^^'% rr??--. ^ "•'•*. \ ^ 1. * • «. ANNALS TOWN OF WARREN WITH THE EARLY HISTORY OF ST. GEORGE'S, BROAD BAY, I THE NEIGHBORING SETTLEMENTS ON THE WALDO PATENT By CYRUS EATON, A. M. x HALLO WELL: MASTERS, SMITH & CO 18H. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1851, by Cyrus Eaton, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Maine. PREFACE. The following work is one of very humble pre- tensions. Its primary object was the history of the town of Warren ; but this, in its earlier stages, was found so blended with that of the neighboring pla- ces, that it was thought best to include a ciusory account of their settlement, progress, and condition ; down to the time of their incorporation. The form of annals has been chosen as best calculated to give a panoramic picture of the successive and contempo- raneous steps by which the settlements advanced, and affairs moved on, toward theii- present condition ; but this, more particularly in the latter portion of the work, has been freely departed from whenever the connexion of events, and the convenience of closing a subject, seemed to require. In the prosecution of the work, the author has availed himself of the records and archives of the town, county, State, and United States; many print- ed books and pamphlets, early or recent, obscure or otherwise ; some private journals and other papers of the early settlers ; together with a large stock of traditionary information, collected many years ago from aged persons now no more, as well as from many still living. Much of the last was furnished to Judge Williamson when writing the history of the IV PREFACE. State, and is now reclaimed. In gaining access to and collecting his materials, it gives the author great pleasure to acknowledge the uniform kindness and generous aid, not only of his immediate friends and acquaintances, but of many others on whom he had no claims ; and he would tender his sincere thanks to Hon. Rufus Mclntire, Hon. Franklin Clark, John McKeen, Esq., many public functionaries. Prof. J. Johnston of Middleton, Conn., Marshall S. Rice, Esq. of Newton, Mass., and particularly to Rev. J. L. Sibley of Harvard University, without Avhose en- couragement he would not have undertaken, and without whose favors he could scarcely have accom- plished, the task. Could he now persuade himself that he has been at all successful in working up his materials, in col- lating and comparing documents, reconciling con- flicting statements, verifying traditions by written testimony, detailing events with accuracy and recall- ing the past as it was, the author would not be over sensitive in regard to the minor faults of style, dic- tion, punctuation, &c. For some of these, want of sight and the difficulty of criticising by the ear, may, perhaps, be allowed to plead in apology ; whilst others have arisen from alterations and curtailment hastily made in the progress of printing. Some of the more obvious errors of the press are noted in the table of errata. As the work has been extended much beyond the number of pages named, and fur- nished with maps not contemplated in his prospectus, the author hopes the pecuniary sacrifice thus incur- red will be accepted by his subscribers as a token of gratitude for their generous patronage. Warren, July 31, 1851. CONTENTS. PAGE Chap. I. Situation, natural features, &c., of the town of Warren. 1 Chap. II. Discovery and naming of St. George's River, with a glance at the other discoveries, settlements, and claims madein the vicinity. — Indian war and Sickness of 1615 and'18. — Monhegan, Newharbor, Pemaquid and Dam- ariscotta. — Patent to Beauchamp and Leverett. — Trad- ing-house at St. George's. — The Patentees. — EarHest settlers. — Changes of jurisdiction. — Condition of the country. — The 1st, (King Philip's,) Indian war. ... 12 Chap. III. Dutch at Newcastle. — The 2d Indian war. — Pema- qxiid taken. — Settlements east of Falmouth deserted. — Indian chiefs. — New Charter of Massachusetts, and Gov. Phips. — Fort Wm. Henry, and skirmish at Damariscotta. Peace. — Death of Madockawando. — Land at St. George's piurchased of the Indians. — Suppression of pirates. — Queen Anne's war. — Castine, the younger. — Peace, and the renewal of settlements. — Missionaries. — Conference at Georgetown. — Settlement farther east.— Doings at St. George's. — Seizure of Castine. — The 4th Indian war. — Attacks at Pemaquid and other places. — At St. George's, sloop and mill burnt, — Fort besieged, — Made a public garrison. — Expedition to Penobscot.— Another attack on St. George's. — Skirmish, and death of Winslow. — Naval warfare, and attack on St. George's. — Close of the war. — Capt. Gyles. — Dummer's Treaty, 1726 Chap. IV. Truck-house and agent at St. George's. — Private traders. — Indian conference, 1727, and truck-masters. — Gyles, justice of the peace. — Gov. Dunbar. — Pierpoint, chaplain. — Indian conference, 1732. — Waldo, sole pro- prietor at St. George's, — Prepares for extensive settle- xaent, — Commences lime-burning, — Visits St. George's, — Confers with Indians, — Contracts with 27 settlers for the upper town. — Conditions. — Names. — SaAV-mill re- 26 VI CONTENTS. biult. — Lots laid out. — Other settlements, — Forbidden by the Indians, above tide waters. — Action of the Gen. Court thereon. — Garrison reduced. — Location of the first settlers. — Their houses, employments, &c. — Earliest children. — Fears of a new rupture with Indians. — Waldo, colonel. — H. Alexander, first militia captain. — Threatening hostilities with Spain, and measures of de- fence. — First grist-mill and meeting-house. — Shipwreck at Mt. Desert. — First German settlers at Broad Bay. — Limits of the Waldo and Pemaquid patents settled by com- promise. — Hardships of the German settlers. — Boice Cooper. — L. Parsons, &c. — 1741 42 Chap. V. New tenor currency. — Indian disaffection. — St. George's fort rebxiilt. — Bradbury, commander. — Earliest death in the upper town. — Lower town extended. — War with France. — St. John's Indians hostile. — Precau- tions for presei-ving peace with Tarratines. — Militia, and scouting parties. — Louisburg expedition. — Effect at St. George's, — At Broad Bay. — Indians attack St. George's. — Block-houses built. — Province sloop and Capt. Saun- ders. — Bounties for Indian scalps. — Skirmish at St. George's. — Destruction of Broad Bay. — Another skir- mish at St. George's. — Attacks at Damariscotta, &c. — Attempt to blow up St. George's fort. — Creighton killed. — Cooper and Pitcher, captives. — Scarcity. — Peace con- cluded. — Settlers return. — Kilpatrick, captain. — Agri- culture, potatoes, &c. — Character, occupations, religion, &c., of the early settlers. — Settlement at Broad Bay re- vived. — Conrad Heyer. — Currency. — Indian disturban- ces allayed. — Rutherford. — New style. — Indian confer- ence, 1752-3. — J. Hart. — Additional German settlers at Broad Bay, 1752-3. — Their disappointment and suffering. — Scottish settlers at St. George's, 1753 64 Chap. VI. Indians complain. — Fort rebuilt and block-houses established. — French and Indian war. — Settlers go into garrison. — Their condition there. — Care to conciliate Tarratines, occasions dissatisfaction. — Letters of Burton, Kilpatrick, Bradbury, and Indians. — Cargill's expedition, and death of Margaret. — Scouts at St. George's. — Letter of Lieut. Fletcher. — Aggressions at St. George's. — Death of Rufherford. — Indians distressed. — Forces at St. George's and Broad Bay. — Freeman's journal. — Night sldi-mish. — Disasters of the war, Ilenlys, Watson, CONTENTS. VU Coltson, Ehvell, Piper and others. — Remilly's journal. — North, commander at St. Georges, 1757 87 Chap. VII. Garrisons. — St. George's fort reinforced. — Attack- ed, and cattle killed. — Occupation of Penobscot. — Death of Gen. Waldo. — Pownal's popularity at St. George's. — Abatement of hostilities. — Condition of the people during the war. — Sheep introduced. — II. Libbey. — Lincoln County established. — North, judge. — Drought and wild game. — T. Fluker, proprietor. — First county tax. — Administration of justice. — Ulmer. — Dr. Schaef- fer. — Saw-mill rebuilt. — Ship-building attempted. — McLean. — Garrison discontinued. — Location of the Scottish settlers. — Treaty of peace. — Death of Burton. — New settlers. Spear, Starrett, Wheaton, Copelands, Vose, Counce, Sumner, Montgomery. — Physicians. — Locke, Fales, Packards, Hall, Watts, Buckland. — Census. Maize introduced, other crops, trade, &c. — Drown's claim at Broad Bay. — First regimental muster. — Death of North. — First framed houses. — Mclnt jtto's ferry. — Lermond's mills. — New settlements, Keag or S. Thomas- ton. — Lermond's cove or Rockland. — Megimticook or Camden. — Moravians and others leave Broad Bay. — Comet.— Duties, &c., 1770 107 Chap. VIIL Army- worm. — New settlers at Broad Bay. — Ship-building. — Wreck of the Industiy. — Fatal snow- storm in October. — Mclntyre, captain. — Disuse of Brit- tish goods. — Wooden dishes. — Clothing. — Fashions. — Domestic manufactures. — Superstitions. — Education. — Religious privileges. — Saw-mill at Back River. — Plan- tation meetings. — Fever. — Waldoboro' incorporated. — Burton at the tea-party. — Progress of politics. — Private calamities. — Fort Pownal dismantled. — The commander's letter to St. George's. — Political views of the people there. — The Dolpliin built. — Recruits for the army. — New government officials. — Rev. J. Urquhart. — Revolu- tionary committee, 1775 136 Chap. IX. New militia officers. — Declaration of independence. — Tax in clothing, &c. — Soldiers for INIachias. — Warren and Thomaston incorporated. — Stirlingtown or Union. — First town meeting in Warren. — Peabody. — J. Lermond's saw-mill. — Wyllie. — Oath of allegiance. — Coast guards. — Scarcity. — Paskiel. — Second town meeting. — Rokes. — Fishery. — Town and other taxes. — Prices. — Vote on Vlll CONTENTS. the constitution. — Proprietors of Waldo patent, absen- tees. — District of Maine. — Difficulties with. Mr. Urqu- hart. — E,ev. T. Whiting. — Biguyduce expedition. — Coast defence. — Drought and fires. — Currency. — Pay- son. — Gamble drowned. — First highway. — First repre- sentative. — Severe winter, 1780 160 Chap. X. Consequences of the defeat. — Transactions at Cam- den. — Sloops captured. — Arrest of Long. — Wadsworth, commander. — Murder of Soule. — Execution of Braun. — Tax in clothing and beef. — Urquhart's salary. — First bridge over Oyster E,. — Capture of Wadsworth and Bur- ton, — Their escape. — Public burdens. — New emission of paper. — Controversy with Stirlingtown. — Dismission of Urquhart, — Arrival of his wife, &c. — Salem presbytery dissolved. — 1782 181 Chap. XI. Scarcity. — Early run of alemves. — First pound. — Payson, Sprague, and Africa Peter. — People of color. — Keturn of peace. — Fisher, McCallum, O'Brien. — Schools. — Sufferers from paper money, Patterson, Math- ews. — Boggs's bridge. — Taxes. — Pebbles, first justice.. — Annis. — llefugees. Nelson, Dicke. — Scheme of annexa- tion. — Bosworth. — Peace. — Casualty. — First legal highways voted. — Davis, the hunter, and Barrett. — New settlers, Dunbar, Crane. — First store at head of the tide. — Wild animals. — Agriculture. — First carts, breaking- up-plow, and sleigh. — 1784 200 Chap. XII. Paper money. Cooper. — Settlers on eastern and western roads to Union, west of N. Pond, east of Pea- body's. — Sloop Warren. — Fishery. — Weston. — Sloop Friendship. — Tolman. — First legal highway. — "VMiit- ing, minister. — First town school. — MiKtia officers. — Land titles, settlers quieted. — New settlers, Andrews, Davis, Standish. — Meeting-house. — Mills at upper faUs. — Head. — First cliild born at the village. — Severe vrin- ters and famine. — Roads to Thomaston, Waldoboro', and Union. — Jameson, T. Robinson, A. Kelloch, jr., Minger- son. — Sloop Jane, mills, &c. at village. — Federal consti- tution. — M. Cobb. — Prices. — Spear, captain. — Votes for Governor, &c. — Land titles. — Fairbanks, Dodge, Webb. — Cushing incorporated. — 1789 213 Chap. XIII. Additional settlers, Mero, I. Fuller, Cox, Rogers, Morison, Keith, Carven, Alford, 6^p. — Tax payers. — CONTENTS. IX Sch. Industry. — First ox-wagon. — Brackett & Davis. — — Sullivan. — Meeting-house. — Dr. SchaefFer at Warren. — Settlers on middle road to Union. — Frost, Moore. — Wild game. — Casualties. — Removal of J. Lermond. — First brig. — First bridge at village. — New meeting- house. — Lovett. — Two-story houses. — Social library. — Vote on separation. — Sale of pews, &c. — Burying- ground. — Road through village, — To Barrettstown or Hope. — Blake, Lawrence, Page, Buxton, McBeath, Parsons. — Fulling-mill. — Sloop Polly. — First pleasure carriage. — Mail and post office. — Robbery and death of Schaeffer. — Early snow storm. — 1793. 226 Chap. XIV. Oyster R. bridge. — State tax, drafted militia. — Destructive frost. — Bears. — Wilde. — Rev. J. Thaxter. — Settlement of Rev. J. Huse. — Church organized, &c. — Changes in the town. — Knox at Thomaston. — His works in Warren, — Bring new settlers, Gerrish, Wilson, Cobum, Williams, Lincoln. — Activity of business. — Lime burnt at Warren. — W. H. Webb. — School districts. — Vessels. — Harriman, Brown. — Fatal accidents. — Currency. — Hog-reeves. — Pound. — Overflowmg of roads. — Choii'. — Military stores and officers. — Company divided. — D. Vose, Vaughan, Leach, F. Jones. — Kelloch neighborhood. '— Vessels. — Public bridge at village. — Watsons set off to Thomaston. — Divisions, town and national. — Snow, Emerson, Wells, Dagget. — Vessels. — French spoliations. Wilde's removal. — Court-house. — Accidents. — Thatch- er. — Small-pox. — Political parties. — Reg. muster. — Fashions. — 1800 243 Chap. XV. Schools, committee, teachers, and funds. — Bounty on crows. — Oyster fishery. — Shad and alewives, a town privilege. — Commercial prosperity, and business men. — Light-house and fort. — Buildings and trees. — Pleasure carriages. — G. Reed and M. Smith. — Cobb, J. Fidler, Wilbur, Mallett, Hovey, J. Wetherbee, Gates, Stone, New- comb, French, Brackett, Comery, A. Russel, Flack, Swift, Jackson, and Hays. — Martin, Douglass, and Brakely. — Military. — Musical band. — Masonic lodge. — Civil and ec- clesiastical changes in the vicinity. — The Baptist society. — Loss by fixe, — By freshet. — Canker-rash. — Spruce and hemlock destroyed. — Hoof-ail. — Aurora borealis. — Earthquake. — Eclipse. — Casualties. — Death of Knox. — 1806 263 X CONTENTS. Chap. XVI. Commercial embarrassments. — Brig Sumner. — Embargo. — Parties. — Petitions. — Non-intercourse. — Betterment- act. — Parkman. — Attempt to impeach Jus- tice Copeland. — Vote on separation. — Political move- ments. — Lime inspection. — Fish-law. — Wolves. — Mili- tary stores. — E. Thatcher, Hoar, Thomas, Harrington, Maxey, B. Bussel, D. Vaughan, Lamson, Watton, Ben- son, S. French, Isley, S. Lawrence, Starr, T. "Wilson, Bur- gess, Miller, McLeUan, Noyce, Knowlton, A. Young, and Caswell. — Warren Academy. — Sacred mu^ic. — Agri- ^ culture and manufactures. — Hard times. — Casualties. — Physical and meteorological phenomena. — Second em- bargo and war. — Convention at Wiscasset. — 1812. . . 280 Chap. XVII. Effects of war. — Coasting trade. — High price of provisions. — View of a naval action. — Capttu'e of the Peggy and Rubicon. — The Alexander. — Measures of de- fence. — Abundant crop, and public bxirdens. — The Brit- ish at St. George's. — Militia called out for defence of Camden. — A false alarm. — Second expedition to Cam- den. — Trade with the enemy. ^ — Peace. — Its effects. — Moral societies. — Unpropitious seasons. — Emigration west. — Bridges petitioned for. — Wolves, and Elephant. — A. Lermond. — Paupers. — Bate of labor. — Boad to Camden, and bridges. — Meeting-house. — Separation of the State. — Party spuit allayed. — Casualties, seasons, &c. — New comers, Kimball, Bawson, Hodgman, Howard, Hinkley, Jarvis, Howland, Parker, Carriel, Whitney, Hilt, B. Bobinson, Waterman, L. Jones, Leeds, Joacliin, Stet- son, and Sawin. — Traders, J. Thompson, J. Burton. — First dancing-school, education, improvements, &c. — Btu'ton's block-house. — 1820 292 Chap. XVIII. Unanimity at the first State election. — Schools, S. agents, districts, &c. — Paupers. — Ministerial tax. — Military matters. — Biuying grounds. — Bridges. — High- ways. — Fishery. — Inspectors of lime. — Valuation of 1829. — Beceipts and expenditures. — Surplus revenue. — Town-house. — Votes for presidential electors, — On amendments of the constitution, &c 309 Chap. XIX. The history of the First and Second Congregational Societies, with other ecclesiastical matters, from 1820 to 1850 319 CONTENTS. XI Chap. XX. Benevolent and other societies. — Celebrations. — Wild animals. — Losses by fire. — Casualties. — J. G. Lam- briglit. — T. D. Raeburn. — Weather and meteoric phe- nomena. — Progress of improvement. — Emigrants to Cal- ifornia. — Col. B. Burton. — J. H. Counce. — B. B. Thatcher. — Conclusion 329 Tables. I. Highways, 1783 to 1850 • . . 351 II. Valuation, 1790 to 1850 353 III. Population, 1790 to 1850 354 IV. County Taxes paid by Warren and neighboring places, prior to 1781 354 V. Principal town officers, 1777 to 1850. ... 355 VI. Justices of the peace and other civil officers, 1782 to 1850 359 VII. Licenses granted, to residents on St. George's river, prior to 1777. • . 360 " " to residents of Warren, 1778 to 1837 361 VIII. Votes for Governor, 1788 to 1850 362 IX. Taxes raised, proceeds of the fishery, pauper expenses, &c., 1778 to 1850 364 X. Return of the Superintending School Committee, 1850 365 XL MiHtia Officers 365 XII. Officers of the regiment in which the militia of Warren has been included 368 XIII. Vessels built, 1770 to 1850 369 XIV. Deaths, 1797 to 1850 373 XV. Vernal progress, 1805 to 1850 374 Table of Genealogy. 375 ILLUSTRATIONS. Plan of Warren facing Chapter I, page 1 Map of St. George's and vicinity " " IV, " 42 AVood cut, Conrad Heyer "77 ERRATA. Page 13, line 3, for rigor. read vigor. " 97, " 37, " icith. and. " 144, « 10, " setting, settling. " 154, " 2, « was, were. " 231, " 3, *' martin. marten. « 251, " 37, " was made were ma « 350, " 9, after alloiv, insert us. ANNALS OF WAEREN. CHAPTER I. THE TOWN DESCRIBED. The town of Warren, in the county of Lincoln, State of j\Iaine, is situated on both sides of St. George's River at the head of tide waters ; and is bounded westerly by Waldoboro', northerly by Union, easterly and southeasterly by Camden and Thomaston, and southerly by Gushing. Its central village is not far from 44^^ of N, latitude, and is, by the route traveled, about 34 miles S. E. from Augusta and about 617 from Washington. It contains 29,636 acres, and is about equal to a tract 6| miles square. From this, if we deduct 1600 acres for water and 450 for highways, we have remaining 27,586 acres. According to the valuation of 1840 there were return- ed by the assessors an aggregate of 22,245 acres, leaving a deficiency of 5,341 acres to be accounted for in one or more of the following ways. 1. The liberal measure used in locating all the more ancient lots, and the fractions lost in the division thereof, will account for a part. 2. The possession of lots by persons out of town ma)^ for a time prevent the same from coming to the knowledge of the assessors. 3. The natural reluctance of every person to paying a high tax, may lead to a low estimate, and sometimes to a false rep- resentation. 4, Some assessors have been in the habit of reducing the quantity of mowing, marsh and other lands, to make up for its poor quality, making no account of ledges, bogs and flats, as of no value. The surface of the town is uneven, being broken into ridges and gullies, hills and vallies, and having some eminences of considerable elevation. Two of these in the N. E. part of the town, belonging to the Gamden group, have been dignified 1 2 ANNALS OF WARREN. with the name of mountain. Of these Mt. Pleasant is the highest, and commands an extensive prospect of the neigh- boring towns, the Atlantic Ocean and Penobscot Bay, the winding coast and adjacent islands, with the tops of many- distant inland mountains including the White Hills of New Hampshire. It is often visited by parties of pleasure from this and the neighboring towns. Its eastern ascent is difficult and precipitous, while its western declivity is gentle and easy. The approach from this quarter has the advantage, also, of having the prospect concealed from view by woods till the summit is nearly attained, when it suddenly breaks on the astonished gaze in all its magnificence. The apex of this mountain consists of naked gneiss, but most of its sides are covered with a fertile soil. Crawford's Mt. is more westerly, smaller, and covered with wood. Stahl's hill, in the S. W. part of the town, though of less elevation, affords a fine view extending to White-Head Island and the neighboring waters. The geological features of the town are the result of the general structure of this part of the country, modified of course by local peculiarities. The foundation is primary, consisting of trap, granite, gneiss, mica or talcose slate, with intervening beds of limestone. These rocks appear broken, elevated and depressed into ridges and hollows, hills and pre- cipices, often in a most confused manner ; like blocks of ice jammed together in a spring freshet, the edges of the strata iDrought to the surface, their order and contents exposed either in a vertical position, or elevated at various angles. The stratification thus exposed and the primary ridges thus formed, however undulating in their course, extend as a general thing in a N. E. and S. W. direction. This forms the most marked feature of the locality. A second is the general ascent of the country from the sea-shore northerly, causing its drainage to find its way in a contrary direction across these rocky ridges in cross fractures and depressions, which give a mean- dering, zigzag course to the streams as they pass, now linger- ing in the bosoms of ponds and lakes, and now leaping down rapids and cascades, to the ocean. Such is the character of the river St. George's ; which, after the junction of its two most distant branches, the one issu- ing from Quantabacook Pond in Belmont and Searsmont, the other from St. George's Great Pond in Liberty and Montville, proceeds through Appleton, Union, Warren, Thomaston, and between Gushing and St. George, discharging its waters and those of many tributaries received in its course, into the sea between the two last mentioned towijs. Its whole course ANNALS OF WARREN. 3 seems to be a continued struggle between a tendency on the one hand to pursue a direct southern course to the ocean, and that on-the other of foilowing the direction of the vallies that stretch southwesterly between the ridges. This sufficiently appears in the two great bends which the river makes in the upper part of Warren, forming the Starrett and Vaughan peninsulas, as well as in those in Union and at the Narrows in Thomaston ; in the numerous ponds which it fills in its course at present, and the many more which it seems to have filled in former ages ; and especially in the facility with which a part of its waters in time of a freshet pass into North and South Ponds, through which it is not improbable the whole once found their way to the ocean ; though these ponds at pres- ent only serve as reservoirs to retain the superfluous water, till, on the subsiding of the freshet, the current is reversed, the inlet becomes the outlet, and the water is restored to the stream from whence it vv^as borrowed. The many reservoirs of this kind, connected with the river, give a permanency and value to its water privileges, which they could not otherwise possess. The tide formerly flowed as high up as Boggs's shore at the foot of the upper falls, but is now stopped a little short of that point, by the dam at the lower bridge. This river is about 40 miles long, runs through Warren from N. to S., is navigable for vessels of 90 or 100 tons burthen to Andrews's Point ; and smaller craft go to the village about three-quarters of a mile higher. But the " Narrows"" a little below the boundary of Warren, render its navigation somev/hat difficult. The tide rushes through them with such violence that a loaded vessel can pass them with safety only at high water ; and their direction is so near- ly opposite to the general course of the river that vessels ascending or descending with a fair wind are sure to find a contrary one here. Two toll-bridges, one in Thomaston and one in the lower part of this town, are additional impedi- ments ; and, since the exportation of lumber has ceased and lime is taken to southern ports in large vessels which stop at Thomaston, most of the freighting is taken in and discharged at that place which used to be done here. Above the tide waters, on the contrary, the navigation of this river has been greatly extended by locks and canals, which render its whole length navigable for boats and open a market for wood and lumber as high up as the Quantabacook. There are valuable water privileges at the upper and lower falls in this town ; the latter of which, only, are at present occupied. A little be- fore this stream leaves Warren, it receives the waters of Oyster 4 ANNALS OF WARREN. River, a considerable branch, which drains the eastern part of the town from the foot of Mt. Pleasant, and runs in a S. W. direction between Warren and Thomaston, several times crossing the line, working sundry mills in its course, and affording sites for others. It is navigable to the bridge, form- erly Lermond's Mills, where shipbuilding was early com- menced and is still carried on. Judas' Meadow Brook is a smaller branch which drains the N. W. part of the town. There are other branches both above and below Warren, the most considerable of which is Mill River in Thomaston. The S. W. part of the town is drained by Back River emptying into South Pond beforementioned ; which is the largest sheet of water in town, about two miles long by five- eighths of a mile wide, situated between the two Waldoboro' roads. Its outlet unites with that from West Pond, a quad- rangular body of water, half a mile in extent, on the confines of Waldoboro' ; and the united stream passes through North Pond, which is deep, but narrow and irregular, into the main river as before related. Farther to the S. W. are Little and Southwest Ponds which are smaller. Crawford's Pond, partly in Union, transmits the drainage of the N. W. declivity of Mt. Pleasant and Crawford's Mt. to the main river in Union. Seven Tree Pond, mostly in Union, and White Oak Pond, just below it, are mere expansions of the St. George's. The soil of the town is good ; but varies in character ac- cording to the action which has taken place since the period of its deposition in the diluvium depo:sitcd above the funda- mental rocks, before described. This diluvial earth, formed by the disintegration of the rocks beneath the waves of the primeval ocean, seems to have been, when the country was elevated from the abyss, transported southward by currents, glaciers, or icebergs, in such a manner as to grind down and smooth the surface of the ledges, leaving grooves and scratch- es in that direction, which may be plainly seen whenever a ledge is first uncovered. Hence the fragmentary rocks are always found to the southward of the ledges from which they were taken ; and muscles and other sea-shells have been dug up at great depths in situations as high as that of the late Oliver Boggs, who, in digging his well, found them in a good state of preservation. Appearances indicate that the region was subsequently covered with water at about the height of the ridge by D. Page's ; which seems to have been a sea-Avall beaten by the billows for a period long enough to round and polish the boulders in a manner similar to, but less perfect than, those of the present sea-shore. Such situations afford ANNALSOF WARREN. O the poorest soil, being composed chiefly of sand and gravel from which the finer and more argillacious particles were washed out and deposited in deeper and more tranquil waters. At a higher elevation on the declivities of the hills enriched by the washings from above, as well as at a lower elevation on ridges abounding with unworn boulders, a fertile, loamy soil sufficiently rewards the hard labor required in its cultiva- tion. But the most profitable soil, all things considered, is found in the vallies of the river and its tributaries, consisting of clays apparentl}'- deposited from the ancient lakes formed by the transverse ridges that obstructed the course of the streams. Where this clay is mixed with, or covered by, a suitable quantity of sand or gravel, its cultivation is easy, and fertility inexhaustible. A more recently made, and for certain crops more productive, species of soil, is found in the fresh and salt marshes formed, and still forming, from the annual deposit of alluvial earth. To these may be added swamps and bogs, particularly the great one between Hector M. Watts's and A. Andrews's, which consists entirely of decayed vegetable matter to the depth of 15 feet or more, in which are found, at various depths, trunks of juniper and other trees in a sound condition. It has been formed by a supply of water sufficient to nourish, but not to drown, the growth of moss, bushes and trees, with which it is still in part cover- ed ; and may throw some light on the probable formation of coal mines. The only minerals of value found in the town are lime- stone and granite. The principal quarry of the latter, is that on the J. Storer farm. Limestone is found in inexhaustible quantities between David and Alex'r Starrett's. It is granular in structure, white in color, has been extensively quarried both for lime and marble, and is unsurpassed by any in the State. Limestone is also found in the neighborhood of Craw- ford's Pond. Connected with this mineral, or interspersed through it, are found small quantities of pot-stone, soap-stone, asbestos, lead and zinc. Sulphuret of iron abounds in several ledges ; and its crystals, as also those of quartz, mica, tourma- line and garnet, are occasionally found, of great beauty. Bog- iron ore and yellow ochre also exist in the eastern part of the town, but to what extent has not been ascertained. Coal, both in this town and Thomaston, has been sought for, and at times with strong expectations of success, but, with the exception of some fragments found in the bed of the river, the indications are not encouraging. There is an extensive 1* 6 ANNALSOF WARREN. bed of porphyry near the late Paul Mink's in School District No. 16, but no attempt has been made to quarry it. Besides the waters of the ocean, to which the inhabitants of this town have easy access, the river affords an abundant supply, in their successive seasons, of the various finny tribes. Frostfish in December and January, smelts in March and April, shad and alewives in May and June, throng its waters. Salmon formerly abounded, and bass are still taken, but not in great numbers. Eels are speared in any quantities at Andrews's Point and some places in Oyster River, where they hibernate under the ice. Manhaden, flounders, bluebacks, garfish, in the salt-waters, and pickerel, trout, lampreys, suck- ers, white and yellow perch, pouts, roach, chub, shiners, min- ows, &c. are found in the fresh-water streams and ponds. Oysters formerly abounded both in St. George's and Oyster Rivers, and there is still an abundance of clams and muscles in the river below this tov>^n. Pickerel were not caught here prior to 3832, a few years before which time they were intro- duced to the ponds in Union by Dr. Harding and others, and a special act passed for their protection. "^ Of the different water fowl which are seen here, the wild goose stops a few days only on his passage in spring and au- tumn ; the bittern and, more rarely, the spoonbill are seen about the ponds and meadows ; the gull com.es up with the fish ; the woodcock, snipe, the humility and others of the tat- tler tribe, teach their young to elude the eye of man by cling- ing motionless to the ground which in color they resemble, whilst the parent performs all manner of antics, counterfeiting lameness, distress and death to avert attention from her off- spring ; the common, and the more beautiful wood, duck di- vide the winter between the salt and fresh-waters, flying land- ward before, and seaward after, a tempest ; the goosander or sheldrake, coot, whistling dipper, and other seabirds, occasion- ally pass up and down the river, especially in spring ; and the loon, largest and most beautiful of the divers, as remarkable for agility in the water as awkwardness on shore, easily, before the use of percussion caps, eluded the sportsman's aim by diving at the flash of his gun. One of these last, while pursuing his way under water, was once caught in a net near Stirling Bridge by a person dipping for alewives ; and a pair of them for many years hatched their young on an abandoned hay- rick in O. Boggs's meadow, till, in 1838, both, swimming in North Pond with their helpless offspring on the mother's back, were shot by the ruthless rifle of the sportsman. The crane and heron are much less frequently seen now than ANNALSOF WARREN. 7 30 years ago ; when they were daily observed pursuing their steady flight, with eels and other victims still alive and squirm- ing, toward their ancient breeding place near Oyster River in the borders of Thomaston. There, in countless multitude, they built their uncouth, boot-shaped nests, often three or four on a tree to the extent of more than an acre ; strewing the ground with the shells of muscles and other molluscs with which they fed their young, till the axe of industry invaded their sanctuary and forced them to seek another home. Of the 87 or 90 distinct species of land birds which have fallen under our observation, cither as summer, winter or per- ennial residents, or mere passengers on their way to distant regions, (some of which far outnumber the human dwellers in the town,) the limits of this work will not allow us to speak particularly. Most of them are, in one way or other, sub- servient to the wants of man ; some to our health in removing putrescent carcasses and other nuisances ; some to our crops in destroying noxious insects, reptiles, and vermin ; some to our virtues by the examples they set of courage, industry, perseverance, affection, and a cheerful trust in Providence ; whilst others contribute to our delight by the beauty of their plumage and the sweetness of their music. They seem to vary in number and species in different years and periods of years. The red-headed woodpecker, the pride of the prime- val forest, and the meadow lark, sweet soother of the pensive soul, have wholly disappeared. The whip-poor-will is heard only in the most woody situations ; the scarlet tanager rarely flashes through the orchard ; and the cuckoo comes only when the hairy caterpillars, which other birds refuse, require exter- mination. The suspicious sagacity of the crow, acquired from the experience of a hundred years, seems to outwit itself; since a simple string suspended from pole to pole is sufficient to protect a cornfield from his depredations. The fish-hawk though a skilful purveyor, sometimes allows his ambition to exceed his strength ; as one was seen in North Pond, by O, Boggs, to pounce upon a fish so large, that, after a doubtful struggle for some minutes, the assailant, unable to loose his hold, was dragged down and never rose again. The bald or white-headed eagle, that in times of plenty disdains to cater for himself, stimulated by winter famine has been seen to dart suddenly down and snatch the eel from beneath the fisher- man's eye. But instead of pursuing the subject farther, we invite our young readers to " behold" for themselves " the fowls of the air" and not give over the instructive amusement till they become familiar with the names, powers and habits 8 ANNALS OF WARREN. of these tenants of the fields and forests ; from the humming- bird, animated blossom of the garden, the redstart, moving gem of the forest, the yellow-bird, tulip of summer, and the goldfinch, vainest of dandies, to the oven-bird concealing his nest with an arch, the small woodpecker that chips out a chamber for his winter lodgings in the trunk of a rotten beech, the blue-bird, repairing his nest in autumn in hopes of a joyful return in spring, and the robin whose mellifluous notes not only cheer his mate at her tedious task, but by skilful variation telegraph to her ear every shade and degree of ap- proaching danger. For the quadrupeds originally found here, and their gradual disappearance as the country became cleared, the reader is referred to subsequent chapters. Of the reptiles it is remark- ed that the frogs have greatly diminished since the introduction of the pickerel to our waters. Of snakes we have only a few small and harmless species, except perhaps the spotted adder, abounding at the rocky hills, and the water snake, occasionally met with in the ponds. Insects, though numerous and at times destructive, are greatly repressed by the mutability of the climate, which seldom allows the same species to continue formidable for more than two or three years at a time. The study of their ditFerent arts, contrivances and modes of living, is also an endless field of amusement and instruction. In the vegetable kingdom, the number of species met with in the limits of the town, exclusive of grasses, mosses and other cryptogamous, as well as cultivated plants, amounts to 353, divided among 193 genera. A farther examination, particu- larly of the cryptogamous plants, grasses, and sedges, would greatly add to the number. But the limits of this work will not permit us even to glance at the beauty and utility of these tribes which adorn the field and forest, rock, mountain and swamp, from the Epigeum whose fragrant flowers bloom beside the April snowdrift, to the witch-hazel whose yellow petals open amid the storms of October. The climate of the place, situated as it is on the confines of the ocean, whose waters, mingling with those of every zone, have a great effect in equalizing temperature, is neither so hot in summer nor cold in winter as in more inland situ- ations. Yet the mercury ranges from 24P below to 98^ above zero in the shade ; and, in places favorable to the con- centration of heat by reflection and of its dispersion by radia- tion, a still greater range may be obtained. Influenced by the waters, which, heated by a tropical sun, rise to the sur- face and flow northwardly, forming the gulf stream, and by ANNALS OF WARREN. 9 the denser current from the north, which flows in a contrary direction beneath, and is forced to the surface in passing over the shoals of our coast, the temperature vacillates with their different influences as brought by the winds more or less near to the coast. Changes accordingly sometimes occur with great suddenness, and form the most peculiar feature of the climate. The easterly winds are damp and disagreeable, the westerly dry and bracing. In summer the vapor with which the South winds become surcharged in crossing the gulf stream, is condensed by the cooler water nearer shore and hangs in dense fogs sometimes for days and weeks together. Thunder showers and snow squalls usually come from the N. W. and the lightning is probably the eflect rather than the cause of the cooler wind that brings them, acting upon the warmer one which it meets. Our great tempests usually proceed from the S. W. and are about three days in reaching us from the Gulf of Mexico. They seem to be huge vortices or whirlwinds, whereof the front portion, blowing from the S. E. comes warm and moist from the ocean attended with rain or snow ; whilst the latter half, blowing cold and dry from the N. W. is usually denominated fair weather. The year con- sists of a winter of about five months, extending from Nov. to April, a muddy and tardy spring, a short and hot summer, and a frosty and delightful autumn. But all these are fre- quently reversed ; as the second great feature of the climate is the uncertainty of one year compared with another, and of a series of years compared with another series. Diseases vary with the irregularity of the seasons, but the most common are colds, influenza, consumption, rheumatism, dysentery and fever. From the table of deaths appended to this work it will be seen that the average yearly number of deaths from 1800 to 1809 inclusively, was in proportion to the average number of inhabitants as one in 109, from thence to 1819 as one in 131, from thence to 1829 as one in 85, from thence to 1839 as one in 77, and from thence to 1849 as one in 78, making an average mortality for the last 50 years of one in 88. According to the History of Concord the annual mortality of that town is one in 66, of Salem one in 48, Boston one in 41, Philadelphia one in 45, London one in 40, Paris one in 32, Vienna one in 22. The population of this town may be divided into four classes ; 1st. the descendants of the Scotch Irish who origin- ally settled the town in 1735, 2d. the descendants of the Scottish colony who came hither in 1753, 3d. the descend- ants of natives of this country, mostly of English extraction, 10 ANNALS OF WARREN. who came hither from western places before the revolution, 4th. later immigrants and their descendants, including a few of German, English, Highland Scotch and Celtic Irish origin, with one small school district of African descent. The char- acteristics of these several classes, with the exception of that of color, have now become assimilated and combined into a tolerably homogeneous population, although certain peculiari- ties of dialect occasionally betray the origin of each. For their present numbers, occupation, taxable property, &c., at the recent and former enumerations, the reader is referred to the following chapters, and to the tables appended. Of the former races, that for unknown ages prior to the white man's coming, roamed over, if they did not cultivate, this region, little can now be known ; as their whole history, however tragical in itself and all-engrossing to its actors, has, for the want of literary monuments been lost in oblivion ; with the exception of a small portion, which, like the rem- nants of the tribes themselves, still lingers little regarded amid the achievements of their successors. It is not known that this river was the permanent residence of any distinct tribe ; but, situated on the confines of two mighty confedera- cies whose dominions were parted by the Megunticook Moun- tains, it must, in all probability, have witnessed many an artful ambush, and many a deadly conflict. It belonged to the brave tribe of the Wawenocks, the immediate subjects of the great chief called the Bashaba, near Pemaquid, till the conquest of that tribe by the Tarratines in 1615, after which it was claimed by the latter. The Wawenocks were active, strong, very witty, and, as their name implies, fearing noth- ing; the men beardless, the women well-favored, and all dressed in skins.* The Tarratines were a numerous, power- ful, discreet, warlike tribe, more hardy than their western neighbors, and escaped the disease which nearly exterminated the latter in 1617 and 'IS.t Few monuments of either of these races are to be found in this vicinity. Stone axes, chisels, spear and arrow heads are sometimes picked up near the principal fishing stations. In digging the cellar under the house of M. II. Smith, Esq. early in the present century, a skeleton supposed to be that of an Indian was dug up and interred elsewhere by the workmen. On the 7ih of May, 1836, five entire skeletons were disinterred on removing the alluvial soil near the Smelt Creek 'on the east bank of the river south of the village. They were apparently deposited * Smith, p. 19, 214. t Will. Hist. Maine, &c. ANNALS OF WARREN. 11 in a careless manner in one hole, the feet towards tlie east, but with so little care that the leg of one was bent back parallel with the thigh. Possibly this may have resulted from the sitting posture in which Indians are accustomed to bury their dead. Some of them were of a large size, others smaller, as if females or children. The teeth were perfectly sound ; the other bones somewhat decayed, brittle and friable. Two of the skulls were entire and empty; the other three partially decayed so as not to hold together, and filled with red earth, though that in which they lay was black. No hair, orna- ments, or utensils, nor any remains of a coffin were to be found ; and the whole bore the appearance of persons slain in a skirmish and hastily buried together. Nothing at all resembling the mounds, fortifications, and other structures found in the western country, has been observed in this re- gion, with the exception of a huge deposit of oyster shells on the western bank of the Damariscotta, which, if it be indeed the work of human hands, is well calculated to fill the mind with wonder. According to Dr. Jackson it measures 108 rods in length, from 80 to 100 rods in width, and at the high- est point is 25 feet above the sea level, containing 44,906,400 cubic feet.* Probably this measurement is altogether too large, including a considerable space but scantily supplied with shells. The main cliff, however, which slopes down within 6 feet of highwater mark and cannot be less than 40 feet in length, 30 in width, and 20 in height, is one entire mass of oyster shells, open, unmixed with soil, and in a good state of preservation. It rests upon diluvial earth, and is covered by about a foot of soil on which oaks and other trees are standing of the usual size. How and whence was this mass of shells accumulated ? Can this be ihe native bed where these countless molluscous generations lived and died beneath the ancient waters ? Can they have been brought there by the Indians, perhaps by the subjects and tributaries of the great Bashaba, from all parts of the coast as far as the Piscataqua or Mistic in token of their allegiance, to be here piled up, after their contents were consumed in an annual high festival of the collected tribes, as a monument of royal magnificence ? If so, what an idea does it give of the ex- tent and duration of that dynasty which has passed away and left few other marks of its greatness. Of the discovery and settlement of the country by another race, the decline and well nigh total extinction of the savage * Rep. on Geol, of Maine. 12 ANNALSOF WARREN. tribes, ihe planting of this and the neighboring towns, the condition at diflerent epochs, more especially of the town of Warren, and the various steps and agencies by which that town has arrived at its present state, an account will be at- tempted in the following chapters. CHAPTER II. EARLY DISCOVERIES AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS PRIOR TO 1688. When in 1492 Columbus lifted the veil which had for untold centuries concealed the American continent from the civilized world, he found it inhabited only by savage tribes destitute of the mechanic arts, unacquainted with tlic use of iron, unprovided with domestic animals, dependent for sub- sistence on the productions of nature and some feeble attempts at agriculture. These people, from an erroneous idea that the country was but a continuation of India, were called Indians; and, despised as heathen or regarded as enemies, their rights were little respected by the European nations, who hastened to discover and claim the country as their own. The claims of the English in North America originated with the expedi- tion of John and Sebastian Cabot, who under the authority of Henry VII. in 1497 discovered and gave name to Newfound- land, applying the name to the whole coast, which they ranged from 38^ to 56*^ of N. latitude. This claim was strengthen- ed by few subsequent expeditions till towards the close of the 16lh century; when, under the vigorous reign of Elizabeth, formal possession was again taken of the Island of Newfound- land, the coast granted to Kaleigh and others by the general name of Virginia, and two abortive colonics established in N. Carolina, where Virginia Dare, the first child of English extraction in America, was born in 1587. In the mean time the French had laid claim to a portion of the same region, founded on discoveries made in 1523 and 1531, of the coast between 30® and 50® of N. latitude, to which they gave the name of New France. They maintained a commercial inter- course with the natives, particularly in the Gulf of St. Law- rence, and introduced many traders and missionaries. Private adventurers from various nations visited the coast, and espe- cially Newfoundland, where in 1583 Sir Humphrey Gilbert found 36 English, French, Spanish and Portuguese vessels ANNALS OF WARREN. 13 engaged in the fisheries. In the following century the rival claims of France and England began to be prosecuted with more rigor. DeMonts and Champlain, under a grant from the French king of the territory between 40® and 46*^ of N. latitude by the name of Acadia, made farther discoveries up the St. Lawrence and Bay of Fundy ; began a settlement at Port Royal, now Annapolis, N. S. and also on an island in the Schooclic, where in 1605 a crop of rye was sown, the first European grain raised in this State, if not in the Union. Within the limits assigned to this French province, the English were about the same time prosecuting discoveries in the northern parts of their province of Virginia. Under the Vir- ginia company, voyages were made by Bartholomew Gosnold and Martin Pring ; the latter of whom in 1603 fell in with the numerous islands in Penobscot Bay, to one of which, from some silver-grey foxes seen there, he gave the name of Fox Island. 1605. To avoid the jealousy of the French and yet maintain their own claims, the English despatched Captain George Weymouth across the Atlantic, ostensibly for the purpose of discovering a N. W. passage to China. On the 11th of May, 1605, he made Cape Cod, and, running northerly, anchored on the 17th upon the north side of a prominent island which he named St. George. This is now known by its Indian name of Monhegan, signifying Grand Island. Two days after " being Whitsunday," he sailed two or three leagues farther north among the islands and entered " a goodly haven" which he named Pentecost Harbor, now known as George's Island Harbor. Plere he and his men regaled themselves for several days ; the commander with an armed party exploring the islands and shore, while the sailors engaged in the fishery, taking " plenty of salmon and other fishes of great bigness, good lobsters, rock-fish, plaice and lumps, and with two or three hooks, enough of cod and haddock to supply the ship's company for three days." Upon the land they found " various sorts of trees, besides vines, currants, spruce, yew, angelica, and divers gums, and about the shores abundance of great muscles, some of which con- tained pearls, one having fourteen in it." On the 22d they '' dug a garden and sowed some peas, barley and garden seeds, which in sixteen days grew to the height of eight inches." This was the first attempt at cultivation made by 14 ANNALS OF WARREN. the whites in this vicinity, and the second that we know of in the State.'* On the 10th or 11th of June, Weymouth left Pentecost Harbor and sailed up Penobscot Bay and River. On the r2th, anchoring abreast of the mountains in the present town of Camden, ten of his men " with a boy to carry powder and match"t went ashore and amused themselves in hunting. All the way up the river, the adventurers were delighted with the picturesque scenery, listened to the notes of wood-birds in the lofty branches, and admired the wide, deep, and glassy waters, with convenient coves and green, grassy, margin. Having erected a cross at the end of their route, " a thing," says the journal, " never omitted by any Christian travelers," they reluctantly returned to St. George's. They spent some time here trading with the natives, giving them knives, glasses, combs, and toys in exchange for furs. This traffic was very profitable to the adventurers, 40 skins of beaver, otter, and sable being obtained for 5s. worth of trinkets. But this friendly intercourse was not allowed to terminate peacefully. A misunderstanding ensued ; and five of the natives were seized and carried off to England, whither Weymouth sailed not long after the middle of June. This, with several subse- quent acts of a similar kind by others, laid the foundation of that hostile feeling towards the English, which the French learned to profit by, in the wars that ensued ; although, being restored to their country after they had learned to speak English, these captives were found very serviceable as interpreters.! The name St. George, first applied to Monhegan and afterwards extended to the adjacent islands, the river opposite, and the neighboring coast, was probably chosen by Weymouth in compliment at once to himself and to his patron saint. It seems to have been customary, in giving to a place the. name of one who bore that of a saint, to divide the honor and commemorate both by prefixing St., as St. Johns for John Cabot, and other instances. When, from intercourse with the natives, their names of Monhegan and Matinicus were applied to the two largest of these islands, the name of St. George was restricted to the remaining ones, which, together with the river and one town on its banks, still retain the ap- pellation. With regard to the river, however, the origin of * 2 Belk. Biog. Weymouth's Jour. 1 Will. His. p. 192-3-4. t From this it appears that flints were not yet generally used. t Rosier's Acct. 2 Belk. Biog. 1 Will. Htet. &c. ANNALSOF WARREN. 15 the name is a matter of some doubt. By early writers it was called " Segochet," and sometimes, perhaps by misprint, " Segocket."* This name is not recognized by the present Tarratine or Penobscot Indians, who have other appellations, also, for Monhegan and Matinicus. These terms then, if In- dian, must have belonged to the Wawenocks in whose domain they were situated. Lieut. Gov. Neptune, the oldest of the Penobscots now living, says the Indian name of the river was ' Joiges,' meaning delightsome. It was generally called ' Georges,' or ' George's River,' by the early settlers. If Neptune's explanation be correct, the early traders might have received it from the Penobscots who conquered the country in 1615, whilst Smith received that of Segochet from the Wawenocks, in whose possession it was when he visited the country. It is hardly to be supposed that the Indian name of so important a stream should be forgotten, while others of less consequence have been retained by the settlers; and the term ' Georgeekeag,' applied by the Penobscots to Thomaston, or rather that part of it between St. George's and Mill rivers, would, on Neptune's explanation, be very appropriate, — pleasant point.1 1606-7. In 1606 the territory of Virginia was divided ; the southern part, called South Virginia, was granted to the " London Company," and the Northern part or North Virginia to the " Plymouth Company." Both these companies took immediate measures for commencing settlements. The lat- ter fitted out an expedition in May, 1607, and established a colony at the mouth of the Kennebec. 1: This colony, con- sisting of 45 persons, erected a fortress which they named Fort St. George, and remained for one year ; but, discouraged by the unusual severity of the winter, the death of their pat- rons Popham and Gilbert, and the loss of their storehouse by fire, they returned to England, taking with them a small ves- sel which they had built during the winter. This vessel was probably the first built in the State, and the commencement of a branch of business now one of its principal sources of wealth. In the French colony at Port Royal a harvest of * Smith's Hist. Vir. \ D. Crockett, Esq. of Rockland; who in early youth acquired some knowledge of the Indian tongue. Sullivan's description of Thomaston in Mass. His. Coll. 4, p. 20-25. Keag signifies a point of land formed by the junction of two streams, as Kenduskeag, eel point, &c. t Called by the Indians 'Sagadahoc' or "the going out of the waters." 16 ANNALSOF WARREN. grain was gathered in 1607, a grist-mill erected, and farther assistance sent from France, together with two Jesuit mission- aries for converting the natives. But a controversy arising with the proprietors, the Jesuits removed to Mt. Desert, where they planted gardens, began a settlement, and continued the business of the mission, till in 1613 both they, and the settlers at Port Royal, were dispossessed as intruders by an expedi- tion from South Virginia. 1614- Among other voyages under the Plymouth Com- pany, Capt. John Smith, sent out from London in 1614 on a w^haling and fishing voyage, with orders to search the country for mines and to trade with the natives, arrived at Monhegan where he built seven boats, and, whilst his men were engaged in the fisheries, ranged the coast from Penobscot to Cape Cod, bartering with the natives and making observations on the shores.* On his return, prince Charles, afterwards king Charles I. being presented with a map of the country, gave it the name of New England. This name was officially recog- nized in the charter by which that monarch granted the terri- tory between 40^ and 48^^ N. latitude to " the Council of Ply- mouth" which in 1620 took the place of the " Plymouth Com- pany." From this time the name of North Virginia was lit- tle used and soon became obsolete. Under this grant, in the course of the subsequent ten years, several smaller ones were made and settlements prosecuted with more or less vigor. The first of these grants was that made to the puritan pilgrims from Holland, who in 1620 established the colony which, from the town of that name in England, they called Plymouth, and sometimes for distinction New Plymouth. This was the earliest, permanent, English settlement made in New England, and was followed by other puritan colonies, which, founded on republican principles, and nourished by persecutions in England, soon grew up into respectable communities. To the eastward, grants were made upon more feudal principles. Sir Ferdinando Gorges obtained a patent, with the right of government therein, of the territory extending from the Pis- cataquato the Kennebec, afterwards, in 1639, named the Pro- vince of Maine ; and several smaller grants were made be- tween the latter river and the Penobscot. 1615. But prior to this time the coast was frequented by many private adventurers for fishing, hunting and trading; some of whom erected huts and fixed their residence for a longer or shorter period on shore. The coast between the * 1 Will. Hist. p. 212. Smith's Hist. Sullivan's Maine, p. 15. ANNALSOF WARREN. 17 Penobscot and Narraganset Bays was, to a great extent, stripped of its native inhabitants by the war, which in 1615 was waged by the two great confederacies of the Etechemins or eastern Indians headed by the Tarratines on the Penob- scot, and the Abenaques or western Indians under the chief of the Wawenocks called the great Bashaba, at Pemaquid. This war, which raged with fury for two years, during which the defeated Wawenocks and their allies were kept from their planting and hunting grounds, was followed by a famine and some unknown disease, which, spreading from tribe to tribe, in 1617 and '18 desolated the country from Pemaquid to Cape Cod. It is remarkable that the English, some of whom wintered at Saco during the height of this disease and slept in the same cabins with the diseased natives, were wholly unaf- fected by it.* 1621. Monhegan was at this time a general resort for European fishermen and traders. A part of a crew of a vessel, sent out by Sir F. Gorges, spent the winter of 1618 and '19 on this island. In 1621 it is mentioned as "a settle- ment of some beginnings ;" and the following year provis- ions were obtained from the ships at this place, by the infant settlement at Plymouth. The island seems not to have been destitute of inhabitants, after this, down to the first Indian war ; and some cabins for fishermen and temporary resi- dences were constructed at various points on the main land between the rivers St. George and Saco.t One of these earliest settlers was John Brown, who fixed himself at New Harbor, near Pemaquid, as early as 1621, and four years later obtained from the Indian Sagamores, in consideration of 50 skins, a deed of the land between Broad Bay and Damariscotta River to the extent of 25 miles into the country. He and his descendants inhabited there till driven away by the Indians, and claimed the land till the adjustment of 1812.| 1623. Fishermen and settlers also established them- selves about this time at Sagadahoc, Merry-meeting, Cape Newagin, Pemaquid and St. George's, as well as at Damaris- cove and other islands ; though at St. George's it is believed there were not as yet any permanent residents. Adventur- ers from other nations also frequented the coast ; and it is said that the Dutch as early as 1607 and again in 1625 at- tempted to settle at Damariscotta. § Cellars and chimneys, * Gorges's Narr. as quoted by Will. Hubbard's N. E. p. 195. t Prince's Ann. 1 Will. His. p. 226. t Com. Report, 1811. § Sullivan's His. p. 15, 166, &c. 1 Will. His. p. 228, 2* 18 ANNALSOF WARREN. apparently of great antiquity, have been found in the town of Newcastle ; and copper knives and spoons of antique and singular fashion are occasionally dug up with the supposed Indian skeletons at the present day, indicating an early in- tercourse between the natives of the two continents. Similar utensils and the foundations of chimneys, now many feet under ground, have also been discovered on Monhegan, as well as on Carver's island at the entrance of St. George's river, where are said to be also, the remains of a stone house. 1626. In 1626 the merchants of Plymouth, who had establishments at, and claimed the island of Monhegan, sold their right to Giles Elbridge and Robert Aldsworth, mer- chants of Bristol, for £50 sterling. These gentlemen carried on traffic there and also at Pemaquid, where their agent, Abraham Shurte, resided, and for a long time held the office of magistrate. The river and harbor at the latter place offered attractions to visitors, and the settlements increased. A fort was built there in 1630, and called Fort George. Having in 1631 obtained a patent of the lands between the Muscongus and Damariscotta, with exclusive privileges of hunting, fishing, fowling, and trading with the natives, to- gether with the power to establish a civil government, Elbridge and Aldsworth extended their business, and by additional offers, induced many to settle in the country. Under their charter, the plantation had a gradual and uninter- rupted growth for many years. The settlements extended to Damariscotta, and especially at the lower falls, were seen rising on both sides of the river.* The name Pemaquid in the Indian language signified long point, and Damariscotta, the river of little fishes. 1630. About this time serious apprehensions were en- tertained that the Council of Plymouth would be dissolved. Under this apprehension, the Council seems to have made various and hasty grants to different adventurers, of nearly the whole territory between the Piscataqua and Penobscot ; in the expectation that these would be confirmed, though their own should be abrogated. One of these was the grant made of the lands on the river St. George's March 23",t 1630, to Beauchamp and Leverett, called the " Lincolnshire, or Mus- congus Patent," or grant. Its extent was from the seaboard between the rivers Penobscot and Muscongus, to an unsur- * 1 Will. His. p. 242. Corr. of Bos. Trav. t Williamson, p. 240, says March 2d ; but as it was dated March 13, O. S., its corresponding date N. S. is March 23. He seems to have Bubiracted IJ instead of adding 10 days for the difTerence of style. ANNALSOF WARREN. 19 veyed line running east and west and so far north as would, without interfering with any other patent, embrace a territory equal to 30 miles square. It Avas procured ex- pressly for the purposes of an exclusive trade with the natives, and contained no powers of civil government. The paten- tees, and their associates, appointed Edward Ashley their agent, and Wm. Pierce an assistant, and despatched them, the same summer, in a small new made vessel, with five laborers, one of them a carpenter, and furnished them with provisions and articles of trade equal to the exigencies of the enterprise. They established a truckhouse on the eastern bank of St. George's river, five miles below the head of tide waters; where possession and traffic were continued till the first In- dian war. This establishment was probably near the upper wharf, or perhaps the seat of the late Gen. Knox, in Thom- aston. This is the grant which afterwards, when it passed into the hands of Brigadier Gen. Samuel Waldo, was called the Waldo Patent, and is the origin of most of the land titles on the river. The grant was made to " John Beauchamp of London, gentleman, and Thomas Leverett of Bostonf in the County of Lincoln, gentleman." Of these gentlemen we would gladly give some account, but find very little on record. Whether the former ever visited this country we are not able to say ; but it is most probable he did. For in 1633 the Court at Plymouth ordered " that the whole tract of land, between the Brook of Scituate on the northwest side and Conahasset, be left undisposed of till we know the resolution of Mr. James Shirley, Mr. John Beauchamp," &c. And in Oct. 1637, the same tract of land was granted to Messrs. Hatherly, Andrews, Shirley, and Beauchamp. As these names were associated with that of Leverett in the trade at St. George's, it is highly probable that they belonged to the same persons, and that Beauchamp visited the country with a view of settling here, if he did not actually carry his design into execution. Leverett seems to have been a member of Mr. Cotton's church in Boston in old England, and to have come over with that clergyman and others to Boston in New England in 1633. For we find that he was that year, Oct. 10th, chosen a ruling elder of the church there. He was the father of John Leverett afterwards Governor of Massa- chusetts. He is honorably mentioned by Winthrop and * Boston in England; its namesake in this country not being set- tled till the year this grant was made. 20 ANNALSOF WARREN. Hubbard for his gift in the practice of discipline. Among the contributors to free schools in 1636 we find " Thomas Leverett, c£]0," and the year before that, grants of land were made to him at Muddy River now Brookline. It was also agreed at a meeting hold " upon publique notice" among other things, " that none of the members of this congregation, or inhabitants amongst us, sue one another at the law, before that Mr. Henry Vane, and the two ruling elders, Mr. Thomas Olyver and Thomas Leverett, have had the hearing and dc- syding of the cause, if they cann."* 1635. East of the Muscongus Patent, no grants were made, and no English established, except at the two trading houses of the New Plymouth Colony at Biguyducct and Machias. Even these did not long remain undisturbed ; for, the province of Acadia having in 1632 been restored to France without any definite boundary, the French claimed the coun- try and in 1635 seized these establishments and forbade the English to trade to the eastward of Pemaquid. The English, however, claimed to the St. Croix, and when in 1635 the " Council of Plymouth" was dissolved and the whole of New England divided into 12 provinces, one of these, extending from the St. Croix to Pemaquid, was granted to Sir Wm. Alexander; but it does not appear that he ever took posses- sion or exercised any jurisdiction here. St. George's, there- fore, was, for a long time, the frontier possession of the English ; and, consequently, little progress was made in its settlement. The proprietors, however, maintained their pos- session, and continued their traffic with the Indians. Many English vessels also, sent out to the new and thriving colony of Massachusetts, often stopped here and at Pemaquid on their return. Winthrop says, in '' July, 1634, the Hercules of Dover returned by St. George's to cut masts to carry to England ;" and " May 6, 1635, the Gabriel was in a tempest lost at Pemaquid ; and Mr. Witheredge and the Dartmouth ships cut all their masts at St. George. "J There were about this time or a little later, " 84 families besides fishermen," residing between the Kennebec and St. George's ; viz : 20 near Sagadahoc, 31 east of that river to Merry-meeting, 6 from Cape Newagen to Pemaquid, 10 at New Harbor, and 2 at St. George's, besides those farther " within land," at * Winthrop's Journal, vol. 1, p. 14, 2 ed. and note, t Generally pronounced Bagaduce, an Indian name signifying had harbor, now Castine. t 1 Win. Journal, p. 134 and 1G5. ANNALS OF WARREN. 21 Sheepscot and Damariscotta. The two at St. George's, denominated " farmers," were said to be '^ Mr. Foxwell, on the west side, at Saquid Point, and Philip Svvaden on the east side of Quisquamego." John Brown, also, of New Plarbor, not long after this period, claimed land at the mouth of St. George's River, at a place called Sawk- head.* To what places these names refer cannot now, per- haps, be ascertained. Possibly Quisquamego may have been the high ridge between the bay at Thomaston and the West- keag river, called by the present Penobscots '•'■ Quesquitcume- gck^'''' or " high carrying-place." Saquid, pronounced with the a broad as in Saco, was probably the same as Sawkhead ; and both appear to have been the ancient names of Pleasant Point in Gushing, still called, we believe, by the Penobscot Indians, ' Sunkheath.' This point, situated at the mouth of the river, answers to Brown's description of Sawkhead, and is probably the oldest farm in this region, having been culti- vated for more than 200 years. 1635-1688. From this time the nominal jurisdiction of this river, for it was merely nominal, several times changed hands. The French claimed as far as Pemaquid and occu- pied as far as Penobscot, till the whole province of Acadia was again taken possession of by the English in 1654, and in 1655 confirmed to them by treaty. Sir Thomas Temple was appointed Governor, and afterwards obtained a patent of all the country from Merlinquash in Nova Scotia " to Penobscot, and the river St. George, near Muscongus" — situated on the " confines of New England." On the restoration of Charles II. the despotic plan of dividing New England into 12 provin- ces was revived, the Duke of York appointed viceroy over the whole, and commissioners sent over to regulate the affairs of the country. These commissioners erected a county east of the Kennebec which they named " Cornwall," and appointed magistrates at Sheepscot, Pemaquid, &c., but none east of the Muscongus. But the territory from the St. Croix to Pem- aquid and the Kennebec having in 1664 been granted to the Duke of York along with the Dutch settlements on the Hud- son and Delaware, his government was extended and for 25 years exercised over this part of the country, as the County of Newcastle appendant to his province of New York. The Duke caused a city named Jamestown,t and fort, called fort * Sylvanus Davis's Accl.' as quoted in Sull. His. p. 391. Coin. Report, J. Brown's Dep. p. 115. t Gyles's Captivity. 22 ANNALS OFWARREN. Charles, to be built at Pemaquid and many Dutch families to be transported thither from New York. Considerable uneasi- ness was occasioned to these eastern settlements by the war declared by France in 1666, and by the recession of Acadia to France by the treaty of peace in 1667. However disa- greeable, the French were allowed to take possession as far as the Penobscot ; but on their demanding the rest of the Province as far as Sagadahoc, the people of Pemaquid and vicinity, averse to the jurisdiction of France, preferred com- ing under that of Massachusetts. This province at first seems to have been contented, as its northern boundary, with a line drawn 3 miles N. of the Merrimac to its source and thence due W. to the Pacific ; but in 1652, encouraged by the dispo- sition of the settlers under Mason and Gorges, she extended the last mentioned line E. as well as W. terminating at Clap- board Island in Casco Bay. On the present occasion having discovered a new source of the Merrimac six miles farther N. she in 1672 ordered a new survey and in 1673 extended her jurisdiction to a line passing through the present town of Bath and terminating at White Head Island in Penobscot Bay. By her commissioners a new County, called Devonshire, extend- ing from the Sagadahoc to St. George's river, was organized, civil and military officers appointed, a court held, and a tax of c£20 levied, as follows, viz. : — Sagadahoc £4, 10s., Mon- hegan £b, 10s., Cape Newagen ,£3, 10s., Damariscove and Hippocrass £5, and Pemaquid £2. But in consequence of the Indian hostilities which arose in this eastern country after the death of King Philip in 1676, most of the inhabitants of this county removed, the jurisdiction of Massachusetts was discontinued, that of the Duke of York was resumed, and continued till his abdication of the crown as James II. king of England in 1688.* During all these changes, as little mention is made of St. Georges, and as no memorials of the government either of Temple or the Duke at that place are to be found, it is pre- sumed that the establishment there was little more than a trad- ing house and fishing station. After the death of Beauchamp, Leverett, in right of survivorship, succeeded to the whole pat- ent. His son, Capt. John Leverett, afterwards Governor, being frequently employed by Massachusetts in her eastern affairs, especially at and after the conquest of Acadia by the English in 1654, probably kept an eye to the effect these changes might have on his interest here, and maintained pos- * Will. & SuU. His. of Maine, passim. ANNALSOF WARREN. 23 session by his traffic with the natives. The fishery on the coast was extensively carried on, and, in 1674, it was said " Pemaquid, Matinicus, Monhegan, Cape Newagen, where Capt. Smith fished for whales, and Muscongus, were all filled with dwellinghouses and stages for fishermen, and had plenty of cattle, arable land and marshes."* There were no corn- mills nearer than Falmouth and Black Point. Walter Phillips had a dwellinghouse, orchard, and extensive improvements on the west side of Damariscotta river at the lower falls, where he claimed a large tract ; and John Taylor had fixed himself next above him on the same side, whose possessions included the Oyster shell Neck. On the other side Robert Scott had his dwellinghouse about east from the great bank of oyster shells ; and John Brown, 2d, was now, or had lately been, es- tablished near the salt-water falls. Sander, or Alexander, Gould lived at Broad Cove, on Broad Bay, and claimed eight miles square between that bay and the Damariscotta under deed from his father-in-law John Brown of New Harbor, dated 1660. Richard Pierce, another son-in-law of Brown, lived farther down about eight miles from New Harbor, and claimed an equal tract, carved, like the preceding, out of the original claim of said Brown and conveyed to him in 1663, under the name of Greenland, by Wm. England of Muscon- gus, or, " as called by the Indians, Seremobscus."t But most of these establishments, and that at St. George^s, were broken up in the Indian war that ensued. In 1675 a general war against the New England colonies was commenced by the Indian tribes headed by Metacomet, chief of the Wampanoags, otherwise called King Philip. Thus far the eastern Indians, though they had many wrongs to complain of, had lived on friendly terms with the settlers both English and French. But their resentment was smother- ed rather than extinguished, and inclined them from the first to take part in the general confederacy against the English. The Wawenocks had been greatly broken up by the war of 1615 and the sickness which ensued, and, being constantly exposed to the incursions of the Tarratines, had now dwindled down to a small tribe, whose principal residence was at the lower falls of the Sheepscot. The Tarratines, although some- what weakened in 1669 by the part they took in the war * Joscelyn's Voyages, p. 200-5. t Papers on file in Sec. Office, Best. Com. Rep. p. 117 — 18 and p. 99. J. Pierce and S. Small's Dep. 24 ANNALS OF WARREN. against the Mohawks, in which they were pursued by their victorious enemies to the banks of the Penobscot and many of their villages destroyed by fire, were still a powerful tribe. Their present chief, Madockawando, whose influence was great, and whose political relations extended as far as Massa- chusetts and Quebec, was averse to a war with the English ; and the influence of his son-in-law, the Baron de Castine, then engaged in a successful trade at the place which now bears his name, and unwilling to have it interrupted, was exerted on the side of peace. This nobleman, a man of taste and education, who had been a colonel in the French army at Quebec, when discharged from that service had united himself with the Indians, adopted their manners, and for 30 years carried on a profitable traffic in which he amassed the sum of 300,000 crowns. By the arms, ammu- nition and other articles, with which he supplied the natives, and his fascinating address, he acquired an unbounded influ- ence over the tribe ; and his counsels, together with those of the Sachem his father-in-law, prevailed in favor of a pacific policy, A similar course having been pursued by the Canabas, or Kennebec Indians, no outrages were for a time committed east of the Kennebec ; but the inhabitants were forbidden by Massachusetts to sell any munitions of war except to those Indians whose friendship was fully £iscertained ; and meas- ures were taken to require the tribes along the coast to de- liver their arms into the hands of the English. This demand being complied with at Sheepscot and Kennebec, nothing but prudence on the part of the settlers see^ned requisite to secure them from molestation. But in consequence of attacks made at New Meadows, Saco, Scarboro', and other places, many minds became excited against Indians in general ; and the people of Monhegan offered a bounty of £b for every In- dian's head that should be brought them. An agent, sent up the Kennebec to invite the natives to deliver up their arms, exceeded his instructions, and by threatening language so terrified them, that they left their residence, repaired to Pe- nobscot and called a council at the house of Castine. But by the exertions of Abraham Shurte of Pemaquid, a sensible man, well acquainted with the Indian character, who left no efforts untried, the disaffected chiefs were persuaded to hold a parley at that place, and finally agreed to desist from hos- tilities. In December, the snow, four feet on a level, prevented the English on the one hand, from attacking the Indians, and the Indians on the other, from procuring ^heir wonted supplies by ANNALS OF WARREN. 25 hunting. An armistice was in consequence entered into with the Saco and other neighboring tribes. But during the win- ter, the eastern traders were accused of supplying them with arms and ammunition ; rumors were in circulation that a conspiracy was formed for exterminating the settlers ; and this was so fully believed that general warrants were issued for seizing every Indian " known to be a manslayer, traitor, or conspirator." Some of these warrants got into the hands of unprincipled men, who used them for sinister purposes. One of these with his vessel lurked about Pemaquid and in spite of the earnest remonstrances of Shurte, who also warned the Indians of their danger, succeeded in kidnapping several, carried them into foreign parts and sold them for slaves. Great complaints were made by the natives, and great fears were entertained of their hostile intentions. The downfall and death of Philip, the following year, 1676, com- pelled many of his adherents to take refuge among the east- ern tribes, whose vengeful feelings they soon were able to arouse. Besides outrages farther west, a successful and mur- derous attack was made upon the trading house at Woolwich and the fort at Arrowsick, and, after much suffering farther east, and the burning of Pemaquid, New Harbor, Corban's Sound and Damariscove, the inhabitants fled, first to Monhe- gan and other islands, and then to Piscataqua, Boston and other western places. This bloody and destructive war was terminated April 12, 1678, by a treaty concluded at Casco, in which it was stipulated that the Indians should restore their captives, and the English pay them an annual quit-rent of one peck of corn for every English family, except Major Phillips of Saco who was to pay one bushel.* * Holmes's American Ann. p. 403-7. Hub. Ind. Wars. Sulli- van and Williamson. ANNALS OF WARREN C H A P T E R 1 1 1 . FROM 1688 TO THE CLOSE OF THE FOURTH INDIAN WAB. KV 1726. 1688. After this pacification till the abdication of James II. the arbitrary conduct of the agents sent by his deputy at New York for the management of affairs here, gave little encouragement for the re-settlement of the country ; but many Dutch families were induced to settle at Pemaquid and on the west bank of the Damariscotta, who, especially at the latter place, then called New Dartmouth, now Newcastle, entered upon the business of agriculture with such spirit and success as to gain for the settlement the name of " the garden of the east."* In 1688 Sir Edmund Andros made two expeditions to this quarter, in the first of which he at- tempted to take possession of the country east of Penobscot, but contented himself whh plundering the Baron de Castine of his goods, furniture, and ammunition. This affair irritat- ing the Baron, led the tribe, over which his influence ex- tended, to unite with the Abenaques in a second Indian war, which in August, of that year, was begun by an attack on N. Yarmouth. In September, New Dartmouth was burnt, and the inhabitants, with the exception of two families taken prisoners, saved themselves only by taking refuge in the fort. At the same time the fort and buildings at Sheepscot were also destroyed and the settlements entirely broken up. The Dutch settlers, discouraged, left the country ; and both places, so lately and so long inhabited and flourishing, lay waste about thirty years.f 1689. In consequence of the revolution in England and the accession of William and Mary to the throne in 1688, war was, in May, 1689, declared between England and France; and the dread of the latter power added to that of the Indians, excited the most gloomy apprehensions in the colonies. This war, commonly called " King William's war," though conducted with spirit and interesting in its details, was mosfly carried on in places too remote to come witliin the scope of this work. In August, 1689, the fort at Pemaquid was taken by assault and most of the inhabitants killed or * 2 Math. Mag. p. 507—9. t Sullivan, p. 165. 1 Will. His. p. 587, 609. ANNALS OF WARREN 27 carried into captivity. Discouraged by this and fresh depre- dations upon the Kennebec, the inhabitants eastward of Fal- mouth withdrew to that town, or removed to other places of more security. Madockawando, though he entered into this war with reluctance, and in 1693 and 4 was frequently in ne- gotiation with the English for a temporary truce and the ex- change of prisoners, was yet actively engaged in it and made his prowess felt as far west as Dover, N. H. The Wawe- nocks were chiefly withdrawn to other tribes ; and Jack Pud- ding, or Sheepscot John, was the only chief of that tribe now remaining.* 1691. The arbitrary measures of James in New Eng- land being ended with his reign, and the grants of territory made to him in America having been declared vacant, a new charter was granted by William and Mary, Oct. 7, 1691, embracing the former colonies of Massachusetts, Plymouth, Maine, Sagadahoc, and Acadia including Nova Scotia. The last of these provinces was, a few years after, relinquished to the crown, and the " Royal Province of Massachusetts Bay" terminated eastward at the St. Croix. The territory from the Piscataqua to the Kennebec, which Massachusetts previously claimed by purchase from the heirs of Gorges, continued to be known as the province of Maine, and that from the latter river lo the St. Croix as the colony of Saga- dahoc. Sir William Phips was the first royal Governor under the new charter. Phips was born in Woolwich, upon the Sheepscot, Feb. 2, 1650 ; one of the youngest of his mother's twenty-six children, twenty-one being sons. Bereaved of his father when a child, he passed his boyhood with his mother till he was 18; after- wards learning the trade of a ship carpenter, and acquiring some education. About the time of Philip's war, he built a ship in Sheepscot river ; and, being driven away by the Indians, he became a seafaring adventurer. In some of his voyages he heard that a Spanish ship laden with silver, had been wrecked and sunk, half a century before, not far from the Bahama islands. He told the interesting story to the Duke of Albemarle, and, entering into an agreement with him, sailed twice under his auspices from England into those waters, in search of the wreck. During the second voyage, in 1687, after indefatigable efforts, he found it, between forty and fifty feet under water ; and took from it the immense treasure of thirty-four tons of silver, besides gold, pearls and * Sullivan, p. 147 &, 8. 1 Will. His. p. 606. 28 ANNALS OFWARREN. jewels — equivalent in value to $1,350,000. Of this treas- ure, his part exceeded $70,000, besides a golden cup, worth $4,000, presented to his wife by his noble patron. For his enterprise, success, and honesty. King James conferred upon him the order of knighthood, and appointed him High Sheriff of New England. This was during the administration of Andros, whh whom he differed so widely in politics that he declined the office. In 1690 he was appointed to the com- mand of an expedition which sailed from Boston, April 28th, and in the space of ten days captured Port Royal and the other French ports in Acadia. He was less successful in an expedition against Quebec in the autumn, which failed and was attended v/hh such loss, that, to defray the ex[>enses, paper money was for the first time issued by Massachusetts. His administration continued till his death in Feb. 1695.* 1692-99. In 1692 the celebrated stronghold, Fort Wm, Henry, was built of stone by Gov. Phips on the site of the old stockade at Pemaquid. This in 1696 was disgracefully surrendered by its commander, Capt, Chub-b. Several expe- ditions into the eastern country were made by Captains Church, Converse and March, the last of whom, landing his men, Sept. 9, 1697, at Dam.ariscotta, was attacked by the sav- ages ere well ashore, and, though he gallantly charged and repulsed them, had twelve or thirteen of his men killed and as many more wounded. The same year peace between the French and English was concluded at Ryswick ; but the war lingered among the savages through the following year. In Oct. 1698 a conference was held at Penobscot with the Indians, then in mourning for Madockawando and several other Sachems of the east, who had lately fdlen victims to a grievous unknown disease raging among them. They were? anxious to terminate the war ; and June 7, 1699 a final treaty of peace was signed and ratified at Brunsv/ick.t During the whole of this war, little is said of the territory at St. George's ; the proprietors having kept up no establish- ment there. In May, 1694, Gov. Phij)S, apparently without any knowledge of the Muscongus patent, obtained of Ma- dockawando, at Pemaquid, a deed of the lands on St. GJeor- ge's river as far up as the lower falls, or head of tide waters.}: But Acadia having, on the conclusion of peace, returned to * Hohnes' American Ann. p. 474, 8. I Will. His. 596, 8. t 2 Math. Mag. p. 5-53. C. Soutliac's Dcp. — Sec. Office. t Whipple's Acadie, p. 71. AN NALSeF WARREN. 29 France without any definite limits, and the territory between the Kennebec and St, Croix being again in dispute between the two countries, no attempt was made to occupy, either under the title of Phips or that of the patentees. 1700. The year 1700 was distinguished by the suppres- sion of pirates or buccaneers, who had for thirty years infested the American coast, and, since the late war, become very troublesome to the eastern coasting and fishing vessels. Their leaders, Kidd and Bradish, were sent to England and executed.* But the stories of hidden treasures guarded by the ghosts of murdered slaves, which imagination and credulity have assigned to almost every island and headland along the coast, long continued to haunt the minds of the simple and try their courage and perseverance in fruitless attempts to disinter them. Even at the present day, excited by some idle dreamer, or designing wag, a party is occasion- ally seen in solitary places near our river's mouth or on the neighboring islands, armed with charm of mystic power dig- ging by the dim lantern's light for that treasure, which, from some supposed omission of the rites required, still eludes their grasp and disappears. 1702. On the death of King William, March 8, 1702, Anne, the sister of the late queen, ascended the throne of England ; upon which, war was declared by the King of France who supported the claims of her excluded catholic brother. As the English had now no settlements east of Fal- mouth, few of the events of this, the third Indian war, fall within the limits of this work. The remains of the Wawe- nocks and the other tribes west of the Penobscot, were soon after induced by the French to remove to the river St. Fran- cois, there forming a settlement and tribe often denominated " the St. Francois Indians." Castine had now returned to France with his wealth ; but his son, generally called Castine the younger, born of a Tarraline woman, continued at Big- ayduce. He was a person of an excellent character and amiable disposition, inheriting neither the bigotry of the French nor the ferocity of the savages. Seeing the wasting effect of war upon the Indians, he lost no opportunity in promoting a friendly intercourse with the English ; yet a small party of the latter, actuated we know not by what motives of wickedness or folly, visited his house under the mask of friendship and plundered it of " great spoil." This act was deeply regretted by government and ample indemnity * 2 Will. His. p. 31. 30 ANNALS OF, WARKEN. promised ; the English being desirous of giving the natives no provocation for engaging in the present war. They were however not to be detached fronn their French allies, and soon made fresh inroads upon all the frontier settlements.* 1710-1716- By the surrender of Port Royal to Gen. Nicholson, Oct, 2, 1710, Acadia again fell into the hands of the English; and by the treaty of Utrecht, March 30, 1713, that province was made over to the crown of Great Britain forever. The peace in Europe was soon followed by a treaty with the Indians, which was signed at Portsmouth, July 13, 1713, by eight Sagamores in behalf of all the eastern Indians and afterwards more extensively ratified at Falmouth. The English, notwithstanding, were cautious in renewing their deserted settlements ; but license was granted for the re-settlement of Saco, Scarboro', Falmouth and Arrowsick, on condition that the houses should be placed so compactly on small lots near the sea as to be easily defended, with suffi- cient outlets for cultivation. In 1715 Fort George was erect- ed at the lower falls of the Androscoggin, and the following year a town of twenty-six families incorporated at the mouth of the Kennebec, and named Georgetown in honor of George I. crowned in 1714. Encouraged by this, the proprietors of the Plymouth patent on the Kennebec, erected a stone fort at the head of tide waters on that river. Saw-mil!s were also built there, and large quantities of lumber manufactured and exported. Dr. No^s, one of these proprietors, engaged in the sturgeon fishery, which he carried on in the Kennebec and its branches for several years, sometimes employing no less than twenty vessels in taking and transporting these fish to London where they were highly esteemed. The county of Yorkshire, which liad hitherto embraced only the late province of Maine, was now extended to the St, Croix ; and York established as its only shire town.t The fort at Pem- aquid was also ordered to be repaired and garrisoned. But these forts, and especially the mills, were viewed with much jealousy and repugnance by the savages ; and dread of their opposition and the rumor of an approaching rupture with France, deterred the former settlers from returning. Eflbris were made, however, which for the present proved success- ful, to pacify the Indians and deter them from any hostile movement. 1717. As a means of conciliating the Indians and coun- teracting the influence of the Jesuits, the General Court in *'2 Will. His. p. 40,42. t 2 Will. His. p. 88, 91. ANNALS OF WARREN. 31 1717, and again in 1720, offered a salary of =£150 a year to any minister who would reside at Fort George, acquire the language of the natives and instruct them in religion. In con- sequence of this offer Rev. Joseph Baxter of Medfield made two visits to this region, one in 1717 and 18, the other in 1*^21. His coming was viewed with jealousy hy the Jesuit Rale, a French missionary at Norridgewock, whose influence, deservedly great, was exerted to prevent the Indians from attending his instructions.* On the 9th of August, 1717, a conference was held at Georgetown between Lieut. Gov. Dummer, attended by sev- eral members of the Council and other gentlemen, with eight principal chiefs of the Indian tribes ; in which he endeavored to impress upon their minds the power and importance of the king, the common sovereign of both the Indians and English, and the superiority of the protestant religion, offering them a Bible and presenting them Mr. Baxter as a missionary to re- side there for their instruction, with the promise of a school- master to teach their children to read. He told them that these eastern forts and settlements were undertaken partly for their accommodation in the way of trade, partly for mutual protection ; and, being on land which the English had pur- chased, must not be molested. After making some com- plaints of Indian aggressions, he invited them freely to com- municate any thing they had to suggest or complain of Con- sulting over night, they returned an answer remarkable for its wariness and the struggle going on in their minds between necessity and inclination. " We shall be," said they, " very obedient to King George if we like the offers made us, and if we are not molested in the improvement of our lands. We embrace the English that have settled among us in our bosom, but desire there be no further settlements made — we cannot hold them all in our bosom." As to the missionary, " it would be strange if they should not love one that came from God ;" but as to the Bible they begged to be excused, as they had teaching already, and, if they should go from that, should displease God. They expressed great uneasi- ness about the forts and mills ; and said they " should bo pleased with King George if there was never a fort in the eastern parts." After being repeatedly and sharply inter- rupted by the Governor, who insisted on the rights of the English to what they had purchased, and of the king to build forts in his own dominions, they abruptly departed, leav- '* Baxter's MS. Journal, as quoted in Francis's Life of Rule. 32 ANNALSOFWARREN. ing behind the British flag which they had carried when they came. Being refused an audience under the French colors, and a letter from Rale rejected as unworthy of regard, they, all but one, returned the next day with an apology for their impoliteness, and finally consented to confirm existing treaties and allow the English to settle where they had done before.* 1719-20- In 1719 some steps were taken towards the re-settlement of places farther east. Fearful of losing their possessions by the statute of limitation, many of the former settlers seriously made preparations for returning. In this and the following summer, Michael Thomas, as tenant for Rev. Christopher Tappan of Newbury, who claimed under deed from Walter Phillips, settled with his family and two or three workmen on the western side of Damariscotta at the lower falls, there being then no other inhabitants there except Indians. Wm. Hilton, Richard Pierce, and John Brown, Jr, had returned, and resided at Broad Cove, Muscongus, and New Harbor. Hilton was one of the heirs of Sander Gould. t John Leverett, who since the death of his father had be- come the proprietor of the Muscongus patent, also seriously contemplated the re-occupation and settlement of that grant. But considering the enterprise too formidable for a single individual, he, Aug. 14, 1719, associated others with him and divided the grant into ten shares ; one of which was given to Spencer Phips, adopted son and heir of Governor Phips, in exchange for the Indian title from Madockawando. It was subsequently divided into 30 shares, and others, called the 20 associates, admitted into the company as tenants in common, under mutual obligations for procuring settlers and making preparations for their accommodation. For this pur- pose, in 1719 and 20 they erected two strong blockhouses on the eastern edge of St. George's River, with a covered way to the water side and a large area between them enclosed by palisades. This was situated in front of the mansion of the late Gen. Knox in the present town of Thomaston. The Indians " daily resorted there in great numbers and oft-times threatened those employed in building and clearing the land, who used several stratagems to get them from off those lands." The company also built a double saw-mill, probably on what has since been called Mill Creek or River ; bought a sloop, and employed other vessels and a number of men in the undertaking ; erected near 30 " frames for houses ;" and were engaging persons to begin the settlement. In con- * Ind. Conference of 1717. t Com. Rep. p. 95, 6, 111, 127. ANNALS OF WARREN. 33 sequence of the jealousy and hostile disposition of the In- dians, a garrison of 20 men was maintained, provided with cannon, small arms, and other means of defence. These were put under the command of Capt. Thomas Westbrook, one of the " 20 associates."* 1721. Instigated by the French Jesuits, the Indians in 1721 began to make aggressions in various places, killing cattle and insulting and threatening the inhabitants. Meas- ures were taken by the English to counteract this French in- fluence ; the Rev. Mr. Baxter, missionary, spent a portion of this year at St. George's, and efforts were made to conciliate the tribe at Penobscot, who had not yet committed them- selves. The more aged chiefs of that, as well as other tribes, were inclined to peace ; but, by the redoubled efforts of the French, the tribes were divided in opinion and outrages fre- quently committed. On the arrival at Arrowsic of 200 or more, accompanied by Rale and Castine, threatening to de- stroy the inhabitants unless they immediately removed, the Indians were directed to deliver up Rale and every Jesuit priest, on pain of being treated as rebels and traitors, and an order issued for seizing and sending to Boston any Indian seen in arms. Under this order Castine was seized at his residence and transported to Boston. But, as it was difficult to define his offence, and he gave a satisfactory account of his conduct, he was discharged after a confinement of five months. t 1722. In 1722 a farther attempt was made to reconcile the natives and attach them to the English interest; but many things combined to frustrate and render hopeless all farther efforts of the kind. The fourth Indian war, called " the three years, or Lovewell's war," was commenced June 13, 1722, and carried on by the savages alone, unaided, openly, by their former allies. The first attack was made at Merry-meet- ing, where nine families were taken captive. At Damaris- cove a party of six took a fishing vessel, pinioned and beat the master and crew, who at length getting loose, fell sud- denly upon their assailants, mortally wounding two and throwing one overboard. About this time some persons at Pemaquid, and Wm. Hilton at Broad Cove, were killed ; and the family of Mr. Pierce at Muscongus removed for safety. It was probably about this time, also, that Mrs. Gray and her * Report of Committee, General Court, 1731. Waldo's petition to Gov. Belcher, Mass. MS. papers, vol. 114, p. 116, 152. t 2 Will. His. p. 106, 8, &c. 34 ANNALS OF WARREN. six children were massacred at Damariscotta on the place subsequently purchased by Hon. John Farley.* The next attack was at St. George's, On the 15th of June a body of 200 Indians surprised and burnt the proprietor's sloop, killed one and took six men prisoners, burnt the saw- mill, some houses and frames, and made a vigorous attack upon the blockhouses, which with difficulty were saved by the bravery of the garrison.t On the 24th of Aug. during the absence of Capt. West- brook at Boston, a still larger body from Penobscot, accom- panied by a friar and two Frenchmen, renewed the attack, killed five men that were out of the garrison, and " continued the assault twelve days and nights furiously," now and then sending a flag of truce to invite the garrison to surrender, promising to give them good quarter and transport them to Boston. The garrison replied that they " wanted no quarter at their hands, dared them to come on, told them that these were King George's lands, and that they would deliver them up but with the last drops of their blood." The assailants persevered, and made considerable progress in undermining one side of the fortification ; but a heavy rain causing the earth to cave in upon them, they finally abandoned the siege with a loss of twenty of their number. James Armstrong was Lieutenant, and probably commanded at the time of this affair. Three of the men killed were Joseph Hunter, Joseph Muckamog and James Nigh. The Indians brought with them five of the captives taken in June ; and the other, Joshua Rose, being left at Penobscot, made his escape, found his way to St. George's after six days travel, and was taken into the fort the second day of the siege. On the breaking up of the siege, one of the five captives was sent in to know if the English would ransom them, and, being told they could not for want of orders, he returned to his captors, but on arriving at Penobscot was " frankly released," with two others. According to these captives, the Indians during the siege subsisted chiefly on seals, which they caught daily in the river.| This fort having been supported thus far by the proprietors at their own expense, it had been proposed by Mr. Leverett, as the country was in a state of war and the work needed for the general defence, to make it a public garrison. This * Com. Rep. p. 111. J Pierce's Dep. p. 152. Hon. J. Farley's Dep. t Rep. Committee, General Court, 1731. Mass. MS. papers, t Westbrook's Letter, Sec. Office, Bos. ANNALSOFWARREN. 35 was accordingly done ; and Capt. Westbrook returned soon after the siege with two sloops and a reinforcement of men. The soldiers' wages, paid in paper money at 60 per cent, discount, were at this time as follows ; to a captain per month, .£7, equal to $12,44; to a Lieutenant c£4, equal to $7,11 ; to a Sergeant, £2^ 18s. equal to $5,15 ; to a Corporal £2, 5s. equal to $4 ; and to a private £2^ equal to $3,55.* 1723. On the 11th February, 1723, Capt. Westbrook, now Colonel and Commander in Chief in this quarter, left Kennebec with two hundred and thirty men, and with small vessels and whale boats ranged the coast as far eastward as Mt. Desert. He then sailed up the Penobscot ; marched thirty-two miles by land ; arrived at the principal Indian fort, which was a stockade, seventy yards by fifty in extent, en- closing twenty-three houses, or wigwams, t which at this time were deserted ; and, having burnt the whole, together with the chapel J and priest's house, returned to the fort at St. George's, with the loss of the chaplain. Rev. Benj. Gibson, and three men, whose bodies on his arrival were buried at that fort. During this season, great sickness prevailed among the east- ern soldiers ; and little, besides defensive measures, was ac- complished. No settlement, house, or vessel at anchor, in these eastern parts, was safe from aggression. On the 25th of Dec. the Indians made an attack upon the fort at St. George's river. Being fortunate enough to take two prison- ers, who gave them intelligence concerning the indefensible condition of the garrison, the assailants, about sixty in num- ber, were encouraged to prosecute the siege for thirty days, with a resolution, or rather madness, that was desperate. They seemed to be flushed with the absolute certainty of com- pelling a surrender of the fort. But Capt. Kennedy, who was now the commanding officer, being a man of intrepid courage, held out till Col. Westbrook arrived and put the enemy to flight. § * 2 Belk. N. H. p. 45. t Westbrook says in his letter to the Governor, '* 23 houses built regular." See his Letter, Mass. MS. Papers, Vol. 51, p. H76. t This, according to the captives previously released, who were forced to assist in rebuilding the fort and retained by Westbrook as guides in this expedition, was 60 feet long, 30 wide, 12 high, and furnished with a bell which was rung morning and evening. The captives also stated that they saw, in July, 12 or 13 barrels of gun- powder brought there from Canada. Westbrook's Letter to Gov. Shute in Sec. Office, Mass. § 2 Hutch. His. p. 276. 36 ANNALSOF WARREN. 1724. In the following spring, Capt. Josiah Winslow was left in command of this fort. He was a young man of great promise, a recent graduate of Harvard college, and a mem- ber of one of the most respectable families of the colony. His grandfather and great-grandfather had each been gover- nor of Plymouth ; and his father and other members of the family were distinguished for their civil and military services. On the 30th of April,* it being an inviting morning, he select- ed sixteen of the ablest men belonging to the garrison, and, in a couple of staunch whale-boats, proceeded down the river to the Green Islandt which at this season of the year was fre- quented by the Indians for fowling. Here they hauled up their boats and lay close during the night, and part of the succeeding day. Not discovering any Indians, they left the island, about two hours before sunset, on their return. But as they were ascending the river, they were beset by a large party of natives who were passing down the same in canoes and now lay concealed on both of its banks. The Indians being undiscovered, the party, but for an accidental occur- rence, might perhaps have passed them in safety. One of the men in the second boat, perceiving a flock of water-fowl, imprudently fired and shot one of them. Turning to pick up the fowl, Sergeant Harvey, who commanded the boat, was called to by Capt. Winslow, in the other, then somewhat ahead, and advised not to follow the fowl, but keep close to him, as they knew not what they might meet with, before reaching the fort. Harvey replied " go easy upon your oars and I will be presently up whh you." But following the fowl too long and going too near the western side of the river, the Indians fired from the shore, killed three of the men, and attempted to surround him in their canoes. Harvey gallantly returned the fire, but, finding himself overpowered, retreated and landed with his party on the opposite side. Here they were attacked by another party and maintained a sharp contest with abundance of courage, till the whole were slain, except three Christian Indians who escaped and carried the news to the fort. Capt. Winslow, who was considerably uhead and out of danger, when the attack was made upon * May 11th, new style. t Penhailow and Williamson suppose this to liave been one of the Green Islands in Penobscot Bay ; but the time was liardly sufficient for so great a distance ; and Mather, who published a sermon on the occasion, and whose information was derived from the Christian In- dians who escaped, evidently believed tlie island was in the river. Might it not have been Henderson's or (jorulola Island ? ANNALSOF WARREN. 37 Harvey, immediately hastened back to his assistance. But before reaching the scene of action, he was himself siu'- rounded by thirty or forty canoes filled with armed savages, who rushed upon him from both sides of the river. Com- mencing the attack with a hideous yell, they attempted to board his boat and make prisoners of the whole party. He suilered them to approach within a short distance and then opened upon them a brisk and destructive fire. This did not deter them from coming alongside, where they were so fiercely repulsed and beat off with clubbed muskets, that they fell off and maintained the contest at a distance. They were so struck with young Winslow's courage, that they offered him quarter, if he would surrender himself and company ; but he refused it ; and continued the fight until the dusk of the evening, when the most of his men being slain, he has- tened ashore on the western bank with two or three that were left. Here they were again beset and all cut off. Winslow being shot down and having his thigh broken, the Indians, when they saw him fall, ran towards him ; and yet then he recovered on his other knee and shot down one of his enemies ere they could despatch him. Thus perished this gallant little band, leaving none but the Indians aforesaid to tell the story of their melancholy end. Their accomplished commander had been observed in a pensive mood some days before the expedition, and on divers occasions had let fall expressions, which, like that to Harvey when turning aside for the fowl, seemed to indicate a presentiment of his fate. He fell, greatly beloved and universally lamented, in the twenty-third year of his age.* In this action, inconsiderable as were the numbers engaged, there was a remarkable display, on both sides, of boldness and good conduct. The Tarratines, who were rather a val- iant, than a cruel people, composed the Indian party ; and their loss, though never known, is supposed to have doubled ours. For want of men to go in search of their bodies, it was never known whether our gallant little band were interred by the savages, or their flesh devoured by wild beasts, and their bones left bleaching in the sun till concealed by the leaves of autumn.t * Cotton Mather's Sermon dedicated to Col. J. Winslow. Pen- hallow's Ind. Wars, p. 99. VVestbrook's letter to Gov. — Sec. Otfic©, t The winds, that through tlie vernal bowers Or AutLiinn's leafless branches moan, Passed, sighing, o'er their place of rest To all surviving friends unknown. 4 38 ANNALS OFWARREN. So well prepared, this year, were most of the places as- sailed, to defend themselves, that the Indians were unable to take any considerable booty from the frontiers ; and therefore they rushed down upon the seacoast, and undertook to sieze upon all the vessels they could find in the eastern harbors. New to them as this kind of enterprise was, they were, in a few weeks, in possession of twenty-two vessels of various de- scriptions ; one of which was a large schooner armed with two swivels ; two were shallops taken at the Isles of Shoals ; eight were fishing vessels, found at Fox Island thoroughfare ; and the others were surprised and taken in different places. In these seizures, they killed twenty-two men and retained a still greater number prisoners. Generally these were the masters or skippers, and the best sailors, whom they compelled to serve on board their prizes. A part of the fleet proceeded up the river St. George's, once more fully determined to lay the fort in ashes. To ef- fect their purpose, the savage crews now filled a couple of their shallops with combustibles, which were set on fire and urged so near the block house that they would have com- municated the flames, had not individual exertion prevented. The Indians then offered favorable terms, provided the garri- son would surrender. But every lisp of the kind was promptly rejected ; and as they were utterly unable to take The tears which fond affection poured, Or love in secret sadness shed, Uodewed indeed a distant sward, But fell not on their lonely bed. No column proud, no humble stone, To mark the spot, was reared for them ; The evening thrush and heating surge Performed their only requiem. But oft, I ween, the maiden's heart, Who walks with pensive step at eve, By some mysteri(jus influence lield Shall pause upon the spot to grieve j And spell bound, 'neath the silent moon And stars that saw that night of anguish, Allow her soul, she knows not why, In sorrows unexplained to languish. Watch on, from age to age, ye stars ! And beat, thou surge, with ceaseless moan Sing on, sweet thrush, and maiden weep, Whei*e rest the brave to all unknown ! ANNALS OF WARREN. 39 or destroy the fortification, either by force or stratagem, they retired without doing any considerable injury. Against this new force of the enemy, two vessels were despatched with twenty men from New Hampshire, but re- turned without success. Two others were sent under Jack- son of Kittery and Lakeman of Ipswich. These, after an action with the enemy, in which Jackson and several of his men were wounded, and his sails and rigging so badly cut up that his pursuit was impeded, finally drove them into Pe- nobscot. Here they found them assisted and covered by so large a body of natives that they were forced to retire. When another expedition of three vessels went from Boston against them, they had become tired of this maritime warfare ; their vessels were dispersed, and no intelligence could afterwards be obtained of them.* Thus far the Indians had conducted the war with great spirit and prudence, and their success greatly preponderated over that of the English, whose measures were chiefly of a defensive character. But the destruction of Norridgewock and the death of the Jesuit Rale, in August of this year, broke the spirit and strength of the Canibas tribe ; whilst the several expeditions of Capt. Lovewell in the winter, and his sanguinary engagement at Pegwacket the following spring, so discouraged the remainder of the Abenaques tribes that they never recovered. The star of the confederacy, pale and declining, from that time gradually settled in darkness. 1725- Proffers of negotiation were made and recipro- cated by means of the hostages that were still retained at Boston ; but its progress was retarded by several untoward events not very creditable to the English name. The first of these was the expedition of Capt. Heath to Penobscot. Learning that the Indians had rebuilt their villagef in a more advantageous situation, about three miles above the mouth of the Kenduskeag, he marched across from the Kennebec, and finding the inhabitants fled, laid their dwellings in ashes, and returned without meeting the enemy. This was a bold en- terprise ; but, hearing on his return to St. George's river that the Indians had proposed a negotiation for peace, he and the authorities kept the particulars as secret as possible. | The second occurrence, June 20th, reflected much dishonor * 2 Will. His. p. 128, 129. t This was in the present city of Bangor and consisted of about 50 dwellings. — Hutch. t 11 Mass. Rec. p. 396. 40 ANNALSOFWARREN. upon the English character. This was a violent assault by a scout from the garrison at St. George's upon a party of Indians bound to the fort, under a flag of truce. There was for a few minutes a smart combat between them, in which one of the scout was killed and another wounded. The best excuse which could be framed for this error, was the honest jealousy excited by repeated instances of savage treachery. The effect of this outrage was aggravated by a treacherous assault upon Castine the younger by the captain of a sloop, who by a flag of truce enticed him on board his vessel and violently took from him a captive whom he had redeemed from the savages. After some farther outrages, Castine shot one of the men and with his boy escaped to the woods.* Notwithstanding these events, so disposed were the natives for peace, that thirteen of their chiefs on the 2d of July held a conference at St. George's fort with John Stoddard and John Wainwright, commissioners sent by Massachusetts to treat with them. This conference was conducted in a very pacific manner and led to an appointment of another meeting at Boston for the conclusion of a treaty. In the mean time two vessels, being seized by the enemy at Damariscove, were committed to the flames, and the masters and crews, consisting of seven men and a boy, were carried to Sagada- hoc and barbarously beat to death. But this was among the last efforts of the eastern Indians, and closed the scene of blood for the present year. At th-p meeting in Boston, Nov. 10th, the Indians long insisted that Fort Richmond on the Kennebec and the block- house at St. George's should be abandoned, and that a bound- ary should be drawn straight from Teconnet to Saco. But these terms not being acceded to, it was finally agreed that the Indians should enjoy the lands and liberties not conveyed to the English nor possessed by them, together with the privileges of hunting, fishing, and fowling, as formerly ; that they should maintain peace and enter into no combinations against the English, who, on their part, were to regulate the whole trade of the country, and open a trading-house at St. Greorge's to be constantly supplied with goods 1o the amount of c£700 for the supply of the Indians in fair and honorable trade. The command of St. George's fort and garrison was, Dec. 13, 1725, committed to John Gyles, the builder and late * 2 Will. His. p. 144. Penhallow'^Ind. Wars, «fec. ANNALSOF WARREN. 41 commander of Fort George at Pejepscot, now Brunswick. He was the son of Thomas Gyles, Esq. of Pemaquid, who had been Chief Justice of the County of Cornwall when under the government of the Duke of York. When his father was killed by the Indians, Aug. 2, 1689, John, then a young lad, was, together with his mother, one brother and two little sisters, taken captive and carried off into the wild- erness. After a captivity of nearly nine years, during which he had many narrow escapes and became familiar with the In- dian tongue, he was set at liberty and was immediately taken into public service at Boston. He was employed as Indian in- terpreter at various places, had a lieutenant's and afterwards captain's commission at Casco, Pejepscot, and St. George's where he probably commanded till 1736 or later.* The last mentioned treaty was signed Dec. 15th by the four Sagamore delegates, and has since been denominated Dum- mer's treaty ; than which, none ever made by the parties has been more celebrated or lasting. 1726- This treaty was finally ratified at Falmouth, Aug, 6, 1726, by Gov. Dummer and a large retinue from Boston, who there met Wenemovet, chief Sachem of the Tairatines, and 40 other chiefs of that and the associate tribes. They made an earnest request that no vessels in the harbors nor taverns on shore should be permitted to sell liquors to their young men ; and Gov. Dummer gave them the most solemn assurances that this request should be complied with. They insisted, also, upon the " removal of those two houses mentioned last winter," (Forts St. George's and Richmond.) " If they were removed there would," said they, " be no diflnculty among the tribes. We can't find any Record in our memory nor in the memory of our Grand Fathers, that the Penobscutt tribe have sold any land. As to the deeds mention- ed last winter made by Medoccewanda and Sheepscutt John, they were not Penobscutt Indians, one belonging to Mechias Madockewando, the other towards Boston, If we should find in reality that the lands were purchased of the right owners we should not have insisted upon it, nor have opened our Mouths, we would not pretend to tell a Lye about it, for we know that God will be angry with the man that tells a Lye, We do not remember of any settlements at St. George's, we remember a pretty while, and as long as we remember, the place where the * See (lyles's Captivity first published in 1736 and republished in Tragedies of the Wilderness, by S. G. Drake, 1846. 4* 42 ANNALSOFWARKEN. garrison stands was filled with Great Long Grown Trees."* But after a farther conference on the subject of these deeds with the committee of claims in attendance, they agreed to waive the matter for the present, and solemnly ratified and con- firmed the treaty. Thus terminated this fourth Indian war, the first which the natives had carried on without foreign as- sistance, and remarkable alike for the boldness and success with which it was conducted on their part, and the brilliant achieve- ments of the English, which finally brought it to a close. CHAPTER IV. FROM 1726 TO 1741, INCLUDING THE FIRST SETTLEMENTS AT ST. George's and broad bay. One of the first measures of the government after the peace, was the establishment of truckhouses for the accommo- dation of the Indians according to the provisions of the treaty. The most eastern of these was at St. George's fort ; and the first truckmaster there, as the superintendent was called, was Thomas Smith, one of the 20 associates, who had been re- commended by the Indians at the conference. Goods were furnished by the government, and the agents were allowed to add to the first cost a sufiicient sum to cover the freight and waste. At times, also, presents were made and entertain- ments given to the Indians at the public expense. Care being taken in the selection of suitable agents, these truckhouses had a salutary effect ; and the Indians soon finding they could purchase goods here cheaper and better than in Canada, a friendly disposition grew up amongst them. Every thing now indicated a permanent peace. It was, however, difficult for the government to carry out these amicable intentions. Private traders were eager to participate in the profits of Indian traffic, and too often un- scrupulous in the means of augmenting them. Ardent spirits were sold, and, in the intoxication they produced, every ad- vantao-e was taken, perhaps, and every fraud practised. Gov- ernment agents, and sometimes the Indians themselves, en- deavored to restrain these practices by indictments and prose- * Printed Indian Conf. qf 1726. ANNALSOFWARREN. 43 cution. In retaliation, charges were made against the agents as guihy of the same conduct, and wishing for their own ben- efit to monopolise the profits. From the unsettled state of the country and the distance of the place of trial, it was difficult to obtain conviction. One Michael Micum, Macom, or Mal- com, seems to have been engaged in this illicit traffic at va- rious places, and was frequently complained of; though he was usually discharged on the payment of Court fees. In 1726 he is described as Michael Micum of Georgetown, in 1736 as Michael Macom of a place called Augusta,* and in 1744 he is styled Michael Malcom of St. George, trader. He was, probably, the son of John Malcom of Brunswick, who also, as well as Elizabeth Malcom of the same place, was indicted for the same offence in 1739 and 1740.t 1727. At another conference held with Gov. Dummer, 1727, the Indians called the attention of the Governor to truckmasters, said " the first sent to St. George's we liked very well ; we liked Mr. Mountfort very well ; we have noth- ing to say against Capt. Gyles at all ; he is a man that is agreeable to us. But it is very strange to us that now the truck master is come away, the door is fast ; the key is turned on the lock, and we cannot get any thing now, nor can our wives and children get the necessaries of life. We desire Mr. Mountfort may be sent there." But the Indians at Pejep- scot and Ammerescoggin spoke highly of Capt. Gyles, and wished to have him appointed to Fort George. The Indians having also desired that a gunsmith reside at St. George's, the Governor promised to furnish one. The Chief then in- quired whether " they must pay the gunsmith that comes to St. George's, or whether the English government would pay him ?" To which the Governor replied that the smith should charge moderately for his work, and, to enable him to do so, should be victualled at the blockhouse ; and, in case he cheated or made exorbitant charges, he should be discarded. { From the language, somewhat ambiguous, used by the In- dians at this and the preceding conference, we infer that Capt. Gyles was not altogether popular among them. Perhaps, like his father at Pemaquid, he might have been too rigid and puritanical in the discharge of his duty to suit these undisci- plined sons of the forest. It is probable, also, as the office of * This was an abortive settlement commenced at Small Point. — J. McKeen's communication to the author. t York Records and communication of Hon. R. Mclntire. t See printed Ind. Conf. of 1727. 44 ANNALSOF WARREN. truckmast^r was lucrative and annually filled by the Legisla- ture, that some little competition had sprung up and the influ- ence of the Indians was sought for by the different candidates. Something, not fully explained, on both these points, may, perhaps, be inferred from the following letter of the truck- master to his son, the first settled minister of Falmouth. " To ye Rev. Mr. Thomas Smith at Falmouth, Casco Bay. Per Lt. Wright. St. George's Fort, April 6, 1727. Last night arrived here Lt. Wright with express from his Honor the Lt. Governor, chiefly relating to the Lidians killing of a cow and some swine in the beginning of February at Montin- icus. I suppose there is not paper or ink at Falmouth or you would have wrote me. I wrote you by Sanders, as also by Mr. Nutting, both which I suppose you have received. Capt. Giles gives his service to you and entreats you will favor him so far, if you can so order it, as to give us a visit here and preach on a Sabbath ; Lt. Wright offers that if you will do it, he will both come with you and carry you back in his schooner free from all charge. I expect to hear from you by return of Mr Nutting and all opportunities. I am, your affec- tionate Father, T. Smith." In a postscript he adds, " at Boston it's much talked of that here is great difference and disagreement between Capt. Giles and myself ; if there should be the same at Falmouth, you may assure any body that we have not had the least angry word or difference since my arrival here from Boston. By Sander's last trip I had letters which inform me of the great interest that J. G, has with his Honor, &c. And now I would that you treat Lt. Wright with all possible civility, he having made sundry ob- servations here that he says he will commit to writing and deliver to you ; the copy of which I would have you transmit to me, but the original to keep safe and very private. T. S."* 1728. George II. having succeeded to the throne, Wm. Burnet was the following year appointed Governor of the colony. On the 28th of Nov. 1728, Capt. Gyles, commander of the garrison at St. George's Fort, received a commission as a Justice of the Peace, and was, probably, the first civil magis- trate resident on the banks of this river.t 1729. The eastern country had not, since the peace, been filling with settlements and multiplying improvements * Willis's Jour. Rev. T. Smith, p. 65 and Editor's note, t Giles's Captivity. ANNALSOFAVARREN. 45 equal to expectation. Encouragement was not offered suffi- cient to induce settlers to leave the older towns ; and the introduction of foreigners was discouraged by burdensome restrictions. The proprietors of the Muscongus Patent, however, renew- ed their efforts for a settlement at St. George's. They had actually engaged a minister of the gospel and 120 families to go down and settle there; but the measure was interrupted by Col. David Dunbar, who positively forbade their proceed- ing upon any other condition than that of taking deeds under him, to the acknowledgment of the invalidity of their own title.* Dunbar, a reduced and indigent colonel of the army, recently appointed surveyor of the king's woods in America, by the aid of persons inimical to the puritans, had obtained a royal order by which the entire Province of Sagadahoc was given into his hands, and he directed to settle, superintend, and govern it ; little more being required of him than to pre- serve 300,000 acres of the best pine and oak for the use of the crown. Having secured the aid of the Governor of Nova Scotia, he took up his residence at Pemaquid, repaired the fort which he now named Fort Frederick, laid out a city near it, and, by regranting the lands without much regard to the rights of the former occupants, added to the conflicting titles which already existed in that neighborhood. The gov- ernor of Nova Scotia was called upon to take possession in opposition to the jurisdiction of Massachusetts ; and troops were sent from Annapolis to garrison the fort. Three towns were laid out and named Townshend, Harrington, and Wal- pole ;t which names continued in use for many years, and are occasionally heard to this day. Settlers, many of them most valuable and estimable, were drawn thither by the offer of 100 acres of land each ; and the erection at Damaris- cottaof a grist-mill and two double saw-mills afforded an addi- tional inducement. These mills were built in 1730 by Wm. Vaughan, Esq. at that time extensively concerned in the fisheries at Monhegan and Matinicus.J 1730-1. There were at this time between Muscongus and Kennebec about 150 families, probably 900 or 1000 inhabitants. Such of them as acknowledged the jurisdiction of Massachusetts, or refused to take deeds from Dunbar, who showed much firmness and ability in his office, were violently * S. Waldo's petition in Leg. Rep. 1731. t Now liootjjbay, Bristol and Nobleboro'. t Pemaquid papers and land claims. 46 ANNALSOFWARREN. ejected from their lands ; and some complained that he had even seized their timber, burnt their houses, and threatened themselves with imprisonment. Petitions and complaints against him being presented to the General Court, a commit- tee of that body made a full report of the claims of Massa- chusetts and the conduct of Dunbar ; and a statement of the whole was ordered to be presented to the Lords of Trade and his removal solicited. Samuel Waldo of Boston, a gentleman of good capacity and great activity, having now a large interest in the Muscongus Patent, was chosen agent by the proprietors and sent to London on the same errand. The proprietors of other grants also petitioned for the removal of this troublesome officer. The King's Attorney and Solicitor Generals, having, Aug. 11, 1731, given their opinion in favor of the claim of Massa- chusetts, Dunbar was at length, through the persevering efforts of Mr. Waldo and the colony agent, deprived of his extraordinary commission, though he still continued surveyor of the king's woods for nine or ten years, afterwards.* He returned and spent two years in the vicinity of Pemaquid after his authority was revoked. During his residence there, he erected a commodious dwellinghouset at the head of the Bay in Walpole, which he surrounded with a farm and good accommodations, and beautified with a well cultivated and tasteful garden. Some farther provision was at this time made for the ac- commodation of the garrison at St. George's ; and, at the request of Capt. Gyles, the General Court voted, that " for- asmuch as transporting of wood for the garrison in the usual manner is found too difficult, the said Gyles have liberty, at the charge of the province, to purchase one yoke of oxen, one cart and sled for that service, (the soldiers to cut and cart the wood, and get hay for keeping the oxen in the season thereof.") It was also voted, August 10, 1731, that the treas- urer *' be directed to supply Mr. Thomas Pierpoint, chaplain at the blockhouse on St. George's River, to the value of ten pounds, for supplying him with sundry conveniences, as hath been heretofore accustomed for persons of his function. "| 1732. In 1732 Gov. Belcher made a visit with a large retinue as far east as St. George's, having previously held a talk with the Indians at Falmouth and communicated the * Sullivan, Williamson, &c. t Com. Rep. 1811, p. 156, &c. t Jour. House, for June and August, 1731. ANNALSOFWARREN. 47 intelligence that three missionaries of the " Society for pro- moting Christian knowledge" were intended for this Province, and that the General Court had granted them an annual salary of =£100, on condition of their officiating as chaplains also to the garrisons. One of these was to reside at St. George's, one at Fort Richmond, and another at Cushnoc, now Augusta, where a town and church were about to be built. The Indians at this conference complained that there " was not a prudent care as to the giving out of liquor at St. George's ; they give the Indians too much rum, which makes them drunk, and we desire that care be taken to pre- vent it. They also said the smith at St. George's does not take proper care to mend our arms, but does it negligently ; and that when we come to St. George's we have not liberty to lie in any of the houses but are exposed to lie abroad in the rain and bad weather ; we therefore desire a house to lodge in." The Governor assured them that these requests should be attended to, and said complaints were made at Kennebec of damage done by their dogs not being muzzled according to the treaty ; and also of their killing Mr. Vaughan's cattle at Matinicus six years before, to the value of <£30, and more recently an ox, for which no payment had been made. The Indians said the ox was killed by mistake, but agreed to give 32 pounds of beaver for it, and likewise to pay for the dam- age done to the cattle. They also complained that some "sour meal and damnified tobacco" had been dealt out to them at St. George's fort, and two of their dogs, which they valued at <£10 apiece, were killed there for only barking at a cow. Being assured that restitution should be made on their giving the offenders' names, they said the damaged goods were sold in the absence of Mr. Wainwright, the superintendent at the time, and as to the dogs they thought it so light a matter they did not mention it to Capt. Gyles, and should not have done so now but for the complaints about the cattle. 'J he Governor assured them that all their injuries, if seasonably made known, should be redressed ; and con- cluded by distributing presents among them and drinking the king's health. In a subsequent message to the Legislature, he pronounced a high eulogium upon the soil, rivers, and natural advantages of the country ; and, amongst other meas- ures, recommended the rebuilding of the fort at St. George's, which was then in a state of decay. As an additional in- 48 ANNALSOF WARREN. dncernent, he added that good stone and Hme abounded there.* 1733-4. Peace being now well established, and likely to continue, both the government and individual proprietors turned their attention more earnestly to the formation of new settlements. Mr. Waldo, having his portion of the Muscon- gus patent, or, as it was usually called after this time, the Waldo patent, now set off in severalty, and being in exclu- sive possession of the lands on the St. George's, b(^gan the work of settlement in good earnest. Having made experi- ments upon the limestone found near the river, and finding it good, he caused a lime kiln t to be erected by ^Robert Mclntyre, who commenced the burning of lime in considerable quanti- ties for the Boston market. From this time the manufacture began to increase and has continued to do so down to the present time. The lime was for many years put up in hogs- heads which had been used for molasses ; it being then sup- posed that casks could not be made here for the want of suitable hoops. Mr. Waldo also began to make surveys about this time, and other preparations for an extensive settlement. This, together with similar preparations in other places, excited the jealousy of the Indians. Great complaint was made, also, that individual traders and adventurers furnished them with large quantities of intoxicating liquors, and prac- tised upon them every kind of imposition. | Yet, at a talk with several Sachems held by the Governor at Pemaquid in the summer of 1734, he received the most unequivocal as- surances, that notwithstanding these grievances, the Indians were peacefully disposed and determined to continue on friendly terms. The paper currency was now reduced to nearly seventy per cent, discount; and, as it remained a legal tender at its nominal value, it produced great confusion in business, and, to some extent, discouraged new settlements. § 1735. Not at all discouraged, however, Mr. Waldo in April, 1735, paid a visit to St. George's, and, with the aid * See printed Indian conference of 1732 and Waldo's petition. t The remains of this kiln are, or lately were, still to be seen on the bank of the river between the lower toll-bridge and the site of Mr. Paine's old store. The Mclntyre here mentioned as the father of lime burners was the son of William Mclntyre, who was afterwards one of the first settlers in the town of Warren. — Com. of A. Kel- ioch, 1st, and I. Spear. t 2 Will. Hist. p. 183. § Belknap's New Hampshire. ANNALS OF WARREN. 49 of Captain Gyles as interpreter, held a conference with the Penobscot or Tarratine Indians, to whom he presented a friendly letter from Gov. Burnet, and gave such explanations of the intended settlement as to gain their apparent consent. A number of people, attracted from various quarters by the offer of liberal terms, met him at the fort, and, after exam- ining the place and the advantages it offered, concluded to settle on the river. Sensible of the benefits of similarity of customs and national associations, Waldo determined to l-ocate those of the same origin in the same neighborhood ; and accordingly this company consisted wholly of natives of Ireland, or their immediate descendants. They were all from the north of Ireland, of the Protestant religion, and originally descended from Scottish families who emigrated to Ireland at an early period, usually called Scotch-Irish. Some of them came over to this country with the company that settled at Londonderry and otlier adjacent towns in New Hampshire in 1719. Others had been in the country a short time, residing at Pemaquid, Portsmouth, Boston and other places along the coast. But as most of them had been bred up as mechanics only, they were not very well fitted to act as pioneers in the warfare that was now to be waged with the obstacles of nature in the primeval forest. Notwithstanding this, however, a competent number of them formed the reso- lution of settling on this river. It is said that seven of them, viz. : Alex. McLean, Wm. Mclntyre, James Howard, Robert Spear, and three others not recollected, had previously been deputed, by their associates in Boston and vicinity, to select a suitable place for settlement ; and that, after visiting Pema- quid, the Kennebec, and other places, they were so struck with the advantages of this river as at once to give it the prefer- ence. But whether this was previous to 1729 when 120 families were engaged to settle there, or whether the present settlers had any connexion with those, we are unable to state. Certain it is, that 27 persons now entered into an agreement with Mr. Waldo, dated St. George's Fort, April 18th,* 1735, by which they engaged to settle themselves and families on St. George's river, to build on their several lots a con- venient dwellinghouse within eight months and dwell there- in three years, either in their own persons, or by their tenants or agents ; and within two years to clear and sub- due four acres of land. Mr. Waldo, on his part, agreed * This was in the old style, and equivalent to April 29tb, new style. 50 ANNALS OF WARREN. to give to the said settlers a tract of land on the western branch* of said river, consisting of one lot of 100 acres to each settler to be laid out 40 rods wide on the river and to extend back till the quantity was completed. The tract was to begin 100 rods above the upper lime-kiln on the north side of said western branch, and extend up toward the falls, leaving a sufficient space below the same for building a mill, dam and other appendages ; and the rest of said lots were to be laid out in the same manner on the opposite side of the river. These lots were to be given without any rent or ac- knowledgment, although when he came to give deeds after the settlers had performed their part of the conditions, Mr. Waldo took care to reserve a quit-rent of " one pepper-corn per annum if lawfully demanded," which was probably intend- ed to preserve a kind of feudal claim in the family and prevent the lands from escheating to the crown. He also agreed to give them as much land in the rear of their front lots as they severally subscribed for, on condition of paying him an annual quit-rent of one penny sterling per acre. Most of them subscribed for two or three hundred acres, but so formidable was the payment of this sum that few of them ventured to take deeds. Those who did, however, as events turned out, were the most fortunate, as, from political changes or the neglect of the proprietors, the rent was never called for, and was ultimately forfeited. He also agreed that if said lots contained, on an average, less than ten acres of good marsh or meadow, the deficiency should be made up by a grant of other meadow lands in the vicinity and the same amount deducted from the rear of said front lots ; and, like- wise, that for the space of seven years the said settlers should be entitled to cut one half the hay on all Mr. Waldo's meadows in the vicinity. It was further agreed that Mr. Waldo should lay out good and commodious highways into the country, one at least to every five lots ; should build a meeting-house at his own expense and give " what he phases''^ for the support of the ministry ; that he should give a lot of 100 acres to the first settled minister, two others, one for the support of the ministry, and the other for the support of a free school forever ; that he should take at con- venient landings on the river, all the cord- wood furnished by the settlers, at seven shillings New England currency, per cord, provided tliey could not more advantageously dispose * By the western branch was intended the main river, in contra- distinction to the mill creek, or eastern branch. AN NALSOF WARREN. 51 of it ; that the settlers might dig any lime-stone on his lands not otherwise appropriated, for burning lime for their own use, but not for sale or exportation; and that the settlers should lay out a road four rods wide across their lots, or on the bank of the river, as most convenient. The quit-rent on the back lots was to commence in ten years from the 25th day of June ; and the several settlers were to draw lots for their respective farms on the 4th day of May at Pemaquid. Thither they probably repaired ; as some of them, with others of their countrymen, had, not many years before, settled in that place and at Damariscotta. The names of those who signed the contract were Henry Alexander, John North, Jr., David Patterson, John McLeen,* Samuel Boogs, Thomas Garven, James Howard, Thomas McCordy, John McCraken, Daniel Elliot, Thomas Gregg, John Malcom, Thomas Kirkpatrick, Wm. Walker, Wm. James, Daniel McCleester, Thomas Henderson, James Sprawl, David Creigh- ton, Brice Blair, Wm. Starret, Moses Young, John Young, Robert Spear, Daniel Morison, Alexander Larman and John Scot. But, as several of these had children or friends whom they wished to provide for, they contracted not only for them- selves but also in behalf of 19 others, who were either at this time absent or under age. These were John Alexander, John Hasty, John Boogs, John McFarland, Samuel Howard, Edward Sulfridge, John and Andrew Kirkpatrick, Wm. Mclntyre, James Nelson, Abraham Creighton, Andrew Fos- set, Robert Lushe, Wm. Larman, Hugh Scot, Alexander McLeen, John McCordy, James Long and Simon Elliot. t Nothing farther was done by the settlers till the following year ; but Mr. Waldo continued to make improvements, erect- ed a saw-mill on the eastern branch, since called Mill River, and caused the lots contracted for to be surveyed so far as to mark their bounds at the river and run the lines back a short distance, leaving the rest to be finished at a future time. In November he visited the place in person and held a sec- ond conference with the Indians, who appeared satisfied with his proceedings. 1736. Such was the train of events which prepared the * His descendants speh their name McLean, those of Mr. Boogs spelt theirs Bogs and latterly Boggs ; and those of Mr. Larman changed theirs to Lermond; whilst Kirkpatrick, as he wrote his name on this occasion, seems on all others to have written it as it was uniformly pronounced, Killpatrick, — a name which in Ireland is synonymous with Kirkpatrick in Scotland. t See the contract at large in York Records. 52 ANNALSOFWARKEN. way for a settlement on this river ; such were the preparations made ; such was the state of the country ; and such the men who undertook the enterprise — the orijirinal fotliers of the present town of Warren. One hundred and five years had now elapsed since the firet trading-house was established. on the banks cf this river ; yet with the exception of the mill, fort, and perhaps a few houses in its immediate vicinity, no marks of civilization existed ; no inroads were made upon that yet unbroken forest, which over the whole country sheltered the moose and the Indian, alike from the scorching, suns of summer and the howling storms of winter. The patron of the undertaking in the agreemrent entered into with the settlers, styled himself Samuel Waldo of Boston, merchant; and, from the business which he carried on in that place and the eastern country, was ready to supply them with boards, nails, provisions and other necessaries^ in exchange for wood, staves, and other productions of the forest. The lots assigned to the settlere commenced with th© Shibles lot in the present town of Thomaston and extended up on the eastern side of the river as far as the southern line of the Kirkpatrick lot near M. H. Smith's in Warrea ; iheu commencing opposite, they extended down on the western side till the required number was made up, omitting such as con- tained mill privileges, which were reserved to the proprietor. The original number contemplated to be settled was forty ; and so the contract reads ; but as it purported also ta grant a lot to each settler and was signed by and in behalf of forty- seven persons, that was the number granted ; the proprietor probably considering, as things were, that every lot given to an actual settler was so much gained towards the accomplish- ment of his object. The forty lots originally contemplated^ together with the three to be given for public uses, v;ero sur- veyed and numbered as follows. Beginning above Oyster E-iver with the lot now owned by Capt. D. Lermond, which Avas Number 1, they extended up the eastern side of the river to Number 15 at the head of the tide ; then omitting two mill lots on the other side of the river, were numbered downward, and ended at the line of the present town of Gushing, with the farm of Rufus B. Copeland, Esq. which was No. 43. This was the tract intended for the first forty settlers ; but to ac- commodate the whole number included in the contract, seveiii additional lots on the eastern side below Oyster River, num- bered southerly from 44 to 50, were added, extending down to within 100 rods of the old lime-kiln. The southernmost ANNALS OF WARREN. 53 of these was thn Shibles lot in the present town of Thomas- tou, the boundary line of which was near the house built by the late J. Paine, Esq. and afterwards occupied by his son, J. G. Paine.* This was called " the upper town of St. George's." Mr. Waldo, besides making a similar contract for the settlement of " the lower town" extending to the mouth of the river, pro- posed to continue his settlements above to its source. But Mr. Pebbles having taken up the mill-lot now owned by H. Hilt, the Indians observing this and preparations for constructing mills going on, made strong remonstrances against the same, and, marking a tree on the shore at the Uead of tide waters, positively forbade all intrusion of the whites above it. Re- ceiving no sufficient assurances from the proprietor, they at length became so dissatisfied with the proceedings here, that they sent a delegation to the Legislature to remonstrate against them. They represented that they had never con- sented to let Englishmen build houses above the tide waters of the St. George's ; and yet Mr. Waldo and his people were encroaching upon Indians' lands and rights to a fearful extent; and they could no longer endure the sight of such flagrant wrongs. A committee to whom their complaints were re- ferred, reported that Madockawando had assigned to Sir Wm. Phips, in 1694, the lands on both sides the river St. George's as far as the upper falls; that the chiefs, although they denied the right of Madockawando to make such assign- ment, acknowledge they have consented to have settlements made as far up the river as to the falls, or flowing of tide waters ; and the committee believed that neither " Mr. Waldo or any others" ought to be protected " in settling or improv- ing any lands on that river above the falls, until this govern- ment shall be satisfied that these lands have been fairly pur- chased, "t In spite of the active opposition of Mr. Waldo, the report was accepted by the Legislature ; presents worth ^100 were sent to the tribe ; and their delegates returned home well satisfied. So entirely tranquil were all the tribes, that the fort at Pemaquid, and others, were dismantled ; and the garrison at St George's was reduced to one commissioned officer and ten sentinels. On this occasion Capt. Gyles re- tired from ihe command of the garrison and settled at Rox- bury, Mass. where he was living in 1753. t * Old plan in possession of J. Gleason, Esq. Old deeds and tra- ditions. t A. Kelloch, Mass. C. Records p. 359—361. t 2 Will. Hist. p. 191. 5* 54 ANNALSOF WARREN. Having determined their several possessions by lot, the settlers of tlie " upper town of St. George's" in the summer of 1736 proceeded to the place, and, after several transfers for mutual accommodation, located themselves as follows. On the southernmost lot on the eastern side of the river, marked No. 50, John Kilpatrick ; on the lot above. No. 49, Thomas Kilpatrick ; No 48, Moses Young, who was succeed- ed first by John North, Jr. and secondly by Patrick Porter- field ; No. 47, Henry Alexander; No. 46, John Alexander ; No. 45, John McDowel ; No. 44, Abraham Creighton, suc- ceeded by David Creighton, 2d. The lot above, marked No-. 1, was taken by Wm. Walker ; No. 2, by Joseph Giffen ; No. 3, Wm. James ; No, 4, Alex. Lermond ; No. 5, John Scot, who in 1737 assigned the same to W^m. Lermond aiid remained at W\ilpole ; No. 6, Plugh Scot ; No. 7, John McCraken ; No. 8, Heinbury ; Nos 9 and 10, Thomas Plenderson ; No. 11, John Young; No. 12, Robert Lushe ; No. 13, John McLean ; and No. 14, by Alex. McLean. The two mill lots on the western side of the river, and per- haps No. 15 on the eastern side, at the present WaiTcn vil- lage, were, either at this time, or not long after, taken by Campbell, on an agreement with Waldo to erect mills there on certain conditions. There is some uncertainty respecting No. 16, but No. 17 fell to James Howard, No. 18 to Samuel Howard, No. 19 to Andrew Kilpatrick ; No. 20, Wm. McTntyre; No. 21, Robert Spear; No. 22, Moses Rob- inson ; No. 23, Phinley Kelloch ; No. 24, Wm. Allen ; No. 25, Thomas Gregg ; No. 26, Mountford ; No. 27, Pat- rick Pebbles ; No. 28, Barnard ; No. 29 was reserved for the first settled minister ; Nos. 30 and 31, for the support of the ministry and schools ; No. 32, Thomas McCordy ; No. 33, Lincoln ; No. 34, John McCordy ; No. 35, David Patterson ; No. 36, or 37, Brice Blair ; No. 38, Wm. Star- rett; No. 39, David Creighlon ; No. 40, Archibald Ganiblo ; No. 41, John Walker; a"nd No. 42, .Tames McCarter. No, 43 was drawn by Samuel Boggs ; but disliking the soil, he re- linquished that, and, with Waldo's consent, took up three lots for himself and sons above the mill lots on the western side of the river. It will be observed that several of these names are different from those appended to the contract. This is accounted for by the fact that several of the lots were taken for minors, whose interest might have been disposed of by their parents ; and by the supposition that some of the rest changed their minds and allowed others to settle in their stead, or, having settled, died or remo\^d so early that we ANNALSOFWARREN. 55 find no nncmorials of them here. It is observable that while many, who from relationship or intimacy wished to be near neighbors, located themselves on contiguous lots, as the Alexanders,* Kilpatricks,t McLeans,* Scots,* and afterwards the Lermonds ; others, for the same reason, settled opposite each other on different sides of the river, as David and Abra- ham Creighton,* Wm. and John Walker,* as also Robert Spear and Phinley Kelloch, who settled opposite their fathers- in-law, John McLean and John Young. The last of these placed his house so near the edge of the river that one side of his cellar afterwards caved off and slid down the bank. Some of these settlers brought some catde, which found ample subsistence in the woods and marshes. They pro- ceeded to erect their several houses of logs near the banks of the river, covering the roofs with boards supplied by Wal- do's mill and probably brought round in rafts from Mill River. Most of them had a cellar, unwalled, large enough to contain a small store of potatoes, and entered through a trap-door near the centre of the principal, or, rather, the only room. In one corner of this room a large fireplace was constructed by erecting the back and one jamb of stone cemented with ciay or lime, having a post of wood at the opposite angle sup- porting a mantel-tree and cross timber of the same material. All above this was constructed of cat-and-clay, that is, clefts of wood laid up cob-howse fashion, with interstices filled and sides plastered with clay irjortar. Upon a spacious hearth of flat stones an ample store of wood that grew at the door was heaped ; and the open jamb allowed a free passage into the room of the light and heat from the blazing pile. To assist in bringing the building materials together, the settlers sent twenty miles to Damariscotta for a yoke of oxen. Something was done towards clearing the land ; hay Wvas secured for winter ; and in the autumn twenty-five or thirty families re- moved to their new homes. f As their chief dependence, at first, was on provisions pur- chased of Waldo, they betook themselves to getting out cord- wood and staves, which, as the trees grew near the river, were transported to convenient landings on hand-sleds. This mode of transportation continued for several years, till, in progress of improvement, horses were introduced and cars substituted * These, it is believed, bore the relation of father and son. t These were brothers, and, with Andrew Kilpatrick probably another brother, lived bachelors and left no posterity. I A. Kelloch, 1st., M. Copeland, Esq., Rev. J. Huse. 56 ANNALS OF WARREN. for hand-sleds. The car was formed of two shafts framed together, one end resting on the ground, the other attached to the horse in the manner of thills. One foot of green wood, or ICO staves, made the usual load on this vehicle. Hunting and fishing were occasionally resorted to, and, at particular times, furnished a copious supply of food. Moose, deer, bears, and beavers abounded in the woods ; and frost- fish, smelts, alewives, shad, and salmon succeeded each other in the river ; while the ocean opened its stores to such as had the means of taking them. Clams and oysters were also very abundant. The settlers, being unacquainted with the management of new lands, did but little in the line of hus- bandry, except raising a few patches of potatoes, which they cultivated, after the Irish fashion, in beds with trenches be- tween, the marks of which are still to be seen in many places near the ancient cellars. These they usually manured with rock-weed. When supplies of provisions failed to arrive from Boston, they subsisted on fish, clams and ground-nuts, in a manner the present generation can form but a faint idea of. Though collected from different places, and composed of various characters, yet, being from the same country, a broth- erly feeling prevailed, and hospitality and kindness were common to all. A moose or a bear slain by one, was divided among the whole colony ; and when one had a house to build, or other work of magnitude to perform, all, or as many as were needed, turned out to assist him. Although they had many difficulties to encounter, yet their Christian fortitude and native buoyancy of spirits enabled them to do so with cheerfulness. Some had been used to poverty at home, and had little reason to complain ; others were men of property and were consoled in their present hardships by the prospect of future advantage. Waldo had at this time two lime-kilns in operation ; the upper one, mentioned in the contract, stood at the shore of the river near the present State Prison ; the other lower down. Among the earliest children of these set- tlers were John Spear, father of a numerous family, and Thomas Starrett, afterwards a distinguished chizen, both born on the western side of the river, about 1738. 1739- Gov. Belcher continued assiduous in his attention to the eastern country, frequently visited all parts of the coast, held many conferences with the Indians, and tried every means to induce them to remain friendly. But on his return he communicated to the Legislature his fears that a rupture would again take place, and recommended various precautions and measures of defence against such a contin- ANNALSOFWARREN. 57 gency. A small garrison was placed in Fort Frederick, whilst the strictest care was enjoined upon the agents at the truck-houses, who were required to post up the invoice prices of their goods; to render a fair account upon oath of all the sales made, and furs purchased ; and, if possible, to preserve a good understanding, at least with the Tarratines. VVm. Pepperell of Kittery was at this time Colonel of the Yorkshire regiment ; by whose exertions a better military spirit was diffused among the officers and soldiers, the ranks filled, and new companies established. The next winter, his regiment was divided, and the command of the eastern or new one given to Samuel Waldo, who had now removed to Falmouth, and whose appointment met with entire accept- ance.*" In pursuance of these measures of defence, and at the re- commendation of Waldo, the inhabitants of St. George's about this time, assembled and made choice of Henry Alex- ander as a candidate for the office of captain. t This was an honor not to be passed over without acknowledgment ; and the Captain elect invited the people to a kind of enter- tainment, at his house, on a subsequent day. Tradition re- lates that on this occasion he procured at the fort one gallon of rum and a pound of tea. Directing his wife to prepare the latter for the women, he served out the former to the men who were enjoying their rude mirth out of doors. On com- ing in to see how matters went on within, he found his wife had served up the tea leaves, well buttered, as a species of food. On apprising her of her mistake and inquiring for the broth, his wife said, " that is g;ood for nothing, for I poured it out, and the very pigs would not drink it." When we con- sider that tea had been used even in England but seventy years before this, we may well believe the truth of this an- ecdote. 1740. Letters of marque and reprisal having been au- thorized against Spain, and danger from Spanish privateers and the French influence with the Indians being apprehended, c£3,000 were, on the 23d of June, 1740, appropriated for putting the various eastern fortresses in a posture of defence. A vessel was likewise built for the protection of the coasting * 2 Will. His. p. 201. t Militia officers under the royal charter were appointed by tJie Governor ; this cl)oice therefore amounted only to arecomineudation. Charter of Wra. &. Mary. 58 ANNALS OFWARREN. and truck trade ; and a fortress was erected or enlarged at Falmouth. Notwithstanding the apprehensions of war, Waldo contin- ued the prosecution of his settlement at St. George's with vigor, and in 1740 erected a grist-mill at Oyster River, a little ahove the present bridge ; a strong proof that the set- tlers had made some progress in agricultural operations and were beginning to supply themselves with bread. In the same year he built, on the lot given for the support of the ministry near the western niargin of the river, a meeting- house ; the outside of which was well finished in all respects but the hanging of the doors. It was 40 feet long and 30 wide, without porch or belfry, with one door on the front or south side, and one on the west end towards the burying ground. The timber was cut on the same lot, and being of clear pine, the posts and beams were planed and beaded to save the trouble of casing. The walls were formed of plank spiked on without studs, and well clapboarded. The window frames and door casings, only, were painted. The windows were glazed with small 3 by 4 inch panes, set in lead-sashes, but not in the diamond-form which prevailed in the earlier houses of New England. On the inside nothing was done but the completion of a pulpit ; and temporary seats of rough boards were provided for the worshippers. Meetings were more or less frequently held in this house until after the dismissal of Mr. Urquhart in 1783. Another frame of a meeting-house was prepared at the same time and place, intended for the lower town, the settlement of which Mr. Waldo was then projecting or enlarging ;* but it was never moved from the spot. It was at, or about, this time that letters were brought by the Indians from some shipwrecked persons on Mt. Desert, who were suffering every extremity and dying with hunger. The Indians had given them what little aid they could, and now came with letters to this settlement and that at Damaris- cotta for farther assistance. Measures were immediately con- certed by the people of these two places, and a vessel with provisions despatched to their relief. - They proved to be passengers from the north of Ireland, who had embarked in the ship ' Grand Design,' of two or three hundred tons, * There were a few settlers in the upper part of Gushing as early as 17*33, where Archibald Robinson, son of JMoses Robinson, was born in 1734, probably the earliest child of European parents on the river. — Will. Ilis., A. Lerniond, and otherg. ANNALSOF WARREN. 59 liouncl to Pennsylvania, which was driven ashore and wrecked in a violent storm. Most of them were persons of wealth and distinction who were going to rejoin their friends and connex- ions in that colony. Many of them had with them a train of bond-servants, male and female, all of whom, on landing from the wreck, they immediately released and gave them an equal chance for life with themselves. After escaping from the wreck they examined the island and found it unin- habited. Under this discouraging circumstance they exerted themselves to the utmost to save what provisions and other necessaries they could from the ship. Exhausted by their efforts and fainting with thirst, numbers of them repaired to a brook to drink, and, overcome by the cooling draught, never rose again. Making the best shift for shelter and sub- sistence which their situation would permit, they dispatched a party of one hundred of their most able and vigorous young men to the main land, in hopes of finding a settlement there from whom assistance might be obtained. Nothing farther was ever seen or heard of this part of their com- panions. The remainder, waiting for their return, spent many wearisome months of disappointment, exposure and starvation, relieved only by the scanty and uncertain re- sources which the waves and shore afforded. Many perished of want. At length a party of Indians visited the Island, and, though without interpreters, a barter was effected of a few articles of food in exchange for clothing and other matters furnished by the sufferers. Among these passengers were a Mrs. Galloway and another lady, who had not been long married when they left Ireland. The former of these brought with her an infant three months old, whom she nursed in this abode of wretchedness, till blood instead of milk followed its emaciated lips. Her husband gave to the Indians two pieces of fine Irish linen for one duck, which, refusing to taste him- self, he reserved exclusively for her. The sufferings of the mother were such as often to extort from the father a wish that the child might breathe its last. Yet both mother and child survived ; whilst the father, as also the husband of the other lady, died from exhaustion. These two women dug graves and buried their own husbands, there being no men of strength enough remaining to afford any assistance. The vessel that came to their relief brought some provisions, but, as she was sometime detained, these were all exhausted, and they arrived at St. George's in a most famishing condition. Going on shore at Pleasant Point where there was then only one log house, they were received with all the hospitality the 60 ANNALSOF WARREN. place would afford. Many of them were richly clad with the remnants of their wardrobes wliich had escaped the wreck; but now in the impatience of hunger tlicy were ready to snatch half roasted potatoes from the ashes into lawn aprons and silk dresses, and devour them without plate, knife, or fork. Mrs. Galloway had imagined before landing, because burdened with a child, that no one would be willing to receive her ; but here she found herself provided with a bed, whilst the rest were glad to sleep on the floor and in hovels as they could. Before landing she had inquired what kind of people were settled here, and, hearing they were Irish, exclaimed " alas ! I sha'nt be able to speak to them, for I do'nt know a single word of the Irish language."* She was now rejoiced to find the inhabitants as ignorant of that lan- guage as hei*self, being all from the north of Ireland and of Scottish descent. Sixteen of these persons went to the settlement up the river, the rest to Pemaquid, Sheepscot and Damariscotta. Archibald Gamble, a young man from Ire- land who had then taken a farm in the upper town, (now the Bucklin lot,) offered himself to Mrs. Galloway, and Mr. McCarter to her companion before mentioned. Having lost their husbands, whose relations they were going to join in Pennsylvania, and having no acquaintances there themselves, these two women, whose sufferings had bound them together in the closest ties of friendship, accepted their respective offers and remained in the settlement. They vvere ever after extremely affectionate and intimate, more so than any two sisters ; and though they could never meet without embracing and weeping, it was always a day of rejoicing when either of them came to visit the other. The child of Mrs. Gallo- way was sent for by his uncle in Pennsylvania, who had taken offence at the mother for marrying again so soon, but she declined the offer till he should grow up to determine for himself. He was afterwards lost at sea. From one of these women are descended the Coombses and Creightons in Thomaston and the Bucklins in Warren ; and from the other the McCarters in Cushing.t The same year, 1740, forty German families from Bruns- wick and Saxony, tempted by the imposing otTers which the * The appellation of Irish was tlien in their own country given almost exclusively to liiose of Celtic origin who spoke the Gaelic, Erse or Irish language, and were tiien, as now, mostly of the Roman Catholic religion. — Macauley's His. Eng. vol. 2. p. 119. t Mrs. H. Prince, J. Bucklin, Mrs. S. Fuller. ANNALS OF WARREN. 61 indefatigable Waldo when in Europe had made and caused to be circulated in their language, after first landing at Brain- tree, Mass., arrived at Broad Bay and laid the found- ation of the present town of Waldoborough. Prior to this, there was no setdement nearer to St. George's than Penaa- quid and Damariscotta. These German families settled on both sides the river, or bay, as far down as the McGuire and Feyler lots. Those who set- tled on the western side, or Dutch Neck, were located there by Waldo's directions ; who then supposed his patent would cover all the lands from the Muscongus river to the Penobscot. But, as by that instrument, the patentees were restrained from interfering with any other patent, when Shem Drowne, agent of the Pemaquid proprietors, in 1746 claimed the land on that side, the Waldo patent was, by compromise, construed to commence at Muscongus Island and extending, not up the Muscongus river, but the main river at the head of the bay, usually denominated the Medomak.* It is said that Waldo made an agreement with Drowne, by the terms of which the latter was to give the settlers deeds of their lots, as also the ministerial and school lots which Waldo had promised them. However this might be, no deeds were passed till a subsequent period ; when the occupants were obliged by the heirs of Drowne to pay for their lands. These settlers were unable to speak a word of the English language, and consequently could hold little intercourse and gain but little aid from their English neighbors. They were unacquainted widi the art of fishing ; had been unaccustomed to seeing lands enclosed by fences ; and were inexperienced in the clearing up of new lands. Their progress in agricul- ture was slow ; their crops were injured by wild beasts and the cattle that strayed from the neighboring settlements ; and they suffered incredible and almost insurmountable hardships. They had been induced to leave Germany by the promise of one hundred acres of land adjoining the salt-water ; a supply of provisions for a given number of years ; and the mainten- * From this circumstance the name of Muscongus has, in later times, been frequently applied to the Medomak ; and the heirs of Waldo, the Legislature of 1786, and Williamson, in Jiis History of Maine, seem to have considered tlie latter river as the true Muscon- gus. By the Indians, however, it was always called Medomak, which signifies a ' place of many suckers.' The name Muscongus was applied to the stream which empties into the bay between Bremen and Bristol, and was sometimes extended to the bay itself. 6 62 ANNALS OFWARREN. ance of a gospel minister for the period of ten years. They complained much of disappointment in these promises ; even when kept to the ear, they were broken to the hope. Their lots were laid out but twenty-five rods wide, and ran back two miles in length. This was an inconvenient shape for a farm ; but they were easily reconciled to it at the time, as it brought their dwellings into close proximity. But the soil was hard, and covered with an unbroken forest, haunted by unknown beasts of prey, and strange and savage men. The salt-water indeed was there ; but no wharves, streets, or places of busi- ness were on its margin, and they could not avail themselves of the rich abundance which its depths concealed. There was then no fort, block-house, or place of retreat, in case of a hostile attack ; no grist-mill nearer than St. George's or Damariscotta to grind their scanty crops of rocken^ the only grain they raised. Most of it was prepared for cooking by bruising merely at home. Sighing for their father-land, but unable to return, they lingered out the tedious years, till the expedition to Louisburg, when they enlisted under Waldo, and removed their families to that place.* On the arrival of these German settlers, they found estab- lished in their neighborhood, near Broad-Cove, a Mr. Burns and a man by the name of Boice Cooper, both recently from Pemaquid. The latter was a humorous, eccentric character ; a genuine son of the Emerald Isle, fearless and reckless, pas- sionate and profane, but generous and hospitable, prodigal of his money, his time, and convivial hilarity. His father was a man of property, who emigrated from Ireland in a brig of his own, with a numerous train of dependents bound to him for a certain number of years to pay for their passage over. He resided first at Portsmouth, and afterwards at Pemaquid, coasting in his own vessel ; his wife and family sometimes making their home on board. As characteristic of the son, it is related that when the vessel needed repairs, the father hauled her up at Pemaquid for that purpose and went to Bos- ton to procure workmen. During his absence, some of the people, influenced either by motives of mischief or profit, persuaded Boice that it would be better to build a new one with the iron of the old. He seized upon the idea at once, * One of the principal men among these settlers was John Ulmer, who, though not a regular clergyman, acted as their preacher, and as such was paid by Waldo for about half the ten years stipulated — that is, till they removed to Louisburg. — Joseph Ludwig, Esq., Capt. Sproul, and Land Claims before Com. 181L ANNALSOF WARREN. 63 set the brig on fire, and on the old gentleman's return nothing remained but her ashes. After this the father removed to Broad Bay and contracted with Waldo for several lots of land, performed the settlers' duties on two of them, and after two years died there, leaving his property to his only child, Boice. The latter remained there till after the coming of the Ger- mans ; but his habits, temper, and recklessness brought him into perpetual collision with them — their fists being more than a match for his tongue, especially as the latter was not understood. Tired of the unequal contest, he relinquished his possessions to Waldo and removed to George's River. Thomas Henderson having removed to Pleasant Point, Cooper took his two lots in the upper town, which with two back lots which he had the liberty of selecting, were deemed an equiv- alent for his possessions at Broad Bay. Not long after this removal, Mr. Cooper returned to Ireland, sold an inheritance there, and brought back a number of men and women, who signed an obligation to work for him seven years in payment of their passage. Among these were Law- rence Parsons, Thomas Holden, and two young women whom they afterwards married. Parsons was patronized by Cooper, was married at his house, and received from him the farm at Broad Cove in Gushing for no other consideration than one yoke of steers, which were not to be paid till he had time to raise them on the farm. Parsons went on to this farm in 1750. He built several houses, such as they were, moving each time farther from the water, till his son Lawrence, who succeeded to the estate, built the two story house still stand- ing, set up tanning, and died having acquired a handsome property. The father survived him many years in the full possession of his faculties, living with his grand-children and dying at a very advanced age. Holden was likewise provided with a lot of land at Boothbay. Cooper brought up one of his daughters who was married to Joseph Skinner of this town.* * Wm. Burns' Dep. Com. Rep. 161. Mrs. Montgomery, daughter of Cooper. L. Parsons, 1st. and others. 64 ANNALSOFWARKEN CHAPTER V FROM 1741 TO 1753, INCLUniNG EVENTS OF THE 5tH INDIAN WA.R, AND THE SCOTTISH SETTLEMENT AT STIRLING. 1741. Gov. Belcher was, in 1741, succeeded by Wm. Shirley ; one of the first measures of whose administration was the improvement of the currency. The paper money, or bills issued by the Colony, having now depreciated, in pro- portion to silver, as five and a half to one, a compromise iDetween the different parties that divided the province on this subject was effected by a new emission of bills at 6s. 8d. to the ounce of silver, with a provision, that, when they sank below that rate, the difference should be made up to the cred- itor. This was called the neio tenor ^ in contradistinction to the former emission or old tenor. Symptoms of dissatisfaction among the Indians continued to be observed. Amongst other things, Alex. Lermond of St. George's testified that an ox belonging to his brother William, had been killed and his bones and hoofs found in the camp of the Indians. Andrew Kilpatrick of the same settlement, and two Indians, Col. Lucy and Maj. Moxas, confirmed the statement, having seen the same in the Indians' camp.* 1743. Though great pains were taken to arrest this dissatisfaction at a conference held at St. George's in August, 1742, yet the growing apprehensions that France was about to engage in the existing war on the side of Spain, and the certainty that her subjects would attempt to persuade the Indians to join them, induced the Legislature, in 1743, to appropriate .£1,280 for putting the eastern posts in a state of defence. Of this sum, =£75 were apportioned to Broad Bay, and £100 to St. George's. The fort at St. George's was rebuiltf and enlarged ; but the expenditure at Broad Bay was for the present delayed. The garrison at the former place was increased by the addition of 13 men, and placed under the command of Capt. Jabez Bradbury ; who also had a * Mass. ' Indian' Archives, vol. 2, p. 415. t According to tradition by one Capt. Robinson, who had for some time commanded the garrison and at his death was buried there. — A. Lermond. ANNALS OF WARREN. 65 Justice's commission.* The settlers above, experienced, pro- bably for the first time, the loss of one of their number, John McLean ; who died April 14, 1743, in the 58th year of his age. The settlement below, continued to increase by the accession of new comers, and about this time, was extended down the western side to the mouth of the river, forming what was called the " lower town of St. George's." Some settlers, probably from other parts of New England, were also locat- ed at Medumcook, now Friendship. 1744. As soon as the news of the declaration of war by France, which took place March 15th, 1744, arrived in this country, the French, who first received the intelligence, in concert with the Indians, commenced the war in Nova Scotia by an attack on Canseau and Annapolis. Immediate measures were adopted for the defence of the eastern coun- try ; and encouragement was given to the inhabitants to remain and defend their possessions. The garrison at St. George's was still farther increased to forty men. As the St. Johns Indians were concerned in the attack upon Annapolis, it was feared that the other eastern Indians would be disposed also to join their old allies in a new effort against the English ; especially as all the Etechemin tribes, whose country extended from the Penobscot to the St Johns, formed, by their own account, one and the same people. War was therefore declared against all the Indians east of the Passamaquoddy ; and those to the west of that river were forbidden to hold any intercourse with them. Great prec;iutions were taken to preserve peace with these last mentioned tribest. An Indian having been killed and others wounded by persons unknown, every thing was done to abate the rising indignation of the tribe ; a blanket, other articles, and <£40 in money, were given the widow of the deceased ; and the others after having their wounds dressed, were carefully conveyed to Penobscot. To test anew the fidelity and friendship of the tribe. Col. Pepperell came to * Jour. House of Rep. 1743. Orig. Deed from Waldo to T. Kil- patrick acknowledged by Biadbury as Justice of the Peace, Jan. 31, 1743. t Rev. T. Smith of Falmouth wrote in his journal, July 12, " Sev- eral gentlemen from the Court with others, with the Mohawks, are now down at George's, treating with the Penobscot Indians about being at peace with us." Satisfactory assurances were given and the fears of the settlers allayed. 66 ANNALS OF WARREN. St. George's in November, as a commissioner, and requested of the Sapjamores their quota of fighting men, according to the stipulations in Dummer's treaty which had been so often renewed. He told them if they would enter into the public service, they should receive soldiers' pay and rations, and every supply ; but if they failed in this, war would, at the end of forty days, be proclaimed against them. In January they sent, by express, their answer to Boston, stating " that their young men would not comply with the proposal of taking up arms against the St, John's Indians, their brethren." There were at this time, in the two eastern provinces, Maine and Sagadahoc, 2,855 able bodied or fencible men, who were organized into two regiments, one commanded by Col. Wm. Peppcrell of Kittery, and the other by Col. Samuel Waldo of Falmouth. Of these men there were at Broad Bay and St. George's 270. One hundred effective men were enlisted to act as scouts between St. George's and Berwick. Of these 14 were" placed at Damariscotta to scout as far as Broad Bay, and 14 at that place to scout as far as St. George's. 1745- .In 1745 the celebrated expedition against Louis- burg was undertaken. In planning this enterprise. Gov. Shirley was aided by Wm. Vaughan, Esq. of Damariscotta, a gentleman extensively concerned in the eastern fisheries, and son of the Lieut. Governor of New Hampshire. His first plan was to surprise the fort in the dead of winter, mounting the walls on snow shoes over the drifts, or if neces- sary by scaling ladders. Other means were suggested, and when the final plan was matured, Capt. Edward Ting was appointed Commodore of the fieet ; Col. Pepperell, Lieut. General and commander-in-chief of the land forces ; and Col. Waldo a Brig. General under him. The two last were merchants extensively engaged in business, and were selected for their popular manners, energetic character, and great moral worth, rather than any skill in military allairs, in whicii they had had no experience beyond that of Indian skirmishes. But the event proved that indomitable resolution and enthu- siastic confidence can sometimes cfiect what the most consum- mate skill would shrink from in despair. To Mr. Vaugluin was given a Lieut. Colonel's commission, without any partic- ular command, he preferring the trust of such special duties as the Commander-in-chief might consider his adventurous genius best fitted to perform. Under the auspices of these determined men, enlistments were made, with such vigor especially iu this eastern country, ANNALS OF WAR REN. 67 that with the aid of the other New England colonies, a force was raised, in less than two months, amounting to 4000 men, and a squadron of 13 vessels, carrying about 200 guns. Many of the settlers at St. George's enlisted in this expedi- tion. Several from the upper town, took their families with them, some remaining at Louisburg three years, and others never returning. So great was the gloom that hung over the settlement, that all deserted their farms. Some went into the garrison, doing duty and receiving pay as soldiers ; others removed to Pemaquid, and yet others to Boston and its vicinity. Among those that went to Louisburg, were Walker, Kelloch, and Gregg with their families, also Barnard and Allen, the latter of whom died there. Pebbles died at home after enlisting. Alexander, Starrett, Lushe, Spear, A. Ler- mond, M'Craken and Campbell removed to their friends in Massachusetts. Wm. Lermond died suddenly from heat and exhaustion on a journey to Damariscotta ; and Giffen, North and others, went to Pemaquid. Boggs removed his family to Boston, and resided there during the war.* Most of them previously took the precaution to get their deeds recorded, which was done at York, the shiretown of the county, then including the whole territory now constituting the State of Maine. At Broad Bay the prospect was still more gloomy. There, no fort or garrison offered its protection to the dismayed in- habitants ; they had no friends on this side of the ocean to flee to ; and being wholly unused to Indian warfare, they all enlisted under Waldo, and, removing their familes to Louis- burg, remained there three years. AVilliam Burns, whose brother at that time resided at Broad Bay, and had command of a transport in the expedition to Louisburg, took a commis- sion and raised a company for the defence of that neighbor- hood. f By a succession of providential events, favorable to the English, and equally adverse to their foes, the fortress at Louisburg, the Gibraltar of America, surrendered on the 16th June, to the great joy of the colonies, and the astonishment of Europe. This event was celebrated, in the principal New England towns, by bonfires, the ringing of bells, and on the 13th of July by a public thanksgiving. The refusal of the Tarratines to take up arms for the En- * Tradition, A Kelloch, 1st. Mrs. I. Fuller, &c. t Jos. Luchving, Esq. Com. Hep. 1811, p. 102. 68 ANNALS OF WARREN. glish, the withdrawal of their trade from the truck-houses, and the removal of many of them to Canada, so evidently indicated their hostile disposition, that Capt. Saunders was despatched, in the Province sloop, to communicate the news of the great victory, in hopes of overawing and bringing them into an alliance. The news, however, had a contrary effect. The Indians felt a strong sympathy with their old allies ; and having little to lose themselves, and seeing the frontier exposed by the enlistments into the late expedition, they resolved to be neutral no longer. The first act of hostility was committed by them, July 19th, at St. George's. Several of the savages from Cape Sable, St. John, and St. Francois, uniting, began by attack- ing the fort ; upon which, however, they could make no ini- pression. They then set on fire a garrisoned house and the saw-mill at Mill River; burnt a few dwellinghouses in the vicinity ; killed a great number of the cattle ; and took cap- tive one of the inhabitants.* Besides the principal fort, block-houses were built near the narrows, and also near the mouth of the river. The com- mand of the latter, at Pleasant Point, was given to Thomas Henderson,f who had alienated the two lots, possessed in later times by the Dunbars in Warren, in favor of Boice Cooper, as before related. The Province sloop occasionally visited the river, supplying the garrison with provisions ; and as most, or all, of the inhabitants that remained there, did duty as soldiers, their pay and rations enabled them to support their families. This sloop was commanded by one Capt. Saunders, and at a later period by his son ; the latter of whom was once taken by a party of French and Indians. Under the guise of a happy and contented appearance, he allayed all their apprehensions of his escape, and at Owl's Head took an opportunity, when they were sound asleep, to abscond with their bag of money amounting to about 8200. This he hid under a log and returned to the fort at St. George's. Many years afterwards, returning from Louisburg with Gen. Am- herst on board, he related this adventure to him, and being becalmed off that place, requested him to go on shore and assist in looking for the money. The General, without much confidence in the story, consented ; when, to his great sur- * 2 Will. Ilis. p. 236. t Previous to the settlement of St. Georges he liad resided at Round Pond, Bristol. • ANNALSOF WARREN. 69 prise, Saunders, with equal exultation, laid his hand upon the prize.* A demand having been made upon the Penobscot and Nor- ridgewock tribes, either to deliver up the Indians who had done the late mischief at St. George's, or furnish thirty fight- ing men, according to Dummer's treaty, and the demand hav- ing been rejected, the Provincial government proclaimed war against all the eastern Indians without exception ; and offered for every Indian captive or scalp, taken westward of Passa- maquoddy, by a soldier in the public service, ^100, — by a person having provisions and not wages, ^£250, — and by a volunteer, without rations, pay, or ammunition, c£400, as bounties. Within two months after the first blow was struck, every town on the eastern frontier was visited by parties or strag- glers, from some of the savage hordes, thirsting for the set- tlers' blood. In the vicinity of St. George's, one Lieut. Proctor and nineteen militia-men had a skirmish with the enemy, Sept. 5th ; in which they killed two of the savage leaders. Col. Morris and Capt. Sam, and took Col. Job pris- oner. He was afterwards sent to Boston where he died in confinement. To avoid the enmity of his kindred, and the ill-will of his squaw, the government, after peace, made her a valuable present. Sept. 19th was observed as a public fast on account of this war.t 1746. Although the operations of 1746 were chiefly directed against Canada, the garrison at St. George's and other eastern posts were strengthened by an additional num- ber of men. In none of the Indian wars were the savages more subtle and inveterate, but in none less cruel. They de- spaired of laying waste the country and expelling the inhabi- tants. They rather sought to satiate their revenge upon par- ticular individuals, or families ; to take captives and scalps for the sake of the premium paid for them by the French ; and to satisfy their wants by the plunder of houses or slaugh- ter of cattle ; a cow or an ox being frequently killed by them and nothing taken but the tongue. Outrages were committed at Pemaquid, Sheepscot, and Wiscasset ; and May 21st they fell upon Broad Bay and destroyed what remained of it, burning the houses, killing some of the inhabitants and carrying others into captivity. It subsequently lay waste till the close of the war. * Wm. Lermond, Mrs. Montgomery, &c. f Smith's Jour. p. 120. 70 ANNALS OF WARREN. The next day 13 men being sent about half a gun-shot from the fort at St. George's " to strip some bark for the preservation of the whale boats," and a part of them having strayed from the rest and carelessly laid down their arms, seven or eight Indians suddenly sprung up from their con- cealment, got between the men and their weapons, which they seized and commenced a brisk fire, killing one man, wounding four, and taking one prisoner. This fire was re- turned by such of our men as retained their arms, and soon after by the whole garrison. The party made good their retreat into the fort, except one man, who, retarded by age and closely pursued by an Indian, suddenly turned and shot him dead whilst in the act of raising his tomahawk to dis- patch him. The fire of the garrison was so sharp as to deter the other Indians from coming up, and the old man stopped long enough to take off the scalp of his victim. Another Indian fell at the first onset and was carried away by his companions ; who, from the traces of blood on their retreat, were supposed to have had others wounded. Eliakim Hunt was the person killed, and Timothy Cummings was the prisoner.* 1747- In 1747, among other measures adopted for the protection of the eastern country, thirty men were assigned to the fort at St. George's, strong bodies of rangers were employed farther west, Gen. Waldo was ordered to detach, for the eastern service, a portion of his regiment which had been designed to act against Crown Point, and the province sloop continued to range the eastern coast. Yet ihe frontier towns were soon infested with savages ; and among others, attacks were made upon Wiscasset, Pemaquid and Damaris- cotta, at the last of which the owner of a house was taken prisoner and his wife and daughter slain. Early in September, a large party of Indians, mixed with some Frenchmen, after shooting down a party of five men, about break of day made a furious attack upon Fort Frederic and continued the assault for more than two hours. But that fortress being constructed of stone, they were unable to make any impression upon it, and withdrew. This or another mixed party of like character, next besieged the fort at St. George's in a different manner. They made two several * American Magazine, May and June, 1746. Smith in his Journal says " May 23, 1746. News came from Georges that the Indians had fallen on a company of our men, killed one and wounded a second, and that our people killed an Indian whicji they scalped, and wound- ■"d a second, which they hope is dead." ANNALS OF WARREN. 71 attempts to open a subterraneous passage from the bank of the river, in order to undermine and blow up the fort. But the design was frustrated by the accidental caving in of the earth in consequence of heavy rains. This was, as tradition relates, after the magazine was introduced, several of the miners being buried and killed by the accident. The enemy then withdrew ; but straggling parties continued to lurk in the woods, watching for every opportunity to annoy the whites.* David Creighton and some others, going out a little dis- tance from the fort, were fired upon, killed and scalped. Some ventured out to work on their farms under a guard of soldiers. Boice Cooper before mentioned, and Reuben Pitcher, going down the river for rock weed, were beset, taken prisoners, and carried off' to Canada. The former continuing his usual contented and jovial manner, and ac- commodating himself to the Indian humour, readily answering their questions respecting the cattle, number of men at the fort, and other matters, received good usage. While in prison in Canada, a fellow prisoner from Ireland died, and bequeath- ed him his violin. Cooper's skill on this instrument, like that of Joseph in the interpretation of dreams, soon made him known to the governor, at whose house he was well enter- tained, till on an exchange of prisoners, he was restored to liberty and returned. f The winter of this year was, in this eastern country, a season of great distress. But little had been raised from the soil ; little lumber could be got out, on account of the savages ; the depth of snow and severity of the weather proved unusually great ; and, before spring, corn was worth 30s. a bushel, and wheat flour c£10 a hundred. 1748. In 1748, numerous attacks were made, as usual, upon the settlements between the Androscoggin and Saco; and these bloody scenes, returning every year, were rendered the present season more dismal by the gloomy and desolate appearance of the fields and gardens, produced by the early and extreme drought. But, on the 2d of July, the joy- ful news arrived at Falmouth that the contending powers had agreed upon the preliminaries of peace ; and though the definitive treaty was not signed, at Aix-la-Chapelle, till the 7th of Oct., we hear of no more ravages by the eastern Indians in this war. Although troops, to the number of 323 men, were continued in service through the winter for the * WiU. Hist., A. Kelloch, &c, t Mrs. Montgomery, J. Huse, &c. 72 ANNALSOF WARREN. defence and safety of the eastern inhabitants ; yet means were used to ascertain the wishes and dispositions of the Indians upon the subject of a treaty. Early in the spring, several chiefs visiting the fort at St. George's, told the com- mander, Capt. Bradbury, that the Indians were tired of the war ; and if in Boston, they would agree whh the Governor upon terms of peace. Thereupon a passage thither was given them in the Province vessel. Their professions -of peace were favorably received at that place, and on the 16th of Oct. 1749, a treaty was concluded and signed at Falmouth, founded substantially on the provisions of the preceding, or Dummer's treaty. 1749- When peace was restored, the settlers that remained in the garrison, and many that had gone to Massa- chusetts and other places, returned to their farms and began their labors anew. During this war, their houses went to decay, or were destroyed by the Indians ; the two mills were burnt; the cattle mostly killed or driven away; many of the inhabitants were slain or taken prisoners ; and the leaden sashes of the meeting-house were taken out by the Indians for bullets, although the glass was carefully piled up unin- jured. But efforts were now made to repair these losses; the huts of the settlers rose again on the bank of the river ; which was now as before, their only highway, except a footpath leading through the bushes from house to house.* Among those that now returned to their farms and formed the second settlement of the upper town, were probably, Thomas, John and Andrew Kilpatrick, John North, Jr. Joseph Giffen, Wm. James, Alexander Lermond, Hugh Scot, Heinbury, Boice Cooper, John Young, Alexander McLean, James and John Howard, Wm. Mclntyre, Moses Robinson, Phinley Kelloch, Thomas Gregg, Montford, David Patterson, Thomas and John McCordy, Archihald Gamble, James McCarter, and Samuel and John Boggs. To these was added, about this time Patrick Porterfield on lot No. 48, whilst the young Creightons, Samuel and David, as soon as their age permitted, took possession of the lots of their de- ceased father and brother. Among the absentees were the Alexanders, the Walkers, John Scot, Wm. Lermond, McCra- ken, Henderson, John McLean, Lushe, Campbell, Spear, Allen, Lincoln, Blair, Pebbles, Creighton and Starrett. Sev- eral of these had deceased, as before noted. The Walkers removed to Louisburg and afterwards settled in Worcester, * A. and "W. Lermond, L. Pardons, 1st, &c. ANNALSOFWARREN. 73 Massachusetts, where William, the father, died in 1760. Henderson removed to Pleasant Point ; Lushe and Campbell died in Boston ; Spear and Starrett remained in Massachu- setts, the former at Woburn, the latter at Dedham, though a son of each returned at the close of the succeeding war, and occupied the lots of their fathers. Henry Alexander, pro- bably, returned, or died abroad, as a widow of that name was here as late as 1763. In 1780, one half of John Alexander's lot was, by a person of the same name (perhaps a son) of Providence, R. I. conveyed to Eliphalet Healy of Attleboro' ; and the other half, by Henry Alexander (probably another son) to Nathaniel Woodcock, both of Attleboro' ; from which we infer that a part of the family, at least, settled near those towns. Respecting McCraken, McDowel, and Blair, there is more uncertainty. Lincoln returned to Ireland. In reorganizing the militia, Thomas Kilpatrick was selected for Captain, who received a commission as such ; and P. Porterfield was a subaltern under him. The settlers continu- ed to get out cord wood and staves during the winter, and gradually extended their clearings, and enlarged their agricul- tural operations. But little was raised, however, except English grain and potatoes. The latter were brought to New England in 1719 from Ireland by the emigrants who settled at Londonderry, N. H., and were first cultivated in the garden of Nathaniel Walker of Andover.* They were originally found growing wild in the central parts of this continent, were carried thence to Ireland by Sir Walter Ra- leigh, who cultivated them in his garden for the beauty of their flowers. The soil of Ireland was so congenial to this root, that the tubers, at first not larger than beans, soon in- creased to such a size as led to a trial of their edible qualities. Proving a valuable article of food, they were diffused through that island, and, about this time, began to extend to the neigh- boring countries. The first settlers here, had either brought a knowledge of them from their native country, or obtained it from their brethren westward. They formed, accordingly, one of the first and principal articles cultivated by them ; though it was not till a much later period that they were raised for feeding cattle. In times of scarcity, when other provisions failed, potatoes and alewives were the general refuge. Mr. Gregg, when making some purchase of a mer- chant in Boston, was once inquired of " how the people down * Belk. Hist. N. H. 74 ANNALS OF WARKEN. east got along, and what they lived on ?" " Oh," said Gregg, " we have roast and hoiled every day." " Ah !" replied the merchant, " that is better than we fare here, we never think of having both at the same meal. If we can get one, we are very willing to dispense with the other." " But we," said Gregg, " boil potatoes, and roast alewives, at every meal."* Most of these early settlers were bred to mechanical em- ployments. Lermond was a weaver by trade, but early ac- quired the use .of the broad axe, and was much employed in the construction of buildings. When about twelve years of age, he came to this country in the family of his father, who settled in Milton, Mass. Several of the family came to Dam- ariscotta, whence one of them, William, removed and joined his brother in the first settlement of this town, but died as before related. Robinson, who first, a ^ew years before the settlement here, lived in the present Gushing, made some pretensions to skill in medicine, and was the first physician in the settlement. His son, William, succeeded him in the prac- tice of blood-letting and extracting teeth ; and many medici- nal plants long survived upon their farm. North was a sur- veyor, and was considerably employed as such on this river, at Pemaquid, Kennebec, and other places. In 1737, he was engaged with Shorn Drown, agent of the proprietors, in run- ning out the Pennaquid patent. In 1753, he surveyed the Kennebec for the Plymouth Co., and, in 1757, was again in the employ of Mr. Drown at Pemaquid. f Others of the set- tlers were occasionally employed as seamen ; and Mclntyre was for a time master of a sloop. He was often employed in Boston, where several of his children resided. His son, Neil Mclntyre, was established as a tobacconist in that place, and Mary, a daughter, was among the creditors of both William and his son Robert, of this settlement, at their death.j: Neil Mclntyre had a son of the same name, following the same business, in Portsmouth, N. H. whose children, 23 in number, removed, and carried the name to various parts of the south and west.§ Spear, it is said, came with his parents from Ire- * L. Parsons. D. Dicke, &c. t Their descendants ; and Controversy of Pej. Pro. & Ply. Co., published in 1753. X York Kecords. § Cora, of Hon. Rufus Mclntire, Parsonsfield. The York Mclntires were of a different family, descending frora Micuni or Malcolm Mclntire who came from the Highlands of Scotland. He is said to have been one of seven brothers taken prisoners, fighting in behalf of King Charles, and transported to different parts of America by order of Cromwell. ANNALS OF WARREN. 75 land, intending to join two brothers who had previously settled in Virginia ; but, by some chance, was compelled to land in Boston. His mother, according to tradition, was ten years old at the siege of Londonderry, and remembered the distress and famine of that time, said to be so grievous, that on one occasion a rat's head sold for 13 guineas. He worked in Boston and vicinity several years, and became owner of 100 acres of land there, near the drawbridge, which he subse- quently sold, and purchased a farm in Woburn. On this, he was now comfortably settled, and did not himself return to St. George's. He lived, and was able to take a part in the battle of Bunker Hill, but died before the close of the revolu- tion. Kelloch, when a minor, came to Portsmouth, N. H. with his father, who there engaged in the oil trade and stur- geon fishery. Incurring a loss by fire, he relinquished that business, and settled on a farm at or near Philadelphia ; but the son came hither with the first settlers. Starrett was a shoemaker, and, with his wife and two children, first landed at Pemaquid or Harrington, and resided there a few years before settling here. T. Kilpatrick, who also resided a time in Harrington, was a tanner ; and Pebbles, a tailor. James was a gentleman's son, and brought up to no particular occupation. Boggs, alone, was bred to farming, and fully entered into its spirit. He had quite a stock of cattle, which he, in winter, kept in a long hovel of logs and bark, on his farm, then at the northern extremity of the settlement, and now occupied by J. and J. W. Boggs. These ranged the woods in summer, and were wintered on fresh and salt hay, cut on the native meadows, and preserved in stacks ; for, as yet, there was no barn on the river. He had always a plenty of meat, but used no tea or coflee. His wife, inviting Waldo to her house, promised him " butter as yellow as the croon o' goold." The three lots, which he selected for himself and sons, were chos- en, not more for their excellent soil, than for their situation and privileges. They were at the very seat of the alewife fishery, which afforded an ample resource in times of scarcity ; and, being on the confines of the settlement, opened an invit- ing field to his restless and daring spirit, in the opportunities presented for hunting and trapping. The Indians complained of his trespassing on their reservations. Indeed, the uppermost lot was so evidently within their claim, that, when Samuel Boggs, 2nd, subsequently commenced clearing it, he did not venture to erect his house upon it, but placed it just over the line, on the lot below. 76 ANNALSOFWARREN. Whilst residing in Boston, during the preceding war, one of Mr. Boggs's daughters formed a connection with a young man from Ireland, residing in Philadelphia, who was well off, with regard to property, but of the Roman Catholic religion. This was a sufficient objection to the match in the mind of the father, who in his own country had been so bitter a foe to Catholics and tories, and had al- lowed his zeal to carry him so far in hunting up and ex- posing them, that he found it necessary to leave the coun- try for safety. He, accordingly, set his face resolutely against the match. The daughter persevered, and was dis- inherited. Maternal affection, however, still lingered in the breast of the mother, who contrived, without the knowledge of the father, to give her a small dower, chiefly in linen, of which they brought great stores from Ireland. This she effected by leaving it in situations agreed upon, whence the daughter might take it without exciting suspicion. The name of her husband is not recollected ; there being no farther intercourse between the families, except one visit, many years afterwards, from one of her children.* Others of these early settlers had resided in Boston, either during this war, or prior to their settling at St. George's, and worshipped with the Presbyterian society of Scotch Irish under the pastoral charge of their countryman. Rev. John Morehead, in Long Lane, now Federal Street. This society was formed in 1727, and the house in which they worshipped, originally a barn, together with the land on which it stood, was, June 9th, 1735, sold to the society, by John Little, for the sum of c£140 and 5 pence, in good public bills of credit. After the death of Mr. Morehead, in 1773, the society assum- ed the Congregational order, and has since been distinguished by the services of such eminent men as Belknap, Channing, and Gannett, their present pastor.t Boggs, and perhaps some others of the settlers here, had been educated as Episcopa- lians ; but the greater number were Presbyterians, and most of them exemplary in all the Christian observances. As usual with the church to which they belonged, all, for those times, had received a good elementary education. Many wrote a fair hand ; and none, so far as known, were unable to read and write. The Germans, at Broad Bay, also returned after an absence of three years, and revived their ruined settlement. A saw- * Mrs. I. FuUer, L. Parsons, 1st, A. KeUqph, 2d. t Clu-is. Reg. vol. 28, No. 44. NNALS OF WARREN. 77 CONRAD HEYER, BORN APRIL 10th, 1749. {From a pencil sketchy taken in 1850, hy Wm, E. Rivers.) 7* 78 ANNALS OF WARREN. mill was built where Sproul's has since been, by Ector and Martin, who were of English descent, and came from the westward.* A number of families, we know not exactly how many, also arrived from Germany ; among whom the earliest birth was that of Conrad Heyer, who is (May 1st, 1851,) still living in the upper part of Waldoboro'. He was the son of Martin Heyer, and born at Schenk's Point ; enlisted in the army in the fall of 1775, served upwards of two years, has ever been a hard-working, temperate man, and now, at the age of 102 years, is able to read fine print without glasses, though his hearing is somewhat impaired. In 1749, an effectual attempt was made to redeem the paper currency, which was now so depreciated that one ounce of silver would purchase 50s. of old, and 12s. 6d. of the new, tenor bills. Determined to redeem the whole of them, take them in, and substitute a specie currency exclu- sively, the General Court laid a direct tax upon the Province of ^75,000 sterling, which they allowed to be paid in these bills at the rate of 4&s. old tenor, or lis. 3d. new tenor, for every Spanish milled dollar, thence forward called 6s. lawful money, or 4s. 6d. sterling. Accounts were kepi both in old tenor and lawful money till the time of the revolution. 1750. Truck-houses were again supplied with goods, and trade opened with the Indians. All traffic with them by private individuals, was forbidden. But, in 1750, peace was partially interrupted by an affray at Wiscasset, in which one Indian was killed, and two others badly wounded. Three men were arrested and tried for this murder ; but, as was usual in those days when an Indian was killed, none of them were convicted by the jury. This led to acts of retaliation on the part of the more western and northern Indians, in which the Tarratines took no part ; yet these acts, and the many rumors which they gave rise to, filled the more eastern settlements with alarm. This was the more distressing in consequence of the small force that remained for their pro- tection ; the garrison at St. George's consisting of only 15 men, and that at Pemaquid of six. Col. Cushing, who now commanded the eastern regiment in Yorkshire, was ordered to detach 150 men to scour the woods from Saco to St. George's. 1751-'2. But the northern Indians returning to Canada, no further hostilities, except some acts of private revenge, * Joseph Ludwig, Esq. ANNALSOF WARREN. 79 were committed ; and, Aug. 3d, 1751, Sagamores, from the Penobscot to the St. Johns, met the government commission- ers at St George's, and gave the fullest assurances of peace and amity. Every practicable method, subsequent to peace, was used to keep tlie tribes tranquil. Two trading houses were opened and well supplied ; Wm. Lithgow being ap- pointed, in 1752, truckmaster at Richmond fort, and Capt. Bradbury at St. George's ; and a confidence began to be strongly entertained in the future safety of the settlers. Thus far, the settlement at St. George's, though a meeting- house had been built for them, seems to have had no other preaching than that of some transient visitor, or occasional missionary. Bat, about this time, the Rev. Robert Ruther- ford came to the place, and, for some years, officiated in the double capacity of preacher to the people and chaplain to the garrison. To pave the way for a conciliatory conference with the Indians, Government transported to Fort Richmond and to St. George's six hogsheads of bread and six barrels of pork, to be distributed among them ; and, Oct. 20th, four commis- sioners were met at the latter place by delegations of Saga- mores from all the eastern tribes, except the Mickmacs and those of St. Francois. Col. Louis, a Penobscot chief, in behalf of the rest, expressed his joy at this meeting for the preservation of peace. In order to bury the mischief that is past, he said, we must proceed upon Dummer's treaty, by which the English were to inhabit as far as the salt-water flowed, and the Indians to have the rest. If we are not dis- turbed in our right, it will end in peace, otherwise " it would set all these lands on fire." He went on to express his approbation of the commander and truckmaster, but com- plained that the prices of goods were higher than at Albany, whither some of their tribe went to traffic ; and that too much rum was dealt out to their women and young men, to the former of whom they wished none to be given, and only moderate quantities to the latter. They also requested a house might be built for them to lodge in, near the mill, a bridge made across the stream there, and a causeway over the long meadow adjacent. The commissioners endeavored to satisfy them on all these points, promising compliance, so far as practicable, with their requests. Complaints were made by and against some of the other tribes ; but, after mutual explanations and promises, all appeared satisfied ; and the provisions of Dummer's treaty were solemnly renewed, a salute fired from the guns of the fort and the country 80 ANNALS OFWARREN. sloop, and three loud huzzas given by both English and Indians. The next day, presents were distributed, belts of wampum delivered, an ox given them for a feast, and they mutually took leave, and departed. The ratification was executed under seal, and witnessed by 32 persons, among whom were " Rev. Robert Rutherford, chaplain, Jabez Brad- bury, captain, Thos. Fletcher, Joseph Robinson, Thos. Kilpat- rick, John Shibles, Benj. Burton, Wm. James, Joshua Treat, David Kelloch, Samuel Boggs, Moses Robinson, John Mcln- tyre, John Howard, Samuel Howard, and John Ulmer," be- sides others with whom we are less acquainted.* 1753. On the 20th Sept. of the following year, a similar conference was held, when the Commissioners with sundry other gentlemen arrived in the river St. George's on board the sloop Massachusetts, Capt. Thos. Saunders, master. In the afternoon, the Commissioners being seated at a large table near the fort, attended by a number of gentlemen and other spectators, and some of the Chiefs and other of the Penobscot tribe being seated over against them, a long talk was held upon the price of wampum, beaver, and other articles, in which the Indians said, " Capt. Bradbury and Lieut. Fletcher are very good men; we like them well, and desire they may be encouraged ;" but complained that goods were higher than formerly, and that sometimes there was but a scanty supply at the truck-house. After receiving full explanations and further assurances, they appeared satisfied ; the treaty of 1749 was ratified and signed by 30 or more of their chiefs ; presents were made them by the commissioners ; a dance was performed by the young Indians ; and the con- ference ended by drinking the health of King George, and wishing the peace might continue " as long as the sun and moon shall endure. "t It was during this interval of peace, that an Indian doctor, by the name of John Hart, established himself a little above the settlement at St. George's, at the rapids still known as Hart's Falls, where he had a wigwam, and cultivated a patch of ground. He was allowed to remain unmolested, and, ac- cording to tradition, died and was buried there. There was said, also, to have been a garden of medicinal plants culti- vated by the Indians on the eastern side of White Oak Pond, by them called Paionoke.\ * Printed Indian Conference, 1752. t Print. Conference of 1753. X D. Dicke. Rev. J. L. Sibley of CamWidge. ANNALSOF WARREN. 81 In the mean time, Gen. Waldo was not idle in procuring new emigrants. In 1752, twenty or thirty German families, who had arrived the previous year in Massachusetts, whither they had been invited and partially provided for by Govern- ment, were induced to remove to Broad Bay, and settle with their countrymen there, on the Dutch Neck, and down about the Narrows. Possibly by means of these, others were in- vited to come over from Germany; as it is said fifty families were, that year, added to the settlement there. They came from the highlands, where wine was abundant, and bitterly complained of the want of it here. There were some school- masters among them, but no regular clergyman, although religious meetings were kept up on the Sabbath without in- terruption. Probably Mr. Ulmer continued to exhort, and, in some measure, act the part of a clergyman.* In 1753, Samuel Waldo, son of the General, visited Ger- many, and circulated proclamations inviting farther emigration. Of these, the author has been unable to obtain a copy, and cannot give the precise conditions offered the emigrants. An unskilful translation of a German letter, on file in the Massa- chusetts Records, after giving an account of Mr. Waldo''s military achievements, the quality and unencumbered title of his lands, and the adaptation of the climate to the German con- stitution, contains the following. " Such and the like favor- able circumstances might, I should think, animate our Ger- mans, here and there, to move into such a fruitful land so well situated on the sea and rivers, with such good right, and privileged, regulated, and of such a mighty and reasonable Lord possessed and parently governed, who offers it to those that are able to pay their passage without ever expecting the least reward or pay for it, where they may serve God after their Protestant religion, and are able to maintain them and others. "t According to the statement of those who were young at the time, Waldo was to give them 100 acres of land each, adjoining the salt-water where wood would bring 4s., or a German dollar, per cord, and, during the first season, furnish them with suitable dwellings and provisions. The ofTers made, whatever they were, induced sixty families more, to emigrate from that country. Leaving their native homes, they passed more than twenty miles by land, em- barked in small boats upon the Rhine, descended that river to Dusseldorf, where they remained awhile for others to arrive, * Joseph Ludwig, Esq. f Mass. Rec. filed July 4, 1785, 82 ANNALSOF WARREN. and then proceeded to Amsterdam. Embarking on board a ship, they left that city ; but touched at Covves. Here, several of their number died. Among these was John Joseph Lud- wig, father of Jacob and Joseph Ludvvig, from whom all those of the name in the vicinity are descended. He was of Wen- demalhae in Nassau-Dillenburg, and his two eldest children brought a certificate of membership of the church there. Others were from Franconia, Swabia, and Wirtemburg, From Cowes they sailed to Portsmouth, and thence to St. George's river. At Pleasant, Point they were transferred to a sloop, which they filled as close as they could stand, and were car- ried round to Broad Bay. They arrived there in September. Some were crowded into a house near where the Heads afterwards erected a store ; some were disposed of among the other settlers ; and the remainder, far the greatest num- ber, were put in a large shed erected for the purpose, near the present dwelling of J. Bulfinch, Esq. This shed was sixty feet long, without chimneys, and utterly unfit for hab- itation ; yet here these destitute exiles, neglected by their patron, whose promises in this instance, either from his ab- sence or other cause, were wholly unfulfilled, dragged out a winter of almost inconceivable suffering. Many froze to death ; many perished with hunger, or diseases induced by their privations ; and their graves are, or were a short time ago, to be seen near the bridge. The old settlers were too poorly supplied themselves, to afford much assistance to the new comers, who were fain to work for a quart of buttermilk a day ; and considered it quite a boon when they could gain a quart of meal for a day's labor. They sought for employ- ment, also, at Damariscotta and St. George's ; and many of the children were put out to service in those setdements. They were unacquainted with hunting ; and such was the scarcity of provisions, that even those who had money were unable to procure them.* The next spring, Waldo appointed Charles Leistner his agent, to dispose of the emigrants, and deal out the provisions provided for them. Instead of the hundred acres of land promised them, on the salt-water where wood would bring 4s. a cord, this agent took them back two miles into the heart of the wilderness, and there, perhaps * Though generally poor, there seems to have been some money among the emigrants, as it is said, that, of the three schoolmasters with them, one was so wealthy, and in consequence, so arbitrary, that, on any dispute arising, when arguments failed, he used to threaten to knock down his opponent with a t)ag of Johannes. ANNALS OF WARREN. 83 from fear of Indian hostilities, assigned them a half acre, each, in a compact cluster. Here, they built their huts, carrying up boards, or covering their roofs with bark, in the best man- ner they were able. Peter MiJhler or Miller, built something of a house, quite a distinguished one among its neighbors. They cleared up their small lots, and planted them as well as they could. The same year, George Varner built a grist- mill, near the saw-mill before mentioned, partly on his own, and partly on Waldo's account. Leistner, a man of educa- tion, had been appointed, by their Prince in Germany, to superintend the expedition, and protect the emigrants from imposition. He exercised the powers of a magistrate during his life, but did not entirely escape the murmurs of the set- tlers, who, in their privations and jealousy, accused him, perhaps without any foundation, of selling, for his own benefit, the provisions which had been furnished for them.* Whilst his son was procuring emigrants in Germany, Gen- eral Waldo himself was not idle. Being in London, about this time, he issued printed circulars, inviting emigrants to settle upon his lands " on the great River St. Georges, in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, in the colony of New-Eng- land." These lands he describes as being fifty leagues N. E. of Boston, in lat. of 43^ 40^ N. He represented the climate to be as wholesome and safe for British constitutions as any part of South or North Britain ; that there was com- monly hard frost and snow for about three months every winter, during which the sky was so serene that the weather was never prejudicial to health ; that the soil was as fertile as most lands in South or North Britain, being commonly black mould with a bottom of blue or yellow clay ; that the ground was capable of producing plenty of Indian Corn, Wheat, Rye, Barley, Oats, Beans, Peas, Hemp, Flax, and Roots of all kinds, and of raising Black Cattle, Swine, and Sheep ; that, besides summer feeding in the woods, natural meadows abounded, and the whole summer season being commonly fair, great provision of hay might be made early and secured with small expense ; that the timber consisted of Oak, Beech, Maple, Elm, Birch, and all kinds of Fir or Pine, all which were in such demand at Boston as to pay for clearing the lands, and well adapted for making pot and pearl ashes ; that the waters abounded in cod, haddock, salmon, stur- geon, mackerel, eels, smelts, bass, shad, oysters and lobsters ; * Joseph Ludwig, Esq. Dep. of Jacob Ludwig, Esq. Com. Rep. 1811, p. 164. CoL J. Ludwig, Jr. 84 ANNALS OFWARREN. that there was fine opportunity of hunting ; wildfowl, moor- deer, and beaver being abundant. He stated the religion of the Province was chiefly Calvinistical or Presbyterian ; and all sorts of Christians, except Papists, were allowed the free exercise of their religion. Upon these lands, emigrants were invited to settle, on condition of having their lands free for the first nineteen years, and after that, to pay a small quit-rent, which was to vary, according to the time the settler chose to have it commence, from ten to forty shillings per hundred acres. He agreed, also, to aid them in procuring cattle, horses, grain, with all necessary victual, seed, and whatever else is needed, at the prime cost. He offered, at the same time, to transport, at his own expense, house and ship carpenters, blacksmiths, masons, lime-burners, brick- makers, and ingenious millwrights, and those acquainted with building wooden dams across rivers, and to give them employment. Finally, if, on their arrival in America, they did not find all things by him stated to be strictly true, he agreed to pay them for their time, and take them back at his own expense. He concluded by naming certain agents, in Glasgow, who were authorized to enter into any special agreement with such as chose to emigrate, respecting any matters that might be judged necessary, particularly the method and expense of embarkation.* These offers attracted the attention of sundry persons in Stirling, Glasgow, and other places in Scotland, who, after consultation, entered into an agreement, the terms of which are not exactly known, to emigrate. Some of them, who were without families, agreed to work for Waldo four years in payment of their passage. Others, at stipulated times after their arrival, were to pay for their passages as well as for supplies furnished. Being collected for embarkation to the number of sixty, besides ten or more children, who went passage free, they went on board the brig Dolphin, Captain Cooters, in the summer of 1753, and, after touching at Pis- cataqua, where they remained a week or more, arrived in George's river in September. Dr. Robinson had contracted with Waldo to erect a house, and have tt ready for their reception on their arrival. This he commenced near the house occupied by the late Capt. Dagget, since rebuilt by his grandson, E. B. Alford. He built the walls of logs, and par- * Original Circular, printed witliout date, in possession of Mr. G. Anderson ; and recorded in Reg. Office, Wiscasset. ANNALS OF WARREN. 85 titioned the inside into fourteen rooms designed to accom- modate the whole company, which contained that number of families. But from tiie want of materials, or other cause, tlie roof was never made, and tlie structure remained unfin- ished and unoccupied till the timber decayed. In conse- quence of Robinson's failure to complete iiis job, the emi- grants scattered round and lived the first winter with the old settlers. Provisions were supplied them by Waldo ; who ap- pointed Boice Cooper a kind of commissary to take charge of, and deliver them out at stated times. The names of these emigrants were Archibald Anderson, John Dicke,* Andrew Malcolm, John Miller, John Crawford, Thomas Johnston, John Mucklewee, John Brison, Andrew Bird, John Kirk- patrick, John Hodgins, John Carswell, John Brown, Robert Kye, Grenlaw, Wilke, Beverage, Auchmuty, and Anderson. They were mostly mechan- ics, and unacquainted with all agricultural operations, except reaping and threshing. Malcolm was a Glasgow weaver ; and Archibald Anderson, who married his sister and belonged to Bannockburn, was of the same trade, and had worked in the same city. Dicke of Stirling, was a maltster and brewer, Miller a delf-ware manufacturer, Kirkpatrick a cooper, Hodg- ins a bookbinder, Crawford a shepherd or herdsman, and Auchmuty a slaie maker. Having the promise of lands within two miles of tide waters, they naturally looked forward to the comforts of city life to which they had been accustom- ed at home ; and fearful of Indian hostilities, and unacquaiiit- ed as they were with the wild beasts that frequented the woods, they could not think of going to separate farms, and fixing their habitations at a distance from each other.t 1754. Accordingly when the spring opened in 1754, they went out to the place assigned them for a new city, and took possession of their half acre lots, on which they erected small log huts, in a continuous street between the present house of Gilbert Anderson and the school-house No. 13. To this embryo city they gave the name of Stirling, in honor of that from which most of them had come. They had to learn even to cut down a tree, and supposed nothing could be done in husbandry until the trees and stumps were entirely eradi- cated. Some of these settlers had been delicately brought up. Mrs. Dicke was the daughter of a Laird, and unused to any kind of domestic labor ; but this distinction was here * Pronounced, and often spelled, Dickey. t A. Anderson, 1st, and 2d., D. Dicke, &c, 8 0j| ANNALS OF WARREN. only one of disadvantage and inferiority. Kirkpatrick, Johns- ton, and some others, being unmarried, worked four years for Waldo according to agreement. This was of great advant- age to them, as they thereby acquired the use of the axe and a knowledge of the various operations incident to the clearing up of new lands. James and Archibald Anderson, John and perhaps Margaret Miller, John and Ann Crawford, John and William Dicke, James Malcolm, whom many of my readers will remember, and probably others, were then child- ren or infants born in Scotland. The first child, born after their arrival, was Mr. Dickers, and named Waldo, for which the General promised to give him a lot of land as soon as he should get large enough to wear breeches. But the General dying, the promise was never fulfilled. Education, with the most of them, had not been neglected ; and the few books they had, especially the bible and psalm-book, were doubly dear to them from the absence of public worship in their dreary and desolate exile. Mr. Crawford, who, while employed as a shepherd in his native country, had committed a great part of the bible to memory, used every Sabbath to call at the house of one or another and recite portions of Scrip- ture, accompanied with commentaries, exhortation and prayer. Yet their expectations were disappointed, their spirits cast down, and, bringing with them the superstitions of their coun- try, and unused to the labors their situation required, they groaned under a load of bodily and mental suffering. Strange sights, strange sounds assailed them ; fireflies glared in the woods, frogs croaked in the ponds, and loons uttered their unearthly cries in the evening twilight. They contended with hunger and cold, witches and warlocks, till in the following year, the Indian war compelled them to enter the fort for protection. ANNALSOF WARREN. 87 CHAPTER VI FROM 1754 TO 1757; commf.ncement and progress of the 6th INDIAN, commonly CALLED THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. Great complaint was made at this time in the eastern country, of trespasses upon the king's woods, and of exten- sive fires set by cureless hunters and lumberers. These fires gave as much offence to the Indians, as the destruction of the timber did to the royal government. Difiiculties with the former were apprehended. Amongst other things, they complained that the recent Scottish settlement infringed upon the line to which they claimed, from the tide waters of the St. George's to those of the Mcdomak. They also com- plained that the young Boggses were clearing above the boundary, molesting their traps, and occupying their hunting grounds.* At a conference at St. George's in October, Louis, the Penobscot Chief, held this remarkable language, '' There has of late mischief been done among us; but now we are all come to bury it. In order whereto we are for proceeding upon Gov. Dummer's treaty, by which it was concluded that the English should inhabit the lands as far as the salt-water flowed, and no farther; and that the Indians should possess the rest. Brethren, as I said before, so I now say, that the lands we own let us enjoy ; and let nobody take them from us. We said the same to those of our religion, the French. Although we are a black people, yet God hath placed us here; God gave us this land, and we will keep it. God decreed all things ; he decreed this land to us ; there- fore neither shall the French nor English possess it, but we will." After the usual explanations and assurances were given, however, the treaty was again confirmed.! In the mean time new measures of defence were adopted. The fort at St. George's, which the preceding year had been rebuilt and enlarged, was constructed of hewn timber 20 inches square, with walls about 16 feet in height. Its form was quadrangular, each side being 100 feet. Within were the barracks, or apartments, built of timber against the walls, for the dwelling or retreat of the people, every one to be occupied by a single family or more, according to the * Mrs. S. Fuller, D. Dicke, &c. t Smith's Journal, p. 149, and Ed. note. 88 A N N A L S O P W A K K E N . size of the rooms or number in the families. In the centre, was a good well of water; nnd fram the southern wall, a covered way was formed by means of logs, and extended to a large timber block-house, 200 feet distant, at the water's edge. The settlers, at their own expense, built what they called block-houses, about 100 rods or more farther up the river, in two ranges ; and surrounded the whole by a picket made of posts driven into the ground",, as thick as they could stand, and ten feet in height. This was at the place subse- quently occupied for a garden and dwellinghouse by the late Capt. T. Vose, of Thomaston. Besides the post at Plexisant Point, a block-house was erected of stone in the present town of Gushing, sun'ounded by pickets, built and occupied by Ben- jamin Burton. Works of defence also were constructed in Medumcook and Broad Bay. At the latter place, the princi- pal fort was a stockade, on tF:e western side of the river,, near the mills. There were four others farther down the river. Each of these accommodated sixteen families, who had their separate huts covered whh bark.* In November, an attack was made, by some Indians, on the new fort which had been built on the Kennebec •, in con- sequence of which, the Governor withheld the valuable presents intended for the triibes, and issued orders to the six companies of minute men in Maine to be in constant readi- ness.t As the French were supposed to have instigated these hostile acts, most of the settlers took refuge in the garrisons ; and the winter was pas-sed in fearful anxiety. This was the commencement of the sLvth Indian war, and the last which was waged by the New England colonies against the native tribes. From the part that the French, at first covertly, and afterwards openly, took in this war, it is gen- erally denominated " the French and Indian war,'' and finally decided the contest between the French and English crowns for empire on this continent. From the hopes that were entertained of j)resefving jieace Avith the Tarratines, and the greater preparations that were made for defence, few or none of the settlers in this region removed, as they had done in the preceding war. All, how- ever, both at St. George's and at Broad Bay, took refuge in the garrisons, and only ventured oat, to work upon their farms, under a strong guard. Those who were able to bear — — — • ,, * Will. His. A. & William Lcnuond. Jo. LudAvig. L. Parsons, &c<. t 2 WiU. His. p. 302. ANNALSOFWARREN. 89 arms, were organized into companies, and, for a great portion of the time, drew pay and rations, which formed the princi- pal means of supj)ort for their families. When these failed, great distress and misery ensued. One family at Broad Bay, subsisted a whole winter on frost fish, with only four quarts of meal. Many a German woman was glad to do a hard day's work at planting or hoeing, for eight pence, or a quart of meal. There were, at this time, but few cattle in that place, and a quart of buttermilk would often command a day's work. Leistner was Captain of a company of scouts, who received pay and rations. Other companies were organized for the defence of the garrisons here and at Me- dumcook, and placed under their respective commanders.* At St. George's, the settlers formed themselves into a military company for their mutual defence. In times of danger, either they, or the soldiers, were continually scout- ing ; such as went to labor in the field were well armed ; and when the signal of a general alarm was given at the fort by the discharge of a heavy gun, all who were abroad made a speedy retreat to the garrison. This was still commanded by Jabez Bradbury. The block-house above, was garrisoned by a party of the inhabitants, under Capt. T. Kilpatrick ; that in Gushing by nnotlier party of volunteers, under Lieut. Benj. Burton ; and that near the mouth of the river, at Pleasant Point, by others under Capt. Dunbar Henderson. In the block-houses under Capt. Kilpatrick, besides his own, were the dwellings of Moses Robinson, David Patterson, Phinley Kel- loch, J. McCarter, Archibald Gamble, Andrew Malcolm, John Dicke, Michael Rawley, Wm. Smith, Joseph Rivers, and Thomas Fogg, the four last belonging to the lower town. Most of the other residents of the upper town were in the fort. Each family cultivated, either here or on their farms, a spot of potatoes, which was manured with rock weed car- ried up the bank on hand-barrows, by men and their wives assisted by all their children who could labor. There were a few yoke of oxen ; some had cows, and all had pigs and poultry. The stock was wintered on hay cut on the meadows and marshes, the men going armed in strong parties for that purpose, and part mounting guard while the rest labored. Lime-burning was then, as now, the principal business; and two sloops were kept running to Boston. The rock was dug at the quarry now belonging to the prison, and burnt at four * Jo. Ludwig, Esq., A. Kelloch, 1st., &c. 8* 90 ANNALSOF WARREN. small kilns near the block-bouse, where was also a smaii wharf and lane store. There was cjso a wharf at the fort, but no kilns. A large barn, a log school-house on the bank between the fort and block-house, and a few deserted log houses, were all the buildings without the fortifications. The land was pretty well cleared of trees and bushes from the present burial ground in Thomaston to the quarry, and thence to the block-house and fort. The settlers further down the river were chiefly at the stone house under Lieut. Burton, and at Pleasant Point under Capt. Henderson.* 1755. In 1755 the French were found so far concerned in the late hostile movements, that the united colonies set on foot four formidable expeditions against them and their sav- age allies. These were severally directed against Nova Scotia, Niagara, Crown Point and Fort du Quesne. In the mean time attacks were made upon the settlements at New- castle, Dresden, and several other places ; which induced the General Court, June 10, 1755, to declare war against all the eastern tribes except those on the Penobscot. As these still professed to be neutral, Capt. Bradbury at St. George's was instructed by the government to cultivate peace with them, and if possible detach them from the French interest. In obedience to these instructions, he attempted to conciliate their favor by presents and kind treatment. If any of them were abettors of the late mischief, nothing criminal was directly laid to their charge, and it was hoped that they might be re- tained as allies. f The settlers, on the contrary, unaccustomed to discriminate between the different tribes, considered a single Indian acjijres- sion as chargeable to the whole race ; and allowed their sym- pathy for the sufferers to kindle into indiscriminate resentment. This manifested itself in jealousy and murmuring against Capt. Bradbury, whom they charged with trading with the savages from motives of interest, and even supplying the arms and ammunition used in the destruction of their bretiiren. This jealousy occasioned the commander great difficulty in the discharge of his duty. Indians, caressed by the officers, and well treated at the fort, were insulted and sometimes at- tacked by the settlers. Those who lived in the fort generally took part with Bradbury, whilst the discontented rallied under Kilpatrick at the block-house above. The former, employing certain friendly Indians to bring him intelligence, had to * Z in Thorn. Nat. Republican, 1833, S:c. t Will. Ilis. SuUivan. ANNALSOFWARREN 91 warn thcni to beware of tlie block-house men, and was mor- tified to find they could not always go unmolested. This state of things is sufficiently apparent from the following doc- uments. " To Capt. Thomas Proctor Jr. Boston neer the Orringe tree. " St Georges June 6th, 1755. " Dr Brother " yesterday about nine of the Clock we heard about 15 guns fired, and after that Capt. Bradbury fired an alarm ; upon which three men went up to the fort to hear what was Doing =: " and there is two Scotchs Lads Killed or taken : but we supose Kiled = they were Brothers r=: there Sir names is Brown — there was three more up the River the Same time, but at Sum Distance from them — viz. mr Larmond, Arch- bald Gamble & Son, but got safe home = those are our good friends the Penobscuts, So ExstolM by our B : the Commander here = I hope the Goverment will now Doo Sumthing to pre- vent our Ruin by a Savage Enemy. I remain your Loveing Brother till Death " Benj a Burton"* " To his Excellency, William Shirley, &c. " May it please your Excellency and honors to take into Consideration our present, Dificult And dangerous circumstan- ces. Our woods round our garrisons are crawling with lurk- ing Enemies, watching our motion, so that we are in contin- ual fear and Danger, as is evident by their late Clandestine attempts ; for after their killing and barberously using and sculping one boy, they at the same time killed or carried cap- tive another, and soon after liave killed one man, and carried another captive of the Dutch at Broad Bay. And within two days after carried a man and a boy captive from Pleasant Point. So that no place is free ; by reason of which we fear our Garrisons will soon be attacked by them ; which are poorly provided to make any proper resistance or probable defence, being but poorly manned, ill provided with arms, amunition, and provisions, to defend ourselves and families ; so that without some speedy assistance we must fall a prey into the hand of our Enemies, or leave the Country to them — " This is the truth of our present Circumstances and Situa- * Mass. Archives, vol. 54, p. 453. 92 ANNALSOF WARREN. tion, which I humbly offer to your Excellency & honnours, on whose wisdom and compassion (under God) our depen- dence is, and beg leave to subscribe my self, &c. " Tho. Killpatrick." " Blockhouse St. Georges 14th June, 1755."* " May it please your Excellency. " I have this day seen that which was the most surpris- ing to me of any thing I ever met with before, viz. when 1 had read your Ex'lys. letter to nine of the most Considerable men of the Penobscot Tribe, and they were going out to con- sult and return an answer, Capt. Fletcher Came into the Room and told me that many of the inhabitants, with the men he had inlisted into his Company, (of this Garrison) which were neare twenty in number, and most of the remaining part of the Garrison, were all in arms, and had determined that the Indians should never go out until they had given them satisfaction, by Complying with the Governor's tcrmcs, pro- posed to them in his Letter ; upon which I went out to them, and asked why they appeared in that manner ; was answcrM almost unanimously that they were Resolved the Indians should not go well away till they had given them Satisfaction ; Capt. Fletcher telling me at the Same Time, he had orders for doing what was done & that he must answer it, adding that he was oblig'd to do as he had done to prevent greater mischief, viz. Bloodshed, (the people being greatly inrag'd.) I told the men they had acted directly contrary to the Gover'rs Declaration of warr, and to his directions to me, but did not prevail with them to quit their armes, nor their Resolution, and not being able to use force, thought it best to give Soft words ; then some of the Indians went out. Leaving others as hostages, and Consulted with their men who were at Sum distance from us ; after which they returned, with the inclos'd Letter and said they had Concluded to send some of their men to Boston to waite on the Governor ; upon which I ven- tured to tell them when their men Embark't for Boston I would trade with them and not before. " Refer your Ex'y to Capt. Fletcher who accompanies this for a more particular acc't and subscribe my self &c. " Jabez Bradbury." " St. George's, June 27, 1755." " P. S. I entreat your Excelency, as I have more than once already, that I may be Dismis'd from my Charge here ; * Mass. Arc. vol. 54, p. l65. AN NALSOF WARREN. 93 1 am inc.lined to think that ye penobscots are most of them desirous of peace, but whether they have done all that was in their power to prevent the mischief Lately done us, I am not suer of, though they insist upon it that they have. They now seem to be in Earnest that they'l joyn us against the Common Enemy but how much to be rehed on I am not able to tell. " J. Bradbury." " June ye 27th, 1755. "Governor Shirly; Brother we salute you and all the counsel ; we are glad that you have kept what we agreed upon; we always thought that the Cannada Indians wou'd bring us into trouble, and what you desired of us, we have done ; you told us that those that came against us in a hostile manner, we must joyn and goe against them ; let us know when we must do it ; they have hurt us as well as you, and three of our men are now Come up to wait on you, which will be a proof of our Sincerity ; and we exi)ect that our wives and children will be Supported at our village till our return ; they that have hurt you already are gone off and will do it no more ; and we shall always let you know truly when there is danger ; there shall no damage be done on this side Pemequid. You must not think that we dissemble. If you could see our hearts, you'd know that we are true ; war will hurt us as well as you, therefore we are strong against it ; if there should be war between England and France and we should come over to you, our women and children must be well used ; we again salute you. " Wombemanda, " Noodagunawit, " & Mefel. In behalf of our tribe."* To this letter Lieut. Gov. Phips replied that he expected " a competent number of their most able men should join with the Enp-lish in avenging the wrongs received from the other tribes," and for this purpose, invited them with their wives and children to repair to St. George's, to be ready for that service when required, promising them pay and rations whilst so employed, and suitable provision at the fort for their women, children, and aged men. But James Cargill of Newcastle, who had a commission to raise a company of scouts, and had enlisted men from that neighborhood, made an expedition hither, July 1, 1755, * Massachusetts Arcliives, vol. 32, p. 647-8. 94 ANNALSOF WARREN. for the purpose either of putting a stop tn that trade whicli was thought to be carried on to the great danger of the whites, or of enriching himself by the booty and scalps of unsuspicious Indians. Both these motives might have oper- ated, as =£200 for the scalp of a hostile Indian, and .£250 for a captive, was the bounty then offered to companies of rangers, and half that sum to private individuals. Tarrying one night at Broad Bay, he proceeded next morning with a design of marching back of, and around, the settlements at St. George's. But meeting with three men of the garrison there, and receiving the requisite information, he persuaded them, together with some of Capt. Nichols's rangers whom he fell in with, to accompany him ; led his 31 men to Bur- ton's block-house, four or five miles below the fort ; crossed the river, and, after a march of five miles, fell in with an Indian, unarmed, and, as was supposed, intoxicated, accom- panied by his wife and an infant two months old. These they fired upon, killed the Indian, and mortally wounded his wife. She proved to be Margaret Moxa, a friendly squaw returning from the fort on one of her wonted expeditions of kindness to the garrison, giving them intelligence of some hostile design. On their coming up, she held out her infant, whom she called Nit, and, with her dying breath, requested them to carry it to Capt. Bradbury. One of the party re- plied with a pun " every nit will make a louse," and knocked it in the head before the eyes of its expiring mother. Seiz- ing their canoe and leaving nine of his men to guard it, Cargill and the rest of his party (except one, who refused to go any farther) proceeded on about four miles, and discov- ered about sunset a body of Indians near Owl's Head. These they fired upon, killed nine, returned to the men they had left, and the next morning exhibited the scalps at the fort.* This tragic and treacherous deed was as much regretted by the government for its impolicy, as by the greater portion of the people for its turpitude. Cargill was apprehended for trial on a charge of murder ; a letter of condolence was sent by Gov. Phips to the suffering party ; their brethren who liad lately visited Boston, returned laden with presents ; and the tribe were invited to come under a safe conduct and prosecute the offenders, — full assurance being given that law and justice would be measured to them by severest rules. On the trial, Cargill attempted to prove that some of the St. * Cargill's statement. Mass. Archives, vol. 38, p. 167. Brad- bury's ditto, vol. 77, p. 382, and tradition. • ANNALS OF WARREN. 95 John's, or other hostile Indians were with the party attacked, who had such a general resemblance to the Penobscots that he was unable to distinguish between them ; the prejudices of the country ran high against the natives, and the jury acquit- ted him.* The fate of Margaret was deeply lamented by the gar- rison, who knew the value of her services. *•' Never shall I forget," said one of the party, " the deep and unappeasable grief of the women in the fort, especially of Margaret Lermond and Margaret Patterson, two young ladies in the flower of youth and beauty, when they saw the scalp of their friendly namesake, whom they had long regarded as a delivering angel." The more humane part of the settlers loudly condemned the act, and confidently predicted that its perpetrators would never die in their beds. This pro- phecy was from time to time recalled to remembrance by its partial fulfilment with such as belonged to St. George's, onet being drowned in the river, and another^ perishing in the expedition to Biguyduce in the war of the revolution. The Penobscots were now both offended and aggrieved. The fresh injuries they had received, rankled in their bosoms, and could not be forgiven, nor pass unrevenged. Distin- guished among the tribes for coolness and prudence, they hesitated between resentment and policy, the friendship of the French and the power of the English, till on the 5th of Nov. the government publicly proclaimed war against them. Besides the regular garrisons at the fort and block-houses, a company of rangers scouting to the eastward was this year kept in pay from June 19th to Nov. 20th, as follows ; Capt. Thomas Fletcher ; Lieut. Alex. Lermond ; Sergeants Alex. Campbell, Wm. Young and Joseph Robinson ; Corporals David Kelloch, John Standley ; Centinels, John Shibles, John Brown, Alex. Kelloch, Samuel Jameson, Moses Robinson, Hugh Ross, Thomas Holden, Owen Madden, John Lermond, Archibald Gamble, Michael Rawley, Hugh Carr, David Pat- terson, Jr., John Carswell, Moses Robinson, Jr. George Young, Joseph Rivers, Archibald Robinson, Jacob Heyler, George S mouse, Thomas Gregg, David Patterson, John McCarter, Ezra King, Nathaniel Bartlett, John Robinson, Samuel Boggs, * Mass. Arc. vol. 32, p. 650. 2 Will. His. p. 315. t Viz. S. Creighton. X Viz. S. Boggs, 2d, then recently married and residing at Pema- quid. — Comm. of A. Kelloch, 1st, O. Boggs, S. Boggs, 3d, W. Ler- mond, L. Parsons, 1st, and others. 96 ANNALSOFWARHEN. Jr., Joseph Peters, Joseph York, Thomas Johnston, John Kel- loch, Matthew Kelloch, Wilham James, Jr., William Smith, Hans Robinson, Andrew Bird, John Annis, William Adams, Thomas Carney, Philip Sachamo, Adam Varner, and Joseph Hendley.* Fletcher, the commander of this company, was at other times Bradbury's lieutenant in the garrison. The following is one of his letters to the Lieut. Governor : — ''These are to inform your Honor, that this day the Indians fell on us ; two men were out a small distance from the garrison ; the Indians fired upon them ; one escaped and the other is miss- ing. They began about twelve of the clock and continued firing on the cattle till almost night. I immediately despatch- ed an express to the neighboring settlements. I judge there is a great body of them by their appearance. My Lieut, was on a march with 30 men, but happily this evening returned. This night I design to go out and try to meet them. Being all at present, I beg leave to subscribe myself, &c. T. Fletcher. St. George's Fort, 24 Sept. 1755." Such occurrences as these, together with th.e forbearance, which, up to the declaration of war, the commander was re- quired to exercise toward the Tarratines, increased the dis- satisfaction of the inhabitants on the river and adjacent places ; 59 of whom the following year signed a long memo- rial to Gov. Shirley against the conduct of Fletcher in not allowing; them to go against the Indians.! In the winter 35 soldiers only were retained in the garrison at St. George's in addition to the resident inhabitants. The mingled scenes of civilized and savage warfare which the country presented, and the gloom of the season, were ren- dered more direful by the shock of an earthquake, themost violent one ever before known since the settlement of the country. It happened Nov. 18th at about 11 minutes after 4 in the morning. Its direction was from N. W. to S. E. and it was felt through the whole country from Chesapeake Bay to N. Scotia. It commenced with an undulatory motion and lasted at least 4 minutes. In Boston and Falmouth chim- neys and brick houses were considerably damaged. It had a surprising effect upon the moral sensibilities of the com- munity ; and the 23d of Dec. was observed as a day of humiliation and, prayer on account of it.| * Com. Muster roll, Mass. Arc. 94, p. 17. t Mass. Arc. 54-94, p. 148 and 314. t Smitli's Jour. Holmes A. An, ANNALS OF WARREN. 97 1756- In June, 1756, war was formally declared against France. The settlements which the Indians seemed to have marked first for destruction, this spring, were those upon the river St. George's. The stone block-house commanded by- Lieut. Burton was attacked March 24th, and two of his men killed, and another scalped and left half dead. Other depre- dations were made upon the coast ; and, Sept. 26th, one schooner was burnt and two taken in St. George's river, three men being killed and three others missing.* A com- pany on this river was this year commanded by Capt. Joshua Freeman ; one half of whose company as well as that of Capt. Nichols at Sheepscot was ordered to be discharged on the 1st, and the remainder on the 20th, of November, it being customary for the Indians by that time to withdraw 1o their hunting grounds in the interior.! It was also ordered that 150 able bodied men be raised to range the Indian hunt- ing grounds between the eastern frontiers and Canada, the commanders to return a journal of their proceedings. In October of this year the garrison and people of St. George's sustained a loss in the death of the Rev. Robert Ruth- erford, who, for a few years, had taken up his abode there, preached to the people, and acted as chaplain to the garrison. He was a native of Ireland and a Presbyterian. He came over with Col. Dunbar, the celebrated surveyor of the King's woods, in 1729, and preached at Pemaquid for four or five years. When Dunbar went to Portsmouth in 1734, his house and farm were left in the care of Mr. Rutherford. In 1735 he was employed by the town of Brunswick and continued to preach there till 1742. After this he was engaged for a short time at Georgetown, and probably returned to Pemaquid. From thence, on the marriage of Dunbar's widow with Capt. Henderson of St. George's, he removed to that place. It does not appear that he had a distinct pastoral charge, or that any church was gathered there during his life. He was a man of respectable literary attainments, and bore the charac- ter of a pious, orthodox minister. He died at the age of 68 years, and was buried at the fort. His gravestone with sev- eral others in a mutilated state are still to be seen near the tomb of the late Gen. Knox. His wife survived him 23 years and was buried in the same place. They left a family of seven daughters whose posterity are numerous in the vicinity. f * Smith's Journal, p. 66. t Jom'. House Rep. t Greenleaf 's Eccl. Sketches. Gravestones, &c. 98 ANNALS OF WARREN. 1757. Early in 1757 an additional military force was ordered to scour the country and two vessels employed to range the coast for the protection and relief of the people. The Indians suffered greatly from the small pox, and, being neglected by the French and distressed by the war, began to be weary of the contest. Two Tarratine chiefs stated to the government, through Capt. Bradbury, that their numbers were much lessened by that pestilence, and that the tribes wished to feed again upon the fruits of mutual peace and friendship. The Governor was in favor of receiving them " provided they would come in and dwell among us."* Noth- ing, however, was effected. Yet the Indians communicated with the garrison at St. George's by flags of truce so fre- quently, as to excite some apprehensions among the more jeal- ous of the inhabitants. The garrison there consisted this year of Jabez Bradbury, Capt. at £4 per month ; T. Fletcher, Lieut, at £'3 ; Benjamin Burton, ditto ; William Farnsworth, Ensign, at 30s. ; John Dunn, Sergeant, 30s. ; Alexander Campbell, Corporal, 28s. ; John McKechnie, Clerk, 30s. ; Joshua Treat, Armorer, 40s. ; Walter McFarland, Interpreter, 32s. 4d. : and 32 Centinels at 24s., of whom William James, Hugh Scott, Matthew Kel- loch, John Kilpatrick, Joseph James, Samuel Creighton, John Boggs, Alexander Lermond, John Lermond, John Mclntyre, John Carswell, John Patterson and John Crawford belonged to the upper town ; Reuben Pitcher, Jonathan Nutting, Robert Young, Thomas Palmer, Henry Plendley, John Demorse, Joseph York, William Maycook, Ebenezer Thomson, and perhaps some others to the lower town, or to Medumcook.t In addition to the garrison, 87 men were ordered to be enlisted for scouting between St. George's and Frankfort, a plantation afterwards named Pownalborough, now Dresden, Wiscasset, and Alna. Of these, one company, under Capt. Joshua Freeman, rendezvoused at St. George's, and another at the mill garrison on the Medomak in what is now Waldoboro'. The following is aji extract from the journal of Capt. Free- man, who, after receiving his commission in Boston, April 22d, arrived at St. George's with five men and there enlisted the remainder. " May 12. Went down to Burton's and Henderson's garrisons to see what order they were in, — the same day went to Broad Bay. 13th. Returned to the block-house. * Gov. Letter, March 31, 1757. t Co. Muster roll, Mass. Arc. 96, p. 147. ANNALS OF WARREN. 99 16th. Monday, early in the morning, upon a hill to the northward of the fort about 40 or 50 rods, there appeared a white flag with a company of Indians. Capt. Bradbury hoisted another flag, upon which I went over to the fort ; a few rods off which Capt. Bradbury, Mr. Fletcher, and the Interpreter were discoursing with eight Indians, there being three on the hill with the flags. Some of my people gave an account that they saw nine more back of lime-stone hill which is about one quarter of a mile from the block-house. * * About 3 o'clock in the afternoon the Indians marched off* from the hill where their flag was, with their flag, and the flag at the fort was struck. About 2 hours after, some of my people came to me and asked leave to go after the In- dians. I forbade them and told them not to go on any account, but to let them go off* peaceably. About half an hour after, some of my company that was guarding back, went in the road that the Indians went off" in near a mile and found an Indian asleep and brought him into the block- house, the rest being gone out of sight, as they said, and no flag to be seen. Those that brought the fellow in, insisted that he should be sent up to Boston as there was no flag to be seen and the Indians having so much time to go off*, that he was a lawful prize, but after many persuasions the fellow was dismist. When the Indian had his liberty, he told me he was afraid to go off. 1 asked him what he was afraid of, he said he was alone, and that he supposed by that time the rest of his company was got as far as t^e Owl's Head, (our discourse was by the interpreter that belonged to the fort.) Sun about two hours high in the afternoon, an Indian with a flag came to the fort, his name was Neptune (as I was inform- ed) who tarried but a few minutes and went off* with the fellow that my people brought in. In the evening I received an account by Capt. Kilpatrick that Neptune gave an account that there was 26 in their company and that he expected 39 in the morning, but as there was no likelyhood of any trade he supposed they would be stopped. Upon hearing the same I expected the Indians would do what damage they could before they went off*, there being such a number gathered, and that they did not in any wise agree to an accommodation agreeable to the purposes of the government. My men was very earnest to go out with a party of ten or 20 men and see what discovery they could make, to which I consented and gave them orders that if they discovered any of them they should send me a man and let me know of it, that I would with the rest of my company go out and attack them. 100 ANNALS OF WARREN. * * Accord ino;ly near about 10 o'clock, 18 of my men went out from the block-house, and at 11 o'clock they came back and brought one scalp and gave me an account that as they were a marching out towards the eastern shore about a mile from the block-house, in the road, they came across a pack, upon which they discovered some Indians a little out of the road and fired upon them and killed one dead which they scalped. And as soon as our people fired, the Indians fired on them on both sides of the road. Our people found themselves ambushed, discharged their guns several times at the Indians, huzzaed, and the Indians at them and yelled, it being very dark our people were obliged to quit the prey and return back. Our men received but little damage, one man had his gim shot out of his hand, the stock broke with a bullet, and a little piece of flesh carried off between the thumb and fingers."* In this aflair David and Alexander Kclloch were the leading men ; the former was the one who had his gun shot away, and the latter, whilst living, gave the author the following particulars. " Bradbury agreed not to molest the Indians for a certain time, but warned them to look out for the sharp shooters from the block-house. The night being dark, the pursuing party followed each other in close Indian file. On coming to the pack, and supposing it a decoy to an ambus- cade, the file-leader gave a pinch to his rear-man ; which signal was communicated from man to man till the whole came to a silent halt. After a moment's pause, an Indian, probably left on the watch but betrayed into sleep by the occapee obtained at the fort, was heard to snore, and, on the discharge of a musket aimed at the sound, gave one prodigious leap into the air, fell, and never moved again. In the firing that ensued, the parties aimed at the flashes of each others' guns. Several muskets, a quantity of beaver, and other stores left by the Indians, yielded the victors $15 a share. The journal continues : " July 6, I went up St. George's river with sixteen men to the upper part of the old settlement — made no discovery of any Indians. 25th. For sundry days past been continually guarding of the people up and down the river from Pleasant Point to the falls of St. G(^orge's river, whilst they were getting hay." This protection was in the highest degree necessary, as those who had ventured out in the spring to plant potatoes had often been attacked and compelled to retreat. Two young men of the lower * Mass. Arc. vol. 38, p? 280. ANNALS OF WARREN. 101* town, Henry and Samuel Hendley, one 17 and the other 22 years of age, went up the river for staves, were attacked near Mr. Cooper's shore (now Dunhar's in Warren,) and were supposed to be killed ; as the body of one was after- wards found on the marsh, and the other was never heard from. At another time three men, venturing out from the fort for smelts, were ambushed and slain near the saw-mill. Other depredations were committed whenever an opportunity presented. Mrs. Thompson, Agnes Lamb, afterwards Mrs. Spear, and some others were milking up the lane a little way from the fort, when the savages fell upon them and took Mrs. Thompson prisoner ; the other escaping to the garrison. So great was the fright, that Miss Lamb, though she had some distance to flee, and bars to surmount, kept the pail in her grasp, without spilling a drop of its contents, or being aware of its possession, till safe within the fort. Mrs. Thompson was redeemed by her husband for ^40.* The young men by the name of Watson, whose father after leaving Ireland resided some years in Scarboro' and came to this river near the beginning of this war, had pur- chased the point which now bears their name, and erected a house there, carrying on the coasting business here and at Scarboro.' John Watson, who commanded their sloop, sent two of his men on shore at Pleasant Point for water, where they were seized by the Indians and carried to Canada. The Captain, going in his wherry to look for them, was hailed by a Frenchman and ordered to come on shore. Not complying, he was immediately killed by a musket shot. The two cap- tives were William Watson and Larrowbee of Scarboro'; the former of whom, together with his half brother James Watson, returned and occupied the point before named ; and David, another brother, settled at East Thomaston. William took a conspicuous part in the incorporation of the town of Warren, and generally acted as moderator in the early town meetings. He established a ferry at that point, which he and his sons kept, down to the time the lower toll-bridge was erected in 1818.t It was probably on board Watson's vessel that a man ad- vanced in years, and a female passenger, Mrs. Gamble, who were the only persons left after the encounter on shore, per- ceived the Indians, at night fall, approaching in their canoes * Tradition. Mrs. Montgomery. A. Kelloch, 1st. t Captain H. Libbey. 9* 102 ANNALS OF WARREN. to attack the vessel. The old man took his station on deck with what muskets there were on board, and, with the aid of his companion, who reloaded as fast as they were discharged, kept the Indians at bay till they became discouraged and withdrew.* The Indians, also, threatened the block-house at Pleasant Point, but, not being strong enough to effect any thing, whh- drew. When they were supposed to be all gone, a soldier, by the name of Coltson, looking over the platform, was shot through the head by an Indian concealed under it ; who having satisfied his revenge, bounded off, and was soon out of sight. At Medumcook, a Mr. Elwell and his family lived in a house built strong for the purpose of defence. Being beset by the savages, he and his two sons, placing themselves at the doors and up stairs, kept them at bay. In the back part of the house were two mortice-holes as a substitute for a window ; by which the Indians were observed to pass. Elwell placed a pistol there, and told his wife to fire it when- ever she saw the light darkened. She did so, wounded an Indian, who fled calling for assistance, and the party disap- peared. At Broad Bay they ambushed the house of one Piper, before daylight, and, on his coming out for w^ood, shot him dead. Plis wife seized a sick child, put it down cellar, shut the trap-door upon it, and then placed herself at the door to prevent the Indians from bursting in. They shot her through the door, entered and plundered the house of what they could carry ofi'; but after their departure, the child was found safe and uninjured in the cellar. In the same place, several were taken captive, one of whom, a young man by the name of Klein, was carried to Canada, and after the peace was brought home by his father, who went thither to recover him. Mr. Lash, who was hauling wood with a horse and car, a little below the head of the tide, not far from where the late Dr. Brown's house now stands, was suddenly assailed by Indians who attempted to take him prisoner. He seized and held two of them, till a third shot him dead. Another assault was made, about sunset, lower down the river, when Loring Sides was killed, and others with difficulty escaped. A while after, Hermon Kuhn and Henry Demuth, * Mrs. S. Fuller, who adds tliat Mrs. G. was going to N. H. to spend the winter with a relative, in expectation of conlinement ; but in consequence of the excitement of that night and the birtli of a stillborn infant before morning, relinquished the design and returned in safety. ANNALS OF WARREN. 103 being at work near the river, were fired upon and killed, the latter at the first fire, and the former as he was pushing off his float, in order to escape by flight. Their neighbors on that side, then moved over to the Dutch Neck for greater security. Even at this place, Jacob Sechrist, Mr. Burns and others, were fired upon when at work in the woods. Sechrist was killed ; the rest ran for their canoe and succeeded in getting from the shore, having seen five Indians.* To these traditionary facts we add the following journal found in the Secretary's office, Boston, without a signature, but supposed to be that of Capt. Matthias Remilly, who com- manded ihe company of rangers at Broad Bay. " May 31, 1757. Marched with 25 men from the mill garrison about 3 miles E. N. E. across the meadows, and then struck down south betwixt our meadows and St. George's ponds, and re- turned through the woods in sight of the clear. Met 3 times with Indian tracks, but it being so dry, could make no dis- covery of their number. June 1st. A man and a woman on tlie western side of Madamuck Falls were surprised by something making a noise along the brush of the woods, and the dog going upon it, I went immediately with 12 men in search, but could make no discovery. 3d. Marched with 18 men down the lower part of the bay to look after some cattle for the inhabitants. At return at the lower garrison met with George's and Frankforth companies both bound to Frankforth, they staid that night at the mill garrison and went on their march in the morning. 4th. About 10 o'clock went with 18 men to the middle garrison and left 4 men for a guard to a settler who was making fence close to the woods. At the E. side of the river the watch was surprised by a noise in the woods, hearing the dry sticks break ; at 1 o'clock the men received allowance and when they was parted, 3 women and a man went to their lots above the falls joining one another, the first, being about 70 rod off the mill garrison, by the dog making a dirrible [ter- rible] noise, discovered an Indian behind the fence in gun- shot of her. She took to her heels, screaming to the other at the next house, which immediately shut her door and crept into the cellar, and, as there was in the cellar an air hole, she saw the Indians, which being 4 in number, running over the brook (which runs along her lot to Mado- mack river) and taking a short round to the common pad [path] and so down to the shear, where they stood in a * Jos. Ludwig, Esq. &c. 104 ANNALS OF WARREN. heap, expecting the woman went along the pad, but she escaped with another by the help of a man through the water. I~heard thereof and run immediately with 15 men to the place, found the woman yet in her cellar amout death [almost dead.] She told that the Indians returned from the shear and came to her house, she thinking that they knowed of her being in the house and came to kill her, but they took immediately the woods about 5 minutes before I was at the house to her relieve. I went immediately down to the lower garrison, as many people were out at work and, by firing an alarm with the cannons, brought them to garrison and returned along the clear. 5th. The woomans which escaped the Indians, hath [had] left some necessaries at their habitations which they could not do without ; I went with 8 men to guard them. When we came to the house we espied some cattle 5 lots higher up the Madomack river upon the seed,t which we expected the Indians drove there to trap some people. I sent for more men and drove them out but made no discovery. " June 6th. In the morning a settler hath some necessary work to do, hath a guard of 8 men, but they soon were surprised by a great breaking through the brook coming right upon them, they being too weak returned to garrison. Two men sent on board the sloops out of the upper garrison, and 4 out of the lower. In the afternoon a settler belonging to the next lot of [from] the garrison hath some fence to make, hath 7 men for a guard ; 3 of the working men went to a brook about 40 rods distance to get water, they were immediately surprised by something creeping over the brook about 60 yards ofT them in the woods, which at first they thought to be a dog, but soon espied two Indians, one in a new, the other in an old blanket, a creeping towards them, then the one Indian bawled the other by the blanket, showing him with his finger the tree [three] people. One of our men hath no gun with him, the other being loaded, so they hastened to the guard and returned home, as they were too weak to follow the enemy, as the rest of the men were at the lower garrison and guarding ihe sloops. " June 7th. It hath rained, so could not march, but had guards on board the coasters ; about one o'clock George's Company returned and brought an account of 30 canoes being landed at the Olds [Owl's] Head, and 2 Indians being t Probably grain sown. ANNALS OF WARREN. 105 killed and scalped by Capt, Cox. About 3 o'clock arrived Capt. Kent with the Province stores which were landed that night. '■'• 8th. Marched with 14 men S, E. and took around to the lower garrison where I took the rest of the men and stood guard for the people to haul out the wood for Capt. Kent. About one o'clock a gun was fired at N. E. the back of me about 1-2 mile distance, but, as I could not leave the people who a hauling, could not go after it. About 4 o'clock the account was brought to me that a wooman were killed at the eastern side of the narrows, and, as it was about 8 mile to walk by land so that I should not have come there before night, took a sloop's boat and some canoes and went with 20 men there, where we found the corpse of the man up at the edge of the woods, and the wooman at the house, shot, scalped, stabbed, and mangelt [mangled] in a cruel and barbarous manner ; the ax was laying by the man and the Indian hatchet was left in the wooman's skull. There hath been 5 guns in the house, two of them they took, also a cutlass. They hath stripped the man and took the money, clothing, and some meal, the chest they broke up and took what they liked ; the rest laid about the floor ; they took no ammunition tho' there was a good deal in the house. The accident happened thus. The man and his wife and son went in the morning to their house ; the man went in the field, the wife and son (who was sick) were in the house ; an Indian came in the house and set his gun to the son's breast which missed fire ; the wooman took the Indian and throwed him out of doors and shut the door ; the Indian shot through a crack and killed the wooman ; the son creapt into the cellar, where he laid 3 hours before he got to his neigh- bors. We buried the man and wooman and returned home. 9th. Sent a guard of 14 men to Capt. Kent. All the night before the enemy has been about the garrison mocking the watch, the dogs making a great noise."* In August Thomas Pownal, appointed Governor of Massa- chusetts, arrived and entered upon the duties of his office. About this time Capt. Bradbury and Lieut. Fletcher resigned the command of the fort at St. George's river. John North, one of the first Irish settlers upon the river, succeeded as Captain, and John McKechenie as Lieutenant. Bradbury and Fletcher had been liberal in their censures of James Cargill's bloody affair with the Indians ; and the latter, after his dis- * Mass. Arc. vol. 38, A. p. 254. 106 ANNALS OF WARREN. charge and receipt of c£600 as a premium for his exploit, charged them with treasonable practices, in trading with the Indians clandestinely in time of war, and giving them intelli- gence inconsistent with the duty of officers. In the tedious investigation of the charges before the two houses of the Legislature, there were many witnesses examined from St. George's and other eastern stations ; but the decision excul- pated the respondents, and the public confidence in the man- agement of the eastern garrisons was greatly strengthened.* Capt. Bradbury was a man of agreeable manners and per- sonal popularity. With the Indians he was a favorite, and no man could have done more in carrying out the views of government in securing their friendship. That he did not escape censure from the ignorant and irritated, thirsting for Indian blood, is not to be wondered at ; war is in itself so criminal, and, to be successfully carried on, rouses so many of the worst passions of our nature, that it is not always easy to allay or direct the storm it has been found expedient to raise. All men can feel resentment and enjoy revenge ; few, comparatively, can judge of political, or appreciate humane, motives. Hence the wisest measures are liable to be misun- derstood, and the ablest conduct exposed to censure. After his retirement he spent the remainder of his life at Newbury- port, where he died, as is believed, about the close of the century, in possession of some wealth. He was never mar- ried, and his property went to the children of his brothers, of whom one or more were setded at Falmouth. Whilst in command at St. George's, two of his nieces on a visit there, became acquainted with two young men then in the garrison, and were married, one to John Boggs and the other to John Kirkpatrick, whose posterity are numerous in the town of Warren. f * Jour. House Rep. 2 Will, His. p. 328. t T. Kirkpatrick. ANNALS OF WARREN. 107 CHAPTER YII. FKOM 1758 TO 1770 ; coxclusion of thk wae, and progress of SETTLEMENT. 1758. In 1758 the British, under the immortal Chatham, began to put forth all their energy in the war. Several expe- ditions were planned ; and, among others, that against Louis- burg (which place had been restored to the French at the late peace,) was entered into with spirit by the people of Maine and Massachusetts. In the mean time the eastern garrisons were not neglected ; 85 men were continued in St. George's fort, 6 at Burton's block-house, 6 at Henderson's gar- rison at Pleasant Point, 10 at Medumcook, and 17 at Broad Bay. Those at Henderson's were, Dunbar Henderson, Ser- geant, at £1 10s. per month, James Parsons, Lawrence Parsons, Alexander Hawthorn, Andrew Bird and Richard Furness, centinels, at 24s. each, per month. Those at Bur- ton's were Benjamin Burton, Sergeant, ai £1 10s. ; Thomas Carney, Christian Power, Joseph Andrews, John Burton, Cor- nelius Thornton, and John Green, centinels, at 24s. per month.* A communication was received at Boston in August from Brig. Gen. Monkton stationed in Nova Scotia, which stated that a body of Frenchmen in conjunction with the Indians on the rivers St. John, Penobscot, and probably Passamaquoddy, were meditating an attempt upon the fort at St. George's, and the destruction of all the settlements in that vicinity. Imme- diately Gov. Pownal collected such a military force, as was at command, and embarked with them on board the King George and the sloop Massachusetts. Arriving, he threw these auxil- iaries, with some additional warlike stores, into the fort at a most fortunate juncture ; for within 36 hours after his depar- ture, the fort was actually assailed by a body of 400 French and Indians. But so well prepared was the garrison to re- ceive them, that they were unable to make the least impres- sion. Nor did any representations of their numbers, nor any threats, communicated to the fort by a captive woman whom they purposely permitted to escape thither, occasion the least alarm. Despairing of any thing farther, the besiegers gave vent to their rage by killing the neighboring cattle, about 60 * Mass. Arc. vol. 96. Co. Muster rolls. 108 ANNALS OF WARREN. of which they shot or butchered. Though out of command, Bradbury was still in the fort at the time of this engage- ment.* This active and conspicuous service of the Governor was not only applauded by the General Court in high terms, but Mr. Pitt also assured him, it had I'eceived the particular ap- probation of the King himself. The enemy afterwards made an attempt upon the fort at Medumcook, without being able to carry it ; though they killed, or took captive, eight men. 1759. The plan of operations, for the memorable year 1759, was nothing less than a universal attack upon the French, in every direction, with a determination to bring the contest to a final and speedy decision. Whilst the more important expeditions were being carried on against Quebec, Niagara, Crown Point and Ticonderoga, the interest of the eastern frontier was not disregarded. At the earnest recommendation of Gov. Povvnal, an armament of 400 men was sent up the Penobscot to take posses- sion of that river and its neighborhood. Having examined sundry places and taken formal possession of the country, the Governor, who accompanied the expedition, selected a convenient spot in the present town of Prospect, and commenced the erection there of a strong and commo- dious fort, to be named Fort Pownal. As soon as the la- borers had begun work, the Governor, attended by Gen. Samuel Waldo, with a guard of 136 men, ascended the river near the head of tide waters, below the bend ; and May 23d, went ashore on the westerly side of the river. From this place he sent a message to the Tarratine tribe, giving them notice of the enterprise undertaken at Fort-Point, and assur- ing them, if they should fall upon the English and kill any of them, the whole tribe should be hunted and driven from the country. But, added he, " though we neither fear your resentment nor seek your favor, we phy your distresses ; and if you will become the subjects of his majesty, and live near the fort, you shall have our protection, and enjoy your plant- ing and hunting grounds without molestation." Gen. Waldo took great interest in this expedition, expect- ing that the Muscongus, or Waldo patent, extended to some * Wm. Lermond. 2 Minot, p. 41. Smith's Journal, p. 177, says, " Aug. 30. We have been all in alarm by the advices of great firing at George's. One hundred and fifty men, mostly volunteers, are gone A^ith !Mr. Cox." " 31. Upon their return from Pemaquid, they brought news that the French and Indians had attacked George's, took and returned a woman, killed 60 cattle,* and moved off'." ANNALS OF WARREN. 109 place near the spot then visited by them; and that he and his co-proprietors would derive essential advantage from the projected fortification. Withdrawing a few paces, he looked round, and exclaimed, "here are my bounds," — and instant- ly fell dead of an apoplexy. To commemorate the spot the Governor buried a leaden plate, bearing an inscription of the melancholly event. His body was carried to Fort PownaL* Gen. Waldo was a gentleman of great enterprise and worth; and the conspicuous part he acted in the first capture of Louisburg will be long recollected with intermingled pleasure and praise. He was the son of Jonathan Waldo, a merchant of Boston, but was himself born in England ; possessed great activity and perseverance ; and, according to a family tradition, made no less than 15 voyages across the Atlanlic. He was at the time of his death 63 years of acre. Accordino; to the recollection of those who knew him in their youth, he was a tall, stout, portly man, of a dark complexion, and commanding appearance. f It is believed his military conduct was unexceptionable. With regard to that towards the settlers, though he seems to have been cau- tious and shrewd in making a bargain, we do not find that the Irish settlers, who had been in the country and knew what to expect, had any particular complaints to make. But the Scotch and Germans, who received his offers in their own country, and judged of them according to what they had there known of upland, meadow, tide tcaters, &c., were wretchedly disappointed, and complained most bitterly of his deception and non-performance of conditions. It is said that one of the Germans, who had property or friends, went to Boston, commenced a suit, and recovered heavy damages ; and that nothing but their inability prevented some of the rest from doing the same. His sons, Samuel and Francis, and the husbands of his two daughters, Isaac Winslow and Thomas Fluker, were the testamentary executors of his large estate, much of which was in his eastern patent. During this and other visits to the eastern country. Gov. Pownal often visited St. George's ; where, from his energetic conduct towards the savages, and his readily accommodating himself to the free and blunt manners of the settlers, he became very popular. He used to salute the commander of * 2 Will. Ilis. p. 338. Whix:)ple's Acadie, p. 88. Smith's Journal, p. 179. t Mrs. Montgomery. A. KcUoch, 1st, &c. Williamson says he was of a ll(/ht complexion, note to p. 388, vol. 2, 19 110 ANNALS OF WARREN. the block-house, Thomas Kilpatrick, whose name was a terror to the Indians, as " Tom-kill-the-devil ;" and, in allusion to his own energetic measures against them, was hailed in return, " Tom-pound-the-deviL" His pleasant and facetious conversation was as agreeable to the people here, as distaste- ful to the sons of the puritans in Massachusetts. One of his bonmots has been handed down. To some of the settlers who were great sticklers for the honor of Ireland, he started the question whether in the great temptation on the mount, all the kingdoms of the world were really shown. Pow- nal maintained the negative ; and on being pressed for his reasons, answered that Satan had from time immemorial always kept Ireland under his thumb. The erection of the fort beforementioned, the taking of Quebec, and other important victories which distinguished this year, gave as much joy and exultation to the English, as dismay, and distress to the Indians. Unassisted by the French, they gave very little farther trouble of a serious nature to the settlers in this quarter ; although straggling parties continued to lurk about for opportunities of private revenge, exciting frequent alarms. A force of 160 men, however, was employed on the eastern frontier during the winter, of which 84 were posted at fort Pownal, and 13 at St. George's; Fort Frederick, at Pemaquid, having been dismantled the preceding year. The ship King George was also kept cruising off the coast.* During this w^ar, the settlers found the greatest difficulty in preserving their cattle, as they must of course stray in search of subsistence. They endeavored to keep them as near the fort as possible ; and fewer were killed than might have been expected, as the beasts soon caught the contagious fear of their masters, and fled precipitately at the sight of an Indian. This made it necessary to kill them with shot only, which could not be done without raising an alarm. Some of the cattle got lost in the woods, and were found on the restoration of peace after an absence of three years. t Fewer cattle were destroyed at Broad Bay ; as there were not many in the settlement. Great hardships were endured and some distress occasioned by the want of provisions. * 2 Will. His. p. 342. t In 1758, John Mclntyre administered upon the estate of his father, Wm. Mclntyre, of St. George's. In his account of adminis- tration, rendered in 1760, he charged 11 days spent in looking up the stock which ran wild in the woods. — YorR Records. ANNALS OF WARREN, 111 Those who were able to do soldier's duty, for the most part, drew pay as soldiers in the garrison, or in companies em- ployed as scouts. Lermond had a Lieutenant's commission in Freeman's company as beforementioned, and in 1758 was appointed to the same office in the militia under Kilpatrick. Being good with a broad axe, he was much employed about the fort, and found no difficulty in supplying his family. Others found means to get out wood and staves, sometimes by working under protection of a guard, and sometimes by hauling oaks across the flats on the ice, and making them up into staves beneath the walls of the fort. Cord- wood, at this time, if we may trust the memory of those who were then young, brought about 58 cents at the shore ; tea, 42 cents a pound ; a day's work, and, except in seasons of scarcity, a bushel of corn, 50 cents ; which prices did not materially vary for several years after, down to the revolu- tionary war. Those who could afford it, used tea or coffee at breakfast. Bean or barley broth was a substitute with others. Some attention was paid to education ; temporary schools being provided, even during the war, Dr, Robinson, in the block-house, devoted all his leisure time, and particu- larly the Sabbath, to the instruction of the children. After this year the inhabitants worked on their farms in company, a day for one and a day for another, keeping a watch ; and on any intimation of danger, an alarm gun was fired at the fort, when all hands returned for safety. Some, who pos- sessed valuable furniture, had never taken it from the fort since the former war. Samuel Boggs the 1st, fearless him- self and anxious to prosecute his l3usiness as a farmer, re- mained in his dwelling on his farm, though it was the most distant of any on the river. His wife having died the first year after going into garrison, his daughter, who kept his house, felt uneasy at their exposed situation, and, as some supposed, set fire to the house, in order to compel her father to remove to the fort. She was the only person at home when it was burnt, and succeeded in saving all the property in the house except a large trough of soap in the cellar, which she was unable to get out.* 1760. In 1760, the Indians began to make proposals for peace ; and so little was there to fear from them, that the inhabitants mostly left the garrison, and went on to their farms, still leaving their most valuable furniture, and occasion- * Mrs. L Fiaier. 112 ANNALS OF WARREN. ally returning on any alarm of clanger. On one occasion, the wife of Mr. LernrjoDd, the next morning after giving birth to a child, was carried in her bed to the river, and thence in a canoe to the fort for safety. One Sunday, during divine service, an Indian came into the fort with intelligence that his countrymen were coming to attack the settlement. He departed ; an alarm gun was fired \ and people came flocking in on all sides with their cattle and property. The Indians came, entered most of the more distant houses, but found little plunder. As they occasionally had intercourse with the fort, the comimander like his predecessor was suspected of trading with them., which was looked upon as a grave offence by the people, although a treaty of peace had in fact been concluded with the Sagamores at Boston as early as the 13th of April. At this time the agriculture of the place was stil! confined to the raising of a few potatoes, peas, beans and a little English grain. There was do other ixxid but the river,, and a foot path from house to house on each &ide of it. Carts, and probably ploughs, there were none. Wood and staves were cut and made near the river, and slill hauled on hand-sleds in winter, or by horses- and cars. At Broad Bay one German v/oman, usually known by the name of Great Mary^ hauled out, on a hand-sled, two sloop loads of wood in one winter. Coasters from the south shore of Massachu- setts frequently came hither with provisions and groceries, which they exchanged for wood, bark and staves. One of these was commanded by a Capt. Roiich, who became wealthy, but at last committed suicide for fear of coming to want. Another was commanded hy one Capt. Boice, who, having amassed a considerable fortune in thfte busines-s, set up a paper-mill in the town of Milton, which, being the only one in that vicinity still further augmented hisweaUh. One of his daughters had married Hugh McLean of this place, who, on the death of his father and brother, succeeded to their two lots at Andrews's Point. He had, at first, been employed by Boice, afterwards was taken into partnership with him, and, for many years was the principal coaster betv/een George's River and Boston. His is one of the vessels mentioned by Capt. Freeman as guarded by him in 1757. It was about this time that Mr. Boggs introduced the first sheep into the place, which he brought from Pemaquid by water. On this occasion the following anecdote is related. Sitting on the windlass with his flock on the deck, he became drowsy and began to nod. The father of the flock mistaking the nod for a menace, drew back, butted him over, and left ANNALS OF WARREN. 113 him sprawling. Boggs in his rage, seized the assailant and threw him overboard. The rest, according to their custom, followed their leader, and in an instant the whole flock were floating in the ocean. There being no land near, the vessel hove to, and with difficulty he recovered his property. At this time his cattle amounted to more than 30 head.* In the autumn of this year, 1760, Hatevil Libbey, the first of that name, who married a sister of the Watsons, came to the upper town, from Scarboro', and settled on the western side of the river on the lot now belonging to James Libboy, Being a tanner by trade, he soon after commenced that business and carried it on during his lifetime ; and his son and grandson have continued it down to the present day. His name will be mentioned again, as he sustained many offices, particularly in the militia, from that of Lieutenant to Major, was a respected citizen, and, we believe, carried out the precept given at his baptism hate evil. From him all the Libbcys of the town are descended. In June, 1760, the County of York was divided and two new counties established. That of Cumberland extended to its present limits on the seaboard and thence to the northern limits of the State. All the territory eastward of Cumber- land was included in the County of Lincoln, of which the shire town was Pownalborough. John North, commander of the fort at St. George's, was appointed one of the four Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. This gentleman had pre- viously held a justice's commission at St. George's, but in that capacity it is said no action ever came to trial before him, as he made it a rule always to laugh or scold the parties into a settlement. There was no cost to pay where he sat as Judge. " Enter but his door, "Baulked were the courts, and contest was no in.ore."t About the same time Gov. Pownal, in the height of his popularity, solicited his recall, and, in August, Sir Francis Bernard arrived as his successor. In the following Decem- ber George the Third ascended the throne of England. 1761-2. The years 1761 and 1762 were distinguished for a remarkable and early drought, accompanied, in many places, by distressing fires ; but so little did the people of this river depend on their agriculture at that time, that no * Mrs. Montgomery. A. Kelloch, 1st. A. Lermond. J. and R. B. Copeland. J. Boggs. L. Parsons, S^c. t Samuel Boggs, 3d, &c. 10* 114 ANNALS OF WARREN, memorial has been handed down of a drouglit which, early in June of the former year had withered the herbage and was not relieved by rain until the 20th of August. At this time the country was still full of wild game ; the bears and wolves were very destructive to small cattle ; but the moose and deer supplied the loss, affording the inhabitants plenty of food whenever they could venture to pursue them. Great numbers of moose resorted to the Neck, between the present towns of Thomaston and St. George, for ground juniper which grew there in abundance. In 1762 a deep snow and crust obstructed their flight, and no less than seventy of these animals were taken. They were never found in such plenty afterwards.* After the death of the General, Col. Samuel Waldo, who as his eldest son inherited a double share, or two-fifths, of ihe Patent, occasionally came hither from Falmouth, to look after the estate and fulfil any subsisting contracts with the settlers. In the original grant to Beauchamp and Leverett, the boundaries were so obscurely and incoherently describ- ed as to render it difficult to ascertain the true intent thereof, and locate the same so as to avoid controversy. Waldo claimed on both sides of the Penobscot ; but as this claim was not recognized by the Province, the subject was referred to the General Court and on the 23d of Feb. 1762, h was agreed to extend the Patent six miles farther north in consid- eration of a relinquishment by the proprietors of their claims east of the Penobscot. The papers were accordingly made out, but, from some cause, were not executed, and nothing farther was done till 1785. In 1765 Co!. Waldo transferred his two shares to Thomas Fluker, Esq., who about the same time we believe, became the sole owner of most of the pro- prietary claims on this river. The Middle-Neck in Thomas- ton was sold by Francis Waldo in England, and, after several mean conveyances at length passed into the hands of Vaughan of Hallowell, by whom an arrangement was made with the settlers upon it since the separation of the State. t In 1762 the plantations on this river were for the first time included in the county tax. Of the <£132 Is. assessed upon the county, St. George''s upper town, now Warren and part of Thomaston, paid £4: 5s. 8d., St. George's lower town, now Gushing, St. George and a part of Thomast(in, paid =£4 10s. Broad Bay, now VValdoboro', c£4 5s. 8d.,and JMedumcook * L. Parsons. M. Copelajad, Esq, t Journal of the House. ANNALS OF WARREN. 115 now Friendship, £2 13s. Sd. But these proportions were materially changed the following year, when, whilst the lower town remained the same, the upper town was assessed £6, Broad Bay =£8, and Medumcook £4, out of =£152 on the whole county. See table IV. appended. Capt. Kilpatrick and Hugh McLean, tradition says, were the first assessors chosen in the upper plantation, who, in executing their trust, assigned one pistareen each to the ablest inhabitants till a sufficient sum was obtained, and exempted all the rest.* Very little recourse was had to law in those days, as the greater part of the people lived too much like a band of brothers to contend in civil matters ; and the few cases of criminal conduct that occurred were discountenanced by their frowns, or, perhaps, punished in extreme cases by what has since been denominated Lynch law. It is said one woman in the upper town for adultery underwent a public whipping, from no other authority than the popular will ; and some years later a man for abusing his wife and family was ridden upon a rail. But disorders of this kind were not frequent, and were kept within the bounds of justice by the more sober and aged part of the community. The Germans at Broad Bay managed very well much in the same manner, except now and then when a quarrel and fight occurred. On these occasions the worsted party used sometimes to repair to Damariscotta for legal redress before a justice of the peace, and it was not uncommon for half the settlement to be over there at the trial, either as witnesses or spectators. In another respect the Germans were more exemplary than their neighbors at St. George's. Though destitute of a regular clergyman, they had, from the first, constantly met for public worship on the Sabbath. In these meetinijs John Ulmer had taken the lead, and was indeed paid by Waldo as a clergyman, until, on the expedition to Louisburg, the settlement was broken up. After their return he continued to labor in the same vocation, and, after the death of Leistner, seems to have acted as priest, prince, and military commander. Visiting Pemaquid towards the close of the war, and hailing the people in the dusk of evening to set him across the river, in answer to the inquiry who he was, he gave his name with such a string of Dutch titles, that they expected to find a large number of persons ; and were much disappointed when they found all these honors * Rec. Court of Sessions, Wis. Capt. K. Hall, 1st. 116 ANNALS OF WARREN. borne by a single individual. Matthias Remilly, beforemen- tioned, was, however, the first militia Captain commissioned by the Governor.* In 1762 John Martin SchaefFer, of the German Lutheran church, came from New York to Boston, where he was invited by some of the inhabitants of Broad Bay to become their minister. He agreed with them on condition of having a lot of land as a settlement, and ^"3 old tenor and two days' work yearly from each setder. He was a smart preacher and great singer, and was thought to be a man of learning ; but from the want of proper judges, it is difficult to determine what his literary acquirements were. His moral character seems to have been less equivocal, being made up of selfish- ness and a destitution of all virtuous principles. He had left a wife in Germany, seduced the wife of another, a woman of great beauty, and brought her and his own daughter to America. Not satisfied with his income as a minister, he practised as a physician also, and gained much fame as well as wealth by letting blood, inspecting urine, and dealing out medicine. He was applied to by numbers from the neigh- boring towns, and was considered by the common people as having no equal. He had made the Germans believe it was necessary to be bled every spring, for which he received a regular fee of fifty cents for each inhabitant. He is said, also, to have charged a stated fee for every funeral, every marriage, and every baptism, which he was careful to have paid down before performing the rite. These emoluments, with such advantages as his property, influence, and superior education to those around him, enabled him to take in making bargains, soon rendered him opulent ; he engaged in naviga- tion ; took the lumber and wood of the illiterate Germans, always taking out his own demands from the proceeds, and liquidating the accounts in his own way. Many a poor man had to work a week for him, to pay for the annual loss of blood in himself and family ; and when any considerable sickness occurred, a sloop's hold full of wood went to pay the doctor's bill. As wealth increased, restraint was thrown off", and his vices appeared without a blush. He was very pro- fane, grew intemperate, and though a stirring preacher, grad- ually lost all influence as a minister ; which gave him little or no trouble. His preaching being wholly in German, and his people of the Lutheran church, he had little or no intercourse * Jos. Ludwig, Esq. Capt. Sproul. ANNALS OF WARREN. 117 with the other settlements in religious matters. The Rev. Alexander McLean, a man of education both clerical and medical, who was ten years later settled at Pemaquid, con- sidered him an ignoramus and a quack. He used to excuse his improper behavior by saying " when I have my plack coat on, den I am a minister, and you must do as I say ; but when I have my green coat on, den I am a toctor." We shall have occasion to speak of him again in the course of this work.* In 1762 the saw-mill at Mill River was re-built by Hugh McLean, who had been up to this time one of the inhabitants of the upper town. After the peace he erected a house where that of S. Andrews now stands, and moved his family down, intending to continue his abode here ; but his wife, accustomed to wealth and the comforts of the older settle- ments in Massachusetts, could not reconcile herself to the pri- vations of a new country, the gloom of the surrounding forest, and the neighborhood of the still dreaded savages. She accordingly returned in the same vessel, without ever landing her furniture. Her husband continued to carry on business, supplying the inhabitants with groceries in exchange for their wood and bark. He also commenced shipbuilding about this time, at his, now Andrews's, Point ; but, business becoming dull and discouraging, he abandoned it after setting up the frame of one vessel, which remained on the stocks till it went to decay. His house was occupied first by Samuel Gilchrist who removed to the lower town, and secondly by Alexander Kelloch who lived there twelve years. The latter in 1764 took out license and sold liquor there, being the first licensed retailer within the limits of the town of Warren, as John Mclntyre, licensed the same year, was the first innholder. McLean was an active man of business, and kept a sharp lookout for his own interest. At the same time he was ready to encourage others provided they showed any capacity for the acquisition of property. He strove hard to persuade his nephew, John Spear, who had now returned to the settlement and occupied the lot of his father Robert Spear, to join him in the erection of mills at the lower ripplings ; a measure which, had it been adopted, would have essentially varied the present features of the town of Warren. But he could not induce the cautious nephew to engage in so formidable an undertaking. Being always ready to trust, the less prudent * Jos. Ludwig. Capt. Sproiil. Mrs. J. Winclienbach, afterwards Shepherd. 118 ANNALS OF WARREN. portion of the settlers were generally in debt to him, and little was said about profits, and few reckonings made, whilst the traffic went on ; but when interrupted by death or otherwise, a large bill was usually presented. In this way and by pur- chasing the rights of those who had removed from the place, many of the farms passed into his possession. When coast- ing business was good, he drove it with tVie greatest vigor. Keeping a barrel of New England rum on tap, he usually found men enough for the sake of a frolic to load and tow his vessel down the river in one day, coming on board for another drink as often as they broke the tow line, which they were not slack in doing.* As there was then no other mode of conveyance, and many of the settlers had connexions at the westward, his vessel was sometimes crowded with passengers. His atten- tion and poli^teness made him popular, especially with the female portion of his customers ; but the want of accommoda- tions rendering sleep out of the question, the time on board was generally spent in mirth and jocularity. On one of these occasions, a smart, active, young Irishman complained of the hardness of the times and the gloomy prospect before him. McLean offered to obligate himself to maintain him, if he would bind himself to serve him faithfully during his life. The ladies seconded the proposal, and the young man assent- ed with so much apparent earnestness, that McLean, always ready to clench a good bargain, wrote the indentures and offered them for signature. The honest Hibernian not know- ing how to retreat, pretended to be too sleepy to do it then, but said he would think of it. Being asked next morning, if he had thought any thing more about the matter, he replied, he had thought so much of it that he could'nt sleep, and whilst lying awake thinking of one thing after another, he at last thought of the advice of his poor old father in Ireland, never to put his name to any thing in black and white. " Now I mean to stick by the bargain, but I can't disobey my lather ; just make the writings all hlack or all ivhite, and Fm ready to sign them." On another occasion the passengers got up a curiosity to know the Captain's age, and after some delibera- tion Mrs. Kelloch ventured to ask him. " Madam," said he, " I am just the age of David Kelloch." Not willing to acknowledge her ignorance of her husband's age, she dropped the subject for the time ; but a woman's curiosity is not easily * AV. Lermond. A. Kelloch. I. Speas* J. Montgomery. ANNALS OF WARREN. 119 allayed, and she resolved to gratify it in another direction. So taking an opportunity when her husband's spirits were a little excited, on which occasions he was always remarkably pleasant and polite, sli« made the inquiry, in her most winning manner, how old he was. " Madam," said he, " I am just the age of Captain McLean." Whether any nearer approx- imation was ever made to the true age of either, the tradition does not state. When coasting was suspended by the approach of winter, McLean usually made a voyage with lumber to the West Indies, and sometimes to Europe. On one occasion he freighted his vessel with ground hemlock bark, took it to England, and remained long enough to retail it out by the bushel. On his arrival, the queston was asked, to whom are you consigned ? " To nobody," was the answer. " Who are your owners?" ''I am my own owner — vessel and cargo." Several of the Boices were occasionally here, asd seem to have been concerned with him in the saw-mill, lime- burning, and other business. After amassing a handsome fortune, he and his father-in-law had some falling out, and, owning the land on one side of the paper-mill, he cut a new passage for the water across a point of land and erected a new mill of his own. This gave rise to a lawsuit, which produced a coldness between him and his wife's family. After this he used to say the Boices should never have a cent of his property ; and, he sometimes added, his son John having no children, it was of no use to give much to him, and the Spears would fall heir to the whole of it. Indeed he was on the point of making a trip hither, not long before his death, with a chest, as was said, heavily loaded with some- thing. But laming himself by a misstep on going aboard, he was compelled to return ; and his property went to enable his only son and heir, John McLean, with the addition his own industrious and frugal life made to it, to found a profes- sorship in Harvard University and the Asylum for the Insane at Charlestown, which bears his name.* Those who delight to trace the hand of Providence in human affairs may remark first, the disposition and capacity of the father for acquir- ing property ; secondly, the disagreement between him and * John McLean, Esq., of Boston, died in 1823, leaving $25,000 to Harvard College, $25,000 to the Massachusetts General Hospital, and more than $100,000 to the same Hospital for an Insane Asylum. Boston Weekly Messenger. 120 ANNALS OF WARREN. his futhcr-in-law, which indisposed him to divide it among his wife's relations; thirdly, the extinction of many branches of his father's family, and the accident which prevented his visiting those that remained ; fourthly, the habits and disposi- tion of the son which still continued the accumulation ; and fifthly the want of children to inherit the fortune which is now employed in meliorating the condition of an unfortunate class of people, whose wants, at least in this country, had, up to that time, been almost wholly unprovided for. Although the old settlers, as before related, had, on the cessation of Indian hostilities in 1760, returned to their farms ; yet, as the war with France continued, and the fear of savage aggression was not wholly removed, most of the Scottish set- tlers had remained under pay in the garrison. That garrison was in 1762 discontinued, and the cooking utensils and other public property sold off at auction, leaving the guns, ammuni- tion, and works, under the care of its late commander, Captain North. The Scottish emigrants were now at liberty to take up their farms, which, thus far, had never been assigned them. Their patron was dead ; the country was all before them ; they had become acquainted with its local advantages, and each was free to select for himself the most eligible situation. Dicke, and A. Anderson, took up their lots in the former settlement of Stirling. Anderson's is now owned and occupied by his grandson Gilbert Anderson ; and Dicke's by his son David Dicke, now in the 88th year of his ago, and grandson William Dicke. The other emigrant, by the name of Anderson, went to Falmouth in Waldo's service and little farther is known of him.* Brison settled in the lower town, now Gushing, but left no male children. Malcolm settled in the same town, but spent a few of his last years and ended his days with his son in Warren. He was a pious and worthy man, and being a seventh son was often resorted to for the cure of scrofula. His oldest son, born in Scotland, lived on the old farm, acted as magistrate and land surveyor to an advanced age, once represented his town in the legislature of Massachusetts, and delighted to do justice to Burns, Ramsey, and other authors who wrote in his own vernacular. The other son was a respectable shipmaster in Warren. Grawford and Kirkpatrick took possession of the two lots on the eastern side of the river above the head of the tide. Grawford's lot still remains in possession of his posterity, as does that of * After some inquiries at Portland and elsewhere, I h;iyc not been able to discover any trace of this man's posterity. ANNALS OF WARREN. 121 Kirkpatrick also, in part. As an additional encouragement to the Scottish emigrants, Col. Samuel Waldo gave them per- mission to cut grass on any of the meadows not already as- signed to the other settlers, until he should need them for his own use ; and, in 1764, when Mr. Crawford informed him at the fort that he had cleared a road to a meadow some miles to the north-east of his lot, and obtained his approbation for cutting the same, Waldo, at his invitation, drank a glass of punch to the fortune of "Crawford's Meadow," a name which not only the meadow, but the adjacent mountain, pond, and stream issuing from it, have ever since borne. Miller settled on a vacant lot on the western side of the river, which on his death went into the hands of McCallum, who married one of his daughters, and was afterwards transferred to Capt. Andrew Malcolm, who married another of the daughters, and whose family resided there until 1850. Some went to other places ; among whom were Grenlaw, Flodgins and Auchmuty, who all settled in Boston. Grenlaw engaged in merchandise, but afterwards settled on a new farm at Penob- scot, where he was living near the close of the last century. Hodgins followed his occupation of bookbinder ; and Auch- muty, by his trade of slaie making, or otherwise, acquired wealth, and, it is said, gave name to Auchmuty's lane, where he owned valuable property, which at the commencement of the revolutionary war he sacrificed to his loyalty and returned to his native land.* Thomas Johnston, who left Scotland at the age of 18 years, was one of those who went with Waldo to Falmouth, and worked four years in payment of his passage over. He enlisted, served at St. George's, and in 1759 at Pemaquid, where he remained and settled in the present town of Bremen. His hundred acres of land were assigned him at Stirling to the southward of Dicke's and Anderson's, to whose sons, James Anderson and Wm. Dicke, he subsequently transferred it, and in whose families it still remains. Johnston was one of the selectmen of Bristol for about forty years, was a commissary at St. George's about * D. Dicke. — It was always believed by the Scottish settlers here, as a well known fact, that one of his sons entered the British army, and was the identical Samuel Auchmuty who rose by his merits from one mihtary grade to another, till in 1811, as Lievitenant General, he acquired the highest distinction, by the capture of Java, inthe East Indies, for which service he was made a Knight of the Bath. See Gentlemen's Magazine, April No. 1810, and Feb. No. 1812 There is no improbability in this story, though I have been unable to verify it from any docvimentary evidence. 11 122 ANNALSOF WARREN. six months in the war of the revolution, and died in 1811, leaving a numerous posterity.* Bird settled at Maplejuice Cove, Gushing, where he was subsequently killed by the fall of a tree, leaving a large family, many of whom came to Warren. Kye was killed by the Indians at Mill River. Brown, whose sons as before related were killed by the Indians, went up the river for alewives, and was supposed to have been drowned by accident. A skeleton, thought to be his, was afterwards found in the river near Montgomery's shore, and buried there by his friend and countryman Kirk- patrick. The widowed mother, now bereft of all, returned to her native Scotland. Carswell's name frequently occurs in the muster rolls at St. Georges ; but what became of him afterwards, is not ascertained. These Scottish emigrants were, as far as is known, all pious and exemplary people. Mr. A. Anderson and wife were members of the church in Glasgow, and brought with them testimonials of their Christian character. Dicke was a member of the Presbyterian church first formed here in 1774 or '75, and also of the Congregational church which succeeded it in 1795. Kirkpatrick was a member of the former of these churches ; and Miller and Crawford were deacons of the same. Miller was a harmless and excellent man, but strongly tinctured with the superstition of his coun- try. On clear autumnal mornings he could sometimes plainly smell the fairies frying their meat on the frosty ground. In an account of groceries sold him by Moses Copeland, there is not a single charge for any kind of spirit- uous liquor — a rare occurrence. His wife, who survived him many years, was an amiable and godly woman ; plain in her attire, which was always scrupulously clean and neat ; regular in her attendance at church, whither she repaired barefoot after the fashion of her country, putting on her shoes as she arrived, and usually without a bonnet, which, when she wore one, she always took oft' during the services. In her younger years, during the revivals which took place under the preaching of the Rev. Mr. Murray at Boothbay and the neighboring towns, Mrs. Miller, with others of her coun- trywomen, whenever that clergyman preached at Damaris- cotta, used to repair thither on foot through the almost pathless woods in order to enjoy the stirring discourses of that powerful preacher. Crawford, through life, continued * Prof. John Johnston, Middleton, Conn. D. Dicke. ANNALS OF WARREN. 123 his humble and gratuitous services, attended funerals, visited the sick, and imparted Christian consolation to all who sought it. His meekness and goodness of heart rendered him universally beloved and always a welcome guest.* 1763. On the 10th of Feb. 1763, a definitive treaty of peace was signed at Paris between England and France, by which the latter ceded to the former, Canada and all her northern colonies in America. On the 20th of March of this year, Capt. Benjamin Bur- ton, who ten years before erected the stone blockhouse and commanded the garrison there, died in his float on the river. He had been up at the fort, but having some dispute with Capt. North, refused to stay there, and set off for home in a very cold night. The recently formed ice prevented his landing ; he was seen next morning opposite McCarter's ; and people went to his assistance but found him frozen to death.t Up to this time the settlements in this region, with the exception of Medumcook, were made up almost exclusively of recent European emigrants. But the inviting prospects held out by the return of peace, now began to attract people from other parts of New England. Even before the close of the war, John Spear returned from Woburn and now was settled on the lot which his father had occupied, and which is still in the possession of his descendants. Thomas Starrett, also, about this time returned with his wife from Dedham, and settled on his father's farm on the western side of the river. These men had become acquainted with agriculture as practised in Massachusetts, and soon became the most skilful and thriving farmers in the place. Starrett afterwards sold ; and about 1772 purchased the McCraken farm on the eastern side, where his son and grandson still reside. These were soon followed by a number of the natives of Massachusetts and the adjoining colonies. Mason Wheaton came from Providence or its vicinity, in 1763, and for many years, carried on an extensive business near the present toll-bridge in Thomaston. He was a popular man, successively held the offices of Captain, Major, and Colonel during the war of the revolution, and was the first representative of Thom- * Church, certificate in possession of G. Anderson. Rev. J. Ilnse. T. Kirkpatrick, &c. t A. Lermond. Col. B. Burton. R. B. Copeland, Esq. 124 ANNALS OF WARREN. aston, in 1781. He became interested in the mills at Mill River, where he died leaving an only son and daughter. The same year, Moses and Joseph Copeland, two young men, brothers, came to this place from Milton, Mass. being introduced by Capt. McLean, who furnished them with some West India goods for retailing. Joseph lived and sold goods awhile on the James lot, near the site of the old gun house in the lower part of Warren, and afterwards purchased the back part of the upper McLean lot, built a house and lived near the residence of the late Capt. Burton. Moses, when 17 5^ears of age, had entered the army, under Capt. Boice, the partner of McLean, was at Ticonderoga in 1758, and at the taking of Quebec in 1759. Having the preceding year spent a few months in retailing goods at St George's fort, he now established himself on the western side of the river, near the present line of Cushing, on the lot origin- ally drawn and relinquished by Mr. Boggs. In this and the following year he built a saw-mill near the tide waters on the creek, and a grist-mill a short distance above, which, considering the quantity of water, had a good run of custom for twenty years. Active, shrewd, and calculating, he became a man of business, wealth, and distinction, and had great influence in the affairs of the plantation and town for nearly half a century. In September, 1763, he received the appointment of deputy sheriff, the first officer of the kind on the river, and continued in the office for about eleven years. McLean and Alex. Kelloch were his bondsmen. In 1774, he was appointed Crier of the Court, an office which he held for three years. In these offices he obtained con- siderable knowledge of law, and, in the general ignorance which prevailed upon that subject, was frequently consulted in cases of difficulty. When unable to decide a difficult point, it was easier for him than his client to procure profes- sional aid from abroad, and he became the principal lawyer of the place. His education was limited, but he possessed a good knowledge of human nature and sometimes succeeded in a way which one of more liberal attainments would hardly have thought of. For instance, on one occasion, a client having sold a yoke of oxen and taken a note payable on or before the first of October, and finding a few days after that the man was worth nothing, consulted Copeland to know if there was any way to annul the bargain, and get back the ANNALS OF WARREN. 125 oxen. He thought it doubtful, but said he would see what he could do. He called on the debtor accordingly, and told hinn Mr. N. had left a note against him for collection, and if he did n't want it sued, he had better make out the money. Upon his replying that he did n't agree to pay till the 1st of October ; " I do n't know," said Copeland, " anything about the agreement, but here 's the note, and it speaks for itself. That says "I promise to pay on or before the 1st of Octo- ber," and he wants it before that time." But the debtor professing his inability to pay, he consented to arrange the matter by taking back the oxen and giving up the note. As he and his son Rufus B. Copeland, Esq., who still lives on the farm, will frequently be mentioned again, it is sufficient to remark here that from these two brothers, Moses and Joseph, are descended the Copelands of Warren and Thom- aston.* Seth Vose, from the same town, married a sister of the Copelands, settled in what is now Cushing, and brought up a numerous family of children, several of whom settled in Warren. His brother, Thomas Vose, came at a later period, and went into business with Knox at Thomaston. Spencer Vose, nephew of the preceding, established the tan-works afterwards owned and extensively carried on, by Josiah Keath. Samuel Counce, also from Milton, settled on part of M. Copeland's lot. He first arrived in the river April 17, 1763, built a log house in the autumn of that year, and, sending for his wife and goods, entered on his new habitation Nov. 29th. This stood where that of Andrew Copeland has since been built. He was an industrious man, skilful in the use of the broad axe, and, though no regular mechanic, was much employed in the construction of mills and other buildings. Not far from the same time, Ebenezer Sumner, also from Milton, who for a second wife married the widowed mother of the Copelands, moved on to the farm above that of Cope- land and Counce. Being a tanner by trade, he did some- thing at that business, and carried on the farm several years. He afterwards relinquished it to his son Hopestill, and re- turned to Milton. His descendants still occupy the farm. Several other people from Milton, as Samuel and John Keyes, Ebenezer and Henry Crane, Wm. Bryant and others, * J. Copeland, 1st. MS. of M. Copeland, Esq. 11* 126 ANNALS OF WARREN. were here for a time with a design of settling, but changed their minds and returned. Robert Montgomery, who had been in the pubhc service at the taking of Quebec by Gen. Wolfe, came from Middle- borough, Mass. married one of the daughters of Boice Cooper, and settled on the Lushe farm, which his father, a man of wealth, had previously purchased for him, and which is still occupied in part by his posterity. Hitherto the place had been destitute of a regular physi- cian. In early times Mrs. Young, afterwards Mrs. Kelloch, and at a later period Mrs. Peabody and Mrs. James acted as midwives for the upper town, turning out in all kinds of weather, and occasionally swimming their horses across the river. Moses Robinson, on the western side of the river, made some pretensions to skill in medicine, as before men- tioned. Dr. Daniel Locke came this year from Acton, Mass. with a family of two children, and, manning the widow of Hugh Scot, established himself on the farm long owned by T. Starrett, Jr., and more recently by Dea. Singer. He was skilful in the treatment of sores, letting blood, extracting teeth, and in relieving such complaints as readily yielded to roots and herbs. It is said also that he laid claim to some knowledge in astrology ; but whether his proficiency in this science was equal to his skill in surgery, we are unable to say. He lived on this farm till his death in 1774. But the first regularly educated physician was David Fales, who in the present year came from Dedham to the fort, where he taught school, and, when necessary, practised in his profession. He was also employed by Fluker as his agent and land surveyor. He wrote a remarkably fair hand, was correct in all his business, but slow in its performance, and tardy in coming to the relief of a patient. In 1767, he re- ceived a justice's commission, the duties of which he dis- charged with more than ordinary legal discrimination to a very advanced age. 1764- About the same time other settlers came hither from Bi'idgewater. Among these were Micah and Benjamin Packard, who were, at least one of them, carpenters by trade, and were employed by Copeland in erecting his mills. They settled on the upper lots in the present town of Gushing. Another of these was Reuben Hall, a smart, active, young man, about 22 years of age, who had been a soldier in the late war under Gen. Amherst, had gained considerable infor- mation during the service, and having been initiated into the ANNALS OF WARREN. 127 mysteries of Freemasonry valued himself somewhat on what for its novehy was then considered a distinction. Marrying the daughter of Mr. Patterson, he took his farm, and till her death lived very happily in the house with her parents. He was a mason by trade, did something at the tanning business, and sometimes, in connexion with his brother-in-law, David Patterson, 2d, followed coasting to Boston. His name will occur again. He came in 1764.* The same year, John Watts removed hither from the same town, where he had been employed in the iron works. Hav- ing the preceding year come to the river on a visit to his mother, then married to Samuel Gilchrist and living on McLean's place, he contracted to carry on the farm of Capt. McCordy, who was about removing hence to Fort Pownal, where he was employed in the government service and never returned. Watts managed his farm on shares for seven years, then removed across the river to his own lot in the rear of McLean's, where he subsequently built the house now occupied by Robert Montgomery. t * Rec. Co. of Sessions. Thorn. Reg. II. Hall, 1st., &c. t Mrs Watts' s brother, Hector McNeal, though never a resident here, was so intimately connected with and deservedly esteemed by many, as to require a passing notice. Being an experienced navigator, he Avas, towards the close of the war, in command of a sloop employ- ed in carrying supplies from Boston, the place of his residence, to Quebec. In one of these voyages, encountering thick weather and head winds, he put into a place called Havre-le-Temps, N. S. and, the watch having fallen asleep, was beset by French and Indians in 20 canoes who captured the vessel and crew before they were well awake. After a time, being sent to France, and whilst in prison there, having, for want of other amusement, constructed a map of the coast from Boston to Quebec with the courses and distances, he presented it, when released at the close of the war, to the French admiral ; who was so Avell pleased with the work, that he made him a present of a small brig in return. In this vessel, employed mostly abroad, he con- tinued till 1775, when taking freight for Quebec he found on his arrival the city besieged by the American troops under Arnold and Montgomery. He was offered his choice either to take the oath of allegiance and remain a British su.bject, or give up his vessel as a prize and return to the States. Concluding to stand by his country and trust to Providence, he removed his family, (who had rejoined him from Boston,) to the American camp, and identified his own with the fortune of the revolution. In 1785, he and others petitioned the General Coiu't for aid in publishing a set of maps of this country. After his death, it is said that a sum of money, which he had loaned for the use of the army at Quebec, was through the influence of Gen. Knox refunded to his widow by order of Congress. — H. M. Watts. Journal of the House, Mass. 128 ANNALS OF WARREN. It was probably about the same time, also, that Baruch and Nathan Buckland came to the place from Rehoboth. Baruch, a blacksmith, worked here a while and settled in Camden ; whilst Nathan, a cooper, married a daughter of Mr. Gamble and succeeded to her father's farm. By a census this year taken for the purpose of ascertaining the ability of the colonies to bear taxation, the county of Lincoln contained 4,347 inhabitants ; viz. Pownalboro', 889 ; Georgetown, 1,329 ; Bowdoinham, 220 ; Woolwich, 415 ; Newcastle, 454 ; Topsham, 340 ; Gardinertown, 200 ; Towns- hend, Pemaquid or Harrington, and Walpole, by estimation, 800 ; Broad Bay, St. George's and Medumcook, by estima- tion, 200. Up to this time cattle remained scarce at Broad Bay. Few potatoes were cultivated there, the Germans, like the Scotch, having been unacquainted with them in their own country. Rye was the only breadstuff raised by them. But this year, 1764, Daniel Filhorn commenced the cultivation of maize, or Indian corn, which from its more abundant in- crease, soon grew into favor and has been extensively culti- vated ever since.. This grain was also about the same time introduced at St. George's, probably by the recent emigrants who had been accustomed to it in the west. Barley had been cultivated in the latter settlement, and, being hulled by hand in a mortar, was extensively used in the preparation called barley broth. The cabbage was cultivated, and saur krout manufactured at Broad Bay, it is believed, from the com- mencement of the settlement ; but this preparation was not introduced at St. George's till about 1777. Flax had been cultivated in both these settlements, and, prior to the intro- duction of sheep, had constituted the principal article of domestic clothing. After the introduction of sheep, linsey woolsey, or a mixture of flax and wool, was used. The get- ting out of wood and lumber continued to be the principal employment of the settlers. In severe winters, when the river was closed with ice, several would often go over to the seashore and get out a sloop load of wood in some acces- sible but uninhabited place, whence it might be sent off and the returns received without waiting for spring. When their land was stripped of its wood, it was burnt over or broken up with a hoe and sowed to grain ; or suffered to lie, and grow up to brushwood. Those of the inhabitants that were fore- ANNALS OF WARREN. 129 handed, traded for their West India goods in Boston, and generally went up with a sloop load of cord-wood once a year themselves. Many of them had lived in that vicinity during the Indian wars ; had relatives and acquaintances there ; and as there was no passing through the country by land, and the settlements were scattered and detached, Boston formed a central point of connection and seemed more like home than any other place. Those less able, were supplied by the traders who coasted or did business here. Moses Copeland sometimes kept goods for sale, had several men in his employ, and seems to have been ready for almost any kind of business. His account with McLean exhibits charges for work on the saw-mill, rafting lumber, whitewashing at the fort, fencing the Alexander lots, framing Mrs. Giffen's house, setting out apple trees and doing other jobs- on the farm, be- sides serving writs against divers persons. As a specimen of prices and currency at this time we give the following : — 6^ lbs. butter, £l, 17s. ; 1 pair shoes, £S ; 1 day's work setting out apple trees, c^l ; 1 quire of paper, 10s. ; 3 bushels corn at 25s., £3, 15s. ; 1 pair of leather breeches, =£2, 5s. ; lOOOft. of boards, ^1 ; half day of Counce writing Mrs. Alexander's will, 10s. Among the articles sold, besides provisions and groceries, were broadcloth, serge, ticklenberg, osnaberg, leather, shoes and ready-made clothing. The leather was furnished by Sumner and Libbey, the shoes made by Jonathan Nutting, and the clothing by Patrick Pebbles. The last of these, after the death of his father, had worked at the tailor's trade in Boston, married the daughter of his employer, Mr. Ray or Rea, and was now settled on the lot taken up by his father.* The settlers on the western side of Broad Bay, who had thus far peacefully possessed their lands under Waldo, were this year perplexed by a claim made by Mr. Thomas Drowne, in behalf of the Pemaquid Company, of the lands on that side of the bay as far up as Charles Kaler's lot, as being without the Waldo patent and within that of Pemaquid. Most of them agreed to purchase their lands anew at the rate of 2s. 8d. per acre ; and at least fifty deeds were executed to per- sons who had settled under Waldo. They were, however, allowed to retain the lots assigned them by Waldo for public uses ; and deeds were given them of 100 acres for a meeting- house, 110 for the ministry, and one lot of 25 acres, and * Jos. Ludwig. T. Kirkpatrick. A. Kelloch, 1st. M.Copeland's ledger. M. Robinson. 130 ANNALS OF WARREN. another of 41, for the support of schools. Of the lots prom- ised for similar purposes on the other side of the river, no deeds were given by Waldo, and we believe they were never realized.* This year is distinguished for the first militia regimental muster ever held at St. George's. It took place on Limestone hill, near the State Prison in the present town of Thomaston. Col. Cargill of Newcastle commanded ; and it may be inter- esting to those who remember the gorgeous uniforms and glit- tering ornaments worn by such dignitaries in later times, to be informed that the commander appeared on this occasion in a drab pea jacket and comarney cap.f 1765. The year 1765 commenced with the passage of the celebrated Stamp Act, the beginning of those attempts to raise money without the consent of the people, which gradu- ally alienated the colonies from their mother country and brought on their final separation. In this year, if we may trust the memory of persons who were then young, died Capt. John North, then in command of St. George's fort, which was not yet entirely dismantled. This gentleman seems to have given general satisfaction both as a civil and military officer. After his death, but how soon after is not known, his son Joseph North and his son-in-law, Lieut. McKechnie, a Scotchman by birth, who was a land surveyor and also sometimes practised medicine, removed to Fort Hali- fax, and afterwards became men of property and influence at or near Augusta. | About the same time, probably, James and Samuel Howard also removed, having been appointed to some military or other office, in the same neighborhood. Up to the close of the war, there had not been a framed house or barn in the whole settlement of St. George's, except the meeting-house and possibly one barn at the fort. But in 1763 a framed house was erected by Capt. McLean for his sister, Mrs. Giffin, who with her son Robert then resided on lot No. 2, above Oyster River. It was a small house framed by John Keyes, then in the employ of Copeland, who charges McLean ^8 for 8 day's work framing it. In 1764 another framed house was built by Moses Copeland near his mills. In 1765, a third framed house was built by William Boggs, and others soon after by John Mclntyre, John Spear, Hugh McLean and David Kelloch. In that of Mr. Boggs, dwelt * Papers of Jacob Lud-vvig, Esq. in possession of Col. J. Ludwig, t Joseph Copeland, 1st. X Samuel Bog^s, 3d. D. Dicke. ANNALS OF WARREN. 131 the builder till his death in 1792, his father living with him till his death, which occurred in 1783. His son Joseph and grandson J. W. Boggs, still occupy this house, near the wil- low trees, which were planted by the former in 1807. It has been shingled three times ; its oak sills are still sound ; and it forms a commodious and comfortable habitation. That of Capt. Mclntyre, stood on the farm occupied by the late Calvin Crane, near the old apple trees between the present road and river. In this house, which consisted of one story and was painted red, the builder kept tavern for many years, at the same time keeping a ferry at his shore. License for the latter was granted in 1763, and the fees allowed were two coppers for each person, and two for a horse.* 1767. In 1767, Alexander Lermond purchased the mill lot at Oyster River, repaired, or rebuilt, the old dam, and built a grist-mill ; which, being moved by the tide waters, was extensively resorted to, especially in dry seasons. Two years after, he built a house and moved on to this lot, relinquishing his own and the adjoining one, purchased of William Ler- mond's heirs, to his sons John and Alexander. This mill and dam were afterwards removed lower down the stream, near the present bridge, and a saw-mill added. These mills con- tinued to run for more than twenty years, and, during the old age and after the death of Mr. Lermond, were shared by his sons Alexander and William, and son-in-law J. Wyllie. At a still later period William Lermond rebuilt the saw-mill with a new dam below the bridge. The project of raising a revenue in America was this year revived by an act of Parliament imposing a duty on paper, paints, glass and teas. This act contributed much to open the eyes of the colonists and enable them more perfectly to understand the policy of the mother country. Parliament had, many years before, prohibited the establishment of manu- factures here, in order to extend the market for those of England ; and now, by laying a duty upon those manu- factures, seemed determined to make the colonies pay tribute for what they had been compelled to purchase of her. Yet notwithstanding this cause of disquietude, the peace- able state of the Indians, no longer exposed to French influ- ence, invited emigrants to the eastward and gave rise to several new settlements. Elisha Snow came from New Meadows, and, building a saw-mill on the Wesserweskeag * Copeland's Leger. S. Boggs, 3d. Jos. Boggs. Rec. C. of Sessions. 132 ANNALS OF WARREN. stream, laid the foundation of the present South Thomaston. He was followed in 1773 by Joseph Coombs, then 21 years old, with no other property than his axe, and soon after by several other young men from the same place. Coombs also built a saw-mill, and, in connexion with Snow, a grist- mill. The latter subsequently opened a tavern, which with the mills, formed the nucleus around which a village grad- ually grew up. Wesserweskeag, corrupted by the English into Westkeag, keag, or gig, signified, it is said, in the In- dian tongue, land of sights, [prospects, visions, or ghosts,] wizard point.^ In 1767, also, John Lermond of the upper St. George's, with the occasional aid of his two brothers, went over to what is now the village of Rockland, built a camp, and got out a cargo of oak staves and pine lumber there. Not in- tending to settle, he put up no buildings, but the harbor was long afterwards known as Lermond's Cove. Its Indian name was Catawamteak, signifying '■'' great landing place^'^'' as parties coming down the bay in canoes usually landed there either to avoid the tedious passage round Owl's Head in their course along the shore, or to proceed to St. George's for the purpose of trading, fishing, or passing down on their way westward. The place was permanently setded about 1769 by Isaiah Tolman, Jonathan Spear, Crockett, David Watson, James Fales, Ichabod and Comfort Barrows, John Lindsey, Constant Rankin, Jonathan Smith, and John Godding, who erected log huts, and began to clear up their farms for agriculture. Lindsey 's was the only house in what is now the principal village. It stood on the site of the stores built by C. Holmes and J. SpofFord in Lime-rock street near Kimball's corner. For the want of mill privileges connected with tide waters to attract business, the growth of the place was slow. John Ulmer removed thither from Waldoboro' in 1795 and commenced the business of lime- burning, at which time Lindsey's was still the only house at Lermond's Cove. After the incorporation of Thomaston, it began to be distinguished by the name of the " shore," or " shore village," in contradistinction to the settlement on the river. On the establishment of a Post-ofhce about 1820, it took the name of East Thomaston, and was incorporated by that name on the division of the town in 1848. This name in 1850 was changed to that of Rockland. The trade and navigation of this place prior to 1812 was inconsiderable, * H. Prince, Esq. Mrs. S. Fuller, &c. ANNALS OF WARREN. l33 many of its inhabitants purchasing their English goods at Warren. Since that period, its business, wealth, and popula- tion have rapidly increased, the last of which now amounts to 5221. Its lime quarries are an inexhaustible source of wealth. It contains four churches, the ' Lime Rock Bank,' incorporated April 1, 1836, a Deputy Collector's Office, es- tablished in 1848, the office of the ' Lime Rock Gazette,' commenced in Jan. 1846 ; and by its recent efforts for the suppression of intemperance, the improvement of its public schools, the establishment of libraries and other social institu- tions, is doing much to improve the taste and elevate the character of its population.* West of the last mentioned place and at George's, below Mill River, a few settlers were established, but we know not exactly how early. Among the earliest was Oliver Robbins at Mill River, whose daughter Milea, afterwards the wife of P. Butler, is said to have been the first child born east of that river.t In 1767, also, some preliminary steps were taken toward the settlement of the present town of Camden. In virtue of an agreement previously made in the life-time of Gen. Waldo, between him and the other proprietors of the patent incorporated as " the 20 associates," a tract of land 5^ miles wide, extending from the salt-water N, 33| deg. W. 29 miles into the country, containing 100,000 acres, together with sundry islands on the coast, was selected by the said associ- ates, and, on the 7lh April, 1768, released and confirmed to them by the heirs of the said Waldo as their share of the patent. This tract, situated between the present towns of Rockland, Warren, and Union on the one side, and Lincoln- ville, Searsmont and Montville on the other, was divided into townships, and one of them, adjacent to the ocean, surveyed into lots for settlement. The survey was made by David Fales, Esq, in 1768 ; at which time not a tree had been fel- led, or building erected in the whole township. Within three or four years after, settlements were begun at Megunticook by James Richards, at Goose River by Peter Oat, and at Clam Cove, perhaps, by William Gregory. Richards was soon followed by Eaton, Ogier, Minot and others. Mills were erected, and an embryo village formed, which however con- tained no framed houses prior to that of Mr. Richards in 1788. Oat was a German, who had previously resided long * M. Robmson. David Crocket, Esq. f Rev. J. L. Sibley. 12 134 ANNALS OF WARREN. enough in Boston to give his children an English education, and Gregory came from the neighborhood of Dedham. In 1790 the plantation was allowed to expend the sums assigned to it in the State taxes Nos. 5 and 6, amounting to c£119 7s. 2d., " in support of a teacher of piety, a school or schools, and making and repairing roads." It early received the name of Camhden, probably from the proprietors, as we frequently find it mentioned by that name before its incorpor- ation, Feb. 17, 1791. Its Indian name, Megunticook, ap- plied also to its noble mountain, signified "^reaZ swells of the sea.'''' A turnpike was granted in 1802, and soon after made by Simon Barrett, over a part of Megunticook moun- tain, which, suspended as it is between heights above and precipice and pond below, adds another feature to the bold and beautiful scenery of the place.* This year a Moravian minister, by the name of Cilly, came from Germany to Broad Bay, and, preaching a more spiritual and less worldly minded religion, converted many of the set- tlers to the Moravian faith, who in 1770 removed to North Carolina and joined a similar society there. Three years after they were followed by others, who left in consequence of the conflicting claims made to their lands ; so that the set- tlement lost not less than 300 families, including many of its most skilful husbandmen and estimable citizens.t 1769. The newly imposed duties met with great opposi- tion on the part of the colonies, which was carried so far by the Legislature of Massachusetts, that Gov. Bernard, August 1, 1769, embarked for England in disgust, leaving few friends of any party, and devolving the executive government upon Lieut. Gov. Hutchinson. In the midst of these political agitations, the minds of the superstitious were still further perplexed by an unusual ap- pearance in the heavens. It is thus described by Moses Copeland, Esq. " In August, 1769, there was a blazing star seen, and the blaze was thought to be about thirty yards and lasted about a month." It was first observed by Wm. Dicke under circumstances which made a strong impression upon his mind. He was but 16 or 17 years of age, wholly uneducated, and if he had * Contract recorded in Reg. Office, Wis. 2 Will. His. p. 551. H. Prince, Esq. t So say Holmes' Am. Annals, p. 30G, and 2 Will. His. p. 399 ; but it is hardly credible that so many could have been spared at so early a period without depopulating the place. ANNALS OF WARREN. l35 ever heard of such a thing as a comet, it was only as the her- ald of calamity, that " from his horrent hair shakes pestilence and war." He was on a hunting excursion, passing alone in his float up Seven-tree Pond, surrounded as it was by the un- broken, uninhabited forest, which then covered the present town of Union. Stopping to spend the night upon the island which that pond embosoms, and rain coming on, he drew his float on shore, inverted it as a shelter from the storm, and slept beneath its covert till the rain was over. When he awoke the clouds had dispersed ; the stars glistened in the sky ; and the terrible phenomenon with its long fan-like train met his astonished gaze. The troubles of the Revolution coming on, confirmed him in the belief of its ominous charac- ter ; and when the comet of 1811 was observed, he confi- dently predicted the war which ensued.* The acts of trade, passed many years before, and now rig- idly enforced, by interdicting the lumber trade to the French W. Indies, gave new embarrassment lo commerce and checked the operations of shipbuilding and the fisheries. Seamen found diflTiculty in obtaining employment, and the eastern peo- ple their usual supplies. Associations were formed against the importation of British goods, and all who refused to unite in them were deemed enemies to the public welfare. 1770. In the following year, 1770, the duties were all repealed except a tax on tea, which was retained in token of the right of Parliament to tax the colonies whenever it was deemed expedient. This led to associations, which became pretty general, for disusing tea altogether. * Copeland's MS. John Dicke, 3d. 136 ANNALS OF WARREN CHAPTER VIII. moM 1770 TO 1775 ; doings at st. George's niEvious to and at THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE KEVOLUTION. The history of Insects presents, if possible, more capri- cious and unaccountable movements than tliat of mankind. In some seasons, the larvK of species before unnoted, make their appearance in such surprising numbers as to frustrate the labors of man, and lay waste entire crops. But the same mutability of our climate, which allows these strangers to come, causes them after a time — often a very short time, wholly to disappear. In 1770, according to the journal of Moses Copeland, Esq., " about the 17th of July, there was a black worm came, a'most like a canker-worm ; and they came in great swarms and eat the grass and grain all before them ; but they staid but about ten or fourteen days and were removed, or it was thought that in a month's time there would not be any green thing left." A similar insect made its ap- pearance some time after the revolutionary war ; but the precise year is not known. They were particularly destruc- tive to flax, moving in a direct line like the ranks of an army, and devouring all clean as they went. From this circum- stance, they were called the army worm. Some defended their fields by plowing a furrow, or digging a trench on the side of their approach ; the steep side and crumbling earth of which they were unable to surmount. Others collected a portion of them on birch bark, and dragging them along the ground to the river, committed them to its current, supposing from their martial habits that the others would not fail to follow their leaders. Whether this mode succeeded as well as the other, or what name and rank the insect holds in ento- mology, the author is unable to state.* In consequence of the removal of the Moravian emigrants from Broad Bay, many persons from the south shore of Mas- sachusetts came to that place about this time, and purchased their vacated farms. Among these were Charles Sampson, * According to Mr. D. Dicke, they resembled, not the canker-worm proper, bvit the cfitcrpillar whose webs disfigure the apple trees in spring. So undeviating -was their line of march that, rather than pass round a loghouse which INIr. Anderson was then builchng, they as- cended the walls and passed over, without in the least changing their direction. ANNALS OF WARREN. 137 who for many years coasted from the place and afterwards kept tavern ; and Waterman Thomas, who opened a store of West India goods, had an extensive trade to Boston, England and the West Indies, and by his popularity exercised great influence over the settlement. Previous to this time, Wm. Farnsvvorth was the only settler of English extraction in that place, except the few already mentioned at Broad Cove and below. Mr. Schenk, a German emigrant of a later period, who commenced tanning about five years before this period, was now gradually extending his business. Per- severing in this line, he acquired wealth and influence, and as captain of the militia during the revolution, was distinguished for his energy and decision. Shipbuilding was commenced there by John Ulmer, who this year built a brig of 150 tons, called the " Yankee Hero."* The same business was also begun this year at St. George's. The first vessel there, after the abortive attempt of McLean, was built on Packard's rock, below Copeland's creek, in the borders of the present town of Gushing, by Messrs. Packard, Malcolm, and Patterson. It was designed for a coaster, prob- ably a sloop, named the Industry, and commanded by David Patterson, 2d, who had previously coasted some time in com- pany with Reuben Hall. He was a promising young man, had recently built a fine house, for the times, and had at this time a young wife and one infant child. The vessel was launched late in the fall, and, on her first trip in November, was lost in a snow storm, as was supposed, near Cape Ann. Every soul on board perished ; and only one trunk, and some fragments of the vessel were ever seen. Those on board were David Patterson, Captain ; Major Fales and son from Massachusetts ; George Briggs, who had traded near the fort, John Porterfield, Robert Gamble, John Mastick, David Mal- colm of Massachusetts, Alexander Baird, Samuel Watson, Mrs. Benjamin Packard with her child, and Abigail Patterson, a relative of the Captain. Their fate made many mourners, and caused a great sensation in the settlement ; more especially as the Captain's brother, then of Massachusetts, had the year preceding been cast away at Musquito Harbor with seventeen persons on board, all of whom perished. t In October of this or the preceding year, there is some uncertainty which, another melancholy occurrence happened * Jos. Ludwig, Esq. t T. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. O'Brien. D. Dicke. D. Patterson. 12* 138 ANNALS OF WARREN. in the upper town, which overwhebned two of the Scottish famiHes in grief, and spread a sadness over the whole settle- ment. Two young men in the StirUng neighborhood, James Dicke and John Anderson, went into the woods in the after- noon to examine their sable traps, of which they had a range near the present line of Waldoboro'. The forenoon had been warm ; which they spent in digging potatoes, and left home in their summer clothes without any apprehensions of a change of weather. But a cloud arose in the north-west ; the air was suddenly darkened ; a sheet of snow descended ; and a furious wind rolled through the forest, snapping the aged trunks and endangering all beneath. Alarmed, they resolved to return ; but the thick snow obscured the view, changed the appearance of things, and bewildered their minds as to direction and distance. Chilled by the change of temperature, they hastened their steps, till they came upon a well known path leading to Judas' meadow. Pleased with the discovery, they now probably felt sure of reaching home, and pressed on with the utmost alacrity. But, as is usual in such cases, their course had been changed unobserv- ed, their ideas of position reversed, and every step was carry- ing them farther and farther from home. They discovered their error on arriving at Judas' meadow, but the darkness of night was added to that of the storm, and they deemed it impossible to find their way back. There was a camp in the meadow, and some hay in stacks. Here, as was judged from appearances, they determined to spend the night, and secured themselves as well as they could against the cold. What shouts for aid, what desponding cries they uttered, no ear was there to hear. The storm continued and the wind blew violently through the night. In the morning they took the road for home, and having arrived near the present dwelling place of Peter Mink, one of them yielded to the piercing cold and the preceding night's exhaustion and fell prostrate in the snow. The other pressed on for a j-hort distance, and fell likewise. There, after a long and anxious search, they were found by their friends and neighbors, who, with saddened hearts, traced the history of their melancholy fate from their tracks and other indications that appeared. In the same storm, two women, Mrs. Rhines and Mrs. Bennet, lost their way in the woods and perished in a similar manner at what is now Rockland.* On the 13th November, 1770, Capt. Thomas Kilpatrick, * D. Dicke. T. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. O'Brien. ANNALS OF WARREN. 139 who had commanded the militia of the upper plantation during the late war, and probably retained his commission up to this time, died at the age of 77 years. Having lived un- married, his estate passed into the hands of his sister Eliza- ' beth and her son, John Shibles. To supply the vacancy in the militia, the people assembled and nominated Patrick Porterfield as a suitable candidate. But through the influence of Captain Goldthvvait, who commanded Fort Pownal on the Penobscot, and in his journeys to the seat of government had become acquainted with John Mclntyre, who kept a tavern and ferry as before mentioned, the appointment was given to the latter, and he continued to exercise the office of Captain down to the commencement of the revolution. William James was Lieutenant, and perhaps Reuben Hall Ensign, under him. The regiment, at this time extending to the Ken- nebec and including the settlements there, was commanded by Col. Lithgow of Hallowell ; and Moses Copeland acted as adjutant. The militia at this time seems to have fallen in many places into a state of neglect. Commissions were little esteemed, many of the regiments were without officers, mus- ters were neglected, young men were not enrolled at the proper age, and the royal Governors seemed rather to encour- age than correct this negligence.* The disposition to disuse British goods continued to increase throughout the country. Domestic economy, art, and manu- factures, were encouraged ; gentlemen began to appear in garments produced on this side of the ocean, and people soon found they could live very comfortably without resort to England. Cups, saucers, plates, bowls, and other dishes were made of wood ; and the turning and vending of these articles became an employment of some importance. This neighborhood was supplied with them by a man from Duck- trap by the name of Dunbar, whose singularities were the cause of some merriment. Subsisting wholly, in his excur- sions, upon the hospitality of the people, he had learned to accommodate himself to its uncertainty, and by loosening or tightening his girdle as occasion required, contrived to appro- priate a good share of the abundance offered him and to feel little inconvenience from occasional want. His reply, when enquired of if he would have more food, was uniformly " I guess ril do," the ambiguity of which, left it at the option of the host to furnish more or not ; in either alternative he * A. Kelloch, 1st. Capt. Sproul. 11. Hall, 1st. 2 Will. His. p. 387. 140 ANNALS OF WARREN. always acquiesced, having never but once been known to refuse what was offered. At the house of Mr. Porterfield, it was determined to put his powers to the full proof. After ' repeatedly answering, " I guess I'll do," and having swallow- ed fifteen cups of coffee, and a whole quarter of lamb, he at last exclaimed, " Enough 's enough ; and enough is as good as a feast," and jumped up from the table.* There being as yet no clothing mills in this part of the country, the inhabitants mostly depended upon such garments as their own ingenuity could supply. The men in summer ordinarily wore what were called petticoat trousers made of tow cloth, and in winter, small clothes of deer or sheepskin. In these garments they appeared at meeting whenever they were able to have one. Some of the Germans wore their linsey woolsey trousers through the winter ; and most of them, at other seasons, wore them to church without stockings or shoes. At St. George's some of the more forehanded had a dress suit, which, with the stability which then prevailed in the fashions and the few occasions on which it was need- ed, answered their purpose for a great number of years. The dress of a gentleman was formal and stately, com- pared with that of the present day. On the head was placed a fine, napless, beaver hat, with a brim two feet broad turned up on three sides, so as to hide the low crown in the middle which exactly fitted the head ; one side of extra width was placed square across behind, while the angle formed by the other two, directly over the nose, gave the countenance an imposing appearance and formed a convenient handle by which on meeting with persons of dignity, it was raised with all the gravity of ceremony. This first defence of the mind's citadel, when not in use, was preserved in a large, triangular, oaken box, under lock and key. Under the hat, the head was still farther defended by a wig, which varied at different times and with different persons from the full bottomed curls on the shoulders, to the club or tie wig, which had about a natural share of hair tied behind, w^th two or three very formal curls over each ear. The coat was made with a stiff, upright collar, reach- ing from ear to ear, descended perpendicularly in front, with a broad back, and skirts thickly padded over the thighs, and ornamented with gold or silver lace. The waistcoat was single breasted, without a collar, and the skirts rounded off, * N. Libbev. ANNALS OF WARREN. 141 descending over the hips. Small clothes were buttoned and buckled at the knee. Stockings covered the rest of the leg ; and the foot was defended with a shoe, secured at first with a moderate sized silver, or other metallic, buckle, which con- "' tinued to increase in size and vary in shape till it covered a great part of the foot. For a riding dress, were worn small clothes of deerskin, and boots with tops sloping upwards so that the fore part came higher than the knee, and fastened by a girdle which buckled above the knee. Jack-boots were afterwards used, with tops turned down of white. The shirt was furnished with ruffles at the bosom and wrists. As the wristband with its ruffle appeared below the coat sleeve, the sleeve buttons were no inconsiderable part of its ornament. These were not attached as at present to the wristband, which had only button-holes at each extremity, into which two buttons connected by one or more links of a chain, were inserted. These, for common, every day wear, were com- monly made of brass, or other metal, and usually cost from six to twelve cents a set. Those who were able, and especially females, who used the same ornament above the elbow, had a set for dress occasions made of silver or gold and set with stones and diamonds. But so little were the superfluities of dress used here, that when one young man of the Catholic branch of the Boggs family made a visit here from Philadelphia, considerable difficulty was expe- rienced in finding a woman capable of doing up his ruffles in the proper style. In would be interesting to trace the various changes in this costume down to the dandy dress of the present day. But we have neither the room nor the means for detailing such frivolities. Suffice it to say that formality gradually gave place to convenience ; and though new absurdities occasionally arose and continued in vogue for a while, yet almost all the permanent changes have been on the side of utility and convenience. During our intercourse with the French in the revolutionary war, many fashions were adopted from them, particularly the close pantaloons, which continued with slight variations till the fall of Buonaparte, when the loose wide trousers gathered at the hips, were borrowed from the Cossacks, who entered France in the service of the Russian monarch. The wig continued, from time to time, to shrink in its dimensions, till just after the revolution, when it was only a skull cap of short hair cut square before and behind. These were succeeded by the long queue and club of native hair, sometimes eked out and augmented with borrowed 142 ANNALS OF WARREN. honors ; till, about the commencement of the nineteenth century, the good old custom, recommended by St. Paul, of wearing short hair, began, and, notwithstanding the fre- quent attempts of foppery to abolish it, seems likely from its convenience to maintain its ground. Willingly would we describe the dress of our female ances- tors, and paint the belles of the olden time ; but so short lived are female fashions, and so often are they repeated, that we are unable to trace their order and succession, or even to catch the prevailing ton of any particular era. Only some glaring absurdity, such as the high heeled shoes, the hoop petticoat, the waist compressing stays, and the crape cushion, are preserved of these evanescent fashions. Silk, brocade, fine linen, chintz, and patch were used by such as had the means and inclination to obtain them. The recently married wife of one of the citizens, a native of Boston, caused some sensation by two silk dresses which she occasionally wore at meeting. One of these was called a sack, open before and showing an underdress of the same material. This display of dress must have sadly contrasted with a windowless meet- inghouse and seats of rough boards, and gave her a reputation for pride, which, brought up as she had been, she was not conscious of deserving. Calico, which was then four shillings a yard, was but little used ; the various fabrics of the present day were unknown ; and such of my fair readers as supply all their wants by the fashionable process of shopping, and who spin nothing but street-yarn, may be amused to learn how, in general, the same wants were supplied by the belles of this early period. Flax being committed to the ground by the men, their part was nearly or quite accomplished. When it was grown to maturity, the women and girls repaired to the field, pulled it from the ground, and bound it up in small bundles. It was then transported to the barn on poles, or by the men with oxen. Here the seed was beat from it by the same hands that pulled it, when the bundles were taken to an adjacent field, unbound, and spread open in parallel rows. Here it remained some weeks, till wind, rain, and dew had sufficiently decomposed the stalks, when it was again bound up and deposited in the barn. There it remained till the lat- ter part of winter, when the men, if out of employment, otherwise the women, proceeded with a suitable instrument to break up the stalk into fragments, leaving the fibres of the cuticle entire. These last were cleansed by an operation called swingling, twisted up in small handfuls, and removed to the house ; there the material underwent the operation of ANNALS OF WARREN. 14S hackling and combing to free the hairl, or long and strong fibres, from the tow which was short and weaker. The for- mer was then put on the distaff and spun on the foot wheel. A part of this was used without farther preparation, as warp to be filled with a woof prepared from the tow which was carded and spun on the great wheel. This was called tow cloth, and worn for shirts and trousers by the men and boys. Another portion designed for female wear, was spun with a finer thread, variously colored, and woven in checks or stripes. Another portion, designed for sheeting and table linen, under- went a farther process called bucking. This was done by placing it at the bottom of a cask filled with ashes, through which water was made to pass, and the lie returned again and again, till the alkaline action upon the yarn was sufficient. It was then laid upon the snow, or grass, and kept moist till sufficiently whitened by the sun. After this it was woven, and the cloth spread again to complete its whiteness. Some- times linen warp was filled with wool, and, in later times, with cotton ; both which articles were carded and spun by hand. To aid these processes, what were called spinning- hees or icool-brea kings were resorted to, when all the girls in the neighborhood would collect and card or spin till night, sometimes being joined by the young men and finishing the day's work with a dance. Such being the tedious process, it is not strange that the fair Germans, brought up to out-door work, should sometimes prefer purchasing their apparel in Boston with the proceeds of hoeing and reaping. Elizabeth Kaler, afterwards the wife of Joseph Ludwig, worked eight days this year at hoeing potatoes for John Ulmer at eight pence a day ; a man's wages at the same time being two shillings. Gowns, as female dresses were then called, being usually open before, were, in the absence of bonnets, readily inverted over the head as a defence against sun or rain. So convenient was this custom, that it had not entirely disappeared among our German neighbors at the commencement of the present cen- tury ; at which period, umbrellas though introduced were but little used.* Though witchcraft was generally believed by the first set- tlers, and perhaps more intensely by the emigrants from the west, who came imbued with the Salem delusions, yet little actual mischief seems to have resulted from it in this region. If among the Germans there were few professed witches, * Mrs, J, Fuller. Jos, Ludwig, Esq. 144 ANNALS OF WARREN. they had those who pretended to cure diseases by charms and incantations ; and this power continued down to the very era of mesmerism. At St. George's, now and then a cow or an ox was elf shot; and occasionally some individual of singular appearance was dreaded by many, as possessing the evil eye, which, as far back at least as the days of Virgil, has had the power of bewitching cattle.* Against its effects, however, they felt perfectly secure, if by presents they could procure from him the expression of " God bless you." Some of the Scotch, on their first setting down in the woods, are said to have prayed earnestly for protection against the witches and warlocks, and the things that cry boo in the meadows. But, after becoming acquainted with loons, frogs, and other vocal tenants of the woods and marshes, they began to hear with delight the sounds they dreaded before. The fairies and elves continued their sports at times, till after the revolution- ary war. But the whole tribe of invisible beings seem to have accompanied the settlers from Europe rather from per- sonal attachment, than from any expectation of making a per- manent settlement in the new world. As the first emigrants died off, the creatures of their imagination gradually aban- doned the new generations that sprung up, and, except perhaps now and then a freak in some obscure quarter, no longer trouble the community. But though these creatures of fear and fancy were more or less early repudiated by the understanding, it was not so easy to displace them from the imagination, or efface the impressions they had made on the mind. In the scarcity of books which prevailed at that day, added to the privations always incident to a new settlement, few means were found of gratifying, by reading, that love of marvellous adventure and moving incident so pleasing alike to the learned and ignorant. This want was supplied, as in the middle ages, and the ages more remote that preceded the invention of letters, by ballads, songs, and stories, which cheered the long evenings and stormy days of winter. These were made up of real encounters with bears and savages on the one hand, and those of giants, witches, and demons in enchanted castles on the other. Being related by those who in earlier life had shuddered over them as realities, they were listened to with thrilling interest by other children in their turn, whose minds were thus early imbued with a secret * « Nescio quis teneros oculus mihi fasciiiat agnos." — Ec. III. ANNALS OF WARREN. 145 horror, which on every unexpected appearance, every un- usual sound, was ever after ready to startle and affright them. Thus a secret, lurking belief, disavowed indeed by the under- standing, but retaining a strong hold on the imagination, has been handed down, and upon some minds still exercises a powerful influence. Unlucky days, haunted houses, and evil omens, are not wholly unheard of at the present day. In the want of books and other means of education which prevailed, it is rather surprising that so few children grew up without learning to read and write. But privileges are gen- erally prized in proportion to their scarcity. A few books sometimes occupy more time, and impart more thorough instruction, than a multitude, carelessly read and indifterently pondered. The Bible and hymn book, the primer and al- manack, were in almost every house, and a Sunday school in every family. Other schools, when any there were, were resorted to with a zeal for learning in proportion to their infrequency; and many persons, with only a few months schooling, became in after-life extensive readers, and wrote and spelled with accuracy. Fales was a competent instructor for those in his neighborhood, and others of more slender acquirements were occasionally employed in other places. Some invalid unable to labor, some widow or single woman not otherwise employed, were all that the settlers had the means to compensate. Among these was Bartholomew Killeran of the lower town, who was altogether helpless from a paralytic affection of his lower limbs. He taught school in various places, and amongst others at the house of Moses Copeland for the children of that neighborhood. He was highly esteemed for his amiable disposition, and not the less so, that, in place of the birch and ferule, he was obliged to make use of loaf sugar to stimulate and encourage his pupils. ingr o' One of his children, the Hon. Edward Killeran of Gush was long known as a successful, polite, and accommodating master of a packet coasting between this river and Boston, and afterwards as a member of the Legislatures of Massa- chusetts and Maine. The acquirements of the son argue well for the ability of the father as an instructor. A Mr. Mott was also employed for a while farther up the river. He afterwards settled, we believe, at Medumcook, and was favorably remembered here.* Nor were the settlers better able to provide for religious, than * R. B. Copeland. T. Ku'kpatrick, &c. 13 146 ANNALS OF WARREN. for literary, instruction. A transient visit was occasionally made by some traveling clergyman or missionary, who preached and baptized for a short time, and was sometimes induced, by voluntary contributions, to remain for a longer period. Among those to whom the place was thus indebted in the interval between the close of the last Indian and the beginning of the revolutionary war, may be mentioned the names of John Dennis, Drown of Portsmouth, Levi Hart and Joel Benedict of Connecticut, Wadham, John Strickland, Scales, Ezekiel Emerson of Georgetown, Alexander McLean of Bristol,* and a Mr. Porter, who in 1774 seems to have spent several months in the place. To many of these clergymen, considerable sums, nominally, were paid ; but as the tenor is not stated in the account of Mr. Copeland, who acted as treasurer, their true value cannot be given with certainty. Their visits, though few and far between, were, on that account, all the more dearly prized ; and long journeys were made by aged men and feeble women with infants in their arms, accompanied by bare- headed and barefooted children, to hear the words of mercy and peace proclaimed in the name of their Redeemer. Happy, perhaps, might it now be, if the good produced were in the same proportion to the privileges enjoyed. t In the autumn of this year, a saw-mill was erected on Back River by Mr. Pebbles, in connexion with his father-in- law, Mr. Ray, or Rea, of Boston. The latter had acquired considerable property in the tailor's business, and was in- duced to invest a portion of it in this undertaking. The place, how^ever, was ill-chosen, with no convenient brow for landing lumber ; the dam was long and expensive ; and the mill stood a great distance from the shore. It did some busi- ness the first season ; but the frosts of winter lifted the dam ; and the whole work after a few years was abandoned. The growing hostility between the royal Governor and the representatives of the people, between power and principle, custom-house restrictions and freedom of trade, continued to increase, and the people more and more to take part in it. The only custom-house in the eastern province was estab- lished at Falmouth, of which Francis Waldo, second son of the General, was collector. Other members of this family * Mr. McLean, a native of the Isle of Sky, came in 1773 to Pema- quid fort, was settled and continued tlie minister of Bristol till his death in 1805. t M. Copeland's Leger and MS. ANNALS OF WARREN 1^ had been promoted to official stations by the royal governors ; and this circumstance naturally, if not necessarily, led them to take sides with the King. 1772. In the apportionment of the County tax, and probably also the State tax, if any were called for, the two plantations on St. George's river were, from this year, in- cluded together as one, and the sum of c£21, 10s. Id. asses- sed upon them. In consequence of this, the inhabitants of both assembled together for the choice of assessors ; and the meetings were held alternately in the upper and lower town. At a meeting held in the upper town, McCobb of the lower was chosen moderator. Upon this, Capt. Mclntyre exclaimed, " what! McCobb, McCobb forever?" That gen- tleman remarked he was not anxious for the office, and was ready to relinquish it. "To whom .?" said Mclntyre. "To you^ if agreeable." " Ah well," said he, taking the chair, " now things go on regular." We are not to infer from this that Capt. Mclntyre was over greedy of office, but only frank and fearless in manner, disdaining all concealment or hy- pocrisy. In one of these years, the collection was under- taken by Reuben Hall on the western side of the river, and by Joseph Copeland on the eastern. The latter, after col- lecting a part, suffered the remainder to linger along till Susanna Annis who lived in his family, for want of paste- board, made use of the tax-bill to stiffen her bonnet ; and the collector was at last obliged to sell a yoke of steers to raise the money. The depreciation of the paper currency, in the mean time, heVped him so much that his loss was not great.* In this and the preceding year, much distress was occasion- ed by a malignant fever which prevailed on this river, and carried off many of the inhabitants. Its victims in the upper town were Mrs. Porterfield, James Lermond, John Miller, 2d, Margaret Miller, and perhaps others. 1773. The plantation of Broad Bay, was in 1773 incor- porated into a town by the name of Waldohorough, Its boundaries were described by courses, distances, and monu- ments, so inconsistent with each other that it was impossible to follow them, which gives some countenance to the story that the surveying party took with them too much liquor for the nature of their work. This incorrect survey was fafterwards the cause of some dispute between Waldo- borough and Warren, which was arranged by mutual consent, * Rec. C. of Sessions .A. Kelloch, 1st, &c. 148 ANNALS OF WARREN. and the line surveyed and marked by James Malcolm, Esq. This line was again called in question by the authorities of Waldoborough, and established by order of the Supreme Court in 1836. As this act of incorporation in some meas- ure disconnected the settlement from that of St. George's, we shall pursue its history no farther than that of the latter place requires ; hoping that some one competent to the task will give its story in a manner worthy its prosperity and the character and enterprise of its inhabitants ; not forgetting to do justice to its German fathers, among whom were particu- larly distinguished Jacob and Joseph Ludwig, who in spite of every disadvantage found means to acquire enough of the English language to enable the former to record the early transactions of the town intelligibly, and both of them to represent it efficiently in the Legislature of Massachusetts.* The stock of tea having accumulated in England in conse- quence of its disuse in America, many cargoes were, this year, shipped to the latter, in the expectation that, when once landed and the duties paid, it would find its way into the country and meet with purchasers. Three cargoes arriving in Boston, every means was used to induce the consignees not to receive it ; and when these failed, and the town meeting, held on the subject, prolonged its deliberations to a late hour in the night without coming to any determination, seventeen men, dis- guised like Indians, boarded the ships on the evening of the 16th December, and threw 342 chests into the water. One of this party was Benjamin Burton, the second of that name, of the lower St. George's, then about twenty-three years of age. Being accidentally in Boston on board a coaster, and hearing * Jacob, or, as baptized, John Jacob Ludwig, was about 18 years old at the time of his arrival in America. In the latter part of the French and Indian war he seems to have resided in Boston where he enlisted into the army and did service at Ticonderoga, Lake George and Crown Point, and was promoted to the rank of Orderly Sergeant. When the town was incorporated in 1773 he Avas chosen the first Town Clerk and one of the first Selectmen, w^luch offices he continued to fill Avith few intermissions for 40 years. lie frequently represented the town in the Legislatiu'e and sustained other town offices. In 1776 he was appointed Captain of a company sent to Machias for the protection of that place. In 1788 and at several subsequent periods he was elected a Notary Public, and in 1789 appointed a Justice of the Peace, which latter oftice he held till near the close of his life. His knowledge of both English and German eminently qiialified him to act as a magistrate among a mixed population nearly ignorant, as they for a time w^ere, of each other's language. He retained his facul- ties up to the time of his death, Jan. 1, lS2(i, at the age of 91 years and 5 months. — Col. J. I^udwig, &c. ANNALS OF WARREN. 149 what was going on, he joined the party at a moment's notice, and was stationed in the hold to fasten the slings upon the tea-chests ; thus giving an early intimation of the part he was to take in the approaching contest.* 1774. Disgusted with this, and similar acts of opposition, and despairing of the title of nobility, to which he aspired as the reward of his subserviency to the ministry. Gov. Hutchin- son, in June, 1774, left his native colony for England, and never- more returned. Gen. Thomas Gage, who had many years been commander-in-chief of the troops in this country, was appointed Governor, and, in connexion with the forces already stationed at Boston, assumed the attitude of a military despot rather than that of a civil magistrate. Opposition to his administration continued to increase until the 17th of June, when learning that the House of Representatives had by a vote nearly unanimous, determined to choose five dele- gates to meet in Congress at Philadelphia, he sent the Secre- tary to dissolve the assembly. Apprehensive of this, the House ordered the door to be locked ; and, as they proceeded in the choice, the proclamation for dissolving the General Court was read by the Secretary on the stairs ; and Gov. Gage and the Legislature never met afterwards. But the gloom which hung over the political horizon did not prevent the stream of private sorrow from flowing in its accustomed channel. In July of this year, its current was swelled by a number of deaths in the upper plantation, occur- ring about the same time, and some of them under the most painful circumstances. Four corpses lay awaiting sepulture at the same time. Of these, Mrs. Sumner an elderly lady, and one other person not now remembered, died a natural death. William James fell from a wheeling plank and was drowned in the river. Anna Young, belonging to the lower town, but employed in the family of Mr. Boggs, while en- gaged in washing at the shore, was requested to set two women across the river ; and on her return fell from the float, and perished before any assistance could arrive. It is re- markable, that, in a dream of the preceding night which she related in the morning, the whole occurrence was foreshadow- ed to her mind with all its attending circumstances, even to the particular individuals by whom the corpse was found. 1775. On the 4th September, delegates from eleven colones met in a second general Congress at Philadelphia, * Col. B. Burton. Thom. Reg., July 4, 1831. 13* 150 ANNALS OF WAREEN. published a declaration of rights, and adopted such other measures of determined opposition to British pretensions as showed plainly that a crisis was approaching, and arms alone could decide the controversy. Preparations were accordingly made on both sides, the British to enforce their authority, the Americans to defend their rights ; all remained in anx- ious suspense until the 19th of April, 1775, when the first scene of the great drama was opened at Lexington. The eastern people had not been behind their western neighbors in their opposition to British encroachments, nor free from the evils which resulted. Care had been taken to fill with decided whigs the offices of selectmen and planta- tion committees. The closing of the port of Boston, inter- rupting supplies, had caused a scarcity of provisions, though the preceding season was line.* Capt. Mowett, commander of a British sloop of war, after giving the people of Falmouth a specimen of arbitrary power, proceeded to Penobscot and dismantled Fort Pownal, interrupting the peaceable trade which had there been carried on with the Indians. Fears of Indian hostilities were consequently excited, and these were increased by rumors of an invading army from Canada. How these rumors, and the conduct of the commander of Fort Pownal, affected the people at St. George's, may be gathered from the following letter. " To the Selectmen of St. George's. Ft. Pownal, May 8, 1775. Gent'n. On the 27th of last month about 20 arm'd men arrived here from St. George's, who came in the name and as a Committee from the people of St. George's and others who they said had assembled there to the amount of 250 men, and this party in their name demanded of me the reasons of my delivering the Cannon, &c., belonging to this Fort to the King's forces. I told them I tho't their request reasonable and that I would give them all the satisfaction they desired in this matter and immediately left them. I went into the Fort and got the Gov- ernor's letter to me and it was read to them. I then inform'd them that this was the King's fort and built at his expence : *- The winter of 1774-o was remarkable for its naildness. In the Journal of the Eev. Thomas Smith of Falmouth, are the following entries :'* Jan. 23, 1775, very moderate weather ; 27th, a summer day ; 28th, wonderful weather. Feb. 7th, there has been no snow and little rain since the 29th of Dec. ; we saw two robins ; 11th, warm day; 18th, cold ; 20th, snow, incomparable sledding ; 21st, a summer day ; 23d, a great snow storm. March 7th, the frost seems out of the ground in the streets ; 28th, it has been a wonder of a winter ; so moderate and unfreezing." ANNALS OF WARREN. 151 that the Governor was commander-in-chief of it, that I could not refuse obeying his orders, that I was ready to make oath that I had no intimation of this matter until Mr. Graves who commanded this expedition, shevv'd me the Governor's order within ten minutes after his vessels came to an anchor here ; and that in case it had been in my power to have re- sisted this order 1 should not have tho't it expedient to have done it, as the inevitable consequence of such resistance would have been the Total Ruin of this River ; being that a small naval force at the mouth of it could entirely stop the provision vessels and coasters and must soon have broke up the River. Upon my representing these facts and reasoning in this manner, Capt. Gragg and his party appeared to be satisfied. He then told me that they had intelligence that the Canadians and Indians were coming down upon us ; that the arm'd vessels that went from hence had kill'd the people's cattle at Townsend, and they expected to meet with the same fate at St. George's ; and that among all the people that were assembled there, they hadn't ten charges of ammunition and were very scant of arms ; and that one part of their orders was to desire and demand of me a part of ours. I informed them the true condition of the Fort and the scarcity of am- munition upon this river ; still they persisted in their request. 1 sometime after told the Serjent he must see what there was and let them have what could be spar'd upon such an emer- gency ; and he accordingly delivered them 7 muskets, 10 lbs. Powder, and 24Ibs. Ball, for which Messrs. Sam'l Gragg, Rob. Mclntyer, and Benj. Burton gave a receipt as a Com- mittee from St. George's. Now, Gent'n, as it appears that this alarm was premature and that as these people came as they declared with authority from your town, 1 hope you'l in- terfere in it and see that the arms and ammunition are re- turned to the fort and especially too, as it now is declared and known to be true that this river is barer of arms and ammunition than you are at St. George's. I shall inclose a copy of the Governor's letter to me for your satisfaction. I beg the favor of you to communicate this letter together with I the votes pass'd upon this river, (which will be delivered you by a committee sent on purpose) to your town that they may have opportunity to act in it as they judge expedient. I am, &c., tho. Goldthvvait."* The leader of the party alluded to in the above letter, * Original letter in possession of Mr. Alex. Brown of Thoniaston. 152 ANNALS OF WARREN. Samuel Gregg, son of one of the first settlers in the upper town, was an active, merry-hearted, froUc-loving, master of a coaster, who, a few years before this period, had cast away one of McLean's vessels, and, from neglect in entering a protest, experienced some difficulty, and, as he thought, much injustice in settling with him. Being now out of regular em- ployment, he warmly engaged in the cause of the revolution, and raised a company of minute men, which, however, ex- cept on this and some other similar occasions was not called into actual service. On the 19th of Sept. following, a few of his men were for a time employed, probably in enforcing the regulations respecting coasters, and were billeted as fol- lows ; in the lower town at George Young's, 2 men, at Hanse Robinson's, 5 men ; in the upper town at William Watson's, 2 men, and at Samuel Creighton's, 2 men. To the settlers at St. George's, the prospect of political affairs presented a different appearance according to the different positions from which it was viewed. Most of the old settlers, who had identified themselves with the colonies, had participated in the sacrifices made, and glorious deeds achieved in the preceding wars, and knew somethmg of their prowess and ability to defend themselves, were ready to enter upon the contest with all the zeal of persons defending their firesides and homes. But some of those who came from Scodand at a later period and had formed few acquaintances beyond the narrow settlement on the river, still regarded their mother country with the most filial affection, and shrank from any attempt to sever the comiexion between them and the land which they still called their home. There were their fathers, mothers, brethren and sisters. There was all they had been accustomed to admire as great, to cherish as dear, to reverence as sacred. The contest seemed to them not only unnatural, but desperate. In the history of their own country, they had seen how irresistible was the power of England ; as Protestants they had gloried in the triumph of the present dynasty over the Catholic pretender ; how could they now consent to weaken that dynasty by a domestic feud, or believe that a few scattered settlements in the wilderness could successfully resist the power which had long prevailed over the land of their birth, and recently bid defiance to the world ? They generally discouraged the attempt, and pre- dicted its failure. Few of them went any farther than this. Kirkpatrick was a zealous friend to the revolution in every stage of its progress ; several of the young men of the An- derson, Malcolm, and Dicke families, were among the recruits ANNALS OF WARREN. 153 enlisted for the defence of Machias in 1776; and, could impatient patriotism have been willing to wait, the lagging rear, perhaps, might have been brought up to the front rank of public opinion. Not at all discouraged by the aspect of the times, the Lermonds this year, 1775, commenced shipbuilding, the third attempt of the kind in the place, and launched the ' Dol- phin,' at Oyster River, a coaster which ran successfully four years, and was then cast away. As the political troubles of the country increased, the courts of law were interrupted and the emoluments of office became uncertain. In conse- quence perhaps of this, Moses Copeland, having the preced- ing year resigned the office of deputy sheriff, this year devoted himself to farming.* The attention of the Provincial Congress, which had now taken the place of the charter government, was called to the distress prevailing in these eastern settlements, by petitions from Fox Islands, Machias, Waldoboro', and other places, which represented that there prevailed a great scarcity of provisions, as well as arms and ammunition, in consequence of which the inhabitants were exposed to depredations from the enemy ; and some, according to report, had actually perished for want of bread. To relieve these distresses, the Congress recommended the committee of safety of Newburyport to exchange two or three hundred bushels of corn for fuel and lumber at moderate prices ; and a part of one of the regiments which had been enlisted in Maine was put under the command of Col. Freeman of Falmouth, to be stationed " on the seaboard, in the counties of Cumberland and Lincoln, as he and Gen. Preble of the same place, and Major Mason Wheaton of St. George's river, should appoint. "t There were some other circumstances, about this time, that had an encouraging influence upon the eastern people. Besides the news of the glorious affair at Bunker Hill on the 17th of June, the fall of plentiful showers changed the withering aspect of nature, and opened a prospect of good crops. The long desired arrival of corn and flour, too, administered abundantly to the necessities of the people ; and intercourse between place and place was encouraged. Yet the inhabited Islands, and the smaller settlements, were frequently severe sufferers from the plunder and abuse of the enemy. Many recruits from the western counties, * A. Lermond. M. Copcland's MS. t 2 Will. His. p. 428. 154 ANNALS OF WARREN. and some from the more eastern settlements, had enlisted and joined the army at Cambridge, among whom was William Robinson, David Kelloch, and David Brown, of the upper St. George's, with many others from the lower.* The General Court, which, in July, was again organized according to the provisions of the charter, enacted that all appointments and commissions, which were made prior to the present session, should on the 19th of Sept. be null and of no effect. In consequence of this measure, new officers both civil and military were appointed. Those of the county of Lincoln were Wm. Lithgow of Georgetown, Aaron Hinkley of Brunswick, Thomas Rice of Wiscasset, and James Mc- Cobb of Georgetown, Judges ; Jonathan Bowman of Pownal- borough. Judge of Probate ; and Charles Gushing of the same place, Sheriff. Mr. Fales of St. George's, who, as Fluker's agent, was supposed to have a leaning towards the side espoused by his employer, was reported to have exer- cised the duties of his office as a justice of the peace, after his commission had been thus annulled by the General Court. A paper designed as a test to try men's principles, probably a declaration of allegiance to the Provincial Government, or something of that kind, had been sent to Capt. Mclntyre ; but he declined to make any use of it. Not so Alexander Kel- loch. He took the paper, and, with Capt. Gregg, collected a party, and, assaulting the house of Justice Fales, offered him the alternative of signing the paper or riding a rail. He chose neither, and remained inflexible. His wife attempted to appease the mob by means of a pailful of flip ; and the sons of the justice offering to be sureties for their father's conduct, they dispersed without farther action. Hitherto, as before remarked, this place had been destitute of any stated preaching since the death of the Rev. Mr. Rutherford. But now, 1775, the Rev. John Urquhart, who the preceding year came to this country from Scotland, was employed to preach alternately in the upper and lower towns. As these places were unincorporated, a contract was made with the citizens of each in their individual capacity. The conditions agreed upon were, that Mr. Urquhart should have a settlement of ,£100, and an annual salary of £80, to be paid one half by the upper, and the other by the lower town. On behalf of the upper town, the contract was signed by Boice Cooper, David Kelloch, Robert Montgomery, Alex. Kelloch, John Mclntyre, William Boggs, Samuel Creighton, * Williamson. M. Robinson. ANNALS OF WARREN. 155 Hopestill Sumner, David Creigbton, Wm. Robinson, Jobn Spear, Jobn Miller, James Anderson, Jobn Kirkpatrick, Sam- uel Boggs, Joseph Copeland, John Watts, John Crawford, Jr., Archibald Anderson, Archibald Anderson, Jr., Thomas Star- rett, Jobn Lermond, Alex. Lermond, Daniel Rokes, Stephen Peabody, Patrick Pebbles, Reuben Hall, Samuel Counce, Ezra Sumner, Alex. Lermond, Jr. and Samuel Gregg ; and they were to pay in proportion to their several abilities.* The coming of Mr. Urquhart was peculiarly agreeable to the Scottish settlers ; who had been so disappointed in their ex- pectations, and so dissatisfied with the country, that any thing connected with their native land was doubly dear to them. Even the thistle, when by accident some stray seed had taken root among them, troublesome as it was known to be, was hailed with joy, because it had grown in Scotland. It was not therefore to be wondered at, that the same dialect, tone, and manner, to which they had listened in childhood, should awaken the most thrilling emotions and in some measure atone for the want of more substantial qualities. The Irish and later emigrants, if not equally enthusiastic for the candidate, were rejoiced at the prospect of constant preaching ; and, as his politics corresponded with their own, it was resolved to employ him. Some wished to postpone his ordination and hire him a while first ; but he was urgent to be settled, and offered as one reason, that his wife, whom he left in Scotland, would then know whither to direct her letters. At what time, and under what auspices, he was ordained, is now difficult to be ascertained ; as no record of it is to be found. According to tradition, the sermon was preached by Rev. Mr. Emerson of Georgetown, who again repeated the same discourse at the ordination of Rev. Mr. Riddel at Bris- tol in 1796. After the incorporation of Warren, the town, by voting him a year's salary of =£40, informally adopted Mr. Urquhart as its minister, though no contract to that effect was ever entered into. At the same time it was voted '^ not to pay him the settlement money ;" perhaps because it had been partly paid by the individual contractors. He appears to have gathered a church in each of the two towns, of which Crawford and Miller were the deacons in the upper, and Mc- Kellar and Joseph Robinson in the lower. His meetings were well attended, people coming on foot through the woods or from up and down the river in boats, the only pleasure car- riages of the time. The singing was performed a line at a * Covirt Records, Lincohi Co. Greenleaf 'a Eccl. Sketches. 156 ANNALS OF WARREN. time, as read by Moses Copeland, the tune set by Capt. Mc- Intyre, and sung, not by a separate choir, but by the congre- gation promiscuously. Boice Cooper used to act as tithing- man to keep the boys and dogs in order ; in doing which he frequently made more noise than he suppressed.* Mr. Urquhart visited the people, catechised the children, and maintained a rigid church discipline. In the last of these duties, he was sometimes, perhaps in accordance with the times, extremely indelicate and rude. Great reverence was paid him in his parochial visits ; but his person was ungainly, his manners awkward, and his conversation not very agree- able, especially to the young. But these were small matters in a minister ; and as long as his character remained unques- tioned, the national prejudices of the Scotch, the politics of the Irish, and the love of order in the western emigrants, con- spired to palliate his defects, and to sustain him in his popu- larity. After the battle of Bunker Hill, a kind of politico religious meeting was held, at which, from the text, " behold how great a matter a little fire kindleth," he preached a warm, patriotic discourse, as acceptable to one part of his hearers as distasteful to others. At length so obtrusive did his politics become, that some of his hearers in the lower town began to absent themselves from church. Observing this, he called upon Malcolm and McCarter, and inquired why they " dinna come to meeting ?" " Oh," said they, " we dinna like yer doctrine." " And pray, what fault do you find with my doc- trine ?" " Oh, ye're all for war and bloodshed, war and bloodshed." " Ah well," said he, come to my meeting, and I'll preach such doctrine as will suit ye." This apparent readiness to sacrifice principle to popularity, had no tendency to raise him in their estimation ; but, sustained by the majority, his influence for the present remained unimpaired. t How mattei's were managed on this river in the absence of legal authority, during the interval between that of the Royal government and the resumption of that of the Pro- vince in its own name, may be judged of by the following extracts. " At a town meeting of the Inhabitants of a place called St. George's, held at the dwellinghouse of Mr. Micah Packard on Tuesday, June the 6th, 1775. Chose Mr. Mason Wheaton, moderator, and Mt. John Shibles, clerk. Chose also as a committee of correspondence. Mason Wheaton, Haunce Robinson, George Young, William Watson, Samuel * ToAVTi Records. Rev. J. Huse. T. Iftrkpatrick. D. Dicke, &c. t N. Libbey. D. Dicke. T. Kii-kpatrick, &c. ANNALS OF WARREN. 157 Creigbton, Moses Robinson, Thomas Starrett, Jonathan Nut- ting and Elisba Snow." " June 10. The committee met and chose Capt. Jonathan Nutting chairman. Ordered, that the money collected as a county tax, be laid out in powder, lead, and other warlike stores. Ordered, that the powder be divided on Wednesday, 14th June, at the house of Capt. J. Nutting, and that Mr. Mason Wheaton be appointed to write to the Provincial Con- gress, and for Mr. Tho. Starrett to receive the drum and colors. Ordered also, that Mr. Dunbar Henderson receive 3lbs. of powder, Mr. Geo. McCobb l^lbs, and Mr. Benjamin Burton l^lbs. of powder for alarming the inhabitants in Case there should be need. " June 13th, the committee met at the house of Capt. J. Nutting. Ord'd, that Capt. Atwood sail for the port of Salem and to make report to the committee according to his agree- ment with them., and that this committee oblige themselves to repay what money they shall receive of John Shibles, (who was the collector of the county tax) when it shall be demand- ed of him by the county, and that Capt. Haunce Robinson, Capt. J. Nutting and Mr. Moses Robinson, receive lUbs. powder, each, Mr. Geo. Young, lO^lbs., Capt. Thomas Star- rett, 141bs., Mr. Samuel Creigbton, 141bs., Mr. Wm. * * * 71bs., Mr. Elisha Snow, 71bs., Capt. M. Wheaton * * * powder, for the defence of the inhabitants. Ord'd, that any person want- ing to hire marsh or meadow belonging to the heirs of the late Brig. Waldo, apply to Capt. M. VVheaton for the same and for him to return the hire to the committee. Ord'd, that any vessel coming into the harbor supposed to be of the Tory party, that one or more of the committee take a suffi- cient party and go on board such vessel and enquire into the affair, and that any person that shall disobey his officer's orders, or shall make parties against the committee or their orders, shall be deemed as Torys, and that no mobs or par- ties joyn to go on board any vessel or vessels within our boundaries, or do any unlawful action, whhout leave of the committee. " June 22, 1775. Copy of a Letter Sent by this Com'tee to Capt. Jona. Nutting at Campden. Sir, we are Informed that your vessel is a going to Halifax, which creates a great uneasiness and as the greatest Part of the Com'tee are met we thought proper to acquaint you of it and Desire you to Come and do something about it, before the vessel goes, for fear your Interest should suffer Damage and your Name be 14 158 ANNALS OF WARREN. returned to * * Congress. Per order, J. Shibles, clerk." To this, one of the parties concerned, wrote back, " we assure you that we have not broke over one of the Congress Resolves in any thing. Sir, the Committee are to meet for Campden next Monday and if they have any objection I am willing to com- ply with it," &c. " From the Com'tee of St. George's to the Com'tee of Salem. Gent'n. Capt. At wood loaded with Cord wood from this place. Bound for Boston as we suspect, we thought proper to stop, and brought said Capt. under obligation to put into the Port of Salem and get directions from you, and pray you to send us a letter back by the said Capt. Atwood of your proceedings, &c. St. George's, June 3, 1775." " At a meeting Heald at the House of Micah Packard, Munday ye 10 of July, 1775. * that Mr. Elisha Snow, chear- man. Voated that Mason Wheaton be accountable for what Reents is Due for Mr. Flukers and the heirs of the leat Brig. Waldo's Farm which he now enjoys. Voated that Capt. Mclntyer is not adspcted as a Tory. Voated that Mr Orquarts leater be recorded and sent to the Con grass. Voated that Capt. Saml. Graags going to Penobscot With a number of men and Bringing away Some arms and Ammu- nition from Fort Pownal, for which they gave their Receipt for the Seame to Col. Goldthwait, for which the Committee of St. Georges Condescend to. J. Shibles, clerk." " St. Georges, July 3, 1775. For Expences To conduct the prisoner taken at Machias which dined at the house of Mr. M. Packard. Old Tenor ^4 10s. " At a meeting Heald at the House of Mr M. Packard on Mounday July ye 17, 1775. Chose Wm. Watson Chearman — voted that No answer be returned to Mr Winslows Leator from Long Island, dated July 16, '75, to the Com'tee of St. Georges, — that Capt. M. Wheaton, Mr. Saml. Creighton, and Mr Moses Robinson go as a Com'tee and * * Com'tee of Campden to go and inquire * affears of Long Island and make report, &c. " July 18, Voated by the whole Meajority that Capt Den- nis Fogearty be a Committee-man in the place of Capt. J. Nutting Now absent. " To Capt. Wm. Pendleton. July 17, 1775. Sir, &c. We cannot think proper for you to Contrack any Traid which we sopose is for the Kings Troops, which you No by the Congress orders is Contrey to our oblegation, which we are determined to adhear to. Per orders of the Com'tee. J. Shi- bles, Clerk. ANNALS OF WARREN. 159 " At a meeting Heald at the House of Mr M. Packard on Mon. Aug. 28, 1775, chose M, Wheaton chearman. voted that Adam Teal, belonging to Georges Islands, by order of the Com'tee shall receive Ten Stripes Weal Lead on at a post prepared for the same, for a crime which said Teal is found Guilty of, * * stealing of a piece of Tow Cloth from Arch'd Gamble on the 25th day of July, 1775. Which Pun- shement was executed on said offender the said day and at said place. " At a Meeting Heald at the House of Capt. Wheaton on Tuesday Sept. 19, chose Mr E. Snow, Chearman. 2d. per- mitted Capt. Sam. Hathorn in sloop Sally to sail to Ipswich. 3d. permitted Capt. Wheaton's schooner to sail to Portsmouth. 4th. permitted Capt. James Watson to sail to Ipswich. 5th. and 6th. that Capt. Wm. Hutchings' sloop and Capt. Philip's schooner remain in custody till farther orders. 7th. that Capt. Gragg bring Linneken to Justeas on Friday next. 9th. that Lieut. Benj. Burton take Capt. Philips' schooner to go a fish- ing and for said Burton to return the fourth part of his earn- ings to the Com'tee or to said owner, 10th. that Capt. Gragg send the party of men that was to be stationed at Wessowes- geeg to Tennas Harbor to Duble the guard there. J. Shibles, Clerk."* By a later entry, it seems that the schooner committed to Burton was lost ; and the same committee, in 1777, paid the owners ,£37 10s. lawful money, as indemnity. The multifa- rious duties performed by this anomalous committee, though sufficiently incongruous, were not more so than is usual in the time of a revolution, when the people, having taken into their own hands, must of necessity exercise, all the powers of government. * This record, (slightly injured, where blanks occur, by mice,) was preserved among the papers of Wm. Watson by his daughter, Mary, till her decease, and is now in the possession of Mr. A. Brown. From the difference in orthography and penmanship, it is probable that the former part of this record was revised and copied, and the remainder, from July, made up extemj^ore. 160 ANNALS OF WARREN. CHAPTER IX. INCORPORATION OF WARREN IN 1776, WITH OTHER TRANSACTIONS TO 1780. 1776. One of the first measures adopted in 1776, was the reorganization of the mihtia. That of each county in Maine, was placed under the command of a Brigadier Gen- eral. Charles Gushing of Pownalborough was appointed to that office for the county of Lincoln. The regiment which included St. George's, extended to Newcastle. It had been recently under the command of Col. Cargill, but how long he retained his office is uncertain.* The regimental officers in commission during this war, were, as near as can be ascer- tained, Col. Farnsworth of Waldoborough, Major, afterwards Colonel, Mason Wheaton of Thomaston, and Major Hanse Robinson of St. George's, now Gushing. The two last had previously commanded companies. The first company offi- cers in the upper town under the new government, sponta- neously elected by the people in 1775, were, Thomas Star- rett, Captain ; Hatevil Libbey, Lieutenant ; and Alexander Kelloch, Ensign ; the last of whom was the first in the place to display the stars and stripes of the national flag. Besides the officers, the company then consisted of thirty-four pri- vates. Under the auspices of Capt. Starrett, who possessed as much moderation as firmness, the military affairs of the place, were, during the war, conducted to the general satis- faction. Massachusetts was, this year, called upon by Con- gress for a levy of 5,000 men ; yet so exposed were the eastern settlements, that none were taken from the County of Lincoln, and but thirty-nine from Cumberland. The wages paid at this time to a private soldier, were £3 per month ; but. in consequence of recent emissions of paper money, this was probably worth less than its nominal value. t The Declaration of Independence, which passed on the 4th of July of this year, was printed and sent to all the min- isters of the Gospel in the State, to be publicly read by them on the first Lord's day after its reception, and to be recorded by the town clerks in their respective town books. His part of the service, we may readily imagine, was performed with * We find him in 1779 at the head of a party employed in demol- ishing and leveling Fort Pownal. — Wil. His. t 2 WiU. His. p. 41.5, 446. A. Kelloch, Isfr. R. HaU, 1st. ANNALS OF WARREN. 161 alacrity by Mr. Urquhart, and it must have been an occasion of great interest and deep ennotion to his audience. After this decisive measure, the friends of freedom took a bolder position ; their opponents were denounced as traitors and foes to their country, all lukewarm persons were suspected, and the property of notorious tories was consider- ed as lawful plunder. The whig and tory principles also ran high among the eastern Indians ; but the whigs among them being much the most numerous, the tories remained at home as neutrals, whilst the whigs, as agreed upon by a treaty made this year at VVatertown, formed themselves into bands and joined the American army. The country was now involved in a serious and expensive conflict, with no prospect of an immediate termination. Business was interrupted ; and the government found it diffi- cult to provide means for paying and subsisting its troops. Besides the ordinary recourse to taxation, requisitions were, from time to time, made upon the counties and towns for various articles of clothing according to their several abilities. Of 5,000 blankets which the State called for in the autumn, the quota to York county was 212 ; to Cumberland, 123 ; to Lincoln, 89. Two hundred men, for the defence of the coast between Camden and Mach las, were raised this year; one company of which, under Capt. Jacob Ludwig of Waldoboro', was recruited in this vicinity. Of this company, the present town of Warren furnished the following officers and men, viz : Joseph Copeland, Lieut. ; Samuel Counce, Sergeant ; and James Anderson, William Dicke, Andrew Malcolm, Francis Young, and Joseph Peabody, privates. On the third of November, they marched to Megunticook, embarked for Machias, did duty there through the winter, and were absent about six months.* The difficulty in raising the minister's salary and assess- ing taxes, together with the desire of participating with other towns in the measures of the revolution, induced the inhab- itants of the upper town on St. George's to petition to be in- corporated. Their petition was granted ; and on the 7th of November, 1776, the said plantation was incorporated into a town, and, in honor of Dr. Joseph Warren, who had the preceding year fallen so gloriously on Bunker Hill, was * S. Peabody. Col. J. Ludwig. D. Dicke. Cornice's Jour. 14* 162 ANNALS OF WARREN. named Warren. It included its present limits, together with all that part of the present town of Thomaston lying above Mill River. Messrs. Porterfield, Shibles, and others, being dissatisfied with the minister of Warren, or otherwise indis- posed to be connected with it, immediately joined with the inhabitants of the adjacent territory in petitioning for the incorporation of another town, which was granted the 20th of March following, and a gore of about 6,000 acres of land between Oyster and Mill Rivers, taken from Warren and annexed to the new town.* This was named Thomas- ton, in honor of Major Gen. John Thomas, of the Massa- chusetts line, who died the preceding year at Chamblee. As the Watsons preferred to continue their connexion whh the town of Warren, the point occupied by them, was, for the present, retained within the limits of that town. Thom- aston, then containing South Thomaston and Rockland, grad- ually increased in wc^alth and population till the census of 1790, when its inhabitants amounted to 801. Its growth was much more rapid, after Gen. Knox made it the place of his residence in 1794 ; but the history of this town is worthy of a separate volume, and will not be pursued here farther than its connexion with that of Warren may render necessary.t As there were no representatives from this part of the country in the General Court, it was necessary, in order to obtain acts of incorporation, to dispatch special agents for the purpose to Boston. The petition from Warren was commit- ted to Capt. Gregg. His account of services in getting the incorporation act passed, was subsequently presented to the town, and seems to have given some dissatisfaction, as on two different occasions a committee was appointed to examine it ; and, as late as 1784, the town voted to pay him " £3 out of the town money." The petition from Thomaston seems to have been entrusted to Benjamin Burton ; or if not, there must have been a peti- tion for another town on the river, about the same time. For we find, in his memorandum book, an account of expenses in getting the town of St. George's incorporated ; from which it appears that he set off on horseback on the 26th of Novem- ber, and crossed Winnesimmet ferry into Boston on the first of December, thus rnaking a journey in six days which is now * ISIr. Shibles, however, did not live to see the measure completed, his death, occurring Feb. 7, 1777. t Acts of mcorporation, &c. ANNALS OF WARREN. 163 performed in about twelve hours. At that time, there were eight ferries between this river and Boston, the first being at Waterman's in VValdoborough, and the last at Winnesimmet in Chelsea. The whole expenses of himself and horse till his arrival in Boston, were £1 7s. 5d. = 84,56. This was certainly a moderate sum, and shows the high value of money compared with other articles at that time. From six pence to one shilling was paid for a meal of victuals, and from four pence to eight pence for crossing a ferry, being about one third of what is charged at present. Allowing for the differ- ence in the value of money, the expense in getting from here to Boston, at that day, was not less than $13 or $14, besides a week's labor of a man and horse amounting to at least as much more, making the whole little short of $30.* The prompt and versatile Burton seems to have under- taken this journey almost at the moment of closing his sum- mer's work in the present town of Union, where he had been employed as architect in erecting the first dwellinghouse of any importance in that place. This business he had taken up of his own accord, commencing the use of tools when quite a boy, in the construction of a violin — an instrument that so completely fascinated his youthful mind, that he im- mediately set about, and succeeded in making one. From this, he proceeded to greater undertakings ; eventually be- came a skilful house, mill, and ship carpenter; and was, the present year, together with Benjamin Packard, employed by Dr. John Taylor in building a mill, house, and other structures. The first attempt to settle the town of Union, was made in the autumn of 1772, by James Malcolm, Archibald Ander- son, (2d,) James Anderson, and John Crawford. They were young men belonging to St. George's, mostly natives of Scot- land brought over in their infancy, who, in their hunting excursions, had become acquainted with the advantageous localities about Seven-tree Pond. With the consent of Mr. Fluker, who agreed to sell them the land for $2 an acre, they selected their favorite lots, and determined to commence a settlement. Malcolm and A. Anderson chose the place about Vaughan's mills ; while Crawford and J. Anderson took up the neck between the upper part of Seven-tree Pond and the main river. They spent the greater part of that and the following winter, in clearing the land and getting out staves and lumber. On the 13th of May, 1774, they got their lots * Town Records. Burton's Ledger, &c. 164 ANNALS OF WARREN. surveyed, preparatory to farther improvements. No crops were raised by them, the method of raising grain upon burnt ground being ill understood here, till subsequently taught and practised by D r. Ta ylor. In July following, their plans were disconcerted by the arrival of the gentleman last mentioned, who had purchased the whole township, and came with John and Phinehas Butler, two young men of Lunenburg, the place of his residence, to commence a settlement. They disem- barked at Miller's landing, and, having purchased a ferry-boat of Capt. Mclntyre to transport their stores and baggage, pro- cured teams and hauled it across from Boggs's landing to the river above Starrett's bridge, where they again embarked and proceeded to the place of destination. Some altercation took place between Taylor and the young men whom he found encamped there, and who were unwilling to relinquish their possessions. Taylor offered to allow them to retain their clearings, but refused to give up the water privileges ; and they, disappointed in their principal aim, and finding themselves without remedy, abandoned the whole. The place had been named by them, and was long after called, Stirlingtown. Taylor went back that fall, and the next spring, in consequence perhaps of this purchase, was chosen a member of the Council for the eastern, or Sagadahoc pro- vince. The Butlers remaining, continued their labors this and the following summer, hiring out during the winter in Thomaston. Taylor returned in the autumn of 1775, and entering into an agreement with Mr. Packard, induced him to remove to his new township. Packard erected a house on the western side of the pond, and with the two Butlers spent the following winter in getting out timber for the buildings to be erected in the spr'ng. The next summer he and Bur- ton were employed in constructing a grist-mill and dwelling- house for Taylor, as before mentioned. Thus commenced the settlement around this beautiful sheet of water, which took its name from the seven trees that waved over the island in its bosom. This island was at that time, and for many years afterwards, tenanted by a pair of wild geese, who rear- ed their annual broods around the ancient Indian tomb, that for want of sufficient depth of soil, was raised with stones and earth several feet above the surface. These stones were sacrilegiously removed to form the hearth and jambs of Tay- lor's chimney ; the geese were driven from their old domain by the vandal hand of sport ; fields of waving grain suc- ceeded to the forests removed by the axe and flames ; the settlement increased, slowly at first, but more rapidly after ANNALS OF WARREN 165 the war, till in 1786 it was incorporated by its present name of Union. It then contained 17 families, and about 150 in- habitants. Coming from an agricultural region, and being remote from salt-water privileges, the inhabitants of this town devoted themselves almost exclusively to the cultivation of the soil, and became thrifty farmers. They gave early attention to fruit trees, most of them having extensive orch- ards ; a matter rather neglected, or thought incompatible with the c!imate, in the plantations below. But the history of this town is in the able hands of one of her own sons, and must not be farther encroached on here.* 1777. On the 10th of March, 1777, by virtue of a warrant from Waterman Thomas, Esq. of VValdoboro', the town of Warren held its first annual meeting at the meeting- house, and made choice of William Watson for Moderator. At this meeting, the following town officers were chosen, viz. W^illiam Boggs, town clerk ; William Watson, Hatevil Libbey, and Thomas Starrett, selectmen and assessors ; Reuben Hall and Joseph Cope) and, constables ; Patrick Peb- bles, Wm Boggs, and Stephen Peabody, committee of safety ; Alexander Lermond, town treasurer; Capt. Mclntyre, Samuel Creighton, Alexander Lermond, Jr. and Robert Montgomery, surveyors of highways ; Boice Cooper and John Spear, fence viewers ; and William Robinson, hogreeve. At a subsequent meeting on the 19th of April, they made choice of Hatevil Libbey as a delegate to attend a county convention, and voted to pay him ten shillings a day. Thus began the records of the town, which are preserved unbroken, down to the present time. Some of the earlier portions, however, have the legal defect of not being signed by the clerks who made them ; as, till 1784, they were kept o^ loose sheets, and at that time copied into the town book by the clerk then in office. Mr. Boggs was town clerk two years. The office was then filled one year by Alexander Lermond ; and he was succeeded by his son, Alexander, 2d, who held the office from 1780 to 1817, a period of thirty-seven years. The last, who copied the loose sheets as before mentioned, wrote a fair and legible hand, and his records compare most favor- ably with those of many neighboring towns of the same period. A committee of safety, so efficient in the earlier stages of the revolution, was at this time deemed a necessary organ in * Col. B. Burton. D. Dicke. Rev. J. L. Sibley, Assistant Li- brarian of Harvard ColleKe. 166 ANNALS OF WARREN. every town. Its primary object M^as to correspond with other towns, and to concert measures for the public defence. Mr. Peabody, who this year was chosen one of its members, came originally from Middleton, Mass., in 1767, and com- menced working at his trade as a blacksmith near Owl's Head. Settling on a lot of land without any title, as was customary in those times, he had raised or purchased a yoke of oxen, and began to form hopes of overcoming the disad- vantages of poverty, and providing for a numerous and rising family in part by farming. But Mr. Fales, agent of the Waldo heirs, and Mr. Wheaton, commenced actions against him, the one for trespass, the other for debt; and when at the beginning of winter he was returning from Lermond's mills with some meal and potatoes which he had obtained for his winter stores, he was met near Mill River by the sheriff, who attached his oxen and left him to transport his provisions as he might. His potatoes were frozen and lost, the oxen kept at charges till spring, when they were sold to pay for their keeping and the cost of court. Discouraged and dis- heartened, he soon after moved to the neighborhood of Oyster River, where he resumed his occupation ; and after a few years and the loss of his wife, who died about 1774, went on to the Scot farm. Having married the widow of Mr. Scot, whose second husband, Dr. Locke, was now dead, he resumed his trade there, and carried on the farm till the present year, 1777, when he removed to the place since owned by his son Stephen Peabody, 2d. At the latter place, a saw-mill had been erected in 1774 by Col. vStarrett, John Lermond, and Abraham Locke, son of the doctor. The last of these having a claim upon the Scot farm, an arrangement was made by which he sold that ihrm to Sampson, of VValdoboro', and Peabody took the saw-mill and possessory claim to a valuable tract of the surrounding land. Constructing, in the course of two days, a slight habitation, with no other frame than posts of spruce poles connected by plank instead of plates and beams, he moved his family and lived in it many years. The best of the lumber to the eastward of the mill having been cut away, the remainder was felled, burnt, and the logs hauled up in two large piles near the house for firewood, and the ground sown with rye, which, producing a bountiful crop, relieved their present want, and gave encouragement for the future. Some years afterwards, he was followed hither by two brothers, Samuel, who settled in Union, and Daniel, who succeeded Capt. John Wyllie on the present Haskel farm. ANNALS OF WARREN. 16t From these three, are descended all the Peabodys of this and the neighboring towns. Soon after the building of this mill, John Lermond, who seems to have had quite a fancy for these structures, took possession of the burnt land, removed his family thither in 1775, and built a saw-mill on the main branch of Oyster River at the great falls, a mile or so below Packard's present mill. He was attracted there by the advantages afforded by the meadows for raising cattle, and entered upon farming and lumbering with his usual laborious zeal.* The Haskel farm was at this time occupied by Thomas Calderwood, who came from Long Island. It was afterwards successively owned by a Mr. Houston, who returned to Dam- ariscotta, and by Capt. John Wyllie. The last named, also of Darnariscotta, had recently married in this town, and in this year, 1777, or the preceding, was, together with the vessel in which he was coasting to Boston, taken by the British and carried to Long Island. After being detained there nearly a year, he was assisted by the steward in whose service he was, to escape to New York, where, after living some weeks in a Dutch family, he found an opportunity to return home. A few years after, he went on to the Haskel farm and afterwards removed to the GifTen lot, where he spent the rest of his life, having built the house still standing and owned by his son-in-law, Capt. R. Robinson. Two years after the period we are treating of, he commanded a sloop in the expedition against Biguyduce, for a long time was an energetic master of a coasting vessel, sustained many town offices, and once represented the town in the Legislature. The Scot farm being now in the hands of Mr. Sampson, was tenanted by Philip Sechrist, a German from Waldoboro', who introduced saur kraut to the town, and, after residing there several years, settled the farm now occupied by T. Jones. To complete the State quota of troops, the General Court provided, this year, clothing for the recruits, and offered addi- tional bounty ; the ministers of the Gospel read the legislative address to their respective congregations ; and it was made highly penal either to discourage enlistments into the Conti- nental army or navy, to depreciate the bills of credit, or to weaken the supports given by the people to the National Inde- pendence. In short, if there were good reason even to sus- pect any one inimical to the United States, he might be arrest- * S. Peabody, 2d. John Starrett. H. M. Watts. 168 ANNALS OF WARREN, ed on a justice's warrant, and banished to the enemy, unless he would take the oath of allegiance ; and his return incurred a forfeiture of his life. Under this authority, the oath of alle- giance was tendered to several of the Scottish settlers of Warren, most of whom readily subscribed to it, and two, who refused, being arrested by Reuben Hall with a file of men, were discharged on giving their word of honor to undertake nothing against either party.* The exposed situation of the eastern coast, offering many temptations to the unscrupulous or disaffected, to engage in illicit traffic, and exposing others to the depredations of hostile vessels, the militia were frequently called out ; and a force, enlisted for the purpose, was regularly employed for guard- ing and protecting the coast. In the latter service, a company was again raised by Jacob Ludwig, Capt. ; William Farnsworth and Jacob Winchenbach, Lieutenants ; Jonathan Nevers, Ensign ; Caleb Howard and Godfrey Bornheimer, Sergeants ; Peter Hilt and Andrew Knowlton, Corporals ; with 18 pi'ivates, who went down to Machias in the spring, and with some diffi- culty returned by water at Christmas. A similar company was raised for a shorter service on the Penobscot, commanded by Nathaniel Fales, Captain, Thomas Robbins, 1st Lieutenant, Samuel Boggs and John Black, 2d Lieutenants, and consisting of 67 privates and 8 non-commissioned officers, mostly belong- ing to Thomaston, St. George''s, and the shores and islands of Penobscot Bay. Besides Lieutenant Boggs, several pri- vates, in one or the other of these companies, were from Warren.t Yet the coast was, this season, so infested by British ships of war, as to interrupt the supply of provisions, which on this river rose to an extravagant price. Moses Copeland, in a manuscript sketch, says he gave five dollars for two bushels of grain. Mr. Counce's family were without bread or pota- toes for nearly forty days, subsisting mostly on fish ; and for one bushel of corn, which he obtained in the lower town, he agreed to give four days' work in haying time. John Ler- mond, had this year a large field of rye at the Burnt Land, which ripened earlier than usual. This he threshed out upon a flat, smooth, ledge of rock, for want of a better threshing floor, and sold it all by the peck, and half-bushel, to relieve the famishing population. J * 2 Wm. Hist. p. 457. T. Kirkpatrick. t Pay Rolls in Sec. office, Boston. X Copelaud's MS, R. B. Copeland, Esq.* ANNALS OF WARREN. 169 Other places were alike, or even more, destitute. Noah Miller, who at the commencement of the revolution resided as a land surveyor at Coveket, N. S., and, on account of his whig principles and refusal to lake the oath of allegiance to the royal government, was obliged to leave that province with his family, which he effected with difficulty, and, with Mr. Knights and some others, had settled at a place called Canaan in the present town of Lincolnville, found himself cut off from all resources except those the woods and waters afforded. Having long subsisted upon flesh and fish alone, and having previously sold many of her best articles of clothing, his wife reluctantly consented to part with her silver shoe-buckles, the precious gift of a distant friend ; and with these, which cost #5i in Philadelphia, the husband made his way on foot to Owl's Head, and was glad there to obtain for them three pecks of Indian corn, which, after being ground, he carried home on his back.* Miller was not the only one of the Nova Scotia refugees who stopped in this vicinity. Besides Atwood Fales and I). Jenks, who settled in Thomaston, John Paskiel, also of Coveket, was, for his attachment to the cause of freedom, and refusal to take the oath, confined in prison on Prince Edward's Island ; from which, with the aid of three companions, he made his escape, and, seizing the first canoe he came across, made his way from point to point round the whole peninsula, subsisting on such food as he could venture to beg at the scattered houses on the coast ; and so proceeded westward till he arrived at Ash Point in Thomaston. There, he hired out with a Mr. Heard for a few years, then went into the ser- vice as boatman under Gen. Wadsworth, and afterwards set- tled in Warren, on the farm still owned by his son, John M. Paskiel. But the surrender of Burgoyne, which happened on the 17th of Oct. 1777, suddenly broke through the gloom which hung over the land, and diffused in its place the light of joy and encouragement. 1778. At the annual meeting in 1778, which was this year held on the eastern side of the river at the house of Thomas Starrett, most of the former officers were re-elected. Hopestill Sumner was chosen constable ; John Watts, Samuel Counce, and Nathan Buckland, committee of safety ; Robert * J. Miller, Esq. 15 170 ANNALS OF WARREN. Montgomery, fence viewer, in the room of Boice Cooper, who, together with Moses Copeland and John Dicke, were chosen surveyors of highways; and Daniel Rokes, hog-reave. E-okes came from MiUon about 1764, being then thirty-five years old, and, after hiring out a year or two with Oliver Rob- bins of Mill River, and then with Dr. Locke, married the daugh- ter of the latter. He then resided near Oyster River, a part of the time near where George Lermond now lives, and a part of the time on the GifTen lot, cultivating the land on shares, and working out for other people. He, this year, took John Lermond's relinquished farm, No. 4, and carried it on for the seven succeeding years. But in addition to the officers of the ))receding year, a number of others were now added, which throw some light upon the advancement the settlement had made. Wm. Watson was chosen sealer of leather; David Kclloch, culler of staves; Hatevil Libbey, surveyor of boards and shingles; and Wm. Boggs, Jaseph Copeland, and John Crawford, a committee to regulate the fishery. From this it would seem that some progress had been made in tanning ; but as staves and not hoops are mentioned, it is probable that the manufac- ture of casks was as yet small. The fishery had been a subject of importance from the first settlement of the river, as, in addition to shad and alewives, there was then a fine run of salmon. These were caught in seines in various places in the river, particularly at McLean's Point ; but the alewives were taken in dip-nets at the upper falls. Boats came up from all parts of the river to the head of the tide, to which place the fish were brought down by hand. There was no fishing ground at the lower falls until after the erection of the mill-dam. The fishery was, at this time, regulated by the general law upon that subject, and continued to be so till 1802. It was also voted, this year, " that the polls work one day on the roads and the estates in proportion," — a mode of raising a highway tax, which, with few exceptions, continued down to a very recent period. It was also voted " to raise =£30 for a town stock." It is not known on whose motion this some- what ambiguous phraseology was adopted, but this too, has been continued down, we believe, to the present time, whh the exception of the school-tax, which, since 1795, has been determined by a separate vote. This sum of c£30, or $100, sounds small for one year's expenses of a town ; but it will appear still smaller when the depreciation of the currency is taken iuto the account. This ANNALS OF WARREN. 171 is stated by Williamson to be, at tbis time, as $30 of paper for one of specie. According to a scale of depreciation used in tbe Treasurer's Office, it was in September of this year as four to one. It was, probably, different in different places, according to the amount of foreign trade carried on, in the prosecution of which, specie was absolutely necessary. In places like this, where there was little but barter trade, and scarcely any call for specie, it was easy for patriotism, by off- setting the price of one thing against another, to keep up the nominal value of the bills much longer than in more commer- cial towns. This different and rapidly declining value, ren- dered a tax, payable in specific articles of clothing and provis- ions, the only sure means of obtaining the requisite supplies for the public exigencies. '1 his was accordingly resorted to, and, to raise the amount required of it, the town voted in April, " that there be given $6 for a shirt, $6 for a pair of stockings, and 87 for a pair of shoes." But articles of clothing were not the only burdens, the town was called upon to bear. A quota of men for the army was also required, and, at a meeting in July, the town voted that such men be hired by the town, and the money for that purpose be assessed on the inhabitants, Capt. Starrett,and Lieutenants Libbey and Kelloch, were made a committee for hiring them. The number at this time re- quired of the town, was only two, out of the 2000 raised by the State.* The compensation of the selectmen was, by a vote of the town, fixed at $2 a day. This sum, according to the true depreciation,. would have been worth less than seven cents in specie ; yet, as it went to offset their portion of the town tax, estimated in the same ratio, it answered their purpose as well as if it had been set at 815, and the tax raised in proportion. At a meeting in May, the town " voted against the form of Government." This vote, so baldly recorded, refers to a State constitution, which had been reported by a committee the preceding year, and was now submitted to the people and rejected. Whether the question was to be decided by majorities of towns acting in their corporate capacity, or whether there was not information enough in the meeting to see the necessity of returning the yeas and nays, is uncertain. It would not be at all strange if the latter were the case ; as a neighboring town, some time after this, once voted " that John Hancock be Governor." In September, a law was passed by which the estates of * Mass. Records, &c. 172 ANNALS OF WARREN. three hundred and ten persons by name, late inhabitants of the State, \vere all confiscated. Among these were Francis Waldo of Falmouth and Thomas Fluker of Boston, heirs of Gen. Waldo, and principal proprietors of the Waldo patent. As these persons had retired to the enemy, they were called ' absentees ;' and the several Judges of Probate were author- ized to appoint agents to administer upon their estates, as if the late possessors were in fact dead. By this act and their previous absence, the proprietors were unable to give valid titles to lands within the patent, now regarded by the people here as forfeited, and on the same footing as other public, lands. This was an additional inducement to the practice of squatting, as it was called, or settling on lands without a title ; which extensively prevailed for many years. Fluker seems to have lived not many years after this, as, in 1784, he is styled " an absentee, lately deceased." Francis Waldo, also, died in June of the year last mentioned. His brother. Col. Samuel Waldo, had died in Falmouth, as early as 1770, leaving, among several children, one son of the same name. The three counties of York, Cumberland, and Lincoln, being this year erected by Congress into a maritime district, called " the District of Maine," that name was, for the first time, extended over the territory here. The interest of public afTairs, and the stirring events of the times, did not divert the attention of the people of Warren from what was passing among themselves. The character of their minister, who had now built a house and was living on the lot given to the first settled minister, began more and more to develope itself. At first, he was earnest to get settled, that his wife might know where to find him ; then, he was eager to have the town incorporated, that his salary, before depending on a voluntary subscription, might be raised by tax, and con- sthute a legal claim on the people. His zeal in the cause of American independence, appeared warmer than was perfectly natural in one so recently from the mother country. And when all these desires were gratified, his affection for his wife seemed suddenly to have abated. He remarked to some of the ladies that he was sorry he had married in Scotland — thought he could suit himself better here, and made use of other sinister expressions. At a wedding at Deacon Crawford's — an occasion which, in those days, brought every body together — he told one of the young ladies " not to be in a hurry about getting married, that he expected soon to receive a letter with a black seal, that a meenister's leddy was thought a great deal of in Scotland," — no equivocal intimations. ANNALS OF WARREN. 173 To this girl's mother, he afterwards repeated this expectation of a letter with the news of his wife's death. On her inquir- ing the reason, " Oh,'^ said he,_" I have had bad dreams ; I dreem't the soles of my shoes came off." " But," said she, *■' you have other relatives ; j^our di-eam may refer to some of them." '^ Hah !" said he, ^' I am sure it's my wife, I dreem't one of my teeth fell out." Receiving no encouragement in this quarter, he began to turn his attention to another. A daughter of Capt. Mclntyre was then courted by Isaac Wyllie of the lower town, a smart young man, afterwards commander pf a coaster. Urquhart, by injurious insinuations against him, so worked upon the minds of her parents as to break up the match. The next step was, to exhibit the letter with the black seal. This was shown to a few persons ; the parson appeared in deep mourning, and offered up public prayers on the occasion. But the afflicted man was not slow in seeking consolation. A courtship was observed to be going on. Suspicion flashed upon the minds of men. Moses Copeland and others requested to see the letter. It was lost — he had dropped it, together with a record of baptisms, whilst crossing the river. How had it been received ? It was brought by two strangers who lodged at Mclntyre's, and crossed the ferry. Inquiry was made at Waldoborough and Thomaston ; no such persons could be heard of; and, in those days, the arrival of a stranger was as little likely to be forgotten as that of a steamer is now. Suspicion was confirmed. People took sides for and against the minister, with as much warmth as they had done for and against the king. Mrs. James, the midwife, whose influence was in proportion to her dignity, was as strong an advocate for Urquhart as for Washington — would as soon doubt the patriotism of the one as the purity of the other. It was proposed to refer the matter to the Presbytery, whether at the request of his friends or foes we know not. It is said that Mr. Dicke attended at one of its sessions, and brought down a citation for Mr. Urquhart to appear, and make his defence at the next term. Whether he was sent by the church, or by individuals, cannot now be ascertained. At the subsequent term, Col. Starrett attended on the same business ; but, in the absence of the records of the Presbytery, it is im- possible to give a clear and definite account of the nature and date of these transactions. The town, in May, 1778, voted, " that there shall no man be sent to the Presbytery this session ;" also, " that the town will not pay Mr. Urquhart any more salary." 15* 174 ANNALS OF WARKEN. This latter vote seems to have given the minister some alarm, and caused him to look about, and examine the ground on which he stood. He had a strong love of property, and could ill brook any diminution of his income. Neither his settlement, nor his first year and a half's salarj^, for which he had no claim upon the town, had been paid, except in part by individual contributions ; the first year's salary voted by the town, was in the same predicament ; and the depreciation of paper money was, every day, reducing the value of the nominal sums thus due to him. He had made no contract with the town, and had no other claim against it than that of services rendered. In this state of things, besides complaining to the Presbytery, he petitioned the Court of Sessions, imme- diately after the vote above mentioned, and both the town and the individual contractors were cited to appear at the Septem- ber term of said court, and make answer to said Urquhart. Reuben Hall was chosen agent in behalf of the town, and the contractors employed Roland Gushing of Pownalboro' as their attorney. At the September term, the Court decided, that one-half the settlement money, c£50, and one and a half year's salary, reckoning from the 7th of May, 1775, to the incorporation of the town, the 7th of November, 1776, £60, together with £2d 14s. 8d. damages for delay of payment, should be paid by the individuals who signed the original con- tract ; and it appointed David Fales, Mason Wheaton, and John McKellar, to assess the same upon their polls and estates, and commit the same to Hopestill Sumner, collector of War- ren, with warrants to collect and pay in the same to the said U., who, on his part, was to allow and deduct all such sums as any of them had previously paid. The Court also decided, that, although the town had made no contract with Mr. U., yet, as he had discharged the duties of a minister of the Gospel for said town, he was equitably entitled to a compensation ; and it directed the selectmen of Warren to assess the sum of £86 8s. 4d. upon the inhabitants thereof, to be paid over to the said U., as his salary in full from the incorporation of the town to the time of making the decision, he deducting all for- mer payments as in the other case. This decision of the civil power was sufficiently favorable to Mr. Urquhart with regard to the past, but threw no light upon the future. If no contract subsisted between him and the town, the latter might, at any time, dispense with his servi- ces on giving him notice. Here the town rested, and nothing further was done during this and the following year. Mr. U., whose marriage with Miss Mclntyre had already taken place, ANNALS OF WARREN. 175 had many warm friends, who, believing him innocent, were unwilling to part with him ; and his countryman. Rev. Mr. McLean, reposing confidence in his statements, advised his continuance. He remained, therefore, preaching to such as chose to hear him, subsisting on voluntary contributions and the sums awarded him by Court, for the collection of which warrants were issued in April of the following year, 1779.* It was during this year, that the Rev. Thurston Whiting, who subsequently removed to this town, made a visit to Mr. Urquhart's, and formed his first acquaintance with the town in which he ended his days. This gentleman was, two years before, settled as Congregational minister over the town of New- castle. Having married a descendant of Mr. Campbell who had occupied the mill lots at the head of the tide, he now came to examine the property, and claim the right of possession. As there was yet no bridge across the river, he forded the same at Mr. Boggs's shore, and called upon Deacon Crawford. Whiting was then a young man of a prepossessing appear- ance, agreeable manners, a cultivated mind, and of the Orth- odox faith. And, as the weaker points of his character, which peculiarly exposed him to temptation, were not then known, he was regarded as a man of great promise. He found the two lots on the western side of the river occupied and claimed by Alexander Bird, who, finding these lots un- occupied, had, some years before, taken possession of them. Either at this time or a few years after, an arrangement was made, by which it was agreed that the two lots should be shared between them. Whiting taking the northern, since owned by Hovey, Page and others, and Bird retaining the southern. f 1779. The facilities afforded by the eastern harbors to American - privateers, and the annoyance these occasioned to British vessels passing to and from Halifax, together with the desire of obtaining a safS harbor and a more copious supply of masts and timber for their navy, induced the enemy to take possession of Biguyduce, now Casline ; which was effected June 12th, 1779. A scheme to dislodge them, was immediately set on foot by Massachusetts in concurrence with Congress. A large force was ordered for that purpose, of which 600 were to be drafted from Gen. Cushing's brigade in Lincoln County. The drafts from this and the neighbor- * Town Rec. Court Rec. Lincoln Co. N. Libbey. T. Kirkpatrick, &c. t Rev. T. Whiting. 176 ANNALS OF WARREN. ing places between Waldoboro' and Penobscot Bay, formed a company in Col. McCobb's regiment, as follows : — Philip M. Ulmer, Captain ; John Mathews and Alexander Kelloch, Lieuts. ; Joshua Howard, Wm. Robinson, Joseph Coombs, and Abraham Jones, Sergeants; Elisha Bradford, Francis Young, Ebenezer Jameson, and Matthew Watson, Corporals ; Jona- than Crocket, John Miller, Charles Jameson, John Black- ington, Ephraim Snow, Richard Keating, Ichabod Barrows, Jacob Keen, Joseph Ingraham, James Heard, Stephen Pea- body, Jr., Ephraim Stimson, John Libbey, James Eusticc, Robert Hawes, Andrew Robinson, Jonathan Nutting, Jacob Robinson, John Brison, Dennis Connary, John Wissle, Corn. Morton, Paul Jameson, Geo. Conden, Luke Jones, Jacob Acorn, Baltus Stilke, John Hunt, John Acorn, Wm. Palfrey, John Cornmouth, Samuel Crane, Jos. Jameson, Levi Loring, John Ulmer, Chris'r Newbit, John Varner, Francis Vinal, Martin Hoch, Paul Mink, Jos. Simmons, Martin Heisler, Peter Winchenbach, Valentine Mink, Jacob Ghentner, John Tuck, Silvester Prince, John Carver,* John Gordon, Wm. Gregory, Peter Off, [Orf, or Oat,] Andrew Wells, Nathan Knights, Leonard Medcalf, Daniel Gardner, Samuel Marshal, Michael Achorn, Chas. Kaler, Henry Oberlock, Martin Brod- man, Chris'r Walk, John Benner, Geo. Hoch, Isaac Sargus, Geo. Hoffsis, Chas. Demorse, Thomas Adams, Thomas Mor- ton, and Charles Conner. Of these, the town of Warren furnished Lieut. Kelloch, Sergeant Robinson, Corporal Young ; and Samuel Crane, John Libbey, Joseph Jameson, Stephen Pcabody, Jr., and perhaps John Miller, privates.! In addition to these, most of the citizens able to bear arms, volunteered their services, and joined the flotilla before any attack was made. On the eastern side of the river, scarcely a man was left at home. The troops were all mustered and reviewed at Townshend, or Boothbay, and, under the command of Generals Lovell and Wadsworth, sailed thence in twenty-four transports, accompanied by nineteen armed vessels, at the head of which was the frigate Warren of 32 guns, all commanded by Commodore Saltonstall. On the 25th of July, they arrived at their place of destination, but, on account of the surf, lay inactive two days. On the third day, a party of soldiers and marines, after having been kept in the boats all night. * Marked "killed Jiily 27tli." t Pay-roll in Sec. Office, Boston, lettered *» Sea Coast Defence, 294 -349, Penobscot service, 350 — 533. ANNALS OF WARREN. 177 crowded in a standing position, without room to sit or other- wise rest themselves, moved to the shore in a still, foggy morning. The position of the enetny's fleet, rendered it necessary to land on the western side, in front of a precipice two hundred feet high. On the brow of this, was posted a line of troops, who opened a brisk fire as our boats ap- proached. A volunteer who was present, represents the balls as falling in the water like hailstones. The cliff where they landed being inaccessible, they divided into three bands, one deploying on each hand, whilst the centre kept up a brisk fire to draw the enemy's attention. Orders had been given, to form on the shore and march up the cliff in order ; but the precipice was so steep that it was difficult to ascend, even by grasping the bushes. Ulmer ordered his men to discharge their pieces, twice, up the bank, then get up the best way they could, and form in order above. This was done successfully ; the others succeeded with more difficulty ; and the enemy were soon driven from the place, leaving thirty killed, wounded, and taken. Our loss in this brilliant affair, which lasted about twenty minutes, was one hundred men. But here, after this splendid beginning, the wrongheaded counsels and wilful disposition of the Commodore began to thwart every attempt at united and vigorous action. Delay ensued, until the appearance of a British fleet of superior force, left the Americans no alternative but to retreat in the best manner they could, or surrender at discretion. They sailed up the river, and were pursued by the enemy, some of the vessels being taken, and some burnt or blown up by the Americans themselves. The troops mostly landed on the western side, and, after a painful march and suffering much from hunger, found their way back to the settlements. Most of them passed to the northward of this place, and came out on the Kennebec. Several of them were so struck with the timber and soil in the present town of Montville, that they afterwards returned and settled there. One company passed through this town ; but, exhausted with hunger and fatigue, they were obliged to encamp on its borders ; and spent the night in Crawford's meadow. Goaded by hunger, they, next morning, found their way to the settlement, and, dividing between Deacon Crawford's and Wm. Boggs's, obtained a breakfast in those hospitable houses. Of those taken prison- ers in this expedition, one, John Libbey, was from Warren. He was captured in an outpost which the Americans took possession of, on the night of Aug. 7th, in the obscurity of 178 ANNALS OF WARREN. which he got intermuigled with a party of the enemy who came out of the fort, and was detained several weeks. One volunteer, Samuel Boggs, was killed. He was found in the woods where he had died of a wound, but how, or by whom inflicted, was never known. From the appearance of the ground, he was supposed to have died a lingering death in extreme agony.* The enemy having thus gained a foothold in our immedi- ate vicinity, the militia of the regiment, now commanded by Col. M. Wheaton, were frequently called out on sudden emergencies, and more permanent detachments stationed at particular places. Capt. J. Ludwig, with Lieut. Jacob Win- chenbach. Sergeant G. Bornheimer, and 17 privates, did duty at Broad Bay from Sept. 21st to Nov. 1st. Lieut, Kelloch was continued in service through the following winter, and stationed with a company of drafted militia at Clam Cove. The intercourse between him and his family in Warren, for clothing and other purposes, was carried on by way of the Burnt-land and Madambettox, then the usual route. Lieut. Burton, with another party, was stationed at Camden harbor, and nine men, under Capt. Eleazer Crabtree and Sergeant David Jenks, were raised for the defence of Fox Islands, and served from Sept. 5th to Dec. 5th.t This defeat, the enemy upon our coasts, the embargo which prevented intercourse between our seaports and other places, and the uncommon drought, were circumstances which increased the dearth of provisions and the general distress. In consequence of the drought, extensive fires raged in the woods. One of these swept over the neck of land between the river and North Pond, from where Edmund Starrett, Esq. now lives, up to Starrett's bridge. Rocky meadow, and an adjoining tract were burnt the same season. | The currency continuing to sink, was now as forty to one ; the price at Falmonth, in June, of a bushel of corn being #35; of wheat meal, $75 ; molasses, $16 per gallon ; and, in August, $19 for a pound of tea.§ Warren, this year, received some addition to its population by the arrival of Capt. Samuel Payson and sons from Sharon, Mass. followed soon after by his whole family. He, with his r— -— " ■ * WiU. His. S. Crane. D. Dicke. J. Boggs. H. M. Watts, &c. t A. Kelloch, 2d. W. Lermond. Pay-rolls in Sec. Office. X What is called the Burnt-land was burnt over before the town was settled. — T. Kirkpatrick, &c. § Smith's Joiu'nal, p. Ill — 112. ANNALS OF WARREN. 179 eldest son, had served some years in the army, with pay scarcely sufficient to maintain his large family ; and now re- solved to direct his steps eastward, where land, at least, was abundant. Proceeding to Boston, he found a vessel, Capt. J. Wyllie master, bound to St. George's, and applied for a pas- sage. He was told no vessel would sail till the embargo was removed. Availing himself of the proffered hospitality, he staid on board one night, and, in some of the neighboring places, found labor for himself and sons sufficient to pay their expenses till the embargo was removed. Arriving in this town, he took, on shares, the farm of William Robinson, (now again in the army,) and carried it on for three years.* It was, also, in the early part of this year, we believe, that the town lost another of its earliest settlers. Mr. Archibald Gamble, in hauling hay across the river on the ice, broke through, and was drowned, near what has since been called Gamble's rock.t At the annual meeting of the town, this year, the former officers were in general re-elected ; except that Alexander Lermond was chosen clerk, and Patrick Pebbles, William Boggs, and Alexander Lermond, Jr., assessors, distinct from the selectmen ; Capt. John Mclntyre, constable ; John Crawford, Jr., David Creighton,and John Spear, committee of safety ; Alexander Kelloch, John Watts, and Samuel Boggs, fish com- mittee ; and John Nelson, Samuel Counce, and David Kelloch, road surveyors. This Mr. Nelson, a native of Scotland, came to this place as a pedler, carrying his goods in panniers, with two horses. He also kept goods for sale at Lermond's mills for a time, had now purchased the farm at present occupied by Francis Spear and others, and was living in the house he built the preceding year, which was afterwards long occupied by Rev. Thurston Whiting, on the spot where the widow S. Mclntyre's now stands. Nelson's deed from S. Howard, and that of the adjoining lot to John Crawford, Jr. were dated July 19, 1776. In May, it was voted " that the four rod road between the land of J. Mclntyre and P. Pebbles be laid open." This re- lates to one of those roads which Mr. Waldo agreed to give, one at least for every five lots, and for which a space four rods wide was left in the original survey. This vote is the first evidence the records afford of any thing like laying out * J. Payson. t Mrs. S. Fuller. Mrs. P. Williams. 180 ANNALS OF AVARREN. a road in the town. At the same meeting, it was " voted that no alewives be caught at the falls for sale ;'' whicli vote seems to prove tliat these fish were now in great demand, and that more |)eo|)U3 came for them than could find room for fishing. The intention of the vote was, to prevent tiie first comers from monopolizing the stands, and making a profit by the sale of fish, to which all were equally entitled. On the 28th of May, the town made choice of Moses Cope- land as their Representative in the General Court, it being the first time the town was represented. This gentleman had, the preceding year, opened a shop of goods, and was now do- ing a small business near his mill in the lower part of the town. At tlie same time, J. Mclntyre, T. Starrett, and VVm. Lermond, were chosen a connnittee " to instruct tlie represen- tative and draw up a petition." They voted, also, " that the town does not choose to do any thing about the form of govern- ment at this tim(3." The former of these votes was in con- formity with the fashion of the time, tlie instructions of Bos- ton and other towns to their representatives being among the ablest documents of the revolution. What instructions were given by this committee, or what the petition alluded to, we have no means of knowing. The last of these votes referred to the State constitution, the formation of which was then in agitation. Delegates met to take this subject into consider- ation, in September, at Cambridge, and, after referring the subject to a large committee, adjourned to October 28th, and subsequently to the 5th of .January following. 1780- After a protracted session, a Constitution, com- j)lel(HJ, accepted, and printed, was distributed for adoption among all the towns and plantations throughout the State. A majority of two-thirds of the voters present, was required for its ratification, which being subsequently obtained, the Con- stitution went into oj)eration on the last Wednesday of Octo- ber, and continued unaltered until after the separation of Maine from Massachusetts. On the question of its adoption, the town of Warren, in accordance with the vote of the pre- ceding year, seems not to have acted at all. At the first election, Sept. 4th, John Hancock was chosen Governor, and Thomas Rice of Pownalboro', Senator for the county of Lin- coln. It does not appear from the records that Warren took any j)art in this election. The winter of 1779-80 was remarkable for its severity. On Christmas day, there was a violent snow storm of about two feet in depth, and on New Year's day, another still deep- er ; in both of which the wind was fiorth-westerly. These ANNALS OF WARREN. 181 were the principal snows ; but the fences were all covered during the winter, and there was no traveling except upon snow-shoes. For forty-eight days, the sun had no power to melt the snow even on the roofs of houses. Mr. Copeland, who attended the winter session of the Legislature, set out on his return home in February, and came as far as North Yarmouth on snow-shoes. Lieut. Benjamin Burton, then stationed at Camden with a body of troops, went in the same month with a flag of truce to obtain the release of Eliakim Libbey, a young man of this town, who had been taken, the fall before, in a schooner that was cut out of the Westkeag river, loaded with lumber for the W. Indies. He passed directly from Camden harbor to Biguyduce, across the mouth of Penobscot Bay on the ice ; and succeeding in his mission, returned with Libbey in the same manner.* CHAPTER X PROM 1780 to 1782; closing events of the revolution, eccle- siastical DIFEICULTIES, &C. The disastrous attempt against Biguyduce, had the effect to encourage the adherents of the British, and give rise to considerable illicit traffic. Those who had been plundered or otherwise molested as tories, now sought satisfaction by retaliation ; and some, who had nothing to complain of, were tempted by the prospect of gain to furnish provisions to the enemy. The inhabitants of this town, in general, had neither the means nor inclination to engage much in either. Com- plaints and accusations were, indeed, made on both sides. Many reports, to the disadvantage of particular persons, were put in circulation, resting, generally, upon no very conclusive evidence. Waldo Dicke and John Nelson were the only ones who actually joined the British. The latter had lost his em- ployment as pedler in consequence of the interruption of trade ; and the former was led by inclination, resentment, and the prospect of success, to take sides with the enemy. Many from other places had done the same ; and their knowledge * Copcland's MS. D. Dicke. " 16 182 ANNALS OF WARREN. of the country, harbors, and inlets, enabled them, with facility, to commit depredations on sea and land. To put a stop to this state of things, a detachment of 600 militia was ordered out for eight months' service ; 200 of which were stationed, under George Ulmer, at Camden. To that place, the friends of freedom on the Penobscot, deeming their situation there no longer safe, now repaired as an asylum from the enemy. A number, also, particularly Treat, Pierce, West, the two Cochranes, and perhaps some others, of Frankfort, brought their families to friends and relatives in Warren, and remain- ed for some time at the houses of Col. Starrett, Alexander Lermond, Mrs. James, and perhaps elsewhere. Some hostile attempts were made upon Camden ; in one of which, the saw- mill on Megunticook stream was burned ; but the grist-mill, which was also set on fire, was saved by a party under Leonard Metcalf, who bravely repelled the enemy, and ex- tinguished the flames. On this, or some similar expedition, undertaken in retaliation for the taking of a vessel from Cas- tine harbor, the Scottish commander. Col. Campbell, had orders to burn the place ; but finding nothing but scattered log-huts, and being likely to meet resistance, he excused the omission of this part of his orders to his father, the General, by saying he " would'nt risk the life of a man for all the soo hoosesf in Camden." A kind of tavern, in a log-house, was kept at Clam Cove by Wm. Gregory, a jolly, light-minded man, much fonder of a merry story than a political discussion, and more eager to amass a fortune than maintain the rights of either country. He was reckoned a tory, and his house frequented by illicit traders ; though he was often plundered by both parties. On one occasion, about this time, a knocking was heard at night at his door. He, answering, was request- ed to open his door to a friend ; when, as he did so, in rushed a file of men, all, except the commander, speaking a foreign tongue, probably the Scotch highland. They inquired if two deserters, whom they described, were in his house ; and, being satisfied that they were not, compelled Gregory to go with them, as a guide, to the ferry at Thomaston. On their arrival, the boats were all on the other side ; but, after a Ihtle talk not understood, one stripped off his clothes in an instant, notwithstanding the coldness of the season, and, plunging in, soon returned with a boat. Leaving him to dress and warm himself as he could, the rest went over to Watson's house, * Anglice, piff-stie^. ANNALS OF WARREN. 183 found the deserters, returned to Clam Cove, and embarked before the dawn. The coast was infested with privateers, both British and American. A sloop belonging to Capt. Henderson, M. Cope- land, and others, was this year taken by the enemy ; but, being afterwards retaken, was restored to the owners on payment of $80 salvage. After the capture of this sloop, and the loss of the Dolphin, cast away the preceding year, but a single vessel, belonging to Col, Wheaton, remained in this river. This also was cut out in the night time, by a party said to be headed by Waldo Dicke, and conducted without molestation to Biguyduce. Among the many who were drawn to this quarter from other places for the sake of carrying on intercourse with the British, was one Capt. John Long, who frequently passed to and fro, plotting schemes of mischief. Being found at War- ren, on one occasion, the people undertook to arrest him. Seeing himself surrounded, with no chance of escape, he brandished his knife, and threatened the life of any one who should approach. This caused a little hesitation ; but the circle gradually contracted around him, till he was seized by John Spear, from whose grasp, once fixed, there was no disengagement, and was disarmed, pinioned, and taken to Waldoboro' on horseback. A party there, undertook to conduct him on to the County jail ; but, somehow or other, he found means to effect his escape this time ; though in 1781 he was again apprehended in Camden, and sent all the way to Boston under the care of Philip Robbins of Stirlington. The command of the whole eastern department, between Piscataqua and St. Croix, was given to General Peleg Wads- worth. He was empowered to raise a company of volun- teers in Lincoln County, whenever he siiould think the public safety required it ; and to execute martial law, ten miles in width upon the coast eastward of the Kennebec and upon the islands, conformably to the standing rules and regulations of the American army. He arrived at Falmouth, April 6th, and took immediate measures for raising the troops required for that and the more eastern posts. With a portion of these, he came to St. George's the following week, and fixed his head-quarters at Thomaston. To draw a line of demarka- tion between friends and foes, he issued a proclamation strictly prohibiting all intercourse with the enemy. Soon after this, a number of British partizans took a young man from one of the Islands by the name of Stephen Pendleton, who went as a pilot, and conducted them to the 184 ANNALS OF WARREN. dwelling of Mr. Soule, a wealthy man and staunch friend of liberty, in Waldoboro'. They entered his house, seized and bound him, and told Pendleton he might have his choice either to help plunder the house, or guard Soule. He, accord- ing to his own account, not liking the idea of plunder, chose the latter. They proceeded to ransack the house, and were about to break open the desk ; when Soule, unwilling to lose his treasure, made such exertions to free himself, in defiance of Pendleton's threats to shoot him, that he was on the point of succeeding. Pendleton, trembling for the safety ' of himself and whole party, fired, and shot him dead, se- verely wounding his wife, also, at the same time. This raised an alarm, and the marauders were glad to escape to the woods, conceal themselves as they could by day, and travel by night, subsisting on the bark of trees, till, by a circuitous route back of the mountains, they reached Penob- scot, and returned to Biguyduce. Pendleton was afraid to return, and after the war lived in Nova Scotia, making one or two clandestine visits to his family on the Island.* Immediately after this high-handed outrage. Gen. Wads- worth issued a proclamation denouncing death upon any one convicted of aiding or secreting the enemy. Subsequent to this proclamation, a man by the name of Jeremiah Braun, residing back of Damariscotta, was taken up, charged with piloting a party of the British through the back country for the purpose of pillaging. He was tried on the 23d or 24th of August by a court-martial at Wadsworth's head-quarters, condemned, and sentenced to be hung. Being rather a sim- ple sort of a man, and, as many thought, unconscious of any offence in what he did ; the sentence was generally consid- ered as a feint to frighten him, and prevent a repetition of the crime. Many went to the General, and among them Mrs. James and other women, to intercede for his pardon. But the crisis demanded decision ; an example was thought ne- cessary ; and Wadsworth remained inflexible. On the day after the sentence, a gallows was erected on Limestone hill, and the miserable man conducted to it in a cart, fainting at the sight, and rendered insensible from fear. In this situation, Mr. Coombs, who was standing near, was asked to lend his handkerchief to tie over the prisoner's eyes. Supposing it a farce, he complied ; and the prisoner, to appearance already dead, was swung off, to the astonishment of the spectators. The General was greatly moved, and was observed walking — — _, - --■ * II, Prince, Esq., &c, ANNALS OF WARREN. 185 his room in apparent agitation the most of the following day. Many friends of the revolution regretted that such an exam- ple of severity, however necessary, should fall on such a victim. Another offender, by the name of Nathaniel Palmer, was also condemned, but made his escape from Wheaton's barn, the place of his confinement. Several courts-martial were held the same season, and were composed of such officers, whether in the militia or the public service, as were nearest at hand. In a book kept by Lieut. Burton, then on duty under Wadsworth, we find the following entry. "June 1, 1780. Capt. Thomas Starrett, 5 days on Court-martial ; Lieut. Kelloch, Lieut. Nutt, Lieut. Bucklin, 5 days each, Lieut. Killse, 3 days." Subsequently, without date, " Capt. Starrett, Lieuts. Libbey, Killse, Kelloch, and Nutt, one day each."* This town voted, in March, that the sum of =£500 be raised for the purpose of hiring soldiers. In a resolve of the Gen- eral Court passed May 4th of this year, for each town to pro- cure one-tenth as many shirts, pairs of shoes, and stockings, as there were male inhabitants in said town above sixteen years old, and half as many blankets as shirts ; Warren had asses- sed nine shirts, as many pairs of shoes and stockings, and four blankets. By another resolve passed September 25th, to supply the army with beef, Warren's assessment was 1,780 lbs. out of 66,0901bs. on the county. Upon this, the town voted " that there be a sum of money raised to purchase l,7801bs. of beef at $5 per pound." By another resolve of December 4th, Warren was to provide 3,4221bs. of beef, out of 129,1521bs. for the county. f In town meeting, it was voted " to accept the report of the committee respecting the frost-fishery ;" and another was chosen to take care of the glass in the old meeting-house ; which had probably remained unused ever since the lead sashes were pillaged by the Indians. An attempt was, this year, made to reconcile the people with their minister. On the 19th of November, it was voted " to choose a committee to endeavor to settle the subsisting differ- ences with Mr. Urquhart." On the 30th of the same month, they voted " that the paper offered by Mr. Urquhart is satis- factory for the present ;" that the town hire him the ensuing * Tradition. P. Butler's Jour, per Rev. J. L. Sibley, t Mass. Records. 16* 186 ANNALS OF WARREN. year, and give him c£30, old currency, payable in corn at 4s. per bushel, barley at 2s. 8d., beef at 2^d. per lb., butter at 8d., and work at 2s. 8d. a day in summer and 2s. in winter, or in paper currency at $90 for one in silver. They also voted to pay him $100, equal to silver money, per year, for the time past. The town, this year, voted to build a bridge over Oyster River ; the frame to be provided by the inhabitants on the eastern side of the main river, and the covering by those on the western side. This was the first attempt at bridging in the town ; and was performed some rods below the present Oyster River bridge, being wholly in Warren. Before this time, there was no other passage across that stream, but that through Lermond's saw and grist-mills, which were on opposite sides of the river, and connected by a footway of plank. Across this, old Mr. Lermond used to pass to accommodate his cus- tomers by night or day, in snow, ice, or rain, though it would make some people giddy to walk it in the dny-time. The distant customers at this mill, it is said, were generally furnish- ed with a meal of victuals, and the boys and girls (for girls went to mill in those days) treated on hasty-pudding and molasses.* In December, the troops which had been called out in the spring, having returned home, Gen. Wadsworth was left with a small guard only ; soldiers from the neighboring militia beinci; occasionally called for, to act as sentinels. 1781. On the 18th of Feb. 1781, Gen. Campbell at Biguyduce, having received intelligence of Wadsworth's situ- ation, sent Lieut. Stockton, with a party of twenty-five men, in a schooner used as a privateer, to attempt his capture. They arrived at dead of night, and anchored in Westkeag river, whence, with Waldo Dicke for their guide, they pro- ceeded on by land to the General's head-quarters. These were in the house of Col. Wheaton, on the eastern side of the road leading from the Prison corner to the lower toll-bridge in Thomaston ; Wheaton having removed, for a time, to his lands in Stirlington. This house then consisted of one story only, though a second story was afterwards added. It is still standing, nearly opposite the dwell inghouse of the late Capt. Wm. Robinson, and frequently designated as the " Seavy house." Here the General had his family, consisting of his wife, her two children, and her friend. Miss Fenno, with a guard of six soldiers. The General occupied the west front ■ « ' ■ * O. Boggs. T. Kirkpatrick, &c. ANNALS OF WARREN. 187 room. John Montgomery, who acted as the General's waiter, was, that night, absent at his father's in Warren. William Boggs, Philip Sechrist, and Nathaniel Copeland, all from the last named town, were among the soldiers drafted from the militia to act as guards for the night. The first of these was standing sentinel at the door when the party arrived. Hear- ing a crackling of the crusted snow, he hailed " who comes there ?" but they rushed, on before the words were out of his mouth, disarmed him, and assaulted the house in various quarters. As the door of the kitchen, then used as a guard- room, was opened, a part of the assailants discharged their pieces, and entered. At the same moment, others fired into the sleeping apartment of the General and his wife, and blew in a part of the window ; and a third party forced their way to Miss Fenno's room. Thus possession was taken of the whole house, except the general's room, which was strongly barred. Finding no person with Miss Fenno except Mrs. Wadsworth, who had fied thither to dress herself, a British officer ordered the firing there to cease. Armed with a brace of pistols, a fusee, and a blunderbuss, the General fought the assailants away entirely from his windows, and the kitchen door. Twice he ineffectually snapped his blunderbuss at others whom he heard in the front entry ; when they retreat- ed. He next seized his fusee, and fired upon those who were breaking through one of his windows ; and they also withdrew. The attack was then renewed through the entry, and was bravely resisted with his bayonet. But the appear- ance of his under linen betraying him to the soldiers in the kitchen, they instantly fired at him, and one of their bullets went through his left arm. Forced to surrender, they helped him to dress with all expedition, except his coat, which cotild not be drawn over his fractured arm. His wife and Miss Fenno, in spite of the condition the house was in, doors and windows demolished, one room on fire, and the floors covered with blood, hastily tied a handkerchief on bis arm, and threw a blanket over his shoulders ; when he was precipitately hur- ried away. Two wounded British soldiers were placed on the General's horse, taken from the barn ; and he himself, and a wounded soldier of his, marched on foot, assisted by their captors. Having gone about a mile, one of the soldiers, faint and apparently dying, was left at a small house, and the General mounted in his stead. The party arrived at West- keag, snatched a hasty breakfast at Mr. Snow's, and, hurrying to their vessel, embarked before day, and returned triumphant to Biguyduce. One of the general's body-guard, Hickey by 188 ANNALS OF WARREN. name, was left badly wounded in the thigh, who, as soon as his condition would admit, was taken to Waldoboro', and put under the care of Dr. Scjiaeffer. The children were in the bed-room, and the General's son, five years old, slept undis- turbed through the whole transaction. Having now no in- ducement to remain here, Mrs. Wadsworth and her family returned to their friends at Falmouth.* Wadsworth, on arriving at Biguyduce, was complimented by the British commander for his gallant defence, received surgical aid for his wound, and was confined in a grated room of the officers' barracks within the fortress. In April, Major Benjamin Burton, who had served under him the preceding summer, was taken prisoner on his passage from Boston to St. George's, and confined in the same room. Having been refused their parole, and learning that they were about to be sent to England, the two began to task their ingenuity to find the means of escape. Besides the ditch, the walls of the fort were 20 feet high, with frazing at the top and chevaux-de-frize at the bottom. Within and upon the walls, and near the exterior doors of the building, there were sen- tinels posted ; and also two in the entry about the prisoners' door. The upper part of this door was a window-sash — opened by the guards at pleasure, not unfrequently in times of profound darkness and silence. Outside the ditch, another set of guards patroled through the night ; the gate was shut at sunset ; and a picket-guard was placed on or near the isthmus north-westward, to prevent any escape from the fort to the main land. Yet, in spite of all these obstacles, they adopted a plan, and set about its execution. Procuring a gimlet, as if to assist in the making of toys for their amuse- ment, they commenced boring holes through one of the pine boards which covered their room, filling the holes with bread as fast as they were made. Wadsworth, not being tall enough for this operation, assigned it to his companion, whilst he kept his eye upon the door and the sentinels. From observa- tion he soon became so acquainted with their pace and the time of their return, as to appear disengaged with his com- panion as usual, though the work made great progress in the intervals. At last the two rows of perforations across the board were completed, the interstices cut with a pen-knife, except a single one for support at each corner ; and nothing * Dwight's Travels. J. Montgomery. S. Crane. M. Robinson. J. Rokes, and 2 Will. Ilis. p. 489, where WJieaton's house is errone- ously placed at Westkeag. ANNALS OF WARREN. 18§ but a favorable opportunity was wanting to put their scheme in execution. At length, on the night of the 18th of June, in the midst of a tempest, when the flashes of lightning ceased and the rain was pouring in torrents, they retired to bed about 11 o'clock, and, when the guard was looking through the door, extin- guished their light. In an hour afterwards, they had removed the piece overhead and ascended through the aperture, the tall Burton assisting his shorter and invalid companion to mount ; when, they crept over the officers' rooms, descended into the entry, and, imitating the appearance of officers in- toxicated, passed the guards at the door unquestioned. Here they separated as by agreement, felt their way along under the eaves of the building, gained the parapet, let themselves down by means of blankets fastened to the pickets with skewers which they had prepared beforehand, and, from the lower corner, dropped without harm into the ditch below. Creeping softly out between the sentry boxes, they descended the declivity, and in the midst of the rain and darkness, groped their way among rocks, stumps, and brush, towards the shore of the back cove, where they had agreed to wait for each other, at an old guard-house. Wadsworth waited here half an hour, when, concluding his friend was lost, he forded the cove, one mile in extent with water in some places three feet deep, pursued his way over windfalls to a road cut by his order the year before, and at sun- rise found himself on the east bank of the Penobscot, the rain abating and the weather clearing up. Resting here, seven or eight miles from the fort, he was overtaken by Burton to the unspeakable joy of both ; each having believed the other lost. Finding a boat, they crossed over the bay to the western shore, pursued, but evidently not discovered, by a barge of the enemy ; steered south-westerly, by a pocket compass, through the woods to the upper branches of the St. George's, subsisting on some pieces of bread and meat which they had dried and secreted in their confinement, eked out, as it is said, by frogs taken on the way ; and on the third day, June 21st, arrived in the neighborhood of Mt, Pleasant, in this town. Wadsworth was so exhausted with fatigue and hunger, that Burton was forced to leave him sonae niiles behind, and, procuring assistance and refreshment, 190 ANNALS OF WARREN. returned to his aid ; after which, they arrived safe at the house of their old friend and acquaintance, Boice Cooper.* Cooper, zealous and officious, accompanied them to the ferry, and, thoughtless of the danger if any lurking parties of the enemy had been in wait to intercept them, hailed Capt. Mclntyre across the river, and announced the General's return in a voice that might be heard for miles. After recruiting, some days, at Capt. Mclntyre's, and having no longer any force at his disposal here, the General proceeded to Falmouth by land, accompanied by a guard of soldiers drafted from the militia. One of these, John Montgomery, then seventeen years old, is still living, and remembers that on taking leave of Mrs. Wadsworth she presented him a $50 bill, with which he was able to purchase one glass of rum and one felt hat.t The mutual depredations committed in Maine and Nova Scotia, and the acts of retaliation and revenge which they gave rise to, had now arrived at their greatest height. It was some relief to this border warfare, that the Indians, influenced by the French, their old friends, now in close alliance with us, remained friendly and faithful to our interests. Still great distress prevailed ; and the public burdens were heavy. Besides the pecuniary taxes upon every town and plantation in the State, there continued to be repeated calls upon each one of them for recruits, and for particular articles, such as blankets, shirts, pairs of stockings and shoes, and pounds of beef; and in every county there were constantly muster-masters, and collectors of the different articles. In a resolve of the preceding December, Warren's quota of men for the Conti- nental Army was three, and that of the whole county, 126. Accordingly, at the annual meeting in March, the town voted " that there be ^£800 lawful money, paper currency, raised for the purpose of hiring soldiers." By resolves passed June 22d, Warren was to raise l,4091bs. of beef, and to procure six shirts, six pair of stockings, and six pair of shoes.| * Col. B. Buxton. J. Montgomery. Dwight's Travels. Rev. J. L. Sibley, &c. t Mr. Montgomery's last application for a pension, to which he is thought to be jvistly entitled, was rejected in 1847, on the ground that by the pay-rolls, he seems to have received but £4 wages, a simi suffi- cient to cover but two months' service. Perhaps, from the capttire of the General, the dispersion of the few men retained, and the little value of the paper money, the latter portion of his ser-sdces was never presented for allowance, and the testunony of persons not in the service was deemed insufficient proof at the War Office. X Mass. Records. ANNALS OF WARREN. 1§1 The depreciation of paper money was now so great, and inflicted such injustice upon the soldiers, who were obliged to receive their wages in it, or not at all, that a new emission was this year issued, and made a legal tender. Being also receivable for taxes, this, for a time, maintained its credit near- ly at par. It might be in reference to this new emission, that the town voted the assessors 4s. a day for their services this year. The fluctuating state of the currency seems to have pro- duced some difficulty in the collection of taxes, as it was not till two others had declined serving, that Boice Cooper con- sented to serve as constable with a commission of one shilling on the pound, just twice that of the preceding year. In the two following years, a commission of 17d. was given. The settlers in Dr. Taylor's township, or Stirlington, seem, perhaps in consequence of their having been included with Warren in the State tax, to have been, in 1779, assessed there in all the other taxes of the town. This gave rise to a controversy, particularly with Philip Robbins, who resisted the payment till his property was seized and sold at auction. In November, 1780, the town appointed a committee to en- deavor to settle with him respecting his taxes, and empowered them to sign arbitration bonds. They, probably, effected noth- ing, as in December of that year, the Stirlington settlers, 11 in number, petitioned the Legislature for redress, complaining of the disadvantages they labored under in their remote situa- tion, and alleging that the town of Warren had refused to lay them out a road between the two settlements. Warren was not represented in the General Court that year, and seems to have made no remonstrance. On the 11th May, 1781, the General Court passed a resolve that said Warren " be directed to pay to the inhabitants of Sterlington, such taxes as they have taxed and received of said town ; and the said town of Warren is further directed not to tax the inhabitants of Sterlington until the further order of the General Court, any law to the contrary notwithstanding." In confor- mity with this resolve, the town, June 26, 1781, chose a com- mittee to settle with said plantation, with power to give an order on the treasurer to pay Mr. Robbins his tax.* A schooner, of which Mr, Copeland owned one-half, was, sometime during this season, taken by a British vessel, and condemned. t On the 13th of December, a national Thanksgiving was * Rev. Resolves, 1781, vol. 28, p. 64. t Copeland's MS, 192 ANNALS OF WARREN. observed for the signal victory obtained at Yorktown by the combined forces of France and America, and the surrender of the entire British army under Lord Cornwallis. This may justly be regarded as the closing act of the great drama of the Revolution ; although hostilities continued for more than a year after. No mention is made in the records, this year, of any min- ister's salary, nor of any action upon ecclesiastical matters whatever. But it would seem from the votes of the subse- quent year, that the paper, which, the preceding year, the town voted to be satisfactory for the present, did not prove to be so long. This paper, purporting to be a confirmation of the story Mr. Urquhart had told of his wife's death, turned out to be, at least in the opinion of his parishioners, not genu- ine ; and was thought to be a forgery. 1782. On the 15th Aug. 1782, the town voted that £\b of the salary voted Mr. Urquhart, lie in the treasury till further orders. It also chose a committee to confer with him ; and appointed M. Copeland, with a compensation of 820, " to go to the Presbytery," we presume with charges against him. Of this Presbytery, called, from its most usual place of meeting, the Salem Presbytery, Mr. Urquhart was an active member ; and it may be owing to his address and manage- ment, that the particular charges against him, if any were made, do not appear on its record. If Mr. Copeland attend- ed, we are ignorant of the complaint made, and the action had upon it. Perhaps a citation was issued, and, not improb- ably, private advice given to both parties to compromise their difficulties, and agree upon the terms of separation. In the mean time, the public odium against the minister had increas- ed ; the people refused to attend meeting ; and his influence here was irretrievably lost. His audience dwindled away till, at last, it consisted only of his own family, his wife's mother, D. Kirkpatrick, a hired boy, and his unchanging adherent, Mrs. James. In this state of things, a separation appeared equally desirable to both parties ; and the only difficulty was to agree upon the terms. Mr. Urquhart claimed, and, as it is said, had sued for 8500 ; and the town offered to give him .£25. In March, 1783, T. Starrett, M. Copeland, VVm. Ler- mond, Wm. Watson, and R. Hall, were appointed a committee to try to settle all matters of dispute with Mr. U., with power to choose arbitrators and sign bonds in behalf of the town. The arbitrators agreed upon, were Thomas Rice, Samuel Nichols, and McCobb, Esquire's, who met soon after ANNALS OF WARREN. 193 at Waldoboro', and, after a full hearing, in which M. Cope- land, Esq. appeared for the town, decided, July 4th, that the town should pay Mr. Urquhart £25, The town voted, July 24th, to pay this sum, and to raise ^30 for that purpose and the payment of the referees. Whether the complaint of the town remained before the Presbytery, or Mr. Urquhart had applied for his dismission, is not known ; but, in August, he issued a somewhat angry citation to the town to appear before the Presbytery at Salem on the second Tuesday of Sept. following, to answer to the charges which he meant there to substantiate, as follows : " 1st, Your suing me to Court and atteaching my interest contrary to the laws of justice or humanity. 2d, Your rob- bing me of my interest by voting away my hay, which re- duced me to the greatest hardships. 3d, Your breach of Covenant, injustice, oppression and barbarity, of which you have been guilty towards me. 4th, Your sending to the Presbytery with charges against me in a clandestine way and manner, without giving me a copy of the same. 5th, The base treatment which I have received from the people in every respect, by endeavoring to murder my character at all times, upon suspicion, contrary to the directions of Christ." What the suing and attaching property refers to, the author has not been able to ascertain ; but the voting away his hay, seems to refer to a vote passed in March of the same year, allowing S. Peabody, for the sum of £2 14s. to cut the meeting-house marsh, which heretofore had probably been a perquisite of the minister. The town, having now settled, as the people supposed, all matters of dispute with the minister, and ordered him to desist from preaching, thinking he could have no farther claim, seems to have taken no notice of this citation, and was not represented at the session of the Presbytery. This neg- lect to substantiate charges, or to reply to those of Mr. Urqu- hart, was probably construed into an abandonment of the one or an admission of the other. Mr. Urquhart was regularly dismissed from his charge, and the town laid under censure for its conduct towards him. This was considered by many as rash and injurious. The Kev. Mr. McLean of Bristol, who, as the near associate and fellow-countryman of Mr. Urquhart, was disposed to put the most charitable construction upon his conduct, and had incurred some odium on that account, seems to have taken alarm at this decision ; and wrote to the moderator of the Presbytery on the one hand, and to the elders of the church and people in Warren 17 194 ANNALS OF WARREN. on the other, recommending a re-examination of the whole matter, and advising the town to vindicate its conduct towards Mr. Urquhart, and endeavor that any unchristian carriage of his might be duly exposed. The Rev. Mr. Whitaker of Salem, moderator of the Presbytery, also wrote to the town, Jan. 26, 1784, inviting them, on account of some supposed errors in the late decision, to attend the rehearing at the next session with all their complaints and witnesses. In the mean time, a letter was received from Mr. Urquhart's first wife, dated at Wapping, London, August, 1783, com- plaining much of his conduct in not writing to her. This letter, coming unsealed, was read and shown to many before it reached him, confirming former suspicions, and removing the doubts of the most skeptical. On the 10th of May, 1784, the town chose a committee to write to the Presbytery a letter with charges against Mr. U. and, likewise, to write to the Rev. Alexander McLean. What was the purport of these letters, or what farther action was had, does not appear. Mr. U. still continued an active member of this Presbytery, which henceforward held all its meetings in Maine ; and he, this year, took a conspicuous part in two ordinations. In 1785, he preached for a season at Topsham,and on the 7th of Septem- ber was installed at Union River, now Ellsworth, where he continued five years. But new difficulties awaited him. The return of peace having opened the way, his deserted wife had crossed the water to Philadelphia, and, after support- ing herself and daughter in extreme indigence there, for a time, by spinning cotton, was charitably provided for by Dr. Witherspoon, President of the college at Princeton, N. J. A correspondence was opened, of which the following letters form a part. " Mrs. Jane Urquhart. '' Smithfield, Aug. 31, 1785. My Dear, I received a let- ter from you Jan. 1784, to which I returned two answers directed to Wapping, No. 14, as you desired, and in them gave you a particular account of my misfortune and the trouble and sorrow I have underwent on your account. And that was the only one which I received from you since I left Scotland, as the Searcher of all hearts knows. None but God knows the sea of trouble I have gone through these few years, all owing to your means, inasmuch as I never heard from you notwithstanding the many letters I sent you & the press- ing invitations to come over to this country. He to whom I must give an account at the great day, is witness that I never ANNALS OF WARREN. 195 meant to deceive you, and whatever you or others may think respecting my conduct, I have the testimony of a good con- science, which is the best support — If I had not heard of your death I never could have been married to another. But the Lord saw fit to contend both with you and me and that it may be for the everlasting good of our immortal souls by leading us to sincere and unfeigned repentance. The first accounts that ever I had of you was from one Capt. Fraser who saw you at Gravesend, upon your return from England after receiving your legacy, which was more dreadful to me than death considering my unhappy situation. The 29th of this month was the first certain account I have had of your arrival in America. Matters have been conducted strangely, for instead of writing to me, letters have been sent to others and I never acquainted with it till now. After Eraser's ac- count, I was turned out of employment and suffered the greatest hardships in life and never expect to be settled again. If you knew my situation and condition you could not but be grieved for me as well as for yourself. I have a poor weakly woman with four small children to provide for, which is more than I can do, and sure I am you could not desire me to leave them to the mercies of the wide world. If it was in my power to help you, how gladly would I do it. Pray believe, for I do not dissemble, for I can say with the Apostle, befofe God I lie not. You have your =£200 Sterling of a legacy that I will never lay any claim to — if you want any power from me it is at your service. As for the child I would be glad to do the best by it I could if I knew how to get it. But Providence frowns upon me, O that God would show me why he is contending with me and lead me to the fountain of the Redeemer's blood, which cleanseth from all sin. If it were the will of the Most High I would prefer death to life ; but not my will but his be done. Before this late account sent by Dr. Witherspoon, I had a little employ- ment ; but now I am obliged to go I know not where — may the Lord direct my way. It will be my constant prayer to Almighty God that he may take care of you and the dear child, and if your trouble will lead you to God it will be happy for you. O take care that it may not drive you to bad courses or make you forget the God who made you and gave his son to be a ransom for your soul. I hope you'll try to do the best you can ; I think it would be a genteel way of living to teach young children, which you are capable of doing. And whenever it is in my power to help you I shall be ready to do it. I should be glad to give you directions to write, but as 196 ANNALS OF WARREN. I am about to leave this country I cannot. When I shall be fixed I will write you again and if ever I have it in my power I will contrive to send you relief, so I conclude, wishing you all the blessings of the upper and nether springs and re- commending you to the care of a kind Providence who is able to take care of you. " Yours, affectionately till death, John Urquhart. " N. B. 1 have been obliged to travel 30 miles to see this letter put into the post-office least it should fail. J. U." This letter was inclosed in one to Dr. Witherspoon, of the same date, and of much the same tenor, which was mailed at Falmouth on the 5th Sept. and reached him on the 15th. Whether there was then any place hereabouts, called Smith- field, or whether this was assumed for the purpose of misleading, we are unable to say. Both letters were sent with the following from Dr. Witherspoon, to Rev. Isaac Story of Marblehead. It is given with the blank spaces just as they occur in the original, together with a few others enclosed in brackets, which seem to have been filled up, as all were probably intended to be, at a time when it could be done with due attention to accuracy of language : — " Dr. Sir : — On Monday the 20th, I received your favour of the 4th of this month. I also received the 29th of Jan. last, yours of the 6th of that month inclosing two from Mr. McLean with information respecting Mr. Urqueheart. I per- ceive I was much to blame for not immediately answering that letter, but [having received] what I now send you from Mr. Urqueheart and not knowing where he was, I [unfortunate- ly] delayed writing and expected to hear by some other means where he You all please to know therefore, that I was all along of opinion with you and other friends, that the interest of religion required his being fully convicted and would have sent his wife on, but having been at a considerable expense on her passage and support, and not knowing that she could have any certainty of provision, I embraced an opportunity a very good place for her, as housekeeper to a gentleman in St. Johns in New Brunswick, whose lady is from New York, they paid her passage there and I have had several letters from her since. I thought also that perhaps he would take his course that way, and she might meet with him. However, in consequence of your letter just received, I write herewith this a coppy of his letter to his wife, to whom 1 forwarded the original, and the original letter in his own hand which he wrote to me, and of which I have kept a coppy ANNALS OF WARREN. 197 that you may communicate both where you think proper and as it appears to me very generous and in the people to let her have [some assistance] I will write to her to repair wherever you direct, in your next to me as to the legacy, which he mentions, I always understood that she went to London in expectation of a legacy or some money due to her but did not get it, and having asked her daughter just now if she could remember any thing about it she said who should have paid it was gone to Jamaica, so she got nothing and the girl was but young when she left London ; this appears very proba- ble for it is certain she was in extreme poverty when she came to me, being subsisted by spinning some cotton in very mean lodging, together with what Dr. Mayo begged for her before I went there, and myself after. She had indeed some beding and cloths & I got some clothes for the child when she bound to me till she should be of age. " Though there is much religion I fear there is also much disingenuity in his letters by observing which you will be able to judge of his declarations to those who have spoken to him. " A letter to Mrs. Urqueheart, if you forward any, from your parts, may be directed to the care of Ward Chipman, Esq., St. Johns, N. Brunswick. " I shall be glad to hear from you immediately on receiving this, as I shall not write to Mrs. Urqueheart till then. " I am, dear Sir, your most obed't humble servant, " Rev. Mr. Story." " John Witherspoon." This letter was not dated, but was, with the other two, sent to the people of Warren, December 22, 1786, by Mr. Story, who had interested himself in behalf of Mrs. U. and wished, if any thing was due from the town, to secure it for her benefit. But as Mr. Urquhart was now settled at Union river, and, it is presumed, had received all that was due him from Warren, nothing resulted from this correspondence. After waiting some time in suspense, and seeing no prospect of redress, the impatient spirit of his wife could brook no longer delay. Pride and anger spurred her on to seek, in person, that satis- faction which her friends had failed to obtain. Passing from St. Johns to Marblehead, after consulting with Mr. Story, she took passage with Capt. Killeran, who brought her to this river. Here she was kindly received by the inhabitants, who sympathized with her unfortunate situation, though they found little to admire in the temper with which she bore it. She could, indeed, when off from the subject of her grief, 17* 198 ANNALS OF WARREN. make herself agreeable, even to young people and children ; but no sooner did the fatal theme recur, than the rising tide of passion would carry her away to the very borders of insanity. At her request, M. Copeland, J. Watts, J. McKellar, and R. Young, took a boat, went down with her to Union river, and introduced her to her husband. He was thunderstruck, abashed, confounded. Her salutation was that of anger, taunting, rage, fury. " Dinna ye cry, Johnny, it's yer ain loving wife ye've been mourning for sae lang ;" and pass- ing from irony to rage, she bestowed upon the new wife, | every opprobrious and scornful epithet ; and, assuming her l authority in the house and her place at table, ordered her about like a menial servant. To the excuse that they sup- posed her dead, she answered " you hoped I was, at the very time you were pasting my letters into your bairn's bonnets." But no language can do justice to this interview. The sec- ond wife, quailing before the imperious temper of her rival, sought the protection of her townsmen, who, pitying her dis- tress, brought her back to her father's. How the loving couple passed the second honey-moon, is more easily imagined than described. They did not remain together long. Receiving no proffer of that assistance which , his letters had promised, whenever it should be in his power, j she again threw herself upon the hospitality of her friends ; 1 and the second wife, drawn by maternal affection, returned to 1 the care of her children. After spending more than a year with the people of this river, and holding consultations with friends, the discarded wife resolved to resort to the law for that redress which nothing else was likely to obtain. Ac- cordingly, she engaged Reuben Tolman, who, with John Ma- thews, then his apprentice, embarked with her in a boat, and, taking R. Young for a pilot, sailed to Castine. There Tol- man was appointed deputy sheriff for Hancock County, and taking out a legal process of some kind, we are not informed what, proceeded on to the place of Mr. U's residence. Ar- riving in the evening, they found him at home, his wife and children in bed. Tolman made known his business, and Mrs. U. inquired for brandy to treat her men with. Informed that there was none in the house, she declared she knew better ; and ransacking the closets and finding a case botde partly filled with vinegar, she poured out a tumbler full, and, hav- ing tasted it, threw it violently over the bed, mother, and child. Raving like a mad woman, she proceeded to the chest of drawers, threw out the caps and other linen upon the floor, and trampled them under foot, pouring out a torrent of abuse ANNALS OF WARREN. 199 and invnctive, and bestowing the most scornful epithets that language can furnish. The unfortunate clergyman, being told he must repair to a magistrate living at some distance, requested leave to change his clothes, and, going into another room, made his escape at a back window. When his flight became known, nothing could exceed the fury to which the disappointed wife was wrought up ; her frame shook, her eyes, in the language of an eye-witness, became scarlet, and her whole appearance truly terrific. However, a guide was obtained, and the fugitive arrested at a haymaker's camp in a meadow at a considerable distance up the river. Being carried before the magistrate, he reluctantly entered' into an arrangement, by which, if our information is correct, he relinquished his farm to his first wife, gave an order on Capt. Mclntyre to allow Tolman his trouble and expenses out of what was due from him, for Mr. U's farm, which he had purchased in Warren ; and with his second wife and children removed to New Brunswick, and finally ended his days at Mirimichi. Prior to his leaving Union River, charges were preferred against him by the people of that place, and he in turn complained of the people. In 1790, the Pres- bytery decided that he was not guilty of the charges prefer- red against him, and left it optional with him to take his dismission whenever he should wish. This was one of the last acts of the Presbytery. Mr. McLean's connexion with it had, some time before, been dissolved at his own request ; and in 1791, the number of its members was so reduced by the removal of Messrs. Urquhart and Whitaker, that it became informally dissolved, and ended this form of church govern- ment in Maine.* * Greenleaf 's Ec. Sketches. Town Eecords. Record of Court of Sessions. Orig. Letters among papers of A. Lermond, and tradition. 200 ANNALS OF WARREN CHAPTER XI. RETURN OF PEACE, AND OTHER INCIDENTS FROM 1782 TO 1784. From the anticipation of time into which the obliquities of an unworthy man have led us, we now return to the year 1782. The beginning of this year, like many others during the war, was distinguished for a great scarcity of provisions, and difficulty of obtaining subsistence. When every resource was failing, and the minds of all were filled with anxiety, Providence seemed in pity to hasten the arrival of the alewives, which were caught at the upper falls the 27th of April. On the following day, Sunday, large quantities were taken as a work of mercy to suffering families. The people, this year, voted to build a pound near Capt. Mclntyre's house, and chose him for pound-keeper. This subject had been broached at the first annual meeting in 1777, when they voted to build a pound near Mr. Cooper's house, and chose Mr. Cooper for pound-keeper. But this was merely a joke upon him, who was a great lover of good fences ; and when his Irish servants were with him, whom he always took pains to keep employed, whether their labor was needed or not ; being one day at a loss for something to go to work at, he set them to cutting large pine trees and building a log-fence of an unusual height round a few acres of pasture-land, saying he wanted a pound to turn his horse into. This spot, though its fence has decayed, is called " the pound" to this day. The town, this year voted " that Capt. Payson be exempt- ed from working on the roads" on condition of making a road for himself. Payson had now taken up the farm west of South Pond, since known as the Storer farm. He after- wards removed to Hope ; but many of his posterity still remain in town. During his residence here, he had much to encounter from wild beasts, poverty, and the scarcity of provisions. Often, says one of his daughters, whilst weaving, wdth nothing but alewives to eat, was she compelled to lay her head down upon the beam and weep till rest enabled her to resume the shuttle, and this for days and weeks together. A cow, which they subsequently obtained, added much to the comfort of the family ; but one dark evening the boys heard a rustling among the green corn, and the father, not doubting but that it was a marauding bear, leveled his musket in the ANNALS OF WARREN. 201 direction of the sound, fired, and found to his dismay that he had killed his only cow. He was much annoyed, also, by a negro, called Africa Peter,* whom Mr. Thomas had en- couraged to settle on a lot of his, near by, in the town of Waldoboro'. Peter had been a prince in his own country, and the remembrance of this, and his subsequent treatment, rendered him moody, savage, and at last insane. At the sight of the sun and moon, he would often fall prostrate, and writhe on the ground in the utmost agitation. Becoming at last dangerous, he was confined as a maniac, and died in jail. Nathan Sprague, from Waldoboro', had a log-house and small clearing on the lot next above Payson's. A saw- mill, also, was built, about this time, by Mr. Spear and his sons, on the outlet of West Pond. For the accommodation of this neighborhood, an expenditure on Back River bridge was this year ordered ; and, as there now began to be some travel between Mclntyre's ferry and the head of Broad Bay, Sprague, in 1784, took out license and kept a kind of tavern some years. The first colored person was brought to this town by Capt. J. Mclntyre, who this year purchased Sarah, as a slave, of one Capt. Brown of Damariscotta, who brought her from Guinea. He gave 850 or 8100 for her ; but, about a year after this purchase, all slaves in Massachusetts were declared free under the Constitution. Hearing a rumor of this, she gave the representative, P. Pebbles, one dollar to ascertain its truth, and claimed her freedom. This woman is believed to have sustained a good character, and was early and long a mem- ber of the Baptist church. She was married to Amos Peters, from whom those of that name are descended. Others of their race joined them from time to time, till in 1823 they formed a sufficient number to be set off into a separate school district. On the 30th of Nov. 1782, provisional articles of peace were agreed upon with Great Britain, by which that power acknowledged the independence of the United States. This relieved the minds of the people, although the definitive treaty was not signed till the 3d of Sept. 1783. The British troops remained at Biguyduce ; and restriction on the inter- course with them was so far relaxed, that Dea. Crawford, with * Payson himself was not very patient of injury ; and on one oc- casion the two were found armed, posted behind trees or stumps, alternately snapping their guns at each other, without, however, pro- ducing any serious result. — M. Robinson. 202 ANNALS OF WARREN. his wife, visited his countrymen there, — the Highlanders, under the command of Gen. Campbell. He was kindly re- ceived by the General, found many old acquaintances in his corps, and among them James Fisher, a cousin of Mrs. Craw- ford, who wished to come with them to Warren ; but, though the war was over, his term of service was not yet expired, and he could not obtain his discharge. He took the first opportunity, however, to desert, and visited Mr. Crawford, but being afraid to remain there, passed on to Damariscotta and hired out. A party of soldiers, dressed in Highland costume, pursued him, came to Crawford's, searched the house and barn, and, afraid to proceed farther, returned without him. Another soldier, a Highlander, by the name of John McCallum, deserted soon after, found his way to the same place, and hearing of Fisher, sought him in the field. Fisher, supposing him to be in pursuit, was about to take to his heels ; when a mutual recognition took place, and the two remained together till the British left the country. Fisher afterwards married in this town, settled a short dis- tance above his friend Crawford, was the first deacon of the Baptist church, and esteemed as an humble and pious chris- tian. McCallum married a daughter of Dea. Miller, lived on the deacon's farm some years, and then removed to that still possessed by his family, on the western side of North Pond. The return of peace found the country impoverished, commerce embarrassed, the people burdened with debt, specie withdrawn from circulation, and the paper currency constantly sinking in value. Yet, amid all these discourage- ments, the people of Warren did not neglect the education of their children ; though as yet no public schools had been provided. A school was kept a considerable part of this and the following year, a portion of the time at the house of Wm. Boggs, and the remainder at that of Joseph Copeland. The person employed as a teacher was John O'Brien, a native of Craig, near Cork in Ireland. He made two voyages in the capacity of ship's steward to Quebec, and, on a third voyage to New York, was captured off Marble- head, and carried to Boston. Thence, on an exchange of prisoners, he was sent to Castine, and allowed by the Captain to escape to Fox Island, whence, after teaching there two months, he came to this town. He was an elegant penman, and a good accountant, but somewhat severe in the manage- ment of his scholars. Severity, however, was thought requisite in those days ; and he was employed in different parts of the town for many succeeding years. Whilst he ANNALS OF WARREN. 203 was teaching in Mrs. James's house, about 1784, a log school- house, probably the first structure of the kind in town, was built in the Oyster River neighborhood, a little below the Wyllie house now owned by R. Robinson. The only branches taught at this time were reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic. The only books in school, were Dilworth's Spelling-book and the Psalter. The only introduction to arithmetic, was the committing to memory of the numeration table, the multiplication table, and the pence table. Oral instruction, with questions set by the teacher in manuscripts, supplied all the rest. Geography was then scarcely heard of; and grammar was nowhere taught, except in connex- ion with the Latin language. Not long after this date, Mr. O'Brien married the daughter of Col. Starrett, and pur- chased of John Lermond the farm on which his son, E. O'Brien, Esq., until recently resided. The evil effects of an unsound currency were now severe- ly felt, and among others by Dea. David Patterson, one of the original settler^, a man universally esteemed, who had transferred his estate to his son-in-law, Reuben Hall, and taken notes as security for his maintenance. After the marriage of a second wife, Mr. Hall availed him- self of the depreciation of the currency, to pay up his notes, and exonerate himself from farther liability. The payment, thus reduced in value, was soon exhausted ; and the recipi- ent, in the helplessness of age, was mortified to find himself possessed of nothing but the dwellinghouse, which he had re- served. His feelings would not suffer him to apply for assist- ance ; and, as winter came on, he was in danger of perishing with the cold. Under these circumstances a town meeting was called, December 19th, to take the subject into considera- tion. Great sympathy was expressed for the sufferer ; and, as Mr. H. had discharged his obligation in the legal currency of the country, it was voted " that the town be divided into six classes, and that each class should cut and haul five cords of wood for the use of Mr. Patterson." This was the begin- ning of that liberal and generous policy, which the town, for so many years, pursued towards the destitute of its population. Patterson was not the only sufferer from paper money. Robert Mathews, who came early from Ireland to Massachu- setts and settled in Woburn, removed soon after the French and Indian war to the lower town of St. George's, and, sub- s'equently, purchased the Kelloch farm in Warren, now owned by Robert Robinson. This, he had been tempted by an offer nominally high, to sell to Col, Wheaton, and was obliged at 204 ANNALS OF WARREN. the time stipulated to receive his pay in depreciated bills, which, dying on his hands, reduced him to poverty. Having, during his youth, been crippled by fever sores, and receiving, in consequence, something more than a common education, he was sometimes employed as a school-master, and, in the French and Indian war, served for a time as a soldier ; but now, from age and disappointment, was rendered unable to make much farther effort. Prior to this year, there had been no bridge across the main river. Ferries were kept at Watson's point and Mcln- tyre's shore. There was a fording place between Deacon Crawford's and Wm. Boggs's, where, except in high freshets, a person might cross on horseback ; and foot passengers were set across, in floats. As this service was performed without remuneration, and often in the night time, causing considera- ble trouble to Boggs and Crawford, the former determined to free himself from it.* He therefore went to work, and with no other assistance than the voluntary contributions of the neighbors, completed a bridge across the river to Crawford's shore. In the State valuation, which was adopted March 6th of this year, Warren was to pay 12s. out of every c£1000 raised, until the next valuation. By a resolve passed the succeed- ing day, 1500 men were ordered to be raised for the army, one of whom was apportioned to this town. Money also seems to have been called for, to pay soldiers' bounty ; as, six years later, on complaint that the town had neglected to as- sess such money, as also the county tax for 1782, the Court of Sessions appointed persons to assess and collect the same.t Patrick Pebbles was this year chosen representative, and appointed the first justice in the town of Warren, an ofiice then regarded as an honorable and important one. M. Cope- land was, this year, also, licensed as a retailer, and in the year following, furnished for J. Paine of Bristol, an entire ship load of timber and staves. 1783. In 1783, in addition to two road surveyors on each side of the river, John Dicke and John Wyllie were chosen to that office, probably with a view of opening a way to Stirling on the one side and to Peabody's mill on the other. " Voted, that Joseph Skinner, Robert Mathews, and the heirs of John Annis, deceased, be exempted from paying the beef * In 1778 he took out license as innholdcr, and in this way, whilst the war lasted, received some compensation. — Rec. Court of Sessions, t Rec. of Court of Sessions, Wis. and INf^ss. Rec. ANNALS OF WARREN. 205 tax, and the same charged to the tov/n ; and that all other deficiencies in said tax be turned into silver money, and com- mitted to the collectors." Annis first settled at Broad Cove in the lower plantation, but had lived some years on the GifFen farm in this town, and had been master of a sloop belonging to McLean. He was shot on board of a privateer, a short time before the passage of this vote. At a meeting in June, T, Starrett, J. Mclntyre, A. Kelloch, W. Lermond, and H. Libbey, were chosen a committee of safety. No such committee had been chosen at the meeting in March, probably because the war was considered virtually at an end ; and its revival at this time might have been owing to some apprehension of the return of the tory refugees on the restoration of peace, which was confidently expected. Some such apprehension, or some movement made by their friends, may have given rise to the following vote, which was passed at the same meeting ; viz. " that the town will at all times to the utmost of their power oppose the return of the refugees into their town." Only two such. Nelson and Waldo Dicke, are known to have belonged to this town. As the former of these had gone to the English for the purposes of trade only, most of the citizens, at the request of his father-in-law, Dea. Crawford, subsequently gave their appro- bation in writing for his return ; which was effected without opposition. He afterwards removed to Reading, Massachu- setts. Dicke had been too active to be so readily forgiven ; and, in consequence of the above vote and other indications, gave up all thoughts of returning, and fixed his residence at St. Andrews, N. B. There he was successfully employed as master of a vessel till about 1794, when he was captured in the W. Indies by a French vessel, and carried into New London. Being confined in irons for some offence given on board, he succeeded in releasing himself in the night time, and, attempt- ing to escape by swimming, was drowned at no great distance from the shore. On the 24th of July, it was voted " that this town is willing that all the inhabitants of the lower town, down as far as Mr. Malcolm's, should be annexed to this town." In June, 1784, a petition, signed by Jonathan Nutting and others, praying to be annexed to the town of Warren, was read in the House of Representatives, referred to a committee, and, on their report, leave was given to bring in a bill for the purpose ; but it is not known that any thing farther was done about it. The hardships of the war had not been favorable to the 1§ 206 ANNALS OF WAKREN. increase of the settlement ; and Samuel Boggs's lot, on the west side of the river, and Dea. Crawford's on the east, still formed its utmost limit towards tlie north. But this year, a lot on the western side, at the foot of Seven-tree Pond, now owned by W. Payson, was settled by Eli Bosworth, a carpen- ter and joiner, wlio had previously resided in St. George and Stirlington. He was from Halifax, Mass. and being a good and faithful workman, many houses in Union, and most of those which during the next twenty years sprang up at the head of the tide here, were constructed by him or liis sons. In 1794, Mr. Bosworth removed to the place now occupied by L. H. Vaughan, and built a small house there. The rest of his life was passed in that vicinity, where two of his chil- dren still reside. The anticipations of peace, which, for nearly a year, had been waxing stronger and stronger, were at length realized ; and the definitive treaty was signed at Paris on the 3d of Sept. On the 18th of Oct. the American army was disband- ed ; and the soldiers, who had risked their lives and shed their blood in the cause of independence, returned home, covered with glory, but with no other reward, except Govern- ment securities, which they could scarcely dispose of at 2s. 6d. on the pound. Some had lost their lives in the contest ; others, with empty purse, and habits all unsettled by the idleness of the camp, commenced life's voyage anew, and with difficulty pursued their course in the usual channels of industry. From the lower town, and other marhime and exposed places, a greater number, in proportion to the popu- lation, were engaged in the land and naval service, than in Warren. In Waldoboro', the Dutch Neck alone is said to have furnished not less than 60 soldiers to the continental army. Among those in this place who died in the service, or never returned, were Eobert Gitlen, Joseph Peabody, Samuel Boggs the 2d, and Benjamin Gaut, a young man brought up by his uncle, A. Kelloch. Of those who enlisted into the continental service, were AVilliam Robinson, (who served at Cambridge and vicinity whilst the British occupied Boston, and, it is believed, at Ticonderoga and other places later in the contest,) Samuel Boggs the 3d, David Brown, and David Kelloch, 2d. The two last, enlisted for one year, then for three years, and afterwards served in the navy till the end of the war; and, in 1812, Kelloch again enlisted, and served through the whole of that war. Of those who were drafted or enlisted for shorter periods, were Joseph Cope- land, Lieut. ; Samuel Counce, Sergeant ; James Anderson, ANNALS OF WARREN. 207 William Dicke, Andrew Malcolm, and Francis Young, who served at Machias under Capt. Ludwig ; Alexander Kelloch, Ensign ; F. Young, Corporal ; Samuel Crane, John Lihbey, John Sidensherger, and Joseph Jameson, drafted to Biguy- duce ; Stephen Peabody, John Montgomery, William Boggs, Philip Sechrist, and Nathaniel Copeland, who were drafted or enlisted for short periods, and served under VVadsworth at Thomaston, Clam Cove, and other parts of the coast. Besides these, most of the other citizens capable of bearing arms, occasionally served as volunteers by land or sea. Capt. J. Wyllie commanded a transport in the expedition to Biguyduce. Capts. Samuel Gregg, John Annis, and probably some others, were for a time engaged in priva- teering. Some had lost property captured at sea; all had suffered from the interruption of business, and the derange- ment of the currency. General poverty, and the utmost economy in food, clothing, and furniture, everywhere pre- vailed.* But all private griefs were now merged in the triumphs of freedom and the joys of returning peace. In the midst of the general rejoicing, a melancholy oc- currence happened in this town on the 10th of November. Samuel Creighton, returning in his float from Thomaston, whither he had been to purchase some vegetables from a trading coaster lying at the wharf, was upset by a sudden and violent squall from the N. West, and drowned in the river nearly opposite his own house. So true is it, that the fountains of private distress frequently gush up beneath the broad stream of public gratulation. Samuel Boggs, (the first,) one of the most active of the original settlers, died the same year. 1784. The first step towards a legal highway, was this year taken, by voting " that the selectmen lay out the town road on each side of the river." A stipulation for such a road had been made in the original contract between the proprietors and settlors ; and a foot path had gradually been widened and improved by the expenditure of the annual high- way tax, usually one day's work for each poll and the estates in proportion. As the proportion between polls and estates was then as one to two, and the number of polls in town did * There were at this time but two pair of boots in the town. These belonged to Messrs. Copeland and Pebbles, both of a long, lank, loose-jointed frame, ill calculated to do honor to such a luxury'" ; but Pebbles used to contend that he had the advantage of Copeland, inasmuch as he could mount his horse without losing a boot, which, the other seldom could. — J. llokes. A. Kelloch, 2d. 208 ANNALS OF WARREN. not exceed 80, the sum thus expended was not over 240 days' work. About this time, began to appear in the woods, and occa- sionally visit the settlement, a man by the name of Davis, one of those singular characters that sometimes vary the pic- ture of life ; a sort of " Leatherstocking" of the wilderness, hovering on the borders between civilized and savage society. He lived a solitary life in the woods, clad in skins, and sub- sisting on the products of the chase, which formed his sole occupation. He had no intercourse with the settlers, except an occasional visit for the purpose of exchanging his fur for ammunition and other necessaries ; but his path was frequent- ly crossed by the hunter, who was oftentimes entertained by him with such refreshment as his camp afforded. On these occasions, he was hospitable and social, talked of his dangers and accidents by " flood and field, his hair-breadth 'scapes," and causeless frights, with apparent satisfaction ; but it was evident his heart was not with his guests — he sighed not at their departure, and returned whh pleasure to the society of his own feelings. His grotesque appearance, his hairy cos- tume, his beard descending to his breast, and his white locks streaming to the wind, excited the curiosity of children, and rendered his coming a memorable event. Nor was his beha- viour more free from whimsical peculiarities, than his dress. One of these was that of bowing with great reverence, when favored with the sight of bread. Whether this proceeded from religious, or other motives, his distant and taciturn man- ner rendered it difficult to determine. He shifted his quar- ters to various places, as convenience required, and followed hunting and trapping from the Kennebec to the Penobscot. From his long residence in the present town of Montville, that place, before its incorporation, was called Davis-town. Of his early history, and the time of his coming hither, noth- ing was known. Rumor ascribed his eccentricity to disap- pointment in love, and it was said he had one daughter in the western country to whom he contrived to remit the proceeds of his hunting. On one occasion, after a hunting tour of some days, he returned to his camp, kindled a fire, and sat down to his lonely musings ; when he was suddenly startled by the most piercing cries proceeding from his fire. At first he could ascribe it to nothing but the foul fiend himself; but a huge tortoise, crawling out from the ashes in which he had made his bed, soon relieved his apprehensions, and afforded him a delicious repast. At another time, he was confined to his camp, five or six weeks, by sickness, and came near starv- ANNALS OF WARREN. 209 ing. In this time, his traps were found by a hunting party from Warren, and, from their neglected appearance, being supposed to be abandoned, were carried off. The owner, however, recovering in season to observe the tracks of the party, pursued them, and recovered his property. He con- tinued this kind of Hfe for a long period, when, his hunting range being gradually curtailed by the settlement of the country, and his natural powers abating, he was at last com- pelled to receive support from his fellow-men, and is said to have died a pauper, in one of the towns that had sprung up beneath his eye on the borders of the Penobscot. But the majestic groves and lofty peaks of Montville, were not slow in attracting another kindred spirit, to enjoy its primeval scenery, before it should all be transformed by the sturdy hand of advancing industry. Toward the close of the cen- tury, a man equally eccentric, but more communicative and intelligent, by the name of Barrett, wandered thither from New Hampshire, and, for more than 40 years, passed a life of solitude in the woods of that town. The tide of emigration, which had been checked by the recent war, began now again to flow eastward. Daniel J)un- bar, a native of Bridgewater, Mass., who, before the war, had bargained with Mr. Cooper, for his two front lots, but whose removal had been delayed by the war, in May, 1784, brought down his family, and took up his residence here. He was a carpenter by trade, had a hand in the construction of several wharves, mills, and other structures in this vicinity, and be- came a skilful and thriving farmer. One of his first works here, was the erection of a building for a dwellinghouse and store, on the eastern side of the river above the Smelt creek, near the head of tide waters. This was the first framed house in that vicinity, standing partly ov^ the water, and belonged to Rufus Crane, a young man from Milton, who was afterwards followed by his brother Calvin, and had been preceded by Samuel Crane, a more distant relative, already mentioned, brought up by M. Copeland. He arrived the pre- ceding fall, taught scbool at the house of the widow of John Boggs, and, the present year, brought goods from Boston and commenced trading at McLean's Point. In the autumn, he removed to the head of the tide, and opened the first store in what has since been the centre of business and the principal village of the town. There were there, at this time, no mills, and very little cultivated land. David and John Brown had cleared a rye field, and built a house and blacksmith's shop, not far from the site of the present McLellan house, but were 18* 210 ANNALS OF WARREN. * now gone. Alexander Bird was in possession of the two lots opposite, and had a small house at some distance from the river, near the present graveyard. Of him and the Browns, Moses Copeland had now obtained a possessory title, and commanded both sides of the water privilege. The land on each side, including the present village, was covered with heavy oak timber ; except in some places, where it had been cut away for staves, and been succeeded by a growth of hazel bushes, blackberries, and wild cherries.* Wild animals, with the exception of the more valuable kinds, such as the beaver, sable, and otter, were still abundant. Bears and wolves were veiy destructive to sheep and young cattle. Fifteen or twenty sheep, when they happened to be left out of their pen, were sometimes destroyed by wolves in a single night. Barns and hovels were sometimes broken into, in order to get at them. Mr. Dunbar's barn being at a distance, he made a pen for his sheep back of liis house, directly under his window. But this did not deter the ma- rauders, who broke or leaped the fence, scattered the sheep, and killed several. Bears were less destructive, as they sel- dom killed more than they ate ; but their depredations were directed equally against swine, calves, and yearling cattle. The daughters of Mr. Peabody, on one occasion, encountered seven bears in a single excursion to the Burnt-land for blue- berries ; but as there was a sufficient supply of berries for both parties, neither thought proper to interfere with the other. On another occasion, Matthew Kelloch, during the season of cherries and blackberries, in passing from Howard's, now Weston's, landing, to Mr. Anderson's, shot 14 bears, young and old, without going out of his way. Alexander and William Igermond, while hunting near Oyster river, were led by the tracks of a raccofcn to a hollow tree, which they ascended, expecting, by probing the hollow and thumping the trunk, to bring him out. Instead of a raccoon, however, they soon found the tree was occupied by a bear in a semi-torpid state, who refused to leave her quarters. Measuring her distance from the top, and marking her situation on the outside of the tree, they fired a ball or two at the spot, killed the bear, and, falling the tree, found two cubs which they killed with the axe as they came out. At Stirling, after repeated depreda- tions upon cattle and swine, James Anderson applied to Mr. Peabody, who, with the aid of another blacksmith, constructed a massive steel trap, almost as heavy as a man could carry. * Capt. Crane. D. Dunbar, &c. ANNALS OF WARREN. 211 This being set in a favorable place, eight bears were taken, before it was moved from the spot. The moose and deer had retreated farther back, and were less frequently seen. They were, however, still pursued with avidity by the second generation that had grown up and become acquainted with every yarding place from that of Hart's Falls, much resorted to for its open water, to Quantabacook and George's Ponds. These hunters had a store-house, at their place of rendezvous above Senebec Pond, to which they used to drag the carcasses on hand-sleds. At the end of the campaign, the company, often 80 or more, broke up, and with their booty returned down the river on the ice. Conspicuous among this generation of hunters, was Archibald Anderson, 2d, who, on one occasion, discovered a young moose swimming beside of his dam across Round Pond in Union. Waiting their approach, he shot the mother, and made a captive of the young. This, he took home, fed, and kept till autumn ; when it had become so tame as to go out to browse by day, and return of its own accord at night. It was unfortunately found by dogs in the woods, and so lacera- ted as to cause its death. In times when, for want of snow, the moose could not be easily hunted down, they were often taken by nooses of rope suspended in their paths. One of these, about this time, was set near Moose Meadow in the burnt-land district, by R. Montgomery, J. Watts, and J. Cope- land, whilst making hay there. Copeland, with a youngster, J. Montgomery, took his gun, and, going to the noose, found a large moose entangled by the horns, rearing and stamping most furiously. He at first hesitated to fire, lest, breaking the rope, the animal should come at him. At length, taking his station behind the trunk of a tree, he discharged his piece and brought him to the ground. Being dressed and hauled home on an ox-sled, the carcass, according tp the recollection of the then young man, weighed over one thousand pounds, and yielded 50 or 601bs. of tallow. The last beaver that is recollected, was killed some years after this time in Starrett's meadow, in the upper part of the town, by Samuel Dunham, a man who, not long before, came from Deer Island, and, together with Timothy Hills, settled on the two lots on the west side of Seven-tree Pond, after- wards owned by W. Blake, and still occupied by his family. The price of beaver, before the war, was usually $3 a pound ; and a good skin weighed three pounds. The dams and habitations of this sagacious animal, were found in va- rious parts of the town, and had done much to facilitate the settlement of the country. The ponds which they flowed, 212 ANNALS OF WARREN. prevented or destroyed the growth of trees ; and when these were drained by the decay of the dams, the wild grass came in and formed luxuriant meadows. One of these beaver dams crossed the outlet of South Pond, and formed a cross- ing place for the early settlers. It was as high as a man's head, and occupied the place of the present Stirling bridge, on the VValdoboro' road. There were dams, also, across Oyster River, particularly at the burnt-land, which gave rise to the meadows there. Others existed on Judas' meadow, and Crawford's meadow, brooks. A dam also was made across the main river at the foot of White Oak pond, which, accord- ing to one account, was abandoned after being several times carried away by freshets. Another account is, that the estab- lishment was broken up by an Indian, who, having destroyed their habitations, lay in wait, and shot twenty-one, as they successively rose from the water. These interesting animals, having performed their work and prepared the way for our ancestors, were, like their Indian contemporaries, entrapped, hunted, and compelled to retreat before the encroaching step of industry and civilization. The animal here called the cat- fawn, probably the black-cat, or fisher, whose skin bore a price about equal to that of a red fox, together with the sable, lingered a while longer, and also disappeared. The otter is occasionally found even to the present day. Agriculture had made but small progress during the war. The interruption of business, and unpropitious seasons, had prevented the accumulation of capital ; and there was a great want of farming tools. Col. Starrett and Mr. Pebbles possessed the only two carts at this time in town, although Capt. Mclntyre, and probably Mr, Boggs, had previously had such a vehicle. Mr. Dunbar now brought a third, which was sought for by the neighbors, near and remote, even as far as Mr. Boggs's, and yielded considerable income. This was occasionally rigged with a long tongue and shafts for carry- ing lumber, and was the first machine in the place on which it could be carried free from the ground. The first breaking up plow was owned by Wm. Boggs, and was also in great request. Being, with its owner, employed one day by the sons of Dea. Crawford, among cradle-knolls and hazel roots, the old gentleman observed its working, in silence, till night, when he exclaimed, " deed, lads, ye've made the land look iL'aur than it did before." The only pleasure-carriage was a sleigh, owned by Peb- bles, with unshod wooden runners. One double sleigh with bells, had been seen in the place. Thfe belonged to one Col. ANNALS OF WARREN. 213 Noyes, of Booth bay, who paid a visit to Mr. Cooper, and, as he stopped at Mclntyre's and thence crossed the river on the ice, drew together a large crowd of spectators.* CHAPTER XII. EXTENDING FROM 178-t TO 1789. The injurious effect of a fluctuating currency, was strik- ingly exemplified at this time by the paper money, or emis- sions of^ State and Continental bills; which had depreciated to 50 for 1, in 1780, soon after to 150 for 1, and finally to several hundreds for one, till they ceased to be a tender, and went out of circulation. Many persons, trusting to their ultimate redemption by the government, saw their whole fortune vanish in these bills. Many, who had sold property on credit, were obliged, at the time of payment, to take this paper or lose their debt entirely. Patterson and Mathews, mentioned before, were not the only ones in this place who suffered. Mr. Cooper had bargained away his farms before the war commenced, and given a bond for a deed on the payment of a given sum. Mr. Dunbar obtained the money when considerably depreciated, and sent it down by W. Thomas, representative from Waldoboro'. He was long in returning ; and, before the money was tendered, it had undergone a still farther depreciation ; so that, with the fur- ther loss which it sustained in his own hands, Mr. Cooper realized little or nothing from it. Having, some years before, given away his two back lots, one to David Y. Kelloch, and the other to his grandson John Montgomery, ten acres, which he reserved, where James C. Dunbar now lives, and a new dwellinghouse which he built upon it, was all that remain- ed of his patrimonial fortune. t In the mean time, as new emigrants arrived, and young men grew up, new farms were taken, and the settlement gradually extended. Archibald Crawford went on to the farm above the upper mill lot, and built a house near Hart's falls. At a subsequent period, Crawford took his father's * D. and A. Dunbar. A. KeUoch, 2d. D. Dicke. H. M. Watts. J. Montgomery. J. Rokes. S. Peabody. J. Payson, &c. t D. and A. Dunbar. J. Montgomery. 214 ANNALS OF WARREN. farm for tho support of his parents, and relinquished his own to Stephen March, Esq., who came from N. H. about 1794, and, after residing here a few years, removed to Union and afterwards to Ohio. James Mathews, and probably James Fisher, about this time, and Lemuel Counce, a little earlier, went on to the farms now occupied by their respective sons. Eliakim, John, and Nathan Libbey, had, a year or two before this period, taken up their farms, now occupied by Mero Kelloch, Alexander Libbey, J. Stevens, and others. They, with their wives, were now established in their respec- tive log-houses ; and the oak forest was rapidly giving way to fields of rye and wheat around them. Whippoorwills hatched their eggs within a few rods of the houses, and gave a nightly serenade at the threshold. Bears claimed a share of the acorns and whortleberries. One Sunday afternoon, the wife of Nathan Libbey left her child with her husband, and ran down to the brother's below. After spending an hour or two, she set out to return, but on her way perceiv- ed a large bear in the top of a lofty oak, and, fearful he might escape if she returned, remained at the tree till her cries brought the men, who soon dispatched him with their muskets. The tract thus taken up by the Libbeys, had also been ex- amined with a view to settlement by the sons of M. Copeland, who commenced a suit against them, but finally abandoned their claim, and took possession of several lots on the western side of North Pond. These lots, when their attention was afterwards directed to the head of the tide, they transferred to their relatives, Samuel Crane, Calvin Crane, and Elijah Vose, who, about 1787, settled on them, and became indus- trious and wealthy farmers. Calvin Crane soon after relin- quished his lot to Seth Vose, and removed to Hope, but returned to Warren and spent his last years at the residence of his second wife, the widow of J. Mclntyre, 2d- Jn the eastern part of the town, beybnd Peabody's, were now settled Joseph Skinner and John Lermond, the former on the farm now of J. Clark, and the latter near where C. Copeland now lives. Lermond, disliking the soil at the Burnt-land, removed before the close of the war, took up a large tract of land, and erected a saw and grist-mill at Cherry Meadow. Such was his facility in constructing mills, that often, with few carpen- ter's tools and no help but his own, he would have up a saw- mill before his neighbors w^ere aware of his design. Several such mills, slightly constructed, were built by him, and did good service till carried away by freshets, or removed to some ANNALS OF WARREN. 215 more favorable spot. But on this occasion, when a grist-mill was to be added, greater stability was required, and more as- sistance needed. Accordingly, the neighbors, as far out as Crawford's and Kirkpatrick's, turned out with their cattle to aid in the work. As the mill at Oyster river worked slowly, was interrupted by the tide, and often overstocked, the new mill was regarded with favor ; and Deacon Crawford observed at Watts's, on his return from the raising, that " Johnny Ler- mond is a public blessing ; it's a pity he should e'er die." After some years, these mills also went away, in time of a freshet, whilst the saw-mill was in operation ; and the owner with difficulty escaped. The materials, however, were picked lip lower down ; ai||l, by autumn, the mills appeared again in a more eligible situation, where that of N. Cobb has since been. Two years after the present time, Daniel Rokes, before men- tioned, and Abner Farrington, originally from Dedham, but. for several years an inhabitant of the lower town, took their respective lots farther out towards the north-east. Shipbuilding was this year resumed ; and the sloop Warren was built by M. Copeland at his own shore. This sloop was commanded by Jonathan Sprague of Duxbury, W. Thomas of VValdoboro' having purchased one-half of her. Encour- aged by this attempt, Mr. Copeland erected a house near the ship-yard for his workmen, and prepared to pursue the business farther. With the increase of inhabitants, the fisheries in the river assumed an additional importance ; and, as the fish had never yet been caught in wiers, and were taken only at the upper falls in dip-nets, the eagerness and competition of the people from all the settlements on the river, sometimes gave rise to difficulties and contentions about the most favorable stations for taking them. To obviate these, it was this year voted, " that there be a committee chosen to make a town act about the ale wife fishery," and J. Mclntyre, VV. Lermond, and J. Watts, were chosen a committee for that purpose. 1785. This act was approved the following year; but its provisions cannot now be ascertained. May 2d, voted " that Mr. Cooper shall see that there is no ale wives catched on Saturday, he to have four a day for his trouble." Sept. 8, voted " that there shall be no obstruction built in the river at the falls, or below them, that shall hinder the fish from going up the said river to cast their spawn." This vote, probably, had reference to the erection of a saw-mill and dam at the upper falls, then in contemplation ; and was the commencement of that jealousy between mills and fisheries 216 ANNALS OF WARREN. which has continued, more or less, down to the present day. And when we consider the important services which these fisheries had rendered to the early settlers, frequently sus- taining hfe, and carrying them through seasons of scarcity when all other resources failed, we cannot wonder at the watchfulness which was, and continued to be, exercised over them. A brig was, this year, built for W. Thomas, in the yard of Mr. Copeland, who furnished all the timber. The work was performed by Samuel Weston, who had served in the late war, and who now removed hither from Duxbury, spending the first year in the house which Copeland had built near the ship-yard. The next season, he put up«i log-house at the shore of Col. Starrett, on the old McCraken cellar, and built there the sloop Union for Starrett, Killeran, and others. The year after, 1787, having purchased of Alexander Bird a tract of land at the head of the tide, he took down his house, rafted the logs up the river, and put them up again where A. McCallum now lives, having previously cleared a patch there of the heavy oak timber which he burnt on the soil. Here at first, and afterwards a little lower down, he continued the business of ship-building, more or less, to the close of his life. The Lermonds, also, in 1785, with J. Wyllie and others, built the sloop Friendship, which Capts. Henderson and Norton, also part owners, commanded in turn, coasting to Boston or carrying lumber to the W. Indies for many years. This sloop made many profitable voyages ; and brought home large supplies of W. I. goods. It was this year, we believe, that Reuben Tolman, from some part of the old Plymouth colony, purchased the Urqu- hart farm, and set up his trade as a blacksmith. He became an active member of the Baptist church, and in 1802 remov- ed to the plantation of Hope or Barrettstown. On the 8th of September, the road on the eastern side of the river was approved, and became the first highway legally established in town. But that on the western side, delayed for an alteration, was not accepfed till 1803. These roads did not materially vary from the present route ; but that on the western side, as first traveled between Nelson's and Boggs's, passed round further west, near the present house of E. B. Alford. Measures were also taken to lay out a road from E. Libbey's to Union line. The town being now fairly rid of Mr. Urquhart, the people began to think of providing a successor, and, in May, ANNALS OF WARREN. gl5t voted, " that the town hh'e Rev. Thurston Whiting to preach for a certain time." This gentleman, in consequence of some irregularities, had been dismissed from the ministry at Newcastle, in Jan. 1782. He was subsequently employed at Edgecomb; and, in June, 1783, a council was convened there, and restored him to good standing as a Congregational minister. His preaching was highly appreciated at Edge- comb, and his installation in that place was in contemplation. It did not, however, take place ; and he was now in search of employment as a preacher or instructor. He was a native of Franklin, Mass., entered Harvard College, but seems to have left before receiving his degree, possessed a literary taste, a classical style, a pleasing address, and sel- dom failed to interest and move his audience.* At the March meeting, it was also voted '' that the town have a town school this year." Voted " M. Copeland, W. Lermond, and J. Watts, for a committee to hire a school- master." This was the first provision which the town had made for a public school. The instructor employed was Mr. O'Brien, before mentioned, who seems to have taught eight months, one half on each side of the river. On the eastern side, the vacant house on the present Haskell, farm, was used for a school-house. The officers of the militia regiment, M. Wheaton, Wm. Farnsworth, and H. Robinson, having honorably discharged their duties through the arduous struggle of the revolution, now felt themselves at liberty to retire, and were succeeded by Thomas Starrett, Colonel ; Benjamin Burton, Lieut. Col- onel ; and Hatevil Libbey, Major. Robert Porterfield was appointed Adjutant. During the war, the military spirit had increased, and commissions were held in more honorable repute ; yet so little were the decorations of office regarded, that none of these officers wore any uniform, except Burton, who had acquired his in the regular service. The places of Starrett and Libbey, left vacant by this election, were sub- sequently supplied by J. Mclntyre, who was again chosen Captain, and Reuben Hall, Lieut. Ensign Kelloch was succeeded by Alexander Lermond, 2d ; whose commission was signed by Gov. Bowdoin, Aug. 4, 1785. As no tax was voted to be raised this year, it is probable that the sale of timber and salt hay on the public lots, was sufficient for the necessary expenses. The amount thus rcal- * Greenleaf' s Eccl. Sketches, &c. 19 218 ANNALS OF WARREN. ized from lands given for the support of a school and the ministry, might have had some influence, also, in inducing the town to make some provision for those objects, lest the lots should be resumed by the representatives of the grantor. Indeed, great interest was felt at this time, not only in these, but in the subject of land titles in general. It had been cus- tomary, before the war, to take up wild lands, on the express or implied understanding, that a title would be given when- ever the ordinary price should be paid. ' This practice in the absence of the proprietors, had been continued from neces- sity during the war ; and many persons here, as well as in other parts of the country, had erected buildings and made other valuable improvements on lands, to which they had no other title than that of possession. Government had, in con- sequence of the hardships suffered in the recent war, taken measures to quiet those who had thus settled on the public lands of the State, for a mere nominal sum ; and, as a great portion of the Waldo patent had been confiscated with the rest of Fluker's estate, and thus become public property, many of the settlers here, thought the same terms ought in equity to be extended to them. It had passed, however, or was about passing, partly by sale, and partly by inheritance, into the hands of Gen. Henry Knox, the son-in-law of Fluker, and administrator on his estate, appointed the preceding year, 1784. Although this gentleman had been distinguished dur- ing the war for warm patriotism and eminent military services, he was personally unknown to the people here, who could not, consequently, place much dependence on his leniency as a landlord. It was not strange, therefore, that in common with the rest of the eastern country, the citizens of this town should feel great interest, and no little concern, on this subject. In May of the present year, the town appointed M. Copeland, P. Pebbles, W. Boggs, W. Lermond, and A. Kelloch, a committee " to write a petition to the General Court." In consequence, a petition, probably written by the chairman of the committee and signed by two of the selectmen, was presented to the Legislature, stating in substance that in the contract with the original settlers here, many conditions promised, such as finishing off the meeting-house, the assignment of 10 acres of marsh or meadow to each settler, and the grant of 100 acres of land to each child born prior to 1752, had never been ful- filled on the part of the proprietors ; and, on this account, and because the settlers had " suffered grate Clamaty in a savig wilderness and in the late contast with Grate Britton," ANNALS OF WARREN. 219 the petitioners prayed that the claim of said proprietors might not be confirmed by the General Court, but left to be decided by a jury in due course of law. This petition was signed May 14th, and, in connexion probably with many others, seems to have had some weight, as, in July, the Court proposed to confirm to the Waldo proprietors a tract equal to 30 miles square, between the Penobscot and Muscongus, on condition that they would quiet all such settlers as were in possession of their lots prior to April 19, 1775.* Though this made no provision for those who had settled since the war began, yet, as it barred any claim the proprie- tors might have for quit- rents, and, perhaps, removed the restrictions on the lime quarries reserved in the conveyance to the 20 associates, it in some degree quieted the minds of the people here. 1786. Settlers continued to arrive. John Andrews of Dedham had, the preceding year, purchased McLean's estate at what is now called Andrews's Point, and, Oct. 13, 1785, arrived with his family, and took up his abode at that place. He was a wheelwright by trade, a faithful workman, and, from the general want of articles in his line, here, found no lack of employment. His purchase included the lands oc- cupied by his grandsons, Silas, Seth, and John Andrews, together with that of Thomas Howard, the pine tree in front of Capt. Jameson's house being near its northern corner. At this time, some of the apple-trees set out by McLean, in 1763, were still living. But the rest being dead, Mr. An- drews, shortly after, set others in their place ; these in turn, either from the want of care or an unfavorable soil, dwindled away by degrees, and two of them only, now remain. At or before this time, apple-trees were planted, also, by T. Star- rett, J. Mclntyre, Wm. Boggs, and J. Crawford, Jr. ; and cur- rants, red cherries, and damson plums, were possessed by several. There was still a scarcity of mechanics ; and, in the pres- ent year, several carpenters and joiners came from the west- ward to supply the deficiency. Aaron Davis came from Wrentham, Mass., worked at the joiner's trade, and settled in the upper part of Warren. He had been a soldier in the revolution, was present at the taking of Cornwall is, sustained several offices in the militia of this town, and, for several years before his death, received a pension from Government. * Petition on file in Mass. E,ec. Jour. House, 1784 and 1785. 2 WiU. His. p. 584. 220 ANNALS OF WARREN. Jacob p. Davis came about tbe same time, worked at the same business, lived on the place next above his brother's for . a few years, and in 1794 settled with Willing Blake, on the farm now owned by Wm. Payson. James Standish came from Duxbury or Hanover, and worked, this season, with Mr. Weston on the sloop Union, at Starrett's. He commenced clearing, with the intention of settling, the farm which he afterwards sold to Amos Lawrence, whose sons still live upon it. Standish and Weston were, for some time, the principal ship-builders in town ; as will appear from Table XIII. The old meeting-house having stood forty-six years, most of the time without glass or doors, and its situation being thought not sufficiently central or convenient, the town this year began to take measures preparatory to the construction of a new one, and voted, June 12th, on the report of a large committee, " to set the meeting-house on Wm. Robinson's land, between the town road and the river." Mr. Whiting was again employed for nine weeks, boarded at Major Libbey's, and preached, a part of the time, at Thomaston and other places. This year was memorable for the first dam across the main river, and the erection of a saw-mill, at the upper falls. Mr. Pebbles, who inherited the lot which his father was prevented by the Indians from settling, with the consent of Mr. Ray, transferred the irons of their mill at Back River to that place, and contracted with some of the young Craw- fords to put up a mill there, on condition of keeping three quarters to themselves and leaving one quarter to Ray and Pebbles. This was completed on the eastern bank of the river ; W^iiliam and Samuel Boggs, some time after, built another saw-mill on the opposite side ; and both mills continued to run till they were purchased, with the Pebbles lot, by Gen. Knox in 1796. This dam was furnished with flood gates, and the pond annually drawn off, during the fishing season. The close of this year, or beginning of the next, was also distinguished by the arrival of James W, Head, and the commencement of his career as a merchant. He was a native of Boston, was apprenticed to Clark & Nightingale, merchants of Providence, enlisted in 1779 into the govern- ment service on board the Queen of France, was captured at Charleston when Gen. Lincoln surrendered, and remained a prisoner about three months. Having come this year to Bristol, where two of his brothers had just commenced trading, though they afterwards removed to Waldoboro', ANNALS OF WARREN. 221 he now decided on commencing business in this town. Mc- Lean's, or Andrew's Point, was selected, as the most eligible situation, and Mr. Andrews applied to for leave to erect a store there. This, the latter refused to give, on the ground that the customers would occasion him too much trouble in passing through his fields. Had he consented, the bridge would probably have been built there ; the mills erected at the lower ripplings, as proposed by Capt. McLean ; the meeting-house located at Robinson's, according to the vote this year passed ; and the features of the town assumed an appearance very different from the present. Disappointed in this quarter. Head proceeded up the river to the site of the present village, where Rev. Mr. Whiting and Moses Copeland, now jointly interested in the mill-lots on the western side, were preparing, in connexion with some others, to erect mills and a dwellinghouse. Here, he succeeded in hiring the house and store of Rufus Crane, whose stock of goods was now nearly exhausted ; and, in the spring of 1787, brought down goods and commenced trading. This building, which stood above the Smelt creek, as before related, together with the log-house of Mr. Weston on the hill opposite, were the only buildings then there. In the former of these, April 12, 1787, was born Moses Crane, the first white child born in the village. Mr. Copeland soon after put up a log-house on the site of Col. Head's present store, to which Mr. Crane then removed. Alexander Bird had a small house near the present grave-yard ; and Joseph Copeland and John Watts were settled on their respective farms, the former at Burton's corner, and the latter where Robert Montgomery now lives. The two preceding winters had been remarkable for their severity. In that of 1785 — 6, the snow was very deep, and so hard crusted that loaded teams might pass upon it over fields and fences in every direction. The night of Tuesday, the 18th of January, was thought to be the coldest ever expe- rienced in New England. Daniel Dunbar, on the last of April, was hauling boards from Peabody's mill to the landing near James Kirkpatrick's, when the snow was more than two feet deep the whole distance. He continued to haul in this manner till the 3d of May; and so little frost was there, beneath this deep covering of snow, that, on the next day, he commenced plowing his ground. The opening of spring was so long delayed, that the crop of breadstuff was exhausted ; and a universal scarcity prevailed on the river, until the coasters got to running and brought a 19* 222 ANNALS OF WARREN. supply from Boston. Nature again seemed to pity the condi- tion of the people, and sent the shad and alewives at an ear- lier period than usual. Farrington and J. Lermond had sent up a lot of boards for corn, and were anxiously waiting for the return of the vessel. The former went down to the falls and tried to procure a few fish ; but, not succeeding, potatoes were his only resource. On the following Sunday, feeling unable to endure longer, he went out to Mr. Watts's, who had wintered a few sheep for him, with a determination to kill one of them, even at that unfavorable season. Mr. Watts dissuaded him from his purpose, offered him his net, and ad- vised him to try for fish, notwithstanding the Sabbath. This he did with success, taking as many shad as he could carry home, besides several alewives which he distributed to others in a condition similar to his own. On his way home, he came across a porcupine, which he killed with a club, and thus ob- tained a supply of animal food. Still, bread was wanting ; and a northerly wind forbade any expectation of the vessel's speedy arrival. On Monday morning, however, Lermond's boy came with the joyful news of her being in the river. They set off, with bags, immediately. On arriving at Oyster river, they were invited to breakfast, as usual, on condition, however, that they could dispense with bread ; as none could be furnished till the corn was landed and the mill set a going. The arrival of this vessel aflx^rded a partial supply ; but the scarcity continued ; many were destitute for several days at a time ; and even Col. Starrett, remarkable for prudence and care, did not escape the evil. Mr. Rokes, who had been but one year on his new farm, lived a long time on alewives and the tongue-plant, (Dracsena) boiled for greens ; and contin- ued, though with a feeble hand, to clear his ground in expect- ation of future crops and better limes. The fall of 1786 was so dry, that, in the early part of November, a person might, at low water, walk across the river on the stones without wetting a shoe. On the 14th of the same month, the river froze up sufficiently hard to bear a horse and sleigh as far down as Watson's point. On the next day, the ice extended to the mouth of the river, and did not break up again till the 26th of March. The sloop Warren, then loading for the West Indies, was frozen in, and lay at the wharf in Thomas- ton all winter. A trading vessel, commanded by a Captain Young, was caught above the lower ripplings, and was unable to disengage herself till the following May. The drought continued through the winter ; water was very scarce ; and people had to go to Medumcook and Damariscotta for grind- ANNALS OF WARREN. 223 ing. The cold was severe ; the snow very deep, and scarcely showed signs of melting till March. On the 10th of April, the snow was still so deep and hard crusted, that teams might pass over all the fences without obstruction. The road to Thomaston, recently laid out, was as yet little more than marked trees ; and the river was still the principal highway. A path existed, past Capt. Payson's to Thomas's in Waldoboro', by which, through some half dozen sets of bars, a person might go there for a physician ; Doct. Schaef- fer, or Shepherd, as usually styled by the English, being still in high repute. On that road, besides Capt. Payson and Nathan Sprague, before mentioned, John Sidensberger had now established himself near the town line ; and Robert, the eldest of Mr. Spear's ten sons, was building a house, and about to take the mill, and settle where he still resides. A road was, this year, voted to be laid out by way of Stirling, over the beaver dam to Waldoboro', and another to Union by N. Libbey's. Settlements had been, at this time, recently commenced, by Joseph and Samuel Jameson, on the peninsula below the great bend in the river. These came originally from Friendship. Their widowed mother, marrying Wm. James, removed her numerous family to his farm in this town, now occupied by L. VVyllie, M. Comery, and others. Joseph's possession in- cluded the Vaughan farms, which he, in 1797, sold to Miles Cobb, and removed to Senebeck. Samuel, dying, was suc- ceeded by his brother George, who was an energetic farmer, and became a forehanded man, ending his days there. To these, was soon added Thomas Robinson, a deserter from the British army, who settled on the lot now owned by J. C. How- land ; and in 1794, Alexander Kelloch (2nd), took up the intermediate lot, and, with an axe, all the property he posses- sed, commenced clearing the land, which he successfully cultivated during the active portion of his life. The tract lately built on by George F. Starrett, was originally taken up during the revolution, by John Mingerson, who married a daughter of Mr. Gamble. He removed to Boston, and his title passed into the hands of Col. T. Starrett, with whose posterity both it and its valuable quarries still remain. The opening of Mr. Head's store, was not the only ad- vance made, this year, at what is now the principal village. M. Copeland and Rev. Mr. Whiting, erected a grist-mill and a dwell inghouse there ; to ihe latter of which, now occupied by Wm. Hovey, when finished the subsequent year, Mr. Whiting removed. They jointly built the grist-mill and one 224 ANNALS OF WARREN. half the dam ; whilst R. Hall and D. Dunbar built the re- maining half of the dam, together with a saw-mill on the east- ern side, on condition of being joint owners of one half said saw-mill ; the other being retained by Copeland. The river was, in that place, narrower than it has since become. The grist-mill stood at the south-west corner of the present dam, at the western bank, which then extended to that point. A year or two after, the freshet was pretty high, and water began to run across the point west of the mill, and before morning, had made a complete channel, and left the mill entirely insulated. Thousands of tons could not repair the breach so suddenly made. In addition to these appearances of activity, ship-building was commenced for the first time in the same vicinity, by Mr. Weston, who, this year, built the sloop Jane for J. VVyllie, Alexander and Wm. Lermond, and R. Henderson. She was commanded by Wyllie, and em- ployed in the coasting trade. The present federal constitution having been agreed upon and reported to the several States by delegates assembled at Philadelphia, a State convention was ordered to meet in Bos- ton, in the ensuing January, to take the same into considera- tion. To attend this convention, the people of Warren, Dec. 31st, made choice of James W. Head for their delegate. 1788. An additional stop towards the erection of a new house of worship, was taken, by appointing a committee to draw a plan of a meeting-house, and make an estimation of the cost of building the same ; and, notwithstanding the vote of the preceding year, a committee was appointed to look out a suit- able situation for it. By this time, some little rivalship seems to have sprung up, between the different localities, in respect to the principal village and seat of business. The mills and other buildings erected by Copeland and Whiting, the store of Head, to which he this year added a dvvellinghouse, (the one now occupied by R. W. Jarvis,) and the ship-building carried on by Weston, gave an impulse to business in that quarter, and no equivocal indications of its rising importance. A blacksmith's shop was also erected, near where the barn of the late T. Burton now stands, by Miles Cobb ; who, not far from this time, purcliased J. Copeland's buildings and a portion of his land, and soon after built the dwellinghouse which said Burton's widow now inhabits. He was from Bridgwater, came hither as an apprentice with R. Tolman, and was now vigorously pursuing his occupation. The growing pretensions of this place, probably led to a combination of rival interests ; and, at a subsequent meeting in June, the town voted to buil^l ANNALS OF WARREN. 225 a bridge across the river, above the great falls, another from Robinson's to Andrews's shores, and to build a meeting-house on Robinson's land, as determined in 1786. The rate of labor on the highway, was this year fixed at 4s. for a man, 2s. for a yoke of oxen, and Is. for a cart or plow, per day. Good mechanics at this time received 4s. 6d., and common laborers 2s. 8d. per day. Prices, in general, were proportionally low. According to Mr. Head, pine boards, for many years, were $S per thousand, oak plank $15, and masts $10, payment being made in goods, on which a profit was charged. In filling the vacancy, this year, in the militia company, occasioned by the resignation of Capt. Mclntyre, John Spear was/chosen Captain ; and S. Payson, Jr., and R. Crane, who had acquired some experience in the army, were his efficient subalterns. Prior to this year, it would seem, from the records, that the town had taken no part in the election of Governor, Lieut. Governor, and Senators. But whether this was actually the case, or whether it was not thought necessary to enter in the town book a record which was attested and sealed up in open town meeting, we are unable to say. From this time such votes appear on record, and may be found by consulting Table VIII. In consequence of an important omission in the resolve of 1785, confirming the Patent to the heirs of Waldo, and to prevent opposition to having the same rectified by the General Court, Knox, administrator on Fluker's estate, made an offer to all persons in possession of lands, who would come forward and sign an agreement to pay for the same at 4s. per acre in seven years, to confirm the same to them by deed on such payment being made. Most of the settlers signed the agreement ; but some, and particularly those who had purchased lands sold for the payment of taxes, refused, although Knox offered to deduct the sums actually paid. Among the persons who had, within a few years past, been added to the neighborhood, were Benjamin Webb, John Fairbanks, and Ezekiel G. Dodge. The last of these, son of a clergyman of Pembroke, the present year, established himself as a regular physician at Micah Packard's public house, but settled in Thomaston, and had a large practice in that and the neighboring towns. Fairbanks was a good singer, and the first on the river who taught vocal music scientifically ; was employed in this and other towns as a teacher not only of music but of common town schools ; 226 ANNALS OF WARREN. commenced clearing the J. Leach lot, but relinquished it, and removed to Hope. Webb, a native of Boston, came somewhat earlier, and kept a small assortment of dry goods, first at Packard's, and afterwards at Union. Unsuccessful in trade and other projects which he formed, he, about this time, studied physic with Dr Jl^dge, and commenced practice under his auspices. 1789. On the 28th of January, 1789, the lower plan- tation of St. George's, including the present towns of Gush- ing and St. George, long the friendly ally and generous rival of Warren, was incorporated into a town, and named Gushing, in honor of the Lieut. Governor. George Washington, first President of the United States under the new constitution, being inaugurated at New York on the 30th April of this year, the government commenced its career by adopting measures for protecting American in- dustry and commerce, and the resuscitation of credit and business. CHAPTER XIII. FROM THE YEAR 1789 TO 1793. In Warren, settlers continued to arrive. Josiah Mero from Dedham, commenced work as a blacksmith at Mr. Andrews's ; in a year or two after, erected a shop and small dwellinghouse near the site of James Andrevvs's present shop ; and a few years later, removed to the head of the tide. Having been a revolutionary soldier, he received a pension from government for something like twenty years, till his death in 1844. Isaac Fuller, also, had a blacksmith's shop at Capt. Spear's ; but the time of his coming here from Bridgwater, is not precisely known. He had probably been here a few years, as, about this time, he settled on the farm above Judas' Meadow brook, where a part of his posterity reside. James Cox, originally from Pembroke, but who had for some years resided in St. George, was now settled on the farm above, (since owned by the late Hatevil Libbey, 3d,) and had probably been there a year or two before. Francis Young, born in Gushing, but for some time a resident of this town, had taken up and was preparing to settle the lot above Bosworth's, where his son, ANNALS OF WARREN. 227 Alexander, still resides. Jesse Rogers, son-in-law of Mr. Boswortli, had succeeded Timothy Hills, then deceased, on the farm next below Dunham's. There were others employed as mechanics at this time ; among whom may be mentioned, Thomas Morison, from Peterboro', N. H., who built a second saw-mill, for himself and Mr. Copeland, at the village ; where he subsequently lived several years in the house of R. Crane ; and Major James Keith, from Bridgwater, a revolutionary offi- cer, and a good framer, who, on the death of Mr. Cooper, purchased his house and land. James Carven, a native of Ireland, was living below D. Dunbar's, and, about 1806, built the house now occupied by J. Starrett, Jr. Lore Alford, a tanner, from Hartford, Conn., settled on one of the lots in the northern part of the town, which had been sold about this time for taxes due from non-resident proprietors. His pur- chase extended from Crawford's pond to Seven-tree pond, but selling the western portion to Capt. Aaron Davis, he settled on the other, and carried on farming and tanning, till his death in 1818, having been an early member and deacon of the Baptist church. He was this year appointed surveyor of highways, for the new road which the town directed the selectmen to lay out on the eastern side of the river to Union. Wm. Mormon, a native of Wales, Eng. settled, not long after, on the lot since owned by A. Russel. In a town tax, assessed this year, in which the polls were rated at 2s. each, and a common 100 acre lot of unimproved land, at Is. 4d., the first class of tax payers, were, John Spear, £1 15s. 4d. ; Thomas Starrett, £1 6s.; and Wm. Lermond, c£l 2s. 6d. The second class, paying from 15 to 20s. were as follows; Wm. Boggs, H. Libbey, Moses Cope- land, Patrick Pebbles, Alexander Lermond, D. Dunbar, J. Mclntyre, R. Hall, J. Watts, and J. Wyllie. Capt. J. Spear, this year, commenced ship-building, with the schooner Indus- try, built by S. Weston, and commanded by Archibald Mc- Kellar of St. George. 1790. About this time, the first ox-wagon was introduc- ed by Jolin Lermond, who, seeing one used by Mr. Walcot of Union, was so struck by its advantages, that he immediately purchased and drove it home, exciting much curiosity as he passed. He now occupied a large tract of land, including the present farms of C. Copeland, N. Cobb, and Ira Robinson. At the raising of his barn, on the 2d of Sept., one entire side of the frame fell, slightly injuring several persons, and so rbadly crushing John Rokes, then 17 years of age, that his life was despaired of. He, after a long time, so far recover- 228 ANNALS OF WARREN. ed, however, as to clear more acres of land, for himself and other people, than, perhaps, any other person in town. Benjamin Bracket and Samuel Davis, this year, came from Boston, and commenced business in partnership as mer- chants. Mr. Head having now transferred his goods to his new dwellinghouse, and Mr. Crane returned to his own, the firm occupied a part of the latter, and carried on potash works near by, on the other side of the creek. Bracket lived in the house which Mr. Copeland, the following year, built for his accommodation, where A. Counce's now stands ; and, about 1803, built for himself the one now belonging to Alexander McCallum. In 1792, the firm erected the store lately occupied by R. W. Jarvis, which at first stood on the point of land, now island, where the Hawk building stands.* A new and eccentric character made his appearance, about this time, in the person of John Sullivan, a native of Dublin, Ireland, who, for many years, was an occasional res- ident in the town, and repaid the trouble he occasioned, by the merriment he produced, and the literary taste he assisted to form. He had made respectable attainments in science, and possessed a highly cultivated taste in literature ; but was subject to periodical fits of intemperance, and an appetite for strong drink, which, while the fit lasted, nothing could re- strain or appease. He had been employed in various places, between here and Pennsylvania, either in teaching or making shoes, in both which he excelled ; leaving one place after an- other, as his excesses made his departure alike welcome to his own feelings and the convenience of his employers. Having formed an acquaintance with his Catholic country- men, O^Brien and Carven, he was a long time employed as a teacher in the school-house which stood on Col. Starrett's land, a little above the present house of Deacon Singer. Here, his skill as a teacher, saving his prejudice against the " silver spoons", as he called the darlings and favorites of their parents, was highly approved ; while his companionable properties, and never failing good humor, induced the people to overlook the vacations, made necessary by his infirmity. Boarding round, as a school-master then, as now, was expected to do, he at one time left a boarding-house before supper, and arrived at a new one when supper there was over. Waiting * S. Davis. On their first \dsit to the place, in search of a situa- tion, they put up at Mclntyre's, made known then- object, and in reply to their inquiries respecting the prospect, were told in the most gutteral tones of the host, " work or starve, work or starve." ANNALS OF WARREN. 229 sometime with no prospect of any thing to eat, he called for a candle, saying he must go and look for his supper, which he believed he had lost somewhere between the two houses. The anecdotes of Swift, the sublime passages of Milton, and the whole of Young's Night Thoughts, were at his tongue's end. Taking up the last of these, at Rufus Crane's, who told him he was unable to read the book and wished he would teach him ; " find your place," said he. " Any place," said Crane, " it is all alike to me." " Open your book," said Sullivan. C. opened, promiscuously, at one of the Nights, and handed him the book. " Keep it," said S., and immediately commenced repeating, and went through with the whole chapter without missing a word. In the school-house before named, he had his chest well stored with favorite authors, and containing some thirty or forty quires of arithmetical and algebraical solutions of curious and difficult questions, with a variety of contractions and short methods, which he had discovered, of performing common operations. These, he intended to abridge and publish. But one unlucky morning having kindled a fire as usual and gone back to breakfast, on his return he found the house enveloped in flames, and his chest and books beyond recov- ery. The shock was too great for his nerves ; he turned and walked off without uttering a word ; and nothing more was seen of him for many months. He afterwards attempted to recover his solutions and inventions ; but the appearance of Pike's Arithmetic, which anticipated the most valuable part of them, discouraged and disheartened him. He continued to exercise one or the other of his two callings, in the neigh- boring towns and on the islands, apparently unhappy in him- self, but a source of amusement to others, for some twenty- five years, and ended his days in the almshouse at Boston. The dissatisfaction, felt by many, with the place which the town had twice voted to erect a meeting-house on, led to farther action upon that subject, the present year; and so great was the desire to preserve harmony in the town, that, March 2d, it was voted to choose David Fales of Thom- aston, Capt. Schenk of Waldoboro', and Philip Robbins of Union, to fix upon a site for the meeting-house. Whether this committee reported or not, on the 23d of June, ensuing, the town voted " the meeting-house be set on the land of Mr. Wm. Boggs, across the road to the west of his house." The town now seemed in earnest ; sold the old meeting-house to J. Watts for ^3 6s. ; and chose committees to hire carpenters, and obtain funds by the sale of the ministerial 20 230 ANNALS OF WARREN. and school lots. But it is probable that some doubt respect- ing the legality of such sale, operated to prevent purchasers from coming forward, and nothing farther was done. Dr. Schaeffer, who had before employed Mr. Copeland to repair his house in Warren, the one built by D. Patterson, 2d, and also given him a power of attorney to transact business for him, (his own activity being now impaired by age and intemperance,) this year removed to the place. He here continued his medical practice at his own house, took out a license for retailing, lived high, drank flip, and went but little from home. He was considered wealthy, was supposed to own several houses in Boston, and to have large sums of money hoarded in his house. As he had no legitimate chil- dren, nor even a wife, in this country, speculations were sometimes indulged in as to the disposition of his property in the event of his death. But the Doctor himself, enjoyed life too well, to give himself much uneasiness on that account. The youngsters in the neighborhood, were at- tracted, of an evening, by his flip, and amused by his " donner und blitzen," " tausend teufel," and other exclama- tions equally intelligible. 1791- Signs of improvement continue. New emigrants arrive, and new names appear on the records. Nelson had removed from the place ; and his house had been, for some time, rented and occupied by J. Standish, who, about this time or a little later, purchased of Mr. Whiting the land and built the house where J. Cobb now lives. Jf. P. Davis, A. Davis, John Payson, and Wm. Starrett, had settled, or were about settling on the middle road to Union ; where the posterity of the three last still inhabit. Daniel Peabody was now settled on the Haskell farm, and Alexander Kelloch on the adjoining lot known as the Kelloch place. Mr. Whiting, in exchange for real estate at Newcastle, conveyed his house at the head of the tide, together with the land where the tan-yard now is, and that now owned by Wm. Hovey, to Ichabod Frost, who removed hither from New- castle and opened a tavern, the first ever kept in that village. William Moore had, before this, erected a store where A. Fuller at present trades, and now sold goods there, and boarded with Frost ; but afterwards failed, left the place, and was, at a later period, employed as a clerk in the custom house at Waldol3oro'. A law was this year passed, to protect the more valuable wild animals from being hunted at improper seasons. Game ANNALS OF WARREN. 231 was now become so scarce in this vicinity, that little profit was derived from hunting, and not much time devoted to it. The martin and beaver had nearly disappeared. Beasts of prey were more numerous. Wolves and bears were so trouble- some as to compel the people to hunt them in self-defence. On the western side of the river, the young Libbeys, Halls, and others, were particularly active in destroying them. Major Libbey had a large dog, that never hesitated to engage and detain a wolf, till the hunters came up and despatched him. Many a wolf was immolated by his instrumentality ; but he fell a victim at last to his heroism. Venturing out alone, he com- menced an a^ault, as is supposed, in his usual way, but was overpowered by numbers, and found dead on the field of battle. Other canine exploits, there, doubtless, were, in those days ; but, like the heroes that preceded Agamemnon, the names of the actors have perished for want of an historian. Several afflictive casualties occurred this year. In April, Joseph Skinner, a lad of about 13 years of age, whilst em- ployed with others, in rolling logs down the bank at Peabody's mill, was killed by a log passing over him. Eli Bosworth, about 9 years of age, later in the season, fell from a float, whilst gathering lilies in North Pond, and was drowned. Catherine, wife of Samuel Dunham, who had from childhood exhibited signs of insanity, in the summer of this year, left her home in one of her moody spells, and was supposed to have gone in the direction of the old stone blockhouse in Gushing, about which, and on the seashore, she was wont to linger, as if absorbed in some pleasing reverie known only to herself. It was ascertained, however, from some frag- ments of her dress, that, after crossing the river, she had wandered away towards Crawford's meadow. People from different parts of the town, turned out and made a diligent search, for a week or more, but finally gave it up as hopeless. Her bones were found in something like a year afterwards, in the borders of Union or Hope. A son of hers, Joseph Dunham, inherited her eccentricities, leading a vagrant life, and sometimes taking up his abode, unbidden, in the cabin of a coaster hauled up for the winter, trusting to his wits for food and fuel. It was while in search of this unfortunate woman, that a clearing was observed on one of the hills in the present town of Hope ; and some of the old hunters familiar with the region, led by cariosity to visit the place, found there some sixty acres of excellent rye, sown by Messrs. Barrett and Miles, pioneers in the settlement of that place ; the latter of 232 ANNALS OF WARREN. whom, had bought out his companion, and was now in solitary possession of the whole. John Lermond was so struck with the promising appearance of this crop, together with the ponds and streams in the vicinity, which he exam- ined with the eye of an amateur in such matters, that he immediately resolved to change his residence, and erect mills there. For the present, however, he only contracted with Miles to clear a road for him, as far as Crawford's meadow, which he performed the following winter, for thirty bushels of rye. This crop of grain, excessively large, which was thus laid open, proved very acceptable to the inhabitants of this town ; though the producer would take nothing but hard dollars in payment. Lermond kept his purpose in view, till, having made his arrangements, he removed with his sons into that neighborhood, near the close of the century, built mills, and established himself in the borders of Union. He was a laborious, honest man, but distinguished by some peculiarities, among which was that of refusing interest for money due him. He used to say, it was " hard enough for a poor man to pay the principal, without adding interest to it." Ship-building, though it continued to increase, had, with the exception of a few vessels built for people in other places, been thus far, in this town, confined to sloops and schooners. This year, however, Col. Starrett and Capt. Spear commenced building the brig Speedwell, on the shore of the latter, oppo- site Andrews's point. This vessel, the first brig owned in town, probably launched the next spring, was commanded by James Crawford, till captured by a French privateer when coming from Demarara in 1799. The bridge at Boggs's shore, and one of the saw-mills below, were, this year, carried away by the freshet. In the fall, the mill was rebuilt ; and Mr. Copeland, with some aid from others, made a temporary bridge at the lower falls. Prior to this time, there had been no crossing there, except on a single plank by foot passengers, or by fording the river on horseback.* 1792. It was again voted to hire preaching a part of the year, and to raise a tax of .£100 for building a meeting-house. In 1792, a farther sum of <£22 18s. was raised by the sale of timber on the ministerial and school lots ; committees were * Joseph. Copeland is said to have had an old mare which used to walk this plank, and his wife often rode across on that narrow bridge. — Capt. Crane, &c. ANNALS OF WARREN. 233 chosen to receive the materials, and superintend the raising of the house ; which, notwithstanding former votes, was now or- dered to be located at the corner, near Alexander Bird's house. The land was purchased of M. Copeland ; and it was voted " that the town raise the meeting-house on Tuesday the 2d day of October next." Probably on that day, certainly in October, the long talked of house, was raised ; and the con- troversy respecting its location brought to an end. Mr. Copeland continued his activity, and, this year, built a store for Mr. Head, and a tailor's shop. The former was a one story building, and stood at the corner where Mr. Head afterwards built the store now occupied by B. Dillingham. The tailor's shop was occupied by Simon Lovett, who carried on his business here several years, living in the same building till he built the house since new-modelled and occupied by the late J. H. Counce. This house he afterwards sold to Samuel Davis, and removed to Portland. Nathaniel, son of Moses Copeland, this year erected the house now occupied by Mrs. M. Wetherbee ; but it was not finished till a year or two later. This was the second two story house built in town, P. Pebbles having built the first one some years before. Bracket & Davis were doing a thriving business. Rufus Crane had now taken up shoemaking ; and Luther Crane, a distant member of the same family, worked here as a journey- man at the same business. The latter settled, in 1799, on the farm adjoining Mr. Peabody's, and the next year built the house where his family still live. Mr. Weston, this year built a sloop called the Betsey, which was owned by her Cap- tain, E. Killeran, Bracket & Davis, and others. This vessel was running in 1826. The first public Library in town, was established, this year, by a division of the Friendly Society founded in 1787. In September of that year, a number of persons in this and other towns between the Sheepscot and Penobscot rivers, sub- scribed the following sums for procuring books to be owned by them in common ; viz. Joshua Head, John Head, Zebedee Simmons, David Vinal, Marlboro' Packard, David Fales, Philip M. Ulmer, Peter Creamer, David Jenks, and Benjamin Brown, £1 8s. each ; Waterman Thomas, £6, Thurston Whiting, £2, Ezekiel G. Dodge, £2 16s., George Ulmer, =£1 12s., Charles Sampson, £2^ J. W. Head, .£2, Moses Copeland, .£2, Benjamin Webb, £2 16s., and John Paine, £2. The subscribers held their first meeting at the house of Capt. Stephen Andrews, in Waldoboro', November 6th of the same year ; and W. Thomas was chosen Librarian. The Society 20* 234 ANNALS OF WARREN. continued to flourish ; meetings were held at various places, in Waldoboro', Warren, and Thomaston ; new members were added, public addresses delivered ; and there was nothing but the remoteness of its members from each other, to prevent it from being a permanent, harmonious, and valuable institution. In February, 1792, a division took place ; and the eastern portion of the members, about 16 in number, met at the house of Ichabod Frost, in Warren, and organized as " the Friendly- Society on St. George's river." For eight years, the annual meeting in January was held, and the Library kept, at War- ren and Thomaston, alternately. The novelty of the thing, the popularity of many of the books, illustrated, occasionally, as the dramatic portion of them were, by the histrionic pow- ers of Sullivan, Dodge, and others; the public dinners and convivial merriment usual at the meetings of the society, to- gether with the practice of celebrating the 4th of July by a public dinner and oration, attracted general attention, and in- duced great numbers to share its advantages. Orations were delivered, by Rev. J. Huse in 1796, S. S. Wilde, Esq. 1797, and Rev. T. Whiting in 1798 and 1799. In 1799, its mem- bers were 86 in number, paying an annual contribution of $43 ; but in January of that year, the society was again divid- ed, and a portion of its members held a meeting, and, Janu- ary 13, 1799, organized themselves as the " Proprietors of the Social Library in the town of Warren," according to the provisions of a recent statute. The number of members was 37, which in four years was doubled by the admission of new ones, embracing most of the intelligent and respectable citizens of the town, including two ladies, Mrs. James and Miss E. Kirkpatrick. In 1802, the price of a share was fixed at $5 ; and in 1820, the annual assessment reduced to 25 cents ; both which still continue. The society continued to celebrate the 4th of July, and orations were delivered, by S. Thatcher, Esq. in 1800, Rev. T. Whiting in 1802, M. Smith, Esq. in 1805, E. Thatcher, Esq. in 1808, 1. G. Reed, Esq. in 1809, and G. Starrett, Esq. in 1820. For several years past, in consequence of the abundance of periodical and other cheap literature, less interest in this institution, than formerly, has been manifested. Several unsuccessful attempts have been made, to authorize' the sale of the books on hand, as also to raise the annual assessment to the original sum of 50 cents. During the first quarter of the century, large additions were annually made to the Library, which in 1825 contained something over 500 volumes, valued at about 8800, and owned by 91 proprietors. Since that time, the increase has ANNALS OF WARREN. 235 been less ; some valuable works have disappeared ; and the number of shares is reduced to 66. Still the collection is a valuable one, containing, as it does, most of the standard works in the various departments of English and American literature and science. Nothing is wanting, but that our young men should duly appreciate the treasure within their reach, and feel the same desire for improvement manifested by their ancestors sixty years ago, to make this institution, by its annual additions, again become an attractive source of rational amusement, the means of cultivating the taste, en- lightening the mind, and purifying the heart of the commu- nity. Upon the subject of separating Maine from Massachusetts, first agitated about 1785, and at that time denounced as treason by Gov. Bovvdoin, the people of Warren, in 1792, for the first time, took a vote ; the result of which was, one in favor of, and fourteen against the measure. 1793. Wm. Boggs, the first town clerk, who had also filled most of the other town offices, having deceased the preceding year, town meetings, which used so frequently to be held at his house, were this year called at the house of his widow and son. At that held Jan. 14, a committee was chosen to draw two different plans of the pews of the meeting-house, and report the same for examination. There was, probably, a rivalship between the slips of the present day, and the square pews of an earlier date. A committee was also chosen, to get the window frames and sashes ; and a vote passed that the pews be sold on March meeting day. At that meeting, March 4th, held at the house of Joseph Boggs, and thence, probably from the extra numbers attend- ing on account of the sale, adjourned to the barn, a plan of pews was accepted. The house itself was 49 feet by 40, with its high gable ends on the north and south, the pulpit on the eastern side, and the entrance on the west ; where was a porch, with stairs leading up to a capacious gallery occu- pying three entire sides of the house. Between the entrance and the pulpit, according to the plan accepted, were two rows, of seven slips eachj on each side of the broad aisle ; five slips and two free seats on each side of the pulpit ; and square pews on the other three walls. Nothing above, but the front gallery, designed for the singers, was finished. The pews were appraised at $881, the highest at $25, and the lowest at $9 each ; and the right of choice,, set up to the highest bidders, amounted to $333,50. The <£100 raised by the town, is said to have paid for the frame ; and the pro- 236 ANNALS OF WARREN. ceeds of the pews to have defrayed all other expenses. The first choice, on the right hand of the broad aisle next the pulpit, was taken by Wm. Lermond, and the opposite one reserved for the minister. Behind these, were the pews of J. W. Head, and B. Bracket. Moses Copeland sat north of the pulpit, and, for twenty years or more, was scarcely absent for a single Sabbath. In April, a contract was made with Alexander and Wm. Lermond to find stuff and finish the house, outside and in, with the exception of the gallery pews, for the sum of =£349 10s. or $1163,33.* A committee was again empowered to procure preaching a part of the time ; and probably Mr. Whiting was employed, who was also, in May, chosen representative. On the 9th of Dec. it was voted, " that the town purchase as much land about the meeting-house, as will be sufficient for a burying- ground and other public uses." The land on that side of the road, had, by that time, passed from Mr. Bird into the hands of Wm. Lermond, who gave a portion thereof to the town for a public common, and sold another portion for a burying- ground. As if hastening to occupy this newly appointed resling-place, great numbers of children were carried off, this season, by the scarlet fever, or throat distemper, as it was then called, which was very mahgnant and mortal. The grave-yard, at first, extended northward near to the road as now travelled, south of where the meeting-house stood ; but in May, 1794, when the town voted to fence the old burying-ground with pine logs and the new one with stone wall and board fence, it was restricted to a line running square from the corner of the wall near the hearse- house, according to the purchase. By this restriction, the graves of several children were left outside, on the common ; and the town voted " to remove such of them, whose rela- tions were willing, within the said limits." This was done ; but some were allowed to remain ; and the graves of Mr. Sylvester's children were enclosed by a fence, which remain- ed on the common for many years. The ground was, in some respects, ill adapted to its purpose ; a ledge in some places approaches too near the surface, and in others the soil is not sufficiently dry. It had never been cultivated, and no pains were taken to level its uneven surface. But this defect became less and less obtrusive, as the graves became more crowded ; and, in 1840, it was enlarged by re-annexing a portion of what had been before fenced out. * Plan and other papers of A. Lermond. Copeland's MS. ANNALS OF WARREN, 237 Mr. Bird, about this time, built the house now owned by Col. Richmond. Between there, and Mr. Crawford's (now French's,) as also between the meeting-house and bridge, the ground was mostly covered with trees and bushes. But this year, the town voted " that the selectmen lay out a road, from the meeting-house to Miles Cobb's shop." This appears not to have been done, till 1795. A committee was also chosen, in April, " to lay out a road to Barrettstovvn, and make report." This was the name at that time applied to what is now Hope, and a part of Apple- ton, being so called from Charles Barrett, Esq. of New Ips- wich, N. H., who was engaged in settling the same with emigrants from that and other places. He had previously been concerned with J. Jameson in a mill at Hart's Falls, which he built about 1790, and was this year authorized, by an act of the General Court, to improve the navigation of the river by locks and canals. Willing Blake came, this year, from Wrentham, Mass., and after residing a year at J, P. Davis's, purchased, in con- nexion with him, the Bosworth farm, west of the pond ; to which they removed in 1794. Blake, subsequently, sold out to Davis, and bought of A. Lawrence, the farm first settled by Dunham, with part of that of T. Hills. These farms were little valued, on account of the sandy and barren qual- ity of the soil ; but Blake, by industry and skilful manage- ment, converted them into one of the best in town. He had served in the revolutionary army, and here filled the office of militia Captain for many years. Lawrence, who had also served six years in the war of the revolution, for which he brought home enough of paper money to purchase one sheep, came from Franklin, Mass., first settled in Union, but ex- changed his farm there for that of Dunham, and now settled on the eastern side of the river, where his sons still reside. Others came to the place, the same year. Jesse and Edmund Page were from Atkinson, N. H. The former, having spent the preceding season at Wiscasset, brought hither a few goods, which he sold out at Frost's. He subsequently traded some years, in a store, the frame of which he purchased of Frost, together with a small piece of land, where he and Wm. McLellan, in 1818, built the stores at present occupied by S. B. Wetherbee & son. On the removal of Frost, he opened a tavern at first in his house, afterwards in that now owned by L. H. Vaughan, which he built in 1803. In that year, he was appointed deputy sheriff, and for nearly 20 years continued in that office. 238 ANNALS OF WARREN. which, from the great number of suits then brought, was very lucrative, the fees sometimes amounting to 860 in a single day. He was, many years, deputy marshal under Thornton, which office, also, particularly during the war, yielded a handsome income ; and was postmaster 29 years. His brother was a joiner, and occupied as a work-shop part of his brother's store, till he built where his family still reside. David Page, a younger brother, also a joiner by trade, came later, and after residing some years on the present J. Payson place, removed and built the house lately purchased by P. Rollins. Dr. Edmund^Buxton came from Reading, Mass. where he had studied physic ; and, taking lodgings at Frost's, com- menced, here, the practice of his profession. His prepara- tion was, perhaps, less ample than what is usual at the pres- ent day ; but, possessing a discerning eye, his skill increased with his practice ; and, for 35 years, he was held in deserv- edly high repute in this and the neighboring towns. He was moderate in his charges, prompt in his attendance, pleasant and unpretending in his intercourse, and, though sustaining many town offices, allowed nothing to interfere with his fidelity to his patients. He lived many years in the Richmond house, which he purchased of Alexander Bird, and afterwards built that in which his widow resided till her decease in 1850. He died, much regretted, July 30, 1828, in the sixtieth year of his age. His death was occasioned by a fall from an ungovernable horse. During his lifetime, several physicians attempted to establish themselves here, among them Drs. Bracket, Stepliens, WeJJs, and Ayers ; but none of them could withstanoThe assiduity and establish- ed reputation of the first physician, who was succeeded in practice and popularity by his son, B. F. Buxton. Dr. A. W. Kennedy practiced here four years from 1829, and has recently^ returned. Drs. C. C,_jChandler, Stearns, James H. Glidden, and John M.^Brown, have each resided a time iii town, but gained no very extensive practice. Wm. McBeath came from Scotland, where he had receiv- ed what was termed a liberal education. His parents had designed him for the ministry ; and he brought letters of recommendation to Rev. Mr. McLean of Bristol, requesting him, if he thought it expedient, to receive him as a student in divinity.* He was employed by him some time on his * The story is, that McBeath arrived in McLean's absence on a visit to Scotland, and, being a portly, well looking young man, and ANNALS OF WARREN. 239 farm, but probably not encouraged to engage in the ministry. He came here about this time, with a small stock of goods, which he at first kept in the store erected by Moore, but soon rented the house which Mr. Copeland this year built. This was a low, bevel-roofed building; one part of which Mc- Beath occupied as a store, and the other as a dwelling. This building, with the land on which it stood, was subsequently sold to Joseph Boggs, who erected in its room a store, in which he traded several years, and which is now converted into a dwellinghouse standing opposite the factory. It was probably in this year, also, that Timothy Parsons, from Read- ing, in company with a brother, established the tan-works now carried on by G. Kirkpatrick. He lived in the upper part of the tan-house, and carried on the business till 1803 ; when he sold out to the Hoveys, and removed to North Yar- mouth, or vicinity. John Parsons, a joiner, settled and built a small house, which was successively owned by B. Bussell, D. Page, and J. Page, till taken down in 1834, and the pres- ent house of James Payson built on its site. Besides the building before mentioned, which was designed for the clothier, Mr. Copeland this year erected a fulling-mill at the head of the tide, the first establishment of the kind on the river. The first clothier was Benjamin Sylvester, who carried on the business about five years, and removed to New- castle. Ebenezer Wells succeeded, bargained for the mill, and, for awhile, carried on the works on his own account ; but not fulfilling the contract, Copeland, in 1803, sold the works for $500 to Robert Chase, who, after a few years, sold out to Miles Cobb. Cobb, and his son-in-law, John M. Gates, employed difi'erent workmen, and carried on the works till April 12, 1812 ; when they were purchased by Lewis Stacy. In Feb. 1814, Stacy sold out to Amos H. Hodgman, who, for many years, carried on the works satisfactorily to the customers, and profitably to himself. Cloth was, at the com- mencement of the business, dressed in rather a rough and inferior manner ; the coarse wool of the English sheep, intro- understood to be a student in divinity, was invited to preach the en- suing Sabbath. He requested to be excused till McL's return, which was every v/eek expected ; but several weeks having elapsed, and the parson not returning, the people became impatient, declared the young man's reluctance was but the effect of unreasonable modesty, and in- sisted upon his preaching. He put them off as long as he could, but when their urgency became imperative, put an end to their importu- nity by exclaiming " I'll be dumned if I'll preach tiU McLean comes home," 240 ANNALS OF WARREN. duced by Gen. Knox, deteriorated its appearance ; and it was not till the introduction of merinos, about 1810, and the su- perior workmanship of Stacy, that any tolerably handsome cloth was made. A carding machine was added to the works, about 1803. The old fashioned hand shears were employed until Hodgman's time, who introduced the first shearing machine, and indigo dye. Hodgman was succeed- ed by B. Dillingham, till the latter went into trade, and the present factory was established. In 1793, J. Standish commenced ship-building on his own account, and launched the sloop Polly, for D. Dunbar, J. O'Brien and A. Malcolm ; probably at the yard which he subsequently occupied, near J. McCallum's present house. The year 1793 is also distinguished for the introduction of the first pleasure carriage into the town ; Mr. Copeland having this year purchased a chaise — probably a second handed one, but not the less a mark of distinction on that account. As yet, no mail had penetrated so far east ; and probably few or no newspapers were read in the place, except those occasionally brought by the coasters. The most eastern post office, was now at Wiscasset, to which a mail from Portland was brought twice a month. In 1793, a person by the name of Russel, was hired by private individuals to go from Castine lo Wiscasset, to carry letters and newspapers to the several towns between those places. He went on foot once a fortnight, and carried his mail at first in a handker- chief, afterwards in saddle-bags. He lived at the Penobscot ferry, and, finding traveling agreed with him so well, he traveled off to the western states, leaving his family and the mail to take care of themselves. The next year, in con- sequence of a petition from the inhabitants, postmasters were appointed, and the mail sent, by Government. It was then carried once a week, on horseback. Rufus Crane was appointed the first postmaster in this town. Col. Wheaton in Thomaston, and Joseph Eaton in Camden. At the present village of Belfast, there were then only a few log huts. Mr. Crane's emoluments, for the first 3 months after his appoint- ment, amounted to 20 cents. He held the office till 1810, when he was succeeded by Jesse Page. The latter kept the office at first at his house, but afterwards, going into trade with his nephew, J. Page, Jr., he removed the same to his store, at or near which it has since remained. About 1838, the office was transferred to Hon. A. H. Hodgman, and kept by his brother, Thomas Hodgman, in the Head store, which ANNALS OF WARREN. 241 he then occupied. Seth B. Wetherbee held the office from 1841, till Gen. Hodgman again received it in 1848.* The income of the office was much lessened by the reduction of postage, which took place in 1844. Before that time, whilst held by Mr. Page, it is said to have yielded to the Govern- ment from i55 to $70 per quarter, and to the P. M. who received one half the postage on newspapers and one third of that on letters, about $150 per annum. Hitherto, the standard of morals in the place, had been un- exceptionable ; and, if the people had not always lived up to it, they had at least escaped the more heinous and infamous crimes. But, about this time, an event occurred of a more serious and alarming character. The house of Dr. Schaeffer, during his absence in Boston, was entered in the evening by four men, in disguise, who seized the women, the only inmates of the house, pinioned their arms, confined them in the cellar, broke open the chests and closets, and carried off all the gold and silver they contained. The women, three in number, being left in confinement, were long in disengaging them- selves ; but succeeding at length, and recovering from their fright, fled to their neighbors and spread the alarm. Every search was made, every inquiry was instituted, but without obtaining any clue to the transaction. His agent, M. Cope- land, was particularly assiduous in his efforts to detect the per- petrators. Advertisements were posted up, and inquiries made in this and the neighboring towns of the whereabouts of every person thought capable of such an act, but no trace of the robbers was discovered ; and, from that day to this, a dark uncertainty has rested on the transaction. At first, the community was struck aghast at the enormity of the crime ; but some were more easily reconciled to it by the belief that the treasures thus dishonestly taken, had been as dishonestly obtained ; and that, however infamous in itself, it was, to the sufferer, but an act of retributive justice. It was said, tou, that the Doctor was not long for this world, that he would soon fall a prey "to dropsy and high living, that he had here no legitimate heirs, and that, saving the criminality of the deed, the money might as well be kept in the country as to go to foreigners, his connexions, whom he was daily ex- pecting to arrive from Germany. Suggestions of this kind, blunted the edge of public indignation, though they could not remove it. In the absence of proof, various surmises and * The office lias since been restored to Mr. Wetherbee. 21 242 ANNALS OF WARREN. conjectures were engendered, which it is not the office of au- thentic history to record. The Doctor, who was in Boston at the time, repaired to the celebrated Moll Pitcher, the far famed fortune teller of Lynn, for assistance in detecting the criminal. She, probably judging from his appearance, had no hesitation in declaring that he would never see his treasure again ; " it was in possession of a long-headed man, who knew how to keep it." He returned in rage and despair, and plunging still deeper into intemperance, expired on the 20th April, 1794. Mr. Copeland was appointed administrator, with a will annexed, which was made in 1767, bequeathing his estate to his wife Margaret and to his daughters Margaret and Mary. The personal property and notes, according to the inventory, amounted to £6^6 2s. 6d. or $2265,15 cents ; and the debts and payments allowed, were $707,69 cents ; leaving a balance, besides real estate, of $1557,44 cents. On the 20th of August following, Mr. Copeland, whose wife had deceased the preceding year, married the doctor's widow. The autumn of 1793 is memorable for a premature snow storm, which, on Tuesday the 29th of October, whilst the corn and potatoes were but partially secured, covered the ground to the depth of a foot or more ; and was succeeded by weather so cold as to freeze up the ponds, and make good sleighing for several weeks. Afterwards, however, a spell of more mod- erate weather carried off the snow, and gave an opportunity to complete the harvest, though the ponds did not break up till spring,* * J. P. Davis, and J. Rokes, the latter of whom places this storm on the 11th. ANNALS OF WARREN. 243 CHAPTER XIV. SETTLEMENT OF REV. J. HUSE, AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS FROM 1794 TO 1800. 1794. The annual meeting in March, was called this year at the new meeting-house, which proving uncomforta- ble for the want of windows, it was adjourned to Mr. Bird's barn, and the town officers chosen by nomination and hand vote. To assist in repairing the more difficult and thinly peopled portions of the road, M. Copeland was appointed surveyor for the whole distance from Gushing to Union, and also to Waldoboro'. At an adjourned meeting, held at the school-house near M. Cobb's, it was voted " that the hogs within the town may go at large, in the commons, they being well yoked and ringed." This vote was doubtless passed, not because the swine had not before made use of this priv- ilege, but because an attempt was now made for the first time to deprive them of it. D. Dunbar was chosen agent to answer to an indictment against Oyster river bridge, which being out of repair, was, on the report of a committee appointed to examine the local- ity and confer with a similar committee from Thomaston, built anew, probably in connexion with that town, in its pres- ent situation. The collector being, probably, pressed for the payment of the State tax, and the people, at that time of year, before their wood and lumber could be transported to market, find- ing it difficult to pay their respective rates, the town, in May, voted '• to pay the cost of any execution that might be issued against Mr. Dunbar, the collector, for State tax No. 10, pre- vious to Sept. 1st." July 5th, voted " to hire a town school- master for this year." Sept. 8th, voted " that the town will make up to the 17 men that are called for out of this town, $12 per month, whilst in actual service." These men M^ere probably part of a draft made from the militia by the gener- al Government, to be in readiness for actual service when called for. The call was made in view of the Indian hostili- ties in the western country, and the unsettled difficulties with England, which were assuming a more serious aspect. They were never called for ; as the Indians were defeated by Gen. Wayne, Aug, 20th ; and the difficulties with England settled 244 ANNALS OF WARREN. by a commercial treaty, negotiated Nov. 19th, by Mr. Jay, at London. The season, this year, was as unpropitious to the husband- man, as the prospect was gloomy to the politician. On the 17th of May, there was a heavy frost, so thick as to resemble snow, and so severe, that, while crops in general were poor, those of apples, nuts, acorns and berries, were entirely cut off. For want of these, the bears were forced to leave their woody retreats, and seek subsistence nearer the seashore. Many were killed in Union and the upper part of Warren. It was said, that more than 300 were slain or taken in the whole State (then District,) of Maine.* The first regular lawyer in the place, Samuel Sumner Wilde, Esq., late one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Mass., who had been a short time in the practice of the law at Waldoboro', being resolved to remove to Warren, agreed with Mr. Head, to build him a house on the hill west of the river. This was done, we believe, the present year; and Mr. Wilde lived and practised law here till 1799, when he moved to Hallowell, and, on the division of the State, to Boston or vicinity, where he still resides. This house was afterwards owned and occupied by Hon. Samuel Thatcher, and now by Mr. Dillingham. On the 7th of April, the meeting-house was ordered to be painted ; and it now remained to provide a minister. Josiah Thaxter, a missionary from Martha's Vineyard, came here in June, and on the 22d and 23d, baptised 89 persons ; but his stay was short. Rev. Mr. Whiting, who had previous- ly been employed, was a man of talents and taste ; his senti- ments were orthodox, and his public services approved ; but his infirmity of will, his compliant and convivial disposition, led him into irregularities inconsistent with the character and subversive of the influence of a christian minister. The committee, therefore, who had charge of the matter, gave an invitation to stop here for a time, to Rev. Jonathan Huse, who had, the preceding season, been employed a short time at Blue Hill, and was again on a visit to this part of the coun- try; and the town voted, Sept. 8th, to hire him till the " last day of October." This gentleman was a native of Methuen, Mass., graduat- ed at Dartmouth college in 1788, and studied divinity with the Rev. Jonathan French of Andover. He boarded at first * Capt. A. Davis. ANNALS OF WARREN. 245 with Mr. John Mclntyre, Jr., who then lived in a one-story house, on the place since occupied by the late Dea. Crane. On the expiration of his term, the town, Nov. 3d, voted to invite him to return the ensuing spring, and preach as a can- didate for settlement. 1795. Accordingly, in the following April, Mr. Huse returned. On the last day of his journey, which was performed on horseback, he came from Wiscasset in company with Silas Lee and Manasseh Smith, lawyers of that town, who were proceeding eastward on business. The travelling was bad, the freshet high, and the road, particular- ly at Stirling in this town, almost impassable. It was late before they arrived at Frost's tavern ; the crop of hay, which had been scanty that year, was exhausted, and, though the host was willing to entertain the men, he could furnish noth- ing for their horses. After some deliberation, Mr. Lee de- termined to try the hospitality of Mr. Head, with whom he had some acquaintance, and left the others to shift for them- selves. Mr. Huse, from what he knew of Col. Starrett, thought it likely that hay or provender might be found there ; and he and Mr. Smith went down and spent the night at his house. Prior to this, April 6th, the town had appointed T. Starrett, M. Copeland, and J. Andrews, a committee " to agree with Rev. Mr. Huse if he should return, otherwise with some other minister, to preach on probation." This commit- tee now employed him accordingly ; and on the 29th of June, the town voted to give him " a call to settle in this town in the work of the Gospel ministry." After a conference on the terms, it was voted, in August, that the town would give Mr. Jonathan Huse c£100 a year, so long as he should con- tinue their minister, and for six months after the town, by a two thirds vote, should determine on the discontinuance of his ministry ; all disputes that might arise under the con- tract to be finally settled by arbitrators mutually chosen. These votes passed without any opposition ; and after ma- ture deliberation and advice, Mr. Huse gave an affirmative answer to the invitation. The Presbyterian polity being found inconvenient, and somewhat out of f\ivor, a Congrega- tional council was invited to convene in Warren, Oct. 28th, for the purpose of organizing a church, and ordaining their minister. The Council accordingly met on said day, consist- ing of Rev. Josiah Winship of Woolwich, Alfred Johnson of Freeport, and Alden Bradford of Wiscasset, with delegates from their respective churches, who, after organizing the church, and sufficiently examining the candidate, proceeded to his ordination. The church consisted of John Dicke, 21* 246 ANNALS OF WARREN. Moses Copeland, Daniel Peabody, Thomas Starrett, John Andrews, Joseph Copeland, and James Mathews, who adopt- ed the following articles of faith and covenant. ARTICLES OF FAITH AND COVENANT. " We, whose names are hereunto subjoined, that we may promote the growth of religion in our souls, and enjoy the ordinances of the Gospel in a church state, do covenant and agree together in manner following, viz. : — We declare our faith in the divine inspiration of the scriptures of the Old and New Testament, which we receive as the word of God. We believe there is one God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. We believe in the fall of man, the depravity of human nature, and the redemption through the mediation, intercession, and atonement of Christ. We believe that Christ hath appointed two special ordinances to be observed by every true believer in his name, viz. : — Baptism and the Lord's Supper. We believe that the qualifications for these ordinances in all adults, are sincere repentance towards God, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We also believe the future existence of the soul, the resurrection of the body, and the day of future judgment, in which every one will receive a reward according to his works. And we do also, humbly and penitently, asking the forgiveness of our sins through the blood of the Redeemer, give up ourselves to God in an everlasting covenant in our Lord Jesus Christ is- and, as in the presence of God, we solemnly promise, that, by the assistance of the Divine Spirit, we will forsake the vanities of the present evil world, and approve ourselves the true disciples of Jesus Christ in all good carriage toward God and toward man. And we likewise promise to walk together in christian communion as members of the church of Christ, and to attend statedly upon the administration of the ordinances of the gospel, to watch over one another, and to submit to the discipline of the church in this place. And finally, by daily prayer to God, we will seek for grace to enable us to keep this covenant.'" To the young reader, it may appear singular that the con- tract was entered into, and the minister settled, by the town in its corporate capacity. But such was, at the time, the universal practice ; and the laws of Massachusetts had, from the very first, not only allowed, but absolutely required, every town to maintain a minister of the Gospel as well as a teacher of the public school, on the principle that instruction in religion and morality was as essential to the public welfare as in liter- ature and science. The relation thus entered into between Mr. Huse and the ANNALS OF WARREN. 247 town, continued; and the salary first stipulated remained, without increase or diminution, till the contract was dissolv- ed by mutual consent in April, 1830. As a farther induce- ment for him to settle, an acre of land for a house lot was given him by M. Copeland, and a hundred acres of wood- land by Gen. Knox ; the latter of which he advantageously disposed of, at a time when land was high. From the pro- ceeds of this sale, and his annual stipend, joined with strict economy in living, he supported and educated his family, and has even acquired a handsome property. Col. Thomas Starrett was chosen, June 9th, 1796, the first deacon of this church and for more than a quarter of a century exercised the office, and, by his piety and meek- ness, contributed much to its prosperity. After his death, in 1822, James Mathews succeeded and discharged the office till his death in 1836. The male members of the church, were, however, never numerous. The sentiments professed, as may be seen from the articles of faith, as well as the general tenor of the pastor's preaching, were what may be called moderate Calvinism ; and the intention, probably, was to take an intermediate position between Arminianism on the one hand and ultra Calvinism, or Hopkinsianism, on the other ; which two parties at that time existed in, without rending asunder, the Congregational churches. Questions of strife and disputation, were generally avoided by the preacher, who, content with inculcating the practical duties, was not anxious to disturb the dogmas of theory. The con- gregation, for a time, embraced nearly the whole town. A few were Baptists ; a few others were dissatisfied with the location of the meeting-house, and kept aloof from its wor- ship ; but the new house, the new pastor, and the new mode of singing without the intermediate reading of the lines, together with the new tunes that had been introduced, were generally attractive ; and the meetings were well attend- ed. No dissension in the church, or any other cause requiring a council, ever occurred whilst Mr. Huse's ministry continued. As this event forms a new epoch in the history of the town, it may be well to pause for a moment to consider the condition to which it had now arrived. The original settlers from Ireland, and a part of those from Scotland, were now gone. The names of Giffen, James, Locke, Scott, McLean, and Gregg, had disappeared, or were confined to females. The elder Lermond and his wife deceased about 1790 ; Pat- terson, Robinson, and Miller, probably before that time ; Kirk- 248 ANNALS OF WARREN. patrick died in 1785 ; Samuel Boggs in 1783, and in 1792, was followed by William, the oldest and latest surviving of his sons. Boice Cooper's was the first funeral that Mr. Huse attended. Deacon Crawford, whose services had been so long appreciated and whose praise was in every mouth, was yet living, and, though not formally admitted as a mem- ber, regularly communed with the new church till his death in 1797. A new generation had sprung up, and was fast taking the place of the preceding. Of the second genera- tion, some were advanced in years, and others past the me- ridian of life. The young Starrelts, Spears, Robinsons, McTntyres, Boggses, Lermonds, Creightons, and Kellochs, of the third generation, the Mathewses, Waltses, Kirkpatricks, Crawfotds, Andersons, Dickes, Copelands, Libbeys, Jame- sons, and others of the second, were settled, or about settling, on farms of their own. Near the western limits of the town, were established, about or soon after this period, several German families from Waldoboro', such as Sidens- berger, before mentioned, Hoffsis, Hysler, Storer, Stahl, and Winchenbach, together with Peter and John Mink ; the two last of whom, though their lands extended into Warren, fixed their dwellings in the limits of Waldoboro'. A large addi- tion had been made to the population, by emigrants arriving more or less recently from the west, whose ideas, manners, and customs, mingled with and modified those of the first settlers. Ship-building was successfully carried on ; stores and mills were multiplied; and a central point of attraction was beginning to show itself. Agriculture had made some ad- vances. Potatoes were beginning to be cultivated for expor- tation.* Farmers were supplied with more and better imple- ments, particularly plows and carts. Of pleasure carriages, there was but one ; horse wagons were unknown, and ox wagons but just coming into use. The usual conveyance for persons and light burdens, was on horseback. Men and boys rode to mill with two or three bags beneath them. Kegs of molasses and rum, were carried home in the same way. The practice of 'riding double', as it was called, was universal. Whether to the church or the ball, the man rode before on the saddle, the lady on the pillion behind him. But this mode of conveyance was beginning to yield, during the winter months, * The varieties of the potato, then chiefly raised, were the Rough- skin and Bunker ; the former, less productive, but in great request for roasting on the ample hearths, beneath the huge lires of those times. ANNALS OF WARREN. 249 to sleighs, which, both double and single, were now become common. But there were, as yet, no robes of buffalo or other furs, for the protection of man or beast ; though the feet were sometimes relieved by portable foot stoves, both on journeys and at church. Most of the older settlers were now furnished with framed houses ; few of these were painted, without or within. Major Libbey's and Capt. Mclntyre's were painted on the outside whh red ochre ; Miles Cobb's, now, or not long after, of the same color ; and Head's, Wilde's and Bracket's, were yellow. There were no carpets, rugs, sofas. The floors, made of the hardest and whitest boards, were frequently scoured, and covered with white sand, which was drawn and tastefully fig- ured with the broom — not the present corn broom from the valley of the Connecticut, but brooms manufactured from trunks of the yellow birch or the twigs of the hemlock and spruce. The kitchen was usually provided with a dresser, or set of shelves in one corner, extending four or five feet on each wall, with closets beneath. These were filled with glit- tering rows of pewter plates, dishes, and spoons, which were scoured to the last degree of brightness. Little crockery was used, except cups and saucers, which had now replaced the wooden ones of the Revolution. About this time and after, to the close of the century, spermaceti oil, and lamps, made of tin, brass, or other metal, gradually came into use in the place of candles. Men continued to wear their hair in clubs or queues. Petticoat trowsei's and leather breeches, had given place to French pantaloons or sailor's trowsers ; yet 'the full dress of the former period, was still worn by gentlemen advanced in life. The town was well supplied with mechan- ics and professional men. One or more schools were taught on each side of the river ; settlements were made or making in most parts of the town ; public worship was established ; a choir of singers formed ; and all the elements seemed pro- vided for a prosperous and harmonious community. With the increase of business and influx of strangers, came also some change in the customs and condition of society. The practice of sending portions, and sharing one's good for- tune with his neighbors, of borrowing and lending without reckoning or accounts, had somewhat declined. People be- gan to expect pay for the use of a horse or a yoke of oxen, a cart or a plow. Tea and coffee were in general use. Ar- dent spirits, which were formerly used only on extraordinary occasions, were becoming more dangerously common. Hos- pitality still abounded ; and no occasion was lost for getting 250 ANNALS OF WARREN. up what was called ?i frolic. The women had their spinning- bees and wool-breakings ; and the men, their huskings and wood-haiilings. When a building was raised, a vessel launch- ed, or the militia mustered, everybody attended, and every- body was treated. On all these occasions, a dance was generally got up in the evening, in which there was neither selection nor exclusion ; all who wished, participated. At first on the uniform level of poverty, the little inequalities of fortune which had since sprung up, had given rise to no invidious distinctions, no upper and lower classes in society. But this, also, was now undergoing some change ; and the power of wealth, dress, and fashionable connexions, was be- ginning to produce emulation and envy, divisions and de- traction. This year, 1795, was memorable for the resignation of Gen. Henry Knox, as Secretary of War under Washington, and his removal to the town of Thomaston. This distinguish- ed gentleman, whose public services are too well known to need any eulogium here, had married the daughter of Thom- as Fluker, and, in her right, came into possession of a portion, we believe one fifth, of the Waldo Patent. Having, in 1784, been appointed agent to settle said Fluker's estate, he had made sale, July 2, 1791, to one Oliver Smith, of two-fifth parts of said Patent, which, after several mean conveyances, were repurchased by himself, and, together with two other fifth parts, which in 1793 he purchased of Samuel Waldo (3d) and others, put him in possession of the entire Patent, with the exception of what had been previously alienated. During the preceding year, a splendid mansion-house, un- rivaled for its symmetry and beauty, called by French visitors a chateau, and named Montpelier, had been con- structed by his order, and was now ready for the reception of his family, who were brought from Philadelphia in a sloop commanded by Capt. A. Malcolm. At the same time, the General published advertisements in the public papers, offering favorable terms to new settlers, and extolling the fertility of the soil and salubrity of the climate, to the latter of which, the balsamic firs, he said, so greatly contributed. As a farther encouragement to the set- tlement of the country, he commenced several kinds of busi- ness on an extensive scale, which gave employment to a large number of workmen, and afforded a market for the products of the soil and the forest. Besides farming, brick- making, lime-burning, and trading in Thomaston, he deter- mined also to go into the lumber business ; and purchased ANNALS OF WARREN. 251 the mills at the upper falls in Warren, together with the saw- mill which M. Cobb and W. Lermond had then in operation at Hart's falls. The latter, he removed to the site of the former, which he also rebuilt, enlarged, and supplied with gangs of saws sufficient to cut up a whole log at once. These saws could be easily removed and replaced at pleas- ure, so as to make boards, plank, or joists, of any required thickness. A grist-mill with burr-stones was also erected, together with two dwellinghouses near by. Mr. Barrett had now been employed a year or two, in constructing locks at the several falls in Warren. His plan, which located the locks in the main channel of the river, not succeeding to his mind, he became discouraged after expending some thous- ands of dollars, and sold out the whole concern to General Knox. The latter resumed the work, and, after some unsuc- cessful experiments, completed it, so far as the falls in War- ren were concerned. He raised the dam at the upper falls sufficiently high to supersede the necessity of a lock at Hart's falls, and constructed locks around the former, on the eastern bank. These, formed of earth only, and covered with sods to prevent erosion, were the work of a French engineer, who received his pay, and left the place before the water was high enough to make trial of them. The weather continuing dry, the sods were scorched by the sun, and the embankment rendered friable ; so that, when the waters were let in, the whole was swept away ; and the labor of months disappeared in an hour. The following season, Life Wilson was employed to construct the work anew, with plank and timber. At the falls below, a canal was cut across the point on which the Hawk building now stands, and connected with a lock west of the grist-mill. These locks afforded a passage for rafts and gondolas, and continued in use till after the death of Gen. Knox ; when they went to decay with his other works. The tolls allowed by law, were, at Senebeck Pond, Is. 6d. for every ton in weight and for every thousand feet of lumber ; and the same again at the falls in Warren. At the latter, where alone any locks was made, the toll was, in 1803, raised to fifty cents. The income, however, was not great ; Knox's own lumber constituting the greater part of the amount transport- ed. About the period last mentioned, to prevent the neces- sity of taking up the dams at the upper falls, a passage was made for the shad and alewives on the western side of the river, which answered very well for the last, but altogether excluded the salmon, which have since nearly disappeared. The shad and alewiyes were taken without labor by obstruct- 252 ANNALS OF WARREN. ing their way with wire and opening a slit on one side, through which they were carried by the water into a recep- tacle floored with slats, and left ready to be carried off by purchasers. The various works carried on by Knox, brought hither a great number of mechanics, particularly carpenters and mill- wrights ; many of whom became permanent residents in this town. Clarke Gerrish, in 1794, came from Newburyport or vicinity, and though not regularly bred to any trade, was a capable man and much employed about the upper falls and head of the tide. James Gerrish, a brother, came a few years later. Life Wilson, a carpenter and joiner, came from Dra- cut, Mass., lived awhile in Knox's house at the upper falls, purchased and enlarged that of Nathaniel Copeland, built a store now occupied by T. Wilson as a cabinet-maker's shop, commenced trading, but, meeting with losses by the embargo of 1807, was compelled to stop business, though he saved a portion of his property. Parker Coburn, also from Dracut, lived many years at the upper falls, purchased the place and repaired the house where his widow now lives, and followed his trade more or less as a mill-wright, till his death in 1845. Nathan Williams came from the same neighborhood, and fol- lowed the same business ; purchased and lived awhile on the farm in Union which he exchanged with John Whiting for that in Warren, on a part of which his sons still live. He, many years, commanded the Union Light Infantry company, and was a good officer. His brother, Jesse Williams, was a shoemaker by trade, and settled on the farm where he still re- sides. Luther and Lot Lincoln were masons, and came from Hillsboro', N. H. The former settled in Thomaston, the lat- ter in Warren, where he followed his trade for many years, and rang the bell for the Baptist Society from near the time of its purchase till 1848. Joseph Calef, a cooper of Marblehead, resided at the upper falls and other places in town, till his death in 1839. Others of these workmen settled in the neigh- boring towns. The various kinds of business thus commenced by Knox, stimulated the enterprise of others, and was the beginning of a season of prosperous activity, which lasted many years. Mill-logs, kiln- wood, staves, and hoop poles, were taken at a generous price ; employment was given to vessels in the coasting and W. 1. trade ; and ship-building met with more ample encouragement. It was in 1795, that the first lime was burnt in Warren. Thomas Kirkpatrick erected a kiln that year at the upper falls, below the dam, where a great ANNALS OF WARREN. 253 quantity of slabs had accumulated, which he used for kiln- wood. Lime was then put up in fifty gallon casks, which brought from 10s, to 12s. The next year, William Kirk- patriek, v/ho settled on the present Cutting farm, in connexion with John Libbey, built a kiln on the hill beyond Mr. Paskiel's, the remains of which are still to be seen. Another was built at the lower falls about the same time ; and thus com- menced a business, which has been more or less extensively prosecuted ever since. The following year, B. Webb, J. Libbey, T. Kirkpatrick, and J. Copeland were chosen the first lime inspectors. The first of these, who had married a daugh- ter of Samuel Boggs, at that time lived on the farm now owned by Alvan Vaughan, and, besides his professional prac- tice, carried on farming and other branches of business. His mother and sister kept a small assortment of English goods there. His brother. Deacon William H. who came in 1799, purchased a small portion of the farm, built the house in which he now dwells, and commenced business as a silver- smith and worker in brass and other hardware, which he and his son have since successfully carried on. The town was this year, for the first time, divided into school districts, there having previously been but one town school, taught alternately on each side of the river. 1796. Early in the summer of this year, was launched from the yard of Mr. Weston, the brig Neptune, of 123 tons, owned by W. Lermond, A. Lermond, R. Henderson and others, being the second square rigged vessel owned in the place. She was commanded by Alexander Pease, from Martha's Vineyard, who had, the preceding j^ear, built the house afterwards owned by D. Standish, and more recently by P. Ludwig. One quarter of the vessel, owned by A. Ler- mond, and perhaps other portions, were chartered at 82 a month, per ton, by Bracket & Davis, who, together with W. Lermond, furnished a cargo of timber, and sent her to Liver- pool, with instructions to return directly to the river. Instead of this, Capt. Pease commenced freighting to different parts of Europe, or lying idle in port, without either writing to the owners, or making any remittances. After a year and a half had elapsed, W. Lermond embarked for Liverpool, where he arrived May 10, 1798, and learnt that the brig was then at Rotterdam, advertised for sale. Following her there, he found the vessel, but so involved in debt, that little or nothing remained to the owners. The captain avoided an interview, and did not afterwards return. The loss on this vessel was severely feU by the owners, and more especially 22 • 254 ANNALS OF WARREN. by Bracket & Davis, who never fully recovered from its effects, though they continued to do business for many years. Mr. Head, also, engaged in ship-building this season, and built the schooner Angelica on the eastern side of the river, near the present yard of T. P. Burgess. He employed a crew from Newburyport or its vicinity, consisting of Ezekiel and John Barnard, Jonathan Harriman, carpenters, and Edward Brown, catilker, all of whom remained and settled in this vicinity. Harriman lived in a small house below Weston's, till he removed to his present dwelling, near the upper falls. Brown, after building the house now owned by Ambrose Cobb, on the site of the late Wm. L. Starrett's, settled at Watson's Point. The same year, were built the schooner Dove, by the Ler- monds, Wyllie and others ; the schooners Lucy, and Hope, by Cobb, Copeland and Anderson ; and the schooner Jenny, by the Libbeys. On the 9th or 10th of May, a fatal accident occurred at the village. Mr. Rokes came out in the morning for the purpose of obtaining some garden seeds, and remarked to some one in conversation, that, after many years of toil and hardship, he had just got able to live. W^aiting for the stores to be opened, and probably watching for the appearance of the fish, he fell from the bridge, upon the rock below, and ter- minated an honest and laborious life at the age of sixty-seven. In the autumn of the same year, Thomas Morison, in a dark evening, crossing the same bridge, of which he had been the architect, stepped off at a place where the railing was defi- cient, and was drowned. In consequence of a law of the State passed the preceding year, the Federal currency of dollars and cents was this year adopted by the town in its votes for raising money ; though ' pounds' occasionally appear on the records a few years later. Coins from the U. S. mint, established in 1793, were now beginning to circulate here. The other coins in circu- lation, were, the Massachusetts cent, and the English half- penny, English and French guineas at 28s., English and French crowns at 6s. 8d., the Spanish dollar at 6s., together with halves, quarters, &c., at the same rate, and pistareens at 20 cents each. The old paper money disappeared with the adoption of the constitution ; but bank bills were now grad- ually coming into use. This year, began the practice, which was for a long time prevalent in town, of choosing every newly married man to the office of hogreeve, which in March was exemplified by ANNALS OF WARREN. 255 the choice of Samuel Davis and Thomas Kirkpatrick. As every person elected for the first time to any office, was called upon after the meeting for a coWs tail, in the shape of brandy or gin, it was no objection, in those days, that this rule, in particular years, gave a superfluity of these officers. A new pound was directed to be built on J. W. Head's land near the meeting-house ; one of the first uses of which, was, we believe, the confinement of some goats, about this time introduced and kept by A. Anderson. The animals, however, disappeared during the night, leaving no other clue to their escape, than a board extending from the top rail to the ground inside. The trouble occasioned by the freshet this year, was thought to be increased by the dam at Hart's falls ; and an investigation of the matter, probably, led to the sale and removal of the mill there, the following year. To repair damages done by these and subsequent freshets, $1,50 was, till 1801, assessed upon each poll, and estates in pro- portion. 1797- The meeting-house being now painted, (outside,) and the galleries finished, by E. Page for $140, a vote was passed empowering the selectmen to procure stone steps for the doors, and Alexander Lermond, who was now the leader of the choir, to purchase 12 singing books and as many psalm books for the use of the singers. In consequence of the threatening attitude and hostile acts of the French republic, particular attention was directed to the condition of the militia and military stores. This town having neglected to provide its quota of gunpowder, and other matters required by law, and being now indicted for such neg- lect, a committee was appointed, August 21st, consisting of B. Bracket, T. Starrett, and S. S. Wilde, to examine the law on this subject, and report what its requirements were. It was, also, vo*ed that Mr. Wilde be appointed agent to answer to the indictment ; and that the military stores, when purchased, be deposited in the garret of the meeting-house until some other place be provided. As fires, at this time, were alto- gether unknown in such places, meeting-houses were gener- ally used in country towns as the safest depositories of such stores ; and no one seems to have been shocked with the sin- gular incongruity of filling the churches of the Prince of Peace with the murderous munitions of war. It was this year that Col. Benjamin Burton, who had, for a short time since the resignation of Col. Starrett, commanded 256 ANNALS OF WARREN. the regiment, resigned his commission, and J. W. Head, who had previously succeeded Major I^ibbey, was chosen Colonel. Otis llobbins of Thomaston, and Bonjamin Brackett of War- ren, were chosen Majors ; and Clarke Gerrish was appointed Adjutant. Soon after, measures were taken, in consequence of their increasing number, to get the militia of this town divided into two companies, which was elFected in 1798. The officers then chosen, were, on the western side of the river, Willing Blake, Captain, J. P. Davis, Lieutenant, and J. Mclntyre,2d, Ensign ; on the eastern side, R. Crane, Captain, A. Davis, Lieutenant, and J. Payson, Ensign. These officers succeeded in introducing a better discipline and exching a more martial spirit, which, as well here as throughout the country, continued in a greater or less degree for many years, and rendered military reviews the most attractive and gener- ally attended spectacles of the period. Miles Cobb, having disposed of his mill at Hart's falls, this year purchased the farm of Joseph Jameson ; which he subse- quently sold, one-half to David Vose and the other to Anselm Vaughan. Vose took possession of his, the year following, 1798. Vaughan came somewhat later from Carver, Mass. and was followed by his brothers, Lewis, in 1816, and Alvan, in 1839. Cobb this year began trade, and the year following purchased Copcland's saw-mill, or a part of it, and continued the lumber business. It was in 1797, also, that Jerathmael Leach, a native of Bridgwater, who had been about five years employed by Cobb, as chief workman in the blacksmith's shop, settled on the farm where he still lives, and drove, from Maxey's in Union to the head of the tide, the first cart that ever passed on that road. Enoch Leach and Freeman Jones, from the same place, settled on the same road not many yeare after. The Leaches were descended from the celebrated Miles Standish ; and an ancient looking decanter, said to have been brought over in the Mayflower and handed down to this branch of the family, is now in possession of their nephew, L. Jones. A highway was laid out the same year,throug]i what has often been denominated the " Kelloch neighborhood," to Union. The first settlers on this road, were Brice Jameson, wbo at least as early as 1793 had established himself on t!ie lot on which J. Crawford now lives, and David Y. Kelloch, who that year commenced work on the place where his widow is still living. Some years later, Kelloch was followed by his father and three brothers, who all settled near him. In 1797, Joel Robbins from Union, settled on the farm now ANNALS OF WARREN. 257 owned by R. Lawry, and his brother, Joseph Robbins, suc- ceeded J. Rogers on that now owned by M. Stetson. Mr. Weston, this year, built the schooner Minerva, J. Hall master, for the Creightons, Payson and others ; and Mr. Standish built in the gully below J. McCallum's, the schoon- er Lark, of which A. Malcolm was master till her sale in the south not long after. 1798« The acceptance of the road from the meeting- house to M. Cobb's requiring a public bridge at the head of the tide, and the private one erected some years before be- ing now out of repair, the town voted, June 14th, to build a bridge in that place ; and John Andrews was chosen agent to superintend the building of it. On the 3d of Sept., the town made choice of Mr. Wilde, as a delegate to attend a convention held at Hallowell on the 4th Tuesday of October ; a nieasure which resulted in the division of the county, on the 20th of February following, and the establishment of a new one by the name of Kenne- bec. The town, also, lost a portion of its territory, by an act passed Juno 28th, setting off W. and J, Watson, with their estates at Watson's Point, to the town of Thomaston. Up to the time of building the meeting-houso, the affairs of the town had been manao;ed with a good degree of harmony. But many causes conspired, about tliis time, to create some division. The location of the meeting-house, had occasioned much dissatisfaction to many in the neighborhood of the old one. That of Major Libbey was so great, that he declar- ed his determination never to enter the house ; whilst that of Mr. Hall was aggravated by a difference which had arisen between him and Mr. Copeland, who had great influence in town affairs. Mr. Dunbar was opposed in principle, not only to a ministerial tax, but to any legal interference in religious matters whatever. Several had now joined the Baptist de- nomination ; and to these local circumstances, were added Jay's treaty, and the neutral policy of Washington, which though generally approved, were the subjects of complaint with some. From stime or all these causes, in 1796 there was more want of unanimity in votes for Governor, than had ever occurred before, though after that year, the vote for Gov. Sumner was nearly unanimous for three years. At a town meeting, Sept. 3, 1798, Mr. Wilde was chosen agent to ap- ply to the Court of Common Pleas for a new trial in an action commenced against the town by Reuben Hall, and in which the said Hall recovered judgment by default. The explanation of this, as near as can be ascertained, is as fol- 22* 258 ANN A LSOF WARREN. lows : — Hall had refused to pay bis portion of the tax as- sessed for the support of the minister ; the collector had taken and sold property of his, sufficient to pay the amount ; thereupon, Hall commenced a suit against the town, for the money received. The writ was served by James Malcolm, coroner, upon Major Libbey, as one of the principal inhab- itants of Warren ; and the case was tried before Samuel Brown, Esq. of Thomaston. Libbey, from the dissatisfaction before alluded to, was willing to remain silent ; Malcolm was induced from regard to his employer, to do the same ; the Justice was at a distance ; and, before any thing of the suit was known to the town, judgment was obtained in Hall's fa- vor. The application for a new trial was, probably, unsuc- cessful; as, in the following year, Libbey and Hall were indicted by the Grand Jury for this proceeding, fined, Libbey $2, and Hall $10; and the cost amounted" to $40,95 cts. Mr. Dunbar also resisted the payment of the ministerial tax, till, when about to be committed, his friends pursuaded him to yield. Among the new names which appear about this time, we find those of Daniel Snow and Perley Emerson. Snow came from Bridgwater, purchased a portion of J. Lermond's land, and after selling there, bought out Emerson, who had built a house and lived awhile where D. Page afterwards built and resided till the time of his death. Emerson removed ; and Snow, after some years, sold a portion of his land to M. Cobb, subsequently the remainder to J. Page, and left here for Union. Mr. Bird, who had, a short time before, transferred hisd welling house to Dr. EJ^uxton, and erected another on ihe Waldoboro' road, this year transferred the latter with the remainder of his land to M. Copeland. The latter having relinquished his own house to his son Moses, was living on the Schaefl^er place, at present owned by James Copeland. The land purchased of Bird, was, about the same time, sold to Capt. Matthew Dagget, who came from Martha's Vineyard, and had, the preceding year, been in charge of Copeland's sloop. Dagget occupied this estate, and vvas employed as master of various vessels in the coasting and foreign trade, till his death in 183L The vessels built this year, were the Sch. Ten Brothers for Capt Spear and sons, and the Sch. Bridgwater for D. & A. Dunbar, R. Mclntyre, and R. Hall, both by Mr. Wes- ton. 1799. This last year of the century, was distinguished by the death of Gov. Sumner, June 7th, and still further ANNALS OF WARREN. 259 saddened on the 14th of Dec. by that of Washington, the most remarkable man of this or any other age. In this town, a discoupe, exhibiting a parallel between the lives of Wash- ington and Moses, was preached by the Rev. Mr. Huse, and printed at the request of the hearers. The spoliations committed on our commerce by the French, about this time, had a disastrous effect upon the busi- ness of this place, not only by the actual losses sustained at sea, but still more, perhaps, by the interruption it caused in the W. I. trade and the exportation of lumber. The Speed- well, owned by Starrett and Spear, was captured and con- demned ; as was also the Dolphin, owned by Messrs. Hall, Parsons, and others. On the other hand, the entry and clearance of vessels were greatly facilitated by a custom house, this year established at Waldoboro'. By the exertions of Mr. Wilde, then representing the town in the General Court, the term of the Court of Com- mon Pleas, before held at Waldoboro', was removed to this town. This was the last of Mr. Wilde's services in this place, as he this year removed to Hallowell, carrying with him the general good-will, and many strong attach- ments. A court-house was erected ;* and, in Nov. 1799, the first Court was lield here. The house, however, was not finished till a year or two afterwards. It was a wooden structure, with a hip roof, and a belfry in the centre. Mr. Copeland, and others, who built the house by contract, re- served to themselves the use of the upper story, which, on the incorporation of Warren Academy, they sold to that institution for a school-room. The building was also used for religious and other public meetings, as occasion required ; and the town meetings were uniformly held there till the present town-house was built in 1840. The courts were held once a year in it, till 1847, when the half-shire towns were given up, and all the courts in the county held at Wiscasset. The building and lot on which it stood, was then sold for $751, and the lower part is now occupied as a school-house for district No. 20. Several deaths occurred this year from accidental drown- * At tlie raising of the court-house, Col. Head attracted some attention by a high crowned, conical hat, which he wore, a fashion which was just beginning to supplant the low hemispherical crowns, then universally worn. It was crushed by a board which accident- ally fell from the frame, which gave him an opportunity to expatiate upon its utility in preserving the skull from a similar fate. 260 ANNALS OF WARREN. ing. June 12th, Seth, a son of Capt. Crane, 6 years old, perished in the river at the village ; and, on the 26th, a child of Francis Young, 3 years old, in a well having no curb. Wm. Perham, who had settled on the farm now owned by S. Payson, was also drowned in the course of this season, whilst rafting in the river. 1800. Mr. Wilde's place was, this year, supplied by Samuel Thatcher, Esq., who purchased his property and succeeded to his practice. He was a native of Cambridge, Mass., graduated at the University there in 1793, taught an Academy one year at Concord, studied law with Hon. Tim- othy Bigelow, then of Groton, and, possessing talents and confidence, commenced his profession here under the most favorable auspices. He represented the town 11 years ; was twice elected to Congress, and sustained the office of High Sheriff of the county of Lincoln from 1812 to 1821. He was particularly active in raising funds and getting an endowment for the Academy here ; and to him, and to Col. Head, is the town indebted for the elegant row of elms on each side of the street near the meeting-houses. In 1833 he removed to the town of Brewer. In the spring of this year, the town was, for the first time since its settlement, visited by the small pox ; a disease so direful in itself, and at that time so entirely new to most of the people, as to occasion a general panic of dread and appre- hension. A son of John Fitzgerald, in the borders of Wal- doboro', was first taken with it ; and, before any suspicion of its true nature was entertained, most of the neighbors had been exposed to the contagion. A visit was also made there by Mrs. Starrett and Mrs. Andrews, of this town, with Lewis, son of the former; and no apprehensions were felt, till, shortly after, the disease was pronounced small pox, and the patient died. Mrs. Starrett escaped ; her son and Mrs. Andrews had the disorder ; the latter of whom died, and the former barely escaped with life. Mr. Andrews's house was selected as a hospital, and, April 1st, the town voted, that as many as could be accommodated there should have leave to be inoculated within the 24 hours next ensuing, on condi- tion of not leaving the prescribed limits from the time of in- oculation till they procured a certificate of being thoroughly cleansed. About fifteen embraced the opportunity, and had the disease. In May, when the patients at Mr. Andrews's were nearly ready to leave, a son of Thomas Starrett, Jr. took the disease, and, before its nature was suspected, the rest of the family ANNALS OF WARREN. 261 and some of the neighbors had been sufficiently exposed to give rise to serious apprehensions. As Mr. Starrett then lived in the old house near the river, it was converted into a hospi- tal, and his whole family, together whh many others, were inoculated. But at a meeting called for the purpose, the town refused to give leave for further inoculations; and the distemper did not make its appearance in town again until 1843. At that time, none but one child was affected. But in 1845, it prevailed more extensively, making its appearance on both sides of the river simultaneously, with some fatal cases among the colored population. In 1848, it was again brought home by two seamen, and a hospital provided on J, Lermond's land, near D. Page's. Several cases occurred again in 1850, in the eastern part of the town, but, in conse- quence of the general vaccination voted in 1845, excited little apprehension. The alarm of the small pox, did not prevent party spirit, which was now raging, from extending to this town ; and the unanimity which the votes of the three preceding years exhibit, was not again witnessed for twenty years. Of the two par- ties which divided the country, the supporters of Washing- ton's and Adams's administrations, were called Federalists, or Federal Republicans ; their opponents, Anti-Federalists or Democrats. William Lermond, who had spent some time abroad trying to save something from the Brig Neptune, came home with feelings strongly enlisted in the republican cause in Europe, and immediately became a principal leader of the democratic party in this town. But in April, C. Strong, the federal candidate, who was chosen Governor, received 51 votes; M. Gill, also a federalist, 3; and E. Gerry, the democratic candidate, 7. The Presidential electors were chosen by the Legislature, and unanimously voted for Mr. Adams ; but his opponent, T. Jefferson, was elected. Military reviews, as before observed, from the improved discipline, and sham battles which they exhibited, and also, in consequence of threatened hostilities with France, now excited great interest, and drew together crowds of spectators of all ages and both sexes. The regimental muster, was this year held in Thomaston ; but the bright anticipations concerning it, were turned into disappointment by a heavy and uninterrupted rain. Umbrellas had now been introduced ; and oilcloth hat cases, were used as a means of saving, in sudden emergen- cies, the napped, high crowned hats then generally worn. Men's vests had lost their skirts ; and double breasted coats, 262 ANNALS OF WARREN. with lappels, were in fashion. Shoe-buckles had yielded to ribbons and silk strings ; the white tops, to half boots worn outside of the close pantaloons, which in summer were made of nankin. The toes of shoes and boots were brought to a sharp point, which was more and more elongated for some half dozen years later, when they were supplanted by the square toes, that, with some interruptions, have held their place till the present time. Ladies' slippers, also, with low heels, had succeeded to the white rands, buckled straps, and high wooden heels of an earlier date. Long queues and heavy clubs of hair, were now disappearing, and the author- ity of St. Paul prevailed over the heads, if not the hearts, of men. Such favor did short hair gain, that, in a few years after, it was adopted by young ladies ; and phrenologists, if they had existed in that day, might have gained a ready in- sight into the characters of all, and made matches after the most approved method. Horses' tails were docked and nick- ed in such a manner as to exhibit a short, upturned appen- dage, cropped square at the end. Pleasure carriages were beginning to multiply; and sleighs shod with iron, were in general use. Wooden clocks first made their appearance about this time, and, without casing, sold for 820 or S25. A few brass, eight-day clocks, and other time-pieces, had been used in town ; and watches, heretofore a rare article, were becoming fashionable. ANNALS OP WARKEN. 263 CHAPTER XV. EMBRACING THE PERIOD PROM 1801 TO 1806, AND INCLUDING THE HISTORY OF THE BAPTIST SOCIETY. 1801 to 1806. Rev. J. Huse, Rev. T. Whiting, and Samuel Davis, in conformity with a law then recently passed, were, in 1801, appointed a committee to visit the several schools in town, and see that they were properly conducted by teachers legally qualified. This was the first committee of the kind in town ; teachers having been before employed without examination, and, some of them, with very slender qualifications. Among those employed at and prior to this time, may be mentioned Messrs. Fairbanks and Whiting, before spoken of, and Edward Roach, a native of Ireland. Rev. Mr. Huse, also, taught one season at the village. Others from Massachusetts were temporarily employed ; Daniel Vaughan, Backus Leach, and Nathan Pierce, in 1802 and 3 ; Woodbury and C. Eaton, in 1804 ; the last of whom, the year following, became a permanent resident. Nathan Lucas, from Carver, for many years occasionally taught a common as well as a singing school in this and the neighboring towns. The books used in school at this time, were, Webster's Spel- ling Book, the American Preceptor, Perry's Dictionary, and sometimes Pike's Arithmetic or its abridgment. English Grammar was here first taught to one of Col. Head's daugh- ters by Mr. Woodbury in 1804 ; and the following year, Eaton persuaded five or six of his most forward scholars at Oyster river to commence the same study. Geography was introduced a little later, but had few students for many years. During the period in question, the school tax was gradually increased fron $333 to $700. It was expended by commit- tees chosen by the school districts, independent of any other authority. The income of the ministerial and school lands, arising from the annual lease of the marshes and the sale of standing timber, had hitherto gone into the town treasury, and been expended without any particular regard to the objects for which these lands had been designed. But fears now began to be entertained, that, with the multiplication of sects, difficulties might arise concerning the land granted for the support of the ministry ; and, April 2, 1804, the town voted to sell both the school and ministerial lots, and appointed the selectmen a committee to apply to the General Court for an 264 ANNALS OF WARREN. act to establish the proceeds thereof as a fund for the support of schools alone. This application was partially successful, and, March 4, 1805, an act was passed, incorporating T. Star- rett, John Libbey, A. Lermond, John Creighton, and M. Smith, Jr., with the power of filling any vacancies in their number, as trustees to dispose of all the real estate belonging to the town, which was originally appropriated for the use of schools ; to put the proceeds thereof at interest until a sum be accumulated sufficient to yield an annual income of $200 ; then to apply the same annually to the support of schools forever. The following year, an additional act conferred the power to sell the ministerial lot, and add the proceeds to the same fund. The trustees held their first meeting November 7, 1806, and proceeded to advertise and sell both these lots accordingly. This was done at a favorable time, February 16, 1807, and brought the sum of $2520. This fund contin- ued to increase till 1813, when the sum of $200 began to be annually paid for the support of schools. This annual pay- ment, with the exception of the years from 1840 to 1844, when it was omitted on account of some recent losses, has contin- ued ever since. The first report of the trustees was made in March, 1807. The depredation committed by crows upon the corn-fields, induced the town, in 1803 and 4, to vote a bounty of one shilling a head for the destruction of these birds ; and, in those two years, this bounty amounted to $24,67. In 1804, according to the treasurer's book, the town first began to derive a small revenue from the oyster fishery ; al- though a law for protecting such fisheries, and allowing selectmen to impose conditions upon the taking of them by people of other places, had been passed as early as 1796. In early times, oysters abounded in the lower part of the town, both in St. George's and Oyster rivers ; and vessels from Portsmouth and other places, used to come, and carry ofi* whole cargoes of them. After the passage of the above mentioned law, fewer vessels came for them. They were already on the decline, either from saw dust washed down from the mills, as some suppose, or from other causes not ascertained ; and they have now become so scarce that few take the trouble to search for them. Small sums were oc- casionally paid into the treasury for these fish, till 1813. The population of this and the adjacent towns, had now so increased, and so much disorder, growing out of eager- ness and violent contention for fishing-stands, was exhibited, as to induce many of the inhabitants to petition the Legisla- ANNALS OF WARREN. 265 ture to make the fishery a town privilege. At a town meet- ing in Sept. 1801, the representative was instructed to use his endeavors in aid of said petition ; and, in 1802, an act was passed, giving to the town the exclusive right of dispos- ing of said fish, on condition of supplying the inhabitants living on the river, with alewives, when on hand, to the amount of five hundred each, at 20cts. per hundred, of fishing but three days in a week, and of choosing a committee to pre- vent obstructions in the river and other infractions of the law ; the proceeds to go into the town treasury, and be disposed of as the inhabitants of the town shall from time to time direct. The fishery was, accordingly, set up in April, 1802, to the highest bidder, and struck off to Reuben Hall, for the sum of $360. This put an end to the contest for fishing-stands, and, for a time, produced general satisfaction. Yet the old habits of the people, and their eagerness to obtain the earliest caught and best fish, still brought together, at the annual fish- ing season, large crowds from this and the neighboring towns, who, like the Indians before them, and the Greeks at the Olympic games, found, in this annual gathering, a fine oppor- tunity of renewing old, and forming new, acquaintances, re- suscitating former friendships, and preventing the ties of fam- ily and kindred from rusting out. The difficulties with France having been settled by the treaty of 1800, the period we are now treating of, was one of great commercial activity and general prosperity. Be- sides boards and staves to southern or W. I, ports, vast quan- tities of timber were exported to Great Britain and Ireland ; and goods brought back in return, to the great profit of merchants, ship-owners, lumberers, and sea-faring men. Traders multiplied ; ship-building increased ; and the appear- ance of the town was greatly improved by the disappearance of the woods, and the erection of new and commodious dwellings. Henry Knox, Jr., was established by his father with a store of goods at the upper falls. M. Cobb was engaged in trade at his, now Burton's, corner, and at the same time, besides farming, carried on the blacksmith busi- ness, lime-burning, ship-building, and foreign trade. Wm. Hovey, who, in Dec. 1802, came here, and commenced business in partnership with his uncle, Thomas Hovey of Portland, had now purchased the Frost or Whiting house, and was doing an extensive business in the old store erected by Mr. Moore. Frost had, about the commencement of this period, been detected in a nefarious attempt at seduction and incest ; and the general indignation of the people made 23 266 ANNALS OF WARREN. it convenient for him to remove from the place. He subse- quently kept a broker's office in Boston, having transferred his property here to Joseph Shed of that city, whose son, William, brought down goods, and for a short time did busi- ness here. Hovey took in large quantities of staves, boards, and timber, which he exported to England and the W. Indies, often on his own account, and often, also, loading foreign vessels by contract. Putting his goods somewhat lower than they had previously been sold, he soon attracted customers from all the neighboring towns, selling annually not less than ^8,000 worth of goods, and taking in lumber to the amount of 800,000 feet. Bracket and Davis still did business, but on a less extensive scale ; while Col. Head was extending his from year to year, selling a large amount of goods, and often loading 6 or 7 ships with lumber, annually. John Paine began the same business near the Narrows in Thomas- ton, and carried it on very successfully till after the peace of 1814. In addition to these. Life Wilson, near the close of this period, commenced trade in the building now occu- pied by Theodore Wilson, and was preparing to go exten- sively into the lumber business. Thomas Kirkpatrick, who now lived in a house he had previously built near the site of the present town-house, was engaged in the manufacture of lime. John H. Counce, after working two or three years in one of the ship-yards, in 1804 or 5, built, in connexion with Charles Bryant, the Sch. Union for H. Libbey, John Creighton, and others ; and, the following year, began, on his own account, the business he so successfully carried on for more than 40 years. The same business was continued by Stand ish and Weston ; the last of whom, in 1804, built for owners in Boston, the Fredonia, the first ship ever launched in the place. For the vessels built in this and the subsequent periods, the reader is referred to Table XIII, at the close of the volume. To facilitate the growing commerce of this river, a light- house was erected at its entrance in 1806, on Franklin Island, with a fixed light 50 feet above the level of the sea, at an expense of $3370. A year or two later, also, a small fort was built, for the defence of the river, in the town of St. George ; but little use was made of it, however, and it has long since gone to decay. The briskness of trade, and the manufactures carried on by Knox, affording a ready market for the products of the forest, stimulated farmers to clear up their lands, but at the same time tempted them into a more lavish expenditure, and ANNALS OF WARREN. 267 rendered them less cautious in contracting debts. Land was stripped, rather than cultivated ; foreign fabrics began to displace those of domestic manufacture ; slaizy India cotton shirting and sheeting succeeded to the more substan- tial tow and linen ; and it was no uncommon thing for mer- chants to sell, to a single family, woollen cloths to the amount of 8100 a year. Women, however, with the exception of a few fashionable families, still manufactured their common winter garments of wool, — colored and pressed at the mill. This period of prosperity gave rise to a more ambitious style of building, and may be characterized as the era of two-story houses, no less than fifteen, having been, during this period, erected on the eastern side of the river, and per- haps nearly as many more on the western. Besides these, a large number of commodious one-story houses, together with some of smaller dimensions, sprang up in all parts of the town. Many of these houses, however, were begun under the expectation that years of continued prosperity would provide the means of completing them, and on a failure of this expectation, remained unfinished for a long period. A small proportion of them were finished and painted ; and others have been newly covered and painted within the last 25 years. Attention was, also, turned to the planting of or- namental trees. Many adorned their dwellings with willows, butternuts, balm of gileads, and particularly, with lombardy poplars, most of which, except the last, are still standing. Mr. Thatcher set out a row of alternate poplars and elms as far as his land extended, on the north side of the road, be- tween Messrs. Vaughan's and Payson's. The poplars have since been cut away ; but the elms, except where injured by the removal of the soil, continue to thrive, forming a princi- pal ornament to the village. Those on the southern side of the street, were subsequently planted by Col. Head, at the time of erecting his house, about 1811 ; and those east of tho bridge, near Burton's corner, some twenty years later. Pleasure carriages were still scarce ; though some addition was made to the number, in the course of this period. Near its beginning, several, of different descriptions, were brought down by N. Blake when he settled in Union ; and one of them, an open chair designed for a single person, was purchased by M. Copeland, who already owned the only chaise in town. In 1802, Rev. Mr. Huse and wife, undertak- ing a journey by land to Massachusetts, and expecting to procure a chaise at Wiscasset, left home in the ill-accom- modating chair, the only vehicle they could here obtain. 268 ANNALS OF WARREN. Disappointed in their expectations at Wiscasset, they proceeded on to Brunswick, not doubting but that a nriore comfortable carriage might be procured there. After considerable inquiry, they found one chaise in that part of the town called McQuoit, but, not succeeding in hiring it, they pro- ceeded on, the whole distance, in the chair. At Boston, sending the chair down by water, they purchased a second handed chaise, which, with the one owned by Mr. Copeland and one soon after by Mr. Pebbles, constituted for some time the whole number in town. Towards the close of the period, however, such carriages began to multiply. This period of commercial prosperity was not less inviting to the legal profession than to other employments. George Reed and Manasseh Smith, Jr., opened their offices here in the early part of this period ; but the former, in a few years, removed to Damariscotta. The latter, from Wiscasset, graduated at Harvard in 1800, came hither in 1803, purchas- ed, soon after, the house which Mr. Copeland built where A. Counce's now is, and afterwards built for himself the house now occupied by his son, Hon. M. H. Smith. He was eminent for his accurate knowledge of the law, assiduous attention to business, and skill in acquiring and managing property. The Social Library was under great obligations to him, not only for his aid in the selection of books, but also for his faithful and gratuitous services as librarian from 1809 to his death in 1822. This Library, together with the number of newspapers which the growing asperity of parties contributed to swell, diffiised a taste for reading, and en- hanced the general desire for improving the education of children and youth. Mr. Smith's services on the school committee, in connexion with Messrs. Whiting and Huse, were faithful, fearless, and efficient. Many other new settlers came and took up their residence here, among whom were the following. Barnabas and Roland Cobb came from Carver, Mass. the former in 1802, the latter the year following, having stopped one year at North Yarmouth. They had been soldiers in the Revolution ; and Barnabas had held a captain's commission in the militia. He hired, of his brother Miles, the house built by E. Brown, where he died in 1807. Roland settled on a portion of the J. Lermond farm, still occupied by his son Nathaniel, afterwards removed, and resided some years in Union, but returned and died in Warren. Jonathan Fuller came from Newton probably as early as 1800, and settled on the Waldoboro' road, where his son still occupies. He kept there for many ANNALS OF WARREN. 269 years a public bouse, rose to tbe rank of captain in tbe mili- tia, and was a successful manager of bees, vvbicb he was the first to introduce to the place, about the time of the last war with England. Marshal Wilbur for many years carried on his business as a framer and joiner, was promoted through several gradations to captain of the militia, and afterwards returned with his family to his native Bridgwater. One of his earliest apprentices, Abraham Jackson of Kingston, distin- guished at that time for studious habits and an inquiring turn of mind, afterwards received a theological education, and was settled as a Congregational minister in Machias. On leaving that place, he, in 1834, supplied Mr. Cutter's pulpit in this town very acceptably for a few weeks, and then returned to the place of his nativity. Thomas L. and James G. Mal- lett, blacksmiths by trade, came from Charlestown, at or per- haps before the beginning of this period, and built, the former the house long known as the Mallett tavern, and the latter that now owned by I. J. Burton. Charles Hovey, in 1803, and Ivory Hovey, in 1805, came from Boxford, and com- menced the tanning business as successors of T. Parsons. After some years, the first returned to Massachusetts, but the second remained, built the house now owned by S. Bosworth, and carried on the tanning business till about 1820, when he relinquished it to O. Copeland. Joseph Wetherbee from Brookfield, worked at the shoemaker's trade, and purchased the house of L. Wilson, where he kept tavern for several years. John M. Gates came from Barre, and set up the sad- dler's trade, was afterwards concerned with M. Cobb in the clothing mill, purchased and for some years tended the grist- mill, owned and occupied the place late William L. Starrett's, and, after building the house now owned by Rev. N. Chap- man, removed to Portland, and thence to Thomaston. Marble Alford from Connecticut, settled and erected a saw-mill on the place since owned by H. Hilt, and now by S. Merry. Micah Stone, a cabinet maker from Framingham, Mass. set up his business, built the house now owned by J. S. Newcomb, and, after many years, returned to his native town. Daniel Newcomb came from Mansfield in 1804 ; followed the busi- ness of painting, at which he was for many years the princi- pal or only workman, here ; and purchased the house built by Stone ; where a portion of his family still reside. William W. French, a cooper from Stratford, and William French from Bedford, N. PI. came about the same time, or perhaps a little earlier. Joshua Bracket, from Wakefield, N. H. settled in the Stirling neighborhood, about 1805. John Comery of 23* 270 ANNALS OF WARREN. Waldoboro', apprentice to R. Crane, in or before this period set up his business here as a shoemaker, but after some years removed to Waldoboro'. Matthias Comery, a brother, brought up by P. Sechrist, settled and built where he now resides, but not till the commencement of the succeeding period. Amasa Russel, also from Waldoboro', took the farm previously set- tled by William Morman, where he still resides. John Flack came from Marblehead, built the house now owned by O. L. Kelloch, and removed to China. Zipha Swift came, in 1800, from Canton, Mass. to Cushing, and in 1804 removed to the farm now owned by Ira Robinson in this town. William Jackson, much employed with the whip-saw before that instru- ment was superseded, settled on the farm previously occupied by W. Perham. William Hays, an English gardener em- ployed by Gen. Knox, about this time, took on shares the farm of the then late William Kirkpatrick, and, several years after, settled in the north-west part of the town. It was in this period, also, about 1802, that Holbrook Mar- tin, a hatter from Concord, Mass., in partnership with Jack Douglass, a colored man from New London, erected a shop and commenced the hatter's business. After a short time, Martin removed to Camden, and Douglass for a time carried on the business in company with Isaac Brakely, also a color- ed person from Poughkeepsie, N. Y., who ultimately bought out Douglass ; both living, whilst they remained in town, on the place now owned by Alexander Libbey, 2d. Douglass was celebrated as a violinist, and took a bass viol to meet- ing, the first musical instrument except a pitch pipe ever used in public worship here. For the new roads laid out in this and the subsequent periods, the reader, is referred to Table I, at the end of the work. Some changes, during this period, occurred among the officers of the militia. Col. Head and Major Bracket having resigned, Samuel Thatcher was chosen colonel, and Joshua Adams and Joseph Maxey, majors ; Jesse Page was appointed adjutant. A company of artillery was organized in this town and Thomaston, of which Ebenezer Thatcher of the latter place was chosen captain. Dr. Isaiah Cushing, of the same town, lieutenant, and D. Patterson of Warren, ensign. It was furnished with two brass four-pounders, for which a gun-house was erected near Capt. Wyllie's. Of the militia of Warren, the western company was still commanded by Capt. W. Blake, and the eastern by Capt. A. Davis. A com- pany of light infantry in Camden, commanded by Capt. Erastus Foote, and a company of cavalry, mostly in the same ANNALS OF WARREN. 271 town, were also attached to the regiment. Regimental mus- ters were held in Warren and Thomaston, alternately. About this time, also, a band of music, in connexion with the militia, was organized, one half at Wiscasset and the other in this town. The branch in this town consisted of J. and D. Lermond, J. Flack, J. G. Mallett, and A. Davis, Jr. on the clarionet, J. Wyllie, Jr. and J. M. Gates on the bas- soon, John Beguey, (a young Frenchman from Bordeaux, then living with Col. Thatcher,) on the octave flute, and J. Wetherbee, on the bass drum. They were instructed by Job Plympton of Franklin, and continued their, services at regimental musters and on other public occasions for a few years, when, some leaving town, and others going to sea, the band was broken up, St. George's lodge of Free-masons, was instituted in the town in 1806, and, for some years, contributed by public processions and orations, to swell the number of gala days then in so much request. The prosperhy of the period we are speaking of, was not confined to this town and river, but left its traces in the civil and ecclesiastical condition of the neighboring places. On the 7th of Feb. 1803, the town of Gushing was divided by the river, and the eastern part incorporated into ar^town by the name of St. George. Hope was also incorporated, June 23, 1804. A Congregational minister. Rev. Thomas Coch- ran, was ordained at Camden, in Sept. 1805 ; and, in the following year. Rev. Henry True, at Union. These, togeth- er with the installation of Mr. Johnson at Belfast, were favor- ably regarded by Mr. Huse ; whose exchanges had hereto- fore been confined, chiefly, to Messrs. McLean of Bristol, Parker of Dresden, and Packard of Wiscasset. Mr. Henry H. Cheely preached two years at Thomaston, but relinquish- ed the profession, and became a grocer near Tileston's wharf, Boston. The Lutheran minister at Waldoboro', Rev, Mr. Ritz, preached only in the German language ; though he had the good sense to advise his parishioners to abandon their German schools, and give their children an English educa- tion. Unlike some of his predecessors, he was a man of unexceptionable character.*' * When first called upon by the neighboring clergy, Mr. Ritz, was able to converse with them only in Latin. The nearest approach to levity we have ever heard of him, is contained in the following anec- dote. Mr. Demuth, had, in some way taken offence, and refused to speak to him. Mr. Ritz, in company with a friend, passing him one 272 ANNALS OF WARREN. In some of the neighboring towns, the Methodists had now become numerous. There were few, however, of that de- nomination in this town ; but of the Baptists, the number was larger. The rise of the latter denomination in this part of the State, was effected through the instrumentality of Elder Isaac Case, who Nov. 4th, 1783, performed at Harpswell, the first baptism by immersion, east of Gorham. In January, 1784, he went eastward as far as Newcastle, where he met two messengers from Thomaston on their way to Jnvite him to come to that place. He went, and preached his first sermon there, Jan. 31st, awakening three persons. The wife of Oliver Robbins was said to be the only pious Baptist then in these parts. But many converts were soon made, and several backsliders reclaimed. Among the latter, was Elder Elisha Snow, who had, we believe, been employed as a preach- er at Framingham, and other places in Massachusetts, but who, during the distractions of the Revolution and the cares inci- dent to the business he carried on, had become engrossed in the affairs of this world to the exclusion of those of religion. He at once became the friend and coadjutor of Mr. Case, and continued in the ministry to an advanced age. Mr. Case remained in Thomaston about 8 years, preaching in that and the neighboring settlements, and the islands in Penobscot Bay. Messrs. Case and Snow visited this town as early as 1784, and made some converts ; the first of whom was, it is be- lieved, the elder Stephen Peabody. Their number, however, was not large, and they attended meeting and joined the church in Thomaston. This church was organized in Oliver Robbins's barn, May 27, 1784. Dissatisfaction at the location of the meeting-house in Warren, and perhaps with the minis- ter settled in 1795, led others to attend the meetings of these zealous apostles, whose solemn appeals, based upon doctrines of awful import, could scarcely fail to make an impression. Converts were gradually multiplied, till", on the 2d August, 1800, a church was here organized, consisting of 14 persons. These were, it is believed, James Fisher, Thomas Robinson and wife, Reuben Tolman, Archibald Crawford and wife, Alexander Kelloch, Jr., Marlboro' Packard, Nathan Buck! in and wife, Lore Alford, Hannah Lawrence, John Mclntyre,and Sally Eastman. Being few in number, and not over wealthy, they were unable to settle a minister, and for a season were day in the usual manner without a nod, the friend observed, " there goes Mr. Demnth." " Nein, nein," said the minister, *• nicht Meister Demnth, Meister Hochmuth." ANNALS OF WARREN. 273 occasionally assisted by Elders Fuller of Hope and E. Hall of St. George. In 1801, they applied to the town to exempt them from the ministerial taxes, and to refund the sums pre- viously paid. Both requests were refused ; but, in the follow- ing year, the town increased the ministerial tax by 835, and allowed the Baptists to pay their portion of it to Rev. E. Hall. The year following, they, with others in Gushing and St. George, petitioned to be incorporated into a separate religious society. Their petition, not without some opposition on the part of the town of Warren, was granted, and an act passed, June 22, 1803, incorporating " The Baptist Religious Society in Warren, Gushing, and St. George." The first meeting of this society was held at the meeting-house in St. George, on the 6th of September following ; and meetings were annually held in that town or at Warren until 1807, when a separate religious society was formed in St. George, and most of the members in that town and Gushing withdrew from the parent society. Under this act of incorporation, and without any change of name, the society has since held its meetings here, and constitutes what is usually termed the Baptist Society in Warren. The act contained the names of 87 persons, of whom those belonging to this town, were L. Alford, J. Fisher, N. Buckland, Archibald Crawford, N. Buckland, Jr., R. Tol- man, D. Snow, J. Mclntyre, N. Peabody, R. Mclntyre, A. Kelloch, Jr., D. Vose, R. Hall, H. Libbey, J. Payson, I. Lib- bey, J. Counce, D. Libbey, P. Mclntyre, H. K. Dunbar, T. Parsons, and A. Dunbar. Thenceforward, while Mr. Huse's salary was paid from the proceeds of the fishery, the Baptists were allowed to draw a proportionate sum according to their valuation, from the same fund. Bishop Gheverus of Boston, who made his first visit to this country in 1798, having now revivified the faith of his Gatholic brethen scattered over the country, and formed a society at Newcastle, John O'Brien of that denomination, was, in 1805, also allowed his proportional part of the fish money for his own minister. There were one or two other Gatholics in town, but no application was made on their behalf. In the Baptist denomination, at this time, such was the want, and perhaps the appreciation, of learning, that very illiterate persons were employed in the ministry. But so far from being disguised, the want of learning was often boasted of, as a proof that the preacher was divinely called and supernatural ly qualified for his work. Two religious parties were formed, the difference between which was widened by mutual prejudice and occasional collision ; the 274 ANNALS OF WARREN. one rejoicing in the clearness of head, the other in the warmth of the heart, and each stigmatizing the other's reh- gion as learned coldness, or misguided fervor. In 1803, the Rev. Andrew Fuller was induced from a sense of duty, rather than from any prospect of gain, to take the pastoral care of the church in this town, which he continued to exer- cise in an eminently satisfactory manner till his death in 1820. Meetings for worship were held in dwellinghouses, school-houses, and barns, till 1806, when a small meeting- house was built near the site of school-house No. 6, and the first meeting held in it on the 6th of December. Mr. Fuller received the money allowed his society from the proceeds of the fishery, which rose with the increase of its members from 835 in 1804, to 8149 in 1820. As the church embraced many members belonging to Hope, Union, and other adjacent towns, he probably received contributions from them, and occasionally also from the brethren in this town, in addition to the above sum ; as we find the church voted, Dec. 5, 1807, " to raise money for Elder Fuller by subscription." The understanding was, that he should have a living from the society here, for preaching one half of the time, with liberty to spend the other half elsewhere ; and for aught that appears on record, these contributions, with what was received from the fishery, were all that the society paid for that purpose. But in 1809, a vote was passed to give him $180 for preaching three quarters of the time, or thirty-nine Sabbaths, and, in 1811, this sum was raised to 8200. From that time, the society annually voted that the money received from the fishery should be paid to the Rev. Mr. Fuller ; and this by private contributions, was increased, it is said, to 8250 for a time, and ultimately to 8300. With this provision for his support, he was able to devote his whole time to the service of the society here, with unabated fidelity to the last. The first deacons of the church were J. Fisher and Archi- bald Crawford, chosen Sept. 6, 1800. To these were added Thos. Dagget, of Union, April 30, 1808, and Thos. Robin- son, Feb. 3, 1810. Deacons Crawford and Robinson were succeeded, Sept. 5th, 1817, by Calvin Crane and Lore Alford. On the 2d of Jan. 1819, John Miller was chosen deacon in place of Dea. Alford, deceased. Those who have since been elected to that office are M. Packard, Jr., Wm. L. Starrett, and Wm. H. Webb, April 3, 1830 ; Duncan McCal- lum, Aug. 6, 1842 ; Mere Kelloch and John Watts, Sept. 3, 1842, the last of whom at his request was excused from ANNALS OF WARREN. 275 serving. Saturday church meetings for conference and mutual edification were usually held once a month, and still continue. In 1809 and '10, most of the members belonging to Hope and the eastern part of Union, 17 in number, were dismissed at their request to join the church i?5 Union ; and in 1815 and 1824, several others, to constitute new churches in Thomaston and Waldoboro'. After the death of Mr. Fuller, Rev. John Wakefield was employed as pastor from 1821 to 1827. For his support, $215 were voted the first two years, and $250 in the subse- quent years. His education was higher, and his style of preaching more polished, than that of his predecessors. Mr. D. Dunbar, after hearing one of his earliest sermons, ironically, but prophetically, remarked to the writer, " we are going to be as proud as any of you, and have learned ministers." Mr. Wakefield's ministry, though zealous and successful, was not without its difiiculties and cares. In 1822, meetings were held in various parts of the town, by Rev. Abiezcr Bridges, a Free-will Baptist, who made many converts in the northern and eastern parts of the town ; and among them were some of Mr. Ws church. On the 22d of Sept. of that year, a Free-will Baptist church, consisting of two male and five female members, was organized, and has continued to thrive and languish by turns, with or without preaching, to the present time. This has contained, in all, 20 male and 29 female members, of whom 8 of the former and 11 of the latter still remain. At ils institution, this church adopted the New Testament for its creed, and was soon after admitted as a sister church, into the Montville quarterly meeting. The zealous assiduity of Mr. Wakefield, stimulated per- haps by the temporary antagonism of these two societies, having impaired his health, his place was, for a time, supplied by Rev. Reuben Milner, and more permanently by Rev. Daniel Bartlett ; who, at the meeting of the Lincoln Association with this church, in Sept. 1827, having attended as messen- ger from the Penobscot Association, and been instrumental in awakening some of the young people in this place, imme- diately received an invitation to become their pastor. By his efforts and those of Rev. Samuel Fogg prior to Mr. B's re- turn, an extensive revival took place, and 90 members were added to the church. The society having become too numer- ous to be accommodated at their house of worship, and em- bracing many men of wealth, a new meeting-house, that which they still occupy, was built at the expense of $5400, and dedicated, Nov, 11, 1828, The land on which the house 276 ANNALS OF WARREN. stands, together with a bell soon after purchased, cost more; and the whole expense was defrayed by the sale of the pews. A small organ was added in 1847. Mr. Bartlett was an affable, agreeable man, and a zealous advocate of the temperance reform, which being new, caused some disaffec- tion among his supporters. He served the church with a salary of $300, till 1833, when his place was supplied for one year by Rev. Horace Seaver. The next pastor was Rev. Phinehas Bond. His labors began in 1835, with a salary of $365, and ended in 1841, when he removed to Fayette. Under his ministry, in 1838, forty-four were added to the church. His services were highly appreciated, at least by a portion of his society, and his removal was the cause of some dissatisfaction. Rev. Silas Ilsley became pastor in 1842, with a salary of $600. Previous to and at the time of his arrival, the Washingtonian movement, and other efforts in the cause of temperance, had greatly excited the public mind, and given a serious turn to all classes of the people. Many additions were made to the churches in this town, particularly the Baptist, which in a short time, under the strenuous efforts of Mr. Ilsley, received an accession of more than a hundred members. Rev. Abraham H. Granger, the present incum- bent, commenced his labors here, in the fall of 1843. He was ordained Nov. 2d. and his salary, at first $400, is now $500 a year. In 1845, the church reported 262 members, and is the most numerous and wealthy religious society in the town. The following are the articles of faith, adopted by this church at its organization, and which remained unaltered, till June 3, 1848, when the church voted " to adopt the arti- cles of faith and covenant as revised by the Convention." Articles of Faith. — " Having been enabled by divine grace to give up ourselves to the Lord, we account it a duty incumbent upon us to make a declaration of our faith to the honor of Christ and glory of his name, knowing that, as with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, so with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. We believe that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the word of God. We believe there is one only living and true God. We believe the important doctrine of three equal persons in the Godhead, — eternal and personal election, — original sin, — particular redemption, — free justification by the imputed righteousness of Christ, — efficacious grace in regeneration, — the final perseverance of real believers, — the resurrection of the dead, — the future judgment, — ANNALS OF WARREN. 277 the eternal happiness of tlie righteous and everlasting misery of the impenitent. We also believe that baptism and the Lord's supper are ordinances of Christ to be continued until his second coming, and the former is requisite to the latter ; that is to say, that those are to be admitted into the communion of the Church and so to partake of hs ordinances, who, upon profession of their faith, have been baptized by immersion in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."* From the history of this society, which has led us into an anticipation of time, we now return to note a few incidents in the period to which this chapter is devoted. On the 29th of January, 1803, the house built by John Lermond, Jr. on the farm now owned by William Watts, but at that time by Robert Porterfield, was consumed by fire. The night was cold and windy ; Porterfield came home late, and, with the rest of the family, was in a sound sleep. John Rokes, who boarded tliere and had a large quantity of corn in the cham- ber, awaking in the night, heard the crackling of fire and the parching of corn, made an ineffectual attempt to rouse the family, and, seizing the pails, repaired some distance to a spring for water. This was covered by the drifting snow, and before he could return, and elTectually rouse the family, who had again fallen asleep, it was too late to save the house or any part of its contents. Insurance against fire was then un- known in the place ; but the generous contributions of the people, in those days, seldom failed to make up, often exceed- ing, the actual loss. The fulling-mill, grist-mill, and bridge, at the village, were, in May, 1804, swept away ; and the materials, together with large quantities of cloth, carried down stream and strewed along its banks, or fished up as they floated in the current. The town voted that the plank and timber should be collected by labor taken from the road tax, appointed Life Wilson agent for rebuilding the bridge, and empowered the treasurer to borrow, if necessary, flOO for that purpose. In the early part of 1805, the canker-rash made its appear- ance here, and continued its ravages through the spring and summer. Many children and several adults died with it, 1804 and 1805 were remarkable for the destruction of nearly all the spruce and a great part of the hemlock in this vicinity by the larva) of an insect, which preyed upon the * Millett's His. Bap. in Maine. Benedict's His, Warren Bap. and Free-will Bap. Cli. and Soc. Eec, kc. 24 278 ANNALS OF WARREN. buds and leaves for two or three years, and then disappeared. They were less than an inch in length, suspended themselves by a thread while descending, and so numerous that persons employed in felling trees, would find their clothes almost covered with them, The loss of the spruce was considered a great misfortune at the time ; but, as the commercial difficul- ties that followed, rendered spars of less value, and, as the dead timber was cut off for kiln-wood, and the lands cleared up, or covered with a young growth of hard-wood, the town, perhaps, gained as much as it lost. A troublesome disease among neat cattle, called the hoof-ail, became common about this time, and continued for many years. An unusual display of the Aurora Borealis was wit- nessed here on the evening of Oct. 22, 1804, which was first observed in the E. and N. E., and soon after extended to the N.,N. W., W.,and S. VV., shooting up from near the hori- zon in vertical streaks to the zenith, where a luminous cloud was formed, curling and rolling like smoke, and soon after dissipated in quick and repeated coruscations. The emana- tions continued with more or less brilliance from 7 o'clock till 10, and more faintly till midnight. Of this kind of phe- nomena, first observed in this country in 1719, similar dis- plays have been whnessed here, at various times since, par- ticularly Jan. 25, 1837, when the light was mostly of a dark crimson, tinging the snow with the same color. On the 6th of Feb. 1805, a slight shock of an earthquake was felt in some places, and lasted about two seconds. On the 16th of June, 1806, there occurred a remarkable eclipse of the sun, which, at Boston and places farther south, was total. Here, a small portion of the sun's northern limb was visible at the time of its greatest obscuration. The day was clear and cloudless, and the constantly increasing gloom, during the first half of the eclipse, was awfully sublime, as if the source of day was about disappearing forever. The fowls took to their roosts ; the birds began their evening songs ; the cattle gazed with astonishment and concern; a sudden chill pervad- ed the atmosphere, and many were the colds caught in gazing at the phenomenon. Particles of dew, partially illumined by the fading light, were observed in the air, proceeding from no cloud ; and the largest of the stars became visible. This eclipse formed an epoch among farmers, who used to date from it the commencement of those cold seasons, which, with some exceptions, continued with increasing severity, for 10 years. Some mistook the antecedent for the cause, and supposed the eclipse had produced some derangement in ANNALS OF WARREN. 279 nature, which would forever preclude the return of the hot seasons and rich harvests of former times. Nor was it view- ed without some remains of that superstition, which, in an- cient times, supposed the sun " from behind the moon, In dim eclipse, disastrous twilight sheds On half the nations, and, with fear of change, Perplexes monarchs." Some of the Germans in Waldoboro', were said, in accord- ance with a superstition brought from the father-land, to have covered their wells, lest they should be poisoned with the dews that fell during the eclipse, and to have hesitated whether to allow the cattle to feed till it was dried from the grass. The prosperity of this period was chequered by many casualties. In 1801, Capt. Roland Kirkpatrick was knocked overboard and drowned whilst sailing from one of the south- ern ports to the W. Indies. He had previously commanded the coaster ' St. George,' of Thomaston, but was at this time, mate with Capt. Norton. A Mr. Kinney, a native of St. George, residing in Warren, was lost overboard Jan. 6th, of the same year ; and David Hall died of fever at Jamaica about the same time. June 10th, 1802, Mr. John Paskiel fell from the bridge at the lower falls, and was so injured that he died within a few days. In Sept. of the same year, James Gerrish, a person of dissipated habits, committed suicide by hanging himself on a tree in J. Andrews's pasture near the potash works. In July, 1804, Mr. Hanson, a man of business in Thomaston, was killed by a fall from a horse, near Mr. J. Page's. On Sunday, Aug. 26, 1804, two boys, Cornelius Butler, son of Asa Dunbar, and George Moriston, residing at the time with J. Carven, and belonging to a high- land Scotch family, of which there were several then living in one of Knox's houses in Thomaston, went with two others to the river, and put out into the stream on a raft which they constructed. In returning to the shore, the raft parted and they were both drowned. Their companions escaped to tell the sorrowful news, and the body of one was soon found, the other on the Wednesday following, having then risen to the surface. Charles Sidensberger, from Waldoboro', who had settled on the farm now owned by Wm. Jordan, was drowned in the river, Nov. 23, 1804. On the 2d of April, 1805, Lewis, a son of John O'Brien, 17 years old, was instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a musket. A funeral discourse was preached at the house, in August 280 ANNALS OF WARREN. following, by Bishop Cheverus, probably the first Catholic sermon ever heard in the place. In May, 1806, Barnabas Simmons, of Union, was killed, near Bradbury Boggs's, by a cart wheel passing over his head. In the autumn of the same year, the community were called to mourn the death of Gen. Henry Knox, a hero of the Revolution, the companion of Washington, the first Secretary of War under the Federal Constitution, the pro- prietor of the W^aldo patent, the liberal promoter of every laudable enterprize, and the generous contributor to the prosperity of this and the neighboring towns. He died Oct. 25th, at the age of fifty-six. On the 28th, his funeral was celebrated with military honors, a eulogy pronounced by the Hon. S. Thatcher, and a large procession accompanied his remains to the tomb, prepared beneath the favorite oak, where he, in his contemplative moods, loved to linger while livinG;. CHAPTER XVI. FROM 1807 TO IS 12; a period of commehctal embarsassment and PARTY ASPERITY, TERMINATIJ^G IX THE AVAR WITH ENGLAND. * 1807 to 1812. W^e now enter upon a period as remarka- ble for the embarrassments and depression of commerce, as the preceding had been for its prosperity. The hostilities between England and France, so fiercely waged, created in those nations a jealousy of this country, which was reaping so liberal a harvest from their necessities ; and each, in turn, accused us of favoring her antagonist. Many perplexing questions grew out of this state of things ; and the various decrees and orders issued by the belligerent powers, fell heavily upon neutral commerce, and rendered it ditTicult for American vessels to sail to any part of the world without being exposed to capture on one side or the other. Many were taken ; and among them the brig Sumner, Capt. A. Malcolm, belonging to Col. Head of this tovvn^ which, in 1811, was sunk with a cargo of wheat bound to Spain. The government of this country vainly remonstrated against these acts of aggression, prohibited the importation of various British manufactures, and, as early as Dec. 22, 1807, im- ANNALS OF WARREN. 281 posed an embargo of indefinite duration upon all American vessels. Tiiis last measure completely prostrated the com- mence of the country, and was viewed by the mercantile community as a greater injury than any inflicted by the con- tending nations abroad. Vessels were confined in port ; seamen were thrown out of employment ; lumber found no sale ; timber designed for exportation remained upon the shores, landings, or in the holds of vessels ; and a general embarrassment and stagnation of business ensued. . The only resource of merchants, was, to keep their vessels which were already abroad, from returning ; and some even ven- tured to get them abroad in violation of the embargo. The conduct of the administration was severely censured by the federal party, who believed that strict impartiality and a seasonable resistance to the pretensions of France, would have rendered easy the settlement of all difficulties with England ; and they imputed to a secret partiality for France, .and to a jealousy in the south of the prosperity of the north- ern States, a measure, which, under the pretence of arresting foreign aggressions, only injured ourselves. The other party on the contrary, justified the measure as a means of co- ercing England into an abandonment of her pretensions, by depriving her of the supply of provisions, which, it was alleged, she could obtain only from this country. It was advocated, also, as a means of encouraging domestic manu- factures, rendering us independent of England, and destroy- ing the influence which she exercised by the credit she afforded our merchants. To this influence, they imputed the opposition of the federalists, and were liberal in bestow- ing upon them the epithets of " British partizans," " British merchants," " tories and royalists." Parly spirit acquired a new virulence ; the community was thrown into a ferment; meetings were held, resolutions and pethions adopted, and other measures expressive of the public feeling, resorted to. The people of this town shared in the common distress, and partook of the general indignation. On the 3d of Sept. 1808, at a meeting called for the purpose, a petition was adopted, requesting the President to remove the embargo, or in case of any doubt as to his authority to do so, to convoke Congress immediately, for that purpose. On the 23d of Jan. following, the town petitioned the State Legislature, to adopt some measures for the relief of the embarrassed state of the country. On the committee who drafted this petition, we find the name of M. Smith, Esq., who was considered as belonging to the democratic party ; but such was the public 24* 282 ANNALS OF WAEREM. indignation at the time, that nothing was move common i\mu to find the more moderate adherents of that party, unhing with the other in opposition to the odious measure. Others, again, increased in asperity with the increasing distress, and became extremely sensitive on poUtical subjects, and prone to imagine some disrespectful allusion in every remark. The Rev. Mr. Huse, in bis Fast day sermon, April 7th, 1808, in discoursing upon " the cause that the former days were bet- ter than these," expressed himself with his usual caution ; but his language proved so offensive to one of his warmest adherents, that he more than once rose to leave the house, and declared his intention of never hearing him again. The embargo producing no effect on the powers at war, Congress, March 1st, 1809, substituted for it an act of non- intercourse, between this country and the ports of France and England. This gave a partial relief, by opening the coasting trade, and, likewise, some of that to foreign coun- tries ; but the British continued to impress our seamen ; the French condemned our vessels ; and party animosity prevail- ed in this country, till Mr. Jefferson was, in 1809, succeeded by Mr. Madison, as president. James Sullivan, who had been twice elected Governor by the democratic party, died Dec. 10, 1808. Among the salu- tary measures of his administration, the most important to the people of this region, was the hetterment act ; by which, when a person was ejected from lands of which he had been in possession six years, a jury might be called upon to esti- mate the value of the improvements he had made upon the same, and the value of the land in case no such improve- ments had been made ; and the proprietor had his option to abandon the land to the tenant, at the price fixed by the jury, or, retaining the land, to pay the tenant the value of his im- provements. This measure was rendered necessary by the unhappy system that had prevailed, of settling on lands with- out a title, trusting to the promise, express or implied, that deeds should be given on the performance of certain condi- tions. Great inconvenience was also felt, in many places, particularly on the Pemaquid patent, from the conflicting claims of different proprietors ; and many in that region, after paying for their lands several times, to one claimant after another, determined to resist all demands of the kind, and formed combinations to frustrate any attempt to survey the lands or execute any process for their recovery. Col. Thatcher, attorney to one of these claimants, having, accord-, ing to the statute then in force, moved the Court to order a ANNALS OF WARREN. 283 detachment, of militia for the purpose of enforcing the sur- vey, was himself ordered to detail the requisite number from his regiment, and atTord the assistance demanded. The whole number called for, was 500, who were drafted from the several companies in the fall of 1810. The quota of the eastern company in Warren was 1 ensign, 1 sergeant, and 18 privates ; and the draft was made Oct. 20th. A strong sympathy for the settlers was felt in various quarters ; and some doubts were entertained as to the part the militia would act when called out to perform this service. By the timely interference of the Governor, however, all action was post- poned, and the subject referred to the Legislature, which, by the aid of commissioners, in 1811 and '12, succeeded in quieting the settlers, and making a compromise with the pro- prietors. The betterment act was rendered very acceptable to many inhabitants of this town ; inasmuch as Samuel Parkman, Esq. of Boston, to whom Knox liad mortgaged his proprietary rights, had now come into possession, and was looking up his claims with all the astuteness of a money-lender. Suits were brought by him for the recovery, among others, of lands which had been sold for the payment of taxes ; and some of the purchasers compounded with him on the best terms they could get. Others combined to try the effect of a lawsuit ; and the case of Lore Alford was prosecuted to a final decision. While this suit was pending, the town. May 16th, 1812, petitioned the Legislature to confirm the doings of the assessors and constables of said town in relation to the assessment of taxes and the sale of lands for non- pay- ment of the same, prior to 1786. Without a direct refusal, the Legislature delayed acting upon this petition till too late to affect the impending suit, when it was abandoned. The suit was decided in favor of the proprietor against the settler ; less from any irregularity in the proceedings of the town au- thorities, than from want of evidence on the part of the defendant to substantiate their regularity, copies of the assessors' and constable's doings not having been duly pre- served. It was during Sullivan's administration, also, tliat an attempt was made to procure by impeachment, or address of the Leg- islature, the removal of Moses Copeland, Esq. from his office of a justice of the peace and the quorum. A petition for that purpose, signed by George Wellington of Union, and others, influenced probably by a mixture of personal and party con- siderations, was presented at the June session, 1807, charging 284 'annals of warren. that magistrate with official misconduct. The petitioners so far prevailed upon the House of Representatives, that, on the i5th of June, it adopted an address to the Governor, pray- ing him to remove said Copeland from office. This address not being agreed to by the Senate, on the 20th of the same month, the House sent up to that body, articles of impeach- ment against said Moses Copeland, charging him, 1st, with bringing, in the name of Samuel Kingsbury of Balltown, a fictitious endorsee, an action to recover a note which Samuel Kelloch sold to the said Copeland and endorsed in blank, and thereupon entering judgment, when in fact the said note was the property of said Copeland ; 2d, with entering a default on two processes issued against Wm. Peabody and John KiefF before the time therein appointed for trial, and refusing to take off the same when the defendants appeared and request- ed it ; and 3d, with receiving from Daniel Randall $1,50 as a bribe to bias his judgment in favor of said Randall, in an action depending between him, as defendant, and Benjamin Hastings, plaintiff. Upon these articles, Mr. Copeland was put on trial before the Senate in January, 1808, and was ulti- mately acquitted. Tlie cost of this affair to the State, was $171,75. Mr. Copeland, having thus at some expense and vexation got rid of this affair, on his return commenced a suit for defamation against the petitioners. The action was con- tinued from term to term, and when it finally came to trial, the jury not being able to agree on a verdict, the parties mutually consented to drop the matter, paying their own costs. During this period, the old question of dividing the Com- monwealth and erecting Maine into a separate State, was again agitated ; and on the 6th April, 1807, the town gave a unanimous vote of 161 against the measure. In 1809, C. Gore was chosen Governor, and the State gov- ernment was again in the hands of the federalists. In 1810, E. Gerry, the democratic candidate, was chosen Governor. The following year, 1811, both branches of the Legislature were of the same party ; and political exasperation reached its acme. In that year, courts were re-organized, a new State bank incorporated with a capital of $10,000,000, a re- newal of the charters of existing banks refused, and the then novel scheme adopted of forming Senatorial districts in arbi- trary and grotesque forms, for which the name Gerrymander was then first invented. But a re-action followed ; Gov. Strong was elected in 1812 ; and most of these measures were either abolished or counteracted. Among the subscri- ANNALS OF WARREN. 285 bers for the stock of the State bank were H. Libbey, W. Lermond, E. Buxton, and perhaps others, of this town. Among the semi-political measures resorted to in 1811, was a strong effort made by sundry persons in Thomaston and Camden, for the repeal of the law providing a general inspec- tor of lime for the towns of Warren, Thomaston, and Cam- den, on the ground that the office was a sinecure, and imposed a needless burden on the manufacturers. Capti Ebenezer Thatcher, who then filled the office of inspector, and derived a handsome income from it, spared no pains to prevent its abolition. E. Buxton and 102 others of this town, signed a remonstrance against its repeal. Other remonstrances from lime-burners in Thomaston, and the masters of coasting ves- sels, were presented ; and a compromise was at last effected by a relinquishment on the part of the inspector, of one half his fees. Another of these measures was a petition sent to the Legislature from sundry inhabitants of Cushing and St. George, praying for a repeal of the law, giving to the town of Warren the exclusive right of taking the shad and ale- wives within its limits. But in consequence of an error of the press in the order of notice, the whole matter was re- ferred to the next Legislature ; and, partly perhaps from the political change which that body underwent in 1812, no strenuous effort was made in support of the petition ; and the matter was dismissed. The fishery had been for some years unusually productive, and was regarded by the town as a matter of great importance. The wolves having, of late, been on the increase and become troublesome, particularly in the woody tract between this town, Waldoboro', and Cushing, the selectmen were, in March, 1808, appointed a committee to concert with the neighboring towns for their destruction. A plan was adopted in consequence, and a sufficient force raised to sweep the whole tract, who marched within hailing distance of each other, from Warren down to the extremity of Friendship ; where a few wolves were seen and shot at, but none killed. One was shortly after caught in a trap by J. Anderson ; and they were so harrassed during the winter as to quit the premises, and not appear again in that quarter till 1815. The threatening aspect of our foreign relations at this time, having led to a more vigilant inspection of the military stores which towns were obliged to keep, and a complaint having been made against this town for a deficiency of pow- der, E. Thatcher, Esq., was, in Nov, 1810, appointed agent 286 ANNALS OF WARREN. to answer to it. This gentleman, brother of S. Thatcher, after residing a few years in Thomaston and marrying a daughter of Gen Knox, removed to Warren, about 1807, and occupied, for several years, the Knox house at the upper falls. From the office of Capt. of the Artillery, he rose to that of Brig. General, and was subsequently appoint- ed a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He removed again to Thomaston, and after some years to Somerset County. Among other names first appearing during this period, are those of Silas Hoar, who was chosen sexton in 1807 ; John Thomas, who built and settled on the farm near Rokes's, which he afterwards sold to J. Vinal ; John Harrington, who settled the farm now owned by Patrick Mehan ; Josiah Max- ey, who came from Union, and Rufus Russel from Waldo- boro', the first settlers near Mt. Pleasant ; Daniel Vaughan from Carver, who succeeded I. Davis, on the farm now own- ed by Robert Creighton ; Wm. Lamson, who married the widow, and took the farm, of Charles Sidensberger ; Wm. Watton, who lived some years on one of the lots sold for the support of schools, and then returned to Friendship ; Jonathan G. Benson, who lived some years in the S. W. part of the town, and removed to Hebron ; Samuel French, who settled and still lives on a part of the Hall farm ; Matthias Isley, a sea-captain in the coasting and foreign trade, who removed from Thomaston to the house built by L. Andrews, and long known as the ' Isley house,' where he kept tavern some years, and absconded ; Seth Lawrence, a stone-cutter from Mass., who lived in a small house, not now standing, near Dr. Ken- nedy's ; Robert C. Starr, who worked at the joiner's trade, taught singing-school, built the house subsequently owned by P. Coburn, was ordained as an evangelist by the Warren Bap- tist church in 1816, and has been a preacher of that denom- ination in Friendship, Woolwich and other places ; Theodore Wilson, a cabinet-maker, who built the house afterwards own- ed by T. Hodgman, and still remains at the village ; Stephen C. Burgess, who succeeded Mr. Gates in the saddler's business, afterwards engaged in trade, built the house now owned by Dea. Starrett, was Captain in the militia, and from 1830 to 1845, held the office of town clerk ; and John Miller, who, in 1811, opened a tavern in partnership with Seth Bryant, at the house built by Col. Thatcher and now owned by S. B. Wetherbee. Bryant did not long remain in town ; but Miller, besides his trade as a joiner, engaged in merchandise, com- menced the tanning business in company with Col. Thatcher ANNALS OF WARREN. on the east side of the river above the bridge, built the dvvel- lingliouse now occupied by his son, A. Miller, has been deacon of the Baptist church, filled various offices in town and coun- ty, and is still in active life. Wm. McLellan came from Thomaston in 1811 ; opened a stock of goods in the Bracket & Davis store ; purchased the estate of R. Crane, who built and removed to the present Seiders house ; acquired an ex- tensive run of business by giving credit during the war that ensued, when it was withheld by most of the other traders ; engaged in ship-building at a fortunate time after the war; amassed wealth ; was twice chosen a member of the State Senate ; and, for the want of sufficient scope for his large capital here, in 1837 removed to Boston ; but in consequence of entering into the land speculations of that period, and the extraordinary revulsion which followed, became embarrassed and soon returned to this town. From the difficulty experienc- ed in settling his affiiirs, his health declined, his mind became disordered, and he ended his days in the Asylum at Augusta, in 1842. About 1812, Simeon and Daniel P. Noyce, Warren Knowlton, Allen Young, and Job Caswell, all from the town of Minot, took up their lots and settled on the road east of Crawford's Pond. The three first afterwards left the town. Notwithstanding the embarrassments of commerce and the asperity of parties, some progress was made, during the period embraced in this chapter, in the cause of education, and other improvements. Warren Academy was incorporated February 25th, 1808, a fund having been raised by subscrip- tion to the amount of $3680, and half a township of land granted by the Legislature. It was opened for instruction on the 9th of October, 1809, by Elijah Morse of Medway, a popular and efficient preceptor, who on the occasion delivered a public address at the meeting-house. Mr. Morse first introduced Walker's pronunciation here. Prior to that time Perry's dictionary had been mostly used in schools, and, being considered a standard, had done much to deteriorate the old English pronunciation. The school was first taught, for a short time, in Col. Thatcher's, now S. B. Wetherbee's, hall, and afterwards in the upper story of the Court-House ; but in 1829 the present structure of brick was erected near the Baptist meeting-house. The half township of land was advantageously sold ; but some losses have been sustained by insolvency, negligence, and the statute of limitation. In 1828, before the Academy building was erected, the nominal amount of funds in real and personal estate was $6010,41, 288 ANNALS OF WARREN. of which, in the judgment of the trustees, $1000 was una- vailable. The funds now produce an annual income of 8125. The average number of students, at present, does not exceed 30 ; as, from the establishment of similar schools in the neighborhood, a much fewer number than formerly are sent here from other towns. The following is a list of the precep- tors in this institution from its commencement to the present time. Elijah Morse, 1809-'10 ; Josiah J. Fiske, 1811 ; Arnold Gray, 1812; Amos Whiting, 18 13-' 14 ; Benjamin Dudley Emerson, 1815 ; Chandler Robbins, 1816 ; John S. Tenney, 1817 ; Phinehas Pratt, 1818; Georo;e Starrett, from Septem- ber, 1818, to December, 1821 ; Darnel Clarke, 1822 ; Otis L. Bridges, 1823; Hiram H. Hobbs, 1824; William Henry Codman, 1825; Hezekiah Packard, 1825-'6; Nat'l Havnes, 1826 ; Jonathan Cilley, 1826 ; William Tyng Hilliard, 1827 ; James T. Leavitt, from September, 1827, to August, 1839 ; A. Rogers Green, 1830 ; Cyrus Eaton, from December, 1830, to April, 1843 ; Calvin Bickford, from 1843 to 1846 ; Donatus Merrill, 1847 ; and C. Bickford again, from 1848.* A new impulse was also given, at this period, to the culti- vation of sacred music, by the example and instruction of Mr. Starr. During the commercial difficulties of the time and the war that ensued, attention began to be turned to improve- ments in agriculture and manufactures. Lands from which the timber and wood had been cut, were now cleared up for grain and grass; and the valuation of 1810 exhibits in the quantity of wheat raised in the town, an increase nearly four fold since that of 1800. The raising of apples began to be more attended to ; several young orchards were just coming into bearing ; and many more were planted about this time. A tree possessed by Dr. Buxton, called by him " the Demo- crat," remarkably hardy and prolific, was, in the unpropitious seasons that followed, extensively propagated by suckers, which, since the disuse of cider, have been grafted with fruit of a superior quality. Merino sheep were introduced by Capt. Toby, who brought a number from Cadiz in one of Mr. Cobb's vessels, and by Col. Thatcher, Mr. Paine, and others. These, by crossing with the native breeds, greatly improved the quality of wool. With the sheep, however, was imported a contagious disease called " the scab," which spread from flock to flock, greatly injuring the fleece as well as sheep. * Kec. of Warren Academy. S. E. Smith, Esq. ANNALS OF WARREN. 289 From absolute inability to purchase foreign fabrics, domestic manufactures of wool and cotton were prosecuted with new skill and industry. The high price of cloth, wool, grain, and other agricultural products, together with the disuse of many of their wonted comforts, enabled the farmers gradual- ly to reduce their indebtedness to the merchants ; and many who were unable to do so, sold their farms and purchased cheaper ones farther in the interior. Great hardship was endured by the poorer class of laborers and mariners, who were deprived of employment, and at the same time compelled to give a high price for every article of consump- tion, foreign or domestic. In 1811 and '12, retail prices were as follows; flour, SH per barrel; corn, 81.17 to fl,28; coffee, 20cts. per lb.; tea, 75cts. to ^1,33; brown sugar, Is. ; pearlash, 25cts. ; starch, 50cts. ; ginger, 33cts. ; raisins, 37cts. ; boots $7 a pair ; and calico and American gingham, 42cts. per yard. In consequence of these high prices, substitutes were found for many articles of consump- tion. Coffee was made of pease, rye, or acorns ; pumpkins supplied the place of sugar, potatoes that of bread ; and chocolate was made from the root of the Water Avens. The hardship of the times was aggravated by political bickering and ill-nature. On one occasion, Mr. Paine, applying to the town of Thomaston for approbation to obtain a permit to import corn from the Southern States, was refused, and re- taliated in his turn, by refusing to sell that article to any inhabitant of that town. Ship-building declined with the decline of commerce ; but among the few vessels built in this period, was the ship Gen. Knox, owned by J. Paine, which was launched at Robinson's shore, by Thomas Spear, Sept. 15, 1810, being the second ship built in town. The multiplication of pleasure carriages going on at the com- mencement of this period, was checked by the hardness of the times ; but a substitute was found in the one horse wagons, first introduced to this town by Wm. H. Webb. Though heavy at first and clumsily made, their convenience gradually brought them into general use. On Sunday, the 18th of Aug. 1811, a contribution for the sufferers by a recent destructive fire in Newburyport was had at the Congregational meeting, and 880 collected, which was farther augmented by a similar contribution from the Baptist society. Among the casualties of this period, may be noted the death by drowning, of William, son of Ebenezer Wells, April 21, 1808, aged 3.1 years; a child of Isaac Spear, ono 25 290 ANNALS OF WARREN. year old, scalded to death, June 21, 1808 ; and a son of Aaron Davis, nine years old, drowned in the river, nearly opposite his house, May 29, 1811. Aug. 5, 1809, the barn of Capt. N. Williams was struck by lightning, and consumed with all its contents. On the 7th of March, 1812, the dwelling- house built by Thomas Kirkpatrick, and then occupied by Mrs. L. Wilson, near the Court-house, took fire, as was sup- posed from ashes, and was entirely consumed, together with two of her children, sleeping in an upper chamber, whence they could not be rescued. The fire was discovered about 2 o'clock, A. M. and it was with difficulty that the Court- house was saved. Later in the season, a new dwellinghouse, nearly finished, belonging to Samuel Libbey, was totally con- sumed in the night-time, from some cause not ascertained. Some physical appearances during this period, may be worthy of notice. On Sunday, the 22d of Feb. 1807, soon after the commencement of divine service in the afternoon, a shock of an earthquake was sensibly perceived, which shook the house and produced a noise like the rattling of a carriage on frozen ground. On the 2d of May following, in consequence of high freshets which prevailed, the old saw-mill at the village, with the adjacent dam, was carried away. In Sept. of the same year, a small comet was visible in the west at evening, appeared to be approaching the sun, and disappeared about the first week of December. On the 10th of October, 1808, the atmosphere, during the day, was very smoky, with a S. W. wind. At night, the wind shifted to the N. E. and produced rain, with the most profound darkness. Neither man nor beast could discern the way, and many accidents happened. January 19th, 1810, after a long spell of moderate weather, a storm of snow com- menced from the N. W. with a tremendous gale and the most intense cold. The next day was clear, but still colder. The change of temperature was so sudden as to occasion many deaths both at sea and land. Among the latter, was that of Patrick Pebbles, Esq. who died suddenly from the chill received in going out to feed his cattle. In the winter and spring of that year, the measles prevailed very exten- sively and with great severity, attacking many adult persons who had escaped former visits of the disease. On the 2d November, a snow-storm commenced and continued for three days. Though there was no frost in the ground, the snow was sufficiently deep to affiDrd good sledding for a week or two, after which it dissolved, and many finished housing pota- ANNALS OF WARREN. 2^1 toes and other vegetables. The month of March, 1811, was distinguished for its remarkably warm, dry, and pleasant weather. On the 8th, the snow was chiefly gone ; on the 15th, it was so warm as to make it necessary to open the windows of school and dwelling houses ; and robins, black- birds, and bluebirds appeared about the same time. Before the month was out, the roads were settled and dusty ; but the latter part of April and the most of May, were cold and un- propitious, especially to grass, and the crop of hay turned out exceedingly small. There was, consequently, a great scarcity of that article in the spring of 1812, and, as the weather was cold and backward, before the grass started in May, numbers of cattle died, or were sustained only by browsing in the woods. During the whole autumn of 1811, a splendid comet was observed in the north-western part of the sky in the evening, and after a time, as its declination increased, was visible also in ihe morning in the N, E. It was noted by the author as early as the 5th of September. Its train, which appeared to the common observer two or three yards in length, was estimated by the scientific at 40,000,000 of miles, and the time of its periodical revolution round the sun at 3000 years. For weeks and months it continued to glare down terror to the superstitious, who thought it the precursor of evil, and still, perhaps, consider it the harbinger of the war that ensued. On the 4th of April, 1812, an embargo was again imposed upon all American shipping ; and this, on the 18th of June, was followed by a declaration of war against Great Britain. Deeper gloom was thrown over the maritime parts of the country, and new bitterness added to political contests. Town and county conventions were held by one party to express their disapprobation of the war, and by the other to denounce such proceedings as treasonable, and to sustain the govern- ment. In this county, in consequence of a circular issued by the selectmen of Bath, a convention was held, August 3d, at Wiscasset, and passed resolutions condemning the policy of the general government in the most pointed manner. The delegates to attend this convention from Warren, chosen at a legal meeting on the 27th of July, were S. Thatcher, C. Eaton, J. W. Head and J. Page. In November, the Presi- dential electors were chosen by districts throughout the State, and unanimously gave their votes for DeWilt Clinton of New York for president. Mr. Clinton was a member of the dem- ocratic party, but nominated in opposition to Mr. Madison, as in favor of peace, if it could be honorably obtained, or other- 292 ANNALS O? WARREN. wise, of a more energetic prosecution of the war ; and re- ceived the votes of the federal party. The nomination was-, however, unsuccessful, and Mr. Madison was re-elected. CHAPTER XYII. INCLUDING EVENTS DURING THE WAR, AND AFTER ITS CLOSE, DOWN TO THE DIVISION OP THE STATE. 1813 to 1820. The first two years of this period were filled with the incidents, difficulties, and privations, attendant on a state of war. Many of the poorer classes, now thrown out of employment, enlisted into the army. Others enlisted as volunteers to act as " coast guards," for a period of one year. Navigation, confined in port as it was, yielded no income, and became of little value. Yet a precarious busi- ness was carried on by the old and least valuable coasting vessels. During the first year of the war, these had expe- rienced little molestation. They were boarded and examined by British cruisers, and, when either vessel or cargo was deemed of sufficient value, seized as prizes; though in gen- eral they were allowed to proceed. When captured, the crews were generally well treated, and sent ashore the first opportunity. Capt. Thomas Morison of this town, taken in this manner, was some time on board the " Africa," a ship of the line, and had the satisfaction of witnessing Capt. Hull's celebrated escape from the British fleet. To protect this remnant of trade, the town, March 1st, 1813, voted " to choose a committee to instruct the represen- tatives to the General Court to use their influence to furnish some armed vessel to protect the coasting trade, and to confer with other towns on the subject ;" and R. C. Starr, J. W. Head, and W. Lcrrnond, were chosen a committee accord- ingly. The subject was discussed before a committee of the Legislature ; but it was thought that,xonsidering the superior force of the enemy, such a vessel would only invite an attack, and expose the trade it was intended to protect. Such was the scarcity of money, the high price of pro- visions and clothing, and the difficulty of obtaining employ- ment, that the town voted, May 29th, 1813, to distribute $20 worth of alewives gratuitously, to such applicants as the ANNALS OF WARREN. 293 committee chosen for the purpose should deem to be in the most necessitous circumstances, and an additional 880 worth, on credit, to any applicants therefor. Some idea of the difficulty of procuring provisions, may be formed from the following quotation from a Boston price current of May 14th of that year; viz: — corn, $1,70, rye, $2,30, oats, 75cts., beans, $2,20, per bushel, and flour, $17 to $17^ per barrel. When freight, risk, and profits, were added to these prices, bringing corn up to $2, and flour to $20, it is not wonderful that many in this and the neighboring towns were unable to sup- ply themselves with bread, and some that were able restricted its use to one meal a day, for the sake of others. On the 5th of Sept. of the same year, many persons on Stahl's hill, in this town, had a distinct view of the action oflT Pemaquid Point between the British brig Boxer, Capt. Blythe, and the U. S. brig Enterprise, Capt. Burrows ; in which, after a brisk contest of 35 minutes and the death of both command- ers, the Boxer surrendered and was carried into Portland. Before the close of 1813, a less lenient policy was adopted by the British cruisers towards vessels and seamen employed in the coasting trade. Many were deterred from putting to sea, and others captured and sent to Halifax. Among the latter was the sloop Peggy, of this place, which sailed in October, under the command of Capt. W. O. Fuller, with D. Lermond and A. Wyllie, hands, and Z. Bosworth, passenger. Whilst wind-bound in Townshend harbor, Bosworth, in con- sequence of a dream which he thought ominous, left the vessel and returned home by land. The vessel proceeded cautiously, running from point to point near shore. On the 3d of November, when within two hours sail of Portsmouth, she was captured by two gun-brigs, the Epervier and the La Fontaine, and, with all on board, taken to Halifax. They were there imprisoned, and the Captain, after an illness of five days, died on the 21st, of the typhus fever. The others remained at Halifax till the following August, when Lermond, with 400 others, was put in the 74 gun ship, Le Hogue, Capt. Keplar, sent to England, and confined in Dartmoor prison. Wyllie was at that time out of prison, employed in the family of the commander, and, not long after, returned in a cartel. Lermond remained at Dartmoor, till the close of the war, was present at the bloody tragedy enacted by Capt. Shortland, and finally returned in a gov- ernment vessel, reaching home on the 1st of July, 1815, after an absence of one year and nine months. At the time war was declared, William Lermond was 25* 294 ANNALS OF WARREN, building a schooner at Oyster river, called the Kuhicon, which he at first concluded not to risk at sea, and let her re- main on the stocks. But so little injury was received by the coasters during the summer, that he yielded to the Captain's importunity, and had her rigged and launched. On her first trip to Boston, a short time after the Peggy, she too was cap- tured, and her commander, Capt. Laizdell, and crew, sent to Halifax. The danger to which vessels were now exposed at sea, their deterioration from exposure to the weather, and the expense required to preserve them, together with appre- hensions of their being seized or burnt by the enemy, in- duced Mr. Counce, ever fertile in expedients, to remove the new brig Alexander to Oyster river, where he sunk and kept her submerged till the war was over ; on the principle that " though there is trouble on the waves, beneath them there is ?ioney In April, 1814, the town voted to furnish the militia soldiers with ball cartridges in lieu of the blank ones then required by law at each regimental muster. On the 2d of July, a meeting was held for the express purpose of taking measures for the public defence. At this meeting, J. W. Head, John Libbey, M. Smith, R. Crane, and Gilbert Hall, were appointed a committee of safety to confer with similar committees in the neighboring towns as to the mode of spreading alarms and repelling invasions, if any should be made ; to make up from the town stock 251 bs. of powder into cartridges, with balls and a sufficient supply of flints, to be used only in cases of invasion ; and deposit the same in suitable places, to be made known to the militia officers only. This committee issued circulars to those of the neighboring towns, to meet at Mrs. Trowbridge's in Waldoboro' on the 11th of the same month, to consult upon measures proper to be adopted for the general safety. The result of this movement was the placing of guards at McCobb's narrows, and other suitable places for observation, and the adoption of a mode of spreading the alarm, in case of any hostile movement. At a meeting on the 8th of August, the town voted to make up the wages of any soldier of this town called into the public service to $V3 a month, including what should be received from the gov- ernment. During the season of 1814. though beef, pork, and W. I. goods, remained high, the scarcity of bread was greatly miti- gated by an abundant crop of wheat, rye, and other English grain, which from the high prices of the preceding years and low rate of wages, had been extensive^ sown on lands lately ANNALS OF WARREN. 295 cleared up. But the collection of a direct tax of $3,000,000, levied the preceding year on real estate, detracted somewhat from the otherwise ample returns of the farmer ; and the in- ternal duties bore hard upon other classes of the community. The amount of this latter class of duties collected in this town in 1815, was as follows : viz. — Lore Alford, $25,58 ; S. C. Burgess, $15,13 ; Burgess & Copeland, $22,50 ; Dr. E. Bux- ton, $2; I. Brakely, $11,67; R. B. Copeland, $1; John Counce, $2; M. Copeland, $1; William Crane, 77cts. ; Samuel Davis, $2 ; William Hovey, $21,87 ; Alfred Hovev, $22,50 ; Ivory Hovey, $5,44 ; J. W. Head, $24,50 ; Hatevil Libbey, Jr. $4 ; John Libbey, $2 ; J. Leeds, 38cts. ; W. McLellan, $21,87 ; J. Miller, $21,87 ; Jesse Page, $34,94 ; T. Rawson, $22,50 ; and J. Wetherbee, $2,47 ; making a total of $296,49. These sums were paid for retailer''s licenses, carriages, the manufacture of hats, boots, saddles, bridles, and leather, and were exclusive of those paid on furniture, stamps, and watches.* In July, a body of men, despatched in barges from two armed ships lying at the mouth of our river, entered, in the night-time, the fort in St. C4eorge where they found only one man, spiked the guns, destroyed the munitions of war and buildings, set fire to one vessel, and towed away two others. They then proceeded up the river towards Thomaston, but, at the dawn of day, deceived by Curtis, a young man whom they compelled to act as pilot, and who represented the dis- tance much greater than it was, they abandoned farther operations and returned, "without molestation. So bold was this adventure, that it excited alarm in other places ; and Col. Foote called out the most of his regiment for the defence of Camden and vicinity. On the 1st of Sept. a British force took possession of Cas- tine and Belfast, and proceeded up the Penobscot. Orders having been issued by General Payson to the militia of his brigade, to defend the country wherever invaded, without waiting for farther orders, Col. Thatcher ordered out his regiment, which on the 5th Was mustered in this town. At night, the first battalion, under Major Reed, advanced to Thomaston, and encamped. The next day, an express arriv- ed with the news that an attack was expected on Camden from several ships of war, which had anchored there in a menacing position. Upon this, the other battalion under * Statement of E. Thompson, Collector. 296 ANNALS OF WARREN. Major Hawes, made a rapid march, and arrived at that place in the evening. Reed's battalion, and the artillery company- had arrived before them ; and Col. Foote had his regiment under arms. A company of volunteers, organized in this town from those who were by law exempt from military duty, to whom had been committed this town's quota of the arms furnished by government, also mounted their horses, rode over, and reported themselves to Col. Thatcher, about 10 o'clock in the evening. Some of them had seen service in the army ; others had held commissions in the militia ; and yet others* had scarcely done duty a1 a militia training in their whole lives. The officers of this company were W. Blake, Captain ; A. Davis, Lieut. ; and N. Buckland, Jr., Ensign ; two of whom had been soldiers of the revolution, and all, Captains in the militia. John Miller, orderly sergeant, and most of the subordinate officers, had also held commissions. During the night, an alarm was raised that the enemy were preparing to land. The different corps were paraded, loaded their muskets, and stood prepared for action. Col. Thatcher held a consultation with his subordinates, and for a time all were in breathless expectation of an immediate skirmish. It proved a false alarm, however, and the troops returned to their repose. They were reviewed the next day by Major Gen. King, and, as the hostile fleet got under way and put to sea, the regiment commenced its return, and on the 8th were discharged at Thomaston. Rations were fur- nished on this excursion by the selectmen ; and the expenj-e incurred, as well as the soldiers' wages, with the exception of the volunteers, was afterwards paid by the State. On Sunday, Sept. 11th, an express arrived at the village, from McCobb's Narrows, with the intelligence that the British were coming up the river. Guns were immediately fired, the court-house bell rung, the people generally turned out with their muskets, and the artillery promptly took its station on the wharf at Thomaston. After waiting till daylight, however, it was ascertained that the alarm was without found- ation. On the 2d of Nov. a demand was made upon the town of Camden, by the British brig of war Furieuse, Capt. Mount- joy, despatched from Castine, to surrender a prize which had been taken and brought in there the preceding day by Major Noah Miller and four or five men in a barge from Lincoln- * <« Quorum pars magna fui." ANNALS OF WARREN. 29T ville. This prize had a cargo of bale goods valued at $40,000 ; and in case of a refusal to surrender it, the de- struction of Camden and Lincolnville was threatened. The selectmen of Camden, representing that an immediate com- pliance was impossible, as the cargo was already removed to Warren and Waldoboro', and the vessel sent round to George's river, obtained a delay of three days to consider the matter, two of their number remaining on board as hostages. In the mean time, a request for aid was sent on, and on the 3d the militia here partially assembled at Thom- aston, but returned at night. On the 4th they again assem- bled, and were joined by the Waldoboro' companies. The same day, the company of exempts in this town had a meet- ing, and agreed to repair to Thomaston for the protection of this river, as soon as the other troops should march on to Camden. On the 5th, the troops, organized into a battalioa under Major Reed, advanced to Camden. In the neighbor- hood of Clam Cove, observing several British vessels in sight. Major Reed threw his force into an open column, with long intervals between the sections, so as to make as great a display as possible ; but on arriving at Camden, he learnt that the danger was over, the brig having sailed for Castine with the two hostages on board. On the next day, therefore, the battalion was dismissed. So dependent were the people along this eastern coast, on the profits of trade and navigation, that many contrived, by one means or another, to participate in them during the war. Whilst the British kept possession of Castine, a brisk trade was kept up betw^een that and the neighboring ports on the Penobscot, in Swedish neutral vessels. But in this, as in the various other modes of trading with the enemy, such as by British licenses at one time freely granted, a Swedish flag and neutral papers easily obtained, or by the purchase of British goods by a partner abroad, to be captured at a given place and signal by a partner at home, the citizens of this town, it was believed, had little or no connexion. A brig of Col. Head's, G. Hall commander, having cleared for St. Bar- tholomew's, was complained of for having touched at a British port; but on trial, was cleared by the jury. Some few, pro- bably, visited Castine from curiosity, and might have made use of the opportunity to obtain a suit of clothes, or make a few purchases on speculation. All the world was engaged in doing the same thing, and it required no great sophistry to excuse the doing directly, what the government openly allow- ed to be done indirectly, under color of a neutral flag. But 298 ANNALS OF WARREN. though not engaged to any considerable extent in the trade thus carried on, the people of this town largely participated in the benefits indirectly flowing from it. Farmers found ample employment and high remuneration for all the teams they could muster, in transporting goods from the Penobscot to Portland, Boston, and other places ; laborers were sought for to supply their places on the farms; the price of cattle rose ; money became abundant ; and preparations were mak- ing to engage still more extensively in the business. But whilst gleams of prosperity were thus dawning upon some, and others were filled with anxiety and mourning, for husbands, sons, and brothers, exposed in the army, detained in distant prisons, or fallen in the battle-field, on the 14th of Feb. 1815, the joyful news arrived that a treaty of peace had been signed at Ghent, on the 24th of Dec. The tidings, brought to this place by the driver of the western mail stage, were heralded by the sound of trumpets ; crowds followed with shouts of joy to the village, guns were fired, the bell sounded, instruments of music were put in requisition, houses were illuminated, bonfires were kindled, and general demon- strations of joy were exhibited. The General Court appoint- ed the 22d of Feb. as a day of thanksgiving for ihe joyful event. Though the war was now over, it was but slowly that the country recovered from its eflTects ; and such is the conse- quence of sudden changes, that even peace was not without its disappointments. Such of the shipping as had escaped capture, was now refitted and sent to sea ; commerce revived, and an extensive importation of European fabrics reduced prices so low as to check domestic manufactures and impair the value of wool, sheep, factories and manufacturing stock ; capital had disappeared, and the country, as well as individ- uals, was in debt. A great deterioration of morals, insepara- ble from a state of war, and still less so from the fluctuations of fortune incident to privateering, gambling speculation, and illicit trade, was now sensibly felt through the community. To counteract this, moral societies were formed, discourses delivered, and measures adopted to prevent violations of the Sabbath, and repress intemperance, profanity, gambling, and other immoralities. Such a society was formed in this town, held numerous meetings, and exercised a salutary influence for some time. By its recommendation, such tithingmen, in all parts of the town, were chosen as could be depended upon for a faithful and judicious discharge of their duty. In a dis- course delivered in 1815 before this society, by Rev. Mr. ANNALS OF WARREN. 290 Mitchell of Waldoboro', the doctrine of total abstinence from all intoxicating liquor, was, for the first time at this place, openly advocated, and the maxim laid down that whoever was in the habit of daily drinking a glass of spirit at regular hours, would, unless prevented by death, inevitably become a drunkard. This sounded strange at that time, and was not generally admitted till some twenty or more years later. As calamities seldom come single, so the late commercial embarrassments and the war that succeeded, were accom- panied by a series of unpropitious seasons for agriculture. It was a common remark with farmers, that the seasons had never been as they used to be, since the great eclipse. Some were too cold and wet for Indian corn, and others too dry for grass and potatoes. In 1813, a drought prevailed from June till September, and in some places there was less than half an ordinary crop of hay. The spring of 1815 was backward. On the 19th of May, it commenced snowing in the forenoon, and continued through the day, with such violence as to compel persons who were plowing the ground for corn, to break off their labor. But the coldest and most disastrous seasoir on record, was that of 1816, in which frost occurred with more or less severity in every month in the year. On the 12th of April, there was a storm of snow, which lay for nearly a week, and made good sleighing. In the latter part of the month, there was a spell of fine, dry, warm weather, which was followed by cold again in May ; the rain-drops on the 24th being congealed to ice on the fruit trees, then nearly ready to blossom. On the 5th or 6th of June, a spell of wintry weather suddenly commenced with squalls of wind, snow, and hail, from the N. W., which chill- ed and destroyed martins and other birds, froze the ground, cut down the corn and potatoes, and compelled workmen to put on their great coats and mittens. This continued for many days ; and the whole month was so cold that the apple- trees, which began to bloom at its commencement, were not out of blossom at its close. This gloomy spell commenced about the usual time for the yellow cucumber-bug to make its appearance ; and that insect was so effectually destroyed as not to be again seen here for ten years. On the 8th and 9th of July, when corn was being hoed the first time, there was frost and cold sufficient to kill it down a second time. Such as deemed it worth while, hoed it again about the end of the month, when it was not spindled out. Haying, in general, began the first week in August, and the crop was everywhere light. There were slight frosts in that month, 300 ANNALS OF WARKEN. followed by a more severe one on the 11th of Sept. The corn crop was nearly a total failure ; some favored spots only, producing a little for seed, which commanded a great price the following year. Wheat and potatoes were better ; but, from the previous unfavorable fall and spring, there was but little grain sown. The gloom of this disastrous season was greatly enhanced by the appearance of dark spots on the disk of the sun, which were seen by the naked eye, and for the first time, attracted the attention of the common peo- ple. In the spring of 1816, potatoes were worth 40cts. per bushel, and in the spring following, 75cts. The prices of W. I. goods, which reached their acme about the time the news of peace arrived, when molasses was selling here at $l,12^cts. a gallon, had, in 1816, considerably declined. From that time, the seasons began to ameliorate, and fine crops of Indian corn were raised for many years. These disastrous seasons succeeding to the calamities of war, with the accounts received of the great fertility of the Western States, induced many families in this and the neigh- boring towns, as well as throughout the State, to emigrate thither during this period. Deacon Thomas Robinson and family, Robert Porterfield and family, both of this town, Mr. March of Union, and Dr. Benjamin Webb thenof Thomaston, with their families, besides many others, removed in 1817 to Ohio ; and more, perhaps, would have gone, if they could have found a satisfactory sale for their possessions here. To avoid confusion, we have followed the events of the war and the seasons as far as 1816. We now go back to note a few other particulars. In January, 1812, a petition of Seth Andrews, Moses Robinson, and others, was presented to the General Court, for a free draw-bridge at Andrews's Point ; and at the June session one from E. Killeran and others, for a similar toll-bridge, near the ferry way in Thomaston. Both these petitions were prosecuted with earnestness, and with a var3ang prospect of success, for some time. But so great was the influence of business men at the village, that, although Messrs. Robinson and Andrews offered to make themselves liable with ample security for all damages occa- sioned by their bridge, and the town in April, 1813, voted 83 to 65 in favor of the measure, its friends were compelled to yield to that influence, combined as it was with the zealous exertions of the friends of the bridge below, which was granted in 1817, and built the following year. In May, 1815, the depredations of human foes having ceased, attention was again directed to those of the wolves. ANNALS OF WARREN. 30|: In consequence of a conference held by the selectmen of this town with those of Gushing, Friendship, and Waldoboro', in March, 1816, it was voted that the town should make up the bounty to any inhabitant destroying a wolf, to 840. This was the last compliment paid by the town to these animals, which have since wholly disappeared. Besides these, and other specimens of natural history afforded by our own woods and waters, the town was, June 20, 1816, favored with the sight of a small elephant, which, being the first ever exhibited here, attracted as much attention as the largest caravan does now. In 1817, on his retirement from office, it was voted unani- mously " that the thanks of the town be presented to Mr. Alexander Lermond, for his long and faithful services in the office of town clerk for 38 years past." For these services, Mr. Lermond's compensation, we believe, never exceeded 85 a year. He was of an amiable disposition, possessed a taste and voice for music, was long chorister in the 1st Con- gregational church, and from native ingenuity, without any apprenticeship, became a good framer, house and ship joiner, and was much employed in the construction of all domestic utensils. Prosperous in the earlier part of his life, in the later, he met with many reverses, losing his portion of three vessels in the course of as many months, and suffering many domestic afflictions. He died in 1826, The liberal policy the town had hitherto adopted, of sup- porting the poor by furnishing supplies at their own houses, together with the calamities and privations of the war, had greatly swelled the number of town paupers, and given rise to a large expenditure in their maintenance. A like liberality towards towns on the part of the Commonwealth, had caused a similar increase in the class of State paupers. The sup- plies requisite for all these, to be paid for in cash without any risk, made no undesirable addition to a trader's custom, and this, combined with a disposition to check the growing expenditure, induced the town, in 1817, to choose overseers of the poor, distinct from the selectmen. This measure, which was continued the three succeeding years, produced little effect, however, except to transfer the patronage from one merchant to another. The price of labor on the highways, which had, heretofore, been so much per day throughout the year, was, in 1817, jfixed at 12^cts. an hour until the 15th of July, and lOcts. an hour after that time ; which rates have been adhered to ever since. Many alterations were, the same year, made by order of the Court of Sessions in the road, which they de- 26 802 ANNALS OF WARREN. scribed and laid out anew, from the meeting-house in War- ren to Camden ; and, in 1818, 160 rods of the newest part of this road were made by contract, and paid for in money. In April, 1818, the town voted " to rebuild the bridge at the head of the tide to the extent of four piers from the eastern abutment ;" which was done in a substantial manner by Capt. M. Wilbur. At the same time the town voted " not to accept the road across the river at the upper falls, after the bridge should be put in repair at private expense." This vote passed, we believe, in consequence of an application of Capt. L. Andrews, who was then doing business at the present stand of P. Boggs, and burning considerable quantities of lime, the rock for which he transported by land from Star- rett's quarries. To facilitate this transportation, he, with some aid from others, was repairing this bridge ; but a jeal- ousy of any attempt to divert business from the village, pre- vented its acceptance. In July, 1819, the last remaining pew in the meeting-house was sold at auction for the sum of $60. The proceeds of this, and one before sold to Wm. Hovey for $80, were ordered to be expended in repairing the meeting-house. At this time, the outside of the house was painted with yellow ochre; but no stove being yet introduced, the meet- ings in winter for several years, were held in the Court- house. During this period, the subject of a separation of the State was twice agitated. In 1816, May 20th, a vote of the District was taken, and a majority found in its favor. In this town, the vote stood 36 yeas, 139 nays. An act was passed prescribing the terms upon which a separation might take place, requiring another vote to be taken in September, and authorizing a convention of delegates to meet at Bruns- wick to examine the returns, and, if a majority of five to four were in favor of separation, to form a constitution. At the time appointed, the people of this town gave in 27 votes in favor of the separation, and 144 against the same. Col. Thatcher was chosen to attend the convention, which, on examination, found 11,969 votes in favor of, and 10,347 against the measure. This, by a construction of the law, termed in ridicule the Brunstvick arithmetic, the convention determined to be a majority of five to four, and adjourned to the third Tuesday in December. But the construction meeting with no favor from the Legislature, it never met again. In 1819, the subject was again brought up, an act pas-ed for taking the sense of the people on the question, ANNALS OF WARREN. 303 and in case there were a majority of 1,500 in its favor, authorizing a convention of delegates at Portland the 2d Monday of Oct. to propose a constitution and apply for admission into the Union. The vote was taken July 26th, and in this town was yeas 24, nays 127. In the District at large, there was a great majority in favor of a separation ; and a convention of delegates accordingly met, Oct. 11th, to form a constitution. Those elected in this town were John Miller and Cyrus Eaton, who, though in the progress of its formation voting against some of its provisions, returned decided advocates for its adoption. Many objections were made by some of their constituents, some to one, and some to another of its provisions ; but when the vote was taken Dec. 6th, seven only, voted against its adoption, and 35 in its favor. It received, also, a large majority of the aggregate vote of the District, and on the 15th of March, 1820, Maine was admitted into the Union and became an independent State. In the course of this period, party-spirit lost much of its asperity. One party had found their opponents, though violently opposed to the war, as ready as themselves to repel an invasion, and too many of their own party, as well as the other, willing to profit by illicit trade with the enemy. The privations and hardships in which all had shared, the gloomy seasons and threatened famine, together with the remc^val of many causes of dispute, gave rise to more friendly feelings ; and the readiness with which Massachusetts yielded to the wishes of Maine for a separation, contributed to the mutual conciliation of parties. A few casualties, natural phenomena, and other occurrences during this period, remain to be noted. In March, 1813, John Crawford, 3d, was lost overboard at sea, and Andrew Bird in the same manner, Dec. 26, 1814. On the 23d of May, 1814, Benjamin Killeran of Cushing, came up to the village mills, for fish, and, having loaded his boat, left it near the dam. In the evening, as soon as the tide suited, he went down to it, and was supposed to have returned home. Next morning, however, his body was found in the river, having been drowned in the eddy, as was supposed, near the place of starting. The same year John Mclntyre, 2d, who had for some time been in a melancholy, desponding con- dition, amounting to insanity, committed suicide by hanging. In August, 1816, Capt. A. Malcolm, in the brig Poacher, came home from Wilmington, N. C, where he had been wahing for a freight, till himself and crew were nearly all 804 ANNALS OF WARREN. taken down with the bilious fever. This, on the voyage home, carried off two of the hands, and prostrated the rest so completely, that it was with great difficulty tljey succeed- ed in navigating the vessel to the mouth of the river ; and one of them, Charles Lermond, died after reaching home. On the 12th Sept. 1817, John, son of James F. Paskiel, met his death by striking a pointed stake, when jumping upon a load of hay. On the 26th of the same month, a child of Samuel Counce, throe years of age, was scalded to death. On the 28th of Nov. 1814, about 7 o'clock in the evening, a considerable shock of an earthquake was felt. On the 30th of June, 1815, a most violent thunder-shower from the N. W. arose between nine and ten o'clock, A. M. and the lightning struck in not less than ten or twelve places in the town and its borders. In Union, James Lermond was instantaneously killed as he entered his house, which was also much injured by the shock. In the evening of the following day, another shower, with thunder and lightning from all the northern portion of the sky, rose slowly and passed off to the S. E. From eight till after twelve or one o'clock, the light- ning, in one part or other of the heavens, was incessant with no perceptible intervals, enabling people to see almost as far as in the day-time, without however doing any damage. April 29th, 1816, the shop of Dea. Webb took fire in the afternoon, and was totally consumed. Through the smoke caused by this fire, a spot, apparently as large as a musket ball, was observed upon the disk of the declining sun, and many others were, at different times, seen during the season. These, with the coldness of the summer, threw a deep gloom over the minds of many, and strengthened the notion that the order of nature was deranged, and the source of light and heat about to fail. The winter that succeeded the gloomy season of 1816, was unusually severe, and the spring of 1817 was equally cold, backward, and disheartening. At the end of April, there were a few warm days; and on the 30th, the air was filled with immense flocks of the common wild pigeon, some of them more than a mile in length, succeeding each other for hours, and directing their flight to the westward. Frost con- tinued in the ground through May, but in July an amelioration took place ; and the genial warmth and showers revived the liopcs of the husbandman. The wet weather of July and August greatly augmented the hay crop, which was not en- tirely secured till October. The season of 1818 was warm and propitious ; and the succeeding winter remarkable for ANNALS OF WARREN. 305 the absence of snow, till February 26th, 1819, after which it was deep and drifted till April 5th. The summer of 1819 was remarkably forward and warm ; Indian corn showed the spindles before the 4th of July ; and now corn was ground at the mill before the end of August. Thunder-showers were frequent and destructive, coming from the S. W. without a change of wind. On the 11th of July, the barn of Ephraim Boggs was struck by lightning and consumed ; and in August, Capt. N. Rice's and several other barns were destroyed in Union and Hope. Some accessions from abroad were made to the population during this period ; among whom were, George Kimball from Harvard, Mass., who in 1814 succeeded Col. Thatcher in the practice of the law, but removed to Bermuda ; Thompson E-awson, who opened a tavern at first in the Wetherbee house and afterwards in that now of S. B. Wetherbee ; Amos H. Hodgman, who in 1814 succeeded Stacy in the clothing business, and has since, besides holding many civil and mili- tary offices, greatly contributed to the business and activity of the place ; Thomas Howard, also a successful mechanic, who took the stand of J. Mero in the blacksmith business ; Samuel Hinkley, who in 1819 commenced the tin-plate busi- ness ; and Robert W. Jarvis, who, in November of the same year, began the shoemaking business ; all of whom, except the two first, are still more or less engaged in their several occupations at the principal village. In other parts of the town, Calvin Howland, whose father had sustained the minis- terial office in Carver, Mass., for more than 58 years, pur- chased, about 1817, the farm of Dea. Robinson, on which he lived till his death in 1851 ; Ezekiel Parker, at the same time, took the farm of R. Porterfield, and, after many years, re- moved to Hope ; Jonathan Parker settled on the lot which he purchased of Rev. J. Huse, and still occupies ; Nathaniel Carriel settled near the line of Camden, to which town he was aflerwards set off; John Whitney settled at Mt. Pleasant about 1819; Henry Hilt, about 1815, purchased land and the mill erected by Marble Alford, deceased, on Crawford's Meadow brook, where he resided till his recent removal to his farm at the upper falls ; Richard Robinson, a native of Wales, was apprenticed to M. Cobb and became commander of one of his brigs, bought the farm formerly owned by B. Webb which he carried on for some years, and removed to Thomas- ton, the present place of his residence ; Robert Waterman purchased and improved, till his death, the farm now owned by his son-in-law, J. Haskell ; Luke Jones took the farm of 26* 306 ANNALS OF WARREN. P. Sechrist, to which his son, T. Jones, has since succeeded ; John Leeds, in the early part of this period, set up the shoe- making business near the upper falls, and subsequently pur- chased his present residence ; Francis Joachin, from Portugal, after an apprenticeship to L. Lincoln, began his trade as a mason, and bought the place he is still improving ; Jacob Stetson, a ship-carpenter, settled on the Joseph Robbins place, now possessed by M. Stetson ; and Ezra Sawin set up, and for some years carried on, the shoemaker's trade, where Col. Richmond now lives. Some changes, also, took place among men of business. Capt. Burgess commenced trade in the Wilson store, at first in connexion with O. Copeland, who soon after went into partnership with M. Cobb, in the new store which the latter built at the corner east of the bridge. When Copeland sub- sequently went into the tanning business, this store was pur- chased in 1815, by John Thompson of Hope, who traded there, and in the one story building which he erected near it, over the water, till his death in 1826. Pie had a good faculty for accumulating property; gave liberally to others whilst he lived, and at his death left what goods he had on hand, $800 or $1000 worth, to be distributed to the needy and destitute of the town. Messrs. Page and McLellan erected, the double store at the western end of the bridge, one part of which was occupied by said McLellan, and the other, at first, by James Head. John Burton, from Friendship, for a time sold goods in one of Thompson's stores, and afterwards purchased where Mrs. W. L. Starrett now resides. Joseph Boggs com- menced trading in the building which he erected opposite the present factory, and Lemuel Andrews at the present dwel- ling of P. Boggs. Some advance towards the present state of things, was made in other respects. The first dancing school in town was taught in the Wetherbee house, by Lot Lincoln, in 1812- '13. This measure was looked upon with some disfavor by the graver part of the inhabitants, as inconsistent with the state of the country, threatened as it was with war and fam- ine. In the more useful branches of education, improve- ment was also discernible. Grammar and Geography. were introduced to most of the common schools ; and the study of the latter, greatly facilitated by the use of maps, lessons on which were now first introduced. In the academy, by the efforts of the preceptor, A. Whiting, in 1814, a globe was procured by subscription, the only apparatus the institution could yet boast ; and Murray's grammar succeeded to the ANNALS OF WARREN. 307 Ny crude work of Caleb Alexander. In agriculture, great pro- gress was made, particularly in the cultivation of wheat, and other English grain ; for the cleansing of which, winnowing machines were now first brought into use here. The culture of potatoes was greatly extended, wool improved in quantity and quality, and greater attention paid to its manufacture. New machinery for dressing cloth was introduced, and small cotton factories established in the vicinity. For one of these in Union, a company was incorporated in 1813, in which Col. Head was a large proprietor. Less cord-wood was cut for market, the dead and falling spruce and hemlock gleaned up for kiln-wood and lime-casks, and the ground cleared for grain and grass. Farmers, taught by necessity, began to de- pend upon their own resources, were cautious of contracting debts, and every year becoming more independent. Sup- planted by the cheapness of cotton, and partially by the in- vention of pegged shoes, which made their appearance here about 1816, flax was fast disappearing from the land. Re- lieved from its laborious manufacture, women devoted more time to the comforts and elegancies of life. Floors were painted, walls papered ; and carpets began to make their ap- pearance. Out door improvements corresponded. Sheds, wood-houses, carriage-houses, and other buildings, were added to the heretofore solitary house and barn, which used to stand at a respectful distance, often ogling each other from opposite sides of the road. The swine, until that timfe allowed the use of all public highways, were now deprived of their an- cient privilege, and confined to their styes. A neater hus- bandry prevailed; stumps were removed from the fields; better fences were made ; and some of the more dilapidated buildings disappeared.* * Among these, the old stone garrison-house in Gushing, belonging to the Burton family, was taken down about this time, to the regret of at least one lover of antiquity ; as expressed in THE ANTIQITARY'S REMONSTRANCE. Forbear, and pull not down that pile ! Though in it lurks the reptile vile ; Though lizards creep along the floor, And pole-cats centinel the door. In hall and larder bats are prowling. And night winds through the casement howling ; Though owls are hooting from the roof, No longer light or water proof; And nightly from the window sill Croaks the ill boding whip-poor-will ; Though moss has covered every stone, 308 ANNALS OF WARREN. And thistles round the threshold grown ; Though adders crawl from out the wall Ah-eady tottering to its fall ; Yet spare, for my sake, spare awhile, And pull not down the aged pile. To shield our sires from savage foes. In early times the structure rose ; And fancy calls from every stone Some tragic deed of ages flo^^^l ; And stalwart forms are here contending, And beauty's shriek to heaven ascending ; The tomahawk and falchion clash, And through the darkness muskets flash, While the deep woods afar repeat The shout of onset or retreat, And dpng groans without, within, Bring up the rear of battle's din. And mothers' sighs and orphans' cries Go up in concert to the skies. Then spare, Oh spare a little while, And pull not down the wizard pile. The tribes that fought have passed away ; Felled are the woods that owned their sway ; Their power is gone, their bow is broke, Their smothered fires no longer smoke ; Or if, at times, a feeble few In light canoes their way pursue. They find the river choked and dammed. With wharves, and mills, and factories crammed ; Ai?d meet, instead of bears and beavers. Whole troops of spinners, smiths, and weavers, While lime-kilns gleam along the shore Where baleful camp iires gleamed before. And vessels bold the waters hold. Numerous as birch canoes of old. Then spare, for their sakes, spare awhile, And pull not down the crumbling pile. For when he sees this ancient wall Which flattened many a vengeful ball, The Indian feels himseK again — The owner of this broad domain — Son of the mighty Tarratine, Whom Madockwando and Castine Led forth to many a bloody field And forced his proudest foe to yield. Strong was his arm, his heart w\as great, His stroke was death, his anger fate ; And his descendant here forgets His present wrongs, his past regrets ; And hears once more the cataract's roar And moose's hoof-clink as of yore. Then spare, for his sake, spare awhile, And pull not down the ponderous pile. ANNALS OF WARREN. 309 CHAPTER XVIII VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS ON VARIOUS TOWN MATTERS FROM 1820 TO 1850. The erection of Maine into a separate State, took place at a very auspicious period. The old causes of contention between the parties, had been removed ; the able administra- tion and conciliatory policy of President Munroe, had re- pressed the flames of party-spirit ; the well known demo- cratic majority in the new State, and the readiness evinced by many of the most influential of the other party, both before and after the separation, cordially to unite with them in effecting the most salutary reforms and giving to the new government the undivided support of the whole people, pro- duced such a state of harmony and good feeling that at the first annual election of State oflicers, which took place in April, 1820, the unanimous vote of this town was given to the Hon. Wm. King for Governor. There was more divis- ion in regard to senators and town representative, arising from a disposition to some extent felt here, and more strongly in other parts of the State, to substitute town courts for the Court of Common Pleas. This measure, with difficulty defeated at that time, was revived in 1844, when the people of this town gave 129 votes against, and one only in its favor. Many important laws and some salutary changes were adopted by the new government, some of which required corresponding changes in doing town business ; particularly in choosing school agents and school committee ; in the amount of school tax raised ; and in the assessment of school- house taxes on real estate. To effect the last of these, it became necessary to have the territorial limits of each school district exactly defined ; and accordingly, in Sept. 1822, on the report of C. Eaton, J. Creighton, and S. C. Burgess, 15 school districts were established, numbered alternately along the river from south to north, the odd numbers on the east and even on the west, to Union line, with a second tier east and west of these, numbered in the same way, except that the odd numbers were on the western side. To these were afterwards added, district No. 16, of colored people, in 1823, No. 17 in 1832, No. 18 in 1840, Nos. 19 and 20 in 1845, and No. 21, first set off" in 1835; 310 ANNALS OF WARREN. all of which were territorially defined by A. Lermond, Esq., and established by a vote of the town, April 5, 1847. Under Massachusetts, ministers of the Gospel had always been exempt from taxation ; they were now required to be taxed. Partly on this account, and partly to benefit Mr. Whiting, who was now in years and without much income, it was voted, March 3, 1823," that there be allowed to the Rev. Messrs. Huse, Whiting, and Wakefield, respectively, a sum equal to their several taxes the past year, in full compensation for their services on the school committee." Hitherto, this service had been performed gratuitously. In 1825, it was voted " that the selectmen should make the members of said committee a suitable compensation ; which was done from year to year till 1834, when their fees were established by law. At or before the commencement of the period em- braced in this chapter, the American Preceptor and Alexan- der's Grammar were displaced in most of the schools by Murray's English Reader and Grammar; and Hawes's Spel- ling book succeeded Webster's about 1825. About 1830, Pierpont's reading books were introduced ; after which, such a variety of books in the different departments, came into use, that for'tho convenience of instructers, the town voted, April 4, 1836, to establish the list then reported by the super- intending committee, to be used in schools without variation for the ensuing five years. Since the expiration of that time, many new school books have been introduced, and there is now again a great want of uniformity. According to the re- port of the Board of Education for 1850, this town, in the ratio of mean average attendance, compared with the whole number of scholars, ranks as the 15th in the county. For the present state of the schools in the several districts, the reader is referred to table X. The law abandoning the State pauper system, and throwing the support of foreign paupers upon towns where they became chargeable, in exchange for the duties on retailing and tavern licenses thenceforward to be received by towns instead of counties, fell heavy upon the town of Warren, which had then on its hands, not less than seven foreign paupers, for whose support it had been receiving $364 a year, whilst the sum then paid for licenses was only $42. This temporary inconvenience was allowed, in the minds of many, to outweigh the far more lasting and general benefits likely to flow from that law. Accordingly, in 1822, the town strongly remon- strated against it, and petitioned for its repeal or modifica- tion. Col. Thatcher being elected representative, exerted ANNALS OF WARREN. 311 himself in favor of the petition, but was able to effect noth- ing. In the meantime, the town had, in 1821, by letting out the whole pauper expenditure and risk, adopted a more effect- ual means of relief. This system of supporting the poor by contract, though violently opposed, was, by the steady efforts of its supporters, persevered in, till, together with the temper- ance reform and other causes, it reduced this item of ex- pense, from $700 a year, the rate at which it was proceeding at the commencement of 1821, to $300 in 1824, and $172 in 1844. For the last five years, the poor have been sup- ported at their own homes, and the expenditure has been again on the increase. Of the new pauper act, one of the provisions, probably adopted in haste, and intended to prevent lawsuits, but having a directly contrary effect, was, that any person having his residence in any town on the day the act passed should thereby gain a settlement in said town. This provision gave rise to a lawsuit between the towns of Warren and Hope respecting the maintenance of a family, who, having had a settlement in the former, resided a time in the latter, and returned thence not far from the day in question. Where their home was on that day, was the point to be decided. Each tow-n produced sufficient testimony, if un- controverted, to make out its own case. In the Court of Common Pleas, Warren prevailed ; but. on an appeal to the Supreme Court, so equally strong and ample was the testi- mony on each side, that it could hardly fail to leave a doubt on the mind', and, as every doubt, on account of the pauper's former settlement in Warren, weighed against that town, the jury on the first trial disagreed, and on the second, in 1829, gave a verdict in favor of Hope. That town recov- ered $32,73 damages, and $428 cost, so that with its own expenses, the whole loss to Warren must have been over $1000. Rev. Mr. Huse's salary, which for 19 years had been paid out of the proceeds of the fishery, was, on account of the small amount of such proceeds in 1821, raised thenceforth by a tax on those persons only who had not withdrawn from the religious society which the town had originally consti- tuted. The number of persons so taxed, in 1822, was 226, out of 391, the whole number in town ; and the sum as- sessed on each poll was 31 cents. The town's military stores, kept in the meeting-house loft ever since its completion, having given considerable uneasiness to people living near, a brick powder-house was erected in 1822 312 ANNALS OF WARREN. on land of J. Andrews ; but as, in 1827, towns were exempted from keeping such stores, it was but little used. At the close of the late war and for some years after, a fine military spirit pervaded the militia ; and some corps made great ad- vances in skill and discipline. Farther to encourage this spirit or to check its incipient decline, a law was passed in 1824, requiring towns to furnish rations to each militia soldier at every regimental muster, or, in lieu thereof, 20 cents in cash. The latter was voted by this town, and, increased in amount as it subsequently was, continued to be paid, until these military gatherings became obsolete. In 1828, an inde- pendent company of riflemen was organized in the town ; the fine discipline and elegant uniform of which, attracted' much admiration. Notwithstanding the emulation of this and simi- lar corps in other places, a growing conviction prevailed that these military services were useless in time of peace, unequal in their operation, and only to be submitted to in cases of war and other emergencies ; and when, in 1844, such services were dispensed with, the people of this town, it is believed, gladly acquiesced. The second gun-house, erected about 1840 on land of I. Dinsmore for the accommodation of the artillery company, was sold in 1850, and the cannon removed to the State arsenal. In 1822, a hearse, pall, and two biers, were obtained for the use of the town, with a building to deposit them in. In 1839, Daniel Newcomb, who had for more than 20 years performed the duties of sexton, died, and his place has since been filled by E. Weston, R. Montgomery, J. G. Hoffsis, and others. At that time, the burying-ground near the 1st Congregation- al meeting-house, was becoming somewhat crowded, and, as the adjatent land was unsuitable for its enlargement, at- tention was turned to the procuring a new one. Several localities were proposed ; but, as private grave-yards, in the more distant parts of the town, had been procured, or were in contemplation, it was voted, Sept. 21, 1840, that the pres- ent one belonging to the town should be enlarged by taking in a part of the common. This was accordingly done, a new fence constructed, and some ornamental trees set out. Private burying-grounds were laid out near Edward Spear's, about 1839; M. Crane's, 1840; D. Starrett's, 1842; and E. Cushing's, W. Blake's, N. Cushman's, and W. Bisbee's, in 1844 or later. In 1847, the old, first grave-yard near the river, was fenced and divested of the trees which had over- grown it. In 1833, a new pall, and in 1848 — '9, four new hearses were ordered. At the meeting in March, 1849, it was ANNALS OF WARREN. 313 voted, that the friends of John H. Coiince be permitted to build a tomb in the town burying-ground ; but before this purpose was exe^cuted, a new grave-yard was procured by E. Counce and D. McCallum, near the Baptist meeting-house, where the said tomb was constructed, and lots since sold to other individuals. The bridge near Isaac Starrett's was rebuilt in 1822 ; as was that at the head of the tide in 1823, to the extent of 130 feet from the western end, by S. Peabody for the sum of $75. Tiie bridge at the upper falls, so long maintained at private expense, was, after a refusal in 1825, finally ac- cepted by the town, March 6, 1826 ; and was rebuilt by R. Hall, E. O'Brien, and P. Montgomery, in 1831, with two substantial stone abutments, which in 1847 were made higher by agreement with the Georges Canal Company, and still remain. Oyster river bridge having been carried away by the great freshets of 1831, was rebuilt by J. L. Patterson for the sura of $297. That at the village was carried away in the following spring, and rebuilt with a stone abutment at the eastern end, under the direction of A. Crawford and E. Weston. John Creighton and others having petitioned for liberty to erect a toll-bridge in the lower part of the town, a meeting was called Jan. 31, 1835, and the selectmen and representative instructed to remonstrate against and oppose the same. This opposition proved ineffectual, a grant was obtained, and in the summer of 1836 the bridge built, and the roads leading to it laid out and made by contract. The income of this bridge, besides paying to the toll-keeper, A. W. Gay, $85 in addition to his rent, yielded in 1849, $450 to the stockholders. The bridge at Oyster river being again out of repair, it was determined, June 8, 1839, to rebuild it in a more permanent manner ; and J. L. Patterson, Am- brose Lermond, and P. Coburn, were appointed a committee to issue proposals and contract for the work. Under their direction, in concert with the authorities of Thomaston, the bridge was built with stone piers and abutments of stone and earth, which still remain. It cost on the part of this town $2892, and the treasurer was authorized to borrow that sum for the term of one and tv/o years. In 1846, the town in- structed the selectmen to repair the bridge at the head of the tide ; but as the Canal Company were preparing to build the locks, the work was delayed till the following year, when the bridge was rebuilt under the supervision of Dr. B. F. Buxton, upon stone piers, the rock for which was blown from the unsightly cliff near its eastern end. 27 314 ANNALS OF WARREN. In 1823 and after, the labor expended in keeping the roads open in winter, before that time voluntarily contributed, was ordered to be allowed out of the highway taxes. To save the loss occasioned by drafting labor from the more central to distant parts of the town, part of which was absorbed in travel, and the rest performed by persons not much interested, 600 rods of the Camden road between Farrington's and Thom- aston line, were, in 1823, let out to the lowest bidder in lots of 40 rods each, to be well rounded up, cleared of stumps and rocks, and kept in repair for two years. The whole ex- pense amounted to $410. Subsequently, portions of road near N. Cushman's, J. Fuller's, H. M. Watts's, Samuel Spear's, and other places, were made by contract on such ad- vantageous terms, that in April, 1828, the town voted that the selectmen should let out to the highest bidder, the repair of all such roads through the town as might otherwise need drafted labor. To defray this expense, an additional highway tax of 8200 was voted to be collected in money, to which was subsequently added $100 more for a new road as altered near H. Hilt's. In the following year, $100 was raised to be expended in the same way. The average annual expen- diture in this and the neighboring towns for the support of roads and bridges during the five years ending with 1828, was as follows ; Warren 82583, Waldoboro' ^83720, Cam- den 83163, Thomaston 82810, Union 82151, St. George 81370, and Cushing 8619. In 1833, the selectmen, together with four others, were appointed surveyors of highways with power to appoint deputies, their expenditures to be paid from the aggregate money tax of 82000. The same year, a piece of road near Mero Kel loch's was made by contract for 8272,14. The following year, the town returned to the old mode of choosing surveyors for the different districts, raising a tax in labor, and repairing the more difficult portions of the road by contract in money. The roads from N. Cobb's to Thomaston line and from W. Wyllie's to E. V. Lermond's were made in the latter mode ; as was that between H. Hilt's and A. Young's, in 1835. A petition for the laying out of a road from Waldoboro' to Union, through the N. W. part of this town, having in 1826 been rejected by the Court of Ses- sions, a similar road, after delay and much opposition, was finally established by the Supreme Court at Belfast, and this town's portion, 571 rods, made by contract in 1832-'3, at the cost of 8568,40. In 1836, A. Lermond was appointed agent to straighten and widen the roads where necessary, agreeably to the laying out thereof; and in cases where the record or ANNALS OF WARREN. 315 plans were defective, the selectmen were directed to lay them out anew. After many attempts to make a passable road over the hill by A. Crawford's, and many ineffectual move- ments in favor of shifting the same, a substitute was at length permanently located by the county commissioners to the east- ward of Mr. Crawford's house, and made by contract in 1836, at the cost of $291,72. The road between M. Crane's and J. Parker's was also made by contract for $195, as also the following, in 1837, laid out, some of them by the town, and some by the county commissioners, viz : — from C. Crane's to Waldoboro' line at a cost of $2082,11 ; near J. Payson's at a cost of $208,53 ; from M. Crane's to N. Cobb's, at a cost of $301,05 ; and from R. B. Copeland's to Cushing line at a cost of $10,22. An attempt having been made by the surveyor of highways at the village, to improve its condition by making side-walks of plank through the principal street, some jealousy of this innovation was felt in other portions of the town, and after sundry propositions were made connecting this subject with that of temperance, it was voted. May 8, 1843, that '' the surveyors of highways are requested to ex- pend no work on side-walks, until they have first put the main traveled part of the road in good repair." The jealousy has since subsided, and side-walks have been farther extended. In consequence of damages done by the freshets, the town in April, 1846, voted to raise $3000 for the repair of highways, with the additional sum of $1000 in cash to be taken from the town stock for the same purpose. At the same time it was voted to oppose the laying out, by the county commission- ers, of two roads in the upper part of the town, leading to Camden. In April, 1849, on the report of a committee, the town committed the repair of its highways to three commis- sioners chosen by ballot, instead of the many surveyors here- tofore appointed, but in the following year returned to the old method of choosing a surveyor for each district. An additional fish act was passed in 1824, exempting the towns of Union and Hope from the obligation of annually opening their dams for the passage of the shad and alewives, and granting to the town of Warren four instead of three days for taking the same ; and another in 1844, giving the whole control of the river, so far as relates to the free pas- sage of the shad and alewives up and down the same, the execution of the law, and the prosecution of all offences against the same, to wardens chosen by the towns of Warren, Cushing, Thomaston, and St. George ; who were to hold 316 ANNALS OF WARREN. meetings, prescribe the kind of fishways to be built^ and cause all obstructions to be removed. In the last named year, Providence sent such an unparal- leled supply of fish, that, after $1975,25 were paid into the town treasury, the agents desisted from taking them. In consequence of the large sum thus received, the selectmen called a town meeting, June 22d, 1844. to see if the town would reconsider a vote, passed the preceding April, for rais- ing a town tax of $1400. Qn inquiry, it was found that in 1838 a vote had been passed that the proceeds of the fishery be equally divided among the polls, and this vote, though strangely unattended to, was still in force ; so that the town, instead of having a surplus, was really indebted to its chizens for the proceeds of the fishery in the six preceding years. By an apparent concert of action, however, on the part of the heavier tax-payers, the former vote for raising a tax was reconsidered, and, notwithstanding the want of any thing in the warrant to authorise it, a vote was passed that the pro- ceeds of the shad and alewive fishery be appropriated in defraying the expenses of the town. In consequence of the funds thus secured and remaining on hand, the town, April 7, 1845, voted to pay $900 for the support of schools from moneys in the treasury ; to appropriate $75 to assist the in- habitants of school district No. 16, in erecting a school-house, of which they had before been destitute ; and to dispense with any town tax — an event which had not before occurred for 48 years. Since that period, the fishery has yielded but little income ; and a prosecution commenced by the town's committee was resisted, and, being carried up to the Supreme Court, was decided against the town in 1850, at a cost of $500 or more. Prior to 1840, the management of the fishery Imd been disposed of at auction or entrusted to an agent with little or no restriction. But since 1840, to save time and avoid dis- putes, the order of precedence for each citizen to obtain his prescribed quantity of fish has been determined by lot, and tickets numbered and issued accordingly. This measure has contributed much to the order and quiet of the fishing season, and appears to give general satisfaction. The manufacture of lime having so far increased as to render the office of Inspector General a lucrative one, a project was formed, about 1827, for giving to the several towns where lime is manufactured, the powers, emoluments, and responsibilities of Inspectoi-s General within their several limits, appointing deputy inspectors like other town officers. ANNALS OF WARREN. 317 and being accountable for their conduct. This town approv- ed of the measure, and, Jan. 5, 1828, a petition for the same was ordered to be signed by the selectmen in behalf of the town, and presented to the Legislature ; but it did not pre- vail. Pursuant to a vote of the town, intended to correct a practice coeval with its incorporation, of taxing some kinds of property higher in proportion to its actual value than others, two of the assessors, during the indisposition of the third, in 1829 visited every farm, and made the first, and, it is believed, the only, cash valuation of the whole property of the town. But as this was sent by their successors the following year to the Legislature instead of a copy, and the author has not succeeded in obtaining it, its amount cannot now be stated. In early times, and during the first quarter of the present century, it was customary for the Selectmen or Treasurer to present at the March meeting an annual statement of re- ceipts and expenditures for the preceding year, that the town might be made acquainted with the state of the treasury, and the uses to which its money had been applied. But this practice having for some years been pretermitted, and some people becoming uneasy at the great increase of taxa- tion, it was, in 1835, voted '' that the selectmen should cause an 'account of expenditures during the preceding year, with such explanations as they thought proper, to be printed in a pamphlet form, to be furnished to each voter in town." This not having been complied with, it was, the following year, ordered '* that the selectmen draw off their accounts in a fair and legible hand, with their vouchers and books, to be read at the next meeting." It does not appear that this order was complied with, nor that the town took any farther action upon the subject till March, 1844, when a similar request was made, with regard to the expenditures of the three preceding years. This vote, like the former, seems to have resulted in nothing, and has not been reiterated. A portion of the revenue of the U. S. having been depos- ited with the several States on condition of its being refunded when called for, and the Legislature of Maine having passed an act for depositing its portion of the same with the several towns in proportion to the number of their inhabitants, on condition of its being refunded in the same way, this town, at a meeting called for the purpose, March 28, 1837, voted to receive its proportion thereof agreeably to the provisions of said act, and empowered E. O'Brien to receive the same, 27* 318 ANNALS OF WARREN. and sign receipts. In pursuance of this vote, the town re- ceived throuf^h said agent, three instalments, making an aggregate of $i266. This money, was, in that year, appro- priated to the use of primary schools, and loaned out to individuals. The measure, however, was disrehshed by many at the time, and when in the following year an act was passed legalizing the distribution of the money among the inhabitants, per capita, the town, April 2, 1838, voted in favor of such distribution by a large majority. Accordingly, in July following, a census of the inhabitants, amounting to 2143, was taken by Jabez Kirkpatrick, and the money, $2 to each person, delivered to the several families, by T. Star- rett, treasurer. Thus a fund, which, if wisely improved by the States for purposes of education and internal improvement, might have adorned and blessed the country for ages, was, so far as this town's share was concerned, dissipated at once, affording indeed a transient delight to the poor and destitute, but lost to the rich like a drop in a bucket, and seen no more forever. Since 1800, town meetings had, for the most part, been held in the court-house, but some objections having been made by the county authorities, the town, after many reports and plans had been offered, voted, April 6, 1840, that the present town-house, 44 by 36 feet, should be built by the lowest bid- der, which was done by S. B. Wetherbee for $1175. *A basement was added at his own risk, for which the town sub- sequently voted to give him $75. The state of political feelings and parties in this period, may be judged of from the following list of votes thrown at the different presidential elections. 1824. For William H. Crawford, 16 votes. '' John Q. Adams, 35 ''- 1828. " Andrew Jackson, 64 " " John Q. Adams, 73 '^ 1832. " Andrew Jackson, 279 '' '^ Henry Clay, 110 '^ 1836, " Martin Van Buren, 124 '' " Henry Clay, 58 " 1840. " Martin Van Buren, 297 " " William H. Harrison, 178 " 1844. " James K. Polk, 226 *' " Henry Clay, 128 " " James Birnev, 9 " 1848. " Lewis Cass," 194 " " Zachary Taylor, . 121 " " Martin Van Buren, 25 '• ANNALS OF WARREN. 319 In 1830, for the first time in the onnals of the town, the election of its officers was decided on party grounds, and con- fined to the partizans of Gen. Jackson. On the amendments of the Constitution, the votes in this town were, on that relating to elections in cities, September 8, 1834, yes 16, no 18 ; on that respecting bail, September 11, 1837, yes 41, no 19 ; on that of limiting the tenure of Judi- cial offices to the term of seven years, September 9, 1839, yes 91, no 75 ; on making the election of Governor and other officers biennial, September 13, 1841, yes 10, no 57 ; and on establishing the number of Representatives at 151, yes 57, no 4 ; on changing the Legislative session from January to May, in 1844, no 149, yes 12 ; on pledging the State's credit, &c., in 1847, yes 14, no 10; on electing the Governor, Sena- tors, and Representatives by a plurality of votes, yes 9, no 23 ; and on changing the Legislative session back from May to January, in 1849, yes 152, no 9. On the question of increasing or diminishing the number of Representatives, September 13, 1841, this town gave 47 votes for a diminution and none for an increase. At the reduction of the number of Representatives in 1842, Warren and Friendship were classed together, and entitled to elect one. The two towns thus united, elected Amos H. Hodgman their first Representative. CPIAPTER XIX. CONGREGATIONAL ECCLESIASTICAL APEAIRS FROM 1820 TO 1850. At the period of the separation of the State, the 1st Con- gregational Society of this town, vi^hich had now been for a quarter of a century under the care of the Rev. Mr. Huse, had already been somewhat weakened, not only by the in- crease and activity of the Baptist Society, but by the influ- ence of what was then called " Hopkinsianism," which, un- der the auspices of the Kennebec Association of ministers, was beginning to show itself in this region, and producing dissatisfaction and divisions among both ministers and people. Some individuals had embraced it in this town, and meetings were occasionally held by Rev. Jotham Sewall and others for its propagation. Mr. Huse experienced great discouragement 320 ANNALS OF WARREN. from the obstacles thrown in his way by ministers of the stricter faith in some of the neighboring towns, who, abstaining from clerical intercourse with him, frequently preached and made converts in his parish. The number of these gradually in- creased, and on the 5th February, 1828, an ecclesiastical council, at their request, assembled at the house of William McLellan to consider the expediency of forming a second Congregational church in the place. A committee being sent to apprise the Rev. Mr. Huse of the measure proposed, and inquire if he had any objections, received an answer in writing, as follows ; " Gentlemen, in answer," &c. " I would observe 1st. that I think the formation of such a church would be productive of evil consequences, which you are capable of anticipating. 2d. I conceive it possible, that, in process of time, such arrangements may be made as shall be satisfactory to those professors of religion who have requested advice of council, without the formation of such a church." Upon this, the council voted to adjourn for three weeks, to see if any such arrangements could be made, and expressed their unanimous opinion that, in case they could not, a new church ought to be formed. Mr. Huse had been led to believe some plan of union might be agreed upon, from an offer, which Mr. McLellan was said to have made, to give him f 1000 if he would resign his pastoral charge and leave the pulpit to a successor. Thinking the offer a liberal one, he proposed, through a friend, that, on receiving conditional secu- rity for that sum, he would, with the consent of his church and society, accept the offer. In answer, on the 12th, a writ- ten communication was made to Mr. Huse, in behalf of Mr. M. and his associates, stating in substance " that if you will resign the pastoral office, and your society will unite with us in settling such a minister as the Lincoln Association shall ap- prove, then w^e will unite with them in giving you $1000." This proposition met with no favor, as, though many were disposed to sacrifice much for the sake of a prosperous and harmonious society, they could not think of voluntarily sub- jecting themselves to the spiritual guardianship of any body of men, whatever. On the re-assembling of the council, therefore, a communication was received from Mr. Huse, stating the evils which he apprehended from the formation of another church, and that, in view of the proposition which had been made, he, and those whom he had consulted, thought that nothing farther need be done. The council declared their regret that no arrangement had been entered into, and that a different proposition had not been submitted to Mr. ANNALS OP WARREN. 321 Huse ; but were " persuaded that no proposition wliich could have been conscientiously made, would have secured that union in the establishment of an evangelical ministry, which we devoutly and ardently desire." The council therefore proceeded on the 27th of February, to organize a church consisting of thirteen male, and ten female members. Oo the 15th March, Jesse Page was chosen the first deacon, and John Cutting, clerk ; and on the 20th of the same month it was voted " by divine assistance to maintain public worship the ensuing year, by getting what assistance we can from others and supplying the deficiency by a tax on ourselves." On the 17th May, 1828, the articles of faith and covenant then generally used in the Kennebec churches, with the ex- ception of the 8th article, for which the 10th in the Waldo- boro' creed was substituted, were adopted, and have since been printed. On the 3d of May, a committee was chosen to confer with Rev. J. Huse, his church and society, respecting a reunion. This overture led to a large meeting of persons from both societies at the house of Dr. E. Buxton, to consider the sub- ject. The meeting was cord iaf and harmonious in favor of a union, and agreed that the best mode of effecting it, was, for all to become members of the old society, and, under its or- ganization as a town parish, to take such measures for sup- plying the pulpit as the united society should think proper. Some weeks after, informal information was communicated, that the new church did not think it safe to adopt the measure recommended, and had determined to form a separate relig- ious society. Accordingly, a meeting, called at the request of 29 persons, was held on the 4th Sept. 1828, when the per- sons present formed themselves into a religious society, to be known by the name of the 2d Congregational Parish in War- ren. A call to the Rev. Nathaniel Chapman of Bristol, to become their pastor for five years, having been declined, a similar one was given, Aug. 22d, 1829, to Rev. Samuel Stone of N. Yarmouth, who was installed Dec. 2d, with a salary of $400. The formation of a second Congreg. parish and the pros- perous condition of the Baptist society, with its new meeting- house and bell, occasioned many withdrawals from the town parish ; and an apprehension began to be entertained by the remainder, that, reduced by farther secessions, they would soon find the payment of their minister's salary, small as it was, a burden too great for their reduced numbers. Lest this apprehension should hasten such an event, it was, April 322 ANNALS OF WARREN. 5, 1830, voted, " that A. H. Hodgman, S. Thatcher, and C. Eaton, be a committee to investigate the subject of the Rev. J. Huse's settlement, and put such articles in the warrant for a meeting at the time to which this shall be adjourned, as shall bring the whole subject before the town." At a subse- quent meeting, April 17th, a letter was received from Rev. Mr. Huse, which, after recounting the terms of his settle- ment, concluded as follows : — '' As it is apprehended by some, that the whole town col- lectively may be liable to be called upon to fulfil this con- tract, and as some of the first Cong. Society may fear that in consequence of the reduction of their number and the pres- sure of the times, the payment of ray full salary will be burdensome to them — 1 hereby declare my consent that the original contract should be rescinded ; provided said society shall deem it expedient under existing circumstances, and will make such provision for me as they shall consider them- selves able and disposed to grant. " You are sensible. Gentlemen and Friends, that my nominal salary has always been comparatively small, and it would for many years, under the depreciated value of money, have been quite inadequate to my support, without the strictest economy on my part, the many gratuities of your now de- ceased parents (of grateful memory,) and the kind assistance from many of you. " You will readily perceive that in my consenting to the ab- rogation of the original contract, I repose much confidence in you as inheriting the virtues of your fathers. The Master whom I serve has told me, the laborer is worthy of his hire, yet I would^not be greedy of filthy lucre, nor be burdensome unto you, lest I should hinder the Gospel of Christ. " Although I may lawfully desire and seek a comfortable support for myself and family, I would always wish my preaching and my practice should correspond by guarding against extreme anxiety for the morrow, fully believing that the same God who provideth for the raven and the sparrow, will care for me and mine. " Having resided in town for a long time, and labored with you and with your fathers in the work of the ministry for more than thirty-four years, — Having been with you in circumstances of prosperity and adversity, and participated in your joys and sorrows, — Having had daily remembrance of you in my prayers to God, and received your kind attention in seasons of affliction, you will readily conclude I must naturally care for you. And believe me sincere when I ANNALS OF WARREN. 323 commend you all unto God and the word of his grace, who is able to build you up, and give you an inheritance among them who are sanctified. " Your sincere friend and servant in the Lord, " Warren, April 17, 1830." " Jonathan Huse." It was thereupon voted " to accept the Rev. J. Huse's proposition to rescind the contract of the town with him as their minister, and in consideration thereof, to raise the sum of $250 for his support and incidental charges the coming year," at the same time allowing of his absence, if wished, for a time proportionate to the difference between that and his former salary. On the 16th of Oct. 1830, in consequence of Mr. Stone's ill health, the contract between him and his society was also dissolved by mutual consent ; and the following spring, re- newed attempts were made to unite the two societies for the purpose of religious worship. Committees of conference were chosen, various propositions made, and some of them temporarily agreed to, but, from mutual jealousy, all finally failed. On the 23d of April a committee was appointed to settle and pay up all arrearages doe Mr. Huse ; and the sum of $166,66 was voted to be raised for that purpose. A farther sum of $250 was voted for the support of the gospel that year, and a committee appointed to confer with the other parish and report a plan for expending the same. This referred to a proposition of a committee of conference, that, as an experiment to see how far the two societies could unite, both should, for one year, worship in one house, and each supply the pulpit during one half of that time. This plan having been rejected by the second society, the vote for raising the last named sum was, May 14th, reconsidered, the sum of $125 voted to retain Mr. Huso's services for six months, and a committee appointed to report at a future meeting a plan for supplying the pulpit after that time. Rev. Jacob C. Gqss was invited. May 28th, 1831, to become the minister of the 2d Society on a salary of $450, but declined the offer, though continuing to preach for a time. There being now no pjx)spect of a union, it became a serious question in the old society what was to be done in the present posture of affairs. The church in general, and a portion of the society, were willing to acquiesce in the present state of things, provided it could continue. Some were inclined to join the new society, either on the ground of expediency, or from the predilections of a portion of their families. Others were of opinion that a bolder style of 3'34 ANNALS OF WARKEX. preaching, addressed alike to the iindestanding and the heart, graced by the taste and eloquence of a young and accom- plished preaclier, might attract hearers from its novelty, awaken the attention of the young, and give a new impulse to the society. To aid in an experiment of this kind, a sum was raised by subscription, and placed in the hands of the parish committee, who, after consulting with Kev. Mr. Huse, obtained the services of the Rev. Wm. L. Wiswall. This gentleman's discourses, Unitarian in doctrine, but insisting more on purity of life than correctness of creed, were taste- ful and powerful, awakening a new religious interest, and greatly increasing the number of worshippers. But it was still the old society, worshipping in the old meeting-house, and connected with old associations ; laboring, moreover, under an apparent want of cordiality on the part of the church and its pastor, and doubtful of its ability to sustain its new posi- tion. Having now become a small minority of the town, and finding it difficult to manage its atiairs, mixed up as they necessarily were with those of the town, it was voted, April 9th, 183'2, *' that the first or town parish will take the form of, and organize themselves into, a poll parish, provided, by so doing they shall retain the rights and immunities which said first or town parish has been heretofore or is now en- titled to, and provided said poll parish so formed shall take the name of the 1st Congregational Society in the town of Warren." Under the new organization, 8150 was mised by assessment, and, with the exception of a few dollars, paid to the Eev. JNiessrs. Wiswall and Goldsborough, who preached daring the summer and autumn of ISSxi. Eev. ^Ir. Huse, who was for a time employed as a missionary" in destitute places, continued for some time to hold occasional meetings, particularly at Oyster river. In 1S33 and '34, no other preacher being employed, few meetings were held, many woi-shippiiig in the other society, and others contracting liabits of dispensing wiih public worship. In the fall of 1834, a new impulse was given, by encouragement informally re- ceived, of obtaining aid from the Mass. Missionary Society, and 8*200 was promptly subscribed in the hope of sustaining public worship through the year ; but this hope was blighted by an unfortunate mistake in the employment of a clergy- man erroneously supposed to have been sent from that society : tlie expected assistance was refused : and no farther etlbrts were made. Mr. Huse occasionally preached, and administered the sac- rament to the church, of which he is still the nominal pastor. I ANNALS OF WARREN. 325 His last meeting on record was held June 16, 1839, when two new members were admitted. Of all the members of the Association to which he belonged, Mr. Huse was the last to retire from the ministry, and is the oldest surviving mem- ber. His Church nominally subsists; though its numbers are diminishing by death and removals. Since its formation, 47 have owned the covenant, 58 been admitted to full com- munion, besides the branch in Union, which consisted of Rev. Mr. True and eight others, who were received from the church in that town in 1823 and 4. The whole number of baptisms during his ministry is 306 ; the number of ordina- tions at which he was called to assist, 8 ; councils for the dismission of ministers, 3 ; and marriages solemnized by him, 195. His first baptism was that of William, son of Ichabod Frost; the first funeral he attended, that of Boice Cooper; the first marriage he performed, that of Alexander Lermond and Mary Andrews ; and the first ordination he assisted in, was that of Rev. Mr. Riddel of Bristol. The house, prepared with so much alacrity at his advent, like the pastor, changed not with the changing fashion, and saw, un- moved, the more ambitious structures rising in its neighbor- hood. At length, deserted and dilapidated, its windows broken by unruly urchins and affording free passage to the bat and the swallow, it was sold to J. L. Mallett, and removed to the present Rockland, where, converted to other uses, it is scarcely recognized. We now return to the 2d society. This had hitherto held its meetings, chiefly, in the Court-house, but measures were now taken to build a meeting-house. After different sites and plans were examined, it was decided in June, 1831, to locate the house where it now stands, and to give Wm. Hovey $200 for half an acre of land for that purpose. The house, which seems to have cost $350 more than the pews sold for, was dedicated Jan. 16, 1833, when a sermon was preached bv Rev. D. M. Mitchell of Waldoboro'. On the 9th of March, 1833, by a united vote of the church and society. Rev. Edward F. Cutter of Portland was invited to become their pastor with a salary of $500. This invitation was accepted ; and. May 8th, the ordination took place. On this occasion, the sermon was preached by Rev. Bennet Tyler, D. D. then of Portland. In consequence of ill health, Mr. Cutter was absent through the summer and autumn of 1834, and his place supplied by Rev. Messrs. Powers and Jackson. On his return, his popularity and usefulness increased with the increased prosperity of the church and society for some years. 28 326 ANNALS OF WARREN. He was particularly active in the cause of temperance, which had now made such progress, that the church voted, Nov. 6, 1837, " that every person hecoming connected with this church will be expected to sign the temperance pledge, and its violation regarded as a subject of discipline." The pledge adopted, extended to strong beer and wine as well as distilled spirits. But the pastor's zeal in this cause, perhaps, with other trivial circumstances, was, after a time, allowed to mar the harmony which had thus far prevailed. After witnessing the efforts of Rev. Mr. Ilsley for the Baptists about the same time, and of the Methodists, who a little later held stirring meetings in different parts of the town, several members of Mr. Cutter's church, charmed by the en- thusiasm manifested, and recollecting their own success on former occasions, encouraged, at their protracted meetings, ex- hortations by females and other means of excitement, which Mr. Cutter discountenanced as irregular and contrary to Con- gregational usage. A want of cordiality upon these and per- haps other points, seems to have arisen between a few mem- bers of the church and the pastor, with whom the remainder coincided. Some private scandal and ill feeling were mixed up with these matters, which finally induced Mr. Cutter, March 26, 1844, to tender his resignation, and request the church to unite with him in calling a council for advice in the present situation of aflairs. Upon this, the church voted, 22 to 3, not to accept the resignation, and, 26 to 2, to refer the matter to a council, the number of members present being 29. The council, chosen one half by the church and the other by the pastor, assembled April 11, 1844, and, after read- ing a statement from Mr. C. of his labors, successes, and dis- couragements, his own views of present difficulties, and cer- tain letters formerly communicated by him to the church, concerning his own and their duties, called upon the disaffect- ed members to state the causes of their dissatisfaction with their pastor. Three brethren expressed their views at length, " that their pastor had been wanting as to the amount of his pastoral labor, that he had pursued a course suited to discour- age meetings for prayer, and that he had been accustomed to make remarks in church meetings calculated to grieve the Spirh." These views the counsel considered limited to a few, and wholly unfounded. It also decided that a pastor must exercise his own judgment in respect to pastoral visiting and extra meetings, and in church meetings resist all irregularities in manner, and correct all mis-statements in doctrine and exhortation ; that no member can rightfully dictate to him in ANNALS OF WARREN. 327 these respects, nor consistently meet with other denominations, nor engraft upon Congregationalism, usages and modes for- eign to its spirit. This result, sustaining the pastor in all his positions, was publicly read the ensuing Sabbath, by Rev. R. Woodhull of Thomaston, who earnestly exhorted all parties to acquiesce, and cordially unite as formerly in promoting the cause of religion in the place. But the wound was not to be so easily healed ; the cool- ness of the disaffected continued, and April 5th, 1845, Mr. Cutter presented a request for his dismission, and the calling of a council for the purpose. On the 14th of the same month, he communicated to the society his intention of re- signing his pastoral charge, and requested that the contract between him and the society be dissolved at the end of the parochial year. Upon this, a large committee was appointed to see if, by leave of absence for recruiting his health or other arrangement, Mr. C. could be induced to change his determination. In consequence of this conference, it was agreed, " that the Rev. Mr. Cutter should continue his ser- vices, with liberty of being absent for recovery of his health three months that year and four Sabbaths each subsequent year, with a salary of $600, the conditions to cease at the option of either party. The year having passed away, April 13, 1846, the question of raising a salary of $600, was put and decided in the negative, 1 1 to one. It was then voted to raise the sum of $500, provided Mr. Cutter would accept the same. This offer was kindly but decidedly declined, not indeed on account of the insufficient sum, but because he saw little encouragement to hope that his longer continuance would be advantageous to the society, and because, by the sale of the house* in which he had resided, he had been obliged to break up his family and had no prospect of ob- taining suitable accommodation for them here. The follow- ing vote was then passed ; " voted that, however much this society regret to have said contract rescinded, they do not feel at liberty to refuse a request so decidedly made, and hereby agree that said contract be ended at the expiration of the parochial year, according to the request contained in said letter." The church acquiesced in this decision, and united with Mr. C. in calling a council for advice in the matter. This council, May 12, 1846, decided that under the circum- stances, it was advisable that the relation between Mr. C. and * This belonged to Dea. Page, and was unexpectedly sold to J. Payson. 328 ANNALS OF WARREN. the church be dissolved ; at the same time, they expressed their " entire confidence in Rev. Mr. Cutter as an able and faithful minister, and hoped the church and society might soon obtain another pastor who should preach the Gospel as ably, plainly, affectionately, and successfully." In April, 1847, after an interval in which there had been but occasional preaching, it was voted to raise $500 for the support of the Gospel, and have the pulpit constantly sup- plied. The Rev. Franklin Davis was employed, and, being unwilling longer to continue in an unsettled state, was, by a united vote of the church and society, ordained Oct. 6, 1847 ; when a sermon was preached by Rev. Dr. Pond of Bangor. Mr. Davis, not having been sufficiently encouraged, in March, 1849, requested a dismission, which was obtained by the intervention of a council. At the annual meeting in April, it was voted to raise $500 by subscription, and authorize the committee chosen for that purpose, to contract with the Rev. Nathaniel Chapman to supply the pulpit six months or a year, as they could best agree. This was done, and his ministry still continues. In this church, down to 1849, the whole number of mem- bers had been 171, of whom 18 had died, 29 been dismissed to other churches, and one excommunicated for misconduct, leaving the number at that time in the church, 123.* Within the last ten or fifteen years, additions have been made to the Methodist denomination, and, once or twice, a preacher of that order has been assigned for a portion of the year to this town ; but, as we are not aware that any separate church or society has been organized, we are unable to give particulars. * Bee. of 1st and 2d Cong. Ch.. and Societies. Town Records, &c. ANNALS OF WARREN. 329 CHAPTER XX. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS NOT INCLUDED IN THE TWO PRECEDING CHAP- TERS, FROM 1820 TO 1850. Among the benevolent and other societies formed in the place between 1820 and 1850, one for the relief of the Greeks was constituted February 10th, 1827, and contributed between 8100 and $200 for the purchase of provisions sent from Boston under the care of Dr. Howe. The first Bible Society in the town was organized August 31st, 1825, and its claims frequently presented, particularly by Rev. J. Huse, as one in which all sects and parties could unite. At a still ear- lier period, under the auspices of the same clergyman in con- nexion with Messrs. Fuller and Whiting, a Sunday school society subsisted several years ; but about 1831 separate schools were formed in each denomination. The first lyceum or debating society was established in 1827 or '8, and, embrac- ing most of the liberally educated, professional, and other in- quiring men, continued to flourish for some years, and occa- sionally attract large audiences. The interest in this having subsided, another was got up in 1840, for the purpose, in addi- tion to its other advantages, of furnishing its members with the principal periodicals of the day. The young men's lyceum was formed about the same time, and the mechanics' association in 1842. Among the subjects discussed by these societies, or by itinerant lecturers, phrenology early, and mes- merism more recently, attracted attention ; whilst the spirit- ual knockings so rife in some places now, have not yet come to disturb our quiet population. The first temperance society in this town was organized in 1828. From the preceding pages, and the table of licenses appended, it will be seen that the use of ardent spirits has been coeval with the settlement of this river. For many years, however, they were used only on extraordinary occa- sions either of fatigue or conviviality. Regarded as a mark of hospitality, their use extended with the increase of pros- perity, and, at the close of the last century, had become al- most universal. The evils of intemperance were seen and deprecated ; excessive drinking was denounced from the pul- pit ; but moderate drinking was everywhere practised, and everywhere commended. A tavern, or store of goods, with- out ardent spirits, would have been ridiculed as an absurdity. 330 ANNALS OF WARREN. In 1827, after a careful examination, it was estimated that 12,700 gallons, at the average cost of $1, were consumed in this town alone. A society for the suppression of intemper- ance in Massachusetts, began to call attention to the subject as early as 1812. The earliest society of the kind in this vicin- ity, was formed in Thomaston (Rockland) in December, 1823. The beneficial effects of this, and the growing evils of the vice, induced the town, April 3, 1826, to adopt strin- gent measures, for suppressing the illegal practices of retail- ers and innholders. But the acknowledged impotency of the law in reforming popular abuses, led to the formation of the Warren Temperance Society, as mentioned above. This, at first, consisted of Rev. Mr. Sheldon of the 2d Congregational, and Rev. Mr. Bartlett of the Baptist, society, Oliver Cope- land, Thomas Burton, John Burton, William H. Webb, and Hector Copeland. Its pledge went no farther than to abstain from the use and sale of ardent spirits as a beverage. This was then called total abstinence ; and many who believed themselves friends of temperance, hesitated to subscribe to it, considering it an abridgment of personal freedom, and a stig- ma upon one of the creatures of God. It was not till the disuse of ardent spirits had shown how needless such stimu- lants were, that the society, some years after its formation, passed a vote disapproving the use of wine. The society had to encounter the dead weight of long established custom ; the habits and appetites engendered, and the love of merri- ment and hilarity excited by stimulating drink ; and the con- tempt of self-complacency, which regarded the movement as a relic of asceticism. It steadily persevered, however, in- creased in numbers and in favor, and, by the aid of the Rev. Mr. Bartlett at first, and Rev. Mr. Cutter afterwards, who both entered into the cause with spirit and efficiency, made a sensible, though unequal, progress in extending the principles of total abstinence, in lessening the number of retailers, and banishing the use of spirituous liquors. The revenue received from licenses, fell off from nearly $80 in 1828, to $24 in 1830, $18 in 1831, and in the two succeeding years. In 1841, a new impulse was given to the cause of temper- ance by the society of Washingtonians, then formed ; that of the Temperance Pioneers which sprang up partly in rivalship, but soon effectively co-operated ; the Ladies' Temperance Union, which embraced nearly every woman in town ; and the Cold Water Army, a juvenile association, animated by the same spirit as their seniors. By the united efforts of these different societies, the last blow seemed to be given to ANNALS OF WARREN. 331 the power of intemperance, and, September 6, 1841, the town voted " that the selectmen be requested to grant no licen- ses, except for medicinal purposes, and under such rules and regulations as they may think proper." On the 3d of April, 1843, the town voted that the selectmen be requested to grant license to one person only, to sell spirituous liquors at one place only, and for medicinal purposes only, the person to be selected at their discretion. To this measure some oppo- siton was manifested, and the vote ordered to be taken by polling the house. On marching out, however, for the pur- pose of being counted, so great and manifest was the majority in favor, that the count was given up, and, we believe, no at- tempt has since been made to obtain license for selling, for any other than medicinal purposes. The last stock of liquors at the village, that of E. W. Hawk, was purchased and destroyed ; the last sticklers for a moderate use of alcohol and individuality of action, gave up their opposition ; and, in 1842 and '43, cordially united with every body else on the 4th July in celebrating the double triumph of freedom and temperance by public addresses and processions, and by pic- nics elegantly furnished by the ladies and freely offered to all. For a few years past, these Societies have remitted their efforts ; and the more secret not to say selfish ones of Free Masons and Odd Fellows, whose " shine, like lamps in sepul- chres, illumines but themselves," have taken their place. The Scgotchet Division of the Sons of Temperance was organized in the town, subsisted some years, and celebrated the 1st of May, 1850, by a pic-nic given by the ladies, enlivened with appropriate songs and sentiments. The anniversary of independence has been frequently celebrated here during this period, by public dinners, pic-nics, and other demonstrations of joy ; and orations were delivered by M. H. Smith, Esq. in 1827, by J. T. Leavitt in 1829, by Rev. R. Woodhull in 1842, and by E. Reed, Esq. in 1843. Exhibitions of sacred music have at different times been given by the vocalists of the place, and public discourses delivered on the subject by Rev. D. M. Mitchel of Waldo- boro', by Dr. Daiken of Hope, and others. Of the wild animals which in early times were the cause of so much excitement among the people, the present period furnishes little to be related. A solitary bear, probably a young one, first seen in Thomaston, was, Aug. 8th, 1828, pursued to a hollow under a shelving rock on S. Andrews's land below Warren village, and shot by Geo. Andrews and others. In March, 1833, a wild-cat or loup-cervier was 332 ANNALS OF WARREN. Started in the woods by B. Andrews when on the point of treading upon it, and killed by a blow from his musket. From the account of bounties paid, $1 each, it appears that another was killed the same year, four the year following, and five in 1835, since which we know not that any have been destroyed, though they and their tracks are often dis- covered near Mt. Pleasant and the Rocky hills. During the deep and drifted snows of March, 1829, a stray deer, weigh- ing about 200lbs,, was killed in Thomaston by Lincoln Levensaler. This was the last of these beautiful tenants of the forest, slain in our vicinity ; though, a few years later, two carabous made their appearance and were shot at in Warren and its vicinity. In the summer of 1849, also, a common deer was seen by Arthur Andrews at the Rocky hills ; and, June 19th, 1850, two such were observed early in the morn- ing feeding in G. Andrews's field. They soon bounded off to the woods, but were afterwards once or twice fallen in with during the summer. Seals, formerly so abundant, are still met with in the lower river, and sometimes above the Narrows and even the ripplings in Warren. In Oct. 1826, one was observed in the river near T. Spear's ship-yard, driven ashore, and killed, yielding three gallons of oil. Several were seen at Andrews's point in 1849, and one was observed the day after the bark Wm. Henry was launched, sunning himself on the launching ways. Whilst a bounty of eight cents each for the destruction of crows was paid by the State, this town received in 1831, $33,68 for 421; in 1832, $11,68 for 146; in 1833, $6,64 for 83 ; and in 1834, $6,56 for 82 of these birds. With regard to losses by fire, this town has, thus far, been highly favored ; the following being all, it is believed, that have happened in this period of 30 years. On the 28th July, 1825, the dwcllinghouse of James Hall took fire, as was supposed, by a spark from the chimney, and, before the men could be called from the field, was too far consumed to be saved ; though most of the furniture was preserved. On the night of March 22, 1827, the dwelling- house occupied by Nat'l Gardner was burnt with its contents, in consequence of ashes placed in a wooden vessel. The family barely escaped as they rose from their beds, with the loss of all their clothing. A school-house standing near Dr. Buxton's, in which C. A. McLellan was employed as teacher, was consumed in the night of Feb. 1, 1832, by fire kindled, as some thought, by design. In 1831 or '2, the saw-mill at D. Patterson's took fire in the night, probably from friction. ANNALS OF WARREN. 333 and was destroyed. On the evening of Dec. 21, 1833, the barn of Joshua Spear caught fire from a candle taken there by the children at milking, and was burned. On the 18th Dec. 1835, the dwellinghouse of Wm. Spear, deceased, oc- cupied by his family, was burnt to the ground by means of ashes, and most of its contents, including a large quantity of wheat and other grain, destroyed. A barn, belonging to the family of Isaac Libbey deceased, was, Aug. 23, 1840, struck by lightning and consumed, as elsewhere noted. The store of Joshua L. Patterson, with his stock of goods, was destroyed on the night of Jan. 30, 1843, by fire supposed to have been communicated from the stove. The dwellinghouse of Asa and Jesse C. Dunbar, with most of its contents, was consum- ed June 5, 1844, by fire supposed to have been dropped by a lad when carrying coals to the smoke-house. It was discov- ered early in the night, when the family were so sound asleep that it was with difficulty they were awakened by some teamsters, and all, ten in number, providentially res- cued. In Aug. 1847, a small, unfinished building designed for a dwellinghouse, belonging to John Copeland, took fire in the night from some unknown cause and was consumed. On the 19th Nov. 1849, the Knox house at the upper falls, then in a state of decay and used only as a shelter for a cow, took fire in a rainy night and burnt down. From the fact that a wan- ton injury was done the same night to the locks near by, it was supposed to be the work of an incendiary. On the 16th Aug. 1850, the barn of Allen Young, Jr. was struck by light- ning and consumed, with all his hay and most valuable farm- ing tools. Voluntary contributions were for a long time re- lied upon to make up the losses sustained by fire ; and i'ew except the more costly buildings and stores were insured. But in 1828, the Thomaston Mutual Fire Insurance Company was organized ; the facilities it offered induced many of our citizens to join it ; and the practice of insuring has now be- come general. The deaths by casualty and exposure in sickly places abroad, during this period, will be found in their proper pla- ces among the genealogies at the end of the volume, and are , in number as follows : — lost at sea 10 ; died at sea or in dis- tant ports, 24* ; accidentally drowned in our own waters, 9 ; * Among the deaths in foreign ports, may be mentioned that of Capt. Lawrence Crawford, at Guadaloupe in February, 1821, which was preceded by one of those mysterious occurrences so common in the popular belief of all nations and sometimes attended with so 334 ANNALS OF WARREN. Other accidental and sudden deaths, 20 ; suicides, 6 ; besides many others, probably, whose deaths were either not heard of or not recorded. The casuahies during the first year of this period were, in the opinion of some, augmented in number by the mal- practice of Dr. John G. Lambright, a German, ignorant and unprincipled, but possessed of some shrewdness, who came here about 1819, and remained three or four years, first at Oyster river and afterwards at the Isley house. By marvel- lous stories of his own great cures, and the consequent per- secution he had incurred from the regular physicians, by the gravity with which he inspected urine instead of feeling the pulse, and the oracular manner in which he pronounced one complaint to be a maggot in the spinal marrow, another a hair accidentally twisted around the neck of the bladder, and a third an injury in the spleen from a fall on the ice some thirty years before ; by the display of his medical hbrary consisting of a number of odd volumes of English and Ger- man novels, histories, and travels ; and the marvellous powers he laid claim to of stopping blood at any distance from the patient, of arresting a musket ball in its flight, and trans- ferring pain from one person to another, (a power he did not feel justified in exercising, except now and then, from an amiable woman to her brutal husband ; ) by these, together with some real cures eflected in part by means of the vapor bath, the use of which he first introduced to the place, he so wrought upon the imaginations of the afflicted and their friends, that his house was soon filled with a multitude of impotent folk, impatiently waiting their turn to be healed of diseases which had hitherto baffled the powers of medical skill. A transient success, either from the power of hope, a change of diet, or the novelty of his treatment, often encour- aged his patients to remain under his care ; and a pretended necessity of sending to New York, Philadelphia, or Ger- many, for some drug of extraordinary power, was a conve- much appearance of reality, at least to the persons who witness them, as not to be altogether unworthy of notice. On three several occa- sions, once whilst reading in Ms cabin at an Irish port, again in a twilight wallv at home, and lastly on the deck of his vessel beneath the light of the midnight moon, he saw, or beheved he saw, the form of a lovely and accomplished girl to whom he had become attached in England, and whom, it is said, nothing but regard for her prevented his brmging home to share liis humble fortune here. These appear- ances had a strong effect upon his mind, particularly the last, wliich, whether as cause or effect, was immediately followed by the disease wliich terminated in his death. ANNALS OF WARREN. 335 nient excuse for extorting money, or postponing a cure. At length, the shrewd, disgusted at his artifices, began to forsake hinn ; the feeble, on the arrival of the powerful medicines, to die off; and those whose constitutions maintained a longer contest with disease, to postpone payment for board and medicine till some result should be arrived at. From January to May, 1820, seven deaths occurred at his house, including those of some already pronounced cured. To get rid of others whom by his bargain he could not discharge uncured without forfeiting his claim to remuneration, and who would not render themselves liable by departing without his consent, he resorted to various expedients. The house, which had before some reputation for being haunted, was soon annoyed by strange nocturnal sounds like the falling of bags of meal on the chamber floors ; the outer door opened spontaneously in the night-time even when hasped and buttoned ; unobliter- ated marks of bloody hands were thought to be discernible on some of the inner doors ; and conjecture leaped at once to the conclusion that in former times, when the house was occupied as a tavern, some traveler must have been mur- dered for his money, whose unappeased ghost was still haunt- ing the scene of the outrage. This conjecture was further confirmed by a transient old gentleman picked up by the Doctor, who possessed the fliculty, as he affirmed, of using mineral rods, that is, of determining, by the motion of a forked witch-hazel twig, the place where a dead body had been buried, where water might be found by digging, or where silver was concealed. His skill was put in requisition ; the rods inclined to the arch under the chimneys, with such force as to astonish credulous believers, and leave no doubt in their minds that the bones of the victim were slumbering beneath it. Marvellous reports were put in circulation, and such an excitement was getting up, that several of the neigh- bors, to allay it, went in, and, by experiments in presence of the old gentleman, demonstrated the action of the rods to be wholly fortuitous, and, by examining the cellar bottom with a crowbar, satisfied themselves that no bones larger than that of a goose's thigh were to be found there. Having in this way induced some of his patients to leave, and settling with others as advantageously as he could, the Doctor removed, to commence practice at Orrington and other places. Ten years after the coming of Lambright, the community was thrown into a ferment by the fame of Dr. Thonias Don- aldson Raeburn, who in two branches, those of pharmacy and surgery, had served a regular apprenticeship and obtained 336 ANNALS OF WARREN. a thorough education, in his native England. On his arrival in Gushing, his story was received with increduHty ; but his reputation soon spread ; and after removing to this town, his house (now that of F. Seiders,) was thronged with patients from all quarters, and his boldness and skill in the most diffi- cult surgical operations acknowledged by the neighboring faculty. Yet his usefulness was impaired by caprice and irregularhy, and, after a residence of a few years, he remov- ed to Bath, where he died some years after. No meteorological register having been kept in the place, we can only give such facts relating to the weather and atmospherical phenomena as were of sufficient interest to be recorded in private diary, or public newspaper. On the 7th August, 1823, towards evening, a meteoric ex- plosion was heard in the air, preceded, according to the observations of some persons, by a flash of light. At this place, it appeared to begin in the N. W. some 15^ or 20^ above the horizon, ascended in a southerly direction, declined and was lost in the S. W. It successively resembled strokes on the base drum, the firing of musketry, the sound of a wagon passing violently over a rocky road, and ended like the rumbling of distant thunder. In the borders of Jefferson, Nobleboro', and Waldoboro', stones were at the same time seen to descend to the ground, were found, and presented the usual dark, scoriacious appearance of aerolites. This hap- pened in the midst of a severe drought, which continued through the whole summer, and gave rise to numerous fires in the woods, threatening to desolate the country in every direction. Much damage was done, particularly at Wiseasset and Alna, where a tract ten miles long and three broad, was overrun, and property destroyed estimated at more than $72,000 ; one woman being burnt to death, and another saving herself and children by descending into a well. Great fears were entertained and damage done in other places, till September 18th, when the fires were checked by a rainy night, which affi^rded temporary relief to the thirsty cattle. It continued dry, however, and on the 21st, became so cold as to produce frost and ice, and September 29th, a shower of rain was succeeded by snow during the whole night. The sufferers at Wiseasset and Alna were generously aided ; and the inhabitants of this town, at a meeting called for the pur- pose October 6th, voted to grant them $300 from the pro- ceeds of the fishery in the two succeeding years ; but before this was executed, on a representation that the donations re- ANNALS OF WARREN. 337 ceived were already equal to the losses, the vote was rescinded. In 1824, the deep snow which covered the earth till Feb- ruary having been dissolved by warm rains, the season advanced so rapidly, that on the 5th of March, half-grown grasshoppers of the larger species appeared in large numbers on sunny dechvities. Yet, May 26th, when the wild pear was in blossom and apple buds reddening, the ground was frozen in the morning, and ice appeared on the water. From the cold and dry weather in the early part of the season, the grass yielded less than two-thirds of an ordinary crop ; but, as no frosts hapj)ened till Oct. 14th, the corn crop was good. In 1825, after a warm and mild win- ter, during which an extensive influenza carried off many elderly people, the air in March was bland as May, and on the 18th the song-sparrow was trilling his summer strain. May 5th, there was a storm of hail, rain, and snow, lasting all day. July 12th, the mercury stood at 98*^ ; and the next day a shower commenced in this town, attended with hail and violent wind, and increasing as it proceeded southerly, in Gushing demolished four or five barns, and did much other damage, the hailstones being half as large as hen's eggs. The dysentery extensively prevailed, and carried off great numbers of children. The weather continued hot and dry, grasshoppers abundant, and at the beginning of Septem- ber fires began to rage in the woods. In the course of a week, these fires spread extensively in the borders of this town, Waldoboro', and Gushing, endangering houses and barns, and consuming fences, corn, and other articles. The people near Mr. Hoffsls's and Winchenbach's having become ex- hausted in watching and fighting the flames, numbers went from the village and elsewhere, to aid in defending their houses from the devouring element. In Waldoboro', several houses were deserted by their occupants and preserved with great difficulty. Dec. 12th, in consequence of an application from the towns of Ripley and Harmony, and the plantation of Bridgestown, a town meeting was held here, and a com- mittee appointed to obtain subscriptions and contributions in aid of the sufferers by fire in those places. On the 31st of Jan. 1826, during a driving storm of snow which lasted through the day and part of the night, the tem- perature sank from at sunrise to 20*^ below at six P. M. and 24*^ ditto the next morning. At Union, the mercury was 28*^ below 0. In February, the influenza prevailed in all parts of the country ; in the latter part of the month, robins 29 338 ANNALS OF WARREN. were seen in the woods, and grasshoppers made their appear- ance. The 15th, 16th, and 17th days of May were uncom- monly hot; the mercury in different places varying from 96*^ to 100*^. An early drought prevailed until July 28th, which, with innumerable legions of grasshoppers, greatly injured the crops ; though the latter part of the season was fine. The measles in the spring, and the dysentery in the fall, were prevalent here, and fatal to several children. In 1827, the early promise of spring was broken by an extraordinary fall of rain on the 24th and 25th of April, which carried away bridges and saw-mills, and so flooded the roads, that parties and witnesses found it difficult to get to the Court of Common Pleas then sitting in this town. It continued stormy and cold, with some lightning and snow, for nearly three weeks. In the fall of 1828, no frost occurred till Oct. 12th, when ice was formed within doors, the ground frozen for some days, and apples and potatoes considerably injured ; but this was compensated by the warm and summer-like weather of December. In Jan. and February, 1829, the whooping cough was very severe, and several children in the town died of it. A severe drought prevailed in July and August, during which some 400 acres of wood and un- cleared land were burnt over in the eastern part of this town and in Thomaston. On the 27th of August, there was an earthquake, just before ten o'clock P. M., sufficient to jar doors and windows. The 30th of March, 1831, was distin- guished by a remarkable storm of rain, inundating low grounds, overflowing wharves, entering lime-kilns, carrying away wood and other property on the banks of the river, together with Stirling and Oyster River bridges, and inter- rupting the mail for a day or two. The summer, windy and cool, is notable for the deep pea-green color which, the sun and every object it shone upon, assumed on the 16th and 17th of August. On the 22d of November, much damage was done by a remarkably high tide, said by E,. Montgomery, who scored its elevation on Burgess's limestone, to have been 2 feet higher than was ever observed at any other time. The autumn was so mild, no frost occurring till October 28th, and winter set in with such sudden severity November 28th, as greatly to injure the fruit trees, particularly the succulent scions of the apple, then recently grafted for the first, time to any great extent in this town. On the 30th of December, and for several days in succession, there was the greatest run of frost-fish ever remembered. They were hauled away by ox-loads, and large quantities stacked on the shore till ANNALS OF WARREN. 339 disposed of for the feeding of swine. The weather contin- ued in its severity till the last of February, 1832, affording three months of uninterrupted sleighing. March was warm ; but heavy rains in May carried away the bridge at the village on the 24th ; and the cold produced ice in the brooks on the 23d, and destroyed martins and other birds. On the 8th of May, 1833, the day of Rev. Mr. Cutter's ordination, after a warm forenoon, a heavy shower occurred, accompanied with thunder and lightning, which struck in many places in town. A poplar tree in front of Rev. Mr. Huse's house was shivered, as were a small apple-tree near C. Copeland's and a forest tree near P. Oliver's, together with a mast of Capt. J. Robinson's vessel at Andrews's Point, in the cabin of which were several persons who received no injury. The 13th of November was distinguished for one of the most remarkable phenomena ever witnessed in this part of the country. From three o'clock until daylight, a shower of meteors, or shooting stars, appeared in all parts of the heavens, falling like snow flakes. Some observing them through the windows, sprang from their beds supposing their houses on fire. They were of various magnitudes, some not larger in appearance than the smallest of the fixed stars ; others far exceeding the largest. They seemed to move in all directions, continued till daylight rendered them invisible, and were witnessed all over the country as far south as Balti- more. Similar phenomena have been witnessed in other parts of the world, and the writer of this recollects, when a boy, going out on a clear, calm evening, when it was impos- sible to look at any part of the sky without observing one or more of these meteors, but all extremely minute. The origin of these and of meteoric stones is but imperfectly understood. The winter of 1834-'5 was marked by great variations of temperature. About the 9th of October, 1835, Halley's comet, whose periodical revolution had been calculated at 75 years, made its appearance for the third time ; but was visible here for a few nights only, on account of a dense fog, which overspread the country, almost without interruption, through October and a part of November. During this time, the weather was calm and mild, without wind enough to shake the leaves from the trees, which, particularly on the oaks, re- mained with all their brilliant tints till the very commence- ment of winter. This began November 20th, by a sudden transition from good wheeling to good sleighing, and, with a slight relaxation in January, when robins were heard singing 340 ANNALS OF WARREN. their vernal notes, continued with great severity to the end of March, 1836. The spring of 1836 was late, with a scarcity of hay ; ice was observed June 3d, when apple-trees were in blossom; the crop of potatoes was small, and that of maize greatly injured by frost. January and February of 1837, were remarkable for extreme cold weather, furious storms, and deep and drifted snows. The roads here were frequently impassable, especially January 22d, and February 17th and 24th, from immense drifts said to be fifteen feet in depth. Triangular machines, then first required by law, were used in opening the roads. Snow-shoes were resorted to by Dr. Buxton, who, by their aid, February 25th, visited J. Rokcs's neighborhood. During this severe winter, many birds usually confined to the arctic regions, made their appearance here, especially the beautiful pine grosbeak, or bulfinch, (Pyrrhula enucleator) which came in large flocks about the woodpiles and barn-yards; and several specimens of the snowy owl, (Stryx nyctea) were shot in the vicinity. Masses of snow long remained in the woods and gullies, some of them till June. Spots were plainly observed on the sun April 28th, and again in July. January 26, 1839, a tremendous S. E. storm of wind and rain overturned many sheds here, and, in some parts of the country, dwellinghouses and churches. On the 12th of July, the house of E, V. Lermond was struck and somewhat injured by lightning ; but the family all escaped unhurt. From August to October, the dysentery raged in the town with great mortality, carrying away not less than sixteen persons of all ages. The winter of 1839-''40 was a perpetual fluctuation be- tween extreme warmth and cold, whh destructive storms in- tervening at intervals of about two weeks, the most notable of which were December 16th and 28th, and January 23d. August 23d, a severe thunder shower from the S. W. did considerable damage, burning the barn on the Isaac Libbey farm, and in Waldoboro' one or two more. Two days after- wards, some damage was done in Hope, and R. Rokes killed. In 1841, a summer drought, together with caterpillars and grasshoppers, seriously injured the crops, except winter rye ; and many wells which never failed before, were dry. This was broken Sept. 4th, by the most copious shower of rain ever remembered in so short a time, the brooks overleaping their banks, covering their bridges, and carrying along stones of many pounds weight. The winter of 1841-'2 was, with short intervals, warm and mild. A violent storm from the S. W., February 17th, blew over some chimneys, sheds, and old ANNALS OF WARREN. 341 buildings ; and cast up quantities of fish on the islands and coast. On the 11th June, a storm of rain ending with snow, destroyed some sheep by the sudden chill. On the 14th, a remarkable change of weather from cold to heat, took place suddenly about nine in the evening. The year is distinguish- ed in this town as presenting the greatest mortality of any since its incorporation. The scarlet fever prevailed in the winter and spring ; and in autumn the dysentery, with other diseases, swelled the number of deaths to threescore. On the 28th February, 1843, a comet in the day-time was observed by a few persons near the S. E. limb of the sun, with a train, as described by them, about two feet long in ap- pearance. It soon became too faint for observation by day ; but on the 7th March, its splendid train, in spite of the bright moonlight, was seen extending for more than 20^ above the horizon, beneath which its nucleus had sunk before the dark- ness rendered it visible. On the 22d, its train was estimated at 30 degrees, with no apparent nucleus. It was a brilliant and beautiful phenomenon. With the exception of a fortnight of warm weather and bare, unfrozen ground in January, the winter was cold, and abounded whh deep snows till April 8th ; when spring birds arrived, though there was little bare ground till the 23d of that month. On the day of the annual fast, April 6th, and the preceding night, there fell about two feet of moist snow blown into drifts in some places as high as the houses, rendering the roads impassable till cleared out by the shovel. The mail stage went on runners as late as April 16th, at which time the average depth of snow was judged to be about 3 feet, and that of the drifts from 5 to 8 feet. Sleighs continued to run on some roads till into May. In that month, the season made good progress ; but there was frost and frozen ground again June 1st, when fruit trees were beginning to blossom. The crop of hay was abundant, and the season propitious till Sept. 9th, when white frost occurred every night till the 15th. The following winter was also cold and snowy. The mercury at sunrise, January 26, 1844, stood at 13^ below 0, the 27th 9^ below 0, the 28th 150 below 0, the 29th 3^ below 0, the 30th IP below 0, and the 31st 7^ below 0. The spring was an early one, with some remarkably hot weather on April 13th and 14th, when the mercury was up to 78*^ in the shade. This year, 1844, was distinguished for the first appearance of the potato disease ; though the crop here was abundant and remarkably fine. In 1845, this disease destroyed nearly the whole crop in the town ; since which a much smaller quantity of this 29* 342 ANNALS OF WARREN. root has been raised. The month of April, 1845, was remarkably dry and windy, producing great losses by fire ; the village of Damariscotta being entirely consumed, and other places in our neighborhood suffering considerably. The winter of 1845 — 6 was somewhat peculiar, and in many places disastrous. It began after the heavy rains of Novem- ber, with warm weather succeeded by thunder, moderate snows, and continued cold weather ; frost penetrated the ground to a great depth ; and springs never before known to fail, became dry. Anchor-ice was abundant, producing at Bangor, in connexion with the spring freshets, a memorable inundation. The spring of 1846 was early and delightful ; the crops of English grain fine ; but the unusual heat, com- bined with an unprecedented drought which lasted into Octo- ber, injured the crop of maize and prevented the growth of potatoes ; so that, although not diseased, they were as scarce as in the preceding year. In July, August, and September, the mercury frequently reached 88^, 90*^, 94^ and 96^ in the shade. At Rockland, water was carried through the streets and sold by the gallon. The George's Canal Company availed themselves of the low state of the water during this season, to build locks, and open the navigation of the river as far as Senebec Pond. During this drought, a calamitous fire occurred at Waldoboro', Oct. 10th, which raged that and the following day, and reduced nearly the whole business section of the village to ashes. On the 22d of March, 1848, there was a slight, but very perceptible, shock of an earthquake about 7 o'clock P. M. On Friday, June 23d, a little after 10 o'clock A. M. a rare and brilliant phenomenon was observed in the heavens. The morning had been hot, and the sky at first clear, but soon pervaded by a thin hazy cloud, which came over from the west. The wind, which had been N. W., was, at the time mentioned, fresh from the S. W. As the haze passed over the sun, it slightly obscured its radiance, and, when attention was directed that way, two bright concentric circles were observed surrounding that luminary ; the one, at a rough estimate, about 15^ distant from it, and the other 30*^ or more. They presented, especially the outer one, all the prismatic colors, well defined as in an ordinary rainbow. In the inner circle, these colors seemed mixed with the common sunlight, and, though more luminous, were less distinct. These were intersected by a third circle, whose centre was situated to the north of the other two, and whose circumfer- ence passed between the inner circle and the sun. This ANNALS OF WARREN. 343 soon faded and disappeared ; but the others continued some time longer, the inner one apparently drawing nearer the sun, and the outer one appearing less regular and concentric. As the haze passed off southerly, the outer circle became broken and then disappeared ; but the inner one remained visible till noon. The weather of 1849 was remarkable for its sudden alter- nations of heat and cold. On June 22d, the mercury rose to 96^ in the shade, and July 13th to 98*^ at this place, whilst at Rockland and at Newcastle it rose to 102^ in the shade. Both these days, especially the latter, were followed by a sudden depression of temperature, rendering fires and great coats desirable. Such changes, during this and the preced- ing year, proved fatal to many elderly people ; besides which, in 1849, the dysentery and typhoid fever were prevalent, and at Thomaston and Waldoboro' very mortal. May 6th, 1850, an easterly storm terminated in showers from the S. W. attended with much lightning, which struck a tree near I. Spear's, and splintered telegraph posts, in some places 10 or 12 continuously, in the borders of this town and Waldoboro'. Freshets were high ; and on the 15th a loaded canal-boat, missing the lock at the upper falls, was precipitated over the dam, the crew escaping with slight in- jury. On the 10th and 11th of June, a violent storm de- stroyed some newly shorn sheep ; and the consequent freshet carried away the shingle and stave-mill at N. Cobb's. After eight successive days of wet weather, Sunday, July 21st, was so fine, and so much hay was in danger of spoiling, that most farmers felt justified in working to save it. The dysen- ter}^ and cholera prevailed in summer and autumn. During the present period, an evident, though not very sudden or striking, improvement has taken place in the physical, moral, and social condition of the town. In regard to the population, for which the reader is referred to Table in, and which exhibits an increase of 600 during the period, or 200 every census, Warren now, as in 1840, ranks as the 8th town in the County of Lincoln ; while, according to the State valuation of 1850 it ranks in point of property as the 5th.* Wealth has evidently increased ; pauperism, especially since the temperance movement, diminished ; schools are better provided with books, and the amount of reading, particularly of newspapers and periodicals, greatly * The City of Bath, being reckoned as one. 344 ANNALS OF WARREN. extended. But as education has been too much regarded as a mere preparation for business and the great art of money- making, rather than a means of perpetual satisfaction and mental improvement, it is not wonderful that the higher walks of literature and science should find fewer votaries here than in many more retired and less wealthy places, where education, with less facility, has a stronger prestige. The college graduates which this town has thus far furnished, are the following ; viz. David and George Starrett in 1818, Benjamin B. Thatcher and Manasseh H. Smith in 1826, all at Bowdoin College, Lucius H. Chandler in 1831 at Water- ville College, Samuel E. Smith in 1839, G. Snow Newcomb in 1848, and Samuel L. Hodgman in 1850, also at Bowdoin. The degree of M. D. was conferred at the last named college upon Benjamin F. Buxton in 1830, Jonathan Huse in 1832, and Joseph Huse, 1833. Sunday schools are now better patronized, and more generally attended. Gambling, if not wholly suppressed, has been confined to secret and disreput- able places. One species of it, that of lotteries, the more pernicious for being sanctioned by law and openly advertised in all the newspapers and post offices of the country, has, since the sale of tickets was prohibited in 1826, ceased to tempt the young and simple to venture their hard earnings upon an ocean of blanks in hope of gaining the prize at the bottom. Dwellings are more comfortably, not to say luxu- riously, finished, furnished, and arranged ; and supplied with convenient out-buildings. Cooking stoves found their way here not much after 1820 ; friction matches succeeded, and soon displaced the old tinder box and steel. Windlasses and pumps have banished the unsightly well-sweeps that formerly stood at every dwelling. Agriculture has advanced as well in the quantity of land cultivated, as also in the skill and implements with which the labor is performed. Threshing machines were introduced about 1837 ; horse-rakes, a little earlier. The use of compost, lime, gypsum, and other manures, has greatly increased the crops. Hay has become an article of exportation, as potatoes also were, until checked by the prevailing disease. A machine for compressing hay was first obtained here by J. L. Patterson and others about 1842, and one or more have since been added. The agri- cultural bounties paid to this town by the State, amounted in 1838 to 8159,98, on 1882 bushels of wheat; in 1839 to 8226,20, on 2370 bushels of wheat, and to 8280,00, on 6035 bushels of Indian corn. These bounties, being offered at a time when the high prices of provisions, the sudden revulsion ANNALS OF WARREN. 345 of credit, and consequent embarrassments of trade and all kinds of business, rendered it difficult to procure the usual supplies from the south, gave a very opportune impulse to agriculture both here and throughout the State. The crop of wool has fluctuated, both in quantity and value, with the pro- tection afforded or withheld by the National government. The erection of a woolen factory, raised April 16th, 1842, by A. H. Hodgman, I. G. Allen, and others, has to a consid- erable degree, silenced the music of the domestic loom and spinning wheel. There were at the old clothing mill, as estimated in 1828, about 10,000 yards of cloth annually dressed, and about as many pounds of wool carded. The present factory, in 1843, manufactured 18,000 yards of cloth, besides dressing 2400 yards more, and carding 5000 pounds of wool for customers. This is about the amount still man- ufactured ; but an addition to the factory building has been recently made, with a view, we presume, to an increase of busi- ness. It now employs 8 male and 9 female operatives. Other manufactures, particularly those of brass, tin, and leather, have somewhat declined of late ; partly perhaps from want of governmental protection, and partly in consequence of other improvements, such as the use of stoves, glass lamps, and the new modes of dressing leather. For many years, about 1828 or '30, Dea. Webb and son manufactured be- tween 81000 and 82000 worth of brass lamps, fire-sets, &c., for the Boston market ; and more recently large quan- tities of copper spikes and other fastenings have been furnished by them for ship-builders, amounting on the part of the younger of them, according to the census of 1850, to 8770. As near as can be gathered from the census, there were, in the year ending June 1, 1850, not less than 66 or 70 tons of iron worked up by the different blacksmiths in town, into ship-irons and other articles, including 8700 worth of edge tools by J. Mallett. An iron foundry was established at the village about 1842, but has since been removed to Thomaston. Besides nearly 8500 worth by J. Leeds, R. W. Jarvis and sons manufacture annually about 81800 worth of shoes and boots ; and their labor, as well as that of Mr. Hinkley in the tin plate business, has been greatly facilitated within the last five years, by the use of machinery. M. Huse, an ingenious machinist, produces looms and other articles to the amount of 8800 ; C. N. Page, horse wagons 8550 ; J. Grafton, harnesses and saddlery, 8590 ; Crawford & Kirkpatrick, bricks, 8800 ; James Libbey, leather, 8550 ; J. W. Smith, 82222, and S. B. Dockham, 82025 worth of 346 ANNALS OF WARREN* clothing ; besides other wheelwrights, tanners, and saddlers, whose business falling a little short of $500 was not enumer- ated. The annual product of the six saw-mills included in the census, amounts to $14,808 worth, besides many others omitted as producing less than 8500 worth. In the manufac- ture of lime, there has of late years been an apparent de- cline ; partly from the fact that those most extensively engaged in it have found it for their advantage to carry on the work at Thomaston, where the rock is easily obtained and the lime shipped, and where the many new roads and bridges render it easier than formerly to collect wood and other materials. There were burnt in this town, 4200 casks in 1821, 7,527 in 1822, 13,326 in 1823, 17,260 in 1824, 24,120 in J825, 28,211 in 1826, 35,812 in 1827, and 37,421 in 1828. For a number of years past, no accurate account has been kept ; but the quantity at present manufactured is not far from 10,000 casks, besides 12,000 or more, burnt at Thomaston. Ship-building has steadily advanced not only in the number, but the size and quality of the vessels built ; and, being the only branch of industry from which foreign competition is excluded, its success would seem to afford a strong argument in favor of extending protection to other mechanical and agricultural productions, for which the coun- try is equally well adapted. There were built here in the year 1849, 2 ships, 5 barks, and 3 brigs, measuring 3708 tons, and valued without the sails and rigging at $138,436. The present year, 1850, the number of vessels has been less ; yet, as three of them were large ships, one of which exceeded 1100 tons, it is believed that the aggregate tonnage is nearly equal to that of the preceding year. The coasting trade between this place and Boston, which in the early part of this century employed some half dozen or more sloops and schooners in transporting wood, lumber, and lime, has, after a gradual decline, at length entirely ceased ; and these vessels have been succeeded by those of a larger class, mostly employed in the freighting business from soutliern ports to the northern States, Europe, and the W. Indies. The hay, lime, and other articles which these vessels carry out southward, are generally taken on board at Thomaston ; and vessels are now rarely seen at Warren, except those newly built. The earnings remitted by these vessels from abroad, have, for some years past, not only been the principal means of restoring the money drained off in the purchase of W. I., European, and domestic goods in Boston, but have greatly added to the capital of the place ; which is ANNALS OF WARREN. 347 now more than sufficient for the business done, and is forced to seek employment elsewhere, or investment in public stocks. Prior to the present period, a great want of capital was felt in this and the neighboring towns, manifested by the high rate of interest, the great profits of trade, and the extensive credit everywhere in use. People, prior to the war of 1812, frequently resorted to Messrs. Bryant or Borland at Damaris- cotta for loans at twelve per cent. ; and it was a common practice to have demands sued, and continued from court to court, merely for the use of the money in the interim. At a later period, cargoes were purchased on credit, and lumber- men and lime-burners forced to wait payment from three to six months, take their pay in good^, or dispose of their notes at an extravagant discount. But on the incorporation of the Thomaston Bank, Feb. 22, 1825, all this floating credit was made available as currency by discounting securities there, in exchange for the bills of the bank. Several citizens of this town became stockholders in that bank, and one of them has been for a considerable portion of the time its president. The mercantile business has, from different causes, been subject to some fluctuation. The temperance reformation brought with it in 1830, and at subsequent periods, a great diminution of the trade in ardent spirits, particularly at the village ; and this, together with the increase of business in Thomaston and Waldoboro', has 'diverted to those towns much of the trade which formerly centered here. The com- mercial embarrassments following the land speculations which terminated in 1836, operated as disastrously upon traders of small means here as elsewhere. It was pardy for increas- ing the trade of the place, and partly perhaps with a view to the superior water power it would afford, as well as from regard to the general prosperity, that many of the public spirited citizens of the town were induced to take shares in the George's Canal Company, which was incorporated in July, 1846, for the purpose of opening the navigation of the river to its sources. Shares in this corporation were taken by citizens of this town to a large amount ; and the whole cost of the work was not far from $80,000. The locks in this town and Union were completed in the summer and fall of 1847 ; and on the 25th December of that year the first canal boat, the " Gen. Knox," which had come down from Appleton, passed through the lower lock on its way to Thomaston, where its arrival on the following day was hailed with ringing of bells and other demonstrations of joy. A steamboat was added, and the upper locks completed, in 348 ANNALS OF WARREN. 1848. The works have since been attached and sold for the debts of the company, and, we believe, purchased by a second company formed for the purpose. On the 1st December, 1848, the Telegraph wire on the line between Portland and Eastport, was put up through this town, and the same day went into operation between Thomaston and Bangor, though its connexion with Portland was not completed till a short time after. To the Mexican war which followed the annexation of Texas in 1846, this town contributed nothing in the way of soldiers ; although Edward B. Leeds, Albert G. and James Burton, former residents here, enlisted in the service, and shared in the operations directed by Gen. Scott. The first was killed at Hualmantla by a musket shot ; the other two returned. The profits of the war had more attraction ; and the marine of this place participated largely in the transport- ation of men, provisions, and munitions of war. The gold vainly sought in Mexico having been found at California, several from this place, in 1848, joined the general rush of adventurers to that country. These were followed by others in 1849 and 1850 ; and the whole number of our townsmen who have visited that country is not less than thirty or thirty-one, including the principal, and at that time only, physician in the place. These have met with various suc- cess, and have begun to return, some in precarious health, same satisfied whh the amount of their gains, and some in the regular course of their business as seamen. Others still remain to complete their fortunes ; and two promising young men, Spofford Leeds and William Mathews, have fallen vic- tims to the diseases, dangers and discouragements of a miner's life. To these may be added, as one of the town's most gifted sons, though not a resident, the Rev. Amariah Kelloch, who died at San Francisco in the summer of 1850. During this period of thirty years, many of our highly valued and distinguished citizens have been called away by death. Besides many already mentioned, Col. Benjamin Burton, whose name has often appeared in these pages, died in 1835 at his residence in this town, now that of P. Fuller, where and in that of F. Seiders he spent a few of the last years of his life. He was distinguished for a quickness of invention and a promptness of action which fitted him for any emergency, and for that independent conscientious- ness which led to the performance of what he conceived to be his duty, whether so regarded by others or not. As a Baptist, his course was unwavering, and his services in Cush- ANNALS OF WAHREN. 349 ing, where he resided till about 1797, and in Friendship, whither he removed about that time, were eminently useful to the churches in those places. Of several children who came before him to this town, one, recently deceased, has left valuable donations for missionary and other purposes, in the sect to which he belonged, John H. Gounce, who died March 10, 1848, deserves a passing notice as an example of what industry, frugality, and perseverance, with no uncommon advantages, are capa- ble of effecting. Brought up on a farm, with but a limited education, he turned his attention to ship-building, as before noted, and became master workman when about 28 years of age. In the course of his business, he superintended the building of 2 sloops, 24 schooners, 19 brigs, 1 bark, and 12 ships ; of which the following were built in Thomaston and Rockland, viz. — sch. Mary Spear in 1815, schs. Jane Spear and Katherine in 1816, sch. Dodge Healy in 1817, schs. Thomas and Halsey in 1818, sch. Ann and brig John in 1819, brig Sylvester Healy and sch. George in 1820, brig Iddo in 1822, brig Montpelier in 1823, ship Georges and brig Dodge Healy in 1824, and ship Hevves in 1827 ; whilst the remaining 34, exhibited in Table XIII, were built in War- ren, making in all a fleet of 58 sail. With a prudence equal to his judgment, it is not strange that he became the wealthiest man, so far as known, and paid the highest tax, in town. His estate at his death was estimated at #100,000, and paid a tax of $310,38, besides a highway tax in labor of perhaps an equal amount. His success in business he attri- buted in a great measure, under Providence, to a rule which he early formed, of taking no more property than he had the means to pay for and have enough left to carry on his busi- ness ; so as to pay no extra interest and lose no time in bor- rowing money. Honored by his townsmen, whom he thrice represented in the Legislature, esteemed as a valuable mem- ber of the Baptist communion, he bequeathed his estate to his family and his example to the community. Benjamin B. Thatcher, remembered as a studious youth, but less known whilst here than he afterwards became to many of us by his writings, after graduating at Bowdoin College in 1826 and reading law at Bangor, went into practice in Bos- ton, became editor of a newspaper there, visited Europe, and, besides contributing to the North American Review and other periodicals, published several volumes on Indian history and biography. He died in 1840, at the age of thirty years. 30 350 ANNALS OF WARREN. Others less prominent, but equally deserving, might be particularized did our limits permit, — distinguished civil and militia officers, sea-captains, farmers, mechanics, and traders, whose disappearance reminds us that another generation has passed away. With them necessarily closes our narrative. For the additions made to our population from abroad, during the period, many of whom have contributed so much to the business and wealth of the place and of whom our limits do not allow to speak, the reader is referred to the genealogical table at the end of the volume. We have aimed to give a plain, unvarnished account of the progress of the town from a feeble frontier settlement to a community first of hunts- men and woodcutters, then of lumbermen and coasters, and lastly of farmers, ship-builders, and artizans. What phasis shall the place next assume ? What mark will the present and rising generation stamp upon it ? What will be its con- dition fifty, a hundred, a thousand years hence ? Shall new methods of agriculture, new branches of industry,- new adap- tations of our natural privileges, and new investments of capi- tal, retain the natural increase of our population ; or shall it be driven hence to cultivate the prairies of Missouri, or search the sands of California ? Shall temperance, which has well nigh banished the bloated face and reeling form, be suffered to perfect its work ; or its refluent wave again inun- date the community ? Shall political parties become gener- ous rivalships in the cause of freedom, humanity, and the highest capabilities of man ; instead of mere squabbles for place and power, or a slavish adherence to names after prin- ciples have been abandoned ? Shall religious sects continue more sedulous for creeds than conduct, more anxious to fetter than to free the mind, to make converts than to im- prove men ; or shall they, generous and self-forgetting, be- come rivals only in truth, holiness, and love ? Coming gen- erations, rise and answer ! ANNALS OF WARREN 351 TABLE I HIGHWAYS LAID OUT BY THE TOWN OF WARREN. LAID OUT. April 23, 1783, From April 24, 1783, « Sept. 26, 1789, «« Oct. 31, 1789, « June & Oct. 1790, " Sept. 15, 1795, <( << « April 22, 1796, June 14, 1796, Sept. 27, 1796, Oct. 14, 1796, June 9, 1797, From August 5, 1798, " Sept. 6, 1799, " Dec. 2, 1802, " May 14, 1803, " April 5, 1804, « April 6, 1805, March 6, 1806, Oct. 195 1808, March 18, 1808, March 29, 1808, April 4, 1809, Jan. 23, 1811, March 9, " Sept. 12, " Dec. 17, " Gushing line to the N. line of E. Libbey's lot. May 7, 1803. William Lermond's barn to the Great FaUs, Sept. 8, 1785. John Lermond's to Co. road by E.. Montgomery's. Union line to A. Crawford's. Waldoborough line to Stirling bridge. E. Libbey's to Union line, (Mid- dle road,) March, 1796. Meeting-house to M. Cobb's, May 2, 1796. E. Libbey's to Alexander Kel- loch's, Jr. May, 1796. Waldoboro' line to Capt. Mal- colm's, June 27, 1796. " « " « Aug. 21, 1797. On the west side of North pond, Nov. 1796. On the west side of South pond, to M. Hysler's, Nov. 7, 1796. Isaac Fuller's to Union line, Aug. 21, 1797. David Boggs's to the Falls, Sept. 3, 1798. Town road at A. Crawford's to Union line, 1800. S. Anderson's to J. M. Paskiel's, April 4, 1803. J. Andrews's to Peabody's mill, Dec. 24, 1803. the road to the river by J. Craw- ford's land. May 5, 1804. Thomas Starrett's to J. Ler- mond's back lot, " " South pond to Waldoboro', May 5, 1805. Head's store to A. Malcolm's south line, " " James Matthews's to S. Ftdler's, April 7, 1806. Alexander Kelloch's, Jr. to T. Robinson's, Nov. 7, 1808. J. Storer's land to P. Hysler's, April 4, 1808. J. Mclntyre's to P. Stahl's, Head of the tide to James Craw- ford's, April 1, 1811. J. Maxey's to the road by J. Eokes's, March 4, 1811. S. Watts's to C. Copeland's, April 1, 1811. A. Farrington's, Jr. to Thomaston line, Dec. 28, " S. Kelloch's to Union line, " " to Seth Andi-ews's, July 27, 1812. 352 ANNALS OF WARREN. TABLE I Continued. March 22, 1820, April 17, 1821, March 25, 1826, March 22, 1828, April 5, 1828, March 24, 1830, LAID OUT. 1815, From J. Wyllie's to D. Patterson's, " H. lloffsis's to H. Winchenbach'i *' D. Patterson's to J. Page's house, A. Kelloch's to I. Da^ds's, Josiah Maxey's to Wm. Crane's. J. Wyllie's to D. Patterson's. B. Andrews's to D. Patterson's, "William Starrett's to Samuel Spear's, private way, To Edmvmd Starrett's,' July 28, 1833, From James Copeland's to the Meadow brook. March 31, 1834, " Thomaston line to Charles Cope- land's, April 1, 1834, Thomaston line to Nath. Cobb's, May 16, 1834, To Philip Montgomery's, April 1, 1835, From M. Crane's to C. Copeland's, W. Wyllie's to D. Patterson's, alteration, John Creighton's to St. George's riA-er. C. Crane's to Waldoboro' line, M. Crane's to C. Copeland's, O. W. Cornice's to S. Sumner's, M. Stetson's to the Co. road. Union line to T. Bxirton's, W. O. Matthews's to S. Spear's, J. Maxey's to M. Crane's, Village to T. P. Burgess's, J. S. Marston's to H, Payson's, J. Wliitney's to the road from E. Starrett's, ACCTEPTED. June 3, 1836, March 29, 1837, Feb. 13, 1838, March 20, 1840, March 27, 1840, Aug. 26, 1841, April 24, 1841, Feb. 1841, Sept. 3, 1841, Sept. 24, 1841, W. Robinson's to W. Jordan's road, private, « " To land of J. Peters and others, Sept. 9, 1843, To Amasa Carriel's, March 25, 1843, From A. Starrett's to J. M. Paskie?s, Mav 10, 1845, April 24, 1846, March 21, 1846, March 29, 1847, May 20, 1848, Wm. Bisbee's to Packard's mill, A. Crawford's to J. F. Paskiel's, John Spear's to Mero Kelloch's, I. Peter's to near J. Peter's, private. J. W. Head's store to J. H. Counce's south line, E. Cushing's west line to Wal- doboro' line, Upper bridge to near J. Kirkpat- rick's. March 4, 1816. Nov. 16, 1818. Sept. 1821. April 20, 1829. April 7, 1828, April 9, 1831. April 7, 1834. (( (( May 24, 1834. April 6, 1835. Sept. 12, 1836. April 3, 1837. May 12, 1838. April 8, 1839. April 6, 1840. «( (( Sept 6, 1841. April 5, 1841. Sept. 6, 1841. Oct. 3, 1842. Oct. 3, 1843. Sept. 9, 1843. April 7, 1845. May 17,. 1845. March 1, 1847. April 6, 1846. Jxme 3, 1848. Aug. 25, 1849. ANNALS OF WARREN. 353 TABLE II. VALUATION OF THE TOWN OF WARREN. (( (( Dwellinghousesjt Barns, Grist-mills, Saw-mills, Acres Tillage Land, " Eng. mowing, Fresh meadow, Salt Marsh, Pasturing, Woodland, Unimp'd land, Unimpv'bl " Tons of Hay, Bushels of Rye, " Wheat, " Oats, " Corn, " Barley, " Peas & Beans, Horses 3 yrs. & up. Oxen 4 yrs. & upds Steers & Cows, Swine, 6 months, Stock in trade, Money, Bank Stock, Public Stock, Tons of vessels, Lime-kilns, Tan Houses, Pleasure Carriages, 1790 92 1800 136 1810 180 1820 221 1830 257 1840 299 56 110 169 229 268 296 3 2 3 1 1 2 11 9 8 11 9 8 188 254 331 445 489 635 354 860 1085 1431 2184 2410 139 175 173 231 239 250 56 58 60 67 71 67 339 1182 1546 2209 2878 2932 1811 2555 3784 3045 14603 14969 13050 10135 11421 12008 920 1103 898 375 948 1171 1614 2997 1156 1303 1327 675 1082 679 36 116 414 1411 802 1239 231 114 154 139 T306 961 682 2847 2979 3243 4294 3507 653 169 136 401 1284 1386 179 120 202 213 357 96 25 111 173 141 176 243 140 244 256 366 421 338 151 413 649 713 894 765 229 204 282 362 300 355 1530 2750 2150 4400 10500 850 150 7100 5250 11650 11475 3300 1070 1795 1086 1098 3270 18 2975 15 1 3 2 1 1 27 47 60 410* 358 2 12 2611 219 56 4305 1662 16112 4956* 1265* 444* 2242* 58.52* 1056* 823* 243 403 818 167 9150 S 83130 5727 8 2 62 To this add for 1840, Shipyards 2, Horse Wagons, 138. " « 1850 « 11, Bridge Shares, 53, Geo. Canal Co. Shares, 54, Carding machines, 8, Looms, 5, Spinning frames, 2, Gondolas, 5. t Those in 1790 were marked " part log-houses. * According to the census. 30^ 354 ANNALS OF W A R K E N . o rt< CO 00 lO C — H o ^ o o T^i O lO CJ 00 |C^ CO ^ Oi C^ O ^ ^ g i ^ lO QO 00 CO r-H "*— ' ?-H nG g o lO O Oi ~T— T E-< CO c^ xO CO <;D t-H P5 1 . ^ % § 00 l-H CO -a G G ^ ^ _g CO CD _^QOoQOOoao^ GSJ O' ft r/T "S o O r/ w 9 S .^ 2 G i < oCOOCOOOCOCO xO CO Lgricultu] )mmerce. inufactur iean Nav Oh 13 >5 'a,;^^Ttlu'5 00a000O Tf CO CO CD G 5-1 G- s s CO ^OSOJ .9 2 •t: .s rs « 00 O O O O CO nC Oi O O PS 1 CO O G c3 Da io O Ci CO lO CO -O r-H l-H I— 1 fcD o 1 ;o CO iO § bO:: :: :: :; ^ O Tt* 00 CO TtH lO ^ o 12 :o o CO w a CO o 7^ ^ ^ )— 1 o H G , i 1^ ^ © l-H »-H o '5 =■ o o o o o ^ Tt^ H— 1 "" B© o pq « o CO Oi CO 00 o Pq <1 g . f^ lO c) ^ o 22 lO ^ ^' % i-q ^ 00 1—1 1—1 c? 00 1—1 h-q feiooor-ii-ioai 1 ,-( ,-H ,— 1 r-( rH J^^ ^ 1 I— t xO CO i> 00 1-H i-t C^ PQ H S -H C^ 0^ MC^ § 00 §1 G O G CD ^ p ^ m 5 '^' ^' 1 Ci? O O O 00 .^ _ ^ 00 Oi 00 00 G- H • c w H O I— t I— 1 >-» H i £© CO o" CO CO TfH CO 13 r-^ 00 1-H lO CO c^ ;^ t- CO -* o Srt^ CO © CO co'r^'^ O r-) CO co°« ^CO QD CO ^ r" o ^■^ 1 iC o~ O Ci O Oi 2 g QD lO r-l Ti< /-> o H 5 l-H o r— 1 .O O 00 o o o o g CO <- CO CO O^ O --H 'l^ © © O r— t CO CO CO < §.-^0»OCO©OCi © © .r rn ties, males erson ^^"^ ^ ajC^^C^COCOOOCO © © s g -B CO lo cr^ (^? Tt^ o lO © © ^^ 5< ^'— •'-"C^iOiO'^Tti CsJ © O QJ p _5« §i o --^ § W r-H g cc ^" oJ Tt5 CO oi r-; ci CO* l-^ ©' -= -G -2 -t:; c c« oCOCOCOCOt--i^i- i> 00 r5 G a o Kir— IrHr— If— IrHp— li— ( ANNALS OF WARREN. 355 TABLE V. PRINCIPAL TOWN OFFICERS. Years. Town Clerk. J 777. Williarr Boggs, 1778. do. 1779. Alexanc er Lertnond 1780. Alex'er Lerniond, Jr 1781. do. 1782. do. 1783. do. 1784. do. 1785. do. 1786. do. 1787. do. 1788. do. 1789. do. 1790. do. 1791. do. 1792. do. 1793. do. 179i. do. 1795. do. 1796. do. 1797. do. 1798. do. 1799. do. 1800. do. 1801. do. 1802. do. 180.3. do. 180'i. do. 1805. do. 1806. do. 1807. do. 1808. do. 1809. do. 1810. do. 1811. do. 1812. do. 1813. do. 1814. do. 1815. do. 1816. do. 1817. Cyrus Eaton, 1818. do. 1819. do. 1820. do. 1821. do. 1822. do. 1823. do. 1824. do. 1825. do. 1826. do. 1827. do. 1828. do. 1829. do. [ 1830. Stephen C. Burgess, 1831. do. 1832. do. 1833. do. Treasurer. Alexander Lermond, do. do. do. Alex'er Lermond, Jr. do. Thomas Starrett, do. William Boggs, Daniel Dunbar, William Lermond, do. William Boggs, do. Daniel Dunbar, do. do. do. Thurston Whiting, do. do. do. William Lermond, do. Thomas Starrett, Jr., do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Jesse Page, Thomas Starrett, Jr., do. do. do. do. do. do. Stephen C. Burgess, Thomas Starrett, do. do. Representative. None sent, do. Moses Copeland. None. Thomas Starrett. Patrick Pebbles. None. Thomas Starrett. do. Alex. Lermond, Jr. J. W. Head (ill Con.) None. None. None. None. Tliomas Starrett. Thurston Whiting, do. do. do. None. Saml. S. Wilde, do. None. Saml. Thatcher. do. Benj. Brackctt. John Wyllie. Saml. Thatcher, do. do. do. do. do. Cyrus Eaton. C.Eaton, S.Thatcher do. Wm. Hovey. Cyrus Eaton. C". Eaton, Jesse Page. Jesse Page, do. do. John Miller. Saml. Thatcher. do. Amos H. Hodgman, do. do. do. do. do. David Patterson. John H. Counce. do. do. Jonathan Huse. 356 ANNALS OF WARREN TABLE Y .— Continued. Years, 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. Toivn Clerk. Stephen C. Burgess, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. James Brackett, do. do. do. do. do. Treasurer. Thomas Starrett, do. do. do. do. do. Niven Crawford, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Representative. Amos H. Hodgman. Edward O'Brien. do. do. Ambrose Lermond. Edward O'Brien. Thomas Hodgman. Edwin Smith. Amos H. Hodgman. Wm. Jameson, Jr. Reuben Hall. do. Joseph Spear. Zebulon Davis. Joseph Spear. David Lermond. do. 1777. William Watson, 1778. do. 1779. do. 1780. do. 1781. Thomas Starrett, 1782. Patrick Pebbles, 1783. do. 1784. do. 1785. do. 1786. Hatevil Libbey, 1787. do. 1788. Thomas Starrett, 1789. do. 1790. do. 1791. do. 1792. William Lermond, 1793. do. 1794. do, 1795. John Wylie,* 1796. Thomas Starrett, 1797. Thomas Starrett, Jr. 1798. do. 1799. do. 1800. do. 1801. Rufus B. Copeland, 1802. do. 1803. do. 1804. do. 18U5. do. SELECTMEN. Hatevil Libbey, do. do. do. Samuel Creighton, William Boggs, do. Thomas Starrett, do. William Watson, Hatevil Libbey, do. do. Hatevil Libbey, do. do. do. John Libbey, James W. Head, John Andrews, do. Stephen Peabody, John Wyllie, do. do. do. do. do. do. Thomas Starrett. do. do. do. Hatevil Libbey. Hopestill Sumner. William Lermond. do. do. John Watts. do. William Lermond. do. William Boggs. do. John Wyllie. do. Thomas Starrett. do. * John Watts. do. John Libbey. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. * Wyllie and Starrett resigning, T. Starrett, Jr., and John Andrews •were chosen in their room, and John Watts was also chosen Select- man in June. ANNALS OF WARREN. 357 TABLE V . — Continued. 1806. Rufus B. Copeland, John Wyllie, John Libbey. 1807. do. do. do. 1808. do. do. do. 1809. do. do. do. 1810. do. do. do. 1811. do. do. do. 1812. do. do. do. 1813. do. do. do. 1814. John Wyllie, John Libbey, Rufus B. Copeland. 1815. do. do. David Patterson. 1816. Rufus B. Copeland, do. do. 1817. do. do. do. 1818. do. do. do. 1819. do. do. do. 1820. do. do. John Miller, 1821. do. Hatevil Libbey, do. 1822. Palmer Mclntyre, do. do. 1823. do. do. do. 1824. do. Edmund Buxton, Jesse Page. 182.5. do. do. do. 1826. do. do. do. 1827. do. do. do. 1828. do. do. David Patterson, 1829. David Patterson, Peter Fuller, Edward O'Brien. 1830. Peter Fuller, Edward O'Brien, Palmer Mclntyre. 1831. do. do. do. 18.32. Palmer Mclntyre, Reuben Hall, Alexander Libbey. 1833. Reuben Hall, Alexander Libbey Ambrose Lermond. 1834. Ambrose Lermond, Peter Fuller, Jabez Kirkpatrick. 1835. Peter Fuller, Edward O'Brien, do. 1836. do. do. do. 1837. Ambrose Lermond, Reuben Hall, do. 1838. do. do. do. 1839. Reuben Hall, Jabez Kirkpatrick, Edward O'Brien. 1840. do. do. do. 1841. do. do. do. 1842. do. Edward O'Brien, Benjamin F. Buxton 1843. Edward O'Brien, Benj. F. Buxton, Hugh Anderson. 1844. do. Hugh Anderson, Reuben Hall. 1845. Beni. F. Buxton, do. Lewis Spear. 1846. do. do. Oliver L. Kelloch. 1847. do. do. do. 1848. Hugh Anderson, Reuben Hall, Joseph Spear. 1849. do. do. do. 1850. William L. Starrett, David Creighton, ASSESSORS. £. L. Farrington. 1777. WiUiam Watson, 1778. do. 1779. William Boggs, 1780. do. Hatevil Libbey, Thomas Starrett. do. do. Alex. Lermond, Jr., Patrick Pebbles. John Spear, do. 358 ANNALS OF WARREN. TABLE V . — Continued. 1781. 1782. 1783. 1784. 1785. 1786. 1787. 1788. 1789. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796. 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 1807, 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. 1816. 1817. 1818. 1819. 1820. 1821. 1822. 1823. 1824. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. John "Watts, do. John Wyllie, Thomas Starrett, do. Daniel Dunbar, John O'Brien, Thomas Starrett, do. do. do. James W. Head, do. Thurston WTiiting, Kufus B. Copeland, do. do. do. John O'Brien, do. do. do. do. do. David Patterson, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Rufus Crane, do. CjTTus Eaton, Rufus Crane, Palmer Mclntyre, do. do. do. CjTus Eaton, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Peter Fuller, do. Jabez Kirkpatrick, do. Samuel Counce, do. Reuben Hall, William Watson, do. John Lermond, Rufus Crane, William Lermond, John O'Brien, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Thurston Whiting, do. do. Jesse Page, do. Thurston Whiting, John Creighton, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Daniel Yaughan, Amos H. Ilodgman, Palmer McInt^TC, Edward O'Brien, do. Ambrose Lermond, do. Robert Montgomery. do. John Kirkpatrick. Hatevil Libbey. do. Hopestill Sumner. John Crawford. Hatevil Libbey. do. do. do. Rufus Crane. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. David Patterson. Cyrus Eaton. Jacob P. Davis. do. do. do. Stephen C. Burgess. do. do. do. do. do. Thurston WHiitmg. do. Niven Crawford. do. Pahner McLitjTre. do. do. Waterman Sumner. ANNALS OFWARREN. 35 TABLE V .— Continued. 1834, Jabez Kirkpatrick, Elijah Morse, Waterman Snmner. 1835. Lewis Vaughan, Sumner Leach., Elijah Morse. 1836. Elijah Morse, Lewis Vaughan, James Cobum. 1837. Lewis Yaughan, Jabez Kirkpatrick, Stephen C. Burgess. 1838. do. do. do. 1839. do. Wm. L. Starrett, Stephen C. Burgess. 1840. do. do. do. 1841. do. do. do. 1842. Oscar Eaton, Gilbert Anderson, William L. Starrett. 1843. Da\'id Lermond, do. David Creighton. 1844. do. do. do. 1845. do. do. do. 1846. Oscar Eaton, do. do. 1847. David Creighton, Da^'id Lermond, Oscar Eaton. 1848. do. Oscar Eaton, Sumner Leach. 1849. do. do. do. 1850. Oscar Eaton, Joseph Starrett, Lewis Spear. TABLE VI. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE IN THE TOWX OF WARREN, WITH THE DATES OF THEIR APPOINTMENT. f: Patrick Pebbles, September 26, 1782. Moses Copeland, January 19, 1802. ditto & quorum, August 23, 1804, James W. Head, 1805. 1812. ditto and quo. August 27, 1819. June 29, 1826. Benjamin Bracket, 1806. 1813. ditto and quo. January- 29, 1820. Ded. po. July 7, 1820. June 21, 1827. October 17, 1834. Rufus B. Copeland, 1812. August 27, 1819. June 29, 1826. William Lermond, February 9, 1815. Manasseh Smith, July 3, 1816. Dedimus potestatem, July 7, 1820. Cyrus Eaton, November 30, 1816. February 5, 1825. ditto and quo. February 3, 1832. Februarv 5, 1841. John MiUer, June 26, 1820. June 21, 1827. ditto and quo. February 16, 1837. February 1, 1844. Thurston Whiting, June 30, 1820. Ded. po. July 7, 1820. quo. Februarv 7, 1828. Jesse Page, FelWary 13, 1821. February 7, 1828. June 26, 1835. Edmund Buxton, February 13, 1821. February 7, 1828. Samuel Thatcher, and quo. February 11, 1822. February 13,1829. Amos H. Hodgman, February 27, 1824. Palmer Mclntyre, February 1, 1825. William Hovey, February 1, 1825. Edwin Smith, March 16, 1826, and quo. February 7, 1831. Ded. po. December 31, 1836. December 25, 1839. January- 31, 1848. John H. Counce, February 13, 1829. Jonathan P. Bishop, March 10, 1830. 360 ANNALS OF WARREN TABLE VI Continued. Lore Alforcl, 2d., December 21, 1832. William McLeUan, and quo. March 12, 1833. Edward O'Brien, February 9, 1834. February 6, 1840. Joshua Patterson, June 20, 1834. February 24, 1842. Ambrose Lermond, January 26, 1837, and quo, February 22, 1844. Amasa Russel, March 2, 1837. George W. WaUace, April 27, 1838. Peter Fuller, and quo. March 7, 1839. March 8, 1847. Edmund Starrett, and quo. October 23, 1841. October IG, 1848. David Lermond, February 10, 1842. Samuel E. Smith, and quo. June 21, 1843. Manasseh H. Smith, and quo. October 17, 1843. Joseph Clark, February 22, 1844. Joseph Spear, and quo. June 26, 1846. Sumner Leach, and quo. November 20, 1846. Oscar Eaton, and quo. May 5, 1849. OTHER CIVIL Oi'FICEllS. S. Thatcher, Sheriff, Feb. 10, 1814. P. Fuller, Sheriff, Feb. 22, 1831. " " Feb. 12, 1835. Edwin Smith, Co. Attomev, July 14, 1824. Edwm Smith, Co. Attomev, Dec. 26, 1836. John Miller, Co. Commissioner, June 29, 1831. " June 27, 1833. Ambrose Lermond, Co. Commis. June 26, 1837. " " " March 21, 1839. " Feb. 3, 1842. James W. Head, Assist. Just. C. of Sessions, June 18, 1819. John Wakeheld, to solemnize mar- riages, March 3, 1821. Reuben !Milner, to solemnize mar- riages, Jan. 17, 1827. Jonathan Huse, to solemnize mar- riages, March 3, 1821. John Miller, Coroner, Feb. 5, 1824. P.FuUer, Coroner, March 16, 1826. " " " March 10, 1830. Thos. Kirkpatrick, Inspec. of lime. May 11, 1821. " •' Feb. lo, 182.5. Feb. 13, 1829. March 8, 1833. Thos. Kirkpatrick, Ebenezer Lermond, Seth O'Brien, James Starrett, llobert llobinson, Paul Boggs, John Smith, Edm. StaiTctt, W. Kirkpatrick Ichabod Jones, Peter Fuller, Edm. Starrett, John Smith, June 20, 1834. Sept. 20. 1834. Sept. 25, 1834. Nov. 12, March 10, May 2, June 25, Feb. 10, Nov. 20, 1835. 1836. 1839. 1841. 1842. 1846. Geo. M. Jameson, Insj^ect. of fish, Oct. 22. 1834. TABLE YII. LICENSES GRAXTED TO RESIDENTS ON ST. GEOUGE's RIVER PRIOR TO 1777. 1762. John North, Hugh McLean, retailers. 1763. Andi-cw Malcobn, to sell tea. ANNALS OF WARREN 361 TABLE VII. — Continued. 1764. Andrew Malcolm, George Light, Alexander KeUocli, Samuel Briggs, John Mclntyre, innholders. 1767. John Burton, David Fales, innholders. 1769. Mason Wheaton, George Light, innholders 1770. David Fales, Patrick Porteriield, innholders. 1773. Jonathan Nutting, Elisha Snow, retailers. 1774. Patrick Pebbles, innholder. 1776. Micah Packard, Philip RobbinSj innholders. LICENSES GRANTED BY COURT OF SESSIONS TO RESIDENTS OF WARREN FROM ITS INCORPORATION TO 1820. 1778. William Boggs, innholder. 1782. Moses Copeland, retailer. 1784. Rufus Crane, retailer, Nathan Sprague, innholder. 1787. James W. Head, retailer. 1789. Thomas Starrett, retailer. 1790. Thomas Starrett, J. W. Head, John Martin Schaeffer, Brackett & Davis, retailers. 1793. Ichabod Frost, innholder. 1796. Joseph Boggs, Rufus Crane, innholders. 1797. William McBeath, retailer. 1801. Miles Cobb, retailer. 1802. Jonathan Fuller, innholder. 1803. Timothy Parsons, innholder. 1805. William Hovey, retailer. 1811. Matthias Isley, John Miller, Thomas L. Mallett, innholders. 1812. Joseph Wetherbee, innholder. 1816. Thompson Rawson, innholder. Robert and John Thompson, retailers. 1819. Benjamin Brackett, James Head, retailers. 1820. John Burton, Alexander Lermond, 4th, retailers. LICENSES GRANTED BY THE SELECTMEN, &C., OF WARREN FROM 1821. Fisher Rawson in John Thompson, William McLellan, James W. Head, Benjamin Brackett, 1821. 1821 to 1826. 1821 to 1829. 1821 to 1823. 1821 to 1822. Wm. Hovey, 1821 to '29, & in '34. Thompson Rawson, 1821. Joseph Boggs, 1822. Lemuel Andrews, 1822 to 1827. Thomas Hodgman, 1822 to 1830, and 1834. WiUiam KiUsa 1822 to 1824. John M. Gates, 1822. James Stackpole, 1823 to 1827. Thomas L. Mallett, 1823 to 1828. Joseph Comcry, 1823 to 1825. Seth O'Brien, 1824 to 1829. James Chaples, 1824. Levi Gerrish, 1824 to 1825. Amos H. Hodgman, 1824 to 1827. 31 Steph. C. Burgess, Nathan BuckHn, Samuel Thatcher, Jr, Seth B. Wetherbee, John Miller, David Libbey, Samuel Kelloch, Jesse Page, Caleb Prince, Green & Jordan, Theo. Dillingham, George J. Trask, John Balch, Jonah Gay, Alden Miller, James Brackett, John L. Mallett, E. B. Lermond, Samuel Libbey, John S. Marston, 1825 to 1826 to 1827 to 1827 to 1827 to 1827 to 1828 to 1829 to 1829 to 1830 to 1828. 1826. 1826. 1837. 1829. 1828. 1834. 1829. 1828. 1828. 1829. 1828. 1830. 1829. 1829. 1834. 1834. 1834. 1834, 1834. 362 ANNALS OF WARREN TABLE VIII. VOTES FOR GO-VEBNOR, &C., GIVEN IN WARREN, EROM 1788 TO 1850. Years. Governor. 1788, John Hancock, 1789. John Hancock, 23 votes, el. 19 " el. 1790. 1791. 1792. 1793. 1794. 1795. 1796, 1797. 1798. 1799. 1800. 1801. 1802. 1803. 1804. 1805. 1806. 3807. 1808. 1809. 1810. 1811. 1812. 1813. 1814. 1815. John Hancock, James Bowdoin John Hancock, John Hancock, John Hancock, Elbridge Gerry, William Gushing, Samuel Adams, Samuel Adams, Samuel Adams, Increase Sumner, Increase Sumner, Increase Sumner, Increase Sumner, Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, Caleb Strong, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, Caleb Strong, James Sullivan, Christopher Gore, James Sullivan, Christopher Gore, Levi Lincoln, Christopher Gore, Elbridge Gerry, Christopher Gore, Elbridge Gerry, Caleb Strong, Elbridge Gerry, Caleb Strong, J. B. Varnum, Caleb Strong, Samuel Dexter, Caleb Strong, Samuel Dexter, 21 2 29 39 27 15 21 11 26 35 21 41 28 42 51 7 73 2 111 8 77 69 48 106 47 121 48 122 56 108 59 131 69 117 75 118 62 140 87 135 82 135 88 136 88 F. R. F. R. F. R. F. R. F. R. F. R. F. R. el. el. el. el. Lieut. Governor. Gen. Lincoln, Gen. Lincoln, Samuel Adams, Samuel Adams, do. do. do. do. William Cushing, Moses Gill, Moses Gill, Moses Gill, Moses Gill, Mos6s Gill, Moses Gill, 23 17 1 14 26 39 42 21 3 26 38 36 28 44 54 Edward H. Robbins, 65 S. Phillips, 1 H. Knox, 1 E. H. Robbins, 109 Gen. Wm. Heath, 2 Edward H. Robbins, 83 Edward H. Robbins, 62 William Heath, E. H. Robbins, William Heath, E. H. Robbins, William Heath, E. H. Robbins, Levi Lincoln, David Cobb, Levi Lincoln, David Cobb, J. B. Varnum, David Cobb, William Gray, William Phillips, William Gray, William Phillips, William King, William Phillips, William King, William Phillips, William Gray, William Phillips, William Gray, 44 103 54 108 51 107 63 113 55 1.39 61 112 77 115 77 142 80 142 81 132 89 135 90 ANNALS OF WARREN 363 TABLE Y II I.— Continued, Years. Governor. 1816. John Brooks, 134 Samuel Dexter, 88 1817. John Brooks, 122 Henry Dearborn, 68 1818. John Brooks, 108 B. W. Crowninshield, 58 1819. John Brooks, 96 B. W. Crowninshield, 59 Years. Governor. 1820. William King, 109 r. el. 1821. Ezekiel Whitman, 98 f. el el. 1822. 3823. 1825. 1826. 1827. 1828. 1829. 1830. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 57 R 3 R. 76 F. 63 R. el 60 R. el 73 R. el 14. 83 R. el 80 R. el 93 R. el 97 R. Ezekiel Whitman, Albion K. Parris, Joshua Wingate, Ezekiel Whitman, Albion K. Parris, Albion K. Parris, 1824. Albion K. Parris, Avery Rawson, Albion K. Parris, Enoch Lincoln, Enoch Lincoln, Enoch Lincoln, Samuel E. Smith, 177 d. J. G. Hunton, 95N.R.el. Samuel E.Smith, 229 d, el. J. G. Hunton, 134 n. r. Samuel E.Smith, 221 d. el. Daniel Goodenow, 90 n. r. Samuel E. Smith, 211 d. el. D. Goodenow, 122 n. r. Samuel E. Smith, 138 d. Daniel Goodenow, 95 n. r. Robert P. Dunlap, 61 d. el. Thomas A. Hill, 20 a. m. R. P. Dunlap, 256 d. el. Peleg Sprague, 320 n. r. Thomas A. Hill, 7 a. m. R. P. Dunlap, William King, R. P. Dunlap, Edward Kent, Gorham Parks, Rufus Mclntyre, Edward Kent, el. Elijah L. Hamlin, 106 w. 1836. 1837, S. Fessenden, John Hubbard, E. L. Hamlin, 180 D 55 N 197 D. el. 1849. 68 w. 82 D. 33 D. 1850. 122 w. el Explanations: el. elected ; f. Federal; r cratic; n. r. National Republican ; a. m. Anti-masonic; w. and AB. Abolition. R. F. el. R. Years. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 3843. Lieut. Governor. William Phillips, William Dexter, William Phillips, William King, William Phillips, Thomas Kittredge, 58 William Phillips, 96 Benjamin Austin, 59 Governor. John Fairfield, Edward Kent, John Fairfield, Edward Kent, John Fairfield, Edward Kent, John Fairfield, Edward Kent, John Fairfield, E. Robinson, James Appleton, 129 78 122 68 108 293 D. el, 164 w. 270 D. el. 131 309 D. 155 w. el. 303 D. el. 145 w. 262 D. el. 132 w. 4 AB. Hugh J. Anderson, 66 d. el, Edward Robinson, 95 w. Edward Kavanagh, 96 d. James Appleton, 11 ab. 1844. H. J. Anderson, 269 d. el, E. Robinson, 140 w. James Appleton, 15 ab. 1845. H. J. Anderson, 175 d. eh F. H. Morse, 96 w. S. Fessenden, 11 ab. 1846. John W. Dana, 171 d. el. David Bronson, 109 w. S. Fessenden, 11 ab. 1847. John W. Dana, 141 d. el. David Bronson, 96 w. S. Fessenden, 6 ab. 1848. John W. Dana, 199 d. el. 3 ab. 366 D. el. 124 w. 11 AB. John Hubbard, 175 p. el. Wm. G. Crosby, 107 w. Republican; D.Demo; Whig. 364 ANNALS OF WARREN TABLE IX. AMOUNT OP TAXES RAISED BY THE TOWN OF WARREN, TOGETHER WITH THE PROCEEDS OP THE PISHERY, THE PAUPER EXPENSES, &C. Y'rs. 1778 1779 1788 1789 1790 1791 1793 1794 1795 For Schools. All other Pro- Town ceeds Charges £50 1796 $333,33 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803| 1804' 1805! 1806, 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 333,33 333,33 480,00 500,00 600,00 700,00 500,00 700,00 700,00 700,00 700,00 700,00 700,00! 700,00 500,00 500,00 500,00 500,00 500,00 500;00 500,00 30 30 60 40 50 120 30 50 130 300,00 600,00 333,33 483,33 584,00 605,00 200,00 400,00 200,00 140,00! 100,00 200,00 300,00' 600,00' 400,00 450,00 800,00 1038,00 1160,00 1080,00 of Fish- ery. 400 610 635 575 680 679 621 702 601 570 501 516 400 361 372 376 360 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 For Town Proc'ds sch. Char- of Fish- $ ! ges. 1 ery. 500 $1050 $183,50 531 878 175,00 500! 153,00 850j 156,00 700; 267,00 700 amt.not 314 ascer'd. 600 730,00 500 not as't. 1602; " 900 1000 1700 2000 2600 Pau- Am't For per rec'd licen- Exp. from ' ses. Bank $cts. 43.50 531 531 53 1! 31 531 531 531 531 531 612 612 6121 612i 612j 612i 612 612 612 812 900 900 900 900, 900 900 900 900 900 356,00 513,00 358,00 411,00 367,00 2100 not as't. 2200 '« $567, 420, 395 3001 409 468 400 401 400 406 2981 608| 492 435 Tax. 3000 3500 2000 5175 3000 1200 2000 1400 2000 1400 2000 2000 341,00 353,00 326,00 355,00 328,00 365,00 580,00 1975,25 914,12 800,00 716,50 $ cts. 85,63 67,50 54,50 63,50 64,75 67,00 71,34 79,44 70,50 24,00 18,00 26,00 9,00 425 104,51 464 116,51 420 157,18 456 214,88: 5,00 496 201,60 449 187,46 395 161,90 499 130,09 249 122,28 172 113,97 250 105,36 107,60 St !l07,46 101,99 103,72 * Amount not ascertained, and said to be little more than cost of taking, t Paid by selectmen, and amount not ascertained. ANNALS OF WARREN 365 TABLE X. ANNUAL RETURN OF THE SUPERINTENDING SCHOOL COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN OF WARREN, APRIL Ist, 1850. No. of Dist. JMo.l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 No. chi'd'n bet. 4 «fc21 years, May 1, 1849. 67 73 77 50 100 75 69 37 30 43 44 22 33 29 45 33 23 13 26 84 3 Whole No. Aver- attending age sum. term. No.do. 1849. 1849. 37 25 43 39 47 32 31 22 47 32 48 38 39 28 14 12 00 GO 22 16 22 18 16 11 17 14 13 12 35 30 21 14 14 11 00 00 24 18 44 36 00 00 Whole No. Aver- attending, age win. term. No.do. 1849-50. '49-'50 46 37 51 42 59 40 36 31 57 46 58 49 53 49 00 00 31 24 32 26 32 30 00 00 21 17 18 14 46 40 27 20 21 19 00 00 31 25 54 44 00 00 Length school in days. of Wag. of tea- chers exclu, of board. S'r. W'r 53 50 72 37 57 44 54 00 66 44 44 00 75 44 39 55 33 00 53 50 00 M.* 520 20 20 20^ 20 20 00 00 18 ^2,tf. 00 14 20 ^2,tf. 18 00 52.tf. 18 00 F.t 1,75 1,75 1,50 1,50 2,00 1.58 1.00 2,50 1,33 1,25 1,50 1,50 1,00 1,50 1,00 1,00 00 1,33 2,50 0,00 I 978 I 534 j 408 j 613 | 563 | 11531 Amount of money raised by town for schools 1849, ,g900. Do. received from the State, ^103,72. Ditto from school fund, ^200. Number of schools sup- plied with blackboard, 14. Other school apparatus or libraries, 0. Number of school-houses owned by town or districts, 18. Number which are well constructed, commodious and in good repair, 16. Text books most exten- sively used ; in spelling, Tov/n's and Emerson's; Reading, Leavilt's series j Arithmetic, Smith's and Robinson's j Grammar, Smith's and Weld's. * Males per month. t Females per week. TABLE XI MILITIA OFFICERS IN THE TOWN OF WARREN, WITH THE DATES OF THEIR COMMISSIONS AS FAR AS COULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE ADJUTANT general's office, arranged ALPHABETICALLY ; WITH SOME OBTAINED FROM OTHER SOURCES. Alexander, Henry, Captain, about 1739. Alford, Lore, Ensign, Aug. 25, lb27, Capt. Aug. 7, 1830, of the East- ern Company. , 31* 366 ANNALS OF WARREN. TABLE XI.— Continued. Andrews, Lemuel, Lieut. Capt. about 1813, E. Co. Andrews, Benjamin, Lieut, about 1813, E. Co. Anderson, Alexander, Lieut. July 10, 1822, of the Western Co. „ Ayer, Dr. Benjamin, Surgeon's Mate, April 24,1828, of the Artillery Company, Blake, Willing, Capt. of W. Co. about 1798. Bracket, Benjamin, Major, about 1800. Buckland, Nathan, Capt. about 1807, of W. Co. Burgess, Stephen C, Capt. May 21, 1821, E, Co. Burgess, Thomas P., Ensign, April 28, 1836, Lieut. May 2, 1840, of Rifle Co. Burgess, Wm. C, Capt. Aug. 12, 1837, of Artillery. Burton, Benjamin, Lieut, in Revolutionary Army, Lt. Col. 1785 or 6, Col. 1796. ■^ Buxton, Dr. Edmund, Surgeon, about 1800. -^Buxton, Dr. Benjamin F., Paymaster, Sept. 20, 1827. Chadbourne, I>ovel P., Ensign, Aug. 17, 1839, W. Co. Cobb, Lewis V., Ensign, May 15, 1841, Lieut. April 23, 1842, of Rifle Co. Copeland, Joseph, 1st, Lieut, of Guards sent to Machias in 1776. Copeland, Moses, Adjutant, about 1770. Copeland, Rufus B., Quartermaster, about 1803 or 4. Copeland, David, Lieut, about 1804, of E. Co. Copeland, Joseph, 2d, Lieut. Oct. 13, 1817, of Artillery. Copeland, John, Ensign about 1813, Capt. July 10, 1822, W. Co. Copeland, Oliver, Ensign, about 1813, Capt. about 1818, E. Co. Copeland, John, 2d, Ensign, May 2, 1840, E. Co. Counce, Oliver W., Lieut. May 23, 1828, W. Co. Crane, Rufus, Ensign, about 1788, Capt. about 1798, of E. Co. Crane, William, Quartermaster, Sept. 25, 1817. Crawford, Charles, Ensign, May 21, 1821, Capt. April 16, 1824, E. Company. Creighton, James, Ensign, May 2, 1840, Lieut. May 15, 1841, Capt. April 23, 1842, Rifle Co. Creighton, George Y., Ensign, Aug. 7, 1830, Lieut. June 25,1831, Capt. March 29, 1834, E. Co. Davis, Aaron, Lieut, about 1798, Capt. about 1804, of E. Co. Davis, Jacob P., Lieut, about 1798, of W. Co. Dunbar, Richard, Ensign, April 16, 1824, Lieut. Aug. 25, 1827, E. Company. Eaton, Oscar, Capt. April 28, 1836, Rifle Co. Fuller, Jonathan, Lieut, about 1807, Capt. about 1811, W. Co. Fuller, Peter, Lieut. May 21, 1821, E. Co. Frye, Job, Lieut. May 6, 1837, E. Co. Hall, Reuben, 1st, Lieut, in 1785. Hall, Reuben, 4th, Ensign, July 10, 1822, W. Co. Head, James W., Major, 1796, Col. about 1798. Hinkley, Samuel, Lieut. April 16, 1824, Capt. Aug. 25, 1827, E. Co. Hodgman, Amos H., Col. July 16, 1827, afterwards Brig. Gen. Hoff'sis, Thomas, Capt. Oct. 12, 1833, of W. Co. Huse, Jonathan, Chaplain, June 1, 1606. James, William, Lieut, in 1770. ANNALS OF WARREN. 367 TABLE XI.— Continued. Jameson, Uavid P., Lieut. Sept. 18, 1828, Capt. June 29, 1833, Rifle Company. Kelloch, Alexander, 1st, Ensign, 1775. Kilpatrick, Thomas, Capt. about 1749. Kirkpatrick, George, Ensign, March 16, 1829, Lieut. May 4, 1839, Capt. May 2, 1840, E. Co. Kirkpatrick, Thomas, Jr., Lieut. May 1. 1840, E. Co. Leach, Ambrose, Ensign, June 25, 1831, Lieut. March 29, 1834, E. Company. Leach, Sumner, Ensign, March 29, 1834, Capt. May 6, 1837, of E. Co., afterwards Col. Lermond, Alexander, Lieut, of Rangers, 1755, of militia in 1758. Lermond, Alexander, 2d, Ensign, Aug. 4, 1785. Lermond, Alexander, 3d, Lieut, in Artillery, about 1812. Libbey, Hatevil, 1st, Lieut. 1775, Major, 1785 or 6. Libbey, Edward G., Ensign, Oct. 17, 1840, W. Co. Libbey, Alexander, 2d, Lieut. Sept. 9, 1843, Artillery. Lawrence, George W., Capt. Sept. 9, 1843, of Artillery. Mclntyre, .lohn, Capt. about 1770, and again 1785 or 6. Mclntyre, John, 2nd, Ensign, 1798, W. Co. Mclntyre, Robert, 4th, Ensign, April 23, 1842, Rifle Co. McLellan, Wm. H. P., Ensign, March 29, 1834, Lieut. April 28, 1836, Rifle Co. Mallett, John L., Lieut. Aug. 18, 1827, Capt. Aug. 11, 1828, W. Co. Miller, Alden, Lieut, about 1828, Capt. Major, of Artillery. Newcomb, Daniel, Lieut. Sept. 12, 1815, of Artillery. Page, Jesse, 1st, Adjutant, about 1803. Patterson, David, 3d, Lieut. 1806, Capt. about 1812, Artillery. Patterson, Joshua L., Lieut. May 18, 1825, Capt. about IB28, Artillery. Patterson, David, 4th, Capt. about 1833 or 4, Artillery. Payson, Samuel, Lieut. 1788. Payson, John, Ensign, 1798, of E. Co. Porterfield, Patrick, Lieut, about 1749. Porterfield, Robert, Adjutant, about 1786. Prior, Ebenezer, Ensign, Oct. 12, 1833, Lieut. March 29, 1836, W. Co Proctor, John, Capt. March 23, 1839, W. Co. Rawson, Fisher, Paymaster, Aug. 15, 1828. Richmond, John W., Capt. Rifle Co. Sept. 18, 1828, Major, Oct. 1, 1832, Lieut. Col. May 24, 1834. Robinson, Robert, Lieut. June 29, 1833, Capt. March 29, 1834, Rifle Company, Simonton, Patrick, Ensign, June 29, 1833, Lieut. March 29, 1834, Rifle Co. Smith, Philip, Ensign, April 16, 1824, W. Co. Spear, John, 1st, Capt. about 1788. Spear, Andrew, Ensign, March 29, 1834, W. Co. Spear, George, Ensign, July 9, 1836, W. Co. Spear, William, 3d, Lieut. March 23. 1839, W. Co. Starrett, Thomas, ]st, Capt. 1775, Col. about 1785 or 6. Starrett, William, Ensign, about 1804, Capt. about 1810, E. Co. Starrett, Benjamin, Ensign, June 3, 1837, Capt. March 16, 1839, E. Company. Starrett, Samuel, Lieut. June 3, 1837, E. Co. ^ 368 ANNALS OF WARREN. TABLE XI.— Continued. Starrett, John, Jr., Lieut. Aug. 12, 1837, Artillery. Stevens, James, Ensign, Sept. 18, 1828, Rifle Co. Thatcher, Samuel, Adjutant, about 1800, Col. 1803 or 4. Thatcher, Ebenezer, Capt. about 1806 of Artillery, subsequently Major, Col., Brig. Gen. Webb, William H., Ensign, about 1807, W. Co. Wilbur, Marshal, Lieut, about 1811, Capt. about 1816, W. Co. Williams, Nathan, Capt. of Union Light Infmtry, May 22, 1806. Wyllie, William, Lieutenant, Sept. 12, 1815, Major, Sept. 27, 1828, Artillery. Wyllie, John, 3d, Lieut. Sept. 9, 1843, Artillery. TABLE XII. OFFICERS OF THE REGIMENT IN WHICH THE MILITIA OF WARREN HAS AT DIFFERENT TIMES BEEN INCLUDED. At the time tliis town was settled the whole militia of thiB State was included in one regiment, William P^perel of Kittery, Col. In 1739, it Avas divided into two regiments and the eastern put under the command of Col. Samuel Waldo of Falmouth. 2nd. Col. Samuel AValdo, Jr., about 1745. 3d. Col. Charles Cushing, then of Falmouth, in 1750. 4th. Col. James Cargill of Newcastle, about 1763. 5th. Col. Lithgow, Maj. M. Wheaton, Adj. M. Copeland, about 1770. 6th. Col. Mason Wheaton, Lt. Col. Wm. Farnsworth, Maj. Hanse Robinson, about 1776. 7th. Col. T. Starrett, Lt. Col. B. Burton, Maj. H. Libbey, Adj. R. Porterfield, 1785. 8th. Col. J. W. Head, Majors Otis Robbins & Benjamin Brackett, Adj. Clark Gerrish, about 1798. 9th. Col. Samuel Thatcher, Majors Joshua Adams & Joseph Maxey, Sept. 5, 1805, Adjutant J. Page, about 1803. Col. Samuel Thatcher, Majors Erastus Foote & Rufus Gilmore. Major Rufus Gilmore, June 26, 1810, & 2. Major Isaac G. Reed. Major I. G. Reed, 2. Maj. Herman Hawes. 10th. Col. Isaac G. Reed, June 27, 1815, Maj. H. Hawes, 2. Maj. Kaiser, Adjutant Alfired Hovey. Col. I. G. Reed, Lieut. Jacob Ludwig, jr., June 20, 1816. Major Thomas Simmons. 11th. Col. Thomas Simmons, Lt. Col. J. Ludwig, Jr. Major Gorham Parks, Adjutant Horace Rawson. 12th. Col. J. Ludwig, Jr, Lt. Col. Gorham Parks, Major Avery Raw- son, August 13, 1822. Col. J. Ludwig, Jr., Lt. Col. John Bachelder, March 3, 1823. 13th. Col. Avery Rawson, February 25, 1824. 14th. Col. Amos H. Hodgman, July 16, 1827. 15th. Col. Charles K. Miller, Lt. Col. Henry Kennedy, Major George Sprowl, Adjutant Isaac Reed, August, 1830. ANNALS OF WARREN. 369 TABLE XII. — Continued. 16th. Col. Henry Kennedy, Lt. Col. George Sprowl, Major William H. Barnard, Sept. 21, 1831, Adjutant Abiel W. Kennedy. Col. H. Kennedy, Lt. Col. George Sprowl, Major John W. Richmond, October 1, 1832. 17th. Col. George Sproul, Lt. Col. John W. Richmond, Major James Woltz, Adjutant Newell W. Ludwig, May, 1834. 18th. Col. John T. Castner ; Lt. Col. Sumner Leach, May 2, 1838 ; Maj. J. "Woltz, Adjutant Elijah A. Dagget. Col. J. T. Castner, Lt. Col. James C. Morse, Feb. 5, 1841. Maj. J. Woltz, Adjutant Wm. G. Reed, June 8, 1841. Col. J. T. Castner, Lieut. Col. J. C. Morse, Maj. Wm. G. Reed, July 23, 1841, Adjutant Frederic W. Nichols, 1841. Col. J. T. Castner, Lt. Col. J. C. Morse, Maj. AVm. G. Reed, Adjutant Cyrus Levensaler, 1841. 19th. Col. James C. Morse, Lt. Col. Wm. G. Reed, Maj. Thurston W. Vinal, Oct. 22, 1842. TABLE XIII VESSELS BUILT IN THE TOWN OF WARREN WITH THE NAMES OF BUILDER OR OWNER, AS FAR AS ASCERTAINED. Chief Owners. D. Patterson & others. A. & W. Lermond. Vl. Copeland, Sec. W. Thomas. Lermonds & Wyllie. T. Starrett, 1st. Wyllie «fe Lermonds. Owners in Mass. J. Spear, A. M'Kellar. Starrett «fe Spear. Bracket & Davis. Malcolm, Dunbar, &c. Lermonds, Henderson. Head, &c. Wyllie, Lermonds, fcc. H. E. } 27 1830 " 19 7 .r 7 30 (• 5 li 15 }) 26 1831 « 12 30 « 2 May 2 a 12 li 11 )) 27 1832 " 25 a 27 " 18 " 15 ic 11 10 June 14 1833 " 19 15 " 10 li 8 11 13 a 13 May 31 1834 " 12 9 « 6 ti. 9 u 17 li 10 June 4 1835 " 2] " 22 " 20 u 9 (( 27 a 18 }> 4 1836 " 31 a 27 " 19 " 12 c< 20 it 11 f> 9 1837 " 18 24 " 16 l( 15 .i 24 i( 14 }> 12 1838 " 21 14 « 13 (I 15 a 24 1 " 13 » 10 1839 •' 24 « 13 '' 11 il 13 li 16 it 13 }7 7 1840 " 4 5 " 10 it 14 li 15 it 13 May 29 1841 " 21 21 " 16 <' 15 IC 15 11 12 June 8 1842 " 4 25 Mar. 17 '( 7 li 17 " 16 1 " 6 1843 \pril £ May 1 April 26 '' 11 li 18 " 15 I " 10 1844 Mar. 2c April 17 - 10 . /. oe: