THE ETHIOPIAN DRAMA "^ little nonsense now and then is relished hy the wisest men J* THE JOKE ON SQUmiM; (Or, the Black Statue Revised.) B3r TT;?-. B. SHEr^ID-A-ILT, IPI^IOE 15 OEISTTS. CHICAGO: T. S, DEN I SON. NO PLAYS EXCHANGED, THE STAR DRAMA. Price, FIFTEEN CTS. EACH, Postpaid. This series includes only plays of the highest order of merit. They are the very best before the public. These plays are rich in variety of incident, and spirited in action. The dramas combine tender pathos, delightful luunor, and sparkling wit. The farces are brimful of the rarest fun. This series is very carefully revised by an experienced editor. Each play is un- abridged. They are unequaled in fullness of stage directions, typography, and print. Ever}' play on this list is a success. This series includes only plays suited to llie present day. AL.L< THAT G1j1TT£RS IS WOT OOI-D.— A comic drama in two acts. Time, two hours. Six males, three females. CASTE. — ^A comedy in five acts. Time, two hours and thirty minutes. Five males, three females. EAST li YNWE.— A drama in five acts. Time, two hours and thirty minutes. Eight males, seven females. FRUITS OF THE WIXE CUP— A temperance drama in three acts. Time fifty minutes. Six males, four females. HOME. — A comedy in five acts. Time, two hours. Four males, three females. ICI 0»r PARL.E FRANCAIS.— A farce. Time forty minutes. Four males, three iemales. IN THE WROSrC} HOUSE, (two T. J.'s) A farce. Time thirty minutes. Four males, two females. I'M ]X[OT MESI1.F AT Alil.,— A farce. Time, twenty-five minutes. Three males, two females. JOHX SMITH.— A farce. Time thirty-five min. Five males, three females. K-ISS IIV THE DARK..— A sketch. Time thirty minutes. Three males, two females. liAOY OF Ianville, Ind. The Teachers' and Students' Library. By H. B. BROWN, G. D, LIND, F. P. ADAMS, etc. This work is beyond question the best published for the common school teacher. It has been approved by hundreds of educators and by the entire educational press of the Union. It is the o?!/y cyclopedia for the common school teacher. Twenty State Superintendents have Endorsed it, also Educators, and the Educational Press all over the Union. "It is what it professes to be; a compendium of knowledge necessary to the teacher, student, and general reader. I can hardly see how this work can fail of securing a large circulation." ROBEET GRAHAM, State Supt. Pub. Instruction, Wisconsin. " It seems to me to be a whole library in itself. In fact, the wonder is, that so much reliable information on such a variety of subjects of interest to teachers and students should be given in one volume of 532 pages. In my judgment the book deserves and will have a large circulation. JAS. P. SLADE, State Supt. Pub. Instruction, Illinois. "Vigorous, practical, and comprehensive." L. S. CORNELL, State Supt. Pub. Instruction, Colorado. "I have examined the * Teachers' and Students' Library' with some care, and must say it is the best publication for teachers that I have ever seen." J. A. SMITH, State Supt. Pub. Instruction, Mississippi. " School officers should see that every teacher's desk has this work for handy reference." — New Englajid Journal Educatio7i. "We can heartily commend the book. It is cheap, useful, and issued in at- tractive style." — Peiuisylvania School Journal. "It is even better than recommended. All teachers and advanced students should have a copy." E. M. ROTRAMEL, Co. Supt. Franklin Co., 111. '• The work is all it claims to be." G. S. W. CRAWFORD, State Supt. Pub. Instruction, Teniu It sells very readily. All it needs is faithful work on the part of the agent. One agent in Michican sold 85 copies in a county that enrolls but 115 teachers. An agent in North Carolina reports 50 in a county which enrolls but 125 teachers and his canvass not yet completed. The agent for McDonough County, 111., sold 150 copies in that county. You can add to your yearly income by working this book on Saturdays and vacations. You need only to find a a teacher to sell him a book. IK-STITUTES are a profitable field if you have not leisure at any other time for the work. But a steady canvass at the homes of teachers never fails. If you cannot work now please hand this to some one who can. N. B. — This book is well worth the full price asked, and will not be sold any cheaper. It is useless to write for special rates on a single copy, or for " examin- ation" rates. No attention will be paid to such requests. See contents and prices on previous page. Specimen pages, confidential circulars and terms to agents free. T. S. DENISON, 70 Metropolitan Block. CHICAGO A NEW BOOK.— I have in press, to be ready about March, 1S84, a new profusely illustrated book on a popular subject. A few first-class men are wanted to sell the work and handle agents. Nothing like it in the field. After Jan. ist, address me for terms. THE ETHIOPIAN DRAMA. Price, IS cis. each, post-paid. These plays are all short, and very funny. Nothing poor In the list. Thej serve admirably to give variety to a prograinine. The female characters may be assumed by males in most cases. Where something- thoroughly comical, but unobjectionable is wanted, they are just the thing. STAGE STRUCK DARKT. A very funny " take-off" on tragedy; 2 male, i female. Time 10 minutes. STOCKS UF— STOCKS DOWN. 2 males; a played-out author and his sympathizing friend; very funny and full of " business " and practical jokes. Time 10 minutes. DEAF— IN A UORN. 2 males; negro musician and a deaf pupil. A very interesting question sudden- ly enables the latter to hear. YuW of first-class " business." Time S minutes. HANDY ANDY. 3 males; master and servant. The old man is petulant and the servant makes all sorts of ludicrous mistakes and misunderstands every order. Very lively in action. Time 10 minutes. THE MISCHIEVOUS NI06ER. A farce; 4 males, 2 females. Characters: The mischievous nigger, old man, French barber, Irishman, widow, nurse. Time 20 minujtes. THE SHAM DOCTOR. A negro farce ; 4 males, 2 females. This is a tip-top farce. The "sham doctor" can not fail to bring down the house. Time 15 minutes. NO CURE, NO PAY. 3 males, i female. Doctor Ipecac has a theory that excessive terror will cure people who are deaf and dumb. His daughter's lover is mistaken for the patient to the terror of all. Only one darky. A capital little piece for schools or parlor. Time 10 minutes. TRICKS. 5 males, 2 females. (Only two darkys, i male, i female.) A designing old step-father wishes to marry his step-daughter for her money. She and her lover plan an elopement. The old man discovers it and has an ingenious counter-plot— which fails completely, to his discomfiture. Time 10 minutes. Suited to parlor performance. HAUNTED HOUSE. 2 males. A white-washer encounters "spirits" in a house he has agreed to white-wash. Plenty of business. Time 8 minutes. THE TWO POMPEYS. 4 males. A challenge to a duel is worked up in a very lunny way. Tirr.e 8 minutes. ^A^ UNHAPPY PAIR. 3 males, and males for a band. Two hungry niggers strike the musician^ for a souare meal. Good for school or parlor, and very funny. Time 10 mmutes. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Any Play on this List 15 Cts.PosI Plays by T. S. DENISON. ODDS WITH THE ENEMY. A drama in five acts ; 7 mnle and 4 fe- male characters. Time, 2 hours. SETH GREENBACK. A drama in four acts; 7 male and 3 fe- male. Time, i hour 15 m. INITIATING A GRANGER. A ludicrous farce ; S male. Time, 25 m. TWO GHOSTS IN WHITE. A humorous farce based on boarding- school life ; 7 female characters. Time, 25 m. THE ASSESSOR. A humorous sketch; 3 male and 2 fe- male. Time, 15 m. BORROWING TROUBLE. A ludicrous farce; 3 male and 5 fe- male. Time, 30 m. COUNTRY JUSTICE. A very amusing- country law suit; S male chaVacters. (May admit 14.) Time, THE PULL-BACK. A laughable farce; 6 female. Time, 20 min. HANS VON SMASH. A roaring farce in a prologue and one act; 4 male and 3 female. Time, 30 m. OUR COUNTRY. A patriotic drama in three parts. Re- quires 9 male, 3 female, (Admits 9 male i