i 0/5 RELATION MARYLAND. 1634. ^ yl£ SHEA'S ^ ? EARLY SOUTHERN TRACTS . No. I. The " Relation of the Successful Beginnings of the Lord Baltemore's Plantation in Maryland," which we now publijh, is printed from a tranjcript of the excejjlvely rare work, printed in 1634, and found in the Britijh Mujeum. It was unquejlionably the firjl publication, ijjued in London, de- Jcribing the new Province of Maryland; — the y?r/? province pojjejjed by the Britijh Empire. The pamphlet now given was perhaps prepared by Cecilius Calvert, Lord Baltimore, from the letters of his brothers Leonard and George Calvert, who went out with the expedition. Indeed, it is probable that it is in the exa^ language of the adventurers themjelves, and Jo, contains their frejh imprejjions of the land and people during the firjl two months of their rejidence in America. They came into the Chejapeake on the 3d of March, and the document is dated " from Saint Afairie's in Mary- land, 27 May, 1634." This pamphlet Jerved as the bajls of the more extended colo- nizing programme and dejcription of the Province, called " A Relation of Maryland," jub/cquently publi/hed in London in 1635, and 'lately reprinted here by Mr. Sabin. We were Jo charmed by the racy frcjhnejs of the pages now ijfued from the rare original of 1 634, — a printed copy of which we have never J*cen in this country, — that we thought our readers might Jhare the delight with which we perufcd the narrative, and be glad to pojfcfs a copy of the virgin draft of the familiar letters which afterwards grew into a more pretentious, colonizing pamphlet. B. M. Baltimore, 16 Aug., 1865. RELATION of The fucceffefull beginnings of the Lord Baltemore's Plantation in MJRT-LJJVD ; Being an extradl of certalne Letters written from thence, by fome of the Aduenturers to their friends in England, ,^^' Anno Domini 1634., (ff u. s.a. !V WASH^H&^jy' Edition 150 copies 4T0. 30 COPIES LARGE PAPER. 3 J-? A Relation of the fuccefsful beginnings of the LORD BALTEMORE'S Plantation in Mary-land. N Friday the 22 of November 1633, a fmall gale of winde comming gently from the Northweft, weighed from the CoweSy in the He of Wight, about ten in the morning ; & (hauing flayed by the way twenty dayes at the Barbada'sy and fourteene dayes at S^ Chriftophers, vpon fome neceflary occalions,) wee arrived at Point-Comfort in Virginia, on the 24. of February following, the Lord be praifedfor it. At this time one Captaine Clayboiirne was come from parts where wee intended to plant, to Virginia, and from him wee vnderftood, that all the natiues of thefe parts were in preparation of defence, by reafon of a rumour fome-body had raifed amongft them, of fixe ( 6 ) fixe fhips that were come with a power of Span- yards, whofe meaning was to driue all the inhabit- ants out of the Countrey. Wee had good letters from his Maiefly to the GoLiernour and Councill of Virginia^ which made him fauor vs and (hew vs as noble vfage as the place afforded, with promife, that for their Cattel and Hoggs, Corne and Poultry, our plantation fhould not want the open way to furniih ourfelues from thence : He told vs likewife. That when his Lordfliip Ihould be refolued on a conuenient place to make himfelf a feat, he (hould be able to prouide him with as much Bricke and Tile as he fhould haue occafion to imploy, vntill his Lordfhip had made of his own : Alfo, that he had to furnifh his LordQiip with two or three hundred ftocks ready grafted with Peares, Apples, Plummes, Apricotes, Figgs, and Peaches, and fome Cherries : That he had alfo fome Orange and Limon trees in the grounds which yet thriued; Alfo Filberds, Hazel- nuts and Almonds ; and in one place of the Colony, Quince-trees, wherewith he could furnifli his Lorddiip; and, in fine, that his Lordfliip fhould not want any thing that Colony had. On the 3. of March we^ came into Chefapeake Bay, ( 7 ) Bay, and made fayle to the North of Patoemeck riuer, the Bay running betweene two fweete lands in the channell of 7. 8. and 9 fathome deepe, 10 leagues broad, and full of fifli at the time of the yeere ; It is one of the delightfulleft waters I euer faw, except Potoemeck, which wee named S^ Gregories. And now being in our own Countrey, wee began to giue names to places, and called the Southerne Pointe, Cape Saint Gregory; and the Northerly Point, Saint Michaels. This riuer, of all I know, is the greateft and fweeteft, much broader than the Thames ; fo plea- fant, as I for my part, was neuer fatisfied in be- holding it. Few marfhes or fwamps, but the greateft part follid good earth, with great Curiofity of woods which are not Choaked vp with vnder- (hrubbes, but fet commonly one from the other in fuch diftance, as a Coach and foure horfes may eafily trauell through them. At the firfl: loaming of the (hip vpon the river, wee found (as was foretold vs) all the Countrey in Armes. The King of the Pafchattowayes had drawen together 1500 bowe-men, which wee our- felues faw, the woods were fired in manner of beacons the night after ; and for that our veflell was ( 8 ) was the greatell: that euer thofe Indians faw, the fcowtes reported wee came in a Canoa, as bigge as an Ifland, and had as many men as there bee trees in the woods. Wee fayled vp the river till wee came to Heron Hands, fo called from the infinite fwarmes of that fowle there. The firft of thofe Hands we called Saint Clement's: The fecond Saint Katharine's ; And the third, Saint Cicilie's. We took land firft in Saint Clement's, which is compafTed about with a {hallow water, and admitts no accefle without wading ; here by the ouerturning of the Shallop, the maids which had been wafhing at the land were almoft drowned, befide the loffe of much linnen, and amongft the reft, I loft the befl of mine which is a very maine lolTe in thefe parts. The ground is couered thicke with pokickeries (which is a wild Wall-nut very hard and thick of fliell ; but the meate (though little) is pafTing fweete,) with black Wall-nuts, and acorns bigger than Ours. It abounds with Vines and Salletts, hearbs and flowers, full of Cedar and SafTafras. It is but 400 acres bigg, & therefore too little for vs to fettle vpon. Heere we went to a place, where a large tree was ( 9 ) was made into a CrofTe; and taking it on our fhoulders, wee carried it to the place appointed for it. The Gouernour and Commiffioners putting their hands iirft vnto it, then the reft of the chiefeft aduenturers. At the place prepared wee all kneeled downe, & faid certain Prayers; taking pofTeffion of the Countrey for our Saviour, and for our foueraigne Lord the King of England. Here our Gouernour had good aduice giuen him, not to land for good and all, before hee had beene with the Emperour of Pafchattowayy and had declared vnto him the Caufe of our coming : Which was firft to learne them a diuine Dodrine, which would lead their Soules to a place of hap- pinelTe after this life were ended ; And alfo, to en- rich them with fuch Ornaments of a ciuill life wherewith our Countrey doth abound : and this Emperour being fatisfied, none of the inferiour Kings would ftirre. In conformity to this aduice, hee took two Pinnaces, his owne, and another hired in Virginia; and leauing the Ship before Saint Clements at Anchor, went vp the river and landing on the South Side, and finding the Indians fled for feare, came to Potoemack Towne, when the King being a child, Archihau his vncle go- B uerned ( lo ) uerned both him and his Countrey for him. Hee gaue all the Company good Well-come : & one of the Company hauing entered into a little difcourfe with him touching the errours of their religion, hee feemed well pleafed therewith ; & at his going away defired him to return vnto him againe, telling him hee fhould Hue at his Table, his men {houldhunt for him, and hee would diuide all with him. From hence they went to Pafchattoway. All were heere armed : 500 Bow-men came to the Water-fide. The Emperour himl'elf more fear- lefTe than the reft, came priuately aboard, where he was courteoufly entertained ; and vnderftanding wee came in a peaceable manner, bade vs welcome, and gaue vs leaue to fit downe in what place of his Kingdome wee pleafed. While this King was aboard. All the Indians came to the Water-fide, fearing treafon, wherevpon two of the King's men, that attended him in our fhippe were appointed to row on flioare to quit them of this feare : but they refufing to goe for feare of the popular fury ; the interpretours ftanding on the Deck fhewed the King to them that hee was in fafety, where-with they were fatisfied. In this iourney the Gouer- nour ( " ) nour entertained Captaine Henry Fleete & his three barkes ; who accepted a proportion in bea- uer trade to ferue vs, being fkillfull in the tongue, & well beloued of the natiues. Whileft the Gouernour was abroad the Indians began to lay afide feare, & to come to our Court of guard, which wee kept night and day vpon Saint Clements' He : partly to defend our Barge, which was brought in pieces out of England, & there made vp, and partly to defend the Captaines men, which were imployed in felling of trees, and cleaning pales for the pallizado : and at laft they ventured to come aboard our fhip. It was worth the hearing for thofe who vnderftood them to heare what admiration at our fliip ; Calling it a Canow, and wondering where fo great a tree grew that made it, conceiuing it to bee made of one piece, as their Canows are. Our great Ordnance was a great & fearefull thunder, they had neuer heard any before; all the Countrey trembles at them. The Gouernour being returned, wee Came fome nine leagues lower to a riuer on the North Side of that land, as bigg as the Thames : which wee called Saint GregonVs river. It runs vp to the North ( 12 ) North about 20 miles before it comes to the frefh. This river makes two excellent Bayes, for 300 fayle of Shippes of 1000. tunne, to harbour in with great fafety. The one Bay we named Saint Saint George's ; the other (and more inward) Saint Marie's. The King of Yaocomico, dwells on the left-hand or fide thereof: 6c we tooke vp our Seate on the right, one mile within the land. It is as braue a piece of ground to fet down on as moft is in the Countrey, 6c I fuppofe as good, (if not much better) than the primeft parcell of Eng- lifjj ground. Our Town we call Saint Marie's ; and to auoid all iuft occafion of offence, 6c collour of wrong, wee bought of the King for Hatchetts, Axes, Howes, and Cloathes, a quantitie of fome 30 miles of Land, which wee call Augiijla Carolina ; And that which made them the more willing to fell it, was the warres they had with the Sa/queJa-/ianoug/js, a mighty bordering nation, who came often into their Countrey, to wafte 6c deftroy ; 6c forced many of them to leaue their Countrey, and palTe ouer Patoemeck to free themfelues from perill before wee came. God no doubt difpofing all this for them, who were to bring his law and light among the ( 13 ) the Infidells. Yet, feeing wee came foe well pre- pared with armes, their feare was much leffe, & they could be content to dwell by vs : Yet doe they daily relinquifh their houfes, lands, & Corne-fields, & leaue them to vs. Is not this a piece of wonder that a nation, which a few dayes before was in armes with the reft againft vs, fhould yeeld them- felues now vnto vs like lambes, & giue vs their houfes, lands and liuings, for a trifle ? Digitus Dei eji hie: and furely fome great good is entended by God to his Nation. Some few families of In- diansy are permitted to ftay by vs till next yeere, & then the land is free. Wee had not beene long time feated there, ere Sir John Haruey, Gouernor of Virginia^ did our Gouernour the honour (in moft friendly manner) to vifit him : & during the time of his being there, the King of Patuxunt alfo came to vifit vs ; and being come aboard the Arke, and brought into the great Cabbin, & feated betweene the two Go- uernors (Captaine Fleete and Mafter Golding the interpreters being prefent) he began his Speech as followeth. When I heard that a great Werowance of the Engliih was come to Yoacomoco, / had a great de- Jire ( 14 ) Jire to fee him. But when I heard the Werowance of Pafbie-haye was come thither alfo to iiifit him, I prefently Jiart vpj and without further counfell, came to fee them both. In the time of his flay at Saint Mairie^s, wee kept the Solemnitie of carrying our Colours on fhore : and the King of Patuxunt accompanying vs, was much taken with the Ceremony. But the fame night (hee and Captaine Fleete being at the Indian Houfe) the Arke's great gunnes, to honour the Day, fpake aloude ; which the King of Pa- tuxunt with great admiration hearing, counfelled his friends the Toacomoco Indians to be carefull that they breake not their peace with vs ; & faid : When wee jldoote, our Bow-ftrings giue a twang that's heard but a little way off: But doe you not lieare what cracks their Bow-f rings giue ? Many fuch pretty fayings hee vfed in the time of his being with vs, & at his departure, hee thus expreft his extraordinary affe<5lion vnto vs : I doe loue the EngHfh foe welly that if they JJjould kill mCyfo that they left mee with fo much breathy as tofpeake vnto my people y I would commend them not to reuenge my Death. As for the Natiues they are proper tall men of perfon ; ( 15 ) perfon ; fwarthy by nature but much more by Art : painting themfelues with Colours in oyle, Hke a darke Red, which they doe to keep the Gnatts off: wherein I confeffe, there is more eafe than Com- lineffe. As for their faces, they haue other Colours at times, as Blew from the nofe vpward, and Red downeward, and fometime contrariwife in great variety, and in very gaftly manner ; fometimes they haue no beards till they come to be very old, and therefore drawe from each fide of their mouthes, lines to their very eares, to reprefent a beard ; & this fometimes of one colour, and fometimes of another. They wear their hair generally very long, and it is as black as yett : which they bring vp in a Knott to the left eare, and tye it about with a large ftring of Wampampegge, or Roanoke, or fome other of the beft Jewels among them. Vpon their fore- head, fome vfe to weare a Fifh of Copper, and fome weare other figures. About their neckes, they vfe to weare many bugle chaynes, though thefe begin now not to be efleemed among them for truck. Their apparell generally is deere-fkin, and fome Furre, which they ( i6 ) they weare like loofe mantles : yet vnder this about their middle, all women & men, at man's eftate, weare Perizomata (or round aprons) of fkinnes, which keeps them decently couered, that without any offence to chaft eyes, wee may conuerfe with them. All the reft of their bodies are naked, & at times, fome of the youngeft fort both of men & women have iuft nothing to couer them. Their feete are as hard as any home, when they runne ouer prickles & thornes they feele it not. Their Armes is a Bow, with a bunch of Arrowes, of a yard long, furnifht with three feathers at the top ; and pointed either with the point of a deere's home, or a (harp three-cornered white flint; the reft is a fmall cane, or ftraight fticke. They are fo experte at thefe, that I haue once feen one, a good diftance off, ftrike a very fmall bird through the middelle : and they vfed to caft a thing vp from hand, and before it come to the ground to meete it with a (haft. Their bowes are but weake, and carry not leuell very farre ; yet thefe are their liuelyhood, and euery day they are abroad after fquirrells, paretidges, turkies, deere, & the like game ; whereof there is a won- derfull plenty ; though wee dare not yet be fo bold ourfelues. ( 17 ) ourfelues, as to fetch frefh meate by this meanes, farre off. The Indian houfes are all built heere in a long halfe Ouall; nine or tenne foote high to the mi- ddle top, where (as in ancient Temples) the light is admitted by a window, halfe a yarde fquare ; which window is alfo the chimney, which giueth paffage to the fmoake, the fire being made in the middeft of the floore (as in our old halls of England) and about it they vfe to lie. Saue only that their Kings & great men haue their Cabbins, and a bed of fkinnes well dreffed (wherein they are excellent) fet on boards and foure flakes driuen into the ground. And now at this prefent, many of vs live in thefe Witchotts (as they terme them) con- ueniently enough till better bee fett vp : But they are dreffed vp fomething better than when the In- dians had them. The naturall witt of this nation is good and quick, and will conciue a thing very readily ; they excell in fmell and taft, & haue far Iharper fight than wee. Their ordinary diet is Poane and Omine, both made of Corne, to which they addc at times, Fifh, Fowle, and Venifon. They are of great temperance, efpecially from C Hott- waters ( i8 ) Hott-waters or Wine, which they are hardly brought to taft, faue onely whom the Englifi haue corrupted with their owne vices. For modeftie, I muft confefle, I neuer faw from Man or Woman, any acftion tending to leuitie; & yet daily the poore foules are heere in our houfes, & take content to bee with vs, bringing fometimes Turkies, fometimes Squirrells as bigge as EngliJJi Rabbetts, but much more dainty ; at other times fine white cakes, Patridges, Oifters ready boil'd and ftewed : and doe runne vnto vs with fmiling countenance when they fee vs, and will fifh and hunt for vs, if wee will ; and all this with enter- courfe of very few words, but wee haue hitherto gathered their meaning by lignes. It is lawfull among them to haue more wiues than one : but all keepe the rigour of coniugall faith vnto their Hufbands. The women's very afpe(5t is modeft and graue. Generally the nation is fo noble, that you can- not doe them any favour or good turnes but they returne it. There is fmall paffion among them, but they weigh all with a calme and quiet reafon. And to doe this the better, in greate affaires they are ftuddying in a long lilence what is beft to bee faid ( 19 ) faid or done : And then they anfwer yea or no, in two words: And ftand confhantly to their refolu- tion. If thefe people were once Chriflians (as by fome lignes wee have haue reafon to thinke nothing hinders it but want of language) it would bee a right vertuous 6c renowned Nation. As for their religion, we haue not language our- felues to find it out; Mafter T^horoughgood, who driues his Lordfhip's trade vpon the riuer Patuxunt, hath related fomewhat. Firfl they acknowledge One God of Heaven, which they call (our) God ; and cry, a thoufand fhames vpon thofe Chriftians that fo lightly offend fo good a God. But they giue no externall honour vnto him, but vfe all their might to pleafe an Okee (or frantick fpirit) for feare of harme from him. They adore alfo Wheat and Fire as two gods, very beneficiall vnto man's nature. In the Machicomoco, or Temple of Patuxunt, there was fcene by our Traders this Ceremony. Vpon a day appointed all the Townes mett, and a great fire being made ; about it ftood the younger fort, and behinde them againe the elder. Then taking a little deer fuett, they cail it into the fire, crying ( 20 ) crying Tahoy Taboy and lifting their hands to heauen. After this, was brought before them a great Bagg, filled with a large Tobacco-pipe and Poake, which is the word they vfe for Our Tobacco. This was carried about the fire, the youth following, and finging Taho, Taho, in very good tune of voice, and Comely gefture of body. The round ended, one comes reuerently to the Bagg, and opening it, takes out the Pipe, and di- uides the Poake from one to one. As euery one tooke his draught, hee breath'd his fmoake vpon the limbs of his owne body ; as it were to fandiifie them by this ceremony, to the honour & feruice of their God, whomfoeuer they meant. This is all I can fay touching their religion: faue onely that they feeme to haue fome know- ledge by tradition, of a flood wherein the world was drowned for finne. And now to returne to the place itfelf, chofen for our plantation. Wee haue been vpon it but one month, and therefore can make no large rela- tion of it. Yet thus much I can fay of it allready ; For our own fafety, we haue built a good ftrong Fort or Palizado, & haue mounted vpon it one good piece of Ordnance, and 4 Murderers,, and haue feuen ( 21 ) feuen pieces of Ordnance more, ready to mount forthwith. For our prouifion, heere is fome ftore of Peafen, and Beanes, and Wheate left on the ground by the Indians y who had fatisfadiion for it. Wee haue planted fince wee came, as much Maize (or Indian Wheate) as will fufRce (if God profper it) much more company than we haue. It is vp about knee high aboue ground allready, and wee expedt return of looo. for one, as we haue reafon for our hope, from the experience of the yeelde in other parts of this Countrey, as is very credibly related to vs. We haue alfo EnglifJi Peafen, & French-beanes, Gotten, Cringes, Limons, Melocotunes, Apples, Peares, Potatos, and Sugar-Canes of our owne planting, befide Hortage comming vp very finely. But fuch is the quantity of Vines and Grapes now allready vpon them (though young) as I dare fay if wee had Veflells and fkill, wee might make many a tonne of Wine, euen from about our Plan- tation ; and fuch Wine, as thofe of Virginia fay (for yet we can fay nothing) as is as good as the Wine of Spaine. I feare they exceede ; but furely very good. For the Clime of this Countrey is neere the fame with Sivill and Corduba : lying betweene 38 & 40 degrees of Northerlie latitude. Of ( 22 ) Of Hoggs we have allready got from Achomack (a plantation in Virginia) to the number of loo, & more: and fome 30 Cowes ; and more wee ex- pert daily, with Goats and Hennes; our Horfes and Sheepe wee muft have out of England^ or forae other place by the way, for we can haue none in Virginia. For the Commodities, I will fpeake more when I fee further ; onely wee haue fent ouer a good quantitie of Iron-flone, for a tryall, which, if it proue well, the place is likly to yeeld infinite ftore of it. And for that flaxe and hempe which wee haue fowed, it comes vp, and wee hope will thriue exceedingly well : I end with the foyle, which is excellent, couered with flore of large flrauberries, Rafpices, Vines, SafTafras, Wall-nutts, Acornes, & the like : and this in the wildeft woods too. The mould is blacke, a foot deepe, and then comes after a red Earth. All is high wood, but in the Indian fields, which are fome parcells of ground cleared for Corne. It abounds with good Springs, which is our drinke. Of beafis ; I haue feene Deere, Racounes, and Squirrills, befide which there are many others, which I haue not yet feene. Of Birds diurfely feathered there are infinite ; Eagles, Bitternes, ( 23 ) Bitternes, Herons, Swannes, Geefe, Parteridge, Ducks, red, blew, partie-coloured Birds, and the like. By all which it appeareth, the Countrey aboundeth not onely with profit but with pleafure. And to fay trueth, there wanteth nothing for the perfect- ing of this hopefull plantation ; but greater num- bers of our Country-men to enioy it. From Saint MatnVs in Mary-land, 27 May 1634. /?. Printed by Joel Munfell^ Sept.^ iS6^, from a tranfcript of the original work in the Britijh Mufeum, l^J(/lo &. u flYvl tv X}