. His dead body was found with the razor still in his hand. Lenoir is a favorite name for the villain in melodrama and dime novels. Mrs. Southworth uses it in "The Hidden Hand. ' ' The adjective ' ^ noir ' ' means black ; and black in name, black by nature is assumed. Yet they are not always pictured as villains in the play but are some- times given the place of the hero, coming out with flying colors. I might as well give at the outset the authorities on which I rely for statements made below: Wheeler's Historj^ of North Carolina. Historic Homes of North Carolina Part III. Homer D. L. Sweet's History of Avery Family of tSroton. Published at Syracuse, N. Y. The Unpublished History of the Lenoir Family by Miss Laura Norwood of Lenoir, North Carolina. Public and Family Records and Letters. Personal Conversations and Knowledge. This will save footnotes and special quotations. Any of the family friends desir- ing more specific and lengthy information would do well to consult the above authorities. There were four Lenoir brothers that came to America after the revocation of the Edict of Nantes by Louis XIV on May 2, 1685. One of these four brothers came across the ocean in his own vessel. He therefore was probably a resident of Nantes, as this has been a great commercial and shipping point from the time of the Ro- HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 185 man occupation. He must have come almost directly to New York City. In the archives of the Old French Church is a Baptismal Record of which the following is a translation: "Baptism Today, 6th October, 1696. After the prayer of the evening has been baptized in this church, Isaac, son of Isaac Lenoir and of Anne, his father and mother, born on the 25th of last September and presented to his baptism by Auguste Grrassot and Susanne Hulin, Godfather and Godmother, and baptized by M. Peiret, Minister." (Signed) I. Lenoir. Susanne Hulin. Peiret, Minister. Auguste Grassot. At this time New York was an English possession, hav- ing passed from the hands of the Dutch in 1674. New York City then included only the territory between the Battery and Wall Street. In one of his voyages this Lenoir's vessel was lost ''in a storm, carrying him to a seaman's grave." As how- ever he w^as not heard from after his departure from New York this is mere conjecture. Tliis w^as in the day of piracy, and he may have been captured by pirates. He was, I understand, the great grandfather of William Lenoir who settled in Wilkes County, N. C. In what is now Caldwell County in the "Happy Val- le}^ ' ' of the Yadkin River, surrounded by a grove of mag- nificent hemlocks and oaks, stands the colonial mansion of General William Lenoir, spoken of above. It was built by him after the Revolutionary War in 1785. Near this mansion is the family burying ground containing the remains of many of the Lenoir family. In this is a large monument of beautiful marble impressive in its silent majesty. It dominates the landscape and rises above the other monuments of children and grandchildren as his name and fame is above theirs. On this monument is the epitaph, which is almost an epitome of the history of his life. It is in a fine state of preservation, and reads as follows : 186 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY IiGrp LiGs All That Is Mortal Of WiLLAM Lenoir Born Mav 8tli, 1751. Died May 6th, 1839. "In times that tried men's souls he was a genuine whig. As a lieutenant under Rutherford and Williams in 1776, and as a captain under Cleveland at King's Mountain he proved himself a brave soldier. Although a native of another state, yet North Carolina was proud of him as her adopted son. In her services he filled the several of- fices of major-general of militia, president of the Sen- ate, first president of the Board of Trustees of the uni- versity, for sixty years justice of the peace and chair- man of the court of Common Pleas. In all these high public trusts he was found faithful. In private life he was no less distinguished as an affectionate husband, a kind father and a warm hearted friend. The traveler will long remember his hospitality and the poor bless him as a benefactor." The matter of the inscription, above quoted, was left to his friends and associates in public life. This is their estimate of him — their tribute to his memory. In addition to the information heretofore given in re- gard to William Lenoir we give these facts: He was born in Brunswick County, Va. He married Anne Bal- lard, of Halifax, N. C, in 1771. In 1775 he moved to near where the site of Wilkesboro, then in Surry Coun- ty, now stands. In 1785 he moved to his residence in Happy Valley, called by him Fort Defiance. There he died. He served in the Indian campaigns against the Chero- kees under Rutherford in 1776. From his account of the expedition against Ferguson and the Battle of King's Mountain I make the following excerpts : "Ferguson had daily information of the advancement of the Whigs and was so on the alert that men on foot would not be able to over- take him; therefore orders were given that as many as had or could procure horses go in advance as mounted infantry, there not being a single dragoon in the Whig army. Whereupon about six hundred were prepared and marched off about sunrise on the sixth day of October, 1780, leaving the footmen, about 1,500 in number, encamped HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 187 on Green River under the command of Major Joseph Herndon. They, the six hundred, marched all day to Cowpens, where they were joined by Colonel Williams with a few South Carolina militia. They started to camp but were ordered forward. They marched all night and in the morning joined the forces of Shelby, Sevier, Cleaveland and Camp- bell. They marched in four columns: Colonel Winston commanded the right-hand column, Cleaveland the left, and Shelby and Sevier the middle columns. As Colonel Campbell had come the greatest distance, from the State of Virginia, he was complimented with the command of the whole detachment." (He then tells of the battle and highly important re- sults. His own personal part in the engagement he re- lates as follows) : "I was captain of a company and left them at Green River, except six of them who procured horses and went with us. I went as a com- mon soldier, and did not pretend to take command of those that be- longed to my company, but fell in immediately behind Colonel Win- ston, in front of the right-hand column, which enabled me to give more particular account of the progress of that part of the army than any other. Before the battle Adjutant Jesse Franklin (afterward Governor of North Carolina), Captain Robert Cleaveland and myself agreed to stand together and support each, other; but at the commence- ment of the battle enthusiastic zeal caused us all to separate. Each being anxious to effect the grand object, no one appeared to regard his own personal safety. As to my own part from where we dis- mounted, instead of going on to surround, I advanced the nearest way toward the enemy under a heavy fire, until I got within abou«t thirty paces. * * * About that time I received a slight wound in my side and another in my left arm; and after that a bullet went through, my hair, where it was tied, and my clothes were cut in several places. From the account I have given of the battle it will be understood that it was fought on our side by militia alone. By that victory many militia officers procured swords who could not possibly get any before; neither was it possible to procure a good sup- ply of ammunition." The above was written not to give a history of the bat- tle but show what part William Lenoir, also the Cleve- lands, took in it. Rather than miss the fight he sur- rendered his position as captain and left his company at Green River and marched and fought as a private in the ranks. Thus he showed that he appreciated the sac- rifices of the men who had come from beyond the great mountains, through pathless w^ilds almost, to their re- lief. Until of late years the New England historians of the United States, notably in the school histories, gave little space and attached little importance to that expedition 188 HISTORY OP SWEETWATER VAL.LEY and battle. If they mentioned it at all they referred to it as a skirmish in which a few backwoodsmen under Campbell and Sevier captured several companies of tories under Ferguson. This Ferguson had been annoy- ings the whigs of North and South Carolina and the half dozen bullets he got in his carcass was very gratifjdng to them. After disposing of the expedition in this sum- mary manner they would give several pages to the early life of General Israel Putnam. Oh there never w^as such a wolf as the one Putnam slew since the time of Romulus and Remus and the days of Red Riding Hood. He (or was it she ? ) ravaged the flocks and herds of the country around and left a pathway of blood and terror in its wake. Dogs could do nothing with it. When they at- tacked it they were torn to pieces. When closely pushed by men it fled to the caverns in the hills. But Putnam went into its lair and killed it and pulled it out with his naked hands. Then in the Revolution he rounded out a life of glorious deeds by galloping his horse down a flight of stone steps. When the British who were in pursuit, feared to attempt this feat he waved to them with all the grace of ''Nolichucky Jack" leading a country dance. But it has happened for a number of years that the Daughters of the Revolution have seen that the heroes of King's Mountain have received due meed of praise. Their names and fame have not been suffered to decay. In most histories now written they are given ample though tardy justice. I have seen a little barnyard rooster that clucked and strutted and crowed around all day. He said in his chicken language: ''No hen ever sat on the egg I was in; I am no high bred incubator chicken either; I was just hatched out in the sun ; I pecked my way out of the egg all by myself ; I was not raised, I just came up m}^- self ; not a single chicken ever did anything for me, they were all against me in the whole yard" — and then he flies up on the gatepost and flap, flap, flap, cock-a-doodle-doo — "what game rooster am I!" then the hens come run- ning. I have seen men like this little rooster, who virtually if not actually said: "I am strictly a self-made man; my father wasn't any account; he spent his money in 11- HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VAX,LEY 189 quor and gambling; my mother was barely respectable if that; she took in washing; they never gave me any clothes or sent me to school ; they never taught me or left me anything; I was turned out just like a woods colt to graze in any pasture I could find; — ^but behold what I am now! I am owner of a bank or a railroad, or I've been to Congress, or a merchant prince or a copper king, and I've done it all myself, nobody helped me the least bit, everybody tried to hinder me, but just look what I've made out of myself ' ' ''Little Jack Horner sat in the corner Eating his Christmas pie ; He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum And said : ' What a great boy am I. ' " Some people admire a man who acts and talks in this way; it is their privilege so to do. You rest assured though that, however much others may admire him, it is not one-tenth as much as he admires himself. It is of course unfortunate for a man to lack early ad- vantages. In, the majority of instances it is unnecessary, for him to call attention to the fact. All honor to the man who rises above his heredity and environment and does more for the world than his father did before him. I do not wish to detract one iota from the credit due him. But let him not belittle his parents in order to place himself upon a ]3edestal : to put it mildly it is not in good taste. On the other hand that one should be puffed up with pride or claim special privileges because some of his an- cestors were rich or renowned is worse still — even odious. I am led to make these remarks from the fact that, so far as I am aware, the Lenoirs have been well enough to do for the last 150 years in the United States to give their children a good education and a start in life. Few if any of them can claim that the)' were not given a chance in the world. If they did not succeed and become respected citizens they have no one to blame but them- selves. William Lenoir was a remarkable versatile man, ex- cellently well equipped mentally and physically. It was thought by his relations that he could do anything almost 190 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY except play on the fiddle and probably could have done that if he had tried. If only he had known how much satisfaction it was to be able to do so no doubt he would have added that to his other accomplishments. He had a real genius for mechanics. My father told me that he (Wm. Lenoir), had already invented a cot- ton gin and had been a little slow in perfecting it when he found out that Mr. Whitney had patented something similar. It is not supiDosed that one borrowed from the other but that each was working independently. That I would have thought was in the nature of a family legend but for one fact : I have in my possession now a sur- veyor 's compass which was made by him at home with apparently no other tools than a pocket knife, a ham- mer, a file and possibly a chisel. It is all of thoroughly seasoned wood except the tube that fits on top of the Jacob staff, the needle and its support, the cards with the degrees marked and the circular glass covering of the face. The copper tube and the needle support were once part of a copper kettle. The face is about six inches in diameter and has two compass cards, the one mark- ing the degrees and the other the half degrees. The fig- ures and lines are nearly perfect except the paper of the cards is slightly moth eaten. The circular glass cover- ing the face is the least artistically done of any part of the compass. It was evidently not cut by a diamond but by some steel instrument. The edge is not smooth enough to have been cut by a diamond. The needle was made out of a piece of steel bearing the marks of having been filed. It was probably magnetized with a piece of mag- netic iron ore. I have never tried to survey with this compass myself but my father said that it ran lines ac- curately. I have never heard why he made the compass ; whether he was unable to procure one wiien he needed it or mere- ly to show what he could do. Whenever anything is bad- ly wanted, whether needed or not, the inventive genius of the North Carolina mountaineer rarely fails to sup- ply it. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Tlie Revolutionary War and the consequent loss of the colonies brought about a radical change of policy in HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 191 Great Britain in regard to the treatment of her de- pendencies. The idea of William Pitt (Lord Chatham) began to prevail: "That money or taxes should not be exacted from the colonies without their consent." From that time onward the success of the English in coloniz- ing was remarkable, far beyond that of any other nation. The government at home felt a responsibility for the wel- fare of the colonies. They were not to be exploited, like the French and Spanish dependencies, for the benefit of the empire. Florida and Louisiana were made the foot- ball of kings and emperors to be kicked about at will and bought and sold like a piece of property. Well for the United States that they did not resist the change when bought by us. The difference in the feeling of the. soldiers of the col- onies of the different countries can be seen in the Eu- ropean War from this circumstance : While those from the German colonies sing in camp and on the march ''The Watch on the Rhine" the French the ''Marsel- laise," those from the English speaking colonies unite in singing ' ' Home, Sweet Home, " or " It is a Long, Long Way to Tipperary." ''God save the King" is seldom heard. ' ' A pebble in the streamlet cast Has changed the course of many a river. ' ' Here up comes the gentleman from Missouri and says, says he : " Point me to the river ; show me the pebble ; ' ' or in legal phrasing, "produce the corpus delicti." Get out of my sunshine, Missourian, you are a nuisance ; you are obstructing the wheels of the gilded car of imagina- tion ; get thee hence to your mule infested bailiwick and hither return no more. If hereafter I occasionally indulge in the "might have beens, ' ' though I may not attempt to make it rhyme with pen or pens, what harm is done ? or if I choose to specu- late (letting New York, Chicago alone) on the future or the past and call it speculation and not a sure thing who is hurt? What a drear^^ world this would prove without "ifs" or the magic enchantment of distant views 192 HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY of azure hued mountains. Let us determine not to let the grammarians abolish the subjunctive mood. There was once upon a time a vessel called the *' May- flower." I assume you have heard of it. It crossed the briny deep and anchored in Cape Cod Bay. (Tliis is not a fish story.) This ship bore pilgrim fathers and pil- grim mothers, though little mention is made of the lat- ter in history. They landed at or rather on Plymouth Rock in December, 1620. Some historians say there were just 100 of them. Many of them did not survive the winter but perished before the arrival of spring. They were reduced to such extremities that the allowance of food for each one was 15 grains of corn per day or 5 grains for each person at a meal. However some of them survived and being a prolific people their descend- ants are now as the stars in nmnber — too many some have thought. I have occasionally^ speculated that if some night a large rat had gnawed his way into the corn bin and eaten up the supply or the Commissionary General had car- ried it off in his coat pocket what would have been the consequence? and what would have been the effect on our civilization? We would then have no Rockefeller, consequently no Standard Oil Company; no Boston, no culture ; no Sweetwater, no Beautiful Ladies City Im- provement Association; where now the fountain plays in front of my window making ever vanishing rainbows in the summer sunshine, there might still have been the forests primeval. -e-^-^/ • You may ask what has the coming of the Mayflo-Wjer- to do with Sweetwater. This. One of the Aver^^s or an ^ancestor was a passenger in the ship. Then the line of descent comes down to Waightstill Avery who came to North Carolina. His daughter, Elizabeth Avery, mar- ried William Ballard Lenoir who was the father of I. T. Lenoir, the founder of Sweetwater. But for the last named there would have been no town here. He was a stockholder in the E. T. & Ga. R. R. ; also a director, a member of the county court, a former member of the Legislature, and he gave the seven and one-half acre plot HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 193 on which the depot and railroad track stand. Then he evolved the plan of the town and laid off many lots. Waightstill Avery'. The Avery family have been a noted one since the ear- ly settlement of the colonies. They have aspired to and held public office. Many of them have been lawyers and politicians. They have rather craved than avoided responsibility. They have characteristics directly op- posite to the Lenoirs in this respect. They like "to read their history in the nation's eyes." They have rarely failed to fill the positions they sought with honor and credit. They have settled in almost every state in the Union. Of those who came south Waightstill Avery is best known and most distinguished. He was born in Norwich, Conn., in 1746 or 1747. He graduated at Princeton College in 1766 and was tutor there for a year. He studied law under Littleton Denis in Maryland. He emigrated to Mecklenburg Comity, North Carolina, and was licensed to practise law in 1769. He was a member of the Mecklenburg Convention and one of the signers of The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence on the 20th of May, 1775. This document is credited to Eph- raim Brevard but some of the Avery family think that Brevard got valuable assistance from Waightstill Avery. Many North Carolinians, with pardonable pride, are of the opinion that this paper is the equal in terseness and vigor to the Declaration written by Jefferson and passed by the Continental Congress, July 4, 1776. (The writer, however, does not share in that opinion.) Waightstill Avery wa*s commissioned by Governor Martin together with Joseph McDowell and Sevier to treat with the Cherokee Indians in the early part of 1777. They ac- complished nothing. But on the 20th of July, 1777, at Long Island on the Holston River, Avery, together with Wm. Sharpe, Joseph Winston and Robert Lanier, signed a treaty with the Cherokees. The signers on the Indian side (in mark) were Oconostota and many other head men of the trilje. He was the first attorney general of the state in 1777. He married Mrs. Franks, of Jones County, in 1778. 194 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY His law office, books and papers were burned by Lord Cornwallis at Charlotte in 1781. He moved to Burke County in 1781, Wheeler's History says * ' for his health. ' ' Taking into consideration the depredations of Corn- wallis and Tarleton and the still worse outrages of Pat. Ferguson and his gang of tories, one is not at all sur- prised at the unhealthfulness of the climate in eastern North Carolina at the time. We find this in Ramsey, page 274, taken from public records: "At a court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery for the counties of Washington and Sullivan, begun and held (at Jonesboro) on the 15th of August, 1782. Present Hon. Spruce McCay, Esq. — Waigtstill Avery, Esq., was appouited attornev general for the state and John Sevier, clerk." He died in Burke County in 1821, then the patriarch of the North Carolina Bar. There are three things in Tennessee history about Avhich much speculation has been indulged and many ac- counts have been written, but the exact facts in regard to them will probably never be known. Those who could have told have long since passed awa}^ — their lips for- ever sealed. The occurrences referred to above are the challenge and meeting of Jackson and Avery near Jones- boro; the rescue of Sevier by Shelby and others when he was being tried for treason at Morganton, N. C, and what happened between Governor Sam Houston and his wife shortly after his marriage that caused him to resign the governorship and expatriate himself among the In- dians. The tradition extant in the Avery family was somewhat different from the usually accepted version. My father told me that the real reason of Jackson's spite against Avery was not what Avery said in the court- house. As Avery was then the most distinguished mem- ber then at the Bar in that district Jackson, hardly of age, began the study of law under him. JacksOn had a share in those vices which were peculiarly distasteful to the conscience of the New Englander; betting on cards and horse races, whiskey drinking and a disposition to fight in any manner whatever for any fancied insult. Avery told him mildly that in his opinion his peculiar HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 195 talents were not fitted for a legal career and advised him to adopt some other profession. Jackson's high strung temperament could not endure this reflection on his morality and intelligence and he sought an oppor- tunity to wipe out the score. It occurred in the conduct of a case in the courthouse and accordingly Jackson sent his challenge. Avery accepted out of deference to pub- lic opinion. He had no animosity against Jackson and determined not to shoot or shoot up in the air. Jackson at the meeting held his fire as he sometimes did after- ward in his duels and did not shoot. Avery also did not shoot. After he saw that Avery had no intention of injuring him, or even firing upon him, then they all, principals and seconds, returned and reported the dif- ficulty as amicably settled. William Ballard Lenoir, son of William Lenoir and father of I. T. Lenoir, was born in Wilkes County, N. C, September 1, 1775. In 1802 he married Elizabeth, daugh- ter of Waightstill Avery. They settled in the Happy Valley of the Yadkin River, two and a half miles below Fort Defiance, the residence of General Wm. Lenoir. There were born to them four of their twelve children, Isaac Thomas Lenoir being the third. He was three years old in 1810 when his father came to Tennessee. In considerable travel through the states of our Union, I have known three valleys which seemed to excel all others in beauty and grandeur. The^^ are rich in all the resources which go to make up a place where peace, prosperit}^ and healthfulness reign supreme, *'As happy a region as on this side of heaven." They are the Nacoochee Valley at the head of the Chattahoochee River in Habersham County, Georgia, the Valle}' River Valley in Cherokee County, N. C, and the Happy Valley of the Yadkin River in Caldwell County, N. C. The two first mentioned besides being exceedingly fertile, are im- mensely rich in mineral resources. They are all sur- rounded by grand and lofty mountains and nearby foot- hills, like steps ascending heavenward. In every season and weather they form an inspiring and pleasing pros- pect to the beholder. In speaking of these I am in no wise decrying the thousand charms of our own valley. However favored a spot of earth this may be, it is not 196 HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY unreasonable to suppose that there may be others that in the opinion of some one are still more favored. Of these vales spoken of I would, all things considered, give the palm to the Happy Valley on the Yadkin. In this valley in 1810 dwelt William Ballard Lenoir. He was happily married. He resided near many of his relations and in perfect amity with them. It would look as if he had ever^^thing to make life easy and pleasant. Yet "man never is but always to be blest." Under such circumstances as these he chose to leave and come across the Blue Eidge and seek his fortune in a comparatively unknown and unsettled country. He built at the mouth of the Little Tennessee on the Holston (Hogoheechee) River. He may have been induced to do so by information obtained from his father-in-law, Waightstill Avery, who had previously visited this coun- try as one of the conmiissioners of the state of North Carolina to treat with the Cherokee Indians. When he moved to where Lenoir City now stands he was 35 years of age and in the prime of physical and intellectual vigor. His mind had been informed by education and travel. His father had given him all the advantages possible in that da}^ Also he came not empty handed. He brought deeds to lands, wagons, horses and slaves. The negroes familiarly called him and his wife ''Marse Billy and Mis' Betsy." He took his patrimony into a far country but not to spend it in riotous living, as the prodigal son, but to largely increase it and to make it a blessing to his family, his friends and his neighbors. What route they came from North Carolina I am not informed but it must have been down tlie Wautauga, and thence by Knoxville, as the way neither along the French Broad or the Little Tennessee rivers was then open. The land he acquired in and around what is now Lenoir City amounted to about 5,000 acres. He settled near the cen- ter of his possessions and never disposed of any of his real estate during his lifetime. The place and ppstof- fice was called Lenoir's. There eight of his twelve chil- dren were born. Isaac Thomas Lenoir when a young man visited the place of his birth in North Carolina. He was Avonderful- ly pleased with tliat country. He asked his father how HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 197 he had ever gotten the consent of his mind to leave such a place situated as he was. His father's answer was that a considerable portion of the valley was filled up with his own relatives and that when he went to church or public gatherings he met mostly his own kinspeople. Their relations towards each other were exceedingly cor- dial and agreeable, almost too much so he thought, so that they were liable to become clannish ; by going to another section he could have numerous friendships and at the same time retain flie love of his relations in North Car- olina. His career in this country justified the wisdom of his choice. William Ballard Lenoir was a very extensive farmer. The land that he cultivated consisted of river bottom lands, islands and fertile uplands. He was a manufac- turer of cotton yarns and a miller and his house was a famous stopping place. His old residence is still stand- ing north of the passenger depot at Lenoir City. He was also a land surveyor and acquired many tracts of land in McMinn, Monroe, Roane and Morgan comities. He was one of the surveyors for the state in the Hiwas- see District. Just exactly what part of this territory he surveyed, I am not informed, but he must have surveyed a considerable part of Range One east of the basis line. The scheme of the survey of the Hiwassee district was to take as a starting point the junction of the Clinch and Tennessee rivers called southwest point and run what was called the basis line directly south to the Hiwassee River ; then to run lines six miles distant from each other east and west of the basis line. The territory included between these lines was called a range. These ranges were surveyed into townships six miles square. These townships into sections, thirty-six in number, and the sections into quarter sections, one-half mile square, con- taining 160 acres. For these lots of land a grant could be obtained from the state by paying the stipulated price. The grant would read: 160 acres the Quarter Section of Section Number Of Township In Range of the Hiwassee District of Date and signed by the Governor and Secretary of the state of Tennessee with the great seal 198 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATEE VALLEY of the state attached. The county was sometimes given and sometimes not, but it was not necessary to do so to make a valid grant or a deed. The Hiwassee District whose boundary has heretofore been described was in the counties of Roane, Meigs, McMinn and Monroe. Sweet- water Valley was in the counties of McMinn, Monroe and Eoane. The part that was in Roane County is now Loudon County. Isaac Thomas Lenoir. It was the policy of William Ballard Lenoir when any of his sons or daughters married not to have them set- tle around him in the same neighborhood but to seek other fields ; he thought it better for them to do as he did. And even when they remained at home they ought to have a separate business and a responsibility of their own. His son, Isaac Thomas, engaged when a young man in the mercantile business at Lenoir's. In those days there were no drummers and no wholesale houses, not even in Knoxville, very few anywhere nearer than Bal- timore, Philadelphia and New York. It was the cus- tom then of the merchants to take a trip once or twice a year to one or more of those cities to purchase their supplies. The goods so purchased were hauled in wa- gons the greater part of the distance, competition then was not so great. Any reasonable business ability would insure success. In 1843 he was elected to the lower branch of the" Legislature as a representative from Roane Count}^ The county of Roane was then very close politically between the Whigs and Democrats. He Avas elected over Colonel Joel Hembree, by a majority of eight votes. In 1845 he was elected senator from the Senatorial District comprising the counties of Roane, Anderson, Morgan and Campbell over Colonel El- bert Sevier. While in the Legislature he helped to se- cure favorable legislation in the amendment of charters for East Tennessee and Georgia Railroad, which insured the construction of that railroad from Dalton, Ga., to Knoxville, Tenn. As this railroad formerly under the name of Hiwassee Railroad, afterward under the name of E. T. & Ga. R. R. was graded in a great measure by HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 199 the citizens along tlie route, it was done in small sections and at different times from 1837 to 1850. And in some places notably between this section and Philadelphia, the graded right of way of the railroad was used as a road for vehicles between the time of the grad- ing the road and equipping it with ties and rails. This was a fine object lesson for the advantage of graded roads, but the people were not thinking so much of get- ting good roads for their vehicles as securing a railroad for shipment of their farm products and many years had to elapse before the people were willing to submit to the proper expenditure for good roads. While Mr. Lenoir was a member of the Legislature in Nashville, he met Miss Mary Caroline Hogg, formerly of Nashville, then of Rutherford County. They were married in Rutherford County February 10, 1846. In the latter part of that year or early in 1847 they moved to the old log house, which is still standing, one and a half miles south of Sweetwater. In 1851 he purchased from his father, W. B. Lenior, 1,240 acres of land in Sweetwater Valley. One of these was the N. W. Quarter of Section No. 2, in Township Third, Range one, East, on which part of the town of Sweetwater is now located. When the railroad was completed to the location of Sweetwater in 1852, the only towns in this section of the country were Philadelphia, Madisonville and Athens. Madisonville was nine miles distant or about that from the nearest point on the railroad. It was the county seat of the county and by far the most important place in the county; therefore Madisonville and the country tributary thereto must have a depot, as convenient as possible. Great efforts were made at different places from Rea- gan's to Philadelphia to secure a proper location for a depot and a town. The nearest point to the railroad from Madisonville would have been one and three-fourths miles on the railroad southwest of where Sweetwater now stands, but that was in the center of the Lenoir farm, not so convenient for the neighborhood. It would have been somewhat difficult to secure good roads there too. Nor would the Heiskells, Fines, Biggs, Mayes, John- stons, Owens, Sneads and others have so cheerfully con- 200 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY tributed to the building up of the town; and Mr. Lenoir said : ' ' Although a one-man town might be a financial suc- cess to the one man on whose land it was built, he much preferred for various reasons that this should not be that kind of a town." Upon mature thought he came to the conclusion that the present location would be most fitting, and most con- venient for this neighborhood and the adjacent valleys. Therefore to make certain it would be at its present lo- cation, he promised to give and did give the plot around the depot. I have been asked many times within the last six months in regard to the exact status of the land thus conveyed. What rights the town, the public, had in said deeds. That is a legal question about which there has not been any completed litigation or decision in the courts and the deed might be construed in different ways. As a matter of information to the public it might be well enough to give the description contained in the deed and the main proviso therein. The deed is in Book Q, Page 150, Records of Monroe County. The date of the deed is August 12th, 1858. The deed is from I. T. Lenoir to E. T. & Ga. R. R. Co. The description is as follows: Commencing at a point on the center of the line of E. T. & Ga. R. R. at the center of the creek, at the bridge where the railroad crosses Sweetwater Creek at the town of Sweetwater, thence running at a right angle to the main track of said railroad, which passes the depot, north- westardly to a line 200 ft. from said track ; thence paral- lel with said last main line, northeastwardly 975 feet more or less to the corner of Morris Street and Lot No. 27, thence southeastwardly at a right angle 200 feet. To the center of the main railroad track, thence north eastwardly 145 feet to the northeast line of McClung's Alley, thence at a right angle with the railroad 100 feeti to the corner of Lot No. 31 and McClung's Alley, thence south westardly and parallel with railroad 1,120 feet more or less to the center of the creek. Thence 100 feet to the beginning, containing seven and one-half acres * * * The railroad company shall not use snaj portion of said land hereby conveyed for any purpose whatever, HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VAULiEY 201 nor erect any buildings thereon, except such as shall be necessary for the purposes of said company." When this deed was made, this square had growing on it many forest trees and the farms next to the town were enclosed. A great many wagons came from long distances to haul farm products here and goods away. As there was not any other railroad in lower East Ten- nessee, the wagon trade here at that time was phenom- enal. This was the shipping point of several counties in West North Carolina. It was absolutely necessary that the trade of the town and for the purposes of the railroad that there should be a camping place and a hitching place for wagons and horses coming from long distances. It was not unusual to see within this square twenty or thirty wagons at a time. A large depot had been built which contained during the harvest season many thousand bushels of wheat and other farm products. Many farmers who hauled these products in also owned stock in the road and had helped to build it. They felt that they had a right to use their own grounds for their own purpose. These wagons, oxen, and horse wagons, had to wait sometimes a whole day or more before unloading their products and receiv- ing the goods. In the busy seasons there was a scarcity of rolling stock on the railroad and freight trains, usual- ly one a day each way had a limit of twenty cars each with an allowance of 16,000 pounds per car. The loco- motives were small wood burners, as the coal fields had not then been tapped. When the railroad company could not furnish sufficient cars, they took care, so far as they could, of the wheat, corn, and meat brought in for ship- ment. Within any reasonable length of time the railroad company made no charge for storage and no damage was exacted for lack of cars for shipment. Perishable goods were rarely ever received except for short distances. At that time there was a large territory contributing to the trade of this town and using this as a shipping point. It was a wonderful convenience to those coming here from a distance to be allowed to hitch their horses and rest under the shade of the trees. The town was small then and in its beginnings. Tlien the town was not incorporated and conditions were far 202 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY different from at present. It was almost a nightly scene to have the mountaineer campers get out their fiddles and have a jollification and dance in the grove. It fur- nished amusement to them and entertainment for the in- habitants. There was no grand rush in those days nor haste to be wealthy. Hundreds of people came here to camp to see a railroad train for the first time in their lives. There was little misbehavior and rarely such a thing as an arrest. It is useless to say that things are better now or worse; they are just different, and will be just as different from now twenty-five years hence. However one cannot help but regret the disappearance of the magnificent forest trees which were such an orna- ment to our town. But the days of the picturesque and happy moun- taineer and "Hill Billies" have passed. Should one regret it? That is owing to whether you knew them in the carefree olden days. Railroads more or less change habits and customs; and especially congestion of the population makes another people. What they once were, they are no longer, except -in isolated locations. Many of these wagoners, I as a boy knew, and was fond of. Before I visited the mountains so frequently and almost became as one of them I have listened to their tales of adventure, hunting, fishing and the like with as vivid an interest as I read wild western scenes about "Daniel Boone" and "Sneak and Joe." I longed for the time when I could have an Indian pony and visit these moun- tains, hunt in them, and fish for speckled trout in their limpid streams. What cared they whether the air around the earth was one mile or one hundred miles high or if the sun was ninety-five or ninety-five million miles away. They were happy as long as turkey and deer were plentiful and there were chestnuts for the wild hogs. As I heard a candidate for Legislature. in one of the mountain counties say once, "Where was the log rolling and corn shucking that Old Sam was not there? Where was ever the cow in a mud hole or the hog in the crack that Sam didn't get it out? Elect me to the Legislature and I will take the dog days out of the almanac and make sang grow plentiful in all the mountain coves." HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 203 To know the mountaineer thoroughly you must see him when his foot is on his native heath. My heart has often heen saddened to see them hunted down like wild beasts for some technical crime which was not intended to in- jure their fellowman. I have fished with them, traded and surveyed land with them and drank with them. Did one of them ever treat me otherwise than as a friend and brother? En;phatically no. Did one of them ever fail to return a loan which I had made him! Not that I recollect. Did one of them ever refuse to rise at any hour of the night and go where you wished, if you asked him? If so I do not remember it. When I went to the mountains to see them I did not think it at all necessary that I should wear my old clothes ; I sometimes wore a $40.00 suit ; but did I tell them that they "ought to wear clothes like mine, and not butternut jeans and home- made shoes! I did not. Did I air my superior knowl- edge of college, books and cities and tell them they ought to go to college tool I did not. Did I say to them that they should pipe the water from the spring to the cabin and not carry it in buckets'! By no means. Did I tell them it was necessary to their health to bathe at least once a month! I am not going around giving medical advice. Did I say to their wives and daughters that they ought to wear corsets and not dip snuff and chew tobacco ! I failed to mention these things. Did I make myself obnoxious by pointing out to them that some other way of living was far better than theirs! By no means. On the other hand, sometimes when I have told one good-bye I have said "John, come to see me, but I do not expect I can give you anything half so good as ven- ison and wild turkey and the corn bread and potatoes and the wild sour wood honey which I have eaten with you. Nor can I furnish you water out of the gourd as pure as your mountain streams; nor brandy near so good as that made from the sun kissed native mountain apple. Nor is the air of our valley quite so invigorat- ing as that of your hills. One thing I can do if you visit me, I can show you as good a fiddle as you ever drew a bow across. I have no bear dogs such as yours; but I think I have a dog or two that can interest you in a 204 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VAXtLEY fox chase; I will take you driving behind a horse that you will long remember." Yes, I have drank with the mountaineer time and again, and I cannot honestly say that I am sorry for it; the result was apparently productive of none but the kindest feelings, and I have never been present when an altercation resulted therefrom. I have always felt safer in person and property when with the mountaineer than in any town I have ever been in. When I have spent the night in their cabins I have never put my pock- etbook under my pillow, nor in my sock, nor in my shoe; I have always hung my pants on a chair by the fireplace, where they could steal my money if they wanted to. I have never lost a penny. The difficulty was to get them to charge anything for my entertain- ment. I am speaking now more of the mountaineer of the past than these of the present day; for they are be- ginning to learn the vices of the town without their cor- responding benefits. Do not understand me as apologizing for the evil ef- fects of what is called whiskey and brandy now manu- factured in the mountains, for they have become apt scholars in the art of adulteration. They are now not better products than those passed over the bar in our cities to the confiding customer, however palatable they may make them seem; and if there is an honest or kind- ly feeling in the drinks furnished by the bootleggers or received through the express office at our railroad sta- tions, I have not felt it nor heard of it. Exit the Mountaineer, enter the Ladies' City Beauti- ful Leaffuo. •^to' City Beautiful, League. There is or should be a kinship between those things w'hich are physically and naturally beautiful and those which are morally beautiful — vice is naturally repulsive, goodness attractive. True, crimes are committed in palaces and villas adorned with paintings and statuary, yet we do not expect it so much as in the slums of our cities, offensive with refuse and garbage ; just as a man wearing a silk hat or a flowered white vest is less liable HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 205 to get into a street brawl than a tramp who has been riding on a coal car. It is an undeniable fact that har- monious sound and beautiful surroundings have more or less influence upon our conduct. In all religions, in all times, amongst the different nations the place of XDunishment in the hereafter has always been described as dark and foul; and the place of reward whatever may be its name, has been described as one of beauty, life and light. Therefore anyone or any society which can make the home, the streets, or parks of the town more beautiful is increasing the happi- ness of humanity as much as the individual who makes two blades of grass grow where one grew before, and the persons who attempt this, even if they make a mis- take in the place to be beautified will at least receive their reward from the reflex action upon themselves. One little star, however bright it may shine, cannot make a lovely night, but the million stars that scintillate in the firmament will thrill us and elevate us by their united brilliancy. The violet may bloom in some se- cluded nook far from the sight of humanity, but can we even say then that its fragrance and beauty is lost and it existed for no purpose? Let no one, therefore, be deterred from making an effort because the whole world cannot be made beautiful at once. Tlie man of wealth who gives indiscriminately to every one that asks him may often make a mistake, but he cannot by any possible chance fail at some time to give relief to some form of human misery. If the work of the City Beautiful League proves evanescent and should be turned into the scrap heap the week following, some eye would be gladdened and some heart would be cheered by its influence. The loafer on the street corner may criticize, but has he ever turned over his hand to make a single object around him more beautiful? We some- times travel 10,000 miles to see a painting or a piece of statuary which we never expect to behold again. What good does that do us if we come to our own town and neglect to make our own surroundings more attrac- tive? The last twenty years have wrought wonderful changes in the business conditions and needs of the town 206 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY of Sweetwater. New railroads have been built; new villages sprung up in the territory which was once in the sphere of the business influence of this tow^i. The wagon trade is nothing like what it used to be. Rural free de- livery routes have had their influence in changing con- ditions. In the plot of ground around the depot the forest trees wiiich were not sufficiently protected have almost dis- appeared and conditions had been such that the sur- roundings were far from attractive to the eyes of the beholder, and produced a bad impression on those pass- ing on the railroad. Some fifteen years ago the stock- holders of the Sweetwater Hotel Association got per- mission from the railroad and from the city council of the town to enclose the plot of ground between the hotel and the railroad, sow grass in the enclosure, so as to protect the forest trees still there; when this was done it made the contrast between that part of the square and the remainder very marked. Those who preferred beauty to ugliness often commented on this difference and wondered why the other part of the plot was not made more attractive. About three or four years ago the ladies of Sweetwater and a few in the surrounding country took the matter up with the railroad authori- ties. Although the Southern Railroad Company seemed not unwilling to do their part in the matter, nothing defi- nite was determined upon, or at least done. About eighteen months ago Mrs. J. A. Reagan, Miss Nancy Jones, Mrs. W. D. Oilman, Mrs. H. T. Boyd and other ladies of the town, under an organization known as the City Beautiful League, after much correspon- dence and personal solicitation, induced Mr. R, E. Simp- son, then superintendent of this division of the Southern Railroad Company, to do certain work in beautifying this ground on the west side of the depot. This was done. The work was started about April 1st, according- to plans and suggestions furnished by the ladies' organi- zation. The finished work up to May 1, 1915, is as follows : The concrete circle and basin for a fountain in front of the Scruggs' Realty Company's liuilding, an enclosed park opposite tlie passenger depot, another enclosed HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 207 park also between the freight depot and business houses, a concrete basin foi"* fountain in the park started as spoken of some years ago in front of the Hyatt Hotel. South of this park is a hitching circle for horses, be- tween the park and Sweetwater Creek. The railroad has also leveled, rocked and filled in around the parks and fountains. The town commis- sioners have promised in perpetuity to furnish a reason- able amount of water for the two fountains. The City Beautiful League on their part engaged to sow in grass or plant in flowers the ground within the concrete circle around the fountain first mentioned and the parks be- tween the tw^o fountains and to do such other work as to make these places attractive as they can within their means and to fully equip the fountains they have pur- chased, and are now in place. They are tasty but not very expensive. Mrs. F. A. Carter is now president of the City Beau- tiful League, and in charge of the improvements. I feel pretty well satisfied that after all the trouble the ladies have taken to get this work done that both their pride and inclination will cause them to do even more than promised; and the effective work they have done and caused to be dono is strong proof that sometimes in the mouth of the truly beautiful the tongue is mightier than the vote. I have heard some complaint from the country people and those living at a distance that these improvements are a diversion from the original intention of the donor. More than half a century ago he probably did not fore- see this condition of affairs when there was a growth of forest trees upon the plot; yet since circumstances and conditions have been so changed, I doubt not, that if he were living today he would be heartily in accord with such a movement as has been instituted. I as his sole representative, am not inclined to put any obstacles in the way of them, but the opposite. It is much to my comfort, convenience, and pleasure to have things as they are or rather as will be ere long. I am anxious to look out of my window, or sit under the shade of the trees and see the fountains play; the children laugh and sing; and the ladies promenading 208 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY there and enjoying what they have so ardently labored for. I. T. Lenoir, Synopsis. Was born in Wilkes County, N. C, May 16, 1807. He came with his father to Tennessee in 1810. After he was grown he merchandised at Lenoir's and helped his father with his business until 1843, when he was elected to the Twentj^-fifth General Assembly as representative from Roane County. In 1845 he was elected senator from the counties of Morgan, Campbell, Anderson and Roane to the Twenty-sixth General Assembly. He mar- ried Mary Caroline Hogg, then of Rutherford County, on February 10, 1846. They came to Sweetwater Val- ley late in 1846 or early in 1847. He was made a Mason at Madisonville. He was a charter member of Sweet- water Lodge No. 292, F. & A. M. He resided up to 1871 in the log house built by Sliger a mile and one-half south- west of Sweetwater. In 1871 he came to the town of Sweetwater and resided in the house where D. S. Brad- ley now lives. He died there of pnemnonia on Decem- ber 4, 1875. Besides being the founder of the town of Sweetwater and an owner of a large farm in Sweetwater Valley, he was a considerable owner of timber and coal lands in Roane, Morgan and Cumberland counties, Tenn., and, in connection with his brothers, part owner of many tracts in several counties of North Carolina bordering on Tennessee. The Hogg Family in North Carolina. (Quoted from records furnished by J. T. McGill, Ph. D., of Vanderbilt University to W. B. Lenoir.) In colonial records of North Carolina it is said, Vol. IV, p. 8, that McNeal, McAlister and several other Scotch gentlemen arrived at the Cape Fear country with 350 Scotch people. In Williams' History of Virginia we find that in 1747 McNeal came to New York from the western part of Scotland and visited the western part of Virginia and Pennsylvania. He purchased lands in North Carolina near Favetteville. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 209 McNeal arrived at Wilmington in 1749 with his family and 500 or 600 colonists. My opinion is that Richard Hogg was among the McNeal colonists. He died in 1768 or 1769. He left three sons : Robert, John and James. It may be that Thomas and Richard Hogg were brothers. Thomas Hogg (1) in 1735 got a patent for 316 acres in Craven Comity. He petitioned for a war- rant for land in New Hanover in 1749 and in 1751 for land in Johnstone Comity. So I suppose that Thomas Hogg (revolutionary soldier) was born before 1751. JoHx Webb. John Webb was a delegate from the iovni of Halifax to the Provincial Assembly, which met at Hillsboro, Au- gust 21, 1775. He married Rebecca Edwards in 1776. He died at Halifax in 1781. Thomas Hogg (2) mar. the widow Webb (this lady I suppose) and it was she and not Mrs. Ashe (Wheeler's Hist., N. C, p. 186), according to Dr. Samuel Hogg, who replied to Colonel Tarleton Avhen he said he would be happy to see Colonel Washington, "If you had looked behind you at the Battle of Cowpens, Colonel Tarleton, you would have had that pleasure." Thomas Hogg (2), Son of Thomas H. (1), was one of four brothers. The others were: Richard of Richmond, Va., lieutenant in the navy; Captain Samuel H. of the Revolutionary army, and Robert Hogg. Thomas H. was 1st lieutenant of tiie first regiment raised by order of the Provincial Assembly, that met at Hillsboro August 21, 1775. This regiment was under Colonel Moore. Promoted to cap- taincy April 10, 1776. Was in South Carolina latter part of 1776 and first of 1777. Was with Washington at Trenton in July, 1777. In battle of Germantown Octo- ber 4, 1777 ; promoted to be major 5th regiment October 19, 1777; wintered at Valley Forge. Joined Lincoln in 1779 and he and his brother. Captain Sam'l H. were captured when Lincoln's armv surrendered at Charles- ton, S. C, on May 12, 1780. Thomas H. lived in Halifax (or in the county) 1783-4, etc. He was elected by the Legislature in December, 210 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VAL.LEY 1786, one of the commissioners to buy tobacco to pay the indebtedness of the state. He was a member of the Society of Cincinnati. Was a member of the Roj^al White Hart Lodge, F. & A. M., at Halifax. The last meeting he attended was Septem- ber 14, 1787. He died either in 1789 or 1790. He left two sons Samuel and John Baptist. He received from the state of North Carolina 4,800 acres of land for military services. This land was lo- cated on the Big Harpeth River in Williamson County, Tenn. This was left to Sam'l, John B. and Elizabeth Hogg, his wife. Before November 1, 1805, Elizabeth H. married Wm. Killingsworth. February 12, 1825, Eliz- abeth Fisher, of Gribson County, Tenn., conveyed to her stepson, Samuel Hogg, all her remaining interest in these lands. Dr. Samuel Hogg Was born at Halifax, N. C, April 18, 1783. His father was Thomas Hogg; his mother was Rebecca Edwards, widow of = Webb. His mother died. His father then married Elizabeth His father died be- fore 1790. Samuel was educated at high school in Cas- well County. Probably had an uncle Samuel, living in Granville County who was his guardian. This may have been Captain Samuel Hogg of 1st Va. Regt. (War of Revolution). For a short time had charge of school for boys. Studied medicine under Dr. Hare, whether of Granville, N. C, or Dr. Hare, professor in Jefferson Medical College, University of Pennsylvania, is uncer- tain. He came to Tennessee; first to Gallatin, where he remained a few months, and then settled in Lebanon. He married April 1, 1806, Polly Talbot, of Naslmlle, Tenn., a member of one of that city's oldest families. He was one of the commissioners appointed by the General Assembly in 1807 for the regulation of the town of Lebanon. He was surgeon to the troops that descend- ed the Mississippi to Natchez in 1813, and was in the campaign against the Creek nation. Went with the troops to New Orleans in the winter of 1814, and was present at the battle of January 8, 1815. ''It is an in- HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 211 teresting incident in his life," saj^s Dr. Yandell, "that as he was about rising in the morning whilst the servant was handing him water to wash, the first cannon an- nounced the opening of the conflict, and the servant was killed by a cannon ball, which carried away his head, scattering the brains in the doctor's face. (Dr. Y. 's ac- count is found in Western Journal of Medical Surgery in Library of Nashville.) Dr. Y. says Dr. H. was at one time a member of the Legislature. (I do not find his name on the journal, but those of 1806, 1807 and 1813 are missing.) He was a member of Congress 1817-1819. While regularly engaged in the practice of medicine, he was for a number of years one of the proprietors of a drug store under various firm names, the last being that of Hogg & Young, in 1833, corner of Hendrick and Public Square. James Young mar. H. 's wife's sister, Ruth Rebecca Talbot. Dr. Hogg was a stanch adherent of Andrew Jackson. He offered the resolutions on nullification at a meeting in Nashville in 1832. He named one of his sons Andrew Jackson (born August 20, 1825). He was a physician at the last illness of Mrs. Andrew Jackson. He removed to Naslmlle in 1828 (southeast corner of Cherry now Com- merce, where his son, John W. was born May 13, 1828). Dr. H. removed to Natchez, Miss., in 1836. In 1838 was an invalid at Tyree Springs. May have returned to Nashville. April 5, 1842, bought 224 acres of land on Nashville road and Stewart's Creek post-office, then Stewarts- boro, near now Florence and Smyrna. He died there on his farm May 28, 1842. He was buried with Masonic honors in the city cemetery at Nashville. His monument is near that of Gov'ernor William Carroll, but the inscrip- tion is almost illegible. Dr. Hogg's character and work is given in Dr. Yandell 's accomit of his life. He joined the Baptist church in 1838. The degree of M. D. was conferred upon him by the University of Maryland in 1818, and by Transylvania University some years later. He was appointed one of the censors for Middle Tennes- see b}^ the Medical Society of Tennessee on May 3, 1830. He was elected president of this society in 1840. 212 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY The will of Samuel Hogg was dated April 27, 1842. Mrs. Polly Hogg was executrix and ''my good friends Joseph H. Talbot and Dr. James Young" were named as executors. Mary (Polly) Talbot was born January 22, 1786. She died at the residence of her son-in-law, Hon. Allen A. Hall in Nashville, on December 13, 1860. She joined the Baptist church on Sweetwater by letter on the fourth Saturday in May, 1851. Granted a letter of dismission the fourth Saturday in February, 1858. There were nine children of Samuel and Mary Hogg, three daughters and six sons. Mary Caroline was the third daughter and third child. Mary Caroline Hogg Lenoir Was born at Lebanon, Tenn., on Januaiy 18, 1812. She was the daughter of Samuel and Mary Talbot Hogg. Samuel Hogg was born April 18, 1783. Died . Mary Talbot was born January 22, 1786, probably at Nashville. She married Dr. Samuel Hogg April 1, 1806. She died April 1, 1860. In the early thirties Dr. Hogg became financially em- barrassed by security debts and moved from Nashville to Natchez, Miss., to repair his broken fortunes. Before many years, however, he returned to Tennessee, on ac- count of his health, and settled at Stewartsboro in Rutherford County. He died there and was buried in the old cemetery at Nashville. Mrs. Lenoir, when she and her husband moved to this valley, brought with her her piano, which was hauled from Nashville across the mountains. Fortmiately care was taken and it was uninjured when it arrived. It was one of the first, if not the first piano ever brought to Sweetwater Valley. She was very accommodating about playing for others and it was ver^'' diverting to witness the delight of people who had never heard such an in- strument. This piano had what was called an Aeolian attachment and was both a piano and a reed organ and these two could be played together. Although she was reared in Nashville and accustomed to city life, and afterwards to aristocratic society in the HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VAULiEY 213 wealthy town of Natchez, Miss., she was immensely pop- ular with all classes of people in Monroe County. She came nearer treating everybody with equal considera- tion, whoever they were or wherever she might be, than any one I have ever known. I never learned fully the value of popularity, as an asset, until the turbulent times of the Civil War! She seemed to be safe in person and property, even from the most ruffianly of those who knew her. Her church history is as follows : When a young wo- man she was received by baptism into the First Baptist Church at Nashville, Tenn., of which R. B. C. Howell was pastor. On the fourth Saturday in January, 1848, she was received by letter into the Baptist church on Sweetwater. On the first Saturday of August, 1860, when the Baptist church at Sweetwater was organized, she presented her letter from the Cleveland Baptist Church and was a member of the Baptist church in Sweetwater until the time of her death. She died at her then residence, in Sweetwater, on April 11, 1877. We make this short extract from the minutes of the church : ''She evinced a deep interest in the youth of the com- munity and her house was ever open for their enter- tainment when they desired to meet for innocent social amusement and recreation. The poor too, found in her, an abiding friend — no needy creature (whether deserv- ing or not) was ever sent away from her door without relief. She was a lady of easy circumstances and was therefore enabled to gratify the desire of her heart in contributing to the support of the church at home and in sending the Gospel to regions abroad." On her tombstone in the old Sweetwater Cemetery is this inscription : ''Baptist in faith ; all creeds in charity; she spent her life in giving." The word "charity" was here used in its broadest sense, meaning that in her conduct towards others she made little or no difference as to their denominational faith, and by "gi\'ing" is also meant, not only of money and means, but by doing everything in her power for the happiness of others. No trouble was considered too great for their gratifica- tion. The children of I. T. and M. C. Lenoir were : William 214 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Ballard Lenoir, born June 16, 1847. Samuel Hogg Le- noir, born December 27, 1850; died of scarlet fever Mav 19, 1854; buried in the Lenoir Cemetery, Lenoir City. Something About the Author. I was born and reared in poor little Sweetwater Valley, in "God- forsaken" East Tennessee. I did not have anything to amuse myself with in my youth except fire-crackers, tops, kites, marbles, balls, blow- guns, bows and arrows, red wagons, toy cannons, fiddles, banjoes, horns, dogs, ponies, guns, hunting, fishing, pet coons and squirrels, pigeons and other birds and wild animals. Some of them were some- times ousted or slaughtered for malfeasance, but I always found others, I never had any goodies except cake, pie, preserves, candy, custard, lemonade, peaches, apples, strawberries, watermelons, muskmelons, canteloupes and peanuts. I never saw a railroad until I was five years of age, and never visited Washington and New York until I was eleven, and I never went to Europe at all. I never took a joy^-ride in an automobile or sailed the air in an aeroplane, and never got to go to the movies. My father used to read to me about Moses and the Hebrew children; General Zach Taylor at Buena Vista; Milton about the war in heaven; Virgil about Aeneas and Dido; Cowper about John Gilpin's ride, and also parts of some plays of Shakespeare. I liked Macbeth, Julius Caesar and the Tempest, but I did not take to Ham- let, Othello and King Lear, although this last was my mother's favorite Shakespearian play. I never got to read fairy tales and wild Western scenes until I was ten, nor Robinson Crusoe till eleven, nor Cobb and E. D. E. N. Southworth until twelve, nor Scott until I was thirteen. When sixteen I wanted to join the rebels. My father thought I would make a better plowman than a warrior, so in the summer of 1863 he put me to plowing in a stumpy new ground near the Fine schoolhouse. There was an epidemic of smallpox that summer in the town and the schoolhouse was used as a hospital for the g'irls and ladies of the town who took the disease. When plowing grew wearisome I would talk to the convalescing patients. Mr. Guggenkutzenscheitpkeheimer, late of Germany, then of th6 Federal army, got the benefit of part of my summer's work. I soon became very fond of him. I was much touched with the kind and cultured method of his appropriations. I so »much admired, too, the nobility of soul that caused him to travel three thousand miles across the Atlantic to fight for the "old flag" and save our distracted coun- try from dissolution. How unselfish of him, also, in times of peace on Sunday afternoons to repair to the hilltops of our great cities and do his very best to "make Milwaukee famous"! My father, to post me politically, used to take me to hear such speakers as T. A. R. Nelson, Haynes, Maynard, Temple, Brownlow, Bailey Peyton, Harris, Johnson, Hatton, Ben Hill, Zeb Vance, Bill Polk and John Hopkins, and he expected me to tell him what I thought of the speeches and why. I was taken by my mother to hear preachers of all denominations, but sometimes, for fear I should be led away by any false doctrines, she would exhort me to particularly read the sixth chapter of Romans and about Philip and the eunuch in the Acts of the Apostles. HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VAUjEY 215 One sad mistake my parents made in my bringing up was that, when I attempted versification, they encouraged ratlier than dis- couraged me. You may possibly, but not probably, imagine my pride when, at the age of nine years, three months and two weeks, I be- came the author of these lines: "I had a little dog not as big as a hog, The only name he had was 'pup'; He rold over and chast his tail, Also laid down and then jumpt up." This is the unexpurgated edition. It was very much expurgated after my mother was through with it. However, I stuck to my original version. No poet worthy of the nam e will change his loveliest creations when criticised by any one, however respected. Afterward in my callow youth when I fell in love I used to write rhymes to the loved ones. It was always a mystery to me that while they liked my poetry fairly well they never loved the poet. But for this fatal error I might have married and lived happily ever afterward. My school teachers were J. J. Sheldon, G. L.. Leyburn, Oscar W. Muller, Mrs. Cooke, Alfred W. Wilson and the professors at the Uni- versity of Virginia. These prepared me for writing about the inhabitants of Sweet- water Valley. Had I been so fortunate as to get an education out of the spelling book and dictionary by a pine knot fire I might have written histories of such worthies as Chester Arthur, Dick Croker and Mark Hanna. But I will leave them for others and write pf the people I know most about. With all my faults in a varied career I cannot truly say that I have a great many regrets. I do not regret that I spent time and money to hear such violinists as Ole Bull, Camille Urso and Musin; such singers as Neilson, Gerster, Kellogg, Campanini and Carey; such actors and actresses as Booth, Barrett, Salvini, Forest, Jeffer- son, Bernhardt, Davenport and Maude Adams; such orchestras as Thomas and Damrosh's; such bands as the Seventh Regiment, Mexi- can, Gilmore's and Sousa's; nor do I regret th.e money I spent in travel. I do regret that I ever gambled in any way, spent money for whiskey, or subscribed to party campaign funds and did not take more pains to find out and relieve the sufferings of humanity. Nor do I regret what I have spent in hospitality or for the pleasure of my friends. I am proud of the fact that since I grew up I have never spoken a harsh word nor done an unkind act to a child in my life. As TO Slaves in Sweetwater Valley. A history of this section would not be complete with- out some reference to the status of the slaves from 1820 to the time of their emancipation. Nearly all the well-to-do farmers owning as much as a quarter or two-quafter sections of land also owned some slaves. They were not dependent entirely on slaves for their labor, for most of them supplemented their 216 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY work with hired wiiite labor. Very few of them had overseers, therefore the condition of slaves were better and more endurable than those of the cotton and sugar planters, owned in large numbers farther south. The owners themselves were more personally interested in the welfare of their slaves. The slaves had more privi- leges and were better satisfied than those of the cotton and sugar belts. The majority of the slave owners, un- less in extra busy seasons, gave their negroes a half holiday on each Saturday, and most of the negro fam- ilies had their own patches planted in melons or what- ever they desired, to be sold by them for their own bene- fit, and they were encouraged to work them on half Sat- urcla^^s and other odd times. The negroes spent the money thus obtained mostly on "Sunday" clothes — they were very fond of dressing up, going to church and vis- iting on Sunday. They were often allowed to take young horses, which were not at work during the week, and ride them during Sunday. This privilege was given to those who were more familiar with the care of young stock. Sometimes, also, they were permitted to take the work horses in a two-horse wagon and visit or go to church. It was a custom among the owners of the slaves, which was almost universally observed, to give the darkies a full week's holiday from Christmas to New Year's Day, they having to do during that period only such work as was absolutely necessary. This week they spent mostly in music, in visiting and in dancing. The dancing consisted of reels, danced singly and in couples, cake-walks, with an occasional square dance — this latter imitated from the whites. It was considered quite a feat for a darkey to get up a new step for a reel, and the one doing so was as proud of it as if he had in- vented a flying machine. Tlie musical instruments used in their dances consisted of fiddles, banjoes and bones. The latter accomplishment is not so simple as it appears at first glance, and there were bone artists as well as fiddle and banjo artists. A good fiddler was a very noted and important character among the negroes, and when he was skillful enough to play for the white folk's dances he w^as inordinately proud. The music executed by the negroes was by ear — they had no use for notes. Their HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VA1,LEY 217 range was only about two and one-half octaves and very few of them practised shifts on the violin. The fiddlers and banjo pickers sometimes, in addition to reels, learned schottisches and some other kinds of music from hearing the white folks play on the piano. The planta- tion which had a good fiddler or banjo picker on it was considered particularly fortunate — they did not have to wait for the holidays to have their dances and walk- arounds. However, when fiddlers were scarce they ex- ecuted their dance steps to the patting of their hands, called "juba." Where there were as many as ten or twelve negroes on a plantation hardly a night passed that there was not some form of music and dancing. The negroes also had many weird songs, some of which I could never figure out whence they came, unless a survival handed down from their African ancestry. The negro ear seems to take particularly to minors and if they heard an air in the major key they often hummed or sang it in the minor. Unless the negroes were allowed some form of amusement they were very liable to be running around of nights and getting into some sort of mischief, and, as they sometimes observed, get ''to plot- ting against the whites." The negroes were perfect timists, and in a strain of music it was rare for them to put in too many or too few bars. Some of the quips and turns in their playing would have done credit to an artist. Home Life of W. B. Lenoir, Jr. My father, I. T. L., was not an advocate of starting children to school at very early age. They had things to learn of as much importance he said as spelling and arithmetic and far more interesting. My father used to take me with him about the farm and in the wood- lands. He taught me the names of the different wild flowers, to distinguish the different kinds of trees by their leaves and bark, and what uses they could be put to. To observe and tell the various kinds of oak in Sweetwater Valley was a liberal education in itself. On his own farm there were these and more kinds of oak: black, red, chestnut, Spanish, spotted, post, white, 218 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY willow and others ; of course it was easy to tell the pop- lar tree when once pointed out or the walnut. It was not so easy to point out the different kinds of maple, — long before I could read I took pride in knowing the many kinds of trees in the valley, and was very much chagrinned when I made a mistake. He also told me particularly what weeds were most hurtful to the crops and what was the best method to destroy them. He taught me as an amusement chess, checkers and back- gammon: My mother and father both taught me music and I had a supplemental education from the negroes on the fiddle and banjo. I used to own a dog that could with difficulty be kept out of the house when my mother was playing on the piano, but he liked lively music and did not take to the classical or solemn. I used to get insulted with him because he did not seem to care for the fiddle. I thought he was exhibiting very poor taste. However, he was too polite to howl but just went away. My father did not like cards or any game of chance and when I got the best of him after a few years' train- ing in chess and checkers he rather lost interest in these games. My mother never played a game of any kind, not on account of conscientious scruples but because she had no fondness for them and never learned them. I am not making an argument that it is the proper way to rear a boy to teach him games and music, but I do say that I could have a better time at home as a usual thing than I could away from home. Facts About Hiwassee and East Tennessee and Ga. K. R. In the history of General James H. Reagan it is re- lated somewhat in detail how, when he was a member of the General Assemlby in 1836, a charter of an incor- poration was obtained for the Hiwassee Railroad Co., for constructing a railroad through the Hiwassee dis- trict to the Southern boundary of the state; how the construction was commenced in 1837 and how in 1848 the charter was renewed under the name of East Ten- nessee and Georgia Railroad Co., and something of how the General Assembly of the state under the general HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 219 head of Improvement Acts assisted in the construction of the railroad through our section. In the Senate of 1846, Hon. I. T. Lenoir, then of Roane County, in a speech on the resolution directing the gov- ernor to issue the bonds of the state, claimed to be due the Hiwassee Railroad Co., in which, among other things, he says: ' ' The Hiwassee railroad, with the exception of about three miles, is graded from Blair's Ferry on the Tennes- see River to the Georgia line, within twelve or fifteen miles of the place to which the Georgia Legislature has already made provision for completing the Western and Atlantic Railroad. A splendid bridge has been built across the Hiwassee; abutments and culverts have been made at the crossings of the creeks and branches, and the road might very soon, at comparatively small ex- pense, be completed. ' ' And he further states : ' ' Many of the goods for East Tennessee are now sent by the southern route, brought on the Georgia railroad to its terminus, and hauled right along the Hiwassee railroad grade in wagons. When the road is completed, almost all the goods for East Tennessee will pass over it; and large quantities of produce will in return be sent back upon it." Thus, had the governor and others in whom the au- thority was vested refused to issue to the Hiwassee R. R. or its successors, the East Tennessee R. R., the bonds the whole work done would likely have been lost for want of capital to equip the railroad. There was, too, consid- erable opposition in the Legislature and many parts of the state to further bonding the state for this road. Some were actuated no doubt by selfish motives, and others for what they thought good reasons. Mr. John Martin in a letter from Memphis, January 16, 1846, the Hon. I. T. Lenoir's brother-in-law, advised him to oppose the further issuance of state bonds of Hi- wassee R. R., among other things he (Martin) said: "In the first place the expenditure that it will require to fuiish can be much better appropriated by improving the river, the improvement of the river will be a much better improvement for all of East Tennessee than the road. You can take this argument in all its leanings 220 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALiiEY and see if it is not correct ; say that the river was navi- gable from Chattanooga to Knoxville for steam boats, the imports could be carried up the river much cheaper than on the road ; while the river to take off the produce would be infinitely cheaper. It is clear that the river is tributary to the whole of East Tennessee, while the road would be partial in its benefits. The annual saving by the river instead of road transportation would be a great saving and consequently enrich the country. This is my candid view if the road could be completed for nothing, and the improvement of the river would cost $500,000. It would be economy in the east end of the state to im- prove the river and abandon the road." The Athens Post at the time of its first publication, September 30, 1848, was the only paper so far as I am aware published between Knoxville and Chattanooga. From its columns, many of whose numbers were pre- served by I. T. Lenoir for a number of years, we glean the following: January 5, 1849. — Proceedings of stockholders E. T. G. B. R. : P. S. Heiskell, chairman ; Jno. L. Hunt, secre- tary. The stockholders went into an election of direc- tors for the year 1849, when the following gentlemen were elected, viz: Kjiox — Thos. C. Lyons, C. AVallace. Monroe — I. T. Lenoir, Jno. Stanfield. McMinn — T. Nix- on Vandyke, A. D. Keyes, W. F. Keith, R. C. Morris. Bradley — Wm. Grant. At that meeting a contract with Duff Green was en- tered into to build a railroad from Dalton to Knoxville. The state directors appointed by the Governor for East Tennessee and Georgia R. R. for the year 1849 are: Jno. C. Gaut, S. A. Smith, J. C. Carlock, Jno. Hughes, Wm. Heiskell, J. G. M. Ramsey, S. B. Boyd, Jos. Jackson, Jno. Jarnagin. * * * Persons along the line of railroad are notified by A. D. Keyes, president, to remove obstructions from right of way. * * * * From ''Dalton Eagle" June 12th. Account of ground broken at the Southern Terminal of E. T. & G. R. R. and ceremonies on that occasion. Communication from A. D. Keyes of August 23rd. R. R. has succeeded in closing a contract with Messrs. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 221 Bailey &. Co., of England, for 8,000 tons of best quality Welsh iron improved pattern of the T rail to weigh about 57 pounds per lineal yard. Have also made ar- rangements for chairs and spikes, locomotives, passenger cars and other necessary appendages for furnishing and putting the road in operation at an early date to the Tennessee River. September 27, 1850. — News has been received from England that the first thousand tons of iron rails for this road were shipped on the 17th of August and that two thousand more were manufactured and ready for shipment. On October 25th. Acts of Georgia and Tennessee leg- islatures published authorizing East Tennessee and W. & A. R. R. to complete lines to junction and granting certain other privileges. Call on the stockholders for $12.50 a share of all un- paid stock November 22, 1850. January, 1851. — Meeting called for January. R. C. Jackson, secretary and treasurer. Notice signed by A. D. Keyes in the Post May 2nd, in which he says: ''I have received a requisition dated April 24th signed by Messrs. Lyon Crozier and Wm. Lenoir directors, requir- ing me to convene the board of directors E. T. & G. R. R. Co. the third Monday of May for a purpose of review- ing action of the board in establishing shops for repair- ing engines, etc., meeting so called May 19th. May 23rd. — At the said meeting of the directors at Athens, the permanent machine shops were located at Athens. lyins says referring to this: "McMinn has borne the brunt and burden of the contest (meaning a fight for the railroad) from first to last. Her citizens have suffered more and bled freer and there is no cause for any preju- dice a'-''ainst us.'' Nov? 7th.— Call on E. T. & G. R. R. stockholders $12.50 on each share of stock by E. D. Ke^^es, president. From Athens Post for the vear 1852, March 26th. Call by Thos. H. Calloway, president E. T. & G. R. R $5.00 per share for stock. From the best information obtainable it is probable that the track laving of the E. T. & G. R. R. reached 222 HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Sweetwater about April 1, 1852. A place for the ''Y" to be used as a turn-table had already been graded. It occupied the place about where the circle of the north- east fountain now stands. Tlie depot also was under course of construction in anticipation of the arrival of the railroad. This build- ing as I remember it was about 40x100 feet or more. This was considered a good sized depot for a place which was then only a dot on the map. Philadelphia had been a town then a number of years, Loudon was then known by the name of Blair's Ferry. Mr. W. P. Jones, of Pond Creek Valley thinks that the laying of the track to Loudon proceeded at about the rate of 1-4 mile per day; that being the case the track laying must have reached the river near Blair's Ferry the latter part of May. I find in the Athens Post of August 10, 1852, the fol- lowing schedule : Up Train P. M. Leave Dalton at 2 :30 Varnell's 2 :57 Red Clay 3:15 Blue Spring 3 :42 Cleveland 3:54 Charleston 4 :30 Riceville 4 :51 Athens 5 :15 Mouse Creek 5 :35 Sweetwater 5 :57 Philadelphia 6 :15 Arrive at Loudon 6 :35 Down Train A. M. Leave Loudon 4 :00 Philadelphia 4:21 Sweetwater 4:59 Mouse Creek 5 :03 Athens 5 :21 Riceville 5 :45 Charleston 6 :06 Cleveland 6:42 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 223 Blue Spring 6 :54 Red Clay 3:15 Varnell's 8 :03 Arrive at Dalton 8 :30 Thomas H. Calloway, president. (July 23, 1852.) The railroad depot at Philadelphia was larger than the depot at Sweetwater and was built about the same time as the depot at Sweetwater. The depot at Sweet- water was burned hj General Wheeler during the raid in 1864 on account of Federal supplies being contained in it. The Loudon depot was first built at the riverside, a steep grade running down at the river from the railroad. The depot at the present location was not built until after the railroad bridge was finished at Loudon. It may be interesting to note the following tables taken from the Loudon Free Press Saturday, January 15, 1853: "We have been kindly furnished by Mr. Pritchard, chief engineer, with the following table of elevations of various points upon the line of the E. T. & G. R. R. above the level of the sea : Dalton, Ga 771 Ft. Varnell's 828 " Tennessee Line 837 " Cleveland 778 ' ' Charleston 718 ' ' Low water, Hiwassee River 684 ' ' Athens 993 " Mouse Creek Summit 1,023 " Sweetwater '. 920 ' ' Philadelphia 871 ' ' Loudon 814 ' ' Low Waters of the Tennessee River 738 ' ' Lenoirs 786 ' ' Summit of Knox and Roane Line 882 '^ Turkey Creek 809 * ' Water of Do 778 * ' Stones 834 " HeiskelPs 898 '' 224 HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VAL,LEY McClellan's Summit 972 ** AVater of Second Creek 870 '* Knoxville 898'' The Fiest Plan of the Town of Sweetwateb Was laid off by I. T. Lenoir entirely on his own land. This was a part of the northeast quarter of section 2, township 3, range 1, east of the basis line. The land that was included was as follows : Commencing at a point in the centre of the E. T. & Ga. Railroad track perpendicularly above the north bank of Sweetwater Creek; thence down the creek along the bank to Daniel Heiskell's line; thence north with Heis- kell's line to the naiddle of the Fork Creek Road; thence along Biggs' and Mayes' line crossing the railroad west to the Pond Creek Road; thence southeastwardly with that road to Monroe and High streets and the Athens Road; thence with the east side of that road 190 feet to a point on the south side of street; thence in a direction parallel to Monroe Street southeasterly to Depot Street and the railroad lot; thence with that plot southwestwardly to corner of the same ; then at a right angle with the line of railroad plot southeasterly to the centre of the creek directly under the middle of the railroad track ; thence to the point of beginning. The Plan of the Steeets. The streets in the first plan of the town ran parallel and at right angles to the general direction of the rail- way tract through the railroad plot, except Monroe Street. This last named street starting at the creek next to the bridge and Heiskell's line ran directly west to the railroad track, thence in a southwesterly direction the same as the other streets in the plan of the town. It w^as 66 feet wide. Most of the other streets were from 30 to 33 feet wide. The street on the east side of the railroad was called Railroad Street. That on the depot side of the railroad was named Depot Street. The next street west, running parallel with the railroad, was Oak Street, then High east of the Female College. Com- mencing at Monroe Street and going northeast the first HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 225 street is Wright, then Wahmt, then Morris running by the Trust and Savings Bank. In this first plan of the town of Sweetwater I. T. Le^ noir laid off 65 lots. Those fronting on Depot Street were intended and sold for business houses. The num- bering of the lots was commenced on the corner of Oak and Morris. Number one was the lot now occupied by the J. A. Miller residence and the numbers ran south- westerly along Oak Street to twelve inclusive. Then from fifteen across from the Beard residence and going to twenty-eight northwardly along Depot Street to the post-office lot inclusive. The number of the lots in the Lenoir tract were about equal on each side of the railroad. The first recorded sale of anv lot is that to N. W. Haun and William Stakely on the 14th of May, 1852. The number of the lot was 18 and was the location now oc- cupied by the Sweetwater Pharmacy, the Ledbetter Store and the Cunningham Jewelry Store. It was 80 feet front on Depot Street, sometimes incorrectly called Main Street. The next sale was on September 30, 1852, to AYilson Parker of lots Nos. 11, 12, 15 and 16. These lots were located between the Sweetwater Hotel lot and the Sweetwater Creek, two of them fronting on Depot Street. In about 1854 J. C. Vaughn purchased the property now occupied by the Hyatt Hotel and built a hotel and storehouse, and he resided there with his family until about the time of the Federal occupation of this country in 1863. The majority of these lots owned by I. T. Le- noir were sold previous to 1860, though in many in- stances deeds were not made for several 3^ears later on. He took great pains to sell only to those persons whom he knew to be responsible business men and good cit- izens, and some were sold with the proviso that no whis- key or intoxicants were to be sold on them. From the country around came the Pattons, Rowans, Taylors, Robert and Bates Carter, the former of whom afterwards went to Texas. From Madisonville came S. Y. B. Williams, William McClimg, Robert and Ander- son Humphrey, the Clarks and James A. Wright, the last named beins: in business with James A. Coffin. 226 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY From Philadelphia came John W. Goddard, Frank Bo- gart and Charles Cannon. Gr. G. Stillmann and J. J. Shel- don came here f iom New York, and resided at this place to the time of their deaths. Thus the town of Sweet- water not only became noted on account of its location, but for the high class of its citizens. Names here men- tioned are such as I recall to my mind at present — otherg moved here who made equally as good citizens. Walter Franklin Lenoir, Son of William Ballard and Elizabeth Avery Lenoir, of Lenoirs, Tenn., was born November 21, 1816. He died September 1, 1878. He first married Elizabeth Campbell Goddard, daughter of T. C. Goddard of Coun- ty Line, Monroe County, on November 16, 1841. She w^as born April 2, 1821. She died January 10, 1855. When a young man he entered into the mercantile business with his brother, I. T. Lenoir, at Lenoirs. About the time of his first marriage he came to Philadelphia, Tenn., and purchased land there. In 1853 and 1854, ac- cording to advertisements in the Loudon Free Press, he was in the mercantile business at Philadelphia, in part- nership with his brother-in-law, John W. Goddard. He also owned and operated one of the few saw mills on Sweetwater Creek. He owned a large body of pine land east of Philadelphia from which he manufactured lum- ber. He built the brick residence in the grove just east of Philadelphia in 1853. The children of W. F. and Elizabeth Goddard Lenoir were: 1. Julia Ann Campbell, b. September 6, 1842; d. May 22, 1848. 2. Walter Thomas, b. August 8, 1845. 3. William Goddard, b. August 23, 1847 ; d. March 21, 1915. 4. Thornton Pickens, b. July 23, 1851. Walter Thomas Lenoir married Loua Edwards, of Little Rock, Ark. She was born September 30, 1851, the daughter of Richard and Susan Hilder Edwards. W. T. Lenoir was a student at Hiwassee College when the Civil War began. He left school when under 16 years of age, and joined the Confederate army. He was a member HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VAX,LEY 227 Co. F, 43rd Regt. Tennessee volunteer infantry, un- der the command of Colonel Gillespie. He was in the siege of Vicksburg and was captured and paroled there. He was soon exchanged and served during the remainder of the war as a scout and as a member of the reorganized 43rd Tennessee Regiment. He was with the Confeder- ate forces when Colonel Frank Wolford, commanding a brigade of Federal cavalry, was defeated on the morn- ing of October 20, 1863, in what is known as the Battle of Philadelphia. Colonel Wolford was making his head- quarters at the residence of W. F. Lenoir, father of W. T. Lenoir, at the time of the battle. W. T. Lenoir influ- enced the commander of the Confederate battery to so fire the guns, which were located on a hill about 600 yards distant, as not to do injury to the house or hurt any of the family. It was not a common experience in war for a man to be engaged in a real battle around his father's house. (For a more extended account of this engage- ment see another part of this book.) W. T. L. was with General Vaughn in the Shenandoah Valley campaign, and previously with him in upper east Tennessee. He surrendered and was paroled at Kingston, Ga., on May 12, 1865. He located at Humboldt in the western part of the state in 1868, where he operated a hotel in the town, and a farm nearby. He was mayor of Humboldt in 1882. In 1886 he bought his grandfather's, T. C. Goddard's farm, in McMinn County near Reagan's Station. He moved his family there in 1887. While living in McMinn he was a member of the county court from 1888 to 1890, when he moved to Sweetw^ater. He was a member of the Monroe County Court 1893-1911. He was mayor of Sweetwater in 1915. The children of W. T. and Loua E. Lenoir were : (1) Frank, b. at Humboldt, Tenn., July 12, 1874. He married Annie Powell, of Atlanta, Ga., June 7, 1906. He is a manufacturer of tin and iron wares at Houston, Tex. Their children are : Louise and Frank, b. in 1907 and 1912. (2) Caroline, b. in Humboldt, Tenn., July 4, 1876. She was married to Clarence, son of John S. and Theresa Young, on January 22, 1905.. He is cashier of the Bank 228 HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY of Sweetwater, Tenn. They reside near Sweetwater. Their children are : Lenoir, b. June 5, 1906 ; Katherine, b. March 1, 1908; Clarence E., Jr., b. November 22, 1909 ; Loua Theresa, b. March 5, 1913. (3) Hattie, youngest daughter of W. T. and Loua E. Lenoir, b. September 5, 1879. (4) Richard, their youngest son, b. August 14, 1881. He married Idelle May Waldrop, of Jonesboro, Ga., on April 10, 1916. Tliey live in Sweetwater. William Goddard Lenoir, second son of W. F. and Elizabeth G. Lenoir attended, in 1865, 1866 and 1867, school at the Dancing Branch Academy six miles south of Sweetwater. This school was under the charge of Prof. A. W. Wilson, afterward an M. A. of the Univer- sity of Virginia at Charlottesville. Afterwards he was three years at the University of Virginia, from October, 1867 to July, 1870. He graduated there in several schools. In this university was developed that inde- pendence of thought and action which stood him in good stead throughout his life and contributed greatly to his success. After completing his education he taught school for two or three years at Johnson City, Tenn. On October 14, 1871, he was married (first) to Alice Osborne, daughter of Thomas and Evaline Lackey Os- borne, of Pond Creek Valley. She was born October 8, 1852, and died at Johnson City on June 20, 1874. She is buried at Stekee Cemetery near Loudon. There were two children, the youngest, a son, dying in infancy in 1874. Their daughter Lucy, born July 15, 1872, married R. H. Kizer, of Philadelphia. He was born in Blount County, Tenn., in 1858. They have three children: Le- noir, b. May 1, 1897 ; Alice, b. August 16, 1904, and John, b. February 13, 1913. On September 5, 1876, W. G. L. was married (second) to Fannie Amelia, daughter of Eli and Elizabeth Childs Adkins. They resided principally at the old Lenoir homestead until 1884, when they moved to the Adkin residence near the spring in Philadelphia. They resided there at the time of his death in March, 1915. He was a large jeal estate owner both in the country and in town, especially iu Knoxville, and had a keen ap- preciation of their values. He was a dairyman and an HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 229 extensive raiser of Register Jersey cattle. He was a jus- tice of the peace and an influential member of the Lou- don County Court from 1884 to 1912. He was a firm advocate and supporter of good schools and good roads. He always contended that they were worth more than they cost though they might not be economically carried on or constructed. He was a joint representative from Knox and Loudon counties in the Fifty-sixth General Assembly, elected on the Fusion ticket. He was an ardent prohiljitionist and voted and worked for all measures for the suppression of the whiskey traffic while he was a member of the Leg- islature. He was a great friend of the colored race, especially of the old Lenoir darkies. His hospitality to guests and visitors was recognized and remarked upon wherever he was known. The children of W. G. and Fannie A. Lenoir were : (1) Israel Pickens, b. September 14, 1877. He mar- ried Gate Willson (her mother was a Gate) on November 14, 1901. They reside in Phoenix, Ariz. Their children are : Marv Francis, b. October 7, 1902, and Avery Thorn- ton, b. October 7, 1903. (2) Emma Elizabeth, b. November 26, 1879. Mar- ried Robert Lee Minis on November 2, 1898. They live in Philadelphia. They have one child, Robert L., b. April 22, 1900. (3) Walter Avery, b. November 13, 1883. Married Alice Comer, of Comer, Ga., October 23, 1909. She was born August 17, 1890. Four children have been born to them: William Alexander, b. April 18, 1911; Avery Comer, b. July 15, 1913; d. ; Avery Fulcher, b. September 14, 1914 ; d. ; and Francis Elizabeth, b. June 29, 1916. W. A. Lenoir is a planter and resides at Comer, Ga. (4) Kate Lothrop, b. September 26, 1885. She was married to Edward Young, of Mitchell County, N. C, on May 25, 1908. He died on September 9, 1909. He left one child, Edward, born June 7, 1909. (5) Eli Adkins, b. August 8, 1888. He married Eva Marler, of Lebanon, Tenn., on June 5, 1911. She was born at Murfreesboro, Tenn., on September 3, 1890. 230 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY They have t^vo children : E. A. Lenoir, Jr., b. April 3, 1913, and Barbara Francis, b. Mav 26, 1915. (6) William Goddard, b. December 2, 1890. Lives at Philadelphia, Tenn. (7) Charles Henrv, b. September 26, 1892; d. Novem- ber 14, 1896. (8) Thomas Penland, b. February 16, 1895; d. Jan- uary 17, 1901. Thornton Pickens Lenoir, fourth child of "VV. F. and Elizabeth Goddard Lenoir, attended Emory and Henry College, where he graduated in 1874. In September of that year he went to Goliad, Texas, where he took up the study of law. Owing to a breakdown in health he gave up law and went into the cattle business at Refugio, Texas, where he was married in 187 — to Lua McCamp- bell. Their children were : Thornton, who died in child- hood, and Elizabeth, wdio married and died a few years afterwards leaving one child, a daughter. T. P. Lenoir lives at Victoria, Tex. W. F. Lenoir married (second) Harriette Elizabeth Osborne, the daughter of John and Elizabeth Cathey Os- borne (both formerly of Haywood County, N. C), at Germantown, Tenn., on July 7, 1858. She was born at Asheville, N. C, on December 11, 1830. Died May 21, 1907, at her residence at Philadelphia, Tenn. This mar- riage was a remarkably happy one. Mrs. Hattie Lenoir, besides being a cultivated and accomplished woman, was one who drew many friends to her by the sincerity of her hospitality in a home from which no one w^as ever turned away without a gracious reception, and help, if in distress. She was a devoted member of the Pres- byterian church while he w^as a zealous member of the Methodist Church, South ; yet on that account there was never a jar or misunderstanding. Their house was ever a home for the ministers of both denominations. The Methodist church and parsonage at Philadelphia are monuments to his zeal and liberality. They had a beautiful home in a beautiful situation and lived a beau- tiful life. I know of no word that fitly expresses their relationship and conduct. Her end was as serene as her life. She died while asleep without pain or struggle. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 231 Tlie children of W. F. and Harriette 0. Lenoir were : Frank, Rose Summey, Henry and Earnest. These all died in childhood, except Henry L., who was born Decem- ber 6, 1863. He married Annie Yoakum, daughter of Wil- liam Cannon, May 23, 1888. They reside at the old Lenoir homestead one-fourth of a mile east of Philadelphia, Tenn. Their children are : Annie Lee, b. May 21, 1889 ; William Cannon, b. April 25, 1891; Frank Osborne, b. September 23, 1894; Susan Bogart, b. September 29, 1898, and Robert Henry, b. January 2, 1902. The Lillard Family\ William Lillard was a colonel in the Revolutionary War. His son William was born August 14, 1798. He died in Sweetwater Valley December 18, 1844. Louise, his sister, and daughter of Col. Lillard, married Ben- jamin Routh August 23, 1838, William Lillard, second, who lived near Philadelphia, in Sweetwater Valley, mar- ried Nancy Routh, who was born August 28, 1807. She died at her residence near Philadelphia, July 27, 1899. The children of William and Nancy Lillard were : 1. Andrew Jackson, b. on Island Creek, Februarv 20, 1829. 2. Washington, dead. 3. Louisa Jane, m. Joseph Ragon, October 15, 1851. 4. Caroline, b. 1835. Lives at Philadelphia, Tenn. 5. Murrell, b. 1837. 6. Julia, m. Rilev Burns. Died near Philadelphia in 1915. 7. Joseph B., b. 1843. Andrew Jackson Lillard went to California in 1858. He went to the Indian Diggings and also to Brush Creek. He dug gold most of the time he was in California un- til he returned to Tennessee in 1865. He married Samantha Taliaferro in 1867. She was the daughter of John Taliaferro. They moved to Fork Creek Valley. She died June 6, 1915, at the age of 67. He is a farmer. Their children are : John, married in Colorado. Has four children. Lives in Farmington, N. M. Murrell, lives in Atlanta and is in the employ of Rhodes & Co. 232 HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Nannie, m. Prof. W. T. Russell, Carson & Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn. Mrs. Russell died about 1905 leaving two children. Mollie, m. C. E. Harris, of Dandridge, Tenn. Etta Lee, m. A. L. Burem, of Hawkins County. Ad- dress Burem, Tenn. Murrell Lillard, son of William Lillard, joined the Confederate army and was afterwards captured at Pied- mont, Va., and was taken to Camp Morton, Ind., where he died a prisoner of fever. Joseph Lillard, youngest son of William Lillard, w^as a private in Co. D 11th Regt. Tenn. Cav., U. S. A., dur- ing the Civil War, serving twenty months. He is a farmer and lives one mile from Philadelphia. He mar- ried Maggie J. Harrison, of Pond Creek Valley, on March 31, 1885. Their children are: William F., b. August 2, 1886. Minnie L., b. April 17, 1890. Hattie E., b. November 8, 1892. Joseph Murrell, b. July 24, 1896. John Lotspeich Was born in Greene County, Tenn., November 9, 1762. He moved to Sweetwater about 1820. He married Mary Ann Earnest of Greene County, on February 18, 1806. She died January 27, 1878 or 1879. She was born De- cember 23, 1789. Mr. Lotspeich was a farmer and built a brick house and settled on the southwest and south- east quarters of section 3 and the northwest and north- east quarters of section 4, township 3 and range 1, east. He was a member of the Methodist church. He died at his residence on April 19, 1825. He and his wife are both buried at County Line Cemetery. Their children were : 1. Ralph, b. September 6, 1807. 2. Henry L., b. Februarv 10, 1810. 3. Samuel T., b. March 5, 1812 ; d. April 2, 1847. 6. Christopher Marion, b. OctolDer 15, 1815. 10. Amanda, b. Sept. 29, 1827. 4. Felix, was born in Greene County, Tenn., and mar- ried Eliza, a daughter of William Neal. They were members of the Methodist church; he was a farmer. HISTOKY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 233 They moved to Green (aftenvards Henry) County, Mo. 5. Maiy Ann Lotspeicli was born in Greene County, Tenn. She married Wm. Robertson, who was born on Pond Creek, in Monroe County, Tenn. They moved to Green County, Mo., wiiere he died. 6. Christopher Marion Lotspeich married Susan Shearl, who died about 1873-4. He was a farmer and set- tled near Ottumwa, Iowa. He was drowned in the Iowa River May 26, 1852. Their children were : Nannie, Hen- ry and Julia. 7. Emmeline Lotspeich married Rufus Pickel. (See Pickels.) 8. John W. Lotspeich married Nancy Ann Baker on December 7, 1856. She was born December 26, 1857. Died March 13, 1874, and was buried at Sweetwater Cem- etery. He was a farmer. They moved to Weatherford, Texas. He died at Abilene, Tex., March 4, 1894. Their children are : Mollie, b. December 19, 1857 ; m. R. W. Ellis. Florence, b. April, 1859; m. Benton. Addie, b. April, 1861; m. L. Dempsev; d. Marshall, Tex., in 1911. Carrie, b. April, 1866. Married Chas. Waters. She is a ranchwoman near Abilene, Texas. 9. Elizabeth J. married J. J. Browder (whom see). 10. Amanda Lotspeich married Francis Y. Jameson on April 29, 1854. They moved to Gentry Comity, Mo. 11. Chas. W. Lotspeich was born at the Lotspeich resi- dence, near Sweetwater. He married Mary Smith, daughter of Bryant Smith, of Meigs County, in Novem- ber, 1871. She was born May 24, 1847, and died July, 1877. Interred in Sweetwater Cemetery. He was a farmer. In 1883 he moved to Texas, and in 1886 he lo- cated in Jones County, where he died, and was buried near Hawley, October 4, 1907. Their children were : (1) Brvant, b. 1872, in Sweetwater Vallev. Address Hawley, Tex., R. F. D. No. 1. (2) Thomas J., b. in Sweetwater Valley July 17, 1875. Lives at Hawley, Tex. (3&4) Died in infancy and were buried at Sweet- water, Tenn. 234 HiSTORi" or Sweetwater valley Henry Mayes. Birds sing and flowers bloom and shed their fragrance on the summer air. This is but natural; it is expected; as Josh Billings would say it is their business. There are people, now and then, so constituted that they have no desire or appetite to do wrong or take any pleasure in straying into forbidden paths. Their instincts point as sensitively to right and justice as the needle to the mag- netic pole. If they veer from the straight path at all it is but a circumstance of the moment and not to be reck- oned in the great trend of life. Kindness, liberality and hospitality are as much a part of their nature as for the flowers to bloom or the birds to sing. Of such a char- acter was Henry Mayes. He traveled along the even tenor of his way without attracting any great attention. He did nothing startling. The only thing he could have done startling was to have gone very wrong. Tliough a man of ability and deservedly popular, particularly with the young people of the neighborhood, he would never consent to take the lead or aspire to any office. You al- ways knew where to place him even if he would not al- low himself to be pushed to the front. He was always ready to assist in every good work and work for the bet- tering of the town and community. To be honest and truthful came to him as natural as to breathe the breath of life. A man of that kind w^ould not hold his own fi- nancially in the fierce business competition of today. That is one change that we can not help but regret. The ideals and ethics of business are different. Many things have changed for the better but not that. Henry Mayes had as few faults as any man in the valley and his virtues were by no means all negative. Yet if any man had called him good to his face he would have been much astonished. ''Why callest thou me good!" he would have thought. For never in public or private life or when he took the journey to the Great Beyond did he for a single instant pose for effect. Some might have regretted that he said nothing of seeing an- gels or hearing music as he passed through the portals of death. Mr. Mayes died as he had lived, simply. He who has lived theatricallv often dies so. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 235 Henry Mayes' death was calm and peaceful. There was no posing. It was merely the last incident of a well spent life. Every thing he ever did was done quietly and in order. I have thus emphasized his distinguishing characteris- tic, the disinclination to be the central figure, because he did more to make Sweetwater the town it is than any man who ever lived in it except one, and that one was his most particular friend and with him in business mat- ters he always consulted. .^ . ' , / •/ , 7^5 • ^ ^,;^->- '-^ i*^ '^■'' ' '-'^ ^ Henry Mayes was maj-^ried to Nancy'f^alle. One daughter, Margaret McElwee Chandler, b. January 30, 1901. 3. Mattie McElwee married John L. Anderson Jan- uarv, 1898. Their children are: Mildred M., b. March, 1899. Larnard, b. November, 1900. Thomas, b. May, 1903. 5. Frank McElwee is in the real estate business at San Diego, Cal. HISTOEY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 335 4 Mary McElwee married C. P. Griggs, of Stockton, CaL, on October 20, 1906. He died March 6, 1913. She lives at Manteca, Cal. Tlieyhad one daughter, Mamie, b. July 12, 1907. General Vaughn's second wife was Florence Jones, ot Thomasville, Ga., whom he married in 1871. One daugh- ter, Mrs. E. A. Armand. Mrs. Florence Vaughn died at Savannah, Ga., in 1890. General Vaughn died on plantation near Thomasville, Ga., on , 187 — . Thomas L. Uptox. Three brothers, William A.. Thomas L., and Joseph Upton, came from Blount to Monroe County. William A. settled on Four Mile Branch, Dr. Joseph Upton in Madisonville, and Thomas L. in Sweetwater Valley. The latter resided in the old Sliger house wdiere I. T. Lenoir afterwards lived. He moved from there to what was afterwards know^n as the Upton place on Pond Creek, one mile from the Cumberland Presbyterian camp ground. On the 24th of February, 1854, he conveyed to I. T. Lenoir, for the consideration of $2,000, the northwest quarter of section 11, township 3, range 1, east, to which deed Jno. C. Vaughn and N. W. Haun were the subscrib- ing witnesses. Thomas Upton's wife w^as Anne Year- out. Their children were: 1. Bettie ; 2. Thomas L. ; 3. William A., and 4. N^ncy. Bettie married James Blair, who was a physician in Sweetwater in the first beginning of the town. They had several children, number not known to me, but the oldest one was named Annie, and youuger than she were tw^in girls, one named Inez. About the beginning of the Civil War he moved to Corsicana, and then to Hender- son, Rusk County, Texas. William A. married Mrs. Ballard of Pond Creek, who was the daughter of Reps Jones. Some time in the eighties she came to Sweetwater and he went to Texas. For some time she was proprietress of the Up- ton Inn, now the Hyatt Hotel. Their children were: Byrd, Thomas, William and Mamie. 336 HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY Nancy Upton, fourth child of Thomas L. and Anna Upton, married Robert, son of J. D. Jones (whom see). David Caldwell married Yearout. He was a farmer and lived on a farm adjoining Thomas Upton. They had one daughter, Bettie, who married Charles H. Jones, son of Reps Jones. Helen Graliam, whose mother was also a Yearout, resided with Mr. Caldwell. She married Charles Cannon of Sweetwater ^wliom see). Hon. Joseph Walker. He was the third son and sixth child of Joseph and Mary Howard Walker, who were married in 1797. Jos- eph Walker, Sr., moved to this county perhaps in the late twenties and settled in Fork Creek Valley, the old home- stead being on the west side of the creek in the meadow between what is now the Vineyard farm and the old Kile place. Here they reared a large family, one of their children dying in childhood. The children were: 1. Elizabeth Caroline, m. Nicholas Vineyard. 2. Caswell Lincoln, moved to Georgia. 3. David Perkins, was a farmer living in Fork Creek Valley. 4. Nancy, m. James Harvey Johnston. They lived on a farm, now the Howard place, three miles southeast of Sweetwater. 5. Sarah, m. Cunningham. 6. Joseph, b, in Grainger County, September 10, 1813. 7. Nicholas Grant. 8. John Horn, d. on the plains en route to California, August 22, 1849. 9. Stirling Creed, d. when a child. 10. Mary Anna, m. Colonel John A. Rowan. The family largely settled about the father's home and at one time the sons and sons-in-law owned con- tiguous farms from Christiansburg church to the Davy Walker farm near Glenloch. Joseph, the sixth child of Mary and Joseph Walker, Sr., was three times married. First to Caroline Cleveland, daughter of Rev. Eli Cleveland on March 1, 1838, Robert Snead, M. G. She died August 28, 1840. HISTORY OF SWEETWATER VALLEY 337 Second, he married on July 22, 1845, Elizabeth Jane Prater, R. Snead, M. G. She died on January 14, 1846. Third, he married Lodusky Jones, the sister of Joseph D. and Jesse Jones, on FelDruary 2, 1848, the Rev. R. Snead again officiating. Her death oc« o *^\';«iik-\. y':%>°;%% ^''-^^^-X ''- %/ .*' 1*' ' t V-^^ * ^H^ C "^ *?" 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