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POG ty Se Ms, hay wage po OOM hig giao d ee ee a ee = a atta tee vat e™ letg Kado agome nuttned yullp-Sinindth, coh Ae tet oe cee ees ae ies ae, Oe ee ee a a, Pier Fe A ae 2 * ewe A ne * es — ~~ «- fa oe uP ee - we Be Fup tate Oe Me ee + ah viet rep icant te cena Vapi > a > | “ee tay tig Pe Pa ye yy as = r a — ~ - iy > « ee in ti te 4% +e — ; ne ge Me, 5 ® apt & ~ Pee pains See ee ae ee oe, ees yaaa Et Be 6 ty le ek PO Oe Rey me Re ee Oy ORR Sr id Se U2 Te. SO ROE? SOMO OS CT | nein ty Pep ou ae ee * ee be Rane in eo vty a, Pn on ee = ee ar ite psy Fre ety te ee PO Me ey, hg Ps ay Py Be qe 3 tig ey Her oe ety ey Sept Pape Ne ey Ge ty ae % » Z Rr ee, “4 ain ; Sei wee %- vd Red ? rite a “ ie 2 ene > se ee ee \ le Reet werent > pie! ~~ hp oO te We eS OR, a RO Ge ey, Mpeg” Os O48 Fe OA ee Op tO le tinting oye hy 9 i ee ei Bi a 2 > i ‘: . > Apatite th, Boy tee ee Pi en ain Ms te ene Ee ath ha eh RES Sate tee tee ow Re Hanly Treg eee Se ary y By Ng eng 2 tare & ve he ts rt ay yg ee eT Se Pee “ : CE a ae ely Eh ee 5 ¥ ; — ee ee oe = od, re ve Pe» ~ ae BA a athe S f nie * pa ee ee ee ee ae Bel -- 9 Rt es re ee 8 OO" rere Kom rs OP a et aE witht i Sg ae an RS NE ee Rte i eh Rec g ye Pig Qe en i IE NE Ae Sere att en vere ee Rg Oe prt Ric tra ne ay tog” Dea ee en OE a yg Ve re ce ts .. ae 4 se wm Pia ee oe nd Ge oe ee w Sees ay A eS ee ee ve ae ee Sie thay POT SAF OG Od Oy mg 4g “. 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Be pny PO gor ig dD, “eG iC oe . tig ny oy = ee a Fac hay ter ae ‘ |, oo me wt He Me ee me pel aye os eee, ee i ns —- © (rs or die ae ee ae ae ee i DalaeGtun ch ane : 5 af eee eRe _ “tt i indie; 2 ee ee oe ais oy Se ee en 5 ae Oe Mee ; Oe RO ei ae SP ee ne :> ee Oe OR Oe Mere OU — x Sane ~e >- ae ; . ih Sa — en, ? - - Ds ~ > . ,- > 7 - se yal t pad, 6 Bs bs “a a ee pa & SS ee — A tt ad —s sa, McGILL UNIVER- kh 2. eee LIBRARY DAVIS DAINTY DISHES Published by THE DAVIS GELATINE ORGANIZATION Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, England Editions 1-8 - - - 1922 to 1937 Revised Edition- - . . 1938 Reprinted - - - . . 1939 Revised Edition - - - 1941 Reprinted - - - - - 1942 Reprinted - - - - - 1945 IMPORTANT The liquid measures of all recipes in this book are Imperial—the legal Canadian standard. If your measur- ing cup is graduated according to American Wine pints, you will be using 1/5th less liquids than intended and the resulting jelly will be rather too firm. This added firnness is an advantage when unmoulding, but the jelly shosld remain at room temperature for a 3 hour before serving to allow it to soften to a palatable consistency. Should you be in doubt whether your cup is Imperial or Wine measure, just follow the recipe as given without ad¢ing any extra liquid, but glance in your ice-box or refrigerator a full 3 hour before the meal and remove the elly if stiffer than it should be. Cavis Gelatine comes to you already measured in envelopes, however, if you have some favourite recipes, not ncluded in this book, use 1 envelope Davis Gelatine wherever 1] tablespoon gelatine is called for. Al recipes given in this book are based on the exact strength of Davis Gelatine packed in the Davis cartons and satisfactory results cannot be relied upon if other brards of gelatine are used. ( For other instructions see pages 55 and 56) NE always finds fascination in history, be it the tale of a people or the story of a food. In the story of foods, Davis Gelatine holds a unique place, for in a score of years it has become known in the majority of homes of the chief countries of the British Empire and many lands beyend. It is sought for its usefulness; appreciated for its food value and high protein content, its facililation of the digestive process, its enrichment of every dish which it helps to fashion and the pleasure and simplicity which it brings to meal preparation. No other food has just those properties which gelatine possesses, and these commend it as an irgredient which aids and adds to the utilization o natural foods . . . No edible product could be manufac- tured under more exacting or desirable conditions, and no expense is spared to make Davis Gelatine so pure that it is unchallenged by the most stringent Pure Food Laws. ... So great has teen the interest in Davis Gelatine and so diverse the homes in which it is used that it has been necessary to print this new Cookery Book in five different languages—English, French, German, Afrikaans, and Portuguese. . . . For the millions cf house- wives and chefs to whom Davis Gelatine is indis- pensable, we have compiled this new issue, and if it is of assistance in their en- deavours to present nourishing food in its most attractive form we shall be happy in having achieved so much. INDEX RELISHES AND APPETISERS Page ee ci oat OT rr 8 Jellied Horseradish Sauce. .... 9 Jellied Parsley Sauce......... 10 oe Ee US Or 5 ARE et 10 Orange Appetiser...........- 8 SPICOR) BCCETOOL, <5 obs ev wes 8 MEAT DISHES PRB ONOWE GEES fc5)d ses Wis bisiee ee d's 15 Beet Paws ies ods Fae o' 11 Chicken Mousse............. 12 Chicken MOUG y 566 moks s ovces 14 Corned Beef and Celery Loaf.. 12 PARC OMCY pits ss wrecks bee law's 11 Ree tg crt RS ciclecics @ 14 LCP Bn sta Dds roy wi hesers 15 Macaroni Sausage Shape..... i SED LORCUE: NLOUIG os ss cose « sala 9 Shrimp or Crabmeat Salad.... 14 DETHALO TAO Aiken's aides % 11 Vo GN IE EY A, a ee 15 Windsor Sausage in Jelly. 12 FISH Preis Fee eal efi cca ok 16 Pie VCO POA. 5. wud eta e -26 Herrings in Tomato Sauce.... 16 ed Bete hie € oe [| | ee a 17 Salmon Pace LOAE.s ccs awa 2 17 Shrimp or Crabmeat Salad.... 14 Tine) Fish Goat. oi cc alie es 18 Pe PIS AAG sc ae ces eds 18 SALADS Asparagus Tip Salad......... 19 AICI SAlGd . os ves ee eee | LAD Beetroot Mould..........0.. 24 PAPGiNAl GIA. 6. code eden 18 Cherry Ripe Salad. is. iiis.4. 22 See Se eg fat) 19 Cream Cheese Salad......... 22 OS 22 Green Pea Salad...........- 26 OSA N OC) 20 DMint Jeuy Cubes... 0... 6.26 23 OTPANGe SANG jo bcius heer 5 3 23 RAVOW AalAGh. «oink ee whee ers 24 Spiced Cherry Relish........ 20 String Bean Salad... «5 40G65 25 Tomatoesin Mint Jelly...... 25 Tewmato Jelly . cies soles pats 25 Vegetable Salad............. 23 Viennese Salad... : Cis cule oo Maree 3) Lemon Bavarian (Lemon Juice iil Crean) < .o.4:swcele ace em 37 LeTRbe JON hic bares 37 Lemon Sponge (Lemon Juice and Egg Whites)........ 37 Deh WV BENS 68-5 0) eee Cac 37 ETI DONG 6 5d :5 ahh ciew eretea ek 41 Orange Egg Cream........+. 41 Prune Gateat sonics ac vse 47 MAWBATD TOMY .4+ Gasca acess 47 Spanish Cream (Milkand Eggs) 48 te OTS. Unk cla 4s & ok ae 46 INDEX SUGGESTIONS FOR CHILDREN’S DESSERTS Page Angels’ Food (Milkand Eggs). 28 Apple and Prune Dessert Banana Cream Butterscotch Sponge (Milkand Chocolate Blanc Mange (Milk) 31 Iegg Jelly (Egg Yolks)....... 32 Fruit Salad in Jelly Golden Parfait (Eggs, Honey, PEW PUEICOD. 6 itn och eetasdss 33 Grape Juice Jelly Honey Jelly Lemon Jelly Lemon Sponge (Lemon Juice, Egg Whites) Lemon Whip Milk Jelly Orange Egg Cream.......... Pineapple Jelly Prune Gateau Rhubarb Jelly Spanish Cream (Milkand Eggs) 48 Tangerine Jelly USING LEFT-OVERS Chicken Mousse Corned Beef and Celery Loaf... Ham Loaf Macaroni Sausage Shape Tomato Brawn Fish in Jelly Salmon Rice Loaf Coffee Jelly Cream Cheese Salad Delicacy Salad Orange Salad Savoy Salad Apricot Puff Blossom Cream Fruit Salad in Jelly Loganberry Sponge Mayflower Mould Oriental Cream LG Ces ee + gt eae el > PN Pineapple Jelly Plum Bavarian RECIPES REQUIRING MILK Angels’ Food (1 pint)........ Banana Cream (1144 cups).... Butterscotch Sponge (134 cups) Carrington Mould (1 cup).... Charlotte Russe (lcup)....... Chocolate Blanc Mange (1% Christmas Plum Pudding (2 CUDS) >... :.:0.0 8 64s ee Coffee Souffle (1% cup) Cream Fillings for Cakes (1 cup) Custard Ice Cream (1 cup)... Exeter Cream (1 cup) Fish Rice Cream (4 cup) .... Gipsy Bavarian (34 pint) Ice Cream (2 cups) Ice Puddingala Russe(1¥% cups) Macaroon Cream (1 cup) Maple Spice (11% cups) Milk Jelly (1% cups) Mocha Walnut Cream (1 cup). Orange Ice Cream (1 cup con- densed) Pavlova (4 cup) Peach Ice Cream (1% pints)... Pumpkin Pie (4% cup) Salmon Rice Loaf (8 cup).... Snowflake Cream (1% cups). . Southern Ice Cream (1 cup)... Spanish Cream (2 cups) Strawberry Lemon Cream (3% Vanilla Ice Cream ( 24 cup Con- densed) DESSERTS REQUIRING EGGS Ambrosia (4 Egg Whites) Angels’ Food (2 Eggs) Apricot Souffle (2 Eggs) Butterscotch Sponge (2 Eggs). Chocokte Fluff (2 Egg Whites) Cocoanut Whip (2 Egg Whites) Coffee Souffle (2 Eggs) Egg Jelly (2 Egg Yolks) Exeter Cream (2 Eggs) Gipsy Bavarian (3 Egg Yolks). Golden Parfait (2 Eggs) Jellied Egg Nogg (2 Eggs).... Lemon Fluff Pie (3 Eggs) Lemon Souffle (2 Eggs)....... Lemon Sponge (2 Egg Whites) Loganberry Sponge (2 Egg Whites) Macaroon Cream (1 Egg) Maple Spice (2 Eggs)........ Mocha Walnut Cream (1 Egg). Orange Egg Cream (2 Eggs)... Pumpkin Pie (2 Eggs) Raspberry Whip (1 Egg) Snowflake Cream (2 Eggs).... Spanish Cream (2 Eggs) GELATINE How to Use RELISHES AND APPETISERS GOLDEN RELISH Ingredients. dol bolt amd KO BIH DOH envelope Davis Gelatine cup crange juice cup hot water tablespoons sugar arge orange cup diced celery Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon vinegar ORANGE Ingredients. dle bo] >] 3 % envelope Davis Gelatine cup bot water cup mayonnaise medium-sized oranges tablespoons chopped mint 2 tablespoons lemon juice Pinch cf salt 6 Servings Method. Peel and remove all membrane from orange, cut into dice. Dissolve gela- tine in hot water, add orange juice, sugar and orange pulp. Leave to thicken. Mix celery, salt and vinegar; fold into the thickened orange mix- ture. Pour ‘into a shallow mould. Serve with cold turkey, duck or pork. APPETISER 6 Servings Method. Peel oranges and remove all mem- brane. Arrange the segments in cock- tail glasses. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add’ salt, lemon juice and mayonnaise. When thickening, stir in the mint and carefully pour on to the orange segments. SPICED BEETROOT Ingredients. 1 2 1 1 envelope Davis Gelatine cup (3 pint) cold water tablespoon lemon juice Piece thinly peeled 2 1 wp |com] = ep =k Ol Nod lemon rind cloves cup sugar cup diced cooked beatroot cup diced apple tablespoon prepared horseradis teaspoon minced onion teaspoon salt tablespoon vinegar 6 Servings Method. Place in saucepan, sugar, water, lemon juice, rind and cloves. Bring slowly to boiling point. Cool, strain. Add gelatine dissolved in } cup hot water, leave until thickening. Add remaining ingredients. Pour into a shallow mould, serve on lettuce with bacon. —_ ° * ESS eS | eae ee TONGUE MOULD 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Boil tongue in stock until tender. ME Davis Gelatine Skin and slice thinly. Arrance in a AT DISH 1 beef tongue mould or cake tin. Dissolve gelatine 2 cups (1 pint) stock in hot stock which may be flevoured Nutmeg by adding 3 cloves, 1 bay leaf, 2 Pepper slices onion and pinch of curry powder. Salt Add salt, pepper and nutmeg Boil for a few minutes, strain, pour cver the If setting without an ice- tongue and leave to set. Sere gar- box or refrigerator, use nished with tomato slices, lettuce and slightly less liquid. parsley. JELLIED HORSERADISH SAUCE RELISH Ingredients. Method. 4 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot wate. Add Davis Gelatine lemon juice and salt. Leave until ? cup hot water thickening, then fold in the whipped 1 tablespoon lemon = cream and horseradish. Pour into a juice shallow mould. Serve with boiled t cup horseradish ham, meat loaf or fish. } cup whipped cream 1 teaspoon salt RELISHES AND MEAT DISHES JELLIED Ingredients. 4 envelope Davis Gelatine * cup hot water 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup chopped parsley 4 cup whipped cream + teaspoon salt JELLIED Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 14 cups (2 pint) soup stock ® cup hot water Slice of onion 1 tablespoon lemon juice Thin piece of lemon rind Few grains cayenne pepper 1 egg white MACARONI Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 6 sausages 6 sticks macaroni (cooked) 1 pint water 2 slices onion 3 tablespoons tomato ketchup 1 tablespoon vinegar Salt and pepper Tomatoes If setting without an ice- box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. PARSLEY SAUCE Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add lemon juice and salt. Leave until thickening, then fold in the whipped cream and parsley. Pour into a shallow mould. Serve with cold poultry or fish. SOUP 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Heat soup stock, onion, lemon rind and juice, and pepper. When boiling, add beaten egg white and boil for 3 minutes. Cool, add gelatine, and strain through cloth or jelly bag. Pour into small moulds. Serve garnished with parsley. Another way of serving is to set the jelly in a shallow dish, mash it with a fork, and serve on lettuce. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. SHAPE (See illustration on page 7) SAUSAGE 6-7 Servings Method. Prick sausages, place in saucepan with water, bring to boiling point, then simmer until cooked. Leave until cold. Remove fat. Heat liquid with onion, salt and pepper, if neces- sary, for 5 minutes. Add gelatine moistered with + cup cold water; when dissolved, stir in tomato ketchup and vinegat. Strain. Pour a little into the bottom of a wet mould or basin; when thickening, arrange sliced tomatoes, cover with a little more liquid. When firm, arrange sticks of macaroni and sliced tomato round the mould. Skin sausages, cut some lengthways and place on top of the macaroni. Slice the remainder and place in the mould. When all ingredients are in position, pour in the jelly mixture. Serve with salads, lettuce, etc. BEEF BRAWN Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 2 Ibs. shin beef 2 hard-boiled eggs Salt, pepper Cayenne Nutmeg Cloves Slice of onion 6 Servings Method. Place beef in saucepan, just cover with water. Boil slowly until the meat is tender; add pepper and salt and boil for a few minutes longer. Remove meat from the bone and arrange with sliced hard-boiled eggs in a mould. Place other seasonings in liquid with the bone, and boil for 10 minutes. Dissolve gelatine in 4 cup hot water, add to liquid. Strain, add water to make 13 cups in all. When thickening slightly, pour into the mould. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. TOMATO BRAWN Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1 lb. fresh tomatoes or 2 cups canned + Ib. ham 2 hard-boiled eggs 1 small onion 2 tablespoons cold water 4 cup hot water 3 cloves 1 tablespoon sugar 4 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon salt 6 Servings Method. Peel onion and wash tomatoes. Slice finely and place in saucepan with water, sugar, salt, nutmeg, and cloves. Simmer until the mixture is quite soft. Rub through a fine sieve. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add to tomato. Chop ham into small pieces and ar- range with sliced eggs in a mould. Pour in the tomato liquid. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. HAM DELICACY Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1 cup (4 pint) hot water 4 tablespoons mayonnaise 1 teaspoon horseradish 2 cups minced ham 1 cup (4 pint) whipped cream 10 olives 6-8 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water; add mayonnaise, horseradish, ham, and minced olives. Fold in the cream. Pour into a wet mould. Serve on crisp lettuce leaves and garnish with olives. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. MEAT DISHES MEAT DISHES CHICKEN MOUSSE 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 4 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Mix Davis Gelatine together chicken, salt, pinch of 4 cup hot water cayenne, parsley and peppers, and 24 cups minced add dissolved gelatine. Whip the chicken cream and fold into the mixture. Put 1 tablespoon minced in a wet mould. Chill thoroughly. parsley Unmould on lettuce and garnish with 2 tablespoons sliced stuffed olives. chopped peppers * cup cream 1 teaspoon salt Cayenne pepper CORNED BEEF AND CELERY LOAF 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add Davis Gelatine salt, sugar, vinegar and lemon juice. 14 cups hot water When thickening, stir in the celery and 4 cup vinegar beef. Place in mould or loaf tin. Serve 2 tablespoons lemon _in slices. juice + teaspoon salt i cup sugar ® cup diced celery 1 cup minced If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, corned beef use slightly less liquid. WINDSOR SAUSAGE IN JELLY 6-7 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Place in saucepan cold water, sauce, Davis Gelatine onion, cloves, peppercorns (or pepper), 4 Ib. luncheon nutmeg, parsley and salt. Boil for 5 sausage minutes. Strain. Add gelatine dis- 1 cup (4 pint) hot solved in hot water. Leave to cool. water Poura little into around mould or cake 1 cup (4 pint) cold tin; when firm, arrange slices of egg water and gherkins or other decorative in- 1 hard-boiled egg gredients. Pour over a little more 1 tablespoon Wor- liquid (which should be cold). When cestershire sauce set, arrange slices of sausage round 3 slices onion the side of the mould. Fill the centre 3 peppercorns with slices of sausage, hard-boiled 2 cloves egg or tomato, if liked. Pour the + teaspoon grated remainder of the liquid over the nutmeg sausage, and leave to set. 1 teaspoon chopped parsley If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, Salt use slightly less liquid. MEAT DISHES CHICKEN MOULD Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1 chicken 1 cup minced ham 2 tablespoons cooked peas 1 hard-boiled egg Water Sprig of parsley Sprig of thyme Salt and pepper If setting without an ice- box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. 6-8 Servings Method. Cut chicken into neat joints. Put in a double saucepan over boiling water, add the herbs, a sprinkling of salt and 1 cup water. Cook until the meat is tender enough to come away from the bones. Leave until cool, then cut the meat into small pieces. Remove fat from the liquid, strain and add gela- tine dissolved in 4 cup hot water. Measure the liquid, and, if necessary, add water to make up to 2 cups (1 pint). Filla mould with the chicken, ham, slices of egg and peas. Pour in the jelly when it is just thickening. HAM LOAF Ingredients. 4 envelope Davis Gelatine 2 cups minced ham cup cooked fat bacon cup (4 pint) liquid in which bacon cooked Ground mace Pickled red cabbage Loe — SHRIMP OR Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 4 cup hot water 4 cup lemon juice 14 cups cold water 4 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 can shrimps or crabmeat 4 cup chopped celery 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons chopped pimento Olives cut in rings 6 Servings Method. Mix together ham, bacon, and mace to taste. Remove any fat from the bacon liquid, heat, add gelatine, and stir until dissolved; leave to cool. When thickening slightly, add ham mixture. Pour into a basin or loaf tin. Serve in slices with red cabbage. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. CRABMEAT SALAD 6-8 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add lemon juice, cold water, salt and pepper. Drain water from shrimps and remove veins. Cut in small pieces or leave whole. When jelly mixture starts to thicken add shrimps and remaining ingredients. Mix well and pour in moulds to set. Serve on lettuce with salad dressing. Slices of hard-boiled eggs may be placed at the bottom of each mould if desired. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. ASPIC Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 2 cups (1 pint) stock or water 1 cup hot water 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 bay leaves 5 cloves (remove blossom end) Thinly peeled rind of + lemon 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 slices onion 1 cup dried celery or 1 teaspoon celery salt Sprig of parsley Pepper, salt JELLY Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Place stock or water in saucepan with all MEAT ingredients except dissolved gelatine. DISHES Heat gently until boiling. Remove from fire, add gelatine. When cool, strain through several thicknesses of cheesecloth. Use for jellying meat or vegetables. Makes approximately 1 pint. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. LEMON ASPIC Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1 cup hot water 3 cup water 2 tablespoons lemon juice or more to taste cup sugar teaspoon salt tol >| -. VEAL Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine Cooked knuckle of veal 2 cups (1 pint) of liquid in which veal was cooked cup hot water lb. cooked bacon or ham 2 hard-boiled eggs 2 slices onion 2 cloves (remove blossom end) Pl Sat tablespoons vinegar Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add cold water, lemon juice, vinegar, sugar and sa!t. Use for jellying vegetables. Makes approximately 1 pint. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. LOAF 6-7 Servings Method. Place liquid in saucepan with onion and cloves. Boil for 5 minutes. Strain. Add gelatine dissolved in hot water. Have ready a plain mould or cake tin, arrange alternate layers of sliced egg and ham and veal cut in small pieces. Pour in the liquid when it is just thickening. Diced celery, slices of cucumber, tomato, etc., may be in- cluded in the mixture. Serve in slices on lettuce. *- If setting withouf*tn ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. FISH IN JELLY 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. FISH oes 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add Davis Gelatine lemon juice, vinegar, salt and cold 2 cups cooked water. Pour a little of the liquid into filleted fish a mould. When firm, arrange slices of 2 tablespoons hard-boiled egg as a decoration; just chopped capers cover with more liquid. Mix fish, or peppers capers, and gherkin lightly together, 1 tablespoon place in mould in layers with remaining chopped gherkin slices of egg. Pour in the gelatine 1 cup (4 pint) cold mixture when it is thickening. Serve water on lettuce with fish sauce or salad 4 cup (+ pint) hot dressing. water 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 teaspoon salt If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, 2 hard-boiled eggs use slightly less liquid. FISH RICE CREAM 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Skin and bone the fish, put through Davis Gelatine | a mincer or rub through a sieve. Mix = Ib. cooked white sauce and milk or cream. Dissolve fish gelatine in hot water, add carefully to 4 tablespoons boiled the sauce mixture. Mix rice and fish rice and stir into the liquid. Season well. 1 cup white sauce Pour into a moald. 4 cup (4 pint) milk or cream + cup hot water Cayenne If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, Salt, pepper use slightly less liquid. HERRINGS IN TOMATO SAUCE 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add Davis Gelatine | tomato ketchup, cold water, vinegar, 1 large can herrings salt and pepper to taste. Break fish in tomato sauce __ into small pieces, add to the mixture. 4 cup hot water Pour into a mould. Serve in slices + cup cold water with salads. ! cup tomato ketchup $ cup vinegar If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, Salt and pepper use slightly less liquid SALMON IN JELLY Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1 cup hot water 1 cup vinegar or lemon juice 14 cups cold water 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 hard-boiled egg Slices of tomato 1 small tin salmon 4 cup diced celery 2 tablespoons pimento 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add vinegar, cold water, salt and pepper. Place a layer of jelly in bottom of mould and allow to set. Arrange slices of hard-boiled egg and tomato on the jelly, add salmon, celery and pimento (or chopped green peppers) to balance of jelly. Mix well and pour into mould to set. Serve on bed of lettuce and garnish as desired. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. SALMON RICE LOAF Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1 can (8 oz.) salmon 1 cup (} pint) cooked rice 4 cup hot water # cup milk 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Warm milk, add butter and stir until dissolved. Add rice, seasoning and gelatine. Flake salmon and add to rice mixture. Mix well. Pour into a wet mould. Serve cold on lettuce or with hot tomato sauce. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. i —— FISH FISH AND SALADS TUNA Ingredients. P| 2 1 3 2 envelope Davis Gelatine can (7 oz.) tuna fish cup hot water Yolks of 2 eggs 1 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon mustard 13 tablespoons 3 4 2 tablespoons vinegar ayenne melted butter cup milk TUNA Ingredients. 1 Nol = BO Nin Do Lal 2 envelope Davis Gelatine cup hot water > cups tuna fish cup mayonnaise ressing cup finely chopped celery cup liquid from pickles or similar relish teaspoon salt Cayenne FISH LOAF 6 Servings Method. Slightly beat yolks, add salt, mus- tard, dash of cayenne; mix well. Add butter, milk, and vinegar. Cook in a double boiler, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add carefully to the mixture. Flake the fish, add and pour into a mould. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. FISH SALAD 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Break fish into small pieces, add celery, relish, salt, cayenne, and mayonnaise. Add dissolved gelatine. Mix well, place in small moulds. Serve on lettuce. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. CARDINAL SALAD Ingredients. 1 = NIK AD AO NIH A IH — envelope Davis Gelatine cup hot water cup tomato juice cup beet juice tablespoons vinegar tablespoons sugar teaspoon salt cup cooked diced beets pimento cut in small pieces 6 Servings Method, Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add tomato juice, beet juice, vinegar, sugar and salt. Allow to thicken slightly and add beets and pimento. Place in ring mould. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. ASPARAGUS TIP SALAD 6-7 Servings Ingredients. Method. SALADS 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add Davis Gelatine lemon juice, salt, pepper and sugar. 4 cup hot water Drain liquid from asparagus and make + cup lemon juice up to two cups. Line a fluted mould 1 teaspoon salt with asparagus tips and fill mould with Dash of pepper celery, pimento and cut asparagus tips. 2 tablespoons sugar When jelly has started to thicken, pour 1 can asparagus tips over other ingredients and allow to 4 cup diced celery set. Serve on lettuce and garnish as 1 tablespoon desired. chopped pimento If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. AUTUMN SALAD 6 Servings Ingredients. Method, 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add Davis Gelatine cold water, lemon juice, vinegar, sugar 4 cup hot water and salt. When thickening, add carrot, cup cold water grated lemon, and cabbage. Set in nO elo tablespoons lemon small moulds. Serve wii! mayonnaise. juice or more to taste tablespoons vinegar cup sugar teaspoon salt teaspoon grated lemon rin cup grated carrot cup finely shredded _/f setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, raw cabbage use slightly less liquid. = bee —_ CRANBERRY JELLY 6-8 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add Davis Gelatine salt to cooked cranberries. Press 4 cup hot water through a sieve. Add lemon juiceand 14 cups cooked cran- dissolved gelatine (1 reaspoon grated berries sweetened orange rind improves the flavour). to taste Pour into moulds. Serve with meats or 2 tablespoons lemon poultry. juice Salt SALADS SPICED CHERRY RELISH Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1 cup canned cherries (stoned) + cup hot water 13 cups cherry juice 2 allspice berries 2 cloves 1 inch cinnamon stick 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons sugar or more 2 tablespoons vinegar 6 Servings Method. Tie spices in piece of cloth. Place with sugar, cherries, juice, and vinegar in saucepan. Boil, then simmer for 10 minutes. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add to liquid. Pack cherries into shallow mould. Cut into squares with a knife dipped into hot water, and dried before using. Serve with poultry, lamb, pork, or veal. LOBSTER RELISH (See illustration) 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. First layer: Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add 4 envelope vinegar, sugar, pepper and salt to Davis Gelatine cup hot water cup vinegar teaspoon sugar Salt and pepper — ae ale Second layer: % envelope Davis Gelatine 4 cup hot water + pint cream Small cucumber Green colouring taste. When quite cool, place a little in the mould and turn the mould until it is entirely masked with a thin film of jelly. The coating may be thickened by adding more of the mixture and repeating the process. Arrange shrimps or other decoration. ash the pulp from a small cucum- ber, add gelatine dissolved in hot water, add salt to taste. When cool, stir into cream, strain. Colour a delicate green. Pour carefully into the mould. When firm, pack the lobster Shrimps meat into the mould, and add the clear Lobster meat jelly. (IF set, stand in warm water to Salt remelt, but wait until it is cold before Mayonnaise placing in the mould). Serve with + envelope jellied mayonnaise. Dissolve gelatine Davis Gelatine cup hot water pint mayonnaise tej He in hot water. Add to mayonnaise. Pour into small moulds. Decorate with lettuce. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. VICTORY SERIES B ELL let’s try, and try cheerfully. We are already avoiding waste successfully; accepting rationed foods resignedly; serving many foods sparingly, and enjoying those we can’t get imaginatively. There’s more yet we can do we can make available foods go further and the following recipes will suggest the way. Try making 1 Ib. of butter into 2 Ibs. it’s the way our great great grandmothers made their butter go further, and it’s good you try it! 1 teaspoon DAVIS 1 pint milk GELATINE 2 teaspoon salt 1 lb. butter Soak the gelatine in 2 tablespoons milk and place in dish of hot water until gelatine is dissolved. Cut the butter into small pieces, put in a dish or basin, and place in hot water until the butter softens. Now stir in the dissolved gelatine, salt, and milk gradually. Beat with a Dover beater until the milk is thoroughly beaten in, or taken up. by the butter, then set aside to harden. If a yellow colour is desired, add a little colouring when beating the ingredients together. USE LEFT OVER VEGETABLES Any left over vegetables such as celery, carrots, beets, beans, peas, etc., can be used for making a jellied vegetable salad. To these you can add any small pieces of ham, lamb, pork, fish or slices of hard boiled egg for a combination salad. Very tasty salads can be made with these small leftovers. Here is the way! 1 envelope DAVIS 14% cups chopped cooked GELATINE vegetables 14 cup hot water Cold water to make up to 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups in all 144 tablespoons honey Dissolve gelatine in hot water, then add the vinegar, honey, salt, and cold water to make up to 2 cups. When mixture is thickening add the vegetables or arrange these in layers and spoon the jelly mixture over them. If you have no honey handy, two table- spoons of sugar will do in its place. JELLIED MEAT LOAF 1 envelope DAVIS 2cups cold meat cut in GELATINE small pieces 2 cups hot soup, stock or gravy (seasoned) Dissolve gelatine in hot stock. Place aside to cool and when the liquid commences to thicken add meat pieces. A little curry powder or nutmeg will give a pleasing flavour for a change. Serve in slices or in small moulds, USE UP FRUIT SYRUPS FOR JELLIES You will probably have a lot of peach or other fruit Syrup left over from preserving this year. ‘This will come in excellently for jellies and other desserts. Try this jelly: PEACH JELLY 1 envelope DAVIS 1 cup peach syrup GELATINE 4 cup diced peaches ¥, cup hot water Cold water to make 2 1 tablespoon lemon juice cups in all 1 tablespoon honey Dissolve gelatine in hot water and then add lemon juice, honey, syrup and cold water, and stir all together until smooth. When the mixture is thickening fold in the fruit, then pour into moulds to set. Instead of the 1% cup of water, hot peach juice may be used. In that case omit the honey and lemon juice. SAVE VEGETABLE WATERS FOR MAKING SALAD BASE Water in which vegetables have been cooked is excel- lent for a jellied salad base. Take 2 cups of vegetable water, strain, then heat and in this dissolve one envelope of Davis Gelatine. Add one tablespounful vinegor, a dasi of pepper, and if the water was unsalted, add salt to taste. Use for jellying any left over vegetables, fish or meat, or combine these together according to what you wish to use up. DAVIS GELATINE (Canada) LTD. 64 Wellington Street West, Toronto, 1, Ont. also at 50 Grey Nun St., 130 Water St., Montreal, P.Q. Vancouver, B.C. SALADS CHERRY RIPE SALAD Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1 can cherries or 1 pint stewed cherries and juice 4 cup (4 pint) orange juice cup hot water tablespoon lemon juice > cup sugar Blanched almonds — pH CREAM Ingredients. + envelope Davis Gelatine ozs. cream cheese cup hot water tablespoon lemon juice cup cream cup chopped toasted almonds 8 gherkins finely chopped Salt AH ele bol 6 Servings Method. Strain the juice from the cherries; there should be 1 cupful. Add sugar to juice, bring to boiling point. Cool, add gelatine dissolved in hot water, and orange and lemon juices. Stone the cherries, replacing with pieces of blanched almonds. Put cherries into individual moulds and pour in the gelatine mixture. Serve on lettuce with cream mayonnaise or serve as a dessert. CHEESE SALAD 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Place cheese in a basin, break with a fork, gradually add salt, lemon juice and gelatine, blend the mixture until it is smooth. Whip the cream and carefully blend. Add almonds and gherkins. Pour into a shallow mould. When firm enough to cut, serve in blocks on slices of tomato. DELICACY SALAD Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine cup hot water cup cold water cup vinegar tablespoon lemon juice tablespoons sugar teaspoon salt cup diced cucumber cup grated pine- apple (cooked) Green colouring — PP core == _ bik 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add sugar, salt, cold water, vinegar and lemon juice. Colour pale green. Leave until thickening, then add the cucum- ber and pineapple. Place in small moulds. Serve on lettuce with mayon- naise. MINT Ingredients. envelope Davis Gelatine 2 cup hot water q cup vinegar 3 tablespoons sugar (or more teacup chopped mint teaspoon salt Green colouring top rie JELLY CUBES Method. Dissolve gelatine, sugar, and salt in hot water. Add mint and vinegar. Colour a delicate green. Stir oc- casionally, as the mixture thickens. Pour into a shallow mould or cake tin and leave to set. Cut into cubes or fancy shapes with a hot knife (dipped into hot water and dried). Serve with lamb instead of mint sauce, or use as a base for jellying cold lamb and green peas. ORANGE SALAD Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine cup (4 pint) hot water cup (4 pint) orange juice 1 orange 1 small cucumber 1 tomato Sugar Mayonnaise bol — 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add orange juice and sugar to taste. Peel, and thinly slice orange, cucumber and tomato. Pour a little liquid into the bottom of the mould or basin. When firm, arrange a slice of tomato, just cover with liquid; when firm place slices of the ingredients round the mould. Fill the centre with the re- maining slices. Add the orange liquid when it is just thickening. Serve with mayonnaise. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. VEGETABLE SALAD Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine cup hot water cup vinegar tablespoons sugar teaspoon salt 1 cups cold water cup grated carrots cup chopped celery tablespoons chopped pimento 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add vinegar, sugar, salt and cold water. When mixture is nearly set add re- maining ingredients. Pour into small moulds to set. Serve on crisp lettuce with salad dressing. Other vegetables, such as shredded cabbage or chopped green peppers, can be included in this recipe if so desired. SALADS BEETROOT MOULD ‘J fi 6 Servings Jom J | Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Peel and slice beetroot. Dissolve SALADS | Davis Gelatine | gelatine in hot water. Add sugar, | 2 average-size beets salt, pepper and vinegar. Leave to (cooked) thicken slightly, then pour over the 14 cups hot water beetroot. Serve garnished with + cup vinegar shredded lettuce, and slices of tomato. Pepper, salt, sugar to Serve with mayonnaise dressing. If | taste liked, more vinegar and less water in proportion may be used in this recipe. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. SAVOY SALAD 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Davis Gelatine Stir into tomato soup. Flavour to 14 cups ({pint)tomato taste. Place slices of hard-boiled soup or cooked egg ina mould orsmall moulds. Add tomato pulp grated cheese. When _ thickening $ cup (} pint) hot slightly pour in tomato mixture; serve water on lettuce. + |b. grated cheese 1 hard-boiled egg If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, Salt and pepper use slightly less liquid. STRING BEAN SALAD 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Mix beans, pickle, and grated onion Davis Gelatine together. Dissolve gelatine in hot 14.cups freshly cooked water. Blend with vinegar, salt and string beans salad dressing. Arrange alternate 2 hard-boiled eggs layers of beans and sliced hard-boiled 2 tablespoons eggs in a mould. Pour in the mixture chopped pickle carefully. Leave to set. Serve with 1 tablespoon grated = shredded lettuce. onion cup salad dressing — w)- cup (} pint) hot water 2 tablespoons vinegar /f setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, Salt use slightly less liquid. TOMATOES IN MINT JELLY 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add Davis Gelatine sugar, vinegar, and mint. Leave until 1 cup chopped mint cold. Add { cup cold water. Peel 14 cups hot water tomatoes, salt lightly. Arrange in a + cup vinegar serving dish, pour in the mint jelly + cup sugar when it is thickening. 1 dozen very small tomatoes If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, Salt use slightly less liquid. TOMATO JELLY 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 or 14 envelopes Cook together for 15 minutes all Davis Gelatine ingredients except gelatine and 1 can tomatoes (or vinegar. Strain, add vinegar. Dissolve equal quantity 1 envelope gelatine in each two cups fresh) of liquid while still hot. Pour in 1 cup chopped celery moulds to set. If tomato juice is used 1 onion instead of canned tomatoes, dissolve 2 tablespoons sugar 1 envelope gelatine in } cup hot water Salt and pepper to and stir into 1% cups cold tomato taste juice; seasoning to taste. Vegetables, Bay leaf, pepper ber- shrimps, etc., may be moulded in this ties, orany other salad when thickening slightly, or it spices may be may be poured in shallow pan and added cut into fancy shapes when set. 1 tablespoon vinegar If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. SALADS SALADS VIENNESE SALAD Ingredients. Davis Gelatine 14 cups (3 pint) tomato soup Small can asparagus $ cup mayonnaise Hot water 1 teaspoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon sugar 2 cloves Salt and pepper Stuffed olives In each of these mixtures, if setting without an ice- box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. (See Cover) 8 Servings Method. Place liquor from asparagus in saucepan with sugar, cloves, pepper and salt. Heat to boiling point; re- move from fire. Moisten 4 envelope gelatine with 2 tablespoons cold water, add hot liquor, when dissolved, stir in lemon juice. Add cold water to make 2 cupful. Strain. Cool. Dissolve $ envelope gelatine in + cup hot water, stir into mayonnaise. Pour some of the mixture into the bottom of a mould, and the remainder into a shallow dish. When the mayonnaise layer is set, pour some of the clear asparagus mixture into the mould and keep turning it until the sides are masked with a thin film of jelly; repeat the process until the coating is thick enough. Place rings of sliced stuffed olives and sticks of asparagus (in halves lengthways) round the mould above the mayonnaise layer. Dip each slice into the asparagus mixture and gently press to side of mould. Dissolve 1 envelope gelatine in + cup hot water, add to tomato soup; season to taste. Carefully place in the mould. When serving, decorate with lettuce and mayonnaise cut into small cubes. GREEN PEA SALAD Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 14 cups cooked peas 1 small cooked carrot + cup vinegar 14 cups liquid in which peas were cooked $ cup chopped mint + cup sugar alt Pimento If setting without an ice- box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. 6-7 Servings (See illustration) Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot liquid, add vinegar, sugar and pinch of salt. Pour a little in the bottom of a ring mould. When thickening, arrange a layer of peas and place strips of pimento in position. Cover with a little more liquid. When firm, partially fill the mould with peas. Add mint to the jelly liquid. Cut shaped pieces of carrot, dip in the liquid, and set round the top of the mould—this will have to be done a portion at a time. Fill the mould with the remainder of the peas, and the jelly. When serving, fill the centre of the mould with mashed potato or potato salad. Decor- ate with sprigs of mint. eee. nh ah tt of 4 he VF! a robots fab br bb? eT At KF ata , ORR Ot HP ij PCL CAt hi ty RPA PAeS oe im} - wi, be es Ae a be 6} Rett 144 ny ; We ee mi id : rer hi k Paberd ; iivyyye wit : ‘ ae j aera PLLA Pie ti Pott tt oF ef er erat ah PLPerid is ALP FePis ead A Parad Pa as eM eraleruay ats DESSERTS AMBROSIA Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine } cup (3 pint) hot water 4 cup (} pint) cold water 4 egg whites Pinch of salt cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla or more 2 tablespoons lemon juice Red colouring 6-7 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add cold water. Leave to cool. Add salt to egg whites; beat until stiff. Gradu- ally add cold gelatine and sugar, a little of each at a time, beating con- stantly. Add vanilla and lemon juice. Take one-third of the mixture and colour pink. Place a layer of white in a glass dish, then the pink, then the remainder of the white. Decorate with cherries, nuts or as desired. Serve with whipped cream. This dessert is ready almost immediately for use, but, if possible, should stand for an hour or longer. ANGELS’ FOOD Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 2 cups (1 pint) milk 4 cup hot water 4 tablespoons sugar 2 eggs Lemon essence 6-7 Servings Method. Heat milk and sugar and pour onto lightly beaten yolks of eggs; return to fire, bring just to boiling point. Re- move from fire. Leave until cold. Dis- solve gelatine in hot water, add to custard. Flavour to taste and stir in stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Pour into a mould. Serve with custard, cream or stewed Fruit. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. APPLE AND PRUNE DESSERT Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 2 large cooking apples \-lb. prunes Sugar Strip of lemon rind 1 cup (3 pint) water 6 Servings Method. Soak prunes, remove stones. Peel and slice apples. Place in saucepan prunes, apples, lemon rind and water; cook until soft. Sweeten to taste, cook for 5 minutes longer. Measure the liquid, and, if necessary, add water to make 13 cups. Dissolve gelatine in 4 cup hot water, add to the prune and apple syrup. Add prunes and apple and pour into a mould. Serve with -_ereqm or custard. APRICOT PUFF Ingredients. ' envelope Davis Gelatine 2 tablespoons sugar * cup hot water 1 cup canned or freshly cooked apricots } cup desiccated cocoanut White of 1 egg 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine and sugar in hot water; add apricots. When thickening, add beaten egg white and whip thoroughly. Fold in cocoanut, pour into a bowl. Decorate with whipped cream. Serve with the juice from the apricots. BANANA CREAM Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 13 cups milk ‘ cup hot water 14 cups mashed banana pulp 3 tablespoons orange juice 3 tablespoons honey Pinch of salt 6 Servings Method. Mash bananas until a smooth cream is formed, add milk, orange juice, honey and salt. Blend thoroughly. Stir in gelatine dissolved in hot water. Pour into a mould. Serve garnished with whipped cream lightly sprinkled with nutmeg. BLOSSOM CREAM Ingredients. } envelope Davis Gelatine 1 teaspoon flour 14 cups (} pint) raspberry juice 1 cud raspberries (canned or freshly cooked) 1 tablespoon lemon juice Hot water If setting without an ice- box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. 6 Servings Method. Mix together lemon and raspberry juices. Dissolve gelatine in ¢ cup hot water, add raspberry juice to make up to 1 cup (% pint). Pour a little into the bottom of a mould. When firm, arrange raspberries and pour over the remainder of the liquid. Mix flour to a smooth paste with a little cold water, blend with the remaining raspberry juice, simmer for 5 minutes. Dissolve 1 teaspoon gela- tine in 2 tablespoons hot water, and add to the flour mixture. Leave until cold. Whip with an egg beater until thick and creamy. Pour on to fruit layer. DESSERTS BUTTERSCOTCH SPONGE 6 Servings DESSERTS Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Make a caramel of the sugar and Davis Gelatine butter; add hot milk; pour over the 1 cup brown sugar beaten yolks of eggs. Heat until 2 tablespoons butter smooth, like custard—do not boil. = cups hot milk Leave until cold. Add gelatine dis- 4 cup hot water solved in hot water. Add essence. 2 eggs Beat the egg whites and salt until | Pinch of salt stiff. Fold into the mixture when | Few drops of vanilla it is beginning to set. Pour into a essence mould and chill. MAPLE SPICE 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Heat syrup and milk and pour over Davis Gelatine beaten egg yolks. Heat together + cup hot water until smooth; remove from fire and + cup maple syrup cool. Dissolve gelatine in hot water 14 cups milk and add to custard mixture. Sprinkle 2 eggs salt in egg whites and beat until 4 teaspoon salt stiff; folding into other mixture. Add 4 teaspoon grated nutmeg. Serve in sherbet glasses, nutmeg garnished with whipped cream an sprinkled with chopped almonds and grated nutmeg. CHERRY SPARKLE 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in + cup hot water. Davis Gelatine | Drain juice from fruit, measure, and, if 1 can cherries necessary, add cold water to make 1 tablespoon lemon = ¢ pint; add to dissolved gelatine and juice stir in lemon juice. Add sugar, if Sugar to taste necessary. Leave until thickening Hot water slightly, add cherries and pour into a mould. Other fruits may be used instead of cherries. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1 cup (4 pint) hot water ¢ cup cold water 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon rind 3 tablespoons sugar 4 bananas Red colouring BANANAS IN 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine and sugar in hot water, add lemon juice and rind. Add cold water. Strain. Pour a little of the liquid into the bottom of a mould. Arrange bananas cut in fine rings. Cover with a little more jelly liquid; leave to set. Colour the re- mainder of the liquid and when thickening slightly, stir in sliced bananas; pour onto first layer. Serve with cream or custard. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. JELLY CHOCOLATE BLANC MANGE Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 14 cups (2 pint) milk 4 cup hot water 3 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons cocoa or chocolate Vanilla or lemon essence 6 Servings Method. Mix chocolate or cocoa to a smooth paste with a little milk. Boil remaining milk with sugar; add chocolate paste and boil for a few minutes. Leave until cold. Add essence to taste. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, and, when cool, stir into the chocolate mixture. Pour into a mould. If setting without anice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. DESSERTS DESSERTS CHOCOLATE FLUFF 6-7 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add Davis Gelatine sugar, salt, and cocoa to warm milk. 4+ cup hot water Heat until nearly boiling. Remove + cup sugar from fire, cool, add gelatine . and y Pinch of salt vanilla. When nearly set fold in 2 tablespoons cocoa beaten egg whites and pour in mould. 2 cups warm milk Serve with cream. 1 teaspoon vanilla ? 2 egg whites If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. COCOANUT WHIP 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine and sugar in hot Davis Gelatine water. Add lemon juice. Strain and 2 whites of eggs leave to cool. When thickening, beat + cups hot water with an egg beater until thick and Atablespoons sugar foamy; add the stiffly beaten whites 3 tablespoons lemon of eggs. Mix in the cocoanut and juice beat until it holds its shape. Pour 3 tablespoons desic- into a mould. cated cocoanut EGG JELLY 6 Servings ) Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine and sugar in hot Davis Gelatine water. Add lemon juice and rind and 2 egg yolks the well-beaten yolks of eggs. Place 134 cups hot water in a double boiler and stir until the 1 tablespoon lemon mixture thickens. Strain into a wet jui mould. When set, serve with cream or ce Thinly peeled rind of custard. 1 lemon 2 tablespoons sugar EXETER CREAM Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine cup (4 pint) milk cup (4 pint) hot water 1 cup peach pulp 2 tablespoons lemon juice 3 tablespoons sugar or more 2 eggs bol ek 6-7 Servings Method. Beat yolks of eggs lightly; add milk. Heat until the mixture thickens and coats the spoon; do not boil. Cool. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add to cold custard. Add lemon juice and sugar to peach pulp and stir into custard; add whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Pour into a wet mould. The peach pulp can easily be pre- pared by mashing cooked peaches with a fork. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquia. GIPSY BAVARIAN Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine cups milk $ ozs. chocolate tablespoons sugar cup hot water yolks of eggs teaspoon vanilla essence 1 tablespoon orange juice Orange rind + cup stif#ly whipped cream tole bole Buti DA te 6 Servings Method. Place milk and sugar in saucepan, bring to boiling point, add chocolate, boil for a few minutes, then simmer until the mixture is smooth. Pour onto egg yolks, lightly beaten; return to fire and cook until the mixture thickens. When cool, add gelatine dissolved in hot water. Flavour with vanilla, orange juice and orange rind. When the mixture thickens slightly, add to the whipped cream. Pour into a mould. GOLDEN PARFAIT Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine ® Cup orange juice t cup lemon juice ? cup hot water 2 eggs 3 tablespoons honey or more Sugar if necessary 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine and honey in hot water. Add orange and lemon juice. Beat the eggs, stir into the mixture. Add sugar to taste. Pour into a mould. DESSERTS THE LARGEST GELATINE T (pt The above view, taken from an aeroplane nearly one thousand fe surroundings. Large flowering trees appear as small shrubs and exp splashes of green and colour stretching to the very doors of the fac make pleasant recreation hours. No factory could be more ideal Davis plant, which is bathed in sunshine and freshened with light se Aerial view of the plant at Sydney, Australia, one of the four factories operated by the Davis Gelatine organization. et in the air, conveys only a bare idea of its size and delightful pansive gardens and lawns as little patches, instead of the great actory. Tennis courts and bowling green, seen in the distance, illy situated for the manufacture of a food product as this vast sea breezes all the year round. | | pCTORY IN THE WORLD DESSERTS COFFEE JELLY Ingredients. 1 1 n 1 $ envelope Davis Gelatine cup hot water 1 + cups cold, strong coffee cup lemon juice ugar fo taste 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add remaining ingredients and stir until sugar is dissolved. Pour into moulds to set. If desired, } cup chopped walnuts may be added when mixture is thickening. Serve with cream or custard, RASPBERRY WHIP Ingredients. 1 1 4 2 1 envelope Davis Gelatine * Raspberries (preserved or canned) and juice cup hot water tablespoons lemon juice egg white beaten stiff Few grains salt Sugar if necessary 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add 14 cups raspberry juice, lemon juice and sugar. When thickened slightly, whip until light and fluffy. Fold in stiffly beaten egg white to which salt has been added. Fill sherbet glasses 1 full of raspberries and cover with whipped mixture. Chill before serving. HONEY JELLY Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 3 tablespoons honey or more, accord- ing to flavour 2 tablespoons lemon 1 Z 2 juice cup (3 pint) hot water cup (3 pint) cold water 6 Servings Method. | Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add honey and lemon juice. Add cold water. Pour into a mould. This recipe is an excellent base for jellying fruits such as bananas, oranges, strawberries, etc. LEMON JELLY 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Place cold water and sugar in Davis Gelatine saucepan. Add cloves, lemon juice 14 cups (3 pint) cold and rind. Bring slowly to boiling water point. Cool. Add gelatine dissolved 1 cup hot water in hot water. Strain into wet mould. 4 tablespoons lemon This recipe may be varied by omit- juice ting cloves, lemon juice and rind, and Thinly peeled rind cf adding fruit or artificial flavourings 1 lemon and coloured as desired. When using 2 cloves (remove artificial flavouring, add 1 saltspoon blossom end) citric acid, 3 cup sugar or more to taste If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. Lemon Whip.—Allow the Lemon Jelly to partially set and whip until thick and foamy. Lemon Sponge.—Allow the Lemon Jelly to partially set and fold in the beaten whites of 2 eggs. Beat all together. Lemon Bavarian.—Allow the Lemon Jelly to partially set and fold in + pint whipped cream. GRAPE JUICE JELLY 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add Davis Gelatine _ to fruit juices and sugar. Stir thoroughly 1 cup hot water until sugar is dissolved, then pour into 11+ cups grape juice moulds to set. Serve with cream or 4 cup lemon juice custard sauce. 2 tablespoons orange juice $ cup sugar LOGANBERRY SPONGE 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water. avis Gelatine Add fruit juices and sugar; leave 1 cup hot water until the mixture begins to thicken. 14 cups loganberry Then fold in stiffly beaten egg whites juice and continue beating until the mixture + cup sugar holds its shape. Pile lightly in chilled 1 tablespoon lemon shallow glasses. Garnis with whipped juice cream. Whites of 2 eggs DESSERTS a a eee DESSERTS JACK-O'-LANTERNS Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 6 halves of canned peaches 1 cup (4 pint) peach juice and water # cup orange juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice 4 cup hot water 4 cup sugar or more 6 large marshmallows Dried currants Glace cherries 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add peach, orange and lemon juices and sugar to taste. Half fill six sherbet glasses with the mixture. Into the rounded side of each half peach, press currants and halves of glace cherries to make eyes, nose and mouth of a face. Place a marshmallow in the centre of each glass and cover with peach half, face side up. Carefully cover with the orange mixture. STRAWBERRY LEMON CREAM Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine Ib. strawberries or as available pint lemon jelly (p. 37) cup (+ pint) cream cup milk or custard cup hot water 2 tablespoons sugar (or more Lemon essence Whipped cream for decorating ol ek Pp pico bol If setting without an ice- box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. 6 Servings (See illustration) Method. Place a little lemon jelly in the bottom of a mould. When thickening, place a ring of strawberries in position; if the berries are large, cut them in halves; cover with a little more liquid. If a fluted mould is used, set the strawberries in some of the flutes; place a little lemon jelly along the flute—keeping the mould on its side. When thickened a little, arrange the strawberries, then cover with a little more jelly; when firm, repeat the process for the other flutes. Having decorated the mould, pre- pare the cream mixture. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add cream to milk, sweeten to taste, flavour well with essence. Pour into the mould. When set, arrange a layer of straw- berries and cover with the remainder of the lemon jelly—if set, warm slightly to remelt, but do not use until the liquid is cold. Decorate with strawberries and whipped cream. Variation: Peppermint may be used to flavour the cream mixture, which should then be coloured a delicate green. Strawberries tend to absorb flavours, so the mixtures used should be sweet and well flavoured. MELON MINT JELLY 8 Servings DESSERTS Ingred ents. Method. 13 envelopes Boil sugar and 1 cup of water to- Davis Gelatine = gether for 5 minutes. Pour over mint 1 cup (3 pint) water and leave until cold; strain. Add ¢ cup sugar gelatine dissolved in hot water, ginger | 4 cup chopped mint ale, lemon juice and colour a delicate | 3 cup 10f water green. Pour into moulds; when 2 cups(1 pint) ginger thickening, place balls or cubes of ale melon in position. Serve garnished 2 tablespoons lemon with melon balls and fresh mint. juce Green colouring If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, Melon balls or cubes use slightly less liquid. | MACAROON CREAM 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Heat milk. Beat egg yolk and avis Gelatine | sugar, add hot milk, mix well, return 1 cup (3 pint) milk to fire, and cook until the mixture 3 cup (} pint) hot slightly thickens on the spoon; stir water constantly, do not boil. Let cool. 2 cup ({ pint) cream Add gelatine dissolved in hot water. 1 egg When the mixture is thickening, add 3 tablespoons sugar the macaroon crumbs, whipped cream 1 cup macaroon and vanilla. Pour into a mould, crumbs Serve with stewed fruit. Vanilla essence Cream may be omitted; increase | the milk to 2 pint, and use 2 eggs. PEACH SURPRISE 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add ovis Gelatine lemon juice, peach juice and sugar. + cup hot water Stir well. Put 1 tablespoon jelly 4 cup lemon juice in the bottom of individual moulds. 1{ cups peach juice Allow to set. Place 1 peach half 6 peaci halves in centre of mould and fill the hollow + cup sugar with chopped nuts and cherries. When ¢ cup chopped nuts the remaining jelly has partially set, 1 4 t cup chopped glace pour over the peaches. Serve with cherries whipped cream. MILK JELLY Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 14 cups (2 pint) milk 4 cup hot water 3 tablespoons sugar Vanilla essence 6 Servings Method. Place milk, sugar, and flavouring in a bowl; stir until sugar is dissolved. Dissolve gelatine in hot water cool a little, then add to the milk and stir all together. Pour into a mould. If the milk is taken from the ice-box or refrigerator, stand in a basin of hot water for a minute to remove the chill. a with custard sauce or preierved rulf. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. MOCHA Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine cup (4 pint) milk cup cream cup hot water tablespoon strong coffee or more 3 tablespoons sugar 1 egg Pinch of salt Vanilla essence 1 cup chopped walnuts — iH oA WALNUT CREAM 6 Servings Method. Heat milk, add coffee and sal. Boil for one minute. Beat egg yok and sugar; add coffee. Return to file and cook until the mixture coats the spoon. Cool. Add cream. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, stir into the mixture. Add vanilla and fold in the stiffly beaten egg white. When the nixture is thickening, stir in the walnus and pour into a mould. Walnuts may be omitted. If cream is not available, replace by 4 cup milk. ORANGE EGG CREAM Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1 cup (3 pint) orange juice 8 cup hot water 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 eggs 3 tablespoons sugar or more Pinch of salt 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Beat yolks of eggs, add salt and sugar and add gradually to well- beaten whites. Add gelatine and orange and lemon juice. Bea’ well, pour into mould. Serve with chccolate sauce. DESSERTS DESSERTS oe ORANGE MIST Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 4 cup (} pint) hot water 1 cup (3 pint) orange juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 cup sugar 2 cup heavy cream 1 teaspoon grated orange rind ORIENTAL Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine $ cup hot water + cup rice 3 pulled figs + cup preserved ginger # cup orange juice 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup cream + cup sugar Vanilla essence 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water; add sugar, orange juice, lemon juice, and rind. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into individual moulds and_ chill. Serve on thin slices of orange and decorate with whipped cream round the base of each. CREAM 6 Servings Method. Boil rice rapidly in 1 quart of water. Drain and cover with cold water. Cut figs and ginger into small pieces, cover with fruit juice for 15 minutes. Whip cream, adding sugar gradually and essence to taste. Dis- solve gelatine in hot water and leave to cool. Drain rice, add to cream. Add gelatine and fruit. Mix lightly together. Stir occasionally as the mixture thickens; pour into a mould. CHERRY CHARLOTTE Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine + cup hot water 14 cups cherry juice 4 teaspoon grated nutmeg 1 teaspoon grated orange rind 1 cup pitted cherries + cup chopped almonds 1 cup whipped cream Sugar if necessary 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add cherry juice and sugar if needed. Stir until dissolved, then add nutmeg and orange rind. When mixture thick- ens slightly, whip until fluffy. Fold in cherries, nut meats and cream. Serve in sherbet glasses or use as filling for pies. Decorate with whipped cream. FRUIT SALAD IN JELLY 6-7 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine and sugar in hot Davis Gelatine water, add lemon juice and fruit 2 bananas juice, or cold water, to make almost 3 peaches 1 pint. Pour a little into the bottom Other fruits in season of a mould. When firm, arrange a 2 tablespoons lemon decoration of cherries and_ sliced juice banana. Pour over a little more liquid. 1 cup (4 pint) hot When firm, arrange the remainder of water the fruit and pour in the jelly mixture. $ cup sugar Serve with cream or custard. IF fresh Cherries or glace pineapple is used, cook it until ten- cherries der or the jelly will not set. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. JELLIED EGG NOGG 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Davis Gelatine Beat egg yolks and add to sugar, + cup hot water stir in milk, add vanilla and dissolved 2 egg yolks gelatine. When mixture is nearly + cup sugar thick, fold in beaten egg whites and 2 cups milk pour in moulds to set. Serve with 1 teaspoon vanilla fresh or preserved Fruit. 2 egg whites DESSERTS ! oy, GINGER ALE FRUIT SALAD 6-8 Servings Ingredients. Method. DESSERTS 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add Davis Gelatine — ginger ale, lemon juice, sugar and stir + cup hot water well. When mixture is nearly set, fold 14 cups ginger ale in fruits (such as peaches, cherries, 4 cup lemon juice grapes, oranges or cooked pineapple). 4+ cup sugar Celery, pimento or walnuts may be 1 cup chopped fruit — substituted for Fruits. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. PEAR ROYAL 6-7 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Peel and core pears and cut into Davis Gelatine quarters. Place in dish with cold 3 large pears water, lemon juice, sugar, cinnamon 1 cup (3 pint) cold and cloves. Cover the dish and bake | water in a gentle oven until quite tender, + cup hot water but do not allow to break. When 4 cup wine or Fruit cooked, lay the pears in a plain wet juice mould. Simmer 1 cup of the liquid in 2 tablespoons sugar which pears were baked with strip of | or more lemon rind for 5 minutes. Cool. Add | 3 cloves gelatine dissolved in hot water and + teaspoon cinnamon wine. Strain and pour over the pears. 1 tablespoon lemon Fruit juice may be substituted for wine. juice Thin strip of lemon If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, rind use slightly less liquid. MAYFLOWER MOULD 6 Servings (See illustration) ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Drain syrup from pineapple rings; Davis Gelatine add to it gelatine dissolved in hot 1 cansliced pineapple water. Measure and add water to 1 cup cooked rice make # pint. Pour a little of the : + cup hot water liquid into the bottom of a mould. : Cold water When firm arrange pineapple slices, 1 tablespoon lemon placing half a cherry in the centre juice of each ring. Cover with a little more Sugar liquid. Dip slices in the liquid and Glace cherries or arrange around the sides of the mould, stoned dates placing half a cherry in the centre of Red colouring each slice. Add a few drops of red colour to the remainder of the liquidy Stir in the rice, and place in the mould with pieces of pineapple and If setting without anice- chopped cherries. Slices of stewed ‘box or refrigerator, use apples (cored) and juice may replace | slightly less liquid. pineapple and juice. eS DESSERTS PINEAPPLE DELIGHT 6-7 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Soak Davis Gelatine |= marshmallows in pineapple and lemon 4 cup hot water juice for 20 minutes. Add sugar, salt 8 marshmallows cut in and milk. Stir in dissolved gelatine. small pieces Mix thoroughly together and allow to 1 cup crushed set. Serve with cream or custard pineapple sauce. 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons sugar ew grains salt If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, 1 cup milk use slightly less liquid. PINEAPPLE JELLY 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add Davis Gelatine remaining ingredients and pour into 4 cup hot water moulds. Any desired fruit may be 14 cups preserved folded into the mixture as it is thick- pineapple juice ening. Serve with cream or sauce. 2 tablespoons lemon juice Sugar if necessary Pineapple Whip.—A\llow the Pineapple Jelly to partially set and whip until thick and foamy. Pineapple Sponge.—Allow the Pineapple Jelly to partially set and fold in the beaten whites of 2 eggs. Beat all together. Pineapple Bavarian.—Allow the Pineapple Jelly to partially set and fold in } pint whipped cream. WINE JELLY 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine and sugar in hot Davis Gelatine water. Add lemon juice and wine. 1 cup (3 pint) claret, Pour into a wet mould. port or other wine ? cup hot water 2 tablespoons lemon juice 4 tablespoons sugar PLUM BAVARIAN 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. ne DESSERTS 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add Davis Gelatine plum juice, lemon juice, and rind, 13 cups ({ pint) plum and sugar to taste. Leave until juice thickening; carefully add plums and 1 cup hot water fold in whipped cream. Place in a Cooked plums (6 or 9, mould or serving bowl. according to size) with stones removed Sugar to taste 1 tablespoon lemon juice if necessary 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, + pint whipped cream use slightly less liquid. PRUNE GATEAU oy 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Wash prunes, place in saucepan with Davis Gelatine cold water and sugar, cook until soft. + lb. prunes Stone the prunes, replace in saucepan 2 cups cold water with juice. Add lemon juice and rind 2 cup (4 pint) hot and boil all together for 5 minutes. water Remove rind. Dissolve gelatine in hot 2 tablespoons sugar water, stir into the mixture. Add a (or more) few drops of red colouring. Pour into 2 tablespoons lemon a mould. Serve with whipped cream. juice Strip of lemon rind If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, Red colouring use slightly less liquid. RHUBARB JELLY 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. Davis Gelatine Place rhubarb, water, lemon juice 2 cups rhubarb cut in’ and rind in saucepan. Cook until re- small pieces duced to pulp. Add sugar and cook 1 cup (4 pint) water - for a few minutes longer. Strain and 1 cup sugar press out the juice. Measure the juice 1 tablespoon lemon and allow 4 envelope of gelatine to juice each 4 pint of liquid. Put both in Piece thinly peeled saucepan and heat gently until the lemon rind gelatine is dissolved. Add a few drops Red colouring of red colouring. Pour into a wet mould. Serve with custard. If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid DESSERTS SNOWFLAKE CREAM 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Heat milk. Beat egg yolks, add Davis Gelatine sugar and stir into milk. Cook until j ; 3 cup desiccated thickening. Remove from fire. Leave cocoanut until cold. Dissolve gelatine in hot 1} cups (2 pint) milk water, add to the mixture. Beat egg 4 cup hot water whites and salt; add to custard mixture. 3 tablespoons sugar Fold in the cocoanut and flavouring. (or more) Line a mould with any fruit in season, 2 eggs and pour in the mixture. Vanilla essence Pinch of salt If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. SPANISH CREAM (Canadian Method) 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Davis Gelatine Beat egg yolks. Add sugar and salt % cup hot water to milk and heat until nearly boiling. 2 eggs Pour over beaten egg yolks and return 3 tablespoons sugar _to fire until mixture thickens slightly. + teaspoon salt Remove from fire. Cool. Add vanilla 2 cups milk and dissolved gelatine. When mixture 1 teaspoon vanilla is thickening, fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and pour into a mould. This recipe will not separate provided the custard and gelatine mixtures are not too warm when blended together. SPANISH CREAM (English Method) 6-7 Servings Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Beat yolks of eggs and sugar to- Davis Gelatine | gether; add to milk. Heat until the 2 cups (1 pint) milk = mixture boils and coats the spoon. 4tablespoons sugar Remove from the fire. Dissolve gela- + cup hot water tine in hot water, add to the mixture. 2 eggs Beat egg whites until stiff and stir Essence of vanilla into the mixture. Flavour to taste and pour into a mould. Remember, the custard must boil or it will not separate. It should only just boil; do not keep it cooking. CARRINGTON MOULD Ingredients. Davis Gelatine Small can peaches or pears, apricots, etc. Sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup (4 pint) milk anilla essence Red colouring If setting without an ice- box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. 6-7 Servings Method. First layer: Dissolve 1 envelope gelatine in = cup hot water, add 3 tablespoons sugar, lemon juice, and strained juice from peaches. If neces- sary, add water to make 1 pint of liquid. Pour a little in a round cake tin or mould; when firm, arrange sliced peaches. Pour in a little more liquid to cover. Leave to set. Place re- mainder of jelly mixture aside. Second layer: Dissolve $ envelope gelatine in ¢ cup hot water; cool; add to milk. Add 2 tablespoons sugar few drops vanilla essence. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Pour carefully on iS the peach layer, which should be irm. Third layer: Take the jelly remaining from the first layer. Remelt, if set, by placing the basin in hot water. Add red colouring. When cold, pour over the milk jelly layer, which should be firm. AY DESSERTS JELLIED COCKTAILS WINE AND LIQUEUR JELLIES Ingredients. 1 envelope FI, GRAPEFRUIT COCKTAIL Davis Gelatine 14 cups hot water 1 large gra pefruit 1 cup sugar 1 cup finely chopped cooked pineapple 4 tablespoons lemon juice If setting without an ice- box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. SPEC 6 Servings Method. Add sugar to hot water, bring to boiling point. Moisten gelatine with 2 tablespoons of cold water, add to hot syrup. When cool, add lemon juice. Remove peel and cut grapefruit into small pieces, carefully removing all membrane. When gelatine mixture is cool and thickening, add pineapple and grapefruit. Pour into a wet mould or individual moulds. Serve on let- tuce. If this recipe is served as a dessert, use } cup less water. IAL GELATINE DESSERTS These desserts are based on the use of a syrup to which fruit juice, wine, or liqueur may be added. PREPARATION OF SYRUP STOCK Ingredients. 1+ pints water 2% lbs. sugar 14 oz. citric acid crystal S Thinly peeled rind of 1 lemon 1 oz. lemon juice WINE Method. Place water and sugar in saucepan, add lemon juice and rind. Bring gradually to boiling point; add citric acid. Remove from fire; leave until cold. Strain and add cold water to make up to 23 pints. Bottle the syrup. JELLY LIQUEUR JELLY 6 Servings Ingredients 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 5 fluid oz. 7 fluid oz. A fluid oz. A fluid oz. Ingredients syrup stock wine cold water hot water 6 Servings Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 5 fluid oz. syrup stock 4 fluid oz. liqueur 7 fluid oz. cold water 4A fluid oz. hot water FRUIT JELLY 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 6 Servings Method for all mixtures. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add syrup and other ingredients, mix well. 5 fluid oz. syrup stock Pour into a mould. 11 fluid oz. fruit juice If setting without an ice-box or refrigerator, A fluid oz. hot water use slightly less liquid. APRICOT SOUFFLE Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine cup hot water eggs cup sugar cup apricot pulp cup apricot juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice Few grains salt % cup (+ pint) cream — HAH RO RD 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hct water. Beat egg yolks and sugar thoroughly. Add apricot pulp and Fruit juices. Stir over ot water until quite hot. Leave until cold. Add dissolved gelatine. Add salt to egg whites and beat until stiff. Whip the cream; take half and add to beaten egg whites and fold into the mixture. Pour into serving bowl or sherbet glasses and seve with the remainder of the cream. COFFEE SOUFFLE Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 13 cups (2 pint) clear black coffee % cup rich milk or cream % CUD sugar Pinch of salt 2 eggs 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in a little of the hot coffee. Heat the remainder with milk, sugar, salt and slightly beaten yolks of eggs, until the mixture coats the spoon. Cool, add gelatine and fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Place ina mould. Serve with whipped cream, flavoured with varilla. Decor- ate with blanched almonds. LEMON SOUFFLE Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 1% cups hot water ? Cup sugar 2 eggs 4 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Beat egg yolks, add sugar, lemon rind and juice. Beat again. Beat egg whites and lightly stir into the mixture. Add gelatine and mix thoroughly. Pour into a serving bowl. When firm decor- ate with whipped cream and glace cherries. SOUFFLES DESSERTS TANGERINE JELLY Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine Tangerines or oranges cup hot water cup orange juice cup lemon juice cup cold water teaspoon grated orange rind Sugar to taste — > /Co me) bol 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add sugar to fruit juices. Stir in dissolved gelatine, cold water and rind. Line a mould with tangerine or orange quarters and when jelly is thickening pour over and allow to set. Serve with whipped cream. CHARLOTTE RUSSE 6-8 Servings (See illustration) Ingredients. envelope Davis Gelatine pint clear lemon jelly (p. 37) cup milk cup cream or custard cup hot water tablespoon port wine Sponge fingers or strips of sponge Sugar Dessert prunes Glace cherries Blanched almonds Red colouring Almond essence Method. Cover the bottom of a mould with a little lemon jelly. When firm arrange a suitable garnish of almonds and strips of prune; cover with a little more liquid. When set, place a very small quantity of liquid in the mould and keep turning it until it is masked with a thin film of jelly. (Turning on ice will be of assistance). This film may be thickened by repeating the process. lf a fluted mould is used, set a cherry at the top of each flute; dipping the cherry into the lemon liquid and pressing gently into position. Dip each sponge finger quickly into the liquid and set in position. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Mix milk and cream together, add gelatine. Flavour slightly with almond essence. Sweeten to taste. If liked finely crushed almonds may be added to the mixture. Pour half into the mould. Stand basin containing the remainder in luke-warm water. Add port wine to the remainder of the lemon jelly and colour red. Pour on to the cream layer if it is firm. When set, add the remainder of the cream mixture, which should be cold. Serve decorated with cream and_ prunes stuffed with almonds; or as desired. FILLINGS FOR TARTS AND PIES FRUIT PIE Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine mashed banana cup (4 pint) orange juice 2 cup hot water tablespoons lemon juice cup sugar or more cup cream egg white Pinch of salt Baked pie shell eo Nie NO > —_ PH ee OR TART FILLING 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add sugar, orange and lemon juice. When thickening, beat well. Fold in the whipped cream and mashed banana. Beat egg white and salt until stiff; fold into the mixture. Carefully place in the pie shell. Serve topped with whipped cream. Be sure pie shells are cold, otherwise fillings will melt. PUMPKIN PIE Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine cup hot water eggs 4 cups pumpkin cup sugar teaspoon ginger 3 teaspoon nutmeg teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon molasses 4 cup milk 1 teaspoon grated orange rind dp dk bo RoR JH eA AD IH 6 Servings Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Beat egg yolks and add to remaining in- gredients. Cook over hot water until mixture thickens. Remove ftom fire, add dissolved gelatine. When mix- ture cools, fold in beaten egg whites. Pour into cold pastry shell and cover with whipped cream. Shredded cocoa- nut (4 cup) is a pleasing addition to the ingredients of this filling. LEMON FLUFF PIE Ingredients. envelope Davis Gelatine cup hot water eggs cup sugar cup lemon juice teaspoon grated lemon rind teaspoon salt — PRN (A) di vie IH 6 Servings Method. Beat egg yolks and add half the sugar and lemon juice. Cook over hot water until thickening slightly. Remove from fire, add gelatine dissolved in hot water and lemon rind. Cool. Add salt to egg whites and beat until stiff. Add remaining sugar. When the mixture is thickening slightly fold in cag whites. Pour into prepared pie shell. In most of the recipes, Gelatine measurements have been given by Envelopes instead of by spoons. This method is more accurate and a convenience for the busy housekeeper; removing any doubts as to whether level or heaped spoonfuls are required. You may remember when you found 4 tubes in a packet of Davis Gelatine instead of 6 envelopes as at present. Each of these present envelopes will make the same amount of jelly as one of the tubes from the older packet. Don’t hesitate to measure with spoons from one of our envelopes if you are making a favourite recipe not included in this book, but remember Davis Gelatine is very strong and you will need less of it, or more liquids, to avoid too stiff a jelly. A full-sized measuring cup—one which contains 10 fluid ounces—is intended as the cup measurement. If your cup holds only 8 fluid ounces, then you must make the necessary ad- justments. The best method is to use a pint measure in which the ounces (20 fluid ounces) are clearly marked. Care should be taken to dissolve the gelatine completely; use hot, not boiling, water. Add gelatine to the hot water. lf a small quantity of water is used, it may be necessary to stand the container in hot water while the gelatine dissolves. Some users prefer to moisten the gelatine with a little cold water, then add hot water—if this method is adopted make certain that the amounts of water used to moisten and to dis- solve together make that specified in the directions. Gelatine should not be heated with milk or added to hot milk for it causes the milk ‘‘to curdle’’. This is really merely a division of the curds and whey and is quite ‘‘sweet’’. To avoid the so-called curdling, dissolve the gelatine in a little hot water, add gradually to the milk, which should be cold, but not iced. If the milk is removed from an ice-box or re- frigerator, stand the container in warm water for a minute to remove the chill. A few grains of salt is often an improvement in milk pudding recipes. Pineapple must first be cooked before placing in jelly or gelatine mixture, because it contains a substance which liquefies gelatine. The action of this substance is prevented by heating. Canned or bottled pineapple does not require cooking as it is heated in the preserving process. Run the point of a knife round the edge of the mould. Dip the mould carefully into warm water (about blood heat). Place a plate or dish over the top and by turning upside down the shape will slip out. IF it does not move, place in warm water again, and repeat the process. A paper doily over the top of the mould will enable the shape to be placed in position in the serving dish. Measuring Gelatine The Cup Dissolving Gelatine Milk or Milk Mixtures Pineapple To Remove from the Mould To Garnish Ice-Boxes and Refrigerators Overchilling WT The garnish should be set in clear, well-flavoured jelly. For a sweet dish, make a small quantity of clear jelly by dissolving } teaspoon gelatine in 1 tablespoon hot water, add cold water to make up to 4 cup. Add sugar and flavour- ing to taste. For a meat dish or salad, etc., dissolve the gelatine in hot water or stock, add salt and a few drops of sauce such as Worcestershire. Method—Wet the mould, cover the bottom with a little of the liquid; when firm arrange the garnish in position, then cover with more liquid. When firm add the mixture accordin to the recipe being followed. Be sure this mixture is cold. There are three ways in which a gelatine dish may be set: Normally, without the aid of ice or refrigeration; in an ice-box; in a refrigerator. Gelatine dissolves in hot water and forms a gell as it cools—that is of course, when gelatine and water are in certain proportions. The quicker the liquid can be cooled throughout, the quicker that gell will be obtained. Setting in an ice-box or refrigerator means that liquid ingredients— whether they be fruit juices, milk, custard mixtures, etc., will be chilled, and therefore set quicker than at the higher tempera- tures which exist under room conditions. Not only do the mixtures set quicker, but actually thicken according to the temperature of the ice-box or refrigerator. The recipes in this book have been compiled to set under ice-box conditions, but since so many users of Davis Gelatine have the facilities of electric refrigeration, allowance must be made for the ‘‘thickening’’ which intense cold causes, otherwise stiff and not very palatable dishes may result. No one relishes the jelly which sets to almost rubbery texture, and requires actual chewing. The gelatine dish should mould easily, and even when chilled should break easily when cut with a spoon, and it should almost ‘“‘shiver’’ as the spoon leaves it. If a dish is to be set in an electric refrigerator, more liquid will be required in the mixture. From the description given of the ideal texture of a dish you know what should be your goal. The wide margin in the book may be used for notes regarding quantities of gelatine, sugar and flavouring. Make use of it. Leaving a gelatine dish in the ice-box or refrigerator for several hours may completely spoil what would otherwise be a delight to the palate. Over-chilling spoils flavour as well as texture. Actually the flavour is there, but is masked by the intense coldness, and appears flat and insipid. If- it were left to ‘thaw out’’, all the delicacy and richness would return. Learn how long to leave your dishes in the ice-box or refriger- ator to obtain the best results—results worth the trouble and care you took in preparing the dish. Ingredients. Davis Gelatine Hot water Sugar + cup milk Slices of oranges ; cup orange juice lemon essence Vanilla essence Red cclouring Green colouring Few grains salt If setting without an ice- box or refrigerator, use slightly less liquid. PAVLOVA 6 Servings Method. 1 First layer: Dissolve 4 envelope gelatine and 3 tablespoons sugar in * cup hot water; add 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Divide the mixture, colour one half red and the other green. Pour the green into a mould. Second layer: Dissolve 4 envelope gelatine in + cup hot water. Add 1 tablespoon sugar to # cup milk; stir until dissolved. Flavour with vanilla essence, add few grains salt and dis- solved gelatine. Carefully pour on to the green layer, which must be firm. Third layer: Dissolve 4 envelope gelatine in + cup hot water, add 3 cup orange juice, 3 tablespoons sugar or more. When the milk layer is firm, arrange orange circles round the mould and add the orange jelly, which should be thickening a little at a time. Fourth layer: Re-melt the red jelly, if it has set, by standing in hot water. When cold pour over the orange layer, which should be firm. DESSERT ICE PUDDINGS AND ICE CREAMS Ze, ICE PUDDING A LA_ RUSSE 6 Servings Ingredients. Method. 14 teaspoons Separate yolk and white of egg. Davis Gelatine Add sugar and essence to yolk, beat 14 cups (2 pint) milk only lightly. Boil milk, pour onto 2 tablespoons hot yolk, beat well and leave to cool. water Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add to 1 egg the cold mixture. Beat egg white + pint cream until very stiff, and when the custard ¢ cup sugar is setting mix together; beat well. Vanilla to taste Add cream. Pour into a serving dish. Pack away in crushed ice for about 12 hours. If placed in a refrigerator be careful not to overchill. CUSTARD ICE CREAM Ingredients. Method. $4 teaspoon Beat eggs and anger Heat milk, avis Gelatine pour on to eggs. Simmer over hot 1 teaspoon hot water water until the mixture thickens on 1 cup (4 pint) milk the spoon. Cool; add gelatine dis- + cup sugar solved in hot water. Add salt and 2 eggs flavouring to cream, and fold into the % pint whipped cream cold custard mixture. Pour into freezer 1% teaspoons vanilla or trays. essence + teaspoon lemon essence Ingredients. Method. 14 teaspoons Dissolve gelatine in hot water, Davis Gelatine gradually add sugar, stir until dis- 2 cups (1 pint) milk = solved. Mix milk, cream, and salt. 7 cup hot water Add cold gelatine mixture. Add + cup (4 pint) thick essence. Pour into freezer or freezing cream trays. $ cup sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla essence orto taste Pinch of salt ORANGE ICE CREAM Ingredients. Method. 1 teaspoon Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Davis Gelatine Dilute condensed milk with cold water 1 cup condensed milk add strained orange juice, salt and % cup hot water dissolved gelatine. Whip cream slight- 4 cup cold water ly, fold into the mixture. Chill, then 1 cup orange juice freeze. 1 cup cream Pinch of salt PEACH ICE CREAM Ingredients. 2 teaspoons Davis Gelatine 14 pints milk 4 cup hot water 2 eggs # cup sugar 2 teaspoons flour 4 pint crushed peaches 4 teaspoon almond essence Pinch of salt 1 teaspoon lemon juice Red colouring Method. Blend flour with a little cold milk, heat the remainder; add the flour and stir until the mixture boils and thickens; simmer for 8 minutes. Beat egg yolks and sugar, add to milk and cook gently, but not boil. Leave to cool. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Beat egg whites with salt until stiff. Add to the custard the peaches, es- sence, strained lemon juice, gelatine and egg whites. Colour a delicate pink. Chill, then freeze. SOUTHERN ICE CREAM Ingredients. 1 teaspoon Davis Gelatine 1 cup hot water 1 cup boiled milk 1 cup (4 pint) cream 4 cup sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla Pinch of salt Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add sugar to milk, stir until dissolved, add flavouring and gelatine. Place in freezing trays. Freeze to a soft mush. Stir into cream whipped until stiff, replace in trays and return to freezer. Freeze for an hour, then stir well; continue freezing. VANILLA ICE CREAM Ingredients. 1 teaspoon Davis Gelatine 4 cup hot water 2 cup sweetened condensed milk 1 cup canned milk 14 teaspoons vanilla Pinch of salt Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Mix milk, salt and essence. Add cold dissolved gelatine. Stir well. Pour into freezing trays. When partially frozen (like soft custard), beat with an egg-beater for 4 minutes, replace in the trays and continue freezing. LEMON WATER ICE Ingredients. 1 teaspoon Davis Gelatine 4 Ib. loaf sugar 1 pint water Rind of 2 lemons 4 cup lemon juice Whites of 2 eggs Method. Wash lemon rind thoroughly. Rub some of the lumps of sugar over the rinds to obtain ‘‘zest’’ in the flavour. Dissolve sugar in water; boil until the syrup just threads when dropped from the spoon. Leave to cool. Dissolve gelatine in 1 tablespoon hot water, add to the syrup. Add strained lemon juice. Place in the freezer or freezing trays. When partially frozen, add stiffly beaten egg whites. Mix well. Continue freezing. ICE CREAMS AND WATER ICE THISTLEDOWN Ingredients. 1 teaspoon Davis Gelatine 2 tablespoons cold water 4 cup boiling water 1 cup icing sugar ICING Method. Soak gelatine in cold water. Make a syrup with boiling water and icing sugar; add gelatine. Cool. Add lemon juice and whip until consistency is suitable to spread. Add pineapple and baking powder. Leave for a few 1 teaspoonlemonjuice minutes before spreading on cake. 2 tablespoons crushed Sprinkle with chopped nuts or cocoa- pineapple 4 teaspoon baking powder MERINGUE Ingredients. 1 teaspoon Davis Gelatine 1 white of egg 1 cup icing sugar cup hot water Flavouring Cake icings and fillings with gelatine should be served the same day as they are made. CREAM Ingredients. $s envelope avis Gelatine 2 tablespoons sugar Yolk of 1 egg 1 cup (4 pint) milk + cup hot water Vanilla Few grains salt FILLING nut as desired. FROSTING (See illustration) Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, leave until quite cool. Add flavouring. Beat white of egg; add gelatine gradually, then icing sugar, beating all the time until thick. Colour if desired. Pile between the layers of cake and over the top. Sliced glace cherries make an attractive addition to this recipe. Coffee Frosting is made similarly, the gelatine being dissolved in 3 cup hot coffee instead of hot water. Chop- ped walnuts should be added to the mixture. FOR CAKES Method. Beat yolk of egg with sugar and salt; place in saucepan with milk. Stir well together. Cook until the mixture coats the spoon. When cold, add gelatine dissolved in hot water and vanilla. Use when thickening. This is a splendid filling for cream puffs, sponges, etc. MOCK WHIPPED CREAM Ingredients. 1 teaspoon Davis Gelatine 4 |b. butter 2+ tablespoons sugar Pinch of salt 3 tablespoons hot water + saltspoon cream of tartar Vanilla or lemon essence (See illustration) Method. Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Place butter, sugar, salt and flavouring in a basin, cream slightly; add cream of tartar, then dissolved gelatine. Whip well (about 10 minutes) until the mix- ture is like whipped cream. Use as a filling for sponges and puffs. CAKE FROSTINGS and FILLINGS GELATINE CHEESE SAVOURIES 6 Servings SAVOURIES Ingredients. Method. 1 envelope Place in saucepan, milk, parsley and Davis Gelatine | cheese; heat until cheese melts, mix 14 cups (3 pint) milk well, season to taste. Pass through a 4 cup (} pint) hot sieve. Leave until cold. Dissolve water gelatine in hot water. Pour into small 4 tablespoons grated moulds or egg cups. Serve on lettuce cheese leaves with salad dressing. Decorate 1 tablespoon the moulds with sprigs of parsley chopped parsley dusted very lightly with cayenne. Salt and pepper Cayenne HAM CREAMS Ingredients. Method. 1 teaspoon Dissolve gelatine in hot water avis Gelatine Cream butter, add salt, pepper and cup hot water cream of tartar. Gradually add dis- cup butter solved gelatine. Beat until mixture alt and pepper to looks like whipped cream. Gradually taste add ham mixture. Spread on biscuits, 1 teaspoon cream of — small rounds of toast, or brown bread. tartar 3 cup minced ham and mustard pickle SHRIMP SAVOURIES Ingredients. Method. 1 teaspoon Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Add Davis Gelatine lemon juice and sauce to shrimps 4 cup hot water which have been cleaned and chop- 1 tablespoon lemon ped. Cream butter, add salt, cayenne juice and cream of tartar. Gradually add teaspoon Wor- dissolved gelatine. Beat mixture until cestershire sauce like whipped cream. Gradually add cup chopped shrimps shrimp mixture. Spread on biscuits cup butter and decorate with sliced gherkins or teaspoon salt olives. ew grains cayenne pepper 1 teaspoon cream of tartar dle TO} rol — CONFEC- TIONS ew, CHOCOLATE FUDGE Ingredients. Method. 1 teaspoon Place all ingredients in saucepan. Davis Gelatine | Cook until a little dropped into cold 2 cups sugar water forms a soft ball. Remove from 1 cup milk fire. Beat until the mixture is creamy. 2 tablespoons cocoa Pour into a lightly buttered dish. 1 tablespoon butter Mark into squares. 4 teaspoon vanilla Pinch of cream of tartar Pinch of salt COCOANUT CREAM Ingredients. Method. 1 tablespoon Soak gelatine in + cup cold milk. Davis Gelatine —_ Boil remaining milk and sugar together 4 cup shredded until a soft ball is formed when cocoanut dropped in cold water. Remove from 1+ cups milk fire, add gelatine, butter and flavour- 2 cups sugar ing (almond or vanilla). Beat until 1 tablespoon butter smooth and creamy. Fold in cocoanut lavouring and pour on greased pan fo sef. Few grains salt CREME DE MENTHE JUBES Ingredients. Method. 14 envelopes Boil sugar, citric acid, gelatine Davis Gelatine | and water for 20 minutes. Leave to 1 cup water cool. Add peppermint and colour a 1 cup sugar bright green. Mix thoroughly to- 1 tablespoon lemon — gether. Pour into a lightly buttered juice or pinch of pan and leave for 24 hours. Cut into citric acid squares and roll in crystal sugar. 1 teaspoon peppermint Green colouring DATE PRALINES Ingredients. Method. 14 envelopes Boil sugar, gelatine and water for Davis Gelatine 10 minutes. Leave to cool. Add icing 1 cup sugar sugar and orange juice. Whip until 1 cup water thick and white. Flavour with vanilla. 1 cup icing sugar Add dates and mix thoroughly. Place 1 cup chopped dates in lightly buttered pans. When firm, Essence of vanilla cut into squares, roll in a mixture of 2 tablespoons orange icing sugar and cornstarch. juice Cherry Pralines: Use chopped glace cherries. Fig Pralines. Use chopped figs. Ginger Pralines: Use chopped preserved ginger. Nut Pralines: Use chopped nuts. FONDANT Ingredients. Method. 2 teaspoons Place all ingredients except flavour- Davis Gelatine ing in saucepan on fire. When dis- 1 cup sugar solved, bring to boiling point and boil 1 cup water for 5 minutes or until a little dropped 1 teaspoon cream of into cold water forms a soft ball. tartar Remove from fire, leave until luke- Flavouring essence warm. Add flavouring. Beat until thick and creamy. Turn on to a plate and knead well until soft and smooth. When firm, cut into desired shapes and dip in chocolate covering or use for preparing the following confections:— Date Creams: Stone dates, fill with fondant. Ginger Creams: Add small pieces of preserved ginger to the mixture while beating. Peppermint Creams: Flavour the mixture with a few drops of peopermint and colour a bright green. Prune Creams: Stone prunes, fill with fondant. Walnut Creams: Place pieces of fondant between halves of walnuts, or work chopped walnuts into the fondant mixture while beating. PEPPERMINT PATTIES Ingredients. Method. 1 teaspoon Dissolve gelatine in hot water. Davis Gelatine Sift icing sugar and salt together 3 tablespoons hot and gradually add dissolved gelatine, water lemon juice and essence. Knead on 1} cups icing sugar a board dredged with icing sugar, Few grains salt adding sufficient to make stiff and 1 teaspoon lemon smooth fondant. Colour as desired juice while kneading. Roll and cut in Peppermint essence rounds with small jar cover. Recipe or other flavour may be varied by kneading desic- cated cocoanut into the mixture. MARSHMALLOWS Ingredients. Method. 13 envelopes Place gelatine, sugar, salt and water Davis Gelatine in a saucepan and boil slowly for 10 1 cup granulated minutes. Remove from fire; add icing sugar sugar. Cool. Add flavouring and whip Pinch of salt until white and thick. Add baking 1 cup water powder; mix thoroughly and add 1 cup icing sugar chopped nuts if desired. Pour on 1 teaspoon vanilla or greased pan to set. Cut in squares. other flavour Roll in cocoanut. Grated orange or 1 teaspoon baking lemon rind may be boiled in the syrup powder to bring out the flavour. CONFEC- TIONS CONFEC- TIONS Co RAINBOW JUBES Ingredients. 14 envelopes Davis Gelatine 1 cup water 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon lemon juice Red colouring Green colouring Yellow colouring Method. Boil sugar, gelatine and water to- gether for 20 minutes. Remove from fire and when cool add lemon juice. Divide into three part; colour the first part red; the secondcolour yellow and the third part colour green. Put one colour into a lightly buttered pan; when firm, add the second part, and when firm add tte third part. Leave for 24 hours at least. Cut into squares and roll in idng sugar or cocoanut. RUSSIAN CARAMEL Ingredients. 1 teaspoon Davis Gelatine 1 Ib. butter 1 Ib. brown sugar 1 tin condensed milk 1 teaspoon vanilla essence Method. Place butter in saucesan over fire; when melted add sugar, milk and gelatine. Simmer for $0 minutes or until the mixture leave: the sides of the saucepan. Stir occasionally to prevent burning. Add vanilla. Pour into a lightly buttered dish. When firm, cut into squares. SNOWBALLS Ingredients. 2 envelopes Davis Gelatine 2 cups sugar 2? cups water 2 tablespoons lemon juice Method. Soak gelatine in } cus water. Boil sugar in the remainder of the water (14 cups) for 10 minute:, add soaked gelatine and boil for 20 minutes. Cool slightly. Flavour with lemon juice or a few drops.of l2mon essence. Place in a basin and beat until stiff. While the mixture is stil warm it may be formed into balls wth the hands, then dropped into chocolate coating and finally rolled on a dish thickly spread with cocoanut. TURKISH DELIGHT Ingredients. 2} envelopes Davis Gelatine 2 cups granulated sugar Few grains salt 14 cups cold water 4 cup lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind Method. Place gelatine, sugar,salt and water in saucepan. Stir until dissolved. Boil for 20 minutes but do rot stir after it boils. Cool slightly and add lemon juice and rind. Pour on greased pan to set. The mixture mcy be divided and coloured with the addition of chopped nuts, etc. Cu: into squares and roll in icing sugar cond cornstarch. CHRISTMAS PLUM PUDDING Ingredients. 1 envelope Davis Gelatine 2 cups (1 pint) milk 4 cup hot water 2 tablespoois cocoa or chocolate cup chopped nuts and lenon peel ¢ cup raisin: $ cup chopped dates or tigs 4 cup chopred ginger or currants 3 tablespoms sugar Pinch of sal: Essence of vanilla Essence of lzmon 1 tablespoon of brandy. if liked who 6-7 Servings Method. Place milk, chocolate or cocoa in saucepan, bringing to boiling point. Add all ingredients except gelatine and flavouring; boil for 5 minutes. Let cool, add vanilla essence to taste, and a few drops of lemon; add brandy if liked. Dissolve gelatine in hot water, add to the mixture, stirring all well together. Pour into a wet mould. Decorate with holly and serve with cream or custard. MOONSHINE BIFFS Ingredients. 134 envelopes Davis Gelatine 1 cup sugar 1 cup wate! 1 cup icing sugar Desiccated cocoanut Essence of vanilla Method. Place gelatine in saucepan with water and sugar. Boil for 8 minutes. Cool. Add icing sugar and vanilla essence. Beat until thick and white. Wet a plate or cake tin and pour in the mixture. Cut into small squares; roll in desiccated cocoanut or icing sugar. DESSERT CONFEC- TION HE value of gelatine has long been acknow- ledged by the medical world, its use being general and extensive in all hospitals and invalid institutions. Not only is it a means by which dainty and economical dishes can be created, but is an ingredient that enriches the food value of every dish in which it is used. Wholly set up and printed in Canada by Brigdens Limited, for the publishers, Davis Gelatine (Canada) Limited “Py, ah ale tac ee a “ - 4 4 -¢ a eo . - « - = - . . . , . ae _— o~ ‘ es _ — at a Sap FPR ee tiger, Pre oes —— » at es + Pee 3 ~ a By ay Pi a ee “ ‘ _— nie ete ee oe ot & Pe ee Ree Oey ed oe do tage” ee Pee ee ee eee, en et — ay 6. talus Seco boas | cd age Peg he HL lc sant reap at eae 5 ee ee peri ada fon, aah Pah he neta cS he anges ye a at Pg RR eae Marys Pte Ringe Mtge Poe Bn ety Alle tigen AE pana 7 Batis te ee spr’ no x wee tee 5 * ‘ Ph, Mae BA tees a Pun . eee, ee * popes L Se Eee me ey - ee BS ee Pa Ry Aer.) Bm, Ol ee a he, Pa ae Oe eH ge ey ee? e : gem p Oe PR a yes waa esa, ee my Cae et He Qe TE 4. te ES >. yy ye Rhee he Reet ecn Seem ae : Tey ree geen «Sher bp Bee My Sip. 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