i CC- «L« Sp ^K^c JAMES L. LITTLE, \ ISAAC LIVERMORE, ) SAMUEL T. SNOW, ) THOMAS M. BREWER, ) WILLIAM PERKINS, ) NATHANIEL J. BRADLEE, ) ALFRED T. TURNER, ) JOHN T. BRADLEE, ) HENRY W. PICKERING, \ EDWARD LAWRENCE, ) CHARLES F. CHOATE, v Term expires in 1873. Term expires in 1874. Term expires in 1875. Term expires in 1876. Term expires in 187 7. Term expires in 1878. OKGANIZATION OF THE BOAKD OF TKUSTEES FOR THE YEAR 1872. JOHN T. BRADLEE, President. Committee on Grounds. JOHN T. BRADLEE. JACOB BIGELOW. ISAAC LIVERMORE. EDWARD LAWRENCE. HENRY W. PICKERING. Committee on L.ots. SAMUEL T. SNOW. WILLIAM PERKINS. NATHANIEL J. BRADLEE. Committee on Interments. THOMAS M. BREWER. CHARLES F. CHOATE. Committee on Finance. ALFRED T. TURNER. JAMES L. LITTLE. SAMUEL BATCHELDER, Jun., Secretary. H. B. MACKINTOSH, Treasurer. Office of the Corporation. 16 PEMBERTON SQUARE, BOSTON. C. W. FOLSOM, Superintendent. AT THE CEMETERY. TRUSTEES FROM 1831. * JOSEPH STORY . *r . from 1831 to 1845, d. Sept. 10, 1845. f JACOB BIGELOW it 1831. GEORGE BOND . a 1831 " 1842 d. May 25, 1842. BENJAMIN A. GOULD . . 1831 " 1S59; d. Oct. 24, 1859. H. A. S. DEARBORN . . 1831 " 1833; d. July 29, 1851. GEORGE W. BRIMMER . n 1831 " 1832; d. Sept. 12, 1838. CHARLES "WELLS a 1831 " 1832; d. June 4, 1866. ZEBEDEE COOK, Jun. u 1832 " 1833; d. Jan. 24, 1858. EDWARD EVERETT . a 1831 " 1832; d. Jan. 15, 1865. GEORGE W. PRATT . (i 1831 " 1832. ■ JOSEPH P. BRADLEE a 1833 " 1837; d. Feb. 19, 1838. CHARLES BROWNE . <« 1833 •' 1837; d. July 21, 1856. CHARLES P. CURTIS . it 1833 " 1S64; d. Oct. 4, 1864. SAMUEL APPLETON. (< 1834 " 1837; d. July 12, 1853. ELIJAH VOSE <( 1834 " 1835; d. Sept. 12, 1856. JAMES READ (< 1835 " 1867; d. Dec. 24, 1870. BENJAMIN R. CURTIS . K 1837 " 1851. MARTIN BRIMMER . u 1838 " 1847; d. April 25, 1847. ISAAC PARKER . it 1838 " 1854; d. May 27, 1858. SAMUEL T. ARMSTRONG a 1839 " 1840; d. March 26, 1S50 GEORGE W. CROCKETT . a 1843 " 1855; d. Aug. 14, 1859. JOHN C. GRAY . U 1845 " 1849. JOHN J. DIXWELL . a 1847 " 1851. MACE TISDALE, from 1850 to 11 553, and " 1855 " 1858; d. Nov. 20, 1861. GEORGE H. KUHN . u 1852 " 1855. CHARLES C. LITTLE (( 1852 " 1867; d. Aug 9, 1869. ISAIAH BANGS . (I 1854 " 1859; d. March 22, 1859 JAMES CHEEVER (( 1856 " 1870. URIEL CROCKER u 1856 " 1865. WILLIAM R. LAWRENCE u 1856 " 1860. HENRY S. McKEAN . (< 1856 " 1857; d. May 17, 1857. CHARLES G. NAZRO . (( 1856 ' 1865. * The persons whose names occur under the head of " Trustees " before the year 1835, constituted, until that year, " the Garden and Cemetery Committee " of the Massa- chusetts Horticultural Society. f Dr. Bigelow is still a member of the Boai'd. TRUSTEES. WILLIAM T. ANDREWS JACOB SLEEPER. EDWARD S. TOBEY . EDWARD AUSTIN . EDWARD S. RAND . GEORGE LIVERMORE OTIS NORCROSS . J. INGERSOLL BOWDITCH PAUL ADAMS LOYAL LOVEJOY ISAAC LIVERMORE . JOHN T. BRADLEE . NATHANIEL J. BRADLEE ALFRED T. TURNER THOMAS M. BREWER EDWARD LAWRENCE CHARLES F- CHOATE WILLIAM PERKINS . SAMUEL T. SNOW . JAMES L. LITTLE . HENRY W. PICKERING from 1859 to 1863. " 1859 " 1870. " 1859 " 1863. " 1860 " 1870. " 1860 " 1871. " 1864 " 1865; d. Aug. 30, 1865. " 1864 " 1870. " 1865 " 1870. " 1865 " 1870. " 1865 " 1870. " 1866. " 1870. " 1870. " 1870. " 1870. " 1871. " 1871. " 1871. " 1871. " 1871. " 1872. PRESIDENTS. JOSEPH STORY . JACOB BIGELOW JOHN T. BRADLEE from 1835 to 1845; d. Sept. 10, 1845. " 1845 " 1871. " 1871. LAWS OF THE COMMONWEALTH. 1831, CHAPTER 69. AN ACT IN ADDITION TO AN ACT ENTITLED " AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MASSACHUSETTS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY." Approved June 23, 1831. Section 1. — Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, That the Massachusetts Horticultural Society be, and hereby are, authorized, in addition to the powers already conferred on them, to dedicate and appropriate any part of the real estate now owned, or hereafter to be purchased, by them, as and for a rural cemetery or burying-ground, and for the erection of tombs, cenotaphs, or other monuments for or in memory of the dead ; and for this purpose to lay out the same in suitable lots or other subdivisions for family and other burying-places, and to plant and embellish the same with shrubbery, flowers, trees, walks, and other rural orna- ments, and to enclose and divide the same with proper walls and enclosures, and to make and annex thereto other suitable appendages and conveniences as the Society shall from time to time deem expedient. And whenever the said Society shall so lay out and appropriate any of their real estate for a cemetery or burying-ground, as aforesaid, the same shall be deemed a perpetual dedication thereof for the purposes afore- said ; and the real estate so dedicated shall be forever held by the said Society, in trust, for such purposes, and for none other. And the said Society shall have authority to grant and con- vey to any person or persons the sole and exclusive right of burial, and of erecting tombs, cenotaphs, and other monu- ments, in any such designated lots and subdivisions, upon such 2 10 MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. terms and conditions, and subject to such regulations, as the said Society shall by their By-Laws and Regulations prescribe. And every right so granted and conveyed shall be held for the purposes aforesaid, and for none other, as real estate, by the proprietor or proprietors thereof, and shall not be subject to attachment or execution. Sect. 2. — Be it further enacted, That, for the purposes of this Act, the said Society shall be, and hereby are, authorized to purchase and hold any real estate, not exceeding ten thou- sand dollars in value, in addition to the real estate which they are now by law authorized to purchase and hold. And to enable the said Society more effectually to carry the plan aforesaid into effect, and to provide funds for the same, the said Society shall be, and hereby are, authorized to open sub- scription-books, upon such terms, conditions, and regulations as the said Society shall prescribe, which shall be deemed fun- damental and perpetual articles between the said Society and the subscribers. And every person who shall become a sub- scriber in conformity thereto shall be deemed a member for life of the said Society without the payment of any other assessment whatsoever ; and shall, moreover, be entitled, in fee simple, to the sole and exclusive right of using as a place of burial, and of erecting tombs, cenotaphs, and other monu- ments, in such lot or subdivision of such cemetery or burying- ground as shall, in conformity to such fundamental articles, be assigned to him. Sect. 3. — Be it further enacted, That the President of the said Society shall have authority to call any special meeting or meetings of the said Society, at such time and place as he shall direct, for the purpose of carrying into effect any or all the purposes of this Act, or any other purposes within the pur- view of the original Act to which this Act is in addition. ANOTHER ACT IN ADDITION TO AN " ACT TO INCORPORATE THE MASSACHUSETTS HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY." Chap. 98 of Private and Special Statutes of the Year 1834 contains some provisions which need not be recited here, as they are substantially the same that are found in the " Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Au- burn ; " Sects. 1, 2, and 3 of the former corresponding re- spectively with Sects. 7, 3, and 8 and 9 of the latter. LAWS OF THE COMMONWEALTH. 11 |Caw£ ot the (Eflmutomwaltto of %}Xix$$Mh\x$ttt$. 1835, CHAPTER 96. AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE PROPRIETORS OF THE CEMETERY OF MOUNT AUBURN. Approved March 31, 1835. Section 1. — Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, in General Court assembled, and by the au- thority of the same, That Joseph Story, John Davis, Jacob Bigelow, Isaac Parker, George Bond, and Charles P. Curtis, together with such other persons as are proprietors of lots in the cemetery at Mount Auburn, in the towns of Cambridge and Watertown, in the county of Middlesex, and who shall in writing signify their assent to this Act, their successors, and assigns, be, and they hereby are, created a corporation, by the name of the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn ; and they shall have all the powers and privileges contained in the statute of the year one thousand eight hun- dred and thirty-three, chapter eighty-three. Sect. 2. — Be it further enacted, That the said Corporation may take and hold in fee simple the garden and cemetery at Mount Auburn, now held by the Massachusetts Horticultural Society, and any other lands adjacent thereto, not exceeding fifty acres in addition to said garden and cemetery, upon the same trusts and for the same purposes, and with the same powers and privileges, as the said Massachusetts Horticultural Society now hold the same by virtue of the statute of the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, chapter sixty- nine ; and may also take and hold any personal estate, not exceeding in value fifty thousand dollars, to be applied to pur- poses connected with and appropriate to the objects of said establishment. Sect. 3. — Be it further enacted, That all persons who shall hereafter become proprietors of lots in said cemetery, of a size not less, each, than three hundred square feet, shall thereby become members of the said Corporation. 12 MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. Sect. 4. — Be it further enacted, That the officers of the said Corporation shall consist of not less than seven, nor more than twelve Trustees, a Treasurer, Secretary, and such other officers as they may direct. The Trustees shall be elected annually, at the Annual Meeting, and shall hold their offices until others are chosen ; and they shall choose one of their number to be President, who shall be also President of the Corporation ; and they shall also choose the Secretary and Treasurer, either from their own body, or at large. And the said Trustees shall have the general management, superin- tendence, and care of the property, expenditures, business, and prudential concerns of the Corporation, and of the sales of lots in the said Cemetery ; and they shall make a report of their doings to the Corporation at their Annual Meeting. The Treasurer shall give bonds for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office, and shall have the superintendence and management of the fiscal concerns of the Corporation, subject to the revision and control of the Trustees, to whom he shall make an annual report, which shall be laid before the Corpo- ration at their Annual Meeting. And the Secretary shall be under oath for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and shall record the doings at all meetings of the Cor- poration and of the Trustees. Sect. 5. — Be it further enacted, That the Annual Meetings of said Corporation shall be holden at such time and place as the By-Laws shall direct ; and the Secretary shall give notice thereof in one or more newspapers, printed in Boston, seven days at least before the time of meeting. And special meet- ings may be called by the Trustees in the same manner, unless otherwise directed by the By-Laws ; or by the Secretary, in the same manner, upon the written request of twenty mem- bers of the Corporation. At all meetings, a quorum for busi- ness shall consist of not less than seven members ; and any business may be transacted, of which notice shall be given in the advertisements for the meeting, and all questions shall be decided by a majority of the members present, and voting either in person or by proxy. Sect. 6. — Beit further enacted, That, as soon as the said Corporation shall have received from the Massachusetts Horti- cultural Society a legal conveyance of the said garden and cemetery at Mount Auburn, the Massachusetts Horticultural Society shall cease to have any rights, powers, and authorities over the same ; and all the rights, powers, and authorities, trusts, immunities, and privileges conferred upon the said So- ciety, and upon the proprietors of lots in the said cemetery, in LAWS OP THE COMMONWEALTH. 13 and by virtue of the first section of the statute of the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one, chapter sixty- nine, shall be transferred to and exercised by the Corporation created by this Act ; and the same shall, to all intents and purposes, apply to the said Corporation, and all proprietors of lots in the said cemetery, with the same force and effect as if the same were herein specially enacted, and the said Corpora- tion substituted for the Massachusetts Horticultural Society hereby. Sect. 7. — Be it further enacted, That any person who shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure, or remove any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other structure placed in the cemetery aforesaid, or any fence, railing, or other work for the protection or ornament of any tomb, monument, grave- stone, or other structure aforesaid, or of any cemetery-lot, within the limits of the garden and cemetery aforesaid, or shall wilfully destroy, remove, cut, break, or injure any tree, shrub, or plant within the limits of the said garden and cemetery, or shall shoot or discharge any gun or other fire- arm within the said limits, shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace, or other court of competent jurisdiction within the county of Middlesex, be punished by a fine not less than Five Dollars nor more than Fifty Dollars, according to the nature and aggravation of the offence ; and such offender shall also be liable in an action of trespass, to be brought against him in any court of competent jurisdiction, in the name of the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, to pay all such damages as shall have been occasioned by his unlawful act or acts ; which money, when recovered, shall be applied by the said Corporation, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, to the reparation and restoration of the property destroyed or injured as above ; and members of the said Corporation shall be competent witnesses in such suits. Sect. 8. — Be it further enacted, That lots in the said ceme- tery shall be indivisible, and, upon the death of any proprietor of any lot in the said cemetery containing not less than three hun- dred square feet, the devisee of such lot, or the heir-at-law, as the case may be, shall be entitled to all the privileges of mem- bership as aforesaid ; and, if there be more than one devisee or heir-at-law of such lot, the Board of Trustees for the time being shall designate which of the said devisees or heirs-at-law shall represent the said lot, and vote in the meetings of the Corporation ; which designation shall continue in force until by death, removal, or other sufficient cause, another designa- 14 MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. tion shall become necessary ; and, in making such designation, the Trustees shall, as far as they conveniently may, give the preference to males over females, and to proximity of blood and priority of age, having due regard, however, to proximity of residence. Sect. 9. — Be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Corporation to take and hold any grant, donation, or bequest of property, upon trust, to apply the income thereof, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, for the im- provement or embellishment of the said cemetery, or of the garden adjacent thereto, or of any buildings, structures, or fences erected, or to be erected, upon the lands of the said Cor- poration, or of any individual proprietor of a lot in the ceme- tery, or for the repair, preservation, or renewal of any tomb, monument, gravestone, fence, or railing, or other erection in or around any cemetery-lot, or for the planting and cultivation of trees, shrubs, flowers, or plants in or around any cemetery- lot, according to the terms of such grant, donation, or bequest ; and the Supreme Judicial Court in this Commonwealth, or any other court therein having equity jurisdiction, shall have full power and jurisdiction to compel the due performance of the said trusts, or any of them, upon a bill filed by a proprietor of any lot in the said cemetery for that purpose. Sect. 10. — Be it further enacted as follows: First, That the present proprietors of lots in the said cemetery, who shall become members of the Corporation created by this Act, shall thenceforth cease to be members of the said Horticultural Society, so far as their membership therein depends on their being proprietors of lots in the said cemetery. Secondly, That the sales of the cemetery-lots shall continue to be made as fast as it is practicable by the Corporation created by this Act, at a price not less than the sum of sixty dollars for every lot containing three hundred square feet, and so, in proportion, for any greater or less quantity, unless the said Horticultural Society and the Corporation created by this Act shall mutual- ly agree to sell the same at a less price. Thirdly, That the- proceeds of the first sales of such lots, after deducting the annual expenses of the cemetery establishment, shall be applied to the extinguishment of the present debts due by the said Horticultural Society on account of the said garden and ceme- tery ; and, after the extinguishment of the said debts, the balance of the said proceeds, and proceeds of all future sales, shall annually, on the first Monday in every year, be divided between the said Horticultural Society and the Corporation created by this Act, in manner following, namely: — fourteen LAWS OP THE COMMONWEALTH. 15 hundred dollars shall be first deducted from the gross proceeds of the sales of lots during the preceding year, for the purpose of defraying the Superintendent's salary and other incidental expenses of the cemetery establishment ; and the residue of the said gross proceeds shall be divided between the said Hor- ticultural Society and the Corporation created by this Act, as follows, namely : one-fourth part thereof shall be received by and paid over to the said Horticultural Society on the first Monday of January of every year, and the remaining three- fourth parts shall be retained and held by the Corporation created by this Act, to their own use forever. And, if the sales of any year shall be less than fourteen hundred dollars, then the deficiency shall be a charge on the sales of the sue- ceeding year or years. Fourthly, The money so received by the said Horticultural Society shall be forever devoted and applied by the said Society to the purposes of an experimental garden, and to promote the art and science of horticulture, and for no other purpose ; and the money so retained by the Corporation created by this Act shall be forever devoted and applied to the preservation, improvement, embellishment, and enlargement of the said cemetery and garden, and the inci- dental expenses thereof, and for no other purpose whatsoever. Fifthly, a committee of the said Horticultural. Society, duly appointed for this purpose, shall, on the first Monday of Janu- ary of every year, have a right to inspect and examine the books and accounts of the Treasurer, or other officer acting as Treasurer, of the Corporation created by this Act, as far as may be necessary to ascertain the sales of lots of the preceding year. Sect. 11. — Be it further enacted, That any three or more of the persons named in this Act shall have authority to call the first meeting of the said Corporation, by an advertisement in one or more newspapers, printed in the city of Boston, seven days, at least, before the time of holding such meeting, and specifying the time and place thereof. And all proprie- tors of lots, who shall before, at, or during the time of holding such meeting, by writing, assent to this Act, shall be entitled to vote in person or by proxy at the said first meeting. And at such meeting, or any adjournment thereof, any elections may be had, and any business done, which are herein author- ized to be had and done at an Annual Meeting, although the same may not be specified in the notice for the said meeting. And the first Board of Trustees, chosen at the said meeting, shall continue in office until the Annual Meeting of the said Corporation next ensuing their choice, and until another Board are chosen in their stead, in pursuance of this Act. 16 MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. Sect. 12. — Be it further enacted, That the said cemetery shall be, and hereby is, declared exempted from all public taxes, so long as the same shall remain dedicated to the pur- poses of a cemetery. §M0 and Itolw of tUt (&omm , and numbered on the plan of said Cemetery , which plan is in the possession of the said Corporation for inspec- tion by the said grantee, heirs and assigns, at all seasonable times ; the said piece of land being feet and inches long, and feet and inches wide, and containing super- ficial square feet. To have and to hold the aforegranted premises unto the said heirs and assigns, forever, for ornamental purposes ; subject, however, to the conditions and limitations, and with the privileges following ; viz. : — First, That the proprietor of the said lot shall have the right to enclose the same with such wall or fence (of other material than wood), not exceeding one foot in thickness, and BY-LAWS. 39 which may be placed on the adjoining land of the Corporation, exterior to the said lot, as shall be approved by the Trustees. Second, That the said lot of land shall never be used as a place of burial for the dead ; and no trees within the lot or border shall be cut down or destroyed without the consent of the Trustees of the said Corporation. Third, That the proprietor of the said lot shall have the right to erect stones, monuments, or ornamental structures, and to cultivate trees, shrubs, and plants in the same ; the ap- proval of the Trustees being first obtained. Fourth, The proprietor of the said lot of land shall, under the direction of the Trustees, grade the same, and erect, at his or her own expense, suitable landmarks of stone or iron at the corners thereof; and shall also cause the number there- of to be legibly and permanently marked on the premises. And if the said proprietor shall omit, for sixty days after no- tice, so to grade the lot, to erect the landmarks, and mark the number, the Trustees shall have authority to cause the same to be done at the expense of the said proprietor. Fifth, That if the landmarks and boundaries of the said lot shall be effaced, so that the said lot cannot, with reasonable diligence, be found and identified, the said Trustees shall set off to the said grantee, heirs or assigns, a lot in lieu there- of, in such part of the cemetery as they see fit ; and the lot hereby granted shall, in such case, revert to the Corporation. Sixth, That if any trees or shrubs situated in said lot of land shall, by means of their roots, branches, or otherwise, be- come detrimental to the adjacent lots or avenues, or danger- ous or inconvenient, it shall be the duty of the said Trustees, for the time being, and they shall have the right, to enter into the said lot, and remove the said trees and shrubs, or such parts thereof as are thus detrimental, dangerous, or inconven- ient. Seventh, That if any monument or effigy, or any structure whatever, or any inscription, be placed in or upon the said land, which shall be determined by the major part of the said Trustees, for the time being, to be offensive or improper, the 40 MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. said Trustees, or the major part of them, shall have the right, and it shall be their duty, to enter upon said land, and remove the said offensive or improper object or objects. Eighth, No fence shall from time to time, or at any time, be placed or erected in or around the said lot, the materials and design of which shall not first have been approved by the Trustees. Ninth, The said lot of land shall be holden subject to the provisions contained in an act of the General Court, dated March 31, 1835, and entitled " An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn," and the several Acts in addition thereto. [The covenants and conclusion are the same as in the form for conveyance of Lots.] ORDER FOR INTERMENT AND CITY OR TOWN PERMIT; ALSO FEES. To the Superintendent. The undersigned wishes, on the day of 18 , to deposit in Lot No. owned by the remains of late of , who died at on the day of 18 , aged years months davs. Dated at this day of 18 . Proprietor of Lot No. Funeral procession expected to arrive at Mount Auburn at o'clock. Countersigned. Undertaker. N.B. — Every order for interment must be signed by the pro- prietor, or his or her legal attorney, and, after the decease of the proprietor, by the legal representative. Permission is given to remove the body of within described from to Mount Auburn, the facts required by law having been returned to this office. BY-LAWS. 41 Fees of Interment. For opening a grave or tomb, making and re- cording interment ..... $5.00 For opening a grave or tomb, making and re- cording interment for child under 10 years 3.00 For grave in public lots, interment, record, and stone No 30.00 For deposit in receiving tomb, of which $18.00 will be refunded, in case of removal with- in four months to any part of the cemetery, 25.00 For making a brick grave, interment, and record, 25.00 All fees payable at the time of interment. CERTIFICATE OF RIGHT OF INTERMENT IN PUBLIC LOT. PROPRIETORS OF THE CEMETERY OF MOUNT AUBURN. Boston, 18 Lot Grave No. This certifies that of by the pay- ment of dollars, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl- edged, has purchased the right of interment in grave No. , in the Lot, which is owned by this Corporation. " Whenever any such grave shall become vacant by re- moval of the body interred therein, the land shall revert to the Corporation ; but in case the owner thereof, or his repre- sentative, becomes the purchaser of a lot in the cemetery, the original price for the grave shall be allowed in part payment for the lot." (Fxtraet from By-Laws of the Corporation, Art. XL) Treasurer. FORM OF APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR WORK ON LOT. MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. Lot No. The undersigned, a resident of proprietor of Lot No. in the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, requests 6 42 MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. permission to employ of to cut grass, clean the borders, and set plants upon said lot ; also to , and he hereby agrees to be respon- sible for all injury and damage which may be done by said , or those employed by him, either to the grounds or property of the Corporation, or of any proprietor, and for the removal of any rubbish that may be made in the doing of the work. Proprietor. Boston, 18 . N.B. — This application must be filed with the Secretary. The party signing it should be careful to see that the blanks are properly filled, and to erase any words that do not express what is wanted. MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. Lot No. Proprietor, Upon the application of of of Lot No. , in said cemetery, and upon his agree- ment to be responsible for all injury and damage that may be done, and for the removal of any rubbish that may be made, by of , whom he proposes to employ, or by his workmen, the proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn permit the said to employ the said to do the following work upon said lot, in compliance with the regu- lations of the cemetery, and under the supervision and con- trol of the Superintendent. Secretary. Boston, 18 FORM FOR DONATION IN TRUST FOR THE REPAIR OF LOTS. Know all Men by these Presents, That hereby give unto the proprietors of the Ceme- BY-LAWS. 43 tery of Mount Auburn the sum of , for their sole use forever ; in trust, nevertheless, that the Trustees of the said Corporation, for the time being, shall, in order to obtain an income therefrom, invest the same from time to time, in their discretion, in some public stock of this State or of the national government, or in the stock of some bank or banks of this State, or in notes secured by a satisfac- tory collateral pledge of stock in Massachusetts or mortgage in Boston, on interest ; and to apply the income or interest thereof, from time to time, after deducting therefrom the sum of fifty cents out of every hundred dollars of the sum so above given as follows : — First, To keep in suitable and good repair and preserva- tion lot No. in the said cemetery, and the monument, fences, trees, shrubbery, and soil thereon. Secondly, To suffer the surplus, if any, of such income or interest to accumulate for such time as the said Trustees may deem expedient ; or, in their discretion, to apply the same surplus, or any part thereof, from time to time, to ornament- ing and preserving the grounds of the said cemetery, or to any other or all the purposes to which, by the Act of Incor- poration, the funds of the said Corporation may be lawfully applied, and which are appropriate to the objects of the estab- lishment of the said cemetery : Provided, however, That the said Trustees shall never be responsible for their conduct in the premises, except for good faith, and such reasonable diligence as may be required of mere gratuitous agents; and provided, further, that the said Trustees shall in no case be obliged to make any separate in- vestment of the sum so given, and that the average income or interest derived from all funds of the like nature belonging to the Corporation shall be divided annually, and carried propor- tionally to the credit of each lot entitled thereto. In witness whereof have hereunto set hand and seal on this day of A.D. 18 Executed in presence of [stamp.] 44 MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. FORM FOR DONATION IN TRUST FOR THE PERPETUAL REPAIR OF LOTS, WITH GUARANTY. Know all Men by these Presents, That hereby give unto the proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn the sum of dollars, for their sole use for- ever ; in trust, nevertheless, that the Trustees of the said Cor- poration, for the time being, shall, in order to obtain an income therefrom, invest the same from time to time, in their discre- tion, in some public stock of this State or of the national government, or in the stock of some, bank or banks of this State, or in notes secured by a satisfactory collateral pledge of stock in Massachusetts or mortgage in Boston, on interest, and to apply the income or interest thereof, from time to time : First, To keep forever in suitable and good repair and preservation lot numbered in the said cemetery, situ- ated upon , and the monument , fence , trees, shrub- bery, and soil thereon; this contract being intended to attacl) to said lot and its appurtenances in the condition in which the same are described in a report thereon made by the Superin- tendent of the cemetery, dated , and which report is entered upon the records of this Corporation. Secondly, To suffer the surplus, if any, of such income or interest to accumulate for such time as the said Trustees may deem expedient ; or, in their discretion, to apply the same sur- plus, or any part thereof, from time to time, to ornamenting and preserving the grounds of the said cemetery, or to any other or all the purposes to which, by the Act of Incorpora- tion, the funds of the said Corporation may be lawfully ap- plied, and which are appropriate to the objects of the establish- ment of the said cemetery : Provided, however, That the said Trustees shall never be responsible for their conduct in the premises, except for good faith, and such reasonable diligence as may be required of mere gratuitous agents; and provided, further, that the said Trustees shall in no case be obliged to make any separate, in- vestment of the sum so given, and that the average income or interest derived from all funds of the like nature belonging to BY-LAWS. 45 the Corporation shall be divided annually, and carried propor- tionally to the credit of each lot entitled thereto. The consideration for this donation is the undertaking; as- sumed by said Corporation, by virtue of the certificate of the Committee on Lots, hereto annexed, acting under powers con- ferred on them by the By-Laws of the said Corporation. Witness hand and seal on this day of A.D. eighteen hundred and Executed in presence of [stamp.] PROPRIETORS OF THE CEMETERY OF MOUNT AUBURN. The Committee on Lots hereby certify that they approve of the sum of dollars as sufficient to warrant the guaranty, on the part of the proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, that the within-named lot, numbered , shall be forever kept in good order and repair. [stamp.] Committee on Lots. 18 The Treasurer of the proprietors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn hereby acknowledges the receipt of dollars from on the trusts within mentioned. Treasurer. Boston, 18 . In Board of Trustees, 18 . Concurred in. Attest, Secretary. Received and entered with Mount Auburn records of grants and donations on this dav of A.D. 18 . Attest, Secretary. ARTICLE XVIII. AMENDMENTS. Any alteration or amendment of these By-Laws, excepting only that entitled " Permanent Fund," which is irrevocable, may be made by a majority of the whole Board of Trustees ; notice of the proposed change having been given at a previ- ous meeting at least seven days before action is taken upon it. RULES AND REGULATIONS. The Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintendent shall each communicate to the others promptly and fully upon all such matters necessary to the most complete and efficient discharge of the duties of their respective positions. They shall keep the Trustees and the various committees thereof constantly advised of the transactions in their several departments, to the end that nothing is omitted likely to aid the Board in the administration of their trust. They shall render to propri- etors and others havino; business at the office in Boston, or at the cemetery, every facility and assistance consistent with the character and purposes of the Corporation. They shall neither of them receive any other pay or fee than has been provided by the By-Laws of the Corporation. If a proprietor, or any other person, tenders to either of them a payment, gift, or ser- vice, intended as a reward, or calculated to influence or em- barrass their official action, or to disturb confidence in them, the circumstances shall be immediately reported to the Trus- tees for their consideration. Neither shall they, nor any other person in the employ of the Corporation, engage in buying and selling lots or parcels of ground in the cemetery, excepting un- der direction of the Committee on Lots, and in the manner provided by the By-Laws. The Secretary and Treasurer shall occupy the same office rooms in Boston. Their office hours shall be from nine o'clock, a.m., to three o'clock, p.m. daily, excepting Sundays and holidays, unless by written direction or consent of the President. The Secretary shall keep a register of all interments, in- cluding the names and ages of persons interred, and the place and date of interment ; also the vouchers and orders for inter- ment, and disinterment or removal, properly filed. He shall keep a duplicate of said register for use at the cemetery. He shall issue all notices made necessary in preparing for RULES AND REGULATIONS. 47 the care of lots, and in calling the attention of proprietors to neglected lots. He shall notify all meetings of committees ; shall arrange their business for them, and attend the meet- ings, unless excused ; making such records, and performing such other work, as may be required of him. The Treasurer shall deposit, to the credit of the Corpora- tion, all moneys received by him, in such bank in Boston as the Committee on Finance may direct ; and all checks drawn against such deposits shall be signed by him, and made paya- ble to a member of that committee, the President, or to a person whose bill shall have been approved by the Board of Trustees. He shall prepare, monthly, a schedule of bills contracted, including a pay-roll of laborers employed at the cemetery, to be examined, with the original bills therefor, by the appropriate committees, and presented for approval, or otherwise, at the next meeting of the Trustees thereafter. He shall prepare quarterly accounts to be presented at the first meeting of the Trustees in the months of January, April, July, and October, exhibiting all the transactions for the quarter prior thereto, together with a detailed statement of balances held for the repair of lots, and of all amounts due to the Corporation for materials or labor furnished at the cemetery. He shall prepare, render, and attend to the collec- tion of all bills for materials or labor furnished at the ceme- tery. The Superintendent shall reside near the cemetery. He shall engage, employ, and discharge subordinate officers at the cemetery under direction of the Committee on Grounds, but may engage and discharge laborers at his discretion, unless otherwise instructed. He shall see that all such persons per- form faithfully the services due by them to the Corporation; that the contracts and orders of the Trustees, or committees thereof, are strictly complied with. He shall also see that all persons, whether employed in the cemetery, or visiting it, vio- lating the laws of the Commonwealth, the By-Laws or Regu- lations of the Corporation, or the proprieties of the place, are promptly dealt with by removal from the cemetery, and by prosecution if so directed or authorized by the Committee on 48 MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. Grounds. He shall keep in suitable books, provided for the pur- pose, all orders for work to be done or materials furnished for proprietors ; which orders shall be explicit in their terms, and signed by the persons giving them. The particulars of what- ever is afterwards done or furnished in pursuance thereof shall be fully stated, and made a part of the entry, together with the prices agreed upon or to be charged : so that the Treasurer can make bills therefrom. He shall make imme- diate reports of all interments, with full particulars thereof, and return all orders and papers, of whatever nature, con- nected therewith, or with disinterments or removals, to the Secretary, for permanent disposition in his office. He shall make ample provision for prompt and sufficient attendance upon funeral processions arriving at the cemetery. REGULATIONS CONCERNING VISITORS TO THE CEME- TERY. The gates of the cemetery shall be open, for visitors enti- tled to admission, daily, from sunrise until sunset. Only proprietors, members of their households, or persons accompanying them, or others having written permits, shall be admitted on Sundays or holidays, unless for special reasons satisfactory at the time to the Superintendent. No person shall be admitted at any time with refreshments ; neither with flowers, unless for use as decorations or memo- rials, notice thereof having been given before passing the gate-keeper. No horse shall be driven in the cemetery faster than a walk ; nor left unfastened without a keeper ; nor fastened, except at posts provided for the purpose. No person on horseback shall cross any lot, or drive upon a path. * The Superintendent shall see that the following provisions of law are strictly observed : — " Be it further enacted, That any person who shall wil- fully destroy, mutilate, deface, injure, or remove any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other structure placed in the ceme- RULES AND REGULATIONS. 49 tery aforesaid, or any fence, railing, or other work for the pro- tection or ornament of any tomb, monument, gravestone, or other structure aforesaid, or of any cemetery lot, within the limits of the garden and cemetery aforesaid, or shall wilfully destroy, remove, cut, break, or injure any tree, shrub, or plant within the limits of the said garden and cemetery, or shall shoot or discharge any gun or other fire-arm within the said limits, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof before any justice of the peace, or other court of competent jurisdiction within the county of Middlesex, be punished by a fine not less than Five Dollars, nor more than Fifty Dollars, according to the nature and aggra- vation of the offence ; and such offender shall also be liable, in an action of trespass to be brought against him in any court of competent jurisdiction, in the name of the proprie- tors of the Cemetery of Mount Auburn, to pay all such dam- ages as shall have been occasioned by his unlawful act or acts ; which money, when recovered, shall be applied by the said Cor- poration, under the direction of the Board of Trustees, to the reparation and restoration of the property destroyed or injured as above ; and members of the said Corporation shall be compe- tent witnesses in such suits." (Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 1885, chap. 96, sect. 7.) No fees whatever, other than those provided by the By- Laws of the Corporation, shall be paid at the cemetery. RULES AND ORDERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Stated meetings f the Trustees shall be held at the office in Boston, on the second Wednesday of each month, at half past three, o'clock, p.m., unless otherwise ordered. Motions shall be made in writing when requested by the President or a majority of those present. Reports of committees shall be made in writing at the re- quest of any member. 50 MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. The order of business shall be as follows : — Reading the records. Election of officers. Reports of committees. Approval of bills and accounts. Unfinished business. Motions, orders, and resolutions. Petitions or other papers from the Secretary. Alterations or amendments of these Rules and Regulations may be made by a majority of those present at any meeting of the Trustees. RESERVED SPACES. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees, held Nov. 4, 1861, the following votes were adopted, and are referred to in the conveyance of lots, on page 34 : — Voted, That the following-described spaces within the Cemetery of Mount Auburn be forever kept open, and that no interments be ever made, nor buildings nor monuments of any description be erected thereon. 1st, The space near the front gate or entrance, bounded as follows: — beginning at a point in the front fence thirty feet west of the western stone obelisk, thence running at right angles with said fence in a southerly direction to the southerly side of Pine Avenue, being about fifty-five feet ; thence easterly in a line parallel to said fence until it inter- sects a line drawn from a point in said fence thirty feet east of the eastern stone obelisk, and at right angles there- with ; thence northerly by the said line so drawn at right angles with said fence to the said point in said fence thirty feet east of the eastern stone obelisk, and thence in a straight line to the place of beginning. 2d, A space or passage-way twenty feet wide on the east, north, and west sides of the chapel ; the said twenty feet to be measured from the outer face of the stone buttresses. 3d, All that space in front of the chapel, bounded by Chapel, Pine, and Cypress Avenues and Peony Path, as now laid out. 4th, The whole space adjacent to and surrounding the Tower, now enclosed by the circular or oval part of Moun- tain Avenue. 5th, All the space included within the stone curb of Au- burn Lake, together with the avenues or paths surrounding 52 MOUNT AUBURN CEMETERY. and next adjacent to the said curb ; also all land between said avenues or paths and said curb, not exceeding thirty feet in width. 6th, All the land included within the circular part of Lawn Avenue, and which is not more than ninety feet from the fountain now in the central part of the lawn. INDEX. Accounts. Of Treasurer, preparation and rendering of, 47. Admission. Reservation of right of in reconveyance to corporation on perpetual trust, 31. To Cemetery, of proprietors and others, general provisions, 48. On horseback, 33, 48. Alteration or Amendment. Of By-Laws, how made, 45. Of Rules and Regulations of Board of Trustees, how made, 50. Appropriations . Exceeding $1000, how made, 25. Other provisions concerning, 25. Area. Of Cemetery. [See " Real Estate.''] Auditors. Committee on Finance to act as, 25. Avenues and Paths. Entry of, on sectional plan, 32. Commissioners on Grounds to have general charge of, 24. Changes, &c, in, to be reported to and confirmed by Board of Trustees, 24. Business, Order op. At meetings of Trustees, 50. By-Laws. Certain rights as to tenure of lots to be prescribed by, 9, 10. To provide concerning meetings, 12. Number of stockholders, &c, requisite, for quorum, to be determined by, 19. Alteration or amendment of, 45. Catacomb Tombs. [See " Tombs."] Cemetery op Mt. Auburn. Proprietors of the. [See " Proprietors of the Cemetery of Mt. Auburn."] Certain persons authorized to take and hold the, in fee simple, 11. Proprietors of lots of 300 feet in the, to become members of the Corporation, 11, 22. Sales of lots in the, to be under control of Trustees, 12. Legal conveyance of the, from Mass. Hort. Soc, result of, 12, 13. Injury to trees, plants, monuments, &c, of, and other misdemeanors in, general provisions concerning, 13, 47, 48, 49. Lots in the, to be indivisible, 13. Trustees may receive donations for improvement or embellishment of, or of lots therein, 14. Members of Mass. Hort. Soc. who are proprietors of lots in the, to cease to be members of said Society, on becoming members of the Corporation estab- lished by Act of 1835, 14. Price of lots in, fixed, and proceeds of sales of, how divided with Mass. Hort. Soc, 14, 15. Exemption from public taxation while dedicated to the purposes of a cemetery, 16. Increase in the territory of, authorized, 16. Lots in, may be granted to heirs-at-law, devisees, or trustees of any deceased per- son, and to bodies corporate, 17. Lots for tombs, may be sold in, 26. Firing of volleys in, disallowed, except, 27. Sectional plan of lots in, to be kept at Secretary's office, 32. Superintendent to reside near the, 47. Admission to the, general provisions, 47, 48, 49. 54 INDEX. Certificate. Issue of, to person selecting lot, 25. Form of, from Superintendent on selection of lot, 33. Of right of interment in public lot, 41. Committees. All to be appointed by President, 24. Standing, when to be appointed, 24. Standing, enumeration and duties of, 24, 25. To be kept advised of certain matters by officers of the corporation, 46. Meetings of, duties of Secretary respecting, 47. Superintendent to see that contracts and orders of are complied with, 47. Reports of, to be made in writing when requested by any Trustee, 49. Common Seal. Use of, 26. Contracts. [See '' Donations in trust."] Concerning lots, records of in books of corporation to have same effect as if made in Registry of Deeds, when, 18. Certified copies of same, how furnished and used, 18. Certain, to be under supervision of Committee on Lots, 25. Of Trustees and Committees, Superintendent to see to enforcement of, 47. Conveyance. Of rights of burial, &c, in lots by Mass. Hort. Soc, 9, 10. Legal, of garden and Cemetery at Mt. Auburn from Mass. Hort. Soc, effect of, 12, 13. Of lots to heirs-at-law, devisees, or trustees of deceased person, 17. Of lots to bodies corporate, 17. Of lots, records of in books of corporation to have same effect as if made in Regis- try of Deeds, when, 18. Of lots, form for, 34. Certified copies of records of, how furnished and used, 18. Of spaces between lots, form for, 37. Of land for ornamental purposes, form for, 38. Corporators, Orioinal. Joseph Story, John Davis, Jacob Bigelow, Isaac Parker, George Bond, and Charles P. Curtis, 11. Deceased Proprietor. Privileges of devisee or heir-at-law of, 13. Guardian of, application how to be made by, for appointment of a representative, 29. Deceased Proprietor, Heirs-at-eaw of. Of lot, privileges, &c, of. on death of proprietor, 13, 14. Trustees to designate representative from among, 13, 14. May receive conveyance of lots, 17. To make affidivit of claim, &c, 28. Application, how to be made by, for appointment of, a representative, 29. Deeds. Of lots, preparation, record, and delivery of, 26. To be receipted for on delivery, 26. Certain evidences of title to be noted on margin of record of, 29. Covenant as to Permanent Fund to be inserted in all, 30. Of reconveyance in perpetual trust, 31. Devisees of Deceased Proprietor. Of lots, privileges of, on death of proprietor, 13. Trustees to designate representative from among, 13, 14. May receive conveyance of lots. &c, 17. To furnish evidence of title to Secretary, 28. Application how to be made by, for appointment of a representative, 29. Donations in Trust. For improvement and embellishment of Cemetery, &c, 14. For improvement, repair, preservation, &c, of premises of individual proprietor, 14. Certain, to be under supervision of Committee on Lots, 24, 25. General provisions concerning, as part of the Repair Fund, 31. Forms for, 42,44. Erections. On private lots to be subject to approval of Committee on Lots, 28. Certain, forbidden, 28. Evidences of Title. Certain, how furnished, filed, and recorded, 28, 29. Expenditures. Restrictions relative to incurring, 25. Monthly statements of, &c, to be prepared by Treasurer, 47. INDEX. 55 Fees, &c. Certain officers disqualified from receiving certain, 23, 46. Received by Secretary to be paid to Treasurer, 23. Received at Cemetery Superintendent to cause to be paid to Treasurer, 24. For record of instruments, 26. For interment, general provisions, 26, 27. For deposit in Receiving Tomb, 27. For inserting plan of lot at Secretary's office, 32. Received by Superintendent at Cemetery to be paid to Treasurer, 24. Other than those provided by the By-Laws not to be paid at the Cemetery, 49. For interment, 41. Fences. [See " Erections."] Finance. Committee on, composition and duties of, 25, 47. Fines. [See "Misdemeanors."] Forms. Superintendent's certificate of selection of lot, 33. Certificate of right of interment in public lot, 41. For conveyance of lots, 34. For conveyance of spaces between lots, 37. For conveyance of land for ornamental purposes, 38. Of application and permit for work on lot, 41. Order for interment and oitv or town permit. Fees, 40. For certificate of right of interment in public lot, 41. For application and permit for work on lot, 41. For donation in trust for the repair of lots, 42. For donation in trust for the perpetual repair of lots with guaranty, 44. Funerals. Military ; firing of volleys disallowed at, except, 27. Superintendenc to make provision for attendance upon at the Cemetery, 48. Garden and Cemetery. [See " Cemetery of Mt. Auburn."] Graa^es. In public lots ; general provisions, 27. Becoming vacant, land to revert to corporation, 27. Price paid for to be allowed in selection of lot, 27. Number of interments in, restricted, 27. Not to be opened for removal of remains, except, 27. Grounds, Committee on. Compositon and duties of, 24. Trees to be removed from lots only by consent of, 28. Duty of, in case of neglected lots, 28. Entries on sectional plan to be under the direction of, by a surveyor designated by, 32. Employment of subordinate officers at the Cemetery to be under the direction of, 47. Superintendent to prosecute certain offenders if authorized or directed by, 47, 48. Guaranty. Form of contract given by corporation for perpetual repair of lots with, 44. Hedges. [See '• Erections. 1 '] Interments. Committee on, composition and duties of, 25. Preliminaries necessary before making, 26. Fees for; general provisions, 26, 27. In public lots ; general provisions, 27. Number of, in grave restricted, 27. Committee on, to direct Superintendent in removing bodies from Receiving Tomb, 27. Grave or tomh not to be opened for, except, 27. Register of, to be kept at office of Secretary, 32. Immediate reports of, &c. to be made by Superintendent to Secretary, 48. Order for; form of, &c, 40. In public lot; form for certificate of right of, 41. Lots. Mass. Hort. Soc. authorized to lay out, embellish, &c, 9, 10. Assignment of, to certain subscribers, 10. Exemption of, from attachment and execution, 10. Proprietors of, in the Cemetery at Mount Auburn incorporated, 11. Of not less than 300 feet, proprietors of, members of the corporation, 11. 22. Proprietors of, how affected by conveyance of garden and Cemetery from Mass. Hort. Soc. to the new corporation, 12, 13. Injury to, or to trees, plants, structures, &c, on, punishment, &c, for, 13, 43, Indivisibility of, 13. 56 INDEX. Lots. Devise, inheritance, and representation of, provisions concerning, 13, 14, 17, 29. Application of income of donations, &c, to improvement and embellishment of, 14. Proprietors of, at the date of the Act of Incorporation of 1835. to cease to be mem- bers of the Mass. Hort. Soc. on becoming members of the new corporation, 14. Price of fixed, and proceeds of sales of, how divided with the Mass. Hort. Soc, 14, 15. Proprietors of, assenting to above Act entitled to vote at first meeting called under authority of same, 15. May be granted to heirs-at-law, devisees, or trustees of any deceased person, and to bodies corporate, 17. Force of records of deeds of, and contracts concerning, when made in books kept for the purpose by the corporation, 18. Certified copies of such instruments authorized to be given and used, how, 18. Sales of, to be negotiated by Superintendent, 24. Duties of Committee on; general provisions, 24. Selection of, provisions concerning, 25. Payment for to Treasurer, 26. For tombs, how sold, &c, 26. Reservation of space between fence limits of, &c, 26. Sales of, to be reported monthly by Secretary to Trustees, 26. Interments in, how made, 26, 27. To be graded, numbered, &c, within sixty days, &c, 28. Restrictions as to performance of work upon, 28. Restrictions as to erections on, 28. Removal of trees from, 28. Neglected; proprietors of, how notified, 28, 47. Owned by Societies, incorporated or otherwise, how represented, &c, 29. Deeds of all to contain covenant as to Permanent Fund, 30. Donations in trust for repair of, 31. Guaranteed, how to be credited, &c, 31. May be reconveyed to corporation intrust, when, 31. Records relating to, to be kept at Secretary's office, 32. Record of less than entire ownership not to be made on books of the corporation 32. Sectional, and proprietors' plans of, to be kept at Secretary's office, 32. Proprietors of, admission to Cemetery; general provisions, 32, 48. Form of certificate on selection of, 33. Form for conveyance of, 34. Form for conveyance of spaces between, 37. Public. [See " Public Lots."] Form of application and permit for work on, 41. Forms for donation in trust for repair of, 42, 44. Lots, Committee on. Composition and duties of, 24, 25. To approve sales, &c, 26. Lots for tombs to be sold under direction of. &c, 26. May authorize certain spaces to be sold for burial purposes, 26. Sales approved by, to be reported monthly by Secretary to Trustees, 26. To approve certain erections at graves in public lots, 27. To approve certain erections on private lots, 28. May cause grading, numbering &c, to be done if neglected for sixty days after pur- chase, 28. To approve place and manner of constructing Catacomb Tombs, 28. Proprietors of neglected lots to be notified by Secretary under direction of, 28. Neglected lots to be put in order by, when, 28. Lots may be re-conveyed to corporation in perpetual trust with consent of, 31. To approve surveyor, &c, 32. Officer of corporation not to engage in buying or selling lots, &c, except under direction of the, &c, 46. Massachusetts Horticultural Society. Authorized to dedicate certain real estate for cemetery purposes, 9. Such dedication to be deemed perpetual, when. 9. Authorized to purchase, hold, and grant lands for burial purposes, &c, 9, 10. Subscribers to the said Society for above objects, rights and privileges of, 10. General provisions relating to the above, 10. Garden and Cemetery of, at Mt. Auburn, proprietors of the Cemetery of Mt. Auburn authorized to take and hold the, 11. Rights, &c, of, in said Garden and Cemetery, when to cease, 12. Cessation of membership in, on becoming member of new corporation, 14. General provisions as to sales of lands by, and division of proceeds with proprie- tors of the Cemetery of Mt. Auburn, 14, 15. Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company. Deposits to be made with, on account of Permanent Fund, 29, 30. Control of Tiustees over above fund defined, 29, 30. INDEX. 57 Meetings. Of Corporation under Act of 1831, 10. Of Corporation under Act of 1835, 12, 15. Of Corpoi'ation, provisions as to voting by proxy at, 19. Of Corporation under Act of 1869, general provisions, 20, 21. Voting at, limited to proprietors and representatives, 22. Of Corporation, annual, general provisions concerning, 22. Of Trustees for organization, 22, 23. Of Trustees to be held monthly, 23. Special, how called, 23. Of Corporation and Trustees, Secretary to attend and make records or, 2 Of Committees, duties of Secretary respecting, 47. Stated, of Trustees, time and place of holding, 49. Misdemeanors. Certain, general provisions concerning, 13, 48. 49. Persons committing, duties of Superintendent towards, 47, 48. Monuments. [See " Erections."] Mount Auburn, Proprietors of the Cemetery op. As incorporated in 1835, 11. Authorized to take and hold Garden and Cemetery of the Mass. Hort. Soc, 11. And personal estate not exceeding $50,000, 11. General provisions concerning officers of the, 12, 15. Meetings of, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23. To succeed to the rights, privileges, &c, of the Mass. Hort. Soc, as to the garden and Cemetery at Mt. Auburn, on receiving conveyance of the same, 12. May take and hold donations for certain purposes, 14, 31. Membership in; general provisions, 11, 13, 14. General provisions as to sales of land and divisions of proceeds with Mass. Hort. Soc, 14,15. Authorized in 1850 to purchase and hold real estate in Cambridge and Watertown, not exceeding one hundred acres in addition to that now held, 16. May gi-ant lots, &c, to heirs-at-law, devisees, or trustees of any deceased person, and to bodies corporate, 17. May hold so much real and personal estate as is necessary for the objects of their organization, 20. Trustees of, divided into six classes; election of and general provisions concern- ing, 20, 21, Graves, &c, not to be opened except by persons in the employ of the, 27. May receive reconveyance of lot in perpetual trust, when, 31. Mount Auburn. [See " Cemetery of Mt. Auburn."] [" Mount Auburn, Proprietors of the Cemetery of."] Neglected Lots. Notification of proprietors of, 28, 47. Notification. Of meetings. [See " Meetings."] Officers of the Corporation. And paid servants thereof disqualified from pecuniary interest in work, material, &c, 23. Salaries of, how fixed, 23. Salai-ied, fee or payment to, for special service, to be such as Trustees fix upon be fore such service is performed, 23. Enumeration of duties of, in " Rules and Regulations," 46, 47, 48. Not to receive pay or fee other than as provided in the By-Laws, 46. Tender of payment, gift, &c, to, to be reported to Trustees, 46. Not to engage in buying or selling lots, &c, excepting, 46. Orders for Work. To be done for proprietors ; general provisions, 48. For interment, form of, &c, 40. On private lot, form of application for, 41. Ornamental Purposes. Form of conveyance of land for, 38. Payments. By corporation, control of Trustees over, 25. How made by Treasurer, 47. Permanent Fund. General provisions concerning, 29, 30, 31. Permit. For work on lot to be given by Secretary, 28. Form of application for, for work on lot, 41. For admission to Cemetery; general provisions, 48, 49. From city or town, form of an order for interment, 40. 8 58 INDEX. Personal Estate. Limited in 1835 to $50,000, 11. Donations of, for certain purposes, how held and used, 14, 31. May be held to such amount as is necessary for the objects, &c, 20. Plans. Sectional of Cemetery to be kept at Secretary's office, 32. General provisions concerning, 32. Of lots furnished by proprietors ; general provisions, 32. President of Corporation. Provisions concerning, in Act of 1831, 10. Provisions concerning, in Act of 1835, 12. When and how chosen, 23. May call special meetings of Trustees, 23. Presides at all meetings when present, 23. To appoint all committees, 24. To be a member of Committee on Grounds, 24. May permit firing at military funerals, 27. Checks of Treasurer may be made payable to, 47. Motions at meelings of trustees to be in writing when requested by, 49. Proprietors of Lots. Members of the Corporation, when, 11, 22. Eligibility to office of Trustee limited to, 22. Questions of rights between, or with Corporation, to be under supervision of Com- mittee on Lots, 25. Contracts with, for care, &c, of lots to be under same supervision, 25. May purchase certain spaces, 20. To give orders for interment, 26. To grade and number lots, &c, in sixty days, &c, 28. May perform work on lots, &c, without permit from Secretary, 28. Erections on lots by, restrictions concerning, 28. Donations in trust from; general provisions, 31. May reconvey lot to Corporation in perpetual trust, when, 31. May insert in portfolio at Secretary's office plans of their lots, 32. Admission of, to Cemetery; general provisions, 32, 33, 48, 49. Proxies. Use of, 12,15,19. Public Lots. Interments in; general provisions, 27. Graves in becoming vacant, land to revert, &c, 27. Form for certificate of right of interment in, 41. Quorum. At meetings of the Corporation in Act of 1835, 12. May be fixed by By-Laws of Cemetery Corporation, 19. Fixed by Act of 1869 at twenty-five, 21. Of Trustees fixed at seven, 23. Real Estate. Mass. Hort. Soc. authorized to dedicate certain, to cemetery purposes, 9. May hold additional to amount of $10,000, 10. Limited in 1835 to fifty acres in addition to " garden and cemetery " premises, 11. Right of Mass. Hort. Soc. over, to cease, when, 12. Depredations, &c, upon, how punished, 13, 47, 48, 49. Donations for improvement, &c, of, provisions concerning, 14, 31. Sales of, 14, 15, 17, 18, 25, 26. Exemption of, from taxation, 16. May be increased one hundred acres in addition to amount authorized by Act of 1835, 16. May be held to such amount as is necessary for the objects, &c, 20. Receiving Tomb. Deposit in; general provisions, 27. Records. Of conveyances, contracts, &c, regularly kept in books of the Corporation, effect of, 18. Validity of such records made before Act of 1865 affirmed, 18. Certified copies of, how given and used, 18. Of Corporation and of Trustees' meetings to be kept by Secretary, 23. Of deeds, general provisions, 26. Of certain evidences of title, 28, 29. Certain to be kept at Secretary's office, 32. Of less than entire ownership in lot not to be made on the books of the Corpora- tion, 32. Of certain plans of Lots, 32. Of meetings of committees, 47. Removal of Remains. Opening of tomb or grave for, must be by employ^ of Corporation, 27. Repair Fund. How constituted, invested and managed, 31. INDEX. 59 Reports. Annual of Trustees, with those of Treasurer and Superintendent, to be presented at Annual Meeting, 22. Of Treasurer, not already provided for, to be made at direction of Board of Trustees, or, &c, 24. Of Superintendent to be made at requisition of Trustees, 24. Of Treasurer, quarterly and annual, duties of Committee on Fiuance respecting, 25. Of Treasurer, other provisions, 47. Of committees to be made in writing at request of any Trustee, 49. Representation. Of lots of. deceased proprietors, Board of Trustees to determine concerning, 13, 14. 29. Of lots owned by bodies corporate may be by certain officers of, 17, 29. Of shares in voting as proxy or attorney, 19. Application for, how made, 29. Representatives. Of proprietors [lots] voting by, 13, 14, 22. Orders for interment by, 26-. Application for appointment of, how made, 29. See " Representation." Reserved Spaces, 51. Rules &c of Board of Trustees. Enumerated, 49, 50. Alterations or amendments of, 50. Rules and Regulations, 46, 48. Salaries. [See i( Officers of the Corporation."] Secretary of Corporation. General provisions concerning, in Act of 1835, 12. Authorized to give certified copies of certain inst"uments, 18. Provisions concerning, in Act of 1869, 20, 21. Meeting of Trustees for organization to be called by, 22. When and how chosen, 23. Summary of duties, 23. Preparation, record and delivery of deeds by, 26. Fees for certain records by, 26. To make monthly reports to Trustees of certain sales, 26. To give permits for certain work on lots, 28. To be furnished with certain evidences of title. 28. To notify proprietors of neglected lots, 28, 47. Certain books, papers, plans, &c, to be kept at office of, 32. To furnish paper for plans of lots procured by proprietors, &c, 32. Tickets of admittance to Cemetery to be furnisbed by. 32, 33. Enumeration of duties of, iD "Rules and Regulations," 46, 47. To occupy same office with Treasurer. Office hours, 46. Superintendent to make returns of all papers relating to interments to, 48. Papers from presentation by, at Trustees' meetings, 50. Selection of Lot. Superintendent's certificate of, 25, 33. Spaces. Betweeen Lots, provisions as to reservation, sale of, &c, 26. Form for conveyance of, 37. Superintendent. Report of, to be presented at Annual Meeting, 22. When and how chosen, 23. Control of Trustees over, general provisions, 21. Summary of duties, 24. To issue certificate to person selecting lot, 25. To be furnished with order, &c, before interment is made, 26. May remove bodies deposited in receiving tomb, when, 27. Shall deliver same to friends, &c, how, 27. Work done on lots by proprietors, &c, to be under supervision and control of, 28. To certify correctness of proprietors' plans recorded at Secretary's office, 32. Enumeration of duties of, in " Rules and Regulations," 47, 48. Certain provisions of law to be enforced by, 48, 49. Jurisdiction of, with respect to admission to Cemetery, 24, 48. Form of his certificate of selection of lot, 33. Surveyor. To be designated by Committee on Grounds, 32. To be approved by Committee on Lots, 32. Duties of, 32. Tickets. Of admission to Cemetery. [See " Permit.''] Tombs. Erection of, provisions concerning, in Act of 1831, 9, 10. Provisions concerning, in Act of 1835, 13, 14. 60 INDEX. Tombs. . Provisions concerning, in Act of 1859, 17. Lots for, how sold, &c, 26. Construction, &c. of, must be approved, &c, 26. Fees for opening, 27. Not to be opened for removal of remains, except, 27. Catacomb, place and manner of constructing to be approved by Committee on Lots, 28. Transfers. Fee for recording, 26. Treasurer of Corporation. General provisions concerning, in Act of 1835, 12, 15. One of officers named in Act of 1869, 20. Report of, to be presented at Annual Meeting, 22. When and how chosen, 23. Bonds required of, 24. Summary of duties, 24. Examination and report on accounts, &c, of, by Committee on Finance, 25. To give receipt to purchaser of grave, 27. Deposits to be made by, on account of Permanent Fund, 29. Enumeration of duties of, in '' Rules and Regulations," 46, 47. May furnish written permission to drive in the Cemetery, 33. To receive from Superintendent fees paid at the Cemetery, 24. Trees. Removal of, from lots to be by direction or consent of Committee on Grounds, 28. Trustees of the Cemetery Corporation. General provisions concerning, in Act of 1835, 12, 13, 14, 15. General provisions concerning, classification, &c, of, in Act of 1869, 20, 21. Non-members of corporation ineligible to office of, 22. Place and hour of holding Annual Meeting to be determined by, 22. Vacancies in Board of, to be filled at Annual Meeting, 22. Meeting of, for organization, 22, 23. Stated meetings of, to be held monthly, 23. Special meetings of, how called, 23. Quorum of, fixed, 23. Disqualified from receiving salary or emolument for services while in office, 23. May establish minor rules and regulations, 23. Presidency at meetings of, 23. Certain duties of Secretary respecting, defined, 23. Control of, over Treasurer and Superintendent, 24. Confirmation by, a pre-requisite to laying out or changing avenues or paths, 24. Standing Committees, to be appointed annually immediately after organization of. 24. Appointment of, among the standing committees, 24, 25. Control of, over payments and expenditures, 25. To approve location of lots for tombs, 26. May order non-reservation of spaces between lots, 26. Secretary to report sales of lots to, monthly, 26. Written application for representation to be made to, 29. Certain orders adopted by, April 6, 1857, concerning " Permanent Fund,'' 29, 30. General provisions as to control of, over said Fund, 29, 30. May receive donations intrust for certain purposes, 31. Mav guarantee perpetual repair of lots on recommendation of Committee on Lots, 31. To take order as to keeping certain records at Secretary's office. 32. Written permission to drive in Cemetery may be given by any of the, 33. Jurisdiction of over admission to the Cemetery, 33. Majority of, may alter or amend By-Laws, excepting, 15. To be kept advised of certain matters by Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintendent, 46. Tender of gift, payment, &c, to officer of Corporation to be reported to, 46. Approval of bills by, 47. Treasurer to present monthly statements, &c, at meetings of the, 47. Superintendent to see that contracts and orders of the, are complied with, 47. - Reports of Committee to be in writing at request of any one of the, 49. Stated meetings of the, time and place of holding, 49. Motions to be in writing when requested by a majority of the, 49. Rules and regulations of the Board of, how altered or amended, 50. Trustees of Deceased Person. May receive conveyance of lots, &c, 17. Visitors. To Cemetery, rules, &c, concerning, 24, 32, 33, 48, 49. Voting. At meetings of Corporation under Act of 1835, 12, 13, 15. By proxy at meetings of Cemetery Corporations, general provisions, 19. By individual right, limitation of, in Act of 1869, 20. At meetings of corporation limited to proprietors and their representatives, 22, 29. ACTS OF INCORPORATION BY-LAWS PROPRIETORS CEMETERY OF MOUNT AUBURN. OFFICE, 16 PEMBERTON SQUARE, BOSTON. 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