92 8 py 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 027 211 144 3 METAL EDGE, INC. 2007 PH 7.5 TO 9.5 RAT. ®g2£g« A CHRONOLOGIC^ .B8 92 Copy 1 $£-. ;-$#; --pt.: A CHRONOLOGIC A X TABLE. OR PERPETUAL CALENDAR, 1IV CONCISE AND COMPREHEND SIVE SECTIONS ; Shaming the Day of the Week on which any 1 My of the Month will fall, b TOGETHER WITH TU ©w m IJV ALL FUTURE TIME. ' BY JESSE BROWI, SUCTION V|. A Counting-IIousc .Almanac- \ I'm, IVetl Mm, p,| Mnn 1'uo \V. -,i '('Pi ii Tue Thu l-'ri. t'hu I'Vi, Sit. l''ri. , A /,, Sat. \ 1 Sit. \ Mou I'm 1 J 1 1 8 i 10 11 12 ', 1 |(j 7 18 ',' sa ' i , 10 31 ACRC Youog, bi iva, and bold) Jusl :iii alike bee e, 1 ' ■ ■ i pncp, Round to hot tli slioed joal O'crwh I JE X i* £ ./I ./Y.tf Tit? JYS . . Tub /bur firsl i ,, contain ono true cycle, or 400 dales or years, which are nrraneed '" iho centuries w " i I •■ which ore so ariju n - ecrions and col. There are "' t,ne ' i hoi eachy in each column falls on the same day ol the and every 1st, I . 4th vear contai , . , ' ' ; '" s !h '' Dnminical letters, and the firel century, and iho first bun- '■ a remainder co tcentuij liter every fi.unh, which are the 5th 91h, 13ih, 17th, and 21sl hie hy 4 and n *dth years ; which ire coi del ,1 y common yeais I are numbered ]. liltr all ■ c. id contain I he second centuries and the econd hundredth yi ar, and and 100 wiihou ' ' ' ■'!>, which are the 6lh, 10ih. 14lh IStfa 12nd 16th, and 30ih furemnki , 1 >>■■"-■ which are, nui are numbi red i Hie Domi irdcuntain the third century, and the third hundredtl j ar, nnd the third tif which lime m 11 ' rth. wh h .- ii,,. 7th. Ilth, I5ih. 19th, 23d, 27ih.aist.and 35thcentu ' ] i mn nn v< ;,i .,. ,1 ar ■ numbered 3. S S Iv - Sl lll|ili; ■ h and the fourth hundredth vear, ' . ■ !■■. ! and lUfl without a remainder : ; iiU, 48h, 52m ■ 1 " '' ; ' l ■ i ' ho hundredth or Leap 3 irs. vj the 12 montha ■i ■■ the j i' ; which i- the natui I oV ti . ! 1 ■ ,. 1 , .,,,,.- , ,. ,,.. 1 , months, and the b tm months to the same days of (he 9 VI. Contains the days of th ■ months, Tli ■ first - ;ven letti - ■ , , . tne W e e k. \. .-"rirfay, and B. th • I r,i muary and is the Dominical «f -Sunday L . lumn.— Lbero are also two tell , , , , 1 are ail divi 1 ■ The next i I th** 1st of lU , The next the Grst ) of lines 1 I ?ol ■j 'J'! ! only ci which i l cyi and wt ■ 1 ■ ! ■ 1 , . . , .' ■ -' " " »" \ ■ ■■ ' • ,■..,..,■ e hundi I Ifl in the fi which are divisible by -1 and not by 400 without n remainder— which are numbered 1, 2, in I If there were only 364 days in the year th e would bo bul 1 D ninii t letlei would never change. There would be no cycle of years, and ea I evi r 1 months would ,:, If there were onl', would be 7 Dominical letters which would only 7 times; year — aa the sev- 7th year. If, bered 1. nd there Ttie colurr be no other cycle, except bj mu without a remainder would be Leap L00 or 175 in • umberei years, containing 25 solar cycle of 700 years, which tim 1 ■ In ■ and again in 4i N. II.— TI 11,2 and ul . begin on 1! e time daj ol the wei It, In waver only 36 . - 5 I oun 10 minulefl and 12 second In the olar year ; nd and Id civil ;■ ,r contains 365 day- and are called common pears, and every is 366 days d i called Leap year. Every year that is divisible hy 4 ivi ilain; 3 i6 - ays e ci ' 1 verj 1st, 2 ■ an I 3rd hundn d h .< 1 bi ... . er, and are common nnd mmon years only 305 days. Every fourth hundi . : 1 ■ stile or Le ip j ear coniaiuin » al ci cl ■ ol >, - ai in our Solai ilendar. ileal 1 at every return lib fall on the same day of the [i a 1 cycle ol 12 years. The first day 1 r centuries, anJ lii ■ 1st day of January in ii, 1 , i ■ joi led rcle From 1877 in the 3rd section to 1917 in the : . ■ ■ b ■ in i!ie Grst sectl 2 parts li', 1 t n I j I j nnlj ■ ! uries, The hu > h d h □ :■ 1 : iblo. The fbui 1 . ■ i continue the I ■ rs (1 $77) alter which in February, the same will occur in 28 years, (ISS0), tin i 1 1. 2 and 3 in the labia under C, E, and G, contain the Months in ■ its, and num. 3. in numbered 1 contains the Brat days uf the months in the hundredth years num* n numbered 2 contains/ tho fl 1 hundredth year num- h-' column numbered 3 contains the lirsl days of the months in the hundredth •tfSI' ,; - ~ l --^rv .ii Y :.^'^>v^^.ii A<§>/\ il y .".:'^Sr^.^y i'./^S^*^'.'; Y'^.^^P^'.:'-^-.^^::^^^'- J. A. Place, I'rinter, Fullon, N. Y. &M WMS^^^W^- : '^l||Pi ._ ;C. I-- -" ■ - X. TABLE, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 027 211 144 3 METAL EDGE, SMC. 2007 PH 7.5 TO 9.5 RAT. LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS 027 211 144 3