Book • t] "^ » A.OTS BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE STATE OF ala.jbam:a. .8MSSI0W COMMENCING NOVEMBER 17, 187 1 MONTGOMERY, ALA. : ARTIIUK BINGHAM, STATE PRINTER. 1874. ^ O T s £ji£- ^ O*' ^ OF THK BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE state: of alabamia. SUSSIOJV COMMENQING NOVEMBER 17, 1873. MONTGOMERY, ALA.: AETHUR BINGHAM, STATE PEINTEK. 1874. fK BXCBAMQft. • KOV 94 1901 1873 SCHOOL LAWS. 1^0. 1.] AN ACT To provide for tlie publication of the School Laws and proceedings of the Board of Education and Board of Regents at session of 1873. Sectiojst 1. Beit enacted dy tlie Board <>/'-S^<^''?^-Tiu-eethonsaDd cation of tlie State of Jdahama, That the Superin- copies of laws. tendent of Public Instruction be, and he is hereby authorized to have published three thousand copies of the school laws passed at this session o± the Board, and such official circulars as he may deem necessary. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said Super- ^-^^^ lumdied intendent of Public Instruction be, and he is hereby copies ^of pro- authorized to have published five hundred copies of '^^^^ '"^^" the proceedings of the Board of Education and Board of Regents at the present session. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the sum of one hundred dollars be, and is hereby appropriated S'cieiiif ^*'°" to pay J. H. Francis, Clerk of the Board of Educa- tion, for preparing said proceedings for publication, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction is au- thorized to certify said sum to the State Auditor, who shall draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of J. H. Francis for the same. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Super- fifteen copies intendent of Public Instruction be, and he is hereby ^^ oTboa?!"^" authorized and required to send by express fifteen 1873 copies of said proceedings to each member of this Board. Approved Dec. 5, 1873. No. 2.] AN ACT To provide for the payment of County Superintend- ents of Education. SEOTio]sr 1. Be it enacted hy the Board of Edu- cation of the State of Alabama, That each county or'anfount''^4- s^P®^'i^^®^ ap- pointment by him of P. D. Barker to said office on the 9th day of July, 1878, be, and the same are hereby in all things ratified and confirmed, and that the saia P. D. Barker be, and he is hereby declared to be the superintendent of education for the county of Dallas from the time of his appointment and qualification. Approved Dec. 6, 1873. No. 20.] AN ACT To legalize the action of the trustees of township 17, range 5, east, Marengo county in opening and operating the free public schools for the year 1872-73. Section 1. Beit enacted hy tlie Board. ^ -fi^*^- Action legaiizvi ucation of the State of Alabama, That the action of trustees of township 17, range 5, east, Marengo county, in using the funds arising from the rent of the sixteenth section fund for the purpose of oper- ating two colored schools on the basis of fifty dol- B^sis of aiiow- lars per month, for the salary of the teachers of the auce. two colored schools, and sixty dollars per month for the salary of the tea.cher of the white school in said tow^nship during the year 1872-73, be, and the same is in all things ratified and confirmed. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That the super- county supt. to intendent of Marengo county is hereby authorized teacher"."^ "^^^ and required to settle with said teachers in accord- ance with the provisions of section 1 (one) of this 1873 22 Proviso. act : Provided, That none of the surplus now on hand of said 16th section fund shall be used except the amount to be apportioned and belonging to the colored citizens oi said township who sign a re- Further provi- linquishment to the same : And, promdedfurtlier, ^°' That the amount so used shall be distributed ^ro rata among those who sign such relinquishment. Approved December 6, 1873. :N'o. 21.] AN ACT To legalize the acts of the township trustees of town- ship 5, of range 6, east, of Jackson county Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Board of Ed- location of tJie State of Alabama, That the contract for drawing off a lake in section 16, of township 6, of range 6, east, in Jackson county, made and en- tered into April 1873, between Thomas B. Parks, and B. W. Tipton, trustees of said township and range, and one Nathaniel McCurdy, be, and the same is hereby ratified. Approved Dec. 9, 1873. No. 22.] AN ACT To authorize the Superintendent of Education of Perry county, to settle the accounts of Josephine Thomas, Mary F. Thomas, B. R. Thomas, C. J. Thomas, John Dozier, G. S. W. Lewis, Mrs. Matt. Smite, Mrs. Bethre Obering. Authority coni SECTION 1. Be it enacted Oy tlie Board of Ed- ferred/ ^ ucation of tlic State of Alabama, That the super- intendent of education of Perry county is hereby authorized and required to ascertain the amounts due Josephine Thomas, Mary F. Thomas, B. R. Thomas, C. J. Thomas, John Dozier, G-. S. W. Lewis, Mrs. Matt. Smith, Mrs. Bethre Obering, for services rendered in the free public school in ac- cordance with law, in the county of Perry, and he 23 1873 shall pay the amounts due said persons above named ^^^^ ^^ f^^^^g ^^ out of any funds for the year 1871, due the respect- isn. ive townships in which they taught. Approved December 9, 1873. No. 23.] AN ACT To pay Jas, L. Tait, for services rendered in exr- amining the mineral sixteenth sections. Section 1. Be it enacted 'by the Board of Ed- ucation of tlie State of Alabama^ That the sum of Appropriation five hundred dollars be, and the same is hereby ap- °^ *^°®- propriated out of any unexpended money belong- ing to the school fund or so much thereof is neces- sary, to pay Jas. L. Tait for services rendered in pursuance of an order of this Board in examining mineral sixteenth sections. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Super- intendent of Public Instruction, is hereby author- ized and required to examine the claim of same Jas. L. Tait, and he shall certify the amount due him for said services specified in section one of this act, to the Auditor, who shall draw his warrant for Said amount so certified upon the Treasurer, who shall pay the warrant out of the money appropri- ated in section one (1) of this act. Approved December 9, 1873. No. 24,] AN ACT For the relief of the widow of Bryce M. Almond. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Board of Ed- ^^^^^^.^^ ucation of the State of Alabama, That the county f erred!' ^ ^°* superintendent of education of Marengo county, is hereby authorized and required to pay to the widow of Bryce M. Almond, the amount due said Bryce M. Almond, deceased, for services rendered as teacher of free public colored school No. 1, in town- ship 17, range 4, east, as shown by his reports, and 1873 24 that the receipt of the widow of said Bryce M. Almond, for the money paid to her and due said Bryce M. Almond, deceased, shall be a legal voucher to the county superintendent of education of Marengo county, in his settlement of his ac- counts with the Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, Approved December 9, 1873. No. 25.] AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Georgia Sims, of Chambers county. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Board of Ed- Auth»nty tottcation of the State of Atdbama, That T. W. e«uiitysupt, G)-reen, county superintendent ol education for Chambers county be, and the same is hereby in- structed to pay to Miss Georgia Sims, the sum of sixty dollars, for services rendered as teacher in the year 1872, out of any unexpended funds in his hands for said year belonging to township twenty, and range twenty-seven of Chambers county. Approved Dec. 6, 1873. No. 26.] AN ACT To provide for the relief of Miss D. W. Caller. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Board of Ed- Authority ioUcotion of the State of Alabama, That the super-. ••untysupt. intendent of education for the county of Clarke, be, and he is hereby instructed to pay out of any unexpended school funds belonging to township 6, range 4, east, of said county for the year 1872, the ^ claim of Miss D. W. Caller, for the sum of eighty dollars, for services rendered by her as teacher in the year 1872. Approved December 5, 1873. 25 1873 jSTo. 27.] AN ACT For the relief of Miss Y. C. Law, of Clarke county. Sectioit 1. Be if enacted, by tlie Board of Ed- AuHi»iity to ucation of tlie State of Alabama, That the su- county supt, perintendent of education of Clarke county, be, and he is hereby instructed to pay the claim of Miss V. C. Law, for the sum of sixty-four dollars for ser- vices rendered as teacher during the first term of scholastic year 1873, before the public schools of said year were ordered closed, out of any unex- pended funds due township eleven (11), range one (1) west, of said county for the year 1873. Approved December 6, 1873. No. 28.] AN ACT For the relief of W. J. Johnson, of township 12, range 2, east, Clarke county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Board of Ed- ucation of the State of Alabama, That the super- Authority to intendent of education for Clarke county, be, and ^°™*^ ®"p*' he is hereby instructed to pay out of any unex- pended funds due township 12, range 2, east, of said county for the year 1873, the claim of W. J. Johnson, for forty dollars for services as teacher, rendered during said scholastic year before the public schools of said year were closed. Approved December 5, 1873. X Almond, Bryce M. (widow of) — County superintendent of Marengo to pay amount due as teacher, 23 Appeopeiatiow — For J. H, Francis for preparing copy of pro- ceedings of Board of Education and Board of Regents for publication 3 For contingent fund 6 *• For colored normal school at Huntsville 19 Auditor of State — To draw warrant in favor of clerk of Board of Education 4 To draw warrants on contingent fund 6 To draw warrants under act for disbursement of certain school funds 10 To draw warrant for colored normal school at Huntsville 19 To draw warrant in favor of J. L. Tait 23 To draw warrants for amounts appropriated to State colored normal school and university . . 19 Barker, P. D.— Appointment as county superintendent of Dal- las county ratified 21 'Bibb Cofnty — Sale of sixteenth sections in suspended 6 Blount County — Sale of sixteenth sections in suspended 6 BoAED OF Education — Publication of proceedings provided for 3 28 BOAED OP EeGENTS — Publication of proceedings of provided for ... 3 Times and places of meetings fixed 12 Compensation of prescribed and regulated .... 13 Caller, Miss D. W. (Clarke county) — County superintendent to pay for services as teacher in 1872 24 Chambee's County— Superintendent to pay Mrs. Georgia Sims for services in 1872 24 Claims — Certain unpaid claims to be forwarded to Su- perintendent of Public Instruction 8 Claeke County — Superintendent to pay Miss D. W. Caller for services in 1872 24 Superintendent to pay Miss V. C. Law for ser- vices in 1873 25 Superintendent to pay W. J. Johnson for ser- vices in 1873 24 CiiEEOKEE County — Sale of 16th sections in suspended 6 CoLOEED Schools — Act for education of teachers for repealed 13 Lincoln school changed to a State colored nor- mal school and university 16 IsTormal school at Huntsville provided for 19 Contingent Fund— Appropriation provided 6 Superintendent of Public Instruction to certify claims to be paid out of 6 Coosa County — Sale of 16th sections in suspended 6 Dallas County — Removal of E. I. Morgan and appointment of P. D. Barker as county superintendent rati- fied 21 DeKalb County — Sale of 16tli sections in suspended 6 Dozier, John — Account of as teacher in Perry county for 1871 to be settled 22 Election- Day of general election declared a legal holi- day for public schools 7 Etowah County — Sale of 16th sections in suspended 6 Fayette Coui^ty — Sale of 16tli sections in suspend 6 Florence (Lauderdale county) — Act to establish normal school for education of white male teachers amended. 14 Holiday — General election day declared a holidaj^ for teachers of free public schools 7 Huntsville (Madison county) — Colored normal school provided for at Hunts- ville 19 JacksojN' County — Acts of trustees of township 5, of range 6 east, legalized 22 jEFFEEgoisr County^ — Sale of 16th sections in suspended 6 Johnson, W. J. (Clark county) — Superintendent to pay for services in 1873 .... 24 Law, Miss V. C. (Clark county) — Superintendent to pay for services in 1873. ... 24 Legalized — ' Removal of E. J. Morgan, and appointment of P. J). Barker, as superintendent of Dallas county 21 Action of trustees of township 17, range 5 east, of Marengo county 21 Acts of trustees of township 6, of range 6 east, of Jackson county 22 Lewis, Ct. S. W. — Account of as teacher in Perry county for 1871 to be settled 22 Lincoln School (Marion) — To be changed to a State normal school and university for colored teachers and students. . 16 MAiiEisrc4o County^ — Action of trustees of township 17, range 5 east, legalized 21 Superintendent of said county to settle with the teachers for 1872-3 '. 21 County superintendent to pay widow of Bryce M. Almond 23 Maeion Coujstty — Sale of 16th sections in suspended 6 30 Marion (Perry county) — State normal school and university for colored teachers and students established 16 Morgan, E. J. — Removal of as county superintendent of Dallas county ratified 20 ]N"oEMAL Schools — Act establishing at Florence amended 13 State normal school for colored teachers and students established at Marion 16 Obering, Mrs. Bethre — Account as teacher in Perry county for 1871 to be settled 22 P.EERY COIJNTY — County superintendent authorized to settle cer- tain accounts for 1871 22 Proceedings — Of Board of Education, publication provided for 3 Publication — Of the school laws and journal of Board of Education provided for 3 Relief — Dozier, John (services in 1871) 22 Lewis, Gr. S. W. (services in 1871) 22 Obering, Mrs. Bethre (services in 1871) 22 Smith, Mrs. Matt (services in 1871) 22 Thomas, Josephine (services in 1871) 22 Thomas, Marv F. (services in 1871) 22 Thomas, B. R. (services in 1871) 22 Thomas, C. J. (services in 1871) 22 Tait, J. L. (pay for examining mineral 16th sec- tions) 23 Almond, Mrs. B. M. (amount due husband) ... 23 Sims, Mrs. Georgia (services in 1872) 24 Caller, Miss D. W. (services in 1872). 24 Law, Miss V. C. (services in 1873) 25 Johnson, W. J. (services in 1873) 25 Shelby County — Sale of 16th sections in suspended 6 Sims, Mrs. Georgia (Chambers county) — County superintendent to pay for services as teacher in 1872 24 Smith, Mrs. Matt. — Account as teacher in Perry county for 1871 to be settled 22 ^3 31 Sixteenth Sections — Sale of in certain counties suspended 6 Scliool Laws — Publication of provided for 3 Scholastic Month — Length of declared '7 SUPEEINTElSrDElSrT OF PUBLIO iNSTEUCTIOlSr — Authorized to publish school laws and pro- ceedings 3 Required to forward copies of proceedings to each member of the Board 3 Authorized to certify account of clerk for copy- ing proceedings 3 Authorized to remove county superintendents . 5 Authorized to fill vacancies in office of county superintendents 5 Contingent fund placed under his control 6 To prepare blanks for reports of teachers and school officers under act fixing length of scholastic month 7 To file certain claims and turn over to Commit- tee on Finance 8 Duty under act for disbursement of certain school funds 10 To certify amount appropriated for colored formal school at Huntsville 19 To examine and certify amount due J. L. Tait. 23 To certify amounts appropriated to State nor- mal school and university for colored teach- ers and students 18 SUPEEINT.ENDENTS, COTJNTY — Pay of, provided for 4 Salaries of, for 1872-73, how to be paid & Removal of provided for & Vacancies to be filled by Superintendent of Public instruction 5 To forward unpaid claims to Superintendent of Public Instruction 8 Sundry^ duties under act for disbursement of certain school funds 10 Tait, J. L— Appropriation for services in examining min- eral 16th sections 23. ^■^ 32 Tax Collectors — Duties imposed upon them in certain contin- gencies 9 Teachers — Act to prevent employment of unless promptly paid, repealed 7 To forward certain unpaid claims to Superin- tendent of public Instruction 8 Act for education of teachers of colored schools repealed 13 Teeasueees, CouisrTY — Certain duties of imposed on tax collectors, in certain contingencies 9 Disbursement of school funds in their hands provided for 10 Treasueee, State — Disbursement of school money in his hands provided for 10 Thomas, Josephine — Account of as teacher in Perry county for 1871 to be settled 22 Thomas, Mary F— Account of as teacher in Perry county for 1871 to be settled 22 Thomas, B. R— Account of as teacher in Perry county for 1871 to be settled ^ 22 Thomas, C. J — Account of as teacher in Perry county for 1871 to be settled .* 22 TusKALoosA County — Sale of 16th sections in suspended (5 Walkee County — Sale of 16 til sections in suspended (5 Winston County — Sale of 16th sections in suspended 6 LBFe'09 /^ ^