L3 Y^tjjt. -^ **s^" Title Imprln f ^ OF THE (^ !! BOARD OF TRUSTEES 1 OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS I OP (1 I WASHINGTON, D. C. cD I) 1 ■_ PREPARED BY W. J. RHEES, CHAIRMAN COMMITTSE ON RULES AOT) REGULA TIONS, DECEMBER, 1863. ) I I WASHINGTON, D. C. : % McGILL k WITHEROW, PRINTERS. I ' Jan. 1, 1864. MA.N^TJA.2L, OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF WASHINGTON, D. C. PREPARED BY W J. RHEES, CHAIRMAN COMMITTEE ON RULES AND EEGTTLA- TIONS, DECEMBER, 1863. WASHINGTON : McGILL & WITHEROW, PRINTERS, Jan. 1, 186^. . MEETINGS OF THE BOARD. SECOND TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH. 1864.— January 12 February 9 March 8 April 12 May 10 June 14 1864.— July 12 August 9 September... 13 October 11 November ... 8 December.... 13 CALENDAR FOR 1864. . . , i^ ^ , », a ^. , CO t 1 "4 K> .^ 03 K CO gi & ■§ •a •3 •2 § f [ 00 "s "5 1 "(i 3 "7 1 8 1 2 9 00 t-i 1 "3 "4 1 ■ft 1 1 "7 1 8 l5 2 9 '■ - Jan. July 10 11 12 13 14 1ft 16 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 , 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ' 24 2n 2(i •.!7 28 29 ;^o 24 2ft 2(i 27 28 29 30 • ' Feb. 31 Aug. 31 ' 1 2 3 4 fi 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' ' 7 8 9 1(1 11 12 13 7 H 9 10 II 12 13 • ' 14 1ft Ifi 17 18 19 20 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • 21 23 24 2fi 26 27 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 , Mar. 28 29 "l "2 •3 ■4 "ft Sept. 28 29 30 31 "i "2 "3 . ■ fi 7 8 9 in n 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ' < 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 U 12 13 14 15 16 17 ' 1 m 21 22 23 24 2ft 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 241 ' : Apr. 27 "a 28 "4 29 "ii 30 fi 31 "7 '1 8 "2 9 Oct 25 26 27 28 29 30 "i 8 ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . in 11 12 13 14 1ft 16 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 • , 17 18 19 20 21 m 23 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 . . 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 ' May Nov. 30 31 "i "2 3 "4 5 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 . , 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 , 15 ir. 17 18 19 2(1 21 13 14 lb 16 17 18 19 , oo 23 24 2ft 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 , ■ Jane 29 30 31 "l "2 ■3 "4 Dec. 27 28 29 30 "i "2 "3 ft f> 7 8 9 10 n 4 h 6 V 8 9 10 12 13 14 1ft 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1« m 21 23 '.'4 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . 26 27 281 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 ^ . ) W¥9\ FV ▼■ F^ ■*■ Vi P^ ▼^ "rVH*'' ^^ f"^ "!F( rv •^ V^ ""*" r §0Ej& 0f %mtm, WSd-Bi. Richard Wallach, Mayor, ex-officio President. Francis S. Walsh, President, j^ro-ifemjoore. Richard T. Morsell, Secretary, 374 L, between Vermont Avenue and 15tli street. Office, opposite City Hall. John Sessford, Treasurer, 374 6tli street, between G and H. Office, west basement of City Hall. FIRST SCHOOL DISTRICT. FIRST and second WARDS. 'irustees. Residence. Appointed. J. 0. Wilson 393 N. Y. av., bet. 12 & 13. 1861. J. S. Brown 373 13tli st., bet. L. & M. 1863. J. P. Tustin 316 I, bet. 15 J and 16tli. 1863. SECOND SCHOOL DISTRICT. THIRD AND FOURTH WARDS. M. H. Miller Office, Treasury Department. 1858. Wm. J. Rhees 504 H st., bet. 7tli and 8th. 1862. 0. C. Wight ...346 3d, bet E and F. 1861. THIRD SCHOOL DISTRICT- FIFTH AND SIXTH WAKDS. F. S. Walsh 608 8th st. east, bet. I & K. 1857. C. W. Davis I St. bet. 10th & 11th east. 1862. R. B. Ferguson Cor. 3d st. east, and E south. 1863. FOURTH SCHOOL DISTRICT. J. E. Holmead 575 14th st. south. 1859. J. B. Ellis 117 B St. south. 1861. W. J. Murtagh Maryland av., bet. 6 & 7. 1863. The Treasurer is at his oflSce in the City Hall every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning, and the last Saturday of every month, from 8 to 12 o'clock. ON SUPPLIES. J. B. Ellis, C. W. Davis, W. J. Rhees, J. P. Tustin. ON TEXT BOOKS. M. H. Miller, J. E. Holmead, F. S. Walsh, J. 0. Wil- son. ON RULES AND REGULATIONS. W. J. Rhees, J. E. Holmead, R. B. Ferguson, J. P. Tustin. ON SCHOOL HOUSES AND SCHOOL ROOMS. J. 0. Wilson, W. J. Murtagh, C. W. Davis, W. J. Rhees. ON EXAMINATION OP CANDIDATES FOB. TEACHERS. F. S. Walsh, J. E. Holmead, J. 0. Wilson, M. H. Mil- ler. ON ACCOUNTS AND EXPENSES. C. W. Davis, W. J. Murtagh, J. S. Brown, 0. C. Wight. ON VOCAL MUSIC. 0. C. Wight, J. E. Holmead, J. S. Brown, R. B. Fer- guson. ON CONGRESS AND THE CITY COUNCILS. J. E. Holmead, 0. C. Wight, R. B. Ferguson, J. P. Tustin. ii^uml €mwiiim. ON teacher's institute. J. 0. Wilson, M. H. Miller, R. B. Ferguson, J. B. Ellis. ON REPORT FOR 1864. J. 0. Wilson, W. J. Rhees, R. B. Ferguson, W. J. Murtagh. ON FURNITURE FOR THIRD DISTRICT SCHOOL-HOUSE. C. W. Davis, J. E. Holmead, 0. C. Wight, J. 0. Wil- son. ON RENT FROM GOVERNMENT. J. 0. Wilson, W. J. Rhees, R. B. Ferguson, J. E. Hol- mead, and Treasurer. Committees on Public Schools of the City Councils. Aldermen. — Messrs. Sargent, Utermehle, and Lloyd. Common Council. — Messrs. Knight, Noyes, Peake, M. Larner, Shepherd, Shedd, and Kelley. joint committee on new school house in 3d district. Hon. R. Wallach, Mayor. Messrs. Gordon and Plant of the Aldermen, Messrs. McCathran and Ferguson of the Council, and Messrs. Walsh, Wilson, Miller, "nd Ellis of the Trustees. LIST OF TEUSTEES FROM 1845 TO 1864. First District. Second District. Third District. . Fourth District. G. J. Farnham, J. Abbott, F. Hartley. 1845. Peter Force, N. Young, Thos. Donoho, W. M. Eiiis, J. C. McKelden. Jos. P. Ingle. T. Blagden, I. Mudd, A. Miller. 1846. Same. T. Donoho, A. Coyle, J. F. Callan. G. Wattcrston, N. C. Towle, R. M. Coombs. 1847. I. Mudd, T. Blagden, J. S. Miller. Same. T. Donoho, J. F. Callan, V. Harbaugh. G.Watterston, J. T. Van Ryswick A. G. Davis. 1848. W. B. Randolph, , I. Mudd, C. Ashford. . Same. T. Donoho, V. Harbaugh, P. F. Bacon. G.Watterston, N. C. Towle, A. G. Davis. 1849. J. E. Morgan, C. Ashford, I. Mudd. R. G. J. Farnham, J. Abbott, F. Haliday. ?ame. G . Watterston , Jno. M. Roberts, J. B. Ellis. 1850. I. Mudd, J. T. Van Ryswick J. E. Morgan, W. Ashdown. Same. Same. James Adams, J. M. Roberts, J. B. Ellis. P. M. Pearson, S. Byington, J. E. Morgan. 9 LIST OF TKUSTEES.-(Continued.) 1 ?T District. Same. 2d Distriot. Same. 3d District. 1851. J. Adams, J. "W. McKim, J. M. Walsh. 4th District, P. M. Pearson, "W. B. Randolph, S. Byiugton. Same. Same. 1852. F. S. Walsh, G, M. Dove, C. P. Russell. Same. Same. Same. 1853. F. S. Walsh, C. P. Russell, G. R. Ruff. Same, G. J.Abbott, R. Faruham, F. Howard, J F. Polk. T. Donoho, V. Harbaugh, P. F. Bacon, W. Lord. 1854. F. S.Walsh, C. P. Russell, T. Altemus. P. M. Pearson, W. B. Randolph, S. Y. Atlee. J. P. Dickinson, C. W. Bennett, L. R. Smoot. T. J. Magruder, J. F. Polk, J. H. Bradley. 1855. C. W. Davis, J. H. Peters, S. A. H. McKim, W Dixon, J.E. Bates, G . D. Hanson . P. M. Pearson, T. Wheeler, S. Y. Atlee, J. Knight, R.T. Knight. 1856. J. P. Dickinson, J. F. Folk, C. W. Davis, P. M. Pearson, C. W. Bennett, T. J. Magruder, J. H. Peters, T. Wheeler, L. R. Smoot. J. H. Bradlej'. S. A. H. McKim. S. Y. Atlee. 1857- J. P. Dickinson, T. J. Magruder, C. W. Davis, P. M. Pearson, T. P. Morgan, J. F. Polk, A. G. Pendleton, S. Y. Atlee, W. Wilson. J. C. Harkness. S. A. H. McKim. T. Wheeler. 10 LIST OF TRUSTEES.— (Continued.) 1st District, 2d Distkict. 3d Distkict, W. B. Randolph, E. M. Chapin, R. B. Ironside, P. F. Bacon, J. Van Santvoord. J. Lawrenson, W. P. Young. 1858. F. S. Walsh, W. F. Price, John D. Brandt. 1859. W. B. Randolph, E. L. Childs, R. B. Ironside, M. H. Miller, A. B. Stoughton. J. Lawrenson. Same. Same. M. H. Miller, W. S.Fort, J. Lawrenson, S. Cole. I860. F. S. Walsh, E. A. Bohrer, Z, W. McKnew, A. W. Miller, J. H. Brodhead. iTB District J. E. Willett, C. Wilson, F. Whyte. J E. Willett, F. Whyte, S. Y. Atlee. J. E. Willett, F. Whyte, J. E.HoImead, R. Geddes. R. B. Ironside, C. C, Ames, Jno. Larcombe, C. Abert. M.H.Miller, W. S. Fort, J. Lawrenson. 1861. F. S. Walsh, Jos. Walsh, W. F. Price. J. E. Willett, J. E. Hohnead, J. T. Cassell. 1862. J. Larcombe, M. H. Miller, F. S. Walsh, J. E. Holmead, R. Ricketts, C. H. Utermehle, F. D. Stuart, J. T. Cassell, J. 0. Wilson, V. Harbaugh, 0. C. Wight. J. B. Ellis. R. T. Morsell. W. J. Rhees. 1863. R. Ricketts, M. H. Miller, F. S. Walsh, J. 0. Wilson, C. H. Utermehle, 0. C. Wight, R. T. Morsell. W. J. Rhees. C. W. Davis. Same. J. O.Wilson, J. S. Brown, J. P. Tustin. M. H. Miller, W. J. Rhees, 0. C. Wight. 1864. F. S. Walsh, C W. Davis, R, B. Ferguson. J. E. Holmead, J. B. Ellis, W. J. Murtagh ®f&tm 0f % Soarir. President. — The Mayor of the City. Secretary. — W. J. McCormick 1845 — 1848 C. A. Davis 1849—1853 G.J.Abbott 1854—1856 S. A. H. McKiM 1856—1857 R. RiCKETTS 1857—1861 W. B. Dayton 1861—1863 R. T. MoRSELL 1863— Treasurer. — W. B. Randolph 1845 — 1848 G. J. Abbott 1848—1849 V. Harbaugh 1849—1854 P. F. Bacon 1854—1855 T. J. Magruder 1855—1857 V. Harbaugh 1857—1861 " John Sessford 1861 — TRUSTEES. 1863-4. Names. District. J. S. Brown 1 C. W. Davis 3 J. B. Ellis 4 R. B. Ferguson 3 J. E, HOLMEAD 4 M. H. Miller 2 W. J. MURTAGH 4 Wm. J. Rhees 2 J. p. TU^TIN 1 F S.Walsh 3 J. 0. Wilson 1 O.C.Wight 2 Where educated. Dartmouth College, N. H. Columbian College, D. C. Washington, D. C. Brookeville, Md. Ellicott's Mills, Md. Jefferson College, Pa. New York, N. Y. Phil. High School, Pa. Columbian College, D. C. Trinity College, Dublin. Dartmouth College, N. H. do 12 O H m O (N 00 •"i* Cl'**! -^f t- ■xl*CNiM , •sdT3ai ii'BjVi. r-t • pjTJoq JiOBia s r-IOOO (Nc^eo to CO § {>« r-i «s ors (NlHi-ICq •sjreqo • I'^ lO rH 00 O 1-1 O : :^ 1— 1 r-icooo to ai m rata -cJtStiS tc - d MtS -d "3 •SJISOQ O © •^ CO (M O CO r- O 1-1 C:3 l-< CO CO ca (M CO CO fi CO t-HrH (?q 8co 03 « CO •^qSien S C^ C^ ID or ■* IM CO o- 00 coo<^^ § ^r-l 1—1 T— ' T— ' ^^ rH fH i-l rH 0> K aoi CO OS o % •mP!A\. '"' ^■M CO (> O CD-^ or C^ rH Tl* O t- T(< Ct 1-1 (M CO -* (M CJ CO rH sioj «o tc Oi cc "qiSaoi "■ ^^'CO CO c O t-l:~ h- c o o t-o CO ^ T^ CO CO CO lO CO o-^ : : : : : _^ I • I • o • • a. ; : : a '. '. 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P4 fc- 1 18 sdura n^ii M t-o Tf oot* r I CI u-i CI .<* r-^ O rH •rH'^tC^ •pj«oq^2cia 1 C5 c l'^ 2 • •sjreqo i CO I n-* e; o CI -* -^ c «C> O O 00 t- 00 *- C5 o t- •qip-AV £r c^ -N c^ ^^ — < csi j~i CI is ^^ rH ci O O OOr- C rH S^ CI IM C5 C C? C3 CI CI — rH IJl •mSaa^ .|oocroo»coooo o . 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J. Woodsbury Md. Woodstock Md. NUMBER FROM EACH STATE , INCLUDING THE ABOVE AND THOSE FROM TOWNS NOT DESIGNATED. Connecticut Delaware 1 1 2 1 2 1 4 2 District of Columbia 18 10 Indiana 7 10 Kansas Louisiana 1 5 1 1 Maryland Michigan ISO 15 2 Minnesota - 4 Missouri New Hampshire 1 2 New Jersey 15 56 Ohio 18 Pennsylvania 78 Rhode Island 2 South Carolina 1 Virginia 93 Wisconsin OTHER COUNTRIES. Canada 4 1 Germany 1 2 2 Scotland. ...< 1 Total 139 164 85 487 28 TABLE SHO^^IWG OCCUPATIONS EENTS OF CHILDREN IN" THE SCHOOLS OF T^ASHINGTON. OP PA- PUBLIO CO Q M i-, 5 ai 5 •a a 8 Q la H to (5 s "3 1 Agents 3 10 ....... 2 3 16 Artisis 6 Assessors "9" 10 1 2 Auctioneer 1 1 Baggagemaster 1 15 1 Bakers ^ Barbers 9 7 4 2 3 32 40 14 Basketmaker Billiard saloon ""l" 13 2S I 3 B'acksnvlths 119 2 J 33 168 Boardiiighouses 80 Boatmen 5 4 5 Bookbinders Boilermakers 10 9 5 9 12 ""2 f'7 1 42 14 13 Brassfinibhers "is" i 3 4 10 127"' "34' ft 3 " i 1 3 9 5 Bricklayers 2 21 41 1 Brickmaicers ""s" 4 ....... ici" 2 €6 4 10 Butchers 8 5 8 ..„„.. 5 82 1 31 Cabinetmakers 13 18 1 Carvers 2 386 8 C64 Coaclmiakcrs 10 3 3 5 3 Conductors . 1 11 18 1 2 4 1 3 1 "' 3 ....... 1 3 ....... 3 8 5 4 6 6 12 1 Dentists 29 TABLE.— (Continued. ) CO s CO s.. '& 2 1 1 M 5 •cs a o o o m CO 5 V to s s i Detectives 1 ""i" 4 1 2 4 1 "10" ...... "16"" 2 17 ...... 4 3 Doorkeeper Drover Dyer 1 1 1 Engineers 3 30 Engrtivers 3 Expressmen 4 Farmers Farriers Filer 7 2 2$ 3 1 Fishermen ....... 1 ""2 1 2 2 2 ..,..„.. 21 '""3 8 "i" "s" 4 ...... 2 "gh" 2 3 6 Foldors 5 Foragemaster ...... "5" 9 17 2 ....... 1 Foremen 3 Gardeners and dairymen Gilder 5 38 I Glass stiiners ""i" 2 Gunclcaners Gunsmiths 13 Hackmen ; 2S Harnessmakers 4 ""2"" 6 2 Horseshoer 1 Hosemaker 1 Hostlers Hucksters I 11 1 ........ 3 8 "'"2" ■35""' "i" 4 62 Inspectors Instrument makers Ironfounder ,«... Jailors 2 4 1 s 3 Jewelers 3 £3 5 4 '39" ....... 1 ...... 16 ....... 8 Laborers ....... 163 Lamplighters 2 Lanildress 9 2 1 ........ 14 Lawyers 2 Lettercarriers „ Liverystiible keepers 3 4 4 9 Locksmiths 2 Machinists Magistrates 7 3 3 47 3 73 6 Uarketmast^rs a 30 TABLE.— (Continued.) Matchmaker Measurer Melter Mercbants Messeugurs Milkmen Millers Modelmaker Moulders Musicians Opticians Pateutraiikers , Patternmaker Paperhangcr Painters Pavers Photographers physicians p;i )ts Plasterers Plumbers and gasfitters , Pol.cemen Frinteis pumpmakers ^ Purveyor Pyrotechnist Quartermen Be&ners Reporters Restaurant and hotel keepers.. Ridingschooi Rigger Saddlers Bailors Sawyers Scavenge! s Sexton Seamstresses and dressmakers.. Shoemakers Soldiers Stewards Stonecutters 46 17 2 14 8 9 13 1 16 24 14 8 1 14 61 10 15 3 4 1 3 3 27- 44 1 14 18 22 1 1 41 10 11 14 15 4 4 ' "i' 13 2 12 3 1 1 6 1 3 9 22 12 51 8 3 2 37 14 1 3 2 i 21 1 10 10 3 5 2 1 1 36 8 1 £3 31 TABLE.— (Continued.) 5 to 5 a 5 to 5 s 3 i? purveyor 1 1 9 1 Sutlers 3 14 '""i" 17 13 18 4 3 3 2 4 1 3 2 2 25 ........ 22 ...„„.. 2 2 19 lailors 66 Oanncrs and curriers 4 9 7 ........ ....... 2 "i" 30 '""4" 61 64 49 TelpgraphtTS 2 Tinners Turner 6 29 1 Undertakers 8 Upholsterers Wagonmasters 4 9 4 1 Watclimen 20 12 31 25 30 36 15 1 4 48 50 90 Whart'man 1 13 "Widows No occupation specified 151 181 Note. — This table does not show the actual number of persons of different occupations. A parent having more than one child is counted as many times as he has children in the schools ; e. g., six *^Arlids^^ are reported, while in fact there are only two individuals, one having four children, and the other two, who are pupils in the schools. 32 LIST OF TEACHEBS. Najies. Abell, Siibra P Acton, Bel! Adams, Alee E Adams, Aunie M Allen, Eizi. Aouie... Alien, Lotit.a B Amidou, Mirgaret A.. Aukward, M;iry Billing, Emily V Bird, Jrse|thine S Boggs, Elizibetb H... Bowen, M:iry Aunie.. . Clarke. El :z I W Daniel, J. H Davis, Lncy B Davis, Maria Y Davis, Seville Dawes. Annie E Eckloff. Sarali E El vans, Frances Evans, .\nnie Eliz Flenner. Maggie E Fletcber, Martha V... Hill. Mary Ann Hoover, Fannie E Kirk, Amelia MnUiu.. Lee, Josephine A Lee, Mary Ann Lowe, Adeline K Wagee, Hattie Jane . . Martin, ilarv E McCathran. W. W Mcintosh, Alice M Mills, Mary Jane Moore, Lncy Ei:a Morphy, C itherine.. . Morse, Hannah Maria. Moss, Jane Gertrude. . Myers, Emiij Residence. 452 3d east, bet E. Capitol & A sonth.. 565 11th east, bet M and N south C, bet nth and VHh 4-J9 I Ith, bet G and H 60 E, bft nth and 12th 535 H, bet 6ih and 7th •2S5 Va av. bet 6th and 7th 761 3d east, bet M and N south 446 K north, bet 6th and 7th west 463 Ya av, bet 2d and od east 4£0H,bel 8th and 9th 346 Va av, bet 4>^ and Cth west 614 10th east, bet Va av and M south. 37-^ 5ih west, bet G and TJ north 427 Pa av, bet 3d and 4}i 279 7th w. St, bet L and M north 470 K south, bet 9th and 10th east 337 8th bet K and L 59 G, bet 9th and lOlh 575 Md av, bet 9th and 10th west.... 403 12th, bet I and K north 477 I north, bet S'h and 9th west 50- K north, bet 4th atid 5th west.. .. 122 E. Capitol, bet 4th and 5th east. .. 209 eth west 27 Pa av, bet 24th and 25th 516 Md av, bet 4>^ and 6th 516 Md av, bet 4>i and 6th 405 I St and 11th west 35 F, bet 9rh and 1 )th 809 6th west, bet M ami X south 424 G south, bet 7th and Sth est- 369 9th west, bet I and X Y av 2*:i 22d, bet G and H north 454 3d, bet K Capitol and A Cor Market and 3d, Georgo own 350 N Y av, bet 9th and lOth 554 7th east, bet F and G south 461 Cor F uorlh aud lllh west 33 LIST OF TEACHERS— Continued, Names. to 5 Residence. Norris, Maria F Reed, Emma L Reed, Geneva A Robinson, Emily Rodier, Maria E 4 4 4 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 3 2 537 11th west, bet Va av and C south. 433 I north, bet 9lh and 10th west 497 1st, bet Md av and D south 438 Mass av, bet Cth and 7th west. , . . 16th west, near K north Rodier, Sallic 16th west, near K north Redmond, Emma F Ramsay, Jeannie A Ramsay, Mary Eliz Sanderson, Kate M Slater, Henrietta H Thomas, Jane 440 Mass av, bet 6th and 7th 538 7th, bet E and G 538 7th, bet E and G 6th east, bet Pa av and D south 665 N Jav,betDand E south t 5 Mo av, bet 3d and 4th Thompson, Addie Thompson, John E Thomson, S John Tncker Fniiiv E 721 cor 3d and M 577 E north, bet 2d and 3d west 406 12th west, bet I and K north I south, bet 6th and 7th east Tucker, Mary A ■Wheatli y, Eliza J Williams, Helen E 326 9th west, bit L and JI north 19 A, bet N J av and 1st east 4-6 I, bet 7th and 8th Wilson, Thonias M 5th west, bet M and N north SUB-ASSISTANTS. 1st District, Oceana A. Walker. .4f 8 12th, bet F and G. 2d " Eliza AVoodruIf. ... .494 H, bet Sth and 9th, 3d " Alberta Bright E, near 13th east. 4th " Anne E. Bailey C south, near 13ih west. :Bii 1 i^ 01 OJ O rt <35 -l"^ T t-^05_ I^ CD U3 co__ 00 CO CO g iH C^' Tjt c^Tci" ul" rl T-4 1 Co" 0^ 04 CO 1-1 _ Ol O tM CO 00 ^_, CO a> (M I— r- 1 Ol f ^ O O O o ■:> 1— 00 -^ "O r-H rH CD c a) 0_-T^ -»"_^ •rr ^ a; J^ c* I- m ire H ^ i-Ti-T rf ^'-H- 1 ■''^ 1 ~ "—I " 00 1 U2 05 0> CO CO o 01 =.o 1 a o o O :j 05 00 ^ ^i I- --0 o 1—1 7^ 13 C3 O °i. c^ -• 1- 1.-00 CO CO CO ^S5 r-T i-T i-H — 0^ I-l '^ r-l t- _: O 1^ t~ ..^ 1 CO 1 I-H t- 00 CO M 1-1 >< ^ C^J-rh 'X) =: o :o 00 1~ 03 o .N( -M lO lO ire CD iTD r:3 -■1 r3 o coco t- c^ T^ ■* CO CO i-H_ ^ oT Ui _• (^•^ -^ O OJ -+ 1-1 00 05 01 Ol CO >< rf c; C5 05 o >.i CI ro li oo ^ -* -*i O irs 1- :0^ CO o» CO uO 1X3 o_ X oo I-l H i-T r-''~ '-' O lO o CO o CO CO •>! UO 04 04 10 A -S" «* CO I— !■- -* 04 04 CJ 3 >5 o (N-^ £- -* ^ a> C^ S\ lO ■* •* CD !^ 04" <^ ^ }•- 02 ■o C<) CTJ ,^ GO CD ^ o o iH ,— H 1-1 T*" to 04 O 05 irr. 00 •* Ol 04 04 O cS CO CO CO >*-* 00 (M 01 o 'i' -* tH ^ cT c« S a> 00 t^ 'O T-4 t— 0-* Tt< Ol 04 Cd © ri tM 1-00 lo o ire >n :0 i-~ r" o O 00 "^ O) 3, o CD o ■^i. o_ C>_ CO o r-^ rH~ of 1— < ■-I 1—1 i.O~ T^ i-H iO lO X> c^ CD lO I-l o o 05 M '^ o ^^ CO 00 o o 1-1 CO lO o cc; (N « o CO -* l- ■^ >rt OJ CO CO CO lO lO 05^ f^H 04" Q o o l~ •M ^ ro -* •* C5 CO 04 0^ 1-1 S5 •^ 33 "* o t~ CD 00 ^ CO ^ [3 COCO I— ■<» o o_ C^ CO CO •a ire o>^ o S I-T 04^ ^ n o VI a bl CJ "3 CJ o o H; /; OJ C o o CO _^ p s r: 5 H H o rH 3 1 1! o o O) ^ S-i s O 3 ^ 1 fey E- ■1 *1 f= 1 QQ ca 1 84 EPITOMS OF PKOCEEDIlSrGS OF THE BOAED OP TRUSTEES. Janua)-y7. iS62. — ^Messrs. IIillek. Eujs, Wilson, "Wight, appointed a Committee on expediency rf introducing physical tnrf"""' '■ " into the Schools. May 6, 1S62. — Messrs. "Walsh, Eujs, Wasox, ilnxKR. appointed Committee oi Arrangements for Annual Examination. May 6, 1862. — Committee on Test Books recommended the pur- chase of — 16 copies of Continental Map of North America, $5 25 S?4 OO 26 copies of Mitchell's Mtip of Xorth America, S4 50 117 00 8 copies of Map of the World, Mercator"s projection, $4 75. 38 00 Adopted June 3, 1S62. Pelton's Oittline Maps wore also ordered for Primary Schools not supplied. July 3, 1862. — Messrs. Wight, WnsoK, Rhees appointed a Commit- tee to examine the hoclcs cftJie Corporation, in order to ascertain what appropriations have been made from time to time for the benefit of the Public Schools. July 3 and July 17, 1862. — Messrs. "Wn^^jr, ilnxER, Holjcead, "Walsh appointed a Committee " to classify schools and fix salaries of teachers.'' Reported plan .July 31, 1S62. July 17 , 1S62.— On motion of ilr. Sir art, Messrs. Eicketts. Mil- LEK, Cassell, Wight, appointed a Committee to '^prepare estimates, to consider what fuel is needed, attendance, cleaning, furniture, re- pairs, stoves, &c., and " aZZ other matters and things ichich tcill Cf/nduce to the health and comfort of the Teachers and Pupils." July 17, 1S62. — Messrs. Morsell, Casselx, Rhees, Wight appointed a Committee to prepare annual report. July 17, 1S62. — Resolution unanimously adopted, on motion of Mr. MnxEB, " requesting the City Councils to tncrfasethe rate of taxation for School purposes in the Tax Bill of 1862 from 10 to 15 cents on 85 the $100, the extra 5 ceuts to be set apart for the erection of School buildings." Messrs. Milijir, Wight, Holmead, and Wilson appointed Special Committee to present this resolution to the Councils. A ugud Q, 1862. — Resolutions unanimously adopted on motion of Mr. Rhees : Whereas it is of the utmost importance that the instructors of our youth should be thoroughly imbued with love of country, and should impress upon the minds of those committed to their care a hatred of treason and rebellion, and that there should be no doubt in the community as to the loyalty of any of the teachers of our Public Schools : Therefore, Resolved, That the following interrogatories be propounded to every teacher now engaged or proposed to be engaged in the Public Schools of Washington : 1st, Do you heartily sustain the Government of the United States in its present efforts to resist and put down the southern rebellion ? 2d. Do you believe that the southern states were justified in secession, or that any State has a right to secede? September 2, 1S62. — On motion of Mr. Miller, Warren's Common School Geography was ordered to be used in all the Schools. Octoterll, 1862.— On motion of Mr. Wilson, Resolved, "That in receiving a scholarship in Columbian College to be bestowed upon the most meritorious pupil of the Public Schools, this Board fully appreciates the benefits resulting not only to the pupil to whom it is awarded, but to the entire Public School system of this city, and that our most sincere thanks are therefore due and are hereby ten- dered for the same," October 11, 1862.— On motion of Mr. Wilson, the following resolu- tions were adopted : Whereas the levying of an additional tax of five cents on the hun- dred dollars, to be devoted exclusively to the purchase of lots and the erection of suitable school buildings thereon, was a most neces- sarj', wise, and liberal act on the part of the City Councils, and should be made available to the Public Schools at the earliest date practicable ; and whereas the organic act establishing the Public School system makes it the duty of the Board of Trustees " to make whatever suggestions from time to time they may conceive proper 8 86 for tbo bettor accomplishmeHt of tlio objects" of said act : There- fore, EesoJved, 1st, That, in the opinion of this Board, the entire amonnt accruing from said tax the present, year should he expended in tho purchase of one lot and the erection of one school building on the same. 2d. That as there is a greater necessit}' for said bnilding in the Third School Dhtrict at the present time tlian in either of the other Districts, it should be located in said Jtistrict. SJ. That a suitable plan for a school building can be selected by persons duly authorized so to do from some of the many published works on School Architecture, and thereby the expense of employ- ing an architect be obviated. 4th. That the lot should be selected and purchased and the work on the bnilding commenced icithoitt delay, in order that the walls may ho constructed and the roof put on before winter sets in. Resohvd, That a Select Committee of four members of this Board, one from each District, be appointed by the President, of which Conunittee he shall also be a member and Chairman; to whom these resolutions shall be referred, with instructions to take such action in the premises as they may judge most etfectual for carrying out the views set forth in these resolutions, and to report progress fi-om time to time to this Board. Eesoh'ed, That His Honor the Mayor be requested to commnnicato a copy of these resolutions to the City Councils, with such sugges- tions as he may see fit to make. Committee to carry out tho object of these resolutions, Messrs. "Wilson, XIiuj:r. Walsh, and Elus. Ofidber 11, 1S62. — Messrs. Rheks, Rickktts, Holmead and 'Wight appointed a committee to prepare " Manual." Octcber 11, 1S62.— On motion of Mr. Miller, "R<'sohvd, That the subject of a Sitpenntendent of Public Schools of this city be referred to a committee of one member from each District, with instructions to report at the next meeting the projet o{ a bill for the considera- tion of the Boaid, and when approved, for transmission to the City Councils. Committee : — Messrs. Miller, Morsell, "Wight, Cassell. Report presented October 14, 1SC2; action postponed. November 11, action postponed. 87 October 11, 1862. — On motion of Mr. Miller, " Resolved, That Book- keeping and Surveying be introduced as proper studies to be pursued in the Grammar Departments, and that S\A'an's Spelling Book shall be used in Secondary Departments of the Public Schools. November 11, 1862. — KeTised Rules and Eegulations presented by Mr. Rhees, read, and ordered to be printed, considered at special meeting December 5th, and iinally adopted December 9. Januarxj 13, 1863. — On motion of Mr. Utermehle, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to hear charges, receive testimony, and inquire into the loyalty of the several teachers of the Public Schools. Messrs. Utermehle, Davis, Holmead, and Wilson, committee. February 10, 1863. — On motion of Mr. Wilson, 12 sets, embracing Nos. 2, 3, 4, 9, and 10, of the Boston Primary School Tablets, and 12 sets of the Maps of the two hemispheres, Map of the United States, and Pelton's Outline Maps, ordered. February 10, 1863. — On motion of Mr. Wilson, the following reso- lutions were adopted : " Whereas, Congress has been so liberal as to place the District of Columbia on the same footing with the Congressional Districts of the United States in reference to appointments in the Military and Naval Academies; and, " Whereas, it is the judgment of this Board that the selection of candidates for those institutions from the Public Schools would in the best manner subserve the ends of justice to the citizens and the interests of the Public Schools, and would at the same time exert a most beneficial influence upon the Public Schools of this city : Therefore, ^^ Resolved, That his Honor the Mayor be requested to take such measures as he may deem proper to procure from his Excellency the President of the United States the appointment to the next vacancy belonging to the District in either of the above-named Academies for the most meritorious pTipil of the 'Male Grammar Schools of this city.' " February 10, 1863. — New forms of blanks adopted, as reported by tlie Committee on Rules and Regulations. March 10, 1863.— On motion of VIr. Wilson, Resolved, That " the Secretary of this Board be required to make up an abstract each 88 month of all the monthly j-eporls of the teachers, iu such form as shall he prescribed by the Committee on Rules and Regulations, and present the same to the Board at the regular meeting next suc- ceeding the month for which the abstract is made." The Sub-Boards are to furnish the Secretary with the monthly reports at least three days before the meetings of the Board. March 10, 1S63. — On motion of Mr. Morsell, it was resolved, " That in addition to the duties imposed upon the Treasurer by the 6th Article of the By-Laws of the Board of Trustees, it shall be his duty to keep an exact account, charging himself with all books, stationery, and other supplies fm-nished by the Committee on Sup- plies, immediately upon theu' delivery to him, at the same time passing his receipts therefor, endorsed on the bills of particulars, which bills must in all cases accompauj' the articles delivered." April 14, 1S63. — On motion of Mr. WiLSOX, eight copies of the last unabridged edition of Worcester's Dictionary were ordered for the Grammar Schools. April 14, 1S63. — Messrs. Wilson, Miller, Walsh, and IIolmead appointed Committee of AiTangements for Annual Examination. May 12, 1S63. — On motion of Mr. TTilso^*, resolution adopted to ask Councils for §400 for purchase of medals and premiums. May 26, 1863. — On motion of Dr. "Walsh, the Mayor was requested to ask the Councils to make an appropriation to furnish a room in the City Hall for tlie use of the Board of Trustees of Public Schools. May 26, 1863. — On motion of Mr. Morsell, Councils were asked to establish eight additional Primary Schools. May 26, 1863. — The following resolutions were offered by Mr. Wilson, and adopted June 9, 1863 : "Resolved, That it is the jiuigment of this Board that the plan adopted and inaugurated the last year, of erecting each year a large and substantial school building, capable of accommodating at least 600 pupils, until there shall be one such building in each Ward of the city, is the most economical and advantageoiis, and in fact the only feasible plan for furnishing suitable school-rooms within a reasonable period of time for the 15,000 school children of this city. " Resolved, That the inferior accommodations of the schools in the 89 First District demand tbat llie next school building should he lo- cated in said district. " Resolved, That the City Councils be urged to authorize the Committee on the Erection of Public School Buildings constituted by the joint resolutions approved October 18, 1862, or to constitute another similar committee with authority to proceed at once to se- lect and purchase a lot in the First or Second Wards of the city, to adopt a plan for a school building, to cause said building to be erected, and make and superintend all necessary arrangements for the same." May 26, 1863.— On motion of Mr. Ellis, it was "Resolved, That the Committee on Accounts and Expenses be and they are hereby instructed to apply to the proper officer of the Government for an equitable I'ent of the various school-houses now occupied by its em- ployees." July 21, 1863. — On motion of Mr. Utermehle, thanks were ten- dered to tlie reporters, &c., of the Evening Star for reports of the examinations of the schools and proceedings of the Board. July 21, 1863. — On motion of Mr. Morsell, the teachers were relieved from the dutj"^ of prejDaring the " Annual Record of De- ficiencies." July 21, 1863 Messrs. Wilson, Rhees, Wight and Cassel were appointed a Committee to Prepare the Annual Report. July 21, 1863. — On motion of Mr. Wilson, a committee was ap- pointed to prepare a plan for rewards of merit and list of medals and premium? for the close of the next school year. Committee — Messrs. AYilson, Utermehle, Davis, and IIolmead. Report adopted September 8, 1863. July 28, 1863. — On motion of Mr. Morsell, it was resolved " That no teacher while in the employ of the Board shall engage in any other lucrative pursuit, under penalty of dismissal." August 25, 1863. — On motion of Mr. Wight, the Committee on Music was authorized to make application through the Mayor to the Councils for an api^ropriation of $1,000 for the salary of the Professor of Vocal Music. August 25, 1863. — On motion of Mr. Wilson, the Committee on Rules was instructed to revise and correct the " Manual.^' •5fr 90 Septeinber S, ISQo. — Awards made bj Committee on Supplies &p- prored : For coal and wood, 1st and 2d Districts F. T. i- W. M. Wilson. '• " 3d District Williams & Jolly. Furniture and miscellaneous articles James Skirving. Books and Stationery TVm. Ballantyne. November 10, 1S63. — A petition was presented from tlie teachers of the Secondary and Primaiy Schools,, asking for an iucreaite of salaiy. On motion of Mr. Holmead, it was Eesolved, That the Councils be urged to increase the salai-ies of all the teachers twenty-live per cent. On motion of Mr. Wilson, it was Resolved, That such "journals and books relating to Public Schools " be subscribed for as shall be directed by the Committee on Text Books, the cost not to exceed $50, to be in the charge of the Secretary. Mr. Ehees proposed the appointment of a " Commission " to visit Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, to ascertain the most recent improvements in school-houses, furniture, &c., and to ex- amine the systems of object-teaching, physical exercise, &c.; also the appointment of a Committee to prepare a plan for a City School Library. On motion of Mr. Wilson, a committee was apiwinted to present claims for rent of the school buildings and rooms occupied by the Government. Messrs. Wilson, Rhees, FuRGrsoN, Holmeap, and Sessford, com- mittee. On motion of Dr. Datis, a Committee was appointed " to purchase the furnituie necessary to properly fitting up in the most comfort- able, economical, and modern style, the new school-house in the Third District, and to ask the Councils for an appropriation for the purpose. Messrs. Davis, Holmead, Wight, and Wrtsox, committee. Ifovember 17, 1S63. — Annual report presented. Report of Committee on Teachers Institute adopted, and 200 copies ordered printed. On motion of Mr. Wilson, the school sessions every alternate Friday were ordered to be suspended at 12 o'clock, to enable ".eichers to attend the Institute. 91 Decemler 8, 1863. — Revised Manual presented by Mr. Rhees ; 500 copies ordered to be printed. Ri;les of the Schools considered ; Article XV, and Rules 60 and 62 •were amended. On motion of Mr. Miller, the proposition of Mr. Henry Barnard to furnish books for a Teachers' Library at a cost of $100, was accepted. It was also ordered that ten copies of twenty-five text books be placed in the library for the use of teachers, and that $10 be expended during the present year for Educational Journals. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. At a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Public Schools held November 10, 1863, the following Preamble and Resolutions were adopted : Whereas, it is the opinion of this Board that the corps of Public School Teachers in this city can be made much more efficient and useful by means of an Association, properly organized, which shall embrace some of the features of a •' Normal School," and in which not only the science of teaching shall be discussed, but the art of teach- ing shall be practically illustrated : Therefore, Besolved, 1st, That a Select Committee of four members, one from each District, be appointed by the President, whose duty it shall be to organize a Teachers' Institute for the purpose set forth in the foregoing preamble. 2d. That said Committee be authorized to prescribe rules and regulations for the government of said Institute, fixing the times of meeting, and requiring the attendance of all teachers, &c. 3d. That said Committee shall also be authorized to employ a suitable person to direct and superintend the exercises, and to give such instructions as may be required by the Committee. 4th. That for the purpose of carrying out the foregoing resolu- tions the sura of $100 is hereby authorized to be paid, in equal pro- portions, out of the contingent funds of the four Districts, upon vouchers approved by the Committee. The Mayor, as President of the Board, appointed the following gentlemen as a Select Committee to carry out the object of the above 0"'» resolutions; viz : Messrs. J. 0. Wn^o:^, >i. H. Miixek, S. B. Fkkgc- 80>-, and J. R Ems. At the first meeting of the Committee they came to the unanimous conclusion to invite Z. KichakdS; Esq., to conduct tlie InstitutCj and present a p!an for the same. At a subsequent meeting the Committee adopted flie following general plan of organization. Ist. That the meetings of the Listitate for the Public Lectures shall be held at the Smithsonian Institution, but that the regular Sessions of the lastitute be private, and held in the room of the Fe- male Grammar School, Second District, 2d. On the days of the meeting of the Institute all the Pabhc Schools shall be closed at 12 o'clock, m. 3d. That the first public meeting for the Introductory Lecture shall be held at the Smithsonian Institution on Wednesday, the 25th of November, at 2 o'clock, p. m., and that the first regular Session be held, as above indicated, at the Female Grammar School Room, corner of E and Tenth streets, on Friday, December 4, 1S63, com- mencing at 13^ o'clock, and that these Sessions be couUuued on Friday of every rJrernate week at the same hour. Mr. Z. KiOHAKDS, having accepted the rnvitatioa of the Commit- tee, presented the following Plan and Order of Exercises for the In stitute, which was adopted by the Committee ; and the Committee having reported the same to the Board of Trustees, the action of the Committee was approved. The following is the Plan and Order of Exercises adopted: 1st, That there be an Opening Lecture by the Conductor at the orgaiiz:ition of the Institute. 2d. That the Conductor of the Institute be authorized to employ as Assistants the Preceptors of the Male Grammar S?l ■^:^-? -^benever assistance may be necessary. 3d. That all the Teachers' names be enrolled at the opennig meet- ing, and a record of their punctuality, attendance, &c., be kept, to be filed with otter papers and rep. : s fc^ t- CO o . -2 g e 3 g i: gg" go iSs^SKt: 00 t- 1-H o rH B 5 o' ^'S CO CO CO OT 3 ^ » O M C5 fc3 ■Co H 52 cq ■M ft Q O -C *^' d c a !?;. © 'fcH o -^ o to rHrHCO ^• IS W CO •;-< (M COCO i^.ss « d 003 O ^-M M •«) lO O O CD O 'JD H CO OO IX 00 00 O H 1-1 i-l i-l fH r-l iH aj to s CJ A H o S cu ■•1 ^^ to e4 rt bD 3 K* «J "3 a •Oci - ~ -^ -^ O "^ 3 — ' to to o a •^ . 3 O 3 3 •^ t> O ,c3 i_ t- 2 (S a O « 53 .2 £?-2 If x^ g' *^ c — — ^ r2 C3 ^ O 96 NIGHT SCHOOLS. r^ -4J P 1 ^ d o O d 3 D c- ^ 12; ^ -< «^ #»-OCOl«eO ; ; ; ; 5^i i IM 00 OD ■>* CO t~ OS iM TjH CO »H : : : : I-* : : : : .a . 0> OO T-ii-iio(Mi-io-*t~ :eo '• ' '• '• r^ : : : : ; rH C5 CO i-H d ITS CO ■* : : : : : O!^ OC-1-COr-l© — t~— e* ; CO ; ; O '*oc'^'£=''aDooooxxa!0«-«5 98 ;>^rHiMNiH«li-ieOr-l : iM (M ■* «0 ■^ CO 5i-l'^i« »^ : lO T-c 00 US jt-0O(M'^C-val Academies 87 Calendar for 1864...................... 3 Census of Washington ..,.,, 83 Certificates of merit 78 City Councils, School Committees of. .....», 7 Classification of Schools .......,,„ 47, 84 Coal and wood, award for 9Q Columbian College Scholarship ,85, 05 Commisgion to visit other cities 90 Committees of City Councils 7 '* Standing, of Board ^ ** Special, of Board ^ Committees, duties of 61 Course of study 68 Deficiencies, record of 89 Desks and chairs 12, 15, 18, 21 102 Duties of officers 58 " Committees 61 Educational Journals 90? 91 Enactments relative to Schools 34 Epitome of proceedings of Board 84 Estimates, &c., Committee on 84 Evening Star, thanks to reporters of. 89 Examination 81 Examination, Committee on 84, 88 Expenditures, 1860—1863 99 Funds, Public School 82 Furnishing room for Trustees 52,88 *' school-house 3d District 90 Furniture, award for 90 Indigent pupils, books for "78 Laws of Councils relative to Schools 34 Laws relative to Schools 34 Establishment of system 34 Endowment fund 35 School tax 36 Protection of Public Schools 37 Act of organization, 1848 38 Organizing Night Schools 44 Exempting Schools from water tax 45 Tax law for 1862 46 Grading Schools and fixing salaries 47 Erection of School-buildings 49 Appropriation for Third District building 50 Medals and premiums ■> 51 Contingent Expenses, Third District Building 51 New Primary Schools 51 Fitting up hall for Board 52 School-house in Fourth District 52 Appropriations for 1863-4 52 Temporary Building, First District 55 Purchase of lot in Fourth District 55 Appropriation for Second District 56 Library, City School 90 Library for Board and Teachers 90, 91 103 List of Teachers 32 List of Trustees, 1864 4 1845—1864 8 Location of schools 12, 15, 18, 21 Loyalty of Teachers 85,87 Manual, Committee on 86, 89, 91 Maps 12, 15, 18, 21, 84, 87 Meetings of Trustees, 1864 3,57 Meetings of Teachers, 1864 93 Music Teacher's salary 89 Night Schools 44, 80 " " statistics 96 Number of children in Washington, 1860 83 Occupations of parents 28 Officers of the Board 11 " duties of 58 Order of Business of the Board 57 Physical instruction. 73, 84 Premiums 51, 88, 89, 94 Primary Schools, new 51, 88 Proceedings of Board 84 Programme of exercises in Schools 75 Pupils — ages, books, attending S. S 14, 17, 20, 23 Pupils, rules for 76 Receipts for 1860-1863 99 Recesses 79 Regulations of the Schools 66 Rent from Government 89, 90 Report, Committee on 84, 89 Reports of Teachers 73 Residences of pupils before coming to Wash'n.... 25 Residences of pupils, 1st District 97 " " 2d District 98 Resolutions, how to be presented 65 Resolutions of Councils relative to buildings 49 Richards, Z., plan for Teachers' Institute 92 Rules and Regulations of Schools 87 Rules for Pupils 76 Rules for Teachers - 71 Hales, 'teviged....... 87, 93 'Salaries of teachers 13, 16, 19, 22, 90 "School building for 1st District 88 ■School building for 3d District 50, 85 School building 3d District, furniture 90 School hours 79, 99 •School-houses, location and size 12, 15, 18, 21 " use of 81 •Schools, number of, and summary of statistics... 24 Secretary, duties of 58 Secretary, monthly abstract by 87 Size of school-rooms 12, 15, 18, 21 ■States where pupils previously attended school... 27 Stationery, award for... 90 Stationery for teachers 73 •Sub-Assistants..... 33, 76 Sub-Boards 60, 88 Summary of statistics 24 ■Sunday Schools — No. of pupils attending, &c 14, 17,20, 23 Superintendent of Schools 86 Supplies, awards made...... 90 Suspension of Pupils 77, 78 Taxation for School Buildings 84 Teachers, alphabetical list and residences 32 Teachers' Institute ., ■. 90, 91 Teachers' Library 91 Teachers, names, educated, appointment, salar- ies 13, 16, 19, 22 Teachers not to engage in any other business .... 89 Teachers, rules for 72 Text Books 69, 73, 85, 87, 88 Treasurer, duties of 58, 88 Trustees, list of from 1845 to 1864 8 Trustees, names and residences, 1864 4 Trustees, 1864, where educated 11 Vacations 80 ;*V.,V-i;:;. .;■■.';". .^/: omni 743 8