LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. Copyright No. Shelfe_.cr_^_f/^^ UiNITED STATES OF AMERICA. riY QnRiSTn/i/ Fete. -iu /T)y ^I7ri5tma5 pete. ^LlZBETH B.vfCoMINS. BOSTON, U. S. A. L. Prang & Company. Copyric;ht, iSgo. By L. Pkanc; 8c Comhany, Boston. / HAD arranged a little Ct|ristrr\as fete, ^^^ To brigl)ten Up son\e yoL[tl:\fxll lives I Knew : Cl^ildrer) to ^l\on\ tl:|e toils ar|d cares of life Were too abilr[dant, ar|d its joys too few ; I'd bougl^t ti^e tallest tree ttiat I could fir)d Would stand Wittlin tlqe ltn\its of nqy Wall, Hnd every tinselled bougb^ Was lader\ down Wit]^ gifts to please t\\e l:|earts of eacY{ and all R loving frier)d, Mjhp Kr\eMj of rr\y iriterit, Ser^t rT\e a present ^t|icl\ sY\e asKed st|oiild be,, In rT\eiT\ory of Hinq ^l^ose birtlq ^e celebrate, Hiirig on tY\e wall wl)ere every eye coiJld see; It ^as a l^ead of Clqrist Upon "tl^e cross, H face witl^ agony iri every line, Upon ]qis bro\v tY\e cruel cro^n of tl]orns ; Outrageous insult to tlie King divine. *-^r■■\1^ It drilled rT\e to tt\e t^eart to look at it TY\at tortured face iri its deatli agonies; RY], not like tl^at ^oiild I irqprint tt^e Cl^rist Or\ little clni-ldreri's tender rqenqories. But as I l^eld tt^e picture in n\y l^and. Still looking sadly in tl^ose angxJistted eyes, Mysteriously tt\ere carT\e a v^^ondrous ct|ange, Wt)ict) tt)rilled iT\y bosonq M)itY\ a glad surprise. Tine cruel cross grev^ 'fairit bel:\irid brig]:it beanqs. Brig]:)t v^oridroxls bean|s ^]riic]:\ seerr\ed to spread afar, Hnd t)ave tt\eir centre in a gloiA^ing ligl^t, Wtiiclq slqaped itself into a radiant star ; 7Y\e pallid face grev^ round and fair and young, Tt\e tortured eyes gre^ sv^eet and soft and rqild, Tl")e cro^n of tl^orns becarne a l:\olly vv^reatl) Encircling tl:|e fair ternples of a ct^ild. R c'qild WitY\ l^'appy, srT\iling, l^eavenly face His little arnqs in ber]edictiori spread, Outstretclied as if already l\e bestow^ed UnnUn^bered blessings on eacl\ yoiittiful l:\ead. "Hill tlius," I cried, ''slqall tt|ose dear c]:\ildreri see Tt\e Cl^rist-clqild blessing all tl^eir Ciiristn\as TT\irtl| ; No slqadow of tl^e cross slqall dirT\ tY\e joy Witln Wlqicl^ ^e celebrate tl\e Saviour's birtl)." 1 seized mqy brus]r| arid worked v^itl^ feverisl^ Inaste To fix tt\ose features ere tl^ey'd fade aiA^ay; And not ir\ Vain I tried tl^e loving task, For it was done before tl^c close of day. That nig^t \vlnen all tt|e l^appy cl^ildren carqe To wY\at, to ttjen). ^as ar\ ericlianted place, Tt|ere Was not one wl\o did not greet witl) snqiles Ky pictured vision of tl)e Cririst-cr|ild's face.