PR 52/9 ■R/SP3 ■ K*f©2 1 BHbhD ■raft raramP £JBHb BK2 fe^jS^S KB 1H Si KTlflUlltlJjH ■■ ■ • Pfi&fi SSm! esSm £&ra iwlnQpra RHP i^i^H d/7n! An 0rders declined unless! SIX "xlv/| Stamps are remitted. / r r LACY'S ACTING^EDrFlVl PR 5219 | .R18 R3 Copy 1 > &^ A- RAKES 'ROGRESS. — | ^ THOMAS HAILES LACY, THEATKICAL BOOKSELLER, 8 9 STRAND* LONDON; YT.O. {Opposite Southampton Street, Qovent Garden,) Edinburgh, Robinson, Greenside Street r Birmingham, Guest, Bull St., Bbadfobd, W. Morgan, Dublin. Wiseheart, Suffolk Street. Glasgow, Love, Enoch's Square : Leeds, Ramsden, Litbbpool. Mey rick, Lime St., Manohestbb, Heywood. Deans gate \ Newcastle on Tynb, Allan, Dean Street; Mblboubnb. Australia, Charlwood, Bourhe Street, Sydney, S. Kirby, Market Street; S. FRENCH, 122, Nassau Street, New York. (IT OBDBR) OF ALL BOOKSBLLJKBS 111 BMOLAlTO* TH« OOLOMIB8, OB AMBRXOA 0-* © •Of H w- O ~ g LACY'S HOME PLAYS, nexhaustible source of harmless amusement, occupation, and interest adapted for all Stations and Localities, to any age, to either sex, IN VOLUMES, ONE SHILLING EACH.— post free. ron's Sensation Dramas, with 48 Illustration** mic Dramas for College, Camp or Cabin, containing Mkl« Characters only, in parts 1, 2, 3. amas for Boys, (Male characters only) by Miss Kea >me Plays for Ladies, comprising Female Charac only, complete in 2 parts. awing: Room Dramas, Parts, 1&2.1 D %f . r ^ f . ' iysfor the Parlour! ! Parts, 1 &3. } ^ -™"*<*** arades for Acting, by Miss Pickering. l Evenings Entertainment, consisting of an ori$ Comedy, a Burlesque, and Farce. arades in Action, or Plays without woi 4s, by the Brothers MAY HEW. rlesctue Dramas, & Cracker Bon-bon, by R. B. BROU und Games for all Ages, all Seasons and Places, Is. 6d. rlor Magic; Or, the Book of Wonders, ETHft&eds of Illaat I! &!! tl o H 5 C % o raiiias for Private Representation, 6d. eac'2/ Or in Volumes, neatly bound, 7s. each, post free. 1 ud IOSO .. iple Change a [sion . 1 ntru- tcy [ror Jtmju- i ie mond •ried ll.&c. ..- • rPail i )Ut rkin wich 5usi- .•i < ihci-ji- • t [ness VOL " Corner ids '. iing I rOOli Still Waters Run Deep Cabinet Question Married Daughters Dowager Only a Halfpenny Blighted Being My Wife's Mother Who Speaks First Four Sisters VOL. 6, Wandering Minstrel Villi kins and Dinah Day after the Wedding Noemie [pearances Don't Judge by Ap- Heir at Law Spring and Autumn Taming a Tiger Cozy Couple Give a Dog Bad Name Paris and Back foi £5 Urgent Private Affairs Grist to the Mill Jealous Wife John Jones Comedy and Tragedy VOL. 7. Housekeeper Family Falling Pride of the Market False and Constant Prisoner of War Locked in with a Lady Tit for Tat Irish Post Irish Doctor Hamlet Travestie Follies of a Night Bird in the Hand Splendid Investment Lend me 5s. [Bell Lord Lovell 5s Nancy Dent Lend yr. Umtrela VOL. 8. Victor Vanquished Done on both Sides She Stoops to Conquer Crown Prince Rights & WrongsofWo- In for a Holyday [man Wonder Romance undr Difficlts Conjugal Lesson Fascinating Individual Match Making Second Love Sent to the Tower Bamooozling Good for Nothing Our Wife TOL. 9. Wicked Wife Queen of Anagon Douglas [his Castle English man's House is Robert Macaire Charles the Second Double-Faced People Fearful Tragedy 7 Dials Husband for an Hour Sarah's Young Man Wilful Murder Omnibus Love's Telegraph Raisin? the Wind Venice Pre*firi'ed High Life below Stairs VOL. 10. Victims Frederick of Prussia Was 1 to Blame 1 Friend Waggles Nothing to Nurse Sudden Thoughts Rivals Living too Fast Two Gay Deceivers Jeannette's Wedding Very Serious Affair Pair of Pigeons Brother Ben Take Care of Dowb.— London Assurance Boots at the Swan VOL. 11. Cure for Heart Ache Faint Heart never won Dead Shot [Fair Lady Unfinished Gent. Irish Tiger Ticklish Times Spectre Bridegroom Lucky Hit Love Knot Double Dummy Crossing the Line Birth Place of Podgers Nothing Venture Noth Capital Match [ing Win My Neighbour's Wife Your Life's in Danger VOL. 12. Marriage a Lottery My Wife's Dentist Schoolfellows [Himself Samuel in Search of Doubtful Victory Stock Exchange Veteran of 102 Dying for Love Pierette Irish Tutor King Rene's Daughter Last of the Pigtails Matrimony Bonnie Fish Wife Twice Told Tale Wooing in Jest, etc. VOL. 13. Othello Travestie My Aunt's Husband Old Honesty 88 Next Birthday Porter's Knot Rule of Three Poor Pillicoddy Milliner's Holiday Iron Chest Turning the Table6 Nervous Man Poor Gentleman Everybody's Friend Richard ye Thirde Cramond Brig Love in Humble Life VOL. 14. Hunting a Turtle Retained for Defence Julius Caesar If the Cap Fits Caught by the Ears Nine Points of the Law ' i King and I Three Cuckoos Payable on Demand Old Offender House or the Home Rifle & How to Use It Husband to Order My Great Aunt Vandyke Brown VOL. 15. My Heart's Idol Too Much for Good Rendezvous [Natun Village Lawyer Nursey Chickweed Good for Evil Head of the Family Goose withGolden Egg.' Forest Keeper M y Wife's Second Floo: Founded on Facts Two Polts Thrice Married Uncle Zachary B. B. Change of System V VOL." 16. Friend in Need Douglas Travestie Next of Kin My Wife's Out Race for a Widow Cruel to be Kind Brother and Sister Christmas Boxes Fitzsmythe of Fitsmth | Dearest Mamma Appearances Clockmaker's Hat Muleteer of Toledo Aggravating Sam Little Savage [therh«>9 My Friend from Lea- VOL. 17. Quiet Family Aunt Charlotte's Mai Midnight Watch I've Written to Browi Artful Dodge Love and Hunger Peggy Green Household Fairy Duchess or Nothing' Honeymoon Model Husband Bowl'd Out Lady of the Lake Petticoat Governmen Objects of Interest Don Caesar de Bazan VOL. 18. Rumpelstiltskin Railroad Station Eclipsing the Son Secret Paul Pry Observation &Flrt/at Post of Honour J Hard Struggle Alcestes Regular Fix Monsieur Jaequea CHmney Corner Man who folic Post Boy Blue Bp-r^. *>•- ' FniclUp $<&■■ %\- } t&n\tt»fzo$xd&* RlFim'EZZ ^Steoltnv towards F*nny J H^> ! THE RAKE'S PROGRESS A DRAMA IN THREE ACTS. BY WILLIAM LEMAN REDE. H AUTHOR OP The Loves of the Stars—His First Champagne —Faith and Falsehood- — Judgment of Paris — City Games — Barn Burners — Douglas Travestie — Saloon and Cellar — Boyhood of Bacchus , fyc, #e. THOMAS hailes lacy, 89, STRAND, (Opposite Soufliampton Street, Covent Garden Market,) LONDON. THE RAKE'S PROGRESS. First Performed at the Queen* s Theatre January 23, 1833. ACT FIRST — TIME, OCTOBER 1820. [The Characters drawn and coloured after Nature J Tom Rakewell, a Sketch in Water-colours, aged 21 . . .. Mr. "W. L. Rede. Harry Markham, graved in Brass, and highly ■polished . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Hooper. Frederick Florid, a Musical Sketch, highly or* namented . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Plumer. Sam. Slap, an Equestrian Painting, xoith great breadth of colouring . . .. .. .. Mr. Manders. Ned Fokes, a Fancy Portrait Mr. Chapman. Snikes, a Taylor, in many Colours . . . . Mr. Jones. Jerk' em, a Lawyer, in his proper Colours .. Mr. Doyne. Frank .. .. .. . .. .. Mr. Cooke. Fanny Moreland, a Miniature highly finished Miss M. Glover. Betty Higgins, a Sketch from Nature . . Mrs. W. L. Kede. Lady Blazon, Portrait of a Lady warmly coloured . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Manders. Fishmonger (in Oil) Milkman (in Chalk), Beggar (in Relief), Fish (in Water), Baker (in Do.), Peasants, (in Green) &c. ACT SECOND TIME, MAY, 1821. Tom, more highly coloured Mr. W. L. Rede. Harry, the Plate a little worn Mr. Hooper. Florid, with more ornament, but a worse frame Mr. Plumer. Sam, not " Portrait of a Gentleman'* . . . . Mr. Manders. Ned, Painting of Fear, with a Felpny in the back ground . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Chapman. Snump, his accompanying Picture . . • . Mr. Coates. Lady Blazon, Portrait of a Coquette . . .. Mrs. Manders. Fanny, ' Beauty in Tears* — a Sketch., . . Miss M. Glover. Betty, a simple Sketch in coarser Colours . . Mas. W. L. Rede. Mrs. Dabbleditch, an old Picture, in a gold frame . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Rossi. Peggy, her Maid .. .. .. .. 'Miss Cooke. ACT THIRD — TIME, NOVEMBER, 1825. Tom, " Look on that Picture and on this " . . Mr. W. L. Rede. Harry, a Picture of Profligacy . . . . Mr. Hooper. Florid, an Italian painting .. ♦. .. Mr. Plumer. Ned, a sorry Picture . . Mr. Chapman. Sam, a vagabond Picture . . . . . . Mr. Manders. Snump, still a following Picture . . • . Mr. Coates. Keeper .. .. Mr. Dearlove. Lady Blazon, a Painting out of order .* Mrs. Manders. Mrs." Dabbleditch, in Distemper . . . . Mrs. Rossi. Fanny, a Picture of Innocence .. .. Miss M. Glover. Betty, a Head of Charity Mrs. W. L. Rede. . .;* G