li>'*>WMMUuuumWM i flJ.i,t i i i awM i imiw inwvinnenr n TOWN REGIST lliiss Fa-«^ Unnl,- C -?■» M4 i'id:si-;.vri:i) by ESTABLISHED 1886. J. F. JEFFERDS Funnitune Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer* Goods sold at A VERT LOW PEICE Livermore Falls, Mame, LIVERMORE FALLS TRUST and BANKING COMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK $50,000 SURPLUS f20,000 Checking Dep't Savings Dep't Interest at 3i per cent per Annum Paid on Deposits. S. H. NiLES, President C. H. Stuktevant, Treasurer Edwin Riley, Vice President J. G. Ham, Secretary Dr. ROBINSON. Dentist Modern Artistic Dentistry at Reasonable Prices. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. C. M. ROBINSON, D. D. S. Graduate Philadelphia Dental College. Over Stewart's Hardware Store. Livermore Falls, ... Maine. - THE - Canton and Dixfield REGISTER 1 9 O 5 COMPILED BY MITCHELL AND DAVIS. Beunswick, Maine: Published by The H. E. Mitchell Co. 1905 We are Headquarters for CLOTHING and FURNISHINGS Of all kinds. We carry the A. B. Kirschbaum Hand Made, also Hersberg Hand Made and Jvjjl Union Ijabel, good as tailor made. One Price to All. LIVERMORE FALLS CLOTHING COMPANY, INC. Furniture^ Window Shades, Carpets, Rugs, Pictures and Picture Frames AT R. A. WING'S "Quality and Right Prices" is our Motto. We carry the well-known Singer Sewing Machine. Also Gaskets and Burial Robes. R. A. WING, Licensed Undertaker. Whltcomb Block, Depot Street, LiVERMORE Falls, Maine. \ (1 > ^i Marx TO ALL Canton and Dixficid Registcit 1905 INDIAN ACCOUNT. The aboriginal inhabitants of Maine comprised several races of red men, of which the Abenaques formed one of the most powerful nations. This nation was divided into four distinct tribes, viz: the Sokokis, or Sockhigones, who inhab- ited the valley of the Saco river; the Anasagunticooks, liv- ing in the valley of the Androscoggin; the Canabas, or Ken- abas, occupying the Kennebec valley; and the Wawenocks, east of the Sagadahock. The Anasagantieook tribe was one of the most numerous and powerful, their hunting grounds covering the entire valley of the Androscoggin with an encampment and fort at Pejepscot (Brunswick) on the lower course; a place of rendezvous at Lewiston Falls where at an early date was also another fort; and on the broad in- tervales at Canton was a large encampment, or village, the home of the Rockomekas, a branch of Anasagunticooks. Owing to the secluded location of the Anasagunticooks they were less disturbed in their hunting and fishing, and suffered less by the encroachments of the white settlers than 8 HISTORICAL. any other tribe; yet, notwithstanding this freedom from in- terruption, none were more hostle or vindictive toward the colonists. The Androscoggins were the first to "dig up" the tomahawk and the last to "bury" it. During King Philip's War the Anasagunticooks, under their Sagamore, Tarumkin, were very active, many of their number joining Philip's forces in Massachusetts. Tarumkin was a man strongly attached to his country and jealous of its rights. He was brave, but of no great intellect or strength of character. After the close of this war was a period of peace, lasting ten years, during which Worumbee, who, in 1684, had granted large tracts of land on the lower Androscoggin to Richard Wharton of Boston, became chief Sagamore. But at the breaking out of King William's War he was among the first to renew the conflict with the colon- ists, making the first attack on North Yarmouth, August 13, 1688. The natives of the Androscoggin exhibited so much ferocity and inhumanity that the Government at Boston sent an expedition, under Major Church, to destroy Worumbee's Fort at the Upper Falls on the river (at Lewis- ton), where he arrived Sept. 14, 1690, having marched up the river from Brunswick. According to Major Church's re- port, they attacked the fort by surprise, killed six or seven, and took eleven prisoners; a lad about eighteen making his escape "to another place where there was corn, about 40 or 50 miles up." This place was doubtless Canton Point, the Eockomeko of the Indians. The story is told that on one occasion the Rockomeko Indians were proceeding down the river by night to attack HISTOEICAL. 9 Topsham. They sent ahead one of their number to kindle signal fires on the island at Lewiston, above the falls, that they might not be drawn over the falls. Having built the fires the Indian went to the cabin of a settler who had lo- cated near the falls and who now surmised the Indians were on the war path. He got the Indian drunk and learned from him the story of the approaching party; after further treating the innocent traitor until he was unable to inter- fere, he rowed to the island, extinguished the fiies, and built others farther down the stream; when the unsuspecting party of warriors arrived in their canoes, supposing the fires to be on the island, they unwittiugly floated too near the falls and were carried over to their death. (King William's War lasted ten years, which were years of bloodshed and destruction to the coast settlements. During Queen Ann's War the Anasagunticooks were not so prominent as they had been hitherto. Hodgkins, who had become Chief was a brave warrior, but the tribe had become terribly wasted away during the many years of fighting. About 1703 the French induced many of them, together with the remnants of other tribes in Maine, to retire to Canada, where they settled along the St. Francois, and have since been known as the "St. Francis Tribe." But there were a few of the tribe in their native haunts for many years after. /In 1747 there were mustered 160 warriors, many having also died of small pox, and at the breaking out of the Revolution there were about forty of this tribe who made the shores, the ponds and the islands of the Andros- coggin their home. The name Anasagunticook is perpetu- 10 HISTORICAL. ated only in the name of the lake at Canton village, and the Indian village by Rockomeko mountain in the northern part of the town. True and pathetic are the words of Charles Sprague: "Alas for them, their day is o'er, Their fires are out from hill and shore; No more for them the wild deer bounds, The plough is on their hunting grounds; The pale man's axe rings through their woods, The pale man's sail skims o'er their floods. Cold with the beast he slew, he sleeps; O'er him no filial spirit weeps; No crowds throng 'round, no anthem notes ascend To bless his coming and embalm his end; Even that he lived is for his conqueror's tongue. By foes alone his death song must be sung." CANTON HISTORY PHIPS^ CANADA PROPRIETARY. Before the arrival of settlers in this section, and follow- ing the disappearance of the native tribe there was a period during which the primeval forest was disturbed only by the native beasts, or by the last remaining Indian hunters and, occasionally, by the advent of adventurous hunters and trappers of the succeeding race of white men. Up to 1771 the territory now incorporated within the HISTOEICAL. 11 towns of Jay and Canton formed part of the unappropri- ated public lands "east of the Saco." During- that year a grant was made of this territory, subsequently known as "Phips' Canada," until the incorporation of the town of Jay in 1795, and not until 1821 was the present town of Canton (with the exception of a small section received from the town of Hartford) separated from the mother town to become an independent organization. The following accounts are from the records of the pro- prietary which are now in the possession of the town of Jay. They cover the entire period of the founding of these towns, continuing until the final dissolution of the proprietary, three years after the town became an incorporated body. PETITION FOR A TOWNSHIP. PROVINCE OF MASSACHUSETTS BAY. To the Honorable Thomas Hutchinson, Esq., Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of His Majesty's said Province, the Honorable Council and House of Repre- sentatives in General Court assembled, March 15, 1770. The Petition of the Subscribers, humbly Sheweth, That your Petitioners are the Legal Representatives of Sundry Persons who were in His Majesty's Service in the Expedition to Canada in the year 1690 and Suffered greatly by their hard and Difficult Service. Several of which Per- sons Lost their Lives in the Service and Some others soon after their Return, by which means Several Families were Reduced from Comfortable Circumstances to Penury and thereby Disabled from Petitioning the General Court and 12 HISTORICAL. pursuing the settlement of uncultivated Lands, and Others Intimidated therefrom by Reason of the Perfidy & Cruelty of the Vile Indians; and some Others in affluent Circumstan- ces thinking it then, as Some do at this Day, Scarcely worth their notice, only for the benefit of Others, and the Utility of the Publick in general, whilst some others then Capable of Persuing and well knowing the goodness of the Lands then to be taken up in the Western Parts of the Province, have Petitioned and obtained Several Townships of Land more than Thirty years Since, which are now become Flour- ishing Towns and greatly Beneficial to the Province as well as Profitable to the Proprietors, and vastly Superior, both in Quality and Situation, to what are now to be obtained. And whereas Several of your Petitioners and the Predeces- sors of the Others, preferred a Petition to the Great and General Court Several years since, humbly Requesting a Grant of Land for said Extraordinary Service, and the Le- gality of their Claims (with Divers Others who then ob- tained Grants) were made out to the acceptance of a Com- mittee appointed by said Honorable Court for that purpose, and were by said Committee Selected into particular Socie- ties in order for their having Tow^nships granted to them, but by the Negligence of some Persons who were Employed to Prefer and Pursue said Petition, and by Reason of Ex- traordinary Casualities the affair was Retarded, so that neither your Petitioners nor their Predecessors, nor any Others in their behalf have obtained any Grant or Gratuity for said Extraordinary Services. Whereas, your Petitioners humbly Pray, Notwithstanding their Neglect, or the Negli- HISTOEICAL. 13 gence of their Predecessors in not pursuing the affair in proper Season, that this most Honorable Court would now be Pleased to Grant them a Township of Land, in such a Situation as shall be thought most Expedient, and your most humble Suppliants, as in Duty Bound, Shall ever Pray. Signed David Phips, Esq. And seventy-one others. The committee appointed by the General Court to con- sider this petition reported favorably, as follows; In the House of Representatives, June 11th, 1771, Resolved that there be Granted to David Phips, Esq., and others mentioned in the Petition, a Township of the contents of six miles and three-quarters square, to be laid out adjoin- ing to some former Grant in the unappropriated Lands in this Province to the Eastward of Saco River, provided the Grantees within seven years settle Eighty Families in said Township, Build a House for the Public worship of God and settle a learned Protestant Minister and lay out one eighty- fourth part for the first settled Minister, one Eighty-fourth part for the Ministry, one Eighty-fourth part for the Use of a School in said Township, and one eighty-fourth part for the Use of Harvard College forever; provided also that they return a plan thereof, taken by a Surveyor & chainmen under Oath, into this Court within twelve months. This resolution passed the Council the same day, and was "consented to" and signed by"T. Hutchinson" Lieuten- ant Governor. On April 22, 1772, a plan of a township was presented containing the contents of six miles and three-quarters 14 HISTOEICAL. square (exclusive of the allowance of one thousand Acres for Sway of chain and Two thousand Acres for Ponds & Rivers). Bounded as followeth, Beginning at a pine Tree on the west- wardly side of Amarascoggin river, thence across said River on the head line of a Township granted to Samuel Livermore and Others due East Two hundred & thirty two Chains, twenty five Links to a Stake and Stones; thence north on Province Land Five hundred and twelve Chains to a heap of Stones," etc., the other lines being through prov- ince land and all corners marked by "a Stake and Stones," until the northern line of Livermore was again reached. The pine tree stood on the northern line of Livermore and on the bank of the Androscoggin River. This township, con- taining over 31,000 acres, according to the above mentioned figures, was granted the petitioners, under the above men- tioned conditions, and soon beceme known as "Phips' Can- ada." The proprietors of this grant of land, were residents of Charlestown, Cambridge, Watertown, Waltham, Weston and Newton, all in Massachusetts, and held their first Pro- prietors' meeting at the house of Bezaleed Leonard, in Watertown, July 1, 1771, when a committee, consisting of Messrs. Abijah Brown, Elisha Harrington and Israel Whitte. more, was chosen to choose and lay out the township. Sub- sequent proprietors' meetings were held at the homes, or "inns" of the several proprietors, many of them being held at the inns of Capt. Jonathan Brewer and Capt. Isaac Glea- son, in Waltham. Alexander Shepard, of Newton, was pro- prietors' clerk for many years, until July 25, 1787, and for HISTOEICAL. 15 his faithful and eflacient services received a ^rant of 200 acres of the undivided land in this township. The elegant and legible handwriting of Mr. Shepard, and his correct spelling reflect much credit upon his education and ability. He was succeeded by William Fisk, Esq., as clerk, who filled the oflice until the proprietary was dissolved. The first division of lots was made on June 30, 1773, home lots being drawn on the east side of "Amarascoggin" river, and an allottment of the public lands on the west side was made at the same time. The following is a list of the proprietors receiving lots, with the number of their lots and ranges, on the east side of the river. These are arranged according to the number of the "draughts:" Jacob Gibbs, lot 4, range 11; Capt. Joshua Fuller, 5, 6 and 7-10; Edmund Trowbridge, Esq., 3-11; Thomas Harrington, 3-12; Thomas Parker, island N; Mercy Nutting, 2-13; Thomas Harrington, 1-14; Dowing Champney, M-14; Nathaniel Tolman, 2-14; Thomas Parker, I and K-15; David Phips, Esq., Island R, 3-15; Samuel Whittemore, 4-15; Capt. Braddyll Smith, 2-14; Samuel Larkin, 9-8; Seth Hastings, island, D & 7-8; First settled minister, 8-12; Samuel Whittemore, island S, 7 or B-7; Josiah Shattuck, island T, 6 or G-7; John Meriam, 6-6; Israel Whittemore, island N, 5 or A-6; Alexander Shep- ard, 4-5; Nathaniel Bridge, 3-5; Thomas Hastings, 2-5 Edward or John Manning, 1-5; Capt. John Brown, 1-4 Alex. Shepard, 2-4; John Stowell, 3-4; Jos. Champney, 10-9 Geo. Peirce, 11-9; Natl. Chadwick, 12-9; James Wellman, 13-9; James Dix, 14-9; David Stratton, 15-9; Israel Whit- 16 HISTORICAL. temore, 16-9; Harvard College, 8-14; Samuel Whittemore, island O or 9-9; Alex. Shepard, 8-10; Edward Manning, 7-9; Josiah Hastings, 10-8; Wm. Goddin, 11-8; Richard Tozier, 12-8; Geo. Lawrence, 14-8; Samuel Groves, 16-8; Nat'l Bridge, 17-8; Peleg Stearns, 9-10; David Bruce, 10-10; John Wilson, 11-10; Richard Trusdell, 13-10; Isaac Kidder, 14- 10; Caleb Call, 15-10; David Phips, Esq., 16-10; Richard Clark, 17-10; Ministry, 20-5; Jonas Peirce, 18-10; Peter Bent, 5-11; Edmund Trowbridge, Esq., 6-11; Timothy Flagg, 7-11; Jedediah White, 8-11; Ebenezer Brown, 9-11; Alex. Shepard, Jun., 12-11; Caleb Call, 13-11; James Ket- tell, 10-7; Isaac Child, 11-7; Thos. Shepard, 12-7; James Reed, 13-7; Nat'l Tolman, 15-7; Ebenezer Stedman, 5-12; Isaac Mirick, 6-12; Philip Bemis, 7-12; Alex. Shepard, 12- 12; Thos. Harrington, 5-14; Nat'l Bridge, 6-13; James Grimes, 13-12; Samuel Norcross, 9-6; Samuel Whittemore, 10-6; Wm. Kettell, 11-6; Jonathan Fessenden, 12-6; Edward Hall, 13-6; John Peirce, 14-6; Richard Bean, 15-6; John Ivory, 15-5; Alex. Shepard, 13-5; School lot, 9-12. Each lot contained approximately 100 acres, and each draft also gave title to a like area west of the river. At the same meeting a committee was chosen to clear a way to the township. At a proprietors' meeting, held April 12, 1774, a vote was made to give £4 to each of the first ten settlers who should clear ten acres of land in this township and seed it with grass or grain, build a house sixteen feet square, and settle within one and one-half years. The second division of lots was made, June 29, 1774, HISTOEICAL. 17 but on account of hardships occasioned by the breaking; out of the Revolution, the proprietors were unable to fill the con- ditions of settlement within the stated seven years. Upon petition they were granted, Feb. 9, 1779, seven years more to complete the conditions. No settlements seem to have been made up to this time, for a liberal reward was still offered to the first ten settlers. It is probable that few set- tled here previous to the erection of the proprietors' mill. The Proprietors A/i/7— Several attempts were made by the proprietors to erect a saw and grist mill for the encour- agement of settlers. On March 27, 1787, a committee was appointed to choose the best location for a mill in town, and on Nov. 20, following, a second committee was appointed to receive proposals from any one or ones who would erect the mills. The following report, dated April 6th, 1791, was made by the committee, which consisted of Capt. Richard Peabody, Col. Josiah Fuller and Capt. Moses Stone. "We, the Subscribers, the Major part of a Committee appointed by the Proprietors of the Township of Phips' Can- ada, for the purpose of looking out the most suitable mill spot in said Township for the accommodation of the Settlers therein and for agreeing with some suitable person to erect mills thereon, have attended that service, and beg leave to report our doings thereon as followeth, namely,— we care- fully viewed all the streams in said Township and were of Opinion that on Lott No. 6, in Range No. 5 on the east side of Amariscoggin River in said Township, on a Brook called Musqueto Brook (below Jay depot) was the most suitable place in said Township for the purpose aforesaid; and we C2 18 HISTORICAL. thereupon contracted with Deacon Elijah Livermore to erect a grist mill and saw mill thereon and keep them in good repair for the use of the Settlers in said Township & others for the term of ten years from and after the comple- tion of said Mills; for the Consideration of fifty pounds. And he has accordingly erected said Mills and given suflB- cient bonds to the treasurer of this property," etc. signed by Josiah Fuller Junr,. Moses Stone Junr. a Major part of said Committee. The same committee was also chosen at the same time "to lay out a road from Sandy-river-road to such part of the town as they shall judge most expedient for the interest of said property." April 2, 1789, they reported having ''laid out and cleared a road from said Sandy Kiver Road, thro said Township until it meets the road formerly cleared in said township leading across Seven- Mile-Brook (so called) at about the distance of two miles east of said Brook." Much effort was made by the proprietors to encourage settlement although not many of their number were among those who made their homes here. Many lots were taken up by the sons and sons-in-law of the owners, and after the beginning of the settlement the number increased rapidly. At a proprietors' meeting held April 6, 1791, a tax was assessed for the purpose of erecting the first meeting house. This was erected, but not completed. It remained the prop- erty of the proprietary until Jan. 2, 1797, when they voted to -'quit claim and give up" to the inhabitants of Jay the house erected by the proprietary for a place of worship, fflSTOEICAL. 19 together with the lot of land occupied by the house, compris- ing about two acres. At the last meeting of the proprietors, held in Water- town, Sept. 3, 1798, a vote was made to pay "to the treas- urer of Jay all surplus monies in the hands of the proprietary treasurer," to be appropriated toward finishing the meeting house in this town. The proprietary was then dissolved, having existed twenty-seven years,— during which time a flourishing town had been created, which, within a quarter of a century, was destined to form two of Maine's enterpris- ing and prosperous incorporated centres. INCORPORATION The plantation known as Phips' Canada was, on Feb. 26, 1795, incorporated, the town of Jay, by the General Court of Massachusetts. This town was named in honor of Hon. John Jay, then a leading statesman, and was incorp- orated two days before its sister town, Li verm ore. The bounds of the original township, as given in the act of incorp- oration are these : — Beginning at a maple(?)tree standing in the northeaster- ly corner of Livermore(now East Livermore) thence running north six miles one hundred and twenty-eight rods ; thence west four miles two hundred and seventy-two rods to a 20 mSTOEICAL. beech tree marked ; thence south forty degrees west six miles two hundred and eight rods to a pine tree standing on the bank of Androscoggin River; thence across said river the same course one hundred and eight rods to a hemlock tree ; thence south nineteen degrees east, till it intersects a line running south sixty-five degrees west from the north west corner of Liverrnore; thence on the northerly line of Liver- more to the first mentioned bound. By the Act of Incorporation Edward Richardson Esq., was authorized to issue a warrant calling the first town meeting. This warrant he directed to Wm. Liverrnore, call- ing a meeting to be held at the meetiug house, on the first Monday in April, 1795. At this first town meeting in Jay, Moses Craft was chosen moderator; Wm. Livermore, town clerk; Peter Asting, Sam- uel W. Eustis and Wm. Goding, selectmen; Wm. Livermore, town treasurer; Wm. Livermore, Samuel W. Eustis and Wm. Goding, assessor; Wm. Peabody and Oliver Fuller, constables. On February 5, 1821, an act to divide the town of Jay and to incorporate the westerly part into a township by the name of Canton, tor Canton, in Massachusetts, was passed by the Maine legislature and signed by the first governor of the state. The dividing line between Jay and Canton estab- lished at this time was as follows : " Beginning atthesouth- east corner of breakage lot No. 8 in the sixth range on the north line of the town of Livermore; thence north on the east line of said number, or tier of lots, to the north-east corner of lot No. 8 in the second range on the westerly side HISTORICAL. 21 of Androscoggin Eiver; otherwise said lot to extend so far north that a west course across said river will strike the north line of lot No. 6, in the tenth range on the easterly side of said river; thence west in said north line to the south- east corner of lot No 7 in the eleventh range; thence north on the east line of said range to the south-east corner of lot No. 14 in said eleventh range; thence west in the north line of said number or tier of lots to the south line of the town of Dixfield "etc.— Provided, however, that Israel Bean, Joseph Lawrence, Joseph Strout and John Drought, with theirfam- ilies and estates, and also lot No. 8, in the eleventh range, shall remain a part of and belong to the town of Jay." Ad- ditions have since been made to the town of Canton by an- nexing lots from the town of Hartford on the south. The town of Canton, although having more than one- third of the territory of the old town, received that propor- tion of all public property, and of the ministerial and school funds, also to hold all public lands that fell within her bor- ders ; likewise, she assumed one-third of the liabilities of the town of Jay at the time of separation. James Starr, Esq., of Jay Hill, issued the first warrant for a town meeting in the new town; this he directed to Joseph Holland, the meet- ing to be held in the school-house near Mr. Holland's, at Canton Point, March 28, 1821. At this meeting John Hearsey presided as moderator; Dr. Cornelius Holland was chosen town clerk, which office he tilled for ten years ; Joel Howard became treasurer, and Joseph Holland, Abiathar Austen and Joseph Coolidge, Jr. were elected selectmen of the new town. 22 HISTORICAL. EARLY SETTLEMENT At the time the grant of "Phips' Canada" was made, this town formed a part of Cumberland and Lincoln counties; the Androscoggin river being the boundary line between them, with Cumberland on the south-west. The lands in this sectioa were distinguished as "the unappropriated lands east of the Saco," but the sales or grants made began along the lower course of the river, each nevr township being located to the north, west, or east of those already chosen, as the grantees' representatives considered the locations most desirable. The grant of a township was made to the proprietors of the present towns of Livermore and East Livermore on the same day the grant was made to David Phips and his associates, and Elisha Harrington, one of the committee appointed to lay out this township, was also employed by the Livermore proprietors. It is probable that the latter township was laid out only a few weeks previous to this one, the location chosen by them being the fertile val- ley of the Androscoggin, north of Sylvester, Canada (Turner) ; and that chosen by the succeeding party w^as sur- veyed still farther north in the same valley including the broad intervales where were earlier confields of the departed natives, at Canton Point. It is said that the hills on the cornfields were plainly visible to the surveying party. We are informed that there were no permanent settle- ments made in this township prior to the close of the Revo- lution, and, indeed, it seems doubtful that the required ten HISTOEICAL. 23 families were settled before the year 1786. The first perma- nent settlement made in the townships was in the vicinity of Jay Hill, and the proprietors' mill was erected on the brook to the south. The early arrivals seem to have been very intimate with these in Livermore, and it is probable that the pioneers were also connected in their meagre business relations, grinding at the same mill, and assisting each other in "raising" the substantial frames for their dwellings, when they had become able to replace their original log- cabins (for many of them erected log-cabins) with the spacious square houses of which so many have withstood the blasts of nearly one hundred winters. Who was the first to settle in that part of Jay which became incorporated as the town of Canton in 1821 we are unable to say. The first permanent settlement of impor- tance was made at Canton Point, the Eockomeko of the Indians, and here implements such as they used have fre- quently been turned out of the soil, and a burying ground containing many of their skeletons has also come to light. That part of the town which has been annexed from Hart- ford, in the vicinity of Anasagunticook, or Whitney, pond, was originally included within a grant of a tract of land given to Capt. William Thompson, a zealous captain at Bunker Hill, where he led his men, and remained in the ser- vice during the entire eight years of the Revolution. We find that the first settlements in the present town of Canton were made about. 1790 and that Wm Livermore, Wm. French, Moses Coolidge, Peter Austen, Abraham Peter- son, Henry Goding, and Edward Shepard were among the 24 mSTOEICAL. first to establish their homes here. Wm. Livermore, the son of Dea. Elijah Livermore, was one of the foremost spirits in the settlement, and filled many important positions in the early town of Jay. Wm. French located in what is now Gilbertville and became a prominent citizen. Moses Coolidge took up a lot in the northeast corner of the town. Peter Austen {or Astin, aB we find it spelled) , settled at the Point, and became the pro- genitor of one of the most influential and wealthy families in the early town; he was, perhaps, the wealthiest man in the settlement prior to 1800. Abraham Peterson settled west of but near to "Peterson's Rips," now the location of the Riley mills. The Godings became a numerous and valued family. Edward Shepard was probably the son of Alexander, the proprietary clerk who owned large shares in the township. The town of Jay was divided into school districts in 1798, when the part now forming this town, or a part of it, was called Number 1. In an inventory record which seems to be of this district, and dated 1799, we find the following additional names: Thos. M. Prentiss, Samuel Bean, Benj. Bean, Amos Carver, Richard Drout, Eliphalet Gray, Japhet Allen, Daniel Child, Joshua Walton. David Clark, Samuel Juitt, Mark Willson, Geo. Wilson, Richard Peabqdy, and John Clark. Of these men Child settled below Canton Point, and Mark Willson on the east side of the river. Dr. Cornelious Holland, Joseph Holland, and Samuel Holland, settled at the Point early in the century; they were men of wealth and influence, and were extensive land owners. HISTOEICAL. 25 Dr. Holland moved here from Livermore and erected the house at the Point which is still standing, occupied by his granddaughter, Mrs. Fred C. Rowe. He was state senator from Oxford county two terms, and thrice elected represent- ative to the U. S. Congress. Gustavus Havford, son of William Hay ford, moved his family irom Bht'' -d to Canton in 1815, and he and his brother, Zi.rl, ^ ^ iif' firet settlers of Canton Village. He erected the llr.-ii; saw mill and grist mill, and the first dwell- ing house at this place. While building these mills they oc- cupied a log cabin, built on the present site of Nathan Rey- nold's drug store. This log house was occupied by Zeri and his family for two or three years, to board the work- men in the mills, and later as a schoolhouse, until a better one was erected. The dwelling house built by Gustavus Hayford the next year, 1815, the first framed dwelling house at this place, is now standing on the original site, beauti- fully located on the margin of Anasagunticook pond, near the mills, and is owned and occupied now (1905) by Frank O. Proctor. When purchasing the water power at this place, Mr. Hayford also became the possessor of a large tract of land upon which the present village is located. This was for many years known as Hayford's Mills. Zeri Hayford built a small house on the hill south of the mills, a portion of which is now standing, and a part of the same his son, Zeri, Jr., and grandson, Oscar, have since oc- cupied. Mr. Hayford was a man of great physical strength, standing 6 feet 7% inches in his stocking feet, of large frame 26 HISTOEICAL. aud well built. In a list of real estate owners in Canton, in 1825, we find, together with the foregoing or their descendants, the following: Alexander Alden, settled on Alden Hill; John Ames, Henry Briggs, Canton Village; Simeon Brett, (an 1812 soldier), James and John Brown, south of village, set off from Hartford; Hosea Benson, near Deshon's store; Jo- siah Bennett, Horatio Bisbee, Uriah Capen, Silas Dunbar, near Hartford line; Fuller Dike, Philip Arden and Gideon Ellis, (the latter settled on the Abiathia Austin farm below the Point), J abez Farrington, Chas Fuller, Pelatiah Gibbs, John Gileneas, Reuel Hinkley, Ivory Harlow, Thos. Hanni- ford, Samuel Hill, Isaac Harlow, Timothy Huntress, east- ern part of town; Joel Howard built the house, now the ell to Lyman Smith's house, on the same lot; Gilbert Hatha- way, John Hearsey, John Kelsey, Noah Lawrence, Jacob Leach, Jacob Lothrop, Jacob Ludden, Dan'l Ludden, Amos Lindsey, Manassah Lawrence, Thos. McCollister, John Man- well, John Parsons, Daniel Keynolds, John Simmons, Jere- miah Staples, Elijah Soule, Allen Sturtevant, Daniel Shack- ley, Jacob Strout, John Stickney, Ezekiel Treat, Thomas Thorn, Elisha Thomas, S. E. Treat, Gowen Wilson, Abel Wood and James Whitney. Noah Bosworth, Jr., Daniel Cram, John Hearsey, Otis Hayford, and John Stickney, were taxed for "stock in trade," and Joseph Bartlett, Daniel Child, Cornelius Holland, and David Reynolds, for money at interest. HISTOKICAL. 27 TOWN OFFICIALS. Clerks and Treasurers Since 1850. The same man generally fills both offices. 1850-'51, John Hearsey; 1852-'54, John M. Deshon; 1855, D. S. Tracy; 1856, John M. Deshon; 1857, D.S. Tracy, clerk, John M. Deshon, treas; 1858, Otis Hayford, Jr.; 1859, Otis Hayford, Jr., clerk, C. M. Holland, treas.; 1860, John Hearsey; 1861-'63, Nathaniel Whittemore; 1864, Isaac N. Stanley; 1865, Oscar Hayford; 1866-'67, John P. Swasey; 1868-'69, Roscoe H. Thompson; 1870, Munroe Peabody; 1871, J. P. Swasey; 1872, ; 1873, W. H. H. Wash- burn; 1874-'79, M. Peabody; 1880-'82, D. Bradford; 1883- '85, M. Peabody; 1886, H. H. Burbank; 1887-'93, M. Pea- body; 1894-'99, Nathan Reynolds; 1900-'02, John W. Thompson; 1903-'04, F. E. Bicknell; 1905, Geo. L. Wadlin. SELECTMEN. 1850— Caleb P. Holland, Ira Reynolds, John M. Deshon. 1851-'52— Gideon Ellis, Ira Reynolds, Jacob Ludden. 1853-'54— C. P. Holland, Geo. DeCoster, Granville Child. 1855 Ira L. Delano, Thos. C. Gurney, Am asa Huntress. 1856— Ira L. Delano, Thos. C. Gurney, Hiram A. Ellis. 1857— Thos. C. Gurney, H. A. Ellis, Sylvanus R. Treat. 28 HISTORICAL. 1858— Thos. C. Gurney, John McAllister, Ansel G. Staples. 1859— H. A. Ellis, Elkanah Leonard, S. R. Treat. 1860— H. A. Ellis, Elkanah Leonard, John D. Hodge. 1861 — John MeCollister, Jacob Ludden, Granville Child. 1862-'64— H. A. Ellis, John D. Hodge, Farnura Austin. 1865— H. A. Ellis, John D. Hodge, Otis Hayford, Jr. 1866— H. A. Ellis, Thos C. Gurney, Albion Thorne. 1867— H. A. Ellis, Albion Thorne, Calvin S. Brown. 1868— C. S. Brown, C. P. Holland, Wilham Dunn. 1869— C. S. Brown, C. P. Holland, Chas. T. Moulton. 1870— P. C. Holland, C. T. Moulton, D. P. Stowell. 1871—0. Hayford, A. G. Staples, Thos. Reynolds. 1872 , , . 1873— C. T. Moulton, B. C. Waite, G. Ellis. 1874— H. A. Ellis, C. P. Holland, S. P. Adkins. 1875— H. A. Ellis, C. P. Holland, L B. Fuller. 1876— H. A. Ellis, J. M. Holland, S. P. Adkins. 1877— H. A. Ellis, Wm. H. H. Washburn, S. P. Adkins. 1878-'79— H. A. Ellis, A. P. Hutchinson, J. M. Holland. 1880— C. M. Holland, J. M. Holland, W, H. H. Wash- burn. 1881— J. M. Holland, W. H. H. Washburn. Albert K. Foster. 1882— W. H. H. Washburn, A. K. Foster, 0. Hayford. 1883— J. M. Holland, A. Dunn, A. K. Foster. 1884— J. M. Holland, A. Dunn, A. S. Hathaway. 1885— J. M. Holland, A. K. Foster, Adelbert Delano. 1886— A. Delano, 0. F. Taylor, H. N. Campbell. HISTOEICAL. 29 1887— A. Delano, B. C. Waite, H. N. Campbell. 1888— A. Delano, B. C. Waite, C. C. Ellis. 1889— B. C. Waite, J. H. Burbank, C. C. Ellis. 1890-'91— B. C. Waite, C. T. Bonney, W. W. Rose. 1892— C. T. Bonney, Jr., W. K. DeCoster, A. K. Foster. 1893— A. Delano, W. H. H. Washburn, D. W. Wood- ward. 1894— W. H. H. Washburn, A. K. Foster, D. W. Wood- ward. 1895— W. H. H. Washburn, S. M. Ludden, D. B. Dear- born. 1896— W. H. H. Washburn, C. F. Oldham, A. Delano. 1897-'98— W. H. H. Washburn, C. F. Oldham, C. R. Ellis. 1899— W\ H. H. Washburn, E. W. Howe, J. M. Johnson. 1900— A. Delano, E. W. Howe, J. M. Johnson. 1901— B. C. Waite, C. F. Oldham, S. B. Ellis. 1902— B. C. Waite, E. E. Caldwell, D. B. Dearborn. 1903— B. C. Waite, E. E. Caldwell, W. W. Blanchard. 1904— E. E. Caldwell, W. W. Blanchard, F. W. Morse. 1905— E. E. Caldwell, C. R. Ellis, H. T. Tirrell. INDUSTRIAL AFFAIRS. Lake Anasa^unticook, formerly known as Whitney Pond, lies on the southern border of Canton, and upon its 30 HISTORICAL. outlet, now known as Whitney brook, is the beautiful vil- lage of Canton. This was for many years known as Hay- ford's Mills, and later, as Canton Mills, until, this villag:e having increased in population and commercial importance, while that at Canton Point had decreased, the name Canton was given this postofRce. The picturesque scenery of this section is unsurpassed. Varied by its rugged hills and mountains, its level, fertile intervales, glassy ponds or flow- ing river, who can wonder that the native red men found here the ideal spot of all the section around for their en- campment, and for a resting place for their departed war- riors? As already shown in a preceding chapter, Gustavus Hayford erected the first mill and dam at his place, in 1814. The following year he brought his wife and daughter, Eliza- beth; who was born in Hartford the preceeding June (1815), and who is now so well remembered as Mrs. Elizabeth Bar- rows. Mr. Hayford's saw mill was built where the tannery now stands, the grist mill was on the opposite side of the road, now the site of the dry house. In 1819 Amos Turner bought a share in the right on this water privilege, of Mr. Hayford, for the purpose of introducing a tannery; and this, although meagre in itself, is the beginning of the pres- ent industry which is so important a factor in maintaining the prosperity of this community. Simeon Brett, an industrious and energetic business man, came from Turner, around 1830, purchased a portion of the water power, and put up a Fulling a^nd Carding Mill HISTOEICAL. 31 where he did a flourishing business. Later he enlarged its capacity by erecting a fine, large building, which is now standing on Main street, on the old site, and introduced looms for the manufacture of cloths. His goods soon ac- quired a good reputation and ready sales, and until late in life he continued in the manufacturing business. He also opened a hotel in the place, and was the popular and hon- ored host for many years including the 40's and 50's. George DeCoster, another early arrival in the village, for many years carried on a large Carriage Manufacturing business, and it was here that Simeon Bicknell, beginning when a poor boy, learned this business, which he continued through the greater part of his life. ' This village was also the site of a Foundry, located near John P. Swasey's law office. This was established by Otis Hayford, early in the last century. Mr. Hayford was suc- ceeded by Andrew Barrows and Gideon Ellis, Jr., and they by R. A. Barrows, who continued the business until about 1889, when it was discontinued. Stoves, plows, mill cast- ings, shingle machine frames, and other articles were pro- duced here in large quantities. At Gilbertville, which was at one time quite a manufac- turing center, there was a pulp mill and a large lumber mill in operation. The pulp mill was erected by the Denni- sons of Mechanic Falls, about 1880, and employment was given to 100 men. The business afterwards came into pos- session of the Poland Paper Co. and was operated until 1897, when it was burned, on the third of April. The plant has never been rebuilt. 32 HISTOKICAL. The large lumber mill was established by Gilbert Bros, in 1879, with capacity for three cars per day, employiD^ the services of 40 to 50 men. George VanDyke bought theprop. erty after a few years, and sub-let it to Geo. B. Staples, and others, lastly to one Mr. McFadden, but this has not been operated for several seasons. The tanning business, which has been continued without intermission, except for brief periods, at first occupied but one of the four water privileges at this village. It was oper- ated by Mr. Turner for a period of several years when he sold to Wm. Bosworth; he, in turn, sold to Ichabod Lind- say; and he to Cyrus Hutchinson. Each of these men were tanners here for several years, tanning all varieties of skins, the work being done entirely by hand. After the death of Mr. Hutchinson the business was practically discontinued until 1887, when it was purchased of the heirs by Lyman W. Smith. The capacity of the plant at that time was to give employment to six or eight men. Mr. Smith began at once to enlarge the business. He erected new buildings, installed new machinery for doing the work, and introduced modern methods of operating, until now 100 men are employed reg- ularly, and a correspondingly large amount of business done. None but sheep-skins are used now. These are tanned and assorted, the best quality being used for covering the rolls used in spinning cotton; other grades are used in the manufacture of shoes, both tans and blacks, also for making leather novelties. An electrical generator was installed about six years HISTORICAL. 33 ago, and a system of electric lights put in throughout the buildings and some on the streets. The business has now outgrown the water power, and steam is used as a supple- mentary power. The packing house at Canton village was built in 1881, by J. Winslow Jones, The Winslow Packing Company was soon after formed, and this house operated by them until 1887, when it was bought by the Portland Packing Co. The main building was burned and a new building erected in 1901. Nothing but corn is packed here, 500,000 cans annu- ally being its capacity. J. K. Forhan, the foreman, has been connected with the plant since 1887, with the excep- tion of the year 1891. The Canton Co-operative Creamery Ass' n was organized in the spring of 1899 and the creamery erected the following summer. It was opened Nov. 1, 1899, with J. R. Remick, manager. On June 15, 1900, it was leased to Brown & Cowen and operated by them until April 15, 1901, when it wasclosed. Mar, 1, 1902, it was again opened, bytheHobart Farm Co., but closed again during thesummer. March 1,1903, the factory was purchased by the Somerset County Creamery Co, which began opera tions the first of the followiug April, and has continued successfull3\ They have 150 patrons, and make a specialty of sweet cream, which is shipped to the Boston trade. J. N. Gilman, of Pittyfield, is general manager; B. E. Patterson is local manager. W. W. BlancharcVs feed mill was erected by Atwood & Low. It was operated by Wm. F. Stanley, E. W. Howe and Bicknell & Stanley successively before being purchased by C3 34 HISTOEICAL. Mr. Blanchard two years ago. |3,000 worth of business is done monthly. The well-known violin maker and player, Frank Rich- ardson, has produced over 100 fine instruments which sell at an average price of |50, but for some he has received as high as |100. The work of the past winter has produced five handsome specimens. Mr. Richardson has played at public entertainments for sixty -four years, having begun at the age of sixteen. C. F. Oldham is operating a wood-working establishment where considerable business is done in house finish and other material. MILITARY MATTERS The town of Canton is justly entitled to the high esteem of the state and nation for her loyal support of the inter- ests of the American government in the great rebellion. If one thing more than another is to be revered and commem- orated, impressed upon the minds of the rising generation, that thing is the record of names and deeds of men who faced the dangers of the battlefield for the welfare and safety of their country. Time rolls on and we are apt to forget the value of the service rendered by the soldier in war. Each succeeding generation is more forgetful of these things than its predecessor unless it is taught to revere and love the memory of the deeds of the soldier. It should be in the mind of each father and each mother to instill into the mind HISTOEICAL. 35 of the youth the signiticance of the inscriptions, "Killed at Gettysburg," "Wounded at Vicksburg," and "Died in Libby Prison." No one should lose the opportunity to impress upon the generation to which he belongs and upon the one which follows, the responsibility which rests upon each man. It is with pleasure that we are able to give a list of the names of the men who enlisted from this town in the Union ranks during the War of the Rebellion. These names we have compiled from the Maine Adjutant General's reports for the years covering the dates of that struggle. CIVIL WAR ENLISTMENTS. Osborn Allen, Lorenzo D. Allen, George W. Burbank, Gilman R. Buck, Frederick W. Buck, Isaac Bearce, Sam'l T. Blackwell, Chas. Brown, Benj. K. Barrows, Ronello A. Barrows, Lewis C. Bisbee, I. R. Bubier, Horatio Bisbee, Jr., Lieut. Col. Elisha Bisbee, Corp'l Asamiah N. Childs, Edwin B. Childs, Matthew H. Childs, Bradley J. Childs, Bradbury J. Childs, Stephen L. Cushman, Jas, Carver, Stephen E. Cor- thell, Josiah Clewly, Caleb Delano, John D.DeCoster, Arthur Downey, Walter B. Ellis, Alphonso W. Ellis, Josiah N. East- man, Wm. W. Esler, Francis P. Furber, Wm. Farrier Fogg, Geo. Garner, Jonas E. Greenwood, Fairfield Gammon, Wm. F. Gerald, Geo. G. Gifford, Albert Hunter, Gustavus Hay- ford, Aretus A. Hutching, Enoch H. Hinds, Enoch Hines, E. H. Hines, John E. Hersey, Pulaski Hodge, Sam'l W. How- ard, Cooper A. Holt, Jos. 0. Holland, Chas. O. Holt, Geo. A. Hutchins, John Hagan, Geo. C. Hayford, musician, Artemus C. Holt, John A. Hodge, Ebenezer A. Harlow, Clifton Jones, 36 HISTOEICAL. Katilius P. Jones, Rutilons T, Jones, John B. Kelsey, Thos. H. Kelley, Sam'l Lucas, Geo. W. Moore, Albert A. Mitchell, Wm. S. Moore, Gillson Mendall, Alonzo Noyes, Eliphalet Noyes, Cyrus S. Peabody, Stephen S. Packard, Sam'l Pea- body, Gorham M. Park, Luther S. Pomroy, Wm. B. Puring- ton, Austin Reynolds, Janues A. Reed, Jas. A. Reed, Jas, M. Reed, Auo^ustus Read, Wm. K. Ripley, Jr., Serg't Alvin Rob- inson, Henry Ripley, John Shackley, Albert Smith, David P. Stowell, Major John P. Swasey, Jas. M. Shackley, Moses Sims, Wm. F. Shackley, Geo. F. Towle, Albion Thorn, John Taming. Foreign Enlistments: Jerome R. Hodges, Almond A. Noyes, Henry B. Noyes, Napoleon Stockbridge, Virgil Stock- bridge. Nor was this town without good representation in the late Spanish-American War, fought in the interests of civil- ization and humanity. The names of Leon S. Johnson, Guy H. Virgin, and Wm. S. Wills, musician, are found on the roll of the First Regiment of Maine Volunteers. Al- though their services were not required for so long a period nor the demand upon them so great yet the fact that these boys were found ready to defend their country's flag and face death on the battlefield if need be, merits our deepest respect and honor. G^raod^r723.F Pos^.— John A. Hodge Post, No. 71, was organized April 17, 1883, as follows: Isaac Virgin, Com.; M. R. Davis, Sr. Vice Com.; Polaski Hod^e, Jr. Vice Com.; W. H. H. Washburn, Adj.; Robert Swett, Qr-Mr.; R. A. Bar- rows, Chap.; G. W. Moore, Sur.; C. O. Holt, O. D.; G. K. HISTORICAL. 37 Johnson, 0. G.; and the Comrades: A. R. Dorr, O. R. Stet- son, J. M. Shackley, J. D. Pike, Adelbert Kidder, Thos, Wentworth, Samuel Lucas, Gilson Mendall, and B. A, Swasey. The present organization of this Post is as fol- lows: Wm, F. Mitchell, Com.; Geo. W. Moore, Sr. Vice Com.; John W. Thompson, Jr. Vice Com.; R, A. Barrows, Adj.; Robert Swett, Qr-Mr.; Polaski Hodge, 0. D.; J. M. Shackley, O. G.; L. 0. Virgin, Chap.; Benj. A. Swasey, Sur.; and M, R. Davis, I. G. Virgin, John P. Swasey, Michael Looney, Adel- bert Delano, Geo. F. Towle, Thos. Farrar, Benj. F. Reader, and Elias H. Johnson, Comrades. CHURCH AFFAIRS. The first arrivals in this section were included in the first parish of Jay, and worshipped in the old church begun by the proprietors, on Jay Hill, in 1 791. This edifice was never finished, but was used as a house of worship until the pres- ent Jay town house was erected by a committee chosen by the First Baptist Church society of that town. The pews in this fine old church, erected on the old English style, with broad galleries and a raised pulpit which was reached by stairs, were sold in September, 1809, and the house was reg- ularly used for a long period of years, until the village had grown away from it. Bj the terms of the act of incorporation of the town of 38 I mSTOEICAL. Canton, the town received one-third of all ministerial and school funds which had arisen from the sale of the lands reserved for these several institutions in the ^rant of the original township. According to the tax list for 1825, pre- viously referred to, we find the 137 voters in Canton classi- fied for drawing the interest on the ministerial funds for the support of their respective denominations as follows: Uui- versalists, 62; Baptists, 36; and Methodists, 15. THE UNIVERSALIST SOCIETY The Universalist Society was one of the first organized in town, and above we have seen that the number of its adherents in 1825 greatly outnumbered that of the other religious denominations. Previous to 1853, we have no rec- ord of this organization. On Nov. 12 of that year, the society voted to employ Rev. Geo. Bates, and to erect a new meeting house, previous to which they had worshipped in the Baptist church and in schoolhouses. The church was accordingly erected during 1855, and some pews in it were sold to the Free Baptists who held their meetings in the new house until their house was erected. The Universalist house was extensively repaired in 1879, and made a more modern church. Rev. Mr. Bates resigned the pastorate in Oct. 1856, and was followed, after a short interval, by Rev. Mr. Taylor. Other pastors who have had the charge of this church are Revs. Otis H. Johnson, Wm. A. Pratt, E, C. Downey, Rev. Mr. Aubrey, H. C. Munson and J. H. Little. The present pastor, Miss Marcia M. Selman, began her work here, Feb. 14, 1904. mSTOEICAL. 39 FIRST FREE BAPTIST CHURCH A society of Free Baptists was organized in Canton, in 1840, with eleven members as follows: Joseph Soule, Robin- son Gammon, Mrs. Sarah Gammon, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Childs, Mrs. Jesse Peabody and Miss Charlotte Andrews. Rev. Robert Hayes became the first pastor of the society, and was succeeded in this capacity by the following men: Revs. Wm. Woodsom, Otis Andrews, Austin Wheeler, David Allen, James Austin, H. Atwood, Charles Bean, E. Eaton, Asa Hutchinson, Rev. Mr. Hultz, J. A. Libbey, S. W. Per- kins, C. T. D. Crockett, Chas. Purington, Ozro Roys, W. J. Twort, H. C. Lowden, P. W. Curtis, J. H. Bartlett, J. M. Paige, W. W. Carver, C. C. Foster, E. B. Foster, and the present pastor, Rev. L. L. Harmon. This society had no church home of its own until the year 1868, when a new meeting house was erected. Ten years later, the steeple of this structure was blown down upon the roof, crushing in a portion of the roof and necessitating the rebuilding of the church at that time. On December 14, 1902, this church was entirely destroyed by fire. Although it was not covered by insurance, making it a dead loss to the members, by their heroic and self-sacrificing efforts the present nea^, new church building was erected, and was dedicated free from debt On January 12, 1904.— Account furnished by C. E. Mendall, Church Clerk. 40 HISTORICAL. SCHOOL ITEMS. The early history of the schools of this town is the his- tory of the schools of the town of Jay. We find that when that town was divided into school districts in 1798, and committees chosen in each of the four districts laid out for the erection of schoolhouses, the committee chosen in Num- ber 1, consisted of VVm. Livermore, Peter Austin, Abraham Peterson, Edward Shepard and Henry Goding, This district seems to have covered the part of this town then inhabited, and the first schoolhouse was probably on the point. The first school kept at Canton village was kept in the log cabin erected in 1814 by Mr. Hayford. It is probable this house served for several years. Very soon after the incorporation of Canton the town was re-districted into school and highway divisions. Six school districts were laid out, and the sum of $200 raised for the maintainance of instruction. In 1825, there were 290 scholars in the town, according to a tax list of that date. Eight of these came from one family, that of Jacob Strout; while seven were sent from each of thefollowing: Abiathar Austin's, Jonathan P.Ames', Fuller Dike's, Jabez Farrington's, Timothy Huntress', Sam- uel Holland's, Jacob Ludden's, John Parsons', John Sim- mons' and Ezekiel Treat's. These are the families that have perpetuated the stock of this hardy class of pioneers, and many of these "youngsters" proved themselves the worthy descendants of an honorable race. HISTORICAL. 41 The present school building at Canton village was erected in 1881, to take the place of that erected ten years previous, but which had been burned in 1880. The house was nearly doubled in size during the last year, and it has now ample room to accommodate the high school, as well as the lower grades of the village school. The School League has done much toward decorating and furnishing the rooms at the Village and Point schools, each of which have a good library, book cases, etc. The league at the Point has purchased and paid for an organ this past winter, costing about f 50. The course of study in the high school has been recently enlarged, and the school accepted as a standard school by the State. The number of pupils enrolled in the several schools of this town during the past school year is 201. RAILROAD DEVELOPMENT. Previous to the arrival of the railroad in this section there was little manufacturing of any commercial import- ance in Canton or Dixfield. The railroad bed leading from Mechanic Falls to Canton was graded by Francis O, J, Smith before the breaking out of the rebellion, but no rails were laid until several years after its close. At that time this town gave bonds for |50,000 to have the road extended through to this place. It was constructed only to Buckfield 42 HISTOEICAL. at first and was operated as the Portland & Oxford Central R. R. In 1878 Ex-Gov. Washburn, S. C. Andrews, of Port- land, N. L. Marshall, of West Paris, and Otis Hayford, of Canton, purchased the bonds of this road and organized the Rumford Falls and Buckfield Railroad Co. They rebuilt and equipped the old road and extended the line through to Gil- bert ville the same year. This was for some years known loc- ally as Smith's railroad. The road was later sold to the Portland & Rumford Falls R. R. Co., and, in 1892 the line extending from Canton to Rumford Falls was built and equipped. It was not until about 1899 that the branch from this village to Livermore Falls was constructed. ASSOCIATIONS. CANTON GRANGE, NUMBER 110, P. of H., was or- ganized at Canton Feb. 20, 1875, with 34 charter members. This organization has a large hall, erected in 1897 at a cost of 13000. J. M. Holland was chosen the first master, and served two years. He has been succeeded by J. H. French, 2 yrs; J. S. Mendall, 5 yrs. ; Gilson Mendall, 4 yrs. ; C. Pack- ard, 1 yr. ; John Manwell, 3 yrs. ; W. W. Rose, 5 yrs. ; A. F. Russell, 3 yrs. ; E. R. Boothby, 1 yr. ; C. D. Leavitt, 4 yrs. ; and 0. M. Richardson, 1 yr. The present master is A. F. mSTOEICAL. 43 Kussell; other leading officers are: E. E. Caldwell, Over.; Mrs. L. 0. Virgin, Lee. ; Mrs. C. W. Walker, See. ; C. W. Walker, Treas. ; and John Manwell, Chaplain. The organi- zation now numbers 220 members, and is one of the most successful and prosperous in the county. — Account furnished by Mrs. C. W. Walker, Sec. The fine new Odd Fellows Hall, erected the same year as the Grange Hall, contains a large Opera Hall below, seat- ing 300 people. The society rooms are on the second floor. The building is 40 by 80 feet on the ground, with the opera room 16 feet and the society hall 12 feet posts. The Odd Fellows society was organized Jan. 22, 1879 with seven members, and run for twenty-five years without losing one of these men, and all but one are yet living. A society of Rebekahs has been organized, and occupies the same rooms. THE ANDROSCOGGIN VALLEY AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION has been in operation practically since 1884 when the track near the railroad line was laid out and the grand stand, judges' stand and stalls erected ; this organi- zation however was not made until 1888. During the sum- mer of 1903 a large new grand stand was erected. The fair is held three days during September. J. W. Thompson, of Canton, was president of the Association for six years prior to the last election. The present officers are: Dr. A. L. Stan- wood, of Rumford Falls, Pres.; O. M. Richardson, of Canton, Sec. ; and D. W. Goding, of East Peru, Treas, 44 HISTORICAL. DIXFIELD HISTORY. HOLMANTOWN PROPRIETARY proprietors' record. Township No. 1, on the north side of the Androscoggin river was purchased by Col. Jonathan Holman, of the Com- mittee for the sale of Eastern Lands, for himself and Asso- ciates, A. D. 1789; — which originated by a subscription, dated at Sutton, Massachusetts, June 26, 1789, as follows: We, the subscribers, agree to join in the purchase of the (ye) township or piece of land which Dr. Elijah Dix has ob- tained the refusal of until (tile) the fifth of July next, from the Court's Committee, according to their (its) proposal, dated the 20th inst, wherein they say they will sell to Messrs Holman and Waters, of Sutton, a tract of land lying on the north (side) of the Androscoggin River, and, we hereby agree and engage to pay for the quantity of land we sever- ally and respectively annex (annix) to our names, provided we can have a title to the same, in the tract of land de- scribed in said proposals of the Court's Committee accord- ing to said proposals. This tract of land was considered in the subscription for it, as divided into sixty (60) parts or rights, and the sub- scribers "annex to their names" are, two or more 60ths HISTORICAL. 45 (sixtieths). After the first subscription, there were alter- ations in the quantity of land to some of the subscribers, so that on (at) the first of Dec, 1787, when there was a gen- eral liquidation of all expenses and accounts up to that day, they stood as follows: Jonathan Holman 7 Stephen Stockwell 1 Asa Waters 3 Solomon Holman 1 Andrew Eliot 4 Peter Holman 1 Asa Goodell 4 David Holman 1 John Holland 2 Samuel Bixby 1 Samuel Small 1 Samuel Goodell 1 Aaron Pierce 1 John Goodell 2 James Taylor 2 Joshua Goodell 2 Nathan Whitmore 2 Moody Severy 1 Gardner Waters 1 ' Elijah Waters 1 Amos Trask 1 Ebenr. Chaplin 1 Elijah Dix 13 Jonas Libby 1 John Jacobs 1 Stephen Prince 1 Jeremiah Robinson 2 John Pierce 1 The following note was added: "N. B.: Although said purchase is said to originate in the foregoing subscription, yet the matter was negotiated about 2 years before; and Col. Holman, Dea. Waters, and Capt. Eliot, spent consied. He served as town clerk for many years. Capt. Amos Trask settled the Frank White place. He operated the "Old Yellow House" as a tavern lor several years. Daniel Torrey settled on the River road, two miles below Gen. Holland's, Antipas Holland probably lived on the c4 50 HISTORICAL. same farm as Gen, Holland. Simeon Newton lived four miles from the villaoe, on the Newton Brook meadow. Levi and Jacob Newton both lived near the center of the town. Joseph Mitchell's home was two and a half miles north of the village, on the Weld road. Asa Axtell, who was an important man in the early town, settled near the Jay (now Canton) line. The Howards lived four miles below the vil- lage. Joseph Wheeler settled at the lower end of the village, on the site now occupied by Levi Humphrey's house. He was an early constable, and a trial justice. The following are the names of other men who were among the early comers here, and to whom is due the credit of helping to establish and form a flourishing township in the midst of the wilds of Maine, during the days when this local- ity was only approachable by water,or by spotted line through an unbroken forest, and when the hardships of pioneer life were borne with patience and fortitude by the noble men and women who have labored that the succeeding generations might inherit homes and liberties in a free land. Oliver Put- nam, Jonathan Morse, John Gould, Aaron Barton, Andrew Elliot, Elijah Daisy, John Marble, John Moore, William Wait, Israel Richmond, Esq., Holmes Thomas, Bartholomew Hutchinson, Gardner Brown. Job Hathaway and Elisha Park were doubtless the first mill owners; Silas Leonard, Chas. L. Eustis, and "Old" Sam Parks were other early mill men. They will be mentioned under industries. Col. Samuel Morrill opened the first tav- ern in 1827; Gen. Henry Farwell was the first lawyer; and Drs. Chaplin and White, the first practicing physicians located in town. HISTORICAL. 51 ACT OF INCORPORATION. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. In the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three. An act to incorporate the easterly part of a tract of land in the County of Cumberland which was granted to Jonathan Holman & others on the north side of Andrew- scogging river, with the inhabitants thereon into a town by the name of Dixfield. Section I. Be it enacted by the senate and House of Rep- resentatives in General Court assembled and by the author- ity of the same that the hereafter discribed land within the following bounds(viz) : beginning at the westerly line of Jay on the north bank of the Andrewscogging river ; thence run- ning north forty degrees east, by said Jay six miles, to a beach tree; thence running north sixty -eight degrees west partly by Tyngtown (Wilton) and partly by land sold by this Commonwealth to Messrs Phillips & Abbot and others(now Carthage) eight miles or until it comes to the center of Webb's river ; thence running southerly through the center of said Webb's river about six miles and until it comes to Andrewscogging river; thence running easterly by said An- drewscogging river about six miles or until it comes to the west line of Jay (now Canton), being the bounds first mentioned, with the inhabitants thereon be and the same hereby are incorporated into a town by the NAME OF DIX- FIELD. 52 HISTORICAL. Section II. And be it further enacted that the minister- ial and school lands which were granted by this Common- wealth and that the aforesaid grant of land shall be divided between the said town of Dixfield and the remaining part of said tract lying westerly of said town in equal proportion according to the quantity of laud contained in said town aud the remaining tract laying westerly there of. This act was approved by the Governor, Caleb Strong, June 21, 1803, the day before the act incorporating the town of Wilton was signed. The first warrant for a town meeting in Dixfield was is- sued by William Liverniore, one of the leading men of that part of Jay that afterwards became Canton. This warrant was issued March 1, 1804, directed to Capt. John Holland, summoning the legal voters of the town to meet at Levi Newton's dwelling house on the twelfth of the month. At the first town meeting, held in accordance with this warrant, Capt. Holland was chosen moderator of the meet- ing, and Capt. Amos Trask was chosen town clerk. Five selectmen were elected, viz: Lieut. Caleb Park, Capt. John Holland, Lieut. John Stockbridge, Lieut. Solomon Leland, and Mr. Gardner Brown. Joseph Wheeler was made con- stable, and chosen collector, collection to be made @ 5%. At a special meeting held during the following September the road leading from the Jay line to "Dr. Dixes' Mills" was accepted as a town road ; this is now the "river road" lead- ing to Canton village. For several years after the incorporation of this town proper returns of the warrants for the meetings were not mSTOKICAL. 53 made nor recorded, and it was discovered that all transac- tions of the town up to 1815 were illegal, but by special act of legislature, passed that year, they were rendered valid, with the records thereof. TOWN OFFICIALS. TOWN CLERKS SINCE 1850. 1850, Isaac N. Stanley; 1851-'60, John J. Holman; 1861-'76, Geo. S. Holman; 1877-'99, Emerson Waite;'1900- '05, Geo. P. Stanley. TOWN TREASCBERS. 1850, Isaac N. Stanley; 1851-'53, Chas. W. Walton; 1854-'59, Elijah Holman; 1860-'62, Walter S. Chase; 1863- '67, Stephen E. Griffith; 1868-'72, Hiram M. Cox; 1873-'75, S. E. Griffith; 1876-'78, H. 0. Stauley; 1879, L. H. Ludden; 1880, Manderville Holman; 1881-'91, Geo. Holt; 1892-98, C. L. Dillingham; 1899-1900, J. P. Johnston; 1901, M. Holman; 1902-'05, J. P. Johnston. SELECTMEN. 1850— Thos. S. Cox, Caleb Delano, Isaac Waite. 1851-'2— John J. Holman, Isaac Randall, Caleb Delano. 1853— Caleb Delano, Ephraim Marble, Aaron Severy, Jr. 1854— John J. Holman, Aaron Severy, Jr., Isaac Parks. 54 HISTORICAL. 1855— Calvin Stanley, John T. Severy, Caleb Marsh. 1856 — Calvin Stanley, John J. Holman, Ira Leland. 1857 — Thomas J. Cox, John J. Holman, Ira Leland. 1858 — Thomas J. Cox, Cyprus Eustis, John S. Ludden. 1859— Thomas J. Cox, Rande White, Gustavus Hiscock. 1860 — John H. Marble, Sewall Dunn, John J. Holman. 1861 — John J. Holman, Calvin Stanley, Sewall Dunn. 1862 — Calvin Stanley, John J. Holman, John Hasley. 1863-'4 — Thomas J. Cox, Sewall Dunn, John Hasley. 1865-6— Luther H. Ludden, John J. Holman, Sewall Dunn. 1867-'9 — L. H. Ludden, John J. Holman, Gustavus Hiscock, 1870— L. H. Ludden, Gustavus Hiscock, Sewall Dunn. 1871— L. H. Ludden, G. Hiscock, M. Holman. 1872— Geo. S. Holman, C. W. Eustis, A. H. Blake. 1873-'5— Geo. S. Holman, H. M. Cox, M. Holman. 1876-'7-S. E. Griffith, W. W. White, A. L. Douglass. 1878— S. E. Griffith, D. F. Newton, E. Whittemore. 1879-'80— Geo. H. Newman, C. D. Marble, J. M. Ludden. 1881-'82— Frank Starley, G. Hiscock, John J.Towle, Jr. 1883-86— F. Stanley, G. Hiscock, Emerson Waite. 1887-'89— F. Stanley, A. Holman, E. Waite. 1890-'91— John S. Harlow, A. Holman, J. M. Holland. 1892— J. S. Harlow, M. Holman, Henry C. Smith. 1893— J. S. Harlow, H. C. Smith, Wm. M. Kidder. 1H94— Philetus Torrey, H. C. Smith, Willis W. Waite. 1895-'98— W. W. Waite, Albion Holman, E. Waite. 1899-1900— C. L. Dillingham, A. Holman, E. Waite. 1901-'05— W. W. Waite, A. Holman, W. E. Towle. Road Commissioner, 1905, Ira 0. Babb. HISTOKICAL. 55 MANUFACTURING INTERESTS. The first industry of a mechanical nature that demand- ed the attention of the settlers in the back towns of Maine, and in fact in almost any locality, was the manufacture of lumber, and the construction of grist mills for preparing flour from the wheat and corn which they generally raised on the first clearings. Where the first mill established in town was located we are unable to say, but believe it must have been that built by Elisha Park, in the center of the town, on Newton Brook. Job Hathaway built the first mill at East Dixfield, according to the best authority Mr. Henry Park is able to find. He also states that mills were erected early in 1800, some at the village, and one a mile above the village. Among the earliest owners of these were Silas Leon- ard, Chas. L. Eustfs, and ''Old" Sam Parks; it is probable that they constructed the mills. The model mill at the be- ginning of the nineteenth century combined both an up-and- down saw and a set of stones for bolting meal and grinding flour. These were sometimes owned in shares by the men of the neighborhood, and were operated by them for a length of time commensurate to the value of their several shares. The amount of business done by these early mills, many of them having been operated by different parties down to the present time, has been such as to create a great deal of ac- tivity in the place. Gradually the system has become changed until to-day most of the manufacturing is carried 56 HISTOKICAL. on in or near Dixfield village where shipment may be easily made. C. P. Howe's grist and wool-carding mill occupies an old mill site on Webb's river at the village. Here at one time the American Rake Co. manufactured large quantities of hay rakes. The wool-carding machinery was put in nine- teen years ago when $500 worth of business was done in carding alone; now scarcely |50 worth of business is done annually. The grist business has also changed; now there is very little custom grinding. Corn and feed is bought and shipped from the West, and is ground and sold to the con- sumers. One carload of corn is handled a week in winter, besides other feed. The summer trade is not so heavy. W. E. Putnam's house furnishing and lumber mill occu- pies another old mill site, just back of the grist mill. This was the location of the old clover-mill, which was burned some years ago. W. F. Putnam established the present business 25 years ago and operated it alone until the com- pany became W. F. Putnam & Son, in 1891. In 1901 W. E. Putnam, the son, bought entire control of the business in May; the founder died the following August. Mr. Putnam has put out as much as 150,000 feet of lumber annually, he now employs 2 or 3 men. H. G. Thayer's saw mill is on the site that has been oc- cupied by a saw mill for, perhaps, a century. Here Hosea Austin sawed lumber up to the time of his death in 1881. Then it was operated by Chase & Willoughby, and later by Mrs. (L. C.) Willoughby, who sold to Mr. Thayer six years ago. Mr. Thayer sawed 3,000,000 feet of pine for the Berlin HISTOKICAL. 57 Mills Co. last summer, and 1,500,000 feet at his portable mill. DuriDg the summer he employed 25 men, after Octo- ber 1, the crew numbers about 15 men. This is a long lumber, and planer mill. The manufacture of spools, toothpicks, and novelties has become an important source of income in this village. In 1890 the U. S. Spool & Shuttle Co., who were operating a spool mill here, sold the plant to G. L. Merrill & Co., who operated the business until January, 1903, when they sold to the present operator, N. S. Stowell. Mr. Stowell erected the Harlow Mill in 1903, thereby doubling the capacity of the business. He now employs about 90 hands and is doing a flourishing business. The N. S. Stowell Co., a concern consisting of N. S. Stowell and Geo. Walters, was incorporated last October. They manufacture novelties of all kinds, in the lower story of Mr. Sto well's new building, and employ twenty men. The toothpick factory which is now operated as the Estate of Chas. Forster, 0. H. Hersey, trustee, is located on the Mexico side of Webb's river, but is practically a Dixfield industry. The mill which occupied this site for many years, and which had been occupied for this business for some time, was burned Jan. 5, 1904. It was immediately rebuilt, and operations were begun in the new mill August 15, 1904. One hundred hands, about half oi whom are women, are employed here. 100 cases, each containing 100 boxes of 1800 picks, are manufactured per day. The Forster Manufacturing Co., incorporated March 30, 1904, and consisting of M. W. Forster, John S. Harlow, and 58 HISTORICAL. Geo. L. Merrill, was formed for carrying on a general manu- facturing business of wooden articles, principally tooth- picks. A mill building, 37 feet wide and 125 feet long, was built during the summer and fall of 1904. Also a fire proof engine house, of brick and iron, was constructed and equipped with 200 h p steam capacity. Toothpick manu- facturing was begun the middle of Dec, ] 904. Additions will be made of a building 160 feet long this coming sum- mer, also a small office building and a large machine shop. This concern now employs 35 to 40 hands, which number will soon be increased to 50, and a further increase in the fall will bring the number to from 75 to 100. One-half car- load per week is the present shipment, this is to be increased to a carload weekly, next fall. The product is sold through- out the United States and Canada by the agency of travel- ing salesmen. Burnham & Morrill Co., Incorporated, erected their corn factory on Third street about 1888. They can corn exclu- sively, having a capacity for 35,000 cans per da}'. An acre- age of from 225 to 275 acres, largely in Dixfield, is planted for their use annually, making considerable business in the agricultural section of the town. Seventy-five hands are employed for about five weeks during packing time in Sept. and Oct., and from 15 to 20 hands for two months longer labeling. They also manufacture the cans used, which re- quires the labor of seven hands for about four months during the winter. Besides the large crops of sweet corn for the canning factory, considerable attention is given to agriculture. mSTOEICAL. 59 Most of the land in town is hilly but productive, while there are some smooth, level valley lands, and several excellent farms. Many farmers give considerable attention to dairy- ing, and keep some fine dairy stock. This place has become known in the sporting world as the home of Henry 0. Stanley, one of the fish and game commissioners of the state. Mr. Stanley is also interested in the manufacture of flies and fishing-tackle which he began about the time he was first appointed fish and game com- missioner, thirty-two years ago. His son, George Stanley, is now connected with the business, which is carried on under the name of H. 0. Stanley & Son. They manufacture fifteen or eighteen distinct varieties of "Rangely Spinners," of which they produced and sold 100,000 doz. in 1904. These they sell entirely to wholesale dealers, including Iver Johnson and The Lovell Arms Co. CIVIL WAR SOLDIERS The military record of this town begins with the war of 1812, although a few of its pioneers were veterans of the Revolution, Col. Jonathan Holman having served as a captain in the French and Indian wars, and Colonel in the Revolution. In the war of the Rebellion the part taken by|the citizens of this town was a credit to the fathers of the pioneer stock, and a glory to the men who so nobly went to the front to 60 HISTORICAL. fight and die, if need be, for the preservation of the Union. The following list we have carefully compiled from the Adjutant General's reports of the enlistments from Maine. We believe the list will be found to be nearly if not quite complete: Reuben Andrews, Chelsea C. Abbott, Reuben Anderson, Melville H. Andrews, Henry F. Bent, Nelson R. Brown, Chas. Brown, Geo. Brown, Alonzo Brown, Wm. G.Brown, Leonard F. Blackwell, Henry F. Bent, Columbus Bancroft, Mark Bev- erly, Corp'l Roscoe Cooledge, Alonzo Coolidge, Sam'l Clark, Gerry E. Coolidge, Thos. C. Cogswell, Henry W. Dunn, Rufus R. Dunn, Wm. H Davis, Sam'l W.Doble, musician, John H. Do- ble, Geo. F. Drown, Brainbridge Dillingham, Bertrand Dilling- ham, Humphrey E. Eustis, Holland F. Eastman, Lorenzo S. Fish, Ferdinand G.Gray, Carleton T.Gleason,Jas. Glines, Pe- ter Holman, Chas. Hampton, Isaac W. Hopkins, Fairfield J. Holman, Jas. Hubbard, John Hasley, Lieut. Raw^son Hol- man, musician, Horace Holman, Asa Holman, Marion Hol- man, Thos. J. Hunnaford, Abijah D. Hunnaford, Chas. L. Holland, Ira D. Jones, Alburn C. King, Harrison Knight, Chas. H. Kidder, Adelbert Kidder, John Kidder, John F. Libby, Wm. McCutcheon, Jeremiah McCarty, Geo. Mitchell, David Mclntire, Edw. R. Norcross, band leader, Albert L. Newton, Chas. M. Newton, Orison R. Newton, Leonard W. Numan, Dan'l E. O'Brien, Silas H. Park, Elmore S. Phelps, Stephen H. Parks, Hiram J. Pratt, Columbus C.Richardson, Oliver C. Redding, Christopher C. Richardson, Lieut. Jacob Reed, Gardiner F. Rundlett, W. H. Randall, Geo. E. Smith, Eben D. Severy, Wm. H. Small, Issachar Stockbridge, Cor- HISTORICAL. 61 nelius D. Stockbridge, Sylvander H. Thomas, Corp'l Henry C. Tacker, Corp'l Jas. M. Virgin, Isaac G. Virgin, Lieut. Har- rison B. Winter, Chas. A. Waite, Serg't Manville Waite, Corp'l Hawson B. Winter, Corp'l Jotham S. Whaler, Corp'l Elisha Winter, Capt. Elnathan L. Wright, Jotham S. Wheeler, Barnard H. White, Dan'l O. Warren, Wm. J. Wheeler, Geo. W. White, Hiram K. Washburn, Andrew Wins- low, Lorenzo Wait, Granville Wait, Jas. A. Yeaton. FOREIGN ENLISTMENTS Wm. S. Clark, Marshall H. Flagg, Aurelius Gray, Les- more D. Kidder, Wallace Levery, Gilbert Newton, Scott Newman, Orrison Reed, Lyman Randall, Henry Townsend, Oliver Wright. CHURCH AFFAIRS Concerning the early church in Dixfield, we have learned nothing, Previous to the year 1810 it was the custom that the Parish church should be maintained at the expense of the town, and provided with a meeting house by the same organ- ization. In the case of the Proprietary, certain lands were to be reserved and certain provisions made for the establish- ment and maintainance of the pubhc worship of God, but the course followed in this town, or who were the early pro- mulgators of Gospel truths, we are unable to say. 62 HISTOEICAL. Mr. Park informs us that C. L. Eustis erected a chapel here about 1846 or '48, in which the Congre^ationalists and Methodists held services for many years. Rev. Mr. Libbey and Rev. Mr. Mason, local preachers, presided over this church, and Rev. Wm. R. Jordan preached in this house for many years; he then went to Andover, then to Chapman, Kansas, where he died. UNIVERSALIST CHUKOH i The early affairs of the Universalist church in the village are also a blank to us, although we have endeavored to learn when the present church was erected, and when the organi- zation w^as formed. The last three pastors here have been Rev. E. W. Webber, Rev. Manley B. Townseud, and Rev. Stanford Mitchell, who began his services in March, 1903. He resides at Rumford Falls. This stately and substantial old church edifice was extensively remodeled during Rev, Mr. Townsend's pastor- ate. The audience room was then newly frescoed, painted and carpeted, and a new entrance was added to the front. The membership of this society at the present time is about 25. There is also a parish organization, with a membership of 27, whose duty it is to look after the financial affairs of the church. FREE BAPTIST CHURCH — EAST DIXFIELD At the little village of East Dixfield, situated partly in this town and partly in the town of Wilton, (the town line following the middle of Main street) is the church edifice of HISTORICAL. 63 the East Dixfield Free Baptist society. This society dates back to 1864, Sept. 29th, when organization was made by sixteen citizens, L. W. Raymond, now the successful pastor, was one of the foremost movers in organizing; the church, and became one of the two first deacons. He was also instrumental in building the church edifice, which was erected four years later. Rev. Roojer Ela was installed pastor at the time of organ- ization; he has been followed in that oflHce by the following men: Revs. J. S. Staples, 1867-'68; G. W. Gould, 1873; Rev. Mr. Cutting, 1875; Rev. G. W. Gould, second term; Dexter Waterman, 1877 , S. P. Morrill, 1878 ; David Allen, 1881 ; F. Starbird, 1882-'89; 0. Roys, 1889-'90; W. W. Carver, 1891-'92; L. S. Williams, 1892; Geo. H. Hamlin, 1892; G. W. Gould, third term, 1893-'95; L. H. Metcalf, 1897-'99; F. Starbird, second term, 1899-1900; J. P. Barrett, 1901-'04; L. W. Raymond, 1904, to the present time. Since his early days in this chuich,Rev. Mr. Raymond has been doing successful work in the gospel ministry, hav- ing filled pastorates at Harrison, Me., Lowell, Mass., Fair- field, N. Y. and other churches of this denomination. A chapel was erected at Dixfield Centre, in 1896, since which time the pastors of this church have also held regular services at that village. DIXFIELD FREE BAPTIST CHUECH. The Free Baptist Church in Dixfield village dates back to the winter of 1899-1900, when Rev. Edgar Y. Wheeler, a Church of God preacher, held a series of revival services here 64 HISTOEICAL. in the Grange ball, in connection with the Methodists. Mr. Wheeler died March 1, 1901, after the erection of a church had been begun. " Rev. M. Holman then occupied the pulpit, preaching alternately with Rev. V. Hannaford, the Metho- dist pastor at Rumford Falls. Mr. Hannaford was later succeeded by Rev. Mr. Purington, who continued to supply the pulpit for this people every other Sabbath. It being more desirable to have the people united under one pastor, the Free Baptists purchased of the Church of God people, the partially constructed church edifice, and under Rev. Mr. Holman, the Methodists and Free Baptists were amicably united and the Free Baptist Society organized Feb. 27, 1903, with 14 members, Mrs. Julia Holman Jones was chosen clerk, and Thos. A, Wyman, treasurer: he was, March 30, 1904, chosen deacon. Rev. Mr. Holman was suc- ceeded by the present pastor, Rev. T. H, Scammon, and the little church is progressing. We trust she has before her a long and useful career. EDUCATIONAL ITEMS The early schools of Dixfield, like those of other Maine towns, were established under the most adverse circumstan- ces, but were, nevertheless, established upon a basis that has proven a firm foundation for educational advancement. At HISTORICAL. 65 a town meeting held in April, after the incorporation of the town, a vote was taken appointing the board of selectmen a committee to divide the town into school districts, and to raise the sum of $120 for the support of schools throughout the town. This sum, for the time, was a liberal one, and the few weeks of instruction which it gave the youths of the town were of inestimable value to them, although their at- tention was not always given bo study during school hours. We cannot do better than to cast a glance toward the typical common schools of Maine during the early days. Even as soon as our forefathers, almost always of Puritani- cal extraction, had located themselves in the forest of the Pine Tree State and begun their efforts of erecting meeting- houses, they made provision lor common schools. They, in common with us of to-day, considered education the bulwark of our institutions, the institutions for the establishment of which they had fought and bled. They knew, therefore, better than we, how much depended upon the proper guid- ance of the newly established government. They saw their liberties and prosperity wrapped up in the new government which Washington had said was "one to-day and thirteen tomorrow." Is it a strange thing that these men who so well understood the significance of these trying years, should so thoroughly grasp at the thought that in the education of the masses lay their only hope of ultimate success? No, they saw well their duty, and as pioneers prepared to meet it. A room in the little log cabin became the university of the wilderness, and, humble as were the first efforts, mighty results came from them. From out of these rough, low- cs 66 HISTORICAL. roofed structures walked men who were to meet the repre- sentatives of the courts of Europe on the battlefield, in diplo- macy, and in scores of other capacities from which they emerged unscathed. This system went on uutil it became almost a necessary thiug for a man to reach the president's chair that he be able to present a career begun in the "little red school-house" in the back-woods hamlet. It was not that the people loved wealth and culture less, but that they loved the more the homely virtues inspired by the healthy atmosphere of the country. As we look back to-day over the progress of our school system, we dwell with pride upon the record it has made. But this system, like all others, was expected to advance aud it has advanced. The town of Dixfieldhas,in common with other towns, reared the homely structures on the hillsides and at the crossroads, hired male teachers at from f 10 to f 15 per month, and female teachers at 75 cents to |1.50 a week, and this with the "board round" provision. The report of the school superintendent for last fall's sessions shows an attendance on the town schools of 176 pupils. These are divided among the graded village school and the six rural schools. Carl Holman, the principal of the high school succeeded Mr. Ormsby, who remained two or three years. There are also grammar and primary grades at the village, where all the sessions are held in the brick academy building on Weld, erected about twenty years ago. The names of the other schools in town are the Center, which is the largest outside of the village, Severy Hill, Torrey, Lancaster, Towle aud Paul. HISTORICAL. 67 The school committee for 1905, consists of E. E. Hol- man, Albion Douglass, and Don. A. Gates. Carl Holman, the principal of the high school, is the school supervisor. MODERN BUILDINGS Few villages the size of Dixfield, present so many beauti- ful buildings as may be seen here. Harlow block, located on the corner of Main and Weld streets, is one of the finest business blocks in the county. This is a brick structure, erected by E. G, Harlow, in 1878, and finished the following summer. It is 100x50 feet on the ground, and three stories high, and was intended for a hotel, with a store in the west end, a bank on the corner, and the third story for an Odd Fellows' Hall. The latter was occu- pied as such for ten years. The ground fioor is now occu- pied by W. G. Harlow's dry goods and clothing stores in the west end, J.S.Harlow's law office on the corner, the Forster Mfg. Co.'s office, a barber shop and the Universalist Ladies' Aid Society's dining rooms and kitchen. The second floor is used for tenements, and a large hall on the third floor is used by the Mechanics. The beautiful new Odd Fellows' Block was erected in 1903, replacing their hall which had been burned in Feb. 1901. The present hall cost |5,000. The first floor is occu- 68 HISTORICAL. pied by the Tuscan Opera House, which seats 400 people and is finely finished. Tuscan Lodge, L 0. 0. F. was organ- ized in 1877, and for many years occupied the hall in the Harlow block. PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Mount Sugar Loaf Grange, Number 111, was organized at Dixfield village, Feb. 20, 1875, with thirty members.. Isaac Randall was made the first master and has been fol- lowed in this office successively by Marion Holman, Wm. T. Eustis, Marion Holman, G. H. Newman, Alex. Holman, Sew- ell Goff, B. W. Elliott, 0. M. Howard, Warren Pettengill, E. F. Gould, P. W. Torrey, W. M. White, N. A. Babb, W. V. Tainter, W. M. White, J. S. Maxwell, A. K. P. Berry, and W. M. White, a third time. The Grange Hall, located on the corner of Main and Third streets, was built by the organiza- tion in 1879, costing $2,000. The society is now in most successful operation, with 134 members. The leading officers for the present year are: Mrs. N. A. Babb, master; Klaus K. Brackett, over.; Mrs. Flora Pease, lee; Mrs. Ava Eastman, sec; Marion Holman, treas.; and Mrs. Annie Tor- rey, chaplain,— Account furnished by Mrs. N. A. Babb. Mystic Valley Grange, Number 313, was organized at East Dixfield, March 29, 1892, with seventeen charter mem- bers. W. D. Adams was chosen the first master, in which HISTORICAL. 69 office he has been succeeded by N. H. Campbell, W. D. Camp- bell, A. R. Coolidge, W. W. Adams, Mame Casey, and the present incumbent, W. W. Rollins. The other leading offi- cers for 1905 are; W. F. Holman, over.; W. F. Allen, lee; W. W. Adams, sec; Hattie Prescott, treas.; and Phoebe Knapp, chaplain. This society has had a steady, strong growth, the mem- bership having increased to 125, and the financial standing of the order has become well established. The Grange Hall was erected in 1902, at a cost of $1,600.00. This is thirty by sixty feet, and is well finished and furnished. The main hall is provided with 220 chairs, hanging lamps, and a new Weaver organ. The dining room and kitchen are well fitted up. The membership is harmonious and progressive, doing much for the advancement of the interests of the patrons of the order.— Account furnished by N. H. Campbell. The following account was received to late to be inserted in the chapter on Church Affairs. CANTON FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. This church society was organized on Sept. 5, 1822, when the following sixteen men and women formed them- selves into a religious body : Wm. French, Alanson Cary, Zeri Hayford, Timothy Huntress, Allen Sturtevant, Moses Parson, Elizabeth Austin, Ruth Jewett, Polly Huntress, 70 mSTOEICAL. Abag:ail Hayford, Sally Hayford, Sophronia Brett, Lydia Hayford, Alvira Hayford, Susan Austin, and Betsey Stur- tevant. Rev. Daniel Hutchinson became the first pastor of the church. Previous to this organization, formed soon after the separation of this town from Jay, the Baptists of this locality had belonged to the First Parish church of that town, where a society had been formed as early as 1799. This society worshipped in the old first church, built on Jay Hill, and after 1809 in the building which forms the present Jay town house. The early meetings in Canton were held in schoolhouses or private homes for many years. In 1852 the present church edifice was erected, and was dedicated October 6, that year, the sermon being preached by Elder Nutter, of Livermore. The succession of pastors who have settled over this church is as follows: — Kev. Daniel Hutchin- son, Rev. Levi Burnbam, Rev. M, Lawrence, Rev. Sumner Estes, Rev. Mr. Foss, Rev. N. Whittemore, Rev. Carlton Parker, Rev. D. C. Dixby, Rev. A. C. Herrick, Rev. AsaGould, Rev. W. H. Ventres, Rev. Joseph M. Long, Rev. J. C. Andrews, Rev. H. M. Purrington, Rev. Henry G. Clark, Rev. W. C. Wescott, and W. R. Redden as supply. At the present time the church is without a settled pastor, the pulpit being supplied by students from the Cobb Divinity School, Lewis- ton. Gensus-1903 The population ol the towns of Canton and Dixfield has been arranged in families where that arrangement has been possible. In these families, in addition to the resident living members, the names of the non-resident members are included. It should be borne in mind that this plan does not include the names of all former residents of this town, as the names of the non-residents appear only when one or both of the parents are still living in the town. After the name of each non-resident will be found the present address, when such address has been given to us. Non-resi- dents are indicated by the (*). When a daughter in a family has married, her name taken iu marriage appears after her given name in parenthe- sis, the name preceded by a small m, thus: (m ). Following the names of the population is the occu- pation, postoffice address, or rural free delivery route. To designate the occupations we have used the more common abbreviations and contractions, as follows: Farmer — far; carpenter— car; railroad service— R R ser; student, a member of an advanced institution of learning— stu; pupil, a member of a lower grade of schools (includiug all who have reached the age of five years)— pi; housework— ho; laborer— lab; physician and surgeon— phy & sur; clergyman— clerg; mer- chant— mer; teacher— tr; blacksmith— blk; clerk— cl; book- keeper— bk kpr; lawyer— law; mechanic-mech; machinist- mach; engineer-eng; maker- mkr; worker— wkr; work— wk; shoe shop work— shoe op; cotton or woolen mill operatives — mill op; weaver— weav; spinner— spin; electrician— elec; painter— ptr; carriage work— car wk; dress maker— dr mkr; insurance— ins; traveliug salesman, or commercial traveler — sales, or coml trav; music teacher— mus tr; teamster— team. This Census was taken expressly for this work during the winter and spring of 1905, by Rev. B. V. Davis, of Kent's Hill, Me. Geo. L. Wadlin & Co. CANTON, MAINE. Heavy and Shelf Hardware Stoves, Ranges & Furnaces, iUILDERS' k IL/ICKSCDITHS' SUPPLIES. Also Dealers ia Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. G. W. MOORE, Canniagcs^ Hattne$$e$ and Hopse Outfits* CANTON. ESTABLISHED IN 1866. MAINE. H. W. KARLSON, PHOTOGRAPHER. RuMFORD Falls, 103 CONGRESS STKEET, M^AINE. CENSUS. 73 CANTON CENSUS Where address is not given, Canton P. 0. is understood. The following abbreviations designate other addresses: Canton Point— Point; Canton, R F D 1— No 1; Gilbert- yille_Gil; Meadowview— M V; North Livermore— No Liv; Liver more Falls— L Falls. Abbott, Luther C retd Gil Martha J (Field ho Geo L car *Harold L car Tecumseh, Okla Adkins, William E mer Dora L (Timberlake ho *Maud E (m Sanders ho Livermore Vera E (m Dailey ho Verna M (m Smith Forrest H lab Mildred E pi Delbert E pi Adkins, Eldon H far No 1 Ella A (Adkins ho Adkins, Hannah P (Dailey ho Adkins, Geo D ear Julia A (Manwell ho ♦Chester W Lynn, Mass sole leather shop John B stu Sadie E stu Isabel J pi G Merle pi Alden, Amos A far No Liv Nellie (Catlin ho Flora M Jessie E John A Allen, E W mus'l goods 25 Pleas *Wallace L eng Mechanic Falls Alley, Eunice D ho & dr mkr Arseneault, Joun lab Madalene (Deroche ho Josephine (m Henry ho Katie (m Chason ho Henry tannery Andrews, Anna ho Point *Ralph B far No Woodstock 74 CENSUS. *Eugene W s s wk Montello, Mass Frank far Andrews, Bernard far Poiut Guy B L pi Vira B pi Bertie W pi Aursenault, Reuben Qont & lumb Mary (Roux ho B Babiuo, Anthony sec bd Gil Sarah (Henry ho Frank lab Mary C pi Bacon, H E fore pulp mill yd M> Eleanor A pi Ruth K pi Elsie M (Campbell ho Vera M pi Bailey, Sarah J ho Bailey, W H livery stable •Gertrude (m Stevens ho MHttM[)an, Mass Baiker, Al)l)iH M (Decoster ho Zedah C ho Jasper S millmau Barker, Geo B car Fremont G pi Barker, J S millman Gil Abbie B (Stanley ho Barrett, G W tannery Gil Bridget (Reardon ho •Joanna (m Davis Rumford Falls Rosanna ho Geo W tannery William H tannery John F pi Mary L pi Joseph N pi James L Waist on S Barrieault, Anthony pulp mill Gil *Nora (m Henry Riley Ida ho Clara pi Hattie pi David pi Virginia pi Priscilla pi Catharine Barrows, Elizabeth D (Hafford Melvina H (m Decoster ho Barrows, Ronello A far Ida F (Blanchard ho Cbira M nurse Geo B lab Jennie M stu Bartlett, Fred C far ChasC Bartlett, W C tool kpr Gil Estella M (Lucas ho Ella M pi CENSUS. 75 Hattie S pi Carrie E pi Bartlett, Eunice W (Parsons Bassett, Susan (Bryant William E lab *Forre8t E far Peru Edgar H lab *Mary B (m Capin Jay Beaudin, Albert tannery No 1 Melinda (O'Brian ho Eddie pi Fred Addie Bell Berry WF far No 1 Sarah E (m Rose ho Bicknell, Simeon retd Alvira J (Haford ho *Hattie A (m Holt ho Lewiston Abbie C milliner & mer Frank E clothier Bicknell, Jas W mer Lillie M (Wentworth ho Ralph W stu J Clyde stu Bicknell, Frank E clothier Rosa A (Ellis ho *A Stanwood tannery Winchester, N H Bicknell, Geo F blk Nellie E (Record ho Emily M (m Hackett ho Bisby, Edward L far Flora H (Staples ho Elden G far D wight A stu Marie L pi E Irene pi Ruth Blackwell, Martha J (Taylor Point *Vera L (m Knapp Byron Blanchard, Wm W grain dlr Georgia S (Newman ho Ralph W pi Beatrice A pi Ruth M pi Bonney, Cyrus T far No 1 Letitia M (Tyler ho Donald C pi Ada C PI Brett, Rosette J (Jones ho Francelia E (m Packard Esther H (m Reed ho *Florence M (m Phillips No Liv *Harriet R (m Stevens Mexico Briggs, Montell A car Lottie M (Reader ho Briggs, John blk EstellaC (Barker ho Eva L stu Britton, Mary A (Walton ho *Everett E scythe shop Skowhegan Brown, William N tannery Mary R (Decoster ho 76 CENSUS. *Gracie M Salem, Mass William J lab Henry A lab GB pi Marion L pi Mabel R Margaret A Brown, Parker A lab Gil Bryant, Ernest lab No Jay, 1 Bryant, Frank H lab Buck, Leonidas far Point Sophila H (Numan ho *Clarence M com trav Auburn, Neb Buck, Frederick W far Point Mary A (Hutchinson ho Burbank, Chas M far Jay Lizzie J (Darling ho Burbank, S H far No 1 Hannah J (Shackley ho *Willis S Liv Falls Burke, Clark C far Eva M (York ho Burnam, Edith proof reader Burnham, Henry R far Riley Hannah A (Gerry ho *Martha A hotel wk Liv Falls *Inez C tr Jay Reuel M lab Minnie B ho Lincoln L lab Harrison D pi Everett G pi Myrtle M pi Lowell A pi Burnhan, Minnie V ho Point Cain, James far No Jay, 1 Caldwell, E E far & 1st sel Lizzie E (Merrill ho Bert E lab Ralph E pi Callage, Simon far No Jay, 1 Campbell, A F far No 1 Annie R (Lovewell ho Ralph E pi Clyde A Campbell, Bertha A (Sabin mer Gil Winnie B ho Elsie M ho Gladys B ho Carpenter, G W lab M V Mary E (Sherwood ho Edward G pi Ezra E Carter, John lab Gil Bertha (Boynton ho Grace ho Henry pi June pi Raymond Carver, Leon H ptr Bessie M ( Works ho Carver, Geo E tar No 1 CENSUS. 77 Aug:u8ta A (Sprague ho Carver, Frank E far Etta L (Sprague ho *Arthur A hack driver 46 Winter, Auburn Leon H ptr Edith M (m Gilbert Mabel E stu Elsie E stu Merl F pi Guy R Cassidy, Addie (Buck ho Inez 1 (m Foye ho Castanguay, Peter far L Falls Mary (Fonnier ho * Josephine pi Canada Peter Jr pi Charles pi Mary D pi Josaph E pi George pi Annie Gilbert Fred Chase, Charles C lab Maud (Holt ho Cecil C lone L Eunice E Chason, Ernest tannery Katie (Arseneault ho Childs, Viola B (Wing ho *Elbridge G far West Peru *Chas N lab W Peru *Geo V far W F'eru *Wm W far W I'eru *Arthur L far W Peru *Percy E Dixfield *Clarence E Dixfield Arthur E pi *Mary E M (ra Earn ham Wilton PI ('hilds, Geo far Point Josie N ( Luce ho Georgia F pi Dana E Childs, Amos far Point Fannie (Bradbury ho Childs, Sidney far Martha (Bonney ho Herman W lab Flossie stu Chieone, Mitchell far Riley Thomile (Lavige ho John pi Georgia pi Flora pi Adolph pi Lewis pi Eunice pi Coburn, Sarah A (Jewett ho Mary E dr mkr Conant, Albert B far Point ClarindaT (Paine ho Wallace G far EfRe M (m Morrison ho Cone, Frank A tannery Gil Mary L (Knapp ho 78 CENSUS. Ida M (m Stanley ho Leroy A ChasF Coolidge, Jephtha far Jay Coolidge, C A phy & sur Sarah N (Foster ho *Heiiry E Lisbon Falls law & bank cashier *Chas M phy & sur No Waterford *Agne8 M (m Dolloff L Falls Coolidge, Elwood B far Jay Cushman, Noyce fore tannery Hattie (Dority ho Irene Cushman, Elmer E lab Maud B (Howe ho *Lillian U Banning, Col Ralph E lab Carrie B pi Winnie H pi Gladys L pi Laforest S pi Alice B pi Howard Elwood D Dailey, EL P M & f ar Point Ida M (Holman ho Elton E far Elsie M (m Hines ho Dailey, Elmer L lab Agnes L (Davenport ho Dailey, John H far Point Anna M (Hersey ho Helen I pi Dailey, Elton E far Point Vera E (Adkins ho Shirley E pi Hildah B Dailey, Jas P far Point Daisy B (Smith ho Beatrice I Dailey, A J far Point J W (Capen ho James P far Moras H far Mary A ho Dailey, Benj B far Point Nancy L (Wilson ho Dailey, S P barber Nellie F (Milner ho Enid A stu Merle F pi Darrington, John L ptr Mary M (Taming ho Bertha W (m Wadleigh *Wm L pulp mill L Falls *Chas A pulp mill Berlin, N H *Geo B pulp mill Rumford Falls *yina S (m Grover East Andover Stella M etu CENSUS. 79 Linwood E pi Hattie F pi Mamie E pi Davis, Lucy A (Jordan ho Davis, Alfred D tannery wk Madge A (Ellis ho Raymond L Dearborn, Daniel B far Celestia J (Lowe ho * Josephine (m Coolidge Lisbon Fails *Wil8on cl Dorchester, Mass •Florentine E (m Moores Livermore Falls Lucian L com trav Dearborn, Percy E far Persis (Childs ho Edith Dearborn. John C far Amanda M (Fuller ho Decosta, Wra K cont & bldr Melvena H (Barrows ho Clytie W millinery Delano, Adelbert far Point Ellis lar *BertA tr Trinadad, Col Melvina tr Grace E stu Hattie E (Harmon Delano, Ellis far Point Hattie E (Herbert ho Georgia A pi Denquett, Henry lab L Falls Jennie (Como ho Theodoa D pi DeShon, Mabel C (Kidder tr Nol Leora tr Dorothy R stu Dillingham, Chas M team Bertha E (lugersoU ho Amy B pi Martin pi Mazie Infant Dillon, John tannery Sherman E pi Dodge. Frank W far No 1 Ida M (Jones ho *Lila M (m Card Riley Joanna J pi Frank A pi Dority, John S lum Gil Frances M (Stanley ho Hattie (m Cushraan ho Caroline E pi Osmer J pi Dresser, W E prop Heveie Ho Lillian J (Fuller ho Douglass, Madeline E pi Douglass, Eunice M pi Dunn, R G far & br mason Eveline (Conant ho Dyment, Geo G tailor Violet V (Kerr ho Charles E Mima E 80 CENSUS. Eastman, A A far Helen A (Austin ho Eastman, Albert A lab Gil Jennie M (Childs ho Ethel May Edgerlj, Hubert R blk Agnes M (Cutting ho Marjorie E pi Olive E pi Lucille M George V JohnH Ellis, Simeon B tannery wk Edith E (Staples ho Lyman pi Ansel S pi Ellis, C C fore tannery lola M (Johnson ho Erold C pi Fred W pi Edith M pi Harland A Ellis, Chas E truckman AbbieS (Brett ho Simeon B tannery wk Chas E Jr tannery Julia M (m HoUis ho W Maud dr mkr *G Albert teleg op Rumford Falls Ellis, Chas R far Point Alice B (Bashon ho Ruth H pi Ellis, A W ptr Susan L (Deshon ho *Clarence G lab Rumford Falls *Lottie M (m Douglass Ridlonviile William ptr * Verne E elec mach Navy Yard, New York Myrton M lab Ellis, Isaac A far Point Matilda S (Buck ho *Nettie M (m Fuller ho East Dixfield Charles R far *Esther H (m Waite No Jay, 1 *Harry A ins 31 Bowdoin, Boston, Mass Mary C (m Pitman ho Vesta N ho Farnum, C C far Francenie R (Foster ho Emma M (m McCalister Farnum, Albert lab Flora E (Buck ho Richard A pi Farrington, Winfield O lab Farrington, Minnie E stu Farrand, Arthur W tannery CENSUS. 81 Ida M (Thompson ho Fish, Albert J team M V Grace G (Powers ho Leona G Forhan, J K Portland pack Co Minnie D (Mason ho Neil K stu Foster, Bertis far No Jay 1 Foster, Mertis far No Jay 1 Foster, Albert K far Point Mary D (Conant ho Foster, Arthur J far Point Stella A (Hafford ho Winnefred C mus tr Foye, John far John N far Sarah J (Pike ho Foye, John N far Ida I (Cassidy ho Freeman, David cobbler Information withheld French, William sec hand Alice M (Wadley ho Fuller, Effie I retd Fuller, E E far & jobber Dora M (Thompson ho Orlestus C lab Cornelia M stu Fuller, Carroll M lab Point Gammon, Mary (Conant Nol John lab *Chas G bag^a^e master So Braintree, Mass *Geo A car *Wm H car 11 High, Lewiston *Roswell D car & millrt L Falls Cyrus B far *Fred shipping cl 31 Pine, Auburn Joseph L far Gammon, J O snowshoe mkr Biancy M (Dillingham Hattie M (m Small ho Gammon, Clara (Swett Jennie C (m Small ho "Nettie M (m Howard ho Rumford Point Gilbert, Ralph N tannery Edith M( Carver ho Mabel M Gilbert, Chas H mer Mary E (Burnham ho Gilpatrick, Fannie M (Tarbox Glines, Arthur A livery stable Mabel F (Glover ho Harold L hostler Goding, Mary (Stetson *Tilson S far No Liv C6 82 CENSUS. *G Washington mer West Peru *Jeffer8on D Auburn far & milk bus Grover, Clara M (Smith George E pi H Pl eng ho pl Hackett, Almon H Hackett, Frank W Emily M (Bicknell FredB Gerald E Hafford, Gustavus far & ice bus Clara A (Thompson ho Ethel M (m Johnson ho Harlow, Eben far Gil *John M mer Rumford Falls Harmon, L L clerg Mary J (Butler ho *Geo H tr Island Falls *Isadore M stu Island Falls Harmon, Ivory L far Point Frances L Foster ho Hartsgrove, William far Harriet (Crooker ho George Hathaway, Martha A (Rollins Mattie I mustr& type writer Harvey, Saytire (Eastman Point *Chas A blk Quincy, Mass *Albion K P phy & sur Washington, D C *Milton D civil serv emp 1443 East Capitol, Washington, D C Hay ford, Oscar far Joan B(Reed ho Susan A(m Tirrell ho Asa F far Carrie F ho *Mytie B (m Jones ho Gorham Hayford, Otis State assessor Amanda (Phiney ho *Herbert F sta agt Mechanic Falls * Wilder bk kpr Dover *Mary (m Hayford Portland Hebert, Frank ptr Millie (Miller ho Eddie pl Addill Emma Martin Hebert, Jewett lab Gil Mary (White ho Paul tannery Joseph pl Charlie pl CENSUS. 83 Lucy pl Agnes pl Ralph Henry, Stephen lab Gil Josephine (Arseneault Edith pl Hobb, Almira L (Phelan Frank P lab Hines, Chas M far Alice A (House ho Charles L far Geo A far *Ernest M s s wk Rockland, Mass Henry F far Hines, Frank R far M V Addie M (Tracy ho William H pl John pl Charles E pl Hines, Chas L far No 1 Lillian (Jackson ho Zoraida B pl Wallace L pl Clyde A pl Pearle J pl Agues L Hines, Frank R lab Elsie M (Dailey ho Hodge, A L far Sadie E (Godiug ho Everett R Hodge, Abraham L far Angle C (Farris ho Appleton L tannery wk Vera B pl Willie E pl Charles H pl Alfred pl Erold E Hodge, Frank far Point Ida M (Wells ho Inez M pl Harold N pl Walter F pl Merle M pl Hodge, S C car Katie B (Grodard ho Martha A (ra Godding ho Hodge, Polaski lab Hodge, D far Flora I (Berry ho Beatrice M pl Grover D pl Helen \^ . Ellen it^^°« Leroy). . Leori/twi°« Hollis, Edwin K tannery Julia M(Ellis ho W Margueritte pl M Katherine pl Charles E Holt, Eunice E (Bennett Point *Pearl E (m Hutchinson Weld Maud (m Chase ho Hutchinson, Albion P lab 84 CENSUS. Asenath E (m Russell Hutchinson, W E far & lumb Nellie H (Reynolds ho Ethel L stu Sybil J stu Hazel V pi Woodbury A Hutchinson, C L agt Lucy A (Hutchins ho Jackson, F Ervin cl Jackson, B W barber JohnsoD, Geo H meat market Ethel M (Hayford ho Ruth M pi Clare M pi Arthur H Johnson, Alden E tannery wk Marion A (Bean ho Johnson, E H ret'd vet Point Mary H (Marston ho Johnson, Geo K ret'd Mary E (Niles ho *Jos M broker 215 Turner, Auburn *Ella M (ra Neveus ho 124 Goff, Auburn Geo H meat mkt Jordan, Lucy A ( *Nettie (m Gordan ho Providence, R. I. Jordan, Allura B (Lovejoy Jay Lottie A ho William M lab Percy L pi Jones, Samuel C far Ida M (m Dodge ho Julia M (Harris ho *Grace B (m Kilbreth ho So Livermore Marcia L stu bus col Julia R millinery S Harris stu Keith, Lester tannery Gil Kerr, Ephraira far & mason Lottie E (Heather ho *Wm D blk Rumford Falls *JasH cont Rumford Falls *Etta M (m Ash Rumford Falls *Geo A mer Rumford Falls *Harry S mason Rumford Falls Violet V (m Dyment Sarah H stu Kidder, Philander far No 1 Abbie A (Alley ho Mabel C (m Deshon Kilbreth, L L No 1 Bessie M (Hall ho Edward L Knapp, Henry D far Gil Etta (Bennett ho George E far *Fred B lab 94 Summer, Auburn Nellie E (m Daley Mexico CENSUS. 85 *Ethel L (m Berry ho Kumford Falls Lee H stu Laddj Florence L (Wyraan L Falls Dazella W pi Lane, Eugene F lab Lane, Charles far Point Lillian (Collidge ho Child Lavorgna, Marco Italian supply Ella I (Whitcomb ho Lawrence W pi Jennie A pi Albert pi George B pi Marco Leavitt, Ida hotel wk Lothrop, Isaac J far M V Eva May ho *Mary E (m Hinkley No Liv Annie C (Gibbs ho Herbert ptr & far Louney, Michael ret'd *Mary (m Hopkins Peru Lovejoy, Melvin F tannery wk Carroll F pi Lovejoy, C H far & car Gil Deborah H (Burgess ho Elina B (m Stone ho *Roscoe L far Welchville Melvin F mill wk *Ada C (m Stone Jay *Rilla G (m Henry ho Rumford Falls Lovejoy, Frank E mill wk Ina M (Davis ho Lowell, Roscoe C tannery wk Annie S (Stanley ho Fred S Lowell, C T tannery wk Helen M (Staples ho *John L trimmer s shop 66 Hampshire, Auburn Roscoe C tannery *Addie E (m Cole ho Rumford Falls Ludden, Alvin L far No Jay 1 Julia E (Bryant ho Ludden, B C far Point Clara B pi Eunice E (Holt ho Ludden, J M far Point Nellie A (Philips ho Manwell, John far No 1 Huldah J (Poland ho *Lucy E (m McKinnon ho Georgetown, Mass Julia A (m Adkins ho *Geo W sole leather shop Lynn, Mass Nettie M (m Marshall dr mkr Hazel M pi Marston, Walter E far Esther F (Austin ho 86 CENSUS. Arthur W pi Marston, John ret'd Point Mary H (m Johnson ho Martin, Clarence S lab Gil Mayner, W G lab Point *Lois E (m Davis ho Jackson, N H Mayo, F M blk *Nellie (rn Mead ho No Bridgton *Hattie T (m Delano ho Rocklin, Cal Mary L (Capen ho McCollister, J T far Point McCollister, R E far Point Emma M (Farnum ho Rodney M pi Urban R McCollister, Philena A nurse Point McCollister, Elva E nurse Point Miller, Leon lab Lizzie (Muse ho *John woodwork Gardner, Mass *Martin paper mill Piercefield, N Y Phil lab Patrick lab Joseph pi Edward pi William Henry Ellie Mitchell, Joanna C (Baird ho *Clara C (m McGibbon ho Lewiston * Walter C laundry Beverly, Mass *Chas J grocer Beverly, Mass Sarah E (m Reynolds ho *Flora M compositor 97% Exchange, Portland Moore, Geo W harness mkr & car dlr Mary E (Fuller ho Archer B far Moore, Roy harness mkr Myrtie M (Campbell ho RuthM Helen B Morse, Frank W phy & sur N Nalley, William J Point Leon R pl EvaM Pl Nichols, John tannery Susan (Bassett ho Numan, Georgia S (L uce *Henry S mach Dixfield *Arthur L sh ipping cl Auburn Horace D stu Harold C stu CENSUS. 87 Florence E Lucy L stu Btu O O'Brien, Henry tannery Mildred (Wight ho Malinda (m Boadway ho *Mack mill wk L Falls *Annie B (m Doucetts Westbrook *Emma (m Wight Chisholm Frank tannery Joseph tannery Alice pi Madie pi Oldham, Chas F wood wk Eunice S (Russell ho Evie B (m York ho Oliver, Frank M sta agt Minnie A (Oldham ho Packard, Mellen B tannery Nellie B (Brooks ho Ethel W ho Arthur M stu Packard, Almina C (Gammon Mellen B far *J A supt s shop Brooklyn, N Y *L M lodging house Norway Packard, Alpheus far Francelia E (Brett ho *Simeon D grocer Mexico *Royal8ton C eng Portland *Archer eng Mexico *Nora B (m Gleason Mexico Packard, Benj D far Alberta (Davis ho *Ethel M (m Hussey ho Hartford Mildred F pi Harold pi Paine, Martha Q ho Point Paine, Louisa ( Point Park, W L far Flora B ( Waldron ho Arthur L pi Frank S pi Sybil Edward W Park, Fred E lab Patterson, Walter J bk kpr Emma B (Stem ho Lawrence J Patterson, Bernard E mach Flora B (Thompson ho Mildred T Ruby A Perry, Mike tannery Nettie (Burke ho Philips, Geo C lab Point Pingree, H far Gil 88 CENSUS. Emma L (Cote ho Arthur D Ellsworth L Pitman, Geo M far Point Mary E (Ellis ho Gladys F pi Lillian M Poland, Caroll S team M V Nellie L (Hackett ho ElvaS pi Iva L Poland, Lewis E far Luella H (Beals ho *Geo A mill wk Livermore CE lab Elery F horse trainer Norman S lab Emerson L lab Wallace lab Mary stu Potter, Frank iar & fish dlr No Jay Cora E (Hathaway ho Proctor, F far Abbie F (Stetson ho Caro S stu R Kay, Arthur H member L. W. Smith Co.,mf^s , Mary E (Cooke ho Walter A stu Charles A pi Reed, Esta H (Brett Harry R R R con Reeder, B F decorator Lottie M (m Briggs ho Reynolds, Nathan druggist " Sarah E (Mitchell ho James A stu Reynolds, Harriet B (Foye MV Willie A far Rich, A E far & lumb Point Florence P (Kempton ho *Chas A bk kpr Bellows Falls, Vt Bertha F tr Guy C pi Roy A pi Ethel G pi Richardson, Frank violin mkr Mary T (Neal ho *Geo F dentist Mt Pleasant, Mich *Mary N portrait ptr 192 Clarendon, Boston, Mass *Wyona P (m Ingersol Jay Fannie B (m Lucas ho Charles E far Otis M printer & ins ag Richardson, Otis M printer & ins agt Blanche (Poor ho Henry F pi Ruth pi CENSUS. 89 Richardson, C E far Mary I pi Mildred A pi Clara M (Grover ho Roberts, W L undertaker & mer Cora J (Hewett ho Rose, W W far No 1 Sarah E (Berry ho Rowe, F E fore boom wk Point Cora M (Holland ho Alice H ho Homer E stu W Sherman pi Roux, Mary (m Aursenault Laury mer •Emma (m Gilman ho New York Reubin, J mer Fannie (Haskell ho Mamie R stu Harry stu Henry pi Lewis pi Russell, Alphonso F retd Caroline A (Saunders ho Arlena F tr IvaM *John S Abbott A Ethel W Leietta C far tr Peru team tr stenog *Lucy B (m Elliott ho Rumford Point Nina M tr Ned N ba^gagje master Alphonso F Jr lab Russell, Geo C mach Asenath E (Hutchinson *Nina A (m Cornish Auburn Russell, Albion P tannery wk Beatrice C (Stubbs ho Ralph C Russell, Lizzie H (Morse Shackley, Samuel far Lottie pi Shackley, William F far Addie (Cassidy ho Shackley, James M far Lena M (m Man well ho Samuel E far Susan E (Delano ho Simmons, Sarah W (Noyes No Liv *Mary N (m Thompson L Falls, 1 *Eliphalet J lab West Farmington ♦Gilbert C far No Jay, 1 Edgar W far Shanahan, Alice M stu Small, Dexter L eng Jennie C (York ho 90 CENSUS. ♦WmL watchman Letany, N B lab Edwin G •Charlotte E (m Dillingham Hartford Eldred A pi Small, Hattie M (Gammon ho Vivian Herbert L Small, Chas L lab Point Myrtie J (Stubbs ho CarlM C Kenneth Smith, Mary M (Lambert ho Mildred E pi Florence I pi Sherley R Alverdeen W Cherlena M Smith, Clinton R tannery Verna M (Adkins ho Shelden C Smith, L B feed dlr & horse Dr Sarah K (Ripley ho *Frank E elec 454 Chatham, Lynn, Mass *Fred H blk Byron * Willis C overseer stable 73 Bates, Lewiston Clinton R tannery Smith, Mary E (Willis ho & asst mistress William F pi George R pi Smith, Francelia A (Brown Clara M (m Richardson Smith, Lyman W prop tannery Marion (Abbott ho Stanley, William F far Gil Marcella (Morse ho Charles lumb Mary F (m Dorrity ho Thomas H team Nathan B horse trainer Geo B grist mill Fred lab Abbie B (m Barker ho Alice I ho Annie I (m Lowell ho Stanley, Burge N lab Gil Ida M (Cone ho Stanley, George B lab Lizzie R (Wentworth ho George R pi Staples, A G far Flora H (m Bisby ho M Louise mus tr Edith E (m Ellis ho Staples, Sewell far Point Delia R (Oldham ho Edwin E pi Sarah E pi Harry E Florence E Daniel C Stetson, Elma B P M Gil Mary E (Smith asst P M CENSUS. 91 Stetson, Ljdia M (Ames *Oberun State ho cl Augusta Viola A (m Hathaway ho Abbie (m Proctor ho Stone, Frank H far Jay Allura B (Jordan ho Strout, C F sta agt & P M MV Lula R (Garber ho Strout, Satire (Harvey Point Strout, Geo H far Point Alzada M (Vann ho Ralph C pi Arthur L pi Lena H ""pi Milton D Strout, M G mer Philura S (Allen ho Stubbs, W M millman M V Myrtie J (m Small ho Floyd D lab Beatrice C (m Russell ho Bernice M ho Swasey, John P law *Hattie May (m Childs ho Lewiston Ella L (Hersey ho *Carrie E (m Smith Auburn Belle (m Wadlin ho Minnie E ho Swett, Chas R car & ho ptr Annie (Swett ho lufant Swett, Robert car Luzune W (Jones ho Herbert A car Harriet H dr mkr *Lizzie P (ra Hutchins ho 30 Boyd, Portland *Clifton F carriage man 50 Bell, Deering Swett, Herbert A car Emma (Holmes ho Sweatt, Clarence A tannery Florence M (Bennett ho Tamney, Edward far Tarbox, H B car & builder Augusta M (Folsom ho Thompson, J W P M Harriet G (Stevens ho Nellie F P cl *Dora M (m Chase ho 69 Brown, Portland Ida M (m Farrand ho Tirrell, Henry T car & dentist Susan A (Hayford ho Arthur L stu Shirley O pi Iva G stu Herman A pi A Wesley pi Edna M Towle, Geo F musician 92 CENSUS. Alma A (House ho Treat, Sarah A (Howland Point Tripp, Chas F far Point Philena A (Weld ho Earland L pi John R Lloyd C Tucker, George S far No 1 V Vergin, Isaac G retd Point Vergiu, Leavitt far Point Guy Harold far Augusta H (Brown ho Fred E lab Carl C lab Virgin, G H Jay far & lathing machine agt Fannie C (Waite ho Chester H W Wadleigh, Sam'l Gil river driver Bertha W (Darrington ho Roiie S pi Jessie M Wadlin, Geo L mer Belle (Swasey ho Swasey pi Waite, M A far & stock broker Clara A (Brackett ho Gladys L mus tr Nathan Byron pi Waite, Mrs. C R (Green Jay *Etta E (m Ludden Jay Ira O ptr Edgar E far Fannie C (m Virgin ho Waite, Byron C Point far & speculator Louisa (Treat ho *Osmond S mer No Jay Milford A far & trader *Elia M (m Nickerson ho 764 Congress, Portland *William T com trav 217 Congress, Portland Walker, Charles W far Lydia T (Hathaway ho *Minnie A (m Glover Waterville Lillian M ho Charles W Jr lab Alphonso G pi Ella M pi Walker, Frank L car & far Julia E (Merrill ho Merrill W Wallingford, Geo lab No Liv Sarah C (Kincaid ho *Leroy G eng Bridgewater, Mass *Alson lab L Falls *Roland lab L Falls Edna L ho CENSUS. 93 Guy Perley L pi Hazel E pi Warren, Fred M hotel wk Washburn, E 1 (Delano ho *Ethel L (m Hollis ho Rumford Falls Webb, A W ho & far Jay Webster, Robt A prin H S Lillian (Knowles ho Weld, Marjory C (McCollister nurse Philena A (m Tripp ho Lyla M stu Weld, Lincoln R car Gil Mary (Milliken ho Clarence M pi L Harold pi Wentworth, Brothers (2) Westgate, Elmer E tannery wk Eleanor (Holdstock ho Eleanor E pi Arthur E pi Wetmore, William lab Mary (Sproul ho *Chas W pulp mill Rumford Falls *Nellie (m Arris Riley Annie (m Willey ho Jennie ho Wilder, W E prop steam mill Jay Abbey A (Wilder ho Wight, Mary A (Stone Truman H pi Willey, Roscoe D sec hd Gil Annie M (Wetmore ho Charlie C Willis, L F millwright Point Ellen A (Usher ho Mary E (m Stetson ho *Jennie L (m Washburn West Paris *Marie ho Norway *John W millman Waterford LF pi Woodman, Lillian (Coolidge Elwin pi Wording, Katherine L stu Nol Wright, Chas W shipping cl Martha B (Butterfield ho Wright, Arthur G tannery wk Wyman, Parker G far No Liv Violanta (Rollins ho *Florence L (m Whitman L Falls Laura E tr Edna L tr Wyman, Thos S far Gil Melvina (Downs ho *Etta (m Pease L Falls *Geo S far Readfield *Chas far Keadfield *Emma M (m Gordon Wilton 94 CENSUS. York, William sec hand Theda A (Robinson ho York, Laura S (Glines ho Eva M (m Burke ho Andrew P sec boss Susie L (m Cole ho Ervin A sec hand *Althea A 11 Arch, Haverhill, Mass York, E A sec hand Gil Flora A (Twitchell ho Sherbourne F York, Andrew P fore R R sec Evie B (Oldham , ho York, Elmer H blindman&lab *P Gladys (m Godding ho Hartford Guy L pl Eleanor H Pl Luella J (Godding ho Mvrle L pl Montieze M pl Gilson R pl •k, Addie L (Garcelon ChasE sec hand Call at WALKER'S SHOE STORE, For that is tHe place to buy Boots^^ Shoes ^ and^ Rubbers with a line that cannot fail to suit both in price and quality. Buy a pair of Qold=Seal Rubbers— they will stand service. REPAIRING DONE AS USUAL. H. F. WALKER. riAIN ST., LAHB'S BLOCK, LIVERMORE FALLS, HE. CENSUS. 95 DIXFIELD CENSUS Where address is not ^iven, DIXFIELD P. O. is under- stood. The following abbreviations designate other addresses: East Dixfleld— East; Dixfield, R. F. D., 1— No 1; Canton Point— C Point; North Jay, R. F. D., 1— No Jay, 1; South Carthage — So Car. Abbott, Wm W Oak Cliff Lucinda A (Doble ho Nellie C ho Adam, Anna (Kidder Third Adams, Chas S far East Elizabeth S (Allen ho Adams, Jesse W far No 1 Mamie E (Holman ho Cleon H Adams, Malissie (Severy No 1 Walter S R R ser *Lester W eng Auburn Ida J (m Thompson Nellie A (m Babb ho Atkins, William E far Lelila M (Burgess ho Albert, Moses lab Third Cora (Farladeay ho Maggie pi Lena pi Frederick pi pl East ho stu Nol ho llene Kate Allen, Andrew F far RosaT (Webster Lida M Allen, Frank A far Inez R (Coolidge Allen, Elizabeth S (Trask East *Delmont M far Jay *Ferdinand F far Jay *Ardean M mer Reading, Mass *Sadie E (m Thomas Jay *Hattie E (m Hescock 114 Oxford, Portland *Oramandel pulp mkr Millinocket Ames, Chas H mach 35 Elm Alice M (Fish ho Robert pl Ames, E F barber 11 Main Ethel A (Davis ho c7 96 CENSUS. Clarence B pi Andrew, Philip Grist Mill op Cora May (Dorr ho *Mabel A (m Brobee Dickvale *Wm L piping & plum Philip W pi Mary T Andrews, W M far No Jay, 1 Martha A (McLaughlin ho *Aliee G (m Dill ho 225 Summer, Auburn Avis E (m Andrews ho B Bryant, Henry far E Peru Lucy M (Numan ho Babb, E harness mkr& jobber *Cora E (m Allen So Waterford Susan J (Rollins ho Babb, Roscoe F far East Lillian M (Bibber ho Albert E lab Alton L pi Aurie E pi Clinton V Infant Babb, H H far & car East Babb, Henry M far East Zema R (Walker ho Roland W Babb, Ira far No 7 F A (Hutchins ho Wm spool sl^op & s wk Babb, John A far Edith A (Cox ho Babb, W O spool shop & s wk Ida M (Brackett ho Glendon Bartlett, Grace E tr Bartlett, Susan B ho Main Bartlett, C W far Main Barrett, R C butcher Berry, Susan (Higgins ho Berry, Lizzie T (Hill *Nellie D (m Merrill Frye *Lilla M (m Decoster Hartford Carrie S (m Howard ho Benjamin T far Elisha C lumb *Zuba L (m Hanson Gorham Lizzie A pi Merle D pi Berry, Herbert E far C Point Flora M (Tucker ho Alice M pi Blaisdell, A E far East Fannie L (Chase ho Martha Infant Butterfield, Edith A mer East Butterfield, Clara E mer East CENSUS. 97 Butterfield, C A far So Car Lucy A (Merchant ho Blanch ard, L G far East Blanchard, Susie F ho Brackett, H W far No 1 Lucetta M (DoUoff ho Klans K far Melissie L (m Babb ho Brackett, Olive E (Thompson Maro-ie E (m Trippe Ida M (m Babb ho Mary O ho Brackett, Herbert L ptr Brackett, Geo F team Brown, Annie (Brown ho *Mabel Liv Falls William H lab Geo W toothpick mill *IsabelM pi British Col Minnie pi Kaymond A pi Mary J pi Euby M Brown, J Freeman lab Mary C (Sinck ho Leroy C lab Loretta E pi Arvilla Brown, H team Clara Bell (Murdock ho Brown, G J spool mkr & mus High Nellie L (Holt ho Wilson L stu Richard A Brainard, Allen Billington, K W lather millman 42 Main Hattie J (Howard ho Ray stu Billington, H A mill watch Billington, Frank H clerg Lesla G (Gilbert ho Hawthorne A pl Lesla Rupheael Burgess, Hubbard lab Edith M (Smith ho Carlton, Geo E far No 1 Leah A (Farrington ho Carlton, Albert L far No 1 Hattie E (Philbrick ho Geo E far Carroll E stu Chase, Mrs V M (Austin ho W K mus & far Chase, Fred S eng s mill Walter E mill wk & stu Chase, Wilder K mus & far Clara L (Hooper ho Annie L (m Woodward ho Chase, Geo W far & blk No 1 Lula A (Gould ho Harold G Childs, Percy lab Florence M (Lamb ho 98 CENSUS. Elwin pi Childs, A C far East Augusta R (Hall ho *Geo C lab Mexico Carrie M (m Holm an *Hermoii A clerg Biddeford *EarlA tr Hingham,Mass Coolidge, R A lar East Inez (m Allen ho Leona (Thomas ho Alton R far Lilla E ho Coolidge, Bethiah (Campbell EPeru Moses M far Coolidge, D D far E Peru Etta S (Smith ho Chester C pi Erma M pi Coolidge, C T far No Jay, 1 Mary E (Mclntire ho *Bert D far E Peru Coolidge, C E far No Jay, 1 Annie M (Porter ho Aim on W far *Ida A (m Allen paper mkr Millinocket Delbert C lab Harry E pi Ora E pi Coolidge, A W lar No Jay, 1 Rilla A (Brown ho Colcord, P E livery stable Grace L (m Howe ho Cox, Emery L lab East Eva H (Bean ho Victor E lab *Addie F (m Bacheler ho Farmington Falls Raymond E lab Darwin E lab Angenette L ho Violet E pi Warren A pi Prince A pi Leon M pi Perry D pi James B Beryl E Ilda Cox, Mary A ( East *Frank L car Eustis Emery L lab *Rebecca A (m Reed Haverhill, Mass Cox, Fred lab Fred L pi Crockett, Geo W lab 74 Main Cora E (Lunt ho Arthur W Cummings, F S mill op 61 Main Maud E (Ricker ho Madeline R pi Geo pi AnnaM Charles H CENSUS. 99 D Danforth, C E en^ No 1 Florence A (White ho Danforth, J C far No 1 *Jas W s shop 24 Manley, Auburn Clarence E far Danforth, F W millman No 1 Mary E (Chubb ho Walter E spool mill Davis, Jas B s mkr Third Hannah C (Pendleton ho Nellie J toothpick op Davis, F M Nov op Main Sarah A (Rand ho Davis, Margaret A ( 58 Main *Geo F law Duluth, Minn 5627 Huntington Decker, John A retd MabelE (Raymond ho John R pi Delano, J A hostler Delano, C T far No 1 Abbie M (Sanders ho *C M teleg op Globe ES far Helen E teleg & bk kpr Annie L photog Dean, Geo M far East Edith M (Piper ho Yiolet A Dillingham, C L mer Main Sybil L (Gates ho Datie L pi Dockham, C E mill op Main Dockham, G W deputy sheriff Main Lizzie A (Chubb ho Lavinia L ho Dolloff, Sarah toothpick op Nol Douglass, A L far No Jay, 1 FlorillaE (Wait ho Mahala E stu Marion H pi Albion L pi Drown, Wm F far No 1 Gertrude M (m Holman Ethel M pi Percy W pi Perley A pi Douglass, R H far No Jay, 1 Elmira (Judkins ho Dunham, J L far Mary J (Keyes ho *Hannah M (m Jones ho Livermore Falls Charles C mach Willis J mach & far *Mary A (m Benson ho Sumner Durrell, Chas S lumb mfg Lena E (Holman ho Mina M pi Maurice C Infant 100 CENSUS. Eaton, Jacob far East Elizabeth J (Fletcher ho *Edw phy & sur Hudson, Mich Edmunds, J P blk 18 Main Edna M ho Ina E mill wk Eustace, Col Wm T 13 Main Elizabeth (Stowell ho Annie T pi William W pi Augusta F pi Albert pi Stowell Eustis, Chas W retd 11 Main Mandana M (Griffith ho Farrington, C W s finisher Anna M (Virgin ho Carroll E tr Farrar, Llewellyn A lab Main Grace M (Smith ho Lelia M C Henry Fish, Frank H far No 1 Alice M (Hall ho Harris A stu Lorea M , pi Georgia E pi Nat baleen G Fish, Vesta A (Lamb No 1 Ina M (m Burgess ho Geo P far Flagg, Elmer far C Point Gertie U (Gordon ho Flagg, George P far Fletcher. T H lab lower Main Lizzie B (Howe ho Flora L ho Harry T mill wk Elven P pi Fletcher, Geo I far No 1 Augusta C (Coolidge ho Margaret ho Charles lab Forster, M W toothpick mfg Main Lelia (Randall ho Frost, William F lab Ruth A (Welch ho Arthur C lab Maggie M pi Ruth A * pi Bernice G pi Fuller, A J retd East Gammon, W W wood wkr Eusebia M (Hines ho *Wm P R R eng Ridlonville Gates, Geo G far Main Sybil L (m Dillingham ho Dorcas P (Evans ho CENSUS. 101 Edith A (m Stowell ho Ethel C (m Keene ho Gates, Don A far & lurab Alice W (Davis ho Esther C pi Kuth D pi Glines, Jane E (Goudy Main Franklin W invalid Gould, Enos T far No 1 Mary A (McTire ho Winnie A (m Holman ho Lula A (m Chase ho Charles S team Gould, Clara A (Holman 47 Main *Everett F sales 75 Elm, Lewiston Ormond O s mill op Greenlief, Chas W surveyor 13 Main Mary S (Eustice ho M Eustace actor Gordon, Esther J (Childs C Point *Grafton B far Peru Gertie U (m Flag^ ho Grover, Lizzie B (Leavitt Daisy M (m Marshall ho Grover, John F far No 1 Clarinda E (Paul ho Chester C pi Roland J pi H Harlow, Gertrude ho Harlow, lone Milliner Main Harlow, W G mer R el Harlow, S V tea a^t No 1 Carrie P (Morse ho Myrtle B pi Agnes M pi Nettie M pi Thomas E pi Ernest S pi Roy V Hammons, S L National House, Main Ada L (Curtis ho Hawkins, M P lumb Third Cora B (Davis ho Ray E lab George W lab Edith M toothpick op Winifred pi Gwendoline pi Hawkes, F H toothpick mill Jennie F (Holt ho Kenneth B Yilda N Haynes, Chas F brick mkr Zelma Z (Wing ho EflBe M (m Lovejoy ho Claude B spool mill op Haynes, D E far Rhoda (Whitney ho 102 CENSUS. Leroy L Hall, William C Ella ( Whitemore Leroy Mary Hall, Leroy R Mary W (Delano Alice M (m Fish Sadie M lab far ho iar ho ho ho Harvey, David W far No 1 Frances A (Marble ho Doris F Hannaford, Joseph N Fred Frank far Joseph far *Herbert far West Gardiner *Ida M (m Seavery Wilton Holman, Alex mill man No 1 Holman, W S mail car No 1 Winnie A (Gould ho Lelia A pi Holman, Ellen M (Carlton Frances (m Paul ho *Albert S far E Peru *Geo C plumber Colebrook, N H *Ida M (m Dailey C Point *Elois (m Stone Jay ^Arthur C ptr Cleveland, O Darwin B far Holman, D B far No Jay, 1 Cora A (Tucker ho Arthur L pi Gertrude F pi Mildred I pi Mabel I Holman, Mandeville mer 9 Main Alice A (Mclntire ho Julia B ins & typewriter Delia M tr Wendwell P stu Holman A far No Jay, 1 Flora M (Smith ho Wallace F tr Theda M pi Holman, C D far East Gertrude I (Brown ho Elsie M pi Holman, Sarah E (Harvey Nol Daniel H far Del mer D pi Fred W pi J Bennett pi Lena M pi Burtrand H pi Holman, J J far No 1 Carrie M (Childs ho * Weston P tr Friendship *Wilmer H tr Waltham Andrew W tr Holman, E E far No 1 Ordesa (Holman ho CENSUS. 103 Lillian E (m Merrill ho *Walter E lab Ridlonville Jennie M mill op Harris S stu Myron L pi Agnes A pi Celia A pi Archie R Holman, A M far No 1 EfRe (Douolass ho Holman, Marion retd Third Holman, Horace far No 1 Betsey S (Hutchinson ho Lydia (m Smith dr mkr *Edith (m Millett Amherst, Mass *E]la (m Barker Topsham *Livoni M (m Barrett Peru Lena E (m Durrell ho *Hattie B (m Kidder Peru Holman, Verdell A No 1 Gertrude M (Drown ho Durward F Holman, E M far No 1 Susie E (Farrington ho Charles H lab Lilla M ho Walter M far Ervin P cl Harold B etu Oscar M pi Una L pi Holman, Melvin far No 1 *Ernest M clerg 68 Pearl, Melrose, Mass *Anna E (m Paine Jay Carl far Floyd L lab Myrtie A stu Gladys E stu Lucy A (Towle ho Holman, Edgar M car Nellie E (Ramsdell ho Lottie M (m Webster ho *Maud B (m York ho Ruraford Falls Leo E toothpick mill Eva May pi Holman, Hannah (Hutchinson High Etta E ho & P O cl *Gertrude S (m Holt ho Livermore Falls *Mellie E (m Fern aid ho Rumford Falls *Geo S cl Rumford Falls LE cl Holman, Livona ho East Holt, Otto F barber Grace E (Robinson ho Holt, EL far milk & wood dlr Hattie F (Brown ho Cristy C tr Hildred M pi Holt, Viola D (Blodgett ho E L far, milk & wood dlr 104 CENSUS. Hattie L (m Stockbridge Nellie (m Brown ho *Etta M (ra Draper ho Westwood, Mass Jennie F (m Hawkes ho Holt, Abel D barber Eda E (Badger ho Floyd S pi Holt, Geo H retd Vina A (Yeaton ho Herschel B marble wk Geo D printer Thos P jeweler Howard, M T spool mill High Edith M (Cobb ho Howard, Walter E car Elizabeth S (Staines ho Harold E Thomas O Howard, H C spool mkr Main Leiia (Randall ho Houston, Fluella L (Stockbridge ho Main Myrtle M pi Houston, T I s mill turner Jeneveive S (Neal ho Hildreth, W H mer East Mary A (Searles ho *0 A millman Laconia, N H *Della H (m Coburn Carthage Hiscock, Gustavus retd East *Frank P far Livermore Rose ho Geo A mer Howe, Clara C (Marsh ho *Eliott W mer Rumford Falls *Sybil A (m Minot ho 22 Chapel, Augusta Corabel tr Carroll P mer Abbie M tr Hubble, Emma L (Tomlinson Susie M (m Walters ho George S pi Humphrey, L H s mill op Lower Main Addie E (Packard ho Earl P toothpick op Hilda B J Johnson, Malinda (Waite James P druggist Mary J (m Smith ho Delia R (m Wentworth ho *lda B (m Leighton ho Will im antic Johnston, J P druggist Mary E (Newton ho Judkins, Elmira (Wetheren No Jay, 1 Edith stu CENSUS. 105 K Keene, Fred H mer Weld Ethel C (Gates ho Olive E stu Keith, M E High overseer corn shop Alice (Marsh ho Thelm pi Kenerson, Ella F (Tyler 77 Main Amanda A (m Tyler ho Blanche L ho Kenney, Harvey far No 1 *E F cont & bldr Gallup, New Mexico *Laforest E eng Salem, Mass Malissa (Adams ho Kidder, Gladys U pi Kidder, George L pi Kidder, William M car Third Chiloe F (Abbott ho Archer P s mill op *Shirley A (m Dyer ho Rumford Falls Kidder, Theodore pi No 1 Kilgore, Mary Ann (Widber Marcus W eng Ella P (m Widber ho Kilgore, M W eng 79 Main HattieC(Moye ho Kimball, Ann C (Carr ho Clara Bell (m Brown ho Knight, Laforest far No 1 Evie L (Bonny ho Knight, E C (Barnard cl Knight, Emery far Hattie G (Bobbins ho Cora H pi Sewell Knox, F L toothpick mill op Willard E pi Susie A (Tainter ho Labb, Gertrude (Rand No 6 Ladd, Leon I pi No 6 Ladd, Wallace s mill op Main Mabel (Wright ho Florence pi Lamb, Levi L far No 1 Vestie A (m Fish ho *Leland A far Weld Lamb, Frank A car Main Eda M (Widber ho Lane, Clarence S No 1 Lemieux, Archie mach Third L (Lambert ho Delia Littlefield, W D s mkr Main Lothrop, Mary E (Ridley ho No Jay, 1 George L far Lovejoy, Melvin E nov mill William B pi EffleM (Hayne ho 106 CENSUS. Lovejoy, H L toothpick mill 50 Main Luce, Henry H far Christina C (Hall ho *Chas S mer E Peru *Josie N (m Childs ho C Point Leon W nov mill op H Clifford lab Ludden, V ho & tr Main M Marsh, Columbus far No 1 *Angie (m Buckfield *Matilda (m Clew ho Boston, Mass Nellie (m Marsh, Matilda A (Newton ho *Chestina M (m Edwards 15 Orkney, Woodfords Harry B mer Lutie M ho Marsh, N D C Point Anna J (Knapp ho Marsh, G A fore corn shop Josephine H (Maynell ho Netta L (m Stanley ho Alice M (m Keith ho Josephine M cl Marshall, F M toothpick op Daisy M (Grover ho Macomber, Justus retd Main Ferdinand P Macomber, F P Main Cora M (Smith ho Carroll J s mill op Austin B pi Floyd P pi Cassie H pi Ina M pi Ervin A Marble, D S far No 1 *Elva J hotel Rumford Ctr Addie F (m Harvey ho Marble, W S far No 1 Mary L (Towle ho Marion F pi Marble, D S far No 1 Mclntire, Adelia (Holm an 9 Main Mary A (m Gould ho Alice A (m Holman ho Maurice bdg house McAlister, James lab Main McLaughlin, J M far C Point Martha A (m Andrews *Bertha (m Lord Merrill, V far No 1 Callie (Harlow ho Edwin T lumb Roswell C far Grover C pi Merrill, G L mfg 29 Weld Abbie W (Nichols ho Merrill, Edwin T lab Main Lillian E (Holman ho CENSUS. 107 Estella L Everett E Pearl E Morse, Chas E far East Morse, Myrtie M ho Morse, Wm C s rakr Main Abbie M (Leavitt ho Thelma A Morrison, F W far No 1 EllaE (Hall ho Vivian M pi Moy, Geo E car ptr Main Jennie A (Young ho Martin M team Myatt, Lewis nov mill op Mitchell, J H far No 1 Melissa J (Fish ho *Ella M (m Decoster ho Amesbury, Mass Omer S far *EthelM (mEustis Strong, No 2 Roy H far Murch, E W car 68 Main Ada E (Berry ho Murdock, Clara B (Kimball *Sadie A (m Dupaul Wilder, Vt Burton K cl N Newell, Thos B Lilla E ( Judkins ho Celand T pi Newton, Floyd A mech No 1 Alice B ( Waite ho Cora A Newton, Hosie far No 1 Abbie A (Hall ho *Ida May ins agt Rumford Falls Lucena A ho Newton, Cyrus blind Fidelia A (Maxwell ho Charles A far Newton, Fred G mer High Rena M (Knight ho Roy A lab Newton, Dan'l F car High Flora A (Turner ho *Floyd A mach Los Angeles, Cal Lacy A lab Elsie M ho Mertie P stu Nichols, Clifton s mill op O spool mkr Third Oldham, Chas L blk East Eliza L stu Oliver, E S s finish 68 Main Mary B ( Jeffers ho Packard, E D far No 1 108 CENSUS. Grace E (Glover ho Elmer G pi Grace E pi Helen M pi Edmond A pi Everett G pi Hezekiah M Packard, Moses F far & mason Alma (McLaughlin ho Edmond D far *M Albert mason & far Wilton *Wm E car & letter car Wakefield, Mass Packard, Sarah S (McLaughlin ho No 1 MF far *Hubbard C mason 17 Appleton, Boston, Mass Sarah E (m Porter ho Paine, L truckman 72 Main Ella E (Bartlett ho Harold pi William pi Geo Byron Payne, O E spool mkr High Lillian M (Fogg ho Parsons, Ida (Brown Third Ernest G pi Grace M stu *Harry B s shop Auburn Pease, W M phy & sur 14 Main Cora M (Hubbard ho Pease, Emma A stu Philbrick, S L far No 1 Bertha A (Bucknam ho Leona G pi Lamont M pi Beryl R Porter, Clinton F far No 1 Dora C (Robinson ho Elery C pi Lona pi Edna pi Ina pi Mary Porter, Geo T far No 1 Sarah E (Packard ho William C far Inez A pi Zilla L pi Pratt, H C retd *Geo W R R ser 2G0 Wash, Boston, Mass *Chas H stu 12 Vine Somerville, Mass Proctor, Martha E (Bradeen Main Eva B ho Bessie E pi Proctor, R G eng s mill Main Thirsa L (Brown ho Alton E Putnam, Wm E Lower Main undertaker & furniture dlr Nettie H (Hutchinson ho Paul, W A far No 1 CENSUS. 109 Frances A (Holman ho Clarindia E (ra Grover ho *Bert S barber Bellows Falls, Vt Clyde C lab Paul, W L birch mill E Peru Bertha M (Wentworth ho Aline M pi R Band, Sam'l D far No 1 Alfa L (Mclnnis ho Randall, Emma M (Hammond 39 Weld Lelia M (m Foster ho Ella M toothpick op Randall, Malissa M (Eaton 39 Weld Reed, Robt far No 1 Lydia A (Carlton ho Milford E far EfRe M stu Reed, W N far C Point Addie E (Knight ho Ricker, Chas mach 62 Main Charlotte (Stockholms Ricker, W H nov turner 61 Main Emma J (Abbott ho Margaret C Ricker, W P s cutter Main Maria N (Dorr ho Geo W s finisher Chas P s finisher Willis H s finisher Maud E (m Cummings ho Ricker, Geo W s mkr High Isabel (Stackhouse ho Hattie I pi Lillian M pi Robbins, Emma E pi East Robbins, Theodore A far East Inez C pi John A pi Edith (Holden ho Rollins, John H retd No Jay, 1 Emily S (Paine ho *Rosa A (m Swain Augusta *John F far & car West Bethel *Chas F mason Liver more Falls *Emma M (m Lernard No Jay *Fred E mason Sangerville Rollins, W W far No Jay, 1 *Maud E (m Wright Ridlonville Mary E (Lothrop ho Alice M pi Orissa M pi Philip W pi Root, Mrs D L (Barnard ho *Albert B blk 48 Wenham Jamaica Plains, Mass 110 CENSUS. Kose, Calvin M far No 1 Rose, Nelson far Alma J (Williams ho Alton F pi Russell, Peter far No Jay, 1 *Syntha (m Tibbetts Rangeley Susie ho *E (m Reynolds No Jay Dennis far Russell, Dennis far C Point Cora (Coolidjje ho Inza Olin Russell, S A s mkr 7 Elm Etta A (Holland ho Lizzie M tr Chas M s mkr Millie H millinery Ryerson, Frank L ear May T (Williams ho Erland M Scott, WmH novmill 9 Elm Ida I (Fletcher ho Raymond F pi *Schofield,CM superintendent Florence, Arizona Ina M (Swett ho Ruth Severy, William H far East Lillian J (Burgess ho Cony W pi Morris S pi Severy, Warren far No Jay, 1 Catherine K (Waite ho Small, W H s turner 64 Main Emma F (Dunham ho Smith, A L s mill op 74 Main Grace V (Pike ho Bertha G pi Smith, Gustavus retd East Elva (m Severy *Walter E s shop op Georgetown, Mass Esther A (Clark ho Smith, Warren E far East Ada E (Smith ho Sadie M tr Walter H far Lena A tr Myrtle E stu Dora E pi Smith, Sam'l M far East Eliza R (Richmond ho Julia B (m Kidder ho Daniel E far Clara E (m Wright ho Smith, D E far East Mary J (Johnston ho Mamie E (m Casey ho Leon C team Linda R stu Smith, Albert W nov op Third CENSUS. Ill *Fred W P cl Rumford Falls Burleigh F pi Smith, E A lab High Keziah (Canwell ho Alvin L lab Edith M (ra Burgess ho *Bennie A lab Ridlonville Charles E lab Stain, W H far No 1 Mary V (Holman ho Stain, L S b'dg house Myrtie I (Emery ho *Ivan L lab No Bethel Erie Q lab Omar E lab *Estelle M (m Richardson P^ru Rachel F stu Myrtie M pi Stanley, Charles mer Alfreda V (Abbott ho *Chas L mer Mexico Arthur M mer Chester C stu & paper boy Stanley, H O mfg- *Nellie L (m Kimball ho 39 Sagamore Dorchester, Mass George P mach Stanley, Geo P 6 Elm mach & town cl Netta L (Marsh ho Josephine M stu Stockbridge, A H lab Pine Hattie L (Holt ho Stowell, Newton S mfg Main Edith G (Gates ho A Isabel ho Arthur N spool mgr Mary S bk kpr George P stu Herbert K Starkey, Nellie toothpick op Sturtevant, E W butcher Myrtle L (Greene ho Sturtevant, J S phy & sur 37 Weld CeliaH(Wing ho James M stu Blandine stu Swett, E S s mill op Elva A (Houle ho Miles L pi Hollis J Clifford R Swett, E S ptr & paper hgr 33 Main Flora R (Hayman ho Ina M (m Schofield ho Tainter, S S s mill High Bernice M (Hutchinson ho Roland H Tainter, Emily S (Alden 25 Main c8 112 CENSUS. * Abraham L far & team Weld Simon S s mill op Susie A (m Knox ho Tainter, Willis W mach Una A (Farrar ho Taylor, Mary A (Turner Hioh ho & dr mkr Lena M dr mkr Taylor, Z W U S ser 25 Main Jessie (Brown ho Taylor, Eugene F 37 Main Dora S (Babb ho Florence L stu Taylor, Dan'l G far 50 Main Addie M(Lovejoy ho Erwin L far Teague, C D eng- toothpick mill Martha A (Purrington ho Thayer, H G lumb mfg Weld Emma J (Oxnard ho *Clarice O (m Small ho Ridlonville Florence M stu Thomas, W S mech & far " East Allie A (Richardson ho Thompson, J N s finisher 31 Weld Ida J (Adams ho Bessie M (m Marsh ho Geo N s finisher Henrietta B stu Toothaker, John H 12 Main Emma A stu Torry, P W far No 1 Annie M (Verrill ho *Erland C US soldier Plattsburg, N Y Leo G far Wilfred V pi Torry, G P far No 1 Torry, D M far Emma A (Philbrick ho Eugene L far Hortense B tr Towle, Willis E far No 1 Edna M (Holman ho Howard W stu Carl E pi Esther E pi Towle, Geo H far No 1 Carrie S (Robinson ho Annie R pi Manilla D pi Wilford R pi Towle, J J car 53 Main Mary F (Holman ho *Chas H mach Mabel N stenog Ethel R toothpick op Tucker, Lydia P (Coolidge ho No Jay, 1 Cora A (m Holman ho * Leslie D far Wayne Flora M (m Berry ho Iva L ho CENSUS. 113 John E far Clifford E team Turner, Mason H far Flora A (m Newton ho *Emery E straw shop Foxboro, Mass Turner, L F lar Lizzie M (Smith ho Phoeba M pi Florence A pi Clayton pi Tyler, Wm E team 77 Main Amanda A (Kenerson ho Myrtle R W Waite, Jane C (Newton 10 Main Laforest A ptr Waite, Margaret A (Davis ho Waite, Will W lab 58 Main Winnifred F (Bredden ho Waite, Rosamond E (Holman No Jay, 1 *Minnie E (m Nickerson So Orrington "Waite, Alva A far Esther H (Ellis ho Charles A pi Doris K pi Waite, Anna C (Parlin No 1 Walter J far Alice B (m Newton ho Walters, Geo nov mfg 35 Weld Susie M (Bubbell ho George T Walton, G M far East Eliza S (Bean ho Mertice L car & far *Ella B (m Smith ho East Winifred E stu Ralph E pi Webster, Guy E lab East Florence P pi Chester G pi Agnes O pi Lena pi Lottie M (Holman ho Anna H Ellen M Earl W Weld, Fred far ^ Evelyn T (Decoster ho * Walter J sta agt Oquossoc Arthur C far Carl L lab Norma B pi Susan B pi Ina May pi Frank M pi Wentworth, Alonzo 76 Main Adelia (Johnston ho Wheelwright, E P East Eliza W (Townsend ho 114 CENSUS. *Susie M (m Hunnewell Auburn Wheelwright, S G East piano & organ dlr Annie M (Oldham dr mkr Widber, EdaM (Barrett Main Dora B (m McAlister ho Sherley P s mill op Clarence H pi Scott D pi Widber, Charles H far Ella P (Kilgore ho Widber, Danl W stone cutter Widber, Jas far & horse trainer Whittemore, C D team East Nacy J (Wentworth ho *Carroll E attendant Poland Springs *Ernest E barber 18 Goff, Auburn Whittemore, Eben far East Huldah A (Wordsworth *C Laforest wood turning Jay Whittemore, H L lab High May A (Lillie ho Agnes M Whittemore, Harry E lab High Lillian A (Closton ho White, H S ice bus 53 Main Jennie L (Eliott ho White, Wm H far No 1 *Arabella A (Marble ho Spoone, Wis *Matilda J (m Kidder Peru Florence A (m Danforth Henry S far William M far White, Wm M far No 1 Rosilla (Carver ho Eva M ho Edgar M stu Bertha M pi Arthur H pi Grace B pi Carl B pi Lena E pi Velma R Whitney, Elvira N (Parke ho *Herbert J far No 1 Rhoda D (m Haynes ho Willoughby, F L mech High Jennie M (Frost ho Bertha M pi Winslow, WmH retd East *Ella A (m White No Jay Wright, Walter E far East Bessie M(m Penley ho Raymond E pi Erma Wright, Geo E far East Clara E (Smith ho Walter E far *Edw M far No Jay, 1 Lelia E ho *Bessie F (m Murch No Jay Thera G Clyde S Works, V B repr & tool mkr Inez N (Starkey Leland I CENSUS. 115 Jay Pauline pl pl Kathleen pl Works, Leon P nov turner mkr Wyman, Thos A nov op ho Third pl Idella M pl J,-. 116 GENEEAL EEFERENCE. GOVERNORS OF MAINE. 1820 William King, Bath. 1821 William D. Williamson, Bangor, Acting. 1821 Benj. Ames, Bath, Acting. 1822 Albion K. Parris, Paris. 1827 Enoch Lincoln, Portland, (d.) 1829 Nathan Cutler, Farmington, Acting. 1830 Jona G. Hunton, Eeadfield. 1831 Samuel E. Smith, Wiscasset. 1834 Robert P. Dunlap, Brunswick. 1838 Edward Kent, Bangor. 1839 John Fairfield, Saco. 1841 Edward Kent, Bangor. 1842 John Fairfield, Saco. 1843 John Fairfield, Saco (elected to U. S. Senate). 1843 Edw. Kavanagh, Newcastle, Acting. 1844 Hugh J. Anderson, Belfast. 1847 John W. Dana, Fryeburg. 1850 John Hubbard, Hallowell. 1853 William G. Crosby, Belfast. 1855 Anson P. Morrill, Re^dfield. 1856 Samuel Wells, Portland. 1857 Hannibal Hamlin, Hampden (elected U. S. Senate). 1857 Joseph H. Williams, Augusta, Acting. 1858 Lot M. Morrill, Augusta. 1861 Israel Washburn, Jr., Orono. 1863 Abner Cobum, Skowhegan. GEFERAL EEFERENCE. 117 1864 Samuel Cony, Augusta. 1867 Joshua L, Chamberlain, Brunswick. 1871 Sidney Perham, Paris. 1874 Nelson Dingley, Jr., Lewiston. 1876 Selden Connor, Augusta. 1879 Alonzo Garcelon, Lewiston. 1880 Daniel F. Davis, Corinth. 1881 Harris M. Plaisted, Bangor. 1883 Frederick Robie, Gorham. 1887 Joseph R. Bodwell, Hallowell, died December 15, 1887. 1887 S. S. Marble, Waldoboro, Acting. 1889 Edwin C. Burleigh, Bangor. 1893 Henry B. Cleaves, Portland. 1897 Llewellyn Powers, Houlton. 1901 John Fremont Hill, Augusta. 1905 Wm. T. Cobb, Rockland. PRESENT TJ. S. SENATORS FROM MAINE. William P. Frye, Rep. — Lewiston, 1883-1907 Eugene Hale, Rep.— Ellsworth, 1887-1905 REPRESENTATIVES TO CONGRESS FROM MAINE. Amos L. Allen, Rep. — Alfred, Lawyer Chas. E. Littlefield, Rep. — Rockland, Lawyer Edwin C. Burleigh, Rep. — Augusta, Editor Llewellyn Powers, Rep. — Houlton, Lawyer W. W. BLANCHARD dehler in Flour, Grain and Feed. Also a full line of Stock Foods, and Veterinary Kemedies. DEERING MACHINERY, OIL AND REPAIRS. NATHAN REYNOLDS, REGISTERED PHARMACIST CANTON, MAINE Full line of all the leading remedies. Prescription work a specialty. Wall Paper, Window Shades, Paints, Oil and Varnishes, Brushes, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle, BEST LINE OF STATIONERY. G. DANA HOLT Established 1887 THOMAS P. HOLT iC^ll^ Holt Bros. Print Shop I will deliver at any Maine freight station this safe, guaranteed fire-proof, size, 15 x 10 x 10 inches, inside measure. FOR ONLY BRUNSWICH, E