ees' Guide to th<-. Che i\ewEcLiti< (Lai>dEi\larqed Class. Book. GEORGE W. DEARBORN COLLECTION A COMPLETE GUIDE TO THE GAME OF DRAUGHTS (CHECKERS) : GIVING THE BEST LINES OF ATTACK AND DEFENCE IN EVERY OPENING, WITH COPIOUS NOTES AND VARIATIONS, BEING INSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS AND LEARNERS ON THE MOST SCIENTIFIC METHODS OF PLAYING THE VARIOUS GAMES. By JAMES LEES, Dalmellington. ALSO SELECTED USEFUL POSITIONS, BY VARIOUS AUTHORS. REVISED AND ENLARGED BY JOHN W. DAWSON Draughts Editor of The Newcastle Weekly C hkonicle PHILADELPHIA: DAVID McKAY, Publisher 604-8 South Washington Square 3/ PREFACE. *P Mb. Gould having kindly intrusted me with the revision of this 5- popular work by the late James Lees, I— not without a qualm of hesitancy— venture to try my hand, and submit a general re- ' setting of the work, embodying corrections and improvements, thus making an advance on the earlier editions which time— as ' |r usual — has proved to be somewhat unreliable. The work now contains all the sound play of the lengthy appendix to the ninth edition with that in the body of the work, also other improvements noted from, time to time. To the problem department have been added a score of notable positions by various experts. I now launch my efforts on its voyage to the players of the world, hoping they will meet with a favourable reception JOHN W. DAWSON. Neiccastle-on-Tyne. EXCERPT FROM THE ORIGINAL PREFACE. In the course of my correspondence with Mr. Gould I was made acquainted with his desire to publish a useful work on the Game of Draughts, suitable for all classes of players, a work he had commenced, but which was set abide to allow him to compile and publish his " Book of Problems. Critical Positions and Games," and his " Memorable Matches." At his request I undertook to do for him what his growing business engagements prevented his carrying out, and this volume is the outcome of my offer to do so. JAMES LEES. Dahncllington, Ayrshire, October, 1893, INDEX. PAGES Instructions .. .. • • • • • • «5 The Standard Laws .. 4.. 5 The Two-Move Openings .. •. .. 6.. 8 GAMES :— Alma .. 9.. 11 Ayrshire Lassie .. ... .. 11.. 14 Black Doctor .. 14.. 17 Boston • • .. .. 18.. 20 Bristol ? .. 20.. 24 Bristol-Cross . # ..- .. 2o.. 28 Centre .. 29.. 31 Cross , # .. 32.. 36 Defiance . .. .. 37.. 40 Denny # # - (.. .. 41.. 46 Double Corner .. 46.. 49 Douglas . . .. 50.. 53 Dundee . 54.. '59 Dyke • <• .. 59.. 63 Edinburgh .. 64.. 69 Fife . . .. .. 70.. 74 Glasgow .. 74.. 78 Glasgow-Whilter . . ., .. 78. c 81 Kelso .. ... 81.. 87 Laird and Lady • • .. 87.. 92 Laird and Lady Refused t .. 93.. 94 Maid of the Mill . # .. 95.. 99 Nailor .. 99.. 103 Old Fourteenth # # .. 103.. 108 Paisley .. 108. .113 Pioneer .. 113. .115 Second Double Corner .. 116. .121 27-20 Second Double Corner . . ... .. 121. .126 Single Corner .. 126. .132 26-17 Single Corner .. • •• .. 132. .135 Souter .. 136.. 142 Switcher # . .. .. 142. .149 Tillicoultry .. 149.. 153 Wagram • • • » . . .. 153. .157 Waterloo .. 157. .161 Whilter # . .. 162. .169 Whilter-Exchange .. 169. .172 White Doctor . . .. 172. .175 White Dyke ... 176. .181 Will-o'-the-Wisp . , .. 181. .187 Positions .. 188. .196 Solutions to Positions . , .. 197. .204 Notes on the Positions .. 205.. 206 Addendum ♦ • .. .. 207.. 208. INSTRUCTIONS. The Game of Draughts, although apparently simple, is so pro- found that no player can say, " I have nothing more to learn.'* Little instruction as regards the manner of playing, is re- quired, and on that account the instructions shall be brief. When once the learner has acquired sufficient knowledge to play a game in the most elementary fashion he may be left to consult the accompanying examples, which he will find are sufficient for years of careful study The game is played by two persons, each moving alternately, one square at a time diagonally, unless he has a "take." in which case he may pass over several at the same time. The learner will readily comprehend the method of proceeding by studying the Standard Laws and playing over a game. Number the board and place the men as shown on the following diagrams : — BLACK. •-■JPJI. //m vi'Wfo 18 '||p 19 '||^ 20 ' f//// a /////// ±o /////// 4* '////// WM'** W/// 26 W/// 27 V////A 28 25,/ p * p ^ p 5 ' 2 fc ^W/>^w//^W/^ / //M my* w////y* w//jy* wfi* If S S B Now turn to " Single Corner," page 126. Move black 11-15 and white 22-18. black then " takes" from 15 to 22 (remove the man off 18). and white " takes " from 25 to 18 (remove the man off 22). and the game proceeds according to the figures. Study the effect of each move, and the game will gradually unfold its beauties. If the student desires to see the effect of a different move to that in the text, he may try any of the variations. Play say 16 moves, and instead of playing the 17th move— marked f— pass down the notes to (/), and proceed according to the figures there given. The game is won when one player captures or blocks all his opponent's pieces. The following games and variations are all carried to a point sufficient to show the win or draw to advanced players but in some cases these may not be apparent to learners ; where such occur it will prove interesting to the tyro to demonstrate the terms given. THE STANDARD LAWS. THE STANDARD BOARD. 1. — The Standard Board must be of light and dark squares, not less than fourteen - and one-half inches, nor more than sixteen inches across said squares. 2 — The Board shall be placed so that the bottom corner square on the left hand shall be black. THE STANDARD MEN. 3.— The Standard Men, technically described as Black and White, must be light and dark (say red and white, or black and white), turned, and round, and not less than one and one-eight inch, nor more than one and one-fourth inch in diameter. PLACING THE MEN. 4.— The men shall be placed on. the black squares. 5. — The black men shall invariably be placed upon the real or supposed fVst twelve squares of the board ; the white men upon the. last twelve i quares. ORDER OF PLAY. 6. — Each player shall play alternately with black and white men, and lots shall be cast for the colour only once — viz., at the commencement of a match— the winner to have the choice of taking either black or white. 7. — The first move must invariably be made by the person having the black men. TIME LIMIT FOR MOVING. 8. — At the end of Five Minutes (if the move has not been previously made), "Time" must be called in a distinct manner, by the person appointed for the purpose ; and if the move be not completed on the expiry of another minute, the game shall be adjudged as lost through improper delay. 9. — When there is only one way of taking one or more pieces, "Time" shall be called at the end of one minute ; and if the move be not completed on the expiry of another minute, the game shall be adjudged as lost through improper delay. ARRANGING THE MEN DURING A GAME. 10.— Either player is entitled, on giving intimation, to arrange his own, or his opponent's pieces properly on the squares. After the move has been made, however, if either player touch or arrange any piece without giving intimation he shall be cautioned for the first offence, and shall forfeit the game for any subsequent act of the kind. TOUCH AND MOVE. 11. — After the pieces have been arranged, if the person whose turn it is to play touch one, he must either play it or forfeit the game. When the piece is not playable, he is penalized according to^the preceding law. 12.— If any part of a playable piece be played over an angle of the square on which it is stationed, the play must be completed in that direction. CAPTURING PLAY. i,3, — a capturing plays as ^vcll as an ordinary one, is completed whenever the hand is withdrawn from the piece played, even although two or more Should have been taken. 14. — When taking, if a player remove one of his own pieces he cannot replace it; but hie opponent can either play or insist on his replacing it. FALSE OR IMPROPER MOVES. 15. — Either player making a false or improper move, shall instantly forfeit the game to his opponent, without another move being made. THE •HUFF" OR "BLOW." 16.— The " Huff " or " Blow " is (before one plays his own piece) to remove from the board any one of the adverse pieces that might or should have taken. But the huff or blow never constitutes a play. 17. — The player has the power either to Huff, compel the take, or to let the piece remain on the board, as he thinks proper. CROWNING THE MEN. 18. — When a Man first reaches any of the squares on the opposite extreme line of the board it becomes a King, and can be moved backwards or for- wards, as the limits of the board permit (though not in the same play), and must be crowned — by placing a man on the top of it — by the opponent. If he neglect to do so, and play, any such play shall be put back until the Man be crowned. DRAWN GAMES. 19. — A Draw is when neither of the players can force a win. When one of the sides appears stronger than the other, the stronger party is required to complete the win, or to show to the satisfaction of the umpire or referee at least a decided advantage over his opponent within forty of his own moves — to be counted from the point at which notice was given— failing in which he must relinquish the game as a draw. CONDUCT OF PLAYERS AND SPECTATORS. 20. — Anything which may tend either to annoy or distract the attention of the player is strictly forbidden — such as making signs or sounds, point- ing or hovering over the board, unnecessarily delaying to move a piece touched, or smoking. Any principal so acting, after having been warned of the consequence and requested to desist, shad forfeit the game. 21. — While a game is pending, neither player is permitted to leave the room without a sufficient reason, or receiving the other's consent or company. 22. — Any spectator giving warning, either by sound, or remark, on any of the games, whether playing or pending, shall be ordered from the room during the match, and play will be discontinued until such offending party retires. MATCH GAMES. 23. — A match between equals, wins and draws to count, should consist of an even number of games, so that each player may have the first move the same number of times. ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS. 24.— Either player committing a breach of any of these laws must submit to the penalty ; and his opponent is equally bound to exact the same. UNFORESEEN DISPUTES. 25. — Should any dispute occur not satisfactorily determined by the preced- ing laws, a written statement of the facts must be sent to a disinterested arbiter, having a knowledge of the game, whose decision shall be final. THE TWO-MOVE OPENINGS, The Two-Move Restriction — which lias become very popular— was introduced by the English and Scottish Draughts Associa- tions and is now generally adopted in Draughts Tournaments, Club Matches and other competitions of importance. The system tends to obviate repetition, and has gone far towards bringing skill on to a common platform with memory, whilst it has un- doubtedly given a great impetus to the exploration of new paths in the science of the game, thus yielding a wider scope to the cross-board player and analyst alike. This book was not originally compiled as a " Two-Move Guide," but seeing that this mode is now so much in vogue, we deem it advisable to include a summary of notes suggestive at a glance of how in several cases the outcome of the ballot may be turned into one or another of the recognised Standard Openings given in its pages. The limited space at our disposal does not permit of more than a few brief suggestions of the usual continuations adopted by the expert . A summary of how the " Two-Move Restriction" may be run into the Book Openings. 9-13, 21-17.— 11-15,- See -Switcher." 9-13, 22-17.— 13-22, 25-13. 9-13, 22-18.— 10-15, or 11-16-, or 12-16. See "Edinburgh." 9-13, 23-18.— 12-16. See " Edinburgh." 9-13, 23-19.— 11-15. See »« Will-o'-the-Wisp." 9-13,24-19.-11-15. 9-13, 24-20.— 11-15, 22-17. See '« Wagram." 9-14, 22-17.— 11-15 or 11-16. See " Double Corner." THE TWO-MOVE OPENINGS. 9.14, 22-18.— 5-9. See •' Double Corner." 9-14, 23-18.— 14-23, 27-18. 9-14, 23-19.— 11-15, 27-23. See " Defiance:'* 9-14, 24-19.— 11-15 or 11-16. See «' Double Corner." 9-14, 24-20.— 11-15. See " Ayrshire Lassie." 10-14, 22-17.— 7-10 or 14-18. See " Denny." 10-14, 22-18.— 11-16 or 12-16. See ■■ Denny." 10-14, 23-18.— 14-23, 27-18. :0-14, 23-19.— 11-16, 19-15. 10-14, 24-19.— 11-16. See ■ Denny." 10-14, 24-20.— 11-15. See " Denny." 10-15. 21-17.— 11-16 or others. See " Kelso." 10-15, 22-17.— 11-16. See " Kelso." 10-15, 22-18.— 15-22, 25-18. See " Kelso." 10-15, 23-18 —12-16. See " Kelso." 10-15, 23-19.— 7-10 or 15-18. See " Kelso " 10-15, 24-19.— 15-24, 28-19. See « Kelso." 10-15, 24-20.— 15-19. See " Kelso." 11-15, 21-17,-9-13. See •■ Switcher." 11-15, 22-17.— 15-19. See " Dyke " 11-15, 22-17.— 9-13, 24-20. See " Wagrara " 11-15, 22-17.— 0-18, 17-14. See " Boston." 11-15, 22-17.— 8-11, 25-22. See " Pioneer " 11-15, 22-17—8-11, 17-14. See •• White Dyke." 11-15, 22-17.-8-11, 17-13,15-18. See "Maid of the Mill. 11-15, 22-17.— 8-11, 17-13, 4-8. See - Douglas." 11-15, 22-18.— 15-22, 25-18. See " Single Corner " 11-15, 22-18.-15-22, 26-17. See " 26-17 Single Coraer." 11-15, 23-18—8-11 or 9-14. See " Cross/ 11-15, 23-18.— 8-11, 18-14. See -Waterloo." 11-15, 23-19.-9-13. See " Will-o'-the-Wisp." 11-15. 23-19.-9-14, 27-23. See «• Defiance." 11-15, 23-19.-9-14, 22-17, 5-9. Sec " Fife." 11-15, 23-19.— 9-14, 22-17, 6-9. See - Souter." 11-15, 23-19.— 9-14, 22-17, 7-11 See «• Whiiter/' 8 THE TWO-MOVE OPENINGS. 11-15, 23-19.— 8-11. 22-17, 3-8. See "Alma." 11-15, 23-19.— 8-11, 22-17, 15-18. See " Centre.' 11-15, 23-19.— 8-11, 22-17, 4-8. See '" Old Fourteenth.* 11-15, 23-19.— 8-11, 22-17, 11-16, 24-20. See " Glasgow." 11-15, 23-19.— 8-11, 22-17, 11-16, 27-23. See '■ Glasgow- Whilter," var. 5. 11-15, 23-19.— 8-11, 22-17, 9-13, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14. See "Laird and Lady." 11-15, 23-19.— 8-11, 22-17, 9-13, 25-22. See "Laird and Lady Refused." 11-15, 2319.— 8-11, 22-17, 9-13, 17-14, 10-17, 19-10. See "Black Doctor." 11-15, 23-19.— 8-11, 26-23. See » Nailor." 11-15, 23-19.— 8-11, 22-18 or 27-23. See •« Tillicoultry." 11-15, 23-19.— 7-11. See " TVhilter- Exchange." 11-15, 24-19.— 15-24, 28-19. See " Second Double Corner." 11-15, 24-19.— 15-24, 27-20. See •« 27-20 Second Double Corner." 11-15, 24-20 —8-11 or others. See "Ayrshire Lassie." 11-16, 21-17.— 9-14. See " Bristol." 11-16 22-17.— 8-11, 25-22. 11-16, 22-18.— 8-11. See " Bristol/' 11-16, 22-18.— 10-14. See " White Doctor." 11-16, 23-18.— 16-20, or 8-12, or 16-19 See " Bristol-Cross." 11-16, 23-19.— 16-23, 27-18 or 26-19. 11-16, 24-19.— 8-11. See " Paisley." 11-16, 24-20.— 16-19. See " Bristol." 12-16, 21-17.— 16-20." See " Dundee/ 12-16, 22-17.— 16-19, 24-15. 12-16, 22-18.-8-12. See " Bristol." 12-16, 23-18.— 16-20, 26-23. 12-16, 23-19.— 16-23, 27-18. 12-16, 24-19.— 8-12. See " Paisley." 12-16, 24-20.— 8-12. See «• Dundee. " 9-14, 21-17 and 10-14, 21-17, which is the sacrifice of a piece, are debarred.— John IT. Dawson. No. i.-"ALMA.' 11 15 15 24 9 13 11 15 11 16 24 27 23 19 28 19 e-22 17 20 11 2 7 26 22 8 11 10 14 13 22 /-15 19 18 23 27 31 22 17 17 10 26 17 23 16 21 17 23 18 a- 3 8 6 24 6 9 12 19 19 24 28 32 25 22 c-22 18 5-17 13 1-11 7 17 13 18 14 11 16 4-24 28 9 14 2 11 16 20 32 27 5 27 23 d-29 25 18 9 9 6 31 26 22 17 b- 7 11 1 6 5 14 14 18 23 27 24 20 25 22 13 9 6 2 32 23 Drawn J. L. Richmond and J. Lees. (a) The characteristic move of the " Alma." Notwithstanding all that has been published to the contrary, I hold the opinion that the opening is strong for the first player (b) 16-20 not so good, the text does more than equalize matters. (c) If 32-28, then 9-14, 28-19, 14-18 is strong for Black, (d) If 21-17, then reply 2-7, for W. dare not play 18-15, and must allow the cut by 16-19, which leaves Black with a winning advantage. (e) 21-17 would lose, see diagram: — W, 'WfrWk w^ V//// Wfr' W/// &*> W/// && i '///// v///// '////// fcg>j v///// fc^a til Black to move and win. 6 10 26 23 12 19 6 2 28 32 18 15 18 14 12 16 20 16 8 12 23 18 16 19 2 7 25 21 11 20 2 7 32 27 15 11 23 18 16 19 18 15 11 16 11 15 27 32 16 19 23 16 4 8 7 11 27 31 11 7 30 25 8 12 15 6 24 27 15 24 32 27 19 24 31 26 7 11 32 23 20 27 B. wins. W. Purcell. (J) 15-18 here leads to a safe draw. 10 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. Var. 1. 9 6 1 5 1 5 9 14 17 22 26 19 8 15 8 It 18 23 2 7 16 20 24 27 5 1 5 1 5 9 2-14 17 22 26 Drawn. 4 8 .14 18 19 24 Var. 11 16 2. 7 10 ./. Lees. 14 9 16 20 2 7 15 19 32 23 24 27 11 16 6 2 11 16 11 8 19 26 Drawn. 9 6 7 11 7 11 Var. 23 27 3. 30 23 J. Lees. 30 26 20 2 26 17 6 10 14 10 10 7 <7- 2 7 9 13 28 32 8 11 15 19 4 8 18 15 32 23 2 6 10 14 23 16 Drawn. 1127 13 22 32 28 1115 12 19 J. Lees. (g) 9-13, 17-14, 16-19, 23-7, 2-li, £-26-22, 13-17, 22-13, ll-16.~Drawn. (h) 2016, 12-19, 14-10, 19-23. 26-19, 11-15, 18-11, 8-24, 32-27 L 28-32, 27-20, 32-28, 10-7, 28-24, *20-16, 4-8. Drawn.-./. Lees. Var. 4. ?'- 1 6 12 19 11 16 4 8 13 17 24 31 i-21 17 32 28 20 11 7 3 21 1* 1) 16 !-«- 2 7 9 13 8 29 8 12 9 18 Drawn. 17 14 29 25 7 tf 3 7 7 11 16 19 7 10 6 9 29 25. 5 9 Bushy. 23 16 14 7 3 7 30 21 31 27 (i) Another very strong line for Black. (/) 29-25, £-24-28, 7-25-22, same as trunk at 21st move. (k) 2-7, 18-15,' 11-27, 20-2, 12-16, 32-23, 16-20, 26-22 24-27, 31-24, 20-27, 2-7, 27-31,23-18,31-27,21-17,9-13,25-21,27-24, 7-3, 8-12 Drawn.— J. Lees v.T. Penman. (/) 31-27, 6-10, 25-22, 10-14, 27-24 draws, but is very weak. O) 6-10, 17-13,24-27, 13-6, 2-9, 31-24, 10-15, 26-22, 15-19. Drawn. — Dempsey and Bullock. (n) 24-27, 31-24. 6-10, 29-25, 9-14, 18-9, 5-21, 25-22, 2-6, 22-17, 21-25,30-21, 10-15,17-14, 15-19. Drawn.— J Lees Sf W. Gardner. Var. 5. 18 27 28 24 27 31 24 19 31 26 19 16 Drawn. Drummond. O) 29-25, 9-14, 7-31-26, same as var. 5 at sixth move. (;>) 17-1 # 3, 6-9, 13-6. 2-9, 22-17, 9-13, 26-22, 5-9, 80-25, 1*5. 3. wins. — Drummond beat Bullock. 26 23 12 19 23 19 10 19 12 8 7 11 23 7 15 18 27 24 11 15 6 o-31 26 2 11 22 15 20 27 8 3 9 14 17 13 11 18 32 16 15 18 />-29 25 8 12 19 16 18 23 3 7 16 20 26 23 12 19 16 12 23 2Q 19 16 4 8 24 15 8 11 30 23 AYRSHIRE LASSIE- 11 Var. 6. <7-30 2£ 23 7 s-24 19 3 12 3 10 31 26 15 18 16 30 13 22 4 8 6 15 Drawn. r-22 15 19 16 12 3 29 25 11 18 9 13 12 19 2 7 22 29 J. Lees. (?) 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 9-13, 27-24. 5-9, 30-25, 1-5, 32-28, 9-14, 22-18. Drawn. JB, however, has the best position. — J. Lees. 0) The 23-7 •■ take " loses. (s) 17-14, 6-9, 24-19 draws, but is very critical for White. Var. 7. 17 13 20 27 13 6 29 25 11 7 19 23 i<; 20 32 23 2 9 10 14 31 27 32 28 3t 26 12 16 17 13 18 23 7 2 23 27 11 16 23 19 9 14 14 10 4 8 28 24 21 17 16 23 11 7 23 27 20 16 27 31 14 21 26 19 14 17 16 11 8 12 24 19 23 18 10 14 7 3 27 31 2 7 31 27 16 23 22 17 17 22 28 24 12 19 19 15 18 11 U 18 3 7 25 22 10 6 27 23 8 15 19 16 22 29 24 20 1 10 15 10 21 11 6 9 7 10 22 18 7 32 Drawn A. Jordan v. A. H, Shaw. No. 2.— "AYRSHIRE LASSIE." de- 11 15 22 15 /-25 22 19 16 28 19 11 7 a-24 20 11 18 18 25 12 19 6 9 13 17 11 « » 3-26 22 29 22 23 16 19 15 21 14 7 11 11 15 i- 2 6 10 19 1 6 , 28 24 % 4 8 w 23 19 22 15 27 23 16 11 22 17 Drawn. 11 18 2- 9 13 9' 9 14 13 22 WM. Barker 30 26 32 28 24 19 2Q 10 and 4-15 18 8 11 6 9 15 24 i- 9 13 J. Wyllie. (a) This move gives the title to the opening, and it is one of ihe best defences White can adopt in reply to the routine 11-15. It is, however, not so popular as it deserves to be ; and this is to be regretted for. as the late Mr. Strickland observes, *■ the open- ing allows unusual scope for the display of critical and brilliant combinations. " (6) 7-11. 28-24, 3-7, same as var 5 at 2nd move. (c) 15-19, 23-16. See *• Bristol" trunk at 5th move. (d) 9-13, 22-17, 13-22. See - Wagram " trunk at 6th -move. 12 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (e) 9-14, 22-18, 15-22, 25-9, 5-14. 29-25, 6-9, 25-22. 9-13. 23-19, 8-11, 27-23. Same as " Defiance " trunk at loth move. (/) The best move at this stage. 26-22 is a plausible move for the tyro to make, but it loses thus : — 11-16, 20-il, 3-7, 22-15, 7-23. B. wins. (g) 15-19, 24-15, 10-19, 20-16, 6-10. 16-12, A-19-23, 26-19, 10-14, 11-7, 3-10, 12-8. Drawn. — Martins and Robertson. (h) 1-6 leads to a pretty W. win, thus :— 1-6. 11-7, 10-14, 12-8, 3-10,8-3. W. wins.— C. F. Barker beat J. Wyllie, when the former was only 16 years of age. (i) 9-i4, 11-7, 14-18,7-2, 18-22, 2-7, 19-23. Drawn —Dmmm ond. Var. 1. 9 14 24 19 10 15 16 11 15 19 21 17 26 23 15 24 19 10 5 9 23 16 14 21 2 6 28 19 6 15 31 27 15 22 18 Drawn. — Wyllie and Robertson. Var. 2. 9 14 20 16 i-14 18 23 7 2 27 19 10 6 15 31 24 5 9 26 23 12 16 21 17 3 8 23 18 8 11 24 20 9 13 17 14 13 17 '22 13 15 22 14 10 16 19 10 7 11 15 7 3 15 18 3 7 19 23 7 10 22 25 13 9 25 30 Drawn. Powell $f Jewitt. (/) Students, beware of 3-7, which loses thus:— 3-7, 32-28, 6-9, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 9-13, 16-11, 7-16, 20-11, 5-9. 22-18. W. wins. — J. Lees, Var. 3. 32 28 26 22 25 22 20 16 8 3 /-24 20 10 14 1'3 17 18 25 13 22 31 26 15 19 26 23 22 13 29 22 16 11 19 16 16 12 A> 9 13 6 9 7 10 22 26 12 19 18 15 19 15 13 6 23 19 11 4 27 23 3 8 7 11 1 26 5 9 26 31 26 22 14 17 31 26 30 23 22 17 4 8 23 16 Drawn. 2 7 11 15 9 13 3 7 22 18 A t D. P> (&) This is the strongest move at this point. (/) 3-8 here loses. The late Mr. Seton trapped Wyllie on it ir» 1850:— 3-8, 7-11, 16-7, 15-19, 24-6, 14-17. B. wins. Var. 4. 7/1-12 16 25 22 5 14 22 17 * 2 7 23 18 19 12 8 11 30 26 15 18 13 6 31 26 15 18 23 18 1 6 26 22 14 18 6 2 22 15 6 10 31 27 18 25 23 14 7 11 10 28 27 23 p-n ik 29 22 10 26 18 14 n-26 23 o- 9 14 20 11 6 9 27 23 26 22 11 15 18 9 7 16 17 13 26 31 Drawn. R. Wilson and J. Lees, AYRSHIRE LASSIE. 13 (ro) 9-14, 22-17, 15-18, 26 23, 11-15, 17-13, 8-11. See "Old Fourteenth * trunk, at 14th move. (ri) My preference at this point. 1 6 9 13 13 17 5 9 26 23 30 26 18 9 21 14 19 15 O.F.Reed. («) This is better than 23-19, as given by Anderson. (v) 5-9, 22-18, 15-22, 25-18. 10-15, 30-25, 15-22. 25-18, 1-5, 29-25.6-10,25-22, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 22-18. Drawn — Wolf and WyHie. (w) 3-8, 23-lS, 15-19, 24-15. 10-19, 18-15, 11-18 22-15, 8-11, 15-8, 4-11, 27-23, 6-10, 23-16, 12-19, 21-17, 13-22, 25-18, 1-6, 18-14,10-17.26-22. Drawn. Bryden and Wyllie. ^ (x) 3-7, 30-26, 4-8, 18-15, 11-18, 22-6, 1-10, 19-16. Drawn.— Strickland, No. 3.— "BLACK DOCTOR." 11 15 a- 7 14 3 7 14 17 17 26 17 22 23 19 £-27 23 6-24 19 21 14 30 23 19 15 8 11 4 8 6 10 10 17 1 6 10 19 22 17 31 27 6-27 24 25 22 18 14 24 8 9 13 5-11 16 2-17 22 i- 7 10' 10 17 22 26 17 14 24 20 25 9 23 18 23 18 8 3 10 17 8 11 5 14 16 23 6 10 19 10 28 24 29 25 2Q 19 32 28 Drawn H. Spayth v. «/. D. Janvier. (a) This " take " completes the formation of the " Doctor " or •* Nonsuch" opening. It is generally understood that the title was conferred upon it in compliment to a Fifeshire M.D. who was partial to this mode of opening the game, and who was ex- ceptionally well versed in the many intricate combinations arising from it. The works of Payne and Sturges contain some 20 vari- ations on it, which proves that it was not unknown to the experts of the 18th century The opening abounds in traps and pitfalls, and no doubt, for this reason, was long a favourite with the veteran Wyllie. It is weak for the second player, and should be avoided by the learner. f h) These moves were suggested to draw by J. Maize. BLACK DOCTOR. 16 1 6 23 18 16 23 26 19 11 15 20 11 7 16 24 20 15 24 20 11 10 15 23 19 15 18 c-25 22 17 26 30 23 6 10 32 28 18 25 29 22 1 6 11 8 cZ-14 18 22 15 24 27 32 23 6 9 21 14 Var. 13 17 18 14 11 16 Var. 9 27 15 10 27 31 26 22 31 27 8 4 27 23 4 8 23 16 10 7 1. 20 11 7 16 14 7 Drawn. 2. 2 11 8 15 5 9 22 18 16 20 15 19 13 17 11) 15 17 22 15 19 2 11 28 24 24 20 21 25 17 21 23 18 -Z)r. J. St ay man. 9 18 13 14 13 17 14 9 17 9 22 6 21 6 25 2 25 29 2 6 29 25 6 9 25 22 9 14 Drawn. (c) Up to this point the play belongs to J. Maize, the contin« nation is by W. Taylor. (d) If 2-7, then 8-3, 7-11, 3-7, 11-16, 7-2, etc. W. wins.*- W. Taylor. Var. 3. €- 7 11 7-2 7 -25 22 6 10 23 19 £-11 16 19 15 10 19 24 15 14 18 21 14 18 25 30 21 15 10 11 15 27 24 16 20 26 22 20 27 32 23 12 16 23 18 15 19 21 17 19 23 10 7 3 10 14 7 23 26 17 14 26 30 18 15 30 26 14 9 26 17 7 3 Drawn. — J. Lees, (e) 1-6 leads to draw play by R E. Bowen. Var. 4. 11 15 0-5 9 10 26 17 21 30 25 30 26 27 23 14 5 19 10 25 22 22 18 14 10 8 11 11 16 7 14 21 25 14 17 26 23 29 25 21 14 30 23 5-32 27 23 19 Drawn. 14 18 16 23 13 17 25 30 25 30 J.E.Jones, 23 14 26 19 /-24 20 27 24 18 14 1901. (fi 32-27, 0)-12-16, 24-20, 17-21, 20-11, 21-30. 27-24, 30-26, 23-19, 26-23, 19-16, 23-27, 24-20, 27-23. 16-12, 23-19, 11-8, 19-15, 8-4, 15-11, 28-24. Drawn.— A. JWGill and J. E. Jones, 1901. (g) A bold move. W Var. 5. A-22 18 28 24 32 28 9 6 14 17 30 26 22 18 23 16 23 19 18 14 14 9 20 11 25 30 26 22 18 23 1 10 (A) 28-24, 25-30, 32-28, 30-25, 22-18, 14-17. 18-15, 25-22, 15-10, 22-26, 23-19, 26-23 Drawn.— •/. E Jones, 5 1 6 10 10 14 14 17 1 6 Drawn. 17 22 J. E. Jones 10 DKAtJGHTS — THE OPENINGS. Var. 6. 11 16 15 24 27 23 1 6 14 17 17 21 26 23 28 19 18 15 25 22 22 18 18 14 17 2Q 26 31 23 16 6 9 17 22 24 20 21 14 15 11 14 10 6 1 W. wins. 10 17 31 27 16 7 9 14 13 17 20 2 23 IS 2 11 Var. 10 6 7. 1 6 «/. Bertie, S-ll 15 20 16 *-15 18 29 25 15 24 22 18 25 22 12 19 22 15 /- £-11 15 28 19 14 23 8 11 23 7 11 27 25 22 1 6 21 7 24 20 2 11 32 23 6 9 19 16 23 27 3 8 27 23 8 11 23 19 6 10 Drawn. R. Frazer, 1872. (j) 8-12,23-18, 14-23,21-14, 15-19, 14-10, 6-15, 28-24, 19-28, 26-10. Drawn— R. Frazer. (j) 6-9. 23-19, 1-6, 25-22, 6-10. 28-24 11-15 19-16, 14-18, 21-7, 18-25. 30-21, W. wins — R. Frazer. (k) 6-10, 23-19 11-15, 26-23, 15-24, 28-19, 5-9, 30-26, forms the following interesting position : — 17 22 25 18 13 17 /-18 15 *17 22 26 17 9 13 15 6 1 10 19 16 13 22 23 19 22 2Q m m W, » l Black to move and draw. 16 11 26 31 11 8 31 26 8 3 14 18 3 7 10 14 19 16 18 22 Drawn. J. Murray. (/) 19-16, 1-5, 16-12, 9-13, 18-9, 5-14, 23-19, 17-22, 26-17, 13-22, 12-8, 22-26,. 8-3, 26-31, 3-7, *31-26, 19-16, 26-22, 16-12, 22-17, 7-11. 17-13, 12-8, 14-18. Drawn— J. Murray. Var. 8. 3 7 23 14 7 14 25 22 m- 5 9 3 10 24 20 10 15 27 23 8 11 12 8 22 31 6 10 29 25 18 27 19 16 15 18 10 6 25 22 15 18 32 23 12 19 22 15 17 22 I 6 22 15 2 7 23 16 11 18 30 26 28 24 11 18 24 19 10 15 8 3 Drawn. 14 18 14 10 6 10 16 12 18 22 W. Strickland. BLACK DOCTOR. 17 (m) 15-19, 12-8. 11-15, 8-3, 7-10, 3-7. 19-23, 26-19. 17-26. 30-23, 15-24. 23-19, 24-27, 7-11, 13-17, 11-15. Drawn — ./ D. Janvier. Var. 9. 25-22,4-8,27-23, 11-16, 29-25,10-2-7. and continue as under:— 22 18 11 15 31 15 7 10 17 13 23 19 6 10 *30 26 13 17 11 7 22 18 13 9 18 9 15 24 25 21 p-10 15 7 2 26 31 5 14 28 19 17 22 19 10 19 23 9 6 w-23 19 o-14 18 21 17 12 19 2 6 Drawn. 16 23 21 14 22 26 7 2 23 26 R E. Bowen 26 19 10 17 20 16 31 26 6 9 v. 8 11 26 22 26 31 2 7 18 23 J. Wyllie, 24 20 17 26 15 11 26 22 9 5 1875. (n) The only move to draw. 24-20 loses, as follows : — 24-20, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 32-27. 8-12, 27-23. 10-15, 23-16, J 2-19, 26-22, 17-26, 30-16, 14-18, 31-26, 15-19, 16-11, 7-16, 20-11, 18-23, 28-24, 23-30, 24-15, 1-6. B. wins.— R. E. Bowen. (o) 7-11,26-23,11-15, 32-28, 15-24, 28-19, 3-7, 31-26, 7-11, 19-16, 12-19. 23-7, 10-15, 7-3, 15-19, 3-7, 19-24. Drawn — B. Woolhouse v. J. Wyllie, 1373. (p) 31-26, 7-2, 26-23, 16-11, 23-7, 2-11, 1-5, 32-28, 5-9, 17-13, 9-14, 28-24, 14-17, 11-7. 10-14, 7-10. 12-16, 13-9,16-20,24-19, 20-24, 9.6, 24-27, 6-2, 27-31, 2-6. Drawn -J. A. Mvgridge. Var. 10. 3 7 6 10 2 11 11 18 17 22 10 15 24 20 27 23 31 27 20 16 26 17 6 10 9-16 19 10 15 r- 1 6 8 12 13 29 15 18 23 16 23 16 27 24 16 11 7 2 10 17 12 19 7 1L 15 18 6 10 18 23 Drawn, 32 27 16 7 22 15 11 7 2 6 Janvier (-26-22 f 17-26, 31-15, 11-18 30-26,6-9,26-22, 7-11. 22-15, 11-18, 19-15, 2-7, 28-24. Same as note (/>), at 14th move 20 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (p) 28-24,0-9,26-22,17-26,31-15, *U-18, 30-26, 7-11. 26-22, 2-7, 22-15, .11-18,. 19-15, 9-13. 23-19. 7-U, 15-10, 11-16,19-15, 16-19, 24-20, 19-24, 27-23, 18-27, 32-23, 24-27. B. wins.—/?. A. Davis, (q) 6-10. *25-21. 10-17, *23-14, 11-15, 19-10, 2-6, *26-23, 6-15, 23-19, 15-24, 32-28, 8-11, 28-19, 1-6, *27-23, 6-10, 23-18, 17-22, 21-17. W. wins.— H. Spayth. 0) 32-28, 5-13-17, 14-10. 7-14, 19-16, 12-19,23-7, 2-11, 25-22, 18-25, 29-6. 1-10. Drawn —J. D. Janvier. (s) 2-6, 26-22, 11-15, 19-10, 6-15, 22-17, 13-22, 27-24, 18-27, 25-2, 9-18. 26. 1-10, 20-16, 12-19, 24-6, 27-32, 6-2, 8-12,2-6, 12-16. 6-10. 16-20, 30-26. W. wins.— Brummond. (t) 9-13, w-25-22, 18-25, 29-22, 1-6. 23-18. 11-16, 20-4, 3-8, 4-11, 7-30 14-10, 6-15. 18-11, 17-26, 31-22, 30-25, 22-18, 25-22, 18-15. Drawn.— W. Gardner. (u) 19-15, *12-16. 27-24. 18-27, 32-23, 11-27, 20-4, 27-32, 24-20. 32-28. 20-16, 7-10, 14-7, 2-20, 21-14, 20-24, 14-10, 24-27. B. wins.— W. Gardner. No. 5.— "BRISTOL." «-ll 16 5 14 /■ 8 11 1 5 11 15 21 30 5-6-24 20 25 22 l-g-17 13 29 25 19 10 14 10 16 19 4-5- 8 11 A-14 18 6 9 7 14 30 26 23 16 5-22 17 26 2h 13 6 31 26 10 6 12 19 4 8 19 2Q 2 18 14 17 5 9 d-22 18 2-27 24 30 14 24 19 26 23 6 2 7- 9 14 11 15 10 17 15 24 17 21 9 13 18 9 €-32 27 21 14 28 19 23 14 6 Drawn. — IF. H. Broughton. (a) Until within recent years it was the custom to give the title " Bristol" to all games opened with 11-16; but as the initial move admits of nearly as great a variety of play as 11-15, this classification is rather vague. Mr. J. I). Janvier gave the title 44 Paisley " to the 24-19 reply, and the present writer has followed his example, and has also adopted the suggestion of the late Mr. J. Robertson, Berwick, and given the title " Bristol-Cross " to the 23-18 reply. There have been over 3000 variations published on this opening — 11-16, — which is certainly as good as 11-15 j and some beautiful combinations spring from it. (b) 21-17,. 9-1 4, 25-21, c-16-19, same as " Double Corner " var. 7, at 5th move. (c) 16-20, same as " Double Corner " var. 8, at the 4th move. BRISTOL. 21 (d) The novice should never attempt to ,c run off " the man by 27-23, followed by 32-27, etc., as it leads to a very weak ending for White, and requires careful play to draw. (c) This is much stronger than 20-16, which is given by Ander- son, as 20-16" allows Black to form some very strong and critical lines, that require great care on the part of the second player to draw. ( f) 8-12 29-25, 7-11, 27-23, 3-7, 23-16, 12-19, 17-13. 1-5, 21-17, 14-21, 25-22, 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 24-20, 10-14 20-11, 21-25, 30-21, 14-17, 21-14, 6-9. Drawn.— Drurnmond (?) Beware of 29-25. wnich loses thus:— 29-25, 19-23, 26-19, 14-18. 25-22, 18-25, 17-14, 10-17.21-14, 15-18 30-21, 18-22, 19-16, 22-25, 16-12, 25-30, 27-23, 30-25, 24-19, 25-22. B. wins. \h) 1-5, 27-23, 11-16, 20-11, 7-16. 24-20. 3-7. 20-11, 7-16 31*27, 2-7. 29-25, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 25-22, 5-9, 23-18. 7-11, 18-14, 9-25, 30-14, 15-18, 27-24, 11-15, 24-20, 18-23, 20-11, 23-30, 14-10. W, wins.— T. Cowie. (0 3-8 31-26, y-8-12, 26-23, 15-18, 14-10, 6-15, 23-14, 15-18, 14-10, 7-14, 24-19, 14-17, 25-21, 17-22, 27-24. W. wins.— Robert- son beat Martins. (j) 6-9. 13-6. 2-18, 26-23, 18-22, 25-18. 15-22 24-19, 22-25. 27-24, 5-9, 19-16. W. wins.— Robertson. ' Var. 1. 27 23 17 13 17 14 13 6 13 9 6 2 3 8 15 10 17 2 18 18 23 23 27 23 16 25 22 21 14 21 17 26 22 2 7 8 12 14 18 22 25 7 10 14 18 19 23 29 25 22 17 SO 21 17 13 9 6 7 16 12 19 18 22 6 9 10 14 18 25 15 18 Drawn— J. Clark, 1897. Var. 2. 27 23 &-10 15 30 26 14 18 22 15 26 23 8 12 29 25 7 11 20 11 10 19 24 20 23 16 15 27 23 18 2o 2 7 23 19 12 19 26 22 18 27 11 7 23 27 20 21 32 27 7 11 31 24 25 30 7 11 19 23 11 15 16 7 5 9 26 22 27 31 Drawn. 20 16 3 10 25 22 19 23 11 15 J. Wyllie 15 18 22 17 11 16 7 2 30 26 and 17 13 2 7 24 20 15 18 15 24 H.Spayth (k) 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, Z-27-23. 18-27, 31-15, 6-9, 13-6, 1-19, 29-25, 17-21, 25-22, 7-11, 16-7, 2*11, 22-18, 11-16, 18-15, 16-20, 15-10 20-24 26-23, 19-26, 28-19, 26 T 31, 19-15. Drawn.— Wyllie and Mug ridge. (0 27-24. 7-10, 24-15, 10-19, 26-22, 17-26, 30-14, 6-10, 14-7, 2-20, 13-9, 19-23. 28-24, 20-27, 31-24, 23-26 24-19. 26 30 19-16, 30-26. 29-25. 26-23, 25-22, 23-19, 16-12, 19-15. B. wins.— Wyllie heat Mug ridge DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. Var. 3. ra-27 23 27 23 27 23 18 9 22 15 26 23 4 8 3 8 11 16 5 14 14 17 Drawn. 23 16 23 16 20 11 29 25 21 14 Martins 8 12 8 12 7 16 10 15 6 10 and 32 27 31 27 22 18 25 22 14 7 Wyllie, 12 19 12 19 1 5 15 18 2 27 1864. ■?n) This is a good line for the novice to practise, it being safe. Var. 4. 8 12 11 15 14 18 14 21 6 10 1 10 2 17 32 27 22 17 26 23 27 23 19 16 7 11 8 11 10 14 19 26 10 14 12 19 29 25 17 13 17 10 30 14 *3 19 24 6 4 8 a- 2 7 7 14 21 25 15 18 Drawn. 27 24 25 22 21 17 14 9 9 6 Di ummond. (ri) Beware of 3-7, which nearly loses thus— 3-7, 21-17, 14-21, •25-22, 1 1-16; 20-11, 7-16, 24-20, and B. has a weak end-game. Var. 5. o-lO 15 32 27 7 16 30 23 18 23 6 2 22 17 8 12 25 22 20 27 13 9 18 22 6 10 17 13 16 20 31 24 14 18 19 15 27 24 1 5 23 16 2 7 9 6 Drawn. 8 11 jt?-27 23 12 19 22 17 10 14 J. L. Rich- 29 25 o-ll 16 26 23 15 18 17 10 mond and 4 8 20 11 19 2Q 23 19 7 14 .7. Lees: (o) A good line, but seldom played (p) 25-22, 14-18, 30-25, 12-16,22-17, 10-14, 17-10, 7-14, 26-22, 3-7, 22-17, 7-10, 31-26, 2-6, 26-22, 5-9. B. wins. —Robert son. (q) 5-9, 13-6, 2-9, 23-16, 12-19, 31-27, 9-13, 27-23, 14-17, is much stronger, and was given by C. Russell to win. See diagram : — White to move and draw. BRISTOL. 23 $-21 14 16 24 20 16 31 27 16 20 10 15 10 17 28 19 18 23 4 8 15 11 23 26 23 16 11 15 16 12 27 23 20 24 15 19 17 2? 19 10 23 27 8 11 3 7 26 22 26 17 7 14 11 8 23 18 24 19 19 23 13 29 16 11 27 31 11 16 7 10 30 25 24 19 r-14 18 8 4 18 15 19 23 Drawn. R. Home and P. Thirkell, 1S96. to 14-17, ,20-16, 17-21, 16 12.29-25,30-26. Drawn. — R. Home : K Thirkell and J. Macfarlane, 1896. Var. 6. 23 16 18 23 2 6 29 25 2* 24 3 7 17 22 13 9 10 15 20 16 16 11 12 8 26 17 23 27 6 2 11 27 24 20 15 19 13 29 9 6 27 23 2 18 11 15 B. wins. 21 17 27 31 16 12 27 32 20 16 15 IS 6 2 23 19 18 23 25 21 C. Russell. 17 13 31 27 30 2* Var 19 16 7. 26 22 s-tO 14 15 6 13 22 -24 19 15 24 20 16 18 15 1 17 32 27 3 8 27 20 15 19 *-14 18 27 24 S 11 25" 21 8 11 26 23 *-2J 17 v- 5 9 15 8 9 13 16 7 19 26 9 13 24 15 4 11 21 17 2 11 29 25 17 14 17 22 28 24 11 15 30 26 Drawn. 6 10 26 17 7 10 20 16 11 15 ./. Lees. (s) 8-11, 25-22, 4-8, 29-25, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 22-17, 8-12, 27-24, 11-15, 32-27, 7-11, 17-13 Drawn, same as var 4, at 11th move. (0 27-23. 18-27, 32-16, 7-10, 31-27, 10-19, 16-12, 19-23, 27-18, 3-7, 12-3, 9-13, 3-10, 6-31, 30-2G, 31-22. 25-18, 4-8. u-l$-lo, 2-7, 28-24, 1-6. 20-16. 8-12, 24-19. 6-9, 35 11. 7-10, 11-7. Drawn.— Yates and Wyllie. (ti) 20-16, 8-12. 16-11, 2-7, 11-2. 1-6,2-9.5-23,29-25,23-26, 25-22, 26-31, 22-18, 31-26, 18-14, 26-23. B. wins — ,/. Smith. (v) 19-23, 26-19. 18-23,31-26, 8-11, 19-16, 17-21, 26-19, 13-17, 25-22, 17-26, 30-23, 2-6, 23-18, 6-10. 19-15, 10-19, 24-8. 3-19, 20-16, 19-23, 18-15, 4-8, 16-12, 7-11, 12-3. 11-18, 28-24,23-26, 24-20, 26-31, 32-28, 18-22, 28-24 Drawn.-./. Lees and J. Fer- guson , 1894. 7 10 28 24 Var 9 13 . 8 1G 7 22 25 6 10 w-20 16 9 14 22 18 3 17 7 2 14 17 r-14 18 24 19 14 23 19 16 1 5 32 27 26 23 5 9 27 18 17 22 2 6 Drawn. 19 2« 25 22 13 17 16 11 10 14 J Wyllie 30 7 18 25 21 14 6 10 18 9 and 2 18 29 22 8 11 11 7 5 14 G< Jewitt* 24 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (w) This is a splendid move, and was first played by Mr. W. Reid against Mr. Campbell in their match in 1881, (x) 2-7, 16-12,^-14-18,25-22, 18-25, 29-22, 9-14, 22-17, 14-18, 30-25, 10-14, 17-10, 7-14, 27-23, 18-27, 32-16, 8-11, 16-7, 3-19, 25-22, 5-9, 31-27, 9-13, 27-23, 6-9, 23-16. Drawn.— J. Lees. (y) 9-13, 26-23, 19-26, 31-22, 10-19, 22-17. W. wins.— J. Smith, Var. 9. 22 18 1M8 14 23 14 2114 24 19 16 23 8 11 9 18 10 17 10- 4 8 Same as " Paisley " trunk, at 12th move. Var. 10. 3 8 9 18 11 15 25 21 4 8 14 10 25 21 23 14 21 17 15 18 31 26 6 15 6 9 1 6 8 11 24 20 16 19 26 23 26 23 29 25 W. wins. Stewart and Buchanan, j 1902. Var. 11,- 25 22 11 18 23 16 14 18 13 6 3 7 16 20 22 15 12 19 . 12-17 13 1 26 Drawn. 29 25 z- 7 10 24 15 9 14 31 15 10 14 25 22 4 8 2Q 23 2 6 Swan and 18 15 10 19 22 17 6 9 80 26 Adamson. (z) A strong line for Black, Var 12. 30 25 22 6 17 10 6 10 6 10 27 23 9 13 1 28 22 25 29 25 11 16 20 27 17 14 21 17 - 10 6 10 6 10 15 23 14 «- 2 7 8 11 25 29 25 22 16 19 13 22 26 22 25 21 6 2 6 10. 15 24 31 24 6 9 18 22 5 9 3 8 12 16 Drawn. 28 24 !4 10 2 6 10 6 21 17 13 17 7 14 9 13 8 12 22 18 Tr Cowie. (a) 13-17, 6-15-11, 8-15, 14-10, 2-7, 21-14, c-G-9, 26-22, 7-11, 31-26, 18-23, 27-18, 9-13, 25-21, 13-17, 22-13, 15-31, 32-27. Drawn. — J. Brown (Woonaocket) and W> Gould. (6) 14-10, 17-22. 26-17, 18-23, 27-18, 8-11, 15-8, 6-29. B. wins. —J. P. Reed beat C. F Barker. (c) If 7-11, then 25-21. W. wins.— To Cowie. BRIST0L-CR0S9. 26 No. 6.— "BRISTOL-CROSS.' 11 16 4- 7 10 14 17 1 10 17 22 18 27 a-23 18 5-17 13 21 14 y-23 18 19 16 17 10 ;-H-16 20 3 7 10 17 /-10 14 11 15 27 32 24 19 2-31 26 3 10 18 9 27 23 30 25 6-10 14 1*12 16 6 31 5 14 6 9 22 26 c-26 23 19 12 13 6 32 27 16 11 25 22 8 11 4 8 31 24 2 6 15 18 32 27 22 17 12 3 28 19 25 21 21 17 Drawn. A. Jackson and W. Gardner (a) Perhaps exception may be taken to the name conferred upon the opening ; but the title " New Bristol " is very inappro- priate, the fact being that there was play published on this line by a Spanish author in the middle of the seventeenth century. Besides being one of the oldest it is one of the strongest replies to 11-16, and merits a distinctive title for itself (6) 8-11 allows the following neat % ) 15-19,22-15, 19-26, 31-22, 10-19. 24-15, 2-7, 17-10, 7-14, 22-17, 14-18, 25-22, 18-25, 29-22. W. wins. Var. 6. 17 13 w-26 22 22 17 25 22 11 15 6 10 5 9 3 8 28 24 30 26 27 24 22 18 7 11 12 16 18 27 15 22 24 20 26 23 32 23 24 19 9 14 16 2 7 8 12 J. Robertson, (w) 26-23,3-7, 30-26, 11-16. 20-11 7-16, *-26-22, 6-1Q, 23-19, 16-23, 22-17, 23-26, 31-22, 12-16. Drawn. CO 13-9, 6 13, 25-22, 18-25, 29-22, 13-17, 22-13, 1-6, 32-28, 6-9, 13-6, 2-9, 27-24, 14-17, 21-14. 9-27, 24-20, 16-19, 31-24, 5-9, 26-22, 9-14, 20-16, 19-23, 16 U. 23-26 11-7, 26-30. B wins — W. M. Barker beat J. Wyllie. 19 15 29 22 11 27 14 18 20 2 22 15 12 16 10 28 31 24 17 14 22 25 Drawn IS DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. No. 8 — 'CROSS." 11 15 19 10 5- 9 13 29 25 15 24 23 7 a 23 18 14 23 2-30 26 15 24 28 19 2 11 6- 8 11 26 19 13 22 28 19 3 8 26 23 5-27 23 7 14 25 9 8 11 31 26 10 15 7 4 8 wins. — J. Lees. Var. 6. 14-9 is stronger, thus : 14 9 9 6 6 2 32 27 30 23 10 19 18 22 2 9 22 25 29 25 25 22 25 30 17 13 13 6 2 6 27 28 6 10 19 24 11 15 8 11 25 29 Drawn. — A. Var 19 26 Webster. 7. 21 25 30 26 wvAO 14 19 15 2 7 22 38 7 14 24 20 23 19 a>16 20 30 26 3 7 18 2 27 32 14 23 *22 17 7 14 21 17 23 27 31 27 19 10 20 27 23 19 9 13 25 18 23 26 7 14 17 10 v-14 18 28 24 1 6 29 25 26 19 4 8 26 22 13 22 2 9 32 16 11 16 32 23 18 23 15 10 5 23 Drawn. J*$fcLauQhlan* CROSS 35 O0~9-13, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 4-8, 23-18, 12-16, 24-20, 8-12, 28-24, 6-10, 25-21, 10-17, 21-14, 2-6, 32-28, 6-10, 29-25, 10-17, 25-21, 1-6, 21-14, 6-10,30-25, 10-17. 25-21,7-10, 21-7, 3-10, 18-14, 10-17, 26-23. Drawn. — Swan and Adams on. (w) 11-16, 18-11, 16-20, 24-19, 7-16, 22-18, 4-8, 25-22, 8-11, 29-25, 10-14, 31-27 3-8 28-24, w-6-10, 18-15, 11-18, 22-6, 1-10, 25-22, 9-13 Drawn-/. Ask. . X">) 2-7, *22-17, 6-10. 17-13, 1-6, *21-17, 14-21, 25-22, 10-.14, 22-17, 7-10, 26-22. W. wins.— G. H Powell. \x) 4-8 24-20, 16-19, 22-17, 14-18. *31-27, 19-24, 28-19, 9-14, 17-10. 8-11, 15-8, 6-31, 25-22. Drawn. O) 9-13, 25-22, 6-10, 15-6, 1-10, 19-15, 10-19, 22-17, 13-22, 26-10. 12-16, 10-6 16-20, 6-2, 19-23. Drawn.— Bryden and King. Var. 8. 26 23 6 10 17 10 6 10 23 7 5 23 4 8 28 24 7 14 31 2Q 16 30 21 17 *30 26 12 16 26 22 1 6 7 2 Drawn. ll-z-10 14 22 17 3-2 6 22 17 9 13 Anderson 24 19 8 12 24 19 11 15 2 9 v. 15 24 32 28 15 24 18 11 13 22 Wyllie. *27 20 a-10 15 28 19 14 18 25 18 1844. (z) 15-19, 24-15, 10-19, 23 16, 12-19. 22-17, same as " Dyke" trunk, at 13th move. (a) 1-6, 24-19, 11-15. 20-11, 7-16, 18-11, 14-18, 23-7, 16-30, 28-24, 3-10. 24-19, 9-13, 11-8, 13-22, 25-18. Drawn.—.!. E. Greenwood^ 1898. Var. 9. 16 19 25 18 3 8 24 19 9 18 c-11 16 23 7 23 27 15 10 30 26 12 16 d 18 23 14 23 24 19 5 9 19 16 18 23 29 25 10-22 18 9 13 10 7 12 19 16 7 27 32 b- 2 11 31 24 22 26 3 12 23 27 16 12 21 17 13 22 7 3 26 22 7 11 32 27 15 22 19 15 26 30 18 14 22 18 25 22 Drawn. . (6) 15-22, 25-18, 3-10, 18-15, 10-19, 24-15, 2-7. 21-17, 9-13, 17-14, 1-6, 15-11. Drawn.- Martins v. Wyllie, 1867. (c) In the match between J. S. Busby and J. Parker, in 1874, the latter played 20-16 here and lost. (d) 19-23, 28-24, 27-32, 24-19. Drawn. Var. 10. 21 17 15 24 22 18 A-23 26 15 11 18 22 3 10 28 19 14 23 22 17 7 16 7 2 17 13 e-%0 14 31 22 14 18 20 11 30 26 1 6 /-19 15 9 14 17 14 26 30 2 9 24 19 £-23 26 25 21 z- 2 7 11 7 22 25 Drawn —J. Mackenzie. DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS.* (e) 23-26, 25-21, 2-7, 22-17, 7-11, 31-&2, 11-15,20-16,15-24, 16-11, 24-27, 11-7, 27-31, 7-3, *31-26. Drawn.— Mrs. J. Rosr (/) 25-21 loses, forming the following position : — 7///, WA- 8 11 9-2± 20 10 17 20 16 22 25 Drawn. 22 18 5-tf-ll 15 19 15 9 13 4 8 15 22 32 27 2-6- 1 6 15 11 25 29 25 9 15 24 23 19 8 15 8 11 Drummond 5 14 28 19 17 22 18 11 29 25 1851. (a) This move constitutes the " Defiance " It was so named because it defies or prevents the formation of the "Fife" opening. Since 1847, when "Anderson played it against Wyllie, it hag figured more or less in important matches. ' (6) 7-11, 22-18, 1-5, 18-9. 5-14. *19-16, 12-19, 23-7, 2-11, 27-23, 4-8. 26-22, 10-15, 20-16, 11-20, 30 26, 15-19, 23-16, 14-17, 21-14, 8-11, 16-7, 3-17. Drawn.— Anderson. (c) 2-6, 22-18, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 4-8, *18-15, 7-10, 16-11. 10-19. 11-4, 19-24, 20-16, 24-28. 16-12 17-22, 26-17,13-22,4-8. 28-32, 27-23. 32-28, 8-11, d-6-10, 23-18, 1-5, 11-16, 10-14. Drawn.—*/. Robertson. (d) 28-24, 23-18, 24-19, 18-14, 6-10, 14-7, 3-10, 11-7. 10-14, 7-10, 14-17, 30-26, 19-24, 10-14. W. wins.— Logan beat McKay. (e) 17-22,26-17, 13-22 15-11, 8-15, 18-11, 7-16, 20-11, 12-16, 27-24, 16-20, 23-18, 20-27, 31-24. 1-6, 18-14, 6-10. Drawn,— Anderson (/) 7-10, 24-20, 10-15, 19-10, 12-19, 31-27, 19-24, 27-23, 24-27, 23-19, 27-32, 19-16, and the position is as illustrated below ; — 22 26 30 23 32 27 1-23 19 27 24 19 15 24 19 16 12 W4// Wt^Wi^W// III 13 17 12 8 3 12 11 8 Drawn. Black to move: White draws. DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. Var 1. 23 18 14 9 6 1 16 12 1 5 5 14 27 23 18 15 13 17 8 11 22 26 26 31 18 14 10 6 16 6 1 9 6 14 9 23 18 15 8 3 7 17 22 2 9 7 10 B.^ wins.— J. W. Shirey, 1897. Var 2. 2 6 13 22 7 10 17 21 25 29 29 25 *23 19 27 24 18 14 11 4 8 11 31 26 #-17 22 1 6 10 17 22 25 6 9 9 13 26 17 20 16 W 16 11 4 8 , wins. — Drummond. 15 10 11 15 (g) 7-11, *18-14, 11-18, 14-9, £-6-10, 26-22, 18-25, 30-7. 3-10, 9-6, i-8- 11, 6-2, 11-15, 2-7, W, wins.— Drummond. (A) 18-22;- 9-2, 17-21. 26-17, 13-22, 19-15. 22-25, 27-23, 25-29, 23-19, 29-25, 31-26. W wins. - Drummond. (0 10-14; 6.2, 14-17, 19-15, 17-22, 2-7, 1-6, 7-2. 6-9, 2-7, 22-25, 7-11. W. wins. — Drummond. I 5 18 9 5 14 26 22 y-14 17 21 14 Yates v Martins. (f) Beware of 8-11, which loses thus:— 8-11, 22-18, 13-17, 18-9, 11-15, 21-14, 15-24. *20-16, 12-26, 27-20, 10-17, 31-13. W. wins. — Anderson beat Wyllie, 184Z. (k) 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 19-15. 3-7, 25-21, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 22-18. 7-10, 15-6, 2-9, 18-15. 9-14, 15-10, 14-18. Drawn.— Martins and Yates. (I) 19-15, 13-17, 25r21, 17-22, 15-11. Drawn.— Barker. Var. 4. 10 26 Var 3 7 ; 3. 7 10 17 22 26 31 31 22 18 15 22 18 15 10 18 15 8 11 11 18 10 14 22 26 31 26 30 25 22 6 27 23 20 16 16 11 fc- 7 10 2 9 14 17 12 19 Drawn. 23 18 /-25 22 19 15 23 16 1 5 18 14 13 22 27 23 S 9 19 16 22 18 2 6 18 15 6 10 31 27 Drawn. 14 17 23 18 7 11 14 7 10 14 Wyllie v. 21 14 17 22 15 8 3 10 27 23 R.D.Yates 10 17 26 17 4 11 Var. 23 18 5. 22 26 1876. 4 8 10 15 8 12 12 19 3 12 7 16 23 18 19 10 21 17 26 23 23 19 20 11 14 23 6 15 1 5 19 26 13 22 12 16 81 27 32 27 18 14 30 23 19 15 11 7 2 6 12 16 16 19 15 18 22 2fr 27 18 27 23 23 16 Wyllie v. 22 8 Yates, 15 11 Drawn, Var. 6. c 1 5 10 17 m- 7 10 2 6 11 15 1014 22 18 7-26 22 30 25 28 24 18 11 18 11 14 17; 17 26 n- 3 8 6 9 8 15 14 17 21 14 31 22 25 21 32 28 J. Robertson, 23 18 Drawn 89 (w) 2-6. 30-25, 7-10, 32-27, 3-7, 28-24, 4-8 18-15, 11-18, 22-15, 13-17, 25-21, 17-22, 15-11, 8-15, 23-18, 22-26. Drawn— G. Price. {n) 3-7, 32-27, o-2-6, 28-24, 4-8, same as note (?») at 7th move. (o) 4-8, 18-15, 11-18, 22-6, 2-9, 25-21, 8-11, 23-18 Drawn.— G.. Price* Var. , 7. 18 14 14 7 15 11 10 7 7 10 9 14 17 22 3 10 14 17 25 29 25 22 16 19 26 17 20 16 19 15 7 3 10 6 14 10 13 22 11 20 17 21 5 9 p- 9 13 22 18 $-23 18 18 15 15 10 3 7 6 9 10 7 7 10 10 14 22 25 29 25 12 16 Drawn. A. M. Fenton v. A. Craighead. CP> 22-18, 6-13, 18-1 5, 11-7, 2-11, 13*17. Var. 8. Drawn. 28 24 19 15 2S22 2 7 11 15 28 32 2 6 22 25 11 15 3 10 23 27 27 24 32 28 15 8 18 11 10 11 15 19 16 li 0-12 16 4 11 25 18 15 8 27 31 24 19 19 12 28 24 11 7 12 a 19 24 11 7 6 10 25 29 18 15 14 18 14 18 19 15 r-23 18 24 19 19 16 3 7 20 16 7 2 10 17 29 25 5 9 10 14 18 23 15 10 24 19 31 26 7 2 7 11 24 28 32 28 17 21 7 10 *10 14 18 23 31 27 B wins. C. M. Wilder. (q) The famous move by which Yates beat Wyllie in 1876. (/) 23-19, 10-17, 12-8, 3-12, 19-16, 12-19, 24-8, 4-11. 28-24. *5-9, £4-19, 9-13, 19-16, 11-15, 16-11, 7-16, 20-11, *15-18, 31-27, 17-21, 11-7. 22-25 7-2. 25-29, 2-7. 29-25. 7-10, 25-22, 10-15, 13-17, 15-19, 18-23. B. wins.--i?. E. Bowen and F. Dunne, .9-22 18 M8 14 Var a-23 18 . 9. 24 20 20 11 28 19 14 17 17 22 2 6 7 10 8 31 6 10 21 14 26 17 31 27 14 7 32 27 7 2 10 17 13 22 3 8 11 16 31 24 and White, although a piece short, can draw with careful play. {$) So far as practical play is concerned, this move is untenable. 40 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (0 26-22, 17-26, 31-22, 7-10, 24-20, 3-8, 28-24, 1-5, 32-27, 13-17, 22-13, 11-16, 20-11, 8-22, 24-20 4-8, 23-18, 8-11, 27-"3, 5-9. B. wins — Drummond. (u) 24-20, 2-6, 32-27, *l-5, 27-24, same as var. 8, at 4th move. Var. 10. 11- (v) 18-15 loses as follows :— 18-15, *l-6. w-26-22, 9-13, a>22-18, 8-7, 18-9, *13-17, 21-14. 6-13, 15-6. 2-27, 31-24, 7-10. B. wins.— Drummond. (w) 20-16, 3-7, 16-11, 7-16, 26-22, 9-13, 22-18, *14-17. 21-7, 2-11, 30-25. 13-17, 25-21, 17-22, 21-17, 22-25, 17-14, 25-30. B. Wins — J. Dent, (x) 30-25, 14-17, 21-7, 2-27, 31-24, 6-10, 22-18, 8-11. 25-21, 18-17, 21-7, 3-10 B. wins —Drummond. (y) 3-7, 26-22, 1-5, .22-17, 8-11, 30-26, 11-20, 19-15. Drawn. (z) 2-7, 26-22. 8-11, 22-17, 11-20, 17-18, 1-6, 30-26,20-24, 26-22, 24-28. 22-17. 28 32, 19-15, Drawn— Anderson. Var. 11 11 15 11 15 4 8 14 17 9 14 8 11 25 22 32 28 v-20 16 21 14 26 22 21 17 7 11 15 2A y-z- 1 5 9 27 5 9 14 21 24 20 28 19 18 15 31 24 *30 25 22 18 15 24 6 9 3 7 2 9 9 13 21 25 28 19 *22 18 15 6 Drawn.— 24 20 Drummond. 25 21 19 15 4 8 6 15 8 11 3 7 5 32 27 23 24 20 22 18 23 18 a-30 26 21 17 14 9 15 24 15 22 14 23 11 16 32 27 Drawn. 28 19 26 10 27 18 20 2 17 14 Yates 10 15 7 14 2 6 1 5 12 16 v. 19 10 81 27 32 27 2 9 26 22 Martins, (a) 27-24, 6-9, 21-17, 7-10, 30-25, 10-15, 25-22, 12-16, 17-14, 1-5,14.10,16-19,10-7, 19-28, 7-2, 9-14. B. wins.— Yates beat Martins. Var. 12. 6-5 9 10 19 8 11 8 11 11 15 18 23 22 18 23 7 25 22 30 26 19 16 26 19 15 22 3 10 4 8 9 14 12 19 15 24 25 18 39 25 32 27 c-24 20 23 16 16 11 7 11 14 23 11 15 15 24 14 18 Drawn. 19 15 26 19 27 23 28 19 22 17 D. C. Calvert (6) 7-11, 22-18, 15-22, 25-9, 5-14, 29-25, 11-15, 25-22, 8-11, «ame as var. 10, at 4th move. (c) If 22-17, 6-9, tf-17-13 will draw— P. Si. Bradt. Id) 24-20. 15-24. 28-19, 9-13, 19-16. *12-19, 23-7, 2-11, 26-22, 11*15. B. wins.— D. C Calvert. DENNY 41 No. io.— " DENNY." a-10 14 2-10 14 8 15 5 14 10 15 17 21 13-b-22 17 1-24 20 27 23 19 16 31 27 11 7 20- 7 10 6 10 4 8 12 19 15 18 6 10 17 13 /-27 24 24 19 23 16 23 19 7 2 S- 3 7 1 6 15 24 7 10 18 22 10 14 3-tf-25 22 32 27 28 19 16 7 27 24 2 7 6-14 17 14 17 8 11 2 11 14 17 14 17 21 14 #-23 18 22 18 Jfc-26 22 19 16 Drawn. 9 25 A-ll 15 j-10 14 17 26 11 15 2d 22 18 11 18 9 30 23 16 11 Robert so\ (aV The initial move gives the title to the opening Drum- mond, who was the first author to publish play on the k% Denny,'' conferred that name upon it in compliment to the town in which he so long resided. The opening is weak for the first player, and is seldom played, except in restricted matches. (b) 22-18, c-ll-16, tf-24-20, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19. Same as "Bristol," var. 7, at 2nd move. (c) 12 16, 24-20, *16-19, 23-16. 14-23. 26-19, 8-12, 25-22. Same as "White Doctor" trunk, at 11th move. (d) 24-19, 8-11, 26-22, 16-20. Same as " Bristol- Cross " trunk, at 8th move. (e) Best here ; Barker's "A. C. P." shows a draw by 14-18. (/) 28-24* 1-6, 32-28 Same as, trunk, at 17th move. ' (g) 24-19, 11-16, 20-11, 8-24, 28-19. 4-8, 19-16, 12-19. 23-16, 8-12. 27-23, 12-19 23-16, 10-15, 16-12, 7-11, 12-8, 11-16, 8-3, 15-19. Drawn — - fK. Strickland (h) 17-21, 27-23 11-15, 18-11, 2-8-15,23-18 15-19 24-15, 10-19, 31-27, 4-8, 27-24, 7-10. 24-15 10-19. 18-15, 2-7, 20-16, 5-9, 22-17, 7-10, 16-1 1 W. wins —J. Searight. (?) 7-16, 20-11, 8-15, 23-18, 15-19, 24-15, 10-19, 31-27. W. wins — J. Searight (j) 5-9, 19-15, 10-19, 23-16. 12-19, 18-14, 9-18, 26-23, 19-26> 31-8 17 22. 8-3 7-10, 3-8 10-14, 8-11, 6-10, 11-16, 10-15, 16-11, 15-19, 11-15, 19-24 15-10 14-17, 10 15 17-21, 20-16, 24-28, 16-1L. W. wins — C. Adamson beat W. Strickland (A:) 26-23. 10-15, 31-27, 17-22. 27-24. 15-18, 23-19, 22-26, 30-23, 18-27, 19-16, 11-15. 16-11, 27-32, 11-7, 6-10, 20-16, 32-28, 24-20* 15-19, 7-2, 44-17. Drawn.— J. Robertson. 48 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. Var. 1. 22 18 18 9 32 28 16 11 28 19 26 23 14 17 5 14 11 15 17 22 10 14 17 22 24 19 n-24 20 19 16 2Q 17 31 26 23 18 6 10 1 6 12 19 14 21 14 17 16 19 27 24 28 24 23 16 24 19 19 15 Drawn. MO 14 7 10 8 12 16 24 12 16 J. Lees. (/) 1.6,19-15,10-19, 24-15, ?»-6-9 ,13-6.2-9,32-27,9-13 . Drawn. (tw) 12-16 loses by the following pretty " stroke " :— 12-16, *15-10. 6-22, 13-9. 5-14. 23-18, 14-23, 26-3, 7-10, 3-7, 10-14, 7-16, 17-21, 16-19, 22-25, 19-15. 2-6, 15-11, -25-29, 11-7, 6-9, 7-2. Wi wins —J. P Reed beat C. F. Barker, 1889. (7i) 13-9, 7-10. 9-5, 17-22. 26-17, 14-21. 31-26, 2-6, 26 22, 6-9, 24-20, 11-16, 20-11, 8-24, 28-19, 4-8, 23-18, 8-11, 22-17, "9-13, 18-14, 13-22, 14-7, 11-16. Drawn— J. Lees. Var. 2. 12 19 23 16 8 12 16 11 14 18 22 15 10 19 (o) 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, *ll-1 8-11, 22-18, 10-15. Drawn.-/ 1 . Allen. (/>) 23-18. 9-14. 18-9, 1-5, 26-23, 5-14. 32-27, 14-17. 30-26, 11-16, 24-20, 15-24, 20-11. 8-15, 27-20, 10-14, 28-24, 14-18, 23-14, J5-19, 24-15, 6-10. Drawn —J. Robertson. Var. 3. 11 15 24 20 23 19 15 24 7 11 28 19 27 23 11 15 5 9 20 16 0-/>-32 27 15 24 9 14 27 20 26 23 1 6 18 14 19 26 19 15 6 10 30 23 14 17 14 7 6 10 27 23 4- 8 23 19 17 22 Drawn. 10 14 23 18 Barkers 31 27 22 26 A.C.P. 50-11, 8-24 , 32-28, 4-8, 28-19, 24 20 r-30 26 20 11 22 15 17 14 I 6 14 18 6 10 7 23 10 28 11 16 8 11 23 14 23 19 25 22 31 26 22 17 6 10 9 18 1 6 18 25 16 19 16 19 11 16 d-26 23 *-26 22- 27 11 w-26 22 14 9 13 9 10 14 8 11 12 16 19 23 5 14 23 27 9-28 24 22 17 29 22 11 7 17 1 32 23 4-11 15 11 16 14 18 Drawn.— 2 11 ■J Waters. 4 8 19 26 (q) This position can be formed from the "Maid of the Mill, thus:— 11-15, 22-17, 8-11, 17-13, 15-18, 23-14, 9-18, 26-23, 10-14, 24-20, 3-8. Same as var. 3 at 7th move. (r) 31-26, s-7-11, 23-19, 5-9, 19-10, 6-15, 13-6, 2-9, 26-23, 18-22, 25-18, 15-22, 23-19, 1-6, 32-28, 22-26. 30-23, 6-10, 29-25, 11-16, 20-11, 8-15, 25-22, 4-8, 21-17, 14-21, 22-17, 9-14, 17-13. Drawn. p % Tescheleit . (s) 6-10, 23-19, 1-6, 26-23, 6-9, 13-6, 2-9, 25-22, 18-25, 29-22, 14-18,23-14, 9-25. 21-17, 15-18, 30-21, 7-11, 32-28. W. win$.-^ •7. Smith beat J. L. Richmond. DENNY. 4* (0 25-22, 18-25, 29-22, 14-18, 21-17, 18-25, 17-14, 10-17, 19-8, 25-30, 26-23, 17-22. Drawn. If 26-23, Black draws by 6-9, &c. —W. Hay, 1838. (u) 11-7, 2-11, 17-14, loses, forming the following ending:— *19 23 26 19 4 8 32 27 28 32 27 24 32 28 24 20 8 12 21 17 28 24 14 10 24 15 10 1 15 10 B. wins* J. Water*) Black to move and win. 6 10 30 26 I 6 t?-32 28 11 16 20 11 8 15 mn24 19 15 24 28 19 14 17 23 14 7 14 11 7 11 16 21 14 Var. 16 30 25 21 2 11 27 24 12 16 24 20 16 19 29 25 19 23 31 26 23 27 26 22 27 81 22 17 6 9 13 6 11 15 a 2 15 18 2 6 31 26 6 10 26 22 10 15 22 29 15 22 30 25 22 18 25 22 18 25 29 13 Drawn. J. Murray, 1898. (y) 24-19, 11-16, 2011, 8-24, 27-20, 18-27, 32-23^ 4-8, 25-22, 8-11, 22-18, 12-16, 18-9, 5-14. 29-25, 11-15, 20-11,7-16,25-22, 15-18, 22-15, 10-19, 26-22, 19-26, 22-17, 6-10. 31-22, 2-6. B. wins. — W. Hay, 1838. (w) 23-19, 7-11, 26-23, 4-8, 21-17, 14-30, 23-7. 6-10, 7-3, 11-16, 27-23, 16-20, 23-18, 15-22, 19-16. Drawn.— W. Hay. Var. 5 9 14 1 6 Drawn. McKelvie v. Campbell, (x) 12-16,- 22-15, 11-18, 20-11, 8-15, 30-26, 6-9, 13-6. 1-17. 27-23, 18-27, 32-16, 4-8, y.25-21, 8-12, 21-14, 12-19, 31-27, 15-18, 26-22, 18 25, 29-22, 2-6, 22-17, 6-10, 27 24. Drawn. (y) 16-12 loses, by 17-21, 12-3, 21-30, 3-19. 30-16. B. wins.— D a. McKelvie. 21 17 10 15 17 14 15 19 26 22 x-18 23 27 18 6 9 13 6 1 26 31 22 19 24 28 19 11 16 20 11 7 23 18 14 8 11 14 10 11 16 22 17 16 19 17 13 12 16 10 6 2 9 13 6 23 26 30 23 19 26 25 21 26 30 29 25 5 9 6 1 4 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. Var. 6. 24 19 16 20 30 26 11 15 6 2 12 16 7-11 16 32 28 4 8 17 13 14 18 10 7 28 24 7 11 z-25 22 12 16 23 14 2Q 22 14 18 19 16 18 25 13 9 19 24 27 23 23 14 12 19 29 22 8 12 28 19 Drawn. 9 18 23 7 * 6 9 9 6 16 30 26 23 2 11 13 6 15 19 2 6 10 14 2Q 23 1 10 24 15 30 26 IV. D. 31 26 8 12 *22 17 10 19 14 10 Bens t cad. 0) 23-19, 11-16, 19-15 ? 16-19, 13-9, 6-13, 15-10, 5-9, 24-15. 18-22. B, wins. — Benstead v. Nicholson. Var. 7. 11 15 11 16 16 20 4 8 10 15 6 29 *2$ 24 *22 18 29 25 *30 25 19 3 13 6 7 11 15 22 8 11 2 7 11 16 1 10 *25 22 26 17 25 22 22 18 17 10 3 7 W . wins. — R. G. M'Millan and'T. & Huthy. Var, 8. a-U 15 12 19 8 12 c- 9 14 15 22 12 16 25 22 23 7 24 20 30 25 21 17 28 24 8 11 2 11 18 23 5 9 6 15 3 7 6-24 20 22 17 27 18 25 18 13 6 17 13 9-4 8 14 18 15 22 10 15 1 10 Drawn. 20 16 28 24 26 23 17 10 rf-32 28 J. P. Reed. (a) Not so safe as 3-7 as it leads to a very cramped game for Black. {b) 23-19, 2-7. Same as k * Souter " trunk, at 10th move (c) 10-15, 23-18, 15-19, 30-26, 19-24, 26-23,22-26, 31-22, 24-27, 23-19, 27-31, 19-15, 3-8, 15-10, 6-15, 13-6, 1-10. 18-14. W. wins. « — Bryden beat Ferrie. (d) 17-13 loses, by. 10-14, 32-28, 12-16, &c — J. P. Reed. Var. 9. €-3 7 6 9 12 16 12 19 27 31 23 19 22 17 13 6 29 25 25 22 16 12 4 8 +14 18 2 18 8 12 19 23 31 27 19 15 23 14 17 14 27 24 24 19 12 8 8 3 9 18 10 17 16 19 15 24 6 9 15 22 26 23 21 14 26 23 28 19 22 18 3 10 4 8 1 6 18 27 23 27 27 23 9 18 23 14 31.26 32 16. 19 16 8 4 10 15 Drawn.— J. Clark, 4/2/99. (c) 2-7 leads to a weak ending, thus:— 2-7, 29-25, 4-8, 23-18, 14-23, 27-18 1014, 31-27, 14-23, 27-18, 15*19. 21-17. 7-10, 25-21, 12-16. *32-27, 8-12, 27-23, 19-24, 28-19, 10-14. Drawn.— F. Tesckeleit. DENNY. 45 (t) 4-8, 23-19, 15-24, 28-19, 11-15, 27-24 , 8-11. 26-23, 14-18, and Black can draw.— •Author unknown.-— Contributed by D. C, Calvert, Var. 10, /-14 18 25 21 9 13 30 21 23 26 6 10 28 14 13 22 17 14 5 23 31 22 18 23 9 18 26 17 13 17 17 13 25 18 5 9 U-g-kM 19 12 16 25 21 22 25 1 5 30 26 11 16 29 25 17 22 10 6 16 19 21 17 19 15 19 23 14 9 2 9 10 6 Drawn. 16 19 14 10 22 25 13 6 19 23 17 14 7 14 21 17 25 29 6 1 Martins 6 9 17 10 18 22 15 10 23 26 v. 21 17 5 9 27 18 29 25 1 6 Wytlie, 9 13 21 17 1 5 6 1 26 30 1867. (/) Quite as good as 7-10, and admits of a great variety of plajr. (#) 17-14, 12-16, 21-17, 16-20, 25-21, 11-15, 29-25, 8-11, 17-13, 4-8, 24-19, 15-24; 28-19, 11-15, 19-10, 6-15, 21-17,8-11,25-21, 11-16 26-23, 18-22, 14-9, 5-14, 17-10, 7-14, 23-18. Drawn. The ending is critical for White. (h) 17-13, 5-9 21-17, 12-1C, 17-14, 1-5. 26-23, 16-20, 23-19, 8-12, 19-16, 12-19, 24-8, 4-11, 28-24, 11-16.30-26 3-8, 26-23, 8-12, *-*32-28, 6-10, 13-6, 10*17, 23-14, 2-18, 25-22. Drawn —Robertson. (0 31-26. 16-19, 24-15, 20-24. B. wins.— J. Robertson. Var. 11. 26 23 9 14 29 22 11 15 21 14 7 16 6 9 17 10 7 10 27 24 JO 17 20 11 23 14 7 14 22 18 2 7 19 16 12 16 9 18 24 19 15 24 20 12 19 Drawn. 30 26 3 7 18 9 15 24 23 16 Jordan j- 5 9 25 22 5 14 28 19 8 12 v. 26 23 18 25 31 26 14 17 16 11 Ferguson. (j) If 1-6 26-23, 6-9, 23-14, 9-18, 31-26, 2-6, then White wins as follows : — 17 13 13 9 21 17 6 9 24 20 6 24 12- 5 9 11 16 25 30 18 22 26 31 20 27 26 23 9 6 17 13 9 14 20 11 22 18 9 14 16 19 30 25 8 11 31 24 12 16 25 22 23 16 13 9 10 6 10 14 28 24 18 25 12 19 25 22 4 8 24 20 27 20 29 22 6 2 9 6 14 10 14 17 18 27 6 10 14 18 22 18 8 12 19 23 16 19 22 17 2 6 6 2 6 2 17 22 32 28 10 15 18 22 18 22 11 16 15 19 20 16 17 10 6 10 2 6 2 .6 11 7 27 24 7 14 22 25 22 18 22 26 3 10 W. wins. R. G. WMillan andT. S. Hulley, m& 46 DRAUGHTS—- THE OPENINGS. Var. 12. 7 10 29 22 6 10 13 9 15 18 26 23 £-3 7 22 17 20 27 23 19 10 14 23 18 12 16 32 23 8 12 25 22 14 23 18 14 10 15 14 9 18 25 27 18 16 20 * 9 6 5 14 17 3 W. wins. G. W. Dent and P. Thirkell, 1912. {1c) 11-15, 22-17, 6-10, 13-9. W. wins.— F. S. Kettleson, 1912. Var. 13. /-24 20 4 8 22 18 14 23 32 27 11 15 11 15 24 19 1 5 27 18 7 10 14 7 ro-22 18 6 10 18 9 2 6 21 17 3 10 15 22 26 22 5 14 21 14 6 9 17 14 25 18 9 13 30 25 10 17 27 23 10 17 n- 8 11 18 9 13 17 25 21 9 13 19 10 28 24 5 14 23 18 17 22 18 14 22 26 Drawn — G. Dick v. Wyllie. (0 24-19, 11-16, 22-18, 8-11. Same as note (d) trunk, at 3rd move. (m) If 22-17, Black draws by 14-18 or 15-19. If 28-24, then 6-10. 22-18, 15-22, 25-18, 12-16, 20-11, 8-22, 26-17, 9-13, etc.. draws. (n 12-16 and 6-10 also draw. No. ii.— "DOUBLE CORNER. a- 9 14 8 22 4 8 7 11 10 19 19 2Q 7-b-c-22 18 25 18 2-29 25 27 24 24 15 30 23 5 9 12 16 e- 8 12 20 27 16 19 3 7 $-£-24 20 28 24 25 22 31 24 23 16 f-22 17 11 16 16 20 1 5 1-11 16 12 19 7 10 20 11 24 19 32 28 *19 15 *26 23 28 24 Drawn. — Drummond, 1838. (a) The initial move defines the opening. Sturges and Drum- jaond were the first authors to give play on it, as Anderson omitted it from his famous " Second Edition," published in 1852. Of late years it has become very popular in important matches ; and an examination of published play seems to prove it a very- safe debut for the Blacks. (6) 24-20, 11-15, same as "Ayrshire Lassie," note (e) at 2nd move. (c) 24-19, tf-11-16, 22-18, 5-9, same as note (/), at 2nd move. (d) 11-15, 22-18, 15-24, 18-9, 5-14, 28-19, is now the same as a ▼ar. of the " Second Double Corner " DOUBLE COHNER. 47 (e)8-ll,25-22,3-8, 19-16, 8-12, 22-17, 12-19, 23-16, 14-23, 27-18, 9-14, 18-9. 6-22, 26-17, 11-15, 16-12, 15-18, 12-8, 18-22, 17-14. 10-17, 21-14. 2-6, 8-4. W. wins.— Wyllie beat Denny. (/) 28-24, 9-13, 18-9, 5-14. B. wins.— Drummond'.. Var. 1. 9 13 28 19 6 9 14 5 12 16 14 18 "8 9 A-14 1« 26 23 27 23 1 5 8 12 6 14 23 7 24 27 18 14 16 19 10 6 24 20 2 20 23 18 23 18 5 9 12 16 y-n is 19 15 27 31 14 10 19 24 20 16 20 24 17 14 18 11 9 14 15 24 21 17 31 27 5 1 3 8 Drawn J. P. Reed v. C. F. Barker, 1887. (#) 2-7, 22-18, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 6-10, 18-14, 17-22, 26-17, 13-22, 14-9, 10-15, 9-6. 15-19, 6-2, 19-23, 28-24, 23-27, 24-19, 27-32, 19-15, 11-18, 2-11, 18-23, 11-15. Drawn. — Heffner and 30-26, 5-9, 17-13, 8-12, #-20-16. Drawn. (x) 17-13, 5-9, 30-26, same as note (w) at 7th move. (y) If 27-23, 4-8, 23-16, 12-19, 31-27, Black contiuues 8-ll> 27-23, 19-24. 23-19, 24-27. B. wins.— John Valentine. (z) 15-19, the most natural move on the board, loses as fol- lows:— 15-19 20-11. 815, 23-16, 12-19, 17-13, 5-9,30-26. 4-8, 27-23. a-19-24, 31-27 24-31, 22-17, 31-22, 25*4. W. wins.— C. F Barker beat J. P, Reed, 18DU 58 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. (a) 8-12, 23-16, 12-19 31-27, 1-5, 27-23, 10-24, 32-27, 24-31, 22-17. 31-22, 25-11. W. wins.— C. F. Barker. m (6) 15-19, 23-16, 12-19, *30-26, 8-15, 17-13, c-4-8. W. wins, dame as note (z) at 10th move. (c) 1 : 5 or 2-7 then 27-23, 19-24, 31-27, 24-31, 22-17 W. wins. — ./. H, Strudwick. (d) 31-22, 8-15, 17-10, 15-19, «-10-7, 2-11, 22-18, 12-16 Drawn. *-— W. Gardner. (e) 21-17, 6-15 17-13, 12-16, 13-6, 1-10, 22-17, 16-20, Drawn. — W. Gardner, Var. 8. 22 18 32 27 23 16 £-26 23 29 25 12 S 16 19 12 19 10 19 19 26 •7 16 10 15 23 16 27 23 16 11 30 23 19 12 25 22 12 19 Ml 16 9 14 1 6 /- 2 7 20 24 /-27 23 20 11 25 22 28 24 22 18 27 20 #-4 8 7 16 6 9 6 10 7 H is 18 23 16 y-18 15 31 27 24 19 18 9 8 12 16 20 9 13 3 7 5 14 Drawn G. Jewitt v.F. Tescheleit. if) Same as " Bristol," var. 7, 'note (s), at 2nd move. (g) 11-16, 20-11. 7-16, 18-15, 4-8, 25-22, 9-14, 29-25, 5-£, fi-31-27. 9-13, 22-18, 1-5. 18-9, 5-14, 27-24, 16-20, 23-16, 20-27, 32-23, 10-19, 16-13, 2-7, 23-16, 8-11, 25-22, 11-20, 26-23. 6-10, 22-18. 14-17, 21-14. 10-17, 18-15, 17-22, 23-18. Drawn.— J. Wyllie v. ./. A. Mugridge. (A) 22-18 loses thus:—22-18, 3-7. 31-27, 7-11, 27-24, 16-20, 23-7, 14-23, 26-19, 20-27, 32-23, 2-27. B wins.— R. Martins. (t) 3-8, 23-16, 8-12, 21-17. 12-19, 18-14, 9-18 26-23 W. wins. (/) 25-22, 10-14, 29-25, 6-10, 18-15, 2-7, 15-6 1-10, 22-18, 9-13..18-9, 5-14, 25-22,. 10-15. 23-18, 14-23, 28-24, 19-28, 26-10, ■7-14, 30-26. Drawn.-./ Wyllie v. R, O. Yates. (Jc) 27-23, though White gains a piece, is very weak : -26-23, 19-24,28-19,20-24,19-16 24-27, 16-12, 27-32. 11-8. 32-28, 8-4, 28-24. 4-8, 2.7. 22-18. *5-9, 8-4, 24-27, 4-8, 27-31. B. should win. (I) 10-15, 12-8 2-7 8-3, 7-11.' *3-8, 11-16, 8-12, 15-19. 22-18, 19-26,18-9,5-14 12-19, 26-31, 19-24. 31-26, 24-28, 14-18,28-32, 20-24, 27-20, 26-22. Drawn. — Tescheleit. Var. 9. 27 24 10 19 29 25 15 19 16 7 19 23 . 3 8 25 22 8 12 23 16 2 11 27 24 22 18 9 14 25 22 12 19 17 13 18 22 16 19 18 9 11 15 32 27 10 15 14 10 23 16 5 14 26 23 4 8 22 17 22 26 12 19 22 17 19 26 20 16 14 18 31 22 24 15 6 10 30 23 7 11 17 14 15 19 Drawn.— J* Wyllie v. J. Johns tone , 1879. DYKE. 59 (wi) 9-14, 22-18, 3-8, 18-9, 5-14, 25-22, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 24-15, 10-19, 32-27, 8-12, 27-24, 19-23, 26-19, 11-16, 20-11, 7-23, 24-19,4-8, 29-25, 8-11, 22-18, 6-9, 19-15, 11-16, 15-10, 23-27. Drawn — J. Hedley. Var. 10. *-o-21 17 5 14 21 14 16 23 30 23 17 22 16 20 25 22 10 17 26 19 7 11 18 14 17 13 14 17 22 18 17 22 18 H 22 26 9 14 2? 25 11 16 32 28 10 17 15 11 24 19 11 15 y-18 14 2 7 23 18 26 31 8 12 25 21 7 10 27 24 11 16 19 15 22 18 15 2* 14 7 20 27 19 15 Drawn. 4 8 28 19 3 10 31 24 16 20 Wyllie t. p-18 9 8 11 23 18 22 26 24 19 A. Steel (n) 24-19, 8-12. Same as " Paisley " trunk, at 4th move (o) 22-18, 8-12. Same as ' k Bristol," var 9, at 3rd move. (/?) This position can he formed from the "'Bristol" opening: — 11-16, 21-17, 8-11, 17-13, 4-8, 24-19, 16-20, 22-18, 9-14. Same as var. 9, at 9th move. (?) 18-15, 3-8, ?-26-22, 17-26, 31-22, 7-10, 23-18, 16-23, 15-11, 8-15, 18-11, 1-5, 27-18, 2-7, 11-2, 20-24. Drawn.— Merry, Dick yj and Belt (r) 23-18 loses, as follows :— 23.48, 16-23, 26-19, 17-22, .§-32-28, 7-11, 27-24, 20-27, 31-24, 22-25, 30-21, 11-16, 18-14, 16-23, 14-10, 23-26. B. wins,-— J" Robertson, <«) 27-24,20-27, 31-24, *l-5. £-18-14. 6-9, 13-6. 2-18, 32-27, 5-9, 24-20, 9-13, 20-16, 13-17, 27-24, 17-21, 24-20, 22-25. B. wins.— J. D. Janvier. (0 24-20, 7-11, 18-14, 11-18, 32-27, 22-25, 30 21, 18-22. B. wins And 32-27 is no better :— 32-27, 5-9, 24-20, 7-11. B. wins.—*/ D. Janvier* No. 14.— "DYKE." 11 15 7-25 22 8 12 5-31 27 8 12 2-21 17 22 17 6-b- 8 11 17 14 2- 6 9 32 27 11. 15 «-15 19 c-30 25 rf-16 20 29 25 12 19 18 11 24 15 0. 4 8 23 16 Z 6 27 23 9 18 10 19 22 18 12 19 f-27 23 7 11 22 15 23 16 4-11 16 25 22 7-3 8 23 7 13 31 12 19 27 23 9 13 23 16 2 11 Drawn Anderson. 60 DRAUGHTS— ^fiE' OPENINGS, (a) This double exchange forms the opening. In Anderson's Second Edition" the title is explained as follows :— *• Dyke (Scotch"), a fence or stone wall. The name has probably arisen from observed resemblance ; for at various stages of the game the pieces are frequently formed into straight lines." It is considered strong for the first player; but this is merely a matter of opinion, as neither side gets any advantage from the opening moves: (b) 9-14, 17-10, 6-15, same as " Double Corner," var. 7, at the 11th move. (c) My preference at this stage, though 27-23 is a good and safe defence. (d) 9-13, 25-22, 6-9, *31-27, 1-6, *27-24, 7-10, 14-7, 3-10, 24-15, 30-19, 18-15, 9-14, 15-1 J| e-13-17, 22-13, 14-18. 23-14, 19-24. Drawn. — J. Birkenshaw. («) 6-9, 32-27, 2-6, 11-8, 6-10, 8-3, 10-15, 3-7. W, wins.— Bryden beat Bir kens haw. if) 27-24, 20-27, 32-16, £-7-10, 14-7, 220, *18-14, 9-18, 22-15, 5-9, A-26-23 9-14, 15-11, 6-10, 23-19, 14-18, 11-7, 10 14, 7-2 ; Drawn. —^Anderson. (g) 6-10, 16-12,10-17,21-14, 2-6, 28-24, 6-10, 25-21, 10-17* 21-14,7-10. Drawn — Anderson. (T) 25-22, 9-14,26-23,3-7, 22-18 7-10,18-2 10-26,2-7, 26-30, 7-10,30-26,10-14,26-23,14-9 23-18,9 5,18-14,5-1, 13-17. B. wins by First Position — Anderson. (0 14-10, 6-15, 21-17, *20-24, 28 -10, 9-14. ,B y*im.~-Drummond< Var. 1. 19 24 14 7 13 17 3 7 26 31 2 7 28 19 3 10 22 13 14 17 19 15 15 19 20 24 25 21 31 24 7 10 31 27 7 10 19 15 2 7 32 28 17 21 15 10 19 23 24 27 17 14 9 18 10 14 27' 23 10 14 23 19 10 17 28 19 18 22 10 7 27 31 21 14 6 10 14 17 23 19 W. wins. 21 17 7 11 8 3 £-22 26 7 2 j- 7 10 15 8 10 14 17 22 19 15 Anderson. (j) 3-8, 25-21, 7-11, 26-23, 2-7, *14-10, 7-14, 17-1, 9-14. 18-9, 11-25, *l-6. 5-14. 6-9,14-17, 21-14, 31-27, 23-18, 27-23. *19-16, 2349, 16-12, 8-11, 14-10. W. wins.— J. Macfarlane. (7c) 22-25, 17-22, 25-29, 22-26, 29-25. 19 15, 25-29. 15-10 W. wins.— Anderson. (See Prob. 7, " Gould's Problem Book ") Var, 2. 6 10 1 6 20 27 w. 7 11 17 21 25 30 29 25 25 21 32 16 16 7 26 23 14 9 10 17 6 10 10 17 3 17 21 25 Drawn. 21 14 Z-27 24 21 14 18 14 22 18 J. Lees. DYKE. 61 (/> 27-23, 10-17, 21-14, 7-11, 23-7, 3-17, m-18-14, 17-21, 22-18, 21-25, 26-23, 25-30, 14-9, 5-14, 18-9, 30-26. B. for choice. (wi) 18-15, 17-21, 22-18, 21-25, 26-23, 25-30, 23-19, 30-26, 18-14, 26-23, 19-18, 23-19. B. wins.— Labadie heat Elder. (n) 2-0, *16-11, 7-16, 14-10. G-15, 18-11, 16-19, 22-18, 5-9, 18-15, 9-14, 15-10, 14-18, 10-6. 13-17, 6-1, 18-22, 1-6, 22-31, 11-7 Drawn. — .7. Lees. Var. 3. o-32 27 p-18 15 8 11 24 20 22 18 3 8 6 9 q- 9 14 23 30 27 31 23 26 11 15 27 24 15 11 11 18 15 19 18 14 8 12 20 27 6 10 5-2 7 31 27 2Q 31 31 26 31 15 11 8 18 15 19 23 14 10 20 16 1 6 -10 15 19 23 9 14 30 26 26 22 29 25 8 3 22 18 23 32 10 7 16 12 7 10 14 18 5 9 14 23 26 23 Drawn . 14 7 3 8 28 24 25 22 7 3 W. Br y den 3 19 18 23 23 27 7 11 23 19 Sf ./. Wyllie (o) 31-27 is preferable, as 32-27 leads to a very critical ending for White. (p) 18-14, 9-18, 22-15, 6-10, 15-6, 2-9, 25-22, 9-14. B. wins — Anderson. (g) 2-7, 22-18, 7-10, 15-11, 10-14, 18-15. 14-18, 11-7, 18-23, 26-22, 23-26, *7-2, 26-30, 2-7, 30-26, 7-10. Drawn.— Drzimm on d. tr) 2-7, 8-3, *5-9, 3-8, 10-15, 8-3, 7-11, 3-7, 11-16, 7-3, 14-18, 3-7, 18-23, 7-11, 23-30, 11-20, 19-23. 20-16, 23-27. 16-11, 15-19, 11-15,19-23. Drawn — Anderson. (s) 2-6, 18-15, 19-23, 28-24, 23-27, 24-20, 27-31, 22-18, 6-9, 18-14, 9-18, 15 22, 30-26, 20-16, Drawn.— Beattie and Smith. Var. 4. 9 13 29 25 16 20 32 16 3 7 26 23 *18 14 11 16 23 16 7 10 21 17 14 17 13 22 27 23 12 19 14 7 *,- 1 6 25 21 25 18 t- 6 9 v-w-27 24: 2 20 17 13 17 22 8 12 31 27 20 27 18 15 9 14 Drawn Drummond. (*> 16 20, 23-16,, 12-19, 31-27, 3-8, *18-15 a-20-24, 27-20, *6-10, 15-6, 2-18, 20-1-6, 8-12, 32 27, 5-9, 26-22, 19-23, 22-15, 23-32, 15-11. Drawn.— J. Lees. (u) 6-10, 15-6, 2-18, 27-24, 20-27, 32-14, 1-6, 21-17, 8-11,25-21, 6-9. 14-10, 7-14, 17-10, 11-15, 10-7, 15-1S, 7-2, 9-13, 2-6, 5-9, 6-1 r 9:14, 1-6, 18-23. Drawn.— Yates and Martins. (v) 27-23, 19-24, 28-19, 20-24, 25-22, 24-27, 19-15, 27-31, 23-19,9-13. 26-23, 31-27, 15-11. 7-16, 19-12, 2-7. B. wins.— Wyllie beat Hulme. DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (to) 25-22 loses and forms the position set on the diagram > *20 24 27 20 7 11 20 16 11 20 32 27 3 8 #-27 23 8 12 23 16 12 19 14 10 9 14 18 9 5 14 22 17 14 18 17 14 20 24 B. wins. O.J. Westcott. Black to move and win. (x) 14-10, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 10-7, 2-11, 27-23, 11-15, 23-16, 8-12, 22-17, 12-19, 17-10, 15^18, 10-7, 20-24, 7-3, 24-27, 3-7, 27-31. B. wins.— W. J. Wray (y) 9-13, *25-22, 1-6, 17-14, 6-9. 22-18, 13-17, 26-23, 17-22, 23-19, 22-26, 19-16, 26-30, 15-11, W. wins.— Drummond. O) 7-10, 15-6, 1-10, 26-23, 9-13, 25-22. W, wins.— Drummond. Var, 5. 11 15 12 19 9 13 9 13 11 15 15 18 a-27 23 17 14 25 21 c-18 15 10 7 6 2 4 8 6 10 6 9 13 22 2 11 18 23 23 16 32 27 27 23 15 10 14 10 14 10 8 12 10 17 13 17 22 25 25 30 11 16 22 18 21 14 23 16 16 12 10 6 2 6 6-15 22 1 6 17 22 7 11 30 25 16 20 25 18 29 25 26 17 21 17 17 14 28 24 Drawn. — Martins v. McKerrow, 1859. (a) 27-24, 7-10, 17-13, 4-8, 32-27, 8-12, 22-18 leads to an equal game. (6) 12-19, 18-11, 7-16, 25-22, 9-14, 17-10. 6-15, .32-27, 5-9, 21-17, 3-8, *27-24, 16-20, 22-18, 15-22, 24-15, 2-7, 15-11, 8-15, 31-27, 22-31, 29-25. Drawn.— J. Smith.. (c) 28-24, 13-22, 24-20, 22 26, 31-22, 7-11. Drawn.— Martins. v. McKerrow. Var. 6. 7 10 tf-22 18 c- 9 14 18 9 6 22 26 17 5 9 17 14 9 18 27 23 18 27 31 6 2 9 21 17 8 11 29 25 11 15 28 24 4 8 25 22 8 11 17 13 1 £ 22 17 11 16 30 26 3 7 26 23 7 10 24 20 15 19 Drawn. A.D P., i860. DYKE. 63 (d) 30-25, 2-7, same as var. 7, at 5th move. (0 10-14,17-10,6-22,26-17,8-11 30-26,4-8,17-14,9-18,27-23, 18-27, 32-7, 3-10, 29-25, 5-9, 25-22, 9-14, 26-23, 8-11; 22-18, 1-6, 18-9, 6-13, 23-19, 10-14, 28-24, 13-17, 24-20. Drawn.— Strickland 9," Gardner, Var. 7. 26 22 10 19 32 27 7 11 25 22 14 23 /- 7 10 <7-17 14 5 9 16 7 20 24 31 22 30 26 9 18 29 25 3 19 26 23 23 26 2 7 22 15 9 14 22 17 19 26 22 18 27 24 4 8 27 23 6 10 28 19 26 30 8 12 S-25 22 16 20 17 13 8 11 21 17 24 15 12 16 23 16 J.Fv 1 6 -guson. 22 18 Drawn, (/) 8-11, 22-18, 4-8, 30-26, same as trunk at 13th move. (g) 22-18, 4-8, 32-27, 12-16, 25-22, 8-12, A-18-15, 19-23, 27-18, 7-10J-31-27, 10-19, 18-15, 16-20, 17-13, 3-8, 22-17, 9-14, 17-10, 19-24, 28-19, 8-11. 15-8, 6-30, 26-22, 31-27, 8-3. Drawn.— Gardner v. Granger. (70 27-23, 9-13/31-27, 5-9, 17-14, 1-5, 27-24, 16-20, 24-15, 7-10, 14-7, 3-19, 23-16, 12-19, 29-25, 20-24. 1-26-23, 19-26, 28-19, 26-31, 19-15, 31-27, 21-17. *27-31, 25-21, 31-26, 15-11, 6-10, 11-7, 26*30, 7-2, 30-25, 2-6, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 6-15, 25-11, 17-10. Drawn. (tl 18-14,9-18,22-15, 24-27, 15-11. 27-31, 25-22, 31-27. 11-7, 6-10, 22-18, 13-17, 21-14, 10-17. B. wins— Christie beat Beattie. (j) If 15-11, then 3-7, 11-2, 9-13, 2-9, 5-30, 29-25, 30-26, and Black wins. Var. 8. 32 27 25 22 15 8' 25 22 22 17 10 7 7 11 12 16 3 12 16 20 14.18 24 27 26 22 31 26 29 25 23 16 13 9 B. wins. 11 18 9 14 1 5 12 19 5 14 22 15 27 23 22 17 17 13 17 10 J. 5 9 8 11 6 10 10 15 20 24 Ferguson. 64 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. No. 15.— "EDINBURGH. a- 9 13 7 16 9 13 17 22 1 6 2 6 I cd-22 18 3-22 18 17 14 8 4 8 11 32 28 S-ll-\0 15 J -16 20 10 17 12 16 30 25 6 9 5-6 25 22 24 19 21 14 18 15 11 20 28 24 j- 6 ]0 4 8 13 17 23 26 25 21 9 14 4-23 39 29 25 19 15 30 23 23 19 24 20 m-11 16 8 11 11 16 22 25 21 17 22 18 18 11 25 22 15 11 15 11 14 10 23 26 16 23 5 9 20 24 25 30 6 24 18 15 27 18 22 17 28 19 11 8 20 27 26 22 8 15 13 22 16 23 3 12 17 22 12 16 18 11 26 17 11 8 4 8 27 23 Drawn W, Blahdey v. J. Roberts, 1904. (a) The first move forms the «' Edinburgh, " so named by Mr. J. D. Janvier. It is a weak opening for Black, and requires careful play to draw against White's strongest lines of attack. (6) 24-20, 11-15, 22-17. Same as "Wagram" trunk, at 5th move. (c) 23-19, 11-15. Same as ■• Will o'-the-Wisp" trunk, at 4th move. (d) 23-18, 12-16, 24-20, 8-12, 27-24, 3-8, e-32-27, 16-19. Same as " Ayrshire Lassie," var. 6, note (10), at 3rd move. (e) 18-14, 10-17, 21-14. *6-10, 25-21, 10-17. 21-14. 16-19. 24-15. 11-25 29-22, 16, now if 30-25, 6-10 wins for V Black.— £., McMillan. But instead of 30-25, Mr. Clegg, of Providence, U.S A , gives 32-27 to draw, thus: — 32 27 13 22 30 26 26 23 17 13 23 14 6 10 26 17 /-10 15 g- 6 9 9 18 15 19 22 17 2 6 Drawn. (/) 6-9, 27-24 draws. (g) 15-18,20-16,12-26,31-15, 8-11, 15-8, 4-11. 27-23, fi-6-9, 23-18, 9-13, 28-24. 13-22, 24-19, 22-26, 19-15, 11-16, 15-11, 26-30, 11-2, 30-26, 18-15, 26-23, 2-7. Drawn. (K) t-11-16, 28-24, 16-20, 24-19, 6-9, 23-18, 9-13, 19-16, 13-22,' 18-15. Drawn. (i) If 11-15, then 28-24 draws. (j ) 5-9 is a favourite line with some players, but it leads to a weak end-game:— 5-9. 29-25. 7-10, 18-14, 9-18, 23-7, 3-10, 26-23, £-10-14 24-19, 15-24, 28-19. 11-15, 19-10, 6-15, 31-26, 2-6, 23-18, 14-23, 27-11, 8-15, 26-23. 4-8, 23-18, 15-19. Drawn.— Murray' V. dinger, 1399. EDINBURGH* 65 (Ic) 11-10, 24-19, 15-24. 27-11, 8-15,23-18, 15-19, /-31-26, 6-9, and Black draws by careful play. (/) Mr. W. M. Webster, of Center Sandwith, N.H., U.S.A., thinks 30-26 good enough to win for White. (w) 5-9. -27-23. 1-5. 30-25, 11-16, 18-11, 8-15, 24-20, 15-24, 20-11, 7-16, 28-19, 2-7, 22-17, 13-22, 26-17, 10-14, 17-10.7-14, 25-22, 4-8, 22-18, 3-7, 29-25, 7-11, 25-22, 9-13, 18-9, 5-14, 22-18. W. wins.— & Drewitt. Var. 1. n~ 5 9 27 24 2 6 26 23 14 21 23 16 29 25 1 6 24 15 19 26 7 2 12 19 4 8 24 15 10 19 30-23 6 9 22 18 o-24 20 30 19 25 22 11 15 2 6 13 17 2-16 19 31 27 7 10 18 11 10 15 10 14 32 27 6 10 21 17 9 14 6 10 W wins. 3 7 27 24 8 11 11 7 15 19 T Cowie. (n) Acknowledged to be weak, if not a losing move. This correct reply is said to be 18-15, and it is doubtful if there is a draw for Black —T. Cowie. (o) Mr. Cowie aims at a White win from this point. Var. 2. 8 11 3 7 2 6 6 15 15 22 12 19 32 27 28 24 25 22 22 17 10 7 7 3 10 14 7 10 10 15 13 22 16 19 W wins. n 23 24 19 19 10 26 10 23 16 T. Cowie, (/>) 10-15, 25-22, 3-7. 27-24, 1-5, 26-23, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14. 24-19, 5-24, 28-19, 7-10, 22-18. W. wins.— T. Cowie. Var. 3. ?-29 25 10 17 24 20 13 22 2Q 23 18 22 4 8 21 14 2 7 26 17 19. 26 24 19 22 18 r-11 15 32 27 6 9 30 14 22 25 8 11 25 22 1 6 31 26 15 18 19 15 18 14 5-16 19 22 17 a h. h 9 18 ving. 27 24 Drawn (?) 24-20, 16-19, 22-18, 3-7, .18-15, 4-8, 15-6, 1-10, 32-27, 8-11, 20-16. 11-20, 27-24, 20-27, 31-6, 2-9,28-24,12-16,24-19,16-23, 26-19, 13-17. Drawn— J. Robertson. (/) 3-7, 25-22, 1-6, *32-27, 6-10. 22-17, 13-22, 26-17, 11-15, 27-23, T5-18, 24-20. Drawn.—/. Smith. (*) 16-20, 24-19. 15-24, 28-19, 1-6, 22-18, 2-7, 26-23. 7-10, 14-7, 3-10, 18-15, 12-16, 19-12, 10-26, 31-22. 6-10, 12-8, 10-14, 8-3, 14-17. 22-18, 17-22, 3-7, 13*17, 7-10. W. wins.— J. Wyllie beat &. Martins 3 1864. DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. Var. 4. M8 14 8 11 28 24 7 16 23 19 6 9 10 17 29 25 w-12 16 31 24 1 6 16 12 21 14 11 15 z-27 23 16 20 26 22 10 15 *15 19 25 22 16 19 22 18 6 10 18 2 24 15 4 8 23 16 20 27 21 17 9 25 11 25 23 18 11 27 32 23 2 6 17 14 ?<-30 ,21 8 11 18 11 3 7 19 16 13 17 Drawn. — C. H. Irving. (0 21-17, 11-16, 18-11. 8-15, 24-19, 15-24, 27-11, 7-16, 23-18, 2-7, 29-25, 10-14, 17-10, 7-23, 26-19, 16-23, 31-26, 23-27, 32-2(5, 4-8, 28-19, 8-11, 22-lb, 1-6, 28-24, 6-10, 24-20, 10-14, 18-9, 5-14, 26-22, *14-17, 22-18, 17-22 19-15, 22-29, 15-8, 1317. Drawn — J. Robertson. («) 29-22, 12-16, 28-24, 16-20, 24-19, 1-6, 22-18, 13-17, 32-28, 8-11, 19-16, 4-8, 16-12, 11-16. 28-24, v-8-11, 26-22, 17-26, 31-22, 6-9, 24-19, 2-6, 30-26, 6-10 *12-8, 8-12, 22-17, 11-15, 18-2, 9-18, 23-7, 16-32, Drawn —J. Smith. (v) 6-9 loses, as follows:— H-9. 24-19, 2-6 y *19-15, 17-21. 14-10, 7-14," 15-11. .W. wins.— J. Smith.- (w) 1-6, 27-23, 6-9, 23-19, 12-16, 19-10, 16-20, 22-17, 20,27, 32-23, 13-22. 26-17, 9-13. 14-9, 13-22, 10 6, 5-14, 18-9, 11 16. Drawn. — Robertson. (x) 24-20 allows a Black win, thus:— 24-20, 1-6. 27-23. 6-9, 32-28, 16-19, 23-16, 15-19, 81-27, 11-15. B. wins.— G. H. Irving. Var. 5. 24 19 30 26 £-28 24 27 23 22 18 10 7 15 22 5 9 c- 1 5 8 11 13 17 14 18 25 18 26 17 23 19 23 18 18 9 7 3 #-11 15 9 13 7 10 11 16 5 14 Drawn. 19 10 17 14 14 7 18 11 19 15 C. F. 6 22 8 11 3 10 1« 23 17 22 Barker v. 26 17 29 25 25 22 24 19 15 10 Wyllie, 13 22 11 15 4 8 10 14 22 25 1882. (y) 11-16,21-17,13-22, 26-17, 7-10, 17-13, 5-9, 29-25, 10-14, 25-21, 8-11. 31-26, 3-7, z-28-24, a-16-20, 19-15, 7-10, 15-8, 4-11, 26-22, 10-15, 23-19, 14-23, 19-10 6-15, 13-6, 2-9, 27-18, 20-27, 32-23, 12-16, 21-17, 9-13, 17-14, 13-17. Drawn.-*/". Lees. O) 19-15,, 4-8, 27-24, 16-19, 23-16, 14-23, 26-19, 11-27,32-23, 7-11, 2318, 11-16, 21-17, 16-23. 17-14, 12-16, 14-5, 23-26, 30-23, 6-9 B. wins. — Durgin beat Holmes. (a) 7-10. *18-15, 11-18, 24-20,. 10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 20-11. W. wins — J. Lees (b) Barker and Wyllie ran into this position from the *' Single Corner," thus:— 11-15, 22-18, 15-22, 25-18, 8-11, 24-19, 9-13,' 28-24, 10-15, 19-10, 6-22, 26-17, 13-22. 30-26, 5-9, 26-17, 9 13, 17-14, 11-15, 29-25. Same as var. 5, at 17th move. EDINBURGH. 67 (c) 4-8, rf-14-9, 8-11, 25-22, 1-5,23-19,5-14, 19-10, 11-15, 27-23, 12-16, 23-18, 14-23, 31-27, 7-14, 27-9, 16-19, 22-18, 15-22, 24-15, 22-26, 15-10,26-31, 10-6, 3-7, 6-1, 7-10, 1-6, 10-14, 6-10. 31-26. Drawn — D. L. McCaughie v. A. Jackson. ( 27-23. Drawn by Fifth Position. Var. 6. 18 14 7- 6 10 29 25 16 23 6 10 30 25 e-15 19 28 24 1 5 18 9 16 19 9 6 24 15 8 12 25 22 17 22 32 28 25 21 11 18 24 19 2 7 9 6 22 26 6 2 *26 22 4 8 22 18 23 26 21 17 22 17 12 16 25 22 7 10 6 2 26 31 14 10 22 15 8 11 18 9 26 30 17 13 21 25 7 10 22 18 5 14 2 6 31 26 2 7 14 7 10 14 27 24 10 15 13 9 25 22 3 26 18 9 13 17 31 27 26 22 £-24 20 30 23 5 14 23 18 F. Teschelei 11 16 V, 1912. 10 14 Drawn (e). 15-18, , 24-19, 6-9 ,/-28-24, etc ., draws. See AC. P. .(/) 19-15, 11-16, 15-10, 8 11, 28-24, 16-20, 32-28. 4-8, 23-19, 11-15, 2Q-22. and now, Mr. T. Cowie says, play 7-11 and I see no draw for White. (g) Beware of 7-11, 22-26, 11-18, 26-23. B. -wins.— P. Thirkell. Var. 7. 8 11 6 10 8 12 13 17 20 27 20 24 28 24 18 14 29 25 *2o 22 32 23 19 16 16 20 10 17 2 7 17 2Q 16 20 24 27 24 19 21 14 *19 15 3i 22 *22 )8 15 11 4 8 1 6 11 18 12 16 6 9 VV, wins. 23 18 25 22 22 15 *27 24 23 19 W. D. Benstead, 1895. (h) Mr. Benstead's play starts here. Var. 8. 2-12 16 y-24 20 8 12 9-10-27 24 *J 8 24 19 11 15 18 11 8 24 o-28 19 6 9 20 U 7 16 25 22 4 8 22 18 p- 9 14 18 9 5 14 29 25 8 11 25 22 1 5 22 18 2 7 18 9 5 14 9-26 22 14 17 21 14 10 26 31 22 7 10 22 18 16 20 32 27 11 16 30 26 13 17 18 14 10 15 19 10 17 21 23 18 21 25 27 23 25 30 10 6 16 19 23 16 12 19 26 22 30 26 Drawn. J. Robertson. (z) A favourite line with Wyllie and Freeman. The position at 4th move of thi# var. can be formed from the '« Dundee," thud —12-16, 24-20, 8*-l2, 22-18, 9-13. Same as var 8 at 4th move, 68 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. (/) 24-19, 8 12, 18-14, 10-17, 21-1,4, £-6-9, 26-22, 9-18, 22-8, 4-li, 25 7 22, 7-10, 22-18, 10-14 draws. (&) 6-10 loses, thus:— 6-10, 25-21. 10-17, 21-14, 2-6. 29-25, 6-10, 25-21, 10-17, 21-14, 1-6, 27-24, 16-20, 23-18,20-27,32-23, 13-17, 28-24, 17-21, 24-20, 6-10, 14-9.. W. wins.— Ferrie beat Bryden. If 16-20, 23-18, 6-9, 25-21, 13-17, 27-23, 1-6, 29-25, 6-10, forming position on diagram: — 19 16 12 19 23 16 /- 9 13 25 22 wi- 4 8 16 12 tuIO 15 28 24 20 27 31 24 W. wins. H. J. S. Hewlandaw 1909. White to. move and win. (/) Black has nothing better. Hewlandaw. (m) If 20-24, 28-19, 11-20, 19-16, and Whites win against any- thing by 16-11; or if 11-15, .18-11.. 3-8, 31.-27, 8-15, 16-11, W.. wins; or if 10-15, 16-12, 4-8 (15-19, 32-27 wins), 28-24. W. wins ; or if 2-6, 28-24, 20-27, 32-23, 11-20, 14-9, W wins —Hewlandaw. (n) If 2-6, 28-24, 20-27, 31-24, 11-16 (6-9. 24-20 wins), 26-23, 17-26 24-20, W. wins; or if 11-16, 32-27, 2^ f W. wins.— Hewlandaw. (o) 20-11, 7-16, 28-19, 10-14, 25-22. 4-8, 22-18, 6-10, 18-9,5-14, 29-25, 2-7, 25-22, 8-11, 22-18, 1-5, 18-9, 5-14 Same as var. 8 at 28th move. — Freeman v. Barker. (p) 8-11, 19-15, 10-19. 18-14, 9-27, 31-8, 5-9, 8-4, l-o, 4-8, 16-20, 8-11, 20-24, 26-22, 2-6 11-15. W. wins.— J. Neills. (?) 23-18, 14-23. 31-27, *13-17, 27-18, 16-23, 26-19, 11-16, 21-14, 16-23, 14-9, 7-11, 9-6, 10-15, 18-14, 15-19, 6-2, 11-16, 2-7, 23-26. Drawn.—/?. Jordan v. J. Wyllie, 1892.. Var. 9. 28 24 23 14 29 25 20 11 9 5 31 22 10 15 4 8 13 17 7 30 17 21 25 11 32 28 26 23 30 26 5 1 5 1 27 23 15 22 16 19 5 9 30 21 2 6 Drawn 25 18 24 15 14 5 1 10 10 15 r- 6 9 11 18 8 11 21 17 21 25 Durgin 18 14 23 19 21 14 14 9 1 10 i\ 9 18 1 6 11 16 18 22 22 26 Bailey. EDINBURGH. 69 (r) 7-10, 18-15, 10-19, 24-8, 4-11, 26-22, 3-7, 28-24, 6-10, 22 18, 1-6.24-19, 10-14, 18-9 5-14, 27-24, 14-18, 23-14. 16-23, 24-19* 23-27. 32-23, 11-16. Drawn.— #. Mar v. J. Wyllie, 1890 Var. 10. 18 14 29 25 27 23 27 23 28 24 2 7 10 17. 11 15 8 12 14 17 2 6 19 24 21 14 27 23 23 16 23 16 24 20 7 11 16 19 8 12 12 19 17 21 10 14 24 27 23 16 23 16 31 27 16 11 11 7 11 15 12 19 12 19 6 9 1 6 14 17 27 31 25 22 32 27 14 10 20 16 7 2 16 11 4 8 3 8 7 14 R. D. Var 6 10 Yates. . 11. 15 19 Drawn 11 16 25 22 10 19 27 24 15 24 19 15 24 20 4 8 18 15 10 15 28 19 21 25 16 19 29 25 7 11 25 22 13 17 23 18 23 16 7 10 31 27 9 14 22 13 12 19 32 27 11 18 26 23 2 6 Drawn 27 24 t- 5 9 22 15 19 26 21 17 8 12 27 24 u, 6 10 30 23 14 21 24 15 12- 3 7 15 6 8 -11 20 16 10 19 24 15 1 10 24 19 11 20 J Lees (s) 6-9, 25-22, 11-15, 18-11, 8-15, 23-18,7-11. 26-23, 16, 30-26, 4-8, 24-20, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 29-25, *2-7, etc., draws. (n 8-11. 18-15. 11-18 22-15, 6-9, 15-6, 1-10, 25-22. 2-7, 27-24, 10-15, 20-16, 9-14, 16-11, 7-16, 22-17, 13-22, 26-10, 16-20, 31-27; 5:9, 10-6, 9-14, 6-2, 14-18, 30-26. W. wins.— W. C. Parrow. (m) 9-14, 27-24, 14-18, 20-16, *19-23, 26-19, 6-10, 15-6, 1-10 will draw.— J". Lees. Var. 12. 9 14 24 15 13 31 iv-SO 25 10 15 17 13 24 15 14 18 15 10 32 28 * 4 8 18 14 10 19 28 24 31 27 2 7 15 18 11 15 38 9 7 11 10 6 28 19 8 11 27 31 1 5 21 17 27 32 7 11 13 17 20 16 SI 27 6 10 6 2 15 18 25 21 Drawn. 5 14 15 6 9 13 *22 15 17 22 W. T* n 24 2 9 25 22 19 10 21 17 Broadbent 9 3 7 22 15 17-11 15 11 4 22 26 1906. (v) To this point by E. A. Harrhy. O) 2-3, 32-28, 6-10, 28-19, 20-16, 13-17, 22-13, 15-18, a>13-9, 18-23, 9-6, 23-27, 6-2, 27-32, 2-6, 32-28, 6-9, 19-24. B. wins.— P. ThirkeU. (x) If 10-14, 18-23, any, 23-27, B. wins; or 30-26, 18-23, 26-22, 23-27, B. wins.— P. Thirkell 70 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. No. 16.— "FIFE. |1 15 4-15 18 4 8 2 27 22 25 16 29 23 19 6-25 22 31 27 19 15 21 17 9 6 9 14 18 25 8 12 11 18 25 30 20 24 22 17 29 22 27 23 20 2 17 13 6 2 a- 5 9 10 14 1-11 16 27 31 12 16 24 27 7-17 13 o22 17 24 20 24 19 10 6 1 6 14 18 .9-14 18 7 11 31 26 1 10 27 32 5-19 16 27 23 28 24 19 15 7 14 Drawn. 12 19 18 27 <7- 3 7 26 23 30 25 J. Wyllie 26 23 32 23 17 14 15 10 5 I v. 19 2Q 8 11 6 9 18 22 25 22 R. Martins 30 5 e-23 19 13 6 2 7 13 9 1867. (a) The iirst five moves form the opening. It has been so named since Wyllie played it for the first time against Anderson in their last match, February, 1847.* It is worthy of Wyllie's genius, as it is the most interesting opening of the game of Draughts. (b) 27-23 is also a good line, but is not so safe. (c) I prefer 22-17, though 22-18 is the older line of defence, thus:— 22-18, 14-23, 27-18, 8-11. rf-31-26, 7-10, 26-23. 4-8 24-20, 10-15, 18-14, 6-9, 13-6. 2-27, 32-23. 3-7, 28-24, 7-10, 23-19, 8-12, 21-17. Drawn.— J. Wyllie v. J. §. Busby. (d) 32-27, 4-8, 31-26. 7-10, 21-17, 10 15, 26-22, 8-12, 27-23, *12-16, 24-19, 15-24, 28-12, 11-16,*18-15, 6-9. Drawn —Martins. (e) 24-19, 7-10, /-28-24, 4-8, 31-27, 8-12, 17-14, 10-17. 21-14, 6-9. 13-6, 1-17. 24-20, 3-7, 5-1, 7-10, 23-18, 17-22, 27-23, 22-25, 18-14, 10-17, 23-18. Drawn.— -W. T. Broadbent. 1898. {/) 31-26, 4-8, 28-24, 8-12, 26-22, 11-15. B. wins.— J. D. Janvier. (g) 3-8, 19-15, 11-27, 20-4, 27-31,4-8, 31-26, 8-11, 26-22, 17-14, 6-9. Drawn.— Wyllie v Yates. "The game* played in this great match, as well as many others mentioned in this book, will be found complete in Gould's "Memorable Matches." HFE. 71 Var. L 7 10 Ml 15 1*8 23 23 27 11 16 3 10 24 20 19 10 14 9 13 9 20 11 6 15 h- 2 7 6 15 7 11 27 82 27 20 14 17 17 14 £-28 24 9 6 9 6 11 7 15 18 10 17 15 18 1 10 32 27 10 14 Drawn. 21 14 23 19 5 1 6 2 1 G Di •. Schaefer (70 11-15. 28-24, 2-7, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 7-10, 14-7,3.10, 20-16. 10-14, 19-10, 12-28, 10-7, 14-18, 23-14, 6-9. ' Drawn.— i?. Martins v. C. Hefter. (i) 7-10, 14-7, 3-10, *13-9, 6-13, 23-18. 10-14, 18-9, 13-17, *9-6, 1-10,5-1, 17-22, 1-6, 11-15, 2W4, 22-26, 6-2 15-18, 2-6, 10*14, 6-10, 14-17, 10-14. W. wins.— Mcddloch beat McCalL Var. 2. 23 19 9 .6 6 9 6 15 9 6 18 23 15 24 1 10 7 10 17 22 32 28 26 31 28 19 5 1 9 6 15 19 6 2 7 11 10 14 11 15 24 27 28 24: Drawn 14 9 1 6 13 9 19 23 23 18 3 7 14 17 15 24 27 32 22 2§ Hefter: Var/ 3. 7 10 15 19 12 16 26 30 2*3 18 10 15 27 23 24 15 13 9 17 14 6 2 6 10 8 11 10 26 15 19 30 26 18 15 15 18 24 19 17 10 22 17 14 10 11 7 10 15 4 8 6 15 19 23 26 23 15 6 18 22 ;-28 24 31 22 17 13 9 6 2 9 15 11 11 15 8 12 23 36 2 9 3 10 16 20 M9 16 16 11 2L 17 13 6 9 6 Drawn, J. Moir v. A. Jackson (/) 31-26, 11-15, 26-22, 15-24. 28-19. 8-11, 22-18, 10-15, 18-9, 15-24, 23-19, 3-8, 32-28, 24-27. 28-24, 27-31, £-17-14, 31-27. 21-17, 27-20* 19-16, 11-15, 16-11, Drawn —Keller. (k) 24-20, 8-12, 20-16, 11-20, 19-15, 31-26, 15-11, 26-22, 11-7,. 2-11, 9-2, 22-18, 13-9, 20-24, 17-14, 1-6. B wins.— Y&tes beat Martins * (/) 24-20, 15-24,. 32-28, ro-24-27, 31-24, 8-12. Drawn— J". Lees. (mi) 8-il, 28-19. 11-15, 19-16, n-15-18, 23-19 18-23, 16-11, 14-18, 19-16, 10-15, 17-14, 23 26, 31-22. 18-25, 14-9, 15-18, 11-7, 3-10,16-11,10-15,11-7,2-11,9-2, 15-19, 2-7. 11-15,13-9,18-22, 9-6, 1-10. 7-14, 22-26. Drawn.— R. F. Ostrander v. JS J. Simp- son, 1897, ' Qi) 15-19, *31-26, 19-24,26-22, 24-27, 16-11, 27-31, *ll-7, 2-11, 22-18, 6-9, 13-6, 31-27, 18-9, 27-18, 6-2 f 18-22, 17-13. W. wins.— A. Jackson beat W. Beatiie. 8 11 ' 11 27 10 14 15 22 24 28 27 23 32 23 17 10 25 18 9 6 4 8 8 12 6 15 16 19 1 10 o.21 17 28 24 20 11 18 14 5 1 ?-15 19 *12 16 7 16 19 24 28 32 23 16 24 20 23 18 14 9 13 9 72 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. Var. 4. 32 28 Drawn. J. Lees. (o) 32-27. 10-14, jo-24-19. 15-24,28-19,7-10,25-22,11-15,22-17, 15-24, 27-20, 8-11, 29-25, 3-8, 31-27, 11-15. 20-16, 8-12. 16-11, 12-16. ?-27-24, 15-19. Drawn.— J S. Busby and J. Wyllie. (p) 25-22, 14-18, 23-14, 15-19, 24-15, 11-25 29-22, 6-9. B. wins — Wyllie. (q) 11-8, 15-19, 27-24, 19-26, 24-20. 16 19, 20-16, 19-24, 16-11, 26-30, 8-3. 30-26, 11-7, 2-11, 3-7, 26-23. B. wins —J. Feme beat J. P. Reed. (?) 8-12, 32-27, 3-8, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 11-16, 25-22, 7-11, 29-25, 16-20, 23-18, 11-16, 27-23, 20-24, 18-14, 24-28, 14-7, 2-11, 22-18, 28-32, 18-14, 32-28, 25-22, 28-32, 14-9, 6-10, 22-18, 32-28, 18-14. W. wins.— Di\ Schaefer. Var. 5. 21 17 6 30 26 28 19 19 15 22 17 16 11 9 14 16 20 20 24 12 19 24 27 15 18 25 21 19 16 27 20 27 23 31 24 11 7 r. 7 11 12 19 18 23 19 26 26 31 31 26 29 25 23 16 26 22 20 16 24 20 7 2 3 7 8 12 23 26 10 19 2 7 26 22 26 23 24 19 *32 27 17 3 3 10 Drawn. 11 16 15 24 26 30 19 24 6 15 Robertson, 00 8-11, 26-23, *-18-22, 24-20, 15-2*. 28-19, 11-15, 30-25, 15-24, 25-9, 4-8, 29-25, 8-11, 9-5. 1 1-15, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 6-9. Drawn. — Colt herd and Martins, 1849. (0 3-8 loses, as follows: -3-8, *13-9, 6-22, 21-17, 14 2 i r 23-14, 10-17, 19-3,11-16, 24-20, 1-6, 20-11. 8-15, 31-26. 22-31. 29-25, 31-24, 28-1, 12-16, 1-5, 2 6, 3-7, 4-8, 30-26, 21-30, 7-3. W. wins. — A.D.P., 1860. Var. 6. 24 20 27 20 30 26 31 24 25 22 21 14 15 24 18 27 18 23 11 15 26 31 26 22 28 19 32 23 26 22 18 11 22 18 19 15 1 5 4 8 8 11 7 23 *31 26 6 9 20 11 w-23 19 22 18 24 19 17 14 8 24 14 18 *23 27 23 26 10 17 B. wins W. D. Bensteadv . J. Edwards, FIFE. 73 (u) 25-22, 14 18, 22-15, 10-26, 31-22, 8-11, 30-26, 12-16, 26-23, 7-10. B. wins. — Benstead. Var. 7. 26 23 29 25 21 14 32 27 27 23 20 16 *. 9 13 y- ^ 5 10 17 4 8 5 9 1 9 14 £-24 20 25 22 18 14 18 15 23 18 16 11 15 24 8 11 6 10 11 18 10 14 14 18 28 19 22 18 23 18 23 14 19 15 11 4 13 22 b- 2 6 17 21 7 10 14 23 18 23 25 9 31 26 27 23 14 7 26 19 6 13 13 17 10 17 3 10 17 22 Drawn J. Wyllie v. R. D. Yates. 00 8-11, 17-13, 1-5, 25-22, 14-18,23-14.9-25,29-22, 3-8, 22-17 11-16, w-27-23, 5-9, 30-25, 7-11, 24-20. Drawn.-— Barker. O) 31-26, 16-23, 27-11, 8-15, 24-19 15-24, 28-19, 7-11, 26-23, 4-8, x-30-26, 6-9, 13-6, 2-9. 17-13, 9-14, 13-9, 11-15, 32-28, 15-24, 28-19, 8-11, 9-6, 11-15, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16. 14-18. Drawn.— E. A. Benjamin, 1900, (x) 23-18, 11-16, 1S-14, 16-23, 14-7, 2.11, 17-14, *23-26, 30-23, 11-16, 23-18, 8-11, 32-27, 16-19. B. wins.— Drummond beat Baxter. (y) 8-11, 23-18, 3-8, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 13-17, 2-27-23. 11-16, 20-11, 8-24, 32-28, 24-27. 31-24, 12-16, 14-10, 7-14, 24-20, 16-19, 23-16, 1-6, 16-U. Drawn.— R. Martins v. J. Robertson (z) 14-9 loses, and forms the following position : — 11 16 20 11 8 24 27 20 1 5 31 2^ 5 14 rt-25 22 17 21 32 27 4 8 R. D Yates W. R. Barker Black to move and win. (a) 25-21.12-16,20-11, 7-16, 32-27, 4-8, 30 25, 16-19, 25-22, 8-12,22-13, 14-18, 13-9, 2-7, 9-6, 7-11, 6-2, 11-16. B. wins.— P. Thirkell. (b) 3-8, 18-15, 11-18, 23-14, 10-17. 21-14, c-2-6, 19-15, 8-11, 15-8,4-11, 30-25, 11-15, 27-23, 13-17, 25-22, 17-26, 31-22, 6-9, 23-18, 15-19, 20-ltf, 19-23, 22-17, 12-19, 17-13. Drawn.— J. Wyllie and W R. Barker, 1874, d-ZO 26 4 8 13 22 22 17 25 9 13 22 6 13 26 17 29 25 e- 2 6 8 11 24 20 25 22 15 24 8, 9 14 32 28 10 14 2« 22 3 7 9 6 7 11 17 14 ;-18 22 *23 18 10 17 6 2 14 23 21 14 14 18 22 17 6 10 19 16 15 18 14 9 Drawn. 74 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (c) 13-17. 31-26 8-11. 27-23, 11*16, 20-11, 7-16, 19-15, 4^9, 23-19, 16-23. 26-19, 17-22, 32-27, 2-7, 15-10, 7-11,10-7,11-16, 19-15, 16-19, 7 •;>. W. wins.— \V. J. Wmy. Var. 28 19 /-U 15 27 24 6 9 17 13 gi- I « 31 26 R Martins in " BohrC* Book of Games." (d) This is C. F. Barker's famous "Fife " defence. (e) The move by which the late J. Smith scored a win of Barker. Mr. Martins, in '• Bohn's Handbook." plavs 1-5, 17-13, 2-6,24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 11-15. 27-24, 5-9, 3L-26," 9-14, 26-22, same as var S at 24th move. (/•) 10-14, 17-10, 6-24, 32-28, 7-10, 8-19. 11-15, 27-24, 1-6, 20-16, 8-11, 16-7, 15-18. Drawn —.A L Richmond. (g) 9-14, 13-9, 8-11, 32-28, A-14-17. Drawn. (h) Beware of 15-18; Reed lost by it as follows:— 15-18, 9-6, 18-27, 1916, 12-19, 24-8, 3-12, 31-24, 7-11, 6-2. 14-l8 t 2-6. W. wins.— C F. Barker beat J. P. Reed, Sept., 1891. (i) 8-11, 13-6, 15-18, 23*14, 10-17, 21-14, 1-17, *32-28, 17-22, 19-16, 12 19. 24-8. 3-12, 28-24 7-11, 24-19, 22-25,31-26,25-30, 26-23, 30-26, 23-18 Drawn. - J. L. Richmond. O) 23-27. 6-2, 27-31, 19-16, 12-19, 21-15, 14-17, 20-16. Drawn. — J. L. Richmond No. 17.— " GLASGOW. 11 15 6-3 7 9 18 19 26 w-13 17 25 30 23 19 o-«-28 24 22 15 28 19 22 18 6 2 8 11 7 16 10 19 10 14 2 6 30 26 22 17 24 20 32 28 30 23 21 17 0-I8 15 a-11 16 16 19 /•- 6 10 9 13 14 21 11 18 24 20 25 22 25 22 18 9 n-23 18 2 7 16 23 4 8 £-5 9 1 5 6 10 10 14 27 11 29 25 22 18 31 26 13 9 7 10 7 16 5-4-19 24 j-k- 8 11 5 14 21 25 18 22 20 11 2-17 14 26 23 26 22 9 6 10 17 Drawn. J. B. Slacindoe. GLASGOW. 75 This game afterwards occurred in a match between W. R. Barker and W. H. Broughton, in 1875. (, and the opening is formed. This open- ing has been known as the ' Glasgow '' since James Sinclair, of that city, played it against Anderson in their match at Hamilton, in 1828 But it was familiar to the old-time players long before that date It is the favourite opening of all the leading experts, and is considered equally good for both sides. (/>) 3-8 here draws, but is not so good as 3-7:— 3-8, 11-7. 2-11, 28-24, 1 1-15, 24-20, 15-19. 25-22, r- 1 2-16, 20-1 1 . 8-15, 26-23, 19-26, 80-28, 9-14,81-26, 5-0, 17-13,4-8,32-28,8-12,23-19, 15-24,28-19, 10-15. Drawn.—./. Lees. (c) 9-14, 20-16, 19-24, 22-18. 14-23. 26-19, 5-9, 32-28, ™mW. (A) 23-18,5-9.2-6,10-14 18-15,26-30.25-21,30-26,15-11,14-18, 6-1, 9-14, 1-6, 26-23, 6-9, 23-32, 24-19. 18-23, 9-27, 32-7. B. wins. (i) 2-6,10-14,25-21. 2C-31, 23-19, 31-26, 19-16, 14-18. 6-10, 26-23. B. wins. —Drummond. Var. 1. 31 26 2 11 26 23 11 16 21 14 11 16 7 11 4-17 13 22 26 19 12 4 8 30 25 19 16 14 18 23 19 15 18 £25 21 31 2Q 12 19 22 17 26 31 17 14 8 11 25 21 23 7 18 22 529 25 B. wins.— Var 10 17 -R. Home, 2. 21 17 26 22 ;-25 22 27 '23 24 20 12 8 23 14 32 23 18 25 20 27 15 18 7 10 10 17 26 17 30 21 28 24 20 16 14 7 21 14 8 11 11 15 3 7 R. Home an 6 10 d F. Dunne 31 26 B. wins O') 13-9 6-13, 14-10, 8-11, 12-8, 3-12, 10-7, 11-16, 7-3, 18-23. B. wins. — R. Home. Var. 3. 19 16 15 18 21 14 1 17 18 25 11 15 3 7 17 14 6 9 25 22 30 14 B. wins. 29 25 10 17 13 6 H. Home 80 DRAUGHTS—- THE OPENINGS. Var. 4. 26 23 12 19 n- 2 7 18 22 2 11 27 32 4 8 27 23 27 31 />-30 2S 18 9 11 18 &-23 19 18 27 7 14 31 27 17 13 19 23 8 12 32 7 9 18 13 9 9 6 18 S7 1-29 25 20 27 17 14 22 31 21 17 32 23 5 9 w-22 17 3 7 9 6 31 27 B. wins 17 13 15 19 21 17 27 23 11 7 R.E. 14 18 7 2 6 10 « 2 10 15 Bowen } 19 16 * 1 5 d-26 21 23 18 7 11 1S69. (F) 23-18,- 14-23, 27-18. 20-27, 32-23, *5-9, 30-26, 9-13, 18-14, 15-18, 14-7, 18-27, 7-2, 6-9, 26-23, 27-31, 23-18, 31-26. B. wias.— Drummond, 1866* (/) 30-26, *11-16, 26-23. 15-18, 22-15, 14-18, 23-7, 16-23, 27-18, 20-27, 32-23, 3-26, etc. B. wins.— R. T. Ward, 1901. (m) 7-2, *27-31, 22-17, 3-7, 2-18, 10-14, 17-10, 6-29, 13-6. MO, 21-17, 31-27. 17-13, 10-15, 13-9, 15-19, 9-6, 27-23, 6-2. B. wins by 2nd position. — R. E. Bowen. (See Prob. 12). (n) 30-26, 10-15, 26-22, 27-31, 17-14, 9-18, 2-9, 5-14, 2217, 31-26, 17-10, 26-22. B. wins.—/. Wyllie. (o) 25-22, 18-25, 30-21, 31-26, 13-9, 26-22, 9-6, 22-13, 6-2, 10-17, 2-11, 13-9, 21-14, 9-18. B. wins.— R. E. Bowen. (/>) 13-9, 31-27, 9-6, 19-24, 28-19, 22-26. B. wins — Bowen. Var. 5. II 16 23 14 16 23 21 14 32 27 24 20 9-27 23 9 18 26 19 * 6 9 4 8 r- 1 6 15 18 17 14 10 17 (g) Another way of forming the opening, " Glasgow " trunk, at oth move. 24-20 is the regular (?•) Forms the following critical position : — White to n\ove and draw. KELSO. 81 7-30 26 13 6 31 24 16 11 8 11 6 2 9 13 2 18 13 17 7 16 27 18. 24 20 19 15 28 24 20 16 20 4 10 6 10 6 6-13 17 5 9 17 21 30 26 18 23 12 16 25 22 24 19 26 23 15 10 19 15 6 1 18 25 9 13 21 25 2Q 31 23 19 Drawn, 29 13 27 23 24 20 4 8 15 10 J.H. 6 9 18 27 25 30 Var. t 31 27 6. 19 24 Bailey. 7 10 27 23 2 7 * 26 22 7 1L 22 15 14 7 18 27 28 24 9 14 29 25 14 18 3 19 31 15 5 9 Drawn.— Var 25 21 'Bailey. 7. 11 18 24 19 31 26 *-22 17 28 24 18 11 19 10 11 8 9 13 13 22 5 9 7 10 12 26 26 23 5-26 22 18 15 20 16 24 20 20 16 8 4 *18 23 10 17 9 13 22 26 26 30 23 19 27 18 25 18 15 11 30 23 16 12 4 8 6 10 17 22 8 15 10 15 30 26 19 15 B. wins. — R. Home. (s) 28-24. 6-10, 26-23, 10-17, 23-14, 8-11, 27-23. *17-21, 25-22, 7-10, 14-7, 3-10, 23-18, 2-7, 29-25, 10-14, 18-9, 5-14. 19-15, 11-18, 22-15, 14-18, 24-19, 13-17, 20-16, 18-23, 15-11. 7-10, 11-7, 10-14, 7-2, 14-18'. B. wins.— .7. Lees. (0 25-21, 10-26, 30-23, 7-10, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 13-17; 29-25, 3-7, 23-18. 17-22, 25-21, 22-26, 19-15, 2-6, 21-17, 26-30. B. wins. — 2?. Home No. 19.— " KELSO." 13) a-10 15 18 9 5 14 13 6 25 30 9 e 14\ c-tf-21 17 5 14 ;-30 25 2 9 23 18 23 If bhi'f-n 16 2-29 25 &- 3 7 18 15 30 2Q 15 K 10-17 13 11 16 25 22 10 14 18 14 20 2. M6 20 2 25 21 14 17 w-15 10 9 18 6 % 5-22 18 4 8 21 14 14 17 27 24 19 23 15 22 26 22 10 2Q 19 15 20 27. Drawn. 25 18 7 10 31 22 «-17 21 32 14 CF. Barker 8 11- 2-22 18 7 10 10 7 26 23 v. a h. 24 19 1 5 -22 18 21 25 14 9 Freeman^ 9 U 18 9 6 9 7 3 16 2a 1685. 82 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (a) The '* Kelso" is formed by the first move Drummond, ill his edition of 1851, gave it this title • and it has been known by this name ever sinee. The opening is rapidly beeoming popular, and will soon rank in equal favour with 11-16 or 9-14 as an opening move. (6) 24-20, 15-19, 23-16, 12-19, 22-18, 9-14. 18-9, 5-14, 25-22, 11-15. Same as " Bristol," var. 5, at 2nd move, (c) 24.19, 15-24, 28-19, 9-14, 22-18, 5-9, 26-22, 7-10. Same as " Second Double Corner," var. 11, at 6th move. (d) 23-19. e-7-10, 26-23, 3-7, 21-17 11-16, 25-21. Same as "Alma," var. 5, at 2nd move. (e) 15-18, 22-15, IMS. 19-15, 12-16, 24-20, 16-19. Same as " Bristol," var. 7, at 4th move. (f) Against 15-18 the following is a strong defence: — 23-14, 9-18, 22-15, 11-18, 24-19, 8-11, 17-13, 7-10. 26-23, 10-14, *31-26, 2-7,28-24, 11-16,24-20,7-11, 19-15, 3-8, 13-9, 6-13, 15-10! 5-9, *25-22, 18-25, 29-22, 0-1-5, 10-7, 14-18, 22-15, 11-18, 23-14. 9-18, 20-11, 8-15, 7-2, 4-8, 2-6, 5-9, 27-24, 8-11, 6-10, 9-14. Drawn.— A J Heffher. (g) 14-17 loses thus:— 14-17, 10-7. 1-6,7-2,6-10**23 18, 16-19, 2-7, 19-24, *7-5 24-31. 5-9, 17-21 18-14, 13-17. 22-13, 31-22, 14-10. 11-15, 9-14, 22-17, 13-9, 15-19 9-6 W. wins.— C. F. Barker beat A. J Heffncr. (h) 16-19 is a favourite line with some experts, but the ending is rather in iavour of White:— 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 22-18, 15,22, 24-15. 7-11, 25-18. 9-14, 18-9, 11-18, 29-25, 5-14, 26-22 *3-7, 22-15, 7-10, *13-9, 10-19, 27-24. 6-13, 24-15, 1-6, 28-24, 13-17, 31-26. 17-21, 24-19, 2-7, 32-27, 7-11, etc. Drawn —Bryden v\ Ferric. (i) 26-22, 14-17. 22-18, 11-16. 18-14, 4-8, 29-25, 8-11, 31-26, 1-5. 25-22, 6-9, 13-6, 2-25, 30-14, 7-10, 14-7, 3-10, 26-22, 11-15, 28-24. 5-9. Drawn. (j) 23-18, 14-23, 27-18, 16-23, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 8-11, 14-9. *11-15, 9-5, 2-7. Black for choice. (k) 2-7 loses:-2-7, 25-22, 8-11, 28-24 3-8,22-18, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 18-14, 6-10, 14-9, 17-22, 9-6. 22-25, 6-2 25-30, 13-9, 30-25. 9-5, 25-22, 5-1. W. wins.— J. Wyllie beat W. Bryden, 1877, (I) 22-17, 6-9, 13-6, 2-9. 17-13, 9-14. 13-9, 14-17. 9-6, 17-22, 6-2, 22-26. >6, 10-14, 19-15, 14-17, 6-10, 26-30, iO-7. Drawn.— T. Vanner. (m) 28-24, 14-17,15-11, 8-15, 19-10, 17-22, 23-19. Drawn.- Freeman v. Barker, 1890* (n) 17-22, 10-7, 22-26, 15-10, 26-30. 28-24, *30-26, 32-28. 26-19, 24-15, 16-19, 7-3. 9-14, 10-6. 14-18^6-2, 19-23, 2-7- Drawn —Bryden v. WylHe, 1886. KELSO. 83 Var. 1. <30 26 26 22 19 15 13 6 i 31 22 28 19 o- 8 11 11 15 10 20 16 19 8 12 16 23 22 18 22 17 17 1 6 2 27 24 Drawn. 1 5 15 24 26 30 12 18 20 27 Jacob. 18 9 28 19 1 6 32 28 2 7 and 5 14 3 8 2 9 30 26 19 24 StrudivicJi (o) 14-18,22-15. 10-14, 26-22, White is best: or 1-5, 19-15, 10-19, 22 17, White best. If 3-7, then 13-9, 6-13, 19-15, etc.* W. wins —Jacob and Strudivtck. Var. 2. p-25 22 19 15 15 10 31 22 23 16 7 11 14 17 3 8 7 14 9 13 12 19 15 18 22 18 24 19 19 15 18 2 32 28 11 15 4 8 6 9 * 1 6 11 25 8 11 19 23 r-28 24 33 6 26 22 30 21 2 7 Drawn. 3- 8 11 2 9 17 26 16 19 11 15 W. Taylor (p) 26-22; 7-10, 31-26, 4-8, 22-18, 14-17, 25-21. 3-7. 21-14, 10-17, 28-24, *6-9, 13-6, 1-10. 18-15, 2-6, 20-25, 17-21, tf-25-22, 7-11, 22-18, 21-25, 26-22, 25-30, 22-17, 30-26, 17-13, 26-30. 13-9. Drawn -r-Tellum v. Richmond. {q) 26-22, 21-30, 15-11, 8-15, 23-18, 16-23, .18-2, 30-26, 27-18, 56-17, 2-9, 20-27, 32-23, 17-22. B. wins.— C F. Barker beat C. H, Freeman, 1885.. ir) 26-22,17-26,31-22. 7-10, 22-17, 8-lt, 18-15, 11-18, 23-7, 3-10, 5-30-25, 16-23, 27-18. 12-16, 28-24. 20-27, 32-23, 16-20, 23-19. 20-24. 19-16, 24-27, 25-21. 27-31, 16. 11, 31-26, 18-14. 10-15, 14-9, 26-22, 11-7. Drawn.— 71 Meek. (s) 27-23 allows a Black win, thus :— 27-23, *6-9, 13-6, 2-9, 17-13, 10-14, 13-6, 1-10.30-25 14-17, 25-21 17-22, 21-17, 22-26, 17-13, 26-31, 13-9, 31-27. B. wins.— T. Meek. Var. 3. 7 10 17 26 9 14 25 21 10 17 14 7 4-18 15 31 22 22 18 2 7 18 14 3 10 I 5 5 9 14 17 21 14 7 10 13 9 26 22 30 25 Drawn. W. D. Benstead. Var. 4. 32 28 30 25 5-17 13 25 22 24 19 19 15 3 7 1 5 9 14 8 31 15 24 27 23 6-26 22 22 17 18 9 9 6 28 19 18 14 17 26 6 9 5 14 14 18 32 27 23 18 31 22 13 6 13 9 23 7 22 18 B. wins. 7 11 2 9 il 15 16 32 11 16 Bensteud. 84 DRAUGHTS—THE OPENINGS. Var. 5. 25 21 5 14 13 9 14 18 24 19 32 27 9 14 17 13 8 11 23 7 15 24 7 3 18 9 11 15 9 6 B. wins — i Var 16 32 Benst ead. 6. 28 19 27 24 19 15 7-13 9 27 24 28 24 30 25 21 14 10 19 10 19 20 27 16 20 24 27 31 22 24 15 9 5 31 15 24 19 25 21 14 10 7 10 2 7 7 11 20 24 27 31 6 9 B. wins.— Benst ead. Var. 7. 30 25 17 22 31 22 12 16 17 14 15 18 10 19 26 17 16 19 15 10 8 12 B. wins 25 21 19 2Q 13 15 6 15 14 9 Benst ead. Var. 8. 24 19 4 8 18 9 10 14 9 6 19 24 15 24 *-25 21 5 14 26 22 30 25 2 6 28 19 8 11 2Q 22 14 17 6 2 24 28 8 11 32 28 11 15 21 14 25 22 27 24 22 18 9 14 30 2Q 6 10 19 15 Drawn. 11 16 18 9 15 24 15 6 16 19 25 22 5 14 28 19 2 25 23 16 J Hill v. 7 10 22 18 H.18 13 9 12 19 J. Bir- 29 25 1 5 22 15 25 30 15 10 kenshaw (t) If 18-15, 9-14, 22^18, 3-7, 18-9, 5-14, we have the following critical position : — .9-25 21 7 11 w-23 18 16 23 26 19 14 23 27 18 11 16 31 26 16 23 White to move and draw. 26 19 20 24 21 17 24 28 30 25 6 9 Drawn. P. Thirkell, 1905. (u) 30-25, 11-18, 26 22, 2-7, 22-15, 7-11, 31-26, 11-18, 26-22, '10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 22-17, 15-19, 17-10, 19-26, 10-6, 1-10, 27-24. Drawn —P. Thirkell. KELSO. 85 Var. 9. 25 22 10 2Q 30 26 12 19 18 4 27 31 14 IS v-31 22 * 5 9 15 10 19 24 B wins. 23 14 7 10 26 22 6 15 27 23 16 23 22 18 10 14 13 6 24 27 Thirkell. 26 19 1 5 19 16 2 9 22 18 (v) If White takes 3( )-23, Black continues 7-10 wit! t a winning )osition. Var. 10, w-17 14 3 8 24 15 19 26 28 24 4 11 9 18 32 27 12 16 31 22 7 11 27 24 23 14 6 9 17 14 6 10 24 19 18 23 8 11 z-22 18 1 6 15 6 8 12 24 19 24 20 15 22 30 26 2 9 19 15 Drawn 16 19 a-26 17 16 19 22 15 12 16 27 24 9 18 26 23 11 18 15 8 Drummond (w) 23-18, z-16-20, 18-11,8-15, 17-14,9-18,24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 6-9, 22-15, 4-8, 25-22, 9-14, 29-25, 7-10, 25-31, 3-7, 22-18. 14-23, 27-18, 20-24, ,21-17, 7-11. 32-28, 1-5, #-26-22, 24-27, 31-24, 11-16, *17-13, 16-23, *30-25, 10-19, 24-15, 6-9, 13-6, 2-9, 18-14, 9-18, 15-10. Drawn. — J. Ferguson. (x) 8-11,24-20, 9-13, 25-21, 6 9, 17-14, 16-19, 27-23. IS 17, 22-6, 15-22, 26-17, 19-26, 31-22, 2-25, 29-22, 11-15. 30-26, 5-9, 32-27, 9-14, 17-10, 7-14, 22-17, 14-18. 26-23, 18-22, 23-18, 15-19, 27-24, 19-23, 18-15, 4-8, 17-14, 23-27, 14-10, 27-32, 20-16, 12-19, 10-7. 3-10, 15-6, 1-10, 24-6. Drawn.--/, lees (y) 17-13, 10-14, 18-9, 11-18, 19-15, 5-14.. 28-19, 18-23, 26-22, 14-17,22-18,17-21,18-14,6-10. B wins.— Searight beat McKelvie. (z) 22-17,9-18, 26-23, 19-26, 30-14, 15-18, 25-21, 1-6, 14-10, 6-15. 31-26, 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 17-14, 16-20, 21-17, 18-22, 26-23, 22-26, 29-25, 26-30. B. wins —Martins beat Wj/llie, 1867. (a) 24-15, 11-18, 2617. 18-22, 25-18, 12-16. 20-11, 8-22, 30-26, 9-18, 17-14, 1-6, 26-17, 6-9 31-26. 9-13, 26-22. 18-25, 29-22, 2-6, 27-23, 6-9, 23-18, 7-11 B. wins.— J. H. Bailey beat A. H Granger Var 11. 6-c- 6 10- 24 20 3 8 22 17 12- 2 7 32 27 -31 26 4 8 17 10 3 7 * 8 12 18 25 o-17 21 24 20 6 31 11 8 7 10 16 11 25 22 5 9 2Q 22 12 16 12 16 15 19 18 25 iv 14 5 31 26 8 11 10 15 32 27 29 22 7 10 4 8 16 20 16 12 Drawn. 11 16 20 4 26 19 11 8 23 18 22 17 10 14 8 11 19 23 12 16 Martins x v) 24-20, 17-21, 19-15, 4-8, 23-19, 7-10,14-7, 3-l<»,*31-26, 2-7, *6-22, 10-14. 19-16, 12-19, 20-16, 11-20,27-24,20-27,32-16 draws, but is weak for White. O) 20-4, 9-18, 23-14, 21-25, 30-21, 3-8, 4-11, 7-30, 28-24, 30-26, 24-19, 26-22. z-19-15, 22-13, 15-11, 1-5, 27-23, 12-16. 11-8, 16-20, 32-27, 13-17, 14-10. 6-15, 21-14, 15-18, 8-3, 18-22, 23-18. Drawn. -—-4. J. Heffner (x) 17-13, 22-18, 14-9, 1-5. 27-23. 18-27, 32-23, 5-14, 19-15, 14-17, 21-14. 6-10. B. wins.— R Martins heat John Way, 1850. 90 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. Var. 5. '-4 8 10 17 12 19 3 10 5 14 18 23 25 22 23 18 24 15 28 24 20 16 Drawn. 18 25 2-16 10 19 8 12 12 19 J. P. Reed 29 13 6-27 24 26 22 32 28 24 15 v. a f. 6 10 7 10 17 26 10 14 14 18 Barker, 24 20 19 16 30 7 18 9 15 11 1891. O) 11-16. 19 15, 16-20, 25-22, 18-25, 29-13. 6-9. 13-6, 1-17, 24-19 5-9, 23-18, 4-8, 18-14, 9-18, 26-22, 18-25. 30 14, 20-24, 27-20, 7-10, 15-6 2-18, 19-15, 18-23. Drawn.— Wyllie v. G. Reay. 0) 2-6, 27-23. a-6-10. 32-27, 10-14. 18-9, 5-14, 13-9, *12-16, 19-12, 11-15, 27-24, 15-18, 23-19, 18-22, 26-23, 8-11. 19-16, 17-21, 9-5, 22-25, 30-26, 11-15 Drawn.— C Adamson v. R. Martins. (a) 6-9, 13-6, 1-10, 32-27, 17-21,27-24. 10-14, 18-9, 5-14, 26-22, 7-10. 22-18, 14-17, 30-26, 21-25, 19-16, 12-19, 23-7. W. wins.— J. Wyllie beat (7, Adamson. (b) 27-23. 7-10, 19-16, 12-19, 23-7, 2-11, 18 15, 10-19, 26*22. Drawn. — Anderson. 19 15 30 14 Var 31 22 . 6. 32 23 14 7 24 20 4 8 7- 2 G 6 10 12 16 5 14 27 23 >24 19 29 25 22 17 19 12 7 2 19 16 6 10 11 16 8 11 10 15 22 26 11 15 15 6 26 23 27 24 17 13 /-28 24 16 11 1 17 ) 8-11, 1-6, 3-8, 28-24, 18-23, 24-19. W. wins. Var. 10. 22 18 17 22 ,2 6 31 27 16 20 23 32 13 17 11 7 26 31 15 19 24 28 30 16 18 9 ^-14 17 6 10 22 26 20 24 Drawn. 5 14 7 2 17 22 19 16 28 19 W. Taylor, 16 11 22 26 10 15 27 24 32 27 1907. (q) 22-26, 29-25. 14-18, 7-2, 26-31, 2-6, 10-15. W. wins.— W. Taylor. Var. 11. U-26, 6-10, 26-22, 26 22 6 9 15 8 7 14 20 16 26 23 ?- 6 9 *26 23 4 11 23 19 12 19 27 24 22 15 13 17 *25 22 22 26 24 15 18 22 9 18 23 14 17 26 32 28 30 26 8 4 31 26 11 18 30 23 11 15 15 11 23 18 1 6 19 15 18 22 19 10 14r 18 4 8 *28 24 8 11 14 10 26 30 11 8 Drawn. J, Lees. Var. 12. 18 23 25 21 2 6 21 14 5 14 9 6 27 18 1 6 21 14 20 24 18 9 7 10 6 10 21 14 6 10 26 23 27 31 23 18 31 26 6 10 30 25 24 27 32 27 12 16 10 17 29 25 10 17 19 15 31 24 Drawn 20 16 10 17 25 21 11 16 28 19 D. G. 11 20 25 21 8 11 14 9 16 2n McKelvie. LAIRD AND LADY REFUSED. 93 No. 2i.—« LAIRD AND LADY REFUSED." 11-15, 23-19, 8-11, 22-17, 9-13, a-6-25-22. See position on diagram below. (a) Though this defence loses, it has been thought advisable to include it amongst the openings. For some years it. was a disputed question whether "White could draw or not; but it is now admitted to be a loss. Wyllie considered White's game a complete wreck after 25-22, which forms the opening. (b) This opening mav be formed from the ' Switcher," thus :— - 11-15, 21-17, 9-13. 25-21, 8-11. 28-19. Same as trunk, at 7th move. Also from the " Will-o'-the-Wisp " :— 11-15, 23-19, 9-13, 21-17, 5-i), 25-21, 8-11. Same as trunk, at 8th move. * 9 2 26 23 9 14 c-tf-30 26 4 8 24 20 15 24 28 19 11 15 $r-/fc-32 28 15 24 28 19 * 7 11 19 16 12 19 23 7 2 11 Z-27 23 6 9 t-22 18 13 22 26 17 8 12 31 27 9 13 B. wins W Hay, 1838: (c) 23-18, 14-23, 27-18, 6-9, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 11-16. B. wins.— W. Hay. Cd) 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 11-15, e-32-28, 15-24, 28-19, 4-8, 22-18, 13-22, 18-9, 6-13, 30-25, 13-17, /-21-14, 10-17, 25-18, 17-22, 19-15, 7-10, 15-6, 1-10. B. wins.— IV. Hay. (e) 27-24, 4-8, 31-27, 8-11, 30-25, 6-9, 23-18, 14-23, 27-18, 9-14, 18-9, 11-16. B. wins. — James. (/) 25-18, 17-22, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 8-11, B. wins.— W. Hay, }g) 20-16, 15-24, 27-20, 12-19, 23-16, 8-11, 26-23, 11-15, 16-11, 7-16, 20-11, 15-18, 22-15, 13-22, 23-19, 14-18, 19-16, 10-19, 16-12, 6-10, 11-8, 10-15, 8-4, 22-25. B wins.— Drwnmond, 1886. (k) 19-16", 12-19, 23-16, 15-19, 27-23, 8-11, 16-12, 19-24,32.-28 11-15. B. wins. — Drummond. 94 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. < £ 1 14-18, 28-19, 11-15, 19-16, 15-19, 16-12, 8-11, 29-25, l-«, 31-27, 22-8, 13-31. B. wine.— P. Thirkell, 1898 Var. I. 26 23 13 22 A>27 24 18 23 31 22 10 14 *11 15 23 19 9 13 20 16 29 25 15 10 ji-20 16 6 9 24 20 23 26 22 18 22 18 15 18 15 6 14 18 29 25 25 22 B. wins. 22- 15 1 10 16 12 22 29 18 15 J. Bertie. CO 22-18, 15-22, 20-16, 8-12, 16-11, 10-15, 17-10, 15-19. 23-16, 6-15, 11-7, 12-19. B. wins.— J. Bertie. (k) 27-23, 9-13, 31-27, 22-26, 29-25, 26-31, 27-24, 31-27. B. wins. — E$kew beat HenshalL Var. 2. 27 23 32 28 26 23 20 16 21 14 11 8 9 14 15 24 1 5 11 20 9 27 *27 24 J-to-24 20 28 19 31 27 22 17 29 25 8 4 15 24 8 11 10 15 13 22 6 9 24 19 28 19 5-19 16 17 10 25 11 20 16 B, wins. 4 8 12 16 7 14 20 24 27 31 n-30 25 23 16 16 7 27 20 16 12 11 15 6 9 2 11 14 17 31 27 C G. Roge (/) 30-25, 4-8, 32-27, 6-9, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 11-15 20-l«, 15-24, 27-20, 12-19, 23-16, 8-11, 26-23, 2-6. B. wins.— W. Hay. (to) 23-18, 14-23, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 7-10, 14-7, 3-10. B. wins.— W. Hay, 183S. (n) 32-28, 11-15, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 8-12, 16-11, 7-16, 20-11. 12-16, 26-23, 15-18, 2215, 13-22. B. wins.— W. Hay, 1838. Var. 3. 22 18 21 14 29 25 18 15 6 2 21 14 13 22 o) 10 17 2 7 10 14 24 27 31 27 18 9 /? 26 22 25 21 15 10 2 6 22 18 6 13 ri 17 26 15 7 11 27 31 27 24 25 18 31 22 20 16 10 6 6 9 B wins. 13 17 7 10 11 20 20 24 *14 17 Fred Allen (o) 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 17-21, 26-23, 2-6, 16-12, 6-10, 31-27, 1-5, 27-24, 5-9, 24-19, 10-15. B. wins.— W. Hay. (/?) 19-15, 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 15-11, 16-20, ?-23-19, 20-24. 11-8, 24-28. B. wins — W. Hay. (q) 31-27,12-16, 18-14, 17-21. B. wins— W. Hay, 1888. (rt 18-14, 5-1-5, 26-22, 17-26, 31-22, 2-6, 23-18,6-10.22-17, 12-16, 19-12, 10-15, 17-13, 15-22, 13 9, 7-10, 14-7, 5-14. B. wins. —■Fred. Allen (s) Hay wins by 17-21, 26-22, 21-25, 22-18, 25-20, 14-9, 11-16. etc. MAID OF TFIE MILL. 91V No. 22.—- MAID OF THE MILL." 11 15 9 18 c-11 15 /<-14 17 16 5 9 22 17 4-7-26 23 rf-30 26 23 14 13 9 14 5 8 11 10 14 8 11 17 22 6 13 7 21 17 13 2-24 20 /-23 19 25 18 27 23 Drawn. «-15 18 6- 4 8 2- 6 10 15 22 10 15 W.Hay 23 14 28 24 26 23 e-21 17 19 10 1838. (a) This move distinguishes the opening. Anderson conferred the title upon it in compliment to a miller's daughter in Lanark- shire, who wa9 an accomplished player and was partial to this opening It is generally considered strong for Blaek. consequently the second player avoids it by playing 23-19 at 4th move. Ke- 8tricted match games show the number of wins for either side to be pretty equal (b) 6-10, 30-26, 1-6, 13-9, 6-13, 26-22. 10-15, 23-19, 15-24, 22-8. 4-11 28-19,7-10,27-23. Drawn.- Anderson. (c) 6-10, 24-19, 1-6, 25-22, 18-25. 29-22, 11-15, 27-24, *15-18, 22-15, 7-11,31-27, 11-18, 21-17. 14-21. 23-7, 3-10, 27-23, Ml, 23-18, 5-9, 32-28, 10-14, 19-15. Drawn.- A. Brown. (d) 23-19, e-8-11, 19-10, G-15, 30-26, 5-9, 13-6, 2-9, 25-22, same as var. 1 at 6th move. (e) 6-10, 30-26, 8-11, same as trunk at 18th move. (/) 26-22, 3-8, 32-28, 7-10, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, *11-15, 27-24, 18-27, 13-9, 6-13, 22-17, 13-22, 25.-4, 14-18, 29-25, 27-32, 4-8, 5-9, 8-11, 9-13, 11-8, 10-14, (7-8-11, 13-17, 11-15, 17-22, 15-10, 22-29, 10-17, 32-28, 17-14, 18 23. B. wins — TK, Hay, 183S. (g) 19-15, 2-6, 8-11, 32-28. 24-19, 28-24, 11-7, 14-17, 21-14, 6-10, 15-6. 1-17, 25-21, 24-15, 21-14, 15-10. B. wins.— T. Walker. (h) 2-6. *31-26. 3-8, *32-28, 5-9, *25-22, 18-25, 29-22, 15-18, 22-15, 11-18, 19-15, 10-19, 24-15, 7-10, 21-17. W. wins. (i) 27-23, 10-17, 21-14, 2-6, 13-9, 6-13, 23-18, 1-6, 19-15, 7-10, 15-8. 10-17, 18-14, 22-26, 31-22, 17-26, 24-19. Drawn.- Swan and Adamson. Var. 1. 5 9 771- 9 13 30 25 14 17 30 25 23 26 19 10 17 14 21 17 32 27 10 7 6 9 6 15 18 22 25 22 17 22 25 22 rc- 8 11 13 6 26 17 17 13 27 23 18 14 10 7 2 9 13 22 22 18 22 25 11 15 11 15 y-25 22 27 23 24 19 23 18 7 3 18 25 22 25 18 9 25 30 15 18 29 22 23 19 13 6 19 15 14 10 A>14 18 25 30 7 14 3 8 18 23 22 17 19 10 6 2 15 10 2 6 Drawr 96 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (j) Best at this stage; 26-23 loses, as follows:— 26-23, 18-22,, 25-18,15-22, 23-18, 14-23, 27-18, 1-5, 24-19, 9-14. B. wins — W. Bay. (Jfc) 1-5, f-24-19, 15-24, 32-28. Drawn — W. Hay. (/) 22-17, 15-18, 17-10, 7-14, 26-23, 18-22, 23-18, 14-23, 27-18, 9-14, 18-9, 6-14. 24-19, 3-7, 32-28, 7-10, 31-27, li-15, 27-24, 22-26, 20-1 6, 26-31. B. wins — W. Hay. (»f) 18-22, 17-13, 22-25, 13-6, 1-10, 21-17. Drawn.— W. Hay, (n) 26-30, 9-14, 0-30-26, 14-9, 8-11, 10-7. 11-15, 7-2, 15-19, 2-7, 19-24. Drawn — J. A. Scott and D. A. Brodie, 1896. (o) 30-25 loses, and forms the following position :— 31 27 22 26 W, B^m^B^m 1 I 7 10 22 26 27 24 25 22 10 7 1 2 7 27 23 14 18 26 31 23 14 24 19 '///// 10 17 31 27 w. w j&, WW, ww^\ 5 9 7 2 17 13 27 24 Y///A 9 14 19 15 m ;wiH wm iH 7 11. 24 27 Wfr ii^®)!^ W$\ W, wins. 3 7 .,. ... 0b_^Jw^$w WA C. A damson 1 5 White to move and win. beat J. WyUie Var. 2. 24 19 r-24 19 25 22 25 22 30 23 7 8 *11 16 7 16 11 16 4 8 21 25 26 23 3-p- 19 15 21 17 22 17 22 18 23 19 14 7 7 10 14 21 16 19 8 11 25 30 23 21 15 11 23 7 18 14 31 26 19 16 3 8 3 7 16 23 19 24 16 19 30 26 5 9 28 24 27 18 29 25 2Q 23 16 7' 16 20 2 11 12 16 19 26 6 10 B. wins. Swan and Adamson. (p) 28-24, 16-20, 32-28, 7-11, ?-19-16, 12-26, 3l r 8, 3-12, 21-19, 4-8, 25-22, 8-11. B. wins. — Swan and Adamson. (q) 30-26, 14-17, 23-14, 5-9, 14-5, 11-16, 21-14, 16-32. B. wins. — Swan and Adamson 0) 31-26, 7-16. 21-17, 14-21, 23-7, 2-11, 26-23, 6-9, 13-6, 1-10, 25-22, 5-9, 29-25, 4-8, 22-17, 9-13, 17-14, 10-17, 24-19, 17-22. 25-18, 13-17, 18-15, 11-18, 23-14, 16-23, 27-18, 17-22. B. wins. — C. Adamson. MAID OF THE MILL. 97 Var. 3. 25 22 18 9 21 14 19 10 19 15 10 7 18 25 5 14 10 17 7 14 16 19 11 16 20 22 30 25 25 22 28 24 23 16 7 3 4 8 6 10 17 26 1 5 12 19 16 20 22 18 6-M3 9 31 22 w-24 19 15 10 32 28 8 11 14 ir 11 15 3 8 8 11 2 7 B. wins — a Bootle." (.s) 25-22, 14-17, 21-14, 10-26, 31-22, 2-6, 27-24, 16-20. 23-18, 20-27, 32-23, 7-10, 28-24, 3-8, 24-20, 1-5, 22-17, 5-9. B wins.— il Bootleg {t) 28-24, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 25-22, 17-26, 31 22, 7-10, 22-18, 16-20, 18-15, 11-18, 23-7, 3-10. 32-28, 2-6 B wins — " Bootle." (a) 24-20, *16-19, 23-16. 12-19, 20-16. *3-7, 16-12 s *7-ll, 12-8, *14-18, 22.15, 11-18, 8-3, 5-14, 3-8, 19-23, 8-11, 23-26. B. wins. ./. A. Finn* 1913. Var 4. 21 17 24 19 30 25 18 14 23 14 19 15 10 15 15 24 20 27 3 7 11 16 10 19 r*-25 21 28 19 25 18 32 27 27 23 18 15 18 22 11 16 8 11 6 9 16 20 27 31 26 23 27 24 31 24 13 6 23 18 14 9 4 8 16 20 7 10 2 18 20 27 Drawn. W. Strickland. (v) Best here; 24-20 is often played, but is weak, thus: 24-20, *18.22, 25-18, 15-22, w-17-14, 6-9, 26-17, 9-18 30-26, 7-10, 29-25, 10-15, 20-16, 11-20, 26-23. Drawn, — F. Dunne. (w) 27-23,5-9,23-18, 7-10, 32-27, *3-8, 28-24, 11-15, 18-11, 8-15,30-25, 15-18, 26-23, 9-14, 25-21, 22-25, 29-15, 10-28. B. wins. — R. A. Davis beat j. Wyllie (x) 26-23, 18-22, 25-18, 15-22, now if 23-18, Black wins as follows: — 12 16 27 24 4 8 19 16 8 12 19 10 5-24 20 19 23 28 24 23 27 24 19 12 26 16 19 24 19 6 10 32 23 10 15 B. wins. J. Maize. Var. 5. 27 23 4 8 30 26 6 10 29 22 5 21 16 20 6-19 16 12 19 32 27 10 14 B.wins. 24 19 8 12 23 16 Var. 22 25 6. 18 9 J Maize, y-32 27 22 26 14 5 30 26 28 24 11 15 6 10, 31 22 10 15 23 18 18 9 25 22 18 14 20 24 19 10 26 22 13 6 3 7 8 12 27 20 7 30 18 14 2 9 B. wins. 30 25 5 8 22 17 22 18 29 25 .7. Maize, 98 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (?/) 30-25. 20-24, .-19-16, 11-20, 28-19, 20-24, 18-15, 22-26, 31-22, 24-27, 23-18. B. wins —J Maize. (x) 18-14, 22-26, 31-22, 6-9, 13-6, 2-27. 32-23, 11-15, 19-10, 7_sn 9K.1Q R wins T. 7-30, 28-19. B. wins- —J. Maize. Var. 7. a-24 20 7 10 28 19 6 15 16 11 10 15 10-10 14 6-32 28 7 11 13 6 15 19 22 17 28 24 4 8 22 15 1 10 11 8 19 23 S-ll 15 2Q 23 11 18 20 16 12 16 17 10 26 22 3 7 31 26 12 19 8 3 23 32 5 9 24 19 10 15 23 16 16 20 3 8 80 26 15 24 19 10 8 12 26 22 Drawn J. Lees v. W, Gardner. (rt) This move is now adopted in nearly all important matches. lb) 26-23, c-4-8, 32-28 same as var. 7, at 12th move. (c) 15-19, 24-15, 10-26, 22-15, 26-30, 15-10, 6-15, 13-6, 1-10, 31-26, 30-23, 27-9, 15-19, 21-17, 19-23, 25-22. 23-26, 17-14, 10-17, 22-13, 26-30, 9-6. Drawn.— J. Wyltie v. W. Bryden. Var. 8. 4 8 15 19 7 11 24 28 7 10 18 23 rf-24 19 23 16 22 15 27 23 27 24 17 14 11 15 12 19 11 18 8 11 9-11 15 19 10 30 26 25 22 31 27 23 19 Drawn. 6 15 19 24 18 25 /- 3 7 14 18 26 23 e-26 22 29 22 22 17 20 16 E. McCall ( 1869. (z) 19-16. 12-19, 23-16, 8-11, 27-24, 1-5, 16-12, 5-9, 26-22, 9-13, 31-26, 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 26-23, 16-19, 23-16, 14-17, 21-7, 2-27, 28-24. 27-31, 24-20, 31-27, 20-16, 27-23, 16-11, 23-18, 11-8, 18-14, 25-2l' 5 14-18. B. wms.^-Drummond, 1S66. Var. 10. 17 13 24 20 25 22 27 23 19 15 5 1 I 6 14 17 18 25 7 10 10 19 6 10 26 22 21 14 29 22 22 17 17 14 15 18 10 17 17 26 5 9 11 15 B. wins 22 15 23 14 21 2,2 23 18 14 5 11 18 9 18 8 11 3 7 15 22 J. Fern OLD FOUKTEENTH. 103 Var. 11. 24 20 12-Z2 28 22 18 18 9 25 9 25 22 15 24 15 24 6 9 5 14 1 5 11 15 28 19 28 19 26 22 22 17 29 25 11 15 8 11 9 13 Drummon Var. 13 22 d, 1866. 12. 5 14 B. wins. 27 24 11 15 23 16 14 '18. 16 12 23 16 8 11 31 26 15 19 16 11 31 27 4 8 22 18 6 9 24 15 18 23 U 8 10 15 15 22 32 28 10 19 26 22 27 23 25 9 1 6 22 17 23 26 8 4 B. wins. 5 14 19 16 7 10 20 ]6 19 24 26 22 12 19 17 13 26 31 28 19 S. Seigel. No. 2 *4-— "C 28 24 )LD F OUR1 rEEN i-26 30 TH." 11 15 5-6- I 6 17 14 28 19 23 19 8 11 4-22 17 10 37 19 15 /-13 17 8 11 0-26 23 #-A-18 22 21 14 30 26 8 4 22 17 8- 9 14 25 18 6 JO 15 8 17 22 a- 4 8 e-31 26 15 22 30 25 26 22 4 8 10-17 13 7-/- 6 9 5-23 18 10 17 32 28 22 26 15 18 13 6 14 23 25 21 22 15 19 15 24 20 2 9 27 18 22 26 24 19 26 30 !»-C-ll 15 26 22s I- 9 13 21 14 i5 24 Drawn. Sturges, 1800. (a) This move forms the •• Old Fourteenth," the most popular opening of the game of Draughts. It was so named from being familiar to players, as the fourteenth game in Sturges's work, published in 1800. Drummond conferred upon it the titles of ■• Old Thirty-Ninth " and ' Old Forty-First " ; but these, like many other of his fancy names, are now obsolete. The Opening figures conspicuously in nearly every important match ; in fact, it is so familiar to experts that it is merely played in matches so as to give the mind a little. relaxation (b) 10-14, 26-23, *6-10: 13-6, 2-9, 31-26, 11-15, 28-24, 1-6, 26-22, 8-11, same as trunk at 20th move (c) 9-14, 26-23, 10-15,19-10, 6-15, 28-24, 6, 30-26, 6-9, 26-23. 12-8, 23-19, 9-13. Drawri.— Anderson, (s) 25-21, 17-22, 8-3, 7-10, 21-17, 5-9, 3-7, 9-14, 20-16, 14-21. 7-14, 21-25, 14-9, 6-10, 9-6. Drawn.— Martins $ McKerrow, 1858. Var. 5. 3 8 1 6 14 23 26 30 1127 18 11 22 17 23 18 25 18 25 21 32 7 2 9 18 22 14 23 fc. 7 10 30 26 26 23 5 14 25 18 27 18 21 17 «-18 14 19 15 17 10 15 22 10 14 23 26 9 18 23 18 -17 13 30 25 2$ 25 20 16 7 2 Drawn Wyllie v* Martins, 1864. (023-18,14-23,27-18, *9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 32-28, 11,15, 17-13, 1-6, 30-25, 22-26, 25^22, .*7-li. B. wins. O) 23-26, 29-25, 26-30, 32-28, 740, 1^15, 1049> 24-15, 12-16, 25-22. Drawn. (v) 17-14, 1047, 91-14 26-23, 19-15, 23-26 Dm.— Dfummond. Var, 6. 9-13 loses 'by what is known among players as •■ the bi£ stroke." See diagram :— » White to move and-vmu 106 DRAUGHTS—THE OPENINGS. 20 16 23 H 30 21 25 22 11 7 22 18 11 20 10 17 22 26 16 19 19 15 11 16 22 17 25 2 15 10 24 15 hn 2 6 21 17 13 22 17 22 26 31 31 24 15 11 W. wins. 21 17 19 15 29 25 15 11 7 2 14 21 21 25 12 16 24 19 20 24 St urges. (w) 22-17,15-6.2-9, ,3-10, 17-14 : , 10-17,: 21.14,20-24 ,9-13, 1-6, M7, 6-9, 14-10, 9-14, 17-22. W Var. . wins.— 7. -Spayth. 5 9 z- 7 10 15 24 26 31 18 23 19 23 21 17 a-6-23 18 28 12 6 2 5 1 14 9 14 21 *12 16 26 31 31 27 11 15 23 18 23 5 c-13 9 23 18 9 5 1 6 9 13 15 18 10 15 31 27 7 10 27 31 26 23 18 14 5 1 2 6 29 25 Drawn 18 22 .2 7 17 22 10 15 23 27 25 18 |9 6 1 6 6' 10 25 22 10 15 1 17 27 23 23 19 27 32 19 10 d-27 23 18 14 10 6 22 17 W. Reid 6 22 22 26 22 26 15 18 32 28 v. a>32 28 24 19 14 9 6 10 10 14 c ' James n (x) The late Mr. Strickland was of opinion that this move would win for White : but he was mistaken. 23-18, at this point, is also good, thus:— 23-18, 7-LO, 24-19, 3-7, 27-23, 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 32-28. y-2-6. 18-15, 22-26, 15-11, 26-31,11-7, 10-15. Drawn. — A.D.P. Supplement, (y) Crowning the piece on 22 loses as follows :— 22-26, *28-24, 16-20, 18-15, 20-27, 15-6, 1-10, 19-15 W. wins. - Drummond. (*) 22-26, 29-25, 26-31, 25-22, 7-10, 23-19, 11-15, 13-9, 1-6, 5-1, 6-13, 1-5. 3-8. 22-18, 15-22, 19-16 W. wins —Strickland. (a) 23-19, 22-26, 30-23. 10-14. 20-16, 11-20, 19-15, 14-17, 15-10, 21-25, 29-22, 17-26, 23-19, 2-6, 13-9, 6-13, 10-6,. 1-10, 19-16. Drawn. — R. E. Bowen. (6) 24-19, 10-14, 13-9, 3-7, 27-24, 14-17, 9-6, 2-9, 23-18, 22-26, 30-23, 7-10. Drawn.— R E. Bowen. (c) 27-23. 22-26, 24-19, 26-31, 19-12, 31-26, 29-25, 26-19, 18-14, 10-17, 25-22, 17-26, 30-7, 2-11, 28-24, 21-25. Dr'n.— A.D.P. Sup. (d) 5-1, 16-19, 1-6, 7-10, 6-9, 19-23, 27-18, 10-14 leaves Black with a winning advantage. — R. W. Patterson. Var. 8. e- 3 8 26 23 15 18 1 6 30 20 14 17 23 14 6 9 19 16 18 23 6 9 23 26 9 18 13 6 12 19 27 18 26 23 29 25 £-30 20 2 9 24 6 15 22 9 14 22 29 5 9 21 17 1 10 6 2 11 15 31 22 A-32 28 14 30 5 1 8 12 28 24 29 25 9 14 23 5 10 15 Drawn.— 2 6 •Drummond. 7 11 22 18 OLD FOTTRTEEKTH. 107 (e) 18-22, 25-18, 15-22, 30-26. /-11-15, 26-17, 15-18, 23-14, 9-18, 29-25, 7-11, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 6-9. Drawn.— Sturges. (/) 22-25, 29-22, 9-14 *32-28, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 19-16. W. wins. — A.D.P. (g) 21-17, 18-22, 25-18, 15-22, 30-25, 6-9, 25-18, 9-14. Drawn, — Sinclair. \h) 26-22, 9-14, 22-17, 6.-9, 13-6, 2-9, 17-13, 1-6. 27-23, 1&-27, 32-23, 15-18, 31-27, 11-15, *21-17. Drawn.— Sinclair. Var. 9. 25 22 i- 6 9 17 13 10 17 26 22 2 10 18 25 13 6 18 27 21 14 17 26 24 19 29 22 2 9 J-18 6 1 17 30 14 Drawn. * 9 14 .22 17 14 18 £-19 15 7 10 J". Sinclair 27 23 15 18 32 14 11 18 14 T 1832. ( 2) Best ; though 14-17 or 14-18, and also 5-9 wili.draw. (j) 32-23, *14-18, 23-14, 9-18, 31-27, 1-6, 30-25, 5-9. B. wins, — Strickland. (k) 26-22, 17-26, 8&g& 5-9, 30-25, 7-10, 25-21, 9-13, 22-18, 13-17* B. wins. — Sinctair. Var. 10, 25 22 5 14 32 23 10 17 24 19 11 15 i-o- 9 13 26 23 13 22 19 16 a:- G 10 s-27 23 u I £ 25 9 \2 26 13 9 Drawn. 6 9 n-30 25 6 13 31 13 10 15 23 18 1 15 18 29 25 w- 2 6 19 10 £ 14 22 15 v-13 17 25 22 7 14 J. Sinclair 18 9 11 27 21 14 8 11 9 6 1832. (/) 15-18, 22-15, 11-18, 17-13, 7-11, 24-20, 2-7, 28-24, 10-14, 29-25, 7-10, 26-23, 3-7, m-31-26, 14-17. Drawn. (m) 32-28, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 23-14, 9-18, 25^22, 17-26, 30-14, 6-9, 13-15, 1-17, n-27-23, 17-22. Drawn. -—Janvier. (n) 31-26, 5-9, 27-23, 9-14, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 8-12. B. wins. (o) 9-14, 17-13, 14-18, 29-25, 11-16, 21-17; 16-23, 26-19, p-1- It, 31-26, 5-9, 17-14, 10-17, 19-10, 6-15, 13-6, *1-10, 22-13, r- 12-1 6 draws, but is very weak. (p) 5-9, 17-14, 10-26, 30-5, 15-18, 31-26, 7-10, 25-21, ?-10-14, 19-15, 12-16, 24-20, 16-19. Drawn,— Feme (q) 3-7, 24-20, 10-14, 28-24, 7-10, 32 28, 2-7, 20-16. W win*. — WyWe. (r) 2-6,*25-21, 10-14,26-23, 12-16,21-17. W. wins— Drum nd. is) 17-14, 10-17, 19-10, 7-14, See 'Black Doctor," var. 9 at 3rd move. (t) 2-6, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, *6-9, 30-2G, ll-lo draws but ia very weak. Avoid 1-5, which loses, thus:— 1-5, 30-25, 5-9, 32-27, &6,*22-18 k 15-22, 25-18, 13-22, 24-20* W* wins.— Sturges. 108 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (w) 32-27, *15-18, 22-15, *13-2l>, 30-26, 11-18, 26-17, 18-22, 19-15, 10-26. 17-1, 2-0 r 1-10, 7-14, 29-25. Drawn. — W. Hay. This ending is very critical for White. 0) 8-11, 25-22, 11-15, 24-20, 15 24, 28-19, 7-11, 31-27, 3-7, 27-24, n3-17. 22-13, 10-14* 13-9, 7-10, 9-5, 11-15, 5-1, 15-18, 1-6, 2-9, 21-17. Drawn. — Drummond. (it) 8-11, 24-19, 3-8, 25-22, 8-12, 22-18, 7-10, 28-24, 11-16, 18-15. Drawn — Anderson. (x) 7-10, 22-18, 3-8, 28-24, 8-12, 24-20. W. wins.— Sinclair. No. 25 — " PAISLEY." 11 16 16 23 I 6 12 19 5 9 23 32 a-24 19 27 18 29 25 32 28 /- 1 6 15 18 b- 8 11 12 16 11 16 6 10 18 23 32 27 22 18 28 24 5-y-30 26 18 15 6 13 25 22 10-c- 4 8 8 12 16 19 10 14 23 30 30 25 7-9-18 14 6- e-26 23 24 15 15 10 13 17 22 17 9 18 16 20 7 10 i-A>14 18 14 IB Drawn 23 14 31 27 14 7 10 6 17 22 J. Wyllie 10 17 6 9 3 19 9 14 19 23 v. 21 14 25 21 23 16 6 1 22 15 T. Nichols (a) The distinctive move of the opening. As stated in the notes to the •' Bristol," the title was conferred upon it by Mr. J. D. Janvier, who was not, however, the first to treat this defence as a separate opening, as some very fine play can be found on it in "Drurnmond's Fourth Edition," published in 1866. It is the .safest defence the learner can adopt in reply to 11-16. (b) 9-14, 22-18, 5-9, same as '* Double Corner" note.(/) at 2nd move, (c) 16-20, rf-18-14, 9-18, 23-14, 10-17, 21-14, *ll-16. 25-22, 16-23, 27-18, 4-8, 31-27, 8-11, 29-25, 6-9, 28-24, 1-6, 26-23, 11-16, 24-19, same as var. 6 at 10th move. (<*) 26-22, 4-8, 22-17, same as var. 9 at 4th move. (e) 25-21,16-20,32-27, 6-9, 29-25, 11-15, 18-11, 7-16, 26-23, 9-18, 23-14, 1-6, 30-26, 6-10, 14-7, 3-10, 25-22, 10-15, 22-18. 15-22, 26-17, 5-9, /-17-13, 9-14, 13-9, A-2-7, 27-23. Drawn —J. Lees. (/) 31-26, #-9-13, 17-14, 2-7, 26-22, 7-11, 22-18, 13-17, 14-10, 17-22, 10-7, 2*2-2$, 7-3, 26-31, 3-8, 31-26, 8-15, 26-23, 18-14 23-32, 15-11. Drawn.— R. I. Clegg (g) 2-6, 17-13, 9-14, 26-23, 6-10, 24-19. Drawn.— Clegg. {h) 14-18. 31-26, 2-7, e-9-6, 7-11, 6-2. 11-15, 2-6. 16-19, 6-10. 19-28, 10-19,-28-32, 27-24, 20-27, 19-15, 27-31, 15-22. 32-27, 31-17. Drawn -^4* «& Greenwood* PAISLEY. 109 (•') 20-23,18-22,23-18.22-26, 9-6, 26-31, 6-2, 7-11, 2-7, 31-36, 7-3, 26-23 B. wins.— JR. /. Clegg. (j) 25-22, 16-19, 24-15, 7-10, 14-7, 3-26, 30-53, 6-10, 23-19, 10-14, 27-23, 20-24, 22-17, 24-27, 17-10, 27-31, 10-6, 31-27. Dr'n. (k) 9-13, 25-22, 5-9, 10-6, 2-7, 6-2, 7-11, *2-7, 11-15, 27-23, 20-24, 23-16, 24-27, 7-10.. W. wins —Strickland. (I) 1-5, 18-23, 27-18, 14-30, 5-14, 20-24. Drawn.— J. £ees v. J. L, Richmond Var. 1. 14 17 6 1 25 30 15 24 11 15 7 11 21 14 18 22 9 14 26 31 10 7 26 30 9 18 26 17 2-30 25 21 17 15 18 11 15 25 21 13 22 14 10 2 7 7 3 30 26 5 9 1 5 25 22 17 14 18 22 15 18 10 6 22 25 10 15 7 11 3 7 Tw-26 30 9 13 5 9 22 26 14 10 22 26 Drawn. J. Lees. (m) The learner should note this ending, as it is of frequent occurrence. Should Black attempt to gain the piece, White wfn> thus:— 26-23, 1&- 14, 23-32, 14-17, 20-27, 17-22. W. wins. Var. 2. 2 7 17 13 25. 21 21 17 3-11 15 17 U 21 17 4 7 11 17 22 22 26 26 30 Brawn. n-30 25 14 17 H.Jacob. Cn) 30-26 loses thus :—30-26, *27*23, 26-22, 23-16, 22-13, 16-12, 7-11, 12-8, 11-15, 8-3, 15-19, 14-18, 13-17, 3-7, 20-24, 18-15. W. wins. — O.J Westcott. Var. 3. 17 14 19 26 10 15 11 8 12-8 11 8 27 23 30 23 9 6 2 7 7 10 10 15 11 16 14 10 15 11 8 12 8 11 8 12 26 30 13 9 6 2 23 27 27 23 15 19 W. wins. — H. Jacob. Var. 4, 25 22 13 9 10 15 6 "2 25 22 Z 8 14 17 7 10 17 14 22 25 f 3 25 22 0-22 25 9 6 25 22. 2 7 22 25 8 12 W. wins.— H. Jacob. (o) 22-18, 17-14, 18-9, 13 6, 7-10, 6-2. 10-14, 2-6, etc. W. wins.— H. Jacob. Var* 5 24 19 7 10 25 21 * s- 6 9 7 2 30, 2i> 6 10 14 7 2 6 15 10 22 26 % G p-9-30 26 3 10 18 15 13 17 19 15 26 19 10 17 2Q 22, 10 14 10 7 a-26 30, 6 13 ?1 U 9 13 22 18 17 22 15 10 Drawn, 110 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (p) 21-17, *3-8, 30-26, *8-ll, 26-22, *2-6, 25-21, 11-15, 18-2, 9-25, 2-9, 5-14, 17-13, 25-30, 13-9, 30-26, 32-28, 26-31, 28-24, 31-26. B. wins. — F. Dunne. (q) 32-28, 10-17, 21-14, 7-10, 14-7, 3-10, 25-22, 10-14, 30-25, 9-13, 18-9, 5-14, 25-21, 2-6, 22-18, 6-9, 18-15, 13-17, 15-10, 17-22, 10-6, 9 13. B. wins. — F. Dunne. (r) 2-6, *26-22, 6-10, 22-17, 9-13, 25-22, 7-11, 14-7, 3-10, 32-28, 5-9, 28-24, 11-15. 18-11, 9-14, 11-7, 14-21, 22-18, 21-25, 7-2, 26-30, 2-7, 10-15, 18-11, 30-26, 7-10, 13-17. Drawn.—/ 7 . Tescheleit. ($) 5-9, 15-11, 13-17, 11-7, 17-22, 7-2, 22-26,.and we arrive at the annexed position : — 19 16 26 30 2 7 30 26 7 10 26 19 lp 17 19 10 18 14 9 18 27 24 20 27 32 7 *- 6 9 7 2 16 20 (0 6-10, 7-2, 10-15, '2-7, 15-19, 7-11, 16-20, 11-16, 19-24, 16-19, 24-28, 17-22, 28-32, 22-18, 32-28, 18-23. W. wins.— W. Jordan. (w) 26-31, 32-28, 31-24, 28-19, 9-13, 18-9, 5-14. Drawn.— C. F. Barker v. J. P. Reed, 1889. Var. 6. White to move and win. 2 6 9 13 17 22 12 16 6 10 16 19 10 15 19 24 15 19 24 28 22 2Q 28 32 2C 23 W. wins. W. Jordan, 1906. 25 22 24 19 22 6 25 21 22 18 10 7 16 20 11 16 2 9 3 8 14 23 8 12 v-31 27 26 23 26 22 a>19 15 27 18 7 3 6 9 w- 6 10 9 14 16 19 7 11 20 24 29 25 30 26 18 9 23 16 15 10 1 6 10 17 5 14 i2 19 11 16 Drawn Swan and Adamson. (v) 24-19 11-16, 29-25, 16-23, 26-19, 20-24, 32-28, 7-11. 18-15, 11-18, 22-15, 6-10, 14-7, 2-18, 25-22, 18-25, 30-21, 5-9, 21-17, 3-7. B. wins, — Swan and Adamson. (w) 7-10, 14-7, 3-10, 18-15, lt-14, 15-11, 9-13, 25-21, 6-9, 30-25, 2-6, 11-8, 14-17, 21-14, 9-18, 23-14, 16-23, 27-18, 12-16, 8-3. W, Wins. — C. H. Freeman beat C. F. Barker, 1885. (sc) 22-18, 7-10, 18-9, 8-11, 23-18, 16-23, 18-14. Drawn. PAISLEY. 111 Vaf 7; 25 22 5 14 25 22 7 11 31 22 26 31 16 20 17 10 2 7 10 7 14 18 14 10 30 25 7 14 22 18 11 15 22 17 31 26 11 16 25 22 I 5 7 3 13 22 15 18 £-28 24 3 7 18 9 8 12 21 17 20 24 9 13 z-22 18 5 14 3 7 12 16 18 15 #-22 17 7 10 19 15 15 18 17 13 26 22 13 *22 18 9 16 19 7 11 18 23 Drawn. 26 17 6 13 23 16 18 22 27 18 J. Wyllie 10 14 a-29 25 12 28 11 15 22 26 v. 18 9 6-10 14' JL5 10 22 26 18 14 A.Schaefer (y) Best move here. .21-17 also draws, but 32-28 loses as follows:— 32-28, 6-9, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 9-18, 22-15, 13-17, 26-22, 17-26, 31-22 7-11, 22-18, *2-7, 25-22, 6-9j 29.25* 1-5. B. winjs. — Swan and Adamson. (z) 22-17, 7-10, 29-25, 6-9, 17-13, 8-11, 13-6, 2-9, *31-26, 9-13, .26-22,11-15 23-18,14-23, 27-11, 16-23, 24-19* 10-14, 52-18, 1-5, 18-9, 5-14, 11-7. Drawn.T— 4. Jackson v. F. Dunne. (a) 23-18, 16-23, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 13-17, 27-18, 20r27, 32-23, 12-16, 18-15, 16-20, 14-10, 8-12, 23-19, 20-24, 15-11, 24-28, 11-8. Drawn. — J. McLachlan v. W. Strickland, (b) 8 11, 25-22, 10-14, *21-17, 14-21, 22-18, 2-7, 19-15, 16-19, *15-8, 19-28, 8-3, 7-11, 3-8, 11-16, 8-11, 21-25, 27-24. Drawn.— X Wyllie. Var. 8. 22 17 26 22 e-18 14 /-29 25 17 13 22 17 10 14 10 14 9 18 6 10 10 14 18 22 17 10 c-rf-22 17 23 14 14 7 25 21 27 23 6 24 2 6 8 11 3 10 16 19 Drawn. 28 19 17 10 25 22 *21 17 32 28 T. Tellumfr 7 10 6 24 1 6 11 15 14 18 J.Aitchison (c) 32-28, 8-11, 22-17, 2-6, 17-10, 6-22, 25-18, 9-14, 1S-9, 5-14, 21-17, 14-21, 19-15, 11-18, 23-14, 1-6. B. wins.— Ji Wyllie beat C, Coakley. (d) 19-15, 16-19, 23-16, 14-23, 27-18, 12-19, 15-11, 8-15, 18-11, 9-14, 22-17* 14-18. 25-22, 18-25,- 29-22, *19-23. B, wins.— D. C. Calvert, («) If 32-28, Black wins by 16-19, etc. (/) 22-17,.6-10, 14-7, 3-10, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 11-15, 14-10, 16-18, 29-25. 5-9, 10-7, 9-13, 7-3, 13-17. B. wins.— Hotsfcdl beat Christie. 112 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. Var. 9. 26 22 25 22 ♦22 18 32 28 21 14 19 15 £-16 20 11 15 i- 1 5 15 24 k 3 7 16 19 22 17 30 26 18 9 28 19 29 25 27 23 9 14 15 24 6 22 7 11 2 6 19 26 18 9 29 19 26 17 17 14 23 18 31 22 5 14 .8 11 11 15 10 17 11 16 6 9 Drawn — J. BelL (g) 9-13, 30-26, 16-20, 22-17, 13-22, 26-17, 10-14, 18-9, 5-14, 17-10,7-14, 25-22, 6-10, 28-24, 3-7, 29-25, 11-16, A-22-18, 1-5, 18-9, 5-14, 25-22, 2-6. 31-26, 14-18. Drawn— Swan and Adamson. (A) 31-26, 8-11,22-18, 11-15,18-11, 14-18 B. wins.-S. and A. (0 11-16, 18-9, 6-22, 26-17, 2-6 7 17-14, 10-17. 21-14, 7-11. 29-25, 6-10, 14-7. 3-10, 25-22, j>-ll-15. Drawn.— W. R, Barker v. J. Wyllie. (j) 1.5,22-17,5-9, *17-14, 10-17, 19-15, 11-18, 23-5, 17-22, 32-28, 22-25, 5-1, 25-30, 1-6, 30-25, 6-10, 25-22, 10-14. W. wins. J. Macfarlane. (k) 2-6, 23-18, 11-16, 19-15, 16-19, 14-10, 6-9, 10-7, 3-10, 15-6, 19-23. Drawn —J. McLachlan v. R. Martins.. Var. 10. 10 14 o-17 13 9 13 15 10 22 29 18 9 /-25 22 14 17 18 9 3 8 18 22 30 26 4 8 13 6 5 14 10 7 5 9 15 10 80 25 17 26 29 25 8 11 22 18 24 27 16 20 31 22 15 7 2 29 25 32 23 m-28 24 2 9 5-19 15 11 15 *-27 23 26 19 11 16 22 17 11 18 2 6 20 24 9 14 22 17 10 14 22 15 15 18 23 19 28 32 «- 6 10 17 10 16 19 6 9 25 30 ii-26 22 7 14 23 16 18 22 w-19 15 8 11 25 22 12 28 9 18 9 14 Drawn. (/) 26-22, 16-20, 22-17. Same as " Bristol Cross" trunk at 9th move. (m) 22-17, 11-16, 17-10. Same as var. 8 at 4th move. (n) Best, though anything will draw. (o) 18-15, 11-18, 22-6, 1-10, 17-13, p-2-G, 25-22. 14-17, 21-14, *9-25, 29-22, 5-9. 9-22-18, 3-8, 31-26, 10-14, 26-22, *7-10, 18-15, 14-17, 22-18, *10-14. B. wins.- J". Macfarlane. (p) 14-17 also wins for Black, shown by W. B. Mundelle in 1897. (r/) 32-28,3-8,31-26,r-7-ll, 22-18, 10-14.. 19-15, 16-19, 23-7, 14-32, 24-19, 32-27, 19-16, 12-19, 7-3, -27-31, 3-12, 31-22, 12-16, 9-14, 16-23, 22-18. B. wins.— A. E. Greenwood. (?) 8-11 also wins by 22-18, 10-14, 19-15, 7-10, etc.— Author unknown PIONEER. 113 (s) 32-28, 13-17, 22-13, 14-18, 23-14, 16-32, 24-19,32-27. 3- wins. — C. F. Barker beat C. H. Freeman, 1890. (0 If White takes the " three for two" by 18-22, etc, Black wins by First Position. («) 18-22, 24-27, 32-23, 28-32, y-22-18. Drawn.— C Barber. (v) 19-16, 32-27, 22-18, 30-26, 23-19, 26-23. B. wihs. Var, 11. 17 13 21 14 w-24 19 18 9 6 2 2^ 19 1 6 10 17 2 7 21 30 14 18 7 10 32 28 19 15 29 25 22 IS 23 14 14 7 S 11 3 8 6 10 5 14 16 32 30 26 25 22 15 10 13- 6 18 9 *31 27 7 3 14 17 7 14 17 21 10 14 32 23 prawn, Strickland. (w) 29-25, *16.X9, 24-15, 12-16, 28-24, 16-19, 23-7, 14-30, 7-8, 30-21, 3-12, 17-26, 31-22, 21-17. B. wins.— £. E. Bowen. No. 26,— "PIONEER." 11 15 /-17 13 16 23 14 9 16 20 5 I 22 17 9 14 31 26 4 8 25 18 27 31 8 U 18 9 14 18 9 5 20 27 23 18 a-25 22 5 14 26 19 8 11 18 15 31 27 fc-c-11 16 22 17 18 22 32 27 2 6 23 18 7 10 17 14 6 10 13 9 e-15 19 27 24 10 17 t27 23 6 13 24 15 19 23 21 14 £-11 16 15 6 10 19 26 19 3 7 30 25 1 10 Drawn (t) To this point by W. Payne, 1756, continuation by W. Veal, 1900. (a) The characteristic move of the *• Pioneer, " so named by Mr. J. D. Janvier. It will be.noticed that it acts as a pioneer, for it leads the way to several other openings. It has not, how- ever, been recognised as a regular opening, except by Payne and Sturges. (b) 9-13. Same as " Switcher " trunk ai 6th mm* (c) 4-8, c?-23-19. Same as " Old Fourteenth," var. 10, '2nd move. (d) 17-13. Same as *■ Douglas " trunk at 7th move. (e) 3-8, 18-11, 8-15, 24-19. 15-24, 27-11, 7-16, 22-1B, 914, 18-9, 5-14, 28-24, 4-8, 24-19, 16-23, 26-19, 8-11, 31-26", 2-7, 26-23, 11-15,32-28,15-24, 28-19, 7-11, 30-26, 11-15, 19-16. Drawn.— }V. Payne, 1756. 114 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. (/) 18-15.4-8,27-24,16-20, 32-27, 7-10, 17-13, 1014, 22-17, 14-18, #-29-25, 12-16, 17-14, 8-12, 26-23, 19-26, 30-23, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 31-26, 18-23. 'B wins —Sturges. (g) 17-14,. 18-22, 26-17, 9-18. 30-26, 18-22, 13-9,6-13,15-10, *5-9, 24-15, 9-14, 26-23, 12-16, 28-24, 2-6, 2449, 8-12. B. wins. — J. Price. (h) 11-15, 30-25, e-22-26, 23-18, 15-22. 25-18. 2-6. 18-15. 26-30, 13-9, 6-13. 15-6, 1-10, 19-16, 12-19, 24-6. W. wins.— J. Man- and J. V. Ferguson, 1900. (t) 7-11, 25-18, 15-22, 23-18, 11-16, 19-15, 10-19, 24-15. W. wins. — J. Marr. Var. 1, 9 14 23 16 19 26 20 16 23 26 2819 i-17 13 12 19 30 23 12 19 18 15 15 24 11 16 22 17 /- 5 9 23 16 10 19 2 7 2-k-2l 20 8 12 24 19 *15 18 17 10 10 15 3 S 29 25 15 24 26 22 6 15 7 11 20 11 4 8 27 20 18 23 13 6 15 19 7 16 32 27 2 7 22 IS 1 10 Drawn, 27 24 8 11 m-31 26 * 7 11 7 2 J. Atkinson 36.19 26 23 11 15 16' 7 19 24 v. */. Lees. (j) This position comes from the "Double Corner," thus:— 9-14, 22-17, 11-15. 25-22, 8-11. Same as var. 1 at 2nd move, (k) 23-18, 14-23, 27-U, 16-20, 32-27, 7-16, 22-18, 10-14, leaving an equal game. (0 2-7 loses as follows :— 2-7, 24-20, 15-18, *23-19. 11-15, 20-16,15-24,28-19,5-9,27-23,18-27,31-24. 14-18, 17-14; 10-17, 21-5, 6-10, 13-9, 10-14. 24-20, 14-17, 25-21, 17-22, 21-17, 22-26, 17-14, 26-31, *19-15, 12-19, 20-16. W. wins.— J. Maize. (m) If 23-19, Black draws, by *14-18, etc. Var. 2. 24 19 n-22 17 18 9 18 9 18 9 23 14 15 24 16 20 5 14 1 5 10 15 16 20 28 19 4-25 22 2Q 22 27 23 31 24 32 23 4 8 11 16 11 15 5 14 20 27 6 9 29 25 22 18 5-23 18 22 18 9 5 Drawn 8.11 7 11 o-15 24 24 27 15 18 Brown. (n) Beware of 22-18, which loses, thus:— 22-18, *10-15, 18-9, 15-24, 27-20. 5-14, 25-22, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19,^22-17, 7-10, 26-23. 19-26, 30-23. 11-15, 31-27, 15-18, 27-24, 18-27, 32-23, 3-8, 23-19. 8-12. 20-16, 2-7, 24-20, 14-18, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 1-5. B. wins.— W, Fairorieve. (©) 14-23, 27-11, 16-23, 31-27, 3-7, 27-18, 7-16, jo-30-26, 16-19, 17-14. 10-17, 21-14, 6-10, 14-7, 2-11, 22-17, 11-16. Drawn.— R. 'Martins v. C. Adamson. (p) 18-14, 10-15, 14-9 15-19,22-18, 19-23,18-15,16-19, 15-11, 12-16, 11-7., 2-11, 9-2, 23-26. Drawn.— Martins v. Adamson* PIONEER. 11 Var. 3. 32 28 *10 15 10 7 20 27 ■S 11 18 14 15 24 19 10 11 15 31 24; 27 31 10 7 28 19 6 22 7 3 16 20 22 17 2 6 .8 8 17 10 1-5 19 24 19 25 22 17 10 -30 26 22 25 23 18 30 25 18 14 6 24 8 11 26 22 19 23 3 8 22 18 B wins. 22 18 25 30 27 24 23 27 14 10 J. Maize, (?) 22-18, 8-11, 18-9, 10-14, 17-10, 6-24, 23-18, 24-28, 21-17; 28-32, r-27-24,, 20-27, 31-24, 32-27, 24-20, 16-19, 18-14, 19-23, 30-25, 1-5, 25-22, 11-15* B. wins.— J. Lees. (r) 27-23, 20-24, 30-25, 32-28, 31-26, 24-27, 18-15, 11-18, 23-14,. 27-31, 26-22, 31-26, 25-21. 26-30, 22-18, 30-26, 18-15, 26-23, 15-11, 1-5. B. wins.—./. Lees. Var. 4. 19 16 30 26 *-23 19 27 24 14 10 22 17 12 19 10 15 m-14 18 20 27 2 6 3 10 23 16 17 10 19 10 32 14 17 14 14 7 11 15 7 14 6 15 28 32 15 19 Drawn 26 23 5-16 11 26 22 21 17 11 7 15 19 19 24 24 28 32 28 6 15 R. Home (s) 16-12, 19-24, 13-9, 6-13, 32-28, *15-18, 28-19, 1-6, 26-2?, 20-24, 27-20, 18-27, 31-24, 2-7, 19-16, 14-17, 21-14, 7-1 L Drawn. — ./. Robertson, (0 13-9 .allows the following neat win:— 13-9, 6-13, 32-28. See diagram : — 15 18 28 19 14 17 23 14 5 9 14 5 3 7 21 14 7 30 25 21 30 25 14 10 25 22 27 23 20 24 23 19 22 18 19 16 B. wins. J. Robertson beat J. Wyllie. Black to move and win. (u) 24-28, 19-10 6-15. r-26-23, 1-6, 31-26, 6-10, 26-22, 3-7, 23-18, 14-23, 27-18, 7-16, 18-11. 20-24, 11-8, 10-15, 8-3, 15-19, 5-8, 24-27. Drawn— -J. Robertson v. J. Wyllie. (t>) 26-22, 1-6, 31-26, 14-18, 26-23,20-24. 27-20, 18-27,32.23, 28-32, 23-18, 15-19, 22-17, 32-27, 25-22. 19-23, 11-7, 2-11, 18-14, 6-10, 14-7,3-10, 22-18, 10-15. Drawn.— J. Lees v. J. Bishop. 11 15 21 14 1 6 14 10 5 14 24 19 12 16 30 26 6 15 17 10 15 24 26 23 2. 2 7 18 11 27 23 «-28 19 4 8 /•24 19 lgA2 16 11 7 11 8 11 31 27 11 16 22 17 16 19 22 18 c, 8 12 25 22 9 13 7 2 .9-20-11 16 c-27 24 7 11 26 22 19 24 £-6-18 14 5-6 9 19 15 24 27 2 5 9 18 -25 21 16 19 23 18 24 27 23 14 16 20 23 7 27 31 6 9 16 23 32 27 3 19 18 14 27 31 27 18 7 11 27 23 31 27 10 7 10 17 29 25 19 24 14 9 31 27 1 10 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. No. 27.—" SECOND DOUBLE CORNER." 9 14 27 24 22 18 23 26 14 9 26 22 18 14 Drawn. J. Wyllie tf , CB Freeman, 1884. m) It is generally understood that the second move gives the title to the opening ; but as the 27-20 "take " at this point leads to quite a distinct variety of play, it has been, thought best to treat both lines as separate openings. Of the seven possible replies that White has to 11-15, this is the weakest, and 4he learner should avoid it when second player However, it will remain notable, since with this opening C. H. Freeman defeated C. F. Barker in 1885. (6) Best; though 25-22 and also 27-24 draw. (c) 8-11, 27-24, 16-20,32^27* 3-8, 25-21, 8-12, 29*25, 4-11-16, 24-19, 6-10, 21-17, 2-6, 30-26, 6-9, 26-22, 9-13, 18-15, 1-6, 15-11, 6-9, H -2. 9-18, 23-7, 16-32, 17-14. Brawn.— Ending same as, Wyllie v. Freeman. (d) 11-15, 18-11. 7-16, 23-18, 6-9, 30-26, 9-13, 25-22, 2-6, 21-17, 6 9. 26-23, 1-6, 24-19. W. wins.— P. M. BrddU (e) 25-21, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 30-26, 7-11, 32-28, 11-16, 27-24, 2-7, 24-15. 7-1.0 14-7, 3-19, 18-14, 16-20, 29-25, 20-24,14-10, *>-15, 26-23. Drawn.— J. Wyllie v. C. H. Freeman. (f) 26-22 loses here, thus:— 26-22, 6-10, 21-17, 9-13, 25-21, 11-16, 14-9, 5-14, 18-9, 10-15, 23-18, 7-11, 9-6, 16-19. B. wins.-. McCulloch. (g) 24-27, 22-17. 9-13, 26-22, 27-31, 23-18, 31-26 18-14, 26-23, 11-7, 20-24, 14-9, 5-14, 17-10. 24-27', 7-2, 27-31, 2-6, 31^27, 6-9> 27-24, 9-14; 24^19, 22-18, 23-26, 18-15. Drawn.— Robertson. SECOND DOUBLE CORNER. 117 Var 1. A. 9 13 12 16 32 27 32 28 19 15 i-io H 11 7 18 14 6 2 10 6 14 18 19 23 24 27 24 28 20 24 27 24 15 10 27 31 7 2 7 11 2 6 6 10 18 23 26 22 27 31 16 20 24 28 24 19 5 9 2 7 14 10 6 10 15 24 23 19 Drawn. 20 24 28 32 28 32 28 19 31 27 «-23 18 10 6 11 15 10 14 22 18 Robertson (h ) A very strong line of attack White having to play very carefully to draw. (0 Should White fix the piece on 12. Black wins thus: — 7-11, 31-27, 23-18. *12-16 $ 11-20. 27-32. 20-27, 32-30, 18-15 y 30-25. B. wins.— J". P Reed beat J. L. Richmond. ( (j) 27-23, 18-15, 23-16, 15-6, 16-19, 6-1, 9-14, 1-6, 14-18, 6*10, 18-23, 26-22-, 23-26, 22-18 Drawn.— J. Robertson. Var. 2. 2- 6 18 2 13 22 8 14 9 7 11 2 6 26 31 5 14 22 18 22 26 Drawn. J. T. Patterson, 1910. U 16 6 10 25 22 22 17 it- 3 7 m- 9 13 24 19 26 22 ik) 6-10, 14-7, 3-10, 22-17, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, Z-26-22. 10-15, 17-10, 16-19, 23-16, 12-28, 27-23, 28-32, 23-18, 15-19, 18^14. 32-27, 14-9, 27-23, 10-6, 19-24, 6-1. Drawn. —Gardner v. Strickland, 1886 (I If 24-19 Black wins by 14-18, etc.— earight. (m) 2-6 loses, forming the following critical situation :— 17 13 10 17 21 14 6 10 13 6 10 17 6 2 4- 7 10 18 14 3-10 15 19 10 16 19 23 16 12 19 27 23 I@H «©;». H » » » White to move and win. 19 24 23 18 24 27 26 23 27 31 14 9 5 14 18 9 31 27 23 19 27 23 19 16 W wins. H. Devine, 1895. 118 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. Var. 3. 17 21 21 25 25 30 30 25 25 29 30 25 14 7 9 14 7 11 14 9 26 22 17 14 5 9. 25 30 30 25 n-13 17 21 25 25 18 2 6 7 2 11 15 9 13 22 17 9 5 9 13 30 25 25 30 17 21 25 30 6 9 2 7 15 18 13 9 18 22 W.wins. R. J. Clegg, 1910. (n) 25-21, 18-22, 21-17, 22-25, 17-21, 25-30, 21-17, 19-15. W. wins. — R. I. Clegg. Var. 4. 7 11 *18 14 30 25 16 25 30 11 20 2 7 13 17 7 11 26 22 10 7 27 32 5 9 * 8 3 25 22 .18 14 30 25 18 14 19 15 30 25 *11 15 13 17 7 3 32 27 9 13 *23 18 26 30 14 10 25 30 23 18 15 8' 25 30 14 9 22 26 3 8 26 22 17 21 26 23 30 26 6 9 30 25 19 16 7 11 17 22 9 5 17 22 8 11 12 19 21 25 3 7 22 17 9 14 25 30 15 31 11 15 22 26 5 1 22 25 27 24 22 15 25 30 *15 19 17 13 14 18 20 27 W.wins. T. S. Prince, 1910. Var. 5. 16 19 30 23 1Q 14 27 24 7 10 19 15 24 15 o- 6 10 18 9 6 10 23 1"9 10 19 7 10 32 27 5 14 25 22 15 18 17 10 14 7 2 7 29 25 10 15 24 20 3 26 25 21 p- 1 6 22 17 18 23 Drawn. J. Macfarlane, 1901. (o) 12-16, 25-21. 5-9, 32-27, 6-10, 18-14, 9-18, 23-7, 2-11, 27-23, 11-15, 29-25. Drawn.— Two Leeds Players, O) 1-5, 27-24, 5.-9, 25-22, 12-16, 24-19. W. wins.— J. Mac* far lane, 1901 Var. 6. 25' 22 8 11 v-32 28 14 17 24 19 20 24 16 20 25 21 11 15 21 14 22 26 16 9-22 17 6 9 19 16 10 17 23 18 24 27 r- 9 13 29 25 12 19 25 21 26 31 6 9 30 25 5- 1 6 23 16 1.5 18 27 23 27 31 13 22 31 26 *10 14 21 14" z-31 26 23 18 26 17 w- 9 13 9 5 7 11 18 U 31 27 5-4 8 14 9 * 2 6 16 7 26 22 19 15 17 H 5 14 7-S-28 24 3 17 14 9 26 22 10 17 18 9 y-«10 26 23 22 26 18 14 21 14 6 10 5 1 18 22 9 5 Dra*n>. «/. Ferguson, SECOND DOUBLE CORNER. 119 (q) 29-25, 10-14, * 19-16 draws, but is very weak. (r) This is a very strong line of attack and was first introduced by W. R. Barker against R. D. Yates, in 1877 30-14 is also good. (s) 11-16, 31-26, 7-10, 14-7, 3-10, *26-22, 2-7, 18-15, £-9-13, 15-6, 1-10, 32-28, 7-11, 22-18, 10-14, 18-9, 5-14, 25-22, 13-17. (0 9-14 *15-6, l-io' *32-28, 5-9, 22-18, 9-13. 18-9 13-17, 21-14, 10-17, 25-21, 17-22, 19-15. W. wins.— J. McAteer. (u) This leads to an almost irresistible attack, and was intro- duced by C. H. Freeman against C. F. Barker in 1890. (v) Barker played 19-16 here, and Freeman continued 12-19, 23-16, 11-15, w-9r5, 13-17, 21-14, 10-17, 25-21, 15-19 21-14 19-24; and ultimately won by one of " Bowen's Twins " positions. (For '•Bowen's Twins" see Gould's Problem Book). (w) 32-28 draws, same as var. 6 at 26th move. 00 25-22, 6-9, 5-1, 14-18, 1-5. 18-25, 5.-14, 7-11, 16-7, 3-17, 21-14. B. wins. /. L Rue. C. F, Barker afterwards won this off J. P. Reed in 1891. (y) 7-10, 16-12, 15-19. 24-15, 10-19, 25-22. 6-9, 5-1. 19-24, 27-23, 24-27, 1-6, 27-32, 22-18, 32-27, 26-22, 27-31, 22-17. Drawn. — «/". Ferguson. (z) If 31-27, White draws by 19-16, etc. Var. 7. 16 12 27 23 6 1 5 1 2 6 6 2 7 11 19 26 26 31 10 15 27 24 16 11 a-25 22 21 17 1 5 2 6 6 2 2 6 *11 16 31 27 31 26 20 24 24 20 7 2 6-5 1 17 13 13 9 6 9 2 6 6 9 16 19 27 23 26 23 24 27 19 16 1 17 15 10 9 6 9 6 6 2 B. w ins 15 18 23 18 23 19 27 31 15 11 22 15 10 6 6 2 6 2 2 6 13 31 18 14 14 10 31 27 11 J. Sea rig (f) Black ;< kings " the piece on 3 and ultimately wins. (a) 26-23,11-16,28-24, *3-7, 5-1, 7-10, 25-22, 15-18, 22-15, 10-28, 1-17, 13-22, 23-18, 28-32, 27-23, 32-27, 12-8, 22-26. B. wins. — /. L. Rae. (b) 27-23, *14-18, 23-14, 6-9, 14-10, 20-24, 28-19, 16-30, 5-l, ( 9-14. B. wins.-—,/. Searight. Var. S. 10 14 8 11 2 6 3 10 9 13 14 18 17 10 25 22 d-17 14 31 26 18 15 Drawn. 6 24 7 10 10 17 1 6 10 14 C.H, 32 28 29 25 21 14 26 22 15 11 Freeman v ■ 4 8 11 16 6 10 6 9 13 17 J. Hill, 28 19 22 17 14 7 25 21 22 13 1889. -20 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (c) 7-11, 28-19,3-8, *18-15, 11-18, 23-14, 8-11, *31-26, 11-16, 26-23. Drawn.— R. Martins. (d) 31-26, 20-24, 27-11, 10-15, 19-10, 6-29, 23-18, 3-7, 11-2, 1-6 B. wins.—- W. Scott beat W. Donald. Var. 9 10 14 29 25 12 19 22 15 8 12 15 11 25 22 4 8 23 16 6 10 23 19 18 23 11 16 32 28 10 19 15 6 15 18 27 18 27 24 <7- 3 7 24 15 1 10 19 15 14 30 16 20 18 15 7 11 28 24 5 9 21 5 31 27 h- 9 13 16 7 10 15 30 26 > 7 10 19 16 2 18 26 L 23 13 17 Drawn R. Ma rtins v. J, Wyllie. 11 367. (c) 7-13, 29-25, 11-16, 18-15,/-14-18, 23-14, 9-18, 15-10, 6-15, 19-10, 18-23, Drawn. -if. B. Carmichael. (/) 4-8, 15-10.6-15, 19-10, 8-11, 22-18, 2-6. 18-15, 11-18 10-7, 3-10,, 21-17, 14-21, 23-7. 6-10, 7-3, 1-6, 3-8,10-15,8-11,16-19 11-18, 19-28, 18-23, 9-14, 23-19, 5-9, 25-22, 6-10, 22-17, 20-24 27-20, 14-18, *17-14, 10-17, 30-25, 21-30, 19-15. W. wins.— «/. Wyllie beat W. W. Avery ig) 9-13, 18-9, 5-14, 22-18, 1-5, 18-9, 5-14, 25-22, 2-7, 19-15, 10-19,24-15, 12-16, 15-11, 8-15, 27-24, 20-27, 23-18. Drawn — J. Wyllie v. CD, Orvis, 1875. (h) 14-18 23-14, 9-18, 26-23, 7-11, 23-7, 11-18, 22-15, 2-18, 19-16. 12-19, 24-15, 6-10, 15-6, 1-10, 21-17,8-11, 17-14,10-17, 25-22. Drawn — W R. Barker v. J. Wyllie. Var. 10. 14: 8 11 16 20 11 25 25 30 6 10 18 9 18 9 i-3l 27 30 14 26 22 19 16 5 14 6 13 j- 2 7 13 17 30 26 10 14 25 22 29 25 k-2S 18 10 7 8 12 27 24 11 15 11 15 7 11 3 10 26 17 32 28 27 24 17 14 14 7 12 19 Drawn. 15 24 7 11 10 17 17 21 17 22 28 19 25 22 19 10 7 3 19 23 W.Kirk- 4 8 11 16 12 16 21 25 1 6. land v. 22 18 21 17 18 25 3 8 24 19 W. Reid. (i) 17-14 here also draws. (j) 15-18. 23-7, 3-10.30-25, 1-6, 17-14, 10-17, 25-21, 6-10, 21-7, 2-11, 26-23. 11-16, 22-18, 13-17. Drawn — W. Taylor. (Jfe) 30-25. *7-ll. 25-21, *10-14, 17-10, 11-16, 21-17, 15-18, 22-15, 13-31, 10-6, 1-10, 15-6, 31-26. B. wins.— P.jl. Bradt, 27-20 SECOND DOUBLE CORNER. 121 Var. 11. 9 14 16 20 3 7 8 11 6 10 10 15 22 18 31 27 18 14 15 8 15 6 9 2 5 9 o- 9 13 10 17 4 11 1 17 15 18 *2G 22 18 9 21 14 32 28 18 15 2 7 7 11 13 22 13 17 11 16 17 21 18 23 *27 24 25 18 19 15 19 15 15 11 Drawn* f-ro-11 16 6 13 2 6 17 22 7 10 Wyllie v. 22 17 29 25 23 19 25 18 11 7 Martins, (0 11-15, 18-11, 8.15, 22-18, 15-22, 25-18, 4-8, 29-25, 8-11, 25-22, *10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 23-19 lc^ds to a safe draw. (m) 3-7, 32-28. 11-16, 24-20, n-1-5, 20-11, 8-24, 28-19, 4-8, 22-17, 9-13,18-9.5-14,30-26,13-22,25-9.6-13.23-18, 8-11, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 11-16, 26-23, 16-20. Drawn. -C. ffefter. (n) 7-11, 22-17, 10-15, 19-10, 6-22, 25-18, 2-6. 17-10, 6-22, 30-25,1-6,25-18, 6-10. 21-17, 9-13 18-14, 13-22, 14-7, 11,-15, 20-11, 15-19, 23-16, 12-19, 7-3. W. wins.— H B. Carmichael beat (o) 8-11, 17-13, p-2-7, 25-22, 11-16, 22-17, 7,-11, 30-25, 3-8, 25-22, 11-15, 18-11, 8-15, ^9-25, 1-5, 23-18, 14-23, 27-11, 16-23, 24-19, 23-26. Drawn— P. M. Bradt. (jo) 3-7. 25-22, 11-15, 18-11, 7-16, 29-25,4-8, 22-18, 8-11.25-22, 10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 13-6, 2-9, 22-17, 15-22, 17-10. 22-25, 10-7, 25-29, 7-3, 9-13, 3-7, 29-25. 21-17, 13-22, 30-21, 22-26, 23-19, 16-23. 27-18, 20-27, 7-16, 12-19, 32-16. W. wins.—/. P. Reed beat C. F. Barker, 1890. N . 2 &— "27-20 SECOND DOUBLE CORNER." 11 15 8 11 15 24 11 16 14 18 19 24 24 19 28 24 28 19 20 11 23 14 26 23 15 24 5- 3 8 4 8 7 16 9 18 24 31 a-27 20 £-32 28 22 18 l-d-Z0 25 31 27 23 14 6-11- 9 14 11 15 8 11 ^-16 20 12 16 6 9 5-22 18 18 11 29 25 18 15r 19 12 14 10 4-5 9 8 15 1 5 2 7 10 19 7 14 6-25 22 24 19 25 22 22 17 12 8 17 10 Drawn. - - W, Bryi den v. R. Ta ylor. (a) This "take" is considered very weak. The match between Wyllie and Martins, in 1864, was the first contest in which it was introduced ; and since then it has occasionally figured in restricted matches. It is, perhaps, inferior to the alternative and in6re 122 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. popular way of taking the piece ; still it seems to admit of a fairly firm defence (/;) 28-24, 8-11, c-25-22. Same a6 trunk at 11th move. (c) Martins played 24-19 here, against Wyllie in 1864, and lost as follows :— 24-19, 3-8, 32-28, 11-16, 20-11, 8-24, 28-19, 4-8, 31-27, 7-11, 18-15 11-18, 21-17, 14-21, 23-5, 8-11, 27-23, 6-9, 23-18, 9-13 25-22, 2-6, 26-23, 6-9, 29-25, 10-14, 19-15, 11-16, 15-10, 14-17. B. wins. (d) 31-27. 16-20, 30-25, 2-7, 18-15, e-14-18, 23-14, 9-18, 22-17. Same as trunk at 37th move. (e) 9-13 loses thus.— 9-13. *15-11, 7-16, 22-18, /-6-9, *18-15, 14-18, 15-6, 20-24, 27-11 , 18-27, 26-22. W. wins.— J. Lees. (/) 5-9, 26-22, iO-15, 18-11 14-18, 22-15, 9-14, 11-7, 14-18, 23-) 4, 16-32, 7-2. _W. wins— X Lees. (g) By a rather curious coincidence. Messrs Bryden and TaylGr came into this position from the ' Whilter," thus:— 11-15, 23-19, 7-11, 26-23, 3-7, 30-26, 11-16, 24-20, 15-24, 20-11, 8-15, 27-20, 4-8, 32-27, 8-11, 27-24, 9-14, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 22-18, 5-9, 25-22, 1-5, 29-25. Same as trunk at 29th move. Var. 1. 24 27 31 24 20 27 B. wins. J. Boyd. (h) 6-9, as played by W. Keid against W. Campbell, allows a draw, by *17-1 3, followed by 2-7, etc. — A. Daly. Var. 2. 19 15 2 6 23 16 13 22 7 2 10 19 30 25 12 19 26 17 A- 5 9 22 17 9 13 15 11 19 23 17 18 6 10 25 22 14 18 11 7 19 24 18 15 16 20 22 15 10 19 2 7 30 25 22 18 31 27 25 11 11 15 11 7 I 5 .9 13 4 8 9 13 23 27 20 16 32 28 18 9 27 23 11 8 15 19 7 2 11 15 5 14 8 12 14 18 27 32 16 11 18 11 19 16 23 19 8 3 19 23 2 6 8 15 12 19 11 15 10 14 32 28 11 15 24 19 23 7 19 16 3 7 20 16 6 9 15 24 2 11 12 19 18 22 28 24 15 18 28 19 26 22 22 17 7 11 16 11 21 17 7 11 6 9 13 22 19 23 24 20 Drawn. H. Armst? •ong v. J. L. Richmond, 1900. Var. 3. 10 15 29 25 15 18 26 22 10 15 21 14 22 17 9 14 24 19 8 11 13 6 22 26 15 22 25 22 18 27 22 18 15 22 31 22 17 10 4 8 32 23 6 9 6 2 16 19 6 15 17 13 11 15 13 6 j-12 16 23 7 26 17 1 6 30 2Q 2 9 2 6 3 26 7 10 22 17 15 24 17 13 14 17 Drawn. 27-20 SECOND DOUBLE CORNER. 123 (*')• 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 24-20, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 30-26, giving an even game. O") Forcing the draw. The late J. Smitji played 24-27 against Barker, and lost a long and critical ending. Var. 4. 8 11 4 8 1 5 2 6 26 30 17 14 18 9 29 25 21 14 25 21 2 7 27 24 5 14 8 11 7 10 G 9 30 25 19 23 26 22 25 22 14 7 21 17 7 16 24 19 11 15 10 15 5 23 10 15 12 19 23 27 22 18 18 14 31 27 17 13 32 27 19 15 15 22 15 19 3 10 15 22 25 21 27 31 25 9 22 18 27 18 13 6 20 16 11 7 6 13 13 17 19 23 23 26 21 17 31 27 23 18 14 9 30 25' 6 2 16 11 Drawn. J, W. Dawson v. J. Gait, 1906. Var. 5. 22 17 14 18 f-32 27 16 20 18 15 24 27 8 11 23 14 11 16 23 16 10 14 11 8 25 22 9 18 20 11 12 19 22 17 19 23 * 8, 22 15 7 16 26 23 14 18 8 4 31 27 £-10 19 24 20 19 26 IS 9 18 22 6 9 25 22' 3 7 30 23 5 14 4 8 17 13 11 15 20 11 6 10 17 10 Drawn. 1 6 27 24 7 16 23 18 20 24 Martins v, 29 25 8 11 27 23 15 19 15 11 Wyllie. (k) 11-18,. 21-17, 8-11, 26-23, 11-15, 23-14, 6-9, 18-6, 2-18, 30-26, 15-19, 25-21, 10-14, 17-10, 7-14, 27-23, 18-27, 82-16, 12-19, 26-22, 19-23, 22-17, 14-18, 17-14. Drawn,- Barker's A.C. P. (/) By another of these coincidences, so peculiar to Draughts, the position is now Identical with the «' Nailor," note (c), at 2. 8 11 18 9 Var 6 10 . 6. 22 17 18 25 24 15 22 18 5 14 27 23 7 10 19 16 11 18 10 15 32 27 3 8 25 22 10 17 8 3 7-25 22 m- 4 8 23 16 2 7 21 14 7 11 15 19 n-27 23 8 12 28 24 25 30 3 7 23 16 8 12 26 23 1 5 16 12 12 19 23 16 12 26 23 19 30 26 Drawn 29 25 12 19 30 23 14 18 12 8 9 14 31 27 10 15 17 14 15 19 Sturges (m) Payne and Sturges show that this position can be formed from the " Bristol, " thus:— 11-16, 22-18, 10-14, 25-22, 8-11, 29-25, 4-8, 24-20, 16-19, 23-16, 14-23, 27-18, 12-19/32-27, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14. Same as var. 6 at 14th move. 124 DKAtTGHTS— THE OPENINGS* (n) 22-17 loses, and allows the following neat "shot":— 22-17, 19-23, 26-19, 8-12, 17-10, 6-24, 28-19, 11-16, 20-11, 7-32. B. wins, — Payne, 1766. Var. 7. 28 24 10 15 18 9 4 8 15 22 25 22 5 14 22 17 25 18 6 10 26 23 o-15 18 7 10 23 19 1 6 32 28 29 25 9 14 S-30 26 18 27 d-19 15" 11 18 20 16 12 19 24 15 10 19 17 1 Drawn. Janvier. (o) Beware of 3-7. which loses as follows :— 3-7, 17-13, 15-18, 31-27, 18-22, 26-17, 11-15, *13-9, 6-22, 23-18, 14-23, 27-4. W. wins.— J. Price. (p) 20-16, 11-20, 19-15, 10-19, 17-1. *3-7, 24-15, 7-11, 31-24, 11-18, 24-19, 8-11, 1-5, 11-16, 19-15. 20-24. B. wins.— J Price. Var. 8. $-22 17 13 9 \14 23 15 13 17 13 24 19 v 9 14 And the following line position is formed :-*■ 31 27 27 18 * 6 9 12 16 /0-23 18 19 12 14 23 10 14 23 27 30 25 32 23 27 31 18 27 25 22 11 16 20 11 31 26 9-9 5 26 17 5 1 17 13 1 5 14 17 21 14 Black to move and wim- iq) 21-17 or 22-18 both lose.- W G. Clare. 21 17 24 15 Var 5 9 . 9. 17 13 1 5 32 28 14 23 11 25 14 18 24 19 26 23 19 16 17 13 30 21 r- 9 14 13 9 5 9 14 9 9 14 8 11 18 23 23 26 23 18 7 10 18 9 5 1 21 17 9 5 10 14 9 6 4 8 23 26 31 27 26 31 18 15 10 14 9 5 1 5 14 10 5 I 9 13 6 2 15 19 26 31 27 24 31 2i> 2 7 14 18 and continue— 27-20 SECOND DOUBLE CORNER. 125 13 9 16 6 15-16 96 16 19 16 19 26 23 14 9 5 1 J 10 14 10 9 6 6 1 1 5 6 9 2 7 19 16 18 23 23 18 18 14 23 18 15 18 10 7 6 1 1 6 5 1 9 5 7 16 16 19 23 26 19 23 9 5 18 14 23 27 27 32 1 6 6 1 1 6 28 24 16 11 19 10 26 31 18 14 14 18 14 18 10 15 7 14 6 1 1 6 6 1 5 9 11 16 24 19 31 2S 23 18 18 23 18 23 18 14 14 18 B. wins.— IF. G. Clare. (r) If 21-17, then 31-26, etc. B. wins.— W. G. Clare. (5) 2-6, 11-16, 20-11, 15-8, 6-2, 8-11. B. wins by Bowen's Twins (Wyllie's play).— W. G. Clare. Var. 10. 30 25 22 17 25 21 32 27 11 8 21 14 * 3 7 7 16 26 30 18 14 4 11 18 2 23 18 20 11 14 10 27 23 3 8 -19 15 14 23 9 13 30 26 14 10 2 6 2 6 27 18 17 14 10 7 23 19 18 15 B. wins. ♦11 16 10 17 26 22 10 14 6 10 18 11 21 14 7 3 24 20 15 6 P.Thirkell 16 23 23 26 22 18 13 17 14 18 1908. Var. 11. MO 15 9 13 3 8 15 24 13 22 24 27 tt-28 24 21 17 z-30 26 28 19 26 17 31 24 v- 6 10 5 9 9 14 fl-11 16 12 16 20 27 #-23 18 32 28 18 9 20 11 18 9 9 6 12- 8 11 15 5 14 8 24 16 20 26 23 25 21 24 19 22 18 17 13 Drawn. (t) This, like the 9-14 line of attack, was originally introduced by the veteran Wyllie. (zl) This position is formed from the "Kelso," thus: — 10-15, 24-19, 15-24, 27-20, 11-15. Same as var. 11 at 2nd move, (v) 8-11, 22 18, 15-22, 25-18, w-7-10. Same as var. 7 at 5. (w) 6-10, z-29-25. 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 25-22 r 11-15, 22-18, 15-22, 26-17, 7-11, 24-19, 11-15, 32-28,, 15-24, 28-19, 4-8, 30-26, 8-11, 19-16. Drawn. (z) Smith against Barker played 31-27. and lost as follows : — 31-27, 10-14, 24-19. 1-6, 29-25, 3-8, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 14-23, 26-19, 8-12, 25-22, 6-10. 32-28, 11-15, 28-24, 9-14, 30-26, 4-8, 22*17, 5-9,27-23. 9-13. B. wins. (y) The exchange— 22-18,15-22, 25-18— is very weak; Martins lost it to Wyllie in 1867. O) 30-25,11-16,20-11,7-16, 18-11, 8-15, 23-18, 16-20, 18-11, 20-27, 31-24, 12-16. Black for choice. (a) If 11-15, White draws by *22-18, etc. 126 BKATTGHTS— THE OPENINGS. Var. 12. 9 14 10' 26 18 25 7 23 20 24 8 12 18 9 80 23 29 22 27 18 17 14 19 15 5 14 7 11 3 7 12 16 8 11 11 16 26 2S 23 19 31 27 21 17 14 10 22 17 14 18 15 18 11 16 16 20 4 8 23 14 25 22 20 11 24 19 10 ? Drawn No. 29.—" SINGLE CORNER." 11 15 e-23 18 4 8 14 7 31 27 1 6 c-22 18 6 10 28 24 2 11 17 14 14 17 15 22 25 21 8 12 24 19 27 24 6 10 b-26 18 10 17 19 15 5 9 14 5 17 21 £-12 16 21 14 3 8 30 25 8 11 3 8 5-29 25 f-h-- 1 6 23 19 11 16 15 8 21 25 2-c- 9 13 26 23 11 16 25 22 24 22 10 15 cf-18 14 2-13 17 v-26 22 23 26 5 1 25 30 10 17 31 26 p-16 23 27 23 6 10 r-15 11 '21 14 . l-n* 8 11 22 13 26 31 8 3 16 19 16 20 24 19 7 10 Drummojid 22 17 , 1866. 10 14 Drawn. (a) This move gives the title to the opening. It has always been popular with all classes of players, as it leaves the forces very evenly balanced and leads to many fine combinations There has been more play published on this than on any other opening, and although such is the case, there are many lines in it which have never been explored (b) The piece is almost invariably taken this way. For play on 26-17. see next opening. (c) This forms the famous -Flora Temple" line which is con- sidered strong for Black. (d) The best reply ; against anything else Black gains a slight advantage. (e) The novice will notice, if 24-19 is played here Black gains a piece by 6-10, followed by 1-6, etc (/) 13-17, 24-19, 1-6, 27-23. 8-11/32-27, 4-8, 28-24, £-6-10, 14-9, 5-14, 18-9, 8-12 9-5, 11*16, *26-22, 17-26. 31-22,. 10-14, *30-25 7-11 -25-21, *2-7, 5-1, 7-10, 22-18, *ll-15, 18-11, 14-18. Drawn. — J. Lees. (q) 8-12, 19-15, 3-8, 26-22, 17-2S, 31-22. White is best. (h) 2-6, 26-23, 13-17. 31-26, 7-11, *23-19, 11-16, 19-12, 3-7, 12 3, 17-21, 3-10, 6-21. 14-10, 5-9, 10-7, 9-14, 7-3. 14-18, 3-7, 18-22, 7-11, 22.25, 11-15, 25-29, 24-19, 31-24, 19-16, 24-19. Drawn. — J. Ross. SINGLE CORN"E£. 127 (0 6-9, 24-19, 7-2-6, 18-15, 9-18, 23-14, ro-8-11, 15-8, 4-11, 30-25, 13-17, 25-22, 17-26, 31-22. 6-10, 22-17, 5-9, 14-5, 10-15, 19-10, 7-21, 5-1. Drawn.— J. Wyllie v. M. C. Priest. (j) 8-11, 31-26, 2-6, 19-15, fc-13-17. Drawn.— J. C. Brown. (k) If 4-8, 23-19, 13-17, 28-24, 17-22, 26-17, 9-13, 19-16, 13-22, and we have the following critical situation: — White to move and win. 24t 19 18 14 8 11 10 1 32 14 10 15 8 12 17 21 29 25 18 11 12 16 23 27 15 8 , 8« 3 11 15 19 15 1 6 15 18 /- 7 11 22 25 25 22 11 18 16 19 W, wins. 16 7 3 8 14 10 27 24 6 10 j. a 3 17 25 29 22 18 20 27 19 23 Brown. Cm) 6-10, 8-4, 10-17, 4-8. W. wins. (m) 13-17, *27-23, 8-12, 23-18. 17-21, 28-24, 20-27,32-23, 12-16, 19-12, 7-10, 14-7, 3-26, 31-22. Drawn.— Strickland. (n) 8-12, 24-19, 4-8, *18-15, *7-10, 14-7, 3-10, *28-24, 5-9, 32-28, 9-14, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 10-19, 24-15, 14-18, 16-12, 18-22. Drawn. — D. G. McKehie. (o) 26-23, 17-21, 30-26, 21-25, 26-22, 7-11. 14-10, 6-9, 10-6, 9-13, 6-1, 25-30, 15-10, 30-26. B. wins.— Drummond. (p) 17-26, 30-23, 9-6-IO, 15-6, 2-9, 18-15. 9-18, 23-14, 16-23, 27-18, 20-27, 32-23. 7-11, 15-10 Drawn.— Drummond. (q) 7-10 allows the following neat win:— 7-10, 14-7, 2-11, *18-14, 11-18, 14-10, 6-15, 23-14, 16-23, 27-4. W. wins.— Drum'd. (r) 23-18, 16-19, 15-24, 20-27, 32-23, 22-15. B. wins.-— ZJrtwiVf. Var. 1, 17 21 * 6 9 7 14 25 30 11 15 15 18 5-18 15 22 17 17 10 23 19 10 7 7 11 8 U 9 18 3 8 30 26 26 31 31 26 15 8 23 14 30 26 10 7 7 3 24 19 4 11 u 15 21 25 2 11 8 12 18 22 26 22 14 10 26 23 19 10 3 7 19 16 Drawn .- -W. Beattie v. J. L. Richmond. 128 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. CO 26-22, *8-12, f-22-17, 12-16, r-17-13, 16-19, 23-16, 6-10, 14-9. 5-23, 27-18, 20-27, 32-23, 4-8, *28-24 draws, but is very critical for White. (0 24-19, *6-10, w-22-17, 2-6, 28-24, 4-8, 32-28, 8-11, 30-26, 11-16. B. wins. («) 14-9, 5-14, 18-9, 2-6, 9-2, 3-8, 2-11, 8-31, 23-18, 31-26, 30-23, 12-16, 22-17, 21-25, 32-27, 25-30, 28-24, 30-26, 24-19, 26-22, 19-12, 22-15, 17-13, 10-14, 13-9. 14-17, 9-6, 17-21. B. wins.— J. Lees. (v) 24-19, 6-9, 19-12, 9-13, 28-24, 13-22, 14-9,5-14, 18-9, 22-25, 9-5, 25-29, 5-1, 29-25, 1-5, 2-^ w-23-18, a-y-7-10, 32-28, 25-22, 18-15, 10-19, 24-15, 3-7, 27-23, 7-10, 15-11, 22-26. Drawn.— J. Macfarlane. (w) 32-28, 25-22, 23-19, 22-18, 19-16, 18-15, 5-1, 15-18, MO, 7-14, 24-19, 14-17. B. wins.— J. Lees. (x) 4-8, 18-14, 6-9, 24-19, 9-18, 27-24, 20*27, 32-14, 7-11, 14-10, 11-16. Drawn.— -J. Macfarlane. (y) 7-11, 18-14, 25*-22, 5-1, 6-10, 14-7, 3-10, 12-8, 10-15, 8-3, 11-16, 3-7, 15-18, 7-10., 4-8, 1-6, 8-12. Drawn.- J. Macfarlane. Var. 2. 10 14 4 8 8 11 10 17 17 26 16 23 24 19 *25 22 17 13 *18 14 30 23 27 9 16 20 6 10 14 17 9 18 6 10 28 24 16 12 13 6 23 14 14 9 Drawn. 8 11 5-11 16 2 9 2-16 5 14 19 16 22 17 21 14 a-26 22 23 19 J. Little (z) 11-15, 26-23, 7-11, 14-10, 17-22, *10-7, 3-10, 12-8, 10-14, 24-19, 15-24 32-28, 5-9, 28-12, 11-15, 8-3, 1-5, 3-7. W. wins.— «7. Illingworth* (a) 26-23,17-21, 31-26, 6-10, 14-9, 5-14, 23-19, 16-23, 27-9,. 20-27, 32-23, 10-15, 9-6, 15-19. Drawn. Var. 3. 9 13 8 11 24 28 9 18 17 22 3 19 18 9 18 9 9 5 23 14 23 18 27 24 5 14 11 15 2 6 10 17 22 25 24 19 26 22 30 26 21 14 18 15 6-11 16 15 24 4-6 9 13 17 7 10 22 18 22 18 18 14 26 23 14 7 Drawn (b) 11-15, 23-18, 15-24, 18-9, 1-5, 26-23, 5-14, 22-18, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 32-28. Drawn.- SINGLE CORNER. 12$ Var. 4. 3 8 22 25 1 10 26 30 22 18 20 24 12 3 18 14 5 1 15 18 7 2 15 10 13 17 c-25 30 16 19 rf-30 25 18 23 23 19 21 14 14 10 1 6 14 10 2 7 32 27 10 17 30 23 19 23 25 29 23 19 28 32 3 10 27 18 6 15 18 25 7 10 27 20 6 22 17 22 23 26 29 22 19 23 32 28 23 18 10 6 18 14 10 7 10 15 31 26 W. wins — F. Dunne. (c) 25-29, 14-10, 17-21. 10-7, 21-25, 7-3, 25-30, 26-23, 29-25^ 3-8, 25-22, 8-12. W. wins — F. Dunne. (d) If 22-25, White wins by 31 -■26, etc Var. 5. 6-18 14 6 9 25 22 8 12 18 14 16 32 9 18 26 23 4 8 23 18 12 16 3 8 23 14 9 18 27 23 11 16 15 10 20 24 10 17 23 14 6 10 19 15 g- 8 12 26 22 21 14 1- 6 31 2Q 16 19 10 3 24 27 /-I6 20 24 19 10 17 32.27 19 24 29 25 8 11 22 13 3 8 28 19 Drawn J Smith v. C. F. Barker, 1889 (e) This is generally considered the best* reply to 12-16. but it allows Black many strong lines of attack. I therefore recommend 29-25 in. preference. if) 6-10,29-25, 10-17, 25-21, 8-11, 21-14, 16-20, 24-19 1-6, 26-22. Same as var. 5 at 16th move (<7) 7-11, , 27-23,11-15, 10-7, 2-11, 14-10, 8-12, 10-7. Drawn.— J. Ferrie v . W. Br y den. Var. £. hi- 8 11 p\l 14 10 17 n 24 w-11 15 .6 1 y-29 25 i/-l6 19 *18 14 17 21 v-16 11 29 25 4 8 23 16 1 6 27 23 7 16 1 6 24 20 12 19 27 23 10 17 20 11 25 22 £-10 15 *27 23 9- 6 10 23 19 14 18 6 1 25 22 q- 9 13 *31 27 9 14 10 6 x-15 19 n-12 16 23 16 7-2 6 18 9 18 25 24 15 o-21 17 6 10 5-23 18 5 14 26 23 22 26 8 12 *32 27 U 6 9 19 10 25 29 23 18 Drawn.—,/. Maize. 1889. (h) 9-13, 23-19, same as " Will-o'-the-Wisp " trunk at 7th move. (* ) 10-15 runs into the." Kelso." Q') 24-19 is a line often adopted by experts, the best reply to which is 9-13 ; then 28-24 is best for White, as it leads to an even game. 130 DRAUGHTS— 'THE OPENINGS. (k) 12-16, *26-22, /-8-12, 28-24, m-9-13, 32-28, 6-9, 24-19, 9-14, 18-9. 5-14, 22-18, 1-5, 18-9, 5-14, 25-22, *13-17, 22-13, 14-18, 23-14. 10-17, 2W4, 16-32, 14.-9. Drawn.— IT. Hay, 1838. {1) 10-15,23-19,16-23.20-16,11-20,18-4. W. wins.— DrurrCnd. (m) 10-15, 24-19, 15-24, 18-14, 9-18, 22-8, 24-28, 20-U, 7-16, 8-4,' 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 27-24. W. wins.— Drummond, 1888. (n) 15-19, 23-16. 12-19, *27-23, 8-12, 23-16, 12-19, *31-27, 9-14, f8-9, 5-14, 27-23, 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 23-18, 14-23. 28-24. 19-28, 26-12', 6-10. 22-18, 1-6, 18-14, 10-17, 21-14, 2-7 v 30-25, 7-11, 25-22, 11-16. Drawn.— McKerrow v. Martins, 1859. (0) 27-24 here loses,, and forms what is known as the *' Old Farmer." or the •' Goose Walk." It is generally credited to Payne, 1756 ; but it can be found in Spanish and Italian works published in the preceding century. The play as as follows :— 27-24. 15-19, 24-15, 16-19, 23-16, 9-14, 18-9, 11-25, 32-27. 5-14, 27-23, 6-10, 26-22.2549,30-25, 14-18,22-6, 29-22, 31-27. 1-10, 27-24, 8-11. B. wins. (p) For upwards of 40years this line Was considered untenable,: 17-13 being the^usual continuation ; but in 1889 Mr. J Maize published the above play, which has stood the Jest of criticism. The essential moves of the defence had been discovered by the veteran Martins previous to 1889, but he was holding it in reserve ior use in match-play. The best play on the 17-13 line is as fol- lows:— 17-13, 7-10, 27-24, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 32-27, 1-5, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 14-17, 27-24, 5-9, 22-18, 10-14, 19-15, 3-8, 24-19, 2-7, 15-10* 6-22, 13-6, 22-25, 30-21, 14-18, 21-14, 18-27. 31-24, 16-30, 24-19, 30-26. 6-2, 26-23^ 19-15. ' Drawn.—/. WylUe v. W. R. Barker, 187B. (q) 11,-16, 20-11, 7-16, 18-11, 9-25* 30-21, 6-10, 32-27, 1-6, 27-24, 5-9, 24-15, 10-19, 23-18, 16-20, *2U7, r-9-13, 17-14, 3-7, 11-8, 6-10. Drawn.— IF. Clarkv. J. Zee*. (r) 6-10, 17-14, 10-1^^26-^3,19-26, 31-6; 2,9, 18-1^,9-14, 15-10, 14-18, 10-6, 18-23, 6-1, 23-27, 1-6, 27-32, 11-7. W. wins. (5) 16-12, 6-9, 23-18, 15-19, 27-23, 10-15, 23-16, 15-19. B. wins. «*-/. Ferguson, (0 15-19, *26-23, 19-26, 30-23, 17-26, 14-9, 5-14, 18-2. Drawn. --£), L. McCaughie. (w) 14-18. 22-8,' 3-28, 10-3, 17-22, etc, Drawn.— Carruther.% (v) 16-12. 14-18, 10-6, 18-25, 6-2.7-10, 2-7, 10-14, 7-10, 15-18, w-10-15. 18-22, 26-23, 22-26, 15-18. Drawn.— J. Ferguson. (w) The following draws neatly :— 26-22, 17-26, 10-17, 13-22, 30-14, 25-30, 14-10, 30-26, 24-19, 22-25. 19-15 2rf-23, 10-6, 23-18, 15-10, 25-30, 20-16, 30-26, 16-11. Drawn.— Carruthers. (x) The first player sustains a strong ending thus: — 25-21, 30-14, 22-18, 23-19, 18-9, .19-10, 9-6, 10-7, 3-10, 11-7, 6-2, 7-3, 10-15. Drawn.'— CaWuthers* SINGLE CORixER. 131 Var. 7. 17 21 26 23 25 29 a-19 15 22 25 27 24 ♦28 214 v/- 7 10 •18 15 22 18 24 19 b- 9 14 10 17 23 18 29 25 15 11 25 29 24 20 23 19 17 22 15 6 13 17 20 16 22 26 8-15 18 16 11 2 9 11 7 29 25 22 8 22 25 8 3 17 22 16 11 3 12 11 8 25 22 7 2 25 22 Brawn. (y) 17-22, 2-16-11, 7-16, 20-11. Drawn, but White for choice. — J, McAteer. (z, 23-18, •3-6, 18-15, 6-9, 27-23, 21-25, 30-21, 13-17. B. wins. — J. S. Carmichael. (a) 20-16, 22-18, 16-11, 9-14, 11-8, 14-17, 8-4, 17-22, 3-8, 18-14, 19-15, 12-16, 24-20, 16-19. Drawn. — D. L. McCaughie. (b) 18-23 allows the following neat win: -18-23, *2-6, 23-7, 3-10. f9-13, 6-9, 5-14, 10-26, 12-16, *26-23, 16-20, 23-27, 13-17, *30-26, 21-25. 26-22, 17-26, 27^32 20-27, 32-21. W. wins.— R. Martins beat \V. Beat tie, This ending is original with the late R. Graham. (t> If 22-18, White wins by .6-13, 18-23, 24-20, 23-19, 13-17, 19-24, 10-14, 24-19, 14-9,5-14.-17-10 19-24,10-15,24-28,15-19, 28-32, 20-16, 32-28, 16-11> 28-32, 11-7, 32-27, 7-2, 27-32, 2-6, 32-27; 6-10, 27-32, 10-15. 32-28. 15-18, 28-32, 18-22. 32-27, *30-26, 27-23, 19-15, 23-30, 15-19, 21-25, 22-29, 30-26, 29-25. W. wins by Eirst Position. — S. Pearson, Var. 8. 7 10 13 22 10 15 22 26 22 18 19 16 11 7 17 22 11 15 15 18 2Q 17 18 11 23 19 Drawn. D. L. McCaughie v. R. Martins. (c) 3-8 would lose here for Black. — D. L. McCaughie. Var. 9. 10 G 9 27 24 14 10 14 18 9 14 22 15 Drawn. — J. Maize. (d) 6-9, 14-10, 7-14. 16-7, 3-10, 23-19, 15-24, 28-19, 17-21, 20-16, 10-15. 19-10. 21 25 30-21, 14-17, 21-14, 9-25. Drawn. — ./. P. Reed v. J. Maize. te) 6-9, 23-16, 9-25, 30-14, 2-6, 31-27. 6-10, 27-24, 10-17, 12-8. Drawn.— -J. P. Reed v. J. Maize. Var. 10. 5 9 2 11 19 10 24 19 7 14 c- 3 7 16 7 27 23 tf-15 19 20 11 16 12 7 16 €-11 16 31 27 16 20 12 8 23 16 3 19 20 27 26 22 "2 7 9 18 13 22 3 10 19 26 14 18 22 18 23 14 15 11 11 7 7 2 6 10 6 9 17 22 7 10 22 26 10 14 Drawn. /-£-18 15 26 17 14 7 30 23 2 6 (S. Seigel. 132 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. (/) 27 24, 17-22, 26-17, 19-26, 30-23, 13-22, 24-20, 16-19, 23-16, 7-11. Drawn.— £«>«/. (g) 14-10, 7-14. 27-24. 17-21, 24-15, 21-25, 30-21, 16-19 Drawn,— Seigel. Van 11. 9 13 *23 18 •7 14 27 23 13 17 11 8 14 9 10 14 28 24 7 10 18 15 17 21 tr 14 9 5 14 17 24 19 11 18 30 26 18 9 14 23 22 18 17 22 20 11 W. wins. h- 6 10 26 10 3 7 32 27 10 14 Drummond* (h) 7-10/27-24, 2-10-14, 22-18, 15-22, 26-10, 6-15, 31-26, 2-7, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 7*10, 9-6, 11-15, 20-11,15-24,23-19,10-14, 6-2, 14-17. 11-7, 3-10, 2-6, 10-14, 6-9, 14-18, 26-22, W. wins.— Drummond. (?) 3-7, 9-5, 6-9, 23-18,2-6, 24-19, 15-24 28-19,16-23,26-19. W. wins— Drummo^ No. 30.— "26-17 SINGLE CORNER." 11 15 28 24 11 15 26 23 12 16 15 11 22 18 4 8 31 26 11 16 9 6 30 25 15 22 25 22 8 11 23 14 19 24 22 18 a-26 17 i- 7 11 25 22 15 19 27 23 25 22 1-10- 8 11 6-17 13 14 18 13 9 15 19 18.15 4-6'-23 18 12 16 30 25 10 15 23 18 22 18 3- 9 14 19 12 2 7 25 21 24 27 6 2 18 9 15 18 21 17 16 20 32 23 Drawn, 5 14 22 15 6 10 14 10 19 26 Wyllie 2-24 19 10 28 12 8 7 14 18 15 v. 11 15 29 25 3 12 17 10 26 30 Martins* (a) This side - take " is very weak, as it leaves White with a cramped position*. Up to the time of Wyllie and Martins' match in 1864, no play had been published on this line. Since that time it has occasionally been played in «matches, the results showing that Black has a decided advantage. (6) 29-25, 15-18, 22-15, 11-18, 17-13, 8-11, 24-20, 11-15, 27-24, 18-23, c-25-22, 2-7, 22-17, 23-27. 32-23, 15-18, 31-27, 18-22, 20-16, 10-15, 17-10, 7-14. 19-10, 12-28, 27-24, 6-15. B. wins.— C. F. Barker beat J. Smith, 1889. (c) If 31-27, then 23-26, 30-23, 2-7, B. wins. If 20-16, then 15-18, 24-20, 23-27, 31-24, 10-15, B. wins. 26-17 SINGLE CORNER. 133 Var 1. 12 16 6 15 15 19 2 7 19 23 10 15 19 12 27 23 25 22 18 14 18 15 6 2 15 18 8 11 19 26 10 15 7 10 15 19 22 15 21 17 30 23 14 9 15 6 2 6 10 28 11 16 7 10 15 19 1 10 19 24 17 10 29 25 .22 18 23 18 9 6 Drawn A, McGillv, T. Noble, 1908. Var. 2. 25 22 17 13 24 20 13 6 27 23 20 16 11 15 8 11 16 19 2 9 1 6 14 18 29 25 31 26 27 24 Z2 27 23 16 e-21 17 4 8 11 16 6 9 d- 9 13 12 19 18 23 B. wins. — Drummond. (d) Wyllie played 7-11 against Martins in 1867 and only drew. (e) 16-11, 7-16, 24-20, 10-14, 20-11, 6-9. B. wins.— Drummond. Var. 3. 10 15 18 9 4 8 19 16 15 19 27 23 17 13 5 14 27 23 12 19 31 27 28 32 15 22 S5 22 8 11 23 16' 11 16 22 18 25 18 11 15 30 26 7 11 26 22 6 9 7 10 24 19 3 7 16 7 16 20 Drawn. 29 25 15 24 22 17 2 11 28 24 A.Crawford 9 14 28 19 11 15 Var. 32 28 4. 19 28 v. Martins. 30 26 8 11 23 7 12 16 2 7 31 27 11 15 24 20 2 11 11 7 H 14 18 15 24 19 11 15 26 23 S 9 7 10 27 23 15 24 32 28 11 15 7 2 15 18 17 22 28 19 15 24 31 26« 15 18 10 17 Drawn 9 14 28 19 3 8 22 15 18 27 J. Wyllie 25 22 5- 7 11 20 16 10 19 26 22 v. C. 4 8 19 16 8 12 17 10 27 31 Adams on, 27 24 12 19 16 11 Var. 6 15 5. 22 18 1871. 6 9 22 17 6 10 22 17 27 23 1 6 19 16 14 18 31 27 23 32 6 1 11 4 12 19 17 13 15 19 17 10 23 19 6 10 23 16 1 6 29 25 32 27 16 12 15 19 10 15 16 11 10 15 10 6 19 16 10 15 17 10 9 14 26 22 2 9 11 8 7 14 20 16. 19 23 13 6 16 11 Drawn. W. G. Clare, 1899. 134 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. Var. 6. 24 19 g-17 13 29 22 31 22 14 7 18 15 /- 9 U 1 5 10 14 7 10 3 10 11 18 25 22 28 24 22 18 22 17 23 18 23 7 11 16 £-14 17 14 17 16 20 8 11 2 11 7-30 26 21 14 26 22 18 14 27 23 32 23 5 i 9 25 17 26 4 8 20 27 Drawn. J. P. Grey v. J Hunter, 1907. (/) 11-15, 28-24, 9-14, 25-22. 7-11, 29-25, 11-16, 24-20, 15-24, 20-11, 3-8, 27-20, 8-15. 30-26, 4-8, 20-16, 12-19, 23-16, 5-9, 17-13, 8-11, 16-7, 2-11. Same as " Whilter," var. 11, at 17tb move; (g) Martins played 27-24 against Wyllie in 1864 and lost, as follows:— 27-24, 9-13, 1S-15, 10-19, 24-15, 7-10, 31-27, 10-19, 17-10, 6-15, 23-18, 16-20, 18-1 L, 3-7, 27-23, 7-16, 32-27, 1-6, 22-18, 6-10, 29-25, 20-24, 27-11, 10-15, 23-16, 15-31. B. wins. (k) 14-18, 22-15, 9-14, 13-9, 6-13, 15-6, 2-9, 24-20, 7-11, 19-15* 11-18. 20-11, 12-16, 29-25, 13-17, 11-7, 3-10, 26-22, 17-26, 31-6. W. wins.— W. Veal, 190s. 30 25 5 9 22 18 9 13 18 9 13 22 Var. 7. 25 18 13 17 6 13 21 14 29 25 10 17 25 22 17 26 31 22 Forms the subjoined diagram :— 7 10 i-j-h-21 24 16 20 32 27 4 8 22 17 1 6 18 14 8 11 14 7 3 10 23 18 11 Id 19 15 10 19 24 15 16 19 17 14 2 7 28 24 19 28 27 23 28 32 14 10 7 14 18 2 32 27 23 18 27 23 B. wins. Black to move and win. John Berry, 1899. (i) 18-15, 1-6, 22-17, 3-7, 17-13, 7-11, 15-8, 4-11, 27-24, 6-9> 13-6, 2-9, 24-20, 9-14, 28-24, 14-17. B. wins.— J. Berry. (j) 28-24, 16-20, 22-17, 4-8, 18-14, 2-7, 23-18, 8-11, 32-28, 11-16, 19-15, 10-19, 24-15, 16-19. B. wins.— -J. Berry, (k) 22-17, 4-8, 17-13, 2-6, 18-15; 16-20, 23-18, 1-5. B. wins.- J. Berry. 26-17 SINGLE CORNER. 135 Var. 8. 12 16 30 26 9 18 23 16 15 24 *32 28 /-17 14 9 18 26 23 7 11 28 19 m- 9 13 9 18 26 23 8 11 16 7 22 26 *15 11 23 14 1 6 23 14 3 17 19 15 13 17 10 17 23 14 11 15 25 21 26 30 21 14 21 14 6 9 27 23 17 22 29 25 30 21 6 9 9-31 26 16 19 24 19 6 9 14 10 Drawn (/) 24-19, 8-12, 25-22, 9-14. Same a» var. 6 at 4th move. (m) If 9-14, White draws by 25-22, etc. Var. 9. 24 19 n-32 27 23 14 19.15 28 24 19 15 16 23 11 15 2 6 23 26 o- 7 11 6 9 27 18 18 11 27 23 25 22 15 8 15 8 8 11 8 15 15 .18 26 30 4 11 22 15 31 26 26 23 23 19 22 18 p-24 19 B. wins. 8 8 9 18 18 23 30 26 26 22 W. a Smith n) 26-22 draws here. — J, D. Janvier. (o) Martins played 26-22 against Wyllie in 1867 and the game was drawn. (p) 29-25, 26-22, 25-21, 22-15, 14-10, 6-9, 10-7, 9-13. W. wins. — W.C Smith, 1869. Var. 10. 9 13 6 10 6 10 12 1-9 22 26 25 22 17 14 25 21 22 17 24 6 10 15 14 10 10 17 10 17 8 11 7 10 18 22 8 12 21 14 21 14 24 19 14 7 17 14 16 11 6 10 2 6 11 15 3 10 26 30 26 30 25 21 30 25 27 24 6 2 28 24 Drawn 10 17 Jfi-13 17 4 8 10 15 30 25 J W.Davr 21 14 25 22 23 18 2 7 24 19 son v 1 6 17 26 15 22 15 18 22 26 J. Gall, 29 25 31 22 19 16 Var. 7 10 11. 19 16 1906. 6 10 17 22 10 14 4 11 16 19 25 30 25 21 27 23 38 9 24 19 24 20 27 24 10 17 7 10 5 14 14 18 19 23 Drawn. 21 14 14 7 19 15 28 24 15 10 J. Gall v. 13 17 3 10 8 11 11 16 22 25 J.W.Daw- 23 18 23 19 15 8 19 15 31 27 son, 1906. 136 DBAttGHTS— THE OPENINGS. No. 3i.—" SOUTER, 11 15 „ b- 8 11 / A \d-29 25 m 4 8 6-14 17 6 15 23 19 2! 14 A-13 9 9 14 9 18 . U2- 7 11 22 17 5-24 20 /-26 23 »:-23 18 a- 6 9 15 24 18 27 14 23 15-17 13 28 19 52 23 31 2& 2 6 4-11 15 10 14 5 14 io-25 22 3-27 24 19,10 26 lb Sturges r, 1800. y-14 is 11 15 22 15 17 13 11 18 15 18 25 22 24 19 18 25 18 23 30 21 19 15 8 11 21 17 Drawn (a) This defines the " Souter." Another common way of form- ing the opening is by playing 8-11, White replies 25-22, Black follows with 6-9, etc. . thus avoiding the strong line of defence, as shown in var 16. Though -this is a safe opening, it is rather intricate: and experts often use it to puzzle and confuse the learner, who should pay particular attention to the proper defence, as a weak defence in this opening almost invariably leads to disaster. (&) 14-17, 21-14, 9-25, 29-22. c-10-14, 1940,6-15, 24-19,15-24, 28-19, *l-6 draws, but is very Weak. (c) 5-9, *26-23, 8-11, *30-25, 4-8, 25-21, 9-14, 23-18, 14-23, 27-18, 1-5, 31-27, 5-9, 21-17. W. wins.— IT. Hay, 1838. (d) 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, *4-8, 29-25 Same as trunk at 15th move. (e) 8-11 here loses as follows :— 8-11, *32-27, 14-18,-26-23,9-14, 31-26, 14-17, 21-14. 10-17, 19-10, 6-15, 23-14, 12-16. 27-23, 16-19, 23-16, 15-18, 22-8 3-28, 25-21, W. wins, 7-11 is no better:— 7-11, 22-17, 15-18, *26-22, 18-23, 31-27, 14-18, 22-15, 11-18, 17-14, 1047, 21-14,3-7, 19-15. 610, 15-6, 1-17, 13-6, 7-11, 6-2, 17-22, 25-21, 22-26, 2-6 26-31, 6-10. W. wins.— Drummond. (/) 22-17 loses thus :— 22-17, *5-9, 17-14, 1Q-17, 19-10, 7-14, 26-22 17-26, 31-15, 3-7, £-25-22, 14-18, 22-17, 18-23. B. wins.— Sturges. g) 30-26,14-17,26-23, 9-14,-23-19, 7-11, 15-10, 6-15, 19-10* 17-21, 25-22, 21-25, 32-27, 25-30, 27-23, 30-26. B. wins,—./. IK Janvier. (k) If 23-19, Black wins by 14-18, etc SOUTER. 137 (0 Best; though 23-19 also draws, thus:— 23-19, 15-18, 22-15, 11-18, 19-15, 18-22, 25-18, 14-23, 31-26,5-14, 26-19, 14-18, *15-11, 8-15, 19-10, 18-23, 24-19, 23-27, 19-15, 27-31, 15-11, 12-16. Drawn. — Sturges. (j) 11-15, 30-26, 14-18, 10-6, 1-10, 24-19. Drawn.— Drummond. Var. 1. 14 18 5 14 15 18 18 23 24 28 32 27 23 14 25 21 23 19 19 15 6 10 23 18 it-/- 7 10 g- 8 11 18 22 10 19 28 32 Drawn. 14 7 26 23 19 15 17 1 31 27 Martins v, 3 10 1 6 -11 18 19 24 23 26 Wyllie, /?-30 26 22 17 24 19 1 6 27 23 1872. (V 8-11, 31-27, 3-8, 30-26, 12-16, 27-23, 8-12, *14-10, 7-14, 25-21, *14-18, 23-14, 16-19, 22-17, 19-28, 9-6. Drawn.— Hay, also Drummondi 1838. (/) 7-11, m-30-26, *3-7, 31-27. Drawn. Same as note (&) at 5th move. (m) 31-26, n-3-7, 25-21, *15-19, 24-15, 11-25, 9?6, 1-17, 21-14, o-8-ll, 30-21, 11-15, 26-22, 15-19, 22-17, 7-11, 14-10, *5-9, 10-7, 9-13, 17-14, 13-17, 7-3, 17-22, 3-8, 11-15, 8-11, 15-18. Drawn. (n) 12-16 allow a neat "shot ":— 12-16, *24-19, 15-24, 14-10, 6-14, 10-7, 3-10,-22-18, 14-23, 26-3. W. wins.— Drummond. (o) 25-29 loses, thus:— 25-29, 26-23, 8-11, 23-19, 5-9, 14-5,7-10, 8*1, 11-15, 1-6. White wins by " Second Position." (p) Students beware of 9-6; Black regains the man by 15-18, and secures a very strong position. (q) 14-18, 22-17, 18-22, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 22-25, 26-23, 15-18, 23-19, 18-23, 20-16, 25-29, 16-11/ Drawn —Anderson. Var. 2. 3 7 14 9 8 11 20 11 21 14 C 10 26 23 7 23 15 18 9 6 32 28 2 6 22 15 27 32 23 19 11 27 6 2 11 16 Drawn. R. Martins, in a Bohn's Handbook." (r) If 8-11, White gets a strong game by replying 31-26. (s) 23-19.7-10,30-25,14-17,25-21, 17-26, 31-22, 8-11, 2M7, 3.8. 17-14, 10-26, 19-1. Drawn.— W. Hay, 1838. (t) 7-10, 23-18, 14-23, 26-19, 3-7, 30-26, 15-18, 22-15, 7-11, 13-9. W. wins.— R. Martins. 14 17, 5-31 26 22 13 M4 17 5 14 30 25 25 22 7 11 I- 1 6 25 21 138 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. 32 28 n-27 23 Var. 31 24 3. 7 10 30 25 11 15 15 24 14 17 10 14 26 23 5 £ 25 22 28 19 21 14 25 21 3 8 22 17 8 11 8 11 9 27 13. wins. (u) 22-17 ,11-15,27-24,15-18. B. wins. — St urges. Var. 4. 14 18 7 11 8 11 26 28 19 16 27 24 22 15 17 14 10 7 27 23 11 7 18 14 11 18 10 17* a-12 16 28 24 16 19 24 19 *32 28 19 10 26 23 12 16 7 3 13 9 ■v- 7 11 6 15 18 22 24 27 19 16 19 24 26 23 25 22 7 3 16 7 3 7 9 6 3 7 17 26 22 26 27 18 16 19 24 19 23 14 30 14 3 7 7 10 7 11 6 2 w- 9 18 15 18 26 31 18 23 19 24 2f 17 *31 20 7 10 20 16 11 15 W. wins 11 15 11 15 31 2Q 23 19 24 27 28 24 14 10 10 12 16 11 15 18 C. Shirra, (v) There is nothing better. (w) 10-17, 21-14, 9-18, 31-26, 6-10 *28-24, 10-14, 26-23, 1-6, 30-26, 14-17, 23-14, 17-21, 25-22 , 21-25. 26-23, 6-10, 22-17, 25-30, 13-9, s 30-26, 9-6, 10-15, 19-3, 26-28, 6-2, 11-15, 20-16. W. wins* — W. Hay, 1838. (x) 1-6, *26-23, 18-22, 23-19, 6-10, 27-23, 22-26, 7-2, 26-31, 2-6,11-16, 20-11, 31-26, 23-18, 15-22, 6-15, 26-23, 11-7, 23-16, 24-20. W. wins.— C. Shirra. Var. 5. y-26 23 7 14 23 14 17 26 22 18 10 15 z-U 18 30 23 6 9 31 22 7 10 24 19 23 14 14 17 13 6 c-12 16 24 20 15 24 6-10 26 21 14 1 17 27 23 5 9 32 28 19 10 9 18 25 22 3 7 28 24 Drawn P. Thirhell 1912. (y) 22-17, 14-18. 27-23, or 26-23 draws, but White is weak. (z) 14-17, 21-14, a-10-26, 19-10. 7-14, 31-22, 14-18, 23-14, 9-18, 22-15, 11-18, 30-26, 3-7, 26-22, 7-11, 22-15, 11-18. 27-23. Drawn. (a) 9-18, 23-14, 10-26, 30-23, 15-18, 23-14, 6-9 13-6, 1-17, 25-22, 17-26, 31-22, 5-9, 24-20, 11-15, 19-10, 7-14, 22-18. Drawn. (£) 9-18, 21-17, 10-14, 17-10, 7-14, 19-10, 6-15, 24-19, 15-24, 22-15, 11-18, 28-19, 3-7, 30-26, 1-6, 26-23, 7-11, 31-26, 11-16, 26-22. W. wins. — Drummond. (c) 11-15 loses, forming the following position:— SOUTER. 139 , ML ■■ mmm mm » ^ ^ ^ fill 27 23 3 7 23 19 7 10 *24 20 15 24 28 19 5-10 14 32 27 5 9 20 16 9 13 27 24 8 11 22 18 5 9 14 17 17 22 26 31 9 13 32 27 19 15 23 19 7 2 18 14 W. wins.— P. Thirkell, 1912. (d) 27-24, 15-10, 24-15, 6-1. W. wina.—Thirkell. 22 17 14 18 -5-26 23 £-4 8 23 14 9 18 1/-27 23 18 27 32 23 /- 5 9 29 25 9 14 Var. 24 20 15 24 28 19 £-10 15 19 10 6 15 7. 17 10 7 14 13 9 3 7 31 27 15 19 23 16 12 19 27 23 19 26 30 23 11 15 14 17 22 18 17 22 18 15 22 26 16 11 26 31 11 4 31 27 24 20 W wins. Mr. Kohlmann % 1911. d-21 23 6 2 23 16 15 11 25 22 7 11 22 17 15 18 Drawn, J. Ash. (c) 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 18-22, 19-10, 9-18, 26-17, 7-21, 29-25, S-9, 24-19, 9-14. 31-26, 3-7, 19-15, 7-10. B. wins.-— Drummond. ( f) 12-16, 19-12, 15-19, 23-16, 11-27, 31-24, 8-11, 30-26. 11-16, 26-23. 16-20, 24-19, 20-24, 23-18, 24-27, 18-14, 27-31, 14-9, 5-14, 12-8, 3-12, 19-15. Drawn— H. Spayth. (g) 11-15 loses, by 25-22, 15-24, 22-18, etc, Var. 8, 9 14 29 25 5 9 24 20 15 24 7 14 23 7 3 10 26 22 28 19 11 15 82 28 15 24 28 19 10-10 15 31 26 15 19 22 15 4 8 30 26 8 11 19 15 10 19 Var. J 19 24 27 23 24 27 26 22 W. wins.—/?! 17 10 >- 6 15 23 5 19 24 13 9 9 27 31 15 11 1 5 22 17 Walker. 24 28 27 23 15 19 23 16 12 19 14 18 23 14 9 18 17 14 9 6 Drawn. "Peleg White." 31 26 21 17 26 22 25 21 140 1 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. Var. 10. 18 23 21 17 27 32 15 11 10 14 7 2 21 18 23 27 24 19 14 10 4 8 6 10 14 23 31 24 32 27 11 8 14 18 2 6 22 18 18 23 17 14 10 7 8 11 10 14 10 14 25 22 27 23 20 16 A-18 14 6 9 18 15 23 27 14 5 7 10 11 7 14 17 14 18 22 18 23 14 8 4 14 18 16 11 W. wing. — H. McKean. (h) 18-23, 19-15, 12-19, 15-10. W. wins.— H. McKean. Var. 11. 17 14 *14 23 28 24 11 18 11 7 13 9 10 17 9 6 11 16 20 11 17 13 11 15 21 14 15 18 24 20 26 30 7 2 31 26 6 10 6 2 8 11 22 15 18 22 15 18 14 9 10 15 30 25 18 \\o 10 iJ) 21 17 2 7 12 16 5 14 19 10 22 26 22 26 32 28 13 9 7 14 31 22 7 11 16 20 18 23 24 19 23 26 2 6 2Q 31 27 18 *18 22 19 15 14 18 6 2 B. wins, (*) From star to star is by J. D. Janvier, the remainder by W. Reid. Var. 12. 32 27 23 26 4 8 14 17 24 28 19 16 12 16 16 12 23 18 11 16 31 27 32 28 27 24 26 31 15 10 17 22 28 32 16 11 36 19 11 8 21 17 16 19 27 23 24 20 31 26 8 11 22 26 32 28 B wins. 19 23 8 4 17 13 19 24 23 19 20 16 26 23 2 6 Var. 26 31 13. 28 32 W. Reid. 11 8 16 20 I- 6 2 22 26 4 8 20 24 12 16 15 10 18 22 19 16 2Q 22 25 21 8 4 17 13 27 23 2S 30 8 11 24 28 21 17 2 6 13 9 16 12 22 18 W. wins. 32 27 14 18 23 19 30 26 29 25 W. Reid. (i) 29-25, 13-17, 6-9, 18-22, 25-18, 17-14. B. wins.—/. Lees. Var. 14. ?*-27 23 4 8 32 23 10 14 21 14 3 7 £-14 18 *22 17 m-11 16 17 10 6 9 19 15 23 14 15 18 24 20 7 14 13 6 Drawn. 9 25 /-26 23 8 11 26 22 1 26 R.V.Yates 29 22 18 27 30 26 14 17 31 22 v. Wyllie. SOUTER. 141 ( /) 30-25 loses. The following shows the correct line in reply : ,—30-25, 4-8, 22-17, *14-18, 26-23. *9-14, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, *5-9, 25-22, 18-25, 29-22. 11-15. 27-24, *7-ll, 32-28, *3-7, 31-26, 1-5, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, *15-19. B. wins.— A. S. McKay. (k) 14-17 also draws, but I prefer 4-8 to either, thus:- 4-8, 22-17, 14-18, 23-14, 9-1 8, 26-23 Same as var. 7 at 8th move. (1) 24-20 is very weak:— 24-20, *18-23, *17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 6-9, 13-6, 1-17, 31-27, 17-22; 26-1Z 23-26, 30-23, 11-15, 19-10, 7-21, 23-18. Drawn.—/. Lees. (m) 11-15, 30-26, 10-14, 17-10, 7-14, 19-10, 6-15, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 8-11, 13-9, 11-16, 19-15, 16-20, 31-27, n-3-8. Drawn.— A. Schaefer (n) 12-16, *15-11, 16-19, 23-16, 14-18, *9-6, 1-10, 11-7, 5-9, 7-2, 10-15, 2-6, 9-13, 16-11, 18-22. 26-37, 13-22, 27-23. W. wins.— Schaefer beat Clute. Var. 15. 26 22 27 23 28 19 17 14 17 14 11 7 8 11 15 18 7 11 10 17 6 9 19 24 22 17 22 15 31 26 21 5 13 6 20 16 14 18 11 27 12 1ft 18 25 1 17 26 31 o-25 22 32 23 19 12, 26 22 5 1 16 11 18 25 * 8 11 5 9 25 30 17 22 31 26 29 22 24 20 23 19 22 17 1 6 Drawn 4 8 11 15 11 15 30 25 22 26 Wyllie p-30 25 25 22 19 16 16 11 6 10 V, 9 14 15 24 14 18 25 21 15 19 Martins, (o) 17-14, 1Q-17, 21-14, 18-22, 19-10, 6-15, 25-18, 15-22, 13-6, 1-17, 30-25, 7-10 25-18, 17-22 leaves Black with a winning advantage. (jo) 27-23, 15-18. 22-15. 11-27, 32-23, 8-11. 30-26, *10-14, 17-10, 7-14, 24-20, 14-17. 21-14, 9-27, 31-24, 3-8, 26-22, 6-10, 19-16, 12-19, 24-6, 1-10, 22-18, 8-12, 26-24, 12-16. B, wins.— J. Lees. Var. 16. 27 23 15 22 30 25 5 14 28 19 15 24 q-s- 8 11 25 18 13 22 25 22 8 11 28 19 26 22 9 13 25 9 11 15 31 26 3 8 «- 4 8 18 9 1 5 24 20 11 15 Drawn. 22 18 5 14 v-29 25 15 24 32 28 Anderson, {g) 9-13, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 13-22, 25-9, 5-14, 29-25, 8-11, 25-22, 11-15. 32-28, 15 24 28-19, 7-11, 19-16,12-19,23-7,2-11, 26-23, 4-8, 30-26, r-3-7, 22-17, 1-5, 26-22, 11-15, 31-27, 5-9, 17-13, 7-11, 13-6, 15-18. Drawn.— C. F. Barker. (r) 11-15, 20-16, 15-19, 16-12, 19-24, 22-18, 1-5, 18-9, 5-14, 26-22 KM 5, 22-17, 15-18, 17-10, 18-27, 10-7, 3-10, 12-3, 10-14, 3-7, 14-18, 7-10, 18-22, 10-15. 27-32, 15-19. W. winsA-C. F. Barker beat J. P. Reed, 1889. 142 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (s) 15 18, 32-27, /-9-13, 26-22, 1-6 draws, but Black is very weak. (0 2-6,25-22, 18-25, 29-22, 7-11, 24-20, 11-15, 20-16, 15-24, 28-19, 10-15, 19-10. W. wins.— Anderson. («) Best; though 9-13 2-6 Or 1-6 also draw. (w) 9-6, 2-9, 29-25, 10-14, 25-22, 14-18. Drawn.—/. A. Keat V. R. A. Bowen No. 32.— "SWITCHER." 11 15 d-22 17 18 22 2S 24 15 18 12 8 a-21 17 3 3 22 25 18 9 18 y- ^ 6 10 H 9 13 26 17 11 16 23 14 /- 2 9 8 3 25 21 12-15 18 20 11 J-10 15 24 19 11 15 16-1S- 8 11 #-24 20 8 22 17 13 18 27 3 7 15-&-C-17 14 4~5-9- 3 8 32 28 h- 8 11 19 12 22 26 10 17 29 25 2- 4 8 27 23 9 18 30 23 21 14 5-16 24 20 2-12 16 31 24 18 27 14- 6 10 28 24 6 9 13 9 7 10 7 10 Drawn — C J. Roger. (a) The move from which the opening takes its name As this was the favourite opening of the renowned '-Herd Laddie. ■ I can- not do better than quote his own words in reference to it. He said: — **The * Switcher' was so named by my esteemed and dear old friend, Mr. Geo. Wallace, of Glasgow ; and it was not inap- propriately titled for with that weak and apparently silly opening I have * switched ' and perplexed many an eminent player, especi- ally before publishing the match-games played with Mr Martins, in 1864. Indeed, I have probably won more games by. this par- ticular opening than by any other opening upon the board." (J>) 24-19 is often played by experts, but it is inferior to 17-14, thus:- 24-19, 15-24, 28-19. 11-16. 17-14. 10-17, 21-14, 6-10, 29-25, 10-17, 25-21, 1-6. 21-14. 6-10, 30-25, 10-17. 25-21, 2-6. 21-14, 6-10, 22-17, 13-22, 26-17, 4-8, 27-24. Same as var. 14 at 23rd move. (c) 30-25. 4-8, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19. 11-16, 22-18, 13-22. 26-17, 16-20, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14. Same as " Second Double Corner," Tar. 6. at 11th move. (d) 29-25, 10-17, 25-21, 4-8. 21-14, 6-15-18, 22-15, 11-18, /-24-19, J-6, 30-25, 6-10, 25-21. 10-17, 21-14, 18-22, 26-17, 13-22, 23-18, 22-25. 27-23. Drawn.— -J". Wyllit. The end-game is very weak for White. (e) 15-19. 23-16, 12-19 24-15 11-25, 30-21, 13-17, 27-23, 8-11, 32-27, 11-15, 23-19 Drawn.—/. & Wilson v. D. R. Hay. SWITCHER. 14& (/) 30-25, *13-17, 26-22 17-26, 31-15, 7-10, 15-6, 1-17, 24-19, 17-21, 25-22, 21-25, 19-15 25-30, 22-17, 30-26, 23-18, 26-23, 17-14, 23-19, 15-10, 19-16. B. wins— J. Wyllie beat R. Martins in 1864. (g) 29-25, at this stage, was the subject of the greatest contro- versy which has ever taken place in the history of the game. The question in dispute was whether White could draw after 29-25 was played, or not. It has been considered a draw since 1880, when Wyllie and Martins played 20 games restricted to this move. The following shows one of the strongest lines of attack : — 29-25. *18-22, 25-18, 10-15, *24-L9, 15-22, 27-24, 4-8, 24-20. 5-9, 14-5, 11-15, 19-10, 7-21, and White has to play very carefully to draw. Wyllie and Martins' great u Switcher * 9 Match is given com- plete in Gould's "Memorable Matches. " (h) 7-10, 14-7, 211, 27-23, 12-16, 30-26. 22-25, 23-18, 15-22, 26-17, 25-30. 17-14. Drawn— T. W. Walker v J. Lees: 2-6 at this stage allows the following neat win :— 2-6, 27-23. 15-18, *14-9, 18-27, 9-2, 8-11, 24 19, 27-32, 19-15, 11-18, 2-11, 32-28, 11-15. W. wins. — Wyllie. ft) 15-18, *14-9, 18-27, 30-26, 5-14, 26-3. W. wins.— Wyllie. (j) 24-19, 18-27, 19-12, 27-32, 12-8, 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 8-3, 16-19, 3-8, 32-28, £-31-27, 28-32,- 27-23, 19-26, 30-23, 22-26, B. wins. — Q. J. Roger. (&) 8-11, 19-23, 11-8, 28-24, 8-11, 23-27, 30-26, 22-25, 26-22, 24-28, 31-24, 28-19. B. wins.— C. J. Roger. (I) 18-27, 14-9, 5-14, 30-26, 2-9, 26-3, 27-32, 31-27, 32-23, 24-19. Drawn.— Wyllie. Var. 1. 8 11 13 9 12 16 14 21 15 19 11 15 27 23 10 17 2 6 22 25 10 7 32 28 2 6 g-lS 14 14 18 21 17 11 15 15 22 23 18 r- 7 10 6 10 25 29 m-20 16 23 26 ro-10 15 14 7 16 19 17 14 28 32 Drawn, 17 13 5 14 10 14 18 23 7 11 o- 6 10 7 2 19 28 14 10 15 18 Wyllie. (m) 12-16, 17-13. 10-17, 18-15, 11-18, 20-2*, w-18-23, 2-9, 5-14, 13-9, 23-27. Drawn.— -G. Johnson, 1903. (n) 17-21, 2-9, 5-14, 13-9, 22-25, 9-6, 25-29, 6-2, 29-25, 2-6, 25-22 6-9 W. wins — Wyllie. (o) 22-25, 30-21, 15-22, 24-19,22-25,31-26,25-30, 26-23, 30-26, 23-18, 6-10, 13-9; 10-17, 21-14,^-7-10, 14-7, 5-23, 7-3, 23-27, 3-8. Drawn.— Wyllie. (p) 26-22, 19-15, 22-17, 15-8, 17-10, *18-15. 10-19,8-3. Drawn. — Wyllie. {q) Mr. Wyllie gives 9-6 here as a loss, but the following shows a draw on his play :— 9-6, 5-9, 6-2, 7-10, *30-25, 22-29, 2-7, 15-22, 7-21, 11-15, 21-25, 22-26, 31-22, 15 18, 22-15, 29-22, 24-19, 22-18, 15-11. Drawn. — J. Lees. 144 DKAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS, (r) 12-16, 9-6, 17-21, 6-2, f-22-25, 2-6; 16-19, 640, 19-28, 10-3, 15-19, 3-7,11-15,31-26, 28-32, 7-11, 15-18, 11-15. Drawn.— Wyllie. (0 If 16-19, White wins by U-9, etc. (?0 I f 7-11, Black wins by 28-32, 11-27, 32-23, etc. Var, 2. v- 6 9 2 9 14 23 11 16 20 27 11 15 23 19 17 13 9 6 7 11 15 18 22 26 9 18 .9 14 7 11 16 20 4 8 15 19 19 16 13 9 6 2 11 15 18 25 Drawn. 12 19 18 23 5 9 23 27 8 11 Main i\ 24 6 27 18 2 7 31 24 25 22 Wyllie, (v) If 10-15, White wins by 31 •26, 22-31, 24-20, etc. Var. 3. 18 22 4 8 11 15 18 22 25 30 26 22 25 18 32 28 23 19 23 18 17 13 18 15 11 16 8 11 15 18 22 25 30 26 6 9 20 11 24 20 31 27 19 15 35 11 Drawn. 8 22 1 6 w-22 2Q 10 19 7 16 28 24 27 24 30 23 24 15 20 11 Wyllie. (w) 22-25, 30-21, 18-22, 27-23, 22-25, 23-18, 25-30, 18-15, 30-26, *19-16, 12-19, 15-11, 7-16, 14-7, 2-11, 24-8. W. wins.— W. C. Br own beat Wyllie. Var. 4. a> 4 8 2 6 7 21 25 18 10 15 27 31 29 25 24 19 23 19 19 16 18 14 26 23 y-18 22 6 10 22 25 12 19 15 19 12 16 25 18 27 23 32 27 23 7 11 7 23 18 10 15 10 15 25 29 3 10 19 24 16 20 28 24 19 10 27 23 20 16 7 2 18 15 15 22 5 9 29 25 8 12 24 27 23 18 14 5 31 26 16 11 14 10 Drawn Martins v. Wyllie, 1864. (x) 11-15, 29-25, 4-8, 30-28. Same as note ■ y) at 3rd move. (y) 11-15, 30-26. 2-15-19, 23-16. 32-19, 27-23, 18-27, 32-16. 8-12, *16-11, 7-16, 20-11, 2-7, 11-2, 1-6, 2-9, 12-16, 14-7, 5-30, *28-24, 30-23, 24-20. Drawn.— Sweeney v. Truax. (z) 2-6, 26-22. 6-9. 23-19, 15-24, 22-6, 1-10, 2S-19, 9-18, 19-16, 12-19, 27- 23. W. wins.— Wyllie. Var 5 a- 2 6 5-6 9 10 17 ' 1 10 17 21 10 17 7-29 25 17 13 13 6 23 14 28 24 24 19 Drawn — li Free Lance, 11 1908, (a) 1-6, 29-25, 18-22, 25-18, 10-15. 28-24, 15-22, 24-19, 6-10, 27-24, 11-15, 23-18, 3-8, 18-11, 7-23, 14-7, 2-11, 17-14, 23-26, 30-23, 22-25, 14-10, 5-9, 10-7, 9-14, 7-3, .25-30, 32-28, 30-25, 23-19. Drawn.— Wyllie. SWITCHER. 141 Var. 6. 6-4 8 24 15 18 27 22 15 3 7 15 10 6-28 24 10 19 32 16 8 12 11 2 Drawn. oil 15 23 16 6 9 16 11 1 6 30 26 12 19 26 22 7 16 2 9 Barker s d-15 19 27 23 9 18 20 11 5 30 A.C.P. (b) "Free Lance" brings the old book play into use again. (c) 10-15, 25-21, 18-22, 14-10, 7-14. 17-10, 22-25, 21-17, 25-29, 17-13, 5-9, 24-19, 15-24, 32-28 leaves White with a winning advantage. (d ) 6-9 loses, allowing what is known as " Wyllie's shot." See diagram I — 24 19 15 24 20 16 12- 19 27 20 18 27 W. y///A^y/// White to move and win. 31 6 9 18 26 22 1 10 W. wm$. Var. 7. 28 24 10 17 28 24 29 25 3 7 18 15 6 9 23 14 7 10 18 15 6 9 27 24 8-32 28 1 6 14 7 11 18 7 10 15 6 9 13 25 18 3 10 23 7 9 13 16 11 24 19 17 22 29 25 25 22 20 16 Drawn. 13 22 27 23 22 29 7 3 13 17 L.J. Vah\ 30 25 4 8 31 27 Var. 22 8. 18 24 20 1898, 17 13 25 18 27 23 16 11 28 19 19 10 10 17 17 22 * 3 7 26 31 20 24 24 27 13 6 c-24 19 31 27 11 7 6 15 23 18 1 10 7 10 7 10 31 27 4 8 •17 22 23 14 32 28 27 24 7 2 29 25 25 21 *17 22 10 14 11 15 *27 20 14 17 27 23 30 25 18 9 20 16 2 6 16 11 18 14 10 17 5 14 22 26 15 24 8 15 23 18 B. wins.- —Scottish Tourney Booh , 1894. (e) 27-23, 7-10, 31-27, 3-8, 32-28. B. wins.- J, C. Brown v. G. Buchanan, 1894. 6 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. Var. 9. r -18 22 10-10 15 * 8 12 4 11 23 16 26 22 23 18 17 13 27 24 28 24 17 13 29 25 3 8 *15 19 19 23 *22 26 16 19 22 29 27 23 23 16 24 19 31 22 13 6 2 6 1 6 12 19 23 26 30 26 19 23 29 25 30 25 13 6 19 15 21 17 6 2 6 10 6 9 2 9 26 30 26 23 23 26 25 21 32 27 25 21 15 8 24 19 22 17 Drawn. F. Tescheleit, 1899. (f) 10-15, 28-24, 2-6, 30-26, 6-9, 17-13, 4-8, 13-6, 1-17, 23-14, 17-21, 27-23, or 26-23, leads to an even game. Var. 10. '9 13 18 11 15 24 19 15 5 14 27 23 *25 21, 8 15 28 19 10 19 17 1 24 28 11 15 23 19 11- 2 6 14 9 g-ld 24 16 W. wins.— D. Reiley, 1896. (S) 4-8, 1-6, 8-11, 6-9, 19-24, 9-14, 22-26, 31-22, 24-31. 22-18, 13-17, 18-15. W. wins.— D. Reiley. Var 11. 4 8 5 14 11 15 19 23 27 32 18 23 19 15 17 3 8 11 27 24 19 16 24 27 10 19 8 11 15 18 A-23 27 12 19 23 26 14 9 3 8 11 15 24 19. 15 24 27 23 W. wins.— Z>. Reiley. (Ji) 23-26, 24-19, 26-30, 19-16. W. wins.—/). Reiley. Var. 12. 4 8 27 24 r- 9 13 14 7 5 21 19 15 29 25 o-15 18 25 22 3 10 22 18 25 22 IS- 2 6 31 26 16 30 26 21 25 23 19 ^•24 19 18 27 24 20 10 15 23 19 22 26 15 24 32 23 6 9 19 10 25 30 10 7 28 19 />- 6 9 26 23 9 14 26 23 Drawn. n-11 15 23 18 7 11 18 9 30 25 W. Reid. (J) Best; though 31-26 also draws, whilst 30-26 would lose as under : — 30 26 12 19 y-27 23 7 16 26 22 22 17 15 19 32 27 6 10 20 11 30 25 11 7 24 15 6 10 23 16 15 19 22 17 26 30 10 19 25 21 10 17 26 22 19 23 7 2 23 16 11 15 28 24 25 30 17 14 30 26 12 19 17 13 17 21 22 18 25 22 2 7 27 23 10 17 24 20 30 25 18 15 8 12 21 14 21 25 31 26 23 26 23 16 16 16 11 25 30 15 10 B. wins. G. Jewitt v. B. Taylor, 1904. SWITCHER. 147 (j) 2G-22, *3-8, £-22-17, *8-12, Z-27-24, *19-23, 24-20, *6-10, 13-9, 7-11, 14-7, 5-21, m-7-3, *21-25, 3-8, *25-29, 28-24, 29-25. B. wins.— P. Thirkell, 1904. (k) 81-26, *6-l0, 2247, 15-18. B. wins.— Thirke/l. (/) If 31-26, 12-16, B. wins.— Thirkell. \m) If 7-2, 15-18, B. wins.— Thirkell. (nj 11-16,27-24.16-20, 31-27, 8-11, 25-22, 11-16, 22-18, 6-9, 18-15. Drawn Strickland. (o) 6-9. 31-27, 9-18, 23-14, 15-18, 27-23, 18-27, 32-23, 8-11, 25-22, 1-6, 30-25, 6-9, 23-18, 9-13, 25-21, 10-15, 19-10, 5-9, 14-5, 7-23, 17-14. Drawn.— Donaldson v. Wyllie. (p) 8-11,25-22, 6-<9. 23-18. 9-13, 24-20, 10-15, 19-10, 12-16, 9-18-15, 11-25, 20-2, 13-31, 30-21, 31-26, 2-6, 3-7, 10-3, 1-17, 21-14. Drawn. — Published play. (q) 26-23 loses by 5-9, 14-5 7-21, 18-14, 21-25, 30-21, 16-19. B: wins. (r) 8-11, *25-22, 5-11-16, *17-13, 16-23, 13-6. 10-17, 22-13, 1-10, 26-19, 7-11, 24-20, 3-7, 30-25, 10-14, 18-9, 5-14, 13-9, 7 10, 9-6, 11-15, 6-2. 15-24. 2-6. Drawn.-— Paterson v. Wyllie. (s) 9-13 26-23, M-6, 24-20, 6-9, 30-25, 3-8, 25-21, 11-15, 18-2, 9-25. 2-6. Drawn (t) 10-15, 19-10, 5-9, 14-5, 7-21, 23-19, 11-16, 19-15, 16-20, 24-19, 20-24. 18-14, 24-27, 14-10, 27-31. 10-6, 1-10, i5-6, 31-27, 19-15, 27-23, 15-10, 12-16, 6-2, 16-20, 2-6, 20-24, 6-9, 24-27, 10-6, 23-19. Drawn.— Bert Titus. Var. 13. 1 6 11 18 15 19 8 12 18 22 6 10 *25 21 30 25 24 15 a>25 21 24 15 7 3 M-15 19 8 11 TO 19 6 10 22 31 10 15 23 16 31 26 17 13 32 28 15 11 12 19 v-11 15 w- 3 8 2 6 7 16 24 15 28 24 21 17 27 24 14 7 Drawn (?i) If 15-18, White get a strong position by replying 80-25, etc. (v) 18-22, 25-18, 10-15, etc., draws. O) 6-10, 27-23, 18-27, 32-16, 10-17, 21-14. 7-10, 14-7. 2-20, £5-21, 20-24, 26-22, 24-27, 22-17. Drawn.— R. McCulloch v. Wyllie. (x) 32-28, *12-16, 25-21, *18-23, 27-18, 16-20, 18-15, *7-10, 14-7, 2-18. B. wins. — J, Macfarlane. Var. 14. 4 8 1 6 G 10 20 27 15 22 26 31 29 25 21 14 22 17 31 24 13 9 28 24 6 10 6 10 13 22 8 11 7 10 31 27 24 19 30 25 26 17 24 20 14 7 24 19 y-15 24 10 17 11 16 12 16 5 14 2-27 24 28 19 25 21 27 24 19 12 7 2 19 16 10 17 2 6 16 20 10 15 22 26 25 21 21 14 23 18 17 13 32 28 Drawn Wyllie v. /?. D. Yates. 148 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. ((/) 10-17, 19-10, 7-14, 25-21 draws; but Black is very weak. (z) 27-23, as played by Freeman and Barker, in 1890, also draws. Var, 15. 29 25 28 19 19 15 22 8 27 18 25 22 15 18 4 8 10 19 *12 16 19 24 10 15 23 14 27 23 14 10 8 4 18 15 11 15 8 11 7 23 2 7 7 10 B. wins. 24 19 23 18 17 14 31 27 15 6 15 24 6 9 9 18 5 9 Var. 16. 1 10 A. Hynd 6 9 18 16 11 16 6 9 7 10 a-30 25 28 14 24 19 27 23 13 6 25 22 6-8 11 10 17 15 24 13 17 2 27 17- 4 8 17 14 21 14 L. 28 19 22 13 P. Puterbattgk, 1910. 32 23 Drawn* (a) 24 19 is also a good .defence. (b) 9-14, 24-19, 15-24. 28-19, "5-9, 32-28, 8-11, 19-15, 10-19, 17-10, 7 14, 23-7, 3 10, 28^24, leaving an even game. Var. 17. 10 14 12 19 8 11 14 18 3 7 11 16 19 15 15 10 6 2 31 27 22 17 26 22 16 19 4 ,8 11 15 18 25 7 11 16 20 23 16 30 6 2 6 29 22 17 14 6 10 W. wins . — L. P. Puterbaiigh, Var. 18. 1910. 5 9 23 18 00-12 16 18 11 8 15 24 20 7^-16 19 27 23 19 24 28 19 15 24 23 18 10 14 17 10 7 23 26 19 24.28 22 18 6 10 c-30 26 4 8 29 25 8 11 26 23 2 7 25 22 10 15 19 10 (c) 29-25, 4-8, 30-26, 8-11, 25-22, 2-7 Var. 19. 9 14 20 11 7 16 *26 23 d-15 18 22 15 13 22 15 6 11 9 28 24 1 5 24 19 16 20 19 16 3 7 23 18 14 23 27 18 10 15 16 12 7 16 18 11 16 19 12 8 19 23 8 3 9 14 3 8 7 14 81 27 1 5 27 24 11 15 18 11 14 17 Drawn. 2 6 8 12 6 9 12 16 23 27 32 23 14 17 21 14 9 25 23 19 Drawn. H. Christie v. Wyllie. 21 14 9 27 31 24 20 27 16 19 27 32 19 15 W. wins.— W. Campbell v. H. Freedman, 1899. (d) 3-8 loses by the following' 1 stroke ":— 3-8, *22-18, 15-22, 31-26 22-31, 30-25, 13-22 25-9, 6-13. 29-25,31-24,28-3,10-15, 32-28. W. wins. — T. Wyllie beat J. H. Strudwick. TILLICOULTRY, 149 Var. 20, 1 5 3 8 6 22 6-11 15 16 20 24 27 18 11 32 28 30 26 13 6 £-31 26 26 22 8 15 11 16 22 25 15 24 20 24 27 31 24 19 22 18 29 22 28 19 18 15 10 6 15 24 13 22 5 9 2 9 10 14 31 26 28 19 26 17 22 17 26 22 15 11 22 17 7 11 9 14 8 11 4 8 8 15 Drawn, 27 23 18 9 17 13 22 18 19 10 R I. Clegg. (e) 9-14, 26-22, 11-15, *13-9, 15-24, 28-19, 4-8, 22-18, /-8-11, 9-5, 16-20, 18-9, 11-15, 5-1, 15-24, 1-6J 10-15, 6-10 15-19, 23-16, 12-19, 10-15. W. wins.— H. Devine. (/) 2-7, 9-6, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 6-2, 7-11, 2-7, 17-22, 18-14* W. wins — H. Devine. (g) 31-27 loses. No. 33-— "TILLICOULTRY." 11 15 32 27 i-14 18 26 23 7 14 6 2 23 19 /-10 14 23 14 y-18 22 18 15 11 15 8 11 29 25 9 18 25 18 17 26 2 7 S-a-22 18 4 8 21 17 2 7 15 10 15 22 A-26 22 5 9 31 26 6 15 Drawn. 6-25 18 3- 7 11 e-17 13 10 14 19 10 S-c-11 16 18 15 3 7 26 22 26 31 John 27 23 11 18 30 26 14 17 13 6 Drummond> 16 20 22 15 7 10 15 10 8 11 1851. ^a) The late Mr. William Strickland suggested that the title, * Tillicoultry," might be given to this opening in compliment to the celebrated Scotch player, Mr. Moir, who is a native of that town. The opening is not to be found in any previous work on the game, but it can be formed from various lines of the " Single Corner " and other openings. . (6) This position comes from the l Single Corner." thus : — 11-15,22-18.15-22,25-18 8-11.23-19. Same~as trunk at 7th move. (c) 9-13. 19-15, 10-19. 24-8, 4-11, 28-24, 6-10, 24-19, 2-6, 27-23, d-10-15. Drawn.—/ Bertie, (d) 11-16, 29-25. 5-9, 25-22, 16-20, *32-27. e-10-14, 18-15, 7-10, 15-11. W. wins— .7. Wyllie. (e) 3-8, 21-17,8-11, 30-25, 11-16, 25-21, 1-5, 18-15. W. wins. —J Wyllie. (/) 9-13,29-25,5-9. 25-22, 10-14, *19-16, 12-19. 24-15, 7-10, 27-24, 20-27, 31-24, 10-19, 24-15, £-3-7, *15-10, 6-15, 18-11, 7-16, 23-18, 14-23, 26-12, 9-14. Drawn.— Anderson. 150 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (g) 6-10 loses as follows :— 6-10, 15-6, 1-10, 18-15, 10-19, 23-16, 4-8,26-23,2-7.16-12,8-11,28-24,7-10.30-25. W. wins.— Anderson. (h) If 25-22, then Black wins by 7-11, etc. (e) 30-26 loses by the following neat ■• stroke ":— 30-26, 18-23, 27-18, 20-27, 31-24, 8-11, 15-8, 9-14, 18-9, 6-31, 8-4, 31-27, 24-20, 27-24. B. wins. — Drummond, 1851. (j) 9-14, 31-26, &.1-5. Drawn. — C. Hefter. (&) 14-17 allows a win. which Wyllie has scored off various players in all parts of the world. The play, which is to be found in Drummond's edition of 1851, is as follows: — 14-17. 23-7. 2-18, 25-21, 18-22, 21-14, 22-31. 19-16,12-19.24-15 31-24.28-19,20-24, 19-16, 8-12, 16-11, 24-27, 14-10, 27-31, 11-7, 31-27, 7-2. W wkis. Var. 1. 2 7 9 14 *18 23 25 30 26 23 12 16 5-30 26 15 10 27 9 26 22 18 14 7 3 /-14 18 6 15 20 24 30 25 23 18 8 12 23 14 19 10 28 19 22 18 6 2 17 14 9 18 7 11 16 30 25 22 18 11 16 20 21 17 24 19 25 21 21 17 10 7 3 7 5 9 11 16 30 25 22 26 3 10 20 24, 17 13 19 15 31 26 9 6 14 7 Drawn, J. Baxter v. J. Wyllie. (I) 9-13, 15-10, 6-15, 19-10. 8-11, 25-22, 11-16 22-18, 7-11, 18-9, 5-14, 26-22 11-15, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 13-17, 22-13. 14-18. Drawn. — Drummond, 1851. Var. 2. 15 10 26 22 22 17 19 15 25 22 17 13 6 15 18 23 11 1G 12 16 19 24 19 16 19 10 27 9 17 10 15 11 2 6 9 14 14 18 20 27 16 23 16 19 24 27 16 11 23 14 31 24 28 24 11 7 6 9 13 9 9 18 5 14 23 27 31 26 27 31 11 7 30 26 w-24 19 24 19 7 2 22 17 9 6 7 14 8 11 27 31 26 23 23 19 Drawn E. A. Benjamin, 1903. (in) 22-17, 14-18, 24-19. 18-23. leaving Black with a winning advantage. Wyllie lost this to W. H. Smith, of West Benhar, Var. 3. 7 10 12 19 12 19 2 6 10 17 10 14 30 26 23 16 23 16 12 8 /?-26 23 22 18 • 3 7 10 19 6 10 4-6 9 17 26 13 17 18 15 24 15 15 6 8. 4 31 22 18 15 9 13 8 12 1 10 14 17 7 10 17 22 19 16 o-27 23 16 12 21 14 25 21 23 19 Drawn. — J. Lees. (n) 8-11, 19-la, 10-19, 24-8, 12-16, *18-15, 3-12, 15-11, 6-10, 11-8, 10-15, 8-3, 2-6, 3-7, 14-18, 23-14, 9-18. 22 17, 6-9, 17-13, 9-14, 26-23, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 13-9, 19-23, 7-10, 23-32, 10-17^ 5-14, 17-19. W. wins.— A. Jackson. TILLICOULTRY. 151 (o) 15-11, 12-19, 11-8, etc., also draws. {/>) 25-21 loses and forms the following position:- Black to move and itfin. 7 11 13 17 29 22 15 11 14 17 17 22 21 14 q- 8 11 23 19 31 27 19 16 16 12 9 25 25 29 22 18 5 9 11 7 22 26 26 23 11 18 19 16 27 23 12 8 B. wins. 11 15 17 22 18 15 9 14 7 3 4 -8 18 25 16 12 23 19 8 4 F. Sivetts (?) 28-24, 20-27,31-24,5-9,8-11,25-29, 11-18, 17-22 I B.wins, - F. Sivetis Var. 4. 14 17 6 9 24 27 23 27 32 27 5 14 21 14 25 21 7 10 16 11 7 10 15 11 10 17 10 15 27 31 27 32 27 32 13 17 26 28 23 19 19 16 11 7 10 15 11 15 17 26 15 24 31 27 32 27 32 27 17 22 31 22 28 19 10 15 7 2 22 18 15 18 7 10 20 24 27 23 27 32 9 14 8 3 3 7 15 19 2 7 18 9 W. wins E. A. Benjamin. Var. 5. 9 14 22 17 6 9 28 19 15 18 31 24 18 9 8 11 13 6 11 15 26 17 14 21 5 14 6-7-17 13 2 9 27 24 18 27 13 9 29 25 14 18 17 13 7 11 19 16 6 13 r-11 15 26 23 1 6 32 28 12 19 20 16 25 22 18 22 24 20 9 14 24 8 4 8 21 17 15 24 30 26 3 12 Drawn. C. F. Barker v. J, P. Reed, 1887. (r) 6-9, 26-23, 9 13, 25-22. Same as " WilW-the-Wiftpt" var, 9, at 12th move. 152 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. Var, 6. 26 23 15 24 28 19 9 18 27 24 9 IS 6 & 28 19 1 5 30 25 18 23 22 17 17 13 11 15 31 26 7 11 21 17 2 6 32 28 14 18 2Q 22 5 9 5-24 20 15 24 23 14 11 15 17 14 Drawn E. A. Benjamin, 1899. (s) 30-26, 1-5, 24-20, 15-24. 28-19, 11-15, 27-24, 15-18, 32-28, 18-27. J-19-15, 10-19, 24-15 *3-8, 31-24. 14-17,' 21-14, 9-18,24-19, 7-11, 28-24, 18-23. B. wins — W. Taylor. (t) 19-16, 12-19. 24-15. 10-19 31-15, 7-11, 15-8, 3-12, 28-24, 14-17, 21-14, 9-18, 24-19, 6-10, 20-16, 10-14. 16-11, 14-17, 19-15, 12-16. 11-7, 16-19, 7-2, 18-23. B. wins.— W. Taylor. Var. 7. 27 23 32 23 18 9 28 19 31 22 23 18 -69 2 9 5 14 3 8 8 11 17 22 17 13 26 22 24 20 v-26 22 22 18 19 15 15 18 9 13 11 15 14 17 7 10 Brawn. 13 6 22 18 30 26 21 14 18 14 Drummond, 18 27 1 5 15 24 10 26 10 17 1861. (u) This position can be formed from the ''Kelso," thus:— 10-15, 22-18, 15-22, 25-18, 11-15, 18-11, 8-15, 29-25, 4-8, 25-22, 8-11, 23-19, 6-10, 22-17 9-14, 27-23, 5-9. Same as var. 7 at 3rd move. (v) 19-16, 12-19, 23-16', 8-12, 16-11, 7-16, 20-11, 14-18, 11-7, 13-17, 21-14, 10-17, 7-3. Drawn.— Barker v. Reed. Var. 8. w-27 23 6 22 17 14 8 11 18 14 16 19 9- 9 13 26 17 11 15 25 22 10 17* 15 11 z-22 18 13 22 24 19 7 10 21 14 19 23 15 22 30 26 15 24 14 7 13 17 18 15 25 18 5 9 28 19 3 10 23 18 1 5 10 15 26 17 4 8 22 18 11 16 19 10 9 13 29 25 2 6 19 15 Drawn (iv) Another way of forming the opening. (x) The best reply ; anything else is very weak. Var. 9. 11 16 10-22 18 15 22 25 18 16 20 Same as trunk at 11th move. Var. 10. 32 27 24 20 *10 14 17 13 16 20 17 10 10 14 15 24 11-12-25 22 2 6 31 26 6 15 22 17 20 11 8 11 26 22 24 28 13 6 14 18 7 16 y-ZQ 25 20 24 29 25 1 10 Drawn. 28 19 6 10 22 17 20 24 23 16 4 S 22 17 11 6 19 15 12 19 Dr. 22 18 16 20 25 22 10 19 18 11 Schaefen TILLICOULTRY. 153 (y) 29-25, 6-10, *-32-27, a-2-6, 6-18-15, 11-18, 22-15, 14-18, 23-7, 16-32, 7-2, 32-28, 26-23, 12-16, 25-22, 28-24. B. wins.— Drummond, 1851 (z) 31-27, *9-13, 18-9, 5-14. 22-18, *13-17, 18-9, 11-15, 21-7, 15-31, 25-22, 3-10, 9-5, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 30-25, 10-15, 25-21, 2-6, 32-28, 6-10, 22-18, 15-22, 26-17, 31-26, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 26-22. B. wins —Drumfaond, 1851. (a) In 1847 Wyllie played 9-13 against Anderson, and the game was drawn. (b) 27-24, 16-20, 31-27, 11-16, 22-17, 10-15, 18-11, 14-18, 23-14, 16-32. B. wins.— Drummond, 1851. Var. 11. 28 26 22 8 9 22 13 2 —J. Maiz Var. 12. 23 7 7 22 22 6 B, wins.— A. WLaren, 1897. (c) If 31-27, then 7-11, B, wins.— M 'Laren. (d) if 17-13, 10-15, 13-6, 2-9, B. wins.— M'Laren. 26 22 22 17 32 28 26 22 18 14 29 25 3 7 9 13 13 22 8 11 10 17 17 21 30 26 18 9 25 9 22 18 21 14 25 22 7 10 5 14 6 13 2 6 13 17 Drawn. — J. Maize, 1902. Var. 12. 21 25 19 15 12 19 30 23 7 11 15 6 9 13 16 19 26 23 * 3 7 22 17 1 10 18 9 23 16 19 26 c-25 22 6 10 ) 23-18, c-3-8, 32-28, *15-19, 24-15, 10-19, draws. (c) 3-7, tf-26-23, 17-26, 31-22, *l-5, 23-19, 11-16, 18-11, 16-23, 11-8, 12-16, 20-11, 7-16, 8-3. Drawn. —Drummond. 154 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. (d) 32-27 loses as follows:— 32-27, 17-21, 27-23, 1-5, 23-19, *21-25, 30-21, 11-16, 20-11, 7-30, 18-11, 30-25, 22-17, 25-22. B. wins.— H. 14'. Kay, also W. Taylor. (e) In 1864 Martins played 3-7 against Wyllie and lost, as follows:— 3-7, 31-27, 1-5, 27-23, 17-21, 32-28, 5-9, 22-17, 9-14, 26,22, 14-18, 23-14, 1K16, 20-11, 7-23, 14-7, 2-11, 17-14, 11-16, 24-20, 16-19, 14-10. W. wins. (/) 14-18, 16-12, 18-25,30-14, 10-17, 26-23, 7-10, 12-8, 10-14, 8-3, 15-18, 23-19. W. wins.— Drummond. Var. 1. 2 7 22 17 22 26 19 16 10 14 11 7 19 16 15 18 23 19 14 21 23 19 12 19 16 12 A-ll 15 16 11 - 15 18 Drawn. 23 16 18 22 30 23 7 16 12 8 -17 21 26 23 21 25 20 11 3 12 Macfarlane. 6-9, 13-6, 2-9, 20-16, 11-27, 18-2. W. wins.—Ztewne. 17 21 13 6 9 14 6 2 10 14 26 23 2 9 18 9 7 11 7 16 5-16 24 19 11 15 31 26 12 19 *-32 28 15 24 9 6 24: 21 23 16 6 9 28 19 15 24 2 7 27 31 1 13 5 5 9 14 3 8 23 18 14 23 27 18 14 17 23 18 3 8 18 9 10 14 32 28 10 14 18 9 15 19 24 15 24 19 15 24 32 28 WAGRAM. Var. 5. 155 3 8 22 17 7 10 Var. 11 25 30 21 1 5 31 27 23 19 14 18 31 27 6. 5 14 26 23 8 11 23 18 771-10 14 18 9 7 10 Var. 7. 28 19 11 15 27 24 (»*) 17-21 loses. J. Ward v. W. Orrell. -Drummond. Var. 8. 18 22 17 13 22 25 14 23 27 18 12 16 18 14 1 5 20 16 5 14 W. wins. 9 6 W. wins. Devine. 16 19 Drawn. W, Swan. 16 11 23 14 10 17 27 23 W. Dawson. *-31 27 1 6 23 19 7 10 Drawn. n. 6 9 29 25 8 11 17 13 4 8 28 24 9 14 25 22 o-p-14 18 Same as trunk at 24th move.- „ (n) 4-8,29-25,8-11, 25-22, 6-9, 17-13, 9-14, 28-24. var, 8 at 9th move. (o) 5-9, 13-6, 2-9, *23-18, 14-23, 26-19, 9-14, 31-26, 1-5, 30-25, 5-9, 26-23, 9-13, 20-16. W. wins.— H. F. Shearer. (p) 2-6, *23-18, 14-23, 27-18, ?-5-9, 26-23, 10-14, 32-28, 5-14-17, 30-25, 17-26, 31-22, 7-10, 25-21, 10-14, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19. W. wins.— G: Izatt, 1897. (q) 3-8,32-28, r-15-19, 24-15, 10-19, 22-17, 6-10, 30-25, 10-15, 18-14, 1-6, 25-21, 6-10, 13-9, 19-24, 28-19, 15-24, 9-6, 24-28, 6-2, 28-32, 17-13, 10-17, 21-14. W. wins.— G. Izatt. (r) 5-9,24-19, 15-24,28-19, 10-14, 26-23, 14-17, 30-25, 17-26, 31-22, 7-10, 25-21, 10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 13-6, 1-10, 21-17. W. wins, — G. Izatt. (s) 7-10, 30-25, 3-7, 25-21, 1-5, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 14-17, 21-14, 10-26, 31-22, 7-10, 22-17, 11-15, 18-11, 9-14, 11-7, 14-21, Same as 23-18. W. wins.— G. Izatt. (0 26-23, 17-26, 31-22, *5-9, 32-28, 9-14, 30-26, 12-19, 23-7, 2-11, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 8-12, 26-23, wins.— F. Tescheleit, 1912. 29 25 i0- 4 8 25 22 8 11 27 24 6 9 24 19 15 24 28 19 11 15 32 28 15 24 28 19 9 14 Var. 22 18 11 9 14 7 18 5 19 16 12 19 .23 7 2 11 30 25 10 15 26 23 15 18 23 19 1 6 19 15 18 23 15 8 3 12 25 22 6 9 22 18 Drawn — /. A* Kear v. R. E. Bowen. 3-8, 19-16, 11-15. B. 23 26 31 22 14 23 21 17 9 13 17 14 23 2$ 156 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. Var. 10. 5 9 15 24 10 17 2 6 12 16 15 18 25 22 28 19 ii-32 27 30 25 r-18 14 22 8 4 8 9 14 6 10 10 15 1 5 3 28 27 24 w-22 18 26 22 19 10 25 21 Drawn. 8 11 14 17 17 26 6 15 16 19 Drummond 24 19 21 14 31 22 27 24 23 16 1851. (u) This position can be formed from the " Defiance," thus : — 11-15, 23-19, 9-14, 27-23, 8-11, 22-18, 15-22, 25-9, 5-14, 29-25, 11-15, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 4-8, 25-22, 8-11. Same as var. 10 at 10th move. O) 25-21, 7-10, 21-17, 1-6, 18-14, 3-7, 22-18. 15-22, 24-19, 22-26, 19-12, 11-15, 12-8, 26-31, 8-3, w-31-27, 23-18, 15-22, 17-13, 10-17, 3^1. Drawn. — Drummond. (w) 31-26 allows the following- pretty win:— 31-26, *17-13, 26-19, 14-9, 15-18, 9-2, 19-16, 20-11, 7-16. 2-7, 10-15, 7-10, 16-19, 3-7. 18-22, 10-14. 19-24. 7-11, 15-19, 11-16. W. wins.— Drum- mond. 1851 Var. 1 19 15 V-26 22 19 16 16 12 2% 23 19 16 3 8 17 2Q 12 19 8 11 18 22 26 31 23 19 J30 23 23 16 12 8 21 24 16 12 1 5 z- 9 13 9 14 11 16 16 20 31 26 ar-32 27 31 26 18 9 20 11 24 19 23 19 5 9 6 9 11 18 7 16 22 26 Drawn Atkin v. Rutherford by correspondence, 1896 (J) To here by J. Lees. (*) 31-27, 5-9. 32-28, 17-21, 26-23. 9-13, 30-26, 21-25, 19-16; 12-19, 23-16, 25-30, 16-12, 30-32, 12-3, 7-10, 15-8, 32-27, 8-4, 27-23, 18-15, 10-19, 4-8. Drawn.—//. McKean, 1899. (y) 19-16, 12-19, 26-22, 17-26, 30-16, 7-10, 16-7, 2-11, £. wins. — Drummond. (z) 9-14, 18-9, 6-13, rt-31-26, 11-18, 23-14,8-11,27-23,11-16, 20-11, 7-16, forms the position on diagram: — White to move and draw. WATERLOO. 15 -14 9 16 20 23 18 25 22 9 14 30 26 13 \1 19 15 31 27 9 5 10 6 17 14 9 5 20 24 22 17 15 10 8 3 26 23 17 21 15 11 27 23 5 1 23 26 14 10 5 1 24 27 18 14 12 16 14 9 23 18 21 25 9 13 c-23 18 1 5 6 1 13 17 1 5 27 31 14 9 16 19 9 5 22 13 25 30 26 22 18 15 5 9 26 30 10 7 5 9 30 25 11 8 19 23 3 8 Drawn. / J. W. Dawson, 1904. (a) If 23-18 t 2-6 draws, or 13-17, 27-23, etc., but 19-16 loses.— J. W. Dawson. (b) 19-15 loses by 16-20, etc.— J. W. Dawson. (c) 25-21, 13-9, 23-19, 9-5, 19-15, 11-8, 12-16, 17-13, 21-17, 14-9, 15-10, 5-1. Drawn.—/. W< Dawson. No. 35.— "WATERLOO." 11 15 21 17 1 6 22 18 10 28 1 6 23 18 2-4-11 16 29 25 19 23 22 la 27 24 S 11 20 11 3 8 21 17 16 19 6 15 4-18 14 7 16 25 21 7 11 20 16 24 28 9 18 28 24 2 7 tf-32 28 11 20 15 24 24 19 10 15 26 23 8 12 17 14 28 19 15 24 24 20 19 26 28 24 2a 32 13 9 22 8 16 19 30 23 23 26 14 5 4 11 25 22 c-15 19 31 22 6 10 Drawn 7-27 20 6 10 23 16 12 16 5 1 6-5 9 17 13 12 19 *18 15 32 27 /. Smith (a) American players term this the " Boston-Cross " ; but as this is apt to be confused with the k< Boston " opening, it has been thought advisable to give it a new and distinct title, therefore Wellington and Blucher's great victory has been selected. The opening admits of a great variety of critical combinations, but is rather in favour of Black (6) 11-15, 21-17, 5-9, 28-24, 9-14, 25-21. Same as var. 1 at 5th move. (c) 9-14, 22-17, 8-11, 32-27, 15-18, *20-16, 11-20, 23-19, now 18-22 draws, but if 7-11, then 19-16, 12-19, 27-23, etc., W. wins. — J. Macfarlane. (d) 31-27, 8-12, 27-24, 23-26, 24-19, 26-31, 17-14, 10-17, 19-15, 11=16, 20-11, 31-26, 11-7, 26-23, 18"-14, 9-18, 7-2, 23-19, 2-9, 19-10, 9-14. Drawn.— J. Allison. 158 9 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. Var. 1. 9 14 2-29 25 3 7 20 16 1 10 22 18 25 21 15 18 30 26 12 19 25 22 13 22 11 15 32 27 6 9 27 20 9 13 18 9 28 24 11 15 24 19 18 27 2Q 23 7 11 26 23 15 24 31 6 7 11 Drawn. H. F. Shearer. Var. 2. 26 23 5-30 26 2Q 22 .23 18 31 26 22 18 15 18 22 25 28 32 14 23 24 19 26 23 32 27 29 22 22 18 27 18 26 22 18 15 18 22 15 18 1 5 32 28 19 23 3 8 17 13 22 15 18 9 18 14 14 9 9 5 11 15 10 28 5 14 28 24 23 26 23 19 Black wins. — A* Jordan v. E. Mor tarty, 1891 Var. 3. 23 19 15 18 27 23 14 23 21 14 6 15 2 7 26 17 7 11 17 14 11 15 30 26 18 22 23 18 G. Fletche Van 10 17 r 9 1896. 4. 19 10 B. wins, 9 13 2Q 23 15 24 31 26 11 15 2 11 28 24 7 10 28 19 9 13 21 14 27 31 13 22 25 22 * 6 10 18 9 15 24 26 22 25 18 10 15 30 25 5 14 9 6 17 2G 6 9 32 28 * 1 5 22 18 10 17 11 15 29 25 e-g. 2 6 25 21 *13 17 6 2 31 27 10 14 24 19 /•-* 3 7 18 9 24 27 Drawn. From (e) to (/) by J. Gillies, 1897, the remainder occurred between T. W. Walker and J. Lees. (g) If 1-5 we have the following interesting situation: — 24 19 15 24 28 19 6-3 7 30 25 5- 7 10 *31 27 9 13 18 9 5 14 22 18 14 17 18 15 11 18 23 7 2 11 25 21 17 22 27 23 22 25 23 18 W wins. J. Gillies i 1897 White to move and win. WATERLOO. _ 159 Var. 5. h- 9 13 2 6 11 15 7 11 11 15 28 32 18 9 22 18 9 6 23 19 7 14 18 23 5 14 6 10 15 24 24 28 15 24 32 28 25 21 18 9 W 6 2 2 7 . wins. — J. Gillies, 14 18 23 19 (h) 11-16, 20-11, 7-16, 25-21, 16-20, 22-17, 20-24, 17-10,24-28, 19-15, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 15-11. W. wins.— J. Gillies. Var. 6. I- 9 13 22 18 3 8 23 19 17 21 19 16 18 9 14 17 15 10 13 17 7 3 12 19 5 14 19 15 17 22 W. wins. — , 10 7 /. Gillies. 22 25 3 12 ft) 3-8. 30-25, 9-13, , 18-9, 5-14, 31-26, 2-7, 25-21. W. wins - J. Gillies, Var. 7. 28 19 29 25 23 18 4 8 8 11 11 7 22- rl 15 8-9- 3 8 14 23 32 27 15 19 27 31 27 24 26 23 27 18 24 20 11 16 7 2 6 9 £-6 9 6 9 27 23 19 24 31 27 7-21 17 /-25 22 w-32 27 8 11 16 19 2 6 7 11 9 13 n-11 16 1 5 23 16 27 23 25 21 31 27 18 4 11 8 20 11 22 18 9 14 2 ^ 16 32 10 15 24 27 Drawn. (j) 25-22,7-11,29-25,9-14,22-17. Same as var. 7 at 10th move. (k) 15-18, *32-27, 18-22, 25-9, 6-22, 24-20, 10-14, 30-26, 22-25, 19-16, 12-19, 23-7, 2-11, 26-22, 25-30, 27-24, 1-6, 22-17; Drawn. — T. W. Walker. (I) 17-13 loses thus:— 17-13, 15-18, 13-6, 18-27, 32-23, 2-9, 25-22. 11-15, 30-26, 8-11, 22-17, 9-13, 2^22, 1-5, 31-27, 5-9. B. wins. (m) 32-28, 1-5, 30-26, 11-16, 18-4* 16-30, 4-8, 9-14, 8-11, 30-25. B. wins. — F. Dunne. (n) 1-5, 27-23, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14, 30-25, 15-18 22-6, 13-29, 6-2, 29-25, *2-7, 11-15, 19-10, 8-11, Drawn.— F. Dunne. Var. 8. 6 9 2 9 9 13 11 16 6 10 14 18 *17 13 5-30 26 31 27 24 20 7 2 11 7 o-ll 16 1 6 13 17 15 31 31 26 Drawn, 13 6 26 23 22 13 20 11 2 7 W. 16 23 3 7 7 11 10 15 26 19 Strickland) 26 19 25 22 32 28 w-11 7 7 11 1887. (o) 2-6, jo-26-23, 15-18, 31-27, 18-22, 25-18, 10-15, 19-10, 6-22, 13-6,1-10, 23-18, 14-23, 27-18, 10-15, 18-14, 12-16. Drawn.— A.D.P. Supplement. 160 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (/>) 25-22, 3-8, 9-26-23, 15-18, 22-15, 11-27, 32-23, 8-11, 30-26, r-1115, 26-22, lp-18, 22-15, 12-16, 19-12, 10-28.] Drawn.— S. Siegel, 1899. (?) 30-25, 11-16, 26-23, 16-20, 31-27, 8-11, 22-17, 15-18, 32-28, 1-15. B. wins. — A.D.P. Supplement. 00 10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 13-6, 1-10, 26-22, 11-16. Drawn.— "X.Y.Z." (s) 25-22, 9-13, 30-26", 3-8, *-32-27, 8-11, 27-23, 1-5, 22-17, 13-22, .26-17, 15-18, 24-20, 18-27, 31-24, 14-18, 17-14. Drawn.— Dunne. (t) 22-17 also draws; but 32-28 loses, thus:— 32-28, 8-11, 26-23, 1-5, 31-26, 5-9 B, wins.— F. Dunne. (a) 23-19 allows a neat win, thus:— 23-19, 15-24, 28-19, 6-10, 11-7, 31-27, 7-2, 27-24, 2-6,24-15,6-9, 14-18, 21-17, 12-16, 9-14, *15-11 14-23, 11-15, 23-26,. 15-18, 26-30, 18-14. B. wins.— Mitchell v. Hutchinson. Var. 9. 15 18 JfO-10 15 3 T 16 20 31 26 6 10 17 13. 19 10 20 11 22 17 25 21 2 7 v-11 16 6 15 7 16 20 2 n 15 19 10 15 31 27 30 2Q 26 22 17 i 10 7 7 10 16 23 12 16 z- 2 6 27 31 26 22 22 26 26 19 ar-24 20 27 24 21 17 7 2 Drawn. Drummond, 1866. 00 H-15, 32-27, w-6-9, 13-6, 2-9, 26-22, 1-6, 31-26, 9-13, 26-23, 3-7,21-17,14-21^23-14, 10-26, 30-23. 21-30. 19-1, 30-26, 23-19, 26-22, 27-23, 7-10, 24-20. Drawn. —Donaldson. (tiO 1-5,. 26-23, 6-9, 13-6, 2-9, 30-26, 9-13, 24-20, 15-24, 20-16, 12-19, 27-20, 18-27, 31-6. W. wins. (x) 26-23, 16-20, 13-9, 1-5, y-9-6, 2-9, 23-19, 9-13, 19-10, 13-17, 106, 17-22, 6-2, 22-29, 2-6, 18-22, 6-10. 22-26, 10-17, 29-25. 17-14, 25-22, 14-10, 22-18, 10-6, 26-31, 6-2, 5-9, 2-6, 9-13, 6-9, 3-8, 9-5, 8-12. B. wins. — J. Lees. (y) 23-19, *2-7, 19-10, 18-22, 25-18, 14-23, 27-18, 7-23, $-6, 20-27. B. wins.— A.D.P. (z) In 1864 AVyllie played 2-7 against Martins and lost, as follows :— 2-7. 13-9. 16-20, 9-5, 20-24,27-20, 18-23. 20-16 23-26, 16-12, 26-30, 12-8, 7-10, 8-3, 30-26, 22-17, 15-18,3-7, 26-22, 17-13, 22-29, 21-17, 14-21. 7-23, 21-25, 32-28, 25-30, 28-24. W. wins. Var. 10. 2 7 30 26 10 15 17 14 30 25 7 2 27 23 11 15 26 22 22 25 20 16 19 23 18 27 19 16 14 18 21 17 25 22 11 8 32 23 12 19 22 17 25 30 16 11 Drawn. 1 5 23 16 18 22 11 7 22 18 il-24 20 15 19 25 18 3 10 a-17 14 D. 7 11 16 11 15 22 14 7 18 9 Kirkwood WATERLOO. 161 (a) 11-8 loses, thus:— 11-8, 18-15, 7-3, 15-11, 8-4, 19 23, 3-8, 11-7, 8-12, 23-26, 4-8, 7-2, 8-11, 26-30, 11-15, 30-25, 15-18. 25-21, 17-14, .21-17. B. wins.— Kirkwood. Var- U. 30 26 17 21 6-6 2 15 18 20 16 32 28 14 17 26 23 7 11 2 6 3 7 1 5 21 14 21 25 c-24 20 18 14 1 5 28 24 10 17 13 9 12 16 6 1 18 23 5 1 25 21 5 14 19 12 14 10 5 1 24 20 6 10 18 9 26 19 1 5 23 27 B. wins. 21 14 25 30 2 6 11 15 1 5 10 17 9 6 19 15 5 1 27 32 Drummondi 23 18 30 26 6 2 15 18 5 1 1866. (b) 24-20, *7-ll, 23-18, 26-23, 19-15, 23-14, 15-8, 14-10. 6-1, 10-7, 8-4, 7-11, 1-6, 12-16, 610, 16-19, 10-14, 19-24, 14-18, 24-28, 18-23, 11-15, 23-27,28-32,27-24,32-28,24-27,28-24,27-23,15-11, 23-18, 24-19. B. wins.— R. E. Bowen.- (c) In 1864 Martins played 23-18 against Wyllie and lost, as follows:— 23-18, 11-16. 19-15, 16-20, 24-19,26-23,18-14,23-16, 15-11, 16-7, 2-11, 12-16, 14-10, 16-19, 10-6, 19-24, 6-1, 24-28, 1-6, 20-24, 6-10, 24-27. B. wins Var. 12. 5 9 15 24 13 22 20 27 5 14 17 22 25 22 28 19 25 18 31 24 29 25 15 10 9 13 7 11 1 5 13- 6 9 14 17 22 26 26 23 30 25 27 24 17 13 25 21 10 6 11 15 rf-11 16 16 20 9 14 10 14 Drawn. 32 2% 22 17 e-21 17 18 9 19 15 F. Allen. (d) 11-15, 27-24, 3-7, 22-17, 13-22, 25-11, 7-16, 24-20. W wins. — Fred Allen. (c) Any other movp would allow Black to win. Var. 13. 5 9 7 11 10 14 17 26 9 14 3 12 17 13 25 22 20 11 19 16 16 12 11 7 2 7 11 16 14 17 12 19 26 31 29 25 24 20 18 15 23 16 L. S. Burrows, 1910. 12 8 Drawn 162 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. No. 36.— « WHILTER. 11 15 12-14-29 25 18 22 13 6 9 18 19 15 23 19 li- 1 5 25 18 2 9 27 24 17 14 a- 9 14 22 17 15 22 16 12 20 27 15 11 22 17 /- 8 11 23 18 10 17 32 14 14 10 c- 7 11 70-31 26 7-^-22 25 12 8 22 17 16 19 25 22 9-16 20 6-1-24: 19 1-17 21 14 9 23 27 11 16 19 16 5-25 29 8 3 5 14 19 24 23-d-2S 23 12 19 17 14 wz-29 25 10 7 27 32 2i-e- 5 9 23 16 10 17 3 10 14 1$ Drawn, 19-17 13 14 18 21 14 25 22 7 16 * 3 7 5-26 23 6 10 18 14 18 23 Robertson. (a) 7-11,6-22-18. 15-22, 25-18, 9-13. Same as " Wili-o'-the- Wisp " trunk at 8th move ) 26-23, 3-7, 21-17, 11-16, 25-21, 7-H. Same as "Alma," var. 5, at 3rd move. (c) The characteristic move of the opening when played either at this stage or at the 2nd move, as in note .(a). Drum'mond and Anderson were the first British authors to publish play on the opening ; but play can be found on it in Continental works of a much earlier date. Anderson observes, '• • Whilter,' or l Wholter ' (Scotch) — signifying an overturning, or a change productive of confusion— is remarkably applicable to many of the unexpected changes which occur in this game." (d) The best line of defence, though other lines will draw. White may play 29-25 and get an even game, thus: -29-25, 16-23,27-9, 5-14, 26-23, 8-li; 31-27. 4-8, 23-19, 15-18, 22-15, 11-18, *27-23, 18-27. 32-23, 8-11, 25-22, *11-16, 24-20, 3-7, 20-11, 7-16, 30-26, 16-20, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16, 14-18. Drawn.— G. Gilbert and J, Yates. (e) Beware of 3-7, which loses thus:— 3-7, 22-18, 15-22, 19-15, 10-26, 17-3, 5-9,30-23, 2-7, 3-10, 6-15, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 1-6, 21-17, 9-13, 27-24, 16-20. 23-18, 20-27, 32-23, 8-11, 18-14, 4-8, 23-18, 11-16. 19-15. W. wins.— Anderson. (f) Drummond has shown that 7-11 here loses, as follows:— » 7-11. *30-26, .7-H-I8, 23-7, 16-30, 7-3, 15-19, 24-15, 11-18, 17-14, 8-11, 3-8, 11-15, 8-11, 18-22, 25-18, 15-22, 14-10. W. wins. (g) 16-20, 19-16, 12-19, 23-7. 2-11, 24-19, 15-24. 28-19, 8-12, 26-22, 11-15, 32-28, 15-24, 28-19, 14-18, 22-15, 12-16, 19-12, 10-19, 17-14. 9-18, 27-23. W. wins.— Drummond. (h) 10-15 draws but is weak:— 10-15, 16-12, 22-25, 12-8, 15-22, 6-3,7-10, 24-19, 11-15, 19-16, *22-26, 30-23, 15-19, 23-18, 19-23, 3-7, 2-11, 16-7, 25-30, 7-3, 30-26, 3-7, *4 8, 7-14, 2-8-12. Drawn. — H. Spayth. WHfLTER. 163 (0^-11, *28-24, 26-31, *32-28, 23-32, 24-19, 32-27, 19-15, 27-23, 15-8, j-23-19, 8-3, 31-26, fc-3-7, 26-23, forcing White to retreat 7-3 for a draw, as 7-2 would allow Black a beautiful win, thus:— 19-15, 18-11, 9-18, 2-9, 5-14, 17-10, 20-24. B. wins.— J: Macfarlane. (j) 20-24, 28-19, 23-16, 8-3, 16-19, 3-7, 19-16,7-2, 16-19, 18-15, 9-18, 2-9, 19-10, 9-14. W. wins.— R. H. Wilson. (k) 3-8, 26-23, 8-12, 23-26 Drawn.— Macfarlane. (I) This move is not to be found in any previous work on the game ; and though the next move forces it back into published play, it limits Black to only two lines of attack, which is an advantage to the second player. (jn) If 7-10, White regains the man by 3-7, and has the best of the ending. Var. 1. 11 16 19 12 4 11 12 8 5-17 21 Drawn. T. Cowie, Var. 2. 9 14 , S-4-17 21 18 22 25 22 14 17 17 14 18 9 24 19 10 7 5 9 3 8 24 28 6 14 29 25 22 25 14 18 17 14 14 17 8 3 11 15 7 2 9 13 8 12 30 26 7 10 25 22 13 17 17 14 14 17 22 24 3 7 15 6 6 1 6 2 12 16 13 15 U 15 22 17 25 29 • 14 17 17 14 W. wins. * 7 11 19 15 1 5 2 7 16 19 15 18 17 13 29 25 17 14 14 17 J.F. *28 24 15 10 2 6 Var. 7 3 3. 19 24 Washingtor 29 25 24 19 2*0 27 11 15 31 27 19 15 30 21 22 2Q 32 23 26 21 6 9 18 11 18 22 27 24 17 22 15 6 27 18 W. wins. J. F. Washington. Var .4. 18 22 29 25 22 26 20 27 31 22 31 26 24 19 11 15 * 6 10 19 15 15 11 23 19 22 26 25 22 26 31 17 22 27 31 22 18 30 23 15 6 27 24 W. wins.— Var. 10 26 T. Cowie. 5. 11 7 19 16 9 14 24 19 2 9 11 15 31 27 10 17 19 9 29 25 13 6 22 25 23 18 29 25 5 14 19 15 19 24 16 11 27 23 7 3 28 24 10 19 6 2 o-25 22 30 25 20 24 25 29 17 1 24 31 »-ll 7 22 29 Drawn. 19 15 n-25 22 2 11 23 27 15 10 Barker's U 18 1 6 18 23 32 23 23 14 d.C.R IG4 DRAUGHTS— ?HE OPENINGS', (71) 19-24, 21-17, 24-31, 30-21, 31-26, 1-6. Drawn. (o) 31-27, 21-17, 25-22, *15-19, 22-13,19-26,27-31,26-22, 13^9, 22-18, 9-6, 13-15, 6-2, 15-19, 2-6, 11-7, 6-10, 7-3. W. wins.— J. Birkinshaw. (p) ltf-10, 31-27, 11-7, 27-24, 7-3, 24-19, 3-7, 19-16, 10-14. Brawn.— J. Young v. W. Gardner, Var. 6. 17 14 9 18 r-28 24 6 10 9 6 9 13 10 17 30 21 26 30 M4 9 2 9 6 9 21 14 18 22 21 17 5 14 11 2 Drawn. 7-11 15 24 19 $*d0 25 13 9 10 14 18 11 22 26 17 14 14 18 2 6 J. Lees. (?) 25-20. 24-19. Same as trunk at 33rd move, (r) 21-17, *26-30, 19-15, 30-26, 17-14, 26-22, 13-9, 6-13, 15-10, 22-17. Drawn. — Anderson (s) 30-26 loces, and allows the following coup de grace:— *27 23 20 27 16 12 7 16 12 8 4 11 19 12 26 19 32 7 2 11 17 14 11 16 12 8 16 19 ®li®ii©SL §SwF'< .jm • White to move and win. 8 3 19 23 3 8 23 27 8 11 27 32 11 15 32 27 14 10 W. wins. Martins beat Bullock, 1851. (0 13-9. 10-17, 9-6, 2-9, 11-2, 17-22, 19-15, 22-26, 15-11, 26-31, 16-12, 25-22, 12-8, 9-13, 8-3, 5-9,3-8,9-14,8-12,14-18,2-7,31-26, 11-8,4-11, 7-16, 18-23, 27-18, 20-27, 32-23, 22-15. W. Gardner beat W. Strickland, 1885. Var. 7. 9 14 18 9 5 14 24 19 4 8 16 12 11 15 12 3 15 31 3 8 22 25 32 27 31 24 28 19 14 18 8 3 w-25 29 17 14 10 17 3 1 17 22 21 17 18 23 17 14 22 26 1 5 26 31 14 10 31 26 19 16 26 22 16 11 22 18 11 8 20 24 B. wins.— 8 3 2 7 10 6 7 11 Drawn. «/• Lees. (to 18-23, 17-14, 10-17, *21-14, 7-11, 30-21, 23-26, 21-17, v-26-30, 19-16, 30-25, 16-7, 2-11. 3-7, 25-22, 7-16, 22-18, 14-9 t 6-10,16 19. W.wins. — T. Wilkin, 1869. (v) 20-24, 14-9, 6-10, 3-8, 11-15, 8-11. W. wins.—/. Lee?. WHXLTER. 165 Var. 8. fo47 U 9 18 27 23 15 22 28 24 10 15 10 17 25 22 20 27 32 23 16 20 6 2 21 14 18 25 16 12 6 10 17 13 7 11 18 22 30 21 11 16 13 6 20 27 B. wins. 26 17 5 9 23 18 2 9 13 6 'Anderson. (w) 26-22, 18-23, 27-18, 20-27, 32-23, 11-20, 18-11, 7-16. 22-18, 2-7, 30-26, 4-8, 17-14, 10-17, 21-14, 8-12. 25-22, 16-19 23-16, 12-19, 22-17, 7-11, 26-22, 11-15. B. wins. This play can be found in early Continental works. Var. 9. 4 8 20 27 10 17 v-20 24 11 25 11 16 25 22 32 28 21 14 14 10 30 21 19 15 16 20 15 24 16 20 2-24 27 5 14 Drawn 23 18 28 19 19 15 10 1 26 22 Martins t 14 23 11 16 7 11 9 14 8 11 Wyllie, 27 18 17 14 s-23 19 18 9 1 5 1864. (x) 14-10 draws, but is weak :— 14-10, 9-14, 10-1, 20-24, 18-9, 11-27, 9-6, 2-9, 13-6, 27-31, leaving a very critical position for White. (y) 2-7, *19-16, 12-19, 15-10, 6-15, 13-6, 20*24,^2, 24-27, 2-6, 27-32, 640, 8-12. Drawn.— Anderson. _ ^ J, . (a) -9-14, a-18-9, 11-25, 6-10-1, 5-14, 30-21, 14-18, 19-15, 24-28, 1-5, 2-7, 5-9, 28-32, 21-17, 32-28, 17-14, 28-24, 15-10, 7-11, 10 6, 24-27, 14-10. Drawn.— Anderson. - < * (a) 10-1 here is safe ; Martins drew it against both Wyllie and E. D. Yates. (b) By a "-slip" which can only be attributed to physical ex- haustion, Martins took 30-21 against C. F. Barker in 1887. It joses a piece : 30-21, 6-15, 19-10, 5-14. B. wins. Var. 10. 24 20 9 18 31 8 7 16 27 24 15 24 15 24 19 15 4 11 c-30 26 16 19 22 18 28 19 10 19 25 22 5 9 26 23 7 11 14 18 27 23 *11 15 $2 27 19 26 B, wins. 23 14 19 26 20 11 2 7 24 19 Anderson. (c) 32-27, 5-9, 27-24, 2-7, 24-20, 16-19, 30-26, 7-11. B. wins.— Anderson. Var. 11. 7 11 27 20 8 11 22 15 9 18 26 22 tf-e-24 20 8 15 16 7 10 19 17 14 27 31 15 24 5T-30 26 2 11 *25 22 16 20 22 17 28 19 A. 4 8 26 23 15 32 27 Drawn, 11 15 20 16 11 16 22 17 19 24 Martins v. 20 11 12 19 3i 26 14 18 27 23 McKcrrow 15 24 23 16 *15 18 23 14 18 27 185$. 166 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. (d) 30-26, U-18, 23-7, 16-30, 24-19. 15-24, 28-19, 9-14, 19-16, 12-19, 31-26, 30-23. 27-9, 8-12, 7-3, 4-8, 32-27, 11-16, 3-7. Drawn. — Martins v. Wyllie, 1864. (e) 31-26, 16-20, 19-16, 12-19, 23-7, 2-11, 26-23, 15-18, 22-15, 10-26, 30-23. 11-15, 25-22, 6-10, 13-6. 15-18, 22-15, 10-26, 6-2, 26-31,27-23, 20-27, 2-7 /-8-U. 7-16. 14-18, 23 14, 31-26, 32-23, 26-12. 14-10, 12-16, *10-*7, 16-11, 7-2. Drawn." (/) 1-6. 7-2, 6-10, 23-19, 8-11, 32-23, 31-26, 2-7. Drawn. (g) 31-27, 15-18,22-15, 10-26, 30-23, 1-5, 23-1S, 14-23. 27-18, 4-8, 21-17, 8-11, 25-21. Drawn.— J. Moir v. J. Bletcher, 1884 (h) 15-19, 23-16, 12-19, 20-16, 10-15, 16-11, 19-24,22-17,15-18, 17-10, 6-15. 13-6, 1-10, *26-22, 18-23, 22-17, 24-28, 17-14. W. wins.— -J, Swan. Var. 12. i-24 20 15 24 31 26 13-lb 19 30 23 7 16 15 24 27 20 8 11 23 16 14 17 20 11 20 11 j- 1 5 29 .25 12 19 21 14 9 25 8 15 22 18 10 15 26 23 £-11 15 Drawn. 28 19 4 8 25 22 19 26 18 11 Dnunmond. (i) A very safe defence for the novice to practice. (j) 4-8 is perhaps stronger. For play see 'S.D.Q.," page 148. (k) 6-10, 13-6, 10-26, 6-1, 26-31, 23-19. Drawn.— Price. Var. 13. 14 17 13 6 23 18 6 2 2 7 3 7 21 14 10 17 2 9 10 14 31 26 11 15 M2 16 22 13 13 6 18 9 7 3 7 11 30 25 15 31 7 10 5 14 16 19 14 18 6 10 Luke Phillips. Drawn. (/) 6-10, 13-6, 10-17, 22-13, 15-3), 23-19 2-9, 13-6, 5-9, 6-1, 7-10, 1-5. W. wins.— Price. Var 14. 22 17 17-29 25 24 19 16 11 3 7 1L 7 8 11 11 15 11 15 26 31 • 4 8 27 31 31 26 16 12 19 16 12 8 11 4 23 18 -IS 20 7 11 J5-22 2Q 31 24 2 11 14 23 19 16 26 23 23 18 28 19 4 8 7 5 12 19 18 22 15 22 20 24 11 15 6 10 23 16 25 18 30 23 8 3 8 11 Drawn 15 18 15 22 n-22 26 24 27 15 24 J. Lees. O) 1-5, 29-25, 4-8. Same as var. 9 at 2nd move, (n) If 2-7, White wins by 23-19, etc.— J. Lees. WHILTEE. 16 Var. 15. 22 25 3 8 2 11 12 16 10 15 13 6 16 11 IS-15 18 27 24 23 26 16 11 26 23 25 29 8 12 20 27 7 3 15 18- 3 7 12 8 22 2Q 32 7 26 31 17 14 4 8 29 25 30 25 18 22 28 24 1 5 11 4 8 3 26 19 25 18 31 26 14 10 15 19 25 22 11 7 14 23 24 20 6 Id 7 10 VV. wins. — R Man tins beat J. Ferrie, Var, . 16. 22 25 It 7 4 8 16 12 o-26 22 28 24 8 12 19 26 23 19 11 15 3 8 20 27 25 22 30 23 22 26 12 8 18 23 32 23 12 16 2 11 *19 16 15 18 27 18 15 18 15 19 16 7 8 11 8 3 22 15 23 19 W. wins.— F. Tescheleit, 1900. (o) 18-22.3-8, 22-25. 8-11, 26-22, 11-15, 10-19, 17-10. 6-15, 13-6, 1-10, 7-14, 22-17, 14-9, 17-13, 9-6, 25-30, 27-24. W wins. — F. Tescheleit. Var. tf . 16 12 12 8 .83 27 18 *19 16 8 15 18. 22 11 16 15 18 20 27 23 14 10 19 26 23 19 12 />-29 25 32 23 3 8 17 10 22 26 4 11 18-18 22 31 26 7 11 6 15 23 19 12 £ 25 18 23 19 16 7 13 6 26 31 11 1£ J4 23 2 2 7 4 8 8 11 16 19 10 15 B. wins J. Alexander, 1902. (m) 32-28, 16-20, v-22-18, 20-24, 18-15, 24-27, 28-24, 27-31, 24-20, 31-27, 23-18, 10-14, 20-16, 14-23, 16-11, 23-26, 11-4, 27-23. B. wins. — J. Alexander. 0) 23-18, 20-24, 21-17, 24-27, 18-14, 9-18, 22-15, 1-5, 28-24, 6-9, 24-20, 27-31, 25-22, 9-14. B. wins.— J. Alexander. Var. 21. 16 20 12 19 6 9 1 6 4 8 6 10 *30 26 31 26 16 12 28 24 29 25 Drawn. 22- 2 7 30 23 w- 8 11 a>16 18 8 11 J. Wyllie *28 18 27 2 2 6 22 15 25 22 v. A. 14 30 20 27 11 15 10 28 28 32 Mcintosh, 19 16 32 16 6 13 17 14 22 17 1851. { w) 9-13, 2.-7, 10-15. 28-24, 3-10, 12-3, 1-6, 24-20, 15-19, 20-16, 19-23, 16-11, 23 26, *17-14. Drawn.— J. Wyllie. (x) 3-7, *24-19, 15-24, 22-18, 24-27, 18-14, 27-31, 29-25, 31-27, 25-22, 27-24, 22-18, 24-19, 18-15. Drawn.— Anderson. Var. 22. 5 9 *17 10 27 31 22 17 27 31' 7 14 17 13 6 15 18 9 14 18 9 6 19 24 2 7 *13 6 31 26 17 14 31 2Q 6 10 #22 17 1 10 9 6 11 15 6 1 15 19 8 11 31 22 26 19 14 10 26 22 10 7 26 22 10 14 6 2 8 11 1 6 11 15 4 8 27 23 19 16 2 7 22 18 7 11 29 25 20 27 28 24 19 m 7 2 15 18 *12 16 23 19 7 10 21 17 16 19 Drawn. 19 12 15 24 24 20 18 23 10 7 15 18 32 23 10 14 17 13 3 10 J. W. 22 15 24 27 25 22 23 27 2 7 Dawson , 10 26 22 18 16 19 13 9 18 23 1914. WHILTER-EXCHANGE. 169 (y) 21-17, 14-21, 29-25, 21-30. Same as "Bristol-Cross," var. 2, at 6th move, colours reversed, Var. 23. 27 23 20 27 22 15 12 19 22 17 27 32 5 9 16 7 11 27 23 16 14 18 17 14 17 13 2 11 32 23 15 18 17 14 6 9 8 11 31 24 c- 8 11 22 15 18 22 *-29 25 4 8 d-25 22 10 19 14 5 16 20 a-24 20 11 15 26 22 23 27 19 16 15 18 20 16 19 23 21 17 Drawn (z) 24-20, 15-24, 28A9, 11-15, 20-11, 15-24, 29-25, 24-28, 31-27, 3-7, B. wins. 31-27 also loses, as follows :— 31-27, 2-7. 29-25, 16-20,19-16,12-19,23-16,4-8, 16-12, 11-16, 22-17, 7-11, 26-23, 15-18. 24-19. 11-15. 28 24, 8-11. B. wins. -Drummond. {a) 23-19, *14-18, 19-16, 12-19. 26-23, 18-27 32-7, 15-18, 22-15, 10-19, 24-15, 3-19, 6-25-22. .Drawn.— J. Churchill, 1896: (b) 30-26. *8-ll, 26-22. 11-15, 22-17, 1-5, 25-22, 19-23, 28-24, 23-26, 24-20. 26-31, 20-16, 31-27, 16-11, 27-23, 11-7, 23-19, 7-3, 15-18, 22-15, 19-10 B. wins.— H. M'Kean, 1896. (c) 10-15 25-22 6-10, 13-6, 15-18. Drawn — F. Green. (d) The play up to this stage is by J. Lees, 1897, continuation by F. Kaiser, 1910. No. 37.— « WHILTER-EXCHANGE." 11-15 18 9 8 11 c-26 23 3 7 31 26 2H 19 5 14 19 16 8 12 13 6 7 10 7 11 i-27 23 12 19 25 22 14 18 20 16 a-22 18 6-11 15 23 7 11 15 23 14 12 19 15 22 24 20 2 11 d-22 17 10 17 26 22 25 18 15 24 29 25 6 9 21 14 17 26 5-5-7- 9 14 28 19 4 8 17 13 1 17 30 16 Drawn — C. Adamsonv. R. Martins. (a) This Exchange was very popular in the International Match — Scotland v. England— in 1884 ; but it was occasionally played previous to that date. It is one of the best defences White can adopt in reply to 7*11, as it leads to a very equal game. (6) 11-16, 24-20, 6-9, 20-11, 8-24,28-19, 4-8, 29-25, 8-11, 25-22, 11*15,32-28, 15-24,28-19, 2-7, 22-18, 7-11, 19-15, 10-19, 23-7, 3-10, 56-23, 12-16, 30-25, 1-5, 25-22, 1649, 23-16, 14-23. Drawn. —J. Deans. 170 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. (c) 25-22, 8-12, 22-17, 11-15, 17-13, 15J8, *32-28, 10-15, 28-24, 3-7,30-25,7-10,31-27, 15-19, 24-15, 10-19, 20-16, 19-24, 27-20, 12-19, 26-22, 19-23, 22-15, 6-9. Drawn.— J. Deans. {) 2-7, *23-18, 17-21, 26-23, 5-9, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 10-15, 19-10, 6-15, 13-6, 1-10, 31-26, 15-19, 23-16, 12-19, 18-14, 10-17, 22-13 7-10, 13-9, 11-15, 26-22, 10-14, 9-6, 19-23, 6-2, 14-18, 22-17, 18-22, 2^ 22-26, 17-13. W, wins.— D. Devon* 172 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (?) 9-14, 27-23, 6-9, 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 2-7, 32-28, 9-13, r-22-18, 8-11, 18-9, 5*14, 26-22, 14-17, 21-14. 10-26, 31-22. 7-10, 23-18, 1-5, 30-25, 10-l'4, 18-9, 5-14, 19-15, 11-03, 22-15. Drawn. —2*. McCall. {r) 22-17, 13-22, 26-17 loses, forming subjoined diagram :— 'Mt^/M W/// J. Reynolds. (A) 10-15 also wins. — Anders Bjerknes. 20 11 10 15 B. wins. 174 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. Var. 4. 2-32 28 26 19 22 18 24 20 16 11 8 4 11 to 16 23 23 27 10 14 23 27 31 27 27 24 24 19 31 24 19 16 11 8 4 8 19 23 7 11 14 23 11 15 27 31 27 23 B.wins.— T. J. Reynolds. (i) 27-23* 11-16* 32-27, 7-11, 22-17. 9-13. B. wins.— T. J Reynolds. Var. 5. [Published play shows that Black has only a narrow draw by 9-14, see the following, from which there are many losing varia- tions for Black shown in Atkinson's ^ White and Coloured Doctors."] 9 14 31 26 5 9 27 23, 6 10 *29 25 2 6 32 27 4 8 27 24 10 15 19 10 12 19 23 16 6 15 24 19 15 24 25 19 14 18 22 15 11 18 26 22 18 23 16 12 23 27 22 18 27 31 25 22 31 27 19 15 /• 7 11 21 17 £-27 23 17 14 (t) Forms the following position : — £*/-*23 27 14 5 27 23 tf-7-22 17 23 21 15 10 11 15 10 7 3 10 12 3 10 14 3 7 15 19 7 11 Black to move and draw. 19 24 11 15 24 27 20 16 21 17 16 11 17 22 11 7 27 32 7 2 32 27 Drawn. John Fahey, 1913. O') If 27-23 here then 15-11. W. wins.— L. Phillips. (k) 9-14, 17-10. 27-23, 10-7. 3-19, 12-3. 23-14. 3-8, 11-15, 8-11, 14-18, 20-16, 18-25, 30-21. W. wins -/,. Phillips. (I) 9-13, 15-10, 23-27, 14-9, 27-23, 18-14. 11. 15, 9-6. 23-18, 14-9, 18-25, 30-21, 1-5, 20-16, 5-14, 16-11. W. wins.-Z. Phillips. Var. 6. 12 8 15 19 7 10 15 18 10 15 3 7 18 22 16 11 8 3 11 15 20 16 19 23 18 14 11 25 30 21 23 18 14 10 8 11 10 7 3 10 Drawn,— John Fahty. WHITE DOCTOB 175 Var. 7. 20 16 18 11 30 25 21 17 22 17 8 4 11 20 23 19 20 24 27 31 26 22 22 17 15 11 11 8 25 21 17 14 17 13 14 9 8 15 19 15 24- 27 31 26 15 11 17 14 Drawn. — John Fahey. Var. 8. 23 19 7 10 10 6 1 10 10 15 15 18 14 5 21 17 17 14 5 1 18 14 6 2 19 10 10 7 6 2 9-7 2 15 19 19 24 30 25 17 13 14 10 1 6 14 10 2 6 10 7 7 10 2 7 2 9 11 15 25 21 22 17 10 6 13 6 20 16 W. wins Luke Phillips, 1909. Var. 9 10 15 11 15 15 18 24 27 ,18 23 3 10 18 14 * 6 2 13 9 6 1 6 9 12 3 20-15 19 7 11 , 19 24 27 31 23 27 W. wins 1 6 14 10 9 6 1 6 10 7 L. Phillip, Var. 10. 7 2 6 2 15 19 7 11 18 14 5 1 14 9 10 14 1 6 14 18 9 5 W. wins 2 7 2 7 11 1.5 13 9 27 31 9 6 3 10 3 7 23 27 6 9 Luke 7 10 12 3 19 23 Var 11 7 11. 15 18 Phillips. ro- 4 8 6 15 5 14 3 7 26 31 19 23 31 26 23 16 26 23 5 1 o-2 6 14 10 6 10 1 6 24 27 7 10 31 26 11 16 *27 23 *30 26 22 18 16 11 ,6 i 10 15 2 6 8 12 27 31 10 15 26 23 16 20 29 25 n-28 24 18 9 11 7 f 5 9 14 9 13 12 28 31 26 15 19 18 15 20 24 *23 18 20 16 23 19 7 2 9 14 22 17 10 Ifc 11 20 26 23 19 23 23 19 13 22 19 10 18 2 19 16 1 6 5 9 15 18 12 19 20 24 23 18 23 26 15 11 *26 23 2 9 9 5 6 9 25 22 W. wins. J King beat J. Wyllie. (m) Payne and Sturges give this line as a draw . (n) Mr. King's invention, and it corrects the old authors' play. (o) 2-7 also wins. — Wyllie. 170 DRAUGHTS — THE OPENINGS. No. 39.— "WHITE DYKE. 11 15 10 17 10 17 9 18 6 9 15 18 22 17 21 14 21 14 23 14 26 23 14 10 8 11 10- 4 8 1 6 12 16 9 18 7 14 a-17 14 9-b-26 23 29 25 tf-24 20 23 14 27 23 9 18 3- 6 10 2- 6 9 2 6 16 19 18 27 23 14 25 21 c31 26 25 21 30 26 32 7 Drawn.— Drummond, 1838 (a) This double exchange gives the title to the opening. For many years it was considered very weak for the second player ; but this opinion has been greatly modified since W. Beattie in- troduced the opening with such success in the London tournament of 1891. The 12-16 line of "attack was considered very formidable ; but Messrs. Martins and Beattie discovered a new defence which, although only superficially elucidated, gives White an equal game. (6) The best move at this stage. (c) 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 9-18, 23-14, 11-16, 27-23, 2-6, 25-22, 6-10,31-26.10-17,22-13, 7-10, 26-22, 8-11, 22-18, 10-14, 18-9, 5-14, 13-9, 14-18. Prawn.— J. Lees, {d) 26-22 draws: but 26-23 loses as follows :— 26-23, 16-19, 23-16, 11-20, 25-21, 2-6. 30-26, 6-9,26-23, 9-18, 23-14, 8-12, 21-17, 12-16, 17-13, 7-10, .14-7, 3-10. B. wins.— Drummond, 1838. Var. 1. 15 18 28 24 6 10 21 14 18 22 30 25 24 19 16 20 25 21 8 11 26 17 2 6 211 16 31 26 «10 17 €-19 15 11 18 Drawn. (e) If 30-25 or 32-28, JBlack wins by 5-9, 14-5, 11-16, etc. Var. 2. 6 9 32 23 11 18 24 20 23 16 11 15 28 24 f-g- 7 10 22 15 27 32 20 11 23 27 9 13 14 7 9 14 16 11 6 9 15 18 24 20 3 10 25 22 32 27 11 7 13 17 23 18 14 18 11 4 9 14 W. wins. 31 26 17 21 22 17 27 23 8 11 2 6 26 22 18 23 *17 14 14 18 *27 24 5 9 20 16 10 17 15 10 C. Brown, 18 27 18 15 23 27 4 8 18 23 1883. (/) 6-9, 2318, 9-13, 25-22, 17-21, 19-15, 12-16, 24-19. W, vina — £ Brown. WHITE DYKE. 177 (^) 6-10, 23-18, i7-21, 25-22. 10-17, 22-13, 7-10. 26-23, 10-14, 18-9, 5-14, 13-9, U-17, 9-6, 17-22, 23-18, 22-25, 6-2, 25-29, 2-6, 29-25, 6-10, 25-22, 10-14, 22-15, 19-10, 11-15, 10-6. W, wins.— C. Brown, 1885. Var. 3. ■ 6 9 6 10 6 10 7 10 10 14 11 18 23 18 25 21 25 21 14 7 24 20 23 5 15 22 10 17 10 17 3 10 14 17 26 30 25 18 21 14 21 14 2-31 26 32 27 27 23 1 6 2 6 A- 9 13 5 9 17 26 Drawn 29 25 30 25 27 23 26 22 18 15 Drummond Qi) 7-10, 14-7, 3-10. 24-19, 9 14. 18-9, 5-14, 27-24, 11-15. 32-27, 8-11, 27-23, 14-17, 24-20 1524, 28-19, 17-22, 23-18, 22 25. 31-26, 25-30, 26-22, 30-25, 22-17, 25-21, 17-14, 10-17, 19-15. Drawn — A. Jordan v. «/. L, Richmond. 1892. (i) 24-19, 10-14, 18-9, 5-14,^-28-24. 11-16, 24-20, 8-ll,*19-15, 11-27, 31-24, 16-19, 24-15, 14-18 32-27. Drawn — /. Lees. (j) 31-26 loses thus:— 31-26, 13-17, 28-24, 11-16, 24-20, 8-11, 32-28, 14-18, B, wins —Drummond. Var. 4. 7-15 19 11 16 9 18 3 19 9 14 14 18 A>24 15 31 26 23 14 5-18 15 29 25 17 14 11 18 6 9 16 23 6 10 5 9 9 13 28 24 26 22 27 18 15 6 25 21 Drawn. 8 11 1 6 7 10 2 9 19 24 Swan and 0-24 19 22 15 14 7 25 22 22 17 A damson. (k) This position can also be formed from the " Bristol,' thus : 11-16, 22-18, 8-11, 18-14 9-18, 23-14, 10-17, 21-14,4-8,26-23, 16-19. Same as var. 4 at 2nd move. Var. 5 25 22 15 6 17 13 9 6 2 7 29 25 6 10 2 9 9 14 M8 22 22 26 26 31 18 15 22 17. 10 9 6 2 7 11 19 23 12 16 14 18 5 9 16 20 Drawn (0 5-9. 6-2; 9-14, *29-25, 23-27, ,32-23,18-27 W, wins, — - R. Jordan. Var. 6. 24 20 9 13 23 19 • 2 6 21 14 17 22 11 15 30 26 10 26 15 11 9 18 4 8 25 21 16 19 10 6 9 • 8 4 12 16 6 9 wi-26 22 7 14 11 8 13 17 29 25 6 10 31 15 14 17 25 21 Drawn. A. E. Greenwood, 1908. (?n) 23* 19 allows a neat *win as follows :— -23-19, 15-24, 32-28, *5-9, 28-19 6-10, 14-5, 18-23, 27-18. 10-15, 19-10, 7-30, 5-1, 13-17, 21-14. 30-21, 14-9, 21-17. 1-5. 17-14. B. wins —A, S. Mackay, also W c Taylor. .32-28 also loses. See diagram :— - 178 .DRAUGHTS— -THE OPENINGS. 15 19 23 16 12 10 n20 16 19 23 26 19 13 17 o-31 26 6 9 19 15 17 22 26 17 9 13 Black to move and win. 16 It 13 29 15 10 29 25 12 8 3 12 10 3 25 22 27 24 18 23 B. wins W.A.Guttridge. 1899. (n) 27-23, 18-27, 31-15. 6-10, 15-6, 2-18, 20-16, 7-10, 28-24, 10-15,16-12,5-9,24-20, 15-19, 20-16, IS 23, 26-22. B wins.— W. A. Guttridge (o) 27-23, 18-27, 31-24,^-7-10, 14-7. 2-27, 21-14, 27-31, 25-22, 61-26, 22-18, 26-23, 19-15, 23-19. B. wins — W. A. Guttridge. (/>) 17-22. 25-18, 7-10, 14-7. 2 27. 18-14, 27-31, 19-15, 3 7, 28-24, 31-27, 24-19, 27-23, 19-16, 23-18, 15-11 l*-9, li-2, 9-13, 2-9, 5-14, 16-11, 13-9, 11-7, 9-6. B. wins.— W. dimming, 191% 15 18 19 10 Var 1 « . 7. 23 7 33 27 20 16 24 20 t- 6 15 28 19 27 31 16 19 26 23 11 15 a-26 22 7 10 7 3 27 31 29 25 28 24 w- 3 8 3L 26 31 26 19 15 22 29 .?-69 x-24 19 5 9 19 16 9 13 15 19 30 26 15 24 27 23 12 19 25 21 13 22 2 6 22 15 18 27 3 12 26 22 19 17 23 19 9 18 26 23 19 23 21 17 6 10 8-.s- 8 11 32 28 11 18 12 16 31 26 Drawn. E, North-on, I860. (?) 8-11, 30-26, r-fi-10, 23-19, 10-17. 19-10. 7-14, 26-22, 17-26, 81-8. W. wins. — W. B eat tie and R Martins, ir) 6-9,26-22,11-16. 20-11. 7-16, 24-19, 15-24, 22-15, 9-18, 27-11, 18-27, 32-23. W. wins. {s) 6-10 loses thus:— 6-10, 32-28, 10-17, 19-10, 7-14, 25-22, 18-25, 29-6 1-10, 20-16, 12-19, 24-6 W. wins.— W. Beattie beat J. L. Richmond, 1891. (t) This position can be formed from the " Kelso," thus: — 10-15, 21-17, 15-18, 22-15, 11-18, 23-14,9-18 17-14,6 9.26-23, 8-11, 24-20, 11-15 28-24. 4-8, 23-19, 2-6, 19-10. 6-15, 80-26, 8-lJ. Same as var. 7 at 12th move. WHITE DYKE. 179 (a) 24-19, 15-24, u-26-22 11-15,32-28,15-19,22-15,9-18 15-11, 7-16,' 20-11, 19-23, 27-20, 5-9, 11-8. 12-16. Drawn.— A. D. P. (v) 32-28 loses by allowing the follpwing neat »■■ shot":— 32-28, 9-13,28-19 11-15, 19-10, 18-22, 26-17, 13-22, 25-18, 5-9, 14-5, 7-32. B. wins.— A.D.P. (w) 12-16 loses thus:— 12-16, 24-19, 16-23, 20-16, 11-20,25-21, 18-25, 27-2, 9 18, 29-15. W. wins— A.D.P. ... tx) 31-26, 12-16. 26-23, 1-6, 22-17, 9-13 23-19, 16-23, 20-16, *13-22,16-12, *6-10, 12-3, 10-17, 3-26, 22-31, 25-21, 17-22, 32-28, 31-26, 24-20, 26-23, 27-24, 22-26 21-17. 26-30, 17-14 *18-22, 14-10, 22-26, 10-7, 26-31, 7-3 31-27, 3-7, 11-16, and Black has a winning advantage — J. GoodalL Var. 8. 9 13 12 16 11 27 32 28 y- 5 9 15 8 19 10 27 23 20 4 18 15 31 n 4 11 6 16 18 27 27 32 28 24 z-19 15 26 22 32 23 *22 17 15 11 10 6 W wins. 7 11 15 19 13 22 24 19 1 10 *14 10 24 15 25 18 29 25 25 21 W.Gardner (y) 19-16, 11-7, 16-11, 7-2, 11-15, 10-7, 3-10, 2-7, 10-14, 7-11, 15-w. 4-11, 14-17, 25-22. W. wins.— W. Gardner. (z) 1&16, 11-7, 16-11, 7 2, 11-15, 10-6, 1-10. 2-7, 9-14, 7-11, 15-8, 4-11, 14-18, 11-7, 10*15, 7-11, 15-19, 26-22. W. wins.- W. Gardner. Var. 9- 24 20 6 9 a-26 22 18 23 15 10 30 26 6 9 26 23 * 6 9 28 24 12 16 32 27 26 23 9 18 27 24 23 26 10 6 26 31 9 18 23 14 9 18 25 21 16 19 27 24 23 14 I 6 22 15 26 30 24 15 31 26 2 6 30 26 11 18 29 25 11 18 B. wins. 31 26 15 19 24 15 7 11 6 2 St urges (a) 25-22, *1M5, 6-20-16, 8-11, 14-10, 7-14, 16-7, 3-10. B* wins.— J. Bell (6) If 29-25. then 6-9 wins. If 14-10, ! M4, 20-16. 8-11. B. wins*— J 1 . Bell, Var. 10. 12 16 12 16 9 13 24 19 3 8 14 7 25 22 24 20 25 21 1 6 27 24 5 9 4 8 16 19 28 32 2 9 8 12 7 11 c-29 25 32 28 30 26 13 6 6 9 9 14 13 e- 6 9 1 6 32 28 19 15 15 18 11 15 ll-U 19 14 10 22 17 6 2 9 5 21 17 16 23 7 23 13 22 5 9 18 14 13 22 27 18 28 24 26 17 2 6 24 19 14 18 8 12 19 28 28 24 9 13 11 15 28 24 26 1 17 13 31 27 19 10 Drawn. R. Stewart v. W. Beattie, 1894. 180 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (c) Messrs. Martins and Beattie's new defence. The old line is as follows:— 24-19, 16-23, 26-10, 6-15, 29-26, 8-12 31-26, 12-16, 25-21, 1-6. 22-17 15-18, 30-25, 16-19, d-17-13, 11-16, 21-17 6-10, 25-21, 18-22,27-24. 22-31. 24-6, 2-18, 32-27, 31-24, 28-12, etc. Drawn. — Supplement to A.JJ.P (d) 27-23, 18-27,32-16, 11-20, 25-22, 7-11, 26-23, 6-9, 14-10, 9-13. 17-14, 11-15 23-19. 15-24, 28-19, 20-24, 19-16, 24-27, 16-11 27-3l„21-17, 31-26. 10-7,3-10, 14-7, 26-30, 17-14, 30-25, 22-18 ' 25-22 B wins — Martins beat McKerrow, 1859, (c) 6-10,/-24-20. 10-17, 22-13. £-8-12, 27-24, 15-18, 32-27, 1-6, continue :— - 26 23 17 21 h-25 22 28 19 26 19 15 6 6 10 27 23 11 15 7 16 *J2 7 16 23 23 14 7 10 20 11 23 18 18 15 6 2 10 17 24 19 15 24 16 23 *12 16 7 11 31 26 3 7 and a ''Bowen's Twin" development brings a draw. — P. Thir- teen, 4907. (/) 22-17 is also a good defence, (g) 16-19 is best.— W. Beattie. \h) 28-24, 10-14, 25-22, 7-10, 22-18, 2-7, 18-9,5-14,26-22, 21-25, 80-21, 14-17, 21-14, 10-26, *19-15. Drawn.— P. ThirkelL Var, 11. 26 23 12-27 23 32 23 25 22 26 23 14 7 9 18 15 18 6 9 8 11 20 27 3 10 23 14 22 15 23 18 30 2Q 31 24 24 19 1 6 11 27 9 13 16 20 H. McKean. Var. 12 7 10 Drawn. 30 26 14 10 23 16 27 23 31 27 24 20 *16 19 7 14 » 12 11 16 9 13 7 11 24 20 27 23 32 27 20 11 27 24 25 21 6 9 3 7 12 19 7 16 B. wins.— A. Hunter. Var 13. 3 7 9 W 16 20 7-25 21 16 23 7 6 10 23 14 24 19 11 16 31 26 3 19 14 7 9 18 15 24 26 23 * 7 11 26 23 2 11 27 24 28 19 6 9 19 15 19 26 18 15 Drawn. i- 8 12 22 18 16 19 30 23 11 18 J.Robertson tt) This is now a " Bristol " var., formed thus :- 11-16, 22-18, 8-11, 18-14, 9-18, 23-14, 10-17, 21-14, 16-20, 25-22, 11-15, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 4-8, 29-25, 8-11. Same as var. 13 at 6th move. (;') 22-18, 11-15, 18-11, 7-23, 26-19, 6-9, 30-26, 9-18, 26-22, 3-7', 22-15, 5-9, 31-26, 9-13, 25-21, 2-6, 27-23, 20-24, 19-16, 12-19, 23-16,13-17. Drawn. — Robertson v. Martins. WILL-O'-THE-WISP. 181 Var. 14. M6 19 8 12 6 10 11 15 9 14 • 3 7 24 20 32 27 27 23 r-21 17 8 4 8 3 6 9 12 19 n-10 15 14 21 *2l 25 25 30 14 10 27 23 16 12 16 11 30 21 3 10 7 14 lo- 1 6 9 13 7 16 14 18 30 25 27 2a 23 16 23 16 20 11 4 8 Drawn. 2 7 lo 19 15 19 5 9 18 25 23 16 31 27 r 25 21 U 8 26 22 J Lees. (k) 8-12 allows the following pretty win:— 8-12, 24-20, M6-19, 25-21, ro-6-10, 27-24. 10-17, 21-14, 3-8,22-17, 1-6, 17-13,6-9 13-6, 2-18, 32-27, 18-22, 26-17 19-23, 27-18, 15-22, 17-14. 11-15, 24-19, 15-24, 28-19, 8-11, 31-27. W. vrina.—Beattie and Martins. (0 If 6-9. White wins by 28-24, 9-18, 24-19, etc. (m) 6-9, 22-18. 15-22, 26-17, 9-18, 27-23. 18-27, 31-8. W. wins. (n) 11-15, 16-11, 7-16, 20-11, 19-24, 28-19. 15-24, 11-7, a-10-15, 7-2, 14-18. 23-14, 9-18, 2-^ 3-7, 6-2, jo-24-27, 2-11, 27-31, 26-23. W. wins. — W. Beat tie beat F, Dunne. (o) 24-27, 7-2, 27-31, 2-6. 9-13, 6-15, 1347, 22-13. 31-29, 23-19, 3-8, 19-16, 8-12, 15-19, 14-17, 16-11, 17-21, 11-7, 29-25. 7-2, 25-22, 2-7, 22-18, 7-11, 18-14, 11-15. W. wins.—/). C Calvert. (/>) If 7-11, then *2-6. W. wins.— D. C. Calvert. (?) 26-23, 19-26, 30-23, *11-15, 23-19, 15-24,28-19,14-17,22-18, 17-21, 25-22, *7-10, 16-11, 21-25, 11-7, 10-14. Drawn. (r) 16-11. 7-16, 20-11, 14-18, 11-8, 18-25, 8-4, 15-18, 4-8,*18-28 # 8-11, 23-27. Drawn.— J. Lees. Var. 15. 9 13 27 23 14 21 18 11 14 18 11 15 23 1G 15 19 23 18 3 10 2 7 W. wins. 1 6 *25 21 7 11 11 7 18 25 J. Moir, 31 27 11 15 16 7 10 15 7 11 also 6 10 *21 17 10 14 7 2 15 18 L. S. Head No. 40.— "WILL-O'-THE-WISP. 11 15 24 15 5 14 11 7 8 11 21 17 23 19 5-5-12 16 rf-27 23 2 11 15 8 13 22 «• 9 13 29 25 8 12 30 26 4 11 23 18 0-22 18 6 9 €-25 22 14 18 32 27 22 26 15 22 1-2-26 22 16 19 22 15 11 15 18 11 6\ 25 18 9 14 23 16 11 18 27 23 26 30 7}6- 7 11 18 9 12 19 26 23 1 6 11 7 $Jc-19 15 11 18 15 11 19 26 28 24 30 28 10 19 22 15 3 8 31 15 6 10 7 * Drawn.— Z2 4 Martins v. C. F. Barker, 1888, 182 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS, (a) This move gives the title to the opening The name was conferred upon it by the late Mr. Geo Wallace, of Glasgow, from the peculiarity of some of the variations where the player finds to his loss that he has been pursuing an ignis fatuus Published play shows a majority of wins for the second player. (6) The line most frequently adopted at the present day Both 8-11 and 13*17 are very weak And should be avoided (c) The best reply ; anything else gives Black the advantage. (d) 28-24, 14-18 30-26, 16-19, 24-20, 2-7, 27-23, 18-27, 32-16. 8-11. Drawn. 30-26 at this stage also draws, thus : — 30-26, 16-19, 27-23. 8-12, 2346 12-19. 32-27, 4-8. 27-23, 1-6, 23-16. 8.11, 16-7. 3-19, 25-22. 6 10 31-27, 10-15, 27-23,2-7,23-16 14-18 Drawn. — H. Christie v. C. Horsfall (e) 32-27 loses as follows -—32^27, *4-8, 25-22, 1-6, /- 22-18, 6-9 27-24, 16-19, 23-16, 12-19, 15-10, 14-23, 24-15, 9 14, 10-6, 2-9, 15-10 8-12, 10-6, 12-16, 6-2, 16-20. B. wins— Christie beat Jordan (f) 21-17, 14-2L, 23-18, 6-10, 15-6 2-9, 18-15, 3-7, 27-24, 16-20, 24-'i9, 20-24, 22-18, 13-17, 30-26, *24-27, 31-24, 21-25, 24-20. *25-29, 28-24. 29-25, 20-16, 25-30. B. wins.- W Gorman Var. 1. 2$ 24 19 24 2-26 23 5 14 *27 24 10 17 1 6 23 19 7 10 26 22 2 7 15 11 24 20 24 28 30 26 11 18 *23 18 Drawn #-l« 19 31 27 9 14 22 15 14 23 27 23 3 7 18 9 13 17 21 14 «/. Lees. (g) 3-7 leads to a safe draw, thus:— 3-7, *25-22, 9-14. 18-9, U-25, 20-11, 5-14, 27-23, 7-16, 23-18, 14-23,26-3,25-29,32-27, 29-25. 31-26, 6-10, 27-24. Drawn.— J. Lees. 9-14 at the same poipt is also safe ; 9-14, 18-9, A-5-14, 26-22, 11-18, 22-15. 16-19, leaving an even game. (h) Martins scored a win off C. F, Barker by taking 11-18 , but it is very weak, thus —11-16. 20 11, 8-15, *25-22. 18-25, 27-23, 5-14, 23-18, 14-23. 26-1, leaves White with a winning advantage. — J Lees But there is no more than a draw in the position — \i) 19-16, 9 14. 18-9, 11-18, 16-12, 5-14, 12-3, 6-9, 3-17. 13-31, 27-24. 9-13. 24-19, 18-23, 19-16. 31-27,30-26. 23-30. 32-23. 28-32. B. wins. — J. Lees. 26 23 14 23 Var y-31 26 . 2. 11 15 £-26 23 12 19 9 14 27 18 8 12 32 27 19 26 22 18 18 9 16 19 15 8 6 10 30 23 Drawn 5 14 25 22 4 11 14 7 15 19 23 18 2 6 18 H 3 10 23 16 J. Lees. (j) 21-17, 3-7, 31-27, 19-23, 28-24. 7-10, 24-19, 6-9, 15-6, 1-10, 19-15, 10-19, 17-14, 11-16, 14-5, 23-26. Drawn.— Jordan v. Free- man. The former won the ending ona" slip." ttlLL-o'-THE- WISP. 1 83 (k) 27-24. *l-6, 26-23. 19-26, 30-23, *15-19, 23-16. 12-19, 24-15, 10-19, 22-18, *6-9, 18-15. 9-14, 15-10, 14-18. 10-7, 18-23, 7-2, 23-27,2-7,27-31,7-11,31-27, 11-15, 19-23, 15-10, 23-26, 10-14, 26-30. 14-18, *30-25, 18-15, 25-22 15-19, 22-26. B wins.— J. Lees beat T. W. Walker. Var 3. 6 9 16 19 7 11 11 18 25 30 18 22 /-w-2l 17 17 14 31 27 20 11 3 8 24 20 13 22 1 6 p-19 23 5 14 30 26 22 26 26 17 27 24 14 10 7 3 8 12 32 28 S 7 9 13 6 9 8 15 26 23 Drawn, n 30 25 29 25 10 7 25 22 12 16 12 16 o-ll 16 q- 9 14 18 25 14 18 Dr. 25 21 4-24 20 18 9 27 11 28 24 Schaefer. (/) 29-25. 9-14, 18-9, 11-18, 26-22, 5-44, 22-15, 12-16. Same as trunk at 20th move. (m) 26-23, 9-14, 18-9 5-14. 23-18, .14-23, 27-18, 12-16. 2925. Same as var. 2 at 8th move. (n) If 29-25, Black gains a strong game by replying 7-10, etc. (o) 13-17, 31-26. 19-23,26-19, 17-22, 15-10. W wins— J Hill. (p) 13-17, 14-10. 17-22, 10-1,. 22-29, 15-10, 29-25, 10-7, 8-12, 7-3, 25-22, 3-8. White best.— Dr' Schaefer. (q"> If 23-26 *15-10. White best.— Dr. Schaefer. Var. 4 25 22 32 16 26 23 23 19 28 24 19 16 16 20 8 11. 6 9 20 24 27 31 26 23 r-31 26 15 8 21 17 19 15 24 19 B. wins. 20 27 4 20 2 6 24 27 31 26 Dr. Schaefer (?) 31-27, s-7-10 14.7, 2-11, 15-10, 6-15, 18-14, *8-12. B. wins — C. A. Larrison. is) 7-11 loses by allowing the following beautiful " stroke " : 7-11. 14-9, 5-23, 27-18, 20-27, 327, 2-11, 21-17, 8-12. 15-8. 4-11, 17-14. 12-16. 28-24. 16-20, 24-19, 20-24, 19-15, 11-16. 14-9, W. wins. — W. Beat tie. Var. 5. 5 9 13 17 4 11 tv- 6 10 1 10 16 20 29 25 22 13 23 18 14 7 9 6 11 15 12 16 19 24 2 6 3 10 10 14 29 25 f-26 22 28 19 31 27 13 9 6 2 15 18 u-16 19 8 12 1*41 16 a>12 16 14 17 20 24 21 17 15 8 18 14 9 6 2 7 9 14 6 29 16 23 10 14 17 21 17 10 27 23 27 18 18 9 7 11 Drawn 4, H, Mercer v. J A: Mugridge 184 DRAUGHTS— THE OPENINGS. (0 26-23, *l-5, 31-26, 9-14, 18-9, 5-14. 26-22, 1M8, 22 15, 16-19, 23-16, 8-11, 15-8, 4-20, 25-22, 3-7 22-18, 14-23, 27-18,6-10, 32-27. 10-15, 1*-11, 7-16 30-26, 2-7, 27-23, 7-11. Drawn.— W Gar dne?\ (u) If 1 6-20, White gets a strong game by replying 30-26 or 28-24. (v) 1-5, followed by *27~24, 6-10,-24-20 3-7, 32-28. 10-14, etc., draws . (to) I 5. 18-15, 3-7, 32-27. 12-16, 27-23, 16-20, 23-19, 20-24. ifi-10. W wins.— .K. Martins beat A. Brown, 1854. (x) 10-14, 18-15, 14-17, forms the following neat problem: — 15 10 17 21 9 6 29 25 6 2 25 22 > 2 6 ■ 1 5 10 7 22 18 6 10 12 16 7 3 16 19 3 8 •si ■ •_ White to move and win. H. Black. 19 24 8 11 18 23 *10 14 24 27 14 17 27 31 11 16 3? 26 16 20 23 27 32 23 26 19 17 14 W. wins {%j) 22-18, 6-9, 18-15, 10-7, 15.10, 7-2, 1-5, 9-13, 10-6, 2-9, 5-14, 13-17, 14-18, 17-14, 18-22. 14-18, 22-25. 18-15, 25-29, 32-27, 29-25, 27-24. 25-22. 24-20, 22-17, 15-18. White wins by Second Position. — H. Black. Var. 6. 2 6 22 17 13 22 26 17 3 8 17 13 Wyllie. (z) 29-25, 8-U. 25-22. 6-10, 27-23, 4-8, 22-18, 14-17,21-14, 10-17, 26-22, 17-26, 31-22, 2-6. *24-20, 7-10. 32-27, 6-9, 30-25, 10-14, 25-21, 3-7, 19-15, 13-17, 22-6. 1-26, 18-9, 26-30, 9-6, 30-26, 21-17, 26-22, 17-13, 7-10. Drawn. - J. Sinclair, 1SS2. (a) 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 18-14, 1-5, 23-18, 2-6, 32-27, *17-22, 27-23, 6-9, 19-15, 13-17 draws. — Swan and A dams on. 10 14 6 10 11 15 18 9 22 18 6-30 26 5 14 a- 1 5 4 8 --27 23 18 9 25 22 8 11 5 14 8 11 26 22 29 25 32 27 R. Martins v. J. 15 18 14 32 c-31 26 17 14 18 22 10 17 26 17 19 1 11 15 32 27 23 18 Drawn 1S64. WILL-O'-THE-WISP. 185 (b) 25-22, 14-17, etc. 'draws. 31-26 also makes a safe defence, thus:— 31-26, 4-8. 24-20, 15-24, 28-19, 8-11, 25-22, 11-15, 32-28, 15-24, 28-19, 3-8, 22-18, 14-17, 21-14, 10-17, 19-16. Drawn.— Drummond) 1851. (c) 24-20, rf-18-22, 27-24, 22-25, 31-26, 11-15, 26-22, 25-30, *2i-17, 14-21, 22-17. Drawn.— W. Reid. ( 11-15. 13-9, 6-13 20-16, 15-24; 27-20, 18-27, 31-24, 12-19, 24-6, 7-10, 6-2, 10-15, 2-6, 15-19, 6-9, 14-18, 9-14, 19-23, 14-10, 18-22,, 10-15, 22-25. Drawn.— M. E. Brennan, '1894. Var. 7. 10 15 24 19 13 22 30 26 8 11 17 14 18 11 e- 5 9 2Q 17 3 10 31 26 19 23 7 23 2b 22 7 10 26 17 11 16 18 15 27 18 8 11 16 7 10 15. 26 22 23 26 12 16 /-19 16 10 14 2-32 27 15 19 14 10 29 25 2 7 17 10 4 8 23 18 16 20 A-22 17 6 22 27 23 9 13 Drawn A. Webster v. A. 0. Robinson, 1883. (e) If 8-11, 25-22, 4-8, White gains a decided advantage by replying 18-14. (/) 26-23, 6-10, 30-26, 2-7, 32-27, 4-8. 19-15, 10-19, 23-16, £-8-12, 22-17,43-22 26-17,12-19,27-24, 20-27,31-8, 3-12, 18-15, 12-16, 15-10,7-14, 17-10, 16-19. Drawn— J. A. Kear v. W. Gardner. (g* 7-10 loses thus :-^-7-10, 16-7, 10-14, 18-15, 3-19, 22-17. W. wins.-^-tf H. Wilson, Qi) 26-23, 4-8, 16-12, 6-10, 31-27, 11-16, 28-24, 8-11, 30-25, 1-5, 24-19,9-14. 18-9.5-14, 22-18, *13-17, 18-9, 11-15, 21-14, 15-31, 25-21, 10-17, 21-14, 31-26, 23-18, *3-8, 12-3, 26-22. B. wins.— A Schaefer beat W. Bowe. (0 17-14, 9-18, 2d-24, 20-27, 32-14, 15-19. Drawn. Var. 8. 5 9 6 10 n- 2 6 12 19 7 10 9 14 29 25 28 24 19 15 23 16 3 7 19 16 10 14 1 5 17 21 10 19 o-lO 14 24 27 27 23 w-32 28 24 19 24 15 7 11 15 19 8 11 14 17 7 10 8 12 14 23 27 31 25 22 21 14 27 24 15 8 11 15 19 24 4 8 10 17 3 7 12 19 19 24 6 9 sf-24 20 31 27 19 16 8 3 26 19 16 11 Drawn. — Drummond, 1866. (j) 19-15, 7-10, 32-27, 10-19, .24-15, £-12-16. 22-17, 13-22, 26-10, /-8-12, 15-8, 6-22, 28-24, 16-20, 24-19, 9-14, 8-4, 22-25, 4-8, 2-7, 19-15, 1-6,31-26,25-29,26-22, 29-25, 22-17,6-9. Drawn —Drwnmond. 1851. (k) 2-7, 28-24, 12-16, 22-17, 13-22, 26-10, 7-14, 24-19, 16-20, *30-25, 1-5, 31-26,3-7, 26-22, 7-10, 22-17, 9-13, 18-2, W, wins.— J. Roberts. 186 DRAUGHTS — TWE OPENINGS. (/) 9-13, *18-14, 11-18, 2S-24, 6-15, 24-19. \V. win& — Drummond. (»i) 32 27, 14-17. 21-14. 10-17, 19-15, 2-6, 24-19, *7-10, 19-10. 10-19, 16-7, 3-10, 23-1G. 12-19, 18-14. Drawn — C. IL Irving. O) 17-21. 19*16, 12-19, 23-16 2-6, 16-12. 6- 10, 27-23, 9-14 draws, but it requires Black to play very carefully. (o) 10-15, 18-11, 6-10, 7-14, 9-25, 11-8, 5-9, 8-3, />- 25-29. 3-7, 29 25, 7-11, 13-17, 11-16, 9-14, 16-23, 25-22. Drawn —Drummond. (p) 9-14, 3-7, 14-18, 7-10.18-22, 26-17, 13-22, 10-14, 19-23, 14-17. W. wins. — Wyllie beat A. Mcintosh, 1851. Var. 9. (7-26 23 9 14 21 14 14 23 27 23 16 19 s-- 6 9 18 9 10 26 27 18 5 9 23 16 22 18 5 14 31 22 3 7 30 25 12 19 15 22 w-25 .22 11 15 28 24 11 16 18 14 25 18 w-4 8 19 10 8 11 20 11 8 11 20-24 20 7 14 32 27 7 16 29 25 14 17 23 18 I 5 24 20 Drawn J. % L. Richmond v. J. McCallum. (q) 22-17 is inferior to 22-18 or 26-23. The following shows a stronger line of attack than that given by Drummond in his edition of 1851 :— 22-17, 13-22, 25-11, *7-23, 27-18, 5-9, 29-25, 12-16, 26-23, 16-20, 24-19. 8-11, 25-22, 4-8, 7-30-26, 2-7, 32-27, S-12, 19-15, 10-19, 23-16, 12-19, 27-24. Drawn. 0) 32-27, 8-12. 30-26, 11-16, 19-15. 10-19, 21-17, *2-7, 27-24, 20-27, 31 15, 9-13, 15-11, 1-5, 11-2, 16-19, 2-9, 5-21. B. wins.— W. btrickland.. (s) Best ; ihough 5-9 or 8-11 also draw. The following shows the proper defence in reply to the latter: — 8-11, 23-18. Ml-16, 18-11,16-23,27-18.7-16 18-15, 10-19, 24-15, 3-7, 32-27,7-10, *27-24. lu-19, 24-15,' 16-19. 30-26, leaving an even game. (t) This position occurs in the "Cross" opening, thus: — 11-15, 23-18, 8-11, 26-23, 9-13. 23-1& Same as note (s) at 3rd move. (») 23-18. 14-23, 27-18. 10-15, 19-10,7-23,31-27, r-12-16. 27-18, 4-8, 24-20. 16-19, 30-26, 3-7, 32-27, 8-12, 27-24, 19-23. 26-19, 11-16, 20-11, 7-23 Drawn — IF. Payne, 1756. O) 23-26, 30-23, 12-16, *24-20, 4-8, 28-24, 8-12, 24-19, 3-7, 25-22, 7-10, 22-18. Drawn. (w) If 11-15, White draws easily by replying 31-26, followed by 23-18, etc. Var. 10. 31 20 19 10 24 19 25 22 18 11 2 6 1 5 7 23 3 7 2 6 9 14 10 14 23 18 26 19 IL x-30 25 21 17 *11 7 6 10 14 23 11 16 5 9 7 10 14 21 Drawn, 27 18 19 15 22 18 15 U 7 2 10 15 16 20 20 24 8 15 6 9 J Lees* WILL -O'-THE- WISP, 187 (x) 28-24, 20-27, 32-23, 7-11, 22-18, 2-7, 30-26, 5-9, 15-10, 7-14, 26-22, 11-16, 18-15, 16-20, 15-10. 20-24, 10-7, 24-27, 7-3, 27-31. B. wins. — Coakley beat JSchaefer. Var. 11, 32 27 15 10 18 14 22 18 21 14 10 6 2 6 11 16 9 18 26 23 16 20 22 26 y-30 25 27 23 23 14 10 7 18 15 6 2 ^-6 9 20 24 27 31 t23 19 13 17 26 31 22 18 19 15 25 22 12-* 7 3 14 10 2 7 7 11 *24 27 31 2ii 19 17 17 22 Drawn (t) The play to this stage is by P. Thirkell, continuation W. D. Benstead, 18y8. (y) 30-26,7-11, 22-18. 11-16, 27,23, 20-24, 26-22, 6-9, 15-10, 24-27, 10-7, 27-31, 7-2, 31-27, *21-17, 27-31,2-6, 16-20,17-14, 31-27, 22-17. Drawn.— \\\ Gray. (z) 5-9,22-18, 7-10, 25-22, 10-14. 27-23, 13-17, 22-13, 20-24, 21-17, 14-21, 18-14, 9-27, 15-11, 8-15, 19-1, 27-32, 28-19. Drawn. — «/. Maize. Var. 12. i.?-15 10 *22< 17 11 15 , a-*16 19 18 15 15 18 * 8 11 28 24 27 31 18 15 *32 28 6 9 7 3 ♦16 20 15 ]S *27 24 15 24 *17 22 *19 15 24 19 31 27 15 18 28 19 B. wins. 3 8 20 24 19 15 *24 28 7 2 *15 22 15 11 *12 16 11 7 19 15 P. Thirkell 8 15 24 27 15 11 *28 32 2 6 1898. (a) Storming the White king. Var. 13. b-U 10 6 9 11 7 16 19 7 10 19 16 # 16 20 c-16 19 26 22 2Q 30 23 18 26 22 7 2 10 6 7 2 19 16 15 19 7 10 *12 16 19 23 12 16 22 26 26 31 22 17 2 6 6 1 2 7 16 11 19 16 16 11 * 8 12 23 26 16 19 26 23 31 27 23 19 18 14 1 6 7 11 10 15 16 19 11 8 *19 23 26 30 19 23 18 22 *22 26 19 15 15 11 6 10 11 16 11 7 10 7 10 19 *23 18 30 26 23 26 30 26 27 23 17 10 B. wins.— P. Thirkell (b) For more extended play see tl S.D.Q.," page 46.. (c) Black must avoid exchanging at present, or White can draw by packing away down in the double corner. Also note that the point in this line of play is for Black to gain square I? with a king before exchanging. — F. ThirkelL Selected Positions BY VARIOUS AUTHORS. 1 —First Position by Payne. y/AAA, '/A ///■ ^? % #& (It. m 1 m W, % "f ll m 0, 'fflfr ^ ^ 1 WW/* v/ u m 1 w II y/y/fr.fc %/''// ' : f : i m\ J II %lf f mm 1 « 1 | 1 ©n 1 9 fli sl ^5; l|W] ^IH V/ i » 1 * 1 'aWaa^ y/ ^ M2 L_pL n j__ff- ■Si! 3.-J. Wyllle. Black to move and win, a.— Payne, 1756. Wmmmi m Jm Jm M m m w H! WAife to wove and win. 4.— J. A. Kear, Senr. £>£uc£ *o move and win* Z?/ac& *o 7«ove a/jtf t/?aw. SELECTED 5 — O. H. Slocum POSITIONS. 189 8,-C. Hefter. Black to move and win. 6.-M. H. C. Wardell. White to move and win. 7. -Fred Allen. Wh 'W// 'WA 'W&m Wk m&m&t & '////// W///, / Wy,, W///>fWM / HP HP HP Wfr® White to move: Black to win. 13.— Sturjres, 1800. M.-W.Nesbit* W.Clark, White to move and win 15.- Jos. Brown. "■•■"■"a 1 mm m fm^ 5§§ H H » it- up iQia f/ m, W/, y/ W/, m Black to move and win.. 16. J. P. Reed & C. Hef ter. Black to move and win* -Black to move and win* SELECTED 17.— J. Lees, Glaseow. ■ m m ...9 ■■>: ■W/> Z'///// Wb W/, jm m .. m . m mW» is'/// ■»//// :' §©« m Jm W$ M^9 Wa m m, mMm \ *J* m m\ Jm w & m^ Black to move and draw. POSITIONS. 191 20^—E. Cfark. ■jmm m | mm m m m 9 iai 9mi w m H Jm 18.— D. L. McCaushie, White to move and ivin. i9»— F. Dunne. '(///% W//// //0/Y/ wAwvM W/, W//,, wk f «1 Black to move and win. White to move and win 21.- F. Dunne. wSarmWm Black to move and win. 22.— A. Ronald, W? WP *J*w/8rm v m r fm^m v m- W/, W/, w^=^w&\ Wa W// y /M' Wfr w fl wry • * ■ ■ Black to move and win 192 DRAUGHTS—SELECTED POSITIONS. 33.— Henry Hutzler. White to move and win. 34.— J. Lees. White to move and win. 25.— J. Lees. 26.— Dr. Brown. Black to move and win. 27.- Hugh Byars. WM W/A W/// WA w m m W& Black to move and win. 28. — R. Jordan. White to move and win. Black to move and win. SELECTED 2Q-— Hugh Black. jBjmJa^mi posrnom 193 32. -T W. Walker. White to move and win. 30.— T. Muir. White to move and win. 31.-O. W. Dent. ™y/y/ 7////$/ v//// v//// w §, M W, ft 6/acA; * o move and draw* JLiLii^iit 1 KS*JBJm ill II White to move and win. 33 — W. D. Benstead. White to move and draw 34-- J. E. Green, White and win. 194 DRAUGHTS—SELECTED POSITIONS. 35.— J. T. Qordon. v/M V//M P « • « l.i_i_J_w /tfadb to wioue and wm. 36.--T. McLaren. ■-.■•■•■-I % Sw Vttt 'i » pel ^ White to move and win. 37.- C. J. Greensword. White to move and win. 38.- W. Veal. White to move and win 3Q.— E. E. Cresswell. ■WJfl Ji ■H«2P | il pJSJiJ*. ^ II 'Aito to wioue and tCffl 40.— X W. Dawson. '•■■Si W7 19 28 9 14 32 27 *26 31 8 3 B. wins 25 30 32 28 *30 25 Drawn. 200 DRAUGHTS — SOLUTIONS TO POSITIONS. (a) 32-28, 24-27, 15-19, 23-26, 19-?3, 26-30. 23-32, 9-14. Drawn (b) 22-17, 24-27, 17-13, 9-14. Drawn. No. 18-D. L. McCaughie. * 6 2 7 10 17 22 18 22 16 19 22 31 10 14 14 17 15 18 25 29 27 23 29 25 * 2 7 *10 15 22 25 32 27 19 26 31 26 11 16 ' W. wins. No. 19.— F, Dunne. 37 83 38 84 12 8 83 118 6 10 10 15 15 11 11 15 23 19 2 6 B. wins. No. 20.— E. Clark. *30 25 13 17 22 26 2 9 26 23 19 24 5 9 25 21 17 13 13 6 2 6 10 15 *10 6 17 22 96 31 31 26 23 19 24 28 9 13 21 17 10 6 6 2 6 10 15 19 6. 10 W wins-by "First Position " No. 21.— F. Dunne. 11 15 3 7 16 12 7 11 12 8 15 18 20 16 B wins. No. 22.— A. Ronald. 10 15 15 19 a- 6 2 19 24 2 11 24 20 9 6 B. wins. (a) 6-9, 19-24, 9-6, 24-20. B. wins. No. 23— Henry Hutzler. 2 7 10 15 22 17 7 11 9 13 15 18 25 29 25 22 2 7 a- 5 9 7 3 13 17 7 10 6 2 17 14 11 7 14 9 30 26 29 25 W. wins. (a) 14-17, 15-18, 5-9, 11-7, 17-14, 18-22. 9-13, 30-26. W. wins. No. 24 —J. Lees. 30 26 11 16 13 17 17 22 22 26 26 19 8 11 14 18 18 15 *15 11 *11 8 8 12 26 23 W. wins. No. 25.-—J. Lees. a-24 20 *20 16 *16 11 *22 17 *11 15 17 14 31 27 27 24 24 19 14 18 19 10 W. wins. (a) 24-19 only draws, by *30-26, 22-17, *26-23. Drawn. SOLUTIONS TO POSITIONS. 201 No. 26.— Dr. Brown. 16 11 1-U 7 «-12 8 19 15 23 19 6-19 16 30 26 20 16 26 23 (a) 7-2, 15-10, 12-8, 19-15. B. wins. (b) 22-25,29-22, 15-18, 22-15, 19-12. 8 12 7 2 16 11 15 10 B. wifts. B. wins. 11 8 15 11 8 4 11 7 Var. 1. 12 16 16 12 4 8 7 3 23 19 19 15 B. wins. 8 4r 15 11 No 27. Hugh Byars. 11 16 12 8 a-16 12 23 19 15 24 *12 8 24 27 8 3 3 12 12 16 27 31 B. wins (a) 16-20 only draws, by 23-19, 15-24, 8-3, 24-27, 3-7, 27-31, 7-10. Drawn. No. 28.- R. Jordan. *19 24 8 11 15 19 19 23 *24 27 11 16 16 19 19 26 No. 20.— Hugh Black. 25 30 26 23 30 25 B. wins. 5 1 27 32 1 6 32 28 6 10 2S 24 20 16 23 26 10 15 11 4 8 11 24 20. 16 23 26 22 16 11 \ 8 *11 7 No. 30.— T. Muir. 22 26 7 2 26 23 14 9 13 6 2 9 23 27 15 19 VV. wins. 7 11 27 31 11 15* 31 22 30 25 No. 3«.-G. W. Dent. 22 29 15 22 W. wins. 32 27 7 11 27 23 19 16 23 26 16 19 12 IS 31 22 24 27 11 16 19 23 19 26 27 31 26 23 31 26 23 18 26 17 Drawn. No. 32. -T. W. Walker. *25 21 14 18 21 17 18 22 17 14 22 25 6 2 18 23 14 9 25 22 *31 26 25 30 2 6 23 30 9 6 22 18 9 14 30 25 * 6 9 30 25 14 18 25 21 18 22 11 15 19 19 8 11 22 18 W. wins, 202 DRAUGHTS— SOLUTIONS TO POSITIONS. No 33- W. D. Benstead. * 7 2 9 2 6 2 5 1 * 9 14 14 9 10 14 3 7 18 23 31 27 20 24 15 10 2 6 *11 8 13 9 16 14 9 9 5 19 15 4 11 23 27 27 24 24 19 10 14 6 10 2 6 9 5 6 9 9 14 2 6 15 6 14 18 27 31 24 20 19 15 Drawn. No. 34«-J« , E. Green. "*20 24 32 27 24 28 '27 24 21 30 30 23 19 28 31 24 32 27 29 25 32 28 28 26 *27 31 28 32 28 32 W. wins. No. 35-— J« T. Gordon. 9 14 15 10 18 23 15 11 18 14 10 3 11 15 25 18 19 15 20 16 17 10 16 12. 29 25 10 17 23 18 11 8 2 7 B. wins No. 36 — T. McLaren. 29 25 19 12 12 16 14 9 16 19 19 15 12 16 27 23 23 18 5 14 17 22 W. wins. No. 37*-C J . Greensword. 23 18 18 15 31 26 16 7 10 12 16 21 31 No. 38.- W. Veal. W. wins: *17 13 14 18 *15 18 25 29 *23 19 29 22 9 14 *10 15 22 25 *18 23 16 23 17 28 * 7 10 18 22 ♦21 17 27 32 *30 25 W. wins. No. 39.— E. E. CressweU. li 8 15 11 3 7 10 15 11 16 19 24 4 11 * 7 3 4 8 7 11 18 23 15 19 15 8 11 4 7 2 8 12 26 22 19 15 30 26 6 10 13 9 12 8 10 7 I- 1 6 2 7 Vai 15 19 9 14 *. 1. W wins. 1 7 10 18 22 14 10 6 2 2 7 3 7 8 11 26 17 15 6 *13 9 9 6 4 8 10 14 11 15 17 14 W. wins. No . 40. — J. W. Dawson. *11 7 20 27 22 25 30 26 31 26 23 18 17 22 * 2 6 * 9 18 *23 18 *14 9 *15 10 *27 24 27 31 25 30 2G 22 26 23 18 15 16 20 * 6 9 *18 14 *19 15 *18 14 M0 6 ♦72 W wins. SOLUTIONS TO POSITIONS. 203 No. 41.— Fifth Position 13 17 11 15 fl-23 19 27 31 22 13 9 G 24 27 2 6 6 10 15 24 6 2 31 27 13 9 (a) 6-2, 10-15, 2-6, 15-19, 23-16, 12-19 Drawn. No. 42. J. Curran. 6 10 28 32 *27 24 2S 24 21 30 19 28 19 23 tt-20 27 30 25 32 28 10 19 32 28 23 32 6 15 14 18 27 24 15 22 20 16 24 15 Drawn. 30 23 28 26 W. wins* (a) 28-19, 23-16, 20-24, 30-25, 21-30, 16-20. W. wins. No. 43 —W. H. Russell. 20 24 16 11 16 11 2 9 10 15 25 11 J-19 16 19 16 7 2 5 14 17 10 16 5 24 19 11 7 11 16 13 9 Var. 1. 18 22 B. wins> 19 15 24 27 15 }S 19 24 11 7 32 27 10 19 21 17 27 23 15 11 28 32- 2 9 17 14 18 22 18 15 24 28 B. wins 7 2 23 18 No. 44.- -Willie Gardi ner* 10 15 19 23 26 30 6-*30 25 32 27 22 1& 25 22 6 10 15 8 22 18 18 14 9 5 15 19 23 26 *'28 32 25 22 27 23 23 19 2 6 10 15 «-18 15 c- 8 11 14 9 Drawn. («) 8-11, *32-27, 18-14, 30-25, 22-18, 27-23. (b) 32-27, 15-10. W. wins. (c) 8-4. *32-28. Drawn. Drawn No. 45.-S. J. Pickering. 20 16 a-23 26 31 22 6-29 25 14 18 21 14 12 19 22 17 5 14 22 17 19 15 15 29 15 24 14 21 24 19 Drawn, O) 14-10, 24-28, 5-14, 22-18. Drawn. (/>) 21-25, 22-18, 14-23, 19-26. Drawn. |.* 7 3 «-21 25 No. 46. J. W, Dawson.. 30 21 *12 8 * 3 8 19 12 14 18 4 11' 11 16 22 26 8 11 W. wins. (a) 14-18, *12-8, 4-11, 3-8. W. wins. 204 DRAUGHTS — SOLUTIONS TO POSITIONS. 2-12 8 4 11 6-7 3 22 26 Var. I. 30 23 c- 3 8 21 25 25 30 (&) 7-2, *21-25, 30-21. 14-18. Drawn, (c) 3-7, 25-30, 7-16, 30-26. Drawn. Var. 2. 7 2' 30 21 2 7 *21 25 14 18 No. 47-— J 23 19 *13 9 22 25 2-27 23. a- 5 14 21 30 22 26 ► George. 31 26 23 16 W wins. (a) 23-16, 31-26, 5-14, 22*25. Var. 1. £-27 32 22 18 25 30 18 23 6 10 21 25 13 9 30 25 32 27 10 14 27 32 14 10 W. wins. (6.) 5-9, 22-18. W. wins. No. 48.— J. P. Grey. a 15 7 11 6 9 30 23 5 14 10 17 32 28 ,30 26 Drawji. 26 31 Drawn. 9 11 W. wins. 17 21 25 22 23 27, 24 19 23 32 7 3 7 10 14 18 28 24 23 32 16 23 16 19 19 23 23 26 20 27 14 23 10 7 3 7 10 14 18 22 32 23 32 27 12 16 NO. 23 26 26 30 49--P. Thirkell. 26 31 W. wins. ♦16 19 12 19 * 8 11 9 14 11 18 19 24 23 16 14 10 No ; 10 1 18 9 50.— J. Churchill. 9 6 B wins. 30 26 17 13 6 10 9 6 22 26 31 24 25 29 2 6 14 9 21 25 29 3L 28 12 26 22 10 7 15 6 15 24 27 B. wine. No. 51.-— J. Tyrie. *18 15 14 17^ 29 25 29 22 22 15 15 8 10 14 25 21 22 29 15 11 8 4 4 18 22 18 17 22 No. 30 25 52.— A. C. Hews. W. wins. 20 16 14 7 16 12 19 3 21 14 3 8 30 23 23 14 2 11 28 19 4 11 9 18 10 7 15 10 12 8 31 15 25 22 8 29 3 10 8 15 14 7 11 18 18 25 W. wine, NOTES ON THE POSITIONS. 205 NOTES ON THE POSITIONS. No. 1 is universally known as the "First Position." This, along with what are termed the Second, Third and Fourth Posi- tions, is to be found in Gould's "Problem Book," which contains 1,084 selected problems suitable for all classes of players. The positions should be thoroughly studied by the learner, as they frequently occur in play, and are not easily carried to a success- ful issue except by the most experienced players. Nqs. 2, 3, 4. 9. 11, 13, 19, 21 and 22 are simple, and have often been*published ; but they are included in this collection to illus- trate the power of u the move" or '*• opposition." Nos. 7 and 8 are given to show two different "settings" of the same idea by two of the greatest problemists. No 10 is a practical end-game from the u Single Corner. " The learner will notice that Black manoeuvres his pieces so as to re- lieve the imprisoned king on 32. When that is accomplished the game is won. No. 12 is a form of the " SecondJPositibn" that should be care- fully studied by the novice. No. 16 contains a cute little manoeuvre which frequently occurs in play. No 17 is by a cousin of the author, and was drawn across board. No. 18 is of peculiar interest, as it is a correction of the last game played by the late lamented Wm. Strickland. Mr. Bownas, his opponent, took the exchange (28-24) and the game was drawn. No. 26 is left as drawn by Sturges, and was accepted as correct by Jas. Tonar in his revision of Sturges -in the old " Draught Board," by R. E. Bowen in his c< Cross" book, and by J. D Jan- vier in his •* Sturges." It forms Problem No. 16 of Mr Leggett's Gems from Two Worlds"; and is a fine specimen of Dr. Brown's^ genius. Referring to the position. Mr. Janvier remarks, '* If Dr. Brown has an idle knot hole around, I would like to en- gage'it for the combined intellect of Bowen Tonar and myself to retreat to until we recover from the shock .that his correction has given us, for we will have to own up that he has laid us all out in the cold." No. 27 was first published in the Dundee People's Journal ', Sept. 28, 1889. and was noticed by the editor, W. Taylor, as a '-problem which will rank with the first-class." It afterwards went the rounds of the various columns in this country and America, and tlOG DRAUGHTS— NOTES ON THE POSITIONS. lara$~claimed as original by J. Bennie, Draughts Editor of the Toronto Mai I j but the credit of this little gem belongs to Mr. Byars. No. 30 is by a contemporary of Anderson and a contribution to that author's celebrated "Second Edition/' Mr. Muir was one of the strongest of the " Andersonian school " of players. No. 32 is a fine end-game from the " Bristol." The sacrifice of the piece at the 17th move of the solution forces a neat win. No. 41 is of frequent occurence ; and it is difficult to say who was the first to publish it. It may be appropriately called. " Fifth Position," as is suggested by Mr. F. Tescheleit in the '.' British Draughts Player," " Whilter," Exercise No 9. The joregoing Notes on the Positions are by the Author of this work. The notes that follow are by the Reviser* No. 23. A fine practical ending. The win might easily be missed. No. 28. A beautiful and characteristic touch of strategy by one of the greatest strategists. No 31. A pretty draw which corrects a game between two London experts. No. B3. A very narrow draw, the author by a clever ruse brings the White side through. No. 34. The final coup is cleverly forced. No. 35. The win is neat, poor White gets quite a shock. Nos. 36 and 49 are smart corrections of cross board play which occurred between North of England experts, who onJy made a draw in each case. Nos. 37, 38, 47, 50 and 51 are exceedingly fine examples^ ol the deferred *• shot "or " stroke." No. 39 is a practical problem of much merit. No. 42. -A beautiful little point in end-play is brought out. Something similar occurred in a Scottish Tourney game. No. 43. A magnificent conception. A gem of purest ray serene. No. 44. The touch of a master-hand. No. 45. A flawless gem. No. 48. Contains a neat and instructive idea. No. 52. A brilliant pyrotechnic display by '-The Stroke Problem King." ADDENDUM. 207 ADDENDUM. " BRISTOL-CROSS. Page 25— continue note (h) thus : — 20 '27 16 19 27 31 24 19 27 54 24 27 32 7 25 22 28 24 16 12 3 8 16 19 8 11 19 23 31 27 19 24 24 27 6 9 22 18 3 7 24 20 12 8 8 12 22 17 11 16 23 27 27 24 24 27 27 24 9 13 7 3 7 11 20 16 8 3 12 16 19 23 White wins.- -7. P Reed Page 26, note (/) at 6th move- -in place of 30-26, play thus :- 29 25 19 24 1 6 24 19 23 2Q 16 11 11 15 10 19 19 15 2 7 27 31 21 17 19 16 24 27 22 17 19 24 30 25 11 7 15 18 32 23 27 31 7 11 32 27 17 14 16 12 18 27 6 1 24 19 14 17 28 32 10 15 19 23 15 19 11 15 27 32 18 15 12 8 27 31 14 10 19 24 25 21 32 27 7 11 23 18 5 9 10 14 32 27 30 26 8 3 28 32 10 7 23 19 26 30 27 32 11 16 18 22 19 23 15 18 27 23 26 23 3 7 32 27 1 6 24 27 17 14 32 28 16 19 13 9 9 13 22 26 31 27 23 27 7 10 27 23 17 22 27 32 22 26 7 2 17 22 9 6 31 27 18 23 23 19 14 10 21 17 23 19 7 2 19 24 14 18 28 32 22 29 6 1 27 24 2Q 22 19 16 27 23 17 13 31 27 6 10 24 27 26 22 W wins T. Cowie. "CENTRE. " Page 29, note (c)— for 3-7 at 2nd move play 6-9, 32-28, 3-7, and D C Calvert continues 28-24, 12-16, 30 ,26, 18-22, 26-17, 9-18, 23-14, 13-22, 25-18, 15-22, 27-23, 1-6. Drawn. P8ge 31, var. 5 — instead of 9-14 at 3rd move, Black draws by:— a- 2 7 7 11 1 10 9 13 10 15 14 18 17 14 31 26 26 22 24 19 8 3 7 10 10 17 3 7 6-12 16 15 31 31 27 18 25 22 13 24 20 32 28 22 8 3 7 10 12 9 14 6 9 5 9 7 11 27 25 25 30 26 23 13 6 28 24 26 22 29 22 Drawn. Swan and Adamsori. DRAUGHTS — ADDENDUM. (a) The. same authors also show a draw by 12-16. (b) 5-9, 27-24-, 18-27, 32-23, 12-16, 22-1.7. k White wins.— Swath and Adcunson, 44 CROSS." Page 32, Trunk, note (/)— - continue the Ferr ie«Jordan play as follows:-— 25 22 26 22 9 6 20 16 15 18. 28. 24 11 15 8 11 25 30 11 20 3 7- 20 27 22 17 22 .18 6 2 2 11' 18 9 6 2 15 24 13 22 30 26 10 14 27 18 23 16 25 19 18 9 *32 28 11 15 9 6 2 20 9 13 22 25 i-26 31 31 27 18 23, Drawn. R. B. Stirling', 1898. Var. 1. 12 16 10 14 18 23 19 15 31 2fc 18 14 19 12 24 19 15 8 11 8 21 17 11 15 26 19 15 24 24 19 23 27 15 18 2 6 6 10 8 11 8 4 8 It Drawn. 19 15 14 18 7 16 27 31 26 2.2 H. McKean *2$ 2* 10 15 20 11 4 8 17 13 1899. "DENNY." Page 46, var. 12, at 11th move — irv lieu of 6-10, Black drawa by:- 7 10 18 11 10 17 24 19 18 22 14 10 22 17 8 15 21 14 4 8 2S 24 8 11 11 15 17 14 15 18 19 15 22 26 Drawn Southport M.S. "NAILOR." Page 103, var. 12. at 3rd move— instead of 22-18, the following appears to draw : — 32 28 10 15 26 10 16 31 26 14 17 6 9 19 10 7 14 22 18 3 7 21 14 22 18 2> 6 29 25 6 10 19 16 10 17 15 22 24 19 9 13 18 9 12 19 Drawn. 25 la 6 22 25 22 5 14 23 16 E. R. Wiley CHESS AND CHECKER BOOKS The Chess Player's Compendium By William Cook. A Practical Guide to the openings. Fifth Edition, with a new supplement by Alfred Emery. A collection of nearly two thousand examples, continued to the twentieth move, from games actually played by ex- perts, will meet the requirements of students who, nowa- days, seek some knowledge of the method of framing an attack or establishing a defense in the early " middle game," to supplement their experimental familiarity with the preliminary stage of the opening. 332 pages, 8vo, $1.50 Chess Openings, Ancient and Modern By Freeborough and Ranken. Revised and corrected up to the present time by E. Freeborough and Rev. C. E. Ranken. A new edition, with numerous original varia- tions and suggestions, by Geo. B. Fraser, Dundee, and other eminent players and analysts. l2mo, cloth, . . .1.50 The Chess Player's Manual By G. H. D. Gossip and S. Lipschutz. Containing the Laws of the Game, according to the Revised Code laid down by the British Chess Association. By G. H. D. Gossip, winner of the First Prize in the Correspondence Tournament of the " Chess Player's Chronicle, " 1873-74. Revised and Edited with an American Appendix by S. Lipschutz, Champion of the Manhattan Chess Club of New York. Octavo, cloth, stamped in gold and colors, 1 020 pages, . 3.00 Mitchell's Guide to the Game of Chess By David A. Mitchell, Chess Editor Philadelphia Ledger. A complete course of instruction for beginners ; containing Rules and Instructions, The Opening Moves, The End Game, Problems and Solutions to Problems, Etc. l2mo, cloth, 0,75 CD One Hundred Pitfalls on the Chessboard By E. A. Greig. New Revised Edition by M. W. Stevens, A.R.C.Sc. From this book the reader may obtain a thorough knowledge, if not of all the 6i Pitfalls'' existing on the chessboard, at least of their principles. A knowl- edge of these is essential, for it is the easiest thing im- aginable for a player to obtain a lost game through moving a wrong pawn, or taking a pawn at all. Small i2mo, cloth, $0.75 The Art of Chess By James Mason. Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. A Practical Treatise on the whole Game in development of "Principles," more particularly designed for use by students and advanced players. Containing a chapter on Method,— with (1) The End Game; (2) The Middle Game — Combination in General; (3) The Openings — all exemplified from actual play by the greatest Masters of the Art. i2mo, cloth, 2.00 Principles of Chess in Theory and Practice By James Mason. Fourth Edition, Revised and En- larged. No better book for beginners has ever been issued, while even the expert will find much in its pages to instruct him. No author has written more clearly or instructively. It is just such a book as has been needed, and contains more matter for less money than any other modern work. i2mo, cloth, 2.00 The St. Petersburg Masters' Chess Tourna- ment The whole of the games, with notes, both original and compiled from various sources. i2mo, cloth, 0.75 (2) The Modern Chess Problem By Philip II. Williams, F.C.A. A New Revised and Enlarged Edition, with a new Preface. Issued under the supervision of the British Chess Company. 264 pages, i2mo, cloth, $1.50 The Game of Draughts By Andrew Anderson. Simplified and Illustrated with practical diagrams. Seventh Edition, Revised and Ex- tended by Robert McCulloch. Octavo, cloth, 1.25 Draught Praxis or Modern Match Games By Frank Dunne A Practical Guide to Scientific Checkers. Second Edition, Revised, with many dia- grams. The study of games that have been played across the board, as a guide to practical skill, cannot be too highly commended. The examples given in this work are eminently suitable for that purpose, being the product of the combined skill of the finest players of the present day, opposed to each other in Match or Tourney play. The "Chapter for Beginners," and Notes to the Games, will enable the beginner to pick up the points of the game, and the explanation of the important element, "The Move,' , and examples of its practical application in many of the "Elementary End-Games," will greatly assist him to extend his knowledge of the subject. Octavo, cloth, 2.00 Guide to the Game of Draughts By James Lees. Revised and Enlarged by J. W. Dawson. A complete guide to the game of checkers, giving the best lines of attack and defense in every opening. With co- pious notes and variations, being instructions to students and learners on the most scientific methods of playing the various games. Also selected useful positions by various authors. i2mo, cloth, 0.75 (3) Chess Openings 13y James Mason. Revised and Enlarged Edition. This treatise is designed for readers who are already chess players, at least in so far as being well acquainted with the rudiments of the game ; for those who, having acquired a certain degree of proficiency in play, would yet inquire concerning its more scientific methods. The attempt has been to exhibit the current and accepted forms of opening in connection with the ideas underlying them ; to discuss these various forms with due reference to the fundamental principles upon which all are based. i2mo, cloth, . . $0.75 Hill's Manual of the Game of Checkers (Draughts) By James Hill. Instruction, laws, game, etc. Fifth Edition. i2mo, flexible cloth, 0.35 («