T H J5 1899. IMEW ENGIJ^ND RETAIL PRICE LIST LUMBiNG Goods, F»I2IOE^, ^l.SO. COPYRIGHTED. HERBERT E. JENNKON, nTCHBURG, MASS. SECOND GOPV, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. Copyright No.. Shelf.TAilZ ^ ^"" Jy UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, '■i'n 1899. NEW ENGLAND RETAIL PRICE LIST OF Plumbing Goods. I=>RICE, «1.60. COPYRIGHTED. / HERBERT E. JENNISON, /f HTCHBURG, MASS. L . Master Plumbers: In compiling these retail prices, it has been the aim of the author to secure the long prices from the largest and most successful retailers through- out New England, and it is a FACT that the retailers who have had the courage to charge what belongs to them— A FAIR PROFIT— are the ones who have prospered, and stand most respected* 31258 DO THOU LIKEWISE, and you will have a nest-egg for your old age* Don^t be afraid to charge your own friends: they are the ones who should support you, and be the last ones to get a cut price* The margin line is left to insert any needed changes* ^^-J?//Q Wjpeo^^iES ^ecnivEq^espectfulIy, - ^^ - m^ .HERBERT E* JENNISON* APR i« 1899 )) V'^\n^ i{ : INDEX. Closets __-------- 4 Lavatories ----.._.- 12 Bath Combinations- - - - - - - - 15 Wash Trays --------- 17 Country Home - - - - ----- 18 City Cottage --------- 19 Standard Soil Pipe and Fittings - - - - 37 Extra Heavy Soil Pipe and Fittings - - - 38 Vent Pipe ---------- 40 Sinks — Wash Trays — Lead 41 Galvanized Pipe — Brass Pipe, Iron Size — Brass Tubing, Fine Thread ------ 42 Brass Work --------- 43 Boilers ----------- 44 Bath Tubs — Earthenware — Tanks and Seats - 45 Marble ----------- 46 Short Method of Estimating ----- 47 COMBINATION NUMBER 2. No. 2 — Short Hopper with enameled trap, softwood tank, hard wood seat and flush pipe, complete $20.00 COMBINATION NUMBER 3. Xo. 3 — Combined Hopper and Trap, with hardwood seats, soft wood tank and flush pipe, floor flange and gasket, complete $23.00 COMBINATION NUMB:ER 4. No, 4 — Same bowl as Combination No. 3, with flange and gasket, hardwood seat with hard- wood tank and N. P. flush pipe $30.00 COMBINATION NUMBER 5. No. 5 — Washout bowl with same details as No. 4, complete $33.00 COMBINATION NUT,IBKR 6. No. 6 — Wash-down syphon bowl with flange and gasket, hardwood tank with back board, N. P. supiDly and flush pipes, with slip joint, ivory pull and N.P. chain guide, complete $37.00 COMBINATION NUMBER 7 No. 7— Syphon Jet bowl with flange and gasket, hardwood seat atta hed to bowl, hardwood tank with back board, N. P. supply and flush pipes, ivory pull and N. P. chain guide, complete $45.00 10 COMBINATION NUMBE^R 8. No. 8 — Washout bowl (large) with flange and gas- ket, hardwood seat attaehed to bowl, and all other details same as No. 7, complete $37.00 11 COMBINATION NUMB:ER 9- No. 9^Lo\Y Down, Syphon bowl, with flange and gasket, hardwood seat attached to bowl, •hardwood low down tank and full N. P. connections including slip joint and bottom supply, complete $37.00 I/AVATORY NUMBE;R 2,. Complete, as shown $20.00 with straight waste to floor without trap 17.00 T.AVATOKY NUMBER 4. 14. X 17 Bowl, 20 X 26 Marble 15 X i 9 " 22 X 30 $22.00 28. Ou 14 RHCKSS I/AVATORY NUMBIER 7- 14 X 17, 20 X 26 Marble 15 X 19, 22 X 30 $25.00 30.00 15 BATH COMBINATION NUMBi^R 4. 5 ft. Steel Glad Copper 51/2 ^t. *' $25.00 30.00 16 BATH COMBINATION NUMB:ER 8. 5 ft. Knamcl, with trimmings 0V2 ft. $35.00 40.00 For prices, see page 41, 18 A COUNTRY HOME. We print this plan to show people living at a distance from pressure water, how they can have the modern conveniences. The cesspool is not shown, but should be located about 40 feet from the house. 19 A CITY COTTAGE. /r./fAp. PLAN OF SINGLE TENEMENT HOUSE, With full set of Fixtures. 20 FALSE ECONOMY. In estimating the contract price for work, figure on the basis of £rst-class fittings, ma- terial and workmanship. Inferior work should not be done at any price. In many cases the ''lowest bidder' \ in his over-anxiety to secure a contract, finding that he has promised more than he is able to perform without pecuniary loss, casts about to find some secret place where he can economize in materials or workmanship, or both. In due time the results of this economy will manifest themselves, and the sequel prove that, instead of having been the lowest y he was really the highest bidder, as the recon- struction necessary to render the job satis- factory often necessitates an outlay equal to the original ^'lov^est bid", not to mention the annoyance incident thereto. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 2 in. Pipe 3 •* " 4 " " 5 " " Double hub pipe, same price. 2 in. Trap 3 " " 4 *.' .. 2 " T or Y, or T-Y 3 .. .. 4 " '♦ 2 '• Double T or Y, or T-Y 3 .. 4 " 2 ** Bend or Double Hub 3 .. .. 4 •* " 2 •' Vent Branch 3 .. 4 *' 2 " Otfset 3 " 4. •• Vent Cap or Increaser, any size Reducer, any size Plug, any size, D FITTING. .15 .18 .24 .30 .60 .90 1.25 .45 .60 .90 .75 1.00 1.26 ^ .30 .40 .50 .75 1.00 1.25 .50 .75 1.00 .60 .40 .25 SH 1 BXTRA HKAVY SOII, PIPE; AND ' FITTINGS. 2 in. Pipe .21 3 •* •• .33 4 •♦ " .45 5 •• •' .60 2 in. Trap 1 1.00 3 ** 1.50 4 «• - 2.00 5 " 3.00 2 " Tor Y. orT-Y .60 3 " '• 1.00 ^ ti " Long ** 2.00 4 •* ** Y 2.50 INCIDBNTAI^S XJSl^D WITH SOIi; PIPING. 2 in. End Cleanouts, Iron Body .60 .76 1.00 1.25 .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 7.00 9.00 .50 .75 1.25 1.00 1.25 1.50 .50 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 3 ** (( (< t( 4 •• << «i 4< 5 ♦• «i «( n 6 ' (< it << IV4' Trap, Bottle or Clean Sweep iy2' «.< it .i 4 ' Lead Bend Block Tin Pipe per lb. 2.50 2.75 3.50 3.50 4.25 5.50 12.00 14.00 16.00 5.00 10.00 20.00 18.00 30.00 5.00 30.00 1.00 .10 .10 .07 .10 .04 2.00 3.00 4.00 1.00 1.25 2.00 .60 42 GAI.VA.NI^£;D PIPBv y2 in. Pipe, per foot ■ .10 3/^ - - - '' i '^^ ^ '• Fittings, each .12 3/4 - ; .18 14 *' Union, each .25 % " " .30 BRASS PIPIS, IRON SI^;B. y2in. Pipe, per foot .40 • / i< (< (< (( .45 54 " " Nickeled, per foot .55 .60 H " '• " " *' 14 " Fittings, Rough, each .40 .45 ^ " Return Bend*' .60 1/2 '* Union, Finished .60 H " " .90 V2 *' Fittings '* .80 ^ - .90 .95 3/2 " *' Nickeled 3^ - 1.05 Brass Coil instead of Water-front, single loop 5 00 Brass Coil, double loop, or single loop i extending on back of fire-pot 8.00 BRASS TUBING, FIN:^ THRBAD. % in. Tubing, per foot .25 M " " " " .30 , 5/8 " " Nickeled, per foot .40 ' ^ a a „ n «. .45 % " F. T. Fittings, Rough, each .25 % " '' ' ; .30 y^ " " Union, Finished, " ! .50 M " '' .75 % " ** Fittings, 1 .50 43 BRASS TUBING, FIN^ THREAD. (Contintted.) 5i in. P. T. Fittings, Finished, each H '♦ " " Nickeled, BRASS WORK. y2 in. Stop and Waste, Rough 5/8 - - - 9/ (( (< «« << i< -| (« it H <( (( 14 ** stop, Comp. or Lever, Finished 14 " " " " Nickeled a/ (( (( (( (< <( ^ •• Sill-Cock, Nickeled H ** Plain or Hose Bibb, Finished, g/ <( (t << it n V2 " " *' " Nickeled Extra for Stuffing Box, each •* Croton Filter, " if Flange Bibb " " *' Nut and Bent Coupling Basin Cock, 2-arni 4-arm Extra for Stuffing Box '* *• N. P. Supplies to floor, each Pantry Cock, each Double Bath Cock, hot and cold Extra for N. P. Supplies to floor, pair Ball Cock, any kind Boiler Valve Vacuum ** .60 .66 .75 1.25 1.76 I 1.75 ) 2.50 1.25 1.75 i 1.25 1.75 1.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.25 1.50 1.75 .50 .35 .25 .75 1.50 1.75 .50 1.50 3.00 4.00 3.00 2.50 1.00 1.00 44 I BRASS WORK. (Continued.) Cage Valve 2.00 Syphon " 3.00 Slow-Closing Valve 4.00 Water-Front Couplings, per set 1.50 Hopper Cock . 1.50 Hopper Clamp, each ' .20 Basin " " j .20 Basin Plug * 1.00 Bath " .50 Wash-Tray Plug j 1.25 5 in. Brass Cesspool 2.00 ^2 " Solder Nipple .25 li - " - .35 1 *' '♦ " .40 11^'* '* '* .50 IV2 " " " -07 Brass Bibb Thimble .15 N. P. Chain, per foot .05 N. P. '' Stay. No. 2 .50 N. P. Basin Waste, straight 3.00 N. P. *• Trap and Waste 5.00 N. P. ** Brackets. Iron, per pair 2.00 N. P. ** " Brass, " " 4.00 BOII/IBRS. 30 gal. Galvanized 13.00 40 •' " 15.00 20.00 27.00 18.00 20.00 35.00 45.00 1.25 60 *' ** 80 ** n 30 " Copper, Cistern 40 " <( (< 30 ** " Pressure 40 " (t li Boiler Stands 45 BATH TUBS. 12 oz. Common Copper, complete with Trimmings 15.00 14 ditto ditto 17.00 16 ditto ditto 19.00 5 foot Steel Clad, complete with Trimmings 25.00 5V2 ditto ditto 30.00 5 foot Stock Enameled Iron, complete with Trimmings 35.00 5y2 ditto ditto 40.00 Above are with Plug and Chain. KARTHBNWARB. « Short Hopper Bowl 4.00 Combined Hopper and Trap 10.00 Washout 12.00 Wash-down Syphon 15.00 Jet Syphon 18.00 Urinals List Basin 12, 13, 14, 15 in. 2.00 14x17 2.50 " 15 X 19 3.00 TANKS AND SBAT.S. Closet Tank and Trim 'gs, softwood 6.00 hardwood 10.00 Attic Tank and Trimmings, 40 gal. 15.00 " 60 ** 20.00 Hard Wood Seat and Legs 4.00 ** " " " Back 4.00 " attached to bowl 5.00 46 MARBIyB. Italian Slabs, plain, % in. per foot '• 134 " " " " countersunk, % in. per foot " 114 " " Knoxville or Tenn., plain, % ** " '* '• 114 " " " ** " countersunk, %in. per foot " ** countersunk, 114 ill- per foot No deduction for use of stock code sizes. GBNBRAI^. Water Front, Iron, straight " angle Water Pressure Regulator, minimum Enameled Slop Safe Closet Pull, common Labor, per day of 9 hours, two men Labor, less than full day, 2 men, per h'r ** " " "journeyman" it u it a u helper " , 1.00 : 1.20 1.35 1.45 I 1.25 * 1.40 1.50 1.65 5.00 7.00 12.00 1.50 .25 6.00 .75 .50 .25 4.7 Short Method of Bstimating:. Re- tail Con- nec- ted Pro- fit ROUGHING. 1 Tenement 75 20 2 100 25 3 *♦ 150 35 4 175 40 6 200 50 Base is 1 Sink, 1 Closet, 1 Basin, 1 Bath. Add for each extra fixture 15 3 4 Ten. Hopper, Roof Line 25 5 Q << H (« (( 35 7 2 in. Conductor Outlets 6 1 3