Lfl 894 1913a rpjjj, SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY BY DAVID ALLEN ANDERSON, M.A. SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OP DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA TO THE GRADUATE FACULTY IOWA CITY, IOWA 1912 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY BY DAVID ALLEN ANDERSON, M. A. SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY TO THE GRADUATE FACULTY THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY, IOWA 1912 LAS94- Copyright, 1913, by Richard G. Badger t\ All rights reserved The Gorham Press, Boston, U. S. A. AUTHOR'S PREFACE THIS account is a descriptive statement of the organization, management, operation, and efficiency of the public school system of Norway. The intent has been to consider only the more vital features, those essentials which definitely shape the products of educational endeavor. Many topics of interest have been touched but briefly while others have been omitted altogether. Some attention has been given to pointing out good qualities of the Norwegian schools and to indicating wherein we might improve our own. The materials entering into the make-up of this dissertation were gathered during a summer and autumn devoted to travel and study in Norway. Much time was spent in study at the University Library in Christiania and still more in the visitation of schools. It was with pleasure that I availed myself of the oppor- tunity to see the schools in operation. I observed recitations throughout the entire program of study in every grade from the kindergarten to the University. I also visited many special schools and other educational institutions both public and private. Further than this, I was benefited by frequent conferences with the leading educators of the country and by almost con- stant associations with schoolmen, patrons, and stu-' 4 AUTHOR'S PREFACE dents. These personal investigations enabled me to become familiar with the spirit and work of the schools, and they furnish backgromid for a large part of the content of this treatise. Since no adequate account of the schools of Norway is in print, the authority for this work has been gained chiefly from school laws, annual reports from the Department of Ecclesiastical and Educational Affairs (chiefly statistical), and the in- dividual research referred to above. It was my good fortune to be provided with official credentials as holder of a Traveling Fellowship for study in Norway from the State University of Iowa; a commission to study the school system of Norway from His Excellency, B. F. Carroll, the Governor of the State of Iowa; and a letter of introduction to Nor- way's educational executives from Hon. Elmer Ells- worth Brown, at that time Commissioner of Education for the United States. These credentials had the effect of mtensifying the already superior courtesy and oblighig disposition of the Norwegian officials and schoolmen, who gave me free access to every facility for the pursuance of my work within the state and volmitarily offered their co-operation whenever I might desire it. Their gracious exemplification of the spirit of brotherly kindness made my work among them a constant delight. I desire to express my gratitude to the Norwegians wherever I traveled for the rare cordial- ity characterizing my reception among them and to acknowledge my obligations to J. K. Qvigstad, chef for Kirk-og Undervisningsdepartmentet; Knut Johannes Hougen, byraachef for Undervisningsvaesen; A. H. Rae- AUTHOR'S PREFACE 5 der, Undervisningsraadeis formand; Johan Andreas Johnsen, SkoledireJdoren i Kristiania stift; Otto Andreas Anderssen, Bestyrer og forstelaerer i det Paedagogiske Seminar for Laerere ved hoiere Almenskoler, for valuable suggestions and careful reading and criticism of the entire work in manuscript; further to Iowa's Board of Education and the Graduate Faculty of the State University of Iowa for the appointment which made possible the investigation; to Professor F. E. Bolton, who first suggested that I make the study and who has constantly been to me a wise counsellor and a willing co-operator; and finally to my wife who, through all, has been both critic and companion, David Allen Anderson. The State University of Iowa, Iowa City, May, 1912, REVIEWER'S PREFACE Kristiania den 16 februar 1912. Jeg har med stor fornoielse gjennemlaest Mr. David A. Andersons fremstilling av Norges Undervisnings- vaesen og fundet den i all vaesentlige ting korrekt, fuldstaendig og oplysende. Gjennem personlig iagtta- gelse, samtale med kompetente maend og studium av den vigtigste litteratur er det lykkes forfatteren at danne sig en klar og noiagtig forestilling om de norske skolers ordning og saeregne arbeidsformer i deres historiske tilblivelse og nuvaerende vilkaar. Hans reflektioner og domme vedner om paedagogiske ind- sight og uavhaengig opfatning. Det er mulig at ban nu og da er noget tilboielig til at domme vel gunstig om vore skoleinstitutioners effektivitet og vort folks interesse og offervillighed for at gjore denne saa stor some mulig, men dette for haenge sammen med at ban ser tingene mot en bakgrund av amerikanske forbold, som ban onsker reformeret. Jeg bar ikke bavt anledning til at kontroUere i det enkelte de statistiske opgaver forfatteren meddeler, men da disse er bentet ut fra ofiicielle kilder tviler jeg ikke paa at de er rigtige. Professor dr Otto Anderssen, Principal of the Pedagogical Seminary annexed to the University of Christiania. REVIEWER'S PREFACE (Translation) Christiania, February 16, 1912. « I have, with great pleasure, read through Mr. David A. Anderson's presentation of Norway's school system and found it in all essentials correct, complete and illuminating. Through personal observation, conver- sation with competent men and study of the most important literature, the author has succeeded in get- ting a clear and exact view of the Norwegian school methods and characteristic forms of work in their historical development and present condition. His reflections and judgments testify to pedagogical insight and independence of views. It may be that now and then he is somewhat inclined to judge too favorably as to the eflficiency of our institutions and the interest of our people and their readiness to sacrifice in order to make this efliciency as high as possible, but this may be due to the fact that he views it against a background of American conditions, which he desires to improve. I have not taken occasion to verify in detail the statistical tables the author includes, but since they have been gathered from oflScial sources I do not doubt that they are correct. Professor Dr. Otto Anderssen, Principal of the Pedagogical Seminary, affiliated with the University of Christiania. EDITOR'S PREFACE THE most pressing problems of education at the present time are those of organization and administration of educational forces. Problems of method of instruction though important are entirely subsidiary, for if all the people can be aroused to a desire for education and then be shown ways and means of attaining it the very desire for education will be the most important factor in learning. No means of studying questions of organization and administration are so valuable as the comparative. Various studies of education in foreign countries have been made, but there still exists a need for many more investigations. Norway has furnished a great many illustrious statesmen, scientists and literary masters, and is also a country abounding in men of a high type of valor, physical prowess, honesty and industry, and consequently the educational ideals and practices which prevail there should be worthy of most careful consideration. Heretofore, only fragmentary accounts of Norway's educational system have been available in the English language. At the writer's suggestion, Mr. Anderson made a trip abroad for the purpose of studying the system at first hand. His intimate acquaintance with the language was a prime essential 9 10 EDITOR'S PREFACE in acquiring an understanding through observation and reading. That he has made an accurate interpreta- tion is attested by the foreword of one of Norway's eminent scholars and that he has made an interesting account will be conceded by all who peruse the pages. It is hoped that many more studies of a similar nature will follow in the near future. Frederick E. Bolton, State University of Washington, Seattle, April 8, 1913. CONTENTS Chapter I Background and Organization I. Introduction 19 1 . History of Norway (brief sketch) 19 2. Geographical features 22 3. National characteristics, aims and ideals 25 II. Differentiation of Schools 28 1. Primary schools — rural and city. ... 28 2. Secondary 30 3. The University and other schools. . . 32 III. Distribution of Schools and Pupils. 34 1. Primary — rural and city 34 2. Secondary — middle school and gym- nasium. 41 3. Teachers' Seminaries 41 4. The University 41 5. Private schools 43 IV. Pupils 44 1. Age in primary schools, secondary schools and teachers' seminaries .... 44 2. Comparisons with America in equip- ment and time spent in school 50 3. Speciahzation 51 CONTENTS V. Organization — Relation to state, com- mune and city. 51 1. The state department and its divi- sions 51 2. Units of organization 53 3. The school board and school com- mittees 56 4. City superintendent (Inspector) and ward principles (Overlaererer) 60 5. Private citizens a factor 61 6. Financial support of schools 62 VI. Buildings and Grounds 64 1. General character of buildings 64 2. Equipment 64 3. Playgrounds 69 4. Homes for principals and teachers. . . 70 VII. General Features of Inner Organiz- ation 71 1. The teaching staff 71 2. Plan of instruction 72 3. Gymnastics 74 4. Lunches 75 5. School discipline 76 6. Attendance 77 7. Health 77 CONTENTS Chapter II Teachers I. Qualification and Certification of Teachers 79 1. General situation and tendencies... 79 2. Special teachers 80 II. Training of Teachers 81 1. Introductory 81 2. Seminaries — establishment and work 83 III. Teachers' Official Titles. 85 1 . In the several schools — significance . 85 IV. Teachers' Tenure of Office 86 1. Positions — Permanent and tempor- ary 87 2. Comparisons with conditions in America 89 3. Changes in teaching staff (with tables) 89 V. Teachers' Salaries 91 1. General statement 91 2. Additional benefits 92 3. Schedules (with tables) 94 CONTENTS Chapter III Courses of Study in State Schools I. Introductory — ^Rise, development, and present form of the curriculum,. 96 1 . Origin and evolution of the course of study 96 a. The early schools; their work, in- fluence, and development in Nor- way 97 2. Three sections of schools 99 •II. The Primary School 101 1. Rural and city 101 2. Schedules of courses 104 a. Comparisons 106 b. Subjects emphasized 107 3. Outline of subjects of instruction. . . . 108 a. Religion 108 b. Norwegian 118 c. Mathematics 125 d. Geography 129 e. History 134 f. Nature study 139 g. Other subjects : writing and draw- ing, vocal music, manual training, gymnastics 146 III. The Middle School 149 1. Its standard, aim, and method 149 2. Outline of subjects of instruction. . . . 151 CONTENTS IV. The Gymnasium 162 1 . Outline of subjects of instruction ... 162 Chapter IV Interpretative Conclusions 1. The people and their ideals 181 2. Facilities for education 184 3. Directing authority and management of schools 187 4. Teachers' training 191 5. The teacher's life 195 6. The curriculum 197 a. Religious instruction and education. . . . 198 b. The classics 201 c. Physical culture 204 d. Vocal music 206 7. Lines of instruction in the gymnasium 207 8. Co-education 210 9. The school year 214 10. School lunches 215 11. Comparative attainments 217 12. Methods of instruction 220 13. Continuity of effort 222 Bibliography 225 Index 229 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY Chapter I BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION I. INTRODUCTION THE history of mankind in Norway covers a period of at least five thousand years and includes a great variety of interesting inci- dents and conditions. The accounts of the earlier ages may be read only in archaeological forma- tions, while for more recent times, these silent records are supplemented and enriched by traditions. All such accounts are of deep interest and significance but only in a measure reliable. We have no really authen- tic information regarding Norway's political history until the reign of Harald the Fair Haired (860-930). We do know, however, that, previous to his establish- ment of the sovereign state of Norway in 872, the people had known only the rule of numerous petty, warring earls and kings. Besides this, the entire country had been subjected to the devastations of the vikings. These sea robbers were the terror of all the coast countries in western Europe and the British Isles 19 20 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY until about the year 900 when sea robbery at home was aboHshed, and the Norsemen became colonizers, migrating to surrounding islands, the west and south of Europe, and probably America. Now when piracy began to decline the people rose to a higher plane of living, and the prosperity attained through peace and industry was found to be the more desirable. A long succession of Idngs, some good and some evil, ruled the land. Paganism was gradually overcome, and about the year 1,000 Christianity was established. From this time on, for several centuries, the country experienced only moderate visible progress though large gains were made in potential powers. In 1381, Norway entered into a union with Denmark and re- mained in large measure subject to her power until 1814. This period of more than four hundred years was a season of little good and of great hardships to the people. Their development received little atten- tion, the resources of the country and the cause of education were neglected, and the masses were not recognized in a way that would tend to their enlighten- ment and progress. The entire nation suffered from international difficulties as well as from oppression at home. Conditions remained unimproved and the latent powers of the people, which had been accumulat- ing for generations, found no adequate means for ex- pression. When in 1814 the treaty of Kiel, sanctioned by the European powers, forced Norway into an unwilling union with Sweden, the Norwegians revolted; and, in their attempt to liberate themselves, adopted a con- BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 21 stitution for their government.* Their revolt created ill feelings on the part of the Swedes while the demands for complete sovereignty by Sweden were resented by the Norwegians. The adoption of this constitution by the people of Norway and their standing so tenaciously for its recognition are manifestations of the spirit which had been developing among them for centuries. They believed that they were being imposed upon and stood firm for their rights. They had felt the crushing hand of foreign rule, they had observed the benefits of inde- pendence, they had developed confidence in their otnti powers, and now they were converted to the idea that the time for home rule was upon them. Civil liberty was their dream. State rights came to be demanded. Their time to act in a decisive manner had come. The people had grow^i into a nation deserving and in need of larger powers, and their best advancement was in great measure dependent upon the exercise of these powers. Conditions then justified their demands and Sweden, appreciating the situation, yielded, acknowledged the independence of Norway, and agreed to govern in accordance, with the newly adopted constitution. On the other hand, Norway acceded to the demands of Sweden in accepting the King of Sweden as theirs also. Now for nearly one hundred years this union was maintained. Comparative peace and prosperity pre- vailed and the outlook seemed favorable for both nations. Sweden profited because of the new relations, and Norway gained in strength and power through her *The Constitution (Grundlov) adopted at Eidsvold, Norway, May 17, 1814. 22 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY experience in individual initiative and governmental duties generally. While the relations between the two countries were in the main friendly, on various occasions Norway felt that her rights were not always respected. The people craved larger privileges, more recognition among the nations of the world, and the exercise of greater authority. The functioning of capacities that had long lain dormant revealed to her the powers that were still latent. Norway became eager for absolute independence and these feelings rose to larger and larger proportions until desires became demands. All the people were ready and offered their services, their fortunes (whether large or scant), and their lives in the cause of freedom. Finally, formally, and without bloodshed, the bonds uniting the two countries were severed in 1905 and Norway became an independent nation. Having briefly sketched the history of the country let us now turn our attention to its geography. Nor- way, as we all know, lies in the northwestern part of Europe, and measures over one thousand one hundred miles from north to south and from two hundred to nearly five hundred miles from east to west. Politi- cally it is divided into eighteen counties (Amter) and the cities of Christiania and Bergen. These counties are subdivided into six hundred sixty-six town- ships or communes {Kommuner) which are again divided into school districts or circles {Kredser) num- bering in all five thousand nine hundred seventy.* The area is approximately one hundred and twenty- .*Statistics for 1907 — the last published. BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 23 five thousand square miles. Nearly all of it is made up of mountains which have no regularity in distribution, a large portion of them being merely heaps of barren rock thrown up in conglomerate masses. The valleys are as numerous and irregular as the mountains. In them are lakes, rivers, and waterfalls, their waters pure and clear as crystal. The lakes differ greatly in out- line and size. The rivers in their windings dash furi- ously through precipitous, rugged, rocky channels, or glide murmuringly through quiet valleys until they reach the fjords which appear like huge arms of the sea, reaching deep into the earth and extending far inland. The waterfalls vary from mere threads tinkling into tiny pools to great torrents gushing over dizzy preci- pices. Viewed in combination these features present an infinite variety of exquisitely beautiful scenes. The climate of Norway is greatly diversified owing to the wide range in latitude and the influence of the Gulf stream. In the northern part and on the highest mountains there are vast fields of snow during the entire year, while in some of the sheltered portions along the western coast, the climate is well adapted to the cultivation of some of the tropical plants. It is, of course, essential that all plants that are cultivated be of rapid growth and of quiclc maturity, since their seasons are quite short. The atmospheric conditions are excelled nowhere. Few locations on the earth enjoy such freshness or provide so much mental and physical invigoration. Just the joy of living is more than recompense for all one's expense and trouble in going for a season into this summer home of nature. 24 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY Being situated so far to the north the days of sum- mer are very long while those of winter are extremely short. This is noticeable even in the southern part of the country, and as one goes farther north it is more and more striking until upon reaching the arctic circle the summer traveler has the unique experience of see- ing the sun at midnight. It is visible for weeks or months at a time, according to whether one is near the circle or farther toward the pole. For corresponding periods during the winter seasons the sun does not ap- pear at all. It should not l^e inferred that these sun- less days are intensely dark and gloomy. On the con- trary, they, as well as the midnight sun, have fascma- tions peculiar to themselves and are of deep mterest, especially to the novice in that latitude. The glitter of the stars, the glow of the moon, and the palpitating brilliance of the northern lights, combine with the light reflected from the vast snow fields and compensate in part for the absence of the direct rays from the sun. The industries and occupations of the Norwegians are dependent in large measure upon environing con- ditions. Nearly one-fourth of the country is covered with a heavy gro\\i:h of timber; hence, lumbering affords a large part of the most profitable employment. Much of the mountainous land can be used only for pasturage and, as a result, dairying claims considerable attention. Only a very small portion of the area (about four per cent) is suitable for agriculture and owing to this limitation of opportunity, comparatively few of the people are farmers. Their numerous fisheries supply cargoes, and train loads of fresh and cured fish to the BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 25 markets of the world. Fishing is, in fact, one of the most important industries, and a large percentage of the wage earners of the country engage in it. Since the bulk of their travel and transportation is by water, a great many become sailors. A certain amount of manufacturing also is done, and this provides another means of earning a livelihood. The fact that nearly all of the people are gathered into cities, towns, and settlements along the coast, is explained l>y a con- sideration of the activities and conditions herein set forth. The people of Norway are large of stature, vigorous, and alert in mind and body. They have ever been un- daunted in their efforts to overcome the great, natural barriers to progress and to secure what they believed would be for their well-being. Toiling patiently and persistently, suffering hardships on land and perils at sea, they have developed the well-known characteristics of their sturdy race. The long, rigorous winters taught the people to provide amply for the needs of the future, and they learned also the economy of making every en- deavor count for permanency. It has been and is still their aim and intent to so direct their efforts that their citizens may experience and enjoy not only in the present the best conditions m^ade possible by the world 's highest attainments, but that later generations also may reap valuable benefits therefrom. They realize that it is easily possible for today 's provisions to supply the best for the present, and at the same time to bless tomorrow and the next day and all the com.ing years. The Norwegians are as democratic in mind and 26 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY disposition as any people of the earth. They demand that the masses shall receive whatever benefit may come from prosperity at home, from their relations with other nations, or from legislation. They advo- cate further that right now is the time to increase op- portunities, to multiply privileges, to raise standards of living, and to insure through conservative action a substantial basis on which the coming generations may safely build. In accord with their aims and ideals they study the questions of education, labor and capital, and many others of vital interest to the people. They seek out sources, eliminating the undesirable and cul- tivating those of favorable growi:h and fruitage. Rec- ognizing their own resourcefulness and al)ility, the Norsemen strive to gain for themselves and for their descendants material prosperity and true culture. To these ends they foster educational advantages for all, the development of the arts and sciences, and the elevation of labor. Educationally, they have ever been desirous of pro- viding the l^est possible advantages. During the latter part of the nineteenth century and the few years of the present one, they have been in a position to put into execution a number of advance ideas which they have done without hesitation. Being observant of what other nations provide they have been ready to select from various sources whatever good they found, to eliminate any undesirable features which revealed tliemselves, and to strengthen the weaker points. Though they have been forced by conditions to assume and maintain a conservative attitude toward every BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 27 new project or attempt at reform, they have been also too democratic to permit tradition or precedent to bind them down or to hinder them in making changes in their school system, which they were convinced by experience or study would be for their good. In harmony with this they have been eager to make re- visions where necessary; to introduce new features, which had been tested at home or abroad and found successful; and to cast aside relics of the past, unneces- sary phases of work, and those things which miglit be supplanted by materials of superior advantage or value to the people served. They have become hal)ituated to examining the new from every conceiv- able viewpoint, to finding its foundations, to testing its values, and to weighing its effects. When a thing has been thoroughly studied it is accepted or rejected according to whether it is adjudged desirable or un- desirable for their use under existing conditions. In their effort to answer the demands of the people and to supply their needs, schools have been established ac- cording to local requirements. That is to say, every community enjoys school advantages, and every child in the entire state is privileged to receive instruction for a certain num])er of weeks each year at the expense of the state. All children are required to attend the schools of the state at least twelve weeks each year for seven years, or to receive instruction elsewhere which is equivalent to the amount required. In the more populous places higher schools also are provided for those who desire to take advantage of the opportuni- ties afforded in them. 28 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY II. DIFFERENTIATION OF SCHOOLS. It was early recognized by the Norwegians that through the means of education, better than any other way, they could develop a people qualified to pursue the arts, to cultivate the sciences, to appreciate and en- joy the highest culture, and to maintain and develop their noblest ideals of citizenship and richest concep- tions of statehood. Having these objects in mind they endeavored to establish schools of instruction and training along every legitimate line. Beginning with the most essential they worked unceasingly, pro- viding additional worthy kinds of instruction as rapidly as possible, until their efforts resulted in their present school system. Perhaps the most important feature of their work was the establishment of primary schools, which fur- nish general education. These schools provide seven years of elementary instruction for children l»etween the ages of seven and fourteen years, and are literally the peojile's schools {Folkeskoler) . The law requires that pupils must be regular in attendance, and that parents, who fail to have their children in school in harmony with the provisions of the law, be fined ac- cording to the seriousness and extent of the offense. It is further provided that these schools shall be in operation for at least twelve weeks in the year, and that this time may be extended according to local demands or needs. As a matter of fact, nearly all of them in the cities and many of them in the country operate forty weeks per year. As a consequence of liberal BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 29 provisions and enforced regulations, Norway has achieved an eminent place educationally among the nations of the world. In the rural sections primary schools are held in comfortable, well equipped, and conveniently located schoolhouses and are taught by competent teachers who live near by in homes provided for them. In a few remote, rugged sections of the country, where children are few and scattering or where locations accessible to all cannot be found, they have no fixed schools, but instead what are termed ambulatory schools (OmgangsJcoler). There are no schoolliouses in these districts but the officials designate certain houses* as the places where children go at stated times to receive instruction. The teacher meets the children of the neighborhood in a given home and teaches them for a specified time, passes to the next designated place, and continues until his rounds are completed. Form- erly, a very large number of these schools existed, but as roadways were extended or improved and the peo- ple became able to erect and mamtain schoolhouses, the demand for ambulatory schools decreased until now nearly all of them are supplanted by fixed schools. In 1837, ninety-two per cent of the children attending school in the country were taught in ambulatory schools, while in 1907 this was the case with less than one per cent of them. In all the cities and towns excellent educational ad- *The law requires the opening of residences having sufficient room for the accommodation of these groups of pupils for instruc- tional purposes. Law for Rural Schools, Sec. 41. 30 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY vantages are provided. Usually their school year con- sists of forty weeks of six days each. Every provision is made for the welfare of the children; excellent in- structors are secured, and the equipment for teaching purposes is of the best procurable. Furthermore, no pains are spared in guarding the children from physical discomfort and immoral conditions or associations. Simultaneously with the development of the elemen- tary schools secondary education moved along advance lines. In 1814, when Norway became an independent state there were but four of the higher classical (laerde) schools within her borders. These were the historic cathedral schools (KathedraWcoler) which had been established for centuries. As time passed, other second- ary schools were organized. Higher education was re- organized in 18C9 and again in 1896, when by act of the Stoilhnig secondary education was made to include the middle school and the gymnasium. The enact- ment defines these schools and states their aim as fol- lows: "The middle school is a school for children, which, in miion with the primary school, gives its pupils a complete, thorough, general education, adapted to the receptivity of childhood. The gymnasium is a school for young people, which on the foundation of the middle school, leads on to a complete, higher, general education, which may also serve as a basis for scientific studies. Both middle school and gymnasium shall contribute to the religious and moral training of the pupils, and it should also be their common aim to de- velop the pupils both mentally and physically into BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 31 competent young people."* The act requires that the middle school shall be no longer than four years, and that the gynmasial courses shall be of three years ' duration. The gymnasia of Norway take up the work where the middle schools leave off, and provide three years of instruction which concludes with the exanien artium. The passing of this examination entitles the individual to become a student in the university. Previous to the time of entering the gymnasium the subjects of instruction are uniform for all; here they branch into two or three lines, any one of which may be selected by the pupil and followed to its completion. The main divisions of the work are represented in the names of the courses — the Real and the Linguistic-Historical. The latter of these is again divided in some schools, one of its two lines including Latin. The Real course of instruction is largely scientific while the Linguistic- Historical, true to its name, embodies a large amount of language and history. In case the course including Latin is offered, Latin replaces some of the work in modern languages and history. The middle school, then, is the second step in the educational ladder and builds upon the work previously done in the primary school. No middle school is privileged to include work lower down than the sixth grade. In other words, the primary schools are the only ones which are authorized to present the work of the first five grades or years of school instruction. The courses of study are so arranged that a child may *Law for Higher State Schools, Sec. 2. 32 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY pass from the primary school after completing the fifth grade and enter directly upon the studies in the regular four year course of the middle school. On the other hand a pupil may continue in the primary school mitil its completion — seven years — and then enter a middle school and finish its requirements in three years . While nearly all middle schools present a four year course there are a few which offer only three years of instruction. In order to enter these latter schools the child must have finished the seven years of instruction in the primary schools. Middle schools are under the inspection of state officials and a uniform standard of work is required of all of them. The middle school examination which marks the completion of the middle school course is exactly the same for all pupils in the state. In any given year all who take the examina- tions write on exactly the same questions on a specified hour of a certain day. The Royal Frederik University, established by King Frederik in 1811, furnishes the summit of educational endeavor. Its five faculties — (1) theology, (2) law, (3) medicine, (4) mathematics and science, and (5) history and philosophy — represent the best products of the country and maintain standards of efficiency paralleling the achievements of the day. Besides the five faculties already mentioned there are (1) The Practical Theological Seminary for the training of ministers and (2) The Pedagogical Seminary (affiliated) for special training of teachers. Through the endeavors of the faculties and seminaries enumerated, the neces- sary professions, scientific organizations, and philosophic BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 33 societies are supplied with men of eminent qualifica- tions. The state also is supplied from the same source with individuals capable of attending to the affairs of state in a dignified and competent manner. To aid prospective teachers and to maintain high professional standards, Norway early established a Teachers ' Seminary in each of its six dioceses (Stifter) . Having made this ample provision for the training of teachers, they were in a position to require a certain amount of professional preparation of all candidates for appointment to teaching positions. Adherence to this laudable principle has saved the state from an over- flow of incompetent instructors. While requirements were very low for a long time, the increasing supply of qualified candidates for positions warranted successive shiftings of them to higher and higher standards. At present, the teachers of Norway, as a body, rank among the best in educational equipment, professional train- ing, and morality. Technical, agricultural, military, and naval schools have been established in order to keep pace with the world's developments along these lines. The technical school in Trondhjem opened in 1910, sets the require- ments for admission as high as those at the university. Its work promises to be of unquestioned quality and its prospects are very bright. The students at this school come chiefly from the scientific course offered in the gymnasia or from the several preparatory tech- nical schools of Norway. There are many of these lower technical schools doing excellent work and some of them are modeled after American schools. The work 34 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY of the agricultural college and of the military and naval schools is more or less technical along their respective lines and meets certain requirements not elsewhere provided for. When one notes the variety of schools maintained by the Norwegian state, it is evident that it is the intent to provide for its citizens a very wide range of educational advantages, and at the same time to develop the capacities of yoimg people until they are able to perform the oflfices of state and nation. III. DISTRIBUTION OF SCHOOLS AND PUPILS The laws of Norway are specific in their require- ments regarding education, and the people are at hand to provide the essential means for carrying out the de- mands. It is required that in each city or district in the entire realm there shall be the necessary number of schools to provide instruction for all children of school age. This is in answer to the law which makes a re- quirement of a certain minimum amount of education of all such children. The primary schools are distributed in the cities, villa^',e-. and rural communes to suit the convenience of pupils attending. Other and higher schools are provided where most needed. As is true everywhere the bulk of work is done in the primary schools. Rural and city schools have their own laws and government, and are admirably adapted to the needs of their respec- tive constituencies. As would be expected, the rural schools and the pupils attending them far outnumber those in the cities and towns. There are in the coun- BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 35 try five thousand, nine hundred and seventy schools attended by two hundred seventy-five thousand, one hundred and fifty-five pupils, while there are but sixty-one city school systems having an enrollment of ninety thousand, one hundred and twenty-nine pupils.* It is seen that there are about three times as many pupils in the rural primary schools as are found in the city primary schools. The distribution and care of the city school pupils are, however, much larger tasks than providing for those in the rural sections. In order to show conditions in a given city we insert Table I which indicates the number of classes and pupils in the several grades in the nmeteen primary schools of Christiania, and also gives the totals for the entire city. Boys and girls attend the same school, but in this particular city they are generally separated into dif- ferent rooms where they are taught by themselves. The schools are coeducational but not generally coin- structional. As the table will show, some of them are coinstructional through a part of the course while only one follows this plan throughout its work. ♦Statistics for 1907. 36 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY Oh hH g (1h •^ Q w 02 :^ !j(«D l>0 Oi-H Ot^ GOi-l GO-* OSCO ^^,-( UOOS OO -^ fi 1— lO XO i-H-* ^ CO CO ■<*< »c> . OS CO '5' 2! 3 OS I— I OS 00 u CO CO CO GO + + + CO CO + + O CO CO »o »c WO'- O .t< "offio mo + + GO I-H ^?i 22^ ^?2 a* * »» 0» a< I-H l-H iS l-H W5 CO l-H T-H rH I-H r-^ l-H is I-H r-H gS ■* GO CO o* I-H + ^ ^ «o l-H I-H »o ^53 I-H I-H ^fi 05 CO I-H + GO O «5 1> I-H l-H GO GO rH l-H I-H l-H I-H -* GO GO »» ^ W5 ^^ t- Tfl GO W5 3 1 1 cr I fff Men Mm mm Moo com kI^ ? J2 w m ^ P ^:s ^:3 ^:^ ^:s ^:s l';^ ^:| ^i^ ^f^ mo pqo pQO PQO pQO P=i^ WO mo 38 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY o • CO O «0 r-1 3 Oi O rH rH Ph i-H '-' i-H ^ qo co co co . 00 O 05 00 3 O 00 "* r-1 Pm ^'-* C (s» a» •'fi CO . CO 05 W5 ^ S O OS >o ■* CO CO ^ "^ . eo CO 00 i-i Ph '-* '"' '^ '"' CO CO -* »o . «0 «i 00 CO 3 r-l O O CO O i> I-H CO »< + 0» CO CO GO 05 1 ^ o< a OS O 00 o ■* CO CO t s? I-H Si? i J^ «D ■M CO CO + 1 u CO GO W5 '^ . CO l> 9i Oi 3 00 I-H OS 00 Ph '-' ^^ 9» GO M5 »0 . O CO W5 -^ Q CO GO CO PM C^ mo mo o ^3 ^ 00 S5 > (M cc -r •* CO .a '3 « »o ^15 £ ^ «© ^ ■* GO r3 ^ ^ ^5 ^ CO i> ■* GO 5+1 sses made 00 GO ■«ft GO CS s 1> »0«5 5 -"J* GO ^ 1. CO O l> 00 Q, GO -* rH *p o l> 1 WS co rH 3 •s« + P^ m w ■* < fe CC 1 1 ^.-r '. 1 Il-do ^^-s d^-v— ' <«J CC BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 39 a s 3 w ?, fc tf) > •-^ <1 eS ««-i O O) jO 3 iS Ph ^3 a> 1 ^ C0O>i»*O>J>«O00l>t-i-lO5tf5l>O>«D»»0<5G000 oo«Di>oj>eoo-*Oi-iO'^i>co»<-*Goo O t>'-'!oooi>«oaoi>»o?c>aiOi>t-«oi>OGOQO O «Di-Hr-lOOJ>0*0505COOCO'*0050i«001 CO 00 CO i>»«CDQOOCOGOCO»0»r50D05«Oi>l>«OOXi> Ol CO '^ — ' — ' ■* 6 w w -2 u t: 3 o o H >. o PQ <» CO CO (V I 40 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY In addition to the special features in this table, to which we have already called attention, it may be ob- served that the total number of boys', girls', and co- educational classes; the total number of boys and of girls in attendance at each school; and the average number of pupils per class in each school are also in- cluded. The law limits the number of pupils in a class to thirty-five, except temporarily or in case of stringency in financial conditions, and in no case must there be more than forty.* It is seen in the talile that the average is above thirty-five in all but one school, but it has been exceedingly difiicult in the rapidly growing city of Christiania to avoid congestion in the schools. In only one of the nineteen schools does the general average come within the rule. If they plead economic stringency then the averages of all fall within the limits. Now a large percentage of children continue their education after the completion of the elementary course. In 1907, there were nine thousand, eight hun- dred and ninety-five pupils in the accredited middle schools,! and one thousand, five hundred and ninety- three in the gymnasia. About eighteen thousand others attended non- accredited secondary schools and those of still lower standards — evening schools, con- tinuation schools, and various preparatory schools. Approximately two thousand were in technical schools *Law for City Schools, Sec. 5, as amended on August 15, 1908. fSchools undertaking educational work of this character must meet specified standards in course of study, equipment, teaching staff, etc., to have their work accredited by the state. BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 41 and about one thousand in teachers' seminaries. Nearly every town of any considerable consequence has a middle school where pupils from the town and sur- romiding territory may receive its benefits. The larger cities have, in addition to a liberal supply of middle schools, one or more gymnasia, according to their size. The gymnasia draw from a wider territory than do the middle schools because they are fewer and farther apart. In addition to the six teachers' seminaries main- tained by the state, there are four private ones — ten in all. Table II indicates the aggregate attendance at these institutions and the number of those who passed the advanced examinations during the years designated. The university, of course, draws its students from all over the State. It has an attendance of one thousand, three hundred or more, about five hundred and fifty of whom are annually enrolled direct from the gym- nasia. These students represent the best products of the country and generally they work with earnest- ness and zeal. 42 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY tabl: E II Table Giving Attendance at Teachers ' Seminaries and the Number Passing Advanced Examinations. Attendance. Took Examination. Year. Male. Female. Total. 1901-02 755 204 135 339 1902-03 980 192 129 321 1903-04 953 216 184 400 1904-05 902 174 119 293 1905-06 955 208 147 355 Totals 994 714 ] 1,708 Annual Average 199 143 342 Private schools have played ai important role in Norway. They have had a long and interesting his- tory. A number of them do part or all of the work represented by the state primary and secondary schools and teachers' seminaries. Most of them are located in the larger cities and receive recognition and patronage from some of the best homes in the land. Their in- fluence upon education 'generally has been wholesome. The valuable and attractive features introduced by them have operated like spurs on those under state direction. The cooperative activity which has char- acterized the relationship between the two kinds of schools has resulted in the betterment of both and in the rapid advancement of educational ideals and activ- ities throughout the state. BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 43 There are, of course, some fundamental differences existing between them. The private schools charge a regular tuition in every grade of primary and sec- ondary work. The state primary schools are free and the tuition in its secondary schools is less than that charged in the private schools. It is self-evident that private schools are dependent upon tuition receipts for both running expenses and profits, while the state and communal schools are supported largely by public taxation.* Paralleling so nearly the work of the state schools, yet being more expensive, the private schools have been under the necessity of offering certain in- ducements in order to secure pupils. They have been made attractive in location, in buildings, in equipment, in the personnel of their faculties, and in other ways, and their efforts have been richly rewarded as a rule. All classes of schools are subject to state regulations and inspection. Certain definite requirements must be met before a private school may even begin to op- erate, and still higher standards must be maintained in order for the work to be accredited by the state. Stan- dards of excellence are naturally set by state schools and the requirements fixed by the state inhibit the starting of inferior schools under the pretense of offering some- thing "just as good." During recent years some of the private schools — those well-known and respected * The only difference between state and communal schools consists in the fact that in the one case the state and in the other a commune takes the initial step in the establishment of the school and bears the larger portion of the burden in its maintenance. The work of the two is uniform in every particular. They are together referred to as state schools in contrast to private schools. 44 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY because of the nature of work and high standards of excellence maintained — have been given special recog- nition by the state, and a few of them receive annuities. When advancement in nature or improvement in qual- ity of school work is rewarded by increase in patronage from the state, zest is furnished in the contest for first recognition. Though the history of the rise, development and in- fluence of the private schools of Norway, together with a discussion of their present status and worth, might furnish an interesting chapter, it becomes necessary to let this slight mention suffice and to confine this work to a treatise of the schools instituted and directed by the state. It may be added, however, that the work of the accredited private schools equals in quality and receives the same recognition as that done in state schools. For example, all graduates from the private gymnasia pass the same examinations for artium as those who complete the work of the state gymnasia and enter the university on exactly the same footing. IV. PUPILS The compulsory school laws which operate in Nor- way determine the age (seven years) at which children shall enter school and the regularity of their attendance. With this in mind, it is readily understood that as a rule each class marches steadily forward, one grade each year, until the completion of the school life. As a conse- quence there is but little variation in the ages of pupils doing the work of any certain grade, and the proportion BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 45 a; »ooooos- 1> o t O lO 05 CO CO »< rH l> 05 05 CO i> 6 g ■ •injoN^ O CO r-i 00 d d r^ r-^ S O5OSO5G0C00OO5O5 00 CR OS Oi ^ S o »0 l> lO 00 OO OO 05 l> CO 05 T-l 1 a:^ a9pu£i d d d d d d d d d d r-i ■>* r-4 (V lO (rt 05 ■* 1> 00 ?D 00 W5 ■* OO r-t »< (SO -^ O <0 (V I-H Ol 4 J9A0 CO IS 6 a^ l> tfS ^ J> 1> 00 T-^ »< T-H 3 •UIJO^ OOfSiOSOGOOSOTjfTjt ;h "^ 00 »0 (M Oi W5 r-1 00 r-t > o Tjt Tjl -^ GO CO 50 »< l> CO (V CO »< i-H OO IB 1 Iz; japuQ »< GO »* CO GO GO a< 1 ,-0 o 0005XtO® rt F^ox CO GO 1> (S< (V t- CD O 00 CO -^ »< 00 O Tft 00 T-H 13 .B 3 268T lO ^ rf. tP Tj. GO CO ^ ^ § iT-9l GO CO 1 , . § 8 g68l -^^gg-^^ r-H O 00 rH-^ 1 91-51 O) F— 1 T-H rH O O fH o ») ^ CO OS Oi o< r-l 0» O) O b- i> Oi CO Oi^ ^ ^ ^- ^ ^ ^ .2 r^^^rH ^ r— 1 • r> r-C^ 00 (N CO •5 .a ^1-81 9681 lO CO lO r— 1 i-H fl g ^ gl-?I GO >0 00 §§ ©» o* ©» o* > ^ I— 1 I-H I-H rH -^ ^^ o o t4 -i-681 00 Oi O 05 05 r-l r-l (X O GO i ^. '^. ^. ^. "i 1 ^ -73 21-11 8681 GO CO O T-t OH 1 GO CO GO CO X'^ ^ ,_( rH r-l 1» '^ GO »0 O O ^^ a .s S) ii-oi ~ss -"ft T? GO TjJ rfJ ,=3 .S ^ ^ rH I-H 43^ o (h <5 6681 ■"^ lO -^ CO CO 05 CO GO CO I-H O CO 1>*C '^ «i «5" ^' ^ W ^ ----^& I-H CO W5 CO bo • • ■ -js a a; 01-6 0061 05 CO 0< Oi ■^ 6-8 1061 1> i> lo lo >io »o "o .a I-H I-H rH rH §.JH -' --I >» ^ *? 2061 ^ ^ l-H I-H I-H rH ^ ^ d d d d.g^ o L-9 -^ Tj(OCOOI»0»000<'*' 00 t- CO »OpL|U w s assB ID JO -ON CO GO »< (S< 1-1 O 05 s§ o o o o 05 05 05 Oi O '-^ '^ ^ ^ r-5 ai rO ^ apBJO 1-4 (5* SO "* »0 CO l> ^h&i 46 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY of pupils of normal age in the several grades is very large. In order to illustrate definitely, a concrete situation is presented in Table III, which shows the exact conditions existing at a certain time in one of their representative cities. This table speaks for itself and needs no explanation. It is worthy of note, however, that in comparatively few instances do the ages vary more than two or three years, and that six years is the widest difference in age to be found among all the pupils of any given grade of work. Furthermore, we call attention to the fact that those above normal age in no year aggregated as much as ten per cent of the entire number in attendance. 10.1 per cent represents the entire number outside the normal age — ^those above plus those below — for the year 1908. During the three former years the percentage was still smaller. The reduction in num- bers of pupils in the sixth and seventh grades is due in large part to the fact that so many pass from the fifth grade into the middle school. The same conditions of uniformity exist in the sec- ondary schools. Having entered at the age of seven and having spent five or more years in the primary school, the pupils upon entrance to the middle school are generally twelve or more years old. In some middle schools the average age of those entering will at times be less than twelve years. This latter condition is usually due to some local situation or rule regarding age at entrance upon school work. In order to follow the age question to nearer its limits we will present Table IV. BACKGROUND AND ORGANIZATION 47 § d S B o U '^ d a^ pc f^ t— ? m ill . «5 »0 «5 »« »0 »f5 HH '^ '^ '^ ^ ^ '^ CO »0 W5 ■* »< CO ^ij CO CO CO CO CO CO I. »< (« (M Oi O 00 ■* O 05 05 05 -* rH 1-1 ^ >»>>>.s 'o o o > a> oj a a, gig o o ea fl5 TEACHERS 91 It is immediately apparent that the charges in the body of teachers are rare. It is also evident that nearly all who leave the profession do so on legitimate grounds. A few changes result from transfers in position, a large per cent of withdrawals are retirements after extended periods of service, and many vacancies are due to death. Fifty per cent or more of the women who retire do so on account of marrying, a few die at their posts, and many retire on pensions. Very few of the women teachers retire to enter other lines of work. While the table does not indicate how much longer than thirty years some teachers remain in the service, it may be added here that examples are not rare where individuals con- tinue teaching for more than half a century. In most cases teachers occupy the same position throughout their teaching experience. V. teachers' salaries The salaries received by teachers do not average high in Norway. Many provisions are made, however, for the reduction of their living expenses. All those who serve the school authorities in Norway receive certain benefits appertaining to the positions they hold. For example: There is advance in salaries on promotions and after specified periods of service; teachers are ex- empt from expense incident to particular offices ; school authorities send all official communications through the mail free of postage; teachers receive pensions on retirement from positions; the rural school teachers frequently receive, in addition to their salary, a house 92 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY to live in and sufficient land for the pasturage of two or three cows, and in towns and cities some of the teachers have homes provided, or are allowed a certain amount per year for living expenses. These and similar con- cessions and provisions are extended to the teachers according to enactments of the state, individual com- munes, or municipalities. Generally, a regular schedule is made out by which salaries are governed. Table VII indicates the salaries for different positions in eight cities of Norway : The table is made up from the salary schedules of typical cities of various sizes. The values are in kroner (one krone is practically the equivalent of twenty- seven cents in United States money). We note that salaries are medium in the beginning, and that they increase at regular intervals until certain limits are reached. When we consider these limiting salaries, the long ser- vice generally rendered at the highest rate, certainty of position, and the pension to be received upon re- tirement, we are prone to admit that the advantages are not altogether in favor of the higher salaries paid in our American schools. True, the American teacher generally receives larger returns in dollars and cents, but the Norwegian pedagogue is less mercenary than his American cousin. He is satisfied when his wants and those of his family are liberally provided for. His life is not strenuous. It is happy and filled with the joys of service and the companionship of youthful souls. Anxieties are in large measure overcome by the assurance that the state will provide necessities when TEACHERS 93 the time for retirement comes. Pensions are graduated according to individual necessity as well as with refer- ence to position, term of service, and salary at the time of retirement. 94 THE SCHOOL SYSTEM OF NORWAY -a .£3 o .9 ^ !» O o "S -s I be •I -I 1 1— t i i i 1—1 1 i 1 1— 1 r-t i-l 1 fH 1-t t-l i rH 1 1— 1 (2 o o o o o o '<*< CO i-l O»C0<>»!-IOS rH-.Jto)o COCOr-tr-trH Oir-ti-4 rHrHrH OirHrHi-l M) a? lu eg Ul (4 tH C -— 4) (U (U lU 1) ? t^ o 'S r-t 4^ o o £ J o> V > •i3 .s o o W5 O "1^ 00 o O O O O .- o o o o P 00 CO rH t- .> 60 •. hn ^ gl^ll J'ifll gi-^ll SM^^ 1 -*:d>«o»«oo »* -* (W rH CM i» |« ''J'OCOOiOOt-OGOiOOOSOO <5< «5 Oi r-l CO I-H 1-^ O M »« CO rH »< O* r-t »l rl ^ ^ 'o , o 1— ( 1 ^M 00>OC0»-H»»O»r-HC« rH « ■*»OOOi-Hi-4» CO »< o H-l .£1 o r-t w 1 CS ^ Ol 1 -HJ cc ce .2 p i I-H "+3 .2 C/2 02 i-i »» *?i^ Ph ■< ^ o P oo u § .s h3 '-' O) ;h Oi 1 >^ N 00 3 t^ ^ W) fj *5 o ^ w >i -^ ;3 +3 en e4-i o ^ 1 H 1 o 1 (J U u r-l»CCr5»O(Xl>C0rH(»