mi F 221 . V824 1834 Copy 1 ORGANIZATION LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Virginia Historical Society. ^ Richmond, Va: HOUSE OF THE SOCIETY, No. 707 East Franklin St. 1894. Organization, — 1894 — President, Joseph Bryan, Richmond, Virginia. Vice- Presidents, J. L. M. Curry, Washington, D. C. Archer Anderson, Richmond, Va. William P. Palmer, M. D., Richmond, Va. Corresponding Secretary and Librarian, Philip A. Bruce, Richmond, Va. Recording Secretary. D. C. Richardson, Richmond, Va. Treasurer, Robert T. Brooke, Richmond, Va. Executive Committee, Lyon G. Tyler, Williamsburg, Va. R. H. Gaines, Richmond, Va. E. V. Valentine, Richmond, Va. Rosewell Page, Richmond, Va. C. V. Meredith, Richmond, Va Virginius Newton, Richmond, Va. Dr. B. W. Green, Richmond, Va. Ro : Lee Traylor, Richmond, Va. F. H. McGuire, Richmond, Va. R. H. Dabney, University of Va. B. B. Munford, Richmond, Va. Robert M. Hughes, Norfolk, Va. and, ex-officio, the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, and Treasurer. Sub-Committees: On Finance, Messrs. Bryan {Chairman), Newton, Valentine, and Munford. On Publications, Messrs. Anderson {Chairman), Tyler, Page, Green, and Meredith. On Library, Messrs. Curry {Chairman), Traylor, Dabney, Hughes, and Bruce. On Membership, Messrs. Palmer {Chairman), Gaines, McGuire, and Richardson. List of Publications. i. Collections | of the | Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society, | to which is prefixed | An Address, | Spoken before the Society | at an Adjourned Anniversary Meeting, | held in the Hall of | the House of Delegates, | on | Monday, Feb. 4, 1833 : | By Jonathan P. Cushing A. M. I President of Hampden Sidney College. | Vol. I. | Published by a resolution of the Society, under the direction of the | Standing Com- mittee. I Richmond : | Printed by T. W. White, opposite the Bell Tavern. | 1833. Octavo, pp. 87. Contains, preface, giving an account of the organization of the Society, 29th December, 1831 ; Constitution; Cushing's Address; Stuart's Memoir of Indian Wars; Record of Grace Sherwood's Trial for Witchcraft ; Lists of Donations, Officers, and Members, and Table of Contents. 2. An Account | of | Discoveries in the West until 1519, | and of | Voyages | to and along the | Atlantic Coast of North America | From 1520 to !573- I Prepared for | the Virginia Historical and Philosophical Society | By Conway Robinson, | Chairman of its Executive Committee | and published by the Society. | Richmond : | Printed by Shepherd and Colin. I 184S. Octavo, cloth, pp. xv-491. The preface contains a brief account of the Society, and states that this is the preliminary volume of a series to be entitled "Annals of Virginia," which how- ever did not further materialize. 3. The I Virginia Historical Register. | Edited by | William Maxwell | Vols. I-VI. I Richmond. | Macfarlane & Fergusson | 1848-1853. Issued quarterly. Six volumes, 12 mo. pp. iv-iv-200 ; iv-236 ; iv-iv-240 ; iv-ii-240 ; iv-ii-240, and iv-ii-240. Contains proceedings of annual meetings of the Society 1S48-53, and much exceedingly valuable original historical material not previously published and not to be found elsewhere. Vols. I. and II. have the sub-title " Literary Advertiser" ; III. and IV. " Literary Xote Book," and V. and VI. " Literary Companion." 4. The I Virginia Historical Reporter | Conducted by the | Executive Com- mittee I of the I Virginia Historical Society, | Vol. I., Parts I— III., | 1854-1856 I and I Vol. II., part I. | i860. Four parts, 12 mo. pp. 12-104; 12-48; 12-63, and 87. Contains proceedings of annual meet- ings of the Society, 1854-59; the addresses of Grigsby, Hunter and Holcombe ; George F. Holmes' address on the Virginia Colony, and Wyndham Robertson's paper on the marriage of Pocahontas. 5. An Address | on the | Life, Character and Public Services, | of the late | Hon. Benjamin Watkins Leigh, | delivered before | the Virginia His- torical Society. | at its late annual meeting. | By Wm. H. Macfarland, Esq., I Published by the Society | January, 1S51. | Richmond: | Macfar- lane & Fergusson. | 1851. 12 mo. pp. 12. 4 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 6. The Virginia Constitution of 1776. | A Discourse | delivered before the | Virginia Historical Society | at their | Annual Meeting | January 17th, 1852 I By H. A. Washington | Published by the Society | Richmond : | Macfarlane & Fergusson. | 1852. 12 mo. pp. 51. 7. The Virginia Convention of 1829-30. | A Discourse j delivered before | the Virginia Historical Society j at their | Annual Meeting | held in the Athenaeum in the city of Richmond, | December 15th, 1853, | By Hugh B. Grigsby. | Published by the Society. | Richmond : | Macfarlane & Fergusson | 1854. 12 mo. pp. 104. 8. Observations on the History of Virginia : | A Discourse | delivered before the I Virginia Historical Society | at their | Eighth Annual Meeting, | December 14th, 1854. | By Hon. R. M. T. Hunter | Published by the Society. | Richmond: | Clemmitt & Fore, Printers | 1855. 12 mo. pp. 48. 9. Sketches | of the | Political Issues and Controversies | of the Revolu- tion : I A Discourse j delivered before the | Virginia Historical Society | at their | Ninth Annual Meeting | January 17th, 1856. | By James P. Hol- combe. | Published by the Society | Richmond: | William H. Clemmitt, Printer | 1856. 12 mo. pp. 63. 10. The I Diary | of | George Washington, | From 1789 to 1791 ; | Embracing I the Opening of the First Congress | and | his Tours through New England, Long Island | and the Southern States. | Together with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio, | in 1753. | Edited by Benson J. Lossing. | Richmond: j Press of the Historical Society | 1861. Octavo, cloth, pp. 248. The Journal of the Tour to the Ohio has introduction and notes by John G. Shea. 11. Letters | of | Thomas Nelson, Jr., | Governor of Virginia, | Richmond : Virginia Historical Society. | Anno MDCCCLXXIV. 4 to pp. 71. 12. Organization | of the | Virginia Historical Society; | Officers and Mem- bers: I with a I List of its Publications | (Seal) | Richmond, Va | Pub- lished by the Virginia Historical Society | MDCCCLXXXI. Octavo, pp. 23. 13. Proceedings | of the | Virginia Historical Society | at the | Annual Meet- ing, February 24, 1882, I with I the Address | of | William Wirt Henry; | The Settlement at Jamestown, with particular | reference to the late attacks upon Cap- | tain John Smith, Pocahontas, and John Rolfe. | (Seal) I Richmond, Virginia. | Published by the Society | MDCCCLXX- XII. Octavo, pp. 63. G»FT KATHCRINE I ISI ER LIST OF PUBLICATIONS. New Series. "Collections | of the | Virginia Historical Society. | New Series. | Edited by j R. A. Brock, | Corresponding Secretary and Librarian of the Society, | (Seal) | Richmond, Va. | Published by the Society." Eleven annual volumes, uniform. 8vo., cloth, issued 1882-92, care- fully indexed, as follows: 14. The I Official Letters | of | Alexander Spotswood, | Lieutenant-Gover- nor of the Colony | of Virginia, 1710-1722. | Now first printed from the manuscript | in the Collections of the | Virginia Historical Society, | with an introduction and notes | Vols. I and II. | MDCCCLXXXII and MDCCCLXXXV. Two volumes. Portrait and Arms, pp xxi-179 and vii-368. 15. The I Official Records | of | Robert Dinwiddie, | Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony | of Virginia, 1751-1758. | Now first printed from the manu- script I in the Collections of the | Virginia Historical Society, | with an introduction and notes | Vols I and II. | MDCCCLXXXIII, and MDCC- CLXXXIV. Two volumes, pp. lxix-52S and xviii-768. Portraits, fac simile of letter of presentation from W. W. Corcoran, cut of Mace' of Borough of Norfolk, Va., and reproduction ot Virginia, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania, engraved for Jefferson's Notes 01 1787. 16. Documents, | Chiefly Unpublished, | Relating to the | Huguenot Emi tion I to Virginia | and to the | Settlement at Manakin Town, | with an Appendix of Genealogies, | presenting data of the | Fontaine, Maur\ Dupuy, Trabue, Marye, Chastain, | Cocke, and other Families. | MDC- CCLXXXVI. Pages xxi-247. Contains facsimile of plan of " King William's Town." 17. Miscellaneous Papers, | 1672-1865, | Now first printed from the manu- script I in the Collections of the | Virginia Historical Society. | Com- prising I Charter of the | Royal African Co., 1672; | Report on the Huguenot Settlement 1700; | Papers of George Gilmer of " Pen Park," ^n^-l^', I Orderly Book of Capt. George Stubblefield, 1776; | Career of the Iron-clad Virginia, 1862, | Memorial of Johnson's Island, 1862-4; | Beale's | Cav. Brigade Parole, 1865. | MDCCCLXXXVII. Pages viii-374. 6 VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. 18. Abstract | of the | Proceedings of the | Virginia Company of London, | 16191624, I Prepared from the | Records in the Library of Congress | by | Conway Robinson | with an introduction and notes. | Vols. I. and II. | MDCCCLXXXVIII and MDCCCLXXXIX. Two volumes. Pages xlvii 21S and 300. The introduction contains a valuable critical essay on the sources of information for the student of Virginia History. 19. The History | of the | Virginia Federal Convention | of | 1788, | with some account of the Eminent Virginians of | that era who were Mem- bers of the Body | by | Hugh Blair Grigsby, L.L.D., | With a Biograph- ical Sketch of the Author \ and illustrative notes. | Vols. I. and II. MDCCCXC. and MDCCCXCI. Two volumes. Pages xxvii-372 and 411 20. Proceedings | of the | Virginia Historical Society | at the | Annual Meet- ing I held I December 21-22, 1891 | with | Historical Papers | read on the occasion | and others. | MDCCCXCII. Pages xix-3S6. Contains papers on the Virginia Committee of Correspondence and the Call for the First Congress; Historic Elements in Virginia Education and Literary Effort ; Notes on Recent Work in Southern History ; Ancient Epitaphs and Descriptions in York and James City Counties; Washington's First Election to the House of Burgesses ; Smithfield Church, built in 1632 ; Richmond's First Academy ; Facts from the Accomac County Records, relating to Bacon's Rebellion ; Thomas Hansford, First Martyr to American Liberty ; Journal of Cap- tain Charles Lewis in Washington's Expedition against the French in 1755 ; Orderly Books of Major Wm. Heth, 1777, and Capt. Robert Gamble 1779, and Memoir of General John Cropper. 21. Proceedings | of the | Virginia Historical Society | at its | Annual Meet- ing I held in the | House of Delegates December 21-22, iS9r, | with the I Constitution and List of Officers and | Members,' of the Society. | Richmond, Va: | Wm. Ellis Jones, Steam Printer | 1892. Octavo, pp. 15. 22. By-Laws | of the | Virginia Historical Society | Richmond, Va. | Rich- mond : I Wm. Ellis Jones, Printer | 1893. 16 mo. pp. 16. 23. Proceedings | of the j Virginia Historical Society | at its | Annual Meet- ing I held in the | Society's Building December 14th, 1893, | with the Constitution and List of Officers | and Members of the Society | Rich- mond, Va: I Wm. Ellis Jones, Book and Job Printer, | 1893. Octavo, pp. xxvi, contains interesting and valuable report of President Joseph Bryan. THE SOCIETY S MAGAZINE. 7 24. The I Virginia Magazine | of | History and Biography, | (Seal) I Published Quarterly | by the | Virginia Historical Society, | For I the Year ending June, 1894. | Volume I. | Richmond, Va: I House of the Society, | No. 707 East Franklin, St. Octavo, pp., 484-viii-xxvi-xxxii Edited by Philip A. Bruce, Corresponding Secretary and Librarian of the Society. Contains cut of the Society's Building, accounts of the proceedings and transactions of the Society for the year 1893, and many exceedingly valuable, original historical documents and papers which have never before appeared in print. Among others may be mentioned, Dis- course of the London Company on its administration of Virginia affairs, 1607-1624 : Abstracts of Colonial Patents in the Register of the Virginia Land Office, beginning in 1624, with full genealogical notes and an extended Genealogy of the Claiborne Family ; The Mutinv in Virginia in 1635, — Samuel Matthews' Letter and Sir John Harvey's Declaration ; Speech of Governor Berkeley and Declaration of the Assembly with reference to the change of Govern- ment in England and the passage of the First Navigation Act of 1651 ; Petition of the Planters of Virginia and Maryland in opposition to the Navigation Act of 1661: Bacon's Rebellion, 1676, His three proclamations, Letters of Sherwood and Ludwell, Proposals of Smith and Ludwell, and Thomas Bacon's Petition ; Letters of William Fitzhugh (1650-1701), a Leading Lawver and Planter of Virginia, with a genealogical account of the Fitzhughs in England ; Lists of Public Officers in the various Counties in Virginia late in the 17th and early in the 18th centuries ; Roster of Soldiers in the French and Indian Wars under Colonel Wasl Officers, Seamen and Marines in the Virginia Navy of the Revolution ; Roll of the 4th Regiment in the Revolution ; Diary of Captain John Davis of the Pennsylvania Lii Yorktown Campaign ; General George Rogers Clark, — Roll of the Illinois and Crocl Regiments and the Expedition to Vincenues ; Department of " Historical Notes and <\ containing contributions by Hon Wm. Wirt Henry, and many other items of value; D ment of " Book Reviews," etc., carefully edited, copiously annotated and well indexed The editions of nearly all of the earlier publications of the Society have been for many years exhausted, and occasional copies com- mand high prices at the book auction sales. The Librarian can supply a few copies only of Nos. n and Of the eleven 8vo. volumes, " New Series, — Collections of the So- ciety," Nos. 14 to 20, the Librarian can still supply a limited n i of complete sets, or odd volumes to fill up the sets of new men collectors or libraries. A few copies of the first volume (four quarterly numbers), of the "Virginia Magazine of History and Biography," may be sec present at the publication price. Subscription $5.00 per ; Single numbers, when they can be furnished, $1.50 each. Contributing members are supplied free of cost with all 1 tions of the Society issued during the year in which they are ciccicu and thereafter. Annual membership fee $5.00. Life membership fee $50.00. All members are privileged, and are requested, to present names for the consideration of the Executive Committee. Nominations may be communicated to the Corresponding Secretary or any mem- ber of the committee. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 442 595 9 LIBRARY OF CONGRES 014 442 595 9 Hollinger oH 8j5 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 442 595 9 Hollingjer pH 8.5