CS 71 .31 1 1901 1 Copy 2 WALLINGFOJiD (CONN.) JOHNSONS. By Fkederick C. Joun'son, M.D., of Wilkes-Barrc, Pcnn. . William^ Johnson of Wallinglbrd, Connecticut, emigrated to Amer- ica presumably about IGGO, and settled at New Haven. In Dec, 1061, lie married Sarah, daughter of John and Jane (Wollen or Wooliu) Hall. He was one of the founders or originalproprietors of Wallingford, in H)70 ; and one of the signers of the compact. In the town records of New Haven he is sometimes mentioned as "Wingle" Johnson, and is recorded as ''husbandman" and "planter." He died in 1716, and his will is recorded at New Haven. Children : i. Lieut. William,- b. September 5, 1665; d. in 1742. il. John, b. July 20, IBCT; d. 1744. iii. Isaac, of Woodbridiic, Conn. ; called Deacon and Captain; b. Oct. 27, 1672; d. Oct. 27, 1750; m. in 1699, Abigail, dauiihter of .John Cooper, •whose epitaph is given in New Haven Historical papurs, Vol. 3, p. 544. iv. Abraham, b. 1669. V. Abigail, b. December 6, 1670; m. Joseph Lines. 2. vi. Jacob, of Wallin.siford, b. September 25, 1674; d. July 17, 1749. vii. Sakah, b. November 6, 1676; m. Samuel Ilorton. viii. Samuel, b. Septembers, 1678; m. Anna Hotchkiss. ix. Mary, b. April 1, 1680; m. Samuel Bishop, Jr. X. Lydia, b. July 7, 1681 ; m. Andrews. xi. Hope, twin, b. May 10, 1685. xii. Eliz.ujeth, twin, b. May 10, 1685; m. Abraham Hotchkiss. xiii. Ebenezer, b. April 15, 1688; m. Lydia Hotchkiss. Jacob^ Johnson, ( WilUani^), of AVallingford, born in New Haven, Sept. 25, 1674; died July 17, 1749 ; married Dec. 14, 1693, Abigail^ daughter of John and Abigail (Merriraan) Hitchcock. [See Hitch- cock family.] Abigail was a granddaughter of Capt. Nathaniel Merriman, an original proprietor of "Wallingford. Jacob was ser- ge:int of the Wallingford train baud, and is referred to in the rec- ords as " Sergeant " Jacob. He was deputy to the general court. His will is recorded at New Haven. Children : i. llEUBEN,3 b. August 27, 1694; m. March 11, 1718, Mary Dayton. [Tuttle Family, p. 214, gives names of children.] 3. ii. Dka. Isaac, b. Fel). 21, 1696; d. April 23, 1779; ra. Sarah Osborne. Nov. 23, 1723. iii. Enos, b. 1698; d. 1786; had a son Shnborn. iv. ABIG.VIL, b. 1699; ra. Capt. Benjamin Holt. [Tuttle Family, p. 214.1 V. T^EUT. Caleb, b. 170.3; d. Oct. 13, 1777; m. Rachel Brockett. vi. Israel, b. 1705; d. 1747; m. Jan. 26, 1732, Sarah Miles. Children, according to Davis's "Wallingford " : 1. Eunice, b. 1734. 2. Anna, b. 1736; 'i. Pnulenre, b. 17.38; 4. Caleb, b. 1739; 5. Miles, h. 1741; 6. Jacob, b. 1742: 7. Rebecca, b. 1744; 8. Warren, b. 1747; 9. Silas, b. 1749. 4. vii. Daniel, b. 1709; d. Oct. 14, 1780: m. Dec. 24, 1732, Joanna Preston, viii. Sarah, b. 1710; m. Daniel Bartholomew. fBartholoraew Family, p. 86.] 5. ix. Capt. Abnkr, b. Aug. 2, 1702; d. Dec. 28, 1757; m. Dec. 14, 1726, Charity, daughter of Isaac and Rebecca (Tattle) Davton. of New Haven. [Tuttle Family.] < \ f.. X. Ukv. Jacoh, b. at WaHiniifonl, April 7, 1713; d. at Wilkos-Rarro, I'a., March 1.'), 17'J7. This line is being traced by Dr. F. C. Johnson, Wilivos-Barre, Pa. 3. Dk.vcon IsA.vc' Johnson (Jdcob'-, William^), born February 21, Killl'i; died April 2o, 177!>; married November 23, 1723, Sarah Osborne. ChiKlren, from town records: 1. .\mGAIL,* I). 1727. ii. S.\KAii, b. 1721). 7. iii. Isaac, b. 17.'U. iv. EsriiKK, b. 17;?5. V. Uaciikl, b. 1740; ni. Stephen Todd.b. March 3, 1735, sou of Stephen and Lydia (Ives) Todd. Tlioy removed to Salisbury, Ilerkinier Co., N. Y., in 1792. Issue: Isaac; Jehiel, who m. Hannah Steel; Stephen ; and Bertha. Tliis family is being traced by Mrs. Wil- liam II. Faust, of Ann Arbor, Michigan. vi. Ukimhca, b. 1744. Davis's " ^^'alin^fford " names all of above except Rebecca, and gives iu addition, Joseph, born 1725, and Lois, born 1738. 4. Daniki- Jcjiinson* (Jacob-, William^'), horn 1709; died 1780; mar- ried in 1732, Joanna Preston, wlio was born 1714, and died 1781. lie was a trial justice under the King. Children : i. CiiAiu.KS,* b. 1735. 8. ii. Capt. Soi.o.mon, b. 1740. Descendants of this line are being traced by Eilward H. Johnson, of Philadelphia, Pa. iii. JoAN.VA, b. 1743. a. iv. LiKiT. Daxik.i., b. 174G. Descendants of this line have been traced by George Kansoni Johnson, of Cheshire, Conn. V. ISKAEL, b. 1748. vi. Justin, b. 1752. vii. .Vnir.AiL, b. 1753. ^ viii. JosiiUA, b. 1757. i.\. Mi.NDWKLi,, b. 1758. X. Kkmixca, b. 1759. /). Cai'Tain Aijnkk^ Johnson (Jacob,'^ William^) of Wallingford, born Aug. 2, 1702; died December 28, 1757; married December 11, 172ri, Charity, dauglitcr