C. (G) 2197. A Treatise of Mathematicall Phisicke, or briefe Introduction to Phisicke, by Iudiciall Astronomy. Intreating very ex- actly and compendiously of the Natures and qualities of all diseases incident to humane bodyes by the naturall influence of the Czlestiall motions. Neuer before handled in this our natiue language, written by G. C. gent. Practicioner in Phisicke. Whereunto is added a most ready and perfect Table, of the planetarie and vnequall howers vnder the ... meridian of ... London, exactly cal- culated by the sayde G. C....sm. 4°. Lond., br. by T. Purfoot, 1598. With woodcut illustrs. &c., and folding table. Issued with ‘ A briefe and most easie Introduc- tion to the Astrologicall Iudgement of the Starres ’, 1598, G. C.’s edition of Fabian Wither’s transla- tion of Claude Dariot’s ‘Ad astrorum. iudicia facilis introductio ’, Lyons, 1557. The identity of “G. C.’ seems to be unknown. Inserted: MS. leaf with astrological tables. A re + ¥ ~——5 f ae et mo Pa e : / + a roars oe Ape Ve (See OC faa losis + phon = af t a 4 Vicar Li-1+3 i io v Ae trwriee > vA (3-4 4e-=d atest : ae yeene eee — SRS ass e = y Ze Cah. Lint tT" iss f . + fet ae Leino “a eo FROM THE LIBRARY OF SIR WILLIAM OSLER, BART. OXFORD Treati'e of «Mathematical Phi- ficke, or briete {ntroduction to. “Phificke, by ludiciall Aftronomy. Intreating very exactly and compendioufly of the Natures and Qualities ofall diieafes incident to humane bodyes by the natural! in- * ~~ fluence ofthe Celeftiall motions, Newer before handledin this our Nariuelan- SHALE » wrirsen by Ge C. gent. Prace ““zittoner in Phiftcke: a ot ¥ : . . Whereunto is added a moft ready and per- fe&t. Table, of the Planeratie and vne- guall howers vader the Latitude of Si dete3 emt. which srhetrue me= - vidtanof th1s oft famous Clr. tie of London, exactly 5 “aleutated by thee ' fayde'G; Ce ie Optimé virtus feipfanouit, & qua amabilis fit jnrelligi¢. we AT LOND O N, oe Printed by Thomas Purfoot. ges eR mae To the Coxrvteous Readers HE chiefeft andmoft difficult poynt of Phifick(by the opinié of | § Galenand others excelling in that Art)is to decerne the Nature & property of every difeafe & ficknes, & therby te manifeft the cau. festherof.Nam fublara caxfa, tolletur effettussthe caufe being remoued, the effect is eafily extinguifhed . Vnto the knowledge wherof Iudiciall Afironomy is moft neceflary & moft auayl: blezexprefling very certeniy & perticulerly the céplexiomofthe body, & the nature of th'infirmity , & cdfequently thecaufes of the fame:which being ynknowne, how dagerousa thinge it were,& how haynous to apply any Medicines, no man is ignorat, And in vaine he laboreth to expell ficknes and cifeafes, which obferueth nota due & conueniét time forthe operatis of his me- dicines & miniftring Phifickesfor bythe motionofthe Moone & Pla- nets(fayth Znnél, & experiéce daily approueth the fame)are known the Criticall & dagerous days: whé the ficknes wilbe more grieuous & ve~ hemét, & whé it wilbe more remifle & placable, & in what dayes itis conueniét to yfe outward or inward medicines. And ifthe Phifition(as Hypocratesaffirrneth x Progz,)do by ludiciall Afttonomy pronciice the end of the ficknés & cavfestherof,the patient doth the more confidérly comit himfelfe into his hads & deliuereth him fr6 blame, For this caufe (gétle reader) I haue colle ed thisfhort Treatife of A¢athe matical Ph:- fick entreating of the natures & kinds of difeafes & infirmiriesto be de- cerned by the influéce of the fuperior motiés, & fignifieth(by a queftis propofed ortime of the firft c6playning or lying down of the party gre- ued whether the ficknes wilbelong orfhort, or wilbe dangerous or of {mal force,& of what property the infirmity is,which contagioufly doth afflict the body, Ifthismy laborimay be gratefully accepted (as 1 doube not if ye pleafe to céfureiuflly therot) I fhalbe encoraged to proceede in the 2. Booke of (Yaudins Dario hadling moe copicufly this{ point, of Aftrology,& bad byn far more. fitting (1 confefle) for shisi place, yf time & oportunity had permitted : & the yatherbeing induect to pub- Jith this litle yolume at the inftatrequeft of fom worlhipfull men, who(c ymportunacy I could not withftad, So Irefcr thisfirtt fruits of my lebor to thy difcreti6(courteous reader) hoping ye wil frédly accept the fame, as for the raucnousiawes of malicious Sytophanrts, | feare thé hot v hofe ignorance makeththé enuious:forit is a truc faying, Screnctamul # hebet inimich nif ignoranté.Afany fault be fetid herein;with fauor bearewith it oramend it, So fhal‘I(as a deuoted frend) endeuor my felf by al means to requite your courtefies-ener praying tothe omnipotét creato) for your dayly encreafe of knowledge & yertuc, to whofe facred wit I commig Yours in allaffcition, ? Oe rg Uaffeition, GG ifaw y? mite a V4, +e 7 ‘. 2 i The Anatomie of mans Bod hvanche of The Va hena “Saphena aviche of the Ae) -, f ¢ thine The b Vaiie eMathematicall P hifick or abricfe Methode-of Rhifick, by Lndiciall Aftrologie. mi N the caufes of Sicknefle and Yi. Infirmities , the methode and way of iudging bya Calefti- all: conftellanion or. Fygure, is required from the places of the Heauens, and from the Planets that are fignifiers both a ivomensteetass) of the nature of the partie di- feafed, and of the qualitie, of the difeale : In know- ing of what Nature and Complexion they bee of themfelues, and alfo what flate and condition they hould in their proper places, which is fayde to be accidental. By themfelues, that is rofay,the Atoone hath fignification of the body and lyfe, andlikewile the Sunne, but chiefly the Afcendent, and thee are fayde to bee fignifiers by themfelues in the flate ofthe bodye and life of the, partie difeafed, and their difpo- fitors. or Lordes.to bee fignificators by accident, that is by reafon of the Dominion and power which they houlde in the places. of the former fignificators as when Satarne or Mars or (ome other Planet thalbe difpofitors and haue. chiefe power inthe fayde pla- ces, and this according to the Natureand dilpolition of the partie dileafed . Bur as touching theN 4 ature and Qualitie of dit cafe - ft eMathematical eafe or ficknefle : the fignifiers of the fixt houfe, and the Planet or Planets in thefame, but the fignifiers by accident ; are the difpofitors of the fixt houfe,together with the maleuolent Planets Saturne and Mars: who if they bee lignifieators b any meanes, they doe affiiét the bodye , and allo the planet’ ftom whomme the Lorde of the alcendent is feparated, or which feparateth himfelfe fom the Lord of the afcendent’: which {heweth the part or member difeafed and grieved, forthe part or parts of the body fignified by the figne and houfe where- in the fayde planet ‘is placed; are furely grieued and payned according to the qualitie of the difeafe: now the flate and condition which they holde, is difcer-’ ned: diuerfly in fundry wayes; a8 in‘ his owneé proper nature, inthe fine whetein he¢ is, alo in habit or place which hee pofleffeth, then accotding ‘to hys affection beelit good ot euill, ‘wherewith Hee is af: fected, then’by his Fortitude or Debilitie being firong or weake, fortunate or infSrtinate 4s well by-nature and by himfelfe, as by acccident, being able there- by freely to extend his forces or not... ~ Laftly by his configuration and alpeéts which’ hee hath with other: planets be itgood or badde. fortunate themfelues, are forranate6r vie - And it is {pecially tobee regarded that we diligently examine, the concordace & habitude whichthe Significators do'hold alwel ainde thefelues as with the other planets < whether they be afpeGed orbe vovd of ‘courte, feparatine Or applying or in the’ felfe fame degree or minute : alf¢ 3€ good or baddeowith Recepti > whether theafpe & Onor without, with Trarn- w $ a Phificke, Tranflation, or with returne of light, with impedi- Men, or without fet or hinderance, alfo if there be uftrating of light , refrayning, befieging \ definic: tion or ab{cition & cutting ot ob frufitation of ight and nature .- Furthérmore -wee ought to régarde whether thefe fignificators haue anyother: way of concordance and habitude among themfelues, or with other Planets’, And. whether they bee in fignes beholding one énother, or in {ignescommen- ding or obeying, or if one be in the Antifcia-of the other, or in the Waxena or Dodetaremeria: of the o- ther.” For the caufe and realon ‘of thele thinges is not to bee. contemned.and reieGed, With thele alfo it is moft neceflarie to be feearded, and noleffe confideration oughtto be hadde of the fixed Starrs, efpecially being of the firR and fecond magnitude ; for if a fixed Starre fhalbe placed in the houfe lig- nifying the queftion propoted, or in th’afcendent or Tenth, or other Angle, or elfe fhalbee conioyned to.any Planet fignificator, {pecially the Afconethe Svane or Lord of théafcendent +0] much thar fixed ftarre dcothpromife &effedt.as the pla:whofe'nature & pro- perty he holdeth:as ifthe fame planet.fhould be {o pla- ced.inithe fame houle, or conioyned 't6 the fame fig- nificator.: allo the ‘Lord-of the hower hath the fame fignification.as the Lord of thrafcendent hath : lyke- wife. you mufthane refpect to the parts, as the part of Lyfe, the part of Death &c. for they doe helpe and auayle in delivering true Judgement. Thefe things ought carefully to be regarded of the Aftro- nomer, before he enter into Iudgement of the fate ; B 2 of eMathematicall of the ficke partie or ficknefle.. Therefore I haue briefly collected thee principal and moft neceflary rules belonging to this {cieace as followeth: readily exprefledto the fodaine view ofthe ftudiousPractiti- oner thereof, whereby the fayd: {cience may’be the more eafily ynderftood. and practifed. To mdze incan-C the places of the H eauin,that is £0 fes of fickueffe by | fay,rhe fignes. rhe Calefial ma- 8 tions js required: | frows (rhe planers (What they bee fignsficatars of | by nature. the bodye ana Iufirmitie Inknowing (What difpofition ; they bold. f f The afcendent ‘|y shem/felues Sie Moone ¢ vhs the peste ; The Sunne’ ¥ icke and di- The fiz- | feafed (L.of thafcendent \ nd by acci>. | L.of the houfe of D | " 04 dene L.of the houfe of © b they are | 2. of the Fygure. ] / L LZ. of the hower. J The | OR Th C6. ho fe Of the | by thamfluer, ha: inthe if wivee [ | ickeneBe 3 | \ CDifpofi itor’ of the fixt lb. sccidént | boule: the maleuolent ~ | | the | bla: which being figmif. | Tis amye fort doe afflict { the body, planet from | liphom the, of the afm. cendent® doth feperate or is [6 parared. Ofrhe Phifsion hone. rhe fig- Lord thereof | | wificator what rhey gt {a | | | | | the Sunne The. 1o hone ~ >. Of the Phificke $i Lord ele The houfe Th endef ficknepe ie Lord ee rhe 8 houfe oP ~ Dear h oh he L, shereof ~B3 The. Mathe matical Cowne proper mature The frsmificarors | Sime 2 what di pofiston ¥ Place ? they houlde ing Affection ig their | Fortitude, 5 Configuration ra (benewolent or maleuolent mafe. In thei he da ihe h A ies owne | or fem. of the day or night hor, warire,vzL. If 3 cold,moyft, or dry, fanguine, they bee by na- melancholy, chollerick,or phleg- Lure. | Matick, what difeales whar \parts of the body they couerne, hot, cold, moyft, on dry efier ya. [ earthly, warry, or ayerie:maf, Inthe fieme } or ‘fem fixedmoueable or come wherein they mon, humane, beftiall, or dou- are, whether it blebodyed mba member ix £0~ e uerneth, and what cifeafe or ickenefse. ‘a (Angle Ssenif, be Sa fuccedent ¢ tan Cadens: Iuplace or fitu- | farre fromthe cufpe or neere ation, yf the the cufpe of any boufe. } e Inhoufe, whereinhe reiaye L Ufeth, or leffe comforted. In ; ti Narure, | ‘ of shis or ard Complexio é ? In the shad h hone Propertie or baie . ia shines it bath of the t | /gnification:what part Fike body it goucrneth. {Direck Retrosrade ie in morio 2 /ivift iden, vi courfe In affection, ly nis iy es ie ation 4 whether hee entrea- sii t be { fing we 7 i in larir. “eS scl: i iat From the ecliprick. : i his Aux. -cneenefirt oie MAND ; or diminifbing thereof. combuf, under the Sunne ®?> WS wdayier entering | beimes 2 dep wring bfrom them Occidental: | Ler erpeaeal Ped ack yke i faohic, for, the moft part | are referred to the chap- ee [ser of. affection and cona In Ae Ly ¢0 ef oA feurasion and in fome hele ee, bys { fort i is difcerned-in this Lap. Von. yf the Seoif. egathestatical | onif be hey aay of bys dipmiries. Costes rermof 3° er pele | ae extill \ Quadras Afpect of b ¢ Orientall ¥ oy ™ - heis $ Oc cident eth ae c The ieeeilatioal DS 3, Vv - ‘t Tue Sunind Pas Ce Sie Boke ith Cres pp opi ? x Cruind tty S ler, 2 ar ago x Scholy. CY ef to the fix Ae) C Hotte and nz zovfP as Mao ne) fir SE torbe cual Oe FTotre and dry ons the © tothe laf ( 4 ) Colde« ava ar € laff) to the om > { Colile es Alfo the Moone of her'owne proper naturé ts.cold and moyft, yet farremoremoyftthencoldesmigbtily eniter-mixing her nattine with the: planets that !aipect her, and from whom the is feparated, alfoacegrding to hee encreafeand debcreafe! oe Heat and drynes. ¢ Cola nop fiure. SEncre: pgnih J For (© 2 Decreafing with 4 F eadde th Furthermore fhe changeth and varieth her nature according tothe place of the Heauiens.w herein fheis, as hath been oblerued by auntient P/ rylofophers, and therfore they haue affigned:28!Manciés of the ‘ido, declaring their {euerall Complexions and Qualities as hereafter followeth, siiha NIORTAI Reith ad ae one AY ea eA ee a wow eION Con i &A Table of the paar rok ihe Moone. uF Beginning of = chery DAancion. 3 [bile wa \quality| La) EleFions. es The Moon inthis firft Manci6, ceaufetha fite time to iourney, & to giue Philick chiefly’ laxatiues I ale Ig. 26 Pass Ey | rate. LE compe Good to'goe voyages, tofow , 2/0 Y7|rate or jplant, but contrary to purge or “on dy. lvomit. ~~ Werye | Goodto make Marchandize,to \rnayif. buy cattell, contrary to Naui- sigations.. Solde~ | Good to plant, andfow feedes 3128. omoy/t lcontrary, to make mariages ,and more ito make volages by water. olde. i IS, 019 ~ithis is {afe tov viage;t to make wed- 5 [milo s2sdry Olock,or marchadize ‘to fend chil- hare. dré to fchole,to make medicins. ‘Tempe-| Anapttime ‘10 War, but cotrary 6} xr |23." 43.vure) . [to fow feeds, & to doe all things, H eae you defire good end. ery 2 An cA Table of the Mancions of Y — ee ’ Beginning ing of lqua- qua- ~. EleéFions. uty ee e mancion els US72 \deg. lel E i An. apt timeto plowand fowe, 7 te Gy sno ut euill ro Tourney or go¢e on voyage. Bi A fit time, to take a pe ie 816 |19. 26|tem-llor umey,and to take Phifick chief perat; ay in pilles. | It is goodonely in Nauigation, Drye. lin all other thinges it is contra- gr 2. 17. . rie. ed Itis.good for Matrimonie, to ION |15- 9.ymoi fi P ‘pl lant or build: euill to make a lvoyage. tem.| A fauourable timeto {ow teeds 2 erarand to plant, to deliuer prifon- I] 28. 0 fay m-ners, contrar ye to take laxatiue wharimedicines, cold. 8S ee Conueniér to plant, fow feeds, make Marriage, yil to Naui- gate. Good to iourney,or nauigate,to U3] 23. 43isem-| fow. feeds, & to pluw, to contract iperar matrimony, tofend Embaflage. T2 nt ro) i sh ee ‘|-—] Tris convenient to fow, plant, & 14,6. 35.|tem- to take philicke, contraty to tour- eratney, andto wedawiddowe. i bn) Good A Table of the Mancion of y | > Becinning of | | 3 the mancion oh Sigider. mi. qua- Elections, litie. tn Goodtodigge and delue, and siitleuill for, voyage-and mariage. An infortunat time for al things {7asitpecially to make voyage,to buy, ind. lto puton new apparell, and bad “all. to rake phifick. | An apt timeto buy beafts, to 17) Mi1S.. Q.paoistiput thé to pafture, & romarrie a --__ywiddow, ‘euill for Nauigations, Good to build, fow feeds, plant, 18/mj28. - o./drye.jto Nauigate, contrary to make marriages. A fit time’ for warfar, & tobe- Tol jlo, s2mois7fiegea place, alfoto plant, fowe ads leedes, and ro make voyage. ee be ea mot} A conuenienttime to buy cat be 223. 43 Jor -tell,to hunt wilde beafts, cGtra- tem-|rytomake wedlock. vera —l_[.... ~ } Good+to build, lay toudanons, 21 HO. .3,\tem-t0 fow feed, to.go-to a prince or perar\Maieftrate for fauour, but con- |___ {tary ro matrimony, — Aconueniet time to take Phy- a2 BiI9. 16. moiisiick, to nauligate, te put onnewe |] apparel! contrary to marriage. ‘aan eee = tl es : Good | <| Besinning of qua Elections. the 1: incion lorie. — e 7: ‘ens Good for Philicke, and tomake 3 LSeoeisat py perma voyage ji cuillto marrie, and to lend. [ An apt timetoleade an at an armieto a | 2.4] sy 1192.029.\Feus-bateell, to make marriages, and to sd bas ls tpexat ow (eeds, and good to take medi- cines,s: contrary for voyages. er .4ttesd yp aod for sourney,yoyage or iour- 254 M1285! 0 oDrye: hey towarde midday, ortowatde ae len eee ! nuliag 7 Sun-let,cand is good for foudan tal “This; day is ‘dood for totakephi- phi- 26) < to. 52 moi. ficke, but inall other thinges it is | bad, ce | |, AgOmodious time to fow, plant, 27) 4-230 143. to vie Marchadife, to make inatri- | monie,but contrary to Nauigatio. a ‘An aptday to vfe.merchadife, to '28 ¥j6. 35.pTem=celebrateomatrimonye, andto vie ae perat. Phil ficke , contraryeto lend and to | = ,ert goe ona voyage. Furthermore sk bificker Furthermogesthedkilfiill Phifiiion and Aftronomer, forbiddeth.to touch or let blod in that part of the bo- dy fignified, by the figne whereuithe Moone 1s foiid, and therefore it is conuenient to knowe what part of thebodyis fignifiedeby edlerydigue 5 as \isliuely fette downe inthe Anoromie prefcribedin the beginning ofthe firft Booke,-andvis more perticuletly. declared , with the difcafes incident ynto them, as followeth. nye Rileth the head, cavesscves rnd Wifes fey of thcm:as head-ach, pymples, -ookboach pay ues of the yes, mor- \ ephematke Kucfeiashefares and {uch like. Be PECL POs he ion /eb of themias kivies enill, hoarcenes, weakenes inthenecke, blucke'choWler, lora- sex Ww harvcnapecate, : ‘TO Arnies bealder®: bills aa fingers, thir difca- Ses proceeding ine of blogs d, apcli fi Baw paps jopper part of Sie belly ae lunes <> Al porerh genpetlinrents: of sheeyesy tbe heii leapry, pufhesya spe ip the fe aces; | : i Hart bref, “fromackribbs, hack-bone poe Cutts, Crtheir fi fucknefSe proceeding of. Fyellomeboller, t my, ,Gartrs and belly, and entralls fmalloutrs fi inifi- ' eth all Tafirmities proceeilins of mlancholy or blacke } " holler: = 4 2. Reynes, ioynts, hamms, hanch, buttocks, specif eth the dymnesof ficht, retention of vrine “and of dia seftion, fluxes, m Bladder eMathematicall m Bladder and prinie parts, flanck or fmallgurs, and fhewer bepry, foabs, pars inthe face, canker, fiftuloes, emrodes, Stone, Wc. ze Thighes, prinie members and sheir difeafes : as fe- uers, fall from hie places, fromthe 16. tothe 18 deg, it norerh ympedimens of the eyes. p Knees, and their defeafes : as leapry, {cabbe, lofse of fpeech, dumnes, furdisie, dimnes of the eyes, feuers, fluxes by th'infertor parts. - Leggs and their difeafes: as blacke laundies, incifi- ons of the veynes from the 20 ta the 2§, degree, ik no- teth paynes of the eyes. Feere and their difeafes : as thegowt, fcab, leapry, palfic Oo this is a figne altogerher fickly O Flegmarick. * And thefe are the proper fignificatiés of the figns alone by themfelues, or when the Moone isin them throughout all the parts of mans body : notwithftan- ding the Mooneand the other planetshaue diuers & feucrall fignifications in all the fignes particulerly ap- propriated to themfelues, being deriued from their dignities and houfes which is rroft neceflatie to be diligently obferued of the ftudious laborer in this art, as hauing a (peciall Relation tothe partof the body difeafed and grieued, and isplaynely fet forth in the Table following. _—rOooe Phificke The parts of mans body which the pla: doe fig- fie & themfelues, Haththe fpeane, right éare, bladder, bones and and their fickneffes proceeding of coldeand drynes, Ae kita Ague, morphew, canker. elephancie, blacke choller, Rumes, cough, palfie, loofenes,efthe bodye, and fuch like, 7 Lungs, ribs, liner, griffels, ‘feede, arteries, left eare and infirmities of thé,as plurefies and fuch as pro- ceede ofabundanc of blood or windines. o Gouerneth the gall, reynes,veynes, left eare, and their fickneflesas{harpe-feuers, rertian and quo- tidian peftilence, vicers, red choller,madnes, puitles, carbuncles and fuchlike. © Signifieth the fight, hart, right fide, finnewes , right eye, and the difeafes of thofe partse, as fluxes of the eyes, catarras, ruimes,and fich as grow of redde choller, alfo cold ftomack and liuer. £ Theliuer, loynes, fperm, fatnes, reyns, matrix, genitalls papps, throat, and their paflions as of the fto- macke, liuer, genetalls proceeding of cold and moy- flure, fiftuloes, and fuch like. % Thememorie, hands,tongue phatafies;mouth, brayne, finnewes,thighes,and noteth madnes,lethar- gie, paflions of the tongue and malencholy, hoarce- nes, vomits, tyfick, cough,much {pettle,and fich like, «€¢ Hath he left eye of ama) therightofa woma, flomack, belly, left fide, bladder, ftones, wombe,lyuer, breft, & the taft, &noreth the difeafes ofthé.as catar- thaes, palfie, epilepfie, chollick,menftrues of women, apofthumes, dropfie,default of fight as {quintednes di- feafes ofthe {innews, cGming of opilation of the liner, and of fleagm. uae”. eA verie neceffarie Table declaring what part of the body is payned and difeafed, by fignification of the Planets in euery Signe through all the parts of mans bodie, 2 epee ye “| Brel [Necke i bs } ey: throar Bellie |r highs Reynes Secrets Knees i Feete ae Head | tars ders Reynes | Knees rok hiches | Leges 3 | Breft | ArmesT hroat Head Feet Throa Bz lie! Bellie i ! Iwecke | | Sih sri feet {bo xx | Bellie Breft ‘Secrets Leegs thighes Knees \ders Hart \Reyns) Armes| Ancles| thr oat| Head \ Armes fecrets. Breft thiches. ~ [Reyas | Hart | Knees :Leoves| Head | | Bellie | fecrersthighes\Feere: | holders Ty éat breft ft fecrets thighes Breft Armes. Eyes mack. throat ftomack Feere Armes SA fecrers| Bellie \Knee | Head Leeves ‘Reynsthighes Hart Brest | fholders\ and Knees | Bellie Hart \T hroar\ Heart Feete | Head {me lthiches Reines Leeesithroat | Pomack| Brest | Armes fecrets| Knees Bellic Heart | and holders F cete, | Bellie | Heart | bowells Kuees i [ecrets| Feete Throar| Breft * Knees|Leres [Raines fholdersshead |Aart \Raynes ‘thighs|Head | fecrets| Armes | fmall\(Fomack Hart “yes Luts |Bellie |Bowells etree ‘thie E tea d doi Ti elas loca m |\Knces\Feete \fecrets \Breft ‘Raines Armes \and hart armes (> hart ecrets bowels \Secrets shighs | Backe | Belli Kneesthroat holder'Breft Bowells 2% \Leoes|Head highs Hart Armes Raynes Thighes Feere|thighs hands \Bellie fecrets eart \Backe Feere | __. - frbighs : fecrets Leges| Armes, flomack|Reines necke | fol Bellie Bret. \@ hari|\Knees Eyes. \Kmees Backe, |-highs\fecrets, {T highes knee s\Co less Teart | Feere Breft xs |Neck| Arms Legs head | fhold. \Heart Brest wms\|Head \Hart ! | co mk $ |Yead Feete Bowell Secrets Reines \Heart|T hiahs Leces fecrets Knees \° hart Kn Ancles bellye | Reines |T hihges | fhol- \Preft |Feerg Secrets \Leees| Knees \Feete ders*\and BellyAT highs Necke| Secrets (> fucced ecko Hart \ancles acke |Thivhs D 2 As eMathematicall Asit is declared of the fignes and Planets, folike- wife the houfes haue their {peciall and proper figni- fication in the parts of mans body, and hatie m oft pro- perly, Relation to the caufe from whence the Infirmi- tieor ficknes doth proceede, as if the Lorde of the fixt houfe be found in the fift, you may Iudge that the caufe of theficknefle was of furfetting or ryot, or by ouermuch voluptuoufnes,or {ich like caufes {pecified by the fift houfe, and that his payne & difeafed is cau- fed by ill digeftion, or from defect of the Lyuer or Sinnewes, becaufe the fift houfe hath Relati6to thofé parts of the bodye, and fo muchthe more certaine is “the Iudgemét ifthe of planet fignificator or fign wher- in he is found fhalbe the ame cualitie and natureand fhall hane fignification of the fame part ofthe body as the houfe hath wherein he is placed, : "The part abowe the art is called : the right fide. é Sie ey SS } ne f 9 i = ; “ eH ti 10 8 i Le -S 12 LOS a Bs a os 1&0 gin XI mS y ; ? 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