£^0 / Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 D 570 .85 .V81 A3 Copy 1 HISTORY OF Accomac County In the World War Interesting Facts and Figures 1920 Soldiers and Sailors Edition Giving a List of Those Who Served and In- teresting Articles From the Different War Organizations Copyrighted 1920 by THE AMERICAN PUBLICITY BUREAU If you want good bread BUY GOOD FLOUR If you want good Hour BUY BERLIN BEST B Em Every bag* or barrel guaranteed. For Sale by Your Local Grocer ©CU576233 4 ^3 1.!, 20 A SOUVENIK OF ACCOMAC COUNTY REASleyshoeco'5 •■»J Call on the Following: ACCOMAC MERCHANTS And Ask For "THE SHOES THAT SATISFY." B. S. ASHBY, A. F. BALL, S. J. BULL, R. J. CORBIN, DAUGHERTY & CO. J. W. ELLIOTT, GEO. W. GLICK, T. S. HOPKINS & CO. GOLDBERG & CO. D. H. JOHNSON & SONS, 0. A. LANKFORD. , M. LEVIN, , MILLINER BROS. PARKS & SONS, M. C. RIGGS. P. SHAPIRO, TURNER BROS. A. C. TAYLOR, N. F. TAYLOR, J. C. WICKS, WATTS BROS. H. T. WHITE & SON. BEASLEY SHOE COMPANY, Inc. Home of the Shoes That Satisfy, Lynchburg Virginia BEASLEYSHOEcoj sin 3§S XX A Souvenir of Accomac County "111 "This space we dedicate to those brave young- men of Accomac County whose patriotism helped to bring the great war to a speedy conclusion." The following well-known retail merchants in Accomac County carry our lines: R. L. SHIELD CO., Onancock N. J. PARKS & BRO., Parksley TURNER BROS., Painter THE PEOPLES STOKE, Tempe: anceville White Goods Laces Colored Cotton Fabrics Embroideries Silks Handkerchiefs Ribbons Ladies' Neckwear ALSO "Patria" Middy Blouses and Children's Dresses Manufactured by THE M & K MANUFACTURING CO. MAASS & KEMPER Baltimore, Maryland A A A A A A A A A A A A *■♦ - AA^kA AA A^kAAJE^A AAAAAA aa -» j ^,»-. jj>. a, ^*. j». ..♦. .♦. .♦.. .♦.■ .♦,. ,.»„ a „♦. .♦. .♦. ..♦. .♦. .< | 1847 ROGERS BROS. COMMUNITY Wallace & Roger & Bros. I SILVERWARE X .1 I { CUT GLASS CUTLERY | I: I WATCHES JFJSSitt^C CLOCKS Pyralin Ivory Silver Hollow Ware $ £ i "i 5: %> A Splendid line for Gift Purposes. ,: N. J, PARKS & BROS. Parksley, : : : : Virginia A Souvenir of Accomac County TO THE PUBLIC. We publish herewith a list of all registrants before the Lo- cal Board for Accomac County, Virginia, who were in the Mili- tary or Naval Service of the United States for any period of time during the World War. These men entered the service either by induction through the Local Board or by voluntary enlistment in which latter case their entrance into service was certified to the Local Board by the proper military authorities. We wish to state that this list does not include all men from Accomac County who were in the service. Men who would have registered at some one of the different registrations, but who had entered the service before the date of such regis- tration, were not required to register, because they were already in military or naval service. The names of these men we were unable to get, but our different lists are as complete as we were able to make them and we wish it understood that we just as •deeply appreciate the noble work of those men, who voluntar- ily entered the service and whose names we were unable to obtain, as we do the work of the long list we are publishing. We herewith submit to you our book, which we have dedi- cated to the Accomac Boys in the late war and trust that you may find in it sufficient information to cause you to accept it as a memento of your noble boys and that you will not lightly cast it aside but that you will treasure it and pass it down so that the younger generation may see a list of those brave and noble boys, from Accomac County, who helped to bear the burden and aid in bringing to a speedy and successful conclusion the great- est of all World Wars. THE EDITORS. A Souvenir of Accomac County C HALLENGE Wind Mills are ALWAYS on the job to pump water for your stock and home, winter or summer, night or day. No waiting, no expense. Run with- out oil and will pay for them- selves in one vears use. CHALLENGE ENGINES are built for SERVICE. They operate on either KEROSENE or GASOLINE and are SIM- PLE, SAFE and RELIABLE ?»t all time?. Made in IV2, 3, 5 and 8 horse power sizes only and are guaranteed to develop the full rated power under all conditions. Manufactured by CHALLENGE COMPANY River St., Batavia, 111. THE POLLIARD BROS., AGENTS Onancock, Va, A SoTJVENIB OF A'CCOMAC COUNTY SHOES FOR THE FAMILY BELL BRAND SHOES rpADE Mark ARE LONG WEAR SHOES • c MDDOCK : TEWN^' BEST Manufactured by CRADDOCK-TERRY CO. Lynchburg, Va. ACCOMAC DEALERS N. J. Parks & SON Parksley, Va. The Bee Hive Clothing- Store Parksley, Va. N. F. Taylor Hallwood, Va. A SOUVENIE OF ACCOMAC COUNTY V V y y y y CUHtLU NMKIUHIHG CU, f y y y y X X | COFIELD, N. C. | X X y y y y 1 * I I I I I y y y y ? MANUFACTURERS OF ? ? t y y X X I PINE STAVES ? ? ? ¥ ! | | For Slack Cooperage | f & y y y y y y i ? y * y y y y y y y x ? SOLD BY T :t x A T 1 ™ T-. 1, ^ 1 1 *T A I Joel T. Ewell, Parksley, Va. £ ? Chas. R. Savage, Onley, Va. £ | W. P. Godwin, Bloxom, Va. | | Eastern Shore Barrel Co., Onancock, Va. £ :»: R. Woodson Jones & Co., Townsend, Va. :*: y y y y x x A Souvenir of Accomac County ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE. FROM ACCOMAC WHITE. Bell, Win. P. B. Coard, Dorsey S. Coleburn, William Curtis Crockett, George S. Jr. Edmonds, Alfred B. G. Lewis, Edward T. Bundick, James Wesley Bundick, Major Bayley, Hughie C. Bagwell, Howard T. Bagwell, Hobe?t Bailey, William Byrd, Herbert Lee Bailey, Rufus A. Corbin, William Cooper, James Drummond, Levin H. Ewell, George Vance Fosque, Garland L. Hatton, Levi Hope, James Kellam, Richard Bailey Kellam, Beorge Babe Lilliston, Charles Edward Mason, Walter D. Mapp, John Henry Mason, John Douglas Mason, Ned Thomas Mason, Lloyd Cornelius Mason, Elmore H. Melson, James C. Nock, Levin Floyd, Jr. Ross, John J. W. Twyford, Bernard H. Young, Edward Thomas COLORED. Savage, George E. Savage, Duffield Savage, Charlie Simpkins, Robert 0. Savage, Oscar Savage, John Douglas Sample, Oscar Savage, James O. Stran, Major Douglas Savage, Herbert Savage, Theodore Roosevelt Satchell, Charles D. Wise, John Wise, Maurice G. Wise, Henry Wharton, James Clinton Watson, James Henry West, George Thomas McKinley Winder, Richard Winder, Bayly Watson, Minus H. Wharton, William R. Young, Wilson WHITE. Corbin, Robert S. FROM ATLANTIC COLORED. Custis, Hezekiah Evans, George FROM ASSAWOMAN WHITE. Chesser, Lawrence Lloyd COLORED. Allen, Buddie Davis, Charles Harrison FROM BLOXOM WHITE. Barnes, Samuel James Bunting, William L. Hart, Carroll R. Littleton, Willie Wesley Marshall, Walter E. Northam, James Bowden Scott, Dorsie T. Somers, Roland Lee Somers, Vernon Taylor, William D. COLORED. Bloxom, John R. Collins, Henry Fosque, Fletcher Handy, George E. Hinman, George Poulson, Edgar L. Trehern, Herbert A Souvenir of Accomac County r T T y t T T ♦♦♦ J I ♦ X ♦!♦ I t f f f f T t t T ? ♦ COOPERS BITTER LICK FOR HORSES, MULES AND COWS DO YOUR HORSES, MULES OR COWS NEED SALT? DO THEY DIGEST THEIR FOOD PROPERLY? DO THEY SUFFER FROM HIDE BOUND? DO THEY HAVE A GLOSSY COAT? DO THEIR KIDNEYS FUNCTION PROPERLY? DO THEY ASSIMILATE THEIR FOOD PROPERLY? DO THEY NEED A TONIC? DO THEY SUFFER FROM WORMS? For Relief Feed Coopers Bitter Lick Medicated Salt Brick Place a brick where the animals can lick it daily — they like it — no waste. They need the salt. Combine it with a conditioner. Bitter lick Aids digestion, strengthens the kidneys makes a glossy coat, often insures the animal against disease, kills worms, prevents worms and is a good tonic. Sold and Guaranteed by BELL HARNESS COMPANY Onancock, Virginia. ♦J i f T T T T Y Y t f Y Y T ♦ i ♦♦♦ t T «*» y T Y Y T f f T f f ♦ ^^^^»4^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^»^»^^H$^^ A Souvenir of Accomac County BOOKER, SCOTT & MOORE CO. SALISBURY, MARYLAND. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in CONFECTIONERY CRACKERS, CAKES, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC FRUITS and GROCERS' SUNDRIES. WM. S. SPRINGER, Manager. Our Specialties The Best of all Brands of Confectionery. SCHRAFFT'S FINE CHOCOLATES CRACKERS AND CAKES NUTS AND FRUITS IN SEASON CLOVERDALE GINGER ALE QUEX — THE POPULAR SOFT DRINK — QUEX J. HUNGERFORD SMITH'S FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES ORANGE JULEP OHIO MATCH GO'S MATCHES "BLUE TIP" ROSE-O-CUBA CIGARS DON DIGO CIGARS LOPEZ CIGARS Duke=Pe(erson Hardware Co. Hardware, Cutlery and Guns 113-115 W. REDWOOD STREET BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 10 A Souvenir of Accomac County 1847 EDDY 1920 REFRIGERATORS The National Food Saver V SOLD BY RELIABLE DEALERS EVERYWHERE Tested and Approved by the Good Housekeeping Institute Manufactured by D. EDDY & SONS CO. Boston, Mass. A Souvenir of Accomac County 11 ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE -Continued. Byrd, Charles Doughty Bundick, Byron L. Fanton, Joseph L. Gaskins, Donald C. Hornsby, Charles R. Kellam, Harvey Addison, Herbert Ayres, Alfred Bivins, Louis William Brickhouse, Neal Bell, John Edward Bloxom, Eddie Costen, Jules Coard, Jesse Edmonds, John Harmon Giddens, Otho Griffin, George William FROM BELLE HAVEN WHITE. Kellam, Edgar Mapp, Harry Llewellyn Marsh, Roland Hill Savage, Gordon W. Willis, Edward Lilliston COLORED. Matthews, James Alfred Oniver, Grant Reed, Willie D. Reid, Lloyd Soloman Sterling, James Earl Taylor, Davis T. Taylor, Severn Borden Wise, John Webb, Artiiar J. Wise, Herbert W. FROM BULLBEGGAR WHITE. COLORED. Beauchamp, Lacy Cleveland Downing, Arthur J. Hargis, David Bull, Arsemus T. Jr. FROM BELINDA "WHITE. Rew, Samuel Milford Aydelotte, James E. Birch, Harry Scarborough Bowden, Calvin Bunting, William C. Bowden, Frisby R. Birch, Selby Beebe, Robert Bowden, Emory Bloxom, Steven Bowden, Harry Owens Budd, Milford Bloxom, Sealmore C. Clark, Owen Conant, Asa L. Cherricks, Layman A. Daisey, Isaac R. Daisey, Odell Disharoon, Charles R. Daisey, Sidney Lee Easter, Clay Miller R. Holston, Ansley H. Hill, Walter Jester, Edwin Harvey Jester, Walter Jones, Roland James Blake, Samuel H. Crippen, John William FROM CHINCOTEAGUE WHITE. Jones, Daniel Leonard, Carlton Lewis, Edward H. Lynch, Eba Joseph Lynch, James Burr Marvel", Henry B. Melvin, Otis B. McGee, Charles Reed, Robert ) eel, David Russell, Allen Snead, John N. Snead, Henry N. Scarborough, Lyman C. Steelman, Isaac J. Thornton, Celia Taylor, Robert Thornton, Robert Whealton, John S. Walker, George Wimbrow, Archie J. Warren, Milton W. Williams, James S. White, Hiram Thomas COLORED. Selby, William Clyde 12 A Souvenir of Accomac County II Fleishman's Cloak & Suit Co. | BALTIMORE, MD. Makers of Ladies', Misses', & Children's Popular | I Priced Coats, Suits, Skirts, Waists, "Victory" Middy I Suits, and Middy Blouses in the Latest Styles and Ma- ; If terials. U A Large Assortment of the above items awaits your 1 selection at I || FARMERS' HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. | Onancock, Va* 1 Phone, St. Paul 8191 j W. C. EDMUNDS & CO. HI Wholesale Dealers in pi CUTLERY, GUNS, AMMUNITION and General Hardware 34 SOUTH CHARLES STREET BALTIMORE, MD. You Will Find Our Goods in all Stores on the Shore. A Souvenir of Accomac County 13 ETCHISON HATS DIXIE CAPS Top off the Good Dresser w ^ And Tip off the Right Style. SOLD IN ACCOMAC COUNTY BY TURNER J3ROS., Painter <§$ J. B. LINGO, Pungoteague <§$ BOGGS & ROGERS, Melfa HARMON & PHILLIPS, Melfa 5§$ GEO. W. GLICK, Onancock /§$ J. S. MATHIAS, Greenbush J. M. BLOXOM & CO., Bloxom 5§s THE PEOPLES STORE, Temperanceville >§S WATERFIELD BROS., Nandua A. H. G. MEARS Wachapreague B. S. ASHBY, Accomac ^ NELSON & JOHNSON, New Church R. F. PARKS, Hopeton j8c N. F. TAYLOR, Hallwood ^ W. J. SAVAGE, Hallwood $ S. L. TRADER, Oak Hall A. G. JAMES Wachapreague ^ W. A. BELOTE, Melfa ss5 C. C. BELOTE, Onancock BLOXOM BROS. Mappsville w D. H. JOHNSON & SONS, Parksley v5 G. L. TAYLOR, Oak Hall W. W. LYTLE, Harborton ^ W. S. ASHBY & SON, Shields >& N. J. PARKS & BRO., Parksley LINGO & TAYLOR, Davis Wharf <§^ W. W. FISHER, Sanford ^ J. T. ASHBY & SON, Shield ^ ^ Made by ^ ^ ETCHISON HAT CO., Inc. Richmond , Va. mmsmsmmt mzmsmmm mm 14 A Souvenir of Accomac County ''drink EL CAP IT AN the character coffee" ROASTED AND PACKED BY R. L. GERHART & CO. Importers Lancaster, Pa. SOMERS, JOHNSON & CO. Wholesale Distributors, PARKSLEY, VIRGINIA. A SOUVEXIR OF ACCOMAC COUNTY 15 ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE -Continued. Black, Morris Brown, Linwood E. Custis, Thomas L. Custis, Edwin Smith Hutchinson, Benjamin C. Anthony, Frank Boggs, Raymond Boggs, Charles Boggs, John W. Bunting, John A. Boggs, William Boggs, Edward Bunting, Mercer C. Byrd, Levin S. Bailey, Henry D. Bailey, John Edward Bailey, John Case, George Heurv Floyd, Will Gidens, Otho T. Hatton, William E. Hundley, Arzie J. Bull, Louis Paul Daugherty, Robert F. Allen, John Bailey, Henry Bailey, Vassar L. Conquest, Fred Drummond, Kinley Harmon, Fletcher D. Harmon, Stanley C. Nedab, Floyd E. Bailey, James Bayly, John Hudson, Walton Thomas FROM CRADDOCKVIIiliE WHITE. Hickman, John W. Kellam, James E. Merritt, Frank J. Taylor, David F. COLORED. Hack, Robert Hack, Peter Hatton, Leon Kellam, Henry W. Kellam, Charlie Henry Morris, Charlie Mapp, Southey Morris, Levin Moore, Ed Shield, John A. Savage, Arthur Smith, Dewey Satchell, John Thomas Savage, Joseph Walker, Joseph C. Walker, Charlie FROM CASHVTLLE WHITE. Smith,. Norman L. FROM DAUGHERTY WHITE. East, Vernon B. COLORED. Palmer, Price Satchell, William R. Snead, Vincent Snead, Herman Snead, Eugene McGill Young, Elias Major West, Benjamin FROM DAVIS WHARF COLORED. Garrison, William Young, Gardner FROM FRANKLIN CITY WHITE. Short, John I. FROM GREENBACKVILLE Davis, Edward H. Freeman, Thomas Sidney Hudson, McKnight Tingle Hall, John W. J. B. Fisher, George W. WHITE. Marshall, Herbert S. Pollitt, Doyle Sharpley, Charlie R. Selby, John A. COLORED. 16 A Souvenir of Accomac County MORTON HARVEY, President HOLSTEIN HARVEY, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer, Holstein Harvey's Sons. Inc. WHOLESALE GROCERS CONFECTIONERS Telephone 7510 WILMINGTON, DEL. Our Goods are Sold by the Following Dealers, IN ACCOMAC COUNTY: A. T. Mears Parksley Grocery Co. J. H. Markland 0. T. Barnes & Brother 0. A. Lankford Lankford & Wessells J. M. Bloxom & Co. Bunting' & Littleton M. C. Riggs D. L. Webb W. B. Hickman W. W. Bloxom John Riggs F. W. Bull Peoples Store Co. T. F. Mears T. L. Gillespie S. J. Rayneld Bloxom Brothers W. J. Savage Gordy & Bonneville N. F. Taylor C. R. Duer & Co. J. F. Mears Eichelberger & Turner M. Levin 0. E. Bundick Turner Bros. Company Bunting Brothers B. G. Kilmon A. J. Bell E. T. Burton J. R. Brittingham Harman & Phillips Ros'es & Rogers G. M. Ward W. A. Belote N. Swanger J. J. Bailey & Brother A. J. Kelley H. Parks & Son A Souvenir of Accomac County 17 MORTON HARVEY, President HOLSTEIN HARVEY, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. Holstein Harvey's Sons, Inc WHOLESALE GROCERS CONFECTIONERS Telephone 7510 WILMINGTON, DEL. Our Goods are Sold by the Following Dealers, IN ACCOMAC COUNTY: J. S. Melson Gr. T. Turner Companv B. D. Bull S. H. Evans & Company Thomas Beebe J. J. Baker D. M. Merrick W. T. Scott W. C. Mitchell C. L. Twilley C. B. Gall John F. Pointer D. H. Melvin J. W. blading Mrs. B. T. Twillev J. F. Powell & Son Dickerson & Carter John A. Selby W. E. Dickerson B. T. Pilchard J. A. Brasure J. E. Bevans C. W. Derrickson K. C. Pettit W. S. Parsons C. A. Silverthorn G. C. Baylis K. J. Mears S. J. Mason Maud Warner E. E. Adams Davis & Justice J. W. Tatum Miles & Company Belote Lewis & Co. N. W. Tavlor S. L. Travnor B. E. Thomas G. L. Taylor Nelson & Johnson W. C. Hurley & Brother Alton Outten 18 A Souvenir of Accomac County I START NOW | f f ♦!♦ If you do not use our fiour and ♦$ ♦!♦ ♦> V feed, start now. Manufactured V t J X in a clean mill by clean people. X ♦» We buy no off grade grain. ♦♦♦ T T V Only use the best. Guarantee V X i t satisfaction. V x i X Nearly every up-to-date mer- % X ♦;♦ ♦$♦ chant sells our products. ♦♦♦ ♦!♦ A ♦:♦ ♦!♦ t ♦> 7 t T !♦ START NOW ♦!♦ t f ♦> & t 1 Harrington Milling Co. I f 4* f t A Souvenir of Accomac County 19 ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE -Continued. Taylor, Vernon T. Taylor, Harry J. Taylor, William H. FROM GIILFORD WHITE. Thorns, John Taylor, William H. FROM GARGATHA. WHITE. Barnes, Hanson L. Barnes, Thomas W. WHITE. Evans, Warner S. Rew, John Alfred WHITE. Brummage, Clarence G. Kellam, James Isaac Turner. Leibig Morse WHITE. Bennett, Colie R. Harrison, William Harold Killmon, Ernest H. Trader, Oscar J. WHITE. Bloxom. Millard P. Matthews, John W. West, William E. Baker, Herbert King Chase, Perlie F. Chesser, John Stuart Groton, William Carlton Gosweller, Percy W. Godwin, Norman James Horsey, Edward FROM GROTONS WHITE. Bonniwell, William T. Groton, Everett LeCate Lewis, Ellett A. FROM GREEXBUSH COLORED. Phillips, George Seymour, Lloyd Solomon FROM HARBORTOX COLORED. Boggs, Charley Gunter, William Henry Reed, Benjamin F. Sample, Harvey Stevens, Arthur FROM HACKS XECK COLORED. Hack, Oscar Sample, Frank, Jr. FROM HOPETOX COLORED. Clayton, Maxie T. Finney, John Savage, Tom Watts, Will FROM HALTAVOOD WHITE. Marshall, Lorenza Mears, Percy Talmage Parks, Clarence Wilson Roberts, Hurlie Garlie Trader, Berkeley COLORED. Wharton, William FROM HORXTOWX WHITE. COLORED. Chesser, Page Purnell Albert Byrd. James E. Evans, Clayton T. Conner, Jessie D. Justice, Lawson Handy, John P. Justice, Willie Royal Johnson, Riley W. Rowley, William C. Townsend, William J. Justice, Frank L. Lewis, Walter T. Shrieves, Robert F. FROM HOPKIXS WHITE. Saunders, George T. Shrieves. Tully F. Wilkerson, George A. 20 A Souvenir of Accomac County EGERTON BROTHERS WHOLESALE GROCERS || Importers of Molasses — Flour Merchants | OFFICE, St. Paul, 7195 TELEPHONES OFFICE, St. Paul, 7196. ( SHIPPING DEPT., St. Paul, 1318. 26-28-30 E. Pratt St. | BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. I RHOOD BROTHERS AND IIKHBD COMPANY BALTIMORE, MD. CHAIRS REED FURNITURE Children's Carriages, Go-Carts and Toy Vehicles OPERA CHAIRS SCHOOL DESKS COCOA MATS AND MATTING A Souvenir of Accomac County 21 ifi a 1 T. J. O'CONNOR & SONS, Inc. 1 ifi ifi ^J| Manufacturers, Importers and Distributors ™J in in ifi ifi ifi — of — Ifi s * S HARNESS, SADDLERY AND COLLARS * S = in w — » — Ifi ifi s ifi ifi ifi Plush Robes, Steamer and Auto Robes |fi 31 31 31 31 IC Blankets, Whips and Leather Goods u: S * ffi ifi g! 427 S. HANOVER STREET jjj ifi BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Ifi I * Ifi „ ifi ifi ifi Represented by Mr. Chas. J. O'Connor |fi ifi ifi ffi * ifi ifi OUR GOODS FOR SALE AT ALL LEADING Ifi 31 tR ifi MERCHANTS IN ACCOMAC COUNTY. ffi Sfi ifi 22 A Souvenir of Accomac County C. A.NAbH & SON INCORPORATED BUILDING MATERIAL AND PAINTS Norfolk, Virginia. THE NATIONAL PACKING CO. WHOLESALE ONLY. Fruits, Produce, Vegetables, Dried Fruits, Salt Fish and Grocery Specialties. The very best the market affords at all times. Below are the names and addresses of some of the merchants in Accomac County handling our products. J. H. Markland, Parksley, Va. Parksley Gro. Co., Parksley, Va. A. J. Kelley, Accmiac, Va. Dougherty & Co. Accomac, Va. W. J. Watkinson, Greenbush, Va. E. D. Groton, Groton, Va. Peoples Store, Temperanceville, Va. John H. Savage, Temperanceville, Va. B. S. Ashby, Accomac, Va. L. C. Gordy & Co., Parksley, Va. B. F. Groton, Withams, Va, Chas. D. Taylor & Son, Guilford, Va. F. W. Bull, Nelsonia, Va. J. S. Mathias, Greenbush, Va. J. E. Taylor, Onancock, Va. A Souvenir of Agcomac County o*> ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE-Continued. Byrd, George Doughty, Frank Lee Hopkins, Manning L. Hears, Leonard C. Jr. Ashby, John T. Ashby, Herbert S. Cropper, Charles Drummond, John Davis, Charles H. Dunton, Louis Downing, George Ed Finney, James Handy Finney, Henry Lee Glenn, William Garrison, George R. Giddens, Clarence Hatney, John W. L. Jubilee, Able Jubilee, Louis Kellam, Lester George Laws, Thomas Henry FROM KELLER WHITE. Showard, John W. Taylor, Charles K. Turner, Joshue Lee Taylor, William A. COLORED. Mapp, George W. Martin, John William Nock, Hampton Harmanson Nock, Walter Poulson, Milbert James Parks, William Wallace Smith, Thomas Stevens, Harold Stevens, George Toni Teague, Lester E. Turlington, Herbert Turlington, John William Wise, Harold L. Walker, Nathaniel Thomas Wise, Robert Walker, Robert FROM HORSEY WHITE. Groton, Charles T. WHITE. Taylor, James Crowson, John Revell Clayton, Richard W. Parks, Lester C. Chance, Burleigh R. Byrd, Charlie Davis, Robert Nedab, Vincent Augustus WHITE. Russell, Frank M. Shrieves, Harry A. Campbell, John T. . Brickhouse, Isaac Drummond, James Fosque, Robert A. Fosque, John Finney, George FROM JENKINS BRIDGE COLORED. Jones, David Horsey Trader, Saunders FROM JUSTICEVILLE WHITE. Thomas, Frank Taylor, Burleigh FROM LOCUSTVILLE WHITE. Shield, Jesse Thomas COLORED. Seymour, Garland R. Shield, Edward T. Smith, Gilmore FROM LEEMONT COLORED. Ford, Robert E. Rayfield, William E. Wise, Joshua S. FROM MAPPSRIRG WHITE. Onley, Frank Elwood COLORED. Jones, Lloyd P. Jones, Cecil T. Jubilee, Walter McKinley Wise, Philmore D. Webb, George 24: A Souvenir of Accomac County TASTE IS KING Appetizing flavor in foods adds to the pleasure of eat- ing. Choicest ingredients in your cakes, desserts, ice creams, sherbets, etc. will make them rich, dainty — fine grained. After that comes the taste. BAUER'S PURE FLAVORING EXTRACTS leave nothing to be desired. Mellowed and ripened with age, they make even the finest food taste better. For Sale by All Grocers SOMERS, JOHNSON & CO. Parksley, Va. Distributors The Largest Selling Brand In the U. S. A. SAUEIlS Seventeen Highest Awards America and Europe A Souvenir of Accomac County lo \ I i ! i: i t ♦ t ? ? I %• t I i I I V X I I i SWIFT'S RED STEER FERTILIZERS 53 "\\\\MI\>'li|ll>0>- - MlUHl WIFTS ERTIUZERS Quality Service High grade materials carefully chosen for their agri- cultural value are scientifically combined into fertili- zers of distinctive merit. SWIFT & COMPANY (FERTILIZER WORKS). STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING BALTIMORE MARYLAND. 26 A Souvenir of Accomac County SMOKE MONUMENT SQUARE UNCLE WILLIE AND CLIFTON PARK CIGARS j H. C. PFAFF, Maker LIGHT & LOMBARD STS. BALTIMORE. On Sale at all dealers in Accomac County SPEAKMAN | i High grade Plumbing Fixtures installed in 1 Accomac County <► By POLLIARD BROTHERS - ii A Souvenir of Accomac County •11 ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE -Continued. Bloxom, John M. Jr. Davis, Henry Ewell, Ulas S. Ewell, George Upshur Gordy, John R. Abbott, Douglas Byrd, George P. Brown, David Byrd, William Broadwater, Herbert Crowley, John Core, Hie Davis, Bruce FROM MAPPSVILLE WHITE. Gordy. Henry S. Morris, William J. B. Mullen, Hammond W. Wright, Samuel COLORED. Duffy, Luuis Foreman, Jesse Fentress, Ernset Harmon. Charles Johnson, George Parker, Louis of W. Watson, Herman Watson, Walter FROM METOMPKIN WHITE. Dix, Arthur Thomas Littleton, John E. Parks, Leslie G. Webb, Dorsey Lee Webb, George Sanford Bull, James H. Bull, Clarence C. Guy, Selby Claude Gardner, Coley W. Guy, John T. Hatton, Percy Hartman, Luther H. Allen, Alfred Bagwell, Samuel Jr. Bradley, Atwell Conquest, George L. Davis, John M. Downing, Thomas S. H. Davis, William Lofland, Abel T. Lofland, Hezekiah E. Lofland, John L. Martin, Fred D. Moore, Alfred Martin, Edward WHITE. Dix, Russell B. Littleton, Stanley T. Nelson, Clarence D. Northam, Sherwood White, John E. COLORED. Bundick, Muscoe Dix, George Alfred Dennis, Beaman James Wright, Douglas Savage, Benjamin FROM METjFA WHITE. Hart, William Dennis James, Thomas W. Moore, Charlie Parker Rogers, Charles F. Turlington, Benjamin Thomas Watson, George G. COLORED. Nock, Leonard Neck, Sidney Farker, Jesse T. Parker, George Sample, Joseph Sunket, LeRoy Taylor, William E. Turlington, Edgar West, George H. Watson, Isaac Walker, William Smith, Thomas FROM MODESTOWN COLORED. Fisher, Harrison Nock, Jesse Nock, Braden . . Watson, John 28 A Souvenir of Accomac County ^ I I I II I E B I I I I I I B SI I I I I 1 til I " m a BennsybamaSCnit-illoat i "FOREMOST AND FOR MOST IN SWEATER COATS" = ■ PENNSYLVANIA KNIT COATS | 1 are acknowledged as the most dependable, highest type, | best value sweaters in America — m For Sale at ■J ACCOMAC COUNTY STORES I I E^llUliBll THE PENNSYLVANIA KNITTING MILLS Philadelphia. Pa, C. B. PORTER CO. PHILADELPHIA I U. S. A. . I I I X X X X i i * * % HEADQUARTERS | V t v v ? Tin Ware, Enameled Ware, I I I i House Furnishing Goods, Etc. r X X £ Standard Quality Goods at lowest prices, handled by | X all reputable Dealers. X I 4 v%~»~«~«~» ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ «^ A Souvenir of Accomac County 29 Quality that Appeals to Men RELIABILITY— STRENGTH ATTRACTIVENESS. These qualities that appeal to men are found in "STAR BRAND" All-Leather Shoes Manufactured by the world's largest and most efficient producers of ALL-LEATHER SHOES For Men, Women and Children. WE CARRY AND RECOMMEND "STAR BRAND" SHOES. S. J. BULL, Onancock, Va. W. A. BELOTE, Melfa, Va. 30 A Souvenir of Accomac County YOUNG, SMYTH, FIELD CO. PHILADELPHIA, PA. For over three quarters of a century we have been selling dependable goods at reasonable prices. Hosiery Gloves Underwear Linens Laces Draperies White Goods Small Wares Furnishing" Goods On Sale By BELLE HAVEN FURN. CO., Belle Haven, Va. FARMERS SUPPLY & HARDWARE CO., Onancock, Va, D. H. JOHNSON & SON, Parksley, Va. B. A. LANKFORD, Bloxom, Va. H. T. MASON & CO.. Parksley, Va. J. S. MATHIAS, Greenbush, Va. J. S. MILLS, Onancock, Va. N, J. PARKS & BRO., Parkslev, Va. J. PARKS & SON, Accomac, Va. JOHN A. SELBY, Greenbackville, Va. J. P. SELBY & CO.. Chincoteague, Va. WATTS BROS., Parksley, Va. 7f * A Souvenir of Accomac County 31 ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE- Continued. FROM MAKEMIE PARK WHITE. Bloxom, George Estel Bloxom, Prank Fletcher Mears, Frank Thomas Mason, Samuel Somers, Dorsey Herbert Taylor, Ernest COLORED. Copes, Achie Lee Savage, William L. FROM MEARS WHITE. Wessels, Samuel T. FROM MESONGO WHITE. Gaskill, Thomas Savage WHITE. Critcher, Charles Edward Hurley, Joseph A. Kelley, Jessie W. Matthews, Cuaude J. Miles, Fletcher A. Taylor, Charles R. Tull, Fred Royston White, Milton T. Wright, Charles Bundick, John Thomas Bundick, Lee Byrd, L. Russell Davis, Savage A. Davis, John W. Fisher, Charlie Drummond, John R. Jacob, Severn Thomas Harmanson, Henry Moore, William T. Martin, Herman WHITE. Ames, Floyd T. Broughton, Norris M. Beachboard, Howard A. Davis, George O. Hargis, Fletcher S. Jacob, William Curtis Kellam, Garnet A. Kellam, Garland T. Mears, Charles C. Mears, Frederick F. Middleton, Edward T. Stacks, Guy M. Savage, Grantley P. Savage, George B. Wescott, Robert L. Walter, Jeff F. White, Millard F. FROM NEW CHURCH COLORED. Ballard, Clayton Benson, Edgar F. Coaps, Elmer Cropper. Benj. F. Copes, Early Elaine Fletcher, Vance King Fletcher, Charles H. Holland, James FROM NELSOXIA WHITE. White, Thomas G. COLORED. Justis, Rube Watson, Edgar Hilton White, Thomas G. Davis, Reginald Clarence FROM NANDUA WHITE. Waterfield, Ralph B. COLORED. Major, John William West. Joseph T. Stran, Andrew Scarborough, Edward L. FROM ONLEY COLORED. Allen, Douglas Allen, Alfred J. Allen, Robert Brown, Early Badger, Stephen D. Drummond, John Finney, Charles Johnson, Ira L. Joynes, James Kellam, Hugh Parker, William L. Richardson, Calvin Sturgis, John H. Sample, Joshua Bailey, Moses Custis, George Henry Dix, William A Souvenir of Accomac County LERCH BROTHERS, Inc. 110-114 Hanover St BALTIMORE, MD. Manufacturers HARNESS, SADDLES, COLLARS, BLIND BRIDLES And all Kinds Leather Goods For Farm Work. Enquire of your local dealers for the above Standard make and guaranteed goods, which | I are the best on the market. = = = == = = ' w V J. M. WATSON, Agent Onancock, Va. -% M Since 1856 we have been manufacturing coal ranges. .Our experience makes 113 confident our ranges give the best cooking results. When you buy a WIN- CROFT range, you are purchasing a range made by specialists. We have no side lines, such as heaters, cellar furnaces, etc. This manufacturing plan gives us maximum production at minimum cost; the result to the buyer is— best quality material and workmanship at the lowest price. Illustrated booklets on request. Either side °r front ash delivery. WINCROFT STOVE WORKS, Middletown, Penna. A Souvenir of Accomac County f y T T Y f) URALI \I ♦*♦ Registered U. S. Pat. Office +♦<► T f V is a quality guaranteed felt base floor covering; easy to clean and +J> » ♦ ^^ 1 easy to lay — requires no tacking; sanitary, waterproof and endur- Y Y ♦*4 ing; patterns for every room in the house. ^^ X THE J. FRANK DARLING CO., Inc. % ♦f ♦ ♦ 1150 Broadway ♦!♦ T f ♦♦♦ New York City. ♦!♦ T f T f T Y ►> "DURALIN" is sold by the following merchants in ♦> Y ♦ <> Accomac County: ^v r ♦♦♦ ^ Belote & Lewis, Chincoteague Island, Va. i J Bloxom Bros., Mappsville, Va. *4r ■^ Bloxom Furniture Co., Bloxom, Va. «*► ^^ J. J. Bloxom, Bloxom, Va. JL J J. M. Bloxom & Co., Bloxom, Va. ♦ ♦*♦ W. W. Bloxom, Modestown, Va. ♦?♦ ^ S. J. Bull, Onancock, Va. J^ X W. L. Burdick, NeLsonia, Va. t * W. B. Hickman. Modestown, Va. A _^ A. G. James, Wachapreague, Va. X X J. S. Johnson, Horsey, Va. *♦* ♦*♦ M. Levin, Keller, Va. ♦> fo W. W. Lytle. Harborton. Va. I X D. W. Merritt, Chincoteague Island, Va. *♦* ^ Nelson & Johnson, New Church, Va. •«*► A S. J. Rayfleld. Mappsville, Va, Z X C. A. Silverthorn, Horntown, Va. f *♦* Nat Swarzer, Locustville, Va. -!*► ♦*♦ S. T. Taylor, Pungoteaeue. Va. Jk X E. E. Thomas, Oak Hill, Va. t Y S. L. Trader, Oak Hall, Va. ♦!♦ ♦> ♦%> A SOUVENIE OF ACCOMAC COUNTY 35 ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE— Continued. FROM ONxlNCOCK. Boggs, Charles H. Berry, Herman Lee Budd, Frank Budd, John Carson Bailey, Dulaney T. Borum, John Thomas Bull, Joseph S. Cooper, Joseph Lewis Cherricks, Joseph F. Custis, Spencer Finney Cobb, Oscar T. Chilton, Cyrus H. Doughty, James Corbin Evans, Norman William Evans, Riley Lloyd Evans, Raleigh T. Evans, Walter H. Elliott, William D. East, Herman L. Fox, Norman L. Geiger, Sylvestr E. Greenberg, Oscar Guy, Hildon G. WHITE. Gardner, Arthur J. Glick, George W. Gardner, Ernest L. Gardner, Raleigh W. Hurst, Carlton Harrison Hopkins, William F. James, Levin Dulaney Joynes, Tully Alfred Lukehard, Harry R. Marsh, George E. Nock, John E. Neville, Eric C. Parker, Augustine B. Parker, Tully P. Powell, Cecil Cleveland Payne, William Forrest Rogers, Harry F. Savage, John R. Savage, James Riley Stewart, Harold J. Scott, Paul Berryman Tyler, Frank M. Wescott, George J. COLORED. Ayres, William Ayres, Harold Boggs, Norris Wilbur Bagwell, Charles Henry Bundick, George H. Blake, Fred Douglas Bailey, Leander Braxton, Harvey E. Bailey, Milton Bailey, George T. Conquest, Fred M. Clayton, Harvey F. Carter, John Copes, Walter Core Chandler, Joseph D. Chandler, Lorenzo Dow Chandler, James Chandler, Vincent Thomas Crippen, Marion W. Drummond, Andrew Herbert Davis, Ivory H. Drummond, Jesse Drummond, John F. Drummond, John Davis, Robert Thomas Davis, Harrison Sam Doughty, Samuel Lloyd Drummond, Sam Fred Fletcher, Samuel D. Fitchett, Levin Thomas Finney, Leon H. Finney, Herbert L. Finney, Lankford Finney, William Henry Fiend, William Gibbs, Charles W. Gardner, James Joynes, James Carroll Jacob, Benjamin Kellam, James Kellam, Elijah W. Nock, Charles H. T. Nock, Augustus Nock, John H. T. Northam, Elder D. Phillips, Alfred J. Pitts, James C. Phillips, Horace McKinley Parker, Isaac Poulson, Claude I. Parker, Thomas Poulson, Brooks C. Rayfield, George E. Riley, Charlie Walter Snead, Thomas Selby, William H. Sidney, Clarence E. Snead, Leland Sanford Smith, Walter Smith, Samuel Peter Stratton, Charlie Stratton, Hezzie Stewart, Abraham Tyler, Samuel Toppin, Henry L. Topping, Thomas of Henry Tyler, Jesse Thomas Tyler, Parker 36 A Souvenir of Accomac County Established 50 Years— Still the Best. COMBINATION BRAND PURE PAINT. ALL PAINT AND VARNISH PRODUCTS. WM. WATERALL & CO., Inc. MANUFACTURERS. Sales Office: Camden, N. J. Our Dealers in Accomac County: ROGERS & BROS., Onancock G. F. BYRD & SON, Sanford J. W. ROGERS & BRO., Onley ESTABLISHED 1810. ENSIGN BRAND HAMS, BACON & LARD SOME OF OUR FINEST CUSTOMERS ARE IN ACCOMAC COUNTY THEY KNOW REAL GOOD MEATS. CHAS. G. KRIEL Baltimore, Maryland, A Souvenir of Accomac County 37 Miss Harris M., p. 1.58 1-4 ANOTHER WORLD'S CHAMPION ADDED TO THE LIST OF THOSE USING THE Stalker Colt Breaking Bit WHAT THOS. W. MURPHY, WORLD'S PREMIER REINSMAN, SAYS: Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1918. STALKER MFG. CO., 71-83 West Broadway, New York City. Gentlemen — I want another supply of your Stalker Breaker Bits, and would like you to send me one dozen of them. I am now using one of your bits on Miss Harris M. (p. 1.58%), as well as on about all the horses I have. I mention her as she will be an- other one to appear among the champions that I have already used them on. I hope my use of these bits has done you a lot of good. The reason, however, that I keep using them is because they are the best. Wishing you continued success. Yours very truly, THOMAS W. MURPHY. BREAK YOUR COLT WITH THIS COMFORTABLE BIT AND THEY WILL ALWAYS BE GOOD DRIVERS. RACE YOUR AGED HORSES IN IT AND DO AWAY WITH THEIR MOST DISAGREEABLE DRIVING FAULTS. FOR GENERAL USE THEY HAVE NO EQUAL. SHAPES ITSELF IN THE MOUTH. (Like a Set of False Teeth) Made of Cable Core, Tested 1,400 Pounds. Sizes, 4 in. to 6 in. PRICE, $2.50, POSTPAID. EOR SALE BY BELL HARNESS CO. Onancock, Virginia. "EVERYTHING FOR THE HORSE" 38 A Souvenir of Accomac County ...... i...:*-s: Bagby Furniture Co. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS Kitchen Furniture Hall Racks Bedroom Furniture Bed Springs Dining Room Furniture Chairs Porch Furniture Rockers, Etc. Parlor Furniture Couches Show-Booms Office and Factory 109 W. Redwood St. Eastern Ave., Exeter and Fleet Sts. BALTIMORE, MD. Ask your Retail Furniture Dealer for the "Bagby Lines." Hires Turner Glass Company MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Plate, Window, /*f*£ ¥ Wire Glass Picture, Mirrors LO I Ti ft ft Skylight Glass Beveled Plate ^1^ *• VW ^ Ornamental Glass Builders of ZOURI-LIGHTHOUSE STORE DISPLAY WINDOWS WRITE FOR BULLETINS Washington, D, C. Philadelphia, Pa. Rochester, N. Y. A Souvenir, of Accomac County 39 ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE— Continued. West, Douglas Wise, Robert W. Wise, Spencer Wise, James T. White, Howard White, Sam L. Bundick, Hezia Ayres, Percy Carroll Ames, Sheppard Kellam Drummond, Otho Linwood Guy, Arthur G. Ames, Chancey Ashby, Esley Ames, Early T. Bailey, Peter W. Chandler, John Thomas Dennis, Henry James Hudson Colie Hudson, Layman Jackson, Raymond FROM ONANCOCK — Continued. COLORED. White, John Edward Wise, Hughie Leander Wise, James West, Warner Waples, LeRoy FROM OAK HALL. COLORED. Marshall, James FROM PUNGOTEAGUE. WHITE. Guy, Robert H. Hopkins, James Ayres Kellam, John Wise COLORED. Kellam, Louis Major, Horace Roberts, Samuel Sturgis, Frank Savage, Ralph W. Scarborough, Ames Satchell, Otho Thomas Upshur, John W. Savage, George L. Ames, Edward Turner Bonniwell, Gustave Drum Cutler, Joseph Kellam, John L. Lewis, John T. Ames, Alex Ames, Joshua C. Ames, John Herbert Ames., George Edward Bayley, Samuel E. Bagley, Walter Wescott Houtten, John L. Mizzell, William Moore, Stanley Murphy, George Walter FROM PAINTER. WHITE. LeCato, Arthur Hyslop mond Powell, Willie Edward Turner, James E. Waller, John R. Wescott, ; Henry H, COLORED. Mizzell, Floyd Nock, Lloyd Nock, Evans, Jr. Roberts, George Savage, Albert Smith, Julius Thomas Taylor, John E. White, George Thomas Wright, John Fosque, Howard Bradford, Emerson Wescott Caruthers, George Haywood Dennis, Lee D. Jones, Willard LeCato Ames, Alfred Mapp, Horace WHITE. Baswell, John A. Colona, Shelton Thomas Matthews, Carroll G. FROM QUINBY. WHITE. Mears, Edgar H. Spence, Willie Zember, Hurley L. COLORED. Sample, Will Upsher, Nelson FROM RUE. COLORED. F'nnev, Tom Fleming, Lee Justice, Will West, George 40 A Souvenir of Accomac County CARTER, WEBSTER & CO. Incorporated. Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, White Goods & Notions. BALTIMORE, MD. ACCOMAC COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE WM. M. MOORE P. 0. Seaford, Del. The "Tiger" Plant Setter Will get your plants out quicker. Will make you independent of soil conditions. Will give absolute satisfaction. The Dealers in your county handle it. Investigate this time and money saving implement. MADE BY THE OHIO RAKE COMPANY Dayton, Ohio. A Souvenir of Accomac County 41 ^slksn&QiHi Ct, jiosssigi) SANITARY PLUMBING FIXTURES STEAM, WATER AND GAS SUPPLIES N. W. Cor. Lexington and Greene Streets BALTIMORE '** f BUILT-IN) BATH We would thank you to refer all inquiries to: THE POLLIARD BROTHERS Onancock, Virginia, OUR AGENTS IN ACCOMAC COUNTY. 42 A Souvenir of Accomac County 1 H. S.TODD & CO. H DISTRIBUTORS. g Salisbury, Maryland. SMOKE DOUGHBOY HAVANA COUNTS AND LORD DANE 8c cigars NOBLESSE AND FLOR de MANUEL cigars 10c AND UP SOLD BY ALL RETAIL DEALERS A Souvenir of Accomac County 43 ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE— Continued. Boice, Alvin Dulaney Barnes, Lemuel P. Bishop, Harry J. Copes, James E. Crowson, Samuel H. Ewell, George B. Hinman, George McLaren Hinman, Edward P. Hope, Lafayette F. Hurst, James Thomas Hinman, Preston N. Justice, John R. Johnson, Edgar M. Lewis, Kenneth B. Ames, Edward Thomas Byrd, William H. Bundick, Charlie Byrd, Ernest Dennis, Oral Dennis, George Horsey, Leander Mason, William Northam, Charles Parks, Will Stewart, John FROM PASTORIA. WHITE. Bull, Herman F. Grinnalds Southey C. Taylor, William T. "from sanford. WHITE. Anderton, Lemuel Thomas Bailey, Virgin T. Bailey, Rufus Benjamin Fisher, Lester Tillery Stant, Moscow G. Witham, Winfred A. Crockett, William M. Cutler, Nolan S. Crockett, William James Drewer, Milton Lee Ellis, James C. Furniss, Other Lennox Hall. Luther Linton, Decatur R. Linton, Ernest F. FROM PARKSLEY. WHITE. Matthews, Floyd V. Mason, Norman Fletcher Mears, Otho Stewart Pate, Edward Clay Parks, Stephen T. Ross. Ernest Carson Russell, Fred Shraeves, Henry A. Taylor, John A. Wessels, Shelley D. Wessels, Harry A. w e -p e i s _ John William Watts, Howard Yingling, Carroll Webb COLORED. Stewart, Ernest Toppin, Louis Wharton, W T illie H. w fcarton, Dorsey E. West, Page Wright, James G. Wright, Wilbur White, W. O. White, John Roy Wise, Joshua Melvin, Noah Dashiell FROM SAVAGEVILLE. COLORED. Boggs, Samuel Finny, William Douglas Shields, Eugne E. FROM SHIELDS. COLORED. Ames, Howard Bivins. Thomas Collins, George Henry Ennis, George Golden Kellam, William T. Reed, Julius A. FROM SAXES. WHITE. Linton, Otis Linton, Thomas Hayes Linton, Lonza Holland Martin, Lettie A. Martin, Sam Martin, Fred C. Marshall, William McKinley Taylor, Auvergne C. Weaver, Roy Garland FROM TEMPERANCESVILLE. WHITE. Bull, William H. Lang, Harry H. Cutler, James Franklin Lang, George Norman Gillespie, Willie C. Nock, Percie Matthews Kelley, Edward W. Satchell, Oscar C. 44 A Souvenir of Accomac County COMPLIMENTS OF D. S. WALLERSTEIN "EVERYTHING IN MILLINERY" Baltimore, Md. Washington, D. C. "Walla Brand Millinery is sold by the Leading Millinery Shops throughout the Country." A Souvenir of Accomac County 45 'Save the surface and you save aU. ^^^£ Paint your Property with STAG Semi-Paste PAINT You'll be surprised how bright and cheerful you can keep your home by occasionally painting it with a good durable paint. And the cost is very slight. Give us the dimensions of your house and let us show you how you can paint it at a very reasonable outlay for material and labor. Against all other paints, we sell the Stag Paint as the best paint money and brains can produce. "ONE GALLON MAKES TWO" 1 1 Baltimore. 11 11 Md, u. s. A.V3 "STAG SEMI-PASTE PAINT is sold by All Reliable Paint Dealers in Accomac Co." m PHILLIPS BROTHERS & CO. w 46 A Souvenir of Accomac County ^£^^ -^ -^ -^ jS^jS^tS^ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^. ^<^<=^ ^^^ ft/7. -when buying DRY GOODS be sure to ask your dealer for w C ¥ # ft ' fr*""^ V f and you will get standard W Merchandise of Quality that looks well and wears w ii W well -:- -:- -:- # WHOLESALE DRY GOODS A BALTIMORE MARYLAND Domestics Dress Goods WJ Ginghams Draperies ^7 Crashes Damasks §fa Blankets and Napped Goods wp A w P # A Souvenir of Accomac County 47 ACCOMAC BOYS IN THE SERVICE— Continued. Bailey, Henry Austin Crockett, William J. Crochett, Charles B. Crockett, William L. Crockett, Marvin L, Crockett Charles Ashby Daly, James G. Dise, Clifton C. Dise, Carroll A. Dise, William H. King, Earl Bryan Cropper, Elmore Drummond, John Dix, William H. Joynes, Allie C. Mapp, George Parramore, Wilbur Cugler, Byron Hopkins, John L. FROM TANGIER. WHITE. Marshall, William Presi Marshall, Charles Coley Parks, Charles N. Marshall, William Preston "■harles ~ x ai a o, v^narles N. Pruitt, George T. Pruitt, Vernon C. Parks, Oldham Wesley Scott, Charlie James Thomas, George M. Thomas, Walter Wesley Wheatley, Harry M. FROM TASLEY. WHITE. Smith, Henry Lee Smith, Peter Henry White, Jesse Major White, James H. Dix, Gennessee Albert COLORED. Lewis, John H. Jr. Powell, Wesley S. Bell, Walter West Brush, Morris A. Bell, Len K. Davis, William H. Finney, Frank G. Isdell, Grover Cleveland Lane, George A. Long, Benjamin R. Ames, Benjamin Ames, William Edward Beach, Louis O. Beckett, Hampton, T. Coppage, Samuel Harmon, Bernard LeCato, John Monroe, Robert FROM WACHAPREAGUE. WHITE. Phillips, Louis D. Phillips, Byron C. S f erling, Vernon C. Stevens, Edward Thomas Stevens, Leonard J. Thornton, Caleb ~T. Young, John Henry Jr. COLORED. Mears, John G. Stevens, Rike J. Stevens, Page Scarborough, Thomas White, Thomas Wise, Lee w ard, John Henry Davis, George H. WHITE. Brittingham, Lee Brittingham, Franklin FROM AVATTSVILUE. COLORED. Byrd, John H. Johnson, Joseph Savage, Sewell H. Darby, Clarence FROM WISHARTS. WHITE. Taylor, Emmett Garner Hall, Esley A. Smith, Harold N. FROM WITHAMS. WHITE. Poulson, Lester E. 48 A Souvenir of Acoomac County Corkran, Hill & Co. XX BEEF and PORK PACKERS Dressed Beef, Butter, Cheese. Eggs and Butterine Packing House and General Offices Union Stock Yards City Market, 221=27 S. Howard Street BALTIMORE, MARYLAND A SOUVENIK OF ACCOMAC COUNTY 49 SINDEL, STERN & CO., Inc. 3IAKERS OF YOUNG MEN'S BOYS' AND JUVENILE CLOTHING 841 BROADWAY NEW YORK YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND OUR LINE ON DISPLAY AT WATTS BROS. PARKSLEY VIRGINIA COME AND SEE THE SEASON'S LATEST in Ladies' and Misses' COATS AND SUITS. We always have a full assortment of SAFRAN & KREEGER'S Latest New York Styles. Come in and look them over. H. T. MASON & COMPANY, PARKSLEY, VIRGINIA 50 A Souvenir of Accomac County Calvert Stove & Heating Co Manufacturers of STOVES, RANGES & FURNACES 512 S. Chester St., Baltimore, Md. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS Farmer Girl Line of Cook Stoves. Also Prince and Royal Calvert and Security Ranges. Send for Circular. ACCOMAC COUNTY AGENTS Bloxom Furniture Company, Bloxom, Va. W. W. Bloxom, Modestown, Va. Farmers' Hardware & Supply Co., Onancock, Va. E. D. Groton & Son, Grotons, Va. J. S. Johnson, Horsey, Va. T. F. Mears, Temperanceville, Va. Parksley Coal & Supply Co.. Parksley, Va. Rogers & Brother, Onancock, Va. Waterfield Brothers, Nandua, Va. A Souvenir of Accomac County 51 ACOOMAC BOYS WHO MADE THE SUPREME SACRIFICE. COMMANDER JOHN S. PARSONS, Accomac, Va. LIEUT. VERNON LEE SOMERS, Bloxom, Va. CORPORAL JESSE THOMAS SHIELD, Locustville, Va. CORPORAL JOSEPH THOMAS PHILLIPS, Kellar, Va. CORPORAL BYRON C. CUGLER, Tasley, Va. PRIVATE CRISBY RAY BOWDEN, Chincoteague, Va. PRIVATE ANSLEY H. HOLSTON, Chincoteague, Va. PRIVATE BAGBY STUART ASHBY, Jr., Accomac, Va. PRIVATE CLAYTON THOMAS EVANS, Horntown, Va. PRIVATE ISAAC R. DAISEY, Chincoteague, Va. PRIVATE COLEY WOODLAND GARDNER, Melfa, Va. PRIVATE CLAUD J. MATTHEWS, New Church, Va. PRIVATE HOMER W. HASTINGS, Melfa, Va. PRIVATE TUBMAN LEWIS CROCKETT, Tangier, Va. PRIVATE AUGUSTUS DRUMMOND BONNIWELL, Painter, Va. PRIVATE LAWRENCE SUMMERPIELD ADAMS, Harborton, Va. PRIVATE EDWARD W. MEARS, Wachapreague, Va. PRIVATE BURLEIGH RAY CHANCE, Locustville, Va. PRIVATE WILLIAM L. CROCKETT, Tangier, Va. PRIVATE ALLEN WATSCN, Wachapreague, Va. PRIVATE EULAS S. EWELL, Mappeville, Va. PRIVATE HARRY S. BIRCH, Chincoteague, Va. PRIVATE EMANUEL JOSEPH HALVERSON, Harborton, Va. PRIVATE LEE D. DENNIS, Quinby, Va. PRIVATE ESTEL G. BLOXOM, Makemie Park, Va. PRIVATE EMORY L. FERGUSON, Guilford, Va. PRIVATE OSCAR C. SATCHELL, Makemie Park, Va. PRIVATE WILLIAM ANDREW SPURLEY, Leemont, Va. i dM—Mi i aiiMHiifumiiiiH ■ ii wiuwm wmmmmas** 52 A Souvenir of Accomac County 1 DANIEL MILLER COMPANY IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE DRY GOODS 26-34 Hopkins Place FURNISHINGS 25-33 S. Liberty St. MILLINERY FLOOR COVERINGS, Etc. Baltimore, Md. Wilson=Drummond=BiddIe Corporation ESTABLISHED 1884 431-485 Union St. Phone 21255 HAY, GRAIN MILL FEED POULTRY SUPPLIES NORFOLK, VA. Exclusive Distributors for: M. C. PETERS' MILL CO., ''Arab" Horse Feed RALSTON PURINA MILLS CO., Checkerboard Poul- try Feeds. UBIKO MILLING CO.'S, Union Grains" Dairy Ration A SOUVENIE OF ACCOMAC COUNTY 53 = - WHEN YOU BUY— SPECIFY WARD'S CAKES MANY VARIETIES QUALITY MADE THEM FAMOUS WARD BAKING CO. LET US SELL YOU YOUR FARM AND GARDEN SEED. In all up-to-date localities a properly equipped seed store is now considered indispensable. It is very generally admitted that the seed needs of a community can be taken care of best at the home seed store. The old custom of sending away for seeds is growing less each year and for this reason the home seed store is becoming more firmly a fixture and better able each year to meet the in- creasing demand for fresh, reliable seeds. Some of our friends may still cling to the idea that they gain something by sending away for their seeds. All we ask of such is a chance to show that the idea is wrong. We handle the Leonard Seed Co.'s complete line, and we offer them at the right prices. We are prepared to fill all orders and solicit the trade of the Market Gardener as well as the amateu" planter. A. W. SHORT SUPPLY CO., Inc. Bloxom, Virginia. 54 A Souvenir of Accomac County LANDIS & COMPANY Wholesale dealers, Importers and Manufacturers' Agents of CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS. MATTINGS, — AND — HOUSE FURNISHINGS Salesrooms:— 45 North Third St., PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. IF YOU ARE RUNDOWN TIRED or NERVOUS If you are recovering from a long period of sick- ness, or affected with chronic bronchitis, the beginning of tuberculosis or any wasting dis- ease, you need a REAL constructive tonic am 1 tissue builder, in fact you need — HENRY S WAMPOLE'5 EXTRACT • COD LIVER OIL Henry S. Wampole's Palatable Preparation of the Extract of Cod Liver Oil Compound Made in Baltimore. You will like the taste of this Palatable Preparation and it will not nauseate the most' delicate stomach. All good druggists and mer- chants sell it. ALWAYS ASK FOR IT — AND BE SURE YOU GET IT. A Souvenir of Accomac County 55 THE MAIL ORDER MENACE. A BIG heavy octopus it is, thrusting its tentacles out to every borough and hamlet of this broad land of ours. And once its tentacles go out it comes back to the hungry maw bringing with it the life blood of the rural merchant. Nor is the city dealer exempt. When you buy — buy from your local dealer! See the goods be- fore you pay for them and know that the seller stands behind them for every cent he is worth. If you bought a can of tomatoes from your grocer bearing the name of a distant packer and later found them to be spoiled, you would not look to the packer to make adjustment, you would go to the grocer from whom you bought the goods, and he would do the proper thing — he does it every day. He's a part of your com- munity. He can't afford to be deceptive. He isn't a thousand miles away. He must face your criticisms. Every dollar you spend at home circulates and profits every man who comes in contact with it. Every dollar you send to the mail order houses means a loss to you and your townsmen. It's gone. The mail order man pays no taxes to your community. He does not contribute to your schools, hospitals, churches, your orphan asylums or anything which makes for the upkeep or betterment of your community. He's a parasite, and he's getting bigger every year. Another species of this vampire is the wagon man who driven about from door to door peddling shoddy foodstuffs through the lure of a still more shoddy premium. He conducts a business for which he pays no license nor does he contribute anything to the general welfare; yet he uses your roads and all your facilities and has the protection of your laws. _ When Yon Buy, Buy From Your Local Dealers. Citizenship and patriotism consist of something more than voting- paying taxes and cheering the flag. -In case of war could you respect a neighbor who deserted your flag, joined the enemy and fought against the country which has given him freedom, opportunity and happiness. You can't afford to desert the community in which you live, from which you get your living. The welfare of your home community should be your first thought, because you rise or fall with it. Don't be a traitor — when you buy, buy from your local merchant. The unexepected "rainy day" comes along. The mail order houses in the distant city have taken your money in days of prosperity but will they help you now? Somehow that big hand that reached out from everywhere has suddenly shrunk and gone. Those nice letters which always had the same magic words — buy! buy! buy! have suddenly ceased to interest you because you have no money to send away. But Old Jim Smith, the corner grocer, hails you as you go dispir- itedly by. Jim knows you're good for credit, even though you're out of work. He knows you'll pay. You tell him the hard luck story and Jim opens his heart and takes you in. He carries you and your family along until the skies are blue and all is well. And now when you buy, YOU BUY AT HOME. 56 A Souvenir of Accomac County BEVO THE BEVERAGE Pure— Palatable — Nutritious — Exhilarating 10 CENTS A BOTTLE. Sold by all Soft Drink Parlors and Retailers Manufactured by ANHEUSER-BUSCH, INC. St. Louis, Mo. 1 Distributed by BEVO BEVERAGE CO., INC. Norfolk, Va. i.aiiiiiiiiiiiii,, Tretco ^Shoes FOR ALL THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN IN ACCOMAC COUNTY ASK YOUR DTALER TO FIT YOU THE ROBERT E. TUBMAN CO. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. A Souvenir of Accomac County 57 Importers Exporters THE W. A. SIMPSON COMPANY Wholesale Seedsmen BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Field and Grass Seeds Crimson Clover Red Clover Seed Rye Seed Wheat Alaska Peas Car lots and less Ask Your Dealer for I SIMPSON'S ! I PURITY | I BRAND I SEEDS 58 A Souvenir of Accomac County isTANDARD OIL COMPANyS (Incorporated in New Jersey) BALTIMORE DIVISION REFINERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF PETROLEUM AND ALL OF ITS PRODUCTS ALADDIN SECURITY OIL A High Grade Illuminating Oil "STANDARD" MOTOR GASOLINE POLARINE Oils and Greases Standards for Autos and Motor Trucks. Naphtha, Gas Oil, Fuel Oil, Lubricating Oils and Greases. STANDARD Paving As- phalt STANDARD Asphalt Bin- der. Manufactured from Mexican Crude. New Perfection and Puritan Oil Stoves Perfection Oil Heaters Rayo Lamps. Gilbert and Barker Tanks and Pumps Complete Outfits For Storing and Handling Gasoline and Oils. A Souvenir of Accomac County 59 THE AMERICAN LEGION IN ACCOMAC. The relaxation from the strain occasioned by the great struggle for democracy and the sake of humanity failed, even for a moment, to arrest the activity of the American versatility of brain, for hardly had the Armis- tice, which brought to a close the bloody and sacrificial combat, been signed ere the idea for an organization for a continuance of the close relationship and comradeship that had existed throughout the War had been formulated. This idea developed into a reality on November 11, 1919, at Minneapolis, Minn., when the American Legion was officially organized. The same spirit which pervaded the United States Army when taken from their firesides, and transported to a strange and foreign soil and caused them to carry Old Glory to the front and to victory, was also in evidence in the organization of the American Legion. The same motto: "For God and Country" and "100 % Americanism", is the basic spirit that brought such hoped for, but scarcely conceived, success to our Army in France, and it should be equally successful in the development of the Ameri- can Legion. This motto is sufficiently explanatory of what the Ameri- can Legion is designed to be, and it is the duty of every son of America's soil, who participated in the War and who is eligible, to join the ranks of the American Legion and carry Old Glory forward as honorably and as gloriously in time of peace. It should be considered a privilege and an honor to be numbered among the ranks of the American Legion^ and one can be assured that wherevei in our beloved land destiny may direct the footsteps of a Legionnaire, there he will find a friend and a brother, a com- radeship born of hardships and danger, fostered amid the mud of the trenches mingled with the blood of "pals", and a friendship that will last as long as the lives of the members and will be continued as a memorial by posterity. The fact seems well established now that the American Legion will be a factor in the future destiny of our Nation. The principles on which it has been organized must survive and must obtain. It is not intended, nor will it ever be permitted, to be partisan, unless the ones higher up are untrue to their fellows and themselves and the principles for which it has been organized are cast to the winds; in which event it must utterly fail. Discipline, team work, cooperation — the essential attributes of a suc- cessful army — must control the organization effectively to develop. As each man in an army, from the lowest private to the commanding general, has a duty to perform and "his bit" to do, so should every man, and woman, too, who honorably served their country in the crisis, put his or her shoulder to the wheel and "push" with the same eagerness and the same loyalty as when the cannon were belching forth their fire and steel of destruction. Without this cooperating success can be assured but partially and it is not the nature of the American to fail. Let's get together at home and be ready for the conflict when our services are needed, and stick together closely, so that when called upon to fight any enemy, political or otherwise, which (Continued on page 63.) 60 A Souvenir of Accomac County Muth Bros. & Go. IMPORTERS OF Drugs Chemicals, Druggists Sundries, Medicinal Roots, Herbs, Barks, &c. 23 & 25 S. Charles St. BALTIMORE, MD., U. S A. TALCOLETTE VIOLET TALCUM The choice of thousands for over 15 years. Fragrant-Distinctive-Dainty Brings the Perfnme of Neo- politan Violets to your home. It's wonderful after the Bath- Ask your druggist for Talcolette made only by THE HENRY B. GILPIN CO., Wholesale Druggist & Manufacturing Pharmacists. BALTIMORE, MD. DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE HORSE GOODS— AUTO. ACCESSORIES Demand BLUE N Horse Collars Sold by ALL FIRST CLASS Stores. CHAS. M. NESS CO., Baltimore, Maryland. A Souvenir of Accomac County 61 STEEL CORN CRIBS AND GRAIN BINS mice, birds, insects, SECURO Crib. VERY bushel of corn and grain saved from waste is extra profit in your pocket. You may toil raise a bumper crop, and then, through improper storage, lose a large part of it. SECURO Steei Corn Cribs and Grain Bins will prevent this loss. Neither fire, rats, dampness or thieves can harm gram stored in a Sure Protection From Fire SECURO Cribs and Bins are practically indestructible. Built entirely of heavily galvanized corrugated iron, rust proof. They are easily erected, need no repairs, and are just as cheap as wooden constructions. A patented system of ven- tilation acts as suction and draws fresh through the grain, keeping it dry and free from mould. WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE describing SECURO Corn Cribs and Grain Bins. For further information Write or call THE PEOPLES STORE, Temperanceville, Va. 62 A Souvenir of Accomac County MERCHANTS DRUG COMPANY, Inc. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS AND MANUFACTURING-PHARMACISTS EASTON, MARYLAND, Manufacturers of fine Pharmaceutical Products, Flavoring Extracts, House- hold and Veterinary Preparations, Job- bers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines and Druggists Sundries. SOLE PROPRIETORS OF— Rat-Snap. Dr. Harvey C. Keator's Preparations. Dr. Humphrey Veterinary Remedies. - Our preparations are carried by the leading stores Accomac Horsey Oak Hall Atlantic Just;sv:'lle Onancock Belinda Keller On lev Bellehaven Lecato Painter Bloxom Lee Mont Parksley Chincoteague Locustville Pastoria Clam Makemie Park Poulson Daugherty Mappsville Pungcteague Franklin City Mason Sanford Greta Mears Saras Greenbackville Melfa Silva Greenbush Messongo T:,sley Groton Metomkin Temneranceville Guilford Modest Town Wachapreague Hallwood NeLsonia Withams Horntown New Church A Souvenir of Accomac County 63 THE AMERICAN LEGION IN ACCOMAC-Continued. (Continued from page 59.) might molest the security of our homes or our Governmnt, it can be said by those in distress "Thank God, the American Legion comes". And let us be there to relieve them. The Accomac Post No. 6 0, has a charter, but it is a matter of regret that the right interst has not been displayed by the Service boys from this County. Doubtless it is largely due to the fact that the importance of the organization has not been properly been brought to them. Because of lack of cooperation nothing is being done. You know that one man can't do it all and should feel it is as much your duty as the other fellow's, so let's get together and have an organization in this County that will reflect credit to it. The dues are comparatively nothing and the only thing necessary to have a Post in this County that will be a success is to put your shoulder to the wheel and do your part yourself — don't put it off on the other fel- low; it is not "Americanism" and it is not "Accomac Countyism". Join yourself, and see your "buddy" and get him to join, and we'll all be better off by it, feel bttter and will have our "family" scattered all over the Coun- try, and we'll always be "at home" anywhere. The undersignd will be pleased to give information to any one and furnish application cards for membership to all applicants. JAMES C. MELSON, Accomac, Va. ANDREW REITER & COMPANY, Inc. WHOLESALE GROCERS 120-122 LIGHT STREET Baltimore, Maryland. 64 A Souvenir of Accomac County This Space Contributed by the American Wholesale Corporation BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Neudecker Tobacco Co. CIGARS TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES & PIPES WHOLESALE ONLY South & Lombard Sts. BALTIMORE, MD„ ALDON CIGARS SINO CIGARS A Souvenir of Accomac Coitnty 65 PIE COOKED BETTER Is there a woman who does not pride herself on having good things to eat? In the art of preparing good things to eat WOMAN stands supreme! Men like GOOD COOKING, also men like economy in the kitchen when they pay the bills! WOMEN! Yon can have yonr bread bake more even- ly, and brown nicely. Yon can do better cooking, if yon own an LOTH'S COMFORT OAST IRON RANGE. If you haven't one WRITE US for the name of your nearest dealer in ACCOMAC Conn ty who handle them. Your greatest pleasure from having good things tc eat, properly cooked, will begin with having one of these wonderful RANGES. Built for Service and Satisfaction Medium Price Will Never Rust Out THE W, J. LOTH STOVE CO., Waynesboro, Virginia. "STOVES OF QUALITY" 66 A Souvenir of Accomac Counts Three per cent paid on time deposits. . . Loans negotiated on easy and accommodating terms. Your patronage solicited. The Accomack Banking Company (INCORPORATED) of Parksley and Bloxom, Virginia. DEPOSITS July 27, 1908 $ 146,000 July 27, 1911 151,000 July 27, 1913 400,000 Sept, 12, 1918 686,500 Nov. 17, 1919 1,192,000 Surplus and profits 104,000 DIRECTORS: OFFICERS: H. T. White W. P. Godwin Dr. J. W. Bowdoin President S. W. Parks S. W. Parks Vice-President A. W. Short J. M. Chandler Cashier E. Colona H. A. Littleton Cashier W. B. Hickman J. A. Causey Ass't Cashier J. Harry Rew H. A. Hearne Ass't Cashier J. S. Gordy C. V. Lilliston Ass't Cashier E. P. Byrd C. D. Nelson Ass't Cashie Dr. J. W. Bowdoin We Have For Your Winter's Needs CALORIC PIPELESS FURNACES, JAMES SPEAR HEATING STOVES. A big line of RANGES and COOK STOVES, GUNS, RIFLES and AMMUNITION, SLEDS, ICE and ROLLER SKATES. To make Added Comfort for Your Home in Summer, Use WHITE MOUNTAIN REFRIGERATORS, WHITE MOUNTAIN ICE CREAM FREEZERS, DOMESTIC SCIENCE FIRELESS COOKERS, NEW PROCESS OIL COOKING STOVES. FLORENCE AUTOMATIC COOKING STOVES. Phone or Write Us About These. L. W. GUNBY CO. Salisbury, Md. A Souvenir of Accomac County 67 Twenty percent of our men served in the World War Two Gold Stars appear on our flag 1 . Buy at H ome The dollar spent with the home merchant stays at home. Tt helps to build up the home town. The local merchant can give you the best values— You can see the goods before you buy and be sure of quality. "Tip Top" Dandy Steel Range Tip Top Ranges, Cook Stoves and Heaters are honestly built of best materials. That is why they lead in popularity throughout the South. See them at your home dealer's - — where you can judge their qual- ity. There's a Tip Top Stove for every purpose and every room in the house — Made and Guaranteed by SOUTHERN STOVE WORKS, Inc., Richmond, Va. THE FOLLOWING RELIABLE HANDLE OUR GOODS: New Church, Va. Horsey, Va. Chincoteague. Va. Temperanceville, Va. Mappsville, Va. Bloxom, Va. Accomac, Va. Onancock, Va. Onancock, Va. Tasley, Va. Onley, Va. Melfa, Va. Keller, Va. Pungoteague, Va. Wachapreague, Va. Painter, Va. DEALERS IN ACCOMAC COUNT Nelson & Johnson Martin Hall Co., Inc. K. J. Jester & Co. The Peoples Store Bloxom Brothers J. M. Bloxom & Co. B. S. Ashby Rogers Brothers C. C. Belote T. S. Hopkins Co. J. W. Rogers & Bro. Boggs & Rogers Eichelberger & Turner S. T. Taylor A. H. G. Mears M. Friedman. 68 A Souvenir of Accomac County ESTABLISHED 1854 PETER ROSE & SONS MAKERS OF Harness and Saddlery No. 9 South Howard Street REPRESENTED BY TOM REESE. Baltimore, Md. Sherwin-Williams Products were in action in every part of the Great War and an award for distinguished service was given by the War Department of the United States. These products stand readp to serve you as sturdily in Peace 1 as in War. Your home was saved by the Boys who went across. \ Let that same home be protected by products of the same high ! character — • Sherwi^wiluams Sold by BELOTE-LEWIS & CO., Chincoteague, Va. J. S. MATHIAS, Greenbush. Va. HARMON & PHILLIPS. Melfa. Va. ROGER BROS.. Onancock, Va. PERDUE & LIBIS. Painter, Va. SOUVENIE OF ACCOMAC COUNTY 69 THE GALLOWAY-JAMES CO. BALTIMORE, MD. IF IN DOUBT USE BAUGH'S 7% GUANO Write For Baugh's Booklet Baug'h's Animal Base Fertilizers are For Sale by all Reliable Dealers. THE BAUGH & SONS CO. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. 70 A SoUVEXIR OF ACCOMAC COUNTY WM. G. SCARLETT & CO. BALTIMORE MARYLAND Wholesale Field Seeds INSURE YOUR CROPS BY SOWING HIGHEST QUALITY SEEDS OBTAINABLE ! Every bag tagged with percentages of Pore Seed, Weed Seed, and Germination — The following dealers handle SCARLETT'S ORIOLE BRAND Clovers, Alfalfa, Vetches, Cowpeas, Soybeans, Grass Seed, — or Poultry and Pigeon Feeds — and recommend these goods as giving satisfaction in Accomac County. BELLE HAVEN A. C. Duer & Sons The Belle Haven Furn. Co. W. J. Duncan E. L. Kellam & Son BLOXOM W. P. Godwin A. W. Short Supply Co. GREENBACKVILLE J. W. Bevans GREENBUSH J. S. Mathias GROTONS E. D. Groton HARBORTON W. L. Hutchinson Martin & Mason Co. J. H. Mears J. E. Taylor HORNTOWN C. A. Silverthorn KELLER Geo. T. Mapp J. L. Trower MAPPSVILLE Bloxom Bros. ONANCOCK C. C. Belote L. R. Doughty Hopkins & Bros. L. T. Lilliston Rogers, Boggs & Co. ONLEY J. J. Baily & Bro. Fleming Bros. Lumber Mf| PAINTER Chas. T. Elmor A. T. Hickman G. T. Westcott PUNGOTEAGUE S. W. Ames & Co. TEMPERANCEVILLE The Peoples Store WACHAPREAGUE Geo. F. Nock ACCOMAC Parks & Son Co. A Souvenir of Accomac County 71 — THE DRAFT BOARD IN ACCOMAC. In April, 1917, with tens' on at its height, every eye eagerly scan- ning the papers, every ear eagerly acute, the looked for summons came — War with Germany was declared — and with it came the stupendous task of raising an Army, taking America's sons from the store, from the farm, from the Bar, from the schools — from every profession and walk of life, to put a gun in their hands and send them to a foreign land to battle for RIGHT. It was not an easy task, and how to perform it without crip- pling the great interests on which the United States must depend, and with the additional duty of augmenting those resources for the benefit of the countries that had been already engaged in the mighty struggle, was a problem that confronted the administrators at Washington. That the most useful in some pursuits should be retained at home, that the best fighting material might be sent to bear the brunt of the actual warfare, that the most physically able might be selected for the intensive training, involving that to which only the participants- are competent to testify, Draft Boards — Local and District Boards — were organized, and to them was entrusted the task of selecting those "fit for service"; these had to be classified into four classes; questionnaires were filled out and the exemptions claimed were passed upon; not an easy task at best, and one that would necessarily in- volve dissatisfaction, criticism, and such; nevertheless, one which had to be performed. Examinations and reexaminations were had, classifications and reclassifications; until eventually the machinery began grinding out an Army which reflects credit to those entrusted to the care of selecting it. The Local Board of Accomack County consisted of B. T. Melson, Chair- man, John D. Grant, Jr., and Dr. John H. Ayres, all of Accomac. Va. These gentlemen did their duty fearlessly, conscientiously and well, and due credit should be given them for the excellent representation send from this County. and Assisting the Board were: Dr. J. L. DeCormis, Dr. W. P. Kellam, Dr. John W. Robertson, Dr. S. S. Kellam, Dr. W. M. Burwell, Dr. B. W. Mears. Dr. Seymour P. Ward, Dr. George L. Fosque, Dr. O. R. Fletcher, Dr. Rooker J. White, Dr. George T. Sledge, >- Medical Examiners .Medical Advisory Board and Samuel J. Ross, Chief Clerk. Accomac County's representation in the World War was about 1200; the exact figures not being at hand, owing to the large ncmber of volun- teers whose names have not all been ascertained. This number clearly shows the magnitude of the work the Board was called upon to perform. 109 7 men were sent to Camp as physically fit, and but a very small number were rejected after having been passed by the Local Board, which bespeaks the efficient service rendered. i 1 A Souvenir of Accomac County f f f Y Y Y Y f f Y Y _ _ . ^ Y 1 "ARMOUR'S X ♦I* t ♦:♦ VERIBESTiC Y T I Oval Label 1 t t 5! is a safe trade-mark for Y X X <$> housewives to be guided X ♦> ♦$ ♦♦♦ by w h e n purchasing- <| ♦ foods." ♦ T T t t ? — t •? t Y f Y f Y ARMOUR & COMPANY f Y v i* -, . ,. ™ . . ♦> Y Y A Norfolk, Virginia. /•> ♦> ♦*♦ ♦!♦ W. E. COSBY, Manager. ♦♦♦ & ♦!♦ ♦J* ♦♦♦ A Souvenir of Accomac County 73 A GOOD HIRED C0ST--AND EARNS HIS OVER. <| What makes some men wealthier than others Is that they know how to invest in men and things that pay for themselves and a little more. €][ If you could get a range that operates with one third less fuel in one third less time, that third saved would pay for the range in a certain time. ^ After that certain time that third would help to increase your wealth, would it not? CHAMPION RANGES do this because they feed the fi;e with air 200 de- grees hotter than any other. Send for Free Book No. 4 CHAMPION STOVE CO., CLEVELAND, 0. Reliable Dealers in Accomac County J) Go to see Champion Ranges. "You'll be surprised". We have a Range for every pur- pose and sizes that will fit every kitchen. They all look and cook good enough to make any housewife proud. THE CHAMPION STOVE CO. Cleveland, O. 74 A Souvenir of Accomac County SWINDELL BROS. BAYARD AND RUSSELL STS. Baltimore, Md. MANUFACTURERS OF Window Glass and Bottles Hot Bed Gla^s Our Specialty DISTRIBUTORS OF 1 Rough and Ribbed Plate Polished and Mirror Plate [-GLASS i Ribbed and Rough Wired Plate J Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses. Glazier Points, Glazier Diamonds, and Putty. We number among our customers the most prominent, as well as smaller dealers in Accomac County. A Souvenir of Accomac County /o AVasiivy Paints fa* GoodWoik ' TE can save you money ! I We can paint your house so it will look fresh and have protection for 5 years. We can show you how to get pleasing effects inside your home that will look splendid— and wear long. We can recom- mend varnish that will give a protective lustrous film, indoors or out, that nothing will mar. We can save you money in the end on paint, painting — and on repairs. Make us prove it ! This store is headquarters for MASURY PAINTS AND VARNISHES < COSMOLAC The one varnish for every purpose PERFECTION FLAT WHITE AND COLORS The ideal w a ll covering CHINA GLOSS WHITE ENAMEL An enamel thut is really white This is the MASURY MASURY LIQUID HOUSE PAINTS Best for outdoor use MASURY PURE COLORS IN OIL For tinting white lead and zinc MASURY SUPER- FINS COLORS For motor cm ■=! coaches and carriages FARMER'S HDW. & SUPPLY CO., Onancock, Va. A. T. HICKMAN, . Painter, Va. MARTIN & MASON RUILDERS SUPPLY CO. Harbortoii, Va. ONLEY BUILDING SUPPLY CO. Onley, Va. H. S. FOSQUE & BRO. Wachapreagiie, Va. 7(3 A SoUVEXIR OF ACCOMAC COUNTY J. S. Kent Company MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS Southern Pine and Cypress Lumber Cypress and Cedar Shingles Our products are handled in ACCOMAC COUNTY by: Lankford & Wessells, Bloxoru A. W. Short Supply Co., Bloxom H. W. Boggs & Co., Finney J. S. Mathias, Grreenbush Martin & Mason Co., Harborton Boggs & Rogers, Melfa Hopkins & Brother, Onancock Onley Building & Supply Co., Onley A. T. Hickman, Painter Farmers Supply & Storage Co., Parkslev T. S. Hopkins & Co., Tasley I I i i i ii i i it i i ^£S5 ^^ ^S^ ^5^ ^^2 S2$^ ^S5 tf^ A Souvenir of Accomac County 77 THE <*» f T T t T T Y *;» t T y y t y y f f y y y t y y f y f f t SHOE FOR COMFORT, STYLE AND SERVICE. Style No. 1203 MADE BY THE EXCELSIOR SHOE CO. Portsmouth, Ohio. SOLD BY WATTS BROS.. |* Parksley, A^A^A^A Virginia f y y y y y y t y f y I ♦ f y y y y y f f t i y t y y &«V»^4\^M»\4^V|^«^Aa^aA^ ;MS«*T~T~T~T~T~;~:^^^^ y ^ ^ ^ T< |fr ^ ^ ^p ^ ^ -r^ ^ ^jjr ^r ^ -^r ^r -r^r ^ T#^^V '♦' VVW 78 A Souvenir of Accomac County A Square Deal to Every Customer. G. Wm. Phillips, F. P. Adkins, W. P. Hobbs, L. Atwood Bennett. President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary SALISBURY BAKING COMPANY INCORPORATED MANUFACTURERS OF Bread, Pies, Rolls, Plain and Fancy Cakes POUND CAKE A SPECIALTY Office Phone 295 Plant Phone 211 Salisbury, Maryland. QUALITY SERVICE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO SHIPPING TRADE Eat More Potatoes A Souvenir of Accomac County 79 THE EASTERN SHORE OF VIRGINIA CHAPTER AMERICAN RED CROSS. BY FRANCES L. TAYLOR. On June 1st, 1917, a meeting was held in the town hall, Onancock, to formulate plans for the organization of the Eastern Shore of Virginia Chap- ter American Red Cross. The following officers were elected: Chairman, Mrs. J. S. Waples Vice-Chairman, Mrs. J. S. Tyler Secretary, Mrs. J. P. L. Hopkins Treasurer, G. H. Powell. Executive Commiteee — Mrs. W. H. Parker, Mrs. J. S. Mills, Mrs. E. D. F. Custis, Mrs. M. M. White, Mrs. George Borum, Mrs. Bessie Hopkins, Mrs. J. W. Robertson, Misses Frances and Constance Taylor and J. L. Parker. Soon the different towns on the Shore began to enroll, as branches, and by November, the number had reached twenty-one nearly every town in the county being represented. The total enrollment for the chapter and branches was 3820. As new phases of the work developed, the following committees were appointed: Publicity — Miss Frances L. Taylor. School Committee — Miss Constance S. Taylor, Chairman, Miss Frances L. Taylor, Treasurer. Home Service — Dr. J. W. Robertson, Chairman, May 1918 — Oct. 1918. Mr. R. T. Hearn, Oct. 1918 to the present. War Drive — Stewart K. Powell, Chairman; J. S. Waples, Treasurer. Christmas Roll Call— Rev. F. A. Ridout, Chairman; Warner Ames, Vice- Chairman. In June 1918, Mrs. Taylor declined re-election as vice-chairman and Mrs. J. S. Mills was selected. Both of these ladies entered heart and soul into the work, as is proven by the large amount of work accomplished. Valuable work has been done by Dr. John W. Robertson and Mr. H. R. Hearn in the Home Service Section. Over a thousand hearts have been brightened by the self sacrificing efforts of the above named gentlemen. Accomac was one of the first counties in the Potomac Division to or- ganize a Junior Red Cross. Thirty-three of the forty schools in the county, organized auxiliaries, the membership being 3300. Two thousand dollars was contributed to the Child Welfare Fund, many refugee garments were made also comfort-kits, scrap books, shot bags, etc. Miss Constance Taylor was chosen out of fifteen, from the Potomac Division, to consider plans for the peace program. She was very proud when the announcement was made that the Accomac Juniors had raised more money, per school population, than any other county in the Division. The principal work of the Juniors, during the session of 1919-20, was send- ing goodies to the shell-shocked patients in the Hampton hospital. That the Accomac people were alive to their duty, both to the soldiers and suffering humanity, is manifest, for $25,000 was raised by the Chapter and its branches. The people of Accomac and Northampton counties gave $2500. to buy an ambulance to be used in France. 80 A Souvenir of Accomac County SKoXoX<»{o X o} ^ ><0><0 >«>>^> §>>CoXo5 Li J. W CUSTOM SEKVKE •FTNJ J BffiADY-TOHPUT-ON ^ SQ ^ TAILORED AT ilASMIIOH PAH FTFTHtWE.BLDG, KocKes ter, New'Vbrk. FOR EVTTON BLDG, Chicago J. S. MILLS Onancock, Va. WATTS BROTHERS Parksley, Va. A Souvenir of Accomac County 81 Our boys fought wonderfully for us during the world war. Let them now enjoy "good home cooking" by us- ing a Borden Oriole Leg Range Guaranteed to bake and cook perfectly. The firebox is of good size and the ovens are square — can be furn- ished to burn coal or wood or both. High shelf or steel eloset Made in three sizes Waterfront may be had for largest size. Good look- ing in ap- pearance Efficient in results Attractive- ly priced Borden Oriole Ranges are being distributed thrnout Accomac County by: — BELOTE & KILIMAN, Melfa. BELLE HAVEN FURN. CO., Belle Haven. NORTHAMPTON LUMBER CO.. Nassawadox ROGERS & BRO.. Onancock. BORDEN STOVE CO. lia. "Quality that makes friends — Service that keeps them 82 A Souvenir of Accomac County {^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^♦♦^♦♦J ♦> t y T :♦ | THIS IS TO REMIND YOU | T T Y That when you buy, it is economy to Y f invest in goods of proven reliability. Y i — ♦*♦ Y Shoes to endure must be Honestly Built, as ♦!< Y no part of your wearing apparel is subject to Y J? such severe service as your shoes. *$* T f A The Shoes manufactured by Smaltz-Goodwin X ♦> Co., of Philadelphia, have unequalled merit, ♦*♦ Y and have been carried in the stock of the ♦♦♦ Y most reliable dealers in the United States for Y X years and every wearer is their friend. *$* ♦ f J, W. ROGERS & BRO., Onley, Va. ♦!♦ f R. L. SHIELDS & CO., Onancock, Va. ♦> £♦ W. B. WILSON & SON. Cape Charles, Va. ♦> £♦ D. H. JOHNSON & SONS r Parksley, Va. ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ & A Souvenir of Accomac County 83 EASTERN SHORE OF VIRGINIA CHAPTER, RED CROSS— Continued. Below is given some of the articles made, by the Accomac county Red Cross, in large numbers: SURGICAL DRESSINGS: Gauze Wipes 82,405 Gauze Compresses 1,025 Gauze Sponges 3,250 Laparotomy Pads 723 Absorbent Pads 3,461 Triangular Bandages 4,378 Rolled Muslin Bandages 985 T Bandages 254 Many Tailed Bandages 1,136 Abdominal Bandages 487 HOSPITAL GARMENTS AND SUPPLIES: Pajamas 900 Hospital Bed Shirts 104 Helpless Case Shirts 281 Bed Socks 108 pairs Napkins 761 Shot Bags 14,306 Pillows 75 KNITTED ARTICLES: Sweaters 670 Socks 1,548 pairs Helmets 10 Wristlets , 148 Mufflers 13 Refugee Garments 2,500 MISCELLANEOUS : Picture Puzzles 348 Story Books 600 Gun Wipes 55,860 Comfort Kits (furnished) 2,500 Property Bags 1,447 Christmas Packages for Overseas 300 I cot with full equipment was sent to Camp Lee. FRANCES L. TAYLOR. Publicity Committee Chairman. 84 A Souvenir of Accomac County ASK YOUR DEALER FOR STAR BRAND PARIS GREEN AND Arsenate of Lead Paste These brands are guaranteed to conform with the re- quirements 'Of the Federal Insecticide Act of 1912. MANUFACTURED BY FRED. L. LAVANBURG COMPANY 1605 Mondanock Block Chicago, 111, 100 William Street New York City. BIBB'S ONE PIPE Single Register PIPELESS FURNACE Cheapest type of furnace to install — burns hard coal, soft coal, or wood. Let your house be com- fortable this winter with the least effort and expense. A healthy heat that radiates through all the house. By nature's most economical methods. For Sale by THE B. C. BIBB STOVE CO. Baltimore, Md. See our Agent in your own town. A Souvenir of Accomac County Rawlings implement Company 9-11 W. Pratt Street BALTIMORE, MARYLAND HIGH GRADE FARMING IMPLEMENT,? Special Attention to All Kinds of POTATO MACHINERY For sale by all reliable dealers in Accomac County SO EASY TO "WORK SO EASY TO FIX No. A Kanawha Pump is fitted for either Hi or VA inch drive pipe. It has a 6 ft. head with a full length porcelain lined cylinder and is far superior to the short heads with a | plugcylinder. Astwo ;j feet go below the surface, there is less danger of freezing. Insist on having Kanawha Wood Pumps Jacket Iron Pumps, They are "so easy to fix KANAWHA PUMP WO BALTIMORE, MO. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR KANAWHA PUMPS. 86 A Souvenir of Accomac County 2nd Floor Gault Building fijif The National Mantel & Tile Co. Mantels, Tiles, Grates, Fireplace Fixtures, Slate, Interior Marble, Composition Floors. Represented by ^^ 9 E. Lexington Street I A. T. HICKMAN , . Sii Painter, Va. Baltimore, Md. ■iiii •:::■ WHEN YOU NEED I MERCHANDISE THAT IS DEPENDABLE 1 d^QXxt&j Millinery, Hosiery, Sweaters, Gloves Underwear, Shirts, Etc. Etc. Distributed to all first class dealers on "the shore." ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO. BALTIMORE. A Souvenir of Accomac County 87 SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME Get the Best at Lowest Prices. The merchants of Accomac County, Virginia, offer to the people of the county shopping facilities unequalled by any town in the State of Vir- ginia and' by a few of the larger cities. We could give numerous reasons why you should trade with these merchants and keep your money at home instead of sending it to the id-called mail order houses of the United States. Did you ever stop to think of the difference in buying at home and sending your money to the larger cities? Suppose you are a farmer in the outlying districts, you need merchandise sold by the home merchants and you are ready to buy. Our merchants have a full and complete line of the goods you need and at just as low prices as the mail order houses. You can call at the different stores and see their line and when you pay your money you know just exactly what you are getting and if, when you get home, you find that the goods are not perfectly satisfactory in every par- ticular you can take them back and change them or get your money back at once. You buy from the home merchant and pay him your money and he takes it, pays his bills and uses his profits to pay taxes, through which he helps to keep up your county roads, helps to pay the county officials and make it possible to have the larger towns. When next you come to town with a quantity of produce the home merchants give a part of the money you spent with them back to you in payment for the goods you have to sell. Now on the other hand the mail Order houses will send you flaming posters and catalogues setting forth a large number of reasons why you should send them your money for this merchandise you are going to buy, and giving prices that on the face look extremely low. Now let us consider for a moment. You order from these people, you wait for a week to ten days and then get a postal card saying your order has been received and goods will be shipped in a few days. In about ten days more you receive an express package which you cannot open until you have paid the agent and signed a receipt. You have now waited about three weeks and when you get the package home you find about two-thirds of the goods are mis- fits and the remainder do not come up to the advertisement. You return them and pay additional express charges and are later notified that others will be shipped at once. Wait about ten days more and the package again comes and you pay more express charges. If you then decide to keep the goods the transaction is at an end. If they are not satisfactory then you again return and ask for a return of your money, which they are very loth to do, but after a number of letters have been exchanged and you have waited a month more you get a check for the amount. You have your money back and have spent three times the money in express charges that would have bought the goods from your home merchants. In buying con- sider postage, expressage and other incidentals. Consider that of the money you send 'these •houses not one cent, either directly or indirectly, returns to you and we feel sure you will be convinced that money spent at home teWoOTey well invested. "Help- those who help you." 88 A Souvenir of Accomac County ! Kings Scotch Hollands Draping Hardware Lace Curtains Opaque Cloth Window Shades Rope Poitiers w. E. ARNOLD COMPANY Importers, Manufacturers and Selling Agents 113-115 W. Lombard St. BALTIMORE. Telephone, St. Paul 6435 MASON TIRES Must never give out — tliev must WEAR out. This is the gist of the Satisfaction NO MILEAGE LIMIT Guarantee that is back of every Mason we sell. No gam- ble about that. Temperanceville Garage A Souvenir of Accomac County 69 During' these times of high prices you have an extra incentive to raise bigger crops. One of the surest" ways to increase your vields is perfect seed bed preparation. To do this easily and properly you should have implements particularly suited to your local conditions. No matter- what tools you may want whether it be walking, sulky or vineyard plows, or riding or walking cultivators, yp will find in the Oliver line of complete till- age tools an implement to meet your de- mands. Drop in and see us — let's talk it ovev. OLIVER CHILLED PLOW WORKS Plotvmakers for tlie World Harrisbiirg 1 , Pa. For Sale by H. T. White & Son, Makemie Park, Va. Lankford & Wessel.s, Bloxom, Va. Parksley Mfg. Co. Parksley, Va. Farriers' Hdw, «& Supply Co. Onancock, Va. A. T. Hiekman, Painter, Va. 90 A Souvenir of Accomac County "STYLES THAT SELL" WELSH S HATS The Season's Newest Novelties Stylish Line of Cloth Hats, Caps, Stiff Hats and Children's Goods. J. H. WELSH & CO. 62 No. Second St. Philadelphia, Pa. SOLD BY T. P. SELBY & CO. Chincoteague, Virginia, A Souvenir of Accomac County 1)1 WITH OUR BOYS OVERSEAS. BY ONE OF THEM. I spent twelve months in crossing Flanders Field and France, I saw the devastation created by the Hun. I saw our men as they marched through England and over the fields of France and Belgium. The Hun had trained his men for the world conflict he had prepared for. The men of ours were taken from the peaceful pursuits of everyday life. Our men had the blood of many nations flowing through their veins. The Hun blood was the same that had come down for hundreds of years, unchanged in its ways ami brutal treatment. I followed the victorious army over the fields of Chateau Thierry; I was in dugouts that were occupied by the Hun and found there the intimate garments of women. They had not been satisfied with the leveling of homes and making bare the earth of peace — not with the blood of Huns coursing in their veins; and they knew nothing of virtue, nor wom- anhood; nor the graces of civilization that the other nations were battling for. Too much cannot be said of the American soldier of many bloods, they had came to the front ready to do or die for the saving of the world. It was the flower of American manhood, and not just the ordinary class of men who went. It was the man of education, the aristrocrat if you please, the minister of the gospel of every creed, and men of all walks of life wiio had taken arms for the safety of the world. I believed and still believe, that we got in at a late hour. I do not know that we would have been in it at all had not it been for that great man whom the world was called upon to mourn some months ago, whose vision outreached that of all other Americans, and whose sterling Ameri- canism awakened the country to a realization of the impending fate should the Hun win his battles. Unless you were in France you could not realize the extent of human suffering can trow a nation in grief. One day a woman of about sixty years or more came to the little French town in which my companny was billeted. She was on her way she knew not where. As she entered the village over muddy and rocky roads, every American soldier stopped and gazed at her. She was old and wrinkled^ ragged and dirty, her feet were bare and bleeding, and as she trudged on she mumbled while poking her stick at loose stones and swinging a dirty cloth bag in which was contained all her earthly belongings. I have trav- eled all of America; in Mexico, and all of Europe, but I have never beheld a sight which so gript my heart and weighed down my soul as the plight of this wretched human being. She stopped at the little village store for a rest and a charity drink of the "vin rouge" the national drink, the soldiers gathered about her :r wonderment and pity and several of us who managed to speak a little French engaged her in conversation. You may have seen miserables homes in America, you may have heard pitiful tales of domestic misfortune, you may have wiped your eyes at touching scenes on the stage, but never could you in the wildest flight o' imagination conceive of a scene like this. Before the war this woman, whose features still showed traces of re- finement and beauty had lived near the border of France and Germany. She was the mother in a happy family consisting of a providing father, a daugh- ter, and two sons. When the Huns came with their lust for blood, the candle of happiness in this home was blown out. The Huns captured the town, seized the food, mistreated the old and the young, subjecting the daughter in this once happy home to the most vulgar and inhcman indecencies. The husband and father was shot when he en- deavored in a feeble way to protect his daughter. The lustful "Hun" drove him mad, said the old woman, but he was no match for the Uhlan. With one hand on his throat the Uhlan held him in a corner while with hip other fist he beat him into insensibility. 92 A Souvenir of Accomac County Modish Clothes At A Sensible Price Although Verite Suits, Coats and Dresses are styled with the authority of their Paris originals — they are most moderately priced Write for Fall Style Book VERITE 11 E, 26th St., New York. A Souvenir, cf Accomac County 93 •^ V V ♦ T I 9 ^$ T T T ? T T T T T T ♦ ONE-MAN AUTOMATIC Enjoys an ESTABLISHED REPUTATION THE EFFICIENCY and ACCURACY of the ASPIN- WALL PLANTER is UNEQUALED. Is acknowledged as LEADER, being the FIRST SUCCESSFUL machine of its type on the market. Scarcity of farm help does not effect the working- of the Aspinwall No. 3 Planter — a boy to drive is all that is required. ASPINWALL POTATO MACHINERY Sold in Accomac County by Lankford & Wessells, Bloxom Martin Hall Co,, Horsey Parksley Coal & Sup. Co., Parksley Turner Bros., Painter Belote & Killmon, Melfa H. W. Boggs & Co., Finney Belle Haven Furn Co., Belle Haven Rogers & Bro., Onancock J. J. Bailey & Bro., Onley Made by the World's Greatest and Largest Makers of Potato Machinery. DREW COMPANY, JACKSON, MICHIGAN. ^^^♦? ♦> dealers whose names appear below. ♦!♦ ♦*♦ Mr. Dealer, if you are not among them, write us to- ♦!♦ ♦♦♦ day for our catalogue and you will become one of our «*► ♦♦♦ satisfied customers: — ♦> X GEORGE W. GREGG, Accomac, Va. JL t ACCOMAC GARAGE, Accomac, Va. t ♦*♦ BELLE HAVEN GARAGE, Belle Haven, Va. ♦*< *♦* A. C. DUER & SON, Belle Haven, Va. *\ X J. W. ACKLEY, Bloxom, Va. 1 ♦♦♦ BLOXOM ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., Bloxom, Va. ♦♦♦ *♦♦ CURTIS BROS.. Craddockville, Va. ♦% % C. E. COULBOURN, Franklin City, Va. X J. F. POWELL & SON, Franklin City, Va. ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ SNYDER AUTO REPAIR CO., Horsey, Va. ♦*♦ t JAMES W. DOWNING, Mappsburg, Va. 1 V BLOXOM BROS., Mappsville, Va. V «£♦ WALTERS & ROGERS, Melfa, Va. ♦> I McCRADY & HARMON, Melfa, Va. JL V ELMER J. LITTLETON, Nelsonia, Va. V" ♦> SHIELD'S BROS. GARAGE, New Church, Va. ♦> JL BAGWELL & ROGERS, Onancock, Va. JL t ANDREW JUSTIS, Onancock, Va. t ♦!♦ ONANCOCK MACHINE WORKS, Onancock, Va. ♦!♦ JL PENNEWELL & HASKINS, Onancock, Va. A t GEORGE W. HEATH, Painter, Va. t ♦*♦ PAINTER AUTO CO., Painter, Va. ♦*< & HURDLES GARAGE, Parksley, Va. ^ % SELBY'S GARAGE, Parksley, Va. X ♦*♦ MIDDLETON GARAGE, Parksley, Va. ff *♦♦ J. B. DOUGHTY & SON, Pungoteague, Va. >♦ $ PIEDMONT MOTOR S. & S. CO., Pungoteague, Va. X A. J. BLACKWELL, Temperanceville, Va. ♦♦♦ ♦*♦ H. S. FOSQUE, Wachapreague, Va. >♦ I JAMES BROS., Wachapreague, Va. I MORRIS A. BRUSH, Wachapreague, Va V V H - L - NOCK, Bloxom, Va. TURNER BROS., Painter, Va. «*► ^ M. M. ROSS, Harborton, Va. WESCOTT BROS., Painter, Va. ^ X J. L. COLLONA, Keller. Va. EDWARD WEBB, Painter, Va. X ♦*♦ J. H. KILMON, Onancock, Va. W. F. BELL, Wachapreague, Va. ♦> ♦♦♦ ONLEY GARAGE, Onley, Va. W. H. McKAY, Sanford, Va. A. X W. D. ELLIOTT, Onley, Va. FORD REPAIR SHOP, Saxis, Va, 1 T A Souvenir of Accomac County 99 No. 6 Engine Diggers help you deliver your Potatoes to Market when the price is right. "We will deliver you an O.K. Champion, the best there is, at the right price. Come in and Visit Us. We'll be Glad to See You. MARTIN HALL COMPANY, INC. Horsey, Va. BOGGS & ROGERS Melfa, Va. ROGERS BROS. Onancock, Va. Made by CHAMPION CORPORATION HAMMOND. IND. 100 A Souvenir of Accomac County ARTMAN-TREICHLER COMPANY 626 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. I860 1920 The House that has Served Over 8 00 Customers Annually and Honestly for 5 4 Years. Our aim is to carry the following goods in stock at all times. All orders will receive our prompt and careful attention, and will be appreciated if sent direct or through our representative MR. H. W. GEXSEMER who covers Eastern Shore of Maryland and Delaware. Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Clothes Hampers Baskets, Market Baskets, Shopping Baskets, Splint Baskets, Splint Laundry Baskets, Lunch Baskets, Scrap Baskets. Work Baskets, Bushel Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Dust Brushes, Stove Brushes, Scrub Brushes, Scrub, Toy Brushes, Deck Brushes, Shoe Brushes, Hair Brushes, Horse Brushes, Mane Brushes, Window Brushes, Sweeping Brushes, White Wash Brushes, Radiator Brushes, Toilet Brushes, Bottle Brushes, Butcher-Block Brushes, Paint Brushes, Varnish Brushes, Sash-tool Brooms, Toy Brooms, Stable Brooms. Barn Butter Churns Butter Keelers Butter Ladles Butter Moulds Butter Paper Barrel Covers Berry Boxes Butcher Cuffs Clothes Wringers Clothes Pins Clothes Props Clothes Lines, Wire Clothes Lines, Rope Coat Hangers Coat Racks Canvas and Knit Gloves Candle Wicks Curtain Poles Curtain Rods Chair Seats Carpet Sweepers Carpet Sweepers Vacuum Carpet Tacks Carpet Beaters Curry Combs Cusoidors, Tin and Fibre Can Openers Coal Hods China Eggs Chopping Bowls Coffee Mills Clocks Cotton Battins; Black & White Wadding Furrier's Wadding Cedar Clothes Chest Croquette Sets Dust Pans Dish Mops Dish Cloths Egg Crates Egg Beaters Express Wagons Field Kegs Field Cans Faucets Fibre "Ware Feather Dusters Feathers Fly-Swatters Fly Wire Flour Sieves Fire Shovels Garbage Cans Galvanized Oil Cane Glass Oil Cans Hammocks Horse Blankets Horse Ties Hatters Handles. Axe Handles, Pick Handles, Sledge Handles, Hatchet Handles, Hammer Handles, Brush Ice Cream Freezers Iron Handles Ironing Boards Ironing Boards Folding Kegs Keetcs Knife Boxes Dietz's Lanterns Dietz's Lantern Globes LamD Wick Lamp Burners Lemon Squeezers Monev Drawers Matting Tacks Mon Piick'f-:n Mop Cloth Mops Mops O-Cedar Oil O-Cedar Oil 3 in 1 Mop Handles Mouse and Rat Traps Porch Gates Potato Masher Paring Knives Pie Boards Paper Bars Paper r , nttr>r<5 Pails. Oak-Grained Pails, Galvanized Pails, Horse Pails, Cedar Pails, Fibre Refrigerators Rolling Pins Rope, Jute Rope, Cotton Rope, Sisal Rope, Manila Sash-Cord Step-Ladders Sewing-Tables Slaw Cutters Stenners Sugar Boxes Sugar Scoops Soap Cups Salt Boxes Stove Lifters Stove Pokers Stair Buttons Snoons, Wood Shelf Paper Snow Shovels Sleds Screen Windows Screen Doors Screen Door Pulls Screen Door Hinges Shoo-Fly Books Shoo-Fly Rockers Sulkies. Ch lids' Suit Cases Trunks Twies Tie- Yarns Toilet Papar Toilet Paper Holders Towel Rollers Towel Arms Tack Pullers Tooth Picks Toy Chairs Toy Carts Toy Barrows Washing Mach-nes Wash Tubs Wash Boards Wash Benches Wrapping Paper Window Shades Window Shade Rollers Window Shades Strips Whips Floor Coverings OaipetS Rugs, all sizes Mattings Matting Rugs Grass Rugs Fibre Rugs Carpet Lining Stair Pads Cocoa Mats Cocoa Matting Rubber Mats Rubber Stair Treads Linoleums Felt Base Table Oil Cloth Shelf Oil Cloth Stair Oil Cloth Carriage Oil Cloth Floortex Oak Rug Border Congoleum Rugs A Souvenir of Accomac County 101 Crescent Disc Harrows CRESCENT DISC HARROWS are made with 16" and 18" disc from 8 to 14 discs to a harrow. The scrapers are of steel and of the oscillating pattern, so that they clean the disc from the center to the circum- ference. They return to the center of the disc automatic- ally and the foot lever which actuates them is provided with a stop which makes it impossible for the scraper to pass over the edge of the disc. The gang frames are of extra heavy steel that will not twist or bend in heavy work, or when stumps or other obstructions are encountered. The center lev- er of the Cres- cent Disc Har- row is a feature that makes the Crescent line of disc harrows su- perior to all other makes. With this center lever, the opera- tor can instantly lock the inner ends of gangs down and insure positive penetra- tion, no matter how hard the ground. / MALLALIEU AND CONREY, INC, 206-210 North 21st St. Philadelphia, Pa. Local "Crescent" Dealers, ROGERS AND BROS., Onancock, Va. LANKFORD AND WESSELS, Bloxom, Va. H. T. WHITE AND SON, Makemie Park, Va. 102 A Souvenir of Accomac County REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ONANCOCK, VA. AT THE CLOSE OF RUSINESS, JUNE 30, 1920 (CONDENSED) RESOURCES Loan and Invest- ments U. S. Bonds and Premiums .... Banking House . . Stock in Federal Reserve Bank . Due from Federal Reserve Bank . Due from other Banks Cash in Bank . . . LIABILITIES $ 810,998.35 52.500.00 9.000.00 4,500.00 60,392.85 278,242.48 36,270.38 Capital I Surplus Undivided Profits. Dividends Unpaid. Circulation , 50,000.00 100,000.00 10,346.96 4,000.00 49,000.00 Deposits 1,038,557.10 Total $1,251,904.06 SPENCER F. ROGERS, Pres. JOHN S. WAPLES, Vice-Pres. Total $1,251,904.06 GEO. H. POWELL, Cashier. E. D. HARTMAN, Asst. Cashier. GEO. W. GLICK DISTRIBUTOR OF NATH'L FISHER & CO'S. Standard Quality Footwear THIS TRADE-MARK ON EVERY CARTON A Souvenir of Accomac County 103 HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE. While we feel that every Soldier, Sailor and Civilian, of Accomac Coun- ty, is deserving of praise for the part they took and the efforts they put forth to aid their country in its time of need, yet there are always some special deeds or examples of sacrifice that stand out in bold relief against the horizon of every community's efforts along any particular line. For this reason we feel that the records of Rev. Frank A. Ridout and Miss Sarah Waples Crosley are deserving of special mention in our "History of Accomac County in tho War." FRANK A. RIDOUT. Before coming to Onancock as rector of Holy Trinity Church, Frank A. Ridout offered his services to the War Department as a Chaplain, but being over forty years of age, he yas declared inelligible. The spirit of patriotism continued to whisper to him until, in April 1918, the vestries of Holy Trinity Church, Onancock, and historic St. Georges, Pungoteague, granted him a leave of absence of seven months to do Y. M. C. A. work in France. It would be hard to find a man with a personality better suited to the work and the congregations were glad to be able to send such a man as their personal representative. Mr. Ridout had charge of the Y. M. C. A. activities for the Seventh Division. He was badly wounded on the head by a falling beam and was also shell-shocked. Since returning to the county he has been far from strong, but feeling that his health was sacrificed in a good cause, he never complains. MISS SARAH WAPLES CROSLEY. As soon as Belgium was invaded by the Germans, Miss Sarah Waples Crosley, of Savageville, Accomac County, offered her services to the Ameri- can Red Cross and sailed with the first contingent that left this country in September 1914. After working in a hospital in France, for several months, she was sent to Belgium, where she remained until the last Red Cross unit was withdrawn. Her next post was at Un Crout. When America entered the war, she was placed in charge of a large Red Cross Hospital in Paris, remaining there until the armistice was signed. Miss Crosley expected to return to America but answered the call of the Near East, stating that duty lies where suffering humanity calls. En route she worked in Italy for a few months. On her way from Italy to Montenegro, she was robbed of all her possessions, including all papers, and was under surveilance until duplicates could be procured from Wash- ington. She describes her experiences, on that journey, as trying and dan- gerous beyond belief. Since going to the Near East, Miss Crosley has worked in Montenegro, Albinia, Turkey, Serbia and Armenia. She was ordered to Siberia but our troops were withdrawn before she could make the journey. Miss Crosley was decorated with the Croix-de-Guerre, by France, and the Cross of Mercy, by Serbia. Accomac is proud of her work not only in the field of honor but also in the field of mercy. F. L. T. 104 A Souvenir of Accomac County Y Virginia Buggies satisfy demand for style, ♦ V strength, service and satisfaction guaran- Y X teed. Try one and be your own judge. 3 ♦> c> ♦> ♦!♦ T f Y >* I ♦?♦ I Y <3>> X ♦I I Y SOLE AGENTS FOR VIRGINIA BUGGIES % t f _ ._„ ^ Y NORTHAMPTON & ACCOMAC COUNTIES :l T Y & W. A. Copes, Cape Charles, Va. t X C. M. Bradford, Eastville, Va. T t E. M. James, Nassawadox, Va. Y t 4 A. T. Hickman, Painter, Va, Y $ Boggs & Rogers, Melfa, Va. Y Parksley Coal & Ice Co., Parksley, Va. ** Y Lankford & Wessells, Bloxom, Va. c f Y Martin Hall Co., Inc., Oak Hall, Va. ♦ Y F. A. Covington, New Church, Va. ♦*♦ ■T ~ f tt Years experience as builders of horse-drawn vehicles. V ♦!♦ ♦!♦ ♦♦♦ We Specialize for Eastern Shore Trade. ♦♦♦ i £ VIRGINIA BUGGY CO., Inc. S Y* V ♦!♦ Franklin, Virginia ♦;♦ ♦;♦ ♦♦♦ A Souvenir of Accomac County 105 The beauty of the women of The Old Dominion and the charm and style of Betty Wales Dresses are equally well known throughout the country. For women and misses— in all correct styles and materials. Every Betty Wales Dress is absolutely guaranteed. WALDORF BUILDING NEW YORK CITY Betty Wales Dresses are for sale by H. T. Mason & Company, Parksley, Va. 106 A Souvenir of Accomac County Tailored = to = Measure Clothes MADE BY STROUSE & BROTHERS, Inc. High Art Tailors — Baltimore Add — Perfect Fitting to the other car- dinal virtues All Wool Materials Superior Workmanship Distinctive Styles Featured by— H. T. MASON & CO. Parksley, Virginia. A Souvenir of Accomac County 107 108 A Souvexir of Accomac County THE WEBSTER-LAWS CO. Wholesale Groceries Fruits and Produce 18 and 20 East Pratt Street Baltimore, Md. Represented in Accomac County by Mr. W. K. Scott, Onancock. RED CEDAR SHINGLES meet the requirements of real home builders for both | roofs and siding* — attractive and durable — stained or un- stained. A roof made with best grades put on with zinc clad nails will last half century. We are Manufacturers and CONANT BROTHERS COMPANY of Chincoteague handle our stock. Literature including* "Distinctive Homes" will be iiiil mailed prospective builders on request. M, R. Smith Lumber & Shingle Co., Nicholas Building-, Toledo, Ohio. j|| A Souvenir of Acgomac County 109 IPli* Is Shoe Insurance V "-- ' :: P' : .% and - ai-vf $^v*--£ ^/ : <#?' " New pair of Shoes will be given to the wearer who finds PAPER in the heels, counters, in- sole s or outs o 1 e s of a n y Shoes made by us, baring this irade-mark PT "It Takes Leather To Stand Weather" '^NATIONAL SHoH ST.LOU IS . MO. BELOTE & KILLMON General Merchandise and Farm Implements MELFA, VA. 110 A Souvenir of Accomac County MERITORIOUS SERVICE rrfi-TT:Ji:":B-g Our bank has prospered with the times. Its methods ■ are such as to meet today's requirements. We solicit § ^our business on the basis of meritorious service. The 1 one sure way to save money is by depositing it in a re- § sponsible bank — that is a sure way to prevent it from I burning- holes in your pockets. We would like to have § your bank account whether large or small. Absolute | safety, excellent service and courteous treatment are | among the good things for which this bank is noted. Capital $20,400.00 Surplus and Profits 20,400.00 THE MELFA BANKING COMPANY, INC. S. JAMES TURLINGTON, President C. H. ROGERS, Vice-President W. E. WATERS, Cashier C. F. ROGERS, Asst. Cashier Melfa, Va. ani THE WORLD'S TASTIEST CHEWING GUM 5c at all stores. •!: I I x : X i c I I t ? V I ? i .: .*♦ A PERFECT BLEND of the 5 Tastiest Fruits FRANKLIN-CARO CO., Richmond, Va. Also Makers of Richmint Gum. A Souvenir of Accomac County 111 PERSONAL REMINISCENCIES. BY W. W. SAVAGE. My military experience started in 19 07 at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, from which college I graduated in 1912. In 1915 Battery "D'\ 1st Virginia Field Artillery was organized at Hampton, Virginia. I joined as a charter member and was appointed corporal, which grade I held while in that organization. We were called out for Mexican border duty June 18, 1916. A few days later we went to Camp Stuart, Richmond, where we camped until September. We then went to San Antonio, Texas, and were there at Camp Wilson until March 1917, spending November at target prac- tice on the Leon Springs reservation. In March 1917 we were back at Hampton, Virginia and mustered out of the federal service. On April 2, 1917 we were called out again, this time for service in the war with Germany. Our first duty was in guarding Hampton Roads and the Newport News shipyard until August. We were then stationed at Camp McClellan, Anniston, Alabama for several months. While stationed at Newport News in July 1917 I took an examination at Fort Monroe for a commission as Provisional Second Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, regular army. In November of that year I received the commission, dated October 24, 1917, was relieved from duty with Battery D at Anniston, Alabama and went to Fort Monroe, Virginia for four months in the Officers' Training Camp. While at Fort Monroe I received the commission as Provisional First Lieutenant, Coast Artillery Corps, regular army, dated back to October 24, 1917. Was stationed at Fort Terry, New York from April to August 1918. On June 1st the 68th Artillery (CAC) was organized for duty overseas, and I was happy to be with that wonderful regiment of picked men, each one of whom had to meet ten requirements, one of which was a direct answer that he wanted to go overseas and fight Germany. On June 4th I received another commission dated back to March 28, 1918. appointing me temporarily a Captain in the Coast Artillery Corps, regular army, which rank I held until leaving the service in August 1919. On August 8, 1918 our Regiment went by train from New London, Conn, to Boston and sailed the next day. After avoiding submarines for two days we put back into New York harbor at night and sailed out again next day in a convoy of 7 ships and escort. North of the Straits of Belle Isle we joined a Canadian convoy of 7 ships and escort. Our convoy was then made up of 14 transports, 7 loaded with American soldiers and 7 with Canadian. Under the British flag we had most wonderful protection until we landed at Tilbury Docks, London two weeks after leaving New York. It was quite a long voyage but very interesting up among the big, cold icebergs, and also in the English Channel, and we had a wonderful band which played several hours each day. We entered London at 10 o'clock on a Saturday night, when the thousands of big searchlights played, and every whistle, horn, bell and voice in London sounded to greet us. On Sunday morning we went ashore and took the train to Romsey (near Southampton). In passing through London the people went wild to greet us. Little children in the back yards ran towards our train so fast that at least a third of them fell down. The women were especially noisy in greeting us, and frantically waved what- ever happened to be in their hands. CONTINUED ON PAGE 119. 112 A Souvenir of Accomac County Jill 19 mw lasfffl /fl The name to go by When you go to buy PAINTS AND VARNISHES Ask your Dealer for NICE MIXED PAINTS NICE BARN AND ROOF PAINTS NICE FLOOR AND DECK PAINTS NICE STAINS AND ENAMELS TROKAL FLOOR VARNISH NEEOLYTE WHITE ENAMEL STAIN-NAMEL Finish in Colors. There's over 45 years of practical pains- taking, paint and varnish making, exper- ience back of every can. EUGENE E. NICE, Philadelphia. A Souvenir of Accomac County 113 i, HB fill »M>»M/»S Klin ( in ran are carried in stock by the following* Accomac County Dealers. Chincoteague Belote-Lewis & Co. Conant Bros. Co. C. B. Gall Greenbackville J. A. Selby Don't fail to ask for our booklet "Paint Pointers". It is full of useful information that you ought to have. Color Cards, Prices, etc. also on request. Ask your Dealer. EUGENE E. NICE, Philadelphia. 114 A Souvenir of Accomac County PQ W. E. RENN, President KEMP PLUMMER, Sec'y-Treas. RENN-DAYIS & CO., INC. Manufacturers of Mattresses of Every Description High Grade Felt and Silk-Floss a specialty. The oldest established Mattress Factory in Tidewater, Virginia. All goods guaranteed Sanitary and made of all new materials. Eaeli mattress made by expert workmen and every attention paid to insure comfort, durability and finish. We own and operate up-to-date Garnett Machines, making layer-felt which is never pressed into bales, hence retains it's elasticity and does not pack or become lumpy and hard. The following Merchants in Accomac County handle our goods and will back up our guarantee as shown on our silk labels attached to every high grade Felt and Silk Floss Mattress. TURNER BROS., Painter, Va. W. A. BELOTE, Melfa, Va. BOGGS & ROGERS, Melfa, Va. S. L. TRADER, Oak Hall, Va, BLOXOM BROS., Mappsville, Va. G. F. BYRD & SON, Sanford, Va. C. C. BELOTE, Savageville, Va. J. T. ASHBY & SON, Shields, Va. THE BELLE HAVEN FURNITURE CO., Belle Haven, Va. BLOXOM FURNITURE COMPANY, Bloxom, Va. J. M. BLOXOM & CO., Bloxom, Va. E. D. GROTON & SON. Groton, Va. EICHELBERGER & TURNER, Keller, Va. WATERFIELD BROS., Nandua, Va. NELSON & JOHNSON, New Church, Va. J. W. ROGERS & BROS., Onley, Va. D. H. JOHNSON & SONS, Parksley. Va. N. J. PARKS & BRO.. Parksley, Va. LEATHERBURRY, BELOTE & CO., Onancock, Va. T. F. MEARS. Temperanceville. Va. DAVIS & JUSTICE, Wattsville, Va. A Souvenir of Accomac County 115 FOR FORTY-FOUR YEARS 'The China House of the South" Importers — Manufacturers — Distributors Open Stock Dinner Ware, Hotel Ware, Fancy Goods Dolls, Toys Staple and Cut Glass- ware and Electric Lamps, Etc. "Chandlee" Tin Products Our Own Make — Dependable Oil Cans, Shipping Cans, Wash Boilers, Canners Nursery Re- frigerators, Water Coolers, Etc. Miles & Co., Atlantic, Va. Miss Maude Warner, Atlantic, Va. Belle Haven Furn. Co., Belle Haven C. R. Duer, Belle Haven, Va. J. F. Mears, Belle Haven, Va. J. M. Bloxom & Co., Bloxom, Va. T. H. Mears, Bloxom, Va. D. J. Berry & Son, Chincoteague Is- land, Va. Belote, Lewis Co., Chincoteague Is- land, Va. Conant Bros. Co., Chincoteague Is- land, Va. W. J. Tatum, Chincoteague Island, Lingo & Taylor, Davis Wharf, Va. J. S. Mathias, Greenbush, Va. E. D. Groton, Grotons, Va. N. F. Taylor, Hallwood, Va. W. W. Lyth, Harborton, Va. C. A. Silverthorn, Horntown, Va. Martin Hall Co., Horsey, Va. T. S. Johnson, Horsey, Va. H. T. Mason, Makennie Park, Va. R. S. Milliner & Son, Locustville, Va. Bloxom Bros., Mappsville, Va. 3. W. Thornton, Mappsville, Va. "Chandlee" Dependable Merchan- dise is handled by merchants listed below Gordy & Bonnivil, Mears, Va. W. A. Belote, Melfa, Va. Boggs & Rogers, Melfa, Va. Harman & Phillips, Melfa, Va. W. B. Hickman, Modest Town, Va. Nelson & Johnson, New Church, Va. J. F. White, New Church, Va. Geo. L. Taylor, Oak Hall, Va. S. J. Bull, Onancock, Va. Leatherbury, Belote Co., Onancock, Rogers & Bro., Onancock, Va. J. W. Rogers & Bro., Onley, Va. D. H. Johnson & Son, Parksley, Va. N. J. Parks & Bro., Parksley, Va. H. T. Mason & Co., Parksley, Va. Parksley, Coal & Supply Co., Park- sley, Va. S. T. Taylor, Pungoteaque, Va. A. J. Moore & Co., Tangier, Va. Susan Parks, Tangier, Va. T. F. Mears, Temperanceville, Va. J. S. Fosque & Bro., Wachapreague, Long Bros., Wachapreague, Va. A. H. G. Mears, Wachapreague, Va. Davis & Justice, Wattsville, Va. H, P. CHANDLEE SONS CO. 112=114 W. Lombard St., Baltimore, 116 A Souvenir op Accomac County DEMAND "MORGAN DOORS" OF YOUR D EALER «■■■■■— ^■^■a —n— CATALOG MAILED FREE UPON REQUEST WHOLESALE MORGAN MILL WORK COMPANY 3-129 W. North Ave,, Baltimore, M& A Souvenir of Accomac County 117 f X DOLLARS TO HAVE * x I "TEACH YOUR SHOE f T J 7 T T f T T T f T T T f Y y t T J J T T f y f f T T f y y y y y f y ♦ MORE CENTS" % y y The solution to real shoe economy of the fam- ily's shoe expense lies ab- solutely in the selection of ♦*♦ footwear that is reliable. Two pairs of good shoes will in ninety-nine cases out of one hundred outlast three pairs of shoes on which a small reduction in price might have been af- fected. You will save money and trouble and worry if you get acquainted with the Friedman-Shelby "All Leather" shoes, as this trade-mark guarantees you against the use of paper in the insoles, outsoles, heels ♦♦♦ or counters of any shoes made by this company. We always carry a full stock of " Friedman-Shelby ' ; for every requirement. Here is the trade-mark of identification. We want you: trade on shoes and herewith present the manufacturer 'r: guarantee : "$5.00 cash and a new pair or shoes will be given to the wearer who finds paper in the outsoles, insoles, heels or coun- ters of any shoes made by us bearing this trade-mark." lie Haven, Va. t y y y y y y y t All-Leather" shoes and can fit any foot and have shoes ♦!♦ SOLD BY J. B. WILLIS Be "Where A Dollar Does Full Duty" y T y y T y y f y 1 118 A Souvenir of Accomac County Farmers Bank of Oak Hall, Inc. P. 0. Horsey, Va. Capital Stock $10,000.00 President Samuel B. White Surplus v 12,000.00 Vice-President .. L. Y. Thornton Deposits 91,957.32 Cashier Milton E. Lang 3% Int. Paid on Savings. Sec. of Board.... R. R. Nevitte DIRECTORS Martin Hall H. R. Revell Donald F. Fletcher, R. R. Nevitte Geo. T. Corbin L. Y. Thornton O. R. Fletcher Samuel B. White Jno. E. Drewer Your Business will be Appreciated at This Bank. GRIFFITH & TURNER CO. 205-215 N. Paca St., Baltimore, Md. SEEDS Faro — Garden — Lawn — Poultry — Dairy Supplies. Our goods are sold by large numbers of Merchants throughout ACCOMAC COUNTY,-Ask your dealer for our 256 Page Catalog, showing full line. . .We solicit a continuance of your valued patronage. GRIFFITH & TURNER CO. A Souvenir of Accomac County 119 PERSONAL REMINISCENCIES— Continued. After camping three days at Romsey we crossed the English Channel from Southampton to La Havre at night in steamers which were formerly in service on Long Island Sound. The French people at La Havre greeted us quietly, seriously and with as much formality as if we had been the first American soldiers to enter that port. We camped only a few days at La Havre and then went to Vayres, which is a small town about fifteen miles east of Bordeaux. Here our Regiment was stationed for intensive training, and was equipped as fast as the guns, tractors, etc. could be sup- plied to us. We were scheduled to go to the front on December 15th, but that was too late. In early December, when the Regiment was ordered home to the United States, all of us regular army officers were ordered out of the Regiment to remain in Europe. There were 21 of us, and were sent to Camp Hunt at the little village of Le Courneau, southwest of Bordeaux to be assigned to duty. I was assigned to the Officer Prisoner of War Enclosure at Richelieu, about 40 miles southwest of Tours, and arrived there a few days before Christmas. I was made Prison Supply Officer and Assistant Prison Officer. Here we had about 9 00 German and Austrian Offcers prisoners of war and about 60 enlisted prisoners of war. One of the German officer prisoners I found to be intelligent, well educated, well informed, truthful and a pretty fine man. He had served on the French, Serbian and Roumanian fronts, and was captured at Chateau Thierry by the Americans. He and one of the enlisted Germans, who was also truthful, described to me the very fierce battle at Chateau Thierry, in which Lieutenant Vernon Somers of Bloxom, Virginia was killed. Having known Vernon Somers, both at home and at college, and having heard the Germans' true story of the battle, confirming the American story, I am confident that while the battle was on a short front, that there was never in any war any battle in which men fought harder than at Chateau Thierry, and that the American offensive at that point could not have been at all what it was without Vernon Somers and other officers like him — great officers, doing the greatest work that America ever had men to do. He went into the battle to win and die, for he knew, as each of his comrades immediately with him, and each of the Germans immediately confronting him, that it was the supreme sacrifice for each and every one. He did not know how many others would have to come up and also pay the supreme sacrifice without a chance to live. The pick of the German army was at Chateau Thierry, and in great numbers, well prepared and ready to start an offensive that would mean defeat for the American army, and would hurt its morale once and forever, as well as to injure the morale of all the allies. Then the Americans de- cided: "No, we will 'beat them to it', we will start the offensive one hour sooner, we will give our lives to break the German resistance and deter- mination. There is only one message for the Germans, and it must be now. We are here to do the trick, and we will do it". And they did. Accomac County does not realize what a great part was played by Vernon Somers at Chateau Thierry, and the world does not realize what a great part the victory at Chateau Thierry played in ending the war. It was not a decisive battle to the extent of showing Germany that she was defeated, but it was decisive in showing that Americans could lick the Germans and would lick them. Accomac County had good soldiers in the war and is proud of us. We are proud of our county, and none the less so because it has produced such CONTINUED ON PAGE 127. 120 A Souvenir of Accomac Count' BEST FANCY PASTRY FLOUR If You Are Using" This Brand You Are Using the BEST. W. E. SHEPPARD & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS & FLOUR MERCHANTS Salisbury, Maryland Ask Your Local Dealer. i | ONE MILLION FORD OWNERS TESTIFY TO THE I SUPERIORITY OF HASSLER SHOCK ABSORBERS. HASSLER SALES AGENCY, Inc. Distributor's | VIRGINIA, NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA. I Richmond, Va. || Kilmon Motor Company, jjfj Onancock, Va. Distributor Accomac County A Souvenir of Accomac County 121 GRASP THIS LINE AND BE SAFE Have Your Next Suit Made By The Haas Tailoring Company "The Tailors From Baltimore" Hundreds of Patterns to select from and every one of them a beauty. Style and fit guaranteed. PRICES WITHIN YOUR REACH. Represented by T. P. SELBY & CO., Chincoteague, Va. J. S. MILLS, Onancock, Va. W. BENJAMIN & SON, Exmore, Va. N. J. PARKS & BRO., Parksley, Va. NOW IS THE TIME to preserve and beautify your home with a good coat of "FEL- TON-SIBLEY" House Paint. Renew the interior woodwork with "LAVAVAR" Varnish Stain. "PARADOX" Enamel for the bathroom and "EF-ES-CO" for the flat wall finish. A full line of Colors, Paints, Varnishes, Stains and Enamels, all j of which are handled by ROGERS & BRO., ONANCOCK, Va. Patronize your Accomac dealers and secure the best matei guaranteed to give entire satisfaction. FELTON SIBLEY & CO., Inc. Paint and Varnish Manufacturers. PHILADELPHIA. ials 122 A Souvenir of Accomac County | WOOLSEY'S STANDARD MIXED PAINT I Is the Peer of all other Paints. I For House and Boat Purposes. 1 Wcolsey's Copper Paint for Wooden Boat Bottoms Is recognized as the world's Standard 1 Best Known, Largest Sale, Most Beliable Manufactured by C. A. Woolsey Paint & Color Company, Paint and Varnish Makers. Jersey City, New Jersey. Established 1853. SOLD BY J. W. Gladding, Franklin City, Va. Hopkins & Brother, Onancock, Ya. J. E. Wallace & Co., Tangier, Va. P. S. Crockett & Co.. Tangier, Va. L. E. Evans, Saxis, Va. E. D. Groton, Groton's, Va. Rogers & Boggs, Finney, Va. Lingo & Taylor, Davis Wharf, Va. E. M. Boggs & Sons, Cashvijle, Va. Conant Brothers Co., Chincoteague, Va. Belote, Lewis & Co., Chincoteague, Va. G. R. Justis, Justisville, Va. R. W. Rew, Chesconnessex, Va. H. S. Fosque & Bro., Wachapreague, Va. W. W. Fisher, Jr., Sanford, Va. G. F. Byrd & Son, SanforjL Va. H. S. Riggin, Willis Wharf, Va. A Souvenir of Accomac County 123 Our Trade Mark A Bumper Crop The HIGH PRESSURE produced by the OSPRAYMO Traction sprayers protects the under as well as the top of the foliage. Mechanical Agitators keep poison in thorough solution andBrushes clean suction strainers preventing clogged pipes and nozzles. An Auxiliary Air Chamber retains pressure when turning at ends of rows. Thirty-eight years experience stands back, of the OSPRAYMO line. If your dealer does not handle them write for our FREE catalogue and discounts. insist onit A SPRAYER Eor Every Need HIGH PRESSURE Guarantee FIELD FORCE PUMP CO., Dcpt.AO , Elmira, N. Y. OSPRAYMO SPRAYERS "Write for Name of Nearest Dealer. Experienced Travelers at the Service of Customers' 124 A Souvenir of Accomac County 1 Y ¥ ? 4 Y ? 4 Y Y Y Y Y 1 i I i i i ? Y Y Y Y Y JUDGE OUR CLOTHES BY WHATEVER STANDARD YOU LIKE They will stand the test. However hard you are to please — however critical your tastes — however exacting your demands, we are positively cer- tain we can give you complete clothes satisfaction. It makes no difference if you are irregular in figure — a little overweight — a little too tall or too short— you can be fitted here. There are styles and models for young and old, in a variety of the newest novelties as well as the staple patterns. Isaac Harris Sons, Philadel- phia, Clothes for men and young men. These suits give you more value in fabrics, in trimmings, in workmanship, in finish than the average suit made in the average way could ever hope to equal — or even hope to ap- proach. These suits were made not merely to sell at the right prices — but to outsell any suits obtainable at these prices. So diverse, so tempting is the array of garments we have assembled at these prices that we abandon hope of doing justice to them in this advertisement. We content ourselves with saying that, no matter what color, pattern, weave, weight or model you prefer, it is here. Sold ex- clusively by GEO. M. GLICK ONANCOCK, VIRGINIA. A Souvenir of Accomac County 125 To Some People All WAGONS look alike. There is a Difference, try a HACKNEY And Be Convinced. Every HACKNEY Wagon is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Before purchasing would ask that you call on our Representatives LANKFORD & WESSELS, Bloxom, Va. A. T. HICKMAN, Painter, Va. HACKNEY WAGON CO. Wilson, N. C. <~X~XK~X~X<"XKK~HKK~H^^ 126 A Souvenir of Accomac County &f)e Jfarmers; anb Jlercfjants; Rational panfe OF ONLEY, VA. BEN T. GUNTER, President W. C. PARSONS, Cashier Capital $50,000.00 Surplus $95,000.00 We Solicit Your Business Mcdowell, pyle & co., inc. 221-223 W. Pratt Street, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Manufacturing and Jobbing Confectioners. Quality first. Goods made with a conscience. Distributors of Lowney's Chocolates. Our extremely large and fresh stock of candy, coupled with efficient service enable us to sell $1,000,000. worth of candy per. annum. C. P. CUSTIS, Representative for Accomac and Northampton. A Souvenir of Agcomac County 127 PERSONAL REMINISCENCIES— Concluded. a soldier as Lieutenant Somers. Every man should consider it an honor to have served in the army with him. I was in the heavy artillery, because it was most interesting work and the branch of service in which my training in mathematics and engineering was worth more. However, we were a long time in getting our equipment, which was expensive and required a long time for manufacture, so the armistice was signed a month before the time set for us to go to the front, and we were disappointed in not getting there. I felt fortunate in being assigned to duty at the Officer Prisoner of War Enclosure, because there I had an opportunity to learn more about the enemy countries and the war from their viewpoint during the six months after the armistice, than almost any other American. I landed in New York on July 5, 1919, and my resignation as Captain in the army was accepted August 2, 1919, so that I could again take up my work in electrical engineering in civil life. I liked the army pretty well, am keeping my uniform, and when the next war starts it will no: take me long to change my clothes. S. L. TRADER Staple and Fancy Groceries, Country Produce, General Merchandise. SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY To the Farmers of Accomac County: We would like to Supply your FERTILIZER We sell the AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COMPA- NY'S products and are always in a position to supply your needs promptly. Give this Fertilizer a fair trial and be convinced that there is no BETTER ON THE MARKET. Our highest aim is to please the trade and we guarantee satis- faction and courteous treatment. S. L. TRADER Shipping- Point LECATO Oak Hall. Va. 128 A Souvenir of Accomac County Coiled elm hoops Coiled elm hoops When in need of Coiled elm Hoops, write us. We are largest manufac- turers in the States, most of our mills being located in the Northern States, i.e., Ohio, Michigan and In- diana, thereby being well able to furnish you with the quality hoop needed for your potato barrels. WILLIAM K. NOBLE Fort Wayne, Indiana. We also manufacture barrel Staves and heading, and veneer elm and gum flat hoops, so any time you are in need of these, drop us a line, and we will be pleased to make you our best proposition. Coiled elm hoops Coiled elm hoops A Souvenir op Accomac County WAIT 'TILL YOU'VE SOME- THING TO SAY THEN SAY IT We have something to say about our line of STOVES. When you know you have something as good as the Best it is well to tell others about it. We have a Stove suited for the Rich or Poor. Our "SUNSHINE B" A small No. 8 six (6) hole, cast iron range has the QUAL- ITIES to please the RICH at a price to please the POOR. Our "OTHELL * > A large No. 8 six (6) hole, cast iron range has pleased over a million people for years, why not let it please you? OUR LINE OF STOVES WILL PLEASE— LET US PROVE THESE FACTS TO YOU. For Sale by ROGERS & BRO. ONANCOCK VIRGINIA All Stoves Are Not The Same— THESE STOVES Are As Good As The Best. ; ; : -'it "'":: :?\ ft &. (■ '• }>) ]■■'- ";••■■ ft, j& 'c' '?' 130 A Souvenir of Accomac County POWE L* L< o COUGH SYRUP for all Coughs & Colds, has stood the test 1 for 30 years. .... , - . Sole Proprietors ... Baltl more Drug Com pany 206 W . Pratt Street Baltimore, Maryland. S BEST'' «NUM WARE~~ Sold by Belle Haven Furniture Co., Belle Haven, Va. Leatherbury Belote & Co., Onancock, Va. Parksley Mfg. Co., Parksley, Va. snort Supply Co., Bloxom, va. Belote Lewis & Co., Chincoteague Is., Va. Aluminum Cooking Utensils are recognized to be the most Mod- ern, Sanitary and Fuel Saving kitchen utensils made. Every piece of QUALITY BRAND WARE is guaranteed for twenty years. Easy to keep clean — does not chip, corrode or scale. Made of hard, 99% pure Aluminum Metal. You can secure a complete kitchen outfit of this beautiful and durable ware at any of the stores listed above. Great Northern Manufacturing Co., Chicago. 111. A Souvenir of Accomac County 131 A Fancy Coffee at a Moderate Price. Sold by First-Class Stores throughout Accomac Co. —TRY A CARTON— SOMERS JOHNSON & CO., WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Accomac and Northampton Counties Parksley, Virginia. 132 A Souvenir of Accomac County Once A Trial -Always Nyal There is a Nyal Medicinal Preparation for every ordinary ill. There is a Nyal Toilet Requisite for every need or fancy. Ask the Nyal Druggist about them. Keep these examples in mind. NYAL STONE ROOT COMPOUND— Helpful for the Kidneys and Bladder. TIVE HERBS— An old-fashioned tea for regulating the bowels and keeping the skin clear. NYAL CORN REMOVER— Easy to apply. Relieves in- stantly. Takes out the whole corn. NYAL LITTLE LIVER PILLS— Drive away bilious blues. NYAL FACE CREAM— A disappearing cream with per- oxide. Unexcelled for softening and whitening the skin. Nyal Products are sold under a positive guaranty that your money will be refunded if the preparation is not all that is claimed for it. They are sold only at authorized Nyal Agencies. Those for Accomac County are the fol- lowing:: sley, Va. Co*, Onley, Va, Dr. G. R. SLEDGE, ONLEY PHARMACY W. T. WISE, Onancocl BELLE HAVEN DRUG Co., Belle Haven, Va A Souvenir of Accomac County <^X^M^><^K M ^K^M^MK^KKK^XKK» f T Y T T T Y f T T f T y T T Y «► Y Y Y Y T 7 T T f f T t T y J T 02 © © 02 3 O w H3 a > ^s: 25 CO C PO W co CO H CO I— I o a co H O CT3 CO C o o o < f T I f f f Y 7 y y y t T T y y ♦!♦ 1 Y Y f y y y f >Jtt>tJ^~2^^^ <£?§• >*£♦ && 134 A Souvenir of Accomac County E are producers of Long and Short Leaf Yellow Pine Rough and Worked —Roofers, Floor- ing, Etc. e are also Sales Agents for "Acorn Brand*' Oak Flooring and "H. B. Short" Cypress Shingles. William M. Lloyd Company Established 1868 PHILADELPHIA Southern Office, Charlotte, N. C. Southern Yards: Fredericksburg, Va. Catlett, Va. IN ACCOMAC COUNTY Our Representatives are the A. W. SHORT SUPPLY COMPANY Bloxom, Virginia. A Souvenir of Accomac County 135 THE GLORY AND REWARD of the SUPREME SACRIFICE. When, more than a thousand of America's best men, women and chil- dren, were sent to the bottom of the Ocean by an illegal and dastardly act — the sinking of the Lusitania — the whole American people sprang to arms. Delayed for a while, the impulse to resent and restrain such barbarism could not be entirely repressed. When the call to War came, it was not, as formerly, for men of de- veloped muscles, training and experience; literally it was for young men, only, 19 to 31 years of age; actually, it was from 15 to 31. Never was so young an army gathered for the supreme sacrifice. Ever since the growth of christian civilization began, youth has been developing its proper place in the mass of maintained, once, mere slaves of its parents, who held the pawn of life and death over them, they perished in myriads, from cruelty and neglect. A new standard has arisen: "Science, organization, industry and the consciousness of human unity, have knit to- gether the social whole." The young have now, not only rights, but the peculiar love and care of the whole people. We would realize this, if we would watch any morning, everywhere, the troops of "Mother's Darlings" on their way to school; the noble school houses and colleges erected for their advancement; the banishment of torture and cruel punishments and the humanity of the new laws; which protect women and children; we could see that the child, the young people, once weak, tearful, helpless, by reason of this former tendency, are now fi !" r ^W-ts for tenderest affection, pro- foundest knowledge and are the richest, happiest and most hopeful of the race. So when, as in Rome, the great pool opened, that could not be filled except by the sacrifice of Rome's best Curtins, the noblest Roman of them all leaped in full armed, on horseback. This forever closed the pool. So, when our gulf opened in the Great World War, the young men of America closed it, by making for us and all the future, the supreme sacrifice of their precious live« and of their potential possibilies, to them and to us. At the call, the boys of Accomac County and all Virginia, responded at once, to a man; volunteers or through the fruits of the selective draft, which took the best, most capable and efficient of our young men and left the residue. They went wherever ordered, displayed indomitable courage and all the best qualities of the soldier, everywhere. Of these boys, a few died of disease and a larger number upon the battlefield. In all, 28 gave their lives for their country and not one brought disgrace upon his state, county or city. The stars of Heaven shed unon the sod that covers their patriotic graves, no lights, brighter than is the luster of their fame and sacred memories, remaining in our hearts. Accomac and Virginia shall love them, still grieve for their loss and are proud of their career. Let no one, of us all, withhold his tribute to the'r patriotic memory. 136 A Souvenir of Accomac County CLOVER MIXED ALFALFA Located in the centre of the best hay section nearest I 300MAC COUNTY which means to Von the most ef- AC ficient Immediate shipments and quick deliveries from nearby Pennslyvania points— where we have our own storage 1 houses and buy direct from the farmers. Also transit hay from the West and New York State. Within easy phoning' distance — we solicit orders phoned at our expense. OUR PRICES are always in line with the prevailing markets. A trial order makes you a satisfied customer. PASSMORE & CO. NOTTINGHAM, PENNA. PHONE OXFORD, PA.- 54-2 Our goods are sold by all reliable dealers in Accomac Co. A Souvenir of Accomac County 137 V ASTONISHING ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY In All Kinds of Cooking! J ? T 7 T T T T T T T i f T v ♦♦♦ f t T t The performance of the "Red Star" will astonish yon. Yon will be surprised at the intense heat generated and the low fuel consumption of the "Red Star." f T f T T f J Detroit Vapor Oil Stove The ferent stoves 'Red Star" is dif- from ordinary oil It is really a gas stove because it produces its own gas from the cheap- est grades of kerosene, gas- oline or distillate. This is possible because the Ring* Flame Burner «*► vaporizes all of the heat * t Y T T T T T units of the fuel and' gener- ates its own gas. The "Red Star" is the first and only stove to use cheap oils without wicks or asbestos rings. Ask for a demonstration. You will be quick to recog- nize its unusual qualities and why it is conceded to be the most efficient and economical oil range to be had. It costs von nothing to learn all about this wonderful stove. For Sale by BOGGS & ROGERS, Melfa, Va. ♦♦♦ PARKSLEY MANUFACTURING CO., Parksley, Va. T ♦ ROGERS & BROS., Onancock, Va. MARTIN HALL CO., Horsey, Va, f T f T T T T $#+*$$:$$4>#$***#<&^$$4#$4$ 138 A Souvenir of Accomac County .'V-X-- Field At 3 P. Does Your Head Fee! Like a Drum? MADE BY THE The Sunshade Pocket Hat is constructed for just such work — hi the sun. It sits on your head like a feather, you don't know you have it on. It keeps the sun off —the rays, of the sun are deflected — and the eyelets ventilate the crown. Try one. PUT IT IN YOUR POCKET IT 'Wilt 8011 BACK INTO 9HAP6 St. Louis, Mo. and Sold in Accomac County By J. S. MATHIAS Greenbush, Virginia. 27 South Water Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' T If you have never used our ORANGE GROVE Butter, you do not realize what you have been missing-, it being the height of excellence. It is pro- duced in the State of Minne- sota and has no equal. Ask your dealer for ORANGE GROVE Butter. A Souvenir of Accomac County 139 MR. WILBUR S, JENNINGS, Brownsville, Md., writes:— "We lost 22 out of 26 hogs before we started to use Cal-Sino Hog Restorative, and we have the 4 yet. I am quite sure we would have lost them all if we had not fed Cal-Sino; so it just saved us $60 to $70, and it would have saved at least $260.00 for us if we could have had it in time." XHE PREVENTIVE treatment of -*• Hog Cholera with Cal-Sino Hog Re- storative Powder is easier, safer and more satisfactory than trying to cure the disease itself after it attacks your hogs for all too often sudden violent attacks oc- cur which leave no time for treatment and so always cause speedy death. A warm spell of weather is apt to bring an outbreak of Cholera at any time. To insure against loss and to get the most weigh titpays to give a regular course of Cal-Sino.It costs only aboutlOc to 20c per hog per month, depending upon size, to fortify against disease and to make them fieshiei, for Cat-Sirs© helps to get all the real body-building flesh-making material out of the food — and that's what counts. « If you once try it, you'll use it always. Ask your neighbors and the dealers. Don't put it off— delay may cause you loss. TELEPHONE, CALL OR WRITE FOR SOME TO-DAY For Sale by Leading Merchants. You will find that the most reliable merchants in Accomac handle LEATHER & RUBBER FOOTWEAR Sold by CARROLL, ADAMS & CO., INC. BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. 140 A Souvenir of Accomac County A A ! "Battle Axe Shoes" ! Y ? Y Y Y t Y Y A X I BUILT For WEAR 1 j and Full of Style f X X y Y Y Y Y Y Y . Y X This celebrated brand of shoes is so well known to the X X discriminating and economical buyers of Accomac County X v . " Y X that it is hardlv necessary for us to more than mention X X X i the name ' ' BATTLE AXE ' '. £ X X A A £ The real merit of "BATTLE AXE" Shoes is in their & y Y X quality and style. Our customers know this, and if you X A A X don't we invite you to buy a pair of these shoes, if you % *!* want to know what real shoe satisfaction means. X X A .A. | IN ALL GRADES AND STYLES % I FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Y X Y X Y X Y Y Y A X X "BATTLE AXE" Shoes sold by the following merchants in •|» ACCOMAC COUNTY. Y A X A M. C. Riggs, Hopeton, Va. P. S. Crockett & Co., Tangier, Va. A Y M. Lavine, Keller, Va. J. T. Powell, Chincoteague Island, ¥ X A. S. West, Nandua, Va. Va. A A Geo. L. Taylor, Oak Hall. Va. T. P. Selby & Co., Chincoteague A X C. C. Belote, Onancock, Va. Island, Va. X X J. M. Watson, Onancock, Va. D. H. Johnson & Sons, Parkeley, A A p. Shapiro, Parksley, Va. Va ^ Y Y S. T. Taylor, Pungoteague, Va. X A A X A A SOUVENIE OF ACCOMAC COUNTY 141 i i i X ! I I 1 ■k •!• v 5: y 4 I y y X i i A A I I i ! Nu-Way Strech Suspenders, I'm telling you are slick! It's the spiral Phosphor Bronze Spring, That "Does the Nu-Way trick." My, they're such a solid comfort! You twist and turn at will, But the strech in that "U" spiral, You simply "cannot kill." Say, there isn't any rubber, To give and crack and tear; So they last you three times longer Than any other pair, There is wear and strech and comfort, In rubberless Nu-Ways, That you never dared to dream of, In old Elastic days. And there's NuWay Strech Supporters For everybody's hose, On all children's, men's and women's, That little Bronze Spring goes. With them housewives are delighted. For buttons keep their place, And of rip and tear in hose-tops, There isn't any trace. "No elastic to rot and sweat, triple service in each pair you get," NU-WAY STRECH Suspenders, Garters and Hose Supporters, Take no Others. If your dealer is out write us, Nu-Way Strech Suspender Company ADRIAN Manufacturers MICHIGAN I [ £ % % ? ? I I y y y y y I ? y y y y X f y X t t X i % ! 142 A SOUVENIE OF ACCOMAC COUNTY J. WALTER JACKSON, President JNO. R. HEINZERLING, Secy-Treas. W. W. THOMSON GEORGE ERASURE UNION CANDY CO., Inc. MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS 36 So Calvert St„ Baltimore, Md. FRUITS NUTS CAKES CRACKERS DISTRIBUTORS OF— Hershey Chocolates Coca-Cola Richards ons Syrups & Fruits Welch's Grape Juice. ALWAYS ORDER "UGAOO BRAND" PLAIN CANDY ''Not the Cheapest but the Best". Any of the following dealers can supply yon. T. S. Ayers, Keller, Va. A. P. Ball, Tasley, Va. A. J. Bell, Wachapreague, Va. T. H. Bennett. Hacknest, Va. C. W. Bloxom, Groton, Va. W. W. Bloxom, Modesttown, Va. Bloxom Bros., Mappsville, Va. J. H. Bowman, Craddockville, Va. P. W. Bull, Nelsonia, Va. E. T. Burton, Wachapreague, Va. G. P. Byrd & Son, Sanford, Va. S. P. Byrd, Poulson, Va. W. H. Daugherty, Daugherty, Va. T. E. Davis, Sinnickson, Va. Davis & Justice, Wattsville, Va. M. O. Drummond & Son, Sanford, Va. A. P. Evans, Horntown, Va. W. W. Fisher, Sanford, Va. C. M. Gidding, Mears, Va. S. Goldberg & Son. Onley, Va. Gordy & Bonnivil, Mears, Va. Groton & Bro., Hallwood, Va. E. D. Groton & Son, Groton, Va. Guy & Heart, Melfa. A^a. B. L. Hall, Messongo, Va. A. S. Harmon, Melfa, Va. Hermon & Phillips, Melfa, Va. H. G. Hprte, Melfa, Va. W, B. Hickman, Modesttown, Va. W. C. Hurley & Bro.. New Church, Va. A. G. James. Wachaoreasrue, Va. J. S. Johnson, Oak Hall, Va. A. L. Justice, Leemont, Va. C. T. Lankford, Accomac, Va. J. P. I insro, Pungoteague, Va. J. W. Lytle, Harhorton, Va. ■£. B. Mariner, Jenkins Bridge. Va. A. L. Marshall, Groton, Va. E. T. Matthews & Bro., New Church, Va A. H. G. Mears, Wachapreague, Va. A. T. Mears, Rue, Va. B. J. Mears, Keller, Va. K. J. Mears, Atlantic, Va. T. F. Mears, Temperanceville, Va. J. S. Melson, Accomac, Va. H. P. Miles, Atlantic, Va. W. T. McCreadv, Horsey, Va. W. H. McKay, Sanford, Va. Nelson & Johnson, New Church, Va. F. E. Nichols, Harborton, Va. A. Outten, New Church, Va. L. P. Paries, New Church, Va. K. C. Petitt, Silva, Va. P. S. Petitt & Son, Silva, Va. J. R. Riggs, Guilford, Va. John Savage, Temneranceville, Va. W. J. Savage, Hallwood, Va. C. A. Silverihorn, Horntown, Va. J. O. Stevenson, Harborton, Va. N. Swanger, Locustville, Va. C. L. Tavlor, Oak Hall, Va. N. W. Taylor, Greta, Va. R. T. Tavlor, Assawoman, Va. P. E. Thomas, Oak Hall. Va. S. W. Thornton. Mappsville. Va. S. L. Trader, Oak Hall, Va. W. M. Turlington & Son. Melfa, Va. G. T. Turner. Parksley, Va. Willie Tvndall, Atlantic, Va. A. S. West, Nandua. Va. J. F. WMte. New Church, Va. M. N. Wimbrow, Kellej^ Va. G. A. Winder, Onancock, Va. A Souvenir of Accomac County 143 AN EXAMPLE OF MAIL-ORDER DEALING. A Mean Man Down in Oklahoma the other day a man went into a store to buy a saw. He saw the kind he wanted and asked the price. It was $1.65 the dealer said. "Good gracious," said the man, "I can get the same thing from Sears- Roebuck & Co. for $1.35." "That's less than it cost me," said the dealer, "but I'll sell it on the same terms as the mail-order house just the same." "All right," said the customer. "You can send it along and charge it to my account." "Net on your life," the dealer replied. "No charge accounts. You can't do business with the mail-order house that way. Fork over the cash." The customer handed over the cash. "Now 2 cents for postage and 5 cents for money order." "What — " "Certainly you have to send a letter and a money order to mail-order house, you know." m The customer, inwardly raving, kept to his agreement and paid the nickel. "Now 25 cents expressage." "Well, I'll be — ", he said, but paid it saying: "Now hand me that saw and I'll take it home for myself and be rid of this foolery." "Hand it to you? Where do you think you are? You're in Okla- homa, and I'm in Chicago, and you'll have to wait two weeks for that saw." Whereupon he hung the saw on a peg and put the money in his cash drawer. "That makes $1.67," he said. "It has cost you 2 cents more and taken two weeks longer to get it than if you had paid my price in the first place." 144 A Souvenir of Accomac County LOEWY DRUG CO., Inc. BALTIMORE, MD. Wholesale & Manufacturing Druggists The House of Efficiency, courtesy and dependable merchandise We specialize in school supplis, box paper, papr bags, wrapping paper, etc. Our Essences, Extracts and Household Remedies are all guar- anteed to comply with the state and national pure food laws. We are represented in your territory by MR. J. E. TAYLOR, Harborton, Va. When in Baltimore, make our address your headquarters, now located at 108 S. HANOVER ST. SB! E>P0PP£R&C5inc. ', MAKERS NEW YORK : iiHiiniiiiininHiniHun^ SAY POPPER'S When Baying n SEVEN CENTER GI6AR8 ■ Lord Bros, & Higgins, Seaford, Del. i 1 Accomac County Boosters for 1 | POPPER'S EIGHT CENTER & ACE CIGARS 1 .j i lu i b i i i e a a s i a i e a n i b ib A Souvenir of Accomac County 145 4 ; ': 200 LBS. Farmers & Planters TRUCKERS MIXTURE Avail Phosphoric Acid 8% Ammonia 3% Potath (water soluble 4% Compounded by Farmers & Planters f.o. Salisbury, Md. FERTILIZERS Manufactured by THE FARMERS' AND PLANTERS' COMPANY Salisbury, Md. MIXTURE I FOR POTATOES AND BERRIES 'nd forcing crop for early market \ FARMERS & PLANTERS CO Salisbury, Md. I I Analysis: 'A Ammonia 7.00 |j} Avail.Phos. Acid 6.00 |$ Potash ••••5.00 We are manufacturers of High Grade Fish and Bone fertilizers Compounded especially for the different crops. We use nothing but the Highest Grade of Ammoniates. Our goods are always in good dry drilling condi- tion. Our factory is always open to visitors, and we cordially invite you to call when in our city. Booklet and prices gladly furnished if asked for. 200 LBS. FARMERS & PLANTERS CO. EARLY VEGETABLE MIXTURE FOR MELONS AND EARLY VEGETA3LES Wj Compounded by I Far m srs& Plan rersOo || S*LISBURY,MD. is, analysis: Ammonia 5.00 . & Avail.Phos. Acid. 8,0) S|| iS Potash 5.00 P Carried in Stock By LEADING DEALERS in ACCOMAC COUNTY or Supplied By Us Direct. 200 LBS. Farmers & Planters I "SPECIAL FISH" MIXTURE Avail. Phosphoric Acid 8% Ammonia 2% w Potash (water soluble) 5% Compounded by Farmers & Planters Co Salisbury, Md. 146 A Souvenir of Accomac County t - t T ♦♦♦ T T | ALL KINDS OF PLOWS I ♦•♦ «♦ T T 5f We Manufacture over 50 Styles and Sizes V r f X 0i! T & YX7 A T TTTXTn. t>T AWG Jfc f X ♦♦♦ W A UilJN I* JbttU W S & J f T f A The Champion Wood Beam Series X X X The Champion Steel Beam Series % The Champion All Steel Series A I f 9 The Climax Cast Series ♦> s> ♦♦♦ ?♦ T A The Climax Steel Series Y ♦♦♦ The New Era Steel Series A T 4 ♦ The New Era Cast Series ♦> Y f V FREE CATALOGUE OK REQUEST. ♦!♦ t Y Y f A C. BILLUPS, SON & CO. X T 4 ♦♦♦ Sole Mfgs. NORFOLK, VA. A Y f 7 f A Souvenir of Accomac County 147 HIGHEST MARKET ?RICES Paid for All Kinds of Write Us For Prices MAX SALTZ & SONS 1010 W. Main St. Crisfield, Md. Phone 106 One of the Largest Sealers in Raw Fur in Maryland. Wp+ ice CREAM All- Ways Delicious, Nutritious SINCE 1866 Consistently Superior PHILADELPHIA'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER. 148 A Souvenir of Accomac County ESTABEISHER 1899. SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE A. R A Souvenir of Accomac County 149 MERION TEXTILE UNDERWEAR FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN They'll Fit Your Shape and Keep Theirs s EDGAR HOSIERY MILLS STANTEST BRAND HOSIERY FOR FATHER, MOTHER AND THE CHILDREN ALWAYS SOLD AT THE LOWEST PRICES Ccnsistant with Quality. Carried in stock by the leading merchants. INSIST ON HAVING THE ABOVE BRANDS Thereby protecting yourself. SHIEBLEY TYLER CO. Wholesale Distributors 625 Market St. Philadelphia, Pa. SANDERS M. TRUITT Representative f T T T Y t I LAY TO STAY WITH f - VITRIFIED CLAY f Y Y NOTHING IN THE SOIL, AIR OR SEWAGE CAN «f ♦|> RUST, ROT, DISINTEGRATE OR PIERCE X VITRIFIED CLAY PIPE. *J? T J Y "If you own a little field, V |* For the Land's Sake, «£♦ ¥* t^, ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ Drain it well to make it yield. ' ' ^ f *} T f f Build With Hollow |* I Building Tile I Y ♦♦♦ ♦|* The Fireproof, Modern and Permanent ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ Material. ^ ♦!♦ ♦*♦ ♦!♦ Cooler in Summer Warmer in Winter A T ♦*♦ <& Oiu 1 Products are handled by ^ Y ♦> «♦ A. T. Hickman, Painter, Va. AS f r T quotations ♦!* f $ ♦ THE EVANS BUILDERS CO., ♦!♦ T Y Y 921 15th St., Washington, D. C. Y T f Y Terra Cotta Pipe, Farm Drain Tile, Hollow Building Tile, Y ^» Flue Lining, Fire Brick, Face Brick, Wall Coping. J>^ !♦ 4 y I LIBRARY Oh CONGRESS y^UgJnnrinnimTr^TipT rrtnrinin nrnnTnTPtn 02 1 545 914 7'jp Your Crop Yield is measured by the amount of Available Plant Food in the Soil. Good Seed thorough culti- vation and *pttH% & *t*Tnxrf& are the combination to in- sure Large Yields of First Quality "B" sure of your Plant Food — order Tilghman's PROMPT SHIPMENT. W. B. TILGHMAN CO. SALISBURY, MARYLAND. /^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1 5555555555 55j 5 5 55555 qi rfaj; Hollinger Corp. P H8.5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS m ii ii ii i ii ii i in i i i I I 021 545 914