I On LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 028 321 537 4 HoUinger Corp. pH8,5 01 ORDER OF ARRANGEMENTS. FUNERHL SER¥ICES OF EX-PRESIDENT M^COSH. The funeral of Ex-President McCosh will take place on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Marquand Chapel. Owing to the limited capacity of the building the following order of arrange- ments must be promptly conformed with in order to prevent confusion. Tickets must be secured at the office of the Marshal in University Hall, in order to gain admission to the Chapel. The office will be open from 9.30 a m. to 1.30 p. m. on Tuesday for this purpose. Officially invited guests, the Trustees of the College and Seminary, the Faculties of the Col- lege and Seminary will meet in the Old Chapel at 1.45 p. m. They will form in line under Prof. Magie and will proceed immediately to Marquand Chapel. The Faculty of the College are requested to appear in full academic costume. The seats reserved for this processsion are indi- cated elsewhere in this order. The students of the College and School of Science, will meet near the Old Chapel at 1.30 p. m. reporting to their Marshals as follows : Grand Marshal: S. R. McCormick. Seniors : J. Blair, Jr. Sophomores : J. M. Hitzrot. Juniors: A. Gunster. Freshmen: W.P.Stewart. They will form in line and proceed to the late residence of Dr. McCosh. Upon arrival the ranks will separate to either side of Prospect Avenue ; and after the hearse has reached the head of the line on its way to the Chapel, will escort it to that point. After the funeral party has passed into the Chapel, if there is room the jDrocession or such part of it as can be -a^x;om«ioda-ted v/i!l enter the buildingC At the close of the exercises the students will again form in line back of East College and will proceed in front of the hearse to the Cemetery, where they will form three sides of a hollow square about the grave. The students of the Seminary will form in line in front of Old Seminary, under Rev. J. H. Dulles at 3 p. m. and proceed to the College :Canipus, where they will await the conclusion of the exercises in the Chapel, at a point between the Philadelphian Society building and Whig Hall. They will later take their place in the procession to the Cemetery. Upon reaching the grave they will form across the fourth side of the hollow square about it, and close it completely. Should the weather prove inclement, the College students will await the formation of the procession to the Cemetery in the Old Chapel, and the students of the Seminary in the rooms of the Philadelphian Society. Seats in Marquand Chapel. The middle block will be reserved for the family and their personal friends. The side blocks for the Almmii. The Choir for the officially invited guests, the Trustees of the College and the Seminary, and the Seminary Faculty. The College Faculty will occupy the stalls. Grand Usher ; H. F. McCormick. ^ , M iSXOHAWGE The order of exercises in the Cha]iel will be as follows: President Patton will ])reside. Hymn. Reading of Scripture. Address by Dean Murray. Address by the Rev. Dr. Henry van Dyke. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. John Hall. Hynui. Benediction by the Rev. Professor Duflield. At the close of the exercises the audience are requested to pass out of the Chapel Ijy the two middle aisles ; those seated at the sides of the building passing forwanl to the Choir in order to do so. Exercises at the grave. Prayer by President Patton. Benediction by the Rev. Dr. H. G. Hinsdale. Order of procession from Marquand Chapel to the Cemetery. Marshals. Students of the College. Cler.Liy in carriages. Pall bearers. Hearse. Family in carriages. Invited guests in carriages. Trustees of the College and Seminary. Faculties of the College and Seminary. Alunmi by classes. Mayor and Council of Princeton. Clergy, and Students of the Seminary. Citizens. The special train from New York will return shortly after the close of the exercises at the grave. Regular trains return to New York at 4.11 and 5.08, arriving at 5 53 and 7.20 respectively. The train to Philadelphia leaves at 5.48 and arrives at 7.30. WILLIAM LIBBEY, .Jr., Marshal. J\ 028 321 5374 \