F n \y LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 078 716 4 % SOLDIERS BURIED IN LEE. LIST OF SIX WARS IN THE THREE CEMETERIES* COMPILED BY D. M. WILGOX. Revolutionary. In all cases where the state is omitted Massachusetts is understood. This list gives the names only of men whose graves are known, but it is certain that a considerable number of others are buried in town, some of whom rest in unknown graves, and tlie service of some others has not been traced. With the exception of Quaker ■•, and a few other exempts, all the able-bodied men of New England between 16 and 60 were enrolled in the militia from the early years of the colonies, and during the Revolution nearly all, at "one time or another, performed some military ser- vice. From lirst to last during that struggle the names and service of more than 120 men of Lee, or the territory incorporated into Lee in 1777, is givea in the compilation, "'Massachusetts Sol- diers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War." The service of some is given in days, some in weeks and months, and a few in years. Those marked with an asterisk were residents of L'^e at th3 time of service. Center Cemetery. Adams, Barnabas, Mass. Militia *Backus, Benjamin, " " Baker, David, " " *Barlow, Lemuel, " *' Bassett, Cornelius, Militia and Navy Bas«ett, Nathaniel, " " *BradIey, Eli, Militia and Continental *Bradley, Jared, " " " *Bradley, Capt. Jesse, Mass. Militia *Bradley, Jesse, << >. Brewer, Isaac, " Cont'l *Chadwick, Abiathar, " Militia Cbadwick, Samuel, " " *Crocker, Elisha, " " *Dimmick, Sylvanus, Militia and Con- tinental — served several months be- fore coming to Lee, and 7 days after. Conn. Continental Militia and Continental Dorr, Samuel, *Foot, Asahel, *Foot, Fenner, " " " *Foot, Jonathan, " *Freeman, EUsha, " Fuller, Stephen, "A Revolutionary Soldier" on monument — record not found. Garfield, Lt. Enoch, *Gifford, Jesse, Mass. Militia,^ ( ( < ( o <( whom uiuuuiitenls luive heeu erected, hul who were buri««d iu the South. riiote marked with an asterisk serv- erl on the cjuota of Lee. Center Cemetery. •.MIeu, James V., Corp., BasM-tt, Charles, .Mu.siciau, < lia.s.rge F., 'Bishop, .Mdtoii (i., Bli!i.H, .Mviu v., 'Mli'iS, Chauueey T., Isl S^l. ' Mhs^H, Henry .1 ., •Bh.vi, Cjuintou F., Brace, Charles K., •Bradley, Dwight IV, Bradley, Thoma.s S , Capt., N. V. S. S. Bristol, (Jeorge V., 1st Lt., Bruga. ( 'harles T , 'Brooks, Mdtou, Browu, .Mfre^l, Brown, Francis I'., Brvaut, .\nson, K ' .rin;.t..M. John M . I ' : .1 : A ' I. ( irvirjff U .\\ , 'i ^>f, Ldward W , < .>i|i , Co«, Seymour \V.. B, :S7ih ;, Gth .Mich. Hih .Mich.; \, loth K, 4;»ih i:, -'71 h K. l'7lh B, S7lh K, I'd U, 4!Hh , II,4!Hh 1, 1st Cav. B, 37tli K. 2d B, 87lh !»thCo.. 1st A. .list It, 4tnli K, 87th th Cranston, Jauiej U , Lt., lOih L'. ^. •Ddwiey, Franklin J.. .V, 10th DeForest, .Mexamler, B, 87lh *l)eForeontiellv, Frp.lcrick, 1, Slst *I)oohltle, .lames H.. 'Mh Co.lslN.Y.S.S. I>urant, Charles II 'I >uraiil, .luhii .\ ., Kaslauil, .lohn B , •Freeman. Charles W ., Fuller, Charles II . «iiM.>rd, Martin S , •(iillonl, Norman L , 7th 1, 81st »th Mich. Vii\. \, 10th C. «7lh K, 27lh Conn. •Ilulelt. Orrin, K. .r7lh; F, 49ih; D, o7lh -Inge. s<. II. Kugene 1. , H. 4tnh "Ingram, Lyman J., I, 81itt *Ja«(uius, KglNMl J., I>, o7tli John!Hin,<;iltx>rt S., H, 87th Jud.l,- Thoma-s M . F, 4»th Lee, AuH».uW., H, I'Hh 1 .S ; H,.sihVt. •Leonar.l, John .M., H. 2d •lA>omis. Harvev, 11. 4;Mh .Markham, Alfr'eii J , A, lUlh Marshall, Frastus. Letr't not known Aufi,. r lA.' t9M i" IX u JU Martin, Augustus N., K, 27th Mathews, William, 1st Conn. Art'y *McElroy, George, H., 31st *Merrill, John H., A, 10th ; D, 57th Moat, Thomas E., B, 177th N. Y. *Moore Charles E.,C, 13th Conn; I, 57th Moore, John E., C, 37th *Morev, Albert J., Hosp. Steward, 49th *Morey, Benjamin A., 1st Lt., I, 31st; Capt.,F, 49th *Morey, Benjamin F., B, 5th N. Y.; Capt.,1, 31st *Morgan, Phineas W., 2d Lt.,B, 37th *Nye, Charles L., E, 27th OWJohn W., 1st Sg:t.,A, 10th; Sgt. Maj.37th ^ *Osborn, George S., H, 49th Parker, Rufus, H., 20th Mich.; Corp., D, 3d Mass. Cav. Peters, Morey M., B, 175th N. Y. *Phelps, Gustavus A., Sgt.jH, 49th *Phinney, George F., B, 37th *Royce, James K., 9th Co. 1st N.Y. S.S. Scott, David, E, 69th N. Y. Searles, Lyman E., A, 37th ^ See. Darius, I, 31st J *See, John, Co's A and K, 1st Cav. o**Shannon, Augustus V., Capt., H, 49th r Shook, Edward H., D, 49th '^^ Simader, Andrew, E, 35th J -Smith, Charles, E, 19th N.Y. ^ Smith, Chauncey W., Sgt.. I, 31st g4*Smith, DeWitt S., 2d Lt., H, 49th -*Smith, Edward, E, 27th 5 Smith, Franklin A., 19th Pa. Cav. ^*Spafford, Lewis W., B, 37th i*Street, Oscar D., F, 49th ^*Sturges, George E., H, 49th Todd, George , Gunboat, "Kennebec" Tucker, George N., I, 124th N. Y. Wagner, George, H, 3l8t Warren, Joseph, I, 1st: N. Y. Mtd. Rifles; 1st Lt., oth N. J. Bat'y. Warren, Nathan C, B, 5th N. Y. *Washburn, Daniel, I, 31st *Wheeler, William H., A , 10th While, Alfred N., I, 11th Conn. Williams, Alexander T., G, Uth U. S. C. T.-H./N. Willis, Frederick A., B, 37th Wood, Joseph, ^ H, 49th Catholic Cemetery. *Backus, Marvin, Bliven, James H., *Burke, Dennis, Carty, Patrick, Casey, Patrick, *Dolan, James, Dolan, William, Eagan, John, Fillio, Napoleon F., *Foley, William, K, 2d D, nth U. S. H, 49th K, 29th Mich. 12th N.H E, 27th B, 34th D, 27th D, 2d Cay. K, 37th Keeley, James, alias, John McMahon, vessels, "Glance," "Tonawanda," "Marblehead," "Nina". Kelly, George E., 87th N. Y. Kelly, Thomas; f«gt. not known, grave unidentified.Vtjjel •• " — YIcxaju^ *Kenney, Patrick, E, 27rh *Keyes, Michael, B, 37th LaPoint, Frank, B, 8th Leahey, Morris, vessel, "Wachusett." Lewis, Jamcs^E , 1st N.Y. Light Arty. Maloney, Thomas, K, 49th Martin, Louis, A, 13th Vt. Martin, Nelson, A, 5th Vt. *McDonough, Dennis, E, 27th *McDonough, Thomas, I, 49th McGinnes, James, E, 27th McGinnes, John, E, 91st N. Y. McShane, Barney, A, 91st N. Y. Mitchell, Edward F.; regt. not known. Prout, John G., B, 8th Ct.; K, 20th Ct. *Ryan, Kerran, Corp., A, 10th Stumpf, John H., A, 31st Slumpf, Philip, F, 159th N. Y. *Tarmey, Thoraas, E, 27th South Lee Cemetery. Bailey, Alpheus H., D, 49th *Bevens, Chester, A, 31st Maxwell, Anthony, E, 159th N.Y. Mc Allister,George, Asst.Surg.,71st N.Y Morrison, William H., K, 49th Spanish War. ^May, Henry B., Paymaster — rankMaj. irbLul^^.'i^.ilio LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS 014 073 715 4 VETERANS RESIDING IN LEE. Qvll War. ■laas. rejfta., unless otherwise stated. I>, lUh (Vsnn. K, JTth t*, uTth II. 4\nh (J, l-Jih \'l. K, iOth y. Y. Hiiiv Armstronjf, Ffiinklin, •lioach. Sylva.ler, •('a»ey, Jolm II., •('lino, (Joorge, Collrtt, 4lh Katon. William II., A, 8th Fallon, .\Iich:ifl. H,6l9t ( foodhiQil, Kichartl, ( 'orp., (t , 2d (;rav, Th-odor.' .1., Mm., K, Hist I (IrilVin. Samuel K., d, 2d II. A. i llecftrk, <»corKe \V., K, :^^th ' "ll.'wett, Kobrrt, A, lOlh; I3th V. K.C.-tt •Hinckley. William II., Corp., B. 87tli | Hubby, Augustus H., L, Sd C«v. I.uwreuce, William II., K, 49lb Leroy, Jacob II., D, -'d ( Hiio Cav . ; id Conn. II. A.,C» 4 •.Millard, .loliu, U, 87th Mus5maii,.\leKaudcr, A, 18tb I'luin. Kuacli, Francis, A,(K>th N. Y. •.sharis, James, A, i4th •Sparks, .\lljert C, 1st Lt., H7Ui Sweet, 0:*car.-A., (', 87th ♦rarmey, .Martin, 'Jlh (k).,lsl N'. Y. S. S. VauKensselaer, William, (},29U»('l. Vidollo, Charles ll.,C*vr. F, 49lh Wilcox, Morvil M., G.lOth.C, 3d .Md. P. H. H. •Wright, Lucius W., Corp., F. 4yth Sranbh War •( olcs, ficorire J , •I i , Philip •II .:. ... . rt, Carl C safRt^ " •llracr, Uo»H>rt J. r. s 1), 47th U.S. C 841 h I aS. I), 47th V. S. S. S. "KoAr- Tyler, John K., A,l»Sdl'.S. Voornevel I, John T., Sjrl.,1, 9lh C. S ; I, 1st r. S. Art'y Other Solders. V, i7ih r.s CJuile, Charles K, Co'* land I> , 20th r. S , 10 years .service, ls70 ISSl W.'Ich, (ieorjfe K , l».-«lli C. S Ca\. (ilMoer Priot, Ia^, Ma«., May IH. 1910.