ow =r Se ee SS “ - oo. ao
List of Members of the Awenibly ‘chosen at the late Gene-
ral Election: upon a Dissolution, the late Assembly having ad-
hered to the Act of Supply passed by the Three Branches of the
Colonial | ——. in 1825, with notices of the different
Members, &e,,..
‘County of GASPE’.
Robert Christie, Adyocate, * and Proprietor in Quebec,
Chairman Quarter Sessions, Quebec. Native of .. Nova
Scotia, resident in Quebec. New Member, elected after a Poll.
Mr. Poiré, formerly of Gaspé, unsuccessful Can¢idate. Po-
pulation of the County by Census 1826—6425.
: Joseph Robitaille, extensive. Landholder, native Lower- Canada,
Ancienne Lorette. Served in eight Parliaments,
Jeep Ee Levasseur Borgia, senior Advocate, Quebec Bar, native of
Canada; ‘and resident there. Served in six Par-
¥ Both of the majority on the Finance Question, Elected
without opposition. Population 20,012.
County of DEVON.
J. B. Fortin, cultivating Proprietor ; native of Lower-Canada,
of the. County and. resident there. Served in seven Parliaments.
J. C. Letourneat, Notary and Proprietor ; native of Lower.Ca-
nada, Riviére du Sud, and resident in the County.
Mr. Fortin was of the majority, Mr. | etotivnéen new Mem-
ber. Elected after a Poll. Major: of the County the
former Member of three Parliaments, and of the minority, and
Daniel McCallum, Advocate, Quebec, the. RERneseeye! Can.
didates. Population 11,934. '
. County of HERTFORD.
Frs. Blanchet, Physician, Seigneur and Landholder.. Native of
Lower-Canada, of ‘the’ County, at Riviere da Sud, resident in
Quebec, Served six Parliaments. —
N. Boissonnault, Trader and Landholder. Native of Lower-
Canada, of the County, at Riviere du Sud, resident in Quebec.
Served one Parliament.
Both of the majority, elected without opposition. oe
tion 14,044. ge
Louis Laguéewr, Advoéate and Landholder. Native of Lower.
Canada, Quebec, and resident there. Served three Parliaments.
Joseph Samson, Tavernkeeper and Fur Trader, Proprietor and
resident in Quebec. Native of Lower-Canada, of the County
' at Pointe Levi.
or Mr. L x was of ‘the majority. Mr. Samson a new
. dhismber, “tateotediafon- a Poll; unsuccessful Candidate John
as Dare mene Re Re pont Te
of ‘five arliaments. of 't inor Population "19,767.
| (2 ~ be» County. of Soy gone a .
Zouis Bowrdages, Notary and extensive, Landho native o
tee Quebec, resident St.. Denis... Served in seven
Parliaments. "
of eek -Canada
two Purtiaments,
. B. Prout, ‘cultivating Proprietor. | “Nativ
1 cet Si ese Rca
= ee cali Rout Bp ositign.” -Popula.-
L or Wa” ENRY.
. Deis. om of “LoWver-Cana-
New. ier 23 -< 4 Ut
a ; unsticcessful “Caine, J: Stuart, At-
UCHELTEU. 1! 12.
J. Dessaulles; ‘eeahny" sanebe: pea Peelatue:2 Native of
_Lower-Canada, resident in the County, at Sti: er gar se Ser
2 De St, Parliamentso. God sods “ei mes! vc of
ay Sn: AE Ae OY ne ain and Landholder. “Native of
, Served in one. ong whose fosutD : edras 1oF
. .Batbof. the majority} Sechelt aabest opposition. “Popotas
(ppeeetonws _23ulias—7 OTT ea tort? asds ezel 210
on) :oxee. County “of BEDFORD.
Herlel ‘De «Rowley wealthy Seigneur and Landholde. Served
ti mages Parliament. rortet i900} 9
the majority, dhbetechaivisdious oppositicn.:: Siwiiiatien
County of SURREY.
| Amiot. yee and Proprietor, Native of Lower-Cana-
Tors I Ureoee, Ven he Cot ve Parliaments.
ex is : Papineau Ridvocete Montreal "Bar* and Seigneur; late
Native of Lower-Canada, Montreal, and resident
there. " feived eight Parliaments.
Both of the majority ; elected without opposition. Mr. Mas-
= > sue, the former ember, and of the majority, having proposed
eS Mr. Papineau in his stead. Population 11,573.
“~ Lothar
Le JoP au, the same elected for Surrey...) 48
Robert Nelson, Physician and Proprietor. Natives of lapeer:
‘Canada, Sorel; resident in: Montreal.” New’ Member.
_. Blected after a Poll, in whieh Mr.MeGill, merehantja native
of Scotland, and Mr. Delisle of ‘Montreal, Clerk ‘ot the Peace,
were the ae Candidates. Population, of both Wards
22,35 ve .
evilen 301811 10 Coumty of: MONTREAL. . at HX
Joseph Perrault, cultivating Proprietor. Nativerof Iuowerk Chma-
da, Montreal, resident near Montreal. Served 3’ Parliaments.
Joseph’ Valois, Proprietor, formerly trader. Native of cower.
Canaday District of a angeren resident in Montréal.» Served
three Parliaments: © 6» Vv
Both ‘of the majority’; elected aftaten' Pol; cin athigh aM f.
Grant, Advocateof: Montreal) was the unsuccessful: Candidate.
Seip erparae: County including ‘Town, 37,085. fs bsteele
‘County of YORKe jolecrod bao
Ja es Labrie, Physician and Proprietor. Native of « Hoter-
anada, St. Pierre, sHetrict of RPICiery resident in the County,
Riviére du Ghéne. «> 9%
J. Be Lefebure, * Trader re “Peoptletor; of Vauineil “ins the
County. Both newsMembers; elected afteraPolls seen)
-o Mr. Simpson, ‘a native of London, Collector of the ‘Cuitonis
at Coteau ‘du Lac, who seryed in one Parliament; and Mr,
Dumont, Seigneur of St. Eustache, who served in six .1Parkia-
-oments, being theuitsuctessful Candidates; both of the menotes
20n the Finance ion. “Population: 30,096. wool tit
JebibosQoubtyof EFFINGHAM, 604) 0% a
Ovide Turgeon, Proprictoro< “Native of Lower-Canada, and of
the County, iwherd hé'resides, agen’ one Parliament. Of the
o majority! ons «
Ay Papineau) onsale Sees Native of LoxersCansta,
of the County where he resides. New! Meniber. 2:29 |
' Blecte@ without oppoSitions MreDe Monti the fornia
ac Member of the majorivy: bavint -dechineas) Population 24,921,
County uf LEINSTER (009: :
Baurent Lerowr, Merchatit amd wealthy eer , Native of
« Lower-Canada; and besident atl Assomptions cm 90) fo ols
-i Julien Poirier, calti gating Proprietor, Siveditrd idonees Ganada
of the County and resident _ther@, “instead'of Messrs: Rochon
and Courteau, the’ Pormeér: rsr‘s; ‘of the _manorny, who
-l were Candidate S.201S!t7 4 iL boacaadawNM ots: 4
--. Bothonew «Members; dlected after a Poll," ab vido abbut
5000 votes were taken. All the Candidates were “in*favoutiof
‘the ae a of the Assembly); butdiffered’ — Purely
local) \Popblation- 19,757» yer
County of WARWICK»: +
J Deligny,< Merehant >and «Proprietor... Native: of» ‘ower.
Canada, at Quebec, resident in the ome at Beribdere “Ser- ;
ved ‘four. Parliaments. “SLilCSos2 .s12cc si. . sabe “
dllevis Mousseau, cultivating Proprietor. Native of amelie
nada, and of the County in which he is resident. Served two
Mr. eT was of the majority. Mr. Mousseau was not in
the last Assembly ; elected after a Poll, instead of Dr. Barbier.
Mr. Morrison being the unsuccessful Candidate. Population
County of St. MAURICE.
Pierre Bureau, Trader and Proprietor. Native of Lower-Cana- ;
da, Ancienne Lorette, District of Quebec. Served three Par-
Charles Caron, cultivating Proprietor. Native of Lower-Canada,
of the County, Machiche, Served one Parliament.
Of the majority elected after a poll. M. Hart, Three Ri-
vers, unsuccessfil Candidate. “Population 21,066.
Borough of THREE RIVERS.
P. B. Dumoulin, Advocate, and extensive Proprietor; native
of Lower-Canada,,District of Three Rivers, resident at ‘Three
Rivers... .NewsMcmber.
C. R. Ogden, Solicitor-General ; native of Lower, Canada, Que-
tae ssident Montreal. Served three Parliaments.
*'Elected after a poll, in which A Berthelot, member of the
majority, of the late Assembly, was the unsuccessful Candi.
date. .M. Ogden was of the minority, and elected in opposi-
tion to M.,Dumoulin in 1826, instead of M. Renvoyzé, de-
ceased. Population 2453.
ied voo-g, County of HAMPSHIRE.
FX. Larue, Natary and Landholder ; native of Lower-Canada,
of the County, resident at Pt. aux Trembles. Served two
Parliaments. |,
John Cannon, a wealthy proprietor, native of Newfoundland, re-
sident Quebecs. New Member.
M. ries was of mes wot toot Elected after a poll, in
which M, Drolet, the former Member, also of the.majority;.and
M. Donen, of St. Anne, were the unsuccessful Candidates.
Population 13,312.
County of QUEBEC.
J. Neilson, Proprietor,)(formerly printer and bookseller, Que-
bec); native of Scotland, resident at St. Foy, in the County.
Served four Parliaments. ?
Michel Clowet, matehand and, Proprietors native of Lower-Ca-
nada, Beauport, in the County, resident at Quebec. Served
- awo ‘Parliaments.
Both of the majority. Elected after a Poll, inwhich G. H.
Ryland, of the Executive Council Office, son of the Hon. H.
W. Ryland, was the unsuccessful Candidate. . Population, in-
cluding city, 28,623. : ;
City of QUEBEC.—Upper Town.
J. R. Vallieres de St. Real, Advocate and Proprietor ; native
of Lower-Canada; Quebec, and resident. » Served four
Parliaments, ) )
Andrew Stuart, Advocate and Landholder ; native of Upper-
»» Canada,resident Upper Town. Served four Parliaments.
M. Vallieres was of the minority on some of the Resolutions
» on the Finance Question, but voted: to adhere to the Act of
» Supply of 1825...M. Stuart was. of the minority. They were
elected after a poll, in which M. Vanfelson, Advocate Gen.
and M. Berthelot, who represented Three Rivers in the jlast
Parliament, and voted with the majority, were the unsuccessful
Candidates. . Population, 10,188.
City of QUEBEC.—Lower Town: :
Jean Belanger, Notary and Proptietor ; native of Lower-Canada,
Quebec resident... Served one Parliament. . |
T. A. Young, Auditor of Public Accounts, and Proprietor; na-
‘tive of bower-Ganaday- Quebec; wesident. ..Served one Parlia-
ment. f bay ta: ; in. at 4
M. Belanger was of the majority, M. Young of the Mino-
rity. Elected after a poll;.in which T. Lee, formerly member
for Northumberland,’ was the unsuccessful Candidate. Popu-
‘o lation 10,198 for both towns 20,336. : :
en) 7 County of NORTHUMBERLAND, .
M.P. De Sales Lateriere, Physician and Seigneur; native of
Lower- Canada, Quebec, resident Eboulements, in the County.
Served one Parliament. seek 4 ; :
E. C. Lagueury. Marchand and Proprictor; native of the
County, residewt Quebec, . Member of several Parliaments for
the same County.'/ 0) °°
.» oM. De Sales Laterriere was. of the majority... Mr, Fraser.
also of the majority, declined. Elected after a poll, T. Lee.
a8 formerddember for the County, being the unsuccessful Can-
didate. .. Population 11,210.
co 4, County of ORLEANS,
Frangois Quirotiet, Merchant and Proprietor; native of Lower-
» Canada, Quebec, residents. Served in three Parliaments. Po-
pulation 4,022.05 co hibeel!) ev.
1. (In nearly: ali.the Counties, Candidates in opposition to the
Members of the Majority, were announced, but. they did. not
appear, or declined a poll.)
* These Advocates either do net practice, or only on particu-
jar oecasions.
pp _All the Members, excepting two or three, possess
a - : of
real estates of the value of £3000 and.upwards. They have no
pay. The average disbursements, occasioned by attending during
one Parliament, for members residing at a distance, ts from £100
to £200. It will be observed, that of the fifty members thirty.
three are nativesof, or reside in the districts of Quebec and Three
Rivers, and Gaspé,containing only about a third of the populatidn.
Frequent attempts have been made, on the part of the Adminis-
tration, toexcite in the House local jealousies# ‘but they have
always failed both with the members and the Country:
» aii tr
21 Counties, 3 of which send only 1 Member eat Sey
2 Cities, 4 Members each .......2,.:.5. EEN Psd Phy poe
S*RIOTOUBUD. Lites cress cs teesee tk eee aie
See 9,
Natives of Lower- Canada,..e...:222. ag OMS
Of Great Britain «2.2... 2 5 :
Other British Dominions cccrened ovingonekel
In the places they represent’):..2..,. 35
Not resident, but Natives of do. 8-43
Non- Residents & unconnected by birth 7
_ Laudholders and Proprietors tiving on
. their'itieomnes ©0722). )75, 8 Soha 1Z
' “Cultivating Proprietors: 6 719
Merchants and Commission Merchants “3
Ditto in the intetnal trade’ 2. 9—12
Practising Advocates © A2.)2.2.050 02 bee,
Notaries 008 AAR Re BS 4
Physiclaas 4.800545, Seog S 2® 5—169
In Public Employments ~~ ..... Fe RS AES Bi Sn acsiag ase: Mi
) {ion
Church of Rome
eee eee DOH F SC eee terete ee eer eaeaeseee 42 ’
ee England 1S ooh, peer e 5
ne Scotland oe 2 :
ms Uneertaiti oo 1 oad
og xy ‘,
Country (or cligue according to” the..admi- 19%
istration writers) «i. )..0clj.0a.. new dl.. 46
ee aE OO Of CNCrLY BAM IMISALION MEN Bodo orte tee
ccasional NG £TAIS ES AE. 165. cb Dogan §Q
~~ (The real’ number of individuals elected. is only 49) oneis
therefore classed on supposition.) 2. >> ls nee |
Messrs. J. Stuart. Attorney General, (for Sorel rejected.) -
«Ogden, Solicitor ¢ enera) (for Three Rivers re-elected.)
Taschereau, Police Magistrate (for Gaspé replace by
Mr, Christie.)
Young, Auditor of Provian. Accounts (for L. T.. re-elected
Simpson, Collector at Coteau (for County York rejected.)
Davidson, Warden of Forests( ounty Dorchester rejected
Dumont, Seigneur St. Eustache (County York tected}
Cag om Proprietor, ayn eae eee meee
A. Stuart, Advocate, Upper Town, (re-elected,) ‘
The Electors, excepting:in towns and boroughs, are all ‘Frde-
holders; the Population is about 600,000, eleven twelfths aprie’
cultural, and one«twelfth professions and Trades and public’ ema
ployments. Nativesof Lower~Canada about eighth-ninthss 0Ca-
tholics, nine-tenths; Church of England and Scotland, about
half of this tenth. . The agriculturists hav. ‘about fourteen men -
bers less than their share ; natives two less; professidiis *aud
trades six over; Catholics two'less' than their share; Church of
England double its share; Scotland its share ; other’ protestants.
none. Distinctions on these heads have been attempted, but did
not prevail during the late election. TO
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