.t:LF= EDUCATOR Class Book Gop>TightN^. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIIi ?" -•:- .o^jf;:. V The stays of a boiler are IJ diameter; the steam pressure is 39.27 pounds per square inch; allowing 5000 stress on stay; find the pitch of the stay. 1.5 diameter of stay 1.5 diameter of stay .7854 2.25 75 15 39270 15708 15708 2 . 25 square of stay 1.767150 5000 stress on stay steam 3927)8835.750000(2.25 square root 7854 2.25(1.5 inches pitch of stay 9817 1 7854 OCMOC 19635 19635 125 Take the same example as above: If the pitch of stay is 1.5 inches^ the steam pressure is 39.27 pounds per square inch. Allowing 5000 stress on stay, what would be the diameter of the stay? 39 . 27 pounds pressure 2.25 square of stay 19635 7854 7854 steam 39.27)88.3575(2.25 7854 2.25(1.5 diameter stay 9817 1 7854 ' 25)125 19635 125 19635 76 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM A triple-riveted Scotch boiler, 4 rows of rivets in one shear; jf hole; pitch of double rows of rivets 3f ; single pitch TJ; the diameter of the boiler is 72 inches; thickness of plate, f ; tensile strength 55,000, allowing 40,000 for iron rivet; factor of safety 3-; but straps the same thickness as the shell of boiler. . 6903 area of H hole 40000 iron rivet 27612.0000 This is what the rivet will stand 40000 shearing of the rivet ,85 per cent. 200000 320000 34000.00 40000 shearing of the rivet 74000 . 00 shearing of all rivets Shearing of all of the rivets by taking 85 per cent, of the single rivet and adding the single to it gives the shearing of all rivets 74,000. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 77 Triple-Riveted 7 . 25 long pitch . 5 thickness 7 . 250 long pitch . 9375 decimal of i| hole 3625 55000 TS 6.3125 . 5 thickness 18125000 18125 315625 55000 TS 199.375000 constant 1578125000 1578125 199)1735.9375000(87 per cent, plate section 2)72(36 .87 per cent. 36 5 180 .5 435 ' 55000 TS 2175000 2175 ;6903 area it hole , 4 rows of rivets 180)23925.000(132.8 180 592 540 .27612 74000 shearing of all rivets 110448000 193284 20432.88000 2761 . 20000 single rivet added 525 360 constant 199)23194.08000(116 rivet shearing 199 1650 1440 329 199 constant 1304 1194 132 . 8 pounds of steam on this boiler. 78 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM To find the diameter of any stay with any given pressure: We will take 7500 pounds pressure per square inch. Allowing 6000 stress on stay, find diameter. Always use .7854 X 6000, gives what a one inch stay will hold, and divide that into the pressure and extract the square root of the answer = diameter of stay. .7854 6000 pressure 4712)7500.00(1.59 4712 4712.4000 27880 23560 1.5900(1.26 1 diameter stay 22)59 1| 44 43200 42408 246)1500 1476 If the stay in a boiler is pitched 6X6 from centre to centre with 120 pounds pressure per square inch, what pressure is on the stay or what pressure is the stay holding up? 6 pitch 36 120 steam 720 36 This stay is holding 43 . 20 pounds MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 79 To find the working pressure of steam you would allow on a 1| round stay, allowing 6000 stress on stay; pitch of stay 6X6 from centre to centre. 1 . 5 diameter stay . 7854 1.5 2 . 25 square of stay 75 39270 15 15708 2.25 6 15708 1.767150 6000 stress on stay 6 36) 10602 . 900000(294 steam pressure on stay — 72 36 340 324 162 144 To find the working pressure per square inch you would allow 1 J square stay, allowing 6000 stress on stay; pitch of stay 6X6 from centre to centre. 1.5 1.5 75 15 2.25 6000 square of pitch 36)13500.00(375 pounds steam pressure. 80 MAKINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM To find the diameter of any stay to hold up any pressure when you have the steam pressure and the pitch of the stay. Now we will take, for example: The pitch of stay is 8 X 8 inches pitch from centre to centre and steam pressure per square is 160 pounds. What is the diameter of the stay? Always use .7854 X 6000 stress on stay. .7854 8 pitch 6000 8 4712.4000 64 square of the pitch 160 steam pressure 3840 64 4712)10240(2.17 pressure per square inch square root 2.17(1.47 diameter of stay 1 24)117 96 287)2100 1909 It will take 1| stay to hold this pressure. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 81 Rule to find : If there were a number of stays in a flat surface, and if one was to give way, what extra pressure would it throw on the other stays in the boiler? The stays are 12 X 12 centre to centre; the stay is If inches in diameter; steam pressure is 70 pounds. What extra strain will be put on the other stays, allowing J the pressure after the stay gave awayr 12 12 pitch 24 12 144 70 steam 1.625 1 . 625 diameter of stay 10080 strain before broke 8125 3250 9750 1625 2.640625 .7854 10562600 13203125 21125000 18484375 area of stay 2.0739468850 2.073)10080.0000(4862.4 after stay broke 3)4862.4(1620.8 8292 3 18 18 6 6 24 24 17880 16584 1620.8 after broke 4862.4 12960 12438 6483.2 strain thrown on stays 5220 4146 10740 8292 82 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM To find the number of square inches over the top of the tubes in the boiler: height, 12 inches; cord, 48 inches; take f cord. 48 2 the cord 3)96(32 9 32 12 height 64 32 I of cord 384 18 one-third cord 402 square inches in this 402 space over tubes 12 height 12 24 12 144 12 height 288 144 twice the cord 96)1728(18 one third of cord 96 768 768 402 square inches in this space over the tubes. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 83 To find the working pressure of a straight furnace 44 inches in diameter, 48 inches long, thickness of plate i inch, using a constant 51.5 — 10.3 — 18.75 YT) times the pressui'e on con vexed heads is 18.75 constant pressure on concaved .8 = j o head 150.00 49.44 constant diameter 44)51.50(1.17 44 100.56 1.17 70392 10056 10056 steam pressure 117.6552 75 44 310 308 1.03 constant 48 824 412 49.44 Required the working pressure on convex heads, concave heads, radius 52 inches, TS 60,000, thickness of plate J, factor of safety ^. 5)60,000(12,000 5 10 10 12,000 .5 thickness half radius 26)6000.0(230 52 80 78 230 .8 184.0 20 230 pounds on convexed head. 184 pounds on concave head. 84 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM The correct rule to find the workmg pressure on any boiler and percentage of the plate compared to the solid part of the boiler and the rivet shear: Pitch of rivet 2|, hole or rivet xf^ thickness of plate I, two rows of rivets, TS 50,000, diameter of boiler 60 inches, factor of safety ^, allowing 45,000 for steel rivet. 2 . 75 pitch of rivet 2 . 7500 pitch .375 thickness of plate .8125 decimal xf 1375 2.75)1 .9375(70 percentage of plate 1925 1925 825 125 103.125 constant area of if hole .51849 . 2 rows of rivets constant 103)10369.8(100 30 6 . 70 per cent. 100 .375 45000 steel rivet 180 350 500000 490 400 210 TS 50000)4500 . 000(90 rivet . 26250 450 shear) 50000 TS 180)13125.00000(72 steam pressure 1260 525 360 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 85 To find the tensile strength of a boiler, single- riveted, with holes drilled; steam pressure 125 pounds, diameter of boiler 40 inches, thickness of plate J inch, factor of safety J. 125 steam 6 factor safety 750 20 haK diameter boiler thickness .25)15000.00(60000 TS of plate 150 To find the diameter of the same boiler as above: TS 60.000, thickness of plate J, steam pressure 125 pounds, factor of safety |. steam 125 6 safety 60000 TS .25 thickness 750 300000 120000 750)15000.00(20 1500 20 2 always twice 40 diameter of boiler Diameter of boiler is 40 inches. 86 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM The rule for bracing the head of a boiler above the tubes: For example, will say that we have to brace in this boiler 353.77 square inches, the load to be carried by the braces will be equal to the area multiplied by the working pressure, which is 130 pounds per square inch: total load, 353.77 X 130 = 45,990 pounds. No boiler brace should be allowed greater stress than 6000 pounds per square inch. The number of braces required may be found by dividing the total load by what one brace will stand, which in this case is 45,990-^6000 = 7.66, say 8 braces having an area of one inch square, which corresponds to about 1| inches in diameter. The surface or area supported by each brace is found by dividing the area to be supported by the number of braces, which gives 353.77 ^ 8 = 44.22 square inches; the square root of this number will give the distance between the braces or the pitch which is 6.64 inches or 6{^. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 87 Example for bracing the head of the boiler: 353 . 77 square inches 130 steam 1061310 35377 one brace 6,000)45990.10(7.66 number of stays— will say 8 42000 39901 stays 8)353 . 77(44 . 22 36000 39010 36000 square root 44.2200(6.64 36 inches held up by one 126)822 stav 756 32 33 32 inches held up by one stay 17 16 17 16 1324)6600 5296 6 . 64 square inches held up by one stay. In other words, 6.64 is pitch of stay. 88 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM The quickest way to get the horse-power of a boiler is to get the number of square feet of the grate surface. We will say that we have got 50 square inches of grate surface, multiplied by 50, multiplied by constant of 45, allowing 14 square feet to a horse-power. Example: 50 50 2500 45 constant 12500 10000 one square ft. 144)112500.0(781.2 1008 1170 1152 14)781.2(55.8 horse 70 power of boiler 81 70 112 112 180 144 360 288 This boiler has 55 . 8 horse-power. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 89 Rule to find the correct pitch of rivets in a single- riveted seam of a boiler : If the thickness of the plate is f , and the tensile strength is 60,000, the rivet J, the hole is yf , the shearing strength of the rivet is 40,000, then proceed. The area of jf hole is .6903 X 40,000, gives you the strength of the rivet, which is 27612.0000 ^ by f X 60,000 = 22500 and 27612.0000 ^ 22500 = 1.2272; nearly li add the diameter of the hole: IJ + tI = 2j^ pitch. .6903 area of if hole 40000 rivet 27612.0000 strength of rivet 22500)27612.0000(1.2272 nearly li pitch 22500 1.25 dec. of if .9375 51120 45000 2.1875 = 2^ pitch 61200 45000 162000 157500 45000 45000 90 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Rule to find the correct pitch of double-staggered riveted lap-joint where the plates are made of steel f of an inch thick ; tensile strength of the plate is 55,000, the diameter of rivet is J, the diameter of hole is X6 J allowing 40,000 pounds shearing strength for rivet; two rows of rivets. .375 thickness | 55,000 TS .6903 = area of M hole 2 rows of rivets 1875000 1875 13806 40,000 shearing of rivet 20625.000 20625 . 000)55224 . 0000(2 . 6775 41250 2.6775 139740 .9375dec. of H 123750 3.6150 = 3i^ 159900 pitch of rivet ] 44375 155250 144375 108750 103125 Pitch of this rivet is Sye. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 91 Rule to find the coal burned per hour by indicated horse-power : Diameter of cylinder 42 inches, 48-inch stroke, 65 revolutions per minute, the diagram showing 55.6 pounds mean effective pressure on piston, consuming 30 tons of coal per day. Cal- culate the indicated horse-power developed and the consumption of coal per hour indicated horse-power. stroke 48 2 twice 96 65 revolutions 480 576 12)6240(520 60 24 24 .7854 1764 cylinder squared 31416 47124 54978 7854 1385.4456 55 . 6 mean effective pressure 83126736 69272280 69272280 77030.77536 520 feet per minute 154061550720 38515387680 33)40056.00318720(1213 . 8 horse-power 33 2240 30 one day 24)67200(2800 48 192 192 70 66 45 33 126 99 270 264 1213.8)2800.000(2.31 pounds 24276 per hour per horse- power 37240 36404 18460 12138 92 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Rule to find the working pressure of steam you would allow on a straight furnace per square inch: diameter 44 inches, length 48 inches, thickness of furnace i, using three constants. Constants: . diameter 44)51 . 5(1 . 17 51.5 44 18.75 1.03 18.75 75 .8 = * 44 150.00 310 49.44 308 100.56 1.17 1.03 70392 48 length 10056 10056 824 412 117.6552 Steam pressure is 117 pounds. 49.44 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 93 The correct way to find the Uft of a valve. We will take a three-inch valve: 3 in, valve 3 in. valve .7854 9 square of valve 9 9.4248)7.068600(.75 = f lift of valve 659736 471240 constant 3.1416 471240 9.4248 of valve There is another way to get the lift of the valve by dividing by J the diameter of the valve. Take the same valve as above, 3 inches in diameter : 4)3.00(.75 = f 28 20 20 If you had one ton of coal and 300 pounds of ashes, what percentage of ashes would you have? Example : 300 ashes 100 per cent. one ton 2240)30000.00(13.39 percentage of ashes 2240 7600 6720 8800 6622 21800 20160 94 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Coal Bunker To find how many tons of coal this bunker will hold, allowing 40 cubic feet per ton. We will take this bunker in inches when you cannot get it in feet. Where you have three dimensions in feet, multiply the three dimensions in feet and you have cubic feet; where you cannot get it in feet, take it in inches and proceed this way: Length 18 ft 6 in. 222 length in inches Depth 10 ft. 4 in. 124 depth in inches Width 6 ft. 3 in. 888 444 222 27528 75 width in inches 137640 192696 one cubic foot 1728)2064600(1194.00 1728 40)1194.00(29.85 3366 80 tons 1728 — . 394 16380 360 15552 340 8280 320 6912 200 200 This bunker will hold 29.85 tons. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 95 Coal Bunker To find the third dimension of a coal bunker to hold 40 tons of coal, allowing 42 cubic feet per ton. depth of bunker is 15 feet 6 inches, width of bunker is 12 feet G inches: 186 depth 150 width 9300 186 one square foot 144)27900.00(193.75 144 1350 1296 540 432 1080 42 cubic feet 1008 40 tons 720 193.75)1680.0000(8.67 720 155000 length — - of 130000 bunker 116250 137500 135625 Length of this bunker is 8.67. Take page 96; you will find the bunker is figured in feet instead of inches. 96 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Coal Bunker Take the same bunker as page 95. This bunker is done in feet to show you how to figure it in inches when you cannot get it in feet: Depth of bunker 15 feet 6 inches, width 12 feet 6 inches, to hold 40 tons of coal, allowing 42 cubic feet per ton: 15.5 depth 12.5 width 775 310 155 . 193.75 42 cubic feet 40 tons 193 . 75) 1680 . 0000(8 . 67 length 155000 130000 116250 137500 135625 Length of this bunker is 8.67. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 9- Coal Bunker To find the average width of a coal bunker: Length of bunker, 45 feet; deptli of bunker, 16 feet; top of bunker, 25 feet; middle of bunker, 18 feet; bottom of bunker, 10 feet. Always divide by 6.. 25 top of bunker 72 four times middle 10 bottom 6)107.00(17.83 average width nearly IS feet 47 42 50 48 20 18 Coal Bunker To find the average width: Top 10 feet, bottom 5 feet. Always divide by 2 to get average width. 10 top 5 bottom Average width 7§ 2) 15.0(7 . 5 14 10 98 MAKINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Rule to balance weight on end of a lever; this lever has a weight of 154 pounds on the long end; the long arm is 34 J inches; the short arm is 15 J inches; what weight will it take on the short arm to balance the weight (154 pounds) on the long arm? 154 4^ 34 1-2 IN. n 15 154 weight on long arm 34.5 length of long arm 770 616 462 short arm 15.5)5313.0(342 weight of ball on short arm 465 663 620 430 310 It will take a weight 342 pounds to balance the lever. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 99 To find the stroke of an air pump when you have the dimensions of the air pump beam and the stroke of the engine. We will say the stroke of the engine is 3 feet, the length of the air pump beam is 5 feet over all, the long arm is 3 feet, and the short arm is 2 feet. < 3 FT O ^__ 2 5 FT. This example is done in two ways; one way in feet and the other in inches. 3 stroke of engine 2 short arm Long arm 3)6(2 stroke of air pump 2 feet 6 36 stroke of engine 24 short arm 144 72 Long arm 36)864(24 stroke of air pump 24 inches 72 144 144 100 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM To Point Off an Indicator Card STEAM LINE CURVE EXHAUST LINE The correct way to get the mean effective pressure on the piston is to lay your card out in 10 equal parts; each one of the lines denotes pounds of steam; take your scale, measure the length of each line, put it down on paper, then count it up; then multiply by the spring you use and divide by the 10 spaces on your card; that will give you the mean effective pressure. Rule to Find the Pressure on a Piston. If the pressure of steam on the piston is 70 pounds when the engine is working full speed at 62 revolu- tions, and the speed becomes reduced to 50 revolu- tions, what would the steam pressure be? MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 101 revolutions 62 62 124 372 3844 70 steam pressure 50 revolutions reduced 3500 50 reduced revolutions 3844)175000.00(45.52 reduced steam press- 15376 ure 21240 19220 20200 19220 9800 7688 To find the total pressure on a shaft either in pounds or tons: Mean effective pressure is 100 pounds, the area of the piston is 350, stroke of the engine 24 inches, pitch of wheel 8 feet, revolutions of engine are 90 per minute. 90 revolutions 4 stroke 360 feet per minute 90 revolutions 8 pitch of wheel 720 . 350 area of piston 100 mean effective pressure 35000 360 feet per minute 2100000 105000 720)12600.000(17500 pounds 720 5400 2240)17500.00(7.81 tons 5040 15680 3600 3600 18200 17920 2800 2240 102 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM To find the thickness of a corrugated furnace, and find the diameter of the furnace: Steam pressure is 175, diameter of furnace 40 inches, thickness of the furnace is J, constant 14,000. 14000 constant . 5 thickness 175 steam 40 diameter steam 175)7000.0(40 diameter 700 14000)7000 . 0) . 5 thickness 70000 To find the weight of a safety-valve weight that is round: Get the diameter of the ball, then square it, then cube it, multiply it by a constant of 9, then divide it by a constant 64. 7 diameter ball 7 diameter ball 49 7 cube it 343 9 constant constant 64)3087.0(48.2 weight of ball 256 527 512 150 128 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 10)^ p To find the area of any diameter without using .7854. We will take 5 inches in diameter; first square it, then multiply it by .77, then multiply your answer by 2 twice; keep one figure to the right twice. .7854 5 diameter .25 5 diameter 39270 25 15708 .77 19.6350 area 175 175 350 350 19.6350 area Example: To find the diameter of a shaft and to find the diameter of the steam pipe of a compound engine: High-pressure cylinder is 13 inches in diam- eter, low pressure cylinder is 27 inches in diameter, one-fifth of the low pressure cylinder is the diam- eter of the shaft; and one-quarter the diameter of the shaft subtracted from the diameter of the shaft is the diameter of the steam pipe. l.p. e. 5)27.0(5.40 diameter of shaft 25 — 4)5.40(13.5 one-quarter of shaft 20 4 20 — — 14 12 20 5 . 40 diameter of shaft 20 1 . 35 one-quarter of shaft 4 . 05 diameter of steam pipe The diameter of the steam pipe is 4.05, and the diameter of the shaft is 5.4. 104 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Example: To find the diameter of a steam pipe when you have the horse-power of the engine, using a constant of 6; we will say the horse-powder is 150. 6)150(25 12 25(5 diameter of steam pip e 5 inches 30 25 30 — Example: To find how many times the steam expands .in compound engine and triple-expansion engine: Steam pressure 69 pounds, atmospheric pressure 15 pounds, 12 pounds pressure on the low-pressure cylinder. 69 steam pressure 15 atmospheric pressure pressure on low 12)84(7 steam expands 7 times 84 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 105 Example: A blow-ofi' cock on the bottom is 14 feet below the sea level and 9 feet below the water level in the boiler. What pressure per square inch would be required to blow the water out of the boiler? 14-9 14 2.305 9 2.305)5.00000(2.16 4.610 3900 2305 2 pounds — nearly 3 pounds. 15950 13830 Example: To find the number of gallons of oil a barrel will hold, allowing 231 cubic inches in United States gallon: Take the largest part of the middle of the barrel and get the area of it, then multiply by the length in inches, then divide by 231 = number of gallons; diameter of barrel 18 inches, length 36 inches. 18 X 18 X .7854 X 36 „ 231 = -^^^^"' 106 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM The Question is Sometimes Asked: What IS Steel? Steel is iron with a mixture of carbon or an alloy of iron, the alloy being principally carbon steel. Steel can be melted like cast iron and welded like wrought iron. There are hard and soft steels, according to the process of production and proportibn of alloy. The Question is Sometimes Asked: What is Alloy? Alloy is a mixture or compound of two or more metals. Two parts of tin and six parts of lead is an alloy suitable for fusible plugs, and which melts at 380° Fahrenheit. An alloy is used to reduce the quality of one of the parts. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 10< Rule to Find Size of a Cylinder Rule to find the size tliat a cylinder should be in diameter: In the example we have 151 tons on piston and 64 pounds of steam on piston; then mul- tiply 15i by 2240 pounds in one ton, then divide by the steam pressure, then divide by .7854, then get the square root of the answer, and that will give you the diameter of cylinder. 15 . 25 tons on piston 2240 one ton 61000 3050 3050 Steam, pressure 64)34160.00(533.75 320 Constant .7854)533.7500(679 216 47124 192 62510 240 54978 192 75320 480 70686 448 320 320 6|79(26 diameter of cylinder 4 46)279 276 Diameter of cylinder is 26 inches. 108 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Rule to get the area of any diameter : First square the diameter, then multiply by .7854 = the area. Now to find the diameter : Divide the area by .7854, then get the square root of the answer = diameter. We will take a 10-inch valve. 10 diameter 10 .7854 100 100 78.5400 area of 10 .7854)78.5400(100 7854 1 1 00 (10 diameter of 1 valve 2)000 Rule to find the horse-power of your dynamo: Multiply your volt meter by your amperes, and divide by 746 watts, will give you the horse-power of your dynamo; 746 watts equal one horse-power. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 109 Rule to Find the Speed of a Wheel. Rule to find the speed which a wheel on a station- ary engine has to make to comply with the law; the limit speed is 6000 revolutions in feet per minute. We will take a wheel 10 feet in diameter; revolu- tions per minute are 125. 3.1416 10 diameter of wheel 31.4160 125 revolutions 1570800 628320 314160 feet per minute 3927.0000 this will make 3927 feet per minute. Rule to get the area of any stay under one inch: We will take J stay; we will get the area the quickest way. .7854 8 49 square the seven 7 8 7 — 70686 — 64 31416 49 64)38.4S46(.6013 area of | stay 384 84 64 206 192 110 'MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Rule to find the inside diameter of a cylinder with 22 bolts in cylinder head six and a half inches apart, allowing 2| inches on each side of cylinder head to be taken off; constant 3.1416. 22 number of both 6 . 5 apart 110 132 3.1416)143.00000(45.5 125664 45.5 173460 ' 5. off of each side 151780 40.5 162800 diameter of cyhnder 40 . 5 157080 Rule to find how many pounds of coal and how many tons of coal a boiler will burn in 24 hours, allowing 2000 pounds to a ton, with 75 square feet of grate surface, 15 pounds of coal to square foot of grate. 75 grate 15 pounds square foot 375 75 1125 24 one day 4500 2250 2000)27000.0(13.5 tons in 24 hours 2000 7000 6000 10000 10000 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 111 Rule to jSnd how many bolts, 1 J inches in diameter, are required for a cylinder cover 56 inches in diam- eter, the steam pressure being 90 pounds per square inch, the working strain on the bolts not to exceed 2000 pounds per square inch. 56 X 56 X .7854 X 90 1.5 X 1.5 X .7854 X 2000^ 56 diameter of cylinder 56 62 bolts, say 63 bolts 336 280 1 . 5 diameter of bolt 1.5 3136 .7854 12544 15680 25088 21952 75 15 225 2463.0144 90 steam 221671.2960 3534)221671 . 0(62 . 7 nearly 63 21204 bolts .7854 2.25 square feet 39270 15708 15708 1.767150 2000 3534.300000 9631 7068 25630 24738 112 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Rule to find the number of bolts, when the diameter of the bolt and the pitch are given; may be found by the following rule: The diameter of the cylinder cover is 33 inches, the centre of the bolts from edge of cylinder is IJ inches from edge, the pitch of the bolts is SJ inches. How many bolts will be required in cylinder cover? 33 — (1| X 2) = 30 diameter of cover. 30 X 3.1416 3.25 pitch of bolt 1.5 33 2 3.0 3.0 30 . diameter of cover 3.1416 30 diameter of cover pitch 3.25)94.248.0(28.9 number of bolts, say 29 holts 650 2924 2600 3248 2925 It will take 29 bolts in this cylinder cover. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 113 Rule to find the indicated horse-power required to exert a given thrust or power on a thrust block may be found by the following example: What indicated horse-power would be required to exert a force or thrust of 27,500 pounds on a thrust block with a screw propeller of 20 feet pitch, making 60 revolutions per minute, allowing 33,000 one horse-power if the slip be 10 per cent.? 27500 X 20 pitch X 60 rev. ,„„„ , ^ = 1000 horse-power oo,00U 1000 X 10 slip ,__ , , ^, ^ „ -^ = 100 horse-power and the power actually employed will be 1000 — 100 = 900 horse-power The horse-power would be 900. 114 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Rule to find the pressure per square inch of steam on a piston by the indicated horse-power of an engine. Indicated horse-power of an engine is 180, the diameter of the cyKnder is 17 inches, length of stroke is 2 feet, and the number of revolu- tions per minute are 80. What is the pressure on the piston per pound per square inch? 17 diameter of cylinder 17 diameter of cylinder 180 horse-power ■ 33000 119 17 540000 -— 540 289 7854 2 stroke 2 stroke 4 80 revolutions 320 72633)5940000(81 . 7 pounds 581064 1156 1445 129360 2312 72633 2023 567270 226.9806 508431 320 stro] ke in feet 45396120 6809418 72633.7920 Pressure per square inch on piston is 81 . 7. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 115 Rule to find the required time to pump a given quantity of water, when two or more pumps of different sizes are employed to empty a tank, may be found by the following example: Divide the product of the time in which each pump will sepa- rately empty the tank by the sum of the time required by each pump to separately empty the tank. The water-ballast pump will empty a tank in 3 hours, and the boiler pump will empty it in 10 hours. In what time can the tank be emptied by both pumps working together? ^ „ = 2 hours and 18 minutes. 13)30(2 hours and 18 minutes takes to empty 26 tank 4 60 one hour 13)240(18 minutes 13 110 104 116 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM An evaporator is a vessel in the form of a vertical boiler in which there are two manifolds connected together by a number of copper pipe-coils. The upper manifold is connected to the auxiliary steam line, the bottom manifold is connected to a steam trap and to the condenser, the evaporator is partly filled with water, and live steam is admitted to the upper manifold and passes through the coils and MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 117 bottom manifold and into the steam trap; the hot steam in the coils evaporates the surrounding water into steam and is then allowed to pass into the con- denser through a pipe connected at the top of the evaporator, and, after being condensed, is used as fresh water, to put in the main boilers. Rule to Find the Horse-power. Rule to find the horse-power it will take to run a number of incandescent electric lights 16 candle power, allowing 3 J watts to a candle power, and 1000 watts is equal to 1| horse-power. We will take 1000 lamps, 16 candle power. What size engine will it take to run 1000 lamps allowing 3J to candle power? Example: Add 10 per 16 candle power lamp cent, to the 3.5 watts to a candle power horse-power for friction. 80 48 56.0 watts to a 16 candle power lamp 1000 lamps 16 candle power each Lamps 1000)56000.0(56 total watts, this is 56 Kilowatt 5000 machine 6000 1^ horse equal 1000 watts. 6000 56 181 75 horse-power 7 percentage ' 74f we would say 75 horse- — power 82 horse-power, best to say 90 horse-power If you had 200 volts and wanted to find what amperage you ought to have, then 56,000 watts -^ 200 = 280 amperes. 118 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM Rule to find the bursting pressure of a boiler, assuming the heads of the boiler are equally as strong as the shell of the boiler: Diameter of the boiler 72 inches, thickness of the plate 13^ = . 4375, tensile strength of the plate is 55,000, allowing 70 per cent, strength of the seam. 55,000 X .4375 X 70 Radius of boiler . 4375 thickness 55000 tensile strength 21875000 21875 24062.5000 , 70 strength of seam half diameter of boiler 36) 16843 . 750000(467 . 88 bursting 144 pressure 244 216 283 252 317 288 295 288 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 119 Rule to find the working- pressure when you get the bursting pressure of a boiler, assuming the heads of the boiler are equally as strong as the shell of the boiler : Diameter of the boiler 72 inches, thick- ness of the plate j-q = .4375, tensile strength of the plate is 55,000, allowing 70 per cent, strength of the seam, factor safety ^. 55,000 X .4375 X .70 36 X 5 .4375 55000 T. S. 36 half boiler 21875000 5 factor safety 21875 180 24062.5000 . 70 strength at seam 180)16843.750000(93.57 safe working pressure 1620 643 540 1037 900 1375 1260 120 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM What is the proper diameter of the feed pipe in inches of an engine whose nominal horse-power is 140, constant multiplier .04, constant to be added 3? 140 .04 constant multiplier 5.60 - 3 constant to be added take square root 8 . 60(2 . 93 diameter of pipe 4 49)460 441 583)1900 1749 What is the proper area of the injection pipe in square inches of an engine whose nominal horse- power is 140, constant multiplier .069, constant to be added 2.81? 140 .069 constant multiplier 1260 840 9.660 2.81 constant to be added answer 12 . 470 area of pipe MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM 121 To find the proper diameter of an air pump. Rule: Multiply the diameter of the cylinder in inches by .6. Example: Let 40 inches be diameter of the cylinder then 40 inches X .6 = 24.0; which is the proper diameter of the air pump on this engine. 40 diameter of cylinder .6 24 . inches diameter of air pump To find the proper diameter of a crank-pin journal: Multiply the diameter of the cylinder in inches by .142. Example: Diameter of cylinder 40 inches X .142 = 5.680, the proper diameter of crank pin. . 142 constant 40 diameter of cylinder 5 . 680 diameter of crank pin To find the proper length of crank pin by diameter of the cylinder. Example: Diameter of cylinder is 40 inches X .16 = 6.40 is length crank pin. .16 40 diameter of cylinder 6 . 40 length of crank pin in inches 122 MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINEERS CATECHISM To find the proper diameter of a piston rod by the diameter of the cyHnder: Let the diameter of the cyHnder be 40 inches -7- 10 equal diameter of the piston rod. 10)40 (4 diameter of piston rod 40 INDEX Page 3. To find diameter, circumference, and area of a circle. " 4. Miscellaneous. " 5. To reduce vulgar fraction to a decimal fraction. " 6. Cube root. " 6. Proportion, " 7. Examples on proportion. " 8. Square root. " 9. Practical questions. " 10. Practical questions. " 11. Practical questions. " 12. Practical questions. " 13. To find the tensile strength of a boiler plate. " 14. To find the tensile strength of a boiler plate. " 14. What advantage does steel have over iron? " 15. Practical questions. " 16. Practical questions. " 17. Practical questions. " 17. Explain thermometer. " 17. Practical questions. " 18. What is a jet condenser? " 18. Corliss engine. " 19. Corhss engine. " 19. Solinometer. " 20. Solinometer. " 21. To explain indicator and explain the card. " 22. To explain indicator and explain the card. " 23. To explain indicator and explain the card. " 24. To explain indicator and explain the card. " 24. Practical questions. " 25. Practical questions. " 26. Practical questions. " 27. Practical questions. " 28. Practical questions. " 29. Practical questions. 124 INDEX Page 30. Practical questions. " 31. Practical questions. " 32. Practical questipns. " 33. Practical questions. " 34. Practical questions. " 35. Practical questions. " 36. Practical questions. " 36. Dynamo electric questions. " 37. Dynamo electric questions. " 38. Dynamo electric questions. " 39. Dynamo electric questions. " 40. Starting and charging an ammonia plant. " 41. Starting and charging an ammonia plant. " 42. Starting and charging an ammonia plant. " 42. Practical questions. " 43. Practical questions. " 43. The question is often asked: Why is it necessary to make the longitudinal seam so much stronger than the transverse or girth seam? " 44. The question is often asked: Why is it necessary to make the longitudinal seam so much stronger than the transverse or girth seam? " 44. To find the amount of water discharged through a pipe. " 45. Rule to change the water end on a pump. " 46. To find the number of gallons a pump will pump. " 47. Donkey pump: to find the pressure it will pump against. " 47. Take the same pump to find the height it will pump. " 48. To find the horse-power of a pump. " 49. Donkey-pump rule. " 49. What is the horse-power of a boiler. " 50. Rule to find the thickness of a casting when you have the inside diameter and steam pressure. " 50. To find the pressure on a guide slipper. " 51. To find the pressure on crank pin. " 51. To find the pressure on a thrust bearing. " 52. To find the speed of a side-wheel steamer. " 52. To find the speed of a ship. " 53. To find the speed of a ship. Page 55. 56. 57. 58. 58, 58, 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. INDEX 125 To find the speed of a ship. To find the pitch of a wheel. To find how many knots a ship will make. To find the slip of a wheel. To find the slip of a wheel. To find the pressure on a piston. Engine counter. Safety valve. Safety valve. Safety valve. Rule for round tank. Rule for round tank. Square tank. Rule for round tank. Rule for round tank. 68. Rule for round tank. 69. To find the number of stays to put in fiat-bottom boiler. 70. To find the steam pressure on flat-bottom boiler. 71. To find the working pressure on round boiler. 71. Corrugated furnace. 72. To find the number of rivets to hold steam dome down. 73. To find the size of a safety valve to place on a boiler by the square feet of grate surface. 74. To find the pitch of staybolts. 74. To find the thickness of plate in a boiler. 75. To find the pitch of stays in a boiler. 76. To find the working pressure on triple-riveted boiler. 77. To find the working pressure on triple-riveted boiler. 78. To find the diameter of any stay. 79. To find the steam pressure you would allow on a stay. 80. To find the steam pressure you would allow on a stay. 81. To find the number of stays to put in flat surface. 82. To find the number of square inches over the tubes in a Scotch boiler. 83. To find the working pressure on straight furnace. 83. Convex and concave heads. 84. To find the working pressure by the seam of a boiler. 85. To find the tensile strength of a boiler. 126 INDEX 85. To find the diameter of a boiler, 86. Rule to brace the head of a boiler. 87. Rule to brace the head of a boiler. 88. The quickest way to get the horse-power of a boiler. 89. Rule to find the correct pitch of a rivet single- riveted. 90. Rule to find the correct pitch of a double-staggered rivet. 91. To find the coal burned per pounds per horse-power. 92. To find the working pressure on straight furnace. 93. To find the lift of a valve. 93. To find the percentage of ashes from coal burned. 94. Coal bunkers. 95. Coal bunkers. 96. Coal bunkers. 97. Coal bunkers. 98. To find the weight to be placed on the end of a lever to balance a weight on the opposite end of lever. 99. To find the stroke of an air pump. 100. To point off an indicator card. 100. To find the pressure on piston when speed is reduced. 101. To find the total pressure in pounds or tons on a shaft. 102. To find the thickness of a corrugated furnace. 102. To find the weight of a safety ball. 103. To find the area of any circle without using .7854. 103. To find the diameter of shaft of a compound engine. 104. To find the diameter of steam pipe when you have the horse-power. 104. To find how many times the steam expands in compound engine or triple-expansion engine. 105. To find the pressure on a blow-off cock when it is under water. 105. To find the number of gallons of oil in a barrel. 106. The question is asked: What is steel? 106. The question is asked: What is alloy? 107. Rule to find the diameter of a cylinder. 108. Rule to find the area and the diameter of a circle. 108. Rule to find the horse-power of a dynamo. INDEX 127 Page 109. To find the limit speed on stationary engine driving- wheel. " 109. Rule to find the area of any stay under one inch. " 110. Rule to find the inside diameter of a cylinder when you have the number of bolts and the distance apart. " 110. Rule to find how many pounds of coal and how many tons of coal a boiler will burn in 24 hours. " 111. To find the number of bolts to put in cylinder head. " 112. To find the number of bolts, when the diameter of the bolt and the pitch is given, to put in cylinder cover. " 113. To find the indicated horse-power exerted on truss block. " 114. Rule to find the pressure per square inch of steam on a piston by the indicated horse-power. " 115. Rule to find the required time to pump a given quantity of water when two or more pumps of different sizes are employed to empty a tank. " 116. To explain an evaporator. " 117. Rule to find the horse-power of an engine to run a number of incandescent electric lights. " 118. To find the bursting pressure of a boiler, assuming the heads of the boiler are equally as strong as the shell. " 119. To find the working pressure when you have burst- ing pressure on a boiler. " 120. Proper diameter of feed pipe from horse-power of an engine. " 120. Proper diameter of injection pipe from horse-power of an engine. " 121. To find the diameter of air pump by diameter of the cylinder. " 121. To find the diameter of crank pin by diameter of cylinder. " 121. To find the length of crank pin by the diameter of cylinder. " 122. To find the diameter of the piston rod by diameter of cylinder.