^^ ^^ oVjOT. ^s-^^^ ^. ails'; <$>• "- O „ ' C,^ o I ■•. "^^ A^ .V(\VV^ -^ .^^ . ff ; 1 -^^0^ « ^ ■< , V » ( 1 " .0 <:\ O * "<<. ■>■ 'J / G^ ^ \^ > ^- ^ •■'^ , '. ^ * ■'■°\^* .....V" *"' . ^ .4^ l' jO ^ ^^ Vv ^ 0*0 » ( 1 ^ ^^-^ O H - S , 1' /-^/ ^11^ '\ •v-^ ;^ ^. r '^ ^^■ o » ,1 It H The Maltby I Association. BOOKLET TWO i K. COMPILED BY THE SECRETARY. ^9 ILLUSTRATED % FEBRUARY isT, ee • ?. PRESS O F JAY H. MALT BY. FORM AN, N. DAK. 1909 lot OOMOWM* MALTBY BOOKLET NUMBER TWO Contents PAGE Goat-of-Arms 4 Kinship (Foem) by Maude Townsliend Maltby, 5 Sketch of President (and Photograph) 8 Sketch of 1st Vice Photograph (and Photograph) 10 Gen. Isaac Maltby (PJiotograph) 12 Third Annual Report (with Illustrations) 13 In Memoriam 29 Biographies 89 Tombstones of Capt. Jonathan Maltbby and Elizabeth, His Wife (Photograph) 49 Sketch of Branford, Conn . ... .... y^,. 52 Sketch of William Maltby, -"Esqfe!^" 55 Old Maltby Homestead *morthford, Conn. ) . . . 68 Tombstone of Capt. Ss^Suel Maltbie 70 Some Maltbys in the World's Work 72 The English Research 78 Pedigree of Maltby of Maltby and Muston 81 Maltby Chapel (Poem) by Theodore Tilton . . . 89 A Visit to Maltby, Yorkshire, by Martha J. Maltby ( irith Illustrations) 95 i 1 00 SI 95 3 CONTENTS— Continued. English Maltby Pedigrees 109 Genealogical Queries 113 EoU of Members 117 First Annual Report {Republished) 133 Second Annual Report {Republished— with two illustrations) 137 Book Notices 148 Supplement containing ancient English Pedigree. mi^ In the itiembership roll {R. \V.) stands for Revolutionary War; {1812) the War of 1812; (C. W .) the Civil War. [=iEi[=ic=i[=i[=it=i[=ii=]i; III □[^ii— If— ir=rii— II— ir=^r=^r=^ KINSHIP BY MAUDE TOWNSHENU MALTBY Written for tlie Malthy Apsocintiou. | 'llic lilth rrcdlHrcf^ of llic iriUI — Ercrii one — (Sod ajlh His cjiild. A)}(l !/rt itif-tills in ctirli snnill tuind His (Uj<-o](l Unr of kind iritli l:iitd. Who knotrs hut thot the slurdi/ ook . Thnu'jh beech surrounded, feels o i/oke Of closer kinship n'ith a tree irhich wears In dislnnt foods the leaves it hears? So as from pine to pine tree tall (iveetings breathe the }r()rld aronnd. Lit as send forlfi the rallij call ■'Lore to our kin irhererer ffiiind!" j OUR PRESIDENT | ^1I=][=!C=11=1[=1[=3I=|[=1Q Q li lU Mr. George E. Malt by [=]|=]|=l[=3E=] L=JLzd l=l[=3 orii PRESIDENT Mr. George E. Maltby. our Prositlent, is the econd child of Lucius and Sarah J. Parks Maltby. 3e was born February 18th, 1830, in Fair Haven liow a part of New Haven,) Connecticut. As a boy V[r. Maltby lived at home, going to school and helping lis father with the farm. Later he became clerk in L)r. Parker's drug store, being at the time eighteen ears of age. Three years later Mr. Maltby went into the drug business for himself. In May, 1852, he married Elizabeth BroughtOn Maguire. They had two hildren, Edward Parks, and Mary Louise, Maltby, - Shortly after the above children were born the war broke out and Mr. Maltby disposed of his drug business and went South where for some time he fjupplicLl General Grant's army with provisions. Mr. Maltby established an oyster business in • Norfolk, Virginia, and was the first to ship opened oysters in bulk to New York; for a long time averaging five hundred gallons a day. In 1864 Mr. Maltby lost his wife and for seven [years was a widower. In 1871 he married Ruth Atwater Bostwick, and to them were born Margaret Atwater, George Er^astus and Lucius Upson, Maltby. In 1878 Mr. Maltby and his family left Virginia and went to New York to live, where the northern branch of the oyster business was supervised by him. Mrs. Maltby died in May, 1898, and soon after Mr. Maltby gave up active business and now divides his time between his older daughter, Mrs. Frederick S. Smith of Chester, Connecticut, and his younger daughter. Mrs. William M. Bernard of New York City. I r=ir=ir=ir=if=rif=if=if=if=ir Un. H7/./,/.l.\/ HENRY MALTBIE f=ir=ii=ip=nr ][=»=)[=] FIRST VICE PRESIDENT I I Mr. William Henry Maltbie, our 1st Vice President, professor of mathematics at the Woman's College of Baltimore, Maryland, was born in Toledo, Ohio, Aug. 26, 1867. Mr. Maltbie is a son of Silas Benjamin and Angie Van Deman Maltbie. He graduated from Ohio Wesley an University in 1890; A. M. 1892; fellow Johns Hopkins, 1894-5; Ph. D., same, 1895; married Dec. 19, 1904, Kate A. S. Mc- Ourley. Professor of Mathematics, Hedding College, Illinois, 1890-1; instr. Feb.-Sept. 1895; associate professor, 1895; professor, 1899, Woman's College of Baltimore. Member of Phi Beta Kappa, Am. Math. Soc. For address see Membership Roll. — (Taken from "Who's Who in America. 1908-9.'') il GEN. ISAAC MALTBT Brigadier General Cormnandinq 2d BrUjade 4th Dir. 3/r/.s.s. Militia. 1812 T : The flaltby Association. : Officers MR. GEORGE E. MALTBY, President MR. W. K. MALTBIE let Vice PieBident MRS. JOHN P. VICTORY, .... 2d Vice President MRS. JAMES WILLEY TODD, Treasurer MRS. CLARENCE VERRILL, . Secretary and Genealogist The Third Annual Report The end of January^ nineteen hundred and nine, marks the completion of the third year of life for the Maltby Association, and as we look back upon our beginning with its doubts and fears, its struggles and trials, then glance at our present membership roil, should we not all feel just a bit pleased with the result of our labors? In view of the increased membership it seems not unfitting that a few words should appear in Booklet Two which would give members, especially the new members, some slight idea of our history and our work; how we came to exist, and so on. In February, nineteen hundred and six, two or three of the Maltby cousins were brought to face with these questions — Who was going to care for the tombstones of the early ancestors? Who was going to preserve the family records? What was to become of the few old relics and Maltby homesteads? Were no photographs to be taken, that these might be pre- served to posterity? and many similar queries. The result of all this w^as that those few undertook to interest other cousins, and to form a Maltby Associa- tion — bound together through the tie of blood, to accomplish these several things. I I i _ i i_if=i r=if=ir=if=if=if=i MRS. JAMES WILLEY TODD Treasurer Mnlthy Associdtion [=l F=1f=l [=]|=] [=J[=J [=l[=l seceetary's report 14 There were twentv-seven orginal members— all joining during February and March of 1906. At the end of the year our number had grown to forty, and having practiced the strictest economy and contributed from private sources we fouiul we had $34.80 in the Treasury. Certainly not enough to warrant any expenditure, though there were the annual reports to be got out. It was through the kindne&s of our Treasurer, Mrs. Todd, that the&e were furni^^hed wnth no expense to the Association. The work of the second year is fully shown in J3ooklet No, 1. Me closed the year with 59 members and $66. 22 in the Treasury.. Again the question of getting out the reports was perplexing us and again were these furnished privately. This time by Mr. Jay Hayes Maltby, editor of the Forman Newe, of Forman, North Dakota. Booklet No. 1 received e.o much praise from the members that any words here would be superfluous. What these booklets did for the Association is lie^t shown by the large increa-^e in membership. We find ourselves at the clo-e of this third year with aboiTt one hundred members, and ^74.77 in the Treasury. Our membership roll includes 108 names, but there are seven members in the list who have not as yet paid their dues for 1908. Some of these, we think, have sim^jly neglected to pay, and some very likely may wish to resign. We do not wish to urge members to remain in the Association, and yet we dislike to lose any of the cousins. It would be a great convenience if members wishing to resign would formally notify the secretary I=I[=1I=1£=][=1C=I[=1I=1[=]C MR. JAY HAYES MALT BY Editor and Publisher □[=l[=]L^ii— ir=ir=ir =iF=i r=i ,i seceetary's report 17 to this effect, and thus simplify making out the reports. There are al&o eight members who joined the Asso- ciation in January, and there has not been time as yet to hear from them since they were notified as to their due?. One member paid this year's dues last year,' and two members do not pay, haying-furnished work gratis, which otherwise would have cost the Associa- tion in the neighborhood of fifty dollars. The officers felt that the least return was to extend hon- orary membership to them. Treasurer's Report. Balance on hand Feb. 1, 1908, - - $66.22 Received three belated dues {1907-8) - - 3.00 Received in duetto Feb. l, 19o9, - - -88.00 Total, - $167.22 Expense.'^, 1908, - - - - 82.45- Balance on hand Feb. 1, 1909, - - % 7^.77 YEAR'S EXPENSES— 1908. Postage i 20. 14. Envelopes .55 Typewriting Paper .75 Letter-Heads {500) 4. 50 Printed Receipt Cards 1 .75 Circular Letters {200) l .10 English Photographs .50 Query in "/. G. D." l .21 Vicar of E. Retford's fee 2.75 Check for Mr. Fothergill 48.70 Fee for same .50 Total spent to Feb. 1, 1909 $82.45 1 8 seceetary's report Death has taken several of our kindred from us, and the loss is indeed great, not only to those closely related, but to those who, through letters, had grown to feel a strong personal friendship as well as the blood tie. Booklet No. 2 we owe to Mr. Jay Hayes Maltby, who has spared neither time nor money to make it attractive and interesting. The expense of such a booklet is large and with the hope that, he might cover the actual expense of printing and so forth, we have asked fifty cents a copy for them. The booklets will be the same price to non-members as to the meudjers of the Association. It is the hope of the officer.s that the day may come when the Association is entirely self-supp )rting, but first we shall have to increase our membership. Concerning this, we should like to make an aj)i)cal to the members: Are you interested enough in the Association to try and ])ring some relative into it? It sounds very like the proposition of one's Sunday school days, yet, what a help if each member could interest only one person. Will you not try to help us to this extent? In gathering material for the Booklet, we have endeavored to procure some photographs which would interest all the descendants. The views of Maltby, England, and the interesting sketch of a Day at Maltby, by Miss Martha J. Maltby, as well as the reproduction of the Maltby coat-of- arms should interest any of the Maltby name or blood. We frequently receive letters asking "Is a member of our branch of the family, and if so, h(nv related?" secretary's report 19 It is rather a delicate matter to touch upon, but some of the Maltbys have deservedly, made for themselves considerable reputation, and the "lay brothers" who are not so fortunate are justly proud of those who have pushed on in the World's Work. Endeavoring to secure photographs we find that there is at least one very strong Maltby trait, and that is modesty. However, it gives us great satisfaction to have secured a few photographs and some sketches, which we know will be interesting to members. We also wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to those who for ' 'the sake of kinship were willing to help us in this way. In Booklet No. 2 we reproduced a photograph of Rev. Jonathan Maltby, who, so far as we know, was the first person to preserve the family records. His work was amplified by his neice Martha Church Maltby, daughter of Gen. Isaac Maltby (4), who mar- ried Harlow Swain Love. One could hardly state that Mrs. Love was the next person to take up this genealogical work, as Deacon Charles Foote (a de- scendant of Samuel [2] Maltby) who was one year Mrs. Love's senior in age, also labored long and painstakingly to gather the family records and pre- serve them. His efforts are included in " 'The Maltby- Morehouse Family." To all of these three we owe much of the early records of the Maltbys. They gave their best efforts to this work; examined records, . tombstones, wrote countless letters, met with very little help and considerable hindrance — this is the story of nearly all genealogists — but they did their best against many drawbacks, and their best was good. If there were mistakes, and there were and I I r r=if=ii— II— II— ir=ir=if=ir=ir ^.^/ Cl^t ^t^^t-t. h vr^ZZ. ^t«-»-«C_ Albright Art Gallery; the l)ridge over Park Lake, i Gate's Circle, the entrance of Forest Lawn, the First ' Presbyterian Church, the new addition to th<' Butfalu < Club and the Ontario Power Company's building a! Niagara Falls. ! Mr. Maltby was a member of BidwelUWilkeson I Post, G. A. R.. the Union Veteran Legion, and Queen I City Lodge. F. &: A. M. He was a tmstee of tlie I IN mi:m(>kia.m 33 lilochor Honi(\ former president of the Builder's Ex- change and a member of the Chamber of Commerce. He was also a member of the Plymouth M. E. Church. On Aug. 27, 18f)5. Mr. Maltby married Miss Mary J. Pierce, daughter of Caleb Pierce of Rochester. His widow, a daughter. Mrs. D. J. Perry, and two sons. James C. and William C. Maltby. survive him. ( The above extracts are taken from the Christian Advocate as well as from the Buffalo Evening News.) STL AS BENJAMIN MALTBTE. Mr. Silas B. Maltbi(\ of Baltimore, was the oldest child of Harrison and Susanah Darling Maltbie. and was l)orii Sept. 4. l!S:55. In 18H4 he married Angie Van Deman. Their only child is Mr. W. H. Maltbie our first Vice President. Mr. Silas B. Maltbie died Nov. 7. 190S. of arterial sclerosis, aged 7H vears. if=nr=ir=iP=ii — ii — if=ii=if=i I l)l':.\(()\- WILLIAM MALTI:)- [=]L=JL=JE==1I — IL=J[=31=3I=3 IN MliMORTAM 0^ DEACON WILLIAM MALTBY. Deacon William Maltby, of North ford. Conn., was lie first child of Henry and Ruth Hart Maltliy, and 'as l)orn March 19th, 1825. He married Esther lall. daughter of Dr. Pierce and Esther llctU Hall of ^^^llinKford. The following; is a short extract from a sketch of I\y. .Vlaltby's life, which appeared in a local pajXT t the time of his denth : •'In the death of Deacon William Maltby. the town )ses one of its oldest and best citizens. In hisyounj^- r days, he was a school-teacher and tau£j;ht school in Vallingford and otlier towns. L;i/ter, he settled on lie farm. He represented his town in the state legis- nre in LSHl. He was a member of the school board )r thirty-five years, and for over forty years was ;i eacon in the Congregational Church." Deacon Maltby was a descendant of Samuel (2) rhose tombstone is shown on another page. Deacon /Ifdtby died May :U. 190H, aged S:^ years. H.- is urvived ])v his widow, and two daughters. Deaths of Members. ■i y. Mi?»S'. RICHARD LONG. Died Jaiuinry 8. lOOfJ, I aged 32 years. 2. MR. GEORGE W . MAJ/mV DI.mI July \. 19.08, a^ged (53 years. 1 MR. HENRY E. MALTBY. Died ll)Or,.i aged 49 years. ' 4.' MR. OLIVER ELLSWORTH MALTIiY. Di.d ( )ctol)er. 1907. aged NO years. n. MR. SILAS HEN./. \.\n\ MALTIlfE. Died Nov. 7. 190S. aged 73 years. fi. DEACON WILLIAM MALTHY. Died May 31. 1908. aged 83 years. 7. MRS.JCSriN W. ME.\(II.\M. Died Sept. Il\ 1907. aged H4 years. BIOGRAPHICA L For the following skotc.h of Rev. Mnltbio Bnbeock. we are indebted to his aunt. Mrs. Armstrong Maltbie (Annie C. Mnltlne.) r=nr=if=ir=ir=ii — n _ if=if=i ^Hp' 4^ »^»^^^H 1 ^^H^HMik JfSt^s '■ ^^ ^1 I /^^l ^^/^M 1 ff" -agga 3 ■fey-^jB ^H nit MALTBIE DAVEXPOTtr BARCOCK B\=i\=i\=S=S=X=l[=S=S=l BIOGRAPHICAL 3y IDaltbie Davenport Babcock Rev. Maltlnt' Djivciiport Bjibeock. 1), D., was bom at Syracuse. N. Y., Au.onst IM, 185cS. He was the eldest son of Henry Babcock and Emily Maria Malt- bie. Her father was the Rev. Ebenezer Davenport Maltbie. son of David Maltbie and Nancy Davcniport of Stamford, Conn., who was the lineal descendant of Rev. John Davenport of New^ Haven, Conn. Emily Maria Maltbie's mother was Mary Ann Davis, dautchter of Rev. Henry Davis D. D.. and Haniinh l*lu)eiiix Tredwell. There were many jjenerations of the mi^st promi- nent, refined and cnltivated men and women behind Dr. Babcock and he went forth to his life work from an ideal home. His maternal great grandfather and ids grandfather were both Presbyterian clergymen. He was the eldest of seven children, and his mother's widespread religions influence, and her beautifnl life still speak in many of the influential circles of his native city. Here he was educated, taking his classical course at Syracuse University, and his theo- logical course at Auburn Seminary. In both of these institutions he won highest honors and hosts of friends. Dr. Babcock received immediate recognition in the fnjiit rank of his denomination, his first settlement being at Lockport, N. Y. It was not only his brill- iant intellect and his stirring oratorical powers that commanded admiration, for his ministry was ideal and no pastor in the land was more beloved. The man was everywhere regarded as a personal friend. I i BIOGKAPHH'AL 40I so cordial, so frank, so eheorhil was he always, and' so thoroughly unselfish. His infiuent'e became in! the best sense national. His theology was like his: vocal delivery, simple and direct. It was one scut speaking to another. His prayers voiced the cry ofi a man who wanted help from liis Father. Dr.; Habcock could not do anything just as anyone else; wouUl. "To divide burdens and centralize responsi-' l)ility is th(! ark of accomplishment:'* this was his; rule in doing his varie;l work, and it gave him hisj almost supreme executive ability. Perhaps there: was no greater tribute to his power and consecration' than the fact that he was invariably turned to. as a; sort of last resort in the attempt to bring a wander-, uiii soul to Christ. Often men said: ""Let us geti o I him u.idar Dr Babcack's influence; he can surely reach him." Dr. Babcock was a very versatile man; exceedingly attractive in phy.sique, pleasant in; inaiiiicr. with a soul that reflected God. i Dr. IJabcock was a clear thinker, and a fluent, speaker. He was noted for his broad and impartial charity, and his vast array of friends among the^ young men of hi-; country. He reached the peoploi in so many ways. Hi-^ personal magnetism wasi marvelous. Those who heard him were entranced] and lie was called to speak at all great religiousi gatherings, from one end of the country to the other anat, III the midst of rain and t.-mpestuous winds Captain Nicholson found himself ol)lige(l to go to (juarters or lo strike, without resistance. He preferred to do the first, but till' English volunteers on l)oard his ship, instead of obeying onlers, went below, extinguislied lights and secreted themselves. Near half the re- maining men followed their example and Captain Nicholson, could not muster fifty of even the dimin- ished crew he had at the guns. The liattle that followed might almost be said to have l^een fought by the officers. These l)rave men sustained by a party of the petty officers and seamen managed a few of the guns for more than an hour, when the "General Monk," 18 guns, coming up and joining in the tir»' of the "Iris." the "Trumbull"' submitted. The •'Trumbull," after her capture, was towed into New York harbor and condemned. Thougli unsuccessful in her battles, she still fought two of the most famous tiglits that took place on the ocean during the excit- ing times of the Revolution. Jonathan Maltby was afterwards appointed Master of the -'Argus," a cutter in the service of the United States for the pro- tection of the revenue. He died Feb. 11th, 1798, while in command of this vessel, and was liuried in BIOGRAPHICAL 5 1 the old cemetery at Fairtield, Oonn. The date of Jonathan Maltbie's commission as 1st Lieutenant— Oct. 12th, 177H. Date of commission as Captain by George Washington — March 21st, 1791. These com- missions were in the family of his son William who lived in the South, and were said to have been given to some Historical Society." " SSJSliSiSiiSSSiS^S^^^S^SS 52 MALTBY BOOKLET NO. TWO Many of the descendants have expressed a wish to know something about Brant'ord of the early days, and the following sketch, taken from an essay written by Miss Olive Hall Pond of Branford, gives us a very good idea of the Branford our early ancestors knew. "Branford" was ijurchased from the Indians in the year 1638 for the sum of $70 and settled six years later (1644) by forty men and their families, who came from Wethersfield," etc., etc. "At first, the chief occupation was farming, but the people soon found the land was not remarkable for its fertility. Branford harbor was then much deeper than it is at the present time, and furnished excellent facilities for ships engaging in trade with the West Indies, Consequently, merchandise from foreign ports was brought to Branford and was then carried over the hills to New Haven, which at that time dii] not have a good harbor. Trading necessitated the building of ships. Vessels suitable to transport merchandise to all parts of the world were built where the swimming pool at Mill Plain is now located," etc, "It is interesting to picture the town as we find it in the year 1700" (ten years prior to the death of William Maltby. ) "The green was then, as now, the center of the town. Large rocks, boulders, and tall grass completely covered it. There was but one church, which stool where the town hall does today. This was called the new meeting house, the first having been built on the site of the cemetery and surrounded by a high stockade, as a protection from hostile Indians. A SKETCH OF BRANFORD 53 Scattered around the green were the "Sabbath Day Houses." They were used by families who came from a long distance. They afforded the people places to rest and warm themselves during the noon hour, for the church services there lasted nearly all day. Two other conspicuous structures on the green were the blacksmith shop and the whipping post. The shop stood in the hollow back of the church, the whipping post and public stocks on the hill where the Baptist church now stands. There were but few public highways, the chief of which led from New Haven through the town of Branford to (xuilford. Mantowese street, named from the Indians, ran as now from the center to the river. Here it turned, following the present course of the railroad, thence back to the green. A street upon which the minister and several officials of the town lived, led from Montowese street j east to the river, somewhat similar to Averill &, venue. This was called "Pig Lane." • The first post-office with public store combined, stood on the site of the Lock works. Thi? hollow formed the principal business section of Branford. The kindergarten, grammar and high school com- bined, consisted of one building, the academy, which now stands, the only remaining relic of former day?. It is most amusing to notice some of the customs and restrictions of that time. Chief among these were the church laws. Sunday morning a drum was beaten to call the members to church. Every person who did not attend, arrive on time, and stay until the service was over, was heavily fined. Besides this 54 A SKETCH OF BRANFORD a man was hired to go among the congregation, dur- ing the service and prevent them from going to sleep. This he accomplished by means of a long pole. Any weary mortal who chanced to close his eyes for a moment's rest would receive a vigorous poke of the pole, with a command to wake up and listen to the words of the Gospel. On this day the green was transformed into a lively scene. The farmers and their entire families drove into town in their large open wagons; one man com- ing all the way from Northford, regularly attended with his wife and 26 children. Another law of si)ecial importance, the fines for the violation of which would make Branford of today very wealthy, if the law were enforced, was what was known in England as the curfew law. This stated that the streets must be vacated, fires banked and every man in his home at 10 o'clock." The above interesting sketch of Miss Pond's gives one a very good idea of the town of Branford in the early days — the town as it was when the home of our emigrant ancestor, William Maltby. 55 WILLIAM MALTBY, ESQ. 1645--1710 Our Emigrant Ancestor. In the year 1645, as we learn from his tombstone * our emigrant ancestor, William Maltby, was born. Where he was born, and who were his parents is not as yet known, though recent searches in England give us strong clues towards answering these ques- tions. What these clnes are will be found in another part of this booklet, We know but little of his fami- ly. He had a brother John, probably older, who emigrated to "New England with him. There was a near relative named Kobert Maltby e, as a deed of land of William's is dated Branford, April, 1673, and is witnessed by one Robert Maltbye. The "Dwight Strong Genealogy" states on page 354, "John Maltby, Sr., came with his brother William, both of the rank of 'gentleman,' from York- shire, England, to New Haven, about 1670." It may be that the emigrants were not direct from Yorkshire, but it seems almost certain that they were of the .Yorkshire Mai tbys. If we can prove this fact we shall have established our descent from one of the oldest families in England— descending probably from ' 'Crowned Heads." Hugo de Maltby held lands in England at the time of the Norman Conquest and ■s A reproduction of William Maltby's Tombstone appears with the secretary's second annual report pub- lished in the latter part of this Booklet. 56 OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR it is SO recorded in the Doomsday Book. Prior to this, the Maltbys were undoubtedly Danes, and came down in the Viking ships, landing on the northeast- ern coast of England. The name Maltby shows the Danish origin — by meaning town — and the malt may have meant grain, or some think it is derived from mael — mahel — mill. What the life of William and John Maltby was in England we can only surmise. They evidently lived near the coast and were probably sea-faring people. In fact it seems very probable that they left England in their own ships, and sailed for the New World via the West Indies. Probably they had relatives living in the West Indies as we know that Christoijher Maltby, alderman of York, buried his wife in St. Croix about the year 1600. Mrs. Christopher had a sister Jane, married in 1604, and it seems to the writer, that they were very probably nearly related to the father of William Maltby. We know that our American Maltbys had inter- ests in the West Indies as we fiad in the Inventory of the estate of William Maltby Jr. : "Debts due ye estate in £ s d naroaaoes — ).^unary iiems. 35 13 H The Estate Dr. to Mr. John Morris, for freight, 8A 17 3 M. Maltbie, widow, April 20, 1701 18 10 4\ (Note — Mr. John Morris was probably his father- in-law, as he married Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. John Morris. ) As we have been unable to secure facts pertaining OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR 5/ to the early life of our emigrant ancestor we have had to resort to deduction, and after many years of study- ing the situation, the following ideas have been woven together. Probably the father of William and John died when they were small, or w^e should have had some information as to their father's name — or we should probably find William or John being called "Junior." From the names of William's children we can form some idea as to what his parents w^ere named. Lst us look at the3e name?: 1. John Mai thy, b (peihaus named for his father. '-'. Jane Malthy. b (perhaps for his wife Hannah or Jane.) ;i Mary >laltl)y, b. Hi?'-' " " " mother. 4. William Maltl)y, b. lt)73, for himself-perhaps liis grandfather n. Elizabeth, l)orn liiTii, (perhaps a near relative, 1 (). Daniel Maltby, b, 1()79 " " " 7. Samuel Maltby, b. VMi | (evidently Bishop 5. Jonathan Maltby, b. 1098 ( family names.) (Tne above names are given here so they may be compared with those found in the English research work oil another page.) Suppose their father to have died early in life, and po isibly their mother marrie 1 again, it would have left the emigrants with few home ties, aad a natural step would be for them to seek their fortune in the New World, and especially so, if they already had relatives in the West Indies. It will be noticed that no dates of birth are given for Johti (2), Jane (2), and this is because we do not know where they were born. They might have been born in England, or the West Indies. Neither do we know where William Maltby was married, but w^e feel very sure that the name of his first wife was Hannah — as we find William and Hannah Maltby together joining the church in Branford in the year 1688. Where Hannah Maltby died is not known, though she was living in 1689-90 as she signs as wit- ness a deel of John Yales, at this date. 58 OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR I Velieve the earliest record found of William Maltby is the birth of his daughter Mary, born in 1()72, and recorded at New Haven, Conn. The earliest mention of the name as yet found is under date 1664 when "I" (probably J.) Maltbie witnessed a deed for Alexander Bryan. (Alexander Bryan was the grandfather of Mary Bryan, who later married John Maltby the emigrant.) It is interesting to know something of the social standing and prosperity of our emigrant ancestor in New England, and this can best be done l)y qiiot- ing various authors: ■'Among the men who came to Branford soon after the Newark exodus (about 1666) were Eleazer Stent, William Kosewell, William Maltbie and Samuel Pond. They became especially prominent" — Baldwin in his Brantford Annals (N. H. Hist. Soc. Papers, Vol. Ill, p. 265) and on page 270: "The Wilfords, Maultbies, Bakers and Johnsons, that are leading names in Brantford at this time, were of the merchant class and apparently wealthy. They became large land holders. The society at Branford at this time must have been most select, comprising the governor and others named," etc. Annals of Branford, page 300 : ' 'Large and most substantial houses were erected by the new settlers, some of whom were possessed of considerable pro- perty. This was especially true of the Bartholomews, Maltbies, Wilfords, Greys, Stents, Goulds, Bakers, Barnes and Bladestones. * * * The Hoadley, Maltbie, Rose, Poote and Harrison families present so many names that were prominently identified with OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR 59 the Church, Town and business during this period, time fails me to speak individually of them." There are many other records, private and public to show that theMaltbys were a i^rominent Connecti- cut family. William Maltby's public life can best be shown by quoting from the "Pablic Records of Connecticut." In these records his name is variously recorded as: Maultbey— Maltbey— Malbye— Maltby -Malby— Malbie and Mai bury. Page 2— Spet-ial Court held at Hartford Aug 29, 1089 -Mr. Wm. Maltby. for Branford Pa^e 3— A General Court at Hartford Oct 16, 1689. Mr. Wm. Malby, for Branford. Deput). Page 15— Gen. Court at Hartford April 11, 1690; Mr. Wm. Maltby for Branford. Page 23— Gen. Court at HMrtford May 8, 1690; Mr. Wm. Maltbv, for Branford. Page 42 -Court of Election at Hartford May 11, 1691: Mr. Wm. Maltby, for Branford. Page 54— Special Court at Hartford July 9, 1691; Mr. Wm. Maltbv, for Branford. Page 55 -Gen. Court at Hartford Oct. 8, 1691; Mr. Wm. Maltby, for Brantford. Page 105— Gen. Court at Hartford Oct. 12, 1693, Mr. Wm. Maltbv. for Brantford, Page 120— Court of Election at Hartford May 10, 1694: Mr. Wm. Maltby, for Branford. Page 149— Gen. Court at Hartford Oct. 10, 1695: Mr. Wm. Maltbv, for Branford. Page 158- Gen. Court at Hartford May 14, 1696; Mr. Malbie for Branford. Pagel74— Gen. Court at Hartford Oct. 8 1696: Mr. William Maltbie. for Mranford. Page 197— Court of Election May 13, 1697: Mr. Will Malbie, for firanford. Page 221— Gen. Assembly at Hartford Oct. 14, 1697; William Maltbie. for Branford. Page 235— Gen. Court at Hartford Jan 22, 1697, Mr. Will Malbury, for Branford. Page 244— Court of Election May 16, 1698; Mr. William Malbie, for Branford. Page 283-(ien. Assembly at Hartford May 11, 1699; Mr. Will Malbye, for Branford. 1 60 OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR Page 296— Gen. Assembly at Hartford Oct. 12, 1699, Mr. \Vi]I Malbye, for MraDford. Page 327- Gen. Assembly at Hartford Oct. 10, 1700. Mr. Will Malbye, for Branford. Page 342— Court of Election at Hartford May 8, 1701, Mr. 'A illiani Malbie, for Branford. Page 351— Gen. Ass. at New Haven Oct. 9, 1701, Mr. William Malbie, for Branford. Page 372-Gen. Ass. at Hartford May 14, 1702, Mr William Malbie, for Br;inford. Page 3,^3 Gsn. Ass. at New Haven Oct. S, 1702, Mr. Will Malbie, for Branford. Page 407— Court of Election. Hartford May 13, 1703, Mr. Will Malbie for Branford. Page 499— Gen. Assembly, Hartford May 10. 1705, Mr. Wil- liam Malbie for Mranford l^age 521— .\ct passed at G^-n. Assemblv at New Haven, Oct 11, 170), Mr. \Vill Malbye for Branford Page 532 At Gen. Assembly, Hartford, May 9, 17(i6. Mr. William Malbie etc '-Are by this Assembly appointed to be Justices of tne I'eaee and Quorum in th? Countie of Newhaven. Page 3"'— Vol. Ill (?) i'o9J, "Mr. \Vm. Maltby is confirmed Ensigne of tirandford train band, and is to be commissioned aj^cordingly."' I 'age 18 -April 1(J90. '-This Court have upon the desire of iJrandford, chose Mr. Malbay and Lnt Stent Lo be commissioners for lirandford, and they were sworn accordingly." Page 21 May 1690, "These were made Commissioners for the vear ensueing for Branford — Stent and Mr. Mr. Maltby." Page 43 - May 1691. The Court appoynted these for Commis- sioners in the severall plantations Mr. Wm. Maltby and Lnt. Eben. Stent for Brandford. Page 92— May 169:5, These were chosen Commissioners for the year ensueimr. Mr. Wm. Maullbey and Lnt. Ebenzer Stent, for Brandford." Pasie 121 — May Uit)4, These Commissioners .vere chosen for the year ensueing Lnt. Eben. Stent and .Mr. Wm. Maltby, for Brandford. Page 201— May 1697. Commissioners for Brandford, Mr Will Malbie Capt. Ebenzer Stent. Page230— May 1698, .Justice appoint>;d for the Countie of Newhaven, Mr. Will Malbie, of the Quorum. I'age317 Mty, 1701 —Justice of the l^eace and Quorum ap pointed fi>r Newhaven Countie— Mr. William Malbie OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR 6 1 Page 378— May, 1702, Justice of Peace and Quorum, Mr. William Malbie. Page 414 -May, 1703, Justice of Peace and Quorum, William Malbie, Esq re. Page 467 — May, 1704, Justice of Peace and Quorum, William Malbie. Page 468— May, 1705 -Justice of Peace and Quorum, Mr. William Malbie, Page 532— \lav, 170o, Justice of Peace and Quorum, Mr. William Malbie. Page 56, (Vol.—) A. D 1691. The list of estates for the Colony are 321 persons— £15,622, 00 00. This Court appoynt Capt. Niccols, Mr. Maltby, Mr. Eliphalet Hill, and John Chapman to be a comilte to perfect the say'd lists that are imperfect and to return them to the Court. Page 226, Oct. 1667 — In answer to the petition of Mr. Samll. Ha! ? This Court doth desire and appoint Majr. Moses Mansfield. Majr. Jame.s Fitch, Mr. Will Mal- bie. Mr. Josiah Rossiter and Capt. Thomas Clark, they or the majr. part of them, to be a comilte to indeoom an accomodation and agreement between the towns of Fairfield and Norwalk concerning their dividing line, and other maters of controversie, with reference to propertie of land," etc., etc. I'age 2-58, .VI ay, 169!^ —This Court made choice of Capt. Samll. Mason, Mr. William PitRin, Mr. John Chester, Mr. John W oolcutt, Mr. Will Mai by, to frame such bills as the\ shall judge needful either for emendation of laws formerly made, or for making other laws that are now wanting in the government and to exhibit the- same in Court." The Colony records furnish other interesting rec- ords of William Maltby, but we have not the volumes at hand, nor does space allow further quotations. Enough has been said to show that our emigrant ancestor held a prominent place in the public affairs of his day. It is not generally known that the prefix "Esqre." and '"Mr." w^ere not applied in the early days as they are novv, jiromiscuously. In connection with the above Colony records it might be interesting to know something of what a prefix of respect meant in the early days. The following item is taken from the 62 OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR "Tuttle Family Greuealogy." The title Hon. was entirely unknown in our records until 1685. and sub- sequently for many years was applied only to the Governor, and seldom even to him. The next title was that of Esqre., and meant the same as in England . temip. Elizabeth and James I. Mr. Thomas Wells was magistrate for 17 years, deputy governor one year, and was chosen Gov. the 2d time before be was distinguished with Esq. The next title was Gentleman, but seems to have been soon discarded in Connecticut. The prefix Master (Mr.) belonged to all gcnitlemen, including those des- ignated by the higher modes of rank. Master corre- sponds very nearly to the English w^ord gentleman. In Connecticut it embraced clergymen, and planters of good family and estate who were members of the Gen. Court, tho.e bred at an university anctiTio^ of sufficient education to manage the general affairs of the Colony, civil or ecclesiastical, and who had been sufficiently well born. Comparatively few of the representatives of the town, even though they might be returned year after year, were honored with the title. To be called Mr. or to have one's name re- corded by the Secretary with that prefix 200 years ago was a more certain index of the rank of the indi- vidual as respects birth, education and good moral character than any one of the high sounding titles with which many men of no merit whatever, in our day of s-v^-ift locomotion are content to cajole others in order that they may be enriched in their turn with the same spurious currency. It may be observed by reference to our colonial records that there were scores of men of good family and in honorable stations OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR 63 who still did not po&sess all the requisite qualities of Master. It was seldom that young men of whatever rank were called Master. Sir was sometimes ap- plied to young gentlemen undergraduates at a college. Mrs. was applied to the wives of Masters and also to unmarried females of the higher class. Military titles were considered of a very high order. Previous to 1654 the highest military officer in the colony was Captain.'" — HoUister's Hist, of Conn. Palfrey in Hist, of N. Eng. says: There was great punctiliousness in the application of both official and conventional titles. Only a small number of persons of the best condition (always including ministers and their wives) had Mr. or Mrs. prefixed to their names. . . . . Wm. Bradford, though at the head of the Bridge- water, Mass., proprietors, a son of the Gov., and himself often Lieut. Gov., was not entitled to "Mr." A word as to the "'worldly goods'' possessed by our emigrant ancestor. The inventory of his personal estate was taken November 2d, 1710, and it assets ,£1058, 7s. and lOd. This figure does not seem very large in these days, but an examination of the estates settled about the year 1700 will show that our emi- grant ancestor was, by comparison, wealthy. Among the interesting things mentioned in the inventory are the following: . 'Wearine: Apparel — Woolen and linen £23, 4s., 6d. A negro man (from the West Indies probably) £45 A negro woman " " " " £30 A cupboard with drawers £ 2, 5s. 64 OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR A ^reat table, 12s. Six leather chairs, 24s. Six other chairB £1, 4s. 2 chairs, 8s. (Note the le.dthfr chairs, and the num- ber of chairs for those days ) 2 pictures, 10s. A greate look- ing Glass, £1. Ivory headed cane, Gs. Silver headed cane, 123. Looking glass, Cs. 82 lbs. of ginger, £1, 6s. A chest, 4s. Iron beds and furniture (value not given.) 20 lbs. tobacco, 6s., 8d. A quilt, £2, 10s. ($10.00) 3 forks, 2s. Spoons. A tablecloth. Is. 6d, Napkins, Os. Tablecloth, lis. More nap- kins, £1, 16s. Towels, 5s. A great Bible, £3. More books, £1, 10s. A chest s'ith drawers, £3. A desk, 48. Uandle.^tick 7s. 6d. Ch.iirs, 16s. Table, 5s. A silver cup, €2, 10s. The reading of the above with a little thought will prove to all minds that William Maltby had comforts and even luxuries not common in the time in which he lived. The inventory of the estate of William's brother John, taken in 1676 also contains articles of interest. We mention two: 7 alcumy spoons, 2s. 1 pay re of gloves, 33. In the early days very few people had spoons, and we can form some idea of how much they were thought of from the following extract from Alice Morse Earle's "China Collecting in America," p. 43. She mentions how fevv people possessed spoons, and goes on to say, "Extremely elegant people had spoons of alchymy or occjmy, alcaney, alcamy, acoury, aska- my, accamey, as I have seen it spelt, a metal com- posed of pan brass and ar,-enicum. Inventory of William (2) Maltby, Jr. estate mentions one or two interesting things, namely: Hatt £1, 13s. Books 4s. A chest of drawers 6, 10s., 30d. Seven pair of sheets 15, 2 pair sheets 4, Man Servant 16, Negro Boy 20. The will of William Maltby, Senior, and the inven- tory of his estate shows him to have been quite a OUE EMIGRANT ANCESTOR 65 large land-owner — some of the lands mentioned are the followmg: "First, I give and bequeath unto my oldest sonn John Maltby all that house and land which I bought for him at Say brook; being all the lands I have there with the appurtenances thereof, of which sd house and land my sd sonn now stands seized and possessed — also I give and bequeath unto him my sd. sonn John Maltby my allottment of land which I bought of Capt. Merriman and Thomas Hall in quantity about one hundred acres lying between the bounds of Wallingford and Middletown and an equal share with the rest of my children in my com- mons and undivided land within the town of Bran- ford," etc. '"Also I give and confirm unto my sd. grand -on William Maltby sixty-four acres of land at that place callei Tibbs Hill in the third division in Branford aforesaid with the addition northward adjoining those unto which all parcell of land with the appurtenances thereof," etc. "I give and be- queath unto my loving son Daniel Maltby all that house and lauds that he now stands in poseession of in the town of Branford, the homlott being in quan- tity ten acres be it more or less, also all my land -at Mulliner's Neck and my divition there also. I further give my sd. son Daniel all my land on Bushy Plaine, containing thirteen acres be it more or less, all which land and appurtenances my will is shall be and remain to him," etc. "I give and bequeath unto my loving son Samuell Maltby my orchard that lieth eastward of my now dwelling house in Branford from the street to the salt meadow," etc. "I give and be- queath unto my loving son Jonathan Maltby my 66 OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR mansion house I now dwell in within the precinct of Br anf ord af ores' d with the homlott of land thereto adjoining and belonging together with all housing, buildings, edifices and appurtenances thereunto be- longing," etc. Item: "I give unto my daughter Jane Parker the bed, bedstead hangings and furniture thereof in my hall which were her mother's." (Note the "which were her mothers— referring to his first wife -as Abigail liishop, born 1(359, married John Tahiiadgein 1686 it is evident that John 1, Jane 2, Mary 3, William 4, Elizabeth 5 and Daniel (J were children of a first wife.) 1 give and bequeath to riiy aforesaid sons John Maltby and Daniel Maltby the remainder of my fourth division lotts beyond Tibb's Hill," etc. The inventory of his estate mentions: "15 acres of land at Scotch Cap. • About 8 acres of salt meadow at the same place, About 12 acres of rough land at Scotch Cap. 9 acres of land at Great Plaine. 5 acres of land at Indian Neck. 3^^ acres of land at Point Lotte. 2 acres of meadow at Indian Neck. ^4 acre of meadow. 3 acres of Salt meadow at Peters Bridge. A small parcell of fresh meadow. I acre of Salt meadow in the mill quarter. 21 acres of cow pasture. 103 acres of land lying between the bounds of Wallingford and Middletown. 76 acres of land at Sea Hill. .About 100 acres of land at Sibbes, 8 acres of land at Cravery Swamp. From the above records we can form some idea as to the prosperity of our emigrant ancestor. A word as to the reasons for thinking that the first wife of M^illiam was Hannah OUK EMIGEANT ANCESTOR 6/ The Branford Church records, March 7, 1687-8 has the following: "IMBODIED IN CHURCH COVENANT — Saml. Russell and woiiieu Eliz. Darker Wm. Maltby Hannah Maltby Eleazer Stone Sarah Blar Saral. Pond Pond John Frisbie Dorcas Taintor John Taintor," etc., etc. Saml. Russell was the minister, and had the first pew in the church in consequence. After the minis- ter the people of highest rank were seated. Why Eliz. Barker is named first among the women we do not know— there is a possibility that she was Hannah Maltby's mother. In 1682 we find a curious spelling of the name in the record, that, "Mr. William Mawbley and Noah Rogers are presented for freemen." The above sketch, will, we trust, give some idea of the life of William Maltby, "Esqre.," who died in Branford, Conn., Sept. 1. 1710, aged 65 years. 68 Old Malthy Homestead, Northford, Conn. OUR EMIGRANT ANCESTOR 69 The old Maltby homestead shown in the photograph was the residence of John Maltby (5), born Decem- ber 8, 1768. He was a son of Samnel 3d and Rosanna Coe — and descended from Samuel (2) — the photo- graph of whose tombstone appears on page 70. This homestead is typical of the old New England houses, now becoming so rare. We are indebted to Miss Mary J. Maltby, of North- ford, for this artistic jDhotograph, as weW as the one of Capt. Bamuers (2) tombstone, and consider that we were x^articularly fortunate in securing this picture of the only old Maltby homestead left stand- ing in North ford. The homestead descended to Samuel Chauncey (6) Maltby who married Ruth Collins in 1819. He died in 1829, and his widow lived here alone after her husband's death. The place used to be called "the Ruth Maltby place." The homestead was afterwards sold to W. Tucker. yO i i Y<^r i i i $ i i i I i ^ipmc iJJiiililbw^ iaa i: i^rC^iLt^a IPtprli 74 MALTBYS IN THE WORLD S WORK Mr. Maltby's work is so well known, and his fame as a hydraulic engineer and an expert on all classes of dredging operations, is so widespread, that any remarks of the writer would be superfluous. Dodge and Day, for whom Mr. Maltby is chief engineer, now have the contract for the erection of the largest cableway plant in the world for handling material at Gatun on the Isthmus. Mr. Maltby's line of descent is given below: 1. William Maltby, mar. Hannah 2. Daniel Maltby, mar. Esther Moss. 3. Daniel Maltby, mar. Mary Harrison. 4. Benjamin Maltby (K. W.) mar. Abigail Munger. fi. Nathaniel Harrison Maltby, mar. Betsy Patchin. 6. Warren Maltby, mar. Chloe Elizabeth Bierce. 7. FranJi Bierce Maltby, mar. Margaret Ellen McNary. Mr. Maltby has two daughters: Miss Ruth McNary Maltby and MisB Marion Elizabeth Maltby. MALTBYS IN THE WOKLD'S WORK 75 We take pleasure in being able to print for the members, the following short sketch of Miss Margaret E. Maltby, the only woman professor at Columbia University. Miss Maltby's degrees are: Oberlin, A. B. (1882); A M. (1891): Mass. Institute of Technology, S. B. (1891); Gottingen University (Germany) Ph. D. (1895.) The following fellowships have been held by Miss Maltby: Foreign Scholarship (or Fellowship) from Mass. Institute of Technology two years while in Gottingen '93-'95. The foreign fellowship of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, '95-' 96. Miss Maltby is a fellow of the American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, and was private research assistant to President Kohlbrausch of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsaustalt '93-'99. In 1899-1900 Miss Maltby studied at Clark Univer- sity with Professor Webster; for four years and a half she taught at Wellesley College ; one year at Lake Erie College and eight years at Barnard, At present Miss Maltby is Adjunct Professor in charge of the Department of Physics of Barnard Columbia University — whicli post she has held since the summer of 1903. We regret exceedingly that we were not fortunate enough to secure a photograph of Miss Maltby, as we know all the members would be interested to see their kinswoman, who has made so brilliant a record 'in the world of science. 76 MR. MILO ROY MALTBIE New York City maltby's in the world's work // MALTBIE, MILO ROY— Member Public Utilities Coumiissioii, N. Y., since June, 1907: Secretary Art Commission, N. Y., May, 1902, to July, 1907; born Hinckley, 111.. April 8, 1871; son H(mry M. and Harriet Delano M.; grad. Upper Iowa University, 1892; (Ph. B., Northwestern, 1893; Ph. D., Columbia 1897); took Dewey prize, $103, and Cushing prize, |10U, Northwestern University, 1893; married July 11, 1901, Lucia McCosh; Prof. Economics and Math- ematics, Mt. Morris College, III, 1893-5; fellow in administrative law, Columbia, 1895-7; Sec'y Reform Club Com. on City AfPairs, 1897-1902; traveled in Europe in summer of 1899, investigating municiijal problems for reform club, and in 1903 civic art; prize lecturer on municipal government, Columbia, 1900; editor of Municipal Affairs; 1897-1903; conducted investigation in Great Britain into relative merits of municipal and private management of public utilities, 190G; member Am. Economic Association, Reform Club, Soc. for Checking Abuses of Public Advertising (London), Municipal Art Soc, Am. Polit. Science Association, National Civic Federation, Commission on Municipal 0\vnership and Operation. Author: English Local Government of Today,— A Study of the Relations of Central and Local Government, 1897; Municipal Functions, 1898; Street Railways of Chicago, 1901. Contributor to Economic journalism. Residence: 512 W. 151 Street. Office: 154 Nassau Street, New York City.- (From Who's Who, 1908-9.) iV. 1 , J |> HI I '4 Cbe Cnfliisb Research. Early in tlie year the Association took steps to start the research work in Enii;lan(l. Three relia])le persons were recomnieiuled and alter some correspdiHlencf i( , seemed best to give the task to Mr. (lerahl Fother- ^ gill. His estimates were no higher than those <■ ,, received from the other partie-, and his previous] '< work seemed to especially fit him for our needs. Mr. Fothergill is the author of "Li.-t of Emigrant Minis- ters to America;" "•Calendar of Feet of Fines for Essex;"' "Histories of I'nwin ;iiid Scott Families," etc. His "Emigrants to America — How to Trace their p]nglish Ancestry" is a mo4 heli)ful booklet, recently pvd)lished in \'ol. I. of '"The (Tciiealogist's Pocket Library." Mr. FothergilTs "Emigrants from England" which ap^x-ars in the current issue of "The New England Hi^•tori(•al and Genealogical Register" fr will be found very helpful to those who.e ancestors emigranted about 1774. In April we seat ten pounds ($4H.70) to Mr. Foth- ergill with which to commence the research. For this sum we received abstracts of Maltby wills at York from 1()8()-17(J<). and Maltby wills in T'errog- ative Court of Canterbury 1H5U-1719. These wills have been carefully gone over, and wey ^ find only one which could fit in with the dates, etc.,1 \ of our emigrant ancestor. This will doe.s seem toP| <* dovetail in every particular. It is the will of John Maltby. of East Retford, Co. Nottingham. Alderman. Dated 6 Oct. 1647— Codicil 28 Dec. 1647. We give this will on page 79— also will of John's brother Robert Maltby, of Bawtry. Yorks.. and lastly the will of Robert's son, William Maltby. Gent. I THE ENGLISH RESEARCH /Q ABSTRACT OF WILL OF JOHN MALTBY of E. Retford, co. Nottingham, Alderman. Dated G Oct. ltJ47. Eldest son John Maltby — houses in Briogate, E. Retford, Carr Lane, close in Little Gringley 'n Clarborough. Second son William— my lands in Soningthorpe and Little Coningham, co. Lincoln, Eldest daughter Jane Maltby. £*100 under 21. Brother Robert M aultby of Bavvtcy (Yorkshire.) Younger daughter Elizabeth Maltby, £100. Mrs. Anne Mason, godmother of Elizabeth Child my wife is now with Wife Mary to hold my houses during the nonage of my Bons John and William and have the residue and to be Executrix. Sister Ellin Chatterton 101. Nephew John Maltby 101. Servant .Alice Moore 201. Poor of Springthorpe 201. Brother Robert's friends, th" Dickens of Saundley, and Beaumont Sutton of E. ltetff)id, gent, to be overseers. U Annie Staunton, Tho. Maultby witnesses. ► Codicil 28 Dec. 1017. House in iJriggate to be sold and £100 to son John at 21 and the residue for my youngest son lately born. J no. Riggs, P. C. of April. 1648 Filed Will. Tho. Mall by. ABSTRACT OF THE WILL OF ROBERT MALTBY of Bawtry. Dated 10 Nov. 1()G2. Eldest son Wm. Maltby, land I haJ with his mother in C]arb.:)rough, William Morhouse and house in E. Retford. Second son Robert Maltby, the house I now live in, land called Catts Bethey Moore laiida Springthoip in Lincolnshire and to be executor. Son John Maltby under 21 200 pounds (sterling.) Cosin John Chatter Fourth son Daniel Maltby the Crowne. Daughter liarbara Maitbie, 200 pounds (sterling.) Nephew John Chatter, 201— Cousin Katchell Williamson, 101 — Sister Mary Long, £5. Nephews Ko Maltby and John Maltby, £5 each. Cosins John Chatterton and Robert Hindmarsh to be Supervisers. Wife Ann, £'10li. Tho. Swallow — Anne Walton — P. C, of 1663 -5. 46-60. i 80 THE ENGLISH RESEARCH ABSTRACT OF WILL OF WILLIAM MALTBY of Bawtry, co. York, gent. Date 2;^ ,] une, lti65. Brother Daniel Maltby and Sister Barbara Maltby all niy iiouses, land in E. Ketford, Mongate, Clarkborow, iSpillehill and Melham, co. Notts, and my house in Bautry, and after the death of Daniel a:id Barb.ira, to my cozen Win. Stokeham son of Mr. Wm. .Stokeham, late of E. Ketford, with remain- der to Richard Stokeham, half brother of f-aid Wm. Brother Kobert Maltby, i'o. Cozen John Maltby, £5. Mrs. Margaret Cordingley, £'i. Cozen Wm. Maltby, £5. Cozen Jane Turnell 201 pounds. I lapt. Benjamin Marchall of Dor- caster 5 pounds. Brother John Maltby 2J1 pounds. Aunt Margaret Stokeham, 401 pound." every year lirother and sis- ter Daniel and Barbara to be exec'rs. Cozen John Halifax, 201 pounds. My mother Maltby, one muffe. Wm. Midwinter 5 pounds. Cozen Haidmarch 5 pounds J(jhn Thompson 201 pounds. Wm. Midwinter. — Kobert Hindmarch.— P. C. of IGGO— 7. 4,S-]27. In this will of John's wo find him living just over the Yorkshire border, an Alderman — which we un- derstand was at this period % jiost of some honor. We learn from lands and so forth mentioned in his will that he was fairly wealthy. We ajso learn that his sons Jon and William were in their "nonage" — hence under 21 years of age. From Robert's will we learn that the child of John born about Dec. 1647, was named Ro. — or Robert. Also we learn that as John Maltby's will was filed in April, 1(348, he died leaving young children. We insert a pedigree made from the three wills given above, and a careful study of them will show what strong circumstantial evi- dence there is that we have found the parentage of our emigrant ancestors — John and William Maltby. maltby's in the world's work •]'] MALTBIE, MILO ROY— Member Public Utilities Commission, N. Y., since June, 1907: Secretary Art Commission, N. Y., May, 1902, to July, 1907; born Hinckley, III, April 3, 1871; son Himry M. and Harriet Delano M. ; grad. Upper Iowa University, 1892; (Ph. B., Northwestern, 1893; Ph. D., Columbia 1897); took Dewey prize, $100, and Cushing prize, $100, Northwestern University, 1893; married July II, 1901, Lucia McCosh; Prof. Economics and Math- ematics, Mt. Morris College, 111., 1893-5; fellow in administrative law, Columbia, 1895-7; Sec'y Reform Club Com. on City Atfairs, 1897-1902; traveled in Europe in summer of 1899, investigating municipal problems for reform club, aiid in 1903 civic art; prize lecturer on numicipal government, Columbia, 1900; editor of Municipal Affairs; 1897-1903; conducted investigation in Glreat Britain into relative merits of municipal and private management of public utilities, 1906; member Am. Economic Association, Reform Club, Soc. for Checking Abuses of Public Advertising (London), Municipal Art Soc, Am. Polit. Science Association, National Civic Federation, Commission on Municii^al Ownership and Operation. Author: English Local Government of Today, — k Study of the Relations of Central and Local Government, 1897; Municipal Functions, 1898; Street Railways of Chicago, 1901. Contributor to Economic journalism. Residence: 512 W. 151 Street. Office: 151 Nassau Street, New York City.- (From Who's Who, 1908-9.) 78 ZU Gnsiisb Research. Early in the year the Association took steps to start the research work in England. Three reUable persons were recommended and after some correspondence it seemed best to give the task to Mr. Gerald Fother- gill. His estimates were no higher than those received from the other partie?, and his previous work seemed to especially lit him for our needs. Mr, Fothergill is the author of "List of Emigrant Minis- ters to America;'" "Calendar of Feet of Fines for Essex:" "Histories of Unwin and Scott Families," etc. His "Emigrants to America — How to Trace their English Ancestry" is a most helpful booklet, recently published in Vol. I. of "The (ienealogist's Pocket Library. "" Mr. Fothergill's "Emigrants from England" which appears in the current issue of "The New England Historical and (genealogical Register" will be found very helpful to those whose ancestors emigranted about 1774. In April we sent ten pounds (|48.70) to Mr. Foth- ergill with which to commence the research. For this sum we received abstracts of Maltby wills at York from 1636-1700, and Maltby wills in Perrog- ative Court of Canterbury 1650-1719. These wills have been carefully gone over, and we tind only one which could tit in with the dates, etc., of our emigrant ancestor. This will does seem to dovetail in every particular. It is the will of John Maltby, of East Retford, Co. Nottingham, Alderman. Dated 6 Oct. 1647— Codicil 28 Dec, 1647. We give this will on page 79 — also will of John's brother Robert Maltby, of Bawtry, Yorks.. and lastly tho will of Robert's son, William Maltby, Gent. THE ENGLISH RESEARCH 79 ABSTRACT OF WILL OF JOHN MALTBY of E. Retford, co. Nottingham, Alderman. Dated Uet. 1(J47. Eldest son John Maltby — houses in Briijgate, E. Retford, Carr Lane, close in f^ittle Gringley in Clarbornugh. Second son William— my lands in Soningthoipe and Little Coningham, co. Lincoln. Eldest daughter Jane Maltby, £100 under 2L Brother Robert Maultby of Bawtry (Yorkshire.) Younger daughter Elizabeth Maltby, £100. Mrs. Anne Mason, godmother of Elizabeth Child my wife is now with Wife Mary to hold my houses during the nonage of my sons John and William and have the residue and to be Executrix. Sister Ellin Chatterton lOL Nephew John Maltby lOL Servant .Alice Moore 201. Poor of Spiingthorpe 201. 15rother Robert's friends, th*^ I^ickens of S^undley, and Beaumont Sutton of E. Retford, gent, to be overseers. Annie Staunton, Tho. Maultby witnesses. Codicil 28 Dec. 16i7. House in Hriggate to be sold and £100 to son John at 21 and the residue for my youngest son lately born. J no. Riggs, P. C. of April. 1648 Filed Will. Tho. Mallbv. ABSTRACT OF THE WILL OF ROBERT MALTBY of Bawtrv. Dated 10 Nov. 1062. Eldest son Wm. Maltby, land I haJ with his mother in Clarbjrough, William Morhouse and house in E. Retford. Second son Robert Maltby, the house I now live in, land called Catts Bethey Moore land a Springthorp in Lincolnshire and to be executor. Son John Maltby under 21 200 pounds (sterling.) Cosin John Chatter Fourth son Daniel Maltby the Crowne. Daughter Barbara Maltbie, 200 pounds (sterling.) Nephew John Chatter, 201 — Cousin Ratchell Williamson, 101 — Sister Mary Long, £5. Nephews tio Maltby and John Maltby, £5 each. Cosins John Chatterton and Robert Hindmarsh to be Supervisees. Wife Ann, ilOlt. Tho. Swallow — Anne Walton — P. C. of 1663-5. 46-66. 80 THE ENGLISH RESEARCH ABSTRACT OF WILL OF WILLIAM MALTBY of Bavvtry, co. York, gent. Date 23 June, 1665. Brother Daniel Maltby and Sister Barbara Maltby all my houses, land in E. Retford, Mongate. Clarkborovv, Hpitlehill and Melham, co. Notts, and my house in Bautry, and after the death of Daniel and Barb;ira, to my cozen W'm. Stokeham son of Mr. Wm. Stokeham, late of E. Retford, with remain- der to Richard Stokeham, half brother of said Wm. Brother Robert Maltby, £'5. Cozen John Maltby, £5, Mrs. Margaret Cordingley, £5. Cozen Wm. Maltby, £5. Cozen Jane Turnell 201 pounds. t!apt. Benjamin Marchall of Dor- caster 5 pounds. Brother John Maltby. 201 pounds, Aunt Margaret Stokeham, 401 pound^' every year Brother and sis- ter Daniel and Barbara to be exec'rs. Cozen John Halifax, 201 pounds. My mothei*Maltby, one muffe. Wm. Midwinter 5 pounds. Cozen Haidmarch, 5 pounds John Thompson 201 pounds. Wm. Midwinter. — Robert Hindmarch. — P. C. of 1661)- 7. 48-127. In this will of John's we find him living just over the Yorkshire border, an Alderman — which we un- derstand was at this period a post of some honor. We learn from lands and so forth mentioned in his will that he was fairly wealthy. We also learn that his sons Jon and William were in their "nonage" — hence under 21 years of age. From Robert's will we learn that the child of John born about Dec. 1647, was named Ro. — or Robert. Also we learn tfiat as John Maltby's will was tiled in April. I(j48, he died leaving young children. We insert a pedigree made from the three wills given above, and a careful study of them will show what strong circumstantial evi- dence there is that we have found the parentage of our emigrant ancestors — John and William Maltby. SB ■ (t oc C !B CD S_ _ n I — ^ r-. {5a = o Ci-3 c; O «j o 0) 3 05 CL CD » 3 r-r tn ■C"J ^^S ^^^. 4^ » 3 2 -5 3 Ol 3 1 h: c . »-! • 3 • a2_ CD • ■ ^S Elizabeth younger dau. o-^a 3 C ^ o S: 3 p- bert Dec. 647. ild born med I-" w C 3 erf 3" T. ^ 3 E;-^ cr. na> — Willi! 2d 8 of B CD O Gent, dated . I6t:5 !. of •7, die as o 9= € ° 5 If r+ a. loS) :xs> c^2. CD 3"— ~ 7^^ y: CD °> o ^ ^5 (-■tsc g?^3 S3g^3 o 3"- 'ri-wcD o ^!:;; id. ta; CO •-* X (^ ^'^ H - =^3 . tn 5 3?- crps p "-! ^-s- t-'cr CicD n • >t^ I-. c:; IE . • • 00 P So 3: 2. cT ~ Cl to CO > ^-. C5 as o o CD M 1 'j: i^ , 05 5 ^ .■^ CD p = 5- d Qj E^ Oi'-'v; • ^O ^a h- i p O ^< of Malthy, EnqJand. 95 A Visit to Maltby, West Riding, Yorkshire, England, Aug 14, 1901. By Miss Martha J. Maltby. When in York, in 1885, a gentleman remarked upon introduction, "There is a Parish in Yorkshire by your name." I was at once all attention, but suc- ceeded only in learning that it was an ordinary English hamlet which he had once visited, in the West Riding. In 1895 a chance meeting with an English Bishop brought the second bit of information, for he re- marked upon learning my name, "My first living was the imrish of Maltby and I remember it with pleas- ure." But our ways parted before I could learn much more, or more helpful knowledge as to how to tind the place for no guide book I have seen has it mentioned and I knew of no railway guide with its name on it. So when a fortunate chance found me in Durham and with the opportunity of questioning the learned archfeologist. Canon Greenwell, tlie President of the British Archaeology Society, and he too referred ;to the parish in connection with my name, then I learned what I had long wished to ascertain, i. e. how could Maltby be found? He had visited the hamlet on an archaeological excursion and remembered it had an old church tower and he gave the much desired information concerning the M-av. 96 A DAY AT MALTBY A few days later my friend and travelling com- panion and I broke our journey southward, at Dou- caster, took a train westward for a few miles, leaving it atCarrisboro for a seven mile drive southward from that station for Maltby. Let me note in passing that Carrisboro is known for its well preserved Norman tower of the castle which Sir Walter Scott makes the scene of the tournament in "Ivanhoe," which Re- becca reports to the Knight. The short wait for our trap and driver, gave us the opportunity to look at the tower. Unfortunately a drizzling rain set in as we started for Maltby which is situated up a valley from Carris- boro and the mist shut from sight some of what must have been a charming view in the heart of north English country, could we have seen it in the dis- tance. The road wound along between stone walls and English hedges and fertile farms, growing wheat, barley and turnips, and with pasturage for cattle and sheep, lay on both sides of the way. The farm houses had the appearance of comfortable pro.5perity and from their scattered positions we judged the farms were large in acreage. Two or three hamlets lay on the way and one had an ancient stone cross to testify of its age. The village school had just closed for the day as we drove through Maltby village to the cliurch whose spire w^e had seen in the distance. To our driver's (question of "where he should take us?" we had re- sponded, ''To the church, of course." Our trip had excited sufficient interest in the school children for some of them to follow us and gather about the two American women, who had left the 97 ON THE MALTBY ROAD— CARRiSBORO STATION TO MALTBY 99 100 Very Few of These Ancient Lych Gates Keiniiin in Kiinlaml. A DAY A MALTBY 101 carriage and were admiring the oaken Lyncbgate, built in the ancient style and forming a beautiful entrance to the churchyard. They were as ready to answer questions as we to ask them. The sexton was mowing the church yard and we knew the church was open as we could hear the organ and we soon found our time of visit was auspicious for the organ- ist and some of the leading parishioneeis were in, the church and they too were willing to give information to the strangers. The church itself is only some fifty years of age and is neat and pleasing in appearance, but the tower onto which it is built, is very interesting ani well worth seeing. It shows some four stages in building . and must be very old. The lowest part is doubtless Saxon, having the heron-bone stone work about three feet from the ground. Bits of what look like Roman bricks are scattered along promiscuously in the stone wall. High up from the foundation are small win- dows. A large modern window has been placed in the western side of the tower. The walls are very thick and are strong and well built. The sexton told us that when removing the old church, they found its walls so firm that the work- men used powder to blow them up. The tower's first story is some thirty or forty feet in heighth. The second one is only some over a third as high, and has small, narrow windows on three sides. The third is different, and its double windows look like Norman work. This story ends with a pannelled battlement. A fourteenth century-looking stone spire has been built above this. I can give no authority for my opinion that this tower was some centuries in building lOJ VJA. XA^-VVVVN ^VivaTv^Nv^K^'^^Vg.VS Another Vie«- of Mnltl,y Chunl, - oa opposite pn-, Interior \ le.v. also a Reprcduction oF Belfry Dotrr. 104 A DAY AT iMALTHY but judge this is true from illustrations in books on English architecture, I have often wished I might have seen Canon Green well again after the visit to Maltby for I am sure he would have refreshed his memory of his visit there and given me valuable information. The sexton opened the old chest in the vestry room to allow us to see the old records. The very oldest were written on parchment and were mildewed with age. I thought I coiild decipher ont; date as 1609 but I am hot sure. We could not learn that anyone of the name of Maltby was resting in the churchyard, or lived in the parish, within the sexton's memory nor had he ever heard of the name in the records. On th-e last sub- ject he would hardly be authority. He showed us some very old carved stones, one of which issujiposed to have been the cross of the bishop who consecrated the first of the three churches to stand on the site of the present one. The headstones in the church yard did not look old and their dates were not such, while the names they bore were ordinary English names. We were told that in digging for the foundations of a new house in the south of the village, the work- men found graves and it was thought that the ground belonged to an ancient burial place. The old market-cross testifies to the age of the hamlet. It was surrounded by flower-beds and occu- pied a small plot of ground in the heart of the town. The houses of the village are simple and plain but comfortable with the cleanly air so common in Eng- land. The streets were narrow but clean. The whole A DAY AT MALTBV IO5 town looked like a conservative old English place, as it is, with trees about its boundaries and in the lawns of the larger houses. Maltby Hall is an old place with some fine trees about it. We did not enter it as the hour was grow- ing late and we had a train to catch in Carrisboro for owY return and our journey on to Lincoln that night. Some weeks later, in the Library of the British Museum I found what 1 copied there and give with this for your information. It was nearly dark when we set down at the rail- way station and the hour was decidedly late when I finished writing in my diary and turned—a tired, happy woman to retire. I had seen Maltby iJarish. Whether there is any connection between it and the family name, who can tell us? Editor's note:— We feel greatly indebted to Miss Martha J. Maltby for her fascinating article on Maltby, and grateful for every bit of observation and study which she has given us in this interesting ' sketch of her day at Maltby. The Genealogist would like to add one item concerning the last sentence Hugo de Malebisse (Latin of Maltby) held land in Ebor (Yorkshire) at the time of the Norman Con- (juest, and his lands are recorded in the Doomsday book. Many years ago the British Consul at Brus- sels, Belgium, was a Mr. Maltby. This Mr. Maltby took much interest in the Maltby famity and spent all his spare time in the British Museum looking up the family records. After years of such research he Sciid he was convinced that all the Maltbys descended from Hugo de Malebisse. from whom the village of 100 lo: Rnins of the Abbey of Roche, Founded 11-17, Two Miles S. E. of Maltby. Another Manor House Near Maltby. 108 A DAY AT MALTBY Maltby, Yorkshire, took its name. Whether we can all prove our ancestry back to this Hngo is quite another matter, but there can be little ■ doubt that the village of Maltby took its name from , Hugo de Maltby, and we believe we are correct im thinking Maltby is the land recorded in the Dooms- day Book. There are several villages in Great Britain named Maltby — five or six are in England, one or two are ini Ireland. So far as we can learn Maltby, Yorkshire, is the oldest of these, and evidently the English ancestry of the Maltbys begins here. ♦ — o — The following is copied from "Kelly Directory of! West Riding of Yorkshire. England, 1897," in the Library of the British Museum, by Miss Martha J. Maltby. "Maltby Parish and Township in the Doucaster Division of Riding iu the Rotterham union and county court district and rural deanery, arch deanery of Sheffield and diocese of York. The church of St. Bartholomew is a plain building of stone in Gothic style and was rebuilt with the exception of the tower in 1859 on the site of the former' church. It consists of chancel, nave, aisles, south porch and western tower with spire containing three bells. There are several memorial windows, lecturn, organ and lynchgate of carved oak and a lynch-stone which were given by Miss Crossley and Miss Mary Crossley MALTBi' 109 in 1880. The lynchgate and stone were ,2;iven in memory of their mother. The register dates from 1678 (see foot note) and is in good condition. The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent charge 58 pounds, net yearly values 90 pounds, including 30 acres of glebe with residence is the gift of the Earl of Scarborough. The poor estate produces 28 pounds yearly. In the village stands an ancient stone cross. Two miles S. E, are the ruins of the once magnifi- cent Abbey of Roche or de Ruije, founded in 1147 by. - Richard de Busti and Richard Fitz-Turgis for monks of Cistercian order, and dedicated to the blessed Vir- gin Mary. A natural iDhenomenon heightened by art probably induced the monks to settle in this rocky limestone valley. A fracture in the rocks bearing some resemblance to Our Savior on the cross was ^ held in great reverence during the whole period of "the existence of the abbey. Henry Crandall the 2Sth and last abbot surrendered the abbey with 17 monks and a yearly revenue 271 pounds-, 11 e hillings and four pence to Dugdale. Henry VIII granted to Wm. Ramesden and Thomas Valasor the ruin of the once ■extensive and sj^lendid abbey. The Earl of Scarborough has made some excava- tions in the ruins. Sandbeck Park 2^ miles S. E. of the village is the seat of the Earl of Scarborough, Lord. Lieut, of the Riding, and Lord of the Manor and principal land- owner. The mansion is a s^Dacious edifice erected about the middle of the last century and a fairly timbered park of 350 acres, surrounded by extensive woods well stocked with deer. Attached to the Hall 110 MALTBY BOOKLET NO. TWO is a private chapel where services are conducted by the Earl's private chaplain. The soil is limestone, some parts clay and loam. The subsoil limestone. Chief crops are wheat, barley and turnips, with some pasture. Area of township 4096 acres. Rentable value, 4 pounds, 10 shillings and 2 pence. Population in 1891 was 709 and in the parish 766. People of some importance: Earl of Scarborough, Sandbeck Park and Army and Navy and Carleton Clubs, London, S. W. Miss White of Maltby Hall. Miss Mary Elizabeth White. Ladies' Boarding School, Maltby Hall." INote I. — Maltby is situated od the edge of the famous Sher- vvood forest. Note II.— The station for Maltby for those going north is Rotherham, which is a little northeast of Sheffield. It is a seven mile drive from Rotherham to Maltby. Note III. —There was not time to procure a photograph oft the Norman town of Carrisboro, but we trust Booklet No. 3 will contain this view. • Note IV. — Prom a list of Yorkshire parish registers we quote the following: Records begin — Maltby— 1597. Muston- 1.542. Doucaster — 1557. Rotherham— 155t\ (Published.) Tickhill-1538. Note V. — The Secretary has some four or live dozen different views of Maltby, and will gladly furnish the addresses of English tirms where these photographs can be procured. The following English pedigree we give as it con- tains some interesting data: GENEALOGICAL III 1. — Hugo de MalebiBse held lands at the time of the Norman Conquest. lie had three sons, Richard, Hugo and Guilford. Guilford was interred in Beverly Abbey, Co. Lincoln in 1172. 2. — Hugo de Malebisse mar. Emma de Percy, dau. and heir, of Henry de Percy of Acaster. He had Hugo, kichard, Will- iam, Simon and Matilda. Hugo mar. Beatrix, Lady of Manor of Wylses. Co. Cambridge. I' ounded Priory of Spin- ney, time of Henry II L -William held lands in Cleveland, built Chapel at Ayton where he was Lord of the Manor before 1200.— Simon, Lord of Cowton in Craven; he had a son Sir Hercules who changed his name to B^ckwith on his marriage in 1226 with Lady Dame Beckwith Bruce. He was a descendant of Sir Hercules, Harmon Beckwith, who in 1339 had a dispute with Hugh Maltby over the right to use the Maltby coat-of arms. 3. — Richard, founded Newbo Abbey, Lincolnshire. 1198, Acaster, near York, died 1209, Justican. Forester for York- shire. He had Emma, John. Robertus. 4.— John, 1213. 5. — William, Byland Abbey, 1247, mar. Matilda, dau. of and co-heir of Ralph Neville. 6. — William, lord lo Priory of Bridlington, 1267. 7.— Richard, iVHIes, 1311— Acaster— Malebis (de Eya.) 8.— John Lord Ul-y- Miles. Viscounes Ebor: High Sheriff Co. York, 1314, d. 1316. 9.— William, Miles, 1339, 10.— Walter, on going to the Holy Lands, mortgaged Scalton to William Fairfax. The above pedigree ends here, as the male line evidently died out. The pedigree shows that the Maltbys were a prominent family and t he intermar- riages were with some of the oldest and best families. It will be observed that they founded several abbeys and priories. An English clergyman told the writer that the sheaf of wheat in the Maltby coat-of-arms showed that the family had been large holders of church lands. 112 Thinking that somf^ of our genealo^icnl problems might be answered by members if they knew of them, we are inserting a few "Queriei:." and trust that we may receive replies to them MALTBY BOOKLET NO. TWO II3 Genealogical Queries. Can any member furnish any data irhich would aid the genealogist to -place the ancestry of one William Maltby, )orn about 1819 in the vicinity of Rochester? The above William Maltby left home o*ving to what le considered unmerited punishment, and never spoke of his family, so we have not slight clues to lelp us. William Maltby was 6 feet, 2 inches tall, lad dark brown hair and red mustache; was finely Klucated, and often spoke of Rochester. N. Y. He dso mentioned being in Cincinnati one time and see- ng relatives in a store, but as they did not recognize lim he did not )nake himself known. We know he lad a sister Mary, for when his oldest daughter was 3orn he wished her named Mary for a dear sister. Eis other children were named Clayton, George, Ellen and Anna. Tliis might furnish some clue as to lis family. About 1840 Mr. Maltby settled in Madison. Ind., 11 the mercantile business. As a young man he ;aught school. He attended the Presbyterian church md was a great Abolitionist. He married in 1850, md died in 1861. Any date which might aid us in tracing the ances- try of this William Maltby would be gratefully received by the genealogist. 114 MALTBY BOOKLET NO. T\YO Descendants of Daniel (2). Williatn (/); Can ani/nn answer ani/ of the foUoiving questions? What became of his daniJjhter Mary (3), l)orn Dec 7, 1703.— What becamo of his son William (3). born Feb. 17 1705-6.— Who was Elizabeth ? wife of Joseph (3). — Abia;ail (8),'born March 16, 1713; mar. 1st, Join Hall of Cheshire, Conn.; 2(1, Ephriam Parish o Cheshire, on July lU. 1744. Furtlu?r informatioi desired. -Martha (3), born Sept. 11, 1720; mar. May 4 1739, Daniel Hoyd. Further information wanted. John (3). born A])ril 2"). 1722. What becanu; o him? 1)( scrndanis of Soinwl {^). \V iUiniii ( /); Can ani/on (Uisirer aini of tin- folloiritn/ (juestionsf What became of his dan,u;hter Abit^nil (3). h. Ocl 29, 1716 ? What became of his daughter Elizabeth (3), b. Jul; 8, 1723 y What became of his daughter Mary (3). b. Feb. 2^" 1725-26 y GENEALOGICAL I I 5 Descendants of Jonathan {2), William {i), (..'an aw,- irne answer any of the following questions? What became of his daughter Abigail (r5). b. June 29, 1720 ? What became of his daughter Sarah (3), b. July 5, 1731 T What became of his daughter Mary (8), b. March 14, 1738-4 ? We wish to call the attention of Jonathan's (2) descendants to an item in the Maltby (renealogy which was furnished by some descendants of Jona- than (2), to be found on page 84 of the "Maltby Genealogy" published in 1895 by Mrs. George Ells- worth Maltby. We think there must be a mistake here. Note the two Davids — David (3), born 1727-iS, and then David (3) l)orn 1748. As David (8). son of Jonathan (2) married Harah Holly in 1749. he must be the David (3) born in 1727-8. Consequently David born 1748 would hardly be a brother. Should he not be David (4) son of David (3) and S;irah Holly. Can anyone solve this problem V ii6 gifs IIT ici ,132 117 NAME OF MEMBER - Mrs. Charles Edward A.LLING (Emily Williams Maltby.) Ad(lre^.s, 120 Sherman Avenue, New Baven, Connecticut —Mrs. William Henri- Austin (Alta Jane Malt- by.) Address, Avon, Connecticut. P. O. Box m — Mrs. Aron Turner Bailey (Katlierine Gem- mel Lynes. ) Addres.-^, 158 W. 75th Street, New York Oity, N. Y DATE JOIN- ED May 1, 11107 Auk 3, 1907 Apr. 1, l'.»0() ^Mrs. Myron A. Bald- win (Sarah Hale Murray) auk. Address, Cas?elton, ^JJ^ North Dakota. —Mrs. a. M. Beckwith (Alice Asenath Malthde.) Addres-!, 1125 Ninth ^i5* Avenue, Greeley, Colorado. iy(i9 —Mrs. Hrnry Hobart Benedict ( Eleanor Au- gusta Maltby) Address, >ify 21 <) Bishop Street, New Haven, Connecticut 1, ]!t07 — Mrs. Edwin Mortimer Biake (Josephine St. Fe- lix Wittichen) Address, Aug Care University of Ari- zona, Tucson, 22 1907 LINE OF DESCENT George Williams Maltby. .6 Augustus Maltby 5 Col. Stephen Maltby 4 Benjamin Maltby 3 Daniel Maltbv.' 2 William Maltby 1 Charles Rollin Maliby. . .7 Timothy Maltbv (1812). . .6 Timothy Maltby. 5 Samuel Maltbv 4 Samuel Maltby 3 Samuel M iltby 2 William Maitby 1 Benjamin Lynes 6 Hannah Maltbie .5 liapt. lonatHan MallDie (R. W.).. A Jonathan Maltbie .J r 3 Jonathan Maltbie 2 William Maltbie 1 William Rogers Murray. .7 Harriet Maliby 6 Chandler MaltUy 5 Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltuy 1 .Noah Maltbie 6 Noah Maltbie 5 Noah Maltbie (li. w.) 4 Capt. Joseph Maltbie. . . .3 Daniel Maltbie !. .2 William Maltbie I George Williams M.-.ltby. .6 Augustus Maltby 5 Col. Stephen Maltby 4 Benjamin Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltbv.' 2 William Maltby 1 Jose|)hine Julia St Felix Wittichen 6 Anna Maria Maltbv St. b\5 Charles Maltby. .'. 4 George Maltby 3 Thomas Maitby 2 MT:1<: .1 T /T"! .1_\ ii8- NAME OF MEMBER 8 — Mrs. Robert LAND BrERETON Fair child) Address, Woodstock, Oregon DATE JOIN- Mait- (Alice ^ ^ Jan. Fred Austin (Mel lie Jane Address. 44 S. 9 -Mrs. Maltby) Address. 44 S. ^i^. West Street, Wayne.^- burg, Pennsylvania 10 - Mrs. William Adol- PHUS Butler (Frances Isabel Maltbie) Address, J'.y/e 60 (xlenwood Ave., East iSjt Orange, New Jersey . . 11- Mrs. Henry W. Carey (Amelia Blackmond) Address, Orion. ^s' Oakland County, i'«^^ Michigan 12— Mr. Maltby Carter m.^- Address, 1820 Broadway, ^ij]^ Bay City. MichiiJfan 13— Mr. Oscar Carter, Address, West Bay City, xHay 13 190S Michigan 14— Mrs. Ebenezer Cary (Elizabeth Murray Love) june ^e": ^^^''^ -^^'tby a812|.4 LINE OF DESCENT Isaac Maltby Fnirchild . .6 Aurela Maltbv 5 Gen, Isaac Maltby (1812).. 4 Benjamin Maltby 3 Laniel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 Newell Malrby G Nathaniel Harrison M^llt)y.5 Benjamin Maltby (k. \v ). .4 Daniel Maltby 3 Dai)iel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 James Wills Maltbie C Wiiliain DiVbiuuK MdllDie 5 David Maltbie (li \v.) 4 David Maltbie 3 Jonathan Maltbie 2 William Maltbie 1 Maria Maltby 6 Chandler Mallby 5 Joseph Maltbv 4 Capt. Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 Sabra Miiltby 6 Chandler Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph M;dtby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 Sabre Maltby 6i Chandler vlaltby 5 Joseph Maltby .4 Capt. Joseph iMaltbv 3 Daniel MaltbN ...." 2 William Mallby 1 Maria Maltby 5 Address, 184 Dele'A'are Ave.. Buffalo. New York. 23 litOS Benjamin Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltbv 2 William Maltby 1 119- NAME OF MEMBER DATK JOIN- ED L5 — Mrs. Walter Car\ (Julia Ann Love.) Ad-Jin'e dress, 184 Deleware Ave- njos line. Buffalo, New York. 16— Mrs. Hokace Gree- ley Clark (RutiiLuella Maltbie) Address, 1530 15 Marion Street, Colorado Jan. Denver, i^o^ 17- Mrs. Theodore Clark (Grace Amoret Maltby) Sept. Address, Ocean Park, ms California 18- Mrs. Ernest Veunom Claypool (Nellie Cornel- ia Maltby) Address, 1704 ^'^.f • Prospect Avenue, Kansas i^^'^' City. Missouri 19- Mrs. E. H. Cope (Cyn- thia Ann Murray), dress, ii«»8 Mitchell, South Dakota . Ad-J",V' 20— Mrs. M. H. Critten- den (Sabra Anna Malt-june by). Address, 20 East ^yj^ Franklin Avenue, Minne- apolis, Minn 21— Mrs. Lee Parker Dean (Seraph Elizabeth Apj. Maltbie). Address, 12 1906 West 107 Street. New York City, N. Y LINE OF DESCENT Maria Maltby o Gen. Isaac Mallby [1H12J.4 Benjamin Maltby 3 Daniel Maltbv 2 William Maltby 1 Noah Maltbie 6 Noah Maltbie 5 Noah Maltbie [r. w.] 4 Capt. Joseph Maltbie 3 Daniel Maltbie 2 William Maltbie 1 Lucius Maltby 5 Rev. joiiainai! Maltbi (r,w.)....4 Benjamin Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 Lauren Baldwin Maltby. .(i Jesse Maltby 5 Benjamin Maltbv [b. w.]. .4 Daniel Maltbv S Daniel Maltby 2 WUliam Maltby 1 Harriet Maltby Chandler Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltbv 2 William Maltby.... 1 Harriet Maltby (-i Chandler Maltby ,. . 5 Joseph Maltby '..4 Capt. Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 Wilham Maltby 1 uliarlfic Bfiiijaiiiiii MallDie Elon Maltbie 5 Benjamin Maltbie [r. w.].4 Daniel Maltbie 3 Daniel Maltbie 2 William Maltbie I 120 NAME OF MEMBER I> ATE JOIN- ED. 22— Mr. Jonathan IJolm ES Drury. Address .... june The First National Bank, Troy, Ohio 20 1906 23 — Mejs. Bristol Gram [Mabel Hibbard]. Ad- dress, Harvey, North Dakota . . I:m. 11 24— Mrs. Otis Loring Hamilton [Harriet Mir- ^ anda Murray] Address, Santa Monica, California P. O. Box 896 2.-. VMS 25— Mrs. Albeeit Tracy HiGBY [Mary Love Malt- oct. by] Address, Lyle,Klick- ^}^^^ ital County, Washington 26— Mrs. James T. Hob- lit [Louise Maltby.] ^^l.,^ Address, 184 Ninth St., ' 'i ' ijincoln, Logan County. Illinois 27— Mrs. Eugene E. Hol- ROYD [Fannie Maltby.] Address, 6934 "" Avenue, ^"" Chicago, Illinois Normal " d" 28— Mrs. William C. HoRWORTH [Laura Leota ruiy Cope] Address, 107 West " 5th Street, Mitchell, South Dakota liios LINE OF DESCENT Harriett Elizabeth Maltby (J Jonathan i\laltbv .'.5 Rev. jon^lliar. Maltti^^R.w.)....4 Benjamin Maltby '^ Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 BBiilati ADD Morns lalioy, 4 Timothy Maltby ^1812) ... .6 Tunothy Maltby 5 ISamuel Maltby 4 .Samuel Mall by 3 fciamuel Maltbv 2 William Maltby 1 Harriet Miiltby 6 Chandler Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltby ' 3 William Maltby 1 Geu. Seth Murray [1812].. 5 (Jen. Isaac Maltby (1^12). .4 Benjamin Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltby...'. 2. Wiiliam Maltby 1 Harrison Mitltbv (i Je.-^se Maltby. . .'. 5 Jonathan Maltby iii. w.). .4 Capt. Jost-ph Maliby 3 Daniel Maltby ". 2 William Maltbv 1 I Lauren Baldwin Maltby. .6" J esse Maltby 5 Benjamin Maltby (n. \v ). .4 Daniel .Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltby '^ \Villiam Ma.tby 1 Cynthia A nn M u rray 7 Harriet Maltby '. U Chandler Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltby ... .3 Daniel Maltby 2 Willinm Maltby ] t X 121 NAME OF MEMBER °*^^ LINE OF DESCENT JOIN- I— Mrs. William R. '" ularles BRnjamin Mallfiie 6 3r BBEL rCarrie Belle g^o" Maltbie ........ r, IT ui • n All fqn fjenjamin IVlaltbie r. w.]A ^laltbie] Address, J|r>- ^^^-^^ Maltbie.... .. ....^.^ ^ alls V lUage, 1909 Daniel Maltbie 2 Connecticut Williaiu Maltbie 1 Betsy Gelston ." .7 )— Mr. Maltby GeLSTON Hugh Gelston G :.EAOH. Address, ^V> R^^. M^altby Gelsion 5 ^1 }•' Hugh Gelnton .. 4 5/'^™aii' 1^-"'^ Marv Maltbv 3 ..onnecticnt John Maltby 2 John Maltby 1 . — Mrs. Charles Lewis. (Jhauncy Maltby 7 Mary L. Maltby.] Apr. f?''° ^^^^^^' ;r ;;/ ■■■ ---^^ i-\-\, "^ ^ 5 Kev. Joseph Maltbv 5 \ciciress, ^^^ Joseph Maltbv. ." 4 ■ iiigg, Capt. Joseph Maltbv. ... .3 '»[e\v York Daniel Maltbv. . . . .* 2 William Maltby ] 1 — Master Harold Malt- Emma Jessie Maltby 8* \\ \in\r George W. Maltby [c.vv.]. .7 1 _uu>Cx. .,j^^ Ch-.-ndler Maltby G Vddress, i^^. Chandler Maltby 5 169 Prospect Avenue, " Joseph Maltby 4 Buffalo, <-'apt. Joseph Maltby H Sew York ,^,^7-^1 ^J^^by 2 William Maltby 1 !— Mrs. Maria Maltby juu Maria Maltby 5 :.OVE. Address. i^l p'"- ^"^^"^ m m*"^ *^^'^*-J Q - -n> 1 ^ ^''"** Benjamin Maltby 3 b4 Dele ware Avenue, Daniel Maltby 2 Buffalo, New York William Maltby 1 : — Mrs. Newton Lull Louise chapin 6 Mary Cotes. J , Elizabeth white Maltby .5 . n T -^ J Jan. Gen. Isnac Maltby [1812]. 4 ^'i*^^l'^SS. 2j, Benjamin Maltby 3 •The Walton, ' " Daniel Maltby 2 Chicago, Illinois William Maltby 1 -Mb. Alfred Maltbie J,'i\" S&e':^"'^;.-::? -jiNEs^^ Address, Rural iiapi. loDalban MaUDle (R. W.). . .4 ^ree Delivery No. 1, 12 Jonathan Maltbie Jr. ...3 5anta Barbara. i-«^ Jonathan Maltbie 2 Jalifornia. ' William' Maltbie 1 122 NAME OF MEMBER 36 — Miss Emily Augusta Lynes. Address, 38 West Avenue, Norwalk, Conn Mar. 20 37 — Mr. Edward Hoff- man Lynes. Address, 249 Warren Street, Hudson, New York. May 16 1908- 38— Miss CtRace Eliza- beth Lynes. Address, 158 West 75tb Street, Apr. New York City, uto,; New York 39— Mr. Albert L. Malt- • bie. Addres.^, 751 Empire Building, Seattle, Washington .... Jan. 10 v.m 40 — Miss Alice Mary Maltby. Address, 34 Fargo Avenue, Buffalo, New York 41 — Mr. Allan Jay Malt- by. Address, Form an, Sargent County. North Dakota 42— Mr. Amasa P. Malt- by. Address, West Henrietta, New York Mar. 17 1901) Jan. 13 litOS Mar. 17 um LiNE OF DESCENT Dr. Samuel Lynes (i Hannah Maltbie 5 Capt. Jonatlian MaltDle (R W.). . .4 Jonathan Maltbiejr. ...3 Jonathan Maltbie 2 William Maltbie 1 Edward Lynes tj Hannah Maltbie 5 Capt. Jonathan M, (u. w.).4 Jonatlian M-iltbie Jr 3 Jonnthan Maltbie 2 William \laltbie 1 Benjamin Lynes G Hannah Maltbie 5 Capt. Jonathan M. (r.w.) 4 Jonathan Maltbie Jr 3 Jonathan Maltl)ie 2 William Maltbie 1 James Downing Maltbie..? Noah Maltbie 6 Noah Maltbie 5 Noah Maltbie [r. w.] 4 Capt. Joseph Maltbie 3 Daniel Maltbie 2 William Maltbie 1 Jaiues Caleb Maltby S George W. Maltby [c.vv.]. .7 Chandler Maltby Chandler Maltby 5 ;| Joseph Maltby i '\ Capt. Joseph Maltbv .i Daniel Maltbv ". . .2 William Maltby 1 Jay Hayes Maltby 8 Dr. Dexter J. Maltby (cw.) 7 Calvin Maltby 6 Rev. Joseph Maltby 5 Joseph Maltbv 4 Capt. Joseph Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Malibv 1 Chandler Maltby 6 Chandler Maltby . . .') Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltby *. 2 William Maltby 1 ^! 1^3 NAME OF MEMBER °*"= LINE OF DESCENT JOIN- B- Miss Anna Fay Malt- "" Monroe E. Maltby 7 BY. Address, 420 West ?'"? ^""wLukv r io4i.i oi i. XT TT 1 Ten Rev. Jcseph Maltby 5 124tb Street. New lorkJ^*"- Joseph Mnltby 4 City, New York, or wos Capt. Joseph iMaltby H Adams Centre, pJefferson Daniel M altb^ 2 County, New York William Maltby 1 4- Mrs. Armstrong Ejenezer Meiiiior! MallMe 5 -.^ /* • /-I ,1 Mav David Maltbie (li w.) 4 Maltbie (Annie Cather- " isf David Maltbie 3 ine Maltl)ie) Address, 213 i^"^ Jonathan r^ialtbie 2 James St., Syracuse, n. y William Maltbie 1 5— Mr. Arthur Norman Norman Maltby 6 Mat TRY John Maltbv 5 , Vi i-iot AUT -1 William Maltby (K. w.).... 4 Address, 4184 v\ arwick Mar. (j^p^ .,,,g^ph Maliby ....3 Boulevard, Hhjo Daniel Maltby 2 Kansas City, Mis.^ouri. . . William Maltby i 6— Mr. Byron Wilbur William Maltby 6 Mat TBY Kev. Joseph Maltby 5 \ T -, ■ , Joseph Maltby 4 Address; •'?,;'• Capt. Joseph iValtby . . 3 Medford, ' 1908 Daniel Maltby .2 Oreo-on WilliHm Maliby 1 7 Mr PwAun^Q Vi ^ ( 'hauncy Maltby 7 :/— MR. L-HARLLS tjhl Milo Maltby 6 Maltby. ^^^^^ Kev. Joseph Maltby 5 Address '^^ ' Joseph Maltby 4 South Rutland. '""' \^,^P^- Joseph Maltby. ... ,3 -vy ^^ I Daniel .Maltby i New York William Maltby 1 :8— Mr. Charles H. Chandler Maliby 6 Maltby. Address, „,, V^"""^^^! ^Jv""^^^'^ ^ oo o 1 •£ -0+ 1 1-7 Joseph Maltby 4 22 California Street, ^it, ^apt. -foseph Maltby 3 Buffalo. Daniel Maltby 2 New York William Maltby 1 1:9 — Mr. Charles Sumner Lauren Maltbie l' Maltbie. Daniel Maltbie 5 A(lr1ra«ATE .TOTN- 50— Rev. Clark (). Malt- by. Address, 7^0 East sept 2mh Street, Patterson, New Jersey i(t 1907 Mav 51— Mr. Clayton L. Maltby. Address, Minnesota Ave- ^'^75"' nue, Kansas City, '^•'^'^ Kansas 52 — Mr. Dexter Jay Maltby. Address, J'lj"- Forman, ii«8 North Dakota. • 58 — Mrs. Douglas Fowl- er Maltby. Represent- ing her husband. Address Water bury, Connecticut 54 -Mr. George Beech er Maltby. Address, ()5 Fourth Street, Aurora, Indiana 55— Mr. George Beecher Maltby, 2d. Address, 1931 East 101st Street, Cleveland, Ohio Apr. ;«) 1!HM) Jan. 10 190'J Oct. 6 1908 56 — Mr. George Maltby. Address, Forman, North Dakota . . . Dewey Jan 6 1908 LINE OF DESCENT K,ev. Sherman Maltby 6 Rev. Joseph Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltbv . . . 3 Daniel Maltby...." 2 WilliMUi Maltby ] William Maltby, born about 1819, near Rochester, N. Y. Ancestry wanted. Mabel Maltby 8 Dr. Dexter J. Maltby (c w.) 7 Calvin Maltby G Rev. Joseph Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Miiltby 3 Daniel Maltby....' 3 William Maltby 1 Julius Maltby 5 Deac. Benjamin Maltliy. . .4 Benjamin Maltby 3 Daniel Maltbv 2 William Maltby I Seth Murrav Maltby (1812] 5 Gen. Isaac Maltby (1812). .4 Benjamin Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltby...'. 2 Wiiliaui Maltby 1 John Whitehouse Maltby. 6 Seth Murray Maltby 1 1812] . 5 Gen. Isaac Maltby (1812). .4 Benjamin Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltby.'. 2 William Maltby 1 Jay H aves Maltbv 8 Dr. Dexter J. Maltby (c.w.)7 Calvin Maltby 6 Re\ . Joseph Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby...'. 4 Capt. Joseph Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltbj ...." 2 William Maltby 1 I2i NAME OF MEMBER oate: JOIX- 57 — Mr. George Erastus Maltby. Address: 90 Grand Avenue, ^f^';- New Haven, Connecticut i^io'g 58— Mr. Geo. W. Maltby ialtbv 2 William Maltby J William John Maltby 7 Norman Maltbv 6 John Maltby..'. 5 William Maltby (k. w.) 4 Capt. .losnph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 Newell Maltby G Nathaniel Harrison M'HllDy.o Benjamin Maltbv [r. w.]. .4 Daniel Maltby.'. 8 Daniel Maltbv .3 William Maltljy 1 126 NAME OF MEMBER 64— Mr. Henry F. Malt- by. Address, Oak wood Stock Farm, Brighton, Michigan 65 — Mr. Howard Scott Maltby. Address, Hanover Avenue, Aurora, Indiana 66 — Mr. James Caleb Maltby. Address, 84 Fargo Street, Buffalo, New York 67— Mr. Jasper a. Malt- by. Address, Brownsville, Texas I>ATE JOIN- g:i>. May 10 1908 Jan. 10 1909 Mar. 17 1906 LINE OF DESCENT Almon Maltby G Grove Maltbv 5' Joseph Maltby 4; Capt. Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby. . . . .'. 2 William Maltby ] George Beecher Maltbv. . .G Seth Murray Maltbv [1812]. 5 Gen. Isaac Maltby (1812). .4 Benjamin Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltby.'. 2 William Maltby 1 George W. Maltby [c.w.]. .7 Ch:tndler Maltby Chandler Maltby 5 J oseph Maltby 4 Uapt. Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby -4 William Maltby 1| July 8 1908 Henry Alonzo Maltby. . David Maltby William .Maltby William Maltby. .k. w. Capt.,Joseph Maltby . . Daniel Maltby William Maltby 68 — Mr. Maltby. Address, Formal!, North Dakota Jay Hayes Nov, 2 1907 Dr. Dexter J. Maltby (cw.) Calvin Maltby Rev. J oseph Maltby Joseph Maltby Capt. Joseph Mjiltby Daniel Maltby '. William Mall by 7 5 4 69— Mr Julius Maltby Address, Waterbury, Connecticut 70— Miss Loraine Malt- by. Address, St. Davids, Pennsvlvania Douglas Fowler Maltby.. U Julius Maltby 5 Apr. Deac. Benjamin Maltby. . .4 Benjamin Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltby..'. 2 William Maltby 1 190(5 Aug. 23 1908 Lucius Upson M altby 6 Lucius [VJaltbv 5 KfiV. JDiiainaii Mdlfoy (K. W). ..4 Benjamin Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 127 NAME OF MEMBER ""^^ LINE OF DESCENT JUIN- 71— Mr. Lucius Upson ''" t • a/t i^i ,^ Lucius Maltby 5 Maltby. Rev. joiialliaRMaltt)MR-w.)....4 Address. ^.f^!^ Benjamin Maltliv H St. Davids, \im Daniel Maltby . . /. 2 Pennsylvania ^'^'>1'^^'" ^=^1^^^^ ^ 72 Miss Mabel Eliza- ^T' wh'?!''^ '^""^m^^h ' 7- ,^ John Whitehouse Maltby. 6 BETH MALTBY. Oct. Seth Muirav Maltbv (1812] 5 Address, 1931 East 101st j,;^,j^ Gen. Isaac Maltby ("1812). .4 Street Benjamin Maltby "5 Cleveland Ohio Daniel Maltby..". 2 i^ieveiana, unio William Maltby 1 78— Miss MargaHET E. Edmund Maltby G MALTBY. ^ Nathaniel Harrison Address, Barnard Loliege la." Benjamin Maltby. k. w.. A Columbia University, ^^or, jjaniel Maltby. .". ;5 New York City, N. Y . . . Daniel M altby 2 •^ \\illiam Maltby 1 74 — Miss MakTHA J. Edmund Maltby t) Mai TBV Nathaniel Harrison MHllOy.S Acldresfe, ±lie iroqiiois, ^j^. o^niel Maltbv ;', 112 Hamilton Avenue, Daniel Maltbv 2 Columbus, Ohio William Maltby 1 75- Miss Mary J. Malt- Deac. William Maltby.... u Henry Maltby 5 ^^- Mar -lames Maltbv 4 Address, u tSamuel Mali bv 3 2 Kenilwortli Place, ^-'^'^ bamuel Maltby 2 J amaica. New York William Maltby 1 -/• AT Tv/r rr.....x. George Ellsworth Maltby. 7 ib-MiSS Maude Town- George Williams M.ltbv. .6 SHEND Maltby. Feb. Augustus Maltby 5 Address, i^^ (^ol. Stephen Maltby 4 New Haven, " K^^^-^'/Vi' f?u'^^'' o ., ,. Daniel Maltby 2 Connecticut William Maltby 1 77-Miss Mildred Nel- ?T- wl'^!'''h ^^^^^vLu^vk T.^ ., , John Whitehouse M altby. b SON Maltby. Oct. ^^^^ Murray Maltby (1812^ Address. 1931 East 101st ms Gen. Isnac Mallby [1812]. 4 Street Benjamin Maltby 3 Cleveland, Ohio f?*"i«l ^^^^f'l ? ' William Maltbv 1 128 NAME OF MEMBER "*^« LINE OF DESCENT JOIN- 78- Mr. MilO Roy Malt- ""' Henry Munson Maltbie. .7 TjTc A/1r1rt.-c Milo Harrison Maltbie 6 BIE. AdClreob, jun. Eioj^ vlaltbie 1 Tribune Building, ^ Benjamin Maltbie '. '. R. 'w. ' 4 New York City, Mamel Maltbie 3 New York. Daniel Maltbie 2 William Maltbie 1 79— Mb. Monroe E. Malt- Calvm Maltby G BY. Address, Apr. He v. Joseph Maltby 5 . T rs 4. V is -" Joseph Maltby 4 Adams Centre,^ J etterson ms Capt. Joseph Maltby 3 County, New York. Daniel Maltbv 2 p. O. Box 88. William Mallby 1 80— Miss Nettie Grace Albert Paxton Maltby....? Maltby. Address, «^^. Lauren Baldwin Maltby. .6 1 -0(i T) II ci*^ 4^ ^ept- Jesse Maltby 5 ioZy rolK. Mreet, ^^. Benjamin Maltby (k. w). .4 Topeka, " Daniel \ialtby 3 Kansas Da-iiel Maltby ^ William Maltby 1 81 — Col. Ralph Robinson Timothy Maltby (1812) ... .6 Maltby (C. W . ) 3 Timothy Maltby 5 Address, i""'* g"'""^i ,^^i\^>' i „j ,• , Tvr ?->amuel Mallby 3 Washington, Mason coun- Samuel Maltbv 2 ty, Kentucky William Maltiay 1 82 — Mr. Silas BeN.JAMIN Harrison Maltbie 6 Maltbie. ^ Address. Mar. Benjamin Maltbie 5 8711 Forest Avenue, iL !;''"^.^;"i^ ^fl*^^*^ t"- "^H T-f , rt ^ Daniel Maltbie 3 J^oresf Fark, iJaniel Maltbie 2 Baltimore, Maryland. William Maltbie 1 88— Mr. UlRIC Z. Malt- Hiram Mahby . . . . 7 BY, (C W) Timothy Maltby. .1812. . .6 Address, Aug. Timothy Maltby 5 rr.j ,.«- I, 1 c!j. 4- 3 baiiiuel Maltby 4 78 Mohawk htreet. im Samuel Maltby 3 Oswego, New York. Samuel M.iltby 2 Willinm Maitby 1 84— Miss Violet Maltby. j^y nayes Maltby 8 Address, jan. Dr. Dexter J. Maltby lc.w.)7 Forman, ^tL <^alvin Maltby . . ' G Sargent County. *' Rev. Joseph Maltby 5 ■VT ii T-» 1 i. "^ Joseph Maltby 4 North Dakota. C-^pt. Joseph Maltbv 3 „ _. , , . Daniel Maltby 2 * Died fhirinq t, ear. William M altby 1 129 NAME OF MEMBER 85 — Deacon William DATE JOTN- >iD Maitby.* Address. Nortbf'ord, Connecticut . . Feb. lii08 86 — Mk. William Carson Maltby. Address, 704 Prospect Avenue, Buffalo, New York Mar 17, 1906 87 — Mr. William Henry Maltbie. Address, Avenue, Forest Park, Baltimore, Maryland. 8711 Forest ^^%'- JilOf'i 88— Mrs. Martin S. May- hew. [Betsy Patchinjune Maltby. J Address, Cort- land, Trumbull County, Ohio 9 19(10 89— Mr. Frederick Cook Morehouse. Address, The Young Churchman Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin., Ian. ■ 5, i;)(i8 Agnes ^T yO— Mrs. Oliver P. Mor- ton. [Anna Maltby.] Address, Haw- i''*'* ley, Minnesota. R. F. D. No. I. 91 — Mr. William Rogers Murray. Address, Alhambra, California, 5"' After May 1, Lake City, i^*^ Minnesota * Di/rl rluriiiii iipnr LINE OF DESCENT Henry Maltby 5 James Maltby 4 Samuel Maltby 3 Samuel Maltby 'J William Maltby I George W. Maltby . . c. w . . 7 Chandler Maltby G Chandler Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltbv 2 William Maltby 1 Silas Benjamin Maltbie. .7 Han ison Maltbie U Benjamin Maltbie 5 Benjamin Maltbie. .b. w. .4 Daniel Maltbie 3 Daniel Maltbie 2 William Maltbie 1 Edmund Maltby 6 Nathaniel Hanison MallOy.5 Benjamin Maltby [r. w,]. .4 Daniel Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltbv 2 William Maltby 1 Linden Hustad More- house t) Andrew Morehouse 5 ;Sarah Bulkley Morehouse. 4 Hannah Mallbie Bulkley. .3 Jonathan Maltbie 2 William Maltbie 1 Dr. Dexter J. Maltby (c.w,) 7 Calvin Maltby 6 Rev. Joseph Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 Harriet Maltby Chandler Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 I30 NAME OF MEMBER r>ATE JOIN- ED. 1908 92 -Mrs. Perry Oaks (Harriet Malvina Malt- by.) Address, 517 Fifth i^"' Street, East, Flint, Michigan 98 — Master Daniel Dev- ERAL Perry, Address, 858 Prospect Avenue, Butt'alo, New York Mar. 17 94— Mrs. Daniel J. Perry (Mary Ann Maltby.) Address: 84 Fargo Avenue, Butfalo, New York 95 — Mrs. George Daniel Perry, Address: 858 Prospect Avenue . Buffalo, New York 96 — Rev.Dryden William Phelps, Address: "The Archer," 744 Seventh Street, San Diego, California Mar, 17 litO() .Mar 17 liKMi July 19 I'tOli LiNE OF DESCENT Sabra Maltby 6 Chandler Maltby 5 Joseph Maltby i Capt. .Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 'J William Maltby I George Daniel Perry 9 Mary Ann Maltby 8 George W. Maltby [c.-.v.]. .7 Chiindler Maltby 6 Chandler Maltby 5 Joseph M altby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltbv 3 Daniel Maltbv '. . 2 William Maltby 1 George W. Maltby. .c. w. .7 Chandler Maltby G Chandler Maltby .o Joseph Maltby 4 Capt. Joseph Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltby 1 Mary Ann Maltby 8 George W. Maltby. .o w. .7 Chandler Maltby ij Chandler Maltb) 5 .Joseph Maltb.* 4 Capt. Joseph Maliby 3 Daniel xVi altby 2 William Maltby 1 I.. Sophia Emilia Linsley . . . . (i Rev. .lames Harvey Lins- ley .5 Sarah Maltby 4 Benjamin Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby..'. 2 William Maltby i 11. Sophia Emilia Linsley .... 7 Sophia Brainerd Lyon ... .6 William Lyon 5 Elizabeth Maltby 4 Nathaniel Maltby 3 John Maltbv 2 William JVLaltbv 1 iSi NAME OF MEMBER TJATE JOIN- 97— Mbs. Albert L. Pot- ter, ( Hannah E. Hail) Apr. Philip. South Dakota. Box 130 11I08 98— Mrs. E. P. Powell, (Lucy Maltby) Address : Clinton, New York Feb. '.'8 190(5 99 -Mrs. Trx'man Senear (Clara Ordilla Roberts) Address: 913 Mississipiji Avenue, Bemitlji, Minnesota Aug 31, 19U8 100— Mrs. Samuel E. Shipp, (Nellie Maltby) Address: Newburgh, New York. . . 101— Mrs. Henry J.Stev- ens, (Jane Almira Malt- by, Address: 90 Grrand Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut 102— Mrs. William Tay- lor Thornton, (Helen Maltby) Address: 1614 Van Ness Avenue, LosAngeles. California.. 103 — Master Elliot Wins LOW Todd, Address: 703 George Street, New Haven. Connecticut May 18 iyu8 lun. "5, lyoG July 10 liiOT Oct. 11, 11108 LINE OF DESCENT Lois Maltby tj Kev. Joseph Maltbv f) Joseph Maltby. . . .' 4 Capt. Joseph Mali by. ... .3 Daniel Maltby 2 William Maltby ] Noroian Maltby (J John Maltby 5. William Maltby (>:. u .) 4 Capt. Joseph Maltbv :i Daniel Maltby '. _' William Maltby i Cvnthia Maltbv 7 Milo Maltby..'. (i Rev. Joseph Maltbv 5 Joseph Maltby " 4 Capt. Joseph Miiltby 3 Daniel Maltby ' 2 William Maltby I Oliver Ellsworth Maltby. .G Lucius Maltby .5 Kev. juiidltiai! MaiiD^ (k.w.)....4 Benjamin Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 'J William Maltby L Lucius .Vlaltby 5 Ui. Joiiaitiaii ffldirny (H. W.). ..4 Benjamin Maltby 3 Daniel Maltby 2 William .Maltby i Norman Maltby (i John Maltby . . .5 Williiim Alaltby. .r. w.. . .4 Capt. Joseph Maltby ;' Daniel Maltby....'. L> William MalLby 1 Eleanor Pierson Ailing 8 Emily Williams Maltby.. 7 George Williams Maltby. .6 Augustus Mai I by 5 Col. Stephen Maltby 4 Benjamin Maltby 3 Daniel Maltbv 2 William Maltby 1 i3« NAME OF MEMBER ;*^! LINE OF DESCENT 1A1 iv/Tx^r, T.Kcr. WT ,T T T^^, ' Emily Williams Maltbv..7 104-MrS. JaMLS WlLLEY q^^,.|^ Williams MaltbV. .6 Todd, ^.^^^ Augustus Maltby 5 (Eleanor Pierson Ailing) 26" Col. Stephen Maltby 4 Address : ■'^'' R^"J.^"V" ,^,«^^'^>' 'i nno ri C!4.„^„<- Daniel Maltby 2 703 Greorge Street, ,^^.^^1;^^^^ ^^^^ j New Haven, Connecticut 105— Mrs. Peter VaNDAR- Horace Maltby G ,,.T^^. /XT u i"»,,o,. Hgx. Joseph Maltby f) WARKA, (Hannah JJyan- j;,,,. j^gg^i, Maltby 4 tha Maltby) Janesville, ^5^3 Capt. Joseph Maltby. '.'.; ^3 Minnesota. Daniel .^laltby -J Route 3, Box 32. William Maltby 1 103— Mrs. Clarence VeR- Cieorge Ellsworth Maltby . 7 ..,T T /Tx ,1 1 ^„,i (jeorge Williams Maltby . .(J ^V"^'. ^^T.^^^ ^°i'^ Augustus Maltbv .5 Maltby) Address: Bag- Feb. Col. Stephen Maltby 4 dad-Chase Gold Mining j-j{;,; lienjamin Maltby 3 Co. , Soulsby viUe, ' i^fmel Maltby 2 Tuolumne Co., California WUham Maltby l 107— Mm^ Ttxv Mat try Dorothy Lord Maltby.... 8 1U< miss rtAE MALTBY George Ellsworth Maltby . 7 VERRILL, Ueorge Williams Maltby. .G Address: Bagdad-Chase jan. Augustus Malthy r-x Gold Mining Co , ,iii, <-'"^- Stephen A.altby 4 SoulsbyviUe, Tuolunnie '"^ Si" Ma?fS '.•.;:.••• ^ County, Cahtorma William .waltby i 108— Mrs. John P. Vic- Norman Maltby G TORY, (Mary Maltby) . John Maltby 5 A(MrPjar. Daniel Maltby 2 Fe, New Mexico jj„. William Maltby I ^^„ ^ T^ Governor Warner was born 109— Governor Fred at HicKling, Nottingham- MaltbY Warner, shire, England, a Maltby. Address: ^\9^'' At the age of two years he Fflrmino^fnii 1408 ^^'^"^ adopted by the Hon. i\ ^armington, i908 ^^^^ Warner, of Farming- Michigan, ton, Michigan. ^OJ URST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MALTBY ASSOCIATION. In February, 190B, a few M^iltby descendants started n Maltby Asfeoeiation. As yet we h Robert (3) Six aona Sir WalterrrChristian de Bassingnam (i) I Sh- Walter de M.nrPetromilla (5) Alfcez=Sir Robert (6) ! ■p^iromilla^iiRoger de Brome (7) Sir John=A. da Granoil <7) Sir Robert de M.:=:Eleanora (8) Sir John M. 1403=Agnes (9) Sir John (10) Sir Robertzz:Eleanora=rThowia« Eleanora^Slr W. Calthorpe (11) , * —r — y i I John M. Bom«T (11) WaHdr BX*vr«l Sir William (13) I I Marg'aret=J. Paston (12) F-ir Willam (13) J I Sir John Paston (13) Job- J.r^T^arl of Egmont (14) | Sir Robert Paston, Bart. Viscount Yarmouth (14) tirilliam, 1621=:Agnes Casey (16) Rk5hAT(1=. ^v_ , •" N- V r,, J- — —I Jiohn (17) Richard (17) Anne (17) Thonuui (17) WiUia ■ —■'--•• — ■ -■ c«j-twrUrBt William (18> A. Cha:-.-." erlayne E. fchuck- " ElizV" ' ' E. OaxtwrUfBt d. g. William borough ■ I Rciger (18) ^at Erasmus (18) Erasmus (18) Ellaei.b«\ia Utn%. (IH) ' E. Burton | :-.. Wright I E. Slee \ ^ 1 Robert 7^9) Krasmus (19) Jolin (Ifl) Wllliajn, (J. in ^f*t (lft> J Richard (19) Thomas (19) i<-Tano!« (1» A. wklkot ^ Martha Pratt (d. 1787>=Jotui Mawbey (b. 189J)=J. Shi d. g. MrAThomas Pratt 1 (d. Srik»e I A. Fielding | I Martha (22) r- Maria, 1764 (:'2) W. Cooper JO. W 1 lALTBYS OF SURREY^ ENGLAND tBtbl]=J. vttxMUMom 3hainbr«, X*q (10) Riahitrt M8ititlBr)=Mar7 Bafeer n») Rofarar Wntin'ic^iATr I>r«yt*ii fl4) ichArd MAWtb7-=M*rr*rel Sipe-acsr OS) I liiawM»y (lf> Midi OfJ »«r«tnjr (IT) aM/g* MtiwUeSr 1 tnj wmiUi a«) ^mr^^?& ?isn^ '^^•^ «'> perd (M) ir^ («ij l}liBii%«ti( <*U kk- J.stF'h, 1798 ■ Ajao6k « Pratt, 1790 upb .(13) jAliTlM) Mej-ln^ tXS) -V-- C Huoioaaa j J. I^ Eo(i •'M I i ^5 ^i I I f ■1 J'. 4 V' N -'^'^r * ^^ ^^. • sV-^N<^ ^-^ » (i/ . ':m<'- ^^^ A° v<> ^"•^-^^ V. V ,> 4 o^ i A^ « o .w^;-- "-OV*'' G" .^ jr^c-;^ c^ ^ '3 V-, ^TN^ ^^ <-«^ ■•^^r ^^'^ : «;^"'^. v(( ^^ ^ ^ ^l '5. t^- ^O ':^. .^ °x. a > 5 • • , .Vv^. .4^ ,/^% -^'^^^^^y^^ o o 'o . t " A •7- <• „ n^l-, -» O -^^0^ o V . ^S" ^^ <^ -^0^ A"^^ °o - .v^ A,* r V « '^ <-. *'"■■* ^<' v> . «<* "" ct ■ 1 1V\\^; ^. ^0 '/^ '^^. > o ■^<- K sr '\ CI :_«^' c°" r* \ O 1-^^ O A ^ ^ ^v^^ . " o o > yt. .0' >, > ^V 'i' v^ ,v*.::,'*_ c>^ ,.0 v> //i. o '¥ <'^ v/1 H^^ c- fr -^rX ,-'t;V,;,. r^':r ^^^ y^ A -^^^ .' ^^ -^^ O " o .^.^ ^ "^t