Mm SF ~\Vz^-^e^ I ^//- Glass -.SJE^^6_^3_ Rook \/Vi^ /1i »4ci^ WEIGHTS AND MEASURES REVISED Regulations Relating to Cream Test Scales and Bab- cock Milk and Cream Test Bottles PRESCRIBED BY J. Q. EMERY, Ex Officio State Superintendent of Weights and Measures OF WISCONSIN ISSUEI^ NOVEMBER 21, 1914 STATE OF WISCONSIN Office of Dairy and Food Commission and Weights and Measures Madison, November 21, 1914. To Wisconsin Sealers of Weights and Measures : Subsection 6 of section 1659 of the Wisconsin statutes eon- tains the following provision : "'The superintendent of ^ ^veights and measures shall issue from time to time,'. I'e'gulaf ions for the guidance of all sealers, and the said regula'ticfns shall govern the procedure to be followed by the aforesaid officers m the discharge of their duties. In said regulations he shall prescribe the amount of tolerance to be allowed." In obedience to the requirements of this statute, the following regulations are prescribed for the guidance of sealers of weights and measures in the performance of their official duties so far as the same relate to the subject of Babcock milk test bottles, standard Babcock pipettes, Babcock cream test bottles, and cream test and butter fat test scales, which supersede all previ- ous regulations issued on this subject. Babcock ^Milk Test Bottles. Babcock milk test bottles coniidyiiig with the following spe- cifications shall be sealed : The standard Babcock test bottles for milk shall have a ca- pacity of two cubic centimeters for each 10 per cent marked on the necks thereof. The necks of the standard Babcock milk tost bottles shall be graduated from zero to 10 per cent and the graduated scale shall be 75 millimeters in length, with an allowable tolerance of 5 millimeters either above or below. The graduated scale shall — 4 iiiHiiiiiiiii!":ii;|;;:^^!!'')^:';j|;;;i|'r"l!;''"-'J\ :::^„iiiii|iiiiiiiii{{{ ^ ill H 02 pq Q /si j||^B^ ^il|yiUlu»uiijuiHlilO i Jii;iH!ij8Hi aiag^ be plainly divided into per cent and fifth per cent divisions by lines of tlifferent lenj^tlis. Each per cent graduation shall be numbered and the tolerance for the entire graduated scale or for eitiier half thereof shall not exceed one tenth of one per cent. Subsection 1 of section 1494aa of the Wisconsin statutes pro- vides as follows: "In the nse of the liabcock test, the standard milk measures or pipettes shall have a capacity of seventeen and six tenths cubic centimeters, and the standard test tubes or botth's for milk shall have a capacity of two cubic centimeters for each ten per cent nmrked on the necks thereof; cream shall be tested by weight and the standard vniit for testing shall be eighteen grams, and it is hereby made a misdemeanor to use any other standards of milk or cream measure where milk or cream is purchased by or furnished to creameries or cheese factories and where the value of said milk or cream is determined by the per cent of butter fat contained in the same, or wherever the value of milk or cream is determined by the per cent of butter fat contained in the same by the l>abcoek test." Referring to the foregoing provisions of law and other laws prescribing the duties of the state superintendent of weights and measures. Attorney General Owen has i-endered the following official opinion : "The fact that the statute says that the standard test tubes or bottles shall have a capacity of two cubic centi- meters for each 10 per cent marked on the necks thereof implies that the necks should have marked thereon the 10 per cent mark. I believe that a so-called milk test bottle having only 8 per cent nuirk on the neck is, therefore, not in compliance with the pi-ovision of this law ami you are, therefol-e, instructed that yon would not l)e warranted in ajiproving the same." Standard Barcock Pipettes. The standard pipettes shall hav(> a capacity of 17.6 cubic centimeters. When filled with water at 20° C. delivery shall be in 5 to 8 seconds. The tolerance shall not exceed .05 cubic centimeter. Note. Section 1494aa of the Wisconsin statutes contains the following provision : "Cream shall be tested by weight and the standard unit for testing shall be eighteen grams, and it is hereby made — 6 — a misdemeanor to use any other standards of * * * cream measure where * * * cream is purchased by or furnished to creameries or cheese factories and where the value of said * * * cream is determined by the per cent of butter fat contained in the same, or whereA^er the value of * * * cream is determined by the percent of butter fat contained in the same bv the Babcock test." Babcock Cream Test Bottles. The standard unit for testing shall be 18 grams. Babcock cream test bottles of the following tj'pes and com- plying with the following specifications are to be sealed : Type A. Thirty per cent. 18 gram, 6 inch i/o per cent grad- uations. Each 5 per cent on the neck of the bottle shall rep- resent a volume of 1 cubic centimeter. The neck of the bottle shall be graduated from zero to 30 per cent and the graduated scale 'shall be 75 millimeters in length, with an allowable tolerance of 10 millimeters above or below. The graduated scale shall be plainly divided into 5 per cent, 1 per cent and I/2 P^r cent divisions by lines of different lengths. Each 5 per cent or 10 per cent graduation shall be num- bered. The allowable tolerance for calibration shall not exceed % per cent for the entire graduated scale or for either half thereof. Type B. Thirty per cent, 18 gram, 9 inch, .2 per cent grad- uations. The neck of the bottle shall be graduated from zero to 30 per cent and the graduated scale shall be 125 millimeters in length, with an allowable tolerance of 15 millimeters either above or below. The graduated scale shall be plainly divided into 5HB^ tf^Pt, 1 per cent and .2 per cent divisions by lines of different lengths. Each 5 per cent or 10 per cent gi*aduation shall be numbered. The allowable tolerance for calibration shall not exceed .2 per cent for the entire graduated scale or for either half thereof. Other specifications same as for Type A. Type C. Forty per cent, 18 gram, 6 inch, i/^ per cent grad- uations. The neck of the bottle shall be graduated from zero to 40 per cent and the graduated scale shall be 75 millimeter^ in length, with an allowable tolerance of 10 millimeters either above or below. _7 — All other specifications are to be the same as for Type A. Type D. Fifty per cent, 18 gram, 7 inch, I/2 per cent gi'ad- nations. The neck of the bottle shall be graduated from zero to 50 per cent and the graduated scale shall be 105 millimeters in length, Avith an allowable tolerance of 13 millimeters either above or below. All other specifications are to be the same as for Type A. Type E. Fifty per cent, 18 gram, 9 inch, 1/2 per cent grad- uations. The neck of the bottle shall be graduated from zero to 50 per cent and the graduated scale shall be 125 millimeters in length, with an allowable tolerance of 15 millimeters either above or below. All other specifications are to be the same as for Type A. Referring to the provisions of section 1494aa of the Wisconsin statutes hereinbefore quoted. Attorney General Owen has ren- dered the following official opinion relative to 9 gram cream test bottles : "Under this statute it is provided that 'cream shall bo tested by weight and the standard unit for testing shall be 18-grams and it is hereby made a misdemeanor to use any otlier standards of milk or cream measure,' etc. As 18 grams are expressly mentioned as the standard unit used in testing, and as no mention is made of a 9-gram standard unit, I am of the opinion that only the 18-gram cream test bottles can be used and the 9-grara cream test bottles should be condemned." Cream Test and Butter Fat Test Scales. The scale shall be provided with a graduated plate of at least ten divisions over which the pointer plays. The pointer shall reach' to the graduated divisions and shall terminate in a fine point to enable the readings to be made clearly and distinctly. The cleai* interval betw^een the divisions on the graduated plate shall not be less than .05 inch. All scales whose weight indications are changed by an amount greater than one half the tolerance allowed, when set in any po- sition on a surface making an angle of 3 degrees or approxi- mately 5 per cent with the horizontal, shall be equipped with o y o ^ —