UaCgu I'iK^Oif^''-'^' Y^ i 5 b 'J 9^ GHRISTnAS BEUL?S. o^^ V, V\ V >A\ \-^^X -X «!. . (^opyric||-|t \I1J [Niew YOF^K. yyer tbe snow, tbe opristmas sn ow. Joyfullv speeding away. earts are sweilmcj witn be^n ripiinbt (a)bis beautiful ob'^istmas-clay, (sis iinp-a-lm^-iingle tbe slei^b-bells 90, ily over tb berniy over The snow. nlying away on wings of steel, C)wift in tbeir onward flial}! : oneel^s with crimson color aglow, Qves with enioynient bngot. Us |ing-a-ling-|ingle the sleigb-bells go, i r7?errily over the snow. ulverv notes of music, float Kjn the breezes Ii9l7t and fr ^ong and laugpter. ecooinc^ far narmonious sounds of glee, Us |ing-a-ling-|ingle the sleigb-bells cjo, I 1 ternly over the snow. Mancls are clasped and fond words said, lie gentle bearts are wof oind wbo may bnow wbat future good (a)bis obristmas day begun. Us jing-adin^-im^le tbe sleigb-bells go, I rterrilv over tbe snow. AXMF. C. Ml( )rEEN. LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS 016 165 244 1 # LIBRARY OF CONGRESS illllllillillillillllllillliliiillL 016 165 244 1 Q