E 642 .G832 Copy 1 (S. ^. %, 30tlt, 1895. Headquarters, Department of New York, Grand Army of the Republic, Capitol, Albany, N. Y., April 22, i8g§. General Order, No. I o- Comrades : Spring, with its beautiful buds and blossoms again brings to us our " Memorial Day," with all its hallowed associations, and May 30th, 1895, marks the Twenty- Seventh Anniversary of the day which has been dignified as "The Sabbath of the Grand Army of the Republic." There is no time when God's love is more specially manifest than this, when Nature, miraculously renewed, is out in all her leafy glory, giving to us the sweet and beautiful flowers, symbolizing the resurrection from the dead. Bring then the meek-eyed violet, the modest daisy, the sweet-faced pansy, the fragrant lilacs and roses and let us adorn the graves where rests all that is mortal of those who died for us and for the Nation, those noble patriots, who bravely fought for this land, who willingly offered their lives, if need be, that we and all our fellow countrymen might live in " The land of the Free." IfiAp'OP Since our last meeting, the march of many of our Comrades has ceased, and we listen to the snapping of the golden links of Comradship of those who stood by as the " Boys of '6 1 " fully realizing the shortening of the line, therefore let us draw nearer together, cherish more closely the memories of the departed, and forget not the fraternal duties we owe to each other, as well as our responsibilities to our Country and our God, ever remembering that, " Righteousness exalteth a Nation, but Sin is a reproach to any people." Post Commanders will arrange to have their com- mands attend Divine Service on Sunday, May 26th. Invitations should be given to all Veterans, Relief Corps, Sons of Veterans, patriotic citizens and schools, to join with the Grand Army and make the 30th of May truly a Memorial Day. Flags will be hoisted on Memorial Day at half mast. By order of JOHN C. SHOTTS, Department Co7nmander. Official : t Assistant Adjutant General. LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 013 785 225 1 ^