?5 9^ .^^ % .# '^'v \^^^ ■^u "^ \..^^ ^^^ ^^^ '' '^' ^ ^ ,/ . . „ % ^^- ^ ,/ % '; ^^-..^^ .^' ,^^ <^^ %, ^ ?^ 9.. -^ -'.. - -^'' -^ V X-4-' \ * o .^^ ^^^ -i »n .c3 ^ ""> cS <^ j^ o^ .^^°- ;j2,^\'- >.di ;/^?^'' ■ /'^jjj^ s* o ^ -^^ Q. ? ^ >*rr "^^ . ■ ^C■ ^CJ !-^ *^ -,: y Ti A LO N^O KIMBALL- AND GRANDDAUGHXEIRS ALICE RUTH SALE AND MARJORIE WESTON KIMBALL IkimbalUTKHeston /iDemorlal ^be Bmerican Hnccstri? an^ 2)C0cent)ant6 ot Hlonso anb Sarab (Meston) IRimball of <5recn :tSay, Misconsin COMPILED BY MilUam "ffDerbert Ibobbs Pkivately Printed MADISON. WISCONSIN IQ02 '0^ & Y Contents* Page Introduction 5 Paternal Ancestry of Alonzo Kimball: Kimball, Witt, Carr, Hayward, Roekwood, Albee and Cook lineages 9 Maternal Ancestry of Alonzo Kimball: Mather, Atherton, Stoughton, Wadsworth, Buttolph, Gardner, Fuller, Emerson, Wood, Hanchett, Langton, Prichard, Church, Churchill, Foote, Dickinson. Cowles, Montague, Downing, Smith, Hitchcock, Partridge, Root, Kilbourn and Ashley lineages , 18 Paternal Ancestry of Sarah Weston: Weston, De la Noye, Soule, Nash, Shaw, Watson, Hicks, Pratt, Dunham and Pomeroy lineages 42 Maternal Ancestry op Sarah Weston: Dean, Stephens, Kingsley, Leonard, Washburn, Mitchell, Cooke, Packard, Howard, Hayward, Keith, Edson, Byram, Shaw, Edson, Hayward, Mitchell, Cooke, Leonard, Watson, Hicks, King, Whitman, Walker, Phillips, Brooks, Wiuslow, Rich- mond and Rogers lineages 60 Descendants of Alonzo and Sarah (Weston) Kimball: Compiled by Mary Cornelia (Kimball) Walker 90 In Memoriam: Almira Barnes Mahan 95 Linus Bonner Sale t-<'T7^ 96 Richard Weston and Robert Kimball Sale 99 Alice Ruth Sale 101 ILLUSTRATIONS. Alonzo Kimball and granddaughters Marjoi-ie Weston Kimball and AUce Ruth Sale Frontispiece Sarah (Weston) Kimball 0pp. p. 46 i Berry Pomeroy Castle, from an old print at Fern Hill,Vt " 58 Alonzo Weston Kimball " 90 Ancestral Chart of the Family In pocket of cover IFntrobuction* It is probable that very few people begin more or less ex- tended genealogical researches Avitli an adequate notion of what lies before them. A rather common curiosity to know who are the ancestors of one's self or one's friends, develops into a lively interest sosoon as a trail is found and followed. Let difficulties arise, however, as they are sure to, and the trial of one's wits in the solution of a problem believed to be soluble has a fascination which one will hardly believe who has not experienced it. The present pamphlet makes no claim to originality except in the fixing definitely of the lines of descent. Much of the information herein contained may be found in other works, which have been freely cited, but which are hardly accessible outside of a large genealogical library. The library of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, in which most of the works cited may be found, is now excelled in the wealth of its genealogical works by but two, or at most three, libraries in the country. The book has two main objects in transcribing and collect- ing data, to-wit: first, tO' give the bare vital records, uninter- esting as some of them may be, which are necessary to fix definitely the lines of descent; and, second, to add biogTaph- ical sketches when the matter upon record is sufficiently full to allow of it. The length of individual sketches is depend- ent, therefore, not alone upon the prominence of the individ- ual, but upon the amount of material which the accidents of history have left us. It cannot be claimed that the book is alto- gether free from errors, though care has been exercised to ex- elude them. The material has necessarily been gathered from many sources of different degrees of reliability, but some judgment has been used in selecting the matter introduced and in discarding otlier material. For some lines, notably those of Church and Fuller, spe- cial investigations have been necessary, and the services of Mr. Horace E. Mather of Hartford, Conn., a professional genealogist, have been engaged. In some instance's the pa- tience of Town Clerks in l^ew England towns has been taxed in order to secure the important entries from the official records. To Mrs. Sutherland Orr (nee Florence Dean) of Ascot, Berks, England, Miss Carolyn Weston of Dalton, Mass., and Mrs. M. H. Walker of Green Bay, the compiler is under special obligations either for the loan of valuable papers or for an opportunity to transcribe genealogical data collected by others. The greatest difficulties have been encountered in tracing the Pomeroys. The data secured are, however, of much interest and are given with considerable fulness. The Kimballs first settled at Watertown, Mass., and the first Kimball born in America was Sarah Kimball, who first saw the light in 1635. Of the emigrant male ancestors of the family that have been found, fifteen came over before 1630, more than thirty came in the 1630's, and only six came later than 1650. Three came in the "Mayflower" to Plymouth, to-wit: George Soule, Thomas Rogers, and Francis Cooke, the latter an ancestor to ♦The ancestral chart included in the pocket of the cover was printed some months in advance of the book and differs from it in several important particulars. In the Atherton lineage the chart gives Cath- erine as the daughter of Gen. Atherton who married Timothy Mather. This corresponds to the Mather Genealogy and is based upon an old chart. This is, however, an error, for Timothy's wife was Elizabeth, Atherton. The introduction of the Winslow lineage upon the chart through the supposed alliance of Elizabeth Winslow with Gilbert Brooks, is authorized by the Winsloiv Memorial and other authorities, but recent work shows rather conclusively that the wife of Gilbert Brooks was not Elizabeth Winslow. (See Winslow Lineage.) The Peter Montague of the chart who married Eleanor Allen and who was the father of Richard Montague did not come to America. The Peter Montague who went to Virginia was his son. The ancestor of the Kingsley line was probably John, not Stephen. two distinct lines of the family. All were signers of the "Mayflower Compact." In tlie next vessel, the "Fortune," came in 1621 Philip De la Noye, the Huguenot Pilgrim, and Eobert Hicks. The "Ann," 1623, brought Experience Mitcliell and Joshua Pratt. BotJi Mitchell and Hicks were like Cooke, ancestors each to two branches of the family. The wives and children of a number of Pilgrims came in tlie "Fortune" and "Ann." One of the family ancestors, William Wadsworth, went to the settlement of the other great English colony in Virginia in 1621. Inasmuch, however, as he settled Jater in Massachusetts, the family's history is but little con- nected with the fortunes of that colony. While the majority of the forebears were of that sturdy mid- dle class which has always been the strength of the English peo- ple, there were several among them who belonged to families of distinction at home. Abigail Downing was descended through the royal line from William the Conqueror. Her husband, Richard Montague, and the ancestor of Nathaniel Dickinson, both claimed descent from men who came into England with the l^ormans in 1066. The pedigree of John Richmond is also traced to one of the leaders under William the Conqueror at the battle of Hastings. His grand-daughter, Sarah Richmond, was the first of eight Sarahs in the dire'ct line to Winifred Sarah Weston Hobbs. Philip de la 'Noje, the Huguenot of the Plymouth Colony, was descended from one of the most dis- tinguished families of France, the recorded pedigree of which extends to Charlemagne, Alfred the Great, and William the Conqueror, and includes many of the royal blood. From Plymouth and Duxbury the ancestors of Sarah Weston emigrated to the west to found Bridgewater and Taunton. From tlie Massachusetts Bay Colony the maternal ancestors of Alonzo Kimball — ]\father and Stoughton of DorchesteT, Wads- worth of Cambridge, Gardner of Gloucester, Fuller and Emer- son of Ipswich, and others — all emigrated to Connecticut, where they allied themselves with the Churchills, Montagues, Dickinsons, Churclies, Smiths, Footes and other prominent 8 Connecticut families, which played a leading role in the settle- ments of Hartford and Wethersfield. W^ien dissension arose in church affairs they were the '"withdrawers" who again marched away through the forest to found Hadley and Hat- field, and eventually to settle much of western Massachusetts. This book is published through the generosity of Mr. A. W. Ximball, for distribution in the family, in order that the pres- ent and future generations may know how goodly is their heri- tage in ancestors who have wrought manfully and successfully amid privations and sacrifices, and by mighty hammer blows have weilded a commonwealth whose foundations of liberty and justice are alike our pride and our bulwark. In some sense the book is a memorial to the founders of the Green Bay branch of the Kimball family. Beside the more or less extended bio- graphical sketches of the founders themselves, such sketches are included of the deceased members of the families of their descendants. Zhc paternal Hncestt^ of Hlonso mtmbalL Zbc Ikimball %\ncmc. The common ancestor of the great majority of the Kimballs in America was Richard Kimball of the parish of Rattlesden, county Suffolk, England. The name was originally spelled Kemball or Kembolde. The Kemble family seems to have been distinct from the Kimball family for the last four centuries, at least, and according to Morrison and Sharpies, the family his- torians, these families have always been distinct.* RiCHAKD^, the immigrant ancestor of the family, was b. in England, probably at Rattlesden, County Suffolk. He m. Ursula, dan. of Henry Scott. With his wife and eight chil- dren he came to America in the ship "Elizabeth," William An- drews, Master, in 1634, embarking at Ipswich, England, April 10th of that year. In the party on the ship was Thomas Scott, his wife's brother. Reaching Boston Harbor Richard soon went to Watertown and settled there with his family. The first Kimball bom in America was Sarah Kimball, dau. of Richard^, who first saw the light at Watertown, Mass., 1635. She married Edward Allen of Ipswich, Mass., and d. June 12, 1690. By trade Richard was a wheelwright and his services were in such demand that he was soon called to leave the Watertown settlement and go to Ipswich, where he was given a house lot and other privileges on condition that he become the town wheel- *History of the Kimball Family in America from 1634 to 1897 and of its ancestors the Kemballs or Kemboldes of England, by Leonard Alli- son Morrison and Stephen Parschall Sharpies, pp. 1278, Boston, 1897. 10 wriglit. At Tpsv/icli his two otlier (lOtli and lltli) chiklreai were born. Oct. 23rd, 1661, he m. (2) Mrs. Margaret Dow of Hampton, K". H. Richard d. June 22, 1675, aged 80 years and over, and his wife d. March 1, 1676. He was very well to do for those days, the inventory of his estate amounting to over £737, although he had ah'eady given to his numerous children at their marriages. RiCHAKD^, fourth child and second son of Richard^ and Ur- sula, was b. at Rattlesden about 1623 and came to America with his father in 1634. He m. (1) Mary , who died Sept. 2, 1672. He subsequently married (2) Mary (probably Mary Gott). He d. 1676, leaving eight children living. He was a wheelwright and removed to Wenham, Mass., between 1652 and 1656. He was selectman of Wenham for twenty years. From the circumstance that the inventory of his prop- erty at the time of his death show^ed that wages were due him from the country, it is probable that he had been engaged in the war with the Indians, and ''he was probably with his nephew, Caleb Kimball, at the time the latter was killed at Bloody Brook."* He had nine children. Ensigx Samuel^, second son (and child) of Richard' and Mary (1st wife), was b. at Ipswich about 1651 and d. Oct. 3, 1716. He m. Sept. 20, 1676, Mary, dau. of John and Sarah Witt of L}am, Mass. Samuel lived at Wenham and was ensign in the militia. He v/as made freeman in 1682 and held the of- fices of surveyor, constable, and selectman. Ebenezek*, eighth child and fifth son of SamueP and Mary, was b. about 1690 and d. at Hopkinton, Mass., 1769. He m. June 9, 1712, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Carr of Salisbury, Mass. He lived in Wenham and Beverly, but in 1740 removed to Hopkinton, where he lived the residue of his life. His wife survived him. He was a yeoman and a mason. His children numbered nine, three sons and six daughters. BoYCE^, the youngest child of Ebenezer^ and Elizabeth, was b. in Wenham June 18, 1731, and d. at Shutesbuiy, Mass., May *Ibid. p. 39. 11 13, 1802. He m. Dec. 4, 1755, Eebecca Haward, who was b. Jime 9, 1739, and d. July 23, 1790. He lived in Wenliam, Hopkinton, and Shutesbnrj and liad twelve children, seven of whom were sons. Three of his brothers ser\^ed in the War of the Revolution. Rev. Ruel*^,* the eleventh child and seventh son of Boyoe'^ and Rebecca, was b. Dec. 20, 1778, and d. at Easthampton^ Mass., Oct. 1, 1847. He m. Jan. 1, 1799, Hannah Mather, dau. of Timothy Mather of Marlboro, Vt. He was a Presby- terian minister and his charges were at Marlboro, Vt., until 1804, then Leroy, ISJ". Y., until 1816, and Ley den, ]^. Y., where he remained mitil his death. He died while on a visit to his son, David M. Kimball, of Massachusetts. A brother, Boyce®, served in the War of the Revolution ALONZO,^ the fifth child and third son of RueP and Hannah was b. in Leroy, jST. Y., Nov. 20, 1808. He was graduated from Union College, Schenectady, I^. Y., in 1836, and entered An- *The children of Rev. Ruel and Hannah (Mather) Kimball were: i Ruel, b. Marlboro, Vt., Dec. 24, 1799. He m. three times, his last wife, Sarah Lord, having survived him several years. He d. at Leyden, N. Y., May 1, 1867. ii Amanda, b. Marlboro, Vt, April 13, 1802. She m., Jan. 13, 1825, Alanson Merwin and lived to celebrate her golden wedding, having d. at Leyden, N. Y., April 17, 1878, her husband' fol- lowing her Oct. 7, 1888. She was the mother of Judge Milton H. Merwin of the Supreme Bench of New York, whose resi- dence is in Utica, N. Y. iii Cotton, b. Leroy, N. Y., June 7, 1804. His widow, Ruth, survived him and reached an age of 97 years. iv Huldah, b. Leroy, N. Y., Aug. 1, 1806; d. Aug. 22, 1827. V Alonzo, b. Nov. 20, 1808; m., at Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 1, 1840, Sarah Weston; d. Aug. 7, 1900. vi Davfd Mather, b. Nov. 25, 1810; d. Aug. 1, 1813. vii David Matlier, b. Aug. 26, 1813; twice married, his second wife having been Charlotte Maria, dau. of Col. Warren Lincoln of Warren, Mass.; d. Oct. 23, 1857. viii Lucy, b. July 31, 1815; m. Aug. 12, 1840, Rev. Henry Bannister, D. D.. of Evanston, 111.; d. Oct. 18, 1886. Her husband d. April 15, 1883. ix Mary H., b. Dec, 18, 1817; m. Jan. 8, 1844, Serene T. Merrill of Beloit, Wis.; d. Mch. 4, 1852. X Harriet, b. Jan. 14. 1820; d. Feb. 12, 1823. xi Martin Luther, b. Sept. 24, 1826; m. (1) Mary Buttrick. and (2) Jan. 13, 1862, Frances Ann Richards, who survives him. He d. at Oshkosh, Wis., Mch. 18, 1891. 12 dover Theological Seminary to prepare for the ministry, but was aompelled to abandon his studies in 1839 because of ill health. In 1840,* while principal of an academy at Lee, Mass., he met and married Sarah, daughter of Rev. Isaiah Weston of Dalton, Mass. In 1848 he removed to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and two years later to Green Bay, Wis. Until 1852 he con- tinued to teach, but at that time he established himself in the hardware business at Green Bay, which since his death has been conducted under the firm name, Alonzo Kimball, by his second son, Charles Theodore^. For more than forty years Mr. Kim- ball was a deacon in the First Presbyterian church of Green Bay, now known as the Union Congregational church. In 1890 he celebrated his golden wedding anniversary with the united families of his five children. His wife died June 27, 1891. He d. at Green Bay, Aug. 7, 1900, and Aug. 9th was buried from his church home, the Rev. J. M. A. Spence offi- ciating. The Unionist, a bright Congregational magazine published by members of his Green Bay church, says of him : ''Gifted souls now passed beyond will fill out the measure of our testimony in fitting phrase. To them, also, years of asso- ciation had made 'Father Kimball' a loving parent in all but tie of blood, and though he made few protestations there are many who treasure memories of unexpected thoughtfulness and affec- tion. "In the slight cloud that fell upon the advanced years of our friend there was little of real bitterness. Weary and restless, sometimes ; lonely, often, there was yet in the very conceits of his feebleness a touch of that merry brightness which had al- ways made his companionship most enjoyable. ******** "He was a student always ; whether his work as a teacher made him fond of the young, or his love of youth made him a successful teacher, this thing is certain, he cherished for books and children a love that was unusual. *OGt. 1, 1840. 13 "His Greek Testament was a pocket companion for scores of years and there was no self-infliction in its continual perusal. * « * * * * *■* "Dear old friend ! May the memoiy of thy well-doing prove an abiding stimulas to greater service and unselfishness."* ZEbe Mitt OLtneage, Joiix^, tlie emigrant, was in Lynn in 1650. He was perhaps selectman of Groton in 1655, but, if so, was soon back in Lynn. He m. Sarah , and his first child was b. in 1659. He d. De ably between 1640 and 1649. He m. in Medfield Oct. 18, 1671, Hannah Cook. All his father's property was deeded to him. He was a man of large landed possessions and social influence. He d. probably about 1720. Lydia^, youngest child of James" and Hannah, was b. in Mendon about 1690. She m., Jan. 22, 1716, Jonathan Hay- ward, 3rd. Continuation. — Rebecca Hay ward, Rev. Ruel Kimball, Alonzo Kimball. *Ballou's History of Milford, p. 522 et seq. 17 ^be dooU Xineaoe, The ancestry of Hannah Cook who in 1671 m. James Albee^ at Medfield, has not been ascertained. It seems improbable that she had been long a resident of Medfield and it is quite likely that she was among those who left tlie outlying settlement of Mendon (now Milford) when the threatening attitude of the Indians developed in the 1670's. Medfield was settled largely from Dedham about 1650. There were no Cooks among its earlj- settlers, nor were there indeed among tlie early settlers of Dedham. In Mendon (Milford), on the contrary. Cooks were very numerous, the greater number being descended from "Walter Cook who was of Weymouth in 1643. Benjamin Albee, a founder of Milford and the father-in-law of Hannah Cook, not only had been a resident of We^anouth, but between 1649 and 1664 or 1665 he had been a resident of Medfield. Med- field was the town through which the Mendon settlers had com- munication with the civilization to the east of them, and when King Philip's War broke out in 1675 it was to Medfield that they fled for refuge. If descended from Walter Cook, Hannah must have been his dau., from the early date of her marriage. His first dau. and second cliild had that name. Walter was of Weymouth in 1643, was admitted freeman in 1653, and settled in Mendon as early as 1664. Maternal Hncestr^ of Hlonso IkinibalL ^be riDatber Xineage* The Matlier iRuiilj^ has included many brilliant men.* Dr. Increase ]\Iather^, son of Kev. Richard Mather, and his sons, Dr. Cotton Mather and Rev. J^athaniel Matherf, are so well known as to require no treatment here. The English home of the family was in Lowton, ^Vin^vick Parish, Lancashire, Eng- land, where it is of record that Thomas, the father, and John, the grandfather, of the American ancestor resided. The fam- ily arms as preserved in the family of the early Mathers of Bos- ton are described thus:? Arms: — Ermine on a fesse wavy Azure, three lions rampant, Or. Crest: — A lion sedant. Or. Tnis coat of arms is found in MS. : '^Promptuarium Arm- orum," and is there recorded as the arms of Wm. Mather of ♦See Lineage of Rev. Richard Mather, by Horace E. Mather, pp. 539, Hartford, 1890. tSee A Colonial Boyhood, Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 88 (1901), p. 651. JLineage of Rev. Richard Mather, p. 27. 19 Salop, 1602. The motto is sometimes given "Sunt Fortia Pec- tora Nobis," and sometimes "Virtus Vera Nohilitas Est." Althougli the ancestor of the family settled at Dorchester, his grandsons removed to Connecticut and founded the Windsor, Lyme, and Suffield branches of the Mather family. All the Mathers now living are descended from Timothy Mather^ of Dorchester, the "Farmer Mather," the other lines having ended a,t the death of Samuel Mather, the grandson of Dr. Cotton Mather. Many persons claim descent from Dr. Cotton Mather, but they are in error, though some are descended from Mathers who bore the name of Cotton. Rev. Richard^, the American ancestor of the Mathers, was b. in Lowton, Winwick Parish, Lancashire, England, in 1596. He m. (1) Sept. 29, 1624, Catherine, dau. of Edmund Holt of Bury, England, from wliom this branch of the family is de- scended. They came to America from Bristol, reaching Boston Aug. 17, 1635, and settling at Dorchester. The wife Catherine, who bore all the children of Rev. Richard Mather, died in 1655, and he m. (2) the widow of Rev. John Cotton. All his sons who came to mature age, five in number, were ministers, with the exception of Timothy, the "Farmer." Timothy's brother, In- crease, was the president of Harvard College and a great man in the Colony. Richard^ died April 22, 1669. Timothy^, second son of Rev. Richard^ and Catherine, was b. in Liverpool, England, 1628, and d. in Dorchester, Mass., Jan. 14, 1684. He m. (1) Elizabeth, the dau. of Maj. Gen. Humphrey Atherton of Dorchester, who bore all his children, five sons and one daughter. In March, 1678-9, he m. (2) Elizabeth, dau. of Amiel Weeks. Atherton^, youngest son of Timothy" and Catherine, was b. at Dorchester, Oct. 4, 1663, and d. at Suffield, Conn., 'Nov. 9, 1734. Hem. (1) ; (2) Sept. 20, 1694, Rebecca Stough- ton, dau. of Thomas Stoughton; and (3) October 24, 1705, Mary Lamb of Roxbury, Mass. He removed to Suffield in 1712 and founded the Suffield branch of the Mather family. He rep- resented the town of Suffield in Boston for four years in the Gren- 20 eral Court. He was a cousin of Dr. Cotton Mather. He had five sons and three daughters. William'*, oldest son of Atherton^ and Rebecca, was b. at Windsor, Ct., March 2, 1698, and d. at Suffield, Ct., in 1747. He) m., Nov. 7, 1721, Silence Buttolph, dau. of David Buttolph of Simsbury, Ct., and had six sons and one daughter. Timothy^, oldest son of William* and Silence, was b. at Greenwich, ]Sr. J., Aug. 4, 1722, and lived at Suffield, Ct, He m. (1) Oct. 25, 174S, Hannah Fuller, who d. April 7, 1757. By her he had two sons and two daughters. March 6, 1760, he m. widow Lucy Kellogg, by whom he had three sons. Timothy®, second son (fourth child) of Timothy^ and Han- nah, was b. at Suffield, Ct, March 2, 1757, and d. March 8, 1818. In 1779 he m. Hannah, dau. of Dea. John Church, who d. Oct., 1827. He lived at Marlboro, Vt., and had six sons and four daughters. (See p. 31.) Hannah^, second dau. (second child) of Timothy® and Han- nah, was b. in Marlboro, Vt., July 1, 1781. She lived at Ley- den, K Y., and d. March 9, 1680. She m. Jan. 1, 1799, Eev. Ruel Kimball, who d. Oct, 1, 1847. They had six sons and five daughters. Continuation. — Alonzo KimbalF. Zbc atberton Xlncagc* Ma J. Gen. Humphrey^. Thei-e is strangely enough but lit- tle known of the antecedents of this eminent man. His name first appears on the church records of Dorchester in 1636. He appears to have come from Winwick parish, England, and to have reached Boston in the ship "James," Capt. Taylor, Aug. 7, 1635. He was admitted freeman and granted lands in Dorchester in 1637. He was Captain of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company from 1650-1658, *This account is taken from the History of Dorchester, Mass., by a Committee of the Dorchester Antiquarian and Historical Society, Bos- ton, 1859, pp. 102-104. See also Pope's Pion. Mass., p. 22. 21 and commenced the first train band formed in Dorchester in 1644. He commanded the Suffolk Regiment with the title of Major General and was the chief military officer in 'New Eng- land. He was deputy to the General Court in 1638 and 1641, and in 1659 he was chosen Speaker. His wufe was Mary Wales. He wae much respected for his religious character and pub- lic spirit and was often employed by the Colonial Government in civil and military matters. He had great skill and experience in the treatment of the Indians, and manifested much human- ity and sympathy for their ignorant and degraded condition, but exercised great energy and decision of character when neces- sary. His efforts to instruct them were referred to in the New England Confederation, and Eliot applied to him in behalf of the Neponsett tribe. He was employed in several expeditions against the Narragansett Indians. In 1645 the Commissioners of the United Colonies appointed a council of war, with Capt. Standish at the head and Leverett and Atherton of Massachu- setts and Mason of Connecticut. The general's death in southern Boston on Sept. 16, 1661, was occasioned by a fall from his horse. On his gravestone is the following effusion : Here lyes ovr Captaine, & Major of Svffolk was withall; A Godly Magistrate was he, and Major Generall, Two Troops of Hors with him heare came, svch worth his love did crave ; Ten Companyes of Foot also mourning marcht to his grave. Let all that Read be sure to keep the Faith as he has don. With Christ he lives now Crowned, his name was HvmpTirey Atherton. Elizabeth', dau. of Humphrey^ and Mary, was bapt. at Winwiek, Eng., Dec. 26, 1629; m. Timothy Mather.f Coniinuaiion. — Atherton Mather, "William Mather, Timothy Mather, Timothy Mather, Hannah Mather, Alonzo Kimball. tSee p. 6. Also Pope's Pion. Mass., p. 22. 22 Zbc ^tougbton Xtneaae.* E^-^siGX Thomas^, the emigrant, was at Dorcliester in 1630 and a freeman in 1031. In the same year lie was constable and fined for undertaking to marry a couple. He was called ''x\n- cient" or Ensigii. He was one of the first settlers of Windsor, going there in 1G40, and member of the first court held in tlie River Colony. The old Stone Fort of Windsor stood on his lot. He d. at Windsor March 25, 1661. His brother Israel was one of the prominent men of Dor- chester, and as Captain was Connnander-in-Chief of the success- ful expedition against the Pequot Indians. He was after- wards Lieutenant-Colonel in the Parliamentaiy forces under Cromwell. Col. Israel's son was Governor of the Colony of Massachusetts, and as C^hief Justice acquired a fearful notoriety in connection with the witchcraft craze. The arms of the Stoughtons are as follows:! Arms: — Azure, a cross engr. erm. Ckest: — A robin redbreast, ppr. Thomas^, son of Thomas^, was b. in England, He had his fathers homestead in Windsor, which has remained in the pos- session of his descendants. He m., Xov. 30, 1655, Mary Wads- worth. They had four sons and three daughters b. between 1657 and 1673. He d. Sept. 15, 1684. Rebecca^, youngest child of Thomas" and Mary, was b. June 19, 1673. She m. Sept. 20, 1694, Atherton Mather. She d. in 1704. Continuation. — William Mather, Timothy Mather, Timothy Mather, Hannah Mather, Alonzo Kimball. *Triimbull's Hist, of Hartford Co., Ct., vol. H, p. 558. The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor, Conn., by H. R. Stiles, Hartford, 1892, pp. 721-725. Drake's Histi^,of Boston. Hist, of Dorcliester, p. 8d. t Drake's Hist, of Boston, p. 210. Burke's Landed Gentry, p. 1164. William^, the ancestor, accompanied Mr. Daniel Gookin to the Virginia Plantation in 1621, arriving in the ''Flying Ilarte" Xov. 22nd of that year. In Hotten's List of Emi- grants to America, 1600-1700, William Wadsworth is associ- ated with Daniel Gookin and stands first on the list said to have come in the ''Flying Ilarte." With Gookin he took up his set- tlement at Xe^vport j^ews. Four months after his arrival, Mch. 22nd, 1622, came the sudden attack by the Indians upon the plantation in wliicli three hundred and forty-nine of the col- onists were massacred. Gookin with his followers, some thirty- five in all, would not obey the order of the council to abandon the outlying posts but "thought liimself sufficient against what could hap^x^n, and so did to his great credit and tlie content of his adventures."! William a]^p'^ars to have returned with Gookin to England in the "Sea Flower" in July, 1622. In 1632 William again started for the new world, this time in tlie ship "Lion," which reached Boston Sept, 16, 1632. He settled in Cambridge with the Rev. Thomas Hooker's company and on JSTov. 6tli took the oa.tli of a freeman. He w^as one of the first selectmen of Cambridge and in 1636 was one of Hooker's com- pany of one hundred of both sexes and all ages who traveled over a hundred miles through a trackless wilderness to found the city of Hartford. They carried no guide but the compass. According to TnunbullJ they drove with them one hundred and sixty head of cattle and by the way subsisted on the milk of their cows. Making their way through swamps, over hills and tlirough dense woods they were nearly a fortnight upon the jour- ney. William's age was about forty-one years at this time, he having been b. in 1695. Little is known of his first wife, but it *Two Hundred and Fifty Years of the Wadsworth Family in America, by Horace Andrew Wadsworth, pp. 257, Lawrence, Mass., 1S83. t Smith's History of Virginia, vol. 11, p. 76. + Hist. of Conn., vol. I, pp. 64, 65. 24 is probable that lie m. in England, as lie possessed a house and home soon after he settled at Cambridge. By her he had four children. He m. (2), in 1G44, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Samuel Stoneof Hartford, by whom he had six children, including Capt. Joseph, The mother Elizabeth, according to an old record, died in 1659. William^ resided in Hartford till his death in 1675 when eighty years old. Savage* says of him, "He seems to have lived in the highest esteem ; no man more often chosen representative, for between Oct., 1656, and May, 1675, hardly a year misses his services." It was his son, Capt. Joseph, who saved the liberties of Connecticut by carrying away and con- cealing in the hollo-w of an oak the Connecticut charter. Gen. James S. Wadsworth, the distinguished division commander who was killed in the Battle of the Wilderness, was a descendant in the sixth generation from William. Mary^, dau. of William^ and first wife, was b. about 1632. She m., alx)ut 1656, Thomas Stoughton. Continuation. — Eebecca Stoughton, William Mather, Tim- othy ]\rather, Timothy JMather, Hannah Mather, Alonzo Kim- ball. Zbc Buttolpb Xincaac^t Thomas^, the emigrant, was b, in 1603 and came over in the "Abigail" from London in 1635. He was a freeman in Boston in 1641. He d. in 1667, and his will was probated in Boston, June 25, 1667. The will of his wife Ann , who came with him from Eng., was probated Xov. 10, 1680. Lieut. John^, son of Thomas^ and Ann, was b. Feb. 28, 1639. He m. (1), Oct. 16, 1663, Hannah Gardner. She d. in Wethersfield, whore he had settled, Juno 6, 1681. They had five children: Jonathan, Joseph, John, David, and George. He m. (2), June 27, 1682, Abigail , and had Abigail ♦Genealogical Dictionary, vol. IV, p. 38. fSavage, Gen. Diet., vol. I, p. 323; Hinman, Puritan Settlers of Con- necticut, p. 461. 25 and Tames. He d. Jan. 18, 1082, and his v/ife Abigail fol- lowed June 5, 108 7. He was a man of wealth in those days, his estate being valued at £1,0-12. He owned lands in Wethers- field, Hartford, Glastonbury, Lancaster, and Boston. David^, son of Lieut. John and Hannah, was b. in 1670. He m. Mary , and d. 1717. He removed from Wethers- field to Simsburv. SiLEJTCE"*, dau. of David'^ and Mary, m., Xov. 7, 1721, Will- iam I^Lather. Continuation.. — Timothy Mather, Timothy Mather, Hannah Mather, Alonzo Kimball. Zbc (3art)ner Xtneatje. Thomas^, the ancestor, a husbandman, was from Weymouth, Dorsetshire, England, where the Gardners had lived for more than three centuries. He came to America in tlie spring of 1021 as superintendent of the planting of the colony sent out by the Western Adventurers of Dorchester, England. He w\t.s at Cape Ann the following summer and winter with thirteen men uiider him. At the close of the year he was succeeded by Roger C*onant, who also held office only a year when the under- taking was abandoned. Thonnas then settled (1620) at Salem and appears in the earliest records as proprietor. He d. in 1635. Thomas^, son of Thomas^, was b. in England in 1592 and d. in 1674. He was an eminent merchant of Boston. Hem. (1) Margaret and (2) Mrs. Damaris Shattuck. Geoiige", son of Thomas", was b. and d. Aug. 20, 1679. He came to Hartford in 1673. He m. Elizabeth Orne,* who, some claim, was the widow of his brother Thomas. She was probably dau. of Dea. John Orne of Salem who died 1685. ♦According to the History of Hartford Co., Ct. he m. in 1671 Eliza- beth Allen of Boston, who was the widow by second marriage of Rev. Samuel Stone (m. 1641). Horace E. Mather, the genealogist, gives the marriage with Elizabeth Orne. The will of John Orne is printed in the Essex Coll., IV, p. 68. 26 George was a merchant in Hartford. In his will he gives £300 to his dan., Mrs. Bnttolph. Hannah* was dan. of George^ and Elizabeth. She m. Oct. 16, 1603, Lient. John Bnttolph. Continuation. — David Bnttolph, Silence Bnttolph, Timothy Mather, Timothy ]\Iatlier, Hannah Mather, Alonzo Kimball. abe fuller Xincaoe.* JoiiN^ the first settler of the line in America, came in the "Abigail" in 1635 and settled at Ipswich, Essex Co., Mass., in 1037. He m. Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas Emerson. Their children mentioned in his will, proven at Salem Sept. 25, 1006, were John, James, William, Thomas, Joseph, Snsannah, Eliza- beth, and Sarah. He d. Jnne 4, 1666. ' Joseph", son of John^ and Elizabeth, was b. abont 1648. He m. in 1685 Mary Wood. Joseph^, son of Joseph" and Mary, removed to Snffield, Ct., where he m., Sept. 18, 1715, Bathsheba Hanehett, and d. Mch. 7, 1744. Their children were Mary, Bathsheba, Mary, Sarah, Hannah, and Joseph. Hannah'', dan. of Joseph^ and Bathsheba, m. Oct, 25, 1748, Timothy ^Mather. She d. April 7, 1757, and her hnsband remar- ried. Continuaiion. — Timothy Mather, Hannah Mather, Alonzo Kimball. *This lineage differs from that given by Sheldon, the Snffield ("Conn.) historian, who gives for the ancestor, John Fuller of Newton, Mass., (d. 1696). The lineage here given is based on extensive searches by Mr. Horace E. Mather of Hartford, who has examined the records at Salem, Northampton, and Springfield, and who is convinced that this is the correct line. He finds also that another of John's family, Elizabeth, removed to SuflSeld. See Pope's Pioneers of Massachusetts, p. 178. 27 ^be jemereon Xlncacje** Thomas-^, the ancestor, was probably b. at Sedgefield Parish, Co. Durham, England, and d. at Ipswich, ]\[ass., ^May 1, 166G. Tradition says he came to America from England in the "Eliz- abeth Ann" in 1635. He was at Ipswich as early as 1638 when SO acres of land was gTanted him. He m. before coming to America Elizabeth who suryived him. The poet, Ivalph Waldo Emerson, was his descendant in the seyenth gen- eration, and Prof. Benjamin Kendall Emerson, the well knowm geologist, a discendant of the eighth generation. Elizabeth^, dan. of Thomas^ and Elizabeth, was l>. in Eng- land. She m., probal)ly in England, John Fuller, who later re- sided at Rocky Hill, Ipswich. He d. June 4, 1666, she suryiv- ing him.- Continuation. — Joseph Fuller, Joseph Fuller, Hannah Ful- ler, Timothy ]\rather, Hannah ]\rather, Alonzo Kimball. cTbc W(oot> Xlncacjc, Thomas^, was of Rowley, Mass., in 1651-. He was b. aboui 1635, and m. Ann A.pril 7, 1654. They had eleyen chil- dren. The wife's name was probably Hunt and she appears to haye been from Ipswich. Thomas d. in 1687 and wa,s buried Sept. 12th of that year.. The wife d. Dec. 28, 1714. Mary, oldest child of Thomias^ and Ann, was b. in Rowley Jan. 15, 1655. Amasa Wood's genealog7y' says of her: ''Her history is entirely unknown," f and the eyidence that she m. Joseph Fuller is that Joseph Fuller of the a,djacent town of Ips- wich (her mother's home also) m, a ]\Iary Wood Oct. 1, 1685, *The Ipswich Emersons A. D. 1638-1900, etc., by Benjamin Kendall Emerson, assisted by Capt. Geo. A. Gordon. Secretary N. E. Hist. Geneal. Soc, pp. 537, Boston, 1900. tBrief History of the Descendants of Thomas Wood and Ann his v/iie. by Amasa Wood, p. 34, "Worcester, Daniel Seagrave, Printer, 1884. 28 at wliicli time she was thirty years of age. Joseph was b. in 1645. Continuation: — Joseph Fuller, Hannah Fuller, Timothy Mather, Hannah Mather, Alonzo Kimball. ^be Ibancbett Xlneaae.* Dea. Thomas^ and his sons John and Thomas were original proprietors of the town of SufSeld, Hartford Co., Ct.f Dea. Thomas, Sr., was, probably, a brother of John of Boston. He was in Wethersfield in 1649 but removed to New London in 1651. He remained at oSTew London three years and is next heard from at i^ortliampton, 1660. He Avas deacon in 1668. He removed to Westiield, and vdth. the founding of Suffield in 1671 to that place. His wife was Deliverance Langton. He d. at Suffield, June 11, 1686. JoHN^, oldest son of Dea. Thomas^ and Deliverance, was b. at Wetherefield, Sept. 1, 1649. While living at Westfield he m. (1), in 1677 Esther Pritchet of Suffield. There they had two children, biit removed in 1680 to Suffield, where he was a freeman and a voter at the first town meeting. He held many offices and was deacon for many years. He had six children born at Suffield. His first wife d. Nov. 29, 1711, and he m. (2) Mrs. Mary Harmon, who d. Sept. 17, 1730. He m. (3) Mrs. Sarah Tayler who d. Jan 6, 1733, and (4) Mrs. Mary Southwell, who survived him. He d. Oct. 23, 1744, aged 95. His house lot at Suffield was as late as 1879 in the possession of Betsey Hauchett, his descendant of the fifth generation. Batiisheba^, dau. of Jolm"^ and Esther, m. Sept. 18, 1715^ Joseph Fuller. Continuation.. — Hannah Fuller, Timothy Mather, Hannah Mather, Alouzo Kimball. *The Loomis Family. Female Bracclies, vol. I, p. 275. Also, Docu- mentary History of Suffield, etc., 1660-1679, by Hezeklah Spencer Shel- don, pp. 35, 81. Springfield, 1879. 29 Zhc XanGton Xtncaoc* George \ the ancestor, was one of the early settlers of Weth- ersfield hnt removed to Springfield and Avas at the latter place in ]6-^^ Zbc H)e la Boi^e Xincaac* This Huguenot family was one of the most distinguished of the French nobility, claiming descent from Charlemagne, Will- iam the Conqueror, and Alfred the Great. Philip^ came to Plymouth in the ''Fortune," 1621, when 19 years of age. He was admitted a freeman in 1632 and early removed to Duxbury. He was a man of much respectability and employed in surveying lands, and was often one" of the grand inquest of the Colony. He was b. at Leyden, Holland, in 1602, and was a member of the Puritan church there. He m. (1),, Dec. 19, 1834, Hester Dewesbury, and (2), in 1657, Mary, widow of James Glass. Philip d. 1681, aged 79 years. His children were Philip, Thomas, John, Jane, Rebecca, Samuel, Mary, Jonathan, and Hester. m., it is supposed, Edmund Weston.'^ Continuation. — Edmund Weston, Zachariah Weston, Zach- ariah Weston, Rev. Isaiah Weston, Sarah Weston. Z\yc Soulc Xincaoc.t The Soules of the United States, with unimportant excep- tions, are the descendants of George Soule, one of the May- *Winsor's Hist, of Duxbury, p. 251. See also Delano Genealogy, and foot note p. 42. fThe account here given is taken with slight changes from "The Soule Family of North Yarmouth and Freeport, Maine," by Dr. Charles E. Banks and Enos Chandler Soule, pp. 31. "Old Times" Office, Yarmouth, Maine, 1882. To this have been added some data from Haxtun's "Sign- ers of the Mayflower Compact," Pt. II. / ^ SARAH (WESTON) KIMBALL 47 flower Pilgrims, and the thirty-fiftli signer of the famous so- cia] compact. George^ came to this country a minor, for we find him en- tered in the list of "Mayflower" passengers as an apprentice of Gov. Edward Winslow of Plymouth, and later as living in his family. It is quite probable that he came in common with others of that religious band from the quarter of England which is today recognized as the cradle of the Dissenters, — the point of junction of the three counties of York, Lincoln, and Nottingham. How long the relations of apprenticeship to the Governor continued is not known, but as early as 1623 he was granted in his own right one acre of land "on the south side of the brooke to the baywards,"* and in 1627, in the division of cattle, was allotted "one of the 4 black Heyfers that came in the Jacob, caled the smoothe horned Heyfer, and. two shee goats." In 1663 he became a freeman of the Colony, and was taxed that year 9s for his share in the current expeiiises of their simple government. He had by that time married, and built a house, as his wife, Mary Beckett, was one of the passengers in the "Ann" and her consorts of 1623, ^*n company with Barbara Standish and Patience and Fear Brewster. His house and lot was near Eel River at first, but at sundry times he had subsequent grants at Powder Point and "ye water- ing place," but these possessions were sold in 1638, when, with Capt. Myles Standish and others, he removed across the bay to Duxbury, to found that town. This place then became his permanent residence, and, besides acting as one of the earliest selectmen, often re-elected, he represented the town in the Gen- eral Court of Plymouth Colony in 1642, '45, '46, '50, '51, '53, and '54, having for colleagues, Alden, Southworth, Pabodie and StaiT. A record shows that he and Anthony Thatcher "were shosen a committee to draw up an order concerning disorderly drinking of tobacco." He was one of the petitioners for a church in Duxbury and one of the original company for a canal *Plymouth Col. Rec, XII, 4. 48 across the isthmus of Cape Cod. When Bridgewater was set off from Diixbury he was one of the original proprietors of the town, but soon disposed of his rights and subsequently became one of the earliest purchasers of Dartmouth and Middle]>oro'. He thus became an original proprietor in the foundation of four new settlements, an evidence of his enterprise and thrift. During the trouble with the Pequot Indians (1637) he was a volunteer, and five years later, when the plot of Miantonomah was discovered, he was put on the conunittee "for offensive and defensive warr." But one record is found of his appearance in court, as a party to an action to convince the jury of the righteousness of his ease, and he obtained a verdict. This was in January, 1637, when he sued and was sued by x^athaniel Thomas to obtain control of some heifers. On March 1, 1658-9, Goodwife Mary Soule was indicted for absence from church, but that was a common charge against the saints of those times. Without enumerating the various minor offices which he filled, it Avill be sufficient to refer to one important duty to which he was assigned in company with Governors Prince and Winslow and Constant Southworth, — the revision of the Colony laws, which must have been a work requiring more than ordi- nary ability. Winsor* says of him : "Though not a man distinguished in the government of the colony, yet he was of essential service in bis town, . . . holding office to which he could not have been elevated had he not been a man of integrity and probity." The History of Plymouth Colony/^ article Duxbury, says: "Among the earlier settlers of this town were some of the ablest men in the colony, including John Alden, William Brewster, Governor Thomas Prince and George Soule," and, to the same effect, an article on the "Standish House," in Duxbury,| thus discourses : "In this house on Captain's Hill, Standish removed after his second marriage, and here he drew around him a de- *History of Duxbury, p. 64. tP. 36. . , : tHarper's Monthly Magazine, 1876. 49 voted class of friends, among whom were Elder Brewster, John Alden, George Soule," and others. George Soule had at least eight children whose names have come down to ns, all born before 1650, for in Bradford's His- tory of Plymouth Plantations,* of that date, it is stated that, — "Georg Sowle is still living and hath 8 childre(n)." The order of their births is not known. His wife Mary died in 1677, and his death occurred in 1680, being "very aged," as the Colony records state. He outlived nearly all of the ''■]\Iay- llower" Pilgrims, his old friend and companion, John Alden, surviving him, however, by more than seven years. A gonrd which belonged to him may be seen among the relics in Memor- ial Hall, Plymouth. John", son of George^ and Mary, was born about 1632, and in the will of his fatherf is called "eldest son . . . who hath in my extreme old age and weaknes ben tender and care^- ful to mee and very hcalpful to mee." He was made a free- man in 1653, in which year he became involved in a quarrel with "Kenelm Winslow "for speakeing falsly of and scandalicing his daughter in carying diuers falce reports betwixt Josias Standish and her." After various devices of delay he was fined, June 8, 1654, £10 and costs in a suit of defamation for £200.t During the excitement against the Quakers he was fined, Oct. 2, 1660, for attending their meetings. He was surveyor of high- ways, 1672, 1694; grand jurjanan, 1675-6-7-8; '82-3; arbitra- tor between Marshfield and Duxbury, and Plymouth and Dux- bury, 1698, involving land disputes; witness to the Indian deed of Bridgewater, dated Dec. 23, 1686 ; he joined also in a remon- strance against increasing the salary of Rev. Ichabod Wiswell. He w^as administrator of the estate of Samuel Chandler, 1683, and the same year chosen guardian for John Simmons and Samuel Sampson, minors. It has long been supposed that he married Hester De La Noye, dau. of Philip De La N'oye (Delano), but it has re- *P. 447. ■\Hist. Duxhury, p. 310. tPlym. Col. Rec, VII, 70. 50 centlj been shown that his wife was Hester Kash, dau. of Lieut. Samuel ISTash. John d. in 1707, aged 75 years. Among the items in the inventory of his property we find a library mentioned, a rare thing in those times, except in the case of ministers, and it shows him to have been a man of literary tastes and undoubtedly of a cultivated mind. Rebecca^, the dau. of John- and Hester, was b. about 1657. She m., probably ab. 1688, Edmund Weston (b. 1660) of Plympton, and d. Nov. 18, 1732.* They had five sons and a dau. Rebecca. Continuation. — Zachariah Weston, Zachariah Weston, Rev. Isaiah Weston, Sarah Weston. ^be IRasb lincaoe.t Lieut. Samuel^, one of the early settlers of Duxbury, was b. in 1602. He was appointed sheriff of the Plymouth Colony in 1652 and served for many years. He was also a represen- tative, probably of Bridgewater. In his old age he lived with his son-in-law, Clark. Hestek^, dau. of Lieut. SamueP, m. John Soule. (See above. ) Continuation. — Rebecca Soule, Zachariah Weston, Zachariah Weston, Rev. Isaiah Weston, Sarah Weston. *If these dates could be definitely established it would remove aa element of uncertainty connected with the lineage. tWinsor's History of Duxbury, p. 284. 51 ^be Shaw Xinca^e (3obn). JoHN^, the emigrant, settled iu Plymouth before 1627. In 1662 he removed to Middleboro', where he d. Oct. 24, 1694. His wife Alice d. March 6, 1655. They had four chil- dren. Jonathan^, third child of John^ and Alice, was in Ply- mouth 1654, and m. (1), Jime 22, 1657, Phebe, dau. of George Watson, and (2), Persis, dau. of Dea. John Dunham and widow of Benajah Pratt. (Benajah and Persis were m. Kov, 29, 1655.) There were eight children. Lieut. Jonathan^, the fourth child of Jonathan^ and son of Phebe, the first wife, was b. in 1663. He m. (1), Mehitable Pratt, who was b. in 1667 and d. Oct. 19, 1712. He m. (2), Nov. 16, 1715, Mary Darling, who surviving him d. in 1754. He lived at Plympton and had in all eleven children. He d. Jan. 18, 1729-30. Mehitable"*, the fourth child of Jonathan^ and Mehitable, m., June 23, 1717, Zachariah Weston.^ Continuation. — Zachariah Weston, Rev. Isaiah Weston, Sarah Weston. Z\)c IDClatson Xincagc (pbebe), Geokge^, the emigrant ancestor, was one of the prominent early settlers of Plymouth, having been a resident there in 1633 and a freeman in 1637. In 1635 he purchased of Dea. Rich- ard Masterson a dwelling and became a householder. He m. Phebe, dau. of Robert Hicks who was a passenger in the "For- tune" in 1621, and whose wife Margaret, with dau. Phebe and others of family, followed in the "Ann" in the summer of 1623. Mr. Watson held several offices of trust in the Colony and owned large tracts of land, becoming quite independent. He had seven children, four of whom came to maturity. A very quaint and beautiful silver bowl bearing his initials, which was 52 brought by him to this country, was in 1864 the property of a descendant, Xehemiah Hall of Mansfield. "Seldom," says W. R. Dean, "is such an authentic memorial preserved in any family so many generations."* Mr. Watson d. Jan. 31, 1680, in his 87th year. His wife Phebe d. May 22, 1663. Phebe^, dau. of George^ and Phebe, m., Jan. 22, 1656-7, Jonathan Shaw. Continuation. — Lieut. Jonathan Shaw, Mehitable Shaw, Zachariah Weston, Rev. Isaiah Weston, Sarah Weston. (See also another line from George Watson in Dean branch of the family.) Z\K 1b\c\\B Xiueaac (iphcbe TOatson). Robert^, the PilgTim, came in the "Fortune" in 1621 to Plymouth. Before 1634 he removed to Duxbury and in 1639 purchased land there from George Soule. He afterwards re^ moved to Scituate. He m. (1) Elizabeth and (2) Mar- garet . He d. before 1662. Phebe -, youngest dau. of Robert^ and Margaret, his second wife, was b. in England and was with her mother a passenger on the "Ann" to Pl^'mouth in 1623. She m. George Watson of Plymouth. Continuation. — Phebe Watson, Lieut. Jonathan Shaw, Me- hitable Shaw, Zachariah Weston, Rev. Isaiah Weston, Sarah Weston. ( See also another line from Robert Hicks in Leonard branch of family.) ♦Watson Genealogy, by William R. Deane, Esq., of Brookline. N. E. Hist, and Gen. Register, vol. XVIII, p. 363. Reprinted in "A Bio- graphical Sketch of Elkanah Watson with a brief Genealogy of the Watson Family," by Wm. R. Deane, Albany, 1864. 53 Hbc Pratt XineaGC* Joshua^, the emijjrant, came to Plymoutli in the "Ann," the third vessel to reach the Colony, in 1623. He m. Bathsheba • and had three children. Benajah^, the son of Joshua^ and Bathsheba, m., ISTov. 29, 1655, Persis Dunham, who afterwards (subsequent to 1667) m. Jonathan Shaw, Sr., and was therefore both stepmother and mother-in-hiw to Jonathan, Jr. Mehitable^, sixth and youngest child and second dau. of Benajah^ and Persis, was b. in 1007. She m. Lieut. Jonathan Shaw and d. in 1712. Co7\tinuatwn. — Mehitable Shaw, Zachariah Weston, Ker. Isaiah "Weston, Sarah Weston. . ' ^be S)unbain Xineaoe. Dea. Joiin^, the emigrant, was b. ab. 1589 and settled in Plymouth ab. 1033. He m. Abigail and had eleven chil- dren. He was chosen Representative in 1639. He d. Mch. 2, 1669, at the age of 80. Persis-, sixth child of Dea. John^ and Abigail, m. (1), Nov. 29. 1655, Benajah Pratt, and (2) (after 1667) Jonathan Shaw, Sr. Continuation. — Mehitable Pratt, Mehitable Shaw, Zach- ariah Weston, Rev. Isaiah Weston, Sarah Weston. Z\)c poinero^ XincaGC. The determination of the name and ancestry of the mother of Rev. Isaiah Weston has offered great difficulties for the geneal- ogists who have given it their attention. As regards the evi- dence now in print, Mr. Thomas Weston, Jr., Esq., in The De- 5 54 scendants of Edmund Weston of Duxhurij,'^ states that Zach- ariah Weston,* the father of Isaiah, married as second wife Sarah Pomerov, daughter of "Dr. Pomeroy of Middlehoro', and gives Isaiah as their first child, h. in 1770. He also gives Zachariah, Jr., as the third child of Zachariah by his lirst wife and states that he married Sarah Wood. A personal letter from Mr. Weston, the author of the geneal- ogy, states that his father, Mr. Thomas Weston of Middle- horo' (d. 1834), who was particularly well informed regarding his family history, w^as authority for the statement that Zach- ariah Sr.'s wife was Sarah Pomeroy. In the Biographical Account of Dv. John Pomeroy, Dr. Samuel W. Thayer states that the paternal grandfather of this eminent Vermont surgeon Avas a deacon in the church of Middle- horo', Mass., and that he had a son Francis, the father of the surgeon, who m. Sarah ISTye about 1763 and settled in Middle- horo' ; further that the deacon had three daughters, one of whom married a Bradford, another a Weston, and the third died unmarried.! An unpublished genealogical chart in the possession of Mrs. Byron Weston of Dalton, Mass. (prepared by the late Chas. L. Shaw, the genealogist of the family), states that the second wife of Zachariah Weston^ was Sarah Pomeroy, daugh- ter of Dea. Pomeroy. When the town records are consulted the difficulties appear. Mr. Amos H. Eaton, the town clerk of Mid- dlehoro', reports that the only marriage record of a Pomeroy upon his books is that of Susanna Pomeroy to Philip ISTye in 1768. In the Early Massachusetts Marriages, edited by Frederick W. Bailey, which are copied from the returns of marriages to the court of Plymouth county, I find an additional entry Avhich is of great value, to wit : the marriage of Manassah Wood and Sarah Pomeroy at Middlehoro' on July 27, 1756.$ There is no record of the death of Manassah Wood in ]\Iiddle- *P. 16. tN. E. Hist. Geneal. Register, vol. 2 (1848), pp. 279-280. $Vol. 2, p. 83. 55 boro' records, nor is liis gravestone inscription inckided in tlie collection of 18,000 or more wlncli ISlr. Charles M. Thatcher has made from the cemeteries of Middleboro' and vicinity. He was not a member of the First Church of Middlehoro'. The records of Plymouth county, however, show that the estate of Manassali Wood of Middlehoro' was settled in ITG-i, in which year ISTathan- iel Wood was appointed administrator. There was no will, but the account filed by tlie administrator mentions a widow and five children, whose names are not mentioned. In 177-4 a guardian was appointed for Pelham, TsTichols, Manassah, Thomas, and Sarah, children of Manassah Wood of Middlehoro', the two first named being above the age of fourteen years. In tlie Middlehoro' records are the following entries : "1770, September 15. Then I published a purpose of mar- riage betvv'een Mr. Zachariah Weston and Mrs. Sarah Wood, both of Middlehoro'. Pr. John Morton, Town Clerk."* "Dec. Gth, 1770. Zachariah Weston and Sarah Wood, both of Middlehoro wr married by me Silvanus Conant."f The estate of Zachariah Weston (Division of Dower) was set- tled in 1794. He left a widow Sarah and seven children, among whom were Isaiah and Sarah (Perkins). There is no town record of the death of Sarah Weston nor is her tombstone inscription in the collection of Mr. Thatcher, and the only record of her death which has been found is the letter granted the administrator of her estate in Plymouth County Probate Records. As Xichols Wood was appointed administra- tor, Feb. 25, 170r», she probably died shortly before that date. Her second husband, Zachariah Weston, is buried beside his first wife Rebecca Standish, in the Middlehoro' Green Cemetery, and it is probable that Sarah Weston is buried beside her first husband, Manassah Wood, both Vv-ithout stones. It would thus seem to admit of little doubt that Sarah Pom- eroy m. (1) Manassah Wood and (2) Zachariah Weston. The *Vol. 2, p. 28o! tVol. 4, p. 9. 56 records of tlie First Church of Micldleboro' show that Pomeroys canie to Middleboro' at this period from Halifax, the adjoining township, and from a search of the town and church records of Halifax, Pljmpton, Middleboro' and Pembroke, the following has been compiled, the H, P or M in parentheses indicating that the entry is copied from Halifax, Plympton, or Middleboro' town records. A Ch following the initial letter indicates a church record. Fkaintcis Pomeroy of record at Halifax. Wife Hannah joined the Halifax church Kov. 23, 1735 (H Ch*) and was dis- missed to the church at Middleboro' 'Nov. 27, 1748. (H Ch.) Childi^en. Susannah, b. Jan. 6, 1735-6 (H) ; bapt. Feb. 8, 1735-6 (H Ch) ; m. Philip ISTye in 1768 (M). Hannah, b. Oct. 18, 1737 (H) ; bapt. Nov. 20, 1737 (H Ch) ; m. (1) John Eddv, Jr., May 20, 1760 (M)t; m. (2) John Bradford of Kingston, sixth in descent from William Brad- ford of the "Mayflower." John Bradford was b. in 1732, and his first wife was Ruth Cobb,$ Feancis, Jr., b. Jan. 12, 1739-40 (H) ; bapt. Feb. 27, 1739-40 (H Ch) ; m. Aug. 26, 1762 (P M Ch) Sarah Is^ye, who was b. in Pl^>mipton, 3 June (O. S.), 1741, and d. in Bur- lington, Vt., Feb. 15, 1837, aged 95 yrs. (Insc.) ; joined First Church in Middleboro' in 1757 (M Ch) ; son Dr. John b. in Middleboro' in 1764, d. in Vermont in 1844, age 80(MCh). No other Pomeroys are of record in these towns and it is highly probable that the Sarah Pomeroy who m. Manassah Wood in 1756 and Zachariah Weston in 1770, was an older sis- ter of Susannah, as Thayer§ says there were three daughters and one married a Weston. She could hardly have been younger ♦Halifax town organized in 1734 and First Church organized the same year. tEarly Mass. Marriages, II, p. 82. IBradford Genealogy, Boston, 1850, p. 19. Entry is "to Mrs. Hannah Eddy of Middleborough." §1. c. 57 than Francis as she M'onld in that case have been but fifteen years of age wlieii she ni. Manassah Wood ; bnt if ohler we should not expect her birth to be at Halifax, since the records of church and town begin less than a year before the birth of Susannah. The town from which Francis, Sr., emigrated to Halifax it is difficult to determine. The descendants of Eltweed of Dor- chester early emigrated to the Connecticut Valley, and the only one who is known to have subsequently found his way to eastern Massachusetts in early Colonial days is Joshua^ (Joshua^, Elt- weed^) who, with wife Esther, was made captive by the Indians in the attack upon Deerfield in 1704. His subsequent appear- ance in Dorchester in 1706 and his later history the compiler has traced to his decease at ISTorton in 1750, and it seems clear that he can not have been an ancestor of Francis of Halifax. Thayer states that there is a tradition that the great grandfather of Dr. John Pomeroy (the father of Francis, Sr.) came from France, but in view of the fact that all Pomeroys doubtless came originally from that country, the statement has but little value, particularly as inaccuries occur in Thayer's account. There is now in tlie possession of ]\lrs. Ellen D. Brown, of Burlington, Vt., an old print of Pomeroy Castle in Devon- shire, which John Norton Pomeroy, greatgrandson of Francis Sr. of Halifax, told his grandchildren was the home of his an- cestors. This family heirloom has been treasured at Fern Hill, the Vermont home of the Pomeroy family, to which they emi- grated from jMiddleboro' shortly after the Kevolutionary war. The magnificent ruins of Berry Pomeroy Castle, the finest in Devonshire, stand in the midst of a thick wood near Totnes. The manor of Beri was given with fifty-seven others by William the Conqueror to his follower, Ralph de Pomeroy, whose former castle had been, it is said, at Cinglais, near Falaise, in K'or- mandy. This family of nobles maintained their lands at Berry until Sir Thomas, who had served with distinction in France in 1549, led an insurrection caused by an act reforming the church service. After a month of resistance, during which he 58 besieged Exeter, he was at last defeated by a strong force un- der Lord Russell. Sir Thomas escaped with the loss of his lands, which afterwards came into the' possession of Lord Ed- w^ard Seymour, son of the Protector. According to Mackenzie, the descendants of Sir Thomas re- sided in the parish of Llarberton till the beginning of the eight- eenth century.* According to Tuckettf it would appear that Sir Thomas had one son, Thomas, whose sons were Valentine, Edward, and John, all living at the time of the Herald's Visita- tion in 1620. But Thomas, Jr., son of Sir Thomas, is given as of Binglcy near Leeds. The English records should be e'x- amined to learn all the descendants of Sir Thomas who lived between 1549 and 108-4 and to determine if possible whether any emigrated to America. The only Pomeroys that are found of record in Eastern Massachusetts previous to 1735, Avith the exception of Eltweed's family, were resident in Boston. The only one who bore tlie name Francis resided in 1711 near or at the corner of Fish Street and Wood Lane in Boston, as is shown by the fact that he was assessed £1 12s. 6d. for a sea wall which drained his cel- lar in common with those of othersljl. He had married Me- hitable Orchard Feb. 7, 1694. Mehitable Pomeroy, presum- ably the same, was July 18, 1701, granted by the Selectmen of Boston the privilege of keeping a victualling house and to sell beer and cider. § These are the only certain references to the immediate family of Francis, though it is probably that he was the "Mr. Pomeroy" who in 1733 was assessed £8 for repairs to the town pump, which he in common with others used. This Francis, if the Francis, Sr. of Halifax, 1735, as seems not un- likely, had at that time remarried, as the mother of the chil- dren of his old age was Hannah. The earliest American record of a Pomeroy not connected ■with the family of Eltweed in Dorchester is of John Pomeroy of *Castles of England, vol. 2, pp. 23-25. fDevonshire Pedigrees, p. 160. JBoston Selectmen's Records, 1701-1715. §lbid., p. 6. [D Fl 31 ° < < ^0 Sn > z ° > r Fl 59 Boston, whose wife was Sarah and who had Sarah, b. June 21, 1GS4-. The most probable theory of the descent of Sarah Pom- eroy of Middleboro' is that the above John was the emigrant who brought his wife Sarah and certain children to America wnth him. Among those who may have been his children (per- haps in part brothers or cousins) are Edw^ard, who was an in- habitant of Boston in 1G95, Francis who was several times men- tioned in Boston records in 1694 and later, Joseph wdio married in 1723 Mary Maycom aiid w^as Constable of Boston in 1730, and the John who was a shipwright and in 1690 put to sea, mak- ing his will in favor of Mary Brookings (as Savage surmises, probably his sweetheart). Among the probable daughters who may have accompanied him to America are Rachel, who m. j^ov. 11, 1714, Thomas Frank, and Mary, whose purpose of marriage with Samuel x\vis of Boston w^as published in 1696. The prob- ability that the John who was lost at sea before' 1691 (when Mary Brookings received his property) was a son of John^, makes it likely that the John who by wife Lydia had in Boston John (b. 'Nov. 20, 1712), Thomas (b. April 5, 1715), Lydia (b. Aug. 25, 1717), Mary (b. Aug. 16, 1722), and Samuel (b, Aug. 4, 1730) was the original emigrant remarried or a nephew. The evidence is supported so far as this is possible by the recur- rences of the names John and Sarah, the presumptive emigrants, in the children of the first generation and in the descendants of Francis of Halifax and Middleboro'. It is hoped that any evi- dence bearing on this question may be preserved and collected so that the ancestors of the Middleboro' Pomeroys may be definitely determined.* *The missing links of the chain are with little doubt contained in the records of the First Church of Middleboro. which are in the cus- tody of the pastor. All attempts to induce him to examine them or allow them to be examined have availed nothing. Cbe Maternal Hncestr^ of Sarah Meston. ^be Dean %incnQC. This line is descended from John Dean (Deane) who with his brother, Walter, came to this conntry in 1637, with little doubt from Chard near Tannton, Somersetshire, England. It has been supposed that they were descended from the Deanes of Denelands, but all attempts to fix definitely their ancestry have thus far yielded no positive data. The brothers, accord- ing to a record in the possession of ]\Irs. Orr (nee Florence Dean), settled at Cohannet (?) 1637, and at Taunton, ]\Iass., in 1639. Rev. Samuel Deane of Scituate is authority for the statement that they stopped nearly or quite a year at Dorchester before going to Taunton. They were among the very first set- tlers of Taunton and took up their farms on the west bank of the river, about one mile from the center of the present village. "What is known or sunnised about the ancestry of John and Walter has been put upon record.* JoHN^, common ancestor of the Taunton Deans, was b. about 1600, having died between April 25 and June 7, 1660, "aged sixty years or thereabouts." His wife, Alice, survived him and was probably living as late as 1668 (from Plymouth Court records). His strong Puritan faith is well brought out in an item of his will : "Item, My will is tiiat these my Overseers with the Consent of my Wife shall in Case heer be no Settled Ministry in Taunton; they shall *Brief memoirs of John and Walter Deane, two of the first settlers of Taunton, Mass., and of the early generations of their descendants, by Wm. Reed Deane, assisted by others, pp. 16, Boston, 1849. 61 have full power to sell either the whole or a parte of these my Hous- ings and Lands, soe as my Children and Posteritie may remove else- where, where they may enjoy God in his Ordinancies."* Thomas -, second son of Jolin^ and Alice, was b. 1642, and d. 1600. He m. Jan. 5, 166!), Katharine Stephens, dan. of Kichard Stephens from Plymonth, England. She died in 1726. The will of Katharine Dcane Avas proved Jan. 12. 1726-7. Thomas*^, second son of Thomas^ and Katharine, was b. abont 167;3, having d. Sept. 10, 1747, in his 74th year. He was m. Jan. 7, 1696, to Mary, dan. of John Kingsley of Milton. Mass. She d. Feb. 1, 1749-50, in her 74th year. He o^vned the first npright, two-story honse in Tannton. JosiAH'*, second son of Thomas'^ and Mary, was b. 1703 and d. March 23rd, 1778, in his 76th year. He m., Ang. IS, 1737, Jane, dan. of Capt. jSTehemiah Washbnrn of Bridgewater, who was b. 1715 and d. May 26, 1790. He lived in his father's house and was for many years Town Clerk of Raynham. Hoif. JosiAH^, M. C, fonrth son of Josiab^ and Jane, was b. in Raynham, March 6, 1748, and d. Oct. 14, 1818. He m. Sarah Byranij dan. of Rev. Eliab Byram of ^ew Jersey, who was b. 1749 and d. Jan. 10, 1850, aged 99 years. They had two sons and six daughters.y The second son, Eliab Byram, m. Charlotte Williams, whose dan. Harriet^ m. Prof. John W. *Plymouth Probate Record, II, p. 61. tAu old family record in the possession of Mrs. Orr (Florence Dean) gives the following list of the children of Josiah and Sarah. The com- piler has supplied from the Josiah Dean family bible and other sources some dates which were missing in the original list: 1. Polly, b. Dec. 24, 1771; m. Bphraim Raymond of Norton; d. March 26, 1844. 2. Jane, b. May 8, 1774; m. Thomas Green of Dalton; d. — . 3. Sarah, b. Nov. 5, 1776; m. Isaiah Weston of Dalton; d. June 9, 1818. 4. Hannah, b. June 9, 1779; m. Rev. Morrill Allen of Pembroke; d. — . 5. Temperance, b. June 23, 1782; m. Daniel Gilbert of Norton; d. Dec. 8, 1852. 6. Josiah, b. March 2, 1785; m. Caroline E. Waldo of ; d. June 5, 1832. 7. Eliab Byram, b. June 26, 1788; m. Charlotte Williams, of Taunton; d. Nov. 2, 1871. 8. Cornelia, b. Dec. 2, 1794; m. Nahum Mitchell of Taunton; d. July 9, 1825. 62 Sterling, Vice President of the University of Wisconsin. lion. Josiah^ was for many years Justice of the Peace, Assemblyman and Senator in the ]\Iassachnsetts Legislature. He was a Pres- idential Elector in 1805, a Representative in Congress, 1807-9, and Chief Justice of the Court of Sessions of the county of Bristol, Mass. Sarah*', third child and third daughter of Hon, Josiali^ and Sarah, was b. in Eaynham, ISTov. 5, 1776, and d. June 9, 1818. She m.. May 14, 1795, Eev. Isaiah Weston. Contimmtion. — Sarah Weston. ^be Stephens Xtneage. PiCHAKD^ was an early settler of Taunton, Mass. Kathaeiin'e", dau. of Eichard, m. Jan. 5, 1669, Thomas Dean. She survived her husband, her will being proved Jan. 12, 1726-7 and his July 15, 1697. Contimiation. — Thomas Dean, Josiali Dean, Hon. Josiah Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. Zhc Mm^lc^ Xtneage. The father of John Kingsley of Milton who m. Abigail Leonard is not definitely knoA\m but it is probable that he was John^, who was of Dorchester in 1635. His eldest son of whom we have knowledge Avas John-. This John^ of Dorches- ter was one of the original purchasers of Taunton and is sup- posed to have died at Eehoboth in 1679. There was another John^ of Milton, a son of Elder Stephen^ of Dorchester, but he m. a dau. of William Daniels, and in 1674 Mary Maury or Morey and d. in 1679, whereas the John^ who m. Abigail Leonard d. in 1698. JoHN^, son of Stephen, m. Abigail Leonard. He d. about 1698. 63 Mary^, dan. of Jolin^ and Abigail, was 1). about 167G. She m. Jan. 7, 109C, Thomas Dean, and d. Feb. 1, 1749-50. Conilnnation. — Josiah Dean, Hon. Josiah Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. Zbc Xconart) XtncaGC (Hbioail), This branch of the Leonard family is noted alike for its con- nection with the development of the American iron industry, its friendly relations with the Indians, its military prominence, and its longevity. It is descended from Thomas Leonard, whom we know only by name, since he did not emigrate to America. An account of the family in America down to 1790 is believed to have been the first family genealogy of any impor- tance printed in IsTew England.* It is by Eev. Peres Fobes, LL. D., pastor of the Congregational church in Raynliam, Mass., who was connected by marriage with the family. According to Dr. Fobes, the brothers, James and Henry Leon- ard, came at an early date to Kew England from Pontypool, county Monmouth, Wales, a place celebrated for its working of iron. It is supposed also that they had some claim to the owner- ship of iron works at Bilston, county Stafford, England. James was at Lynn as early as 1G51, where, and at Braintree, iron works were early established under a special monopoly by grant from the Massachusetts Colony. He and his brother Henry were skilled workmen. The second iron enterprise un- dertaken in ilN'ew England embraced a furnace and forge at Braintree, about ten miles from Boston. Llenry Leonard as- sisted by his brother James, is said to have superintended the erection of the Braintree works. In 1653 James removed to *Mas3. Hist. Collections, Vol. Ill (1794), p. 173. A somev/hat fuller account has been printed by Wm. R. Deane, N. E. Hist, and Genealog. Reg., Vol. V (1851), p. 403; and Vol. VII (1853), p. 71; also published separately as "A Genealogical Memoir of the Leonard Family." It is understood that Mr. Elisha Clark Leonard, who d. in New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 7, 1894, left in MS. a large amount of genealogical and his- Ical matter pertaining to the Leonard Family of Taunton. It is to be hoped that this matter will soon be printed. 64 TaiTiitoii. Henry, liis brother, was aftenvards at Eowley, where lie carried on the iron works, but left about 1674 for ]S[ew Jersey, where he established the iron manufacture of that state. The brothers established the forge at Taunton (now Eaynham), probably near 1652, as appears from a record in the tovm book, which grants ITenry and James Leonard with Ealph Eussell, consent to join with "certain of our inhabitants to set up a bloomery work on the Two Mile Eiver." So extensive were the interests of the Leonards in iron works that it used to be said : "Where you can find iron works there you will find a Leonard." The forge established at Eaynham was the earliest in the old colony, and the oldest successful smelter in America.* James Leonard, the progenitor of the Taunton and Eaynham Leonards, and his sons often traded with the Indians and es- tablished such friendships that when the war came, King Philip gave strict orders to his men that the Leonards be not harmed. King Philip's summer residence was at Eaynham, only about a mile from the forge. In 1665, King Philip gave to James Leonard the deed for a neck of land embracing about one hundred and fifty acres, "ly- ing by Mr, Brinton's land at Metapoyset, being bounded on each side by a brook," it being the intention of Mr. Leonard to "set up a mill or iron work if occasion were." This deed was not, however, confirmed by the colonial authorities and so the chieftain's gift could not be utilized. f The old Leonard House, which stood by the forge, was begun probably about 1670 and had been occupied by the family down to the seventh generation. When demolished about the middle of the lOtli century, it was probably the oldest mansion in ^ew England, if not in the country. It was apparently modeled after an English fashion of the 18th century, modified for de^ fense against the Indians. In the cellar was deposited for some time the head of King Philip. *Sv/ank, Iron in All Ages, Chapter X. tElisha Clarke Leonard in address before the Old Colony Historical Society at Taunton in 1886. 65 It has been supposed that the Leonards are of the family of Lennard Lord Dacve, a distinguished family of nobility in the United Kingdom and descended in two lines from Edward III., through two of his sons, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, and Thomas Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, Leonard being undoubtedly the equivalent of Lennard, and the arms similar, but no proof has been adduced. The arms of the Leonards are thus described : — Arms: — Or, on a fesse azure three fleur de lis Argent. Crest: — Out of a ducal coronet, Or, a tiger's head Argent. The arms of the Lennards (Lord Dacre) are very similar. Arms: — Or, on a fesse gules three fleur de lis of the first or field. Crest: — Out of a ducal coronet, Or, a tiger's head Argent. Some indication of the longevity of the family, as well as of its activity in military affairs, at the bench and bar, and in af- fairs of state, is afforded by the data which are found in the Genealogical Memoir of the Leonard family by W. R. Deane. Ja]mes^, first son of Thomas Leonard, was the emigrant an- cestor and was at Lynn in 1651, Braintree in 1652, and settled at Taunton in 1652. The forge which he and his brother erected at Kaynham doubtless became soon after the principal one in America. His wife, Margaret, survived him and d. about 1701. He was dead in 1691. He may have been a brother of Solomon Leonard of Duxbur}", since Dr. Fobes gives the names of two brothers and mentions a third. Abigail-, third child and first daughter of James ^ and first wife, m. John Kingsley of Milton who d. ab. 1698. Contmvation. — Maiy Kingsley, Josiah Dean, Hon. Josiah Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. (See also another line from James Leonard in the Byram branch of the family.) 66 Zbc ^aebburn Uineage** The "Washburns are descended from the Evesham branch of the English Washboiirne family, which with the Wickenford branch comes from the Difford and Great Washbonrne family. In Herald's College, London, Vol. I, p. 54, is given : "Wash- BOUENE. A name of ancient Norman descent; the founder was knighted on the field of battle by William the Conqueror and endowed with the lands of Little AVashlx»ume and Great Washbourne, Counties of Gloucester and Worcester." The earl- iest mention of the Evesham Washbournes is in the reigns of Henry III and E.lward I [121G-1307]. Arms: — Argent on a fesse between six martletts gules, three cinque- foils of the field. Crest: — On a wreath a coil of flax argent, surmounted with another wreath argent and gules, thereon flames of fire proper. JoHN^, the American emigrant ancestor, was b. at Evesham, County Worcester, Eng., and came to Duxbury, probably in 1631. His wife. Margery , aged 49, and two sons joined him there in 1635. In 1634 he purchased Edward Bom- passe's place called "Eagle's JSTest." With his son John he was one of the original purchasers of Bridgewater, Mass., in 1645. He went there to live in 1665 and d. there before 1670. John", first born of John^ and Margery, was b. in Evesham, Eng., about 1621, coming to Duxbury with his mother in 1635. He m. at Duxbury, in 1645, Elizabeth Mitchell. He d. at Bridgewater before 1690. Sgt. Samuel^, son of John" and Elizabeth, was b. in Dux- bury in 1651. He is called "Sergeant Washburn." He m. Deborah, dau. of Samuel Packard, who came from Windham, near Hingham, England, in the ship "Delight of Ipswitch," *Genealogical Notes of the Washburn Family with a brief sketch of the family in England, etc. Arranged by Mrs. Julia Chase Washburn, pp. 104, Lewiston, Me., 1S98. Mitchell's History of Bridgewater, p. 342. 67 and settled at Hiiigiiam, Mass., in 163S. He afterward lived at Yv'est Bridgewater, ]\Iass. Capt. ISTehemiak^, fourth son and fonrtli child of Sgt. Sam- uel'^ and Deborah, was b. in IGSG. In 1713 he m. Jane How- ard, Jaxe'"^, dan. of Capt. Xehemiah^ and Jane, was b. in 1715. She ni. in 1737 Josiah Dean. Coiitinuatio)}. — Hon, Josiah Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Wes- ton. ^be ruMtcbcU Xincaoe (leiisabetb)** Experience \ the ^'Forefather," came in the "Ann" to Ply- month in 1G23. He sold his i^lace in Plymouth in 1631 and removed to Duxbury in 1645, v/here he purchased another prop- erty in 1650. He m. (1) Jane Cook, dan. of Francis Cook, of the "Mayflower." Jane had been a passenger with Experience on the "Ann." He m. (2), in his old age, Mary . He was an original proprietor of Bridgewater, but did not remove there till late in life. He d. there in 1689, aged about 80. His will is dated 168-1. He was at lieyden with the Pilgrims and left a brother who died in Holland. He had a share in the first division of lots at Plymouth in 1623. There is an inter- esting document among the Plymouth Colony deeds in which Henry Howland, to settle differences with Exj^erience Mitchell, deeds him the use of a spring and brook near the boundary be- tween their lands. This is acknowledged before Miles Standish and John Alden. Elizabeth^, dan. of Experience^ and Jane, m. between Dec. 6th and Dec. 16th, 16-45, John Washburn. Other important dates unknown. Continuation. — Sgt. Samuel Washburn, Capt. Nehemiah . *Winsor's History of Duxbury, p. 282; also The Mitchell Family of North Yarmouth, Me., by William Mitchell Sargent, p. 9, Yarmouth, Me., 1878; Mitchell's History of Bridgewater; The Mayflower Descend- ant, vol. 1, 1899, pp. 97-98. 68 Washburn, Jane Washburn, Hon. Josiah Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. (See also another line from Experience Mitchell in Byram branch of the family. ) ^be Cooke Xineaoe* 2. Francis.^ The ancestors of Francis Cooke, the seventeenth signer of the Compact in the cabin of the "Mayflower," were from Scrooby, England, the home of the Separatists. Francis appears in the list of those designated as "exiles from Scrooby." He joined Brewster and Bradford in worship there, went with them to Leyden, and eventually to Plymouth. Francis was b. subsequent to August, 1583. In Holland he was an inmate of the home of Pastor Eobinson, This house Avas also the meeting place for their religious services, and to these serv- ices came Hester (a Walloon from the southern province of Belgium) to whom Francis was subsequently married. t When the "Speedwell" was compelled to turn back, Hester Cooke, the ^ife, was left behind in "charge of many yonge children," to follow at the first opportunity. One only, John, went with his father. The mother and remain- ing portion of the family came to Pljinouth in the "Ann" in 1623. In Plymouth the house of Francis Cooke was on Ley- den St., adjoining the residences of Gov. Edward Winslow and Isaac Allerton. On Friday, 16/26 February, 1620/1, Avhile Capt. Myles Standish and Francis Cooke were at work in the woods, they were recalled by an alarm at the approach of Indians, who did no damage except to carry oif the tools, and these they subse- quently returned. When the reinforcements came in the "Ann" in 1623, expan- sion was necessary and Francis Cooke deserted the sterile soil of Plymouth for Eocky IN'ook on James Eiver within the limits of Kingston. He was made freeman in 1633, and in 1634 ref- *Francis Cooke and 7iis Descendants, by George Ernest Bowman. Mayflower Descendant, vol. Ill, pp. 95-105. tProbably between 1609 and 1611. 69 ere© in the settlement of various affairs between members of tbe Colony. In 1640, with his son John, he received a large grant of land ''bounding on the North River," and between 1642 and 1648 this was followed by the grant of land at "a Medden" by James River, In 1662, wnth his son John, he was allowed to settle upon a tract purchased for a new settlement — New Bed- ford. There is no record that he settled there, as he died Tues- day, April 7/17, 1663,, aged 87 years. Bradford states that he lived to see ''his children's children have children." Prior to 1645 when Francis Cooke's active life seems to have come to an end, there was scarcely a year in which he did not serve in some official capacity; but after 1645 he was engaged in public duty but three times. He was one of the purchasers who in 1627 bought all the rights of the "Adventurers" (See p. 27). He was frequently juryman, arbitrator, and surveyor of highways. Jane-, dau. of Francis^ and Hester, was b. in Holland. She m., about 1627, Experience Mitchell, who was a fellow passen- ger in the "Ann" in 1623. He was one of the founders of Duxbury. Continuation. — Elizabeth Mitchell, Sgt. Samuel Washburn, Capt. Nehemiah Washburn, Jane Washburn, Hon. Josiah Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. (See also another line from Francis Cooke in Byraim branch of the family.) Zlbe |[^ac??ar^ Xtneaoc* Samuel^, with wife and child, came from Windham, near Hingham, Eng., in the ship "Delight of Ipswitch," and settled at Hingham, Mass., in 1638. From there he went to West Bridgewater where he d. about 1684. He was constable in. 1664 and licensed to keep an ordinary or tavern in 1670. ♦Mitchell's History of Bridgewater, p. 264. 6 70 Deborah^, eleventli child of Samuel, m. Thomas Washburn. Continuation. — Capt. ISTehemiali Washburn, Jane Washburn, Hon, Josiah Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. ITbc 1bowar^ Xineaoc* JoHisr^ came from England with his brother James and set- tled in Duxbury. The ancestors of the Howards in England were among the noblest of the realm and their record of service to the state was a most enviable one. Sajs Pope : "What can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cowards? Alas! not all the blood of all the Howards." Hajward and Howard have been often changed the one to the other in the course of time. The name is also spelled Haw- ard or Haieward. John was among those able to bear arms at Duxbury in 1643. He became one of the original proprietors and settlers of West Bridgewater in 1651. He was young when he came over and, it is said, lived in the family of Capt. Myles Standish. He was one of the first military officers of Bridgewater and a man of much influence. He was licensed to keep an ordinary or tavern as early as 1670 and a public house had been kept there by his descendants until about 1840. He m. Martha, dau. of Thomas Hayward, and d. about 1700. Epheaim^, son of John^ and Martha, m. Mary Keith. Jane^, dau. of Ephraim^ and Mary, was b. 1689. She m.. in 1713 Capt. N'ehemiah Washburn. Continuatwn. — Jane Washburn, Hon. Josiah Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. ♦Mitchell's History of Bridgewater, pp. 197-8. 71 Z\)c 1ba^war^ Xtncaoc (flDattba),* Thomas^, and his wife Susanna , were b. in England, and were last there at Aylsford in the county of Kent. They came to America with their five sons in the ship "Hercules," of 200 tons, in the summer of 1635. They first settled in Dux- bury, he being one of the original proprietors. He was also one of the earliest of the settlers of Bridgewater. He d. in 1681, his wife having d. before 1678. Martha^, youn£:est child of Thomas^ and Susanna, m. John Howard. Continuation. — Ephraim Howard, Jane Howard, Jane Wash- burn, Hon. Josiah Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. See also another line from Thomas Hayward in Byram. branch of the family.) ^be Ikeitb Xincagc.t E.EV. James \ a Scotchman, was the first minister of Bridge- water, Mass. He was educated at Aberdeen in Scotland and came over in 1662 when about 18 years of age. He was ordained in 1664 and m, (1) Susanna (or Susan), dau. of his deacon, Samuel Edson. He m. (2), in 1707, Mary, widow of Thomas Williams of Taunton. Mary-, dau. of Rev. James ^ and Susanna, m. Ephraim How- ard. Continuation. — Jane Howard, Jane Washburn, Hon. Josiah Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. ♦Centennial gathering of the Hayward Family with address by George W. Hayward, etc., pp. 35. Taunton, Mass. John G. Sampson, Printer, 1879. t Mitchell's History of Bridgewater, p. 214. 72 Z\)C iBbson OLtneaGe (Susanna)** Dea. Samuel^ was from Salem and one of the first settlers of Bridgewater. He owned and probably built the first mill there. He m. Susanna Orcutt before he went to Bridgewater. He d. in 1692, ae. 80. His wife d. in 1699, ae. 81. SiJSAi;rNA^, probably oldest daughter of Dea. Samuel and Susanna, m. Eev. James Keith. Continuation. — Mary Keith, Jane Howard, Jane Washburn, Hon. Josiali Dean, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. (See also an- other line from Dea. Samuel Edson in Byram branch of the family. ) ^be Bi^ram Xineagct Dk. Nicholas ^, according to family tradition, was son of an English gentleman of the county of Kent, who removed to Ire- land about the time of his birth. At the age of sixteen I^icholas was sent by his father to visit friends in England in charge of a inan who betrayed his trust, robbed him of his money and sent him to the West Indies. Here he was sold to service to pay his passage, but after his term expired he made his way to IN'ew England and settled at Weymouth in 1638, where he remained 24 years. He was a physician. He m. Susanna, dan. of Abra- ham Shaw of Dedham, before ISTov. 13, 1639, and had six chil- dren, of whom was jSTicholas", all born at Weymouth. $ He re- moved with his family about 1662 to Bridgewater, being one of ♦Mitchell's Hist, of Bridgewater, pp. 154-5. fThis lineage has been compiled largely from the matter contained in Mitchell's History of Bridgewater, Mass., 1840 and 1897, pp. 127-8, and from the now very rare pamphlet, "The Life and Character of Mrs. Sarah Byram Dean," a monograph by Rev. Enoch Sanford, D. D., published at Raynham, Mass., Oct., 1885, pp. 30. A copy of this pam- phlet which is of such interest to the family was handed down from Sarah (Weston) Kimball to her daughter, Mary Cornelia (Kimball) Walker. J According to Mass. Hist. Coll. (2), vol. VII, p. 154, he had but one son, Nicholas. 73 the first settlers of that place. lie d. about 1687. His will mentions among others, wife Susannah and brother John Shaw.* Capt. Nicholas^, eldest child of Nicholas^, was b. . He m. Mary, dan. of Samuel Edson, in 167G, and had nine children, bom between 1678 and about 1700. He and his wife were the eldest and first named members of the church first in- stituted in East Bridgewater in 1724. Both died in 1727. Capt. !N^icholas is said to have been distinguished for bravery in the Indian War, He is said to have been one of a party of nineteen men who surprised a party of five hundred Indians and captured forty of them, with much booty, without the loss of a man. Ma J. Ebenezer^, sixth child and second son of I^icholas^ and Mary was b. Oct. 1, 1692. He m. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Hay ward, in 1714, and had eight children, bora between 1716 and 1732. He had two plantations of considerable extent and value at East Bridgewater, but these he sold and with all his children went to Mendham in Morris county, 'N. J., about 1744. He there kept the Black Horse Tavern, became a major of mili- tia and judge of the county court. He died in 1753, aged 61. Rev. Eeiab"*, son of Ebenezer^ and Hannah, was b. Dec. 4, 1718. He was graduated from Harvard University in 1740, a member of the same class as Samuel Adams of Revolutionary fame, who became governor of Massachusetts. He studied divinity and commenced his ministry in North Middleboro', Mass., but subsequently settled in Mendham, 'N. J,, where he remained about eight years. He was some time a missionary at Piles Grove. He was on a journey to the Susquehanna In- dians with the celebrated David Brainard when Mr. Brainard's mare broke her leg at a point thirty miles from any house.f Under date of Oct. 1, 1744 that distinguished missionary wrote in his journal as folloAvs : "Was engaged this day in making preparations for my intended jour- ney to the Susquehanna Towards night rode about four miles and met Brother Byram (minister at a place called Rockciticus. *Genealog. Advert., vol. 1, p. 20. fSee Dr. Jonathan Edward's Life of Rev. Mr. Brainard. 74 now Mendham, about forty miles from Brainard's lodgings), who was come at my desire, to be my companion in travel to the Indians; I re- joiced to see him, and, I trust, God made his conversation profitable to me. I saw him, as I thought, more dead to the world, its anxious cares and alluring objects, than I was, and this made me look within myself, and gave me a greater sense of my guilt, ingratitude and misery. "October 2. Set out on my journey in company with dear Brother Byram and my interpreter and two chief Indians from the Forks of Delaware. Traveled about twenty-five miles and lodged in one of the last houses on our road, after which there was nothing but a hideous and howling wilderness." Eev. Eliab ra. (1) Dec. 3, 1741, Phebe, daii. of Ephraim Leonard, and third in descent from Solomon Leonard of Dux- bury. Hem. (2), in Raynbam, Oct, 23, 1749, Sarab Leonard, dau. of Thomas Leonard, Jr., and Sarah Walker of Raynham, a different branch of the Leonard family from that of his first wife, Sarah having been fourth in descent from James Leonard of Lynn. Mr. Byram left Mendham in 1751, having accepted a call to Amwell (now Ringoes, J^. Y.), where he was pastor of the First Presbyterian church, and where he d. in April, 1754, aged thirty-six years. His widow returned with her dau. Sarah to Raynham, where she m., Dec. 16, 1756, Thomas Dean, Esq. She d. at Raynham Sept. 20, 1778, in her forty-ninth year. Sarah ^, dau. of Eliab* and Sarah, was b. in Mendham, ]Sr. J., Oct. 10, 1750. Her father d. when she was about three years old. At the age of twelve her family removed to North Middleboro', Mass., where they resided seven years. Her half- brother, Seth Dean, to whom she was quite devoted, was in the army under Washington in the suburbs of Boston, and entered Boston with him after the British had been driven out. In 1771 she m. Josiah Dean. Her husband was the o^vner of the Raynham forge and there he employed a large number of men, as well as upon his farm. During the Revolutionary War her house often afforded entertainment to the weary soldiers. It was also the resort of many civil and military officers, and as her mother's family, the Leonards, were "among the leading 75 and affluent, she liad peculiar advantages not only for improv- ing but for displaying her amiable natural talents to the best advantage." Dr. Sanford's biography shows her to have been a somewhat remarkable woman and a power in the community. She d, at the age of ninety-nine years. Continuation. — Sarah Dean, Sarah ^Yeston. Zbc Sbaw Xineage (Susanna)** Abraham Shaw^, the emigrant, was freeman at Dedham in 1637. ISTicholas Byram was one of the witnesses to the inven- tory of his property taken in 1638, presumably after his death. No wife is recorded, so it is assumed she was dead before he came over. He had four children. His will in Boston records is without date. Much confusion has arisen in regard to the early generations of Shaws, owing to the recurrence of names ; but Mr. J. L. Eeed of Weymouth, Vv-ho has made a special study of this line is authority for the statement that Susanna, who m. Nicholas Byram, was undoubtedly a sister of Abraham. Continuatio7i. — Capt. Nicholas Byram, Maj. Ebenezer By- ram, Rev. Eliab Byram, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. ^be I£^5on lineage (fJDar^), Dea. Samuel! . (See p. 72.) Mary^, dau. of Dea. SamueP and Susanna, m. in 1676 Capt. Nicholas Byram. Continuation. — Maj. Ebenezer Byram, Eev. Eliab Byram, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. ♦Mitchell's History of Bridgewater, pp. 303-4. 76 Zbc Iba^warb Xincage Oosepb). Thomas^. (See p. 71.) Dea. Joseph 2, the fourth son of Thomas^ and Susanna, was b. in England, and came to Duxbury with his father in 1635. He m. (1) Alice, dau. of Elder William Brett, (2) name not known, and (3), about 1682, Hannah, dau. of Experience Mitchell. Hannah^, the sixth child of Dea. Joseph^, and second of Hannah Mitchell, his wife, was b. 1691. She m., 1714, Maj. Ebenezer Byram, who removed with all his children to Morris county, iST. J., about 1744. Continuation. — Kev. Eliab Byram, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. iL\K flDitchell Xtncacjc CflDannab). Experience^. (See p. 67.) Hannah^, dau. of Experience^ and Jane, m. Dea. Joseph Hayward, son of Thomas Hayward of Duxbury. Important dates unknown. Continuation. — Hannah Hayward, Rev. Eliab Byram, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. ZThe Coolfte Xincage* Francis^ and Jaxe^. (See p. 68.) Coniinuation. — Hannah Mitchell, Hannah Hayward, Rev. Eliah Byram, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. Zhc Xeonar^ Xincage (^bomas). James''. (See p. 65.) Maj. Thomas-, first son of James^ and Margaret, was b. about 1641 ; (from age at death) ; m. Mary Watson, August 21, 77 1662 ; d. ^OY. 24, 1713, age 72. His Avife d. Dec. 1, 1723, at age 81. He was a physician, major, justice of the peace, town clerk, deacon, and became the ancestor of a very distinguished family. JoHN^, the second son of Thomas^ and Mary, was b. May 18, 1668. He ni. Mary, dan. of Philip King. Thomas^, the son of John^ and Mary, m., June 23, 1726, Sarah AValker. Sakaii*^, the dan. of Thomas'* and Sarah, was b. in 1729 and m. (1) Oct. 23, 1749, :^ev. Eliab Byrani of Mendham, N. J. She was the mother of Sarah Byram, who m. Hon. Josiah Dean of Raynham, in his day the o"v\aier of the Raynham forge built by James and Henry Leonard. She m. (2) Thomas Dean, Esq., and d. Sept. 20, 1778. Continuation. — Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Wes- ton. ^be IKIiatson ILineagc (flDari^). George^ (Seie p. 51.) Mary^, third dan. of George^ and Phebe, was b. about 1641. Shem. Aug. 21, 1662, Thomas Leonard of Taunton, and d. Dec. 1, 1723, aged 81. Continuation. — John Leonard, Thomas Leonard, Sarah Leon- ard, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. trbe 1btck0 Xtnca^c (flDari? UClatson). Egbert^ and Phebe^. (Se'e p. 52.) Continuation. — Mary Watson, John Leonard, Thomas Leon- ard, Sarah Leonard, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. 7 78 ^be Iking Xtneagc* Philip^, the ancestor of the Taunton King family, was of Weymouth prior to 1672, at which time he m. Judith Whit- man, dau. of John Whitman^ of that placet In 1680 he? removed to Taunton (tradition says from Braintree). Sanford refers to him as Capt. Philip and states that he was a great friend of the Indians, ^\^th whom he traded, bringing his goods on horseback from Plymouth. It is also stated that Thomas King of Scituat© was his brother. Philip's children were seven daughters and a son John. Mary-, dau. of Philip and Judith, m. John Leonard. They settled at Taunton and had four children, all sons. Continuation. — Thomas Leonard, Sarah Leonard, Sarah By- ram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. Zhc IKIlbitman Xincage.l JoHN'% the ancestor, was one of the earliest settlers of the town of Weymouth having arrived some months and probably a year or more prior to December, 1638, at which time he was made a freeman. In 1642 he received an allotment of land in Weymouth. In 1645 he was by the Governor and assistants ap- pointed an Ensign, probably the first military appointment in the town. This office he held until March 16, 1680, He was deacon in the Weymouth church, probably from its first estab- lishment until his death. There are on record many transfers of real estate in which John Whitman was concerned, and he is sho^vn to have been one of the largest land holders in the *Parnam, descendants of John Whitman of Weymouth, Mass., p. 28; Savage, Genealogical Dictionary; King family of Taunton, by Rev. Enoch Sanford. fSanford gives Rev. William Whitman of Milton as the father of Judith, but this seems clearly to be an error. $History of the Descendants of John Whitman of Weymouth, Mass., by Charles H. Farnam, A. M., Asst. in Ai'cheology in the Peabody Mu- seum, Yale University, pp. xv and 1246. New Haven, 1889. 79 town. The first deed on record made by him transfers 22 acres of land in "Braintry" to William Hayward and bears date of March 19, 1648. (See p. 14.) He was by the Gen- eral Court in 1664 allowed four shillings a day "for his paynes" and use of "his horse in ye journey he was employed in for the countrye's services to the ISTarrowgansetts." In 1645 and 1646 the Court authorized John Whitman with others to end small causes and controversies at Weymouth. It is probable that John was b. about 1602 and that he lived little, if any, short of ninety years. His death occurred 'Nov. 13, 1692. His oldest son Thomas was b. in 1629. John m. in England probably about 1625. He came to America before 1638 leaving his wife, whose name was probably Ruth, and sev- eral children n England. There is a tradition that they joined him in 1641. Of the four sons and five daughters six lived to be over eighty. Judith^ w^as probably the youngest dau. of the ancestor. She m. prior to 1672 Philip King of Weymouth. His will made in 1706 mentions his wife Judith. Continuation. — Mary King, Thomas Leonard, Sarah Leon- ard, Sarah Byram, Sarah De'an, Sarah Weston. ZTbc umalker Xineacje* James ^, son of the "Widow Walker" of Eehoboth, was b. in England in 1619 or 1620. He came to America probably in the "Elizabeth" from London April 15, 1635. He first appears at Taunton in 1643, and was made freeman in 1650. He m. (1) Elizabeth, dau. of William and Elizabeth (Parker) Phil- lips. They had five children who survived them. Elizabeth d. Aug. 14, 1678, aged 59 ; and he m. (2), Nov. 4, 1678, Sarah Hew, widow of Edward Rew, and a daughter of John Richmond. James ^ d. Feb. 15, 1691, aged 73. He and wife Elizabeth were buried in the Walker grave yard on the bank of the Taun- ton river, her grave stone being older by eight years than any other in the town. There are many references to James ^ in 80 the court records which indicate that he had some quarrels with his neighbors, also that many complaints were lodged against him because his mill prevented the alewives from going up the Taunton river to breed. Aug. 23, 1671, by a council of war James Walker was chosen to go "vnto the said Phillip, the said Sachem to require his psonall appeerance att Plymouth in the 13th day of September next in reference to the pticulares aboue mentioned against him ; this letter was sent by Mr. James Walker, one of the councell, and hee was ordered to request the companie of Mr. Roger Williams and Mr. James Browne to goe with him att the deliuery of the said letter." (Plymouth rec- ords. ) He was a member and chairman of the town "Councell of Warr," 1667, 1675, and 1678. He w^as also one of the "Coun- cell of Warr" for Plymouth Colony, in 1658, 1661, 1671, 1681, and was associated with its most energetic and sagacious men. He had correspondence with Gov. Winslow, Gov. Prince and others, a.part of which is preserved.* James ^, son of Janies^ and Elizabeth, was b. 1645-6 and d. June 22, 1718, aged 72 yrs. He m.j Dec. 23, 1673, Bathsheba, dau. of Gilbert Brooks of Rehoboth. She was b. 1655 and d* Feb. 24, 1738, in her 85th year. James^ was constable in Taunton in 1689, in which year he w^as admitted to freedom. His father is always distinguished from him in the records as Mr. James Walker. Lieut. James^, son of James^ and Bathsheba, was b. Dec, 1674^ and d. Sept. 12^ 1749, ae. 74 yrs., 8 mos. and 19 days. (Inscription.) He m. (1), Oct. 6, 1699, Sarah, dau. of John Richmond of Taunton, and (2) Mrs. Sarah , who sur- vived him, and d. 1759, ae. ab. 75 yrs. He was styled Lieut, in 1744 and upon his grave stone is called Ensign. Sakah*, dau, of Lieut. James^ and Sarah, m., June 23, 1726^ Thomas Leonard^ Jr.^ of Raynham. Cooitinuation.—Samh Leonard, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. *See Memorial of the Walkers of the Old Plymouth Colony, etc., by James Bradford Richmond Walker, A. M., pp. 451, Northampton, Met- calf & Co., 1861. 81 Zhc ipbillips Olineaae.* William^ was of Taunton 1643. He m. Elizabeth Parker, sister of William and John Parker, leading men of Taunton. Elizabeth-, dau. of William^ and Elizabeth, was b. about 1619. She m. James Walker. She d. in July or August, 1678, ae. 59. Her grave stone in the Walker grave yard has an earlier date by eight years than any other in the tOAvn. They had five children who survived them. Continuation. — James Walker, Lieut. James Walker, Sarah Walker, Sarah Leonard, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Wes- ton. ^be :Brook0 Xtneage^t Gilbert^, came to this country in the "Blessing" from Lon- don in 1635 at the age of fourteen years. With his brother William he went to Scituate, where it is recorded that he was in the family of William Vassall in 1638. He m. (1) Eliza- beth, who according to some authorities was the dau. of Gov- ernor Edward Winslow of Plymouth and Marshfield. He had sons Gilbert and John, probably born in Marshfield, and seven daughters, all born in Scituate. In 1675 he kept a garrison at Governor Josiah Winslow'a house at Marshfield. Gilbert^ was in Rehoboth 1679-1683 and member of a committee "to treat with the Rev. Samuel Angier concerning his settlement in the ministry there.^ He m. (2), at Rehoboth, Jan. 18, 1687, Sarah, the widow of Sam- uel Carpenter, Bathsheba", fifth daughter and seventh child of Gilbert and Elizabeth, was b. in Scituate in 1655 and baptized there in the ♦Walker Memorial, p. 8. t History of Scituate, Mass., by Samuel Deane, Boston, 1831, pp. 224-5. Also Savage, Genealogical Dictionary, vol. I, p. 260. Haxtun's Signers of the Mayflower Compact, part I, p. 7. Winslow Memorial, vol. 1, p. 58. 82 ^56Cond church. She m., Dec. 23, 1673, James Walker of Taun- ton. She d. Feb. 24, 1738. Continuation. — Lieut, James Walker, Sarah Walker, Sarah Leonard, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. GovEENOE Edwaed^, the remarkable man who has been called the head of the Plymouth Colony as Capt. Standish waa its right arm, was b. at Droitwich, Worcestershire, England, Oct. 19, 1595. He was the son of Edward Winslow of Kemp- sey and Droitwich, England, and Magdalene OUyver, his wife, and grandson of Kenelm Winslow, whose estates were Clerken- leap and ISTewports' Place. In 1617 he joined the congrega- tion of the Pilgrim Church at Leyden. Here he m. (1), May 16, 1618, Elizabeth Barker. When the Leyden Pilgrims started for the 'New World in 1620 Edward and his wife and his brother Gilbert went with them. Edward's family consisted of himself and vdie, George Soule, a boy, Elias Story, and a girl Ellen Moore. Of the five the future governor and George Soule (see p. 47) were the only ones to survive the winter. Eliza- beth, the wife, passed away on the 24th of March, 1621. On the 12th of May following Edward m. Mrs. Susanna (Fuller) White, whose babe, Perigrine^ White, then five months old, was bom on the ''Mayflower," and whose husband, William White, had died but a month or two earlier. Some explanation of the apparent haste of each party to the marriage in renewing mari- tal relations may be found in the unprotected condition of the mother and child and the cruel necessities of the time, which crowded one hundred and two persons into nineteen houses of one room each. This marriage was the first in ISTew England and being a civil one before a Magistrate (Bradford) — then contrary to English law — was in some sense a declaration of rights on the part of the colonists. *See under Elizabeths below. 83 Winslow was of better family than the other colonists and partly on this account and partly because of his sagacity and intellectual poAver, he was always regarded with more than ordinary respect by the colony. From the start he was the dip- lomatist of the infant state. He was the envoy to Massasoit on more than one occasion, and by curing him of a severe illnesa secured to the colonists a life long friend and peace with the tribe during the chief's lifetime. He made several voyages to England as the agent of the colony to conduct difficult matters with the home government, a task for which his advantages of birth, his personal appearance and his courtliness, as well as his qualities of mind, especially fitted him. On one of these visits he Avas imprisoned for seventeen weeks in the Fleet prison through the influence of Archbishop Laud because as a layman he had taught publicly in the church, and because he had offici- ated at marriages, notwithstanding the fact that the colony had no minister. In 1635, while on one of these visits, he suc- ceeded in disconcerting a plot to abolish the self government enjoyed by the colonists. He was, in contrast with the men of his time, unusually tolerant. When Roger Williams, the apostle of liberty, had been forced to leave Massachusetts and had been reduced to want, Winslow gave him advice and money. Williams said: "It pleased the Father of Mercies to touch many hearts with relentings, among whom that great and pious soul, Mr. Winslow, melted, and he kindly furnished me at Prov- idence, and put a piece of gold into the hands of my wife, for our supply." Winslow was three times governor of the colony, in 1635, 1636, and 1644. He went to England for the last time in 1649 when he was influential in the formation of the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians of I^ew England, and John Eliot began his successful work as apostle to the Indians. Winslow's worth and accomplishments were so appreciated by the parties now in power in England that he found no oppor- tunity to return to the colony. He Avas appointed a Commisr- sioner to determine the value of English ships destroyed by the 84 King of Denmark, and when Cromwell sent Admiral Penn and Gen, Yenables to execute an expedition planned against the Spanish in the West Indies, Winslow was appointed at the head of three Commissioners to superintend and direct operations. The commission w^as appointed, it is supposed, partly because many of the officers were suspected of loyalty to the Stuarts. The commanders disagreed in temper and views and would not submit to the control of the Commissioners. The expedition against San Domingo ended in disaster, but the fleet soon after captured Jamaica. It was on the way to Jamaica while suffer- ing from the chagrin of defeat that Winslow was attacked by a climatic fever of which he died. May 8, 1655, before the fleet reached Jamaica. His body was committed to the deep with the honors of war, the fleet firing a salute of forty-two guns. Palfrey says in his History of New England: "After Brad- ford — or after Bradford and Brewster — the first colony owed to no man so much as to Edward Winslow. Always intelli- gent, generous, confident and indefatigable, he was undoubt- edly tnisted for any service, at home or abroad, which the infant settlement happened to require For foreign em- ployment his better birth and breeding gave him advantages over his fellow emigrants. Among the gentlemen of the British Parliament Winslow moved as one of themselves ; and his ad- dress and winning qualities, no less than his sagacity and dili- gence, justified the choice, which, when he went abroad for the last time, the larger colony overlooked her own statesmen to make Cromwell saw at once the worth of the honest, religious, capable, strenuous envoy from N^orth America, and took care never to lose his services while he lived, which was for nine years after he left Plymouth for the last time." By his second wife, Susanna Fuller, the widow of William White, he had a daughter Elizabeth. Josiah, the only other child by this marriage who reached maturity, was afterward a Magistrate, governor of Pl^miouth, and in 1675, in the war with the Indians, he was the Commander-in-Chief of all the colonial forces in ISTew England. Before his departure from ISTew 85 England Governor Edward Winslow had made a settlement on. a valuable tract of land in Marshfield to which he gave the name of "Careswell." This place has since been famous as the resi- dence of Daniel Webster. Elizabeth^, dau, of Gov. Edward and Susanna, m. (1) Gil- bert or Kobert Brooks and (2) C'apt. George Curwon of Salem.* A number of authorities make Elizabeth Winslow, dau. of Gov. Edward Winslow, the wife of Gilbert Brooks, among them Samuel Deane in his History of Scituate, the Holtons in their extensive ^Yinslow Memorial of two large volumes, and Nahum ^^([itchell in the History of Bridgewater. Thomas in Memorials of Marshfield, Mass., says that Elizabeth Winslow was married j&rst to "Gilbert or Robert Brooks." On the other hand Davis in his Landmrn-ks of Plymouth says she m. Robert Roaks. Sav- age in one place gives Robert Brooks and in another (on the au- thority of Deane) Gilbert Brooks, stating, however, that this is disputed by some. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register (vol. 4, p. 30), states that Elizabeth Winslow's first husband was Rob- ert Brooks^ by whom she had a son John, and her second hus- band was George Curwen of Salem. Wyman's Cliarlestown says John Brooks, d. 25 Dec, 1687, a son of Mrs. Curwin of Salem. Mr. George A. Dary of Boston, who has recently given much time to this question, believes he has proven that Eliza- beth, the wife of Gilbert Brooks, was not the dau. of Governor Winslow, and if the Gilbert Brooks of Rehoboth is the Gilbert Brooks of Scitiiate and Marshfield, it is difficult to see how he can be in error. The wall of Governor Josiah Winslow (son of Gov. Edw. W^inslow) proved in 1681 {Old Colony Records, vol. J^, pt. 2, p. 115), gives his "loving sister Elizabeth Corwin a pocket ♦Winslow Memorial, Family Records of Winslows and their Descend- ants in America, with the English ancestry as far as known, by David- Parsons Holton, A. M., M. D., and Mrs. Frances K. (Forward) Wins- low. Two volumes, New York, 1877. Haxtun's Signers of the Mayflower Compact. Elizabeth (Winslow) (Brooks) Corwin, by George Ernest Bowmaa, Mayflower Descendant, vol. 1 (1839), p. 238. 86 ■watch that was sometimes our Honored Father's" and a legacy "to my kinsman John Brook, son of my said sister." Now the Rehoboth records give the date of burial of Elizabeth, wife of Gilbert Brooks, as July 17, 1687, though they also give the date of his remarriage to Mrs. Sarah Carpenter as Jan. 18, 1687, before the death of his first wife. There may be an error in one of these dates. In any case Gilbert himself appears to have been living at the time the will of Josiah Winslow was written, hence his wife could not be Elizabeth Corwin, the dau. of Governor Winslow. Capt. George Corwin d. at Salem June 3, 1684-5, and among the documents relating to the settlement of his estate is "A Liste of Severall Things Inventoried wth the Estate of Capt. Geo. Corwine wch in Right belong to Elizabeth, his Relict Widow, etc." Included in this list is the following; ''To a Large Tankerd, plate, yt was my fomr Husbands Mr. Robt. Brookes, wth or Armes To a plate sugr box. Given me pr Govr Winslow, etc." Continuation. — Bathsheba Brooks, Lieut. James Walker, Sarah Walker, Sarah Leonard, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. ^be IRicbmon^ Xineage, The Richmond family had its origin in Brittany, France. The family lineage has been traced from John Richmond, the American ancestor, to Roaldus Musard de Richmond, one of the most powerful leaders who accompanied William the Conqueror to England.* The line of English ancestors given is also that of the Ashton-Keynes and other Wiltshire Richmonds: the former for five generations bore the alias of Webb, first assumed by William Richmond about 1430 when he married Alice, the daughter and heiress of Thomas Webb of Draycott, Wiltshire, *The Richmond Family, 1594-1896, and Pre-American Ancestors, 1040-1594 by Joshua Bailey Richmond, Member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society, pp. xviii and 614, Boston, 1897. 87 England. Francis Thackeray, the uncle of William Make- peace Thackeray, who descended from the "Wiltshire Rich- monds, compiled the records of the ancestors of the Ashton- Keynes Richmonds.* John\ the eldest son of Henry, alias Webb^^, was an officer of distinction during the English civil wars. He was b. in 1594 and was the American ancestor of the Richmonds. He came from xlshton-Keynes, Wilts., to America probably in 1635 to Saco, Me. He was one of the purchasers of Taunton in 1637 and o\\Tied six shares. He was probably m. before coming to America, but nothing is known of his wife. He was aAvay from Taunton much of his life and is known to have been at l^e^vport and other place!s, but returned to Taunton and d. there Mch. 20, 1664, aged 70. He was one of the Commis- sioners, for N^ewport, of the Court of Commissioners, held at Portsmouth in 1656. He took the oath of fidelity at Taunton in 1640. The family were large lando-wners in the easterly part of the town and gave that section the name Richmondville which it still bears. JoHN^, son of John^, was b. probably in Ashton-Keynes about 1627, before his father came to America. He m. in 1641 Abigail Rogers, dau. of John Rogers of Duxbury. She d. Aug. 1, 1727, aged eighty six, and is buried at Taunton. As this would make her but thirteen years of age when Johns's dau., Mary, was bom, it has been supposed by some that there was a former wife. Deeds of land show that Johns's son, Joseph, was son of Abigail, hence probably that the earlier wife died about 1662 and that he m. Abigail Rogers early in 1663. On Sept. 28, 1671, Wm. Brenton, Jas. Walker (See p. 79), Wm. Harvey, Walter Dean and John Richmond purchased of King Philip and his Sachems the tract of land which included Taunton. John Richmond was at other times employed to purchase land of the Indians, was constable, member of the town council, commis- sioner, and surveyor. His residence at "Neck of Land" was * This brief summary is taken from the work of Joshua Bailey Rich- mond above cited, to which reference should be made for fuller data and authorities. 88 three-fourths of a mile from the "green" and with his wife he is buried there. In Mch., 1677, he was a distributer of Taun- ton's apportionment of the ''Irish Charity" sent from Dublin, Ireland, to "distressed sufferers" by King Philip's War. He was a very important man of the town and on nearly every com- mittee on purchase, division, and settlement of land. He d. Oct. 7, 1715. Sarah ^, the eighth child of John^ (and daughter of Abigail Rogers), was b. at Taunton Feb. 7, 1670-1. She m. Oct. 6, 1699, James Walker, son of James and Bathsheba (Brooks) Walker. She d. 'Nov. 27, 1727. Continuation. — Sarah Walker, Sarah Leonard, Sarah Byram, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. Thomas^ was one of the "Mayflower" Pilgrim Fathers and the eighteenth signer of the Compact in the cabin of the "May- flower," where he placed his name immediately beneath that of Francis Cooke. His son Joseph came out with him on the "Mayflower." Bradford says of Thomas: "He was one of the forty-one persons who signed the Constitutions of government on board the Mayflower, and was one of the Pilgrim Fathers. His son Joseph came with him, is married, and has six chil- dren. The other children came over afterward, including John, mar- ried, and have many children. Thomas died ^n 1621." The sons Josej^h and John subsequently removed to Duxbury, the annex of Plymouth, where were Standish, Brerwster, Soule, and other important men of the colony. In Aug., 1643, their names appear in the list of men of Duxbury able to bear arms. Joseph was a Lieutenant and a military man of importance in the colony. JoHN^, son of Thomas^, was b. . He followed his father to Plymouth probably either in the "Fortune" (1621) or the "Ann" (1623), and resided in Duxbury. He proposed 89 to take lip freedom Mch. 5, 1638-9. April 16, 1639, he m. Ann Churchman (perhaps dan. of Hngh Chnrchman' of Lynn, 1640), hence probably quite a young child when the '^May- flower" sailed. His will,* dated Aug. 26, 1691, and proved Sept. 20, 1692, contains a paragi^aph as follows: 5. To his daughter Abigail Richmond, "that twenty shillings a year which is my due for four score acres of land which I sold to my two grandsons, Joseph Richmond and Edward Richmond." Continuation. — Abigail Rogers, Sarah Richmond, Sarah Walker, Sarah Leonard, Sarah Byrani, Sarah Dean, Sarah Weston. ♦Haxtun's Signers of the Mayflower Compact, Pt. II, p. 11. Zhc 2)e8cenbant8 of Hlotiso anb Sarab Meston IkimbalL (Compiled by Mary Cornelia Kimball Walker.) Mary Cornelia Kimball^, b. Lee, Mass., Jan, 4, 1842; m. Green Bay, Wis., Aug. 16, 1866, Matthew Henry Walker, for- merly of Cliffe House, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England. Mr. Walker is a dealer in real estate at Green Bay. CHILDREN, BORN IN GREEN BAY. i Edwin Eaton Walker,^ b. Aug. 15, 1869, living in Montpelier, Ind. ii William Kimball Walker,^ b. May 5, 1872, Green Bay. lii Anne Carolyn Walker," b. Jan. 8, 1884. Alo:xzo Westojst Kimball^, b. Lee, Mass., March 7, 1844; m. 1st Aug. 4, 1869, Almira Barnes Mahan (d. Green Bay, ISTor. 28, 1882), youngest daughter of late President Asa Mahan, of Oberlin College, 0., and his wife, Mary Dix; m. 2d Sept. 24, 1884, Ella Celestia Peak, dau. of the late James Peak, M. D., of Cooperstown, I»J". Y. He entered Beloit College in 1863, but left to enter the Union army. After the war he en- gaged in the insurance business in Green Bay and Milwaukee. Later he was appointed general agent of the Northwestern Mu- tual Life Insurance Co., with headquarters in Chicago. In 1902 he took into partnership Mr. Charles D. K"orton, who for several years had been Assistant General Agent. Resides in Evanston, 111. CHILDREN. i Theodore Mahan Kimball,' b. Green Bay, July 9, 1870. (See below.) ii Alonzo Myron Kimball,* b. Green Bay, Aug. 14, 1874. (See below.) iii Marjorie Weston Kimball,' b. Milwaukee, March 12, 1886. ALONZO Vv/ESTON KIMBALU 91 Charles Theodore Kimball-, b. Dalton, Mass., Oct. 10, 1847; m. Green Bay, Wis., Sept. 5, 1871, Hannah Elizabeth Cawthorne, of Port Hope, Canada. He received a business education and was associated with his father in the hardware business, which is still conducted bj him under the old name. CHILDREN. i Mary Bell Kimball,' b. March 5, 1873. ii Myra Weston Kimball/ b. Sept. 7, 1875. iii Charles Theodore Kimball,' Jr., b. July 27, 1877. Mather Dean Kimball-, b. Green Bay, Wis., Dec. 4, 1849 ; m. in Chicago, 111., Jan. 30, 1875, Anna Lewis. He graduated from the J^orthwestem University, Evanston, 111., in 1872. Besides in Milwaukee, Wis. With the ISTorthwestem Mutual Life Insurance Co. CHILDREN. i Katharine Lewis Kimball,' b. Green Bay, Nov. 8, 1876. (See below.) ii Sara Weston Kimball,' b. Green Bay, Jan. 7, 1879. (See below.) iii Anna Mather Kimball,' b. Ravenswood, 111., Aug. 17, 1886. William Dwight Kimball^, b. Green Bay, Sept. 18, 1852 ; and d. Sept. 17, 1854. Sara Kimball-, b. Green Bay, Wis., July 25, 1857; m. 1st, Green Bay, Oct. 6, 1880, Linus Bonner Sale. Mr. Sale was a lawyer of English descent. On Aug. 10, 1892, he with his two little sons, Richard and Robert, was drowned in Fox river at Green Bay while bathing. Married 2d, at Evanston, 111., June 23, 1896, William Herbert Hobbs, professor of mineral- ogy and petrology at the University of Wisconsin. Reside at Madison, Wis. CHILDREN. i Richard Weston Sale,' b. Aug. 9, 1881; d. Aug. 10, 1892. (See be- low.) ii Robert Kimball Sale,' b. Aug. 25, 1883; d. Aug. 10, 1892. (See be- low.) iii Alice Ruth Sale,' b. Aug. 24, 1886; d. Mch. 5, 1901. iv Winifred Sarah Weston Hobbs,3 b. Nov. 11, 1899. &2 Theodore Mahan Kimball^, b. Green Bay, July 9, 1870; m. in Chicago, 111,, Mch. 3, 1898, Dixie Bagshaw. Reside in Evanston, 111. CHILDREN. i Myra Mahan Kimball/ b. Orizaba, state of Vera Cruz, Mexico, July 4, 1899. ii Alfrefl Qianning Kimball,* b. Evanston, 111., Aug. 8, 1901. Alonzo Mykon Kimball^ b. Green Bay, Aug. 14, 1874; m. April 24, 1902, Madelaine Williams. Eeside at Chicago, 111. Katharine Lewis Kimball'', b. Green Bay, Nov. 8, 1876 ; m. at Milwaukee, Wis., Frederick Albert Foster. Eeside in Milwaukee, Wis. Sara Weston Kimball^, b. Green Bay, Jan. 7, 1879; m. May 6, 1902, at Milwaukee, George Arthur Carhart, M. D. Reside at Pittsburgh, Pa. Tnt)ci: to Xineaaes. Allen (See Gardner and Montague) Ashley Atherton Becket (See Soule) Bicknell (See Rockwood) Brooks Buttolph Byram Carr Church Churchill Churchman (See Rogers) Cooke (Cook) Corwin Cowles Dean De la Noye Deming (See Foote) Dickinson Downing Dunham Edson Emerson Foote Fuller Gardner Gibbons (See Hitchcock) Gull (See Dickinson) Hanchett ' Hayward Hicks Hitchcock Holt (See Mather) Horton (See Ashley) Howard Hunt (See Wood) Keith Kilbourn Kimball 41 20 81,85 24 72 13 30 31 17, 68, 76 86 33 60 46 32 35 53 72,75 27 31 26 25 28 14, 71, 76 . 52,77 37 70 71 40 9 94 King Kingsley Langton Leonard Mather Mitchell Montague Nash Oliver (See Carr) Orcutt (See Edson) Orne (See Gardner) Packard Parker Partridge Phillips Pomeroy Pratt Prichard Prichett Richmond Rocket Rockwood Rogers Root Russell (See Root) Scott (See Kimball) Shaw Smith Soule Stacy (See Dickinson) Stephens Stoughton Wadsworth Wales (See Atherton) Walker Washburn Watson Weston Whitman Whotlock (See Kimball) Winslow Witt Wood PAGE 78 62 29 63,76 17 67,76 34 50 69 81 38 81 53 53 29 29 86 15 15 39 51,75 36,38 46 62 22 23 79 66 77 42 78 82 13 27 IFn flDemoriam. aimira Barnce flDaban, Almira Barnes Malian was the youngest child of Rev. Dr. Asa Mahan, President of Oberlin College. Her mother, Maiy Dix Mahan, was a member of the celebrated Dix family. Myra, as she was called by her friends, was born at Oberlin, January 11, 181(3. She came to Green Bay, Wis., in the fall of 1866 with her sisters and Miss Gillett, where they established a very successful academy. Myra was married August 4, 1869, to A. W. Kimball. Probably no woman who ever lived in Green Bay impressed herself more ])ositively and lovingly on the entire connnunity than she. .Vhvays devoted to church and charitable w^ork of some kind, she will long be remembered by many Avliom the Avorld Avill never hear of or know. "Blessing she was, God made her so, Nor did she ever chance to know That aught were easier than to bless." Mrs. Kimball organized the Shakespeare Club; and was one of the founders of the Philharmonic Society, being chosen for the part, of Queen in the cantata of Esther, the Beautiful Queeai, the first concert presented by that Society. She was a woman of unusual comeliness and beauty ; of strong and lovely charac- ter, and was warmly and tenderlv beloved by a very wide circle of friends and admirers. Her husband and two sons, Themlore Mahan Kindjall and Alonzo Myron Kimball, survived her. 96 Xinu9 Bonner Sale/ Linus Bonner Sale, youngest child of John F. and Jane Grey Sale, was born at Evansville, Rock county. Wis., on May Y, 1844. The year following his birth, in February, 1845, his father, a young man of thirty years, died, leaving liis widow with four sons to rear and educate. How fittingly she was equipped to fulfill the difficult task and how faithfully it was performed, is borne out in the lives of these sons, all of whom through the inspiration of a loving, cultured mother and in the blessed experience which comes through years of toil and economy, achieved more than average education, each one en- tering a profession. Richard K. is a physician at Colona, 111., and Joseph H., of Moline, 111., who has since died, was of the same profession. Judge John W. Sale, of Janesville, Wis., and Linus B. Sale, chose that of the legal fraternity. Mr. Sale's early boyhood was spent in the vicinity of Evans- Tille ; he worked on a farm, attended the district school, and later the academy at Evansville. In the spring of 18G4, when the call came for troops for the 100 days' service, this young man of 20 years responded, enlisting in the 40th Wisconsin regiment. Col. W. A. Ray in command. During the time of this service he was with liis regiment in the vicinity of Memphis, Tenn. Soon after the close of the war, Mr. Sale entered the Univer- sity of Wisconsin, graduating in 1870 with a class of twenty, receiving the degree of Ph. B. He then entered the law department, graduating in 1872, after which he went to Bea,- trice, 'Neb., entering into partnership with S. W. Colby (after- wards assistant attorney general of the United States), in the practice of law. He remained at Beatrice until March, 1874, when, upon the solicitation of Chas. E. Vroman, he came to Green Bay and foniied a law partnership with Mr. Vroman, which continued without interruption until January 1, 1891. *This account is adapted from an obituary notice published in the Green Bay State Gazette. 97 On October C, 1880, Mr. Sale was united in marriage to Miss Sara Kimball, vonngest child of Deacon Alonzo Kim- ball of Green Bay, They made their home with Mrs. Sale's parents until the following May, when they took possession of the home on Monroe avenue where they afterward resided. Mr. Sale, while a resident of Green Bay, was a member of the Republican State Central Committee of his congi*es- sional district. He was also on the staff of Governor Smith during his last term of office. From 1879 to 1883 he was a member of the Board of Regents of the State University, a valued member, and for six years continuously, up to July, 1891, w^as President of the School Board of Green Bay. It is learned from a friend wdio knew him intimately through many years, that Mr. Sale as a student in college Avas a hard worker, popular with his fellows though disinclined to indulge in the pranks of college men. As a lawyer he was careful and painstaking, seeking the quieter lines of practice rather than the field of active litigation. He was a shrewd business man and almost invariably successful in the management of business affairs. His sagacity in this respect brought him many clients who trusted him with most implicit confidence in the management of their business matters, his promptness, method- ical habits, and business acumen well meriting their confidence. As a man he was gentle and quiet, sincere and earnest, and to this was added intelligence, culture, and refinement of char- acter. He possessed a vein of humor, which in earlier years took form in droll sayings that from their wit and originality still linger in the memory of those who shared them. Mr. Sale possessed heroic traits of character, as the closing moments of his life attest. On August 10, 1892, in his heroic effort to save liis two sons, Richard Weston and Robert Kim- ball Sale, from drowning, he lost his own life; and in one short moment three lives w^ent out, leaving desolate a happy tome, and a pitiful break in a loving family circle. His devotion to his home and its inmates stands revealed in the tcstimonv "that he loved his home and all within it as 98 few men do." Altliougli reserved in manner lie formed strong ties of friendship and lie was very tender to little children, calling forth thereby their affection in a large degree. It was true of him that in his dealings with '"these little ones" he caught truly the Master's spirt and won the full measure of the blessing which it procures. "No better summary of the character of the deceased can be given than that presented by the Rev. H. W. Thompson at the funeral services. He said, as nearly as can be recalled, after speaking of the three beautiful lives that had gone out: "Mr. Sale, as a citizen, was upright and honorable, and I have yet to hear anyone say but that Mr. Sale in his business trans- actions was the soul of honor, the personification of integrity. His life was a reserved life; but, as a life that is reserved in manner is usually deep and runs quietly, we cannot judge it readily, the casual observer cannot fathom it. There are thoughts, precepts, principles, emotions, hopes, not seen by men, which are not on the surface butt are known to God ; that make for the welfare — the peace of the soul." 99 IRicbar^ Meston an^ IRobcrt Ikimball Sale* These bovs, the one eleven, the other eight years of age, were drowned together with their father on the evening of August 10th, 1892. The boys were bathing in the Fox river, the father meanwhile watching from the shore. Though no one witnessed this sad calamity, which broke up a happy family and darkened the lives of the two surviving members, it is evident from cries which were heard that the venturesome younger lad got beyond his depth and that the brave little Richard went to his assistance, the father following from his greater distance on the bank. Further than this all is conjecture, but the lo- cality is a treacherous one for bathers and it is probable that Mr. Sale was borne down by the double burden. Richard, who thus lost his life in an attempt to rescue his brother, was a very manly and self reliant boy, and on more than one occasion his watchful care of the younger brother saved Robert from harm. Richard was an unusually bright scholar, as was shown by his passing directly from the 5th to the 7th grades in school, and notwithstanding this seeming handicap, by his receiving at the completion of the 7th grade the highest standings of any pupil of that grade in the city. Robert was an unusually gentle and Avinsome little fellow. He assumed a friend in everyone and made acquaintance with all sorts of people. Unlike his cautious elder l)rother he was impetuous and venturesome. He had a markedly imselfish and helpful spirit, which with his assumption of friendship in oth- ers, won the hearts of all who knew him. The Green Bay State Gazette of Augiist 17, 1892, says of the little boys: "And these happy little brothers, whose birthday frolics were not yet ended, let go their hold on life together, as if even in that other existence there could not be more of blessedness, if it must prove for them a divided one. There comes to mem- ory in peculiar force, recalled by their latest moments, an in- LofC. 100 cident of tlieir nursery days, when tlie older baby saved the younger one from harm by fire, receiving a bum himself. Upon symjiathetic questioning his brave young lips confessed : "Yes, it hurts, but I don't care, because Robert isn't burnt." Fulfill- ing the promise of this tender, self-sacrificing devotion in the years since, we can now believe that into this last peril each entered cheei-fulh^ for the other's sake. "Manly, self-reliant Richard and winsome little Robert! "The complement of each other's needs, we knew you in your sweet young boyhood, and under and beyond all the heartache of our o'ershadowing loneliness, we rejoice in your continuing and perfected companionship. "Our precious boys ! God only measures our surpassing love for them and He does it by His own. "Why do we call them 'lost' Because we miss them from our outward road? God's unseen angel, on our pathway crossed, Looked on us all, and, loving them the most, Straightway relieved them of life's weary load." • 101 aiice IRutb Sale. The life of Alice Sale which ijassed out just as she was round- ing into womanhood was of singular sweetness and beauty. She was born at Green Bay, Wis., where when she was but five years old, her father and her two brothers were drowned to- gether while bathing in the Fox liiiver. The great shock of this atliiction and the desolation which it wrought she was then too young to adequately compreheud. She realized only the mother's trouble and strove to cheer her by saying she would take care of her. Childish promise though it was, it was ap- parently never forgotten, for she seemed always to feel a sense of personal responsibility in shielding her mother. For the next five years her life flowed on like that of other children of her age. With a child's healthy enjoyment of games she entered into them with real abandon, but exercised thought- fulness and tact beyond her years to avoid giving pain by care- less word or deed. She had a brightness of humor and an unusual quickness in repartee. Her uncle Weston, of whom she was very fond, took pleasure in bringing out her naive ex- pressions and clever responses. After the tragic death of her papa and the little boys she was much in her uncle's home. His fondness for her is reflected in the following lines which con- clude a Christmas greeting in verse sent her in 1900: "I pray that Knights of Holy Grail, And all good angels may avail, To shield from sorrow Alice Sale, To crown with blessings Alice Sale." Courteous to everyone, to her friends she gave herself with- out reserve, and her loyalty to them recked not of consequences. Her step-father she adopted at once, and the bond of love and sympathy between them could hardly have been stronger had the same blood flowed in their veins. Her friendship for ani- mals was of the warmest and the slightest cruelty to them would bring tears to' her eyes. 102 Her mind was singularly pure and free from any taint of coarseness. Words or deeds which were lacking- in delicacy or refinement gave her great offense. The happy blending in her of a childish spirit with a mature refinement and tactfulness, led more than one to speak of her as the child woman. She early developed an aptitude for drawing and painting, as she did also for writing stories. She was also the best of listeners and would recount a story with much detail after but once hearing it. During the last years of her life her health was not always good and she was oblige*.! to be away from school so much as to fall somewhat behind in her classes. This troubled her greatly and when a continuation of languor and sleeplessness at night gave rise to the fear that some insidious disease might be fastening itself upon her, and it was recommended that she give up school for a time, her pleading prevailed over wiser councils and she was allowed to go to a part of the sessions. In December, 1900, an affection of the middle ear developed which did not yield to the ordinary treatment, and in January she took to her bed with a high fever which did not abate until the end came. The story of her last illness is one of heroic courage and fortitude. Without complaint she bore the suf- fering for six weeks, losing nothing of her sweetness of tem- per and unruffied calm. In the long sleepless nights of suffer- ing she would sometimes be heard to sing her favorite hymn, "How gentle God's commands," which had been sung at the funeral of her gTandmother, Sarah Kimball, and at that of the father and little brothers. It had been likewise the favorite hymn of her brother Robert. The anniversary of the birthday of her dearest school friend came before she had thought to provide a birthday remembrance and it was characteristic of her that she forgot for a moment all the pain and weakness of the past weeks to blame herself for this neglect. In other ways her friends left her no oppor- tunity to forget them and her room was always filled with a wealth of roses and other beautiful flowers. 103 One major operation having been performed and a second one determined upon, it became necessary for her mother to tell Alice its serious nature and the possibility that she might not survive it. The old instinct to shield her mother was still uppermost as she calmly replied: "I am not afraid to die, mamma, but God won't tal^e me away from you," and with great fortitude she suppressed her feelings until her mother had left the room. Following the second operation a change for the worse set in and she passed away on the 5th of March, leaving behind the inspiration of a beautiful life and a noble courage and fortitude which triumphed even over weakness and suffering. She was laid to rest beside her father and brothers in the family lot at Green Bay. 3Famtt^ IRecorb* flDarrtaGcs*' *Make entry for that party to the marriage which enters the family as full as possible, thus: Oct. 1, 1840. at Hudson, N. Y., Alonzo Kim- ball and Sarah Weston, dau. of Rev. Isaiah and Sarah (Dean) We^^tou of Dalton, Mass. Btrtbe/ *Form of Entry: Children of Alonzo and Sarah (Weston) Kim- ball: Mary Cornelia, b. at Lee, Mass., Jan. 4, 1842; Alonzo "Weston, b. at Lee, Mass., Mch. 7, 1844, etc. :Btrtb9. 2)catb0.* *To the record of death add place of death and the age, thus: Josiah Dean Weston, at Washington, D. C, Feb. 1, 1857, age 46 yrs., 9 mos., 14 days. 2)eatb94 fll^emoran^a/ * Under this head add any miscellaneous notes of interest in the family record, such as removals to a new place of residence, reference to newspaper or other permanent records for obituary notices, bio- graphical sketches, etc.. etc. T \ R^Q50 T «ncn mimbalUMeston /iDemorial Z\)c Bmerican Hnccstri? anb 2)e0cen^ant0 of Hlonso anb Saiab (Meeton) IRlmball of ©reen :SBn^, "Omtsconsin COMPILED BY MilUam Iberbert Ibobbs Privately Printed MADISON. WISCONSIN 1902 8^350 AMERICAN ANCESTRY ANU THb DESCENDANTS ALONZO and SARAH (WESTON) KIMBALL William Herbert Hobbs Alonzo Kimball J DESCENDANTS. Mary Cornelia (Kimball) Walker.' Edwin Eaton Walker.- William Kimball Walker.' Anne Carolyn Walker. ' Alonzo Weston Kimball.' Theodore Mahan Kimball.' Myra Mahan Kimball.' . Alfred ChannInK Kimball' Alonzo riyron Kimball.' Mariorle Wenton Kimball.' Charles Theodore Kimball.' Mary Bell Kimball. Myra Weston Kimball.' Charles Theodore Kimball, Jr. < Mather Dean Kimball. ' Katharine Lewis i Kimball) Foater' Sara Weston Kimball.' Anna Hather Kimball. • Sara iKImball Sale) Hobbs.' Richard Weston Sale." Kobert Kimball Sale."* Alice Ruth Sale.'t Winifred Weaton llobba.' Rev. Ruel KiinliiiU , Uauuah Cliun'li NOTES. The ce.stois are printed il irai«kuowii. Iflliedi s the earlioHl uf wbit Plymouth blacker type. All came * of arrival in America 1 name ha.s beeu found a 11120 were iHuisengera n the "For tuf emigrunt to America from En(i;lAuil «< is not known, the date givt on record. All aucestont who cam a the "Mayflower/' thoHe set down HH ■■Plymouth, 1621. '■ ane;" and those nf Plymouth. 11123. came in the ■■Ann •First wife of Zuchuriah Weslou. Jr.. was Rebecca Standisli. who waa fourth iu descent from Capt. Myles Standish. t Nehemiah Dickinson was a soldier in Rills Fight. King PhiUps War where he bad three brothers killed. t Richard Montague is supposed to be deeconded from Drogo de Mon- teacuto who came into F.iigland in 1086 ^Records .how Abigail Downing to Iw directly descended throuuli the royal line from William the Conquerer "I The friend of King Philip «nd one of the founders of the iron Industry in America ■" Brought up in the family of Capt Mvl« Standish <♦ Descended from Ronldu.s Musard de Richmond, leader under Wil liam the Conqueror at Battle of Hastings. 1001) John Richmond was «i, officer of distinction in English civil wars I tt Brought up in the family of Governor Winslow SSPrincipal military olBoer of his timeiu New England ^H De.scended from Charlemagne, William the Conqueror and Al/». i 1 1'.- Oreat through the De Lonnoy De la Noyes ' 'Til' '^"'^"^■^ "'""k »' French and Indian, in winter of 1704 ttt Slam in t\lU Fight with ludiam,, ltl76 Sarah Weston Rev iMaiah Westo iSuchariali Wento Hun. Jtwirtli Dwiri. M Ebene«er Kimball . Jouatliau Urtvwunl,, Timothy Matlier Dea. Joliii Cliun-h. ZiK'liariali Westui M.-luUible Slmu Dr xir Dea) — Pomeroy uf MIddleboro', Mass. Kev filial) Byn iiAK'ii Hamuli KiiiitiHll Miff Witt Vn\t Ki8fph Puller Bathsheba Hancliett. Benjauiin Church . . Hauuah Dickiiuion . . . Julm Moutague Ahinrtil sSmitli .. Edmund Weston Kebeuca Soule Lieut Jonathan Shaw Mehitable Pratt Mtiiy Kinjpiley Ch\A. Nehemiah WuMhburu . Jau3 Howard Maj. Ebenezer Byraiii Huiiuah Hay ward Thomas Leonard .Sarali Walker Richatd Kimball Richard Kimball (Boston I«34) \ Heiirv Scott Ursula Scott ( Marth^ Whollock John Witt (Lynn. 16fiO) Sarah OeorgeCarr (I|tawioh, 163S| EUzalietb (Oliverr) Williitm Haywanl John KockwcHxl Benjamin Albea (Braiuti William Hayward (Bmiotree. Ift48( Athertou Mather . Rebecca Stoughtui David Buttolph . . , Timothy Mather...; ' Catherine Atherton Thomas StouKhtoii Mary Wadsworth . . . Mary '( 1 Elizabeth On ^"-p" f^- i iu'r^b^rE^j^iir'': .'."."' .. 4 Thomas Wood (Rtnvlev. IflM Mary Wood J Ann (Hunt?) , IfWr.) \ MaJ. Qen. Humphrey Atherton »»( Dorchester. 1«-S«| \ Thomas StouKhton ( DorclieHt<.r. lOl) ) William Wadsworth (Newport News.. Va . 1621 Can t Thomas Buttolph (BoMton. lt(:w ) George Oarduer Gardner ) Thomas Qardner (Gloucester. 1634) Dea. John Orne (Salem. ) Thomas Emerson (Ip-^wich. lOaS) Esther Prichett Samuel Church [ Wchard Church (Hartford. 1637) Joslah Churchill (WetliKnttietd. ItKtO) Mary Churchill Nehemiah Dlokiosonf Mary Cowles... . . Joliu Montague . Hannah Smith . . Elizabeth Fw Nathaniel Dickinson (8alem. i68u) Mrs \nuii Gull John Cowles (Parmintfton, IH.52) Richard Montaguet (Boston mfii ' '^*'*'' Montague (VirKiuia. 1834) Abigail Downing S ' '••'wmor Allen Chileab Smith > y?"t- Samuel Smith (New EdrI. 1694; Wether«fleld. 16356) Hannah Hit^-hcook !!. ! ! ! .!!. '!! ! ! ^ i i i ] (Elizabeth John Smith } Ensign John Smith Mary Partridge John Root Mary Ashle? Edmund Weston (Duxbury. IfSSiH) t De la Noye { ***''"'' ^^ '' ^"^^ ''*' t^'^y"'"""!. 1«J1 Juhn Soule } George Soule tt (Plymouth. 1920) I Mary Becket ( Plymouth. 1833) ) Lieut. Samuel Nash (Duxbury, 1645) Hester Nash ( Jonatlian Shaw J J**!"* Shaw ( Plymouth, before 1637) \ Capt. Luke Hitchcock (N*.w Haven, 1644) I EMmliHih CiblKiiLs I Lieut. Samuel Smith (New Engl. 1834; Wethursllehl. Iftar. il) \Mlliam Partridge (Hanford. 1656) I Miii> >'>ii)tl>^UnrtIt>nl, -— ) ., , \ John Root * nary Kllbourn . ) Robert Ashley (SprinRHeld. 183S) / Mrx Mary H<.rt..ii John RootiWethersAeld. IIM-) Mary Ruaaell. Thomas Kllbourn (New Eugl 1835) ) Joshua Pratt (Plymouth, 1633) Thonimt Dean \ Jo**" Dean (Taunton. 1638) ( Alice — — j Richard Stephens (Tauntou. ) Katheriue Stephens ) JohnKing«ley | Stephen Kingsley ( Dorchester. 163- ) .John Washburn .Dnxbury . 1681) 1 James Leonard (Lynn. 1851) ' Margery (Dt'xlmry. 1035) Abigail Leonanl j (First wife) * Experience nitchell (Plymouth. (1633) : . * Jaue t^ook . . . Sgt Samuel Washburn I i'?''".^f 'w>"^[! m t Francis Cook (Plymouth. 1630t ) Elimbeth Mitchell , "^ Dehorah Packard ) """"' '""""' '°'"*"'""' "^' : ■ \ ^^I'J^^ »^"^ ^""'y >«»' Ephruini Howard 1 John Howard" (Duibury. 1643) 1 Dea Samuel Edson i.Sidoiu. iibimt llfiO) j .Miutha lluvward : ■.') Susanna Ort^ull I Rev. Jas Keith (Hridgewater. about 1603) : ... u c .... ^. Mary Keith ) Susanna Risen " .. ) *'"'»''ani Shaw iDedham. before 10871 Capt Nichoh« Byram } Dr^N^cholasByram (Weymouth, 1688^ ^ Francl. Cook (Plymouth, 1620) \ Dea. Samuel Edaon i.Satem, about 1Q26J ; ' Mary l.>l»ou i SiMinna Orcult ,1 ■'jme' Leonard 1 (Lynn, 10.-il) Dea. .Io.st.pli Hayward ( Thomas Hayward (Duxbury, 1038) i.s~. ..... Hannah MitchoU i Experience Mitchell (Plymouth lOM) :i; ( Jane Cook ; John Leonanl , j,„j T,,o,n,us U.onard : ; , j,„„ w.lk.r (HioKh. ( Mary Watson ( Elizabeth PhUlipe Marv KinK ) Philip King (Taunton. ) i Qllbert Brooks (.Srituate. before' 1W4) ! , William Phillips (Taunton. 1643) limit Iiii.i«s \V«lk«r ! I..., . w>ll..„r I Elizabeth Win»low . ^__ ( Elizabeth Parker(Hini;ham. 163111 L,eut James Walker i° Vrhih^ BrookV ' ' J»l>n Rlchmondtt (Saco, .Me f about 163,,) • j Gov. Edward Wlnslow(Plvuiouth. 162U) L?h„ mX,S ' „, I nrs. Susanna White ( Plymouth, 1620) Sarah Richmond M i™aiS™ t John Rogers. ThomMRoners (Plymouth. (1020) I .Abigail itogere ^ ^^^ Chun-hman (Krst \ ) Qeorje Watson (Plymouth. 1031) I Phebe Hicks I Robert Micks (PIrmoutb, 1621) i nargaret (Plymouth. Wi31 l03.->) . Widow Walker %.<^^ ^^^^- \.^^ ^ ---'-^^.^'jf ^^ \^.- ,#v*<^ -.pr- / ^^ %^ ,^ ^ ^' t %# ".-: fSfe^ ^. .. ^^^.^^^^^ :^^\%^o'^ "*,W'^>^o^ \^^^ ^^^°- .N^ <^ 9<^ ° V/M\\)^'* .-^ .N^ C^ o^ ■%.d< co^^.^">^ ^^.^::;^'^% c?^.^:,;;:'..^ o^^ ^s 1^ .^ ^cJ ^^:-^'..<^ ' ' ^ " "■^^ <♦* r i^lA'^ '^.^^^ : .N^ ^ 9. =# ,^- °- ^ o.^' %_^-^-^.\l