^g^&& Is I M A N G fraSsE&g IN ANTRY : r Class U JU 57 Book* K> ft e*^uj to MANOEUVRES FOR INFANTRY BY W. R LIVERMORE MAJOR CORPS OF ENGINEERS, U. S. ARMY SECOXD EDITION PRINCIPLES AND FORMS NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Copyright, 1884, 1887, 1888, by W. R. UVERMORE Transfer Bnglneers School Liby. June 29,1931 TROWS PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING COMPANY, NEW YORK. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. Until quite recently the tactics of all nations have been based upon the lines or columns of a comparatively rigid nature. The formations were the outgrowth of shock tactics, and all changes were so conservative that they gradually modified the old form to meet requirements quite different from those for which they were originally designed. It is believed that the time has come to throw off the old form and adopt one more general and more comprehensive. From the lessons of the recent wars it has been found necessary to sca"tter*troops over a large area, in order to advance under fire with as little loss as possible, and to unite them in small groups, in order to maintain the proper control and direction. The proposed system of manoeuvres resulted from a careful study of the recent wars and of the nu- merous deductions made from them by military writers of all countries, and from an analysis of the consequences of still further improvements in weapons. It has been further developed by experi- PEEFACE. mental drills with infantry and cavalry from time to time for the past eight years. The following principles are observed as far as possible : 1. To afford means of disposing troops in any general manner whatever by combination of a few simple movements. 2. To organize and manoeuvre large and small bodies alike. 3. To manoeuvre in the same manner whether the fractions are in line, in square, or in column, in open or in close order. 4. To employ the same commands and terms, as far as possible, always in the same sense. 5. To make every man responsible to his imme- diate superior. The manoeuvres described in the second part are to be regarded as illustrations of the principles of the new tactics, so far as they apply to infantry, rather than as statutes denning what may be done, to the exclusion of other combinations. The requirements of a proper system of tactics were brought to light by the great war in America, and further developed by subsequent wars in Eu- rope. Every nation but our own has modified its drill-book to comply with them. Each has intro- duced such changes as the national temperament has demanded, but it is claimed that the system now presented affords a better solution of the new problems than that of any foreign nation. PREFACE. In a modern fight a body of troops in action is no longer maintained in rigid masses, drawn up in forms that can be represented by geometrical fig- ures, but assumes all shapes and dimensions that can be imagined, and the parts are grouped in every conceivable disposition. If, however, the subordination of command is maintained through- out, a leader can communicate his orders to these irregular groups as well as he could to the rigid and inert masses of the old tactics. However troops may be disposed, all possible manoeuvres result from a combination of a very few simple movements, such as to advance or to turn, to open or close, to form line, column, or square in any direction. In this system the ma- noeuvres are executed on the simplest principles *, they are the same for large as for small units, and the subject of elementary tactics is reduced to the ut- most simplicity. A regiment marches, turns, opens, closes, forms line, square, or column, by the same commands and means as a battalion or a company. Even the sections, and the squads and fours, into which a company is subdivided, manoeuvre like the larger units, so far as their limited organization permits. Troops in open order, in mass, or even in irregular groups, move in the same manner as when at their normal distance. By this method each man has merely to look to his immediate su- perior for instructions, and to preserve his position with respect to the proper guide. PKEFACE. It is believed that this system differs from others in this important particular, that whereas the latter apply only to a certain limited number of disposi- tions, this simply provides a language by means of which a leader communicates his wishes to the troops, and which enables him to dispose them in any manner that the various exigencies of warfare may demand. The methods are applicable to all branches of the service. The principles of the new tactics are illustrated by applying them to those forms that hereafter will be most commonly employed, but they afford at the same time a simple and satisfactory means of executing the manoeuvres of any of the other sys- tems. The first and second parts of the manual relate to elementary tactics, and show how to move troops wherever they may be required and in any desir- able formation. The third part relates to applied tactics, and is intended to show what dispositions are most advisable under different circumstances. To illustrate the principles and define the terms of the new tactics, a battalion of four companies has been taken as a type, each company composed of four sections, each section of four or more sets of fours, and each set of fours of four men. The plates show some of the normal formations. The present work is devoted exclusively to the manoeuvres and their application to the varied cir- cumstances of a fight, in order that the merits of PREFACE. the new system may be tested independently of the questions involved in the School of the Soldier and in the customary forms of parades and cere- monies. The system, however, is applicable to all these requirements, but before putting it in its final shape it is desirable to make it more generally known, so that it may be made to conform to all requirements of the service ; and the author would feel exceedingly grateful for any suggestions or criticisms. The second part of the ' ' Manoeuvres " corresponds to the drill-book, and covers the same ground that has heretofore been embraced in the book of tactics, with the above exceptions. The School of the Com- pany contains a description of many manoeuvres that will be omitted from the tactics. These move- ments serve to illustrate the principles in their varied applications, and each is a type of a similar manoeuvre that may perhaps be advantageously practised by one of the larger units. A few of the movements described in the School of the Battalion may also be omitted for similar reasons. A school for the set of fours would be highly useful to instruct guides, markers, and others in the nomenclature of the system, and prepare them for their duties in connection with the higher units ; but this school requires no special description, as the commands and means are readily inferred from the School of the Company and Battalion. The works of Scott, Hardie, Casey, Coppee, Up- PEEFACE. ton and other American writers, as well as the tac- tics of most of the European nations, have been consulted from time to time, in the preparation of the system, with a view to embodying the most de- sirable features of each, while simplifying the means of performing the manoeuvres. Valuable suggestions have been given from time to time, by officers of all branches of the service, to all of whom the author is deeply indebted, especially to those of the 22d Infantry, and the 8th Cavalry. Arrangement of Contents. The subject-matter is presented, first, in a gen- eral form ; second, these principles are tabulated in the synopsis which follows ; third, they are then exemplified by applying them to special cases in Part II. , which corresponds to the ordinary drill- book ; fourth, the diagrams alone are nearly suf- ficient to explain the new methods. It is suggested to the reader that he should first examine the latter throughout the book, and then glance over the Table of Contents and the Synopti- cal Tables at the end of Part I. These tables are in- tended to serve as a memorandum of the contents of this part. Part II., however, is written with a view to make it explicit, without reference to the other matter. The manoeuvres appear in their simplest forms when the units and sub-units are at full distance, but it is found to be better to begin the Section viii PREFACE. Drill in close order, and to practise the same ma- noeuvres at full distance as soon as the men become familiar with the method and acquire more confi- dence. In the School of the Company it is better to be- gin with the sections in close order and the com- pany at full distance. In the School of the Battal- ion the principles appear in their simple forms, which are necessarily somewhat modified in the lower units on account of their imperfect organi- zation requiring one man to perform the functions that devolve upon several in the higher units. It is therefore unnecessary to write out a School of the Regiment, Brigade, etc. Explanation of Diagrams. In the diagrams on a large scale, the rectangle representing a private is blank ; number one has a line through the centre ; a corporal is lightly shaded, a sergeant is divided diagonally, a marker is crossed in the centre. The sergeant-major, bat- talion guides and markers, have a border ; a lieu- tenant is a solid block ; an adjutant, a solid block with a border ; a captain, a solid block with a cross ; a major, a solid block with a double cross and bor- der. On a smaller scale, companies, sections, etc., are represented by shaded squares, the company- officers and guides by dots, the battalion guides by circles, directors by rectangles, each with different ix PREFACE. devices to represent their successive positions. The formations for combat, etc., are explained in the text of Part I. The manoeuvres of the battalion are so similar to those of the company that, in general, the same diagram applies to both. Explanation of Abbreviations. In General: U. =Large Unit. R. =Right. u. = Small Unit. L. =Left. Ch.= Chief. F. = Front, D. ^Director. Rr. =Rear. G. =Guide. C. = Centre. M. ^Marker. R.F.=Right F In Tables IV. and V : R.F. =The unit faces to the right and front. H. =The unit halts or stands fast. In Table VIII. : ■JU. =Half Unit distance. 0. =No distance. In describing the manoeuvres in Part I. the words that are expressed in the command are printed in SMALL CAPITALS. In Part II. , the original formation is expressed at the top of the page in Large and Small Capi- tals. x PREFACE. The commands of the chief in Full Faced Type, and those of the subordinate chiefs in Italics* In the text a word in each paragraph is printed in small capitals, to attract attention to the sub- ject-matter of the paragraph. The initials R.F., L.Rr., etc., refer to the posi- tion which each unit is supposed to occupy in the original formation, viz. : The Right Front Section, the Left Rear Section, etc., the number, etc., that follow, viz. : 1st S. , 3rd S. , etc. , indicate that the chief of the right front section gives the command : First Section, Bight Dress, etc. It is to be under- stood, however, that if any other section, etc., were occupying the ime position, the command would be the same, excepting the number of the section, etc. * The asterisks prefixed to several of the para- graphs and commands indicate that the movements referred to are no essential part of a System of Tac- tics, but are inserted in this edition of the Manoeu- vres to explain the application of the principles. CONTENTS. PART Z— PRINCIPLES. PAGE Organization— Table 1 1 The Xormal Organization 1 Irregular Organization 3 Designation of Units, etc 4 Disposition— Table II 5 Form 5 Order 5 The Xormal Order 5 Irregular Order 6 Order in Other Arms 6 Distances Defined 7 At Full Distance 7 Units and Halves 7 Markers, Guides, etc 12 Directors and Chiefs 15 Definition of Unit FrofU, etc 16 In Close Order 17 In Open Order , 21 In Formation for Combat 23 Assembling, Etc.— Table III 27 Facing— Table III 28 Marching— Table III 28 Changing Direction— Table IV 29 By Wheeling 29 By Turning 29 By Turning the Units 33 By Change of Front 33 xiii CONTENTS. PAGE Transposing— Table V 34 General Rules 34 Square and Line 37 Square and Column 39 Line and Column 41 Line and Echelon 42 Halves 43 Opening and Closing— Table VI 43 Combined Manceuvres— Table VII 47 Transposing and Opening, etc 47 Transposing, Opening, etc. , by Turning 47 Changing Direction in Transposing 49 Aligning, Etc.— Table VIII 53 Fixing New Positions 53 In Transposing 53 In Opening and Closing 57 In Changing Direction 57 Rules for Markers 58 Dressing 58 Commands— Table IX 61 General 61 Special 62 Abbreviations 63 Common Manoeuvres — Table X 64 Synopsis— 66 Table 1 66 Table II 67 Tables III., IV 68 Tables V, IV 69 Table V 70 Tables VI. , VII 71 Table VIII 72 Tables VLLL, IX., X 73 xiv CONTENTS. PART II— FORMS. SCHOOL OF THE SECTION. PAGE Organization 75 The Assembly, Etc 77 To Assemble in Square, etc 80 To Rally 81 Manceutres 83 In Close Order 83 In Square 83 To Dress 83 To Face 85 To March 85 To Change Direction 91 In Line or Column 93 To Dress 93 To Face 93 To March 93 To Change Direction 94 Transpositions 95 Square and Line 95 Square and Column 97 Line to Column 100 At Full and Double Distance 102 To Dress, March, Turn, and Transpose. . . 102 To Open and Close 105 Close Order and Full Distance 105 In Square 105 In Line 106 Close Order to Double Distance 108 Rear Open Order 108 Full Distance to Double, etc., Distance. . . 109 To Transpose in Opening, etc 116 Single and Double Rank 116 xv CONTENTS. SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY. PAGE Organization 119 The Assembly, Etc 122 To Assemble 122 To Rally 125 Manceuyr.es 127 At Full Distance 127 In Square 127 To Dress 127 To March 130 To Face 132 To Change Direction 137 In Line or Column 143 To Dress 143 To Face 147 To March 145 To Change Direction 148 Transpositions 149 Square and Line 149 Square and Column 158 Line to Column and Echelon 163 In Close Order 171 To Dress, March, Turn 171 At Double Distance 179 To Dress, March, Turn, and Transpose... 179 To Open and Close 179 In Square 179 In Line 185 To Transpose in Opening, etc 192 To Form for Combat 193 CONTENTS. SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION. PAGE Organization 199 The Assembly, Etc 201 To Assemble 201 To Rally 205 Manoeuvres 206 At Full Distance 206 In Square 206 To Dress 206 To Face 207 To March 207 To Change Direction 213 In Line or Column 221 To Dress 221 To March 222 To Face 224 To Change Direction 226 Transpositions 229 Square and Line 229 Square and Column 235 Line to Column and Echelon 239 In Close Order 250 To Dress, March, Turn 250 At Double Distance 259 To Dress, March, Turn, and Transpose . . . 259 To Open and Close 259 In Square 259 In Line 266 To Transpose in Opening, etc 267 To Form for Combat, etc 275 APPLICATION TO HIGHER UNITS. School of Regiment, Brigade, Etc 281 xvii MANffiUVRES FOR INFANTRY. PAKT I. PRINCIPLES. ORGANIZATION. The Normal Organization. The most convenient form for manoeu- vring is that in which four units of each de- nomination are combined in one of the next higher. Thus the set of fours comprises four men. The section four sets of fours, the company four sections, the battalion four companies, the regiment four battalions, the brigade four regiments, etc. The units are divided into halves, as fol- lows : The set of fours into two sets of twos, and the section, company, etc., into two squads, platoons, subdivisions, wings, and half brigades, respectively. 1 OEGANIZATION. The units are commanded by chiefs, as follows : The chief of a set of fours is number one ; of a section, etc., a sergeant, captain, major, colonel, and brigadier-general, respectively. The half unit generally has a chief. He does not, however, give tactical commands in the manoeuvres, excepting in the forma- tion for combat, and when his command moves as a unit, but he sees that those of the chief of the unit are properly executed. The chief of a set of twos is the file leader ; the chief o* a squad is a corporal ; that of a platoon is a lieutenant. No chief is provided in our organization for the sub- division, although one would be desirable. The chief of a wing, etc., is a lieutenant- colonel, etc. The markers define the position of the unit to which they belong, and the guides keep the markers of the subunits in their proper places. In action the guides and markers assist the chief in transmitting orders and act as orderlies. 2 ORGANIZATION. Two guides and four markers are assigned to each of the principal units. The guides for the company, battalion, etc., are sergeants ; those for the section are the corporals, who are also chiefs of squad. The markers for the company, battalion, etc., are privates. In the section the place of the markers in marching is taken by the corporals, who are guides, and in defining new positions by the sergeants, who are chiefs of section. Two directors are assigned to each of the principal units. It is their duty to super- vise the guides and markers and direct the establishment of new positions. For the higher units these duties are performed by the aides ; for the regiment and battalion, by the adjutant and sergeant-major ; for the company, by the lieutenants, who are also chiefs of platoon. Irregular Organization. A section may be formed of any number of men not exceeding twenty-four, and pref- erably not less than ten. 3 OKGANIZATION. Each of the other units may embrace any number of the next lower, but preferably not more than four, and unless in very excep- tional cases not more than six. In the imperfect and irregular organiza- tions the principles are carried out as far as possible. Designation of Units, etc The several units are numbered in order of the rank of their commanders : First, second, third, fourth, etc. They preserve these designations throughout the manoeu- vres. Each unit is so addressed by its proper commander, but is designated in the com- mands of his superiors according to its posi- tion for the time being, as the front or rear, RIGHT Or LEFT, FRONT CENTRE 01' REAR CENTRE, RIGHT CENTRE Or LEFT CENTRE, RIGHT FRONT Or LEFT REAR, etc. The DIRECTING UNITS, GUIDES, and MARKERS are those from whom the positions of the others are regulated. DISPOSITION. Form. The following are the principal forms in which troops are disposed : The line, in which units are side by side ; the column, in which one is in front of another ; the squabe, or double column, which in the nor- mal organization is composed of four units so disposed that two form the front line and two the rear line, two the right column and two the left column ; and the echelon, in which the units are arranged in steps. The rank is a line of one man in depth. The file is a column of one man in width. Order, the normal order. The normal order of the units is as fol- lows : In square, those with odd numbers in the right column, etc. ; the first numbers of each in the front line, etc. 5 DISPOSITION. In line, those with the odd numbers on the right, etc. ; the first numbers of each side in the centre of the line, etc. In column, those with the odd numbers in the front half ; the first numbers in the front of each half, etc. The normal order of the half units is — In square and line, the first on the right. In column, the first in front. IRREGULAR ORDER. The order of the units, etc., may be in- verted in any manner whatever, but the parts of one section, company, etc., should not be mixed with those of another when it can be avoided, and it is preferable, though not essential, that the squads, platoons, etc., should be kept distinct. ORDER IN OTHER ARMS. The normal order for cavalry is with the men in each set of fours formed in one rank, and numbered from right to left, one, two, three and four. The other dispositions are similar in all respects to those of infantry. 6 DISPOSITION. The same nomenclature and dispositions apply to artillery and to all arms of the service, as far as their nature admits. Distances, etc. Distances are measured from centre to centre, and in any direction. Intervals are the spaces between adjacent units not occu- pied by the body of the units. The terms full distance, close order, etc., company distance, etc., are explained below. At Full Distance. the units and half units. in square. The private occupies 46 inches' ; numbers one and three on the right forming the first two, numbers one and two forming the front rank. The set of four occupies 92 inches ; the first, third, and fifth on the right forming the first squad, the first and second in the front rank of each squad, etc. The section occupies a length equal to that of all its fours and one more. This 7 n p a d p a etcp odes pp.po baan □ p a a P qg 23 nncia pxina 2 1 era a-cxa a a arrnaa dddd nana nana nnaa dddq Dana 4- 3 COMPANY IN SQUARE OF SECTION.. SQUARES AT FULL DISTANCE* u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ' ^ COMPANY IN SQUARE OF SECTION, SQUARES tN OLOSE ORDER. * 1 ■ 1 D • ■ □ Q on* 'no BATTALION COMPANIES AND SECTIONS. IN SQUARE AT FULL DISTANCE. BATTALION COMPANIES AND SECTIONS. IN SQUARE IN CLOSE ORDER. * DISPOSITION. length is called section distance, whatever may be the space occupied by the fours. It is the deploying distance for the section. The first, third, etc., sections are on the right, forming the first platoon ; the first and second sections in the front of the re- spective platoons. The company occupies a space equal to that of all its sections and one more of av- erage size. This is company distance. The first, third, etc., are on the right, forming the first subdivision, etc., the first and second in front, etc. The battalion occupies a space equal to that of all its companies and one more of average size. This is battalion distance, etc. The higher units, when they are at full distance, are disposed in a similar manner. in line. The space occupied by each unit and the unit distance are the same as in square, but the units in the normal order are arranged side by side as follows, beginning at the 10 DD om o DP o s am -o □ □ o > z DID o ■< nn TJ z DD3 *> z •< z rn DO z O am z CO DD m m o H am o O am CO m z CO DD o — am o z □ z H a CO 3 O aa am o c > 3 > DD 3J m Z CO Dm CO > > am -n Da c c am i- r f: ■ Q o a CO CO aa > H am z o m z aa o am am aa am UDDD amam. Daaa amam aaaa a m a m | aaaa amam aaaa omom K aaaa amam anna amam ODD'n nnrnm DISPOSITION. right : Third, first, second, fourth. If more than four are present, those with odd num- bers on the right of the third and those with even numbers on the left of the fourth in the same order. IN COLUMN. The unit distance is the same, but the order is as follows, in the normal organiza- tion : The first, third, second, fourth. If more are present, those with odd numbers behind the third, those with even numbers behind the fourth. POSTS OF THE MARKERS AND GUIDES. IN SQUARE. The section guides on the flanks of the front rank of the front fours, 46 inches dis- tant from the right man. The company guides on the line of the guides of the front sections, and each three-fourths sec- tion distance from the centre of the nearest section, so 'that when this is in square its guide is about half section distance from the company guide. The company markers in square, half com- 12 -I □ n 5 ■ i '□' □ . a a ' o □ n □ I □ a a a □ DISPOSITION. pany distance apart. The front markers half section distance in front of the guides. The directing marker five-fourths section distance right or left of the centre of the company. The other front marker half company distance from him. The rear markers behind the front markers. The battalion guides on the line of the front company markers, at three-fourths company distance from the centre of the directing company. The battalion markers in square at half battalion distance. The front markers half company distance in front of the guides ; the directing marker five-fourths battalion distance from the centre of the battalion. The guides and markers of the higher units are similarly disposed. in line. The guides and markers as in square. The directing guide's distance is taken from the flank unit on the side of direction. IN COLUMN. The guides and markers of a column are placed like those of a line which has faced 14 DISPOSITION. to the side of direction, every man turning in his place. POSTS OF THE DIRECTORS AND CHIEFS. EN SQUARE. The directors are directly behind the guides. Those of the company are on the line of the guides of the rear section ; those of the battalion on the line of the front markers of the rear companies, etc. The chiefs of the wings of the regiments are directly outside the directors, etc. The chief of section is 46 inches in front of the centre of the front rank of the sec- tion. The chief of the company is one- fourth section distance in front of the line of the section guides. The chief of the bat- talion is one-fourth company distance in front of the company markers. When a square manoeuvres independently the post of its chief is the centre of the square. in line. The directors and chiefs of half com- panies, regiments, etc., are behind the cen- 15 DISPOSITION. tres of their platoons, etc., and one-fourth section distance from the rear rank, etc. The chief of company, etc., is one-fourth section distance in front of the centre of his company, etc. IN COLUMN. The places of the directors, chiefs, etc., in a line which has faced to the side of direc- tion, correspond to their original places, but in the column of march the chief is on the flank of the front unit and at the same dis- tance as in line. definition of section front, etc. "When all the units are at full distance the sections are at section distance, the com- panies at company distance, etc., and a sec- tion distance is the equal to a section front, a company distance to a company front, etc. In the normal organization — i.e., when each unit contains four of the next lower — a sec- tion front is equal to five times 92 inches, or 12.8 yards; a company front is five times 12.8 yards, or 64 yards; a battalion front is five times 64 yards, or 320 yards, etc. If the section has twenty-four privates, and each 16 DISPOSITION. other unit has four of the next lower, the sec- tion front, etc., are 18, 90, 450 yards, etc. When the fours and the higher units are in line at full distance, they are at the proper distance to form single rank in close order, or touching elbows. In Close Order. units, chiefs, directors, guides, etc. The units are disposed in the same order as at full distance. IN SQUARE. The men are 23 inches apart, so that those in the same rank lightly touch elbows. The fours are 46 inches apart. The section guides touch elbows with the front rank men. The guides of the front sections touch elbows ; so do those of the rear sections. The front rank of the rear sections is four times 23 inches, or 2|- yards, behind the rear rank of the front sections. The chiefs of the front sections are 46 inches in front of the centre of the front rank. Those of the rear sections are on the outer flanks of their sections and touch elbows with the section 17 [sal s ca ca eb es ca Ga eb Ofl L^MI I— I 1-riWWI t — I \-W Ld \ ^>M 1—1 V-W»M>A _ I l-WJLJ i h-i i— < i r— i i— i i i— i i—i i i—i t— i Mill I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I L^ M B I — BBB B I— k-J «J Gag I— I BBBB u- 1 \—iuil*4 I I—I I—I I I—I I— i I I— J l—l I i—l I— J I I I I I ' i i i i i i i i i I I I I I EB EB EB EB B EB D CaEBEBB? S3 fflH ■L lj^h i— < i— mmi i— i i — iw^-j iw^a i— ^ y- M M M i— i i— m ■■ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i—i i— 1 ' i— i i—i < i—i i— i i \—[ i—i I I I I I j_L_L I I l.l I I I L I I I I ma i— i i— vmjum. i— J l-jumj l —nm I—I B— I i i i i I I I I I I I I I I C J I—I I—I i l—l I— I I u- 1 l—l C -I I I I I I l I I | I I I I I I I I I BATTALION COMPANIES AND SECTIONS. IN SQUARE IN' CLOSE ORDER, o o o 2 _. nnfl TJ n > Z ::: -< > m\ o 33 O m 30 O 1 B DISPOSITION. guides. The company guides touch elbows with the guides of the front sections. The front company markers are 46 inches in front of the guides. The rear markers 46 inches from the flank and 23 inches behind the rear rank. The directors are 46 inches in front of the chiefs of the rear section. The chiefs of the front companies 2J yards in front of the centre of the front rank. The chiefs of the rear companies 46 inches outside the company markers. The markers of the neighboring companies are 46 inches apart. The battalion guides are 46 inches from the company markers. The front battalion markers 2|- yards in front of the guides, etc. "When some of the units are in close order, and the others at full distance, the disposi- tions correspond as nearly as possible with the above. IN LINE AND COLUMN. In the BATTALION IN TWO RANKS IN CLOSE order, the sections are in close order and the companies and battalion at full dis- tance. The company distance is thus half the company front, and the battalion dis- 20 DISPOSITION. tance half the battalion front. The dispo- sitions are identical with those at full dis- tance, but all the distances are one-half as great. In the battalion in single bank in close order, the privates and corporals touch el- bows. An interval of 46 inches is left be- tween the sections. The battalion in column in close order is disposed on similar princi- ples. The relative positions are the same as at full distance. Open Order. • The dispositions are the same as at full distance, but the distances are preferably two, three, four, etc., times as great. When the sections are opened out the corporals are 2£ yards in front of the front rank of their squads. The sergeants 2 -J- yards in front of the front of the rear fours. In marching column they are near the heads of the columns. The BATTALION IN SQUARE, OPEN ORDER, with the companies, etc., at full distance. The front battalion markers as far apart 21 d d 6 d □ 2' 1 4 ^__^ 4 3 4 3 DOUBLE DISTANCE OPEN SQUARE. DOUBLE DISTANCE RIGHT OPEN SQUARE. 2 1 D □: 4 / / 4 TREBLE DISTANCE FRONT AND REAR OPEN SQUARE. DOUBLE DISTANCE OPEN LINE. DISPOSITION. as at full distance, and equally distant from the centre of the battalion. The real' markers behind the front mark- ers, and half company distance in front of the front markers of the rear companies. The battalion guides as at full distance. The battalion in line in open order. The rear markers are on the prolongation of the line of the front markers, and half battalion distance from them on their re- spective flanks. Formation for Combat, units. The normal formation of a regiment for combat is with all the units in square. The battalions of the second line and all their companies and sections at full dis- tance, these battalions being at their proper front apart. The rear companies of the battalions of the first line 400 yards in front of the front companies of the second line, and twice com- pany front apart. These companies are called the reserves. 23 REINFORCEMENTS •*-• s: a •■■* ■■• • RE3IMENTIN FORMATION FOR COMBAT, DISPOSITION. The rear sections of the front companies 400 yards in front of the front sections of the companies behind them, and twice sec- tion front apart. These sections are called the supports. The rear fours of the front sections 200 yards in front of the front fours of the sec- tions behind them, and twice their normal front, or 5 yards, apart. These fours are called the re-enfobcements. The front fours 200 yards in front of the rear fours, and double distance apart. These fours are called the sktr:mishers. A second formation f or combat is like the normal form, excepting that the front com- panies, sections, and fours only are opened out, and the rear companies, etc., are at their proper front, instead of at twice that distance. CHIEFS, ETC. When the companies, battalions, etc., are in different lines, the captains, majors, etc., are half way between the rear line and the next line, and the lieutenants, lieutenant- colonels, etc., are half way between the 25 DISPOSITION. chief of the company, etc., and the most ad* vanced unit of the platoon, etc. The corporals 2£ yards in front of the fir- ing line. The sergeants 2£ yards in front of the re- enforcements. When all the units forming a section, company, etc., are in the same line the chief is as far behind the centre as half the distance between the flanks, and the chief of each squad, platoon, etc., is half as far behind its centre. In firing the corporals come up on the line. ASSEMBLY, RALLY, ETC. To assemble a section, company, battalion, etc., is to bring together its parts in the normal order in any of the formations above described. Unless otherwise specified, the assembly is made in line of section squares, the sections in close order, the companies, etc., at full distance. To bally a section, company, etc., is to bring together the parts in the above for- mation, unless otherwise specified, preserv- ing the original organization in the forma- tion of the assembly, but with the units ar- ranged in any order whatever, and forming upon that first on the ground as a basis. The assembly and rally may, however, be made at any distance and in any formation by so specifying. The rally is made at double time without special command, and if under fire the sec- tions take full distance and lie down. 27 FACING, MAECHING, ETC. When every man turns on his own ground the units are said to face to the right, half right, right rear, right about, etc., according as their new direction makes an angle of 90°, 45°, 135°, 180°, etc., with the old. Marching- is conducted in quick time at half step, or in double time, — the rate is 120 steps of 30 inches in a minute, 120 steps of 15 inches, or 180 steps of 36 inches. The backward step is sometimes used at the rate of 120 steps of 15 inches in a minute. In marching at route step no regular ca- dence is preserved, and the rate of march varies with the nature of the ground. 28 CHANGING DIRECTION. The change of direction is made either by wheeling or by turning. The former is un- necessary, unless it be for parades and cere- monies. Both are made upon one of the guides as a pivot. Wheel. At a halt a body of troops wheels by simply revolving upon its pivot, all the parts maintaining rigidly their relative posi- tions. On the march the front wheels as at a halt and moves in the new direction, but each of the rear units follows in the track of the unit in front of it. Turn. To turn at a halt each unit proceeds by the shortest path to its new place. On the march the front units move independently to their new paths. The rear units follow them. The units on the flank toward the new direction take the half step, the other units the full step, until the formation is re- stored. 29 / d d ° RIGHT TURN. (MARCHING.) • rftt 2 \ I D X D 4 3 RIGHT TURN. MARCH- CHANGING DIRECTION. *At a halt. At a halt the several units move to their new positions by combining the direct march with the turn or oblique march, according as the change is made toward the new di- rection or toward the opposite side. The unit having the longest march has the right of way. A turn may be made on the guide opposite the change of direction as a pivot, by facing about and turning each unit on its new front. For a change of a right angle or less the front units make half the change before and half after advancing. For a change of more than a right angle they turn far enough to reach their new positions, while avoiding the units nearer the pivot, which do not advance until the path of the re- moter units is free. In close order each unit advances until it comes behind its new position, and makes all the change in one turn. The march by the flank takes the place of the oblique. In a long column in close order the turn should be made in double time in order to clear the pivot. 31 CHANGING DIRECTION. Thus, to turn to the right at full dis- tance, the front units turn half right, ad- vance, and turn half right again. The left rear unit advances, turns half right, ad- vances, and turns half right. The right rear unit obliques to the left, marches forward, and turns to the right. To TURN to the LEFT OH the RIGHT GUIDE, all face about. The front units make rather more than half a turn to the left, advance, and complete the turn. The left rear unit makes a full turn and advances to its place. The right rear unit makes a full turn, ad- vances, and obliques to its place — all face about. ON THE MARCH. To turn on the march, the front unit on the side of the change makes half the turn, advances at half step, makes the other half turn, and advances at half step. The other front units make half the turn, advance at full step, etc. The rear unit on the side of the change follows the front unit at half step. The other rear units follow at full step until the formation is restored. 32 CHANGING DIRECTION. To turn in close order on the march, each unit advances until it comes to its new path and makes all the turn at once. A line turns like the front line of a square. A column like the column of a square on the side of the change. Marching at double time, the units near the pivot march in quick time. A turn from a halt is made like one on the march when it is followed by an advance, to change direction by turning the units. The units of which a body of troops is composed may all turn simultaneously, each on its own pivot and at any angle. TO CHANGE FRONT. A body of troops may be revolved upon its centre so as to change front to right, left, or rear, as follows : To change front to the right, each unit faces so that the centre of the square shall be on its right and front. It then takes the place of the unit that it is facing, turns to the right, and faces to the new front. A change of front to left is made by opposite means. A change to the rear by turning twice to the right. 33 TRANSPOSING. General Kules. Simple transpositions are made without change of direction or distance, by moving the units of which a body of troops is com- posed at angles of 90°, 45°, or multiples thereof. One disposition is changed into another when all the units that are first on the ground to be occupied by the new formation stand fast, and the others come into posi- tion with reference to them. One disposi- tion is said to be formed from another when one or more of the units on the new ground moves to another position. In changing into line, column, square, etc., on a certain unit, this unit stands fast, and the others come into line, column, etc., on it. To form line, etc., on a certain unit, this unit moves by the most direct path to the new ground, and the others form on it as a basis. 34 TRANSPOSING. In forming line from square, and con- versely, it is assumed that the order of the units is so far preserved that those units adjacent in line are adjacent in square. If, however, the change is made by each Half separately, this is not the case, nor if each Half moves as a unit. The latter is called a change by platoon, subdivision, wing, etc. It is assumed, unless otherwise specified, that the units will be at the same distance from each other in the new formation. The columns of which the square is com- posed manoeuvre like single columns, and the lines like single lines, as nearly as pos- sible. In forming square from line it is assumed that the centre units go to the front, and conversely. In forming square from col- umn it is assumed that the centre sections move out of the column, and conversely. The movements described as made to the right may also be made to the left, unless the contrary is expressly stated, and con- versely. 35 E±TllJ tZTti] " 4- 3 REAR FORM LINE. 2 1 / U Lf 4 3 RIGHT INTO LINE. Q00D 4\ 2 1 /3 REAR INTO SQUARE. □ d n 2 1 /a / 4 LEFT REAR INTO SQUARE. 2 ; 1 a a—" 4- 3 RIGHT FORM LINE. nmra d 4. 2 1 y 8 ' 0" LEFT REAR FORM SQUARE. h tirtrlE RIGHT REAR FORM LINE. ■ sWtrn 4 2 13 LEFT FORM SQUARE. TRANSPOSING EN CLOSE ORDER. All the changes are made by moving the units at right angles. AT FULL DISTANCE AND EN" OPEN ORDER. The ^changes are made by obliquing whenever the courses of the units can be shortened thereby. The units always take the shortest route that involves no interruption, if possible. If the paths cross, the unit that has to make the longest march has the right of way. If the lengths are equal, the unit nearest the new directing guide has precedence. When an oblique march is combined with one at right angles or parallel to the front, the course should be such as not to crowd the units. IAL. The following are the principal transposi- tion- . a HE To LINE. Front lnto line. The rear units go to the flanks. Rear form line. The front units go to the rear, the rear units to the flanks. p p ate 2 /l n h 4- 3 BY SECTIONS, RIGHT FORM COLUMN. ■ tn x i ■ \ 2 4 D 4 BY SECThONS, RIGHT FORM SQUARE. 'la D"t3 □ B 2 n 3 □ ■ in in ■ 4 LZJ LU ON FRONT SECTION, 2 TO RIGHT FRONT INTO COLUMN. Sin ri R. F. AND L. F. SECTIONS, TO FRONT RIGHT FORM COLUMN. F.C. AND RR SECTIONS,TO LEFT FORM SQUARE. m B [If rrf rrT^rzr B -tjtt ~^^ tu ! 13 I- ! h b b b 4 2 13 ON RIGHT SECTION TO FRONT RIGHT INTO LINE! 4 2 1 ON LEFT SECTION, FRONT INTO ECHELON. TRANSPOSING. Right front into line. The right rear unit goes to the right and front. The left rear unit goes to the right and comes up on the right of the left rear unit. Right front form line. The front units go to the right. The left rear unit goes to the front. The right rear unit goes to the right and comes up on the right of the front units. Right rear form line. The front sections go to the right and rear. The right rear section goes to the right. LINE TO SQUARE. The following are the reverse of the above changes : Rear into square, front FORM SQUARE, LEFT REAR TNTO SQUARE, LEFT REAR FORM SQUARE, LEFT front FORM SQUARE. SQUARE TO COLUMN. Right front by half — form column. The right Half advances, the left Half, etc., goes to the right. Right front by squad, platoon, etc., into column. The right Half stands fast, the left Half comes up in front. 39 B# tfta m In" 1 £ \ \ P fe \ 3 \ 2 fa □ 4 F. C. TO RIGHT. INTO LINE. u u~1±ra 4 2 13 H R. C. AND R. TO FRONT. FORM COLUMN. N 1 I fe \ a fe d 4 R. C. TO RIGHT. INTO LINE. U U B u 4 2 13 R. C. AND L. C.TO FRONT FORM COLUMN. B [If Hf [TTIa] " G ! 4 TP CJ o g CO O "3" S w ffl o 1-1 ^J 61 TJ DC t- tc t- t* t- iO OS "3 ,5? CO > > .£ 2 d D Pw CM ■ d 8 s a: 1 1 CO t c c >> d 5 a o O • 0Q d* o "oJ cq b e 1 'I 1 O u d 3 d s Q) C^.tJ d 5 ^ w cq e3 38d d 2 Q> 'C H •£ d m Qffl" »" rd tl d+3 5 83.22 III 03 2 2 oj i? w «fipR 06 I p. = o o S-' B X £ d a a - a 5 = £ x -_ £ c "5 -3 § i x" » - — — - - X I 11 s J M - 33 I * i « g U X I j 3 - < | - M 5 x i 8 J - ■ — "; S c Sj 1 — - ■ - — -_ ■a a — ^ x s - B i2 | s - _ _ ~ "x g _ = 5 — - - — * Hi D = > 1 s s H D x B £^ . 5|1 - go ■ « X r: • j E - a X 2 E ._ ■ 8 i x .s B X ;; = - < - - "5 — a 1 ■ 2 ■*! — i s 5 r — *2 8 sill 5 - g s a - z < x" - - — - Is •- a •_ = : _ M - 1 = -. - o »3 1 - x "x -3 = - = - 5 - • X -- ■ ^ It - § s a file '-3 : : ^ 2 i rf iill E * 2 71 -3 J= o 2 3%j ■ jiij U • ■ l|t| s a § 1 P = C c ! i c 2 ■ E t ■^ = :- 3 ■ — i 1 ■ - 5 s : 1 •- ^ - ST* - - = : B : 5 j- g ||| = i E .= > S - r ^ - - fa - GOO d — r . a q si p — •- ■ - i ^ ■ - - 4 Z ofi litis - S H 2 g S - o z .- - " . 38 | -• •_ K A ^ d z a 5 c p ^ a** p 67 V. (pp. 37-43). Square. Line. Column. R. F. R. F. L. F. R. C. F. C t R. Rr. L. C. Rr. C. L.Rr. L. Rt. Square to Line. Right Into. Right Form. Into. H. R. H. H. R. H. R. F. R. R. F. R. F. L. F. Line to Square. Right Into. Right Form. Form. R. F. H. L. R, F. R. F. F. H. R. F. F. H. R. R. Sq. to Column. Right Into. Right Form. H. F. R. F. R. F. H. H. F. R. F. Col. to Square. Right Into. Right Form. H. H. H. R. F. R. F. R. F. R. F. F. Line to Column. Right Into. Right Form. OnR. C. R. Into. H. F. R. F. R. F. R. H. R. F. R. R. F. R. F. R. L.Rr. Column to Line. Right Into. Right Form. On F. C. R. Into. H. R. L. Rr. R. F. F. H. R. F. F. R. F. R. F. F. R. F. IV. (pp. 29-33). Right Turn— Halt About Face Left Turn . . . Right Turn— March Change Front to Right . . . R. F. R. F. L. F. L. F. L. F. L. R. F. R. F. F. R.R. R. L. F. L. F. F. 1 03 o so & d c *>* Q3 a go * £ 5 o d d g *& •? * c 3 3 o J ft * nc ffi > _e 'I g-S * * * M _, _ fd d .2 O K a) rrt H rfl "1-i • t ^ ° o -d "go O O O 5 ° n = l g S -d -° ffllfh Sll-S-Sllei g = E= S°-g S II III 1.11 o d S oo do c « I: IT- §3.8 -3 3 "■"« on a'd' 55 f4*3 * d a o id 8 H « >>C3 ( d o b H u 5 -d .5 EH « H « ^ G 55 O g O © a 8 » d ™ « d dg^ 3 t>£Stf .1 I chfef o d d ~ «3o -u>o ooo Ot-I E ■eg. >>05 •° .. o >» rQ ,5 r. C S ° O • s-i « cJ « a §i! O o g'S A >> o-° s-s fc 03 «S H o . % tf <« W H Q a« po r^S Phq H Q 55 P C o3 c* cx g* 70 9 I a a d "3 'O eo cr . £> ft o ft ho "8 S 3 £> 25 a g £ a 3 t) a S a "o ,§25 a '-3 s & -+ «S C o > ,. g Safajlg h— a d P Z 3 .C«° ,«H Q 2 2J £ a < 55 55 H bT S af 55 a bo h *S a .2 * * fl ft ft U & 8 a 03 s ■3 a i o "2 . 55 B * 5 a a* fil g 00 S'-o •S a" a o ^2 £ a a C o3 m ill |! e3 ^ £ c --BOW 3 ? is ^ a -g a.2 g 52 a 2 o a ;'a «3 : am •S-.S ^ ® > _ O bfl o _ &S-B oxi S n O O X2 125*8 ^2 2 2^o-2 • £>> -M^ 4J.B © alplill a l^S>»oo a " g • rt Cr a> o I4J ih c cc g Jd xi ! B O M O > - ■*» 4a o 2 * S ^ a fe B M 2 S S .5 -S 3 Sills?! a g s g a, a -5— eg'C > o ° ^ bp § S "^ a" a" .5 - ± «T S.S.'gS 8-9 §&gagj §§^|° a a^3 43 „ rt o o a a o HHOPH T-trliN^SO 71 72 Pi Pj o o - s ho a ■a s > a o © C* "3 O O ^ T T ^ © © © cs ^ p 1, oott ^ « clX© © © © ^ c n m © © © ^ ^ O S^©©©8 s © © • 5: c ©© © © © 55 © 5 & ». X s^ CO <7* © © 5 fc> 01= P X ££fa£fafa ca fa £ d fa fa 5 fa fa tfp3«P5P4^ a * a fa £ fa ►4 tf »j PP fl X^o © © ^ t3 © © d tf fa fa fa « « fa fa d fa fa fa fa i . d « rt J tf - a » a fa S S i4 « P3 fa fa 5 5 d d a a a fa fa" fa g P3 « P & fa tf 73 I •a 11 if g s' axa S fai- 3 - H a 2 . ft -Si SO as 3 o 9 s M So c S X © © 1 E * fl •fl 5 > 8 *£ g£ 15 1 -a SSaa - - x - •sill oi da «t-1 fl © .2 a & .fl O fl 1 . HO ea 33 PART II. FORMS. SCHOOL OF THE SECTION. ORGANIZATION, ETC. A Section consists of one sergeant, two corporals, and from 10 to 24 privates. It is divided into two squads commanded by the corporals, who are also the guides of the section. The private highest in rank in each set of four is the chief of the set of four. In Squake the first squad is on the right, etc.; the first four is right and front, the second four left and front, etc.; number one of each set of fours is right and front, three right and rear, etc. 75 C. 4 3 8 7 2 1 C. 6 5 2 1 6 5 9 4 3 9 8 7 3 2 1 FALL IN. S. C. 8, 2, 20,14 7, 1, C. 19,13 10,4 22,16 9,3 21,15 12,6 18 11,5 23,17 II Squad. I 'Squad. II 2I •43 21 I 43 L *\l 21 III 4 3 11J ™*l 2i v 4 3 V NOS. OF SQUADS &C C.3 2 4 3 1 C. 2 1 4 3 2 4 4 2 2 1 4 3 RALLY BY SECTION. S. RALLY 'IN SQUARE. C.12,6 10,4 8,2 7,1 9,3 J1.5C. 18, .22,16 20,14 19,13 21,15 23,17 S. ASSEMBLE IN LINE. S. C. 4, 2 2, 1 3, 2 3, 1 3, .2 2, 1 C 4. i 4 4,3 5. RALLY" IN LTNE. EERATA. Plate, Page 76. For S. RALLY IN SQUARE read S. ASSEMBLE IN SQUARE. For RALLY BY SECTION read S. RALLY IN SQUARE. SECTION. THE ASSEMBLY, ETC. The section is assembled for roll call as follows : The sergeant goes to a point 46 inches in front of that where he wishes the centre of the front rank to rest, and com- mands : S. Fall In. The senior corporal takes his place where the right of the section is to rest, and faces to the front. The junior corporal on the prolongation of the front of the section, a little beyond the left flank. The men take their places in succession on this line, form- ing on the left of the senior corporal, the first two lightly touching elbows, the third 46 inches from the second, the fourth touch- ing the elbow of the third. The junior cor- poral now takes his place on the left of the rank so formed, and then a second rank of four privates falls in behind the first at a distance of 23 inches from it, a third rank 46 inches behind the second, a fourth 23 inches behind the third, and a fifth 46 inches behind the fourth, etc. 77 SECTION ASSEMBLED. a c.2 1 21 a t ^ ^-| ^4, >>. 4 3 4 3 I 1 1 1 I 2 12 1 £ 1 1 1 t 4 3.43 1 1 1 1 212 1 3 43 CLC^E UP-. -rrrr rm -in RIGHT DRESS, RIQKT F.'ACE, ZZj i ' » » i J INTO RANKS. 1-1 \-i \ FORM SQUARE. RIGJHTDRESS. SECTION. THE ASSEMBLY, ETC. For parade the men may be disposed with regard to their height. The chief of section then calls the roll, the chiefs of squad face toward their squads, and observe the disposition of the men as they answer to their names. After call- ing the roll, the chief of section inspects the section, and makes such changes in the disposition as may be required. If the men are recruits, the chiefs of the squads point out the first four, second four, etc., and see that the men understand where they belong. The designations of the fours are retained until another assembly or rally. The section haying assembled, either for roll-call or combat, the sergeant commands : Close Up. The first set of four takes a short side step to the left, and the others close upon them so as to leave a distance of 23 inches be- tween the ranks and files. 79 SECTION. THE ASSEMBLY, ETC. To Assemble for Action, the sergeant cautions the men to fall in according to their rank. The section is assembled in the forma- tion above described, but the privates fall in as follows : The highest in rank take their places as the right front men in the first, second, etc., sets of four ; the next, as left front men, etc. After the men have thus been assigned to places in the section, to reassemble in the same order the sergeant places the corporals to fix the front of the section, and com- mands : S. Assemble in Square, March. The men take their places as above ex- plained. If a private is absent his place is taken by the next in rank in his set of four. S. Assemble in Line, March. The section is assembled in the same manner, excepting that the third and fifth fours are assembled on the right of the first and the fourth and sixth on the left. 80 SECTION. THE RALLY. S. Rally by Squad. The men all run to the corporal. The first who arrives takes his place in front of the corporal 46 inches from him, and facing him ; the next on the left of the first, the next behind the first, etc., forming two files as in falling in for roll call, and without regard to rank or previous position in the section. Each man, however, carefully ob- serves his place in the squad which deter- mines the four to which he is to belong. S. Rally by Section. If the squads are rallied each corporal runs with his squad to the sergeant, and the section is formed in square facing him. The corporals take their places as guides. If the squads are not rallied the men run directly to the sergeant and form as for roll call. 81 SECTION. THE RALLY. * S. Rally in Square. The men in each four form on the chief of fours, who runs to the sergeant. The first four that arrives takes its place in front of the sergeant to form the right of the sec- tion. The next four forms on the left of the first, the next behind the first, etc. * S. Rally in Line. The fours are conducted to the sergeant as above. The first that arrives forms in front of the sergeant, and each of the others on the nearest flank. The section may also be rallied on any designated four or squad, or on a guide who may be sent forward to select a new posi- tion. SECTION. Square in Close Order. S. Right Dress. The sergeant goes to the right of the front rank, and corrects the positions of the guides if necessary. The front rank men of the front fours, and the left front men of the rear fours, turn their heads and eyes to the right. The right guide cautions the front men of the right front four to move up or back till they are on a line with himself and the left guide. The other men in the front rank place themselves on this line, and each touches gently the elbow of the man on his right. Each rear rank man places himself 23 inches behind the front rank man, and in each set of fours the left front man places himself abreast of the right front man, gently touching his elbow. The right front man of the right rear four places himself 23 inches behind the right rear man of the four in front of him. The right front man of the left rear four places himself behind the right rear man in front and abreast of the front rank of the right SECTION. rear four. When the chief of section sees that his section is aligned, he commands : Front. The men turn their heads and eyes to the front. The section is now in squake in close order, Whether on the march or at halt the men are responsible for their alignment, but do not turn their heads with- out command, excepting as indicated here- after. 84 SECTION. Square in Close Order. S. Right Face. S. About Face. S. Right Half Face. Each man turns on his own ground in the direction indicated. Forward, March. — Or, Quick Time, March. The step is 30 inches. The rate is 120 to a minute. Forward, Double Time, March. The step is 36 inches. The rate is 180 to a minute. Forward, Half Step, March. Backward, March. The step is 15 inches. The rate is 120 to a minute. Route Step, March. The step is from 28 to 30 inches. There is no regular cadence, and the rate depends upon the nature of the ground, the condi- tion of the men, etc. 85 I I I I I I I I I I MARCH. FOURS LEFT.. ID FOURS RIGHT. : n i b ROUTE STEP. II I BY RIGHT FLANK. wr 1 — 1 1 V//A i i i i i 1 1! — 1 \— \ 1 1 i 1 1 V- 1 1-4 HALT. t T i — i ' — vm 1 1 1 1 1 1 HH l—J 1 1 1 1 1 BY RIGHT FLANK, SECTION. Square in Close Order. S. Forward, Guide Right. The right guide faces square to the front and takes a point of direction as indicated to him by the chief of section. March. All step out. The left guide keeps abreast of the right guide. The guides keep the front rank on the line. The men in ranks keep their eyes to the front and preserve their relative positions on the same prin- ciple as when at a halt, excepting that the right front man of each of the rear fours takes a distance of 46 inches from the rear rank of the four in front as in the assembly. S. Halt. All halt. The men dress to the right, and then turn their eyes to the front without command. The rear fours close up to 23 inches in dressing. Route Step, March. Double Time, March. A distance of 46 inches is left between the ranks. 87 SECTION. Square in Close Order. S. Right Face, Forward. Each guide goes to the left of the new front rank of his squad. The guide is left, and each man conforms to what was required of the man in a corresponding position in marching to the front. Whenever the section marches by the flank the rear squad falls back to 46 inches and when the section halts it closes up. If the command is, Forward, Guide Left, or Right, f the guides shift to the right and left of the new front rank. * If the section is faced again to the right, the guides go to the rear rank of their own squads. *If a section faced to the rear is again faced to the right, left, or front, the guides return to their places in the front rank un- less the guide is named, in which case the guides go to the new front. f In obliquing it is not necessary to indicate the guide, nor after facing half right or left, nor in turning nor changing direction. 88 SECTION. Square in Close Order. S. About Face, or R. or L. Rear Face. Forward, cr Guide Left, or Right. The guides go to the rear, and the right guide becomes the left. All dress upon the rear rank, now become the front rank. If the rear rank is not complete, the va- cant places are filled from the next rank. S. Right Half Face, Forward March. The right guide marches in the new di- rection, each front rank man keeps to the left and rear of the man originally on his right, and each rear rank man keeps to the right and rear of the man originally in his front. All regulate their positions as in marching to the front. J D On the ^Iarch. To the Rear, March. By the Right Flank, March. Right Oblique, March. Correspond to About Face, etc. Right Face, etc., and Bight Half Face, etc. 89 D MM ! z z H o o oa | DP a p a a :n an pg UP DP DP CD DP DP DP n :: DP I _1 DP Z 3 DP Z 3 OP DP D □ □ D DP _3 p D P DP P SECTION. Line of Fours or Squads at Double etc. Distance. S. (to full distance) Close Line. The corporals close in, the men face in- ward. March. All take their places as before opening the line. The line may be opened or closed to the right, etc. Squads (to full distance) Close Line. Executed in like manner. Column of Fours at Full Distance. S. (to double, etc., distance) Open Column. The corporals on the flank of the front rank of their squads advance section and half section distance respectively. March. The front fours advance and dress on the corporals, the rear fours place themselves double distance behind the front fours, etc. The column is closed by inverse means. 114 SECTION. Two Ranks at Full Distance. To extend the line and gain ground to the front. The sergeant marches the section forward and then commands : S. By Squads (to double, etc., distance) open line. The corporals go 2£ yards in front of the centres of their squads and caution them to incline to the right and left respectively. March. The corporals make a third of a face out- ward, and, followed by their squads, open out to the proper distance and march to the front. When two fours are opened out in front the line is extended in the same manner. To separate the fours the sergeant com- mands : Section cr Squads (to double, etc., distance) open line. The section or squads may open line on the right or left squad or four, which marks time when the line is opened out long enough to enable the other squad or four to come up. The sections and squads are closed by in- verse means. 115 SECTION. Two Ranks at Full Distance. S. Single Rank. The guides close in 23 inches, if necessary. The right front man faces to the left, the left front man to the right, the right rear man half right, the left rear man half left. March. The front rank men close in, the rear rank men come up, each on the flanks. Single Rank. S. Double Rank. The guides go to the flanks of the new rank, which is 46 inches in front of the pres- ent rank. The front rank men face one third right and left. The rear rank men face left and right. March. The front rank men take a step and half to the front, opening out to 46 inches ; the rear rank men take their places behind them. 116 = C=j : =1 □g an QE QD SINGLE RANK, n-BnsnsnB □ □□EZSOLnaa MARCH. DOUBLE RANK. i : i H I I B I I I SCHOOL OF THE COMPANY. ORGANIZATION OF A COMPANY. A company consists of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, six sergeants, eight corporals, and one hundred privates. A company is divided into four sections, which are made as nearly equal as possible. In the right companies of the battalion the tallest men may be placed in the right sec- tion, and in the left companies in the left sections. The right sections constitute the first platoon, the left the second platoon. They are commanded by the first and sec- ond lieutenants respectively. The first and second sergeants are the right and left guides of the company. The sections are numbered from right to left, as follows : 3d, 1st, 2d, 4th. These numbers are not changed in the manoeuvres, unless the company is re- 119 COMPANY. organized, but each retains its original des- ignation. The third, fourth, fifth, and sixth sergeants command the 1st, 2d, 3rd and 4th sections, respectively. For purposes of manoeuvres the sections are divided into two squads, of which the right is called the 1st, and the left the 2d squad. The squads retain their designations till the section is reorganized. The first, second, third, and fourth cor- porals of the company are assigned to com- mand of the first squads of the correspond- ing sections ; and the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth corporals to the second squads. The first and fifth corporals are also the right and left guides, respectively, of the 1st section, the second and sixth of the 2d sec- tion, etc. 120 COMPANY. POSTS OF OFFICERS, GUIDES, ETC., IN THE ORDER OF ASSEMBLY. The lieutenants 2 yards behind the cen- tres of the rear rank of their platoons. The chiefs of section 46 inches in front of the centres of their sections. The right guide three quarter section distance to the right of the centre of the front rank of the right sec- tion. The left guide in a corresponding position on the left of the company. Two (or four) privates from the company are detailed as company markers. In the assembly for roll-call the company markers fall in 46 inches behind the rear rank, the right markers behind the left guide of the right section ; the left markers behind the right guide of the left section. "When a company is alone, or when all the companies that are drawn up together exe- cute the same manoeuvre simultaneously, the markers conform to the movements of the company, or they may be used instead of the chiefs of section in denning new po- sitions. 121 COMPANY. THE ASSEMBLY. Unless specially instructed to the con-i trary, the company is assembled at roll-calls in line of section squares in close order, and at deploying intervals from each other. The company is therefore at full distance, but occupies only half a company front. "When the sections are deployed, the company forms a line in close order in two ranks. To assemble the company for roll-call, the first sergeant commands : Fall In. The left guide takes his place on the left of the right guide, who then goes with him to the point where the right of the first section square should rest, and faces to the left. The left guide then paces off section dis- tance, to mark the point where the right of the second section should rest. He faces about, and is established on the line by the right guide. The chiefs of the first and sec- ond sections march their sections by flank to the line. The chiefs of section hasten forward and place themselves next to the 122 COMPANY. guides, facing to the front of the company and each with his left elbow touching the breast or back of the guide. The guides then face outward, pace off half section and section distance respectively, and put them- selves on the prolongation of the line. The other sections are then established on the line in the same manner. The sections are dressed on the centre sections. The chiefs of section command front when the sections have dressed, and take their places in front of the centres of their sections. The first sergeant then steps to the front of the company and receives the reports from the chiefs of the sections, who then go to their places. 123 COMPANY. C. Assemble in Square. The captain places the right front marker in position, and establishes the left front marker on the line of the new front. The rear markers take their positions from them. The guides then pace half section dis- tance to the rear from the front markers. The lieutenants place themselves on this line of the guides. The right guide paces half section dis- tance along the line to fix the right of the right front section, and the left guide paces section distance from this point to fix the right of the left front section. The lieutenants go to the new places for the rear sections. The sections are assembled in square. March, Each section is conducted to its proper place by its chief, who precedes it in time to take his place where the right is to rest. He halts his section and dresses it to the right. All take their proper places in square. 124 COMPANY. C. Assemble in Line. March. The centre sections are first established in the same manner as the front sections of the square. The right guide fixes the position of the right section, and the left guide the right of the left section, under supervision of the lieutenants. All take their places in line. In action the positions are determined with- out pacing. C. Rally by Company. The captain, assisted by the guides, places a marker wherever he wishes the right of a section to form. Each man runs to the nearest marker and falls in as for roll-call. If more than three non-commissioned ofli- cers rally at the same marker, the highest sergeant and corporals in rank remain and the others seek other sections. The lieu- tenants, aided by the guides, superintend the formation and equalize the sections if necessary. The markers and guides go to their places. 125 COMPANY. * C. Rally in Line. The captain, assisted by the guides, places markers to indicate where the right of the sections is to rest. Each section is rallied by its sergeant, if not already so, who runs with it to the markers. The guides on their respective flanks indicate to the chiefs as they arrive where they are to establish their sections. The lieutenants superintend the formation. *C. Rally in Square. Same as above, excepting that the markers are established in square. A company may be rallied on any desig- nated section, or on a guide who may be sent forward to select a new position. 126 COMPANY. Square at Full Distance. The captain establishes the front mark- ers. C. Right Dress. The lieutenants go to the line of the guides, and if necessary correct their posi- tions. The guides of the front sections and the left guides of the rear sections turn their heads and eyes to the right. Each chief of section goes to the right flank of his section and faces to the right. The right guide cautions the chief of the right front section to move up or back until he is on a line with himself and the left guide. The left guide sees that the chief of the left front section is on the line. The chiefs of section take their proper distances from the right. When the lieutenants are satisfied with the alignment of the front sections, they correct the positions of the rear sections if necessary, and then go to their places. 127 nnnnqo emgn DDt3 Dd.no tlDDO anno ancin anno 2 OJZU33 cod D*nra d a nnaai dd no pano noun moan naan .nana 4- 3 COMPANY IN SQUARE OF SECTION* SQUARES AT FULL DISTANCE. COMPANY TN SQUARE OF SECTION. SQUARES IN CLOSE ORD.ER. COMPANY. Each chief of section dresses his section as soon as the guide has corrected his posi- tion. When satisfied with the alignment of his section he goes to his proper place. The captains and lieutenants supervise the whole, and see that all the distances are properly taken. Front. All turn heads and eyes to the front and stand fast. 129 COMPANY. Squaee at Full Distance. Company Forward, Guide Right. The captain designates a point of direction for the right front marker and establishes the left marker on a line at right angles to the line of march. March. All step out. The left front marker keeps abreast of the right front marker. The right guide keeps on the track of the marker and at half-section distance from him. The left guide keeps half-section dis- tance behind the left marker and at half-sec- tion distance to the left of the left section. The right guide keeps the guides of the right front section on the line between him- self and the left guide. The left guide keeps those of the left front section on the same line. The lieutenants see that the right guides of the rear sections keep at the proper dis- tance and follow in the track of those of the front sections. 130 COMPANY. The captain and second lieutenant observe that the left company maeker keeps half-com- pany distance from the right marker, and the captain and lieutenants also see that the sergeants require each section guide to keep the proper distance from the right guide or from the section guide to his right. 131 COMPANY. Square at Full Distance. C. Right Face. The lieutenants and guides keep their places. Forward, March. All step out, and each man regulates his march upon the same man as if the column were marching by the former front with the guide to the right. If the captain commands, Guide Left; or Forward, Guide Left; or R. Turn j or Sections R. Turn, the guides shift to the new front and the lieutenants to the new flanks. If the com- pany is faced again to the right the lieuten- ants and guides go to their own platoons. If the sections are in close order, they ob- serve what has been explained in the School of the Section. 132 COMPANY. Square at Full Distance. C. About Face. Each man faces about. Forward, Guide Right. The guides come up to the new front, and the left guide now becomes the right So after sections right rear turn. Square at Full Distance. O. Right Oblique. Each man regulates his march upon the same man as if marching to the front with the guide to the right. Square at Full Distance. * C. Sections Right Half Turn. Repeated by all the chiefs of section. March. After the turns are completed the right guide puts himself section distance from the left guide of the front section, and on a line 133 COMPANY. with him and the same guide of the left section. The left guide, half-section distance from the left guide of the left section, and on the same line. The right marker at half-section distance to right and front of the right guide. Square at Full Distance, Sections Turned Half Eight. * O. Forward, Guide Left. The right section guides come up on a line with the left guides and at half- section dis- tance from them. The company guides place themselves on the line of the front section guides. March. The guides of the front section follow left and rear of the front guide, and keep half- section distance from him and from each other ; the left guides of the rear sections keep at section distance to the right and rear of the corresponding guides of the front sections. 134 FORWARD GUIDE LEFT. SECTIONS RIGHT HALF TURN. MARCH. 6 d RIGHT TURN. (MARCHING.) ■ CD 4- 2 - 2 \ I an RIGHT TURN* MAROH, COMPANY. Squaee at Full Distance (at a Halt). Company Right Turn. E. F. 1st S. Bight half turn, forward. L. F. 2d S. Bight half turn, forward. B. Er. 3d S. Left half face, forward. L. Er. 4&h S. Forward, guide right. The first lieutenant stands fast, the second lieutenant goes to a point a little beyond the left of the new line. The right guide paces off half-section distance on this line, to mark the position of the right front sec- tion guide ; here he meets the left guide, who places the left section in the same man- ner. The lieutenants establish the new positions of the rear sections. March. The fkont sections are marched to their new places. Each chief of section halts the section and commands : S. Bight Turn, March. When the turn is completed, the section is dressed to the right. The right rear section is obliqued to the left and then marched to 137 COMPANY. the front by its chief, who is established by the lieutenant on the spot where the right should rest. It is halted, turned, and dressed to the right. The left rear section is turned half right in time to come up at the proper distance from the left front section by its chief, who is established in position by the second lieutenant. It is then halted, turned half right, and dressed to the right. If the change of direction is less than a right angle, the front sections make half the change before advancing. Whenever the new position of a rear sec- tion lies on the side toward which the change of direction is made, the section makes a turn to its new position ; if on the opposite side, it obliques to its new position and then marches to the front or by the flank 138 COMPANY. Squaee at Full Distance (on the March). Company Right Turn. R. F. 1st S. Right half turn. L. F. 2d S. Right half turn. E. Er. 3d $. Forward, guide right, half step. L. Er. 4th S. Forward, guide right. March. The right guide faces right, marks time un- til the right front man comes abreast of him, and then takes a half step. The left guide hastens to his new position at half-company distance to the left of the right guide. The front sections, make a right half turn. The right front section, after making the half turn, advances at half step until it comes abreast of the company guide, it is then turned half right by its chief and dresses on the guide. The chief of the left front section commands : Forward, March, after the half turn is completed, and when the section arrives on the new line, it is turned again half right, again takes full 139 4 2 _J M • •* W/.S?/ i i 1 I CHANGE FRONT TO RIGHT. MARCH, COMPANY. step, and then half step when it arrives on the line of the guides. The rear sections turn on the same ground as the front sections, and then con- form to what is prescribed for these sec- tions. When the turn is completed the captain commands : C. Forward, March. For a turn of less than a right angle, the sections make half the turn before advanc- ing. 141 COMPANY. Square at Full Distance. * Company Change Front to Right. R F. 1st S. About face, for ward, guide right. L. F. 2d S. Bight face, forward, guide right R. Rr. 3d S. Left face, forward, guide right. L. Rr. 4:th S. Forward, guide right. The markers stand fast. The company guides go to the new posi- tions of the right guides of the front sections. The lieutenants go to the new positions of the rear sections. March. All the sections march half-section dis- tance and are then halted and turned to the right by their chiefs, faced in the new direc- tion, and dressed to the right and front. The markers shift to the right. Company Change Front to Rear. Same as above, except that the guides shift to the rear. March. After marching half-section distance all the sections turn to the right and march half- section distance to the new front. They are halted, turned, and faced as above. 142 COMPANY. Line of Section Squaees at Full Distance. C. Right Dress. The line is established as in square. Each guide sees that the section guides on his half of the company are on the proper line. The company is dressed on the same prin- ciples as in square. Column of Section Squares, etc, at Full Distance. O. Right Dress. The captain establishes the right front company marker in his proper place, and puts the right rear marker on the proper line. The lieutenants go to the line of the guides. When the position of the right guide has been verified by the lieutenant, the former faces about. The right section guides face to the front. The left section guides to the right. The company is dressed on the same prin- ciples as in square. In dressing a column, if the sections are in two files in close order and the guides are on the right flanks of the squads, they place 143 p DDDn .nana "mama □ DDd D IDDtDD DDDn 'fflDtEQ DDDD ■ ■ (DOIDD oDaa "momd OOOD mama DDDQ 'mama DDDD I □ a DD ma no IDD o DD z < DD DD CO Q Q a ■ i □'a 3 u. Da K ma < CD CO z ma DD < ma o DO £ □ V- a z ma CO z DO ma o oa ma B ca CO u. O ma DD M ■ Z ■ _i ca z C3 >- ma z < aa 0. 1 o ■did ua o ma Dd ■ a i .3 COMPANY. themselves behind the company guide in dressing to the right. If the sections are in rank, the company guides go quarter-section distance to the right to fix the line of the right section guides, and return to their places at the command Front. Line of Section Squares at Full Dis- tance. C. Forward, Guide Right, March. The captain indicates the points of direc- tion to the right marker and establishes the left marker at right angles to the new direction. The right guide keeps section distanco to the right of, and half-section distance behind, the right company marker. The left guide keeps half-section distance be- hind the line of company markers. The section guides and the left guide keep themselves at the proper distance from the guide on the right. The guides maintain the section guides on a line with themselves. The lieutenants habitually march behind the centres of their platoons. 145 COMPANY. Column of Section Squares at Full Dis- tance. C. Forward, Guide Right, March. The captain gives the front gode a point to march on. The right guide of the front section keeps the proper distance behind the front company guide. The other section guides follow. The section guides take care to keep on the line, and the rear company guide cautions the guides in front of him to incline to the right or left if necessary. "When a company is marching in column with the sections in rank and the guide is right, the right guide of the front section keeps half-section distance behind, and quar- ter-section distance to the right of, the front company guide. The right guides of the other sections follow at section distance apart 14fi COMPANY. Line or Column at full Distance. The Sections in Line, Column, or Square. C. Right Face. The lieutenants and guides keep their places. Forward. March. All step out, and each man regulates his march on the same man as if marching by the former front with the guide to the right. If the sections are in close order, and the section guides step aside to the directing flank, in marching they regain their places with respect to the company guide. C. Right Face, Guide Right, or Forward, Guide Right, or Right Turn, or Sections Right Turn, etc. The guides of a column shift to the new directing flank if not already there. The guides of the sections shift at the same time if necessary. The oblique march, either by half face or by half turn of the sections, is executed in line and column on the same principles as from a square. 147 COMPANY. Line of Section Squaees at Full Distance. C. Right Turn. Same as the front sections of a double column. Column of Section Squares at Full Distance* C. Right Turn. This is executed in a column of sections on the company guide, but the following may be executed by the sections succes- sively : O. Head of Column Right. The right company marker, to mark the pivot, is placed by the side of the right guide of the front section, and the chief of each section gives the preparatory com- mand in time to add March, as soon as his right guide comes up to this marker. The latter is replaced by the right rear marker as soon as he can come up. Line of Sections in Two Ranks at Full, Dis- tance. O. Right Face. Head of Column Right About, Forward, March. Halt, Left Face. By these movements and facings the company may be countermabched. 148 COMPANY. Square at Full Distance. C. Into Line. R F. 1st S. Bight dress. L. F. 2d S. Bight dress. R Rr. M.S. Bight half face, forward. L. Rr. ±th S. Left half face, forward. The lieutenants place themselves on the line of the guides and a little more than section distance from them. The company guides stand fast until the chiefs of the rear sections come up ; then go to their places. March. The chiefs precede their sections on the line. The rear sections step out and are halted and dressed to the centre when they arrive on the line. 149 a u MARCH. • < -♦ ® O 4 2 D FORM SQUARE. * 2 A 3 V s MARCH. INTO LINE, COMPANY. Line of Section Squares at Full Distance. C. Form Square. R Sd 8. Left face, forward. E. C. 1st S. Forward, guide right L. C. 2d S. Forward, guide right. L. Mh S. Bight face, forward. The guides run to the front, pace off sec- tion distance, and halt. The lieutenants place themselves on this line. The right guide then places himself on the new line directly in front of the right guide of the right centre section, to fix the new position of this guide. The left guide paces section distance from the right guide, to fix the point where the right guide of the left centre section should The lieutenants go to the new places for the rear sections. March. All the sections step out. The company markers take their new po- sitions. 152 COMPANY. The chiefs precede their sections to the new positions. The chief of each of the front sections halts his section when the guide arrives at his own place already established. The chief of each rear section takes his place on the old line near where the right guide of each of the centre sections stood. He halts his section and faces it to the front when his right guide conies to his new posi- tion. 153 HTH H"t3 " 4 3 REAR FORM LINE. 2' 1 / ULT 4- 3. RIGHT .INTO LLNE^i Q0E.D REAR INTO SQUARE. B □ O 2 1/3 / 4, ■ H if-' LEFT REAR INTO SQUARE. L±J HI LlTTH " 2j 1 4 3 RIGHT FORM LINE. a a 2 \ 1 \ s 'tirtirtg .4 3 RIGHT REAR FORM LINE. unrru □ 4 2 1/3 LEFT REAR FORM SQUARE. ••El Ef" 9 ' aVtra 4 2 13 LEFT FORM SQUARE. COMPANY. Square at Full Distance. * C. Rear Form Line. The front sections go to the rear. The rear sections go to the flanks. * C. Right Form Line. The front sections go to the right. The left rear section goes to the front. The right rear section goes to the right and obliques to the front. * C. Right Rear Form Line. The front sections go to the right and rear. The right rear section goes to the right. * O. Right into Line. The right rear section goes to the right and front. The left rear section goes to the right and obliques to the front, coming up on the right of the right rear section. 155 * • □ p Jt , , 4 . ■=> \ y,.'A I I C ■ I 1 J 1 Q g M * • • to D & COMPANY. *Llne at Full Distance. The following are the reverse of the last three movements. C. Left Rear Form Square. O. Left Form Square. C. Left Rear into Square. The reverse of C. Into Line is, C. Rear into Square. All are executed in a similar manner. When the front of the new line is to the rear, it is established on the line of the lieutenants. When it is on the right, the new positions are established in succession by the right guide. When the front of the square is to the right, it is established upon the right guide of the right section. 157 B \ [ZF JZ} / o t o • < 3 b COMPANY. *Ltne at Full Distance. The following are the reverse of the last three movements. C. Left Rear Form Square. O. Left Form Square. C. Left Rear into Square. The reverse of C. Into Line is, C. Rear into Square. All are executed in a similar manner. When the front of the new line is to the rear, it is established on the line of the lieutenants. When it is on the right, the new positions are established in succession by the right guide. When the front of the square is to the right, it is established upon the right guide of the right section. 157 COMPANY. Square at Full Distance. Company Right, by Platoons. R 1st Platoon. Forward, guide left L. 2d Platoon. Right face, forward. The first lieutenant goes a little more than twice section distance in front of the left guide of the right section. The right company guide marks the new position of the left guide of the left rear section, in front of the original line at sec- tion distance from it. The left guide goes to the left of the right front section. March. The chief of the left rear section takes his place beside the front guide, who then paces off the distance for the right front section. The right platoon moves to the front. When it has marched half-section distance, the left platoon marches to its new position. It is then halted and dressed to the left. 158 COMPANY. Column of Section Squares at Full Distance; Company Left, Into Square. F. 1st Platoon. Left dress. Kr. 2d Platoon Left half face, forward. The first lieutenant places himself a little to the right of the right guide of the front section. The second lieutenant places him- self a little more than section distance to the left of the left guide of the front section. The left guide goes to the left guide of the front section, and establishes the right of the rear centre section on the new line and at half-section distance from this guide. The lieutenants then go to the rear sec- tions. March. The front platoon stands fast, the rear platoon obliques and then marches to the front, directing itself upon its guides. The platoon is halted and dressed as above. The company marejeks take their new places. 159 p 4 □ BY SECTIONS, BV SECTKDNS, RIGHT FORM COLUMN. RIGHT FORM SQUARE. flu 1 □ s tD 2 1 n~t3 2 □ 3 □ 4 ON/RONT SECTION, TO RIGHT FRONT INTO COLUMN. R. F. AND L. F. SECTIONS, TO FRONT RIGHT FORM COLUMN. F.C. AND RR SECTIONS,TO LEFT FORM SQUARE. m nf hj j±f ta DTTlTD 4' 2 1 3 ON RIGHT SECTION TO FRONT RIGHT INTO LINE. Ta F HDDD 4 2 13 ON LEFT SECTION', F.RQNT INTO ECHELON. COMPANY. * C. Right into Column. * C. Right Form Square. These are executed on similar principles. As the square is usually formed from column by platoons, it is not necessary so to specify. In exceptional cases, to form col- umn or come into column by sections, the command should be * C. Right by Sections, Form Column. The new positions are fixed as explained above. The left sections oblique to their new places as soon as the front section has advanced half section distance. * C. Right by Sections into Column. The right sections stand fast ; the left sec- tions are formed in front of them in inverse order. * C. Right by Sections, Form Square. * C. Right by Sections into Square are executed on similar principles. 161 3 _ .-© * 3/ ■ y / 4- RIGHT FORWARD INTO LINE. O MARCH. * D 2 RlGHTFORM COLUMN. MARCH? COMPANY. Line of Section Squares at Full Distance. C. Right Form Column. E. 3d. S. Forward, guide left. R C. 1st. S. Eight face, forward. L. C. 2d. S. Right face, forward. L. Uh. S. Right face, forward. March. All the sections step out and are marched by the flank as soon as they arrive where the right section stood. They are halted when near their new positions. The chiefs of section hasten to their new positions. The chief of the rear section of each platoon is established by the guide. The chief of the front section paces his dis- tance from the guide. The guides and chiefs of section are established on the line by the lieutenants. The chiefs halt their sections and dress them to the left. * C. Right Into Column. Same as above excepting that the right section stands fast and the others oblique to the right. The movement may be executed on any named unit, the sections in front of the unit going to the left and rear. 163 •• nf S tp ja •■ 4 F. C. TO RIGHT. INTO LINE. [±f ^J H trj - ~d 4 mzn±ra 4 2 13 m R. C. AND R. TO FRONT. FORM COLUMN. txirEra 4 2 13 R. C. TO RIGHT. INTO LINE. Ej' [if [jf tn \ 2 t: 4- ON F. C. TO FRONT, F. TO RIGHT. LEFT FORM LINE, R. C. AND L. C. TO FRONT. FORM COLUMN. ON RIGHT CENTER. LEFT INTO COLUMN COMPANY. Column of Section Squares at Full Dis- tance. C. Right into Line F. M S. Left dress. F. C. 1st S. Bight half face, forward. Rr. C. 2d S. Eight half face, forward. Rr. 4tth S. Bight half face, forward. The first lieutenant places himself a little to the left of the left guide of the front sec- tion ; the second lieutenant a little more than three times section distance to the right of the right guide of this section. He is established on the new front by the first lieutenant. The guides fix the positions of the sections. March. All step out. The chiefs precede their sections on the line, halt them, and dress them to the left. * C. Right Form Line, is the reverse of Left Form Column, and is executed on similar principles to the above. * A column may be formed in any order by indicating which sections go to the front, and a line by indicating which go to the right 165 COMPANY. Line of Section Square at Full Distance. * C. on Left Section, Front Into Echelon. E. 3d S. Forward guide left. E. C. 1st S. Forward guide left. L. C. 2d S. Forward guide left. L. Uh S. Left dress. The left guide paces section distance to the front from the left guide of the left cen- tre section, and the right guide twice sec- tion distance from that of the right centre section to mark the new position. March. The centre sections are established in their new position and dressed to the left. The chief of the right section advances sec- tion distance, after passing the right centre section halts his section and dresses it to the left. * C. on Left Centre Section, Right Front into Echelon. Executed in the same manner, excepting that the left section goes to the rear. The company is brought into line as from 166 COMPANY. column. One of the flank sections of a line may be sent to the front, or the front sec- tion of a column may be sent to the right or left, and the others formed into line upon it in reversed order. * A column may be formed from line for- ward in any direction by so specifying in the command. Thus, C. Left Form Column on the Right. The left section advances section distance, unless some other is specified, and turns to the right. The others follow in succession until the column is formed. To break from the left and march to the right the command would be : C. Left Form Column en the Right, Forward. 1G7 1 B E 3 a ON RIGHT INTO LINE. 4-0, a w/ FACED TO REAR RIGHT INTO LINE. X > / a a ON RIGHT INTO LINE.. El Hi EJ [I *\ | y yy r.jl FACED TO RR. L. /T\ / ! \ INTO LINE. FACING IN ANY DIRECTION. ULELJU-H LEFT FORM COLUMN ON RIGHT. COMPANY. Square at Full Distance. C. Forward, into Line. E. P. Is* S. Bight dress. L. F. 2d S. Right dress. E. Er. 3d S. Bight half turn. L. Er. ith 8. Left half turn. The lieutenants go to points outside the flank, on the line of the front section guides. The guides stand fast to mark the new po- sitions for the rear sections, March. The front sections are dressed on their guides. The rear sections step out. The chiefs of the rear sections take their places by the side of the company guides. The corporal on the inner flank, who now be- comes the guide, directs his course upon the chief of section, who is established on the line. The chief of the section then halts it and dresses it. COMPANY. Column of Section Squares at Full Distance. C. Right Forward, Into Line. The sections are established by the guides and lieutenants. F. 3d S. Left dress. F. C. Is* 8. Bight half turn. Er. C. 2d S. Bight half turn. Br. Uh S. Bight half turn. March, Same as for the right sections in square. The guides mark successively the left of each section. * C. Half Left Right into Line. * C Section distance on Right into Line. * C. At double distance, Twenty Yards Half Right, into Line, etc., etc. Each section goes directly to its new po- sition with the guide left. When two paths cross, the section nearer the pivot waits for the other to pass. 170 COMPANY. Close Order. The principles of all the manoeuvres are the same as at full distance, as shown by the following examples. Square in Close Order on the March. C. Right Turn. The chiefs of section command, forward guide right. The left guddes and markers hasten to their places. March. Repeated by all the chiefs. Each section is turned to the right as soon as its right guide comes directly behind his new posi- tion. The movement is completed as at full distance. Section right half turn is not used, but sections may turn to right and right about. The rear files take care not to touch the guide of the next section, 171 M \-WMi H MU 1 I I 1 I l I— I M I 1 1 l I 1 I i I I 1 I I I I I \-\ H EB I I I 1 I I I 1 I I B3 FORWARD, ROUTE STEP. ] ] f RIGHT FACE, FORWARD, ROUTE STEP. ^ □ w L-^l i 1 ! !^1 1 1 1 1 1 ll t 1 II 1 LSI 1 i . 1 1 L^l i i i i I : B - B 1 RIGHT TURN. (MARCHING— CLOSE ORDER.) COMPANY. Square in Close Order. Company Into Line. K. F. 1st S. Bight dress. L. F. 2d S. Eight dress. E. Kr. 3d S. Right face, forward. L. Rr. Uh S. Left face, forward. March. The rear sections step out and each is marched up to the line by the flank, when the guides are immediately behind their places in line they are halted and dressed on the centre. 174 COMPANY. Line of Section Squakes in Close Order C. Form Square. R 3d S. Left face, forward. E. C. 1st S. Forward, guide right. L. C. 2d S. Forward, guide right. L. 4:thS. Bight face, forward. The company guides step half-section dis- tance to the front, and establish the new line under the direction of the lieutenants. March. Repeated by the chiefs of the centre sec- tions. The centre sections are established on the line and dressed to the right. As soon as the other sections are unmasked their chiefs give the command, March, and each section is halted, faced to the front, and dressed as soon as its leading guide comes directly in rear of the inner guide of the sections in front. 175 COMPAN.Y I.N HOLLOW SQUARE. COMPANY. Square in Close Okder. C. Hollow Square. R F. 1st S. Left rear four, left front and right rear. L. F. 2d S. Eight rear four, right front and left rear. R. Rr. 3d S. About face, right rear four, right front and left rear. L. Rr. Uh S. About face, left rear four, left front and right rear. The officers, guides, and chiefs of section go to the centre. The markers go to the centre of each flank. March. The inner fours of each section are so divided that the twos on the flank of the section go to the front and rear, and the others go to the flanks of the company, so as to fill all the gaps between the sections, all face outwards. C. Close Order. The men face towards their former places. March. All take their places in Square in Close Order. 177 COMPANY. Squabe in Close Order. C. Right, by Platoons. E. 1st Platoon. Forward, guide left. L. 2d Platoon. Right face, forward. March. Repeated by the chief of the right platoon. When this section has advanced section dis- tance, the chief of the left platoon gives the command of execution, and marches his platoon to its new position. The company guides establish the sections on the line. Column of Sections in Close Order. C. Left into Square. F. 1st Platoon. Bight dress. Rr. 2d Platoon. Left face, forward. March. Repeated by the chief of the rear platoon, who marches his platoon by the right flank to the front, and establishes it in its new position. 178 COMPANY. Open Order. A company in open order is dressed, marched, faced, and turned, by the same commands and on the same principles as one at full distance. Square of Section Squares, Full Distance, or Close Order. C. (to double, etc. , distance) Open Square. R F. 1st S. Forward, guide right. L. F. 2d S. Forward, guide right. E. Er. 3d S. Right face, forward. L. Er. 4tth S. Left face, forward. The guides pace to the front and estab- lish the front sections. The company markers and guides go to their new posi- tions. March. The sections are marched to their new po- sitions. The front sections are obliqued right and left, after marching half-section distance to the front. Each is halted by its chief and dressed to the right. 179 □ □ : 4 3 FRONT SECTIONS FRONT. ^ 1 3 4 3 DOUBLE DISTANCE OPEN. FRONT LINE * * _ 4 w 2 ,„ *v- 4 3 + + BYPLATOON COMPANY DISTANCE FORM LINE. * + * 4 2 .LTU 4 2 1 3 ■ □ \ BY PLATOON COMPANY DISTANCE RIGHT OPEN LINE. d □ □ n' 1 2 1 \ LTT1 H 3 4 3 DOUBLE DISTANCE OPEN SQUARE. DOUBLE. DISTANCE RIGHT - OPEN SQUARE. 1 TREBLE DISTANCE FRONT AND~REAR OPEN SQUARE. - ■ * 2 1 3 , DOUBLE DISTANCE OPEN LINE. COMPANY. * C. Front Sections, Front. The front sections execute the movement as in opening the square. These sections may also be extended to the right, left, right and left, etc. The rear sections may also be extended in the same manner and by similar commands. Square of Section Squares, Full Distance, or Close Order. * C. (to double distance) Right Open Square. E. F. 1st S. Right half face, forward. L. F. 2d 8. Forward, guide right. B. Kr. 3d 8. Bight face, forward. L. Rr. Uh S. Right dress. The sections are established as above and the movement is executed in a similar man- ner. The square may be opened to the right, left, and rear, etc., or to the right, left, front, and rear, in a similar manner. For the last the command would be, O. Front and Rear Open Square. 182 COMPANY. Squake at Full Distance, or in open order. C. (to close order, etc., or full distance) Close Square. E. F. 1st S. Left face , forward, L. F. 2d S. Bight face, forward. E. Er. 3rd S. Left half face, for ward. L. Er. Uh 8. Right half face, forward. The right guide establishes the right sec- tion, and the others are established upon it. March. The rear sections are marched to the front as soon as they come in rear of their new positions. The square, or any part of it, may be closed in any direction by inverse means to those described for opening it. If only a part of the square is moved, all the sections are established upon those that stand fast 183 o f. *, + *■ + 2 1 -!i 2 | 4 3 2 4 3 TJ d \\ * n x n 4- 3 FJJLL DISTANCE CLOSE SQUARE. D FULL. DISTANCE LEFT. CLOSE SQUARE. n 4 3 FULL DISTANCE FRONT AND REAR CLOSE SQUARE. n f HI — I Wk 1 * J 3_ _ 2 1 FULL DISTANCE CLOSE LINE, ■ • n ° n l_l COMPANY. Line of Sections, Full Distance, or Close Order. O. (to double, etc., distance) Open Line. E. 3d S. Bight face, forward, R C. 1st S. Eight face, forward. L. C. 2d S. Left face, forward. L. Uh S. Left face, forward. The guides establish the new positions of the centre sections under direction of the lieutenants. March. All step out. The chiefs of the flank sec- tions estimate the distances for the inner guides of their sections. The sections are halted and dressed on the right centre sec- tion. The rear company markers take their places on a line with the front markers and at half-company distance from them. The guides go to the flanks at half-section dis- tance from the section guides. 185 COMPANY. Two Ranks in Close Order. C. to Double Distance Open Line, March. Section Full Distance, March. Single Rank, March. Executed as prescribed in the School of the Company and Section. C. Sections Double Rank, March. Close Or- der, March. O. to Close Order, Close Line, March. Column of Section at Full Distance. C. (to double, etc., distance) Open Column. F. 1st S. Forward, guide right. F. C. 3d S. Forward, guide right. Rr. C. 2d S. Forward, guide right. Rr. Uh S. Eight dress. The guides establish the new positions of the centre sections, under direction of the second lieutenant. March. The front sections step out. The centre sections are ejtablished on their guides. The chief of the front section paces off twice 186 COMPANY. section distance from the front guide, and is established on the line by the second lieutenant. The sections are halted and dressed to the right. The markers take places corresponding to those in a line in open order. 187 * * 4 2 1 3 1 4 3 FULL DISTANCE FORM LINE. # LT /4 3\ 2 1 f_ull.distance form square. ~n n n • _ ° n ~u • p LT m 4- 3 FULL DISTANCE CLOS"E LINE. FULL. DISTANCE CLOSE COLUMNS. ! 3 4 2 1 d D DOUBLE DISTANCE FORM SQUARE. __ 4- 3 DOUBLE DISTANCE FORM LINE. _y *□ n ° 2 1 4 3 2 1 ~n rr TREBLE DISTANCE. OPEN COLUMNS, TREBLE DISTANCE. OPEN LINES. COMPANY. Line of Sections at Full Distance oe Closh Ordek. *C. By Platoon (to double, etc., distance) Open Line. On the same principles. The sections of each platoon may also be separated. All these movements are per- formed in a similar manner in a column of sections, and may in either case be made On a DESIGNATED SECTION. The company in line may be extended while gaining ground to the front or rear, by making a third of a turn to reach the new position ; when the flank sections have gained their distances to the right and left the centre sections mark time to enable them to come up. The company is closed by inverse means. The sections are established upon the right of the right centre section, or upon the front of the front centre section, excepting that when one stands fast the others are estab- lished upon it. 190 □ □ TREBLE DISTANCE FORMSQUARE. a ti RIGHT AND LEFT SECTIONS FRONT. REAR SECTIONS CENTRE. FORM LINE. YV \ l i ! / b / A / y \ A , , ° b b d d ° 4 2 13 n n DOUBLE DISTANCE FORWARD OPEN LINE, COMPANY. Squaee at Full Distance, or Close Order. * C. (at double, etc., distance) Form Line. The sections are marched by the flank. The rear sections are obliqued in time to come on the line in their new positions. Line of Sections Squares at Full Distance or Close Order. * C. (at double, etc. , distance) Form Square. The sections are established as in open- ing the square. The centre sections are marched to the front and then obliqued to their places. The flank sections are faced inward (if necessary) and marched by the flank. A square in close order, or one at full distance, may also be made from the line of sections at full distanc e, or in open order. A company in square may be formed into line or column at any distance. A line or column of sections may be trans- posed while extending or closing, by observ- ing the principles above indicated ; viz., to combine the direct and oblique march so as not to crowd the units. 192 COMPANY. Square at Full Distance. C. For Combat, Two Hundred Yards, Open Square, March. The company opens to double distance and then the front sections continue to ad- vance until they are two hundred yards in front of the rear sections. As soon as the square has been opened the guides and markers go to the captain, the guides keep 5 yards behind him, and the markers in square at full distance 1\ yards behind the guides, until their services are required. After advancing 200 yards the front sec- tions are halted by their chiefs, who com- mand : S. For Combat, Two Hundred Yards Open Square, March. The section is opened to double distance and the corporals go 200 yards to the front with the front fours and halt. *C. For Combat, to Treble Distance, One Hun- dred Yards, Open Square, March. The same, excepting that the square is opened to treble distance and the front sec- 193 ffl EB do no n a n a COMPANY FORMED FOR COMBAT, (DISTANCE BETWEEN LINES REDUCED.) nmn i 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 nmn DDnnnDannoDDonna ODaDonnaDa nnnnap DDDU DDDO DODO £l □ □ D nnDDaaaDaanaa ana a o a oBa a p a . ^ d a a □ O REINFORCING'THE LTINF, * ■* * * * * * REINFORCEMENTS • .. n « a a.. + + + +■ 6UPPORT8 ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ B. H ! B H a H .88. sr JS REGIMENT iN FORMATION FOR COMBAT* COMPANY. tions advance one hundred yards, and open to treble distance. The front fours advance 100 yards and halt. * C. For Combat, Two Hundred Yards Open Square, Front Sections Half Company Dis- tance, Open Front Line, March. The front fours of the front sections sep- arate until they are half company distance apart. *C. For Combat, Two Hundred Yards, Front Sections and Fours Front, March. Executed on similar principles. 196 COMPANY. Formation for Combat. C. to Full Distance, Rear Close Square. C. to One Hundred Yards Close Columns, or Rear Close Columns. * Rear Section to Four Times Distance, Open Line. * C. Front Sections to Full Distance, Close Squares. * C. to Treble Distance, Right Rear into Line, etc., etc. Are executed on the same principles as at full distance. After forming for combat the line may be reinforced in any manner that may be required. The fours and sections on the firing line do not change their distances un- less it is so specified in the command. C. Sections and Company, Rear Fours and Sections Centre, into Line. C. Squads and Platoons Right into Line. C. Sections and Company into Line. * C. Right and Left Sections, Right and Left into Line, Company into Line. By these movements a line is formed cov- ering ^, T V, |, or | x I = - 1 / of a company 197 COMPANY. front ; so as to make a firing line of about 2 men to a yard, 1^ man to a yard, one man to If yard, or one man to 2f yards. C. Sections and Company Right into Line. Thus the line is extended company front to the right, with one man to If yard. * C. Right Rear Section Company Distance Right of Firing Line, at double distance, half left into line. * C. Left Rear Section Fifty Yards in Front of Firing Line, treble distance into Line. * C. Right Rear Section, Centre of Firing Line Close Order. In this manner the line may be reinforced, extended, or passed, or an offensive or de- fensive crotchet may be formed on either flank. 198 SCHOOL OF THE BATTALION. ORGANIZATION. A battalion consists of four companies and their officers, etc. It is commanded by a major, who is assisted in his tactical duties by an adjutant and sergeant-major for di- rectors, two sergeants for guides, and four privates for markers. When the battalion is assembled for roll- call, etc., it is formed in line of section squares, the battalion and companies being at full distance, and the sections in close order. The companies are disposed as fol- lows from right to left : Third, first, sec- ond, fourth. The two right companies con- stitute the first subdivision, the two left the second subdivision. 199 I 41 BATTALION. POSTS OF OFFICERS, GUIDES, ETC., IN THE ORDER OF ASSEMBLY. Each captain is one-fourth section dis- tance in front of the centre of the front rank of his company. The adjutant and sergeant-major one-fourth company dis- tance from the rear rank and behind the centres of their respective wings. The right guide three-quarters company distance to the right of the centre of the nearest company, and on a line with the front company markers. The left guide in a corresponding position on the left of the battalion. 201 BATTALION. THE ASSEMBLY. To assemble the battalion for roll-call, parade, etc., the companies are formed on their parade-grounds and Adjutant's Call is sounded. The sergeant-major takes his place on the left of the adjutant ; the right and left guides 46 inches behind them, and then the battalion markers in square in close order, the front markers 46 inches behind the guides. They then march to the bat- talion parade-ground, where the adjutant places the right front marker in position and establishes the left front marker on the proper line to fix the front of the battalion. The rear markers take their positions from them. The guides then pace half company distance to the rear from the markers. The adjutant and sergeant-major place them- selves on the flanks of this line a little more than company distance outside the markers. The right guide paces half company distance along the line to fix the place for the right front company marker, and the same dis- tance again for the left marker of the right BATTALION. front company ; from this point the left guide paces off the distances for the front markers of the left company. The markers of the flank companies are next established by pacing the distances from those of the centre companies. The adjutant and ser- geant-major keep the guides on the proper line until the company markers are estab- lished. The companies are marched to their places, dressed on their markers, and de- ployed into line of sections. The adjutant, sergeant-major, and guides go their places as soon as the markers of the companies are established. B. Assemble in Line. March. This is executed in the same manner as the assembly for parade, excepting that the major fixes the front markers of the battalion. B. Assemble in Square. March. Same as above, excepting that the mark- ers of the rear companies are fixed in their proper places by the adjutant and sergeant- major without pacing. In action all the positions are fixed with- out pacing. 203 BATTALION COMPANIES AND SECTIONS. 1M SQUARE AT FULL DISTANCE. BATTALION COMPANIES AND SECTION8. i» SQUARE IN CLOSE ORDER. BATTALION. B. Rally in Line. The major, assisted by the adjutant, ser- geant-major and battalion guides, places a marker to indicate where the right of each company is to rest Each company is rallied by its captain, if not already so, and conducted at a run to the markers. The major and adjutant indicate to the captains, as they arrive, where they are to establish their companies. B. Rally in Square. Same as above, excepting that the markers are established in square. A battalion may be rallied on any desig- nated company, or on a guide who may be sent forward to select a new position. 205 BATTALION. Squaee at Full Distance. The major establishes the front markers. B. Right Dress. The adjutant and sergeant-major go to the line of the guides and, if necessary, correct their positions. The markees of the front companies and the left markers of the rear companies turn their heads and eyes to the right. The right guide cautions the front mark- ers of the right front company to move up or back until they are on a line with himself and the left guide. The left guide sees that the markers of the left front company are on the line. The captains require the company mark- ers to keep their proper distances and see that the company conforms to what is pre- scribed in the School of the Company. "When the adjutant and sergeant-major are satisfied with the alignment of the front companies, they correct the positions of the rear companies, if necessary, and then go to their places. The major, when satisfied with the alignment, commands front. 206 BATTALION. Square at Full Distance. B. Forward, Guide Right. The major designates the point of direction for the right front marker, and establishes the left marker at right angles to the line of march. Mai All step out. The left front marker keeps abreast of the right front marker. The right guide keeps on the track of the marker and at half-company distance from him. The left guide keeps half-company distance behind the left marker and at half-company dis- tance to the left of the left company. The right guide keeps the markers of the right front companies on the Hue between him- self and the left guide. The left guide keeps those of the left front company on the same line. The adjutant and sergeant-major see that the right markers of the rear com- panies keep at the proper distance and fol- low in the track of those of the front com- pany. 207 BATTALION. The major and sergeant-major observe that the left battalion marker keeps half battalion distance from the right marker, and the major also sees that the captains require the company markers to keep the proper distance from the right guide or the marker to the right. 208 BATTALION. Square at Full Distance. B. Right Face. The adjutant, sergeant-major, and com- pany guides keep their plac- Forward March. All step out, and each man regulates his march upon the same man as if the column were marching by the former front with the guide to the right. If the major commands : Guide Left, or Forward, Guide Left, or R. Turn or Section R. Turn, the guides shift to the new front and the adjutant and sergeant-major to the new flank. If the battalion is faced again to the right, they go to their proper subdivisions. 209 BATTALION. Squake at Full Distance. B. About Face. The battalion faces about. Forward, Guide Right. The guides, etc., conform to the new front, and the left guide now becomes the right. Square at Full Distance. B. Right Oblique, March. Each man regulates his march upon the same man as if marching to the front with the guide to the right. Square at Full Distance. *B. Companies Right Half Turn, March. Eepeated by all the captains. After the turns are completed, the left markers of the front companies place them- selves half-section distance from the left guides and in a direction from them per- pendicular to the original front. The right guide puts himself company dis- tance from the left marker of the front com- 210 BATTALION. pany, and on a line with him and the same marker of the left company. The left guide half-company distance from the left marker of the left company and on the same line ; the right marker half-company distance to the right and front of the right guide. When the companies of the square have turned half right, to march in the new di- rection, the major commands : B. Forward, Guide Left. The right company markers come up on a line with the left markers, and at half-com- pany distance from them. The battalion gueoes remain on the line of the front com- pany markers. The front markers of the front companies follow left and rear of the front guide and keep half-company distance from him and from each other. The front markers of the rear company keep at com- pany distance to the right and rear of cor- responding markers of the front companies, which they judge by their new positions. 211 RIGHT TURN. (MARCHING.) RIGHT TURN* MARCH- BATTALION. Square at Full Distance (at a halt). B. Right Turn. R F. 1st C. Right half turn, forward. L. F. 2d C. Right half turn, forward. E. Er. 3d C. Left half face, forward. L. Er. Ath G. Forward, guide right. The adjutant stands fast ; the sergeant- major goes to a point a little beyond the left of the new line. The right guide paces orY half-company and company distance on this line to mark the positions of the markers of the right front company. Here he meets the left guide, who places the markers of the left front company in the same manner. The rear markers are established on the new positions of the front markers. March. The front companies are marched to their new places, the right guides directing them- selves upon their markers. Each captain halts his company and commands, 213 BATTALION. Eight Turn, March. When the turn is completed, the company is halted and dressed to the right. The right rear company is marched to the front in time to come up to its new posi- tion, and is halted, turned to the right, and dressed on its marker. The left rear com- pany is turned half right in time to come up to its marker, and then turned half right into position. B. To the Rear on the Right Guide Left Turn. Each company turns by the rear rank. The first and second make more than a half turn ; the third and fourth make a right rear turn ; the third company obliques in time to go to its new position. 214 BATTALION. Square at Full Distance (Marching). B. Right Turn. R F. 1st G Eight half turn. L. F. 2d C. Right half turn. R. Rr. 3d C. Forward, guide right. L. Rr. 1th G. Forward, guide right. March. The right guide faces right, marks time until the right guide of the right front com- pany comes abreast of him and then take3 a half step. The left guide and front battalion and company markers hasten to their new positions. The front companies make a half right turn. The right front company con- tinues to march at half -step until its guide comes to the line of the battalion guide ; it then makes another half -turn and dreses on the battalion guide. The captain commands : Forward, March, after the half turn is completed, and when the company arrives on the new line, it turns again half right, again takes full step, and 215 BATTALION. then half step, when it arrives on the new line. The rear companies turn on the same ground as the front companies, and then conform to what is prescribed for these companies. After the turn is completed, the major commands : Forward, March. For a turn of less than a right angle, the companies make half the turn before and half after advancing, 216 BATTALION. Square at Full Distance. * B. Change Front to Right. R F. 1st C. About face, forward, guide right L. F. 2 i I 1 ! i CHANGE FRONT TO RIGHT. MARCH. BATTALION. Squaee as Above. * B. Change Front to Rear. Same as above, except that the guides shift to the rear. March. After marching half-company distance all the companies turn to the right and march half-company distance to the new front. They are halted, turned, and faced as above. 219 BATTALION. Line of Company Squares at Full Dis- tance. B. Right Dress. Executed as prescribed for the front com- panies of a square. Column of Company Squares at Full Dis- tance. The major establishes the right markers. B. Right Dress. The adjutant and sergeant-major go to the line of the guides. The front guide faces about when his position has been veri- fied by the adjutant. The battalion is dressed upon the same principles as in square. 231 1 / .- ft t BATTALION. Line of Companies at Full Distance, B. Forward, Guide Right, March. The major indicates the points of direc- tion to the right marker and establishes the left marker at right angles to this direction. The right guide keeps company distance to the right of and half -company distance be- hind the right battalion marker. The left guide keeps half-company distance behind the line of the battalion markers. The company markers and the left guide keep themselves at the proper distance from the guide or marker on their right. The guides maintain the company markers on a line with themselves. If there are several companies in line op sections, the proper distance from the com- pany on the right will be estimated indepen- dently by the right guide of the company and the right front marker. The former judges by his distance from the left guide of the next company ; the latter by his distance from the left marker of the right company, both absolutely and relatively, to the left marker 222 BATTALION. of his own company. The right guide takes into consideration the position of the right marker as well as his own judgment, but if the guide of the right company is very near to him, he will give the most weight to his own distance from him. In determining the line, the guide is al- ways governed by the marker. The lieutenant supervises the position both of the guide and of the marker, and for this purpose he goes where he can best judge of the proper distance. He also sees whether the left guide of the right section comes behind the marker. Column of Companies at Full Distance. B. Forward, Guide Right. The major gives the front guide a point to march on. The right front marker of the front company keeps the proper distance behind the battalion guide. The other right company markers follow. The companies march as explained in the School of the Company. 223 BATTALION. Line or Column at Full Distance. The Companies in Line, Column, or Square. B. Right Face. The lieutenants and guides keep their places. Forward, March. All step out, and each man regulates his march on the same man as if marching by the former front with the guide to the right. B. Right Face, or Guide Right, or Forward Guide Right, or R. Turn, etc. The guides of a column shift to the new directing flank, if not already there. The guides of the companies shift at the same time, if necessary. 224 BATTALION. * Line of Company Squakes Half Eight. B. Forward, Guide Left. F. 3d C. Forward, guide left F. C. 1st C. Forward, guide left. Er. C. 2d C. Forward, guide left. Er. teh C. Forward, guide left. March. Executed as prescribed for the front com- panies of the square. Line of Companies in Two Banes at Full Distance. B. Right Face Forward, Guide Left, March. The major gives the front guide a point to march on. The front guide of the front company keeps one and half section dis- tance behind the front battalion guide. The other company guides and the men in the front rank, now become the left file, follow each other at a distance of 46 inches. The company markers take care to keep on the line, and the rear guides caution the markers in the front of them to incline to the right or left, if necessary. 225 BATTALION. Line of Company Squares at Full Distance. AT A HALT. B. Right Turn. The right guide establishes the markers of the right companies and meets the left guide, who establishes those of the left company. on the march. B. Right Turn. Same as the front companies of a square. BATTALION. Column of Company Squares at Full Dis- tance. B. Left Face. B. Right Turn. Same as the flank companies of a square. B. Right Turn, is executed in a column of companies on the battalion guide, but may be executed by the companies successively, thus : B. Head of Column Right. The right rear marker of the front company who marks the pivot is replaced as soon as possible by the front marker of the ^.ext company. 227 q. 2 1 3 b n' 2 1 4 3 INTO LINE. BATTALION. Squabe at Full Distance. B. Into Line. E. F. 1st C. Bight dress. L. F. 2d C. Right dress. E. Kr. 3d C. Bight half face, forward. L. Er. Uh C. Left half face, forward. The adjutant and sergeant-major place themselves on the line of the guides, and a little more than company distance from them. The battalion guides establish the mark- ers of the rear company on the new line. March. The rear companies step out and are halted and dressed to the right when they arrive on the line. 229 en 4 ! D •~ — <— • ® t 1 3 D FORM SQUARE. BATTALION. Line of Compaq Squares at Full Distance. B. Form Square. R 3d C. Left face, forward. E. C. 1st C. Forward, guide right. L. C. 2d 0. Forward, guide right. L. Mil C. Right face, forward. The guides step off, pace company dis- tance to the front. The adjutant and sergeant-major place themselves on this line. The guides run to the centre ; the right guide places himself in front of the right guide of the right front company. He is put on the line by the adjutant, and establishes the markers of the right front company ; the left guide meets him and establishes the markers of the left front company. March. All the companies step out. The battalion markers hasten to their new positions ; the chief of each of the front companies halts his company when its guide arrives at his place already established ; the chief of each rear company halts it and faces it to the front when its guide arrives behind the marker already established. 231 eTth uns 4 3 REAR FORM LINE. H E ]B~TB n~a'-- y 4- 3. RIGHT .INTO LINE. Q00D 4\ 2 1 SB m B 0'" REAR INTO SQUARE. s m □ n 2 1 / 3 / 4- S ET*^ LEFT REAR INTO SQUARE. Ef"0il]"t3 2j 1 d izr^ 4- 3 RIGHT FORM LINE. a a 2 \ 1 \ RIGHT REAR FORM LINE. 0"ct~d d 4- 2 1 / 8 b s~~ LEFT REAR FORM SQUARE, a ® i — f . — f ® a E " SmJI] 4-213 LEFT FORM SQUARE. BATTALION. Square at Full Distance. B. Left into Line. L. F. 1st G. Right dress. L. Kr. 2d G. Bight dress. R F. 3 d G. Left face, forward. E. Rr. Uh G. Left half face, forward. The sergeant-major places himself on the line of the company markers, and at about twice company distance to their left. March. The left guide establishes the markers of the rear companies on the new line. The rear companies step out. The left rear com- pany is halted and dressed upon its mark- ers ; the right rear company is marched twice company distance, obliqued to the front, and halted and dressed on its mark- ers. The captain of the Right Rear com- pany explains to his markers that they are to pass on and come upon the left of those of the Left Rear company. 333 BATTALION. Square at Full Distance. B. Rear Form Line. The front companies go the rear. The rear companies go to the flanks. B. Right Form Line. The front companies go the right. The left rear company goes to the front. The right rear company goes to the right and obliques to the front. B. Right Rear Form Line. The front companies go to the right and rear. The right rear company goes to the right. Line of Companies at Full Distance. The following are the reverse of the last two movements : B. Left Rear Form Square. B. Left Form Square. The reverse of B. Into Line and B. Right Into Line are : B. Rear Into Square. B. Left Rear Into Square. 234 BATTALION. Square at Full Distance. B. Right, By Divisions. R F. 1st C. Forward, guide left. L. F. 2d G. Might face, forward. R. Br. 3d C. Forward, guide left. L. Kr. £th C. Right face, forward. The adjutant goes a little more than twice company distance in front of the left marker of the right company. The right battalion guide marks the po- sition of the left marker of the right rear company in front of the original line at twice company distance, and those of the right rear company at company distance from it. The left guide goes to the left of the right front company and establishes the markers of the left companies. March. The right companies move to the front. The left companies march to their new posi- tions ; they are then halted, faced to the front and all are dressed to the left. 235 BATTALION. Column of Company Squares at Pull Dis- tance. B. Left, Into Square. F. 1st C. Left dress. F. C. 3d G. Left dress. Kr. C. 2d C. Left half face, forward. Br. A.th G. Left half face, forward. The adjutant places himself a little to the right of the right marker of the front com- pany. The sergeant-major places himself a little more than company distance to the left of the left marker of the front company. The left guide goes to the left of the left company marker and establishes the mark- ers of the rear centre company at half- company distance from him. March. The front companies stand fast. The rear companies oblique and then march to the front, directing themselves upon the mark- ers. The companies are halted and dressed to the right. The battalion markers take their new places. 236 BATTALION. B. Right Into Column. B. Right Form Square. These are executed on similar principles. As the square is usually formed from col- umn by subdivisions, it is not necessary so to specify. In exceptional cases, to form column or come into column by companies, the command should be : B. Right by Companies Form Column. The new positions are fixed as explained above. The left companies oblique to their new places as soon as the front company has ad- vanced half company distance. B. Right by Companies Into Column. The right companies stand fast ; the left companies are formed in front of them in reverse order. B. Right by Companies Form Square, B. Right by Companies Into Square, are executed on similar principles. 237 3 ® 1 4 RIGHT FORWARD INTO LINE; O MARCH. * o a 1 a 3 RlQHT'FORM COLUMN. MARCH& BATTALION. Line of Company Squares at Full Distance. All movements are executed as far as pos- sible in the same manner as from a square. B. Right Form Column. R 3d C. Forward, guide left. R C. 1st C. Right face, forward. L. C. 2d C. Right face, forward. L. 4tth G. Right face, forward. The company markers hasten to their new positions and are established by the battal- ion guides under direction of the adjutant and sergeant-major. March. All the companies step out, and are marched by the flank to their new positions, as soon as they arrive where the right company stood they are dressed to the left on their markers. 239 To uufeu F. C. TO RIGHT. INTO LINE. [±f [It H TU R. C. AND R. TO FRONT. FORM COLUMN. ■a D"TJ "n R. C. TO RIGHT. INTO LINE. B L±T LIT UTtEl s \ \ a R. C. AND L. C. TO FRONT. FORM COLUMN. a 4\ 2 \ 3 D 'fe ON F. C. TO FRONT, F. TO RIGHT. LEFT FORM LINE. ON RIGHT CENTER. LEFT INTO COLUMN BATTALION. *B. Right Into Column, Same as above, excepting that the right company stands fast and the others oblique to the right. This movement may be executed on any named unit ; the company in front of the unit going to the left and rear. 241 BATTALION. Column of Company Squares at Full Dis- tance. B. Right Into Line. The company markers are established by the guide under direction of the adjutant and sergeant-major. F. 3d G. Left dress. F. C. 1st G. Bight half face, forvjard. Rr. C. 2d G Bight half face, forward. Rr. Uh G Bight half face, forward. March. Same as for the right companies in square. The guides establish successively the markers of each company. B. Right Form Line. This is the reverse of Left Form Column. A line may be changed into or form col- umn and conversely by indicating which companies in line go to the front, or which in the column go to the right. 242 p p CO? 4 3 BY SECTIONS, n BY SECTKDNS, RIGHT FORM COLUMN. RIGHT FORM SQUARE. 2 |1 D""T3 2 n 6 n ■ 2 d 3 n ON FRONT SECTION, TO RIGHT FRONT INTO COLUMN. R. F. AND L. F. SECTIONS, F.C. AND' RR SECTIONS,TO LEFT TO FRONT RIGHT FORM SQUARE. FORM COLUMN. Ef OTjrrtf la ON RIGHT SECTION TO FRONT RIGHT INTO LINE. *3 h h b 4 2 13 ON LEFT SECTION, FRONT INTO ECHELON. BATTALION. Line of Company Squares at Full Distance. * B. on Left Company Front Into Echelon. B. 3d G. Forward, guide left. E. C. 1st C. Forward, guide left. L. C. 2d G. Forward, guide left. L. Uh G. Left dress. The left guide paces company distance to the front from the left guide of the left marker of the left centre company, and the right guide twice section distance from the left marker of the right centre company to establish the markers of these companies in their new positions. The right guide then paces company distance to the right and company distance to the front to establish the right company. March. The companies step out and are estab- lished on their markers. * B. on Left Centre Company Right Front Into Echelon. Executed in the same manner, excepting that the left company goes to the rear. 244 BATTALION. The Battalion may be brought into eche- lon at any distance by so specifying in the command. The Line is re-established from echelon as from column. * One of the companies of a line may be sent to the front, or the front company of a column may be sent to the right or left, and the others brought into line upon it in any order that may be indicated in the com- mand. A column may be formed forward in any direction by so specifying in the command. Thus: B. Left Form Column on the Right The left company advances company dis- tance, unless some other is specified, and turns to the right. The others follow in succession until the column is formed- 245 BATTALION. Square at Full Distance. B. Forward, Into Line. E. F. 1st C. Right dress. L. F. 2d G. Eight dress. E. Er. 3d C. Right half turn. L. Er. 4tth C. Left half turn. The adjutant and sergeant-major go to a point outside the flank on a line with the front markers. The guides pace the distance for the markers of the rear company on a pro- longation of the line. March. The front companies are dressed on their markers. The rear companies step out, and when each has completed the change of di- rection, it is marched to the front and by another half turn established upon its mark- ers and dressed to the centre, 246 BATTALION. * Column of Company Squares at Full Distance. B. Right Forward Into Line. F. 3d C. Left dress. F. C. Is* C. Bight half turn. Er. C. 2d C. Eight half turn. Br. ith C. Bight half turn. The markers of the companies are estab- lished on the new line as in Eight Front Into Ltne. March. Executed as explained above for the right companies in square. B. Half Left, Right into Line. B. Company Distance on Right Into Line. * B. At Double Distance, Twenty Yards, Half Right Into Line, etc., etc. Each company goes directly to its new position with the guide left. When two paths cross, the company near- est to the basis waits for the other to pass. 247 BATTALION. Close Order. The principles of all the manoeuvres are the same as at full distance. Square in Close Order at a halt. B. Right Turn. R. 1st C. Forward, guide right L. 2d C. Forward, guide right. R Rr. 3d G. Forward, right face forward. L. Rr. Uh G. Forward, guide right. The front company markers are estab- lished on the new line. As the companies turn, the sections and files close up, and yield a little, if necessary, to avoid the next companies. March. Repeated by the chiefs of the left company. The left company advances company dis- tance, turns, and comes up to the new line. The left rear company marches forward and comes into position by turning. The right company comes up to its place and turns. The right rear company obliques to the left, marches to the front, and turns. 250 BATTALION. Square, in Close Order (marching). B. Right Turn. R 1st C. Forward, guide right L. 2d C. Forward, guide right. E. Er. 3d C. Forward, guide right. L. Er. 4dh C. Forward, guide right March. The left guides and markers hasten to their places. Each company is turned to the right as soon as its right guide comes directly be- hind his marker. The movement is com- pleted as at full distance. 251 BATTALION. Square in Close Order. B. Form Line. E. F. 1st C. Bight dress. L. F. 2d G. Eight dress'. B. Er. 3d C. Right face, forward. L. Er. UK C. Left face, forward. The guides go to their places. The rear companies step out and each is marched up to the line by the flank. When the guides are immediately behind their places in line they are halted and dressed on the centre. 252 BATTALION Line of Company Squaees in Close Order. B. Form Square. R 3d C. Left face, forward. R. C. 1st C. Forward, guide right L. C. 3d C. Forward, guide right. L. Uh C. Right face, forward. The battalion guides pace half-company distance to the front. The markers of the front company are established on the new front. March. Repeated by the chiefs of the centre com- pany. The centre companies are estab- lished on the line and dressed to the right. As soon as the other companies are un- masked their chiefs give the command of execution, and each company is halted, faced to the front, and dressed to the right as soon as its leading guide comes directly in the rear of the inner guide of the company in front. 253 BATTALION. Square in Close Order. B. Right by Divisions. R F. 1st G Forward, guide left. L. F. 2d G. Bight face, forward. R. Er. 3d G Forward, guide left L. Rr. teh G Bight face, forward. The battalion guides establish the mark- ers successively on the line. March. Repeated by the chief of the right com- panies. When these companies have advanced company distance, the chiefs of the left com- panies give the command of execution, and march their companies by their flank to their new positions. Column of Companies in Close Order. B. Left Into Square. F. 1st G. Bight dress. F. C. 3d G Bight dress. Rr. C. 2d G Left face, forward. Rr. Uh G. Left face, forward. 254 BATTALION. March. Repeated by the chiefs of the rear compa- nies, who march their companies by the right flank and establish them in their new posi- tions. Line of Companies in Close Order. B. Right Turn. The companies advance in echelon from the left, turn, and come up on the new line. Battalion Line of Company Square. B. Right Face. All face right. Forward, Guide Left. The guides shift to their positions in col- umn. 255 i i i i i i i .1 . i . i: I ! I, I I I I r~~ — ' -r^i^i i^^-i i — i i — y/m | I I I I I I 1 1 I i i i i i i I SE I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 * H I ^ H hH M M M h+H h- 1 H M M Mil J i i i i i i i i i i i i-M i i i i i i i i i i -r" BATTALION IN HOLLOW SQUARE. BATTALION. B. In Square in Close Order. B. Hollow Square. B. F. 1st C. Front sections left squad into ranks. Eight rear section right face into ranks. L. F. 2d C. Front sections right squad into ranks. Left rear section left face into ranks. B. Br. 3d C. Flight front section right face into ranks. Bear sections about face right squad into ranks. L. Br. 4:th C. Left front section left face into ranks. Bear sections about face left squad into ranks. The officers and guides and chiefs of sec- tion run to the centre through the nearest intervals. March. The sections are formed into ranks, and all face outward. The markers go to the 257 BATTALION. intervals between the sections to close them. The officers go behind the centres of their commands. B. Close Order. B. F. 1st G. Sections rear into square. L. F. 2d C. Sections rear into square. R Kr. 3d C. Sections rear into square. L. Kr. Uh C. Sections rear into square. March. The chiefs, guides, etc., go to their for- mer places. The sections are formed into square as before. The captains command Front Face. The chiefs of section command Left Face, etc. 258 BATTALION. Open Order. A Battalion in open order is dressed, marched, faced, and turned on the same principles as one at full distance. Square at Full Distance or Close Order. B. (to double, etc. , distance) Open Square. B. F. 1st G. Forward, guide right. L. F. 2d G. Forward, guide right B. Br. 3d G. Right face, forward. L. Br. UhC. Left face, forward. The guides pace to the front the proper distance, and establish the front companies. The battalion mare^rs and guides go to their new positions. March. The companies are marched to their new positions. The front companies are obliqued to the right and left in time to bring them to their new positions. Each is halted by its chief and dressed to the right. 259 • i£ n r ^ • 2 1 .4 3 4 3 FRONT COMPANIES FRONT. 4 3 DOUBLE DISTANCE OPEN. FRONT LINE. * • * ' • * 4v 2 * 4c _1_ / 3 BY_DIVISION BATTALION DISTANCE FORM LINE. i* + * 4 2 LTTT 4-213 \ BY DIVISION BATTALION DISTANCE OPEN LINE. □ □ □ D 2' 1 4. □" A 4-3 4-3 DOUBLE DISTANCE OPEN SQUARE. DOUBLE DISTANCE RIGHT OPEN SQUARE. TREBLE DISTANCE FRONT AND REAR OPEN SQUARE. ,4- 2 1 3 m DOUBLE DISTANCE OPEN LINE. BATTALION. Squake at Full Distance. To open the front line of the square the major commands : B. Front Companies, Front. The front companies execute the move- ment precisely as in opening the square. This line may also be opened to any dis- tance, right, or right and left, etc. The rear companies may be sent to the front or opened out in the same manner. BATTALION. Squabe at Full Distance. B. (to double, etc., distance) Right Open Square. R F. 1st C. Right half face, forward. L. F. 2d C. Forward, guide left. E. Br. 3d C. Bight face, forward. L. Er. Uh C. Bight dress. The companies are established as above and the movement is executed in a similar man- ner. The company may be opened to the right, left, and rear, etc., or to the right, left, front, and rear, in a similar manner. For the last, the command is, B. Front and Rear Open Square. In opening column the companies are established on the new position of the front company, and in opening lines on the new position of the right company, unless in either case one of the companies stands fast. 263 * + 2 2 4 1 □ □ * □ a FJJLL DISTANCE CLOSE SQUARE. * 4- 3 FULL DISTANCE LEFT. CLOSE SQUARE. 2 \ 4 3 FULL DISTANCE FRONT AND REAR CLOSE SQUARE. □ * Ji 3 . r r ; — i • i — | * G 2 1 ■ ■ F.ULL DISTANCE CLOSE LINEv BATTALION. Square at Full Distance or in Open Order. B. (to close order, etc., or) to Full Distance Close Square. E. F. 1st G. Left face, forward. L. F. 2d G. Eight face, forward. E. Er. 3d G. Left half face, forward. L. Er. Uh G. Eight half face, forward. The right guide establishes the right com- pany and the others are established upon it. March. The rear companies are marched to the front as soon as they come in rear of their new positions. The square, or any part of it, may be closed to the front, rear, right, etc., by in- verse means to those described for open- ing it. But if only a part of the square is moved, all the companies are established upon those that stand fast. 265 BATTALION. Line of Companies at Full Distance or in Close Order. B. (to double, etc. , distance) Open Line. E. 3d G. Bight face, forward. E. C. 1st G Right face, forward. L. C. 2d C. Left face, forward. L. teh G. Left face, forward. The right guide establishes the compa- nies of the right division, and the left guide those of the left division. The rear battalion markers take their places on a line with the front markers and at half-battalion distance from them. The guides are on the flanks at half-company distance from the company guides. Divisions are extended by similar means, and so are the companies of each divis- ion. The battalion in line may be extended while gaining ground to the front or rear, by making a third of a turn to reach their new positions before obliquing. The battalion is closed by inverse means. The companies are established upon the 266 BATTALION. right of the right-centre company or upon the front of the front-centre company, ex- cepting that when one company stands fast the others are established on it. A square, line, or column of companies may be transposed while extending or clos- ing by observing the principles above indi- cated, viz., to combine the direct and oblique marches so as not to crowd the units. 267 4 2 1 .3 d □ DOUBLE DISTANCE FORM SQUARE; rr "□ n _/ DOUBLE DISTANCE FORM LINE. □ d 2 1 4 3 ~n ct a "□ LT" TREBLE DISTANCE. OPEN COLUMNS. TREBLE DISTANCE. OPEN LINES. BATTALION. Squake at Full Distance. B. At Double, etc., Distance Form Line. The companies are marched by the flank. The rear companies are obliqued in time to come on the line in their new positions. Line of Companies at Full Distance. B. at Double Distance Form Square. The companies are established as in open- ing the square. The centre companies are marched to the front and then obliqued to their places. The flank companies are faced inward (if necessary) and marched by the flank. 269 * 4 2 * • b x 4 3 FULL DISTANCE FORM LINE. \ " D" 3 V 2 1 FULL-DISXANCE FORM SQUARE. U □ n • (• • a LT 2 CJ U n 3 FULL DISTANCE CLOSE. LlTfE. FULL DISTANCE CLOSE COLUMNS. inn 1 ; mi i !o + > + □' □ 2 1 3 FT COMPANIES FRO TREBLE DISTANCE FORM'SQUARE. RIGHT AND LEFT COMPANIES FRONT. REAR COMPANIES CEN £ORM LINE. 2 ■ u □ d double distance forward open line. BATTALION. Column of Companies Full Distance or Close Order. C. (to double, etc., distance) Open Column. F. 1st C. Forward, guide right. F. C. 3d G. Forward, guide right. Rr. C. 2d G. Forward, guide right. Er. Uh G. Right dress. The guides establish the new positions of the centre companies under direction of the sergeant-major. March. The companies step out and are estab- lished upon their markers. The battalion markers take places corre- sponding to those in a line in open order. 272 □ □ Hi i — » ___ 2 1 4 3 FRONT COMPANIES FRONT. 4 3 DOUBLE DISTANCE OPEN. FRONT LI 4^ 2 -u rr ~ n ~~n n BY DIVISION BATTALION DISTANCE FORM LINE. ■ . | . p , ,~ o=— *y_. -^fc| • 4 2 13 ■ a BY DIVISION BATTALION D'STANCE OPEN LINE. A 4 J- J? A A J- REINFORCEMENTS «... «... »- — i a pa ■ ■ ■ i • • • bl -a. • • • REGIMENT IN FORMATION FOR COMBAT* BATTALION. Square at Full Distance. B. For Combat, Four Hundred Yards Open Square. March. The battalion opens to double distance, and then the front companies continue to advance until they are four hundred yards in front of the rear companies. As soon as the square has been opened the adjutant, sergeant-major, guides and markers go to the major. The guides keep 5 yards behind him, and the markers in square, at full dis- tance, 2£ yards behind the guides, until their services are required. After advancing 400 yards the front com- panies are halted by their chiefs, who com- mand : O. For Combat, Two Hundred Yards Open Square. March. The company is opened as explained in the School of the Company. * B. For Combat, Treble Distance, Two Hun- dred Yards, Open Square. March. The same, excepting that all the squares 275 BATTALION. are opened to treble distance ; the front companies advance two hundred yards ; the front sections and fours one hundred yards, * B. For Combat, Four Hundred Yards Open Square. Front Sections, Half Company Dis- tance, Open Front Line. March. The front fours of the first sections sepa- rate until they are at battalion distance. * B. For Combat, Four Hundred Yards Front, Companies and Sections Front. March. Executed on similar principles. The front units open line and the rear units remain at full distance, as already explained. Formation for Combat. B. To Full Distance, Rear Close Square. B. To Two Hundred Yards Close Column, or Rear Close Column. * B. Rear Companies to Four Times Distance Open Line. * B. Front Companies to Full Distance Close Squares. * B. To Treble Distance, Right Rear Into Line, Etc., Etc. Are executed on the same principles as at 276 BATTALION. full distance. After forming for combat the line may be re-enforced in any manner that may be required. The four sections and companies on the firing line do not change their distances unless it is so specified in the command. B. Companies and Battalion Rear Section and Companies, Centre, Into Line. B. Platoons and Divisions Right Into Line. B. Companies and Battalion into Line. B. Right and Left Companies Right and Left Into Line, Battalion Into Line. By these movements a line is formed cover- ing tV to> h or t x f = ¥ of a battalion front ; so as to make a firing line of about 2 men to a yard, 1J men to a yard, one man to 14 yards, or one man to 2f yards. B. Companies and Battalion Right into Line. Thus the line is extended, battalion front to the right, with one man to If yards. 277 BATTALION. B. Right Rear Company, Battalion Distance Right of Firing Line, at Double Distance, Half Left Into Line. B. Left Rear Company Fifty Yards in Front of Firing Line, Treble Distance Into Line. B. Right Rear Company, Centre of Firing Line, Close Order. In this manner the line may be re-enforced, extended, or passed, or an offensive or de- fensive crotchet may be formed on either flank. Square at Full Distance. * B. Eight, Four and Two Hundred Yards For- ward, Open Front Lines. March. The rear companies stand fast. The front companies make a third of a turn outward, and advance 800 yards. Each captain then halts his company, turns it to the front, and commands : C. Four and Two Hundred Yards Forward, Open Front Line. March. The rear sections halt. The front sec- tions make a third of a turn outward, and 279 BATTALION. advance 400 yards. Each sergeant halts his section, turns it to the front, and com- mands : S. Front Fours Right Twos Front. March. Executed by the right two of each of the front fours, as prescribed for Front Fours Front. S. Two Hundred Yards Forward, Open Front Line. March. The corporals, followed by the twos, make a third of a face outward, advance two hundred yards and halt. The squares are closed to full distance as in the formations for combat, etc. 280 SCHOOL OF THE REGIMENT. The organization and manoeuvres of the regiment are so similar to those of the bat- talion, that they will be readily understood by substituting Colonel for Major, Captain for Chief of Section, etc. APPLICATION TO THE HIGHER UNITS. Will depend upon the Organization of the Brigades, Divisions, Army Corps, Armies, Grand Armies, etc. 281 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS