X 731 ,G8 ^opy 1 WHAT TO SERVE AT PARTIES l^^iy^i What to Serve at Parties MENUS and RECIPES for DINNERS, LUNCHEONS, AFTERNOON TEA, SUPPERS, BRIDAL BREAK- FASTS and CHILDREN'S PARTIES "There was feasting and merry- making for seventy days — " so the old fairy tales always ended. From the very earliest times the feast has been our symbol of joy, and every hostess knows that much of her success in entertaining depends on what she serves. The menus which make up this booklet are suggestive only, and allow of changes or combinations to suit individual needs. Recipes are given for dishes marked with asterisks; di- rections for the others may be found in any reliable cook-book. All the menus and recipes are com- piled from McCall's, and were pre- pared by Lilian M. Gunn, Instructor, Department of Foods and Cookery, Teacher's College, Columbia University. -^ ©C1A69G033 Copyright, 1922, by The McCall Company DKi8?; (\\6 ^ TX73/ »^ .Q-? The Dinner Party .^ "YY/HEN you entertain, at dinner, without the help of servants, let the menu j W consist of dishes that may be prepared in advance and left a little while jV to keep cool, or warm as the case may be, without destroying their flavor. The . first course may be on the table when the guests arrive, provided it is a fruit ^<3 cocktail, or oysters or clams on the half shell. A roast is a good choice for the second course; but have the gravy made and ■^ keeping hot in a double boiler; or else have a sauce such as mint or caper ready. If the green vegetable is peas, beans, asparagus or sprouts, it may be kept hot over hot water until the psychological moment. The best kind of potatoes would be those in a baking-dish or casserole. The accompanying jelly or pickles may be already in place on the table, or on the side table. The salad should be in the ice-box carefully arranged on the plates and placed on a tray so that only one trip will be necessary. The dressing stands beside it ready to be added just before serving. The dessert should be one that requires no last-minute bustling about. A gelatine in a dainty mold can be turned out in advance and put in the ice-box. A lemon meringue pie is delicious and involves no trouble. Or perhaps a cold pudding will be the climax of the meal. If whipped cream or sauce is required, it too, may be ready ahead of time. It is far more important for the hostess to be with her guests in the dining- room than preparing food in the kitchen. Her roles of cook and waitress should be as inconspicious as possible. If coffee is to be the last on the menu, it should be ground and in the pot, ready to put on the stove between courses. Then it will be fresh and hot when it is needed. The coffee service may be ready on a tray in the pantry or on the sideboard or side table. Salted nuts and stuffed fruit or bonbons should also be ready. Some Menus for Dinners Beef Bouillon Crisp Crackers Roast Lamb with Brown Gravy Peas Mashed Brown Potatoes Mint Jelly Cheese Straws Cucumber Salad with French Dressing ♦Pistachio Ice-Cream Salted Nuts White Cakes Coffee Clear Tomato Soup Soup Sticks Roast Chicken String Beans Sweet Potatoes Sweet Pickles Wafers Hearts of Lettuce Salad and Russian Dressing Chocolate Pie Stuffed Figs Coffee Fruit Cocktail Fillet of Beef Mushroom Sauce Peas and Carrots Baked Potatoes Cream Pie Stuffed Dates and Coffee Clear Chicken Soup Roast Beef Toasted Saltines Beets Duchess Potatoes Cold Slaw Pineapple Salad and Cheese Crackers Bavarian Cream Cheese Dates Yellow Sponge Cake Coffee Dinners for Special Occasions Christmas or Thanksgiving Menus Honey Dew Melons *Halibut Turbans with Hollandaise Sauce and French Potato Balls Roast Turkey with Stuffing and Gravy, Cranberry Sauce Baked Onions String Beans White Potatoes Celery Red Apple Salad and Cheese Straws Lemon, *Pumpkin or Mince Pie *Plum Pudding with Foamy Sauce Nuts and Raisins Peppermints Coffee Grape Juice Oysters on the Half Shell and Toaster Crackers Chicken Pie Beets Parsnips Squash Mashed Potatoes Sweet Pickle Pineapple and Cream Cheese Salad with Wafers Cranberry or Custard Pie or Thanksgiving Pudding with Hard Sauce Salted Nuts Stuffed Dates Coffee Fruit Punch Oysters on the Half Shell Roast Turkey with *Nut-Stuffing Creamed Cauliflower Baked Onions Glazed Sweet Potatoes Celery *Frozen Cranberries *Pecan and Grape Salad with Wafers Apple or Pumpkin Pie Nuts Raisins Coffee Cream of Corn Soup with Popcorn Garnish Stuffed Baked Fresh Ham Mashed Brown Potatoes Succotash Cold Slaw or Sweet Pickles ♦Filled Red Apple Salad with Cheese Straws *Fig Pudding Spiced Raisins Coffee Salted Butternuts Easter Dinners Yellow and Green Color Scheme Spinach Soup Egg-Yolk Garnish Green Olives Roast Capon Potatoes with Parsley Creamed Onions Peas in Timbales *Water-Lily Salad and Cheese Ring *Topaz Ice Cakes (spread with peanut butter and garnished with candied orange peel) Salted Pecans Coffee Violet Color Scheme Grape Fruit a la Violette Saddle of Mutton with Mint and Currant Sauce Quartered Brown Potatoes String Beans Easter-Egg Salad and Crisped Rye Crackers Cakes (frosted with maple *Violet Ice sugar and a candied violet on each) Stuffed Dates Coffee Oyster Bouillon and Toasted Oatmeal Crackers Radishes Creamed Asparagus (in shells made of toasted bread) Broiled Fresh Salmon New Green Cabbage Duchess Potatoes Ripe Olives Romaine or Lettuce Salad and Corn Cuts Ginger Sherbet *Angel Parfait Pastry Fingers Coffee Fish Dinners *Fish Chowder Fried Fish Steaks Pickled Beets String Beans Escalloped Potatoes Dressed Shrimps on Lettuce Leaves Grape- Juice Ice Coffee Plain Cookies Salmon Soup Baked Haddock with Tartare Sauce Sweet Pickles Mashed Brown Potatoes Buttered Peas Apple Pie and Cheese Coffee Oyster Soup Broiled Mackerel with Drawn-Butter Sauce Potatoes au Gratin Stewed Tomatoes Dressed Lettuce with Sardine Garnish Orange Jelly Coffee Wafers Simple Menus for Luncheons or Suppers Broiled Lamb Chops Creamed Potatoes and Peas Hot French Biscuits Coffee Scalloped Salmon Lima Beans Toasted Cucumber Sandwiches Coffee Creamed Oysters French Fried Potatoes Baked Stuffed Peppers Cake Coffee Cold Tongue or Ham Celery or Potato Salad Sandwiches Cocoa with Whipped Cream Cookies Recipes for Novel Dinner-Dishes HALIBUT TURBANS A slice of halibut ( 1 >^ pounds) % teaspoonful pepper % cupful melted butter or butter sub- 2 teaspoonfuls lemon juice stitute Few drops onion juice 14 teaspoonful salt Clean fish and cut into 8 fillets. Add seasonings to melted butter. Take up each fillet with a fork, dip in butter, roll and fasten with a small wooden skewer. Put into a pan, dredge with flour and bake in a hot oven (20 minutes). Re- move skewer and arrange on plate for serving. Garnish. FISH CHOWDER 3 pounds cod or haddock 2 tablespoon fuls butter 2-inch cube fat salt pork 1 quart potato cubes 1 sliced onion % teaspoonful pepper 2 teaspoonfuls salt 1 quart hot mOk Have the fish skinned. Cut fish from backbone and divide in 2-inch pieces. Put head, backbone and tail in kettle with one quart cold water; heat slowly and cook about 30 minutes. Parboil potatoes for half an hour. Fry onion with pork. Strain fat into clean kettle. Put in fish and potatoes and over them strain the broth from the bones. Cook until potatoes are tender. Add seasoning, milk and crackers, if desired. TURKEY STUFFING WITH NUTS 2 cupfuls nuts. If chestnuts, blanch and cook until tender and then put through a ricer. Walnuts may be chopped in the meat grinder. 4 tablespoonfuls fat 2 cupfuls bread crumbs moistened with 1 tcaspoonful salt 4 tablespoonfuls butter 1 leaspoonful poultry seasoning y\ teaspoonful pepper Melt the fat; mix all together. Moisten, if necessary for packing, with a little hot water. FROZEN CRANBERRIES 4 cupfuls cranberries 2 cupfuls sugar 2 cupfuls boiling water Pour the water over the sweetening, add the berries and cook 10 minutes. Cool. Put into a mold, cover tightly and pack in ice and salt for 4 hours. If preferred, the mixture may be strained before cooling. It may be frozen in a freezer by occasionally scraping the mixture from the sides and not turning it. Use equal partrs of ice and salt for packing. GRAPE AND PECAN SALAD Dip white grapes into water that has just stopped boiling for one-half minute; plunge into cold water. Skin, make a tiny opening and remove the seed. Put into a French dressing to marinate. Just before serving, drain, and insert, in the place of the seed, a tiny piece of pecan or other nut. Serve very cold on lettuce or romaine with a French dressing. FILLED RED APPLE SALAD Select firm red apples, and carefully remove the inside from the stem end, leaving a wall about one-quarter of an inch thick. Brush the inside with lemon juice and place in the ice-box. Chop the apple which came from the inside, after removing the core, and mix with an equal quantity with minced celery and a sprinkling of chopped nuts. Moisten with cream dressing, well seasoned, fill the apples and serve on lettuce. If desired, a slice can be cut from the top of the apple, carefully saved, and replaced when served. Otherwise, garnish with yellow celery tops. WATER-LILY SALAD Cook eggs hard and put into cold water to cool. Carefully remove shell and cut the eggs lengthwise. Remove yolks and mash with fork. Season and mix with salad dressing. Form into the center of the flowers. Cut the whites in narrow strips and lay them around the centers, forming petals of water-lily. Garnish with watercress, marinated in French dressing. PUMPKIN PIE FILLING Stew pumpkin with a little water; sift through a strainer. For each pie take 1 cupful pumpkin 1 egg 2 cupfuls milk Sugar to taste ^ teaspoonful cinnamon ^ teaspoonful ginger Grating of nutmeg Mix all the ingredients and bake in a crust in a slow oven. PLUM PUDDING 1 pound raisins 8 eggs 1 pound currants J4 pound flour J4 pound candiediorange peel ^2 pound brown sugar J4 pound citron 1 nutmeg grated Yz pound chopped suet 1 tablespoonful cinnamon Yz pound stale bread crumbs J4 tablespoonful allspice ^ pint grape juice Wash and dry the currants. Cut citron and orange peel very fine. Stone raisins. Mix all dry ingredients together. Beat eggs; pour them over the dry ingredients, add the liquid and mix thoroughly. Pack, into greased molds, and steam 4 hours at time of making, and reheat when wanted for use. Serve with hard sauce. FIG PUDDING 1 pound chopped figs 3 eggs 1 cupful suet 1 teaspoonful cinnamon 1 pint fine bread crumbs 1 teaspoonful nutmeg ^ cupful sugar ^4 cupful grape juice or jelly Beat eggs well. Mix the dry ingredients. Combine with the other ingredients. Steam 3 hours. Serve with hard sauce made with brown sugar to which a table- spoonful of cream has been slowly added. PISTACHIO ICE-CREAM 2 cupf uls scalded milk 1 egg 1 tablespoonful flour Vz, teaspoonful salt 1 cupful sugar 1 quart thin cream 1 tablespoonful vanilla 1 teaspoonful almond Mix flour, sugar and salt; add egg slightly beaten, and milk gradually. Cook as a soft custard. When cool add cream and flavoring; strain and color green with vegetable coloring. Freeze. TOPAZ ICE 1 can apricots 2 cupfuls water 1 cupful sugar 2 cupfuls ginger ale Juice of 2 lemons Rub the apricots through a coarse sieve. Make a sirup of the water and sugar; boil 10 minutes. Cool. Add the other ingredients and freeze. Garnish with candied orange peel if desired. A pretty dessert for a "yellow" party. VIOLET ICE 2 cupfuls grape juice Juice of 2 lemons 4 cupfuls water 2 cupful sugar >2 ounce of citron, cut very fine Make a sirup of the water and sugar and boil 10 minutes. Cool. Add the other ingredients and freeze. Grape jelly may be used and part of the sugar omitted. Melt the jelly and add to the hot sirup. Pretty for tea parties also. ANGEL PARE AIT 1 cupful sugar 1 tablespoonful vanilla Yz cupful water White of 3 eggs 1 pint cream Boil the sugar and water until it spins a thread. Beat the white of the eggs until stiff, letting the sugar cool while you do the beating. Pour the sirup slowly into the whites, stirring all the time. Beat until the mixture is cool, add the cream and vanilla and freeze. Luncheons or Suppers for Special Occasions Lincoln's Birthday Cream-of-Carrot Soup Escalloped Oysters Corn Gems Lima Beans Sweet Cucumber Pickles Cottage Cheese Salad and Brown Bread Sandwiches *Hot Apple Cake Salted Butternuts Maple Hard Sauce Coffee Saint Valentine's Day Hearts of Lettuce with Rye Wafers and Russian Dressing Creamed Sweetbreads Buttered Peas Heart Sandwiches Sour Pickles Molded Ice-Cream (hearts and arrows) Pistachio Nuts Oatmeal Macaroons Tea or Coffee Washington's Birthday *Cherry Cocktail Maryland Chicken Brussels Sprouts Glazed Sweet Potatoes Crabapple Jelly Red Cabbage Salad and Cheese Straws *Washington Pie Salted Nuts Coffee Cool Menus for Summer Dinners and Luncheons Jellied Chicken Soup *Stuffed Airplane Tomatoes Whole Wheat Bread Cream Cheese Strawberry Mold Wheat Rolls Filled with Chicken Salad Iced Tea Bar-le-Duc Preserves Floating Island Raisin Cookies *Stuffed Baked Cucumbers Cold Sliced Meat Brown-Bread Sandwiches Pickles *Fresh Fruit Icc-Cream Spiced Cakes Cold Tuna-Fish Timbales Cream Dressing- Lettuce Sandwiches Potato Chips Pineapple Bracts Coconut Cake Ginger Ale Baked Ham Potato Salad Sliced Beets in Vinegar Shrimp Salad and Cheese Straws Raspberry Ice Wafers Meat Loaf Buttered Peas Rice Biscuits Iced Cocoa Orange Tapioca Nut Cookies Cold Tomato Bouillon *Green Corn Puffs Molded Rice (cooked in milk) Mint Jelly Asparagus Salad Spanish Cream Chilled Fruit Cocktail Cold Roast Beef Young Green Onions Creamed New Potatoes Fruit Sherbet and Ladyfingers Iced Coffee Lobster Salad Brown-Bread Sandwiches Coffee Cantaloup Chilled Watermelon Cold Chicken Boiled Corn Potato Salad Peach Shortcake Iced or Hot Coffee Cold Boiled Salmon Cucumbers New Buttered Potatoes Half Cantaloups filled with Ice-Cream Grape Juice Recipes for Special Luncheon Dishes AIRPLANE TOMATOES Select uniform small tomatoes, skin and chill. Take out the inside carefully and cut two slits on one side of the tomato and then two slits directly opposite; insert thin slices of cucumber in the slits. The tomatoes should be filled with well-seasoned chopped meat or flaked fish; left-over meats may be used. STUFFED BAKED CUCUMBERS Peel small cucumbers; cut a slice from the top and scoop out the inside. Fill with chopped meat or fish mixed with cooked rice and seasoned well. Sprinkle the top with buttered crumbs of stale bread. Bake until the cucumber is soft and the crumbs brown. Be sure to grease the baking dish before putting the cucumber on to bake. Serve with drawn-butter sauce flavored with lemon. GREEN CORN PUFFS 2 eggs beaten stiff Grated cheese 1 cupful milk Va teaspoonful paprika 1 pint grated corn ^ teaspoonful salt Few grains cayenne Beat two eggs until light. Add one cupful sweet milk, one pint grated corn, add salt and pepper. Grease well six custard cups. Fill them half full of mixture and place in a large cooking utensil which has been filled with hot water. Add one tablespoonful grated cheese to each cup. Bake in a moderate oven until firm. These puffs are much improved if served with tomato sauce. APPLE CAKE 2 cupfuls flour 54 cupful fat 4 teaspoonfuls baking-powder 1 egg Yi teaspoonful salt -}4 cupful milk Sift the dry ingredients, cut in the fat and add the egg well-beaten and the milk. Having ready sour apples pared, cored and cut in eighths; place in rows overlapping each other on the apple cake. Bake in a square tin in a hot oven until the apples are soft. Sprinlde with sugar and cinnamon before baking, if desired. Serve hot with maple hard sauce. CHERRY COCKTAIL This may be made from red or white canned cherries. Stone the cherries and drain from the liquid. If very sweet, add lemon juice enough to give a tart taste. Chill in the ice-box. Serve in a high glass and sprinkle with shredded coconut. Grapefruit may be combined with the cherries if desired. WASHINGTON PIE y^ cupful fat y2 cupful milk •}4 cupful sugar lYi cupfuls flour 2 eggs 2y2 teaspoonfuls baking-powder Yi teaspoonful vanilla or ^ teaspoonful lemon extract Cream the fat, add the sugar gradually, then the eggs Vi^ell-beaten. Add the flour in which the baking-powder has been sifted, alternately with the milk. Lastly add the flavoring. Bake in two layers in a round tin; fill with rasp- berry jam and sift sugar over the top. FRESH FRUIT ICE-CREAM 2 cupfuls fruit juice or 3 cupfuls crushed 1 quart cream fruit 2 cupfuls sugar Crush the fruit, add sugar, allow to stand until sugar is dissolved. Scald one- half the cream, cool, combine all ingredients. Freeze. For frozen or water ice, use water instead of cream, adding 2 tablespoonfuls lemon juice. Buffet Suppers SUNDAY night is the time when guests may drop in unexpectedly and one should always plan what can serve more than "just the family." A main dish with some kind of bread (generally hot), jelly, pickles or con- serve, may comprise the first course; some dessert with cakes, cookies, or wafers is sufficient to serve for the second. If you have a chafing dish, now is the time to use it. Much may be done in advance. The cake may be baked, the meat cooked ready to slice, the ingredients for the salad be ready in the ice-box and the dress- ing made; a dessert may be prepared the day before, or simple cookies may be baked. Supper Menus with Meat *Creamed Chicken with Pimientos Olives Brown-Bread Sandwiches (lettuce filling) Raspberry Gelatine *Marshmallow Sauce Nut Cakes Tea with Lemon Cold Sliced Meat Grape Jelly Cucumber Salad Hot Corn Muffins Chocolate Layer Cake Coffee Supper Menus with Fish ♦Manhattan Shrimps Toasted Bread Sweet Pickle Strawberry Turnovers Tea with Lemon Shad Roe Saute Nut Bread Cucumbers, Cream Dressing White Sponge Cake *French Chocolate Supper Menus without Fish or Meat ♦French Cinamon Toast Orange Marmalade Cocoa with Marshmallows Fresh Fruit Compote • Rice Wafers Nut and Cottage-Cheese Salad Toasted Crackers Mustard Pickles *Fruit Short Cake Tea Recipes for Some of the Supper Dishes CRE.\MED CHICKEN WITH PIMIENTO 3 cupfuls cold cooked chicken cut in dice, or 1 one-pound can of chicken cut fine. 2^ cupfuls milk 14. teaspoon ful pepper S tablespoonfuls flour 5 tablespoonfuls fat 1 pimiento cut in tiny pieces 1 teaspoonful salt % teaspoonful celery salt Scald milk. Melt fat, add flour and seasoning and milk slowly. When thick, add chicken, and cook long enough to heat the chicken. Add pimiento last. MANHATTAN SHRIMPS 1 pint of shrimps, canned or fresh 1 teaspoonful lemon juice 4 tablespoonfuls fat 1 tablespoonful flour ^ teaspoonful salt 1 cupful milk Little cayenne Yolk of 2 eggs Clean the shrimp, and cook in half the fat for 2 minutes; add seasoning and lemon ; cook 2 minutes longer. Remove shrimps and make a white sauce of the remaining fat, flour and milk; when thickened add yolks of eggs, slightly beaten, stirring in quickly and cooking 2 minutes; add the shrimps. 10 FRENCH CINNAMON TOAST 2 eggs 1 tablespoonful sugar 1 cupful of milk 1 teaspoonful salt ■)4 teaspoonful cinnamon 6 slices bread Beat the eggs a little, add salt, sugar and milk. Dip the toast in the mixture, drain, sprinkle with a little cinnamon; fry in a hot pan until a delicate brown. Serve with sirup. MARSHMALLOW SAUCE 54 pound marshmallows Yt. teaspoonful vanilla 1 cupful powdered sugar 54 cupful boiling water Melt marshmallows in top of double boiler. Stir sugar into boiling water until dissolved; add slowly to melted marshmallows and stir until thoroughly blended. Chill. Add vanilla. For variety, 5i cupful chopped pecan nuts or 6 minced candied cherries or 2 tablespoonfuls of finely shopped citron may be added. FRENCH CHOCOLATE Pour 1 pint boiling water over 4 tablets of sweet chocolate, cook slowly 5^ hour. Add 1 pint scalded milk, and cook IS minutes. Add 1 teaspoonful arrow- root starch mixed with 54 cupful cold water, and cook 10 minutes. Add 1 teaspoonful vanilla just before serving. The arrowroot may be omitted. FRUIT SHORTCAKE 1-2/3 cupfuls flour 2 teaspoonfuls sugar 1/3 cupful potato flour ^ cupful milk 4 tablespoonfuls fat 5^ teaspoonful salt 4 teaspoonfuls baking powder Mix and sift the dry ingredients; cut in fat; add milk; roll out on floured board and cut into biscuit about one inch thick. Bake in hot oven. Split and cover lower part with stewed fruit, place upper part on top with crust side down, cover with fruit. This makes individual serving. The cake may be baked in one round piece, split and filled with fruit. Afternoon Tea TEA should be made from freshly drawn, boiling water and in an earthen- ware pot, so as not to be affected by acid, and one that will retain the heat. After the water is poured on, the pot should stand where it will keep very hot, but never boil, and the tea should be allowed to infuse three to five minutes. If you are not ready to use it at once, pour it off into a hot pot and keep it very hot. If strong tea is made, have at hand boiling water in a hot water kettle to weaken the tea to suit individual tastes. If you use a tea-ball, do not fill it too full, for the tea must have room in which to swell in order to infuse properly. Tea usually is served with thin slices of lemon or orange, with the seeds re- moved. Sometimes a piece of pineapple or strawberry is added to each cup. Or for variety, a tiny piece of vanilla bean is put into the tea pot. Often clove is used, several cloves being stuck in each piece of lemon. In serving, the fruit may be put directly in the cup but the loaf sugar should be placed on a saucer. For the hot months, tea is better iced and served with cracked ice in tall glasses; put a bunch of fresh mint in the pitcher or a tiny spray in the top of each glass. 11 Dainty, delicious sandwiches can be made with various fillings. Little baking- powder biscuits cut with an oval cutter are very attractive. These should be buttered in the kitchen and served very hot. They may be brought in on a sandwich plate or in a Japanese bread basket lined with a plain doily. Little cakes, wafers, cookies or pastries arc dainty sweets. For special occasions nuts or stuffed dates, prunes or raisins may be added. The butter for sandwiches should always be creamed before spreading to make it go farther and spread more easily. Certain kinds of sandwiches are especially delicious if the slices of bread are spread with mayonaise or cooked salad dress- ing. All filling should be moist enough to spread easily, but not so moist as to soak the bread. Meat sandwiches should have the filling chopped or shaved, or cut in very thin slices. Fish should be flaked. Both must be well seasoned. Sandwich-bread for an afternoon tea or reception should be sliced as thinly as possible and cut in fancy shapes. For lunches, the bread may be cut one- fourth inch thick. When the sandwiches are served they may be piled one above the other to keep from drying. A garnish of watercress is particularly appetizing. Suggestions for Sandwich-Fillings Baked beans mashed and mixed with salad dressing. Flaked salmon with chopped cucumber (drain carefully) ; seasonings and salad dressing. Chopped peanuts with jelly or banana-pulp, scraped. One banana to % cupful peanuts. Minced celery, chopped pineapple, seasonings, and cooked dressing. Cooked fig paste and marshmallows. Melt the marshmallows in a double boiler and combine with the fig paste. Prune or apricot pulp, lemon juice, and chopped nuts or raisins. Preserved ginger, chopped nuts, lemon juice and sirup from the ginger, to moisten. Orange marmalade or jellies. Hard-cooked eggs chopped fine, seasoned with salt, pepper and a speck of mustard, oil and vinegar, and a finely-minced green or red pepper. Mayonnaise with lettuce, watercress or other salad plant, or finely-chopped olives (well-seasoned). Cream cheese seasoned with finely-chopped nuts. Recipes for Unusual Delights at Tea SWEET PASTRY 2 cupfuls flour ^/4 cupful fat (butter preferred) J/2 cupful brown sugar J4 teaspoonful salt Mixed the flour and sugar. Cut in the fat, very fine. Roll on a floured pastry- board until the dough is about ]/^ inch thick; cut out with fancy cutters. Bake in a slow oven. Brush or mark with beaten yolk of egg mixed with ^ tea- spoonful water just before the pastries are done. CHOCOLATES Use the above mixture or a recipe for pastry. Cut one piece with a round cutter and then one the same size with a doughnut cutter. Bake, and put togeth- er with crocolate frosting. Cover with the frosting^, putting a little in the center. Sprinkle with pistachio or other nuts. 12 TEA CAKES 2 cupfuls flour 4 teaspoonfuls baking-powder Yi teaspoonful salt 4 tablespoonfuls fat 2/3 cupful milk Candied cherries, raisins, nuts, or can- died fruit, cut in pieces Sift dry ingredients, and cut in fat; add the milk. Roll on a floured board and cut into tiny biscuits about as large as a quarter. On top of each, put a candied cherry, a raisin, a nut or a piece of candied fruit. Brush over with melted fat, and bake in a hot oven. The inside of an old doughnut cutter makes a good cutter for these biscuits if a small cutter cannot be had; or use the top of a small can, making a few holes in the top to let out the air as you press down to cut the biscuit. These cakes need not be served with butter, as they are very rich. CHEESE BISCUIT 2 cupfuls flour Yolk of 1 egg Yz teaspoonful salt 4 teaspoonfuls baking-powder 2/3 cupful milk 2 tablespoonfuls fat Yz cupful grated cheese Mix and sift dry ingredients. Beat the yolk, add it- to the milk, and pour slowly into the dry ingredients. Roll out Y\ ii^ch thick on a floured board. Place one of the biscuits on a baking-sheet and cover it with a thin layer of the cheese; place another on the top and sprinkle a little of the cheese on that. Bake in a quick oven. If the egg-yolk is very large, less milk may be used. COFFEE BISCUIT 2 cupfuls flour 2/3 cupful strong coffee Y2 teaspoonful salt 4 teaspoonfuls baking-powder 3 teaspoonfuls sugar 3 tablespoonfuls fat Y2 cupful raisins Mix and sift dry ingredients, and cut in fat; add raisins and coffee. Roll out and cut into biscuits, brush over top with milk and bake in a hot oven about 15 minutes. The prepared coffees on the market make excellent coffee for this recipe. CREAM SCONES 2 cupfuls flour 1/3 cupful cream 1 tablespoonful sugar 4 teaspoonfuls baking-powder 4 tablespoonfuls fat Y^ teaspoonful salt 2 eggs Sift dry ingredients. Cut in fat. Beat eggs and add them to cream. Pour into dry ingredients, mixing with a kinfe. Toss on a floured board and roll out about Yi, inch thick. Cut wdth a sharp knife into squares or diamond shapes and bake in a hot oven for IS minutes. Bridal Breakfasts FOR a large reception the buffet style of serving is the only one to use. Let each lady's escort serve her and himself with a plate, and in this way, with the help of the caterer's men, the confusion of getting refreshments to the guests will be lessened. When the post-wedding party is small, a group of the bride's friends can assist at the affair. 13 Table decorations play a large part in the effectiveness of a seated breakfast or supper. Roses and sweet peas are June flowers that decorate deligthfully. Place cards and favors give delicate color tone to the table. For the announcement supper or wedding breakfast a few well-chosen, daintily served foods are better by far than are elaborate repast. It may be advisable to call upon your caterer for the ice-creams and for some of the fancy cakes, but the menus given here may be prepared at home. Bridal Breakfast Menus Strawberry Cocktail Molded Chicken Salad Cold Sliced Tongue Parker House Rolls Sweet Pickles Caramel Bavarian Sponge Cakes Nut Sauce Coffee Bon Bons Bouillon Wafers *Salmon Cutlets with New Peas Broiled Squab Rolls French Fried Potatoes Orange and Cherry Salad with Cheese Straws Charlotte Russe Sponge Sticks Glazed Nuts Coffee Consomme en Tasse Cold Boned Chicken in Aspic Sauce Tartare Creamed Asparagus in Patty Shells Bread Sticks Olives Strawberry Ice-Cream *Bride's Cake Macaroons Coffee Wedding Breakfasts and Announcement Luncheons Grapefruit Stuffed with Wliite Grapes * Halibut Turbans with Hollandaise Sauce ♦Chicken a la King Hot Rolls Lettuce and Celery Salad Cheese Straws Vanilla and Pistachio Ice-Cream *Bride's Cake Coffee Cream of Watercress Soup in Cups Olives Crackers Timbale Cases filled with Creamed Fish Cold Chicken and Tongue Assorted Sandwiches Tomato-and-Cucumber Salad Strawberry Shortcake Coffee 14 Tomato Bouillon Cold Ham and Chicken Hot Rolls Currant JeUy Hot Creamed Asparagus Bread and Butter Sandwiches Sfrawberry or Lemon Ice (served in meringues) Almond Macaroons Sponge Cakes Coffee Glazed Walnuts and Pecans Strawberries au Natural *Ham Mousse Buttered Peas New Potatoes in Cream Cherry Tarts Coffee Salted Nuts SALMON CUTLETS 2 cupfuls cold flaked salmon (or 1 can) 3 tablespoonfuls fat 1 cupful milk yg teaspoonful pepper 1 teaspoonful lemon juice 4 tablespoonfuls flour 1 teaspoonful salt Make a white sauce of the milk, flour and fat, add the seasonings, then the salmon and lemon. ChUl. Form into the shape of cutlets, egg and crumb and fry in deep fat. Insert a piece of macaroni for the bone and finish with a paper frUl. The sauce must be cooked until very thick. Be careful not to let it bum. HALIBUT TURBANS (See page 4j CHICKEN A LA KING 2 tablespoonfuls fat 314 cupfuls cooked chicken cut fine 2 tablespoonfuls flour 2 tablespoonfuls fat y teaspoonful salt Yolks 2 eggs 1 pint fresh milk or cream 1 tablespoonful lemon juice 6 fresh mushroom caps Few drops onion juice 1 green or red sweet pepper cut fine ^ teaspoonful paprika Peel the mushroom caps and cut fine. Cook with the pepper in the first quantity of fat for three minutes. Remove the mushrooms and pepper and add the flour and milk. Cook until you have a boiling mixture; add the chicken, pepper and mushrooms. Put into the top of a double boiler. Cream the second quality of fat and stir in the egg yolks and seasoning; add to the chicken mixture and cook until the egg yolks are cooked, stirring constantly. HAM MOUSSE 2 cupfuls boiled ham minced very fine ^ cupful whipped cream 1 tablespoonful gelatine softened in 2 % teaspoonful paprika tablespoonfuls cold water Few grains cayenne J<2 cupful boiling water 1 tablespoonful finely minced parsley Pour the hot water on the softened gelatine; add the ham, seasonings and the cream; mix thoroughly and mold in individual molds or a large mold. Serve, garnished with parsley. IS BRIDE'S CAKE J/2 cupful butter 23^ cupfuls flour lYz cupfuls sugar 3 teaspoonfuls baking-powder 1 cupful milk ^ teaspoonful almond extract 34 teaspoonful cream of tartar Whites of 6 eggs Cream butter; add sugar, gradually, and continue beating. Mix and sift the flour, baking-powder and cream of tartar, and add alternately with the milk to the first mixture. Add extract. Beat the whites of the eggs until stiff and add last. Bake about 45 minutes. Children's Parties ICE-CREAM, of which nothing else can take the place at a child's party, has been planned in nearly all of the following menus. These refreshments are simply prepared and suitable for children between the ages of five and twelve years. Menus for Children's Parties Sandwiches with Peanut-Butter and Chopped Raisin FiUmg Sandwiches filled with Currant Jelly Cocoa Animal Cookies *Basket Ice-Cream Lollypops Creamed Chicken White and Brown-Bread Sandwiches *Orange Ice-Cream (in orange shells) Stick Candy Ladies Fancy Cakes Raspberry Shrub Honey Sandwiches of Graham and White Bread Catawba Grape Juice *Chocolate Charlotte Molasses Chips Sponge Cakes Cold Chicken and Tongue Date and Fig Sandwiches Baking-Powder Biscuit Cocoa with Marshmallow *Caramel Ice-Cream Oat Macaroons Little Cakes Barley Sugar and Chocolate Animal? For Very Little Tots Graham Crackers Zweibach Cooked Prune or Banana Pulp Tapioca Cream Plain Cookies Milk 16 Recipes for Sweets for Children's Parties BASKET ICE-CREAM Make small plain cakes and take out the inside. Put in a teaspoonful of jam or sweet jelly and then a ball of vanUla ice-cream. Make the handle of the basket of citron cut in strips, or angelica. ORANGE ICE-CREAM 2 cupfuls sugar 1 cupful milk 1 cupful water Yolks 2 eggs 2 cupfuls orange juice 1 cupful thick cream Boil the sugar and water 8 minutes slowly. Add the orange juice after cool- ing. Make a custard of the milk and egg yolks. Strain, cool and add to the first mixture. Beat the cream and add it. Freeze. If desired, % cupful candied orange peel, cut fine, may be added to the ice-cream when nearly frozen. CHOCOLATE CHARLOTTE y^ cupful boiling water % cupful cold water ^ cupful sugar J4 cupful cream (scalded) \% cupfuls cream ' IJ^ squares chocolate 1J4 tablespoonfuls gelatine VanUla Soak the gelatine in cold water. Add the scalded cream to it while hot. Stir until gelatine is dissolved. Melt the chocolate over hot water, add the sugar slowly and then the boiling water a little at a time. Add slowly to the gelatine mixture while both are hot. Cool. Add the cream to 1 teaspoonful vanilla. Pour into a fancy mold lined with lady fingers. CARAMEL ICE-CREAM 2 cupfuls scalded milk 1 cupful sugar yi cupful sugar J4 cupful boiling water 3 eggs 1 quart thin cream % tablespoonful salt 2 teaspoonfuls vanilla Make a custard of the first four ingredients, strain and cool. Caramelize 1 cupful of sugar and add boiling water to it. Cool. Combine mixtures, add cream and vanilla. Freeze. ^^ 17 McCaWs Service LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 516 885 5 « Spending The Family Income: Why True Economy Means Living by a Plan. What a plan of expenditures includes — per- centage of income to apportion for shelter, food, clothing, operating expenses, development, savings. 10 cents A Group of Little Homes. Compiled by Robert Cummings Wiseman, from plans designed by expert small-house archi- tects. Twelve houses, with complete architectural plans. 10 cents The Modern Home: How to Equip it with Mechanical Servants and Manage it Wisely. By Lillian Purdy Goldsborough. Labor-saving devices and methods to do the housework in a servantless home. 10 cents Down the Garden Path. By Dorothy Giles, member of The Garden Club of America. Practical directions for flower and vegetable gardening. 10 cents Time-Saving Cookery. Prepared by The House of Sarah Field Splint. 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