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Brown, Acting Director As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has responsibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includes fostering the wisest use of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife, preserving the environment and cultural values of our national parks and historical places, and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department assesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is in the best interests of all our people. The Department also has a major responsibility for American Indian reservation communities and for people who live in island territories under U.S. administration. Library of Congress Cataloging- in-Publication Data Sullivan, Daniel E. International mining cost indexation system indexes for 96 countries. (Information circular; 9158) Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27: 9158 1. Mineral industries — Costs — Statistical methods. 2. Index numbers (Economics) I. Thomas, Paul R. II. Yaremchuk, Elizabeth H. III. Title. IV. Series: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines); 9158. TN295.U4 [HD9506.A2] 622 s [338.2'3] 87-600139 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402 Ill PREFACE This volume contains the first comprehensive compilation of the International Mining Cost Indexation System (IMCI) to be published by the Bureau of Mines. The IMCI is used in cost evaluations conducted by the Minerals Availability Program to update country-specific mining and processing capital and operating cost data and transportation cost data to comparable time periods. The volume includes mining cost indexes for 96 countries, many of which were developed by Phoenix Associates, Inc., under contract to the Bureau of Mines. Country documentation reports that detail index construction methodology and provide full bibliographic information and primary data are available for some countries as open file reports. Questions about the Minerals Availability Program and the IMCI should be addressed to the Chief, Division of Minerals Availability, Bureau of Mines, 2401 E St., NW., Washington, DC 20241. Material in this publication is in the public domain and may be reproduced without the permission of the Federal Government. Please credit the Bureau of Mines, U.S. Department of the Interior. CONTENTS Page Preface iii Abstract 1 Introduction 2 Mining cost indexes 3 Appendix. — Generic example of cost updating using the IMCI 52 TABLES 1. Mining industry cost index categories and concept definitions Mining cost indexes for — 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Algeria Angola Argentina Australia Austria Bolivia Botswana Brazil British Solomon Islands Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) . . Burma Cameroon Canada Chile Colombia Congo Costa Rica Cyprus Dominican Republic Egypt Ethiopia Fiji Finland France French Guyana Gabon Germany, Federal Republic of Ghana Greece Guatemala Guinea Guyana Haiti Honduras India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kenya Korea Liberia Page 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 Mining cost indexes for — 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. Libya Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Mali Mauritania Mexico Morocco Mozambique Namibia Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 Panama 36 Papua New Guinea 37 Peru 37 Philippines 38 Portugal 38 Saudi Arabia 39 Senegal 39 Sierra Leone 40 South Africa, Republic of 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Syria Taiwan Thailand Togo Tunisia Turkey Uganda United Kingdom United States . . Venezuela Western Sahara Yugoslavia Zaire Zambia Zimbabwe A-l. Hypothetical example of updating a mine operating cost 52 VI UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT mt metric ton pet percent yr year INTERNATIONAL MINING COST INDEXATION SYSTEM Indexes for 96 Countries By D. E. Sullivan, 1 P. R. Thomas, 1 and E. H. Yaremchuk 2 ABSTRACT The Minerals Availability Program of the Bureau of Mines conducts cost evaluations of current and potential mineral operations in the United States and foreign countries. The International Mining Cost Indexation System (IMCI) allows data of different time periods within a country to be updated to a common base year for analytical purposes. The IMCI comprises 12 factor cost indexes and an exchange rate series for 96 market economy countries, denominated in both local and U.S. currency. The IMCI for each country contains 12 time series indexes that measure the average annual rate of change in the cost of factor inputs to the mining industry within that country. Mining industry factor cost indexes include wages, plant and equipment, construction and mining materials, power and transportation, and other measures considered to comprise the majority of capital and operating costs. Cost data or proxies are collected in local currency. Index series within each countiy are constructed separately and indexed on a 1975 base year. The local currency index is converted to a U.S. -dollar-based currency index using an exchange ratio. 'Economist, Minerals Availability Field Office, Bureau of Mines, Denver, CO. ^Economist, Division of Minerals Availability, Bureau of Mines, Washington, DC. INTRODUCTION This publication contains 12 mining cost indexes for each of 96 countries. The cost indexes comprise the International Mining Cost Indexation System (IMCI). The IMCI is an ongoing system that maintains and develops measures of average annual rates of change in the cost of factor inputs to the mining sector of selected foreign countries and the United States. The factor inputs include wages, equipment, mining supplies, electric power, fuel, transportation, and other measures that are considered to comprise the majority of mining capital and operating costs. Concept definitions for each factor input are listed in table 1. The mining cost indexes are shown by country in tables 2 through 97. Data are available from 1970 to 1983 for all countries, with some series extending to 1985. Twelve indexes and an exchange rate are presented for each year in each country table. The top portion of each country table lists the indexes denominated in local currency and the currency exchange rate in terms of local currency per U.S. dollar. The bottom portion shows the identical indexes denominated in U.S. dollars and the exchange ratio used in the conversion from local currency index to U.S. currency index. Cost data for constructing new indexes or existing indexes are collected in terms of the local currency. Typical sources include publications of the United Nations, International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, national statistical offices, and other governmental and nongovernmental agencies, banks, and foreign embassies. Index construction and forecasting are per- formed using standard econometric techniques that are structured to accommodate the unique data availability of each country. Indexes within each country are constructed separately and indexed on a 1975 base year. The formula to convert from local currency index (LCI) to U.S. currency index (USCI) is— USCI = LCI x (1975 exchange rate/current year exchange rate). Two guidelines should be observed when using the IMCI system to make comparisons of index changes between countries to avoid drawing incorrect conclusions. First, compare the minerals produced by each country. If the minerals industry in a country is dominated by the production of one or two major minerals, the indexes necessarily reflect changing costs in the production of those commodities. Comparisons should only be made between countries that produce like commodities and employ similar mining technologies. Second, always work with figures denominated in the same currency, prefer- ably the currency of the country that will be affected by analysis of the data. When comparisons are made to U.S. costs, for example, a U.S. -dollar-denominated index should be used. Table 1. — Mining industry cost index categories and concept definitions Index Category Concept definition 1 Mining wage 2 Construction wage 3 Equipment and repair parts 4 Bits and related steel 5 Timber and lumber 6 Fuel 7 Explosives 8 10 Tires and rubber Construction materials Chemicals 11 Transportation 12 Electric power Mine and plant labor; includes skilled, unskilled, local, and expatriate labor. Includes all labor (see index 1 above) employed in the construction of mine and mill plants. Equipment and repair parts relevant to mining and milling operations and related infrastructure, e.g., front-end loaders, shovels, load haul dumps, trucks, trains, jumbo drills, as well as crushers, grinding mills, flotation cells, thickeners, dryers, etc. Steel for mining and milling applications such as drill bits, pipe, fan liners, etc., as well as replacement parts such as steel balls, rods, shell and head liners, scoop lips, etc. Timber and lumber for applications such as cribbing, lagging, and support in underground mining. Refined fuel products weighted toward diesel. All types of blasting supplies, e.g., propellant powders, blasting caps, etc. All types of tires applicable to mining operations, e.g., for load haul dumps and trucks, as well as other parts made of rubber, such as conveyor or other "belts" for machinery. Materials such as sand, gravel, cement, limestone, reinforcing rods, steel, fasteners, etc., for use in construction of mine and mill plants and related infrastructure. Mining and milling chemicals used in daily operations, e.g., wetting agents, mining reagents, dust depressants, flocculants, etc. Transport based upon an assessment of the country's normal freight transport network relevant to the mineral industry. Includes rail, truck, barge, and pipeline. Standard industrial. The IMCI was developed by the Bureau of Mines to support its engineering and economic evaluation of foreign mineral properties and also to serve as a separate product of the Minerals Availability Program that is available to the public to support mining industry or property-specific cost evaluations. It is used to update property-specific cost estimates either in the currency of the host country or in terms of U.S. dollars in the Bureau's engineering Cost Estimating System, in the Supply Analysis Model, and in various economic market models. An example of cost updating using the IMCI is included as an appendix. The IMCI can also be used to measure the differing rates of change in the costs of factor inputs to the mining industry of foreign countries and to quantify the foreign exchange bias that enters into cost conversions from a local to a base currency. The IMCI is an integral part of the Minerals Availability Program of the Bureau of Mines. The Minerals Availability Program investigates the availabil- ity of mineral resources in the United States and other countries and estimates the supply potential of minerals considered either essential or strategic to national security and the U.S. economy. The program identifies, collects, compiles, and evaluates information on producing and potential deposits and on mineral processing plants. Major activities of the program include classification of domestic and foreign mineral resources, evaluation of mineral production costs, and sensitivity analyses of physical, technologic, and economic factors that influence the viability of mineral production. The IMCI enables minerals analysis in the Bureau of Mines to monitor and evaluate the change in mining costs through time on an individual factor basis as well as on an operating, capital, or total cost basis. In addition, the IMCI can be used to determine the degree to which the competitiveness of the mining industry in different countries is influenced by changing factor input costs and the strength of the host country's currency. It should be noted that indexes reflect only the relative cost of a factor input within a country and not differences in factor input costs between countries. Other applications for the IMCI are currently being researched. Any users who develop new applications for the indexes or improved methodolo- gies are encouraged to notify the Division of Minerals Availability of the Bureau of Mines. MINING COST INDEXES Table 2. — Mining cost indexes for Algeria Trml n mercy index Year Mining Ctnsbxo- Bjiipnent ard Bits ard re~ Tinterard FUel Explo- Tiies ard QjTstnctkn Qwrimls Ttanepar- Electric Exchange vace tiai VJBCE nmir prats lated steel lirtter sives niter jraterials tatkn power rate 1970 58.5 78.6 65.8 66.4 42.5 38.3 64.9 52.4 72.8 63.9 91.2 100.0 4.937 1971 89.6 74.2 68.4 62.6 43.7 45.2 68.1 59.6 73.3 66.8 85.3 100.0 4.913 1972 113.1 81.8 64.1 61.1 47.1 53.0 70.1 66.3 81.7 66.5 86.3 100.0 4.484 1973 92.7 87.1 59.2 78.8 106.8 56.5 70.5 71.3 82.6 72.2 87.3 100.0 3.959 1974 101.4 97.8 78.0 123.6 100.8 87.0 84.3 84.7 95.0 98.8 84.3 100.0 4.1B1 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.949 1976 125.7 104.9 126.0 104.2 118.5 1D5.2 104.2 102.0 121.0 104.3 129.4 100.0 4.164 1977 158.1 115.7 136.0 1G2.6 131.7 107.0 106.8 107.5 126.9 111.6 132.4 100.0 4.147 1978 163.5 126.1 142.4 121.3 151.6 121.7 11B.6 111.5 139.6 121.3 109.8 100.0 3.966 1979 174.1 172.8 153.3 145.7 163.0 128.9 137.6 114.8 151.8 139.8 180.4 100.0 3.853 1980 237.7 223.9 174.8 153.3 193.1 192.3 157.7 129.5 164.3 151.5 195.1 100.0 3.837 1981 269.8 253.1 21B.8 133.7 183.7 274.4 154.3 161.0 185.1 148.9 184.3 100.0 4.316 1962 280.9 263.2 252.6 143.7 161.6 287.5 147.1 154.9 196.0 154.4 218.6 100.0 4.592 1983 295.4 276.4 264.7 136.7 144.2 271.8 137.6 168.8 20Q.9 153.4 222.6 100.0 4.789 1934 317.2 296.3 277.7 135.9 137.6 263.7 124.2 186.1 215.8 149.8 229.9 100.0 4.983 1985 334.4 312.0 282.3 137.5 167.3 262.5 132.6 203.8 225.2 158.3 235.4 100.0 5.033 IT.K. nimnrv irriraf fear Mining Ccrsfcruc- Ejiipment ard Bits ard re- Tinter ard FUel Explo- Tires ard QTEtnri-Jm Chemicals Transpor- Electric Exchange WBCJ2 tkn vbcb repair parts lated stBel luter sives niter naberials tation pcuer ratio 1970 46.8 62.9 52.6 53.1 34.0 30.6 51.9 41.9 58.2 51.1 72.9 80.0 0.799878 1971 72.0 59.6 55.0 50.3 35.1 36.3 54.7 47.9 58.9 53.7 68.5 80.4 .803785 1972 99.6 72.0 56.5 53.8' 41.5 46.7 61.8 58.4 72.0 58.6 76.0 88.1 .880686 1973 92.5 86.9 59.1 78.6 105.5 56.4 70.3 71.1 82.4 72.0 87.0 99.7 .997474 1974 95.8 92.4 73.7 116.8 95.2 82.1 79.6 80.0 89.7 93.3 79.6 94.4 .944530 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .000000 1976 119.2 99.5 119.5 98.8 112. 4 99.8 98.8 96.7 114.8 98.9 122.7 94.8 .948366 1977 150.6 110.2 129.5 97.7 125.4 101.8 101.7 102.3 120.8 106.3 126.0 95.2 .952254 1978 162.8 125.6 141.7 120.8 150.9 121.2 118.1 111.0 139.0 120.7 109.3 99.6 .995713 1979 178.5 177.1 157.1 149.3 167.1 132.1 141.0 117.6 155.6 143.3 184.9 102.5 1.024915 1930 244.6 230.4 179.9 157.8 198.7 197.9 162.3 133.3 169.1 155.9 200.8 102.9 1.029189 1981 246.8 231.6 200.2 122.3 168.1 251.1 141.2 147.3 169.3 136.3 168.6 91.5 .914967 1982 241.5 226.4 217.3 123.6 138.9 247.2 126.5 133.2 163.5 132.8 188.0 86.0 .859973 1933 243.6 227.9 218.3 112. 7 118.9 224.2 113.4 139.2 168.1 126.5 183.6 82.5 .824598 1984 251.3 234.8 220.1 107.7 109.1 209.0 98.4 147.5 171.0 118.7 182.1 79.2 .792494 1985 262.4 244.8 221.5 107.9 131.2 206.0 104.0 159.9 176.7 124.2 184.7 78.5 .784621 Table 3. — Mining cost indexes for Angola Uxnl cucnrcv irdex Ycnr Minirq Ctretnc- Bjiiprcrt ard Bits ard re- rapair parts lated steel TiiTtaer ard lurber FUal Dedo- sives Tires ard ntfcer CtrEtructicn Characals IIHtu ialplo- Tires ard Crrstzucticn Chemicals TcanEcor- Electric Bchanga wrp tioi wane umir carts lated steel lumber sivres nrber lintel ials taticn truer rate 1970 66.0 66.0 62.6 59.7 44.0 54.7 66.9 60.4 50.8 61.5 69.2 70.0 277.710 1971 66.0 66.0 66.0 62.8 45.5 54.9 70.4 67.3 54.3 63.5 68.3 80.0 277.130 1972 66.0 66.0 69.1 64.3 48.8 54.2 72.7 72.8 54.8 65.7 67.7 70.0 252.210 1973 72.3 72.3 72.3 72.4 109.7 47.6 73.1 76.4 55.8 70.2 71.1 78.7 222.700 1974 72.3 72.3 86.2 96.9 106.8 79.7 89.4 91.7 72.6 92.4 80.9 78.7 240.500 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1D0.0 214.320 1976 113.8 113.8 113.0 106.2 125.3 113.1 110.2 129.0 101.5 104.6 110.8 103.9 238.980 1977 153.2 153.2 121.3 112.0 143.8 135.3 116.6 120.6 105. 1 109.7 117.2 119.0 245.670 1978 153.2 153.2 135.6 122.2 153.9 141.2 124.4 131.4 113.7 114.3 125.7 125.7 225.640 1979 191.5 191.5 153.0 136.1 165.8 159.1 140.0 154.1 134.3 131.9 131.4 138.6 212.720 1900 191.5 191.5 173.1 144.4 195.9 217.2 160.0 180.9 162.9 157.2 137.8 180.3 211.300 1931 191.5 191.5 196.8 146.8 213.1 346.0 179.0 204.7 193.6 179.5 147.1 272.6 271.730 1982 242.6 242.6 222.5 182.3 213.0 369.8 193.9 227.7 216.6 202.2 163.6 289.7 328.620 1983 242.6 242.6 241.4 199.4 211.1 385.4 209.9 248.1 229.9 220.9 173.8 300.8 380.510 U.S. currency index Year Mining Cdnsbac- Erjiiprent ard Bits ard re- Timber ard FUal Bplo- Tires ard Ctretructkn Chemicals Electric BcTBrga Tranepcr- ware ticn wane wnir carts lated steel lumber si\res niter Materials tatdcn newer ratio 1970 50.9 50.9 48.3 46.1 34.0 42.2 51.6 46.6 39.2 47.4 53.4 54.0 0.771740 1971 51.0 51.0 51.0 48.6 35.1 42.4 54.4 52.0 42.0 49.1 52.8 61.9 .773355 1972 56.0 56.0 58.7 54.6 41.5 46.1 61.8 61.9 46.6 55.9 57.5 39.5 .849768 1973 69.6 69.6 69.6 69.7 105.5 45.9 70.3 73.6 53.7 67.5 63.5 75.8 .962370 1974 64.5 64.5 76.8 86.4 95.2 71.0 79.6 81.7 64.7 82.3 72.1 70.2 .891143 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 102.1 102.1 101.3 95.3 112.4 101.5 98.8 115.7 91.0 93.8 99.3 97.6 .896811 1977 133.6 133.6 105.8 97.7 125.4 118.1 101.7 105.2 91.7 95.7 102.3 103.8 .872389 1978 145.5 145.5 128.8 116.0 150.9 134.1 118.1 124.8 103.0 103.6 119.4 119.4 .949831 1979 192.9 192.9 154.1 137.1 167.1 160.3 141.1 155.3 135.3 132.9 132.4 139.7 1.007521 1980 194.2 194.2 175.6 146.4 198.7 220.3 162.3 183.5 165.2 159.5 139.7 182.9 1.014292 1981 151.0 151.0 155.2 115.8 168.1 272.9 141.2 161.4 152.7 141.6 116.0 215.0 .783724 1962 153.2 158.2 145.1 118.9 138.9 241.2 126.4 148.5 141.3 131.8 109.9 188.9 .652181 1983 136.6 136.6 135.9 112.3 118.9 217.0 118.2 139.7 129.5 124.4 97.9 169.4 .563244 Table 12. — Mining cost indexes for Burma Iccal currency index Year Mining wane Construc- tion wage EtjjiprFrfc ard Bits ard re- rFTftir parts later! steel Tinber ard luiber FUel Evplc- si\«s Tires ard rubber Ctretructkn Chemicals materials Transpor- tation Electric cower Exchange rate 1970 91.6 89.0 40.9 55.8 46.7 70.9 38.3 40.2 40.2 39.2 84.5 50.9 4.762 1971 90.6 89.4 43.3 55.3 40.7 71.6 40.9 41.5 44.2 38.6 85.5 51.5 4.821 1972 86.9 76.6 52.0 63.0 47.4 71.7 52.2 51.8 55.0 44.2 83.4 52.1 5.454 1973 94.6 94.4 51.2 78.9 46.2 71.2 53.5 54.1 53.5 44.2 84.2 55.5 4.907 1974 104. 1 98.2 60.9 122.3 71.8 100.0 59.9 75.0 72.7 64.4 95.2 89.6 4.853 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 6.454 1976 120.9 118.4 117.0 96.5 197.0 100.0 100.6 97.9 110.5 123.2 104.5 148.8 6.770 1977 117.4 122.4 136.4 100.1 180.1 100.0 112.5 110.5 127.5 133.6 110.0 154.9 7.136 1978 137.5 113.4 149.8 125.1 171.7 100.0 125.7 117.0 143.7 151.0 112.9 152.1 6.865 1979 163.8 114.4 153.0 140.3 173.7 100.0 145.3 121.3 157.8 157.3 131.6 139.1 6.651 1980 150.7 114.4 166.7 152.1 199.3 100.0 166.2 139a 169.6 163.8 137.3 149.0 6.609 1981 154.0 134.2 199.0 170.1 220.4 100.0 159.9 172.3 172.6 20B.1 145.8 207.1 7.303 1982 135.0 137.2 216.2 156.9 217.9 105.0 153.0 164.3 172.3 232.2 153.1 209.2 7.807 1983 126.6 140.4 221.8 136.6 207.8 111.3 145.9 176.4 163.4 253.9 162.2 216.4 7.975 U.S. currerrv index Year Mining Construc- Bgoipiert ard Bits ard re- Timbar ard FUel &pk>- Tires ard CtrBtruction Chemicals TranErjcr— Electric E^rharge W5CB tion were recair carts lrlt.H.3 StPRl. lirtber si\res niter materials ration power ratio 1970 124.2 120.6 55.4 75.7 63.3 96.1 51.9 54.5 54.5 53.1 114.5 69.1 1.355312 1971 121.3 119.7 58.0 74.0 54.5 95.9 54.7 55.5 59.2 51.7 114.5 69.0 1.338726 1972 102.9 90.6 61.5 74.5 56.1 84.8 61.8 61.3 65.1 52.4 98.7 61.6 1.183351 1973 124.4 124.2 67.3 103.7 60.7 93.7 70.3 71.2 77.0 58.2 110.7 73.0 1.315263 1974 138.4 130.5 80.9 162.6 95.4 132.9 79.7 99.6 96.6 85.5 126.5 119.0 1.328530 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 115.2 112.9 111.5 92.0 187.8 95.3 98.8 93.4 HE. 4 117.5 99.6 141.9 .953323 1977 105.2 110.7 123.4 90.6 162.8 90.4 101.7 99.9 115.3 125.4 99.4 140.1 .904428 1978 129.3 106.6 140.8 117.6 161.4 94.0 118.1 110.0 135.1 141.9 106.1 143.0 .940131 1979 158.9 111.0 153.3 136.2 168.6 97.0 141.0 117.7 153.1 152.6 127.7 135.0 .970380 1980 147.1 111.7 162.8 148.5 194.6 97.7 162.3 135.9 165.6 164.9 134.0 145.5 .976547 1981 136.0 118.5 175.7 150.2 194.6 88.3 141.2 152.2 152.4 178.5 128.8 182.9 .883141 1982 1U.6 113.4 178.7 129.7 IflO.l 86.8 126.4 135.8 142.4 191.9 126.5 173.0 .826693 1983 102.4 113.6 179.5 110.6 163.1 90.0 118.1 142.8 132.2 209.5 131.3 175.1 .809278 Table 13. — Mining cost indexes for Cameroon local curr e ncy irdex Year Mining CtrsfcnE- wo3 ticn vaqe EtjiirmHrfc ard Bits ard re- Tinter and iFpnir parts late d steel linter ReI Explo- sives Tires erd OtrBcnrtian CBniaals piter materia ls TcarBpar- tatkn ELectric power IJXchange 1970 53.4 59.5 62.6 59.7 44.4 34.2 66.9 60.4 85.4 54.5 81.6 39.9 277.710 1971 54.9 62.0 66.0 62.8 45.5 41.2 70.4 67.3 87.3 57.1 80.0 43.7 277.130 1972 57.1 64.5 69.1 64.3 48.8 49.1 72.7 72.8 88.7 59.9 80.0 51.6 252.210 1973 63.5 67.0 72.3 72.4 109.7 51.5 73.1 76.4 89.6 65.5 81.0 62.3 222.700 1974 69.5 69.5 86.2 96.9 106.8 96.3 89.4 91.7 93.0 92.4 93.9 82.0 240.500 1975 lflO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 lflO.O 100.0 100.0 214.320 1976 100.0 100.0 113.0 106.2 125.3 100.0 110.2 129.0 102.0 104.6 1D3.6 115.3 238.960 1377 103.0 106.0 121.3 132.0 143.8 107.0 116.6 120.6 111.7 109.7 124.9 140.0 245.670 1978 103.0 141.7 135.6 122.2 158.9 135.2 124.4 131.4 115.3 114.3 147.2 164.0 225.640 1979 121.3 144.7 153.0 136.1 165.8 154.2 140.0 154.1 139.8 131.9 164.4 178.4 212.720 I960 125.9 149.9 173.1 144.4 195.9 231.0 160.0 180.9 135.2 157.2 183.4 199.8 211.300 19B1 135.2 174.4 196.8 146.8 213.1 319.7 179.0 204.7 147.1 203.4 211.5 228.1 271.730 19R2 150.5 199.0 222.5 182.3 213.0 368.8 193.9 227.7 156.8 232.0 226.4 264.2 328.620 1963 169.5 219.7 241.4 199.4 211.1 384.4 209.9 248.1 162.4 255.6 231.1 295.0 380.510 U.S. currency index Mining Ctrstnc- Etgjipment and Bits erd re- Tinter ard vega tknvacE PTRir parts lated steel luiter Fuel 1970 41.2 45.9 1971 42.4 47.9 1972 48.5 54.8 1973 61.1 64.5 1974 61.9 61.9 1975 100.0 100.0 1976 89.7 89.7 1977 94.2 94.2 1978 102.6 134.6 1979 122.2 145.8 I960 127.7 152.0 1981 106.7 137.5 1982 96.1 129.7 1963 95.5 123.7 EVplo- Tiresard Otrstnjctdan Chanicals Transpor- ELectric Exchange si ves niter materials tatic n power ratio 48.3 51.0 58.7 69.6 76.8 100.0 101.3 1D5.8 128.8 154.1 175.6 155.2 145.1 135.9 46.1 34.3 26.4 51.6 46.6 65.9 42.1 63.0 30.8 0.771740 48.6 35.1 31.9 54.4 52.0 67.5 44.2 61.8 33.8 .773355 54.6 41.5 41.7 61.8 61.9 75.4 50.9 63.0 43.8 .849768 -69.7 105.5 49.5 70.3 73.6 86.2 63.0 78.0 60.0 .962370 86.4 95.2 85.8 79.6 81.7 87.4 82.3 83.7 73.1 .891143 100.0 100.0 lflO.O lflO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 lflO.O 1.000000 95.3 132.4 89.7 98.8 135.7 91.4 93.8 97.4 100.4 .896911 97.7 125.4 93.4 101.7 105.2 97.4 95.7 1D9.0 122.2 .872389 116.0 150.9 109.4 118.1 124.8 109.5 108.6 139.8 155.8 .949631 137.1 167.1 155.3 141.1 155.3 120.7 132.9 165.6 179.7 1.007521 146.4 196.7 234.3 162.3 183.5 137.1 159.5 186.1 202.7 1.014292 115.8 168.1 252.2 141.2 161.4 116.0 160.4 166.8 179.9 .788724 138.9 138.9 240.5 126.4 148.5 102.2 15L.3 147.6 172.3 .652181 112.3 118.9 216.5 118.2 139.7 91.4 143.9 130.2 166.1 .563244 Table 14. — Mining cost indexes for Canada Local currency index Year Mining Qansfcric- Bgaiprert ard Hits ard re- Tinter ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard Construction Chemicals Transpor- EOactric EXchanga waps tkn wace repair [ht.Ls lated sIi-hI lurter sives rubber materials tation ccwer rate 1970 56.8 55.9 70.4 59.3 56.3 51.2 78.0 70.7 65.8 61.8 76.7 73.5 1.044 1971 62.1 63.1 72.2 61.7 72.2 54.6 79.0 73.4 68.4 62.4 78.8 76.0 1.010 1972 66.7 68.4 74.1 63.7 97.4 57.3 78.9 74.5 71.7 63.3 79.9 76.7 .990 1973 74.0 75.2 77.3 68.1 124.2 65.8 80.8 75.8 77.0 66.4 87.1 81.4 1.000 1974 84.5 85.4 87.9 84.1 103.2 85.2 88.7 91.1 93.4 85.5 96.4 90.6 .978 1975 100.0 100.0 lflO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 lflO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 lflO.O 1.017 1976 113.7 115.3 107.1 109.4 120.4 115.3 102.2 99.9 106.6 104.3 106.3 116.7 .986 1977 124.6 129.7 113.4 116.0 134.7 134.0 112.0 106.8 112.5 109.7 115.0 152.3 1.063 1978 134.4 136.5 121.4 125.9 171.6 151.9 112.2 109.3 122.4 118.1 119.1 168.6 1.141 1979 148.4 146.6 136.1 144.3 200.5 182.8 123.2 120.3 142.0 134.1 132.5 184.9 1.171 1960 165.9 160.7 153.9 161.5 165.6 239.8 146.3 144.1 156.6 156.7 143.5 212.1 1.169 1961 187.7 181.9 173.5 179.2 161.2 327.6 167.6 160.4 172.3 178.7 162.8 235.5 1.199 1362 213.8 196.9 189.4 194.0 147.0 372.4 174.9 170.5 187.3 191.5 171.1 265.9 1.234 1333 221.7 208.9 195.3 197.0 197.0 377.3 165.0 172.0 191.2 197.5 184.8 289.8 1.232 1964 234.4 203. 139.7 201.3 188.2 386.4 172.6 167.7 196.2 204.5 193.5 311.0 1.295 1935 242.3 209.3 208.2 204.3 183.1 418.7 174.7 171.2 202.3 209.0 204.7 330.4 1.365 U.S. currency index Year Mining Gcrstruc- Hjiipnent ard Bits ard re- Tinter ard FUel Explo- Tiresard Ctretruction Chemicals Ttanspar- ELectric Endrnja VJ3CE tion vBpa repair parts lated steel linear sives niter roaterials taticn newer ratio 1970 55.4 54.5 68.6 57.8 54.9 49.9 76.0 68.9 64.1 60.2 74.8 71.6 0.974137 1971 62.5 63.5 72.7 62.2 72.7 55.0 79.5 73.9 63.9 62.8 79.3 76.5 1.006930 1972 68.5 70.3 76.1 65.4 100.1 58.8 81.0 76.6 73.7 65.0 82.0 78.8 1.027272 1973 75.3 76.4 78.6 69.3 126.3 66.9 82.2 77.1 78.3 67.6 88.6 82.8 1.017000 1974 87.9 83.8 91.4 87.5 107.3 88.6 92.2 94.8 97.1 88.9 lflO.2 94.2 1.039877 1975 100.0 lflO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 lflO.O 100.0 1.000000 1976 117.2 118.9 110.5 112.8 124.2 118.9 1D5.4 100.1 109.9 107.6 108.6 120.4 1.001440 1977 119.2 124.1 1C8.5 111.0 128.9 128.2 107.1 101.2 107.6 106.0 11D.0 145.7 .956726 1978 119.8 121.7 106.2 112.2 152.9 135.4 100.0 97.4 109.1 105.3 106.1 150.3 .891323 1979 128.9 127.3 118.2 125.3 174.1 153.7 107.0 104.4 123.3 116.4 115.1 160.6 .868488 1980 144.3 139.8 133.9 140.5 144.1 208.6 127.3 125.3 136.2 136.3 124.8 184.5 .869974 1961 159.2 154.3 147.2 152.0 136.7 277.9 142.1 136.0 146.1 151.5 138.1 139.7 .848206 1382 176.2 162.3 155.1 159.8 121.1 306.9 144.2 140.5 154.3 157.8 141.0 219.1 .824149 1983 183.0 172.4 161.2 162.6 162.6 311.4 136.2 142.0 157.8 163.0 152.6 239.2 .825487 1964 184.1 163.3 156.8 158.1 147.8 303.5 135.5 131.7 154.1 160.6 151.9 244.2 .785328 1965 180.5 155.9 155.1 152.2 136.4 311.9 130.1 127.5 150.7 155.7 152.5 246.1 .745064 10 Table 15. — Mining cost indexes for Chile Year Mining Ctrrtz\r>- woa tkn vaqe 1970 0.5 0.2 1971 0.8 0.3 1972 0.8 1.0 1973 2.7 3.9 1974 19.0 21.2 1975 100.0 100.0 1976 377.7 308.7 1977 1076.1 570.0 1978 1668.7 833.3 1979 2566.8 1223.3 I960 3964.8 1647.9 1981 4825.8 1964.1 1982 5032.1 1830.2 1983 6130.3 1821.9 1564 7535.1 1881.3 1985 9819.4 1942.6 local curre ncy ird ax Bgairnent ad Bits ard re- Tinber ard Fuel E^ilo- Tires ad Crr6tr\rtkn Chanicals TterBpor- Electric B«±Erge n-^mr pa rts Ititjal s t Bel I tntaer sires niter imud ti als tati'"" power jMm 0.2 81.6 0.012 0.2 81.6 .012 0.5 81.6 .020 3.8 81.8 .111 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.2 1.3 1.6 1.3 0.3 0.9 1.8 6.4 1.1 12.5 15.2 13.5 10.0 5.9 15.7 25.0 12.4 32.3 84.3 .832 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.911 317.6 284.3 264.1 226.5 195.6 283.1 294.6 281.7 277.8 162.2 13.C64 567.7 498.2 368.7 383.1 303.6 492.5 519.4 474.4 607.7 245.0 21.529 913.8 769.0 670.2 535.9 480.4 753.3 751.3 702.9 972.4 301.6 31.656 1191.8 1009.1 1150.2 1183.9 609.2 944.9 1090.0 967.7 1332.4 393.5 37.246 1428.9 1187.0 1514.6 1346.4 712.2 1116.2 1462.9 1243.6 1558.1 550.3 39.000 1589.9 1265.5 1735.5 1478.0 842.4 1238.4 1632.6 1394.4 1816.0 657.9 39.000 2252.4 1689.4 2176.3 1594.8 1069.4 1657.0 1867.8 1766.6 2092.2 687.5 50.909 3505.1 2570.3 2656.4 2527.8 1207.5 2496.3 2170.0 2660.7 2659.5 854.9 78.842 4408.5 3338.8 3351.7 2972.8 1192.1 2985.8 2524.9 3584.6 3186.6 1010.4 98.370 6039.2 4734.5 4154.4 4056.9 2252.1 4279.5 3425.9 5131.1 4109.0 1282.4 135.000 U.S. currency inde x Year Mining Ocnstrvc- Hjoirment ard Bits atl re- Tinber ad Fuel Bplo- Tires and (Distortion Chsmcals Trarspcc- Electric Bcnarga ware tJonvBoe repair-parts late! steel linfaer sires ntber imUai als tatkn power ratio 1970 226.7 89.6 73.2 80.6 68.7 42.9 54.4 100.6 78.9 69.1 112.9 33426.3 409.250000 1971 357.6 133.0 75.3 83.8 58.9 47.8 55.2 100.6 87.1 69.5 116.2 33427.1 409.250000 1972 214.6 259.0 68.7 78.5 57.9 35.6 47.3 92.5 134.0 61.1 126.2 20061.1 245.550000 1973 123.7 172.8 61.3 72.2 61.8 17.1 40.8 83.6 284.9 52.2 169.2 3619.3 44.243243 1974 112.1 125.2 73.9 89.9 79.7 59.4 35.1 92.7 148.0 73.6 191.1 497.6 5.90B644 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 142.1 116.1 119.5 106.9 99.3 85.2 73.6 106.5 110.8 106.0 104.5 61.0 .376206 1977 245.4 130.0 129.5 113.6 84.1 87.4 69.2 112.3 118.4 103.2 138.6 55.9 .228110 1978 253.8 129.2 141.7 119.3 100.9 83.1 74.5 116.8 116.5 109.0 150.8 46.7 .155136 1979 338.4 161.3 157.1 133.0 151.6 156.1 80.3 124.5 143.7 127.6 175.6 51.8 .131853 1980 499.2 207.5 179.9 149.4 190.7 169.5 89.6 140.5 184.2 156.6 196.2 69.2 .125923 1981 607.6 247.3 200.2 159.3 218.5 186.1 106.0 155.9 205.5 175.5 228.6 82.8 .125923 1982 490.2 176.5 217.2 162.9 209.9 153.8 103.1 159.8 180.1 170.4 201.8 66.3 .096466 1983 381.8 113.4 218.3 160.1 165.4 157.4 75.2 155.4 135.1 165.7 165.6 53.2 .062289 1984 376.1 93.9 220.0 166.6 167.3 148.4 59.5 149.0 126.0 178.9 159.0 50.4 049923 1985 357.2 70.6 221.5 172.2 151.1 147.5 81.9 155.6 124.6 186.6 149.4 46.6 .036377 Table 16.— Mining cost indexes for Colombia local c m u Ly irdax 32.0 49.5 54.8 22.9 48.5 46.2 28.0 63.6 67.5 19.932 35.6 52.5 53.0 26.7 55.2 51.8 31.0 66.0 76.3 21.866 47.4 68.5 53.5 34.1 60.8 62.3 37.4 71.7 85.7 23.637 83.9 91.5 55.0 68.4 79.1 84.7 70.0 93.2 88.6 26.064 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 30.929 109.4 121.0 129.9 119.9 115.0 123.5 111.8 126.5 119.5 34.694 Year Mining Ctnstruc- Frjiiprent srd Bits ard re- Tinber ard Fuel B^iId- Tires ard Ocnstrirtiai Chanicals Tranter- Electric Bchsnga waap tienw ec e repair parts lated steel liti bar sires rubber materials taticn power rate 37.4 31.7 45.0 70.4 20.6 46.0 42.2 26.1 53.7 62.1 18 443 41.6 49.6 58.1 77.5 100.0 120.0 138.7 119.6 157.9 157.8 119.2 133.0 156.9 119.1 163.0 160.8 36.780 163.1 162.6 220.0 182.2 137.5 155.0 214.8 134.9 187.1 218.8 39.100 187.8 249.1 322.6 382.2 470.0 615.5 571.0 530.5 1027.8 413.0 555.0 784.8 442.4 644.8 1331.2 100.827 734.4 735.3 676.9 1315.3 644.7 700.1 980.1 551.4 828.0 1766.8 156.602 1970 45.0 36.8 1971 55.7 49.6 1972 60.2 54.3 1973 69.4 63.5 1974 80.9 79.4 1975 100.0 100.0 1976 124.0 127.9 1977 155.2 178.3 1978 204.1 279.4 1979 274.8 40B.3 1980 342.1 534.5 1981 449.6 764.5 1982 634.7 961.4 1983 768.4 1174.2 1964 931.8 1434.0 1985 1216.5 1836.9 212.1 251.5 380.1 150.3 195.7 277.8 164.6 242.3 290.4 42.556 275.0 324.1 494.9 207.7 269.6 356.2 218.1 310.2 417.9 47.287 312.1 389.2 612.9 294.9 353.4 427.4 257.0 372.7 592.9 54.498 340.4 459.2 747.1 309.1 383.7 530.0 318.3 467.4 848.9 64.111 430.4 491.9 888.5 313.1 456.0 619.4 363.3 557.5 1327.3 78.868 U.S. currency index Year Mining OrstriE- Bgjipient ad Bits ard re- Tinber aid Fuel Bplo- Tires ard Obstruction Chanicals Ttaepar- Electric FXheraB yeas tion waae repair parts lated steel Imber sires rubber BHteri als taticn newer ratio 62.7 53.2 75.5 118.0 34.6 77.2 70.8 43.8 98.5 104.2 1.677004 64.5 49.7 76.9 85.1 35.6 75.3 71.6 43.4 98.8 104.8 1.551725 70.2 50.4 74.3 74.9 37.7 78.1 73.3 43.9 93.4 103.0 1.414479 76.0 62.1 89.7 70.1 44.7 79.6 81.5 48.9 93.9 112.1 1.308499 91.9 99.5 103.6 65.2 81.1 93.9 100.5 83.1 110.6 105.1 1.186655 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 107.0 97.5 107.9 115.8 106.9 102.6 110.1 99.7 112.7 106.5 .891479 116.6 100.6 132.8 132.7 100.3 111.8 132.0 100.1 137.1 135.2 .840918 129.0 128.6 174.1 144.1 103.8 122.6 169.9 106.7 148.0 173.1 .791023 136.5 154.1 182.8 276.3 109.2 142.2 201.9 119.6 176.1 211.0 .726783 162.9 179.8 211.9 323.7 135.8 176.3 233.0 142.7 202.9 273.3 .654069 183.1 177.1 220.9 347.8 167.4 200.5 242.6 145.8 211.5 336.5 .567525 184.4 164.2 221.5 360.4 149.1 185.1 255.7 153.5 225.5 409.5 .482428 184.3 168.7 192.9 348.4 122.8 178.8 242.9 144.4 218.6 442.1 .392161 188.8 175.1 162.7 315.3 126.7 170.2 240.7 135.7 197.8 408.3 .306753 145.0 145.2 133.6 259.7 127.3 138.8 193.5 103.9 163.5 348.9 .197500 1970 75.5 61.7 1971 86.5 77.0 1972 85.1 76.8 1973 90.9 83.2 1974 96.0 94.3 1975 100.0 100.0 1976 110.5 114.0 1977 130.5 149.9 1978 161.5 221.0 1979 199.7 293.1 1980 223.7 382.3 1981 255.1 433.8 1982 306.2 463.8 1983 301.3 460.4 1964 285.8 439.8 1985 240.2 372.6 11 Table 17.— Mining cost indexes for Congo local currency irdsx Yea: Mining OtTEtriE- Frjiipmsnt and Bits ard re- Tirrcer ard FUel BqaLo- Tires ard QTBtcirtkn Chemicals Tterspcr- Electric Bchsrga usoe tkn vaqe in Hir carts lated steel lirrber SL\«S nicer materials tntim ccwer rate 1970 53.4 53.4 62.6 59.7 59.8 62.2 66.9 60.4 65.8 61.5 44.5 85.4 277.710 1371 54.9 54.9 66.0 62.8 64.6 59.5 70.4 67.3 69.0 63.5 45.6 99.0 277.130 1972 57.1 57.1 69.1 64.3 66.0 64.9 72.7 72.8 69.6 65.7 48.2 99.0 252.210 1973 63.5 63.5 72.3 72.4 82.1 62.2 73.1 76.4 87.0 70.2 53.7 99.0 222.700 1974 69.5 69.5 86.2 96.9 118.0 81.1 89.4 91.7 93.5 92.4 69.1 98.6 240.500 1975 100.0 1O0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1O0.0 100.0 100.0 214.320 1976 1D0.O 100.0 113.0 105.2 102.3 110.8 110.2 129.0 109.0 104.6 103.3 100.0 238.980 1977 1C6.0 103.0 121.3 112.0 111.8 121.6 116.6 120.6 117.9 109.7 106.6 115.8 245.670 1978 103.0 103.0 135.6 122.2 132.4 132.4 124.4 131.4 126.9 114.3 110.0 131.5 225.640 1979 121.3 121.3 153.0 136.1 148.9 194.6 140.0 154 J. 135.8 131.9 110.0 131.5 212.720 1990 125.9 125.9 173.1 144.4 174.3 237.0 160.0 180.9 146.2 157.2 110.0 131.5 211.300 1931 135.2 135.2 196.8 146.8 171.2 346.1 179.0 204.7 169.3 179.5 110.0 137.6 271.730 1982 150.5 150.5 222.5 182.3 0.0 400.7 193.9 227.7 183.3 202.2 125.6 144.0 328.620 1983 169.5 169.5 241.4 199.4 0.0 418.1 209.9 248.1 191.4 220.9 128.6 150.7 380.510 U.S. qhbw index Year Mining OJtsLt lo- Bgjiprrent ard Bits ard re- Tiirber ard FUel Bplo- Tires ard CtrEtnctkn Chemicals Transpor- ELectric Dthange VBCE tion vecE i^mr intU=» lated sbeel luifcer S1\«S utter materials tation ccwer ratio 1970 41.2 41.2 48.3 46.1 46.2 48.0 51.6 46.6 50.8 47.4 34.4 65.9 0.771740 1971 42.4 42.4 51.0 48.6 49.9 46.0 54.4 52.0 53.3 49.1 35.2 76.6 .773355 1972 48.5 48.5 58.7 54.6 56.1 55.1 61.8 61.9 59.2 55.9 41.0 84.1 .849768 1973 61.1 61.1 69.6 69.7 79.0 59.8 70.3 73.6 83.7 67.5 56.5 95.3 .962370 1974 61.9 61.9 76.8 86.4 105.2 72.2 79.6 81.7 83.3 82.3 61.6 87.9 .891143 1975 100.0 1D0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 89.7 89.7 101.3 95.3 91.7 99.4 98.8 115.7 97.7 93.8 92.7 89.7 .896811 1977 94.2 94.2 105.8 97.7 97.5 106.1 101.7 105.2 102.9 95.7 93.0 101.0 .872389 1978 1D2.6 102.6 128.8 116.0 125.8 125.8 118.1 124.8 120.5 108.6 104.4 124.9 .949831 1979 122.2 122.2 154.1 137.1 150.1 196.1 141.1 155.3 136.9 132.9 110.8 132.5 1.007521 I960 127.7 127.7 175.6 146.4 176.8 240.4 162.3 183.5 148.2 159.5 111.5 133.4 1.014292 1981 105.7 106.7 155.2 115.8 135.0 272.9 141.2 161.4 133.5 141.6 86.7 108.5 .788724 1982 98.1 98.1 145.1 118.9 0.0 261.3 126.4 148.5 119.5 131.8 81.9 93.9 .652181 1983 95.5 95.5 135.9 112.3 0.0 235.4 118.2 139.7 107.8 124.4 72.4 84.8 .553244 Table 18.— Mining cost indexes for Costa Rica Iccal currency index Year Mining CtrstnjD- Etpicmsrt ard Bits ard re- Tinfeer ard FUel E>plo- Tires ard Crrstruction Chemkals Electric Exchange HdfcfXl'- ueoB ticn vbob nrmr mrts lated steel lurrer sr\«s nicer materials tation ccwer rate 1970 44.4 56.1 40.7 46.6 44.5 21.0 47.1 62.0 47.9 45.6 60.7 43.3 6.625 1971 49.4 59.6 42.5 49.0 43.2 21.4 50.0 62.1 50.4 47.0 62.7 41.5 6.626 1972 50.9 63.7 43.7 51.4 43.2 22.6 51.0 62.2 51.6 49.2 64.5 41.3 6.635 1973 65.3 69.8 45.8 54.3 46.0 56.5 53.1 63.1 62.6 55.9 66.9 43.9 6.647 1974 80.8 82.0 68.2 83.0 78.8 83.7 77.8 85.5 88.6 34.8 79.5 74.6 7.930 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 10O.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 8.570 1976 106.2 114.2 119.5 105.9 130.1 100.8 106.9 106.5 104.0 102.2 114.4 116.8 8.570 1977 112.4 132.1 129.5 113.6 156.4 106.2 115.1 112.4 109.5 106.6 116.8 127.8 8.570 1978 130.3 154.0 141.8 119.3 162.8 111.8 124.6 116.9 119.1 112.2 122.3 136.8 8.570 1979 150.9 176.8 157.1 133.0 224.4 192.4 137.3 124.6 142.2 129.3 123.1 143.0 8.570 1980 173.8 209.6 179.9 149.5 300.0 260.5 154.6 140.6 166.6 169.6 146.2 155.7 8.570 1981 237.6 279.4 508.4 404.7 726.6 711.3 454.2 396.0 303.5 303.7 199.8 225.7 21.763 1982 419.2 437.1 952.8 714.6 1135.9 1212.6 809.3 712.4 643.8 693.6 371.4 453.6 37.590 1933 544.7 571.3 1048.5 768.8 1342.6 1209.0 895.2 780.5 877.8 959.3 489.7 619.3 41.156 U.S. currerrv index Year Mining Ctrsbruc- FJgjipient ard Bits ard re- Tintaer ard FUel &p\o- Tires ard OxBtructicn Chemicals Transccr- Electric Exchange vaqe ticn wana IHHir |.Ht(..S lated f*t=f>1 luirer si\res nicer naterials taticn ccwer ratio 1970 57.4 72.5 52.6 60.3 57.6 27.2 61.0 80.2 61.9 59.1 78.5 56.1 1.293534 1971 63.9 77.1 55.0 63.4 55.8 27.7 64.7 80.3 65.3 60.9 81.1 53.6 1.293389 1972 65.8 82.2 56.5 66.4 55.8 29.1 65.8 80.3 66.6 63.5 83.3 53.4 1.291635 1973 85.5 90.0 59.1 70.0 59.3 72.8 68.5 81.4 80.8 72.0 86.3 56.6 1.289303 1974 87.3 88.6 73.7 89.7 85.1 90.5 84.1 92.4 95.8 37.6 86.0 80.6 1.080706 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 106.2 114.2 119.5 106.9 130.1 100.8 106.9 106.5 104.0 102.2 114.4 116.8 1.000000 1977 112.4 132.1 129.5 113.6 156.4 106.2 115.1 112.4 109.5 106.6 116.8 127.8 1.000000 1978 130.3 154.0 141.8 119.3 162.8 111.8 124.6 116.9 119.1 112.2 122.3 136.8 1.000000 1979 150.9 176.8 157.1 133.0 224.4 192.4 137.3 124.6 142.2 129.3 123.1 143.0 1.000000 1980 173.8 209.6 179.9 149.5 300.0 260.5 154.6 140.6 166.6 169.6 146.2 155.7 1.000000 1981 93.5 110.0 200.2 159.3 286.1 280.1 178.8 155.9 121.4 119.6 78.7 88.8 .393787 1982 95.6 99.6 217.2 162.9 259.0 276.5 184.5 162.4 146.8 159.3 84.7 104.5 .228046 1983 113.4 118.9 218.3 160.1 279.5 251.7 1B6.4 162.5 182.7 199.7 101.9 128.9 .208232 12 Table 19. — Mining cost indexes for Cyprus local currency index Veen: Mining OTEtrU2- Efcpipnent and Bits and re- Tinter and Fuel F>plo- Tiros and CtrFfcnxticn Chemicals Ttarqxr- Eleetric Exchange VEOS tknvaga i^Hir caits luster si\es ruter materials taticn cower rate 1370 57.4 53.2 67.5 58.6 57.7 30.9 64.3 67.3 67.6 55.5 64.5 64.1 ".417 1971 62.6 66.2 69.7 59.3 60.8 31.9 71.1 75.4 67.4 55.0 68.3 64.1 .411 1972 63.6 75.8 73.0 60.2 56.4 33.5 74.5 75.1 65.2 56.9 73.0 64.1 .384 1973 82.9 92.7 77.5 73.7 69.3 37.8 70.4 69.6 77.6 60.7 88.8 64.1 .350 1974 96.7 108.3 89.4 95.8 128.9 70.2 82.1 86.3 104.1 81.3 89.3 76.9 .365 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .368 1976 107.4 100.9 104.6 108.1 154.0 117.6 108.6 104.0 112.8 96.1 110.9 104.7 .410 1977 125.6 124.1 123.5 122.5 149.0 121.8 120.6 120.8 129.6 100.5 116.7 113.6 .403 1978 147.1 160.2 137.6 129.2 130.2 147.3 136.4 130.4 132.6 107.1 134.1 117.7 .373 1979 181.8 194.4 152.0 146.2 150.5 172.9 161.4 153.1 156.4 132.2 150.8 139.3 .354 1980 235.5 246.3 152.6 162.7 198.6 212.8 200.6 192,2 176.3 130.7 171.0 188.8 .353 1981 285.1 273.2 177.3 189.1 185.7 252.9 234.0 205.7 193.2 147.9 187.1 249.2 .420 1982 297.4 311.4 188.8 198.2 175.1 267.5 303.7 218.9 211.5 157.5 204.1 262.1 .475 1983 321.6 338.7 197.6 208.3 167.2 267.8 322.3 224.8 216.0 164.9 216.0 286.7 .526 U.S. currerrv : index Year Mining VBQfi Gonstnr!- ticn vbce Etpipient and Bits and le- recair carts labed steel Tinter and lurber FUel Exf&o- si\res Tires ad niter aa-Etnxticn Chemicals nabErials TrarEpor- taticn Electric power Fichanga ratio 1970 50.7 51.3 59.5 51.7 50.9 27.2 56.7 59.4 59.7 49.0 56.9 56.6 0.882494 1971 56.0 59.3 62.4 53.1 54.4 28.6 63.7 67.5 60.3 49.2 61.2 57.4 .895377 1972 65.8 72.7 70.0 57.7 54.0 32.1 71.4 72.0 62.4 54.5 70.0 61.4 .958333 1973 87.1 97.5 81.5 77.5 72.9 39.7 74.0 73.2 81.5 63.8 93.3 67.4 1.051428 1974 97.5 109.2 90.1 96.6 129.9 70.8 82.7 87.0 106.0 82.0 90.0 77.6 1.008219 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 96.4 90.6 93.8 97.0 138.3 105.5 97.5 93.4 101.3 86.3 99.6 94.0 .897560 1977 113.3 111.9 111.4 110.4 134.4 109.9 103.8 103.9 116.9 90.7 105.3 102.4 .901960 1978 145.1 153.0 135.7 127.5 128.5 145.4 134.5 128.6 130.8 105.7 132.3 116.1 .986595 1979 189.0 202.1 158.0 152.0 156.4 179.7 167.8 159.2 162.5 116.6 156.7 144.8 1.039543 1980 245.5 256.8 159.0 169.6 207.0 221.8 209.1 200.4 183.8 136.3 178.3 196.9 1.042492 1981 249.8 239.4 155.4 165.7 162.7 221.6 205.0 180.2 169.3 129.6 164.0 218.3 .876190 1982 230.4 241.2 146.3 153.6 135.6 207.3 235.3 169.6 163.9 122.0 153.1 203.1 .774736 1983 225.0 237.0 138.3 145.7 117.0 187.3 225.5 157.3 151.1 115.3 151.1 200.6 .699619 Table 20.— Mining cost indexes for Dominican Republic Trrnl nirmrv inrfcv Year Mining Ctrstruc- Etpipmsnt and Bits and re- Turner and Fuel Fiftlo- Tires and Ctnstnrticn Chemicals TrarECcr- Elflrrric EHterge VBQ5 tion vaoe repair carts lataad si ml lurber si\res ntter imlja ials tatkn cower Bate 1970 54.3 54.3 52.6 54.6 56.5 27.2 61.0 66.1 39.3 43.8 81.0 37.2 1.000 1971 57.2 57.2 55.0 55.9 62.3 27.7 64.4 66.8 40.6 49.3 77.9 36.9 1.000 1972 55.9 55.9 56.5 63.4 75.4 29.1 65.8 70.2 46.2 48.9 84.2 41.1 1.000 1973 85.0 85.0 59.1 80.2 104.3 72.8 68.5 76.1 61.5 50.0 89.5 40.9 1.000 1974 94.1 94.1 73.7 114.5 104.3 90.5 83.9 96.0 90.1 73.3 94.1 84.8 1.000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000 1976 114.0 114.0 119.5 97.2 113.0 100.8 106.9 99.7 97.5 106.0 105.4 83.3 1.000 1977 133.6 133.6 129.5 101.0 118.8 106.2 115.1 106.0 103.8 103.2 112.8 95.9 1.000 1978 148.2 148.2 141.8 322.9 134.8 111.8 124.6 113.4 122.0 109.0 124.3 97.6 1.000 1979 163.4 163.4 157.1 138.2 165.2 192.4 137.3 121.1 153.0 127.6 131.4 111.6 1.000 1980 187.8 187.8 179.9 148.1 153.6 260.5 154.6 138.2 176.7 156.6 131.0 138.5 1.000 1981 207.2 207.2 200.2 149.8 142.0 280.1 178.8 154.1 175.8 175.6 134.9 140.7 1.000 1982 224.6 224.6 217.3 144.1 141.0 257.7 184.6 148.5 167.3 170.4 148.2 157.7 1.000 1983 236.6 236.6 218.3 127.2 142.0 241.2 186.4 152.3 144.0 165.7 153.1 166.3 1.000 19B4 302.8 302.8 220.1 126.7 143.3 238.1 187.3 159.8 138.0 179.0 179.3 213.6 1.000 1985 369.0 369.0 221.5 139.7 144.7 236.0 194.9 170.6 164.1 186.7 205.5 260.9 1.000 U.S. a. irrency index Year Mining OtTEtaC- Efcpipment and Bits and re- Tinter and FUel Fi^lo- Tires and CtTBtrictkn Ctemicals Transpar— Electric Exchange vaqe tkn vbce recair carts IritH] StriPl luiter si\es niter materials taticn power ratio 1970 54.3 54.3 52.6 54.6 56.5 27.2 61.0 66.1 39.3 48.8 81.0 37.2 1.000000 1971 57.2 57.2 55.0 55.9 62.3 27.7 64.4 66.8 40.6 49.3 77.9 36.9 1.000000 1972 55.9 55.9 56.5 63.4 75.4 29.1 65.8 70.2 46.2 48.9 84.2 41.1 1.000000 1973 85.0 85.0 59.1 80.2 104.3 72.8 68.5 76.1 61.5 50.0 89.5 40.9 1.000000 1774 94.1 94.1 73.7 114.5 1C4.3 90.5 83.9 96.0 90.1 73.3 94.1 84.8 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 114.0 114.0 119.5 97.2 113.0 100.8 106.9 99.7 97.5 106.0 105.4 88.3 1.000000 1977 133.6 133.6 129.5 101.0 118.8 106.2 115.1 106.0 103.8 103.2 112.8 95.9 1.000000 1978 148.2 148.2 141.8 122.9 134.8 111.8 124.6 113.4 122.0 109.0 124.3 97.6 1.000000 1979 163.4 163.4 157.1 138.2 165.2 192.4 137.3 121.1 158.0 127.6 131.4 111.6 1.000000 1980 187.8 187.8 179.9 148.1 153.6 260.5 154.6 138.2 176.7 156.6 131.0 138.5 1.000000 1981 207.2 207.2 200.2 149.8 142.0 280.1 178.8 154.1 175.8 175.6 134.9 140.7 1.000000 1982 224.6 224.6 217.3 144.1 141.0 257.7 184.6 148.5 167.3 170.4 148.2 157.7 1.000000 1983 236.6 236.6 218.3 127.2 142.0 241.2 186.4 152.3 144.0 165.7 153.1 166.3 1.000000 )954 302.8 302.8 220.1 126.7 143.3 238.1 187.3 139.8 138.0 179.0 179.3 213.6 1.000000 1985 369.0 369.0 221.5 139.7 144.7 236.0 194.9 170.6 164.1 186.7 205.5 260.9 1.000000 13 Table 21 .—Mining cost indexes for Egypt local curia lv index Year Mining Ctnstruc- tkn waae Bgjipment and Bits and re- recair carts later! stepl Timber and lurrber Rjel Bplo- si\«s Tires and ntbpr (Destruction Chemicals materials Transprx- tarirn Electric power Bchange rate 1370 61.2 61.5 53.4 62.3 46.4 81.5 93.5 60.6 63.1 89.1 97.5 106.6 0.435 1971 69.9 63.5 61.1 62.4 46.4 82.2 93.5 61.7 64.6 89.1 97.5 104.7 .435 1972 74.1 63.4 62.8 62.5 46.4 84.0 93.5 68.1 66.6 89.0 98.0 99.5 .435 1373 72.3 74.2 60.0 70.7 98.8 87.8 95.1 71.2 73.3 92.5 99.0 94.5 .397 1974 85.7 77.7 73.7 93.1 100.0 93.0 95.1 99.6 84.7 94.6 100.2 96.5 .391 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .391 1976 118.7 1Q2.9 119.5 107.1 153.7 106.1 100.0 93.4 105.2 104.4 118.2 105.7 .391 1977 136.6 126.5 129.5 120.0 164.1 107.3 100.0 99.9 1JB.4 104.4 117.9 106.0 .391 1978 138.3 128.0 141.8 133.4 158.5 114.9 100.0 110.0 145.9 107.5 118.1 107.7 .391 1979 139.7 129.4 281.1 140.9 161.9 129.2 107.8 210.5 217.7 129.4 151.0 109.2 .700 1980 151.4 140.1 321.9 164.9 213.5 157.3 113.3 243.. 1 233.8 148.2 157.8 127.0 .700 1981 185.7 171.6 353.1 187.1 212.3 163.6 121.2 272.3 264.8 178.8 162.5 131.7 .700 1982 224.4 191.4 388.7 198.8 214.2 179.6 121.2 243.0 315.2 181.3 210.6 137.5 .700 1983 243.6 207.6 390.6 228.3 214.2 182.7 142.0 255.4 320.4 185.7 253.2 138.9 .700 1984 290.2 251.6 392.9 275.3 302.8 228.1 173.1 272.7 436.0 225.6 267.1 160.0 .700 1985 335.7 289.5 395.8 311.1 302.8 254.7 196.9 298.5 504.4 251.8 304.5 172.4 .700 U.S. currency index Year Mining Gcrstruo- Bgjipiert and Bits and re- Tinber and Fuel Explo- Tires and QTBtnxticn Chemicals TrarEpor- Electric Bchange wboe tkn wace t^ hit - carts Jated steel lurrber sives rubber materials taHm cower ratio 1970 55.0 55.3 52.5 56.0 41.7 73.3 84.1 54.5 56.7 80.1 87.6 95.8 0.898350 1371 62.8 57.0 54.9 56.1 41.7 73.9 84.1 55.4 53.1 80.1 87.6 94.1 .898850 1972 66.6 57.0 56.4 56.2 41.7 75.5 84.0 61.2 59.9 80.0 88.1 89.4 .898850 1973 71.2 73.0 59.1 69.6 97.3 86.5 93.6 70.1 72.2 91.1 97.5 93.0 .984886 1974 85.7 77.7 73.7 93.1 100.0 93.0 95.1 99.6 84.7 94.6 100.2 96.5 1.000000 1975 100.0 1D0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 11B.7 102.9 119.5 107.1 153.7 106.1 100.0 93.4 106.2 104.4 118.2 105.7 1.000000 1977 136.6 126.5 129.5 120.0 164.1 107.3 100.0 99.9 118.4 104.4 117.9 106.0 1.000000 1978 138.3 128.0 141.8 133.4 153.5 114.9 100.0 110.0 145.9 107.5 118.1 107.7 1.000000 1379 78.0 72.2 157.0 78.7 90.4 72.1 60.2 117.6 121.6 72.2 84.3 61.0 .558571 1980 84.6 78.2 179.8 92.1 119.2 87.8 63.3 135.7 130.6 82.8 88.1 70.9 .553571 1981 103.7 95.8 200.0 104.5 118.5 91.4 67.7 152.1 147.9 99.8 90.7 73.5 .553571 1982 125.3 106.9 217.1 UL1.0 119.6 100.3 67.7 135.7 176.0 101.3 117.6 76.8 .558571 1963 136.1 116.0 218.1 127.5 119.6 102.O 79.3 142.6 178.9 103.7 141.4 77.6 .553571 1984 162.1 140.5 219.4 153.7 169.1 127.4 96.7 152.3 243.5 126.0 149.2 89.4 .553571 1985 187.5 161.7 221.0 173.7 169.1 142.2 109.9 166.7 281.7 140.6 170.1 96.3 .558571 Table 22.— Mining cost indexes for Ethiopia Tim] cnrnrrv irripx Year Mining Crretruc- Frjiipmi. and Bits and re- Timber and Fuel Bplo- Tires and OtTBtarticn Chemicals Ttanspcr- Electric Bchange wace tian ware rTFiir rarts later! step! Inter si\«s rubber materials tatkn power Tate 1970 84.0 84.0 63.5 65.3 77.5 63.9 62.9 65.9 64.0 61.8 97.0 92.8 2.500 1971 84.5 84.5 66.0 67.5 80.6 76.7 63.7 66.6 65.7 64.4 97.0 93.4 2.483 1972 79.3 79.3 62.8 70.7 68.0 76.5 67.3 68.1 65.3 65.1 96.6 98.6 2.300 1973 86.4 86.4 59.9 82.0 92.3 76.9 75.2 72.2 63.8 73.0 96.7 98.1 2.099 1974 93.9 93.9 73.7 111.6 92.5 99.9 90.3 99.6 84.9 93.3 98.8 100.2 2.070 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.070 1976 130.2 130.2 119.5 97.6 98.5 99.6 101.6 93.4 90.8 98.9 99.6 101.8 2.070 1977 149.8 149.8 129.5 101.4 103.0 101.8 111.0 99.9 101.7 106.3 102.2 103.2 2.070 1978 171.3 171.3 141.8 122.0 139.4 102. 4 129.2 110.0 114.3 120.8 106.4 107.1 2.070 1979 198.8 198.8 157.1 137.3 152.2 115.8 143.9 117.7 134.8 143.3 107.9 121.4 2.070 1980 207.7 207.7 179.9 146.4 180.6 115.8 154.6 135.9 171.1 155.9 109.5 121.8 2.070 1981 220.5 220.5 200.2 143.8 177.6 163.1 146.2 152.5 155.0 136.3 115.1 131.5 2.070 1982 232.8 232.8 217.3 139.7 153.0 183.0 144.8 148.7 135.8 132.8 119.9 122.1 2.070 1983 232.4 232.4 218.3 124.3 136.1 183.0 115.4 149.0 124.3 126.5 120.8 114.5 2.070 U.S. nirrmv inrtet Year Mining Construc- Bgoipmsnt and Bits and re- Timber and fuel Bqalo- Tires and Crrstructicn Chemicals Transpor- Electric Fichange w=qe tion wace 1M HIT" ( Hr t Si later! stepl lumber srves rubber malttials 53.0 51.1 tation 80.3 cower ratio 1970 69.6 69.6 52.6 54.0 64.2 52.9 52.1 54.5 76.8 0.828000 1971 70.4 70.4 55.0 56.3 67.2 64.0 53.1 55.5 54.7 53.7 80.8 77.8 .833668 1972 71.4 71.4 56.5 63.6 61.2 68.8 60.6 61.3 53.8 53.6 87.0 88.7 .900000 1973 85.2 85.2 59.1 80.8 91.0 75.9 74.2 71.2 67.8 72.0 95.4 96.8 .986183 1974 93.9 93.9 73.7 111.6 92.5 99.9 90.3 99.6 84.9 93.3 98.8 100.2 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 130.2 130.2 119.5 97.6 98.5 99.6 101.6 93.4 90.8 98.9 99.6 101.8 1.000000 1977 149.8 149.8 129.5 101.4 103.0 101.8 111.0 99.9 101.7 106.3 102.2 103.2 1.000000 1978 171.3 171.3 141.8 122.0 119.4 102.4 129.2 110.0 114.3 120.8 106.4 107.1 1.000000 1979 198.8 198.8 157.1 137.3 152.2 115.8 143.9 117.7 134.8 143.3 107.9 121.4 1.0COO0O 1980 207.7 207.7 179.9 146.4 180.6 115.8 154.6 135.9 171.1 155.9 109.5 121.8 1.000000 1981 220.5 220.5 200.2 143.8 177.6 163.1 146.2 152.5 156.0 136.3 115.1 131.5 1.000000 1982 232.8 232.8 217.3 139.7 153.0 183.0 144.8 148.7 135.8 132.8 119.9 122.1 1.000000 1933 232.4 232.4 238.3 124.3 136.1 183.0 115.4 149.0 124.3 126.5 120.8 114.5 1.000000 14 Table 23.— Mining cost indexes for Fiji local currency irdsx Yenr Mining CtrEtruc- Bgoiprent and Bits ard re- "lifer ard Fuel E>4jllo- Tires ard Crrstnrtion Chemicals Transfer- Electric Exchange VBOB t'm votb tHRir carts latpri stn-0 infer SJL\reS niter materials taticn pcwer rate isro 51.0 42.5 53.6 42.7 61.3 62.6 29.7 57.7 53.5 60.6 56.9 65.7 0.871 1971 53.5 45.2 60.5 46.1 64.0 65.5 25.4 57.9 56.0 59.8 53.5 71.7 .859 1972 59.3 50.4 61.7 49.0 64.5 70.3 24.8 61.4 53.8 58.5 61.0 80.0 .825 1plo- Tires ard Ctnstructicn Choiricals Transpor- Electric EJcTErge wane ticn wapa rmir parts Idt.H.i StFrt lufer si\*s niter materials tation ccwer ratio 1970 48.2 40.2 55.4 40.3 57.9 59.2 28.0 54.5 50.5 57.3 53.8 62.1 0.944890 1971 51.2 43.3 58.0 44.2 61.3 62.8 24.3 55.5 53.6 57.3 56.1 68.7 .953090 1972 59.2 50.3 61.5 48.9 64.3 70.2 24.7 61.3 53.6 53.4 60.9 79.8 .997575 1973 79.5 66.9 67.3 58.6 71.8 88.7 36.0 71.2 66.7 69.9 67.8 99.7 1.036523 1974 100.4 81.3 80.8 81.3 92.9 94.9 62.9 99.5 87.3 89.9 82.5 89.5 1.023631 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 128.8 102.8 111.5 97.9 115.9 107.0 55.7 93.4 , 105.7 99.4 106.1 101.3 .914444 1977 121.9 1C8.5 123.4 98.6 128.7 99.4 54.5 99.9 111.1 96.2 110.2 105.1 .897491 1978 136.0 125.2 140.7 114.1 140.2 141.7 67.7 109.9 126.2 105.4 126.5 124.3 .971664 1979 139.7 131.1 153.3 120.3 149.1 167.0 82.8 117.6 135.8 118.8 143.4 137.1 .984449 1980 164.0 148.0 162.8 134.9 190.8 222.3 110.0 135.9 153.4 140.3 177.0 198.1 1.007343 1961 187.8 158.1 174.8 138.5 172.9 257.8 115.9 152.5 159.5 149.6 186.4 225.5 .964830 1582 185.2 153.6 178.7 130.2 151.8 288.1 88.8 148.6 148.7 140.8 181.3 216.2 .883047 1983 182.5 149.2 179.5 125.0 145.2 255.6 76.2 149.0 146.3 130.5 178.1 218.6 .810039 Table 24.— Mini ng cost indexes for Finland Irral currency index Year Mining Gtrstruc- Bgjipnent ard Bits and re- Tints: ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard OtTBtructicn Chenricals Tnanspor- Electric E>crerga ware tion wapa rHnir parts lated steel Infer sives rubber riHln- ialg taticn rrwer rate 1970 43.4 43.0 51.3 74.3 44.2 53.0 32.9 60.5 51.1 50.0 56.7 48.9 4.200 1971 51.1 49.9 57.5 76.5 48.5 59.5 40.9 63.4 54.0 52.9 65.7 50.6 4.184 1972 58. 6 57.5 63.5 77.1 50.0 60.4 45.3 72.4 57.0 57.8 66.2 55.6 4.146 1973 67.5 67.8 70.9 81.2 69.1 63.5 51.7 73.6 70.4 61.9 71.4 60.0 3.821 1974 81.3 85.2 84.9 90.3 94.8 91.2 68.9 83.9 91.3 82.3 80.6 81.5 3.774 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.679 1976 116.5 108.6 111.0 98.7 106.5 110.5 93.6 113.5 108.0 112.1 121.9 114.1 3.864 1977 130.6 114.7 126.7 98.7 114.1 125.9 83.9 124.4 123.8 126.9 135.2 127.9 4.029 1978 143.3 121.3 139.6 104.7 112.1 133.8 88.1 136.2 130.9 139.8 140.2 135.3 4.117 1979 160.7 132.4 152.3 117.9 120.8 164.5 94.1 149.0 143.6 154.4 139.9 142.0 3.895 1980 184.2 145.8 164.3 129.7 146.2 254.4 135.6 166.9 165.0 175.7 151.2 182.0 3.730 1981 208.4 166.7 178.2 131.3 166.3 327.8 159.9 187.1 181.5 195.6 170.3 233.1 4.315 1982 230.4 180.1 191.0 146.3 175.1 336.6 178.0 206.9 194.4 210.7 185.4 248.9 4.820 1983 263.3 198.2 205.2 145.4 178.2 357.1 193.3 221.3 213.3 222.3 202.4 234.8 5.570 1984 280.9 218.1 215.9 154.9 182.2 354.5 217.5 233.6 226.5 235.5 231.1 224.4 5.928 1985 307.3 231.1 230.1 162.1 193.9 354.5 237.8 250.7 241.9 252.1 231.7 224.4 5.928 U.S. ciirrvrrv irrfcv Ysar Mining Otrstruc- Etjiipnerfc ard Bits ard re- Enter ard Fuel Fiplo- Tires ard QTBtructicn Chemicals Transpcr- Electric Exchange VBPS tim ware repair parts lated steel lufer sives niter materials tatim pcwer ratio 1970 38.0 37.7 44.9 65.0 38.8 46.4 28.8 53.0 44.8 43.8 49.7 42.8 0.875952 1971 44.9 43.9 50.6 67.2 42.6 52.3 35.9 55.7 47.5 46.5 57.8 44.5 .879302 1972 52.0 51.0 56.3 68.4 44.4 53.6 40.2 64.2 50.6 51.3 5B.7 49.3 .887361 1973 65.0 65.3 68.3 78.2 66.6 61.1 49.8 70.9 67.8 59.6 68.7 57.8 .962836 1974 79.3 83.0 82.8 88.1 92.4 88.9 67.2 81.8 89.0 80.2 78.6 79.4 .974827 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 110.9 103.4 105.7 94.0 101.4 105.2 89.2 103.0 102.8 106.8 116.1 103.6 .952122 1977 119.3 104.8 115.7 90.1 104.2 115.0 76.6 113.6 113.0 115.9 123.5 116.8 .9D129 1978 128.0 108.4 124.7 93.6 100.2 119.6 78.7 121.7 117.0 124.9 125.3 120.9 .893611 1979 151.8 125.0 143.8 111.4 114.1 155.4 88.9 140.7 135.7 145.8 132.2 134.1 .944544 1980 181.7 143.8 162.1 127.9 144.2 250.9 133.7 164.6 162.8 173.3 149.1 179.5 .986327 1981 177.7 142.1 151.9 111.9 141.8 279.5 136.4 159.5 154.8 166.8 145.2 198.7 .852607 1982 175.9 137.5 145.8 1U.7 D3.7 256.9 135.9 157.9 148.4 160.8 141.5 190.0 .763278 1983 173.9 130.9 135.5 96.0 117.7 235.8 127.7 146.1 140.9 146.8 133.6 155.1 .660502 1984 174.3 135.3 134.0 96.1 113.0 220.0 135.0 145.0 140.5 146.1 143.4 139.2 .620614 1985 190.7 143.4 142.8 100.6 120.3 220.0 147.5 155.6 150.1 156.5 143.8 139.2 .620614 15 Table 25.— Mining cost indexes for France local currency inoex Year Mining Otnstrvc- Ujiipisfc and Bits and re- Timber and Ftel E>plo- Tires and OtnstnEtian Chemicals Ttanspcr- Electric Fichangs VBDfi tim varp ITfrnr ports lateJ steel lurtaer si^s rubber materials taticn power rate 1970 47.1 49.2 62.6 59.7 59.8 60.9 66.9 60.4 63.7 61.5 74.1 64.7 5.528 1971 51.7 54.5 66.0 62.8 64.6 65.4 70.4 67.3 63.2 63.5 78.3 67.5 5.512 1972 60.2 64.1 69.1 64.3 66.0 66.4 72.7 72.8 71.3 65.7 79.2 70.7 5.044 1973 67.3 73.8 72.3 72.4 82.1 69.0 73.1 76.4 73.2 70.2 83.0 73.7 4.454 1974 82.5 86.7 86.2 96.9 118.0 93.8 89.4 91.7 87.9 92.4 89.5 86.4 4.810 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.286 1976 123.1 118.3 113.0 106.2 102.3 .109.6 110.2 129.0 111.5 104.6 130.3 111.9 4.780 1977 135.8 133.9 121.3 112.0 111.8 120.5 116.6 120.6 116.6 109.7 115.8 120.3 4.913 1978 151.1 149.2 135.6 122.2 132.4 132.9 124.4 131.4 127.4 114.3 132.4 130.4 4.513 1979 170.6 163.7 153.0 136.1 148.9 151.0 140.0 154.1 147.1 131.9 149.6 146.3 4.255 I960 195.0 196.6 173.1 144.4 174.3 197.5 160.0 180.9 174.6 157.2 167.5 179.6 4.226 1981 219.5 227.0 196.8 146.8 171.2 239.7 179.0 204.7 204.0 179.5 189.5 204.9 5.435 1982 252.2 263.0 222.5 182.3 175.1 273.1 193.9 227.7 226.1 202.2 210.3 228.9 6.572 1963 279.9 291.0 241.2 213.3 191.0 293.7 201.7 247.3 238.9 221.3 233.1 255.3 7.621 1984 299.7 313.6 260.0 217.7 215.3 316.3 200.6 264.4 247.4 243.1 266.9 293.7 8.462 1985 317.4 333.7 284.9 238.4 234.8 351.7 218.7 291.4 293.6 267.7 287.9 306.9 7.667 U.S. currency index Mining Construc- BopicnEnt and' Bits and re- Tinter and Ftel E>p\D- Tires and CtrEtructian Chemicals Electric Fichange Year Ttdb^JU.'- vaps tion veos iHnir im.lh> lated steel linker sj\res niter materials taticn cower ratio 1970 36.5 38.1 48.5 46.3 46.4 47.2 51.9 46.8 49.4 47.6 57.4 50.1 0.775325 1971 40.2 42.4 51.3 48.8 50.2 50.9 54.7 52.3 53.0 49.4 60.9 52.5 .777576 1972 51.1 54.4 58.7 54.6 56.1 56.4 61.8 6L.9 60.6 55.8 67.3 60.0 .849722 1973 64.8 71.0 69.6 69.7 79.0 66.4 70.3 73.6 70.5 67.5 79.9 71.0 .962281 1974 73.5 77.2 76.8 86.4 105.2 83.5 79.6 81.7 78.3 82.3 79.7 77.0 .891060 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 110.4 106.1 101.3 95.2 91.7 98.2 98.8 115.7 99.9 93.8 98.9 100.3 .896552 1977 118.5 116.8 105.8 97.7 97.5 105.1 101.7 105.2 101.7 95.7 101.0 104.9 .872379 1978 143.5 141.7 128.7 116.0 125.8 126.2 118.1 124.8 121.0 103.6 125.7 123.8 .949700 1979 171.9 169.9 154.1 137.1 150.0 152.1 141.0 155.2 148.2 132.9 150.7 147.3 1.007285 1980 197.8 199.4 175.6 146.4 176.8 200.3 162.3 183.5 177.1 159.4 169.9 182.2 1.014197 1981 173.1 179.0 155.2 115.8 135.0 189.0 141.1 161.4 160.9 141.6 149.5 16L.6 .788592 1982 164.5 171.5 145.1 118.9 114.2 178.1 126.4 148.5 147.5 131.8 137.1 149.3 .652160 1983 157.4 163.6 135.6 120.0 107.4 165.2 113.4 139.1 134.3 124.4 131.1 143.5 .562393 1964 151.8 153.8 131.7 110.3 109.0 160.2 101.6 133.9 125.3 123.1 135.1 148.7 .506499 1985 177.4 186.5 159.2 133.3 131.2 196.6 122.2 162.9 164.1 149.6 160.9 1/1.5 .559019 Table 26.— Mining cost i indexes for French Guyana local currency index Year Mining Construe— Etjiicmant and Bits and re- Tinker and Fuel E>plo- Tires and <3ttEtartion Chemicals Ttanspor— Electric Fichanga VEOS ticn vaoe repair parts lated steel linker si\res nltfr materials tatkn power 84.8 rate 1970 48.5 48.5 65.2 59.7 69.2 40.0 65.9 60.4 63.7 61.5 52.6 5.528 1971 53.1 53.1 63.4 62.8 78.7 48.0 70.4 67.3 63.2 63.5 57.8 89.4 5.512 1972 53.0 53.0 67.8 64.3 95.8 60.0 72.7 72.8 71.3 65.7 62.0 89.4 5.044 1973 63.1 68.1 66.9 72.4 117.4 70.0 73.1 76.4 73.2 70.2 69.0 89.4 4.454 1974 83.8 83.8 84.4 96.9 141.0 88.7 89.4 91.7 87.9 92.4 86.5 104.5 4.810 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.286 1976 114.7 114.7 123.1 106.2 121.1 108.0 110.2 129.0 111.5 104.6 109.9 100.0 4.780 1977 129.2 129.2 134.9 112.0 128.6 110.0 116.6 120.6 116.6 109.7 113.9 102.0 4.913 1978 145.6 145.6 142.4 122.2 132.2 112.3 124.4 131.4 127.4 114.3 116.0 102.5 4.513 1979 165.8 165.8 154.5 136.1 152.0 134.4 140.0 154 J. 147.1 131.9 136.2 103.8 4.255 1980 194.8 194.8 175.3 144.4 196.9 178.8 160.0 180.9 174.6 157.2 176.7 121.6 4.226 1981 227.7 227.7 225.3 146.8 240.6 231.1 179.0 204.7 204.0 179.5 224.4 136.7 5.435 1982 260.6 260.6 277.8 182.3 250.4 275.2 193.9 227.7 226.1 202.2 264.7 149.4 6.572 1983 289.6 289.6 314.8 199.4 217.7 301.9 209.9 248.1 238.9 220.9 289.1 157.1 7.621 U.S. currency index Year Mining OCrBtrcc- Bjapient and Bits and re- Tinter and Fual F>£lo- Tires and CtrEtruction Chemicals Transpor- Electric Fichange VBOB tkn wbob repair ]HtUJ lated steel linker si\«s niter materials 49.4 47.6 tation 40.8 cower 65.8 ratio 1970 37.6 37.6 50.6 46.3 53.6 31.0 51.9 46.8 0.775325 1971 41.3 41.3 53.2 48.8 61.2 37.3 54.7 52.3 53.0 49.4 44.9 69.5 .777576 1972 49.3 49.3 57.6 54.6 81.4 51.0 61.8 61.9 60.6 55.8 52.7 76.0 .849722 1973 65.5 65.5 64.3 69.7 112.9 67.4 70.3 73.6 70.5 67.5 66.4 86.0 .962281 1974 74.7 74.7 75.2 86.4 125.6 79.0 79.6 81.7 78.3 82.3 77.1 93.2 .891060 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.0CCC00 1976 102.8 102.8 110.4 95.2 108.6 96.8 98.8 115.7 99.9 93.8 98.6 89.7 .896652 1977 112.7 112.7 117.7 97.7 112.2 96.0 101.7 105.2 1D1.7 95.7 99.4 89.0 .872379 1978 138.2 138.2 135.2 116.0 125.5 106.7 118.1 124.8 121.0 108.6 110.2 97.3 .949700 1979 167.0 167.0 155.6 137.1 153.1 335.4 141.0 155.2 148.2 132.9 137.2 109.6 1.007285 I960 197.5 197.5 177.7 146.4 199.7 181.3 162.3 183.5 177.1 159.4 179.2 123.3 1.014197 1981 179.5 179.5 177.7 115.8 1B9.7 182.2 141.1 161.4 160.9 141.6 177.0 107.8 .788592 1982 169.9 169.9 181.2 118.9 163.3 179.4 126.4 148.5 147.5 131.8 172.6 97.4 .652160 1983 162.8 162.8 177.0 112.1 122.4 169.8 118.0 139.5 134.3 124.2 162.5 88.3 .562393 16 Table 27. — Mining cost indexes for Gabon Local currency irdex Year Minirg Oonstruc- Bajjirmat: ard Bits and re- Timber ard Fuel BpliD- Tires ard CtrBtnrticn Chemicals Transpcr- Electric Bdrancp vane ticn vece i>^Hir Darts lated steel lurber sives rctber materials taticn ro/Qr rate 1970 73.2 59.8 62.6 59.7 44.0 69.4 66.9 60.4 63.7 61.5 69.2 74.1 277.730 1971 74.7 60.6 66.0 62.8 45.5 72.2 70.4 67.3 69.2 63.5 68.3 75.4 277.130 1972 76.2 62.4 69.1 64.3 48.8 72.2 72.7 72.8 71.3 65.7 67.7 81.0 252.210 1973 79.1 65.8 72.3 72.4 109.7 72.2 73.1 76.4 73.2 70.2 71.1 85.2 222.700 1974 84.8 72.6 86.2 96.9 106.8 100.0 89.4 91.7 87.9 92.4 80.9 100.0 240.500 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 214.320 1976 113.9 107.2 113.0 106.2 125.3 116.5 110.2 129.0 111.5 104.6 310.8 313.7 238.980 1977 125.3 120.7 121.3 112.0 143.8 128.7 116.6 120.6 116.6 109.7 117.2 114.1 245.670 1978 135.5 132.9 135.6 122.2 159.9 141.7 124.4 131.4 127.4 114.3 125.7 314.6 225.640 1979 143.7 142.7 153.0 136.1 165.8 166.8 140.0 154.1 147.1 131.9 131.4 314.6 212.720 1980 157.7 199.2 173.1 144.4 195.9 211.4 160.0 180.9 174.6 157.2 137.8 335.6 211.300 1981 169.7 172.3 196.8 146.8 213.1 278.0 179.0 204.7 204.0 179.5 147.1 336.9 271.730 1982 191.6 199.6 222.5 1B2.3 213.0 314.8 193.9 227.7 226.1 202.2 168.6 337.6 328.620 1983 204.1 214.4 241.4 199.4 211.1 326.5 209.9 248.1 238.9 220.9 173.8 137.9 380.510 U.S. cuLUJiv irdex Year Minirg Ctnsfcruc- BjrirjiEnt and Bits ard re- Timber ard Fuel Bqailo- TLces ard CrjBtructicn Chemicals Hdt^IX"- Misctric ESchargs «EOS ticn vbce IHHir IHtlS l/'itHl steel luiber si\res rubber iihIi-t ial.q taticn DDwer ratio 1970 55.5 45.3 48.3 46.1 34.0 53.6 51.6 46.6 49.1 47.4 53.4 57.1 0.771740 1971 57.8 46.8 51.0 48.6 35.1 55.8 54.4 52.0 52.7 49.1 52.8 5B.3 .773355 1972 64.8 53.0 59.7 54.6 41.5 61.4 61.8 61.9 60.6 55.9 57.5 68.8 .849769 1973 76.2 63.4 69.6 69.7 105.5 69.5 70.3 73.6 70.5 67.5 68.5 82.0 .962370 1974 75.6 64.7 76.8 86.4 95.2 89.1 79.6 81.7 78.3 82.3 72.1 89.1 .893143 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 102.1 96.1 101.3 95.3 112.4 104.5 98.8 115.7 100.0 93.8 99.3 102.0 .896911 1977 109.3 1Q5.3 105.8 97.7 125.4 112.3 101.7 105.2 101.7 95.7 102.3 99.6 .872389 1978 128.7 126.2 128.8 116.0 150.9 134.6 118.1 124.8 121.0 108.6 319.4 103.8 .949831 1979 144.8 143.7 154.1 137.1 167.1 169.1 141.1 155.3 148.2 132.9 332.4 315.5 1.007521 1980 159.9 161.5 175.6 146.4 198.7 214.4 162.3 183.5 177.1 159.5 139.7 137.5 1.014292 1981 133.0 135.9 155.2 115.8 168.1 219.3 141.2 161.4 160.9 141.6 316.0 103.0 .788724 1982 124.9 130.1 145.1 118.9 138.9 206.3 126.4 148.5 147.5 131.8 109.9 89.8 .652181 1983 114.9 120.7 135.9 112.3 138.9 183.9 118.2 139.7 134.5 124.4 97.9 77.6 .563244 Table 28.— Mining cost indexes for the Federal Republic of £-i'u :■'. my Iccal currency irdex Year Minirg GtnstTAC- Ejriprnrt ard Bits ard re- Tiitber ard FUel E>plo- TV-\~ - -': Ccnsfcructicn Qjerodc&ls It v.;cr- Hsctric Dcharga vace ticnViBDE rpmir carts' lateJ steal luiber si\«s rubber nrr'rfri.^s tatkn cower rate 1970 60.6 65.6 66.1 77.5 64.1 64.3 77.2 74.7 78.7 75.S. 63.9 68.9 3.646 1971 67.2 73.1 72.9 81.0 86.5 67.1 75.2 79.6 85.0 76.0 71.8 71.3 3.482 1972 72.5 79.8 76.2 83.2 85.4 70.3 78.6 77.8 88.2 75.9 75.8 77.5 3.389 1973 79.9 88.3 81.3 90.0 95.8 81.6 80.6 81.9 91.3 78.2 80.3 81.1 2.673 1974 91.0 95.2 92.1 106.2 108.5 100.6 95.0 94.8 99.2 co 9 94.4 86.3 2.588 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.C 100.0 3.0 100.0 100.0 2.460 1976 106.7 105.7 106.2 101.0 107.9 107.1 104.0 100.7 103.2 101.2 102.0 104.6 2.538 1977 112.9 112.0 112.0 97.0 122.1 104.4 104.8 102.1 10B.3 300.3 102.3 105.0 2.322 1978 11B.3 119.4 115.5 97.1 124.4 105.6 106.5 98.2 141.3 98.6 104.2 108.3 2.009 1979 127.0 127.8 119.7 100.0 132.8 120.8 107.2 102.3 117.7 10S.8 310.4 131.6 1.833 I960 138.9 138.0 126.2 103.9 150.9 141.4 114.2 113 .7 128.2 115. 2 119.4 313.4 1.818 1981 150.0 147.5 132.0 107.9 152.5 167.7 134.3 124.0 135.3 125.2 125.4 124.0 2.260 1982 156.6 153.1 143.6 120.8 147.4 165.3 142.8 12?.':. 13S.7 331.0 133.1 133.8 2.427 1983 161.9 158.5 147.7 115.2 144.1 164.3 121.0 123.5 133.9 131.2 336.5 137.4 2.553 1984 167.3 162.3 149.5 116.6 143.3 168.7 126.2 32S.6 138.2 137.3 142.6 141.6 2.803 1965 173.3 167.5 154.1 120.7 141.7 160.4 131.7 133.8 142.1 149.1 148.2 147.2 2.508 U.S. currency inaex Year Mining Cfcrsfcruc- Efcpiprerfc ard Bits ard re- Timber ard Fuel Dfilc- Tires z tU Qjifcltu-tiai Chemicals TrarepcK 1 - Electric Bchanga vece ticn veqs rgair pacts lated steel lurbar shes »H:ta HHterials , ri ccwsr tc:tio 1970 40.9 44.2 44.6 52.3 56.7 43.4 52.1 50.4 53.1 5l.I 43.1 46.5 0.674712 1971 47.4 51.6 51.5 57.2 61.1 47.4 53.1 56.2 60.1 s:. 7 50.7 50.4 .706490 1972 55.9 61.6 59.8 64.2 65.9 54.2 60.6 60.0 68.0 53.5 53.5 59.8 .771401 1973 73.6 81.3 74.8 82.8 88.2 75.1 74.1 75.3 84.1 72.0 73.9 74.6 .920014 1974 86.5 90.5 87.6 100.9 103.2 95.7 90.3 90.1 94.3 93.3 89.7 82.0 .950540 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 101.2 103.3 103.7 98.7 105.4 104.6 101.6 98.4 100.8 98.9 99.7 102.2 .976965 1977 119.6 1JJB.7 1JB.7 102.7 129.4 110.6 111.0 103.2 114.7 106.3 103.3 311.3 1.053431 1978 144.9 146.2 141.4 1J8.9 152.3 129.3 129.2 120.2 173.1 120.7 327.6 132.6 1.224489 1979 170.5 171.6 160.7 134.2 178.2 162.1 143.9 137.3 153.0 143.3 148.2 149.8 1.342062 1980 188.0 186.7 170.8 140.7 2W.2 191.4 154.6 153.9 173.5 155.9 161.5 353.4 1.353335 1981 163.3 160.5 143.6 117.4 166.0 182.5 146.2 134.9 147.3 336.3 336.5 135.0 1.083495 1982 158.7 155.2 145.6 122.4 149.4 169.6 144.7 D1.5 133.5 132.7 334.9 135.6 1.033597 1983 156.0 152.7 142.3 111.0 138.9 159.4 116.6 123.8 129.1 326.4 131.5 332.4 .963572 1984 146.8 142.5 131.2 10E.3 125.7 148.0 110.8 112.9 121.3 320.5 125.2 324.3 .877631 1985 170.0 164.3 151.2 118.4 139.0 157.4 129.1 131.2 139.4 146.3 145.3 144.3 .980861 17 Table 29. — Mining cost indexes for Ghana Trrnl nmmy irrfcv Year Mining Construe— Etjripnert ard Bits and re- Tinker ard FUel Bqalo- Tires ard CtiBtructicn Charamls TranBpor- Electric Bchange wane ticn vaae n^Tjir rrarts Istsd steel linker si\res ntker materials taticn power rate 1370 35.1 45.9 49.9 19.7 35.4 42.1 37.0 44.5 33.7 49.0 37.0 44.5 1.020 1971 34.8 45.5 48.6 20.6 37.6 46.3 37.6 46.8 34.3 53.4 37.6 46.8 1.029 1972 40.4 52.2 64.2 16.0 46.1 46.4 40.3 50.5 40.4 71.3 40.3 50.5 1.312 1973 44.0 56.3 72.6 31.3 66.2 53.4 39.1 51.4 57.3 72.0 39.1 51.4 1.160 1974 71.0 70.3 79.6 54.7 85.9 78.8 51.3 80.9 78.8 83.4 51.3 80.9 1.150 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.150 1976 112.7 110.7 130.5 93.5 138.5 100.0 143.0 113.5 118.3 110.2 143.0 113.5 1.150 1977 254.5 167.9 174.5 105.6 207.4 100.0 248.6 116.3 149.8 164.1 248.6 116.3 1.150 1978 262.6 228.9 2C8.0 142.1 370.2 119.6 286.4 154.2 253.3 209.6 286.4 154.2 1.515 1979 321.4 277.3 424.7 246.5 821.9 214.4 476.3 185.2 488.5 368.5 476.3 185.2 2.750 1980 525.9 411.6 400.3 163.5 1323.0 500.2 711.4 202.7 691.1 621.1 711.4 202.7 2.750 1981 740.7 630.6 435.7 543.9 3609.5 795.2 902.0 497.2 1656.6 944.6 902.0 497.2 2.750 1982 741.5 636.0 436.8 841.7 4122.8 806.8 895.1 604.0 1961.5 1331.2 895.1 604.0 2.750 1983 1030.7 863.2 530.3 2979.6 8T78.5 1160.4 1191.1 633.8 4981.3 2289.4 1191.1 735.2 3.449 1934 2200.1 1837.7 4820.0 5117.4 14277.9 2184.7 4476.3 116B.6 8074.3 3112.0 4476.3 1355.5 35.336 1985 4639.7 3912.0 6469.6 7128.5 17230.8 3466.1 8605.2 4862.3 9778.8 4125.8 5593.7 2131.1 47.596 U.S. currency in*x Year Mining Gcrstruc- Erjrirnent ard Bits ard re- Tinker ard Fual Bqilo- Tires ard Oretructim Chemicals Ttarepcr- Electric Bcrerge WEEJS fcicn vbob Tt^mr \ ht t S4 lated steel linker siws n i 1 n. materials tatim rower ratio 1970 39.6 51.8 56.3 22.2 39.9 47.4 41.8 50.2 38.0 55.3 41.8 50.2 1.127450 1971 38.9 50.9 54.3 23.0 42.1 51.8 42.0 52.3 38.3 59.7 42.0 52.3 1.117589 1972 35.4 45.7 56.2 14.1 40.4 40.7 35.3 44.3 35.4 62.5 35.3 44.3 .876524 1973 43.6 55.8 72.0 31.0 65.7 52.9 38.8 50.9 56.8 71.4 38.8 50.9 .991379 1974 71.0 70.3 79.6 54.7 85.9 78.8 51.3 80.9 78.8 83.4 51.3 80.9 1.0000CO 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 112.7 110.7 130.5 98.5 138.5 100.0 143.0 113.5 118.3 110.2 143.0 113.5 1.000000 1977 254.5 167.9 174.5 105.6 207.4 100.0 248.6 116.3 149.8 164.1 248.6 116.3 1.000000 1978 199.3 173.7 157.9 107.9 281.0 90.8 217.4 117.0 192.3 159.1 217.4 117.0 .759075 1979 134.4 116.0 177.6 103.0 343.7 89.6 199.1 77.4 204.3 154.1 199.1 77.4 .418181 1980 219.9 172.1 163.6 68.4 553.2 209.1 297.5 84.7 289.0 259.7 297.5 84.7 .418181 1981 309.7 263.7 182.2 227.4 1509.4 332.5 377.2 207.9 692.7 395.0 377.2 207.9 .418181 1982 310.1 265.9 382.6 352.0 1724.1 336.9 374.3 252.6 820.2 473.0 374.3 252.6 .418181 1983 343.6 287.8 176.8 993.5 2993.7 386.9 397.1 211.3 1660.9 763.3 397.1 245.1 .333429 1984 71.6 59.8 156.8 166.5 464.6 71.1 145.6 38.0 262.7 101.2 145.6 44.1 .032544 1985 113.3 94.5 156.3 172.2 416.3 83.7 207.9 117.4 236.2 99.6 135.1 51.4 .024161 Table 30. — Mining cost indexes for Greece local currency index Year Mining Ctnstrtr:- Bjnpient ard Bits ard re- Tinker ard FuaL Bplo- Tires ard Ccnstructkn Chemicals TtcrEpcr- Electric Bcranga waqe ticnvaoe XHHiy pSGTtS iated steel linker sives niter iml h jails tatim power rate 1970 46.0 50.2 54.7 54.9 41.5 43.7 70.8 56.9 55.5 62.4 67.2 62.1 30.000 1971 49.9 59.1 53.6 54.4 41.8 43.7 72.5 59.1 56.1 64.7 71.1 59.4 30.000 1972 54.6 63.5 64.9 54.6 42.0 43.7 73.4 61.5 58.1 65.5 70.6 60.5 30.000 1973 63.4 69.8 73.8 71.2 66.7 46.0 76.0 68.1 75.0 69.0 74.6 65.9 29.625 1974 80.2 97.5 85.6 98.1 101.8 79.5 93.3 79.8 97.7 93.9 97.2 86.1 30.000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 1CO.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 32.287 1976 128.6 113.4 121.8 109.8 114.3 106.5 104.5 117.6 114.5 107.4 127.7 110.3 36.518 1977 355.5 140.5 142.5 122.1 128.4 116.0 113.2 123.8 133.5 116.9 170.2 123.2 36.838 1978 192.3 159.3 162.0 133.5 129.7 119.2 121.8 136.6 148.8 131.7 187.1 133.2 36.745 1979 231.9 169.0 189.4 162.1 154.8 172.4 133.9 161.9 186.4 153.4 216.5 163.2 37.038 1980 295.0 241.4 239.3 201.9 227.8 300.8 159.3 211,8 242.9 200.3 262.0 222.4 42.617 1981 375.2 267.9 263.8 243.9 274.3 360.8 184.2 274.1 290.8 239.1 318.9 279.9 55.408 1982 500.9 430.6 306.7 376.0 278.2 382.7 217.7 323.2 339.5 287.1 378.7 337.2 66.800 1983 597.9 465.4 370.4 459.2 352.9 475.7 251.4 392.5 412.4 339.5 449.7 377.2 88.064 1984 726.0 563.0 448.9 521.1 435.9 530.9 295.6 471.8 504.3 403.5 533.1 453.5 114.336 1985 913.7 703.4 549.4 643.0 491.0 970.3 352.7 578.9 618.9 497.4 653.1 736.2 196.500 U.S. currency irdex Year Mining Gtrstnx?- Efcjiirnert ard Bits ard re- Tinker ard FUel B4pilc- Tires ard Crrctruction Chemicals Transpor- Electric Dcnange veps ticn vbce repair parts lated steel linker si\*3S ntker nala ials tation rower ratio 1970 49.5 54.0 53.8 59.1 44.7 47.0 76.2 61.3 59.7 67.1 72.3 66.9 1.076233 1971 53.7 63.6 63.0 53.6 45.0 47.0 78.0 63.6 60.4 69.6 76.5 63.9 1.076233 1972 53.7 68.3 69.9 58.8 45.2 47.0 79.0 66.2 62.5 70.5 75.9 65.1 1.076233 1973 69.1 76.0 80.5 77.6 72.7 50.1 82.8 74.3 81.7 75.2 81.3 71.8 1.089856 1974 86.4 105.0 92.1 105.5 109.6 85.6 100.4 85.9 106.2 101.0 104.6 92.7 1.076233 1975 100.0 100.0 1D0.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 113.7 100.3 107.7 97.0 101.0 94.2 92.4 104.0 101.2 94.9 112.9 97.5 .884139 1977 136.2 123.1 124.9 107.0 112.5 101.7 99.2 103.5 117.0 1D2.4 149.2 108.0 .876459 1978 169.0 140.0 142.3 117.3 113.9 104.7 107.0 120.0 130.8 115.7 164.4 117.0 .878677 1979 202.1 147.3 165.1 141.3 134.9 150.2 116.8 141.1 162.4 133.7 188.7 142.2 .871726 1980 223.5 1B2.9 181.3 152.9 172.6 227.9 120.7 160.4 184.0 151.7 198.5 168.5 .757608 1981 218.6 156.1 153.7 142.1 159.8 210.2 107.3 159.7 169.5 139.3 185.8 163.1 .582713 1982 242.1 203.1 148.2 181.7 134.4 184.9 105.2 156.2 164.1 138.7 183.0 163.0 .483316 1983 219.2 170.6 335.8 168.3 129.4 174.4 92.1 143.9 151.2 124.5 164.8 138.2 .366631 1984 205.0 139.0 126.7 147.1 123.0 164.0 83.4 133.2 142.4 115.3 150.5 128.0 .282386 1985 150.1 115.5 90.2 105.6 80.6 159.4 57.9 95.1 101.7 81.7 107.3 120.9 .164310 18 Table 31. — Mining cost indexes for Guatemala local currency ircex Year Minirg Ccnstruc- vaoe ticn waqs 1970 75.2 84.2 1971 76.9 82.4 1972 78.8 79.3 1973 80.7 79.9 1974 74.5 95.5 1975 100.0 100.0 1976 87.4 143.3 1977 96.5 156.9 1978 105.2 164.4 1979 116.0 178.8 1990 127.9 193.2 1961 141.9 210.1 1932 142.5 211.9 1983 156.6 228.5 s ard re- Tinbar ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard Onstnrticn Chemicals TtSTEpX"- Electric BttErgs Bd steel lurber sives rubber iitiUiials tatkn cower rate 53.0 57.5 58.3 61.0 80.2 60.1 53.1 92.1 64.9 1.000 59.2 55.8 56.2 64.4 80.3 60.4 53.8 91.8 65.8 1.000 64.7 55.8 59.2 65.8 80.3 59.2 53.6 92.3 66.9 1.000 74.3 59.3 61.0 68.5 81.4 63.0 55.4 92.5 75.0 1.000 1D4.7 85.1 94.7 83.9 92.4 82.0 77.2 98.8 87.5 1.000 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000 52.6 55.0 55.5 59.1 73.7 100.0 119.5 101.6 130.1 111.9 106.9 106.5 131.4 108.1 100.5 112.5 1.000 129.5 106.7 156.4 129.8 115.1 112.4 161.3 117.0 107.7 118.9 1.000 141.8 122.2 162.8 133.6 124.6 116.9 178.4 121.3 112.6 136.2 1.000 157.1 136.6 224.4 170.4 137.3 124.6 200.9 140.3 119.0 182.5 1.000 179.9 150.8 300.0 210.2 154.6 140-6 225.1 172.8 139.3 265.5 1.000 200.2 164.7 286.1 232.8 178.8 155.9 232.7 199.8 155.4 320.1 1.000 217.3 159.9 257.0 222.9 184.6 162.4 221.0 170.4 179.9 323.5 1.000 218.3 147.9 245.6 211.6 186.4 162.5 232.7 165.7 195.6 326.9 1.000 U.S. currency irdex 1970 75.2 84.2 1971 76.9 82.4 1972 78.8 79.3 1973 80.7 79.9 1974 74.5 95.5 1975 100.0 100.0 1976 87.4 143.3 1977 96.5 156.9 1978 106.2 164.4 1979 116.0 178.8 1990 127.9 193.2 1981 141.9 210.1 1982 142.5 211.9 1983 156.6 228.5 53.1 92.1 64.9 1.000000 53.8 91.8 65.8 1.000000 53.6 92.3 66.9 1.000000 55.4 92.5 75.0 1.000000 77.2 98.8 87.5 1.000000 Year Minirg Construe- Etpiprrerfc ard Bits ard re- Tinbar ard Fuel &plo- Tires ard Crrstrtrtion ahetrdcals Tranepor- Electric Exchange vaga timvarja repair parts lata! steel lim ber sives rubber irercerials taticn cower ratio 52.6 53.0 57.5 53.3 61.0 80.2 60.1 55.0 59.2 55.8 55.2 64.4 80.3 60.4 56.5 64.7 55.8 59.2 65.8 80.3 59.2 59.1 74.3 59.3 61.0 68.5 81.4 63.0 73.7 104.7 85.1 94.7 83.9 92.4 82.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 119.5 101.6 130.1 111.9 106.9 106.5 131.4 108.1 103.5 112.5 1.000000 129.5 106.7 156.4 129.8 115.1 112.4 161.3 117.0 107.7 118.9 1.000000 141.8 157.1 179.9 200.2 217.3 218.3 147.9 245.6 211.6 186.4 162.5 232.7 165.7 195.6 326.9 1.000000 122.2 162.8 133.6 124.6 116.9 178.4 121.3 112.6 136.2 1.000000 136.6 224.4 170.4 137.3 124.6 200.9 140.3 119.0 182.5 1.000000 150.8 300.0 210.2 154.6 140.6 225.1 172.8 139.3 265.5 1.000000 164.7 286.1 232.8 178.8 155.9 232.7 199.8 155.4 320.1 1.000000 159.9 257.0 222.9 184.6 162.4 221.0 170.4 179.9 323.5 1.000000 Table 32.— Mining cost indexes for Guinea Iccal currency irdex Year Minirg Oanstnrj- Etpipmarfc ard Bits ard re- Tinber ard ReL Explo- Tires ard CrrBtrirrion Chemicals Transpor- ELectric EJcharga VJBDE tian weae repair mtls laced steel Imtaer sives rubber materials tation power rate 1970 47.0 47.0 61.9 61.6 40.4 23.7 59.3 75.5 46.6 56.5 40.5 23.7 24.690 1971 48.7 48.7 64.6 64.7 41.7 27.5 62.2 78.5 49.8 58.3 43.4 27.5 24.610 1972 48.7 48.7 62.3 65.1 45.5 26.1 66.5 78.0 51.1 61.2 42.4 26.1 22.740 1973 50.4 50.4 60.6 69.8 105.4 46.4 71.5 77.4 53.7 67.5 51.0 46.4 20.720 1974 69.5 69.5 73.5 86.9 94.4 92.1 74.8 86.3 64.1 81.6 76.5 92.1 20.560 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 20.740 1976 120.6 120.6 120.4 100.0 115.9 100.1 99.9 114.5 93.9 96.7 115.0 103.1 21.380 1977 123.7 123.7 131.0 116.2 127.7 110.6 116.2 119.9 93.3 114.2 121.0 110.6 21.110 1978 127.9 127.9 133.1 111.7 143.7 109.9 109.1 115.0 102.8 100.3 123.2 109.9 19.740 1979 133.2 133.2 144.5 125.0 154.1 200.4 131.4 129.1 124.8 122.6 153.0 200.4 19.130 1990 150.6 150.6 164.5 135.5 182.4 284.0 166.1 148 J 151.6 146.3 1B5.4 284.0 19.030 1981 159.5 159.5 193.0 132.9 167.7 323.6 152.4 153.3 152.3 141.2 204.9 323.6 20.690 1982 159.5 159.5 221.8 146.7 149.3 340.3 149.1 167.0 151.8 141.7 213.9 340.3 22.280 1983 159.5 159.5 226.0 144.2 130.5 323.3 144.3 165.9 142.1 136.5 211.4 323.3 22.760 U.S. currency irdex Year Minirg VBDB CtrEtruc- Ekpiprrerfc ard Bits ard re- Tinbar ard lurbar FUel Explo- sives Tires ard rubber OarBtructkn Chemicals Transpctr— tatirn Electric ocwer EJcharga ratio 1970 39.5 39.5 51.9 51.8 34.0 19.9 49.8 63.4 39.2 47.4 34.0 19.9 0.840016 1971 41.0 41.0 54.4 54.5 35.1 23.2 52.4 65.2 42.0 49.1 36.6 23.2 .842746 1972 44.4 44.4 56.8 59.4 41.5 23.8 60.7 71.1 46.6 55.9 38.7 23.8 .912049 1973 50.4 50.4 60.7 69.8 105.5 46.4 71.6 77.5 53.7 67.5 51.1 46.4 1.000965 1974 70.1 70.1 74.2 87.7 95.2 92.9 75.4 87.1 64.7 82.3 77.1 92.9 1.008754 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 117.0 117.0 116.8 99.9 112.4 100.0 96.9 111.1 91.0 93.8 111.5 100.0 .970065 1977 121.5 121.5 128.7 114.1 125.4 108.6 114.1 117.8 91.7 112.2 118.8 103.6 .982472 1978 134.4 134.4 139.8 117.3 151.0 115.5 114.6 120.8 108.0 108.6 129.4 115.5 1.050658 1979 144.4 144.4 156.7 135.5 167.1 217.3 142.5 139.9 135.3 132.9 165.9 217.3 1.084161 1980 164.1 164.1 179.3 147.6 198.7 309.5 181.1 162.0 165.2 159.5 202.1 309.5 1.039853 1981 159.9 159.9 193.5 133.2 168.1 324.4 152.7 158.7 152.7 141.6 205.4 324.4 1.002416 1982 148.5 148.5 206.4 136.5 138.9 316.8 138.8 155.4 141.3 131.9 199.1 316.8 .930879 1983 145.4 145.4 206.0 131.4 118.9 294.6 131.5 151.1 129.5 124.4 192.6 294.6 .911247 19 Table 33. — Mining cost indexes for Guyana Irml cutlery irdex Year Mining Cdnsttuo— Bgriprent ard Bits ard re- Tinter ard Fual EXplo- Tires ard QTEtruotkn Chemicals Transpcr- Electric Exchange veqa tknvece iHHir pacts latei steel ludoer S1M2S rubber materials tatkn cower p*i** 1970 80.6 72.1 44.7 46.6 24.7 14.2 51.8 68.2 32.0 41.5 56.4 22.6 2.000 1971 81.4 77.8 46.2 50.6 26.9 20.9 54.1 67.4 32.1 41.4 65.2 33.2 1.981 1972 87.1 75.2 50.0 57.9 26.7 19.6 53.3 71.1 35.4 43.3 82.2 31.0 2.087 1973 93.4 82.7 52.8 63.6 23.4 39.3 61.3 72.8 44.6 44.7 93.0 62.2 2.106 1974 103.2 87.8 69.7 81.6 43.8 92.7 79.4 87.4 67.7 69.3 96.8 95.1 2.227 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.355 1976 119.7 102.3 129.4 104.5 142.8 109.6 115.8 115.3 115.9 114.8 106.2 109.8 2.550 1977 123.1 114.9 140.2 119.0 140.3 138.3 124.7 121.6 120.8 117.2 110.3 122.0 2.550 1978 139.2 118.1 153.5 147.4 190.9 123.5 134.9 126.5 138.1 118.0 122.4 137.4 2.550 1979 142.9 121.8 170.1 185.7 169.0 166.2 148.6 134.9 167.6 138.1 122.8 157.2 2.550 I960 157.2 127.9 194.8 238.3 216.2 207.4 167.4 152.2 194.5 169.5 123.3 206.6 2.550 1961 176.9 140.7 239.1 239.4 238.5 241.7 213.5 186.2 215.6 209.7 143.3 311.5 2.812 1982 210.8 154.6 276.7 236.8 244.6 252.9 235.1 206.9 220.9 217.1 146.2 362.1 3.000 1983 237.1 167.3 278.1 218.2 246.4 233.6 237.4 207.0 209.4 211.1 153.0 431.2 3.000 1984 263.4 180.2 358.0 264.1 288.6 271.3 304.7 268.3 237.8 291.1 159.8 500.3 3.832 1985 289.8 193.0 410.6 319.4 395.7 293.2 361.3 315.5 276.1 346.0 166.7 569.6 4.366 U.S. currency irdex Year Mining W3DE Ocnstruo- ticn VBCE Ecpipient and Bits ard re- fH"i^ pacts lated steel Tints: ard luiber Fual Explo- sives Tires ard ntber Obrstrvcticn Chemicals unlet inls Transpor- tation Electric power Exchange r^itin 1970 94.9 84.9 52.7 54.9 29.1 16.8 61.0 80.3 37.7 48.9 66.4 26.6 1.177500 1971 96.7 92.5 54.9 60.2 32.0 24.9 64.4 80.2 38.2 49.2 77.5 39.4 1.188793 1972 96.3 84.9 56.5 65.4 30.1 22.1 65.8 80.3 40.0 48.9 92.8 35.0 1.128413 1973 104.5 92.5 59.1 71.2 26.2 43.9 68.5 81.4 49.8 50.0 104.0 69.6 1.118233 1974 109.1 92.8 73.7 86.3 46.3 98.0 83.9 92.4 71.5 73.3 104.4 100.6 1.057476 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 110.5 94.5 119.5 96.5 131.9 101.2 106.9 106.5 107.1 106.0 97.1 101.4 ■923529 1977 113.7 106.1 129.5 109.9 129.6 109.2 115.1 112.3 111.6 103.2 101.8 112.6 .923529 1978 128.5 109.0 141.7 136.1 176.3 114.0 124.6 116.8 127.6 109.0 113.0 126.9 .923529 1979 132.0 112.5 157.1 171.5 156.1 153.5 137.2 124.6 154.8 127.6 113.4 145.2 .923529 I960 145.1 118.1 179.9 220.0 199.7 191.6 154.6 140.5 179.7 156.6 113.8 190.8 .923529 1981 148.1 117.8 200.2 200.5 199.7 2Q2.4 178.8 155.9 180.6 175.6 120.0 260.9 .837482 1982 165.5 121.3 217.2 185.9 192.0 198.5 184.5 162.4 173.4 170.4 114.8 284.2 .785000 1983 186.1 131.4 218.3 171.3 193.4 183.4 186.4 162.5 164.4 165.7 120.1 338.5 .785000 1984 161.9 110.7 220.0 162.3 177.3 166.7 187.2 164.9 146.1 178.9 98.2 307.4 .614561 1985 156.3 104.1 221.4 172.3 213.4 153.1 194.9 170.2 148.9 186.6 89.9 307.2 .539395 Table 34.— Mi ining cost indexes for Haiti local currency irdex Year Mining <3onstru>- Etjiipnant ard Bits ard re- Tinber ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard Crrstrucfcicn Chemicals Transpcr- Electric EXchanga VBPE ticnwsqe r^Hir carts lated sli+'l luifcer sives nicer Materials tatkn power rate 1970 53.5 53.5 52.6 60.2 84.6 27.2 61.0 80.2 64.7 48.8 52.5 27.2 5.000 1971 58.6 53.6 55.0 63.4 85.9 27.7 64.4 80.3 68.7 49.3 55.7 27.7 5.000 1972 60.5 60.5 56.5 66.4 91.7 29.1 65.8 80.3 72.8 48.9 57.2 29.1 5.000 1973 74.2 74.2 59.1 70.0 91.7 72.8 63.5 81.4 79.6 50.0 71.6 72.8 5.000 1974 85.3 85.3 73.7 89.7 96.2 90.5 83.9 92.4 92.5 73.3 84.4 90.5 5.000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.000 1976 106.6 106.6 119.5 106.9 109.0 100.8 106.9 106.5 107.9 106.0 103.5 100.8 5.000 1977 111.1 111.1 129.5 113.6 135.4 106.2 115.1 112.4 117.8 108.2 114.4 106.2 5.000 1978 103.2 108.2 141.8 119.3 135.4 111.8 124.6 116.9 131.2 109.0 116.6 111.8 5.000 1979 122.3 122.3 157.1 133.0 115.4 192.4 137.3 124.6 144.5 127.6 136.7 192.4 5.000 1S80 144.1 144.1 179.9 149.5 115.4 260.5 154.6 140,6 153.1 156.6 161.6 260.5 5.000 1981 152.3 152.3 200.2 159.4 135.4 280.1 178.8 155.9 162.6 175.6 174.5 280.1 5.000 1982 166.3 166.3 217.3 163.0 115.4 257.7 184.6 162.4 165.5 170.4 184.9 257.7 5.000 1983 180.3 180.3 218.3 160.1 135.4 250.6 1B6.4 162.5 171.1 165.7 192.2 250.6 5.000 U.S. currency irdax Year Mining OCnstnx?- Etpipnent ard Bits ard re- Tinter ard Fual Explo- Tires ard CtTBttxcticn Chemicals Transpor- Electric Exchange vace ticn usee repair parts lated steal luiber sives niter noterials tation power ratio 1970 53.5 53.5 52.6 60.2 84.6 27.2 61.0 80.2 64.7 48.8 52.5 27.2 1.000000 1971 58.6 58.6 55.0 63.4 85.9 27.7 64.4 80.3 6B.7 49.3 55.7 27.7 1.000000 1972 60.5 60.5 56.5 66.4 91.7 29.1 65.8 80.3 72.8 48.9 57.2 29.1 1.000000 1973 74.2 74.2 59.1 70.0 91.7 72.8 68.5 81.4 79.6 50.0 71.6 72.8 1.000000 1974 85.3 85.3 73.7 89.7 96.2 90.5 83.9 92.4 92.5 73.3 84.4 90.5 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 106.6 106.6 119.5 106.9 1C9.0 100.8 106.9 106.5 107.9 106.0 108.5 100.8 1.000000 1977 111.1 111.1 129.5 113.6 115.4 106.2 115.1 112.4 117.8 103.2 114.4 106.2 1.000000 1978 108.2 108.2 141.8 119.3 115.4 111.8 124.6 116.9 131.2 109.0 116.6 111.8 1.000000 1979 122.3 122.3 157.1 D3.0 115.4 192.4 137.3 124.6 144.5 127.6 136.7 192.4 1.000000 1980 144.1 144.1 179.9 149.5 115.4 260.5 154.6 140.6 153.1 156.6 161.6 260.5 1.000000 1981 152.3 152.3 200.2 159.4 135.4 280.1 178.8 155.9 162.6 175.6 174.5 280.1 1.000000 1982 166.3 166.3 217.3 163.0 115.4 257.7 184.6 162.4 165.5 170.4 184.9 257.7 1.000000 1983 180.3 180.3 218.3 160.1 115.4 250.6 186.4 162.5 171.1 165.7 192.2 250.6 1.000000 20 Table 35. — Mining cost indexes for Honduras Minijg Ccnstruc- local cunocy Bjiipnent ard Bits and re- Tiirtrr and FUal index Year B$0o- Tires ard Crrebxction Charricals Trarepar- Electric Exchange wane ticn wace recair Darts lated steel lutfcer sives rutber iraterials tation rower rate 1970 76.1 76.4 52.6 70.6 58.7 27.2 61.0 54.5 63.6 36.0 67.2 66.7 2.000 1971 77.7 82.0 55.0 72.6 65.6 27.7 64.4 55.5 60.6 36.4 67.4 67.5 2.000 1972 81.9 100.3 56.5 72.5 53.3 29.1 65.8 61.3 53.9 36.1 63.2 69.2 2.000 1973 86.1 114.4 59.1 71.9 94.3 72.8 68.5 71.2 68.0 37.0 71.3 71.6 2.000 1974 53.5 90.3 73.7 100.6 101.8 90.5 83.9 99.6 94.4 61.1 93.1 89.2 2.000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.000 1976 140.3 148.2 139.5 109.4 83.7 100.8 106.9 93.4 79.9 110.4 106.1 102.8 2.000 1977 161.2 154.6 129.5 110.0 101.3 106.2 115.1 99.9 99.8 114.4 110.8 111.3 2.000 1978 207.9 204.1 141.8 108.7 149.5 111.8 124.6 110.0 98.9 115.9 112.7 115.0 2.000 1979 110.3 124.2 157.1 114.5 139.5 192.4 137.3 117.7 105.3 118.4 122.3 149.3 2.000 1980 129.0 212.5 179.9 123.8 169.0 260.5 154.6 135.9 118.9 134.9 145.3 195.5 2.000 1961 151.0 461.5 200.2 141.7 169.0 280.1 178.8 152.2 139.6 140.4 157.2 214.7 2.000 1982 151.7 661.3 217.3 161.2 156.3 257.7 184.6 135.8 143.7 164.5 163.0 237.0 2.000 1983 168.9 462.1 218.3 151.7 151.3 246.9 186.4 142.8 152.8 188.3 176.1 262.3 2.000 U.S. currency index Year Minirg CCnstcu> Frjjipnent and Bits ard re- Tuibar ard Flel B£lo- Tires and CtrBtartion Chanicals Ttarqxr- Electric Bcharga WBOB tkn wbdb imhii* parts lated stee] lirtber SXU3S ntfcer nBterials tation power TaHri 1970 76.1 76.4 52.6 70.6 5B.7 27.2 61.0 54.5 63.6 36.0 67.2 66.7 1.000000 1971 77.7 82.0 55.0 72.6 65.6 27.7 64.4 55.5 60.6 36.4 67.4 67.5 1.000000 1972 81.9 100.3 56.5 72.5 53.3 29.1 65.8 61.3 53.9 36.1 63.2 69.2 1.000000 1973 86.1 114.4 59.1 71.9 94.3 72.8 68.5 71.2 68.0 37.0 71.3 71.6 1.000000 1974 53.5 90.3 73.7 100.6 101.8 90.5 83.9 99.6 94.4 61.1 93.1 89.2 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 140.3 148.2 119.5 109.4 83.7 100.8 106.9 93.4 79.9 110.4 106.1 102.8 1.000000 1977 161.2 154.6 129.5 110.0 101.3 106.2 115.1 99.9 99.8 114.4 110.8 111.3 1.000000 1978 207.9 204.1 141.8 108.7 149.5 111.8 124.6 110.0 98.9 115.9 112.7 115.0 1.000000 1979 110.3 124.2 157.1 114.5 139.5 192.4 137.3 117.7 105.3 118.4 122.3 149.3 1.000000 1980 129.0 212.5 179.9 123.8 169.0 260.5 154.6 135.9 118.9 134.9 145.3 195.5 1.000000 1981 151.0 461.5 200.2 141.7 169.0 280.1 178.8 152.2 139.6 140.4 157.2 214.7 1.000000 1982 151.7 651.3 217.3 161.2 156.3 257.7 184.6 135.8 143.7 164.5 163.0 237.0 1.000000 1983 168.9 462.1 218.3 151.7 151.3 246.9 186.4 142.8 152.8 188.3 176.1 262.3 1.000000 Table 36. — Mining cost indexes for India Trra]. o jrrercy in+v Year Minirg Otnstru?- BjiiptEnt ard Bits ard re- TMerard Fual Bqilo- fires ard Otnstnxtion (harri retire Transpor- Electric Bcharga wane tion vbob lecair iHr.ts lated steel luiber sives niter materials tatim cower rate 1970 45.2 65.0 51.3 40.0 61.6 37.5 47.1 100.8 41.9 55.8 63.7 64.3 7.500 1971 46.9 64.6 57.3 43.8 62.8 39.0 55.7 66.2 50.1 53.0 66.9 66.2 7.501 1972 50.2 67.6 60.5 52.6 64.1 40.3 50.9 66.9 56.2 59.8 70.8 63.3 7.594 1973 60.6 60.0 65.7 63.4 66.8 43.2 68.9 68.1 70.6 63.8 72.5 70.0 7.742 1974 72.2 73.0 84.5 90.5 90.9 96.3 69.3 83.4 89.2 89.7 88.2 85.2 8.102 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 lflO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 8.376 1976 97.6 119.3 100.7 105.3 97.6 100.0 95.8 100.7 110.0 98.3 109.1 110.1 8.960 1977 105.5 131.3 101.6 106.4 106.2 1X0.0 123.7 99.9 113.3 97.9 109.8 110.9 8.739 1978 109.4 131.4 106.7 116.9 115.4 100.7 120.9 113.2 122.8 105.5 109.8 124.9 8.193 1979 112.6 138.6 121.0 139.8 129.6 105.9 126.9 134.4 141.8 130.1 121.2 136.6 8.126 1980 117.8 160.4 136.9 152.2 155.2 142.4 134.3 157.6 160.8 165.6 130.9 145.7 7.863 1981 171.0 176.0 153.3 179.4 177.6 166.2 176.6 182.4 182.5 182.9 146.0 161.4 8.659 1932 188.2 191.2 163.9 210.8 188.8 160.2 199.3 200.6 210.8 190.9 157.3 1B2.5 9.455 1983 215.2 213.0 175.3 237.1 200.1 154.3 215.1 205.6 228.3 200.7 175.2 212.8 10.099 1984 232.1 232.9 193.8 258.3 221.7 147.1 243.5 220.7 244.9 210.5 191.6 245.8 11.363 1985 272.1 265.0 210.6 286.4 248.2 158.2 290.5 264.9 275.7 231.3 218.0 269.7 13.008 U.S. a. irrency index Year Minirg Constric- Bjiiprent ard Bits ard re- Tincer erd Ftel Bqplo- Tires ard Ctrsfcnjcticn Chemicals TrarEpor- Electric Deterge VBPB tion VBOB rasir rarts latoed steel linker si^s ntrer irnt n ials tation cower ratio 1970 50.5 72.6 57.3 44.6 68.8 41.9 52.6 112.5 46.8 62.3 71.1 71.8 1.116900 1971 52.4 72.2 64.0 48.9 70.2 43.6 62.2 73.9 55.9 64.8 74.7 74.0 1.116651 1972 55.4 74.6 66.7 58.0 70.7 44.4 56.2 73.7 61.9 65.9 78.1 75.4 1.102976 1973 65.6 64.9 71.1 68.6 72.3 46.8 74.5 73.7 76.4 69.0 78.5 75.7 1.081890 1974 74.7 75.4 87.3 93.6 94.0 99.6 71.6 86.3 92.2 92.7 91.2 88.1 1.03381B 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 lflO.O 1.000000 1976 91.2 111.5 94.1 98.5 91.3 93.5 89.6 94.1 102.8 91.9 102.0 102.9 .934821 1977 101.1 125.8 97.4 101.9 101.8 95.8 118.6 95.8 108.6 93.8 105.2 106.3 .953462 1978 111.9 134.3 109.1 119.5 118.0 102.9 123.6 115.7 125.6 107.9 112.3 127.7 1.022336 1979 116.1 142.9 124.7 144.1 133.6 109.1 130.8 138.6 146.2 134.1 124.9 140.8 1.030765 I960 125.4 170.9 145.9 162.2 165.3 151.7 143.1 167.9 171.3 176.4 139.5 155.2 1.065242 1981 165.4 170.2 148.3 173.5 171.8 160.8 170.9 176.4 176.5 176.9 141.2 156.1 .967317 1982 166.7 169.4 145.2 1B6.8 167.2 141.9 176.5 177.7 186.8 169.1 139.4 161.7 .885380 1983 178.5 176.6 145.4 196.7 166.0 128.0 178.4 170.5 189.3 168.9 145.3 176.5 .829389 1384 171.1 171.6 142.9 190.4 163.4 108.4 179.5 162.7 180.5 155.2 141.2 181.1 .737129 1985 175.2 170.6 135.6 184.4 159.8 101.8 187.0 170.6 177.5 148.9 140.3 173.6 .643911 Table 37. — Mining cost indexes for Indonesia 21 Iccal currency : index Year Mining QrBtrm- Bgiipnent and Bits and re- Tbiber and Fuel Bplo- Tinas and Q3Tstru±icn Chemicals Ttansncr- Electric Bchanga VBE tkn vaje iFjmir parts ]rt(n] StPRl luiber si\«s rubber materials tatkn rrfcer rats 1970 52.6 45.5 50.5 42.6 35.1 57.2 48.1 49.8 42.1 50.3 34.9 38.2 365.000 1971 53.8 52.7 55.2 43.5 42.9 52.8 50.5 49.8 42.2 51.9 44.9 42.2 393.420 1972 68.8 64.2 59.7 47.0 46.4 62.0 58.3 50.0 46.4 53.4 46.2 45.1 415.000 1973 83.5 81.1 75.7 76.5 71.2 67.2 70.8 57.6 65.8 60.1 53.2 53.6 415.000 1974 95.3 94.6 96.1 100.0 96.1 82.1 86.4 89.0 96.6 81.7 89.3 82.3 415.000 1975 1D0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 415.000 1976 1C6.5 103.6 113.8 101.7 100.0 134.4 105.9 87.3 103.4 99.6 112.4 124.8 415.000 1977 110.3 114.5 118.2 104.8 114.6 134.4 111.7 88.7 103.9 93.1 111.7 126.7 415.000 1978 U7.9 119.2 121.0 114.3 133.0 134.4 130.7 88.1 117.7 88.6 116.8 121.3 442.050 1979 123.7 133.0 161.3 150.0 174.2 210.6 185.8 105.2 153.2 133.3 147.7 126.5 623.060 1980 136.6 147.0 179.0 174.8 212.9 328.4 236.2 141.5 185.7 188.0 187.7 169.0 626.990 1981 152.1 153.3 184,5 183.7 236.2 328.4 239.7 159.9 206.3 196.8 202.1 187.4 631.760 1982 160.7 168.1 184.5 189.0 257.8 539.2 238.2 163.4 225.9 193.4 226.7 210.0 661.420 1983 173.7 181. 3 202.0 209.1 284.0 597.3 254.1 190.5 252.7 224.8 255.8 256.7 909.260 1984 198.3 199.4 238.1 227.5 309.0 596.8 271.1 239.6 277.9 272.6 285.5 265.8 1021.990 1985 219.5 219.5 263.8 257.8 348.2 606.8 344.6 282.0 314.4 315.6 324.7 267.1 1113.010 U.S. cumrrv irrtet Year Mining Ccnstnc- Bgriptent and Bits and re- Tmber and FUel F>pio- Tires and CtTsfcncticn Chemicals Tfcanspcr- Electric Bchanga weqe tknvBce iHHir tarts lated steel luiber si\ras niber materials tatkn rrwer ratio 1970 59.8 51.8 57.4 48.5 40.0 65.1 54.7 56.6 47.8 57.2 39.7 43.4 1.136986 1971 62.1 55.6 53.3 45.9 45.3 55.7 53.3 52.5 44.5 54.7 47.3 44.5 1.064852 1972 68.8 64.2 59.7 47.0 46.4 62.0 53.3 50.0 46.4 53.4 46.2 45.1 1.000000 1973 83.5 81.1 75.7 76.5 71.2 67.2 70.8 57.6 65.8 60.1 53.2 53.6 1.000000 1974 95.3 94.6 96.1 100.0 96.1 82.1 86.4 89.0 96.6 81.7 89.3 82.3 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 105.5 103.6 113.8 101.7 100.0 134.4 105.9 87.3 103.4 99.6 112.4 124.8 1.000000 1977 110.3 114.5 118.2 104.8 114.6 134.4 111.7 88.7 103.9 93.1 111.7 126.7 1.000000 1978 110.7 111.9 113.6 107.3 124.9 126.2 122.7 82.7 110.5 83.1 109.6 113.8 .938807 1979 82.4 88.6 107.4 99.9 116.0 140.3 123.7 70.1 102.0 88.8 98.3 84.2 .000067 1980 90.4 97.3 118.5 115.7 140.9 217.3 156.3 93.6 122.9 124.4 124.2 111.8 .661892 1981 99.9 104.0 121.2 120.7 155.1 215.7 157.4 105.0 135.5 129.3 132.8 123.1 .656395 1982 100.8 105.4 115.8 118.6 161.7 338.3 149.4 102.5 141.7 121.3 142.2 131.7 .627437 1983 79.2 82.7 92.2 95.4 129.6 272.6 115.9 86.9 115.3 102.6 116.7 117.1 .456415 1984 80.5 80.9 96.7 92.3 125.4 242.3 110.0 97.3 112.8 110.7 115.9 107.9 .406070 1985 81.8 81.8 98.3 96.1 129.8 225.9 128.5 106.1 117.2 117.6 121.0 99.6 .372862 Table 38.— Mining cost indexes for Iran local currency index , Year Mining CtrEtruD- Etjoiprent and Bits and re- Timber and FUel Bqalo- Tires and Ctnstncticn Chemicals Tfcanspcr- Elfrtric Bchanga VBOS tim ware letair pacts lated slnel luiber srves ntber materials taticn rrwer rate 1970 42.9 42.9 62.6 60.7 46.6 96.3 53.4 80.3 52.6 65.3 72.0 83.9 75.750 1971 47.2 47.2 70.2 66.1 54.9 96.5 59.5 79.7 57.4 68.8 74.6 86.7 75.750 1972 53.8 53.8 75.2 79.6 83.8 97.4 67.9 80.1 64.2 74.6 77.3 88.8 75.750 1973 64.6 64.6 78.8 98.1 81.7 99.1 75.5 88.7 84.0 87.4 81.3 91.2 68.882 1974 71.8 71.8 84.5 91.5 86.2 99.7 90.3 90.6 80.5 92.1 88.0 95.9 67.625 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 67.639 1976 134.4 134.4 109.3 111.1 114.1 103.7 105.4 103.7 96.4 101.9 131.9 101.7 70.222 1977 159.5 159.5 120.6 125.5 119.7 117.3 115.9 114.3 111.8 113.7 143.6 110.3 70.617 1978 184.0 184.0 135.2 147.1 132.5 122.9 134.7 147.2 118.7 143.2 157.5 114.7 70.475 1979 219.6 219.6 159.8 192.5 160.3 137.8 149.9 164.9 145.9 151.7 202.5 121.8 70.475 1980 272.5 272.5 202.9 260.0 209.3 143.5 161.4 218.1. 186.2 195.5 226.5 126.6 70.615 1981 352.0 352.0 249.7 326.6 259.7 165.3 169.4 272.7 229.2 238.8 281.4 145.1 78.328 1S82 428.3 428.3 280.9 371.2 293.3 185.4 178.9 309.2 257.9 267.7 334.1 162.1 83.6C0 1983 477.8 477.8 327.2 437.1 343.2 201.8 147.4 363.2 300.4 310.5 368.3 165.7 86.353 U.S. currerrv index Year Mining Ctnstnc- Ebpjpigfc and Bits and re- Tuiber and Fuel BtilD- Tires and CtrBtnrticn Chemicals Electric Bchanga Trait|jLt w tece ticn waqe recair parts lated st.H?l luiber si\es ntber iihujl ials taticn Hher ratio 1970 38.3 38.3 55.9 54.2 41.6 86.0 52.1 71.7 47.0 53.3 64.2 74.9 0.892924 1971 42.2 42.2 62.7 59.1 49.0 86.2 53.1 71.1 51.2 61.4 66.6 77.4 .892924 1972 48.0 48.0 67.1 71.1 74.8 87.0 60.6 71.5 57.3 66.6 69.0 79.3 .892924 1973 63.5 63.5 77.4 96.3 80.3 97.3 74.2 87.1 82.5 85.8 79.8 89.5 .981954 1974 71.8 71.8 84.5 91.5 86.2 99.7 90.3 90.6 80.5 92.1 88.1 95.9 1.000BO7 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 129.4 129.4 105.3 107.0 109.9 104.7 101.6 99.9 92.9 98.2 127.0 98.0 .963216 1977 152.8 152.8 115.5 120.2 114.7 112.4 111.0 109.5 107.1 103.9 137.5 105.6 .957828 1978 176.6 176.6 129.7 141.2 127.2 117.9 129.2 141.2 113.9 137.5 151.1 110.0 .959758 1979 210.8 210.8 153.3 184.7 153.8 132.2 143.9 153.3 140.1 145.6 194.4 116.9 .959758 1980 261.0 261.0 194.4 249.0 200.5 137.4 154.6 208.9 178.3 187.3 217.0 121.3 .957855 1981 304.0 304.0 215.6 282.1 224.2 142.7 146.2 235.5 197.9 206.2 243.0 125.3 .863535 1982 346.5 346.5 227.3 300.3 237.3 150.0 144.8 250.1 208.6 216.5 270.3 131.2 .809049 1983 374.3 374.3 256.2 342.4 268.8 153.0 115.4 284.5 235.3 243.2 288.4 129.8 .783239 22 Table 39. — Mining cost indexes for Iraq local currerv irriax Year Mining CtrBtruc- HCjupiErt and Bits and re- Tiiitaer and Fuel Explo- Tires and Otrstructian Cheraioals Tranapor- Electric EXctenga vaoe 63.9 ticn vaoe lHHir carts lated stepl luiber sives niter materials tatlcn cower late 1970 63.9 73.0 55.5 67.7 123.3 63.0 65.9 57.8 61.9 83.2 132.2 0.357 1971 69.7 69.7 77.2 54.1 66.6 112.6 63.5 66.4 57.2 64.3 82.0 132.2 .353 1972 75.6 75.6 82.2 51.6 74.1 113.8 68.3 69.1 56.1 66.0 83.9 132.2 .333 1973 78.3 78.3 79.0 61.5 96.0 111.5 76.0 72.9 59.5 73.8 87.0 132.2 .302 1974 92.8 92.8 86.3 97.1 86.0 101.2 90.3 99.6 79.2 93.3 101.5 97.4 .295 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .295 1976 121.5 121.5 94.5 97.5 101.0 106.9 101.6 93.4 119.1 98.9 112.4 117.3 .295 1977 144.0 144.0 104.8 97.6 92.6 112.1 111.0 99.9 122.0 106.3 126.5 130.7 .295 1978 159.9 159.9 128.3 114.6 122.2 112.1 129.2 110.0 123.7 120.8 139.7 136.7 .295 1979 172.4 172.4 154.2 138.4 203.7 115.5 143.9 117.7 137.0 143.3 152.6 145.5 .295 I960 198.0 198.0 191.4 154.5 222.1 160.3 154.6 135.9 151.5 155.9 186.3 185.8 .295 1981 241.0 241.0 182.0 172.2 183.7 226.7 146.2 152.5 184.7 136.3 220.5 246.3 .295 1982 241.0 241.0 167.8 176.8 183.4 249.7 146.3 150.2 209.5 134.2 221.3 253.8 .298 1983 241.0 241.0 172.4 163.3 192.4 256.2 121.5 156.9 202.2 133.1 224.2 262.3 .311 U.S. a ciary : index Year Mining Otrstnr?- Hjiicmrt and Bits and re- Tiiiber and FUel Explo- Tinas and Otnstticticn Chairicals Transpor- Electric Exchange WBOS tiai V«3 BTOir parts lated steel lurber sives nil tv materials tation cower ratio 1970 52.8 52.8 60.3 45.8 56.0 101.9 52.1 54.5 47.8 51.1 68.8 109.2 0.826330 1971 53.2 58.2 64.5 45.2 55.6 94.1 53.1 55.5 47.8 53.7 63.5 110.5 .835694 1972 66.9 66.9 72.8 45.7 65.7 100.8 60.5 61.2 49.7 53.5 74.3 117.1 .885385 1973 76.5 76.5 77.2 60.1 93.8 108.9 74.2 71.2 53.2 72.1 85.0 129.1 .976321 1974 92.8 92.8 86.3 97.1 86.0 101.2 90.3 99.6 79.2 93.3 101.5 97.4 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 121.5 121.5 94.5 97.5 101.0 106.9 101.6 93.4 119.1 98.9 112.4 117.3 1.000000 1977 144.0 144.0 104.8 97.6 92.6 112.1 111.0 99.9 122.0 106.3 126.5 130.7 1.000000 1978 159.9 159.9 128.3 114.6 122.2 112.1 129.2 110.0 123.7 120.8 139.7 136.7 1.000000 19/9 172.4 172.4 154.2 138.4 203.7 115.5 143.9 117.7 137.0 143.3 152.6 145.5 1.000000 1980 198.0 198.0 191.4 154.5 222.1 160.3 154.6 135.9 151.5 155.9 186.3 185.8 1.000000 1981 241.0 241.0 182.0 172.2 188.7 226.7 146.2 152.5 184.7 136.3 220.5 246.3 1.000000 1962 238.6 238.6 166.1 175.0 181.6 247.1 144.8 148.7 207.4 132.8 219.1 256.2 .989932 1983 228.6 228.6 163.5 154.9 182.5 243.1 115.2 148.8 191.8 126.3 212.6 248.8 .948553 Table 40.— Mining cost indexes for Ireland local a jrrency indpx Year Mining Gbnstnc- FtgiirnEnt and Bits and re- Tinter and Rial Explo- Tires and dstnrfckn Chemicals Transpor- Electric Exchange vaqs ticnvBQB iFjnir cutis lated steel 47.8 lmbar sives niter materials tation cower rate 1970 42.5 42.6 55.8 21.7 43.1 52.5 40.4 44.7 55.0 80.0 44.7 0.417 1971 48.5 49.8 59.2 50.5 23.3 47.0 53.4 42.0 47.5 53.0 86.7 49.4 .411 1972 55.9 60.3 64.7 54.7 21.3 48.2 63.5 41.4 50.3 61.6 86.7 53.8 .400 1973 65.2 66.0 69.9 64.1 57.8 55.2 67.2 61.5 53.5 69.3 93.3 57.3 .408 1974 78.4 80.3 82.0 81.3 102.8 79.2 78.7 83.9 82.2 81.8 86.7 84.2 .428 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .450 1976 126.7 113.9 116.3 113.4 114.0 125.2 119.9 117.6 118.3 109.7 113.3 111.3 .554 1977 134.7 136.8 133.4 134.1 142.6 144.6 138.5 141.6 139.4 123.5 113.3 134.5 .573 1978 157.3 149.0 148.5 148.0 133.9 139.6 155.7 154.8 149.3 134.6 113.3 129.4 .521 1979 183.3 183.7 167.3 160.7 150.3 179.8 182.0 174.0 171.8 147.2 120.0 145.7 .488 1980 216.2 213.9 206.6 183.6 181.9 255.3 226.0 217.4 209.5 175.9 133.3 219.1 .486 1981 271.5 255.6 250.1 207.8 225.2 337.9 282.1 247.0 243.9 207.7 146.7 275.5 .639 1982 306.1 308.2 259.5 232.3 225.6 385.8 363.0 278.6 263.7 229.6 162.6 327.1 .700 1983 348.5 319.9 291.5 249.0 245.1 449.7 401.7 299.9 280.4 249.2 176.7 342.3 .801 U.S. CL crency index Year Mining Q-ifctruD- Bgjipment and Bits and re- Tiiibsr and FUel Explo- Tires and (33-Btructicn Chemicals Transpor- Electric Exchange vans tion vboe rFniir parts lated steel luiber sives niter iiHlnHals tation cower ratio 1970 45.9 46.0 60.2 51.6 23.5 46.5 56.6 43.6 48.2 59.4 86.3 48.3 1.079136 1571 53.1 54.5 64.8 55.3 25.5 51.5 64.0 46.0 52.0 63.6 94.9 54.1 1.094890 1972 62.8 67.8 72.8 61.6 24.0 54.3 71.5 46.6 56.6 69.3 97.5 60.6 1.125000 1973 71.9 72.8 77.1 70.7 63.8 60.8 74.1 67.9 64.5 76.4 102.9 63.3 1.102941 1974 82.4 84.4 86.2 85.5 108.0 83.3 82.7 88.2 86.4 86.0 91.1 88.5 1.0614O1 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 102.9 92.5 94.5 92.1 92.6 101.7 97.4 95.5 96.1 89.1 92.0 90.4 .812274 1977 105.7 107.4 1D4.8 105.3 112.0 113.5 103.8 131.2 109.5 97.0 89.0 105.6 .785340 1978 135.9 128.7 128.3 127.8 115.6 120.6 134.5 133.7 128.9 116.3 97.9 111.8 .863723 1979 169.0 169.4 154.3 148.2 138.6 165.8 167.8 160.4 158.4 135.7 110.7 134.4 .922131 1980 200.2 198.1 191.3 170.0 168.4 236.4 209.2 201.3 194.0 162.9 123.5 202.9 .925925 1381 197.3 185.8 181.8 151.1 163.7 245.6 205.1 179.6 177.3 151.0 106.6 200.3 .726978 1982 195.9 197.3 166.1 148.7 144.4 246.9 235.6 178.3 168.8 147.0 104.1 209.4 .640133 1933 195.7 179.7 163.7 139.9 137.7 252.6 225.6 163.5 157.5 140.0 99.2 192.3 .561797 23 Table 41. — Mining cost indexes for Israel local currency : index Year Mining wane Construc- tion woe HgjipiHt ard Bits and re- ffrsir carts lated steel Tinfcer ard Fuel luitaer si\es Tires ard rucfcer CtTBtructian Chemicals Ttarspcc- taticn Electric ccwer Bchgrce rate 1970 28.9 33.2 35.0 31.5 27.9 21.8 27.8 36.3 29.8 34.1 36.9 28.1 0.350 1971 34.2 36.8 38.5 33.8 31.7 23.1 29.8 38.1 32.2 36.1 42.3 30.0 .373 1972 39.2 42.0 42.7 38.1 36.1 25.0 33.7 40.5 36.4 40.9 40.8 32.3 .420 1973 51.3 51.3 49.3 49.0 58.7 28.5 38.6 47.8 48.0 48.1 54.6 35.0 .420 1974 69.7 69.9 69.9 76.6 83.2 61.6 60.0 70.5 73.1 74.5 74.6 60.9 .450 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .639 1976 142.0 140.4 133.2 127.5 134.8 130.9 124.9 131.8 124.9 128.9 106.9 134.7 .798 1977 191.0 186.0 184.7 176.0 181.3 166.8 154.4 183.8 163.5 163.7 150.8 177.3 1.046 1978 279.6 283.4 286.6 278.2 261.7 241.2 244.0 284.8 257.9 273.6 270.0 273.9 1.747 1979 624.4 550.3 481.0 503.8 441.4 482.9 383.1 620.1 497.6 456.3 554.6 455.3 2.544 1980 1327.2 1253.4 1009.7 1111.2 1044.3 1285.6 856.2 1465.1 1129.1 1127.4 1215.4 1402.8 5.124 1981 3339.5 2970.5 2372.5 2435.2 2242.8 2262.1 2125.5 3150.5 2623.9 2471.0 3315.4 3053.4 11.431 1982 7326.1 6822.3 5172.7 5479.6 4723.6 4717.8 4726.4 6900.2 5717.8 5147.0 6353.8 6581.2 24.267 1983 19678.3 16408.3 11975.8 13405.0 11512.2 11047.6 10638.9 15989.8 12892.2 11450.3 16301.9 13786.1 56.214 1984 92556.5 78065.1 63232.9 66724.4 57035.3 42327.0 49218.9 82806.2 64714.5 59650.7 83510.0 62689.7 293.210 1985 366357.0 303835.0 250933.0 237375.0 202843.0 153511.0 1B5689.0 321213.0 230123.0 230311.0 297173.0 247928.0 1155.830 U.S. currerv irdax Year Mining veoe Ccnstric- ticn wage Rjiipnent ard Bits and re- iHHir IHr.t.S Irlt H,l FSHRRl Tinter ard Fuel luifcer EJfldo- si\res Tires ard rucfcer Crrstructio nHterials i Chemicals 62.3 Ttanspcr- taticn 67.5 Electric ccwer 51.3 Dchange ratio 1970 52.7 60.6 64.0 57.6 51.0 39.9 50.8 66.4 54.5 1.825714 1971 53.6 63.1 65.9 57.9 54.3 39.7 51.2 65.2 55.2 61.9 72.5 51.4 1.713136 1972 59.7 63.9 64.9 58.1 55.0 38.1 51.3 61.6 55.4 62.2 62.1 49.2 1.521428 1973 78.0 78.1 75.0 74.6 89.4 43.4 58.7 72.8 73.1 73.2 83.1 53.3 1.521428 1974 99.1 99.3 99.3 103.9 118.2 87.4 85.2 100.1 103.8 105.8 106.0 86.4 1.420000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 113.7 112.4 106.7 102.1 108.0 104.8 100.0 105.6 100.0 103.2 85.6 107.8 .800751 1977 116.7 113.6 112.8 107.5 110.7 101.9 94.3 112.3 99.9 103.0 92.1 103.3 .610398 1978 102.2 1D3.6 104.8 101.7 95.7 88.2 89.2 104.1 94.3 100.0 98.7 100.2 .365769 1979 156.8 138.2 120.8 126.5 110.8 121.3 96.2 155.7 125.0 114.6 139.3 114.3 .251179 I960 165.5 156.3 125.9 138.5 130.2 160.3 106.7 182.7 140.8 140.6 151.5 174.9 .124707 1981 197.8 165.0 132.6 136.1 125.3 126.4 118.8 176.1 146.6 138.1 185.3 170.6 .055900 1962 192.9 179.6 136.2 144.2 124.3 124.2 124.4 181.6 150.5 135.5 180.4 173.2 .026332 1983 223.6 186.5 136.1 152.3 130.8 125.5 120.9 181.7 146.5 130.1 190.9 156.7 .011367 1984 201.7 170.1 137.8 145.4 124.2 92.2 107.2 1B0.4 141.0 130.4 181.9 136.6 .002179 1985 202.5 170.7 138.7 131.2 112.1 84.8 102.6 177.5 127.2 327.3 164.2 137.0 .000552 Table 42. — Mining local currency cost indexes for Italy index Year Mining waas QjbLmx?- tkn waae Frjiipigt ard Bits ard re- Tinber ard Fuel iKHir iHtls latad steel lirdber Bqplo- STU2S Tires ard rucfcer CrrEtruction Chemicals nultiials Transpor- tation Klfrrric ccwer Dchange rate 1970 35.8 46.4 60.8 51.0 63.0 51.4 15.3 55.6 50.9 45.3 73.8 93.2 627.160 1971 41.4 50.8 63.7 47.7 66.5 51.4 16.2 58.5 51.9 44.9 73.8 93.7 608.360 1972 45.2 54.4 65.5 48.1 65.1 51.4 17.6 61.3 52.5 45.6 73.8 93.8 533.220 1973 55.6 65.7 73.1 70.2 76.2 77.4 26.7 68.4 60.6 61.9 73.8 90.3 583.000 1974 70.1 76.3 88.6 116.3 103.7 92.5 75.6 86.9 84.5 117.5 90.8 104.7 650.340 1975 1D0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 652.850 1976 118.1 139.6 118.5 126.0 119.3 102.7 44.1 118.5 115.8 122.2 105.6 96.4 832.280 1977 146.2 148.6 135.8 132.0 156.5 112.3 57.9 134.8 137.4 135.2 124.8 118.5 882.390 1378 186.4 174.0 152.8 157.0 162.6 111.0 70.7 144.9 148.6 140.2 139.5 130.3 848.660 1979 221.1 208.4 172.2 190.0 197.2 198.6 79.6 165.2 171.5 163.9 157.4 144.1 830.860 1980 275.7 250.2 203.4 207.0 243.9 230.8 102.6 205.0 224.4 209.2 188.8 209.0 856.450 1981 334.3 306.4 247.6 213.0 284.0 312.3 120.9 243.3 271.7 244.9 221.1 265.6 1136.770 1982 392.7 345.0 286.6 256.0 299.9 371.0 147.1 273.3 281.9 283.8 255.4 328.7 1352.500 1963 461.6 407.5 323.2 262.2 317.5 419.5 163.2 301.6 288.2 313.8 296.9 379.7 151B.800 1984 516.1 453.1 365.9 289.9 338.1 467.6 173.5 328.8 299.6 332.4 317.0 426.7 1743.100 1985 559.7 489.7 399.3 316.4 354.7 514.0 191.3 362.7 327.1 362.9 342.3 473.2 1743.100 U.S. currency index Year Mining use OXEtric- tim weaa Egjicmerfc ard Bits ard re- Turber and Fuel pyair parts lated steal lurber Bplo- si\res Tires ard rucfcer Ctretructicn Chemicals iiuUa ials Transport tation Electric ccwer Bcharge ratio 1970 37.2 48.3 63.3 53.1 65.5 53.5 16.0 57.9 53.0 47.2 76.8 97.0 1.040962 1971 43.7 53.6 67.2 50.4 70.3 54.2 17.1 61.8 54.8 47.4 77.9 98.9 1.065776 1972 50.6 60.9 73.3 53.8 72.9 57.5 19.7 68.6 58.8 51.1 82.6 105.0 1.119388 1973 62.3 73.6 81.9 78.6 85.3 86.7 29.9 76.6 67.8 69.3 82.7 101.1 1.119811 1974 70.4 76.6 89.0 116.8 104.1 92.8 75.9 87.2 84.9 117.9 91.1 105.1 1.003859 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1D0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 92.6 93.8 93.0 98.8 93.6 80.6 34.6 92.9 90.8 95.8 82.9 75.6 .784411 1977 103.1 109.9 100.5 97.6 115.8 83.1 42.8 99.7 101.6 100.0 92.3 87.7 .739865 1978 143.4 133.8 117.5 120.8 125.1 85.3 54.4 111.5 114.3 107.9 107.3 100.2 .769271 1979 173.7 163.7 135.3 149.3 154.9 156.1 62.5 129.8 134.7 128.8 123.6 113.2 .785752 1980 210.1 190.7 153.8 157.8 185.9 176.0 78.2 156.2 171.1 159.4 143.9 159.3 .762274 1981 192.0 175.9 142.2 122.3 163.1 179.4 69.4 139.7 156.0 140.6 127.0 152.5 .574302 1982 1B9.5 166.5 138.3 123.5 144.7 179.0 71.0 131.9 136.1 137.0 123.3 158.6 .482698 1983 198.4 175.1 138.9 112.7 136.5 1B0.3 70.1 129.6 123.9 134.9 127.6 163.2 .429845 1964 193.3 169.7 137.0 108.6 126.6 175.1 65.0 123.1 112.2 124.4 118.7 159.8 .374533 1965 209.6 1B3.4 149.5 118.5 132.8 192.5 71.6 135.8 122.5 D5.9 128.2 177.2 .374533 24 Table 43. — Mining cost indexes for Ivory Coast local c urrency ird ex Y£flo- Tires ard Ctnstnrtkn Chemicals Tea Ff nc- Electric F^change VEPS tknvece iH H i r carts labed ste^il lute: si\«s niter iMtet ials tatkn ICC-" laHn 1970 34.1 36.7 55.4 53.8 53.5 26.8 30.4 55.8 54.9 46.6 67.1 42.7 0.828360 1971 38.9 43.6 53.6 56.6 53.6 30.9 30.9 57.5 54.2 46.5 68.9 43.9 .853183 1972 49.9 56.8 70.8 66.6 75.0 35.6 42.0 66.8 65.5 52.1 79.2 50.4 .978955 1973 66.9 74.9 83.8 85.6 76.5 44.5 47.6 82.4 94.8 64.4 89.6 57.4 1.032344 1974 87.4 87.4 94.7 105.2 104.7 80.7 78.3 104.6 109.7 91.8 91.4 83.4 1.016125 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 112.3 112.1 104.2 107.5 111.7 108.6 91.7 96.2 106.0 1D5.4 116.3 110.7 1.000809 1977 136.2 134.6 119.4 122.1 125.6 120.7 90.1 107.6 122.2 112.6 157.7 140.7 1.105321 1978 185.9 186.7 151.9 160.1 151.6 135.6 107.6 137.5 160.7 127.9 213.4 174.9 1.410330 1979 185.5 191.9 154.1 161.7 189.8 161.0 122.3 133.8 173.1 149.7 205.5 168.0 1.354339 I960 187.6 199.2 152.1 170.8 199.4 271.5 143.6 143.9 187.3 184.8 291.2 246.0 1.308944 1961 203. 3 217.7 159.4 176.6 166.9 314.9 175.6 148.2 184.5 1S1.7 360.5 279.4 1.345742 1962 190.9 203.8 142.2 159.1 149.4 320.3 173.9 137.5 163.6 159.1 325.5 247.4 1.191688 1963 207.7 222.1 146.9 160.0 146.7 319.0 164.2 149.3 170.2 162.8 348.0 259.4 1.249536 1964 221.8 243.2 151.9 167.5 150.8 316.1 169.1 153.2 177.8 166.5 375.3 267.9 1.290391 1985 246.3 272.0 161.4 IflO.O 160.3 319.0 1B0.2 172.9 194.6 178.2 410.5 284.0 1.367695 Table 46. — Mining cost indexes for Jordan Iccal currency irdac Year Mining QjfcjLtLC- Efcpipment ard Bits ard te- • Timber ard FUel Fiqalo- TiiBs ard Otrstrucfcicn Chemicals Tcanspor- Electric Fichanga veqs tknvece rn "ii" [nits Idttd !jl.ryl lute: si\«s niter materials taticn ccwer rate 1970 54.0 71.2 53.8 57.0 48.5 94.4 58.1 61.0 70.3 75.1 77.0 91.1 0.357 1971 57.7 73.4 61.5 50.5 49.1 94.4 59.2 62.1 67.4 77.8 77.9 95.0 .357 1972 61.1 76.7 63.2 52.5 54.1 94.4 67.8 68.6 71.7 78.8 78.3 96.4 .357 1973 66.2 82.2 60.6 73.9 63.3 94.4 76.0 73.0 84.2 77.1 78.8 99.3 .327 1974 88.9 91.4 73.9 104.8 99.6 94.4 90.6 99.9 100.0 101.4 78.8 100.0 .321 1975 IflO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .319 1976 121.3 138.0 124.2 86.4 99.4 125.0 105.6 97.1 124.4 98.7 115.7 106.7 .332 1977 130.7 182.8 133.5 84.0 104.0 125.0 114.4 1O3.0 131.1 105.6 124.7 107.1 .329 1978 145.3 209.2 136.0 92.4 102.6 125.0 123.9 105.6 141.3 111.1 150.6 115.3 .307 1979 144.4 221.5 147.9 100.5 110.4 175.0 122.9 110.7 154.5 125.8 187.3 153.8 .301 1980 155.6 245.4 163.3 115.0 143.4 223.0 144.6 127.0 188.9 141.9 249.6 196.0 .299 1981 167.3 276.1 208.9 139.2 161.2 252.2 149.0 155.1 200.9 141.9 311.5 225.3 .326 1982 180.6 304.5 239.8 139.7 149.6 286.4 139.8 149.9 199.6 153.1 339.5 249.0 .353 1983 188.1 323.0 248.0 126.3 139.3 308.4 133.4 162.2 208.5 141.4 362.9 262.8 .363 1964 194.2 338.0 264.6 139.8 137.2 304.4 122.1 183.3 206.1 140.7 375.9 263.6 .384 1985 201.4 355.9 265.7 149.1 137.2 304.4 117.5 200.1 209.4 138.9 395.6 263.6 .383 U.S. currency irdac Year Mining QjtaLtLC- BgapiHt ard Bits ard re- Tinber ard FUel F>£lo- Tires ard Otrsttucticn Chemicals Tcanspcr- Electric EMJBrga vie ticn vece in nir 'wis lated steel lute: sisres niter materials tatkn rxwer ratio 1970 48.2 63.7 52.5 50.9 43.3 84.4 51.9 54.5 62.8 67.1 63.8 81.4 0.893557 1971 51.6 65.6 55.0 45.1 43.9 84.4 52.9 55.5 60.2 69.5 69.6 84.9 .893557 1972 54.6 68.5 56.4 47.0 48.3 84.4 60.5 61.2 64.1 70.4 70.0 86.1 .893557 1973 64.6 80.2 59.1 72.1 66.6 92.1 74.1 71.2 82.2 75.2 76.9 96.9 .975535 1974 88.3 90.8 73.5 104.2 99.0 93.8 90.1 99.3 99.4 100.7 78.3 99.4 .993769 1975 IflO.O 100.0 IflO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 116.6 132.6 139.3 83.0 95.5 120.1 101.4 93.3 119.5 94.8 111.2 102.5 .960643 1977 126.7 177.3 129.4 81.5 100.9 121.2 110.9 99.9 127.1 102.4 120.9 103.8 .969604 1978 151.0 217.4 141.4 96.0 106.6 129.9 128.8 109.7 146.8 115.4 156.5 119.8 1.039037 1979 153.1 234.7 156.7 106.5 117.0 185.5 130.3 117.4 163.7 133.4 198.5 163.3 1.059800 I960 166.0 261.8 179.5 122.7 153.0 238.0 154.3 135.6 201.5 151.4 266.3 211.2 1.066839 1981 163.7 270.1 199.6 136.2 157.7 246.8 145.8 151.7 196.6 138.9 304.8 220.5 .978527 1982 163.2 275.2 216.7 126.3 135.1 258.8 144.4 135.4 180.4 138.4 306.8 225.0 .903682 1963 165.3 283.9 217.9 111.0 122.4 266.6 117.2 142.5 178.8 124.3 31B.9 230.9 .878787 1984 161.3 280.8 219.8 116.1 114.0 252.9 101.4 152.3 171.2 116.9 312.3 219.0 .830729 1985 167.8 296.4 221.3 124.2 114.3 253.5 97.9 166.7 174.4 115.7 329.5 219.6 .832898 26 Table 47. — Mining cost indexes for Kenya Local currency irdac Year Mining Ccnstroc- Frjiirnertt ard Bits and re- Tinber ard FUel Explo- Tires ard QTBtructicn Chemicals Trarr^nr- Electric Bcrerga vnqa tiai wops KTnir tHttH lated stppl lurter sives rubber materials taticn cower rate 1970 67.8 74.4 38.1 42.5 62.4 49.5 55.1 50.4 45.8 42.0 92.2 91.4 7.143 1971 78.4 75.6 48.1 40.0 67.2 34.8 62.3 55.0 45.1 38.5 95.1 87.8 7.143 1972 65.3 77.3 53.4 46.3 74.2 37.3 69.6 64.0 50.4 43.7 91.2 84.8 7.143 1973 81.2 80.3 64.2 58.8 82.1 51.3 70.7 72.0 56.5 58.5 94.4 85.9 7.001 1974 81.4 81.7 78.8 88.0 90.9 84.5 80.6 91.4 77.7 79.0 97.2 87.6 7.143 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 7.343 1976 101.0 109.0 105.6 103.0 123.2 112.8 111.1 106.4 125.1 111.8 102.8 1D3.3 8.367 1977 114.0 llfl.l 120.4 110.6 145.5 124.6 122.6 123.7 126.5 111.8 110.8 116.7 8.277 1978 123.2 128.2 137.3 128.5 135.7 153.2 141.6 148.7 143.8 132.9 123.2 125.0 7.729 1979 136.8 137.0 152.0 140.7 144.4 166.6 170.7 162.1 157.4 155.4 121.0 136.2 7.475 1980 157.8 138.4 166.8 151.1 161.3 223.1 211.5 190.8 1B6.5 199.0 125.2 147.5 7.420 1981 190.0 138.4 186.3 197.0 196.6 279.5 252.9 237.1 208.5 211.8 129.6 175.6 9.047 1982 247.2 168.6 262.9 221.0 220.0 320.8 350.4 258.0 257.9 248.2 136.0 230.4 10.922 1983 274.2 176.8 298.1 234.1 243.1 349.7 409.0 310.4 289.6 294.1 139.9 251.2 13.312 U.S. currency inoex Year Mining Ctrstrijc- Etpicnent ard Bits ard re- Tinber ard FUel EJqalo- Tires ard CtrBtructicn Chemicals Tterepor- Electric BrJharge yegg tknvace re cair c arts lated steel linear siwas nfcber materials tati cn cower ratio 1970 69.7 76.5 39.2 43.7 64.1 50.9 56.7 51.9 47.1 43.1 94.8 94.0 1.027999 1971 80.6 77.7 49.4 41.1 69.0 35.8 64.0 56.6 46.4 39.5 97.8 90.3 1.027999 1972 67.2 79.5 54.9 47.6 76.3 38.4 71.5 65.8 51.8 44.9 93.8 87.2 1.027999 1973 85.2 84.2 67.4 61.6 86.1 53.8 74.1 75.5 59.3 61.4 99.0 90.1 1.048850 1974 83.7 84.0 81.0 90.5 93.5 86.9 82.9 93.9 79.9 81.3 99.9 90.1 1.027999 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 88.7 95.7 92.7 90.3 108.1 99.0 97.5 93.4 109.8 98.1 90.2 95.1 .877614 1977 101.2 104.8 106.8 98.1 129.1 110.6 108.8 109.7 112.2 99.2 98.3 103.5 .887157 1978 117.1 121.8 130.4 122.1 128.9 145.5 134.5 141.3 136.6 107.3 117.0 118.8 .950068 1979 134.4 134.6 149.4 138.2 141.8 163.7 167.7 159.2 154.6 152.6 118.9 133.8 .982341 1980 156.1 137.0 165.1 149.6 159.6 220.8 209.3 188.8 184.6 196.9 123.9 146.0 .989622 1981 154.2 112.3 151.2 159.9 159.6 226.9 205.3 192.4 169.2 171.9 105.2 142.5 .811650 1982 166.2 113.4 176.7 148.5 147.9 215.6 235.5 173.4 173.4 166.8 91.4 154.9 .672312 1983 151.2 97.5 164.4 129.1 134.1 192.9 225.6 171.2 159.7 162.2 77.1 138.5 .551607 Table 48. — Mining cost indexes for Korea Iccal currency irdax Year Mining Ocnstruo- Frjjirmart ard Bits ard re- Timber ard Fuel Fi^plo- Tires ard Ctnstructkn Chemicals Ttanepcr- Electric FXTEnga vepe tion vece iHHir carts .lrTTFli stH-"l linter SIVBS rubber imta ials taticn cower rate 1970 34.0 39.4 57.9 52.0 40.8 14.8 40.6 57.1 46.6 49.9 45.4 44.8 310.570 1971 40.6 43.3 61.3 53.2 41.4 18.4 40.6 59.8 47.3 51.3 46.1 44.8 348.200 1972 46.0 52.0 67.8 53.2 52.1 23.7 41.1 66.3 51.7 54.8 57.0 51.0 392.900 1973 55.7 59.7 69.7 60.6 70.1 27.3 46.6 75.4 58.4 58.0 59.0 49.4 398.320 1974 75.1 71.4 83.1 84.8 99.2 78.9 60.2 95.3 81.5 78.4 80.5 67.5 400.430 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 484.000 1976 120.9 187.2 107.1 102.4 113.8 107.9 185.4 103.5 107.6 123.8 143.9 114.0 484.000 1977 171.7 250.9 111.7 106.1 131.0 109.2 185.4 102.2 118.5 127.3 175.8 131.5 484.000 1978 233.6 361.7 116.3 112.9 142.3 114.5 185.4 103.5 126.6 131.4 188.6 136.7 484.000 1979 304.1 402.4 128.2 142.4 213.8 158.9 186.5 134.8 168.7 146.4 219.4 199.7 484.000 1980 372.0 418.4 148.4 174.5 281.7 328.9 231.9 196.9 246.3 196.5 292.8 324.7 607.430 1981 445.9 519.2 165.9 195.3 280.3 444.7 335.6 216.1 281.0 232.4 382.5 407.8 681.030 1982 491.6 594.2 179.1 205.1 272.4 488.5 377.5 224.4 295.1 243.2 435.4 441.9 731.130 1983 519.2 607.6 181.6 206.6 245.6 463.5 377.5 224.6 299.3 241.7 441.5 431.8 775.750 U.S. currency irbex Year Mining ODnstnc- Efcjiipterfc ard Bits ard re- Timber ard FUel TXpiiy- Tires ard Orstrirticn Chemicals Electric Hrfbrjn'- EMJtiyfc! vece tkn vace rernir carts late 1 f*eel lirtrjer S1VCS rubber materials taticn cower ratio 1970 53.0 61.5 90.2 81.1 63.7 23.1 63.3 89.0 72.6 77.8 70.8 69.9 1.568424 1971 56.4 60.2 85.2 74.0 57.6 25.6 56.5 83.2 65.8 71.3 64.1 62.3 1.390005 1972 56.7 64.0 83.5 65.6 64.2 29.2 50.6 81.7 63.7 67.5 70.3 62.8 1.231865 1973 67.6 72.5 84.7 73.6 85.2 33.2 56.6 91.6 70.9 70.4 71.7 60.0 1.215103 1974 90.8 86.3 100.4 102.5 119.9 95.4 72.8 115.2 98.6 94.8 97.3 81.6 1.208700 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 120.9 187.2 107.1 1D2.4 113.8 107.9 185.4 100. 5 107.6 123.8 143.9 114.0 1.000000 1977 171.7 250.9 ru.7 105.1 131.0 109.2 185.4 102.2 118.5 127.3 175.8 131.5 1.000000 1978 233.6 361.7 116.3 112.9 142.3 114.5 185.4 103.5 126.6 131.4 188.6 136.7 1.000000 1979 304.1 402.4 128.2 142.4 213.8 153.9 186.5 134.8 168.7 146.4 219.4 199.7 1.000000 1980 296.4 333.4 118.2 139.0 224.4 262.1 184.8 156.8 196.2 156.5 233.3 258.7 .796799 1981 316.9 369.0 117.9 138.8 199.2 316.1 238.5 153.6 199.7 165.2 271.8 289.8 .710688 1982 325.4 393.3 llfl.5 135.7 180.3 323.4 249.9 148.5 195.3 161.0 288.2 292.5 .661988 1983 323.9 379.0 113.3 128.9 153.2 289.2 235.5 140.1 186.7 150.8 275.4 269.4 .623912 27 Table 49.— Mining cost indexes for Liberia local currency index Year Mining axstruc- Bgjipment and Bits ard re- •Tinter ard FUel Explo- Tires and Ctnstructicn Chemicals Transpor- Electric Exchange voce tian vane repair parts laced steel lurtaer sives niter nHterials tation power rate 1970 55.8 55.8 52.6 60.2 34.0 32.4 76.0 54.5 46.6 47.0 84.8 46.8 1.000 0971 56.3 56.3 55.0 63.4 35.2 16.1 79.5 55.5 48.4 53.5 87.2 53.0 1.000 1972 59.2 59.2 56.5 66.4 41.5 16.7 81.0 61.3 53.4 54.5 86.7 54.4 1.000 1973 62.0 62.0 59.1 70.0 306.5 41.8 82.2 71.2 86.2 65.3 87.2 55.0 1.000 1974 70.6 70.6 73.7 89.7 95.2 93.4 92.2 99.6 91.9 311.3 90.0 96.2 1.000 1975 300.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 300.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 300.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000 1976 99.7 99.7 119.5 306.9 312.4 300.0 105.4 93.4 103.4 304.6 98.1 303.8 1.000 1977 112.3 112.3 129.5 313.6 325.4 304.5 307.1 99.9 338.9 310.5 314.2 107.6 1.000 1978 118.4 118.4 141.8 339.3 350.9 332.5 300.0 310.0 333.7 325.4 320.1 317.1 1.000 1979 129.1 129.1 157.1 333.0 167.1 261.4 307.0 317.7 147.9 355.2 338.9 141.4 1.000 1980 141.0 141.0 179.9 149.5 398.7 338.2 327.3 335.9 171.8 356.6 352.0 392.7 1.000 1981 140.2 140.2 200.2 159.4 168.1 350.6 142.2 352.5 359.9 352.5 146.5 239.8 1.000 1982 143.2 143.2 217.3 163.0 338.9 320.2 144.2 148.7 146.6 160.4 352.1 258.2 1.000 1983 144.3 144.3 218.3 160.1 138.9 295.7 136.2 149.0 334.8 357.1 355.4 271.4 1.000 1984 144.3 144.3 220.1 166.7 309.1 293.4 334.9 352.4 332.7 357.1 156.2 278.8 1.000 1985 144.3 144.3 221.5 172.2 331.3 281.1 337.1 366.9 147.0 357.1 357.3 283.7 1.000 U.S. CLBTFrrv in** Year Mining voce Ctrstnx?- tion vacE Bgaipna-t ard Bits ard re- fftnir carts laced steel Tinter ard limber FlEl EXplo- sivrv; Tires ard rubber GrjBtnrtfcn Chemicals RBbscials Transpor- tation Electric power Exchange ratio 1970 55.8 55.8 52.6 60.2 34.0 32.4 76.0 54.5 46.6 47.0 84.8 46.8 1.000000 1971 56.3 56.3 55.0 63.4 35.2 16.1 79.5 55.5 48.4 53.5 87.2 53.0 1.000000 1972 59.2 59.2 56.5 66.4 41.5 16.7 81.0 61.3 53.4 54.5 86.7 54.4 1.000000 1973 62.0 62.0 59.1 70.0 305.5 41.8 82.2 71.2 86.2 65.3 87.2 55.0 1.000000 1974 70.6 70.6 73.7 89.7 95.2 93.4 92.2 99.6 91.9 311.3 90.0 96.2 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 100.0 300.0 100.0 300.0 100.0 3O0.0 300.0 300.0 1.000000 1976 99.7 99.7 119.5 306.9 132.4 300.0 105.4 93.4 103.4 304.6 98.1 303.8 1.000000 1977 112.3 112.3 129.5 313.6 325.4 304.5 307.1 99.9 138.9 130.5 114.2 107.6 1.000000 1978 118.4 118.4 141.8 139.3 350.9 332.5 300.0 310.0 333.7 325.4 320.1 317.1 1.000000 1979 129.1 129.1 157.1 133.0 167.1 261.4 107.0 317.7 147.9 355.2 318.9 141.4 1.000000 1980 141.0 141.0 179.9 149.5 398.7 318.2 127.3 335.9 171.8 156.6 352.0 192.7 1.000000 1981 140.2 140.2 200.2 359.4 368.1 350.6 142.2 352.5 359.9 352.5 146.5 239.8 1.000000 1982 143.2 143.2 217.3 163.0 338.9 320.2 144.2 348.7 146.6 360.4 352.1 258.2 1.000000 1983 144.3 144.3 218.3 160.1 318.9 295.7 336.2 149.0 334.8 357.1 355.4 271.4 1.000000 1984 144.3 144.3 220.1 166.7 309.1 291.4 334.9 352.4 132.7 157.1 356.2 278.8 1.000000 1985 144.3 144.3 221.5 172.2 131.3 281.1 337.1 166.9 147.0 357.1 357.3 283.7 1.000000 Table 50.— Mining cost indexes for Libya Iccal currency index Year Mining Ctnstxuc- Frjiiptent ard Bits ard re- Tinber and FlEl Explo- Tires ard 0cnstru±iari Chemicals Transpor- Electric Exchange uaoe tion waoe recair parts laced s(.m?1 lmber sives rubber materials tation power rate 1970 76.8 76.8 63.5 64.0 41.0 332.2 62.9 65.8 63.9 56.9 81.7 3J2.2 0.357 1971 76.8 76.8 61.1 56.0 39.1 308.9 59.0 61.7 60.8 52.6 79.2 380.9 .329 1972 66.4 66.4 62.8 59.8 46.1 86.3 67.3 68.1 65.3 56.8 79.2 86.3 .329 1973 78.5 78.5 59.8 79.6 306.8 89.6 75.1 72.1 68.6 70.1 85.3 89.6 .300 1974 91.5 91.5 73.7 316.8 95.2 93.4 90.3 99.6 84.9 117.9 91.6 93.4 .296 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 300.0 100.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 100.0 300.0 300.0 .296 1976 112.2 112.2 139.5 98.8 332.4 305.3 301.6 93.4 90.8 95.8 305.4 305.3 .296 1977 155.5 155.5 129.5 97.7 325.4 105.8 311.0 99.9 301.7 300.1 112.1 305.8 .296 1978 172.0 172.0 141.8 320.8 350.9 107.1 329.2 310.0 314.3 307.9 145.0 307.1 .296 1979 390.2 190.2 157.1 149.3 167.1 335.2 143.9 117.7 334.8 328.8 337.1 115.2 .296 1980 207.3 207.3 179.9 357.8 398.7 140.5 354.6 335.9 171.1 159.4 149.4 318.1 .296 1981 226.0 226.0 200.2 322.3 168.1 146.9 146.2 352.5 356.0 140.7 362.9 322.1 .296 1982 239.5 239.5 217.3 323.6 338.9 339.7 144.8 148.7 335.8 337.0 172.7 326.0 .296 1983 253.0 253.0 238.3 324.1 318.9 132.3 315.4 149.0 324.3 335.4 182.4 330.0 .296 U.S. currency index Year Mining Ctrstruc- Efcuipnerfc ard Bits ard re- Tinbsr ard FUel Explo- Tires ard CrxBtruction Chemicals E3£Ctric Exchange TrdtlJur— vane tion vane IHHJr mtts lated steel luaber sives niter EihIe* ials tatkn power ratio 1970 63.7 63.7 52.6 53.1 34.0 93.0 52.1 54.5 53.0 47.2 67.7 93.0 0.829331 1971 69.1 69.1 55.0 50.3 35.1 97.9 53.1 55.5 54.7 47.4 71.3 362.7 .899696 1972 59.8 59.8 56.5 53.8 41.5 77.6 60.6 61.3 53.8 51.1 71.3 77.6 .899696 1973 77.4 77.4 59.0 78.5 1C5.4 88.4 74.1 71.1 67.7 69.2 84.2 88.4 .966666 1974 91.5 91.5 73.7 316.8 95.2 93.4 90.3 99.6 84.9 317.9 91.6 93.4 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 300.0 100.0 100.0 300.0 300.0 300.0 100.0 300.0 100.0 300.0 1.000000 1976 112.2 112.2 319.5 98.8 312.4 305.3 301.6 93.4 90.8 95.8 106.4 305.3 1.000000 1977 155.5 155.5 329.5 97.7 125.4 305.8 131.0 99.9 301.7 300.1 112.1 305.8 1.000000 1978 172.0 172.0 141.8 320.8 350.9 107.1 329.2 310.0 314.3 107.9 145.0 107.1 1.000000 1979 190.2 190.2 357.1 349.3 167.1 335.2 143.9 317.7 134.8 328.8 137.1 315.2 1.000000 1980 207.3 207.3 179.9 357.8 398.7 340.5 154.6 335.9 171.1 359.4 149.4 338.1 1.000000 1981 226.0 226.0 200.2 322.3 168.1 346.9 146.2 352.5 356.0 140.7 362.9 322.1 1.000000 1982 239.5 239.5 217.3 123.6 338.9 339.7 144.8 348.7 335.8 337.0 172.7 326.0 1.000000 1983 253.0 253.0 238.3 324.1 318.9 132.3 315.4 149.0 324.3 335.4 182.4 330.0 1.000000 28 Table 51.— Mining cost indexes for Madagascar local cuctoTcv intec Year Mining ttrstruo- BoLurrrent and Bits ard re- Tinter ard FUel Explo- Tires ard Ctrstnrticn Cherrrkals Transpor- Electric Bchartge wrp tkn vbob irynir parts lated steel lurber sives niter nut-trials tation power rate 1970 52.3 52.3 68.9 51.8 67.6 63.4 67.2 67.1 54.5 59.3 97.6 86.6 277.710 1971 53.2 58.2 71.7 55.4 69.7 71.2 70.8 70.0 56.4 61.5 97.8 83.1 277.130 1972 64.6 64.6 74.3 57.2 71.0 72.8 72.7 73.8 57.4 63.8 99.4 83.0 252.210 1973 71.9 71.9 77.0 66.9 74.1 72.3 73.1 76.7 66.3 63.5 97.6 83.6 222.700 1974 100.0 100.0 88.5 96.3 78.7 81.6 89.4 80.5 87.7 91.9 100.7 93.6 240.500 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 214.320 1976 107.6 107.6 110.8 107.5 100.0 103.3 110.2 109.7 103.3 104.9 104.7 98.9 238.980 1977 113.6 113.6 117.7 114.3 104.3 119.0 136.6 128.9 111.6 110.3 100.0 105.3 245.670 1978 124.0 124.0 129.6 126.6 114.9 125.1 124.4 140.7 115.0 115.1 102.6 111.2 225.640 1979 124.0 124.0 144.1 143.3 146.8 160.7 140.0 146.2 131.3 133.7 118.1 134.8 212.720 1980 143.0 143.0 160.9 153.2 185.1 211.9 160.0 157.4 150.4 160.4 139.6 156.2 211.300 1931 152.0 152.0 180.6 156.2 295.7 343.0 178.7 175.8 178.7 103.8 182.2 183.2 271.300 1982 189.7 189.7 254.8 213.0 292.9 379.5 206.4 211.9 213.5 221.8 227.7 273.2 349.710 1983 220.9 220.9 307.0 250.6 365.2 417.4 237.1 242.4 239.1 253.2 275.0 312.8 430.450 1984 239.1 239.1 40B.5 325.2 498.6 522.4 264.7 259.4 273.9 333.6 306.8 347.8 576.600 1985 268.3 268.3 362.2 349.2 531.9 452.1 281.8 255.4 331.2 359.2 353.7 401.8 510.243 U.S. cunarcv intec Year Mining OanstruD- Bgjiprerfc ard Bits ard re- Tirrber and FlEl Bqalo- Tires ard QTBtrirtian Chairicals Transpor- Electric Bcharga vcae tian vbob repair carts lataed steel lurber siies niter rraberials tation power ratio 1970 40.4 40.4 53.1 39.9 52.2 52.8 51.9 51.8 42.1 45.8 75.3 66.8 0.771740 1971 45.0 45.0 55.4 42.8 53.9 55.1 54.7 54.2 43.6 47.5 75.6 64.3 .773355 1972 54.9 54.9 63.1 48.6 60.4 61.8 61.8 62.7 48.8 54.2 84.5 70.5 .849768 1973 69.1 69.1 74.1 64.4 71.3 69.6 70.3 73.8 63.8 65.9 93.9 80.4 .962370 1974 89.1 89.1 78.8 85.8 70.1 72.7 79.6 71.7 78.2 81.9 89.7 83.4 .891143 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 96.5 96.5 99.4 96.4 89.7 97.1 98.8 98.4 92.7 94.0 93.9 88.7 .896311 1977 99.1 99.1 102.7 99.7 90.9 103.8 101.7 112.4 97.4 96.2 87.2 91.9 .872389 1978 117.8 117.8 123.1 120.2 109.1 118.8 118.1 133.6 109.3 109.3 97.5 105.6 .949831 1979 124.9 124.9 145.2 144.4 147.9 162.0 141.1 147.3 132.3 134.7 118.9 135.8 1.007521 1980 145.0 145.0 163.2 155.4 107.8 214.9 162.3 159.6 152.5 162.7 141.6 153.5 1.014292 1981 120.1 120.1 142.7 123.3 233.6 271.0 141.2 138.9 141.1 145.2 144.0 144.7 .789974 1982 116.3 116.3 156.1 130.5 179.5 232.5 126.4 129.8 130.9 135.9 139.5 167.4 .612850 1983 110.0 110.0 152.8 124.7 181.8 207.8 118.0 120.6 119.0 128.5 136.9 155.7 .497897 1984 88.9 88.9 149.6 120.8 185.3 194.1 98.4 96.4 101.8 124.0 114.0 129.3 .371696 1985 112.7 112.7 152.1 146.6 223.4 189.9 118.3 107.2 139.1 150.8 148.5 163.8 .420005 Table 52. — Mining cost indexes for Malawi Local currary intec Year Mining CtTBttXC- Bgjiprent ard Bits and re- Tinter and FIeL BiplD- Tires and Qretzirticn (hanimls Transpor- Electric BcharDB WBOB tianwaae rtijair carts lated stBel lurber sives niter imljaifils tation cower rate 1970 50.2 84.5 50.7 47.1 32.8 41.0 26.6 52.6 56.5 57.5 75.4 74.1 0.833 1971 43.6 76.1 52.9 48.5 33.8 45.2 23.9 53.4 53.4 59.2 75.5 74.5 .831 1972 48.3 76.8 52.4 47.4 38.5 46.2 27.0 56.9 54.8 55.4 76.0 67.2 .802 1973 52.5 79.5 56.1 64.6 100.1 46.3 39.3 67.5 69.4 67.2 77.4 79.8 .819 1974 70.0 90.8 71.8 80.6 92.7 89.1 70.7 97.0 86.0 86.0 89.5 92.5 .841 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .864 1976 81.0 102.5 126.3 103.8 118.8 117.1 71.0 98.7 104.5 98.1 120.7 95.0 .913 1977 79.5 107.4 135.4 114.9 131.1 132.4 75.1 104.4 115.8 109.4 131.9 97.4 .900 1978 87.6 123.5 138.5 120.5 147.4 145.2 72.5 107.4 139.0 113.4 134.2 93.4 .844 1979 98.2 124.7 148.6 143.0 153.0 220.7 75.7 111.3 138.5 127.7 136.9 109.9 .817 1980 92.6 155.4 169.2 174.5 106.8 262.0 97.4 127.7 172.2 161.1 150.1 128.2 .812 1961 103.6 130.5 207.5 193.8 174.2 275.6 141.7 153.1 109.8 173.5 160.0 139.3 .895 1932 93.8 146.5 265.5 215.0 169.8 306.0 109.3 181.7 210.9 109.9 203.8 163.1 1.055 1983 1D5.3 159.1 296.9 263.2 161.7 323.4 125.9 202.7 260.6 225.4 222.5 175.8 1.175 U.S. nirra-rv irr*v Year Mining OLifciXUD- Erjiiprent ard Bits ard re- Tirrber ard Red Explo- Tires ard <3rstrucrion (tenricals Transpor- Electric DcbanaB wbob ticn veae recair carts IfltBd steel lurber sives niter nut n ials tation cower ratio 1970 52.1 87.6 52.6 48.9 34.0 42.5 27.6 54.6 53.6 59.7 78.2 76.9 1.007214 1971 45.4 79.1 55.0 50.4 35.2 47.0 24.9 55.5 60.7 61.5 78.5 77.5 1.039711 1972 52.0 82.7 56.5 51.1 41.5 49.8 29.1 61.3 59.1 59.7 81.9 72.4 1.077306 1973 55.4 83.8 59.1 68.1 105.6 48.9 41.4 71.3 73.2 70.9 81.7 84.2 1.064945 1974 71.9 93.3 73.7 82.8 95.2 91.5 72.7 99.7 88.4 88.4 92.0 95.0 1.027348 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 76.7 97.0 119.5 98.3 112.4 110.8 67.2 93.4 98.9 92.9 114.3 89.9 .946330 1977 76.1 102.7 129.5 109.9 125.4 126.7 71.9 99.9 110.8 104.6 126.2 93.2 .956310 1978 89.7 126.4 141.7 123.4 150.9 148.6 74.2 110.0 121.8 116.1 137.4 95.7 1.023696 1979 103.9 131.9 157.2 151.3 167.1 233.4 80.0 117.7 146.5 135.0 144.8 116.2 1.057527 1980 98.5 165.4 100.0 185.6 198.8 278.7 100.6 135.9 183.2 171.4 159.8 136.4 1.064039 1981 100.0 125.9 200.3 107.1 163.2 266.0 136.7 152.6 103.2 167.5 154.4 134.5 .965363 1982 76.8 120.0 217.4 176.0 139.0 250.6 89.5 148.8 172.7 155.5 166.9 133.6 .810957 1983 77.4 117.0 210.3 193.5 118.9 237.8 92.6 149.0 191.6 165.7 163.6 129.2 .735319 29 Table 53. — Mining cost indexes for Malaysia Minirg *HJ5 Ctnstruc*- ti rri '■"T? Frjoipient ard Bits ard re- pmir iHtls latrd stHtd locnl currency ircex Year Tintir ard luifcer Fuel Explo- sives Tiros ard pfrnar Oxstarfcion chemicals Transpor- tation Electric cower Bcrerge 1970 72.4 67.7 74.3 66.6 71.8 23.2 35.7 69.5 69.2 61.4 77.9 53.1 3.061 1971 74.0 69.6 77.8 6B.1 70.0 26.9 31.0 70.6 69.4 60.1 79.4 59.3 3.052 1972 75.1 73.8 78.7 71.2 76.8 24.3 29.1 72.0 74.5 59.3 77.9 60.0 2.820 1973 78.1 84.0 78.0 82.3 or, 4 36.1 36.6 72.5 84.8 62.9 86.8 59.7 2.443 1974 91.3 88.2 89.0 118.2 86.2 89.7 63.1 99.8 1Q2.9 96.8 100.0 71.7 2.407 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 2.402 1976 105.5 107.4 110.2 104.4 106.9 119.3 59.0 98.8 107.8 96.9 105.6 104.3 2.542 1977 107.1 114.9 120.5 104.8 94.9 124.3 55.8 102.4 105.1 96.1 110.1 116.1 2.461 1978 116.7 121.9 134.9 119.4 117.9 117.0 65.3 106.1 117.5 94.3 117.8 119.0 2.316 1979 122.1 130.9 136.4 130.0 185.6 141.2 75.5 107*2 142.5 101.6 122.7 114.7 2.183 1980 138.5 144.1 133.5 133.7 201.3 216.5 99.7 123.2 157.4 113.8 132.3 128.8 2.177 1981 157.9 166.8 146.4 150.0 181.1 240.6 111.2 146.3 163.9 132.2 144.3 172.6 2.304 1982 159.3 168.4 143.0 145.9 176.5 229.5 86.3 132.1 166.9 130.6 149.8 186.6 2.335 1983 166.7 177.0 142.7 128.0 176.7 20B.3 73.6 138.0 167.0 127.2 153.6 1B0.3 2.3ZL 1984 167.0 177.9 144.1 135.1 180.1 205.6 76.6 145.7 173.2 135.6 155.7 165.0 2.344 1985 177.4 189.7 149.6 146.9 183.4 196.6 79.8 155.8 182.3 137.8 164.0 166.3 2.292 U.S. currency irdex Year Minirg vaoe Gxstrtc— tkn wage Etjiipient erd Bits ard re- Tinfcar atl mnir parts lated steal luitoer Rjel Explo- sives Tires erd rubber Cfcnstructicri Gtmicals imlaials Transpar- tatkn Electric cower EXrharga ratio 1970 56.8 53.1 58.3 52.3 56.4 18.2 28.0 54.5 54.3 48.2 61.2 45.6 0.784710 1971 53.3 54.7 61.2 53.6 55.0 21.2 24.3 55.5 54.6 47.3 62.5 46.7 .787024 1972 64.0 62.8 67.0 60.6 65.4 20.7 24.8 61.3 63.4 50.5 66.4 51.1 .851773 1973 76.8 82.6 76.7 80.9 93.8 35.5 36.0 71.2 83.4 61.9 85.3 58.7 .983217 1974 91.1 88.0 88.8 118.0 86.0 89.5 63.0 99.6 102.7 96.6 99.8 71.6 .997922 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 99.7 101.4 104.1 98.6 101.0 112.7 55.7 93.4 101.8 91.5 99.8 98.5 .944925 1977 104.5 112.1 117.6 102.3 92.6 121.3 54.5 99.9 102.5 93.8 107.5 113.3 .976026 1978 121.0 126.5 139.9 123.8 122.3 121.3 67.7 110.0 121.9 97.8 122.2 123.4 1.007132 1979 134.1 143.7 149.7 142.7 203.8 155.0 82.9 117.7 156.5 111.5 134.7 125.9 1.097806 1980 152.8 159.0 147.3 147.5 222.1 238.9 110.0 135.9 173.6 125.6 146.0 142.1 1.103353 1981 164.6 173.9 152.6 156.4 183.8 250.8 115.9 152.6 176.1 137.9 150.4 1B0.0 1.042534 1982 163.9 173.2 147.1 150.1 181.6 236.0 88.8 135.9 171.7 134.3 154.1 191.9 1.0E8693 1983 172.6 133.2 147.6 132.5 182.9 210.4 76.2 142.8 172.9 131.7 159.0 186.6 1.004898 1904 171.2 1S2.3 147.7 138.4 184.5 210.7 78.5 149.3 177.5 139.0 159.5 169.1 1.024744 1985 185.9 198.8 156.8 153.9 192.2 206.0 83.7 163.2 191.1 144.4 171.9 174.3 1.047993 Table 54. — Mining cost indexes for Mali Iccal currency iroex Year Minirg Ccnstruc— EtpiprErt ard Bits ard re- Tints: ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard Crretructicn Chanicals Transpor- Electric Exchange usee tkn vaoe Dmir certs lrltHi stsel luiher sives rubber iinlja ials tation cower rate 1970 34.7 34.7 62.6 59.7 44.0 62.6 66.9 60.4 56.5 61.5 81.6 94.6 555.420 1971 45.3 45.3 66.0 62.8 45.5 64.7 70.4 67.3 56.5 63.5 79.5 95.1 554.260 1972 48.9 48.9 69.1 64.3 48.8 65.6 72.7 72.8 57.1 65.7 74.9 95.2 504.430 1973 61.2 61.2 72.3 72.4 109.7 66.3 73.1 76.4 61.0 70.2 73.7 95.3 445.400 1974 97.8 97.8 86.2 96.9 106.8 100.9 89.4 91.7 79.7 92.4 79.7 100.1 480.990 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 428.640 1976 102.2 102.2 113.0 106.2 125.3 110.6 110.2 129.0 111.8 104.6 120.3 101.5 477.960 1977 102.2 102.2 121.3 112.0 143.8 119.8 116.6 120.6 11B.2 109.7 120.1 102.8 491.340 1978 104.5 104.5 135.6 122.2 159.9 118.5 124.4 131.4 132.0 114.3 119.9 103.7 451.280 1979 104.5 104.5 153.0 136.1 165.8 132.7 140.0 154*1 157.1 131.9 119.9 103.7 425.450 1980 123.9 123.9 173.1 144.4 195.9 162.7 160.0 180.9 192.0 157.2 119.9 134.6 422.600 1981 137.4 137.4 196.8 146.8 213.1 237.0 179.0 204.7 229.4 179.5 119.9 134.6 543.460 1982 140.4 140.4 222.5 182.3 213.0 267.5 193.9 227.7 257.5 202.2 153.7 194.6 657.240 1983 150.0 150.0 241.4 199.4 211.5 277.2 209.9 248.1 273.6 220.9 161.7 194.6 762.130 U.S. currency index Year Minirg OcnstruD- Fhjrirnent ard Bits ard re- Tinba: ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard ocnstnrticn Chemicals Transpcr- Electric Uncharge wbob tion vaoe rernir rants L=iti=d ste?l lurter sives rubber natjtf ials tatian power ratio . 1970 26.8 26.8 48.3 46.1 34.0 48.3 51.6 46.6 43.6 47.4 63.0 73.0 0.771740 1971 35.0 35.0 51.0 48.6 35.1 50.1 54.4 52.0 43.7 49.1 61.4 73.5 .773355 1972 41.6 41.6 59.7 54.6 41.5 55.7 61.8 61.9 48.5 55.8 63.6 80.9 .849751 1973 53.9 58.9 69.6 69.7 105.5 63.8 70.3 73.6 59.7 67.5 71.0 91.7 .962370 1974 87.1 87.1 76.8 86.4 95.2 90.0 79.6 81.7 71.0 82.3 71.0 89.2 .891161 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 91.7 91.7 101.3 95.3 112.4 99.2 98.8 115.7 100.2 93.8 107.9 91.0 .896911 1977 89.2 89.2 105.8 97.7 125.4 104.5 101.7 105.2 103.1 95.7 104.8 89.6 .872389 1978 99.2 99.2 128.8 116.0 150.9 112.5 118.1 124.8 125.4 108.6 113.9 98.5 .949831 1979 105.2 105.2 154.1 137.1 167.1 133.7 141.1 155.3 158.3 132.9 120.8 104.4 1.007497 1990 125.6 125.6 175.6 146.4 198.7 165.0 162.3 183.5 194.7 159.5 121.6 136.5 1.014292 1981 103.4 103.4 155.2 115.8 168.1 186.9 141.2 161.4 180.9 141.6 94.5 106.1 .788724 1982 91.6 91.6 145.1 118.9 138.9 174.4 126.4 148.5 167.9 131.8 100.2 126.9 .652181 1983 84.3 84.3 135.7 112.1 1J8.9 155.9 118.0 139.5 153.9 124.2 90.9 109.4 .562423 30 Table 55. — Mining cost indexes for Mauritania local currency index Year Minirg ttnstruc- Etjjirnent ard Bits ard re- Tinber ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard QTBtnrticn Chemicals Transport Electric Bchange woe ticn veqe rprnir carts lated steel linber sives nfcfcer materials taticn cower rate 1970 83.2 83.2 62.4 59.6 43.7 67.1 66.7 60.2 66.7 61.3 46.4 100.0 55.542 1971 82.1 82.1 65.9 62.7 45.1 67.1 70.2 67.2 65.4 63.4 66.3 100.0 55.426 1972 80.6 80.6 68.6 63.8 48.4 77.6 72.2 72.3 5B.7 65.3 65.6 100.0 50.443 wn 87.4 87.4 71.8 71.9 108.9 79.9 72.5 75.9 53.2 69.7 75.1 100.0 44.540 1974 102.9 102.9 80.3 90.4 99.6 100.0 83.3 85.5 92.6 86.1 87.0 100.0 45.176 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 43.181 1976 111.1 111.1 106.5 99.2 117.0 112.1 102.9 120.5 108.9 97.7 115.3 112.1 44.959 1977 111.1 111.1 112.0 103.3 132.7 125.5 107.6 111.3 103.2 101.3 133.0 125.5 45.684 1978 115.8 115.8 137.6 124.0 161.4 131.4 126.3 133.4 130.5 116.1 133.0 131.4 46.157 1979 122.3 122.3 163.8 145.7 177.5 144.3 149.9 165.0 161.1 141.3 146.9 137.0 45.890 1930 130.6 130.6 186.7 155.7 211.3 153.9 172.6 195.2 195.9 169.6 164.8 144.1 45.916 1331 146.9 146.9 173.5 129.4 187.9 187.4 157.8 180.4 191.6 153.2 199.8 158.1 48.253 1932 160.0 160.0 175.3 143.6 167.8 210.3 152.7 179.3 192.1 159.3 227.9 169.4 52.153 1983 163.1 163.1 172.6 142.6 151.0 215.7 150.1 177.4 185.7 153.0 234.5 172.0 54.819 U.S. currency irdax Year Minirg Construc- Hjiipisnt ard Bits ard re- Timber ard FUal B40ID- Tires ard n it-i nitim OsJllirBlS Trarspcr— Electric Exchange vbde 64.7 tion waqe 64.7 repair carts 48.5 lated steel lurfcer si\es ntber itntet ials tatkn cower ratio 1970 46.3 34.0 52.2 51.9 46.8 51.9 47.7 36.1 77.7 0.777447 1971 64.0 64.0 51.3 48.8 35.1 52.3 54.7 52.3 51.0 49.4 51.6 77.9 .779074 1972 69.0 69.0 58.7 54.6 41.5 66.4 61.8 61.9 50.2 55.8 56.2 85.6 .856035 1973 84.7 84.7 69.6 69.7 105.5 77.4 70.3 73.6 56.5 67.5 72.8 96.9 .969488 1974 98.4 93.4 76.8 86.4 95.2 95.6 79.6 81.7 88.5 82.3 83.1 95.6 .955339 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 106.7 106.7 101.3 95.3 112.4 107.7 98.8 115.7 99.8 93.8 110.7 107.7 .960452 1977 105.0 105.0 105.8 97.7 125.4 118.6 101.7 1D5.2 102.2 95.7 125.7 118.6 .945210 1978 103.3 108.3 128.8 116.0 150.9 122.9 118.1 124.8 122.1 103.6 124.4 122.9 .935524 1979 115.1 115.1 154.1 137.1 167.1 135.8 141.0 155.3 151.6 132.9 138.3 128.9 .940957 1980 122.8 122.8 175.6 146.4 198.7 149.4 162.3 183.5 184.2 159.5 155.0 135.5 .940434 1961 131.5 131.5 155.2 115.8 168.1 167.7 141.2 161.4 171.4 141.6 178.8 141.5 .894794 1932 132.5 132.5 145.1 118.9 138.9 174.1 126.5 148.5 159.1 131.9 188.7 140.2 .827967 1933 128.5 128.5 136.0 112.3 118.9 1£B.9 118.2 139.7 146.3 124.4 184.7 135.5 .787701 Table 56.— Mining cost indexes for Mexico local currency index Year Mining Otrstruc- BjjipnEnt ard Bits ard re- Timber ard Fuel Bplo- Tires ard QxEtruction Chemicals Transpop- Klfrtric Exchange veqe ticn vbde iHHir imLs lated steel Imber si\res rubber materials tar.im cower rate 1970 48.0 46.1 73.0 57.1 40.2 39.3 61.0 80.2 60.6 68.6 72.3 75.4 12.500 1971 56.8 53.4 75.8 53.1 35.2 39.9 64.4 80.3 63.6 69.9 71.5 79.4 12.500 1972 72.2 58.0 74.2 59.1 33.6 40.6 65.8 80.3 64.2 70.7 72.3 79.4 12.500 1973 85.9 66.3 77.8 65.3 44.3 43.1 63.5 81.4 67.3 75.7 72.3 83.5 12.500 1974 91.2 91.1 80.2 85.4 86.1 75.3 83.9 92.4 81.2 89.9 73.0 97.4 12.500 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 12.500 1976 129.9 135.2 130.4 122.0 141.1 106.2 132.0 131.4 120.0 114.6 104.4 104.8 15.426 1977 149.6 153.4 225.8 165.3 235.8 136.7 207.9 202.9 150.9 147.9 135.8 119.5 22.573 1978 168.0 180.1 223.9 200.4 275.2 137.4 226.9 212.9 190.3 166.9 159.1 122.0 22.767 1979 178.9 193.0 248.2 235.9 373.3 138.5 250.4 227.3 236.6 186.7 185.4 143.9 22.806 1980 229.0 253.1 263.2 303.2 350.3 143.8 283.9 258.1 311.5 232.1 231.0 176.1 22.951 1931 271.0 303.4 306.1 373.6 331.9 159.3 350.7 306.8 410.2 294.4 288.1 223.2 24.515 1932 498.7 576.2 743.1 554.1 699.4 415.0 832.7 732.9 676.7 464.4 437.0 285.6 54.985 1933 948.5 H15.2 1551.8 1176.9 1569.5 878.9 1790.9 1561.6 1454.9 961.5 892.4 541.3 120.094 1984 1562.5 1850.8 2172.5 20CB.8 2114.5 1511.1 2514.7 2168.1 2519.6 1639.7 1511.2 861.6 167.830 1985 2293.3 2726.6 2921.7 2929.5 2848.3 2263.7 3511.0 2862.5 3706.1 2395.3 2200.7 1242.9 225.167 U.S. currercv index Year Mining CtrEtnE- Frpipnent ard Bits ard re- Tinber ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard OjfcAxuJtkn Chemicals Transport Electric EJchangs vene tkn weoe repair parts lated steel lmber sives rubber ITHtM tal<* taticn cower ratio 1970 48.0 46.1 73.0 57.1 40.2 39.3 61.0 80.2 60.6 68.6 72.3 75.4 1.000000 1971 56.8 53.4 75.8 53.1 35.2 39.9 64.4 80.3 63.6 69.9 71.5 79.4 1.000000 1972 72.2 58.0 74.2 59.1 33.6 40.6 65.8 80.3 64.2 70.7 72.3 79.4 1.000000 1973 85.9 66.3 77.8 66.3 44.3 43.1 68.5 81.4 67.3 75.7 72.3 83.5 1.000000 1974 91.2 91.1 80.2 85.4 86.1 75.3 83.9 92.4 81.2 89.9 73.0 97.4 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 1D5.2 109.5 105.6 98.9 114.4 86.0 106.9 106.5 97.2 92.9 84.6 84.9 .810320 1977 82.8 87.7 125.0 91.5 130.6 75.7 115.1 112.3 83.5 81.9 75.2 66.2 .553753 1978 92.2 98.9 122.9 110.0 151.1 75.4 124.6 116.9 104.5 91.6 87.3 66.9 .549040 1979 98.1 105.7 136.0 129.3 204.6 75.9 137.2 124.6 129.7 102.3 101.6 78.9 .548125 1380 124.7 137.8 146.0 165.1 190.8 78.3 154.6 140.5 169.7 126.4 125.8 95.9 .544638 1981 138.2 154.7 156.0 190.5 169.2 81.2 178.8 155.9 209.1 150.1 146.9 113.8 .509891 1982 113.3 131.0 168.9 125.9 159.0 94.3 189.3 166.6 153.8 105.5 99.3 64.9 .227334 1983 98.7 116.0 161.5 122.4 163.3 91.4 186.4 162.5 151.4 100.0 92.8 56.3 .104035 1984 116.3 137.8 161.8 149.3 157.4 112.5 187.2 161.4 187.6 122.1 112.5 64.1 .074430 1985 127.3 151.3 162.2 162.6 158.1 125.6 194.9 158.9 2C6.7 132.9 122.1 69.0 .055514 Table 57. — Mining cost indexes for Morocco 31 local currency index Year Mining Otrstruo- Bjapient erri Bits ard re- Tinber ard Fuel Bqalo- Tires ard QTEtrtrtkn Chemicals Trarqpcr- Electric Bcharpe wage tion vaqe wmr parts Iritnl steel lurbar S1M3S rubber materials tation newer rate 1370 66.9 66.9 80.5 70.0 49.6 57.0 64.8 53.4 49.0 59.8 83.6 98.3 5.037 1971 75.3 75.3 83.3 71.5 51.0 67.1 68.2 65.2 50.6 63.1 83.6 99.1 5.022 1972 75.3 75.3 79.0 72.8 58.6 63.9 70.1 70.2 52.4 62.8 83.6 99.2 4.596 1973 90.6 90.6 85.7 79.5 67.4 71.5 71.3 74.6 62.3 68.3 86.3 99.1 4.107 1974 90.6 90.6 99.5 106.9 94.2 95.6 85.9 88.1 97.1 100.1 100.0 99.9 4.370 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.053 1976 100.0 100.0 117.5 106.4 102.2 110.8 107.8 126.2 106.3 104.6 100.0 102.6 4.419 1977 110.2 110.2 128.3 112.6 115.1 125.9 113.0 116.9 115.4 113.0 115.1 118.0 4.500 1978 110.2 110.2 126.7 125.4 116.9 156.8 121.5 128.3 125.5 107.1 115.1 128.3 4.167 1979 154.3 154.3 126.0 152.4 128.5 193.3 135.7 149.4 152.1 137.9 149.3 130.0 3.899 1980 154.3 154.3 134.7 163.0 161.4 257.9 157.6 178.3 171.7 156.2 149.3 174.9 3.937 1931 163.5 163.5 186.5 178.1 185.4 338.8 180.2 206.1 224.4 181.4 178.8 195.6 5.172 1932 183.1 183.1 218.8 197.9 179.1 371.6 188.0 220.7 248.6 202.4 197.7 219.2 6.023 1983 193.9 193.9 250.3 198.3 180.8 371.6 199.3 244.4 252.6 219.0 210.0 235.6 7.111 1934 217.7 217.7 300.7 242.6 183.2 465.3 221.3 291.6 300.5 262.4 237.1 272.7 8.823 1985 237.2 237.2 276.6 256.4 199.7 404.9 239.1 318.6 320.9 283.1 259.2 303.1 7.924 U.S. currency index Year Mining Gtrstruc- Etjjipnsnt ard Bits ard re- Tinbsr ard Fuel EJfOc- Tires ard CtrBtrtxtion Chemicals TranEpcr- Electric Exchange wace tion wage repair Darts lated steel luober si^s ntber uuttaials tation Dcwer ratio 1970 53.8 53.8 64.8 56.3 39.9 45.9 52.1 47.0 39.4 48.1 67.2 79.1 0.804645 1971 60.7 60.7 67.2 57.7 41.1 54.2 55.0 52.6 40.8 50.9 67.4 79.9 .807048 1972 66.4 66.4 69.7 64.2 51.6 60.8 61.8 61.9 46.2 55.4 73.7 87.5 .881853 1973 89.4 89.4 84.6 78.4 66.5 70.6 70.3 73.6 61.5 67.4 85.2 97.8 .986851 1974 84.0 84.0 92.3 99.1 87.3 88.7 79.6 81.7 90.1 92.9 92.7 92.7 .927459 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 91.7 91.7 107.7 97.5 93.7 101.6 98.8 115.7 97.5 95.9 91.7 94.1 .917175 1977 99.2 99.2 115.5 101.3 103.6 113.3 101.7 1D5.2 103.8 101.7 103.6 105.2 .900066 1978 107.2 107.2 123.2 121.9 113.7 152.5 118.2 124.8 122.0 104.2 111.9 124.8 .972642 1979 160.4 160.4 130.9 158.5 133.6 206.2 141.1 155.3 153.1 143.4 155.2 135.1 1.009497 1930 153.9 158.9 138.7 167.8 166.1 265.5 162.3 183.5 176.7 160.8 153.7 180.0 1.029464 1931 128.1 128.1 146.2 139.6 145.3 265.5 141.2 161.5 175.8 142.1 140.1 153.3 .783642 1932 123.2 123.2 147.2 133.2 120.5 250.1 126.5 148.5 167.3 136.2 133.0 147.5 .672920 1983 110.5 110.5 142.7 113.0 103.0 211.8 113.6 139.3 144.0 124.8 119.6 134.3 .569962 1934 100.0 100.0 138.1 111.4 84.1 213.7 101.6 133.9 138.0 120.5 103.9 125.3 .459367 1935 121.3 121.3 141.4 131.1 102.1 207.1 122.2 162.9 164.1 144.8 332.6 155.0 .511484 Table 58.- -Mining cost indexes for Mozambique local currency index Year Mining CtnstriE- Bgjirmerfc ard Bits ard re- Tinber ard FUel B- Tires ard OrrBtrtctkn Chemicals TrarEpor— Electric Bchanga voce tknvsce recair Darts lated steel Irnber SB^S rutber iihI h i^lg taticn newer rata 1970 38.5 53.3 70.6 64.9 38.0 13.3 58.0 52.4 77.9 79.3 57.2 66.9 28.589 1971 39.3 60.2 73.7 66.1 38.8 17.2 60.4 57.7 79.6 80.7 69.2 72.5 28.204 1972 39.6 64.7 70.6 64.2 43.8 18.4 65.3 65.4 74.2 75.0 70.9 76.7 27.011 1973 41.6 73.7 78.7 78.1 101.9 23.9 67.9 71.0 83.9 81.2 74.8 77.5 24.673 1974 59.3 60.7 99.9 97.8 94.6 10B.2 79.2 81.2 104.4 104.4 91.0 96.5 25.403 1975 1O0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 25.553 1976 117.9 110.4 139.4 138.1 132.9 127.0 116.9 136.9 139.0 130.5 98.2 115.1 30.223 1977 124.0 134.8 166.6 168.3 161.6 151.3 131.1 135.6 169.6 160.2 106.5 133.1 32.928 1978 137.6 156.3 183.6 189.3 194.9 152.8 152.6 161.1 186.8 178.1 118.1 154.4 32.996 1979 140.7 175.1 207.8 229.0 212.9 217.4 179.7 197.9 221.8 204.4 131.1 151.7 32.559 1930 157.8 196.1 284.7 310.6 280.0 394.2 228.6 258.6 306.6 286.8 146.8 272.5 36.000 1981 170.8 222.2 284.6 313.0 236.8 443.3 198.9 227.5 306.5 280.3 165.4 308.6 36.000 1982 209.1 242.4 282.7 302.3 201.0 440.6 182.9 214.8 296.5 267.1 174.1 333.3 36.960 1933 250.7 259.4 311.9 349.8 181.0 418.8 179.7 212.3 346.4 299.6 183.9 358.0 38.880 U.S. currency index Year Mining Cfcrstru2- Etpiprent ard Bits ard re- Tinber ard FUel F>plo- Tires ard Cbrstadtkn Chemicals TrarEpcc- Electric Dcharna vaae tion veoe repair wits lated steel lutber si^s rUtber imtet ials taticn ccwer ratio 1970 34.4 47.6 63.1 58.0 34.0 11.9 51.9 46.8 69.6 70.8 51.2 59.8 0.893805 1971 35.6 54.5 66.7 59.9 35.1 15.6 54.7 52.3 72.1 73.1 62.7 65.7 .906006 1972 37.5 61.2 66.8 60.7 41.5 17.4 61.8 61.9 70.2 71.0 67.1 72.6 .946021 1973 43.1 76.4 81.5 80.9 105.5 24.8 70.3 73.6 86.9 84.1 77.4 80.2 1.035666 1974 59.6 61.0 100.5 98.3 95.2 102.8 79.6 81.7 105.0 105.0 91.5 97.0 1.005706 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 99.7 93.4 117.9 116.7 112.4 107.3 98.8 115.7 117.5 110.3 83.0 97.3 .845431 1977 96.2 104.6 129.3 130.6 125.4 117.4 101.7 1D5.2 131.6 124.3 82.6 103.3 .776026 1978 106.6 121.1 142.2 146.6 150.9 118.3 118.1 124.8 144.7 137.9 91.5 119.6 .774427 1979 110.4 137.4 163.1 179.7 167.1 170.6 141.0 155.3 174.1 160.4 102.9 119.0 .784821 1980 112.0 139.2 202. 1 220.5 198.7 279.8 162.3 183.5 217.6 2C0.5 104.2 193.4 .709805 1981 121.2 157.7 202.0 222.1 168.1 314.7 141.2 161.4 217.5 193.9 117.4 219.0 .709805 1932 144.6 167.6 195.4 209.0 138.9 304.6 126.5 148.5 205.0 184.6 120.4 230.4 .691369 1933 164.7 170.5 205.0 229.9 1J8.9 275.2 118.1 139.5 227.7 196.9 120.8 235.3 .657227 32 Table 59. — Mining cost indexes for Namibia Irral nimrrv irripx Year Minirg Gtrstruc- FbniprFrc ard Bits ard re- Tinfacr ard Red Explo- Tires ard Ctnstructicn Chemicals Transpor- EOBCtric EXcharge vena tknwaqe x^mr parts lated steel lmter sives rubber materials tation cower 69.7 rate 1970 38.8 58.5 51.8 47.7 56.1 49.6 53.1 62.0 57.2 53.2 65.9 0.714 1971 40.6 63.1 54.9 49.2 61.3 52.8 54.2 63.9 59.3 60.1 69.4 72.6 .715 1972 45.4 70.7 59.0 53.6 64.3 54.7 57.3 65.1 62.0 62.7 71.5 76.8 .763 1973 53.3 76.6 64.9 64.4 69.4 57.6 61.6 70.5 69.2 67.0 76.9 81.6 .693 1974 72.0 84.4 78.5 76.8 84.8 83.3 70.7 89.4 82.0 82.0 84.7 85.8 .679 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .732 1976 115.2 109.9 117.9 116,7 104.4 140.6 106.4 111.0 117.5 110.3 113.4 130.3 .870 1977 127.2 122.4 129.3 130.6 117.4 167.4 116.8 127.4 131.6 124.3 117.8 193.1 .870 1978 147.4 134.0 142.2 146.6 146.2 169.4 135.0 139.3 144.7 137.9 124.4 225.0 .870 1979 169.6 146.2 157.9 174.0 153.1 275.5 155.0 154.3 168.5 155.3 136.0 238.7 .842 1990 200.5 173.9 180.8 197.3 184.9 334.3 190.3 177.9 194.7 182.1 151.3 254.6 .778 1981 246.5 204.1 202.2 222.3 217.4 366.3 192.9 189.3 217.7 199.1 171.6 286.9 .870 1982 26B.0 239.9 230.5 260.5 226.3 422.8 236.5 212.2 255.5 230.1 192.6 341.6 1.034 1933 326.6 283.1 254.6 294.1 244.5 422.1 269.8 227.8 291.2 253.3 232.0 384.3 1.112 1984 236.7 304.9 286.3 317.8 265.4 503.3 302.0 255.2 315.8 289.8 227.1 417.1 1.438 1985 261.6 344.6 319.9 367.0 315.5 494.1 340.6 281.6 363.6 325.4 264.7 487.4 1.461 U.S. cunerrv index Year Minirg Gtrstruc— Ebpipierfc ard Bits ard re- Tiiiber ard ReO. Explo- Tires ard CrxEfctucticn Chemicals Ttanspcr- Electric EXcrerge were ticn waaa lHHir carts lated steel Inter sives niter 63.6 materials 53.6 59.7 tatim 67.6 cower 71.5 ratio 1970 39.8 60.0 53.1 48.9 57.5 50.9 54.5 1.025210 1971 41.6 64.6 56.2 50.4 62.8 54.1 55.5 65.4 60.7 61.5 71.1 74.3 1.023776 1972 43.3 67.4 56.2 51.1 61.3 52.2 54.6 62.0 59.1 99.8 63.2 73.2 .953125 1973 56.3 80.9 68.6 68.0 73.3 60.9 65.1 74.5 73.1 70.8 81.2 86.2 1.066277 1974 77.6 91.0 84.6 82.8 91.4 89.9 76.2 96.4 88.4 88.4 91.3 92.5 1.078055 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 96.9 92.5 99.2 98.2 87.8 118.3 89.5 93.4 98.9 92.8 95.4 109.6 .841379 1977 107.0 103.0 103.8 109.9 98.8 140.9 98.3 107.2 110.7 104.6 99.1 162.5 .841379 1978 124.0 112.7 119.6 123.3 123.0 142.5 113.6 117.2 121.7 116.0 104.7 189.3 .841379 1979 146.5 127.1 137.3 151.3 137.5 239.5 134.7 134.1 146.5 135.0 118.2 207.5 .869358 1980 191.4 163.6 170.1 185.6 173.9 314.5 179.0 167.4 183.2 171.3 142.4 239.6 .940374 1981 207.4 171.7 170.1 1S7.0 182.9 308.2 162.3 159.3 183.2 167.5 144.3 241.4 .841379 1982 181.0 162.0 155.6 175.9 152.8 285.5 159.7 143.3 172.5 155.4 130.0 230.7 .675276 1983 215.0 186.3 167.6 193.6 160.9 277.8 177.6 149.9 191.7 166.7 152.7 253.0 .658273 1984 120.5 155.2 145.7 161.7 135.1 256.2 153.7 129.9 160.7 147.5 115.6 212.3 .509040 1985 131.0 172.6 160.3 1S3.9 158.0 247.5 170.6 141.1 182.1 163.0 132.6 244.2 .501026 Table 60. — Mining cost indexes for Netherlands Antilles Iccal currency index Year Minirg Ctrstruc- Ecjjipnerfc ard Bits ard re- •Tinter ard Rjel Explo- Tires ard CrxBtartioi Chatdcals Transpor- Electric Exchange vaqs tknveoB recair carts lated steel lmter sives niter Materials tation truer rate 1970 74.7 53.6 55.1 56.3 47.0 28.5 63.9 84.0 55.3 51.1 59.8 86.1 1.886 1971 75.7 60.2 57.3 60.2 46.7 28.9 67.1 83.7 56.2 51.4 61.0 86.6 1.876 1972 77.5 63.2 56.5 64.9 48.3 29.1 65.8 80.3 56.3 48.9 61.5 87.4 1.800 1973 81.2 69.3 59.1 78.6 93.1 72.8 68.5 81.4 61.2 50.0 72.0 87.4 1.800 1974 90.9 74.7 73.7 89.7 98.3 90.5 83.9 92.4 81.9 73.3 82.9 97.1 1.800 1975 lflO.O 103.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.800 1976 1D4.0 103.4 139.5 98.6 101.7 100.8 106.9 106.5 101.4 106.0 107.0 106.0 1.800 1977 126.2 133.4 129.5 111.3 113.8 106.2 115. 1 112.4 109.4 103.2 118.7 120.1 1.800 1978 126.2 124.4 141.8 129.7 122.4 111.8 124.6 116.9 125.5 109.0 125.5 123.3 1.800 1979 148.3 135.0 157.1 143.7 160.3 192.4 137.3 124.6 138.5 127.6 147.0 147.0 1.800 1930 177.2 154.1 179.9 153.9 172.4 260.5 154.6 140.6 154.9 156.6 173.1 191.8 1.800 1981 220.4 163.6 200.2 128.7 155.2 280.1 178.8 155.9 168.4 175.6 196.3 218.5 1.800 1932 233.9 196.3 217.3 128.8 142.2 257.7 184.6 162.4 190.7 170.4 209.9 218.7 1.800 1933 239.7 201.6 218.3 123.2 149.7 246.9 186.4 162.5 203.1 165.7 211.8 207.9 1.800 U.S. a lrrerry index Year Minirg Construc- Hjiipnat: ard Bits ard re- Tinner ard Rjel Explo- Tires ard QTBtructicn Cnankals Ttanaxr- Electric EXcharge veqa tion waqa r^HJr carts lated steel lmter sives niter materials tatkn cower ratio 1970 71.3 55.9 52.6 53.7 44.8 27.2 60.9 80.2 52.7 48.8 57.1 82.1 0.954400 1971 72.6 57.8 55.0 57.8 44.8 27.7 64.4 80.3 53.9 49.3 59.5 83.1 .999488 1972 77.5 63.2 56.5 64.9 48.3 29.1 65.8 80.3 56.3 48.9 61.5 87.4 1.000000 1973 81.2 69.3 59.1 78.6 93.1 72.8 68.5 81.4 61.2 50.0 72.0 87.4 1.000000 1974 90.9 74.7 73.7 89.7 98.3 90.5 83.9 92.4 81.9 73.3 82.9 97.1 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 104.0 103.4 119.5 98.6 101.7 100.8 106.9 106.5 101.4 105.0 107.0 106.0 1.000000 1977 126.2 113.4 129.5 111.3 113.8 106.2 115.1 112.4 109.4 103.2 118.7 120.1 1.000000 1978 126.2 124.4 141.8 129.7 122.4 111.8 124.6 116.9 125.5 109.0 125.5 123.3 1.000000 1979 148.3 135.0 157.1 143.7 160.3 192.4 137.3 124.6 138.5 127.6 147.0 147.0 1.000000 1990 177.2 154.1 179.9 153.9 172.4 260.5 154.6 140.6 154.9 156.6 173.1 191.8 1.000000 1981 220.4 168.6 200.2 128.7 155.2 280.1 178.8 155.9 163.4 175.6 196.3 238.5 1.000000 1932 233.9 196.3 217.3 128.8 142.2 257.7 184.6 162.4 190.7 170.4 209.9 218.7 1.000000 1933 239.7 201.6 218.3 123.2 149.7 246.9 186.4 162.5 203.1 165.7 211.8 207.9 1.000300 33 Table 61. — Mining cost indexes for New Caledonia local currency index Year Mining Ctrstruc- Ebpirnent and Bits srri re- Tinberard RjbI Explo- Tires ard Ctrstructian Chemicals Ttansjrr- Electric EXchangs weae tkn veas rFrnir cents latedste?]. lumber sives rubber llHtu \pi\<* tation newer rate 1970 76.9 64.3 65.2 59.7 71.0 51.8 66.9 60.4 70.4 61.5 60.2 74.4 100.513 1971 82.4 69.9 68.3 62.8 72.2 57.5 70.4 67.3 69.5 63.5 66.2 75.6 100.215 1972 89.8 74.6 67.8 64.3 70.4 57.5 72.7 72.8 77.1 65.7 70.4 82.7 91.714 1973 96.2 82.3 66.7 72.4 78.6 61.5 73.1 76.4 98.5 70.2 73.3 82.5 80.982 1974 112.1 95.6 84.4 96.9 99.7 92.5 89.4 91.7 123.1 92.4 89.2 93.3 87.453 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 77.935 1976 1C6.7 105.9 122.7 106.2 105.8 110.0 110.2 129.0 118.2 104.6 106.2 95.5 86.902 1977 111.6 111.9 134.2 112.0 112.8 130.0 116.6 120.6 140.1 109.7 118.5 104.2 89.334 1978 119.5 119.8 142.2 122.2 119.9 140.0 124.4 131.4 169.1 114.3 128.5 109.9 82.051 1979 131.4 131.7 154.5 136.1 131.8 196.0 140.0 154.1 171.8 131.9 145.9 114.1 77.355 1980 175.2 148.3 175.2 144.4 157.6 249.0 160.0 180,9 184.6 157.2 174.8 152.9 76.836 1981 200.0 171.0 223.5 146.8 191.5 328.0 179.0 204.7 233.9 179.5 203.8 187.8 98.811 1982 227.7 193.5 272.3 182.3 216.7 380.0 153.9 227.7 250.8 202.2 238.8 207.6 119.498 1983 255.5 217.7 306.0 213.3 244.1 442.2 201.7 247.3 3Q2.7 221.3 269.9 228.8 138.569 1984 273.4 230.4 336.1 217.7 267.2 440.2 200.6 264.4 350.9 243.1 263.9 228.0 153.853 19B5 290.0 238.9 336.2 238.4 248.8 402.0 218.7 291.4 348.1 267.7 249.8 232.9 139.400 U.S. currency : index Year Mining Gbnstruc- Bjiiprst ana Bits and re- Tinfaer and Fuel Explo- Tires and CtTBtructicn Chemicals 'Hanspor- Electric Exchange VBPB ticnweqe in hit- rnrts lated steel Inifaer sives rubber naterials taticn newer 57.7 ratio 1970 59.6 49.9 50.5 46.3 55.0 40.1 51.9 46.8 54.6 47.7 46.7 0.775372 1971 64.0 54.3 53.1 48.8 56.1 44.7 54.7 52.3 54.0 49.4 51.5 58.8 .777677 1972 76.3 63.3 57.6 54.6 59.8 48.9 61.8 61.9 65.5 55.9 59.8 70.3 .849761 1973 92.6 79.2 64.1 69.7 75.7 59.2 70.3 73.6 94.8 67.5 70.5 79.4 .962374 1974 99.9 85.2 75.2 86.4 88.9 82.4 79.6 81.7 109.7 82.3 79.5 83.2 .891164 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 94.8 95.0 HO.O 95.3 94.9 98.6 98.8 115.7 106.0 93.8 95.2 85.7 .896814 1977 97.4 97.6 117.1 97.7 98.4 113.4 101.7 105.2 122.2 95.7 103.4 90.9 .872400 1978 113.5 113.8 135.1 116.0 113.8 133.0 118.1 124.8 160.6 103.6 122.0 104.4 .949836 1979 132.3 132.7 155.6 137.1 132.8 197.5 141.1 155.3 173.1 132.9 147.0 114.9 1.007497 1980 177.7 150.4 177.7 146.4 159.9 252.6 162.3 183.5 187.2 159.5 177.3 155.1 1.014300 1981 157.7 134.9 176.3 115.8 151.1 258.7 141.2 161.4 184.5 141.6 164.7 148.1 .788727 1982 148.5 126.2 177.5 118.9 141.3 247.8 126.5 148.5 163.5 131.9 155.8 135.3 .652186 1983 143.7 122.4 172.1 120.0 137.3 248.7 113.4 139.1 170.2 124.5 151.8 128.7 .562427 1984 138.5 116.7 170.2 110.3 135.3 223.0 101.6 133.9 177.7 123.1 136.2 135.5 .506554 1985 162.1 133.5 187.9 133.3 139.1 224.7 122.2 162.9 194.6 149.6 139.6 119.0 .559074 Tabie 62.- -Mining 1 cost indexes for New Zealand local currency index Year Mining Ojfc&XUD- BjripTB* and Bits and re- Tinber and Rial Explo- Tires and QTBtructian Chemicals Transpor- Electric Exchange WSOB ticn veaa recair i^ttw lated steel lutber sives rubber materials 56.2 60.4 taticn 57.7 rower 91.9 rate 1970 62.5 53.5 67.6 50.3 53.6 27.5 63.6 62.7 0.892 1971 68.3 64.9 73.6 57.2 61.9 30.6 74.7 66.7 62.8 64.6 66.0 92.9 .880 1972 72.6 69.8 79.2 55.3 64.3 32.1 66.7 68.9 66.5 64.4 70.6 96.1 .837 1973 76.0 76.7 85.9 57.3 67.1 32.2 77.3 75.0 70.2 57.5 73.3 96.6 .734 1974 86.6 87.6 79.5 68.7 83".8 56.2 90.1 86.6 78.2 72.0 80.7 98.6 .714 1975 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .823 1976 118.2 110.8 133.1 122.7 118.0 132.3 96.5 109.4 117.9 119.1 112.4 121.7 1.004 1977 131.8 125.4 162.1 134.9 128.4 161.6 127.8 109.6 137.8 136.4 126.5 192.8 1.000 1978 136.5 146.7 1S2.5 131.7 131.8 163.8 143.9 121.2 154.0 147.1 144.7 247.3 .964 1979 156.4 167.5 203.9 152.2 143.2 172.0 151.4 127.8 170.3 201.6 162.0 280.6 .978 1980 183.0 201.2 221.4 ISO. 6 185.7 323.3 167.0 152.0 207.4 263.8 197.0 361.4 1.027 1981 219.7 235.0 231.8 207.3 224.6 446.3 193.3 158.1 247.8 263.5 238.9 376.2 1.150 1982 245.6 262.6 283.8 230.6 254.4 541.2 203.0 180.2 287.6 286.5 274.8 416.2 1.330 1983 266.1 236.3 321.3 2-45.6 257.1 5S5.S 214.5 195.9 321.0 293.2 314.2 423.3 1.494 U.S. OJ nrercy : in**; Year Mining CUfaLac- Etjuprrent and Bits end re- Tinter ard Fuel Explo- Tires and GCnstzucricn Chemicals Tranapor- Electric Exchange *hci= ticn>BCE rcr/ur — "':.=■ l~ted steal luibsr sives rubber iiuuj ials tatirn cower ratio 1970 57.7 54.0 62.4 46.4 54.1 25.4 58.7 57.8 51.8 55.7 53.2 84.8 0.922645 1971 63.9 60.7 68.8 53.5 57.9 23.6 69.9 62.4 58,7 60.4 61.7 86.9 .935227 1972 71.4 68.6 77.9 51.4 63.2 31.6 65.6 67.7 65.4 63.3 69.4 94.5 .983273 1973 85.2 86.0 96.3 64.3 75.2 36.1 86.7 84.1 78.7 64.5 82.2 108.3 1.121253 1974 99.8 101.0 91.6 79.2 96.6 64.8 103.9 99.8 90.1 83.0 93.0 113.7 1.152661 1975 100.0 103.0 1C0.0 1C0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 96.9 90.8 103. 1 100.6 96.7 103.9 79.1 89.7 96.6 97.6 92.1 99.8 .819721 1977 105.3 100.2 129.5 107.8 102.6 129.1 102.1 87.6 110.1 109.0 101.1 154.0 .799029 1978 116.5 125.2 155.8 112.4 112.5 139.8 122.3 103.5 131.5 125.6 123.5 211.1 .853734 1979 D1.6 140.9 175.8 123.1 120.5 144.7 129.9 107.5 143.3 169.6 136.3 236.1 .841513 1980 150.6 161.2 177.4 144.7 14)3.8 250.1 133.8 121.8 166.2 211.4 157.9 289.6 .801363 1981 157.2 168.2 1S0.2 148.3 160.7 319.4 138.3 113.1 177.3 192.1 171.0 269.2 .715652 1982 152.0 162.5 175.6 142.7 157.4 336.7 128.7 111.5 177.9 177.3 170.0 257.5 .618796 1983 146.6 157.7 177.0 135.3 141.6 322.6 11B.1 107.9 176.8 161.5 173.1 233.2 .550870 34 Table 63. — Mining cost indexes for Nicaragua lend cutiery . index Year Mining CtrBtrvc- Rjiiprsrt and Bits and re- Tinta: and FlEl Bfilo- TLras and Construction Chemicals Transpor- Flaotric BchangB veoe tim veqe in hi r carts ldt.H.l FtTPPl lints: sives rtfter nata ials tation nower rate 1<570 75.6 72.2 52.4 60.0 57.3 27.1 60.7 79.6 62.4 48.6 83.3 52.6 7.000 1971 76.8 77.6 54.8 63.1 55.6 27.6 64.2 79.7 63.3 49.1 77.7 52.3 7.000 1972 78.3 72.2 56.3 66.2 55.6 29.0 65.6 79.7 64.0 48.7 75.4 49.2 7.000 1973 82.4 65.9 58.9 69.8 59.1 72.6 63.3 80.8 79.4 49.8 79.8 48.1 7.000 1974 89.5 89.1 73.6 89.5 85.0 90.3 83.8 92.1 97.3 73.2 98.8 63.1 7.013 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 7.026 1976 106.8 107.6 119.5 106.9 130.1 100.8 106.9 106.5 102.4 106.0 106.2 101.7 7.026 1977 122.4 110.7 129.5 113.6 156.4 106.2 115.1 112.4 111.0 1D3.2 112.3 117.3 7.026 1978 134.1 121.1 141.8 119.3 162.8 111.8 124.6 116.9 161.1 109.0 121.0 128.8 7.026 1979 162.2 147.0 207.0 175.3 295.6 253.5 180.8 216.2 246.2 163.1 149.3 167.8 9.255 1980 231.7 184.1 257.4 213.8 429.2 372.6 221.2 287.6 324.7 224.0 206.7 235.9 10.050 1981 270.6 217.0 286.4 228.0 456.5 400.7 255.8 319.1 370.8 251.2 249.6 394.6 10.050 1982 309.5 250.0 310.8 233.1 483.8 400.7 264.0 332.3 495.1 243.8 308.2 400.7 10.050 1983 350.6 287.9 312.3 229.0 519.6 400.7 266.6 332.6 602.2 237.1 391.1 516.0 10.050 U.S. a. irravy irriex Year Mining Construe— Bgoipiat: and Bits and re- Tinber and Fuel Bplo- Tires and QTBtruction Chsiricals Transpor- Electric BchargB veqe tkn veqe iftoit* part 1 ^ lated steel lirtbar sxv^s niter nafaanals tation power ratio 1970 75.9 72.5 52.6 60.2 57.5 27.2 61.0 79.9 62.6 48.8 83.6 52.8 1.003714 1971 77.1 77.9 55.0 63.4 55.8 27.7 64.4 80.0 63.6 49.3 78.0 52.5 1.0O3714 1972 78.6 72.5 56.5 66.4 55.8 29.1 65.8 80.0 64.2 48.9 75.6 49.4 1.003714 1973 82.7 66.2 59.1 70.0 59.3 72.8 63.5 81.1 79.7 50.0 80.1 48.3 1.003714 1974 89.7 89.2 73.7 89.7 85.1 90.5 83.9 92.3 97.5 73.3 98.9 63.2 1.001853 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 1DS.8 107.6 119.5 106.9 130.1 100.8 106.9 106.5 1D2.4 106.0 106.2 101.7 1.000000 1977 122.4 110.7 129.5 113.6 156.4 106.2 115.1 112.4 111.0 103.2 112.3 117.3 1.000000 1978 134.1 121.1 141.8 119.3 162.8 111.8 124.6 116.9 161.1 109.0 121.0 128.8 1.000000 1979 123.1 111.6 157.1 133.0 224.4 192.4 137.3 164.1 186.9 127.6 113.3 127.4 .759157 1980 162.0 128.7 179.9 149.5 300.0 260.5 154.6 201.0 227.0 156.6 144.5 164.9 .699104 1981 189.2 151.7 200.2 159.3 319.1 280.1 178.8 223.0 259.2 175.6 174.5 275.8 .699104 1982 216.4 174.8 217.3 163.0 338.2 280.1 184.5 232.3 346.1 170.4 215.5 280.1 .699104 1983 245.1 201.3 218.3 160.1 363.2 280.1 186.4 232.5 421.0 165.7 273.4 360.7 .699104 Table 64.— Mining cost indexes for Nigeria Inml airrmrv index Year Mining CtrGtruo- Hjiipment and Bits and re- Tinber and Fuel E>pilo- Tires and Ccnstruction Chemicals Transpor- Electric Exchange veqe tian veoe iHHir parts lated steel Inter S1VBS niter nutjet ials tation power rate 1970 65.5 43.1 64.4 56.9 39.4 62.7 60.5 65.1 50.8 62.0 58.0 140.0 0.714 1971 63.2 50.0 67.7 60.6 40.7 60.5 61.4 73.3 50.8 65.9 53.3 132.0 .712 1972 68.5 50.0 66.9 62.1 44.3 62.4 64.8 72.3 51.8 65.2 60.4 132.5 .658 1973 79.8 50.0 70.3 75.0 112.8 54.6 79.3 79.2 62.8 73.0 66.4 78.2 .653 1974 98.3 100.0 80.0 88.2 97.2 55.3 92.3 90.2 72.5 90.1 86.7 92.7 .629 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .635 1976 121.9 100.0 112.3 97.4 114.4 95.0 103.4 96.9 102.0 100.1 116.1 121.0 .627 1977 131.5 105.5 126.1 105.4 131.4 110.4 116.3 113.8 103.0 112.8 141.1 135.6 .645 1978 131.5 150.0 141.1 126.4 155.8 115.7 133.4 129.6 129.4 127.2 158.4 149.2 .635 1979 144.4 165.0 152.8 145.1 163.6 112.2 140.9 147.9 155.0 153.3 195.5 162.5 .603 I960 157.3 173.5 163.6 151.0 176.5 139.9 137.3 162,7 172.9 163.1 197.3 177.5 .547 1981 173.7 209.4 192.9 142.5 167.6 192.7 145.8 163.2 180.4 163.9 201.9 191.5 .60.4 1982 1S0.8 221.2 216.9 153.5 152.0 225.1 158.4 170.3 183.7 169.6 223.5 202.6 .673 1983 1B0.8 256.8 232.9 154.1 139.8 226.1 135.7 171.2 IB0.9 169.3 271.2 232.5 .723 U.S. runrrrv index Year Mining QjbSLtic- Fljjip-ent and Bits and re- Tinber and FUel E>£)lo- Tires and OorBtruotion Chemicals Transpor- FJfictric F>€Dnange veqe ticn vaqa m hit* parts labBd steel lurber si\res niter nHberials tation power ratio 55.4 58.5 62.5 65.7 78.3 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1976 119.6 98.1 110.1 95.5 112.2 93.2 101.4 95.1 100.1 98.2 113.9 11B.7 .980361 1977 125.3 101.5 120.2 101.4 125.3 105.3 110.9 103.5 103.0 107.5 134.5 129.3 .953488 1970 56.4 37.1 1971 53.9 43.2 1972 64.0 46.7 1973 74.6 46.7 1974 96.1 97.8 49.0 33.9 54.0 52.1 56.1 43.8 52.4 35.1 52.3 53.1 63.3 43.9 58.0 41.4 58.3 60.6 67.6 48.4 70.1 105.4 51.1 74.1 74.0 53.7 86.3 95.1 54.0 90.2 88.2 70.9 53.4 50.0 120.6 0.861344 56.9 50.3 114.0 .863764 60.9 56.5 123.8 .934650 63.2 62.1 73.1 .934650 88.1 84.8 90.7 .977742 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1978 127.3 145.3 136.7 122.4 150.9 112.1 129.2 125.5 125.3 123.2 153.4 144.5 .968503 1979 147.3 168.3 155.9 148.0 166.9 114.5 143.7 150.9 158.1 156.4 199.4 165.7 1.019900 1980 176.9 195.1 183.9 169.7 198.4 157.3 154.4 183.0 194.4 183.4 221.8 199.6 1.124314 1981 174.0 209.7 193.3 142.8 167.9 193.0 146.1 163.4 180.7 164.1 20B.2 191.8 1.001628 1982 165.2 202.1 198.2 140.3 138.9 205.7 144.7 155.6 167.8 155.0 204.2 185.1 .913818 1983 153.8 218.5 198.1 131.1 118.9 192.3 115.4 145.6 153.9 144.0 230.7 197.7 .850622 35 Table 65.— Mining cost indexes for Norway local currency index Year Minirg Otnstrvjs- Bjiipient arc! Bits ard re- Tinber ard Fual Dplo- Tires ard QjuUmtion Chemirffls Transpor- KlPrtric EwdrroB veqe tknwacE fH»ir [HrlS lated sLhhI Imfaer sives nifcer materials tation power rate 1970 52.4 57.3 67.1 64.6 60.5 37.3 62.4 75.0 70.1 61.8 73.8 67.1 7.143 1971 53.0 63.2 69.4 60.4 65.1 48.2 69.5 79.3 70.1 64.0 82.6 68.4 7.042 1972 62.6 63.7 72.9 62.5 62.8 45.8 72.7 79.3 72.4 66.3 87.0 75.9 6.588 1973 63.8 73.9 77.6 74.0 67.4 51.8 77.5 81.5 78.2 70.8 73.1 77.2 5.766 1974 80.3 84.9 85.9 94.8 81.4 98.8 92.0 92.4 93.8 83.9 81.8 77.2 5.540 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 5.227 1976 118.0 115.3 112.9 104.2 108.1 114.5 103.0 105.4 106.3 105.3 111.9 107.6 5.457 1977 129.2 128.4 117.6 104.2 116.3 120.5 114.4 103.7 115.6 112.7 119.8 126.6 5.324 1978 137.0 140.9 126.9 115.7 113.3 123.7 119.3 114.1 120.3 117.5 130.2 141.9 5.242 1979 141.9 146.9 134.7 122.2 116.3 164.9 125.1 120.1 126.6 130.2 118.9 151.5 5.054 1980 160.1 157.9 144.0 127.3 134.2 255.8 144.8 135.2 142.2 147.6 125.7 166.9 4.939 1981 173.9 172.4 154.8 128.6 149.1 317.1 167.5 150.2 156.3 153.7 147.0 191.8 5.740 1982 186.7 191.7 162.5 145.3 152.1 329.7 175.6 154.7 167.2 163.5 182.1 220.6 6.454 1983 200.3 202.2 163.7 145.3 155.5 339.3 185.5 157.7 176.6 171.4 186.7 257.0 7.296 1984 221.3 214.1 176.0 151.6 169.2 349.5 198.3 157.0 183.9 181.5 170.2 288.7 7.796 1985 235.8 227.2 184.2 153.4 177.2 334.5 203.4 173.7 198.1 190.6 170.3 308.4 7.496 U.S. currency index Year Minirg CtTEbClE - Rjiipnrt ard Bits ard re- Tiirber ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard Otrstruction ChemirnlB Transpor- Electric Etcrerga vaqs ticn ware repair parts lated stml Imber sives rutber nuter ials tation pewer ratio 1970 38.3 41.9 49.1 47.2 44.2 27.3 45.6 54.9 51.3 45.2 54.0 49.1 0.731765 1971 43.0 46.9 51.5 44.8 48.3 35.8 51.6 58.9 52.0 47.5 61.3 50.7 .742260 1972 49.7 54.5 57.9 49.6 49.8 36.3 57.7 62.9 57.4 52.6 69.0 60.2 .793412 1973 62.4 67.0 70.4 67.0 61.1 47.0 70.3 73.9 70.9 64.2 66.3 70.0 .906520 1974 75.7 80.1 81.0 89.4 76.8 93.2 86.8 87.2 88.5 83.9 77.2 72.9 .943501 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 113.0 110.4 108.2 99.8 103.6 109.6 103.5 101.0 101.8 101.9 107.2 103.1 .957852 1977 126.9 126.1 115.5 102.3 114.2 118.3 112.4 106.7 113.5 110.6 117.6 124.3 .981780 1978 136.6 140.5 126.6 115.4 113.0 123.3 118.9 113.8 120.0 117.1 129.8 141.5 .997138 1979 146.5 151.6 139.0 126.1 120.0 170.2 129.1 124.0 130.6 134.4 122.8 156.4 1.Q32187 I960 169.5 167.1 152.4 134.7 142.0 271.8 153.2 143.0 150.5 156.2 133.0 176.6 1.053311 1981 15B.3 157.0 141.0 117.1 135.7 283.7 152.6 136.7 142.3 144.5 133.9 174.6 .910627 1982 151.2 155.3 131.6 117.7 123.1 267.0 142.2 125.3 135.4 132.4 147.5 178.6 .809885 1983 143.5 144.8 120.9 104.1 112.1 243.0 132.8 112.9 126.5 122.8 133.7 184. 1 .716419 1984 148.3 143.5 118.0 101.6 113.4 234.3 132.9 105.2 126.6 121.7 114.1 193.6 .670472 3985 164.4 153.4 128.4 110.4 123.6 233.3 145.3 121.1 138.1 132.9 11B.8 215.1 .697305 Table 66. — Mining cost indexes for Oman local currency irdex Year Mining CtrBtrxc- Frjriprent ard Bits ard re- Tints: ard Fual Explo- Tires ard Construction Chemicals Transfer- Electric EJcharga vece ticnvBCE tnnir iHtls lated steel lu±er sives rUtber materials tatdm newer rare 1970 50.2 50.2 56.4 80.1 39.0 17.9 63.4 65.8 67.6 75.2 23.7 10.4 0.417 1971 53.5 58.5 59.5 75.1 40.1 21.0 77.0 66.8 66.6 78.0 26.9 22.6 .415 1972 59.8 59.8 65.3 71.9 41.3 23.0 79.5 63.1 59.9 73.3 28.6 23.2 .384 1973 79.9 79.9 70.5 75.1 47.5 61.1 75.3 72.3 80.4 70.1 35.3 32.5 .351 1974 98.8 98.8 82.7 99.4 111.2 99.2 82.9 99.6 94.9 92.7 95.2 97.7 .345 1375 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .345 1976 101.2 101.2 125.2 74.1 106.8 102.0 97.5 93.4 94.0 91.9 104.8 101.2 .345 1977 107.4 107.4 94.5 66.5 111.2 104.2 103.8 99.9 80.0 93.8 104.2 107.4 .345 1978 111.5 111.5 87.4 80.4 124.8 109.2 134.5 110.0 85.4 107.9 104.4 111.5 .345 1979 124.5 124.5 89.8 103.9 152.2 222.3 167.7 117.7 94.2 134.1 134.0 148.4 .345 I960 145.9 145.9 119.7 122.8 182.0 325.4 209.3 135.9 103.3 176.4 209.7 204.1 .345 1981 155.0 135«0 119.7 117.7 191.9 301.0 205.3 152.2 102.7 176.9 217.1 232.1 .345 1932 155.0 155.0 107.1 96.8 176.1 278.1 235.6 135.8 105.1 169.1 193.5 216.8 .345 1983 155.0 155.0 101.4 78.0 142.5 252.0 225.7 142.8 95.0 U99.9 189.2 198.3 .345 U.S. currency index Year Minirg CdnstrLc- Bjjiptent ard Bits ard re- Tinker and Fual Explo- Tires ard Canstnrtion Chemirnls Tranepor- FHfiCfcric Bcharge vbce tkn wace iHHir carts lated steel lurber sives nthr im1i-yi^l?3 tation pewer ratio 1970 41.5 41.5 46.6 66.3 32.3 14.8 56.6 54.4 55.9 62.2 19.6 8.6 0.827338 1971 48.6 48.6 49.4 62.4 33.4 17.4 64.0 55.5 55.4 64.8 22.4 18.8 .831325 1972 53.7 53.7 53.7 64.6 37.1 20.6 71.4 61.2 53.9 65.8 25.7 20.8 .896437 1973 78.6 78.6 69.3 73.8 46.7 60.0 74.0 71.1 79.0 68.9 34.7 31.9 .982905 1974 98.8 98.8 82.7 99.4 111.2 99.2 82.9 99.6 94.9 92.7 95.2 97.7 1.000000 1975 1D0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 l.OOOOCO 1976 101.2 101.2 125.2 74.1 105.8 102.0 97.5 93.4 94.0 91.9 104.8 101.2 1.000000 1977 107.4 107.4 94.5 66.5 111.2 104.2 108.8 99.9 80.0 93.8 104.2 107.4 1.000000 1978 111.5 111.5 87.4 80.4 124.8 109.2 134.5 110.0 85.4 107.9 104.4 111.5 1.000000 1979 124.5 124.5 89.8 10B.9 152.2 222.3 167.7 117.7 94.2 134.1 134.0 148.4 1.000000 I960 145.9 145.9 139.7 122.8 182.0 325.4 209.3 135.9 103.3 176.4 209.7 204.1 1.000000 1981 155.0 155.0 119.7 117.7 191.9 301.0 205.3 152.2 102.7 176.9 217.1 232.1 1.000000 1982 155.0 155.0 107.1 96.8 176.1 278.1 235.6 135.8 106.1 169.1 193.5 216.8 l.OOOOCO 1983 155.0 155.0 101.4 78.0 142.5 252.0 225.7 142.8 95.0 169.9 189.2 198.3 1.000000 36 Table 67. — Mining cost indexes for Pakistan local cu rrary index Year Mining Gtnsfctvc- KjiiptH* and Bits and re- ■Ember and Fuel Bplo- lines and Ocnstnrtdcn Chemicals Transpor- Electric Bcharge wrna ticn vbob necair parts lated steel luiber S1\*B ntfcer materials tation cower rate 1970 40.2 40.2 44.0 26.8 26.9 43.7 84.8 26.2 34.0 25.5 50.5 77.1 4.762 1971 42.6 42.6 44.0 26.6 26.7 48.5 85.0 26.7 34.4 26.1 52.9 77.1 4.762 1972 45.3 45.3 48.1 56.9 59.4 52.3 66.1 55.4 59.5 40.7 55.8 77.1 8.941 1973 80.1 80.1 57.8 79.6 94.7 60.6 53.2 71.9 80.1 65.0 62.9 80.7 9.994 1974 85.5 85.5 79.2 122.3 86.0 81.7 80.8 99.6 93.8 85.9 78.8 87.1 9.900 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 9.9CO 1976 109.8 109.8 108.7 96.5 101.1 106.2 98.1 93.4 106.4 102.9 111.3 110.1 9.900 1977 138.1 138.1 116.2 100.1 92.7 108.6 103.6 99.9 106.6 106.1 121.5 106.1 9.900 1978 173.1 173.1 124.6 125.1 122.2 116.8 117.0 110.0 127.2 117.4 129.5 124.7 9.900 1979 179.1 179.1 138.8 140.3 203.8 154.6 128.2 117.7 159.7 136.6 139.9 157.4 9.900 1900 183.7 1B3.7 160.3 152.1 222.2 217.5 143.6 135.9 175.6 154.8 154.1 193.0 9.900 1981 201.0 201.0 180.1 170.1 188.9 255.6 165.1 152.5 177.6 151.1 175.3 212.0 9.900 1932 221.8 221.8 188.7 187.7 217.3 265.4 203.6 177.9 196.0 152.7 180.9 218.6 11.847 1933 235.8 235.8 203.2 181.0 242.3 285.4 227.6 197.5 206.3 163.9 193.5 232.2 13.117 U.S. currency . iratex Year Mining CtTEtruc- Bjiipnent and Bits and re- Timber and FUal Bplo- Tires ad QrBtnxticn Chemicals Transpor- Electric Bcharge wane tkn vaqe lated steel lumber sa\«s niter materials tation power ratio 1970 83.6 83.6 91.6 55.9 56.1 90.9 176.3 54.6 70.7 53.0 1D5.1 160.2 2.078953 1971 88.6 88.6 91.6 55.3 55.6 100.9 176.9 55.6 71.5 54.3 110.1 160.2 2.078958 1972 50.2 50.2 53.2 63.0 65.8 57.9 73.2 61.3 65.9 45.1 61.8 85.3 1.107253 1973 79.3 79.3 57.2 78.9 93.8 60.0 57.6 71.2 79.4 64.4 62.3 80.0 .990594 1974 85.5 85.5 79.2 122.3 86.0 81.7 80.8 99.6 93.8 85.9 78.8 87.1 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 1D9.8 109.8 108.7 96.5 101.1 106.2 98.1 93.4 106.4 102.9 111.3 110.1 1.000000 1977 138.1 138.1 116.2 100.1 92.7 108.6 108.6 99.9 106.6 106.1 121.5 106.1 1.000000 1978 173.1 173.1 124.6 125.1 122.2 116.8 117.0 110.0 127.2 117.4 129.5 124.7 1.000000 1979 179.1 179.1 138.8 140.3 203.8 154.6 128.2 117.7 139.7 136.6 139.9 157.4 1.000000 1930 183.7 183.7 160.3 152.1 222.2 217.5 143.6 135.9 175.6 154.8 154.1 198.0 1.000000 1981 201.0 201.0 180.1 170.1 188.9 255.6 165.1 152.5 177.6 151.1 175.3 212.0 1.000000 1932 185.4 185.4 157.7 156.9 181.5 221.8 170.1 148.7 163.8 127.6 151.2 182.7 .835654 1933 178.0 178.0 153.4 136.6 182.9 215.4 171.8 149.0 154.9 127.4 146.0 175.2 .754745 Table 68.— Mining cost indexes for Panama Iccal currency index Year Mining Ctnstruc— Bauipment and Bits and re- Timber and Fuel Bplo- Tires and CtTEtructicn Chemicals Tran=por- Electric Bcharge WSOfi tim ware iHHir parts lateri steel Imber s»«s ntter materials taticn cower rate 1970 73.0 45.8 52.6 63.3 56.5 40.4 61.0 62.7 53.8 48.8 70.8 59.3 1.000 1971 75.7 45.8 55.0 71.8 70.6 40.4 64.4 62.9 64.4 49.3 72.1 64.4 1.000 1972 76.6 45.8 56.5 73.7 83.6 55.4 65.8 67.6 69.8 48.9 81.3 66.0 1.000 1973 81.3 45.8 59.1 79.0 106.8 58.5 68.5 71.3 77.4 50.0 85.6 73.0 1.000 1974 91.6 59.6 73.7 89.5 1Q5.4 100.0 83.9 88.0 84.3 73.3 94.3 89.1 1.000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000 1976 104.7 100.0 119.5 108.9 123.7 118.8 106.9 100.4 112.0 106.0 102.6 117.3 1.000 1977 111.2 109.7 129.5 116.8 148.3 125.0 115.1 106.2 114.6 108.2 118.8 133.8 1.000 1978 111.2 109.7 141.8 122.6 172.5 125.0 124.6 110.5 120.0 109.0 118.8 154.3 1.000 1979 116.8 120.3 157.1 136.7 189.4 181.3 137.3 118.1 134.7 127.6 146.0 161.5 1.000 1980 134.6 154.1 179.9 153.6 172.0 265.0 154.6 143.4 152.9 155.6 186.3 187.7 1.000 1931 143.8 171.4 200.2 163.8 171.0 265.0 178.8 154.4 166.7 175.6 186.3 207.4 1.000 1982 149.6 182.3 217.3 167.5 160.3 272.5 184.6 159.1 179.1 170.4 190.0 225.4 1.000 1983 152.5 187.9 218.3 164.5 184.7 248.3 186.4 162.3 183.2 165.7 178.3 231.1 1.000 U.S. currency : index Year Mining QnstrtE- Rgaipment and Bits and re- Timber and Fual Bqplo- Tires and OTEtructicn Chemicals "ttanspcr- Electric Bcharge vans tkn \ecb repair imts Xdted steel lurber srvres niter 62.7 materials 53.8 48.8 taticn 70.8 power 59.3 ratio 1970 73.0 45.8 52.6 68.3 56.5 40.4 61.0 1.000000 1971 75.7 45.8 55.0 71.8 70.6 40.4 64.4 62.9 64.4 49.3 72.1 64.4 1.000000 1972 76.6 45.8 56.5 73.7 83.6 55.4 65.8 67.6 69.8 48.9 81.3 66.0 1.000000 1973 81.3 45.8 59.1 79.0 106.8 53.5 63.5 71.3 77.4 50.0 85.6 73.0 1.000000 1974 91.6 53.6 73.7 89.5 105.4 100.0 83.9 88.0 84.3 73.3 94.3 89.1 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 104.7 100.0 119.5 108.9 123.7 118.8 106.9 100.4 112.0 106.0 102.6 117.3 1.000000 1977 111.2 109.7 129.5 116.8 148.3 125.0 115.1 106.2 114.6 103.2 118.8 138.8 1.000000 1978 111.2 109.7 141.8 122.6 172.5 125.0 124.6 110.5 120.0 109.0 118.8 154.3 1.000000 1979 116.8 120.3 157.1 136.7 189.4 181.3 137.3 118.1 134.7 127.6 146.0 161.5 1.000000 1930 134.6 154.1 179.9 153.6 172.0 265.0 154.6 143.4 152.9 156.6 186.3 187.7 1.000000 1931 143.8 171.4 200.2 163.8 171.0 265.0 178.8 154.4 166.7 175.6 186.3 207.4 1.000000 1982 149.6 182.3 217.3 167.5 160.3 272.5 184.6 159.1 179.1 170.4 190.0 225.4 1.000000 1933 152.5 187.9 218.3 164.5 184.7 248.3 186.4 162.3 183.2 165.7 178.3 231.1 1.000000 37 Table 69. — Mining cost indexes for Papua New Guinea ICCHl currency : index Year Mining QTEtnx:- Etjjipnarfc and Bits and re- Tinter and Fuel Bqclo- Tires ard QTBtructkn Chemicals Transpor- Electric Benares VBCB tkn voce mnir tarts latad steel liinber sivcs niter materials 66.7 tatkn 61.8 power 100.0 rate 1970 65.2 38.9 62.3 53.3 62.1 68.9 88.6 85.9 5B.2 0.993 1371 69.7 41.5 65.8 62.1 65.8 72.7 88.6 84.9 62.1 66.3 63.9 100.0 .882 1972 74.0 44.1 69.4 66.4 87.1 77.2 91.6 80.8 65.0 64.3 67.9 100.0 .839 1973 80.1 47.8 73.3 70.5 95.6 81.5 78.2 69.1 70.0 64.2 73.5 100.0 .703 1974 83.3 49.0 84.7 81.2 97.2 86.1 84.6 81.7 84.0 81.5 90.5 100.0 .694 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1CO.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 .763 1976 122.6 107.8 109.1 114.4 107.0 110.9 115.5 112.9 110.5 103.0 107.8 100.0 .792 1977 122.8 112.4 103.5 115.4 118.8 103.2 122.0 118.4 109.4 99.8 116.6 100.0 .791 1978 130.1 119.0 103.1 115.4 99.2 131.7 118.2 112.0 108.2 97.9 128.0 106.3 .703 1979 137.5 125.8 115.4 123.8 99.7 155.9 130.8 129.3 117.0 110.9 136.2 127.2 .712 1990 154.1 141.0 125.3 133.9 137.8 195.2 138.8 140.1 128.8 123.2 153.8 159.1 .670 1981 166.6 132.5 139.2 151.9 153.2 227.4 161.0 148.0 144.2 131.9 165.4 181.2 .672 1982 175.7 160.8 151.0 166.6 161.5 263.3 162.8 149.3 140.7 136.2 173.5 198.1 .738 1983 189.6 173.5 173.5 182.8 184.0 251.2 177.8 151.1 158.8 149.9 181.8 223.9 .834 1984 203.5 186.2 179.7 194.3 199.1 261.9 194.7 169.7 165.4 155.5 195.5 249.8 .894 1985 21D.5 192.6 195.9 212.6 219.9 275.4 195.7 183.9 183.4 162.3 203.6 262.7 .948 U.S. i currency ircex Year Mining Ctnstruc- Etjripnant and Bits ard re- Tinter ard Fuel Dplo- Tires and GxEtructicn Chemicals Transpcr- Electric Dcharge vap tkn vacj2 iHiiir cm. Is laird steel luiber shres niter materials taticn power ratio 1970 70.8 79.9 95.0 57.3 91.8 84.6 28.0 51.8 73.4 76.8 89.6 84.5 1.1B4475 1971 60.4 81.1 95.4 61.6 92.1 85.9 24.4 53.6 75.0 77.3 90.8 106.4 1.187863 1972 100.0 89.5 95.6 69.1 91.1 85.6 24.8 56.2 78.3 80.1 93.2 107.9 1.174804 1973 94.9 77.8 94.7 72.3 85.3 82.7 36.0 59.5 83.0 89.6 87.9 99.8 1.100702 1974 88.4 94.3 96.3 109.1 106.0 102.2 63.0 91.5 101.7 104.1 103.6 107.9 1.060309 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 88.2 94.6 73.5 82.9 83.3 89.3 55.7 77.8 85.3 69.9 83.1 83.3 .833431 1977 102.7 90.5 71.8 75.3 77.0 81.2 54.5 67.9 83.8 47.4 84.0 81.4 .770239 1978 74.0 57.7 44.8 54.3 76.0 47.6 67.7 49.1 65.2 35.7 49.4 48-7 .451691 1979 78.4 61.1 51.1 70.6 132.7 79.8 82.9 51.4 86.6 40.6 84.8 67.6 .452822 1980 74.3 73.4 53.9 76.3 209.5 146.0 109.9 56.9 116.9 45.4 97.1 87.4 .426394 1981 81.0 101.1 53.8 77.6 231.1 164.9 115.8 57.9 119.5 62.2 83.4 90.2 .366309 1982 83.7 103.5 51.5 80.1 216.8 154.4 88.8 57.9 115.0 60.9 79.6 85.5 .338746 1983 74.8 97.9 49.8 70.9 209.0 166.0 76.1 49.2 107.6 62.0 75.0 80.7 .299223 42 Table 79. — Mining cost indexes for Sudan local currency index Year Mining Construc- Bjripnant ard Bits and re- Tinber ard Fuel Fiqilo- Tires ard QTBtructicn Chemicals Transpor- Electric FXhanga wtp tion waqe repair [HttS lated steel lmber S1\«S rutbar nBterials 47.8 tation 55.4 cower 55.4 . P*e 1370 55.8 55.4 65.8 54.8 34.0 11.9 48.7 54.5 53.1 0.348 1371 56.5 56.2 69.8 60.3 35.2 15.6 53.1 55.5 60il 50.1 56.2 56.2 .348 1372 63.1 62.8 76.7 65.4 41.5 17.4 56.4 61.3 68.0 50.0 62.9 62.8 .348 1373 73.9 73.6 80.4 71.2 1C6.5 24.8 60.9 71.2 84.1 52.9 73.6 73.6 .348 1374 93.1 92.9 88.2 86.3 95.2 102.8 74.8 99.6 94.3 74.9 93.0 32.9 .348 1375 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .348 1376 103.3 103.3 95.3 96.5 122.4 107.3 147.5 93.4 100.8 147.9 103.3 103.2 .348 1377 106.0 107.1 1D4.1 109.9 125.4 117.4 176.3 99.9 114.7 176.7 107.1 107.0 .348 13^ 127.2 125.3 133.0 146.9 162.8 127.7 194.4 118.7 186.7 181.7 125.3 125.2 .376 1979 157.2 157.3 175.7 209.2 203.8 208.1 224.3 143.6 192.7 227.1 157.5 157.2 .425 1990 193.8 198.0 250.2 316.0 285.3 401.8 274.1 195 J. 249.2 276.9 198.2 138.0 .500 1931 254.3 253.7 254.3 308.1 258.2 483.4 378.5 233.8 226.3 354.6 253.9 253.6 .535 1982 304.7 303.9 398.5 500.9 374.4 820.7 1022.5 366.0 373.4 769.8 304.1 303.3 .938 1983 363.2 362.3 539.3 639.6 444.0 1027.5 1807.0 533.0 481.8 1294.0 362.6 362.2 1.300 U.S. nim=rrv irrfcv Year Mining ttrstruo- Frjoipment and Bits ard re- Tinber ard Fuel F>plo- Tires ard CrxEtruction Chemicals Transpor- Electric EJchargB weoa tion VBqe recair carts lated steel luiber si\ras nfrher naterials taticn rower ratio 1370 55.8 55.4 65.8 54.8 34.0 11.9 48.7 54.5 53.1 47.8 55.4 55.4 1.000000 1971 56.5 56.2 69.8 60.3 35.2 15.6 53.1 55.5 60.1 50.1 56.2 56.2 1.000000 1972 63.1 62.8 76.7 65.4 41.5 17.4 56.4 61.3 68.0 50.0 62.9 62.8 1.000000 1973 73.9 73.6 80.4 71.2 105.5 24.8 60.9 71.2 84.1 52.9 73.6 73.6 1.000000 1374 93.1 92.9 88.2 86.3 95.2 102.8 74.8 99.6 94.3 74.9 93.0 92.9 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 103.3 103.3 95.3 96.5 122.4 107.3 147.5 93.4 100.8 147.9 103.3 103.2 1.000000 1977 106.0 107.1 104.1 109.9 125.4 117.4 176.3 99.9 114.7 176.7 107.1 107.0 1.000000 1978 117.7 115.9 123.1 135.9 150.7 118.2 179.9 109.8 172.8 168.1 116.0 115.9 .925531 1979 128.7 128.8 143.9 171.3 166.8 170.4 183.7 117.5 157.8 186.0 128.9 128.7 .818823 1980 138.4 137.8 174.1 219.9 198.6 279.6 190.8 135.8 173.4 192.7 137.9 137.8 .696000 1931 165.4 165.0 165.4 200.4 167.9 314.4 246.2 152.1 147.2 230.7 165.1 165.0 .650467 1982 113.0 132.7 147.8 185.8 138.9 304.4 379.3 135.7 138.5 285.6 112.8 112.5 .371002 1933 97.2 96.9 144.3 171.2 118.8 275.0 483.7 142.6 128.9 346.4 97.0 96.9 .267692 Table 80. — Mining cost indexes for Suriname local curreTcv index Year Mining Ctnsfcruo- Frjrirma~fc ard Bits ard re- Tuiberard FUel F>plo- Tires ard Qrr-*iucticn Chamicals Transpor- Electric Exchange vane tkn wans recair carts latBd steel lmber srsres rrtfaer naterials tation newer rate 1970 81.3 81.3 55.5 63.6 91.3 28.7 64.4 84.7 118.8 51.5 63.8 73.3 1.885 1971 81.9 81.9 55.0 63.4 88.5 27.7 64.4 80.3 119.5 49.3 67.1 76.0 1.785 1972 85.8 85.8 56.5 66.4 83.1 29.1 65.8 80.3 126.6 48.9 70.6 78.8 1.785 1973 89.9 89.9 59.1 70.0 93.2 72.8 68.5 81.4 138.5 50.0 75.0 77.8 1.785 1974 94.6 94.6 73.7 89.7 111.5 90.5 83.9 92.4 160.9 73.3 88.6 97.2 1.785 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 174.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.785 1976 121.6 121.6 119.5 106:9 1Q2.0 100.8 106.9 106.5 187.7 106.0 100.0 103.7 1.785 1377 135.1 135.1 129.5 113.6 146.6 106.2 115.1 112.4 204.9 103.2 105.4 111.8 1.785 1978 155.4 155.4 141.8 119.3 162.8 111.8 124.6 116.9 228.3 109.0 116.4 llfl.7 1.785 1979 183.8 183.8 157.1 133.0 172.3 192.4 137.3 124.6 251.4 127.6 140.6 128.3 1.785 1980 208.6 208.6 179.9 149.5 177.0 260.5 154.6 140.6 266.4 156.6 142.9 136.8 1.785 1931 230.6 230.6 200.2 159.4 191.2 280.1 178.8 155.9 283.0 175.6 154.7 146.3 1.785 1932 242.3 242.3 ZL7.3 163.0 209.0 257.7 184.6 162.4 288.0 170.4 167.7 156.7 1.785 1983 253.9 253.9 218.3 160.1 217.4 250.6 186.4 162.5 297.7 165.7 174.4 162.1 1.785 U.S. currency index Year Mining Ccretruo- Ebpiprrrt ard Bits ard re- TiirtTT.-rd Fuel F>$ilo- Tires ard CtrEtruction Chemicals Transpor- Electric F>tbange vbob tkn vece rgaair carts lated steel lmber si\es rubber nBterials tation cower ratio 1970 77.0 77.0 52.6 60.2 86.5 27.2 61.0 80.2 112.5 48.8 60.4 69.4 0.946949 1971 81.9 81.9 55.0 63.4 88.5 27.7 64.4 80.3 119.5 49.3 67.1 76.0 1.000000 1972 85.8 85.8 56.5 66.4 83.1 29.1 65.8 80.3 126.6 48.9 70.6 78.8 1.000000 1973 89.9 89.9 59.1 70.0 93.2 72.8 68.5 81.4 138.5 50.0 75.0 77.8 1.000000 1374 94.6 94.6 73.7 89.7 111.5 90.5 83.9 92.4 160.9 73.3 88.6 97.2 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 174.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 121.6 121.6 119.5 106.9 102.0 100.8 106.9 106.5 187.7 105.0 100.0 103.7 1.000000 1977 135.1 135.1 129.5 113.6 146.6 106.2 115.1 112.4 204.9 103.2 105.4 111.8 1.000000 1978 155.4 155.4 141.8 119.3 162.8 111.8 124.6 116.9 228.3 109.0 116.4 118.7 1.000000 1979 183.8 183.8 157.1 133.0 172.3 192.4 137.3 124.6 251.4 127.6 140.6 128.3 1.000000 I960 208.6 208.6 179.9 149.5 177.0 260.5 151.6 140.6 266.4 156.6 142.9 136.8 1.000000 1931 230.6 230.6 200.2 159.4 191.2 280.1 178.8 155.9 283.0 175.6 154.7 146.3 1.000000 1982 242.3 242.3 217.3 163.0 209.0 257.7 184.6 162.4 288.0 170.4 167.7 156.7 1.000000 1983 253.9 253.9 218.3 160.1 217.4 250.6 186.4 162.5 297.7 165.7 174.4 162.1 1.000000 Table 81. — Mining cost indexes for Swaziland 43 local currency intec Year Minirg GtrEfcrAE- Efcuipient ard Bits ard re- Timber and ReL Explo- Tires ard CrxEtruccicn Chemicals Tcanepcr- EOectric Exchange veoe tkn wage iHMir 1HLLS lated steel luiber sives rubber materials tation power rate 1970 49.7 63.4 51.8 47.7 56.1 49.6 53.1 62.0 57.2 53.2 62.0 84.4 0.714 1971 54.7 63.3 54.9 49.2 61.3 52.8 54.2 63.9 59.3 60.1 70.9 87.9 .715 1972 64.2 67.7 59.0 53.6 64.3 54.7 57.3 65.1 62.0 62.7 76.4 93.0 .768 1973 65.6 67.7 64.9 64.4 69.4 57.6 61.6 70.5 69.2 67.0 74.4 90.2 .692 1974 81.1 87.1 78.5 76.8 84.8 83.3 70.7 89.4 82.0 82.0 87.2 97.7 .679 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1O0.0 100.0 IfJO.O 100.0 100.0 .732 1976 127.9 167.7 117.9 116.7 104.4 140.6 106.4 1U.0 117.5 110.3 114.6 102.0 .870 1977 153.4 161.3 129.3 130.6 117.4 167.4 116.8 127.4 131.6 124.3 129.4 136.2 .870 1978 181.3 303.2 142.2 146.6 146.2 109.4 135.0 139.3 144.7 137.9 171.4 123.5 .870 1979 193.9 248.4 157.9 174.0 153.1 275.5 149.5 154.3 163.5 155.3 173.0 135.8 .842 1980 237.2 300.2 180.8 197.3 184.9 334.3 183.6 177.9 194.7 182.1 225.0 142.5 .778 1981 285.3 325.8 202.2 222.3 217.4 361.0 198.9 189.3 217.7 199.1 517.9 166.0 .870 1982 329.1 412.0 231.5 260.5 226.3 416.7 228.2 212.2 255.5 230.1 611.5 195.7 1.084 1983 375.0 470.1 262.2 294.1 244.5 425.3 251.3 229.6 291.2 251.8 653.4 197.3 1.112 U.S. cutrencv index Year Minirg GtrEcrco- Ebuipnent ard Bits ard te- Tints- ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard CrxGtructlcn Chemicals Ttanspci?- Electric EXcrerga vspa tionvjepB IHHJr fHrtS lated steel luiber sives rubber HHl^nalg tatkn power ratio 1970 51.0 65.0 53.1 48.9 57.5 50.9 54.5 63.6 58.6 59.7 63.5 86.6 1.025210 1971 56.0 64.8 55.2 50.4 62.8 54.1 55.5 65.4 60.7 61.5 72.6 90.0 1.023776 1972 61.2 64.6 55.2 51.1 61.3 52.2 54.6 62.0 59.1 59.8 72.8 88.6 .953125 1973 69.4 71.7 68.7 68.1 73.4 61.0 65.2 74.6 73.2 70.9 78.8 95.4 1.057803 1974 87.5 93.9 84.6 82.8 91.4 89.9 76.2 96.4 88.4 88.4 94.0 105.3 1.078065 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 IfJO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 IfJO.O 100.0 1.000000 1976 107.6 141.1 99.2 98.2 87.8 118.3 89.5 93.4 98.9 92.8 96.4 85.8 .841379 1977 129.1 135.7 108.8 109.9 98.8 140.9 98.2 107.2 110.7 104.6 1D3.9 97.7 .841379 1978 152.5 255.1 119.6 123.3 123.0 142.5 113.6 117.2 121.7 116.0 144.2 103.9 .841379 1979 168.6 215.9 137.3 151.2 137.5 239.5 130.0 134.1 146.5 135.0 150.4 118.0 .869353 1980 223.2 285.3 170.1 185.6 173.9 314.5 172.7 167.4 183.2 171.3 211.7 134.1 .940374 1981 240.0 274.1 170.1 187.0 182.9 303.8 167.3 199.3 183.2 167.5 435.7 139.7 .841379 1982 222.2 278.2 156.3 175.9 152.8 281.4 154.1 143.3 172.5 155.4 412.9 132.1 .675276 1983 246.9 309.4 172.6 193.6 160.9 280.0 165.4 151.1 191.7 165.7 433.4 129.9 .653273 Table 82.— Mini ng cost indexes for Sweden local cuttarv ircex Year Minirg QjbLtuo- Frjiipnerfc ard Bits ard re- Ttabarard Fuel EXplO- Tires ard QTBtncticn Chemicals E3ectric Exchange Tranut*- veoe tknwaee rerjair tails lated steal luiber siveS nfcber materials tation power rate 1970 54.5 64.4 62.9 59.6 54.2 57.9 48.3 66.0 59.5 53.8 70.4 53.4 5.173 1971 59.9 69.3 65.2 57.3 55.2 64.7 51.3 66.0 61.9 56.5 68.9 56.7 5.117 1972 66.6 73.5 68.5 57.3 55.2 63.8 54.2 65.4 66.1 58.7 74.3 57.0 4.762 1973 71.9 78.6 75.3 67.6 91.5 76.6 58.3 70.4 75.6 63.0 71.3 62.4 4.367 1974 81.6 86.7 90.4 94.7 116.5 103.5 84.7 89.9 92.3 89.1 79.8 68.2 4.439 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 4.152 1976 111.9 110.8 110.1 100.9 117.0 127.7 101.4 105.7 111.9 103.3 107.3 119.9 4.356 1977 124.2 122.6 119.7 102.7 125.9 134.0 101.4 119.5 124.4 108.7 123.2 130.7 4.482 1978 133.2 131.7 131.5 109.3 125.5 144.7 105.6 127.7 135.1 117.9 134.2 152.4 4.519 1979 141.3 140.8 142.1 123.6 145.3' 200.0 115.3 135.2 148.2 134.2 123.3 157.3 4.287 1990 155.4 155.8 156.7 140.0 177.8 319.1 147.2 167.3 170.2 153.8 136.7 175.6 4.230 1981 171.3 168.6 170.2 144.0 175.0 368.1 175.0 186.8 189.9 167.4 163.5 184.8 5.063 1982 189.1 180.1 183.8 163.0 174.1 429.9 205.6 212.6 209.4 184.8 177.1 198.6 6.283 1983 199.9 194.1 194.4 180.4 203.6 475.6 227.6 233.9 234.4 203.2 197.0 203.6 7.667 1984 208.9 203.9 225.8 193.4 235.1 514.5 267.9 249.6 261.2 228.5 213.4 210.3 7.790 1985 221.8 218.8 238.2 198.3 240.4 475.6 287.2 262.8 289.7 237.7 220.5 218.2 7.700 U.S. currency irdac Year Minirg CtrEtruc- Bj-uprcrt ard Bits ard re- Tiiiber ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard Qj fcpLruction Ouiiicals Traneccr- Electric Exchange vece tion vace y^Hir parts lated steel luiber sives rubber materials taticn cower ratio 1970 43.8 51.7 50.5 47.8 43.5 46.5 38.8 53.0 47.8 43.2 56.5 42.9 0.802629 1971 48.6 56.2 52.9 46.5 44.8 52.5 41.6 53.6 50.2 45.9 55.9 46.0 .811412 1972 53.1 64.0 59.8 50.0 48.1 55.6 47.2 57.0 57.6 51.2 64.8 49.7 .871902 1973 68.3 74.8 71.6 64.2 87.0 72.8 55.5 67.0 71.9 59.9 67.8 59.3 .950767 1974 76.4 81.1 84.6 88.5 109.0 101.5 79.2 84.1 86.3 83.4 74.7 63.8 .935345 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 IfJO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 106.7 105.6 105.0 96.2 111.5 121.7 96.6 100.7 106.7 98.4 102.3 114.3 .953163 1977 115.0 113.6 110.8 95.1 116.7 124.2 93.9 110.7 115.2 100.7 114.1 121.1 .926372 1978 122.4 121.0 120.8 100.5 115.3 132.9 97.0 117.3 124.1 108.4 123.3 140.0 .918787 1979 136.8 136.4 137.7 119.7 140.7 193.7 111.6 131.0 143.5 130.0 119.4 152.3 .963509 1980 152.5 152.9 153.9 137.4 174.6 3D.3 144.5 164.2 167.1 151.0 134.1 172.4 .981560 1981 140.5 138.2 139.6 118.1 143.5 301.8 143.5 153.2 155.7 137.3 134.1 151.5 .820067 1982 125.0 119.0 124.7 111.0 115.0 284.0 135.8 140.5 138.4 122.1 117.0 D1.2 .660830 1983 103.2 105.1 105.3 97.7 110.2 257.5 123.3 126.6 126.9 112.7 106.7 110.2 .541541 1984 111.3 111.3 120.3 103. 1 125.3 274.2 142.8 133.0 139.2 121.8 113.7 112.1 .532991 1985 119.6 117.9 128.4 106.9 129.6 256.4 154.8 141.7 156.2 128.2 118.9 117.6 .539220 44 Table 83.— Mining cost indexes for Syria local currency . irdsx Vest Mining Ctrscrvn— Bjiipntrfc and Bits and re- Tinber erd Red BfJo- Tires erd Ctrctrvcticn Chemicals Ttat^ir- Electric Bctage VB0B ticn wace repair parts lated s>hp! limber srves rubber mhI h ials taticn power rate 1970 68.5 42.1 55.7 56.8 47.8 93.1 14.1 50.3 54.5 40.8 88.8 90.9 3.820 1371 71.7 42.0 58.3 53.4 51.4 92.1 9.6 50.3 61.3 43.4 89.5 HD.O 3.820 1972 77.4 46.5 ea.o 54.7 53.1 93.1 21.0 53.2 61.7 45.4 90.2 100.0 3.820 1973 83.7 46.2 65.5 64.3 76.5 93.1 23.1 55.6 74.1 52.2 92.5 100.0 3.820 1974 76.4 77.1 78.1 85.6 96.4 94.1 54.1 77.7 100.8 78.4 94.8 1D0.0 3.733 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 3.700 1976 122.5 116.4 120.4 113.9 105.4 118.8 94.3 115.1 115.4 100.2 1D2.1 100.0 3.852 1977 126.4 128.2 134.2 121.5 145.5 132.7 119.6 119.5 121.4 118.0 98.4 86.4 3.925 1978 141.2 131.4 149.9 139.6 154.2 158.0 131.5 130.5 153.8 126.4 107.5 86.4 3.925 1979 143.2 138.9 164.7 153.1 164.3 200.0 149.8 139.6 176.7 139.2 116.5 86.4 3.925 1980 180.9 171.7 182.2 178.6 187.9 349.5 149.8 161,1 233.1 139.2 155.1 86.4 3.925 1931 222.2 209.8 199.8 221.7 234.9 562.7 250.0 180.5 261.1 140.6 180.8 136.4 3.925 1982 243.2 244.9 213.2 247.2 257.4 695.5 291.0 180.5 265.7 153.7 191.3 140.9 3.950 1983 247.8 261.6 212.8 251.1 255.5 695.5 330.3 188.6 263.0 176.8 218.7 140.9 3.925 1984 265.9 290.1 213.9 277.0 280.2 762.5 311.2 188.6 311.5 193.8 239.6 140.9 3.925 1985 301.1 331.1 213.4 314.1 315.4 858.5 360.2 183.6 353.7 218.2 272.8 149.9 3.925 U.S. on-rerrv index Year Minirg Ocrstruc- Rjiicnent and Bits and re- Tinber and Rel Bqilo- Tires and CtrEtnrfckn Chemicals Ttanspor- Elprrric Bcharge VHE tin wane rernir parts lated steel lunber sdves niter nHberxals tarim power ratio 1970 66.3 40.7 53.9 55.0 46.3 90.1 13.6 48.7 52.8 39.5 86.0 88.1 0.963536 1971 69.5 40.7 56.5 51.8 49.8 89.2 9.3 48.7 59.4 42.0 86.7 96.9 .963596 1972 74.9 45.1 59.1 53.0 51.4 90.1 20.3 51.6 59.7 44.0 87.4 96.9 .963596 1973 81.0 44.7 63.5 62.3 74.1 90.1 22.3 53.8 71.7 50.5 89.6 96.9 .968596 1974 75.8 76.4 77.5 84.8 95.6 93.2 53.7 77.0 99.9 77.7 94.0 99.1 .991159 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1D0.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 117.7 111.8 115.6 109.4 101.2 114.1 90.5 110.6 110.9 96.3 98.1 96.1 .960539 1977 119.2 120.8 126.5 114.5 137.2 125.1 112.8 112.7 114.5 111.3 92.8 81.4 .942675 1978 133.1 123.9 141.3 131.6 145.4 186.7 124.0 123.0 144.9 119.1 101.3 81.4 .942675 1979 135.0 130.9 155.3 144.3 154.9 188.5 141.2 131.6 166.6 131.2 109.8 81.4 .942675 1990 170.6 161.9 171.8 163.4 177.1 329.5 141.2 151.9 219.7 131.2 146.2 81.4 .942675 1981 209.4 197.8 183.3 209.0 221.4 530.4 235.6 170.2 246.1 132.5 170.4 128.5 .942675 1982 227.8 229.4 199.7 231.6 241.1 651.5 272.6 169.1 248.9 148.6 179.2 132.0 .936708 1983 233.6 246.6 200.6 236.7 240.9 655.6 311.4 177.7 252.7 166.6 206.1 132.8 .942675 1984 250.6 273.5 201.6 261.1 264.1 718.8 293.4 177.7 293.7 182.7 225.8 132.8 .942675 1985 283.9 312.1 201.2 296.1 297.3 809.3 339.6 177.7 333.4 205.7 257.1 141.3 .942675 Table 84. — Mining cost indexes for Taiwan local nirmry irnex Year Minirg QjbtjLC- Rjjipiert and Bits and re- Tinber and Rel Bqalc- Tires and axebructkn Chemicals Transpor- Electric BchangB veqs tion wace repair [HLts larrri steel Jjuifcer si\res niter materials tation power rate 1970 41.7 42.2 75.9 60.2 53.4 40.9 76.2 63.4 63.5 57.0 76.0 57.3 40.000 1971 45.5 45.0 76.0 54.2 61.4 46.0 78.6 59.6 64.6 54.7 76.0 61.0 40.000 1972 50.3 48.5 79.5 58.5 63.5 46.4 79.7 59.9 58.1 56.0 79.4 61.4 40.033 1973 57.9 53.9 95.5 101.3 117.5 48.0 79.5 84.0 86.0 67.4 80.9 62.5 38.263 1974 85.6 85.3 105.6 134.2 128.4 99.3 89.4 112.7 116.5 110.4 99.6 99.5 38.000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 38.000 1976 120.5 114.2 98.3 103.0 114.7 107.9 103.8 105.2 104.5 100.8 100.3 114.0 38.000 1977 131.6 131.8 98.3 107.1 119.0 105.5 110.1 108.6 106.9 100.9 100.3 114.0 38.000 1978 153.2 144.1 103.0 128.4 130.8 103.0 116.4 110.9 117.2 103.0 101.0 114.0 37.054 1979 179.9 160.8 113.4 156.1 179.8 142.6 116.4 122.9 141.6 117.8 103.9 123.8 36.048 1980 231.0 190.8 119.9 175.8 200.2 240.9 132.1 129,8 166.1 141.7 149.0 184.2 36.015 1981 278;3 246.5 119.8 152.5 202.6 289.9 152.1 133.8 164.9 144.7 185.3 242.8 36.849 1982 296.8 262.4 1J8.6 142.1 194.0 293.2 160.1 126.3 157.6 141.8 186.8 245.1 39.124 1983 298.9 296.5 117.2 143.4 189.9 290.3 161.0 129.2 153.1 139.6 179.0 238.5 40.064 U.S. currency . irdsx Year Minirg Crxstruc- Rjiipnent aid Bits and re- Tinber and ReO. Enpio- Tires and Cbnstructim Chemicals Tlanspor— Electric EHdrangs wace ticn wace recair miba iated steel lunber STA«S ntfcer until ials tafcicn power ratio 1970 39.6 40.1 72.1 57.2 55.5 38.8 72.4 60.2 60.4 54.1 72.2 54.5 0.950000 1971 43.2 42.8 72.2 51.5 53.3 43.7 74.7 56.6 ea.4 52.0 72.2 58.0 .950000 1972 47.7 46.1 75.5 55.5 60.3 44.1 75.6 56.9 55.2 53.1 75.4 58.2 .949216 1973 57.5 58.5 94.9 100.6 116.7 47.7 78.9 83.4 85.4 67.0 80.3 62.0 .993126 1974 85.6 85.3 105.6 134.2 128.4 99.3 89.4 112.7 116.5 110.4 99.6 99.5 1.000000 1975 1D0.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 103.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 120.5 114.2 98.3 103.0 114.7 107.9 103.8 105.2 1D4.5 100.8 100.3 114.0 1.000000 1977 131.6 131.8 98.3 107.1 119.0 105.5 110.1 103.6 105.9 103.9 300.3 114.0 1.000000 1978 157.1 147.8 105.7 131.6 134.1 110.7 119.4 113.7 120.2 102.6 103.6 116.9 1.025530 1979 189.6 169.5 119.6 164.6 189.5 150.3 122.7 129.6 149.3 124.1 109.5 130.5 1.064150 1980 243.8 201.3 126.6 1B5.5 214.4 254.2 139.3 137.0 175.3 149.5 157.2 194.3 1.065115 1981 287.0 254.2 123.5 157.2 208.9 298.9 156.9 138.0 170.1 149.3 191.1 250.4 1.081235 1982 288.3 254.9 115.2 138.0 183.4 284.8 155.5 122.7 153.1 137.7 181.4 238.1 .971270 1983 283.5 281.2 111.1 136.0 180.1 275.3 152.7 122.6 149.9 132.5 169.8 226.3 .948482 45 Table 85 — Mining cost indexes for Thailand local currency jrdex Year Minirg Construe— Ecuiprerfc and Bits ard re- Tinter ard FUel Explo- Tiras ard arscnrticn Chemimls Tttupj?- raor+rir; EXcrerga VBOB t"kn veas recair carts labed tjlnpl lmber sives litter hhIi-t ials tafckn cower rate 1970 62.8 41.4 57.0 57.0 41.7 45.2 28.6 77.8 52.8 53.3 100.0 76.6 20.800 1971 63.1 40.8 56.4 55.4 44.3 47.3 24.9 66.6 51.3 55.1 100.0 76.4 20.800 1972 66.2 46.2 64.3 64.3 53.5 47.8 25.3 67.1 53.4 53.7 100.0 70.5 20.800 1973 76.4 62.1 79.8 79.8 88.7 53.2 36.4 103.1 71.7 72.5 100.0 71.1 20.620 1974 95.0 90.5 122.3 122.3 78.4 97.8 63.0 111.1 98.2 96.9 100.0 92.1 20.375 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 20.379 1976 104.2 106.5 96.6 96.6 125.0 99.9 55.8 122.6 101.4 91.3 110.6 99.2 20.400 1977 112.1 117.2 100.2 100.2 131.5 108.1 54.5 125.0 109.5 96.9 111.3 107.4 20.400 1978 148.5 125.4 124.8 124.8 132.3 118.3 67.6 126.0 120.1 102.5 115.2 120.8 20.336 1979 173.5 150.1 140.6 140.6 194.5 163.5 83.0 144.2 148.2 117.4 135.5 120.8 20.419 19B0 274:0 206.7 152.8 152.8 208.7 249.6 110.5 1503 167.1 132.3 153.7 157.0 20.476 1981 273* 294*3 182.2 182.2 199.7 295.4 124.1 164.1 179.5 138.5 192.2 185.0 21.820 1982 293.6 279.8 177.1 177.1 210.9 304.4 100.2 176.5 186.2 133.9 219.8 189.0 23.000 1983 293.6 292.7 154.2 154.1 201.5 292.6 86.0 177.1 186.0 132.0 220.8 189.0 23.000 1984 293.2 296.8 172.3 170.0 221.7 291.4 93.1 185.2 187.6 131.1 219.0 183.4 24.197 1985 293.2 331.0 180.3 196.3 230.3 301.0 106.6 194.4 210.2 136.9 236.8 187.7 25.990 U.S. currency ircfec Year Minirg CtrstruD- Ebjjirjnent ard Bits ard re- Tinber ard Fuel Explo- Tires ard Qarstructicn Chemicals Ttansccr- Electric Exchange vbce rim vace gmir parts labed steel lmber sives rubber nata ialq tatkn cower ratio 1970 61.5 40.5 55.8 55.8 40.9 44.3 28.0 76.2 51.8 52.2 98.0 75.0 0.979759 1971 61.8 39.9 55.3 55.3 43.4 46.3 24.4 65.3 50.3 54.0 98.0 74.8 .979759 1972 64.9 45.2 63.0 63.0 57.3 46.8 24.8 65.8 52.3 57.5 98.0 69.0 .979759 1973 75.5 61.3 78.9 78.9 87.7 52.6 36.0 105.9 70.8 71.7 98.8 70.3 .988312 1974 95.0 90.6 122.3 122.3 78.4 97.8 63.0 111.2 98.2 96.9 100.0 92.1 1.000196 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 104.1 106.4 96.5 96.5 124.9 99.8 55.7 122.4 101.3 91.2 110.4 99.1 .998970 1977 112.0 117.1 100.1 100.1 131.3 108.0 54.5 124.9 109.4 96.8 111.1 107.2 .998970 1978 148.8 125.6 125.1 125.1 132.6 118.5 67.7 126.3 120.3 102.7 115.4 121.0 1.CCE114 1979 173.1 149.8 140.3 140.3 194.1 163.2 82.9 144.0 147.9 117.1 135.2 120.5 .998041 1980 272.7 205.7 152.1 152.1 207.7 248.4 110.0 149.8 166.3 131.7 153.0 155.3 .995262 1981 255.3 237.5 170.1 170.1 186.5 275.9 115.9 153.3 167.7 129.4 179.5 172.8 .933959 1962 260.1 247.9 156.9 155.9 186.9 269.7 88.8 155.4 165.0 118.6 194.7 167.4 .886043 1983 260.1 259.4 136.6 136.5 178.5 259.3 76.2 155.9 164.8 116.9 195.7 167.4 .886043 1984 246.9 250.0 145.1 143.2 186.7 245.4 78.4 156.0 153.0 110.4 184.4 154.5 .842211 1985 229.9 259.5 141.4 153.9 180.6 236.0 83.5 152.4 164.8 107.3 185.7 147.2 .784109 Table I 36. — Mining cost indexes for Togo Iccal a jrrencv irdsc Year Minirg CfcrEtriiD- Etjiiprerfc ard Bits ard re- Tiiiber ard FUel Explo- Tjies ard Qrsttirtion Chemicals Ttareccr- Electric EXcharge wrp ticn vcn? in air (Htls lated ^Jn^l lmber sives ntber nnhFTials tation cower rate 1970 68.9 68.9 62.6 59.7 44.0 42.8 66.9 60.4 50.8 61.5 66.6 59.5 277.710 1971 75.8 75.8 66.0 62.8 45.5 51.8 70.4 67.3 54.3 63.5 66.2 66.1 277.130 1972 75.8 75.8 6B.1 64.3 48.8 53.2 72.7 72.8 54.8 65.7 66.1 67.1 252.210 1973 75.8 75.8 72.3 72.4 109.7 59.8 73.1 76.4 55.8 70.2 70.5 71.1 222.700 1974 83.3 83.3 86.2 96.9 106.8 81.3 89.4 91.7 72.6 92.4 80.2 87.5 240.500 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 214.320 1976 100.0 100.0 113.0 106.2 125.3 99.0 110.2 129.0 101.5 104.6 110.5 102.6 238.980 1977 115.0 115.0 121.3 112.0 143.8 136.1 116.6 120.6 105.1 109.7 116.9 124.9 245.670 1978 115.0 115.0 135.6 122.2 153.9 150.4 124.4 131.4 113.7 114.3 124.7 139.3 225.640 1979 115.0 115.0 153.0 136.1 165.8 170.6 140.0 154.1 134.3 131.9 129.4 152.6 212.720 1980 126.5 126.5 173.1 144.4 195.9 186.8 160.0 180-9 162.9 157.2 134.2 164.4 211.300 1981 126.5 126.5 196.8 146.8 213.1 233.3 179.0 204.7 193.6 179.5 140.7 198.2 271.730 1982 139.2 139.2 222.5 182.3 213.0 263.1 193.9 227.7 216.6 202.2 163.5 220.0 328.620 1963 139.2 139.2 241.4 199.4 211.1 304.0 209.9 248.1 229.9 220.9 168.7 249.7 380.510 U.S. a -merry irdsc Year Minirg QjtsLruc- Ebrjripierfc ard Bits ard re- ■ Tinber ard FUsl Explo- Tires ard OLitjLtuJLion Chemicals TtarBpcr- Electric Exchange WBCE tknvBoa iFTflir carts IrflH] 53T*?1 lmber sives niber narjerials taticn cower ratio 1970 53.1 53.1 48.3 46.1 34.0 33.0 51.6 46.6 39.2 47.4 51.4 45.9 0.771740 1971 58.6 53.6 51.0 48.6 35.1 40.1 54.4 52.0 42.0 49.1 51.1 51.1 .773355 1972 64.4 64.4 59.7 54.6 41.5 45.2 61.8 61.9 46.6 55.9 56.2 57.0 .849763 1973 72.9 72.9 69.6 69.7 105.5 55.6 70.3 73.6 53.7 67.5 67.8 68.4 .962370 1974 74.3 74.3 76.8 86.4 95.2 72.4 79.6 81.7 64.7 82.3 71.5 78.0 .891143 1975 1D3.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 89.7 89.7 1D1.3 95.3 112.4 88.7 98.8 115.7 91.0 93.8 99.1 92.0 .896811 1977 100.3 100.3 105.8 97.7 125.4 118.7 101.7 105.2 91.7 95.7 102.0 103.9 .872389 1978 109.2 109.2 128.8 116.0 150.9 142.8 118.1 124.8 103.0 103.6 llfl.5 132.3 .949831 1979 115.9 115.9 154.1 137.1 167.1 171.9 141.1 155.3 135.3 132.9 130.4 153.7 1.007521 1980 128.3 128.3 175.6 146.4 198.7 189.5 162.3 183.5 165.2 159.5 136.1 166.7 1.014292 1981 99.8 99.8 155.2 115.8 163.1 184.0 141.2 161.4 152.7 141.6 111.0 155.3 .788724 1982 90.7 90.7 145.1 118.9 138.9 171.6 126.4 148.5 141.3 131.8 106.6 143.4 .652181 1983 78.4 78.4 135.9 112.3 118.9 171.2 118.2 139.7 129.5 124.4 95.0 140.6 .563244 46 Table 87. — Mining cost indexes for Tunisia Local currency irdx Ymr Mining Ccnstrcc- Bgiicrrerfc ard Bits ard re- Tinner ard Hr.l D£lo- Tires ard CdrBtruction Oneraicals Transpor- Electric Deterge wvp tim wage rfrnir rnrts lfltB.l .stepl liirtber S1\«B niter imtet ials tation ccwer rate 1970 44.7 6B.8 68.6 69.2 61.1 85.8 67.7 61.1 61.9 63.0 62.5 105.7 0.525 1971 51.8 75.2 71.3 70.6 63.3 89.4 70.9 67.8 61.9 64.0 62.5 102.2 .521 1972 56.5 69.8 67.0 70.1 71.3 100.0 73.3 73.4 63.0 64.2 62.5 95.6 .477 1973 62.7 74.8 61.7 74.2 95.0 100.0 73.4 76.8 66.7 67.9 62.5 95.4 .420 1974 81.0 76.9 80.0 90.5 91.6 100.0 86.4 88.7 86.9 83.8 75.0 94.3 .436 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .402 1976 107.6 106.0 127.4 95.6 97.3 100.7 105.3 123.3 1D4.4 98.8 112.5 115.4 .429 1977 122.2 1Q5.5 138.1 96.4 104.0 133.7 103.5 112.2 134.5 99.8 125.0 139.5 .429 1978 138.3 118.5 146.7 95.2 107.4 133.7 122.2 129.1 150.2 95.1 137.5 161.0 .416 1979 149.1 134.9 153.8 99.4 135.2 147.7 142.5 156.9 159.0 99.1 137.5 183.6 .407 1980 169.9 168.7 181.1 112.8 146.0 163.6 163.4 184.8 164.5 108.6 137.5 196.1 .405 1981 202.1 194.9 245.7 123.1 160.2 217.4 173.3 198.2 181.8 122.8 150.0 240.2 .494 1982 242.3 241.6 319.0 129.6 188.1 282.6 185.7 218.0 208.7 143.5 168.1 273.2 .591 1983 272.4 276.4 363.2 147.1 212.3 330.6 199.4 235.7 226.3 148.3 195.5 321.6 .678 U.S. cunrerrv irttec Year Mining Ctnstrco- Bapicment ard Bits ard re- Tinner ard Fusd Dplo- Tires ard CriBtnrticn Chemicals Tcarepor- Electric Derange wace tim waoe tHHJr carts lated steel lmber S1\«S niter jihI i-t iala tarim ccwer ratio 52.5 52.9 46.7 65.7 51.8 46.8 47.4 48.2 47.8 80.9 0.765714 55.0 54.5 48.9 69.0 54.7 52.3 47.7 49.4 48.2 78.8 .771593 56.5 59.1 60.1 84.3 61.8 6L.9 53.1 54.1 52.7 80.6 .842767 59.1 71.0 90.9 95.7 70.3 73.5 63.9 65.0 59.8 91.3 .957142 73.7 83.5 84.4 92.2 79.7 81.7 80.2 77.2 69.1 86.9 .92201B 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 100.8 99.4 119.3 89.6 91.2 94.4 98.7 115.6 97.8 92.6 105.4 108.2 .937062 1977 114.5 98.9 129.4 90.3 97.5 125.3 101.6 105.1 126.0 93.5 117.1 130.8 .937062 1970 34.2 53.4 1971 40.0 53.0 1972 47.6 53.8 1973 60.0 71.6 1974 74.6 70.9 1978 133.6 114.5 141.7 92.0 103.8 129.2 118.1 124.7 145.1 91.9 132.9 155.6 .966346 1979 147.3 133.2 156.8 98.2 133.5 145.9 140.8 155.0 157.0 97.8 135.8 181.4 .937714 I960 163.7 167.5 179.8 112.0 144.9 167.4 162.2 183.4 163.3 107.8 136.5 194.6 .992592 1961 164.4 158.6 200.0 100.2 130.4 176.9 141.0 161.3 147.9 99.9 122.1 195.4 .813765 1932 164.8 164.3 217.0 88.1 127.9 192.2 126.3 148.3 142.0 97.6 114.3 185.8 .680203 1933 161.5 163.9 218.3 87.2 125.9 196.0 118.2 139.7 134.2 87.9 115.9 190.6 .592920 Table 88.— Mining cost indexes for Turkey local currency index Year Mining Ocrstric- Bgjiprerfc ard Bits ard re- Tinter ard Fuel Dplo- Tires ard QTBtnrtkn Chemicals Transpor- Electric Delays vapa ticn wane recair carts lated steel luibar su«s niter iihIh ials tation ccwer rate 1970 34.8 43.7 36.1 38.0 27.9 48.0 48.5 63.3 55.1 45.9 56.6 44.7 11.500 1971 39.0 49.6 42.6 49.5 31.2 53.6 66.5 88.0 60.5 54.5 59.6 44.7 14.920 1972 41.7 54.1 47.7 62.5 40.3 78.4 64.5 89.9 68.2 55.1 66.1 44.7 14.150 1973 58.1 62.3 62.2 74.8 78.5 87.6 67.1 67.0 75.7 56.3 71.6 61.8 14.150 1974 66.1 83.6 74.6 91.1 86.3 95.3 81.0 85.3 92.0 77.9 96.4 96.1 13.930 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 14.440 1976 124.3 136.8 109.0 107.6 104.2 105.4 118.9 118.4 139.6 102.6 119.9 100.0 16.050 1977 160.3 164.1 151.7 128.1 143.1 122.5 143.5 118.9 233.7 144.3 155.7 115.8 18.000 1978 240.0 244.7 241.6 194.5 214.2 257.2 209.5 169.0 350.7 241.4 220.7 147.4 24.280 1979 371.2 350.4 274.0 318.0 347.5 460.2 295.5 214.3 610.0 637.4 406.6 207.9 31.080 1930 547.8 462.7 936.1 693.2 1063.3 1228.2 814.3 821.4 1149.4 863.0 882.5 550.0 76.040 1931 712.6 650.4 1446.0 894.0 1314.0 1625.0 1377.2 1256.0 1347.0 1132.0 1136.0 760.5 111.200 1932 997.2 883.8 1730.7 1457.3 1434.6 2093.0 2077.5 1532.8 1747.7 1339.1 1517.3 1188.2 162.550 1983 1239.1 1033.4 2345.0 1764.4 2055.4 2880.4 2910.4 2062.8 2562.2 1591.9 2164.2 1525.0 225.460 1964 1686.2 1480.6 3147.5 2394.8 2868.9 3457.7 4910.5 3262.7 3256.1 1920.5 2436.3 2005.9 369.063 1935 2027.3 1776.1 3826.6 2907.0 4033.4 4031.6 5944.2 4635.9 4010.0 2290.4 2945.8 2444.2 430.301 U.S. currency : index Year Mining Construc- Ftpicrnert and Bits ard re- Tinner ard Fuel E>plo- Tires ard Crrrtoocticn (Doemicals Transpor- Electric Dchange ware tion wace repair parts lated steel lmfcer srsres niter jTHtrr-ialc: taticn ccwer ratio 1970 43.7 54.9 45.3 47.8 35.1 60.3 61.0 79.5 69.2 57.6 71.1 56.2 1.255652 1971 37.7 48.0 41.2 47.9 30.2 56.7 64.4 85.2 53.5 52.8 57.7 43.3 .967828 1972 42.5 55.2 48.7 63.8 41.2 80.0 65.8 91.8 69.6 56.2 67.4 45.7 1.020494 1973 59.3 63.6 63.5 76.3 80.1 89.4 68.5 68.3 77.3 57.5 73.1 63.1 1.020494 1974 68.5 86.7 77.3 94.5 89.5 98.8 83.9 88.4 95.3 80.7 99.9 99.6 1.036611 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 111.8 123.1 98.1 96.8 93.8 94.8 106.9 106.6 125.6 92.3 107.8 90.0 .899638 1977 128.6 131.6 121.7 102.8 114.8 98.3 115.1 95.3 187.5 115.7 125.7 92.9 .802222 1978 142.7 145.5 143.7 115.6 127.4 152.9 124.6 100.5 203.6 143.5 131.2 87.6 .594728 1979 172.5 162.8 127.3 147.7 161.4 213.8 137.2 99.5 283.4 296.1 188.9 96.6 .464607 1930 104.0 87.8 177.7 131.6 201.9 233.2 154.6 155.9 218.2 163.8 167.5 104.4 .189900 1981 92.5 84.4 187.7 116.0 170.6 211.0 178.8 163.1 174.9 147.0 147.5 98.7 .129356 1932 88.5 78.5 153.7 129.4 127.4 185.9 184.5 140.6 155.2 118.9 134.7 105.5 .088834 1933 79.3 70.0 150.1 113.0 131.6 184.4 186.4 132.1 164.1 101.9 138.6 97.6 .064046 1934 65.9 57.9 123.1 93.7 112.2 135.2 192.1 127.6 127.4 75.1 95.3 78.4 .039127 1935 68.0 59.6 128.4 97.5 135.3 135.2 199.4 155.5 134.5 76.8 93.8 82.0 .033557 Table 89. — Mining cost indexes for Uganda 47 local currerrv ircex Year Mining Ctnstru2- Bjjiprert and Bits and re- Tiiifcerard Rel BqrilD- Tires ard 0tnstru±icn Chemicals Transpor- Electric BcIhlb WBQB tknvaoe repair [mis ]r- EbLuniHnt ard Bits and re- Tinber ard FUel E>plo- Tires ard OjEbrtcticn (hamcals Transpor- EQectric Exchange VBOB tim vace iFrnir parts lated steel lurber siuas nfcber naterials 48.1 tation 67.2 pcwer 79.1 ratio 1970 53.8 53.8 64.8 56.3 39.9 45.9 52.1 47.0 39.4 0.804645 1971 60.7 60.7 67.2 57.7 41.1 54.2 55.0 52.6 40.8 50.9 67.4 79.9 .807043 1972 66.4 66.4 69.7 64.2 51.6 60.8 61.8 61.9 46.2 55.4 73.7 87.5 .881853 1973 89.4 89.4 84.6 78.4 66.5 70.6 70.3 73.6 61.5 67.4 85.2 97.8 .986851 1974 84.0 84.0 92.3 99.1 87.3 88.7 79.6 81.7 90.1 92.9 92.7 92.7 .927459 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 91.7 91.7 107.7 97.5 93.7 101.6 98.8 115.7 97.5 95.9 91.7 94.1 .917175 1977 99.2 99.2 115.5 1D1.3 103.6 113.3 101.7 105.2 103.8 101.7 103.6 106.2 .900066 1978 107.2 107.2 123.2 121.9 133.7 152.5 118.2 124.8 122.0 104.2 111.9 124.8 .972642 1979 160.4 160.4 130.9 158.5 133.6 206.2 141.1 155.3 158.1 143.4 155.2 135.1 1.089497 1980 158.9 15B.9 138.7 167.8 166.1 265.5 162.3 183.5 176.7 160.8 153.7 180.0 1.029464 1981 128.1 128.1 146.2 139.6 145.3 265.5 141.2 161.5 175.8 142.1 140.1 153.3 783642 1982 123.2 123.2 147.2 133.2 120.5 250.1 126.5 148.5 167.3 136.2 133.0 147.5 .672920 1983 110.5 110.5 142.7 113.0 103.0 211.8 113.6 139.3 144.0 124.8 119.6 334.3 .569962 1964 100.0 100.0 138.1 111.4 84.1 213.7 101.6 133.9 138.0 120.5 103.9 125.3 .459367 1985 121.3 121.3 141.4 131.1 102.1 207.1 122.2 162.9 164.1 144.8 132.6 155.0 .511484 Table 94. — Mining cost indexes for Yugoslavia Local currency index Year Mining Ctnstru3- EbLiirnenfc ard Bits ard re- Tiiiber ard FUel Explo- Tires and Otnstrirticn Chemicals Transpor- Electric EJchangB veoe tdmvece repair rarts lritnd steel lmtoer sives rttbar naterials tation truer rate 1970 32.2 37.4 59.4 47.6 51.2 21.1 32.1 46.2 43.3 34.2 47.5 37.7 12.500 1971 42.4 45.2 63.6 52.5 54.3 29.6 36.4 52.1 52.7 38.8 57.5 48.8 14.953 1972 47.4 54.2 66.7 57.6 55.6 33.3 40.9 56.2 60.0 43.3 66.0 53.7 17.000 1973 61.5 62.3 71.2 62.7 59.3 44.4 47.0 57.5 65.5 49.3 75.7 63.4 16.189 1974 82.1 78.8 81.8 78.0 80.2 92.6 75.8 79.5 81.8 77.6 83.0 82.9 15.913 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 17.386 1976 112.7 116.7 11D.6 110.2 98.8 100.0 109.1 98.6 105.5 107.5 127.8 117.1 18.193 1977 139.5 137.8 122.7 116.9 102.5 118.5 113.6 106.8 114.5 110.4 144.2 134.1 18.298 1978 166.1 166.0 128.8 125.4 107.4 122.2 11B.2 112.3 125.5 116.4 179.9 151.2 18.644 1979 204.4 199.2 136.4 140.7 116.0 177.8 125.8 126.0 145.5 122.4 223.7 180.5 18.996 1980 260.5 233.1 151.5 169.5 123.5 370.4 151.5 137.0 181.8 149.3 284.2 243.9 24.639 1981 338.6 311.9 192.4 232.2 361.7 522.2 221.2 202.7 267.3 223.9 397.0 370.7 34.966 1982 439.5 395.7 223.2 275.1 392.9 682.9 312.6 234.9 321.6 316.1 537.0 463.0 50.276 1983 523.1 466.4 256.1 356.6 446.9 1006.0 487.8 321.3 420.7 439.7 752.5 603.3 92.839 1984 795.8 700.2 335.7 552.1 576.3 1583.9 835.4 574.9 673.8 771.5 1176.9 1017.7 152.822 1985 1258.9 1096.7 499.9 873.1 792.9 2654.9 1461.5 933.2 1039.5 1299.8 1950.6 1663.2 261.914 U.S. a irrary index Year Mining Ctrstnc- Etpirjrerfc ard Bits ard re- Tinbar and FUel EypiD- Tires ard OcrEtzucticn Chemicals Transpor- Electric EJchanga vace ticn vaae Kj-ftir iHr.ls lated steel linber si\es niter naterials tation newer ratio 1970 44.8 52.0 82.6 66.2 71.2 29.3 44.6 64.3 60.3 47.6 66.1 52.4 1.390380 1971 49.2 52.6 74.0 61.1 63.1 34.4 42.3 60.5 61.3 45.1 66.8 56.7 1.162321 1972 48.5 55.5 68.2 58.9 56.8 34.1 41.8 57.4 61.4 44.3 67.4 54.9 1.022705 1973 66.0 66.9 76.5 67.4 63.6 47.7 50.4 61.8 70.3 52.9 81.3 68.1 1.073939 1974 89.7 86.1 89.4 85.2 87.7 101.2 82.8 86.8 89.4 84.8 90.7 90.6 1.092565 1975 100.0 1D0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 107.7 111.5 105.7 105.3 94.4 95.6 104.3 94.3 100.8 102.7 122.1 111.9 .955642 1977 132.5 130.9 116.6 111.1 97.4 112.6 103.0 101.5 103.8 104.9 137.0 127.5 .95015B 1978 154.9 154.8 120.1 117.0 100.2 114.0 110.2 104.7 117.0 103.6 167.8 141.0 .932525 1979 187.1 182.3 124.8 128.8 106.2 162.7 115.1 115.3 133.1 112.0 204.8 165.2 .915245 1980 183.8 164.5 106.9 119.6 87.1 261.3 106.9 96.6 128.3 105.3 200.5 172.1 .705629 1981 168.3 155.0 95.7 115.4 179.8 259.6 110.0 100.8 132.9 111.3 197.4 184.3 .497225 1982 151.9 136.8 77.2 95.1 135.8 236.1 108.1 81.2 111.2 109.3 185.7 161.8 .345811 1983 97.9 87.3 47.9 66.7 83.7 188.3 91.3 60.1 78.8 82.3 140.9 113.9 .187270 19B4 90.5 79.6 38.1 62.8 65.5 180.2 95.0 65.4 76.6 87.7 133.9 115.7 .113766 1985 83.5 72.8 33.1 57.9 52.6 176.2 97.0 61.9 72.3 86.2 129.4 110.4 .066380 50 Table 95. — Mining cost indexes for Zaire Irrnl oirrencv index Year Mining Ctnstruo- Etgiirmsnt and Bits and re- Tinharand FUel Bqalo- Tims ard Ctrefcructicn Chemicals Transpor- Electric Exchange MKJ9 ticn voce recair carts lated steel lurber sives rucber materials tation pewar rate 1970 99.1 59.1 58.0 35.9 49.1 52.5 51.9 46.8 49.5 55.8 79.6 1O0.0 0.500 1771 72.8 72.8 43.4 36.5 50.0 59.6 54.7 52.3 53.4 56.2 75.1 100.0 .500 1972 78.0 78.0 67.1 36.2 50.2 60.1 61.8 61.9 54.1 64.7 79.6 100.0 .500 1973 78.0 78.0 76.7 46.4 50.2 64.1 70.3 73.6 53.6 75.9 75.1 100.0 .500 1974 85.8 85.8 88.8 85.0 77.6 77.0 79.6 81.7 72.7 86.8 91.7 106.4 .500 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ICO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .500 1976 D1.4 131.4 168.0 177.8 145.0 172.6 159.5 186.8 150.7 160.7 128.2 110.9 .807 1977 139.5 159.5 201.6 229.2 223.5 182.9 174.3 180.3 209.7 184.1 163.0 1D0.0 .857 1978 206.5 205.5 233.9 229.2 352.5 182.9 197.5 208.6 260.9 203.5 185.8 100.0 .836 1979 277.3 277.3 517.5 413.8 820.1 423.0 487.8 537.0 566.7 464.8 374.8 100.0 1.729 I960 378.3 378.3 824.6 535.5 1966.5 906.2 908.8 1027.8 1223.4 853.3 1043.1 100.0 2.800 1961 473.7 473.7 1338.1 677.0 2110.3 1724.7 1237.9 1415.6 1354.7 1164.8 1043.1 100.0 4.384 19R2 615.7 615.7 1694.2 1246.7 1994.8 2331.4 1454.4 1707.5 1578.8 1412.5 1564.3 100.0 5.750 1983 1012.9 1012.9 3804.9 3308.7 3433.1 4924.5 2924.5 3585.9 3305.4 3112.1 2925.2 100.0 12.889 1984 1493.8 1493.8 10671.8 8750.1 12459.6 13070.9 7420.5 9289.0 10442.1 7919.4 6622.5 152.2 36.129 1985 1741.9 1741.9 14650.5 12527.2 12499.1 18466.1 11063.9 13164.6 12324.7 11503.3 8843.8 179.2 51.948 U.S. currency index Year Mining Ccnstnc- Ergjipment arri Bits and re- Tinber and Rel E^plo- Tires and CtTEtructicn Chemicals Transpor- Electric EnJaya weqe tknveoa recmr iHtts lated steel linker siws rucber ntiterifilfi tation rrwer ratio 1970 59.1 59.1 58.0 35.9 49.1 52.5 51.9 46.8 49.5 56.8 79.6 100.0 1.000000 1571 72.8 72.8 43.4 36.5 50.0 59.6 54.7 52.3 53.4 56.2 75.1 100.0 1.000000 1972 78.0 78.0 67.1 36.2 50.2 60.1 61.8 61.9 54.1 64.7 79.6 100.0 1.000000 1973 78.0 78.0 76.7 46.4 50.2 64.1 70.3 73.6 53.6 75.9 75.1 100.0 1.000000 1974 85.8 85.8 88.8 85.0 77.6 77.0 79.6 81.7 72.7 86.8 91.7 106.4 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 ICO.O 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 81.4 81.4 104.1 110.1 89.8 106.9 98.8 115.7 93.4 99.6 79.4 68.7 .619578 1977 93.0 93.0 117.6 133.7 130.4 106.7 101.7 105.2 122.3 107.4 98.0 53.3 .533430 1978 123.5 123.5 139.9 137.1 210.8 109.4 llfl.l 124.8 156.0 121.7 111.1 59.8 .598086 1979 80.2 80.2 149.6 119.6 237.1 122.3 141.0 155.2 163.8 134.4 108.4 28.9 .289184 1980 67.5 67.5 147.2 95.6 351.1 161.6 162.2 183.5 218.4 152.3 186.2 17.8 .178571 1981 54.0 54.0 152.6 77.2 240.6 196.7 141.1 161.4 154.5 132.8 118.9 11.4 .114061 1982 53.5 53.5 147.3 108.4 173.4 202.7 126.4 148.4 137.2 122.8 136.0 8.7 .086956 1983 39.2 39.2 147.6 128.3 133.1 191.0 113.4 139.1 128.2 120.7 113.4 3.8 .038792 1964 20.6 20.6 147.6 121.0 172.4 180.8 1Q2.6 128.5 144.5 109.6 91.6 2.1 .013839 1985 16.7 16.7 141.0 120.5 120.3 177.7 106.4 126.7 118.6 110.7 85.1 1.7 .009625 Table 96.— M ining cost indexes for Zambia local currency irdex Year Mining Qnstruo- EigjripiEnt and Bits and re- Tinter and FUeL BplD- Tires and Ctrstructicn Chemicals Tterepcr- Easctric 3charcfi vacs tkn wre repair parts lated stryl lurfaer sives nrber iitdfcicialfl taticn rrwer rate 1970 100.0 71.9 55.2 57.9 55.2 34.1 60.4 60.5 61.4 66.1 63.9 113.9 0.714 1971 1D5.7 84.4 55.8 63.2 55.0 37.2 61.6 61.6 64.7 68.3 67.4 1D3.8 .714 1972 1C6.1 92.2 62.9 68.5 55.5 40.7 60.6 68.1 68.0 70.8 6B.0 111.4 .714 1373 113.8 93.8 74.6 70.8 63.1 43.5 65.6 71.8 71.5 74.2 79.8 1D5.8 .649 1974 115.4 93.8 78.0 84.9 91.0 98.7 76.2 99.6 90.4 91.2 89.5 101.9 .643 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .643 1976 1£B.9 118.8 114.6 126.7 114.3 119.1 99.3 103.5 120.3 111.5 117.9 100.5 .713 1977 178.0 115.6 125.6 167.5 127.4 143.7 120.5 122.5 135.8 121.2 149.9 99.4 .789 1978 170.7 156.3 167.5 194.1 131.8 147.8 141.3 136.7 158.6 127.1 156.3 94.9 .800 1979 191.9 207.8 192.5 251.9 155.9 237.0 166.1 145.1 181.2 151.5 181.6 94.2 .793 I960 229.3 212.5 212.8 270.5 159.7 342.5 219.4 166.5 197.2 161.8 209.6 92.1 .789 1981 246.8 234.3 237.7 298.0 155.4 417.7 218.9 205.4 221.4 165.6 219.1 93.0 .863 1982 290.6 277.9 282.8 347.4 170.3 453.2 230.9 195.9 293.5 169.6 249.1 95.5 .928 1963 309.2 323.3 379.6 411.4 218.4 524.5 345.1 277.5 295.9 207.5 295.9 95.5 1.251 1964 329.0 376.0 543.9 532.7 272.9 733.8 428.6 345.7 373.2 241.1 368.6 114.6 1.794 1985 471.3 492.6 718.6 731.9 368.8 898.4 559.9 478.4 502.1 306.5 493.4 156.2 2.363 U.S. currency index Year Mining Cfcrstzvc- Etpipient and Bits and re- Turber and Fuel Bplo- Tires and CtTBtruaticn Chemicals Tcanspx*- Electric Exchange VBOB tkn was repair parts lated shrpl lurter si\es rucber uulu if>ls taticn rrwer ratio 1970 90.1 64.7 49.7 52.1 49.7 30.7 54.4 54.5 55.3 53.6 57.5 102.6 0.900660 1971 95.2 76.0 50.3 56.9 49.5 33.5 55.5 55.5 58.3 61.5 60.7 98.0 .900560 1972 97.4 83.0 56.6 61.7 50.0 36.6 54.5 61.3 61.2 63.8 61.2 100.3 .900560 1973 112.8 92.9 73.9 70.1 62.5 43.1 65.0 71.2 70.8 73.5 79.1 104.9 .990755 1974 115.4 93.8 78.0 84.9 91.0 98.7 76.2 99.6 90.4 91.2 89.5 101.9 1.000000 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1O0.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 153.2 107.1 103.4 114.2 103.1 107.4 89.6 93.3 1D3.4 100.5 106.3 93.3 .901823 1977 145.1 94.2 102.3 136.5 103.8 117.1 98.2 99.8 110.7 98.7 122.2 81.0 .814955 1978 137.2 125.6 134.6 156.0 106.0 118.8 113.6 109.9 127.5 1D2.1 125.6 76.3 .803750 1979 155.6 163.5 156.1 204.3 126.4 192.2 134.7 117.6 146.9 122.8 147.2 76.3 .810344 1980 186.8 173.2 173.4 220.4 130.1 279.1 178.8 135.7 160.7 131.8 170.8 75.1 .814955 1961 182.8 173.6 176.1 220.7 115.1 309.4 162.1 152.1 164.0 122.7 162.3 63.9 .740783 1962 201.4 192.6 195.9 240.7 118.0 314.0 160.0 135.8 179.1 117.5 172.6 66.1 .692887 1983 158.9 166.1 195.1 211.4 112.2 269.5 177.3 142.6 152.0 106.7 152.1 49.0 .513988 1964 117.9 134.7 194.9 190.9 97.8 263.0 153.6 123.9 133.7 86.4 132.1 41.0 .353416 1985 128.2 134.0 195.5 199.1 100.3 244.4 152.3 130.1 136.6 83.1 134.2 42.5 .272111 Table 97.— Mining cost indexes for Zimbabwe 51 local currency index Year Mining GxstriE- Bjjiptent and Bits and re- Tiitberard Ftel Bqalo- Tires and Construction Chemicals Transpor- Electric BcharrjB VBCP trim wooe repair pacts lated jjtt^l luiber sivBS rubber imUaials tation rower rate 1370 67.9 63.7 70.9 62.4 56.2 63.7 55.4 78.7 66.0 73.9 80.9 110.9 0.714 1971 70.2 75.2 75.5 65.0 59.5 67.4 55.4 82.1 63.0 76.5 83.4 103.5 .712 1972 71.4 81.6 74.7 61.9 63.5 60.3 55.4 73.7 70.3 69.7 82.9 98.8 .660 1973 75.8 77.2 74.7 70.3 69.4 62.4 55.4 76.2 75.2 71.6 82.4 90.2 .585 1974 85.7 86.0 86.8 84.7 86.9 91.2 62.6 96.3 87.5 88.9 87.2 92.7 .580 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 .571 1976 113.2 107.9 1D5.2 107.4 103.3 129.8 104.4 102.4 110.5 102.6 105.1 102.4 .626 1977 127.5 115.8 117.6 121.0 120.0 155.1 110.6 118.3 128.7 115.9 116.9 117.1 .628 1978 137.4 123.7 147.1 149.0 139.6 169.2 125.6 141.4 144.5 139.5 124.7 141.5 .677 1979 158.2 138.6 173.6 184.3 183.0 285.3 142.7 164.8 172.9 167.0 143.3 154.9 .690 1990 193.4 161.4 203.5 215.5 243.7 354.1 155.5 194.8 208.8 199.7 160.1 169.5 .643 1981 233 16» 196.8 212.9 228.9 319.1 372.6 159.9 196.9 262.4 207.0 199.6 179.3 .690 1982 308.1 237.5 213.9 235.7 349.1 378.9 177.0 196.1 299.0 210.6 236.5 219.5 .757 1983 339.1 275.0 292.4 332.8 393.2 491.9 238.0 267.6 348.4 293.8 262.8 266.9 1.011 1984 393.8 299.1 331.2 352.9 431.4 55B.4 292.0 290.0 391.7 323.8 309.0 339.6 1.244 1985 443.7 348.9 494.7 557.1 469.1 762.1 341.7 442.3 425.8 502.2 369.3 385.5 1.757 -U.S. currency iroex Year Mining Construc- Bjiipnent and Bits and re- Tiitrjer and Fuel Bflplo- Tires and Construction Chemicals Transpor- EOectric Bcrerna vaqe tion vEce repair parts lated steel luttaer sivres rubber materials tation rower ratio 1970 54.3 50.9 56.7 49.9 44.9 50.9 44.3 62.9 52.8 59.1 64.7 88.6 0.799719 1971 56.3 60.3 60.5 52.1 47.7 54.1 44.4 65.8 54.6 61.4 66.9 87.0 .801966 1972 61.8 70.6 64.6 53.5 54.9 52.2 47.9 63.8 60.8 60.3 71.7 85.5 .865151 1973 74.0 75.3 72.9 68.6 67.7 60.9 54.1 74.3 73.4 69,9 80.4 88.1 .976068 1974 84.4 84.6 85.4 83.4 85.6 89.8 61.6 94.8 86.1 87.5 85.9 91.2 .984482 1975 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1.000000 1976 103.2 98.4 96.9 97.9 94.3 118.4 95.2 93.4 100.7 93.5 96.8 93.4 .912140 1977 135.9 105.3 106.9 110.0 109.1 141.0 100.5 107.6 117.0 105.4 105.3 105.4 .909235 1978 115.9 104.3 124.1 125.7 117.7 142.7 105.9 119.3 121.9 117.6 105.2 119.3 .843426 1979 132.9 116.4 145.8 154.7 153.7 239.6 119.8 138.4 145.1 140.3 120.3 130.0 .839705 1980 171.8 143.3 180.7 191.4 216.4 314.4 138.1 173.0 185.4 177.3 142.2 150.5 .888024 1981 209.9 162.9 176.2 189.4 264.0 303.3 132.3 163.0 217.1 171.3 165.2 148.3 .827536 1982 232.4 179.1 161.3 177.7 263.3 285.8 133.5 147.9 225.5 158.8 178.4 165.6 .754293 1983 191.5 155.3 165.1 187.9 222.1 277.8 134.4 151.1 196.8 165.9 148.4 150.7 .564787 1984 180.7 137.2 152.0 162.0 198.0 256.3 134.0 133.1 179.8 148.6 141.8 155.9 .459003 1985 144.2 113.4 160.7 181.0 152.4 247.6 111.0 143.7 138.4 163.2 120.0 125.2 .324985 52 APPENDIX.— GENERIC EXAMPLE OF COST UPDATING USING THE IMCI One example of how an analyst can use the IMCI to update cost estimates is shown in table A-l and explained below. For the purpose of this hypothetical example, it is assumed that an analyst wishes to update a 1983 mine operating cost for a hypothetical mine in a hypothetical country to 1985 terms. The original 1983 mine operating cost can either be converted from the local currency to U.S. dollars using the exchange rate and then updated using the U.S. -dollar-denominated indexes for that coun- try, or the cost can be kept in the local currency and updated using the local-currency-denominated indexes and then converted to U.S. dollars using the 1985 exchange rate. Either method will give the same result. In our example we use the former method. The example calculation shown in table A-l is explained below. Please note that there are two ways to carry out the simple mathematics of this updating calculation. The analyst can update each component of the total operating cost (labor component, fuel component, etc.) separately and then sum the results, or the analyst can update the total cost by multiplying the total cost by the total increase in the indexes of all factors that compose the total cost, with each index weighted by the percentage contribution of that component to the total cost. For this generic example, the total cost is updated by updating each component separately and then summing the results. Table A-1. — Hypothetical example of updating a mine operating cost from 1983 to 1985 Component Value '"£.* jJJS* Calculation* U P^ t ted used increase 2 , pet cost Mining wage $5.50 1 25 $5.50x1.25 = $6.87 Equipment and repair parts 1.50 3 15 1.50 x 1.15 = 1.72 Bits and related steel .50 4 20 0.50 x 1 .20 = 0.60 Fuel 2.00 6 30 2.00 x 1 .30 = 2.60 Explosives .50 7 10 0.50 x 1.10 = 0.55 Total per metric ton ore 10.00 NAp NAp NAp 12.34 NAp Not applicable. 'See table 1 in the main text for index numbers, categories, and definitions, increase in U.S. -dollar-dominated index. 3 Dollar value (column 2) times pet increase in index (column 4). For calculation purposes, increases are expressed in decimal form as (1.00 plus increase); e.g., a 25-pct increase is written as 1.25. STEP 1.— Multiply each U.S.-dollar-denominated cost of each component (labor, fuel, etc.) by the respective percent increase in the cost index of that component. For example, if the labor cost component of the total cost is $5.50 and if the labor index has increased 25 pet between 1983 and 1985, then $5.50 would be multiplied by 1.25 to yield $6.87, which is the updated (1985) labor cost portion of the total mine operating cost. STEP 2. — Repeat step 1 for each cost component. STEP 3. — Sum the updated cost components to obtain the 1985 updated mine operating cost. In this example, the cost increases from $10/mt ore to $12.34/mt ore. It should be noted that when a cost is updated using indexes, the underlying assumption is that the mix of cost components (e.g., labor cost as a percent of the total cost) remains unchanged. As a general rule, therefore, the accuracy of cost updating decreases as the time period expands, since over the long term (greater than 5 yr) the technology of mining and processing operations or the mix of cost components (e.g., amount of labor or fuel used in the mining or processing stages) may change. These changes are not reflected in indexes. It is recommended that cost updating not be used beyond a 5-yr period, if possible. *U.S. Government Printing Office : 1907 -197-170/70493 * ( *•%> \ ****** :jm£°* *\f :*JB| : *1 ,0^ *0 'T^T* .'S <* 'o . y * ,g v 0° -^vl'. °o .<* ** '• V *P° % " '"' <^ aP *L^L'* > v 0