JK 451 .P5 1910 ^opy 1 REQUESTS FOR AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT CERTAIN GIFTS AND DECORATIONS TO OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES BY FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS, PEND- ING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELA- TIONS JUNE 23, 1906 II REQUESTS FOR AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT CERTAIN GIFTS AND DECORATIONS TRANSMITTED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT TO THE COMMITTEE ON FOR- EIGN RELATIONS FROM JUNE 23, 1906, TO FEBRU- ARY 15, 1910 Printed for the use of the Committee on Foreign Eelations WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 REQUESTS TOR AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT CERTAIN GIFTS AND DECORATIONS TO OFFICERS OF THE UNITED STATES RY FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS, PEND- ING BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELA- TIONS JUNE 28, 1906 II REQUESTS FOR AUTHORITY TO ACCEPT CERTAIN GIFTS AND DECORATIONS TRANSMITTED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT TO THE COMMITTEE ON FOR- KIGN RELATIONS FROM JUNE 28, 1906, TO FEBRU- ARY 15, 1910 n Printed tor the ui^e of the Committee on Foreign Relation:? WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1910 <>^ ^^ >! v' 0. 0? ^' N\^^^ ^9^^ o I. CAPT. JAMES M. MILLEE, U. S. NAVY. COMMANDER HERBERT O. DUNN. IT. S. NAVY. CHAPLAIN H. I. REANEY. U. S NAVY. LIEUT. VICTOR A. KIMBERLY, U. S. NAVY. LIEUT. HENRY L. BRINSER. U. 8. NAVY. ASST. SURG. THEODORE N. PEASE. U S. NAVY. PAYMASTER CHARLES R. O'LEARY, U. S. NAVY. FIRST LlEITT. FRANK C. LANDER, U. S. MARINE CORPS. Photographs presented to them by the Mexican Government. Reason for glrinf/. — The photographs were presented as a memo- rial for their services on board the U. S. S. Colmnbia when she car- ried the remains of the hite Ambassador Azpiroz to Mexico. (3) LIEUT. GEN. A. R. CHAFFEE, RETIRED, U. S. ARMY. Commission and insignia of the office of Grand Commander of the Legion of Honor, conferred upon him by the French Republic. Reason for giving. — In recognition of his recent visit to France as the head of the special mission of American army officers to witness the grand maneuvers of the French army. BRIG. GEN. WILLIAM CROZIER, U. S. ARMY. CAPT. DANIEL T. MOORE, IT. S. ARMY. Decoration of Commander of the Order of the Legion of Honor, and Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor, respectively. Reason for giinng. — In connection with their attendance of the grand maneuvers of the French army, held in September. 1905. JOHN BARRETT, American minister to Colombia. COL. J. A. OCKERSON, C 07)hnhissio7ier on the Mississippi River Commission. Letters patent and the decorations of the Order of the Double Dragon, conferred upon them by the Chinese Government. Reasons for giving. — Because of their connection with the Louisi- ana Purchase Exposition, Barrett having been special commissioner to China in the interest of the exposition, and Ockerson having been chief of the .Liberal Arts Building at the exposition. CAPT. T. BENTLEY MOTT. U. S. ARMY. Decoration of the Order of the Legion of Honor, conferred upon him by the French Republic. Reason for giving. — Decoration conferred upon the completion of his tour of duty as military attache to the American embassy at Paris. BRIG. GEN. THOMAS H. BARRY, U. S. ARMY. Decoration of the Order of St. Stanislaus of the first class. Russia. COL. JOHN VAN R. HOFF, MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. LIEUT. COL. WALTER S. SCHUYLER, GENERAL STAFF. MA J. MONTGOMERY M. MACOMB, GENERAL STAFF.. Decoration of the Order of St. Anne of the second chiss. Russia. CAPT. CARL REICHMANN, U. S. ARMY. CAPT. SYDNEY CLOMAN, U. S. ARMY. Decoration of the Order of St. Stanislaus, second class. Russia. Reason for giving. — These gentlemen were attached to the Russian army in the field during the Russo-Japanese war. BRIG. GEN. J. F. BELL, U. S. ARMY. CAPT. GROTE HUTCHESON, U. S. ARMY. Decoration of Commander of the Order of the Legion of Honor, and Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor, respectively. Reason for giving. — On account of their presence during the recent maneuvers of the French army. 10 REAR-ADMIRAL CHARLES D. SIGSBEE, U. S. NAVY. CAPT. JOHN M. HAWLEY, U. S. NAVY. COMMANDER REGINALD F. NICHOLSON, U. S. NAVY. COMMANDER ALEXANDER SHARP, U. S. NAVY. LIEUT. COMMANDER HARRY GEORGE, U. S. NAVY. Decorations of the Order of the Legion of Honor, conferred upon them by the French Republic. Reason for giving. — The decorations were conferred upon the occasion of the removal of the remains of Admiral John Paul Jones to this country. 11 CAPT. B. F. McCALLA, IT. S. NAVY. » Decoration of the Order of the Red Eagle of the second class, with swords, tendered to him by the German Emperor. Reason for giving. — Decoration conferred after the campaign of the international column under Admiral Seymour, in which German bluejackets represented one of the nationalities engaged. On this occasion the German Emperor conferred a number of decorations. McCalla says the decoration was conferred on account of the Ger- man Emperor's kindly feeling toward the United States and his recognition of the honorable part which the force under McCalla's command took in the unsuccessful attempt to relieve the legations at Peking. 12 AKTHUPv M. BEAUPRE. Minister to Argentine Refxiblie. Silver inkstand presented to him by the British Government while he was secretary of legation and consul-general at Guatemala. Reason for giving. — On account of his services as arbitrator in connection with the claims of the owners and masters of the English sloop Lottie May against the Government of Honduras. 13 EICHAED T. GREENER, C (nnmevciol agent of the T/nHed States at VladirostoJ,-. Decoration of the Order of the Double Dragon, second grade, third class, from the Chinese Government. Reason for qiving. — The Chinese Government tendered such deco- rations to the consular officers of all the nations stationed at Vladi- A^ostok during the Boxer uprising in 1900. u FIRST LIE ITT. THOMAS H. JACKSON. U. S. ARMY. FIRST LIEUT. EDMUND M. RHETT. U. S. ARMY. SECOND LIEUT. JOHN H. POOLE. U. S. ARMY. LIEUT. FREDERICK L. CHAPIN. U. S. NAVY. (lEN. H. V. N. BOYNTON. A Vdni tii'/xxioiier of the (Jhickamauga and Cluiffiotooga Ndtlonal MUitary Pm'k. Photographs, respectively, of His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Prussia. Reason for giving. — These were tendered after Prince Heiu'V vis- ited the United States. 15 CAPT. DORR F. TOZIER, U. S. NAVY. Sword tendered to him by the King of Great Britain. Reason for giving. — On account of the •' cordial and valuable assistance rendered by Captain Tozier during the search for H. M. S. Condor alone the west coast of Vancouver Island."' 16 CAPT. WILLIAM E. HOETON, U. S. ARMY. Decoration of Knight Commander of the Order of Nicham el Amouar, conferred upon him by the French Republic. Reason for giving. — Recovery of the body of Baron De Marais, a citizen of France, who was assassinated by the insurgent Filipinos in 1899. Caj^tain Horton. at some personal expense to himself and con- siderable risk, and after several failures on the part of others, finally recovered the bodv. 17 COMMANDEE SAMUEL W. B. DIEHL, U. S. NAVY. LIEUT. COMMANDER LEWIS S. VAN DUZER, U. S. NAVY. ENSIGN WILLIAM P. CRONIN, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar, of the third class, from the Government of Venezuela. Reason for giving. — In testimony of their humanity in saving the life of a shipwrecked citizen of Venezuela and in rescuing a Vene- zuelan vessel off the coast of that country. 28559—10 2 SAMUEL L. GRACEY, ESQ., United States consul at Foochow^ China. Decoration of the Order of the Double Dragon, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government. Reason for giving. — On account and in recognition of important services to the Chinese Government during the Boxer troubles in 1900. 19 MAJ. GEN. J. A. BROOKE, U. S. ARMY. BRIG. GEN. SAMUEL B. M. YOUNG, U. S. ARMY. REAR-ADMIRAL F. G. HIGGINSON, U. S. NAVY. Degree of Commander of the Order of the Legion of Honor. COL. ALBERT L. MILLS, U. S. ARMY. CAPT. WILLARD H. BRONSON, U. S. ARMY. CAPT. HENRY W. LYON. U. S. ARMY. CAPT. JOS. N. HEMPHILL, U. S. ARMY. COMMANDER RICHARD WAINWRIGHT, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of Officer of the Legion of honor. EDWIN V. MORGAN, State Department. LIEUT. COMMANDER A. GLEAVES, U. S. NAVY. LIEUT. A. H. DAVIS, U. S. NAVY. LIEUT. G. E. EVANS, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor. Reason for giving. — Decorations tendered bj'^ the Republic of France after the ceremonies of the occasion of the ceremonies of the imveiling of the Rochambeaii monument. CAPT. RICHARDSON CLOVER. U. S. NAVY. Souvenir coronation medal tendered to him by the King of Great Britain. J^eason for giving. — Decoration te^ndered after the coronation. 21 LIEUT. COMMANDER ASHER C. BAKER, U. S. NAVY. FRANK W. CLARKE. Curator, United States National Mn^seum. Decoration of the Cross of the Knight of the Legion of Honor. HENRY E. ALVORD. Chief of the Dairy Division, Department of Agriculture. WILLIAM A. TAYLOR, Pomologist, Department of Agriculture. H. W. WILEY, Chief Bureau of Clienjistry, Department of Agriculture. M. A. CARLETON, Cerealist. JOHN I. SCHULTE, Assistant Agncultwr^st. Decoration of the Orclre clu Merite Agricole. Reason for giving. — These decorations were tendered by the French Government in recognition of the important 'services rendered by these gentlemen at the Paris Exposition. 99 DR. EUGENE WASDIN, United States Marine- Hospital Service. DE. H. D. GEDDINGS, United States Marine-Hospi-tal Service. Decorations of the Cross of Officer of S. S. Marizio e Lazaro and the Cross of CheA^alier, respectively. Reason for giving. — These decorations conferred by the Italian Government in recognition of investigations of the highest impor- tance, which consisted in verifying and confirming the Italian studies and discoveries on the nature of vellow fever. 23 dAPT. STEPHEN L'H. SLOCUM. U. S. ARMY. South African war medal tendered by the King of Great Britain. Reason for giving. — Captain Slociim was United States military attache to Sonth Africa during the Boer war, and this decoration was tendered after the conclusion of that war. 24 LIEUT. WILLIAM P. SCOTT, U. S. ARMY. Decoration of Liakat Medal of Merit from His Majesty the Sultan of Turkey. Reason for giving. — It appears from the notes of our United States miinister to Constantinople, ^ at the request of the first secretary of His Imperial Majesty the Sultan, I am sending you under separate cover the decoration of the Order of Merit, which His Majesty desires to confer on you as a token of his appreciation of the part which you played in the battle of Manila." 25 JOHN FOWLER, United States consul at Chefoo, China. Decoration of the Double Dragon, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government. Reason for giving. — It appears from the note of the Chinese Gov- ernment * * * ti during the Boxer troubles in the year 1900, you and the other consuls cooperated with the local authorities in main- taining peace and order." These decorations were conferred upon all of the foreign consuls. 26 HERBERT H. D. PEIRCE, Third Assistant Secretary of State. Decoration of the Order of the Legion of Honor, conferred upon him by the Government of France. Reason for giving. — For his services in connection with the unveil- ing of the Rochambeau monument. GEN. T. A. BINGHAM, U. S. ARMY, RETIRED. Decoration of the Order of the Legion of Honor, conferred upon him by France. Reason for giving. — Conferred in connection with the unveiling. of the Rochambeaii monument. 28 HENRY VIGNAUD, Secretanfy of the American embassy at Paris. • Decoration of the Order of the Legion of Honor conferred upon him by the Republic of France. ' Reason for giving. — This decoration was conferred in July, 1889, out of compliment to the United States, and as a mark of special regard for Mr. Vignaud, who has been for many years in the Ameri- can diplomatic service at Paris. 29 CAPT. W. G. CUTLEE, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Order of the Legion of Honor conferred upon him by the French Government. Reason for giving. — Captain Cutler was commander of the U. S. S. Galveston., on the occasion of the transfer of the remains of Admiral John Paul Jones to the United States. 30 CAPT. W. S. SIMS, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Order of the Legion of Honor, conferred upon him by France. Reason for giving. — This decoration was conferred on his retire- ment as naval attache at Paris. 31 CAPT. D. E. NOLAK, U. S. ARMY. Decoration of the Order of the Legion of Honor, conferred upon him by France. Reason for giving. — This decoration was conferred on the occasion of his attendance of the French maneuvers in the antiimn of 1905. 32 G. W. HILL, Department of Agrictdture. Decoration of the Order of the Merite Agricole, conferred upon him by the Government of France. Reason for giving. — This decoration was conferred at the request of the French minister of affricultnre. 33 C. S. CROWNINSHIELD, C onimercial agent at Gastellamarie. Decoration of Officer of Public Instruction. Reason for giving. — In recognition of the important part taken by him at the Paris Exposition. 28559—10 3 34 MISS ANNA T. SMITH. Translator of the Bureau of Education. Decoration of Officer of Public Instruction, conferred upon her by France. Reason for giving. — In recognition of the important part taken by her at the Paris Exposition, 35 JOHN C. COVERT, United States Consul at Lyon. Decoration of Officer d'Academie, conferred upon him by France. Reason for giving. — This decoration was conferred on the occasion of the visit of the French minister of public instruction to Lyon. 36 CAPT. C. DE WITT WILCOX, U. S. ARMY. Decoration of Officer d' Academic, conferred upon him by France. Reason for gimng. — No reason given. HEKBEET H. D. PEIRCE, Third Assistant Secretary of State. Decoration of the Order of Double Dragon, conferred upon him by the Government of China. Reason for giving.— Y or courtesies extended to Prince Tsai Chen, special envoy of the Emperor of China to the United States after the Boxer troubles of 1900. 38 CAPT. A. W. BREWSTEE, U. S. ARMY, Military attache at Peking. Decoration of the Order of the Double Drag'on, conferied upon him by China. Reason for giving. — Decoration conferred in recognition of serv- ices rendered diirinp- the Boxer troubles. 39 CAPT. J. M. SIGWORTH, U. S. ARMY. LIEUT. C. C. KINNEY. U. S. ARMY. LIEUT. PAUL M. CxOODRICH, U. S. ARMY. LIEUT. ALLEN SMITH, JR., U. S. ARMY. Decoration, respectively, of the Order of the Double Dragon, con- ferred by China. Reason for giving. — In recognition of services rendered in the pro- tection of the Forbidden City, Peking, after the Boxer disturbances in 1900. 40 REAE-ADMIRAL B. H. McCALLA, U. S. NAVY. Peking war medal with clasp, conferred by the King of Great Britain. Reason for giving.— In. recognition of services rendered in the re- lief of the legation at Peking in 1900. 41 GEORGE H. BEIDGEMAN, American consul at Kingston, Jamaica^ formerly American minister , at Bolivia. Silver inkstand. Reason for giving. — In recognition of services rendered while in charge of British interests in Bolivia. 42 E. C. HADLEY AND ALBERT WHITTEN, Light keepers at Gape Ann, Eockfort, Mass. Silver watches tendered by the Canadian government. Reason for giving. — On account of humane services rendered by the keepers to the shipwrecked crew of the steamer Lottie B., of St. Johns, New Brunswick. 43 REAR-ADMIRAL P. H. COOPER, U. S. NAVY. CAPT. HENRY C. TAYLOR, U. S. NAVY. CAPT. FRANCIS A. COOKE, U. S. NAVY. CAPT. CHARLES D. SIGSBEE, U. S. NAVY. CAPT. CASPER S. GOODRICH. U. S. NAVY. COMMANDER W. M. MEADE, U. S. NAVY. COMMANDER J. H. DAYTON, U. S. NAVY. COMMANDER FREDERICK N. SYMONDS, U. S. NAVY. CHAPIN C. TODD. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar. Reason for giving. — This decoration was tendered on the occasion of the visit of these gentlemen to La Guaira, with the squadron, in 1899. 44 GEORGE P. SKINNER, American consul- general at Marseille. Decoration conferred by the Emperor of Ethiopia, namely, the Star of Ethiopia. Reason for giving. — Mr. Skinner negotiated a. commercial treaty with Abyssinia, and this decoration was tendered at the conclusion of the negotiations. 45 CAPT. GEORGE P. THORPE, U. S. MARINE CORPS. Medal conferred upon him by the Emperor of Ethiopia. Reason for giving. — Captain Thorpe commanded the escort which accompanied Mr. Skinner to Ethiopia to negotiate a commercial treaty. 46 HAMILTON KING. American minister at Bangkok. PAUL NASH, Formerly secretary of legation at Bangkok., now co'nsul at Venice. J. P. SLEDEN. Jubilee medals tendered by the King of Siam. Reason for giving. — These gold and silver jubilee medals were tendered bv the Kinjo- as souvenirs to all officials, native and foreiarn. 47 ETHELBERT WALSH, Foo^nierly consul-general at Cairo^ now consul-general at St. Petersburg. Decoration, Order of Osmanieh, conferred by the Khedive of Egypt. Reason for giving. — No reason has been given for the award of this decoration. 48 CAPT. HENRY WILSON, U. S. NAVY. Gold cross tendered by King Kalakaiui. Reason for gvinng. — This gold cross was tendered on the occasion jj of the King's coronation. 49 JOHN G. LEISHMAN. Ainerican minister at C onstantinople. COL. F. H. PHIPPS, U. S. AEMY. Gold medals conferred by the Sultan of Turkey. Reason for giving. — No reason given. 28559—10 4 50 RICHMOND PEARSON. Amencan m/inister at Tehet'on. Diamond snuff box tendered by the Shah of Persia. Reason for giving. — This was tendered as a mark of regard. 51 REAR-ADMIRAL J. W. NICHOLSON, U. S. NAVY. DECEASED. Gold medal tendered by the King of Sweden and Norway. Reason for giving.- — For attention shown to Swedish subjects at Alexandria. Egypt, during the bombardment by British ships. 52 MAJ. GEX. ARTHUR Ma( ART?IUR. U. S. ARMY. COL. E. H. CROWDER, U. S. ARMY. LIEUT. GEN. E. J. McCLERNAND, U. S. ARMY. MAJ. JOSEPH E. KUHX, U. S. ARMY. MAJ. JOHN F. MORRISON. U. S. ARMY. CAPT. CHARLES LYNCH. U. S. ARMY. CAPT. PARKER W. WEST. U. S. ARMY. CAPT. JOHN J. PERSHING, U. S. ARMY. CAPT. PEYTON C. MARSH, U. S. ARMY. Decorations, respectively, tendered by the Emjjeror of Japan. Reason, for giving. — The American minister at Tok^^o in his dis- patch of October 19, 1905, states as follows : " I have the honor to transmit herewith a copy of a note from the minister for foreign affairs Avherein he states that in view of the especially intimate relations between the United States and Japan, and also of the sympathy and admiration which the Japanese arm)' feel for that of the United States, His Majesty the Emperor of Japan is now disposed to confer certain imperial orders upon the American military officers who were attached to the Japanese armies in tht field dnrinc.- the war jiist ended." INDEX. A. Page. Alvord, H.E 21 B. Brinser, H. L 3 Barrett, J 6 Barry, T. H 8 Bell, J. F 9 Brooke, J. A 19 Bronson, W. H 19 Baker, A. C 21 Bingham, Theodore A 27 Brewster, A. W 38 Bridgetnan, G. H . . . 41 Boynton, H. V. N.. 14 Beanpre, A. M . 12 C. Chaffee, A. R 4 Crozier, Wm 5 Cloman , Sydney 8 Chapin, F. L 14 Cronin, W. P ..:... 17 Clover, R 20 Clarke, F. W 21 Carleton, M. A 21 Cutler, W. G 29 Crowninshield, C. S- 33 Covert, J. C 35 Cooper, P. H 43 Cooke, F. A 43 Crowder, E. H 52 D. Dunn, H. 3 Diehl, S. W. B 17 Davis, A. H 19 Dayton, .7. H 43 E. Evans, G. E 19 F. Fowler, John 25 G. Greener, R. T 13 Gracey, S. L 18 Gleaves, A.. 19 Geddings, H. D 22 Page. P. Goodrich, P. M 39 Page. Goodrich, C. S 43 Pease, T. N 3 George, Harrv 10 Poole, J. H 14 Peirce, H. H. D.... 26-37 H. Phipps, F. H. 49 Hoff, J. V. R 8 Pearson, Richmond . 50 Hutchenson, Grote . 9 Pershing, J. J 52 Hawley, J. M 10 R. Horton, W. E 16 Hemphill, J.N 19 Reaney, H. I 3 Higginson, F. G 19 Reichmann, Carl . . . 8 Hill, G. W 32 Rhett, E. M 14 Hadley, E. C 42 S. J. Schuyler, W. S 8 Jackson, T. H 14 Sigsbee, C. D 10 Sigsbee, CD 43 K. Sharp, Alex 10 Kinney, C. C 39 Schulte,J. I 21 King, Hamilton 46 Slocum, S.L'H 23 Kuhn, J. E -. 52 Scott, Wm. P 24 Kiioberlv, V. A 3 Sims, W.S 32 Smith, AnnaT 34 L. Sigworth, J. M 39 Lander, F. C 3 Sinirli, Allen . 39 Lyon, H. VV 19 Sviuonds, F. N 43 Lynch, Charles 52 Skinner, G. P 44 Leishman, J. G 49 Sleden, J. P 46 M. T. McClernand, 1*]. J . . 52 Tozier, D. F 15 Mac Arthur, Arthur. 52 Taylor, W. A 21 McCalla, B. H 11-40 Taylor, H. C 43 Miller, Jas. M 3 Todd, C. C 43 Moore, D.T 5 Thorpe, G. P 45 Mott, T. B 7 Macomb, M. M 8 V. Mills, A. L.... 19 Vail Duzer, 1^. S 17 Morgan, E. V 19 Vignaud, Henry 28 Meade, W. M 43 W. Morrison, J. F 52 Marsh, P. C 52 Wainwright, R 19 Wiley, H.W 21 N. W^asdin, Eugene 22 Nicholson, R. F 10 Wilcox, C.DeW.... 36 Nolan, D. E 31 Whitten, A 42 Nash, Paul 46 Walsh, Ethelbert... 47 Nicholson, J. W 51 Wilson, Henry 48 0. West, P. W 52 O'Leary, C. R 3 Y. Ockerson, J. A 6 Young, S. B. M . . - . 19 (53) II. Department of State, Washington, Fehruary 15, 1910. My Dear Senator Cullom : Keferring to your request of the 18th ultimo, I take pleasure in sending you herewith a list of officials of this Government who have been tendered, or upon whom have been conferred, decorations or gifts by foreigTi governments. This list contains the names of those whose cases have come before the depart- ment since June 23, 1906, when the Senate Committee on Foreign delations had under consideration the applications which had been made up to that time for the permission of Congress to accept cer- tain gifts and decorations. There are now about 220 diplomas, decorations, medals, and other gifts in the custody of the chief clerk of this department. I am, my dear Senator Cullom, Very sincerely, yours, P. C. Knox. Hon. Shelby M. Cullom, Gommittee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate. LIEUT. WILLIAM H. ALLEN, U. S. NAVY. , Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the Vene- zuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. war ships Maine and Dolphin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. (57) 58 REAE-ADMIRAL CONWAY H. ARNOLD. U. S. NAVY Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the) Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S.i war ships Maine and Dolphin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 59 JULEAN H. ARNOLD, ESQ., American Consul, Amoy. Decoration of the second class, third grade, "A-na-erh," conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occasion of the visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. 60 FRANK HOLWAY ATKINSON, ESQ., ASSISTANT PAY- MASTER, IT. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. Si , warships Maine and Dolphin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 61 CAPT. FEANK E. BEATTY, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the second class, second grade, " Pi-li," and silver bowl, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occa- sion of the visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. 62 A. BAILLY-BLANCHARD, ESQ., Secretary of embassy^ Pari^. Decoration of the Black Star of Benin, conferred upon him by the French Government in recognition of Mr. Bailh^-Blanchard's serv- ices as secretary at the last Hague conference. 63 ROBERT WOODS BLISS, ESQ.. ' Secretary of Legation, Buenos Aire^. Diploma of the Order of St. Anne of the third class, conferred upon him by the Emperor of Russia in recognition of Mr. Bliss's services while second secretary at the embassj' at St. Petersburg. Also, decoration of the fourth class of the Order of the Rising Sun, conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan in recognition of Mr. Bliss's services while serving as second secretary of the embassy at St. Petersburg, during the war between Japan and Russia. 64 CAPT. JOHN M. BOWYER, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the second class, second grade, "Pao-jo," and a silver bowl, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occasion of the visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. C. B. BRACKET, ESQ., Department of Agriculture. Decoration of the Order of Merite Agricoli conferred upon him by the Government of France in recognition of his services at the Paris Exposition. 285.59—10 5 66 SURG. WILLIAM C. BRAISTED, U. S. NAVY. War medal conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan as a mark of appreciation of Surgeon Braisted's services to that country during the recent war between Japan and Russia. 67 JOHN BEEWEE, ESQ., American consular agent at Caracas. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government in recognition of his services while in charge of the American legation at Caracas. CAPT. K M, BROOKS, Clerk^ Post- Office DefcvrtTnent. Decoration of the third class of the Order of the Red Eagle con- ferred upon him by the German Emperor. The reasons for con- ferring this decoration are not known by the department. 69 MIDSHIPMAN EGBERT W. CABANISS, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. warships Mame and Dolphin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 70 LIEUT. HARRY KIMBALL CAGE. U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar, conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the LT. S. war ships Maine and DoJqjhin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 71 CAPT. WILLIAM B. CAPEETON, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar, conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. warships Maine and Dolfhin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 72 LESLIE M. COMBS, ESQ. American minister to Peru. Gold cup presented to him by the President of Guatemala as a souvenir of the peace conference between representatives of the Gov- ernments of Guatemala, Salvador, and Honduras, which occurred on board the U. S. S. Marhlehead in 1906, at which time Mr. Combs was minister to Guatemala. 73 CAPT. WALTER C. COWLES, U. S. NAVY. -Decoration of the second class, second grade, " K'ou-erh-ssu," and silver bowl, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occasion of the visit of the American battle ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. 74 LIEUT. COMMANDEE THOMAS T. CRAVEN, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the third class, first grade, " Ke-lieh-wen," con- ferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occasion of the visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. 75 EEAR-ADMIRAL C. H. DAVIS, U. S. NAVY. Silver cup and salver, and silver punch bowl and cups, tendered to him by the Governments of Great Britain and Russia. The reasons for making these presents are not known to the department. 76 CAPT. HALSTEAD DOREY, U. S. ARMY. Decoration and diploma of the Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, conferred upon him by the French Government. The occasion for this presentation is not known by the department. ,77 COMMANDER JOHN A. DOUGHERTY, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the second class, second grade, " Teng-ko-ti," con- ferred upon him by the Chinese Government npon the occasion of the visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. 78 CAPT. ROBERT M. DOYLE, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the second class, second grade, " Tai-i," and silver bowl, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occa- sion of the visit of the American battle ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. 79 ENSIGN MILO FEEDERICK DRAEMEL. U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. war ships Maine and Dolphin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 80 LIEUT. COMMANDEE JOHN RUFUS EDIE, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the TJ. S. war ships Maine and Dol])Mn to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 81 REAR-ADMIKAL WILLIAM H. EMORY, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the first class, third grade, " I-mo-li," and silver bowl, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occa- sion of the visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. 285.59—10 6 82 JOHN FOWLER, ESQ., Gonsvl at Ghefoo. ^ Decoration conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan in appre- ciation of the services of Mr. Fowler while consul-general at Chefoo,' China, at the time of the war between Japan and Russia. CAPT. JOHN C. FREMONT, U. S. NAVY. Sword presented to him by the Sultan of Morocco on the occasion of the recent American mission to Fez, when Captain Fremont accompanied the mission as naval aid. 84 ENSIGN DOUGLAS W. FULLEE, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar, conferred upon liim by the Vene zuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. wari' ships Maine and Dolphin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 85 LIEUT. COMMANDEE IPvVIN V. GILLIS, U. S. NAVY. War medal, conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan as a mark of appreciation of Lieutenant Gillis's services to that country during the recent war between Japan and Russia. 86 EOGEE S. GREENE, ESQ., American co'/wid at Harbin. \ ] Decoration of the fifth clas of the Order of the Rising Sun con-| ferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan in recognition of Mr. Greene's services while commercial agent at Vladivostok, during the ■Russo-Japanese war. 87 CAPT. WILLIAM S. GUIGNARD, U. S. ARMY. . Decoration of Grade of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor con- ferred upon him by the French Government in recognition of Cap- tain Guignard's services while military attache at Paris. Also sword presented to him by the Sultan of Morocco on the oc- casion of the recent American mission to Fez, when he accompanied the mission as militarv aide. CAPT. O. C. HAMLET, United States Revenue-Cutter Service. Gold cigarette case conferred upon him by the Czar of Russia in recognition of the services rendered by Captain Hamlet in 1904-6 for the protection of the coast of east Siberia against the depreda- tions of sea poachers during the late war betAveen Japan and Russia. 89 THOMAS E. HEENAN, ESQ., Consul at Warsaw. Decoration conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan in recog- nition of Mr. Heenan's services to that country while consul-general at Newchwang during the war between Japan and Russia. 90 LIEUT. ROBERT W. HENDERSON, U. S. NAVY. > Decoration of the third class, first grade, "" Han-te-sim," conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occasion of the visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. 91 HENRY L. HERTZ, ESQ., Collector of Intenuil Revenue at Chicago. Decoration of the Order of Danebrog and diploma conferred upon him by the King of Denmark in recognition of Mr. Hertz's services as president of the Dano- American Society. 92 PAXTON HIBBEN, ESQ., Secretary of American Legation^ The Hague. Decoration of the fourth class of the Order of the Sacred Treasure conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan in recognition of Mr. Hibben's services while third secretary of the embassy at St. Peters- burg, during the Russo-Japanese Avar. Also decoration and diploma of the Order of St. Stanislaus of the third class, conferred upon him by the Emperor of Russia as a courteous recognition of Mr. Plibben's services while secretary of the American embassy at St. Petersburg. 93 DR. DAVID J. HILL, American Ambassador to Germ^any. Decoration of the Grand Cordon of the Order of Orange Nassau, conferred upon him, as a token of esteem, by the Queen of the Netherlands upon the conclusion of Doctor Hill's mission at that post. 94 EDWARD T. HOOPES. Px^YMASTER, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. war ships Blaine and Dolfhin in Venezuelan Avaters in 1908. 95 GAPT. THOMAS B. HOWARD, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the second class, second grade. " Hou-huo." and silver bowl, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occa- sion of the ^asit of the American battle-ship squadi'on to Amoy in 1908. 96 COMMANDER ^¥ILLIAM L. HOWxVRD, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazaras, with the grade of Knight, conferred upon him b}^ the King of Italy in recog- nition of Commander Howard's services while naval attache at the embassy at Rome. Also decoration of the Order of Merit of Duke Frederick Peter Louis of Oidenburg, conferred upon him by the Grand Duke of Oldenburg in recognition of Commander Howard's services whiL^ naval attache at the embassv at Berlin. 97 WILLIAM H. HUNT, ESQ., AmeHcan consul, St. Etienne, France. Title of Officier d'Academie conferred upon him by the French Government. The reason for conferring this title upon Mr. Hunt is not known. 28559—10-^^^7 9^8 CAPT. HAMir/rON HUTCHINS, XL S. NAVY. Decoration of the second class, second grade. " He-ch'in-ssu.'' and silver bowl, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occasion of the visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. 99 LIEUT. COMMANDER RUFUS Z. JOHNSTON, JR., U. S. NAVY. The decoration of the Bust of Bolivar, conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. war ships Maine and Dolphin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 100 EDWARD JULIAN KING, ESQ., Consvlai' agent at Hakodate. Decoration conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan, in appre- ciation of Mr. King's efforts to cultivate cordial relations between the country he represented and that of Japan at the time of the war between that country and Russia. 101 HORACE G. KNOWLES, American minister to Nicaragua. Decoration of the Grand Cross of the Order of the Crown of Roumania, conferred upon him by the Government of that country in recognition of Mr. Knowles's service while minister at Bucharest. Also, decoration of the Order of St. Sava, conferred upon him by the King of Servia in recognition of Mr. Knowles's services while minister to that country. 102 CAPT. GEORGE T. LANGHORNE, U. S. ARMY. Decoration and diploma of Chevalier of the Legion of Honor con- ferred upon him by the French Government. The occasion for this presentation is not known by the department. 103 IRWIN B. LAUGHLIN, ESQ., Secretary of embassy at Berlin. Decoration of the fourth class of the Order of the Rising. Sun con- ferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan in recognition of Mr. Laughlin's services while second secretary of the legation at Tokyo during the war between Japan and Russia. 104 MAJ. HENRY LEONARD, U. S. MARINE CORPS. Decoration of the Order of the Double Dragon, third class, second degree, conferred upon him by the late Emperor and late Dowager Empress of China in recognition of Major Leonard's services while military attache to the American legation at Peking. 105 JAMES VERNER LONG, ESQ., American Consul, Venice. Decoration and diploma of the Cross of Chevalier of the Royal Order of the Saviour conferred upon him by the King of Greece in recognition of Mr. Long's services while consul at Patras. 106 HON. FEANCIS B. LOOMIS, G omjmissioner- General of the Tokyo Exposition, G ommi^ssion. i Decoration of the first class of the Order of the Sacred Treasure, conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan upon the occasion of Mr. Loomis's visit to Tokyo in the capacity of commissioner-general of the United States to the Tokyo Exposition. 10^ REAR-ADMIRAL HENRY W. LYON,' U. S. NAVY. Decoration of coiniiiander of the first class of the Royal Order of Sanot-Olav, conferred upon him by the King of Norway. The reason for the conferring of this decoartion is not known by the department. 108 SUEG. ALBERT M. D. MoCORMICK, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. warships Maine and Dolphin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 109 LIEUT. COMMANDER NEWTON A. McCULLY, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Order of St. Anne of the third class, with swords and ribbon, presented by the Emperor of Russia, Lieutenant McCully having- accompanied the Russian army in the field as an observer during the Russo-Japanese war. 110 PASSED ASST. SURG. NORMAN THOMAS MoLEAN. U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. war ships Maine and Dolphin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. Ill COMMANDER CHARLES C. MARSH, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the fourth class of the Order of the Rising Sun and a commemorative war medal conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan in recognition of Commander Marsh's valuable services during the war between Japan and Russia. 112 HON. GEOKGE VON L. MEYER, Secretary of the Navy. Decoration of the first class of the Order of the Rising Sun con- ferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan in recognition of Mr. Meyer's services as American ambassador at St. Petersburg. 113 HENRY B. MILLER, ESQ., GoTisul at Belfast. Decoration conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan for services rendered by Mr. Miller to that country while consul-general at Yokohama at the time of the war between Japan and Russia. 28559—10-^^-8 114 RANSFOED S. MILLER, JR., ESQ., Chiefs Far Eastern Division^ Department of State. Decoration of the fourth chiss of the Order of the Sacred Treasure conferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan in recognition of Mr. Miller's services while secretary and interpreter to the legation at Tokyo during the Russo-Japanese war. 115 COMMANDER EICHAED T. MULLIGAN, U. S. NAVY. Silver cup presented to him by the President of Guatemala as a souvenir of the peace conference between representatives of the Gov- ernments of Guatemala, Salvador, and Honduras, which occurred on board the U. S. S. M arhleJie-ad in 1906, of which vessel Captain Mulli- sran was commander at that time. 116 CAPT. KOSSUTH NILES, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the second class, second grade, " Nai-erh-ssii," and silver bowl, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occasion of the visit of the American battle-ship sqnadron to Amoy in 1908. 117 COL. J. A. OCKEKSON, Mernher of the Muai^sippi Hirer CovnnUsdon. Decoration of Officier d'Instniction Publique conferred upon him by the French Government. The reasons for conferring this decora- tion are not known to the department. 118 GQEDON PADDOCK, ESQ., Vice-consul-general at Mukden. Decoration of the third class of the Order of Tai Keuk, a souvenir medal, in commemoration of the coronation of the Emperor of Korea, at the time Mr. Paddock was vice-consul-general at Seoul. These medals were distributed to all foreign officials present at the ceremonies. 119 LIEUT. LEIGH C. PALMER, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Royal Order of Merit, presented by the King of Spain on the occasion of his marriage. Lieutenant Palmer having been ■ detailed as military attache to the special embassy from the United States. 120 CAPT. JAMES H. REEVES, Military attache^ American legation^ Peking. Decoration of the third class, first grade, " lA-fu-ssu," confem-ed upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occasion of the visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amoy in 1908. 121 ENSIGN FRED FREMONT ROGERS, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred npon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. war ships Maine and Dolphin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 122 W. W. RUSSELL, ESQ., American minister to Venezuela. Cross and diploma of Commander of the Legion of Honor, con- fei-red upon him by the President of France as a mark of apprecia- tion of Mr. EusselFs services in representing French interests in VenezueLa in 1908. 123 THOMAS SAMMONS, ESQ.. Cotuul-general at Yokolraina. Decoration of the second class of the Order of Tai Keuk, a souvenir medal in commemoration of the coronation of the Emperor of Korea, at the time Mr. Sammons was consul-general at Seoul. These medals were distributed to all foreig-n officials present at the ceremonies. 124 I PAUL H. J. SAKTORI, ESQ., Atnei'ican consular agent at Kiel^ Germany. Decoration of the Order of Danebrog- conferred upon him by the King of Denmark in consideration of the services rendered to the (rovernment of that country by Mr. Sartori, cohering- a period of more than twenty-five vears. 126 REAR ADMIRAL SEATON SCHROEDER. U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the first class, third grade, " Shih-lo-ta," and silver bowl, conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the oc- casion of the visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amoj in 1908. 126 GEORGE H. SCIDMORE, ESQ., G onsul- General at Seoul ^ Korea. Decoration of the fifth class of the Order of the Rising Sun, con- ferred upon him by the Emperor of Japan in recognition of Mr. Scidmore's services as legal adviser to the legation at Tokyo during the Russo-Japanese wai-. 127 CAPT. KOY CAMBELL SMITH, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of Officer of the legion of Honor, conferred upon him by the Government of France in recognition of Captain Smith's services as naval attache at the American embassy at Paris. 128 SURG. RAYMOND SPEAR, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Order of St. Anne conferred upon him by the Emperor of Russia. The reason foi' this presentation is not known by the department. 129 EEAK-ADMIEAL CHxVRLES S. SPERRY, U. S. NAVY. Silver flower bowl mounted on a wooden base, presented to Rear- Admiral Sperry, commander in chief of the Atlantic Fleet, upon its visit to Japan, as a token of the Emperor's appreciation of the com- ing- of the fleet to Japanese waters. 285.59—10 9 130 DR. LEONHARD STEJNEGER, Curator of the National Museum. Decoration of the cross of the first class of the Order of the kSanct Olav, conferred upon him by the King of Norway. Reason for thi.s presentation is not known by the department. 131 COL. T. W. SYMONS, U. S. ARMY. Decoration of the Order of the Double Dragon, conferred on him by the Government of China. Reasons not known by the depart- ment. ]82 lip:ut. commander wareen j. terhune, u. s. navy. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar, conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. war phips Maine and Dol'phin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 133 LIEUT. COMMANDER THOMAS WASHINGTON, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar, conferred upon him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. war ships Maine and Dolfhin to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 134 ETHELBEKT WATTS, ESQ.. American (' onsul -General , BrxiHsels. Decoration of the third class of the Order of the Eising Sun con- ferred npon him b}^ the Emperor of Japan in recognition of Mr. Watts's services Avhile consnl-general at St. Petersburg during the Eusso- Japanese war. Also, decoration of the Imperial Order of Osmanieh of the third class conferred u]5on him by the Khedive of Egypt in recognition of services performed by Mr. "Watts while in charge of the American agency at Cairo. 135 LIEUT. DAVID A. WEAVER, U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the third class, first grade, '' Wei-fen,'" conferred upon him by the Chinese Government upon the occasion of tlie visit of the American battle-ship squadron to Amo}^ in 1908. lae LIEUT. WALTER E. WHITEHEAD. U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred ii]3on him by the Venezuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. war ships Mains and Dolphm to Venezuelan waters in 1908. 137 HON. HUNTINGTON WILSON. Assistant Becretaty of State. Decoration of the third class of the Order of the Rising vSim con- ferred upon him by the Em}3eror of Japan in recognition of Mr. Wilson's services while serving as secretary of legation at Tokyot during the war between Japan and Russia. 138 COL. JOHN P. WISSER, U. S. ARMY. Photograph presented to him by the Emperor of Germany. Col- onel Wisser was formerh^ military attache to the American embassy at Berlin. 139 MAJ. GEN. LEONARD WOOD, U. S. ARMY. Decoration and diploma of Grand OiRcer of the Legion of Honor conferred upon him by the French Government. The occasion for this presentation is not known hj the department. 140 BRIG. GEN. OLIVER E. AVOOl). IT. S. ARMY. RETIRED. Decoration of the Order of the Sacred Treasure of the third chiss and war medal conferred upon hini by the Emperor of Japan as a mark of appreciation of General Wood's services on a tour of duty as military attache to the embassy of the United States at Tokyo during the war between Japan and Rnssia. 141 LIEUT. KUFUS FAIRCHILD ZOGBAUM. JR., U. S. NAVY. Decoration of the Bust of Bolivar conferred upon him by the Vene- zuelan Government upon the occasion of the visit of the U. S. war- ships Maine and Dolphin to Venezuelan Avaters in 1908. O LIBRftRY OF CONGRESS 012 053 003 3 O