anal iis i} { Fy, Piet We DeT EY MERET ETF J Ps - iden few eae E eases eeoare ,oveeee aeeneee Pa es ws aX s \ es asd) Sarre qe i ‘4 a toe i ORS 46 if i ap) SD i A oe Ms om SEY wa y} Se es Pas age OE SE/ CLOW ERIS Bi lhe SER BSUSY ANGLE es SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO eae Calcutta Gazette. poseaeeee “Bublis eA on Authority. “WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1858. % Pe rowers oeee Stutement of Prices Current in tho under-mentioned Districts? Patna. Shahabad. \ Sarun. : re) ar es = ae ARTICLES. a0 we | ae eee Se) 22 |28 | Bea 4 23 of - 5 e & g 4 ta CN HA @ 2 ore S : g ; gs > 3 Sie) 5 a = ge 4 ae | SE gale re / ie 5 e ae 2 Be See |e ee _ e | 4 ae | eles Sts C. |) Sts 0. | Sis. C.| Sts OC. | Srs C. | Srs. C. | Sra. C Attah, ... ... per Rupee -| 14 9] 13129} 45 Or lsiee e fel? Ss i218, @ [ets Barley, (Jow,) MA >> GIP eZSenOule 25) 19 24 0 26 A 19 0 30 0 30 0 Betel-nut, (Suparee,) _,, a Apo ne 4 1) 4 8 Ae 8 Abe 4 A 4 0 eee? net #17160) 6 |" 170% |4o01 | 179. 9 | 100 0 |wid..0 |- OF aay oe | P1160) 0 1930" 6! 130. @ 1 aan 9 | 110.0} 0) 0 jee 6 Cardamoms, eG = 0 5 0 4 0 3 0 8 O18 [22h 2 8 Chilligs. ee eae lees |r! oly 7: of 8 01ae om Cocoanuts, Ee ws Tae 12 1 0 1 8 1 8 008). 0 8 Coriander-seed, (Dhunia,) 2010 9 0 It 0 9 4 12 gs] 14 0 14 8 Cotton, ” ” ra 2 4, 2 A 2 8 9 6 2 12 2 0 2 4 Dal, Urhur, rye - (2216" -0 15 13/] 16 9 14 8 3.0 15 0 16 0 » Gram, pe, -pe 9” 6 To 1. 164g 12 0 oe OS 19: 170 19 9 » Khesaree, rik iaeey +p 30. 6 26 12 24 0 21 8 220. }-s23) @ 23 «8 yo ARSENY, pk 5 er PID Pas he 127 8-70 9 1 40 42114) Se oe » Moong, +e, “1 Saag an eB (i 1546 12 8 ll oO 0 0 0 90 » Mussoor, mes -} 22.0} 25 13}, 98 9 239 21, gi) + 25s 24 5 » Muttur, ss a SDSL Thora 19-9 0 0 OT 0G 070 Eggs, ” ” i 90 No, 90) No 80 No 100 TT 88 No. 0 0 0 O Fire-wood, | » oon -} 160 9 0 0,180 0 | 180 «| 169 o 0 0 0 0 Flour, (Midah,) +) at =| ete ae) tO. 12 9 an }4 9 0 0 oO 0 0 Garlic, preeny— seas fp lL Gh) IG + mtamt-—9- | on 0 13° Ol -—16——OF 16-5 Ghee, Cow’s, stb 3, - 1 19 0 0 2 4 2 4 1. us ] (Se) ae oe jp ata osprey ay - 2. 28 a is a ben Oe" 4, 2 4 Ginger, ” ” S: 52 0 32 0) 14+ 0 39-4 7 Li? iy lig @ Goor, Cane, ae : ie ey 16.183] 6 o IG on) J5yr0 | 15 (qa eo » Date, Merkia. e 0 of \o 0 0 fit 20 “to 0 0 0% if Gram, (Boot,) 1st sort, ” a naezo 9G) “O25 “Oat 120. lob Beson ait fo QS eon. sort) ,, - 26 9 96 8 21 @ 20 0 19 9 25 wig 25 0) Grass, Dry, ame, b=) AO Hale! 0) (Od 41 iG 0 0 0 09) 0 OM aap Indigo, Po je ome 0. Aditeg ¥ 0 6 0 « 0 Ogi aekOneDD Indianceorn; (Bhoottah,) ” 4 0 9 ‘aso 4 9 99 4 Dl act) 0 0 | 0 0 Joar, wee pelea BB: og 0H] 95 9 0. 04 2025 0 0 pte) Jute, eee | TA O14 0 0 0 9 0 of 14 of} JF 0 Kullye, fe OI Gi aseo | 39. 9-85.08 Seen Milk, Eps. See ao. Oy 2050, 38 9: | Mb Seen 22. 8 | Mustard-seed, ete Tah A 12 “0 19 0 12 9 12 ch 15 0 > Fon ee. -- 5 Oil, Cocoanut, ot Shy ROT og 722 Dx Sane 2 ¢ 0 6 0 0 » Linseed, 5 oe, = 5) 4 3 12 oy 4 0 4c 4 83 Ava a. Mustard, ey eS $e. PB 812! 349 34 4 ithe &.8 nions, Pe aees = 2.0. (or San Be 80 0 24 24.38 Paddy, (Dhan,) ” 7 . ait 0 30 0 a 2 = it oe 4 } iu) > Potatoes, Oe ee eer. 2a Se edly Seg |. CO 605-20 , Rice, Ist sort, bs A ~t 19 9 BS 0) Wir 1s of ) WG Wie & 53) ONSOT bs Sams a ee ca Q liza a8 1 4 19 O71 2 18.9 18° 8 » Bausmuttee, ,, ~ -| 16 “0 It 0 Th 12 9 W/‘b 0 oO laee0) ‘ad », Urrooah, “A 4 - 18 oO | Ge OF she) 5 4 Tat +9 8 16 =O {De 3: ; , Uttub at a Ee ae 0 0 0 0 Ooty. Tet oe eee Salt, Ist sort, a oe - TOP" (Migr ae 7 8 4 12 5Is 0 9 0 0 . 2” 2nd sort, ” ” 3 10 4 9 8 0 0 8 4 vi I § 0 ) 0 0 Samber, ead, - 0 9 | 0 2s | Ss ‘25 1 g & a3 ee d oS a) © Bers, Ss E & | r - ' | n | ¢ SS | 8s Sf - sy e | « 8 re 3 Pies &pR § 3 oo = © a s | e% 38 5 § | a 8 | 5 g | 5 a Mes) - e a S aS — 5 a s 5 oe is 5 @) R a = oy ec ay | oa] = 7 | i i. a See —— Sre *@. P Sis Ch Srs Ch) Gre ©. Sr. Co] Srs GO Srs. C | Srs. QC. Srs, C. | Srs, © oy sy) PA OS AO 27 iB Tag 19 D490, |. 93-40. 14 1200 16 0} 11 138 6 0; 26.0) 30.0] 380 0] 30 96 25 -0 1. 30 0 | 0 0 40 0 0 0 4 0 4 8 4 0 5 0 5:20 4 0 4 8 6 0 8 0 4 8 0 0 0 0/ 100 6] 200 01/130 6 160 0} 40 0] 37 8 109. oO alee 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 250 0 | 185 9 0-08 14.5018). 1E65..0 On| 47s 2 0 2 10 2) 0 4 2°50 2 20" [hlO: th 2 0 Ov6 0.1094 7 6 6 0} 119 0 6 4 8 0 9 8 60] 6 0 Pla 7A 25 No.! 30 No 0 0; 32No.; 20No,' 9 9 8 No, 0 04 0 0 0 0 14 0 14 0 17 0 eS 12.46 BS 0 8 0 16 0 45 0) 18 0 0 2 8 2080 11 f64 1) 24 290 2010 113 3.0 b13! Poet Ort oO] as ve le pa 2 eo ee ee ee 6 QO} 18 i¢ 0 0 > TR 0 0 (POG oe [PBS 8G E590 (bd 26 ee 10 8 9 0 20°0/'19 0) 19 9] 292 8); 91 0 | 2312] 2 0] 39 ¢ 45 0 } 23 10 1] 0 90 TER 264 P2t 4a] P19 66 Ey 70.) |. #6 0 | 19 33 22S fod hing 0 0 0 0 8 0 000 1) T4h-6 BO) Tt Sdch ep. b's 13) Oy | oxi 16 0 8 0/-19 go] 92 s 3 0/1 20 0] 209 0| 12 8 3kec:Oe batalla eee OO} 0 Voi Noe tg! og og b15 0] 21.0) 94.6 37 $4 28 10 126 No. 0 0 | 200 No, | 128 No | 100 No, | 740 No. | 128 No, 64 No, 128 No, | 128 No. 0 0 0 9} 400 0 | 200 0! 910 9 210 °0} 200 of wo 0 220 0 | 256bdls. a" 12 7.0 12.63 14 0 jel) 9 0| .6 0 LOWOLy “> 9a 23 0!] 28 0! a g | 20 9 32 0] 12 0o| 16 0 6 0 16 0 | 14 10 0 0 2 4 0 0 Los P12) 8 1 | 1 93 aes 1 6! 3 0 3.0 il ie a 2 6 a4 2 0 1 14 0 0 | l oes 25 —2() 24.0) 436 10 0 16 Q 30 0 17.80 16 0 13 0 | 18 QO 19 0 15 210 0.689 Tl 32) 10 ‘9 15 0 Ir to 10 0 18 0 10.2 0 0 0 0 0 4G 0 0 0-0" 110 On 4G 0 0 0 0 0 ¢ S00) thy 108] 16 jor] ea cat |-96 OF} | at a6 £840 a) Peis a0, 0 0 3.8 WOOP 8 Oo 17 $8) 92 8] 97 G 21 18") HL AG 1B a 27, 0] 16 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 bdls 0 0 | | 32adIs. 0 0 3bals 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OVG3) $7R0 ts 0 0 | 0 4 0 0 (aks 0 6 0 0 | 0 0 22 9 | 22 8 0 0 24 0) 0 0 0 0 Oo | 0 y 0 0 0 0 0 0 22 68 26 0 22 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 10 0 0 0 20 12 0 959 13 0 16 8 22 0 | 18 0 eee 0 | 27 ca) 95. so |) 23 O; 20 O] 22 oO] ag 2 40 Oj] 23 19 > 0 0} 25 Of 20 OF 24 Gg] 95 0} 382 9 2 0 | 25 80] — 182 aa | 15 0 19 9 i] 4 13 9 16 06 13. ig 1 6 | 16 0 It 10 Oe weenie 0 ft @ 2 3 2 0 20 |) 2 21 lato 3d bow 6g a ae a 6 2 is 3 8 5 0 Bt 0 0 5 al an 3 42 8 <4, 0 0 Bre 3 4 4 12 3.18 3.9 4 § 315 % 8/ 2 0} 22 of 50 0! 65 0; 16 Of 2% | 31 14 64 01 oMeey 28 0 2, 6) 32 82 8 ine AG S2) SS ATE as 43>. 2 45. 0 84 14 ® 0; 48 0] 50 9! a3 yo] 4g 0! 6 $] 2 oO] 2 oO 21 0 | Geta MW O0!} 16 0] 15 yg 12/7) 16 oO} 19 GI 9 01 20 10 23 0 I4 10 BOT oO! ¥6 oe] i614 1S 0; 20 3 | 2] 0 |>22 8 27 0] 18 O it 9 ll 0 0 0 12 j, 14 @ IZ Oo. 1 Lo 0 20 0 0 0 WoO} 2 4] 17 6 OPO 1 Oe At fs 15* Sot oe ae OF 0 0 | 23: .08tiws, GU Me) eo Le:0 0 ¢ 13 9 0 0 IS 0 20 10 25° 0 Tt 10 ee Som et wes ee aes 0 o| 5 Jo. aio 913 | 0 of o 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 De Om iS. 43: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 0 0 G0 0 0 0 0 o 0 7 8 a 0 8 12 J © a) Ss 4 9 10; 14 0 9 0 3 8 0 0 50/10 0] 10 6 8 0 “10 4 8 5 0 7 14 aes % | 1B DW) *s 3 po ae ie Se 2 8 hy @ 4. OSL Seg 0 0 90,0 6 0 6 A ae 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 9 ’ Mes) 2 4/ 2 Olvi ds 2 4) 2.89 @6 1 8 £6 13*9 8 OVERS 6 38 PT O-SHmIS. Ws) LG. 0 0 i0.8 7 14 : ie 0 0 0 0 OHO} 1fbdis} “0. 0} 16 6 800 bdls thdis! 6 bdls ce Nero So | Teg ria 6 16 0; 20 0} 10 0} 16 0 0 9 ol n epee) OMnmmaeTe 6} Fg) Go | Sale, 13 8 e040 “6 of 98 0 So; 319! Fe G 8 0 8 0 6 0 4+ 0 | 6 3 Dakiaite oes oe 1-7 shee g 9 0 8 0 6 0 10 0 4 8 13,0 18 | 14 0 2h 4] 20 o | 16 0; 18 oO} 6 14 30 0 3 10 : 5 or istvicts; Statement of Prices Current in the under-mentioned D af a | « Mymen- + iu | singh. oe |__— v —< | | | ARTICLES. | F é | § a Hee is! = B > a 9 sa So E g 5 — s 5 ‘| @ a - es mee eer ae 7] ‘ 3 Srs. C. lis C.| Sra Go|! Sis | See CH] Ses C.) Sra, © 0 13 0 8 0 0 0 Attah, .... ... per Rupee - 2 0 o S 34 - = 8 4 8 0 90 0 0 Barley, (Jow,) » = 0 0 if 6 Bas £4.80 3 8 1000 No 6 & ; Beielnnt, (Supmiee,) 3, =) 6 0 64 0| 30 0 o| 32 0} 0 71 0 Bhoosa, White, yo” 23 othe ai ( 55 (0 0 34 0 0 de). oe: Mao, |) 621) 600) Oe om || oo |) 00 || Cardamoms, DL z " P 19 6 4 gs ae 3 8 5 «| yo Chiilies, » in O71) TO) OL oo wo.}! 90° Nel 90. No) Qi Mel earns Cocoanuts, i = om he 4, SG 32 3 |. 16 30 s 9! 2 9 Coriander-seed, (Dhunia,) . a 4 4, aLeS9 > 10 1 8 1; Oo 83 70. Wi. Be Cotton, e) Bee : a 18 12 8 0 17 0 8 8 9g 2 fh 0 Dal, Urhur, ” ” . “4 0 9 12 8 9 16 0 8 8 TL WwW 0 ” Gram, zy. a - i ¢ 6 ¢ re 2 10 11 ) 22 3 As dichesawee, cf | a“ : 4 12 if ; = = : wat - ” Maskullye, ” ” = 12 0 10 9 10 0 | 1 1 0 13 0 ; Ve ) a }) » Moong, en es, F 9 19 9 11 24 0 72. (6 0 4 QO: gO » ussoor, ” ” . ve . 18 19 30 0 30 0 14 8 0 «0 2% 0 ». Muttur, % ” ‘ 128 No{ 200 No.| 123 No. 0 0 | 100 No. i 0 Oo «8 Hae. | eee 5 ‘en 712 g al? 8 ‘oO 6 0 0} 10 « $ Miidhyoi . | # oR 2 | Vane A nee (Midah,) "ale - ae 12 4, 10 0 | yr 0 ws “ ; 2 1” R 7 ¢ 5) A a Ghee, a Nttheors ita {ar I 123 l a ~ : a 14 1 “ ie eat oe’s, z ‘ ; | et 16 nt Yat v9 oO! = = ‘ : ° : Goor, Kins ” ”» =4 ; oo ¥ : 7 ; ik ‘i ) 14 0 0 0.0 ¢€ ate. ” = ae. Z 0 ( 18) 25 Gram; (Boot,) Ist sort, r . a Fes 4 : ° en 5 K4 0 , 14.0 2nd sort, ,, || Ga! eg 4 ei Grass, Dry, . a | 200bdls.) 13 bks| dls, ‘A 0 Cotas . she Indigo pa Boe 9G otto t 4. coigaeh tubal o| 0 Indian-corn, (Bhoottah ) , pe De 4 4 | 9 ah aoe O° ot af 2 3 mm chap sl as 4] a8 of as 0] wr a] fr 4) mo Kullye » 2 2) a7-0| 19 @] 30 0) 82 0 |, 23 0 0 | oa Milk, , ” ” 0 4 . 46 ° . o 4 1" : * 0 ‘ Moatard- seed, a -| x 0 * ¥2 9 ; 9 p< 0 : | 9 8 Oil, GS ocoanut, » ”? y 4 0 - 0 7 . 0 0 2 12 QO | v0 0 eee pip biaeolt 3 wi! 3 3|ta@ 0} a0 ees | d Oe teh de ge at Oks. Hy) (30 @| [HZ o| 16 0 I y ” ” . = . ty 0 Padty(Dhap,) i . » “-| 4872) % 0 Ed S hs 0 | | . a | eo Potatoes, ” ” a 24 0 bd ° 11 : = 0 1% 02 ( Rice, dst sort, ” ” % 28 2 ~ 2 Os 4 18 9 be 0 & 93 $ 8nd sort, ” ” - 30 0 24 8 at 0 0 0 4 “ a 0 3 Bausmuttee, ,, : ° 0 0 0 ks 0 0 ~ 8 2 _ ° Urrooah, OO Sie ct. 7c: Re a cei ecu iss Ea 1 Oo / » Uttub, yee a eg 2 _ 29, 0 21. 15 0 92 0 4 | a4 : Set istsort © , » -| 9F | pop 7" Oe | tale peiig * ” 2nd sort, ” » * pe e 2 4 ° ae a vj Ss. § » Samber, ie aac 0 oe PP re oo ya >| 1 6 4 Pangah, ‘3 rd a | 9 ls 9 0 10 0 10 8 10) : : = Soojee, ” ”? 4 6 0 6 8 iF “ sa 0 2 12 12 9 @ ; Sugar, Cane, -_ ar - 2 12 | 3 183 2 12 2 12 3 4 A 6 7] ” Date, ” ieee a v , - : . | : x ee 9 | 9 me Suger-sindy ne 59 -| ; ie | rigs ets e's al 8 6 19 uU ” ” Ps F f 1¢é > Straw, , 2 ee | 6 bhars| 34 puns} 650 vi 400 bdls. aged. ; ! - be Suttvo, »” ” >. 0 90 | 16 0 6 oO | 15 0 p % 0 ) | 4 ty Teel, ” ” - 9 9 i 0 0 9 9 | 15 0 412 4 | 4 y Tobacco, yh & | Oy eet Or, ae aay, 8 Turmeric, ”» F 9 12 e 4 a 0 26 0 12 0 a | 16 : Wheat, (G aho,) ” » os 22 8 120 le 0 ; v Stations, and Markets, as on the 31st March 1358.—( Continued) | sy CE BL a OO OSLO BOAO DSS SONS IS OS we S Wel ait oe imeucie = + Sige gen ? —_ a) — — — 3 ‘uvaMpng ee : * a os SB TPIS HOI NS MW SOCHAMBNHOSSHHnMNOCRSoOSCSCOOUS ° 9 ‘ g a —20) Oe So Ae ps Seams ANAD ar Gt ae CSAS ON ORR AMSASET SSO NCTE N Hig ig iF ee ar LE —_— - — A o 490 ees 4 a sen ey O * ee rie a CeR ss ZF BONS OMTOCOMSSCOS SOLO SSCS CMe c HE HN OS He EEE os FS ‘ = = erodureysoq : ° a c's wm or Cl st OC 1g SUS 9 O TIERS LCD = Re trae ~o acc Sawn ano — = 5 so & rm 6D =e — ese Oe AAGA a Oa = eral ae ea aA CROCS CHD OMmMeNeoMaAAw» ro oe ee ee — ee, 3d lo Sudeace sen o2b esse gabe scoscssose score SOS Sew emES ooo oaks eee i r, an ‘HOTIEYG Jappng § SE PNONSFOMDDHHOOAUAHNSHODRKCHOSOMNOCONOLMOOMOwWEN cos ic & ’ S PMs & man OD) w ale Dh at: | eee wena ae i | Ce ee s i? a Ho 2 Yvrooljng EZ WOT AOSCHMHONOMOODOOHOOMHMOMNDOH!D RMOBOSSS RN Ames Bea NSCS SSR SN NBR SS OMNES nh c.09 rH ee ee ee oD bo = Ame CO OD HON OI we te | =, Sl —— Se a Pa Se OE eee ee eee ral =e E a 3 SAGO RO ROA NC MS HMBC O MOS CSS OSOCOCAmRo COO SSCOOMCHOMOESOMMNSZOOOOS 3s S| 2 . tod ® F rr] FO RO NNO RS RMR AOC SO CSSOSOSCOSLNACNOMICSCHOOCOHMOLOONH HOR a = YUypraroy) ae Arse Aao es OR et re Qe a es Oo mA SAN “a, > cae . U0Ne4G Jappug wo ae a ie, ‘ w COP SSNMENOLASEWScogmercuneisoosovounnonesonacenonsconunsédnaee oo SoyIUl Oo] 5a 9 Ut Or TOUTE N, DM co a anal Lon! CON OD et eas are (S} | col oad -_ “ a $e * ‘e ay] DOL BLAG AME CLP SOPOSH SG OMSNDSSOSOOCOMSOCOOO SOHN HHOSSOOSSOOONCONSOKORS OMS 12] ¢ 2 ra ry yaestaing B ASP RES MANOR PRAMRRAPET MSMR OSCOSCO RANI ANMA BAER MomocCamAtmoeos o cnae o4 wD a oo SO en mo NN BANNS ~ m= a PUG mt NO et ete es ws | at -\ ( @ # d ~ no ie 6 To % - oo ; . So a ba N , : y => ony ° { aw A a SIE NINE NAIL D EEA AE IES CORTE ARTICLES. s Attab, ... .. «per Rupee Barley, (Jow,) 23 tata 2 ” 3etel-nut.(Suparee,),, —., Bhoosa, White. Ri ‘ 73 Missah, SLO’, ie oms, 7 33 Chillies, 3 Cocoanuts, Coriander papi: (Dhunia,; Cotton, e Dal. Urhur, .» Gram, » Khesaree. » Maskullye, et ae », Moong, ;» Mussoor, Be rs » Muttur, » 05s Eggs, ey Fire-wood, yl 5 Flour, (Midah,) 5 Garlic, Le Ghee, Cow's, ” ” Bufialoe 3, ” . Ginger, eae Goor, Cane, ape .. Date, Bidens: Grain, (Boot,) Ist sort, i, 2nd sort, Grass, Dry, indigo, indian. -corn, (Bhoottah, ¥ f J oar, ” er 1 ) ” Jtite, My ty Kullye, ort, M Wik, ” o Mustard-seed, 54 Oil, Cocoanut, 8 al He Linseed, pa Mustard, 5 Onions, 5 Paddy, (Dhan,) F Potatoes, fw, Rice, Ist sort, TA 4 .2nd-sout, ne, » Bausmuttee. 3 Urrooah, ‘ 33 Uttub, x) 3 Salt, Ist sort, ees)... » 2nd sort, 7 > saiber, ao gettsk » Pangah, oe Sonjee, atom Sugar, Cane, st Oe 45 Date. ” 5 hese eb bt pest Sukker, = tee Sinan 3 Ss Suttoo, ait a Teel, ” ” Tobaeco, ya ee Turmeric. et Wheat. (Galto,) wees, Statement of Prices Current in the under-mentioned Districts, | silo g Oo — ro 69 rs pC: Srs. © y+ Il 0 Zine O 325 0 6° 0 3 He 45.0]. 45.50 50. 0/, 59. 0 1 10 J 10 10 O 4 12 64 No. 28 No. 13, 0 Tay 0 37 1 14 13. «OO lig 6 9 0] 0 0 25. 0 17P 0 20 O 0 O 10 0 lip O) 20 0 0 0 21. 0 1LdP 0 128 No. 0 0 140 0} 280 0O 10 0} 10 0 16g 0) | a Te 8 1 4 ly 2 1 10 tl ames) 16 O 9 0 & 0 10, 4 lor 0 oO oO! 12.8 Lat .0 14 0O 0 0 oO 0 7 bdls, Or .9 Of 3 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O 18 0 9+ 4 23) <8 in IRAQ 16 0; 1k 0 10. 8 9 O on TA ee <8 0 0 3 4. i 2 14 0.0} 22 0 axe 4) 0 30.0 19 0 15.0 94 8 18 0 25 14 130" tie UP tO Lay 40 1% a2 20 ei0 a) 64, LOG WO} 0 0 Adages 0 0 Sand 0 0 MD Ajewe() Srus 9 6 oot 3:4 4 0) 4. 4 EL 2 A bia] Hed ya to a Whee 36 bdls 8pm. 13. 0 0 0 Qh 0 Ge 8 6. O } 12 6 0 4 72 . 1 Geg0 16-8 I Beer- bhoom. 4 5 : aa. cM 127 °0 OO 4 0 sey 0) 4) Q 0. 8 4 0 21 No 10 8 0 0 17 O 1] O Zhe 0 18 0 8 0 Zhe 01! 21; 0 128 No. 920 0 9 0 10. 8 hb 15 y 34 8 0 10 0 0 oO 1s Oo 0 Q 0 0 0 OF .O+] 0) 0% 10 O 20-19 245 0)! 8. 0 DR A > ar #10 2E&.0 40° 0 Lért 0 2 oe () 245 () 0 0 22) 8 18 06 10 0 0 u 0 0| Q 6 | 3 0 ] 1s ‘| 8 | eed 0 0 0 0 4 0 47 724 le d24q & e =] Srs, Co 10 10 19 0 oe WME 40 0 J 1) 5. 8 32 No. 15. 0 1.12 jas 0 8 0 25— 0 0 0 16 0 19. .0 0 O 125 No. 200 +O 9 6 1 Gee if) Le 8 1 9 16 0 SL ere 0 0 J1,,.8 12, 0 0 0 Q, 3 0 0 OF 0 Laie.0 18 O C15 AIG) es 213 a) >» 0 44. (0 ao, 0 Zs 0 16 0 22. 0 8) Zhe 0 23.0 2G 0, 0 0 0 TOS0 >, TO 3 5 O60 Ze 0) 6 0 160.0 aes 9 8 28 5 4 15 0 7 © 3 ass 5S & Oo Srs. CG. | Sra. C. 16 13 14 0 iNGy We} 10 0 5 4 6 8 84-70 64 0 S4 0 0 7 1 83 HE Ps) 4 143} 38 _0 43 No. | 40 No. 18 6 j4 0 0 0 2 4 16 62) j4 8 J5 12 ite 70 94°15 18 0 0 0 0 0 iy Sei 18 0 1g a) 16 0 92 5 13) 0 128 No. |} 192 No. 514 0% 300 50 13 2 8 0 qs Ts SFist) Loge) 1 SY Rasihheh | dla 7 V4 8 0 ie te ie) OF 20 1) 5 ORG 99) 5 Tt 0 94 15 HES) ges) Oren) 0 0 Q (2) 0 24 On 0 0 0 O PU 10 8 18 0 38 J O74 oat ea) 16 0 ch pl t oe 0 oo oa ay 3 9), go 0 493 3 12 1 ae iy? 16 0 78 12 66. 0 18 72 16 0 Lope 20 «0 31 8 30 0 0-0 a |) ey) 24 0 Oh 15 30 0 0 QO 028) 20 0 0 0 3/94 are lt O70 ae ou) 5. 14d 58 F 15 | d 0 east) } ci 2 ie ire r 0 | 900bils. KY No. i. ee | D 10 game SI 0 Lae 6 8 Pa 2s) im 21 0 / re 2 Sys, C. 15 12 0 0 5 4 Ri) RGR 81 6 i Poke 5 4 64 No. > een 0) i. Ears 15) 12 Lari pe tbe 26 A 15 TZ 14 7 OO eee seer aes eee ee 0 90 64 No. 5 ps. 64 g. j]O °$ 7 14 Dog iittteteeeees at 2 48 10 S$ | 10 8 0 0 92 5 ee 0 0 5 : Oro 0 v re. 36 134 a1 (¢ | 13 2 3s 4 14: — ———_4 gt 0 60 6 ; a) Sete 29 14 0 0 27 69 eo “0 92 0 C8) mu.) 0 0 0 © 0 6 a4 0 7) Bigs 10 — (=) 0 Y 5 th 7 14 26 4, re) mS Of | * Stations, and Markets, as on the 31st March 1858.—( Concluded. ) als E. T. TREVOR, Seeretary. i HE A ee na +4 '§ ; SS 3 a OS eae it liods. eee EE eS mS : - = g sory | vi ed Deis de ERR er TT 2 wy . S ol ] 58 | = Pe ee Gib ol Be Mbdss Onc a ee ea eH ia oO ES SOMOGONEE : cs. Dame eo EE Pes : te 7m 2 a g qeuéxny g “oO ag RRR E PSO TORE oon Oo coe erp ants lees ae eee Sid Bu WM a ae = : ye ee ee -?) a a eee OR i 2 3S) Fe: ee ee I ET EET Te eget 2 of . =i? Surpolreq wa Se “PRESS SSSR OMAR EH On aSSo oo SE Tome sé mn SuON MMA Seo e bus oe wo oul een lieen] nm ie =e oF a Aer 5S Ee Sn ee ee ee eee Peewee BMT pe ean a Co et! eet” eee ee PR Be wm nS a) ‘ a ® Ep AqyBYeMoy | w vate ee Bee BO RSS o So OSB ame © oo Sem ct chou cee es POS OSOMoncorHsescoceonce |6 5 a 2 ; yp =a NR teal es) r= GY ie 2 alee ar yt a ———— . = 2% a" re oa l ey lr ee ee ha ene Ce Se ea ‘ Ru = orodunryonry oe Oh eS ieee a ibe Ree he NNDODCANGR SCSomMONe EO ES | fo] — Ta 2 Sere *g — a at x é 3 a te SS Se =: ae : Sekt - - w u wes Fat Se AROOLEOL TW sac SDRREROR ERB aoece to“ ecceo a ‘ 2 5 Lt] t dooiwvy | a PE PEARS OOF SOON CLASS SHS SS COS EH HW © om SCeIMmMonoconmosc NS OG > onigiese eases A = mm oD AN HNO ae Fee an = ei a A i | : | we a ee SS . Sy | i F i c a oS SS NE SPI i Nao hI ii ho mo allen ti iam calle RAMS. F eS gee eer aa ee] oad yeted eon ra WMSCOSONMH Po ONS ie SS) EG ares a iam 2 MOSSS OOOH: oN SRS Sor eSsoseam-seaanes | - = Nae oNa Pa Can ay ae as 7 S ~ ra ee pp 7; a iin! - ~" Ke I A ot = ~ TA GAzerTE,”’ OFFice, ~ Jorn Gray, “ Carco ee . ooepee Dietatais 00-4) oceie.? enc eee DPR eo | Pee ho) | AVI | Parra ee ae Ce Pee Os (Or Cre ewe rere ewaneraeee . Cr ee aC See ee ed CO ee re ee [er 4 ’ . SUPPLEMENT TO . The Caicutta Gazette. 4 ~ WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1853. > Ps 3 NOTICE is hereby giygn, under Section VI. Act. I. of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Balasore, will be put up to Public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on the 26th day of May 1858, for Arrears of Revenue and other demands which, by the Re- eulations and Acts in force, are directed to be realized in the same manner as Arrears of Revenue due on the 28th day of April 1858 :-— A rf Giause I V.—Estates to be sold for Arvears due on Account of other Estutes. No, 9.—Rights and Interests in 13 mauns.11 goruts,, and 12. biswas of Lakhiraj Confirmed Land, of Pergunnah Kourdachour, of Lakhirajdars Seetaram Jenna and Seeboo Suthpustee, and 2 manns, 24 gorets, and 15 biswas of Lakhiraj Resumed Land in the said Pergunnah belonging to Seeboo Suthpustee Lakhirajdar ; jumma, Annas 12. V. H. SCHALCH, Offg. Collector. Collector's Office, The 5th May 1858. ‘NOTICE is hereby given, that the ander-mentioned Estates in Zillah Cuttack, will be put up to Public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Saturday, the 29th May 1858, or 18th Jest 1265 U. S., for Arrears of Revenue:— ~ Class II.—Temporary-settled Estates. No. 31.—Kt. 1 anna, 10 pie, 9 k, 6 b. share in Kt. Ta, Akoolkunnah, Pergunnah Jaujpore ; recosded proprietors, Needhee Churn Poorsettee, Chowdry Byragee Chutn Poorsettee, and Chowdry Sadhoo Churn Poorsettee, minors; mother and guardian, Chartoolla Dei; sudder jumma of the whole Estate, rupees 9]6-14-7. ; Ff No. 818—Kt. Ma. Ardee, Pergunnah Kt. Kaimah ; recorded proprietor Nund Gobind Bikrum Sing Mohapater, Rajah Tmbekrum Bhuy) Bahadoor, Raghub Hurree Chunden, Moharajah. Pudlaul Deo, and Sreemuttee Persad, minor, guardian Radhasam, Hurree Chundun ; sudder jumma, rupees 174-0-11 4. No. 861.—Ké 1 anna, 2 g. 1c, 1k. BALASORE ; } ° —_ share in Kt. Ma, Koeelakha, &c, Pergunnah *Kiamah ; recorded proprietor, Bhoobnee Biswall ; sudder jumma of the whole Estate, rupees 95-6-8. No, 1355.--Kt. 5 annas 10 g. share in Zillah Punkpal, Pergunnah* Barpuila ; recorded pro- prietor, Chowdry Suddaseeb Sawantra, sudder jumma of the whole Estate, rupees 379-3-8. No. 1369.—Putna Khan Nugger, Pergunnah Backrabad ; recorded proprietor, Goureesunkur Bhuttacharge ; mortgagee Lokaee Sahoo ; sudder jumma, rupees 76-3-10. e R. N. SHore, = Collector. rT bY CUTTACK 5 , . Collector’s Uijice, + > 2 The 6th May 1858. J - : : a 2. — 2 —_ s * Jomx GRa¥, QCarcists Gazerpe ” OFFICE. ‘ a . ; eeeeeeces eeosre Ce ees Cad pee eeseneeceoseees® Co ene | Serer eeeeererensse?® ee i ee i) Cee re sosensnserere a ee eee pee oeeeevassees® ee . - = e * ee e e U: . rs e e e e e . ° e . ° e e e ? e ° ee e e e e o e e ce 2 . t - . o - ae . e G.P-n Cie G) tg Bn oS: Sore ry MLar, Q othe, , P23) | PE Whi oe - mnie. a2, hd baste 5's WUIOS UU I, 1s ol Ty) af | 763 ] ‘ “ >, j ok “et pF" x nat a a 4 fy yt U ( S70, E- Publishes a ee * : . ae May 1853.—Tihke Government of Bengal having entered |; THe 2ND Feuruary 1855.—The Government of Bengal having we © Contract wit) Messrs, Samuel Smith and Co., for the execution |! entered into @ Contruct with, Messrs. Samuel Smith and'Co., for the A Povernment Printing Work, from the lst July next, Public || execution of the Government Printing Work, all Public Officers under ME emvloved under this Government are hereby directed not to | the Government of India at the Presidency are hereby directed not to MM any other Printing Hsttblishment Jor the execution @ the || employ “ny Other Printing Estublishment Jor the execution of Gorn yment Work trom and after thut date, “| Government Work. . Cec, Beapon, | -_ Crcrt Bravo, Szcy. tu the Govt. of Bengal. || Secy. to the Govt, of India. ‘ . P : e a.) ‘ A T LN 7. T _ i” WHDNESDAY » APREL 91, 1859. °- aa Sen a BL if eh es . ‘rhisy Atirbe Councal of Eng ta. | well as in any case in which -a fine shall be —~ REAP imposed under the Provisions of Section VIII % , The ith April 1858. ae Act XI of 1857, or of Section XVI, Seetion The following Act, passed by the, Legislative / ALI Gy Section KXVII Act XVITI of Cows oil of India, received the assent ¢F the Right 1857, or for assaults or affrays, it shall be lawful To Ae *8"Cavernar General on. the 4th April! tor the Magistrate toorder that corporal punish- > 18538 (communicated to the Leyisiative Council ment, not exeetding thirty stripes with -a ratan, a 2 i “7 Ea aud is hereby Prornul- | shal) be inflicted on the offender in lieu of the ge'eu fur general jn formation :-— ne, in case such fine be not paid. In any case in te . Act No. XI OF rS56, . which the Magist: ate shalfMaakce such Beer, he : Ae to authorize the: infliction of corporal shall not sentence the offender to imprisonment - punishinent in certuin cases. in addition to the fine. =. V HEREAS, in consequence of the. destrnction of oa’ » theJailsin many parts of India, III. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to ‘ and the Want wun'er existing At not to authorize authorize the infliction of cor- the corporal punish- poral” ptnishment upon any “TProstances of means for the confinement of ) © @rcts and for the due enforcement of prison- | ™ent of Europeans European or American or upon ; oF ne. any female MSSpline, it is expedient to authorize, the Premble. silylation of corpors ounishment for imprison- | 5 ‘ ; Es: jaan rite Y ae et a 7 follows IV. The word « Magistrate” shalPinelude any L : ET ta SES ; 8 t Ss Ss | zs re ° pte Ey dart ; person lawfully exercising the ad © Tfany person shall be charged before a Ma- Interpretation. fill powers Siw Magistrate t Pr 9 gistrate with having commit- | _“ Magistrate,” St, PONS Dr eee igi ? Mee trate empow- = and also any Assistant to a tom.” Sentence of- ted any of the offences herein- | Macic oh i ; : » fen Oeompthal bus after mentioned, it shall be | Magistrate or Deputy Magistrate Specially autho * Sadie, We vias : ; | rized by the Executive Government to exercise a. for-eertain: lawful for such Magistrate, d. by ae aaah: a the powers vested in a Magistrate by this Act; 5. f (ae lieu of committing feed and.the word “ European” shall include any per- ‘ ‘flint t for trial, or sentencing him to anyeother | sooanath designated a Baro. POOL Tat to w ich he may be liable, to sentence ) “ European.™ : y ie : a “4 Re y bw. pean British’ subject. tho Mender Upen conviction to corporal Neches = Ba “4 jot exceeding thirty. stripes with a rétan, V. This Act shall take effect « A Tip chicicimtose: eee with, ag.* Wine Sais only in the Districts or places ¢ Scag circumstances, burglary, theft, know- | places to’ which itis to which the Governor General ingt “eeiving stolen or plundered property, wilful } extended by Goveru- in Council or the Executive od } “ion of or injury to property, and the attempt | ment, ras Government of any Presidency a.) 4000 thit any of the above-mentioned otiences, | or place shall think it necessary to extend it, Welt shall also be Competent toa Mayistrate | YI. This Act shall continue Wipes punish. t© Impose a fine not exceeding | in force for two years, ‘ett Mer br inficred. five hundred Rupees on convic- ‘se ft Gertain cases tion for any offence under Sec- | P W.M ORGAN, Werte tion XXV ace XXVIN | ; Clerk of the Council. Duration of Act. weed wel not paid, * i ; ie 1857 ; and in such case, as | 4. E *- beoes ey > vided. Registative Council of £udta. “< — » The 17th April 1858. Tre following Act, passed by the Legislative Council of India, received the assent of the Right Honorable the Governor General on the 4th April 1858, (communicated to the Legislative Council on the 17th April 1858), and is hereby promul- * gated for general information :— * act No, XIi or 1858. An Act for raising funds for pur ing roads in the Suburbs the Station of Howrah. making and re- of Calcutta and Werras considerable sums are expended an- nually by Government for making and repairing roads in the suburbs of Calcutta and the station of How- rah; and whereas it is just and expedient that such expenses, or & reasonable proportion thereof, should be defrayed by the inbabitants of the said suburbs and station in ‘the same manner as the expense of making and repairing roads in the Town of Calcutta is defrayed by the inhabitants of the said Town: and whereas @ imposed upon carriages and horses kept within the said Town ; and it is expedient that a similar tax should be imposed upon carriages and horses kept within the said suburbs and station: It is enacted as follows :— Preamble, }, The sums required for making and repair- ing roads within the limits Expense: of making , e said suburbs and sta- + ter OS : a ; otherwise provided, shall” be roads to be defrayed by ~7® inhabitants. + tion be eoutrib ited by th inhabitants of the said suburbs and station and shall be recovered in the manner hereinafter pro- . i. A tax shall be imposed upon all carriages, ie horses, ponies, and mules A tax vo be inposed opt, within the limits of the on carriages, horses, 8° ai suburbs and station, as those limits are defined in Act XXII of 1857, at tne rates specified in the annexed Schedule ; and shall be payable quarterly by the owners or pet- sons having charge of the same. Ill. krovided that the carriages and anl- mals hereinafter mentioned iexemptions. shall be exempt from the tax, namely, Gun carriages, and ordnance carts and waggons. Cavalry horses, and horses of mounted Police. Horses belonging to Officers doing regimental duty at the Presidency or in the said suburbs or station, at the rate of one horse for each Officer. Carnages and animals kept for sale and not used for any other purpose, if kept by bona fide dealers in.such carriages oF animals. [Ve The Licutenant-Governor of Bengal may Lieutenant-Governor apport sugh person as he may appoint Collector shall deem fit to be Collect- of tax. or of the carriage and horse tax in the said suburbs, and in the said station. Vv, very person, who may have owned or had charge of any carriage oF animal kept within the said suburbs or station for any number of days in any quarter, shall be liable to the whole tax for that quarter. What will constitute Viability to the tax for a whole quarter. - tax has been | { [ 764 ] Vil If a carriage shall have been under re at a carriage-maker’s for whole period contained any quarter, no tax shall leviable in respect of such carriage for that: quarter. Vil. ‘The Collector, at his discretion, may Collector may ecom- compound, for any period pound with livery etable- not Exceeding one year, with keepers. livery stable-keepers at other persons keeping carriages and horses *0F hire, for a certain sum to be paid for the car riages and horses so kept by such persons, in lieu of the rates specified in the Schedule. ‘ VIL, Carriages and horses let out for hire Carriages and horses and kept for the time bens let for hire to*residents 1 premises situated within in the suburbs liable to the said suburbs or station, oa although owned by livery stable-keepers or others not residing within the limits of the said suburbs or station, shall be sub- ject to the tax ; and the sums to be charged, for such carriages and horses shall be recoverable from the persons in whose premises they are for the time being kept. IX. Every carriage of the description xated in Raivio} wnat edie the Schedule at one Rupee ing ot carriages for hire. and eight annas, kept with- in the said suburbs or station and let out for hire, shall be registered in the Office of the Collector, and shall bear, in such man= ner as the Collector shall direct, the’ wumber © such registration, The registration shall be made and the number assigned annugty upon such day in each year as the Collector shall appoint. Any person becoming possessed, within the year, of any such carriage which has not een registered, may obtain registration on application to the Colle E - = aTTTase 1S it shall be registered of the person to whom it has been transferred. A fee of four annas shall be paid for each registration. X. Whoever keeps any such carriage, required Penalty for not regis- ig we geese by the A tering. visions of the last preceding Section, without being so re- gistered, shall, on couviction before & Magistrate, be liable to a fine not exceeding ten Rupees, and ithe Collector or any Officer duly authorized by him may seize or cause to be seized any such car- riage ( provided the same be not employed at the time of seizure in the conveyance ot any passen- gers or goods) together with the horses or other animals drawing the same, and may deliver them over to the Police; and all Police Officers are hereby required, on the application ot the Collect- or or his Officer as aforesaid, to seize and desaan the same. If the carriage as aforesaid be not claimed or if the fine be not paid within ten days sueh carriage, together with the animals i dided with it, may be sold by auction by order of ihe Magistrate, and the proceeds 8} plied to the pay- . 7 ay Carriages under re- pair. transferred within the year, anew in the name ment of the fine and aifPcostewmd-charges incurted : on account of the detention and sale, and the sur- plus (Gf any), +f not claimed by the owner suitiite a further period of twenty days, shall be paid to the Coilector. ; XI The Collector shall from tme’to time S k +e List of persone liable ied a aie and er” to tax to be prepared. 2OlUMLS In book to he kept ar his Offic: and to be open to the ispection of any porn! Py a é Lie interested therein. a list of the persons Hable to the payment of the tax, a description of the ear- riuges and animals in respect of which they are hable, and the amount of the tax assessed thereon. KII. In order to enable the Collector to make turns may be re- stich list, the Collector or ved for purpose of any Officer authorized by ng list. him may send to all persons supposed to be liable to the payment of the tax, a Schedule to be filled up with such information ri@pecting the carriages and animals kept by them as the Collector may judge necessary for the amessment of the tax. ‘Ihe Schedule shall be fied. up in writing, and signed and dated, and returned to the Office of the Collector by every p tson to whom it is sent, whether or not liable to 1-2 payment of the taxyand whoever refuses, neg- fevts, or omits duly to fill up and return such Sche- le within one week from the receipt thereof or “/owingly gives therein any ivcorrect orfalse return, svall be liable, on cgnviction before a Magistrate, ‘a penalty not exceeding two hundred Rupees. XII. The Magistrate on the report of the Collector may, if he thinks proper, summon any person supposed to be liable to the miyment of the tax, or any servant of such person, } appear before the Collector: aud the Collector hey examine such person or his servant as to the “amber and description of the carriages and horses "respect of which such person is liable to be aysessed. If the person summoned shall, without ‘ewful excuse, fail to appear in pursuance of the ‘“amons or shalt refuse to answer any lawful ‘\uestion of the Collector, or knowingly give an ‘eorrect answer, he shall be liable, on conviction “brea Magistrate, to a penalty not exceeding "hundred Rupees. : é Any persvu witv tlivy Utopute hic habiliby Power to summon jersons liable to tax. LX . e Appeal against as- ‘asment may be made ‘> Magistrate, the foregoing provisions of tiis Act, or the amount of any sue! Provided that such appeal. shall be commenced within ten days ‘after the receipt by such per- 0 of a bill for the sum claimed from him in res- Pewiof cuch assessment. W.° The decision of the Magistrate upon every such appeal shall be final and conclusive ; and no person shall be entitled to Comest any assessment made under the for@roing provisions of this Act, in any other wePner than by appeal to the Magistrate as hetinbefore provided. avi. When any sum is due off account BP ie presensed. of the said tax, the Collector Magistrate. ‘voviao. Miuistrate’s decision tha. Ue person liable te the payment thereof a bill Withe amount, which shall also contain a state- MPt of the periog and a deseription of the ages and anfinals for which” the charge is Hw 2together with a notice of thé"time within * Woh an appeal may be preferred, OVER If the bill is not paid by the person hable to pay the same within five days trom the presentation *MPVOLvihe Collector tay cause to be served upon “We “person: a notice of demand in the form (A) ‘ice of demand. * COM iwed in the Schedule to this Act. or to the like “eSand if such person shall not. within fire for any assessment made under , assessment, may appeal to the | Shall cause to be presented to | ~ + wv ] days from the service of such notice of demand, pay the sum due or show sufficient cause for non- payment of the same to the satisfaction of the Collector, and if no appeal shall have heen pre- ferred, such sum with all costs may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the defaulter under a warrant in the form (B) in the Schedule, or to the like effect, to be issued for that purpose by the Collector. XVII... The Officer charged with the exeen- Inventory and notice tion of the warrant of dis- of sale. tress shall make an inventory of the goods and chattels seized under any such warrant, and shall at the same time give a notice in writing in the form (C) contained in the Schedule annexed to this Act, to the person in possession thereof at the time of the seizure, that the said goods and chattels will be sold as therein mentioned, XIX. If the arrear is not paid with costs, or the warrant is not discharged or suspended by the Collector, the goods and chattels seized shall be sold under the orders of the Collector, who shall apply the proceeds or such part thereof as may be necessary in discharge of the said arrears and costs ; and the surplus, if any, shall be returned on demand to the person in possession of the goods and chattels at the time of the seizure, ‘The fees payable upon distraints under this Act shall be such as are set forth in the Sale, Fees. _ Table of Fees (D).in the said Schedule, XX. Instead of proceeding by distress and sale, or in case of failure to realize by distress the whole or part of any sum due in res- pect of the tax, the Collector may sne the person liable f the same in any “Collector may sue in- stead or on failure of distress, for Court of competent jurisdiction, XXI._ Previously to the first day of May of Fstimate of probable €@Ch year, au estimate shall be prepared of the ataoimt re- quired during the year for the purpose of making and repair- ing roads in the said suburbs and in the said station respectively ; and such esti- tute, when sanctioned by the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, shall be published in the Official Guzétte for general information. The Governor General of India in Council, on the report of the Lieutenant Governor, shall determine whether any and Gf any) what proportion of the said estimate shall be pail out of the public Revenues, If, after de- dueting such proportion (it any), the. said estimate shall exceed the sum which the car- riage and horse-tas is estimated to produce, with the addition of sueh further sums as may be assigned by the ieutenant-Governor for the said purpose out of the Ferry Fund, or any other public. fund, such excess shall be added to the ataount of the assessment or rate to be levied in the said suburbs and in thé said station under Act XX of 1856, and such additional assessment or raie suall be made and reenvered according to the provisions of that- Act, Pro- viléd that 4he aandting levied by an assessment or rate under this Section shail not in any casé éxveed a sung equal to one-half of the amount leVvie! undér the said Act MX of 1856 expense of making and repuiring roads, to be prepared an- nually, aud published. It estimate of ex- pense exceed estimat- ed produce of carriage and horse-tak, excess how to be made and reeovered. Proviso. | for the purposes of tliat Act. XXL. The Colleetions and fines to he paid to Roads Fond, proceeds of any assessment or rate made as aforesaid shall be kept distinct from tiie proceeds of the assessment or rate made for the purposes of the said Act XX of 1856; and such proceeds, together with all sums received by the Collector of the car- riage and horse-tax and all sutns assigned by Go- vernment as above provided, and all fines and penalties levied under this Act, shall form a Fund which shall be called in the suburbs of Calcutta «Vhe Suburban Koads Fund,” and in the station of Howrah “Lhe Station Roads Fund.” All ex- Appropriation of penses incurred. for the purpose fund. of this Act shall be defrayed from the said Fund. and the residue shall be applied exclusively ta making, repairing. and improving roads within the limits of the said suburbs and sta- tion. Provided that no payment shall be made from the said Fund for the re- pair of such rods or parts of roads as are herein after described, namely, Jn the said Suburbs ‘The Barrackpore toad with the Lock-gate road. The road from the Cossipore Gun-foundry to Dum- Dum. The Belgatchya or Dum-Dum road. The Behalea or Diamond Harbour road southward from the cross road to Allipore and Tollygunge. The Budge-Budge road. The Gurreahhath or Culpee read from the end of O.d Ballygunge road, The Canal roads, and the roads leading from the Canals and Salt-water lake into the Town, namely, the Balliachutta, Narevoldangal. Manicktollah, Ooltadunga, Gooreeparah, South Sealdah, Khoo- leah, Nimtollab, Jonmajoy Baboo’s, Khodagunge, and Khodghatta roadsy Soorah road, be- tween the Balliaghatta and Narcooldang: : In the said Station ' The Huoylily road northward from the point where it is crossed by the Old Benares road. The Old Benares road westward from the same point. ae : Or for making or matntaiming any pari of any other main road of comamuniecation between the Town of Caleutta and the interior of the country which may hereafter be constructed. XXII, The Licutenant-Uovernor of Bengal : snall cause statements to be Saiometstextsts Prepare! annually of ll ex: veceiptsand disburse- peLses incurred on account o ments of Fund tobe making, repairing, and improv- published annually. ine the roads’ of the said guburbs and of the spil station, and of all sums credited to and disbursed from the Suburban Roads Fund and the Howrah Station Roads Fund ; and the. said statements shall be published in the Official Gazette for general information, Proviso. SCHEDULE. Rupees per Quarter. Hor every 4-wheel carriage on springs, ' drawn by two horses or every 4-wheel carriage on springs, drawn by one horse, or pony, or & pair of ponies, under thirteen hands 2 Be: For every 4-wheel carriage, without springs ; For every 2-wheel carriage 4 8 0 wee . on sprin gs an 2.2 ee eee SS SS a per Quartel Tor every 2-wheel carriage without springs, drawu by a horse, pony, ormule ... met eS For every horse ric 2 aa For every pony under thirteen hands, or mule 7 -, Ou ce Ponies under Bleven hands, and children’s carriages the wheels of which do not exceed twenty- four inches in diameter, exempt. A. Notice oF DEMAND. at the Collector of the Horse and demands from you the sum Take notice th Carriage-tax for of due from you for for the months of / 185 ; and that. if the snm due is not paid into the said Collector’s Office at , OT | sufficient cause. for the non-payment of the sum js not shown to the Collector within five days from the service of this notice, a warrant of dis- tress will be issued for the recovery of the same with’ costs. (Signature of the Collector.) Date-—-—-—- B. DistRESS WARRANT. To (heve insert the name of the Officer charged with the execution of the warrant.) f Whereas of _ has not paid or shown sufficient cause for the non-payment of the sim of Rupees due for the taxes mentioned in the margin fer the months of 185, although the s#id sum has been demanded in wou i 4 d nf) ¥ ’ Tee fe service of the no- tice of demand ; This is to command you to dis- train the goods and chattels of the said to the amount of the said sum of Rupees and such further sum as may be sufficient to defray the charges of taking, keeping. and selling such distress ; and if, within five days next after such distress. the said sun shall not be paid, together with such further sum as may be sufficient to de- fray the charges of taking and keeping such distress, to sell the said goods and chattels; and having paid and deducted out of the proceeds of the sale the said surn of Rupees and the charges of taking, keeping, and selling such dis- * tress, to return the surplus, (if anv,) on demand. to the person whom you shall find in possession of the said goods and chattels. If sufficient dis- tress cannot be found of the goods and chattels of the said _. you are to certify the same to me together with this warrant. 2 (Signature of the Collector.) C Form or Invenrory anp Notice. (State particulurs of goods sereea-7~ Take notice that I have this day seized and chattels specified in the alike eee the sum of Rupees due for the taxeg tioned in the margin for the months of 185 _ ; and that, unless you pay Office of the Collector of the Horse and tax for the amount due, togethe costs of this distress, withim five day d men- into the: Carriage- T with the S from the a ay of the date of this notice, the goods and chat- els © (be sold (Signature of the Collector ) Pate F i“ D: Livhle of ¥ ees payable upon distraints under this A ct. —>— a Pim distrained jor. a OOS eae ee ; Rs, | As. a —— om Under } Rupee Pa i jo( | ae 1 and under 3 Rupees | OF 8 3 ” B) ” ed 1 0 : ££ TOW <3, -{ IY] 8 a, 13--~ a My Ba ; ae, 20>; ” 218 a f ene 25 | Rs ae 25 + Boe: 1 31 8 ; , 50 >: » 4 35 ” g 4 0 is Se wal tae te 4 ” Fi ” ie 5 0 Pam, § 500 7 Pages fie a 6” | 6 PO i te 80 | “+f 718 80 me k00- - | 910 Above Flog _ ou 0 | 0 Hn . Bhe a9 charge includes Wheh nanny ie i trained, i, daily for W. Moreay, Clerk of the Council, KS “egistatroe Council of knyea. — The 17th April 1858, r Nh io) iGWine UMC OEE diay received the assent of the Right -onorable Soe’ (communicate.| to the Legislative Council ya the 17th April 1858), and rated fox eeral information -— Act No, 2%. dn Aat tye XII oF 1858, the punishinent of persons who “arty bute On Coleen urits or other pro- erty belo my to [Ter Majesty or to the Last WL Company. ‘ JBEAB Sit is. Able! | expedient to) provide for the PUNishment of Persons who shal] Knowingly and unlaw- ‘ . 6 a | ~ horses, or other Majesty or enacted as follows fy ain In Districts tg which this Act is ex- fended by Govern- melt, Magistrate to issue proclamation ealling upon persons to deliver up proper- ty belonging to Her Majesty or the East India Company, nition, horse or ment Stamps, Her Majesty or to deliver up the g nearest Police Station Within by the’ proclamation ; Punishment for un- lawful Possession of such property, horse or other animal, or any or other ptoperty, or other Possession or eoncaa] arms, property belonging to Her to the East India Company ; It is any District to which the provisions of this Act shal] be extended by order of the Governor Ge- neral in Council or the Exe- cutive Government of any Pre- sideney or place, the Magistrate shall issue a Proclamation eal]- ing upon all Persons within his District, having in their possession any arms, ammu- other animal, or any Goyern- property belonging to to the East India Company, ame to the Magistrate or at the a time to be fixed and whoever, after the ex- piration of the time so fixed, shall without lawfy] or reason- able excuse have in his posses- sion any arms, ammunition, Government Stamps, kuowing the same to belong to Her M ayesty or to the East India Company, shall On conviction be transportation for life or of hard labor for a years, either with or alone, or to corporal lable to the punishment of imprisonment with term not exceeding fourteen without fine, or to a fine punishment. not exceeding thirty stripes with a ratan, II. After any Punishment for ean. eooliuyr OT p ‘giecting to deliver Up property after issue of procla- Mation, such’ proclamation shall have been issued, whoever having in his possession any such pro- perty as aforesaid, knowing it to belong to Hey Majesty or > tothe East India Company, shall, without lawful or reasonable excuse, conceal or attempt to conceal the iver it up be liable Same, or neglect to de- as required by the Proclamation, shall on conviction to the punishment Provided by the preceding Section, 10g" Jurisdiction, cial Commissioner vided by Act XIV Judgment shall not be vided that a European British Subject shall manner 3 and the subject to pro- sentence or . appeal, Pro. not be tried under the provisions of this Act, PY Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to Act not to exempt persons from punish- ment under Act XVI of 1857. ‘vision for the trig] Ofences in certu:n V. Duration of Act. This Act shall continue jin 1857 (to muke tom Porary pro- and punishment of heinous Districts; : force for the period of two years from the tune of the Passing thereof W. Morke@ay, Clerk of the Council, Begisiative Council of EnDta. —_——— The 10th April 1858. Tue following Bill was read a second time in | the Legislative Council of India on the 3rd April 1858, and referred to a Select Committee to report thereon after the 14th of June next :— who are ————<— A Bill to make further provision for the settle- ment of lund gamed by alluvion in the Presi- dency of Fort William in Benge. x Wuerras, for the removal of doubts respecting be followed added Lo the course proper t0 Preamble. : ; ‘ rr in the settlement of land by alluvial accession to estates paying Revenue Government, it is expedient to lay down certain rules to be observed in the settlement of such land ; Tt is enacted as follows :— d by alluvial accession to to When land is adde estate paying an Revenue Rules for the settle- ; : Freel ment of alluvial land ores d Government, if it be so a he Revenues antho- the alluvial lund may be on between & rities and the proprietor or proprietors, Revenue assessed upon the added to the jum! such, case, a BeW engagement shall be executed for and that na of the original estate ; and in 4 the payment of thesaggrezate amount, amount shall be substituted in the Co roll for the former jumma, of the orig Tf the proprietor oF proprietors object to such an or if the Revenue authorities are of settlement of the imal estate, arrangement, opinion that a alluvial laud can- not properly be made for the same settlement of the original estate, the allu- term as the existing vial land shall be assessed aud settled as a separate estate with a separate jumma, sulgject to all the the rights of property there ¥ provisions respecting which are contained in Section 1V Regulation KL ; 1825, and shall thenceforward be regarded and ; greated as in all respects separate from and inder pendent of the original estate. Ti, Every separate settlement of alluvial land heretofore made shall be as Geparate settlements good and effectual for all the -jai lands here- ' i base se he Lie purposes above sp same would have been’ if made subsequently to the passing of this Act. i that nothing contained in this + bone Act shall be held to affect the rights which any person may have acquired, under S 4 t iM L - a a judicial decision or otherwise, before the passins of this Act. W. MorGAn, Clerk of the Council. ment at Subath ecified as the | Provided ‘@) Appointments, Xe. —_—_— fietifications, No. 1520, Fort Wiliam, Foreign Department, The 16th A pril 1858. The Hou'ble the President in Council is pleased : to erant to the Reverend jh. Panting, Chaplain of Jullundur, leave of absence, On Medical Certi- ficate, under the Financial Notification of the 29th April 1856, for six months, from the date on which he may avail himself to Simla or Mussoorie. of it, to proceed " —_—_— Now los. The Reverend jJ.Cave Browne, has obtained an extension of leave from Oth to 18th December 1857, and one month’s leave to join_his appcint- oo, from the date on which his Sick Pay leave & xpiret a No. 1522. The 20th April 1858. J. Havelock, Assistant Commis sioner Punjab, has obtained leave of absence under the Military Rules, for six weeks, from the date on which he may avail himself of it, to proceed to Bombay, preparatory to applying for Fumlough to Europe. Lieutenant No. 1 . 3 recognize the appointments Consul . x a at Singapore. Ceci, Brapoy, Offg. Srey. to ihe Govt. of Ludva. — ¢ No. 57. Fort William, Public Works Department, ge PUBLIC, : The 20th Apri 1858. - Appointment.— Serjeant M. Johnstone, of tl Sappers and Miners, is appomted a Probe ss. : ce. Overseer, and posted to th Nort Western Provinces. e Nort 4 is) i No. 58. N otifications.— Captain W. Maxwell | ler, SA Engineer of the Ist Class i a aro a 7 ‘eh - Taree a appointment as Ofticiatine | Sean ling Engineer, 2nd Cir cle Beng: on YY Instant. a ae “i No. 59. | ‘he following General Or , the Commfannder-in-Chiet, sa aac Excelle ~ runner John McKecknie aesibts ot al : wong Public W odes ce ant Over memnovett to the rank of Betjed co ated Ist April 1858, page 385 ~~ » pag oO. | | | 4 R. Stracney, Major, ig. Secy, to the Govt. of I : j ; No. Orders by the Licutenant-Governor of Bengal, Appointments.—The 15th April 1858.—Colo- nel T. B. Corfield, Commanding at Shahabad, is vested with the powers described in Section T. Act XVIT. of 1857, to try for M titiny or Desertion, wherever the offence may have been committed, any person subject to the Articles of War for the Native Troops of the East India Company. © The 16th April 1858.—Mr. W. S. Wells to be _ Assistant to the Magistrate and the Collector of the 24-Pergunnahs. Mr. W. Macpherson to be Assistant to the Ma- gistrate and the Collector of Beerbhoom, : Mr. jC..Boy, to officiate as Medical Officer of Backergunge. Lenve of Absence.—The Vth April 1858,—Dr. R. F. Hutchinson, Civil Assistant Surgeon of Shababad, for twelve days, under the Financial Resolution of the 29th of October last, in exten- sion of the leave granted to him on the 25th Ultimo, Baboo Obhoy Churn Newgee, Suth-Assistant Surgedn of Berhampore, for one Section VIL of the revised Uncoven tee Rules. , The 6th April 1858—The Reverend E. K. Maddock, Chaplain of St, James’ Church, for ' fifteen months, on Medical Certificate, under See- tion XI. of the revised Military Furlough Rules, TheVith April, 1858.—Lieutenant °B, W. Dz Morton, Officiating Principal Assistant to the Commissioner ot Assam at Nowgong, for eight Weeks, under the Financial Notification of the 14th ef October ‘last, preparatory to proceeding to month, under anted Absen- Europe, on Medical Certificate. Natincitions.—The 10th April 1858.—The | BCWenan icicle ln 1 n. pleased to oxtond the provisions of Act X. of 1858, to all the Dis- tricts constituting the Patna Division, viz. :~ Patna. Behar. Shahabad, Sarun. Chum parut. Tirhoot. Lhe 16th April 1858,—The F ithe District of the 24-Pergunnalis is declared blic under Regulation VI. of 1819. ba: H. C. Wake, of the Civil Service, reported is departure from India, on the 11th Tnstant, on he Steam-ship Bengul, erry at Ooturbhag | A. R. Young, Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal. — $< 2 Orders by the Right Hon’ble the Grover nor General, No. 899 of 1858. | Judicial und Revenue Depurtment, 4 Allahabad, the 15th April 1858. Notifications.— The under-mentioned Officers ave Plated at the disposal of the Government of India, Department, foremployment in Oudh :— 5 Mr. William Balmain. & » CA. Elliott, € - | cribed in Acts No. 905 of 1858, Judicial Depwrtment. Act X. of 1858 are extended ts of the North-Western Provinces ¥ The provisions of to all the Distric No. 908 of 1858, Judicial und Revenue Department. Leave of Absence—Mr. Robert Henry Wallace Dunlop, Magistrate and Collector of Meerut, for six months, from the 15th Instant, on Medical Certificate, to proceed to the Hills. No. 914 of 1858, A ppointments.—Mr. John Fo to be Magistrate and Collector 0 Mr, George Henry Mi charge ofthe Moradab tbes David Inglis f Bareilly. Idmay Ricketts to have ad District, No. 923 of 1858. The 16th April 1858, Notification. —The services of Mr. R, are plac-d at the disposal of the Fore ment, for employment in Oudh, M. King ign Depart- No. 926 of 1858. Appointment.—Mr. James William Power to be a Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector of the Ist Grade. No. 927 of 1858, Judicial Departinent. Notifications,—A Police Ga re-established, and will, for the at Agra, under the superintend ence of the Magis- trate of that District, ; Copies will be furnished to all superior Police Officers in the Provinces in Oudh, and in t! of the Punjab and Benval, The Police Authorities wil Mr. Phillipps, Magistrate of A: of averavated crimes, and amount of reward for requiring publication in zette will be short ly present, be tssued Magistrates and North-Western 1e adjoining Districts 1 communicate to gra, the particulars names of offenders, with apprehension, in all cases the Police Gazette, No. 981 of 1858, Mr. Henry Vansittart, Magistrate and Collector of Furruckabad; is vested with. the powers des- XIV. and XVII. of 1857, in his District. _——, No. 939 of 1858. Lhe Vith April 1858, The following Officers powers described in Acts X] iu their respective Districts : Mr. John Forbes Collector of Bareilly. Mr. George Henry M ildmay Ricketts, M agistrate and Collector, in charge of Moradabad. are vested with the Vi and X. Vlioae 1857 David Inglis, Magistrate and 7 No. 944 of 1858. Judicial and Revenue Department. A ppointments.— Mr. Sullivan James Becher to be Magistrate atid Collector of Goruckpoor, but to continue to officiate as Judge of Benares. Mr. Frederick Merttins Bird will continue to officiate as Magistrate and Collector of Goruck- poor. Mr. J. G. Cordery habad Division. to be an Assistant in the Alla- —— No. 947 of 1858. Mr. William Malcolm-Jiow, Assistant in the Ro- hilennd Division, is ‘vested with the powers of a Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector. No. 949 of 1858. Judicial Department (Civil.) Mr, Alexander Ross to be Civil and Sessions Judye of Furruckabad. The special appointment of Mr, missioner of Furruckbad, Shabj Budaon, will now cease. Ross, as Com- chanpore, and —— No. 307 of 1858. Revenue Department. Willayut Hossein Khan is re-appointed a De- puty Collector, under Regulation IX. of 1833, and Deputy Magistrate under Act XIV. of 1843, in the Rohileund Division. By order of the. Right, Hon’ble the Governor a, General. W. Murr, Secy. to Govt. N. W. P. General Orders by the How lle the President of ihe Council of India in Council. ——— \ Fort William, 17th April 1858. No. 598 of 1858.—The following Notifications, issued from the Foreign Department with the Right Hon'ble the Governor General, are publish- ed in General Orders :— « No, 521.—The Sth April 1858.—The Richt Hon'ble the Governor General is pleased to appoint Lieutenant R. E. Oakes, of the 52nd Native Infantry, to be an Assistant Revenue Surveyor in the Nagpore Territory. No. 529.—The 8th April 1858.—The services of Major G. F. C. Fitzverald, Bengal Artillery, attached to the Goorkha Force, are re-placed at the disposal of the Military Department. No. 5382.—The Sth April 1858.—The services of Lieutenant-Colonel I. Wroughton, attaghed to the Goorkha Force, have been this-day re-placed at the disposal of the Military Department. ’ to the foregoing, the ser- vices of Major Fitzgerald and Licutenant-Colonel Wroughton, are placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Commignder-in-Chief 7 a With. reference 0 ] No. 599 of 1858.—The following Notifications, issued from the Home Department, are publish- ed in General Orders :— No. 978.—The 16th April 1858.—The Hon'ble the Court of Directors having appointed Major- General Sir James Outram, G. C. B., to bea- Provisional Member of the Council of India, and a vacancy having occurred by the resignation of Major-General John Low, G, B:, the said Major- General Sir James Outram, G. C. B., has this- day accordingly taken the oaths and his seat as Third Ordinary Member of the Council of India under the usual Salute from the Ramparts of Fort William. 3 No. 980.—The 15th April 1858.—The Hon’ble the President in Council is pleased to permit the Hon'ble J. A. Dorin to resign the East India Companys Civil Service, from the, 1st May next, _ No. 600 of 1858 —The following Notification issued from the Public Works Department is published in General Orders :— No. 56.—The 16th April 1858.-—- Appointment —Captain A. Fraser, Engineers, to officiate’ as Executive Engineer in the Barrackpore Division, _ No, 601 of 1858.—The following Notifications issued by the Hon’ble the Lieutenant-Governor of pert . published in General Orders :— Lhe Tth April 1858—4A ppoimtments.—} A. Littledale, Officiating Hanes ar Nudden se a Commissioner under Section VII. Act XIV, of 1857, for the trial of all crimes and offences punishable under the said Act. srt Mr. W. Bell, Officiating Judge of Shahabad. to be a Commissioner under Section VII. Act XIV of 1857, for the trial of all crimes and ee nccy punishable under the said Act. = — : dproot LD ant surgeon A. A. Mantell, Civil Assistant Surgeon of Balasore, for four weeks, under the Financial Notification of the. 14th October last, preparatory to proceeding td Europe, on Medical Certificate, > _ No, 602 of 1858.—The following Notifications issued by the Government North Western Pro- vinces, are published in General Orders :— ~ No. 865.—The 10th April 1858. To be Commandants of Divisional Battalio : ns. Brevet Major John Hennessy, eo 70th Regiment N. I. ... Agra. Lieutenant John Cockerell, 4th 4 Light Cavalry . Benares. To be Second in Command of Divisional, Batta- lions. Lieutenant Melville Clarke, 3rd Light Cavalry “ag Lieutenant Henry Thomas Old- field, 9th Regiment N. I. ... Lieutenant George Ward Chi- cheley Plowden, 4th Light Cavalry ... Allahabads Lieutenant Alexander Frede- rick Corbett, 48rd N. I... Benares L’o be Conemandants of District Police. Lieutenant Frederick Arthur Currie Knyvett, 24th Regi- ment N. I. k Captain James Young Gowan 18th Regiment N. 1. M eerut, Agra. Seharanpore, .. Moozuflernngeur. ~~ F ‘\ Captain Wiiliam Henrv Shad- ‘ well Earle, 20th Regiment i : N.I --- Boolundshuhur. Japtain Clement Thomas Hal- lett, 72nd Regiment N. I. .., Allygurh. Captain John Palmer Caul- held, 3rd Regiment N. I. Futteheurh, Captain Robert Bridge, 72nd Regiment N. I. 25° Etah Lieutenant Tachlan Forbes, 2ud Regiment N. J, 1. Etawah. Vieutenant Mowbray Thomp- son, 53rd Regiment N, I. .. Cawnpore. sa 0 ~ Lieutenant William Frederick 4 Metge, H. Mi Sth Foot ... Futtehpore. on Lieutenant Georee Trdlow Kennedy Hewett, 41st Re. - giment N. I, --- Humeerpore. Captain George Alexander St. . Peter Fooks, 50th Regiment = a t. Jounpore, Lieutenant Frederick William Dunbar, 37th Regt. N. I M irzapore, ueutenant Benjaynin George : Vander Gucbt, 2nd Regi- ; ment N. I, Ghazeepore, Taeutenant the Hon’ble Wil: liam Murray F raser, 44th Regiment N, I. «+ Dehra Dhoon. To be Adjutants of Diwisional Battalions. Lieutenant George Henry Wel- _ land Hoggan, 4th Regiment N.I Uieutenant Horatio Nelson No- ble 44th Reoiment N. I. ie Lieutenant W iliau Dalrymple Shaw, 2nd Regiment NT... Allahabad. lieutenant Willoughby Henry ? Garton, 50th Reet, N, 1. Beuares, Meerut. Agra, t Lo be District Adjutant, weutenant Jardine Scott-Ro- binson, Ist Light Cavalry .!. Boolundshuhur. Weutenaut Russell Morland Skinner, 29th Reat. N.T. ... fsien Robert Blackall Graham, 29th Regimneut N. I. Lieutenant George Robertson Y. Hennessy, 34th Regt. N. E. .. Mision James Jenkins Blair, Bist Reziment N. TJ, - Mynpoory. Allygurh. Muttra, Fattehgui h. ) Ligutenant George Farquhar Irving Graham, 52nd Regi- . ment N. I. ... Etawah. . Wutenant William | Astell » Pranks, 12th Kegt. N. I... Canwnpore. i @utenant James William 0’ Dowda, 50th Regt: N.E ... Jounpore. ii@utenant —_Altred Burford didgell Thomas, 37th Resi- nent N. J. Mirzapore. Leutenant William George Aeppell, Sth Regt. N. I. .., Ghazeepore. ~ Setkh Police Corps. vp ght - Captain George lrederick Ber- ©) 5H. M. 24th Foot -» Comman:lant. Splreutenant Ayrton Pullan, 36th ; i ... Adjutant. Regiment N. I. t T71 ] | No. 881.—The 13th April 1858. —Lieutenant Orlando Manley Glubb, 37th Native Infantry, to | be Cantonment Joint Magistrate and Superin ten- dent of the Abkarree Mehal in ? Cantonment Allahabad. : _—— aohe 605 of 1858. “the Haus the President ae Curie ot Lidid in Council is pleased to direot, that | te following paras. of Military Letter from thes ifon*ble- the Court of Directors, to the voverament ‘of India No 42° dated 16th Februc ary 1858, be published in General Orders — 2. It was fully intended that, our Oficers Vetter dated stb Odedes 1957, SHOuld receive the same | Nox 260; enefits, of Promotion as Ay ‘ a Her Majesty’s Officers, ansmtt a Metnoria from > 2 Ri, LLiowt=Cilohehe Mvcshall, under the Royal War- 33r1 Madras N, I praying to be placed ou the same footing it regard to promotion for ser. vice as. Regimental Major and Tant of October 1854; but it appears from the Statement of the Pro- Bt Lieut.-Colonel, as Officers Vinclal* Coimmander-in- n ster Majesty’s Service, Chief at Madras, that Hi. Whos ste this imtention has not been fulfilled in the ease of Brevet Lieutenant- Colonels who are Regi- mental Majors, and His Excellency the Commander-in Chief in India in handing up the Memorial of Lieutenant-Colonel ¥ Letter from the Deputy, Marshall, states that his (Adjutant General of the Bengal application is ‘perfectly Army, 29th August 1857, equitable,” 3. Under these circumstances, we can have no hesitation in desiring that, whatever advantage woula Le. granted in Her Majesty’s Service to a Brevet Lieutenant-Colone] being, also a Regi- mental Majory holding an Office be a qualification for promotion, may he granted to Jientenant-Colonel Marshall and others similarly circumstanced. ; * Letter from the Adjutant ‘¥eneral of the Madras Army, 4th July 1857, Fort William, 19th April 1858, Vo. 604 of 18583. — Tho Pay, Batta and ‘other Allowances for April 1858, of the Troops at the Presidency, and at the other Stations of the Army, will be issued on oraiter Monday, the 10th roximo, 7 —_—_— No. 605 of 1858.—The following Orders Issued by the Governmeut. of Bombay. are confirmed :— No. 324, dated 201h March 1$58.—Granting leave of absence to Kurope, on Medical Certificate, to the under-mentioned Officers <= Captain Richard For three years, Jenkins, of the 5th Regiment Light Ge anes the “ald valry --- J Regulations, Wo. 330, dated 22nd March) 1858.—Lieutenant F. Same | For eighteer well. 6th Madras Native in- { months, unden faniry. Acting Adjutant 2nd ¢ the new Regu- Cavalry Hyderabad Contin- | lations. gent a) No: 360 dated 30th March 1858.—Lieutenant Thomas Marin Shelley, of the {1th Native Infantry a For three years, under the o]g Leguilations, 4 See [We No. 606 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Gen- tleman is admitted into the Service, in conformity with his appointment by the Hon’ble the Court of Directors, as an Assistant Surgeon on this Establish- ment :— Date of Arrival at Fort William. Medical Department. Mr. Alfred Marshall 13th April 1858. —_—_— No. 607 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Officers are permitted to proceed to Europe, oF leave of absence, on Sick Certificate + Captain Gould Read Weston, For three years, of the 65th Regiment Native }under the old Infantry _., ) Regulations. Captain Marcus Augustus Gars- For three years, tin, of the 73rd Regiment nder the old _ Native Infantry _.. ) Regulations. Lieutenant William Robert ) For three years, Gordon, of the 68th Regi- -U nder the old . 5 . ment Native lnfantry = + Regulations. Fort William, 20th April 1858. Mo. 608 of 1858.—The Hon'ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased to rake the following promotion :— 58rd Regiment Native Infantry. _ Lieutenant Sidney Chalmers, to be Captain of a Company, from the 23rd October 1857, vice Cap- tain F, H, Tomkinson, killed. No. 609 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Indi- vidual of Her Majesty's Service, is permitted to yeside in India “as ‘an ‘Out-pensioner “of"Ohel Hospital,‘and to draw his pay at the Station speci- fied opposite to his name, according to the 23rd ¢ the Royal Warrant of the 24th May Clause 0 1847, pending @ reference to the Horse Guards as to the amount of his Pevsion :— 84th Foot—Private Robert Wallace ., Calcutta. —_—— No. 610 of 1858.-—The Hlon’ble the ‘President of the Council of Tndia in Council is pleased, as a special case, to admit Subadar Seosahae Sing, of the 40th Regiment Native Infantry, to the 2nd Class of the Order of British India, with the title of “ Bahadoor,” from the 25th J uly 1857, in con- sideration of his conspicuous acts of loyalty to the State on the occasion of the out-break of the Native Troops at Dinapore, on that date. _— No. 611-0f 1858.—The Hon'ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased to make the following promotions in consideration ‘of the exemplary loyalty of the Men on the occasion of the outbreak of the Native Troops at Dinapore on the 25th July 195 7:— rr 1 No. 612 of 1858,—Unattached Ensign Jeremiah O’Brien is appointed a Riding Master on the Establishment, vice Unattached Lieutenant and Riding Master 5. Douglas removed to another situation. — No. 618 of 1858 —The services of the Reverend J. R. Baldwin, Chaplain of the Depot at Ranee- gunge, are placed at the disposal of the Govern- ment of the North-Western Provinces. No. 614 of 1858.—The Hon'ble the President of the Couneil of India in Council is pleased ‘to make the following promotion :— 44th Regiment Natove Infantry: Lieutenant William Turton Fagan to be Cap- tain of a Company, from the 18th April 1858, vice Captain C. H. Keighly, deceased. » —— No. 615 of 1858,—The following Orders, issued by the Chief Commissioner Punjaub, and pub- lished in the Punjaub Gazettes, Nos. 8 and 9, 0 the 20th and 27th February 1858, are confirmed :— Lanore, 18TH Freprusry 1858. Ath Punjaub Infantry. No. 176.—Leave of Absence.—The leave of absence, on Medical Certificate, granted in Pun- jaub Orders No. 327, of 25rd October 1857, and No 1, of 2nd January 1858, to Captain A. Wilde, Commanding 4th Punjaub Infantry, is commuted berto.! to privilege leave, from the 12th ‘ t : ’ Wilde returned to his duties. lst Sikh Infantry. No. 177.—Lieutenant G. J. Harcourt, is pet mitted to resign bis appointment in the Ist Sikh Reaiment, and to proceed to join his own, the Ist Madras European Fusiliers, in anticipation of the sanction of Government. _ oth Punjaub Infantry No. 178.—The Regimental Order of the 9th January 1858, by Major Vaughan, Commanding, appointing Lieutenant C. E. Stewart, H. M.’s 27th Regiment, to officiate as Adjutant, 1s sanctioned. No. 3 Punjaubd Light F ield Battery. No. 179.— Battery Order of the 15th January | 1858, by Lieutenant Meecham, Commanding, | appointing Rough Rider and Farrier Serjeant M. Janyane, to officiate as Laboratory Man, during the ensuing practice season, is confirmed. Lahore and Mooltan Transport Tram. No. 180.—The following Establishments are a 7 i To what Rank From what j — e Rank and Names. oS hesed. 1 ie sanctioned : Oh 5 eee ee ear ate ee a For Lahore. : ef Havildar Naick Sing .. |Jemadar Pi q jasurio Sing » |Subadar ; 1 Mutsuddee at 20 Rupees per mensem™m. | G\y » So reojbullee Ram .. |Jemadar , J S|) 2 Ramphul Sing | Ditto e 1 Chuprassee at 4, Rupees per mensem. ¢ 2 Naick Beet ae .» | Havildar = i 25tn July . aA ee jssal: Khan «| Ditto . 1857. Zit 7. Gobind Sing =| Ditto Cie For Mooltan. 2 l|soiy feomntieg |e | | 4 ey aik a ./ D1 ie 4 ah, Sa abe Se = Res y 1 Mutsuddee at 20 Rupees per mensem- 1 Chuprassee at 4 Rupees per mensem, Se © a Mooltan Reyiment of Cuvatry. No 181.—The Peshawur Division Order of the 18th eember last. by Major General Cotton, Cor anding, appointing Lieutenant B. Williams, late 87th N. 1. doing duty with 18th Irregular Cavalry. to the Command of a Ressala, proceeding on service down Country. is confirmed, as a tempo- rary arrangement, with reference to his appoint- ment to act as Adjutant ‘to the Regiment of Mocltenve Cavalry, of which the above Ressala forms’ portion. Lawore, 18TH Feprvary 1858. 18th Punjaub Infantry. No 182—TIn continuation of Punjaub Order, No. , dated 24th October 1857, 20 Sepoys from the four Augmentation Companies of the 4th Sikh Infantry bemg in excess of the number = : require! to complete the Establishment of the 14th Ponjaub Infantry, are transferred to the 18th Pun) Infantry. 20th Punjaub Infantry. Ne. 133.—Promotions :— s To what Rank | From what J Rank aw! Name. promoted! | inte In whose room. Hawudar, . N authoc Sf \distietas ..|2nd Feb. 1858|Jemadar Jodha, , deceased. » 38rd Sikh Infantry. WA NB4A—Promecione »—_ ——— To what ’auk and Names. Rank pro- Sy i In eee moted, ‘i FOOD: Jewadars. | ; | {Subadar Banee : | i Sookul, dis- wae 2 Y missed, not h gat sing + JSubadar. ...]15th Dec, 1857 { having ~ r6- | joined from q ’ Furlough. i : | ( Subadar. Pur- “han Svug Ditto ++, Ditto te son -Tewary, t ditto. Hawldars, d ( Jemadar Ram- “ordut ng ... |Jemadar ..| Ditto “+ churn Opa- n . L- diah. 4 : Jemadar Bhug- Siaday Klan ... | Ditto .| Ditto ei wan Sins, ih A promoted. . . 5 § Jemadar Khan whtoo Sing ... ips «| Ditto Pel Felting shi ekh, y 7 a af “Lanore, 19Ta FEBRUARY 1858. 23rd Punjuub Infantry. WoONWS5.— Leave of -ibsence.—Lieutenant J. B. vatterton, Officiating Adjutant, for two months, “sit Bombay, preparatory to applying for Fur- agh to Europe, on Medical Certificate, with ect from the date of departure. from his Re- nent, 20th Punjaub Infantry. No. 188.—All transfers to the 20th Punjaub Infantry, directed by the Military Secretary’s Circular No, gta dated 3rd July 1857, are to be considered to have effect. from the 8th July 1857. Lanore, 20TH Fesruary 1858. 18th Punjaub Infantry. No. 189.—The Regimental Order, dated 4th January 1858, by Lieutenant Williamson, Com: manding, appointing Lieutenant A. P. O’ Malley, doing duty, to officiate as Adjutant, vice Lieute- nant T. L. Roberts appointed to officiate as Second in Command, is confirmed, as a temporary arrange- ment. Allahabad Police Horse. - No. 190. - Lieutenant W. F. Metge, H. M.’s 8th (the King’s) Regiment, is appointed to officiate as Commandant of 2 Ressalas of Cavalry being raised at Lahore for service in the Allahabad Dis- trict. This appointment to have effect from the 15th Instant. Lieutenant Metge is sanctioned a Staff Salary of Rupees 167 per mensem. The strencth, organiza- tion, pay, &c., of these Ressalas will correspond in all respects with those of the Punjaub Mounted Police. 24th (Pioneer) Regiment Punjaub TI: nfantry. No. 191.—In conformity to instructions: con- tained in Government Letter, Military Depart- ment No. 1688, of the 29th January 1858, the Corps of Mozhubee Sikhs at present on Field Ser- vice, under Command of Lieutenant H. W. Gulli- ver, of Engineers, is brought on the strength of the Punjaub Irregular Force, and will henceforth, or till further orders, be designated the 24th Pioneer Regiment Punjaub Infantry. The strength, establishment, pay, &c., of the 24th Punjaub Infantry, will conform in all respects, with the other Infantry Corps of the Force, from the 1st March (Proximo). The pavment of this Corps will be transferred from the Civil to the Military Pay Department. Lieutenant Gulliver and the Officers servin under his Command, will continue to be attached to the 24th (Pioneer) Regiment of Punjaub Infan- try, so long as their services may be available for this duty. Lanore, 28np FEBRUARY 1858. 8rd Punjaub Cavalry. No. 192.—The Dehra Gazee Khan Order, of the 13th February 1858, by Captain Gell, Commanding, appointing Lientenant J. P. Burton, doing duty with the 3rd Punjaub Cavalry, to officiate as Station Staff, in addition to his own duties, consequent on the departure of Lieutenant Grant, Ist Seikh Tufautry with his Regiment, is confirmed. Station Se el 1858 LAHORE, 25TH FEBRUARY ap p Lajensry. Fe: r Ps. Da a9 Gh 15th (Pioneer) Regiment Punjou No. 195.— Promotions :— 4th Sikh Irregular Cavalry. No. 198.—In compliance with orders received from the Right Hon’ble the Governor General of India, a4th Regiment of Sikh Irregular Cavalry = ie Th ey will be raised at Lahore forthwith. Bias z 4 The 4th Reciment will be raised and organized K 2 From whet : S under the same orders that have been issued for Rank and Names. = E date. a7 the formation of the other three Regiments of . fas ule Sikh Irregular Cavalry. a a te ie A ppointments.—Lieutenant H. C Cattley, from the 11th Punjaub Infantry, to be Officiating Adjutant. Khurruck Singh...; ditto Bigs : a oP ; Ram Sing ditto st Feb. 180¢ 1 Lieutenant Cattley is directed to proceed and Ram Singh eee: Bt dite 3 1MEC eh é gta } he Goormookh Singh Gi LL : o report himself without delay at Lahore, where he ZOOMAY ° Heals ditto | 2 will receive over charge of such men as h al- . Esur e, ditto ditto | 4 5 , ead as sino tt : a ready been raised for the 4th Sikh Irregular tam pine) i ree auto = . . . . . ao { Cavalry by the Officiating Captain of Police, Mutsuda . po . Sei ditto & Lahore Division. sa ae. i t | ditto ditto s owahir oigh of GLE j 2 Further appointments of Huropean Officers to ee Sinoh ...| Jemadar |1st Dec. 185% r 2 this Corps will be notified hereafter. and no Native Rookandeen ditto 1st Feb. 1858) | = Officers are to be appointed, pending the Chief | @oovar Singh ditto ditto | & Geaihissiohdi’s Orders noe ease di ditto 3 OM MiIssioner § reiers. Soobha Sinch ditto ae a . : Soolukhun Singh ditto itto ; Ind Sikh Irregular Cavalry. | cpanel Singh ditto ditto ie H : . “4 ° . ; Sishen Sine ditto ditto No. 194—In partial cancelme nt of Punjaub Kishe One ditto Las au . fra Order No. 164, dated 10th February 1858, the “tei dag ; Aitte ditto ay-mentioned Individuals who, at at arly s00ta Hing A =o ’ wnder-mentioned : Hogans Chattoor Singh ditto ditto ) period of the outbreak of t he Native Army, joined Captain MacNeile; Ofneiating Deputy Comimis- sioner of Thanesur, and under whom they have since served, are ta be brought on the strenoth of the 2nd Regiment Sikh Irregular Cavalry, with effect from the 1st January 1858. as Supernume- rarie’, and returned as “on Commands. pending their joiwing the Regiment. ~s | Captain P. Hockin, Commanding, Will he pleased to draw for their arrears of pay, under the operation of Punjaub Gazette Order. No, 68, of the Ist September 1857, and on receipt, to adjust all advances that have been made to them from the Thanesur Civil Treasury. Malwa Contingent. Ressaldar Meer Murdan Alee. Duftadar Kulloo Khan. Sowar Sheikh Khoda Buksh. 15th Irregular Cuvalry. Ressaldar Azeemooddeen Khan. Sowar Drab Khan. Amee Chund. Tradut Khan. Alee Mahomed Khan (died 17th January 1858.) 2rd Oude Ir gular Cavalry. Sowar Gholam Hyder Khan. Gholam Kadur Khan. 2nd Irregular Cavalry. Sowar Nujeeb Khaz. 15th Irregular Cavalry. Duffadar Nuthah Khan, ——- ——_ Nutha Singh i Subadar ist Jan. 1858} ) “Ath Sikh Lrreguluy Cavalry. No. 196.—A ppointment.—Lieutenant J. Wats son, from the Ist Regiment Punjaub Cayalry, 19 be Commandant. hp R 24th September last. Lieutenant Watson will continue with the De. tachment of the lst Punjanb Cavalry, with tht Army in the Field, pending the pleasure of Hi Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, . Tth Punjaub Infantry. No. 19%.—Appointment—Lieutenant T Gordon, of H. M.'s Glst Re Second in Command. vice Lieutan. ferred by Order of oe ee in-Chief, to the 1st < till the 13th Ma No. annual practice of A bsen ce, \ of No. 4, oral Artities 2 - +, or Garrison y Punjaub Trregular F . Ist February 1858. Off. Seey. to the () Tent of Lieutenant J Watson, to officiate as Captain of Police, Jhelunt Division, directed by Punjaub Order, No. 184, cviment, to officiate Axe ; s 4xcellency the Command Kh Irregular Cavalr gular Cavalry, ao TH February 1858. " 22nd Punjaud Infu No. 199.—Leare Ae. 5 eh . Adjutant ©. E. Bates, from the 13th Februar : “ay 1858, to rem on Medical Certifjcat Moguzine Dehra =. 200.— Magazine pomte » officiate ~ I oe d te officiate as Sul irk and Ordnance i} e, and under the A Tsincel Khan, Serjeant ull, Lally, is af 9-Conductor, in ch res, duri during orce, With effect fr . Irregular Cuvuly fers.—Buglers Isa, njaub Infantry — odby, tran ntry, —Lientenant ay ain at Jullund new Rules arge | the ensui mpany y “a =a i as Liv es { FLD, Arr, NSon q ? Mijop, Out. of nh the (FROM THE GAZSTTS—GOVERNOR GENERAL’S CAMP.) ALLAHABAD, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1858. 5 so a Notifications, Appointments, &c. No! 540, Foreign Department, Allahabad, the 10th April 1858. Mr. T. D. Forsyth received charge of the Office sseosrof Secretary. to the Chief Commissioner of Oudh on the 3rd Instant. ° No. ul With reference to. General Orders No. 374, of %4th Ultimo, nominating Major O FE. Rothney, to be Member of a Commission convened at Delhi, for the trial and punishment of offenders under Acts XIV., XVI. and XVII. of 1857, the Right .+.+++Hon’ble the Governor General has been pleased to appoint the under-mentioned Officers to act as 541, aeeoee Members of the said Commission :—~ "| Mr, LeBas. , » &. H. Bgerton. No. 545. The Governor General is pleased to permit the Reverend J. P. Harris, Officiating Chaplain at Allahabad, to join his substantive appointment as Chaplain of Dugshai, which appointment was noti- fied in General Order Governor General in Coun- cil, No. 5177, dated 16th December 1857. teeee eee iO: Oo: Mr..R. Montgomery received charge of the Office of Chief Commissioner and Agent to the Governor General in Oudh, from Major-General Sir James Outram, G. C. B., on the Sri Instant. No. , 55-4, j The services of Mr. W. J. H. Money, late Pri- . mate Secretary to Sir James Oltitram, are placed I » ra , wthe disposal of tue Government of Bengal. "Ste No. 587. The Right Hon'ble the Governor General has yeen pleased to appoint Captain L. Barrow, to he 1 Deputy Cemmissioner of the Ist Class in the ; ?rovinee of Oudh. pe | Captain Barrow assumed charge of his duties | m the 21st Ultimo. a : o sioner in Oudh, leave of absence for one month, The Right Hon'ble the Governor General has been pleased to grant to Mr, G: Couper, Commis- from the Srd Instant, to enable him to proceed to Calcutta, preparatory to availing himself of the Sick leave granted to him in General Order No, 446, of the 30th March | a7 NO. 566, The Right. Hon’ble the Governor General has been pleased to make the foll in the Province of Oudh -— Mr. St. George Tucker to be a Commissioner. 7 Lieutenant-Colonel S. A. Abbott to officiate asa Commissioner, Mr. W. Balmain to be a De of the 1st Class, ‘ Captain JS. Ross, 36th M. N. 1., to be Assist ant Commissioner of the Ist Class, Mr. H. E. Perkins to be Assistant Commis- sioner of the 2nd Class, Lieut. C. H. Hall, ) To be Assistant Commis- Mr, CA. Elhiott, §._ sioners of the 3rd Class, owing appointmants puty Commissioner No. 580. : Allihahad, the 12th April 1858, OC tl DI y $2 WY e a Oy ae pees will be paid to any per- 3’, . 4 ppd SLO Proclamation—It is hereby notified, that Reward of 50,000 Ra son who shall deliver alive, at any Pritish Vilj-/ tary Post or Camp, the rehel Monlvee Ahmed hse Oolah Shah, commonly called “ the Mon! ; ‘ It is further notified that, in addition to this Reward, a free pardon will be given to anv Muti- neer or Deserter, or to any Rebel, other than those named in the Gevernment Proclamation 7 er ; F No. 476, of the Ist Instant, who may so deliver up the said Moulvee. By Order.of the Right Hon'ble the Governor General of India. G. FE. Eptonstong, Seey. to the Govt. of India, with the Governor General. » —_— NoOmoo 1: Proclamation.—It is hereby notified, that a “as Reward of 25,000 Rupees will be paid to any per- Ds gon who shall deliver alive, at any British Miltary / ¢ fff. Post or Camp, the Rebel. Baboo Kooer Singh, of i, , : ome Jugdespore. : om : Tt is further notified thaf, in addition to this cy ¥ = espe tag Sra . 2 Reward, a free pardon ea oer all Phin pan " serter, or to any Kebel, other than those ate neer or Deserter, or to any 1080 Vy named in the Government Proclamation, No. 476, of the Ist Instant, who may so deliver up the-said Kooer Singh. By order of the Right Hon ble the Governer General of India. G. EF. EpMONSTONE, Secy. to the Govt. of India, avith the Governor General. No. 586, The Right Hon'ble the Governor General is pleased to direct that the following Letter from Brigadier-General Franks, bringing prominently to notice the names of Officers lately attached to the Jounpore Field Force, be published for general information :— His Lordship takes this opportunity to offer his cordial acknowledgments of their valuable services to Lieutenant-Colonel Wroughton, and the several Officers named by Brigadier-General Franks. G. F. EpMoNSTONE, with the Governor General. No. 151. FRoM BRIGADIER-GENERAL FRANKS, Commanding 4th Division. To CoLonet Biroy, C. B., - Secy. to the Govt. of India, in the Mily. Dept. | ‘Camp Mahomed Bagh, before Lucknow, The 12th Murch 1858. DIR, ‘THE Jounpore Field Force, of which I have had Command since early in December last, having re- cently been broken up, and-incorporated with the Army under the personal Command of His Excel- lency the Commander-in-Chief as the 4th Division, I consier it to be due’ to,the British Officers at- nently to bring their names before the Right Hon'ble the Governor General. 2. Ihave at all times received the most hearty co-operation from Lieutenant-Colonel Wroughton, in Military charge. His tact and management of the Goorkhas have already gained for him the thanks of the Governor General in Council, and his spirited conduct at the head of the Force at the actions of Chanda, Ameerepore and Sultanpore have been cordially acknowledged by mein my Despatch regarding these battles. I beg strongiy to recommend this Officer to the particular notice of Government. tached to the Goorkha portion of the foree, promi- | His great knowledge of the native character and language, pre-emineutly fit him for a respon- sible situation such as he now holds. 3. Captain Steel, Staff Officer to the Force, is highly spoken of by Colonel Wroughton, and he has been mentioned favourably m my Despatch. Captain Steel has been’ present in nearly every engagement in which the Goorkhas have taken part. i 4. The following Officers have been attached and have seen service with the different Goorkha Battalions, viz., Captain Boileau, who was ju Mili- tary charge of the Right Column, Captain Miles, the Left Column, and Lieutenant Smith, the Cen- tre Column, and Lieutenants Clark, Gully, and Hay, attached to those Columns, also Lieutenant Hind, who has lately been appointed to the Force, and joined previous to the recent engagements. Of every one of these Officers, Colonel Wrough- tou speaks in the highest terms as having afforded Secy. to the Govt of India, | vf him most efficient assistance, and I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to their worth. 5. Assistant Surgeons Paske, Wright, Garden, and Squire have, I have been informed by Colonel Wronghton, in every way upheld the good name of their profession by their attention to tell duties: ‘ 6. In conclusion, I have to express my grav obligations to the whole of these Officers, Military and Medical, for the great and cordial» assistance they have always rendered on all occasions, ana I bee that their services notice of Government. I have the honor to be, SIR, Your most obedient Servant, T”. H. ‘FRANKS, Brigadier-General. P. S—L here beg to add what I have omitted in the body of this Letter, that my acknowledg- ments are particularly due to Lieutenant Wemyss Smith, 58th Regiment N. 1, attached to Goorkha Force, who, at the Battle of Sultanpore, acted as my Orderly Officer, and whose knowledge of “the locality, resulting from his having been stationed there at the time of the mutiny, was of great assistance to me. ‘Towards the close of the action, I detached him in charge of two Battalions of Goorkhas, who pursued a body of the retreating Enemy, and secured 3 Guns which they were endeavouring to withdraw, T. H. Franks, Brigadier-Gent., Comdg. 4th Division. (True: Copy) ae SSS. YNONSTONE, Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Governor General. ' No. 587. The Right Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to appoint Mr. R. M, King, ©. S., to be an Assistant Commissioner of the 8rd Class in the Province of Oudh, No. 594. Allahabad, the 13th April 1858, Captain H. L. Evans, Deputy Commissioner Oonao in Oude, has obtained leave of Sica: a proceed to Calcutta, preparatory to applying Be leave to Europe, on Medical Certificate. lin ai No. 606. The Delhi Territory having g been tra a Resolution of the Richt Ho ; transferred, by ; ble ¢ General, in the Home Department, ana a ’ . il February 1858, to the administrat. Cor misnioe in the Puldunmes chess Chief the Governor General has resolved tees] Hon‘ble tory in question shall be separated into fy, Terrj- sions, to each of which a Commissioner " D appointed, The one will be designated th all be Division, and will comprise the Districts ae D Delhi, Goorgaon and Paneeput, The other will be designated the Migs ths. sion, and comprise the Districts of a Divj. Hissar, Rohtuck, Jhujjur and Sirsa, may be brought to the = a vow oes d f * %« se LTR Th Yeht Hon'ble the Governor General has furthe resolved, that the Officers in charge of the Disirh 3, composing the Delhi and Hissar Divi- she 4 “all tive the designation of Deputy Com- mist ‘ts, and their Subordinates the designation xs, \ 7 ant Commissioners and Extra Assistant f Com ‘joners, as in the Punjab. a 4 ‘the’} i@ht + "No. 607. A ie the Governor General hag | beet ased to make the following appoint: | eh ie a ee | Mr B, Saunders to be Commissioner of the * Delt) Division. My © L Brandreth to be Commissioner-of the “Hissar Division. : t . Mie f Egerton to be Deputy Commissioner 1st y Class, Delhi. y “Mr. WFord to be Deputy Commissioner 1st Clays, Georg on. _ Mr Os. A. Richardes to Le Deputy Commis- be ~ sioner a Class, Panceput. »_” sioner Ist Class, Hissar. dat a “P. Jenkins to be Deputy Commissioner 35 “1st Class, Rohtuck. No. 608. Mr. J. 5. Campbell, appointed in General Order No. 431, dated 29th March, to be a Deputy Com- missioner Ist Class in the Delhi Division, is ap- | pomted te be Deputy Commissioner of Jhujjur in the Higgar Division. No. 609. Mr. J. Hf. Oliver, appointed in General Order io. 26, dated 13th February last, to officiate: as Superintendent of Sirsa, is appointed to be a De- e gy Commissioner of that District from the date ee : * VanCortlandt to be Deputy Commis- | on which the appointment of Su be vacated by Major R. Robe ment Native Infantry, perintendent may rtson, 70th Regi- Gi We EDMONSTONE, Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Governor General. ; 4 ae General Orders by the Right Hon’ble the Gover- nor General of Indiu. Military Department, Alluhubad, the 9th April 1858. Wo. 60 of 1858.—With re ment General Order cember 1857, ference to Govern- No. 1544, dated 8th De- intimating that every Native Com- missioned. and Non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers, who formed part of the Garrison of Lucknow, should receive the Order of Merit, and should be permitted to count three years of ad- ditional service, the Right Hon’ble the Governor General directs the publication of the following Rolls of Men belonging to the Native Artillery, the late 7th Regiment Light Cavalry, 13th, 41st, 48th, and 71st Regiments of Native Infantry, and the Ist and 4th Regiments of Oude Irregular and Local Infantry, who reinained faithful and served throughout the Siege of Lucknow. The promotions specified in these Rolls are all confirmed by the Right Hon'ble the Governor General. The following Native Officers ment Native Infantry, who .are prominently distinguished themselves, are advanced to the Second Class of the Order of Merit :— Subadar Dabeedeen Misser. , of the 13th Regi- reported to have L Transferred to the Cawn- Sewraj Sing + = Ven ”? Jemadar Kalley Khan. Ramnaraine Pande. ” ing the Siege of Lucknow, from the 30 mber 1857, th June to Cump Alum Bagh, 19th February 1858, Se , ‘ a Return Wf the Native Artillery who served dur _ a | 22nd’ Nove a) f | 3 ra . =? ee ee | : fink and Names. Number. |. 4 Sudadar Major. ‘omed ; Subadar, qd | Jemadars. Dx {Deon No {2nd Company 8th Wied hen Artillery 1) kenny r t WL) Bene - Havildars. wk Surfoollah . «rola M@hideen “luKD Heer ~Vhakoor 4 _ Bucdaloo Troop or Company. Batta-| § Promoted to Ist Class Order of ¥ Remarks. ian ick Se eee ee —— ferit by Division ae »-.| Promoted to 2nd Class, & Subadar by Orders, dated 15th October 185 above Orders. .«. |Promoted to Jem adar by Division Orders, dated 15th October 1857. on - .. | Ditto ditto ditto . ditto. ...| Ditto ditto and 3rd Class Order of Merit. .. | Ditto ditto ditto ditto. wf) = | Promoted to Havildars, agreeably to Garrison Ar- st i tillery Orders, dated 26th September 1857, a) a ? A ' eer eS 2o is S S| Rank and Names. 5 iz, Naicks: IQalle Sing Hinghan Khan Sewack Jugeernath Sing 5| Bhowannie Tsseree Buldeo Sing Beharrie Tall Muddarrie Sing 10) Buctowar Dhurrun Sing Rissall Khan 13) Jubber Khan Pheestie. WShikh Emam Bux Sirdars. 1\Ram Deen Seetull Davey Sing Hurr Lall 5) Buetower Chopee Petumba Sunker 4 Lowton 101 Bindah Mootee Lallo Sunker (2) Lallah Chudah 15) Persaud Ovpe IrRrEeviaRr Forcr. Jemadar. 1) Khan Sing Subadars. 1|Davey Sing 2)Shaum Sing Jemadars. 1 Jose Sing Foja Sing Gokul Sing Chanda Sing 5) Dhurram Akbar Sing 7)Umeer Sing Havildars 1Sewdyall 2) Sahadut Khan Sirdars. 1] Oorie Muttra Devi Badall 51 Matadeen Subadars. y tHeera Sing Mutter Persaud Jemadar. th Sing Havildars. 1\Sewdah Sing Jewahir Khan 3) Sirdool Sing Sirdars. Bughah Seetul ee t : Drivers. 3 ; : | tao’ I, Hs: Lt. Fd. Battyeg *No. 2, Hs. Lt. Fd. Batty.... «-|Drivers of No. 8 Batty. ey bk are] — =~ ea als a | _ Troop or Company. Remarks. Qnd Company 8th Batta- lion Artillery AP oes d ” Promoted to Naicks, agreeably to Garrison Artil lery Orders, dated 2ith September 1857. = 7s O Company Ordnance Drivers. attached to No ) Promoted to “nd Class Order of Merit, by Divisior 2 Lt. Field Battery \ Orders, dated J5th October 1857. ‘ a | f I a { Promoted to Sirdars, agreeably to Garrison Artil : lery Orders, dated 26th September 1857. | 5 \ t 5d Fe tind — ' cinta ic ammmeaens —- § Promoted toJemadar and 2nd Class Order of Merit (by Division Orders, dated 15th October 1857. 4 Promoted to 2nd Class Order of M Orders, dated 15th October 1857. Ditto 3rd ditto and Subadar by above Orders. erit, by Divisior wi < se Promoted to Jemarars, by Division Orders, date: 15th October 1857. | y) ? Promoted to Havildars, by Garrison Artill ‘dated 26th ptember 1857, ; ’ to No, 2)) ‘ ery Orders Batt ig . , : Promoted to Sirdars, agroeably t y to Garrison Arti lery Orders, dated e 26th September 1857. No. 3. Tis. Lt. Fd. Bapty Protmoted to Ist’ Class Order or Wexit by Divisio a pelts. dated 15th October 1857. eg .. |Vitto ditto Subadar by same Order. ...) Promoted to Jemadar by above Orders U Promoted to Havildars, hy Gary: ‘ “1G ders; dated 26th September 1857,” A'tilloy 0 ) Promoted to Sirdars, by G 4 : arrison -Aqt: | § dated 26th September 1857, Attillery Of ere... Ts. .—- eeaee ———— aida --| William Smith —————— OO & Rank and Names Troop or C ompany. Remarks, « > 2 —_— | ° ae — > > > ? Gt eas, SS eee ee se — Subadar. * , 7 { Promoted to 3rd Class Nrder of Merit by Division Orders, 1]Khalea ing + {Reserve Company of Artillery | - dated 15th October 1857, and in continuation of the same te Jemadar. Subadar, 1{Xassie Ram _ + |! ucknow Magazine ? Promoted to Jemadar in continaation of Division Orders Bengal Artillory ef Ria § dated 15th October 1857 . ‘yon Lascar Detail a » [tt ¥ t ft bea + ; oF a Artillery } Jemaar. 1JEllie Bux an ” ; Havildars. 1/“hikh Soobrattie co 7 +1) Promoted to Mavildara, *erecably to Garrigon Artillery Or- 2) 3hikh Hossein cis a ++] | ders, dated 26th September 1857, a oNaicks. Takoor Sing : ” aa ; Kullian Sing . |? Company Syee Drivers a Promoted to Naicks by above Orders, Havildars. j 1} 3alar Ruksh : F, } 5. Sew Deen . ” ‘ thavie Khan % + - 1! Promoted to Havildars by above Orders, Jawan Sing i if tind he | 5{ Nurbadda e. x . calf ee sl ol Sa aa ne On a § Ae - LP. ¢ THOMAS, 1st Lieutenant, Late Comdg. Artillery, Lucknow Garrison. _—_— Roll of Men of the 13th Regiment Nutive I nfiintry, who served throughout the Siege of Lucknow and who are now alive. ¥ Cawnpore, 14th February 1858. _—— ~ : ee ra Date of present » 1 . Rank. Names. Decale Rewards by Sir J. Outram. i. ee ee | eae —— ee J Subadar Majo Ummer Sing *-tIst May 1850 .., ist Class Order of Morit, let October 1857. ~ubadar -|Sookraj Sing sist May 1855.) ond Class Order of Merit, ist October 1857. : +-fRamdeen Sing -7| Ditto ditte --| Ditto ditto. . A i? -»| Unnoke Sing - | Tah June 1857 .. Dit o ditto. 5 af + +| Dingoor Tewaree > 3rd August 1857 .}:Ditto ditto, " --|Buldo Sing + {5th Sept. 1857.1 Nitto ditto, --{Goordut Doobey -- {Ist October 1857 | Ditto ditto. 4 +-| Dabeedeen Opudyah ..| pitts ditto +. {Ditto ditto. Af --|Unnoopah Sing --| Ditto ditto -- {Ditto ditto. aa *+{Sewlall Sing © -+| Ditto ditto ..|Ditto ditto, s ++! ooba Tewaree --) Ditto ditto --| Ditto ditto, te ++ | Dabeedeen Misser « ,. Ditto ditto --{3rd Class Order of Merit, Ist October 1857. }/Jemadar *-{Shekh Golan IIussen ,. Ditto ditto --|Promoted from Havildar. 4 *-tRamlochun --| Ditto ditto -» | Ditto ditto. hs ++ | Adjoodiah Sing + -| Ditto ditto - + | Ditto ditto. » *|fall Sing ‘ --| Ditto ditto ¢-| Ditto ditto. i) H, +-{Bunarsee Chowbey --| Ditto ditto - .|Ditto ditto. - > {Kalley Khan + -|Ditto ditto -+ [3rd Class Order of Merit, 1st October 1857, and pr: moted from ‘Hayildar. oy --(Chuekun Khan * | Ditto ditto -+!Promoted from Havildar. = >| Dooreatieen Tewaree .. Ditto ditto ++} Ditto ditto, x §e ef Bulwunt Sing” +: | Ditto ditto - | Ditto ditto. i * +f Bimncha “ing ++} itto ditto «.| Ditto ditto. Fs --|Ramnarine Pande ; -- {Ditto ditto -+{3rd Class Order of Merit, ist October 1857, and promoted from Havildar. 5 -{Utbul Sing 4 “t Datta ditto -+|Promoted from Yavildar. as --|Hurreeram Misser ++ | Ditto ditto --]Ditto ditto fs - 1Phann Sing --| Ditto ditto - -| Ditto ditto, ty ap --{Joorawur - ++) Ditto ditto --| Ditto ditto, is Degumber Sing - +! Litto ditto - -| Ditto ditto = {Ist May ei 3 months’ pay. cS aa “+f cena Pattnek --{26th Sent 1857 .. Promoted from Naick, .. > fb kh Mactoombex Ditto ditto + {Ditto ditto. uw. Cc be i ildar ( ; 3° i ps | x hk 5 14 v, ” ” 9 % 28 { i, ay, 1} Naick 7 | ‘| - 40 ” heekra] Sing .|Neember .|Goolam Ailee Khan .| Crool ib KKalley Khan -|Gulmeer Wihan ALU DUX ola | mtd Ht A Jomraw Pohun ¢ Cc o | ia e Tewar elie yA Pewat noadeen nde oorbux Misser uch i 1 deen Pam hea HW i aly Sing ual) Khan Jayeobind Tewaree yRundheer Sing Narain ‘Uhirbadee (Joburdhun Gosaine Akarve Sewruttum Opudya } . leeluckdharee Doobey | hall Sewtahul Ojah Cvosul Ram’ Seetul Sookool Lr arvana Sing .. |Issureepersad Ditchit ~| Rampersad Doubey Ursana * » } QUI CAW I Lance TLawo a a ft . Sowpersun Sing g 1 1 ‘ kh Chand } AME in J obey a See havja Tewaree m..13 > 1 Buideo Paituck “Shekh M iarbux Yedar Site : ») Khbuian Sing ~|Guyadhia isser Ay ) AX) Q .|Thaggroo Sit rs uk e@poo Kh ul ‘ . | Bynath Sing Date a. f th s t dit a ) igen] |i »a QO lhitto d (e) { to ‘ ye Ditt tio J oO LTo « } to i r itto ditto litto ditto t LiLo allie itic ditt itto ditto 4 itfo Ditto ditto ..| Ditto ditto . | Ditro ditto Ditto ditto of present jkank Ditto a1bto Ditty ditto. Ditto ditto. jtto ditto _ tito ditto. 1) Vitdey Wibto aitre Ditto cairo 1t oO ltio ditto, ted to Flavildar. moted from Sepoy- 5 to atto. to ditto. CittoO, l¢to ditto, Ditto ditto. Ditto ditto, itto ditto. Dit Ditt- ditto. Ditic dit. Nitto ditto. Vitt ai , a\Ditto ditto. Ditto ditto. nitt ditto. IDit ] to ; Hitto tio ditto. Tyitt ) G tt to itt ttry {itt Vittoa ditto wtto ¢ ), Ditto dit . Iytto d ) hitto ditto. J itto ditto. Ditto ditto. Ditto ditto. Witto ditto. + » (HELO. | Pitto dist ..| Ditto ditto | .| Ditto ditto. Ditto ditto. .| Ditto ditto. Ditto ditto. Mitto ditto. Ditto ditto. Ditto ditto, Ditto ditto. iDitto ditto. .| Ditto ditto. .| Ditto ditto. ~.1 htto ditto. ———____. ge, SOOM eee reeves esenns sir J. Outra Seem ee reer eo neneng,y Co re rw iy CO Or rr eo ce rr Ce ic Sees ee eam eeeeesenters tree weer nero ongeorer Or ee Oe UL POOP H CO Eo REE HOHE OOHIOE Date of Rank. Names. Wave ei Reward> by Sir Jam s Outram, pt i a ae Fine al Se sel! ty ee 2 ~~ ge Steed pr aeee We 4 5td Naiek ..|Nundram Misser 3 (2Oeh Se ‘DE 1857 | Promoted fron, Se ‘poy, ; [ é -. {Juma Sine --| ditto ditto -.| Ditto ditto. ‘ .. | Towahir Sing : | Jiteo ditio _- + | Ditto ditto. -.| Wyheput Sine -.| Ditto ditto >. | Dittd ditto. i Wieeéain ~..} hekh Movosahaily oa | Ditte ditto >+| Promoted to Naick —" =) Druin Major® ../ William Blliott ../ 26th Mare PRESS: 13° niond le? pay. iFife Major -- | Dixon Elliot eo | SE Mae Hood 2 | Hits, a Drummer A Jeorge Lindsey s nak Siteae : ee {Charles Henry Elliott y Vitto, --|Prederick Ford x Ditto, -.|James Sheridan * Ditto, olin Henry Elliott 5 Mitte. --| Thomas Tames Elliott .. tka, -. | Shémas Murphey : Ditto. Bhistee ~-1Shekh Tall Mahomed... Ditto. »-fuckh Emambux aa Ditto A +} ‘hekh Goohee ee Ditte #4 --1ahekh Janoo om Ditto 4 [| ohekh "Nhodabux Pr Ditt ij ty -[Shekh Hoosainbux °% Ditto, 1) Pundit » |Dookhurm Mi-ser : D-to. WGhuptah Pande) 2 adie, Uginhotree i Ditto ™ a --{Rame bind Misser oy Ditto. \ . oe Mnveul M isser ¢ Ditto, Ven since tran sferred to! Catenpore Levy. é: ie ++ {Sewray Sins [15th Jan. 1858). [ord Class Order of Merit, 1st Oct ber e 1857, and aS to Jenadar from Naick. ; ifiem dar --\Indur Sing «| Dibto"ditte "5"! . 2l'Pronoved from Naick to Hayildar. -.|Mudarbux Khan ..| Ditto ditto «. | Ditto ditté, -./8amsurn Sing ..| Ditto ditto +. | Ditto ditte, y -- | Kalley Khan- ..| Ditto d tto -+| Ditto Sepoy to Naick. . |Bijuore Sing . «| Disto ditto | Ditto ditto, . - Iendass Sing The above sey 1 men have INGLIS, Brigadier A ’ a f Con manding Cawnpore. . .. Ditto dirto e-been transferred to the ( ape it itto dit rf Cawnipore Levy with additional rank: RMA MM, AITKEN, Lieut., 13¢h N. ig] Commanding Ca enpore Levy. _———__. Roll of Mon of the late 7th Regiment Light Onvalry. 4 4th Regis ents of Onde Trreqular and Local Ji far try, who served thror ghout the Sj aad who eve now alive. Ist, 48¢h and First Ragviges és or IN. 7. cene Stand we of Liu crO’u, na ‘ mF : \ Cu npore, Oth Mare \8as) a + Daie if resent : =| Present Rank. Names. Bec et! Rewards and by whom, 7: | q Rank. : s = = ee oe ee ee PE ie ni pamemee Sree Tth Regt. Lt. Cava ry. Sebadar M: ajor a] Beha'ur, Is: Clisy Order of Merit --|Madhey Khan - {lst March 29 dadar «| Doorga Sine --['st May 4 8) Fevand dar -.{/9th June -|Buddun Sing or Ramlall Sing Gookul Sing ri € =» |Zal m Sing F 7| >>! Vhakoor Sine =. ie vant ae | sohun - of St Fan, 9 Bhowanydeen -. | 'st- Feb! ni j “Parciion: ab --J'st June at ” Boodhooah - {20th Jane a. -. | BU S8urdtah - »/80th June ‘ ef ; +.) ohunsam : -[27eh Sept tee + 27th Sept, “Tss¢ Havildar from 1s! a 854. 850. ..|Subadar and 2nd Class Ordor of Merit, by Sivek Outram, G.-C. B. th Oateber 857: , LS bo Subadar, and) Qnd Glass Order of Merit} by Sire) Outram, G, C. B., Ist October 1857. October 18 of Sir J. Ouiram, G. CB. 57, by Order nee... | 1852. 1857, 87. 1857. S57e | + SS ae ee ee eee Present Rank. Nanda: Date of present Rewards a Rank. S Zz. 14 sa Bee seus as Class Native Doctor, and 500 Rage re 7 y Ga, lod . ? lat ass { Doctor .. [Shaick Emam Bux ...| '7th May 1842 ... aes Gree: st oan . 1857. ad Dres er .. | Pooraub Ally st Feb '!847. } : dist Regt. Native Infy. 9 Dru Major «| Gmon Bailey beso ce Feb. 1845. 5 Fife Maj r .--{!ohn Kennedy _ ftst Mareh 1847. 4 Dramver . | John Peter . | Sth Aug. 1833. ° r Viathew Cochrane .. J ith» May 1839. 6 A .- {John Mohar a Oct. 1839. “ ” -..|George Newjent _ 2th Nov. 1847. 6 ae .. | Fames George Faithful... 4th Nov. 1847, 9 ” James Wyborne ... bth Oct. 1849. 3 10 o Francis Bai'ey ... bth June 1856. Sepoy Drumme| Simon Doming 4th Aug. 1842. 483th Reyt. Native Infy | ubadar = Majo: Bahadoor, 8 Class Order v1 = Metit -..-1Gyand Sing 4th June 1857 ...| Sirdar eae 3 and Ist Class Order Merit, ir Jd. Outram, G. C. B., } é ° Ov nly r 85 a a | Subadar .. |Sewah Tewary _. 28th Jan. 1846 ...Jubadar Bahadur and 2nd Class Ome Merit, by Sir J, Outrasn, G. CaBe H October 1857 a Mattadeen Sing 30th June 1857. | Ditto ditto. is shaick Sullar Bux 30th June 1857 .. | Dit o ditto. Jemasar .| 3uldieram Doobey ..| st May 1857 Ditto ditto 5 . |Soodhan Sing ...| LOth June 1857 Ditt» dittal a ..-| Bissoon Sing {30th June 1857. ...| Ditto ditto - ‘|e *.. |Heeraloll Duobey .. oth Jun ea ie Naick Jeerahloll Missir~ ... (30th — Oe ober 1857. ~G.C.B., av ldar Bucktour Pand \ist May 1850 .. |Jemadar by Sir J. : af a Se Ody -_ cs Shaik Dillawall .. [lst May 1852 .. | Ditto ditto | a} _ |Buckuth Sing _ | st May 1853... [Ditto ditto, ” .|Ramadheen Tewary ...|!st Mav 1853... | Ditto ditto, r ” :. |Puttroo Sing ...[3'st May !857 Ditto is : Band Serjeant...}Charles Martin (3rd June 1857 ...| Ditto M2 a *” .. |Surnam Sing ... [30th June !857 itto og + ...| Bhopaul Sing ... )30 h June 1857 Ditto di se 9 ...| Noor Khan .. }B0th June 1857 .. | Ditto Nae = x ...|Gungah Sing {30th Jun 1857 Ditto Gum: . Na ck .}Ram Sing .. 31st May 1857...) Ditto ditto. ” Ramjaun Khan .. (27th June 1857...) Ditto ditto. ” .| Khoorrum Sing .[3tst May 1857 ...)Aav ldar by Sip J. Sit : 255 f October | 857. utram, G. C, By hi ol” .. |Wunnooman Ojah -[3'st May 1857 ...) Ditto . y | » ...|Ugguud Ram Oth June '857 ...| Ditto, ditto, 2 “A .. {Peer Khan .| Oth June!857 ._ | Ditto dirto, on) ... {Ally Buecus .. |L0th June 1857 |. | Ditto ditto, Sates .. |Sunker Tewary ...{ 10th June !857 .. | Ditto » seditto, Bets .. |Buldeo Tewary ... (0th June 1857 .. | Ditto ditto, me =, .. |Miahram [10th June 1857 .,.) Ditt, ditto, a ma ..JOgrah Tewary .. [10th June 1857 |. | itto ditto, 3 .| Munnobur Sing |30th June 1857 _. | Ditto ditto. gat ...,Ramsvrrun Sing 130th June 1857 Ditto ditto, 3) 2 .. [Ramnead T. wiry .. (30th Jane 1857 .. |Ditto ditto, pe ri . | eerah Sing 3Uth June 1857 | Ditto ditto. 3. ‘A .. Jewmungal Sing 30th June 1857 ...? Ditto ditto, Blane 6S Roop Chund .. }80th June 18457 ..| Ditto ditto, 34 5 3 Lutehmun Opahdia «| ist July 1857 ...' Ditto ditto, y 36 % .. |Rehare~ Choubey 22nd July ate .. | Ditto ditto, x : . ewburn M’ssic ...[ 10th Augt. ‘857 .. | Ditto ditto, A dow Major =x ea eben {28th May 1850.) 08 Rs. by Sir J. d tto. ae Wife Maj ro. | roln Mlower eof dst May isi+ ditto UVutram, G, Cc. : | ditty, B. ‘s a ae &| Present Rank. a) 42) Drummer . AB ” .| Rambueeus .. JJoshua Walsh «John Field 44 , . , 45 ” .. {Samuel Grant 46 oa -| Thomas Flower 47|Bhistce ..|Shaick Hoosain Bux 48 % z 19/Ghuvta Pandy 50 ” 41 ” : 1} “ubadar on Class Order o Merit ot . {Shere Khan {OSdit Missir -.|Bindha Panday -|Sumjowun Doobay Date of Present Rank, -}23 d Feb 1812 -- 19th June 1819 -- 115th June 1852 ..{10th May 1894 |. {3th April 1838... --{13th Jan. 1850 -|23rd Decr. 1856.. - 4th June 1857 Vist Regt. Native Infy. Doorgah Persaud 2/Subadar, and 2nd f Sew Sing 3/Subadar ——. . | Buldie Sing ' on! 28) Naick \eoe yy -»|Lochun Sing ..{shaick Nubbie Bux -.}| Heerah ..,Adjodhia Tewary Y | Dabeedin Tewary Kassieram Tewary ..|Makhun Sing ..,Lall Sing ..{Lallahram Loll .-|Buldeo -|Junglee -{Jwallah Sing ..|Bhekarie Ram ..|Anaunt Sing -.| Moongarie -|Gumbheer Panday -.| Ramchurrun .| Munsahram Sookul ..|Doorgah Pattuck -.{Shaick Emam Bux ..|Hurnam Panday ..| Lokie ; ..| Rhuggoo Sing ..| Saramuthoolah Khan Jankiepersaud Tewary Gun: apersaud Sookul Hunnoman Sing Shaick Hoosain Bux .{Allah Sing -{Goordut Sing -|Bootah Sing ..{Maunah Sing -.|Chore Sing -.|Khorruck Sing -+{ Burream Sig --| Woozier Sing --|Jowhire Sing --|'st May 1851 -- {10th Jan. 1858 -.{lst May 1854 -.;lst’May 1855. -.| Ditto -- {9th June 1857 +-}lst May 1857, -- {12th Oct. 1848 +-}26th March 1850 .| Ditto +. | lst May 1851 --ilst May 1853 -.| Ditto (3 May |856 -| Ditto 30th May 1857 Di to -| Ditto «+ | Ditto Dito ++! Ditto -| Ditto +| Ditto | Ditto --| Dito --17th July 1857 Ith July 1857 Rewards and by whom. ~./78 Rs. by Sir J. Outram, G.C. B. ..{96 Rs. Ditto ditto. ~./66 Rs. Ditto ditto, -. {66 Rs. Ditto ditto, .|66 Rs. Ditto ditto, 30 Rs. Ditto ditto. Ditto Ditto ditto. ..| Ditto Ditto ditto. Ditto Ditto ditto. «| Ditto Ditto ditto. ..]2nd Class Order of Merit, by Sir J. Oat. ram, G. C, B., Ist October, 1857. .. {lst Class Order of Merit, by Sir G. ©, B., 1st October 1857, ..{2nd Class Order of Merit, by Sir J. Outram, G.C. B., Ist October 1857, J. Outram, ..|Subadar, 2nd Class Order of Merit, by Sir J. Outram, G. C. B., 1st October 1857. ..{Subadar, 2nd Class Order of M evit, by Sir J. Outram, G. C. B., 1st October 1857. ..|Jemadar, |!st October 1857, by Sir J. Out. ram, G. C. B. ditto, .. | Ditt ditto. ‘ ” ‘2 aAaAnpoONH J. INGLIS, Major-Gen!., Commanding at Cawnpore. eee .. Ditto ditto. .. Ditto ditto, .. Ditto ditto, .. Ditto dit 4 +| Ditto ditto. to. | Hi. L. BIRD, Mujor, Commanding Native Detuils late Lucknow Garrison. —_—_— ____., No. 6) of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to make the following appointments :— lst Punjauh Canalry. Cantain H. LL,’ Millett; 28th Native Infantry, Adjutant of the Corps, to be Second in Command, vice Lieutenant J. Watson, appointed Command- ant, 4th Sikh Infantry. Lieutenant C. S. Maclean, 5rd European Reoi- ment, doing duty, (on leave) to be Adjutant, vice | Lieutenant Peunox. Ist Mad Captain Millett. . Ensign W..C. Anderson, 7th Native Infantry, doing duty, to officiate as Adjutant, during the absence of Licutenant Maclean, or until further orders. J Allahabad, the 10th April 1858, No. 62 of 1858.—The following Orders, issued by Colonel W. ¥. Beatson, Commanding Beatson’s Horse, are confirmed :— Dated 28th February 1858.—Major Hackett, Her Majesty's 44th Regiment, having arrived on the 19th Instant, will «5 ume charge of the Bri- gade Office from that date. , | Sag aed ahh 1858— Lieutenant a f. Tur- soe ie ind in Command of the 2nd Regiment, ; uaving jolned this-day, will take Command-of that | Regiment, until the arrival of Captain Wilson, | aud also of the Ist Regiment, until the arrival of | an Officer of that Regiment, i atc 12th March 1858,=-The Resident at | yc 25 vad having placed the Services of Lieute- Yoord, oth Madras Nati | Bant Foord, 16th Madras Native Infantry, and tas European Fusi- : nel Beatscmmfor duty _ the following appoint- ing the sanction of the iexemnat 2 ae bets at the disposal of Coly with “ Beatson 8 Horse.” ments are made, pend | Supreme Government : Ist Regim - S ent. ' Tieutenant Foord, 16th Madras Native to be Adjutant. Infantry, 2nd Regim Lieutenant Lennox, a oan Fusiliers, to be Adjutant, AGE. og OLE Se or a Commandant of the 2nd Regiayent e eae yison this-day, will assume Command a mee Uae | giment, Madras European ‘ yal of a Senior Officer of that Corps. [ 7854 and Lieutenant Turton, Second in Command, will undertake the duties of Adjutant in addition to his own, until the arrival of another Officer. 2. Lieutenant Thurburn, Second in Command of + the Ist Regiment, having also jomed to-day, will assume Command of that Regiment, until the arri- He will also perform the duties of Adjutant. ; : 3. Officers Commanding Regiments will es- teblish an Officer’s Mess in each Regiment from i? ad 23rd March 1858.—The Bombay Go- vernment having~ placed, the services of Assistant Surgeon Sylvester, Bombay Army, at Colonel Beatson’s disposal, for duty with « Beatson’s _ Horse,” the following appointment is made ;— rT Ist Regiment. Assistant Surgeon Sylvester, Bombay Army, to be Assistant Surgeon. | Wo. 65 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Gover- nor General is pleased to make the following _ appointment :— ko y Greyet-Major T. G. St. George, of the 17th Native Infantry, to’ officiate as Pay Master and Superintendent of Native Pensioners, Lucknow Cirela, during the absence on leave of Major Mariott, or witil further orders, This cancels the General Order by the Governor General, No. U4, dated 25th February 1858, ~ 4 | Allah bad, the 12th April 1858. Wo Gf of 1838 —The Right Hon'ble the Co. vernat General has much satisfaction in publish- ing >. Ae Report of a vallant and success- ful attask on the Enemy retreating from Lucknow, by the Troops under the Command of Brigadier General Sir J) Hope rant, K. C. B., at Ioorsee, on the mad to Pyzabad, on the 23rd March 1858, 71, | _ No, 167 A. “i From Tas Depy. Apsr. Gent. or THE ARMY, To : ¥ Tie Sucy. To Tue Gover. or Inpia, : om) Militory Department, he with the Governor General: ‘”Z Feat Ou ters, Camp Lucvnow, 1 28th March 1858. 5 ’ 7 { . i . . I es the honor, by direction of the Com- Mmantlér-in-Chief, to forward for the information : LE" a of the Richt Hou’ble : Wa enor momBrigadier-Ge- ‘ tHe iGo cn 5 eee MMSPRH Groot, KC. i, the Og yak on the defers e Troops under ral, copy of ale tter* his Comman ~ body of the fron) Brigadier Ge- Wnemifand-eyitire of 14 G nus, neral” Sir J.~ Hope Grant, BLO. B, Commanding, the Cavalry Divi- ‘ion of thi) aim, dated 26th Instant, No! "60, re- “ pottinghistarnine overtaken a body of the Enemy -.w" at fein this neighbourhood, and cap- * tored J4 Um, 2 tis Excellency much resrets the Joss in - this afftir of a, gallant young Oincer, Lieutenant MacDonwell Attached to the 2nd Punjaub ( avalry, 5. Berarig of Casualties and of Ordnance cap- hin the ation are annexed. Of , I have the honor to be, ee Sir, +s eee Your most obedt, Servant, 5 be Fe H. W. Normay, Major, oe Depy. Adjt. Genl. of the Army. | | | No. 60. Frox Bricn.-Gent, Sin J. Hore Gr ANT, K. CB, Commanding Division, To TE Depry, Camp HEY AbJT. GEN. OF the ARMY, ‘Lucknow, 26th Murch 1858, Sir, I WAVE the honor to report for the information of His Excellency Sir Colin Campbell, that agree- ably to the orders received from Major-General Mansfield, Chief of the Staff J marehed at 12 o'clock on the night of the 22nd Tustant with the Force, as per margin, in the di- rection of “ Koor- see 3” finding it Owever early Major Remnington’s and Captain Mackinnon’s Troops of Bengal Horse Artillery, Major Moi’s h avy Tield Battery, Her Majests’s 2nil Dragoon Guardé, 2nd Punjaub Cay ‘ry: . . Ist do, do (Detachment), Mapossible to pro- Her Majesty’s 53rd Reximent, ceed with the 2nd and 3rd Battalions Rifle Bri- heavy Guns ACLrOss gadeand 2nd Penjaub Thtantry~ with WET ey ——- some Sappers and Miners, the country roads in the da ic ral halted the-Column-a short distance-from the €an- tonments until morning, it was consequently near- ly 4P. Mon the 23rd before we arrived at “ Koorsee.” We founi the Enemy in full retreat along’ the Fyzabad Road. Forminy up the Cavalry and the Horse Artillery, I advanced, leaving the Infantry with the heavy Guns puin ing towards the villace. Two Guns of’ the Advance guard under Lieutenant Hunter, had in the mean time come into. action, agamst_a_party of Rebels who were making their way out of a small churee oy our left front, for the purpose of ‘joining the tain body on the Fyzabad Rod: those were soon dis- persed, and as we were clear of the village T gave the order to change front to the right, by this movement our line completely covered the flank of the Tetreating Enemy ; a fow rounds from the Horse Artillery cattsed them On seeing which the Ist and Qnd Punjaub Cavalry on the left of the line under the Command of Captain Samuel Brown charged’ most gallantly five or six tinies through the Rebels, cutting up about-two hundred and capturing 14 Guns, besides several ammunition waggons, 2 elephants, some camels, bullocks,, and quantities of baggage. to seatte aT I directed Lieutenant Manders nm with 9 Guns, Horse Artillery and a ‘Squadron or the 2nd Dragoon Guards. the whole tinder Command of Captain Loftus. to proceed t5 ‘the Punjaub Cavalry, the Was. coinplete, achieved howeyer at the loss of two fine oallant Officers Lieutenant MacDonnell, 2nd Punjaub Cavalry, killed, aud Captain Cosserat, ( omuanding Detachment Ist Puujaub Cavalry, dangerously wounded. T have to thank assistiuce they afforded nic i— Brigadier Horsford, Commanding the Tofantry, Lieutenant-Colonel Maberly, Royal Artillery, Com- manding the Artillery ; Captain Mackinnon and Major Remmington, Commanding Troops 6£ Bengal Horse Artillery, any] Major Moirs, Bengal Artillery, Commanding Heavy ‘Field Batteny, Lieutenants Manderson and Hunter, Bengal Horse Artillery, and Lieutenant Strange, Royal Artillery, Staff Officer to Lientenant-Colonel Maberly ; Lieutenant Colonel Briscoe, Commanding 2ad Dra. goon Guards; Major Keene, Commanding the out- support of thre success the following Officers for the posts, and Captain Lottus, both of the 2nd Dragoon Guards ; Captain T, Browne, - ‘Punjaub Cavalry, Commanding 2nd and Captain Cosserat, and after sees Teen eens 7 [ 786 ] that Officer was wounded ; Lieutenant Mackenzie, | Commanding Detachment Ist Punjaub Cavalry ; | Lieutenant-Colonel English, C. B., Commanding Her Majesty’s 58rd Regiment ; Lieutenant-Colonel MacDonell. C. B. Commanding 3rd Battalion Rifle Brigade; Lieutenant-Colonel Percy Hill, Commanding 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, and Major Green, Commanding 2nd Punjaub In- fantry ; also Lieutenant Watson, Commanding Sappers and Miners, and Major Mollan, Major of Brigade, Captain Scott, Officiating Deputy Com- missary General, and—Forbes, Esquire, Civil Service. Return of Casualties of the Force under the Comm K. C. B., which took place on the 23rd March Canp 7 ssistant Adjutant Deputy Assistant” Captai _ Honorable and Captain Johnson, of the greatest pos — * Stafi— Deputy A Roberts, My own personal r Hamilton, Lieutenant General ; e-de-Camp, were Majo eneral ; Quarter-Master A. Anson, Aid ‘xtra Aide-de-Camp, sible use to me. G a4 IT have, &e., (Signed) J. H. Grant, Brigr.-Genl., 5 Commanding Division. * and of Brigadier 1858, at Koorsee. General Sir J. Hope Grant, Lucknow Cantonments, 25th March 1858. vA Q | KILLED. WOUuNDED, | Misst = a lem] ° & B ale % P| ee ® ol ES z glee Zz 219 6 a— aa _ > ere S £4 2 Pater! e fa |e : ala Ay Remarks. les eae Z 5 ee DETAIL, 5 F g g oe 8 lg 2 : 3 2% ells] [elels2 51215!" |$ ole lec le/ele SS Pie|es zIsleicle Slelazicis 2/2 (2/2 [2 [e124 sletelels| Stele elElzle le/S|Z/Z|4/a]s Biel bac A\Z |B BIS rat | mee eg taek Arty.| 0] 0] 0] 0} 0} 0 | of of 0 | 0} 0} C) * These 2La e Yist Troop, Ist; | : : « [oars were kille x Brigd. B.H. A.| 0) 0] 0; 6) 0) © 0 0, OF 0} 0) 0) “\hy the: expl (9nd do, 8rd do. | 0) OF‘) (] 0} 0 a ype Oy ¢ f a Tuy in the 3 (H. M.’s 2nd Dra- f . vt. | goon Guards,...| 0} Q) Ot 0) | i These 2 | ok Lancers atta, | ' cillery d 32 todo .. apm) ¢{ of of 0 0 0 ‘ + | 2nd Punjaub Ca- by the 2 \ cs @mree se 0} OF 1) 0) 0) 0 0 0 xplosion (st Dittoss..+.+.|"0}.0) 01 0) 0} 6 0 aloe explosion. ' sal a ee ee ees oa pd " - | ; } rc Total..... 0 Hh 0} 6) 0 0 0) 10; 0} 0 0 0 pL ' 4 if (Signed) List of Officers Killed. Rank and Name. | | | | | Cavalry -\Killed, 23rd March 1858. ee FES é - ee, Be List of Officers Wounded, ar a ee | Brigade. Rank and Name. Regiment, | | a f Renarks. | on ee A Cavalry “ne sa ‘Captain J. P. Cosseratt... Ist Punjaub Cavalr | ” : “+ Dangerously, 23rd Instar ——————— (Signed) & Lieut. T. J. MacDonell.....2nd Punjaub Cavalry 4 J. HOPE GRANT, Brigadier-General, Command ing, Be “a Tere os 0 Regiment. = Remarks. — —— —___ Sa pee Se, ee RANT, Brigudien-GQenerdly Commanding F ‘ [ 187 J Return of Ordnance captured from the Enemy, on the 23rd March 1858, by the Force under Con- mand of Sir J. Hope Grant, K. C. B. : 4 Camp near Lucknow, 25th March 1858, No. | Nature of Ordnance, Weight. Remarks. 1 . 9 ~ i on ia, tet ts Sed ee 3 7 | British manufacture. CEEIG oes oo 9 0 0 Native do. 4 | One ,, y, SOLe 104 0 0 Do. do pemene. :,, i A ng 8 0 0 Do. do. See 4} of} 0 Do. do felons ,, b Pee ie a ] 0 0 Do. do. Sj One ,, Beh Dts tee ] 0; 0 Do. do, QueOmerGun, iron; Sk seseess 22, 0117 British do., hooped trunnions. 10 | One _,, Tet Eee Tein Ont 0 Foreign manufacture. eon __—s, “hy vere ee oh [FO Do. do. 12 } One _,, ee ne ee 3 1 0 * Do. do, 13} One _,, iv, © UD Mine ace cata. 410 0 Do. do, 14 | One Hr. brass, 5 1-10 Inch ......... rT | 2 | 0 Do. do. Return of Carriages captured. akin , No. of Description. each Remarks. captured, jun Carriages, Native manufacture... 9 ‘un Limbers ES Om aa ie gta e ae fr un Carriage, English ee 2 un Limbers, do. ION) Sitar See 5 mn. Waggons,do. do. Babes 4 Native Boxes on one Waggon body. sore Cart ce Ske Tae 1 PI certEES, Site hk tor, I ambrils 3 (Signed) E. MABERLEY, Lieut.-Col., Royal Arty., Commanding Artillery Force wnder Sir J. H. GRANT, K, C, B. ‘HE ASSISTANT ADJUTANT GENERAL rm H, GRANT'S Force, s a (Signed) J. H. GRANT, Brigadier General, Commanding. H. W. NORMAN, Major, Depy. Adjt. Genl. of the Army. (True Copies) By Order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor General. R. J. H. Brrcu, Colonel, Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept., with the Governor Conor e [ 788 ] Allahabad, the 12th April 1858. No. 65. of 1858.—The General Order by the » Governor General No. 51, dated 1st April 1858, | placing the services of Captain EK. L. Dennys, | 11th Native Infantry. temporarily at the disposal of the Government North-Western Provinces, is ~ cancelled. No. 66 of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to make the following appointment :— a Captain J. Gordon, of the 6th Native Infantry, to be Deputy Judge Advocate General, to fill an existing vacancy. No. 67 of 1858.—Conductor James Smith, of | the Corps of Sappers and Miners, in charge of the) Engineer Park with the Force at Lucknow, is promoted to the rank of Deputy Assistant Com- missary. No. 68 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to make the following promotions :— Ordnance Department. Sub-Conductor James Roche to be Conductor. Carpenter Serjeant Michael Flood to be Sub- Conductor. Wo. 69 of 1858.—In consideration of the ex- | emplary conduct and valuable services under cir- cumstances of privation and danger, rendered by | the Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the two Artillery Companies of the European Invalid. | Battalion, during the period they formed the Gar- rison of the, Fort of Allahabad, at the time of the out-break- at that-place; the Right Hon'ble the Governor General is pleased, as a special mark of his approbation, to grant a donation of three m : pay to every man “who served with these Com- panies at, Allahabad. Allahabad, the 13ih Apri? 1858. No. 70 of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to make the followmg | appomtment :— Puxsaus Irrecuiar Force. 2nd Infantry. Lieutenant W. P. Fisher, Adjutant, to be Second in Command, vice Lieutenant Frankland, killed in action. ° No. 71 of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble the Go- appointment :— Army Commissariat Department. Lieutenant R. Ouscley, of the 45th Regiment Native Infantry, to officiate as Sub-Assistant Com- missary General, vice Lieutenant Leven, appointed _ to act as Deputy Assistant Commissary General, 2nd. Class. Lieutenant W.S°* Pierson, of the 54th Regi- ant Commissary General; during the absence on leave. of Lieutenant Keer, or until further orders. By Order of the Right Hon'ble the Governor | General, R. J. H. Biren, Colonel, Seay, to the Gort. of India, Mily. Dept., with the Governor General. - ~ vernur General is pleased to make the following | ment Native Infantry, to officiate as Sub-Assist- | Ate morand wet, this-day Three Quarters of a ean Noon. PapHAaNATH SICKDHAR, Tue Ball dropped Second ($s.) before M (Signed) In churge of the Observatory. * SuRVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE ; 7 Calcutta, 17th Apre 1858. Orreur CAVENAGH, Lieut.-Col., Town Major. —_—<—<——— a Geciestastical. Tur Reverend Melmoth Dick Cam pbell Walters, M. A., Assistant Chaplain, has. been appointed a Surrogate for granting Episcopal Licences of Marriage in this Diocese. By desire of the Lord Bishop of Madras. at Calcutta, this 14th day of April 1858. W, H. Asgort, Jr., Offg. Registrar and Secy. Mottftcatton. Tur QCivil Auditor, North-Western Provinces, has the honor to report his annual call to all Dis) Tsing Officers in charge of Civil Establishments éstern Provinces, for the submis sion (as soon after the Ist May next, as practicable with the April Abstract, of ‘their reocular Anwun i ; Detailed Statement, containing thie. names and full particulars of the whole of the Establishment uae and to observe that, with reference to the orders © of Government, dated 15th October 1842, pu % lished _in_the Agru Government Gagette, of the, 15th November 1842, the Audit of their Abstracts for April next, will be withheld until the rece «) of the required Returns, * «td wt. é 2rd. "To facilitate check, it: is particularly re- . . quested that the Abstract for April be sub-divided. Z into distinct headings, so that each description of — Office with its total shall correspond with the details given in the State i ae Stateme ) for the 1st May. oe 3rd. It is also requested +} rate om Prescribed for all Uncovenanted Ser- vants, Europeans, East Indians, and Natives (in the last the names of ¢ “ait * of only those holding appoint- ments of trust and respousibility shewsid. ha in- late se cred on their Establishments, be urnished for Ist May 1858. without delay. hat the three sepa- ’ J. A. Locn, u Oficiqting Civil Auditor. “£ Civiz Auptror’s O 7 P F t | NW 2 FICE ; ) y lie gre, the 16th Bsi-ed, 1858 j - Jourt of Judicature at Fort William 74 in Bengal. Nats? : _ Recetver’s OFFIce. Bholanoth Koondo Chowdhoory and others, Versus Roy and others, ' and another Cause. ‘ e hereby given, that on Saturday, the a4 + Apri Current, at 1 o’Clock in the afternoon, Charles Sy inton Hoge, Esquire, Receiver of the uprem= Court, will put up at his Office, for the Lease, (ie Pansee Chattah, commonly called Kas- ' tgailak Pansee Ghattah, connected with the six @nnns sie: of Mouzah Byeontapore, in the Zillah %8f Hooghly, upon such terms and conditions and pon suel Security as he may think fit, For p e's apply at the Receiver’s Office, upreme Court. ? * % Receiver § OFFIce ; The 5th . @ ° Uane Japersand } - . ‘ burt for Relief of Insolvent Debtors ut ey Singapore. pagel ‘the om ter of Goh) Notice, that the peti- fe “Chney Sena tion of the said In- ‘ Ainwy Stree solvent, seeking the be- aa VI nefit of the Act XI. Victoria cap. 21, was filed in the Office of the Chief Clerk on the 12th day of March Instant, J and by an order of the Instant, the Estate and Effects | Insolvent were vested in the Official gapore, tore-keeper | of Messrs, and Co., carrying sa Trader, Lan lasolven 17 Gay of March of the su Assignee, ‘ as |. On Friday, the 26th day of March Instant, it Was ordered that the matters of the petition tof the said Insolvent should be heard on Sa- turday, the 10th day of Tn ‘the mater of Goh @haey Sep of No. 6, moySiree§ Singapore, _ formerly a Shore-kecper 0 the Ginple of Messrs. ~~ BBel Meva and Co,, ROWE carrying jo Si ineds ® a Trader, | July next, and that the a) Insolvent J said Insolvent should then attend t be examined by the said Court. GrorGE W. LeCerr, . Chief Clerk. reds ee Relief of Insolvent Debtors at ' RE PITRE, Joe 4 CLERK'S OFFICE ; the 27th March 1858, © Singapore ‘4 f : Coumt'egor | —_~ ——> ; ph) On Friday, the 9th Ayiet Seth Writer, | day of April Instant, it mMtely carriedjon trade | was ordered that the and business tmder the rmatters of the petition A me MOAR! frmJof) of the said Insolvent ss Suhons and Co., | should be heard on Sa- msolvent » J turday, the 5th day of he next, @id that the said Insolvent should Hatiend.1 be examined by the said Court, dm the ae & Jose A [ 789 In the matter of George) King McReddie, of No. 8, Bow Bazar Lane, in Caleutta, lately carry- | Mis baie that ; the ing on business as house- | eh ae rc. Potition builder, formerly under es AS ae hes the name, stvle.and firm r Should be heard on Satur- of Foster, “Wilkie, and | Teen ge aa nosy and glSialy eat Insolvent should then the natne, style, and firm atte nok tO bea aaa ical of George King McRed- b the tai Coen die, an Insolvent. y : : On Saturday, the 10th day of April Instant, it J Insolvent in person. Chief Clerk's Office, 15th April 1858. Calcutta and South Eastern Railway Company “ Limited,” NOTICE.—Scrip-holders in the above Company are hereby required to leave their Scrip at the Offices of Messrs. Mackey and Co., on or before the 30th Instant. 4 On failure to comply with the requisitions of this notice, such Scrip, together with all deposit money paid thereon, is liable to be forfeited for the benefit of the Company. The Report issued by the Directors to the Shareholders showing the present position and prospects of the Company, may be had on appli- cation at the Office of the undersigned. Mackey AND Co., Agents, Calcutta and South Eastern Railway Company. Calcutta, 16th April 1858. Naoattee, A SpectaL General Meeting of the Shiare- holders of the*Calceutta Steam Tug Association, will be held at the Office of the Secretaries, No. 6, Church Lane, on Thursday, the 12th day of August J858, at 12 o’Clock noon, forthe pur- pose of deciding as to whether the Company shall be registered under the new Act, with limited liability. é : By Order of the Directors, GorDoN, STUART AND Co,, Secretaries. CALCUTTA, The 6ih April 1858. § - i « The Calcutta Steam Tug Association. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Special General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Ofice of theSecretaries on Thursday, the 29th Instant, at noon, to consider the question of increasing the nominal Capital of the Association, and also to decide ou the purchase of ground for a Work-shop. GORDON, STUART AND Co., .- Secretaries, yy The 6th Apri! 1858, Commercial Bank of India. CaLcuTTA BRANCH, ° Rates of Exchange on London Joint Stock Bank. s. d. Of per Rupee. SS) At 6 months’ sight wes " » a » 30 days’ 5 : . « ppt Di Dido 3 to bo bot oo S ory D *y + ae vee ” The Bank grants Drafts on the Head Office, Bombay, and on its Branches in London, Shanghae, and Hongkong. Bills collected at any of the ubove places at a uniform charge of } per Cent. The Bank will undertake the purchase or sale of Government Paper, Bank Stock and other Securi- ties, draw Interest and Dividends payable in Cal- eutta, when due, at a Commission of 1 per Cent. No charge made when the proceeds of Sale or amount of Interest or Dividends drawn is remitted in the Bank’s Bills. Rates of Interest allowed on Deposits subject to 3 months’ notice of withdrawal, 4p. ct. per annum, 6 ditto ditto ditto 5 if 12. ditto ditto ditto 6 as Notice may be given’ when the money is deposit- el, or at any subsequent time; and it will be dispensed with in cases when the money is to be remitted through the Bank. . Current Accounts kept and Interest allowed at 2 per Cent. per annum on Balances of Rupees 500° and upwards, not exceeding Rupees 50,000, unless by special agreement. Hours of business, 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. days, 10 A.M. to 1 P.M. On Satur- W.S. Firzwi.uiam, A gent. 27, Taxk Square, \ Calcutta, 10th Mureh 1858. —— oe Oriental Bank Corporation. INCORPORATED BY Roya CHARTER. Wir reference to Government Notification No. 5, Fort William, Financial Department, 26th Ja- nuary 1855, notifying the intention of Govern- ment to dissolve its connexion with the Go- vernment Agency— The Oriental Bank Corporation undertake the safe custody of Government Paper, Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank of Bengal, and other local Stocks, free of all charge. Will draw Interest and Dividends on the same as they fall due, and remit at the current rates of exchange, or pay the same according to instructions of to be remitted through the Cor- poration, . Without charge, If to be paid in India, a Commis- sion will be charged of On returning Government Paper or Share Certificates out of safe custody, On the purchase of Government or other Securities, | On the saleof Government Paper or other Stock, the proceeds of which are to be remitted through the Corporation, ... Without charge. 1-4th per Cent. 1-4th per Cent. 1-4th per Cent, Wa. ANDERSON, OleNTAL BANK CORPORATION f Agent. Caleutia, 29th Junuary 1005 and for sums of 100 Ru nic. ssi ae Aotice. —_——_— Unper sanction of the Aco a W t n Provinces, Supply Bills at ays’ sigh ester pees and upwards, will Treasury, on the Trea be granted from this Bivies named below, at the rates specified :— On the Sub-Treasurer, Calcutta... l At 1 Per Cent, Madras ... discount, — ” » yyont ‘ Bombay... On Collector of Ghazeepoor .-- ) at § Anna } . benares Per Geum . . Mirzapoor discount . ” “Allahabad... ) 2 Azimghur... ] . , .Goruckpoor ... fa Par. - » dounpoor ... E. 8. Ropertson, 7 Assistant Collector, In charge of Treasury. 9 CawNPoRE TREASURY, ) The 14th April 1858. $ Motice. It is hereby notified, that the Government Pro jssus missory Note, No. 12920, of 1854-55, for Com: pany’s Rupees (500) Five Hundred, which was depo sited as Security for Haradhun Sirkar, late Abkaree Darogah of the Rughunathpore Division, has been either stolen or destroyed during the late outbreak at Maunbhoom. Application will be made to Government for the issue of a Duplicate of the Kauipss Pavir, s a“! Deputy Collecior, Mawnbhoom: Deruty Cortecror’s OFFICE : Purulea, ; ) The 17th April 1858. f . ’ é - o.’s Rs. . No. 21957, dated 3 Co.'s Weal ; 997, de Oth June 1e54- ¢ Endorsed over “ag 40669, ,, Ditto, ak a 12099 % Mr. R. A No. 21980 of 1854.55 i: Dawson, | No. 40667 ,, 1854.55, » 700) 0. 4066 Sa ARE se DOU No. 21958 i" ad ” 500 Endorsed in a 40666 ,, 1954-55, 1» 600 { favor of Mrs. V0. 28889 ,, 1849-43 . » 500 (Sarah Gibe No. 8375. 509 | son. | » 80320f1g32.93 No. 8700. 11gi9 of 1832-33” 20h E ’ ” JOHN W. SHERER, CAWNPORE @ Collector The 9th April igsg ” OLLECTORATE \ Caution, Tat Public are Cautioned against negotiating wa 4 per Cent. Government Promissory Note, No, $ 6258, of 19886 of 1842-43, dated Ist February _ 1845, for Company’s Rupees 14,000, believed to have been stolen from the Delhi Bank in the month of May last, and to bear the indorsation tS soft Mx. George Beresford, late Manager of the ‘Bank. Any information tending to the disco. very of the Note will be rewarded, JARDINE, SKINNER & Co. Caution. = J a ‘he Public are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing from Lollah Gopaul Roy, or any other pereon, the lower-halyes of the under-mentioned - Pour per Cent, Government Securities, as the 7 Upper-halves thereof were, in the latter end of Not@aber last, deposited by Issore Doss and Joy Byal of Benares, Shroffs, With Roy Seetaram and i$ .0n business under the Style or firm of 5 Sreckissen and Ramkissen, as Security for a debt * of CO# Rs. one hundred and ten thousand, which has LG been paid. Notite has been given to the Acco tant, General and Sub-Treasurer of the ’ Hast fodia Company not to py interest on the | | lower-Ralves of the said Securities, nor to renew BL. _the sa e: Te Meee 18° of 25583, of 1842-43 for Oo.’s Rs 4,000, gud No, L0924. of: 17269, of 1835-36, for Gs . 8,000, standing in the name of Ewas . ae ie pb. No. 2709 of 1335-26 f), O9.’s Rss ie OF and No, 33666 of 1854-55 for Co.’s Rs, 7 £100, Md No. 14663 of 1832-33 for Sicea Rs. o,000, si nding ‘in the name of Mootee Khanuin. No, 20769 of 1854-55, for Co’ Rs. 5 000,-“No: LOTHS S * ot ISSH86 for Co.’s_ Rs, 18,000, and No. 29776 ; Or IS5455 for Co.’s Rs. 6,400, standing in the rt name of Mirza Abool Hussun Khan. No, 15261 G8 1834055 for Co.’sRg, 1,000, standing in the | * came ¢g Hoormoozee Begum. No, 29754 of 185659 foCorg Rs, 4,100, and No. 29752. of 1854-55, Seliranh A 7 ery ae Khan. No. 8073 of 1835-36, forCo.’s Rs, | R800) Ne 1739 of 1835-36, for Co.’s’ Rs, 2.000, =. ie Ps My rine of 1842-43 for Seas Rs. 2.090, 4 MSM the name of Suramoodowlah Mirzah ere MAW Khan. No, 1444 of 1835-36, Tor Cos BeePWENo. 30305 of 185455 6. Co's Rs, Be NEB 0307 of 1854.55 fr Gon He 3,000, No. s309 1854-55, for Co,’s Rs. 2,000, standing aes inal of Ahmed Hossain Khan. No, 8116 wp SS28Btor Sicca Rs, 10,000, standing in the AP wxas-of val Moonwarooddowlah Ohmud Ally py mhan eo. 17025 of 1832-33 for Sicor . fo b. “s000, nding in the name of Setarah” Begum. Ng. A337 name of ¥ or Co,’s Rs, 3,900, standing in the hame of t Co.'s Rs. 5,200, standine in the name of > r -Oo’s. Rs, 32,100, Standing in the « Abdool Hossain Khawn. No. 2653 Jo.’s Rs. 6,600, standing in the name sait*Khan. No. 15848 for Co's. RBs, 1 in the name of Issur Doss Bhoy- nd No. 46153 for Co.'s Rs. 1,000, the name of Syed Azeemoodeess Wh. of Asgur #000, sfan robpersaud, ; eciting i salt Ki} P. Homrray, ) Attorney at Law. 1854-55 for Co.’s Rs, 3,900, No. 165 def, | Merrrutr CotLectorareg, ? i] doollah Khan, No. 7054 of 25182, ofp VNotice. —— Lost in Transit between Calcutta and Delhje. THE Government Promissory Note, No, 1712, of 1856-57, of the 5 per Cent. Loan, for Company’s tupees (500) Five Hundred, standing in the name of Muddun Mohin Chatterjee, by whom it was never endorsed to any other person, Payment of the above Note and of Interest thereupon has been stopped at the Loan Offiee. and application is wbout to be made to Government for the issue of a Duplicate Note in favor of the Proprietor, | J, Ek WALKer, | Mrervur CoLLcrorare, ) the 183th Aprit 1858. jf f ine 2 Notteer. oy Narain Doss, of the stme place, Shrotts, | | Destroyed at Meerut on the night of the 11th, { d.- Muy 1857, | Tee Govats 7484, 0 854-55) March 1855 for any other person and of Interest thereupon, has been stopped at the | Loan Office agrid application is about to be made to | Governmente’for the issue ofa Duplicate Note m ! favor ot sehre Proprietor, ie oy ely WALKER, Di puty Collector. ae, | Lhe 12th March 1858 4) ' ‘ tte a St ee ee —_— = a Ost cn bocrd the © teamer ‘Ava? Lost cn bocrd t¢ teamer ¢ | Tite wnder-mentioned Government Promissory Notes of the 5 per Ognt. Doan of 1854-55 + pod. fe Originally tk Name of Xo. 2475 D. Wilson and Co., for Rs. 1.000 ) 2 : 0 » 11661 Bark of Bombay, os 500 | NLast endure: 1 1602 Ditt, lly BOOH a | od? sed. Coopon : Setty, ats O00; Kida , _ LO) 4. IWurropersaud, Ghose 500 | 3 109G Ditto, sac, 500) Payment of thé ahove Notes, and Interest there- on, has been stopped at the” Loan Office, and ap- | plication. is ahout to be made to Government for 4he@ issue of the Duplicates in favor of the Pro- prietor, W. A. Kidd. : 7 ee ee LOST.—Second-half of a Bank of Bengal Note, (new form), No. 19 !48, for Co,’s Rs 100, and first - halves (new form), Nos, 20806 and 28805, for Co.’s Rs. 50 each, the payment of whieh has been , stopped at the Bank, - LOST.—In Transit to Patna.— The right-hand half of a Bank of Bengal Note, No. 107] fe tor Co.’s Bs. 50 payment stopped at ihe Dank. Deputy Collector. rent Promissory Note, No, 1574, of \of thed per Cent. Loan, dated 12th Jompany’s Rupees (6,000-0-0) | Six Thousand, star hing in the name of Rajah Rug- | beer Sing, (by whfom it was hever endorsed to Payment of the above Note, ) 7 wy A ' y is PUBLISHED, etc “ae oe Lower-halves of Government Pro- THIS DA missory Notes, Nos. 1357, 1358, 1359, and 1360, of 7 ny the 5 per Cent. Loan of 1856-57, dated 28th Feb- | Ay HH K A R M :f L it S I yuary 1857, for Company's Rupees 1,000 each; | is Pao ie : standing in the name of the late John Brown, | HER MAJEST. = 4 Esquire, the Proprietor, by whom they were never ; ) endorsed to any other person. Payment of the a above Notes, and of Interest thereupon, has been ronorable Company’s Forces, { stopped at the Loan Office, and application is about x to be made to Government for the issue of Du- SERVING IN THE BENGAL PRESIDENCY. plieate Notes in favor of the Proprietor. - G. D. Mackay. Tar publication of this List was suspended from GoorDAsPooR, 1 é April 1857 owing to the impossibility of obtatn - 1 The 5th April 1858. § | ing correct Returns during the Mutinies ; but 1 is now proposed to resume it, and issue Quarterly > Rs, each, as before. The present LOST.—The following Halves of the Bank of | Numbers, at + a a Bengal Notes ied fi i heen corrected to 31st January 1858, Beng : Number has | ‘ : “aa First-halves, Nos. 07934, 18107, 18934 with exception only to the »Gradations List, iGg 19267, 21637, 21674, 21691, 22582, has been brought up to dist December 1857, and 9 ? 1 information, aS Ccom- 23182, each for Co.’s Rs. 1,000 ae : i Second-halves, Nos. 18518, 18523, | contains, besides the usua 18728, 21603, 21876, 24129, each for de plete a List of the European Regiments that — have recently arrived as it was possible to com= = pile up to the time of going to Press. (‘o.’s Rs. 1,000 = 6,000 Second-halves, Nos. 09774, 10596, each To the List is added an APPENDIX, giving, for Co.’s Rs, 500 .. 1,000 | as far as practicable, the names of Officers, Civie Second-halves, Nos. 41662, 470°" lians and others who were killed and wounded — 41664, 41665, 41666, 41667, #106" Huw the recent disturbances. 7 41669, 41670, 41671, 41672, $167.3 ie : a > oe A1G74. 41675, 41676, 41677, g. Barbs t the Culcutta Gazette Office * 41679, 41680, 4/681, each ff" . AND Rs. 20 hy ( ink and Co. and R. C, Lepage = 1 ‘ Pp Oo” Second-halves, Nos. 16542, 7230 and Co. f Ladi! _ a'r ol = J ¢ - eae 17820, 18127, a) ed See ; having accounts with the Cul- 18466, 18763, 18785, 24074, 2459", cuttu, trazeite “Uiice are requested to apply ® 24625, 24736, 24740, 24770, 24942, their own Book-seller, or through others with | eo 25095, 24908, each for Cyu's ar whom they may have accounts. As, 15 on S f Spcond-halves. Nos. 00950, 01492, | 5 tine its etna we Semcrane~n xi OO. 4259, 13692, 14615, 15665, 15962, i ba: I7{7}, 18461, 18845. 19161, 19349, |” Hurkaru Office, Murch 15, 1858, 20151, 20794. 90942, 21241, 21524, | 21602, 87659, 38016, each for Co.’s ie Pe Rs. 10 ae 200 ie ~ "76,900 Now. Ready jor Delivery, The payment of which has been stopped at the THE BENGAL SOUVENTR® Ranke es ‘ . mee { » , ra 2. ray DIARY AND ACCOUNT LOST.—The under-mentioned Government Pro- ACCOUNT BOOK | missory Notes standingin my name, payment of FOR y which, as well as of Interest on them, has been 185 fi’ stopped at the Loan Office, and application is | 8, yl ‘ dhe | Printed on super ; ; - ar to ce made to cali for the issue of a Gate 6 eet Paper, a convenient 12mo. size, amd uplicate Notes in my name ; eras Mate for the year ; with the deus! No, 17810 of 1842-48, Co,.’s Rs. 1.100 _ servations for every ee Memoranda ; Local Ob- Be! LC OUD 5, ” a 1,100 | dar ; and 186 ruled ited: pace year ; Gardener's Calen- ¢ 17804 ,, ‘ ~ iio | counts. $ Memoranda and Cash se | de NOLSE” ;, 3 ry 1,000 | “a> Prices, Thr f t “oa OE SANGOO | SO BEMchad ty Sascvn, eee OC : a ‘ 1,000 | by Sauer Sarva & Co, Hurkarv PRESS if % 504 4, 1741 of 1842-43 ,, 600 SOLD ALSO BY oP ECGS > Jil tts men As a 500 | Messrs. Tracker, Spink & af . 10602 ,, 10847 _,, 1832-33 _., 500 | nea: at aC, Lepace AND “4 16665 ,, 1854-55 : 3500. 2 eae ax & Co. ; RRO Ne jim © 4,000 | sellers or through’ thas a 0 thou ma Ai, 1842-43 » 500 feecotintl rough others with whom they may have BAIS Tee | | Cask, or arefereuce for y parties who address the p payment, is requested frot have open accounts with the ae unless #) : S. ore arpa arts ath TAS The 15th April 1858. SAMUEL SMITH & C man 4 : : ) J salt Notice is hereby given, that the Mail jor Mauritius, for transmission per Steamer Granada, will be closed at this Offce on Wednesday, the 21st Instant, at 6 p. M. it NOTICES ISSUED BY THE OFFG. DEPUTY POST MASTER GENERAL, CALCUTTA. Past Office Nottfications, | No. 4231. The 20th April 1858. | No, 4185. Novice is hereby given, that the Mails for es] xn the Straits and China, for transmission per Steamer o 3 oh | Bed Lancefield, will be closed at this Office oa Wed- 2°" 8 areas : nesday, the 21st Instant, at 6 P. wt ais 4 53 3 The Vith April 1858. 23 2. < ran) 5 ‘ ae 6 = es € rine egg i Sa See ; No, 4191. _ 454 S Bio. 2 Notice is hereby given, that in consequence of | Yah sexs) 3 3 S 3 the departure of the Steamer Laneefield having Oe as of 5 3 3 been postponed, the Mails for the Straits and ta ie China, will be closed at this Office on Saturday, KEE 2 = s ~ the 24th Instant, at 6 P. a. Sas | ee a 5 The 19th April 1858, Pe G Bi | ae =) “a 343 |-————_— - cS 5 i = + No. 4198, Piss 2 a « NOTICE is hereby given, that an After-Packet | ai S = my ine Peand O.Co.s Steamer Nubia, will be | 222 | 9 a aed made up at this Office on Friday, the 28rd | 3 as ‘3 | 5, bp Instant, at 5 P M., with the chance of overtaking | 5 Als 3 Sis. 2 her at Kedgeree. os eed 3 a pe: NBT hie public are particularly requested to Ag a) Se & Sime S vbserve that,in addition to Steam Postage, the sag a ES as Inland Postage to Kedgeree, must be prepaid | = 32 ae i = at the following rates on Letters and News- | S=% i. Sait: ; papers :— ae 2 By ; ; § 4.9 Ss ) Lerrers, as = a na rs) = 4 Tolah- - - 9 0 6 oe 3 38 5 & 5) pee | CO sea fs 44 6 1 Ditto- - - 9 2 g OD SS mo & 1, Ditto-.- - 0 3 0 25.5 ~ e ¢ § 2 Ditto- - - 0 4 9 Tae Ps) & § gS and for every Tolah or fraction of a Tolah | 335 oi OLD a nD of 2's = er above two Tolabs, two additional annas, B iSser le : va Kilt : oe NEWSPAPERS. eat gg = 3 =) giais-"~-.- 0 10 os SS pag ke: i) bis Go 92 == Or. 2 9 Qeeg ae ee = 2 ima - . f F 6 Soe | to a a AS Oddie ey oe ss Bie ee na : | itto 0 4 0 oe = S ep ae) S cS s : ne ot _ eS sent after 5 o’Clock for the purpose of j “".= & as = a 7 veing posted will not be received under any cir- | HO ez SS Behl, 2 x vumstances. 28 YS e-ee = ay ‘ a oO Nr or +3 N Oe qa 5 = AY & = _ ~— Phe 20th A prid 1858, ALOUITA :— Printed and Published by Joan Gr AY, at the “ Catcurrs Gazerre” Orricn, No 53, Council- Huse S34, P . J — 4 4 : A ‘ ‘ Street, for the Government Cont ractors, Ssmuru Smitn anp Co., to whom all Letters regarding the insertion of General Orders, Advertisements, §c., should be addressed. . = 7 BR icici, Ory ” oer eeeenns ore reeeen, ome nenene eee enone seen eeeee eee een oon een oonccseel yoAra02 pv 44 jeu 2 SUPPLEMENT TO The Calcutta Gazette, =e = —_—— Published ty a uthority,. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2), 1858. ; pct : Haud=Sale Notices. : somer is hereby given, under Section Vi. Act I. of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estates, in Zillah Behar, will be put up to public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of this District, on the 27th April 1858, for Arrears of Revenue and other demands which, by the Regulations and Acts in forse, are directed to be realized in the same manner as Arrears of Revenue due on the 29th March 1858 :— R Class I..— Permanently settled Estates, No. 433.-—-Mehal Beerpoor Rutnee, Pergunnah Ekil; recorded proprietors, Shaikh Peer Bax, Ahmud Bax, Mudud Ali, Jafur Ali, Enaeth Ali, Welaeth Ali, Hosain Bux, Illahee Bux, Ruheem Bux, Rovhoolameen, Musst, Jumelay, Musst. Rujjun, Sufdur Ali, Ummun, Lallun, Amanath Ah, Kurramut All, Amjad Ali, Fukeera, Shaikh Usghur Ali, Sufdar Ali, Muzhur Ali, Gholam Nujjuff, Yoqoob Ali, Mahamud Basuth, Imdad Ali, Nadir Ali, Wahid Ali, Musst. Pancho, Musst, Russooltm, Moulvee Sher Ali, Moset, Boodhun, Jowad Ali, Musst. Bhutun, Musst. Beekun, Joomae, Khelun, Towheedun, Jeetun, am Ab, Mudud Ali, Kureem Bux, Gholai Hydur, Gholam Hosain, Musst, Aklay and Ekbal Hosain ; Ider jumma, rupees 75-1-0, No. 469.—Mehal Ishauq Chuck, Percunnah Ekil; recorded proprietors, Musst. Sona Malik ang Malgoomr of the shares of Meer Imdad Ali, Imdad Hosain. Amanut Ushruf, Sooltan Ushruf, Muksood Ushrof, Musst. Beebee Zabun, Budlun, Hukeem Syud, Hamid Ali, Oorf Hiukeem, Jeewun and Shaikh Hatim Zuman ; sudder jumma, rupees 68-15-4, Class Il.—Temporarily-setiled Estates, No. 476.—Mehal Kendwee, Pergunnah Hkil; recorded proprietors, Shaikh Dhowsee, Tee Ali, Bundbo, Burk ut Hosain, Ekbal Hosain, Mahamud Ali, Fyaz Hosain, Musst, Nusserun, Musst. Chonl. hin, Meer Boodhun, Musst, Hlyatun, Meer Wahid Ali, Rohut Ali, Furkut Ali, Moobaruk “Ali, Mussi. Unkbur, Nadir Ali, Shaikh Ameeroollah, Musst, Wuzeerun and M oheeooddeen ; sudder jumnia, mipees 56-) 327, ; Class I.— Perma nently-settled Estates, A No. 486.—Mehal Juhangeerpoor Oomur, Minjoomley Juhangeetpoor Oomur, Pergunnah Exkil ; recorded ploprietors, Ausst. Wajun, Muhamud Hosain, Musst, Lateefun, Munjun, Mahomud Ahsun, Ubdool Sumad, Mass¢ Zuheeday, Shaikh. Yarali oorf Aynoollah, Musst. Fuzeelutool Nissa, Musst. Jooma, Ageenoo] Nassa, Shaikh Kulleemoollah, Ramloll, Mobaruk Ali, Moulvee Alum Ali, Musst. Zahoorts Shaikh Irshad Ali, Mussé, Mujeedun, Shaikh Wahid Hosain, Talib Hosain, Musst, Wajee- Cai, Missi Edun, Feeda Hosain, Diljun Hosain, Musst, Muhmoodun, Shah Toorab Ali, Musst, Hawmeedit Kullan, Muhamud Ruzee, Ahmud Hosain, Musst, Khyrun and Musst, Wuheedun ; sudder jeune, rofees 171-9-10, No. 1238. —Mehal Hurgawan, Pergunnah Bellourja ; recorded proprietors, Munnoo Ram Missir. duddeo Rum Missir, and Shewpershad Rai Missir ; sudder jumma, rupees 74 11 24. No. 1$60.— Mchal Indee Boozoorg and Khoord Minjoomley, Pergunnah Behar : recorded proprie-. tore. Movlvee Ushruf Ali, Syud Khoorshed Ali,’ Moulvee Hoshim Allee, Shah Hydur Bux, Tuhui Mahto, Hera Mahto, Tirbhoond Mahto, Hoolas Mahto, Mahur Mahto, Shaikh Murdan Ali, Gholam “Shurthodegn, oorf Purao, Shumsoodeen oort Munglee, Shaikh Edoo, Shaikh Jowhnr Ali, Shaik erowiten, Shaikh Musseeooddeen oorf Bachoo, Shaikh Yare Ali, Jumul Ali, Shaikh Dumree, veh ' , : elie =e y (ne) (oak BD by ie ia) ( Y ie ee oy ‘ bie ay; A Shaikh Unwur Ali, Shaikh Munowur Ali oorf Chummun, Mussts. Rubmanee and Asfay ; —. jumma, rupees 59-5-9. 5 s No. 1816-—Mehal Kylah Boozoorg, Ayma oorf Chuck Noor, Pergunnah nna a A Be Py prietors, Shaikh Khadim Hosain, Meer Muzhur Ali, Shaikh Edoo, Ussalut Ali, ari sony “, Jahul Mahto, Mussts. Jeeun, Beebee Rujjo and Beebee Soopun ; sudder Jumma, cant Cae Tose ’ _ No. 1865.—Mehal Goolnee Ayma, Pergunnah Behar ; recorded proprietors, SyU wee ul ; perks AG ; gee 1 o1-b Mahamud Wasi, Bunseedhur, Shah usst. Gyasun oorf Munjun, Vhummo Jhummo oorf Futto, Shaikh Muaiamu lar Roy. Sell Sharufut Ali, Mubamud Chand Khan, Moorlee Sing, Fyz Khan, Imam Ali Khan, ae ig os Cou Bing, Musst. Chando, Owdan, Einmaut Khan, Bachun Khan, Alum Khan, Musst. tee meenay, 1 ae Bhutto, Jano, Aso, Wodayraj Sing and Gyan Cliund Sing ; sudder jwuma, rupees 61-0- Ph 1 No, 2069.—Mehal Chuck Kafeeah oorf Islam, Uz Rugbey Hussunpoor Kako! anc 1 a Kako, Pergunnah Bhellawur ; recorded proprietors, Shaikh f'oorab Ali, Mohur Ali, Ubdoo & 1, Musst. Beekun, Sha’kh Veer Ali, Musst. Wuzeerun, Shaiki: Furbut Hosain, Heedaetl Hosain, Shaikh Delawur J Hosaiu, Shaik Immam Ali, Imdad Ali, Nadir Ali, Hosain Bux oorf Dumree, Mussainiut Peearun, Lubraig Hosain, Suidur Hosain, Ufzul Hosain! Mussamut Sulleemain, Wahid Ali, Mussamut Zuloorun, Musgi,....s, samut Noorun, Musseeoollah, Wuheedun, Musst. Bunnee Fatima Musst. Phakun, Musst. Domun Musst. Choalhun, Kumar Ali, Meer Sabir Alliy Musst. Khoobun, Bachun, and Ameer Bux oorf Pachoo ; sudder jumma with malikana rupees 61-12 5. . No. 2095.—Mehal Chuck Doulut oorf Gholamee, Chuck Uz Rughey, Sadoollapoor Kako, Muha-_ mudpoor Kako, lrrazee Jullalpoor Khass. Furreedunpoor Kako, and Muckdoompoor Kako, Pergunnah Ghellawur + recorded proprietors, Heedaeth Ali, Shaik Imam Bux, Musst. Peearun, Lubraig Hosain, «seen Musst, Sulleemay, Muhamud Awuz, Syud Suilamut Ali, Mozuffer Ali, Musst Wuzeernn, Lalun, Musst, Nusseebun;Musst, Nuemo, Shaik Amecrooddeen, Ukbur Hosain, Musst. Nusseebun 2nd, Musst. Rujjun, Musst. Bytoolun, Musst. Wuzeerun 2nd, Musst. Khoobun, Tufuzool Hosain, Sufdur Hosain, Syud Muksood Ali, Syud Fukeer Ali, Shaikh Moheb Ali, Syud Sooltan Ali, Ubdool Ali, Musst. Munglun, Shaik Ushruf Ali oort Bachoo, Tussudoog Hosain, Koorban Ali, Musst. Rajo, Musst. Bhuttim, Musst. Lutee- fun, Hnaeth Ali, Musst. Shookrun, Musst. Hajo. Meer Welaeth Ali, Feea Ali, Wahid Hosain, Meer Muhamud Wuheed, Ameer Ali oorf Joothee, Musst, Bachun, Meer Hedaeth Ali, Shumshool Hug, Musst. Wuheedun, oorf Ashoorun, Shaikh Dumree, Shaikh Furhut Ali, Moulvee Jafeer Ali, Syud Tuharut Hosain, Shaikh Hubeebool Hosain. Sullemoollah oorf Khedoo, Musst, Rajjun, 'Lochun, Shaikh Hoosain Ali, Ukbur Ali, Musst. Khoobun, Musst, Nuzeerun. Musst Sohpun, Sheikh Uzmut Ali Syud Muhamud Ameer, Jafur Ali, Musst Peearun, Daood Ali, Khourd, Shaikh Bhuttun, Mobaruk Ali, Mosahib Ali, Shaikh Bhuttun, Koorban Ali, Welaeth Ali, Enaeth Hossein, Choolhun, Shah Wahid Ali, Madud Ali, Munsoor Ali, Shaikh Bundhoo, Shaikh Hydur Ali, Shaikh Siohebah,- Musst, Kubeerun, | Musst. Wazeerun, Musst. Wuzeerun, Musst. Noorun, Shaikh Iman Ali, Musst. Baso, Musst. Tajun/ Toorab Ali, Moosahib Ali, Musst. Jumeelun, Umjud Ali, Musst. Mudechoy, Shaikh Roujun Shaikh, | Hafiz Hosain, Musst. Bachun, Shaikh Baboollah, Shaikh Uvzulooddeen “Hydur, Musst. Fusdeeel Nissa, Musst. Baso, Musst! Lalun, Rueesooddeen Hosain, Shaikh pe piurzonl Hosain oorf Soopun, | er eereeneney seer noone ent Moulvee Ubdool Wahanb, Kaderool Nissa, Shaikh Runge; Rw Hocain Sukhawat Ali, Musst. . Kubeerun, Musst. Russoolun, Nuzeerun, Ully Bux, Musst. Meerun and Musst, Umman . nd Be cs . with malikana, rupees 147-15-4. » SOO a Cae Class IV.— Arrears due on account of Estates other than that to be sold 1 ; ~ No. 2116.—Mehal Simrah, Chuck Simrah, Pergunnah Bhellawur - recorded Musst. Muckdoomun, Nujmoodeen, Nussebun, Mussts. Ameerun and Wuheedun ’ = rupees 540-15-6, from which the right and interest of Musst. M ukdoomun, heir of Musst \ ceased, the surety of Busharut Hosain the son of Chowdry Khadirn Hosain, and far, ae | pie Sumarée Boozourg, Pergunnah ‘Tillarah, Zillah Patna, will ‘be sold oz atcount of anti I cee fom Hite arrears of rept d proptietors, Sudder JUMMA, «++eeseree Class 1.—Permanently-settled Estates. * No. 2155.—Mebal ‘Sohjannah, Pergunnah Bhelluwur ; recorded proprietors Nissa ; sudder jumma with maiikana, rupees {44-7-4. ey No, 2174.—Mehal Lodeepoor Muhemah Bigha, Pergunuah Putehrookhee - Lutchmunpershad ; sudder jumma, rupees 185-2-1, os Cluss 11.—TLemporarily-sett'ed Estates. No. 2223.—Mehal Nugurwat Turree, &e, 20 Kullums, Pergunnah Patch» pnetors, Tekaith Juggurnath Sing, Rugbeer Sing, Nur Sing Narain, and F jumina, rupées 1,116-7-11. ; Musst. Shureefool +++se+s recorded proprietor, °6Khee ; recorded _pro- suttun Chund ; sadder Class [.—Permanenily-settled Estutes. No. 2475.—Mehal’ Meean Bigha, Pergunnah Churkawun ; ye Ally andothers ; sndder jumma, cupees 58-13-74. i No, 2553.—Mehal telowah Burhuree, &., Perguntiah Rajveer - recotdel] ; : Phakun, Musst. Bachun, i,usst Rauee Bhutiun, Bukhorun, and Must, Malle: Proprietors, Musst. rupees 2,297-1]-2 “Rn 5 sudder jumma, No: 2632—Meha. Vajpeor, Perzunnah Roh ; recorded Proprietors, Mus Fy Chund, Dooburs Goriee. Horil, Gundowree, Bhyre, Mungeur, Induujeer, “pyr 2 Koour, Sheeb corded Proprietors, Meer Ibrahim Seokur, Muekhun, Gopau’ ioonye, Mongeur 2nd, Jakul, Boodhoo, Rutt surid, Ghumundee, Torul, Goohee, Burd: d Doollee ; sndder jumma, rupees 295-69, Ki Poohee. Horil 2nd, No, $244—-Mehbal | xelpeor Puqee, Pergunuah Sonouth ; reeotddd Higns. Nissa oorf Fyzbux 5 boc UMM, mMpEes 5 4-5-0, Proprietors, Musst. Fyzool / _ No, 3284-— ejnl a hb, Ferguonah Sonauth ; recorded Proprietors M Fyzun, Oomaid Ali, Ov 2nd Wuzeer Ali, Musst Zaheeday, Ruhuth wy TBS. Wuzeerun, Musst. Muast. Fatimay, Muse’ ‘ver _Kyamoedeen, Hubeebool Hussain. agit re Mosst Wuseemay, Hakeem Torab Ah, | «en, Kureemooddeen, Mohibooddecen, Alenaly * BS gl Enaeth Ahi, Ah, Umjad Ali, Nec:: au Ina, Oulad Ali, Musst. Fyzun, Nuzur tit, Kummur Ali, Urshud i 4 if he shall be so engaged, declaring also - the place or places where the same shall \ a be carried on or exercised. 94, Where any trade shall be carried on in India, by the manufacture of goods, wares, or merchandize, the assessment thereon shall be at the place of manu- facture, although the sales of such goods, wares, or merchandize shall be else- where. Q5. ‘Every person not being engaged rakoadetiemsiin dyer cnighn hab ed tayo ste death yeaa sso ? > Lys, z we blicwe Bye L volrlin wl 85 Sle Kale US Gaza yy Sel ale UJ Bay baliclb| Aya 25 yp? By Ud Lm 98 Bs Le,ac Ss ole) Hepes & Je > weal Jon EKGs Salis} sya De Sy sare Co \y gp ony shows # PUI 9S BS OBL 9 dy ie deg S SU Gyrme ple PY socks uit gis ou) ly ust Sdaie Elz) ty 5 KS, * 3 Lew ee ey Kes 52 4&3 "5 dyer pein ital uit oe> celiattsis of Baa 3 ya US lata Add bing 0) wl. os mS ass Ss} y ls yas ceyloe Upitbe hyd Kido vidas cl yan ae . . a, 3 Pama gis >a uy S46 si urns Jato bid isl wala cana sy wo) ty3) yo YGF bs “ * { pF GS LL fo aly SF ald Unt shud op mma gS [hare ~s¢ wal ese LS Vamsi Jyase a Sl ge n> us? eigd BAD 55 Jas a heescerl pide yas ww * yp BS Vom AK) xyyke wVyasia aS sla | PV xs wolenleJSL stale 9s 2 Fac) Lyatlie pl silat. Khe 85 6S ww us le 259? Sed ey OD yyy etly peels oss Feaa urs ~? \y gb ys} = us. wv, bana J cate bf Late Ge yee yyy) S unyhtes ola ; iy elas Ly tlie ge WIRES By Up Le ss} Ragan biaz ly leak Pes eon gt 23 * ype 38 wv - ( 186 ) acting from the district, where the persons receiving or entitled unto the same shall reside or carry on any trade or profession. 28. (1.) No person who shall, on or after the passing of this Act, be in Bri- tish India for some temporary purpose only, and not with any view or intent of residing therein for a period exceeding six months in the whole from the com- mencement of such residence, and who shall not actually have resided in British India at one time or at several times fora period equal in the whole to six months in any one year, shall be charged withthe said duties mentioned in Schedule II. as a person residing in India, in respect of the profits or income received from or out of any possessions, property, or secu- rities, not being in India, or from any trade, adventure, or profession not car- ried on in India. (2.) But every such person, if he shall actually reside or remain in British India for such space of time as aforesaid, shall kechargeable to the said duties in the district in which he shall reside or be, for the year commencing on the 1st day of May preceding. (3.) Any such person who shall depart from India, after claiming such exemp- tion, and shall again return to India, on or before the 30th day of April next after such claim made, shall be charge- able to the said dutics in the district wherein he shall reside or be, as a person residing in India, for the whole of the year in which such claim shall have been made. Temporary residents to be charged in respect of income and profits out of India after six months’ re- sidence, but not before. 29. All lists, declarations, and states ments, containing the amount of profits charged under Sche- Lists under the Act may bo delivered sealed, but su- perseribed with name and rddress of the party. dule II., may be delivered to the respec- tive persons, and in the manner herein directed, sealed up, if superscribed with the name and place of abode of, or place | ee > EI SW Sarg WA SS ped PA yseli ep? Sh Ute pdagdin AS S ty) din yo bin Dees 4 eae ssl; a ahy* cd a LwslBkwl Egy rads fa yy go poh PS yylbhe yy! yale Uiny iniin OG kee lo LG! auf din wlats b val, aadsy Re pate pa oid UG kore sly ow citge tee Vy wv cn] Up 55 IS olal ye bi ay Oi pale lS) ye Ps hanes Alain b&b wath by slotls ur) lads] y glu wel Lk Lym Sly rl a dim ga S wlanliedif PE Good By by eylsv & yb yar Cpl tiie ES Jyey uit Sls bid = ole eb 2) pita yy! wns oe it MD gy reales LS eel) S Jew pd ySb0 ware aw ofS a) ne els J <> Es sid ss ae te * Pail) ei us! Use Une Lingle used if LAH Say Gadd 3S hf ya Eel te Ol rat yl esl yl aw din $ ey ussloages CIF oS eaweten ues i pea pide Vyas, a Ronit 3 > @!, aSy a se oT Ce he ns Se (15 onl ee US is Shyla AS Syoy (ta gle us! r 1,38 # gh sly waigke oc - ft sf ’ k 3 oi asi Ae le rr J tile of Jhas Sd _— & oY an & ip yhad Kaned > aS aus S\Ra ies “s 9 Miele oa hjlosaye S92 OA? she syed ym ep te SBN ee ale U4 pa elie 0) ed 9 Saw ae yy q TOF Se eed yw oily us “o ia A< Soe « ( 187 ) wof exercising the profession or carrying on trade by the person by whom the same shall have been made. feet VIII. Rules under Schedules I. and IT.—Assess- ments before Special Commissioners and Compositions. Assessmenis. before Special Commissioners. LXXX. 1. Any person chargeable to Miers, ia the duties contained in tho option of being the said Schedules I. and Il. or in either of such assessed under Sche- dule IJ. by Commis- and who shall gioners for speci purposes. schedules, not claim the exemption or relief by rea- gon of his whole income being less than 200 Rupees or 500 Rupecs, hereinafter granted, may require, if he shall think fit, that all proceedings, in order to an assessment upon him, in respect of pro- fits chargeable under the said schedules, or either-of them, shall be had and taken, by and before the Collector and the Commissioners for special purposes of the district, (if any such shall have been appointed,) instead of by and before the Assessor, the Collector, and the Commis- sioners for general purposes, provided he shall deliver a notice of such request, together with the list, declaration, and statement of such profits and gains to the Collector of the district in which the same shall be chargeable, within the time to be limited by the general notice herein Before directed to be given for delivery of all such lists and statements as aforesaid. 2. Thereupon the said Collector shall examine the said list and statement, and shall compute and assess the duties which, according to his judgment, shall “pe’chargeable upon the party under the said Schedules I. or IL. and shall make a rtificate of such assessment, and deli- ver the same, together with the said list, declaration, and statement to the Com- missioners for special purposes, who shall examine the same, and make, or sign, _ — 7 eh jos Vests SS IP 5 I fred 2 Wehared Kalai ys5 yo Balisd 99) eld yy] pfyiteS 2 syi9) Vy earme pram 9f ods LSI pm J sacld A+ ands a kanad 5! dashaie LE gS hed 2 Wedssed dlaaho Weep Gel ge gh Um Vail Ge aySd- el Jyh pF Kymzt gm 9h Sym 5 sloyges, 6 conte, aes oat av SAdy) et Ly kxggy y= 99 & usa > ase cutie sf) "aS By sls! LS ow te yl welye ac pels ay cml S yeh Url > el ae sol drag WSs sla wlate eH Sh} HI pee oe lahsrad YY dared hg cl syny Egle gyal fyi Uy AOS Uy yaa «by 2 uly ae & ls gel siyitees u pal ul ypide Yams 6S ow dypb ts ye, Ue errr ppt ald yy! Cam 3 Lew) < eAal= ae Nee” Us sell Sly J Eksl yh vial Bilaie KA yo! ors yom iy Jel eh, 5> ii dlar- os re énliclb} ol Ll 2 Ue ole Me eagle Came BBE heme yes Uyasre amr 2 sling 9S lS mle S ale MSE IN crt wl Sf abate F ani yl emus Unt skds elndsped sbicl, SS] emily ye oS w¥pem- gt 9 vasetst al, 3 “Lola & 5! ye EAT (F Lats On| yo) LS Undue $ S use AR y Seer kxa PEGS Ly £S. y yb uk & vk P| ppl pied tig: yide AGS y! Laeds ob Unf yoy ytyiteS sof UG slenicg Sink pphie Sol iaydy emo psi S wy ame a sl aS bym Las} 3 BL Yess Yamt I Va Ci coe iS Byp stare Spt 2S Uy! Ol ( 188 ) and allow such an assessment of the said duties as_ shall appear to them to be just and proper, subject to an appeal by the party to be charged or to an objection to the said assessment by the Collector, in like manner and under the like rules and regulations as in cases of appeals and objections against assessments made by the Assossor and Collector. 3. Every such appeal and objection shall be heard and determined by the Commissioners for special purposes in such districts. 4. Alland every the provisions herein- before contained respecting assessments by and before the Assessor, the Collector, and Commissioner for general purposes, shall be applicable to the assessments under the 8th part of this Act. 5. The decision and assessmentof the Commissioners for special purposes upon such app2al shall be final and conclusive -in the matter, subject only to suc’: sur- charge as is in the 6lst Section provided. 6. Any application to surcharge under that Section in such cases shall be made to, and shall be heard, and determined by the Commissioners for special pur. poses. — Compositions. 7. Every person desirous of compound. . Parties may com. 228 for the said duties jen 8 40r5 under SchedulesT. and IT., or either of these schedules, as herein- after mentioned, in the first, second, or third years of this Act, inorder to an assessment of the said duties being made under the provisions of the Act, shall, at any time after he shall have delivered the list and statement of: his profits under the said schedules, or either of them, as required by the said Act, and before he shall have been assessed under the said schedules, or either of these, for such years, deliver to the Assessor of the district a notice. signed by such person sels Glee cb Und eof Udy elettel Y nt Eke pm tay lal eel ot lat gp wolel cl yf Unt jy ed yy! ence FF sel Glade ce WIR ppd pista S old 0) po Ny alate # Se VAs ppl clade al Bt Ls poets yy] BRS BTL patel yyy, bese af usio® (pin is? VA ul Pan) aS is @ eal pee ee [bre! pita Yai £155 Gallas om US yor Wits aad exdats 0 sacl 71 Gym plese yl HOU a se Iss 3p 96m Sal yp V1 tals a ain wyy0 sd ty opty Se gphae 4 & my CRS ees yl ow yt ol? aaa Pa WS Las. a Ss roisf Uy wt & pee Festi nly S yuna § ale (189 of his desire to compound for the duties thereon in the manner allowed by this Act ; and shall state therein whether he desires to compound for five, four, or three years. 8. When such assessment shall have been made by the Commissioners for general, purposes, or by the Commission- ers for special purposes, the case may be, (any appeal allowed by this Act baving been first determined,) it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners, by ~ as whom the said assessment shall have been made, to contract and agree with such person for a composition four the said duties on the terms hereinafter mentioned, for a period of not exceeding five and not less than three years, ed for the continuance of this. Act; pro- vided such person shalt enter into, and sign a contract of compositions within the space of one calendar month next after the making of such assessment shall have been notified to him, and his appeal against the same (if any) shall have been determined. limit- 9. The terms of such composition shall be the payment in each and every year of the said term of the amount of the said assessment so made as aforesaid, together with an addition thereto at and after the rate of 1 Rupee for every 20 Rupees of the sum assessed as aforesaid, which addition shall be made by the said Commissioners to the said assessments so made for the first year of the said term. 10. In each subsequent year thereof, the assessment of the said duties under Schedule II., upon the person who shall have entered into such contract of com- position, shall be made by the Commis- gioners in a sum equal to the a amount of the said first year’s assess- ment, with the said additional rate thereon; and it shall not be necessary for such person to deliver any further list, declaration, or statement of profits ggregate Fa Gye Vamss — A yor ae ee | efits ty ple yak ppc > Cs a ae 3! 9” a Ly gb > By Use as tse fies Ss b Lassi Enbyae of slaed, Uy Saale =heihaw & sl pases ye & She wl cout!y S$ J ame 25 3 ‘a rape 52 Ss] é auryp wv yo tol; eas ul 68 Yoxmdd Gems BE bo yeas ws ue us s ‘apiys Etbl _§ eats Ue shel Lat a ey o> pss Rs Jul yp > ss Ja! Me | Rs) yc ole sat epi bali tI at & dae I ate of ; & 28 Saal Ua! ped 590 are id aly 2 Oo Kyo gprs Spree yas Lal 13} SY aed J;am vu J yp 5 dla s ates eS ie Shad deel skal 5 slasd ly yy Aig) LS! CS) ceB bay) CU Ue £ glare ral Ep rieed wba sta 0 5 65 plat pes SoU as hatatis Spans 5 Sy Sle L « Kye, Uyp fo} Pelt) 3 aly Utasds enn & Shue ss bal i Emilia 1% sacl £-ti);3! oo pam pat uM sail wrt 3! le KeSyne yt oye Ur] P ppad daned clean sycaseh as silaie Kamin a esoes SS Sls Ad S a yon ay reer stl sloas yo ws Jl. Kayla US. da} tse aes yoke o nls ns Gyo re) 3392 claws Si ems eel éilin & spy Vf ©) rw yd 3! us aa lI olan Usla P yped kayad dae pilin Jin guia AAs ras described in the said Schedule II. during the said term of composition. ll. Provided always, that if the person upon whom such assessment as aforesaid shall have been made, shall neglect or refuse to enter into and sign such contract of composition within the time herein limited for that purpose, the assessment so made without the said additional rate shall be collected, levied, and recovered in like manner as any other assessment under this Act. 12. The contract of composition may Form and requisition of be made in the form eontract of composition. set forth in, tie sixth schedule annexed to this Act. 13. Every such contracts of composi- tion shall be made in two parts, which shall be severally signed by one of the Commissioners, and by the persoa com- pounding. 14. Oneofsuch parts shall be deliver- ed to the person compounding, and the other part shall be transmitted to the Commissioner of Revenue of the division, or in the towns and stations aforesaid, to the chief revenve authority thereof. 15. Every such céntract shall be an authority for the Commissioners to make an assessment on the party compounding for each year of the said term of com- position in accordance to the terms thereof, and to cause the sum thereby assessed to be collected, levied, ahd paid over in such manner and by such means as are herein authorized, in relation to any other assessment made under this Act. . 16. If any person who shall havo Compensation to cease on compounded as afore- ie enaaee oan ony said shall die, or be- compounding. come bankrupt, or injolvent, before the expiration of the said term of composition, his contract of composition shall cease, and determine on the 30th of April next after his death, | bankruptcy, or insolvency, save and except yess 8 8 S 0 bys byt sho 14 sock yea My Kor y3 ye Lr |. fARe Jyame bal, POS vie Dd Unt ye yd S lem Of cla Fak alas YG ow Le RoliN 3 om Sie ced Blal plae Spat Mb Ug! Sle craciuts Uyiassue Cre Ae Egle WS yoy yy) Ub ob ost a % (AD 3d Spey JD ZKJ pt 23,200 3 byes on kal3t 3} aS us? Ply OTP sacl 4 yhed Karas S$ EL) url > a> lect bith da} x 93> ayy 3! uariened bias sie > * (Kgla LS wad 6 Beal NSSF yap yd LA babint if ge US Ssilin (PM acl tle nl a> Jyagd yg Ue ye of yah \y pine wha alee 4 Ly rad Jl pad AUG! yp P 5D glaie srl5 fe e!® ilex ® Kalen WS one cals £ Use] Ray9 Sle pla S 6So pad lett uel 10 yasb dLmie Stas Pew S Com tasy % usyites thud Sal Glee $ Lis of kali 155) bane pS Sema. Spam 3 uty “ands Jyome ¥ TPM US Spey NGS} sol Spears coe el Jx5 3)! paras & lim es! ple Vy ase of * a] v ay WAS EAS tan at sf 14 nels aks e Lat} $ Shave Tor: wie Spare JS EAU IHS 2 hs. gm Ayo pale ly 2S eng’ ee oa ee ee 6 Uzyf He bad Caf YY testa, a Roe Se ae > PSE) Ubty go Sly PH * 5d wi » Vol, bad Saf age vty 1 ( 191 ) as to any instalment of duty which before the said day, shall have become payable, and shall then remain unpaid, 17. (1.) If any person who shall pro- In caso of frandin com. POS to compound for ding, tion to ‘ Ua toll, ey eaarce | «the duties chargeable curred. under Schedules I. and II., or either of them, of this Act, shall wilfully make or deliver any false list, declaration, or statement of profits or gains described in the said schedule, or shall wilfully conceal or omit to state any of such his profits or gains, or any part or portion thereof, or any other mat- ter or thing required by this Act to be stated in such list, declaration, or state- ment; or, ifany person shall, by any frau- dulent means, procure an assessment to be made upon him for a less amount of the said duties than he shall be charge- able with, in order to compound thereon ; or, if any person shall, by any fraudulent means whatever, cause or procure a con- tract of composition to be made or enter- ed into with him for a less amount of duty than he ought to be charged with, the con- tract of composition, if any shall have been made with such person, shall be void and of no effect, and the party shall be charged and assessed as if no such con- tract had been made. (2.) Provided that any sum of money which may have been paid under or in pursuance of such contract, shall be forfeited. Parr IX. Rules under Schedule III. LXXXI. The duties hereby imposed contained in the Schedule marked III. shall be assessed and charged under the following rulés, that is to say :— Scnrepute III. 1. ‘The said last mentioned duties Duties to be paid to shall be paid by (Officers entrusted with pay- the Officers an d ment of interest or an- nuities. persons entrusted with the payment of the interests, annuities, dividends, or shares of an- ayer ge Let SS MF ad IV sels > LF ped GS pea Kapad Kilaie errs KiaaihS 9 YAS y9! ag yp da aol Ni) S yporad epee BAU & coy 3 13) L 6:38 ee ye} use LIS yySbo Sapad dle Lamm asilie yeas RY) uses Kuails pss 2S Ud s yp see at, Cale SFY ght gle ga U etanl UL uth one spk wot Jon ZAK) rir ig usyy? bad x a Me yp) ees} — en 4 ou - LAs es $1 oS) e ae ely Jpase ge 465 ey S aw ia Ure ow hl Buns we os Fo p= “baliy! if st 6S is a esl jake * i uy use uk? US lan %> us us fol S ie ok ts # (Glo re nas pres Kerad sSlade vel b> ydive fF piel Karad hilaie wlyems Af ato * Kile dS PP shod kanad pleBoye a wom S$ bared pl A wel a Ele Ly dg = Bw She bed S icles} yf 4 pe wth Se ae Lglal gam oad ue BIS dis Jem P peed Ronee ayes St ee 85 y) uP 5 Slat avesyh yep Srl se Sie Uae o LS a me ce) C ase ) cpr Bde yyf Spo 9} hei fe Dy ase 5) 99) Lys Ligh gI> 32 7S AT Ueae ppl giline yt Gls EA sian, she phe cog Erm SR ya te i aye eye WH pty? Naat, om So) UG # ile WS Jpeme ws nuities charged in the said Schedule III. on behalf of the persons entitled thereto, and shall be assessed by the Commissioners hereby authorised to be appointed for such purposes; and shall extend to all interests, annuities, dividends or shares of annuities whatever payable in India, out of any public revenues which shall become due on or after the 1st day of May 1850, except in the following cases of exemption from the said duties. 2. (1.) The securities, stock, or di- vidends of every Savings Bank estab- lished by the Go- vernment within any part of British India, and the dividends or interests payable by any Savings Bank upon any funds there- in deposited belonging to any depositor. (2.) All claims to exemption under the last mentioned rule shall be made and disposed of, and re-payment of any sum retained and ordered to be refunded shall be made in the manner provided in Part XII. of this Act, with respect to al- lowances under this Act. Exception in favor of any Government Savings Bank, 3. The respective officers and persons Officers entrusted with entrusted with the pat sed resin amet papinent of the said a interest, annuities dividends, or shares of annuities, shall on nolic2 of the amount of each assessment, - from time to time to be made as aforesaid, (which notice shall be given from time to time, as and when the interest, annuities, dividends, and shares aforesaid shall be- come payable, and before payment there. of,) set apart and retain the amount of duty so assessed for the purposes of this Act. 4. (1.) Every such setting apart Buch setting apart anq 204 retaining of the retention to have the effect said duties shall be dea paymentand discharge. deemed a payment thereof by, and on the behalf of, the per. sons entitled into the said interest, ane nuities, dividends,, and shares respec- tively. yt Aihep yf collie SUS Fd fh ac 270 a5 oS 92 BG Sayre S pad pd pilte este US yhoo Gib 6 ail ae ate Sip Gyre 9> © snsime 3 ud Oy yy! ailie ee pase yb MIE 3S Spey 9 ils Sly * Kr) gy tt Uyae coyt9 Sbaiil yf Staal f yea BAN3 eam dae | oad gutly ol Grable sscls sade Hye elegy asl bo KOK SS pathy haat doe § SB lee pendin 15d BAI pP53'99 Lai & Ad or Swede SF ols I otonsye of F weld pide kiln Goer & alin slim Gar 2Me | bss bs, Jf Ss Sm 33 0 Glade US fo) 6 UNS ABS) a gle denice etl Saves GI \ ul. 2 Sls A> ale & Span y en ue> az Se! sf 5} pylon Sp Wheat, 555-6 ae OY aI boyy a5 af C samy oi EEL! dys TP aptles S daaiatin Syuame 9m yee © W joie & 3h A j \ J | i on the receipt of the residue of the said sat (2.) All persons are hereby required, interest, annuities, profits, dividends, and shares over and above the duty so assessed, to allow such payments in res- pect of the said assessments, (3.) The Officers and persons so en- trusted as aforesaid and the Secretary of State in Counoil, and all persons respon~ sible for the due payment of such interest, annuities, or dividends, and shares, shall be acquitted and discharged of and from so much money so set apart and retained as aforesaid, as if the same had actually been paid unto the persons to whom such interest, annuities, profits, dividends, - and shares did or might belong, or were by law payable. 5. All monies so set apart by the Monies so set apart to Officers or persons as we paid into Teey © aforesaid, shall be a ae paid, from time to time, into such of the Treasuries of the Government as the local Government shall, from time to time, direct, into an account to be called “Income Tax Ac- count.” Part X. Rules under Schedule IV. LXXXII. The duties hereby im- posed, contained in the Schedule marked IV., shall be assesed and charged under the following rules :— 1, The said duties shall be annually charged on the per- To bs charged for all sa- laries, feos, or profits of SONS offices. = . having, using, or ex- respectively, ercising the offices or employments of profit mentioned in the said schedule IV., or to whom the annuities, pensions, or stipends mentioned in the same schedule shall be payable for all salaries, fees, Wages, perquisites, or profits whatsoever accruing by reason of such offices, em- ployments, or pensions. 2. Hach assessment in respect of such offices or employ- gpl be in ments shall be in force for one whole rss - ae g gain Got! als fF ur? wae L pilin Bias ay. ba oo~ SLA jer sryie oar ySS-0 al 2 samin Jyom- Sfsai rey Saat ots SS Sys seat as LS o> oY . * 2y5 Lo lyme cate Sow ewe Yoldat! SiS) Novaye xy und rae} Shaw Calo yy aie US Io! & Tysby Co isl owe oat > dS le! OF ay vl. LB gla ae y, Sea yoy hewn 9 PSP ORY sy eh pa ssh ays gla Hy aS Kaglea ren dys yg! ) pai W a, U oye ga US blsig C-L S Uctm tll Lat Lp G53u LS G Sie jaan ly » elie ly st tate a3. € 5h Grins BSS yey kel be bi > LL” Sa! sla Lb plone 6 ok ym Vee SS vy 8 vse enth® of By Bale Bd aS 5 pid~ eeatl S89) pcan gm Lindy Fe em re oye cole ll ol Lost ye or st Uf Sings Be dv al. god Jyame 8 py pre as M” yrai Sared silaie Sef, ley M yhai dared dlain Yam Af dads * Sigh ae yo! yee bs ye oel,3 eles aes Slay Sle Sho Ferre fo xreld ¥3I5 Lrolin y! uty? a Kile AS ole rw) Nea sys law's ot Fp donatalactin Alay sleoie sila b diy b ae eh Sle 3 29> es cu epemre Sy yy! ga Usniyg yySbe Kaned gus pee 93 gu. L 58> 2 gy05 by aol 0) ert by ale by pppoe & Ug dyt as ge Se'> © mp ye hoy ee Hit erolia ly dye Runde Qui SO! wf sacl Sle By 3h Fam) 555 LS JHB Slr LSS SF p9Sb0 wl uf Jee oe Jyam- 5! 60 p> zy! ts y soe roo A (Ka jly U sie S$ som Yosdti ee oe 4 | , ( 194 ) year, ending on the 80th day of April, and shall be levied for such year without ‘any new assessment, notwithstanding a change may have taken place in any such office or employment, or the per- son for the time having or exercising the same. 8. Provided that the person quitting such office or em- seat opmenastts ployment, or if dying aie within the year, his representative shall be liable for the ar- rears due before or at the time of his so quitting such office or employment, or dying, and for such further portion of time as shallthen have elapsed, to be settled by the respective Commissioners and his suc- cessors, shall be re-paid such sums as he shall have paid on account of such portion of the year as aforesaid, and each assess- ment in respect of such annuity, pension, or stipend shall be in force for one whole year, unless the same shall cease or expire within the year by lapse, death or other- wise, for which period the assessment thereon shall be discharged. 4. 1. The said duties shall be asses- sed by the respective Duties to be assessed for ndend z all offices in places where Commissionersfor all Cag a the offices in-each department in the place where the said Commissioners shall execute their offices, although certain of the offices in the same department may be executed elsewhere ; shall be due and payable for the respective officers and their successors for the time being. 5. 1. The said duties shall be paid on all public offices and oo of offices employments of pro- fit of the description hereinafter mentioned within British India, (that is to say)—(1) any office or employment held under the Government, or the salary whereof, or emoluments attached whereto, are payable by the -Government, or out of any public revenue ‘in India. jotags oy La doe oly sess ced ye L ety » sw hoewain wie 7 Ut xy was byt ye P voc yy) AS Sw off B5 fl L ey Si ypSdee tale | ye S Upp hoes 6 lead aS Kah 55 5 wy st es & srye US 3 3 adhd Jpeme 2 buy =f eal Ly Eaiesade er by (3 Se ret us Z. 5 Je a ei - u SJu a s uh NL std ands 5 SI y> “ss 2) b ysale BG CG Jak J. LSS lala Ly esting u hs kery = %5 es Use Wg Zi 3) ey Jw a 2S bide wolsy ©) th lene a > lees ak eon a lessye > U3 salar yhoo wave * deb sere pli tentya Fyre’ Soe uy pl y 5G au} cS; god ty isle Lg a wear ae od eee age Seem Ji ery yllosage pls eFax xy yl us" + Sip Syodhinely a yytiegl pS eal Sin wSpame f upd 0 yds ples] yo hey HG Cael yo) gb ltrs aes Jy25 Wed yas Tete “AD 5x5 kell, Bra 5)! Bye LG) yp $,) — Site er Eis, 8 wyaf 33 VySIs ne iahyy #8 Whe fo vin anil, Spe thie ie ri (C 198 (2.) Any Commissioned or Warrant Officer serving on the Staff, or belonging to Her Majesty’s Army, or to Her Majes- ty’s Indian forces. (3). Any Commissioned or Warrant Officer in the Indian Naval forces of Her Majesty, or in the establishment of the Government. “(4.) Any office or employment. of profit held in any Court of Jiistice, or under any Company or Society, whether corporate or not corporate. (5.) Any office or employment of profit, under any publi institution, or on any public foundation, of nature, or for whatever purpose the same may be established. (6.) And every other public office or employment of profit of a public nature. 6. The perquisites to be assessed under this Act shall be deemed to be such profits of offices and whatever Fees or perquisites to be estimated on profita of pre- ceding year. employments as arise from fees or other emoluments and payable either by the Government or by the subject, in the course of executing such offices or employ- ments, and shall be estimated on the pro- fits of the preceding year, ending on the 30th of April, or on such other day on which the accounts of such profits have been usually made up. 7. (1.) In all cases where any - galae ries, fees, or other perquisites or profits, or any oes Duties on salaries, fees wages, and pension payable at any public office to be stopped at each office. annuities, or stipends, shall be payable at any public office, or by any officer of the Govern- ment, or by any agent employed in that behalf, the duties chargeable under this Act, in respect of such salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits, or in res- pect of such annuities, pensions, or stipends, shall be detained and stopped out of the same, or out of any money shall be payable upon such salaries, fees, perquisites, or profits; or upon pensions, wages, ‘such annuities, Bee , pensions, or stipends, ) ye Ssh Dal taes ot yas OF a Wt ws raral ae balan bile ly syd ye Sia! atro / # yD flake ow MU elyl b Pity Mah ty ptasS Jal pail I oY L Cpa ow SAR éail, ss S a! cid | mm balan KL * 3® ali od cet ws waite tat, vs ptf 3} aS ese 0) styl by eredline ela ee ot gh UPSy 8233 Cvaie ke yy eS! ye 3592 8 dh oY Fee L _sines f a ud * hy 0) 9 as ip aS seB Crake & sage CO! 3 es { ios ee un} re p at S os). ay pass) \y SLA sb site >> * J, Exe97 a 58 rs pes ly BIA %5 5S a lrewhes. WWE Crain & ob yw says CG! 2 Gayla %* gb GS, 5S yu LAS gd Upc, Jom E60) plea are te Gym 1 sel ee By K upai+ 5! Ux? > dct J,txe a eral Gs 5 a ye Kile W dy asd blinking ew Uk, ty ow Briss of ge a9 Jou S925 98 remain ly savage S Uvaie & says 3) ho > 3 gilin Ai axa ibe: ek sail Ly egg? es Pt) Je 33 eyes set Na US ub Dea Gwe gin Cla Jpasue 33! x s 34D ues PS flat es s Bidoy cph® (pede Cpht Lt )9 yb I used V ssl G usth GE & sytke & Une & sty wt os Caulkt. & wig sly wm ale b pio \y Bria’ 98 Je V6 wars bya bow us Sy ps eV ynane By 8 Gla iS Seine 3 Sy yee Ualc we in) ea? 8) sls ee. Sd 5! Cie. ite \ gh bY we ue vad col, 3 Klik by ewe : ; 18) glia L ust gk ty usyie sad | Brgy CoS gH Beagle chef ety Oyy) S yay 8) sy a & ues ly sais ur} a> ye 25 a Lk, SIG slate ee ws sad b ah Te By y! = Grips »§ 5 yeix 0) 5 loxaye av pbc) 2 ele by Goto i! us passe Ss éslal. bs ets 10) atime eh # Me LS Gy eae ge Ip lel die Ujemes ©) ( 196 ) or for the arrears thereof, whenever the same shall happen, and be applied to the satisfaction of the duties on such offices or employments, or on such annuities, pensions, or stipends respectively, (not being otherwise paid.) (2.) Whenever the sum so payable shall be assessed by the for general purposes in their respective districts, they shall transmit an account of the amount of the duties assessed to the office where the same are payable in order that the amount so assessed may be there stopped or detained. Commissioners to trans- mit an account of duties to office when salary is pay- able. Commissioners 8. In all cases where the salaries, fees, wages, allowance, or profits of any officer chargeable to the said duties shall not arise out of any of the offices men- tioned in the foregoing rule, but shall arise from any other office or employ- ment of profit chargeable to the said duties, and the salaries, fees, wages, per- quisites, or profits, shall be payable at such office by any officer thereof, or by any receiver of the same respectively, nr by any agent employed in that behalf, or shall be payable by any Company, in whose employment person chargeable shall be, the duties chargeable under this Act in respect of such salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits, shall be detained and stopped out of the same, or out ofany money which shall be paid upon such salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, or profits, or for arrears thereof, whenever the same shall happen, and be applied to the satisfaction of the duties (not other- wise paid) in the manner directed by this Act. Duties not arising from salaries mentioned in Rule No.7 to be stopped by per- sons paying such salaries. 9. Such portion of the said duties on offices or em- ployments of profit, or on annuities, pen- sions, or stipends as are charged with any sum, money payable to any other person, Duties charged with gums payable toany other persons to be deducted ous ef such sums. pl pend Cd ye Walainedyame um Ff ped F pyle BS cada pee ole at ANS ple yal ow, basis eV yaarme lum dy) 6h v. ou esi) ity 6 Spare pe Um nS Lepr ie sis 36 Jpase slosd ibe yo cS GU cha Usp Jats ¥ ed Sy ne BS 9 9by a Hyd shyt clad LL SIS pre mm dt ge ye A el Uae Jotie gulf alin bey] Usyysal & Gee sab Sake rake yet dye ely Jou a sy Xs Lewin 10) Saye 6 ews 3 on ¢ Be sys5e & kG whys Cd cats yl ge Gye ie & Ue & SIS yall uses B stlie Lene] sixes usu! uu 0) 3 Gla bo List yee Fs ike oan Ly Mevrye Ka > Ula Ls eyes Js \3a 6 ot Vyas 6S i go? a Sie vin ty cys} 4 uss u ims? u 8} pus Cpilvey uil> bs ey et ayy UP atyh ryne 7 SF nd tay ody er Mttyy co ymeyd et & Uli Fy ate & eyaf ls ops} & Cow Y S chyate yy) ye Ussing oF sy2y jloenaie cx suid wo} paaccv Lo yn 132 2.6! ota erm YS aby ¥ * ald Us a> eS Ps . hye ot ea Oe US Snes Sym yma $ BLY tay J tle Lp} chemin oS Boe JAY f saing Spas al J ; eerie Syassee yl rs -) 25935 3 Ul SS (#187 &) shall be deducted out of the sum pay- able to such other person, as a like rate on such sum would amount unto. And all such persons, their agents, and re- ceiyers, shall allow such deductions and payments upon receipt of the residue of such sums. 10. Such portion of the said duties charged on any of- fice or employment of profit, executed by any deputy or clerk, or other person employed under the principal in such office, and paid by such principal out of the salary or pro- fits of such principal, shall be deducted out of the salary or profits so payable, as alike rate on such salary or profits would amount unto; and all such depu- ties, clerks, and other persons so em- ployed shall allow to their respective principals such deductions and payments upon the receipt of the residue of such ‘salaries or wages. Duty paid by the Prin- cipal in an office upon 8a- lary paid to his deputy or clerk to be deducted from salary. 11. Inestimating the duty payable for any such office or employment of profit, or any pen- sion, annuity, or stipend, all official de- ductions and payments made upon the receipt of the salaries, perquisites and profits thereof, or in passing the accounts belonging to such office, or upon the receipt of such pension, annuity, or stipend, shall be allowed to be deducted, provided a due account thereof be ren- dered to the said Commissioners and proved to their satisfaction, Paywents on reccipts of salaries, or in passing accounts to be deducted, 12.. Every person to be assessed for his office or employ- ment, shall be deem- ed to have exercised the same at the head office of the department, under which such office or employment shall be held, and shall be rated for such office or em- ployment, as if exercised at such office, although the duties of such office or em- Persona assessed for of- fices to be deemed to have exercived the same at the head office. eden 335 Ud Se oF 8058 yl fe ate | * ey Jy3 8 Sash tae S s pas Sys ye 3 439) = yal bliss Ry f> x3 w5yb } tse sSG Lecie Ly sty aS bili ty vlad US sly gal S toy BRL fo Ul uss pao 05 eS US Us tol a Uolk atte ey Je} se pp Gp cla ,f Booey 55 P| aud Pa CE Jose J pe uw) cin] = slie 33 ~ uw) aS “3 ro) wenaule Uy eyall bo gb Sf pled pW eo) % 2S pH toe roy! S Spose Ul cote sy y HI sel cle ly UAcy 1G Crake & aye ond Sone 78) Hae ty 8 EUS Gadi 9 Slay U ting Jala pilin yh eral sy) ty on a S Bye & we Ul ge & om dle OS ee 5 a fas ye 8) ws, se U5) babe J lene a ee Latins & alle Upon 3, prom & Ut isl UY Bias 53 lyse Um gla J lie & yfSe cae wlue 6 clin yy) Leis 693) wy) Babyy Sih glisebl Gus Sp Seo Ub S usp! a ashe Lf ed 2) nce Erp SF vest 6) ye NP yar Be “3 liss J,a eet wa qearie Ly xdys ur! °& WLwain & Sdye ur! B> aS use ';? aly Bains ipl de do Se 2 ths pls) yy Ge craks Lud} 2 cia ly xdye ul aus 3), if rahe ky Saye Ux} yp Uaet cel yy) 9m ela ty ,,$ aS > oad US ole Jp cy get wy Uwe Lol 6B EU Ga she ple gal tpady me wey d ty Blin pol ely paul aha igpuys F aie Behom Lg ywy> 9® oyd lOdg ae Gmc dee Onl } i ployment shall be performed, or any part of the profits thereof arising from such office or employment shall be payable elsewhere, within or out of British India, wherever he shall exercise his office or employment, shall be rated accordingly in the same district, where such head office shall be established. 13. Where any person, who shall Public officers becoming hold or exercise any public office or em- ployment of profit shail, at any time or times, during, or for, or in respect of any year of assessment, become entit- led to any additiona salary, fees, or emoluments beyond the amount for which any assessment may have been made upon him, or beyond the amount for which, at the commencement of such year, he may have been liable to be as- sessed, an additional or supplementary assessment shall, from time to time, as often as the case shall require, be made upon such person for such additional sa- lary, fees, or emoluments, so that he shall be assessed and charged for the full amount of the whole of the salary, fees, and emoluments, which he shall receive or become entitled to at any time, and from time to time, during, or for, or in respect of the said year of assessment. entitled to increased gala. ries to be charged for the same by supplemental as- Sessment. 14. The several Commissioners autho. rized to actin the execution of this Act in relation to the du- ties on offices or em- ployments of profit, and on pensions or stipends, as soon after their appointment respectively as conveniently ean be done in their respective departmenits, shall meet and take the oaths hereby pre- scribed in that behalf, and shall have power to elect and appoint an Assessor, and if they shall deem it necessary, As- sessors for cach separate department with the cognizance of the said Commis- Commissioners to take the oaths prescribed, and to have power to appoint Assessors. sioners. Wendie ls ydve as bu) blaJ uy or els sf Jy, ae ec D yk yp plin S$ Saeeas Kd Jaa 5 a Soe ae ee, use rls el yd sounain ty Osage ” oo 2 ° { 4 # yt ily pre yo U chne ec ee - Cee 3) 0 7 : get agg? yal yo! yyke yp (eS SME og Sue ndiba Shan pf & S pessas lee élLiaive rr ob] ty wily 2 2 GF eyal ty staous usta yt Sod le aly a oe ust 297? Uela uss kesh na Sy lira r) ee TIO phe eats oy Syaby SI pSuis shoes pla GY Jyonrs ut Jw Eay% yt ldai 3 Uwe & ) A pola Syaty xls sah35 mS as iil las 3 shydais ul de Ue Ut 90 ul yee 035 yam cols ust sis! Casi b wef so! Marlen Wade glia | yaiy ite Uy S peacidd auth. yore cr Unf SEigle Us Lente aw Glas of 2 6 Gs bell a5 US oF ub Jab UE cards Sl soit 5 fs, y 3s Scag JF ele SY sae Yule wut Ss Sage * ole WS GAY 2 oye lus |e Os Arias “a ¢ pac Sin 5 Udyheiun$ alin wl {fr rdcls Anh sa iees . Uaaier yt dye Klaie Upon Mba aol rok omrcorel fe Sa =f : > Ye lal oD tig yh 6b ipl tee sai 2) Ute Gyiko at ut as r es : BI TNO it es ue 3) usb IMS 63S ; TP et pl yh Kee ale 45 , a3 iu Ly puanal aS (]) eee 5 4 ails} = ais | 3) ys! u2ys Ist Bryer wile PO) A 4 . oe ; yaw ay Si ERA Sa] ye ry 32 9990 sl * S -~ Lay Z UP Ie S pyhtS © sassy sail yh ettbl ? ( @ ( ve ~« 15. The Assessors appointed by the ; Commissioners un- \, Assessor appointed under ' x. " " inedate, IV todeliver to der Sehedule LY. J ommissioners within a — 3 ixed time their certifertes shall, within a time of assessment in writing inder their hands and upon yaths. to be fixed by the respective Commis- sioners, deliver to them their certificates of assessment in writing under their 4 hands, to be verified upon their oaths, of «the full and just annual value of all of- afices and employments of profit charge- able under this Act, in the department ‘for which they shall be appointed Asses- , sors, and of all pensions and stipends es- _timated according to this Act, with the names of the several officers and persons "entitled to pensions or stipends, and the several sums of money they ought to pay by virtue of this Act, without abatement or deduction, and without concealment or favor, upon pain of forfeiture for every neglect in thé premises of any sum not exceeding Rupees 1,000 nor less than Rupees 200, 16. The said Assessors shall charge and assess themselves and all other officers, clerks, employed Assessors to assess them- selves and other officers in respect of pensions and stipends, under this Act. and peTsous in their respective departments of office, and with respect to the duty on pensions or sti- pends, shall charge and assess all persons entitled unto any such pensions or sti- pends, aud shall respectively make their assessment according to the provisions of this Act. 17. Every such Assessor shall have free access to all do- cuments and papers whatever in their respective offices, touching the salaries, fees, wages, perquisites, and profits of any Assessor to have access to documents, and may re- quire returns. officer, clerk, or person aforesaid, belong- ing to their respective offices, and touch- ing the amount of the respective pen- sions or stipends, and shall be at liberty, whenever the same may be necessary, to require returns from the parties them- — go Kahad Gilbe ro Py uses! oe ( ¥se's us? 3) vine spk tpt CASI sy ast yo Ss oN Sims slay. as Usha’ ce | sen <5 p28 FES hw Ss 5 ee ihe she u2y Gia Ye) oy Cale I uy Dale pl & Js 33! es ayn unrall. uit EA 5a95 yas 4 Sgro ge > UR Kod Lstie ys SX Sal 5 Pi Tae Gores rr wy et Sa , ol BIS chs esta 9} pes al call. cg) yyy yoraed y® ae) NG) Syke coe Soak oe &ilale y > © vols} 33! 1) oa Ad shawl nana yl > sh aaa ples a y! us 24 &lal. U ep tob ad a Ys us tay wel, (a) Bs) IS NG) ‘ely ~ E sole | GA! CS st aes Ly CRatss rod i Le*y90 ” y) ails us re cp > Sy yp as | 2 yl Ibm acd sy die a ZS 5> wiley # 2 slp LS Coals =a Sile bind ne a “fl 59" shy: cA 3 , wl y 3! 535 34) us® rio Ry { 4 «sc - A} ty o> xf 97 yt unbdemsio yl unystewsye sla ai res upyeke Whe weal, Dyas ug yy une Uskso al te 4 : rere. vay ¢ Ose ot es plate 33) Uprmbag Canad yo! os yS alg dilate ty eemniag 9h utys ee Ven Sf Specie 52 - . = . 7% ae , 5, us ays ener) Spas y yt FSthwae 8 gf Se. P E , goo Sha NOs nha! Eos * CE es {Oe ER 2 F {V xacG pees Sopa ge aad 33! wljsgbiws dla ale Lbs ce Bop LSI 6S yamnel OG! ya yy! Os yo! wry] y sigan elles, Awaes os Sy Baty pile 1) jevai+ b {oSdye 8 slacnie slic Saad ches y! ou g® evils jibe pus Kisaree t oe ys ey kUlen 55k Te WACO ce plate yy! pyre fas yp ust ence of Kip aks e st &2 Cees nO! Liye Prey Ao el oN yes lana * ay enb & ome sass 3 yf selves, according to the provisions of this Act, that they may be enabled to make a true assessment in pursuance thereof. 18. No person shall, in respect of the profits arising from any office, or from any pension or sti- pend chargeable be- fore the respective Commissioners appoint- ed for those purposes in their respective departments of office as aforesaid, be lia- ble to the penalty herein contained, for not returning a statement of the profits arising from such office, pension, or sti- pend in pursuance of any general notice hereinbefore directed, nor in any case ex- cept where the Assessor for those profits respectively shall have required a return thereof in pursuance of Rule No. 17. Statements of profits arising from offices not re- quired under a geueral no- tice. 19. Where any persons holding any Full value of offices to such office or “cH- be stated, although exemp- ployment, or entitled tion claimed, ‘ unto any pension or atipend as aforesaid, shall claim to be exempt from such assessment, the Com- missioners shall nevertheless set down in such assessment the names of such persons, and the full and just annual va- Ine of such offices, employments, pen- sions, or stipends, and the claim to such exemption shall be preferred and examin- ed by the Commissioners for general pur- poses of the district, and the merits there- of shall be heard and determined by the said Commissioners under the Regulations of this Act with respect to other assess. ments. 20. (1.) Where any office or em- Deputies to pay for ployment of profit pense hen tiey wo chargeable by this fitu. Act is, or shall be executed by deputy, such deputy shall, in all cases where he shall be in the receipt of the profits thereof, be answerable for, and shall pay such assessment as shall be charged thereon, and deduct the same out of the profits of such office or em- ployment. élemin gli. ont ey Voss us’ fA ssch us? BS hes Spam S yhyo signi yi ciel S 855 shh © oo ot Gillen S pre be nclae ber ykcaie pts cub) - erring y rdpe Cpl wie Unaas epee bh ’ url Gye 5 a WS Gagd USNS S yySee alle hi yeas) ra > Con K wl LAD pace uM 2) B yyfSo gie AP IY yaad wel coal wove Gaye ym Get SS me it aeb TF Jam yp pine ls sill. O eptiy Ly yl ¥| A Satle oS its y wee FS unldsses Se LOG! oS B asate yIlossee Wa. a sé us} & Up sage élas or yy yessye US S upae on pie gku) 85 oS ga > 5 U9) lssee u& sexe ue! ro ois eed ute 6) uy ays ea SyF5 wie 18) wyal L vl yaad * yD uk on 2 tame Sd > ws <5 yh sd pm Sg Bw ste COI FT vacb sage CSI ym yy) oF yptmy sal Folese yah pail SU 8S) me Liye pyle Jide! Aid Bue gf Be Es pense wlpama S yyreae yl goes 67) Ly cspdpe & eyed Ge stds ye ff je © yy! usp cdot ym yy! > US rari atl Y Grim Ly the bs Pw S gin CS! pm yt St Ui losin 38 Grr Grd Sad sf pyle eelbsfoic S Peal yo! ey 5 Uys 8 Sy-assve zisl laws o7 yo) pd re mS myo) ash S ory yh wyal yf st eB eat) yy! ame Jo pat By6be0 Woe aah yf sylesree diilz othe 59! as oS coped & Syaty Slate yl pty otaad of pre © cf Dale du & onge gIbl yf anita kxlas Ky of ips es 32 A ust) Gle ust when ? Wyss ears toes) epee Len oy & emmy} Baye Up] lake elie y3) Gym yo) Coed yp! oye BI En} S wl as Les] G5 uot aly C3 sh s rn 3 a Jeri & Mica x ys! s yy4?* Ute ae By (Kays 63 Jd fo byl. whan & Liaw ey 3 = = _ ID { wages, perquisites, and profits of the office exercised by him, which returns such officer or person shall be obliged to make under the penalties contained in this Act, for not making other returns hereby re- quired, und papers in their respective offices. 23. The said Assessors shall, from the documents and ssore to make wp as- : : sonis from documents Papers in their res- thom to Comaasions,* pective offices, as weli as from such lists and accounts as aforesaid, make their assessment upon the persons holding such offices, or entitled unto such pensions res- pectively, according to the annual value thereof, and shall, in like manner as is before directed with respeet to Assessors for any district, bring in their said assess- ments to the respective Commissioners for their allowance. 24. The said Commissioners, if satis- fied with the said as- Sno | cg aa sessment, shall allow ia a COANE ad oot ticle hands to the same, and if not Batictiod therewith, shall correct and alter the same, and shall, to that end, possess and exercise all the powers and authorities herein conferred upon the said Commissioners for general purposes, so far as the same are applicable to an as- sessment of the said duties under Sche- | dule TV, and shall finally allow and set their hands to the said assessments when yalfered and corrected as aforesaid. 25. The said assessments, when go allowed and signed Ascesaments whon allow. oats ue (uni he tn ddveb Mur ovel 2S Aloregaid, shalt ke Fear, and payable at peri- ods aa iv districts. in foree forone year, commencing. and payable at the like periods as the assess- ments in districts are made payable. 26. The said respective Commission- jee " ers, for the duties on omniisstoners to deliver = dupliestes of assessments offices shall cause the to Collectors. like duplicates to be made ofthe said assessments and delivered | x ys US as! to Collectors, with like warrants to collect Sal pte Bye jo 9% EP Coyle BE J Bo yay ES Coal aie * gh tix. 9 le x yo y908 kitlan oss as es” ae g usyeee ar Lieeat) bEa de on lags Ys x2 a9 Ue ‘Fights ple pels] uh OS > i Ct shee esha ot 3 ple Lamy 0) wes Pohag => ) yg ex ie werolin & uy ate Ne a SiMe wale Gillan 9? Cb ivwnes a aly ale 15) yo} aS Uatatn Janie S syidhiva yl ure cax!s ut iat of gis or ue «SS iPc ernie rey usyBhe 5S ois UPA sgl se sm P wel gn sa * wy pola ye Ss usps at ig ee L oy Re So! seen f ms j 3s rye St * pirate yl ¥ yb 3] By 5 ge re P ages oss Pi, Ps yh &3 witaabl sf yh Kity § baskwd ilies ead S y" t= sf sesh figyt vores oy) any & us dame aS) P yaoi Kered unl sty Ss 6 oy be cla stil ys) wo), sal wo 5f widtyo 4 witha ya DS ust RY S ly Daand uke esa py) | Par es os Oar AVL 39) wrt? Ula 5 S ris yy eng! at aS Aula 46 i eralee ob Se * wey oss a yd Sa ss jy bie s Be yd gp blss cee Ott FO gael My 7» BG i “Spills Sat HL, beg} yet eos oa Eile} —_ 3 was Boa fo Sas, ab =: Sassy is j y * Gow fay wal, Exes) "s eas) a = whine tw WP AIME GES pits Of FY aoa se Cewlin wy sete edyame S- Zh nd Sdn 7S yard | Prete ee rad ys pe cola Jed Sh Utacsnnnd By llac 35> yaks oe Ebel ge £ a os opis pide wed yasrsve Nan2csy ( 203°) the said duties, as are before directed to be given to Collectors for any districts. 27. The said officers for collection Collecting officers to de- and receipt of the mand and levy the duties. said duties on offices, shall have the like authority to demand and levy the said duties as is herein given, to the collecting officer of any district. 28. Provided always, that in all cases Commissioners to deliver where the 4 duties on Bespin aagr-any «Salaries, fees, pipe alee shall keep wee wages, perquisites, or profits of any office shall be detained and stopped out of the same, or out of any monies which shall be paid thereupon, the respective Com- missioners shall cause the like duplicates to be delivered to the proper officers in the respective offices who shall keep true accounts of all monies stopped and de- tained under ‘the authority of this Act, and account for, and pay away the same as directed in of this Act. 29. Where the duties hereby eharge- able upon any office Duties on offices which cannot be stopped to be OF employment of ee in ease of non Hrofit, cannot be de- tained and stopped according to the provisions of this rule, or the amount of such duties shall have been paid over to the person holding or exercising the said office or employment, and such person shall refuse or neglect to pay the sum of money charged upon him, the Commissioners for raising the du- ties on the said offices shall and nay cer- tify in writing such neglect or refusal, and the sum payable by virtue of this Act. 30. When the last mentioned Com- ‘ = missioners shall be siall be diitinet from Com: distinct from the missioners for general pur ‘ aire for eee eT who shall issue their war- gencral purposes, OS demic wlare partic SUCH Certificate shall reside for levying the Pegddressed to the nd - Commissioners for general purposes, and upon the receipt of such certificate, or, in case the Com- missioners for raising the duties on. the roelie yt pdye om 9S pitdal Gf TY nach cy ee) u9> yyhvo eon) oo Jaa 3! S925 a seis} sr 2y S25 Sp) Y tb oS va i) Peta) teal my SiS esd das as eis zy Un Fe) re Ut yy Ce AS By Byala Le FN yocld Le csyeh< & Ga & std clad Spore ofan ete F tty a Boye Kilaie yyaty allie LY Gyin Hy Und gm ele OS ey ex kup) oS hh ertyeye wl pitnaS 53 ~ ‘la setae juiced ry SyAby DIPS AMR Sa WISE tole pike Sw ATG: urysetl vi a Valet Url S Lwin nic s ees EES pt bry) gm ge 45 Bye oy £59 98 Ef Jab eras 5 game law tel eS 08 132 2G! oaks Cyr Lemme Sig, 5, ul * eS lol yee Ups Cia aw S Nim sch esd, uf 6) £9 soctd = Bde uss 37> 9 her pat bs tes 4 pares zae y id] L 32 J, ese eT soo Lawtive = Pp us exe ry yams coal dyes Shand yoy a Polan Orr) 3 299 yytle ys eae 18) Bdyl ul ey § Jalus & sat wie) S bedi Spare yous! j= yd Boye Klaine Jyam ess i yi 53 Wied Maas yf Sl 6 Joli & sil a Lian uit py EKG le yyy fda ZG! syd Cals » te alae Jparae jy Iyidef cn Me wool’ fN'G Spee ELIAS hae ~ > Bolle ple yl ey \yiabiat os) spoke yo} ste see ime le aoe oh yhbns wecln Jyase ere rm N yirtnaS ff Ces BKaS Uy bid Pay) feos) ad ? 29 ¢ le a tice’ oie coulie 3S “oR get SE a ale pf said rossi lial pliy el, tis! 0S yo 5 x we, bese ete uae oe a ae nee buat a Space ex By ——— —-— = (204 ) said offices shall be also the Commis- sioners for general purposes, as soon a3 thesame shall have been signed by them, the Commissioners for general purposes shall issue their warrant, aushorising and empowering the collecting officer of the district where such officer or person shall reside, to levy the said duties from such officer or person. 31. Such collecting officer shall there- upon execute such warrant accordingly, and shall levy the said duties by the like ways and means, and under the like powers as is herein provided, in regard to the duties under Schedules I and II, and as if such officer or person were charged to the said duties in such district. 32. The respective Assessors and officers appointed to ing the duties on ofiees TAiSe and assess, or pane to Penalties for de- Jovy, collect and pay the sums of money to be charged under Schedule IV of the Act, shall respectively be subject to the penalties and forfeitures for refusing or neglecting the performance of their duty or for being guilty of any fraud or abuse in executing the same as are inflicted on such officers respectively, for the like offences in respect of Schedules I and II or either of them. 83. Such of the said duties, levied Duties to be stopped at under Schedule IV the times at which payable. of this Act, as may be stopped and deducted out of the sums in respect whereof they shall be charged or deducted, shall be respectively stopped or deducted at such times in each year as the said sums shall be payable to the person entitled thereto. Collectors to execute such warrants. Parr XI, Discretionary modes of Assessment in par- ticular Districts. LXXAIII. Whenever it shall appear desirable to the local Governmens may order assessment by puncha ayets §=©Government that the or otherwise, than accord- ing tothe general provi- assessment to the duties imposed under sions of this Act. ) ee Spyllaie S Lanle 6 Wass thal FY sacl eMyasse yp! ene Syyee use hand al i) url coy ee) go) ae sazeF yo! &ay 5 ri ' ec Wieres Kilede und name 9a 2 8 Jy2y Set, 1g ul yo ue ye OS Jrasi | $ Pst ge jledree oF ng Lad game L,$ “gS Pe Jy*5 a * a dp pate ye a ws ga] J nai |y yy Veseds aly ye Of,) ee PY yack yt Jy) cau!) ge nem Gy J )ca! yf 2ys we Y yhed Kared éilaive Uyom wee PRY) aljs Js'y b edit edly cyb ul ts? yyte [bo ES Jac b oud ely & | Bye blade 4 6 asad od yy! uhard onl pun hI rast ual pe ely &) 90 yd ge Gyo solu — Poh yyed Karad diilaive aie | yyide + jb ke yp ole ad Gall : pw hired dilate was x PP ssc > av Ey») ByAby souncia Seu AD 2p UMS Us Sighs ZS > x cal} of ue | bo SF Gaus USES ayy ‘fuss Ses wt te yp Ula eD2) b Ja Us Ele a 6 Sena dip sts} us® Gs gd us)’ olan vob by Bie! ‘5,8 SS, J ey AP sad alain wold, pe oat af ® prin ecole, semis J Uri 59 mF a lf he ae se ad) cates ly edge & kui ly ald yd Schedules I and II ef this Act, or either of them, in any district, town, village, or tract of country, or in any portion or quarter of a district, town, village, or tract of country, should be made by a punchayet, or otherwise, than according to the general provisions of this Act, it shall be lawful for such Government, subject to the approval of the Governor General in Counc!l, to order that the in- habitants of the said district, town, vil- lage, or tract of country, oF of the said portion of a district, town, village, or tract, any class of such inhabitants who shall be chargeable with such duties, shall be assessed to the duties mention- ed in Schedules J and IT of this Act, or in either of such schedules, by punchayet, or otherwise, than according to the gene- ral provisions of this Act, and according to such mode of assessment as shall be directed by the said local Government, with such sanction as aforesaid, under the tenth part of this Act. LXXXIV. It shall be lawful for the local Government, with such as aforesaid, at any time after the said order shall have been in operation for one year, to rescind the gaid order, or from time to time, to vary the same, and to alter the mode of assess- ment thereby directed. Government may rescind er vary the order from time to time. sanction LXXXV. Before any proceedings shall be had under such Collector to publish such order inthe district before proceedings are taken under it. original order, or un- der any order vary- ing the or in consequence of any such order of rescis- sion, the Collector of the district shall cause such original order, or such varied same, order, or such order of rescission as afore- said, to be published aud notified in and throughout the district, town, village, or tract of country in the man- ner usualin such district, town, village, or tract. said ws sly) bales Ly ptya by red ly ld ope & dam 8) See eh &isyb aly jRs beyke L, cerglasig Ud ymee EasiyS UY Hf gf eg) Ute Uae de EAI yes Syke ghyyh llabwe olys OES Ugigbhe Byte 6 Bp as} © fool Sk url iS Udal Fo yrsh 2 Typed Rered slaks eel nace Laacis Kale! pyc ly Sead Uy ghd pl 9 OS Upsted 99 PY pel & ys Gi is ustly! jk oem & eb) wed ye yy? varselone ty 93 Jy) wd Leh & 32 ENS) | Byyhe ps Bibi. Nyuw skis hye wld Cela Came Yaad 613 ym od as) Use Ue pellptions elie isybie Jyesy isis Sy yl oak Jy $e EQ} pd eed Bp die Cmte * cle Use Sy aS Cw WES] Stays JSS AM ay whi aw Sse > Res) en fiw waSuf 77 OY 3s pst wit § de> upybie os tid) ie g® S5> yytee cw Kany 3 > Ud 9 ut Vas ae dal ys Sat uses Bg? Eyy% Ss AD &ads gf sls S eld yo Sg! pS road éahd & séye ly sad '2 a bes 3S us “9 pS ba goats pe Js! Sulu io\ooew eaghys pation yo! yghtvr y2 G2y ul of Ss! pS vent 9 aye tet oS & adye ened ld Url 9 loi! oS Ps 42 “9 Maske AY daiy- coll pe eu a y uses rf >} id jibe pe BS Sakai SS Slee gril eit toy & bead & ald nays Saute UY prams gle Ug + gP ly SalliyS im eabsl LXXXVI. Every such original or. Orders shall also be pub- der, and areny order lished in the Government varying the same Gazette. and every such order of rescission, shal] also be published in the Government Gazette of the Lieute- nant Governorship, or Province in or nearest to which ‘the said district or town, village or tract shall be. LXXXVIL Whenever any such ori- ginal order, or any Where any such order 9a & sel! abi & Coy Y knead & als yal days after proclamation PETG nd Satta ar om AV eats pest Pbblaie Spare arts 5 oly n4n ust UP ei GT yaad Kane hain ili so} alist C9 bana ty ale itl yaph 5 yenad 99 a sly edge ly bxad ts 53m & sh! fabs spans Jail) lamin ld pli} of oh f pide ae yb ist or GIS cis Jyass > é FE I HOD pew Se pes eyo ace shl se rl BESS ye Ho Gurley & Cesky daydy’ wstyt bn acy) p34 Lai Li, yo) ym AC un E N50 25} ple bSl,s Gillan Sasdats slay” * sol Uses . of order of his unwilling. town, village, or L v7» Gwe ure IL fan stir oa Sif ness to bo asssessed ‘under tract of éon bees a : : : Pie fe sae the ofder, shall not he ract of Coun ry, or OSdin jpSibee ol AA31 as SUR aie 3§ assessed under such order’ UY us but according to general of . the portion or CFS ustsey po L aghast — il 3 Res provisions of Act, quarter ‘of a district els pass wan ls ys Kgs; &. pee Volt} he & wa) ay zis yeals 39! 7) ae Pe) ioe zs y Upaaie us yyScheo oleae u ely dl 6 a tl Som Jae acl tS ts, ua yale yan es Ws d+ olen] bY euleriy dle} $} 9e andy PES ow mire (p97 Saiwe 7 UA Ss ens ofl olan} af Cy» sa} x, asl > 299m 43 hala Ws 3 yf Spe yl gl Lal, ta, &, 5 we $5 weds «SS wm 2) rs aia = E43 yoo ul eprelae pw rds (pl RIS als i) 41 asd aes ps enhow Af yas da 6 pbs) 5 e g9® jaye Seriny sal 5 phe ra fee yd slag yes le cyl 6 parses cnlesiy JLo} yS! west lp x Urluie y yShe aw. ay eo oJ pty 3 dS wiseb} 8 nuts) be eet gel Ut ipe- Na P stam usif on Pas Peli e SIS hy? Gasca %) JS,) &3 lave ese ‘i Fle aaa wel ys pes sf abt aes Anteues ssl shel &3 yr EMS Eriad ssf ly Sabs ts, Fema & (eer) it, gle Ot a wail bilai< f°) L oe L B94 \y grad L eld = (eam Chay a uy? 235? ald Une . 7) c us ve ee le Lily US EL) ar us $4p cpilbe i yo ve Lo, Socrt yt wale J y az we wlaaihid orb wud aS ~ ou of sist J oily 5 Ff orig - us Us us csv? AGI sasle Syart 3 pye od s)yi- vas er utd yale SAN Grama pe Lesbos spa 6 lam . * (Gi Sym ( 208 ) fourth and subsequent parts of this Act provided, as if no order had been made. XCII. If the said Collector shall be Collector, if satisfied, satisfied with any aBs- shall confirm the assess- essment made by ment. such punchayet or persons as aforesaid, he shall confirm the same, and shalk cause to be made as aforesaid, in the said dis- trict, town, village, or tract aforesaid, that he has confirmed the said assess- ment. XC. The assessment so confirmed shall be final and conclusive, unless the same shall be disal- lowed or varied upon proclamation Such confirmation shall be final and conclusive, ex- cept in cases of appeal or fraud. any such appeal or further proceeding as hereafter mentioned, and shall be subject ‘also to be surcharged in case of fraud as in Section LXI of this Act provided. Ss semen Appeals from “sscssment. XOCIV. (1.) If any person charged ‘with the said duties Persons dissatisfied may appeal within days on satisfying Collector that they have prima facie ground of appeal. under any such ass- essment shall be dis- satisfied therewith and shall, within days after the proclamation of the said assessment in the district, town, village, or tract in which he shall reside at the time of the said assessment, (or in case of his being prevented Persons prevented from appealing hy sicknoss oF otherwise shall be allowed exticnded time to appeal. fronvappealing with- in the time by sick- ness or other excuse that shall appear reasonable to the said Collector, within such further e said Collector shall allow any J time as th for that purpose, ) satisfy the said Collec- tor that he ought to be allowed to appeal from the said assessment, Gn which case the Collector shall certify that, to his judgment, the said person ought to be allowed to appeal as aforesaid,) he shall pe at liberty, within the time aforesaid, to appeal from the said assesment. =) ew ugeas cf ls Ss OP ands ees Lisa fro b Cale isle! cob yee yin 3 Lexdss ra3 2 ry gh} 95 cay uphelae ly e237 L bad 8) is ust! Yu hagive ee ay a ape e+! y! wisl & cla) use sh)! balal BF ag gD yybie Gardin Ff baby te ed uly SS Eew peas yt GRU blade da}io Yes Gs £53, 4 Ux! Jdolloic J yo! els J tite pple U Shee Gancuts S Yad Wea | S ty Eg3y crry90 yd SS By byl TIE NE GP Mow gt LZ} 51; Jpaasmre cylo gal 9 "ak LD ySde Uae Vf sid 5 ESI op ( Setepmeest Lebel £5 Spare gems 3,5 3 I ped IM cad Watts on yO] 3) Sie AAS caus > PIS iy 4 nt > isl; Ets) Sy 5) 9 wy rahe Js shad} il Sa E: ols bald ly edge ly apet l gle Pre — iS. 39) — 29> chia 5, Ss CARAS 5 ut ee \ - i. ie 7 ys Ly anal Uric yd 9285 yl ty) wos} ry) x & sigan lene & ypSdeo yrs sig bof Gd o> IS ye che Un} 3 gD ley phate oy 38 § ay Fe ff SS Cale Cesls us (er we py yiels 2 atts =S ine he if > ox us2})5 s IEAM aianl, eS) | 6s {x38 pala vessats af & xa io a es. ; Bye Laat Su} Fs? caalin aS Sl play pls ua! ys} 3. bine dlase on lb a Yh | ee gaeoe is ome | a Wye url pals er. Cy 90 aa Sy tee : Ae se STS! OS al oS fae cmd oS Kad * SP ulin ( 209 ) 9, Where special Commissioners shall Appeal to lie to Commis- have been appointed sioners for special purposes. for the district in which the said person shall have been assessed, such appeal shall lie to the Commissioners for special purposes of the district, 8, Where no such Commissioners shali have been ap- Or where none such have ‘ d ay been appointed to Com- pointe » such ap- artes for general. pur-': peal shall lie- to the Commissioners for general purposes of the said district. XCV. 1. The proceedings upon any Plea Sie appent such appeal shall be shall be according to Part conducted according V, of this Act, el oD to the provision of Part IV of this Act, so far as the same are applicable, according to any regula- tions that may be parsed in that behalf under Section C. of this Act. 2. The persons so appealing shall re- turn all such lists, statements, and decla- rations, and shall do all such acts and things, and shall be subject to the said several provisions in the said Part IV, provided in regard to persons appealing, except so far as the same may be modifi- ed or varied by any special provisons con- tained in any such regulations, in which case the provisions of such regulations shall be observed. XCVI. If, upon the hearing of any uch appea 2 Commissioner, if satisfi- hag eg 1b 1, the said edupon such appeal, shall Commissioners shall "geal eae be satisfied that the Collector has so certified as aforesaid, and shall be of opinion that the said assessment upon the person appealing as aforesaid, is erroneous and excessive, the said Commissioners shall reduce the said assessment upon such person, and shall settle and ascertain, according to the best of their judgment, in what sum the person so appealing ought to be assessed and make an assessment on him accord- -ingly, which assessment shall be final Une ie CR OAC eee fi ites af ae yoo} bytes 5% us? Vases Ss Jyose $ pide wl yisel nclew ror Sie Nn) 53 (yy® pare Gol * ae & 97233 ho ld wi vis yl wylyenad ui? ga u-f i> fv ured pe ol cl piteas a: els al asl P U9? © pyarbe «Se GIS even S dilaie Saf yy Uae yy) Aald $ upd 10 ants ue LAN.) Zo) > Jd av Glee ide ss seo alle yu AD he > CF finin a3}. 8% _S3 * salu Ae E55 Ian es) Jo baby dm Wie Orly By vy U8 at sa 5S Ucleil ., eS et? Jats Riga ot) yi y qwlacis yo aw yd ras a 5 Bh yh ry Smead SF csp? ily 89 oo) =s" wre y> & he, “Ue 63! 5 lace al oh iS 3 EBS 503 Cpl aly ne Glade ew BUS yr vu oP asst & eyes ) uf vols osf3 UAL els sel ue yy? Ul pia amy 2S * Kale Us Yes x § urptins S dah eclen 23, yp $1 14 cade Ry ay? wrnlin os x! a re aS > a9 yy inakd DERE 5g SD 2S) hyo il sl us 3 6g Z-Li 5 lw ble PG end {peas of suis “ul pact ym S$ Bm ey S$ oe stec wyptes ? 2 82hj a ed oy a es p Ue ioe dads etn wu yl “ss 2 0 vege &2 33 oa Gis wail pace 2 ebb eee B85 3 wie (eae Jyom- “eye ls # pee) 5: 2) &2 By C490 8 oy be Sos us} cy Um Ka 9 asle} Shy pcm # @ yyida Une 41 sat — and conclusive, subject only to such sur- charge in the case of fraud as in the 61st Section of this Act is provided. XCVI. If, upon the hearing of any such appeal, the per- son so appealing shall not satisfy the Commissioners that the Collector has so certified as aforesaid, and that the said assessment upon him was erroneous and excessive, his appeal shall be dismissed by the said Commis- sioners; and he shall be liable to be charged by them to the said duties ina sum not exceeding double the amount at which he was assessed under the said assessment. Commissioners if dissatis- fied, shall dismiss the ap- peal, and may charge dou- ble assessment, ROVE 1, tu any such case, it shall be lawful’ for Commissioners to redis- the said Commis-- tribute amount struck off from aggregate assessment sloners to make a pee eins, opportanity ew distribution and i ede a eaaeaoed: ia apportionment, ac- cording to the best of their judgment, of the entire and aggre- gate sum assessed by the said punchayet or persons as aforesaid, among all the persons assessed by them, under the said order of Government, and to vary and increase the amount of assessment upon each of the said persons so assessed as aforesaid. 2. Before the said Commissioner shall finally increase the assessment upon any person who shall not have appealed to them, they shall cause notice to be given to such person to shew cause before them why his assessment shall not be increased ; and such person shall be entitled to be heard before the said Commissioners, in support of the said assessment, in the same manner and subject to the same regulations as persons appealing from assessments are entitled to be heard. 3. Ifsuch person shall not appear to shew cause, or shall not, on appearing, ° shew sufficient cause in the Judgment of “PS! Bees bbl cowl Sidvo - acta s ye y cogg ye S yyiut $ Petree Nites 3 6 yySbe0 pag gf cntlaw ody yp 96) 4V Sais So SG LG gy9y S gyda woiiS sl asa f iP vod SQ TL yard pris EG 3 RIS ble ue sls yy? Ltapand iseel > UAASuAS AS ay yh 8 Sed Gwypoye yl Fm waly wy Ge & shane § yal pe} wits Ural Latind yo) RiayS | pat este WS alle Jyamne 03 pl dod Sal oS Bp ae ME 9d & pido WAS kp ive Space > ¥ 9d 4 thy MPS pte SIN Gypmce Wyo | pad TA bods Miaka 2 )) LAE) ame S Bom Uist 6 plage 2 jaye5 a ya 4S ste! Spare slo i BL Gard GolS.i} lis olduif yo bk euley SI SP yal tS pana g5 pu 3) ye em 9@ Sle NS * Py 2S SLs} yo) Hoy of Jyasn J ee oll eS Sy ttl rf ape PP Sa Urs) chute 5h splat, UyS ashe} Speassve eS nt dee co Cl SD camlin g6if iF GL py} pe Kay Lo el F DS cose aalicdbt Sul Sp Gone S50 ASS st eS OL eye ool pile Gawkass dy aly wdc 9 Ese 329) S ny S acts wef Gols 3 KOS asl voles} piu PASS y cy Ca * Ab aye Extuwe wide cpa ay) SLA) ogy wl i cay Se 6m the said Commissioners against an in- crease of his said assessment, the said * Commissioners shall increase the amount < of his said assessment according to the és best of their judgment. ‘ 4. If any such person shall shew * sufficient cause in the judgment of the '* said Commissioners against any increase ’ of his assessment, the said Commissioners shall confirm his original assessment 5. The assessment so varied and in- creased, or so confirmed by the said Com- missioners, shall be final and conclusive. XCIX. In all such cases of appeal it shall be lawful for SLEGH MEINE te monte oft in incre ibe ap bee iayet or other ody, from whose ass- "f essment the appeal shall have been pre- ferred, or any of them, to attend before F the said Commissioners and to support ~ their said assessment. C. 1. It shall be lawful for the local Government, with ike feitenois “the the consent of the Rewthre arante Governor General in Cae oo Council in that be- half, first had and obtained, from time to time, to ake such regulations as it may deem necessary for the following purposes, that is :— 4 1st—For determining the mode of “constituting the punchayet or other body ‘fof persons employed to make such assess- “ments, and of appointing and removing “the persons constituting the same, and of ‘filling wp Vacancies among such persons. “ 9nd.—For regulating the proceedings of any punchayet, or of any persons who may be employed to make assessment under the tenth part of this Act, and of revising and correcting the same. 3rd.—For enabling the said punchayet _ oF persons making such assessment as aforesaid, when, and if they shall make an " ageregate assessment onthe whole of the "persons chargeable under such assessment, to duly apportion the aggregate sum err alély ern » dyesss aSi eb cat as Kye eal * uy ale} sta! line ay poy ps© og 6 Seay yide ewes x P pad datle ape aS Lyyitied sy29) aital * ure; dim, 5 GHie gacitn J; S Ry © pe kecite J 99 dats Soler Bll S vexats xsreed fos & we 8) SE yp Lyra} foal, yp sential sh 9 2? Jyh rE yt) Suny S Cm it ot * a93% 58m pen ae Sy) I pad [oo bain Jie yy35 laine ly5 lin » gyri Seem de aw £ pas) 2 Ld shai seal nig’ tls | xy #2 eb) Calin ul 5,5 bs, weutesiy Sal S yal nl eat ay Sy gd Glade Gest us Jyas ante Volt} y Le ya! x8 © OG! ye yh ayy? aeons ow eth os L135 6 sa Game yp tas itt BL 9! si * Pe) ue Jac Gilbe S sacl oe L erty Jal ody Uke lel Gat tue 13m E68! pro Juss Gites ya S lk) 0 vases pee T Gros & Spon USS taal * ny? wie S yd Lol Levit, oS oS Loe foe UP yao ee Leeds FS Spams ga oS ass ole2} cla yl “s 2) ais} & wolf Jyem- Pp > Iy> ae gles} Jyase yy BY BF ol Lay py joss iso pew om f sel # pF emmy’ yl par yd S peas ( 212 ) assessed among the several persons in- cluded in such assessment, and to revise and correct such apportionment. 4th.—For regulating the proceedings before the Commissioners upon any ap- peal from any assessment, and for ena- bling such Commissioners upon the allow- ance of any appeal, to make a new appor- tionment and distfibution of the sums assessed. 5th.—Generally for effecting the said assessment, and for all matters properly incidental thereto. 2. Such regulations shall be published in the Government Gazelle of the Pre- sidency, Licutenant Governorslip, or Province, in or nearest to which the said district, town, village, or tract of coun- try shall be situated ; and shall also be published and notified by proclamation in the said district, town, village, or tract, in the manner usual therein. 3. Such regulations, when so publish- ed and notified, shall be binding on the several persons who shall have been assessed under such order, and shall, as to such persons, have the force and effect of law. CI. The sums assessed under Part X of the Act shall be Sums assessed shall be Pe i * d paid under the general pro- pat at the time an stator this K ais : visions of this Act, except in the manner pre- where the manner of pay- ment is varied or modified uy 1 tas -bider oh Got eis scribed in the general aa provisions of this Act, except so far as the said order shall postpone the time, or modify or vary the manner of payment, in which case the said sums shall be paid at the time and in the manner directed by the said order. CII. . Upon any assessment being , made under Part XI Tho general remedies and : . provisions of this Act shall of this Act, the seve- apply to persons assessed ya] provisions of this under Part XI. . Act relating to the recovery of the duties aforesaid, and the remedies in respect thereof, and the pe- nalties and forfeiture for any refusal or ct pied kako del yd ae peu UP lest, eS Saf y! 5S pases aos cs Al tig agl bea Shay aes 2 Ak f a : ees et yaassee Jagl gyplaie Leys oF ot stat 15S gyi ys predld gh yu St gS Gwe Comal ‘ Spares parcinns anh yb le Zz (asc ul Sire z il ye 822 ur 3 rand Ul Be wht oui a oe ad tae See eSiter dsyi:8 EAU aly i atS Senet Ome Casyt » he Cae ONT ay 49° do 2) Balad £09 y wtp ly Spach i Gin) Bilas Meh got LRAT cas yde pallsd ty gol gh 8 ot Ah ae Gey ee & hs al gh & Lia le hs pie Ne vw Boyd ord} nat, 2 woes) élax i y sl uit ac Brisiy,$ JS 5) es pea ayn > elypem & Sp Lule fof aay Url uy® Se SF S&S Sikais Ny) 05 re yy uit A! eye ailin ge US Sor BS yyb of ery] Ss 2 diy | pees, fA spd wdya sv | % sD NyD yyhe pre S50 p& 9> GP le pia Glee Gera US om oh ad Ga se - er: us eK! url 65} 5 a re) eke ue 5S leoe ey oe se S550 7 wo) parse naa whl , 28 Jas WIG) ow Unasd 5 Kat 5 eth Sate 6 py) Lleol of yum aye ote ay by neglect to comply with any of the regula- tions of this Act, shall extend to the persons go assessed as last aforesaid, and the property of sac persons. —_—_—_ Parr’ X11. Exemptions and Deductions. CIII. Any person who shall charged or charge- able to any of the duties granted by by assessment, or be Exemption of persons whose ineome is less than 209 Rupees yearly. this Act, either by way of deduction from any rent, an- nuity, interest, or other annual payment to which he may be entitled, or shall have paid the same, either by deduction or otherwise, and who shall prove before the Commissioners for general purposes, in the manner hereinaft:r mentioned, that the aggregate annual amount of his income, estimated according to the seve- ral rules and directions ofthis Act, is less . than Rupecs 200, shall be exempted from the said duties, and shall be entitled to be re-paid the amount of all deductions or payments on account thereof, in the manner hereinafter directed, except so much of such duties as the person claim- ing such exemption shall or may be en- titled to charge against any other person, or to deduct or retain from, or out of any payment to which such claimant may be or become liable. CLV. Any person who shall becharged or chargeable as aforesaid to any of the duties granted by this Act, or shall have paid the same either hy deduction or otherwise, and who shall. prove befove the said Commis- -sioners, in the manner hereinafter pre- ecribed, that his total income from every source, although amounting to 200 Ru- pees or upwards, is less than 500 Rupees -for the year of the assessment of his pro- ‘fits or gains, shall be exempted and re- lieved from the whole of the duty of 1 Exemption of persons from the duty of 1 per cent. from excess above 2 per cent., or 3 per cent. daty , whose income is less than 500 Rupees annually. td joie st & # yy? ciy® asada wy nacmve yw Xyyie was = Lee By 59 3} Of +h cats Pea) Jya- a5 aut le 98 GH ok apd a \y a ;'> US Usa x Seaalc ous ldn 25) tity gL a 3 Ss Ly oye & ek> gam Olly & parse giaar ly ee aS > yd ead Sol sige aa 18) x. Saale ae &r2- me bate Leos bLishe ky ve x up alk yy ye a3 ag 3) 52 afr e yeh i 6339} ip od > ak is Lye Vie ELSI hm ybho uy Spase alot yy Sd Yott i ow of 0°) X23 16) oy Sa elt urd’ & Bh NOR Qa soe Nol ue ao yy ARS &§ Kye co y (Lab) us ee3y? Naceged poet ie gee hi a 52 jae K Be: Rema) a> ed fe. cas re ger = the -, . Kas Uys une! 3 f+ bats ae ts Ja ssl Syyin wilase ya Lochs usta bay dp cies Ly 9? pis vryine’ Dyin) +5) 3% bs erdyese $ S ey fel yl ee gd spi= Sig, ee 2 eu tthe ek eros yh er 3 ae L Ae +2 & Adee, aed * ois pled vie ee soa: oload UL Se Pe Se Ens S Oe gk 7 ahem see dpe coil yo Lem Pos “es use vas nes RNS) | pe usd b> soi we Py wt, Beet) WH y0 os yaaa 3 Kya, uy JL, > ne pie Rv) PIAS) | uy Na} ples 530 Ss ra oles o> eed wile w LS LS 55 3 §,> Lacie yy itl Nim wu ries Ty Willey gr Lyle &S Glee > slic ® 1, Jy+5 sok; BY » Si0 ace » atin yl 3 Bor fof gla fas Koa (Gane Kk cola 85 +. ( 214 ) Rupee in every 100 Rupees for local pur- — poses, mentioned in the 2nd Section of this Act, and from so much of the duty of 3 Rupees in every 100 Rupees assessed upon, or paid by him, under the Ist Section of this Act, as shall exceed the rate of 2 Rupees for every 100 Rupees of his profits; and shall be entitled to be repaid the amount of all deductions or payments en account of the said duty of 1 per cent., or of the excess of the said duty of 3 per cent., from which he shall be so exempted as aforesaid, except as in the last preceding Section of this Act is excepted. CY. 1. The exemption and relief in the said Sections res- Claims for exemption in a : the preceding 80th Sec- pectively mentioned tion mentioned, and pro- : ceedings thereon shall be Shall be claimed and determined before Commis- : sioners for general pur- proved, and all pro- at ceedings . thereupon shall be had (except in the case provided forin Section CXIV of this Act,) before the Collectors and Commissioners for ge- neral purposes in the district where the claimants shall reside (whether such claimant shall be personally char ged in such district or not). 2. Such exemption shall be proved, and such proceedings shall thereupon be had pursuant to and under the powers and provisions by which the duties in Sefe- dule II are herein directed to be ascertain- ed and charged, and subject to the rules and directions hereinafter contained. CVI. Every person claiming to be entitled to such ex- Persons entitled to such : ro exemptions shall deliver to emption or relief as ine ts, ae wre. aforesaid shall, with. = in the time to be limited, as herein before dixected for do. livering in the lists, declarations and statements required by this Act, or within such further time as the Collector or Commissioners respectively shall, for special cause assigned, allow, deliver, or cause to be delivered, to the Assessor of the district where such claimant shall re- side, a notice of his claim for such exemp- tion, together witha declaration and state- yl rs é nee or Jpam+ weal > ose ; Bayh ugat iz re cya uk ya sls} ; pee ye “a werd yy! PSY Grobe 889 5 095) 2 Casly red Sig # figd S waly pam tle 8 ory U6 yak Kilaie ike gy® us ahd ep S18 carts cspte s wf aba; ls sh; so! gle BS el Soe us od & | * el ob vals ve | ' f DiS 33 ey? ged enldl af & oi if ust 5 bit yy y col bas} onl cnjley éla,le erly aly r re ee ae LaDy Lo whip 3)! sJ,5 codiolys _y! us? Ap Usui y * 23) ur Ure bs Sos Sie Gi 88 Wey ge S Gadd ye 14 eats 9 W'S olen uswl as vs pid 9m 0cUs9e0 6M, pes uses wt, 1 3) yy “woke nai y) Urry Jal pe gh. PE? use we de S sin 20! &jplka YS srosity old Syms lately ya SS dope cla Stel Spe ead oly iF lhe S (yi tsb yjueais bias 4) ust yt i, ona aay os !_9780 152 Es! pyreeae) 9 Giles S$ Boas gal al fais ah te ODS caitye ohyaily - ashe US pays ets bos Jats yp pie Sy ne Ce S$ . ra > & eal ae a y> Jair he oad 31 iil pole, 5 ise] ch y! oe he Ss oye Site rs Meh Nba Oye 3) cL! 2p Weel cs war eh pr bla bo 1 soa i” Wagate rs PS teais J 152 yt og » chief ment signed by such claimant, and in such form as may be provided under the authority of this Act, declaring and _sct- ting forth therein all the particular sources, from whence the income of such claimant shall arise, and the particular amount arising from each source ; and also every sum of annual interest or other annual payment reserved or charged | thereon, whereby the income shall or may be diminished ; and also every sum which such claimant may have charged, or may be entitled to charge against any other person, for or on account of the duty made payable by this Act, or which he may have deducted or retained, or may be enti- tled to deduct or retain under the authori- ty of this Act, from or out of any payment to which he may be or become liable 2. Every Assessor shall be at liberty to peruse and examine and to take copies of, or extracts from, every such declara- tion and statement under the like powers as in other cases. CVII. The Assessor shall transmit such notice, declara- tion and statement to the Collector, and if the Assessor shall not object to such declaration within forty days after such transmission, or within such further time as the said Col- lector, on just cause, shall allow to him to make such objection, and if the said Collector shall be satisfied with the jus- tice of the said claim, the said Collector shall allow such claim of exemption or relief; and shall discharge, either wholly, or to the extent of such excess as afore- said, as the case may require, the assess- ment made upon any property, or profits, or income of such person within the dis- trict of the said Collector. CVI. If it shall appear to the said Collector that any property or profits Agsessor to transmit such statement to Collector, who shall allow the same, if not objected to by Assessor. Property of persons claiming such exemption in any other district shall be exempted on the certificate of the Collector, or by the revenue authority of the district. of such person is or are assessed, or liable to be assessed in any other district, the ilk. 3> Ss Jyass , a8 ae a ame 3 Gs mes oe & as ys we hics oe Spoil, las =e 29s 38h cous £ Naigg2a of ety ume & yp * KY RNS) Aree ne — 592 j23/—.a, bad s Rs Ks # gd As 5 Wee sal i ; ) Be user wl LK f at joe's ys! i woes Mie yase! 3 f » 1 sks) 5! alse . ee Loons) y usp * aw ue i & ay les} pati 5) Ves a Ba £0 , § 4h yl s yy 3 aye shy pal 10) 34 es 30) le av Ji)! 26 je LS S yids Spier &m, at DiC gd a EE Al, on Res) is ada Nw ates i be on wired & WAL uses ey Sts yy! ey v ee) Ay Fagg ja Eisen 10) Sty 3 yd yes ~ asyt sloses we Slain Kamien Jj-ame ys! KS , pgbie ys ; a 6 cL Cems Cems ioe! & x rome L Kas wiles Jb 5 ls use here 3 slé : em lie Moat > es 3 ONS ys we a vege ur) € & 51pm Joey tous ov SAS gm EAs F SSa SIE +h ands’ nt ws, ws sly (amde lems ke & soils? 15 Jakes 3 £ ds 5 PES Varnes 5) oy ie. p> oS, exes busy 39 rides ty i smoipiye afl A) sie] pate EASis haw ésla3 35 Ss ale! SS we es Savy J pl= yl als bs jigs WSR SL) jlikcle yw < Non Se Byes eel cine pl Nhe oa ? ( 216 ) said Collector shall certify to the chief revenue authority of the Presidency, Lieutenant Governorship, or Province, in ' such forms as shall be provided under the authority of this Act, the allowance of such exemption; and the said last men- tioned chief revenue authority shall direct the assessment made upon any property or profits of such claimant, in any other district, to be discharged, either wholly or to the extent of such excess a sforesaid, as the case may require; and the same shall be discharged accordingly. CLX. In case the Assessor shall ob- ject to any such If Assessor object to claim as aforesaid in such exemption, the same are F shall be determined by writing, suggesting Commissioners for general 5 ie purposes. to the said Collector that he has reason to believe that the income of such claim- ant, or any other particular required by this Act to be declared or set forth in such declaration and statement as afore- said, is not truly or fully declared or set forth therein in any specified particular, or in case the Collector shall not be satisfied with the justice of such claim, then and in such case the se of such claim for exemption or relicf shall be heard and determined ar “a Com- missioners for general purposes, under and subject to such rules, regulations, and penalties, as appeals under this Acé are directed to be heard and determined, CX. If such claim shall be allowed on appeal as afore- Tfallowed an appeal, the 5 5 Commissioners for gencral Sid, the said Com- hae = jesne. certifi. snigsiohers for gene- ral purposes shall grant and issue such certificates as afore- , and give all necessary directions, consequent on such exemption and relief, CXI. 1. Ifitshall be proved to the satisfaction of the On prodf that persons Pie exemption have Collector or of the been charged with duties east & the deduction from any Commissioners for annuity, dividend, and rent, tee Commissioners to rant gencral purposes re- certificate thereof, which . fuall authorize the Collec. Spectively, that any tor to repay the amouat of person whose claim such dutios. u , for exemption or Jgza sy KyS yale > tye pide ustel a5) ie & alate SF gd uit ht ale ya E33 a fois b JUS, LI 58 1,2 Gadus # its Lg este 2 € *y0 Laas bi 1m S345 sat; in wtlar 92 3x? se 2 3 jist Syasse 55 apis 4 Wyla WY Kenge Coys cial 3 ySe] Gt anand Ry {+9 caty aS SSNS pete nd inl £ RS Qe ogee yloayes _soal es pel. cr ae yey 7 Pe: rs) b cs tal 35 Se x3 Bla oS eye b ce bits NS) ot pw ely Usp ee uM bts L us ® sid ure eal) ead yl = oe ot Ep prt & tinb! & soo, $ o9e8 oe RL 4 eSy-= Akin pol Roy > al = ae ue at bine elf nl oy &) >) rol phil 3! ols ail ny) aie, sis Sl ude hac Wand yaa is § yyy 4 # Oe a esd 9! & pave WS SH! ee hy! es & is ots a wh). sx fl { [> dads cian > 3s ple oe adad yi a LAS yylaie Sy Boks iS)? hs yy! SG el ein EGS wlabeaS Sow, =) alo y! Sr} 52 sy bie ache > UIs gle ye BIS db ogeb| comm el 2 Gf Seo [$f gay Ul S ain Song 6 dejal ‘ tuaS ly shely 3) a Jor is uszes co > ei JSm NS) ByyRe ed, SUN a, ae es : a eles Jae pide Cosas est re pms yes & oye S> 3 J5<5 3 pl 1G; ys &5 uses Bilaie des, s 8 Sysco ee ea ol ae by ae qelief has been allowed in manner afore- said, has been charged to, and has paid any of the duties hereby granted by way of deduction from any rent, annuity, inter- est, or other annual payment to which he may be entitled, and from which a dedae- tion ig authorized to be made by this Act; or that sach person has been ass- essed and has paid such duties in respect ofany interest, annuity, dividend, pension, or stipend payable to him out of the public revenue; then and in such case it shall be lawful for the said Collector, or for the Commissioners for general purposes to what shall have been so proved before them to the chief revenue autho- rity aforesaid, by a certificate in such form. as shall be provided under the authority of this Act, specifying and des- cribing the amount and the particular nature of the payment out of which, and the name and place of abode of the per- gon, by whom such deduction as afore- gaid shall have been made, and specify- ing also the amount and description of the annuity, dividend, pension, or stipend, in respect of which such claimant has been assessed, and the duties whereon he has paid. g, Thereupon the said last mentioned revenue avthority shall issue to such claimant an order for the re-payment to him of the amount of the duties certified to have becn paid as aforesaid or of the excess of the said duties certified to have been so paid as aforesaid, as the case respectively, certify may require, and such order shall be directed to such officer of revenue as shall be appointed in that behalf by the said chief revenue authority, and shall au- thorize and require the re-payment of the said duties, or of the said exccss, as the case may be. 3 The same shall accordingly be re- paid by such officer on production and de- livery to him of such order, taking the re- ceipt of the party entitled by endorsement on such order. » iF “{ . = 52 9-7 os uw) ie Ute 3 i \n Lose ie ae = mes ete ye) wiped & ras Lhe E792 url ~ une Powe. oye 3) “3 13) a mh 2 vile Q oh urs ale 1¢) oye 8 ie Bea) ee E.G ba bxlad cf high js oa > sly el Wes yee aa 2S) ew’) gy297 SII posi sy) SOA Bes saad aia Sa pst oy? > gail ae ‘ x! y2 US LS 22, Jy ay kt OM y eS, s sit e9 Wasa athe te “ rm “My 4 - ery) vl 18) es oh> re) ore ur} pod yom S52 eps Jpase ewe bk ces us? > Je ec unk 3? es Us J3*5 vs ust Ma as > bi # sth Sy) S SST appere gebel Ji pila $ EGS bal wan ylake V aage ol AVS Cay'y pate Sh baled yclt| dom y3 gS es [eres & I; je 1) Jj-osue yey ce irae RASS Epi le yynte Cem Se yl LS isle ue G> S ago ge |p ye Ugla Wt US Jin sblat opt ys ae cl aw yb S gglel amyo Je b yess & Se culos us ul a5 Oe he 23 my oF saiggts 4 yey 28} Uz S ypu jclal ySd— ho eae FT ores & este Wale Sel yl ode rl yl Kyle Ge Laily TY dlais 085 Jpame Saw hE ye 29d nil Satay > ee Ut + file 9 WS = | ( 218 ) CXH. The annual value of ‘the pro- %. perty, or of the pro- Income arising from pro- b ; perty how to be estimated fits, or income of the with reference to claims for : : exemption. nature described in Schedule I or Sche- dule II of this Act respectively, of any per- ; - . : a eh son claiming the said exemption, shall be estimated for the purpose of ascertaining his title to such exemption according to the rules herein contained, relating to the said Schedule I and the said Sche-’ dule TI respectively. CXMI. Co-parceners, joint tenaiits, or tenants in com- mon of, and persons having joint or un- divided interests in the profits of any property whatever, and any joint tenants of lands and persons jointly holding lands in partnership or otherwise, and entitled to the profits thereof in shares, and any partners ‘carrying on trade or exercising any profession together, and entitled to the profits thereof in shares, may severally claim such exemption and relief according to their respective shares and interests in the manner before directed, and such claims being duly proved to the satisfac- tion of the Collector or Commissioners to whom the same are made, may be pro- ceeded upon as in the case of several interests. “oint tenants, &c. may severally claim abatements, exemptions. (To be continued.) M. Wy, Clerk of the Council. used cme tld Us FIT ay gin alata Up) le ewe S$ ey 19.5900 a_\Bhaad ym 50 euley iF ole ol 5 as # _ Ab od iS Glad a f yrs Sf ye US yin ge >) up atl. wl Iyean ffi &s3$ ; vilal yf pie Y ,,! USI REN, wee S sHoly oC 4 ol spf aS Spite lela} celt ot ym Sy Uae lal yp 64),) FSG ES) pty gam 5 vole} § 2S yl yl ett ae CEPI yt IS pha sous araany allie Bt a Lrasly us Bax sof cain asi) sit! bydy » uy LAY uso & os) ols y! eyy iL wire abies WIS Gael) sats ope eyd BHR Tybee Kae cre gel gay slo A ‘; BP He BL le te Sapte | : (rif aig 3b ) sy pl Unis eel ume US ot ‘Abie A.W, Wotxastox, Of9. Govt. Translater. PRINTED AT THE GOVERNMENT PRESS” P. ALLAHABAD. ~ GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, hh NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES, Vou. IIL. No. XxI] ALLAITABAD: TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1860. ca yer oly a EVANS dh SG TP OS cage he ms B Sein atiot lin a te = ORDERS BY HIS Honor THE LIEUT, “ech GOVERNOR OF THE NORTH Glas we yy9° Sn iiial wy wus WESTERN PROVINCES. idles 3 isi f 4 NOTIFICATION. « eh Yas Jopicran Department. Sse bayo No. 1103 A. (at) fr ye rae bd Baw use = Ju, Aad Sead Eg aco Bivla wale nus Camp Nynee Tal, the 8th May 1860. Privilege leave of absence, for three months, Sy pi! is granted to Mr. M. Brodhurst, Joint Magistrate al Gnge ops ug diess ust Ey ned S yl of Saharunpoor, from the date on which he may | ow ol kha. Cag ass? red ye ge avail himself of the same, bo ’ ee tes a 0 ee OS SS eS ee eee Oe ee lee ae 492 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT ¢ No: LUG ae Mr. F.S. Wigram, Joint Magistrate and De- puty Collector cf Etah, is appointed to officiate as Magistrate and Collector of Bijnour. Nowlin A. Privilege leave of absence, for one month, is granted to Dr. D. Hood, Civil Assistant Sur- geon of Boolundshubur, from the date on which he may avail himself cf the same. : No. 1124 4. The Sth May 1869. Mr, C. R. Lindsay is appointed to be Magis trateesand Collector of the district of Purrucka- bad, with effect from the 2ad April last. No. 1127 7A. Mr. H. M. Chase is appointed to be Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector of the Ist grade, and posted to the district of Mynpooric, with effect from the Ist mstant. No: 1182.4. The following officers are appointed to be Joint Magistrates end Deputy Collectors of the 2nd grade, and posted to the districts opposite their names :— Mr. A.C. Barnard, & Mr. 1. D. Willock, 4 = ~« Ba, 1135 Ave = One month’s Ieave of absence, under Section 12 of the amended absentee rules, is granted to Mr. G. E. Watson, Joint Magistrate and De- from the date on hei jchan poor, puty Collector of Meerut, which ‘he may avail himself cf the same. Ne. 1147 A. The \ith May 1&60. Privilege leave 6 OLA ; LOT oye months, under Seciton 12 of the cae rules eranted to Mr. W. Biunt, Joint Ricictcato Re Deputy Collector of zillah Cawnpoor, fro the daic on which he may avail himseif of tlic same. No. 1154 A. The 12th Jay 1860. Mr. A. C. Lyall, Assistant in the» Bareilly district, is granted three months’ leave of ab- gence, under Section 12 of the rules, from the date on which he may avail himself of the samo. No; 4162 A. The \4ti May 1860. Mr. W. BR. Benson. Joint Magistrate and De- puty Collector of Kirwee, in zillah Banda, is appointed to Magistrate and Collec- tor of Banda, as a temporary arrangement from the 9th ultimo, the date on which he reccived charge of that office from Mr, Mayne. GAZETTE. (uu Ny { f { x yh (Ens hans Eigls wotle 8 uel way y! Buyyiame el ae & yh ra | yids Se | | +e (CBI) (449 yeas yu fee seevera| Jy» ere be S52 uss pile aye andy my yt acl ies 25 linge mS) ssl a us sd slate Coe ht Ley gw * 2592 NAR aa (at ) ai L { ae * Siw a ¢ uP ey furs & ol ie a GES Uy i %) 39) S;m ype RR ok Kygle tS ri ( .3)} YVATV. yas a gy) Eayiuczre aie rate . am ) eis Pod US tle es y $5 aye uy \ b> yes lace ok RO nas Ewe) “ ” ” 4 sh ( UP IPP yes 2 4 Erighe xsee yy) Ups dlaake wl last 2 on x5? 9) wie ee &>)3 ae i325 3 user oe) Ulin S thin) ail > Js BA: ehhh us fla * pd y94') byw qeale Spy? Cg wel * ee i ‘yasale wale BSED) ess é! . (2) ) { in ye Sean Case Cale yall Gh ge Bane ye ue {P dats cpise yf &@yae y dy a e? i Ppol Gaye uy! sakes kre (Awe 8 a39% Ordinae on) && J! jena eo ee CURT) PIPV yas ; EVAN © cin a if ss yo) Ea Rein vial wsslo “a nad Awad yselyd ff SS 5: eee se Lena yet aw 23 j linger go golexe Wag 255d Oahime pw ups sa) Lia CY TF e al / EVN kien ec wy fs 2 es CAA ome wale Jd sa ca! ae 3 a A a J Fy wre uss Axe nay Sneaky delys [Po a onl sili bon Can isiy® rads ye gy ee * ie (caliph TTF yaad EVN Rie uh {~ ne S yh arian Griaslas corel j phd pais} yy'e2 wds'p ald oy Pe & ease Ria Ball aac Fi Py pee SUD® yh ROS yg) Sng ace ap K sil) gl 497 that is to say, on the 9th day of August 1960, | from which date interest on the said bills will cease to accrue. : No. 37. The 10th May 1860. As the object which the Government has in | view in calling in the Treasury Bills which are now in circulation appears to be greatly misun- derstood, and as an apprehension appears to exist that it is intended as an indirect: mode of creating new loans, the Government decms it needful to issue the following explanation. On the 20th of April 1859, under Notifica- _ tion, No. 98, difive-and-a-half per cent, loan was * opened, Iimited to five crores, upon certain con- ditions : And it was understood that the Govern- ment would open no new loan before the first of May 1860; and which understanding has been strictly adhered to. That loan was closed in the ordinary way on the t4ith of February last. But there still remained open the issuc of Treasury Bills in the two forms under the Notification, No. 34, of the 80th of April 1859, of indefinite duration and amount; and which, as long as such an issue lasted, acted as a continual and unlimited means of bor- rowing on the part of tho Government, and of absorbing money from the market. Tt was the desire of the Government, afier the closing of tho five-and-a-half per cent. loan, also to close all other means by which the Treasury could borrow moncy, and therefore by Notification, No. 83, dated the 27th ultimo, notice was given that money would cease to be received for the purchase of Treasury Bills, and that this means of creating debt would be elpsed. But it became necessary to consider how to deal with the amount of bills in cireulation, which thus constituted a portion of the public debt, and it was decided that the amount being in this Presi- Tw very small, only about 23 lakhs dency, and 59 lakhs for ali other paris of India, including all the diferent classes of Treasury Bills; te. 3 pie bills, and 2% pie bills Nos. 1 and 2; the owners should have the choice of converting them into a permanent stock, or of receiving their money as the bills fell due. An option is given to them to take four per cext., five per cent., oF sre-and-a-halfper cent. stock, subject to the same ditions of repayment, as applied to those several stocks, which have already been closed ; but at sucha, price as the Government shall fix. terms as regards the time and con- ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Zz PAN g a gs 6 foe e23 unl ssulig Kyla UF Ja} 4s “ gr, Ld zh oy PV ye EVMI= Exw~ us {+ 4 = * ° “ss i x see Be a9 yas url Sie 8S lea 3} ss a ‘ le aB cig cele sit gyi Ses a: PERS 5) x i . rls é 9 2 yar 258 ats (olde al. yates yt OS Uw JAS us® yoo Us? Nee Sis 645 LSs! Waue J * u® se we wee greys &s PAS ead URED alles 5S SIADT tin Gat fi BAW yy! skp PNP Lgdgw onde soy cS} else sy! (5 152 us > S12) yk err dV Kagyy 9950? deg a EVM tg ote 62 SAG US bs xem of ist S$ y32y Cel yo! rgd ole ore 62 OS Gils jbo ees Jar he Und Gye ye oh esis 1S Us os rb S usjy8 IM Syke cbyle pied ART Bp yee Bipad g9 yD Giles Gyn 2 lay M325 yy) la) on Wb gf NOG cho sya! Po caste FP" SI SERS co yal SF yl 2) ig! jie S i) e's sired oloed oy? J) G so 2,5 fazyd US Gyo ° A259) ciawly 5 ohn 9 aly useke yo fo = ust £453 5S Agi so'yt by 6 rind y9S rca) a at) a mo ulaxe silt yy Shy ¥jSaev Nt? sal Le PP dy Sw okey 629 5 ype eal BASS syle FV bea 53 ya fete ye eka) Ey yoo a 6 Slyar Sage) ae. oly 8S a wo uss Ebb! 8 else Sk, b 8 Sly Kyla Ld Gad Te % Kya, 3,3, 633 SST ye S Tye ayo BS pF yt seh rl elit om a hs v LA = ts Boe Sug Py~ 847 H pol 3 ol Ue Sy tS nt Pec Man snc 8 use ieee “2 32 ced a he WSLS med SF = — coders Cte alt ald Of ugh f ofoad Wa ‘s cg eS dowel S a e + ba ut? Upkmtdeso8 3 y! ba - ‘e SUFI ld Gas opts of pl od a0 yah ux fio ——Lay 5) 1 yaa sel cera Sle eh at ea otyw ali ui By comand ys SF Soe 38 De ttle aS Aan — ge r Shea! de es vied S439) S ay ed) ty rat, = cs penetlyg aS od LS bs Lkd1 § pige Soil 2 glen ye xp we A Pope ke i etal ly SySew Ps) ust Eri easy get Sutiol se S bil; yf bis ul pad uty ela us? piaic ae gmt cl yf 4 egy? ype er Ghat S ge Lay Dele yp cass ee 498 It must be plain that by this option given to #he presont holders of Treasury Bills, theGovern- mont does not add to i's entire debt or abstract any money from the market: while, by the ar- rangement, the Government closes the Treasury agaiust any furthor borrowing. All that is now dono is to convert a debt, for payment of which the Government might be called upon, at short nad uncertain times, into one of a more fixed and permanent character, as certainty is essential to the economical management of the public finan- ces; such conversion, however, to take place entirely at the option of the holders, and pro- vided they ave willing to give such terms as the Government think fair to the public: cther- wise they will be paid off in cash, So far therefore from this operation being in- tended as a new mode of indirectly raising loans, it is adopted. as a plan of effectually closing all the existing means open to the Trea- sary of borrowing money ; which will be made moro apparent when it is stated that the Go- vernment has no intention of coming upon the Indian Money Market for loans of any kind whatever, whether in the shape of Treasury Bills, or in any other form, during the current financial year ending the 30th of April 1861. ee No. 389, The With May 1860. Resalution.—With reference to the Financial Resolution of the 7th Apzil, regarding the new systom of Wstimate, Bulgot, Accounts and Aulit, it is necessary to considor how the details of the soveral movures involved therein may ba practically carried out, and how the principles prevailing in England may be adopted to the existing circumstances of Departments in Inia, A Committee will, therefore, be appointed, con- sisting of the following geatlemen, to consider the abovo points generally, viz :— Mr. C. H, Lushington. Hon'ble E. Drummond. Mr. R. Temple. In considering the main points, the Commit- tee will enter into such details as they may find necessary, Among the matters for considera- tion, will be the manner in which the specific sums sanctioned in the budget should be placed at the credit of the various expending Depart- ments; the mode in which such expeniture should be accounted for to the local Acoun-_ tants ; the mode in which the local Accountants ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. partment, namely, that conducted by the Au- dit Department in local Government, be considered ries a8 soon as PRENA $ lyS Us lle 48 Be ably Cy cs? ES ay Udy) Saag) Sob; Ge Ei S eis ays ttl us IS Big) ew Shu hy ye yt ad 83 vty of ES Bw psiat pf acdy ih GS, W350 cae £'_,J »)| ws ies ute sl atu ss ped ts CST dye oS Bye lola aces cy lal yy! EL! We yo Baioiy 6 seals Mish Sonim dys Le pile dork tonal BUS Klar St osttaysd —® Sa 1) jae tephee cl! Purector) o> aye p Kail esse et eK diIiS soef au oP dy! Joly af ay Bye yo) 2 sla y® Ioag ws sku yy WP Hise dye S Up ybille ily & ult std rend 93 Cn) cf Sp yee yy ely sas , ut! 9 Ig pplen Wwlin SS tials ae gylthes bass] &y2 &S ar cise ely &43 3h ue %» 2, ish S Oda keys OS) cewly dha uh! Wyo erie be, van UG! 2 4f usP yap us dol Sy be 53! a> gD Sy dane vie Siti VS &é5 3 A Lad on _ Sate NE seks css Sw cml yy bi. GJ Les? a SAD wala Ake Bye es ro) GIS OL Biot) nate Seb y3 Sw | | ce gt ute PS Giga SY should account to the Andit Department in Cals cutta ; the manner in which the audit should be constituted, and the detailed rules by which it should be guided in the execution of its functions, The consideration of tho Committes will be primarily directed to all Departments and in all Presidensies gaye those imnediately per- taining to the Military Service. But the Com- mitte® will observe whatever resolution may be passe relative to the Military Finance Depart- meat, the Commitec’s attention will be specially givon to all Civil Departments, to the Postal, Telegraphs and Marine Departments, &e, And as there will be but one Audit for each De- aleutta, it will be necessary that the future duties and designation of the Officer now called Givi] Auditor under each The Committee wil] Proceed with their enqui- practicable, communicating their wrogress 9 & inter i i : ¢ nas Agi intervals to the Financial ranch o ¢ Su 7 i preme Gover ament, and will, Port on the detailed at the close, submit a re proposals they may make, aeko No. benz, ! Tho services of Surgeon John Naismith, of the Qnd Punjab Iafaatry, having been placed at the disposal of this Govorameat, lis Honor the Lieutenant Governor has be gen pleased to ap- | point him to officiate as Civil Surgeon of Bona- res, and as Superintendent of the Central Pri- son at that station, during the absence of Dr. | Cheek, or until further orders, No, 632 A. The 13h May 1869 The undermentionod officer reported his de- parture to Harape, on the date specified opposite his name. Mr. Wilmot Lang, Joint th ; ; Nubia, 5th May Magistrate and Deputy 2 Collector of Allygarh. \ 1860. Revence Department. No. 410 A. Camp Nynce Tal, the 12th May 1860. Gopal Singh, Deputy Inspector of Schools, is appointed to officiate as Deputy Collector at .Saugor, during the absence of Mr. Goodall, or until further orders. No. 416 A. Three months’ leave of absence, under Sec- tion 7 of the uncovenanted leave rules, is grant- ed to Oulad Fiossein, Deputy Collector of zillah Dumoh, from the date on which he may avail himself of the same. =o Genera DeranTMENT. T {ro * = Wo. 472 A. a Camp Nynce Tal, the Oth, May 1860. Privilege leave of absence, for one month, 18 D ? granted to the Revd. Mr. Cowie, Chaplain of areilly, from the date on which he may avail himself of the same. ‘ No. 44 A. Nynee Tal, the ith May 1880, Privilege leave of ae’ for one month, is granted to the Revd. W. Simpson, Chaplain of Agra. Ago 469 A. Erratum.— SEE nof this Department, No. 242 A. da xted 16th March 1660, for 12th, read 6th January. 2 mace iS'3 ne P ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. rai Cul) TWP ass R . - > .&snwn Lie owatlue Z ‘y AS eskat p95 eli L pire) wry td + , ow SS mG ?& 3 wily! woke RSA 50 wralo lad i Us O yh ja Brg. he : me Oy) SASS) ed pa o ay ia lassye ir 2S aa cond > BM, ey? aA gy S say Elo} * \, D &} 1, S Py os A J.Min {AY *oiw a € Gis tm OA os Sus lo a ety: Pe La dKkle sh, sy) Enz Saas le bane ( wil} ) il se ye ESNY* kin we PP SU iad Baas ae pS G lke skaeaail | FS Kein Sls,S SiS pUagd Jo Ka yuo BY Cato Sa,$ # $)D yyke yl yeas (isl 514 shed Vv Sars lee aS, Spas ele yicls is 3 epimee 33} usslase Wena hy By rhee yah oh aja too sels = of a 4 jie Se = =o oe ay ey? a Linges ws se Ay 4 ~ 35> Oe Dime a un & bare &F Ae (wath ) jean pres Nie act 5 eae . EVAN* shaw TA ales 3 _bsd Wea ot = 4 = xe, ad Siew us oe CASS 5 = eee usar Las le oy S isysy oe Ne ad Fada het a Sf isslne * 2.55" sfesidae a al I} nee) es ’ (BS) IAP al EPAS> thaw he Hf 1S gee ee - Cee y faa yaa wale (esau 4:8 Los td * 33m oe ! LY eis) thinned itd Vinge r SI usclase Ae | shales 2 “ fF yas 83 Bice E310 shede 2h aed oe Las af SAASo : _ =i ent ee GIONS copie (Lal) AMS UGESING yah ' : BS MG Syke TV Ob WI ois TF CUA ie ” isle BAIS a ese: \ Pere 494 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. Posric Works Departsent, No. 937 A. Camp Nynee Tal, the 30th April 1860, Lieutenant Colonel A. Cunningham, Chief Engineer of the North Western Provinces, hay- ing been appointed by the Government of India, to be Seerctary to the Government of the North Western Provinces, in the Public Works Department, with effect from this day’; it is hereby notified, that all the business heretofore despatched in the Public Works Department of the Secretary’s office, inclusive of all references and reports from the Road and Ferry Fund Committees, will pass through the hands of the Secretary, in the Public Works Department. 2. “All officers in the Civil or other Depart- ments, who haye hitherto corresponded with this Government direct, on subjects which belong to the Public Works Department, are hereby required, from and after the date above men- tioned, to address themselves to the Secretary to this Government, in the Public Works De- partment. The following Notifications, issued by the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, are re-published for general information :— Hous Departmen, No. 139. Simla, the 28th April 1860. Netification.—The services of the Rey. M. D. C. Walters, Chaplain to the Camp of his Exeel- lency the Governor General, are placed at the disposal of the Government of the North West- ern Provinces. Forney Department. No. 1630. The 3rd May 1860, His Excellency the Right Honorable the Viceroy and Governor General held a Durbar this day, for the reception of the Chiefs of the Hill States between the Sutioj and Jumna. The Chiefs with their nearest relations and principal Ministers, and the Civil and Military Officers of the Station, having assembled, the Viceroy and Governor General, accompanied hy His Excellency the, en. tered and took his seat under a Royal salnte, Each Chief and native gentleman present was introduced to the Viceroy and Governor General, and the usual oFerings having been presented and accepted, suitable khilluts were bestowed on all according to their rank His Excellency thanked the Chiefs for their loyal attachment to the British Government dur- | | as Giese: C23) ype Ee Se.) “(cal ) SPV suas EIAS* Ke Sal Pe — SG dd Wad he caale patiS 2) USS EMR af J oh riaiy S jayess i site ee wal os )S yw ly pend dine ed agi SMae Gakei yo sy ye 5B yeahs aw Bjpy-/ radi yy 89 yt gt "py yo salak - us) S 7S pled 6s use Gla bs yest ‘ Bre oC yw ws) rand bao riety’ U5)? Saw Cal use! wrsle aL. yo PaCreorers 33! wl Landa ty BR S29 oy Kew Gabyae S SI yh yg) Su * cay) \ym sb a sS wha } sso Byrby iste ERRD wijtdat chaos cme Ff bay YL IL CG ¢! os )®y- col spans HI,0 Ward > s efor ei) Zs 28) Ee Qhs bx a Iho Crisis f aut BY 2 SBM Syne e28 Oa xy of se i S29 sy Saw Crslo ply wolgha yo) wl deh * tty 3S Shey! gym colynand tino easing ply wlan yas yl &y loswe bs £ din col itl wits bd S Ellll SF plye yee yale Soin pr * ui® aya ‘ hed g EVAN dieses fA: salle pian FUE ele Cn yilly av 68 al cayaly — Yd a's} Last she Sig igh oly) Ee Caf W273 385 5 use SUA dail us Sw Una dan « US US ye crak ) SRO ; 1 tf+ peed Gr GLAS cine he sina hee Spi si oti ln pa ig G 2s, eptzle @) pyrinud 95 wlylopw wablle * they 29 4) utt> y py! e33 ms crthen | a yaad y! relay obese Sdol Yue erage Sere wrtheoye whey em SIE pral edits Ua C3 aly? gam Kis yf as 6S 4 det a a Se 5 ol joy’ 9) ply ydlw Sha olin wis isos sim umes y ayo LSJ pP S02 TUS Ua SS sti SF elisys mala slgeree ellap 252 nae. boa eS ye * US LS tbe S hl eS baal Gla s&s JP Sy? Ryd Laulin ys stl Sd pad st Loylen a wg wl lope ule 3 eB Gtr poe Ae ing the rebellion, and confirmed the several re- wards which had been previously conferred on them for their services. To the Raja of Bissahar His Excellency ex- pressed a hope that the Government would re- ecive an improved account of the administration of affairs in that principality. After the concluding ceremonios His Excal- lency left his seat under a Royal salate, and the assembly broke up. The following Notifications, issued by the Hon'ble the President in Counzil, are also repub- lished for general information :— Home Department. No. 866. - The 8th May 1860. Notijication.—The Ton'ble the President in Council has been pleased to promote Assistant Chaplain the Reverend T. W. Shaw, to be Chap- Jain from the 5th instant, vice the Reverend T, » Wood, retired. No. 889. The 10th May 1860. The undermentioned Civil servants have ob- tained extensions of leave, for the periods speci- fie opposite to their names :— Mr. W. 8. Paterson, six months, on sick cer- tificate. Mr. F. M. Lind, three months, on sick cer- tificate. Frvancuar, DepartMennt. No. 35. The 8th May 1860. Notification.—Referring to Notification No. 33 of the 27th ultimo, ment Troasury Bills are hereby informed, the holders of Govern- thas prepared to receive tenders, on or before the Ist of ynne next, for the conversion of all such bills outstanding, in- to any of the followii g stocks, viz, 1. The five-and-a-half per cent. 1859. 2. The five por cent. loan of 1857. the Governmint will be loan of 3. Tho four pcr cent. loan of 1954-55. Eubject to the terms contained in the Notifi- cations specified in the mar in, No, 28, dated 20th April 1859, No. 5, dated 16th Janu- ary 1857. ‘No. 34, datel 28th Octo- ber 1833. which the said loans were res- under pee ively raised, so far as regards tho rate of interost and the time and com litioas of re-pay- ment. 5 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. oe Oe nny 8 us? nad so Y250 lag iy AD od J nas, ye chy xy> °° ss a sen % els ROSIN Oe jbacly weak y v.. ate? ey FS Vato SU wl issf * Las! gudely ——— @NiS. kao fot yaad diehleg Kins us A tle 7 kasd p Fate yee suse! lal, — syaet ays Payee) al rites °S olen} i ara lS yy of Sd > gd ELL! 20 dny0 ay ror 2 aye lhe y a SS Ub 352 umes! ee daals o> ¢ S58 bs KD Mie prs) bis +, fist cru oe ON AP sdgu — uspealyg 5,1 PND Fra key} bays wal 13800 Pad Ste 25 gamely an «El ACV ai et, Save ru usre~ By cgyrwalys fy * £00, JAOM shy cd5 Ky Bs,3 as oa os’ us Eaiad 96 eles a aw ae ly LS void 29) > Swale clears Sy ey bit, ys y Jpey ide. oxss viele glad ds Geil Vo teste YA yas ha , EVNOF sin Sy! Pee Saye use $4 Kag3y~ 0 yred used Lit, 49) (2) = : fAOV si Us? Gdn Lbaie yl PD be bye rr ys EVNOO haw * us) sy oa 498 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTH. The tenders for conversion mafinclude three mous’ bille in the Porm No. 2, given in No- Avril 1859, which have nov yet bean On such b altliough t I} Wet u tO Une the event of the tender febucenversion nOtsbeing accepted up to Whip 19th of if unb press a at y= ments sooner. ‘iho other classes of bis, wien mey bo inclade@d in such tenders arc; ise turee Months bits an lorm No. 2 of the Notine » Me. Baof the S0th Apri: 1504, whether avteptad op wos: ; 206 ageapted for payment; ndin. biismn torm Ne. 1 of the same Nx U ay INVOt ‘itis by 43 3:d&e. bills issued under Notifiea cation; ani vip, biuis issued under Aoltuca- tion No. 6 oi the 26th January 1859, Sealed tenders ave to be delivered to the Fi- nancial Sooretary to Eiiae Government of India at Fort Wiiliam, to the Chief Secretary to tho Government of Madrass at Fort Si. George, and to the Chief Secretary of tho Government of Bombay respectively, for the conversion of such of the satd pi'ls a3 may have been issucd at the respective Presidencics. And the said tenders will be opened by the manent oMcers named, in the presence of the Accountant Go- neral of the Presidency, to which the bills may appertain, and of one of the Directors of the Bank of Bengal, or of Madras or Bombay (as the case may be), at 10 o’clock, a. u.,on the so- cond day of Juno next, when the acceptance or rejection of the said tenders will be declared. A paper containing the minimum rates which the Goverament will be prepared to accept for the conversion of the bills into the respective stocks will bo sealed vp and placed in tho hands of ths Director ofthe Bank of Boneal, Madrasa, or Thotibay (es the case may be), ap- pointed to he j ning of tite tenders, who will, in case Pajyect- éd, open the satie, but if accepted, he will return it whopened to the mecretary tc Govern- ment, Jt is hereby further intimated, thatthe Traq- sury Bills, issued under Notification dated 20th January 1859, and bearing interest at_the rate of 3 pie per day for each. 190 Ru- pees, aml which may not oe converted into stock under this Notification, will be paid off at the General ives of the Presidencics, from which they have been issued, under the térms of the said Notification of ihe 26th nuary 1855, three months from the date atest, 4 —— a pace apt erne_ ae! eos %> ute FORNEY crawl eS yd 6S usa hae dae f “je B30) aed ye we dy2 i fe Kee yh ya ba he ph ls t on aN 1 a a 7 i“ iis es) 259 Jala ew comlyd yd ud 6. Se . ” ! { kal ¥ pe Kye in Unees whe cesaha ae ee ur} Se ves. zy! Po Satya iM) fo yrai 65505 | cibe- Up bag um ly ye US Iw fy te basi uptles: as a sy Cai 2s side Ys * & ey? 5) EVAcy Shaw sh im day oss PAC. Salas piss ', Bi asd see prruly ys Se ute ae ec Sst » > sy" pia sie Saha) of ce Saw, Nails ae ne a oe A ' Urs due Erraryse ee * LAS wales yy evs gs ts Yet ae n * ow ya Ss eh okay’ usy Som 8k wal r uyrlyh ss Ldzoee ylanlo se stl, | ai s Jy EAE! weabe Be Lsmtday rh un yy! 52 * plaka Sy a sek p32 Le Uke bg fleia ue Aa er all Li aed yh SUG gw bys v8) ss $a at wy x! wy a tes Leaacy i Sins y &2 y S ye iy) xa ig? urs nals dys of , rade y! yy Bie aml yd yo prod ep cs asizys pels wy 8S yD Gyska wl fet ote Cwm 2 ob OST Cae S ey Ue! crs ss wEnkadyys uy reny On Fy0 Bie ne ad a ylats Hyg ans cs yal Crisis I, \y a) Sia; pla cal s& TY ats ar gy Usha. US éHy ss use es = : lang trend ys cole aw ' “ Pasa = a weg? aes ws Bin 6) Cora hyd w Pages Sf sycthes ee Bs: ee ny Kulyf me. "a Mie ie Re “Coyphe IA Gongb en es tekS) ll SES sgh a6) cyt ool CTNM uns > ss! cs AS eee uss us a us us ~~ A ry * ba J umdting yf Gala ai day Gillen & 3 file Ob lee aw ae ails gos EVADD aia use FY ka, yt shyk Biye EIN tin wah 9 : 499 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 99 Minirary DepartMint. ; = cy Sane No. 496. PE spas The 1th May 1860. EVA bin ie i The siidermentioned officer has reported his eae. ras Comey re sie 5 alata slowsye departure on the date specified opposite to his | kJ gm J,2 sil, 5S es nl tS cone gllbl * Pm ad Une S eli name, Captain R. R. Harris, of the 67th | sta. Cele ain or tis Regiment Native Infantary, Canton- oe : ; 3 ment Joint Magistrate and Superin- er Nu- | - Sk dla Bs tendent =: IN abkaree rebel ‘ bia, 5th, A " < aaa Sie e eat Si at Cawnpore, on leave, for fifteen May1860. | ba A as ie ae are iam Pyne rok! pe months, Government General Order, Wy2Si}ysbargd | By dhs € | A4* Ba yy! Me bea gyre reg No. 449, of the 30th April 1860. J Cg ead ye credy 5 cine By Order of His Honor the Lieutenant Gover- | ply yyf Eh lyi Olin panne = = nor, North Western Provinces. * let 5 ws Sit G. COUPER, Glee . Secy. to Govt., N.W. P. es Se lire 5 i a: “ei fod a gphe Min Saha 8 5 Fam A.W. Wottastoy, Of'g. Govt. Translator. NOs TL Bala A Da OLN. Minrrany Derarrwent, No. 420 A. Camp Nynee Tal, the 3rd May 1860. The following extract, from order No. 424 of 1860, from the Calcutta Gazette, dated 21st ultimo, by the Honorable the President in Council, granting leave of absence, to Europe, on medi- cal certificate, is republished :— “ Lieutenant Frederick Arthur Knyvett, of the 24th Regiment Native Infantry, Commandant, District Military Police, for 15 months, under the new Regulations. No. 429 uA. The (th May 1860. Lieutenant A. I. Bramley, Officiating Comman tant of the Moozuffernugger District Battalion, is confirmed in that appointment, from the 10th of March 1860. . No. 457 A. The 14th May 1360. Lieutenant J. W. W. Costley, of the 1st Battalion, Her Majesty’s 23rd Fusiliers, is appoint- ed to be Adjutant of the 2nd Seikh Police Battalion at Goruckpore, vice Lieutenant A. Pullan, srhose services have been replaced, at his own request, at the disposal of the Military Department. No. 469. A. a! Leave of absence, for three months, on urgent private affairs, is granted to Lieutenant R. J. Young, Adjutant of the Budaon Police Battalion, from the date ou which he may avail himself thereof, to visit Nyne Val and Kumaon. Captain Corbett, the Commandant, will perform the duties of the Ajutant’s office, during the absence of Lieutenant R. J. Young, or until further orders, By Order of His Honor the Lieutenant Governor, North Western Provinces. O. M. GLUBB, Lisuz,, Asst. Miiitary Secy, to Govt., N. W, P. The following Notification, issued by the Hon'ble the President in Council, is republished for general information :— No. 84. Pusurc Wornxs Deparraenr. Captain C. J. Hodgson, Officiating Consulting Engineer in the Railway Department to the Government of the North Western Provinces, 1s confirmed in that situation, with effect from the 25th March last, the date of Major Greathed’s departure from India with the Head-quarters of Sir Kt. Napicr’s Division of the China Foree. By Order of His Honor the Lieutenant Governor, North Western Provinces. C. J. WODGSON, Captain, Under Secy. to Govt., N. W. P., Public Works Department, Railway Brauch. 500 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. NO. 15 A. Camp Nynce Tal, the 16th May 1860. The following statement of works of public utility, constructed by ay est — their own private cost, in the Neemuch district, during the year 1859, is published for general information :— Statement of works of public utility constructed by individuals at their own private cost, in the Neemuch district, during the year 1859. No. Description of Work. quantity. ek: REMARKS. 1 | Pucka Wells, ae 5 1630 0 0 2 | Kutcha Ditto, se 2 5) 10m 0 3 | Baoree ow 1 0 0 0 {This has not yet been completed, the amount expended is there. fore omitted. 4) Vat for drinking water for Ht 40 0 0 animals. A. CUNNINGHAM, Lieur. Gon. 99mm Secretary to the Govt. of the N. W. P. in the P. W.D ree eera er PADS AER GEE RS ORDER BY THE SUDDER DEWANNY eX ADAWLUT, NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES, islet 9 siyre Slee yin Nong elise APPOINTMENT, Sowsye ) ye Agra, the 8th May 1860.—No. 963.—Meor | — 940 y.3— ENG gis he N— 9 8h ie Sulamut Ulee, Moonsiff of Khagah, zillah Fut |, ¢ o18 yypsid GLa OS Lake desvally ye tehpoor, to be Moonsiff of Futtoeabad, zillah or, in ee Agra, 2 pyte Retin Go le uM ri W. JOHNSON, Figs Se Asst. Register. yey EAR maul J. Lyons, Ofg. Head Translator. ee eer ener seeepreerieeeres e100 The postage must be prepaid in full by stamps. 80 Do. ++ Fourannas, 2 do, 80 w+ + : Po M4 If a letter is enclosed in a Book packet, the poster 3, od gs + sini 4 ad i nN 200 will be liable to a fine of Rs. 50, or if any of the other conditions are infringed, the packet will be —~jable to letter-rates of postage. oned et, | th J POSTAGE on PARCELS posted for delivery in India and forwarded by Bhangy Dawk. — Postage can be paid by stamps or in money, but prepayment optional. Section XT. of the postal Act provides, that several letters shal! not be enclosed IP NOT EXCKEDING IN WEIGHT, TOLAS. in a parcel, under a penalty of 50 Rupees. actor 2 hi Byay je 7a) ‘ non io we ns Fe a oe ¢ “4 When the letter and Bhangy Mails are conveyed —_—— Noterdg. 1000 20408012 10141 8 in one carriage, it is unlawful, under Section XVI. to LY Ditto 3000 6 O12 1 8 2 4 8 O 312 4 8 enclose cven one letter or newspaper, under the Dittorses. 600 0 12 Los, oO a See Gh i ae 9 O same peralty. ; Fc saat Hes i 5 3 a ; 5 y bs * . i . SS 5 ge conveyed by sea are liable to Ship .post- r 1 per ere's: ca « ma ' age y . = x r s ba +, | Ueaneeeess.. 1200114 312 7 811 415 01812 22 8 age of eight aunas for every hundred tolas or “Ape : tions thereof, in addition to Inland postage. : 't No parcel is to exceed 600 tolas in weight, or three feet in length, or one foot in breadth, or one foot,in i depth, or two thousand five hundred and ninety-two cubic inches in bulk. : ’ , ' Every parcel must be securely packed in cloth, wax-cloth, or tin, with seals aflixed, bearing some | device, but not that of a current coi. The seals must be fixed along the line of sewing, at inter. » yals not exceeding three inches. * Parcels once posted cannot be recalled by the senders. | }s Parcels cannot be posted on Sundays, and on week days must be posted between 10 a. M. and 4 7. x. 1 i { { Boards on which these lists are pasted, have been hung up at the Post Office gate, the Fort, the * Railway Station and the Hotels. They will be regularly changed once a week, andfit is requested that any “information that can be given, such as may assist in discovering the partiesfor whom the letters are iteant way be written on the margin of the list. {oh he , ee ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 506 LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS IN THE ALLAHABAD POST OFFICE, ON THE 2lsr MAY 1860. sé es | sg [Ss = |e 2 Address. = oS = ais Address. rs = < 2 > Pijseairce.. |e > : | 3 us on as ee a! S _ 1 «| Se N l 1] Jicut. J. 5. Allfrey, 1} 0 ol A O} 0] 6 Myr. Leighton, & 0| O} 1) 0; Oy ‘Ll. Beardmore, 1; 0; OF O; OF 0} O uieut. W. 8. A. Lockhart,) 1; OG} 0! 0} O}{ Capt. KE. Bush, 1] 0: 0} 0 Oj OF O I. Lowther, | 1] 0) of Ogi W. Barnett, Esqr., 1} Of O] O 0; 0! 0 Lieut. P. H. Marshall, ...} 1) 6 ol O} 0} C, Bushinan, 1] 0} 0} O 0; O] O Capt. FP. J. Mylives, .| Lf OF O! O} O19 T. A. Butter, Esqr., 14.0} 0] OL.0}° 0}. 0 Capt. H. D. Maunsell, ...} 4] 0 0| 0 019 Capt. A. Collen, 1] O} Of O OF OF O Capt. C. H. Mullan, O} O} il 0; Oy C, H. Crutcher, O} 0} 3] 0, 0} 6 O ‘Major C. Macpherson, ...! 1] O} 0] 0} 019 R. Campbell, 1} 0; 0} 0 OF 0 O D. G. Macdougal, 1] OF Of 0} OF g A. Collier, 1] 9} GF O oF 0, O W. Marlclen, 1} OF O} 0} Og Mrs. H. C. Oruipe, 1] 0; OF O Q| 0, O pA. Be W...Orr! 1! O} Oo] 0 Og Mrs. M. A. Every, DSO t05 0) 2 ¢ Mrs. A. Orlsmr, | Of OF if O} OF 4 Lieut. A. L Estrange, .. | 1] 0] 0] 0 oO] o O Mr. C. Parker, 1 Of OF q] O} O} qf J. Feroni, 0} O} 1] 0 of 2 0 Capt. Paulet, | OF OF 1] O} Oly Hinde, Esqr., O| OF 1; O OF L| O ,W. C. Pagkinson, Oo} 1} of 9 Of oO) A, Harrison, 1; 0; 1) 0 O} 1 O Capt. C. M. Pym, ..| Of Of a] 0} Of 4 J.S. Hodgson, 1) OF 6] O 0) Owe J. B. Ridout, ...| 11 0, Of OF 0} 9 G. H. Hale, 1] 0} b| 0 Oo} O 0 H. S. Roberts, ..| Of O} 4] OF O} gy Lieut. H. Hurford, 1} O} QO} 0 0| 0 40) Dr. DS. Smith, | 1] 0) of 0 OF om KE. Howard, 1] 0] Of 0 GF 0 O H. W. Studley, / 11 6! of 0} of gt (C. W. Hutchinson, 1] 0] 0; O OF O O Licut. M. G. Smith, ' of 0} 1} 0} ol gl C. Huguroo, 1} 0; 0} O O} OF O Mrs. C. Leander, | 1! 010 0| 0 oO Capt. C. James, 0; 0} 110 O 1 0 J. M. Tritton, | o] Ol ao 0| | J. i. Kitchen, 0) 0 1 O-Ol- Lied |W. E. Vise, NOG 0! 0! 1 J. Lambourn, 0} 0} 1; 0 0 i (0) W. Winter, Esqr., ... 110] 0! 3 0] 0. 3) Mr. Lonid, on 1] of 0 0; 0} 0; O \W. S. Whylock, Esqr. lat OL Oro | Dr. M. H. Lackersten, ...) 1) 0} 0; 0} O} 0} 0 \Capt. M. Wilson, 4 ‘> 1) Ol of oO} ol J. Laudell, vl 0} 0 1 0 0 1} 0 L. William, .| 0 0! 11 ol o} Allahabad Post Office, 21st May 1860. NOTICRE. From the lst proximo the Bullock Train be- tween Indore and Agra, will be under the manage- ment of the Post Office Department, and subject to the same rules as are in foree on other Bullock Train lines, Goods may be sent either carriage paid or unpaid, except in the case of goods charged by measurement, which must always be prepaid. The following schedule of charges has been pro- | visionally adopted. , a Goods per sp Passengers. ees = Gwalior, QO it 0 35100 Saepree, i ey PCy (), Goonah, se PR aad fone '8' Beowra, Le 3 Oo” -"G 9 0 0 Sarungpors, res B28 Ue 2 mt) Dewas, = Ain ta0 ac 12 oe 0 Tndere, 4 Ai HB renal) seme PO) 3. SRD 1) na, Director Cencirai of the Loxt Ofee of India, Camp Allygurh, the 21st Apri? 1869. 2") J. J. HAMILTON, Depy. Post POSTAL NOTIOCR. The public are informed, that book post packd ean be sent to the United Kingdom via Marseill as well as Southampton, under the same conditia as at present, at the following rates ;— AAS, Southe| Via ampton, Mea se Rs AP, ie a For a_ packet, weighing not Thore than 4 oz, ye) | | Ditto. more than 4 oz. but not! a exceediny S oz, onl 5) ( Ditto, more than 8 oz, and| ° . not execeding A in 0) vite g | O11 0} 1am Ditto, 2 ci. Oe i 1 0 0} De vitto lib. Do2 thd 1 5 en Ditto 2 Ih, Do. 2; hl 111 0)2 8 Ditto. 23. Do. 3 ih|o 9 OF aman G. PATON, Post Master General. N. W.P Comp Umbalia, Lhe Ath Slay 1360. } (3) =] \ - LF sol ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. D+] OME Cr Is hereby given, that the undermentioned estate will be put up to auction sale, for the recovery of arrears. | Date | | Area ss of Zillah, |Pergunnah. Mouzah. in Juma. Remargs. sale. | Acres. Friday. | « 2s | ; Sth June ade. Pylanee, ...;\Chhapur, west} 1451 |1,101 0 0:Sale sanctioned by Secretary to 1860. Simounee. Sudder Board's letter, No. 8538, dated 10th April 1860. . HE RY DASHW OOD, Zillah Banda Collectorship, the 15th May 1860. Collector. Kash Ulam 32 ely ps ste cl Jost Lawn I eeRurs Nees 3 ye > «s ge ets Nie 3 1 f wis fhm yer eam [ime - 9) ) te head ais, | sis els rab AUS At Sik. aa e ee a ——— usp Br? rye 5 LEI ode} pre pepeple> sls Jssly jai yy A Bh ry) {+ asia | < r) phy oe Nic * ad hs > seh "HENRY DASHWOOD, EVAN © cw Tg 2,18 priyeil Collector NOTICE Ts hereby given, that the undermentioned estate will be put up to auction sale, on account of rebllion. “Date | | Area of Zillah, ‘Pergunnah.| Mouzah. in Juma. Balance. Resargs. sale. | acres. SS | ee | ee tf re fy et Se ———-$$—$$$$— ———$_————— 30th June! Humeer Mowdha, .. 1860. poor. .| Sichowlee, | 872 0 0° S00 0 0 | 724 11 1)} As per Govern- ment’s letter No. 2036, dat- | : ; | ed 4th June ; 1859, SS A. DYCE, Alumeerpoor Collectorehtp, the 16th May ‘i 1860. Of. Deputy Collector. — tis le unl, pr? yw ase Sats fo garsre 3 yp 6S ébacea eae. pai E83 Bs —O nee fe ee | a8 ey uy gle plas 3:6 XX 1S eT ee hei iomsalh | i) el game lng reyee® | iw yg Po wie Neo ye Sy . Pins yw ais S dalle Ree, as bie ene & Sap), FP ypayne® ets opts £1409 *8, mb Wd ur? | , A. DYCE, g\Ats fiw gin 14 ah Offg. Deputy Collector. ic. aoe ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. ADVERTISEMENTS. Moe TCR. will, wntil further notice, be granted by the Treasuries, and at the rates Se oO to Surrry Bills specified below. +. -§ ae Treasuries upon which Bills will be granted. | Discount. : ! aS rs z 442 oD 235) e lglg: |: | | | SEBS lou | rn ie 22/67 | a Greig 1 es.| 2 | “Sile~ | 4 ee Treasuries from Seer 3 | oS <= | = bee which Bills si |e 2 le ees 2 a ar eee ae o ae will be granted. z= s See es| 5 a re tee S| os 22 ae ep St aS} 4 oO i = = SAO Se jes 5 bs ee jee| es StqlBs|e)b ls 2s8 2s See Qe aa a ae aap 2 2 | So aes Ss oa -7 a |e = eae. eee Nae z = a z ida. Rea. = Aa oe . Re Al Re A.) RAV a ik. A,| A. BR. R. Agee Kumaon,... 0 Par, |Par Par, {Par. |Par. | Par. | Par | Par Par, Dehra Dhoon, lt Oper ityr mC 0: do, do. } do. | do. | do. |. do, Saharunpore, P deer 00, do. do. do. | do. | do, | do, fr> ee do. Meerut, Oost ear .! do. «bdo do. | do. | do. | do do. Bareilly, er aa ee do. ...| do. do. | do._|-do. | doulanne do. Shajehanpore, TOM MMEINAO,. cc} GO. ...| do dot | do. | do.) Aes, |saeuunns do, Bijnour, WEmCme edo. ...| do.....| ox do. | do. | do. | do Sa ro, do. Moradabad, 1 0 | .. | do. ...{ do. ..., do. .. | do. | do. | do. | do. do. Budaon, Omelet doy! do. ...| do do. | do. | do. | do. 4}... do. Allygurh, 0-12 | ripe Osemnale Cl Ore eel 3610), do. |... 1 do, ve} do. Muttra, Oram do, ...| do. ...| do. do. |". alageumeee do. Agra, Ss Wie... | do. ..\"do: ...) do do. |... | do, [+++ do. Moozuffernugger,... | 012 | do, ...| do. ‘a do seo Par, 4ido, |... Roolundshuhar, OS a eee ce ere SCI fA fics Coy ves Mynpoory, LO! nacelle ada eealltel ey Sau) eres C0) Etawah, 0.12 | -2 Naibee edoueee. (cor TP Fe eat HO? Furruckabad, T © oo |-Ot cos} COBeme ela Bi | [ers 0). Cawnpore, 0-68-41) ., lhdok ..cieaueetido: tages | Puttehpore, Par... 4)... |) dow Sigel. =. soe | oo. | do Allahabad, Usman | peel el Clic ae oles Rise ePeyellacc Mirzapore, dowland teedhlwale co | ee me LO) : Henares, hile. ©, nian eaeey peel so fT ovee | dO, [roe Ghazeepore, ae fs Re erat las. marc hae 7E | RSE pa’, Goruckpore, fac Moe. | a ae 2 a or) ee ag Azimgurh, Cy te Re | aoe | tes. oe Jounpore, - \do. 3 oe ee oe nba dees Saugor, Re Par. Var. a. [Par Jubbulpore, CSET sould, +.) a0. re tase [ dO, . j Hoshunyzabad, OSes toda do. do : off Nursingpore, Outs x da do do : Dumoh, 0 8 | Sigel AChE ace hele eer eee do. Banda, + Parwees ee ree eo Par. Ilumeerpore, oo eee: gc ei lee ere do. | A a Ftah, |0 8! .,, |Par Par do. [Pa Jhansie, | 0 8 | ee Peirdo, — Ajmeer, ta aa Pein! || | SP atlas eA Jaloun, rat [pelle Cem ee | ake a Neemuch, OFS oe | eee ee mein Chunderee, 0 So alee eel : | ee Mundla, 0 8 ‘Par.'Par. ae gee pat Notr.---Discount is allowed only on even hundreds of Rupees, and no Discount is allowed on sums below one hundred Rupees. Bills on the Accountant General at Madras will be at five days’ sight, and on all other Treasuries at sight. No Bills are to be granted for a sum under 60 Rupees, nor for sums including fractions of a Rupee. Js wh LUSHINGTON, Accountant, N. W. P. AccounstTaxt’s Oreicr, N. W. P. Allahabail, the 22rd April 1860. ee, "F938 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. Def ey SS oe —— Nao det Cae. Under the constitution of the Roorkee Branch Treasury, bills issued therefrom will, for the pre- sent, be attested by the Clerk who prepares them, the instead of the Treasurer and Seeah Nuvees. The signature of the Officer in charge of the —_ Treasury will, as usual, be attached to each bill. J. u. NUSHING TON, Accountant, N. W. P. Accountant's Office. Allahabad, ii Lhe 26th March 1860. (1) Ngee POST OFFICE NOTICE. t Under instraction from the Post Master General, | “North Western Provinces, from and after the 20th nstant a late letter box will be placed on the plat- || :f form of the Railway station, for the reception of ‘| letters up to 10 minutes before the departure of each J£ Train, and letters so posted must be stamped two Lannas, in addition to the usual inland postage. } Letters not stamped to this amount, will be brought into the principal Post Office, and despatched by 14 the next day’s post. J. J. HAMILTON, Deputy Post Master. ( , i ArpamaBAD Post OFFICE: The 19th April 1860. (G08) h POSTAL NOTICE. . The undersigned notifies, with reference to the sub- th joined orders of Govern- or “In Te me ment, that hereafter no Bl «agate ohavee of compensation will be claim- robbery, Officers in charge of able by the public for the . Post Offices, shall not know- articles of value, specified _, ingly eave coin, a in Clause XXII. of the precious stones or jewe's, SOF Rules, for the management de ies Sd by letter or of the Post Office, (as per 4 3 margin,) when lost within ' the territories of Native States. G. PATON, Post Master General, N. W. P. Agra, Post Master pel, tt Opice, N. W. P.. The 30th December 1859. Extract from Circular No. 434, dated 23rd Novem- ber 1859, grom the Secretary to Government of India, in the Foreign Department. In respect. to articles of value, such as coin, bul- jion, precious stones and jewels, which Officers in charge of Post Offices, are prohibited from know- ingly receiving for despatch by letter, or banghy post, the Governor General is pleased to declare, that Native States shall not he held responsible for any loss or damage, which may oecur to such arti- eles, while in transit through their territory. ; (True Extract,) Cio) G. PATON, Post Master General, N. W. P. oe NOTICE — itl A first class Staging Bungalow is now open for pe the accommodation of Travellers at Futtehgurh. p. P. BLANEY, Dy. Post Master. Puttehgurh Post ort (fo) : The 29th March 1860. POSH Ah NO. TA CaE: It has been ruled by the Supreme Government, that the order exempting Officers with the Army, from the charge of forward postage on all re-directed letters to their address, shall cease to have effect from the 1st of May next. Officers serving in the field, should take ‘steps to ensure their letters being correctly addressed. 5 H. B. RIDDELL, Director General of the Post Office in India. Calcutta, the 28rd December 1859. G9) POST OFPICE: No. 492. Home Department, the 9th March 1860. Notification.—In modification of the Notification from this Department, dated the 25th May 1855, published in the Calcutta Gazette of the 2nd June 1855. and in further modification of Section 7 of Act XVIL. of 1854, the Hon’ble the President in Council is pleased, under the authority vested in him by Section 25 of the said Act, to ‘direct that, on and after the Ist May 1860, the postage on every Newspaper, Pamphlet or other printed or engraved Paper, whether the same be imported or not imported, shall be one anna if not exceeding six tolahs in weight, and that one additional anna shall be charged for every additional six tolahs or fraction’ of six tolahs. His Honor in Council is also pleased, under See- tion 21, of Act No. XVII. of 1854. to direct that, on and after the Ist May aforesaid, no Newspaper or other article on which postage is chargeable un- der Section 7 of Act XVII. of 1854, shall be for- warded by post, unless at least onc rate of postage shall be prepaid by a Stamp or Stamps ; and if any Newspaper or other article above referred to. shall be posted, having affixed thereto a postage Stamp or Stamps, the value of which shall be equal to or more than a single rate of postage, but less than the full rate of postage to which such Newspaper or other article is liable, such Newspaper or other article shall be forwarded and the deficient postage shall be charged upon delivery together with the addition of single rate of postage, or one anna, over and above the deficient postage. (Signed) W. Grey, Seey to the Govt. of India. HOME DEPARTMENT. No. 550. The 16th March 1860. Votification—In modification of the Notification No. 492, dated the 9th instant, the President in Council, with a view to obviate the inconvenience which it has been represented will arise from the enforcement on so early a date as the Ist of May next, of the provision respecting prepayment of post- age on Newspapers, Pamphlets and other printed Papers, is pleased to order that so much of the No- tification as relates to prepayment of the postage on Newspapers, Pamphlets and other printed Pa- pers, shall not take effect until the Ist of January 1861. .. a 504 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. THE FOLL NOM THOT, THE Ptnuic are hereby informed that, under an arrangement between the Secretary of State forIndia, anadditional charge of one penny will be levied from the Ist of January 1860, upon all single Newspapers and Prices Current, sent from the United KISingdom to any part of India, or from any part of India to the United Kingdom, vid Southampton. Total wpon each Newspaper vid Southampton. Newspaper, not exede. 4 ounces weight, 2d or 1 6 Newspaper, above 5 and under § ounces, 8d or 2 0 Newspaper, above 8 and under 12 ounces, 4d or 3. 0 The postage of 8d or 2 annas hitherto levied on rach Newspaper, not exceeding 4. ounces in weight, sent via Marseilles, remains unaltered. All Newspapers posted on or after the 1st of January 1860, which may be insufficiently paid, but upon which one penny or a single Newspaper rate of postage has been paid, will be forwarded, charged with the deficiency of postage, and fine of one penny or nine pie. Pre-payment must be made as now by stamps. IO TOO Te, The Residents of this station are informed that, 2 Clerk will, in future, receive all Overland letters, papers, &c. at the Post Office window. When Overland letters are found in the letter- box insufficiently stamped, they will be forwarded to the “Dead Letter Office.” The senders of letters are, therefore, requested to write their names in full on the left hand Jower corner of the envelope ; if this is done, the letter can be returned to the send- er for the correct number of stamps. Published for the information of the Residents of Allahabad, with a request that, when Overland letters are sent to be posted, they may be made over to the Clerk, stationed in the verandah, or at the window of the Post Office, for th receiving them. REFUSAL TO PAY POSTAGE Many cases having recently occurred, in which / parties have refused to pay postage justly claimed by the Post Office, it is considered advisasle to nerd a] A] NOVICE. Time of closing of the Mails at Allchabad Post Office. @ purpose of Name of Mails. Hours of closing | Remannes, *) { 2& 57. m, |Twice, —~ Southern or Jubbulpore, Nagpore and Bombay, &e. aot lp. u. Northern or Pertabgurh, Sultanpore and Fyza- bad, 5PM. DownCountry or Bens | res, Caleutta and Ben- zal, _ Cawnpore, Lucknow, and Futtehpore, &e. una 2. P.M. Ditto, ditto, ditto, and North-west, Oudh and Punjab, &c., 5. P.M. Ind: HAMILTON, Depy. Post Master. Aliahabad Post Office, 2ad April 1960, OWING POSTAL INTELLIGENCE IS PUBLISHED GENERAL INFO FOR | RMATION. ~~~ intimate to the Public, that the Postal Authon are authorized by law, (Section XXXVILG XVII. of 1854) to stop, without giving any inti -tion, the delivery of letters, packets, &e., for pan so refusing to pay postage. Dares OF DEPARTURE oF Matis From Boga FoR Svxz. To Suez. To Strz, | February 9th, 25th. August... 7th, 28m March |.. 12th, 27th, September 11th, 26th, April... 11th, 26th, October .. 12th, 26th, May . 12th, 24th, November 11th, 2 Sine Tt, eens December 12th, 27% July . 8th, 28rd, Postan Reavratrons Resprotiye Lerrens, Books anp Newspapers From ENauanp “Letters and Newspapers are despatched fron England to India, China, &c., by two routes, 1 via Southampton and via Marseilles. The latte route being shorter and more direct. the maila are made up several days later than those by former, but the postage is heavier. The Southamp. ton and Marseilles despatches join at Suez, and reach India together, ; Letters and Newspapers can be forwarded by the Bombay Mails via Marseilles to any part of India, if addressed “ via Bombay,” and in nearly all cas 9 this will be found the most expeditious route. RATES OF POSTAGE. st } — h _ ON Booxs via SoutHAMrtos On Letrres J On Lerrens tia BovrtHawrroy, via Marsriunes. ee Pal 7 si a * Under + OZ IRE 9 6]Under} o7,.. 2... 6 9} Under 3 t : } me Roses’ 1 0 iv } OR tre “| 0 a hg eee ee 02. And 1s. additional top lo 2 6 i . Ro taaieee 9 every ounce. or portion off And 29. for every addi- an ounce weight, tonal o7., in the following proportion :-— } Under? oz, ......., 3 o 9) 9} ewe The postace on Newspapers forwarded via South ampton is 2d. and on Newspapers forwarded re Marseilles Rd. if weighing under 4 ounces, if above that weight double postage is chareed, The post: ase on Newspapers must be prepaid in stamps. OVERLAND MA Th, Latest dates of despatch from Allahabad Post Office Pia Caleutta. Pia Bombay. ST a cater tae _—.. 30th April 1$60,} Ist and 15th April, 1860. 4th, 16th and 80th a LOth and 26th ater " 11th and 26th 3 uly, Ith and 31s¢ August, 14th September, - 2nd and 17th October, 1st and 16th November, Fh 2nd and 17th December, 4, 18th and May 1860, — 12th June 1860, 80th J.d, HAMILTON, Depy. Post Master. a Office, the 198% Afar} 1460. Allahabad Po 507 ALLAHAB AD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. vd4V SN in ee ae D dy NOTIFICATION, The Officiating Civil Auditor, North Western Provinces, has the honor to publish, for gencral informa- tion, the accompanying Resolutions of the Government of India, in the Financial Department, dated res- ‘spectively the 26th August 1859, and 5th March 1869, regarding acting allowances to Uncovenanted Ser- Athwants, in eases in which appointments are by classes. Me 2.—A scale is subjoined, shewing the average amount of salary of such appointments in the North de eT ostorn Provinces, and the acting allowance to which an Officer will be entitled, under the orders quoted xbove, in addition to a moiety, of his substantive pay, if in Government employ. ti) -g._Tt is hereby notified that the instructions of Government will be carried into effect from 1st May 1860. § ¥ Scale shewing the average amount of Appointments held by classes, and the acting allowance claimadle : if under orders of the Government of India, dated respectively the 26th August 1859 and 5th March 1860. r Lh | | | 1 ! } ' aa re aE as : ESE, es: t like a8 Ee S23 og bho > cliche Pa BS44l 58 z 35 ¢ | 2 | bet lees | ese!| & 188.5] £2 ao | eet ee eek | 28h) Bed eus leee S| Bo ' © 3 qm Paes) 3 ava S oe See 8: 0p “S Ay As (2 hee eet OT teal cata Trg _L-='| Goregeattiheeesccemee ewerer ar aur 77 | SP engI eed ReuppEpane lnsecaecoersl Gace kruge, 500 0 0 275 0 0} 125 0 0; 416 10 8} 350 0 0; 500 0 O} 125 0 0} 700 0 O75 00 iM ching Allow- | i he ance, £1 25000 13780; 6780! 208 5 4117500! 250001 678 0! 3500 01137 8 0 cr 1 Civil Auditor*s Office, N. W. P. JAMES EEDE, 1 ¢ Allahabad, the 23rd April 1860. } Offg. Civil Auditor, N. WW. P. he See o I Ue nite No. 7577. o mii Betract fron the Proceedings of th: Government of India, in the Financial Department, atl dated 26th August 1859. ‘MY READ again the following papers :— Financial Consultation, dated 25th March 1859, No. 19. Read the underinentioned papers relative to the acting allowances of Patrols, Assistant Patrols, an} Extra ii, Assistants, in the territories subordinate to the Punjab :— Foreign Extract, No. 4752, dated 4th August 1859, with 5 enclosures. Do. No. 4785, dated 5th idem. | Onsmrvatiot.—Under orders of the 25th March last, the Uneovenanted Service Absentee Tules 1 Drere applied to the case of Mr. Blewitt, of the Customs Department, Delhi, and he was allowed to draw y alf the salary of his substantive appointment as a Patrol, in addition to half the pay of the place in \} thiech he acted, viz., Collector of Customs, Delhi. ' 2. The Punjab Government now submits for consideration a question which has arisen in respect > the allowances to be passed to Mr. Roberts, an Assistant Patrol of the 2ad grade, who acted for Mr. slewitt, who is a Patrol of the Ist grade. 3. The Commissioner of Customs claims for Mr. Roberts (with reference to the decision of thia Ittovernment in Mr. Blewitt’s case) half of his own actual salary and half of the actual salary of Mr. mwlewitt. But the Civil Auditor would allow Mr. Roberts half of his own salary and half of the salary tttached to the lowest grade of Patrols, on the ground that the appointments of Patrols and Assistant’ . @atrols ave by classes, the salaries drawn by the incumbents being personal and not assigned to taux ppointments, — 4, The Auditor, however, suggests that the rule which allows Covenantel Officers in the Civil Jepartment, deputation allowance, calculated on the average rate of salary of the class of appointments ficiated in, instead of on the salary of the Jowest grade thereof, shoul be extended to the Customs “opartment in the Delhi Territory and also in the Punjab. . — 5. The Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab recommends the Auditor's proposal for sanetion, with he condition that in no ease is the extra salary which the Officiating Officer will draw under the pro- osed rule to exceed the salary of the lowest grade of Patrol in the Department eoneerned, whether _} be the Customs Department of the Delhi Territory, or the Salt Department of the Punjab. 6. The Lieutenant Governor further recommends that the allowances of Oilicers acting for extra Assistants be regulated on the same principle ; and that any person acting for an extra Assistant be ry a salary of Rs. 208-5-4 per mensem, being half of the averagze salary of the class, or, if he be erg L fy, Iready-in the employ of Government, that he be allowed half of his own salary and a deputation allow- “nee of Rs. 208-5-4, provided that in no case is the entire salary of the acting Officer to exceed the ull salary of the lowest grade of extra Assistant. 4 Resonution.—Referring to these proposals, the Governor General in Council remarks, that in Sec. " 5 of the Covenanted Civil Absentee Rules, it is provided that in the Punjab, Nagpore, and other places shere appointments are by classes, the amount of deputation allowance shall be calculated not upon thie alary of the individual officer holding the substantive appointment, in which the officer deputed may , “ 1e temporarily officiating, but on the average rate of salary attached to the particular class to which the appointment may belong. : 2. The provisions of this rule, the Governor General in Council is pleased, on the suggestion of the Punjab Civil Auditor, to extend to Uncovenanted Servants in cases in which appointments are by classes, py, md he further direets that Mr. Roberts’ allowances for the periad during which he officiated for Mr. “Blewitt, be regulated aceordingly. His Excellency in Council does not consider it necessary to make the iMrant of the allowances subject to the condition proposed by the Lieutenant Governor, r. 1 SS... iis 508 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. Onper.—Ordered that a copy of the forexomz tesolution be patel a iad aa a \ before adverted to, to the Foreign Department, for capaaeh al eT coy , - mn . rm . and that the original papers received from that Department, be retu oe tora. Fall Ordered further, that a transcript of the Resulution be sent to ta A Auditors, Fort Willig Madras, Bombay, North Western Provinces, and the Punjab, for information. (A true Extract) (Signed) C. H. LUSHING TON, Secretary to the Government of India, Mar 1705: Fro CoH, LUSHINGYON, Esqume, Secretary to the Gorernment of India, Binancial Department. LO! Oa CTIAPMAN, Esquire, ae Wien Counicil Chamber, the Sth Aananaiaal Pinancial Department. Sir, Tam directed to acknowledge the receipt of your letter No. $2, dated 7th ultimo, pointing out asyp posed inconsistency between paragraph 2 of the Resolution passed in this Department. on the 26th Au 1859, No. 7573, and the remark of the Civil Auditor, Fort William, in paragra h 4 of his letter noted Letter from Officiating Civil Auditor, Fort William, to the ad- the margin—(a remark Ws was generally dross of this Department, No. 3999, dated 29th November 1839, tal aad Deonin ae hosed On 2. You also apprehend that the waiving of the condition proposed hy the Lieutenant Governor Panjab, would lead to the anomaly illustrated in the case of a Tehseeldar appointed to officiate as extre Assistant and you are further doubtful about the propriety of admitting the full amount of officiating allowance, claimable uuder the Resolution of 26th August, : 3. In reply, Iam directed to intimate that you are mistaken in supposing that the remark of the Civil Auditor, Fort William, in the 4th paragraph of his report, which was approved by this Government, is at variance with the concluding part of the Financial Resolution of 26th August 1859, 4. That Resolution settled the principle which should regulate the allowances of an Uncovenanted servant, acting for another Uncovenanted servant, where the appointments were by classes; whereas the 4th paragraph of the Bengal Auditor's report explains the practice observed in his Office in respect to the al lowances of an Uncovenanted servant officiating for a Covenanted Civilian under similar cireumstances, ayul it was to the latter class of cases that the condition that the agerecate of the acting ineumbent’s substan: tive pay and his deputation allowance shall not exceed the emoluments of the office he temporarily holds,’ is to be held applicable. i 5. This condition, moreover, is not the same as that proposed by the Lieutenant Governor, whos gested that the aggregate should not exceed the salar at : y of the lowest grade of the appointments concern The condition mentioned by the Auditor was that the aggregate should not exceed the salary of the eetig appointment itself, of whatever grade it might happen to be. 6. Neither does the case cited by you appear to be so anomalous follow that a Tehsceldar permanently appointed to an extra Assistant draw a salary of no more than 250 Rupees (the salary of the last er account to have his allowances, when acting temporarily in a sup ought on the contrary rather to he allowed the amount to which h bearing t the Uncovenanted Rules, viz., half the salary of his 5 salary of the particular description of appointment in which he is acting. And as e ration of t Finan cial Resolution of the 26th August 1859, it is not likely that the Sent Bese On ed to extra expense, (the Joss in one case being compensated by the vain in another) Tan dife@ted $0 request that you will conform to the instructions of the 26th Angust 1859, > 7, The President in Council further desires that vou will refrain from referring imaginary co for be] i Sl a E a decision of Government, and remarks that when cases actually 0 ons p : mes ACE ceur, the decision of Govern ent will passed on the merits of each case. 2 Sram. as stated in vour letter, Tt does nob ship, who would in. the first instance ade of extra Assistants.) ought on that erior grade, restricted to that sum, He € would be entitled under the ordinary. ubstantive appointment and half the average I have the honor to be, © Sir, ’ , our most obedient servant, Cal AS INGTON, Seerclary fo tie Government of India 7s cyl We a copy of the above and. of the p ¥. (Signed) ORBwRED that. apers noted in the margin, be sent to : dated 10th November 1859 a Foreign Department, the Panj ab Fort William, No, 3999, dated ee a and the Civil Auditors, ort William, Madras Bombay ant ainda Western Provinces, in a Atinuation of the jeation iit ‘ : € eommunicati dated 7th February 1860. from this Department, dated 26th August 1§59, ~ (Signed) C,H. LUSHTN@TON, WECTAAY (Othe Gocenamens of Ludio. Letter from Civil Auditor, Punjab, No. 832 Report from Officiating Civil Anditor, 29th November 1859. “inansial letter to Punjab Civil Auditor, No. 11039, dated 9: the N cember 1859. a - : aa North wetter from Punjab Civil Andito+ No, 82, 109 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 0°49 ‘tetrom C. BE. Cuapmax, Es@., Civil Auditor, Punjab, to C. H. Lusuinaton, Esq., Secretary to the eat f > ; , x “yas ment of India, Financial Department, Fort William, No. $32, dated Lahore, LOth November 1859. iS Yon Sir, In advertence to the Resolution passed by the Right Hon’ble the Governor General in Youncil, in the Financial Department, No. 7573 of the 26th August last, sanctioning deputation allowance LOX or U neovenanted servants In cases In which appointments are by classes, in accordance with Section XXV ent woe the Covenanted Civil Absentee Rules, on the averaze rate of salary attached to the parti “which 7 muoeouggrees i a in may belong, I have the honor to solicit further Souk vaoae ‘iii -o the allowances to be drawn by the parties who may be tem norarily filling the post oe io act as extra Assistants. 3 : 7 7 Oe eee 2, A, an Extra Assistant of the 8rd grade. salary 250 Rs. per month, proceeds on sick leave forfeitin the half of his salary. B, a Tehsceldar drawing 200Rs.monthly is diiron ent, Extra ASSISTANTS. ad a y > . tats oa. ed to act for him, By the above orders, B is entitled to his entire pay ond ditto, amo @ 9 and to a deputation allowance of Rs. 83-5-4 per mensem, or to Rs. 33-5-4 jy Ard ditto, 958 00 more than he would draw if permanently appointed an extra Assistant. Mh ——— (C, a person notin the employ of Government, is nominated the locum 3,250 0 0 tenens of B. Is he under the spirit of Section XXV. to receive 100 Rs oe Fite 108 6 ii okt per cent: of B’s salary ? By this arrangement the State save in conte amen e half of A’s salary Rs. 125, and pay to B and C Rs. 183-5-4, thus ie Oh Deputation allow- sustaining a loss of Rs. 59-5-4 monthly. If the absentee, however, were 5 4 of the Ist or 2nd grade, the difference would be in favor of Govern- lets ance at 2Oper cent. §3 IS. na + Fie, vito at 50 percent. 203 5 4 ar ment by Re, 116-10-8 and 16-10-8, respectively. ny ateng 3, Inthe event of a Serishtadar or Peshkar acting for B, and another on theHstablishment putin the atte acting officer's place and so on; are all the officiating incumbents to draw their respective salaries in full ie and deputation allowance computed according to Section XXV.? If so, how will they be paid ? ther ~ * being no Fund to mect the loss entailed upon Government. : athe ’ ; ; : rin 4. A person holding no situation and nominated to officiate as an extra Assistant, will of cour ' der the above orders draw Rs. 208-5-4 monthly. ? ourse wn Toe ; te sty No, 9660, Frsaxctan DEPARTMENT, Fort WILLIAM, THE 23nd Novemper 1859. umstays win Forwanpsp +o the Officiating Civil Auditor, Fort William, for report as to the practice observed in si wy) milat ca ses in respect to Nagpore and Oude. ‘ sis mls a wh From Baboo K. M. Cyratrenser, Officiating Civil Auditor, Fort William, to C. H. Lusurneron, Esq Sacretary to the Government of India, Financial Department, No. 3999, dated 29th November 1859 : Ser, Lhare the honor to acknowledge the receipt of an original letter to your address from the Ci wt : . 5, vil Auditor, Punjab, forwarded, under your docket No. 9660, dated the 23rd instant, for my : tet gints on which the Panjab Civil Auditor is doubtful, about the operation of the Financial Ruling e, 36uh oO Ith er , 2. In reply, I beg to state for the information of the Hon’ble the President in Counci : so ' figulty started by the Punjab Civil Auditor, about the adjustment of the deputation Etedscr 4 Pa an dar or any otherminis‘erial officat officiating for an extra Assistant or Assistant Commissioner. ae fere mee to the Finanejal Ruling above cited, would appear to be insuperable if this Rule were is ee i 1 Tes ‘ have superseded the previous Rules of 29th April 1859, paragraph 3 of which prescribes That an dered to panted OfBcer acting for another of the same service, or a Military officer acting for another Aititacgoitoor shall be governed by the Rules of the respective services to which he belongs. Aucust last. 3, The Rules of 29thApmil, however, have been laid down experimentally for a yea experiment has not yet expired. Besides, the Rules of 26th August evidently dase ok tee aoe volved in the above Ruling, directing, as they do, how this same principle would operate with Ci leicie 26 fit h Clause 4, Section XXV. of the Civil Absentee Rules. It is plainly the intention of Government in extend ing the provisions of the above Clause to the Uncovenanted Service that the same should ber of this service when officiating for a Covenanted Civilian who holds one of the ries Pat an Unoovenanted Officer acting for another of the same sérvice will as usual draw the moities of the sa Ny ie # ; : .) _ of the permanent aud acting appointment whether one or other, or both of them be class- F iM otherwise. There is therefore no apprehension of the operation of the Ruling of the ie eae ge = sulting in loss to Government. gust last, re- rn ; ie ‘ 4. An Uncovenanted Officer acting for a Covenanted Civihan who holds a class-appoi ; - ed under the combined operation of the Rules of 29th April and 26th August, a i cette allow- it culated at 20 per cent. on the mean salary attached to the particular class to which the pis ies cal- ant ated in may belong, keeping in view the important fact that the aggregateofthe acting hesealens offici- - stantive pay aud his deputation allowance does not exceed the emoluments of the office he Soxupotheily 8 pa bas i ded TA ee ee 510 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 5. An Uncovenanted acting for a Covenanted Assistant Commissioner or ip i ‘ holding no perrnanent situation, is not entitled, as is supposed by the Punjab Civi : ee allowance at 50 per cent; nor is it to be considered that the deputation allowance oi an Unco vant under the Rules of 29th April 1859, should never fall short of 200 Rupees as in the case , for reasons more fally detailed in my communication to your address, dated 18th ins, graph 2. 6. The above is the construction put by this Office on the Rules of 29th April and 26th A and all cases whether appertaining to Oude, Nas formity with this reading of the Rules. y ig : ueust } pore or the Lower Provinces, are alike disposed of jn cor The original letter of the Civil Auditor, Punjab, is herewith returned, From C. H, Lusaineton, Es9,, Secretary to the Government of India, Financial Department, to CuarMan, Esg., Civil Auditor, Punjab, No. 11039, dated 23rd December 1859, Str, Fink Dept> FT ay directed to acknowledge the recei with reference to the Resolution passed in this De with regard to the allowances to be drawn by puinted to act as extra Assistants, pt of your letter No. 832, dated 10th ultimo, soligj partment on the 26th August last, further instruct parties who may be temporarily filling the Posts of those 3 2. In reply, I am desired to annex copy of a report from the Officiating Civil Auditor, Fort Will No. 8999, dated the 29th ulgimo, and to state that the Hon’ble the President i i i ca therein expressed by the Auditor. His Honor remarks that it was intended by extending more properly Clause 6) of Section 25 of the Covenanted Givi] Rules to ¢ where appointments ars by classes, the d ‘putation allowance should be calculated on the average rate of the salaries of the particular sort of 2ypointments to which the appointment alluded to in your letter mich belong; but i¢ was never contemplated to alter the syetem under which deputation allowance to Uncovenant. ed servants is allotted, 3. For instance, in the caso Cited by you, B, his permanent appointment plus deputation allowance at 20 per cent. on the sala acts, but toa moiety of his own salary in addition to the moiety (Rs. 208-5-4) of the aver lary af Extra Assistants, and so on in the cases of the other acting officers, ee Pema 5 From C. RB, Crarman, Esq., Civil Auditor, Punjab, to C. H, Lusu : InaTon, Esq., Financial Secretary to the Government of India, Fort W illiam, No. 82, dated Lahore, 7th February 1860. Srr, { have the honor to acknowledge the construction of paragraph 2 of the Govern which I had misapprehended, your letter No. 11039 of the 28rd Dece b th fect of ment Resolution of the /26th August 1859, the oon variance with ps August, viz.,—“ His Excelleney in Council do ude ne subject to the condition proposed by the Lj case is the extra salary which the offici 3. The waiving of this conditi claim under the Resolutj f° € e% he | ‘ ub. stantive salary) plus 208-5.4 (the ie ce aot. se e. Bk Assistant arate 100 Chall bicabe 808-5-4, whereas if permanently appoi fant, he word” ee :. oe, ae she lowest grade. omy draw 250-0-0, the salen yee 3 “ 4. I may be mistaken in assuming th Mvilliam, in paragraph 4, is applied by h Council has agreed generally in the at the Principle asse sate by him in cases of this nature ; but as tee as 2 i Council © Opinion expressed by the Aud n hi ] “€ githerto eee acted on ie 6 a Stone and as the amount of officiating allowance ela f i Wes long admitting the full Yourwill. inform me whether it will be right to do cy en tiOn. of the 2Guk August, C. H, LUSHIN GTON, Cine dai Cretary to Government of India, J. EEDE, Officiating Civil Auditor. . = 2 ee Se we i. NOTICE A supply of Postage Stamps, of the value of eight pie or one penny each have been received, and will shortly be procurable at all Treasuries, under the same rules as other postage stamp labels. For the present, in all cases in which cash is now received in pre-payment of postage, it will be optional to the sender of a letter or newspaper to prepay the postage by means of eight pie stamps, or with cash, at the rate of nine pie for each penny. H. B. RIDDELM. Director General of the Post Office of India, Camp Simla, the 9th May 1860. POSTAL NOTICE. The public are informed, that as parcels sent through the Post Office under the banghy rates, are recistered, it is not necessary to pay, and the offi- cials of the Post Office are forbidden to receive a fee for registration, but articles sent under the book post rates, are not registered, unless the usual fee of four annas be prepaid. G. PATON, Post Master General, N. W. P. Camp Mooltan, the 28rd April 1860. Geo.) CO eee NOTICE. Lost or stolen in transit from the Muttra Post Office to Calcutta. The Government Promissory Notes, No. 76561. of five per cent, Loan of 1856-57, for Rupees 1,000, No. 76562 of ditto ditto. for Rupees 500, standing in the name of Doctor C. L. Cox, the proprietor, by whom they were never endorsed to any other per- son, Payment of the above notes and of interest thereupon, has been stopped at the Loan Office, and application is about to be made to Government for the issue of duplicate notes in favor of the pro- prietor. W. B, JOYCE, Muttra Oollectorate, Deputy Collector. The 1st May 1860. j Cry NOTIFICATION. The Civil Auditor, North Western Provinces, has the honor to repeat his annual call to all Disbursing Officers in charge of Civil establishments, and to Commandants of Military Police Battalions, in the North Western Provinces, for the submission (as soon after the Ist May next, as practicable, with the April Abstract) of their regular annual detailed statement, containing the names and full particulars of the whole of the establishment; and to observe that, with reference to the orders of Government, dated 15th October 1842, published in the Agra Government Gazette of the 15th November 1842, the audit of their Abstracts for April next, will be withheld until the receipt of the required returns, 2. To facilitate check, it is particularly requested that the Abstract for April be subdivided into dis- tinct headings, so that each description of office with its total shall correspond with the details given in the statement of establishment for the 1st May, agreeably to the form furnished, 8. Itis also requested, that the three separate ists, prescribed for all Uncovenanted Civil Servants, (Europeans and East Indians) and Natives, (in the last the names of only those holding appoimtments of trust and responsibility should be inserted) em- ployed on their establishments, be furnished for 1st May 1860, without delay. J. EEDE, Offy. Civil Auditor. Civil Auditor's Office, N. W. P., Allahabad, the 8rd April 1960, (3) (fo) ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, ee NO?PIP IL OLE Gomme The Officiating Civil Auditor has the honor to call the attention of countersigning officers to the existing irregularity in the transmission of bills for tentage and travelling allowances of Covenanted and Uneovenanted officers, respectively, frequently in arrears for several months: and requests that mea- sures may be adopted for such charges being drawn for monthly as they occur, in common with the practice observed for all other disbursements in the Civil Department. All allowances are auditable after the expiration of the month for which they are drawn, and care sh ould be taken for the due submission of bills on that account, when arrears are claimed an explana. tion of the interruption which caused the same should be furnished, otherwise the bill will be return- ed without audit. ‘Phe strict observance of these instructions will Jacilitate the work of the office, ensure charges ap- pearing in the month’s accounts to which they ap- pertain, and above all, 2 sysiem of regularity which should prevail in all departments. J, EEDE, Offy. Cixit Auditor. Civil Auditor's Office, N. W. P..? Allahabad, the 9th April 1860. 3 (2) a NOTICE. Wanted for the Superintendent’s Office, Dehra Doon, a person to fill the situation of 2nd Clerk. Salary Rs. 70 per mensem. No one need apply who cannot perform the dnties of a Treasury Clerk. An European or Kurasian “preferred. J. ROBERTSON, Off. Superintendent. (fio) NOTICE. Wanted a Native Surveyor, for the District of Seetapore, Oudh. Apply to E. THOMPSON, Captain, Deputy Commissioner, The 29th March 1860. C7. Ges) NOTICE. Required a competent Translator for the Judge's Office at Banda. Salary Rs. 100 per mensem. Ap- plications to be made, post paid, to the Judge, Banda. Zilleh Banda, Tudge’s a: The 29th March 1860. (fi 9.) EAST INDIAN RAILWAY. Notick.—Tenders will be received wp to the 30th June next, at the office of the undersigned, for the supply of 2,00,000 Company’s maunds of éry Charcoal, of first quality, made from large timber and roots only, to be delivered at the Jumna Bridge Works, on either bank of the river, in equal mote- ties, above high water mark. A sample must accompany each tender, and no tender will be entertained for less than 20,000 maunds. Delivery to commence on 1st November | 1860, and be carried on at the rate of 25 per cent. { i j per month. Payments will be made weekly. C, STEPHENSON, (3). Deputy Agent. ‘) 512 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. EAST INDIAN RAILWAY, NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES. Frou 3zp Mancn 1859—Oprn 123 Mires. Statement of Lraffie, for the week ending 28th April 1869. Coaching. | Aferchandize, Toran, SIE — SS - rE Passengers, a w{ 4,972 | 7) 9 0) 0 0 0 0 Parcels and Passengers’ Lugeage,... sa 706 i 7 : | a 0} 0 Carriages, ae 12 5 0) erat | 2 0} 0 Goods, Maunds 21,540 12 8, 0) 0,0 &,762 | 3} ¢ 0} 0 Minerals, ., oni = 0 | 0 0 0 O} O 010 Special ‘T'rain,... zak ” 0; 0; 0, 0 | oO} 0 : 0} 0 Live Stock, ae cel = a 154 |; 9{ 0 0 | O} 0} Si925a aie Rent and demurrage hire of Tracks, @ 5 Re. each, 0 Oi» =820 "| O} 9,182 | 3g 0 Grose Total, | 5.9454 7] 4° 9,152) 3 ol 15,97h0) 4 ~ Traffiz of Corresponding week of last year, +» 5,419 115 10,684 6 8 16104 2 Classification of Passengers’ Traffic, from 22nd to 28th april 1860, Booxrp at Srartoxs, Single and Double, Ist Class, INS; 43. =e m 383 | Sl 6 Ditto, end » 166, om | 717 | 016 Single. 3rd, % 3709, ee 3,855 }12) 0 Excess Fares ? Frou zim lst Apri, 1860—OprN 123 Mires, Statement of Traffic, for the week ending Saturday, 7th Aprit 186), a Coaching, | Merchandize, | ‘fore Passengers, .., | 5439 112) 9) FO 1g ol ee Parcels and Passengers’ “Legraze inclading Banchy | ee "| a Parcels . ie 3 Cotta a 5 0| ome a o | Ole TT ial 15 |15/ 0, 0; 0 0 0/0 0 ey 22 | 8) 0, 0 | ol oO v0 | 0; 0 zits, een - 40 112! 0 0; 00 01 010 “pecial Train, 01010} 8305 | ° Goods, Mds, 9195 8 0, loo mo | ol ot a Minerals, Mds., 0; 00 0 0 3 ‘ : Ff Cattle, 0 | 0 0! 0! | ees ese ge . | O 0 | 0] @ 0; 0:0 1) ‘ yt G ts. cac | i emurrage of Trucks @ 5 Rs. cach, é ae 0) 1295 SD 0, 4580 8) ui Gross Tot, ...! 6327 1 y) 11 a otal, 6327 43) 4580 3) 1} 10357 | 7/2 Yraffic of Corresponding week last year, 3rd to aed s ime ae: Bie ee April 1859, = = S41 SFE 10) 5] r5ag | 211 14075 1s 4 3 TRavere, Single and Dou-/Single and Do Ast to 7th April 1860, ble, Ist Class. ble, 2nd Class, Single, 3rd Class, ToTat. 2 ae | — ae este | a Ni A ’ N . ‘e | S mapa °-| Amount. | No Amount a Amount = ~ 50 | aera woe Booked at Stat 5 50 | PtsOl 6286) 560° an aed Peis SO | 484 | 6) 16/550 TTT 6 '373¢ 805} OFS sors! 5402/11. 3 rq | | | | | | 87 i 6 _Excess Fares, Rem 0G! 61 > 0 | a 0 o} 5439 {yal Last Indian Ltailway Company, N. W. hes : maa : : Deputy Agent's Office, Allahabad, 27¢h April 1860, } C. sT EPHENSON, 513 ALLAHABAD GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. INC OPE Cus. Required, » Moonsurrua and Translator, for the Deputy Commissioner's Office, at Purtabgurh, in Oudh. An intimate knowledge of both English and Oordoo is required, so as to be able to read and write both languages with perfect fluency and accuracy. Salary 150 Rs. per month. G. WALKER, Wer. Asst. Cumr. for Depy. Commissioner. Purtabgurh, Dy Commr’s Office, } The 20th December 1359. 5 (f. 0.) NOTICE Is hereby given, for the information of all Trea- sury Officers, that the bills issued from this Trea- sury will bear a higher general printed number than those hitherto in use. No. to commence froin 197001 from this date. G. B. MACONOCHIE, Deputy Collector . Etawah Treasury, the 21st April 1860. (3) NOTICH Is hereby given to Officers in charge of Trea- suries, that drafts bearing a higher general number than those previously issued, will be hence- forth used in this Treasury. Wa” YOUNG: Assistant Collector, In charge of Treasury. Jounpoor lg The 9th May 1860. (2) —————— ae Le NOTICE Ts hereby given, that the present series of num- bers of drafts, issued from the Jhansie ‘Treasury, will shortly end with No. 1,13,500, after which a new series, commencing with No. 2,96,501, will be issued, W. R. N. JAMES, Deputy Collector. In charge Jhansie Lyeasury. Phansie Dy. Cominr.’s ahaa Lhe 14th March 1860, fe) { WN Of Cay [tis hereby given, for the information of all Treasury Officers. that the present series of number of drafts, issued from the Mundlah Treasury. endeal with No. 79250, after which a new series, commen- t cing with No. 060251 will be issued, | Il. F. WADDINGTON, Deputy Commr., 2nd Class. Menptait, 2) Deputy Commissioner's Office, + The 13th April 1SG0. a (2) NOLL TO k. Persons desirous of repairing monuments in the burial ground at Moradabad, which were injured during the mutinies, are informed, that the Magis. trate has in his hands, funds available for this pur- pose, and that applications may be made to him accordingly. J. STRACHEY, Magistrate. Moradabad, the 1st Atay 1860. C2) NOTICE. The bill forms numbered 104701 to 101750 of this Treasury, having been damaged and rendered useless, will not be issued, G. B. MACONOCHIE. Deputy Collector, In charge of Treasury. Btawah Treasury. i The 5th May 1860. (3) ADVERTISEMENT. A House at Lullutpore “ Bundeleund,” belivvesl to be the property of the late Doctor Moor, Assistant Surgeon, 5th Gwalior Infantry, being in a ruined state, and its site being urgently required for the present resident of the Station, it behaves all per- sons who may haveany claim to a right of property jn the said ruins to make the claim known to me, on or before the Ist of July next. otherwise the said riins will be sold and the site placed at the dispos- al of those that require. WG. B. TYLER, Lrevr. Offg. Dy. Commissigner. Deputy Commissioner's Office.) Lullutpore, § K+) The 14th May 1860. J eee i ast PRINTED AT THE GOVERNMENT PRESS, ALLAHABAD. SUPPLEMENT TO THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES. BY AUTHORITY.) , [Se gle 2 pm S eisys ALLAHABAD: TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1860. EVAS* Siw raghe ff us ane use — yy 6 mu. _ RFPs) phie LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF INDIA. The bth May 1860. Tnx following Act, passed by the Le- gislative Council of India, received the assent of the Governor General on the 26th April 1860, (communicated to the Legislative Council on the 5th May 1860), and is hereby promulgated for general information :— PRR ARAN SAD SanigS LR Lp ESAS* bhow vy te) ndgS RR Cpe Sele Und ee sie EO! WMhoas of SI AIe sin ey! FY Sym yale ey wie US jbin a yl JSyie piyyh tgs lie yal yx] Lome gS all Bn da 0 cgyybin gIbt y) US pgs y9Sbe GS col yl alee Ube Daf Cte # gb Gym yyitve dv & Eth) § ———— ( 220 ) Act No. XIII. or 1860. la Act to repeal certain laws relating to the jurisdiction of the Zillah Court of Lurruckabad. Whereas, it is expedient to repeal cer- tain laws relating to the jurisdiction of the Zillah Court of Furruckabad; It is enacted as follows :— I. Section 8 Preamble. of Regulation IT. 1803 of the Bengal Code, (enacting a rule for the guidance of the Zillah Court OS Furruckabad, with reference to com- plaints prefered against any of the de- pendants of the Nawab of Furruckabad,) and Act XT. of 1836, (relating to the exe- cution by the said Court of ecrtain decrees passed by the Nawab under the provisions of the said Regulation) are hereby re- pealed. Laws repealed. es The 5th May 1860. Tux following Act, passed by the Le- gislative Council of India, received the _ assent of the Governor General on the 26th April 1860, (communicated to the Legislative Council on the $th May _ 1860), and is hereby promulgated for general information :— Act No. XIV. or 1860. An Act to provide for the execution of process within the premises occupied by fis Majesty the king of Oude. Whereas it is expedient to make pro- vision for the execu- tion of process with- in the premises occupied by His Majes- ty the king of Oude; It is enacted as follows :— Preamble. I When any process, issued hy any of iva Civil Court, Collec. tor, or other Revenue Officer, in Her Majesty's East Indian ter- ritories, is required to be served or exe- cuted within the premises occupied by the king of Oude, such process shall be transmitted to - the officer, appointed to be Agent with His M ajesty on the part Execution process, 8 Sis! Cate Lat Ol S saliucn i Gel Le EVAY* bw Gob ile yhed BGI asc Kulak uph'ly? Va a wk) EG! Ss oes BS Sse ee gh ge edias |S ole 3 22S ols Lay 6,2 Boyar CLASH cin Po ddd A cabs | bal gd elise ton ye de],3 Be prin di pln ghe S dle 3 loi oe S latl ot sal, yrtie EPAPY cian fF EO! yo ragt SE > ide he wedge wt ye els $5 Vax y} ay 7294 o's k&S 0 ®yyShv— wstity! bi} ya wed pad PE BS Eye oni sy? ye ——— EVAY* Shea use fo) abs KE puss Kale yd Be ydie Gail shay rs) ELM + Siw Jy! ry Sy? pre aw Sie WSUS spi a yates Spi sing tgs tis. yaa sal oS RE para) I Sy) Sie Lee Dg lai ell! | J EME S phyes Sho BF yo! Pie * gb ‘350 yee EN NT Bh eal 1M ned eat pH L evias ola calicce Sle Sqast By EG J SBI wliol euigcu abla} wise saliucn af us? Gamlas yl & x82 ey bb seri ys} Est es aw abla} s m5! slash kelign 2 ea at yr oa ce vols So. eS f andy 23 fo yxcls lo & d = 2 csiles elloe pul ayahee F S0)) Moly k.baes athe yal alae fle ae IE SY oy eae yen Son ea le Of Si ellie os ‘ ‘ SP pF este b Caiaiy File ye ets teu pl £ os yt 2? eparhe lbs cw Auth 34 wit sy a v Hs M ( 221 ) of the British Government, and such officer shall cause such process to be served or executed -according to the exigency thereof, and shall return the same with acertificate of what shall have been done thereon. If. When any process issued by any ¥i3* 2 4 Exeeution of criminal Criminal Court, Jus- Pree tice of the Peace, Magistrate, or Officer, exercising the powers or any of the powers of a Magis- trate in Her Majesty’s East Indian ter- ritories, is required to be served or exe- cuted within the premises occupied by the king of Oude, such process may, at the discretion of the Court or officer issuing the same, be transmitted to the officer, who shall have been appointed Agent with His Majesty on the part of the British Government, and in such case such officer shall cause such process to be served or executed according to the exi- gency thereof, and shall return the same with a certificate of what shall have been done thereon. III. Every certificate returned by the Agent with his Majesty under this Act, shall in all cases be admitted as prima facie proof of the truth of the mat- ter stated therein. IV. It shall be lawful for the Gover- nor General in Coun- cilto define, for the purposes of this Act, by notification in the Calcutta Gazette, the limits of the premises oceupied by the king of Oude, and from time to time, in like manner, to Proof of execution, Limits of residence how to be defined. alter such limits. —_——— The bth May 1860. Tap following Act, passed by the Le- gislative Council of India, received the assent of the Governor General on the 26th April 1860, (communicated to the Legislative Council on the 5th May 1860), and is hereby promulgated for general information :— ESS bw a xe 5558 eves) # eS cnily & died Kydes alinke S 9B yyd he GQ > Y sats ls Cen ose a) oo Ly sors? eatlos aos hast 5d eal yo) oS tg ahem wecale & dy) saat byclfs| Zit 8 aye SUaK + Big yates p ask Ue & Nyt yal Send shaw sblal & 5) Se vs) s Sehiak ae pe e in L costs url S Simlvale inl caliake pttew Qonlie wine Wee Pawn NS) BrkadyeS la om 2 SM? we ie< s§ - 4 CLES le del dae S16 Une b Hyon) Kar} kalba = aala yf Si! wamle jy! 52 # 2S Lely Ke ushen AES yrcive i ec Bie CEPR ely ow Gist Cal S oe! sLish \fape > KES bw oak, 3! Sad i bats : “ft * os? wpe = rita! ye yk yoo wy bs " g239 slaob 'an ZG) syahe baal) 6S S552 lee und 9S ee ae « c a Brih s S fypeese iggu bala} J kro, ae, | (ar ee os us uM Sypt o3o> UG: Us oy uy 5 ema use “ys a. kot ry? ed + Va tae 2 2 inH 7~_—_— as te) é {AY cin Ma Lani f Ras re) es SAE ES ba dae G0} ye sina s EVAt~ bhaw b,3! t4 5 ype ae US US spin ox pale Sxe Byph ly) be ps Cai Cm’ of ELA TS ci ft © cg ygltie subt 5! Se ie omni 5S a ng $ #2 UD phca av £ (ic. ——— ( 222 ) Act No. XVII. or 1860. An Act to repeal Act V. of 1858, (for the punishment of certain offenders who have escaped from jail, and of persons who shall knowingly harbour such offend- ers), and to make certain provisions in lieu thereof. Whereas it is expedient to repeal Act Y. of 1858, (or the punishment of certain offenders who have escaped from jail, and of persons who shall knowingly harbour such offenders), and to make certain pro- visions in lieu thereof; It is enacted as follows :— Preamble. [ Act of 1858 is repealed except as to any sentences Act V. of 1858 repealed. passed under that Act. : Ii. It shall be competent to the Exe- cutive Government of any Presidency or place to declare, by an order, as regards any or all of the districts under such Government, the time within which the persons, who, within such district or districts, shall between the Ist of May 1857 and the time so declared, have escaped from jail or other lawful custody, whilst detained under sentence of imprisonment for any of the crimes hereinafter mentioned, could and ought to have surrendered themselves to a Magistrate or Police Officer ; and no such person who shall have so surrendered himself within the period fixed as aforesaid, shall be liable to be prosecuted under this Act. Til. Every person who, whilst detain- ed as aforesaid, shall have escaped from jail or other lawful custody, during the period mentioned in the last preceding Section, and. who shall not have surrendered himself within the time declared by the Executive Govern- ment as aforesaid, may be sentenced to transportation for life, or for any shorter period not being less than five years or Time forthe surrender of certain escaped offend- ers. Punishment for not sur- rendering within the time aforesaid. SS See |e EIA fiw wl IV ye KI eee ) EVAOA kaw 0 Ss! guns Aye an re a ilala > 2S U? pain War 7 f : p+ yrs Shani] 9 Bags = & VASE waar e393 Udy yy ( Layee aliy 5 o 32 we by EL NON kin OKI AS om enorlern . * Ke ov silahes 9s S yyy vant oe ployee chal 3) S829 £ Lo ah gh a Ma Use £ a y $42 Tomi Cptydd sly 3s xp Ua aS ed aie Jad crigly Sus Seda bls oe EVADA ki 0 EG) f ey LARC ey 5° & ee LS! yea) ays us) ne & wyerten 5 Jf cil > ure Ella] Gals WS S$ ety fs te 5) ye dlare y shel bh a i ule SI > ays de dies gia ond ae Ehwrive 58 oe cole & claus wilt 6S Us eulive Rei] uy Sle Js 4 ye od 2S yd) parton & Eryyroncsve gry Sil aI ys] S Wy 8) ylive dheyne 2. Ves U> Uo ay & es) url Nin Lee By RLS pala Ue «Cm i GIS giydle 3S | gb Clay pa att ae) | yp f bass Cahule kay lea > ui ¢ tJ a os os shy a po Bereta ao ty ates eo is Enis) 6 rage 58a > uS5 Cc vi 27s re) yols ent dy! =e Toke e. i bs OS gu be ob § (9s S 6p tos ee te us! S hile d3 Ktediin ys 3 Slows rylle u ae > 2) 08 Woe yleodael bb OG dpe hu Ui Badin yp yl > 4 sates a Uy yh Ui Me sot? Comlin S ited 6 gain ur} poe Lrsmutf sy iz . Court. ; 2 3 to imprisonment with or without hard labor in irons, for any period not excecd- ing three years, in addition to any unex- pired term of his sentence. In what cases Magistrate may past sentence without iginal commitment to Sessions ors ad In any case falling within the provisions of this Section in which the Magistrate shall be of opinion that, in addition to the unexpired term . of the offender’s original sentence, a more severe sentence than that which such Magistrate is, by any law for the time being in force, empowered to pass, is not called for, it shall not be necessa-. ry for the Magistrate to order the com- mitment of the offender to the Sessions Court, but he may himself pass sentence to the extent of his powers and proceed to carry the sentence into execution. IV. All sentences already passed in cases falling within the provisions of Act V. of 1858, shall be deemed valid, any thing in the said Act to the contrary notwithstanding. Sentence under Act V. of 1858, to be deemed valid. V. If any person subject to the penalty, prescribed in Section I. Act V. of 1858, shall, before the passing of this Act, have been re- manded to jail under the order of a Magistrate to undergo the portion of his sentence remaining unexpired at the date of his escape from jail or other lawful custody, such person shall not be liable to be prosecuted under this Act. VI. The following are the crimes Enumeration of crimes referred to in Sec- referred to in Section IT. tion ls; namely, re- bellion, mutiny, desertion, murder, at- tempts to murder, thuggee, dacoity, rob- bery, belonging or having belonged to a gang of thugs, or toa gang of dacoits, gang, associated for Certain escaped offend- ers remanded to jail, not liable to be prosecuted under this Act. or to a wandering the purposes of theft or robbery. VII. Whoever shall knowingly har- bour or conceal, or assist in harbouring or concealing, any Punishment for know- ingly harbouring or con- oealing offenders, 83x00 Se afeia e sla-yke $ Guyane Cale pr ent wale us? ae yy? > si Pye 59> y uly pw yen! ey Sy 3y9d 9S % pee 5S Cam as ae gf Zaye ye Vw o> dys al Wsdfoa U aS Up ® pla «hy - hei ys & Sb Buy Racer 638 gh HDS AS yt * as Jus é sm EAL dilain ulesiie gm bye pad 6 Ls” keds Atle) 3 ba - ey me uN ag Sine J cas Syyhe aly 5 > vas JyS i) D ssd3 2.4) SGI 3 5m tem zine 6 ETADA ba DK) uP ebel, oy Zag Rue wale pS nate Vm ™ lake so S hyde e shee 05 =a ay LG es age aly Sly a jie N See 382 Bags leue Cert) ure lobe 6 9) “ae ES idee {32 CN) slain ene yide ese & 8535 G39 by Jom EG! f gaia gSdie eye FT tas y! courte yo! oy? | ale} Syd yy) er gler ging ph® al S39) pot GAS oo! 6 pl UB 228 py! US Go ae enchaa usw] by erelas us upss & ke AG] outs 9m Un, Saye pa kale & J oh; By Syn bey le Sym wise S dit) opt an Sos gh3 oe ee us il V osds Bs, } asd Byte Shaws y 3? oad Ny er ee gd Mig evils 5 ydyd BUS as yale wi dl yosl wih Unde aay ow & cigs oly \ By she lL such convict, who shall lisve escaped as aforesaid, and shall not have surrendered within the period provided in Section 1]. of this Act, shall be liable to imprison- ment with or without hard labor for any term not exceeding seven years, and shall also be liable to fine. VU, All proprietors of lands, and Liahility of landholders all farmers, agents, to give early intelligence and other persons of the resort of escaped pri- snore to their estates. having the charge or management of lands, are hereby de- clared accountable for the early com- munication to the Magistrates and Police Officers of intelligence of the resort, to any place within the limits of the lands held or managed by them, of any person in respect of whom there shall be rea:on- able suspicion of his being such convict who has escaped as aforesaid ; and every proprietor or other person as afore- said, who shall neglect to give such in- tellivence, shall be liable, on conviction before a Mavistrate, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, and to fine not exceeding two hundred Rupees, commutable, if not paid, to imprison- ment fora further term not excceding six months. TX, Any Magistrate or person exer- uiage een. cising the full pow- ee “ers of a Magistrate, unless prohibited by order of the Executive Government, is hereby authorized, without reference to any other authority, to tender a pardon to any person who may have escaped from jail or other lawful custody, whilst detained under sentence of im- prisonment, for any crime or offence other than the crimes abovementioned, on condition of his giving such infor- mation as may lead to the apprehension and conyiction of one or more person or persons punishable under this Act. Such pardon may be tendered, as well in res- pect of the crime or offence for which the offender was detained, as of the offence of escaping from jail, ~ BV S syd cide GW 38 533 cal ay 2 ‘, - yaw] 6S Bop ply yl © Soly ery le y $33, & 9 | ya Cane 33! sl! kl phe A ksi oe L , lake! 3 sh; | 9 ete x2 4»! wlaslo sf fine, foced 5 wolr] wy yyhe pre tr oy'y sdbt 5S mes clydi yo) Seah Royal 65 aie gill yas sil S jolsaal ol WS gh bond ww Sylar hy. eau She 555 te pam SIS S553 od yy! hd sD yh S> O40 OL LG: Py! uit) als arya SES o> By os edhe! wes se ous ge 27h Io Kiley 533 S 5! & x a ae aie | t } : 4 y a0 & Ble i! ” > & 85k; a Sass ~~ * 2, SOG hyo bg> Las} Gs dy}e slays yes Sas yi aw Oy 9 katy a'y 590 Lola sheave ess wet, ee peace ested fasted ow Eales 396 AES aS re Cy Un Cola! SE, 2 yt lial zl kA OP 9S Si gP'yD Lo PSIENUOENG oh ee gs J tame ple se) etl owS yl ye lay Js a le Bewwlys Gah om = Lai! by us? Shaan y £52 od ute wale SS =) Kgl : bs ur} yk eh a pe aie ey 2 J) iS ale urge & eles rex a Pitan yap ond rye ta y)' Le lye # oy rly PySd yy) links aS ow jl fe as wedyae SN aais slake lym 2 Jy [bm EL4| dilate YN syyhee pitas Jbarn] cat le ls ae opie enanleo 26) Cpl ail.) of po ee EN NOV cin IF Ut aes stale yl fey clad Saye byt pee Gyr S Bw ahlie 5s! GI AN Spe pil yom 9 & pred & Sm AL pol (am by® BU Untyy® pr} 6S By Byrale to Sym ul S yf Ste SF j78l pd Erty oh woe hf LF ae «SP 5 Gale on 523) y} olin “x, Offences under this Act, other than those provided for by Section VIII. of this ct, may be tried by a Sessions Judge, Jurisdiction. 'y by a Special Commissioner, appointed “nder Act XIV. of 1857,°(to make further | provision Jor the trial and punishment of . ertain offences relating to the army, and af offences against the State) ; and the sen- ‘ence or judgment shall not be subject to peal. Provided that nothing contained : in this Section shall extend to the trial of va Europeau British subject. C XI. It shall be competent to the | Wisjol 3 Sy pf ihpyc&l ye 11 avo BF 56m BANC Joo) £6 rl 96 ini, clay 1 S amig § wed p> Se BUM UI Bowta Ko Lalavlae (gad S 02) glaxs 5.8 _ cb Kydes slay SOS gal oe Cee IS ee fe tevley 59> chal S Kye eld es wy) dd £ a Ske yg 52955 pl Sul S aSlee US py> Ly: ila Sleate aslens upind Morey 2) i> # yy 5S av Je he eC 5 Executive Government Executive Govern may transport in cases ° where an’ unexpired son- ment of any Presi- tence, together with the =r sentence for escaping from dency or.” place, to jail, amounts to five years. direct that any per- son, who shall be convicted of escaping from jail or other lawful custody, whilst undergoing a sentence of imprisonment, shall be transported for the term remain- “ing unexpired of such sentence as well y as for any additional term of imprison-~ ,, ment, to which such person shall be sen- = : tenced for making his escape, provided that the aggregate of both terms shall : not be less than five years. a The 5th May 1860. EVAY* ci we fe) | ‘Tur following Act, passed by the Legis- Sud S Lat med tele Ud Se din 2G} lian fF EINS* cin byl FY Sm yale 2 vir ad 6 REI Cpa 8 aS cde ha D gulag ch) * Gly Us ye lative Council of India, received the as- sent of the Governor General on the 26th April 1860, (communicated to the Legis- lative Council on the 5th May 1860,) and is hereby promulgated for general informa- | tion :— er ( Act No. XVIII. or 1860. An Act to continue in force Sora further pertod of three months, Act X-XI. of 1859, Sor providing for the exercise of certain powers by the Governor General during | his absence from his Council. Whereas the Governor General has re- presented that it is Preamble. expedient that he should be enabled to prolong his absence from Calcutta, and that the said Act should be continued for a further period of three months; It is enacted as fol- lows :-— dy aes kaw. OF L860 lial] continue in force for the period of three months, from the 9th day of May 1860. Act XXT. of 1859, conti- nued for three months. The 14th April 1860. A Bill for imposing Duties on Profits arising from Property, Professions, Trades, and Offices. (Continued from last Tuesday's Gazette.) CXIV. J. Where the whole income of the claimant shall f ine ~ of . ae a arise from an office offices, pensions, and sti- pends, the claim shall be made before the Commis- Or employment of A sioners of the Department. y ? Persons out of British In- profit, the duties dia may claim by affidavit, whereon are cogniza- blo before Commissioners, under Sec- tions XIX, XX. XXI. or XXIII. of this Act, or from a pension or stipend, the duties whereon are cognizable under Sec- tion XXII. of this Act, the claim to exemption or relief may be made to and y count of others, tor, on account of others, in any case where Satisfa, made by the sey of the characters such manners as they may 226 ) EVA e hin weyly {A yn AK] iw FY GI aS mw spake x, ome lia SS Sym SIU Odd OA! ya E 1A} peta pe a Ui Bl ple Sie giof ert siepip gt les NYS) aredy $ a ) Kary GG Ad S$ clipe aS G Aye Love Te ulin 6S t. SF ching sth Hl 9Sb0 ES! yy! ey vlan # st Bye LS Cas Jad a he 9 29 3 ie &) ESACT si PL at | ania # Kary SG BS S Ad uy i 2 EVs iw allowed by the Commissioners by wh the said duties are so cognizable. minister an oath in the place, where such claimant shall reside, may be received by the said Commissioners to causc.-the atsessment made for such cur- ' rent Satisfaction. of the Commissioners. by “allowed, thatchis profits during such year assozsment or such part thereof as shal be a double charge as aforesaid to } vacated. 2, Such proof may be either certificate of the assessment made on th party, under the hands of the Commis. sioners by whom he shall have beg rightly assessed according to the dire tions of this Act for the matter or caugs in question, certifying that such ter or cause is included in an assessin made by them on the same party on. same account and for the same year, or by other lawful evidence given of those facts on the cath of any credible wit. nesses. CXXT. Whenever it shall be found to the satisfaction of the chief revenue authority aforesaid, that. any such double assessment as aforesaid has been made and has not been vacated, and that pay ment has been, made of both assessments, it shall be lawful for the said chief te venue -authority to order and direct ‘the | Collector, -or any officer for receipt, to repay to the party the sum so erroneously and dcubly assessed upon him and paid as aforesaid: CXXI. -t. Tf within or at the endot the year current, at the time of making any . assessment un- der this Act, or at the end of any year when such assessment ought to» have been made, any person charged to the duties contained in either of the Schedule T or UI. shall find and shall prove to the Commissioners to direct the Collector or Receiver to rofund the amount of double assessment. Abatesment on acesunt of diminntion of income how to be allowed. whom thp,. “assessment was made and for, which the computation was made fell is . short:.of the sum so computed in respect of the «same : source of profits on which year to be amended in respect of such source of profit, a8 the case shall require, and in case the sum as-essed shall have been paid, to certify under their hands, to the Commissioner of the division, or in any of the said Presidency, ‘towns or Stations to’ the chief revenue authority of the towns or stations, the amount of the sam overpaid upon such first assessment 9. Thereupon the said Commissioner of revenue, or chief revenue authority aforesaid, shall issue an order for the ree payment of sich sum as shall have been e9 overpaid, which order shall be directed fo such odizer of revenue as the said Commissioner of revenue, or the chief revenne authority aforesaid, shall appoint in that behalf, and shall aathorize-and require the repayment of the said sum 80 overpaid as aforesaid. . : 3. Sach sum shall accordingly be paid by such officer on production and delivery to him of such order, taking the receips of the party entitled to the same by endor ement on such order. CXXII. 1. In case any person charg- u j ie Abatenmmnt bo be allowed Cleo the said duties when porsons shall cease to under Schedule II exorcis? any trade, or shall dio bofore the ead of the shall cease to exer- year. : 5 cise the profession or to carry on the trade in reapect whereof such asseasment was made, or shall die, or beome bankrupt or insolvent before the end of the year for making such assessment, or shall, from any other speci- - fic cause, be deprived of, or lose the profits on which the computation of duty charg- ed in such assessment was made, it shall bo lawful for such person or his represen- tative to make application tothe Commis- sioners for general purposes of the dis- trict, wilhin three calendar months, after the end of such year, and on due proof thereof to their satisfaction, the said Com- inissioners shall cause,fhe assessment to be amended as the case may require, and give such relief to the party charged, or his representatives, as shall be just. 2. In cases requiring the same, thé said Commissione:s shalt certify in the manner provided in the Section of this Act; and upon sach eertificate, the Commissioner of revenue, oF the ehief revenue authority aforésaid, shall, in the manner provided in that Section, order re-payment to be made of such sum as shall have been overpaid on the assess- ment amended or vacated, which repay- ment sliall be made in the manner pro- vided in the said Section. 3. Provided always, that where any person shall have succeeded to. the trade of the party charged, no such amend- ment shall be made, unless it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the said Commissioners that the profits of such trade have fallen short from some speci- fic cause, to be alleged to them ana prov- ed, since such change or succession took place, or by reason thereof; but such person so succeeding to the same shall be liable to the payment of the full duties thereon, without any new assessment. CXXIV. 1. Ff any difference shall arise between any Commissioners to settle . differenced respecting de- - Persons to whom any dactions to a actions tobe made on se: interest, rent, rent count of duties. charges, annuity, quit rent, or other rent, or annual pay- ment shall be payable, touching the same, to be deducted thereof on account of the duties hereby charged having been paid, or between the owner or person in receipt of rent for the time being, and any for- mer owner or person in receipt of rents of any lands, or his represent»tive or as- signs, touching the proportion of duty to be paid or allowed by either party, the Commissioners for general purpcses, in their several districts, shall have autho- rity to settle the proportions of such pay- ments and deductions, as shall be decor’: ing to the directions of this Act; and, in default.of payment, to levy the fame respectively under the like powers as they might have levied the same, if the | assessment had been made in the same (J ( 250 ) : x . The respective Cor. proportions, and to pay over the same CXXVILs A 2» Te @ Co missioners ex to the Collector or party, as the case may eitaieiont WaGee xecu ir duplicate assessment’ to this Act in anaiaam™ require. Collector, which ge be he pie: ¢ 4 4 2. Inguch. cases the Judgment and ee ey oo ¥ OF the dutie . . . 2 v? a 7 determination .of such Commissioners hereby imposed,s shall as soon as possible, after al] app CXXV.» In the computation of duty ; made to them as aforesaid shal] ] to be made under od ailaall dae Paiatved a -Act fax wag, gait pe ea be charg. pose whatsoever, it shall not be lawful to make any other deduction than such as are expressly allowed by this Act, nor to make any deduction on account of any annual interest, annuity, or other annual payment to be paid to any. person out of any profits or gains chargeable by this Act, in regard that a proportionate part of the duty soto be charged is allowed to be deducted on making stich payment, nor to make any deduction from the pro- fits arising from any property chargeable with duty under Schedules I and III of this Act, or either of them, or from any office or employment of profit, chargeable under Schedule IV of this Act, on ac- count of diminution of capital employed, or of loss sustained in any trade, manu- facture, adventura, or concern, or in any profession, * : the respective Collectors duplicates of the assessments of the aforesaid duties charged respective schedules of this Act, dige tinguishing the amounts charged under each of the said schedules. 2. Such duplicates shall, except in the cases provided for in Sections CXXXII and CXXXIITI. of this Act, contain the names and descriptions of the persons assessed and charged. 3. Such duplicates, when received by the Collector, shall be a sufficient way. rant (and authority) to him for the levy. ing and collecting of the said duties ASs- essed under this Act, and specified in the said duplicates as the same shall be- come ‘payable by such instalments a5 aforesaid, in the manner hereinafter di- rected. CXXVHI" Wherever a Treasury or office for the receipt been eetiticned within’? of the duties -unided | mhall'yay into such Teese this Act shall have x ae 2 been established by the Government within 5 miles from the place where any person assessed under this Act shall reside, such person shall pay the instalments of duties with which he shall have been charged as aforesaid, at such Treasury or office to the officer in charge thereof for the time being, within seven days. after the said instalments shall have become payable. Cee _ Patt XITL Mode of payment and collection of the Duties. OXXVI. The duties assessed under this Act, except where Duties to be payable by : four quarterly instalments, the same shal] be detained and stopped at the respective offices, shall be payable in each year by four quarterly instalments at the times following, that is to say, on or before the Ist day of August for the first quarterly instalment, on or before the 1st'tay of November for the second quarterly instalment, on or before the Ist daygof February i Where no such Treasury or r the re- Otherwise Colléctoret, ; office for : deliver memorandym to a ceipt of duties shall Collecting oificer, 5 P have been establish- «- Miles from the place where for the third quarterly instalment, and on or before the 1st day of May for the last quarterly instalment in each year. ed within Pre ‘ ‘ yeside, the Collector of the district shall deliver a memorandum, signed by such ' Collector, of the amount of the instal. ments payable by any such person so re- . siding more than miles from any such .. ‘Treasury or office as aforesaid, and of the ~name and place of abode of such person, to a collecting officer or person,to be ap- ' pointed in that behalf by the Collector. 2. Such collecting officer or person shall, within days after such me- morandum shall have Who shall demand pay- ment from persons assess- ed, been delivered to him as aforesaid, make demand of the person named in such memorandum, or at the place of abode mentioned in such memorandum, of the amount of the instalment therein men- tioned. , CXXX. Whenever any payment shall be made, cither at such Treasury or of- fice, or to any collecting officer or person as aforesaid, to whom any such memo- yandum as aforesaid shall have been de- livered by the Collector, of any instal- ment of duties assessed under this Act, the officer or person receiving the same shall give a receipt under his hand, unto the person who shall pay the same, and . such receipt shall be a full and complete On payment, receipt to be given. ie . discharge to every person who shall pay Ng ‘5 4 the same for the sum so paid as aforesaid. \¢ CXXKI. The Collector of each dis- ! : trict shall cause ge- Collector to give general ’ £ if notice of establishment of neral notice to be Treasuries, and of officer to . : ‘ “ . wv whom duties are to be given in his district bad, : ’ i by proclamation in » the manner usual inthe said district, and also by affixing such notice at the office of the said Collector, of the Treasuries or offices established by the Governinent within the said district for the rezeipt of the said duties, or of the officers or per- sons to whom the said duties at diflerent places within the said districts, may be paid, i ' parties when they intend J i any person assessed under this Act'shall Afode of payment of duties under Sche- dule IT, when parties desire to pay ac- cording to numbers or letters. CXMAH 1. Assessments under Sche- dule II. to be entered, a certificate of the amount @elivered by a number or letter withont the names of All assessments upon profits under Sche- dule IT, made by the for general purposes, or by the Commission- ers for special purposes, shall be entered in books, with the names and descriptions of the persons to be charged therewith, Commissioners to pay the officer for re- eeipt. atid their respective places of abode set opposite thereto, which entries shall res- pectively be numbered progressively, or lettered or distinguished by numbers or letters, as the said Commissioners shall think proper. , 2. When, and as soon as the said Commissioners shall have caused to be made any such entry. in such book, in ease the person charged by such assess- ment shall have declared his intention to pay the duty at the proper Treasury or to the proper officer for receipt within the time limited by this Act for payment thereof, and in case the said Commissign- ers shall be satisfied with such declara- tion, they shall deliver to such person, or tosuch other person, as shall be there attending on his behalf, a certificate un- der the hands of two or more of such Commissioners, specifying the amount of the sums to be paid within. one year upon such assessment. 3. Every such certificate shall, be numbered or lettered with the same num- ber or letter as the entry in the book of the said Commissioners, to which such certificate shall relate, without naming or otherwise describing the person charged. 4. Such certificate shall,‘on produc- tion thereof, be a sufficient authority to the said oflicer for receipt, from time®to time, to receive from any person bearing and producing such certificate, the amount of the sums therein contained in such proportions thereof as by this Achare satisfaction of so much of the assegs On} as shall be mentioned. in such certif at to be so paid. $. Ifany person shall neglect to py such duties at the time and in the may, made payable by instalments, and at the times by this Act appointed for payment thereof, 5. On the payment of the sums con- tained in any such certificate, or any pro- portion thereof, the said officer for receipt shall give certificates for the same, ac~ knowledging the receipt of the sums paid on account of the certificate of the said respective Commissioners, by the num- ber or letter marked therein, as before directed. CXXXII. It shall be lawful for the respective Commis- Duplicates to be deliver- . tl to i otkeatere and when Si10nerSs, whether for agzessinents are made yn- der a number or letter, a general or special required to deliver a: duplicate of al] suins assessed on any person who shall have made default in paying or account ing for the payment. of the same, with his name and description, to the Collector, | in order that he may levy the sumin | arrear and unpaid, and su-h sums shall. | therefore be levied according to the pro. visions hereinafter contained, warrant for receiving the ° duties to be delivered. purposes, to issue out and deliver to the respective Collectors duplicates of the assessments made by them, contain- ing the sums assessed on every person to whom a certificate hath been de- livered by letter or number, ftoge- ther with the number or letter set oppo- site thereto in their respective books be- fore mentioned, without naming - such persons, and all such sums shall be paid to the respective officers for receipts : and such part thereof as shall not be so paid to them, may be levied and collected as herein is mentioned. CXXXIV. 1.” The duties payable on ed to pay Such last mentioned Sr oe ee en eae: ea assessments under (Soya gett Schedule II at the way. Proper Treasury, or shall be paid to the Proper officer for re- eeipt, by such instalments as by this Act is directed, on or before the respective days appointed for such payments. CXXXV. In all cases where the | When parties are not Commissioners shall assessed bya number or let- not haye received a ter, Commissioners to dali- ; i ae. ver duplieate to Collector declaration of the in. for collection, a tended payment to the officer for receipt, as aforesaid, of the duty to be charged under Schedule II, or shall not be satisfied with such | declaration, they shall deliver a duplicate | of the assessments to the Colleetor, with the names and descriptions of the parties | charged therewith, as provided in Section CXXVII. of this Act, CXXXVI. If after the receipt of any thee Paeascu such declaration, the | intention to pay under duties shall not be way Conmisioners duly satisfied and lector. paid accordingly, the | said Commissioners shall cause the name of the defaulterg, | and the amount of duty assessed on . each, to be inserted, from time to time, | ers, or to their clerk at their office, before | in the duplicate assessment of the Col- | the time when the same are hereby made | lector; and such dn licate_ shall be of payable, taking his or their receipt for | the like force ‘ine ae : ; Q ial the same, which receipt shall be a suffi- | the sums, ang such = a4 i& man discharge for the money so paid, in | ed, as jf such ae = * ie ° a 6 . Ee 2. The certificates hereby required to be given on such payments shall be delivered to the respective Commission- ( 233 ) been inserted therein at the “time of is- a” suing such duplicate. ily CXXXVIL Whenever the smount of Hy tho, ¢, 1m default of payment. any instalment of , dt ; ; Collector may Prawtres the said duties shall aly A Saee icnot be pina i peepeety: ) ner aforesaid, by ype ,, Person liable to pay the same within seven days after the day appainted by. this Act aforesaid, for the payment of: auch instalment, the Collector. shall .pro-: ceed for the recovery of such instalment, 7" by a distress and sale of the: moveable property or ‘attachment ‘and sale of the Smmoveable property of the person. so making default. 28 CXXXVITE. Inthe scizre and sale " Aejzure and sale of move- of moveable ate tie 1 ale property to be mate ty for arrears of ass- | ecconling to following . (ruled. essment, the follow- deel, , dag tales shall be observed :— Lst.—The Colle:tor shall employ a per- adhd hake. me to distrain the a de- property, hereinafter called the « distrain- ing officer, and shall furnish to such officer a demand in writing signed by the Collector, or by some officer em- , powered by him in that behalf, specifying the amount of the arrear for which the distress may be issucd, and the date on which the arrear fell due. OQnd—The distraining officer shall Dofaulter to be served produce the writing pl with a copy. : as authority for mak- * ing the dis'ress, and ou the day on which the property may be distrained, shall de- * liver a copy of such writing to the de- % faulter, endorsing thereon a list or in- ’ ventory of the property distrained, and ® the name of the place where may be “ Yodged or kept. ‘ 3rd.—The writing shall further set i Writing to state that the forth that the dis- ’ a property will be trained property will be brought to public sale within days, unless the amount and the expense of the distress be previ- ously discharged. = 4th.— When a defaulter shall be ab- Mode of service when sent, a copy of the ceaneene writing with the endorsement, shall be fixed or left at his usual place of residence, before the ex- piration of the third day, calculating from the day of the distress. CXXXIX. When a defaulter, on re- iving notice, shall Consequence of defaulter ae 2) tice, neglecting to pay afterno- neglect to pay the tice, or absenting himself. amount due, or when a defaulter shall have absconded, or be otherwise not. forthcoming, so that the notice cannot be served upon him, the distraining officer shall, in either case, transmit an inventory of the property distrained to the Collector. CXL. When a defaulter shall tender payment. of the ar- iepmaarpele or the a rear demanded, after of soley dinerits Somewhigerproperty shall ; have been distrained before the day fixed for sale, together with payment of the necessary expenses attending *the distress, the distraining officer shall receive the amount of such arrear and expenses, and shall forthwith release the property. CXLI. The distress Tevied shall not be exczssive, and the Distreas to be propor- property distrained tionate to the errear. shall be as nearly as possible prapor- tionate to the amount of the arréar. a 4 ber: CXL. The distress shall be made after sunrise and Time for disin ss. . 4 hae A before sunset, and not otherwise. CXL. The distraining officer shall What places distrainer may have power to force foree open. open any stable, cow- house, golah, granary, -goedown, out- house, or other building, as also to enter any dwelling house, the outer door of which may be open, (excepting the apartments in such dwelling house, - ap- proptiated for the zenanah or residence of women, which, by the usage’ of the | country, are considered private), and to eq a ee | i f \ ee eee Oo CD C break open the door of any room in such dwelling house for the purpose of at- taching property belonging to a defaulter and lodged therein. CXLIV.. 1. Where a distraining Boneh WelMistedtiblorn DAO CenShall hayeres- force open doors inthe pre- gon to suppose that sence of a Poli ce Officer. the property of a de * faulter is lodged within a dwelling house, the outer door of which may be shut, or within any apartments appropriated to women, which by the usage of the coun- try are considered private, such officer shall represent the game to the head officer of the Police, Qvithin whose jurisdiction the house may be situated, ) and on such representation the head off cer of the Police shall send a Police officer not under the degree of a to the spot, in the presence of whom the distraining officer may foree open the outer door of such dwelling house. 2. The distrainine officer may also, in the presence of the Police officer, after due notice given for the removal of women within a zenanah, and after fur- nishing means for their removal ina suitable manner, (if they be women of rank who, according to the custom of the country, cannot appear in public,) enter the zenanah apartments for the pur- pose of distraining the defaulter’s pro- perty. therein; but such property, if found, shall. be immediately removed from such apartments, after which they shall be left free to the former occupants, CXLV. Immediately on the occur- rence of an arrear, Real property may be attached but previous sane. OF at any subsequent tion of the chief revenue iod ; authority of the division Period, the Collector necessary for the sale of : ™ ‘ iminovoable property, shall have authority to attach at his dis. such portion of a de- eretion the whole or 234. ) CXLVI When a defaulter shall; When Collector may sell property, of wey te able property le onc d er dicmaie tiie moves NC un aint can 5 pty he de- | eS eae made, or when, af aulter, the moveable and sale is not liquidated by the proceet of such sale, the Collector may, with su sanction as aforesaid, proceed to sell the immoveable property of the defaulter, CXLVIT. The person or officer Poclamation to he made ployed by the G ; of the time of sale and of lector to sale m the property tobe sold. abe property dis- trained, or immoveable property attach. ed under this Act, shall cause to beafix. ed to the outer door of the defaulte house a list of the property to be sold, with a notice specifying the place where, and the day and hour at which the pro- perty will be sold, and shall cause procla- mation of the intended sale to be mad in the manner usual in the district in such place or places as the Collector may consider necessary to give due publicity to the sale. CXLVIII. No sale of immoveable No sale of such property prepens ; shall to take place till after fit} place until after the Sate: expiration of a period of fifteen days from the date on which the notice may be so affixed. CXLIX. 1. At the appointed time, the property, move- able or immoveable, shall be put up for sale under the order of the Collector in one or more lots, as the Collector or the officer employed by him in that behalf shall direct, and shall Sale how to be conducted. faulter’s immoveable property as he may deem sufficient to answer the amount in arrear; but the Previous sanction of the chief revenne authority of the division shall, in all cases, be necessary for the sale of immoyeable property. . a) the defaulter, be sold to the highest bidder. ° 2. When the property shall be sold for more than the amount of the arrear, the overplus, after deducting expenses of process and interest, shall be paid to ( 235 le, y k CL. When the immoveable property 1,4 of a defaulter is first ‘vhen Collectors may sell attached and sold, if '> moveable property after ‘ 2 immoreable property of the arrears due, with “> defaulter haa been dis- ne hed expenses of attach- le ment and sale, and é llother just charges, be not fullyliquidat- _d by the sale, the Collector may cause he moveable property of the defaulter 2° be distrained and sold for the recovery if f the balanee thereof, with interest, ind all expenses of the distress and sale. C51. 1. Jf any person assessed to the said duties shall remove out of the district in which he "Shall have been assessed, without first “paying or discharging all the duties “charged upon him which shall be due and “payable, and without leaving in such dis- “trict sufficient property whence the whole “of the said duties may be raised and ‘levied ; or if any person shall reside in “any other district than that in which the “assessment or charge shall be made on “him in pursuance of this Act, and the "same shall be in arrear and unsatisfied in the whole or in part, it shall be lawful for the Collector of the district in which , such assessment or charge shall have - been made, to certify to the Collector of . the districf within which such person shall y4 Arrears to be levied by ' “Sstress in the district where jhe party resides, , teside, the amount of the assessment \" ; or charge made upon such person, and re- maining’in arrear, and unpaid as aforesaid. 2. Such last mentioned Collector shall thereupon cause the whole of the duty $s) remaining in arrear and unpaid as aforesaid to be raised and levied, together with the costs and charges attending, in the same manner, as if the said person had been assessed in the district of the said last mentioned Collector. CLII. The fees payable upon dis- traintsorattachments under this Act, shall be such as are set forth in the table of fees in the sche- Jule hereto annexed, and marked VII. The fees upon distraints should be according to ta- lle of fees in Schedule VII. eee, ee —_ ) CLUI. Instead of proceeding by dis- tress and sale, or by Instead of proceeding by distress, Collector may file a certificate of non-pay- ment in a Court of coimpe- tent jurisdiction of the dis- triet. attachment and sale, or in case of failure to realize the whole or part of the duty assessed and payable under this Act, the Collector of the dis- trict may, if he shall think fit, and if any instalment shall remain unpaid for more than fourteen days, after the day appoint- ed for the payment thereof file in any Court of competent jurisdiction within the district in which the person liable shall reside, whether established by Royal Charter or not, a certificate that such person has been duly assessed under this Act, specifying, the yearly sum in whieh and the period for which he shall have been so assessed : stating that, an instal- ment of the said duties so assessed re- mains unpaid, stating the amount of such instalment, and the time at which it be- came payable. CLIV. Such certificate shall have the same effect in regard to the person and property, moveable or immoveable, of the said defaulter, as if a final decree or judgment had been ob- tained by the said Collector on behalf of the Secretary of State in Council against such person for the payment of the said arrears of duty ina regular suit in the said Court, and it shall be lawful for the Collector to take the same proceedings by execution and process of the said Court, as he would have been entitled to take such final decree or judgment. CLY. All such duties as shall be duly assessed or charged under any of the pro- visions of this Act, if not paid, levied, or collected according to the direction herein mentioned, shall also be recover- able as a debt to, and in the name of the Secretary of State for, India in Couneil, with full costs of suit, and all charges and expenses attending the same. thereby any Such certifieate shall have the effect ofa final decree. Duties shall also be re- coverable as adelt, aad in the name of Seeretary of State for India in Cowacil. ( 236 ) CLVI. The claim of the Government Sach claim shall have for all Ene payable priority all other for the said duties ad shall have _ priority over all other claims upon any immoye- able property attached, or upon any move- able property distrained under this Act, over CLVII. 1. No goods or chattels be- Goods of defaulters are not to be removed under any execution or assign- ment, until all duties are longing to any per- son at the time any paid. Exception in favor of Jandlord’s claim to arrear Tent, of the duties to be assessed under this Act shall become in arrear, shall be liable to be taken by virtue of any execution or other process, warrant or authority, or by virtue of any assignment, or on any account or pre- tence whatever, (except at the suit of the landlord for rent,) unless the person at whose suit the execution or seizure shall be sued out or made, or to whom such as- signment shall be made, shall, before the sale or removal of such goods and chat- tels, pay, or cause to be paid to the proper officer all arrears of the said duties which shall be due at the time of seizing such goods or chattels, or which shall be pay- able for the year in which such seizure shal be made, provided that the said duties shall not be claimed under this Section for more than one year. 2. The exception herein before con. tained as to the land. Landlord’s claim shall ’ « on nt beyond six lord’s claim to rent months. Shall not extend bea yond six months’ arrears of any rent due to the said landlord. CLVIII. When any person charge- able with the duties hereby made payable Store for person dying, as aforesaid shall be under the age of twenty-one Years, or when any person so chargeable shall die, arents or guar- > Upon default of pay- representative of Shall be, and are Parents and guardiang liable for infants, and exe- the person so dying, hereby made liable to and charged: the payments which the sid infant ou; to have made, or the person so dying Wa chargeable with, and if such parenig guardians, or such representatiyes sh neglect or refuse to pay as aforesaid, shall be lawful to proceed against them like manner as against any other making default of payment of the said q ties ; and the parent or guardian mal payments as aforesaid shall be alloy every sum paid for such infant in h accounts, and all representatives shall f allowed to deduct all such Payments on of the assets of the person go dying, CLIX. If this Act shall not be execy| ed in any district Previous to the time appointed for the payment of the f or any subsequent instalment of the said duties, or within the year of assessment, it shall be lawi ul for the Commissioners executing this Act, who shall have made or allowed any assessment after the period appoint. ed for any such payment, (which they are hereby declared to be competent to do,) from time to time, when and as the same Shall be necessary, to settle and adjust what time any instalment of which the time for payment shall then have elapsed shall be paid, in such manner as to them shall appear just and reasonable, - ~— When the Act shall not be executed before the time for payment of any instal- ments shall fall due, Com- missioners to adjust such times of payment, ut as Parr XIV, Application of the Duties, CLX. All monies arising from the duties by im: _ All the duties to he paia GUes hereby in the first instance into the posed (the necessa« Government Treasury to an 7 account to be headed in- ry charges of rais« come tax account. Pe ing and accounting for the same €xcepted,) shall be paid in- a such of the Treasuries of Her Majes- ty’s Government im India as the loea Government shal] from time to time di- rect to f to an accou nt to be headed income tax account, 2... * ’ - ( 237 ) CLXI. 1. Separate accounts shall be thy Separate accounts to be ‘opt at the Treasury of the ij per cent. and 1 per “ant, duties. Ni kept at the said Treasuries of all sums paid in. on account of the said 3 per a bent. duty, and of those paid on account isf the said 1 per cent. duty. at a 7, Separate account also to " “e kept in respect of 1 per ent. duty. “ 1ef,—Of sums paid in inl rosidency towns and straits’ Settlements. Wl Qad.—OF sums paid in _ owns in which Act XX1. ] lof 18° 50 is in force. 3rd.—Of all other sams 2. Separate accounts shall also be kept at the said ‘Treasuries. 1s/,—Ofsuch sums paid in on account of the said 1 per cent. duty, as shall have ltttonid in each district. been assessed upon | Fr Re ' : “persons residing in, or carrying on busi- Rid . . “ness in, or upon any house or landin, any ‘tof the Presidency towns or stations. '- Qndly.—Of such sums paid in on ac- “eount of the said 1 per cent. duty as Kshall have been assessed upon any per- lison residing in, or carrying on business Sin, or upon any house or land in, any ‘itown or suburb not within the Presi- i dency towns or stations aforesaid, where- tein Act XXVI. of 1850, shall be in force, t#and Oommissioners shall have been ap- w pointed under that Act, and ih Srd-y.—Of all sums paid in or on ac- “count of the said 1 per cent. duty, as shall have been assessed upon any other “person, or any other houses or lands in * each district. CLXIT. The said sums paid into the said ‘Treasuries, on account of the said 3 per cent. duty shall be transferred, from time to time, for the service of the Government of India, in such manner, at such times, and under such authority, rules and regulations as are, or may be appointed or made, with regard to any other monies arising from duties pay- * able to the said Government, or as the * {Jovernor General of India in Council / shall, from time to time, direct or ap- f point, All sms paid on account of 3 per cent. duty to be applied for service of Go- vernment of India under directions of Government. CLXIIL. Sums paid on aecount of lper cent. duty to be paid. 1st.—When collected in Presidency towns or Straits’ Settlements to Municipal Commissioners under Act XXV. of 1856. 2ud.— When collected in towns where Act XXI. of 1850 is in force, to Commis- sioners appointed under this Act. 3rd,—In other places, to Commissioners to be ap- pointed by Government, to be called Commissioners for local purposes. Of the said sums so paid into the Treasury to the said income tax account, the net sums paid in on account of the said one per cent. duty by persons whose incomes shall exceed Co.’s Rupees 500 in the year, shall, after deducting all charges and ex- penses relating thereto, be paid over and accounted forin the manner and accord- ing to the following rules :— 1st.—When the said sums shall have been assessed upon persons residing or carrying on trade in, or upon lands or houses in any of the Presidency towns or stations aforesaid, in which any Muni- cipal Commissioners shall have been ap- pointed, and shall be acting under Act XLY. of 1856, the same shall be paid and accounted for to the said Municipal Com- missioners, to a separate account to be kept by the said Commissioners, and to be headed income tax account. 2ad.—When the said sums shall hare been assessed upon persons residing, or carrying on trade in, or upon lands or houses in any town or suburb, not with- in any of the said Presidency towns, wherein Act XXVI. of 1850, or any Act by which the same may be amended, or which may be substituted for the same, shall be in force, and wherein Commission- ers shall have been appointed, and shall be acting under the said Act, the same shall be paid over and accounted for to the said Commissioners to a separate account to be headed income tax ac- count. 3rd.—When the said sums shall have been assessed upon any other persons, or any other houses or lands than those mentioned in the 2nd and 3rd Clauses of this Section, the same shall be paid over and accounted for to such Commissioners as the local Government shall, from time to time, appoint for the district in which the said sum shall have been assessed and received, to be called “ Commissioners for local purposes,” to an account to be headed ineoame tax account. CIT V 24h trict Power to Government to appoint Commissioners for lecal purposes. At least one to bea per- gon not in service of Gov- erament. or the aforesaid, the seve- ral loeal Governments shall appoint such and so many persons, not less than (three) in number, as it shall deem ex- pedient to be Commissioners for local purposes under this Act, within the said several districts respectively, of whom at least (one) shall be a person not in the service of or holding any office under the Government. . yy 2. Provided that, if it shall appear to the local Govern- ment that no person, competent to exer- cise the duties of Commissioners, can be found within the district, or if any person being so ap- pointed as aforesaid shall decline or neg- leet to take upon himself the execution of the said oifice, and in the judgment of the local Government it be deemed expedient to appoint a person in the ger- vice of Government in the place of such person, it shall be lawful for the said local Government, subject to such ap- proval as aforesaid, to appoint a person in the service of the Government to be one of the said Commissioners ip lieu of the person so declining or neglecting, SEALY >- A Te” siiall be lawful for the Misverianci® any tviae local Government, if en “Setting it shall think fit, with seppoint Commissioners the sanction of the Governor Genera] of to direct thit any &§ within any of the towns or the said Shall be divided, for the purposes” in “thre” Tat Dart Gr this Act Exeept when no compe- tent person, not in service of (sovernment, can be found, India in Council, distriet, not bein said Presidency settlements, each and every dis- in India, not being within any of the Presidency towns settlement Purposes not toe . ewer Within any which Act XXy. = Act XXIII, o¢ Deeg, ad force, mentioned, into two or more divigj and to appoint “ Commissioners fyp ] purposes,” for and in each of such dj respoctively. ‘ 2. Such Comnnssioners when s9 pointed shall have all and eyopy powers and authorities within the sion for which they shall have been » pointed, as the said Commissioners local purposes appointed for any diy Shall have CLXVI. In case of any such diy of any district faut purposes last said, — separate counts shall be at the Treasury into which the dutiesley in, and on account of such district sh be paid as aforesaid, of all such $1 paid in on account of the said 1 pere duty as shall have been assessed y or received from any person residing or carrying on business on any lands ot houses in each of the divisions of such district. 4 CLXVILI. In that case separate accounts to be kept at the Treasury of sums received on axecount of 1 per cent. duty in each division. - In such case such sums om ly as have been ass. essed upon and re ceived from the per. sons on the lands and houses within each of the said Vi sions of the district, shall be paid and accounted for to the Commissioners for local purposes appointed for such division CLXVIII. The Commissioners { Commissioners to be re- local purposes sb cd'ap in see manner be, from time 1 o ‘vim eee time, appointed al i shall be removeable, and vacancies in their number shall be filled up, in the manner provided in Section IX. of this Act, in regard te Commissioners for general purposes. CLXIX. The Commissioners fut local purposes so ap pointed as aforesaid shall not exercis? any of the powels hereby conferred Sum assessed in each division to be paid to Com- missioners for local purpos- es of such division, Commissioners for local 1850 ts in ae ( 239 ) them within, orin respect of,any town or - suburbin which Act No. XXV. of 1856 or Act No. XXVL of 1850, shall be in force, and in which Commissioners shall have been appointed and shall be acting under either of the said Acts. Che! > be o'Bhe: saad Municipal Com- missioners, the said The Municipal Commis- sioners, Conmmissioners un- der Act XXVI. of 1850, or the _ Commissioners for Jucal purposes to apply the J per cent. duties for new public works or improve- ments as Government shall approve or direct. Commissioners un- dep chet . NEVE. of 1850, and the said Commiss.oners, for local purposes respcec- shall apply the several sums of tively, aforesaid under money pid to the.n as this Act in, and upon the construction of such new public works and improve- mentss in, and of the said several Pre- sidency towns and stations, the said towns and suburbs, and the said districts or divisions respectively, for which they shall have been appointed as aforesaid, as the local Government sball, from time to time, approve or direct. 9. ‘The said Commissioners shall ac- count for the appli- sation and expendi- ture of the said sums in and upon such new works and improvements, in such man- ner and at such times as the said local Government, shall appoint and direct, by any rules and orders made and passed by such Government with the sanction of the Governor General in Council, and publish- edinthe Guzelte of the Presidency, Lieute- nant Governorship, Province, or Station, in or nearest to which the district or place, And to account for ap- plication of such duties ac- cording to rules to be - made by Government. for which such Commissioners shall have been appointed and shall be aeting, shall . be situated. Part XV. Penaltics. CLXXI. If any person shall act as a Commissioner in relation to Sche- dule II. (except administering the oath prescribed Penalty for Commission- ers and officers acting be- fore taking oath. , in in Section .) or shall act as a clerk to Commissioners, or as am assessor, or as an officer of receipt in relation to the duties in Schedule IT., before he shall have taken the oath hereby required to be taken by him, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding Rupees 500. OLXXII .If any any member of any Commissioner, or Penalty on Commissioner fer vexatious or corrupt practices, punchayet appointed under this Act, or any person appointed to make any assess ment under this Act, or if any Collector or assessor under this Act, shall know- ingly or wilfully, through corruption, partiality, or favor, over-rate or under- rate, or omit to charge any person charge- able under this Act, or charge any per- son not chargeable under this Act, or shall be guilty of any corrupt, vexatious, or fraudulent practices, or of any exter- tion, or attempt to extort any money or valuable things in the execution of his office, or shall conduct himself with partiality or unfairness therein, such Com- missioner, member of punchayet, or per- son so appointed to assess as aforesaid, and such Collector or assessor shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, for every such offence, be liable to imprisonment, with or without hard lahor, for a period not exceeding one year, and to forfeit a Rupees 1,000. sum not exceeding CLXXIIT. Every assessor: or agsis- Se oe eau _ASSeSsor who wilfully neglecting to Shall wilfully, of appear before Collectors or without ~ reasonable Comunissioners, cause, neglect to ap- pear before the Collectors or Commis- sioners of the district on any occasion on which he ought to appear under any of the provisions of this Act, or refuse to make suclr oath as herein in that behalf prescribed, or who shall, without reason- able cause, omit or neglect to return {o the Collector the name of any person, whose name. ought to be included im any OD ( 2 ) such list, as by this Act is required, shall forfeit for any such omission or neglect any sum not exceeding Rupzes 200. CLXXIV. If any clerk to the Com. Penalty for clerks for Mlssioners appointed paso under this Act shall wilfully delay. or obstruct the execution of this Act, or shall wilfully misconduct or negligently. conduct himself in the execution of this Act, he shall forfeit the sum of Rupees 200. CLXXYV. If any officer or person em- ployed to receive or collect any duties under this Act: 1sf,—Shall fraudulently collect or at- tempt to collect any money on account of duties under this Act from any person not charged therewith ; or 2ndly.—Shall fraudulently receive or collect, or attempt to receive or collect, from any person or than is actu Penalty for collecting oNvers for misconduct in aSe, persons more money ally charged against such person upon his assessment; or 3rdly.—Shall receive or collect any mo- ney whatsoever under color of this Act, and not pay over and account for the whole of stich money; or 4th/y.—Shall fraudulently alter any duplicate or warrant, or any memoran- dum or document mentioned in this Act, after the same has been delivered to him as aforesaid; or Sthly.—Tf any such officer or son employed or authorised tos notice, or to make any distress, ment, or sale under this Act, shal or obtain, or attempt to extort or any sum of money or valuable thing other than such money as he shall have been authorized to receive or collect under this any per- erve any a‘tach- l extort obtain, = $9 =} Qe zw = E a oO _ o ca @ months, and shall ,for every such offe forfeit a sum not exceeding Rupees] 4 and shall also forfeit and refund ory to the party aggrieved, if he shal] ha received any sum of money or yalgal thing, double the amount, or double value of the thing improperly receiyg or of the money received and not paid over as aforesaid, or in defaul until such refund or payment be mad shall be liable to farther im prisonmey with or without hard labor, not exceeding six months, CLXXVi. for a p . If any Person, not bein ney employed — or thorized to serve notice required to be given under this or to receive or colleet any money under this Act, shal] falsely pretend that he is employed or authorized to serve any notice, or to receive or collect any mon xy under this Act, and shall; by such false pretence, obtain, or attempt to obtain, any money or yaluable thing whatsoever from any person whatsoever, the person So offending shall he deemed guilty ofa misdemeanor, and shall be liable to the punishment and penalties in the last pre- ceding Section mentioned, CLXXVII. Any person employed or pretending to be employed to make any distress under this Act, who shall knowingly enter the apartments of any Hindoo or Mahomedan woman, which, Age of the country, are deemed or shall foree open the outer door of a dwelling house, contrary to the Provisions of the 13th Part of this Act, shall be liable to be imprisoned for any period not exceeding three months, CLXXVIIE. 1 any person shall for- cibly or clandestinely take” away any moveable property, under this Act, while distress, such person shall, be liable to be imprisoned Penalty on persons pre- tending to be employe to Serve notices or collect monies. Punishment for unlaw- ful entry. private, Penalty fo clandestinely distrained Dy forcibly or taking away Property, duly distrained Subject to such on Conviction, or until he sooner restores the property, ‘or makes eood the value of it to the dis- ‘training officer, and shall also be liable Nba a fina not exceeding the value of such OP ‘i _ property. tt CLXXIX. All complaints for any of ; the offences specified in any of the four last preceding Sections may be heard by any , Mag istrate, either of the district where the offence shall have been committed, or of the district where the offender shall be appre- “hended, or when such offence shall have “ peen committed in any of the said Presi- dency towns or stations, or by any ‘ Kuropean British subject, hy any Justice of the Peace, of the place where the said offence shall have been committed, or ‘© of the place where the offender shall be '\ apprehended. I » Complaints in five pre- ‘lneeding Sections eogniza- ble before a Magistrate, or Justice of the Peace. i, M » CUXXX, If any person shall forge, 4 counterfeit, or alter, Ee Ra ke or cause or procure to be forged, counterfeited or altered, or knowingly or wilfully aid or assist in forging, counterfeiting, or altering any certificate of the Commissioners for gene- ral puposes, or of any other Commission- ers, or of any Collector acting in the execution of this Act, or any certificate or receipt which any officer is, by this , Act, authorized to give on the receipt of any money payable under this Act, or shall utter any such forged, feited, or altered certificate or receipt as aforesaid, with intent to defraud Her Majesty, or the secretary of State in — Council, or the Government, or any per- son whomsoever, every person so offend- * ing, and being lawfully convicted thereof, ' ghall be adjudged guilty of felony, and " shall be liable, if a European or Ameri- counter- * can, to be sentenced to penal servitude | ) for any period not less than five, or ! exceeding ten years, or to imprison- ment, with or without hard labor, forany term not exceeding two years, and, if Dp mos b } before the fact. Za ~) got a period not exceeding three moaths, , not a Huropean or American, to. be sentenced to transportation for any period not less than seven or exceeding four- teen years, or to imprisonment with or without hard labor for any term not exceeding seven years. CLXXXI. If any person, upon any seinetee saan examination on oath, or aflirmation, or in any affidavit, deposition, or affirmation authorized by this Act, shall wilfully and corruptly give false evidence, or shall wilfully and corruptly swear or affirm any matter or thing which shall be false or un- true, every su:h person so offending, and.’ being thereof duly convicted, shall be’ subject and liable to such pains and - penalties as, by the law in force for the time being, persons convicted of wilful and corrupt perjury are subject and li- able to. CLXXXII. Charge to be preferred when perjury committed, Any charge to be prefer- red under the last pre- ceeding Section for any of the offences therein mentioned, in regard to any affidavit, deposition, or affirmation, shall and may be laid, tried, and determined in the place where such affidavit, deposition, or affirmation shall be exhibited to the Commissioners in pursuance of this Act. CLXXXIM, 1. Tf any person shall Penalty for making false knowingly and wil- returns of profits or ‘of the fully make or deliver value of lands. any false or fraudu- lent account, statement, or declaration of or concerning any protits or income” chargeable under this Act, or of the yearly rent or value of any lands or houses or hereditaments, or of any matters or - things affecting such rent or value, such | person so offending shall, for every such offence, forfeit not -exceeding Rupees 500, besides the increased duties hereby made payable upon the increased assessment of such person, 2. And every person who shall know-. ingly and wilfully aid, abet, or assist, or in- ‘cite or induce any other person to make a@ sum Penalty in accessories see Je (ema2” ) or deliver any such false or fraudulent account, statement, or declaration as fore- said, shall, for every such offence, forfeit the sum of Rupees 500. CLXXXIV, False claim to abatement under Schedule I. If any person shall make any false claim for any abatement un- der the first schedule of this Act, or shall be guilty of any fraud or musrepresenta- tion in making such claim, or in obtain- ing or endeavouring to obtain, any such abatemeat, or shall untruly declared the amount or value of any loss under the rules relating to Schedule I., or the amount or value of any abatement made or agreed to be made in the rent of the lands in his occupation on account of such loss, with intent fraudulently to ob- tain any such abatement, he shall forfeit & sum not exceeding Rupees 500, and treble the amount of duties charged on him in respéet of the said lands or houses; and if the occupier of any such lands or houses, or any other person whatever, shall aid, abet, or assist any person charged to the said duties in mak. ing such false or fraudulent claim, or shall fraudulently or untruly declare the amount or value of any abatement made cr agreed to be made in the rent of the said lands, or house, or the amount of such loss, with intent fraudulently to obtain for the person so charged any abatement as aforesaid, every such per- son shall forfeit a sum not exceeding Rupees 500. COXXXKV. If any person shall make any false claim to any abatement under the second, third, or fourth schedule of the Act, or to any exemption or deduc- tion under the lith Part of this Act, or shall be guilty of any fraud orcontriy- ance in making any claim under any of the said schedules, or under the said lith Part of this Act, or in obtaining any abatement, or any exemption or deduc- tion, or any certificate as aforesaid, un- Faste claim to abate. ment under Schedules II. TIT. and TV,, or to exemp- tion under Part XI. of this’ At, . P€Tson go offendin t . no €xceeding R der any of the said schedules, or said 11th Part, or shall fraudulently Co ceal or untruly declare any income amount of income, or any sum qyy he may have charged, or have heap titled, ‘uider the authority of this Aj to charge against any other person, which he may have deducted or retain or have been or be entitled ag aforesaj to deduct or retain for, or of any payme to which such person claiming exem as aforesaid may be or become liable if any such person shall frauduk nt make a second claim for the same call every such person so offending shall fy feit a sum not excecding Rupees 500, a treble the duty chargeable in respect the sources of his incume, as if such gl had not been made or allowed ; andafa person shall knowingly and wilfully ai abet, or assist any such person in eg mitting any such fraud as aforesaid, {I person so aiding, abetting, or ass shall forfeit a sum not exceeding Rupe 500. CLXXXVI. Any porsonwhoehall guilty of any offenc Panalty for offences re- : er mentioned in th 16th rule of the Sth Part of this Act, in regard to the composi tion therein mentioned, shall forfeit asui not exceeding Rupees 500. CLXXXVIL Refusal to appear before Commissioners, garding composition. if any person, duly summone appear before — said Commissioners as aforesaid, for, of the purposes mentioned in the Part of this Act, shall refase or neg! to appear before the said Commission at the time and place to he appointed for that purpose, or if any such person be summoned shall appear before the s Commission rs, bat shall refuse to be Sworn or to sibscribe such oath as afo said, or having taken and subscribed Peel -tofuse fo -ansquer any lawful oe tas the matters dependi said Commissioners, ever) 8 shall forfeit any sum upees 200, a rr i. » Ali. Mbyrooddeen, Imamdad Hosain, Imdad Hosain, Imdad Hos >) Ekbai 4, Sugheer Ali, Nadir Ali, Imam Bux, Jowad Ali, ain, Keefaeth Hosain, Musst, Meerun Amanut Ali, Wahid Ali, Kheda Bux Cliss L—Permanently-settled Estates, 12% —Nouzah Dalee Morhee, Pergunnah Perbutparrah, (Ghatwally Mehal) ; recorded proprie- tors, Thakoon Bhyio Singh and ‘Choonnee Suhoo Bhurnadar ; sadder jumma, rupees 320-6-3, together with arrears of rtmpees 2,890-S-10, payable by instalments up to 1873-74 as per Kistbundee. Class 1 V.—I'states to be sold for arrears due NN on ceownt of other Bstates, 4 No, $42.—Four annas share of Julall Bux Zemindar, in Mouzah Mobarukpour, Pergunnah, a Chvee 5 Budder amma of the entire Mehal, rupees 442-12-31, dy So..8%2.—Four.anuas share of ditto in ditto, Pergunnah ditto; sudder jumma, rupees 442-12-31. ail he No, 342.— Pour annas share of ditto in ditto, Pergunnah ditto ;- sudder jumma, of the entire “ Mehal, rupees 4422-12-31. ‘ No. 342. —Pour annas ~Mebal rupews 4428-19-31, No,” 9. Bight annas share of Lutchmeenarvin Singh and Mirput Singh, in Moazan Hurpoor Mingo ot Ruhooah, Pergunnah Chyee ; sudder Jura of the entire Mehal, rupees 24()-9 02. + NO. 403—-Pwo annas share of ditto, in Mouzah Issapoor Marrur, Pergunnah Chyee ; sudder jumma, of the eutire Mehal, rupees 160-4-23, “No. 426 Hight annas share of ditto in Mouzah Joyram Chyee; sudder jutima. of the entire Mehal, rupees 92-15 Hig. Cluss 1.— Permanently-settled Estates. ia No, 697.- Mouza, Lutehmeepoor Cheryah, Perzunnah Bhaugulpoor ; Thakeor, Gitiharee Lo!l Sah, Lutchmun Sal share of ditto in ditto Pergunnah ditto ; sudder jumma of the entire poor Aimree vorf Lutteepoor, Perguonals ' recorded vroprietors, Mudun 1, Ramsahoy, Parusnath Sah, Bebee Kuseedah, Meer Arshud f Ali, aud Bebee Nugeeuah ; sudder jumma, rupees 376-5-9, i ~ NO 1172. —Jageer of Bucktour Singh Soobedar, Thannah Chichroun, Pegunuah Ehaugulpore ; i“) Boer" proprietor, Motee Singh ; sudder jumma, rupees 90. 12-6, ts * 92389.—Yitto of Husnoo Naik, Thannah Oodhoa Nullah, Pergunnah Kankjoul ; recorded s “oprigters, Nizabut Ali Khan ; sudder jumma, rupees 0 6-92, No 240L—Ditto ‘of Ruffee Lushker Thanuah ditto Pergunnah ditto ; recorded proptivtoss, asst. Nawo, Ratvally and Hosseinee ; sadder jumma, rupees 0-15-1042, i BHAUGELPORE ; W. AINSLIE, wow” Collector's U iy . Collector, Tha 6th April, 1858. NOTICE ie hereby given uniler Section VI. Act I. of 1845, that the under-mentioncd Estates in ii Zillah Mong nyr, will be put up to public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, om the 26th April 1858, for Arrears of Revenue and other demands which, by the Reowlations and ' Acts in force, ate directed to be realized in the Sane manner as Arrears of Revenue due on the 28th * ®% Mareh 1$58 ia : - Clause V. Ne. $51.—Right and Interest of Runjit Singh, outlaw in Mouzah Ooleepore, Pergunnah Mulkee ; i sudder juuuma of tire Estate is rupees AUD Soe On mi eo aes r - — Cvtuse LV.— Esiates to be sold fur arrears due on account of vther Estiles. 3 * No, 1326.—T wo annas share of ihe proprietary: right and interest of Heera Chowdry, in Mouzah bi Surmutpors, Pergunnah Moughyr ; sndder jumma of the entire Estate, rupees 726- 14-1, 4 Ne 1343.—T'wo annas share of the proprietary right and interest of EHeera Chowdry, in Mouzah 7 Saounerpore, Perzunnah Monghyr; sudder jumma of the eutire Estata, rupees 1863-8, if No. 13 £3,-— Farming right and interest of Mosst, Jankee foonwaree in Mouzah Kummerpore, ~ °** Sinah Monghyr ; sudder jumma, rupees 186-3-8. : . YS PP GED yo ama’ shave of the proprietary right and interest of Heera Chowdry, in Monza. Y ' “Sider Chuck, Pergunnah Monghyr ; sudder jumma, rupees } 8-7-0, eT Bert . -O« MOVGHYR-< | " ‘ W. T. Yucxer,” d eecvak hc to . Collection's “hice ; ; Ufficiating Collector, m1 wn Lve Sth April 1858, J : @ = theron phn a a Nin - ‘ Rane \ " » - : > “ ‘ J ’ Shura’ Ali, Enaeth Ali, Meer K hyrooddeen, Musst. Nuseebun oorf Nuseebo, Amanut Ali and Mosahib Cla Ali, sudder jumma, rupees 234-0-9, tide 3976 —Mehal Bhutkoor, Pergunnah Kotoomba; recorded proprietor, Juddoo Naek; sudder Sees juzaniw) rupees 52-9-10. oT ee »). 8978.—Mehal Neema, Pergunnah Kotoomba; recorded proprietor, Musst. Suneecharo ie Kooun/ guardian of Murggul Ram; sudder Jumma. rupees 82-7-5. ‘o Va, 4234,—-Mehal Exkownah, &c., Pergunnah Munorahs recorded proprietor, Musst. Ameerool le os) Seguin cert Nunko Sahebay ; sudder jumma, rupees 1076-0-6. te ah J. MACKENZIE, i , ; Deputy Coliector in Charge. “TAR COLLPCTORSHIP ly . Gya - - ila : pe 5th A pret 1858. tan , ty For ‘Hs hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates, in Zillah Bhaugulpore, will be put it gle 1p) to public mma unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Wednesday, the 28th tll April 1858, of 80th Bysakh 1265 F. S., for Arrears of Revenue :— Me) Clauss IZ.— Estates not Permanently-setiled. lf No, T%-—Lands of Mahasingpoor, Perguinah Kankjoul; recorded proprietor, Budree Loll ; sud- = er puma, Tipees 5-6-2. y . sure 16 bad, wi NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates, in Zillah phn eee aie ee to public and unreserved Sale. at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Wet BY; Ap 1858, or 16th Bysakh 1265 B.S for Arrears of Revenue :— Class I —Permanently-setiled Estates. . 4 ty No. 1.—Pergunnah Koourpurtab; recorded proprietors, Ranee Anundmoi and Ranee Lutchmee Koomaree ; sudder jumma, rupees* 1,82,647-9-6. * This Estate is under Butwarah, 7 @ 11 q 3 ¢. 9! ¢. of this Estate, the right and interest of Saye Anundmoi will be sold fur the recovery of the Butwarah, Ameen’s and Mohnrrir’s salaries and cost of Stationery. = 3 =3 adi ‘nor No. 115.—Mouza Chandnarah. Pergunnah Koourpurtab; “recorded proprietor, Choitan Ciurrun Pas ; sudder jumma. rupees 294-12-4. “ , ; da ; No. 344—Turruf Mitturpoorah Deghee Nungur, Pergunnah Nowanuggur ; recorded proprietors, Hurree Chard Sing, Gopal Chander Chowdry and Uchumbith Singh ; sudder jumma, rupees) 1,818-14-4. ft). . whe No. 548.-—Kismut Pergunnah Nussipoor, Pergunnah Nussipoor ; recorded proprietor, Bu Joram Vhowdry ;sudder jumma. rupees 209-2-1 1. No. 906.—Jote Unnunto, Pergunnah Koourpurtab ; recorded proprietor, Dwatkanauth Samunt, sudder jumma, rupees 63 6-5. ' ; ad No. 974.—Kismut Mookundpore, Pergunnah Gunkur; recorded proprietors, Ram Mohun Rai 7 : ‘ t sudder Jumma, rupees 79-0-2. ; Class II. Temporarily-setiled Estate. No. 1471.—Kismut Jhaoburriah, Pergnnnah Islampoor Lessee Baistum Churrun and Russick Chundur Kubiraj ; suddergumma, rupees 36-12-44. MoorsHEeDsBap : ) W. Morris BEAUFORT, COLLECTURATE, . Oficrating Collector. Lhe 10th Apral 1858. J NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Tirhoot, will be put up to public and unreser ved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Friday, the 50th April 1858, or 2nd Jeyt Awul, 1265, for Arrears of Revenue :— Class IV.—Kstates to be sold Jor Arrears due on account of other Estates. No. 758.—Mouzah Pojhia Bussunta Jahanabad, including the Hissa of Ghutaro Doolum & Chuckley, Gurjowl, Perg unnah Busarah ; sudder jumma, rupees 1693-10-7. One-sixth Hissa of Runnoo Sing oorf Runpaul Sing surety of Bekao Sing, Govind Sahaye, Govind Sahaye 2nd, and Rummoo Sing oorf Runpaul Sing, ‘Ticcadars of Mouzah Puchdumeea, Government Estate is to be sold. Class I.— Permanently-settted Estate— No. 805.—Mouzah Salaha Chuck, Futteh Chuckla Gurjoul, Pergunnah Bissarah ; proprietors, Dulloo Roy and others ; sudder jumma, rupees 134-14-7. No, 1198. — Mouzah Tajpoor Khurka, Pergunnah Hajeepoor ; proprietor, Baboo Bhug butnarain Sing ; sudder jumma, rupees 73-12-1. No, 1299.—Chuck Muhabul, Pergunnah MHajeepoor ; proprietors, Joograj Sing and others ; sudder Jumma, rupees 114-2-2. No. 2888.—Arazee Gungheerar Oostee, Pergunnah Ruttee ; proprietors, Mussto Puhoop, ; wur and others ; sudder jumma. rupees 239-6.10. ; No. 3033.—Kull canp oor Bunsburyah, Pergunnah Sureisah; proprietors, Bundhoo Sing and others sudder jumma, rupees 5018-10-10. { Class VJ.—Eslates to be sold for Ariears of Fees due to Butwarrah Ameens. i No. 8531. ---The rights and interests of Dhurum Dutt Misser, R Misser, Dyaneed Misser, Puonea Nund Misser. Beejanund Misser, Hurungee Misser, Khurgasur Misser, Bhugwan Dutt Misser, Jeetnn Misser, Neema Misser, Deena Misser, Rodurmun Misser and ladersun Misser, in Mehal Sowreya Buzoorg, Pergunnah Tirsut ; sudder jumma, rupees 752-13-5, TIRITOOT ; ) H. L. Dampier, Collector's Office, Ofciating Coilector. The Cth April 1858 f ! pre, ajah Misser, Bunsee Misser, Baboo; ———~— + §, NOTION ishereby given, under Section VI. Act I. of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estates, Zillah West Burdwan, will be put up to public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of tha! District, on the 24th April 1858, or 12th Bysack 1264 B. Ss forpesa@@hrs of . Revenue’ aideoutet demands which, by the Regulations and Acts in force; are directed to be realized in the same manne as Arrears of Revenue due on the 29th day of Marchel858.22 ..~ - ix Class IL_—~ Temporary-settled Estate. : Pergunnah Bishenpoor ; Tecorded Proprietor, Muoun Chunder Hozrall - No. 91.—Mehal Opersob, sudder Jumma, rupees 16-]15-5. A mE . : Bancooran ; ,. Ne er i. Deputy Col:ectorate, ! : = -, H. RicsaRpson, The Tih Aprat 1858, J r : Oftciating Depy, Collector. 14 ti it . Numb. 34. bl a ep QO § al ‘¢) ie ep ch 9 fn &9 EN 4) ep ee 4 Yur 14rh May 1853.--The Government of Bengal having entered trto a Contract with Messrs. Samuel Smith and Co., for the execution 07 the Government Printing Work, from the lst July next, Public Officers emploved under this Government are hereby directed not to tmnploy any other Printing Establishment for the execution of the Coverument Work from and after that date, CrciL Beanon, Szey. to the Govt. of Bengal. WEDNESDAY, Bea islat tb e Cou weil of knv ta, ie The \7th April 1858. _ Tue following Act, passed by the Legislative ‘Council of India, received the assent of the Right | Honorable the Governor General on the 4th April | 1858 (communicated to the Legislative Council on the 17th April 1858), and is hereby promul- | ‘gated for general information :— Act No. XI or 1858. An Act to authorize the infliction of corporal punishment in certain cases. Published vp Atibovity: : Potiffcatiaong. THe 2nD FesRUARy 1855.—The Government of Benyal having entered into a Contract with Messrs, Samuel Smith and Co., Jor the execution of the Government Printing Work, ail Public Officers under the Government af India at the Presidency are hereby directed not to employ any other Printing Establishment for the execution of Government Work, Crerw, Beanon, Secey. to the Govt. of India. APRIL 28, 1858. | well as in any case in which a fine shall be imposed under the provisions of Section VIII , Act XI of 1857, or of Section XVI, “Section | XXII, or Section XXVII Act XXVIII of 1857, or for assaults or affrays, it shall be lawful for the Magistrate to order that corporal punish- | ment, not exceeding thirty stripes with a ratan, shall be inflicted on the offender in lieu of the fine, in case such fine be not paid. In any case in which the Magistrate shall make such order, he ‘shall not sentence the offender to imprisonment in addition to the fine. WHEREAS, in consequence of the destruction of | the Jailsin many parts of India, : and the want under existing eircumstances of means for the confinement of Convicts and for the due enforcement of prison- discipline, it is expedient to authorize the substitution of corporal punishment for imprison- ment in certain cases ; It is enacted as follows :— I, Ifany persoy shall Le charged before a Ma- Magistrate snow. Weisrate with having commit- ered to Sentence of- ted any of the offences herein- fenders to corporal pu- aiter mentioned, it shall be oe for certuin lawful for such Magistrate, i} in lign of committing the offender for trial, or sentencing him to any other punishment to which he may be liable, to sentence the offender upon conviction to corporal punish- ment not exceeding thirty stripes with a ratan. The offences are—robbery not attended with ag- ravating circumstances, burglary, theft, know- ingly receiving stolen or plundered property, wilful destruction of or injury to property, and the attempt to commit any of the above-mentioned offences. TJ. It shal) also be competent toa Magistrat Corporal — punish- to impose a fine not exceeding Iment may be inflicted five hundred Rupees on convic- ‘also in certain cases tion for any offence under Sec- Be which # itesean~ ame Act XXVIII of ‘Posed and notpsid. 1357. and in such ease, as Preamble. ; Ill. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to Act not toauthorize @uthorize the infliction of cor- the corporal punish- poral punishment upon any a of Europeans Huropean or American or upon ee ik: any female. IV. The word “ Magistrate” shall include any person lawfully exercising the full powers of a Magistrate, and also any Assistant to a Magistrate or Deputy Magistrate specially autho- rized by the Executive Government to exercise the powers vested ina Magistrate by this Act ; and the word “ European” shall include any per- son usually designated a Euro- pean British subject. Interpretation. “ Magistrate,” “ European,” es adele nine Y. This Act shall take effect ovly in Districts or Only in the Districts or places places to which itis to which the Governor General extended by Govern: “in Council or the Executive ment. ry, 7 Government of any Presidency or place shall think it necessary to extend it, ¥T. This Act shall continue in force for two years, WO Ee Duration of Act. W. Morgan, Clerk of the Council F% aay [ 8 HZeatslattbe Counctl of FuDta. The Al7th April 1858. Tue following Act, passed by the Legislative Council of India, received the assent of the Right Honorable the Governor General on the 4th April 1858, (communicated to the Legislative Council on the 17th April 1858), and is hereby promul- gated for general information :— Acr No, XII or 1858. aw Act for raising funds for making and ve- puiring roads in the Suburbs of Caleutta and the Stulion of Howrah. WHEREAS considerable sums are expended an- nually by Government for making and repairing roads in the suburbs of Calcutta and the station of How- rah; and whereas it is just and expedient that such expenses, or a reasonable proportion thereof, should be defrayed by the inbabitants of the said suburbs and station in the same manner as the expense of making and repairing roads in the Town of Calcutta is defrayed by the inhabitants of the said Town: and whereas a tax has been imposed upon carriages and horses kept within the said Town ; and it is expedient that a similar tax should be imposed upon carriages and horses kept within the said suburbs and station: It is enacted as follows :— I. Preamble, ‘The sums required for making and repair- ing roads within the limits of the said suburbs and sta- tion, except as hereinafter otherwise provided, shall be contributed by the inhabitants of the said suburbs and station and shall be recovered in the manner hereinafter pro- Expense of ruads to be defrayed by inhabitants, making vided. Il. A tax to be imposed on carriages, horses, &e. A tax shall be imposed upon all carriages, horses, ponies, and mules kept within the limits of the said suburbs and station, as those limits are defined in Act XXI of 1857, at the rates specified in the aunexed Schedule; and shall be payable quarterly by the owners or per- sons having charge of the same. ; TI], Provided that the carriages and ani- mals hereinaiter mentioned shall be exempt from the tax, namely. Gun carriages, and ordnance carts and wageons, Cavalry horses, and horses of mounted Police. Horses belonging to Officers doing regime:tal duty at the Presidency or in the said suburbs or station, at the rate of one horse for each Officer, Carriages and animals kept for sale and uot used for any other purpose, if kept by bond jide dealers in such carriages or animals. Te Lieutenant-Governor may appoint Collector of tax, Exemptions, The Licutenant-Governor of Bengal may appoint such person as he shall deem tit to be Collect- or of the carriage and horse tax in the said suburbs, and in the said station. V. Every persou, who may have owned or had What will constitute Charge of any carriage or animal kept within the said suburbs or siation for any number of days in any quarter, shall be liable to the whole tax for that quarter. liahility to the tax fora whole quarter, 18 J Vik e shall have been under repair at a carriage-maker s for the whole period contained 1m any quarter, ro tax shill be leviable in respect of such carriage for that quarter, VII. he Collector, at his discretion, may ® Goilentoninnye coin- compound, for any period , pound with livery stable. not exceeding one year, with sa stable-keepers and_ If a carriag Carriages wider re- pair. livery other persons keeping carriages and horses for hire, for a certain sum to be paid for the car-— riages and horses so kept by such persons, 1a lieu — of the rates specified in the Schedule. _ VIII. Carriages and horses let out for hire Carriages and horses 204 kept for the time being let for hire to residents in premises situated withmamy in the suburbs liable to the said suburbs or station, 9) ones although owned by livery stable-keepers or others not residing within limits of the said suburbs or station, shall be sub- = ject to the tax; and the sums to be charged for © such carriages and horses shall be recoverable from _ the persons in whose premises they are for the time being kept. IX. Every carriage of the description rated in. the Schedule at one Rupee ™ and eight annas, kept with= in the said suburbs or station — and let out for hire, shall be registered in the” Office of the Collector, and shall bear, in such man-- ner as the Collector shall direct, the number ef such registration, The registration shall be made and the number assigned annually upon such day in each year as the Collector shall appoint. Any person becoming possessed, within the year, of any © such carriage which has not been registered, may obtain registration on application to the Collector at his Office. When any registered carriage is transferred within the year, it shall be registered anew in the name of the person to whom it has been transferred. A fee of four annas shall be — paid for each registration. Registry and number- ing of carriages for hire. 57 sal X. Whoever keeps any such varriage, required to be registered by > pHto- | Penalty for not regis. ae pape by the pro-— tering. visions of the Jast preceding Section, without being so re- gistered, shall, on conviction before a Magistrate, — be liable to a fine not exceeding ten Rupees, and. i the Collector or any Officer duly authorized by him may seize or cause to be seized any such car-— nage (provided the same be uot employed at the time of seizure in the conveyance of any passen- gers or goods) together with the horses or other — animals drawing the same, and may deliver them over to the Police; and all Police Officers are hereby required, on the application of the Collect- — ov or his Officer as aforesaid, to seize and detain the same. If the carriage as aforesaid be not claimed or if the fine he not paid within ten days, such carriage, tovether with the animals Re with it, may be sold by auction by order a the — Magistrate, and the proceeds applied to the pay- a ment of the fine and all costs aud charges incurred on account of the detention and sale, ait d ae pee th 1 sale, and the sur plus af any), it not claimed by A within | a further period of twenty days, shall be pai < the Collector. TSE Shah be ea q r Try =| XI. The Collector shall from time to time List of persons tialde C®USe to be prepared and en= — tu tax tu be prepared, tered in distinet columns in t and to be open to th or be ox to be kept at his Ofiiceym © mspection of any persciaa >. ee. a | , en | interested therein, a list of the persons liable to the payment of the tax, a description of the car- riages and animals im respect of which they are ‘ liable, and the amount of the tax assessed thereon, to XII. In order to enable the Collector to make . Bei ctinalieiey be -re- such list, the Collector or hee ae for purpose of any Officer authorized by making list. him may send to all persons supposed to be liable to the payment of the tax, a Schedule to be filled up with such information respecting the carriages and animals kept by them as the Collector may judge necessary for the assessment of the tax. ‘lhe Schedule shall be : filled up im writing, and signed and dated, and ‘ returned to the Othce of the Collector by every person to whom it is sent, whether or not liable to : the payment of the tax ; and whoever refuses, neg- lects, or omits duly to fill up and return such Sche- dule within one week from the receipt thereof or knowingly gives therein any iccorrect orfalse return, shall he liable, on conviction before a Magistrate, to a penalty uot exceeding two hundred Rupees. XII. YThe Magistrate on the report of the Collector may, if he thinks proper, summon any person supposed to be liable to the Wyment of the tax, or any servant of such person, to appear before the Collector: and the Collector way exwinine such person or his servant as to the fumber and description of the carriages and horses in respect of whieh such person is liable to be assessed lf the person summoned shall, without lawful exewse, fail io appear in pursuance of the summons Or shall refuse to answer any lawful question of the-Collector, or knowingly give an incorrect answer, he #all be hable, on conviction hetore » Magistrate, to a penalty not exceeding two hundred Rupees. sre RIV, Any person who may dispute his liability for any assessment made under the foregoing provisions of this Power to summon persons liable to tax. Appel against as- i Act, or the amount of any suc! . assessment, may appeal to the Magistrate — Provided that such appeal shall be commenced within ten days after the receipt by such per- son of a bill for the sim clainied from him in res- “Sct of such assessment. Phe decision of the Magistrate upon a eomery. such appeal shall be — fipil and conclusive ; and no ; f \ person shall be entitled to — best. any Sam made a Treviso. under the » SGoIN® provisions tf this Act, in any other tanner than by appeal to the Magistrate as hereinbefore provided. 819 | ASS 8 When any sum is due on account aad Bill fa Heifdseen tert. of the said tax, the Collector a. stall cause to be presented to » “the: p liable te the payment thereof a bill for the amount, wi shall also contain a state- : © ment d-and a description cf the y cart al for which the charge is made, together with % notice of the time within ‘ whie) an apjeal may be preferred. XViTS Ts the bill is not paid by the person hable to pay the same within five days from the presentation “@ therept the Collector may cause to be served upon A ron 4 notice of demand in the form (A) mel inthe Seh@tule to this Act, or to the like Notiee*ef demand. 4 € 3 sand if sueh person shall not, within five Ls . days from the service of such notice of demand, pay the sum due or show sufficient cause for non. payment of the same to the satisfaction of the Collector, and if no appeal shall have heen pre- ferred, such sum with all eosts may be levied by distress and sale of the goods and chattels of the defaulter under a warrant in the form (B) in the *chedule, or to the like effect, to be issued for that purpose by the Collector. XVIII. The Officer charged with the execu- tion of the warrant of dis- tress shall make an inventory of the goods and chattels seized under any such warrant, and shall at the same time give a notice in writing im the form (©) contained in the Schedule annexed to this Act, to the person in possession thereof at the time of the seizure, that the said goods and chattels will be sold as therein mentioned. XIX. If the arrear is not paid with eosts, or cape the warrant is not discharged or suspended by the Collector, the goods and chattels seized shall be sold under the orders of the Collector, who shail apply the proceeds or such part thereof as may be necessary in discharge of the said arrears and costs ; and the surplus, if any, shall be returned on demand to the person in possession of the goods and chattels at the time of the seizure. The fees payable upon distraints under this Act shall be such as are set forth in the Table of Fees (D) in the said Schedule. XX. Instead of proceeding by distress and sale, or in case of failure to realize by distress the whole or part of any sum due in res- pect of the tax, the Collector may sue the person liable for the same in any Court of competent jurisdiction. XXI, Previously to the first day of May of fletiniaie ot penpals each year, an estimate shall be expense of making prepared of the amount re- and repairing rounds, quired during the year for the Mealy BoP, Punpose of making aad repair ing roads in the said suburbs aud in the said station respectively ; and such esti- mate, when sanctioned by the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, shall be published in the Official Guzette for general information. The Governor General of India in Council, on the report of the Lieutenant- Governor, shall determine whether any and (if any) what proportion of the said estimate shall be paid out of the public Revenues, If, after de- ducting such proportion (if any), the said estimate shail excecll the sum which the ear- riage and horse-tas is estimated to produce, with the addition of such further Swas ag may be assigned by the Lientenant-Governor for the suid purpose out of the Ferry Fund, or any other Tnventory and notice of sale. Fees. Collector may sue in- stead or on failure of distress, If estimate of ex- pense exceed estimat- ed produce of carringe and horse-tax, excess how to be made and recovered, ‘public fund) such excess shall be added to the atnount of the assessment or rate to be levied in the said suburbs and in the said station under Aet RM Gof 1856" and “gnch additional assessment or rate shall be made and recovered according to the provisions of that Act, Pro- vided that the amount levied by an assessment or rate under this Section shall not im any case exceed a sum equal to one-half of the amount levied under the said Act XX of 1856 for the purposes of that Aet. . c Proviso. [ 8207] XXII. The Collections and fines to be paid to Roads Fund, proceeds of any assessment or rate made as aforesaid shall be kept distinct from the proceeds of the assessment or rate made for the purposes of the said Act XX of 1856 ; and such proceeds, together with all sums received by the Collector of the car- riage and horse-tax and all suis assigned by Go- vernment as above provided, and all fines and penalties levied under this Act, shall form a Fund which shall be called in the suburbs of Calcutta “The Suburban Roads Fund,” and in the station of Howrah “The Station Roads Fund.” All ex- Appropriation of penses incurred for the purpose fund. of this Act shall be defrayed from the said Fund, and the residue shall be applied exclusively to making, repairing, and improving roads within the limits of the said suburbs and sta- tion. Provided that uo payment shall be made from the said Fund for the re- par of such roads or parts of roads as are herein after described, namely, Jn the said Suburbs The Barrackpore road with the Lock-gate road. The road from the Cossipore Gun-foundry to Dam- Dum. The Belgatchya or Dum-Dum road. The Behalea or Diamond Harbour road southward from the cross road to Allipore and Tollygunge. The Budge-Budge road. The Gurreahhath or Culpee road from the end of O.d Ballygunge road. The Canal roads, and the roads leading from the Canals and Salt-water lake into the Town, namely, the Balliaghutta, Narcooldangah, Manicktollah, Ooltadunga, Gooreeparah, South Sealdah, Khoo- leah, Nimtollah, Joumajoy Baboo’s, Khodagunge, and Khodghatta roads, and the Soorah road be. tween the Balliaghatta and Narcooldanga roads, Jn the said Station — ‘The Hooghly road northward from the point where it is crossed by the Old Benares road. The Old Benares road westward from the same point. Or for making or maintaining any part of any other main road of communication between the Town of Calcutta and the interior of the country which may hereafter be constructed. XXIII. The Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal ee ee shall cause statements to be es incurred and of Ptepared annually of all ex- receiptsaud disbuvse- peuses incurred on account of see ee tobe making, fepairing, and improv- published annually. ing She yonds bE “the sai suburbs and of the said station, and of all sums credited to and disbursed from the Suburban Roads Fund and the Howrah Station Roads Fund ; and the said statements shall be published in the Official Gazette for general information, Proviso, SCHEDULE. Rupees per Quarter. For every 4-wheel carriage on springs, drawn by two horses Ais Pee: tee came For every 4-wheel carriage on springs, drawn by one horse, or pony, or a pair of ponies, under thirteen hands ee Aa fe Dae For every 4-wheel carriage, without spriugs aie Fe tie) For every 2-wheel carriage on springs 2 4 0 Rupées per Quarte; For every 2-wheel carriage without =! springs, drawn by a horse, pony, or mule a For every horse age For every pony under thirteen hands, or mule rs en, 0] Ponies under eleven hands, and children’s car the wheels of which do not exceed ty four inches in diameter, exempt, A. Norticr oF DEMAND, Take notice that the Collector of the Horse Carriage-tax for demands from you the of due from you for for the months of that, if the sum due is not paid into th Collector’s Office at , or sufficient cause for the non-payment of the is not shown to the Collector within five da from the service of this notice, a warrant of tress will be issued for the recovery of the with costs. it .. Oa ae 185 (Signature of the Collector 4 Dat B. DISTRESS WARRANT. To (heve insert the name of the Officer charged with the execution of the worrunt.) rst Whereas of has not paid shown sufficient cause for the non- payment o sum of Rupees due for the taxes men in the margin for the months of ; 185, although the said sum has been d demanded in writing from the said +a five days have elapsed since the service of thet tice of demand ; This is to command you to train the goods and chattels of the said tot amount of the said sum of Rupees ¢ such further sum as may be sufficient to de the charges of taking, keeping, and selling distress ; and if, within five days next after distress, the said sum shall not be paid, toge with such further sum as may be sufficient to fray the charges of taking and keepins st distress, to sell the said goods and chatt having paid and deducted out of the proceed: the sale the said sum of Rupees and t — charges of taking, keeping, and selling such |) tress, to return the surplus, Qf any,) on demant © the person whom you shall find in possessie. of the said goods and chattels, If sufficient « tress cannot be found of the goods and chattels the said you are to certify the same | i me together with this warrant, 1 (Signature of the Collector C. dm 7 Form or INVENTORY AND N. OTICE, aaa (State particulars of goods seized. ), Take notice that I have'this day seized the/ ood ud chattels specified in the above inventory f the sum of Rupees due for the taxes men tioned in the margin for the months of sand that, unless you pay into the t Collector of "the Horse and Capes , the amount due, together mg . . fe j ] costs of this distress, within five days froma the #1 < A> ? Ww : * st - rs - , 4 ‘ De! — » 4 a g Me ‘Te oy , | ieee Lagistattoe Council of Envta. [82a =| of the date of this notice, the goods and chat- ia will be sold. 4 (Signature of the Collector ) 10R P Fees nauyable upon distraints under this | Peatieindite A ch is 6x- : ‘ . . Sum distrained for. TA Vide 1 Rupee 1 and under 3 Rupees j Dp) oO ” Cmts OOoOFt POON COO eooconmncmorcoamcuncetcn.p — The above charge includes all expenses, except ve peons are kept in charge of property dis- | 1, in which case three annas mu t be paid v for each man. W. Moraay, Clerk of the Council. a * ® ; es es ee — wy ‘a — The V7th April 1858. following Act, passed by the Legislative il of India, received the assent of the Right ble the Governor General on the 4th April nmunicated: he Legislative Council 7th A ih is he y ; ~ — o. XII oF 1858, in Act for the punishment of persons who ully possess or conceal arms or other pro- belonging to Her Mujesty or to the Hust | Compuny., L aa WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the punishment of persons who shall knowingly and unlaw- ns | after issue of procla- fully have in their possession or conceal arms, horses, or other property belonging to Her Majesty or to the East India Company ; It is enacted as follows :— I. In any District to which the provisions of this Act shall be extended by order of the Governor Ge- neral in Council or the Exe- cutive Government of any Pre- sidency or place, the Magistrate shall issue a proclamation call- ing upon all persons within his District, having in their possession any arms, ammu- nition, horse or other animal, or any Govern- ment Stamps, or other property belonging to Her Majesty or to the Kast India Company, In Districts to tended by Govern- ment, Magistrate to issne proclamation ealling upon persons to deliver up proper- ty belonging to Her Majesty or the East India Company, _ to deliver up the same to the Magistrate or at the nearest Police Station within a time to be fixed _ by the proclamation ; and whoever, after the ex- piration of the time so fixed, shall without lawful or reason- able excuse have in his posses- sion any arms, ammunition, horse or other animal, or any Government Stamps, or other property, knowing the same to belong to Her Majesty or to the East India Company, shall on conviction be liable to the punishment of transportation for life or of imprisonment with Punishment for un- lawful possession of such property. | hard labor for a term not exceeding fourteen years, either with or without fine, or to a fine alone, or to corporal punishment not exceeding thirty stripes with a ratan. ET. Punishment for con- cealing or neglecting to deliver up property After any such proclamation shall have been issued, whoever having in his possession any such pro- perty as aforesaid, knowing it to belong to Her Majesty or to the East India Company, shall, without lawful or reasonable excuse, conceal mation. ' or attempt to conceal the same, or neglect to de- _ liver it up as required by the proclamation, shall be liable on conviction to the punishment provided by the preceding Section. eg Jurisdiction. For offences under this Act, the offender may be tried and sentenced by a Sessions Judge or hy a Spe- cial Commissioner appointed in the manner pro vided by Act XIV of 1857 ; and the sentence or judgment shall not be subject to appeal. Pro- vided that a European British subject shall not be tried under the provisions of this Act. IV. Nothing in this Act shall be deemed to ss _ exempt any person from an’ be liable under Act XVI of i 1857 (to make temporary pro- vision for the trial and punishment of heinous | offences in certain Districts.) period of two years from the time of the passing thereof, Duration of Act. Re | | This Act shall continue in force forthe {. B22] Hegislatthe Council of ¥nvea. The 24th April 1858, THE following Act, passed by the Legislative Council of India, received the assent of the Right Honorable the Governor General on the 9th April 1858 (communicated to the Legislative Council on the 24th April 1858), and is hereby promulgated for general information :— Act No. XIV or 1858. An Act to extend the provisions of Ack YXT 1855 in the Presidency of Fort Si Minors not subject to’ the the Court of Wurds, WHEREAS, by Section XX Regulation V, 1804 and Section ILI Regulation X, 1831 of the Madras Code, the Zillah Courts, subject to the confirmation of the Sudder Adawlut, are authorized and required to appoint guardians to the Minor heirs of property of every description not subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Wards, and by Clause 9 Section XXI of the former Regulation the guardians are required to provide for the education of their ards in a manner suitable to their rank and condition ; and whereas, by Act XXI of 1855, bet- ter provision has been made for the education of Minors subject to the superintendence of the Court of Wards, and it is expedient that the same pow- ers which are thereby given to the Collectors an d Court of Wards in respect of the Minors under their superintendence should be exercised by the Zillah Courts, subject to the control of the Sudder Adawlut, in respect of the Minors for whom the are required to appoint guardiaus; It is enacted as follows :— I. “int George to superintendence of Freamble. The general superintendence and control of the education of every male Minor, for whom a cuardian has been or shall be appointed by the Zillah Court, is hereby vested in the Judge of the Zil- Jah Court of the District within whose jurisdiction such Minor’s estate is situate ; or, if such Minor is possessed of immoveable property within the ju- risdiction of more than one Zillah Court, in the Judge of such Court as the Sudder Adawlut shall direct, 1]. The Judge of the Zillah Court, subject to the control of the Sudder A daw- Int, is hereby authorized to exercise in respect of such Minor and the guardian of such Minor all the powers and authorities which, by Sections II, III, DVA and V, Act XXI of 1855, the Collector of Reve. nue or the Court, of Wards is authorized to exer- cise in respect of Minors and guardians of Minors Whose property is under the management of the Court of Wards. ete Tlie right to the custody of the person of The. right to. the sik Male Minor, for whom a custody of the person guardian is a, Ointed b ofa mile Minor vest- Judge of the vant C Mee ed in guardian ap- I ie ae ourt, is pointed by the Zillah ‘2ere »y vested in Judge with the con- appointed by the Judge of the firmation of Sudder Zi)lah; “ourt, with the confir- Cours. mation of the Court of Sudder Adawlut, either originally or upon the removal of a former guardian, to be the guardian of such Minor. General superintend- ence and control of the education of male Minor Wards vested in Zillah Judgos, Powers of Zillah Judges. ae the person -{. we ders and proceedings of a Jud eo 1V. All es ‘ Bee Coat Re provisions of this Act shall be subject to the revision of the Court of Sudder Adawlut, and_ every person aggrieved by any such order or pro- ceeding may prefer an appeal therefrom to the Court of Sudder Adawlut. Appeal from the ov- ders of a Zillah Judge to lie to Sudder Court, W. Morcanaae Clerk of the Couneil, Hegtslatthe Council of Enla, The 24th April 1858. Tur following Act, passed by the Logislative: Council of India, received the assent of the Right Honorable the Governor General on the 14th April 1858 (communicated to the Legislative Couneil on the 24th April 1858), and is hereby promulyat- ed for general information :— Act No. XV_ oF 1858, * Act for the levy of Port-dues in the Port of Aden, WHEREAS it is necessary to fix the amount of 4 the Port-dues to be hereafter levied and taken in the Port © of Aden in accordance with the provisions of Ack XXII of 1855; It is enacted as follows :— ; I, A Port-due, at a rate not exceeding the Port-duoon sea-eo. ate of one anna for every 8 ton of burden, shall be charge- | able in respect of every sea- going vessel of the burden of ten tons and upwards (except fishing-boats) which shall enter the said Port, II. Provided that no such due_sball be chargeable in” respect of any vessel which, having left the Port, is compelled to re enter it by stress of weather, or in con= sequence of having sustained Preamble. ing vessels of ten tons and upwards entering P ort. No Port-dne on vessels compeiled by stress of weather to re-enter Port. any damage. IIf.° The Port due chargeable under this Act @ shall not be chargeable oftener than once in the same calendar month in respect of the No vessel to pay Port-due ofiener than once a month, same vessel, IV. Vessels ettering the Port, and leavint™ oS ) he ame 7} i SplaRy—7 S Port-due on vessels the same Within seven Tray without discharzing or taking | in any cargo or passenger theres © | in, shall be charged with one- half only of the Port-due which would otherwise be chargeable. V. Vessels entering the Port in ballast shall | Vessels entering the be charged with three fourths” | Port in ballast, of the Port-due which woukl otherwise be chargeable. § : Vis ihis. Att leaving Port within seven days without breaking bulk. shall commence and have _ Commencement of effect on the first day oft May Act. 1858 ; and tlie local Govern. ~ ment shall on or before that date, pursuant to Section SLL, Were aa to he published. of 1855, declare, by notifica- tion to be published in the Bombay Guzerte, the Fates at which Port-dues shall be levied in the said Port subject to the provisions of and within the limits prescribed by this Act; and from and — Na other Portdues _ after the said date, no Port= due or fee shall be levied a or fees to be levied, the said rt, pt under the authority of Act 29 and of this Act, Rates of Port-dues Ooniwexee XXII of 18 b<8930q J. This Act shall be read with and taken . Acttobereadaspars as a part of Act XXII of of Act XXII of 1855. 1855, J. From and Fort of Tanjore and adjacent territo- ry placed under the general Laws of the Madras Presidency. W. Morcayn Cierk of the Council. ) Aevistatioe Counctl of Endia, Il. No Court No Court to try or determine any ‘case The 24th April 1858. | _, HE following Act, passed by the Legislative : s : é respecting wiich a ouncil of India, received the assent of the Right | gaa Gricion ears _ Honorable the Governor General on the 14th April | been pronounced by (communicated to the Leyislative Council Bice pene es @ 24th April 1858), and is hereby promul- | (0h eomes into opera- for general information ; -~ tion, Act No. XVI or 1858. : sad this Act. An Act to extend Act XXV of 1855, se | { Warrnas it may be found expedient to estab- | ’ lish at Ootacamund on the | aoe Neilgherry Hills a Subordinate Criminal Court constituted according to Regula- - 1827 of the Code of Fort Saint George; acted as follows :— Decisions of such Courta in original Civil suits to be con- | sidered final, if no appeal is made with- in thirty days after passing thereof, . When the Governor in Council of Fort ape a E XXV of 1855 to SalutGeorgeshall establish Ply to commitments mae at Ootacamund on the tye ubordinate Criminal Neilgherry Hills a Subor- Cou t Ootacainund. dinate Court constituted special appeals) and g to Regulation 11. 1827 of the Code of | ehuhetn te int George, the provisions of Sections [| poe: enetianea std TL of Act X3 V of 1855 shall apply to com- Govern:nent, , pply — Iudge of such Court to Mtments made hy such Court; and it shall BV Ath Pending snits and appeals (other than ereise powers of a Joint be | nae lawful for the Judge of , | Court to exercise, by appointment of the Go- | ment of Fort Saint George, ail the powers of | » ont Magistrate. : W. M fy : aOR VY. Appeals not » 7 Olerk of the Council. Appeals not pending 4 * . 5 oS a 7 at the time this Act eee) Peal ee) 2h Gounctl of RAVI Ads ee Legislative oF come eee comes into operation, but presented to the |} Zillah Conet within thirty days after pass- ing of the decisions appealed aginst, to be trented as pending appeals, —— rG. a The 24th April 1858, following Bill was read egislative Council of India inl referred to a Select Oo ort thereon after the VI. Application of the a second time in | trial of such suits, HEREAS it is necessary to : for the future administration » Px ie. of Civil and Criviinal Justice Ay ithth he Fort of Tanjore and the territory ad- acent thereto which have lapsed to the Kast | hdia Company in Consequence cf the death of | ~ Rajah of Tanjore, aud also to bring the said Earl adjacent territory under the Laws of the ey of Fort St. George ; It is enacted as make provision time of the commissi said Fort and adjacent territory original suits and Officers to be estat the administration of Civil and Criminal justice within the said Fort aud ing to their respective ju tion but presented t Court within thirty the passing of the d pealed against, § by such Court, of in the same manuer as pend- ing appeals, The gencral Laws and force within the general Laws to the Ject nu the Presi St. George m Regulations would operate unjustly if the trial and determ) lawful for the said Courts the same according to e Provided also that no said Bort and adjacent comes into Operation, punishable under the not contrary to the Laws the in after the day when this Act shall come into operation, the Fort of Tanjore and adjacent. terri- tory shall be subject to the general Laws and Regulations which are or shall be in force within the territories subject to the Presidency of Fort St. George. shall try or determine any case, Civil or Criminal, with respect to which a final decision may have been pronounced before this Act shall come into Opera- tion by any of the Comts es- tablished by the said Rajah exercising jurisdiction within the said Fort of Tanjore and at the time of the passing of Tlf. A decision any such Court in an original Civil suit shall be consider- ed as final, if no appeal shall have been made against it within thirty days after the decision was passed. passed by and appeals (other than special appeals) and all Proceedings which , Sah gi i M invention shail be deemed a new An invent por MVeHtion within the meaning publicly used or Of this Act. if it shail not, be- known in the United Kingdom or in India before the application fore the time of applying for leave to file the specification, have been publicly used for Jeave to file a i specification, {6 be Tndia er in any partoof! the deemed a new invel- United Kingdom of Great Bri - tain aud Ireland, or been music publicly known in any part of ludia or of the tion within this Act. f 826 | United Kingdom by means of a publication, either printed or written or partly printed and partly written. The public use or Knowledge of in- knowledge of an invention, prior vention fraudulently + the application for leave to apes. file a specification, shall not be deemed a public use or knowledge within the mean- ing of this Section, if the knowledge shall have been obtained surreptitiously or in fraud of the actual inventor, or shall have been communicated to the public in fraud of the actual inventor or in breach of confidence : provided the in- ventor shall, within six calendar months after the commencement of such public use. apply for leave to file his specification, and shall not previously have acquiesced in such public use: provided also that the use of an invention in public by the actual inventor thereof, or by his servants or agents, or by any other person by his license in writing, shall not be deemed a public use thereof within the meaning of this Act. Proviso. Public use by ac- tual inventor. XIX. If an actual inventor who, prior to the time of applying for leave to Actual inventor file a specification of an inven- having obtained Eup- lish Letters Patent, to 208 under this Act, shall have petition within 12 Obtained Her Majesty’s Letters months from the pass- Patent for the exclusive use Peta fe of such invention in the Ticereuaatents United Kingdom, shall, within twelve calendar months from this Act, or within twelve calendar months from the date of such Let- ters Patent, petition the Governor General of India in Council for leave to file a speci- fication of such invention, the invention shall be deemed a new invention within the meaning of this Act, if it was not publicly known or used in India at the date of the petition for such Letters Patent. notwithstand- ing it may have been publicly known or used in India before the time of his petitioning, under this Act, for leave to file the specification ; Provided the petition for leave to file the specification sball state that such Letters Patent have been granted, and shall also state the date thereof andthe term during which thesame are to conti- nue in force, Provided also that an exclusive pri- vileye, obtained under the provisions of this Act by an inventor who has obtained Her Majesty’s Letters Patent for the exclusive use of such invention. shall cease to have effect, if such Letters Patent be revoked or cancelled : and that nosuch exclusive privilege shall extend beyond the term granted by such Letters Patent unless the same shall be renewed, in which case the exclusive privilege may be renewed under this Act for the extended term. the passing of Tuvention if not publicly kuown or used in India at the time of applying for such Letters Patent, to be deemed new. What to be stated in such petition. Duration of exclu- sive privilege. XxX. No exclusive privilege obtained under this Act shall entitle the own- er of such privilege to exclude any person from usine the mvention, who, prior to the 7th day of July 1855, used the Saving of rights of persons who used in- yention before 7th of July 1855. same in India. a in a e -* XXI. An action may be maintained by an in: rth ventor against any person who Action for infringe- uring the continuance of exclusive privilege granted without the license of the said ge, sell, or putin practice the sa o shall counterfeit or imitate the hat no such action shall be main-— Courts of the East India Company other than the principal Court of origi nal jurisdiction in Civil cases within the local | ‘urisdiction the cause of action shal limits of whose J ¢ all accrue or the defendant shall reside as a fixed ins” habitant. ec ment. this Act, shall, ventor, make, U invention, or wh same. Provided t tained in avy of the AM, XXII. No such action shall be defended upon — the ground of any defect or insutliciency of the specifi- — cation of the invention, nor upon the ground of a misde scription of the invention in the petition ; nor shall any such action be defended upon the ground that the — plaintiff was not the inventor, unless the defend. ant shall show that he isthe actual inventor or has obtained a right from him to use the inven- — tion either wholly or ia part. Any such action may be defended upon the ground that the inven- tion was not new, if the person making the defence, or some person through whom he claims: shall, before the date of the pe- tition for leave to file the spe-— cification, have publicly or ac- tually used, in India or in some part of the United — Kingdom, the invention, or that part of it of which — the infringement shall be proved ; but not other-— wise. ne “Sy XXIII. It shall nai ti for any person { i _ apply by motion to any of F ee Courts £. eve Majesty’s Courts of Judi elare exclusive pri- ture fora rule to show ea ae ing ca why the Court shonld not Pilowioe grounds Clare that an exclusive privilege” in respect of an invention ha not been acquired under the provisions of thir — Act by reason of all or any of the objections_fol lowing (to be specified in the rule), that is7y Defect in specifica- tion or petition, or want of novelty in in- vention, &c., no de- fence to action for in- fringement, The actual use of an invention in India or the United King- dom before date of petition, a defence to such action. } say— Invention of no That the said invention * ea utility. of no utility, or wo || ye 5 / That the said invention was not, at Oey Invention not new, ‘time of presenting the pet | tion for leave to file the speci- fication, anew invention within the meaning of this Act, or ; \ ‘That the petitioner was not the inventor they and, in addition thereto, ¢” that the applicant was t ventor, or that he has ob!” a right from the inventor to use the said inve, either wholly or im part, or that the inventors <7 dedicated or made known the invention to the public or has acquiesced in the public use thereof,or — . ¢ Petitioner not the inventor, &e. | | if | # That the specification filed does not particularly describe and ascertain the « ture of the invention or im) ° manner the same is to be per) formed, or 4 Tnvention not de- Seribed in specifica- tion. a> a IE { 827 ] That the petitioner has knowingly or frauda- ently included im the petition Frand in petitol 47 specification, as_ part of his ie a ha invention, something which was not new or whereof he was not the inventor, or t That the petitioner has wil- False statement in fy}ly made a false statement in 2 8 his petition, or Pp ’ That some part of the invention, or the man- ner in which that part is to be performed as described in the said specification is not there- by sufficiently described and ascertained, and that such de- fect or insufficiency was fraudulent and is injurious to the public. XXIV. Any person may, in like manner, apply to any of Her Majesty's Courts of Judicature for a rule to show cause why the Court should not declare that an ex- clusive privilege has not been acquired under the provisions of this Act in respect of any part of the invention to be specified in the rule by reason of all or any of the objections following (to be specified in the rule), that is to say— That such part of the invention is wholly dis- tinct from the other part thereof and is of no utility, or That such part of the invention was not, at the date of the petition for leave to file the specifi- cation, a new invention within the meaning of this Act, or That the petitioner was not the inventor of that part of the invention, and in addition thereto, either that the applicant was the inventor of that part, or that he has obtained a right from tke in- ventor to use it, or that the inventor has dedi- cated or made known the same to the public or has acquiesced in the public use thereof, or That that part of the invention, and the manner in which it is to be performed, is not sufticiently described and asceriained in the specification, and that such defect or insufficiency is injurious to the public. XXV. It shall be lawful for the Advocate General of the East India Company at any of the Pre- sidencies of Fort William in Bengal, Fort St. George, and Bombay, or any other person, by order of the Governor General in Council, to apply to any of the said Courts of Judicature fora rule calling upon the petitioner, his execu- -ors, administrators, or assigns, to show cause why the question of the breach of any special 2ondition upon which the leave to file a specifi- sation has been granted, or any other question of fact on which the revocation of the exélusive privilege by the Governor General in Council is the power herein before reserved may, in the Frandnlent misde- scription of part of in- vention in specifica- tion. Like application as to part of an inven- tion, Application by Ad- voeate General on breach of special con- dition. udgment of the said Governor General in Council, epend, should not be tried in the form of an issue directed by the said Court ; and if the rule be made absolute, the Court, unless the breach or other matter of fact be admitted, may there- upon direct such issue to be tried, and certify the result of such trial to the Governor General in Council. The costs of such trial, and also the costs of any proceedings in any of the said Courts Xf Judicature under the provisions of this Act, shall be in the discretion of the Court. ne XXVI. Notice of any rule obtained or pro- 1 ceeding taken under either of the last three preceding Sec- tions shall be served on all persons appearing to be pro- prietors or to have shares or interests in the ex- clusive privilege under the provisions of Section XXXIV of this Act, aud it shall not be necessary to serve such notice on any other persons. Service of proceed- ings on all persons interested. XXVIJ. Any of the said Courts of Judi- ety eature, if it think fit, may di- Supreme Court rect an issue for the trial, may direct issue for trial to other Courts. before the same Court or anv other Court of Her Majesty or any principal Court of original jurisdiction in Civil cases of the East India Company, of any question of fact arising upon an application under Sections XXII1, XXIV, or XXV_ of this Act, and such issue shall be tried accordingly in a summary manner, and if the issue be directed to another Court, the finding shall be certified by the Court before which the same was tried, to the Court directing the issue. If the issue be directed to any of Her Majes- ty’s Courts of Judicature, the Court by which the issue is tried may, before the finding is certified, direct a uew trial of such issue according to the usual course and practice of such Court. Ifthe issue be directed to a Court of the East India Company, the finding shall not be subject to appeal to any other Court of the said Company, but the evidence taken upon the trial shall be recorded, and a copy thereof, certified by the Judge, shall be transmitted, together with any remarks he may think fit to make thereon, to the Court by which the issue was directed ; and such Court may either act upon the decision of the Court which tried the issue, or direct a new trial if it shall appear necessary. New trial, XXVIIL If it shall appear to any of the said er Courts of Judicature at the hearing of any application under the provisions of Sections XXITI or XXIV of this Act that, by reason of any of the objections therein mentioned, the said exclusive privilege in the invention or in any part thereof has not been acquired, the Court shall give judgment accordingly, and shall make such order as to the costs of and consequent upon the application as it may think just ; and there- upon the petitioner, his execu- tors, administrators, and assigns shall, so long as the judgment continues in force, cease to be en- titled to such exclusive privilege. Costs. XXIX. Ifthe Court at the hearing of any i ea ai aa such application as last afore- Pies ay ore said, shall think that the pe- ae titioner has, in the description of hisinvention in the petition or specification, included something which at the date of the peti- tion was not new or whereof he was not the inventor or that the specification is in any particular defect- ive or insufiicient, but that the error, defect, or insufficiency was not fraudulently intended, the Courtmay adjudge the said exclusive privilege to have been acquired and to be valid, save ag to the part thereof atfected by such error, defect or insufficiency, or if the Court shall think that the error, defect, or imsufliciency can be amend- ed without injury to the public, they may adjudge the exclusive privilege in the whole of the inven- tion to be valid, and may, upon such terms as { 828 ] shall appear reasonable, order the specification to be amended in any of the said particulars ; and thereupon the petitioner, his executors, administrators, or assigns shall, within the time limited by the said Court for the purpose, file a specification amended according to such order. Provided that no amended specification shalf have the effect of extending or enlarging the exclusive privi- lege before acquired. XXX. An exclusive privilege shall not be defeated upon the ground that Proviso. Misdeseription in the petition, if not fraudulent, not to de- feat the privilege. the invention in the petition, unless such misdescription was fraudulent. XXXII. Entry in registry book of judgment’ &c. Whenever it shall be adjudged by any of the said Courts of Ju- dicature that an exclusive pri- declaring privilege vilege as to the whole or any not to have been ac- part of an invention has not quired. been acquired, the said Secre- tary to the Government of India shall, upon the production of the judgment or order, cause an entry thereof to be made in the said book hereinbefore directed to be kept, and shall cause a reference to such entry to be made in the margin of the entry of the specification contained in such book. XXXIT. Tn what caso actual inventor entitled to assignment of an ex- elusive privilege frau- dulently obtained, If, upon proceedings instituted within two years from the date of a petition to file a specification, the actual inventor shall prove to the satisfaction of any of Her Majesty's Courts of dudi- cature or of the principal Court of the East India. Company having jurisdiction in Civil cases within the local limis of whose jurisdiction the de- tendant shall reside as a fixed ivhabitant, that the petitioner was not the actual inventor, and that at the time ofthe petition he knew or had good reason to believe that the knowledge of the wavention was obtained by himself or by some ether person surreptitiously or in fraud of the actual inventor, or by means of a communication made in confidence by the actual inventor to him or to any person through whom he derived such knowledge, the Court may compel the petitioner to assign to the actual inventor any exclusive privilege obtained under this Act and to account tor and pay over the profits thereof. | | | | of XXXII. In any action for the infringement of such exclusive privilege the plaintiff shall deliver with his plaint particulars of the breaches complained of in the said action; and the defendant, in pleading thereto, shall deliver with his pleas particulars of the grounds (if any) upon which he means to contend that the plaintiff is not entitled to an exclusive privilege in the in- vention. In like manner, upon any application + to any of the said Courts of Judicature under Sections XX1H, XXIV, or XXV of this Act, the applicant shall deliver particulars of the objections ams to rely. At the trial ‘of any on which he me f such action or issue, no evidence shall | t Te be given in support of any alleged safe; Caneel : or of any objection impeaching the validity of such exclusive privilege which ‘shall not be — tained in the particulars delivered as aforesnid_ If it be alleged that the invention was publicly +2 7 Particulars to be Gelivered, there is any misdescription of } ~th t known or used prior to date of the petition for leave to file such specification, the places where ™ and the manner in which the invention was so publicly known or used shall be stated in sueh particulars, Provided, always, that it shall be” lawful for any Court in which the action or pro- ceeding is pending or in which the issue is tried, | to allow the plaintiff or defendant respectively to” amend the particulars delivered as aforesaid upon — such terms as shall seem fit. +s XXXIV. A book shall be kept in the Office of the Secretary to the Govern- ment of India in the Home Department (such book to be open to inspection without fee) wherein every person filing a specification under this Act shall cause to be stated, under a number cor.” responding with the number of the specifi-- cation, some place in India where service of any rule or proceedings for the purpose of can- celling or revoking his exclusive privilege may be made. All persons, parinerships, or Companies from time to time being proprietors of, or having” shares or interests in, such exclusive privilege, shall cause to be entered in such book. under such number as aforesaid, their names, together with the name ofsome place for the service of such pro- ceedings as aforesaid. All such rules and proceed- ings as aforesaid shall be deemed sufficiently served on any such person, pirtnership, or Com- | pany, if a copy thereof be left at the place en-— tered in such book or (if any other place be sub- stituted for the same by entry in the said book) at_ the place last substituted, by delivering the same to any person resident at, or in charge of, such place: or, if there be no person resident at, or in charge of, such place, or if such place be not. with- in the local limits of the Jurisdiction of the Court, by causing such rule or proceeding to be sent by post, by a registered letter, directed to such per- son, partnership, or Company at such place ; and: if any such person, partnership, or Company shall neglect to make or cause to he made such entry, then service of such rele or proceeding may be effected by affixing a copy thereof to some copspi- cuous part of the Court-House or in such other manner as the Court may direct. XY, Service of procecd- ings. Act VI of 1856 shall be of the same « @ force and effect, in -Tespect to 7 every petition and specification — filed under the provisions there- of betore the Act was repealed, and in regard to all proceedings” consequent thereon or in relation thereto, and for the purpose of every thing doue under that Act while it continued in force as if previously to the — passing of the said Act the sanction of Her Majes- - ty to the passing thereof had been obtained and signified in pursuance of the Statute passed in the seventeenth year of the reign of Her Majesty, en- titled “ An Act to provide for the Government of India,” and as if the said Act had not been. re- pealed ; save only that the term of fourteen years, in Section IV of the Act first mentioned shall be _ computed from the time of the passing of this Act instead of from the time of filing the specification, — and that uo exclusive privilege shall cease to have effect by virtue of the provisions of Section XVI, if the invention be putin practice in India — within the period of two years from the time ot : assing of this Act. ;’ ¢ Saving of Act VI of 1856 in respect of gpecifications filed &e. prior to its repeal, ot 3 4 A Bs fo XXXVI. Every petition for leave to file a spe- he cification under the provisions hey Stamp on petition, of this Act, or for the exten- Ny sion of the term of an exclusive privilege, shall be Ra written or priuted on stamped paper of the value of one hundred Rupees. XXXVI. In the construction of this Act, the ; following words and expres- ci tt sions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, unless there be some- thing in the subject or context repugnant to such construction, Words importing the singular nuinber shall in- clude the plural number, and words importing the plural number shall include the singular number. Words importing the mas- Number. te er, culine gender shall include fe- th males. a The word “ invention” shall te a include an improvement. ) The word “ manufacture” shall be deemed to ab include any art, process, or mi cone manner of producing, prepar- ly ing, or making an article, and also any article pre- * pared or produced by manufacture. ik The word “ printed” shall in- L een clude “ lithographed.” 7 The words “inventor” and “actual inventor” 4 shall inclue the executors, ad : pay eeemton.', and ministrators, or assigns of an a ‘actual inventor. : Si ; inventor or actual inventor : as the case may be. j The word “assigns” shall include grantees of j the sole use or benefit in India - ,“ Agsigns. of an invention, or of the sole use of an exclusive privilege for a limited time. i The word “ India” shall mean the territories r “Ht for the time being in the pos- | * India. session and under the Govern- d ment of the East India Company. The words “ Governor Gene- ral in Couneil” shall include the “ President in Council,” The words “ Secretary to the Government. of India” shall include any Under- Secretary to the said Govern- ment. FORM OF PETITION, To THE GOVERNOR GENERAL oF INDIA IN * COUNCIL. Sac N I aura. 3 ayAlnst ny reprose: ¢ the said a 0b agatust any ative of the Nabob, © person as the representative of the said Nabob, otherwise than in accordance with the provision of this Act ;-and ali actions and suits, which at the time ot the comineneement of this suit shall be pend- ing at the suit of any such creditor against any personas representative of the said Nabob, shall abate; the costs of such suit, if the suid Court shall consider it reasonable. to be paid out of the assets of the said late Nabob, XH. Any person claiming to be a creditor of the said late Nabob, who with- in the period of three months trom the passing of this Act shall file in the Office of the Master of the said Supreme Court a written declaration Stating that hé is will- ing to receive in full discharge of his debt such amount as shall be ascertained by the said Su. preme Court to have been justly and fairly due to him from the said Jate Nabob at the. time of his death and to remain uapaid (such amount. to be estimated in respect of moneys. at the amount which shall be proved to have been actually ad- vanced to or paid for the u ¢ of the said Nabob, and in respect of goods supplied.or other matters at the amount Which shall be proved to haye ‘een the fair and actual value thereof at the time When such debts Were incurred) together with ch (if ANY) not exceeding the rate of SIX per veutiin per annutim as shall be awarded by the said Qourt ; aud that he js willing to give UP any” mortgage or seeurizy wiieh he may hold upon any part of the Property of the said late Nabob—shall be entitled, upon giving up such mortgage or security to the said Receiver, to have’ the amount of his claim ascertained by the said Court in manner hereinafter mentioned AD, The Said Cours, upon the application oe such creditor, shall appoint a day for ascertaliing the amount Special application by creditor fur imme. diate Investivation of his claim by the Court Court, npon appit- cation, wo ds a day S for the investigation, of his debt, and reasonable and to pive notice notic ; , i tMereofto che Chief ‘ ey. alts tos au *Ppointed shall. be Secretary of Madras, Secretary to Govern. $iven to the Chief ment of Madrag, to the Government ee el Pe eee ete oa se ‘re —— 4 [ 832 ] XIV. Upon every investigation under Section XV of this Act, the East India Company may appear and be heard by Counsel. Hast India Compa- ny may appear by Counsel on such in- vestigation. XY. day so fixed or upon any other day to which the Court Claim tobesnmma- may think fit to postpone the ih saa »Y investigation, the Court shall ; proceed to ascertain and de- termine in a summary way what sum was due from the said Nabob at the time of his death to the claimant. Provided that, in fixing the amount of any debt or claim under the provisions of this Section, the said Court shall not allow to any person claim- ing to be a creditor, in respect of money lent or advanced, any larger sum than the amount proved to have been actually advanced, together with simple interest thereon not exceeding the rate of six per centum per annum, notwithstanding any higher rate of interest may have been agreed to be paid ; and that the said Court shall not allow to any person claiming to be a creditor, in respect Upon the Proviso. larger sum than the amount which shall be} proved to have been the fair and actual value thereof at the time when such debt was incurred, without reference to the price or sum which may have been agreed to be paid for or in respect thereof, together with simple interest thereon not exceeding the rate aforesaid, if the Court shall consider that the claimant is entitled to recover interest. Jf it shall appear to the said Court that the said debt remains due, the said Court shall issue an order for the payment of the amount so ascertained to be due. together with such iuterest. thereon (if any) not excveding six per ceutum per annum as tle said Court shall consider that euch creditor is fairly and justly entitled to recover. The Court may also, if it consider it reasonable so to do, order the costs of proving such debt to be paid out of the estate of the said late Nabob. XVI. The amount ascertained by the Court to be due to the claimant upon the investigation under the last preceding Section, toge- ther with such interest and costs (if any) as sall be awarded by the Court. shall be paid to the claimant by the said Receiver within ten days after a copy of the order of the said Court shall have been served upon him. In case no sufficient assets belonging to the estate of the said Jate Nabob shall be in the hands of the Receiver to enable him to pay such amount, the same shall Amount fouud due with interest and eosts how to be paid. be forthwith paid out of the public Treasury of | the East India Company. The amount so found due to such creditor as aforesaid for »riucipal and interest shall be treated as a debt due to such creditor in taking an account of the debts and hebilities and of the estate and effects of the said Nabob in such administration suit as aforesaid. Ex Walsly Provision if pay- ment be made toa creditor In excess of the amount payable to him under the deerce, Tf, after the decree of the Court in such administration suit as aforesaid, it shall appear that the amount paid to any such creditor out of the assets of the said Nabeb exceeds the amount which under such deere would have been payable to such creditor if Fit cit i 4 Hl of goods supplied or of any other matters, | EE i : the last preced- ade to him under EeEstion, the fference between the amount so ing Section, the di t which would have been pay- Pile tee ey good by the East India Com- pany and shall be paid to the Receiver to enable him to carry out the decree in respect of the credi- tors remaining unpaid. XVIII No action or suit shall be brought against the East India Company _ orany person for any thing done under the provisions of this Act, or for or by reason of any act, reasonableor proper, for the pro- tection of the estate of the said Nabob or for realizing the assets thereof, which may have been done before the passing of ‘his Act by any person under the orders or with the sanction of the Government of Madras, No action in res- pect of certain things done under this Act, or before the passing thereof if done with the sanction of Go- vernment. XIX No property shall be taken by the said y Receiver out of the posses sion of any person mentioned™ in the list last published in the Government Gazette at Madras Ad. of persons entitled to privileges under the provisions of Act I of 1844, without the previous order of the Go- vernor in Council of Madras. ; No property to be taken by the Receiver out of possession of Nabob's family with- out the order of Go- W. Morean, Clerk of the Council. pottfications, Appointments, Xe. No. 1048. Fort William, Home Department, The 24th April 1858. Yotifieation.—The services of the Revd. W. T. Humphrey are placed atthe dispusal of the Go- verument of Bengal. No. 1068. The Revd. F. Hinde, Assistant Chaplain, is promoted to the grade of Chaplain from the 24th February last, in succession to the Revd. C. Quartley, deceased. No. 1069. The 26h April 1858. The Hon’ble the President in Couneil 1s pleased to attach Mr. W. Robertson, of the Civil Service, to the North Western Provinces, the — Punjab aud Oude. Cre, Beapon, Seey. to the Govt. of India. No. 1594. Fort William, Foreign Department, } The 27th April 1858. The leave of absence, for ten days, on private affairs, granted to Lieutenant H. J. Hawes, OM- © ciating Deputy Conimissioner Punjab, in General Order, dated 22ud January last, No. 287, 18 commuted to privilege leave for the same period. CrcIL BEADON, . aa Offy. Secy. to the Get. of Tnwi@e . a 4 [ 833 | rs EVO. 20) Fort William, Finincial Department, Lhe 23rd April 1858. Reap a Despatch from the Hon’ble the Court of Directors, No. 16 of 1858, dated the 8rd March. Notification.—The Hon'ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased to direct that the following Resolution be published for general information; — Resolution..—The Hon'ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased to resolve, in conformity with the orders of the Hon’ble the Courtof Directors, as conveyed in the 5th Paragraph of their Despatch above-mentioned, that the present rate of Interest, vic, 4 per Cent. per Annum, allowed to Military Depositors on sums lodged " } 7% YO ‘ —— Ais “the several Covernment Savings’ Banks, be * ~ shad Mreduced from the 9th Instant, the date of the receipt of the above Despatch, to 33 per Cent. per Annum, being equal to the rate fixed by the Royal Warrant for Soldiers’ Deposits in Savings’ Danks. The rate of 4 per Cent. per Annum allowed ‘Bee Depositors will be continued until further orders, By Order of the Hon'ble the President of the Council of India in Council. , ; O. Huaw Lusnineron, Secy. to the Govt. of India. a Fort William, Public Works Department, PUBLIC, The 27th April 1858. Appoiniment—Major T. H. Sale, of Engineers, appointed to officiate as Superintending Engi- eer Ist Circle Bengal, from the 19th Instant, late on which Captain W. Maxwell assumed 2 of the 2nd Circle Bengal. — No. 64 Postiug.—The appointment* of Mr. M. A, Kelly, temporary 2nd Class Assistant Engineer, to the 2nd ices Division Grand Trunk Road, is ss cancelled, and that Officer is ae to do duty under the Chief [ngineer in ude, to whom he will report himself without * Notification No, $7, dated 231d March Pm ‘ay. t > Appointment.—Second Lieutenant J. M, Hey- vood, of Engineers, placed at the disposal of the >ublic Works Department by G. O. No. 680 of he 23rd Instant, is appointed a Probationary As- istant Engineer and posted to the 2nd Division yand Trunk Road. R. Srracvey, Major, Offy. Secy. to the Govt. of India. No. 1350. Orders by the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengu!. A ppointments.—The 22nd April 1858.—Mr. J. D’Cruze, to be a Deputy Magistrate under Act XV. of 1843, and a Deputy Collector under Regulation 1X. of 1833 in the Sub-division of Serampore, where he will exercise the powers of a Covenanted Assistant to a Magistrate under Re- gulations XIII. of 1797 and IX. of 1807. The 23+d April 1858.—Lieutenant A. Turn- | bull, to officiate as Commandant of the Purneah Police Battalion. Moulavy Mahomed Abdoollah Khan, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector of Puoree, is transferred to Balasore, where he will exercise the powers of a Covenanted Assistant toa Magistrate {| under Regulations XIII. of 1797 and LX, of 1807. Bato» Nursing Chundr Doss, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector of Cuttack, is transferred to Pooree, where he will exercise the powets of a Covenanted Assistant to a Magistrate under Re- gulations XIII. of 1797 and IX. of 1807. Baboo Suddanund Jacheck, to be a Députy Magistrate under Act XV. of 1843, and a Deputy Collector under Regulation IX. of 1833 in Cu tack, and to exercise the powers of a Covenanted Assistant to a Magistrate under Regulations X[1 1. of 1797 and IX. of 1807 in that District. The 26th April 1858.—The Reverend H. Smith, to officiate as Chaplain of Patna. Leave of Abssnce.—The 23rd April 18? Mr. C. E, Chapman, Assistant to the Mazis and the Collector of Rajshahye, for tw» mouths, under Section XII. of the new revised Absentee Aules, Notification—The 24th April 1858.—The privilege leave, for two months, ¢rauted by the Archdeacon of Calcutta to the Reverend E. Hadow, Chaplain of Chinsurah, and notified in the Guzette of the 7th Instant, has been cancelled. A. R. Youne, Secy. to the Govt. of Beigel. Orders by the Right How ble the Governor General, No. 975 of 1858. Judicial and Revenwe Depurtinre nt, Allahabad, the 21st Aprit 1858. Leave of Absence. -Mr, Henry Binny Webster. Extra Joint Magistrate at Behares, for fifteen months, on Medical Certificate, to proceed 1 Europe, with preparatory leave to admit of his reaching the Port of Embarkation, No. 986 of 1858. The 22nd April 1858. Appointinent.— Mr. R. Wall, to be an Assistant in the Agra Division. By Ooler of the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, W, Muir, Secy. to Govt. N, W. P. [ 834 | : General Orders by the Hon'ble the President of the Council of Indiu in Couneil. Fort William, 24th April 1858. Vo. 637 of 1858.—The following Extract of a Notification from the Foreign Department with the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, is published in General Orders :— No. 566, the 10th April 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Governor General has been pleased to make the following appointments in the Province of Oude :— Lieutenant C. HT Hall To be Assistant Commis- Myr. CU. A. Elliott sioners of the 3rd Class. No. 638 of 1858.—The following Notification, issued from the Foreign Department, is published in General Orders :-— No. 1570, the 23rd April 1858.—Lieutenant £. H. Willoughby, Revenue Surveyor in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories and Nagpore, has oltain- ed preparatory Jeave from the 17th March to the op of his embarkation for Europe from Bombay. » Gy: 3 No. 639 of 1858.—The following Notification, “issued by the Hon’ble the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, is published in General Orders :— The 23rd April 1858.—It is hereby notified that the Orders of the 22nd February last, pub- lished in the Culeutta Guzette of the 24th Idem, page 316, apply to all Medical Officers, Covenanted and Uneovenanted, who have not passed the pre- seribed colloquial examination ; but present incum- bents will be allowel twelve months from the date of that Notification if they require it, to qualify themselves to pass. ——— - No, 640 of 1858.—The following Notification, issued from the linancial Department, is published in General Orders :— No 19, the 28rd April 1858.—dAppointments. —Assistant Surgeon J. F. Shekleton, to officiate as Assay Master of the Calcutta Mint. Assistant Surgeon J. A. I'.J.G. Von Liebig, to offi- ciate as Deputy Assay Master of the Caleutta Mint. No. G41 of 1858.—The following Notification, issued by the Government North-Western Pro- vinees, is published in General Orders :— No. 957, the 20th April 1858.—Captain Ro bert Robison Harris, 67th Regiment Native Infantry, to be Cantonment Joint Magistvate and Superin- tendent Cantonment Abkaree Mehal at Cawnpore on being relieved from his appointment at Agra hy Lieutenant Jenkins. 42 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Offi- permitted to proceed to Kurope, on leave ; Certificate :-— For three years, iihe. . old r) tment N Licutenant of the 21st Infantry ~ QOut-peusioner of the Royal ~~ No, 643 of 1858.—With reference to Gove ment General Order No. 351, of the Ist Ma 1858, the under-meutioned Officer has returned his duty on this Establishment, without prejud to his rank, by permission of the whle th Court of Directors :— he i Date of Arriva Port Williaa > Lida April 1858 Lieutenant Spencer Charles Iudley Ryder, of the t4tth Regiment Native Infautry - Fort Willium, 26th April 1858. No. 6t4 of 1858.—The fllowing Notification from the Home Department, is published % General Orders :— No. 933, the 12th April 1858.—Notificutions The following Extract, Paragraph 1, froma f patch No. 31 of 1858, dated the 24th Febr from the Hon’ble the Court of Directors, is lished for general information :— ™ “We have t0 acquaint you that we have 3 “pointed Mr. John Docwra Dickinson to be | “Seeretary, in the room of Sir James Cosm “ Melvill, K. C. 8, resigned, and Mr. Ja “ Cosmo Melvill, to be our Depaty Seeretary it “the room of Mr. Dickinson.” ; No. 645 of 1858.—Captain Thomas Bro the 8rd Troop of Cavalry Calcutta Volunteei Guards, is allowed leave of absence to Europe, on Sick Certificate, for eight months. : No. 646 of 1858.—lt is hereby notified, for general information, that the Hon'ble the Court of Directors have been pleased to fix the rate of Exchange for Officers’ Family Remittances am Effects in the Official Year 1858-59, at (2s, 14d) two shillings and three half pence the Company's Rupee, a) = 23 Fort William, 27th April 1858. No. 647 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the Pres of the Council of India in Council is plea make the following promotions :— 7 To what Kank promoted From what Rank and Names. late. no ee A ee) se Lient. Brevet Captain tptain ath 4 Junes Dawson Mac. 2 21st April} (William NOT Donald -{ Captain § 1808. Campbell, @ KHausign Jobn Chalmers — {Lientenany ‘deceased. ee a a No. 648 of 1858.—The necessary docume ‘ from the War Department having been receivea with a communication from the Secretary at ty India House, dated 10th March 1858, anthor the issuc of Chelsea QOut-pension to the unt mettioned individual at this Presidency, “pay of Pension is to be made and charged accordin Rete of Pension pere 6d, paid to the 31st Me 1858. = Private Samuel Gillham, an ] at Chelsea. from the Regiment of Foot. ... 2 [| 885 ] Mo. G19 of 1893—The Han/bl the Presilent {the Council of Imtia in Council is pleased to lirect that the name of Pensioned Subadar (as Jemadar) Hingun Khan, 28th Native Infantry, No, 5552, Diihapore Circle, whose case has beer reconsidered by a Committee of Officers, shall be expunged from the Covernment General Order No. 501, of the 26th March 1855, and that he be continued on the list as heretofore. —_—_— + ge No. 650 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased to direct that the following Military Letter from the Hon'ble the Court of Jirectors to the Government of India, No. 51, dated 3rd March 1858, be pub- pres in General Orders :— Military Department, No. 51 of 1858. Ovr Governor GENERAL OF INDIA IN CoUNCIL. The necessity for Lieutevant-Celonel Grant’s J N Letter dated 22nd August 1857, refurn to Kurope on No 225. Medical —_ Certiticate lend2. Memorial from Lieut. ];avine been establish- Colowel S.A. Grant, Madras Ia 6 y ‘Seah 1 < Le r| funtry, praying that he imay be © prior to t NE earl promoted to the rank of Colonel March 1855, we are by Brevet fromthe date on which of oyinion that al- he would have attained that rank +] $ ae ‘ 1 hat hevctitally left Indiaon Fur, bNOugN Ds actual em- lough prior to the 23rd March barkation was delayed vag for a short time after that date, he should not, in consequence, be de- prived of the advantages conferred by the order of the Sth September 1856 upon those who quitted India prior to the 23rd March 1855. Weare, &e., (Signed) R. D. MANGLES, And Nine other Direciors. LONDON, Brd Alarch 1858, — 6651 of 1858.—The Hon'ble the President, Council of India in Council is pleased to direct that the following War with Letter Office Circular, No. 190, dated Sth December 1857, contain- dated 3xi ing instructions relative to the mode of payment to the East India Company of Savings’ Bank balances due to Soldiers of Her Majesty’s Regiments proceeding to India, be published in General Orders :— Circular, No. 190, (Suvings’ Bums), 30 ———— Se: No. “ Indie War OFFICE, 8 Sth Decewrber 1857. 17 thaba The Secretary of State for War hav- ing, with the concurrence of the Court of Dir:e- tors of the East India Company, decided that in- Stéathot the Savings’ Bank Accounts of a Regiment 4 proceeding to the Hast Indies being closed in the _ manner prescribed by Article meemedato War, Of 95 of the Circular, Nov sh, ties Regulations of = ; e . 1845, page 32. dated 2nd January 1854, the operations of the Bank shall not be suspended, but that the Bank should conti- nue open until the transfer to the Goverument Sa- ‘ vings’ Bank in India can be there effected by the Commanding Officer of the Regiment. I am di- rected by Lord Panmure to acquaint you, that in- structions have been accordingly issued to the se veral Governments in India, desiring that, upon the Commanding Officer or the Rewimment furnishing to the Presidency Paymaster a list of the Savings’ Bank Balances, with interest adjusted to the last day of the preceding month, tozether with a bill drawn on Her Majesty’s Paymaster General (Army Account) for the amount, a corresponding sum may be placed to the credit of the several men in the Government Savines’ Bank. You will, therefore, be pleased, in conformity with this arrangement, to cause the Savings’ Bank Accounts of the Regiment under your Command to be made up as soon as convenienly practicable, after the Corps shall have landed ia India, and forwarded to this Office, giving your bill to the Presidency Paymaster for the amount of the ba- lances, which should, of course, precisely agree with the total sum due to the several Depositors, according to the general abstract accompanying the final Savings’ Bank Accounts to this Depart- meut. I have the honor to be, Sin, ~* Your most obedient Servant, ~~ To Officers Commanding b. Haws Regiments of Cavalry and Infantry, tn the United Kingdom and the, Colonies. No. 652 0f 1858.—The under-mentioned indi- vidual, who was pronounced by the Invaliding Committee to be unfit for farther duty, and recom- mended to be sent to Kurope, is almitted to pen- sion as specified opposite to his name, under the provisions of General Order of the 5th February 1820, with permission to reside in India, subject to the confirmation of the Hon’ble the Court of Directors :— Gunner Sylvester McNeily, of fa ae ta cha 5 a = ela 2) two Aunas an the 2nd Company Sth Batta- > Go.) ten half Pie lion Artillery «e- ? par month, No. 653 of 1858.—The Hon'ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased to appoint Serjeant James Harrison Bewsey, Olh- diating as Sub-Conductor in the Field Magazine at Lucknow, to be a Sub-Conductor in the Ord- nance Cominissariat Department. No. 65 of 1858. —The Hon'ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased to make the following promotions in consideration of the exemplary conduet of the Men :— Vorps | Rank and Naines. et oe mt irk a « (\flavildur Rarasaroop Sing . | Mbadar ny " Jookho > Sing ‘ Jematar | sth Sait é Gadjeraj Sing 2 | Sube@aar oo ant sng Sepoy Ruy nundeen Sing Tivilter é | ad » Fhulloo Doobey . | Naiek : [ No. 655 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Oif- cers are permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of absence, on Sick Certificate :— Second Lieutenant Charles Forfifteen Langford Oliver, of the Ist + months,under the Madras Fusiliers vew Reszulations. Assistant Surgeon William Fal- For eighteen coner Clark, of the Medical + months,under the Department new Regulations. No, 656 of 1858.—The Hon'ble the President in Council directs the publication, in General Orders, of the following Military Leiter from the How’ble the Court of Directors to the Government of India, No. 74 of the 23rd March 1858 :— Military Department. y LC} No. 74 of 1858. Our GovERNoR GENERAL OF INDIA IN COUNCIL. As the promotion of General Officers of the Company’s Service to fill vacancies on the fixed establishment of each grade is, in accordance with the practice in Her Majesty’s Army, to be dated the day succeeding the Casualty by which the vacancy is created, it becomes necessary, to ensure uniformity, that the promotions of all Officers * made in India should also bear date on and from the day succeeding that on which the vacancy occurred, We are, Your affectionate friends, (Signed) Ross D. MANGLES, And Nine other Directors. The 230d March 1858. \ a No. 657 of 1858.—The Hon'ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased to direct the publication, in General Orders, of the following Military Letter from the Hon'ble the Court of Directors to the Government of India, No. 69 of the 18th March 1858, and the War Office Circular and Royal Warrant therein referred to :— Military Department. No. 69 of 1858. Our Governor GENERAL OF INDIA IN CouNctt. No 218 Lonpon, We travsmit herewith three copies of a Cir- cular Letter from the War Office, dated 16th February 1858, with its enclosed Royal Warrant, bearing date the 30th January 1858, under which every Non-Commisstoned Officer above the rank of Corporal is to receive an addition of two pence to the present daily Pay of his rank, and is to have no claim to Good Conduct Pay assigned to the ranks below that of Serjeant. * 2. ‘This Rule should be extended to the Non- Commissioned Officers of our RKuropean Corps. s eee are Your affectionate friends, (Signed) Ross D. Maxates, And Nine other Divectors, WGNDOsN,o= “ F The (Sth Mareh 1858. ‘ = i 836 J = | we i a oe Circular No. 213. 3 War OFFICE, ie 16th February 1858. 107,300 4 87 %, Sir € py! "Tt am directed by the Sceretary of State War, to transmit herewith the copy of Her Wajag ty’s most gracious Warraut.inereasing the daily Pay / of all Non-Commissioned Officers above the rank of | Corporal, and to acquaint you that in the fey existing instances wherein, under the provisions 6F the War Office Circular of the 16th January 18 Serjeants may be in receipt of Good Conduet & at a higher rate than 2d. a day. the excess he separately charged in the Pay List asG Conduct Pay, so long as the individual shall con tinue to be entitled thereto. : I have the honor to be, Srp, , Your obedient Servant, B, Haw To General Officers in. Command, Officers Commaniing, And Paymasters of Legiments, Depot Battalions and Independent Corps, Inspecting Field Officers, and »* £4 Paymasters of Recruiting Districts, &e. 45 id 9) - . ee © 4 VICTORIA R. Ml 107,300 ; 87 : WHEREAS We have taken into Our Royal consi deration the position of Serjeants and other Non Commissioned Officers above the rauk of Corporal in respect of Pay, and whereas it has been repr sented unto Us that the distinction and rewards for Good Conduct, granted by Our Royal Warrant of the Ist July 1848, do not extend to these ranks and cannot be extended to them with pro- priety and convenience, Our Will and Pleasure is, that every Non-Commissioned Officer, above th rank of Corporal, serving in Our Regular Ar shall receive an addition of Two pence to present daily pay of his rank, and shall have claim to Good Conduct Pay assigned to the Far below that of Serjeant. : It is our further Will and Pleasnre thapmele ad ition to be made to the present pay of the N 1- Commissioned Officers above the rank of Corpor i serving in Our Ceylon Rifle Regiment and Royal Malta Fencibles Regiment shall be One Pennyg day, except the uropean Non-Commissioned | Officers of the former Corps, Who shall yeceive an addition of Two Pence a day. and that this Our Royal Warrant shall not apply to the Medical Staff Corps, Tt is Our further Will and Pleasure that these additions to the Pay of Our Army shall take effeet from and after the Ist Instant, from which date the provisions of the War Office Circular, date 16th January 1857, shall cease and determine. Given at Uur Court at St. James’s this 30th day of January 1858, in the Twenty-first year of Our Reign. | By Her Majesty's Command, ee - PANMURE, F. D. Atkinson, Major, Secy. to the Govt. of India, in the Mily. Dept eos (ee fie [FROM TH? GAS TTTi-—-GOVERNOR GENERAL’S CARP.) ALLAHABAD, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1858, Notifications, Appointments, &rc. No. 647. Foreign Department, Allahabad, the 15th April 1858. The Right Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to appoint Lieutenant-Colonel John Clarke, 25th Regiment Native Infantry, and Deputy Commissioner Ist Class Punjab, to be a Commis- sioner in Oude, G. F. Epmonstone, Secy. to the Govt. of Indiu, with the Governor General. No. 3. Publie Works Depurtment, PuBLic. Allahubad, the 16th April 1858. Notificution—The seryices of Lieutenant F. J. Gully, 31st Native Infantry, being no longer required with the Goorkha Force, are re-placed at the disposal of the Chief Commissioner Punjab, for re-employment in the Department Public Works. By Order of the Right Hon'ble the Governor General, H. Yuue, Captain, Offg. Secy. to Govt, P. W. Dept., with the Govr. Geni, General Orders by the Right Hon‘ble the Gover- nor General of India. Military Department, Allahabud, the 18th April 1858. No. 72 of 1858.—Lieutenant E. G. Stone, 40th Native Infantry, is transferred from the 5th Pun- jaub Infantry, to the Mynpoorie Irregular Horse, as Second in Command, Lieutenant C. E. Stewart, Her Majesty's 27th Regiment, to be Adjutant Sth Panjaub Infantry, vice Lieutenant Stone. Allahabad, the 14h April 1858, No 73 of 1858.—In publishing the following Despatch, No; 145 A, dated 17th March 1858, from the Deputy Adjutant Genaral of the Ariny, submitting the Official Report of Brigadier-General T. H. Franks, C. B., regarding the operations of the late Jounpore Field Force, the Right Hon'ble the Governor General desires to make known the high satisfaction he has derived from the perusal of its details, evidencing as they do, no less the Military skill of the Commander, than the gal- Jantry and devotion of the European and Goorkha Troops under his Command. R. J. H. Brreu, Colonel, Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Governor General. a ———— a ——$<$<—<—_————s ns lery He 8th Co. 2nd Bn. Royal Artil- No. 143. A. From THe Dy, Abst, GENL oF THE ARMY, To THE Secy. TO THE Govt. or InpiA. Military Department, with the Governor General. Head Quarters Camp, before Lucknow, Lhe \7th March 1858, Sir, I HAVE the honor, by desire of the Commander-in-Chief, to en- close in original a Report, with enclosures, as per margin, dated the 9th Instant, from Brigadier- General T. H. Franks, C. B., Commanding the late Joun- pore Field Force, of the opera- tions of the Force, subsequent to its departure from Singra- mow, which I am to beg you will be s» good as to submit to the Right Hon’ble the Governor Gene- ral for favorable consideration. Forwards Report from Brigadier-Gene- ral Franks, of the operation of the Field Force late under his Command. Casualty Returns. Returns of captur- ed Orduance, ‘I'wo Sketches. I have the honor to be, SIR, Your most obedt. Servant, H. 'W. Normay, Major, Deny. Adjt. Geni. of the Army. No. 148, From ; Briepr. Genz. T. H. Franks, C, B,, To THE Dy. ApJT. Grenv. of THE ARMY, Head Quarters Camp. Camp Dilkoosha, before Lucknow, Lhe 9th March 1858. SIR, J HAve the honor to forward for sub- mission to His Ex- cellency the Com- 108 mander-in-Chief, a detailed Report of the Number Corps of Effectives. 6th Co. 18th Bn. Royal Artil- ler -» 52 . : : ee ear ee operations of the Field 7 the Saath f sthB, © Force under my Com- ant 4t 10. mn. 7 ghcaiaiery. .. 89 mand, (strength noted Detachment Benares Horse.. 88 Her Majesty's 1lUth Regiment, 730 Mer Majesty's 20th Regiment. 717 Her Majesty’s 97th Regiment. 661 Allied Goorkha Force. 6 Bns, Infy. and Artillery attached, 3193 Native Artillery Detail oe 115 Total 5710 with, 18 {| 9 |42-5| 24] im} 124 6 Bole ae |e | x = SN 1 : EL E1 ETE) = igeiss Cad Gee tole a Sd | Aeetce < Siete pe | eS [sega iia eal eed ee al at es Sle hele ls lee" Pe jecs. | eat ck |. ce ia 2 | 13 | 2183 2 1 1 RI Re the Nazim Mehundee “yp Hussun had issued his orders for his Force, hitherto ~ ~ , ¢ divided at Waree and Chanda, to be concentrated at the latter place, by the evening of the 19th February. marginally) from the date of its leaving Sin- gramow, and crossing the Oude Frontier on the 19th Uttinio, till § its junction with the Army under His Ex- cellency’s Command, on the evening of the 4th Instant. 2. A report hav- ing gained credence in Camp, and reached the Enemy, that no forward — movement would be made before the 20th February, [ 838 ] 3. At6A M, however, of that day, the Force under my Command marched from Singramow, 1n the following order :—the Advance Guard com- posed of the whole of our small party of Cavalry, of 240 selected Marksmen, of the three British Regi- ments and four Horsed Guns, under Lieutenant- Colonel Longden, 10th Regiment, was followed by the British Brigade, under Brigadier Evelech, C. B., and by the six Battalions of Goorkha Infantry, under Colonel Pulwan Singh, in column of route. The rear and baggage guards, consisting of five Companies of the 10th, 20th and 97th Regiments, and of three Companies of Goorkhas, with two Horsed Guns, under Major Radcliffe, 20th Regi- ment, closed the rear. 4:, spies, that the Enemy in possessi n of “ Chanda under the Chuckledar Bunda Hoosain, numbered 8,000 men; of whom 2,500 were Sepovys of the 20th, 28th, 48th and 71st Regiments N. IJ.. and that the Nazim Mehundee Hussun was still at Waree, eight miles distant in a Southerly direction with 10.000 Men and 11 Guns. The junction of his Forces was therefore still incomplete and I determined to attack him before it could be effected, On reaching Koereepore, I learnt through » 5. Halting the force out of fire, I reconnoitred the Enemy’s position. “Chanda” is a large village, at the South- eastern angle of which are a considerable mud Fort and a Serai, both of great height, and loopholed for musketry. Round the village, Fort and Serai, a breastwork had been thrown up, and a ditch excavated, and six pieces of Artillery were plaecd’ in position in it and on its left. “The principal strength of the position consisted in the close and high cultivation surrounding it on three sides, and, rendering approach most difficult. 6. My reconnoisance being complete, at 11 A.M, I attacked in the following order :—The Marksmen were extended in skirmishing order ont of range of the Enemy’s Artillery ; then advancing to 700 yards, they opened fire, which was imme- diately replied to by the Guns opposed to us. Having thus drawn the Enemy’s fire, and ascer- tained the position of his Artillery, 8 of our ight Guns were brought up at a gallop, supported as quickly as possible by the two 18-Pounders, Meantime, the main body followed in contiguous quarter distance columns, at deploying distance ; the British Brigade in the centre, three Regiments of Goorkhas on the right, and three on the left ; the Cavalry divided and covering the flanks ; Captain Thring’s four 9-Pounder Bullock Guns ac- companied the Infantry in the centre. As they advanced into the Plain, these columns deployed into line, ao apis : (. The skirmishers and light Guns now era- dually moved forward, the Enemy retiring before a 8 Ra ct threatening the flanks, and ane ish rigade advancing in support in the In this manner the Force soon drove the F before it, carried the position an. SAE 3 nd captuy Guns, following the Rebels through ay Sead yillage, \ 4 | | | | | | | | | -_ 2 = wT 4 sted skirmishers could no longer When the ok aod fi the Enemy,> ’ a as! Total £ KILLED i a $ = oe > Corps. FS E a 2 | < 3 i = |e | & 12h). jelalelaie| a|€l4 SS 2 leis lehelelel2hsia mL SI4IAIV= (SH lojale yo 6th Co. 13th Battu. Royal Artillery os el aye Y bie oT lee 4 Attached to ditto ditto Tit olb: ey A . 1 8th Co. 2nd Batu. Royal | Artillery felis ots |e : Detachment A. Co, 3rd Battalion Madras Arty | |.. taba |e faite Detachment 4th Co. ft! Batialion Bengal Arty.}..[-- ee eee tachinent of Mountet % u of H. Mls 10th (oo1}..].- |} ee \ LG he \danent of Benare: wb MH aad A A Subalterus. time, without any aid from Cavalry, over roads often unbridjed and nearly impassable, and through a country swarming with a hostile popula- tion, Amongst these Officers, Lieutenant-Colonel Turner, C. B., 97th Regiment, claims my special commendation for his masterly disposition of his Rear and Baggage Guards at the village of Lora- mow during the battle of Sultanpore. ‘ Ona the splendid discipline, firm constancy and dashing courage displayed by this Force, both Officers, and Men, it is needless for me to dilate ; the results they have gained will speak, for them- selves. Suffice it to say that it has marched 130 miles, has beaten an immensely superior Enemy in four actions, and has captured* (54) thirty-four pieces of Ord- nace with the loss in ali vt only 37 Officers and Men killed * Including 3 cap- tured at Nusutpore, on 23rd January 1858. and wounded. I beg torecord here, before too late, my thanks to the Officers who invariably Commanded the three Coin- panies of selected marksmen (who formed my ad- vanced guardsand were always the first to encounter the Enemy); Captain Norman, 0th Foot, Captain Lyons, 20th, and Major Chichester, 97th Regiment. Returns of Killed, Wounded and Missing, with Nominal lists of the Casualties and Returns of cap- tured Ordnance, are enclosed herewith. I have the honor to be, SIR, Your most obdt. humble Servt, T. H. Franks, Brigdr-Geni., Communding 4th Divn. Late Commdy. Jounpore Field Moree. P. S—A sketch of the operations at Chanda and Amereepore, and one of the action of Sultanpore, are enclosed. in the Field Force, under the Command of Brigadier-General T. H, Franks, C. B., ia the Actions at Chanda and Amereepore, on the 19th Hebruary 1858, Camp Amereepore, the 19th February 18°8. WounpDeb. Misstxa. ia il | ‘hal Vsti fis On shes Pts flee se a Exunined Total Casualties, Eleven Men. M. HAVELOCE, Captain, Deputy Asst, Adjt, General. T, H. FRANKS, Brigadier-General, Commanding Field Porce. f 844 | Nominal List of Casualties in the Field Foree, under the Command of Brigadier-General / ‘3, O. B, ti 4 ; Chanda and Amereepore, on the 19th February 1858, © T. H. Franks, C. B., in the Actions at tad Ateached to ditto ditto Detachment A. Co. 8rd Bn. Madras Artillery Detachment 4th Co. 5th} Ba. Bengal Artillery Detachment of Mounted Men 8rh Co. Ind Bu. Royal | see of H. MJs ivth Foot | * Ome vow! singe Juul Dith ditta 97th ditto ...[--]° 6t2 Battalions of the Allied (indekba Force and Art: atrawed I Detaciment of Benares! Horse RAP SCORE Cae oe ee Hor Majesty's 10th Foot ...Jeftt{ecd efile Tivtio ditto 20th ditto ..Jerftt peepee ofas Total | vs 1 Ee ee ee ee ee Bl Te ee ees} Exatnvined. Total Casualties, Eleven Men. Nine Horses, HW. M. HAVELOCK, Captain, Depy. Asst, Adi. General. T. H. FRANK SM Beigadier-Goneral, ht ae Guan nctin, Fed Force= i 2 j [ 845 ] | —Aminal List of Cuswalties in the Field Force, under the Command of Brigadior-Gener sl T. H Pranks, C. B., inthe action at Sultanpore, on the 23rd February 1858. : Camp Badshuhgunge, neur Sultanpore, 23rd February 1858. 4 ‘* el ee oe eS a = ; - * Rank and Names. Remarks. - Be | = E — | —_—— — ——— — ee ne Oe Private .. |Joseph Hay ...| Killed. x " .. William Allen ...| Very severe, fracture with depression of the skull by a grape shot. since dead, ” .. {Timothy Dacy _.. (Severe grape shot wound on left thigh. a .-| Michael Cleary .. |Nevere grape shot wonnd on left side of chest. Bo: ¥ .. |Enoch Pierder *_ \severe shell wound of the face and neck. "i of q, ... {James Purrin ..|Slight contusion by round shot on right arm. . as * ...| Denis Sullivan .. [Slight contusion on the right knee by a spinter of a shell. R, A. . Bombardier |G, Winter ..| light contusion of right leg hy grape. _ fenzal Aviliery y. Gunner. Francis Tunstud ..| Very slight contusion of left foot. Macres Artillery ..] . |. Robertson ...) jlight contusion on the left side of the chest. , sim « :a ee a Exuanvive H. M. HAVELOCK, Cuptain, T. H. FRANKS, Brigadicer-General. Depy. Asst. Adjt. General. Cummanding Field Force. Return of Caswrlties in the Field. Force, under the Command of Brigadier-Gencral Joel EW GIs, C. B.. in the Cavalry Combat ut Nyupoorwa, near Hydurgurh, on the \st Marck 1858. Camp Selimpore, the 1st M arch 1858. a } KaUnien. WotNDED. Missing. | , y Sees. sapape ie eo ‘ - al y e Wy 3 & . é z : 5 5 } 5 ~ 5 z € = aS. Corts. a ect ee Py = ‘ Remarks. } on g ro x oo y Km a a Z iz 2 6 | tslele 3 JL 818 le 5 -) ielala |2 el es ef ° oa lle Cale % ~£|5 StalEl lolaye eyelel |olZle A jelarey lé|sle 5 C1ele! foley. ASl2ls| (Slee lel ele leistyeletsé cle lelelElSiele Sole lslalelslelsle ei slele/2hsls ; SlEVS(SISlelelSieizletalsie|S(sstae siblelsterels - mlClalrlais jxia Ele\elele Slee lee tel2 7 (12 6 EE i ee Oi aa OO caaee Detachment Srigdikh Cary. prea ete, SiG (ey “Seen (ec Go j | Deeche 9] 41*2]...1. [oe feerde: RCE IED Hoe bs | ; | g | | | _ Pe Te ee et ar re ne aS Total Casualties. “ a Four Men. * ; Three Horses. ‘2 Baramaned!, : - . ; ees F ; 1 M WAVELOCK, Cup!ain, T. Hy, FRANKS, Brigadicr-General, Depy. Asst. Adjt. Genl. Commanding Field Force. Nominal Liet of Casualties in the Field. Force, wader the Command of Brigadier-General T. H. Pranks, C. B., in the Cavalry Combat at Nyupoorwa, near I. ydurgurh, on the \st March 1858. Camp Selimpore, the st March 1858. —_—-- Se ee ———_ ) Bre Rank and Naves. Remarks, i oo —— ——— ——_———— i ee & } Sukh | * ki. - fieutenant ..|F. R. Aikman ., [Severe sabre cut in the face. ..,|Dufladar-- Heera Singh .. {Severe musket shot in leg. aay pwar ..|*here Smgh ..{Slight sabre cut in thumb. i ar . .| Khooshial Sing ..|Severe five sabre cuts. H : ’ a . MBzamined HM. HAVELOCK, Captain, T. H. FRANKS, Brigadier-General, Deputy Asst. Adjt. Genl. Commanding Field Force. [ 846 | - Bumpumuuto-y Ua O -a1puly 24 6T ‘SUNVUA I ‘L 4K We MOOT *S21JONSD) L407, eat” que sissy \, ad 7 1A. . AVE “WH + ‘pawrunang A wa, ce, MeL > UE ie Boa ae m | i --loxfs te ly Ra ee ae so es as bs 12404, ee HAIR I ab hac a ee aks, eee ame mm Dh fe Ps a ucOrgs 2 Ses ae. Walaa tee secede of , doory, gq $royry esaozy poLoay | TSO) Pee bee eels ST RCS fice | a | oa | fae bas Pe peyorsqes ila tee) Patt ai Jee (cb al a a aa chy Ree rj kh “IAT PU coreg wysL00% parTY o47 Jo suoNMRE xg a ae SS ane dP Teel > Peleg tole lake + lle | PEE Vel P| ae ie | eal he ie: 0991p u116 ongiqE satel hell ad bec hae Lae ota rd On Ae ios Ps atate OS: ag _ alee o791p 410G 0791(F aap faso steel ont Uae Br Bo ace aS Ls pe A ree Cs | Be queUISoy YIOT 8 Aysafepy azz ree foves fen PRS ele veld safe roe |eno sfc i, oft ola dls Aad fo eee Aapeary yseg pag Jo ogigg 5 aoa (| ee RR Ae ee “a pearls caw gee | ce tie wh OMOFY ULI JO ony ieTe=s> sl al peran ee alo. ahagle'| *2] TES a OSIOHT ISU aaoywy Jo omer Fc] ey Nel aM sefeeftedeedeetisfeoeeloe hf rae : “i ees s ; aes bie oSIOT] saieueg Jo 09g ee aaa ak i ce Vc brs Fie fears Peep De Fi ea ae eo - Pe eeldeied ot |S fea ¢ 3007 401 81E "H J0 usp poqunogy Jo oggicy ‘atalino | +4. Fh (il cae Teamuen ipa ae Homey 2 a steph de fe [ef [emmy jesueg UolNqive yg Aurdwog yap O9n ee eat DR fot [MT fi Se fart Pe Pa BA a ee = See pk le Renate Bit ie St MOV staprjyy uoryegygeg pag Auedwog yy guawyouzac Aes PORN DON bj? Cite ipa a MC epee dd Art May jeSoy uoqeaing pug Luvdwog yg Po ED De fe | ice aR) RE Ps po eer lB ALoTTMAV [soy uoreaeg yye, Suvduiog yy9 POMEL BION “W88V | IE “| --|*-2 abet ah hee ites alae ryder Prt evo (A a bag fs lias BPS TAT She 1 PS a Pan BUg O10 Pia Bl g leleletelgielelel 3 |o [sl clei Stel elelmlas | 41 al>lc/-/-|_|_|/-__—_-—_-_____ a e | F EEIEIRIsls|= € | B S/ElciHelelslel | SSIES ZZIZIcl= 3 Oo ar Oe i eat al iS ea ces Bo) Set st. ER ee 3 @ |/E/E/SIa SB) oe es Pee te ~/Slo =| =. ao | o |) sists 5/2 mS | @ FPR ta) P Isls Bltlof fel2iSi | 2 | [ele/*|1sleley] | 2 lelelzl /Elefc ets! fal [2 ee Slee a;@/Cl Jie] 5 A RIE] = e elE/E! |* | felelE| fF 1°) 2 syaeumory oe lan fe “ o| 718 es aS Ee "sa eel fr} 2 Sa gel ie sdbog Ba < = q ‘ Es Bs = ik) a | eee cerT 2 ‘SOSIOFT 3 | tte ae — 2. eae | “DNISSIL “ATaN00 Ay en “SEST Yur yay ay? ‘nouyonT atofoy ‘asodvaaqaag dung ‘ge YILD] ‘ ntD.! ‘. e t é ST PR fo ay oy u0 ‘oan M1 fo Mog ay7 fo ainydvo Yh Sa (OD ‘syunnT AE g, 171909‘) -4aipyBieg fo pupmwuoy 247 49PUN “90497 piavz ay) u2 saryonsny fo Uenpay [ 847 | Nominal List of Casualties in the F veld Force, under the Command of Brigadier-General T. Hi. Franks, C. B., inthe copture of the Fort of Dhowrara, on the 4th March 1858. * Cump Beebceapore, the 4th March 1858. bd ——— Corps. Rank anp Names, Remarks, ' . _ 20th | Private ... 1 Phos. Cox ...| Killed. Staff |Lieutenant ...1J. Ede Innes, Bengal En- Severe Gunchet Would, g : - E Setere gunshot wound through the abdomen, ‘th |Lieutenant .../P. C. Sinyth 4 { died 10 p. a, same night. = 10th | Private ...| fimothy Healy ... {Severe gunshot wound through left shoulder, 10th # John Murray -..[Severe gunshot wound through left shoulder. 10th y Martin Byrns .../Slight gunshot wound of wrist of right hand. 20th . William McGee ...|Slight gunshot wound of right hand. 97th % James Allen -.{Slizht gunshot wound through left shoulder. 97th 2 Thomas Broadfoot ...|Severe gunshot wound through left hand. 97th ch Henry Edwards ... [Slight punctured wound in right cheek, Examined, H. M. HAVELOCK, Captain, T. H. FRANKS, Brigadier-General, Depy. Asst. Adjutant General. Commanding Field Force, Puatee? O48 terete c= Return of Ordnance, Ammunition, 2. captured by the Jounpore Field Force, uniter the Command of Brigadier-General T. H. Pranks, C. B. in the actions at Chandu and Ameree- pore, on the 19th of February 1858, Camp near Olanls, the 20th February 1858, LEexcru. Caizre. e) Spe Remarks explanatory of the nature | Remarks as to how A a nda , of Gun or Munition. finally disposed of. Vt. | In.! In. | Tentbs. V{ Brass 9-Pr 5 8 | 4 | 1 Bore, honeveombed, highly orna- |} mented, carriage new tise | 2 Do. 4-Pr, 8 921.3 2 Bore very much honeycombed, un- | } The whole of these | serviceable, carriage new .. | | Guns havebeen burst, : Do, 6-P- 4 LP ew) 6 Unserviceable carriage new -. | , and the Carriages des- Z Do. 4-Pr 4 Ves 2 | Bore honeycombed, veut greatly troyed or made use of enlarged -» || by the Artillery of ff. Tron 3-Pr 3 af 2 4 Bore honeyecombed -» | {| Field Force. 6 Do. 6-Pr ae Moat 5) 3 8 English manufacture, bore honey- | | } combed oe PS ! esi i eee ee ! NV. B.—Abont 300 rounds of fixed ammunition, with a few portfires, &c., captured with the above xunsg, a portion of which has been expended in bursting the Guns. Lixvr-Con. E. MABERLY, - Comdg, Arty, Field Force. T. H. FRANKS, Brigadier- General, Commanding Jounpore Field Force, . rtrnrw , a Ps * e/ 1d Foree, under sthe 318 “a. eanlured pore Fie Return of Ordnance, Ammunition, ep oamunes Al We, oe ltanpore and Badsha- Command of Brigadier-General T. I. Franks, C. B., in the actions ab Su e. on the 23rd duy of February 1898. : ec eee ee Camp Sultanpore, 94th February 1858 ‘ EN IBRE. ; =a" ase ee Remarks explanatory of the nature Remarks a3 to how ie Description. pe = of Gun or Munition. finally disposed of. Feeling ek, | Tenths. - | ~ pene S *: |— x ; Bre f 1] Tron 82-Pr 10 0 6 4 |Apparently serviceable, no carriage.| lt See 2) do 24-Pr 9 2 5 | i, Ditto, | gs 3] do do 9 0 5 5 Ditto. z z 4] do, 1s-Pr. | 9] 1] 4 | 9 Ditto. 88 =f 5 3 1 * ! oa ~ ae ‘ of oe | : : - 8 t Apparently serviceable. 35 of 7) do 5-Pr. LN SO cran a = 3 4 |Carriage old and unserviceable. =o S &| do 4-Pr Stell tees 0 Ditto. eae Pac Oh BdOy toe ees 4 el 0 |Very old, no carriage. ‘ | aa a 10} Brass 6-Pr. 5 0 3 7h | Apperently serviceable, carriage new | Ene Lh GOs mine eters 3 0 i 4 |Apparently serviceable. | & = 12! do 5-Pr. -| 4 | 43) 3 5 |Do., no carriage. © .3 IH Piped oa ae 2 pi 7 Ditto. br (eae Heh) ci 3-Pr el each Wee 53 |Bore very much honeyeombed. jo wg 15] do, 6-Pr 4 Ines 61 |Vent ereatly enlarged | ss 6 16} do. 12-Pr. u 43) 4 6 |Vent enlarged, carriage unserviceahle | | g Aa waxdo. 18-Pr. Sal sc0-4 205 1 |Bore honeycombed, carriage broken. 22 18) do. 6-Pr. 4 1 | 3 7 arriage broken. 2 a 19) do, 12-Pr. Sheioule 4 5 |Apparently serviceable, no carriage. “ep 20} Tron Carronade 3| o| os Re ot os 12-Pr. 3 “5 0 |Apparently serviceable. [Eee ES Dimensions unknown, supposed to} | 2 s 211 do. 6-Pr. o!| ol o 0 have been burst during the," 2F 2 action, carriage broken, breech] | “ only discovered. a= N. B.—A large quantity of Ammunition of all descriptions taken with these Guns, also tumbri’s, carriages in course of construction, and half wrought timber, &¢, the Intter were burnt. Percussion Caps 46,000 (about.) ; a Countersiaqned. T. OH. FRANKS, Briqadier-General, E MABERLY, Lieut. Gol. R. A, Commanding Jounpore Field Force. Commanding Artillery. J. PERCIVALL, Lieut. Offg. Deputy Commy. of Ordnance. > Return of Ordnance, Ammunition, §¢., captured by the Jounpore Field Force, under the Com- mand of Brigadier-General T. H. Franks, C, B., inthe action of Nyapoorw ! ‘ on the 1st day of March 1858. ; J Nyapoorwa, near Hydurgurh, Camp Selimpore, 2nd March 1858. Lrxeru. CALIBRE. Remarks explanatory of the nature Remarks as to of the Gun or Munition, eee é Description. | ——_—— | — finally disposed of, wm Ft. | In. | In. | Tenths. ea ee teed ee A ¥ 1{{von 5-Pounder ..| 4 0 3 4 \¥alse trunnions, carriage serriccah] B 3 21Do. 4-do. sly olen! 3 i Ditt ; © ceavle. t urst on the 2n 4 a) 0 x = a | | 1tto ditto ditto, | March 1858, ; eS —_—————— oO oOo Ry, 4 4 — About 40 round shot with a quantity of powder and bullets captured in Selim or / N. B.—The whole of the captured powder remaining, has this-day been give i } ‘ f Engineer Offic r, and the shot, &¢., not suitable for the Guns of this Fo;ce fhiaeh - oh to the Exeentive Countersigned. nto the Goomtce River. E. MABERLY, Lieut. Col, R.A. J2PERCIVALL, Lieut, T. A FR ’ Comdg. Artillery Field Force. Dy. Commy. of Ordnance, RANKS, Bridgr.-Genl,, Comdg. ae Field Force. we 54 ¢ Return of Ordnance captured in the 849 | Action at Dhowrara by the Force under the Comman:t of i ae Brigadier-Genvral Franks, C. B., on the th, March 1858. th y ue ‘ Camp before Lucknow, the 5th March 1858, r = 43 Reet a a a Lenetm CALIBEn, i ‘a 3 _ Remarks Remarks ~ ei z ey ca x Ry eo wh a4 to Munition, as to how finally disposed of, ~ a Ft. |In. ¥ Taoches. ’ 1/Iron 3-Pr, Sel yg! Ot 2-8 False trunnions -.| Burst = Carriage, new g\Ditto 2-Pr, Me es: 6 2 Cap squares, broken, appa- = rently serviceable. --{Thrown down a deep narrow Carriage, good. -+! well, after failing in repeated ‘WV. B — About 20 rounds of attempts to burst it, Ammunition in limber boxes, Carriage burnt. Countersigned T. H. FRANKS, Brigdr-Genl, E. MABERLY, Lieut. Col. R. A. J. PERCIVALL., Lieut. Comdg. Jounpore Field Force, Comdg. Arty. of Jounpore Field Force. Ofy. Conumy. of Ordnunce. Allahabad, the \4th April 1858, Captaian H. Forbes, of the Ist Light Cavalry, $ to officiate as Sub-Assistant, vice Captain Trench ¥ No. 74 of 1858.—Captain F, T. Wroughton, of appointed Officiating 2nd Class Assistant, the Ste Regiment Native Infantry, is allowed leave of absence for six months, from 22nd March —— ast, (0 visit Darjeeling, on Medical Certificate, No. 77 of 1858.—Majer G. FO. Fitzgerald, of of the Artillery, is allowed threo months’ leave on re iS Medical Certificate, to visit Calcutta, preparatory k v No. 75 of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble the Go- ___ Yerner General is pleased to make the following ointment :-— Hyderabad Contingent. Daptain “W. Murray, Second in Command 3rd a ; . ialry, and acting Commandant 4th Cavalry of the ‘PS © . ee sniangeat, to be Brigade Major and Pay Master, a fYice Captain Abbott, appointed Commandant of - “the 3rd Cayalry. —_— AV akahed, the 15th April 1858. Been 600/ 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- he pruot General is pléased to make the following «Appointments —— oe e vera ; a Studs Department, Ear | Aa intarit Surgein VW. HE, Adley, of the 20th ~ ‘Regiment Native Infantry, doin+ duty with De- “weehinent of Her M ajestv’s OOth Rifles. to officiate Medial charge of th Haupper Stud, during Vthe absetes, on |. we, of Assistant Surgeon Macau- | lay, or wh ti! farther orde s. This cancels the ap- ' pontment of Assistant ¢ urgeon D’Renzy, made in General Oiler No, 52, dated Ist April 1858, _ Eientenant W. G@. MeDongall, Sub-Assistant aa Officiating Assistant of the 2nd Class, to act adeesistant of the tut Class ding the absence, on teave, of Tichtenant Couper, or until further Ore Ys. ~< RE” iw zi + I” > + LeP. Trench, Sub-A- istant, to act 1@ 2nd Class, duriug the absence, 1d ackson, or until further orders, —_—— *. to submitting an application Service. to retire from the | Wo. 78 of 1858,—The Right Hon’ble the Go- vernor General of India is pleased to admit the under-mentioned Native Non-Commissioned Offi- cer and Men of Alexander’s Horse to the 8rd Class of the “ Order of Merit” for distinguished conduct in Action and faithful service to the State :— Nuib Resaldar. Shaik Ahmed Buksh, Motie Sing, Trumpeter Soururs, Nujjo Khan Meer Zoolficar Al] vi Roop Sing Sowar, of the Scikh M ounted Police, doing duty. —_— No 79 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Gover. nor General is pleased to make the following pro- motions and appointments in the departments of the Quarter-Master General of the Army :— Lieutenant-Colonel J. S. Paton, Assistant Quarter-Master General of the Army, to be Depu- ty Quarter Master General, lonel Sanders, who, at his own to resign that appointment, Captain P. S, Lumsden, (at present attached to the Affghan Mission,) Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General Js¢ Class, to be 2nd Assistant Quarter Master General, vice Paton, promoted, vice Lieutenant-Co- reqnest, is permitted Major D. C. Shute, Deputy Assistant 2nd Class, to be Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General Ist Class, vice Lumsden promoted, and to officiate as Assistant Quarter Master General, during Cap- tain Lumsden’s absence, 0D special duty. Captain ©. C. Johnson, Deputy | Assistant 2nd Class, to officiate as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General 1st Class, vice Allgood, officiating as Assistant. Captain F. S. Roberts, Officiating, to be brought on the permaneat Fstablishment as Deputy As- sistant Quarter Master General 2nd Class, and to officiate as Deputy Assistant 1st Class, vice Shute, officiating as Assistant. Captain B. E, Bacon, 50th Native Infantry, to officiate on the permanent Establishment as De- puty Assistant Quarter Master General 2nd Class, vice Johnson. Lieutenant F. B. Norman, 14th Native Infantry, to officiate on the permanent Establishment, as Deputy Assistant Quarter Master General 2nd Class, vice Roberts. —_—_ No. 80. of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble the Go- yernor General of India is pleased to publish for general imformation, the Accompanying Despatch from the Deputy Adjutant General of the Army, forwarding a Report from Major-General Sir J. &. W. Inglis, K. ©. B, Commanding Cawnpore Division, of his recent expedition to Hurra, on the 5th Instant. R. J. H. Bircy, Colonel, Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept., with the Governor General. No. 227 A. From Tire Dery. Abst. GENL. OF THE ARMY, To Tin Secy. TO THE Govt. OF InpiA, Military Department, with the Governor G neral. Sim, By desire of the Commander-in-Chief, T have the honor to forward for submission to the Right Ylon’ble tie Governor General, copy of a Report, dated the 6th Instant, from Major-General Sir J. E. W. Inglis, K. C. 3., Commanding Cawnpore Division, of his recent expedition to Hurra, in which the ortion of the 8th Irregular Ca- valry, engaged under the Command of Captain A. M. Mackenzie, behaved with marked gallantry. Forward copy of a Report from Major- Generallnglis regard- ing gallant conduct of a portion of the 8th Irregular Cavalry at turra. I haye the honor to be, Sir, Your most obedient Servant, I. W. Nonmas, Daejor, Lepy. Adjt. Genl. of the Army. and I have the honor to enclose the Report of that Officer, by which it will be perceived that he follow- Masonr-GEunu. Siz J. a Dine ile Ixeris, K. @ B., & Comdg. Field Force, To Tin Drpy. ApsT. GENL. OF THE ARMY. Dated Cawnpore, 6th April 1858. DER, ‘3 AGREEABLY to instructions received from His Exeellency the Commander-in-Chief through the Chief of the Staff, I assembled the Force, noted in the accompanying Return, at Oonao, on the evening of the 4th, and marched for Wurra at 3a. m. on the oth, On approaching that place, which is surrounded on three sides by an immense mangoe tope, some Sowars of the Enemy were observed by our advanced Cavalry to retire rapidly; as we neared the village two or three shots were fired, and information received that the Enemy, not more than 200 or 800 in number, were escaping to our left front. I immediately di- rectrd Captain Mackenzie, Commanding 8th Irregu- lar Cavalry, to follow and ascertain their movements, ed the fugitives, and cut to pieces the Rebel leader and 25 of his Men. 1 then entered the village of Hurra which is naturally an exceeding strong position, and having ascertained from Captain Evans, the Dep! Commissioner, that he considered it would ten more to the quieting of the District to establis! Thannah there than to destroy the Lort, I placed 20 Matchlockmen ond Burkundauzes in the post, wht T have no doubt they will hold against any Force tl be brought against ti em. . In conclusion, I beg to_be permitted to bring to the favorable notice of His Excellency the Com: mander-in-Chief, the excellent services rendered by Captain Mackenzie, who, with the faithful remnant of his corps, most callantly charged and destroyed & troublesome Enemy (Lultah Sing) and his body guar! all of whom rallied around their leader and fougll desperately. The conduct. of the Native Officers Non-Commissioned Officers and, Men was admirable as also was that of Assistant Surgeon Curie, wh accompanied Captein Mackenzie, and whose caree the wounded afterwards was unremitting. i Captain Evans was with me the whole time, ™ Tam much indebted to him for the valuable inl mation his local knowledge enabled him to afford. ierday, and the Force marched into Cawn} morning. | T reached Oonao on my return at 5-15 F- c | Thave the honor to bya - (Signed) Ae Inout r3 lo -River.. & iG Slicits rm European Officers none. 1 Sowar,—Dour Troop Horses. Native Commissioned Officers, 3. Wounded. 1. Ressaldar Gunga Sing Bahadoor, slightly. 2. Ressaldar Chubbunath Sing, severely. 3 Nativec waat ie Getadook Ally Sirdat aha: Native Commissioned Officers. door, dangerously. 7 Non-Commissioned Officers, Rank and Non-Commissioned Officers and Men. Wounded severely, 3 Ditto slightly, 4 Total, Killed 1. 1a 6 Troop Horses (one since dead.) (Signed) James A. Currin, . 4., MW. D. Asst. Surgeon, 8th Irregular Cavalry. (Signed) A. M. Mackryziu, Captain Comdg, 8th Irregular Cavalry. Oe File. 2 European Officers’ Chargers. (Signed) If, M, Mackrnztr, Captain, Comdg. 8th Irregular Cavalry. Sees Present State of the Field Force, under Major-General Sir J. E. W. Inglis, K. C. B., Commanding. The 6th April 1858. Pumpst Native Non- Commis- =x sioned Officers . : Corps. Officers | Officers a . Lewis ; Ordnance Remarks Sth Regiment Irr. Cavalry . 2 10 82 7th ditto ditto 1 2) 85 Royal Horse Arty. (E., Troop) 3 ce 62 lT'wo.6-Pr. Guts, 1 12-Pr 3rd Company 5th Battalion Howitzers. Bengal Artillery 1 as 20 Two 53-inch Mortars. Naval ‘Brigade oe 6 eG 159 Three 24-Pr. one 10-inch HH, M’s 78th Highlanders .. 8 on 241 Howitzer Ditto 80th Regiment : 15 255 2nd Regt. Punjaub Infantry 4 13 354 Total 2 40 25 1,208 (Signed) J. E. W. INGLIS, Ifajor-General, Comdg. Field Force, (Signed; BE. CANNON, Captain. Offg. Staff Officer Field Force. (True Copies) ; ‘ H. W. NORMAN, Mujor, Depy. Adyt. Genl. of the Army. wi cfs aaBAD, TUESUsat, No. 670. : Foreign. Department, Allahabad, the 19th April 1858. The Right Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to permit Colonel F. Berkeley, H. M .’s 32nd Foot, to resign his appointment as Military Secre- tary to the Chiet Commissioner of Oudh. _ Lieutenant G. Hutchinson, of the Engineers, is appointed to be Military Secretary to the Chief Commissioner of Oudh. G. F. Epmonstone, Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Governor General, No. Public Works Departinent. PUBLIC. Allahabad, the 19th Aprii 1858. Notisicution.—The two Divisions of the Depart- ment Public Works heretofore known as Upper and Lower Huzara, now form one, under the name of the Huzara Livision. : By Order of the Right Honorable the Gover- nor General. H. Yuu, Captain, Offg. Secy. to the Gort. of India, with the Govr. Genl. General Orders by the Right Howble the Gover- nor General of Indiu. NM Allahabad, the 19th April 1858. No. 81 of 1858.~-The services of Captain A. W. Owen, 11th Native Infantry, are temporarily placed at the disposal of the Public Works De- partment. No, 82 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- vernor General of India is pleased to publish for general information, the following Despatch from Major-General Sir Hugh Rose, K. ©. B., Com- mading Central India Field Force, forwarding a Report by Brigadier Stuart, of the capture of Chandairee, with a Return of Casualties. R. J. Bircu, Colonel, Secy. to the Gout. of India, Mity. Dept., with the Governor General. 4 No, 220, FROM Magor-Grnurat Sir Huon Ross, K. 0. B.,. | Comdg. Central India Field Force. To THE CHIEF OF THE STAFr, e Head Quarters, Chuckurpoor, 20th March 1858, #6 © (Signed) — Comadg. Centr BRIGAWiL us. Comdg. st Brigade Central I. Fr. Tne Assist. ADJUTANT GENERAL, Central India Field Fea To a4 Camp Chandairee, 17th March 15 Sir, oa I HAVE the honor to report, for the formation of the Major-General Commandin tral India Field Force, that the Fort of Chan was carried by assault at 5 a. M., this day, by Troops of this Brigade. The breach was report practicable last evening and proved a fai the impetuous rush of the stormers of the and 25th Regiments, carried everything bef Captain Keatinge, Political Assistant, was, I to say, severely wounded whilst forward jn storming party. I beg to enclose a List of C ties on our side. The loss of the Enemy i known at present ; but, in and about the Fort, th are from forty to fifty bodies. ‘heir flight was precipitate, and they scattered over the surr ing jungle in every direction, with the exception ¢ about two hundred, who, somewhat in a ho fled northwards. All the Guns in the Fort, ei of iron and two of brass, are in our possessio Major Robertson is in charge of the Fort, br propose to make it over to the Sir Soobah of Sein- diah, after having entirely demolished the bastion we breached. The town of Chandairee is now entirely freed from Rebels, and the inhabitants ape resuming their occupations. The Sir Soobah now charge of the gates of it, which, up to morning, have been strongly held by the Re who cut off ail communication with it fyom Brigade. oe. ir Lieutenant Dowker arrived here at half 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon, giving me i mation of the approach of Captain Abbott, with ¢ considerable body of Irregular Cavalry, from northwards. I instantly despatched a letter Native Officer's party of the 8rd Reon C. H. C, to Captain Abbott, informing him “of intended attack on Chandairee this morning, desiring him to invest the North side of the Fo This letter most unfortunate never* reached Captain bott, and to its mis-carr must be attributed the escape of some of Enemy.- ; 9° ae * Till this day at noon at this place. 3. I shall forward a Despatch giving all “a culars of the Siege of Ciiisnatres, for the ie ' mation of the Major-General, as soon as osalilte 5 vi SUPPLEMENT TO The Calcutta Gazette. BVublished bp a uthority. my.» SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1858. x ii, : > Hand= Sale Notice, > Se i y NOTICE is hereby given, under Section VI. Act I. of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estate, fu" Zillah Dacca, will be put up to public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, wu the 27th day of August 1858, for Arrears of Revenue due on the 28th June 1858 :— wu . Class .—Permanently-settled Estate. " No. 1890.—Talook Nundram Chuckerbutty, Tuppa Jorardhunpore, Pergunnah Esakabad, Zillah _owlutpore ; recorded proprietor, Nundoram Chuckerbutiy ; sudderjumma, rupees 0-1-4, ye, ZILLAH DAcCA COLLECTORAEE ; C. F. Carnac, # bt The 29th July 1858. Offg. Collector. , f Sein 4 . 4 3 ps, atin NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estate, in Zillah Bhaugulpore, will be put up . yw Public and unreserved Re-sale, at the Collector's Odice of that District, on Monday, the 30th August Y 4:08, or GtheBhauro 205 F.S., for Argearsvf Revenue :— 4 , —— sah al ~Class I.—Mehal Permanently-setiled. No. 3155,—Lands of Mouzah Poorainee, Pergupnah Colgong; recorded proprietor, Syud Mahomud jg, BS ; suddeér, jumma, rupees 0-9-1. % 7 ai : > ae its W. AINSLIE, , , . Collector. CoLLECTOR’S OFFICE; ' 1. * je Bhaugulpors, Te ts , . _ Lhe 5th August 1858. é 2 iy o) i 75 . = c= t, j “ ‘ ; BL a a * * 1 2 a 3 3 s li > 3 . 4 3 a ‘ 4 . ; ‘ . 5 rs . . . ike " . Jonas Gray, “Caccurra Gazette” Orrice. ead SUPPLEMENT TO The Calcutta Gazette. <= + Publishes bp Authority. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1858. Hand= Sale Potice. . NOTICE is hereby given,tunder Section VI. Act IL. of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estates, in Zillah Monghyr, will be put up to public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on the 3rd September 1858, for Arrears of Revenue and other Demands, which, by the Regulations and Acts in force, are directed fo be realized in the same manner as Arrears of Revenue due on the 7th June 1858 :— Clause —Permanently-settled Estates. No. 1775.—Invalid Jaghir land of Bheem Singh Sepoy, in Thanna Jafrah, Pergunnah Furkeah ; recorded proprietor, Gowreedial ; sudder jumma, rupees 4-15-1. ‘This estate was sold on’ the 9th July 1858 ; the purchaser fail.ed to pay the price, consequently it will be re-sold. No. 2493.—Invalid Jagh'r land of Golam Allee Sepoy, in Yhanna Jafrah, Pergunnah Furkeah : recorded proprietor, Sewsehay Singh ; sudder jumma, rupees» 6-10-8. This estate was suld on the 9th July: 1858 ; the purchaser failed to phy the price, consequently it will be re-sold. Moneuyr ; Contecror’s Orricr, ) pe 0 W. Tucker, Tha lOth August 1858. . fy = Offg. Collector, Ny i +] Tr : J J xp a r hy —— _ ae > : . nr 5 , o ~ “i 4 : be ~ okt = le ed Se Joun Guay, “Catcerra Gazerre” > a ) f. _ Z e rs Ps e e ° = ° e e PS ° ° ° o - Ca e e e e ° a ° ° ° ° ° ° - . ° e r re & 6 r . ° i . - . @ = , ° . e . e . rs oa + ~ - - disturbed state of the country whersby access to ~ such Court was rendered dangerous or difficult, _ provided that the plaintiff or appellant, according 7 as the case may be, shall present his petition of plaint or appeal, or, if the suit or appeal shall have been Previously ipstituted but shall have abated for want of Prosecution, shall make an application for the re-admission of the same _ Within three months from the passing | or from the time when the cause above stated shall cease to exist, Ill. If the application be for the admission Zo of a special appeal, the appel- Application for ad- lant may present his applica- prt eee pie tion either in the Sudder Court, presented, or in the Court from whose decision the appeal is made for transmission to the Sudder Court. ~ EY. The petition of plaint or appeal in any y im what Original, snit or regular or eee wha special appeal falling within a the provisions of this Act, which may he instituted, for th> first time, under Section I or Section II, shall be written on stamp paper of the value prescribed for regular suits and appeals ; but an application for the re-adwis- sion of a original suit or appeal, which .shall have been Previously instituted but shall ‘hart abated for want of Prosecution, may be written on plain paper. ‘, : Cases necessa ry. eae © it Y. No original suit or appeal, which may have been instituted or re-ad- proceedings had after Mtted in any Civil Court in 10th May 1857. the North-Western Provinces > subsequently to the said 10th \lay 1857, shall be liable'to be dismissed, norshall ‘ny decision passed in any such suit or appeal be “eversed on the ground ‘that at the date of its “Ustitution the period allowed by law for the ad- nission of the suit or appeal had expired, or that the suit or appeal had abated for want of drosecution (according as the case may he) ; if, it the time the pesiod allowed by law for institu Jing or prosecuting such suit op appeal" expired- he sittings in the Court by which it Wag cogni, ‘able, or in which it was pending were suspended, ¥ access to such Court wag rendered. Caneerous or lieult by Fearon of the disturBed state of tue ountry, o Saving of certain x x VI. | Forsthe Purposes of this Act, the certi- “3 ficate of the Zillah Judge that the sittings in any Court Within his jurisdictio) were + Suspended, or that. access to any such “Court, was rendered Mngerous or difficult, oving to the cistarbed ate of the country dyring any parti¢ular period, ul be deemed conclusive evidence of the fact, VIE This Act may be extended by the Go- Tee vernor General jn Council, or Extension of Act, A by the Executive Government, any Presidency or place, to any District within 2 limits of ther ‘respegtine jurisdictions. * Certificate of Zillah udge to he conclne ve evidence of’ the ispension of the sit. ugs of the Court, Ke, 3 We MarGan, Ss } “Clerk: of the Couneil. [ 1644 | Legislative Council of Envia, The 7th August 1858, THe following Bill was read a second time in the Legislative Council of India on the 7th August 1858, and was referred to a Select Committee who are to report thereon after the 11th of November Next :— certain cases upon Cuntonment Joint Alugis- | A Bilt for conferring Civil jurisdiction in | { ! | = trates, und for constituting those Officers Registers of Deeds with; nthe limits of their respective jurisdictions, , WHEREAS it is expedient that Cantonment J oint ” Magistrates should be invested ae with Civil Jurisdiction in cor- tain cases within the local limits of their Criminal ed Registers of Deeds within the same limits welt is enacted as follows :—— fis It.shall be | Jurisdiction, and that they should also be appoint- competent to the Governor Ge- neral in Council and ‘to the Executive Government. of any resideney or place to invest the Joint Magistrate of any Military Cantonment, Bazar, or Station, within the limits of their respective Governments, with Civil Jurisdic- tion, to hear and determine actions of debt and other personal actions against all persons of the description mentioned in Section 157 Act XLX of 1847, and against all other persons not amenable to the Articles of War for the Queen’s and Com- pany’s European Troops serving in India, who are residing or carrying on any trade or business within the limits of such Military Cantonment, Bazar, or Station, provided that the value in ques- tion shall not exceed the sum of two hundred fiupees, and that tha defendant was a person of the above description when the cause of action froseéand when the suit was instituted, and pro- vided also that no suit shall be brought before the Court of any such Joint M agistrate to deter- mine any dispute of caste ot concerning any right to real-pyoperty: mii Whenever Part of Act XI of 1841 suspended in Cuntonments where Joint Magistrates are So invested witha Ci- Executives Govern- ment may invest Can- tonment Joint Magis. trates with Civil ju- risdietion in certain cases, athe Joint Magistrate of any Military , Cantonment, Bazar, or Station shall be invested with Civil jurisdiction under the provisions of the preceding eee Opel TS Section, and so long as he shall Vil jurisdiction. 7, et pet Te : 3 kwh remain so invested, so much of Act XT of,1841 as authorizes the Commanding Officers of Stations or Cantomments to convene Aliiiary Courts of Requests for the trial of actions gt dele and oth@r personal actions as aforesaid, shall be suspended Within the limits of such Can. tonment, Bazar, or Station. ITT.~ Whenever jn either of the Presidencies of Madras or Bombay an Offj- Fonte Ga the, tt Crh Oe dhoresod with Civil orce ac ihadras : ‘ . : . . and Bombay Pre- jurisdiction as aforesaid, and so long as he shall remain 30 invested, the Rules for the trial of small suits in Military Bazars at Cantonments and Stations oceupied by the ‘Troops of those Presidencies respectively, shall ~cease to have effect within the Jurisdiction of such | Officer, sidencies for the trial of small suits in Mili- > tary Bazars, ~~ a [ 1642 ] t Magistrate of avy nt, Bazar, or ted with henever the Join Military Cantonme Station shall be inves Iv. W nable Persons ame : to the Articles °° Civil jurisdiction under the eae ye sued provisions of this Act, no per pefore Cantonment son amenable to the Articles of War for the Native Troops of the Hast India Company, who may be liable to be sued before such Joint Magistrate action cognizable by him, shall be ¢ Joint Magistrates im- vested with Civil jue visdiction, and not elsewhere. for anz; cause of gued elsewhere. V. Provided th Sections sh at nothing in the preceding all be held to alter or affect the Rules in force inthe Madras Presidency for the trial by puuchayet of suits against Military persons belong- ing to that Presidency. nstituted under the provisions of this ict, the Plaintiff shall prefer his claim in writing to the Court of the Join* Magis- ction over the same; and if the Defendant be a Native -Officer or Seldier or a “Mustered Camp Follower, the summons to appear and answer to the claim ghall be transmitted, for the purpose of being served ‘on the Defendant, to the Jommanding Officer of the Corps or Detachment to which such Defendant may belong ; and the Commanding Officer shall return the summons to the Joint Magistrate, with the acknowledgment of the Defendant endorse Saving of Rules in force in the Madras Presidency for the trial by punchayet of suits against Mili- tary persons, VI. “In cases 1 Procedure in cases tried under this Act. trate having jurisdi d thereon ; or ifthe sum- served, the reason of the non- stated. In other respects the aNd all ¢ er Tu) -contai ned in Ibe applicable to such cases, f the decrees passed thereir provided that nizable by him un to revision or appeal, and shall not be necessary to pu the decrees passed in such éarried into execution, and th cases before they are e Joint Magistrate passing the decree-shall determine whether the execution shall be general or special, and shall proceed of his own authority with the execution. VII. It shall further be lawful for the Govern- or General in Council or for the Executive Government of any Presidency or place to ap- Executive Govern- menb may appoint Cantonment Jomt Magistrates Regis- ters of Deeds within the limits of their ju- risdiction. any Military “ Cantonment, ° : their respective Governmen‘s, Register of Deeds within the limits of suekc Cano tonment, Bazar, or Station ; and” when such apt pointment is made, and so long as it- shall con- tinue in force, the powers of the Register of Deeds ofthe Zillah or District in which such Canton- t, Bazar, or Station is situate, shall be suspend- he ‘Soint Magistrate of any tary Cantonment, Bazar, mister of Deeds under this e€ Registers of Deeds shall be applicab Joint Magistrate and to the deeds re him, or broxght tq him for registry. re point the Joint Magistrate Of} - Bazar, or Station, subject to |- cor Station shall be appointed” Magistrate who st Vy Joint Loom 1x. Every vested with Civil in Declaration to be ¢ion, or Who shall be | made and subscribed pooister of Deeds w Joint by Cantonment ce t a Magistrates appointed provisions of this Act Registers of Deeds. previously to enterin the performance of his duties, make and $ LDS before the Chief Civil Officer, or, where th be no Civil Officer, before the Chief ] District or Zillah in. whic Cantonment, or Station is situate claration to th i 1 made and subscribed by Civil Jud ters of Deeds by the L Presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bo W. Moré Clerk of the Co —— ” gotifications, Apyointmen No. 1858. r c > oitnene, Collector of Customs at Bassein, who had Moulavy Saadut: Hossein, Moonsiff of Kurreem- een directed to proceed to Meeaday, was relieved pore, to be also a Deputy Magistrate and to ash i ee ck oa eich Attendant hi ,cise the powers of a Covenanted Assistant to a BStO Me SEG CHAT SE OF tus ¢ uties on the 23rc Magistrate under Regulation XIII. of 1797, and bff Itimo. IX. of 1807 in Nuddea. > —= Leave of Absence— The 10th August 1858,.— . + No. 2790, z Mr. ras. Shedede pe: . nig Sa ye usual a . reparatory leave to psoceec oO e€ The Reverend R. B. Maltby, Chaplain of Rawul aiser Ane cia Medical Gihecaisnes: mesiaeney=to ’indee, has obtained fourteen days’ privilege leaves Mi J> B. Allen, Civil Assistant Surgeon of qin percanion of the leavegrantad to him in G. OQ. | Behar, for one week, on Medical GrntiAcats indo: ated 18th May last, No. 1879. | the Finanyial Resolution of the 24th of October a 1854, 122nd February 1856. , No. 2791. tae atts a tee nuMtert Mice “Catal rt L Busk. Deputy Commissioner i in 7 Beha, i ihe a : B ; 1e Punjaub, has obtained leave of absencs far oa * wre of Piha yeavo months, from the 9th July to the 10th Sep- |. Tag i " omber, to enable him ' to rejoni his appointment. Orders by the Ri ght Hon'ble the Governor hi : nas y General. No, oT oe at. ae ane a The leave of absence granted to Mr. W. Bell, No. 1045 of 1858. * ixtra Assistant Commissioner in Pegu, in G O, ciate Des ae: EMMNROR fnetant, No.-2757, is to have effect Judicial and Revenue PRT Srenont, hed om the 26th June last, instead of the Ist ultimo, | , Allahabad, the 6th August 1858. A a a NS 3 SF Notifications.—M oonshee Sheopershad, late De- : a & No4.2798: puty Collector and Deputy Magistrate of Calpee, is ail Major W. FB, Nuthall. Assistant Commissiqner 4 restored to the Senvice, and posted to the Jubbul- r 1 Pegu, obtained privilege, leave of absence | Pore District. » itrom the 20th March to 2nd April ‘ast, inclusive. r dlr, W. RN, Janes, Deputy Collector and De- i puty Magistrate of Jubbulpore, is transferred to if Ceci, BEApoy, | ~ | the Jhansie District. ‘4 . Offg? Secy. to the Govt, aed Tvidia.y . Ets — ———————$—————— 2) No, 3065 of 1858. al aie Nori0-+4. Meer, Torab Ally, Tehseeldar, exercising the ~ _ Port William, Public Works cca a mareetrocty of a Deputy Collector and Deputy ~n, Pubic, > Magistrate in Zillah Bijnour, is vested with the #9: . powers described in Clause 3, Section 2, Regula- . The 1 30h August 1858. tion LIT. of 1821, and Section 21, Regulation VILL. Erratum.—tIn Notification Nx. 155, dated 4th | of Lich 5 September 1857, for “ Corporal J. Graham” read” jie Private Jt Chalten” i , No, 1055 of 1858. ie R. Srracwey, Mujor, it 4 _ Revenye Department, J O83: Secy. to the Govt. of India. ES Lhe 7th August 1858. made i The following Deputy Collectors and Deput "i Be No. 2661 — + Magistrates are , posted as follows :— tnd ee a aes Rea ee ee sfoollah Khay, to M ~ 4 Orders by the Lieutenant-Governor of Benyal. Pecan is bait . Ya ee : > ¢ Appointments, — The 3rd August 1858.—Assist- ! Mahomed Fyazzooddeen, to Allygurh, ant Overseer Amos West is trausferred from the Sullamut Rae to Budaon. Southern Hidgellee Division to the Iron Bridge, - eet Yard at the Preszlency. TP! pe Na, 5067 of 1858. : The Gth August 4538. —Supernumerary *Si- Appointments.—Rugbuns Sahoy, Tehseeldar pervisor J. Tayler is transferred from the Barrack- OL Khasgunj, and Ajoodheea Irshad, Tehseeldax —~ > > pore Division to Raneegunge. > of Allygunj, Zillah Etah, te be Deputy Magistrates 'p Yguyy puty The 7th August 1858. 3, —-Captiin W. R. Forste? | under Act XV. of 1843, with the powers of an «to officiate as Commissioner of Sumbulpore. L “Assistant. 5 =o a i & v ~“ " No. 8086 of 1858. Leate of Absence.—Mr. Francis Macan Lind, Magistrate and Collector of Benares, for ihven months,on Medical Certificate, to Europe, under Section IX. of the Absentee Rules. | Appointments.—Mr. Robert Henry Davies, to officiate as Magistrate and Collector of Benares, during the absence on leave of Mr. Lind, or until turther orders. Mr. Randolph Marriott, to officiate as Magis- trate and Collector of As imgurh, tall - further orders, e > No. 3092 of 1858. The 9th August 1858. Leave of Absence.—Mr. George Fredrick Har- vey, Commissioner of Agra, having obtained 2 Medical Certificate, is atlowed three months’ privilege leave under Section XII. of the Rules. Mr, Henry Vansittart, Officiating Judge of Agra, will assume charge of the Commissioner’ s Office during Mr. Harvey’ 8 absence, corducting its duties in addition to those of his own Office. During the absence of Me. A. H. Cock&, the Sessions “trials of the Mynpoory Judgeship will be disposed of by the Judge of Furruckabad. No, 3096 of 1858. : AGE. —Syud Akbur Ally, to be a Tee puty Magistrate, under Act XV. of 1843, with the powers of an Assistant, in the Banda District.” No. 3115 of 1858. a JN Barca Geriititate, is aiiowad three months’ privilege leave from the 16th Instant, under Section Xa] IL. of the Rules, Mr. Edward Clive Bayley will assume charge of the Commissioner's Office, during Mr, Thom- hill’s absence, in addition to his own duties as Officiating Deputy Secretary to Government. Mr. Thornhill will continue, while absent from Allahabad, to conduct the office of Tuspector General of Prisons, N. W. P. ~~ By order of the Right 1 on bie the Governor General, W. Mur, Secy. to ee a WAP: e No. 1119 of 1858, General, Department. Allahabad, the 7th A ugust 1858, A ppointment.—Sub- Beharee Chatterjee, Neemuch, + Assistant Surgeon Coonfen is transferred. to “Jawud A 4 ; teat Sudder Be ore Ue gurh, for to Weeks, on Medical’ gr onder are gas ble the eine we Lae be Lis prea peste Se Con a 44 [ 1644 | a ay prisciiment i the Civil Bower. General Orders by the Howble the Pi } the Council of India in Cow Fort William, 10th August 1 No. 1185 of 1858.—Lieutenant Fy of the 2nd Troop ot Cay valry, Calcutta ¥ Guards, is allowed leave of absenee | to I urgtnt private attairs, for six months. Fort Willian, 11th August No. 1186 of 1858.—The followit issued from the Public Works Depart nt lished in General Orders :— “ No. 102.—The 9th August 1858,— of Lieutenant H. Goodwyn, of Engin Executive Engineer Midnapore~ (Bui Road) Division, are placed at the dt Military Depar tment, tront the date of ever charge of the Division to the Offer | to relieve him by the Beggal Goy - nen With reference to tle foregoing, Licutenant Goodwyn, are placed ¢ at the His Excellency the Commander-in-Cl its r -_ } “No. 1187 of 1858.—The following Ne issued by the Government” North-West yinces, are published i in General Orders: No 3021.—The 4th August 1 Surgeon J. R. Jackson, Ist Punjaub | have charge of the Civil Medical a Station’ of Moradabad. . No. 8030.—The 5th August 1858,- pointrfiient of Lientenant Av A. Currie, 4 Infantry, Second in Command 20th fantry, to the ee y Police, notified ment Order No. 2219, dated 6th celled at his own fequest. & C a” 4 > « ‘Fort Willcam, 12th August 1858 No. 1188 of 1858.—Drummers_ T, and 'T. Maddox, of the 2nd EHuropean_Be' liers, pensioned in Government Gene 102%, of the 6th Faly 1858, arep and draw their stipends in India, sabje Ses aes of the How’ ble thé Cotirt of ‘Di ~ a = ° i) No, 1189 of 1858. The following «On “by the Chief Commissioner Punjaub, a ed in the Punajyuub Gucelle ANG. 43) July 1858; are confirmed ;— ' Lavory, Sta JULY 185 Se ©" 15th Punjab Ingantry. iv No, 589.—Jemadars Luekha Sing. and Sing are dismissed the Service; the former tae “date of receipt of this Order ate Re my rE ead, Quarters ; the latter from date of i] ¥: | 36 2nd Regiment Punjaub Infantry _ No. 592.—Leave of Absence.—Lientenant E, D. H. Vibart, doing duty, from 17th June to the diy Ast November 1858, on Medical Certificate to ‘remain at Nynee Tal. 2nd Regiment Sikh Infuntry. No. 553.—The following will in future be the “organization as to castes and races of this Regi- f — Maent :— Hill Rajpoots (Dogra) ........ 5 Companies. “i Sikhs By AY, Pre teed KCompany. Punjabee Mahomedans ..._ .., 2 Companies, Traus-Indus Pathans wee. 1° Company. Hindoostances —... ». ... 1 Company. | 13th Regiment Punjiub Infantry. “No. 594.—The Regimental Order, dated 19th "June, by Lieutenant Cox, Commanding, appoint- “Ying Ensign J.*B. Smith, Supermumerary, to do *™ daty, vice Ensign 'T. MH. Scott, appointed to offi- “\ ciate as Adjutant, is confirmed, > Onl 23rd Legiment Punjwub Infantry. No. 595.—The Garrison Order, dated 2nd ~~ July, by Brigadier J. Longfield, @ B., Command- ing at. Delhi, directing Assistant Sureéon J. “Brake, 2nd Sikh Irregular Cavalry, to afférd Me- ye) dical aid to the Right Wing aud Head «Quarters oil / of this Regiment, ir addition to his other duties, jj) 28 confirmed. : : _ No. 597.—Erratum.—In. Painjaub Order No, ' 556, dated 10th Instant, appointing Captain N° Dickson to the Ist Sikh Infantry, for “late” 33rd it” Native Infantry, read 33rd Native Infantry. . a) oe Fort William> 13th August 1858> jup No. 1190 of 1858.—The Fon’ble the President fy Of the Council of India in Council is pleased tor admit Ressaldar Mahomed Wazi? Khan, of the. Bengal Police Battalion, to the Sezond Class of the Order of Merit from the 18th June 1858, in con- sideration of his conspicuous gulantry and exem- ai plary conduct.” a et “ tleman is admitied into the Service, in couforinity with his appoiytment by the Honorable the Court “ of Directors, as An Assistant Surgeon on this Estab- “ lishment :—- bay 3 a . Date of Arrival at i? i Fort William. Medical Department. > , Mr. Alexander Dougald Canzp-) — 5th August ~ ‘bell, Me D. oJ 1858, ee ’ SAE retina : No. 1192 of 1858.—Under instructions from the’ Home Authorities, the How’ble the Presideht of the *’ Council of India in*Conucil is pleased to establish _ the following rules for the supply and repair of inaterial equipments for the Royal Artillery in * India. ” No Contract allowances will be drawn for “the repair of Gans, Carriages, Carts, Harness an 7 Ge . 2 w Saddlety. Ns : | The equipments of the Royal Artillery in India } ,and materials of all kinds for keeping tiem ser- Ae 4 “'yiceable, will be supplied from Magazines. a the ist January, on the nearist Magazine, for the ee Az * Vo. 1191 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Gen- | Hach Troop or Battery will indent annually on 4 45 1] supplies necessary to complete its authorized detail of Ordnance equipment, appointuents, stores, tools, and implements, and materials for repairs. These indents should be prepared in the Form laid down in Bengal Military Regulation Section XL, Page 288, and, after being duly countersigned, forwarded to the Inspector General of Ordnance at each Presidency. Additional supplies, when emergenty required at other intervals, will also be issued from Magazines or Depdts under the rules laid down for emergent indents in"Bengal Military Rebulations Sectiof XL, Paras. 10 to 14, Commanding Offi- cers being further allowed a discretionary power to purchase materials on the spot when they cannot be got from the Public stores in sufficient time. In such cases, Contingent bills supported by a copy of the order authorizing the purchase, will be for- warded to the Military Auditor General, Ordnance Department, for audit, The annual and the occasional supplics will be issued on indents> from the Troop or Battery, countersigned by the Officer Commanding the Artillery Division, and py the Major General Com- manding the Reyal Artillery in India, or the Senior Officer, Commanding the Reyal Artillery at the other Presidencies. ; Inthe case of emergent indents, the countersig- nature of the Brigadier Commanding the Station will bg a sifficient voucher for the supply, such indents being prepared in duplicate, and dealt with as laid down in Military Regulation Section Mela; above quoted. Officers Commanding Troops and Batteries are to account in the usual form for the equip- ments, stores and materials received or purchased, expended, and remaining in use or in store, to the Ordnance Audit Departments of their respective —, Presidences, In Bengal, the account will be rendered in a Half-yearly Return transmitted on thé Ist May and Ist November, the Form of which has been already furnished. The expenditure of the stores, &c., for the repairs during the halt year will be detailed in a paper annexed to the Return, and to be vouched at foot by a Certificate from the Oificer Commanding the Artillery Divi- sion, that in his opinion the expenditure was rea- sonable and proper. The sums expended in repairs, for fuel, or otha: contingencies: not already provided for, will be charged in Monthly Contingent — Bills, duly attested on honor, which, after being counter si ener! by the Officer Commanding the Artillery Division, will be forwarded for Audit, to the Military Audi- tor General, Ordnance Branch, who will pass them on for paxinent to the Pay-Master Queen’s Troops. Officers Commanding Troops and Batteries wi! draw the usual montlily Contract. allowance for shdeing and Stable equipments. By + No, 1493 of 1858.—The under-mentione& Oft- cer is permitted to proceed te Europe, on leave of absence, on Sick Certificate:— Lieutenaut Robert St QAWIX } Robertson, of the 7th Regi- | _ : (months, under For fifteen 5 ment Native Difantry, dving 3 Bite ; ce Sie de ee a duty with the 8rd Sukh Ir- | Me Tey aa Nite, » regular Cavalry sig eeees ee ee Ls 4 PD. AtKINSON, Major, \ Oy. Secy. to the Govt, of Indiu, - un the Mily. Dept. ~ . r . [ 1646 | C] r FROM THE GAZETTE—GOVERNOR General Orders by the Right Tomei GENERAL’S CAMP.] ; nor General of India. ( a D « a ALLAHABAD, Tuespay, AucusT 6, 1858. Military Department, ; ?: < — en S Allahabad, the 2nd August l © 7 . > 2 tad é ai Notificattons, Appotntments, NC. Wo: 327 of 1858.—The under- eee Y é d Meise 5 who failed to present the xe ~ 3 Te ras, Déyrah, when publicly ealled upon to do MA y No. 2602 of the Government, are struck off #f ae ts re Establishment, agreeably to Governm: r re init Order, No. 1514, dated the Ist ¥ | hae 4 1857.2—— Allahabad the 4th August 1858. Ginameue Sing, late Havildar, 47th N, 7 J. Mr. E. Bickers, Extra-Assistant Commissioner, Banee Sing, late Naick, 47th N, a : is appoinged femporarily to discharge the duties Sewchurn Sing, late Trooper, 4th L, € of the Lucknow Treasury inethe place of Mr, F. ‘ cog St. Claiz Williams. No. 328 of 1858. Si peratsel . it ayt e . FS. Arvott, Bombay Establishment oh ue" E are tached to the Central India Field Forge, No. 2604 Fe ed to remain at Morar, and will Captain A. L. MeMullin. Officiating Assistant | charge of the Hospitals and Meio to the General Superintenfent of Operations for the ments at that piace and Jhansie hi can : Suppression of Thuggee and Dacoity xt Agra, is ns have ae Ne he Se On ee invested with the powers of a Joint Magistrate i in nee Field Force was broken mp. P* the Districts comprising the Upper and Lower Doab, in Humeerpore and Banda, and the’ Dis- 329 of 1858. —The Richt Hon'ble’ tricts under the jurisdiction of the Commissioner | yérpor Wh bs, is pleased to make thee of Jhansie. appointment :— C. F. Epwonstonr, HYDERABAD CONTINGENT. - al 4th Cavalry. c R a Tieutenant R. C. Stewart, 8th _Ma 7, Cavalry, Adjutant. Pas Phis cancels the appointment to the J c 3 of this Regiment, made in General Onder No, 55. - |¢ Governor General, Nof 288, dated tlie ‘lot 5 Ie ¢ 4 Publie Works Department, Pr de $ ee ‘Allahabad. the 3rd August 1858. J. ) mi £ . | Vo. 330 of 1858.—The Right Hon} Allahabad, the 4th August 1858, <' Governor General is pleased to authorize J T f Notifications.—Second Lieutenant C. N, Judge, nant-Colonel Walliam: West Turner, C.B manéing the Troops on the Grang—Drm to appoint General Coutts- Martial und previsions of Acts No. XIV of 185%, 7a AXXIT of 1858, as occasion may req of Engineers, Probationary Assistant Engineer in the Department Publie Works in Oude, is pro- | moted to the crade of Second Class “ Assistant Engineer, from the 12 € ; ene, a eee eee > trjal of any person or persons wito may | with any offence against Act No. X1VM Ge 3 f ror against, Act No. XI of 1857, if st No. 56. @ . ‘requires, in his judgment, to be punishe r Lieutenant R.A. Chadwick, 5th - Regiment delay, and, te confirm and carry into iy Madras Native Infantry, to have the temporary ‘mediately or otherwise, ang sente ks positfn of Second Class Assistant, Eneginter, from Court-Martial. r the date of his appointment in- Rohileund Divi- Gentral Courts-Martial assémbled ut Sion Ordersiof the 13th, June, to.aid the Execu- | authority, may consist wholly of Europea tive Engineer at Bareilly. missioned Officers, or wholly of Native on Be Mee f ; . sioned Officers, or ‘partly of European and ce 1 ne Right Hon’ble the Governor.| “f Native Commissioned Officers, the nue St Se Officers not being less than five.”-The sa aid TL Yur, C tenant- -Colonel Turner, in appointing the ; aptain, ial, shall determine whether it shail e . Offy. ey to the Govt. of India, ed whollv of “Envopeat Officers, or wi 10 { * . | WU ARE ovr. Gent. ‘ative Officers, or‘partly of European and. ; ra Native Officers. ieee ; " Go [ 1647 } HWW” Vo. $81 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- “a ‘vernor General of India is pleased to direct the sublication. of the following Resolution it the Public Works Department, on the subject of rent- ye Pe Accomodation to Military Officers, under the ~~ 2xceptional circumstances of the present time :— neg RESOLUTION. . “Where regular quarters have been built for “Officers, rent shall be deducted on the Scale ‘laid “ slown at Pace 68, of the new Public Works Code; ‘Nt being borne in mind that a proportion of out- \fbffices, as well as of personal accommodation, ‘eaforms an integral part of that Scale. ¢k “ Where Bungalows have been rented, the ab- solute amount of rent shall be charged among the . Officers occupying the Bungalow, provided that "the charge to any one Officer does not exceed the | \amount of his tentage. ,y _ “ Where Bungalows have been repaired by the "Executive Engineer at theexpense of Government ; ‘or where vacant public buildings have been as- iuesigned for quarters, a fair rent shall*be fixed by ‘imthe Exeeutive Engineer“and similarly charged. di“ Where, in the absence of all other quarters, | yi Officers have been obliged to ogeupy vacant Regi- \mental Barracks, on which no public money has i, (yeen expended to fit them for Officers’ Barracks ‘yjgao charge Shall he made. + " “The charge shall be made by the Pay-Master, . who will retrench on certificates of value of -quar- ers, or amount of rent furnished by the Barracx- ‘hheWaster, according to the foregoing Rules.” iv! Subjoined is the Scale of accommodation laid lown in the Public Works Code,,Page- 68, above ‘ah iuded to :— | x = Se, aa | ~ etme, i Roous. | 25 i me ) “LE le ) on (O18 le Ranks. 2 | mie | hs i sas} .| |els le S| al? S/BBI2/2 5 | n/ az\s5/2 Inj e|SlZig i a a eet | | tea = # ~ Py att ; "Colonel and Lieutenant-Colonel. . nf 2| 4} 2) 4]12' 4 ‘Major and Senior Surgeoa ~. e421 8! 11 BT} 8 Captain and Sxargeon we) 1| 2} 1) =| @ 2 Lientenant and Assistant Surgeon. 251) Of 1} 4/1 y usign Ot, Ss = BO APO et 28h o Sj CoRR ite Real ale ® Regimental Stat¥ Officers are allowed an Engi- Vneer’s (uarters cach, for the accommodation of ‘their Offices. “A au iP m~- Jt will be the special duty of Cotmmandiag | © Otticers and Heads of Departments, to take a e that the required Certificates regarding ‘the occu-- pation of quarters accompany the Pay Abstracts ,1of Officers. ; < “) —— Allahabad, the 4th August 1858. sf No. 332 of 1858.—Trooper Ullee Mahomed, gith Troop Ist Brigade Horse Artillery, whgse yname was omitted in General Order by the Ga-> | . wf oe ‘yvernor. General No>3%, dated 15th March 38:38, gts admitted, to the Third Class of the “Order of ,evlerit,”> for conspicuous gallaatsy in the Field yand for exemplary fidélity to Geverment. 5 } = Errata.—In the same General Order. For Read Havildar Manour promoted to} Jemadar, and admitted to Second Class of the “ Order of British India,’ with the title of “ Bahadoor.” Naick Madir Buksh, Trooper Bushanut Khan, Lad Ullah Khan, Inadir Dad Khan, Man Singh, , Nian Singh., Sooftah Pandee, _ Goppta Pandee. Gun Lascar Detail. s ‘- Munnowur. | bg Quadir Buksh. Busharut Khan. Sad Ullah Khan. Quadir Dad Khan For Read Private Ludar Khan, Sirdar Khan. » Jhonka, | Jhouka. » Shuobudum, Shuobuchua. No. 333 of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to make the following appointment :— i Commissariat Department. Lieutenant E. T. Fitzgerald, of the 66th or Goorkha Regiment, to officiate as a Sub-Assist- ant Ceminissary General. No. 334 of 1858.—The following Order, issued by the Commissioner of Nagpore, is confirmed :— No. 20, dated 19th July 1858.—Lieutenant C. I. Pereira, acting as Second in Command >f the 1st Infantry, having reported his return from Field Service. reverts to his duties as Adjutant of that’ Regiment from this date. No. 335 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to admit Ressaldar Boolund Khan, of the Sth Regiment Irregular Cavalry, to the Ist Class of the “ Order of British India,” with the title of Sirdar “ Bahadoor,” in consrleration of his exemplary loyalty and good service rendered to she State. 2 No. 336 of 1853.—The appointment of Cap- tain G. W. Boileau, 34th Native Infantry, to officiate as a Sub-Assistant in the Stud Depart- ment, ag announced in-General Order by the Governor General No. 31-4, dated 24th July 1858, is cancelled at his own request. No 337 of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble the Governor General is pleased to admit Ressaidar “Hoossain Ali Khan. of the 17th Irregular Cavalry, to the Second Class of the “ Order of British India,” with the title of “ Bahadoor,” in consi deration of his exemplary loyalty and good services rendered ta the State. X Allahabad, the 5th August 1858. - ¥o. -838 of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble the Governer General, in acknowledgment of th: essential “services rs- dered to the State by the Corps noted in the margin, which, during ‘the past year, formed the Garrison of Saugor. is pleased to confer on these Corps a Donation of six Month’s Batia. ’ R. J. A. Brreu, Colonel? * , Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept., with the Govr Gen. ~ 1st Co. 8rd Bn. Arty. and No. 4Ticht Field Battery. 31st Regt. Native Lt. Infy. Portious of the 42nd Regiment Native Light Infantry, and 3rd Irregular Cavalry. 4 a 4 _ See [ 1648 | in Store in the several Agencies and the Monthly Account of Salt Sulkea Golahs aA, July 1858, together with 4 per cent. Reserve for "Golah Wastage. ea as rere ae sit ua 7) mops aaa OR ae Re oH 1260 1261 1262 1268 1264 e | 1259 ov or m or or AGENCIES. lor 1852-53, ant dl 1938-04. 1854-55. | 1855-56 1856-57. 1857-58. previous years. { | | | ! ‘. ie | Dr 6 | en Se oe satgelions Mas. mi Mdz. & C.} -Mds. S°C Hds, S. C.| Mds. S.C) > Mas: { t | Pungah Salt, ae 0 | gt ee -0 0 0} . 0 0c 0 934 0 0! 127807 Russoolpore, aot Sar 0 fr is. _ | 199465 : ae 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0498 11 8 | 128429 3 0} 198235 PUT’, of ie Seti t 0 0 < oe Ou 0 0 0 0 0 0 175447 6 0| 122631 Da to. Xorth Kaleenugur,| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o| 0 9 0| 2354 0 0} 200663 Do. do., Pooree Ghatta, -- 0 0 0 0 0 0| 0 0 04 0 0 0| 2264 0 0} 92595 —_—_—_— —| rane ee. aoe Total,..-+- 00 At 0 0 0] 0 0 Of 2498 18 8 | 303728 3 0 | 741981 LT ee: Pe . es ers. er. cate ———-+}4 Tumtlook. c | $ r c , Pungah, Ghant Narrain: | 00 0 0 0 0 0.0 Ot 0 0 0, 2759 30 11. | 185500 0 0 | Taaa5 pore, 7 80 11 | 185500 0 0 24-Pergunnahs, 14260 0) Tungah, Gh ante bOENNs 3 / iT 9 0 Ditto, do. Baugundee, - . Total,..-- 3303 9 0 |.218082 1 0 c Chittagong, ee ee ool mesa of ou Ditt putter Ghant a : ated pi Sule Exe ak : i 04 0 3043 15 0} 8990000 ~ Ditto, ditto, eae 000 0 0 o| 21684 10 [me # Totaly... © 0 0 | 11982 5 6 | 321645 2 Sulkea. a a | 5 c Pungah, Cuttack, ------ | 0 0°90 00 0; ® 0 Of 19108 0 0}| 88523 0 0 0 0 0 Ditto, Balasore, ....+.--> 0 0 6 @ 0 0. 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 Ditto, Khoredha,..------. 0 0 0 0 0 0; 33 19 11 41620 5 | 4563 20 0 0 0 OF Ditto, Chilka, ...--++--- : 00 0 000 roy Sy) 72 0 0| 76999 0 6 a | ppepapght tate ae 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0) 4820 0 0| 48631 00 0 0 0 Ditto, do. Narainpore, ----! 200697 20 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 ¢ Kurkutch, Madras Baad 0 0 0 0 0 0 | 260727 30 0 | 692186 0 0} 0.0 0 0 0 Ditto, Chilka, .......-..| 000 476 0 0: 21 0 0+ 94106 0 0; 360743 29 0 >. OMe Pungah, Pooree Ghatta.. 000 COPE Hr WTO wa 00 SMA wa 0 -eaal Kurkuteh Scinde veces om 000 0. OO) tee 0 eta 009 0- 7968 20 | | 4 . | Boarp oF REvENvE, The Yith Augusé 1858. = 1649 | ; ph My a Notice. Hotticatton, a a a 3 126) Mh Tue General Treasury will be closed on Tuesday BILLS at par on the Public Treasuries of the {the 24th and Wednesday the 25th Instant, on | ""4er-mmentioned Districts, may be had on appli- WOES unt of the Hindoo Holidays Raukhey Poonee- cation’ to’ the Aecoutitant to the Government of mah and Chunder Grahun. Bengal :— “ | Amounts available é J. I. Harvey; ’ ’ DISTRIctTs. on this dute. r Fe Sub-Treasurer. rok 50,000 x . J orehaut . 1,00,000 Le jensen MSE tee \ ey Pepe . 1,00,000 : na The 9th August 1858. Rajshahye 25 000 at lpr, Ct, prem. : i 4 Memorandum. o THE ‘lime Ball dropped this day at the Sema- phore Tower in Fort cannot be depended upon in R. P. Harnisoy, Ofig. Acctt. to the Govt. of Bengal. | Dengan Accrt.’s OFFICE, f Lhe 13th dugust 1858. { V, B.—These Treasuries will be cleared shortl y, rating Chronometers, as it fell four or five Seconds | if the amounts available are not taken yp in Bills. »,,, after the proper time. : Bills applied for.atter 2 p. M., will not be issued " * es till the following day. SURVEYOR GENT.’ ‘OFYICE ; } PRE -—~ Calcutta, 10th August 1858. § Sabai} Sina aoe : 4 P . » > Sherif’s Office ; the 31st July 1858. nee is Tux Time Ball dropped this day at the Sema- | _. NOFICE is hereby given, that a Sessions’ of phore Tower in Fort cannot be depended upon | Oyer and sLerminer agd Gaol Delivery, and also in rating Chronometers, as it fell about four | ®% Admiralty Sessions, will be holden by the Su- AS be eta ‘ : ara preine, Court of Judicature, at Fort William in a pecan ds (és) ies tbe meapan tine. - Bengal, for the Town of Calcutta, and Factory of —. SURVEYOR GENL’s OFFICE; } Fort William, and the places subordinate thereto, Calcutta, 11th August 1858. § as the Court House, in the ‘own of Calcutta, on oe yg Friday, the Twenty-Seventh day of August next, al ros at 12 o’Clock at noon. | Tue Time Ball dropped nS day ss ve Sema- The Court will open on the first day of the Ta phore Tower in Port eaten aaa a aes Fi Sessions at' 12 o’Clock at Noon, aud upon each a es Chronometers, as it fell about five Seconds succeeding day precisely at 11 o’Clock in the ~\ \ (5s.) after, the proper +ime, othe Forenoon, of which all persons are required to “© Surveyor Genv’s. Orrices : take notice. i Calcutta, 12th August 1858. : aa H. Duwpas, ne (Signed) RADHANATH SICKDHAR, ° Sheriff. In charge of the Observators, Orfeur Cavenacn, Licut.-Col., Town Major, > alae Aifwx OSGANh oy Are | ANITA CHST WSCece cx wisttfe 24 STD keh ATA SPaia HE ARTIT AWA ; ) Sssam Company. sPaslSia HID SFcACMA aa STETe aw . Qo ” = Pape h PEC ce tee rifS CH Ava Zin ofefare axcneng cwys 3 : nab i _ GENERAL MEETING oF Proprierors, CHM WAM SID BIO WIKIS Ure 7 ‘ = ot ~ fn ~ Novice is hereby given, that a Half-yearly Ge-P SCHAbATATT sa~ GUTACAAST wae wWEI- |. neral Meeting of Proprietors will be~held ai the) -2 aeoyf serif _ Company’s Office; on Thursday, the 1th Instard, 7 eT NORRIS wa als APrate ~ at the hour of 4 p.m, when the accdunts of the arr fafoa wzwlacaz first six months of the year Will-be sukmitted. rife : . The accounts will be open for the inspection of | + P TO Yate Proprietors on and after the 7th Instant. * A AMIN KSAT HUTS aiacas 2 a Pa ag” 2 By order of the Directors, Se Meee eh or Std aifs 5 man ATS UGTA any afucas ad frag y Hy. De Morniy,* >, . 2 g v of A sm, | WETH UAA TarR | : ’ > Secrettury. = > Lake. : |" H. Dunpas No.1 Barrerto’s LANE; 2 | x : y ' Caleutia, 6th August 1858. § x e * Sheriff. i ie . . <1 - ¥ {5 [ 1650 } ; Oe “4 Soounder Adsertigement of the Ofceof Commissioners the es r; eS a - by : i i ts, within the limits of the Ty JOTZCE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned allotments, B tae four ene potion tt the Soonderbuns, siuana seis af, Allipore, on Thurzday, the 2nd Sep 5 re ling with the 18th Bhadur 1265 Bb. 8. ee ; : a Wee OER Vo) bidder-will be entitled to the Grant on depositing, imme after t? full amount of the bid, on condition the Sale 1s sanctionedby the wae a ale = nee will be refunded to the Party without interest. On, confirmation of a prs the ie pvc up in the name of the Purchaser, under orders of Government of the 24th September 1 i i i i and the Purchaser will } will be’made ever to him after Registry jn the Board's. Office, and the Pu e iti ‘ibed in the Pottah, save and except such Lands Grantee of the Lands, under the conditions prescriber Ry acim ; p pe i ir i he manufacture capita may be required by Government for t \ ‘i 3rd. - It is further notified that intending Purchasers w ho are desirous to inspect the | : 3 ae | Lots, or to obtain any information connected with them and their present condition, can have t @ SE by ‘attending either personally or through their Agents at the Office of the Commissioner in th f Saas CF i al . j Soonderbuns at Allipore :— fal re 2 i | De ee No. of Lots accord-| Estimated y ron ing to Captain quantity of B. : REMARKS. Hodge’s Map. Lands. , ; Sash al ie Ak Sila Gk att HAR IES eo ‘ wa rs e #4 Lot No. 7. 2,800 There are two Applicants for this Lot. One of them haga offer of 500 Rupees, snd fo take it on a rent free period of The adjoimtng Lots 8, *, 5 and 6 are gultivated. , ° This Lot adjoins the Zemindary Lands of Pergunna There are several applicants for it, The Lands to the Nort Aumtullee or Baint Khall have fheén included in the fa IB 1gwanpore, under orders of the Revenue Authorities _ {portion to be sold is the Jungle Land to the South of the jmentioned Khal mast of Captain Smyth's bound This Lot contains 114 Beegahs of cultivatcd Latius,seleten | been settled with the occupants under Rule 4th of Gove Orders of the 24¢h September 1853, and which will be mad to che Purchaser of the Lot on h’s entering into settlemen; same. The Jungle portion of the Lot will be granted t chaser under Rule 2nd cf the 24th September 1858, Th fresh water Tanks iv the Lot, and extensive Bhetwh or hig Lot No, 19. 2,000 Lot No, 29. Lot No. 36, “9,400 There are two appivants for this Lat. e a r 2nd portion ef Lot 17,700 | There are 151 Beegahs of cultivated Lands in this Lot, wh Rol eT. ‘been settled with the occupants vader Rule 4th of Gov {Orders of the 24tb September 1853, and which will be! to the Purchaser of this Lot om his etitermg into § ne the same. The Jungle: porticn will*be granted undg» Rule 2t the 24th September 1853. These Lands are opposite to the! \vated Jands of Lot 56, end not far from Goverhmert Lot 54% Mutiah. There are great facilities for bringing the Lands cultivation. 7 c Lot No, 157. 14,000 | This Lot is situated on the outer,Calcutta Route tht ; | « Soonderbung and South of the well-known Lot Paturghatta. North portion off 16,000 This portion of the’Lot contains several fresh water Tanks § dot. Now 211.5, 3 extensive Bhetah or high Lands and euins of Pucka, or Brick it is situated on the banks of the Kaburtak River, not far fi & iVillage of Gobrah. The South Boundary of this portion of Rm ae oo _ 4is a line running direct Eest and West froma the Kaburtak rs the mouth of the Bojbaja Khall. | ae -* This portion of Lot No. 211 is also situated on the Kaburtak b and on the Steamer Route from Khoolneah to Calcutta. + a) ° 4 ° Tr a ~ ————— - + ~SOONDERBUNS COMMISSIONER'S Orgicn a) Ses ill > 3 oe - ? Lee age _ . Ay be + ‘ , — or ee ee ee hia at > eae J, 1. REILY, ss Th: 9h A ugust 1858, ; Pd, ee Ato i oar Soonderbuus Commissioue e cad Fr e i. @ [ 1651 | Ys. “ny the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal. ~ ny Equity. | D de Sewpersaud, al Versus be Shaw Coondunloll, Shaw Foondunloll, Ramkissen Doss, Dabey Sing, Churrun Doss Mullick, and Persaud Doss Mullick, By Origi- nal Bill ; " and Sewpersaud, Versus Chaw Roghooberdial, Shaw Muckhun Loll, Shaw Coon- dunloll, Shaw Foondunloll, Ramkissen Doss, Dabey Sing, Churrun Doss Mul- lick, and Persaud Doss Mullick, By Amended Bill. Y ? ‘yh The Defendants Shew Coondunioll and Shaw Foondunloll. Take Novice, that on Monday, the Sixth day sf September next, or so soan alter as Counsel can se heard, an application will be made to this -—Hodnorable’Court, for an order that the Amended Bill of Complaint of the Complainant, filed inthis iva Wause, be taken pro confesso against you and each poof you. Dated this Twenty-seventh day of July One Thousand Eight Hundred aud Fifty-eight. “a Yours obediently, to ray! i i TEMPLETON AND CARAPIET, Anh Complainant’s Solicitors. nite hegtrertcreta coe Seer ate gels ie a QNTa TAD TTA ATTCAA SAF I > ia fSorite — trate | ett , “ES ¥ al Fut ala, A Ul r , . ae, safer, aa. ‘i ; crfatas bas wit wha, woe 4 eax ante Wh ata, | of . a Stat bra 2 ‘ atic far aete afscatet arate | 7 : UKE preset? BEEN * fa Beritw7— teat | “GRR : * AL aqaa, WaTED a] HRS ate, al wet Sie al gt ae, sities wa, bal wit Ahere, «qe cate wa afas, . 7 empatalfrat ) 3, - aecetfas far Bee afscatet arts | ) artarfetistel aa} wer eTteT MIS Gwe TTT I a) . i ATES CHET] TETSTR CT YAS CAVA aise crea offer fea we “he afe ACS VAlSowe Acar Ga AMIACOT SHA alata war og Gfecatt sai WSts I CAS memes, fat ai, afscatt om atel | Carin Soe Ba Ase wifetT eeNCR | otal catanl wets sirate faxta cofta- feesta “ae cotatfecia acercea fase SRA Fal WEAF OT fae 23 Aas seer ATA apiatacta aeatIs Yas Bioraba ase ceatforats teatfns Belarte | y — > In the Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors at > Prince of Wales’ Island. n > In the matter of Cat-) Take * Notice, that chick: Michael Shircore, | upon the petiton bear- Mercllant-and General | ing date the 15th day Agent, lately trading in | of July Instant, of Law- Beach Street, George { rence Nairne, a Creditor | Yown, Prince of Wales’ ? of the said Catchick ' Island, under the firm | Micheal Shircore, it was of ©. M. Shircore and} this day adjudged by | Company, now an In- | the Ceurt that the said i | solvent. J Catchick Michael Shir- core? has committed an Act of Insolvency under the provisions of she Act XI., Vice. Cap. XXI. ard by another order of this day, the Mstate and Effects of the said Insolvent were vested in the Official Assignee. A. RopyYk, Chief Clerk. 3 5 BS 16th, July 1838. > A Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at 5 fn Calcutta. ttlaig _—_—— matter of Joseph) On Saturday, the 7th now | day of August Instant, it was ordered that the “Inghe Richard Middleton, of’ Commercial Build- ings, in Caleutta, here- | matters of the petition | tofore catrying on | of the said Insolvent be business at Monghyr, f heard on Saturday; the 4th day of September next, and that the said Insolvent do then attend J to be examined by the as a, partner in thé firm of Mackintosh and Co., Railway Contractors, an Insolvent. said Court. ‘ | > Molloy, Mackintosh and Dallas, Atfornéys, Ls Chief Clerk's Office, 0th August 1898. 5 LN = a 4 « co - SY P4652, | In the matter of Goo- On Saturday, the ast roochurn Sein, an In- -day of July last, it was solvent. ordered that theAssignee be at liberty to consent to refer all matters in difference between him and Shamachurn M ullick, James Ghurch, J unior, Edward Moxwell Daniel, William Dickenson, and Heeraloll Seal to Arbi- tration, unless the Creditors of the said Insolvent, shail, within ten days from the publication of this , Order in the Government Gazette, show good cause to the contrary. Paul and Carruthers, Attorneys. Chief Clerk’s Office, 4th August 1858. In the matter of Sallal} On Friday, the 6th Raphael Belilios, an In- ~day of August Instant, solvent. by an order of this Court, the said Insolvent was adjudged entitled to her personal Discharge, under the Act. XI. Vic. cap. XXI., as to all persons named in her Schedule as Creditors, or claiming to be Creditors, respectively. r Templeton and Carrapiet, Attorneys. _—_—. ¢c In the matter of Charles ) On Saturday, the 7th day of August: -Instant, Gregory Diederick | Betts, an Insolvent. j it was ordered that the 7th day of order made in this matter on the March 1857 should be enlarged, and the further hearing of this matter stand adjourned until Séturday, the 4th day of September next, Allan, Judge and Lingham, Attorneys. + In the matter of Raj-) Kissore Chunder, of No. 19, Auheeritollah Street, in Calcutta, lately car * ness in’ co-partnership jointly with Gobind- chunder Dhur, of Au- heeritollah Street,afore- said, as Traders and Shippersof Country Pro- duce, under the name, style and firm of Raj- kissore Chunder, an In- solvent. Goodall, Attorney. Notice, that the peti- utt: ent, seeking the benefit i 1 | ap re was filed in the Office of the Chief Clerk ron the llth day of August Instant, and by an order of the same date, the Estate axd Effects of the said In- solvent were vested in the Official Assignee, In the matter of Raj-) Notice, thatan applica- kissore Chunder, of No. tion for an ad interim 19, Auheeritollah Street, protection order has been in Calcutta, Trader, | this day madeby'the said lately carrying on trade Insolvent, and that stich and business in co- application willbe heard partnership, jointly with | and disposed of by the Gobindchunder Dhur, > Acting Commissioner pt of Auheeritollah Street, | the Insolvent Court, on aforesaid, as Traders ; Friday, the 20th day of August Instant, at the hour of 10 o’Clock fp the forenoon, pate Sa itis.» | | rhe the said Insolvent, de- tion, must ap- ¢ time Und place ToS“ Any | “ sirows of opposing sue app “ pear before the said Court at th . + AMoreenid” B= tele t Gootlall, Attorney.. = * docu wt f tion of the said Insol- aa In the matter of Raj-} kissore , Cnunder of No. 19, Auheeritollah 1th ca Street, in Cole utaias Tostansea lately carrying =O | trade and business m petite co-partnership, jointly Insole with Gobindchunder ’ Sannin . Dhur, of Auheeritollah of Pei Street, aforesaid, as that ae Traders and Shippers | 7) "Ne Si i do then of Country Produee, | | under the name, style | amined by 4 nk. and firm of Rajkissore Court, 4 a Chunder, an Insolvent. Goodall Attorney. On Mo In the matter of Nis- sim Isaac Abraham, an }day of July Insolvent. order os this said Insolvent was adjudged entitled sonal discharge under the Act XL Viee as to all persons named in his Sche tors, or claiming to be Creditors, respect Templeton and Carapiet, Attorneys. ¢ ta e In ‘the matter of An- On Sat drew Hervey, an Insol- } day: of A vent. . it was ord Assiznee do pay ‘and divide the sun 0 4,303-2-9, to and amongst all the Gre the Estate of the said Insolvent as a Divi the rate’ of Cos. Rs, 2+4-per Cent. upon st ‘debts admitted in the | chedule of the sa vent, aid claims proved asx“ have beef" stantiated in proportion to their se cupdén the other debts admitted in when and so soon as. such debts or- shall be duly svbstantiated upon A ffidayi this Court, with liberty to the said A apply to the Court from time to time: respecting any debés, or any othet ma relating thereto, ~ + : eS - J. Cochrane, Official Assignee. Tt % - In the matter of Andrew Hervey, an Tneolvent, | (2nd Insolvency.) a the Estate of the said Insolvent asa Div. Yate of Co.’s Rs, $3-5-4 per Cent. up debts admitted ia the Schedule‘of the and claim proved as have been duly sub in propartion to their several debts, and wy other debts admitted in the Schedule wh such debts or any of them shall be substantiated upon Affidavit filed in this withs liberty to the said Assignee to Court from time to time for directiens Petes or any other matter or thing - th. y r ny Te eae i : ®. a) 2 sy 4 — 2 hep SY 2} ‘| _ On Saturday, the 7th day of August Listant, | drew Greaves Earle, of | day of August Instant, e, | it was ordered that the - hearing of this matter ping Clerk to Messrs, | do stand adjourned until Turner, Cadogan & Co. | Saturday, the 4th day an Insolvent. J of September next, and that the order made in this matter for the ad- interim protection of the said Insolvent from ar- rest should be enlarged to the said 4th day of Sep- tember next, and that the said Insolvent do’ then attend to ke examined by the said Court, Pittar and Payne, Attorneys, Chief Clerk’s Office, 13th A wugust 1858. 14 Gilmore, and others, In- ~ solvents. an account of the Re- | No. 7, Sooterkin’s Lan 4. ceipts and Disbursements of the Official Assignee | in Calcutta, late Shi from the Ist day of February 1854, to the 31st ‘ieday of July 1858, was filed in the Office of the », Chief Clerk, and it was ordered that Saturday, the ), 4th day of September next, should be appointed .. for the further hearing of this matter, for the pur- ;.. pose of making a Dividend. , iw EE“ Any Creditor or other person interested » “who may intend to establish or oppose any " © claim wpon the Estate of the said Insolvents “muy attend and be heard, having given notice “to the Ohief Clerk three cleur days before the “ day of hearing.” J. Cochrane, Oficial Assignee. Ih iy In the matter of ste} On Saturday, the 7th | Tn the matter of An- —— Notice. es —— ; Wr have admitted Mr. CLAauD Haminroy 1 14 7 ire . ie ai.) 4 + in} In the matter of Asiatic On Saturday, the 7th Brown, a Partner in our Firm, from the Ist In- _; Marine Insurance Office, ‘day of August Tnstant, stant, pan oe anaccountofthe Receipts Jaapiye, SKINNER AND Co, ,,. and Disbursements of the Official Assignee from CAS ARS, - ‘the Ist day of October 1837 to the Bist day of Cloutta, 12th August 1858, July 1858, was filed in the Office of the Chief “Clerk, and it was ordered that Saturday, the 4th re Notice, \"day of September next, should be appointed for ; as ; THE interest and responsibility of Mr. R. Scorr Tomson, in our Firm, éeased on the Ist July 1854, ‘ ‘of making a Dividend. ES OAny Creditor or other person interested “who may intend to establish or oppose any ‘ nyt further hearing of this matter for the purpose | R. Scorr Tuomson & Co, .. ‘clutm wpon the Estate of the said Insolvent, | Meptcan Hart, i 1 Dts _, ney attend and be heard, having given notice | Caleutta, "to the Chief Clerk three clear days before the pon Se ORES S€* day of hearing.” Commercial Bank Oe ata. . © “J, Cochrane, Official Assignee, | eo : 4 ‘ ea cee Sy Seeia oe , Catcurra Brancu. *in the matter of John n Saturday, the 7t Dp Ton, . aM z wyitonsalves, an Tusolvent, 8 aay of August’ Instat, Jiuteso Exchange on London oie Stock Baik, {ira account of the axeteiy ts and Disbursemeuts of Woe Official Assignee from the 9th day of July to At 6 TRGmC HRMS CIA 2 OF, ee per Rupee. she Bist day of July 1858, was filed in the Office |> 30 saves ® SP 1 dit in *f the Chief Clerk, and it was ordezed that Sa- re ni ay sb One lil swarday, the 4th day of September next, should be | > »,. A a . 23 Appointed for the further hearing of this a The Bank grants Drafts on the Head Office, 2 > sor the purpose of making a Dividend, Bombay, and on its Branches in London, Shanghae, we) Sa eet) . and Hongkong. Bills collected at any of the or eae A ny Creviitor or other person interested above places at a uniform charge of 2 per Cent, '" qwho may intend to establish or oppose any y ‘ The Bank will undertake the purchase or sale of claim upon the state of the said Insolvent, Government Paper, Bank Stock and other Securi- ties, draw Interest and Dividends payable in Cal- cutta, when due, at a Commission of $+ per Cent. No charge made when the proceeds of Sale or amount of Interest or Dividends drawn ig remitted , in the Bank Bills, may attend and be heard, having given iotire tothe Chief Clerk three clear days before the duy of hearinss’ : 3 J. Cochrane, Oyicial Assignee, —__ 4 i wn the matter of vin On Saturday, fhe 7th sie ‘ ’ sam Gearge Vallante, bday of A cea ; Instant,»| “tes of Tngerest allowed on Deposits subject to tn Insolvent. an account of the Re- | 3 months’ notice of withdrawal, 4 p. ct. per annum w 2ipts and Disbursements of the Official Assignee,|~ 6 Alito ditto ditto 5 dm the 6th day of July to the 31st day cof July [+ 2 .ilitto ditto ditto 6 is ' JeS58, was filed in the Offiee of the Chief Clerk, |. Notice may be given when the money is deposit- geod it was ordered that Saturday? the 4th day | ed, or at any subsequent time; and it will _be i#? September next, should be appointed for the | diapessed with in gases when the money is to be ;sirther hearing of thi’ matter for the purposé of | remitted through the Bank, ylaking a Dividend, : Current Accounts kept and Interest allowed at Wf mS “ Any Creditor or other persons interested, | 7 one Cent, pe stad ai Ree aes Rupees ay #who may intend to establish or oppose and, i Bet ae mS tupees 50,000, unless Efolaim upon the Estate of the said Insolvent, > Tyiooke oe isdioe Pgs Wee On Sat Minay attentl ane be heard, having given notice ioe tations My i ne ar ut o3PM OnSa ur- pe a ( to the Chief Clerk three clear duys before the | 4axs, ae ae it day of hearing.” : ee > J. Cochrane, Oficial Ussignee, * ” W. S., FITZWILLIAM, Agent. 27, Tank Square, Culcuta, 22nd July 1858, if . a 4 Be x rs Oriental Bank Corporation. INCORPORATED BY RoyYAL CHARTER. Wrra reference to Government Notification No. 5, Fort William, Financial Department, 26th Ja- puary 1855, notifying the intention of Govern- ment to dissolve its connewion with the Go- yernment Agency— The Oriental Bank Corporation undertake the safe custody of Government Paper, Shares in the Capitaf Stock- of the Bank 6f Bengal, and, other local Stocks, free of all charge. M, is Will draw Interest and Dividends on the same as they fall due, and remit at the current rates of exchange, or pay the same according to instructions of to be remitted through theCor- ° Without charge. poration, a If to be paid in India, a Commis- sion will be charged of .. 1-4th per Cent. On returaing Government Paper or Share Certificates out of cafe custody, .. i-4th per Cent. On the purchase of Government ee. or other Securities, ... L-4th per Cent. On the saleof Government Paper aii “or other Stock, the proceeds ‘ of which are to be remitted ¢ through the Corporation, ... Without charge. Wm. ANDERSON, e ca ORIENTAL Bank CorPoRATION ; \ Agent. surg. Most of the above Notes are ¢€ Calcutta, 29th January 1855 = a Clause stating that they are ‘not neg = noon oORTHAR S rae eo The above Notice has already appeated) = us a é ¢ re r CO] Lecoboonens ic 5 Calcutta Gazetie, of the 3 6th June last, oe) ¥ mt as now again published, it appearing that th o ’ p et erhooBMoroggs [o} > jiously 3 tly a hed ms giogees Sone 3 Eee were previously incorrectly describe £| 88 S8Seeang eielberacs, 4) numbers , - By) So sgegtees os Si Fs FB sn. 0. Winrrasis < == i] A — : ee . Wid a fits. e n charge, Civ ~ WN oh 2 * : “> =I Seip a ade BR Te ° ~ ‘hE e ba Se ae ee a oy a g < = 8 . a wi ; a : E :28 an eee FOUND—Drifting at Sea, South of & Fa} a Se ey: eee in the month of May 1858, a Ship's boat, 1 5 22 eee Ssa8=2. ah, of 3 | Stern, Carvel “built, painted white, but om > oot om . . . ia 4 es t2ee7s lh mark or name. If not claimed within six S els a pig o 2 oa & si 19% E52 3b 4FR 3 : cae ail all @xpensés paid, the boat will cs 202 e284. se Public Auctiorf on account of Government. a fee oo ig e528 ts to the Collector pf Customs. BABES cae eee ete : ; 2 Een tees Ss 5 ‘ > W. 'TwEit % RPEaGSESSeRsS S é er “353 Oe 0 Ol c e i - SARS SA 15824 of 48283, ” oS C2 bo a ed eee 17) "15823 of 43268 5 = ree See aS. L.,, 20822 of 43282 ,, © ” ~ mS See eee rn. é geaee Bact 733 3 - Aes ee { » 11829 6F 29424, lets eee oem CAPONE ie ont tezaBes, =z, 11997 of 50473 P Watt PRICE OF BOTH Parts, 2 Ruprss. ‘eo “ae “29 Papp 11.—Consisting of the H. E. I, Wo.’s Troops, — = Y wl corrected up to date, will very shortly be igsued.> va ) tel SAMUEL SMITH AND Co. - ! a bes es a 4 4 ries ) ELURKARU, OFFICE ; we July 23, 1858, = a = Now, Ready for Delivery, A COMPLETE INDEX. To ALL THE Acts OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNTIL or Inpta, from 1834 to 1857, both inclusive , adapted to any Ndition of the Acts. * Compiled ye evs Isaac Wilson and John Newmarch, _Esquires, : b Oe il tS - — * Barnsters at Law and Advocates of the Supreme 7. pf Court of ey Price to Subscribers—Five Rs. per Copy ame Ditto to Non-ditte—Szven,, .,, > | ’ =e ne" > ; SAMUEL SMITH AND Co., ; | ' ; 3) Hurkare Press. if "te 1655 4 ] Bost Office Notifications. Postal MPotice. From the Ist of September next, the present system of optional pre-payment of Letters sent from India to the United Kingdom, will be abolish- ed, and from that date the pre-payment of Postage on letters posted in any part of India for the United Kingdom, whether marked vid Southamp- ton or vd Marseilles, will be compulsory. , R W. GREY, | Offg. Director General CaLcuTta, of the Post Office in India. Ist June 1858. NOTICE ISSUED BY THE OFFG. POST MASTER GENERAL, CALCUTTA, No. 2654. Postat Notice. THE*Southampton Mail for Bombay which left Englarrd on the 12tl of June, was by some mis- chance, ‘detained en route, and was brought on by a Ship from Aden, arriving at Bombay on the 22nd of July only, together with the portion of the Scuthampton Mail for Bombay which left England with the Madras and Calcutta Mails on the 20th of June. The Bombay Boxes by this latter Mail, contained, it appears, many covers for Calcutta and Bengal, which ought to have been included in the boxes for Caleutta, and the Mail of the 12th of June also contained covers for Calcutta and Bengal. The above circumstances therefore will account for a great deal of irregularity in the receipt of theletters and newspapers despatched from Eng- land in June. 2 The 6th August 1858. 5 NOTICES ISSUED BY THE OFFG. DEPUTY POST MASTER GENERAL, CALCUTTA. es 4 > No. 1777. OVERLAND MAIL. THE Overland Mail, vid Marseilles and South- ampton and the intermediate Ports, Madras, Ceylon and Aden, per P. & O. Co.’s Steamer Nubia, will be closed at this Offige on Saturday, the Z1st Instant, at 6 P.M. Letters, &c., for Penang, Singapore, Hong-Kong a\d Australia, will be forwarded vid Galle by this opportunity: Thé 10th August 1858. ec ON WiC OVERLAND Mati. THE Mail Packets only will be closed at this Office at 5 P. M.on the 26th and 27th Instant, for the Overland Mail Steamer which leaves\Bombay on the morning of the 7th Proximo. . a4 « 4 Letters and Papers will be sent vid Marseites . - only. i ~ The 10th August 1858, —/ > ; [ 1656 ] ; ‘ No.1 722. Gateway, and are known by the sign- ho over each bux, viz. :— INTIMIATION is hereby given to the Public, that Sih, # ~ peice’ Lewsaa the former Office for posting Letters ier Pavers Tete for local Delivery. / 1 has been changed ig that hitherto used for the A doorway has also been opened i ; Window "Delivery of Letters, Verandah to admit the Public enterine for the purpose of registering Letters aj The three distinct boxese for posting Letters | Prices Current and N ewspapers whe; ud Papers are now in one line fixed in the South | Cash. ° “Verandah immediately facing the Post Offic,! Lhe 11th August 1858. a e = e . PACKETS for the reception of Letters by the following Ships are open at this Of ° ° ee. —- Intend Rames of Vessels. Agents, & aphiae For what Port. i Str. United Kingdom} Gladstone, Wyllie & Co. ° ce August 1858.|London ..|Cape. é e « Str, Cape of Good | oy ae Hope +|McKinnon, McKenzie & Co... [20th Ditto -- Rangoon and festa z ‘ Fs t mein Akyab. « : . : 7 ge F € “<< i Steamer Nubia ../P. and 0. S. N. Co. s en 22nd Ditto «+ {Suez .«/Madras,Ceylon & Ade 3 Au ° : . Steamer Lancefield Jardine, Skinner & Co, ° / 24th Ditto 35 tpasenee Sihea ioe fu 5 | and “China. Steamer Thebes IGladstone, Wyllie & Co. * we After the Opiun| ¢ | Sale ~- | Ditto. | é Ee Sac, ols eh Od Ls a ir - er tin —. Lhe VW3th August 1858. x . 5 e ee. Vette a a eas: ran 10 Ree kat Ns ied jalges Vaeaecte A Aae O ee ilies eabeciTs : wet iby ae Oa oA} & : —WFreet, for SaMueL 5 me hens he RS - a Bs -* SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO The Galcutta Gazette. op SE Ss Bublisheo- oy Ayrhority. SATURDAY; AUGUST 14, 1858. , a ; » ” 2 “ a . P,P iz . o * I ° : =) » : =) ’ . ' . J x ° ¢ 8 > e mY 5 a ie . 2 9 . s . « 4 . 4 F . ~ * 3? ? a) N — 5 _ . fy 7 w AY > 7 % a! * e , Statement of Prices Current in the under-mentioned Disty Patna. | Shahabad. o ; | e ——_—_=__,, £. = a P ————- a ae. (os) t & | & oT eer ARTICLES | n 3 : E j © =. more cate Es Bis I os — Hs oo 8 *D »D 1 = . Bees Son © =o 8 8 5 : es eu ; S ra i ro fe zs a - s =) S o = = e = Coan Ei By % ZN ff 20 ge = & 5 = a af) a | D o 5 : = rani -. — iy >. ea ° *Srs. C. | Sie C.} Srs. C1} Sys, C. | Srs. C. | Srs. C ital Fe per Rupee™--} 16 0 Las 4 i 13. OM Targ 16° 0b 14a Barley, (Jow,) ; % es 23 0 22 6 23% Owla0 0 30 0 27 0 Bhoosa? White,” 7 » -| 120 0] 90 9 0 7} 80 Of} 40 0 | 126 9 bj » .-Missah, } 5. oy A Doug ty 100-0 | 100 0 | 100 0 | ya9° 9 120 O}- Cotton, eee Ph. aie tl ghee ye bree: ‘$2' 01 Sais Dal, Urhw, ees Mi se fee RS cae CRN | Oe | ee 0} 15 0) 14/9 re Gram, Ane 4 17 0 16 0 20 0 0 0 15 0 14 0 ee re i ea) 255 0) 25351 ila! asia] age 0.| 22 0 . Maskullye, “are ie Ce ee 0 ] 4 0 a 0 15 0; 10 0 » Moong, 2 MBA LONE ISS tO Sa ig sin fle Hie ha ei RY mick Mussdor ar a ee OS ee Lit ag504. 93.5 20 0 » Muttur, * =a 7-0 Os02 0 0 0 0 1S" 0s <2 aa Fire-wood, » » --1120 01. 0 0} 140, o-| 200 9 200 0 145 0 | 220 Ghee, Cow’s, > aes Bb Se AT TFET: og He 14 1 10 2 0 » Buffaloe’s, ig’ = 2 0 oa, a a} 2 2)- 2 9 2 4 Gram, (Boot,) Ist sort, ” | 24" | 2174 |" 90 9 18 OF ot gl T> gaan 4 walead sort th 85 9 |. o8 6 | 20 3 | 19. 0} .22 of} 18 9 few Grass, Dry, aes, -J 80 bdls. 0 0 0 64.249 © |. 6 0 0° Ghieaie Joar, faa +> 19¥ 0 0° 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0. 00m Oik Cocoanut, a A 2 0 2 8 nes 0 0 "2? 04/S eee ‘ » Linseed, er" 7 5 @ 5 §- 4 8 | oF 20 4 32 3. 0 | se 3 Mustard, FOO Re “7 aA 4 4 4 0 4, 0 few 4 8 3.0 ' Paddy, (Dhan,) Ag 1 ROOF 0 PROT: 0 0/723 6] 8¢ 9 31. 0175 stm Potatoes, ohm Stef PRUE OL Meee |. Sgt at ome 20 19 0. 0am Rice, Ist sort, Ae eee Mathes Bel ALG 2 Pe ve Pee 18-0 | 38) Ont » 2nd sort, me e <"} lS 0r | GRD 14 8 1640 | “97H 19. 0) 320m “ Bausmuittee, sn o> : 3.8 13 4) 100) fol oO 13° 0 | 12 0 15 Urrooah, py, -! 16 0 15 oO 1A) 140 16750 4 5 og 16 » Uttub De urtit 0. 0 OF 0 4. 9 75 O° D9} Wo %o 0 0. Salt, Ist sort, Me aalea’ ba’ es | OTE 5B te ob ap esas 01, '” 3 ihie » 2nd sort, 1 y oo 1) 0S 207.) Re 8G Tae ee 6 4, a RL 8 0 0 » Samber, we : 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0] ~e 9 S O01 _» Pangah, cue 8 te ey Gor 7 9 |; 7a Sugaz, Sas a we ie 8.) | BE Phi 0°90 | 4 8 0, im Date, aD 00) 4 ol] 4 of 0 OL) 0 Spel ae Wheat, (Gaho,) Sete eee edellzZ 09 | 19 7 Lz 7 16 e 19 7 18 0} 20 Mi ~ Stations, and Markets, as on the 31st July 1853, ~ i har. Sarun, Champarun, ‘ iy eee nT fu] + | | & | Lh . og | re ashes 7 53 ay | 5 g od — Zz Me C . Ga | 3 | ce & g oe Ss ‘ 4 a s oO | a ms ree coset ian] © = es s = = =F , aa i s A : ts G4 ae ENS a 8 te cs i) = i 3 = = p= as s 3 =} eh S o Zi 8 5 a SQ te oe = = ‘= Te c Q s & g = = & = a = 5 BS, S S a ae ay mm o B 2 a ee es aed ~——_—__ 5 eee A ee ee 2 a Srs, © | Sts.C. |, Srs° © Srs. C. |-Srs, @ Srs. C. | Srs. C Srs. C. | ers, ©. bo Sea | fh re a A ae ol PES Baty eee oes 0| 13 0 16 0 Peon meth) foezt 0 esto hcas | los Dil (2300 1327 O19. o 0 0 | E20", 0 165.0 050 108 6 200 0 | 120 0} 180 0 | 48 0| 48121 100 0 » 80 0] 7 9 Oe Peg 9D | 2500 1130 Of 0 | o 65° 0! 60 0 0 9 es Memeereraey: 20 Fa) | Ey eG OPP hud tall 2 +o ieee 2 4 wee. 0115 °G.| 34 '6 ee A a a 16 0 49 0) 17 O Unt) 0 0 16. 4 Ep 20) 14 0 3.0 13. § 1 ll oO . 6 i eae ee 8} 20.0! 2h OF 97 8] 33 419 45 0 Jane) woe tomts og) | a4 Pp 26 044. 20. Oolio gO Sball ©O" 20 10 21 4 1 MMMM REY 1901 Sb. Od Co Od ae 8 12 0} 21 0] 10 58 3°0 Th: beens A Qo eS Seer OU! 64, 29 6! 19 5 30 0 eet eeet 0°01 So" 5 | a9 19.0. pis. Osh! a0 o] 25 5 35 0 gi #0 0 | 220 0} 400 0 400 20 | 200 0 | 220 w~ 200 01 200 0 | 940 9 240 0) (ie ween > g | 5. °G Seale SEE! de Gobi) als GO P1} Od bone eeemeran OG [) og a2 Set LTO db 1 ke a ag. Peis 0 0 100 geo bk 9! p Bee PRES 23 “O11 29 ol. 93) o} a5 8 24 0) eo ie sth gy Bo 2 i) 24 0/2 99. Oil) 95 <6 25 5 27 0 ‘Abdls.| QQ 0 0 |. 40° 0 0 0} IMdbdlsl, 0 0 1. 32 ddls 0 0 3bdis 8 0} as ol 6% Ba he Oeste Otto Od a oe edi 0 0 | ste8: eRe Aon Gy 0 Os ral He PR? PicatG |-% 9-9 3 0 > 0 20 mio 00 0 0 2 8 3 8 4 8 2-12 0 0 6 0 1, eee 001 Gg SLA eS iE tari 0. tke Ti 4 9 5 8 ‘0 Of 96 0 | py | bee Od MBSEES BGP ND | MoT, See 3312] 40 0 DS A At ai ae BT 6B ol 21 0} O50 |u91 Bg 16 0 0 0 pe [L170 | 140d G3° 5 pact Teds £0 fi fi BO) yy 4 18-20 m0 0.1 Sagi: b' Og <9 bao ISA) Tae 8-1! 16, 6. /) sea 15 0 ae 2.07 12 06 0 0 0 0}; 15 Of, f2 of 44 0! 0 0 0 0 150 6 OO] 448] 46 %% 10-07} «9 201° fy (6. 13 201) 14 BO]. %19. 2 g 18 0 eI aa AO peep Rae se ae OM ee ee 19 8 0-0] 97 79 Gat | 176 34.) 0 “O11 HM 09; 8 0; 9 10) 0 Q in 0 8 ho O 30st 0 90. | ean 0 0 vol .s 0] 0% 0 0 ) 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 0 0” 0 0 0| 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pe SB oS tae eae oO 8 Oe a y -9138{ 14 g cee ert Ort OO | s To pee tee wpe PT EAE tae 4 0 Bee eteesoney OO ‘go Lit oo OOS Deiter a iG £ 0 m0 7° 1S 8.1. 16 S| 15 O.f4 18. 121% ip gee Pied meal Aa 0 19 0 27 0 i ! mil = a ny ’ : Statement of Prices Curren vo TE a | ’ ARTICLES. , . | , | 3 g ° oO ~ BiB a 6 ate .| 2 cn = 20 "S ‘ZS *: 3 s ¢ 8 a as! o rm 2 &p 5 a 3 E : a baa" a = fan) icy MD” AN PAY BNE bh ae el ee »_ ee Srs.'C, py Sis. Ge | Srs.. C! | Srs’ C. | Srs. C Srs. Attah, er Rupee - 9 0 .9 12 & 14 16 0 10 O | 8 Barley, (Jow,) i. i. - 0,0}-0 0 | ps VS | 0 Q | 32 Qj} 28 09 Blioosé,» Whites. os. ap nie em ean Nees v5 0 75 : v8 0 | 0 Missah, ae eed -1 47 13 60 0 95 eae 5 0 nites. at 1 134) <1 11 | rs 2 4 114 | 16 Dal, -Uxhur, mete ae “Ollie 1g) 26. 04 126 04) te -0 15 8 SMa) othe) Boe b7 5 9 12 | By cahy wi 4O))i 09 S| 6 8 ° Khesaree, ° 553 lens aa 0) o4 0 PUB We) 82.0 | 26 4 Watdiye' 2, a Tl Ol lee eee 19 0 | 20 » Moong, ” » e 9 0 12 0 1304)" 1% 0 11 0 | 10% Mussoor, oles Sie SSO lv-ED , 5a 26 4) 19 Of} 13 0 eae Mutiur, inh. eee ee 28.) Pe 0 | 22 8.) 25 01, 30 0 | 24 Fire-wood, pt | 128bdls.| 128 bdis, 183 0 240 04140 0 | 1507 emai, e, 2 to) et oe i Tl | 119] 92 6)) 1 1h , Buffaloe’s, » » - 111 oni ane tom 1 8 il 255 0. Gram, (Boot,) Ist sort, *,, ay ad TO ey Su | eee ae 25 60 13.00 Om " 1 nagar, >| \\t4 16\ 1312 | 719 0} 26,0] 19 Of 0 Grass, Dry, nar ee 0 4 150 bdisy 15bdls{ 5 pns| 4bdisy 9 Joar, gota - | 256 Nosd- 0 9 | 0 0 0 | 0 0 0 Oil, Cocoanut, iat aa - utd Gal 9 41°22 51 2 4y) 9202 pr , Linseed Rvee ee) - ieee 0 0 20 SF 970 0 0 0 ” Mustard, 7? | beg poy 4) 04 £42 eS Oy) Sek Biady,.Dhap) Too 2h) < |. LOS% | Seog”. | Par ee | ADORE Sous “30 Potatoes, aoe me | Sao VO" 0 O| 16 0 | a Rice, Ist sort, ie: 2 36 6 |e 20 12 ie KPEO 18 0 10. , gnd sort, 5, 4 -| 12 6] 21 ot 18-4 [biented 1679 o| 17 » Bausmuttee, 4, 5, 7 14:10] , 05590 1 Fr0 40 O--0 | 515. 0 eCme Urrooah, TRIE eee O20 1m Peet f 18 4].15 0])19 © ja Gem ” Uttub; vem is siia7 416 6 |4340 1) 19a Salt, Ist sort, tpalot ey SUS EL: 9 8 gu 72 16° °0 |-- 10) 205Gae Er epdsor i. . =|, 0,0 |" 0°@ 149 2a eat aaa | Us Samber, Wet os =r PPO P01 C0 5 00. fe 0 Or @ Somme QO / 4. Pangah, Eee os 9 0 9 6 9 24) 10:0 Je 0 | 0 Sugar, Cane, Gate 4 4G 3103] 4 0 212 2 » Date, eo | iii a fr ies E on . 5 3 i 5 a | i | ' 3 - oe | & = = a « as er Z 3 S 5 = ae: i = 5 a 2 eee & ¢ Pit 2 5 | a | aa | Ez | of sa Iie : a A : Srs. C. sae DESaeGn WNSERL (Oe | ke. Crp ors es | Sra C.)- SesreQyai srs... C._).. Srs. C. | Srs. C. i F ’ 2 5 * 0 9 9 0 wiveiegiee se 7 TO SA-10>-0 | 130 iho OP 12.0) 16 0 » 6. * 9G oe O- -O'}, 20, O3|° 23 ory > 25-40 , © 0} 40 Q] 90 0} 40 0 | 4190 OF 4 Gr] 43220) 32-0 | 40 6 Hee Oe] 64 285 80 07 GO 0 0 0 0.0} 64 0; 42 8] 54 0} 45 0 Teno Oho Om a sp t Ff 8 Oo of 2 0) 1 7| 1:8 Peart Oe Ie se go! te 12) 1 OFF 13° oO 13.0) 101275 16 0 | yo190! 11 0 | 10 0 | wos) Wiel 2 On s1 8 OF 8° o} 15 © i 3s 4 aoe O4l ol GO) Bs 841-30. Ont oF 8 |) Bt 4 25 G1 2 O oo 16 0] 19 0} 2 of 1% OF} 18 Of} 18 0 O10 16°64 18° 6 eno Ts} 11 °0)| T of 12) 4 0 7 0 A RR 7 12 GSO IG oO 18 0{ 16 0}, 18 4°) 15 01720 0} 16.0) 16 0| 23 0 > oe 2 Oo} 26 0} O11 “0 |° 0 0 0G WAP SE. Fe). 2 eas OS * Wbdis| 40 pa} 160 ©: | spals| 32bdis| Shbdls| 64bdlx} 160 0 1020 bls, 120 0 BY ae 20 a 72 1 10 a 40 SA Zt WM Ore wa 18 1 0 112 Ira O28 (4 2 0 Ozh Pe ts Gib Far isisind. jo 1 6 0 0 1.8 POO Pinon Ss 0} Te of of “o: 0}: 20 0] 16 0] 16 0] 23 0 eer ereo et ay 106)) 1G Oot 2 Ore 14 Om 2 4} 20 0} 18 OF 24 0 Kia mers ¢ 0 Oo} 0 0 Sbdish 9+ 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 | 0 0 0 0 PORTO 0 ~ dH 8% 0-).°*% | 0 v0 0 OP -O 0 0 [0)|. 0 0 OFAOs . ir % 0 2 12 3 4 2 Is 2 4 218 213 a 0 2 a ee | e016 21g hs 10 2 0 POs! « 13 4 3-6! 2 8, 0 0 ae i 21278 3° 8 5 0 3 8 4 0 358 3 0 3 8 0 0 o 4 ( 920 4135 0} 35 0 ala 0 0} 3504530 07} 28, 0 OL) 28 6 AVOCA: Te oO 0 0 O70 (10 10 iy Im (OahetGh a>: 16. 0 6 To is 6 ; Seen io Oy S49 Oe WS 426. OR P7134 16. Of 16°) 45.0 eo ites § } 920i), Os) 1s GMS! BTS Oa 12+) 1%. S| 17 Se: | aktego | 0 } 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 od D-H) 8G Wo 0 0 0 0 0*0 0 0 bd. 0 OTH LeIGs-@ Oo! Od jade 12 0 90 O“Ode, 14 4S jp 18S) Od 96 Op WS: Sas OPP, 4 IB. Of 162.0 3.0 4. de Spiga. S fase Oh #) Oh 90) a | or aheto, die. of, 0! 0-| 10.10,1" Mob) 0, 0 then 2.0 keel Gre GED) 9H Peele ae Oy 10; 10): OL well... 0 Parva: 0 On He 0) OST OF > 7 8 7 9 © 0 Ral ne OO 0 0 0 0 9 OT*10LS HO LOsn Bo 2 9 4 10 10 | 10 10 0 0 | rs | oy MERE eee 8. °0 3 12 | 6) 2" ol ore Shore She! a6). 8 oth yO 0 0 4 0] 10 0 Ciao 1” OF 5 0 roy 0° to} 0 0 a. 0 o| 16 0} oO 0 | iveol 0) O01 12 01°20 O17 16.0] 16 6% 17.0 2 »'| Statement of Prices Current im the wnder-mentioned Di = ss = ye ooae = oO wLooceo a Ea TERE Sees Eroseeeccscones _— ‘| ? ‘aroseyegq ReCoNe tp eeHogewsonacs oO é le | AG G : ee ee Se SooNwmwso POPS OSSSOSCRS SS & | i ‘a1odeupi yy HoOoONG TO BPR ASR ECC& omen Ll Aa) ee ma ee te ST = ae ‘ oO SSeooeoenoensocosotsccoosacaqnag DOSDOONHOSDOOS — “WOON GL00 a APRS ENRRSRe amb toctansgoecooeccespee wD — Ce oD aS —~ Spin a cm a OT — hee = Se SS TS S 226g “her eeee eeeere oO st $ “ueI000UR a I rs Ee os SRAM MOMS - SH noumonon ageghoskocowoon a mA FI val) mitt N Gi mo C ge 1S oe ae ee oO CS SONS OSE PT OT MSSOSSONNCSS Slooeocnonnnoe “ATYSo07 | Fa S8BR" ZBARERAR TRAC CHEM een ae IRS Seon 4g Cds) TAH BRE NA RAH OTE I ee eee ee ey s a - ca a ea 3 Close ee ae. —_— — ° ae ea OS FSR RRO RSP OS AAMC CSCU HHH HOMER O NS Om o e . Pres val re WA Ping 3 SCS BHAA OED — oo AAOROSHM MMU UM HDORaAKRMHOUMOw val OD Ht ma Ae STH Se emt Ae re oe A mo t a ce c aa e : fa N im aes ~ eal ee 3 : ap 5 mA Sens ® . & Auger oe 2 mt CY — aS - ‘ 3 A nos ete Re ‘o Es its < oo .P ios A eae | AS Soo Ss BS as SS 5 GS . < Sa 2 ; 2 aeons eee rer. oS Se SOR Sg SSHEAES SS GS BES EeseegeceaS *h 8388 Po RES og Pa See Se : o OnD os Ry phus a ree) x aad a ‘S og 2m a pana a ; La vee eS See esate a C5 Se AMDP ZEAE | : 258 §DUOsMaeaSE gee 24 Sb oT z. os So, Seen S92 s8 aa S_> S Seees sk = 2 R 2 20) a4 . 2» So po se SR RR aa Te Ta SE tse oe "S — ¢ qm oe OD © OHNO A A oS f) 73) cr 8.- -¢ Coneludéd.) 5 ations, end Markets, as on the 31st July 18 + , ‘Hehe, sS ¢ e ‘ f | . e | ° e e 4 Ce : is € ia e * ° | ’ ¢ ‘4 ro € o ° . e Ps ™ e oe ¢ ‘f e e 2 ¢ e e ; ss $2 ee’, © e « : . . 2 © m fe €¢ | ° , ° e 2 > ce 3 ° ; e - *e e re e « ' : Zz I< a ne a —- —— Ss SSOSOSHSSSOSSOSI®IL“NSSCOSOSONNOLSSSSCSSHOSOFOS = 2 » Surpoolyed, ra Pro SOmOSODNMNOSRK AS SI rHOMNSMDMSOmDMMSSHOS | ~ — 79) > te oO e oa e we i ee a oe ne. 4 ~ i cS cooocosococogsaocsonesboooeoosoooomee | “ne 3 e Inonesqig ah hocesaedooINennsssongagoonosonssaso | < x bl WM ims ° a oT a a Se f ) coococeocooo cH HCC] eNnonoosecsscooonsoooe ° doorwe yy A ROSCSSCHOMFN AM SHNSNSONOBONASoNnanoMOSSS = ia ° — ‘ge GO 3 _— d SS A Wit 1! i er I ot an 3 SOSSHSSSOSSOSOSAAVSSSOSWSSSSOSSSaASSSOONNS oa yuivd [vor a MASDOSMA HAS SONOMA MSROSNSOHONNHHOSONROSCOMAG a Gey! H masa OG. oo . Retiree — s SS a Ss oe ae a ay es =e ; a eee eee eee Searetary. 2 (4 € S e > e ic Qa « ie e Bi ra e . 14 © sal nee He ® IS (3) PTs, Es 9 2) ss |e ae | nl tS e 2 . ia “q © ° Ee e aa 3 yea s 2 i a! eas 2 ae S = o be ' ee: Ga e ° ids) sS PA a iy e) eae ° —Q \ 2 % oul - es ~~ ~ Set ro) fe e vo © Ss e fn 3° ‘ a i . ab. 66. The Calcutta Gazette. . Bublished wp Auto rity. * “WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1858. stslatibe Ca % ‘ 4; aay } . without hiving an Officer of the said Foree on ; ¢ ' board of such boat, and every boat-owner, tindal, The 7th August 1858. y _ and boatmsn who shall either hinder any such g following Act, passed by the Legislative | Officer from accompanying ‘any such boat or ‘cil of India, received the assent of the Right | shall obstruct hint in the performance of his duty | stable the Governoy General-on the 31st” July a when in any such boat, shall, on conviction before (communicated to ie Liegisietive Council | ® Magistrate, be liable as follows: every boat- é 7th August 1858), and is “hereby promul- | owner far the first offence to a penalty not exceed- tl of Enda. | or from any ship or vessel in*the Port of Madras for general information :—* > * ing fifty Rupees, and for asecond or any subsequent ez offence to a penalty not exceeding one hundred Acr No. XXVIII or 1858. | Rupees ; every tindal for the first offence to coy- F poral punishment not exceeding twenty stripes of a Act for the maintenance of & Police Force | rattan, and for a second or any subsequent offenc: ak fox the Port cf Madras. . to vorporal punishment not exceeding twenty-fiv : ; ‘ bl stripes of a rattan ; and every boatiman tor the first HERHAS 1618 expedient to make further pro- | offence vo corporal punishment not exceeding Se , vision for the security of the ) fifteen stripes of a rattat, and for a second or any ; traffic between the shore and | subsequent offence to corporal punishment not shipping in the Port of Madras, by: increasing | excéedjng twenty stripes of a rattan. Pofice Force; and whereas it is just ard | dient that the said traffic should contrbyte os LV. Every boat-owner shall on every Monday teed, bet int. < Tee} a 1 ds the expensts and maintenance of the ! : make to the Commissioner of Force ; It is enacted as follows :— | Owner to? furnish Police, or to such other wegily tothe Commis: person as the said Commission- To meet the expense of such an increase | sioner of Putice re- eR a 1 a to the Police Force, established * turns of trips made et of Pohee shall appoint to v ax on cae ae ai Wy ee oe yn ee aes ake, ander the provisions af Act | daily by each. receive the same, a ees m. Bb +. - a A i 4 maintenance of XL] of 1856, as may be ne- | writing, signed by such boat- ‘onal Police cewary for the purposes of this | owner, of the number of trips made by each of his - ine PY . “ re: Act, the sum ‘of three annas } boats on each day during the preceding week, ‘1 be chgrgéd and taken by the owner of every V. Every SAS | who shall neglect to t employed to convey cargo or goods to or from |*. Penalty fornegless M&S° such return as in the ship or vessel in the Port of Madras, in addi- ing, a Se eae next Peet Section speci- 1 to the hire payable under Act 1V of 1542. asa ae fied, Suall, on conviction before . . i Sl a Magistrate, be liable for a | Brst offence to a penalty not exceelling fifty Rupees, and for a second or any subsequent offence to a peaalty not exceeding one hundred Rupeesg Whe and every boat-ownet who shall make a false return ine: panied by an Officer of the | shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding three ice Foree, and_ it shall be the duty of the | hundred Rupees, and to th forfeiture of all mmissioner of Police to provide every such | licenses which he may hold under the provisions 4 with an Officer of the Police Force for this af Act IV of 1842. , “pose. * + eae : Beis. : [I]. The owner of any boat and the tisdal | Vi. Every boat-owner shall on every Mtntda, ass and boatmen -fgr the ¢ime | 3 pay to the said Corareiaalaned of gonally. being? émployed in any boat | Police, or to sueh other person which any cargo or goods shall be conveyed to ’ as the said Commissioner of Police may appoint to . e I. No cargo or goods of sny destriptioa shall _ mrad | awehoe oF ah. elvan: be convey ed in aay boat: to ox d, unless boat be from any ‘ship or vesstl in, the mpanied by & Port of Madras unless accom- Realization of tax. e a" Ri 3 - > bee / a ee SY = ’ ~ =a ~~ Re \ receive thésamie, thesaid sum of three annas for every tripynadesby-any: boat belonging to him, employed “in, conveying ‘cargo or goods, according . to the weekly ¥eturn to be made by him as here- inbeforétdirected ; and in default of such payment, one or more ef the boats of any boat-owner making such default may be seized and sold by virtue of a warrant under the hand and seal of a Magistrate a until the amount so due by such boat-owner and amount, when realized, shall be forthwith paid té the said Commissioner of Police. ae F j ; VIL Monies received under this Act to be All monies paid to or received by the said Commissioner of Police under this Act shall be paid monthly paid into the by him, at least once a month, 28 sa Hs into the General Treasury of Fort Saint George. oe VIIL No conviction, order, or judgment of Conviction to be any Magistrate under .this Act quashed on merits Sskall be quashed for error o only. Form of con- form or procedure, «but only es on the merits; antl it shall not be necessary to state on the face of the conviction, order, or judgment,rthe evidence-on which it pro- ceeds ; but the depositions taken, or a copy of - them,-shall be returned with the conviction, order, or judgment in obedience to any writ of certiorari ; and if no jurisdiction appears on the face of the conviction, order, or judgment, but the deposi- tions taken supply that defect, the conviction, order, or judgment shall be aided by what so appears in such depositions. re Y., 5 *e oe oF Slit tn ibd > oo xc A i IX. None of the foregoing provisions of this Act shall be taken or deemed to extend or apply to any baat which shall convey only, mails or passengers with their bag- gage to or from any ship or vessel in the Madras Roads. Act not to apply to boats conveying mails or passengers : with their baggage, X. From and after the passing of this Act it shall be lawful for. the Com- missioner of Police and the members of the Police Force at Madras to exercise, within the limits of the Port of Madras Powers of the Com- missioner of Police and the Police Force within the Port of Madras. as defined under the provisions pf Act XXII of i 1855, all powers given to them respectively by Act XIII of 1856, or which mey be lawfully ‘ exercised by Constables avithin the local lifaigs of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court :fand all provisions of the last-mentioned Act, applicable t the said Commissioner and Police Force at Madras, shall apply to them respectively in the execution Sf the powers hereby given, Set ¥ cr nes, Meee : TRE This'wer shall take eftect Nom and.aftor such day as shall be notified in the Official Gazette by the, Governor in-C D weil of Forte e Cnn 4 om Aa ; eal © eee ed fhe es ‘ ‘ages oF aaa Ss ee oi ie eile : (tee, eae bh ~~ » J Cleric of the Counesl. ' ai ¥ We x Pad ot alee Gio b Commencement of et. ° ve e 2 ‘paint°George, . : sy \™» ys 51658 | the expenses of sale shall be realized; and such — r : r e | for want of prosecution, shall mak 4 fi XS _ x iP — f. “~ z : fi re | Zeqislatibe Coumety ) The 7th August 18 Tue following Act, passed Council of India, réceived the Honorable the Governor General 5 1858 (communicated to the Legis the 7th August 1558), and is hereby ps 4or general information:— > - Act No. XXIX oF An Act for the relief of persons sequence of the recent disturbances | prevented from instituting or proseeu or appeals in the Civil Courts of tf Western Provinces within. the tin by lar. 1g Preamble. were compelled considerable period 2S, interval, the time allowed by law fe and prosecuting original suits and’ many cases expired, and it. is proj relief for the plaintiffs and app cases ; It is enacted as follows :— 1. Whenever, subsequently to’ 1857, the sitting Court in the } Provinces may ha pended in conseq disturbed sta it shall be ¢ ) Court to reeeir - _re-admit any origin appeal within its jurisdiction, in wl ‘allowed by law for instituting ¢ same may, have’ expired during th svitings of such Court were go s vided that, the plaintiff or appella: thé‘case may be, shall presen his yeti or appeal, of, if the suit or me been previotsly instituted but shal Further time allo ed for instituting or prosecuting certain suits and appeals in consequence of the suspension of the sit- tings of the Civil Céarts, - for the reradmissfon of the same wi of -thrve mouths from the dite principal Civil Court of orfyinal j the District shall issué a proclame which shall be affixed in some cop nc in the several Covrts and in the Collector and Magistrate of the Di: that the Courts of the District, o as it is intended to re-establish, ; bi e their sittings Ty. & ye. If. In'like manner ‘any Civil Hotieorat North-Western | Surther time ow- — a ed for prosecuting TECElVE and try. any original suit o which the period Jaw for instituting of } ing the same may epured subsequently to the skid 10th if i¢ shall appear to the satisfaction of thas the plaintiff or -appellant in — “ppeal was prechided frem instituting or pr ™S x within the limited period, 0 . certain suits and ap- peals in consequence of the difficulty of ac- Cess to the Conrts. . e r cS disturbed state of the country whereby access to such Court was rendered dangerous a difficult, provided that the plaintiff or appellant, according as the case may be, shall present his petition of plaint or appeal, or, if the suit or appeal shall have been previousty instituted but shall have abated for want of prosecution, shall make an application for the re-admission of the same within, three months from the passing of this Act _ or from the time when the cause above ‘stated shall cease to exist. I ’ , lt Til. Ifthe application be for the admission ‘it of a special appeal, the appel- ‘i Application forad- lant may present his applica- “i peats 16 aie ‘tT, tion either in the Sudder Court, \'~ presented, or in the Court from whose wit decision the appeal is made for "transmission to the Sudder Court. th IV. , The petition of plaint or appeal in any wih a wok cs original suit or regular or teal Be. necessary... . Special appeal falling within at ; the provisions of this Act, io which may be instituted, for the first time, under "Section I or Section IJ, shall be written on stamp me paper.of the value prescribed, for regular suits hike and appeals ; but an application for the re-admis- 8) ‘sion df an original suit or appeal, which shall ** have been previously instituted but shall have ips abated for want: of prosecution, may be Written sme 00 plain paper. , the § a + ine V. No original suit Sr appeal, which may incest ; _ have been instituted or re-ad- oi piaging eee mitted in any Civil Court in ial Be 10k May 1857. the North-Western’ Provinces 1 he ia subsequently to the said 10*h toy , May1857,shall be liable to be distaissec’ nor shall “ any decision passed in anx such suit or appeal be ial reversed on the gromd that at the date’of ‘ts al institution the period allowed dy law for the ad- jie ™uSsion of the suit or appeal had expired, or * that the suit or appeal had abated for want of bei prosecution (according as the case way be); if, : ‘ at the time the period allowed py law tor institu- _ tingor prosecuting such suit’ or appeal expired- the sittings in the Court-by* which it was cognj, +zable, or in which it was pending were suspended, “or access to such Court whs rendared dangerous or difficult by. reason of the disturbed staté of the country. 4 = ’ a VI. + For the purposes of this Act, the certi- ficate of the Zillah Judge that the ‘sittings in any Coyrt within his juristiction .were suspended, or that access sto any such Court was rendered dangerous or difficult, owing “to, the disturbed state of the country during any particular period, shall be deemed conclusive evidence of the fact. VII. This Act may be extended by the Go- vernor General in Council, or by the Executive Government e Certificate of Zillah Judge to be coneln- * sive evidence of the suspension of the sit; tings of the Court, &c. . Extension of Act. ae _ of any Presidency or place, to any District wifhin »» the Jimits of* theig respective jurisdictions... . i 0 7 ad — - W. Morgan, (e 5 Clerk of the Counsil. . | | 1659 | Uegislatthe Ceunctl of Endta. The Tih August 1858. TuE following Bill was read a setond time in the Legislative Council of India on the 7th August 1858, and was referred to a Select Committee who are to report thereon after the 11th of November next :— . A Bili for conferring Civil jurisdiction in certain cases upon Cantonment Joint Magis- traNs, and for constituting those Officers Registers of Deeds within the limits*of their respective jurisdiclions. WHEREAS it is expedient that Cantonment Joint Magistrates should be invested with Civil Jurisdiction in cer- tain cases within the local limits of their Criminal jurisdiction, and that they should also be appoint- ed Registers of Deeds within the same limits ; It is enacted as folloWs :— I. Itshall be competent to the Governor Ge- ‘den neral in Council and to the jig oma Executive Government of any tonment Joint Magis- ° Presidency or place to invest trates With Civil jue the Joint Magistrate of any metyen sp certuan Military Cantonment, Bazar, e or Station, within the limits of theiv respective Governments, with Civil jurtsdic- tion, to hear and determine actions of debt and other personal actions against all persons of the description mentioned in Section 157 Act XIX of 1847, and against all other persons not amenable to the Articles of War for the Queen’s and Com- pany’s European Troops serving in India, who are residing or carrying on any trade or business within the limits of such Military Cantonment, Bazar, ot Station, provided that the value in ques- tion shall not exceed the sum of two hundred Rupees, and thet the defendant was a person of Preamble. | the above» description when the cause of action arose and when the suit was instituted, and pro- | *vided also that no suit shall be brought before the Court of any such Joint Magistrate to deter- mine any dispute of caste or concerning any right to xeal property. II. Whenever the Joint Magistrate of any ni wa Military Cantonment, Bazar, cb canta: = or Station shall be invested Cantonments where With Civil jurisdiction under Joint Magistrates are the provisions of the preceding so invested with Ci- Section, and so long as he shall Vil jurisdtion. : > 5 remain so invested, so much of Act XI of 1841 as authorizes the Commanding Officers f Stations or Cantonments to convene Ylilitary Courts of* Requests for the trial of actions of debt and other personal actions as aforesaid, shall be suspended within the limits of such Can- tonment, Bazar, or Station. - ILI.* Whenever in either of the Presidencies . .° + of Madras or Bombay an Offi- fore an ihe Madteg cet Shall be invested with Civil and Bombay Pre- jurisdiction as aforesaid, and silencies for the trial so long as he shall remain so of. stags Ky in Mili- invested, the Rules for the a : trial of small Military Bazars at Cantonments and Stations occupied by the Troops of those Pregidencies respectively, shall cease to have effect within tke jurisdiction of such Officer. — [ 1660 ] j J : ; t Magistrate who halt IV. Whenever the Joint Magistrate of any Tax! Every ier ees with ae Ju Military Cantonment, Bazar, or , Tar: be } Persons amenable Station shall be invested w ich Be i orbed tion, or yo a a to the Articlt #2 Civil jurisdiction under the | by Cantonment Joint Register of Deeds under le Teapots 9 provisions of this Act, no per- Magistrates appointed provisions of this Act, flere ‘anaaeiee son amenable to the Articles Registers of Deeds. previously to entering Joint Magistrates in- 4¢ War for the Native Troops | the performance of his duties, make and ne r Nantes jot of the East an Company, | before the Chief Civil Officer, or, where there 1 elsewhere, who may be liable to be sued | be no. Civil Officer, before ihe Chief Militar before such Joint Magistrate Officer df the District or Zillah in whieh < for any caGse of action cognizable by him, shall be | Cantonment, Bazar, ‘or Station is situate sued elsewhere. te claration to the like effect as is requ made and subscribed by Civil Judges Fa ters of Deeds by the Laws in force “in en Ve Provide that nothing in the preceding . 5 shall be held to alter ‘ : ape HO dl Presidencies of Bengal, Madras, and Bomb ; W. Morqay, Saving of Rules in 4 affect the Rules in force Clerk of the Co force in the Madras , 4 § Presideney for the inthe Madras Presidency for trial by punchayct the trial by punchayet of suits ee ats ae against Military persons belong- ing to that Presidency. VI. In Cases instituted under the provisions a ; of this Act, the Plaintiff shall G By ys as ‘vet, prefer his Sthiha hn writing to Q otifications, Apuointments, the Couré of the Joint Manris- trate having jurisdiction over the same ; and Bue the Defsndant be a Native Offieer or Soldiet-or a Mustered Camp Follower, the summons to appear and answer to the claim shall, be transmitted, for the purpose of being served on the Defendant, to the Commanding Officer of the Corps or Detachment to which such Defendant may belong ; and the Noijications.—Mr, J. C. Dodgson, of Commanding Officer shall return the summons fo | Service, reported his departure ‘for Engl the Joint Magistrate, with the acknowfedgment | the 11th Instant. No. 1877. . ‘6 Fort Williém, Home Department, The 17th August 1858. of the Defendant endorsed thereon ; or if the sum- mons cannot ve served, the reason of the non- service shall be stated. In other respects the No. 1878, John James Bradley and George P rules of sppoggurs op and all other rules contained in havi ing been dismissed from the Servi amin . Act XT of shall be applicable to such cases, and to the execution of the decrees passed therein | Gov ernment in the Electric Telegrapi so far us the same are applicable, provided that | ment for viclatfou of secrecy, are declare | the decisions of the Joint Magistrate in cases cog ble of serving the Government in any cay nizable by him under this Act, shall ngt be open : to revision or appeal, and provided further that it © : _ CECI BEAD shall not be necessary to publish in Station Orders* r Seey. to the Govt. 0 the decrees passed in such cases before they are d carried into execution, and the Joint Magistrate , passing the decree shall determine whethet the al a ae be general or special, and shall : proceed of his own authorit with the execution, € 5S Wetna, Fore me VII. it shall further be lawful for the Govern- Ae Wallan, For aa or General in Council or for Le 4Gth August 1858. No. 2833, Executive Govern. the Executive Government of The following Officers, attached to, the ment may appoint P 1 Cantonment Joint 2ny Presidency or place to ap- | bad Commission, are authorized to” excrals powers Of a Joint Magistrate :— Magistrates Regis- point the Joint Magistrate of Nir. L. Ricketts, Extra Assistant, Comm ine ee any Military Cantonment, Ist Glass Raichore Doab, * ie fiédiction, Bazar, or Station, subject to their respectiye Governments, Register of Deeds within the limits of such Cane tonment, Bazar, or Station ; and when such ap> pointinent is made, and so long as it shallecon- tinue in force, the powers of the Register of Deeds of the Hillah or District in which such Cintone Tiewtenant J. Ty Bushby, officiating Assistant Commissioner 1st Class North B » oh» «Ne, 2Secammamms ‘i ment, Bazar, or Station i is situate, shall be suspend- + ; witl is mn . F rs ees’ h a ai es RPP pre, pheredt.. — The \ith August 1858. | , VETI. Wheneve gh rs a4 agistrate | ~ With reterence to the Classification List . diaeeeioeeee to Military Cantonment, ae ‘Offigars «in {Pegu, published in General Or Registers of Deeds to. OF Station shalf be ‘ppt @<28rd March last, No. 1272, it is notifiec ws or ve eee =m Phe at 3 deds.s under > testenation of Extra Assistant Co ; trates so ‘appointel “ Wes Tor Myanotfng (Henzadah) i is abtered to “ 3 iii, in foree Registers of Deedee $ al be ole ‘appli Joint Magistrate and to the aek Moa , nif. er brought to him for eel Missiofier. rol x r j ‘ Bas iy Cran ‘BEavox, ae pale: Bey to mate Govt. an ~~ Le G6 =I oh No, 42. ° | aS Fost William, Financial Department, he The 13th August 1858. | Leave of Absence.—The Hon'ble the President ire, in Council is pleased to grant the Hon'ble FE. () Drummond, Accountant General to the Govern- XA ment of India, leave of absence for, three * months, under Section XII. of the Covenanted Civil Service Absentee Rules. : : ve Appointments.—Mr. R. P. Harrison, Officiating wb Accountant to the Government of Bengal, to jy officiate as Accountant General to the Govern- ment of India, during the absence of Mr. Drum- yt ; mond, or until further orders. Mr. FE. F. Harrison, Ist Assistant to the Ac- > countant Gengral to the Government of India, to Its officiate as Accountait to the Government of Bengal, during the absence, on deputation, of* Mr. _ B, P. Harrison, or until further orders. . ain. a re : ’ No. 43. i —— ad The \6th August 1858.» | iB Noti ification.—Notice is hereby given, tat the | Salaries, Pay, Batta and Allowances of the Civil, Military and Marine Depaetments, for the Month of August 1858, will be payable as under :— vet Military and Marine Departments, on Friday, | Se the 10th Proximo. a Ciyil Department, on Wednesday, athe 15th “<< " Proximo. F in) oa iL De i mene Say ae . (rat : No. 44. ° f Leave.— Dr. R. Stuart, in charge of the Art¥icers , of the ,Mint® and the Officers of the Customs Preventive Service Caleytta, allowed Privilege wi = * Leave for,three months. $ '_Appointment.—Dr. C° T. Q.*Woodford, Police ny : e 4 ° . ° nf! Surgeon, Calgutta, appointed to perform the duties ‘@ of Dr. Stuart eluritg his absence. 4 - .Y e rygt a . . —_— : s gf No. 45. hg hae fF Se The 17th August 1858° ’ Appointment,—Alessrs Eo °F. Harrison and G. W. Moultrie, to be .Auditors of the Accounts of the Administrator General of Bengal, under Section XXXV. of Act VIII, of 1555, for tie ia? Current Official Year 1855-59. ‘ie gy. By order, of the Hon’ble the President ai* the 5 Council of India m Council. acl , - ue _ ©. Hodit, Lusnixttox, , Secy. to the Govt. of #ndiat r meee ys No. 29o. : Orders by the Licutenant-Governor of Bengal. A ppointments.—The 12th August 1858.—Mr. M. hittle, Deputy Magistrate aml Deputy Collector of Tipperah, is transferred to Maldah, where he will exercise the powers of a Covenanted Acsistant:to a Magistrate under Regulations XILL. of 1797 and LX. of 1807. 3 The \4th August 1858,—Mr. W. T. Taylor, to be Collector of Chittagong. Ma. \). Cunliffe, to be Collector of Rajfhahye. Mr. A. E. Russell, to officiate as Collggtur of Rajshahye. ; Mr CB. Chapman, to officiate as -Magistrate of Rajshah ye. Leave of Athsence.—The 13h August 1858.— Mr. F. B. Drummond, Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector of the 2ud Grade at Bhaugul- pore, for one month, under Section XII. of the new revised Absentee Rules. - Notification. — the Vth August 1858.—Messrs. S Smith and Co. will cease to publish the Cul- cutta Gazette from gthe 1st Proximo, and ar- raygements having been made for its being printed im the Office of the Secretary to the Govemmment of Bengal from that date, it is tre- quested that all communications connected with its publigation may be addressed, until further ordeys, to the “Printer of the Calcutta Gazette, Bengal Secretariat.” *\ I notices intended for insertion in the Guzette fnust be sent in by 4p. M. of the day preceding that of the issue of the number in which it is desired that the notices should appear. A. R. Youna, Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal. > . ——_—__—_—_¥ Orders by the Right Hon'ble the Governor General. . No. 3139 of 1858. . on Allahabad, the 10ih August 1858. Appointments,—The following Assistants are posted to the Districts opposite their respective names i— Mr. Melvill William Sandys, Etah. * lr. Joseph Sladen, Moracabad. Mr. sHerenles Grey Ross, Banda. Mr. David Halkell Craigie Inglis, Budaon, » « No, 3146 of 1858. + Tim Right Hon'ble the Goyernor General lias been pléased to-make the following appointment. :— Jaffer Ally, to be Moonsiff of Gurwarra. Mirza Ally, to be Mbonsiff of Rehlee, but to oon- tinue to officiate as Moonsiff of Dumoh, during the absence of Raw Kirshn Rao, or till Yurther orders. Ajoodhia Pershad, to be Moonsitf,ot Khorye. | “Lalla Koonj Eeharree, to be Moorsiifaf Jubbul-. , poor. f. Damodhur Rao, to ofiiciate as Moonsill at Rehlee, until farther orders. i oom Pe [ No. 3171 of 1858. The 12th August 1858. Notification. 1821 and VIII. of 1831. e No. 3174 of 1858. Leane of Absence.—Lieutenant W. F. Metge, H. M.’s 8th Foot dnd Commandant Military Police, Banda, i#permitted to proceed to Calentta, prepa- ratory to applying for leave on Sick Certificate, to Europe. By order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, . W. Murr, Secy. to Govt., N. W. P. e No. 1152 of 1858. Forcign Department, e * Allahabad, the 10th August 1858. *, Notifiections—The unexpired portion of the leave of absence for one month, granted’ to Mr. R. T. H. Griffith. Officiating Inspector. 3rd Circle, Department Public Instruction, in Orders of 11th Ultimo, is hereby cancelled at that Officer’s own request. q ¢ No. 1094 of 1858. The 11th August 1858. o Jhansee, is that District. r r No, 1088 of 1858. Public Works Department, The 12th Augu'st 1858. r er Leave of Absence.—Lieutenant Dickens. Ind Class Assistant Engineer, attached té the 7th Pi- vision Public Works, has obtained temporary leave for one month, from the 1st Instant. No. 3181 of 18538, * The 13th August 1858. A Notification.—The following transfers are sanc- tvoned by the Right Hon’ble the Governor Gene- ral, from 21st July last :-— . Captain M. Clarke, 2nd in Command Meerut Police Battalion, to be Commandant of the Dis- trict Police of Saharunpoor. Lieutenant T. W. Dunbar, Commandant Dis- trict Police of Saharunpoor, to be 2nd in Com- mand Meerut-Police Battalion. 5 By, order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor - “General.° + TB. Ovrnax, Asst. Secy. to Govt, N. W. alae Ps ft r e Mr. Melvill William Sandys; As- sistant Magistrate and Collector, is vested with the special povvers described in Regulations III. of Mr. W. R. N. James, Deputv Colléctor of placed in charge of the Treasury of | the 4th Company “Aitillery, with effect from e } _ 1662 | General Orders by the Hon'ble the Presi the Council of India in Councils f ie pa 4 Fort William, 17th August 1858. ~ No. 1194 of 1858.—The following Not issued from the Foreign Department wit tight Hon’ble the Governor General, is publish in General Orders :— i | No! 2604.—The 4th Awaust 1858.—Captain LL. McMullin, Officiating Assistant to the Gener Superintencent of Operations for the Suppressio of Thuggee and Dacoity at Agra, is invested wit the powers of a Joint Magistrate in the’ Distrie comprising the Upper and Lower Doab, in Humeer pore and Banda, and the Districts under the j digtion of the Commissioner of Jhansie, | No. 1195 of 1858.—The following Notifies issued from the Foreign Department, is publis in General Orders ;— : No, 2791.—The 13'h Awqust 1858.—Cap L Busk, Deputy Commissioner in the has obtained leave of absence, for two mont the 9th July to the 10th September, to him to rejoin his appointment. No. 1196 of 1858.—The following Notificat issued by the Hon’ble the Lieutenant-Goy Bengal, afe published in General Ordes :— Appointment.—The Tth Avepist 1858. tain W. R. Forster, to officiate as Commissioner Sumbulpore. ‘ Leave of Absence.—The 10th August Mr. J. B. Allen, Civil Assistant Sure Behar, for gne week, on Medical Certificate, the Financial Resolution of the 24th of O 1854 and 22nd February 1856. ' al Qe S90 No.-1197 of 1858. —The under-mentioned | ; Commissioned Officers, Probationers in the A | lery Depot of Instruction,‘are appointed Offic Sub-Conductors in the Ordnance Department, f the 26th July 1858, the date on which they the peescr#?d Exatnination:— | ¢ Staff Serjeant P. Potter, Artillery Regi Band, ee £ 4 Serjeant E. W. Allum, Draughtsmaa in Office of the Permanent. Select Committee | Artillerye Officérs, * = —___- fod Not1198 of 1858.—The following Orders, iss by the Resident at Hyderabad are confirme Nor 166, duted 26th Juy 1858,—Confirn A. Orr, Commanding Force Hyderabad Contingent, dated Ist Jun directing Lieutenant Fraser, Sta Officer Fie Force Hyderabad Contingent, to assume charge: the Order by Major W 29th May, consequent on Captain. Douglas being relieved, r No. 167, dated 28th Fuly 1858.— cal c i ~ e 2 ; ar ° hs ° Allahabad, the Tth*tlugust 1858... *° No. 340 of 1858—The Right “Hon’blé she Governor General is, pleased to make the folldw- ing appointment :+— ao : e e < ” Colonel G. Tutchinson, of Her Majesty’s 80th Regiment, to be a Brigadier of the 2nd Class on the Establishment. uw. No. 341 of 1858 —The Right Hon'ble the So- vetuer Generalsis pleased to direct the: prblica- tion of the followimg Report from Major Peto,* Her Majesty’s 73rd Foot, of his sucetssful attack | upon a body of Rebels on the 20th of mast ae * 2 . ‘of 2 vi 4 | | | and their dispersion from the vicinity of the Grand Trunk Road :— a From ° W. T. Peto, Major, d 73rd Regiment. To THE OFFICER COMMANDING TROOPS, : Benures. Nowbutpore, 21st July 1858. Sir, I have the honor to inform ,you, that baving proceeded yesterday to* the Suspension Bridge over the river Doorghootee, as 1 Suformed Two Officers, 80 Rank and) JOU in Ny letter of yester- File, Her Majesty's 73rd day was my _ intention, Regiment. with Force as per margin, iis its aap I then gained informa- tion that the Rebels (whose numbers were vari- ously stated,) had burnt the Mail and looted a vil- lage some two miles distant, and were at that time, 34 oClock p. M, cooking their inners in a garden by the side of the river Doorghootee. I therefore proceeded towards the village named Derkillee, and previcus to arriving, I saw traces of the Rebels, in smouldering timber and ashes along the foad side, whieh apparentiy have been Jhac- kerje$ or carts. On arrival at the village of Derkillee, I found tke place had been looted and the Dak horses taken, and obtained information front an old man who had been slightly maltreat- ed, that the Rebels were cooking in a garden beside the river, about a mile from the road. I ‘therefore advanced, and after seeing many running away before I came within shot, I detached a party under Captain Godfrey, to the front, diverg- ing slightly towards the left flank, myself with the main body proceeding direct through the vil- lage, in which we found no one, but saw large bodies of armed men and a few horsemen fleeing en the other side of the river. Captain Godérey had commenced firing on the left, where the Rebels were posted in a tope of . trees, and drove them across the river into a vil- lage the other side. I therefore crossed the river with the main body to intercept their retreat, and drove them outeof a garden, (where we saw their dinners cooking,) and through the village,, but their flight was so expeditious, that I could not get near enotigh them to do much damage. Captain Godfrey reports that there were at least 200 men armed with firelocks, in the part of the village on his side of the river, and at first they seemed inclined to stand firing at his men from the houses, but on hearing the firing on their flafik, and receiving some sharp volleys from bis men, t%ey fled, pursued by him through the vil- 9 28e and by ray party on emerging from the cover; bwt I regret to say, from my having to ~ skirt a bend in the river, the distance was too greit to permit me to do much execution. It, being now sundown, and the Rebels in full “retreat in a south-west direction from the main Trunk Road, I ceased the pursuit, and returned to my wagons, which -I had left at the village of Derkillee, now some four miles distant, and reach- ed them at about 84 o’Clock p. M.. when I started again for this place, and reached it at about 12 o Clock at night. I am happy to say there were no casualties on my side: the loss on thesside of the Rebels was 10 kilted, and there were probably * more slain in the villages. It is imposible to . ~ 4 Net i 7 [ 1666 | determine the numbers accurately, but 1 should say there must have been some 150 or 200 men armed with firelocks and 300 . budmashes. The Sikhs captured some six horses, which I believe to be Dak horses. : On the road home, some of the men picked up torn shreds of letters and envelopes, which I have in possession. T have the honer to be, Sir, Your most obdt. Servt., i W. T. Pxto, Alger, ‘ 73rd Regiment. Forwarded to the Quarter Master General of the Army, for submission to His Excellency the Commander-in Chief, by his obedient Servant, P, Gorpon, Brigadier, Commanding at Benares. R. J. H. Brrct, Colonel, Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept, with the Govr. Gea. r . ALLAHABAD, Fripay, AUGUST 138, 1858! Noe Bye. : Foreign Department, % , Allahubud, the 13th August 1858. The Right Hon’ble the Governor General has been pleased to appoint the Lord Frederick Hay, C. 5, to be an Assistant Commissioner of the - 3rd Class in the Puujaub. , No. 2716. The services of Lieutenants W. Smith, of the 5sth, and W. W. F. Hay, of the 17th Native, Iutantry, lately attached to the Goorkha Force, are re-placed at the disposal of the Military De- partment from the 4th of June last. . a No. 27 19. ’ The Governor General is pleased to appoint Gunga Pershaud to be an Extra AsSistant of the 3rd Class in the Hissar Division. No. 2740. The 12th August 1858. The Governor General has been pleased to ap- point Captain J. A. Steel, 17th Native Infafitry, aud Lieutenant E. Thompson, 67th Native Infan- try, to be Assistant Commissioners Ist Class, in the Province of Oudh. - No. 2746. . Brevet-Major’ H. Nott, of the 19th Madras Native’ Infantry,’ is appointed tor officiate a »Assistaut General Superintendent for the sup- pres of) Phuggee andy Dacoites at Etawah. durmg the absence of Captain Chamberlain, or until turther orders; lal x Li ne evening or next morning. a= G. F. Epmonsroxe, . came in that there was a large , boc . SG Seey. to the Govt. of India, 1 a : tags noe i Sowars, out in front ‘ “| ho © o % ey 4 ~ with the Govr. Geal. chee: unOy) aaa eS , teported tHat the Fp No.2) a Public Works Department, ahi c PuBLic, Be Allahabad, the 9ih August 183 1 Notifications.—Lieutenant R. ‘e*) i Her Majesty’s 64th Regiraent, is permit resign his appointment of Second ant Engineer in the Departmens Py , . No. 59. 4 . « The 1\th August 1858, — Mr. J. J. Morgan, to be Barrack Cawnpore, from the Ist Instant, with rary position and allowances of a 3rd ( Engineer Department Public Works. ‘By order of the Right Hon’ble ¢ Geueral. *~ H. Yue, Captain, . Offg. Sery. to the Govt. of Indic with the Governor Gi c General Orders by the Right Hon'ble | nor General of India. I ‘ Allahabad, the 7th August 1 No. 342 of 1858.—The Right Ho Governor General is pleased to direct. | cation of the following Despatch from Rowcroft, Commanding Sarun Field ] 253, dated =7th April 1858, reportin operations of that Force against the Rebel | wa, in the Goruckpore District, on the 25 last, and subseGuent skirmishes with { err. No. 253. From « ‘ 2 Bricapier F. Rowcrort, ai! ‘ Commanding Sarun Field Military Department, To i Fie : ‘ COLONEL Bigcn, C. B, em Secy. Govt, of India in the M with the Gour, ( a ; ALLAH! Camy;, Captaingwinge, District of, Gor , Lhe 27th April 18: n SiR, ___, I HAVE the honor to re port to you, 10% information of the Right Hon’ble the Gov Geaeral, that several contradictory repoi breught in by spies, on the moruing of the InStant, regarding the Enemy at Belwa, — that two Guns, one of them a Horse Field Gun, had been sent, with about 200 Sepo. some Irregulars, by the Rajah’ Dabee — Gonda, the afternoon before, and that he- and the rest of the Force, with the othe Battery Gun and three or four other Guns follgwthe same e emy were vor “ i © (ig G r ( 1667 }] ny Die20 Columns, but no Guns, The Enemy had ue ed the spies, for in the eveningeaft-r dark h the Guns and men VAS. ew sent to Gonda returned 9-!r, Howitzers. Itt | Mountain Train ditto. to Belwa. I ordered lis Naval Brigade. p «fer Majesty's 13th Light a Infantry. ley jagal Yeomanry Cavalry. “ucknath Goorkha Regi- nent. ial Police Battalion. out the Force* imme- diately, being always realy to stand to ‘ our arms, and moved out a little in front i of Amorah and oar mgis, to meet and attack the Enemy. Other be Ips S008 Came in that the Rebels were cominz ¢ tie AD force, in three separate Columns, consider- 2 .y parated, ou our right, centre and left. This inet me to divide my already small Force “vo Oolumns. The left Column I detached lwtiMfajor Cox, Her Majesty's 13th Light In- , and Captain Sotheby, R. N., Command- (yaval Brigade, with two Guns, 12-Pounder ‘zers, one a small Mountain Train Gun, taking wi@her two ‘with me. We moved, separating _. right and leff. The left Column first came “ction with the Enemy. The Sowars and of Rebels on our right soon gave way as I ced with the right Column, and I ordered "Eple of 24 Pounder Rockets, under the super- ‘Iwi lence of Lieutenant Grant, R. N., to be n into a large body of the Huemy§ in a wood Wage, creating great confusion among -them, wsing them rapidly to retire. My move to ¢he jege nO doubt, also shook, and tended to the re-s "before our left Column, of the centre of the leray with their two Field Battery Guns, a swunder Howitzer and a 9-Poander, firiag our “i stovernment shot, shell and shrapnel. I pressed ai ove completely to drive the Enemy back, and i, eft Column moved to their left, after a large stinbof the Ememy with Guns. Receiving reports ¢ ab Major Cox, by Orderly Troopers and r. sypan, Her’ Majesty’s 13th Light “Thfantry, the Enemy were in force on his left, I re-« d my move, and proceeded to form a juno with the left Column across country for about niles,eand over very bad grourtd for Gups. ri eathing the left Column, I formed up in line their right, immediately sendtag fom@urd: ~nishers from the 13th Light Infantry and® ol Column. This reinforeemert aud move- “ty, and Captain Sotheby advancing with ‘wo Guns, &nd the left Celumn moving for-*| ysl at the same, time, shook the Enemy = arta ET. _ vat; but this was hardly done, when I receivéd “" reent report from a Villager, that the Enemy jes again advancing on our righ® by the Belwa Bringing theme into our then rear, and di- xyey on®ur Camp, I prepared immediately to ,2© back again to the right With the right _,#mn, sending out a Patrol of Cavalry for in- y/2ation, and sending word of this to Major Cox | Captain Sotheby, ang tlfat I must leave them eal with the Enemy of the left. “was oldliged y turn with the loss.of a part of the 13th Light jy mtry, and my portion of the Naval Columa, .» had got considerably in advance skirmishing, peat Captain Sotheby’s request I left him the if crossed the Belwa road, I formed up in orfer our smail thin line, with the two Guns in the cen- tre, and had just sufficiént time for these evilant Troops to rest, and refresh a little on the ground, and to get water after the great heat and fatigue, when the Enemy moved iuto and oscupied a wood and a village to their left in our front, and very shortly opened fire on our line from their two Horse Battery Guns. The $-Pounder shot and shell at first fell short of our line, the former rollinc by or through it. I ordered a few Skirmishers of the 13th Light Infantry immediately to occupy a wood to uz right’front, and the right* Squadron, under Captain Jenkins, the portion of the Ben@al Yeomanry Cavalry then with me. to move from our left by the rear, rapidly round to the right by the wood, and advance and threaten the Enemy on their left flank, and to press them as close as possible, and to charge whenever it was prac- ticable. The line was immediately advanced, with the Marines and a few more of the 13th Light Infantry and the Seikhs as Skirmishers in front, to get the two small Howitzers within range. After throwing a few shell, and the ritles of the Skifmishers beginning to tell on the Enemy, and Captaia Jenkins, with the right Squadron of the Bengal’ Yeomanry Cavalry, making a bold, steady and rapid movement, within a few hun- dred yards of the Enemy, they retired, but again halted in position and continued their fire. ‘The Enemy opened fire repeatedly on the Cavalry, and three horses were wounded by a shrapnel shell ; but they h.d,no opportunity for an effective chargé. Our advance was continued uatil we got into the wood and position the Nnemy had oc- cupied. Before the Enemy retired, ( aptgin Sotheby had ordered two or three Rockets from the left to be thrown in the direction of the Knemy at about 2,000 yards, one of them setting tire to the village on the Enemy’s right. On advanciig to attack, I felt anxious to be reinforced gn account of the weakness of my Column, and not knowing what uumbers the Hnemy might bring, up from their rear, and feeling certain the Enenty must have completely retired from the left Column, as there had been little or no firing since I left it. I availed myself of the Commis- sioner, Mr. Wingfield’s services, who was well mounted, to carry orders to Major Cox and Captain Sotheby to’ join me without delay, send- ing forward the left Squadron Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry quickly in advance, both my Orderly Troopers’ horses being too fagged to move ra- pidly. In consequence of a Nullah with deep water and mud between us, the left Column had to move % considerable distance round by the rear to join me, and by the time they came up, thé Enemy had compleéely retired towards Belwa. After the Troopyhad rested a little and obtained evater, and there being no Enemy in sight, we Peturned t6 Camp, reaching it about 7 p. M. I am happy to say we had no casualties, but the Troopg had to encosmter great fatigne and great heat during operations, taking up nearly the en- tire day, and most zealously and cheerfully did the Officers and Men of all arms go through it, kets. Lieutenant Burlton, with his party ,of,| though not without adding, I regret to gay, to [pine “tached to my Columy. While moving back * oss Country, the Cavalry Patrol backs con- , y, the Cavalry Patrolecame backs con wating the report of the villager. As soon as Blue ° | / ,Seikhs, left by Major Cox, in his rear, as a [four sick list. The Enemy were reported to be dort oa the Bélwa wad, till Isshould join him + about 4,000 Sepoys and Irregulars, 150 Sewars ang’ + Guns. One tumbril, with some ammunitioa, was captured, and brought in the next morning by a Detachment of the Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry. e > a) H | 4 [ 1668 ] The Enemy are reported to have lost, killed and wounded, about 60 or 80. The Rebels are very «quick and expert m carrying off their killed and wounded, especially the latter, from their ereat dread of falling prisoners. My best thanks are due to Major Cox, Her Ma- jesty’s 13th Light Infantry; Captain Sotheby, RN. of H. M.S. “ Pearl ;” to Major Richardson, Commanding Yeomanry Cavalry ; to Captain Parclay, 68th Native Infantry, im Military charge of the Gorucknath Regiment ; and to my Major of Brigade, Captain Morgan, 22nd N. I, who has so often and constantly attended me én the Field, for their zealous services, and to Lieutenant and Adjutant Rowley, Her Majesty’s 13th Light In- fantrv, who was most active and intelligent as my Orderly Officer during the chief part of the day. The zealous, active services of my acting A. D. C.,« the Hon’ble V. A. Montague, I am sorry I lost on this day, from his being on the sick list. My best thanks are also due to Colonel Byroop Sineh Kooer, and to Major-Captain Sewukram Thappa, of the Gorucknath Regiment, for their yealous exertions with their men, and to all the Officers and Men of ‘all arms engaged “in action during these operations, for their unwearied and » cheerful exertions. I was'very glad to avail myself of the services of Captain Brooks, Ist, Cavalry, though on the sick list to take charge of our Camp, and the few details of Troops 1 could allow for "its protection, To Mr. Wingfield, the Commis- sioner, my best thanks are due, for his kind readi- ness to afford me every assistance in tke Field, and also to Deputy Magistrate Shekh Kairoodeen, present in the Field, and ready and active in giving every assistance. I beg to bring all to the most favorable notice of the Governor General, the Right Hon'ble Viscount Canning. T beg to annex Reports from Major Cox, Her | Majesty’s 15th Light Infantry, and from Cap- tain Sotheby, R. N., having reference*to the action and operations of thts day, for the further information of the Right Hon'ble the Governor General. I have the honor to be, * : Sir, Your most obdt. Seryant, F. Rowgrort, Brigadier, ¢ Commanding Sarun Field Force. Noa. From 7 ca . Capratn E. 8. SoTHEBY, , Commanding Rearl’s Naval Brigade, , To ’ . 2 BriGADizn RowcrRort, ; i f Commanding Field Force, Camp, Amorah. © is 3 Camp, Amorah, 26t% April 1858. Sue 4 TT BEG to acsmaint you, after leaving you yesterday, in charge with Major Cox, of the Left Wing,and two small Howitzers, we soon found the Enemy, about 1,000, in position on the road, * with €wo Guns, and in the topes and villages on fither side. A sharp fire was kept up by koth parties ; but as we advanced, they retired, and dushing forward the Skirmishers, they eventually € « a retreated along the road, firing their sionally; im doing so, haying purs | tWO% miles and the heat being inte retired about the same distance, wh | tion was received that another hod Guns, were firing on a small body | thrown out to watch eur left flank, diately moved towards them, and for two miles off the read, a cousiderabl the Rajah of Gonda, m some topes ‘After waiting about twenty minutes communication with you, I advanee .Howitzers, and after a few shots trom they retired, several shells with good dead bodies being discovered im t we rapidly advanced on them, ~ Chapman, with a Troop of Bengal Cavalry, moved quickly to the right their return to Belwa, when they pr retreated to the Gogra, and TI under crossed. : “ As it was «seless pursuing any,fartl the men being much, fatigued and down by coup-de-soleil. We tl order to join your party, when we obs being in hot action with another Enemy, and had an opportunity of tl | Rockets right into the tope where t and which appeared to hasten their Ail the Men and Officers with the kehaved admirably, and though the very good practice with their Guns, 11 say, we met wjth no casualties ; the fa the intense heat was most harassing, I beg to inform you of the Officers or and strength of the Naval Brigade _ Lieutenant Turnour, with two Hor Lieutenant Grant, with the Seamem Lieutenant Pyta, with the Marine ‘Mr. Ingles, Mate, with Sk advanced. ° ie € Mr. Foot, Midshipman, with the ¢ Bowitzers. ; . ne 9 F +R + Mr, Parkins, Gunner, with Rockes.” Mr. Burton, Carpenter, early struck ¢ cowp-de-soleil. * rs “eM, Stephenson; my Aide-de-Oan with mo ‘ ‘ ¢ ea Drs. Shore and Dickinson, assisted | , verend Mr. Williams, afid Mr. Brigade, 130. * es AY r Four small 12-Potnaer Howitzers, tw 1 Mountain Train. ee! r 5 I have the honor tc © 7 + Ns ie Lal c Your most obdt. tes E. S. Sornusy, Captuin, it Commanding “ Pearl’s” F. Rowcrogt, Bi A foe € Coramanding I , ° . 4 AJOR J. W. Cox, ate — 4 + 13th Light Infantry, ; a Rowcrort, ’ «J &c., &e. Cis * Commanding Field Force. Bump, Amorah, 26th April 1858. , Py ‘gy’ Having, during the engagement witich ~ jlace yesterday, been entrusted by you with — the Command of a Co- lumn as per margin, I have the honor to report Squadron Bengal as follows as to its pro- i y Cavalry, 80 men, ceedings. id ee ge inte, Seeing that the Enemy under Captain Van were posted in force on csammee. the Belwa read, I at lice Bain, 40m, once advanced in that ut. Burlton. 4 s Ea, kha Reet, 200 men, direction, covered bySkir- ‘sge of Capt. Barclay. _ mishersof the 13th Light a , Infantry,, aod Bengal w) Battalion, with the Seamen and Guns of jxaval Brigade, supported by the Goorkhas: etethe Squadron of Cavalry on the “left flank, came within range of the Enemy’s Guns, vm) and were for a short time exposed to vi fre from them, but continued steadily to irwee, Captain Sotheby taking evety opportuni- ix bring his Howitzers into action. , We moved | - t ee 7 a. f I Bae, 50 men, with “%, Howitzers, wider "4 Sotheby, R. N. _nemy clear away from our front. ¢ Ja i» ben halted for about half an hour, when “informed by the Cavalry Patrol, which I te out on our left, that the Enemy were wag upimthat direction with three Gers aifd , iv, Men, I immediately started off, and took up ' _ltion opposite them, keeping them occupied “Sur Guns antl Skirmishers yntil yor arrival, a simultaneous advance was madey however, ©. mediately afterwards you found it necessary urn to check the Enemy in anothey directo, he tinued to allvanc® with the Column under " ‘ommand until the Enemy were completely a from the Field, and a nutnVer of them g*their retreat in the direction of Belwa, ieaepted by Captain Chapntan’s . Squadron, | _ compelled to cross the Gogra. is operation havi teen completed, I re-, \. 'd orders to rejoin you, which ¥ did with as _ delay (as* possible, considering the very ex- jgoted state of most of the men, : ys this manner for nearly 3 meles, and drove | [ 1669 ] our hands. Wieutenant Leet, 13th Light Infantry, acted as my Orderly Officer during the day, and | was coaspicuous for the stéad ness and zeal with which he carried and explained my orders to the Skirmishers, on several occasions under a heavy - fire. I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obdt. Servant, J. W. Cox, Major, i 13th Light Infantry. * ' F, Rowcrort, Brigadier, Commanding Field Force, Goruckpore District. e ° No. 348 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to promote the un- der-mentioned men of the late 7th Infantry Gwa- lior Contingent, for their fidelity and lovalty* to the State :— ‘ : . Naick-Oree Misser, to be Havildar. Sepoy Bundhoo Ram, S Pathee Ram, Sewpersad Opadéah, » Maharaj Sing, To be Naicks. No. 344 of 1858.—The Right Hon’blé the Governor General is pleased to make the follow- ing appaintment :— Ordnance Commissariat Department. | | Lieutenant C. V. Arbuckle, of the Artillery, to officiate as Deputy Commissary, to fill an + Commissariat Department. existing vacancy. | e , Ensign S. Murray, unattached, to act asa De + puty Commissary in the Department, as a temo * rary arrangethent. No. 345 of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble the Go vernor General is pleasel to make the following appointment :— >) . No. 346 of 1858.—The services of Lieutenant W. WH. Jackson. 52nd Native Infantry, are placed at the disposal of the Government North- Western Provinces, for employment in the Mili- * tary Police. . a 3 -! No. 347 0f 1858.—The Right Hon'ble the Go- otli_ advances were made with the uémost i verhor “Jeneral of India has much pleasure in liness and all the Troops wader — dyecting the publication of the accompanying on? respective Commanderss; but 1 would beg | letter from sCaptain T. Dennehy, Commandant cially to express my “sbligations to Capfain | Allahabad Division Police Battalion, No. 107, st .eby, R. N., for his cordial*and zealous co-gpe- | dated Ist August 1853, and from F. Thompsons con with me; if is mainly to be attributed to | Esq. Officiating Magistrate Allahabad, dated skill and promptitude with which the two | 2nd Auvust 1858. afer ae worked under his immediate direction, | They deseribe an important service admirably n we wore eaablet, without any casualty Cay nerformed by a Detachment of the Allahabad lt i to cause a considerable loss to the Enemy, as | Alice Battalion, under’ Captain Dennehy, ated ithe number of dead hodies we saw onthe Field, , - by a snail Pores of Bengal Artillery. . of; must have had 50 or 60 killed and w ounded in PSMae Traian” Githdral oon AR Esa SeenON ».. second advance; the * were also obliged to : 7 at Sr he ae aie Jaseld which fell ik cers and Men of the Allahabad, Police Force, 3 . } i ot is! oe . erg 7 0°. |] upon the spirit and effect with which their duty was discharged :— No, 107. | FROM CAPTAIN DENNEHY, Commandant Allahabad Division, Police Battalion, = To | CG. B. Trornuitt, Esq., | . Offg. Commissioner, 4th Division, : 4 : Al thabad Dated 1st August 1858. | Sir. "T HAVE the honor to report, that in obe- dience to the orders receivet by me on the 27th Ultimo, directing me to proceed up the Ganges with Mr. Thompson, Magistrate and Collector of Allahabad, for the purpose of se‘zing and destroy- ing any boats that might be in the possession of the Rebels on the North Side of the River opposite this District, I embarked on the 28th Ultimo, on @oard the* Honblg Com- patiy’s Steamer Berhampooter, | in Cé8mmand of the Force detail- , ed insthe margin. In accordance with the wishes of Mr. Thomp- son, Magis*rate of Allahabad, we steamed up the River to observe the positions of the boats on the Oude side, of which we had already pretty accu- rate information, and on the morning of the 30th artived below Manickpore, where we found that the Rebels, under Madho Sing, a brother of Benee Madho, of Shunkerpore, were assembled to the | number of 800 or 1,000 men, and ‘had erected “a Battery to oppose the further progress, of the Steamer. As their arrangements appeared to be made principally with a view to the defence of the front, or River face of their position, I determined fo land and attack them in rear, while the Guns from the - Steamer shelled them in front. ; T landed a little below Manickpore with Lieute- nant and Adjutant Shaw, and 90 men of the Allahabad Military Police, and Captain Golzb Sing, Attariewallah, and 40 men of his Seikh Police Corps. As we advanced, we found the Rebels strongly posted in and below the Fort of Manickpore, and in the villages of Manickpore, Meergurwah and Shahabad, from whence they opened upon us and upon the Steamer with round shot and musketry. | We drove them from each of these positions’ in succession, killing several, as they. endeavoured to make a stand at each place, and took possession of their Fort, which we had no means of destroying; as it is an old Gurree strongly built of pucca bricks. “They had, however, got their Guns away before we got into this place, and on our perceiving a large body of men, many of whom were apparently | ° 1 Serjt. and 4 Gunners of the 3rdCo, 5th Btn. Bengal Artillery. 5 Golundazes of the 6th Co. 9t& Btn. B. Arty. with 2 12-Pounder Howitzers. 4) men of Captain Golab Sing’s Seikh Police. IF 110Seikhsof the Allahabad Mily. Police. D “% d up with two Guns in a tope of ormed trees on arising ground about } a mile to the North-west, I again advanced to attack them, and: thanks*to the steadiness and gallantry of the - Qificers and Men who were with me, notwith- standing that their Guns opened upon us at 200 | yards, we again drove them out of this position, overtake them, although we got | than the practice from the 2 12-Pount f - -On our return ‘downwards’ towards _ the following places n— “ and followed their Guns up to Kalleckunker ; but my men wer e«hausted to run any distance, : were pressed on with all speed, Pr. During all this time, nothing ¢ which had remained on board the «with Mr. Thompson ; they were s J. Carroll and four Gunners of the 3 5th. Battalion Bengal Artillery, throwing shell and shrapnel 4 of 500 and 600 vards, among front, as Captain Dixon, the Cor Steamer, brought his vessel steadi ly the Battery on the bank, un: the Fort of Kalleekunker ; complished the object for whie finding that a large Force was coming the direction of Kalleekunker, | board, and’ we proceeded down to Kurra. I cannot give an accurate estima which the Enemy may have st and wounded, as although I pe speak with certainty to twenty having been killed, I should say loss, from our fire and that véry much greater. Native spies ebeen at Manickpore, report wounded. =~ 5. We had altogether seven men ¥ two very severely. - Captain Golab Sing was in th time with his men, and behaved and courage ; many of his men But I would wish particular notice, tue conduct of the men o1 _ Levies of his Division, who were advavee kept in the rear as a Tt ing the second ~illage we a wah) rather obstinately defended, up to the front; they were led } -She», under the fire from this vill than 80 yards before they"wer nor did they show any disposit though two of their number wer delivered their fire by word 6 steadily as :f on parade, and with a rush, i Se ee we landed and destroyed, or took a cr - At Gutnee are destroyed one _away t*vo more. At Ixaraytee, we took awey three At Sumejnore, we expected to be the bcats at that placa were close und which is held by Chutterpal Sing, wi men and 3 small Guns. On our Jand he evacuated the Fort and retired, a butn without opposition the seven boats there, rite. _ At Jehanabad, we burnt eight boats, : two tailes below Jehanabad, anothe troyed, making altogether 22 boats tak destroyed during the expedition. ¥ - Z r ee - i *- -. We returned to Allahabad this morning, the Ist August 1858. P I have, &c., ; T. DENNEHY, Captain, Comdt. Allahabad Divn., , Military Police. No. 261 oF 1858. > F, THompson, Esq., Offy. Magistrate of Allahabad, Ree TO dg C. B. THorNHILL, Esq, ‘ Y fy Offg. Commr., dalluhabad Division. hi Dated Allahabad, 2nd August 1858. Shee SIR, ie T HAVE the honor io report, for the in- ** formation of the Right Hon’ble the Governor Géne- he | ral, that the expedition sent r 5 brought away. under my charge, for the seizure of the boats on the Oude side of the River Ganges, returned rae yesterday morning, having taken and burnt the boats noted in the margin. ne expedition met with no opposition till its te : . : , arrival at Manickpore, four miles on the East or ail this side of Kalleekunker. Here we found 2 Guns With some 800 men posted in the villages 4 surroyinding the Fort ready to oppose us, ‘Captain *" Dennehy, in Command of the Police Battalion, ** will give you an account of the dislodgement of ‘Rebels from the various posts, and of the successful issue of the fight. Bs _ 4 destroyed, ur 13 burnt. . ude that? oy ~=~~s« Ts was enabled, while Captain Dennehy was occupying the Rebels on shore, to examine the al River, but could find no boats. Two had been ve reported to me as being near the Fort, but these ie Must have been removed up to Kalleekunker, or ee sunk in deep water, as no trace could be found df “e them. he or i J ‘The Fort of Manickpore%s situated on a mound b® some 300 feet high and rising abruptly fyom the 8!" River, and is surrounded,by hodses, with broken ler groynd on the North or landside. The work, i” $herefore, to be performed by Captain Dennehy’s ere small Force was no light one.. The Rebels, with 600 Matghloc&men, 200 regulars Sepoys and two ‘® Guns, disputed every inch of ground, and it was not till they found their Guns were on the point rf * of being captured, that they eventually retreated wil -aeross the open country. The &@ht had, however, a!’ Jasted for two hours and & half,” and Captain . Dennehy’s small Force was too much fatigued wit (even if it had been advisable) to follow*up the “fugitives. 2 “4 5 es Ieliave mentioned thse few facts of the nature of the engagement, in hopes thateyou will promimentlys ww! > bring forward to the notice of the Right Hon'ble the Governor Genergl, the cool and steady conduct Jof ee this newly raised Corps. 2 . SP . ‘_ In conclusion, I heg to testifyto the willingness “! and alacrity with whic Captain Dixoy, in Com- ale! mand of the Steamer, and the rest of his Crew "assisted us on every occasion. 1 have, &c, (Signed) F. Tuompson, Ofiy. Mayist rite. No. 348 of 1$58.—The Right Heable’ the vO Covernor Gencral is pleased, to direct the publica- ee tion of the following letter, dated 20th July 1858, } . from Brigadier Douglas, C. B, Commarding the disturbed Districts of Behar and Ghazeepore, re- porting his operations against the Rebels in the Ghazeepore District, from the 16th to the 19th July, 1858 :-— FrRoM BRIGADIER JOHN DouGuas, To a ) THE ACTING ADJUTANT GENERAL. Her Majesty's Forces in Indic, ALLAHABAD, Steamer Patna, 20th July 1858. Sir A I HAVE the honor to state, for the in- formation of His Excellency the Commander-in- Chief, that hearing at Dinapore. on the 15th In- stant, that the Post at Beyriah of 100 Seikh In- fantry, and 20 Seikh Cavalry, was besieged by a force of about 1,000 men, 250 of whom were supposed to be Sepoys, I proceeded there on the morning of the 14th, with 200 men, Her Majesty’s 10th Foot, and accompanied by Major Sir H. Havelock, and Captain Stevenson ; the Force hail no tents, no baggage of any description. On aryiving at Sheopore Ghaut, 6 miles from Beyriah, I was' met by Ligutenant Jennings, 3rd_Seikh Cavaley, Commanding the Post, and Mr. Probyn, Joitt Magistrate of Ghazeepore, who informed me that the Enemy, after attacking them for two days, had zetired to Bulliah, having lost about 20 Sepoys. Not wishing to give the men au wonecessary march I left them at Sheopore, and went up to Beyriah with my Staff to inspect it. The house chosen for the Troops stands in a large enclosure, with a deep tank on one side, a Ingh wall on another side, a nullah on a third side, and on tlfe fourth small houses. I cannot give too much credit to Lieutenant Jennings and Mr. Probyn, who received great ass*stance from Mr..Duane, an Indigo Pianter, for the excellent dispositioas for defence made, all the walls loop-holed, breast-works and barricades thrown up, and flanking fire obtained ; they had ‘also stored plenty of provisions. At 5p. M., | Jmarched for Bulliah, and arrived there on the morning of the 16th, the Enemy had retired, and were in a tank a few miles off. On being attacked, Captain MeMullin, Seikh Police Battalion, Com- manding the Post, had sent express off for rein- forgements, ari the number of Cavalry and Intan- try sent, principally from Buxar, was unnecessa- rily large. This part consists of 200 Seikh Intan- try and 30 Seikh Cavalry ; the men are at present in # building in an enclosure which has been loop- holed; regular barracks for 300 men will be ready in about a month. Finding so large a numberof Troops, I at once sent off a lovee, under Command, of Major Rolleston, 84th Re- siment, consisting of 24 men, Sith, on ele- phants, 72 men Madras Cavalry, and 3rd Seikh Cavalry under Lieutenant Baker, Police Batta- lion, and 392 men of the Police Battalion wader Captain MeMullin. in abont fous hows they came up with the Enemy and exchanged some shots, but night coming on they lost the track. On the moruing of the 17th, I proceeded with 20 men, 84th, on elephants, 60 men, 3rd Seikh Cavalry, and 30 men, Military Train, in the satne direction as the other Force. We came up «with Major Rolleston’s party about 10 o'Clock, (they ngt huv- ing been able to discover the Enemy’s track.) and sall proceeded together. The villagers bated us in ES t ? [ every way 95 to information, and it was not till | the afternoon that Sir Henry Havelock discover- edtheir true track, I sent him on with the Native Cavalry to endeavour to come up with the Enemy, and intercept them if possible, till the infantry Gould arrive. Sir Henry Havelock came up with them about 6 Pp. M.; they were marching in regular order in Column of Com- panies, about 200 strong, the Villagers having all left them. He kept as close to their flanks «s he could, but lost them in the dark. I followed with the Military Train and the Infantry, and Ele- phants came on as‘ well as they could, but were to- tally mabe to keep up. The day had been ex- tremely hot, and the march could not have been less than 40 miles. It was 8 P. M. when I halted at Mu- nuhar on the Gogra. On the morning of the 18th, Sir Heury Havelock again picked up ‘the track, but so fast had the Sepoys marched, that he was 10 miles behind them, and his horses were com- pletely beat. On reaching the village of Phur- sata in the “Azimghur District, he sent back to me for orders, and on my telling him that I could give him no assistance whatever with Infantry, he gave up the pursuit. The Enemy were at this tithe making the best of their way-+thfough the Azimr ghur District inse-Sudh. On the 19th, the Force returned Bulliah, and proceeded to their Gifterent Stations. I consider great credit is due to Sir Henry Havelock for the untiring zeal and abilityhe displayed in this pursuit, and none but one so conversant with the language eonld possibly have tracked out the Enemy as he did. I beg te forward Captain MeMullin’s report from Bulliah. Lieutenant Jenning’s report from Beyriah has been sent to Arrah, and will, be forwarded. Nominal and Numetical Casualty Returns will be séut in as soon as received. ‘ 1 ote é honor to be, © ais oS Sir, ; Yi Your most obedient Servant, ‘ Joun Doueias, Brigadier. —= FRoM J. McMutiaw, Cuptain, Comdg. Seikh Police Corps, To ' , CAPTAIN STEVEN, Major of Brigade. Camp, Bulliah, \6th July \858._ SIR, I HAVE the honor to report, that yesterday, the Rebels came down in force, and advanced to within a quarter of a mile of my Post, and sur- rounded it at balfsyast 6 a. M. On this, I ordered out the Cavalry, 30 in number, and 80 men of the, Detachment under Lieutenant Costley, who ad- vanced very steadily, the Enemy going the same, and when within range, the Lieutenant fired a volley into them. On this the firing became gene- ral, and the Enemy during this time, gradually closing round their right into a village close to an entrenchcnent I had thrown up the previous‘day. is, I ordered the village to’ be fired, and ding it tena’ whole gra- apastrong miny Post, where uy 2 was kept up the whole day ; be Piequets I had ‘ thrown eut and Sei rarie Lam hay > oo" 1672.) | | | | | | | ark: isim- er. is possible for me t) say, what number of the. were killed and wounded, but several were. : drop on the-rigbt and centre. a Numbers of the Enemy, as far as I doulas “ 400 Sepoys and about 500 Men, armed wit locks and swords. | ae The Enemy hearing ofa Force advane relief retired during the night. ; I have the honor to be, - SIR; ead Your most obdt. Serve J. MeMULLIN, re st Comdg. Seikh Police wt ¢ q Numerical Return of Casualties in the Foree 1 mand of Brigudier J. Douglas, C. B., in the the Post at Beyriah, on the \1th and 12th and the skirmish at Immeer, on the 17th Ju a 8rd Seikh Cavalry ..|One Sowar killed | One hor, wo 12th J thy Police ° .. {Three Sepoys killed] Caught an: by the Reb | llth July 1 endeavour enter the ment at. 8nd Seikh Battalion Oné Trooper killed] One horse won horse nr skirmis w on the 17th 4th Madras Cavalry . aaa T - Joun Doveras, Brigadier, Commanding in the dist Districts of Behar and @ (Examined) >t 95." ff ML Havetocx, Major, ft Deputy Asst.-Adjt. General, . with Brigadier Douglas, C. Be , The 1Gth August 1858. No-B49 of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble” vernor Central is pieased to make phe follor promotions :-— aot ee, i F Bengal Yeamanry Curalry. Acting Cornet and Adjutant William man, to be Cornet, yice Cornet Leon Marti ceased, abd to be Adjucant. a: Sergeant John Patterson, to be Actt vice William Bridgeman. J Lieutenant A. Giffatd,.16th Bomb: Infantry, who was appointedsin General the Governor General, No, 309, dated 185%. to be 2nd in Command, to have iii. a tl { Capsaih whilst attached to the Corps. A 2 Ty ie No. 350 of 1858.—-With reference to | Order by the Governor General, No, 184) 3rd June 1358, the name of Captain G7 Harding, Commanding Head Quarters ana tachinent 2nd Seikhs. which was accident omitted by Major-General Sir S. Cotton, K. is ta be’imserted in the 5th Clause, Para 55, in jhat Oflicer’s thanks wele expresced to tt a ; 4 = . ace” x < oy as pre te, ‘ i a _ pe Dey * Ps Py pt F Pay, bee ee r 7 J | 1673 J iy ® No. $51 of 1858.—The following Orders, issued _ vy the Commissioner of Nagpore, are*confirmed :— No. 13,,dated Gth May 1858.—The services of ‘uieutenant H. A. Walford, of the 7th Madras aaght Uavalry, having been placed at the disposal »t the Commissioner by Kamptee Division Orders, lated 4th May 1858, he is appointed to officiate 8 Adjutant of the Cavalry Regiment. No. 17, dated 18th June 1858.—With reference ‘o Force Order, No. 13, dated the 6th May 1838, Ssteutenant and Acting Adjutant Walford will fiiciate as 2nd in Command of the Nagpore precular Cavalry Regiment, in addition to his Asther duties, vice Captain Wood, appointed to _ 3eatson’s Horse. ns No. 19, dated 12th July 1858,—Lieutenant T. "Wakefield, of the 33rd Madras Native Infantry, Maced at the Commissioner’s disposal by Kamp- ee Divisional Orders of the 9th July 1858, is ppointed to act as Adjutant of the Cavalry Re- ‘inant until further orders. 7h > R.J. H. Bircu, Colonel, wii Secy. Govt. of India, Maly. Dept., ber with the Governor General. nae 7 ' Sheriff's Office ; the 31st July 1858. “1 NOTICE is hereby given, that a Sessions of sw )yer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, and also "©" Admiralty Sessions, will be holden by the Su- —reme Court of Judicature, at Fort Willia:® in ..pengal, for the Town of Calcutta, and Factory of Tort William, and the places subordinate thereto, sit the Court House, in the Town of Calcutta, on wig tiday, the Twenty-Seventh day of August next, t 12 o Clock at noon. The Court will open on the first day of the essions at.12 0’Clock at Noon, and upog each ueceeding day precisely at 11 oClock in the * ~ . 3 *orenoon, of which all persons are required to | ake notice., . , . ; * _#, Donnas, ). wes K Sheriff. foul 2 —— : fe e Y afgmentfen o> Gate seBy are * ie mmrpta _cwenl TECSTR “ca aistife 294 iy % Pe ts ; ‘ afaaiera Cale VEATMA GAN SiRTA WB ite cl ASA BIA sfaince axcHCTa CRTD ust e ; aa! Be fame VAT HIS AINA DIAS ww Secaabataer ean eufacaatt avis met | 4 ‘ C4 » AMAmifer Tees frrife aay ae cafrata , 4 . fS5) a ras flan efacaay 2 i ae arias Geatea rare afnces STEIa ‘l gee Feet fam HS ARCAA AHA SIRTA 1a etfs , K . In the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal. In Equity. s Sewpersaud, Versus Shaw Coondunldéll, Shaw Foondunloll, Ramkissen Doss, Dabey Sing, Churrun Doss Mullick, and Persaud Doss Mullick, By Origi- nal Bill ; and Sewpersaud, * VETSUS 2 Shaw Roghooberdial, Shaw Muckhun Loll, Shaw Coon- dunloll, Shaw Foondunloll, Ramkissen Doss, Dabey Sing, Churrun Doss Mul- lick, and Persaud Doss Mullick, By Amended Bill, a To The Defendants Shaw Coondunloll and Shaw Foondunloli. TaKkE Novice, that of Monday, the Sixth day of September next, or so soon after as Counsel can be heard, an application will be made to this Honorable Court, for an order that the Amended Bill of Complaint of the Complainant, filed in this Cause, be taken pro confesso against you and each of you.” Dated this Twenty-seventh day of July One-Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-eight. : Yours obediently, TEMPLETON AND CARAPIET, Complainant’s Solicitors. aratcrca cats BEA als Eesia aaa faotaaa AICI SAF | . faverty — teat | ; age ml Pur AT A TMI aya, afafead af, cofafas, ba uta afas, - aaa atte wh where, aap | ay | Z | oper far Seite, afscatat arate 1 ae favorita . iS a teawt | 2 = ‘ 2. wt ae, mia, bal wf afas. aa ante wa afas. ebicay st ica abla ane afacas “2 -feaz ; erahian 04 qa af . ur ariataifieata La ; Ve H, Dunpas, - acaitfes faa atte afecatet GATT) * \ re A Sherif, | Bfaptletd al Prey ale Gas But AAA eA ; [ 1674 ] afta Real WETSTR I SS CATA aia v crcana ifsc foal ye ~iy afs ree Halece attr Ge alnleICwr SHEA arats war ae Sisal Fa aera I cae aecitfas faa weit, afscatat aq arel teat eee oa Temata wife Seatcy sts] cotaal Mats sfrate facts corata- farta cae cotatfacta acercea farce ors Ha] TSTAS Sizes 29 GAS seer AA GAAMCAT ABT ARS + Bferaba gas ceatferats teatfaa Gelersts | — "To ne PEREMPTORILY SOLD.—Pursuant toa De- cree of the Supreme Cou of Judicature, at Fort William in Bengal, bearing ‘date the Bighth day of Argust One Thousand Eight Hundred ande Fifty- five, made in a certain cause, wherein Mohindernath Paulit, Sreenauth Paulit, and Romanauth Paulit, are Complainants, and Chunder Coomar Doss, Nye Mudduck, and Rajkisto Doss Nye Mudduck, are Defendants, with the approbation of William Macpherson, Esquire, the Master of the said Court, at his Office at the Court House, on Saturday, the 2Sth day. of August next, im the noon, the following property, that is to say :— All that piece or parcel of land, containing’ by estimation one biggah, four cottahs, and ten chit- tacks, be the same a little more or less, on pact whereof stands a lower-roomed messuage or dweil- ing house, and the residue whereof is partly occu- pied by tenants, and partly used as a Bazar, for which choucks or sheds, have been erected,situate, lying and being No. 68, in Jaun Bazar, in the ‘Town of Calcutta, and butted apd bounded as follows :—On the North by the property of Deb- narain Doss Nye Mudducks, commonly known as Napit Bazar; on the South by Jaun Bazar Road ; on the East by the Circular Road, and on the West by the. houses and premises formerly of Mudden Moonshee and Katabdee Sircar, and now of Moonshee Ameer Ally and Nemy Churn Day. Further particulars and conditions of Sale may” be had, and an abstract of Title inspected, at the Master’s Oflice, Supreme» Court, or of Messrs. Denman and Hatch, Attorneys for the Coraplain- ants at their Office No. 11, Old Post Office ap Calcutta. Be “ F oe me sLacenzisos, et fal? "7 Master. p cate on ‘Waren, * Complainants’ pal neys. CALCUTTA 5 SUPREME COURT, ) Master’ Office, The 28th July 1838, § o Woticcu = —_— ay , vl a Tre General Treasury will be closed on the 24th and Wednesday the 25th account of the Hindoo Holidays Raul mah bie Chunder Grahun, e r GENERAL TREASURY, The 9th August 1858. &. e. . ; Report showing the smallest depth of water giruttee, Jellinghee, and Matabangah Rive vise and fall, from 3rdto 9th August i ure ° Names of Rivers. of Water. Smallest Depth > Bhaygiruttee \F. viver. e 5 ir At its entrance (27 Below the entrance...!22 From thence to iy Jungypore aa ‘ From J ungypore} to Sadduckbaug From Sadduck- baug to Gerham- | pore froin mR rhampare to Cutwa <: _ And from Cutwa) joy to Nuddea elipales River. From thence to V7 Bausmarree .. From Bausmarree to Teeahkattah ths E | From Teeahkattah 6 té Sonatullah tps s And from RPE a5} 0 a Aé its Saline i 0 lah to Moisgunge Matapangah River. y e Atits entrance ..|9¢ oF 2 From thence Haut Boleah ... (218) 0 From Haut Boleah a to Katehikattah ¢ 66 e From Katehikat- Ad « tah to Kishen- “iyi 0 | gunge And from Kisken- r) ¢ gunge ‘to Seeb- pore - Heicht of Water on Gauge at Berhampore. “Angusi 1858 + 23 Feet 9 inches. one vt die Hi, T. Fornes, Li 2 Supdt., Nudd ae Gpife one, ‘ ai ae The Vth August 1858. i 7 > ill j bas & [ 1675 1] Bxertiseme ut ofthe Offceof Commissioncrinthe Soonversuns. wt = vs 1 r me aoe given, os ne fy eb engt allotments, within the limits of the Twenty- ip Pergunnahs portion of the Soonderbuns, will be sold at Allipore sda Ind & "58, corresponding with the 18th Bhadur 1265 B. 8. re nS ee aa 9nd. ‘The highest bidder will be entitled to the Grant on depositing, “immediately after the Sale 3 ull antount of the bid, on condition the Salg is sanctionedby the higher authorities biherwiee the “mney will be refunded to the Party without tnterest. On confirmation “of the Sale, the Pottah. will 7 awn up in the name of the Purchaser, under orders of Government of the 24th September 1853; and Wi be made over to him after Registry in the Board’s Officé, nnd the Purchaser will become’ the ‘antee of the Lands, under the conditions prescribed in the Pottah, save and except such Landé as xy be required by Government for the manufacture of Salt. - $rd. It is further notified that intending Purchasers who are desirous to inspect the Map of the ~is, or to obtain any information connected with them and their present condition, can have the same ‘attending either personally or through their Agents at the Office of the Commissioner in the "onderbuns at Allipore :— ee - + a >, of Lots accord-| Estithated ; ing to Captain | quantity of ft > REMARKS. + . Hodge’s Map. Lands. - + i, ad 4 ‘ aa « “No. 7, 2,800 There are two Applicants for this Lot. One of them has .made an = offer of 500 Rupees, and to take it on a rent free period of 16 years. ii ; The adjoining Lots 8, 4,5 and 6 are cultivated. % No, 19. 2,000 This Lot adjoins the Zemindary Lands of Pergunnah Huttiaghur. . “IPhere are several ‘applicants for it. The Lands to the North of Aumtullee or Baint Khall have been included in the farm of Bugwanpore, under orders of the Revenue Authorities. ~ The portion to be sold is the Jungle Land to the South ofthe aboye- % mentioned Khall, and East of Captain Smyth’s boundary of ' - possessioy. 3 ° ot No. 29, 29,400 This Lot contains 1146 Beegahs of cultivated Lands, which have | ~ |been settled. with the occupants under Rule 4th of Government Orders of the 24th September 1855, and which will be made over , t) the Purchaser of the Lot on his entering into settlement for the . Yame. The Jungle portion of the Lot will be granted to the Pur- , chaser under Rule 2nd of the 24th September 1853. There are 2 | fresh water Tanks inthe Lot, and extensive Bhetah or high Lands. 1 BENG! Bbketuct oe 9,400 .|* There are two applicants’for this Lot, ad portion of Lot 17,700 | There are 151 Beegahs of Cultivated Lands in this Lot, which have No. 57, been settled with the occupants under Rule 4th of Government Ui . 7: Orders of the 24th September 1853, and which will be made over | 0 the Puxchaser of this Lot on his entering into settlement for : the same, * The Jungle portion will be granted under Rule 2nd of the 24th September 1853. These Lands are opposite to the culti- » vated land of Lot 56, and notfar from Government Lot 54 on the 1a : ° - Mutlah, Ther? are great facilities for bringing the Lands under | ° cultivation. * . ; ot No. 137. 14,000* | This Lotsis sigudted on the outer Calcutta Route through the ; Soonslerbuns, and Sorth of the well-known Lot Paturghatta. Torth portion of, 16,000 This portion ¢f the Lot cofitains several fresh water Tanks and | Lot No, 211. 3 Re ey * lexterfsive Bhetah or high Bands and ruins of Pucka or Brick Houses. 4, "Hit is situated on the banks of the Kaburtak River, not far from the Village of Gobrah. The South Boundary of this portion of thesLot is a line running direct East and West from the Kaburtak River to , | the mouth of the Bojbaja Khall. a" ind portion of Lot This portion of Lot No. 211 is also situated on the Kaburtak River 2 Noval, and on the Steamer Route from Khoolneah to Calcutta. Ye SSS RET TE eS re CN 8) fp SOONDERBUNS COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE ; y , > nye + ALLIPORE, . t + J. H. REILY, Ww z 4 : i fi The 9th August 1858, j Tena Soonderbuns Commassroner. S) . Fe . a — a . YY [ 16 Calcutta WUuthersity. Subjects in the Burmese Language for the En- trance and Bachelor of Arts Degree Examinations. For THE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. 1. The Thoodhamma Tsarie. 2. The Dhamma Pada.” | 3 The Dhamma That. For tHe B. A. DEGREE EXAMINATION. ¢€ 1. The’ Dhamma That. od 2. The Way-thandara. 3. The Zanekka. By order of the Vice-Chancellor. S. Seorr Smita, Registrar. CaLcuTta UNIVERSITY, } The 17th August 1858. : —— mann AlemorandTum. s —> __ Tre Time Ball dropped this day at the Sema- phore Tower in Fort cannot be depended upon in rating Chronometers, as it fell about* fifteen Seconds (15s.) after the proper time. , SURVEYOR GENL.’S OFFICE ; . Calcutta, 13th August 1838. e Tur Time Ball dropped this day at the Sema- _ phore, Tower in Fort cannot be depended upon in rating Chronometers, as it fell about twenty- one Seconds (21s) after the proper time. (Signed) RaDHANATH SIOXDHAR, = * In charge of the Observatery. SuRVEYOR GENL’s. OFFICE x ; : Caleutta, 14th August 1858. if | In the matter of Hd- On Saturd Orreur Cavenacu, Lieut.-Col., ” ward DeLozey, an In- ¢day of Au solvent. by an ord 7 Town Major. ee . In the Court for Relief of Insclvent Debtors at"| as Creditors, or claiming to be Credit Prince of Wales’ Island. In the matter of Cat-) Take Notice, that chick Michael Shircore, | upon the petiten bear- Merchant and General | ing date the 15th day Agent, lately trading in | of July Instant, of Lawe Town, Prince of Wales’ { of the ‘aitl Catchick Island, under the firm | Micheal Shircore, it was of C. M. Shireore andj this day adjudged by Company, now an In-j| the Court that thesaid solvent. J Catchick Michael Shir- coreyhas committed an Act of Insolvency under the provisions of theAct XI., Vic. Cap. XXI Beach Street, George ence Nairne, a Creditor In the matter of Josepk On Saturday, t and by onother order of this day, the Estate and Effects of the said Insolvent were vested in the Official Assignee. Aree © "s A. Ropyk, G : . Chief Clerk. 16th July 1858, r r 16 | Court for the Relief of Insolvent De c Calcutia, In the matter of Raj-) kissore Chunder (i of No. 19, Auheerito ah llth d Street, in Calcutta, | 7 ant wh lately carrying on | 4, ? trade and business in vote aa : oo-partnership, jointly Tnsolpen wg with Gobindchunder > aturdll % ae Dhur, of Auheeritollah “of Octo nell Street, aforesaid, as that: sania Traders and Shippers aie of Country Produce, under the name, style in and firm of Rajkissore | Court Chunder, an Insolvent. ) Goodall Aiforney. f » Chief Clerk’s Office, 13th August 1858 On Wed % c Tn the matter, of Sallah On Satu Raphael Belilios, an I ea of Au solvent. ’ ; it was orde day, the 1st day of October next, apfpointed for the further hearing of and that unless canse be shown to the ¢ that day, the said Insolvent be dis Sonally as well as “to her after acqu from all liability for debts, claims, an and against the said Insolvent at the tt filing of her petition for relief. : Terapleton and Carrapiet, Attorneys - 9 —— Court,the sail Insolvent was adjudg to his persorial-discharge under the «Act Cap XXI., as to-all persons named inh tifely, except the debt of Sreenatlf Day! Rs.-31-4, who “appears not to have heen with notice of the day of hearing m this 0 _ ‘Insolvent in person. Lad . or iy Aviet Seth, an Insolvent. § day. of August. by an order of this Court, the said Insolve adjudged entifléd to his petsonal discharge the Act XI. Vic. Cap. XXT., as to all) named in his Schedule as Creditors, oF to be Creditors respectively, except Soorupchurn Ghose for Co.’s Rs. 1), ) Aunundoo for Co,’s Rs. 28, Supoonee and K “Co.’s Rs, 18-4, Enaad Bhistee for Co,.’s Bsaee Mangull Washerman for Co/s Its.°15, whom not tc have been served with notice of the hearing in this metter. i “ * ‘ Insolvent in person. - oF a 4 Nek akad) nthe matter of Mool-) On Saturday, the 7th hund Shah, an Insol-| day of August Instant, ent. t bv three several orders of this Court, the said nthe matter of Kolly- + Insolvents were respec- urn Roy, an Insolvent. [ tively adjudged entitled be to their personal dis- ‘n the matter of Wil-| charge under the Act “am Insolvent. J XT. Vic. Can. XXT., as ‘) all persons named in their Schedules as Credi- t OES, OF claiming to be Creditors respectively. -_ Anley and Sims, 4ttorneys. ‘ ‘Swinhoe and Beeby, Attorneys. Tnsolvent in person. Chief Clerk's Office, 16th August 1858. 4 4 ——_ o the matter of Vioda-) On Saturday, the 7th ‘aJones,a Shareholder | day of Aneust Instant, | the Asiatic Marine | it was. on the petition “asurance Office, being | of John Cochrane. Es- Joint Stock Company | quire, a Creditor of the uly registered under | said Insolvent, adjudged et XLIII. of 1850, $that the said Viodana ‘Satitled an Act for | Jones heth committed Iequlation of Register- | an Act of Insolvency sTJoint Stock Company. ' under the provisiens of ‘fad adjudged to have | the Act XI. Vic. Cap. mommitted an act of | XXL, and by another t * te J order” of the same date wae Estate and Effects of the gaid*Insolvent were 1ested in the Official Assignee. ~ Denman and Hatch, A étorneys. twa the matter of Kar-) Notice, that afi ae okchnrn Roy. of Ko-} plication for an ad ulnoyanka Bare, in ; interim protection | or- aleutta, late a Banian, | der, has been this “day jsaintly with Denonauth made bythe said Insol- (isin, td the firm of /vent, and that such ap- y -essrs. Gouger, Jen- | plication’, will be heard ans and Co.> Merchants | and dis sposed of by ee road Agents,” an Insol- } Acting Commissioner of yomt. J the Insolvent Court, on ,(eussday, the 24th dav ‘of August Tustant, at ‘the yf Ue of 10 o'Glock in the forehoon. : i wae “ Any Creditor of thevead sSileelaetth w desirous of opposing sich, application, must appear before the said Cours at the time and place aforeiaid.” “ Swinhoe and Beeby, A ttorneus. a Nias _ iMo the matter of me -\ * On Friday, the 13th i ckchurn Roy, of aa day of Ancyst Instant, \Jaulnoyanka Bare, it was ordered that the y/alcutta, late a Baltian matters of the petition jointly with gray: Ae the said Insolvent of fein, to the firm be heard on Saturday fi Sessrs. Gouger, si the 2nd day of Octabex, geins and Co., Merchants | next, and that the said- vad Agents, an Insol- | Insolvent do then attend ent. J to be examined dy the edd Court. : . Swin hoe and Beeby, Attorneys. “ a“ a In the matter of Louis On Monday, the 16th Thomas, of Park Street, day of August Instant, in Calcutta, Merchant (it was ordered that the and Agent, an Insolvent. ) matters of the petition of the aac Insolvent be heard on Saturday, the 4th day of December next, and that the said ‘Tasolvenit do then attend to be examined by the said Court. Carey and Bernet%, Attorneys. In the matter of Alfred) On Monday, the 16th Dumat, of No. 15, Lou- | day of August Instant, don Stzee4, in Calcutta, bit was ordéred that the Merchant and Agent, an | matters of the petition Insolvent. J of the said Insolvent be heard on Saturday, the 4th day of December next, and that the said Insolvent do then attend to be examined ‘by the said Court. Carey and Berners, d ttorneys. In the matter of Alfred } Dumat and Louis Tho- mas, carrying on business in co-partnership with Francois Hodoul,former- } ly of.Caleutta, but at present ‘residing in the City of Paris in 1 France, asMerchantsand Agents, under the style and firm of Langlois and Com- pany, Insolvents. Carey and Berners, At/orneys. oe eg Clerk's lerl’s Offer, 7th August 1858. On Monday, she 16th day of August Instant, it was ordered that the matters of the petition ; of the said Insolvent >be heard on Saturday, | the 4th day of Decem- ber next, and that the ‘said Insolvents do then attend to be examined ] by the said Court. GENDRAL MEETING: OF PROPRIFTORS. Notice is hereby given, that a Half-yearly Ge- neral Mecting of Proprietors will be held at the Company’s Office, on Thursday, the 19th Instant, at fhe hour of 4 P. ™., when the accounts of the first six months of the year will be submitted. The accounts will be open for the inspection of Proprietors on and after the 7th Instant. sa “qaean oie ye . | By order of the Directors, Hy. Dr Mornay, Secretary. Calcutta, 6th August 1858. § . Rottce. _ A Sprctan General Meeting of the Share- holders of the Calcutta Steam Tug Association, will be held at the Office of the Secretaries, No. 6, Church Lane, on Thursday, the 12th slay of August 1858, at 12 0’Clock noon, for the pur- pose of deciding as to whether the Comparry shall be registered “under the new Act, with lenvuited liability. asi No. 1 Barretro’s LANE; ? 4 \ 1 a wes By Order of the Directors, GoRDON, a Stuarr. & Uo. Seeret ries, > -CALCUTTA, ? The 6th April 1858 § Ul India General Steam Navigation Company. Notice is hereby given, that at the next General Meeting of Shareholders, tobe held at the Com- pany s Office, on Monday, September 12th, 1558, the Mecting will afterwards be made special for the purpose of considering the advisability of registering the Company under the new Act No. | XIX. of 1857, with limited liability, and also for | the purpose of increasing the Capital of the Com- | pany #0 the originally proposed amount of Twenty ‘Lacs of Rupees as specified in the Dee¢. * “By order of the Directors. J, F: STACE, Secy. I, G. S. N. Co. Ciive STREET GHAUT, The 9th July 1358 ca India General Steam Navigation Company. Noricr is hereby given to Consignees of Goods by the Boats of this Company, that in future no Special Notice will be sent them of the 4rrival cof their Goods, but general Notices will Appear in the Daily Papers of the arrival of the different Boats. ae Ja EF SOricEs 5 ; Secy., I. GS. XN. Co. CALCUTTA, \ 4 The 14th July 1858. Se India General Steam Navigation Company. Norice is hereby given, that the Half-yearly General Meetitte of Shareholders of “the” above Company, will be held at the Company’s Office on Monday, the 13th of September, at 3 P. &., for passing the Accounts and dediaring a Dividend. By order of the Directors. of Ea SOLACE Secretary. 13-2, Strand. Xs ° TT —— . a n Hottce. up imterest and responsibility of Mr. CLaup Hamirton Brown in our Firm ceased on. the 31st July last. bee Epwarp MACLEAN and Mr. Groree Henrv Warwick, have been admitted Partners fronmthis With reference to_the above, Mr. CuArirs , The 19th July 185% } 4 ‘ NHottete. We have admitted Mr. Chav Brown, a Partner in our Firm, from stant. ia JARDINE, SKINN Calcutta, 12th August 1858, ~ ‘ © Oriental Bank Corpo IncorporatTeD BY RoyaL Wir reference to Go Veta 5, Fort William, Financial Depart nuary 1855, notifying the imtenti ment to dissolve its connexion W r vernment Agency— The Oriental Bank Corporation under safe custody of Government Paper, Capital Stock of the Bank of Bengal, a local Stocks, free of all charge. «,. el Will draw Interest and Dividends 0 gs they fall due, and remit at the ¢ exchange, or pay the samé according to ms of to be remitted through theCor- ~ poration, ' we If to be paid in India, a Commis-— sion will be charged of eae . ’ ta On returning Government Paper or Share Certificates out of safe foustody, Bes On the purchase of Government or other Securities, oe On the saleof Goverfiment Pape sty’ or other Stock, the proceeds of which are to be remitted through the Corporation, ... Withou ; : TW Mee OnrenrraAL BANK ‘CORPORATION 59) Calcutta, 29th January 1855" J € — FOUND—Drifting at Sea, Sou in the month of May 1858, a Ship Stern, Carvel : built, painted” white, mark drname If not claimed avith and all expenseS paid, the boat Public Auction Gn account of Govern to the Collector of Customs. t n e e r fA ° %. Ws é rn ' Collector of Cus - + MAULMAIN , Se - Customs Department, rs re e date. r Hamitton, Brown & Co. . -Caytroh. — MinzAPore ; ) ne . Aha She lst August 1858. J ‘ i fp! ein ; E Tur Public are Cautioned against aeenperduicaas ——— | a + per Cent. Government Promissi aoe Rte 6258, of 19886 of 1842-43, dated 1 . " it a 1848, for Company’s Rupees 14,000 THE interest and responsibility Shite Restor: + THOMSGN, in our Firm, ceased on the Ist July S54. i ta - KR. Scorr Tuomson & Co ; Meprcat HALL, ) = ener Calcutta. fo PN eee Ss Ge * tg ‘Have been stolen from the Delhi | month of May lagt, and to bear the . - a3 WY 5 rr Bank. Any information tending to t ic { 1679 ‘ 3 . Dehli Bank. . ost of destroyed at Dehli, a5 per Cent. Jovernment Promissory Note of 1856-57, No. 979, or Rs, 4,000. | ee ow, J; CO. BARRY . ve Manager. LOST.—Second half of a Bank, of, Bengal-Nete, , Xo. 2441 0, for Rupees 15, payment of which has Seen stopped at the Bank, ' _——_____ LOST.—First halves of Bank of Bengal Notes, Nos. 33039 and 33366, for Rupees 10. each, pay- nent of which has been stopped at the Bank. = oe LOST—Second half of Bank of Bengal Note, Yo. 12832, for Company’s Rupees Two hundred Jind Fifty, payraent of which has deen stopped at “he Bank. ag ‘ MESSRS. SAMUEL SMITH AND. CO., late, .4ontractors for Government Printing, are prepared * 9 print Boox and Jon Works of all descriptions, 4nd of any magnitude, with the utmost despatch, « md in unexceptionable style. _ Garcurta Gazerre OFFICE ; ) i Lhe 12th August 1858, f ee « o - er SAMUEL SMITH AND C0.’S BENGAL QUARTERLY ARMY LIST, | IN TWO PARTS. _ Part L.—Consisting of the Queéh’s Troops, cor- sd soe “rected up to the 30th June 1858, is THIS DAY a a ey published, and can be had on application. a * ; Prick oF Both Parys, 2 RUPEES. Pant I1,—Consisting of the H. E. 1. Co.’s TeBps, i corrected up to date, will very Shortly be sued. a SAMUEL SMITH AND CO. gif! Hurkarv OFFICE ; 1 : July 73, 1853° § _ oro Now Ready for Delivery, A COMRLETE [NDEX To ALL THE Acts oF tHe LeGIsLerivk CoUNCIL or Inpta, from 1834 to 1857, both inclusive, ‘ adapted to any Edition of the Acts. Compiled # by Isaac Wilson and John Newmarch, Esquires, i? Barristers at Law and Advocates of the Suprem a a 8 e ] o) va Court. .. . i ie Price to Subscribefs—FIVE Rs, per Copy i Ditto to Non-ditteo—SEVEN,, a i SamuEL Suzra anp Co., Hurkaru Pess., sii | | : 4 | | Post Office otifications. eeteceaeniaeananal ot. 4 Postal Motice. From the lst of September next, the present system of optional pre-payment of Letters sent from India to the Uhited Kingdom, will be abolish- ed, and from that date the pre-payment of Postage on letters posted in any part of India for the United Kingdom, whether marked vid Southamp- ton or vwi¥ Marseilles, will be compulsory. - W.SGReEY,. Offg. Director General CaLcumTA, § of the Post Office in Indta. ist June 1858. NOTICES ISSUED BY THE OFFG.» DEPUTY POST MASTER GENERAL, CALCUTTA. —_— x No. 1777. OVERLAND MAIL. Tue Overland Mail; vid Marseilles and South- ampton and the intermediate Ports, Madras, Ceylon and Aden, per P. & O. Co.’s Steamer Nutda, will be closed at this Office on Saturday, the 21st Instant, at 6 P. M. Letters, &e., for Penang, Singapore, Hong-Kong and Australia, will be forwarded vid Galle by this opportunity. The 10th August 1858. nr ~ NOP 1779. OVERLAND MAIL. THE Mail Packets only will be closed at this Office at 5 Pp. Mon the 26th and 27th Instant, for the Overland Mail Steamer which leaves Bombay on the morning of the 7th Proximo. Letters and Papers will be sent vid Marseilles only, The 10:h August 1858. “ No. 17228 INTIMATION is hereby given to the Public, that the former Office for posting Letters and Papers has been changed to that hitherto used for the Window Delivery of Letters. The thre: distinct boxes for posting Letters and Papers are now in one line fixed in the South Verandah immediately facing the Post Office Gateway, and are known by the sign-boards_ fixed over each buxevig. :— - > Ship and Steam Letters. Inland Letters. —* Letters for local Delivery. A doorway has also been opened in *the South Verandah to admit the Public entering, the Office for the purpose of registering Letters and pgstidg Prices Current and Newspapers when paid in Cash. * The 11th August 1858. 4) = [f 1680 } No. 1796. Novick is hereby given that the Mails for Akyab, Rangoon and Moulmein, for transmission per Steamer Cape of Good Hope, will be closed at this Office on Thursday, the 19th Instant, at 6 P. M. The 14th August 1858. r No. 1808. Notice is hereby given that the Mails for Penang, Smgapore and Hong Kong, for trans- e Iv is.hereby notified that, unless marked for Post Office between Monday, the 9th August 1858, sive, were despatched by the undey-mentioned Vessels, which sailed from Calcutta on dat Letters received on By what Ship des- dates from and to patched. 9th to 15th Aug. 1858.|Stéamer Cape of Good Hope .». | Liverpool 9th Ditto ...|Steamer Tweedside. « |Cape 10th to 13th Ditto ...|Séugor 10th to 15th Ditto ...|Steamer UnitedKing- Z : dom ...{Cape e -9th Ditto r The 17:h August 1858, er a er tesa, hatteeetie res tad Es, ee TE ee me a Oe eee ee h Oy iat i,t . , gum a 4 @a - ~~. CAZCUTTA :—Printed and Publ in Rangoon and Moulmein,| Will sail on the 20th’ ....| Mauritius ...| Mauritius mission per Steamer Lancefield, wil z: this Office on’Saturday, the 21st Ins The \7ih August 1858. | No." 1809.) Novice is hereby given that the M nang, Singapore and Hong Kong, for pe: Steamer Thebes, will be closed a on Saturday, the 21st Instant, at 6p, The 1%th August 1858. particular Ships, all Letters received and Sunday, the 15th August 1858, | ood 9, DO Bound to Remarks, — 1 fod . ...| Left Town on the 10th ] c} Ditto 10th Ditto ~ Ditto 14th Ditto. + 3 -.-|Will sail on the 20th D: ie ee e f n e er € ‘id ¢ © e r © a - c e a 6 RAs ‘2 4 r f « . n a ud , ‘oN a x e ¢ e : r n re ie 4 © ps r c e a ne = = Zs a ke ae Bm Street, for Sav ished by Joun Gray. at the “Carcurta GazerTe ut 9. Opriane Ne. 5uCHm EL SMITH AND Co., to whom all ck, No. 53, Coune Letters‘ regarding the insertion of General ; a —* Orders, Advertisenents, &e., should be addresced. = . ¢ A“ at he Be 1 OK h tt SUPPLEMENT TO The Galcutta Gazette. Authority. Bub l i S i a b y WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1858. ® Haund= Sale Mlotices. - ——— ~ NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estate, in Zillali Bhaugulpore, will be put up to public and unreserved Re-sale. at the Collector's Oice of that District, on Monday, the 30th August 1858, or 6th Bhadro 1265 F. S., for Arrears of Revenue :— Class I.+-Mehal Pérmanently-setiled. No. 3155.—Lands of Mouzab Poorainee, Perguanah Uolgong; recor Kasim ; sudder jumma, rupees 0-9-1. W. AINSLIE, Collector. ded proprietor, Syud Mahomud Bhaugulpore, CoLLEctor’s OFFICE ; The sth August 1858. ay p 5 D a —— NOTICE is hereby given, under Section VL. Act I. of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estates, in Zillah Monghyr, will be put up to public aid unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on the 3rd September 1858, for Arrears> of Revenue and other Demands, which, by the Regulations and Acts in force, are directed to be realized in the same manner as Arrears of Revenue due on the 7th June 1858 :— hae % : Clause, I.—Rermanently-settled Estates. No: 1775.—Invalid Jaghir land of Bheem Singh Sepoy, in Thanna Jafrah, Pergunnah Furxeah ; recorded proprietor, Gowreedial ; sudder jumyna, rupees 4-15-1. This estate was sold on the 9th ~ July 1858 ; the purchaser failed to pay the price, consequently it will be re-sold. No. 2493.—Invalid Jagh!r land of Golam Allee Sepoy, in Thanna Jafrah, Pergunoah Furkeah ; recorded proprietor, Sewsehay Singh ; sudder jumma, rupees 6-10-8. This estate was sold on the gth July 1858 ; the purchaser failed to pay the price, consequently it will be re-sold. Monouyr ; CoLLector’s OFFICE, Y ~~ : W. TUCKER, The 10th August 1858, § : SAR Offg. Collector. > 5 . A! J ea ae ees Joun Gray, “Cancurra Gazette” OFrict. WP ee. yee eet ~ r © ‘a ra c) . 6 & . e a ~ n , ’ 4 ‘ a f ‘ (ae g . e . ¢ e a « ° . e vr ool ! * ’ - 7 o n : ie i e r i . ¢€ . . e ‘ . ; . - ie © ms s € * . * id e i > - . = Me . e ° ¢ 4 e * ~ ae : . e . A > eo . f ‘. , ‘ ; td . a : * w ° 4 - e t. fe AS ata Roper: ; ithe aia . 48 . ae . 7 e an bd . hn On BPH = bard kins & My ° 4 rey , <. , y ¥ [ a - ys : f Ld hemeseh eile rdy 4 vs F & . | fae ’ y' ae r, * "t - A y : ‘ . ae : ‘ . ay . Dory , Numb..67. | $ C4 ftte. thy Poy Gf eS ee ET [ 1681 | The Calcutta Gazette. Vublis hep bp Authority. SATURDAY, pee es 21, 1858. : a ics ietcasianut; Henrie: ¢¢: No. 1922. Fort William, Home Department, The 20th August 1858. | Notification.—The following Extract (para- | graphs 1 and 2), from a Despatch, No. 93 of 1858, ated the 13th ultimo,from the Hon’ble the Court | f£ Directors, is published for yeneral informa- | ion :— 1. “We have permitted Mr. Trevor Plowden to return to his duty on the Bengal Civil Establishment in September next. 2. “We have granted the under- A eM Civil Servants of the Bengal Establishment extensions of leave, on mn Sick Certificate, for the | periods specified, viz. 5 ir, Charles Chester "G: Mo tl » RH. Russell pies » “W. H. Hammond .. ) , Coutts Trotter ... § from the 12th June. Mr R oe To renmin six Months Sta ix from 19th June. > CEcIL BEADnon, Secy. to the Gsvt. of India. 4 fee Na. 2878. Fort William, Foreign Department, y ~ | Lhe 8th Axgust 1858, r Captain H. Hopkinson, to be Commissioner of ie Tenasserim and Martaban Provinces. . IN Gy 25579) en : Sub*Assistant Surgeon Grish CRhunder, Paulit,’ pointed to the Civil Station of Jhung, sin the | unjab, has obtained leave of absence, on Medical ertificate, for one month, under the Uncovenant- Leave Rules, to remain at the Presidency. . - No.«2880. ‘ The 20th August 1858. m2 Lieutenant G. F. J. Lewin, Assistant Commis- * nerat F erozepoor, has obtainéd indulgenve leave absence for one mouth, fron the Ist instant, To remain six Months | 1 4 t ' 4 5 BNA 2881. i Mr, W. Robertson, Assistant. Commissioner of | Delhi, has obtained -leave of absence, on Medical Certifiaate, for three months, from the 23rd ultimo, to visit the Hills North of Deyrah. : No. 2882. bieutenant C. Elliot, Deputy Commissioner of Nagpore, has obtained leave of absence, on Medi- ' cal Certificate, for four months, from the, 23rd ultimo, the date on which he made over charge of the Raepore District to Lieutenant Ashe, who is appointed to officiate as Deputy Commissioner, untilfurther orders, | , No. 2883. The Hon’ble the President in Council is pleased to recognize the appointment of Mr. Wilham Strong: Steel, as Consul for the King of the Nether- lands, at Ran goop. No. 2884, The services of Major G. Harvey, of the 2nd Madras Eurapean Light Infantry, Second Assist- ant to the Commissioner of Mysore, are re-placed at the disposal ot His Excellency the Commander- | in-@hief for Regimental duty, consequent wpon promotion, » ? a ~~ No. 2885. 3 a With reference to G. O. dated 14th May last, No. 1834, Assistant Surgeon Bensley resumed | charge of the Civil Station and Government Dispensary at Raepore from Assistant Apothecary T, H. Carr, on the 12th ultimo. >. é ~ CrciL Brapon, Offg. Secy. to the Govt. of India. a a, nat x a0 Ltegire? Stes x LS [ 1682 ] No, 2902. Orders by the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal. Appointments.—The 14th August 1858.—Cap- tain J. R. Pughe, 47th Regiment Native Infantry, to be Commandant of the 3rd Bengal Police Battalion. W. Miles, 28rd. Regiment Native Captain C. the 4th Bengal Infantry, to be Commandant of Police Battalion at Burdwan. Lieutenant A. Turnbull, 8th Regiment Native Infantry, to be Commandant of the 5ti. Bengal Police Battalion, but to continue to officiate as Commandant of the 3rd Battalion, during the absence of Captain Pughe. Lieutenant J. Thomson, 34th Regiment Native Infantry, to officiate temporarily as Commandant of the 5th Bengal Police Battalion. The Vth August 1858—Myr. B. Kendall to officiate as Civil Assistant Surgeon of Balasore. Mr. 8. Nation, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, to the eharge of the Sub-Divisién of Callygunge, and to exercise the powers of, a Cove- nanted Assistant to a Magistrate under Pegula- tions. XIII. of 179%) dpdy LX of 1807, and. Section 1. Act X. of 1854 in the “District of Baraset. Baboo Issen Chunder Dutt, Deputy Collector attached to the Ist or North Division of Survey, is vested with the powers under Regulation VII. of 1822 im the District of Jessore. Mr. E. M. Reily, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector of Midnapore, is transferred to Cachar as a Deputy Collector. The \9th August 1858—Mr. Sidney J. Lynch to be Medical Offieer of Tezpore. ra No. 1540. Notification —The 16th August 1858.—On the report of the Board of Examines, the follgwing Assistants are declared. to have passed the Examination prescribed in the Government Resolu- tio of the 21st of November 1851 :— By the 2nd or Higher Standard. Mr. R. L. Mangles. By the \st ov Lower Stundard. r Mr A. Smith, als Appoiniment—The 1th August 1858-—Mr. A. Smith, Assistant to the Joint Magistrate and Depwiy Colleciur of Chumparun, is vested with the special powers of an Assistant Magistrate described im Clause 3, Section IL, Kegulation iil. an Assistant Collector ‘described. in Section XXL, Regulation VILL. of ioe Een Rr elma ‘ - A. BR. Youne, j Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal. a ot ’ Ww. M Orders by the Right How’ ble the | General, : No. 1106 of 1858. 7 Allahabad, the 14th August 1S. | Notifications. — Under the authority the Executive Government by Section XY, XXVILIL of 1857, the Right Honble 4 yernor General is pleased to notify that ort of Saltpetre, from one place to prohibited in the Districts subject to t ment-of the North-Western Provinces, with the consent of the Magistrate of triet signified by a written order. wg No. 1185. Foreign Department. Assistant Surgeon John Charles Morrie pointed to do duty with the Rohileund Hor No, 3131 of 1858 ae Appointments. 7 To be Commandant of District Poli Lieutenant.C. S. B. Waltony 75am 28th M. N. 1, vice Captain er. “Nickell ih " ... Dumoh,. To be District Adjutants. — Lieutenant A. S. Heathcote, H. : M.’s 60th Rifles, vice Lieute- nant AlexanGer, resigned ... Cornet A. H. E. Durnford, Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry ... Mr,E Berrill, late Volunteer Cavalry, vice Lieutenant Walto& ta aif i Lieutenant W. S! Lewis, 420d uN? it i eS bee Lieutenant T. E. Vander Gueht, bth N. L, vice Lieutenant Grove ag v7 a “ Lieutepant S. A. Judge, 67th NT. asf ae a _Lientenant H. B, Stuart, 18th N-L shite o2: 25 Lieutenant W. Smith, 50th N.T. fe » re Tievtenant W. Hi. Jackson, Bet -d2nd-Nw TI. ..: Fe Jaloun. No. 1119 of 1858. The V6th August 1858, ¥ Mr. William Henry Lowe, to Ge Se Sudder Board of Revenue, North- vinces, from 10th Instant, the date of of Mr. Hammond’s leave for two year No. 3154 of 1855. Notification.—Mr. Peter Walker, ‘| the Kuntit and Agoree Burhui Estates, Mirzapore, is vested with the special ‘described in Clause III., Section IL, Reg -All. of 1821. a No. 3138 of 18580. & i ey Appointment.—Mr. Francis Spencer Wi be Joint Mayistrate and Deputy Collector Mr. Basil Francis Halli, to be a Jom trate and Deputy Collector of the Second _ - By order of the Right *Hon’ble the | General. - a or Secy. to Govt. sl: e [ 1683 } fe General Orders by the Hon'ble the President of the Council of India in Council. \ ui 7 Port William, 19th August 1838. iyi Wo. 1209 of 1858,—The following Notifications, sued from the Foreign” Department with the ight Hon’ble the Governor General, are publish- Jin General Orders :— », No, 2716.—TLhe 13th August 1858.—The ser- > ces of Lieutenants W. Smith, of the 58th, and _ & W. F. Hay, of the 17th Native Infantry, " tely attached to the Goorkha Force, are re-placed ithe disposal of the Military Department from te 4th of June last. * No. 2740.—The 12th August 1858,—The Go- “““rnor General has been pleased to appoint Cap- “Sin J. A. Steel, 17th Native Infantry, and Lieute- , mt E. Thompson, 67th Native Infantry, to be % ssistant Commissioners Ist Class, in the Province \ — Oudh. it With reference to the Notification No. 2716, of | @ 13th August, the services of Lieutenants i nith and Hay are placed at the disposal of His lexeellency the Commander-in-Chief. : No. 1210 of 1858.—The following Notifications, yued from the Public Works Department with | @ Right Hon’ble the Governor General, are jblished in General Orders :— ‘ “No. 55.—-TLhe 4th August 1858.—Second eutenant C. N. Judge, of Engineers, Proba- mary Assistant Engineer in the Department “iblic Works in Oude, is promoted to the grade j Second Class Assistant Engineer, from the * “th June 1858. | No. 56.—Lieutenant R. A. Chadwick, 5th Regi- ' ont Madras Native Infantry, to have the tempo- “ry position of Second Class Assistant Engineer m the date of his appointment in Rohilcund . vision Orders of the 13th Juae, to aid the Exe- b tive Engineer at Bareilly. 5 -MNo. 58.—The 9h August 18582—Lieutenant b V. Dickens, Her Majesty's 64th Regiment, is . “ymmitted to resign his appointment of Second , ass Assistant Hngineer in the Department Pub: _ © Works. - a ‘a ” a No. 1211 of 1858.—The following Notification wed from the Foreign Deywtiment,is publishtd General Orders :— ons ets By “No, 2833.—TLhe 16th August 1858.—The fol- “ving Officer, attached to the Hyderabad Com- "sion, is authorized to exercite the powers of , int Magistrate :— bs : * Lieutenant J. T. Bushhby, Officiating Extra pr Commissioner Ist Class; North Berar. a 1 # 1 he © -, iit Vo, 1212 of 1858,--The follawing ‘“Notifica- ns, issued by the Government North-Western _ ovinees, are published in General Orders :— M No. 3174—Lhe 12th August 1S58.—Lieutenant yt FL Metge, H. M’s 8th Foot and Commandant litary Police, Banda, is permitted to proceed to lcutta, preparatory to applying for leave on Sick, ie etificate to Europe. ie9NO. 3181.—The 13th August 1858.—The fol- ing transfers are sanctioned by the “Right f : . j PY piles the Governor General, from 21st July Sie > Captain M. Clarke, Second in Command Meerut Police Battalion, to be Commandant of thé Dis- trict Police of Saharunpore. | Lieutenant T. W. Dunbar, Commandant. Dis- trict Police of Saharunpore, to be Second in Com- mand Meerut Police Battalion. No. 1218 of 1858.—The Pay, Batia and other Allowances for August 1858, of the Troops at the Presidency and at the other Stations of the Army, will be issue on or after Friday, the °10th Proximo, “ No. 1214 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Officer is permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of absence on Sick Certificate :— Captain and Brevet Major For elzhteen Sydney Joseph Hire, of the { mouths, under 22nd N. I., Commanding 3rd (the new Regnu- Irregular Cavalry ... ) lations, 5 Fort William, 20th August 1858. No, 1215 of 1858.—The following Orders, is- sued by thé Chief Commissioner Punjaub, and pub- lished in the Punjawb Gazette No. 44, of the 4th’ August 1858, are confirmed :— Lanore, 3Rp AucusT 1858. 1st Punjaub Cavalry. No. 611.—The Order, dated Ist July 1857, by the Major General Commanding in the Punjanb, directing Captain H. W. Best and Lieutenant A. K. J. Mackenzie, Sth Light Cavalry, to do duty, is confirmed. : 18th Punjuub Infantry. No. 612.—Transfer.—Havildar Singh,” fron? the 5th Punjaub Infantry. aed Regiment Sikh lrregular Cuvalry. No. 613.—Promation.—Kote Duftadar Luch- mun Singh, to be Jemadar, in room of Doona Singh, deceased, with effect from 950th January ast? n « Nuttha a a 4th Regiment Punjaud Cavalry. No. 614. —Leave of Absence.—Licutenant E. L. Clogstoun, Second in Command, for three months, afrom 10th July, to visit Bombay, preparatory to submiftlng an application to proceed to England, on Medical Certificate. Qnd Sikh Irregular Cavalry. No. 617.—Lieutenant E. H. Maenaghten, doing duty, is permitted to resign his appointment. 23rd Punjaub Infuntry. 23re No. 618.—The Regimental Order, dated 19th Ultimo, by Vaptain G.-C. Bloomfield, Command- ing»making the following arrangements, 1s con- firmed :-— * Lieutenant R. B. Hill, Officiating Adjutant. to act as Second in Command, and to proceed and as- sume Command of the Left Wing at Kanund, in room of Lientermnt J. V. Hunt, appointed to*the Commissariat Department. Lieutenant T. R. Davidson, doing duty, to act as Adjutant, and to rejom Regimental Head Quarters from Kannnd. . Captain Bloomfield, to take over charge of the Adjutant’s Office, until Lieutenant Davidson's, arrival, | { he 4 ee, a = [ 1684 | i CAVALRY. - 5) (85 97—cale Honorable the Presi- Maw ¢ Sel Ae LA of India in Council as pleased Cornet William Hay ac ‘I 10¢ 1) ; d 2nd - naghten (pot arrives Caer Rape Corne* larvey Young Murray 20t Cornet George Alexander Pa- Bie ‘Arbuthnot (not wt Q5t i@ ‘¥ to assigu rank to the unc tenants, Cornets, Ensigns, and Assistant Surgeons, es 'Y from the dates specified opposite to their respec- | tive names :— | Henzy Taylor Second Lieut." Edward Robert . anger page) INFANTRY. 7° oe Second Lieut. Ross Fendall sf ucien Ranurd -Avdton a a Lowis (not arrived) Lirelane|858: i Gavauiiem fst Second Lieut. John Eons 9 3 | “ a Sora Wyndham Alexander, (not arrived) At a Be + 204 Second Lieut. Pierce Thomas +) a ao Goan Taylor ps ¢ «(not arrived) r Conolly Ensign Montagu Clementi * 0&0 ’ Smith, not arrived) t Mile Me eh es Ensign ae Kennedy McCaus- 1h ridges Second Liew: Se Hough- Ms {oot ae is by George Fairfie ; Second oan Spencer Cargill | ian onee Mitchell Rich pale second Lieut. Hugh Lath: #4 ee Goons oo Holley... | pe Herold oi | Ensign James E dward Kentedyal te : Ensign Clarence Henry Palmer 12th Ju ou he oa aia i Ensign Henry Whitmore F ranks “ Second Lievt Alfred Edward e papi Wi Worsley, (not a Garnault eae “ie Second Lieut. Henry Grant Pe ee ee ane Jolin- F a Young er ‘fics i Second Lieut, Henry Cotten. \ Ensign Horac¢ Moule Evans.. Second Lieut. James Charles paler Olif- sty Lieut. Joseph Alexan- Bnsien Thomag Tudor ee er Ouseley Hampton , bt Henke Second Lieut. Harry Maxell : Beaaceees Hastie Inglis Mackenzie (not arrived) as perce! F: che nag Lencdlo Ensign Charles Lofts Wood- Second Lieut. George William | a (aot ore a a Thomson i ps Second Lieut. Edward Wendy el ranked in list No. 2 of 1858, are Jol i Hugh Eliot (not arrived) .. M ie caging Eien Second Lieut. Charles Henry 12th June 4858. | 4 scctant ete Q cid Reilly (not arrived) Second Lieut. William Seiahe Wright, M, D. , (not arrived) Alexander Assistant Surgeon. Henry Second Lieut, John Chriton } «Charles Cutcliffe, (not arrived) Greene, (not arrived) r Second Lieut, Edward Francis - No. A217 of 1858.—The under- Chapman. (not arrived) cérs reported ‘their departure on th Second Lieut. Thomas Graham, |. opposite to their respective names = (not arrived) ; ot Lieutenant H. E, Waller, of the } Second Lieut. Crombie Cowie, 40th Regiment Native In- (not arrived) fantry, pn eave for three Second Lieut. Clarence Mac- yéars. Government Gene- pherson, (not arrived) : ral Order No. 1130, of -the | Second Lmut.,. dates -Loch, 29th July 1858 - (not arrived) hs ‘Lieutenant J. S. Walters, “Gel a Second Lieutenant Benjamin c “the Ist European “Bengal Vanghan Arbuckle, (uot ar- _ Fusiliers, on teave for eigh- LF rived) = ao ; ,teen nronths Governinent | General Order No. 1148,-0f the 2nd August 1858"... Assistant: Surgéon R. Fryer, of the Mediéal Department, on | | leave for eighteen months. Second Lieut. George Tomb, (not arrived) Second Lieut Astley Edward Lindsay Kaye, (not arrived) Second Lieut. James Raymond Johnstone Dewar, (wot ar- Asis — Second Lieut. John Mylne Young, (not arrived) F Second Litut. Lewis Williams ‘eylor, (not arrived) Second Lieut. J ohn Frederick “Free, (uot arrived) Government General Order No. 1156, of the 38rd August | 1858 $e Ticutenant W. H. Parish, of} the Regiment of Artillery | 3 on leave for two years. Go- > 4. vernment Genera Order No. { - | 1089, of the 16th July 1868) NO tl : ¥ 3 & la ps | tf ~ ‘“eutenant-Colonel and Bre-) | vet Colonel F. B. Corfield, of the 6th Regiment Native * Infantry, on leave for eighteen months. Govern- ment General Order No i114, of the 23rd July 1858 | \, ajor I. Forbes, C. B., of the e 3rd Regiment Bombay Light | \, Caval ryjon leave for eighte en y “Snouths Government Ge- ' neral Order No. | the 30th July 1858 ser: | ptain N.C. Boswell, of the " Ind Regiment Dn tite Ine| fantry, (Grenadiers) on Fur- | lough for six months* Go- vernment General Order No. 1176, of the 9th August } 1858 ie ee R. Bridge, of the 72nd ; Regiment Native Infantry, ’ Commandant Bareilly Levy, on leave for fifteen months. . Government General Order No. 1165, of the 5th August /y 1858 '\ yptain W.-M. Cafe of the | 56th Regiment Native In- | 1138, of ‘i fantry, on leave for eighteen '\ months. Government Ge- } neral Order No, 1130, of the | '} 29th July 1858 Ree |. ‘\aptain P. G. Scot, of the 12th Regiment Native Infantry, on leave for fifteen months. ( Nemesis, 11th S“'Government General Order { August 1$58. #" No. 1117, of the 26th July 1858 _ eutenant M. E. Currie, of ‘the i) Regiment of Artillery, Com- “ymissary of Ordnance — Ist | Class, on “leave for fifteen } Prarithe. Government Ge- S neral Order No. 1138, of the ; om 80th July 1858 : i jeutenant W. Bb. Knight, 4k aes nie the 72nd Regiment ative ) infantry, on leave for eigh- teen months. Goverment _ General Order No. 1147, of | 6 ' the 8rd Augist 1858 h. ssistant Surgeon C. Plank, of the Medical Department, | attached .to the Cawnpore —Infartry Levy, on leave* for ” fifteen months, Government } i ‘General Order No. 1154, of . Af’ the 8rd August 1858 if : \ssistant Surgeon J. Scuire, | * of the Medical Departinent, 1 abe on leave for six mofiths. Government General Order No. 1J16, of the 24th silo 1858 Jnposted Ensign W. R. Mar- un, of Infantry. doing duty Her Majesty's 88th Fout, ody * Jeave for eighteen months. . 1 1 ye Government “General” Order | No. 1161, of the, 4th of |, August 1858 Ric | ' a | | z | -| a at = - | 1685 |] No. 1218 of 1858. —The following Extract from the London Gazett?, of the 16th July 1858, is published for general information :— Wur Office, Pall-Mall, 16th July 1858. GZNERAL ORDER, Tlorse Guards, 16th July 1858. In consideration of the eminert services of Cea *.: of Service, in the recent Major-General Sir James Outram, the East India Company’s operations in India, Her Majesty has been graci- ously pleased to command that he be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant- General. By order of his Royal Highness the General 5 Commanding in Chiaf. G. A. WETAERALL, > Adjutant General. be BREVET. Major General Sir James Outram, G. C. B. of the Service of the East India Compaay, to be the Army, dated. 16th July 1858. . No. 1219 of 1858.—The following Notification, issued from the Financial Department, is published in General Orders — No. 42.— The 18th August 1858.—The Hon'ble the President in Council is pleased to grant the Hon’vle E. Drummond, Accountant General to the Government of India, leave of absence for three months, under Section XII. Civil Service Absentee Rules. Mr. R. P. Harrison, Officiating Accountant to the Government of Bengal, to officiate as Account- of the Covenanted ant General to the Government of India, during the absence of Mr. Drummond, or until further orders. Mr. E. F. Harrison, Ist Assistant to the Ac- countatst General to the Government of India, to officiate as Accountant to the Government of + Beygal, during the absence, on deputation, of Mr. BR. P, Harriso’, or until further orders. No. 1220 of 1858.—The urfder-mentioned Officers are permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of absence on Sick Certificate :— Captain John Primatt Maud, a of the 5th Regiment Madras t Native Infantry For six months, wnder the new Regulations. . Lieutenant George Godfrey Pearse, of the Madras Artil- lery, Commanding 3rd Sikh Cavalry : ( For fifteen months, under the new Regulations. 5 73 Lest AvIy WUE » Lest Aiue We Sous Amruuvr yar f . “~ © gaye qnefung 1S “aly d “UN ee aie He sal . o ing c rks ARIA SSTE 3 ’ NWT gteeuaynory Sratyorq Ve pUE TOS B ‘AOPTAL 9307] ; a <3 oy : 8 TF % t 2 Bs pUNOy nie = ogi Sune maa “¢ Sigueyay An Uist] * uregdug) MOpuoTy UY OPT AL Bo a ¥, 6 2 SBT 68 86 fi 097824 wi LEST ke HU0t| aa chip. quoragsT ae yes qrazpory {** WOETMS | or . a4 - wd > £EST aaquiogda - Bae BLOT : 0 0 I86t 90 Tor SST toquiondes Wak L «¢ ftma fesug avodorngt 384] °° we qoour 9130 2 _ be ns 6-61 o@ tre fo *gogr Suenaqay 141 sey ytooH Wg! | Bo wxldag Sonpag suu : F oo tis , ) PS : © LEST eure quer ONT olsery ee q Se oe ee we, da: ia ee ie outa owt WIFT ont M90e f — uoaptar@ £eug a z = es ped © ota Ise toquioadag uaa, Angaezu) ELT WISE] ° undeg]* outs: ~ Se - . rn 0 £ 60t “+ aquqsaguy| 82ST srenIqe,F W921 SETYTOOK) 99 ont ere. a 4% “i af eB o SS. Qheree utes ontd, oa 1I6e if 2 Ayuy | ee ¥ : . « uy YRNeLUAN]T ea “N WET 079 * c ri fs. as on I er 619 on ME eT 619 pinoy THA ON | *C ogy youre WOE ¥ ; Cc os “N W4l9 quviequal guy ws — “pUYTsUg UL AOPTALI'* oD “ on Ti ig TL 92 om c u 9! oma are omer q4Z1 - ic I “N PASG ee monne S “A aye ae Toy depp ay ~ fgonaag Aopavyy ‘ef ‘roydeT, uyorSaoyqeg) oe " | a 6 OT 06 “S16 OT 08 ye Se EST on ta ae Seg . nt ae é oe ‘ Ne) - ‘= . pe io, 1008 | Dr iO) 008 } « fsng e8aeq wredoing 48) qoar, ise) =, i Ai 8 8 LF Te gree REST Mok We . “ UOT[LI EL AatOssULN ynujsisy. , eqs 4 So) ‘SUMDIMIAO ENVYUVA CSV GYUNOISSIN sr i (t KK my & 4 ‘ £09 4 — nr ia fa 2 4 at [lon | 28 2 > 2 z 6 z ie o's 7 foc oie = & 2 5 2 35 EE rs 28 ee 6 Acs eB |} we aa ay cE BES ices | Be ks Bae g sé =” 5 ; owes “8 i ae oe a ns 7 ee & IS es i okey * =o - to 5 ae ‘ 1 E ~ 3 2. “Pp ge : tls ro ‘slop “uN aL “Sty WaT ay —— E. a 5 a 23 ‘asvanag JOAT f wequmy TRI0W9H go, 1 > “ptiepeugy =} e. 5 Ges &B : > purpsu a = 8 ae — é 3 iy = ZA &¢ . go UY quamdud soy ce 2 a “ © poqgrmor quneteyy ; S, 3 = g re : | Pe - ae * g & 25 c & z : A 5 : Es : é \ | 40 GAsOdsId MOTT h = = on ‘ L QL aun Ut ‘a01aLay s fumdoy mIpwy yng ay} fo s.varj og puw S12 YIC) JUMLLP PWY “PaUorssrwurw0y-uON “pouowssrwrUuoy a atone pasnaoap fo SONS fo UNION Wo “ULMINIUAL BLOT JO RuMsDALT YLIUay oY, 9 é } ai93 —: A[MO soda FO yD 9} 7, pue “stopnoaNg £q ramsvaly-qng aq} 0} postezoad oq you [yeys yoryat conan ul sure sfuedmog vipuy ysey ey} JO siotpjog pue sieomQ queseA\ pue “pouotssyurut0() UO) oy} Suunp ‘Ainsvory, perouex) og} wt opm spsodeq jo quomozezg Surmojjoy Ot} So81 Be acoustone pasvsoep ‘yo SO}VIST on jo qune FEL ON “loprQ [eIOUIH ywouUUIoAoL YM ApteA0} U0 1 4 { fa ¢ - ; ¢ a c € , ’ t 3 : Svurtty TT] ones ‘eFumegg o8eqysog Jo sanard 9 orf! x ; t saifureyg pBméog Jo senanT f OFLY. v odie eadny p enya ae ey90q Jo sand F ony RegyT IMs ye ; 0 00% ae 1a 9910 | 29ST Aeld Upe i . : ee J all uossopuayy Aauay] plavay 0 0 ooL$ + Jo % ON | + oMsaauT] Lest oun ge, rig’ es E Beae| : Rone ye 5 0 ot "10 0 QOL TEA} gst 9snSny Wat eo : BEI Bmgiasner; | © e at % aumorg Ysnpy uyor| “¢ 0 et Se) cea atonal % ’ ohetey ann ie, . tee ’ quivy UoRIApUa}, UYOL) NIG “prny2ag UT AOPTAA BOL StH t ¥ oe ee ae Ong | 2g38t ould - ae . sau S ees : catered ; fee : a , A 23 I oy eget OO) fae 2 igi! Oe ‘ainquipg sou 6 616 1 6 GI6 oma] ssst our 43s 5 pumooypung |", toABary ati f 2 at aq oe 22 eae 4 “" RSON, 2. ouurg % sopevatiiasi aieatidene La Brea 5 ) 81 S02 15 ) ; . Q Tey yt miqdesy } ssastaug sonbowr sloueg (ho 1. RIpUL UT queUUser] UIST es Nay see ~ i “es , , eae “gatas et | . ‘ q 4 oy Anqjory, saute sepuexety| ; ze 6lF e one |< exmsoqrt: i. : i . : + ngRoqtt] |" LECT AAQUIOAON, YY o < "sy" gene f Sra es AL eFeG Of : 9 TOF : Bodies -- : | sal Ss a Beat SI * gL.aF8s at eig6 | ty TEM | Lest zoqtaeydoy 341 5 s a "s Eamaeeror| pconsrieyosiaisonepass « 00 6 0 He ould ‘Age Avy U6 ai Aa OEE MALT EE] vt Bore . our O NEMO R SEEN 9 1, TR oo at 0 bt oma | 2981 race gripiasaeeehh pat a Wa fen |o SSUUORL, BEES aBroar,| “f sist aot 6 § ¥R0L oat ayeraguy |" Lost taqtuaydas WaFT a ; uy 4 ee Oe rcs cuenta a 6 St ¢eL 8 omtalsest = AU WHE : ; af SHES ie uhipavg éowiarz, ayy | Yast BST ele at oe if . _pavsiags meyidsof| - ee ales 3 | ere gest Tady wail ” © dopnpuo,| -- Bee as ’ i ; 4 meno ne ered 2 L~ aw) Aawnoy, som ** : ; \ 7 . | ce : . + & ¢ 250 : rf f ' ‘old 9 PUY seNNY 2 onpea ‘sdunyg aFuysog Jo Koda CL OMTY 2 us : wt rg a: 0 OLO ana ‘sdure4g a8uyso,f Jo saoaid gi Ayo] * Wh A 4681 aaqnioydag WEL . GOBE . rs Aretiny ie : u & ely te c Woumaywa pag Aunduto,y 4st] ” “WACOM {OM EDL 9 ¥ E onpra ‘sdurvyg aSeysog jo saoard 1g [UO] * = aquysaqUy{ > seg, AUIN Paes OTST Suoreqaeg, yup uvedowng | é i _—= « —_—_—— io Se ee » “ee eye 6 IT 0989F 6 IL o9soF °° soodny s,Auvdurog re . — _— Ait ‘pea ‘ours IOJPONPUOH S9UTUPI() JO OTM ‘our ky _ 2 i yO ‘ . muy AWW “SITY “AOyGOIN B ONY Yel ra) | 3 “4 Ik : : sett f uwung uy Arey ‘opty ‘eoyesey 4 po) - oe P F RL eye ' F GL g AGSL suauy yy}. ¢ tt qrewp.udeq- Imus taste de OUT Surypenga c oa 6 Tt $i od 0 0 Ox * IL &T $18 eS ST a ae © taavysyaeg * ‘paoglesunyy (uMOUY yOu oun) aoyyd “UMONY FOU ULY ‘RVIPTIY ‘UITIOALTU ‘oO ULingoA ‘O[BRAN “GQ JURAlIEg ooh 3 6 T S8Th rc lose Aue watt Lge aes PON yale, A itkooy anyeuyy aoa RCSL AU pugE COC “MOLL EE IMT tivedosug] § Y Harparque EST el ‘SE + drvert 19 LORI ator taey Vell OVID IST CF9TC FAT rf 1G81 LoqMegdes YIGE Gue9 ; LAY HONeg va UE fund itiog) pug). | i 00 9 2 ° log ¥6 in a 0 & TE > y OFF W991 4889 OWE c 6 Or #9 ca 6 OL 19 a cr LEST AOqUIAAON YAS] eeu : AaaTTAV AIO H ‘sEQUNOD 6 ,uEENy ‘asresp ‘moun ‘edieyy goSpig 16y90}y ‘ooynsory [ 1688 taal ‘3109 ‘sueAG ‘ATOYUP Areyy “ONQOW. “puryery ‘uMo(y “BETO ‘UNG JesUOSeY yoruNd, ‘191,902: |. opusiig, qsp cluon, pay}st | |: | a — ees a ee oer tr . , Re OTE 30 WRN Bf OL By 6] Sigh EE i é YN WISE certo OFFP WIE OWL PEE” 4 sun ey GONLOTAND “‘peeyy septeyy ‘dos OL OT Lb 73 OT OT LG Z LEST Toquranay U9Gz OLFT CUP UA OWI pus} * “YSVUV ALO ‘YSTUIOTD YOU TT aeygw, ie b Mh x OL Sl Sb i Ol &t SF ~ AEST gsnSny WI6Z 6602 he CUD PUZ CYA BBL E “yOLIOWTY “4ysam 0199tD ‘Avex UYOL Aaqyyg |” ms ve =i 9 G1 9L ae, 9 G&L OL 7 Sl Joquiegdoy ya] OSL ‘S Ae [POA . wont g wae Auudeg pag} * PULTZIOD ts esop ‘sdosy ‘quemayg wepy auger = ae 4 3 2 = r | [au e s 2 5 —— of : = & bass AO dusodsia MORE = Sk 22 TY Tr eae It eae ae | Date of Landing. . "36 Nov. 67 July _ Sept. 2nd, 25th Sth, Ditto Ditto Witbo Y Ditto 29tly Dee, 3lst, Jan. 1ith, Feb. 15th, DYitto 17th, Pitto 26th, 19th, Ditto Ww) 2.5 March 22nd April Sth, Ditto 16th, Ditto 24th, May 22nd 7 { 1689 | Customs. . Eist oy PACKAGES LYING UNCLAIMED ON THE Custom House Warr. | . > 0° 5 + Pin Mark or Address of Packages. ars Ships. + 2 Cases Cheese, 13 in diamond W TF Nos. 53 and 54 Str. Bengal. 1 Case unknown, 8 G A in diamond 5 ....-. +. eee reer eee City of Delhi. 5 Packages Brass Leaves, C 5S Wis notentereanegee Pe AEE ..| Str. Fiery Cross. el 1 Package Pantaloons ......-- SA CR Mis meee SB ON SMES Yat | Ditto. $ Cases unknown, M in diamond, 5 to7 see e sree eer eee es | Ste. Tynemouth. Pen Tes Oria Wal cat oh goat Bo ate doug alti yong SERRE Ditto. 1 Case dito, WH Bin diamond L 204 .......++.-- * ee ae Ditto. 1 Package ditto, no mark......+-+ ith OC On ence Futtle Curreem- 10 Cases ditto, Captain C. Douglas, B, Artillery ..--+ ++++-> ! Queen. 8 Cases ditto ditto ..+....- Page tea: Seat eft esta ees Marlborough. 1 Box ditto, © R Buckle, Esq., R. N., TW. M. S. Assurance... Str. Lanecefield. 1 Case ditto, Capt. C. Douglas, B. Artillery....--+ wid let oc naval Marlborough. 1 Case, ditto, Qe. Mr. J. Denton, H. Ms 43rd Ivfantry ..+... | Ditto. 1 Case dito B in diamond D No. 4 Seve see bok eee Deitish-Prident. ) Package ditto, Mr. Kk. Kemp ... Se prt ae Str. Jason. 1 Case Baggage, noaddress..... FRE srenigeil fe Peart Ditto. 1 Case unknown Gi'to....cccceseeteeseesees seek cere teteeneee ee ecee Clyde. 1 Package ditto, Messes. Middleton & Cor vies ssveseoeses Jen Iiery Cross. + Ditto. Ditto 1 Package, ditto, BT... ” Me oleat fae slevepcie ob se and sap ery ==> j Ditto 26th, ... | 1 Case disto, O B, W & Go, in diamond ......2.-eee er eees | Thos. Royden. June 10th, 9 Packages Gum, G CD oe ce ee oe .., Inkermann. July 2nd .. | 1 Box unknown, Messrs. Ranken and Co + -+++++++eeee%s Str. Lightning. Ditto 9th .. | 10 Barrels merchandize, G lt, HL MS Pelorus....-- eee veal ot © Ditto. Ditto: 1 Parcel unknown, W Powlesland, H M 8, Pelorus ....-.-- Ditto. Ditto: +, .. | 1 Pareel ditto, J Singelton, I MS Pelorus «....++se++++9>) Ditto. ica l2nde.. | 10 Logs Lignum Vifae. 110 Fal Wi aha ei Le PRP wee Seeeeeera ak) Pleiades. _August 6th, .. 1 Box unknown, Mr. EL. Kuch, Medical College x Monica. ee ——— —— _ a a ee a a . ak " Je We- aun, Carourra ; Custom House, ) . . Py ° & Offa. Collector of Customs. » Be op.e-200h duguat 1868.) = , os - — _a 3 a Jee —= —— ‘ : m ° e i Pe GC Ele eae ; Potties. THe General T reasury will be closed on Tuesday he 24th and Wednesday the 25th Instant, aa wccourt of the Hindoo Helidays Raukhey Poonee- | nab and Chander Grahun. —— Peptic Orricers drawing Bills either on the Accountant General or the Sub-Treasurer, are here- ® byerequested to send the advices of the same to- the Accountant General to the Government of Inia. Bill Department, where Bills are acceptesi, And noteto the Sub-Treasurer direct, who dis- charges the Bills ‘after they have been accepted ‘in the Office of the Acgountant General to the Government of India. J. 1, HaRrwey, , Sub-Tieaswrer. 3 GENERAL TREASURY, © 1 The 9th August 1858.5 aoe ee ee "Motice. ——o General Treasury will be closed on Wed- oa. LHE \ % nesday the Igt, and Thursday the 2nd Proxi¥s, | iy. pectin 7, on account of tne Hinddo Holidays Jummo eee) 43 “ 2 ie “ Ostomee. : 3 Sub-Treasurer. * 2 J. I, Hanvey, 5 * Sub-Treaswrer, |e ° Fort WILLIAM ; ¥ 2 GeNERAL TREASURY, * General Treasury, g Lhe 20th August 1858,f$ + | The 19th August 1858. - oe =~ = [ 1690 | Ricmorandum. Notification ard Banoo DOORGAPERSAUD GHOSE, © ia THe Time Ball dropped this day at the Sema- Deputy Collector, received charge of th phore Tower in Fort cannot be depended upon in Treasury on the 17th Instant, rating Chronometers, as,it fell about five Seconds a ig AR (5s.) after the proper time. | Of9. Acett, Gor (Signed) RapDHANATH SICKDHAR, Fort WILLIAM; — jee seals charge of the Observutory. | Office of Acct. Govt. of Bengal, a. ' SurRvEYOR GENL’s. OFFICE ; i © The 19th August 1858. i: Culeutta, Vth August 1858. | ‘ om j Orreur Cavenacu, Lient..Cel,, - Mottficatton, TP ae fi iets = . . F, Tne aah) “bat ee ihiois - Bitts at par on the Publie Trea Plottce. uuder-mentioned Districts, may be ees ; cation to the Accountant to the ‘tis hereby notified, that the tenth Opium | Bengal :— — Sale of the current year, will be held on Monday, an bs z, the 4th, instead of Tuesday, the 5th October next, | DIsTRIcts. on thas date. to allow of more time for the adjustment of the | Jessore s+ — 40,000 =. usual deposits, and for shipments previous to the | Jorehaut bn gitg: pe ek commencement of the Doorgah Poojah holidays | Purneah oo 70, on the 12th October. et Rajshahye ves ope ae By Order of the Board of Revenue. Offg. Acctt. 10 Has Epw. Lusuinetey, Benoa Acctr.’s OFrrict, ) Junior Secrespry. The With August 1858. J _ FORT WILLIAM ;....7 ) N. B.—These Treasuries will be The \sth August 1858. 4 . if the amounts available are not taken ry — ——— —— 2 Bills‘applied for after 2 Pp. a, will a ot by Sheriff's Sule; Culeutta, 2lst August 1858. till the following day. a NOTICE is hereby given, that on Thursday, the Sixteenth day of September next, precisely at the Sheriff's Office ; the 31st July 1858 hour of 12 o’Clock at noon, the Sheriff ‘of Cal- entta will put up to Public Sale at the Lower Verandah of the Court House, near the Entrance into the Sheriff's Office, by Virtue of an alias - Writ of Fiert Facias in his hands rzainst the Effects of Sibkissen Mitter, Greeschunder Mitter, Chaney Mitter, and Knhoka. sons, heirs and legal persoual representatives of Nubkissen Mitter, NOTICE is hereby given, that a Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Deliv. an Admiralty Sessions, will be holden -preme Courf of Judicature, at Fo sengale for the Town of Calcutta, an Fort William, and the places subordina at the Court House, in the Town of Ce | Friday, the Twenty-Seventh day of AN deceased. at 12 o’Clock at noon.’ The Right, Title and Interest of the said ThéeCo dual open on the firs ‘ Nubkissen Mitter, deceased, of, in, and to the Sessions at 12 0’Clock at Noon, and . . . ? ; ; sutceedirg day ‘precisely at 11,00] 1. One Anna, thirteen” Gundahs, one Cowree, | Forenoon, of whith all persons are Ti following landed property, viz, :-— and one Crantee Share in the Chandnee Chuels take notice. ir aaa — Bazar, in Dhurromtollah Street, in the Tosm of |” H. Dunp Calcutta. ts j 2. Also an Upper-roomed House, No. 8, with e ck fee ee three Cottahs of land at Rajah Rajbullub’s Street, i‘ Z ee - in Calcutta, WTB SMT BA Ds wate >> Grae 3. Also five Annas, six Gundahs, two Cow- ASIA CH SA ATS TSCH cA a rees and two Crantees Share in Talook Térratt Sr eye f= ore og : eau Ce SPs 5 Oe Beetrah, in the Zillah of Burdwan, Government | hie A Sete ea Revenue Oo.’s Rs, 1,269-8-3. STasTSla CHID “SEcacwa Gan STE 4. Alsofifty-one Pigeahs of Bermuttur land, it NS ce Hae Blt STANTS AHH Mouzah Hapooah and Pykeparrah, in Pergunnah | ou 2 . pce Tacs i Chooteepore, in Zillah Burdwan, in the Jote of | 9? 14tH# ee Sie ae / Purran Soorool, and others. L stgzabaintaq wae GoMcaAbT wae 5. Also five Annas, six Gundahs. two Cowreés we POTS i BG and two Crantees Share of an upper-roomed ‘! uSabea th zs pet tellbieke o - xis fafa afacar) 4 ouse, No. zac) 0 with sitgen Cottahs of land at ¥ éediihte » Chitpore Road, in Calcutta. P “ co adie -AaaeR aaa fe | a7 ay Seay TAPE afnca Furriah Pooker arr far Lex ARTAA AVA Slasg 80 a piece of land, No. 21,. about twelve Cottahs at Shambazar, mare Street, in Calcutta, he _* The Conditions of Sale and further particulars | 4H astitay were qa dfarae #i s may be had by applying at the Sheriff's Office. CR We Re ABC a9 gTaT |: 7 5 HH. Dunpas, va ‘é € H. Dun: bs Sergey, henge ray Sher ; - ~ ae : (a [ 1691 | hs fr ‘ie ‘poertis Stmentofthe Oficeof Commisstonerinthe Soonderbuns. ve. * f Cie NOTICE i is hereby given, thatthe under-mentioned allotments, within the limits of the Tw enty- te Pergunnahs portion ‘of the Soonderbuns, will be sold at Alli lipore, on Thursday, the 2nd September 58, corresponding with the 18th Bhadur 1265 B. 8. : Ind, ‘The highest bidder will be entitled to the Grant on depositing, immediately after the Sale, \ aye amount of the bid, on condition the Sale is sanctionedby the higher authorities, otherwise the mney will be refunded to ‘the Party without interest. On confirmation ‘of the Sale, the ‘Pottah will be i, Ova up in the name of the Purchaser, under orders of Gover ument of the 24th September 1853, and Il be made over to him after Registry in the Board’s Office,’ and the Purchaser will become, the jpantee of the Lands, under the Robil tiaag prescribed in the Pottah, save and except such Lands as a be required by Government for the manufacture of Salt. : " 8rd. It is further notified that intending Purchasers who are desirous to inspect the Map of the “ts, or to obtain any information connected ‘with them and their present condition, can have the same . attending either personally or through their Agents at the Office of the Cominigsioher 1 in the lerbuns. at Allipore :— \e - 4 Lots accord-| Estimated to Captain quantity of REMARKS. oe 8 Map. Lands. a — RS ef — wae > 4 : ; % gi No. 7. 2,800 There are two Applicants for this Lot. One of them has made an offer of 500 Rupees, and to take it on a rent free period of 16 years. z The adjoining Lots 3, 4,°5 and 6 are cultivated. + No. 19. 2,000 This Lot adjoins the Zemindary Lands of Pergunnah Huttiaghur. dhs ‘|There are several applicants for it. The Lands to the North of x 'Aumtullee or Baint Khall have been included in the farm of Ds Bugwanpore, under orders of the Revenue Authorities. The ins portion to be sold is the Jungle Land to the South ofthe above- ees mentioned Khal], and East | of Captain Smyth’s boundary of pS wet a a ‘ ¢ possesston, . j sgt SO. 29." 29,400 This Lot contains 1146 Beegahs of cultivated Lands, which have ik been settled® with the occupants under Rule 4th of Government i ' Qrders of the 24th September 1853, and which will be made over to the Purchaser of the Lot on his entering into settlement for the Dre same. The Jungle portion of the Lot will be granted to the Pur- a chaser under Rule 2nd of the 24th September 1853. There are 2 o 3 > mil fresh water Tahks in the Lot, and extensive Bhetwh or high Lands. f t No. 36.- 9,400 *| There are two applicants for this Lot. “d portion of Lot 17,700 + There are 151 Beegahs of cultivated Lands in this Lot, which have fo. 57. been settled with the occupants tinder Rule 4th of Government i Ce : Oxders of thé 24th September 1853, and which will be made over + |to the Puythaser of this Lot on his entering into settlement for the same. ‘he Jungle portion will be granted under Rule 2nd of the 24th Se tember 1853. These Lands are opposite to the culti- vated lands of Tot 56, and. not far from Government Lot 54 on the ‘\Mutlah. There are gréat” facilities for bringing the Lands under Soonderbuns;-ang South of the well-known Lot Paturghatta. 16,000, This portion of the Lot contains several fresh water Tanks and ~ lextensive Bhetah*or high Lands and ruins of Pucka or Brick Houses. Tt ig siteated on the banks of the Kaburtak River, not far from the ‘Willage*of Gobrah. The South Beundary of this portion of the Lot ‘A is a line running direct Hast and West froin the Kaburtak River to a the mouth of the Bojbaja Khall. vem d portion of Lot This portion of Lot No. 211 is also situated on the Kaburtak River to. 211, and on the-Steamer Route from Khoolneah to Calcutta. iam a - _ (cultiv ation. N 187. . 14,000°°| This Lot is situated on the outer Calcutta Route through the th porion a | oa ae ere ee Se Ne eee ne) - ee t 7 > 5 gONDERBUNS COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE ; ALLIPORE, . by J. H. REILY, ‘ The 9th August 1858. 4 Soonderburs Commissioner. 2 2 _ = [ 1692 | Propare of the last Will and Testament of Aman Ally Khan, late of Chitpore Road, in the Town cf Caleutta, a Mahomedan Inhabitant, deceased, and formerly in the service of the Nabob Nazim of Moorshedabad, has been this day granted by Her Majesty’s Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort William in Bengal, to Ameen Ally Khan, of the same place, Inhabitant, the sole Hxecutor named in the said Will, all persons having claims against the Estate are hereby requested to make the same known to the said Executor, jo, Whom those indebted are requested to pay their debts without delay. Pp. J. PAUL, Proctor. ic CALCUTTA ; 1 The 30th July 1858. In the Supreme Court of Judicuture at Feit Willium in Benyal. In EQUITY. Sewpersaud, versus Shaw Coondunlbll, ‘Shaw Foondunloll, Ramkissen Joss, Dabey Sing, Churrun ‘Doss Mullick, and Persaud Doss Mullick, By Origi- nal Bill ; and Sewpersaud, versus Shaw Roghooberdial, Shaw Muckhun Loll, Shaw Coon- | dunloll, Shaw Foondunloll, Ramkissen Doss, Dabey Sing, Churrup Doss Mul- lick, and Persaud Doss Mullick, By Amended Bill. £ © c r To The Defendants Shaw Coondunloll and Shaw Foondunloli. ‘ axe Notice, that on Monday, the Sixth day of September next, or so-soon after as Counsel can he heard, an application will be made to this Honorable Court, for an order that the Amended Bill of Complaint of the Compldinant, this Cause, be taken pro confesso against you and each of you. Dated this Twenty-seventh day of July One Thousand Eight Hundred and F ifty-eight. Yours obediently, ‘TEMPLETON AND CARAPJET, Complainant’s Solicitors. f atwatcucnta cate Becaa “aire geotd axia fataaa utcas CIE} fasaate teata | AEE meus alt, A BMA ata, stifeqi 47 A Pr ° N | | | | ie oa ‘, Raphael Belilios, an In- "| “tiling of her petitign for relief. cufafas bad win ates, | “a aay ua ahs, aati Wdbts Beco oe : _ ofser faa aes, efsey Cr F fa Barty cr my aYaS wate 2 ate, Al FWA F ge WTA, Dal Wy ete SAT WA otaratiaas | accaitfas faa wate ofecate Sarai a] Guat Aa Mae aa 7 _ ATTElt CHER] VISTA A | ata v cacaua wifacet fea we alee WASTE CAA Gs ; alata Gay ae Sfocata Fa 2 netfee far aie afoot teat) SSF GG AERA A wre) coral Pata waste faa facta sae cotatfacty acer HS FA WEAF Slat 29H mreratacats Bl Sat “ xa " a “8 thes if —" it oe Court jor the ‘Relief of Insolvent D Culcuftiu. ; af r In the wwatter of Sallah solvent. t ka Was ordered t day, the Istr day of Ogtober next, appointed “tor the further hearing 0 and that uuless cause be shown to th | that day, the said Insolvent be di sonally as well as to her after acq from all liability for debts, claims, and a cand against the said Insolvent at the ti a © Tenrpleton and Carrapiet, Attorney A : 435 i Chief Clerk's Office, 16th August 189% hi G sal In the matter of Kar- ] On Friday, the 13th ‘tickchurn Roy, of Ko- day of August Instant, “mulnoyanka Bare, in | it was ordered that the ;valcutia, late a Banian | matters of the petition jointly with Denonauth | of the said Insolvent ®3ein, to the firm of be heard on Saturday Messrs. Gouger, Jen-| the 2nd day of October, kins and Co., Merchants | next, and that the said ~nd Agexts, an Insol- | Insolvent do then attend ent. J to be examined by the => ald Court. ,. Swinhoe and Beeby, Attorneys. es ex - nthe matter of Louis homas, of Park Street, hircore, Attorney. . ¢ Chief Clerk's Ofice, 20th August 1858, Wl er day of August Instant,, es ee ee | 93 |] Oriental Bank Caryoration. Incorporatrep BY Roya, CuHanrer. Wird reference to Government Notitication No. 5, Fort William, Financial Department. Sth, Wa nuary 1855, notifying the intention of Govern- ment to dissvive its connexion with the Go- vernment Agency— The Oriental Bank Corporation wadertace the safe custody of Government Paper, Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank of Bengai, and> other local Sto@ks, free of all charge. x Will draw Tnterest and Dividends on the *same as they fall due, and remit at the current rates of exchange, or pay the same according to instructions of to be remitted, through the Cor- poration, If to be paid in India, a Commis- sion will be charged of On returning Government Paper or Share Certificates out of safe custody, On the purchase of Government or other Securities, st Un tite saleof Government Paper or other Stock, tlfe proceeds of which are to be remitted through the Corporatiéa, ... Without charge, . WM. ANDERSON, Without charge, 1-4th per Cent, + 1-4th per Cent. 1-4th per Cent. ® ORLENTAL BANK CORPORATION ; } * Agent, ~ Caleatia, 29th January 1855 { ee Ser = 7 8 wu) ATOM VOOM AHA oo S 5 4 a SQoerdotnaAn w eS OM NAOCOSSr-AND 4 ok a OA MANNHODAG | PN POA Sa eS eS - : A AH SZONRGLAR ps) a ood LIC e ONS $ ale = 5 a o= 3 om S 8 = eis of jf As . | oe 3 [a 5) sparse 4 f i es oO 1s 5 eS : ae = a A Mow Se eee ay aa | B Fp eee 2) ae | ola a) ap mM : sRPwea SB mila) ss 7 Oo © Ose Oo . « | ) hy a ee ae O13 ce) o35'5 2Rat oo Oot @ a] #28 ipg8588 o SD haem See oS 3 id SO .2635 2 ‘o o> 73 ay Me 3 ® PON iN Ney Ol eee rs #2 oS s oo ere © Sur S44 3 ogy 3AW SO SS oS 4 © HOB “se@etss Sg) | BS Qa Sere mes jens = S teat on aS OB SRV: 3 Semdymestiredennd Come Oia. Sacrd Oe ANS te Snes, 3 ies = & SAAONRso2BS Zz; dee Se ~_ SHAHANS 3 is * [3 I SOaCONDSD aa 3 o =) fea] SS Oor-ann ie er) SSocnsa = we PAPER TE pi a ° SSFAlOA ar SHA = 0 65 or) Ad ries ay al co | (27 Ta ron = 3 | ; = | mS - | cy) a) Reeeeat® see 2 = al hier 4 Ge ae ; ° He 5 2 oA m mn 4 bh ay ; | "Re *. | eh ree - 2 eyes Saree 3 = ie ‘3 ; 2 ws , ae = we = J e> © at ae et cic A a ay BN ~ ‘Bod 3 . oy a S fe st Dy °} Ou BD OR : a=) =e Bs + = fe) Dd ie S25 _ ‘I Zeen ka ee o okdqs's 2 : » omo : g 2 os KOy ia oO aN US) 5 = asf 4 o4 s Saagees » Fos aya 7] SROOOg [ 1694 | Dehli Bamks* Lost or destroyed at Dehli, a 5 per Cent. Government Promissory Note of 1856-57, No. 979, for Rs. 4,000. J. C, Parry, Manager. (<) a Commercial Bank of India. cr ei re CALCUTTA BRANCH. Rates 0 Exchange on London Joint Stock Bank. & Slead. At 6 months’sight ... ... 1 11} per Rupee. ee teccal be Le Lda » 30 days 5 wicca lly Lhd 5 wel nee ala 7 ” ” s "The Bank grants Drafts on the Head Office, Bombay, and on its Branches in, London, Shanghae, and Hongkong. Bills collected at any of the above places at a uniform charge of 4 per Cent. . The Bank will undertake’the purchase or Sale of Government Paper, Bank Stock and other, Securi- ties, draw Interest and Divideids payable in Cal- cutta, when due, at a Commission of } per Cent. No charge made when ‘the proceeds of Sale or amount of Interest or Dividends drawn *s remitted in the Bank's Bills. Rates of Interest allowed on Deposits subject to 3 months’ notice of withdrawal, 4 p. ct. per annum 6 ditto ditto ditto 5 2 ditto ditto ditto 6 a Notice may be given when the money is deposit- ed, or at any subsequent time; and it will be dispensed with in cases when the money is to be remitted through the Bank. Current Accounts kept-and Interest allowed at 2 per Cent. per annum on Balances of Rupees 500 and upwards, not exceeding Rupees 50,000, unless by special agreement. ’ Hours of business, 10 A.M, to 3 P. at On Satur- days, \U A.M. to 1 P, M. ”» . W. S.. FITZWILLIAM, 27, TANK SQUARE, Agent. Calcuta, 22nd July 1858. PLoatice. THE interest and responsibility of Mx R. Scorr THOMSON, in our Firm, ceased on the Ist July 1854. Rh. Scorr TuHomson & Co.* MepicaL Hawt, } ; Calcutta. j - r Ziottce. Wer have admitted Mr. stant. JARDINE, SKINNER AND Co, - Calcutta, 12th August 1858. os 6 ce - ; . Craup HaAmILron Brown, a Partner in our Firm, fromthe Ist In- ee Price to Subseribers—F rv 3h Cash — S beorbers -Fivr Rs, pe “ Ditto to Non-ditto—Srven.,, © SAMUEL SMITH axnp Co, ~ 7 ; A - ITurkaru, Presse LOST.—First-Half of a Bank of Bengal Note} No. 09023, for Co.’s Rs. 20, payment of which has been stopped at the Bank. LOST,-—Left Halves of. Bank of Bengal Notes,) Nos. 15104 and 00707, for Rs. 15 and 10 respecs) tively, payment of which has been duly stopped. 4 LOST..—Second-half of a Bank of Bengal Note,” ibye No. 03149, for Co’s Rs. 1000, the payment of which has been stopped at the Bank. Offy. D. P.M. G. 7 « LOST orn STOLEN.—The Government Pro= missory Note, No. 68, of the 34 per Cent. Loan off 1853-54, dated the 28th February 1854, for Cos Rs. 5,000, originally standing in the name of. Mchamed Tnekee, and last endorsed to Mohamed Shoffee, the Proprietor, (or standing in the name of Mohamed Shotfee, the Proprietor, by whom it was never endorsed to any other person), Pay ment of the above Note, and of Interest thereupon, has been stopped at the Loan Office, and appli= cation is about to be made to Government, for they. issue of a Duplicate Note in favor of the Pr prietor. “7 * ale co 9S 198 ue pees wee Sax” syst UMBALLA CANTONMENT ; } The 3rd Auyust 1858. J LOST. orn STOLEN.—The Government Pro missory Note, No. 75, of the 33 per Cent. Loam of 1853-54, dated the 28th February 1854, for Co.'s Rs. 500, originally standing in the name of, Mo- jawed Tuckee, and last endorsed to Mohamed Shoffee, the Preprietor, (or standing in, the name of Mohamed Shoffee, the Proprietor, by who was never endorsed to any other person).* Pa ment of the above Note, and of Interest therew has beer stopped at the Loan Office, and. applica tiorf is about tobe- made to Government for the issue of a Duplieatg Note in favor of the prietor. va i rrr > ale ss5 fodhy * UMBALLA CANTONMENT ; The 3rd August 1858. pipe) Ngee, Ready Jor Delivery, . » ® r= i=) 3S $ 3° 5 & & Ps o = eet * = : % ¥ 3 ; * s & z S ra = é i) 3) ia ~ s = ad oe S omy aap 3 é 2 = of = Bf > a, & 6 es - ‘Ss = S rs ee £ N 2 al 2 Bi Seo 3 SS - rai (¥ Q mM ae = : a Sy 8 . . . . © aia o- 2S im] $ a sé EZ 2 2 Tw. Ep Be = > ae 3 2 =] = £2 < es a 2 as 3 $ = £ i = a a a a ie a Qa _ x 5 st 5 5 : ° ; : 3 i) J > < & a fo} iS) o . oO Be u ° S$ SS eee ee $ z By Se) ie, Pie tis ee pH t arti a : = °5 ly Ee ee 2 = i le en pice Fae zi S < ° =f a = eal ° & a n S 5 & e@ g = g (255 ie fe 2 1 se oy ‘i mse rS ee) Ss 3 2 is 2 E = be es [=] Kl 5. be) Se Ss 3 ~ = Os 5 Ned i < £ . s 4 4 Si = ; = x oO Ss c=) oO — a ees a] eo ~< o n b= ep 7) n Mt 2 8 q S 2 hes: N & See Sg ots 1c eee cei > 4 4] 3 oe i S 3 a < 5) H a AQ, . u = te ie be > n oO a o oO ° = c*) ~ g EI =! e 5 a & a = ‘ba, on eo 2 a * Bo Be) 2 2 2 ZB wa nQ wn mn a2 . 2 :—Printed and Priiiisyed by Jomun G Street, for SAMUEL smith anD Co., LOUITA ray. at the 4 i ; to whom all Letters regarding the insertion of General Orders, Advertisements, Sc “Qatcurra GazeTtr” Orrice, Wo. 55, Council-House-> should be addressed. 5 el ( ~) fas, a ye Wybal e ie ‘ s e t e ee c e e e e ‘ £ ° e ry * e e e e e = e e e e . - e e ° e ry . a . . ° ° ° ° - o is E. © f ® . a“ te] . © ° e 1 . "3 * A ‘ J . e Fs € bs . . . i . |e oe € ¢ « e be a ® . ‘ , « .- 4 iF . x t ¢ . ¢ . ca . fe ta € , 4 € " * vr F. e ’ , e ¢ € = - Li o r e = | c Ls a a ie . - fi - e rs 2 alr Ss id e ¢ A 6 a - r € © ps ¢ ec e 3 r ia + La al — re c o Tie Cals WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1858. \ >» |< A ' Sew Aa 2 utta Oasette, Hegislativ Tur 2isr Avevsr 1858, ; following Bill was read a second time in Legislative Council of India on the 21st oust 1858, and was referred toea Select Com- whe are to report thereon after the 25th of mber next :— a L for the belter recovery of Arrears of perenue under Lyotwar Settlements in ‘the Madras Presidency. Wiertas difficulties oecur th applying the rules a of Regulation X¥V OT 1502 of Vie Sacra, Code ti Khas Pons of the Gevernment Rey enn® gecerding ELL of 1856, and eitoeeries - and Whereas its paatsi@ty to yicke ae Colieetor shall af lus sascretion, i realiee arrears of sual Kevenne Ly the - ad . , 4 Se dither Wie real or personal pwoperty of-«dle- tere; Lt is hereby enacted as faliey s:—- . Whe J . > . he¥er venbior Revenue may be withheld beyond the daywon which they nl - . o lui due aégogding to the Kistbundy cr other engages ment, or im cases where no particular day is fixed, thgn J : beyond fhe time when such or Revenue became payalte hefeeably to J usage, the Collector shall have authority to ed tor the recovery’ of such arrears by the dis- sand the sale of the personal property or the bof the real prOperty of the defaulter wherever }), ¢ » ~ 1 - ae piillirct = ei powered over arrears of rent evenue by distress eof personal. or ' », @ Property 6s detutllt- herever found, b « Il. In the seizure and sale of personal proper- ty for arrears of rent or Re- dial property to be venue, thes following rules as follows. shall be observed :-—, | #—The distvainer shall furnish to*the per- ' ‘sons employed to attach the Mirainer to furnish property ofa defaulter, a de- Sons distraining with and in writine and signed anand in writing. mand in writing and signed with his name specifying the unt ofthe arrear for Phe Wsued, Gnd she date om which thé® arrear dug. ‘The persons -so deputed shall produce the writing as authority for making the-attachment, and . on the day on which the operty may be “attached shall deliver a copy of writing to the defaulter, endorsing thereon a t or inventory of the property attached and the mie of the place where it may be lodged or kept. a ’ Hgure and sale of iy: 4 E,. es Aafaulteric be served &eopy. ec ¢ which the attachment | Suncil of Enviada rg shall further set forth the intention of the distrainer to Bring the attached property to immediate public sale, un- less the amount and expense of the attachment be previously distharged. ° Third. When a defaulter may be absent, a° Mode Bf s ahem ey of the writing, with the deliver ia ebsents endorsement, shall be fixed or left at his usual place of resi- dence before the expifation of the third day, calculating from honey of the attachment. ° IIL. Whete a defaulter on receiving notice may neglect to. pay the amount dué or to give satis= ” factory security for early payment, or where a default- er—may. haye-abseonded or may be otherwise not forthcoming so that the notice cannot be served upon him, the attaching Officer shall in either case transmit an inventory of the property attached to the nearest public Officer empowered to sell dis- trained property,in order tha: it may be publicly sold for the i of the arrear due. : Secon ¢.—The writ ir e Intentiot of sale to be set forth. e Consequence of de- faulter neglecting to pay after notice, or absen- tine himself. IV. *Where adefaulter may tender payment of On tender of atrear the arrear demanded in the and expenses prior to presence of two eredible wit- the day of sale, attach- nesses, after his property ment to be withdrawn. — yay have been attached and prior to the déy fixed for sale, together with pay- ment of the necessary expenses attending the attachment, #he distrainer shall receive the amount of such arrear and expenses immediately upon the same being tenglered, and shall forthwith release the property. V. The distrainer attaching the crops or un- Distedibad acapeljow baie prouuer az the to be'dediehwith: ands belongings to a defaulter may cause them to be sold in due course without reaping dr gathering them, or at his option may cause them to be reaped or gather- ed in due season and stoxed in proper places until sold. In the latter case the expense of reapmg or gathering and storing such crops or proditees shall ppon his redeeming the be defrayed-by the owner, sale in the property, or trom the proceeds of the event of its being soldy VL. The distrainer shall not work the bullocks, or cattle or make use of the goods or effects distrained ; he shall provide the necessary Distrained cattle or | goods not to be used. { tie So. ™) ait ae: nti Ue or lyvactark theexnense at- we i" proupert ruii1 bite ent of itebeing seld. re aur “© a a suivan t ae - proceeds gt @he ag « Veal wre pr prerty i —— 4 " \ Officer responsible dor ~~? » OY GAX neglect Im respect to son of the mecdssary pr eau- distrained propert trons lor its due preservation y defimage shall newlect ocwa Pa “ned may be stolen, aved hy rea- ; t ot having been taken, the loss be made good by the Offieer whos sioned the luss or damage. VIII. Distress to be propor- tionate to the arrear. Nhe distress levied shall not be exces- sive, that is to say, the pro- perty distrained shall be as nearly as possible proportio- nate to the amount of the arrear. 1; Ge punert: IX, Attachments shall be ime tor attachment. made after sunrise and before sunset, and not otherwise. e X. Where a defaulter may make a fraydulent conveyance of property, to Penalty for fraudulent prevent the attachment of it conveyance of property 6 arrears, the Zillah Court to prevent attachment. ders ; 2 upon proof fhereof, shall summarily cause the property to be delivered up to the distrainer, and compel the person to whom such transfer or conveyance may have beep made to pay to the distrainer damages equal to the yalue of one-half the property, with costs of suit. XJI° Where a person, not being a defaulter or responsible for a_defaulter, may claim a right to the property distrained, and the, distrainer may, notwithstanding, cause the same to be sold, the claimants, on proof of such nght in the Zillah Court and 4n the event of the distrainer being prove the responsibility for the arrear of rent or Revenue, on account of which the property may have been sold, shall recover from the distrainer the full value of such property with» costs and damages, according to thé circumstances “of the case> But claims to crops upon the ground, or to gather products of the ground attached, in the possession” of the defaulter, whether founded upon a previous sale, mortgage, or otherwise, shall not bar the prior claim of rent or Revenue due from the ground upon which such crop or product may have been grown. XI. Penalty for forcibly or clandestinely taking Claims to property distrained and sold. Where a person may be conticted of foreibly or -clarfdestinely taking away property once away distrained pro- distrained, the Zillah Court, perty. upon proof thereof, shall” cause such person to be imprisoned until he restore, the property or make good the value of it to the distrainer, and moreover, to pay tp him, as damages, a sum of money equal to the value of such pProper- ty, with costs of suit.. ULM. What places distrain- er may force open. The distrainer shall have power to force open any stable, cow-house, golah, granary, godown, out- house, or other building, , as also to enter any dwelling-house, the outer door of which may be, open (excepting the apartments in such dwelling-house appropriated for the Zehana or residence, of women), and to bréak open the door of any room in such dwelling-house for the purpose of attaching property belonging to a de- faulter and lodged therem. 4 *they may break open the door of any ro 4 enter the Zenana apartments for the purpose thjs Act, shall be imprisoned for six m@eths. ¢ ‘ XTV. Where a distraner may have ronson te i teres erty ol b igh Oe ew Lu <-Se eee within t i or to force open doors dw liing-hotse the outer doom. jn the wresence of 2 ¥ toarhich may be shit, or with- Police Olfcer e . a in any apartments avpropriag f she county 1 { te WO , eh hy the lisa@e ; are ‘opendered priv such distrarner sh if i represent the game to the Police (withim. whos -arisdictionthe house may be situated), and such representation, — the Police shall sendy Pohee Offic to the spot, in the presenceg@ whom the distrainer may force open the oute door of such dwelling-house in like manner a 0 within the house, except the Zenana; the di trainer may also, in the presence of the Police Officers, after due notice given for the remoya of women within a Zenana, and after furnish means for their removal in a suitable manner {1 they be women of rank who according to the eas toms of the country cannot appear in publi attaching the defaulter’s property deposited there in; but such yproperty, if found, shall be imme diately removed from such apartments, after whid they jshall be left free to the former*oceupants and nothing in this Act shall be understood 1 authorize a distrainer or his agent to force oper the door of a dwelling-house, or to enter the apar ments of women which by the usage of the coun try are considered private, in any other mode than is herein prescribed. : XV. Persons entering, the apartments @ women, or foreing open th “Punjshtnentforun- guter door of dwelling-hous lawful®entry. * contrary to the€provisions ¢ XVI. Between the tenth and thirtieth da following the day on wh the attachment was mat sale and of the pro- the Public Officer empower perty to De sold. to sell distrained property s cause to be affixed to the outer door of the defi ter’s house a list of the property to be sold wit notice specifying the place whereeand the day 4 héur at which the distramed property will be sol an@ shall gayse proclamation of the mtended Sal to be made by beat’ of drum it the village 7 which the lands on which the arrear has acerue miay belong. XVII. At, the appointed’ me *the propert Bile wow Ve abbey shall be put up in one “or ma duties lots as the distramer may 2 sider advisable, aad shal disposed of to the highest bidder. Where the pr perty may sell for more than the amount of 1 arrear, the overplus, after Meducting expenses process 4nd interest, shall be paid to the defau XVII. The .property shall not be Payment on the for other than ready mo purchascofdistrained and the purchaser shall no -broperty how to be permitted to carry away a made. . ‘ aioe ¥ part of the prqperty until pi for. Where the purchaser “may fail in the p ment of the whole or part of the purchase. mer within - five ‘days, exclusive of the’ day of sale, the ; whole of the property, or the of it which may be unpaid for, shall be r ty , a XXTI. When arrears of ‘rent ‘or Revenue with interest and other charges as aforesaid may not be liquidat- ed by the sale of the personal and real property of the defaul- ter, the Collector shall have arrest of the defaulter in the XXIV. Persons considering themselves to have been aggrieve by the Collector’s acts under the pre- ceding Section shall have liberty to appeal to the Judge, who, on receiving such appeal, shall proceed according to “xirof Regulation XX Vil. 1802, and no of the Zillah shall Collector. shall be charged on all arrears ofrent or Revenue under this ‘Act. from and after thirty days after the arrear has accrued. Section XIIL of Regulation ° XXX... Nothing contained in this Act shall be held to prevent parties consi- Suits by persons dering themselves to have been aggrieved by wrong- goerieved by the acts of a dis- ful distress. i a > trainer or of those employed by him, from applying to the Courts of Adawlut for redress; and if the Courts of Adawlut shall be of opinion that the party complaining has suffered wrong, they shall give such damages as the case may appear to call for, and shall also grant to the complaining party his costs of suit. W. Moreax, Clerk of the Council. ne te Me a > Tur 28ru Aveust 1858. Tue following Act, passed by the Legislative Council of India, received the assent of the Right Honorable the Governor General on the 24th August 1858 (communicated to the Legislative Council on the 28th idem), and is hereby promul- gated for general information :— Act No. XXX or 1558. An Act to provide for the adininistration of the Estate and for the payment of the Debts of the late Wabob of the, Carnatic. ‘ Wuerras by Act I of 15H it is enacted that no Writ or process shall at any time be sued forth or prose- cuted against the person, goods, or property of Tlis Highness the Nabob of the Carnatic, or of such other person as therein mentionod, unless ‘such writ or process shall be so sued forth with the consent of the Governor in Council of Fort St. George first had and obtained as therein, men- tioned ; and that any writ ox process which shall at any time be sued out or prosecuted against the person or goods or property of His Highness or of J Preamble. [ 1732 ] é ‘ =n | of parties claiming to be creditors of the Nabob 1 any such person withont such consent, shall be utterly null. and void: and whereas the Nabob died leaving debts and liabilities to a large amount unsatisfied, some of which were contracted by himself and some by Azeem, Jah Bahadoor as Nabob Regent or Naih-i-Mooktar during the in- fancy of the late Nabob: and whereas it is doubtful whether the creditors of the Nabob have, without’ the eqnsent of the Governor in Council of Fort St. George, any remedy for enforcing their claims against the goods or property which belonged to the said Nabob at the time of his death ; and especially whether any part of the property left by the said late Nabob, which was of the nature of State or Public property, 1s liable for the payment of such claims: and where- as the Hast India Company is willing to give up any right which it has to any part of such pro- perty which is in the naturee of State or Public property, and to allow the whole property, moveabie and immoveable of whatever kind, left by the late Nabob, after appropriating to the payment of his debts such portion thereof as is hable th the | payment thereof, to be applied towards making provision for the family, and dependents of the late Nabob: and whereas the said Mast India Company is also willing to pay m full} to such of the creditors as shall be willing to accept the same, in the manner herein mentioned, all such debts as shall be proved to have been fairly’ and | justly contracted by the said Nabob or on his behalf during his infancy by the said Azeem Jah as Nabob Regent, such debts to be estimated in respect of moneys at the amounts which may be proved to have been actually advanced or paid by such creditors respectively, and in respect of goods supplied or other matters at the amount which shall be proved to have been the fair and actual value thereof at the time wlfn such debits were incurred, together with interest on such debts at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, the property of the said Nabob being applied in the first instanee for that purpose, but any deficiency therein being made good by the said East India Company: and whereas the said Naboh is alleged to have mortgaged and created divers hens and securities upon certain portions of his property, of which or some of which the validity and extent of operation, especially as against the creditors of the said Nabob, is doubtful, and it may also be doubtful whether the same can he enforced in any of the oydinary Courts of Justice; and it is expedient that ,provi- sion should be made for giving effect to the said mortwages, lens, and securities so far as the same shall have been created ond fide ané for valuable consideration, and for affording a simple mode of ascertaining the “rights of the parties claiming under such mortgages, liens, and securities: and whereas it is also alleged that variotis conveyances, deeds, and instruments have been exeeuted by the late Nabob without valuable consideration in favor oY persons who have under color thereof executed ox | created mortgaves or assignments of, or securities or hens on the property comprised therein: and whereas fis expedient thet provision should be made for investigating ell such claims, and for protecting the 4ond fide creditors of the said Nabob from the effect of any conveyances executed hy the Nabob under stch circumstances a& render- rd them void as against such creditors, and for allording a simple mode of ascertaining the rights of the parties clainfing in respect thereof as well as, | | | | i, e It is enacted as follows :— I. The Governor in Council of Port St. Geor shall, immediately after ¢ passing of this Act, appon such person as he may thin fit to act under the ‘orders the Supreme Court of Judie 2 ture at Madras m the admi tration of the property of whatever nature left } the said late Nabob. ‘The person so appomted shall be designated “The Receiver of the Car tie Property,” and shall have power to collect ay take possession of all such property, and shall hol fhe same according to the provisions of this Ac and shall give such security (f any) as the s Governor in Council may require. d Il. The said Receiver shall be entitled to ceive such commission, not e Remuneration of ceeding five per centum up Receiver. the amount or value of property collected by and dis tributed under the provisions of this Act, as thee said Governor in Council shall appoint, whie commission shal# he charged to the estate, TL. e Appointment of person, designated Receiver of Carnatic Property, to admin- ister the estate. e ON The Governor in Council shall chave power to suspend or rem any person appointed such 1 ceiver as aforesaid, and from time to time to fill y any vacancy in such éiliee which may be occasion ed by death, retirement, suspension, or removal. TV. ie Suspension, remo- val, &c., of Receiver. Such Receiver shall represent the estat of the said late Nabob in all® proceedings relating theret under this Act ov otherwi and shall do and perform a acts%nm_ performance of his duties or office unde his éflicial designation, and in all proceedin whether at law,or in equity he shall be so sty and designated ; and no proceedings in which tht Receiver may be a party shall abate by reason 0 the death, retirgment, suspension, or removal from office of any such Receiver, but the same shall bi continued and earriesd on by his successor as if no such death, resignation, suspension, or remova had occurred. - ue Receiver to repre- sent theeestate in all proceedings. e a V. The* Reediver shall have’ full power to collect, take possession of, and ect in all property, moveable or, immoyeable and whether of the natere of -- State or Publie property or not, to which the said late Nabob at th timie of his death was entitled either at law or in equity, or which is liable either at law or m equity to satisfy the debts of the said Nabob; @nd, if necessazy, to sue for and cover the same as representing the said esta of the said Nabob under this.Act, and to realize by sale or otherwise the value of the said property and he shall proceed to collect and take posse ot the same with all convenient speed immediat after the passing of this Act. < Receiver to collect, sue for, and take pos- session of the pro- perty. $ VI. -Whenever the Receiver, by the orde “Oe with the senction of the Court, -shall sell any immoveable pro: perty to which the Nabob w entitled either at law orine iy et the time of his death, ot which is Hable either at law fy the debts of the said Ja Receiver selling immoveable proper- ty with the sanction of the Court, may execute conveyance thereof to purchaser, in equity to satis ft, L 1733 | he shall execute a conveyance thereof to | the purchaser; and such con- veyance shall be valid and 4 eftectual and give a good title st the heirs of the said Nabob and all hs claiming under them, and also as against sons claiming under the said Nabob by vir- any conveyance or instrument declared by mortgage or security as aforesaid, who shall fail to come in and establish the same and (if required by the Court so to do) to prove the consideration for the same under and according to such order, shall be barred from all benefit of such mortgage or security: and theesaid Court may order the property affected thereby to be delivered up to the said Receiver. ¢ of such con- Zs = Pe sou as against the creditors XI. In ease it shall appear to the satisfaction aul Nabob, or by virtue of any marteace é Jour’ at seewithis ? s y gage Court? tay Sova of the Court that there is good ity the benefit of which has been barred bi of 1 reason to believe that any con- the provisions of this Act. a person claiming veyance or other imstrument under a conveyance Il, Upon a suit being instituted as herein- | after mentioned, the said Re- | ceiver shall be deemed subject | to the orders of the said Court, and so far as such orders shall | not extend to the general prac- | masuit beng executed by the Na- bob under cireum- stances rendering the .same void as against creditors, to come in and establish his claim. executed by the said late Na- bob in his lifetime was exeeut- eed under circumstances which rendered the same void as against creditors, the said Court may, at any time pending the the said Court, in the same manner as any | eiver specially appointed by the said except that he shall not be called upon by suit, order the person or persons claiming sunder such eonveyance or instrument to come in and establish his claim under the same; and in default id Court to give security. [f. It shall be lawful for any creditor or } person interested in the proper administration of the estate . and effects of tha said Nabob, ly for and obtain in a summary way, in the provided by Act VI of 1854, upan a to be served upon the said Receiver, an the administration of the estate anid effects of the said Nabob; and adminis- estate. directions : oe enastocre- stich order, an addition to the holding mort- ordinary directions contained other secu- in the usual order for the ad- ministration of the moveable may declare the ‘ of compliance with the said order, the said Court said conveyance or instrument to be void as against the ereditors of the said Nabob, and may order the property thereby con- veyed to be delivered up to the said Receiver. XII. In cage Property conveyed by the Nabob for the purpose cf raising money for his use, may be declared part of his estate subject to bond fide mortga- ges created thereon. it shall appear to the satisfac- tion of the Court that there is good reason to believe that any property was conveyed by the said Nabob in_ his lifetime to any person or persons im order that he or they might raise money thereon for the use of the said Nabob, the said + oveable estate of a deceased Mahomedan, feet that all creditors who may hold any bor ‘security upon any part of the ymentioned in Section V of this Act shall and prove their claims and establish their and the consideration for the same, or Court may declare that, subject to any mortgages or securities which may have been Jond fide created thereon, the said property is part of the estate of the said Nabob and shall be administered accord- ingly, and may also order all persons who may hold or claim under any mort- t thereof that they shall be barred and 1 from all benefit of their said securities ; é said Court shall also by the said, order th directions as to the notigessto be issued Mortgagees &c. of such property to come in and estab- lish their mortgages. gage or security executed by the person or persons to whom the said property was so con- veyed by the ‘said Nabob to ae 5 O 5 h creditors and otherwise, and shall direet ae come in and prove their claims and establish their nquiries, as to the Court shall seem fit. securities. and the consideration for the same, or in default thereof that they shall be barred and . Upon such order being, made, the Couré ’ shall take an acedunt of all ‘ the Sen debts and liabilities which were Edebts due from the said Nabob at ; the time of his death, and alse moveable or immoveable and, “vhether sf the nature of State or Public proyerty or not, to ithe said late Nabob at the time of his death titled cither at Jaw or in equity, or which’ e either at law or in equity to satisfy the $ of the said Nabolf; and shall also determine whether* any and whiel} of the ortgages. t mortgage or secyrity, upon any and what alte of the said Nabob and for | what consideration» or amount, and ther such mortgage or sceurity constituted a 1 charge upon the whole orany and what por- f the property theluded therein. ‘Byery creditor of the said Nabob, who — shall not come jin and establish r or mort- : 3 r Stenting in his claim under and aceording sblish claim or to the said order, shall be bar- red from all benefit of the said claim; anc all persons who may hold or claim under an said creditors had any and | barred from all bene- excluded from all benefit of their said securities ; and the said Court shall also Notices to be is- jy the said order give such ep . directions as to the notices to be issued $0 such ereditors and otherwise, and shall direct such enquiries as to the Court shall seem fit ; and all persons who may hold or claim under any mortgage or security executed by or on behalf of the person or persons to whom such pro- perty was conveyed as afore- said, who shall fail_to come in >and establish the Same and (if ioaen required hy the Court so to do) to prove the consideration for the same under and according to such order, shall be barred from all benefit of such mortgage or security; and the said Court may order the property affected thereby to be delivered up to the said Receiver. = XIII. No action or suit shall be commenced Se: ._ or proseeuted .by any creditor Pere Nae ae of the said Nabob against any representative of the Nabob otherwise than in accordance with this Act. . » Persons holdingy under such mortga- ges, who fail to come mand _ establish their claims, shall be the said Nabob, otherwise than in accordanee with the provi- sions of this Act; and all ac- person as the representative of i, [ 1734 ] tions and suits, which at the time of the com- | death, unless made mencement of this suit shall Pending suits to abate. son as representative of the said Nabob, shall abate; the costs of such seit, if the said Court, shall consider it reasonable, to be paid out of the assets of the said late Nabob. XIV. Payments made by the Nabob in dis- charge of interest not to be questioned. From what period interest at the rate of 6 per cent. shall be calculated. Creditor not. enti- tled to make special application in respect of a part only of his claims. XVIL..-No assignment of any such claim, as No assignment of Aforesaid upoy the said late such claims to, be Nabob or upon any property valid, if made after whatsoever to which the said passing of this Act, ; « : : aroun teens late Nabob was entitled either be pending at the suit of any | such ereditor against any per- | | tion XIV of this Act. at Jaw or im equity, or w is liable either at law oy equity to satisfy the debts o said Nabob, shall be o deemed to be valid or effectual if made or exeey subsequently to the date of the passing of this, or if made or executed since the death of the Iit¢ Nabob unless proved to have been made fide and for a valuable consideration, the” Whereof shall lie upon the person claiming ui such assignment. ; DOvilnL: Persons claiming in respect of Istufa Cutcherry Bonds to and for considera- bona fide valuable tion. S r Every person claiming to bea ered) of the said late Nabob in res of any security commonly & and known as an Istufa © cherry Bond issued by ord the said late Nabob in diseh of or connected with the of Moomtauzool Moolk door otherwise called Ghoolam* Moortaza Bahadoor, shall be deemed a creditor of the “within the meaning of Section XIV of this of the Nabob within the meaning of Sec- XIX. The said Court, upon the appli of such ereditor, shall app a day for ascertaining amount of his debt, and of the day so appbinted forthwith be given by 4 plicant to the Solicitor | Bast India Company at Ma¢ The day so appointed shall not be less than tywent one days from the time of the application, Court, upon ap- plication, to fix aglay for the investigation, and to give notiee there@ to the Com- pauy’s Solicitor at Madras. XX. At the time of giving such notice, the ereditoy shall also furnish to the said Solicitor full partic te lars of his claim, If the pi ticulars so furnished are insufficient, the said Courb or,a Judge thereof may make an order for furthe particulars. In case any such order be mad Cotrt shall fiot proceed to Investigate the ¢ until fourteer days from the time when snffie particulars have been furnished, and if neces shall appoint a further day for the hearing: 3 Particulars of claim to be furnished to the Solicitor, XXI.. At"afy time not less than seven - before the hearing, the Ge ment may give notice to # tlaimant that it is willing consent to an order for payment of an amount to specified in the notice in fu justly and fairly due. y XXIT. Upon the day so fited or upon Claim to be sum-. other day to which the | Government may, seyen clear days be- fore hearing,- give notie of consent ta an order for pay- ment. discharge of what is marily investigated may think fit to postpone by Court. investigation, the Court, proof of the service of the notice required by $ XIX of this Act, shall proceed to ascertain determife in a summary way what amount is and fairly due from the estate of the said Na the time of his death to the claimant, whet debt be payable by instalments or not, and w or not the day or .days fixed for the pay thereof shall have arrived. In ascertaining st amount, the said Court shall not allow to + person claining to be a ereditt In respect of money lent or: vaneed, any larger sum tha amount which shall be pi to have been actually advanced to. or for the late Nabob, or, in the case of such Istufa Cr Bonds as aforesaid tr or for ¢] said Ghoolam he taza Khan Bahadoor, ‘together with simple interest Amount due how to be ascertained— in respect of money lent. ie ae mam. (to be calculated up to the date of the for payment), notwithstanding any higher interest may have been agreed to be paid ; shall not allow to any person claiming to be a creditor, in respect of matters, any larger sum than the amount which shall be prov- have been the fair and actual vatue there- at the time when such debt was incurred or on behalf of the said late Nabob, or, case of sych Istufa Cutcherry Bonds as id by or on behalf of the said Ghoolam taza Khan Bahadoor, without reference to the d for or in respect thereof, together with simple rest thereon not exceeding the rate aforesaid, if Court shall consider that the claimant is entitled recover interest. otrétoorder pay- Order for the payment of the tofamountsoas- amount so ascertained to he die, ained, with costs. together with the costs of prov- debt if it shall think fit to award costs. vided that, if the amount so ascertained to be pectofgoods goods supplied or of any other | The said Court shall issue an | [ 1735 ] m not exceeding the rate of six per centum | > treated as primd facie evidence that a debt to that amount was dne to such ereditor. XXVT. If it shall appear that the amount paid out of the assets of the said Nabob to any such eredi- ‘tor or to the East India Com- pany under the provisions of the last preceding Section, ex- ceeds the amount which such creditor, independently of the provisions of this Act, would have been entitled to receive out of the assets of the estate, the Provision if pay- ment be made to a creditor under the preceding Section in respect of the amount receivable by him. ° , difference between the amount so paid and the | amount which would have been so receivable shall ; | be made good by the Kast India Company, and te or sum which may have been agreed to be. shall be paid to the Receiver for the benefit of the persons interested im the estate. XXVIII. No action or suit shall bé brought against the East India Compa- ny or any person for any thing done under the provisions of this Act, or for or by reason of asy act, reasonable or proper, No action in res- pect of certain things done under this Act, or befve the passing thereof if done with the sanction of Go- for the protection of any pro- vernment, due shall not exceed the amount specified in the notice (if any) perty, moveable or tmmoveable and whetherof the nature of State or Public pro- SO, ard costs to the claimant. XIII. For the issue of subpenas or other orocess, for preparing orders of fees to Officers of | ‘ = oa payment; or for any other bu- siness connected with the as- ust preceding Seetion, the Officers of the said shall be entitled to charge the like fees as be chargeable in an ordinary suit in the said ‘for such debt or claim for business of a like fe, or such other fees as the Court with* the n of the Governor in Counc shall appoint behalf. V. Upon m every inves- Kast India ly may ap- y Counsel. * every investigation under See- tion XXII of this Act, the East India Company “may ap- pear and be heard by Counsel ; and the claimant may appear in person or by Counsel gy, if the Court Shall thank fit to allow the same, by* Attotney or any other Agent. ‘XV. The amourtt ascertained by the Court ount found due . to be due to the claimant upon interest art the investigation under Section low to bepaid. XXII, together with such terest and costs (if any) as shall be awarded by @ Court, shall be paid to the claimant by thes ceiver within ten days after a copy of the of the said Coyrt shall have been served upon’ In case no sufficient assets belonging to the of the said ]ateNabob shall be in the hands & Receiver to enable pay such amount, insel, or by At- ney, &e. 2, . y shall be entitled to be repaid by the rer out of any assets which may afterwards e to his hands? The judgment of the Court : as to the amount due to such ereditor as aforesaid for prin- vidence of the the adminis- suit. taking an account of the debts and habilities and of the estate under Section XXI, the Court slwll not | ining the amount of any debt or claim under | me shall be forthwith paid out of the Public | ry of the East India Company, and the said eipal and Interest shall, in |. ss and effects of the said Nabob | such administration ‘suit as aforesaid, be . perty or not, to which the said late Nabob at tlc time of his death was entitled either at law or in equity, or which is liable either at law or in equity to satisfy the debts of the said Nabob, or for realizing the assets thereof, which may have been done before the passing of this Act .by any person under the orders or with the sanction of the said Governor in Council. XXVIII. No property shall be taken by the said Receiver out of the possession of any person mentioned in the list last published in the (o- vernment Guzetie at Madras of persons entitled to privileges under the provisions of Aet I of 184, without the previous order of the said Governor in Council. No property to be taken by the Receiv- er out of possession of privileged persons without the order of Government. W. Morea, Clerk of the Counsit. Home Department, Fort William, the 27th August 1858, J No. 1968. Notificution —The Right Ion’ble,the Governor General has been pleased to confer upon Raja JyperKasH Stveu, of Deo, in the Zillah of Behar, the title of Manarasa, with a suitable Khillut, as an acknowledgment of his steady devotion to the British Government, and of the services rendered by him during the late disturbances. , |, By order of the Hon’ble the President of the Council of India in Council, , Ceci, Bravoy, . Secretary to the Governinent of India. ) ~ ie f Financial Department, Foarl William, the 30th August 1858. No. 49. Notifie ation.—The Hon’ble the President in Coun- ot is pleased, with the sanction of the Right ing appJintments in the newly created Depar tment of "Pay, Audit and Account in India. Mr. J. M. Erskine, (Bombay Civil Service) First Assistant to the Acecountant-General, Bom- bay, to be Civil Auditor, N. W. Provinces. Mr, EL.) 1D. Sactilbyaiied (Bengal , Civil Service) attached to the N. W. Provinces, to be Accoun- tant dor po Punjab, Mr. J. W. Breeks, (Madras Civil Service) Se- cond Assis fee to the Accountant General, Madras, to be Civil Auditor for the Pusyjab. Mr. R. W. Lodwick, (Bombay Civil Service) Second Assistant to the Accountant General, Bombay, now on leave in England, to b® First Assistant to the Accountant General, ‘Bombay’ Mr. J. Christie, (Uneoveninted Civil Service) Accountant for the Punjab, to be Second Assistant to the Tots General, Bombay. Mir de Raynor, (Uncovenanted Civil Ser- vice) Civil hee for the Punjab, to be Seeond Assistant to the Accountant General, Madras. By order of the Tlon’ble the Presidefit in Council, C. H. Lusnixeron, Secretary to the Government of India. Foreign aise, Fort William, 27th August \S5S. No. 2983% The following arrangements are notified :— On the 26th July, Lieutenant G. Dangerfield, Officiating Magistrate of Rangoon, assumed charge of the Office of Deputy Commissioner of Rangoon, in which he will officiate as a temporary measure. [ 1736 | | Henderson. r ; ; : | obtedintd leave of abienee on Medioh! Certiti Hon’ble the Governor-General, to make the followe | powers of a Salt Agent within the limits On the 27th July, Lieutenant W. Grey, Offici- | ating Assistant Magistrate, received charge 6f the Jail and Magistrate’s Otfice from Lieutenant Dangerfield. On the 2nd August, Mr. EB. O'Riley relieved Lieutenant Grey om Bhd charge of the Magis- trate’s Office and Jail. cad The 3\ st August 1858. F No. 2984. ¢ Captain J. W. Bristow, Deputy Commissioner in the Punjab, kas obtained leave of absence for two months, from the 10th ultimo, to enable him to rejoin his appointment. Ke No.°2985. Capt: un J. Fendall, Deputy Leiah, has obtained privileye leave for one month, from t! le date on which he may avail himself of it. No. 2986. ; Mr. ff. B. Henderson, Deputy Commissioner ef Khangurh, has obtained leave of absenge, under Section XH. of thehew Civil Service Absentee ‘Rules, for the months of September and October next. e Commissioner of | Magistrate and Collector of Patna, and toe | under the provisions of Acts XAH. of 1958 nd | (18 of 1505. z r Lieutenant J. S. Tighe is appoited to act as Dex puty Commissioner during the absence of No. 2987. Lieutenant W. H. Edgcome, Superintentaal Pegu Topographical Survey, and Captain D. Seo Pad Class Assistant,Pegu Survey, have respectr under theold Furlough Regulations,—the form for two aml the latter for three months, to pro of Moulmein and the Straits. Creit BRApoN, Offy. Secy. torthe Govt, of Tn Jiublic Corks Department, Pousrte, Fort William, The 25th August 1858. No. 106. , -Notification.—Mr. R. J. Rose, Executive Ene gineer, 3rd Class, Department Public Works, hay ine been permitted to retire from the Service @ pension, lis name has ceased to be borne on if effective Establishment from the 20th May 1858: R. Srracuxry, Major, Olfg. Secy. to the Gort. of India. ea Orders by the Licut. Mstictons of Bengal él, No. 3046. ‘ 4 Anpointments.:—The 27th August VS5S.—3 E. H. Lushington, Junior Seeretary to the Bos of Revenue, to officiate also as Controller of Go- *vernment Salt Chowkies, and to exercise # scrileed im Section 33, Act XXIX. of 1838. Baboo Obhoychurn Mullick, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector of Dacea, Is transferred Tipperah, where he will exercise the special pow of an Assistant Magistrate described in Clause 3, Section 2. Regulation Ml sor, dees Mr. W.-G. ‘Deare, Deputy Magistrate and Deptity Collector of Bhuddruck, to he also ex oflicio Assistant to the Salt Agent 6f Balasore. Mr. J. Outhwaite, to officiate as M Atterdant and, Marine ‘Asaiadiele to the Salt A of Balasore, and also as ex-officio Consery of the Ports of Balasore, Chooramun, Chano Sa‘tha, Lychunpore, Soobunreeka, and Damral Mr. J. Mackenzie, Deputy Magistrate a De. puty Collector of Deter? is vested with the spee powers of an Assistant Magistrate described Clause 3, Section % 2, Regulation TIT of 1821) that Distiet fi Mr. Cr H. Campbell, Officiating Collector nigricans to officiate also as Magistuate that District, until the ayrive! of My. C. Jenki Mr. C. J. Mackenzie to be Assistant to cise the powers of a Joint Magistrate and De; ee ine in that District. Mr. &. C. Barnard, to the chit ce of the Sub- incon ot Kalarooa, and to exercise the non rs of a Joint Mag risteate and Deputy Collector im the Districts of Barasct and Nuddea. Captain A. P. S. Moncrieff, Junior Aecintante ti the Commissioner of Clrota Nacpore, to the ch of the Sub-Division of Govindpore, eof Absence, the 27th August 1858.—Mr. pbell, Controller of Salt Chowkies, rthree months, under Section XIT of ised Absentee Rules. Drummond, Assistant to the Magis- Collector of Bhaugulpore, to the Sth n extension of the leave granted to him 3rd ultimo. ‘ r Wavy Alli Azeem, Sudder Ameen of Sarun, days in exeess of the Mohurrum vacation. on.—The 27th August 1858.—The fol- Extract from a Despatch, No. 41 of 1858, the 13th ultimo, from the Hon’ble the Court etors, is published for general information. tr, A. Bond, Master Attendant at Balasore, granted an extension of leave for six is, for the regovery of his health.” A. R. Youne, Secy. to the Gort. of Bengal. a Orners bu the it Mowhle the Governor General, “] No. 1211 of 1888. Allahabad, the 27th August 1858. fication—Mr. George Billings is appointed y Collector under Regulation IX. of 1833, Jeputy Magistrate under Act XV. of 1543, “Grade, with the powers of an Assistant, abad ; but he will continue to do duty murh till further orders. niment.—NIr. Philip James White, to affi- s Deputy Collector under Regulation 1X. 00g ES 92 oe [ 17 37 | No. 3366 of 1858. Allahabad, the 27th August 1858. Appointment.—Mahomed Ally Jan, Tehseeldar of Etah, to be a Deputy Magistrate under Act XY. of 1813, with the powers of an Assistant Magistrate, : No. 3375 of 1858. Leave of Absence.—Captain J. P. Caulfield, Com- mandant Furruckabad District Police, for nine months, on Medical Certificate, from 9th instant to 9th May 1859, to proceed to Simla. Appointment.—Lieutenant G. R. ITennessy, to officiate as Commandant of the Furruckabad Dis- trict Police, during the absence on leave of Gaptain Caulfield, or until further orders. | = No. 3377 of 1858. Leave, of Absence—Mr. Wilmot Lane, Joint Magistrate and Deputy Collector of Ally Gurh, having obtained a Medical Certificate, is allowed two months’ leave of absencesunder Section XIL., of the Amended Absentee Rules, from the date of quitting his post, By order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor- General» W. Morr, Secy. to Gort.. N. WP. No. 3360 of 1858. Allahabad, the 271th August 1858. Appointments —Mr. James William Power, Joint , and Deputy Magistrate under Act XV, » With the powers of an Assistant, in Zillah abad, during Mr. Billings’ absence. * No. 3287 of 1858. Allahabad, the 23rd August \8as. ‘ment,—Lieutenant Wemyss Smith, 58th antry, tos officiate as Cantonment Joint , and Superintendent of the Cantonment? ¢ Mehal, in Agra. , es - a No. 3298 of 1858. Allahabad, the 24th August 1858. vent.--Mrr Basil Francis ,Hall, Joint ate and Deputy Collector of the 2nd Grade, x Mooradabad. < > No. 8335 of 1858, * AMahatutl, the Zbth august 1$58. + Absence.—My. John Power, Officiating and Collector of Futtehpore, having ob- ical Certificate, is flowed three months’ mee, under Section XII. of the Amend- itee Rules. " * No. 3375 of, 1858. 2 —Mr. Frederick Russell Hogg Assistant to the Magistrate and haharunpoor, on the 6th January last. “7 < No. 3352 of 1853.4 | Surgeon George Ranken Playfair, » Civil Surgeon of Agra, Magistrate and Deputy Collector lst Grade, is posted to Banda. 5 No. 3380 of 1858. Jashaud Ally, Tehseeldar of Futtehpore Sicree, is vested with the powers of an Assistant Magis- trate and Collector. By order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor- General, * T. B. Outras, Asst, Secy. to Govt., N. W. P. Gencral @rvers by the Mow ble the President of the’ Comneil of Endia in Council. 5 —_——— Fort Wiltiam, 31st August 1858. «No. 1243 of 1858.—The followings Notification issued from the Foreign Department is published in General Orders :— . No. 2956, dated 27th August 1858.—Captain J. F. J. Stevenson, Duputys Commissioner of Mergui, has obtained leave of absence, on Medical » Certificate, for one month, from the 2nd instant, *the date on which he made over charge of that Province and Treasury to Assistant Suyeeon R. Dempster, in Civil Medical charge of Mereui. No.1244 of 1858.—The following Notifications, issued by the Yon’ble the Lieuterant-Governor of Bengal, are published in General Orders ;— No. 2990, duted 25th August 1858.—Appoint- ments.—Mr. O. E. Cologan to be Lieutenant and | Adjutant of the 3rd Bengal Police Battalion. . Pee | 9. Naib Ressaldar Boodh Singh to be Ressa, dar in room of Ressaldar Allahdad Khan. ; A Dated lh August 1858.—Major H. M. Nation | to be Commandant of the 2nd Bengal Police ak . 1. Jemadar Morad Alli Khan, to be NaibR =< saldar from the 27th March 1558, vice Ferg No. 1245 of 1858.—The following Notification Khan promoted, r 7 issued by the Government, North Western Pro- 4. Jemadar Bhuggut Singh, to bel vinees, is published in General Orders Rocealdar from lst June 1858, in room of Boow* No. 3248, the 21st August 1858.—Captain Singh. ; “rederick Artl Pent Deputy C issioner i - Frederick Arthur Fenton, Deputy Commissioner 6. Jemadar Abdoolla Khan, to hela of Chundyree, is vested with the powers described Se see i Sen and XVII of 1857 m that District, | 4a from, 27th~ March 1558,, ace git aaa promoted. a —————a 3 : 3. Kote Duffadar Ram Singh to be Je No. 1246 of 1858.—The undermentioned Non- } ¢-. gee Ties Ca Commissioned Officers, Probationers in the Artillery from Ist June 1858, in room of Bhuggut Si Depdt of Instruction, are appointed Officiating Sub- 4. Kote Duffadar Lutteef Khan, to be Jems Conductors in the Ordnance Department, from the | from 27th March 1858, in room of Mor id 12th August 1858, the date on which they passed \ Khan, promoted. a the prescribed examination. | b | 12. Duffadar- Gholam Hoosein Kha e Serjeant C. H. Crutcher, of the Sappers and | Jemadar from 27th March 1858 in Miners; Serjeant Major W. Swinnerton | Abdoolla Khan, promoted ee: ot the Khelat-i@Ghilzee Regt. ae . : 9rm Punxgap INrantry.© No. 1247 of 1858.—The following orders issued | | No, 639.—The Regimental Order, di by the Chief Commissioner, Punjab, and published | ultimo, by Captain J. B. Thelwall, Com: in the Punjab Gazette No. 47, of the 14th August appointing Lieutenant H. Collett, domg 1858, are confirmed :— act as Adjutant, #s a temporary measure, 1s | ‘ Lanors, lita Avcust 1858. a Thelum Levy. 3rd Siku Trregurar Cavainy. TRANSFER. r 4 Appointment. bed e OR reas Essara, from the 12th Pun- : No. .640._Tieutenant. W. 2. pee jab Infantry. r Sth Native Infantry, attached to this Co No. 634.—Third Class Native Doctor Ramgolul | Pimapore Division Order, dated 9th July 1 who was placed at the Chief Commissioner’s dis- appointed to do duty from that date, as a Supe posal in Lah: re Division Order No. 177, dated | PUmMerary. b llth May, is directed to do duty with Oude Police under the command of Lieutenant Bradford, with way effect from the date he joined. This cancels} « No. 1248 of 1858.—The following Extrae the Native Doctor’s appointment to ,the 16th} from the London Gazettes of the 20th and Punjab Infantry, notified | July 1855, are published for general informati * Published inG.G. 0. No. 1093, dated 2nd July in Punjab Order No. 445,* | , i. Z 1858. dated list June 1858: * War Orrice, 201m JGLty [SoS ae No. 633.—The undermentioned men attached Breve, - to the Loyal Poorbeea Regiment are transferred ti 7 to the Eurasian Battalion being raised at Pesha- To be Colonel ix the Anmy. yur, and are to he directed to preceed’and report | : < ; oor > themselves to the Assistant Adjutant General, | Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Tombs, c. B., Bek Péter Diy isiow24 ’ r al Artillery, dated 20th July 1585S. “ss Corporal J. Bisdon. Drummers, Ta be Lieutenant Colonels. Drummers. John Debeno. 5 “ Witham Collins. Wilham THumes, Méjor George Sackville Cotter, Madras A Thomas Dickson. Andrew Paul. lery, dated 20th July 1553. q John D’Silva. . Charles Clifton. . z Philip Alcantra. Henry Debeno. = Major Henry Alexarfder Carleton, Bengal Henry Collins. Daniel Watson. tillery, dated 20th July 1855, ! Robert Watson. Nathaniel Ri : iad : ‘ We Miho Watson. | earl st aioe Major Alfred Thomas Wilde, Madras Na ” Infantry, dated 20th July 3858. ; Major Henry Dal - Syd Yst Recorent Puxtas Cavarry. | Pages: ipa BOth vay ¥ $5 eS i J + Prometions. . i ae Bite re § avkajor exander aylor, Benga ener No. 637.1. Ressaldar Allahdad Khan, to be | dated 20th July 1358. ~ eae, a e Woordee Major, from Ist June, in room of Ressai- dar Shere Jehan Khan, transferred to the 3rd Pun- Major J eremiah: Brasyer, Gone nnatiadiel i jab Cavalry. gal Army, dated 20th July 1855. . . j To be Majors. n John Hood, Bengal Native Infantry, th July 1858. ptain John Gordon, 6th Bengal Native In- , dated 20th July 185s, Captain Alexander Hume, Bengal European ers, dated 20th July 1858. > tain George Moir, Bengal Artillery, dated. 1 July 1558. Cay tain Ennis Cunliffe, Bengal European Fu- dated 20th July 1558. Captain Thomas Raikes, Madras Gliers, dated 20th ‘July 1858. Japtain Samuel James Browne, Bengal Native fantry , dated 20th July 1$58. , iptain William Alexander Mackinnon, Bengal illery, dated 20th July 1858. ptain Richard Lloyd Thompson, 10th Bengal ° Infantry, dated 20th July 185. in John Blick Spurgin, Ist Madras 20th July 1858. es, Bengal Native Ca- a » European opean Fusiliers, dated Captam Hamilton Forb alry , dated 20th J uly 1858. ‘Captain Charles John Stanley Gough, Ben- val Native Cavalry, dated 20th J uly 1838. Captain Allen Bayard Johnson, Bengal Na- ive Infantry, dated 20th July 1858. Captain Alfred Pearson, Bengal Artillery, dated th July 1858. War Orricr, 23rp Juay 1858. + - a Brever. The undermentioned promotion to take place in the East India Company’s» Army * consequent the death of Major Geperal Nicholas “Penny, Bengal Infantry, 30th April 1853. 4, onel Richard James Holywell Birch, c. B. 0. [ 1739 ] Major John Davies Leckie, Bombay “tadanly dated 23rd July 1858. Major Ralph Smyth, Bengal Artillery, dated 28rd July 1858. > Major William L. Walker, Madras Cavalry, dated 23rd July 1853. Major Charles Swinton, Bengal Infantry, dated 23rd July 1$58. Major John Mann, Madras Infantry, dated 23rd July 1858. To be Majors. Captain Joseph, Chilcott, Bengal> Infantry, dated 23rd July 1858. Captain Frederick Fanning, Bombay Infantry, dated.23rd July 1858. (Erratum in Supplement to London Gazette, See G. G. O. No. 737 of 1958. 24th March, 1858.) , To be Major: For “ Captain John Cunningham Anderson, . Madras Engineers,” read, Captain John Cumming ‘ Anderson, Madras Engineers. No. 1249 of 1358,—The under-mentioned Officer is p sence on Sick Certificate :— armitted to proceed to Europe on leave of ab- 3 For eighteen Lieutenant Henry William Studdy, of the 32nd Regi- $ months, under the aE new Regulations. ment Native Infantry, No. 1250 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the President al Infantry, to be Major General, dated Ist May 1858. The under-mentioned Officers of the Fast’ India Company’s Service, retired upon full pay, to have | step of honorary rank, as fillows, viz. -— To be Major Colonel John , Brownrigy Bellasis, Infantry, dated B8rde July 158. > Colonel James Allardyce, Madras Infantry, dated 23rd July 1858. ~ Colonel George Bruce Michell, ntry, dated 23rd July 1555. To be Colonel. Br. . eng ~ fe Generals. : Bombay Bengal In- a ° + Lieutenant Colonel niry, dated 23rd July 1955. fo be Lieutenant Colonels. d 28rd July 1555. a” Thomas Plumbe, Bengat Major William John Morris, Bombay Infantry, * of the Couneil of India in Council is pleased to make the following promotions :— Ordnance Commissariat Department. ed » 5 } Offy. Sub-Condr. M. Rourke | 2 BR. W. Sharpe : To be Sub-Condue- 4 tors of Ordnance, from the 27th Dec- 3 S. Vandrass A. Walker J. Rogers a. ES chant J. Copley Government Gene- MoMcCarthy | ral Order No. 667, J. Warburton { of the 28th Apri J. Gouldex 1858, 7. , 3? *. ember 1857, to com- 5 . Mar- { plete the Establish- ! ment authorized by Heatheoat : J [ 1740 ] és No. 1251 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased te publish in General Order, the following Tables of Pay for the Royal Artillery and Engineers, the Hon’ble Company’s European Artillery and Engineers :— TABLE of Pay of the Royal Artillery in India. { | Pas &xcivsive oF pry Ratios. ——— —» 200 Miles from the Presidency, | In Ciao or Cantonments within | In the F ield, or when st 200 Miles from the Presidency. "i and for ationed beyond * 7 | For 28| For 29 | For 30 | For 31 | For 28 | For 29 | For 30 Por 31 e' Days. Days. pays, Days. Days. Days. Days. Days. ! iy ; Rs. A.PJRs. A, PRs. A. PIR: A PRs. A. PRs A Re a, PIR Troop of Royal Horse Artillery. nd et = ts, A. PRs, A. PRs. A. PJs. Ay : , : | | Sees Mari giad «| ee eae a 48 4 650 0 25111 953 7 4149 6 951 3° 4155 Quarter Master Serjeant - chee q . (3 ; 3 : Surjeant Conductor of Stores - A - 56 0 058 O O60 O O62 057 2 359 2 11 Hospital Serjeant + - - - -/49 2 35014 452.10 554 6 650 4 652 1 3 Serjeant |< : - -/35 6 163611 13715 439 3 786 9 13714 ok Comomiugn Sauer. - + -26 4 727 3 728 2 7x9 1 9827 6 1028 6 6 Bombardier = : - - - 24 0 O24 138 925 11 526 9 V5 2 Bn6 0 xB Gunner, doing duty as Hospital Orderly -|19 11 520 6 821 2 1121 14 220 18 821 9 7k Gunner - - : - «id O O14 8 O15 0 O15 8 O25 2 315 1011 Driver - : 3 “11 11 612 2 212 8 101215 612.13 9113-5 1 Trumpeter — - had ee - = 230 2 423 15 6212 925 9 1124 4 795 2 By 2né Ditto E - - [14 0 O14 8 O15 0 O15 8 035 2 315 10 11 Varses " E - > 74013 942 5 14312 5145 3 942 0 043 8 Oe Shoeing Smith - - - - (25 6 1126 d 527 era 2 526 9 227 8 4k ret dle a ; “16? 22 9 223 6 124 21124 15 1023 11 524 9 oO: Wheeler ~ - : - J Field Battery and Reserve Company of | ° foot Artillery. ; ¥ B ( Serjeant Major - - a ue 48 8 650 3151 1 3 : t Sie Master Serjeant - pole a i 3 act 14 148 0 049 11 5/51 6 1053 2 3 Serjeant Conductor of Stores - A -53 11 655 10 257 8 1059 7 65413 95613 158 12 «5 col 9 Hospital Serjeant : - +4613 948 8 650 3 35114 O48 O O49 11 51 6 1053 2 3 Serjeant : : - > +83 2 434 5 335 8 28611 i344 7135 8 98611 olor de Corpedi é - + +24 0 024 13 925 11" 526 9 225 2 3b6 0 sk615 Ob 49 Bombardier - - - -j21 11 622 7 1023 4324 0 822 13 993 10 924 7 1OS5maiate Gunner, doing duty as Hospital Orderly - 16 13 917 7 418 1 sa 10 718 0 01810 319 4 7/19 14 i oe . P > fo} rar 612 2 212 8 1019 16 lis 18. hg 5 113 12 514 3 9 river c E oe id Trumpeter and Bugler - - -/11 11 612 2 212 8 1012 15 612 138 913 5 11312 bia 3 OF Farrier - - = -938 9 239 15 247° 5 314911 339 11 541 2 112 8 1043 15 6 Shocing Smith : - - - 123 2 cle 15 624 12 _ 9/25 9 124° 4 725 2 596 0 49614 2 Collar-maker — - > > 3 20 4 721 0 292 29 2 2s 99 75 ak , Wheeler - - eS ee 11l 922 7 421 6 1022 3 12 45 438 7 £ ‘ A These are inclusive of the following Staff Pay, viz -— é ’ S * Por 28 days. For 29 days, For 30 days, For 31 day ae) IAD TET go Fap9Qdus, Fora apy Serjeant Conductor of Stores, Horse or Foot 29 3° 21 411 af i £ Artillery, one shilling six pence a day, or i “ 22 0 8 29 12 6 Acting Serjeant Major, six pence as Company’s * > ~ * PH Serjeant, six pence as Serjeant aioe 18116 ee 3 gee ane ll i. deve aa “7 total one shilling a day, or - - te Acting Quarter Master Serjeant, one shilling . —" a Celtis apie iy PULL 6 ad "SNS US eae ae Te B These are acting appointments. / aes PABLE of Pay for Service Companies: of Royal Engineers in India. © if nl 0 Pay Exctusive oy Dry Rations. . - InGarrison or Cantonment within 200 Mitel In the Field or When’ stationed beyond 200 from the Presidency. Miles from the Presidency. ———_=-—_ 1... > A . ‘4 { a For For For For Sor For « For | “? 28 29 | 30 28 “29 “30. aT : Days Days. | Dafs. Days, Days, ° Days, Days. J Golor Serjeanb - - - - - -/) 40 9 9} 49 0 4 48°97 ei Serjeant sis eo gol BERS Simm Ti wil oy lea $} 36 111 Corporal » ae np mg as, EO ie | tee So ie 2nd"Uorporal-) <= = a= 2) 20 4 HD SO” OD eat | Bugler Siete Pe ere res LE 1S “Bea et eT Sappers and Miners - - "- - “| 10 13 942 311 11 1a J Ly} 3 8S 2 9361 § 1 ] 44 11 Le 46 Seto! M7 27 8 10, ae 15. «Al 12 13.9 13 610 1213 9 13 5) 26 Jo O10. 2h iF 0 0 12 0 0 12 OIL , [ 1741 ] TABLE of Revised Monthly Pay of the Hon’ble Company’s European Artillery. Pay Excuusive oF Dry Rartons. i] : Torse Artillery. Foot Artillery. In Garrison or'In the Field éxttn Garrison offIn the Field or Cantonment when station-| Cantonment) when station- within 200! edbeyond200| within 200 ed beyond 200 . Miles from] Miles from| Miles from) Miles from the Presi-| the Presiden-} the Presi-| the Presiden- dency. cys dency. cy. nt Major, Regimental - - - 4 - - - 59) loca 61 36 Sieh ost 5S. ae aster Serjeant, Regimental - - - - ot eb AO) 563811 8 50: 0 1 Bim sonal. ital Serjeant - - - - : - - -A- 53 6 8 54.10 7 50 14 11 52 210 o| Master Serjtant (untrained) - - - - -A- OF O".0 0a 0 50 14 11 52 2 10 oom Clerk - - - - - - - - 38 8 2 S52 “| 30° "0 5 37 4 4 der Serjeant = - . - - - - - A - Se) eM 5d” 7 0 TO 0 0 0 0 RS i leave Sa | BSE 18 54 10h fore d 20 0 0 0 ee ne Be ABS Ble Ay 8d 437 8! 4411 7 or Bugle Major ne ee re 39 12 1 36 0 5] 37 4 4 In Troop or Company - -|) = = A -| 52 710 53 12 §|C 50 0.1 Bile Sei Tf served by Europeans - 00 0 00 0\)B43 7 8 4411 7 Serjeant 4 In aHorse Light Field Te Irregular as in - Battery E - the Punjaub Irregu- 0 0 0 0 0 OjA 50 14 11 Sie anlO * lar Force »- 7: 4 4 2 A r : - - - - 384 81-2 49 12 1 36 0 5 37 4 3 i Fs ¥ 3 - - - - - - 28 » Sere 29 13 1 26). AS 27. 5 4 Ree hits aS ae 31 5| 27 5 4| 23 9 8| 418 7 a $ = - rm - - - - - 2% 2 6| 26 6 5 OF C.0; oO Fo"'o Trumpeter and Bugler — - 2: - - - - ah. TERR A Gia 4 1211 8 13 tp « ee 2 ek ee =) 15 3 5| 16.7.4) Bi 8) Bb 7 ote 8) SS SSS. ee P Staff Pay. tier (besides Pay as Non-Commissioned Officer, 06 Gisoneh's- 6S Ys se 1s ape eee 773 Rider ditto ditto ditto ~Reethe MST Sk &.. 2a aa ae oie ag a ditto ditto ditto ~Ce wea Pea eee 70 0 Macximuan Staff of «Division of Artillery. B jeant Mejor (in addition to the Pay of Rerjennt) Extra Pay Gd.aday- - = "0 7 hip le et Oe: r Master Serjeant ditto ditto Sty at ss 2S ee 7 le al Serjeant ditto ditto oe NSE jet ergs ae ee eli Serjeant : ditto, 4 c ditto Sikh. | ae ae aE ites ones “| 14,14 6 . . Includes Staff Pay, at Is. a day or Co,.’s Rs. 14 14 6 per Month. «© me Di ditt t 6d. aday or Co.’s Rs. Tie 7 - 3 . ‘ eC frcledes Statf Pay, at ister day. which will nt continued so long as that rate, instead of 6d. a day, may be issued to apany Serjeant in a Battery of Rayal Artillery. * B TABLE of Monthly Rotes of Indian Pay of Non-Commissioned Officers and Rank and File of the Honorable ae Company’s European Sappers and Miners, ij > + | Pay including Compensation for Spirit ‘i ations for any month. , —_ i In Garrison o- Canton eyond 200 Miles of a : ment within 2005 ‘direct distance from . > bg - Miles from the Pre-| the seat of Govern- a , sidency. anent. Se ae ee . > iting BP oe isso) see 3 7 GE Major, Regimes bie s)he . . " debits tipo ot 8 5 57 12 er Master Serjeant, Pome oe Se 4 56 a 4 = . 2 I bs. eee 2e St Ola 4 3s ee Seo Cees Bee 11 4 27 15 3 ra . & ee aor a =a 1 3 nt a tee ie ag 22 0 / 3 23 4, 8 2 ao : Pts. uae eee w jr20 | 28 o}| 9 Sate F ere aS ae 11 | i ig zm F. D. Argixson, Major, bi Off. Secy. to the Govt. of India g uy 2 in the Mily. Dept. ae “= _ ~ [ 1742 ] r FROM THE GAZETTE—GOVERNOR GENERAL’S CAMP. Notiftcations, Appointments, Xe. ALLAHABAD, AvaustT 24, 1858. 5 No. 2892. ° Foreign Department, Allahabad, the 23rd August 1858. Mr. L. Berkeley, Principal Sudder Ameen of | Delhi, is promoted to the Ist Grade of Extra | Assistants in the Delhi Territory ahd the Punjaub. No. 2894. The appointment of Lieutenant E. A. C. Lam- bert to be a Divisional Adjutant in the Oudh Military Police, which was* notified in General | Order dated 24th ultimo, at that Officer’s own request. ; | No. 2292, is cancelled @e e No. 2895. = Lieutenant C. R. M. Walter, appointed Assis- | vernor General is appointments :— mut Khan, trangferred from the 17th June 1858 tant Governor General’s Agent, Rajpootana, in | General Order dated 18th February. last, joined | his appointment on the 3rd instant. > G. F. Epmonstoyr, Seey. to the Gort. of Indiag with the Govr. Genl. No. 60. “Public Works Departinent,—Public. Allahabad, the 20th August 1858. Notirications.—Captain W. E. Morton, En- | gineers, to be Deputy Superintendent General of Irrigation, North-Western Provinces, with the position of a Superintending Engineer. Lieutenant-Colonel N. C. Macleod, of Engi- neers, to be Superintending Engineer, 2nd Circle, North-Western Provinces, in the room of Captain Morton. No. 61. Sub-Conductor D, Macleod, Supervisor, De- partment Public Works, to be Barrack Masfer at Allahabad. Assistant Supervisor Serjeant be Barrack Master at Benares. G. W. Grant to No. 62. . Allahabad, the 21st August 1858. f In confirmation of Orders issued by the Major- General Commanding Central India Field Foree, dated 13th April 1858, Captain John ‘Baillie, 26th Native Infantry, is appointed to officiate as Executive Engineer at Jhansie, with effect from that date. a i By Order of the Right Hon’ble the G overnor General, | HH, Your Captain, Offg. Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Governor General, Gobernor General of India. © Military Department, 4 Allahabad, the 20th August 1858, i No. 369 of 1858.~-The Right Hon’ble the Go- | « ‘Horse Battery, Oudh | the 0th Native Infantry, , | vernor General js General Ciders by the Right Wow’ble the "rewards oh the sioned and Non-C for their praiseworthy conduct and loyalty to the — jostate :—. Kotag ContINeEnr, BA Tnfa atry, “: Jemadar Muhasee Lall to be Subadar, , ey, pleased to make the followin Commnvissariat Department, Sub-Assistant Commissaries General Lieu nant J. R. A. S. Lowe and Lieutenant A. M kénZie to officiate as Deputy Assistant Com missaries General of the lst Class. . Allahabad, the 23rd August 1858, No. 370 of 1858—Erratum—In General Op der by the Governor General, No. 127, dated 6 May 1858, admitting certain Native Comm Sioned and Non-Commissioned Officers and Sepoys of the 31st Native Infantry, to the 3rd Class 0 the Order of Merit, for “ Ramdeen Sing” read Ram Sing. Order Books to be corrected aceérdingly, "Mo. 372 of ¥858Havildar Hussun Khan, of the Peshawur Mountain Train Battery, is promot ed to the rank of J emadar, in the room of Ri to a Police Battalion raising at Lahore. , No. 372 of 1858.—The services of Lieutena A. S. Heathcote, Her Majesty’s 60th Rifles, are placed at the disposal of the Government Nor Western Provinces, for employment in the Mihi tary Police. No. 373 of 1858.—The Oudh Field Foree Op der, dated 4th July 1857, promoting Dyal Sing Private, and Heerah Sing Jemadar, of No, 3 Irregular Fore® the fore mer to Havildar from the 3rd July 1858, for gallant and intrepid conduct when under heavy fire, and the letter to Subadar from the same date, as a reward for fidelity and good service, is confirmed. , No. 374 of © 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Governor-General ig pleased to confer the follow ing promotions on the under-mentfioned men of ; for their loyalty and good services, rendered to the State:— Havildar Shatk Mokum to be J emadar. ag Naick Audan Klan} To bs Haven’ at Do. Meer Khan, : Sepoy Dwarka Sing, ,.. . 7) Do. Sewdist Sing, |. AE Do. Balgobind,’ oe Do. Rughoober Sing, ne) Dow Pohalee Gowala, ... aot, i _ Do. Bahadoor Sing, .. 4 ae To oie Do. Ramadheen Panday, 7 ‘a Do. Jungee Sing, hi Do. Gowree Sunker Tewaree, Do. Choottoo Panday, * Do. 1 Rambhorasa Sing, Py, a inn, No. 375 of 1858.—The Right Hon/ble the Go- pleaSed to eorffer the following — under-mentioned Native Commis- ‘, ommissioned Officers and men, b> Cavalry. adar Sheik Ruheem Oolah to be Naib Res- Juffadar Sheik Kurreem Khan, +) ay ar Rugbeer Sing, Infantry, oO = = ia 5 =| Se _ -B a Kg 7 | a ee To be Members of the Ist Class of the “ Order of British India,” with the title of “ Sirdar *: a | S L a Joudpore Legion. dar Dulel Khan, .. 4 To be Je- Mo. Sheik Abdoolah Khan, f madars. To be Mem- ar Dulel Khan, ... ... | bers of the 3rd Class of the ), Sheik Abdoolah Khan, | “Order of Me- ¢ ° rit.” a - . 16 of 1858.—The following Qrder, issued Order, No. 5 of 1857, dated. 27th July, wing changes are ordered with effet e 51st instant, subject to*the confirmation mment :— , ‘ rW. G. Arrow, Commandant» of the ?st 'y, is re-transferred to the Command of the antry. , om . ptam L. H. Helland, Commandant of the | Infantry, is ré-transferréd to the Command st Infantry. ” lant of the 2nd Infantry, will revert to his sas Adjutant of that Regiment. =! mutenant C. L. Pereira, Adjutant of the Ist vy, will act as Commandant of that Regi- » during the absence of, Captain Holland, or further orders. ant T. Wakefield, acting as Adjutant valry Regiment, to act as Adjutant of t Infantry. mith. : tenant J. Nuttall, acting as Adjutant of ] Infantry, to act as Adjutant of the Vv Reoiment. mk. J. H. Bineny “Gelonel, Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept., ‘Abdool Nubbee Khan, Td he Jhangeer Khan, ) Jemadars. Do. Hoossein Khan, ‘Guo war Roostum Khan, ... evel Nowul Jumma Khan, a. To b Unwar Khan, D f, 2. iM Fiz ‘Alee, if Oe Mirza Furzun Beg, J i e Commissioner of Nagypore, is confirmed :— | , dated 20th July 1858.—With reference [ 1743 J | Opium Notification. Opium, the provision of 1856-5 7, will be held at, the Exchange Hall, on Tuesday, the 7th of Sep- tember 1858, at ll a. M., and will comprisa 2,730 Chests, 22"— ’ 3ehar Opium 1,$40 Benares Ditto 590 Total Chests... 2,730 The gerteral Conditions of the Sale now advertized will be the same as usual. They may be ascertained by reference to the Notification issued on the 21st November 1857, and published in the Gorernment and Exchange Gazettes® or on application at the Office of the Board of Revenue. 3. The latest dates for deposit and clearance will be the 13th and 22nd September 1858 respee- tively, that is to say, no Sub-Tyeasurer’s Receipts, Company's Paper, or other Public Securities that may be tendered for’ deposit. in redemption of Promissory Notes given by Purchasers at the Sale will be received after 4 Pp. at. of Monday, the 13th 9 payment of Lots will be accepted after 4 p. uw. of Wednesday, the 22nd September 1858. 4. In addition to the quantity above adver- _ tized for Sale, the following quantities, more or less, of Behar and Benares Opium, of 1856-57 will be brought to sale in the present year, on or about the dates specified below. The Board, however, reserve to themselves the right of altering these rdates, should circumstances render it expedient to do so :— = 2 a oe 42 | $3 ae HS) no < e= ev Bare — os | €0 | eB ia] it enant I. 3. Higginson, acting as Com-:| , with the Govr. Genl. | | ~ Fe On or about Monday, 4th October 1858, 9730 Ditto Monday, 8th November ,, 2739 Ditto Monday, 6th December ,, 2.730 oS By Order of the Board of Revenue, é E. Lusutveton, . Junior Secretary. oJ re = ath Shenf?’s Sale, Calentta, the \st September 1858. NOTICE is hereby given that, on Thursday, athe Sixteenth day of September instant, precisely at the hour of 12. o’Clock at noon, the Sheriff of Caleutta will put,up to public Sale at the lower Verandah of the Court House, near the Entrance into the Sheriff’s Office, by Virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias in his Hands against the Effects of »| Nilmony Kur and Gogun Chunder Kur., The Right, Title and Interest of the said Nilmo- ney Kur and Gogun Chunder Kur of, in, andto an Upper-roomed brick-built family Dwelling-house with a piece of land thereunto belonging, contain- ing by estimation fifteen Cottalts more or less, situate, lying and being at Sidreen, in Pergunnah Ameerpore and in the Zillah of Nuddea. The Conditions of Sale and further particulars may be had by applying at the Sheriif’s Office. = H. Denpas, Sheriff. Notice is hereby given, that the Ninth Sale of September 1858, and no Treasury Receipts in full? Apvertisementofthe Otice of Co r ( 1744 | mmigsionerinthe Soond erbung. f, eae a e NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Allotments, within the limits of the Twenty four Pergunmahs portion of the Soonderbuns, will be sold at Allipore, on Friday, the 3rd Septeml 1858, corresponding with the 19th Bhadur 1265 B.S. t 2nd. The highest bidder will be entitled to the Grant on depositing, immediately after the Sa the fu/Z amount ot the bid, on condition the Sale is sanctioned by the higher authorities, otherwise t money will be refunded to the Payty without interest. On confirmation of the Sale, the Pottah wil a drawn up in the name of the Purchaser, under orders of Government of the 24th September 1s and will be made over to him after Registry in the Board’s Office, and the Purchaser will become the Grantee of the Lands, under the conditions prescribed in the Pottah, save and except such Lands may begrequired by Government for the manufacture of Salt. 3rd. It is further notiied that intending Purchasers who are desirous to inspect the Map of | Lots, or to obtain any information connected with them and their present condition, can have same by attending either personally og through their Agents at the Office of the Commissioné the Soonderbuns at Allipore :— " 4 e e No. of Lots according Estimated © to Captain Hodge’s quantity of e REMARKS. 4 Map. Lands. e x J Lot No. 7. 2,800 Thete are two Applicants for this [jot. One of them has made A offer of 500 Rupees, and to take it on a rent free period of 16 years, The adjoining Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 are cultivated. 9 TaotaNos 19) 2,000 This Lot adjoins the Zemindary Lands of Pergunnah Huttia There are several applicants for it. The Tands to the North Aumtulle or Baint Khall have been included in the farm Bugwanpore, under orders of the Revenue Autlforities. The 2 portion to be sold,is the Jungle Land to the South of the abo mentioned Khall, and East of Captain Smyth’s boundary possession. p q : ots Nos 29. 29,400 This Lot contains 1116 Beegahs of cultivated Lands, which h been settled with the occupants under Rule 4th of Governm Orders of the 24th September 1853, and which will be made 01 to the Purchaser of the Lot on jis entering into settlement for same. The Junglerportion of the Lot will be eranted to the I chaser, under Rule 2nd of the 24th September 1853. There a fresh water Tanks in the Lot, and extensive dhefah or high L ids Lot No. 36. 9.4.00 There are two applicants fér this Lot. ; 2nd portion of Lot 17,700 There are 151 Beegahs of ultfvated Lands in this Lot, which h No. 57. been settled with the occupants under Rule 4th of Gover Orders of the 244h September 1853, and ‘which will be made 01 ; to the Purchaser of this Lot on his entering, into settlement he same. The Jungle portion will ke granted-under Rule 2nd | the 24th September 1853, These lands are opposite to the cul vated Lands of Lot 56, and not for from Government Lot 54 om | Mutlah. There dre great facilities for bringing the Lands um Z cultivation. i “a Lot No. 137. 14,000 | This Lot is’situated on the outer Calewtta Route through ; ; Soonderbuns, and South*of the well-knewn Lot Paturghatta. North portion of 16,000 This portion of the Lot contains several fresh water Tanks 4 ung ay ee extensive Jietah or high Lands and, ruins of Pucka or Brick Hot Tt is situated on the banks of the Kalnirtak River, not far from | Village of Gobrah. The South boundary of this portion of | | Lot is a line runming direct East and West from the Kaburtak Rr ae to the mouth of Bojbaja Khall. ' 2nd portion of Lot This portion of Lot, No. 211 is afso situated on the Kabur Noweuate River and on the Steamer Route from Khoolneah to Calcutta. — 5 a ec SooxnDeRBUNS CoMMISSIONER’s OFFICE ; 3 J. H. REILLY ta * ALLIPORE, ‘ Soouderbuns Commission The 9th August 1$98. , ; tant . an: 06lUL = ) ) } [ 1745 ] Statement of the Uncovenunted Service Family Pension Fund of the Official 1857-58, compared with the corresponding Quarter of the Year 1856-57. | In the Fourth Qu&arter| In the Fourth Quarter mg " ending 30th Apl. 1858. | ending 30th Apl. 1857. — at Credit of the Fund on the Government Beoks at ) an - J inning of the 4th Quarter of each yeaf, Co.’s Ree 1276183 5 1 11,78,516 0° 9 Credits in the 4th Quarter of each year, _,, 42,601 2 9 43,300 9 6 ansferred from Reserve Fund, and Interest on . , d (W. F.\to Widows’ Fund, Co.’s Bs... -.. cpl den ae D105 0 Total, Company’s Rupees, ... ... 13,60,652 6 8 12,21,816 10 3 e rc | Drpvct. lin the Quarter under Review, Co.’s Rs., ... _... 34,018 9 11 25,906 9.9 e Establishment and Contingencies for ditto, Co.’s Rs., 2,574 3 9 2,823 ¥ 10 A) 20 a Ay] or ali ° a passed ik tc qualified “ 6522 5 6 6478 5 6 transferred from Reserve Fund and Interest on ° ; Fund (W. F.) to Widows’ Fund, te av } e 41,867 14 0 hk _ eee See Total, Company’s Rupees, ... ..- 84,983 1 5 35209 7 al i e a. + iene aa son the 80th April of each Quarter under Review » he Government Books, Co.’s Rupees, : Bk bade Bi gk tad Pa e Mosruny Recrrers anp DisBURSEMENTS. e 14,406 38 11 14,568 9 2 ions to Incumbents, *Office Establishment and ent Charges, &e., and proceeds of Surplus divided { 13186 2 5 12,008 4. 6 “Members of five years’ standing at 85 per Cent on é ; und and 30 per,Cent on Children’s Fund,Co.’s Rs. ly Income exclusive of Interest on the Capital, ye 1 220s 536 / 2,565 4 § e Me n - bs] NX ms f. Nominees Nomineeson S Ng ne 0* on Widows’ | Children’s a claret ROS TS Fund. | I. | : ae | In | . , 1856-57, | . ae 478 Se | 1857-58, | 593" 4 Sh Geni . A th . r 3 . 8 a a R. A. FINK, « } ‘tore U. S. FP. Fund. : : i, W. HOLLINGRERRY, 5 4440"* © A s Published by Order of the Directors, = — RC. TULLOH, Secretary. ~ si . s he ® « Z . . Gro. W. KELLNER, 4 Azcountant and Collector. J es ’~ OXFICE, ‘4 i ua : August 1858. : 5 . a ef eh . fog . my " z i & j FE ccs of actual Subscribers on that date 553, viz., 24+ for Wives only, 221 for Wives and Children, and 8§ for Children only. ~ c Notice. Tur General Treasury will be closed on Wed- nesday the Ist, and Thursday the 2nd Proximo, on account of the: Hindoo span Jummo Ostomee. 0S Harvery, General Treasury, Sub-Treasurer. The 20th August 1858. + ' Notice. r Tre Civil Treasuries at Mullaon and Fyzabad in Oude having resumed operations, Bills drawn by the Officers in charge of those Treasuries are to be duly honored. Until furthur orders, they are not to be drawn upon, except when absolutely | necessary on the Public Service only. R. P. Harrison, Offg. Acct. Genl. to the Gort. of India Forr Wi.1aM ;° Acct Genl?s Office, Durbar and Revenue Dept., The 27th August 1858. ¢ ¢ Notice. Pusric Orricers drawing Bills either on the Ac- countant General on the Sub- Treasurer, are hereby ‘requested to send the advices of the same to the Ac- countant General to the Government of India, Bull Department, where Bills are accepted, and not to the Sub-Treasurer direct, who discharges the Bills Accountant General to the Government of India. 4 J. I. Harvry, Forr WiivaM General Treasury, 7 W M5 Sub-Treasurer. 7 "Lb } "CASUTS The \9th August 1858. ° Memorandum, Tun Time Ball dropped this day at the Sema- phore Tower in Fort eannot be depended upon in rating Chronometers as it fell about seventeen seconds (17 s.) after the proper time. Surveyor Genl’s Office 5. Calcutta, 27th August 1858. Tur Time Ball dropped this day at the Sema- phore Tower in Fort cannot be depended upon in rating Chronometers, as it fell about seven seconds (7 s.) after the proper time. Surveyor General’s Office, Calcutta, 30th August 185s. Rapuanatu SickpHat, In charge of the Observatory. Orrnur Cavuenaen, Lrent.-Col., _ Lown Mapr. c Notice. he Persons indebted to, or having cleims‘agairfst the Estate of the late Fred. Taylor, Prineipal Delhi College, are requested to communicate with the undersigned. TL. Lewis, Captain, Lay Commy. of Ordnance, Executor, Meer ut, ae Courts Wee the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at Caleutla. In the matter of the) On Saturday, the Asiatic Marine Insurance > 7th day of August In- Office, an Insolvent. Jj stant it was “ordered , that such of the Creditors of the said Asiatic : ‘ } [ 17 46] after they have been accepted 3 in the Offie of the | ©®, an Insolvent. Marine Insurance Office as have not already in and proved their debts, do eome in and their several claims against the said Marine Insurance Office, on or before the | : Saturday in the month of March 1859. i Denman and Hatch, -/Morneys. a : In the matter of Geor ge\ Notice, that $% Ripley, lately carrying on | petition of the sai¢ trade and business in | solvent, seeking partnership with one | benefit of the Act George Henry Tempest Hicks, of London, as a Merchant and Agent at sin Chief Cler Rangoon, under the style | 23rd day of Au and ‘Bed: of Birrell and | Instant, and } Co., an Insolvent. ;, order of the same the Estate and Effects of the said Insolvent +% vested in the Official Assignee. Judge, Judge and W atkins, Attorneys, Vie. cap. XD filed in the Of On Monday, 23rd day of A Instant, it was or that the matters 0 petition of the sa solvent be hea In the matter of George Ripley, lately carrying on trade and "business in partnership , with one George Henty Tempest | Hicks, of London, as a Merchant and Agent at Saturday, the 6] Rangoon, under the style of November next and firm of Birrell and | that the said Insoly 7 5 do then attendt examined by the said Court. Judge, Judge and Watkins, Attorneys. Chief Cherk’s Office, 27th Augnst 1S58. a ¢ Tn the matter of Robert ) Notfee, that. Jphn Carbery, of Ram- | plication for am nagur, in Allahabad, in the | veri protection North-Westérn Prova der has been — and of No! 11, Govern- | day made by the ment Place, in Calcutta, | Insolvent, and— Merchant, an Insolvent. _) such application be heard and-disposed of by the Acting @ missioner of the Insolvent Court, on Tue the 7th day of September nextrat the hour orClock im the forenoon. Keep “ Ally Creditor of the said Insolvent, ¢ “ of opposing such application, mbhst appear « the said Court at the time and place aforesail. Robertson, A/lorncy. Chief Clerk’s Office, 31st August 1858. r re North estern Bank of Endia, i Nortce is hereby given et a Special Gen ne Meeting of the Sharehglders of the North Weste Bank of India will be held at the Bank Pre No. 4 Coune:] House Street Caleutta, at the ii of 3 in the afternoon of Se. turday the 4th December next, to take imto ‘considerati what No, 4, Council Houre Street, condition of the Bank’s affairs, and de course shall be adopted with referet of the Directors. (7 J. i. MacLacuran, — Oficiating Manaye ; thereto. as By order e N. W. Bank of India, The 21st August 1858, Oriental Bark Coryoration, ; - Ixcorvorarey By Royat Cuarren. . reference to Government Notification No. Wilham, Financial Department, 26th Ja- 1855, notifying the intention of Govern- it todissolve its connexion with the Govern- ren y— Oriental Bank Corporation undertake the stody of Government Paper, Shares in the Stock of the Bank of Bengal, and other eks, free of all charge. ; draw Interest and Dividends on the same fall due, and remit at the current rates of H ee or pay the same according to instrue- , if to be remitted through the Cor- tion, ... Without charge. o be paid in India, 2 Commis- will be charged of returning Government Paper t Share Certificates out of safe uustody, ) the purchase of Government r other Securities. sale of Government Papet r otner Stock, the proceeds W which are to be remitted hrough the Corporation, ... Without charge. Wa. ANDERSON, 1-4th per Cent. 1-4th per Cent. j-4th per Cent. . raL Banx Corporation ; Agent. eutla, 29th January 1853, Notice. nr TIX TRANSIT BETWEEN SEALKOTE AMID) Cawn- ‘The under-mentioned Government Promis- : Notes of the 4 per Cent Loan:— 3 ; Originally in name of Rs. a Of 1854-55, Shewnarayn for .. 1,0005 Last endors- Of 1854-55, Jewan Mookerjee for 18 Of 1842-43, Nyamut Roy and Jawala- nath for a 50) Ced to Gunea- deen 500) Shewdeen. Payment of the above Notes and Interest thereon been stopped at the Loan Office, and gppli- is about to be made to Government. for the of Duplicates in favor of the Proprietors, °. Guxaapuen & SnBwpEEN. » varfer Be fastea | . Notice. , . ) 1 Firm. | Lyann, Reyxiz & Co. mutta 2st August 1s5s, 5 . > : es Novice. b Power granted to Mr. C. M. Rice to sign Hirm per procuration is this day revoked. ~ 7 Wuatam Moran & Co. 301k August 1858. " = = ST.—'The right hand half of Bank of Bengal No. 51551, for Compemy’s Rupees 59, pay- lent of which has been stopped at the Bank. and | have authorized Mr. Te-R. Grant to sign | [ 1747 ] ? REPORT showing theSmallest Depth of Water in the Bhaugiruttee, Jellinghee and Matabongah Rivers, also their rise and fall from 1ith to 23rd August 1858. 8. AS Total Total Nam iver’ | 33°! Tie, FeO ota Name of River. | as Rise. Rise. Fall, Fall. ‘ | z> # , Aan. | ‘ yer ah Bhaugiruttee | ee et te ee “Theor, | Tns.| 28). JP} Ts.) Tas, (JP Tn ’ t an At its entrance ...33 0 | 0)10 (27) 10! oO 7 8 Below the entrarée 30) 0! 0! 0 | 0 00 0/00 From thence to)‘, A | Jungypore ... } i inna Ae a 0 | 0/0) 0 From Jungypore | on. to Sadduck-; |21) 4 0.0.) 00 QO; OO baugh. 5 ) 4 From Sadduck- ) | ee | baugh to Ber- > /25) 0 | 1) 1.28448] of 2) 3) 7 hampore... )| | | | From, Berham-) |,,! pore to Cutwa § cael 610-0») -O)0-0' 0 | 0, 0 | And from Cutwa ) = | to Nuddea ... § a4 DR ete One Os} 0) 0 | | | | Tellinghee River. | | E At its entrance .../21, 0.0 93 22 0). Q}..0 | 01 3 From thenee to) |,, { Hed Bansemarree ar 9190 7 00 0 0.0 From Bansemar- ) oy Sy ree to Teeah- >|13) 0 | C, 0] 0) O00) ~O 1 016 | kattah lig | | | From Teeahkat-) | | tah to Sona- 117, 0,00; 0 OO} 010 0 tullah 5 sae | | And from Sona- / 1; aolietalhoa | tullah to Mois- 117 9, 00'5000 0/00 gunge on) ae Nb ie oe | | Matabangah River. | 1 ea) | At its entrance Pe pl 8 | 0 932921] O| O | 2 0 From thence to) ! oe ee Haut Boleah a 5 \L9 8 " 0 | 0 0. O 0 0, 0 | From Haut Bo- y; cb ee, } leah to Kat->|18) 6) 0 0)0 0 0} 0} O0 | chikattah a | \ From Katchikat- ) | | | hit tah to Kishen- > 19, 3/00); 0; 0 Qo} O| 0:0 ennge =) ae And from Ki- ) ; shengungé to 24 3}/00,0 0) 0 O ) 0 0 Seebpore ... ) | | ; Height of water on gauge at Berhampore, on the 3rd August 1358, 25 Feet 11 Inches. T. H. Forres, Lieutt. : Supdt. Nuddeah Rivers. BERUOMPORE, The 26th August 1S58. os Notice. Certain Effects belonging to the Mstate of the late Mr. Thomas Scorr, a British-born Subject and Resident of this Station, who died sp.the 10th Instant, are under the charge of this Court, and will be delivered to any person entitled to receive the same. > , G. Parrnevit, P. A. Commissioner. 5 AKYAB, Prix, Asst. Comar’s Cover, , The \3th August 15d». i> . Lost, Stolen or Destroyed. : Tur undermentioned Government Promissory Notes for Company’s Rupees 2,500, standing im the name of the late Reverend E. T. R. Moncrieff, the Proprietor, by whom they were never endorsed to any other person. Payment of the said Notes and of Interest thereupon has been stopped at the Loan Office, and application is about to be made for the issue of duplicate Notes in faver of the | Proprietor. C. 8. Hoae, Administrator General. ParriouLars oF THE GovERNMENT PRroMIssory Notes. No. 9250 of 4906, of 1842-43 for Co’s. Rs. 500 » 2543 of 7108, of Ditto for 5, 500 » 665 of 4173, of 1854-55 for 5 500 » L1708 of 1835-36 for ,, 1,000 Co’s. Rs. 2,500 | LOST.—The undermentioned two Government ] Promissory Notes, the property of the Calcutte Free School; viz. No. 451 of 9439 of the 4 Per Cent. Loan of 1832-33, dated Ist May 1832, ian Sicea Rupees 5,200, renewed inname of Bank of Bengal and last endorsed to Mir. ee ey | and No. 23890 of the 4 per Cent. Loan of 1542- dated Ist February 1843, for Co.’s Rupees 2,100 origitfally standing in name of Revd. J.C. Thomp. son and last endorsed to Mr..D. W. Madge; whom the Notes have not been endorsed to other person. Payment of the above Notes ai of Interest thereupon has been stopped at the Lo Office, and application is about to be made to Go- _vetnment for the issue of Duplicates. R. THores, Offg. Secretary, Free School CaLcurra, c 31st August 1858. Post Oire Notifications. Tar Overland Mails vid Marscilles and Soutl Offize on the 3rd and 17th of each month,* at 6 Pe. M., 1ampton and the intermediate Ports, will close at the in June and July 1858, unless ortherwise dire 7s r - Letters for Penang, Singapore, Hong-Kong and Austrdlia will be forwarded Ly this opportumity gid Galle. ————— Dates on which the Mails 6th and 9th August 1858, from London, 20th and 25th Ditto ditto 6th and 9th September, ditto 20th and 25th Ditto ditto 6th and 9th October, ditto 20th and 25th Ditty ditto 6th and 9th November, ditto 20th and 25th Ditto ditto will be due from Englaed. expected to axrive about the 15th Sept. 1858. ditto 2nd Oct.. 1858: ditto 13th ditto. « ditto 29th ditto. ditto 13th Nov. 1858. - ditto 29th ditto. . ditto | 13th Dec. 1858. ~ ditto 29th ditto. The Mails from the Australian Colonies and China are brought on by the Overland Mail Steamers from Galle. : . > . se > ‘ Mails for Akyab, Rangoon and Moulmein are made up on the Srd and 19th of each month, for transmission by the contract Steamers or by Government Vessels, which sail on the morning of the #th and 20th, unless the Contractors choose to postpone the dgparture for 48 hours, of which’they have the power on making a requisition. Ca rey cor C A Steamer with Mails for Australia leaves Galle on the 14th of each month. , e Ba . . > . ba: am Under instructions from Government,’ Inland Postage will be charged on all Letters and Papers 4 despatched by the After-Packet to Kedgeree. The following are the Races :— - Lerrens. ° 4 “1 Tolah Meeps ft) (5 t ” c e © 0 Al (r ae : 0% 0 1g is 0 3 90 , an is , eed aaa «es ore 50 rA e() And for every Tolah, or fraction of a Tolah above two Tolahs, two addiational Annas. — oe NEWSPAPERS. ms roa 4 4 Tolahs hae | am is) oe ad ft ae e) Oy 5) +9) . “- ” ue ae # Oye. 0 3 i St hen ” tee wee hae a" 0 4 0 S : he Steam Postage and Fee (+ Annas) must both be pre-paid on Lettors registered to the United Kingdom. Z n * 3rd and 17th of June and July. S aa a i j# ey " er L 1749 | msection LXVIT., Act No. XVII. of 1854, the Governor General in Council is pleased to pass wing Rule:— ve Stamps Labels, when attached to Letters and Newspapers, aré to be invariably attached at ayght hand corner on the side on which the address is written. y observance of this Rule by the Public will obviate much inconvenience and promote despatch. - 4 + howing the Date and Hour of Arrival at the Calcutta General Post Office of the Mails which England on the 9th and 26th July, and the time occupied in sorting the Letters and Papers delivery. > No. oF Boxes oF wars ne ' . n "Erg 5 g BE | 8 No. or Boxes or NEWSPAPERS AND = 8 8 : , . 8 ae = 5 os Luerrers. tone FS ae a ig 2 Be e2"S =] 5 { 28 -c s 2 c | “3S Eps as. Sp | wi. @ A ‘ 22 ¢ ie pee esha g g sa 5 ws SO ese | 24 1B Bens g = S IS haa eth 3 Q nd 4 SoS nee Sao AG Fe 2 | hog ee a 3 : a eee Lo Pi n n Lord 28 S24 | 8S5 g 1 eh ha ah ee WL cee S| S a ee a as A n a |e] wa Sa ie “ — Pate ». |lvth Aug. 63 p.m. 72 Pp. m. | 10-10 p.u.) 113 vp. uw. | 2h. 25m. 6 9 | 48 22 | 70 - .|26th Do.4 20p.m.) 5 Pp. m.| 74 v. Me} 9 Pv. mw. | 72h. 30m. by | 3 48 22 180, a [-e | | acl from a Letter No. 2137, dated 4th January 1858, from the Director General of the Post Office il in India, to the Off7. Post Master General of Bengal. P p “T have the honor to inform you that all Letters and Printed Papers addressed to France, or vid to any Foreign Country, the route, to which lies through France, must be charged with Thland Postage. Steam Postage cannot be pre-paid on such Letters.” ~ > (True Extract) C. K. DOVE, Officiating Post Master General of Bengal. oY 5 Notice. —_ . = re ~ t s ‘g Oy 7 Trnrs posted in India and addressed to Belgium will, if marked via Southampton, be liable to lowing rates of combined British Indian and Felgian Postage, the pre-payment of which is i : ; Rs. As. 2. Letters not exceeding } an Gunce in weight. ... >... gia p80 ie Letters exceeding } an ounce, but not exceeding l ounce... 0 13 6 Letters exceeding 1 ounce, but not exceeding 2 ounces A ne #0 on, adding 13 Annas 6 Pie for each ounce or fraction of an ounce. Letters for Belgium sent vid Marseilles aré liable to an additional French Transit Rate of two for quarter ounce= > H. B. RIDDELL, + > Director General of the Post Office in, India. Z ALCUTTA, } *" . February 1858. . [ 1750 J Tun Public are informed that Letters and Printed Papers intended for any place in Branee,§ to be sent direct through France to any part of Foreign Europe, should be marked vid France, that Steam-postage on such Letters or Papers cannot be paid in India. All Letters marked vid Marseilles will be sent in the ordinary iron boxes to the London Office, and on such Letters the pre-payment of postage in India is optional. The postage pai except in the case of Belgium Letters, does not frank any Letters beyond England. e if Tur Public are informed that the Bengal Postal Advertiser, printed at the Government Press, will be delivered to each holder of Window Delivery Ticket for one Rupee per annum, Public generally for two Repees per annum, ‘ , r a DATES of Departure of the P. and O. Co.’s Steamers from Bombay with the Overland Mails, during ensuing four months. ‘ n Dates of sending Mails from Calcutta per the Bouwbhy Mail, Dates of despateh from Bombay. _ 26th and 27th Nov. 1858. Sth Dee. 1858. lith and 13th Dee. i 24th Ditto ae 10th and 1]th Sept. A 22nd Sept. sf 27th and 28th Ditto - if - 9th Oct. ee ‘ 12th and 13th Oct. 5 24th Ditto - 28th and 29th Ditto | 5a ~ “9th Nov, ‘ 12th and 13th Nov. as . 24th Ditto 5 r NOTICE ISSUED BY THE OFFICIATING DEPUTY POST MASTER GENERAL. - roe 4 The Public are hereby informed, that Letters for Cairo must be pre-paid, and that such Lett annot be registered. 6 ‘ | e le r ; e fo The following is a List of the Date’ fixed for the Departure of the Contract Steamers with the Mails ft c Calcutta, during the year 1858. “4 ns = Date of departure from Cal-| a na ea cutta of the P. and O| 8 |From Calcutta toRangoon| 5 Co’s Steamer with Mails A = and Moulmein. = = during the ensuing year. si! eo) s = ~~ oon gt eo y S| a On a i i ak) aru Se ta nares x — September...” ... ...] 9th’ | 28rd September .... ws. ¢..| 4th | 20th October ee...) 9th | 28rd | October -.1e a 0...) 4th | 20th November ye eee ee bh | 2ord | November). 2 ae of o4ithy | Doth December ee eth ee 23rd Mecember.. a CO Ps St MH — ———__ ar N. B.—The Mails are closed at the General Post Office the previous day at 6P. wu. > ~~ ; [ 1751 3 Notice. - om the lst September next. the present system of optional pre-payment of Letters sent from a to the United Kingdom will be abolished, and from that date the pre-payment of Postage on p s posted in any part of India for the United Kingdom, whether marked cid Southampton or eid s, will be compulsory. ’ vated’ (Signed) W. GREY, ae ; Offg. Director Genl. of the Post Office in India. fs ‘Ay 7 a > + y 858. “ tye t Ww Se a . s “tien Lead D sh OLY the Rates of Postage to be charged on Registered betters for France or Foreign Europe, Ke Jor Despatch vid Southampton. a Not execeding |Exceeding } 07.,' Exceeding } 02., Exceeding Foz,,| Exceeding 1 Oey 3 oz. in Weight.: and not exceed-and not exceed- and not exceed> and not exeeed- ing } 02. ing $02. ing 1 oz. ‘ing 1}.02. ! { k | | { i | Rs, | Aj PB. | Bs, | A. WP | Raa) Aol Pt Tee, | Andes Sea | In 4 ee ES ES eS ay ee ee eS ee Pee oe) | ee | BS | ' o| 14 0 Ov [aera] 26 2| 1] 6 a} i} Of Ss} Bes ea iM ios 2s |e | AR Cty 0) 15. 0 1' 8| 6 1} ny} 0 l} le «(0 2} 9) 66] / 1p | | | y | | ES ae es ie oe ee ee ee (ewe eS | | | | : Vipe'Ss BG 1} 8| 0 2) og 0 2, 5! 0 She Of ot} | | 4 ; EE ee a ee See ee, ee ee een nl 0; 15 6 1/| lo} 0 2 5 6 3} Of 0 3; 1) 0 | ow? a j eat cl o| 15 6 1} lo| o 2 ly 3} 0) 0 Sholay o 345 a | Pa : 1| 3 © me 7 | .0 1) oa 0 2h. 2 eae (| | | | I | I |! a 6 Yl Silas arte eae ieee 6h. 8 | Lt! of 0 5 {9 ; ie an ne” wer ee. ee Eafet a ——| ny al States Z 1| 6 © lye F 96 3 |e Saar Hi o 5) 13 «6 / | i Pe) te | SS eS | Rabe , 1 6} oOo Q\ 4 (4 m 9 a 4 Sid)» (Ou Sipe 6 . - ° ' :. | ; P ia il | dsl a mela . 1 6 o | 7/16 3 9 " 6 4) ” 0) ‘| Bs 6 \ ee Ss Bg | _ a _ 5 5 | | | ! ay ke Oo} 14 6 1 ve ty) 2) S}en6 I | d m 7 f | -Norx.—Letters weighing above 13 ounce eannot be received for Registration, and the Registration Fee must be paid in Cash, consequently intended for Registration must bear stamps in acvordance with the rates shown in the above Table —Mixus the Registration Fee, which ’ e to be paid in Cash, r x P: — ie ae Cok DOVE, ? - ah - 7 ib Offy. Post Master Generat. AE Post Masrer GENERAL’s OFFICE, > 2 BS Lhe ist SulpSOse* L 1752 | NOTICES ISSUED BY THE OFFICIATING POST MASTER GENERAL, Nottce No. 2481. rae 4 Calcutta the 31st July 1858. ’ The Public are hereby informed that the Mail despatched from Benares on the 19th Instant. and y contained the Packets mentioned in the annexed list was plundered by the Rebels at Karrah Stage o Grand Trunk Row a C.K. DOVE, ae Offy. Post Master Genl. of Beng List of Packets despatched from Benares on the 19th July 1858. e | From whence Ss | 2 To what place ad oe) (i what place addressed.|Fromw hencedespatched.| istry on pegs despatched. 2 a ed. © A ‘au vA oY ¢ Calcutta Transit. ¢ Mynporee, =a 1 | Caleutta. Mean Meer, oes 1 | Caleutta. _ Lahore, “| 1} Ditto: G. G. Camp, 1 } Ditto. ‘ Nagpore, 1 | Ditto. Indore, 1 | Ditto: Rewah, 1 | Ditto. Cantral India Fd. Force. -L_ | Ditto. Mirzapore, Z 1 | Ditto. Erinporah, "| Ditto: Allahabad, 1 | Ditto. Bareily : iD Ditton Bombay, 6 | Do. inelg. Overland, Telhie, 1 | Ditto. Benares, 2 6 | Do. five contg, | Joypore, Lieto: Letter. Almorah, 1 | Ditto. ¢ Ditto, 2 | Do. Overland. Futtyghurah, 1 | Ditto. a Ditto, 1 | Thyetmew, J alalabad, 1 | Ditto. Ditto, © 1 | Rangoon. Cawnpore, 2 | Ditto. Ditto, 1 | Prome. Umballah, 1 | Ditto. Chunar, 1 | Empty bag for C Agya, 2 | Ditto. Mirzapore, eee Caleutta. =" Meerut, 1 | Ditto. ——____—— Derah Dhoon, 1 | Ditto. ¢ 43 G. G. Camp, 1 | Serampore. : Serampore Transit. 3 ale vi, Benares, at ! 2 ISerampore, rin a Bag. Y aneegunge ‘Transit. <4 Bimeskstore Transit. Benares, « «| 2 | Raneegunge, Benares, -..| 2 | Barrackpore. Ditto, | 1 | Jeagunge. Ditto, ve) 1 | Dum-Dum. re ; Berhampore. itto, él Beauleah, | 3 |Inab. Bag. Ditto, ~ °, ..| 1 | Bancoorah. Hooghly Transit. Ditto, « +...) 1 | Beerbhoom. Benares, 3 2 | Hooghly. Ditte, ..| 1 | Burdwan. che " ‘i | None y ae ; Ditto, ee 1 . Changernaghur, "9 }a Ss f PS ey j | eee 4 « A 4 a Ina d. Bag. { f na 3a. © ¢. Patna Transit: Pandooah Tr ansit. Benares, =) Ladi | Seana one tied, kel Benares, 1 | Kissennaghur. Dehra, 1 | Ditto. Ditto, 1 | Degra. ; Ditto, -.| 1 | Calnacontg. Rég. Letter, 5" slel ring . Ditto, --{ 1 | Nuddea., . scaeeety "Transit bes am Ditto, 1 | Santipore. Benares, 2 | Sherghotty. > Ditto, 1 | Nichindpore. . Ditto, andy emake Sl). Gaven 3 ) r Ditto, | 1 | Beh “if 3 6 | BL. Sealed. F a j “Burhee Transit. 4 a oale Renares, = 2 | Burhee. < 7 © Out oie ee wo } Ditto, . ce 1 | Chotanagpore. Benares, * me 1 | Saseeram. : Ditto, ’ 1 | Hazareebaugh contg. | Ditto, odampeeals | Allynugeur. . Reed. Letter. | Ditto, om : Deharée. Ditto, «| 1 | Chyebassa. Ditto, fr Telegraph, ' 5 | BL. Sealed. " ‘ I —< Dinapore Transit. = 2 Bombay, 7 1 | Dimapore Overland. Ss pln oa Benares, 2 | Ditto one tied, &e. | Ditto, + 1 4) Avrah. 4 : Ditto, of 1 | Chuprah. 4 e Ditto, ar een ee ae - Ditto, 1 | Nepaul. : E Ditto, --| 1. | Segoulee. i Ditto, bial ake A Botiinls 2 = Ditto of 15, 1 | Ditto tied, &e. c - . 10 . “q 7 * i . r ( 1753. ] NOTICE. No. 3029. lie are informed that under instructions from the London General Post Office, all Letters ners addressed to JERUSALEM and BAGDAD will, in future, be charged with the post. ed below. The postage upon all such Letters and Newspapers must be pre-paid. r | ' oe tpy 5 oy a co. 28 22a? Oo se Miteheisl (2) Aan Sey 8 i) o os Sn oBY%Ss +» = BS 9 3.8 ra AS een Sas oO Zi 4 | MM feet eee Orll ~G" “egos yz one Rupee seven Annas for every ounce or fraction of an ounce. NeEwsPAPERS. mn ai pet : ON Ons ro) ‘ S 2 agg. os wg 2 SS &p pelo 2 ° =| rs Oo = 7, SF ep Giese | mis . a DAD, ... (eS 0 2 JERUSALUM, ... ....-- | Oh a i) NS vy" Cc. K& DOVE, ' Officiating Post Master General of Bengal. BeCALCUTTA, % @ 21st August 1S5S. J : NOTICE. TIMATION is hereby given to the Public that the former Office for posting Letters and has been changed to that» hitherto used for the window-delivery of Letters. three distinct Boxes for posting Letters and Papers are now im one line fixed in the erandah, immediately facing the Post Office gateway, and are known by the Sign é 41 = 7 dye ¢ r Fey. ers e slive * Based over each Box, vz. Ship and Steamer Letters, Inland Letters, Letters for local delivery >: 5 . . oe a Doorway has also been opencd in the South Verandah, to admit the Public entering the Office purpose of registering Let*ters and posting Prices Current and Newspapers when paid in (oa = b ——_ NOTICE. . all Letters received at the General Post Oitiees ¢, both dates inclusive, were despatched by a Ce hay Sa ehy notified that unless marked for particular Ships, m Moniay, the 93rd August, and Sunday the 29th Augus ase undermentioned Vessels which sailed from Calcutta on dates specified. * 4 Y ; =a Sr {EMARKS. ‘ received on dates" py what Ship despatched. rom and to. ex Bound to. } = ee ee eet SS Pe . = Will sai » 2nd September $5 5 "ni Cingd London and Cape Will sail on the 2nd Septe : 1 te : od Kingdom,.. | Londor ‘ ne ag : eg Sad ee - Mauritius, --- . \Left town on the 80th August. 29th ditto, Mallard, -... 7 — uritius % . a, Somer Americ Pes Penang, Singapore, ane equb, ditto, Steamer American, | Ghis gay a 5 ee a, eS ; i ¥ H " J ah on the 29th ditto. aoe a - ~ pt act 4 4 on the 26th — ditto. 25 j see “lSbe p “AUST ian . oulmein, ze . eee Lie < L. . —. pee “all fe ‘ | Rangoon & Moulmein, | Will sail on the Lith September. 4 a ul J igs sy ili pore ; - q = ~ ~ The 31st August 4888. - ' és -_* IT is hereby notified that u between the 1st and 81st August 1858, both [1754 ] nless marked for particular Ships, all Letters received at the Conerall dates inclusive, were despatched by the undermentic which Sailed from Caleutta on dates specified :— Letters received on dates from and to. Ist to 8rd August 1858 Steamer Burmah 4, |Str. Cape ef Good Hope ... Steamer Australian ....\Steamer Burmah — .. Steamer Golden Fleece ..-\London and Cape 4th to 19th ditto 20th to 25th ditto 26th te 31st ditto Ist to 3rd_ ditto By what Ship despatched. 4th & 5th ditto | |Steamer Abiona Ditto ...[Ditto on the 6th ditto. 6th to 9th ditto ... Steamer Tweedside rf. Ditto ...|Ditto on the 10th di 10th to 31st ditto ...Steamer United Kingdore Ditto -..[Will sail on the 2nd Sey Ist to 9th ditto ... Liverpool .. Mauritius .../Left town on the 10th - 10th to 18th ditto .../Saugor Ditto .../Ditto on the 14th ditto, 14th to 22nd ditto Andria * Ditto -. Ditto on the 23rd ditto, : : Ist to 21st ditto _.@Steamer Thebes #. { ree Singapore é Ditto on the 22nd ditto, 22nd to 27th ditto .../Steamer Armenian Ditto ... Ditto on the 28th ditto. Ist to 81st ditto ...|Sulia #s Melbourne --. Will sail in a day or two, OvERLAND Mati, oe Tur Overland Mail vid Marseilles and South- ampton, and the intermediate Ports, Ceylon, and Aden, per P. &., .O. Co’s Steamer Simla, will be closed at the the Sth proximo, at 6 P. M. Letters, &e., for Penang, Singapore, Hong-Kong and Australia, will be forwarded vid Galle by this opportunity, a Ofig Dy. Post Master General. The 21st August 1858. No. 189 OVERLAND Mam, Tne Mail Packets only will be closed at this Office at 5 p. x, ») ‘ Printed and Pubiished Sor the G on the 10th and 11th Proximo, | for the Overland Mail which the morning of the 22nd idem. Madras, Office on Wednesday, T. Garrert, a EE Ee ee 5 --.[Rengoon & Moulmein...\Left town on the Ath al fle leaves Bombay on | c4eernment, by THoxas Joxws, af the Office Office on Friday, the 8rd September, at 6 v, Bound to. Remars, a Ditto Ditto Ditto ... Ditto on the 20th ditto ...|Ditto on the 26th ditto, ..., Will sail on the 4th pr ..|Left tawvn on the 4th in Letters and Papers will be sent vid Ma only. e T. Garperr e Ofig. Dy. Post Master The 31st August 1858. -_— No. 1890. Notice is hereby given, that the Mails for Al Dalhousie, Rangoon, and Moulmein, for sion per Steamer Burmak, will be clos ‘ T. Garrerr, ™ ; Ofig. Dy. Post Master General, The 28th August 1838, » G Ga 5 2 . “ a8 s . - > . igh ’ oS the Benger Seereduriat, Cnle * : * ¢ & or SUPPLEMENT TO Tie Calcutta Oasetic, a | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1858. LAND SALE NOTICES. Zillah Tirhoot, will be put up to NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estate, in Monday, the 15th sublic and unreserved re-sale, at the Collector’s Officé of that District, on ptember 1858, or 20th Bhadon 1265 Vuslee, for Arrears of Revenue :— sa Class I.—Mehal Permanently-settled. mY — No. 805,—Mouzah Salaha, Chuck Fettch, Chuckhy Girjowl, Pergunnah Bisarah ; recorded pro- ae : a : tors, Dasoo Roi, Jankey Kowur and others; sudder jumma, rupecs 13 4-14-6. , Tiruoor CoLtecror’s Orrics, ye Hi. L. Dastprer, The \.6th August 1858. Offg. Collector. NOTICE is hereby given that, tre undcr-mentioned Estates, +n Zillah Moorshedabad, will be put up a to publie and unreserved re-sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Saturday, the 25th Sep- tember 1858, or 10th ‘Asin 1265, B. S* for Arrears of Revenue :— th Khurgaon ; recorded proprietor Shoodhbuddra No, 764.—Kismut Radhagobindbatee, Pergunni Debia, sudder jumma 101. No. 2430.—Kismut Dutt Burruttia, Pergunnah Futtehsing. Aimadar Gholam Sumdanee, sudder _ junima 8-10-9. - vf MoorsuEepaBapd Coniecror’s OFFICE, i W. M. Bravrort, ~The 27th August 1898. E Offg. Collector. 4 : +S SS ee % Gab SecravapiaT OFFICE. > ° was Joxes, BEN Pyinrep Bx Tue a be va a — > Ve se ag Lic LE Ty re IGre ET rat ’ i FR € he 6 See SENAZUS Calenutta Gazette, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1858. ; Ei Tus 28ru AucusTt 1858. . following Act, passed by the Législative cil *? Tudia, received the assent of the Right - tne Governor General on the 24th 1858, and is hereby promulgated for information :— » Act No. XXX or 1558. Be re n Act to provide for the administration of the Bstate aud for the payment of the Debts of the late Nabob of the. Carnatic. C * * Wuervas by Act I of 1544 it is enacted that no writ or process shall at any time be syed forth or prose- uted against the person, goods, or property of s Highness the Nabob of the Carnatic, or of other person as thergin mentioned, ginless writ or process shall be so sued forth with vonsent of the Governor in*Cofineil of Fort St. orge first had and obtained as there men- »4; and that any writ or process which shall at any time be sued out oF prosecuted against the m or goods or property of Lis Highness or ef such person without sugh consent, shall be tterly null and void: and whereas the Nabob d leaving debts and liabilities to a large anstouat satisfied, some of which. were contracted by elf and some”? by Azeem Jah Bahadoor ‘as ob Regent or Najbui-Mooktar durfng the in- ~ of ye late Nabob: and whereas it is ther the creditgrs of the Nabob have, o Preamble. ecousentot the Governor in Counal St. George, any remedy for enforeing operty Which their claims against the goods or pr time of his belonged to the said Nabob at the th; and especially whether perty left by the said late Nabob, which was he nature of State or Public property, is ble for the payment of seh’ claims: and where- give up any right which y which is im 3@ ty oo a if moveable and immoveable of whatever kind, left by the late Nabob, after appropriating to the payment of his debts such portion thereof as is able io the teal Co cS rey Th + ing ot lar) fo) * Bt ao" ~ -- any part of the J Y "Gliow the whole property,,} affording a simple mode HLegislatibe Council of Endia, payment thereof, to be, applied towards making provision for the family and dependents of the late Nabob ; and whereas the said East India Company is also willing to pay in full, to such of the creditors as chall be willing to accept the same, in the manner herein mentioned, all such debt? as shall be proved to have been fairly and justly contracted by the said Nabob or on his behalf during his infancy by the said Azeem Jah be estimated im as Nabob Regent, such debts to respect of moneys at the amounts which may be proved to have been actually advanced or paid by such ereditors respectively, and in respect of goods supplied or other matters at the amount which shall be proved to Rave been the fair and actual value thereof at the time when such debts were incurred, together with interest on such debts at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, the property of the eaid Nabob being applied in the first instance for that purpose, but any deficiency therein being made good by the said East India Company: and whereas the said Nabob is alleged to have mortgaged and created divers liens and securities upon certain portions of his property, of which or some of which the yalidity and extent of operation, especially as against the creditors of the said Nabob, is doubtful, and it may also be doubtful whether the same ean be enforced in any of the ordinary Courts of Justice; and it is expedient that provi- be made for giving effect to the said mortgages, Rens, and securities so far as the same shall have been ereated hond fide and for valuable consideration, and for affording a simple mode of ascertaining the rights of the parties claiming under such mortgages, liens, anc securities : and whereas it is also alleged that various conveyances, deeds, and instruments gion should Rave been executed by the late Nabob without valuable consideration in favor of persons who have under eolor thereof exeented or created mortgages or assignments of, or securities or liens on the property comprised therem : and whereas it is expedient that provision should be made for investigating all such claims, and for ‘protecting the bond fide creditors of the said, Nabob from the effect of aay conveyances executed by the Nabob under such circumstances as render- ed them void as against such ereditors, and tor of aseertaining the rights of the parties claiming in respect thereof as well as of parties claiming to be creditors of the Nabob : It is ezasted as follows :— 4 ~~ 4m —e+Y/_)f —_— . oe \ Cn ae + 3.9 > > RTS SOR F554 * S QS, BAA YS . ——— PEST) Sa SS “2 BY I. The Governor in Council of Fort St. George shall, immediately after the [ Appointment of passing ofethis Act, appoint person, designated ~suc¢h person as he may think Ee he a fit to act under the orders of pe | ‘tke. the Supreme Court of J udica- . ture at Madras in the adminis- tration of the property of whatever nature left by | the said late Nabob. The person so appointed shall be designated “The Receiver of the Carna- tic Property,” and shall have power to collect and take possession of all such propertf, and shall hold the same according to the provisions of this Act, and shall give such security (if any) as the said Governor in Couneil may require. Il. The said Receiver shall be entitled to re- ceive such commission, not ex- Remuneration of ceeding five per centum upon Receiver. the amount or value ‘of the property collected by and dis- tributed under the provisions of this Act, as the said Governor in Council shall appoint, which commission shall be charged to the estate. c “ Tf. The Governor in Council shall have full power to suspend or remove Suspension, remo- any person appointed suck Re- val, &c., of Receiver. ceiver as aforesaid, ans also from time to time to fill up any vacancy in such office which may be oceasion- ed by death, retirement, suspension, or removal. IV. Such Receiver shall represent. the estate of the said late Nabob in all Receiver to repre- proceedings relating thereto sent ste “— mall under this Act or otherwise, PRSepAer and shall“do and perform all acts in performance of his duties or office under his offical designation, and in all proceedings whether at law or in equity he shall be so styled and designated ; and no proceedings in which the Receiver may be a party shall abate by reason of the death, retirement, suspension, or removal from “oflice of any such Receiver, but the same shall be continued and carried on by his successor as if no such death, resignation, suspension, or removal had occurred. V. The Receiver shall have full power to . collect, take possession of, ee to collect, and eet in all property, pag oe fea Bs: moveable or immoveable and pertyy whether of the nature pf State or Public property or not, to which the said late Nabob at the time of his deat was entitled either at law or in equity, or which is liable either at law or in equity +0 satisfy the debts of the said Nabob; and, if necessary, to sue for and re- [ 1756 ] | Nabob, he shall execute a conveyance there a eo oe the purchaser; and such Pbnos veyance shall be valid . effectual and give a good as against the heirs of the said Nabob and persgns claiming under them, and also as agai all persons claiming under the said Nabob b tue of any conveyance or instrument declar the said Court to be void as against the ex of the said Nabob, or by virtue of any mor or security the benefit of which has been b under the provisions of this Act., ? “VII. Upon a suit being instituted as here } 41. after mentioned, the said Upon a suit being : instituted under this Ceiver shall be deemed s Act, Receiver to be to the orders of the said Cot subject to the orders and so far as such orders of the Court. not extend to the general tice of the said Court, in the same manner as ¢ other Receiver specially appointed by the Court, except that he shall not be called upo: the said Court to give security, VIL. It shell be lawful for any creditor person interested in the prop Suit for adminis- administration of the siepe eek ic and effects of the said to apply for and obtain in a summary way in manner provided by Act VI of 185451 summons to be served upon the said Receiver, order for the administration of the estate ; oe effects of the said Nabob Special directions 5 a 4 to be given as to cre. Such order, in addition t ditors holding mort- ordinary directions conta Sages or other seeu- in the usual order for ¢ Titles, ministration of the moyeal and immoveable estate of a deceased Mahomeds shall direct that all creditors who may hold 2 mortgage or security upon any part of property mentioned in Section V of this Act come in and prove their claims and establish securities and the consideration for the same, in default thereof -that they shall be barred excluded from all benefit of their said securi and the said Court shall also by the said ore give-such directions as to the notices to be issu to such creditors and otherwise, and shall diret such enquiries, as to the Court shall Seem fit, IX. Upon such order being made, the C ; shall take an aceount of debts and liabilities whieh v due from the said Nabeb~ ‘the time of his death, and of all property, moveable or immoveable an of whether of the nature of Si ; ¢ cr Public property or not, which the said late Nabob at the time of his deat was entitled either at law or in equity, or W is liable either at law or in equity to satisfy debts of the said Nabch; ané shall also deter 2 ih Accounts to be taken by the Court. —ot the debts, property, ‘ cover the same as représenting the said estate of the said Nabob under this Act, and to realize by sale or otherwise the value of the said property ; and he shall proceed to collect. and take possession of the same with all convenient speed immediately after the passing of this Act. VI. Whenever the Receiver, by the order of Receiver selling with the sanction of the Court, itamoveable proper- Shall sell any immoveable pro- ty with the sanction perty to which the Nabob was of hg Cowt, may entitled either at law orin equi- execute conveyance . < ~ uereoftorpurdlie: ty at the time of his death, or Cad ee te - which is lable either at law or m equity to satisfy the debts of the. said late | whether any and which of t said creditors had any what mortgage or security upon any and what portion of the property pf the said Nabob and . . i any and- what consideratien or amount, whether such mortgage or security constitu valid charge upon the whole or any and what tion of the property included therein. be Every creditor of the said Nabob, w Creditor or mort- shall not corae in and establish gagee not coming in his Claim under and according to establish claim or to the said order, shall be mortgage, tovbe-bar- red from all benefit of the s red front all benefit claim - Tordhes cam; and all persons w. ‘may ‘hold or Gaim under and morteages, re or security as aforesaid, who shall fail to nd establish the same and (if required ourt so to do) to prove the consideration - same under and according to such order, Barred from all benefit of such mortgage y: and the said Court may order \the {fected thereby to be delivered up to the shall appear to the satisfaction of the Court that there is good reason to believe that any con- veyance or other instrument executed by the said late Na-* In case it ~ may order claiming a conveyance d by the Na- r circum- i bob in his lifetime was execut- dering the : \ as against ed under circumstances which to comein rendered the same void as establish hig against creditors, the said Court Ses. may, at any time pending the order the person or persons claiming under. onveyance or instrument to come in and his claim under the same; and in default nliance with the said order, the said Court eclare the said conveyance .or instrument void as against the creditors of the said , and may order the property thereby, con- to be delivered up to the said Receiver. it shall appear to the satisfac- tion of the Court that there is good reason to believe that any property was conveyed by the said Nabob in his _ lifetime to any person or persons in order that he or they might raise money thereon for the use of the said Nabob, the said ; declare that, subject to any mortgages rities which may have been ond fide created on, the said property is part of the estate of said Nabob and shall be administered accord- and may also order all persons who may hold or claim under any, mort- gage or security vxecuted by the person or persons to whom >the said property was so con- veyed by the said Nabob t» and prove their claims and establish their and th® consideration for the same, or t thereof that they shall be barred and from all benefit of their said securities 7 2 ard the said Court shall also es to be iss hy the Said order give such directions as ta the notices to ued to such creditors and otherwise, and shall | t such enquiries as to the Court shall seem fit ; all persons who may hold or Gaim under “any moxfyage or security executed by or on‘behalf of the «person or persons to whom such pro- perty awas conveyed as afore- said, who shall fail to come in . In ease theresn. rteagees Xe. of property to in and estab- air mortgages. holding mortga- at to come L establish ms, shall be the consideration for the same under and to such order,.shall be barred from all such mortgage or security ; and the said may order the property affected thereby lelivered up to the said Receiver. No action or suit shall be commenced % or proseentad by any creditor a Rif of the said Mabob against any ive of the person aS the. representative of the said Nabob, otherwise than otherwise cordance “ and establish the same and af’ required by the Court so to do) | in avcords: with the provi- | sions of ae; -and all ac- [ 27s7) tions and suits, which at the time of the com- " mencement of this suit shall Is: pending at the suit of any such creditor against any per- son as representative of the said Nabob, shall abate; the costs of such suit, if the said Court shall consider it reasonable, to be patd out of the assets of the said late Nabob. XIV. Pending suits abate. Any person claiming to be a creditor of the said late Nabob, who within the period of three months from the passing of Special application by creditor for im-* mediate investiga- ; f tion of his claim by this Act ‘shall file in the the Court. Office of the Registrar of the said Supreme Court a written declaration stating that he is willing to receive in full discharge of all his claims against the said late Nabob or any property to which the said late Na- bob at the time of his death was entitled either at laws or in equity, or which is liable either at law or ih equity to satisfy the debts of the said Nabob, such amount as shall be ascertained by the said Supreme Court to have been justly and fairly due to him from the said late Nabob at the time of his death or to be a charge upon such ~ property and to remain unpaid (the amount to be estimated im respect of moneys at the amount which shall be proved to have been actually ad- vanced to or paid for the use of the said Nabob, and in respect of goods supplied or other matters at the amount which shall be proved to have been the fair and actual value thereof at the time when such debts were incurred) together with such inter- a ae . Ane . ‘est (if any) not exceeding the rate of six per centum per annum as shall be awarded by the said Court ; and that he is willing, to give up any mortgage or security which he may hold upon any part of such property as aforesaid, or which shall have been charged with the said debt—shall be entitled, upon giving up such mortgage or security to the said Receiver, to have the amount of his claim ascer- ‘tained by the said Court in manner hereinafter mentioned. XV. ‘When any sum of money shall have been paid by the said Nabob in his lifetime in specifie discharge. of interest ata higher rate than six per centum per annum, fi such payment shall not be re- opened or questioned ; but interest at the reduced * * yate of six per centum per annum From what period (as by this Actprovided) shall be intereSi at the rate, ealeulated from the period up to ~ yn a shall which interest shall haye been ayer Lor specifically discharged by any such payment by the said Nabob. XVI. No person claiming to be a “ereditor of the said Igte Nabob or in res- peet of any property whatso- ever to which the said late Nabob was entitled either at law or in equity or which is hable either at law or in equity to satisfs the debts of the said Nabob, shall be entitled to avail himself of the provisions of Section. XIV in respect, of a part only of his claims upon the said late Nabob or upon any such property as aforesaid. Payments made by the Nabob in dis- charge of interest not to be questioned. * Creditor not. enti- tled to make special application in respect of a part only of his claims. XVII. No assignment of any such claim as aforesaid upon -the said late Nabob or upon any property whatsoever to which the said late Nabob was entitled either No assignment of such claims to be valid, if made after passing of this Act, or since the Nabob's [ 14 = death, unless made bont fide and for valuabie considera- tion. is liable either at law or in equity to satisfy the debts of the saul Nabob, shall be or be deemed to be valid or effectual if made or executed subsequently to the date of the passing of this Act, or it made or executed since the death “of the said late Nabob unless proved to have been made ond fide and for a valuable consideration, the proof whereof shall lie upon the person claiming under such assivenment. - MV LE: Persons claiming in respect of Istufa Cytehersy Bonds “to be deemed creditors ofthe Nebob within the meaning of See- tion XTV of this Act. Every person claiming to bea creditor of the said late Nabob in respect of any security commonly called and known as an Istufa Cut- cherry Bond issued by order of the said late Nabob in discharge of or connected with the debts of Moomtauzool Movik Baha- door otherwise called Ghoolam Moortaza Khan Bahadoor, shall be deemed a creditor of the Nabob within the meaning of Section XIV of this Act. AIX. The said Court, upon the application Gountyrisipoas SE of such creditor, shall appoint plication, to fix aday 2 day for : ascertaining the for the investigation, amount of his debt, and notice and to give notice of the day so appointed shall thereof to the Com- forthwith be given By the ap- pany’s Solicitor at : Ps ole . i he plieant to the Solicitor of the Wast India Company at Madras. The day so appointed shall not be less than twenty- one days from the time of the application. XX. At the time of giving such notice, thé ereditor shall also furnish to the said Solicitor full particu- lars of his claim. If the par- vieulars so furnished are insufficient, the said Court or a Judge thereyf may make an order for further particulars. In ease any such order be made, the Court shall not proceed to investigate the claim watil fourteen days from the time when sufficient Particulars of claim to be turmished to the Solicitor. particulars have been furnished, and if necessary | shall appoint a further day for the hearing. XX. At any time not less than seven days before the hearing, the Govern- ment may give notice to the claimant that it is wilhng to consent to an order for the payment of an amount to be specified in thé notice in full cuscharee of what is justly and fairly due tad J y yi 2 XX1ik Claim to be gnm- Inariiy investigated by Court. Government may, seven clear days be- fore hearing, give notive of consent to an order for pay- mert. Upon the day so fixed or upon any other day to which the Court may think fit to postpone the investigation, the’Court, after proot of tife service of the notice required by Section AiX of this Act, shall proceed to ascertain and determine na summary way what amount Is justly and fairly due from the estate of the said Nabob at the time cf his death to the claimant, whether the debt be payable by instalments cr not, and whether or wt the day or days fixed for the payment thereof shall have arrived. In ascertainine- such oS een amount, the syid Court shall not allow to any | r ry Amount due how, Person claiming to be a creditor, to be asvertvined—-” IM respect ol money lent or ad- + respect of meney vanced, any larger sum than the lent. amount which shall be proved to have been aétually advanced to or for the «aid late Nabob, or, in the case of such Istufs Cuteherry Bonds as aforesaid to or for the said Ghoclam Moor- og ate Ess Fahad, ar 1 j a taza Khan Bahadoor, together with simple interest at law or in equity, or which | bs thereon not exceeding the rate of six pet cen | per annum (to be caleulated up to the date ¢ | order for payment), notwithstanding any ) rate of interest may have been agreed tq be eg shall not allow to any person claimi ’ be a creditor, im respet In respect of goods goods supplied or of a supplied, &e, matters, any larger sum the ammount which shall be ed to have been the fair and actual value of at the time when such debt was 1 by or on behalf of the said late Nabol in the ease of such Istufa Cutcherry Bor aforesaid by or on behalf of the said Gi Moortaza Khan Bahadoor, without reference price or sum which may have been agreed t | paid for or in respect thereof, together with | interest thereon not exceeding the rate afore the Court shall consider that the claimant is to recover interest. ‘The said Court shall order tor the payment | ment of'amountsoas- amount so ascertained to] certained, with cests. together with the costs of) ing the debt if it shall think fit to award 4 Provided that, if the amount so ascertained due shall not exceed the: specified in the notice given under Section XXI, the Court | award costs to the Claimant. r I | Court to order pay- Proviso. . XXIII. For the issue of subpoenas \ . . eter Sere process, for preparing lee to Officers of ayvment, or for any 0 siness connected with , certaining the amount of any debt er claim 1 the last preceding Section, the Officers of the Court shall be entitled to charge the like fe would be chargeable in an ordinary suit in the Court for sych debt or claim for business 0 nature, or such other fees as the Court wit sanction of the Governor in Council shall ay in that behalf. a XXIV. Upon every investigation un Upon every inves- tion XXL, of this 4 cation, Hast India, East India Company 1 Company niay ap- pear and be heard by Cout ag? by Coufisel.” and the claimant may af ‘i itiaths 2p. in person or by Counsel” “Counsel, or by ‘47 the Court shall think fit to torney, &e. the same, by Attorney 01 4 other Agent. .~ | XXV. Theamount ascertained by the € Amount found due to be due to the claimant with interest and the investigation under 8 costs how to be pawl. ROL, together with — Interest and costs (if anyf as shail be award the Court, shall be’ paid to the claimar said Receiver within ten days alter a Cop order of the said-Court shall have been served? | hin. In case no sufficient assets belong ( | estate of the said lateNabob shall be in « of the Receiver to enable him to pay sucb the same shall be forthwith paid out of th . Treasury of the Fast India Company, and t » Company shall be entitled to be repaid | Receiver out of any assets which may aft come to his hands. ‘The judgement of th CS -y as to the amount due aieoitagit baaiiiue creditor as aforesaid facie evidence of the” cipal and interest debt in the adminis. taking an account of tht tration suit. and habilities and of the. ; _ . and effects of the said ‘in such administration suit as afore ca [ 1759 | d as primd facie evidence that a debt ii "= Bioant was due to such creditor. SURE ES NE: 5 eet Oe oS at 7. if it shall appear that the amount 4 paid out of the assets of the Be. skal: on if pay- said Nabob to any such credi- Appointinent —The 28th Angust 1858.—Moonshee made* to@ tor or to the East India Com- | Mahomed Wully to officiate as Principal Sndder pany under the pitas NE Ameen of Tipperah. eamount the last preceding Section, ex- Leave of Algence.—The 28th August 18S5S8.—Baboo him. ceeds the amount which such | Dwarkanauth Roy, Principal Sudder Ameen of _ ereditor, independently of the | Tipperah, for three months, on Medical Certiticate ms of this Act, would have been entitled | under Clause 2, Section V. of the Uncovenanted ive out of the assets of the estate, the | Absentee Rules. between the amount so paid and the The 30th Augtst 1S38——2Babs ; ‘ : me 1e 30th gust 185S8.—Baboo Prawnkisser "7 —). . ae *, receivable shall Roy, Deputy Collector attached to the ends . vs cs > a tae Company, and Survey of the 3rd or Eastern Division, from the 1 to the Receiver for the benefit of the | jo¢h proximo to the 2Sth of November next erested in the estate. under Clause 1, Section VII. of the Revised iinco. J. No action or suit shall be brought | venanted Absentee Rules. a ee the East Nove: Lanter Baboo Soorjo Coomar Mookerjee, Deputy Col- i, a Se § ~ “ any bning’ | lector and’ Deputy Magistrate of Bograh, for three EN pele the provisions of months, under Clause 1, Section VII. of the Re- passing this Act, or for or by reason of | vised Uncdvenanted Abgentee Rules. i any act, reasonable or proper AO oe 4 ; . ae pant the ptotection of 3 i $y Notification.— The 27th August 1858.—The Lieu- ‘ perty, moveable or Sanannveable tenant-Governor has been pleased to sanction the AG ths. Hiatine Of State or Public sro- formation of a Sub-Division in the South-Eastern i aekGltheleaid. late Nabob at the part of the District of Rungpore, to be called the 4 Sub-Division of Bhowaneegunge, and composed of the following Thannahs, with its Head Quarters at Bugguvea, vc :— death was entitled either at law or in which is liable either at law or in equity the debts of the satd Nabob, or for he assets thereof, whieh may have Sudoollahpore : ‘ before the passing of this Act by any Chilmaree in Rungpore. er the orders or with the sanction of Bhowaneegunge yvernor in Council. , Govindgunge in Bograh. TII. No property shall be taken by the said |” Poorsa or Ranigunge in Dinagepore. Receiver out of the possession of , perty tobe any person mentioned in the . A. R. Youne, e Receiv- list last published an the Ge- Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal. E possession poryment Gazette at, Madras of persons entitled to privileges | ese abort the serine Orders by the E the said Governor in Council. © ‘ Right Mowble the Governor General. 3 W. Morean, { Clerk of thesCouncit. a No. 31. : ‘ binook Allahabad, the 28th August 1858: fo a 2 Appointment.—Lieutenant A. ans Adjutant { t 5 ; ruckpsor Divisi 0 take e oe » oe ee Bee ee ane) Belge a: , transferred to the Commissariat Department. 8 tt wl William, the 3rd Septenber LS5s. . Six » No. 3435. 5 : Allahabad, the 30th Augusi 1S5S. Ne. 50. * Leare of Absence—Mr. Robert Brook Morgan, tion. —The Government being again in | J udge of the Sudder Dewanny and, * Nizamut, by the receipt of regular Returns from | Adawlut, North-Western Provinces, Agra, having “Local Governments, td resume the pub- | obtained a Medical Certificate, is allowed leave of ‘Quarterly Statements of the Cash | absence for two months, under Section XIT. of the Government Treasuries throughout { the Amended Absentee Rules. llowing Statement, shewing the Cash a ‘at the’expiragion of the Fourth Quarter . Muir, ficial Year 1857-58, is published for | + Seey. to Gort, N. WN. ormation :— ——— . ™ Amount of Balance. A : No. 1303. , i ipril 1858... ...Co’s AN 13,55,15,567. Allahabad, the 21th August 1858. ‘ ” : - “= ae Leave of Absence-—The Reverend T. Moore, rt CH. Lusi “ola Chaplain of Cawnpoor, for one month, on Medical Seoretary to the Government of Iniia. | Certificate, from the 25th July 1858. ‘ wy an) a. ye Ne ’ [ 1760 | No. 3392. Notification —Mr. Robert George Currie, Assis- tant to the Magistrate and Collector of Meerut, is vested with the Special Powers described in Regu- lation LIT. of 1821 and VIII. of 1531. No, 3437. Alluhabadl, the 30th August 1358. Leave of Absence-——Mr. James Hunter Prinsep, on Medical Certificate, to visit the Hills, till the 1st November next. The leave to commence from the date of his availing himself of it. T. B. Ourram, Asst. Secy. to Govt., N. W. P. General Orders by the Mow ble the President | of the Council of Endia in Council. Fort William, 1st September 1848" No. 1252 of 1858.—The following Notification, issued from the Foretzn Department, is published in General Orders :— : No. 2984, the 31st Angust 1858.—Captain J. W. Bristow, Deputy Commissioner in the Pun- jab, has obtained leave of absence for two emonths, ‘from the 10th ultimo, to enable him to yejoin his appointment. No. 1253 of 1858.—The following Notification, issued by the How’ble the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal, is published in General Orders :— Appointment —The 27th August 185$.—Captain | A. P. S. Moncrieff, Junior Assistant to the Commissioner of Chota Nagpore, to the charge of the Sub-Division. of Govindpore. No. 1254 of 1858.—The following Notifications, issued by the Government North-Western Pro- yinces, are published in General Orders :— No. 3287, the 23rd Angust 1858.—Lieutenant Wemyss Smith, 5Sth Native Infantry, to officiate as Cantonment Joint Magistrate and Superin- tendent of the Cantonment Abkarree Mehal in Agra. No. 3352, the 26th August 1958.—Assistant Surgeon George Ranken Playfair, M.,D., to be Civil Surgeon of Agra. . No, 3375, the 27th August 1$58.—Captain J. P. Caulfeild, Commandant Furruckabad Destrict Police, for nine months, on Médical Certificates from 9th instant to 9th May 1859, to proceed to Simla. e Lieutenant G. R. Hennessy to officiate as*Com- mandant ofthe Furruckabad District Police, dur- ing the absence on leave of Captain Caulfeild, or until further orders. No. 1255 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Officer is permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of ab- senceAn Sick Certificate :— Lieutenant Iyederick I ° For eighteen months, under the new Regulations. Luard, of the Ist Bengal Eu- ropean Light Cavalry, No. 1256 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the Presi- dent of the Couneil of India m Council is pleased io make the following appointments of 3rd Class Sub- e No. 641.—Subadar Hurree Singh is dismis | Assistants in the Great Trigonometrical Survey } India, from the 17th August 1555 :— Mr. William Francis Trotter. ‘7 Ifenry Elliotte Thomas Keelan, » Francis Bell. q [Vo. 1257 of 1858.—The following Orders issig, by the Chief Commissioner, Punjab, and publi in the Punjab Gazette, No. 48, of the | August 1858, are confirmed :— Lanoreg, 1$th Ayeusr 1358. 20th Punjab Infantry. 4 j at a the Service, from date of the receipt at Regiment: Head Quarters of this Order. 1442 Punjab Infantry. No. 643.—Promotion.—Haviltlar Gameh K | to be Jemadar, from 30th June last, in room * Saadutt Khan, promoted. _ £ No. 1258 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the P dent of the Qouncil of India im Couneil is ple to make the following promotion :— , bs ° 42nd Regiment Light Infantry. | __ Lieutenant and Brevet Captain Edward Heythuysen Holt to be Captain of a Co from the 25th August 1558, vice Captain Coombs, transferred to the Invalid Pension List | “ort William, 3rd September 1858. | No. 1259 of 1858.—Captain P. R. Innes, At Clothing Agent, 1st Division, is allowed leave absence, for one month, from the Wth ultimo, visit the Presidency, preparatory to applying J@ave of absence on Sick Certificate to Lurop under the new Regulations. , No. 1260 0f 1858.—The under-mentioned Gent men are admitted into the Service, in conform with their appointment by the Hon’ble the: of Directors, as Cadets of Artillery and Infan on this Establishment. The Cadets of Artuller promoted to the Rank of 2nd Lieutenant, fi date assigned to them in Government Gener: dé No. $246 of 1858, and those pf Infantry ~ Rank of Ensign, leaving the dates of their missions for future adjustment :— ; Date of Arr ae Bort Willi a artillery. Mr. Crombie Gewie, ‘pn ‘ on Mr. Benjamin Vaughan > 27th August 1S “Arbuckle, : é Infantry. Mr, James Johnstone, .= Mr. Charles Kenneth wac-| 26th August 1 kinnon, ; No. 1261 of 1858.—The under-mentior cers have returned to their duty on this i -ment, without prejudice to their rank, by p sion of the Hon’blathe Court of Directors ° Brevet Captain Craufurd ) Crossman, ef the Invalid 7 27th Augus' 15 Establishment, s 4 . Lieutenant Raoul de Bour- bel, of the Corps, of Engi- neers, (Department Public 26th Augu Works,) r Rip IR a UE wie alae e fy oP Wo. 1262 of 1858.—With reference to Govern- ¢ General Order, No. 1238, of the 27th instant, Hon’ble the Driident of one Council of adie Council is pleased to make the following pro- tions and alteration of rank :— Corps or ENGINEERS. Yo be Ineutenant Colonels Jrom the dates specified. Major John Laughton, . 10th March 1857. Joseph Alexander WV, eller, .. 11th August 1857. _y» Henry Righy, . 20th Sept. 1857. oo» Thomas Henry Sale, ... Ist October 1857. fajor and Bt. Lieut.-Colonel ° Alexander Cunningham, ... 13th August 1858. lb be 2nd Captams from the 27th of August 1858. st Lieutenant Wm. Wilberforce Harris Greathed. * Alexander Cadell. William Sterling Oliphant. Henry William ‘Gulliy er. Charles Pollard. Charles Thornton Stewart, Frederick Richard Maunsell. Arthur William Garnett. Frederick Weston Peile. George Edward Watson. * James Francis Tennant. William Henderson. Julius George Medley. Frederic SHerwood Taylor. Edward Davidson. Lindsay Russell. Edward Charles Sparshott Williams. James John Mcleod Innes. George Tomkyns Chesney. Thomas George Montgomerie. William Edmund Warrand. George Ayton Craster. Henry Alexander Brownlow. William Spottisw oode ‘Trevor. Patrick Stewart. David Limond. Raoul de Bourbél.” Frederick Smjth Stanton. * William Hichens. Maximilian Goodwin Geneste? . . * ’ EPs ‘To be Lieutenants from the dates” tial 7 d Lieut. Ralph Graham Smy es 7th Dee. 1855 John Philip Steel, . Tth Dee. 1855 > Parry’ Lambert, . ith Dee. 1855. John Magee McNeile, 13th June 1556. William Henzey Oliver, 13th June 1856. Jolin Campbell Scott . Moncrieff, 13th June 1836. William Bur Mill Holmes, 15th June 1556. Henry*Franais Blair, ... 13th June 1856. John Magee Heywood, 13th June 1856. por ReGiMEyr QF ARTILLERY. fy bY be Lieutenant Colonels from the dates specified. Ma 01 Bad Bt. Lieut.-Colonel Zeorve Hall plagpregen, C. B., 18th May 1856. lames Brind, i, .. 26th Pune 1856. . Aachary ae Mallock, 17th Noy. 1556. jor and Bt. iene. aColi ee taikes Kinleside, r Francis Claude Burnett,.. George Girdwood Chanket: asd, Bt. Lieut.*Colonel nes Hunter ‘Campbell, . . 25th June 1857. . 27th June 1857. 4th July 1857. me _ 10th July 1$57.*' ARTEL Major Arthur Broome, Major and Bt. Lieut. -Colonel Alfred Huyshe, ... 20th Sept. 1857. Major Reginald Edward Knatchbull, ... 28th Sept. 1857. Major and Bt.-Col. Sir Richmond Campbell Shakespear, Awight, 14th Jan, 1858. Major and Bt. Lieut.-Colonel i dward William Smyth Scott, 10th Feb. 1858. To be 2nd Captains from the 27th August 1858. Ist Lieutenant Harry Vince Timbrell. - Joseph Carncross Griffith. Edward Walker Ellis Walker. William Hitchison Mylne. Charles Henry Cookes. John Alexander Richmond Mead. John Fraser Raper. Alfred Hales Heath. Wilham Dundas Couchman. Henry Parlett Bishop. Frederic Day Urquhart, James George Hathorn. Frederick Royle DeBude. Charles “Smith Lemarchand. Abraham Richard Fuller. Launcelot Machell. Mark Edward Currie. John Hunter. Augustus Darling. J Bhi: Sabatier Frith. William Hawtayne Parisk. George Baillie. John Fulton. Thomas Henry Salt. Robert Murray. Peter Macfarlane Syme. WiNiam Alexander Ross. Wilham Dickson. George Oliver Rybot. Affleck Fraser. Henry Montague Smith. James Edw ed Cordner. Walter Delane. Edward Simeon. Alexander Falconar Taylor. Arthur Watt Pixley. Thomas Presant. Alfred Digby Denniss. Francis Constable Simons. William Tod Brown. Charles MeWhirter Mercer. David Thomson. Wallis Dowell. Morgan Crofton Sankey. Jonathan York Worthington. Henry Richmord Brow nlow. James Shaw Gibb. Francis Wilham Stubbs. » Alexander Gillespie. John Hayes Grant. . William Wilson. Vrederick Ely Smalpage. Thomas Alexander Dirom. Thomas Netherton Harward. Andrew Hugh Bogle. Francis Hastings MeLeod. Sir William Hamilton, Bart. Henry Johy Evans, DeVic Francis Catey. Thomas Hlhott Hughes. Henry Murray. William Brown. 14th Sep. 1857, 32 ( 1762, ] Ist Lieutenant James Ranald Martin. Clarke Avery Gaskoin. »” Thomas Nicholl. Charles Walsham Maynard. Edward Tierney. Alexander Hadden Lindsay. Henry Twisden Forbes. Franeis Robert Butt. Thomas Parkins Smith. e Arthur Rotton. To be Lieutenants from the dates specified. Qnd Lieut. Edward Henry Ryan, , 3) 3) “— ” ~m a bP 3? ee) » 3 2» ” ee) 2 ez) 6 2? a ie ” NOG Wilhtiam William Charles Allan Bay lay, Perey Bury Raikes, . Charles Edward Arm- strong, Keith Wm. ee Mackenzie Cameron$ Edward Draper Elliott, Charles Edward Dela- fosse Yr -ancis William W ard, George Frederick Blackwood, -« .. Clephan Liondin Brown, ... Charles Arthur Madan John Arthur Tillard, John Alves Low, William Adam etter Gillies, Henry Stephenson Clarke, Robert James Abbott, Alexander Srifuel Heyland, Newson Dunnell Gar rett, William Henry W il- kins, Hugh ‘Hildyard 1 Mur- ray, Thomas James Chas. Aylmer Studdy, Wilby Albony Laot,... George Henry Withers Ewbank, Alfred Richard Tickell Chilton, Hugk Ingram Everar *) Ford, Montague ‘George Browne, Robert Henry Palmer, John Harvey Annan di Troup, George Gott Nelson, James Vere Wylie, Thomas Arnoll Davis, Anthony Hepburn Murray, Ross Fendall ‘Lowis, John Henr y Alexander, . Lith Dee. . 12th Dee. is a Syme phe . 12th Dee. . 12th Dee, Weidford ; dE Dee: 12th June 1857. 11th Dee. 1857. . Iith Dee. 1557. 11th Dee. Lith Dee. 11th Dee. 11th Dee. lith Dee. 11th Dee. 1857. Warde, ... Lith Dec. 1857. George Algernon a Russell, Lith Dee. 1857 ee Francis re 11th Dee. 1857 wasitlets Willes Gin manney . Lith Dee. 1857 12th Dee. 12th Dee. 12th Dee. 12th Dee. 1857. 12th Dee. 12th Dee. 12th Dee. 1857. . 12th Dee. 1857. 12th Dee. 1857. 12th Dee. 1857, 12th Dee, 1857. 12th Deee 1857. 1857. 12th Dee. 12th Dee. 12th Dee. 1857. 1857. 12th Dee. 12th Dee. 12th Dee. 12th Dee. 1857. 1857, L857." 1857. LSS lith June 1858. llth June 1858. - © Lieut.-Colonel and Bt. Colonel - 2nd Lieut. PierceThomas Henry Taylor, Edward Robert Gar nolly, Thomas Walker Bridges, > Digby Ww iloughby a George Fair field, Spencer Cargill,. Hugh Latham,...... Harold John Kins- man, Charles Pitt Elder- ton, Alfred Garnault, HenryGrantYoung Henry Cotton,...... James Charles,...... Joseph Alexander Ouseley Hampton, Henry Maxwell Mackenzie, Harry Lancelot Nicholas, George Thorsong: ~ 7).3.4 Edward Hardy Hugh Elliot, CharlesHenry Reilly, Wilham ‘Stuart Alexander, John Chriton Greene, Edward Chapman, 5 Thomas Graham,... Crombie Cowie, Clarence sasnine - SON, James Loch,......... Benjamin V aughan Arbuckle, George Lamb,...... Astley Eaward Lind- say Kaye, 5 James Raymond Johnstone Dewar, Jokn, Mylne Young, Lewis Williams Taylor, ‘ John t Pedeiak Fr ee, Hdaward William , : ALTERATION OF Rank. x €¢ » Engineers. R. Napier, C. B., abd Si Lieut.-Colonel and Bt. Colonel J. Glasfurd, me Lieut.-C phefial ACSW. augh, ~ Griz | Lieut.-Colonel E. L. Onniane ney, 1857. | Lieut.-Colonel H. M. Durand, Lientenant ' Te St). Hovendén, oF e 2 ” 1. Goodwyn, W. R. Pucker, J. P. Basevi, a. Perkins, gu, Nfs Lang, i. W. Humphry, eS, Thomason, Francis- ‘12th Jane _ Rank antedated from 12th June 1855S. 12th June 1858. 12th June 185805 12th June 1858 12th June 1858, 12th June 1858. }2th June 1858. 12th June 1858. 12th June 1858. 12th June 1858, 12th June 1858.) 12th*June 1858. | 12th June 1858 12th June 1858. 12th June 1858. 12th June 1858. 12th June 1558. 12th June 1858. 12th June 1855. 12th June 1858. " nt 1855. 1858. 12th June 12th June 12th June 12th June 1858. 1558. 1858 1858. 12th June 12th June 12th June 1855. 12th June 1858. il 2th June s, 1858 12th June 12th June c " Ist Aug. 135% 1854 Ist Aug. 1 855, 3rd Aug. 15th April 1856. -Sth June 1856. 9th Dee, 1850. 13th June 1551. 13th June 1851 12th Dee. 185 if 12th Dec. 1851. 12th June 1852. 12th June 155 es 12th June 1852. & ! ’ ) [ 1763 | Bm 8.7. Trevor, ... 9th Dee. 1952. | CG. Newmarch,... 9th Dec. 1552. JL. Watts, 9th Dee. 1552. ,J.U. Champain, Lith June 1853. R.C. B. Pember- 2 ton, #¥. R. Home, P. Murray, _ A. McNeill, W. Jeffreys, / —. Ward, Ge 3) »” ee llth June 1853. | 4 Lith June 1853. 9th Dee. 1853. 9th Dec. 1853\ Sth June 1854: 7th Sept. 185+. « i. A. L. Car- bs negie, Mth Dee. 1854. 45 BT. Thackery,... th Dee. 1854. 35, J. G. Forbes, Mh Dee. 1854. 2 c. WU. Luard, Sth June 1855. | > oJ J. Birney, Sth June 1855. * G. Swinton, Sth June 1855. # C. N. Judge, Sth June 1855. a 3. 8S: Hills, Sth June 1855. | 35 Meelckiord,:... "th Dee. 1855. | is A.M. Brandreth, 7th Dee. 1855. | 5a Ti. W. Garnault, | 7th Dee. 1855. bs VL. T. Gordon, ... “ath Dec. 1555. o | ” * < “detillery. | - Mi , | ? Colonel and Major | % neral Sir Archdale ” n, Bart. and GB ”» tached,) 5 3rd July 1849. 7 olonel and Bt. Colonel i» bbott, C. B. 3rd July 1845. r Colonel and Bt Colonel - ant, C. B., oth July 1846. | 5 jlonel and Bt. Colonel 4 ” orsford, _ 31st Marcb"1847. is t.-Colonel and Major Genl. Alexander, Cc, B., (un- . ist July 1647. attached) - t.-Colonel and Bt. Coli: > Mm, ts {st Dec. 1847. nt.-Colonel and Major Genl. J, Lane, C. B., (unat- . 05 ached,) 0th Feb. 1819. eut.-Colonel and Bt. Colonet 1. Fordyce, aut.-Colonel 3 ( " £-Col. G. H. Swinley, .-- Gola. Abbott,......---.-- Col. and Bt.-Col. F _ Qnd Feb. Soi. Ft. Colonel . © _. * gist July IS5L. _ st July 1853. 6th March 19859. _. J0th Mar. 1854. Col, F. Gaitskell, C.B,. \ith May 1854. t.-Col, and Bt.-Col. C.S8. Reid, teal, GF: G. FitzGerald, 20th Feb. 1855. {ith June 1850. 14th June 1850. \ Oth Dee. 1450. Oth Dee. 1859. feutenant KB. L. Earle, — i}. H. Willoughby, G. C. Depree, 923 J. Mek. Frasct, No. 1263. of 1358.—The dent in Council, Lieutenant C. V. Arbucle, D. J. Welsh, F. S. Roberts, fi. O. Hitchins, ... J. Stewart, G. Cracklow, ik. L. Hawkns, ... H. E. Harington,... J. BR. Pearson, ..- W. B. Cumberland, C> Hunter, Re HH. D. Jackson, ..- F, FitzRoy, G. B. Trail, C. H. Barnes, J” Bonham, J. Alexander, J. Hills, M. Elhot, D. MacFarlan, J.C. G. Prite, J. Sconce, > UH. A. Mallock, #.C.W. Raynsford, R. R. Franks, R. Aislabie, C. G. Robinson,... C..S. S. Taylor, .-- G. G. Gordon, P. Thompson, H. L. Jones, K. C. Griffin, A. J. Wake, F. V. Fyre, x A.Hi. Davidson, ... i. Fraser, 4 F. E. Lewis, H. Smithett, A. Douie, R. T. Hare, C. E. Naitne, H. Munro, W. Gully, Sir R. deb. George, Bart,... H. Chichester, TP. S. Pemberton, -- W. R. Craster, k. T. Hume, tT. Ryan, W. O’Brien, A, Walker, HH. Girardot, Ww. J. Stewart, vA. Dixon, * F. Coddington, .-- BR. H. Dyke, J>R. Mackay, : R. S. Robinson, .-- A, Swinton, H. deG. Warter, ler —_ . with the C. a. i Tee. 1850." ea, ae wo J. Percivall, map Vee, i rch be required to do duty with q Ayame id an a 1950. giment for a period of six months G RK. ik dhsion a 13th June 1S51. permitted nh dg bie NS AS 0 Seeeniatall,. 7 ote dune 185". The Command of a Native ‘We ‘ 13th June 1851. hereafter be permitted to b Hon’ble the 13th June 1851. 13th June 1851. 12th Dec. 1851. 12th Dee. 1851. 12th Dec. 1851. 12th Dee. 1851. 12th Dee. 1851. 12th June 1552. 12th June 1852. 12th June 1852. 12th dune 1852. 9th Dee. 1852. 9th Dee. 1852. 9th Dee. 1852. 9th Dec. 1852. 9th Dec. 1852. 9th Dee. 1852. 11th June 1853. 11th June 1853. Lith June 1853. 11th June 1853. 9th Dec. 1853. 9th Dec. 1853. Oth Dee. 1853. 9th Dec. 1853. Sth June 1854. Sth June 1854. Sth June 1854. Sth June 1854. Sth June 1854. Oth Dee. 1854. Oth Dec. 1854. 9th Dec. 1854. Sth June 1855. Sth June*1855. Sth June 1855. Sth June 1855. Sth June 1855? "th Dee. 1855. Ith Dee. 1855: %th Dee. 1855. With Dee. 1855. 7th Dec. 1855. St. 13th June 1556. 13th June 1856. 13th June 1856. 13th June 1856. 12th Dee. 1556. 12th Dec. 1856. 12th Dec. 1856. 12th Dee. 1856. 12th Dee. 1856. 12th June 1857. 12th June 1857. 12th June 1957. 12th June 1857. 12th June 1857. 12th June 1857. > 12th June USOT. 12th June L857. x Presi- eoneurrence of the Governor General of India, is direct, that all young Officers. shall here- a Euvopean Re- before they are . Regiment shall not e exercised by apy motions will take Pp of the under-mentioned Officers ;— died 24th April 185s, died 30th April 1858. May 1858, Major Charle Prior, Ben ! fantry, to he Lieut.-Colonel in ¢ 25th April 1858. the Army, : : Captain John William Bombay Infantry, to be Major in the Army, ; ae fl 1764 ] Officer who is riot considered qualified for such Command by temper and tact the Natives, as well as by strietly applied in future, This Order is to be considered applicable to the three Presidencies, ——_ c No. 1264 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the President neil is pleased to and alteration of of the Council of India in Cou make the following promotions Rank. ¢ Promotions. (To what ° : > Corps, Rank and Names. Rank pro- ai boy Tn whose moted, ate. room. ee ee Tnfantry.|Major- and Brevet | a ‘Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton Vetch,... | Lieut.- ig Colonel [oth June ips | | 64th Rt. |Captain and Brevet | eagle N Major Francis Stu. | oat Fa art Paterson, |... | Major ... 6th June 1858) ce ‘ae Lieutenant William sired? Staunton Pierson, |Captain ..\6th June 1958 [pees ss i Alteration of Rank. ‘ Corps. | Rank and Names, | rar In whose room, | Lieutenant Colonel and Bt. Col. RT, H.Birch, c. 3B., promoted to Major General, i4th May 58 Lieutenant Colonel and ‘ Bt. Col. T. Polwhele, promoted to Major General. Tifsniny Lieut. Col. D. Pott, 47th ) {Major J. T Daniell, Q i } Capt. C. P, Lucas, ... (|!8t May 68 Infy. ) |Lieut, M.C, Perreau, Infantry. |Lieut, Col, P. pata) N xine} Maj. W. H. Rickards Infy. Capt. E. N. Perkins, J Infantry. | Lieut. Col. G.W. Ha- milton, 34th) |Major G. Timins, . 19th May 58 Lieutenant Colonel and ative > Capt. A. S, Allen, ... Bt. Col. W. J. Thomp- . Infy.) (Lieut. J. s. Oliphant, Infantry. |Licut. Colonel J. H. ampton, Son, C. &., deceased. 50th one ae P, //19thMayss|Lient. Col. R. mop. Native < [apt gE a ie Richar i fae Fooks, iy uchardson, retired, may {Lieut. A. Goldney, me No. 1265 of 1858.—The under. mentioned pro- lace consequent on the death Major-General (, Payne, Bombay: fnfantry, Major-General N, Penny, C. B., Benge] Tnfantry, | eneral T. Clarke, Madras Artillery, died 3rd * , and by regard for y experience in the Ser- vice. The principle of selection for all Regimental Commands, whether European or Native, shall he | geon C, Mackinnon, M. D the followingBriga de Jp | Brevet Lient.- Colonel Philip) ‘ Tlarris, Bengal Infantry, to ‘y be Colonel in the Army, ... = Major William Wynne Apperley, * Bengal Cavalry, to be Lieut.- > Ist May] Colonel in the Army. . ea “fi Captain Charles James Richards, ° Bengal Infantry, to be Major a the Army, Say) Brevet Lieut.-Colonel Francis Charles Wells, Bombay In- fantry, to be Colonel in the Army, Pas Fe. Major William Cantis, Madras Infantry, to... be \iiaewpl Colonel in the Army, a | Captain Charles Hesketh Case, Madras Infantry, to be Major in the Army, Bae —_ | > No, 1266 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the Pr | of the Council of: India in Couneil is with the coneurrence of the Right Hon’bl Governor General of India, to make the toll ing appointment in the Medical Departmen Surgeon J. Wilkie to be a Superintendin geon on the Establishment, in succession to ‘+> appointed Inspec General of Hospitals, N. W. P. c —— No, 1267 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the Pres of the Council of India in Council is plea promote Mr. J. B. N. Hennessey from the ef Second Assistant to that of First Assistant. the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India. 4 ¢ a. Ad; ArKINSoN, Major, ; Ofy. Secy. to the Govt, of India, : tn the Mily. Dept, FROM THE GAZETTE GOVERNOR GENERAL'S CAMP; . ‘ ee € ALLANABAD, AvausT 26, 1858. Notifications Appointmenis, &e, No. 364. j ¥ in Home Department, he Allahabad, th 25th Augyst 1858, “7 The Goveynor General i+ pleased to confirm Order issued } Army, gal In. . e Pas Schneider, € By Bricavirr J. H. Graxt J. Power, Es PS . | gistrate. a7 7, UMSoners, with the eviden: against them, will } : Those whom he may s : ° way Selegt for trial will be for- : warded to Captain \W; * = 4 v Brigadier | ‘ Grant, C. B., dated Camp Poorah, 24th October Brever, 1857, appointing My, J. Power to be Camp — Brevet Lieut.-Colonel George pe dpe Balfour, C. B., Madras Artil- £ Exrraer Deractiueyy Orprrs. lery, “to. be Colonel in the a Nt, C, Buf Coxaanpr ie Camp Poorah, 2th October. S., is appointed Camp Ma- 4a5q., All rebel © sent to him for examinatio son, Deputy Judge Advo- [t765 3 preyare charges and send | His Exeelleney the Comm the Military Commission, | quested to issue any subsidi | “An _ (True Extract.) he necessary (Signed) w, TLawirron, General, who il] \ ander-in-Chie? jg Ross ito the President of ary orders which may Major, 4 Deny. Asst, Adjt. Ges . No. 380 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Oudh Foree, | Governor General is pleased to confer the follow- G. PF. Epwoysrowe, ing¢ Rewards on the under-mentioned Native Offi- | cers and men of the Sir Secy. to the Gort. of India, | distinguished an moor Battalion, for their d conspicuous acts of gallantry ; with the Govr. Gen. | during the siege of Delhi. ° 4 f Are admit- : | ted to the 2nd No. 2915, Subadar Ruttun Sing Tappah, | Class of the 4 Do. Bunia Kattree, 0 4 “Order of Bri- Foreign Depart ment, Do. Inderbeer Lamah, Ich the.25 Hi diigo Vow. |» On Anderbeer Tamale, tish India,” Allahabad, the 5th August 1858. 5 | with thetitleof 1, Aitchison, Assistant Co ae 13 Ta ag OD] : mmissioner, & Bahadoor, bomted to be Personal Assistant to the Ju. MPT. he lal Commissioner in the Punjab 2 | a | Member of the G. F-Epsonstoxs Jemadar Buddul Tappah,... __. 2nd Class of’ ee eal the “ Order of Seey. to ae Gort. of India, b be >. te with She Corr. Geni. Havildar-Major Runsoor Lamah ) - ; 3 — | Havildar Runsoor Lappah.. de. 25 | | Orders bu the Right How dle the | Naick Beane ae ar Nae oe ps a ad . a Sepoy Puddum Sing Newar... ... Governor General of Lnvia. » Motee Ram Tappah...... » Bahadoor Sing... | Mititary Department by Kooto Sarkee moe dail Salis 7 ; i et Wire » Maun Sing ally ee Ho" Be” Mea AMlahabad, the tnd August 1858, » Bulbeer Sabie. | ies of the Srd WO, 1858.-='The Right Hon’ble the » Khedarao r General is pleased to make ments :— ‘ ; lass of the the following 4 f Class Se 3 wiaane Oedlov af uae » Dundapandee Oojeal... ... | ane oe Monel B.C. W. M. Milman, of Ter Majesty’s |» Bahadoor Bundatee......._ Regiment, to be a Brigadier of the 2nd Class » Dulbeer Tappait......... ... Establishment, im succession to Brigadier 2 canis Prendaree 5... y, retired, . ys eee I oa ae.) eee | , wo oO aT [CCL ae. aa piel OG, A. Pinckney, UC... or ter [ mae ae. * wie. ta (3rd Regiment, to be temporarily a | ” Madho Bititeaden : | t of the 2nd Class, and ta command the cz Guha 4b are J Field Force, in ‘succession to Brigadier ata Sorte ae pane as ey, C. B., proceeding on Sitk leave “Wd ee ama i 9 No. 381 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the e > Governor General of India is pleased to direct The 25th August 185 * the publication of the following letter from the Adjutant General of the Army, No. 713, dated 13th August 1458, forwarding copy of a Report from Colohel I, ©. Evelegh, C. B., Her Majes- ty’s 20th: Reziment, Commandine: at Nawab- gunge, of an affair with insurgents in the neigh- | bourh3od of Mohan, on the Sth August 1858 :— R. J. Hi. Bren, Lolonel, Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept., ; A with the Goer. Gent. > of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the r eneral is pleased to direct, that Dis” ers in the, Provinces of Kumaon and » and also in the Hil} Stations of the Sir- ton, shall be empowereds-to investivate ) Family Pension In their respective Dis- d be authorized to take, in communication ficers Commanding Corps, the neces- ee in Support »f such claims, 5 s —_ . No. 713, Pros tie Aprcrant GENERAL oF THE Army, To tHe Secretary to Tux Govt. or Inpia, services of the Sirmoor Battalion lhi, the Right Hon’ble the Governor i Ss ’ : Military Departnen Sof the Lyne, and an Extra or Tlono- + 7 : 7 ee : mental Color, on which the word “Delhi” with the Governor General, ; mseribed in English, Persian and Tindee. Sx, Ship further sanctions the ‘appointment arper Company in this Re- I Have the honor, by desire o§ the Com- Fan extra Jemadar to carry the mander-in-Chief, to forward for the information of ¥ the Right Hon’ble the Governer General, copy of a Report dated the 9th instant, from Colonel Ge Evelegh, C. B., of Her Majesty’s 20th Regiment, | Commanding at Nawabgunge, of an affair with in- H : a ment will heneeforward be designated loor Rifle Regiment,” oo * ‘ bs [ 1766 | surgents in the neighbourhood of Mohan, on the The ereny’s forees did not appear to be more which [is Excellency considers fo | than about 150 Sowars and 200 Infantry, but T am inclined to think, from information afterwar well managed. 1 pi received at Mohan, that numbers were lurking» about in the neighbouring topes, which are thick C2 previous day, have been very 1 have the honor to be, Sir, and numerous. The brass gun I left at Mohan, and it war - Your most obedt. Servant, placed in an excellent position to command the W. Mayiew, dit=Col.; Adjutant General of the Army. Bridge. et A T beg to express my thanks to Lieutenant God Tsp QUARTERS, 4 LLAIABAD, t » py, for the able manner in which* he handled | x ee art Ll Trrecular Cavalry e e y: —_—_—__— | [enclose a Return of the Casualties of the Frou Cot. F. C. Evexecu, C. B., Force. Comdg. at Nawabgunge, Thavesites a To tun Orre. Dery. Assist. Apst. GENERAL, (Signed) B. Everedn, Colondla paint | j Commanding at Nawabgunge | ug at Inge Dated Nawabguage, Oth August 1so8. | ‘ ere | Ret Casualties of the Fi ler C 5 | Retur suallies of th y an I wave the honor to report, for the Return of . “4 of f : orce under Sia Brigadier Commanding at of Colonel F. CG: Evelegh, G B, : information of the Lucknow, that yesterday morning at 5 o’clock, I received a letter from Mr. Carnegy, Deputy + Mohan, stating that enemy in force had attacked the Police Battalion stationed | MEN. Jforses, there on the previous evening, (7th instant), - crossed the bridge, and driven in the Police | piequets, and as he expected to be again attacked the following morning, he requested me to come to his aid. ) 4 1 accordingly started from Nawabgunge with © the Troops named in the Cavalry. marginfat 6 A, M. yesterday c : ' 1st Troop 1st Bri-}) | aco Ist Seikh ‘ 3 Guns Bengal Horse Arty. morning, the Sth instant, and on my arriving at a gade Bengal Tforse | gl 0 | 0} 0 0 0 Y | | Artillery, are 25 Gunners mounted, to suppert the guns. : igtank al Ea village three miles this side ‘anand. . of Mohan, 1 turned to the left towards the village Tussengunj, as T conceived that should the enemy in the topes about Mohan obtain intelligence of my approach, he would in all probabi- lity retire m the direction of that village, which Camp Nawabgunge, 9th August ‘1858. Commissioner 4 P Corps. Slightly. Killed. ounded. Wounded. P Severely. | Missing. $< hw [ Killed. | Ist Seikh pe Seas o 0} 2 0218 0 | Cavalry, mW at ft rs Detachment Hod=1) 9! 9 oleo} a} The sons [Horse, € is on the direct road to Rusoolabad, and where he : Awe iS _ ee has generally a force of from six to seven hundred | 1 : men. J | Total, rae 0 0 21 1013 5) 4 On crossing the open maidan towards Mussen- | —- iim 6: oi LS oe le gunj, and when about a mile from it, al perceived | zm . , = Lid the enemy’s Sowars and Infantry rapidly retreat- |” DP We ol ine trom the village apparently towards Rusogl: (Signal: - Jee Coltneia tal bs) “ Sopia- Y FS =, bud. € Pee Comdg. at Nawabgunge | (Signed) O. T, Bure, Lewt., . 1 immediately” pursued at a vallop for about a | 5 a ‘: Ay y £ r o ‘a > . . mile and a half, but finding that the guns could Off7. BrigaderMajor. not approach near enough to open fire, T halted ; ¢ 7 > a them, and sent on two Squadrons of the Irregular (True Copy) Cavalry under Tieutenant Godby, who followed the (Signed) G. Re Barker, Brigdr Comdg. +, Re BaRKGR, > bee | enemy in pursuit for about five miles. (‘True Copies) "ve yesult was most satisfactory, for between 10 |) - ; pA > : ’ eee a ‘ = ae Bs ~~ and 15 men of the enemy were jalled, his only W. Maynew, Lieut.-Colonel oun, ¥ brass 3-pounder, captured, together with one Elephant and two Camels. a . Adjutant dren eral of the 4 6 x ‘ i After a short rest, I proceeded through Tlussen- | oy eunj to Mohan, about three miles oif, and met ‘the . rea (oe smes er0 4 . ot af 5 ‘ eae Commissioner coming out withf the Police Allahabad, the th August 1858. Toree. ee ae er No. 382 of 1858.—The Right Hon’blet I remained at Mohan, under a tope for some | vernor General is pleased to Fathorie ee hours, to refresh the Troops, and finally arrived at | tion te Bh Sec tifetat ihe Atnawanap, Aveust 31, 1858. § , No. 2966. Foreign Department, | Allahabad, the 25th August 1858. tenant G. A. A. Baker, 60th Native Infan- istrict Commandant Oudh .Military Police, his appointment on the 18th August. > enant T, C. Ffrench, ‘District Adjutant Military Police, joined his appointment, on id May, and not on the 18th, Xs notified in No. 2595, dated 31st July. * . G. I. Epmoxstoxn, Seey. to the Gort. of India, ~ with the Govr. Gent. a4 > Military Department, Allahabad, the 27th Augwst 1858. 384 of 1858.—The Right Hor’ble ‘the mor General is pleased to make the follow- ointment :— 4 4 a * perintending Surgeon Campbell McKinnon, ,to be Inspector General of Hospitals, in th-Western Provinces, in succession td pector General Tritton, ( B., deceased. . F ; Allahabad, the 28th August 1858. 385 of 1858.—The-services of Major T. F. 13th Native Infantry, Commandant 2nd ment of Cavalry “Beatson’s Horse,” are, sown request, placed a4 the disposal of His ney the Commander-in-Chief, for other ent. . | i | | 1767 ] No. 386 of 1858.—Dieutenant E. Tierney, of Artillery, who was appointed to officiate as Depu- ty Commissary, in General Order by the Gover- nor General, No. $ dated 1Sth February 1858, having been reported qualified to hold charge of a Magazine, is permanently attached to the Ord- nance Commissariat Department, under the opera- tion of Government General Order, No. 268, dated lith February 1857, with effect from the 31st of July 1858. Allahabad, the 30th August S58. No. 387 of 1858.—The services of Lieutenant J. If. Worsley, 71st Native Infantry, doimg duty with the Regiment of Lucknow, are placed at the disposal of the Foreign Department, for em- ployment in the Oudk Military Police. R. J. H. Bircu, Colonel, > Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept., . with the Governor Generat. . . Opium Notification. Novicr is hereby given, that the Ninth Sale of Opium, the prevision ef 1856-57, will be held at the Exchange Hall, on Tuesday, the 7th of Sep- tember,1$58, at 11 a. a., and will cornprise 2,730 Chests, riz:— Behar Opium 1,540 Benares Ditto $90 Total Chests... 2,730 2, The general Conditions of the Sale now advertized will be the same as usual. They may be ascertained by reference to the Notification issued on the 21st November 1557, and published inthe Government and Exchange Gazettes, ov on. application at the Oflice of the Board of Revenue. 3. Whe latest dates for deposit and clearance will be the 13th and 22nd September 1555 respec- tively, that is to say, no Sub-Treasurer’s Receipts, Company’s Paper, or other Public Securities that may be tendered fer deposit in redemption ot Promissory Notes given by Purchasers at the Sale will be received after 4 p.m. of Monday, the 13th September 1558, and no Treasury Receipts in full payment of Lots will be aecepted after 4p. mM. of Wednesday, the 22nd September 1558S. 4. Tn addition to the quantity above adver- tized for Sale, the following quantities, more or less, of Behar and Benares Opium, of 1556-57, will be drought to gale in the present year, on or about the dates specified below. The Board, however, reserve to themselves the right-of altering these dates, shquld circumstances render it expedient to do so :— : pS 7S Z » = = 2 ee ge) & —s ar eee eee f Se be 82 | 3 ir 5 SY I 2 =. = 5 , H eS \ On or about Monday, 4th October 1858, 184 800 2,730 Ditto “Moiuday, &th Nevember ,, > 18 890 2,730 Ditto. Monday, 6th Degember ,, . | 1863 876 2,739 4 ?: 5,548 | 2056 | 8,199 By Order of the Board of Revenue, 5S E. Lusnieroy, Junior Secretary. 5 9 oe wher [ 2768 | Notice. Tue Civil Treasuries at Mullaon and Fyzabad in Oude having resumed operations, Bills drawn by the Officers in charge of those Treasuries are to be duly honored. Until further orders, they are not to be drawn upon, except when absolutely necessary on the Public Service only. R. P. Harrison, Offy. Acct. Genl. to the Govt. of India Forr Wir; Acct Genl.’s Office, Durbar * and Revenue Dept., The 21th August 1858. Notiffcatton. Bills at par on the Public Treasuries of the jinder- mentioned Districts may be had on application to the Accountant to the Government of Bengal. Districts. Amounts available on this date. Jessore, 60,000 Jorehaut, 60,000 ° Purneah, 70,000 Rajshahye, 25,000 at $ per cent. premium. (Signed) FE. F. Harrisoy, Offg. Acct. to the Govt. of Bengal. Bengal *Acctt’s. Office The 3rd Sept. 1858. IN. B.—These Treasuries will be cleared shortly, if the amounts available are not taken up in Bills. Bills applied for after 2 p. m. will not be issued till the following day. £ Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at Calcutta. In the matter of Khetter-) Notice, that the mohun Paulit,of Umeerpore | petition of the said in the Zillah of Hooghly, | Insolvents seeking the and Ramcomul Mitter, of | benefit of the Act. Mirzapore in the Zillah of | XI. Vie. cap. XXI. Hooghly, lately carrying | was filed in the Office on trade and business in fof the Chief Clerk on co-partnership as Captains’ | the 28th day of Banians under the name | August lgst, and by and style of Khettermohun | an order of the same Paulit and Co, at Old | date, the Estate and China Bazar, in Calcutta, | Htfects of thé said Insolvents. J Insolvents were ves- ted in the Official Assignee, Swinhoe and Law, Attorneys, La mohun Panulit, of Umeer- On Saturday, the pore in the Zillah of Hoogh- ly, and Rameomul Miter, that. 4} : of Mirzapore in the Zillah vie the smationagt of Hooghly, lately carrying | :"° Said: Tnecl aaa on trady and business in jhe ee last, it was ordered In the matter “of hid eo-partnership as Captains? fe el day of Octo- Banians, under the name j 2@? Hext, and that the and style of Khettermohun a Tnsolyents do Paulit and Ga. at" Old | Men, attend “to be “hina Bazar, in Calcutta, examined by the said Insolvents. J Court. n Swinhoe and Law, Attorneys. 28th day of August | Inthe matter of Robert) Notice that the pe John Carbery, of Ramna- | tition of the said gur,in Allahabad, in the | solvent secking thi North-Western Provinces, > benetit of the Ad and of No. 11, Govern- | XI Vic. cap. XXJ ment,- Place, in Calcutta, | was filed in the Offi¢ Merthant, an Insolvent. _) of the Chief Cley on the 31st day of August last, and by an ord of the same date, the Estate and Effects of the sai Insolvent were vested in the Official Assignee, — c . e Robertson, Addorney. a In the matter of Robert) On Tuesday, 4 John Carbery, of Ramna- | 51st day of Av eur, in Allahabad, in the | last, it was North-Western Provinces, }that the matters 0 and of No. 11, Govern- | petition of the gj ment Place, in Calcutta, | Insolvent be heai Merchant, an Insolvent. _} on Saturday, the 6 day of November next, and that the said Insolve do then attend to be examined by the said Cor . Robertson, Attorney. } Chief Clerk’s Office, 3rd September 1858. i <=! os ac < ud = = ame | 2S Pe z bond wet =e co wD DS ay re e Bay Clank g con] 2 oy ~~ oD Ss i) ‘ ie a gage fs ST pa ED) n a : - ” ri ee 3 & | 3 =H n wR o eo Bele & oe 3 Bee o Ly ==] Wm. ANDERSON, RIENTAL BanKk hahaa 24 cutta, 29th January 1855. Commercial Bank of Kndia, 1-4th per Cent. 1-Ith per Cent. 1-4th per Cent. Agent. 7 ay Caxcurta Brancn, . ates of Exchange on London Joist Stock Bank, : eee 5 6 months’ sight ... L 11 per’ Rupee. 3 a” ” M 1 ilg 3) 9 days’ » oes i oe ‘yy Bank grants Drafts-on the Head Qiiice, bay, and on its Branches in London, Sharghae, d Hongkong. Bills collected at any of the places at a uniform charge of 4 per Cent. 1e Bank will undertake the purchase or sale of nment Paper, Bank Stock and other Securi- draw Interest and Dividends~payable in Cal- when due, at a Commission of } per Cent. 9 charge made when the proceeds of Sale or dount: of Interest or Dividends drawn is remitted the Bank’s Bills. "3 Rates of Interest. allowed to Deposits subject to ths’ notice of withdrawal, 1 p. ct. per annum itto ditto ditto 5 ditto ditto adittt + 6 2 : Notice may be given when the money, is deposit- or at any subsequent time ; and it will be sed with in cases when the money is to-be nitted through the Bank, urrent Accounts lept and Interest allowed at ‘Cent. per annum on Balances of Rupees 500 pwards, not exceeding Rupees 50,000, unless ecial agreement. Hours of business, 10 a. um. to 3 vp. mM. On Satur- 10.4. m. to] Pp Mm. Wt S. Firzwiti1an, Agent. A a) Tank SQuarn, ; culla, 22nd July 1838. ee Without charge. | | Fstate of the late Fred. Ta [ 1769 7 Notice. Persons indebted to, or having claims against the P ylor, Principal Delhi College, are requésted to communicate with the undersigned, Hf. Lewis, Captain, Print. Commy. of Ordnance, Executor, Meerut. Notice. Wanted a Mohafiz for the Rajshahee Collector- ate, Salary Rs. 85. Hazeerzamin Security. Candi- dates are to send in their application on or before the I4th proximo, verified by testimonials of character and qualification. Preference will be given to one who reads and writes Bengallee and Persian and understands English. F Plundered by the Mutineers, HE. A. Russert, ZILiAH Rassuannn, O tor [ ATER , Off7. Collector. Collector's Office, The 13th August 1S5% s Tur upper halves of first two under-mentioned Go- vernment Promissory Notes and lower halves of two others and full Note of the last one as described below have been phindered by the Mutineers on the ir way down to Caleutta :— Originally Last endorsed to. Standing. No. 7455 of 6235 of 1842-43. Goopee Mohun Sen. Rupees 1000. No. 4305 of P. W. Loan of 1854-55. Rupees 1000. —_—__—_..________ Sookhal Chund Nahat Chund. Madhub Chunder | | Seal. Do, No. 15628 of 1832-33, Sicca Rupees 1090, Vo. 7132 of 4539 of Ditto. Sicca Rupees 1000. ey . : Choonee Lall i Foonda Bye, Jhowree. / No. 6393 of 20930. of 1942-43. Rupees 1300. Kaleepursad. Payment of the above Notes and of Interest theres upon has been stopped. at the Loan Office, and appli- cations are about to be made to Government for the issue of duplicates thereof in favor of their respective Proprietors. * . 5 Nowsvutroy AND JWALANATIL. Lost, Stolen or Destroyed. Tus under>mentioned Government Promissory Notes for Company’s. Rupees 2,500, standing in the name of the late Reverend-K. T. RB. Moncrieff, the Proprietor, by whom they were never endorsed to any other person. Payment of the said Notes and of Interest thereupon.has been stopped at the Loan Office, and application is about to be made for the issue of duplicate Notes in favor of the Proprietor. C. 8. Hoae,, Administrator Geisral. PARTICULARS OF THE GOVERNMENT Promissory Nores. * No. 9250 of 4906, of 1842-43 for Co’s. Rs. 590 we ode of 7108,.0f Ditto: for, gs hOQ », 0695 of 4173, of 1854-55 for . 500 3, 1170S of 1835-36 for Fae 000 Co’s. Rs, 2,500 a ae HL4—~f me [ 1770 ] LOST.—The under-mentioned two Government | Notice. 4 Tost Half of Bank of Bengal Notes, No. 5106, Promissory Notes, the property of the’ Caleutta | HiceSehvol; vi No, 451 of $490 of the 4 Pot gute ish July 1597, for 1000 Reps a ent. Loan of 1832-33, dated Ist May 1532, tor) gy@4s, dated 15th April 1853, for 5 up Bipere rt) a i ae ¥ ee payment e which has been stopped at the B gal anc st endersed to ir. i. Woe ee ge, f Bengal. and No. 23890 of the 4 per Cent. Loan of 1542-43, Oe dated Ist February 1843, for Co.’s Rupees 2,100, 4 originally standing in name of Revd. J.C. Thomp- LOST.—1st Halves of Bengal Bank Notes gon and last endorsed to Mr. D. W. Madge, by | Nos. 10335, 39247, 27713, 42272, 16399, 2012 whom the Notes have not been endorsed to any | 20551, 28308, and 2nd Half of Bengal Bank® other person. Payment of the above Notes and | No. 38107. of Interest thereupon has been stopped at the Loan . Office, and application is about to be made to Go- Notice. < Sr, eee | Tne Power granted to Mr. C. M. Rice to sig > R. Trorrr : eae: ; Offy. Secretary iene Shale | uF Firm per procuration is this day revoked. 4 - Wir. Moran & Co CaLcurTta, 31st August 1858. / ii wiites Tas 2 Post Office Notifications. — From the lst of September next, the present system of optional pre-payment of Letters from India to the United Kingdom will be abolished, and from that date the prepayment of Pos on Letters posted in any ‘part of India for the United Kingdom, whether marked v/é Southampton ot via Marseilles, will be compulsory. The Rates of Postage are as under :— | The 30th August 1858. ‘4 y ee ere ee 4 sy q i one a K ® oO oO o e 2 lo, = = ay “SU es S Rs) a = Pal S i .3 = sig =i © gy Ze - = a eR mit a i ieee Ss | =. SOR eNoloaee ¢ B eS Sasi gee |e Oo | HG, & So 3 st ; 2 0 i) Qf ati : [cep aga = : F a= Nem | Se i - |u| ger] en] eet] Sor] 85) Sa 5 S 4p 2 BP | S tr S ap | rim ap | aicr SD | eaten 3D 3 min | UE lowe |e Sl) oeg | 7.8 | 7.8 PA oS j oS |] oD | oD] OD] OB! CS] Sate oe) > 5 > 3 = ae 23 aee 52 62/59 an) |S eS e 35 Ro) Pe eee AS CRN O, re ae ince Peete Vie eS ets, che FS] > we > Fe] > R. AS Raecls ie. AS ) A Rr: a fd « a: y A. And so on, adding 8 “Annas Southampton, ers 0-4 | 0-4 | 0-8 | 0-8 | 1-0 | 1,0 | 1-0 | 1-0 for every additional oun ) , er fraction of an ou / (And so on, adding $ Ai : for every additional oun at or fraction of an ouné Marseilles, ... ... 0-6 | 0-8 | 0-14) 1-0 | 1-10) 1-42) 1-14 2-0 in addition to 2 A | | . (French Pestage) for e | 6 additional .quarter of { | ) . r /L ounce,or part of aqua : —_—— a All Letters posted on or after the 1st of September upon which at least a single rate of Postag that is to say, 4 Annas on a Southampton Letter, and 6, Annas on a Marseilles Letter—has not paid, will be returned to the senders. But ip order to obviate the inconvenience which would be ea to the Publie by detaining and returning to the senders Letters whigh, rough inadvertente, may be posted without the fullamount of Postage being paid upon them, Letterg insufficiently prepaid, but which at least a single rate of Postage has been paid, will be forwarded, charged with the deficiency 0 Postage and a fine of Sixpence, or four Annas. Pash Pre-payment must be made, as NOU, by Stamps.« r c Caucurta, } : . : , WE ep a June \st, 1558. ‘Offg. Director General of the Post Ofi “om RATES of Postage on Pre-paid Letters, as = Table No.1. y ST - - _ If not exceeding in Weight Postage. « No. of Rates. va . @ . = : a — a : rOne Quarter Tolah ... se a | Half an ‘Anna ae 7 x, 4 One Rate. 2 Half’ a Tolah oo ” Bs Pre ... | One Anna | Two Rates. a ‘s One Tolah hee = sie .. | Two Annas < a ... | Four Rates. an One and a Half Polak ae a ... | Three Annas 7a _.. | Sip Rates. a Two Lolahs *: aoe — ...| Four Amnag... sae ... Wight Rates. P t | ‘ a ’ Fer every Tolzh in weight above 2 Tolahs, two additional Annas, and every fraction of a Tolal above 2 Tolahs shall be charged as one additional Tolah. (Section V1., Act XVII. of 1854.) A Ship Postage of one in oe L 1771 | n addition to the above Rates, is leviable on delivery on all Letters received by Sea by a Private Ship. I stage at double the Rates, under the above Schedule, is leviable on the delivery of all Letters posted Table No. 2. , S of Postage on Newspapers, Pamphlets, and other Printed or Engraved Papers, and Proof Sheets sent by Letter Mail. rs Nzwsparers, Pampwrers, &c., PRINTED IN INDIA. = Not exceeding in Weight. ~ Postage. r Tolahs a = rs oz 2. _..| One Anna. Tolahs fe. ae J ne aif ... | Two Annas. = o - Table No. 3. RALES of Postage on Banghy Parcels. Ir NOT EXCEEDING IN Werent, For DIstTancrs. 20 100 *; 200 300 400 500 600 Tolahs. | Tolahs. | Tolahs. | Tolahs. | Tolahs. | Tolahs. | Tolahs. ; Rs. AS. | Rs. As, t exceeding O-— 2 -8- ideot Or Bf 42} tO Ditto 0 6 0 12 ers 2 4 on _ Ditto 7 ah O 12 i) 3 O}; 4 8 6 —.0 Ditto a is i (al a 8) AS S| A ES SR Ditto ope ea BLA0e| dis 28.4 23 2°0c] TR oO |-"R< @ 12 < o ceding ee =x (p 4,200 1 14 8 “12 Pe mS HI ag 15 =O i ae - En oa oe al 2a cal EE ad a eee Ee ee ee Parcels conveyed by Sea, by the East India Company's Post, are subject to an additional charge of Ship stage of 8 Annas for every 100 Tolahs ; fractions of 100 Tolahs being charged as 100 Tolahs. (A. Section . .) Not more than one Letter, &c., may be enclosed in any: Banghy Parcel, and by Section XVI. Banghy and Letter Mails are conveyed in the same Carriage, it is unlawful to enclose even one Letter, + i a Banghy Parcel. : : é were x ¢ Table No. 4. . ES of Postage on Books, Pamphlets, Packets of Newspapers, and of Printed and Engraved Papers not exceeding 120 Tolahs in Weight, despatched by Banghy Post and pre-paid. If not exceeding in Weight Beok Postage in India. Between England and India. y Tolahs “we *. = ... | One Anna vs aes ee | Five Annas and a Half. D@lahs . 5 4 ae _.. | Ewo Annas" 4... -» ~~ -.. | Eleven Annas. ee T. GARRETT, . y 4 Offy. Deputy Post-master General. | 1772 | © 6006, € O00 ¢€ oe 275 SFOS eS 7: So mocooseooose oooo°9o “40 , Sarpsaeoxe @ooo 60 _ ¢$¢°9°609 6 Gea >_< ° ooo 0 90000 0 888 862 oe MDMA MOMMMM 009900 0 009000 6 0000 9 909090909000 a OU PUB "ZO {[SuUIpseoxr 9 3 id oo 9 2.9 6 So oooo © Momma Oooo O BoOoOooo 5 SoM Oo 0 ‘clo 0. o ojo O cjo oO © cjo cjo ojO oO oj}O ojo ojo ojO o}O ojO e iS SO. SLO IONGEOuS SOODODODOODDNDIOSCSOS A “20 [ Zurpssoxa jou pues "20 8 swuposaxrsy ‘10 § Burposd & a ZOADADABDANNM OOO OO o 000000 C0eo0o 8 CGO 09 80 ooEg ° oO Hoitrictgateiesrt ooo coo 6 eee o 6 eo OS CO 6S USL CRC xZOOO 5 ai a 4 -x9j0U puv’zo y Zu1paooxg S. 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GeO OR OMECEECL ©) ,0), (OO) 6 SFR. Bae Gor SERPS ee ie a a3 ola) etic ae oe . ‘joarouy worry 10 ‘SyepOT, OOT A990 10,5 Se tCOteoelon CMO GS. "So SS acue Se oe o 8 in ES, TENCE IMS ep rl tesh zahe ee) MED SoS “stPRTOT, ONG SUIPI2N0 you pues suelo}, OOL SUIPOOXH] | "syrPOY, OOT Stypo00X9 JON | ‘syRpoy, ZL Burpee “xo Jou pure syejoL, G Sutpooxg CURRENT. ” . Q SsyvpOT, 6° ULp990 = —— SS - . 2 Se & 6. CL OOM C mmCREC EEC RC rol oe (oc, (oO e= > a” 6 Gel"or Oo” Ole toe ee one ©. oO. SO. aor ee = eee een no oe he Oye Os kone (es ol eae Oe aS ft ot Sl oS Gus oO 2 eS One Lo soo ooo Co CS nnnninnn nm # pnnnnon nn 7 er Se a. Sh an sae ie es oooeoeo Se OH gaaanaane i 6 O16 S206 lo ooo ooo Se ‘yoorayy WOLORAF faoa0 40 ‘syQjog, G OA0qe TIL A0A0 10 ; aut P SURIOL % saree x9 you pur syrpol, Sy Suipooox gL “Sag. & Surpo0 -xo jou pue yepoL Tt Burpos x a “yepogpT Surpee? -x9 you pue Yel & SurpseoxpL - LEerrers. “qtign & Peype2° > -xo you? pure WPL £ Butpeooxa “yepo, — Surpoexe JON ° os) > hh = ar me oH Le ee 2G 5 oy 1.) @ SLL i 4 ee rare ea ae © er m 4 a ga es 1 Cn NONE ae eae B | -xo you pue syvpoy, 9 out ya0OX ’ is] ML \ Pe. 5 avs bt eaeeeeS ro" o ORE Pe ; ion ee, ee ee me ss . 2 pa Same 4 a) — i “sytpOL 2 Ane Aaa Saret Cah. SU Gt. CU NS a ol ol “xa you puR syR[o Surpoa0xh Fs ae a gee Ge’ eee Mie one "> G42 9) eran 3 fl in . g c kom: era peve Rie me a , : 7 syefo], f Burpooxd JON Ce ee, i dave Se Seo eo 2.2.9 Sa oe (ez eS te PESO) eeleiaaenn ME Bon geriaesy Sem SS SUS SEE EE 4x4 « . ao Rn Zam no % oo oe OS So ye! qaqa aan aa a Gl a xn ac a As. “! LS ECR ee ke mihepe A etecro tu Ca he — ? > ee ee a ua ohale: cveler ogo > Se - ie SS: ae 2 : ro = n 2 6 me = 2 : a : Be 3 a2) 5 Lee oe oa: a ee oO & ic = 5 20 oe 2 rm oe 3 ee ie Si Sete, es a ‘ ot ee eee ra a _ Se a2 oo BE 2a = ee PRS ee ceil im BE “El ae Sh eS eS ene eee SERB e2RE a EG Ce oe oe ee eee ae ee a Bip ero eae Se = — Lar PACKETS for the reception of Letters by the following Ships are open at this Office. { | Z a NAMES OF ae | Agents. Decne For what Port. Touching at er . = See ae —|~- Steamer Simla, ..|P. and’ O. S. N.” Go. 9th Septr. 1858, |Suez. nee ere Ceylon and) — 5 «den, 4 Pa Burmah, ... Mackinnon McKenzie,... 4th Ditto Moulmein. ...|Akyab, Dalhousie and} * angoon, R QueenVictoria, ..jP. and C. N. C£ma, «Ath Ditto .../Penang and a Cape of Good Hope, i pore. #5 , United Kingdom, ...\Gladstone Wyllie, .,./4th Ditto ..|London. | Ship Pestonjee Bomonjee, ...| Malcolm and Co., ... | 4th Ditto .| Moulmein. =| South Shore, “dee Linzie and (OTe |g Dittg ... 1 Ditto, mil | i] Steamer Ttalian, ...|Gladstone Wyllie, —.../6th Ditto .../Madras. a Fiery Cross. Jardine Skinner, .. {14th Ditto... Hongkong. —-. Fort Winiiam; ; »./Penang and Singa- | pore, a T. GARRETT, © te Offy. Dy. Post Master Gent + General Post Office, The 3rd Sept. 1858. . OVERLAND MAIL. a Tue Overland Mail vid Marseillés and Southampton, and the intermediate Ports, Madras, Ge and Aden, per P. & O. Co’s Steamer Simla, will be closed at this Office, on Wednesday, the Sth prox at 6 P.M. Letters, &e., for Penang, Singapore, Hong-Kong and Australia, will be forwarded vitf Galle by opportunity. 2 . T. Garrerr, ‘ , ¢ Offg. Dy. Post Master General. The 2st August 1858, : - <— No. 1897. * , P OVERLAND MAIL. Tue Mail Packets only will be closed at this Office at 5 », M. onthe LOth and 11th Proximo, for Overland Mail which leaves Bombay on the morning of the 22nd idem. Letters and Papers will be sent vid Marseilles only, * T. Garrert, Ofg. Dy. Post Master General. The 31st dugust 1858, , c ; iS oH a oe Printed and Published for the Government, by Tuomas J. onEs, at the Office of the Bengal Sceretariat, Calcutta. er =g SUPPLEMENT TO co Eine Calcutta Gazette, : SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER A, "1858. += ‘o ere Ske, LAND SALE NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates, in Zillah Moorshedabad, will be put up blic and unreserved re-sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Saturday, the 25th Sep- er 1858, or 10th Asin 1265 B. S., for Arrears of Revehue:— No. 764.—Kismut Radhagobindbatee, Pergunnah Khurgaon ; recorded proprietor, Sa a; sudder jumma Rupecs 101, . 2430.—Kismut Dutt Burruttia, Pergunnah Futtehsing ; recorded proprietor, Aimadar Ghqlam e ; sudder jummma Rupees 8-10-9, MoorsurpaBap Cotixcror’s Orricz, 3 *'W. M. Bravrort, The 27th August 1858, * : Offg. Collector. 7 a? ~ 2 ca.” a) - . Ls nn, Se Tuomas Joves, BuxGat SECRETARIAT Ovrics. e - ia . ‘ . . 7 - . e + ae R a - - # a -" 4 ~ . ‘a the Calcutta Oasette, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1858. B . Legislatibe Council of Envia. > “THe dru Serremper 1555. | payment thereof, to be ‘applied towards making ; = or provision for the family and de endents of the es Ack, passed by the Legislative | late Nabob: and vdoeead _* a East India f India, received the assent of the Right | Company is also willing to pay in full, to such of the creditors as shall be willing to accept the a 1858, (communicated to the Regiclaive ad be Bs manner herein mentioned, all such z= ebts as shall be proved to have been fairly and the 4th September) and is hereby | justly contracted by the said Nabob or on his behalf during his infaney by the said Azeem Jah as Nabob Regent, such debts to be estimated in er er ‘No. XXX or 1838. respect of moneys at the amounts which may be at. + Sees proved to have been actually advanced or paid by ’ Oh, ee gS ee such creditors respectively, and m respect of goods to provide, for Whe administration of the | oupniicd or abe SC. at the eaaline which e ani. for the payment of the Debts of the tate |-shall-be-provedto-have been the fair and actual b of the Curnatic. * | value thereof at the time when such debts were a > , | ineurred, together with interest on such debts at a rate not exceeding six per eentum per annum, the property of the said Nabob being applied in the ile. any time be sued forth or prose- first instance for that purpose, but any deficiency deainst the person, goods, or property of therein being made good by the said East ‘India eas the Nabob of the Carnatic, or af | Company : and whereas the said Nabob 1s person ofS therein mentioned, unless alleged to have mortgaged and created divers process shall be so ued forth with liens and securities upon eertam portions of his of the Governor in Council of Fort St. | property, of which or some of which _ the frst had and obtained as*thercin men- validity and extent of operation, especially as - and that any writ or process which shall at against the creditors of the said Nabob, is be sued out or prosecuted against the. doubtful, and it, may also be doubtful whether r goods or praperty the same can be enforced in any of the ordinary of His Highness or ef Bal on : ; person Without such consent, shall be | Courts of Justice ; and it is expedient that previ- null and void: and whayeas the Nabob sion shoul@ be made for giving effect to the said ving debts and liabilities to a laree amount mortgages, liens, and securities so far as the same ied, some of which were contracted by * shall Have been ereated bond fide and for valuable some by _ Azeem Jah Bahadoor as consideration, and for affording a simple mode | of ent or Nailj-t-Mooktar during the in- ascertaining the rights of the pasties claiming the late Nabob and whereas *it 1s under spch mortgages, liens, and securities : and shether the creditors of the Nabob have, | Whereas it is also alleged that various conveyances, ee-eonsent of the Govegnor in Council deeds, and insuerantte re — PY me St. George, any rémedy for enforcing late Nabob without valuable cansid wa in favor aims against the goods or property which | of persons who have under color thereof executed or i to the said Nabob at the time of his created mortgages or assignments of, or securities especially whether any part of the | or liens on the property comprised therein : and left ty: the eid. late Rabob, which yas whereas it 1s expedient that provision should be ‘ature. of Stare “or Public property, is mad? for investigating all such aims, and >for ‘the payment of euch tlaims : and where- proses the bond jide creditors of the said t IndiaCompany is. willittg to give up Nabo) from the 5 pag of any conveyances executed which it ‘has to any part of such pro- by the Nabobsuncer such circumstances as render- & natire of State or Public | ed them void as_ against such creditors, and for low the whole property, affording a simple mode of ascertaming the rights | of the parties claiming 1p respect thereof as well as le the Governor General on the 24th i ated for general information :— ‘ Breas by Act 1 of 1S44 it is enacted 4 that no writ or process shall at hateve ki d, left b Py oc ‘ + s ofwhatever kind, 'et* © of parties claiming to be creditors of the Nabob wiating to the pa: yment Mp: sepa is a a the | Iti enacted as follows :— e Nabob, after a ts such portion _ o. _S _ ? e me. Appointment of person, designated Receiver of Carnatic Property, to admin- ister the estate. Rn =~ eg a an i=] = =| Q = iv} a o @, << i) = oO 3 Be = ® the Supreme Court of Judica- ture at Madras ix the adminis- tration of the property of whatever nature left by the said late Nabob. The person so appointed shall be designated “The Receiver of the Carna- | tic Property,” and shall have power to collect and | take possession of all such property, and shall hold the same according to the provisions of this Acts and shall give such security (if any) as the said Governor in Council may require. Il. The said Receiver shall be entitled to re- ceive such commission, not ex- Remuneration of ceeding five per centum upon Receiver. __ the amount or value of the : property collected |My and dis- tributed under the provisions of this Act, as the said Governor in Council shall appoint, which commission shall be charged to the estate. ti The Governor in Council shall have full power to suspend or remoye any person appointed such Re- ceiver as aforesaid, and also from time to time to fill up any vacancy in such office which may be occasion- ed by death, retirement, suspension, or removal. TIL. Suspension, remo- val, &c., of Receiver. IV. Such Receiver shall represent the estate of the said late Nabob in 4ll Receiver to repre- proceedings relating thereto Bret sree and “hall do and perform all acts in performance of his duties or office under his official designation, and in all proceedings whether at law or in equity he shall be so styled and designated ; and no proceedings in which the Receiver may be a party shall abate by reason of the death, retirement, suspension, or removal from office of any such Receiver, but the same shall be continued and carried on by his successor as if no such death, resignation, suspension, or removal had occurred. V. The Receiver shall have full power to , collect, take possession of, Receiver to collect, and get in al property, sue for, and take pos- sessi f the pro- } dyin of the pro” whether of the nature of State or Public property pre not, to which the said late Nabob at the time of his” death was -entitled either at law or in equity, or which is hable #ither at law or in e¢uity to satisfy the debts of the said Nabob; and, if necessary, to sue for and re- cover the same ag representing the said estate of the said Nabob under this Act, and to realize by sale or otherwise the value of the said property :+ and.he shall proceed to collect and take possession of the same with all convenient speed immediately affer the passing of this Act. - P VIL Whentver Receiver A selling immoveable proper- ty with the sanction the Receiver, by the order or | with the sanetion of the Court, shall sell any immoveable_pro- perty to which the Nabeb w: | Nabob, he shall execute a conveyance the 'tue of any convevance or instrument deela sent the estate inall—yydor this _Act©orotherwise;;-and immoyeable estate of a deceased 3 moveable or tmméveable and | | whether sueh mortgage or s the purchaser; and su veyance shall be y, effectual and give a go as against the heirs of the said Nabob a persons claiming undey them, and also aseat all persons claiming under the said Nabob } Effect of such con- veyance, the said Court to be void as against the @ of the said Nabob, or by virtue of any mo or security the benefit of which has hee under the provisions of this Act. ar VII. Uyjon a suit being instituted as } after mentioned, the ceiver shall be deemed _ to the orders of the said { subject to the orders and so far ag such or of, the Court. not extend to the gen tice of the said Court, in the same manner other Receiver specially appomted by 1 Court, except that he shall not be called the said Court to give security. - VIII. I+ shall be lawful for any ered person interested in the) administration of he and effects of the sai to apply for and obtain in a summary Way, manner provided by Act VI of 1854, summons to be served upon the said Rec order for the administration of the effects of the said N such order, in addi Upon a suit being instituted under this Act, Receiver to be Suit for adminis- tration of estate. Special directions to be given as to ere- ditors holding mort- ordin ' directions gages or other secu- in Re ry _ order 140 ae ~ , EE ministration of the shall direct that all creditors who may mortgage or security upon any part property mentioned in Section V of this Ae come in and prove their claims and establ | securities and the consideration for the | in default thereof that they shall be excluded from all benefit of their said se | and the said Court shall also by the |.give such directions as to the notices | fo such creditors and otherwise, and | such enqtiriés, as to the Court shall see IX. Upon such order being made, t shall take an acco debts and liabilities wh due from the’ said N, ots the time of his death of all property, moyeable or im whether of the , or Pubhe prope: which the said late Nabob at the ti L was Cntitled either ct law or in equity, is liable either at law or in equity 0s debts of the said Nabob; and shall also Whether any and whien 0 said creditors had /any. what mortgage or security upon any portion gees property of the said any and what eonsideratzon, 2 Accounts to be taken by the Court —of the debts, property, and mortgages. valid charge upon the whole any tion of the property, included therem. X. Every creditor, of the said Creditor cr mort- shall ng? come . Nal of the Court, may execute conveyance thereof to purchaser. entitled either at law or in equi- ty at the time of his death, or which is lable either at lay or in equity to satisfy the debts of the said late : gagee not coming in his claim under an me ed — or to the said order, s mor es “e, to be bar- red ee. an oti red from all benefit as, <— all pencil : thereof, = lai ae abd, 2 _pers may hold or claim un e or security as aforesaid, who shall fail to and establish the same and (if required Court so to do) to prove the consideration same under and according to such order, a f aivity y y atlected thereby to be delivered up to the Receiver. In case it shall appear to the satisfaction may order 4 e yoid as against tors. to come in establish his rendered the ‘same order the per conveyance or instrume lish his claim under the s F compliance with y declare the said conveyance he void as against the creglitors abob,, and may or ved to be delivered ame; and in defaul of the sai up to the said Receiver. In case i ey : tion of the Court that there -roperty conveyed Nabob for the ose of raixing r his use, “proper said Nabob in his . to any person sorder that he or _ yaise money thereon for the u of the said Nabob, the sa lifetime ; im at ereon, the said property is part of the estate xe said Nabob and s and may also lortgazees &e. of gawe or security execute property to 2 . and estab- mortgages the said property co ges. veyed by the said Nabob their cloim$ and est onsideration *for the same, at they shall be barred a fit of their sai 7 1 and prove ies and the ¢ default thereof th Juded from all bene . 7 and th by the said order : diréctions »s to the notices d’to such creditors a such enqut de. et 2 ersons Who } otices to be js- , may ae ons holding+ — der such mortg’- , who fail to come ‘by or on MP or persons Darred from all benefit of such mortgage | and the said Court may order the of the Court’ that there is good reason to believe that any con- [ 1779 4 = , tions and suits, which at the time of the com- m claiming conveyance veyance or other instrument hi ' z L aa the Na- executed by the said late Na- oy oo a . se ae : er circum: oh in his lifetime was execat- s rendering the : e ed under cireumstances which void as against creditors, the said Court may, at any time pending the son or persons claiming under nt to come in and t ¢he said order, the said Court or instrument d der the property thereby con- t shall appear to the satisfac- is good reason to believe that any ty was conveyed by the or persons in they might se id , ’ ¢ may declare that, subject to any mortgages eurities which may have been bond fide created of hall be administered ‘accord- order all persons who may hold or claim under any mort- d by the person or-persons to whom n- to ablish their or nd d securities ; e said Court shall also give such to yal otherwise, and shall yes as to the Court shall seem fit ; hold or claim under any mortgage OY security executed Pehalf of the peftson ‘to whom such pro- soll tease sels mencement of this suit shall iad be pending-at. the suit of any such creditor against any per- son as representative of the said Nabob, shall abate; the costs of such suit, if the said Court shall consider it reasonable, to be paid out of the assets of the said late Nabob. XIV. Any person claiming to be a creditor of the said late Nabob, who within the period of three months from the passing of this Act shall file m_ the Office of the Registrar of the said Supreme Court a written declaration stating that he is willing to receive full discharge of all his claims against the said late Nabob or any property to which the said late Na- bob at the time of his death was entitled either at law orm equity, or which is liable either at law or in equity to, satisfy. the debts of the cad Nabob, such amount as shall De ascertained by the said Supreme Court to have been justly and fairly due to him from the said late Nabob at the time of his death or to be a charge upon such property and to remain unpaid (the amount to he estimated in respect of moneys at the amount which shall be proved to have been actually ad- vanced to or paid for the use of the said Nabcb, and in respect of goods supplied or other matters at the amount which shall be proved to have been the fair and actual value thereof at the eime when such debts were incurred) together with such mter- est (if any) not exceeding the rate of six per centum. per annum as shall be awarded by the said Court ; and that he is willing to give up any mortgage or security which he may hold upon any part of such property as agoresaid, or which shall have been charged with the said debt—shall be entitled, upon giving up such mortgage or security to the said Receiver, to have the amount of his claim ascer- tained by the said Court in. manner hereinafter mentioned. XY. When any Special application by exeditor for im- mediate investiga- tion of his dain‘ by the Court. e sum of money shall have been paid by the said Nabob in his lifetime in specifie discharge of interest at a higher rate than six per ecentum per annum, such payment shall not be re- d or questioned ; but interest at the reduced rate of six per centum per annum (as by this Actprovided) shall be calculated from the period up to which interest shall have been specifically discharged by any ent by the said Nabob. yson claiming to the said late Payments made by the Nabob in dis- charge of interest not to be questioned. opene From what period interest at the rate , of 6 per cent. shal be calculated, such paym KVL. Nowe be a ereditor of ; Jabob or in res- Creditor not entt- Nabob or 1 oy “and — establish perty was ¢ nveyed as atore- © aan ivaperty. what aims, shall be said, W107 all fail to come in tled to make special pect of any” property whatso- dfrom all bene- and establish the same and (if | application in respect re to which the said late pet required by the Court so to do) « Patna only, of his ie ne — a a fove the consideration for the same undéy and vekeetsn aw or 1 = 3 yi ) ; ¥ ne ; = ‘ order, shall be barred from all hable either at, an or in equity to satisiy tne i » said Nabob, shall be entitled to avail ordin efit.o LY TH.” ~ to such brace OF security ; , order the property affecte red Ur to the said Receiver. * shall be ¢ 9 action of suit ‘No suit to Be in- Aas itut Laas way of the sar presentative of the eae as the ob otherwise the said Nabob y 3 s of this Act; and all XK; ecordance with the prov and the said d thereby ommenced vor prosecuted by any creditor d Nabob against any representative of , otherwise than i a debts of th e entitled | himself of the provisions of Section XL¥ in respect of a part only of his claims upon the said Jate Nabob or upon any such property as aforesaid. &it of any such claim 2s XVII. No assignm aforesaid upon the said Jate Nabob or upon any property whatsoever to which the said late Nabob was entitled either No assignment of such claims to he valid, if made after passing of this Act, or since the Nabob’s | 1780 ] death, unless made at law or in equity, or which bond fide and for is liable either at law or in _ abi considera- equity to satisfy the debts of the said Naboby shall be or be deemed to be valid or effectual if made or executed subsequently to the date of the passing of this Act, or if made or exeeuted since the death of the said late Nabob unless proved to have been made dond jide and for a valuable consideration, the proof whereof shall lie upon the person claiming under such assignment. XVI Persons claiming in respect of Istufa Cutcherry Bonds to be deemed creditors of the Nabob within the meaning of Sec- tion XIV of this Act. ivery person claiming to bea creditor of the said late Nabob in respect of any security commonly ealled and known as an Istufa Cut- cherry Bond issued by order of the said late Nabob in discharge of or connected with the debts of Moomtauzool Moolk Baha- door otherwise ealled Ghoolam Moortaza Khan Bahadoor, shall be deemed a creditor of the Nebob within the meaning of Section XIV of this Act. XIX. The said Court, upon the application Comt, upon ap- plication, to fix a day tor" the investigation, and to give notice thereof to the Com- pany’s Solicitor at Madras. a day for ascertaining the amount of his debt, and notice of the day so appointed shall forthwith be given by the ‘ap- plicant to the Solicitor of the Kast India Company at Madras. The day so appointed shall not be less than twenty- one days from the time of the application. XX! At the time of giving such notice, the Particulars of claim creditor shall also furnish to to be furnished to the Solicitor. lars of his claim, ticulars so furnished are isuffigent, the said Court or a Judge thereof may make an order for further particulars. In ease any such order be made, the Court shall not proceed to investigate the claim until fourteen days from the time when sufficient particulars have been furnished, and if necessary shall appoint a further day for the hearing, XXI. At any Government may, seven clear days be- fore hearing, give notice of consent to an order for pay- ment, time not less than seven days before the hearing, the Govern- ment may give notice to the claimant that it is willing to consent to an order for the payment of an amotint to be specified in the notice inf full discharge of what is justly and fairly due... XXII. Upon the day so fixed or upon any Claim to be sum- other day to which the Court marily investigated may think fit to postpone the by Court. ipvestigation, the Court, after proot of the service of the notice required by Section AIX of this Act, shall proceed to ascertain and determine in a stmmary way what amount is justly and fairly due from the estate of the said Nabob at the time of his death to the claimant, whether the debt be payable by instalments or not, and whether or not the day or days fixed for the payment thereof shal] have arrived. In ascertaining such amount, the said Court shall not allow to any person claiming to be a ereditor, in respect of money lent or ad- im xespect of money vanced, any larger sum than the lent. , amount which shall be proved to-have been actually advanced to or for the said late Nabob, or, in the ease of such Istufa Cutcherry | Amount due how to be ascertained— Bonds as aforesaid to or for the said Ghoolam Moor- taza Khan Bahadoor, together with simple interest ' of such creditor, shall appoint the said Solicitor full particu- If the par- | thereon not exceeding the rate of six per centun per annum (to be calculated up to the date -of order for payment), notwithstanding any hig rate of interest may have been agreed to be paid and shall not allow to any person claiming { be a creditor, in respect goods supplied or of any oth matters, any larger sum th; the amount which shall be proy ed to have been the fair and actual value ¢ of at the time when such debt was ine by or on behalf of the said late Nabob, in the case of such Istufa Cutcherry Bonds aféresaid by or on behalf of the said Ghoo Moortaza Khan Bahadoor, without reference to h price or sum which may have been agreed to } paid for or in respect thereof, together with simp! interest thereon not exceeding the rate aforesaid the Court-shall consider that the claimant is enti to recover interest. The said Court shall issue Court toorder pay- order for the payment of ment ofamountsoas- amount so ascertained to be due, certained, with costs. tooether with the costs of pro ing the debt if iteshall think fit to award cost Provided that, if the amount so ascertained to due shall not exceed the amo specified in the notice (if given under Section XXI, the Court shall ma award costs to the claimant. " XXIII. For the isste of subpeenas or othe . process, for preparing orde Fees to Officers of ity ee on fal any other a siness connected with the certaining the amount of any debt or claim the last preceding Section, the Officers of the Court shall be entitled to charge the like fees would-be chargeable in an ordinary suit in the s Court for such debt or claim for business of a nature, or such other fees as the Court with tc sanction of the Governor in Council shall appomt in that behalf. XXIV. Upon every inyes- gation, East India Company may ap- pear by Counsel. Claimant may rap; pear in person, or by Counsel, or by At- torney, &e. [= In respect of goods supplied, Xe. 4 , Proviso. Court. every investigation under See tion XXII of this Act, East India Company may pear and be heard by Counsel: and the claimant may appé ma person or by Counsel or, the Court shall think fit to all the same, by Attorney or other Agent. Upon DO kali iT ampunt ascertained by the Court Amount found due to, be due to the claimant 2 with interest and the investigation under See costs how to be paid, : : : AXII, together with interest and costs (if eny) as shall be awarded the Court, shall be pad to tke claimant by said Receive: within ten days after a copy of order of the said Court shall have been served u him. In case no sufficient assets belonging to t estate of the said lateNabob shall be in the har of the Receiver to enable him to pay such amoun the seme shall be forthwith paid out of the Pub ‘Treasury of the Hast India Company, and the said Company shall be entitled to be “repaid by “Leceiver ‘out, of any assets which may’ afterwar come to his hands. The judement of the Cow aS to the amount due to su creditor as aforesaid for cipal and interest shall, | he pane account of the debt — and habilities and of the est, 1 nikon and. effects of the said such administration suit as aforesaid, bi Adjudication of amount to be primd Sacie evidence of the Cebt in the adminis- ipation suit. yl. If it vision if pay- made to a under the Section m ons interested action in res- tain things r this Act, his death D on under the (0 property to be yy the Receiv- of possession leged persons the order of ernment. , ¥ ’ t i \, aid Governor in Council. XVIII. No property shall be taken by the said’ Receiver out of the possession of —_ [ roe = shall appear that the amount paid ont of the assets of the said Nabob to any such eredi- tor or to the East India Com- | pany under the provisions of the last preceding Section, ex- ceeds the amount which such . creditor, independently of the | sions of this Act, would have been entitled sceive out of the assets of the estate, the | ence between the amount so paid and the which would have been so receivable shall good by the East India Company, and | aid to the Receiver for the benefit of the | in the estate. WII. No action or suit shall be brought against the East India Compa- ny or any person for any thing done under the provisions of this Act, or for or by reason of any act, reasofable or proper, for the protection of any pro- | jumma of the ori- | ginal estate. . ai a * . a das primd facie evidence that a debt | rules to be observed in the settlement of such t amount was due to such creditor. land; It is enacted as follows :— I. When land In what case the Revenue assessed upon alluvial land may be added to the added by alluvial accession to an estate paying Revenue to Government becomes lable to assessment, if it be so agreed on between the Revenue autho- rities and the proprietor or proprietors, the Revenue as- sessed upon the alluvial land may be added to the jumma of the original estate; and in such case a new engagement, shall be executed for the payment of the aggregate amount, and that amount shall be substituted in the Collector’s rent-roll for the former jumma of the original estate. If the pro- prietor or proprietors object to su¢h an arrangement, or if the Revenue authorities are of opinion that a settlement of the alluvial*land cannot properly be made for the same term ax the existing settlement of the original estate, the alluvial fand shall be assessed and settled as a separate estate with a separate Jumma, and shall thenceforward be’regarded and treated as in all respects separate from and independent of In what cases there shall be a sepa- rate settlement. perty, moveable or imméyeable | the original estate, whether the separate settle-" [whether of the nature of State or Public pro- y or not, to which the said late Nabob at the was entitled either at law or in or which is liable eitHer at law or in equity sfy the debts of the said Nabob, or for @ the asscts thereof, which may have done before the passing of this Act by any orders or with the sanction of, ” any person mentioned in’ the list last published in the Go- vernment. Gazette at Madras of persons entitled to privileges under the provisions of Act I of 1844, without the prewious er of the saidsGovernor in Council. ~ a] 7 x 4 e W.,Morcan, Clerk of the Council. ¥ Tue 47H SEPTEMBER,,1S58. « DS Acr No. XXXI or 1558. ‘ 23 fo mafie further provision for the settlement pis : 9 . . . Land gained by Alluvion in the Presidency of iliam in Bengal. R estates paying Revenue to adient to lay down certam ty é p following Act, passed by the Legislative » £ India, received the assent of the Right e the Governor General on the 24th Au-* 8 (communicated*to the Legislat}ve Coun- bon the 4th September), and is hereby promul- ated for general inforraation tv — : : ! ment be made with the proprietor or proprietors, or the land be let in farm in consequence of the refusal of the proprietor or proprietors to accept the terms of settlement. The separate settlement may be permanent if the settlement of the origi- nal estate is permanent. JI. Nothing contained in the preceding Section shall affect the rights of any under-tenant in any alluvial iiig land under the provisions of Chuuse 1 Section TV Regula- tion XI. 1825. It shall be the duty of all Officers making settlements of such land, whether the land be settled separately or incorporated with the original estate, to ascertain and record all such rights according to the rules prescribed in Regula- tion VII. 1822; and to determine whether any and what additional rent shall be payable in res- pect of the alluvial land by the person or persons entitled to ahy under-tenure in the original estate. The provisions of the said Regulation, so far as the same may be applicable, are hereby declared to extend to all.settlements made under this Act. III. , Every separate settlement of alluvial land heretofore made shall be as Rights of under- tenants in alluvial Separate settle- good and effectual for the pur- Her on cae jet poses specified in Section I as 2 A oreo’ the same would have been if made subsequently to the pass- ing of this’ Act. Provided that nothing contained in this Act shall be held to affect the rights which any person may have acquired, under a judicial decision or otherwise, before the passing of this Act. Proviso. , W. Moneay, Clerk of the Council. x in! Tus 47 Serremper 1858, Tue following Act passed by the Legislative Council of India, received the assent of the Right Uonorablethe Governor-General on the 24th August |s5s (communicated to the Legislative Council ¢ es on the 4th September), and is hereby promul- gated for general information :— Act No, XXXII. or 1838. An Act for bringing the Fort of Tanjore and the adjacent Territory under the Laws of the Presi- dency of Fort St. George. p Wueress it is expedient to bring the Fort of 'Panjore and the adjacent. terri- tory, which have lapsed to the ast India Company in consequence of the death of the Rajah of Tanjore, under tlre general Laws of the Presidency of Fort St. George, and to make provision for the trial and determination of suits, appeals, and proceedings pending in any of the Preamble. Courts established by the said Rajah ; It is enacted as follows :-— I. Fort of Tanjore and adjacent terri- tory placed under the general Laws of the Madras Presidency. « From and after the day when this Act shall come into operation, the Fort of Tanjore and adjacent terri- tory shall be subject to the gweneral Laws which are or | shal! be in force within the ter- ritories subject to the Presidency, of Fort St. “George. ie No Court to try or determine any case respecting which 2 - nal decision has been pronounced by any of the- Rajah’s Courts before this Act comes into operation. adj this Act. JE. Decisions of such Courts in original Civil suits to be eon- sidered final, if no appeal is made with- jn thirty days after passing thereof. ne Pending suits, ap- peals, and proceed- ings to be transferred to Courts ta be esta- plished by Govern- ment. No Court shall try or determine any case, Civil or Criminal, with »espect to which a tinal decision may have been pronounced before this Act shall come into oper- ation by any of the Courts es- tablished by the said Rajah exercising jurisdiction within the said Fort of Tanjore and acent territory at the time of the passing of A decision passed by any such Court in an original Civil suit shall be considered as final, if no appeal have been or shall be made against it within thirty days after the decision was passed. All original suits and appeals and all proceedings which shall be pending in any of the Courts mentioned in Section IT at the time when this Act shall come into operation, shall le trans- ferred to the Courts ane Officers to be established and appomted for the administra- tion of Civil and Criminal justice within the “said | Fort and adjacent territory, according to their respective jurisdictions, VY. Appeals from decrees in original suits; and Appeals presented to the Zillah Court within thirty days af- ter the decision ap- pealed against, to be treated, as pending appeals. - second appeals from decrees passed in appeal, not pending at the time when this Act shall come into operation, but pre- sented to the Zillah Court with- in thirty days after the passing of the decision appealed against, shall be received by such Court, and disposed of m the same manner as pending appeals. Wil. Appheation ot the general Laws to the trial of such suits, appeals and proceed- snes ings. The general Laws in foree avithin the territories subject to the Presi- dency of Fort St. George shall be applied and administered by the said Courts and Officers if the trial and determination qt - 82 ] ; such suits, appeals, and proceedings. Pro that, if in any Civil ease it shall appear .tha | application of the said Laws would ope: justly if applied to the trial and determin thereof, it shall be lawful for the said Cow try and determine the same according to eq and good conscience. Provided also that ao committed within the said Fort and adjacent: tory before this Act comes into operation, be deemed an offence punishable under the sions hereof, if at the time of tke commi such act the same was not contrary to the then in force within the said Fort and adiae "territory. y MIL. Decrees passed by any of the Courts n tioned in Section TI of th may be executed according the Law in forée for the ex tion of decrees within th tories subject to the Presidency of Fort St. Gea or as near thereto as may be. ‘a VIII. This Act shall come into oper from such day as shall be by the Governor of Fort” B George in Council, by notic be published in the Government Gazette. Execution of de- crees passed by the | Rajah’s Courts. Commencement»f Act. ay W. Moreane M Clerk of the Coun | Tus tru Srpereuper 1858. Tur following Bill, as settled in Com the whole Council on the 25th August 1S! ordered to be published for general imformati and to be re-considered alter a month :-— » A Bill to amend Regniation X, 1829 of the Beng Code for the collection of Stamp Duties, ~~ | a : Yuereas, by the General Rule laid down the end of Schedule A an to Reoulation X. 1829 of t Bengal Code, it is declare that, if any Deed, Instrument, or Doeumen | fie@ in that Scheduie shall not be contained 1 | sheét or piece of paper or other material, it: suffice that one sheet shall bear the stamp, ded that the seals or signatures of the partie witnesses be thereupon : and whereas the said has been productive of inconvehience,and th reason to believe that many Deeds, Instrimet and Documents ‘Tfave been executed since Regulation came into effect in respect of wh said Rule has not been complied with ; . expedient to repeal the said, Rule, and to for the geception in exidéeneé of such De ‘aforesaid’; It is declared and enacted as follo Part of Schedule A. Regulation X. 1829 | repealed. ; - iI. Every Deed, Instrument, or Doen ¢ specified in the said, Sel ate on Deeds which is orshall be conta acaeues ‘cheot of 12 more than one sheet or paper. of paper or other mater ; « be deemed to be sufliet if any one or more of such shee -s OL paper cr other material shall bear” requisite stamp or stamps equal in value requisite stamp wheCaer the signatures or the parties and witnesses shall or shall not be such sheet or sheets, The ahoye pr Preamble. , I. The above Rule is he by Yepealed. stamped pieces of ion iy to Deeds, Instruments, and Documents exe- | betore this Act, as well as to Deeds, Instru- and Documents which shall hereafter be Provided, as regards Deeds, Instru- ments, and Documents which ‘i oo shall be executed after the Ist at tee day of January 1559, that ¥ every sheet or piece of paper or material which shall contam any part of Deed, Instrument, or Document shall he xed with a Goverment Stamp of the value of ast one anna. In any case in which a Deed, Instrument, or Document has been rejected by any Court upon the ground that the same was not stamped m rejected as within the meaning of the mped. above mentioned Rule, any njured by the decision may, if a plaintitf, tute the suit, or, if a defendant, may obtain w of judement, provided the suit be re- d, or the application for a review of judg- e made, within six months from the passing Act ; and no suit so ye-instituted shall be by lapse of time, unless the period allowed for the institution of the suit had elapsed time of the commencement of the previous Jjnstitution of m certam cases h Deeds &e. of Jullunder, has obtained privilege leave two manths, from the date on which he may avail himself of it. to cases finally d more than ago. fore the passing of this Act. ” W. Moraay, a Clerk of the Council. + Pome Department. ——— . Port Wikiam, the 1th September 1858. a No. 2020. aio “i vi Post OFrice. ificatign.—The Hon'ble the President in il is pleased to direct the following addition made to List No. IL, published under date th September 1854, of parties authorized to Post without actual payment of postage ers, packets or parcels lund fide and exclu- on the Public Service. . a Just No. II. 4 a To the Superintendent of Forests in Pegu, Tenasserim and Mar- « taban Provinces. \ Head Assistant in ve of the Office of » Forest Department, he Tenasserigi and van Provinees. * iv. pe eder of the Hon’ble the President of of India in Council, the Crecit BEaDON, 9 ae to the Government of India. Nothing in the last preceding Section | shall extend to any case in on lInotto which a final decision was given more than six years be- 4 { 2763) Foreign Departnent. Fort William, the 3rd September 18538. | No. 3073. The Revd. J. K. Stuart to be Chaplain of Rawnul Pindee. y The 7th September 1558. No. 38074, Mr. R. E. Egerton, Deputy Commissioner of Lahore, has obtained privilege leave for three months, from the date on which he may avail himself of it. No. 3075, i . ma Lf P. . . . Captain T. W. Mercer, Assistant Commissioner for . ’ No. 3076. The Revd. H. Tuson, Chaplain of Ferozepore, has obtained ‘privilege leave for one month. i No. 3077. The leave of absence, on private affairs, granted to Liettenant F. J. Millar, Assistant Commissio- ner of Mooltan, in General Orders dated 10th January and 2nd February last, Nos. 255 and 441, is commuted to privilege leave. : No. 3078. Captain T. Clerk, Superintendent of the Ashta- gram Division, in Mysore, returned to his duty on the 16th ultimo. CrciL, Brapon, Offy. Secy. to the Govt. of ladia. Financial Departinent, Furl William, the 1th September 1805. * No. alk Notificatiqn.—The following Statement of the Silver yeeeived and coined in the Mints of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in July 1895 is published for general information -— Swarement of the Silver received and coined in the Mints of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay wm Tuly 1$a8. | Mapeas. | BoMBAY. ft r1 WALCUITA- - ¥ valued int in Rupees. ey A oe at } Bullion or | 3% [Bullion or) =~ | Bullion or | Coin received | 4.5 Coin wee were} Comm, recel) ‘during the! £2 ved during) ££ yed during | month valued | 5 3 the mouth “& & the month Euce hy WA) 4 t cae a valued in | C | £ i | % jRupees. Rupees. = = a ae ae } 4 \ a |. | Lee wore ore =| Mer- Sel Arar 3 {Govt. chants. | 4 j2| chants.) \e |chatits. pag Sn | Oe Cae July ah 8 te ‘e Nera sa TAY | 5 19 38,53,948)27,08,800] ,, | 1,58,803 159,646, 181,76,051 14,00,000 : | Y pre x a ee ay C. H. LvysuincTon, 5 Secretary to the Government of Indic. Zh, A | 1784 J Orders by the Lieut.-Gobvernor of Bengal, No. 3133. Appointments. —The 4th September 1853.—Mr. Ww. | H. Ryland, Deputy Collector attached to the Reve- | nue Survey, lst or North Division, is transferred to the charge of the Sub-Division of Bhowaneegunge, and appointed to be also a Deputy Magistrate under Act XV. of 1848, and to exercise the powers of a Covenanted Assistant to a Magistrate, under Regulations XIII. of 1797 and IX. of 1807, and Section 1, Act X. of 1854, in¢he Districts of Rung- pore, Bograh and Dinagepore. Mr. W. Clementson, Deputy Magistrfte and Deputy Collector of Nuddea, is transferred ‘to the Revenue Survey, lst or North Division. Leave of Absence-—The 30th August 1858.—Cap- ¢ain C. Holroyd, Principal Assistant "to the Com- missioner of Assam at Sibsagur, for one month, on Medical Certificate, under the Financial Notifica- tion of the 28th of April last. ° The 2nd September 1858.—Mr. J. Watson, Superintendent of Survey, 4th or Western Divi- * sion, for three months, under Section XII. of the new revised Absentee Rules, making over charge of his Office to Deputy Collector Baboo Tarucknath Ghose, . Mr. W. Davey, Deputy Collector attached to the Revenue Survey, Ist or North Division, for one month, in excess of the Dusserah vacation, under Clause 1, Section VII. of the revised Uncove- - nanted Absentee Rules. The 3rd September 1858.—Moulavy Azharool Tlug, Law Officer of Sarun, for three months, under Clause 1, Section VII. of the révised Uncovenanted Absentee Rules. P The Ath September 1858.—Mr. H. HW. Rebinson, Assistant to the Magistrate and the Collector of Patna, for two months on Medical Certificate, under Section VI. of the new revised Absentee Rules. a Notification.—The 28th August 1858.—The follow- ing Ferries of the River Jumoona are declared Public, under Regulatien VI. of 1819 :— Sulleemabad, in Zillah Dacca. Alukdea, 2 Between Zillahs Dacca and Pubna. Dowajance, The Sist August 185S.—The services of Lieute- nant C. P. Hunter, Officiating Junior Assistant to the Commissioner of Assam, are placed at the disposal of the Government of India in the Mili- tary Department. , A. R. Youre, ‘f Secy. to the Govt. of Bought Orders by the Right Mowble the Gobernor General. No. 3401, | Allahabad, the 28th August 1895S. _ Appointments.—Mr. Elliot Maenaghten to off ciate as Magistrate and Collector of Futtehpor during the absence on leave of Mr. J. Power, till further orders. é No. 8404, Judicial Department (Criminal). The Right Hon’ble the Governor General 7 been pleased to make the following appointmen in the Military Police, N. W. Provinces: — Captain J. R. MeMullen to be Commandant of the Goruckpore Division, vice Captain Berry, M’s, 24th Foot,* invalided, i Lieytenant the Ion’ble H. H. Hare, 17th Nat Infantry to be District Adjutant at Sooraon, 2 Lieutenant Wemyss Smith. No. 1308. Foreign Department. ,_ Leave of Absence-—Mr. Charles Horne, Suj tendept of Supplies, N. W. P., has received months’ privilege leave, in lieu of the leave on M dical Certificate granted to him in Orders of - 3rd July last. , No. 3465. Allahgbafl, the 1st September 1858. Notification.—Lieutenant Charles Vincen don, Assistant Commissioner of Foshungabat vested with the special powers of an Assistant gistrate, as‘deserrbed in Regulations III. of and VIII. of 1831, subject to his passing Junior Standard of examination hereafter. . _— 7 SING. ISAO? - é AD raser, transferred as 6th Lieutenant 73rd Regiment Native Infantry. ce : : ‘ Insign Thomas Myles Sandys 40 be Lieutenant, vice Lieutenant A. H. Carter sfe i ant to the 74th Native Infantry. Se eee rae ee vie Ensign Henry Morton to be Lieutenant, sevice Lieutenant E.R. C. Wileox, transferred as 7th Lieutenant the Ist Native Infantry. NW. B—Lieutenant Morton is transferred as 10th Lieutenant to the 6th Native Infantry. = . _ No. 1269 of 1858.—In continuation of Government General Order, No. 1090, of the 15th *July 58, the Hon’ble the President in Council, under instructions from the Home Authorities, and with concurrence of the Right Hon’ble the Governor General of India, is pleased to direct that @ three Regiments of European Infantry’ shall be officered each with the Officers of two of the med into one Regiment. _ Officers he2eafter appointed will be posted ney the Commander-in-Chief. a) ‘ a) Fort. William, 4th September 1858. 1270 of 1858.—The following Notification, from the Foreign Department, with the ight Hon’ble the’ Governor General, istpublished m General Orders :—- : No. 2894, the 23rd august 1$58.—The appoint- No. 2292,js cancelled at that Officer’s own ‘ ‘ ” ~ ®. 1271 of 1858.—The following Notification, 1 from the Home Department, with the Right ble the Governor General, is published in val Orders:— of Lieutenant E. A. C. Lambert to be a | nal Adjutant in the Oudh Military Police, | h was notified in General Order dated 24th | nts of Native Infantry, whose junctian into one Regiment shall be effected by the same gradual as that which was adopted when the lst and 2nd Huropean Regiments of Infantry were ~ The Corps of Officers of Native Infantry selected for transfer are :— The Ist and 3rd Native Infantry, to the 4th European Regiment of Infantry. _ he 5th and 6th, to the 5th European Regiment of Infantry. _ The 7th and Sth, to the 6th Europear Regiment of Infantry. to the new Regiments, and not to either of the Wings, 1 Officers so posted can vacancies in the higher Grades, only after the Officers who be- ad to the Wings at the time,of {heir junctions shall have been promoted. ch further Orders as may be necessary respecting the new Regiments will be issued by His Ss 4) , + No. 364, the 25th Angust 1858.—The Governor General is pleased to confirm the followmg Brigade Order issued by Brigadier Gyant, c. B., dated Camp Poorah, the 24th October 1857, appointing Mi. J. Power to be Camp Magistrate :— Exrracr DrraciMENt Orpers, By Brigadier J. H. Grant, C. B., Commanding . Camp Poorah, the 24th Octoher. J. Power, Esq., c. s., is appointed Camp Ma- _ gistrate. All rebel prisoners with the evidences against them, will be sent to him for exargination. Those whom he may select for, trial will be for- warded to Captain Wilson, Deputy Judge Advocate General, who will prepare charges and send them | to the President of the Military Commission. ‘ No. 1272 of 1858.—The following Notifications, issued from the Public Works Department, with [ 1790- ] the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, are pub- lished in General Orders :— No. 60, the 20th August 1858.—Captain W. E. Morton, Engineers, to be Deptty Superintendent General of Irrigation, North-Western Provinces, with the position of a Superintending Engineer. Lieutenant-Colonel N.C. Macleod, of Engineers, to be Superintending Engineer, 2nd Circle, North- Western Provinces, in the room of Captain Morton. No. 62, the 21st August 1858.—In confirmation of Orders issued by the Major General Command- ing Central India Field Force, dated the 13th April 1858.— Captain John Baillie, 26th Native Infantry, is appointed to officiate as Executive Engineer at Jhansie, with effect from that date. No. 1273 of 1858.—The following Notifigation, issued by the Government, North-Western, Pro- vinees is published in General-Orders :— - No. 3414, dated the 28th August 1858.—Lieute- nant A. Pullan, Adjutant’ of the Goruckpore Divi- sion to take charge of the Goruckpore Levy, vice Tiieutenant J. R. Burlton, transferred to the Com- missariat Department. . No. 1274 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Officer is permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of ab- sence, on Sick Certificate :— Lieutenant George Price, ) the lst European Bengal Fusi- liers, Civil Architect at the i) sidency, For months,under the new Regulations. No. 1275 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Officer is permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of absence, on Sick Certificate :— ‘ Lieutenant Tdward Wenry Cassan Simpson, of the 39th Regiment Native Infantry, Ad- jutant of the Benares Horse, For fifteen months, under the new Regulations. No. 1276 of 1858.—The following Orders, issued by the Chief Commissioner, Punjab, and published in the Punjab Gazette No. 49, of the 15th August 1858, are confirmed :— ‘ Lanore, 21st Aueusr 1858. 8th Punjab Infantry. No. 645.—Assistant Surgeon H. W. Graham is permitted to resign Medical charge, with a view to his joming another appointment. ia 6th Regiment Punjab Infantry. * : ‘No. 646.—Promotions. To what Rank and Names, | Rank ad ee lin whose room. promoted. oe | Jemadars. . ” Mahomed a" : ‘ rine Fellowes, ... |Captain, ’ s x No. 1288 of 1838.—The under-mbntioned Offi- , cer having completed three years’ service as Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, is promoted to the "ink of Colonel in the Army, from the date speci- ‘ [ 1792 ] fied under the operation of Government General Orders, No. 1275 of 1855 and 825 of 1857. Brevet. To be Colonel in the Army. Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Kearney ) 28th Novem- Skinner, Bombay Infantry, ber 1857. F, D. Arxixsox, Major, Offy. Secy. to the Gort. of India, in the Mily. Dept. FROM THE GAZETTH—GOVERNOR GENERAL’S CAMP. ° ALLAHABAD, SEPTEMBER 3RpD, 1858. ° Notifications, Appointments, &e. Ng. 3052. Foreign Department, , Allahabad, the 2nd September 1858. The Right Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to appomt Mr. E. C. Bernard, C. S., to be an Assistant Commissioner of the 3rd Class in the Punjab. G. I’. Epaonsroxp, Secy. to the Govt. of India, * with the Gevr. Genl. r ere aw walled all en eal neta ETE No. 63. Public Works Department,—Pullic, Allahabad, the 30th August 1858. Noriricartons.—Lieutenant C. E. Webber, Royal Engineers, and Lieutenant J. F. Forbes, 25th Bombay Native Infantry, to officiate in the Department, under the orders of Captain Turnbull at Gwalior, from the date of their appointment, in Central India Field Force Orders of 5th July, with the position of Probationary Assistants, No. 64, . Allahalad, the 3\st Angust 1858. Colonel J. Glasfurd, Superintending Engineer, First Circle, North-Western Provinees, to ,offi- ciate as Chief Engineer in thes North-Western Provinces, with retrospective effect, during the absence on leave’of the late Colonel HH. Fraser, and till further orders. i z . No, 65. Lieutenant W. T. Mills, 25th Bombay Native Infantry, to officiate temporarily in the Depart- ment, under the orders of Captain Tumnbull at Gwalior, from the date of his appointment in Cep- tral India Field Force Orders: of 7th July, with the position of a Probationary Assistant. By order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, bs H. Yure, Captain, Offg. Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Governor General. ( re | usual allowance, for the Gwalior Division. =) r General Orders by the Right Howble fi Governor General of Evia. < a +9 Military Department, : Allahobad, the 31st August 1858, No. 388 of 1858.—The Right Hon'ble Governor General is pleased to san Establishment of a Military Treasure Ch Allahabad, the 1st September 1858, — No. 389 of 1858.—The Order issued Commissioner of Nagpore, dated 24th Ay 1858, No. 22, appointing Captain Francis A gath, of the 33rd Madras Native Infantry, § as 2nd in Command of the Cavalry Reg the Nagpore Irregular Force, until further 02 is confirmed. a | R. J. H. Brreu, Colonel, Secy, to the Govt. of India, Mily. with the Governor G , ia 4 i Notification. i. oo ALIPORE JAIL PRESS. Att Puble Officers are hereby requested send their Indents and requisitions for For St other Public Work requiring to be printed, to Superintendent of Stationery, by whom they be transmitted to the Jail Press for execut by whom they will, when printed, be packed dispatched to the Indenting Officers, Q we No-Tpdepts or requisitions of any printing, on the Public Service, are to direct to the Jail. 3. As any departure from the plan of | ing above notified will cause delay and_ venience, Indenting Officers are particular quested to see that it is strictly adhered to. _ “4. The Alipore Jail Press is at present prepal to execute all Form Work, and such Re Reports, Circular Ordexs, and’other public | ments a¥do not need fine work. : 5. The earliest, possihJe arrangements y I made for the execution of fine Book Work. 1 moment they are completed, and the Pres undertake them without incurring the risk 0 r or disappointment, the same will be duly nott (By order of the Hon’ble th Licutenant-G nor of Bengal,) Frep. J. Movat, Taspeetor of Juils, Lower Prov Forr Wiitiam, : . 7 iene? ei August 12th, 1858, - ~O- > me a CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY. 7 following alterations in the Regulations for trance and Degree Examinations have, with anction of Government, been made by the ,and are to take effect from the 6th Sep- gber 1858 :— ; Entrance Examination. ‘That in Regulation 1, page 8, the word December” be substituted for the word “ March ;” this alteration is not to take effect until € mber 1859. ). That in Regulation 6, page 9, the words the papers in languages shall contain ions to be asked and answered and sentences e read and explained orally” be omitted. 3. That in Regulation 7, page 10, heading “the words “ the first volume of ” be inserted er the words “ as contained in,” and before the rds “ Marshman’s Brief Survey ;” that the rds “or other similar works” twice occuring ack out; and that after the words “ History ja,” the words “ to the wnd of the year ? he inserted. | ‘That in Regulation 7, page 10, theading after the word “ Euclid” the words “ with h easy deductions and applications as arise ly out of those books” be inserted ; and that the words from “ Mechanics” to “centre of ravity,” both inclusive, be struck out. 5, Thatin Regulation 7, pages 10 and 11, ng IV., allthe’ words from «TV. Natural cory,” to “other similar works,” both inclx- be struck out. . > That in Regulation 7, page 11, the word ” be inserted between “II.” and OT 5 hat the words “ and IV.” be struck out. B. A. Faramination: That in Regulation 1, page 11, the word # January” be substituted for the word “ April” ; it this alteration is not to take effect until ary 1860. 5 order of %he Vice Chancellor, i. Scorr Suite, , a CALcurta, ; rt Registrar. te Gth September 1858. e MENDED COURSE ror- tis ENTRANCE AMINATION TO BE wend IN Marcn 185 9. T.—- LANGUAGES. art x : Englisk. ~ Goldsmith..? _ Vicar of WakeGeld. _.. Vanity of Hunian Wishes. “2s The Hermit. Greek. _ Homer’s Tliad, Books 1, 2, 3. , _ Xenophon, Cyropadia, Books Ttand 2.~°°% A > Late. + Horace, Odes, Book 3. - Sallust, Jugurtha. j Hebrew. ~ ‘ Johnson Parnell Book of Genesis. ‘ol Aralie. 3 4 bs ~ Nafhat al Yaman. [ 1793 ] : Persian. Gulistan. Bostan. « Sanserit. Raghuvansa. Kumar Sumbhava. a) Bengali. 5 Life of Raja Krishna Chunder Roy. Ramayun. . Hindi. The Ramayun. Urdu. Bagh-o-Bahar and Gul-i-Bakawali. > Oorya. Bishnu Surma’s Hitopodesh. _The Papers in each Language will include Ques- tions*on Grammar and Idiom. Easy Sentences in each of the Languages in which the Candidate is examined will be given for translation into the other Language. 5 IJ.—Hisrory and GEOGRAPHY. The Outlines of General History, as contained. in the Ist Volume Marshman’s Brief Survey, and the Outlines of Indian History as contained in —— History of India to the end of the year 815. A general knowledge of Geography, and a more detailed knowledge of the Geography of India. TI1.—Matuesatics. Arithmetic and Algebra. The ordinary Rules of Arithmetic. Vulgar and Decimal Fractions. Extraction of the Square Root. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Divi- sion of Algebraical Quantities. Proportion. Simple Equations. : GEOMETRY. The'first three Books of Euclid with such easy deductions and applications as arise directly out of those books. In*Branches il. and III. answers may be given eithes in English or in any other of the Languages in which-the Candidate may elect to be examined. By Order of the Vice-Chancellor, H> Scorr Sari, Cancutra UNIVERSITY, Registrar, Me 6t% September 1858. le SS Notice. Aw Examination of Candidates for employment and promotion sn the Education Department, in accordance with revised Rules dated 20th April 1857, will be held at the Presidency Collage, com- mencing on Wednesday the (5th instant, at 11 o’elock. Applications, Fee of two Rupees, m ; 0 the Principal of the Presidency College on © before the 14th instant. accompanied with the Registration ust be sent t» the Office of ~ [ 1194 | The application will be made in the following Form. = te pb * Dp | | |e |eee}s, 13/2 kero x oS a 2 |288/3 |42] 33 A oD. a ou. a {og Z gq | $2) 88) 88 | fe) S38 g 2/83] ,28 |] 83) ES) 38 < § job) coe lsesiig Be Ss r=) at SE ei 3 gel @2 laa os o]| #2 = a ° L@ lees | 80] t2/ 24) 2 ° ee laeel ene | 2Bi Es | ga} ehe be (see/2 |2eie | 8 s eo io} oO a a E | Fale | i ai fb -s io H. Wooprow, J 4., Inspector of Schools, East Bengat. d, Fort WILLIAM, ‘ The 6th September 1858. Sheriff's Office, Caleutta, the 8th September ¥858. NOTICE is hereby gwen, that a Sessions of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Deliv ery, and also an Admiralty Sessions, will be holden by the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort W illiam, in Bengal, for the Town of Caleutta and Factory of Kort William, and the places subordinate there to, at the Court-House in the Town of Caleuttd, on Friday, the First day of October next, at 12 0 clock at noon. The Court will open on the first day of the Sessions at 12 o’clock at noon, and upon each sue- ceeding day precisely at 11 0 Yelock in the forenoon, of which all persons are required to take notice. H. Duypas, Sheriff. Afre SPST > etbza sper Ate 1 TATA eH Tce aT Ath > MRT ber Tey wea ae. ate- Gq WY Sastry cH VWeracag av SIgly eeiths I Aer ty SER fre Te crests cHIe BStacqe ero ae ately airtaS Iq ecRaPataCT AT GSTS aas Bxte ae] TLE APH ae atta tis Gar as orsitata oa fia sfacqa Rota Assia etasySe afacas ne aya tet oF CRCAA WAH SI- Rit a ttis Tesa asic atta azarg ahicrs « frrg wera aR atta r H. Dunpas, Sheriff. S.. AS é Total Name of River. Rs Rise. Rise. | Fail, eS H Buia Ne aah ae Ts.) Tns. At its entrance ...33) 9 | 0 93:27/14| 0] 0 Below the entrance 30, 9 | 0,0! O01 0] O From thence to Jungypore ia Fa 0) O20 i Siem se From Jungypore | to Sadduck- > |22} g | 0| O 0 oo @ baugh. From Sadduck- baugh to Ber- > |27/ g | 2; 5 |8091) g 0 hampore a From Berham- e pore to earn ail 0'| 00 | Oh OleGiaae And from Cutwa aie a to Nuddea vat ler 0} 9/0) 0 0.0 0 Jellinghée River. / ; At its entrance 22 | 1.0..|23108/-9) 0 From thence to Bansemarree thao 9, o ee 0 From Bansemar- | ree to Teeah-?|/14 6/0 0/0 0) o| O kattah From Teeahkat- ‘“ tah to Sona-?/18 3) 00,0 0! 0 O tullah - | And from Sona- | pe OS 18 9}/00!1000 0 gunge Matabangah River. At its entrance . 25 g | 1 2230 43 0 0 From thence to | Haut sag 20 6;9 0/000 0 From Haut Bo- : ; i leah to Kat- 22 0 0'0 GO| 0 chik&ttah id From Kutchikat- ) zl tah to Kishen- +20 9 | 0 0! 0! 0 0} 0 gunge j | And from “ol "notice. ¢ =) / REPORT showing the Smallest Depth of Water in the Bhaugiruttee, Jellinghee and Matabangah Rivers, als their rise and fall from 24th to 30th August 1858, : ’ | shengunge to Seebpore ° 0 0 | Oro Height of water on gauge at Berham ore, on the 30%) August 1858.-28 Feet 4 Inches. . 4 tL. T. Forprs, Lieut. Supdt. Nuddeah Rivers. Brrmaqpvonr, The 2nd een 1858. Memorandum. Tua Time Ball apparatus at the Semaphore . Tower in Fort betne under examination, no Mean Time will be shown to the” Shipping, until further Surveyor Generat’s -Orrics, Caleutta, 4th Sept.” 1858, Rapuanatn Stexpn AR, +a In charge of the Observatory. Orrrur CAvex aon, Lient.~Col., 4g | Town Major. cn be) 1259 1250 or 1852-53, and or previous years. 1853-54, Mds. S. C Mds. S. C. + ‘ ee ee) ee) nugeur Cpe tole 8. (Oigy *O amnuggur 6) Fo, 6 D* Os 0 North Ka- a ~ fa) oO oO ce) ° oO ae} Oe ‘Ouk OeaeO Oeto sho 3 oO ov Ge ON Oye) 0.0 Gag to Sie oOo oo as oo So & & 610° Gag oF Revenve, }, September 1858. J cca = SSS Pears > ey OO OL Os 0, *. On 1D go O"PLO »..6 6946). 20 a leak + ° ° _ al 0 S = = = ‘OTyROy ©) o o o O05 6 Oo 604 10 ORO" jo oF Jogo 0.» (OR VO i> i) 476 0 0 ‘om TOTO oe 0-6 [ 1795 } hly Account of Salt in Store in the several Agencies and the Sulkea Golahs up to $1st August 1858, 0 33 27 259427 1911 10 ° a eooovoso oo Oo 2 oo 98 —1 ? 1261 or 1854-55. Mds. S. C, 0) oo} 6 Oo, 70%" 0 0 F0% 6 0 0. 6 oo. 0 oF 0) Ore! g* 0” 110 On 'Ou 0 e/a 76) 6 io, 0, «——_ 0 om 0 ey 4 oon 40 oO) ee) Oe 1262 1263 1264 or or or 1855-56. 1856-57. 1857-58. Mds. S. C. Mds, S. C. Mads. S. C, oso ox 1933 0 O| 16897016 O 2428 11 8 | 122499 3 0 269176 32 0 o o o| 172523 30 O| 183556 9 0 0) “lors 0; 1100. “0 ~"O 272021 18 0 oO Oo 1396 0 O 184432 30 0 2428 11 «8 | 297650 33 0} 1028157 25 0 4 e e obae™ @ © 0.70 45651 29 10 * Omk OFT O: 0 00 45651 29 10 1496 0 Of} 72202 32 8 o 0 0 1877 9 0] 145879 8 8 0 0 0 3308 9 Oj} 218082 1 0O o0 0 scp io 0 a0 8788 380 0 64546 6 8 Cl gle 992 0 O 829565 21 11 er ee | OF Ot rae ee | o o o| 9720 30 o| 415744 38 3 3538.50 0} 88273 0 0 o 0 0 ee) O04 0 O00 416 20 6 4441 20 0 o 0 0 72, 0) 9 4149 0 O 0 0 0 4320, 0 O 1963) 0450) o 0 0 o 0 0 oe 8 0 0 0 6918867" 0 7 Ono o - oo 85776 O 0} 360743 20 0 0 0 0 25931 One. Of eet), m0 lO 0 0 0 o 0 3) A OW, *1709 0 0 1709 0 0 RR RE ae pe ame emma ee together with 4 per cent. Reserve for Golah Wastage. ee Total Quantity in Store. Mds. S. C, 169163 16 394034 6 356079 39 273130 18 135828 30 eo 9 O20 1328236 29 8 ree 45651 29 10 ~ 45651 29 10 73628 32 8 147756 17 8 oo 221385 10 O 73334 36 8 330497 21 11 21633 10 O 425465 28 3 eee 91811 0 0 0 4691 20 4248 0 17951 0 200697 20 951313 30 448906 20 941 0 oo oo os09°°¢9°9 1709 0 1722269 10 0 a) | et a ot aaa , 2 ae 2 eee nett eer’ » ee 7968 20 0], 7968 20 0 a + - aes 2 ee 8 a al a ar ae «| sabe 792671 0 13] 996491 24 0 | 1499281 9213) 3750977 7 5 le ga a ag a ee Se ES _ 2 B * 1858-59. wi. T. TErvoz, Secretary > ¥ ~ . Notice. Crrtarn effects belonging to the Estate of John Hamilton,Esquire, of the East’ India Company Rail- way, who died at Benares on the 25th August, are under the Seal of this Court at Koruntadhee, and will be‘delivered to any one duly authorized to receive them. © A. Ross, Offg. Judge. Notice. Wanted a Mohafiz for the Rajshahee Collector- ate, Salary Rs. 35. Hazeerzamin Security. Candi- dates are to send in their application on or before the 14th proximo, verified by testimenials of character and qualification. Preference ewill be Dewany ADAWLUT, ZILLAH GHAZEEPORE, The 1st September 1858. given to one who reads arid writes Bengallee and | been stopped at the Loan Office, and ap Persian and understands English. , E. A. Russe11, ; " Offy. Collector. Oriental Bank Corporation. Incorporated BY Roya Cuarrer. ZILLAH RAJsUAHER, Collector's Office, The 13th August 1858. © lal © Wiru reference to Government Notification No, 5, Fort William, Financial Department, 26th Ja- nuary 1855, notifying the intention of Govern- ment to dissolve its connexion with the Govern- ment Agency— The Oriental Bank Corporation undertake the safe custody of Government Paper, Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank of Bengal, and other Joeal Stocks, free of all charge. Will draw Interest and Dividends on the same as they fall due, and remit at the current rates of exchange, or pay the same according to instruc- tions, if to be remitted through the, Corporation, Without charge. If to be paid in India, a Commis- sion will be charged of On returning Government Pafer or Share Certificates out of sate custody, * 4 On the purchase of Government or other Securities. On the sale of Government Paper or other Stock, the proceeds of which are to be remitted 4 through “the Corporation, ... Without charge. Wn. ANDERSON, OrtentaL Bank Corporation ; Caleutta, 29th January 1855. a ‘ Notice. }-4th per Cent. e 14th ‘pet Cent. ° Agent. * ° Lost In Transrr purinc tue Ovrsreak. ¢, 4 Tus Government Promissory Noté No. 22,032, of 1854-55, f the Four per Cent Loan, dated 30th | Hooghly, and Rameomul June 1854, for Company’s Rupees (1,000) one thousand, standing in the name of Mr. Willigm | Zillah of Hoo shly, lately Hobson, the Proprietor, (by whom it was nef er [ 1796 | ...” ]-4th per Cent.* a] endorsed to any other person.) Payment of above Note and of Interest thereupon stopped at the Loan Office, and applicati about to be made to Government for the is a duplicate Note in favor of the Proprietor, J. H. Watkur, ~ Deputy Collector. Notice. Meervr CoLLecrorate, The 28th August 1858. Lost 1N TRANSIT DURING THE OUTBREAK. Tue Government Promissory Note No. 22,0 of 1854-55, of the Four per Cent Loan, d 30th June 1854, for Company’s Rupees ( five hundred, standing in the name of M) William Hobson, the Proprietor, (by whom it} never endorsed to any other person.) Pays of the above Note and of Interest there is about to be made to Government for of a duplicate Note in favor of the Proprietor J. H. Waker, ” Deputy Co ; | Court for the Leelief of Insolvent Debtors % Calcutta, In the matter of Khetter- } mohan Paulit, of Umeer- pore in the Zillah of Hoogh- lys and Ramcomul Mitter, of ,Mirzapore in the Zillah of Hooghly, lately carrying on trade and business in co-partnership as Captains’ Banians, under the name and style of Khettermohun Paulit and Co., at Old China Bazar, in Caleutta, Thsolvents., ‘' ¢ Merrvt CoLLecrorate, The 28th August 1858. ” On Saturday, 1 28th day of Aug last, it was o} that the mat the said Insol heard on the 2nd day of O ber next, and th said Insolv , then attend | examined by the Court. Swinhoe’and Law, Attorneys. In the matter of Robert) ‘ On -Tuesda 3 John Carbery, of Ramna- | 31st day of Aug North-Western Provinces, >that the matters of and of No. 11, Govern- | petition of the + Merchant, an Insolvent. Jon Saturday, the day of November next, and that the said In eur, in AllahaVad, in the an it was orde ment Place, in’ Calcutta, | Insolvent be It do then attend to be examined by the said Robertson, Attorney. * Chief Clerk’s Office, 3rd September 1858. cr fi n eo La Inthe matter of Khetter-) _ Notice, that ' mohun Paulit, ‘of Umeer- | plication for pore in the Zillah of | imterim Pro ‘Order has been day made by Rameomul Mi of the said Ins Mitter, of Mirzapore in the carrying on trade and busi- and that such appli- cation will be heard and disposed of by the n Paulit and | Acting Commissioner China Bazar, in | of the Insolvent Court, vents. Jon Tuesday the 4th uber instant, at the hour of 10 o’Clock oon. y Creditor of the said Insolvent desirous g such application must appear before the tat the time aud place aforesaid.” e and Law, Attorneys. o-partnership as Banians, under . and style of on, an Insol- > 4th day of September instant, it was order- petition of the said Insolvent seeking the the Act XI. Vic. cap. XX1. be dismissed. ison, Attorney. ri atter of Tht On Saturday, the matter of Nobin- | ¢ of Shampookur, | Trader, hereto- fing on business nership with one , of Amra- treet, in Caleutta, On Saturday, the 4th day of September as Safflower, | instant, it was ordered Jute, and Iyde | that the hearing of ‘at Amratollah, | this matter do stand d also hereto- { adjourned until Satur- ng on business | day, the llth day of nership with Kis- | September instant, hun Bose, of Bhar’) and that the said Caleutta, and | Insolvent do then at- ty Dass, of Too- | tend to be examined t,in Calcutta Jafore- | by the said Court. nians at Amratol- an Insolvent. J md Watch, Attorneys. > matter of Nil-} On Saturday, the ‘ut, of Auheeree- | 4th day of September st, in Calcutta, [instant it was order-, a {ed that the hearing of ipper ofCoun- | this matter do stand , an Insolvent.) adjourned until Pri- 1 10th day of September jastent, and "Order made in this matter for the ad otection of the said Insolvent from [ 1799)2) of November next, and that the Order made in this matter for the ad interim protection of the said Insolvent from arrest be enlarged to the said 6th day of November next, and that the said Insolvent do then attend to be examined by the said Court,” Swinhoe and Beeby, Attorneys. : D’Cruz of No. 1, Mirza- | 4th day of September pore Lane, in Caleutta, an pinstant, it was or- ‘Asst. in the Publie Works | dered that the hearing Department, an Insoivent. } of this matter do stand adjourned until Saturday, the 5th day of February next, and that the Order made inthis matter for the ad interim protection of the said Insolvent from arrest be enlarged to the said Sth day of February next, and that ‘the said Insolvent do then attend to be examined by the said Court. In the matter of ea | On Sedma the Downing, Adtorney. Chief Clerl’s Office, 7th September 1858. 7 India General Steam Navigation pay Company. _— a Morice is hereby given, that at the next General, Meeting of Shareholders, to be held at the Com- pany’s Office, on Monday, September 15th, 1858, the Meeting will afterwards be made special for the purpose of considering the advisability of registering the Company” under the new Act No. XTX. of 1857, with limited liability, and also for the purpose of ‘increasing the Capital of the Com- pany to the originally proposed amount of Twenty Lacs of Rupees as specified in the Deed. By order of the Directors, Jo. Strack; Secy. [. G8. N, Co. a Crive Street GHAvT, = Y ged to the said 10th day of Septem- ‘and that the said Insolvent do then 6 be examined by the said Court. Fand Payne, Attorneys. tk ’ *India General Steam cy se fr Vf ) The 9th Jaly 1858. > J ee ea = ae My, “ Sad if) * —_—— of” e matter of Raj- On Suturday, the f 2 wl of Jora 8 Ath day of September 3 Company. — 5 vA whee Ly 1 Caleutta, lately | instant, it was. or- "9 ip fp o,) me - trade and [in that the bee : — Sra aa “ ; a of a Dealer jn sng of. this matter do 2 r lf- ly é \ i, : ° 4 ‘ py given, that the YWalf-yearly t Burra Bazar, in | stand adjourned until Notice is ee ve vette 2 PE TES shove the 6th d General Mee ; Sec Tyiealitent do Company, will be held at the Company’ s Office on id Monday, the 13th of September, at 3 P.M, for passing the Accounts and declaring a Dividend. By order of the Directors, : ys titer of Deeno- On Saturday, the of Colootollab, | 4th day of September 2 Kaa) cee "3 , late a Banian instant, it was or- : 3 Seerclary. : “and Co., | ing of this matter do : ae and | stand adjourned until Insolvent. of Messrs. [ie that the hear- ) Saturday, the 6th day 1)-2, Strand ‘ pea7os | Apbertisement of the Soonderbun Conmis- sioner’s Office. Notice is hereby given under Clause Ist of Rule Ist of the Government Orders of the 24th Sep- tember 1$53, regarding the Grant of Waste Lands in the Soonderbuns, that the following applica- tions have been received for the under-mentioned Grants :+- £ ; | ans Estimated = | Description | , Names of Ap- No. of Lots. | of Lands. Seta ibe | plicants. in Beegahs. | ce ————— 4 116 Jungle 33,000 Mr. W. Smith. 122 Ditto 48,000 | Mr. Thos. Hill. Ja He RELY, Soonderbuns Commissioner. € 1 OFFICE, ALLTPORE, SoonprErBun ComMISSIONER’S e The 3rd September 1858. Lost, Stolen or Destroyed. Tue under-mentioned Government Promissory Notes standing in the name of Mrs. Ela Sheehan, late of Delhi, the proprietress,by whom they were never endorsed to any person. Payment of the said Notes and of Interest thereon has been stop- ped. at the Loan Office, and application is about to ebe made for the issue of duplicates of the.said | ain e Notes. st? . nD iia Nes ! rigina ParrrcuLars oF THE Government Securitips. | ft uy 2s Standing, No. 7016 of 10934 of 1832-33 for... Sa. Rs. 5,000. > a a », 1865 of 9501, of 1835-36 for....Co.’s Rs.1,000. 9 NoZis of, c285 of 1Ssatiay Gooner maaan: » 1866 of 9501 of 1835-86 for... Ps 1,000. poe a ee 7867 of do. of do. for... 1,000. | No. 4305 of vitviccua tee tl ” : ” , + | No. 4305 of P. W. Loan of | Madhub Chunder | *" 7868 of do, of lo, for... ,,. 1,000,,| 1+™-"Rapaiiams Se | 5, 1869 of do. of do. for’, f T7000 x42 a= eid eS » 2441 of 7439 of 1842-13 for... ry; 1,000. No. 15028 of 1882-33, Sieea >) wa ; qr libl } 1 of 1gige55efor... ,, 1,000.'| no. gab oan or Ditto! sca Foo Bye ba ha ¥ 1h1d2 ao Mae on Tee ee eee <" e » 11113 of. do, Morea “,, 1,000. | a ne ee a CeS. Hoace, | . 4°) “Bupeegis0. | ae Administrator General. Lost, Stolen or Destroyed. Tux under-mentioned Goverfiment Promissory Notes for Company’s Rupees 2,500, standing in the name of the late Reverené I. 'T. R. Moncrieff the Proprietor, by whom they were never endorsed to any other person. Payment of the said Notes and of Interest thereupon has been ‘stopped at the Loan Qflice, and application is about to be niade for the issue of duplicate Notes in favor of the Proprietor. C. S. Hoge, £. . . , e Administrator General. « 4 Si PARTICULARS OF THE GOVERNMENT PRoMISSORY : Noves. » 2543 of 7108, of Ditto fir 5, 500 Notice. 606 of 4178,-of 1854-56 for... . 600 | Mr. "T. JB. Vinraiiies ii aaeeeemens 3 L108 of 1835-36 for - 1,000 | per procuration from this dag i e : ’ oe 3 Co’s. Rs. LOST.—The under-mentioned two Gove) Promissory Notes, the property of e Free School; viz. No. 451 of 9439 of Cent. Loan of 1832-33, dated 1st M Sicca Rupees 5,200, renewed in name of Bengal and last endorsed to Mr. D. W, and No. 23890 of the 4 per Cent. Loan of J dated Ist February 1843, for Co.’s Rupee originally standing in name of Revd. J. son and last endorsed to Mr. D. W. Ma whom the Notes have not been endorsed other person. Payment 9f the above of Interest thereupon has been stopped Office, and application is about to be made vernment for the issue of Duplicates. f R. THorpx, Offg. Secretary, CaALcurta, 7 dlst August 1858. ; Pluidered by the Mutinea ' Tur upper halves of first two under-mentio vernment Promissory Notes and lower | others and full Note of the last one as des have been plunderéd by the Mutineers on down to Caleutta :— 7 if Rupeesy1300. et ¢ Payment of the above Notes and of In _ upon has been stopped at the Loan Offi cations are about to be made to Governme issue of duplicates thereof in favor ‘of thei | Proprietors. , r Nowsvutroy AnD JWALA ¢ 4 "Notice. ’ oan ae Pr No. 9250 of 4906, of 1842-43 for Co’s. Rs. 500 | Tun Power granted to Mr, C. M. Rios t our Firm per procuration is this day revoket Wriram Moray Lhe 30th Augupt 1858. ; e L etters received on dates By what Ship despatched.| from and to. — $$ | Oth Aug. to 3rd Sept. ....Steamer Burmah, John Matthie, Mallard, ; Steamer United Kingdom Steamer Queen Victoria ... to 81st Aug.... , to dist Aug.... to 4th Sept. ... to 3rd Sept. | | The 7th September 1858. No. 1975. ‘Noticr is hereby given that an After-Packet ‘the P. and O. Company’s Steamer Simla will made up at this Office on Friday, the 10th in- t,at 1p. w., with the chance of overtaking | ‘ ; Offg. Dy. Post Master General. eneral Post Office, that, in addition to Steam Postage, the || rs sent after 1 o’Clock ior the purpose of | at Kedgeree. ‘ T. GARRETT, “i Fort WiuiraM : \ . The bth Sept. 1858. Bathe Public are particularly requested to — and Postage to Kedgeree must be pre- | Letters and Newspapers. osted will not be received under any | stances, .. |Akyab, Rangoon and) | Moulimein .... Mauritius Cape of Good Hope Penang, Singapore Printed and Published for the Government, by Tomas JoxEs, 1799 | General Post Ollice Notifications. is hereby notified that unless marked for particular Ships, all Letters received at the General Post Offie- petwseen Monday the 30th August 1853 and Sunday the 5th September, both dates inelusive, were despatched by the wnder-mentioned Vessels which sailed from Calcutta on dates specified :— ‘ Bound to REMARKS. i Left town on the 4th September. ....Ditto on the 1st ditto. .../Ditto on the 1st ditto. .. Ditto on the 5th ditto. ...Ditto on the 4th ditto. Ditto P T. Garrerr, Offg. Deputy Post-Master General. —s No. 2140. OvertAnp Marn. ¥ - Aw additional Mail ~willakehalosaliteethie Office, to-morrow, Thursday, the 9th at 6 p. a1. Indian Postage to Kedgeree must he prepaid on all Letters and Newspapers, posted by this | opportunity. T. GarRETr, Offg. Deputy Post-Master General. CALcuTTa, The 8th Sept. 1855. $ N. B.--This Mail will not prevent the After Packet, at 1 p. u. of the 10th, . | P| a -¥ « a a * , Tv , “, t » a: be a. 3 at the Office of the Bengal Seeretarial, Calcutta, ‘te, ng SB ar te et Hie ae ff ; Aussies date of i Sit ee rey “i? » a ere i 7 3-4) os — SUPPLEMENT TO Che Calrutta Gazette, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1858. LAND SALE NOTICES. NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates, in Zillah Moorshedabad, will be put up to public and unreserved re-sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Saturday, the 25th Sep- tember 1858, or 10th Asin 1265 B. S., for arrears of Revenue :-— No. 764.—Kismut Radhagobindbatee, Pergunnah Khurgaon ; recorded proprietor, Shoodhbuddra Debia; sudder jumma, Rupees 101, No, 2430.—Kismut Dutt Burruttia, Pergunnah Futtehsing ; recorded proprietor, Aimadar Gholam Sumdanee ; sudder jumma, Rupees 8-10-9. MoorsuepaBap CoLiector’s Orricr, } W. M. Beavrort, The 27th August 1858. Offg. Collector. NOTICE is hereby piven under Section VI. Act I of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Backergunge will be put up to public and unreserved re-sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Saturday, the 25th day of September 1858, or 10th Assin 1265 B. S., for arrears of Revenue and other demands, which, by the Regulations and Acts in force, are directed to be realized in the same manner as arrears of Revenue, due on the 28th June 1858 :-— Class I—Permanently-settled Estates. Former No. : 2298, present No. 2383, Kharijah Pergunnah Kutwallipar, Rajehunder Sein Talook ; recorded. proprietor, Rajkullian Naug ; sudder j jumma, Rupees 3-4-6. Former No. 2930, present No. 2996, Kharijah Pergunnah Ootturshahabagpoor, Ramjoy Roy Talook; recorded proprietor, Hurrynarain Sing ; sudder jumma, Rupees 8. Former No. 4133, present No. 4219, Kharijah Pergunnah Edilpore, Monohur Doss Talook; recorded proprietor, Monohur Doss ; sudder jumma, Rupees 1-18-10. ZILLAH BAaCKERGUNGE, P J. W. Datrympre, > ¥ Os Collector. Cotlector’s Office, : The 30th August 1858. wr D NOTICE is hereby given, under Section 16, Act I, of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estate in Zillah Purneah will be put up to public and unreserved re-sale at the Collector’s Office of that District on Thursday the 16th September 1858, corresponding with Ist Assin 1265 B, S.:— . Class 1.—Temporarily-setiled Estates, . No. 1039.—Mouzah Bussuntpoor Chitoreeah Pergunnah, Koomareepoor ; recorded proprietor, Umrithlall and others, auction purchasers ; sudder jumma, Rupees 4-13; Purnxean Coitecror’s Orrice, T. Waxtoy, The 28th August 1858. } Assistant Collector, in charge, ay ‘ Prinrep sx Toowas Jones, Benaan SECRETARIAT Orica, SATURDAY, « The 47H Sprremper 1S5S. following Act, passed by the Legislative il of Tndia, Hoceived the assert of tiie Right able the Governor General on the 24th Au- 1858 (communicated to the Legislative Goun- the 4th September), and is hereby promul- d for general information :— Act No} XXXI. o& 1858. to make further provision for the settlement tt William in Bengal. 5 for the removal of doubts respecting the course proper to be followed in the settlement of land added ecession to estates paying Revenue to ‘it: is expedient to lay down certain observed in the settlement of such § enacted as follows :— nae ron land added by alluvial accession , to an estate paying Revenue to * Government becomes liable to assessment, if it be so agreed on between the Revenue autho- rities and the proprietor or proprietors, the Revenue as- apon the alluvial land may be added to the f the original estate; and in such ease a ent shall be executed for the payment regate amount, and that amount shall ted in the Collector’s vent-roll for the ama of the original estate. Hf the pro- ; orietor or proprietors object to hat case the ® assessed d to the he ori- aad such an arrangement, er if the Revenue authorities ar of opinioy that a settlement ofthe nd cannot properly be made for the same ws the existing settlement of the origimal the nial. land shall be assessed and $a separate estate with a separate Jumma, thenceforward ba regarded and treated as ‘pects separate from “aod imdependent of mal estate, whether the sepaiate settle- ade with the pre yrietor *or proprietors, the proprietor or proprietors to accept ' settlement. The separate seitlement ‘manent if the settl2@ment of the origi- is permanent, o Lond gained by Allucion in the Presidency of land be let in farm in consequence of ‘fie r 1801 ] SEPTEMBER U1, 1858. = | Legislative Council of Envia. a Il. Nothing contained in the preceding Section F shall affect the rights of an ° Rights of under- under-tenant in any alluy ial enants in alluvia Tocaat der, th kao and uniter the provisions of : Clause 1] Section TV Regula- tion XI. 1825. It shall be the duty of all Officers making settlements of such land, w ‘hether the land be settled separately or ineorporated with the original estate, to ascertain and record all such rights according to the rules prescribed in Regula- tion VII. 1822; and to determine whether any and what additional rent shall be payable in res- pect of the alluvial land by the person or persens entitled to any under-tenure in the original estate. The provisions of the said Regulation, so far as the same may be applicable, are hereby declared to extend to all settlements made under this Act. III, very separate settlement of alluvial land heretofore made shall be as mats rer good and effectual for the pur- tend - i arian poses specified in Section I as tude. the same would have been if made subsequently to the pass- ing of this Act. Provided that nothing contained in this Act shall be ,held to affect the nights which any person may have ac quired, under ay jedicia ae Proviso. -or otherwise, before the passing of ag may Ww. Monee Clerk F the Council, * i Tue Sra Sepremper LS5S. Tue following Act passed by “the Legislative Council of india, received the assent of the Right Tlonorable the Governor-General on the 24th August 1858 (communicated to the Legislative Council on the 4th September), and is hereby promul- gated for general information :— Acr No. XXXII. or 1858. Air Act for bringing the Fort of Tanjore anil the adjacent Territory wider AN Lass of the Presi- dency of Lort St. George. Wuereras it is expedient to brine\the Fort of Tanjore and the adjacent terri- tory, which have lapsed to the i st India Company in consequence of the death + Ne rape read [ 1802 } of the Rajah ot Tanjore, under the general Laws of the Presidency of Fort St. George, and to make provision for the trial and determination of suits, appeals, and proceedings pending m any of the Courts established by the said Rajah ; It 1s enacted as follows :— J. From and after the day when this Act shall | Fort of Tanjore and adjacent terri- tory placed under the general Laws of the Madras Presidency. come into operation, the Fort of Tanjore and adjacent terri- tory shall be subject to the general Laws which are or shall be in force within the ter- ritories subject to the Presidénaey of Fort St. George. II. No Court shall try or determine any case, No Court to try or determine any case respecting which a fi- nal decision has been pronounced by any of the Rajah’s Courts before this Act comes into operation. adjacent territory this Act. Civil or Criminal, with respect to which a final decision may | have been pronounced before this Act shall come into oper- ation by any of the Courts es- tablished by the said Rajah exercising jurisdictién within the said Fort of Tanjore and at the time of the passing of e Ill. A decision passed by any such Court in Decisions of” such Courts in original Civil suits to be con- sidered. final, if no appeal is made with- in thirty days after passing thereof. an original Civil suit shall be considered as final, if no appeal have been or shall »e made against 14 within thirty days after the decision was passed. IV. All original suits and appeals and all Pending suits, ap- peals, and proceed- ings to be transferred to Courts to be esta- blished Ly Govern- ment. proccedings which shall be sending in any of the Courts ive} mentioned in Section IT at the | time when this Act shall come into operation, shall be trans- ferred to the Courts and Officers +o be established and appointed for the administra- tion of Civil and Criminal justice within the said | Fort and adjacent territory, according to their respective jurisdictions. ( such act the same was not contrary to the ¢ then in force within the said Fort and adj | territory. : / VII. Decrees passed by any of the Courts tioned in Section II of tl Execution of de- may be exeeuted aceordi Raia gt by the the Law in force for the ajah’s Courts. Re tion of decrees within the tories subject to the Presidency of Fort St. Ge or as near thereto as may be. * VIII. This Act shall .come into ope i from such day as shall he f Yommencement of j; en by the Governor of Fort George in Council, by notie be published in the Government Gazette, —— W. Moreay Clerk ‘of the Coune 4 } _ | The 4cn September 1858, Tun followiGg Bill, as settled in Committ the whole Couneil on the 2Sth August 1555) ordefed to be published for general informat and to be re-considered after a month :— A Bill to amend Regulation X. 1829 of the Ben Code, for the collection of Stamp Duties. Wuersas, by the General Rule laid down the end of Schedule A ann to Regulation X. 1829 of Bengal Code, it is decla Preamble. sheet or piece of paper or other material suffice that one sheet shall bear the sta ded that the seals or signatures of t witnesses be thereupon : and whereas the has been productive of inconvenience, and reason to believe that many Deeds, Instrum and Documents have been executed since t Regulation came into effect in respeet of wh said Rule has not been complied with; at V. Appeals from decrees in original suits, and | expedient to repeal the said Rule, and to pro Appéals presented to the Zillah Court within thirty days af- ter the decision ap- pealed against, to be treated, as pending appeals. shall be received by such Court, and disposed Of in | second appeals from decrees passed in appeal, not pending at the time when this Act shall come into operation, but pre- sented to the Zillah Court with- in thirty days after the passing of the decision appealed against, the same manner as pending appeals. VI. The géneral Laws in foree within the‘ Application of the ceneral Laws ‘to the trial of such suits, appeus and proceed- ings. territories subject t6 the Presi- deney of Fort St. George shall be. applied and administered by the said Courts and Officers in the trial and determination of such suits, appeals, and proceedings. Provided that, if in any Civil case it shall appear that the application of the said Laws would operate un- | justly if applied to the trial and determmation | thereof, it shall“be Mewful for the said Courts to | try and determine /the same according to equity and good conscience. Provided also that no act eommitted Within the said Wort and adjacent terri- tory betore this Act comes into operation, shall be deemed an offence punishable under the proy- sions hereof, if at the time of the commission of for the reception in evidence of sueh De aforesaid; It is declared and enacted as follo Part of ScheduleA. =, The above Rule is} Regulation X. 1829 4, sled . baad by repealed. oo II. Every Deed, Instrument, or specified in the said Seh “Stamp on Deeds which is or shall be comtar ee ~n more. iy more than one sheet 0 han one sheet : : ii a of paper or other material Z be deemed to be suifi stamped if any one or more of such sheets picees of paper op othe» material shall b ar requisite stamp or stamps equal in value to requisite stamp whether the signatures or s¢ fhe parties and witnesses shall or shall not be such sheet or sheets, The above provision § apply to Deeds, Instrum¢nts, and Doeuments cuted before this Act, as wellas to Deeds, ments, and Documents which shall hereafter exceuted. Provided, as regards Deeds, In ments, and Documents V shall be exeeuted after day of January 1859, every sheet or piece of p other material which shail einen oe + Proviso as rewards Deeds Ke.,to be here- after executed. [ 1803 | Deol, Instrument, or Document shall be | cal Certificate, from the 15th ultimo to the 15th ed with a Goverment Stamp of the value of | instant, in extension of the leave granted to him fone anna, in General Order dated 9th July last, No. 2396. Th any case in which a Deed, Instrument, 4 eaton of 4 5 seer has - adie ° Ceci Brapon, ‘ertain cases by any Court upon the erounc ° ood ie. that the same = N not stamped Sib: Seap-te te, Gomes. Mheen rejected as within the meaning of the 8 ret Se a mentioned Rule, any E ° Vinjured by the decision may, if a plaintiff. tc @Work n titute the eit, or, if a defendant, hin obtain FG, Sas Pe. ew of judement, provided the suit be re- Fort William, the 1th September 1858. ted, or the application for a review of jude- pa ‘ e made, within six months from the passing : No. 107. Act ; and no suit so re-instituted shall be GENERAL. by lapse of time, unless the period allowed for the institution of the suit had elapsed Recorps, e time of the commencement of the previous | Memorandum.—The New Publie Works Code ‘ : being out of print, it is hereby notified that no ap- W. Nothing in the last preceding Section plications for Copies can be complied with until : shall extend to any case in the new Edition now in the Press is ready. ection IIT not to ae which a final decision was | e re a ae oc piel given more than six years be- | 0 = ; ay ey peo : rears ago, fore the passigg of this Act. | Upg. Secy, to the Govt. of India. 4 ie Mloneen, | Orders by the Lieut.-Gobvernsr of Bengal? Clerk of the Councit. ! RST ES aa | No.7 SL o- % mR ; Appointments.—The Ath September 185$.--Baboo Home Department. , Prankissen Roy and Kallikinker Roy to be Mem- | bers of the Local Committee of Public Instrugtion > No. 2042. at Mymensing. Notiricatioxs. , Mr. 8S. DaCosta to officiate as Principal Sudder Yay yy - The 10th September 1858. Ameen of Purneah. ‘Won’ble the President in Council is pleased Mr. J. Monro, of the Civil Service, qualified for the Publie Service, to the Iga 1) vision of the Presidency of Fort William. Baboo Hurrochunder Chatterjee to officiate as Sudder Ameen of Purneah and Moonsiff of the Sudder Station of that District. The Gth September 1858.—The Reverend J. Coley to be Chaplain of St. John’s Church, Caleutta. ted, J0RS oan | Baboo Baneenauth Bose to be Sudder Ameen = sabia “0h “o | of Nuddea and Moonsitf of the Sudder Station or é Hon’ble the President in Ccuneil is pleased | that District. f peek Messrs. W. Duthoit, §. M. ¥ pteoe es ag | Baboo Kooladanundo Mookerjee to be Sudder eee he: Svebt Miuiaoyeepenere qualified | 4 meen of Rungpore and Moonsiff of the Sudder Public Service, to the Noith-Western Pro- | gation of that District. - pe end Onde. The 1th September 1858.—Mr. A. Money to be Magistrate and Collector of Shahabad. b No. 2044. Mr. A. A. Swinton to be Collector of Behar. + 2 Eccunstasticat, Mr. H. R. Madocks to officiate as Collector of W. Hi. Abbott, Senior, Registrar of the | Behar. eaconry of Calcutta, reported his return frem.| gy. FT, CG. Wake to be Magistrate of Behar. re of absence for six months, granted him | Mr. Ii. Grey siate as Magistrate of Behar. 15th Marcel: last, and resumed charge of | Mr. ” Grey ie, officiate as Magisti ed ‘ Beh on the Ist instant. 2 Mr. F. A. Vincent, Deputy Magistrate and ; Deputy Colleetor, in charge of the Sub-Division of Barrh, is transferred temporarily to. Shahabad, where he will exercise the powers of 2 Magistrate. 5 ‘ Mr. P. P. Carter, Deputy Magistrate and De- Becielary to the Government of iietlig puty Collector of Shahabad, is transferred tem- { porarily to the charge of the Sub-Division of Rarrh, «and to exercise the powers of a Co- venanted Assistant to a Magistrate, wader “Regu- lations NIL. of 1797, and ee: of 1807, and See- yoo : aot tion 1, Aet. X. of 154, in the\ Districts of Patna Fort William, 5 102 September 1S5S. pi Minghy. “ : + No. 310s. | Mr. J. Maling to bea Deputy Magistrate under . EY irs 6 . y r 1 va iD a Paachadly Oficiegn&Doputy Commissioner | Act XV. of 1845, and a Deputy Collector under . * + z . | : - ia ao ‘’ ae P - 34d tum, has obtained leave of absence, on Medi- ; Xegulation IN. of 1838, in Nuddea, and to exercise ¥ ie unexpired portion of his leave is cancelled. . - Cecit Beano, 3 — a = Fercign Bepartment. ; 4 * [ 1804 } the powers of a Covenanted Assistant toa Magis- trate, under Regulations XIII. of 1797 and IX, of 1$07, in that District. Mr. J. H. Thompson to be a Lieutenant in the Ist Bengal Police Battalion.” The 8th September 1858.—Baboo Soorjoo Coomar Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collee- tor of Bograh, js vested with the special powers of an Assistant Magistrate deseribed in Clause 3, Section 2, Regulation I. of 182], in that District. e—The 4th September 1858.— Baboo Nogendernauth Tagore, Assistant to the Collector of Customs in Calcutta, f6r two months, on Medical Certificate, under Clause 2, Section V. of the Uncovenanted Absentee Rules, in extension of the leave granted to him on the 10th of June last. Moulavy Abdool Uzeez, Principal Sudder Ameen of Purneah, for three months, on Medical Certifi- vate, under Clause 2, Section VY. of the Uncoyvenant- ed Absentee Rules. Ge The Sth September 1858.—Mr. J. D. Gordon, Officiating Magistrate of Dinagepore, for two months, on Medical Certificate, under Section VI. of the new revised Absentee Rules, in extension of the leave evanted to him on the i9th of June ‘last. Mookerjee, Leave of Absence A. R. Youxe, Secy. to the Gort. of Bengal. a — Orvers by te Right Wow'ble the Governor General. No. 8495. Judicial Department (Criminal), Allahabad, the 3rd September 1558. Appointments. —The Right Hor’ble the Governor- General has been pleased to make the following appointments:— Mr. Sulivan James Becher to be Civil and Sessions Judge of Shahjehanpore. The Principal Sudder Ameen will take charge of the current duties of the Judge’s Office at Benares. Mr. James Lean, Judge of Mirzapore, will, for the present, perform the dyties of Sessions Judge and Special Commissioner of Benares, in addition to those of his own Office. Mr. Henry Vansittart to be Civil and Sessions Judye of Bareilly. [ Mr. Alexander Shakespear to officiate as Civil and Sessions Judge of Moradabad. Mr. Rowland Money to be Civ: and Sessions Judge of Saharunpore. Mr. Money will contimne to officiate as Judge of the Sudder Dewanny and Nizamut Adawlut, till | further orders. Mr. Robert Spankie’ to officiate as C ivil and Sessions Judge of Saharunpore, making over charge ot his Office to Mr. Vans Agnew. My. Mark Bensley Thornhill to officiate as Civil and Sessions Judge of Agra. Mr. Yhornhill wall also assume charge of the Conmmissioner’s Office, tit the veturn of Mr. Warvey, or till further orders. f N No. 3505. Gg . Appointments.—The Right Hon’ble the Governor General has been pleased to make the following ap- puintments — « ” + r Mr. Francis Boyle Pearson to be Magistrate Collector of Goruckpore, bat to continue to officiati as Civil and Sessions Judge of Jubbulpore. Mr. George Palmer to officiate as Magistrate and Collector of Bijnore, until further orders, Mr. John Power to be Magistrate and Col of Futtehpore. " Myr. Edward James Boldero to be Magistrat and Collector of Mynpoory. ~ Mr. William George Probyn to be Magi and Collector of Furruckabad. , + Allahabad, the 4th September 1858. Notification —Mr. Herbert Wilson, Assistam Magistrate and Collector of Goruckpoor, is vest with the special powers described in Section A Regulation III. of 1$21, and Regulation Vig 1$31, subject to his passing the prescribed exz tion hereafter. ¢ No. 3587. Anpointment.—Assistant Surgeon George | lie, M, D., attached to the 19th Madras NN Infantry, to the charge of the Civil Medical dut Jaloun and Calpee, as a temporary arrangement, } : <4 No. 3540. } Leave of Absence.—Mr. Charles Theodore Li C. S., for fifteen months, on Medical cer rica procéed to England. cr No. 1353. Allahaiad, the 6th September 1598. Appointments, —Mr. S. M. Fallon to be St intendent of the Ajmere School and Inspee! Schools in Ajmere and Mairwara. _ lay No... S562. r fi. Mr. George Edmonstone, Judge of Fut to perform the ducivs of the Judgeship of Ba in addition to those of his own Office. za By Order of the Right Hon’ble the G General, P rf Secy. to Gorl., N. WE No, 3565. Leave of Absence.—Surgeon Alfred How Cheek. Civil Surgeon of Benares, for two 1 on Medical Certificate, to proceed to Sea benefit of his health. ' By Order of the Right Hon’ble the Ge General, a T. B. Ovrran, Asst, Secy, to Govt., N. [ 1805 ] . I Orders by the Mon’ble the Jresident | the Commissioner of Assam, are placed at the dis- » Council of Envia in Council posal of the Government of India, in the Military Z Department. —— or 4 With reference to the foregoing, the services of Fort William, 7th September 1838. Lieutenant Hunter are placed at the disposal of His E 7 B7Y858.—The undet-mentioned Officer | 1s Excellency the Commander-in-Chief. d to proceed to Europe, on leave of , on Sick certificate :— No. 1293 of 1858.—With reference to Govern- 2 | ment General Orders, Nos. 1037 and 1065 of 1858, the under-mentioned Officers have returned to their . ek luty on this Establishment, without prejudice to egiment Nativ ee ew ee? pre) eee hag WVie julie new, Regula their Rank, by permission of the Hon’ble the ...) tions. = 5 awe: J . ,; Court of Directors :— and Brevet Captain For eighteen Stephen Fowle, of { months, under | Date of Arrival at - aed : yim . Fort William. 1290 of 1858.—The following Notifications, | Lieutenant Robert Henry Tul- asa rom. the Public Works Department, with loh, of the 16th Regiment + 31st August 1858 ht Hon’ble the Governor General, are pub- NativeInfantry, (Grenadiers,) mm General Orders :-- : d * Lieutenant John Arthur Henry the 30th August 185S8.—Lieutenant C. Moore, of the 23rd Reviment . - ber, Royal Engineers, and Lieutenant J. Native Infantry, Adjutant a Ist Sept, 1853 8, 25th Bombay Native Infantry, to offi- the Shekhawattee Battalion, i the Department, under the orders of Cap- % - umbull at Gwalior, from the date of their B? 5 eg Bs. bai tment in Central India Field Force Orders Fort William, 9th September 1895. July, with the position of Probationary 0. 1294 of 1858.—The following Orders, issued tants. by the Chief Commissioner Punjab, and published: }, the 31sf Angust 1858.—Colonel J. Glas- in the Punjaub Gazette No. 50, of the 25th August berintendins Engineer, First Circle, North- 1853, are confirmed :— Provinces, { to officiate as Chief Engineer , Lanore, 251m Avevusr 1855. th-W estern Provinces, with retrospective 1S¢h Regiment Punjab Infantry. ring the absence on leave of the late Co- No. 653.—Promotvons. Praser, and till further orders. : m 0, 65.— Lieutenant W. T. Mills, 25th Bombay ree | To what | i *. e Infantry, to officiate temporarily in the | Rank and Names.| Rank | *T°2 "08" |Tn whose room. ent, under the orders of Captain Turnbull promoted. mA or, from the date of his appointment in | ~——— Pie a oy Vield Force Orders of 7th July, Jemadar. sition of a Probationary Assistant., : 3 Vielos a Sypholla Khan, ...| Subadar, |12th June 58Subadar Ahmed , ‘ : Khan, resigned. » ae we, Tavildar. - Part William, Sth September 1858. meee Jeniadacalie: ee : ean, 3 Vatha Sing ...Jemadar,! 5th Aug. 5812 homed Kas- 4 1291 of 1858.—The following Notifications, i saan | TUT Swe eae fom Kin by the Government, North- Western ae ee = sae er 2S published in General Orders :— Os) Panjiibe Mafadgy 4, the 28th Angust 1858.—The Right Prone P the Governor General has been pleased to fg ae. © aise e the following appointments in the, Military No. 654,—Havildars Hall Khan and wlleh SMW acter rovitices > Singh to be Jemadars, to complete the Escala J. R. McMullen to be Commandant of | ™°2* SER Oe aa i nckpore Division, vice Captain Berry, eet EA TO J ajesty’s ath oot, invalided. No. 645.—The Regimental Order, dated 24th ’ 3 July, by Captain J. Ss. “Gell, Commanding, appoint - ent ‘the Honble H. age aan Li ine ‘Lieutenaitt ea oh Burton, doing duty Officer, to. officiate as Adjutant, in addition to his other sduties, vive Lieutenant A. I. Danvers, proceeding 10, the 1st September 1$98. —Lieutenant to join the Ist Regiment Punjab Cavalry, is con- Gordon, Assistant Commissioner of Ho- Semanal. : bad ‘to act ag*Commimndant of the Military : > 21st Punjab Infantry. the Hoshungabad District, until the ar- | > Frage : Lieutenant I" oote, or tall, ftrthet orders. oh yt. wie . $5, the 2nd September 1858.—Captain No: bi ee Peer ‘a in, 49th Native Infantry, to assume Com- vil uy if es * j the Police Levies at Sooraon, in thé) Havildar Futtehdeen, as Jema- nape Shin Cay | District. . Natok: Dabee Singh alias am , Zadah, as Hav ildar, 292 of 1$58.—The following Notification, | Naick G: amah, as Havyildar, Lbs the Ton’ble the Lioutenant- Governor of » bayl Khan, as Havildar: published in General Orders :— Sepoy Shazadah, as Naick, st August 185%.—'The services of Lieute- » Baker Shah, CHO aoe 1 \ . Hunter, Officiating Junior Assistant to yp. Whendee,” “ditto; Sag * -~ * a ‘ ‘antr y, to be District Adj tant at Sooraon, enant Wemyss Smith. From 2nd Pun- . s (jab Infantry. a ) s . ce ~4 [ 1806 | No. 1295 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Offi- cers of the Infantry are promoted to the Rank of Captain by Brevet, from the dates expressed oppo- site to their names :— Lieutenant Robert Mavard Price, of the 31st Native Ligh Ist Sept. 1858. Infantry, S Lieutenant Spencer Charles Dudley Ryder, of the 14th Ath Sept.1858. Native Infantry, ee Fort William, 10th September 1858. No. 1296 of 1858.—The necessary Documents from the War Department having been received with a communication from the Secretary at the India House, dated 7th July 1858, authorizing the issue of Chelsea Out-Pension to the under-mention- ed Individual at this Presidency, payment of Pen- sion is to be made and charged accordingly :— e f Rate OF Peitsibid : per diem. e Out-pensioner Mathew ee Increased from ‘of the Royal Hospital at { 67. to | shilling, Chelsea, from the Glst Regi- ( from the Sth ment of Foot, J.) Jane 1858. e No. 1297 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Officers reported their departure, on the dates specified opposite to their respective names :— Assistant Surgeon G. A.) Watson, of the Medical De- rated mith partment, on leave for eight- | 400, ay 5 | 6d. een months—Government [¢'°" 5 _ General Order No. 1280, dated 6th September 1835, from Bombay. Major and Brevet Lieutenant- ) Colonel A. G. F. J. Young- husband, of the 35th Regi- ment Licht Infantry, on leave for ‘eighteen months—Go- * vernment General Order No. 1280, dated 6th September Ottawa, 19th 1858, | August 1858, Lieutenant FE. L. Clogstoun,*{ from Bombay. of the 34th Regiment Native a Infantry, 2nd in Command 4th Punjaub Irregular Ca- - valry, on leave for three years —Government General Order No. 1280, dated 6th Septem- ber 1558, Brevet Major R. Richardson, of the Ist Reginient Eu- yopean Light Cavalry, on 1 Lancefield, 24th leave to Sea—Govyernment { August 1858. General Order No. 1113, | dated 23rd July 1858," J c I. If Arxinsox, Major, ; Offg. Secy. to the Gort. of India, in the Vily. Dept. £ ' ~ _) ‘ Notification 7 ALIPORE JAIL PRESS™ Tur followme Rules regarding the subr Work by Public Officers to the Alipore having received the sanction of the Govern are promulgated for general information : All Public Officers are hereby re ‘ send their Indents and requisitions for Ty other Public Work requiring to be printed, | Superintendent of Stationery, hy whom | be transmitted to the Jail Prass for exe , by whom they will, when printed, be packet dispatched to the Indenting Officers. 2. No Indents or requisitions of any printing, on the Public Service, are to direct to the Jail. _ 3. As any departure from the plan of prog ing above notified will cause delay and venience, Indenting Officers are particular] quested to see that it is strictly adhered to. r 4. Indenting Officers are informed that all per required for the printing of Public Work be supplied by the Stationery Office. fe: 5.° The Alipore Jail Press is at present to execute all Form Work, and such 1 Reports, Circular Orders, and other publie de ments as do not need fine work. s 6. The earliest possible arrangements will made for the exeeution of fine Book Work. moment they are completed, and the Press undertake them without incurring the risk of d or disappointment, the same will be duly notifi ¥ ; Frep. J. Movat, — " : F 2 we Inspector of Jails, Lower ! Pro ‘i s . Fort Wia1tam, August 12th, 1858. “i , . CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY. — « : “Tk following Sanserit. wid Raghuvansa. oo mar Sumbhava. Bengali. . Life of Raja Krishna,Chunder Roy.s Ramayun. 3 Thngi. > Th e Ramayun. . < — Urdu. . Bagh-o-Bahat and Gul-i-Bakawali. : oe Oorya. ishnu Surma’s Witopodesh. a in each Language will include Ques- rammar and Idiom. [ .18 Easy Sentences in each of the Languages in which the Candidate is examined will be given for translation into the other Language. I.—Hisrory any Gnoanaspny. The Outlines of General History, as contained in the Ist Volume Marshman’s Brief Survey, and the Outlines of Indian History as contained im Murray’s History of India to the end of the year } 1815. A general knowledge of Geography, and a more detailed knowledge of the Geography of India. «LI1.—Marnemarics. Arithmetic and Algebra. The ordinary Rules of Arithmetic. Vulgar and Decimal Fractions. Extraction of the Square Root. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Divi- sion of Algebraical Quantities. Praportion. Simple Equations. GroMETRY. The first three Books*of Euclid with such easy deductions and applications as arise directly out of those books. ; In Branches TI. and III. answers may be given either in English or in any other of the Languages in which the Candidate may elect 10 be examined. By Order of the Vice-Chancellor, H. Scorr Ssnrn, Registrar. Catcurra Unrverstry, The 6th September 1858. Notice. Aw Examination of Candidates for employment and promotion in the Education Department, in accordance with revised Rules dated 20th April 1857, will be held at the Presidency College, com- mencing on Wednesday the 15th instant, at 11 o'clock. eh Appligations, accompanied with the Registration Fee of two Rupees, must be sent to the Office of the Principal of the Presidency College on or before the 14th instant. The upplivation will be made in the following Form. . AT ST PIT ee eS Sega — g S| Soe | SRE FI aI 2 =e oe 2 fo-8 2 g 3 7 a 2 See | 3s ae leg hs a, \f4eh—. | ve | ee gn “an » e nm 3 — i) ; os |{pes 23 Xs € E Ea Sane |e Sey 2 3 a3 25 | #2 | EO) oe 3 | e| es a ee Se a =| 6.2 | ad es\l£o << oO se 2s = = <2.a Ep = Bee | ere "3 a ra) Lol ves ax Beg isd ao) od 8 eh alast, S24 eal | @ o | 8 S25 oro | pre) 2 ze qt 2A 2 Fee ia FI - i) f=} o 8 © Ss Q-a & 2 sat =I See} gS <2 5 a x i) ( i=} ‘oOoW > iS iS) 2 a 4 Se | n S i a og r) H. Wooprow, 3. 4, , Beer of Schools, : Kast Bengal. a) a Forr WiniiaM, » The 6th September 1858. XN + [ Oe Notification. ae requested to communicate with the undersi 1- Bills at par on the Public Treasuries of the under- ed, “post:paid, within one month fo de mentioned Districts may be had on application to James Murpny, the Accountant to the Government of Bengal. :— Bbir a As#et. Commun a Pa Districts. Amounts avaidable on this date. DEnUuIE, Backirvunge 50.000 Ist September 1858. ckurgunge, ... ; Bullooah, pee 505000 eer Jessore, ... 60,000 : Jorehaut, *. 40,000 ° Notice. Rajshahye, ... 50,000 at 4 per cent. premium. (Signed) E. F. Harrison, Certary effects belonging to_the Estate of Jo 0 lect. to the Govt. of Bengal Hamilton, Esquire, of the East India Compa AN adh? of Bengo!.| ay, who died at Benares on the 25th A Bengal Acctt’s. Lake are under the Seal of this Court at Kon The \Oth Sept. 1858. and will be delivered to any one duly antl N. B.—Bills applied for after 2 p.m. will not, to receive them. hil be issued till the following day. A. Ross, 2 m nia Siaiieat Offa. Fudge Notice. Dewanxy ADAWLUT, oa fo : ha ailets ZILLAH GHAZEEPORE, eo Tue Effects belonging to the Estate of tht late The’ Vst “September” -V8B8. Mr. C. P. White are under the Seal of this Gourt, and will be delivered over to any party duly’ quali- fied to take charge of the same. Sherif’s Office, Calcutta, the 8th September 1858 i ss K. Lavrovr, NOTICE is hereby given, that a Segsio Judge. Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, and al Jupcer’s Court, Court of Judicature at Fort William, in Bei The 8th September 1858. for the Town of Caleutta and Facey of r William, and the places subordinate there ‘to . Notice the Court-House in the Town of Caleutta, : Friday, the First day of October next, at 12 o’dl Wefated a Mohatiz for the Rajshahee Collector- |-at noon. ‘ ate, Salary Rs. 35. Hazeerzamin Security. Candi- The Court will open on the first day o dates are to send in their application on or before Sessions at 12 o’clock at noon, and upon ‘ea the 14th proximo, verified by testimonials of | ceeding day precisely at 11 o’clock in the foren character and qualification. Preference will be | of which all persons are required to take noti given to one who reads and writes Bengallee and pa Persian and understands English. ) ; Ti. Dunnas, — KE. A. Russet, ) ; sien ZILLAW RAJSHAHEE, Offg. Collector. ‘ peiaripe s ifiers afas afer > roby ser ata 1 | , The \8th August 1858. : . ATTY CHOSE OTD ~ ar | 91 Owner required for Stolen Cloth ° nba a TRTTE Bewbiagy ope MA Vass ye ° | ay, se A Boat laden with Cloth proceeding Up-Country | ‘¥ : ete Gelb we ; was wrecked and plundered about the 15th August, | AT? SIVTF aeentths CT ASS aT a little distance above Barh. Part of the plunder has been seized on board boats coming déwn-stream | fas Iz CREA, ioe VE CACTS rc by the undersigned. ; a ; he The Owner is requested to apply by letter, giving ee arory STMT YF etqabata such particulars regarding the Cargo as may iden- ee. tify the portion recovered, the value of which is Az? gumscaaib Qa TS TP] ae HP: estimated above 800 Rupees, almost entirely in 4, r | | | Ships. . Str. Bengal. =e OV. ae 2 ly. th ...| 1 Case Unknown, 8 G A in diamond 5 City of Delhi. - ‘ 5 Packages Brass Leaves, CS V Str. Fiery Cross. Br ' 3 “3 ... | 1 Package Pantaloons . Ditto. to 19th ... |. 3 Cases unknown, M in diamond, 5 to 7 Str. Tynemouth. bes; ... | 2 Case ditto, C GC me} Ditto. 0 29th 1 Case ditto, H. B in diamond L 204 ws | Ditto. or, dist aS. 1 Package ditto, no mark _..| Futtle Curreem. any. 11th _ 10 Cases ditto, Captain C. Douglas, B Artillery > ... ) Queen. by. 15th | § Cases ditto ditto : Marlborough. Ditto 17th 1 Box ditto, C R Buckle, Esq., H. M. 8. Assurance Str. Lancetield. Ditto 26th 1 Case ditto, Captain C. Douglas, B? Artillery Marlborough. BDitGO — ,, | 1 Case ditto, Qr. Mr. J. Denton, FS. M.’s 43rd Infantry Ditto. arch 22nd...) 1 Case ditto B in diamond D No. 4 ¥ . British Trident, vil Sth 1 Package ditto, Mr. E. Kemp _.. | Str. Jason. tto 16th 1 Case Baggage, no address > ... | Ditto. fto 24th 1 Case unknown ditto bs asp. Cle May 22nd 1 Package ditto, Tessrs. Middleton & Co. -. | Str. Fiery Cross, % 1 Package ditto, BT vow | Ditto. ~ Ditto 26th 1 Case ditto, © B, W & Co. in diamond re | Thomas Royden. ~ June 10th 2 Packages Gum, GC D, ; | Inkermann. July 9th 1@ Barrels merchandize, G@ R, H M 8 Pelorus Str. Lightning. Ditto ,, 1 Parcel unknown, J Singelton, H M S Pelorus Ditto. ‘Ditto ,, _.. | 1 Small Box unknown, Wm. Powlesland, H MS. Pelorus —.. Ditto. + August 6th .| 1 Box unknown, Mr. E. L. Koch, Medical College ... | Monica. Px City of London. _ Ditto 30th >" | 93 Barrels Iron, no mark | , (Carevrta Custom Hovse, . a The Wth September 1858. ) J. H. Youne, Offy. Collector of Customs. - —~ y a Cowt for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at | ‘< Calcutta. e matter of the Pe-} Oh Friday, the Tenth ¢ Nilmoney Kur, | day of September in- necreetoliah Street, | stant, it was ordered eTown of Calcutta, tliat the hearing §n this ing on business as matter |do staid ad- ader, and Shipper journed until Tuesday, PCountry Produce, an | the 14th day of Sep- solvent. tember instant, and that ‘d bnsolvent do then attend to be examined he said Court. - Insolvent in person. é * ; never endorsed said Notes and es Notes :— ——— 4 the matter of Nowab > Notice, that an » Ali, one, of the des- application for ans au lants of the late Tippoo interim Protection Or- No. 79 «Any Creditor of the, suid. Insolvent desir nf opposing such application must appear before te said Court at the time and place aforesaid. “| ‘t- asolvent in peer = : - Chief Clerk's Office gs September 1858. ; 5 * a ‘ PARTICULARS OF THE Gover 7016 of 10034 of 1832-33 for... Sa. Rs. 5,000. Lost, Stolen or Destroyed. —— Tux wnder-mentioned Government ,Promissory Notes standing in the name of Mrs. Eliza Sheehan, late of Delhi, the proprietress, hy whom they were to any person. Payment of the of Interest thereon has been stop- ped at the Loan Office, and application is about to be made -for the issue of duplicates of the said NMENT SECURITIES. 7865 of 9501 of 1535-36 for:.. Co.’s Rs. 1,000. » lately residing at { der has been this duy | » [07 2 Be eae Bi 4 eG im ths Whe if made by the said In- “5 7366 of 6. a ak a eee ant Biainohs, but. now of solvent, and that such | _» 7907 a 73 i el ees ee Bazar, in the Town of | application will be | 9 bee a i s we ee LA abe tta, an Insolvent. e heard and disposed Of |) 39 ph * nO of kB i. ” ; sie e Acting Commissioner of the Insolvent | |» 2441 of Ve a rans a pine oy om Friday, th? 17th day, of September n- | bal Z sf oe : eek » ean at the hour of 14 o’clock in the fofenoon. | 23 ra e L000. of \ Administrator General. Cc. S. Hose, > « Notice. LOST.—The First Half of Bank of Bengal Note, No. 40,414, for Company’s Rupees 50, payment of which has been stopped at the Bank. LOST.—The First Half of a Bank of Bengal Note, No. 24,248, for 15 Rupees. LOST.—Two Halves of Bank of Bengal Notes, Nos. 09908 and 09936,for Rs. 100each, and one full Note, No. 10051, for Rs. 100, with a Diamond Ring, &c., at Moorshedabad. Whdeever will bring them to me shall receive a reward of Twenty Rupees. Novas Syp Atty AvHOMED Lis Napirr Mirza. . Lest or Stolen, &c. . LOS'T.—First Half of ‘a Bank of Bengal Note, No. 44986, for Co.’s Rs. 100, payment of which has been stopped at the Bank. e LOST.—First Halves of the Bank of Bengal Notes, No. 11659, for Rupees 500, and 53253, for Rupees 100, plundered during their transit by Dak iv the District of Baraset, the payment of which has been stopped at the Bank. Plundered by the Mutineers. Tie upper halves of first two under-mentioned Go- vernment Promissory Notes and lower halves of two others and full Note of the last one as described below have been plundered by the Mutineers on their way down to Caleutta :— ¢ Originally | Last endorsed to. Standing. . r er | | Sookhal Chand | | Nahal Chund. No. 7435 of 6235 of 1912-43. iGoopee Mohun Sen. Rupees 1000. } [ 1810 } No. 4805 of P. W. Loan of! Madhub Chunder | 1854-55. Rupees 1000, Seal, Do. ee ee eee No. 15623 of 1832-33. Sicca | ees} Rupees 1000. 3 Choonee Lal No. 7132 of 4539 of Ditto. Sicca i Foonde Bye. Thowree. Rupees 1000. Ps p, . : | ee ee ee ela _ : ro No, 6393 of 20030 of 1842-43. Rupees 1300. bs Kale epursad. Payment of the above Notes apd of Interest there- upon has been stopped at the Loan Office, and appli- cations are about to be made to Government for the issue of duplicates thereof nfavor of their respective Proprictors. if ,NowBuTRoy aNp JWALANATH. Notice. Losr in TRANsit DURING THE OUTBREAK, Tur Government Promissory Note No, 22, of 1854-55, of the our per Cent Loan, datec June 1854, for Company’s Rupees (1,000) on thousand, standing in the name of Mr, Will Hobson, the Proprietor, (by whom it was endorsed to any other person.) Payment above Note and of Interest thereupon stopped at the Loan Office, and applic about to be made to Government fore a duplicate Note in favor of the Proprietor. J. H. Wacxnr, ‘Deputy C 7 } Notice. ° Merrvr CoLiecrorate, Lhe 28th Angust 1858. Lost my TraNsir DURING THE OUTBREAK, , Tur Government Promissory Note No. of 1854-55, of the Four per Cent Loan, d 30th June 1854, for Company’s Rupees (5 five hundred, standing in the name of William Hobson, the Proprietor, (by whom it wé never endorsed to any other person.) Paymer of the above Note and of Interest thereupon been stopped at the Loan Office, and applicatio is about to be made to Government for the i of a duplicate Note in favor of the Proprietor. J. H. WaLker, Deputy Collector. ‘Notice. id Meerut CoLiectorate, The 28th August 1858. a e Tix ‘interest and. responsibility of Mr. Cu: Hamizron Brown in our Firm ceased on the 3 July last. e With reference to the above, Mr. Cu Epwarv Macteas and Mr. Geroren Tes Warwick have beer admitted Partners from ; date. é 0 r Hamitron, Brown & Co. « MIRZAPORE ; The \st Argjust 1858. r - je Caution. is : ie - Tur Public are cautioned against*negotiating 4 4 per Cent. Government Promissory Note,’ } 6358, of 19886 of 1842-43, dated Ist Fehru 1843, for Company’s Rs. 14,000, believed to ha been stolen from the Delhi Bank in the month May last, and to bear the indorsation of X —_ e f f r resford; late Manager of the Bank. mation tending to the discovery of the will be rewarded. JARDINE, Skinner & Co, 8 is hereby given, that at the General 0 f Shareholders, to be held on the second Larch 1559, after the general business ing, it will be made special for the onsidering the advisability of substi- rds five Directors in lien of nine the VI. Clause of the Deed, and of ig Clause XI. of the said Deed by making it sory on the Directors to elect a new Di- who may be absent from the Board for | successive months, to fill the said Office the next annual election of Directors. der of the Directors, + Wa J. F. Stace, ba) \' 2, yo ;. Secretary. and, 13-2. ee a General Steam Navigation ” Company. tenis hereby given, that at the next Ge- Meeting of Shareholders, to be held at the any’s Office, on Monday, September 13th, Meeting will afterwards be made special, le purpose of considering the advisability of ting the Company under the new Act No. #f 1857, with limited liability, and also for Impose of increasing the Capital*of* the Com- he originally proposed amount of Twenty ~ i {kei 2 of mMOCOAMMDO — s 9 PAorOomm wy san s ss os oc : So S mi SES3e senses 2 a AOHSBMOGSN ra 3 a ll PR, Sa onze en oe ee ee i~ =a ENA DOnDAS a > 2 Senesetdae S Pro = cain be = g S Bane aoe es = 2 Gp 2 ns ‘Ss aA a ES) 5 oa M = ca eg : if Zt q 2 mS we) - ry as F mn LR ee) es st See a OD oan 60 SI * Pir) 3 n x c=) < ss oe » 8 BBs =| roby poe Se 7 Ah ZeT ES od gy PTS ne 6 on BY wig 8-28 S 3 8 =e 0 SAes xn > BF 262,35 4 SOD 3:27 SSH 2» i=) os -o 2H G2 a US fee ee i o as a TNS Soa — a iat y Ons op ee a S Eg GASES ox 2 ES Sn Hl 6 o y 4 oO 2 8 oS 8 = m piers SEO fos 4 a ns 2} ited ore a 226893 32 Sq 3 = Se 2ZSE2SE BSS = S Oost Oo ph sad oS §, WO ROARA545a a Es « SBSeqon | J = “ovOoNwDON | ° QoOw4ASCoN ~ ahd SLSHANS en FI 2h al HOS B| at Nos 4 a SSSSaSS S| SAW sof “| ee ae ey o Con | 4 ot ot Tf Se Ape) Sem: ee ee ; “s 2 Sa aa § ‘3 | Z ie : iS = 4s = es S P| eal © | 5 5= I= e. oe: VAT : a “a | eee ae ato Z eS | A 32° — c pa i=] = NI S Set S 7 = ° 3 5 J ion Be .% Oy ~ Sra: 4 | Os B= n . =) - eoeze, o g NP Ors me oD o Saat Z see ~ rapes “St pay ee ot 3 2 Peolaw wR oO Rh es a aR =H 28 82 3S A MOOSOKRA Oriental Bank Corporation, Ppp. D ist : Hupees as specified in the Deed. F ) o> + y order of the Directors. ; \ 2 s “Sy J. F. Stace, Secy. I. G. 8S. N. Co, ‘ REET GHAUT, } th July 1858. General Steam Navigation Campany. > (Ck is hereby given,-that the Half-yearly Meeting of Shareholders of the above ¥; will be held at the Company’s Office on , the 13th of September, at 38 pe. m., for the Accounts™ and declaring a Divider. of the Directors. . J. F. Srace. Secretary. i 1 % ! Ixcorvoratep sy Roya Cuarrer. . Wirz referenée to Government Notification No. 5, Fort Waliam, Financial Department, 26th Ja- nuary 1854, natifying the intention of Govern- ment to dissolve its connexion with the Govern- ment Agency— . The Oriental Bank Corporation undertake the safe custody ef Government Paper, Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank of Bengal, and other local Stocks, free of all charge. Will draw Interest and Dividends on the same as they fall due, and remit at the current rates of exchange, or pay the same Pecording to instruc- tions, if to be remitted through the Corporation, : Without charge. If to be paid in India, a Comm + sion will be charged of ... \ l-4th per Cent. On returning Government Paper , or Share Certificates out of safe custody, ... 1-4th per Cent. [ 1812 | Z » - . Ss, ik On the purchase of Government | and upwards, not exceeding Rupees 50, by special agreement. ty or other Securities. 1-4th per Cent. Hours of business, 10 days, 10 a. M. to ] P.M. a. M. to 3°95 a Ome On the sale of Government Paper or other Stock, the proceeds of which are to be remitted through the Corporation, ... Without charge. Wa. ANDERSON, Agent. ° ‘ ~ W. S. Frrezwitiiam 27, Tank Square, ; =. Calentta, 22nd July 1858. , Avvertisement of the Soonverbaun € sioner’s Oflicc. 2 Noricx is hereby given under Clause Ist of Ist of the Government Oyders of tember 1853, regarding the Grant of Waste in the Soonderbuns, that the follo p tions have been received for the un OrtentaL Bank CORPORATION ; Caleutta, 29th January 1855. © ’ Commercial Bank of Eudia. Catcurta Brancu. Grants :— = Rates of Exchange on Legdon Joint Stock Bank. Detuiption Estimated ae : No.of Lots er Lanas Area of Land Tiean ign—tl: 0. of Lots. nds. es Beegahs. plican At 6 months’ sight .. L 11% wer Rupee. —_ ee 5 ae 3 y Beret Ls eartery. yt — »» BO days’ 4 os 1 lee 2 116 Jungle 33,000 | Mr. W. Peete 5 -ill » 122 | Ditto.) 48,000 Mr. Tho e The Bank grants Drafts on the Head Office, = Bombay, and on its Branches in Jiondon, Shanghae, é J. Hy Rese Soonderbuns Commnissio and Hongkong. Bills collected at any of the above places at a uniform charge of 4 per Cent. Orrick, ALLIPORE, SoonDERBUN COMMISSIONER'S The 3rd September 1858. The Bank will undertake the purchase or sale of Government Paper, Bank Stock and other Securi- ties, draw Interest and Dividends payable in Cal- é' PIA ee i witta, when due, at a Commission of 1 per Cent. General Post Oflter Notifications. No. 2033. ; OvertaNp Math. . The Overland Mail vid Marseilles and 8 fampton, and the intermediate Ports, Madras, Jon and Aden, per P. and O. Co.’s Steamer C will be closed at this Office, on Wednesd 22nd instant, at 6 P. M. Letters, &e., for Penang, Singapore, Hong and Australia, will be forwarded vid Galle, } No charge made when the proceeds of Sale or amount of Interest or Dividends drawn is remitted ' in the Bank’s Bills. Rates of Interest allowed to Deposits subject to 3, months’ notice of withdrawal, + p. et. per annum ditto ditto ditto 5 - 2 ditto ditto dittt 6 ry hoary Notice may be given when the money is deposit- opportunity. ed, or at any subsequent time ; and it will be ; eT. GaRRert dispensed with in cases when the money is to be 3 * Offa. J Nat YEH : , ° Ig. Deputy P ost-Master © remitted through the Bank. ‘ ‘ i 9. POETS ¥ ‘ CaLcurra, ; General Post Office, . 2 per Cent. per annum on Balancés of Rupees 500 | Zhe 10¢h Sept. 1898. 1 7 ip ¢ Current Accounts kept and Interest allowed at Packets for the receptien of ‘Letters by the following Shins are open at this Office — ne ; af Ar | ee ATite: ) Intendent For what | oie ee ns g | a Touchmeg at ‘ NE Name of Vessel. “ies | Departure. / = ! are = = ee ; \ «4 } .. | .... Akyab and Rangoon ee | ; | | F Str. Baltic .\Mackinon McKenzie .. 20th Sept. 1858 |Moulmein ., Fiery Cross ...Zardine Skinner 14th Ditto Hong-Kong-..|Penang and Singapore | s Fort William, the 2nd August 1858. orth Western Provinces, for commu- No, 1878, dated 2ist ultimo, 4 overnment of the N with reference to lis letter his Department. (Signed) >R STRACHEY, Masor, - ; _ Offg. Seey. to the Govt. of Lndia Copy forwarded to the G nication to the Chief Engineer, to the address of the Seeretary in t v > : J _ (True Copy,) T. MOSS, Ogg. Asst. to the Chief Bagincer; N.W. Provinces - 2 + has * 5 wet + 36 SUPPLEMENT TO THE GOVERNMENT GAUETTR. cr 6 CIRCULAR No. 33 or 1858-59. Cuter Enerxeer’s Orricr, N. W. Provinces. " Agra, the 3rd September 1858. TO THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEERS, Isr AND 2np CIRCLES, AND — ALL THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEERS IN THE NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES. j “4 y GENTLEMEN, I have the honor to annex for your information and guidance, copy of a letter No. 682, of the 25th ultimo, from the Officiating Secretary to the Government ‘of Indfa, Department Public Works; with the Governor General, * Received with letter to the address of the Secretary to Government, North Western athe, od fd Becietaty Provinces, with its annexure* on the subject of aid required from Westen Provinces,’ the ranks of the Army to fill the deficiencies in the Subordinate grades of the Public Works Department. i - 2.—T have to request, that you -will be particular in st in to this Office, each case in which you may apply for the services of Soldiers. I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, ; F Your most obedient servant, J. GLASFURD, Cotoyen, Superintending Engineer, 1st Circle, in Charge of the Chief Engincer’s Office, N. W. Provigcers if ’ (COPIES.) * : No. 682 or 1858. * i= From [7 Capraiy H. YULE, Off. Secy. to the Government of India, With the Governor General, f To r a _ WILLIAM MUIR, Esourrn,’ 9°! + ce Secretary to Government, North Western Provinces. « DATED ALLAHABAD, THE 2570 AUGUST 1838. Prstic Works DErartMent. he Sir, ; ; ed o fe I am directed to forward copy of the hPae received to a Memo., on the 7. subject of aid required from the ranks of the Army to fill the iii deficiencies in the 3 Subordinate’grades of the Publie Works Department. r * 2.—The Officiating Chief Engineer should be instructed to. act on the ond Para, of the Adjutant General's letter, by. making, requisition on Commanding Officers y for the services of men, such as are described therein. The men. should be sub- — jected te examination, but it will not ‘be practicable, it is believed, to insist. on the full amount of qualificatidn laid down in the rules of the Department. Preference should — | . SUPPLEMENT 'TO THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 37 2 be given to men who have been brought up to er for sobriety must be indispensable. 3—Such men shold not at first b : show at first be detached, but kept und ' secutive Officers till they are fit to go alene. ee ee ‘ 4—A further communication will be made when the rells alluded to in the 5th paragraph of Colonel Mayhew’s letter shall be received. ; | pita some trade of construction, and a charac- | I have the honor to be, &e., $: ¥ (Signed) H. YULE, Caprary, at . ‘ Ojfy. Secy. to the Government of India, ' a With the Governor General. 4 No. 724 or 1858. 4 Jaxur. Coroner W. MA¥HEW, . 4 Adjutant General of the Army, ’ To ; ; TILE SECRETARY to tHe GOVERNMENT or INDIA, Military Department, with the Governor General, Allahabad. DALED HEAD QUARTERS ALLAHABAD, THE lira AUGUST 1358. ~ Bir, With reference to your letter No. A411, of the 2ist ultimo, forwarding an Office Memorandum from the Public Works Department, with the Governor General, 432, dated the 12th idem, forwarding copies of documents regarding the want of Overseers in the Department of Public Works, and the necessity for the adoption of he deficiency, Iam directed by the Commander i iess to inform the Right Ion’ble the Governor tion has been given to the proposals of Captain some special measures to remedy t thief to beg you will have the geod sneral that His Excellency’s best atten I. Yule. . A S 2.—The first measure, suigeested, viz., to permit a small number of sober and intelligent men from the ranks of Her Majesty's Regiments in Pegu and Bengal, to be attached to the Pepartinent as Probationary Assistant Overseers, will be duly carried out in the Department of the Adjutant General cf Her Majesty's Forces, who will be requested to instruct Comm unding Officers to comply with the requisitions of Officers f the Department of Public Works in their neighbourhood, for a few men of the kind indicated. —3'The number, of Europeans now with limited, and their presence $0 necessary with the rvice, and to assist in the instruction of the men, who hat Sir Colin Campbell would be very wiwilling to withdraw any present duties, as proposed in Captain Yule’s memorandum. 4.—'Third proposition, viz., that men of Iler Majesty’s Regiments should be itted to the benefit of regular training at the Thomason College, Ilis Excellency iH endeavour to arrange for complying with. . the Corps ofCompany’s Sappers is so Natives at present, both on tield ave for the most part untrained, of them from thei alg — 33 SUPPLEMENT TO THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. bt D Meixigtvies to maott pressing ‘tis ike Officers Commanding the 4th a 23rd Companies Royal Engineers have been directed to send in the rolls of ten men each, for temporary employment’ in the Public Works ; and when these rolls are: received, they will be forwarded to you, in view to. the men being made use of ai thought best. Both these Companies have been many months in India, and the men a ' have had opportunities of gaining experience, which ought to render them of use in the Department. a | ( True Copies,) ; ( Signed) JAS. REBELLO, Asst. to Secretary to Govt., N. W. Provinces. } (‘true Copies,” 3 ‘ T. MOSS, bss Offg. Asst. to the Chief Engineer, N. W. Provinces. es ~_—_—_~ AA CIRCULAR No. 34 or 1858-59. Curer ENGINEER'S Orr ick, N. W. Provinczs. ; Ay gra, the 6th September 1858. — ° TO. THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEERS, Ist AND 2xp CIRCLES, AND All THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEERS, IN THE NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES. e ial GENTLEMEN, I have the honor to annex for your information and guidance, a copy of GO. No. 1948, being an Extract from the Proceedings of the Hon'ble the President of the Council of India in Council, in the Home Department, (Ecelesiastical,) under date the 27th August 1858, determining that the Vestry rooms of a Church shall not be oceupied as a residence by a Chaplain even as a temporary arrangement, except under very special circumstances, to be reported to Government by the Lord Bishop of the Diocese. J have the honor to be, Gentlemen, - Your ‘most obedierft servant, ‘J. GLASFURD, Cotosex, Offy. Chief Engineer, N. W. Provinces. c i ° f, No. 1948. The 21th August 1858. n Extract from the Pr pedis of the Hon ble the Pfesident of the Council of India 1 Council, in the Home Department, (Ecclesiastical, ) under date the 27th August 1858. % Reap 3 ie from the Officiating Secretary to the Sn of India, with the Governor General, in the Public Works -Department, No. 480, dated the 22nd ultimo. é - Rxsonvriox.—A question having arisen reg rarding the ocean “of the V estry rooms of a Church, as a place of residence by the Chaplain, the President in Council - SUPPLAMENT TO THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. 39 + Irs im opinion with the Right Ion’ble the Governor General, that itris very unde- le to permit such a use-of rooms which are a component part of the Church ing, and is pleased accordingly to determine, that the Vestry rooms of a Chureh Hl not be occupied as a residence by a Chaplain even as a temporary arrangement, cept. under very special circumstances, and with the express pormission of the eal Government previously obtained, on a representation of such special circumstances | ough the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, or, in his absence, through the Archdeacon, ho will be expected in forwarding such representations, to favor the Government in each case with his opinion as to the propricty or otherwise of complying’ with the eation, and as to the period for which the indulgence should be granted. - Ordered, that a copy of the foregoing Resolution be communicated to the geveral tras. Local Governments,* to the Foreign and Military Departments, and vay « . + Fy si “4 ae to the Public Works Department at the Presidency, and with the th Western Provinces. ; x Be. erentc. Governor General, and to the Venerable the Archdeacon. Ordered further, that a copy of the Resolution be published in the Calcutta Gazette general information. S (Signed) CECIL BEADON, : Secy. to the Govt. of India. . (True Extract.) : fe. 'T. MOSS, Offy. Asst. to the Chief Engineer, N. W. Provinces, PRINTED AT THE GOVERNMENT PRESS AT ALLAHABAD. nome ae ag @ > t »* f vr b. > rate » sslite al ay. Se - ° ° ° ° i< @ Lal . 7. SF LB) ny ae eh we 5 r i fd ‘ > ? , +P ca, #5 iy or As TS wa! ee ir ow . 4 tn -, GHOS tome' es . Z na ke wake oe ; Pree out % ’ eb lalar . ° e e « . e . e ° ° > Why . € e < € x G f e e is ‘ ~ . f* ‘Avs ~ oP ae e i" ’ Lape f 4 —* ‘4 wy! the Calcutta Gazette, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1858. Hegislative Council of Envia, : Nothing contained in the preceding Section + , shall affeet the mghts of any A ents, of Fae under-tenant in any alluvial India, received the assen? of the Right |jnq alts" “Jand under the provisions of e the Governor General on the 24th Au- ; , Clause 1 Section IV Regula- $ (communicated to the Legislative Coun- tion XI. 1825. It shall be the duty of all Officers. 4th September), and is hereby promul- making settlements of such land, whether the land for general information :— be settled separately or incorporated with the original estate, to ascertain and record all such SeAcr No. XXXI. oF 1858. rights according to the rules prescribed in Regula- . , tion VII. 1822; and to determine whether, any tto make further provision for thie. settlement and what additional rent shall be payable in res- ME ninod by Atluvion in the Presidency of pect of the alluvial land by the person or persous meee oy am nin the Presidency Y | entitled to any under-tenure in the original estate. t William in Bengal. ‘The provisions of the said Regulation, so far as the : same may be applicable, are hereby declared to ergas, for the removal of doubts respecting ; ‘< the course proper to be fll Bae extend to all settlements made under this Act. Tye 4ruH Sepremprer 1558. ue following Act, passed by the Legislative mrbie Every separate settlement of alluvial land in the settlement of land added gat Q — to estates paying Revenue to s heretofore made shall be as t, it is expedient to lay déwn certain Perys at good and effectual for the pur- C Pd > me $ (0) alluvia: = ee es : ant ag be observed in the settlement of such re tata, panes specified in Section I as lands heretofore A the same would have been if It is enacted as follows :— made, ie i h Soul " : : mac ibsequently to the pass- When land added by alluvial accession to made subsequently to the pass ; an estate paying Revenue ‘to Proviso, Renee PE TaD ae Ae Aa that nothing contained in this + he ie gh es Dens Act shall be held to atfect the rights which any assessment, if it be so agreed : : ES. hae: a between the Nevanue autho. | Petson may; have acquired, under a judicial decision = ka “had Wa proprietor or | otherwise. before the passing of this Act. proprietors, the Revenue as- : : W. Moreay, m the alluvial Jand may be added to the . ’ J ; : the original estate ; and in such ease a Clerk of ihe Council. > ement shall be executed {yr the payment aie OBOT RRR eregate amount, and that amount shall 7 a ted in the Collector's rent-roll for the), ~ Tue 4H SepremBer 1858. ama of the original estate. If the pro- ". prietor or proprietors object to |» Tire following Act passed by the Legislative the .. such an atrangement, cr if the | Councilof India, received the assent of the Right ment. , Revenue authorities are of | Monorablethe Governor-General on the 24th August a that a settlement ofthe | 1858 (communicated to the Legislative Council . f=) on the 4th September), -and is hereby promul- ’ opinion, land cannot properly? be mate for the same as the existing settlement of the original gated for general information re, . the alluvial land shall be assessed and. ee ci as a separate estate with a separate jumma, * Act No. XXXII. or 1858. 1 thenceforward berregarded and treated as | 44. Act for bringing the Fort of Tanjore and the ects separate from and independent of ¢ Po sete ee ee gina Ks 1 estate, whether the separate settle- adjacent ah cd =~ er the Laws of the * £resi- le with the proprietor ‘or pa | dency of Fort St. George. . Th 7 “y° = ry mer y zy ie ~ @ be let in farm im copsequence © ‘ Wuereas it is expedient to meal the Fort of the proprietor or proprietors to accept ; : ) of settlement. The separate settlement | preamble. Tanjore and the adjacent worrie =" manent if the setthment of the origi- | tory, which have tapsed to the tate is permanent , East India Company in consequence of the death TT jah of Tanjore, under the general Laws hte Presidency of Fort St. George, and to make provision for the trial and determination of suits, appeals, and proceedings pending m any of the Courts established by the saitl Rajah ; It is enacted | as follows :-— ‘1. From and after the day when this Act shall | L é come into operation, the Jort oii onli ob Fame of Tanjore and atljacent terri- rs a ander the tory shall be subject to the general Laws of the eeneral Jaws which are or Madras Presidency. shall be in force within the ter- fitories subject to the Presidency of Fort St. George. : JI. No Court shall try or determine any case, Civil or Criminal, with respect determine any case to which a final decision may respecting which a fi- have been pronounced before nal decision hasbeen this Act shall come into oper- pronounced by any of ation by any of the Courts es- the Rajah’s Courts tobJished by the said Rajah No Court to try or [ 1814 | or as near thereto as may be. we “yf by the Governor of F re this Act comes Sef ata acai eet pai exercising jurisdiction w ithin | the said Fort of Tanjore and adjacent territory at the time of the passing of | this Act. ; TII. A decision passed by any such Court in , an original Civil suit shall be peeaaene or pte considered as final, if fo appeal apne at “is rite have been or shall be made sidered final, if no agaist it within thirty days appeal is made with- after the decision was passed. in thirty days atter paasing thereof. ‘ TV. All original suits and appeals and all Pendi te proceedings which shall be ending suits, ap- ne Peake UI BIS ARES peals, and proceed- pending in any of the 5 ings to be transierred mentioned in Section IT at the to Courts to be csta- time when this Act shall come blished by Govern- into operation, shall be trans- i ferred to the Courts and Officers to be established and appointed for the administra- tion of Civil and Criminal justice within the said Fort and adjacent territory, according to their respective jurisdictions. V. Appeals from decrees in original suits, and wee oe second appeals* from decrees ‘ Se tye passed in appeal, not pending within thirty daysaf. @t the time when this Act shall ter the decision ap» come into operstion, but pre- pealed against, tobe sented to the Zillah Gourt with- treated, ‘as pending j), thirty days after the passing | appeals. > . : Pr of the decision appealed ayainst, shall be reeeived by such Court, and disposed-of in | the same manner as pending appcals. . VI. The general Laws in foree within the Application of the territories subject to the. Presi- goneral laws to the deney of Fort St. George shail trial of such suits, be apphed and administered by appeals and proceed- the caid Courts and Officers in cs is the trial and determination of such suits, appeals, and proceedings. Provided |-the parties and witnesses shall or shall not such sheet or sheets. The above provis that, if in any Civil case it shall appear that the application of the said Taaws would operate un- justly if applied to the trial and determination thereof, it shall be lawful for the said Courts to try and determine the same according to equity and good conscience, Provided alse that no act committed wthin the said Fort and adjacent terri- tory before /shis Act comes into operation, shall be deemed an offence punishable under the proyi- sions hereof, if at the time of the commission of , executed. Previded, as regards such act the same was not contrary to the I then in force within the said Fort and ad territory. t q VII. Decrees passed by any of the Courts me tioned in Section LI of this 2” Execution of de- may be exeented according” = se ari red the the Law in foree for the mae aa tion of deerees within the tories subject to the Presidency of Port St. Ged VIII. This Act shall come into ' from such day as shall Commencement of “ George in Council, by noti be published in the Government Gazette. — W. Moreax Clerk. of the Cou _a} Tie 4tH SepremBer 1855, Tur following Bill, as settled in Comm the whole Council on the 2Sth August I ordered to be published for general inf and to be re-considered after a month :— A Bill to amend Regulation X. 1829 of Code, for the collection of Stamp Duties. Whernas, by the General Rule laid ¢ the end of Schedule A Preamble. to Regulation X, 1829 Bengal Code, it is ¢ that, if any Deed, Instrument, or Docume fied in that Schedule shall not be contai sheet or piece of paper or other material, suffice that one sheet shall bear the stam ded that the seals or signatures of the parti witnesses be thereupon ; and whereas the said has been productive of inconvenience, and tl reason to believe that many Deeds, Inst and Documents have been executed since the te@ulation came into effect in respect of w said Rule has not been comphi¢cd with; «xpedient to repeal the said Rule, and to {Sr the reéeption in evidence of such D aforesaid ;“It is declared and enacted as fe Part of Schedule A. ls The above Rule Regulation X. 18: 29 by te repealed. repealed, y- ee II. Every Deed, Instrument, or 1 specified in the said Stamp on Deeds which is or shall be contained in more in more than one sh {han one sheet of 4 ; - of paper or other ma’ paper. ’ be deemed to be suf stamped if any one or more of such § pieces of paper or other material shall b requisite stamp or stamps equal im ya requisite stamp whether the signatures or § apply to Deeds, Instruments, and Docume cuted before this Act, as wellas to D ments, and Documents which shall — ments, and Doe Proviso as regards hall be executed after Deeds &e.,to be here- be f January 1. alter executed, Gay) Olmos uf * every sheet or piece other material which shall contam any : beg Deed, Instrument, or Document. shall be wed with a Government Stamp of the value of f one anna. : Tn any case in which a Deed, Instrument, ¢ or Document has been rejected by any Court upon the ground hi that the same was not stamped Veen rejected as within the meaning of the amped. above mentioned Rule, any jured by the decision may, if a plaintiff, e the suit, or, if a defendant, may obtain w of judgment, provided the suit he re- futed, or the application for a review of judg- t be made, within six months Xom the passing hi Act ; and no suit so re-instituted shall be by lapse of time, unless the period allowed for the institution of the suit had elapsed me of the commencement of the previous stitution 0 ytain cases Deeds ec, . 1 Nothing in the last preceding Section Section IIT not to to cases finally more than ago. 2 which a final decision was given more than six years be- fore the passing of this Act. W. Morea, Clerk of the Council. Forcign Department. Fort Willian, the \4th September 1858. b o No. 3136. The remaining portion of the leave of xbsence ed to Mr. O'Riley, Magistrate of Rangoon, in Order dated 6th August, No. 2692, is led from the 2nd idem, the date on which he charge of his duties. . No. 3137. at, has, obtained privilege leave for two from the Ist instant, or such subsequent e may avail himself of it. + | 2 2 ’ No. 3138. md Hadce Hossein, Extra Assistant at Gooj- obtained indulgence leave for one month, 15th October next, or strom such subse- ate as he may avail himself of it. oy . wNo. 3P39. . he leave of absence granted to Liestenant We. ome and Captain D. Scott, of the Pegu ey, in General Order dated the 31st August, 87, is to commence from the 19th idem. s . No, 3440. ave of absence, on urgent private affairs, far ith, from the {Sth August, granted by the oner of Pegu, to Dr.*d. 3. Dickinson, recon of Rangoon, is confirmed. x “At Ceci Brapon, _ Offy. Secretary to Ye Government of India. MT: ba shall extend’ to any case in | ) i aptain 'T. J. 11. Keyes, Assistant Commissioner | [ 1815 J | Financial Departnrent, | —_ | a, | Fort William, the 18th September 1858. | : No. 52. _ Appointment—The Right Hon’ble the Governor | General having resolved to appoint Lieutenant- Colonel Baird Smith, C. B., of the Corps of En- gineers, Bengal Army, to be Master of the Cal- cutta Mint, the Hon’ble the President in Council _ is pleased to netify the appointment. C. I. Lusninegpon, Secretary to the Government of India. 7 Public Works Departnrent. GENERAS—LsTABLISHMENTS. Fort William, the 9th September 1358. 5 No. 108. ) Notification—The following General Order by Tlis Bxcelleney the Commander-in-Chief, 1s re-pub- lished :— & “First Corporal and Acting Serjeant Henry Hamley, attached to the Department of Public Works, is promoted to the rank of Serjeant.” G. | ©. C. CG. dated the Mth August 1858, Page 1205. No. 109. The \Ath September 1838. Appointment.—Captain A. Impey, Ist Class | Executive Engineer, is appointed to officiate as Civil Architect at the Presidency, during the ab- sence, on sick leave, of Lieutenant G. Price, or until further orders. ’ R. Srracury, Jajor, Offg. Secy. to the Govt. of India. ie a a a Owners by the Lieut.-Gobernor of Bengal. —_—_—_— ss No. 32158. Appornraents.— Zhe 4th September 1558.—Assist- ant Overseer Serjeant Pritchard is transferred from the Purneah to the Berhampore Diyision of —Pub- lic Works. / The 9th September 1868.—Pundit Sreesh Chunder PBidyarutna, Provincial Pundit of Moorshedabad, is vested with the powers of a Magistrate in that District. . F Lave OF Ansexce.—Zhe 9th September 1S58.— Moulavy Ahmed Alee, Law Officer of Nuddea, for two months, under Clause 1, Section VII. of the revised Uncovenanted Absentee Rules. September 1858.—B\Boo Bancenauth for four , 2) The Voth Bose, late Sudder Ameen of Ruhgpore, + [ 1816 | months on Medical Certificate, under Clause 2, Section V. of the Uncovenanted Absentee Rules, in extension of the leave granted to him on the 3rd of June last. The Vth September 1858.—Mr. T. C. Trotter, Judge of Behar, for one month under Section XII. of the new revised Absentee Rules, making over charge of his Office to Mr. KE. F. Lautour, the Additional Judge, who will conduct the duties thereof in addition to his own, during Mr. Trot- ter’s absence, or until further orders. A. R. Youne, Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal. Orvers bv the Right Mowble the Gobernor General. No. 1291. a Allahabad, the 1th September 1858. Notification.—The under-mentioned Deputy Col- lectors and Deputy Magistrates are posted as fol- lows :— . Mr. John Walker to Furruckabad. Mr. John Bickers to Meerut. Bes. Mr. George Godfrey Billings is confirmed in his appointment at Allygurh. Mr. Phillip James White, poor. to officiate at Goruck- e e No. 1363. General (Bducational) Department, N. W. P. Leave of Absence—Dr. J. R. Ballantyne for fifteen months, on furlough to Europe, on Medical Certificate, from the date of his embarkation. No. 3575. Appointment.—Mr. Robert Simson to officiate as Magistrate and Collector of Saharunpoor. No. 3580. Allahabad, the Sth September 1838. Nofifications.—The Right Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to vest the followmg Officers with the powers of Assistant Magistrates, tnder Section 20, Regulation IX. of 1507 :-— ns Koonj Beharee Lall, Moonsiff of Jubbulpoor, Moonshee Gopal Chunder Doss, Moonsiff of Sehora. No. 3582. Roy Bukhtawur Sing, Moonsiff of Mopzuffer- nuggur, is vested with the special powers described in Section 2, Regulation IIT. of 1521. e r e No. 3584. Mr. William Young, Assistant Magistrate and Collector of Azimgurh, is vested with the special powers described in Regulations TI. of 182) and } VITL. of 1881, ; = | Secretary’s Office, during Mr. Outram’s absence. | missioner of the 1st Class at Toshungabad, durin No 1413. * General Department. Allahabad, the \0th September 1858. Notification—Mr. T. B. Outram, having tained a Medicial Certificate, is allowed one month’s privilege leave of absence. ‘ Mr. W. H. Lowe, Secretary, Sudder Boar Revenue, will conduct the duties of the Assi - r No. 3600. * Leave of Absence.—Lieutenant James Creighton Wood, Deputy Commissioner of Hoshungab: having submitted a Medical Certificate, is alloy three months’ leave of absence, under the Mi Rules. No. 3602. ’ Appointment,—Captain Charles Baldwin, Assist ant Commissioner and Officiating Deputy Com missioner at Baitool, to officiate as Deputy Coma). the absence, on leave, of Lieutenant Wood, or tilly further orders. ‘s Mr. Henry John McGeorge, Deputy Collecto and Deputy Magistrate, to have charge of th District of Baitool, as a temporary measure. _ By Order of the Right Tlon’ble the Governor General. ; W. Murr, Secy. to Govt.. N. WP c : No. 3577. Judicial Department (Criminal.) Allahabad, the 1th September 1858. a Leave of Alsence.—Captain J. J. Eckford, Co manding Mynpoorie Auxiliary Levy, having obt eda Medical Certificate, is allowed privilege leat of absence from the 1st to the 30th instant. No. 1875. Allahabag, the Sth September 1858. Notification —TKE under-mentioned Deputy 4 [i gistrates and Deputy Collectors in Zillah Band appointed Members of the Local Road and i Fund Committee of that District :— she Mr. J.H.Came. =." Af . Baboo Kunnoo Laul. : Baboo Pearee Mohun. t No. 1302. - Allahabad, the 9th September 1858. Moonshee Sheopershaud, Depety Collector of Jubbulpore, is placed in charge of the Treasury of that District. < toa TT | a wa ae ’ No. 3590. . By Order of the Right Hon’ble the Gove esac James Lean, Judge and | vi General. — . ea TT. B. Ourram, ~ i | Asst. Jecy. to Govt., N. Wt Special Commisjioner of Mirzapore, to be also | Special Commissioner under Acts XTV. and XVIT. A of 1857, in Benares. No. 1248. sy | Public Works Department. Muhabad, the 41h September 1938. —The following Gentlemen are ap- ers of the Local, Road and Ferry ittees of the Allahabad Districts. Impey—Execntive Engineer. ving M. D.— Civil Surgeon. , Supdt. Central Jail, quhar M. p.} Allahabad. ir, PB. Reid Deputy Collector, CW. Kinloch. J do. & Deputy Magistrate. _ W. H. Lows, ? Offy. Asst. Secy. to the Gort. N. W. P. _—- | \ . U Orders by the Mow ble the Presivent | the Council of Lndia in Counil. William, \1th Septembar \S58. , [ 1817 | Fort William, 13th September \S5s. No. 1300 of 1858.—The followi A“ 8. ving paras. of a Military letter from the Ion’ble — Court of Directors to the Government of India, No. 195, are published for general information :— 1. We have permitted the wnder-mentioned Officers to return to their duty, viz. :— F. V. R. Jervis. Edward Thompson. ° M. F. Evatt. C. Crossman. T. If. Chamberlain. » sD. Compton. Lieutenant 1. Davidson. i R. de Bourbel. Surgeon George Harper. r H.W. Fytler. Assistant Surgeon J.T. Tierney. Veterinary Surgeon T. P. Page. 2. Captain H. B. Impey has been permitted to Captain > 2 ey . : x re oe . A avail himself of the remaining portion of his > original Furlough. 3. The under-mentioned Officers have been. of 1858.—The Hon'ble the President | nel of India in Council is pleased to To sp LrnutTeNants. gions to be dated 21st June 1855, Regiment European Light Cavalry. Charles John Prinsep, late of the Sth Light Cavalry. and Regiment Luropean Light Cuvalry. met John Robert Glover Sweeny. brd Regiment Huropean Light Cavalry. met Robert Collinson D’Esterre Spottiswoode. 5 . he following promotions, to fill existing va- | . granted extensions of leave for the periods specified, ie ot , Colonel James Matthie, till 20th October. Captain B. M. Loveday, 4 Months. Lieutenant H. M. Smith, 6 bP be) ”» JoP) Turton, + W. R. Boyd, } + ©5,\ George Rae, ~ Asst. Surg. Thos. Aitchison, 4, lieutenant A. T. Taylor, Artillery, has been. aced on the Retired List : his vacancy takes Surgeon H. A. Bruce, M. Ds 6 ” 33 E._D. Silver. J pl 19th November 1856, effect from the _ h Regiment Luropean Light Cavalry. met Donald Christian Strachan Lindsay wie, 2 _ . ’ 1299 of 1858.—The following Orders, issved Commissioner, Punja), and published & Punjal Gazette No. 51, of the 2sth August are confirmed :— Lahore, 28th August 1858. Ey. 58.— The under-mentioned, Officers having ed at the Chief Commissioner’s disposal ‘Major General Commanc ore Divisions, are appointed to do duty Escort proceeding to Kurrachee M. BR. Somerville, to command the Detac 200 Rs., two hilndrea, per mensem W ved. H. Nangle, Her Ma- 8 15th Foot st isney, 2nd pokielinind ajesty’s 24th Foot ... Mth Regiment Sikh Irregular Cavalry. u Transfer. —Sowar Sham Sing from th Jhelum Division, as Duffadar. » pay of Rs. 100, on 4 4 ’ } with ty late Gist Native 4 hment on a Staff | hile To do duty on Staff | hundred, each per _men- sem, while so employed. z é Mounted Mort. William, 14th September 1855. No. 1801 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Offi- cer, having completed three years’ service as Major , and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel, is promoted to the rank of Colonel in the Army, from the date speci- fied under the operation of Government General Order, Nos. 1275 of 1855 and $25 of 1857 :— BREVET. > To be Colonel om the Army. ling the Sirhind | Bravet Lieutenant Colonel John? 7944, July 1858. Liddell, of the Bombay Infantry J BS) —_—_ . Wy... TSOe-. FF j858.—The under-mentioned Gentleman is admitted into the Service in confor- mity with his appointment by the Hon’ble the Court of Directors, as 2 Cadet of Infantry on this istablishment, and promoted to the rank of En- sien from the date assigned to him in Government General Order No. 1226 of 1S58:— e . Date of Aviival at Fort Willian, . s Infantry. Mr. Edward Andrew Phillips... Sept. 1855, 5 . 1818 | No. 1303 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Orders, sanctioned by the Chief Commissioner, Punjaub, during October last, are confirmed :— Dated 20th October 1857.—Ordering the forma- tion of the 2nd Sikh Irregular Cavalry, and appoint- ing Captain Hockin, 17th Irregular Cavalry, to Command. Dated the 80th October 1857.—Promoting Sowar Mahomed Zuman Khan, of the 1st Punjaub Ir- regular Cavalry, to the rank of Buffadar, for conspicuous gallantry in the action at Boolund- shuhur on the 28th September 1857. No. 1304 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Offi- cers are permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of absence, on Sick Certificate :— Unposted Ensign Charles Han- For fifteen dyside, of Infantry, doing ( months, under duty with Her Majegty’s( the new Regu- 13th Light Infantry lations. Captain Angelo Edward Os-) For three years, born, of the 45th Regiment onder ethe old Native Infantry ...) Regulations. Assistant Surgeon Edward For * fifteen Courtenay Thorp, M. D., of (months, — under the Medical Department, ( the new Regula- Civil, Hooghly tions. No. 1305 of 1858.—The following paras. of a Military letter from the Hon’ble the Courteof Di- rectors, to the Government of India No. 191, of the 28th July 1858, are published for general infor- mation :— We have appomted Mr. Alexander Robertson Huéton, the son of Captain Hutton, of the Bengal Invalids, and now serving as a Volunteer in Ro- hileund, a Cadet of Infantry on the Bengal Estab- lishment, subject to the usual conditions, and to his being found qualified agreeably to the pre- scribed test. 2. Mr. Hutton’s order of rank will be trans- mitted in due course. Vo. 1806 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the President | of the Council of India, in Council, with the con- currence of the Right Hon’ble the Governor General of India, is pleased to permit the several Regiments in the service of the East India Com- pany, which were employed with the recent Expe- dition to Persia to wear on their colors «standards and appointments the word “ Persia.”, Those Regiments which were present at the actions of © Reshire”’ and “ Khoosab,” witl bear those names in addition to the word “ Persia.” " F. D. Arxinsox, JMajor, Offg. Secy. to the (rovt, of Indie, it the Mily. Dept. FROM THE GAZETTE—GOVERNOR GENERAL’S CAMP. ” ALLAWABAD, SEPTEMBER 7, 1858. ° Notifications, Appointments, Xr. — gh No, 3120. Foreign Department, Allahabad, the Ath September 18)8. Moulvie Abdool Uukeem, Extra-Assistant in - Oudh, has obfafaed one month’s indulgence leave from the date d. his availing himslf of the same. k° Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. ' q No. 3130. % Allahabad, the 6th September 1858, > Lieutenant H. V. Matthias, 2nd in Commi, of the Rewah Levies, has obtained leave for fi days, on private affairs, from the 1st instant. — G. F. Epmoystoxg, Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Govr. Ge Al « No. 66, a 7 Publie Works Department.—Publie, Allahabad, the 3rd September 1858. Notiricatrons.—Lieutenant I. E. Whish Native Infantry, Irrigation Department — Western Provinces, is promoted to the gr Assistant Engineer of the First Class, with from the 28th April 1858. No. 67. Sy Lieutenant G. A. Craster, of Engineers, Executive Engineer at Lucknow, in place of tenant G. E. Watson. f Lieutenant Watson will proceed to Calet out delay, and report himself to the Offici cretary in this Department at the Presidency By order of the Right Hon’ble the Gove Genéral, ; ‘ ° H. Yur, Captain, Offg. Secy. to the Gort. of India, P with the Governor Genera SS — ” Military Department, By Allahabad, the 3rd Septémber 1858. _ No. 390 of 1858.—The services of L C. ¥. Sharpe, 72nd Native Infantry, are the disposal of the Foreign Department w Governor General, for employment in the 0 Military Police. r vr . s a 12 w R. J. WH. Breen, Colonel, ° with the Governor 6 t sl * f a ad ALLAUABAD, SePreMBER 10, 1858. ‘ et Ne. #133. Las! Foreign Department, Allahabad, the {lh September 1858. — ae The Right Howble the Governor Ge pleased to order that the following words be ac “4 ¢ the General Orders, Governor General, Nos. and 1051, dated the 11th May last, publish- Resolutions of the Houses of Parliament :— nthe 4th Clause of Para IV. of each of the yeneral Orders, after the words “ to the Offi- f the Royal Navy and the Officers of the Marines” add “ and also of the Indian Ww No. 3157. Allahabad, the 9th September 1858. fhe Right Hon’ble the Governor General is ased to appoint Assistant Surges _H. J. Rogers, jesty’s 70th Regiment, to ‘the Medical e of the Civil Station at Jhelum. No. 3159. the Governor General has been pleased to ap- y Lieutenant J. 1H. Worsley, 71st Native In- , tobe a District Adjutant in the Oudh Police. nant Worsley joined his appointment on 2th August. b . ‘ t No, 3160. eutenant C. F. Chamberlain, 26th Bombay ive Infantry, and Lieutenant B. H. Smith, h Native Infantry, appointed to the Oudh Police in General Order 24th July, join- respective aypointments, the former on” (th August, and the latter on the 29th ou t, ¥ 2 G. I. Epmonstonn, + Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the,Govr. Gent. Military Department, a Allahatxd, the 9th September 1858. 91 of 1858.—The Right Hoii’We the *Go- ar General is pleased to make the following notions and appointments :— Divisional Staff. tain T. Wright, 46th Native Infantry, Assistant Adjutant-General of Division, an Assistant Adjutant-General of Division, @eroom of Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel R. S. , promoted to a Regimental Majority. t-Major T. F. Wilson, 13th Native In- y,to be a Deputy Assistant Adjutant-Ge- > of Division, rice Captain T. Wright, ap- an Assistant Adsutaiit-General of Divi- ey . L . 1, 392 of 1258.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- r General is pleased to admit Unjore Tewa- tly a Sepoy in the Ist Regiment Native and now a Subadar, doing duty with Military Police, to the Ist Class of of British India,” with the title of ndered to the State. s he . * | one hundred dead bodies, among which that of [ 819 | No. 393 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to direct the publica- tion in the Gazette of the subjoined Report from Captain Dennehy, Commanding Allahabad Divi- sion Military Police, of his operations against a body of rebels in Pergunnah Bara on the 27th ultimo. The Governor General highly commends the gallantry evinced by Captain Dennehy, his Offi- cers and Men of the Allahabad Military Police, in this successful affair :— To E. C. Baytey, Esq., Offy. Commissioner, Allahabad. Camp Ghadamow, 28th August 1858. SIR, I wave the honor to report, that on the night of the 26th instant, I marched with the force detailed in the margin, from Bara to Ghadamow, a village in the Pergun- nah of Bara, about nine ‘miles to the South-West, to which the rebel force under Punjaub — Sing, x AutamaBap Mity. Pontcr. » Cavalry. 6 Native Officers. 12 Duffadars. G Naib Duffadars. 1 Trumpetex. 155 Troopers. . svat eee which had been plunder- Native cers. + . Yay 12*Havildars. ing a number of villages all round the tehseel of Bara, had retreated on my arrival at that place. gle ? 1 Bugler. 163 Rank and File. On coming close to Ghadamow, shortly, after day-light on the 27th, I found that the rebels to the number of 1000 or 1200 matchlockmen, a few old Sepoys, and 90 or 100 Cavalry, had taken up their position in the village itself, and in some topes of trees in its immediate neighbourhood. I directed Lieutenant and Adjutant Shaw to advance straight on the village with the Infantry, throwing out one-half his men as skirmishers, and keeping the remainder as a support, while I kept with the Cavalry towards the more open country to the left, where a large body of the rebels were posted in some thinly planted topes of trees. Lieutenant Shaw was to dislodge the enemy from the village, 2nd if possible, drive them towards the oper country. And this he did with great gallantry ; advancing at the double as the rebels opened fire*upon him, he succeeded in driving them before him shrough the village, anda large tope behind, killing seven and wounding several more. Yn the mean,time, the rebels in my front had, as I advanced, retreated from the trees which had hitherto sheltered them; andynow having the whole of-them fairly in the open, 1 gave the Ca- valry orders to charge. We cut our way completely through the rebels, and dispersed them in every direction, following them up for more than four miles ; and on our turn we saw lying about in the fields more than . Sirdar Punjaub Sing, the leader of the rebels, is said to be recognised. Altogether their tos$_must have been very considerable. The whole of the ahadoor,” for his loyalty and good |, baggage, and the baggage camels which they had with them, fell into our hands, as also a large number of eattle, most probably \lundered from the villagers of this Pergunnah, miny of whom are coming in to recognise their property. ————————————— \- 1820" | The loss on our side was one Trooper killed two Native Officers of Cavalry, five Troopers, and fourteen Horses wounded. I would earne.t'y beg you to bring particularly to the notice of the Right Hon’ble the Governor | General, the conduct and gallantry of the Native Officers and Men of the 9th, 17th, and Seikh ‘Troops of the Allahabad Military Police, who were with me on this occasion, the first en which they have been. engaged with the enemy in the field. I have the honor to forward the depositions of some of the men, who swear to recognising the body of Punjaub Sing, as also a number of papers found in his baggage. I have, &e., (Signed) F. Dinnuny, Captain, Comdg, Allahabad Division, Mily. Police. R. J. H. Bren, Major General, + Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily, Dept., with the Govr. Genl. Wate (trata on. ALIPORE JAIL PRESS, CALCUTTA UNIVERSITY. THE iliowine alterations in the Regulatéons for the Entrance base Deeree Ei xaniitation have, with the sanction of Gov einen been made by the Senate, and are to take effect from the 6th Sep- tember 1558 :— as ¢ Entrance Examination. 1. That in Regulation 1, page 5, the word “ December” be ganetieuued for the w one. “ March ‘i but this alteration is not te take effect until December 1859. 52. That ipZreoulation 6, page 9, the word “and the papers in languages shall conta questions to be asked and answered and sentene to be read and explained orally” be omitted, 3. That in Regulation 7, page 10, hea II., the words “ the first valine of ” We insert after the words “ as contained in ;’ and before 1 words “ Marshman’s Brief Survey ;” that words “ or other similar works” twice occu | be struck out ; and that after the words “ Histo | of India,” the wards “ to the end of the 1815” be inserted. : 4. "Phatin Regulation 7, page 10, heading TI1., after the word “ Euclid” the words “wi such easy deductions and applications as_ arise | directly out of those books” be inserted ; and thal | all the words from “Mechanics” to « centre gravity,” both inclusive, be struck out. * oa Tim following Rules regarding the submission of | Work by Public Officers to the Alipore Jail Press having received the sanction of the Government, are promulgated for general information :— All Public Officers are hereby requested to send their Indents and requisitions for [orms and other Public Work requiring to be printed, to the Superintendent of Stationery, by whom they will be transmitted to the Jail Press for execution, and hy whom they will, when printed, be packed and dispatched to the Indenting Officers. 2. No Indents or requisitions of any kind for punting, on the Publie Service, are to be sent direct to the Jaul. 3. As any departure from the plan of proceed- ing above notified will cause délay ‘and incon- venience, Indenting Officers are particulerly re- See to see that it is strictly adhered to., © Indenting Officers are informed that all Pa- per ee for the printing of Public Work will be supplied by the Stationery Office? é 5. The Alipore- Jail Press is at present prepared to execute all Form Work, and such Returns, Reports, Cireular Orders, and other public docu- ments asdo not need fine work. 6. The earliest possible arrangements will ise fade for the execution of fine Book W. ork, The moment they are eompleted, and the Press can undertake them without imeyrring the risk of delay or disappointment, the same will be duly notified. . ° . “ Frep. J. Movat, ° Inspector of Fails, Lowei* Provinces. . Ua Forr et se August 12th, 1858. 5. Thatin Regulation 7, pages 10 and 1 Na theading IV., allthe words “from “IV. History,” to “other similar works,” both sive, be struck out. 5. That in Regulation 7, page 11, the TL” and “HT , “and? be inserted between and that the words “ and IV.” be struck out. - B. A. Examination. , 7. That in Regulation 1, page 11, the wom « January” be substituted for the word “ April” but this alteratfon is not to take effect unt January 1860. : By order of the Vi ice Chancellor’ H. Scorr Suita, Carcut TAs Registrar The 6th September 1858. ar r AMENDED COURSE ror rar ENTRAN EXAMINATION ‘ro Be weLp ty Maren 1858 I .—-LANGUAGES. Ld ¢ Fneplish. a, “Goldsmith... ... Vicar of Wakefield. Jobnson .... +. Vanity of Human Wis Parnell . The Hermit. ’ r Greek. ao Tlomer’s Iliad, Bogks,1, 2, 3. : Xenophon, Cyropadia, Book® 1 and 2. 7 Latin. Horace, Odes, Book 3, Sallust, Jugurtha. Hebrew. Book of Genesis.. ¢ ) ‘ [ 2B.) a da | : : Arabic, the articles of trade such as are conducive to the lif Laila. necessities and conveniences of life, yet that no Nafhat al Yaman. , regular system exists whereby this produce can be ee made generally available to the western and more oe civilized portion of the Empire. ilistan. ae ae F Ss 4 _It is likewise apparent that although the inha- Bo Well. bitants of this Frontier are by no means poor, yet ¥, Sansertt. they have not been introduced to the full ad- Sei eaiisn: vantages to be derived from extensive importations of foreign manufactures. Kumar Sembhava. ; The causes of this stagnation of traffic appear ; Bengali. to me to be the want of roads and consequently of Life of Raja Krighna Gin darts wagned conveyances and the continued inclemency ee: wet of the seasons for the greater portion of the year . he 2 » | which makes all communication both by land and Lindi. water extremely difficult. he Ramayun. As great natural as well as financial difficulties ‘vk. exist debarring for the present, all thoughts of the construction of good roads, and as the river naviga- eh-o-Bahar and Gul-i-Bakawali. tion will be always affected hy the seasons until oe a trade has been created sufliciently remunerative = Je | for thg occupation of steamers and vessels, proof shnu Surma’s Hitopodesh. against the storms and strong currents which pre- vail during the rains, it remains to provide a channel for traffic as little affected a& possible by the difficul- ties with which it is at certain times surrounded. From the month of November to that of February, the weather is cold and bracing, fair and @ Papers in each Lanenage wall include Ques- Grammar and Idiom. eee + A sy Sentences in cach of the Langnayes in . the Candidate is exumined will be given for 4 ‘ oy © « vey . i? . tion into the other Language. calm. *The plains are hard and traversable, the hills, ~TL—WHisrory axp Grocraviy. valleys, marshes and jungles are free from mias- ~ matie influences. The river is low enough to be Outlines of General History, as contained | deprived of strong ewrents and deep enough to ist Volume Marshman’s Brief Survey, and admit of navigation by boats of moderate tonnage. ines of India? History as contained in | This appears to be the season when the traders of ’s History of India to the end of the year | the different Districts and States should assemble = at some central position and reciprocate produce. : It is necessary, I think, only to appoint a date and a neral knowledge of Geography, and a more H se ae - oe ar PI wane ms hl; 7, Mei oe oF the Geooraphe of Indit place of rendevouz m order to secure the establish- ad Knowledge of the Geography idia. i ‘iadenli iuadeaacedl aelies q ment of a periodical trade which will connect t TI1.—Marnemartres, Burma with Dacea, and Assam with the Hills of : = Tipperah. hmetie and Algebra. Pl 3 : ; . ‘dinary Rules of Arithmetic For this purpose, in consultation with Mr. Allen, ee Darina Practiois.... Member of the Board of Revenue, on deputation at Maction of the Square Root “ Cherrapoonjee, it has been determined that an dition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Divi- annual Fair or Mela be held at Silchar, the Sudder eiaical’ Onartities ; Station of Cachar, and that the inhabitants of the Algebraical Quantities. , . sorted fake Dhiktits aie techies Sakae ie Bei. oe : neighbouring-Districts to the West as well as those le Equations ae of Assam to the North be invited to attend, bring- c . ‘ ine for sale and barter the produce of their respec- tive countries, and that to meet these it be imti- mated to, the mhabitants of Cachar, North, South and proper to those of Munipoor and Kubboo to the inhabitants of the Kutcha Angamienavah, and Lhooshai countries through the proper authorities, that’a Mart has been opened where they may net only dispose of their native produce, but receive in > : return that and the manufactures of Foreign _ By Order of the Veve-Chancellor,s countries. * P, GromeETRy. first three Beoks of Euclid with such easy ns antl applications as arise wlirectly out of KS. ne anches IT. and III. answers may be given English or in any other of the Languages the Candidate may elect to be examined. september 1858. hegistrar, | days is fixed from the 30th December to the 3rd January 1558-59 inclusive, correspouding with 16th to 20th Pows 1265 B.S. +. . . Viva Universrry, i H. Score Sauru, The date of the Mela which will last for five 2 ~ > P) Zillah Cachar. Ordered, that copies of this Proceeding, together 7 9 with the accompanying advertisement relating to Macs : : } The ith August 1858. it and recounting the artigles most likely so he re proffered and demanded at the Mela, be sent in Enelish and Vernaculars to the authorities of the * iG @ Seven years’ residence on this Frontier | province of* Assam, and the Zillah of Dacea, Fur- requentiy struck me that although Cachar reedpoor, Mymensing, Tipperah and \wihet, likewise rounding Districts and States ave most | ¢o Major McCulloch, Political Agent\in Munipoor, themselves, and productive of many of fsx communication to the Governments of Muni- 1 xcs ov Lizvr. R. Srewanrr, Of. Supdl. poor and Kubboo, and that these gentlemen be | solicited to give the widest circulation and publi- city in their power to the advertisement. Ordered, that the above Proceeding be commu- nicated through emmissaries to the different tribes of Nagahs, Kookies, Cassyahs, Meekirs, Cacharies, | Angamies, Kacha Nagahs and Looshais in and about Cachar. Ordered that the above Proceeding and adver- tisement be sent to the Culeutta Gazette for pub- lication. Ordered that copies of the above Proceeding and advertisement be sent to all knqwn and_respec- table Individuals, Merchants, Traders, Landholders and Planters on the Frontier, with the request that they will give publicity to, and aid the undertaking. R, STEWART, Offg. Supdt. ADVERTISEMENT. Notice is hereby given, that on the 30th'and 31st of December 1858, and the Ist, 2nd and 3rd of January 1859, a great Mela will be held at goilchar or Doodpatly, in the Zillah*of Cachar, to which all the Merchants, Traders and Inhabitants o Dacca, Furreedpoor, Mymensing, Tipperah, Sylhet, Cheerapoonjee, Assam, and Cachar will be ifvited, and to which the people of the Independant States of Munipore and Kubboo in Burma will also be summorfed together with those of the surrounding tribes of Cassyahs, Meekirs, Kookies, Nagas, Khatharies, Kacha Nagas, Angamies and Lhooshais,” bringing with them the produce and manufactures of their own and foreign countries. e A list is hereto appended, showing the articles of commerce most likely to be proffered and demanded at this Mela, but there are many others besides which will form objects of trade. The chief approaches to Silchar from the West are the rivers Surma or Burrack and the Koosia- rah, these are navigable throughout the season to boats of 500 maunds; there is a road through the hills to Assam on the North ; and one to Munipore on the East. No taxes or Bazar dues will be levied on any articles sold at the Mela, and sheds will be erected for the convenience of the Shop-keepers. . The Mela will last for five days, and during its continuance, prizes will be offered by Publie Sub- scription to the winners in boat, Elephant, Horse and Foot Races as well as for other Athletic games and exercises among which may be mentioned the Mu- niporee, Kangjai or Hockey upon horse back. , Articles likely to be proffered by the West and de-" manted by the Kast at the Cachar Mela. Almonds. , Inkstarids. Atpacea. Tyory. Axes. Tron, in great quantities. Adres. , Jute. _ Almirahs. Knives. . Armicts! , * Kharoos. Anklets. Kubbuj. ; Amber. Lanterns. ¢« Blankets. Looking Glasses. - Broad Cloth? fm great Lime. quantities. : Merinos. [S822 |] Banyans. Boots. Bill Books. Books, English. Books, Bengalee. Books, Urdu. rass. Brass Ornaments. Brass Wire, in great quantities. Brass Chains. Buttons. Basket work. Bracelets. Bolak. "Bark. Beads, Cornelian. Beads, Agate. Beads, Glass. Beads, Coral. Beads, Amber. Beads, Wooden. Beads, Shell. Camphor. Cotton Cloths. Chintzes. Cambric. Chadets. Jarpets. Colored Cotton Cloths, in great quantities. Colored Cotton Handkér- chiefs, in great quanti- ties. Cords. Country Saddles. Carpenters’ Tools. Clocks. Copmer. Coal. Cooking Pots. Corkscrews. ° Chests. Chains. Chairs. Chikol. Chillumchees. Cowries. : Castor Oly ©, Cocoanut Oil. Dall, Urhur. Dall, Moone. Dall, Boot. Dall, Khessaryr. Dall, Moosoory.*” Dall, Motur. ' Wacea, Muslin. Dacea Soap. "Dacea Cheese. F: Drugs. + Desks. English Muslin, in greag * quantities. Elephant Guddies. farring’s, Fiddles. id Flannel. Framed Pictures. Garters. € Ganzee Frock Cotton, in great quantity. Ganzee Woollen. Gauze. Musk. : Meerdungs. is Necklace. “tg Neckeloths. Night Caps. Onions. Oranges. Pepper. Potatoes. iti Pugeries, “4 Porcelain. Pickaxes. Plgying Cards, Paper. Porcupine Caps. Pettaras. ii Pasha. if Quinine. Quills. Refined Sugar. Red Lead. Ruggs. Razais. : Ribbons. - Ropes. ¥ Rang. i Rose Water. © Rings, Gold, Silvera Brass. “i Spectacles. Salt, in great quantit Silk. tl Satins. ‘ Shawls. *heetings. f Shirtings. Sutrunjies. Scull Caps. Stockings. ‘ Sola Topelahs. Silk Hankerchiefs. Sheep. Soda Water. Scissors. ‘ Shoes in great varieti Smiths’ Tools. Shamans. Spoons. Shot. Y Steel Pens. f Shelves. be Shells. Sonks. a Scented Soap. Smelling Salts. Snuff. Sulphur. Sutrung. Tweeds. Towels. Tape. Tin. Tanpoor. Tin Boxes. Tables. 6 Teapoys. Tobaéeo, manuti Toys. Utter. Utterdans. Umbrellas, C Velvet. Vinegar. oe lat [ 18 Wearing Apparel, new. Wearing a Appar el, second. he and. Wall Shades. Wooden Boxes, of differ- ent kinds. Wooden Utensils. Watches. Wadding. kahs, Brass. ih, Bidry. wkah Stands. ticles likely to be proffered by the East and de- manied ly the West at the Cachar Mela. mboos in great quan- Munipoi Shawls. Muniporee Curtain. Muniporee Rugs. Muniporee Shoes made es, from Munipore id Burma. aloe’s Horns. of Cloth. eetles’ Wings. Null. on Raw, in large Otter Skin. Paddy in large quanti- ties. manufactured by Ponies, Burmah and different tribes, Muniporee. of various kinds and Pigs, of the China spe- cles. Peacocks. Peacocks’ Feathers. : Parrots. eetul Patty Rattan. Rice in large quantities. ats, Raw Suear. ill Minerals. Sessamum. y Sticks and Ball. Sunpat. Silk. Singing Birds. Specimens of wild Ani- mals for a Menagerie. Tea. Tea Seeds. Timbers, “in abundance and great varieties. Thatching Grass, in large quantities. Wax, in large quantities. . seed. stard Seed, in large ntities. . Well Salt, in large quantities. Warlike Weapons for a museum. R. Stewart, Offg. Supdt. By Municipal Commissiorers’ Notice. NS accordance with the Provisions of Section E. + 25 of 1856, notice is hereby given, that an ay, the Ist of October 1858, proxims, and fol- a s at noon, the Municipal Commissioners t at the Free Masons’ Hall, Cossitollah, to into consideration complaints against assess- s on buildings now for the first time assessed. ; al Notice of “such new assessment having heen d on the owners or occupiers of the Premises. ies interested will be required to attend. Rost. D. TPrrnBvtt, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. ~ Catevrra, le lth Sept. 1838.. 6 rer of the Board of Municipal Commission- | 25 REPORT showing the smallest depth of water in the Bhaugiruttee, Jellinghee and Matabangah Rivers, also their rise and fall from 31st August to 6th Sept. 1858, _ Name of River. 3 = | Rise. Lee Fall ae : Bal B iy | | | | —, F | Ins. |. Is. |F. Ts\F\ Ins.\F. Ins. At its entrance ,.../33) 6 | 0) 33 |22} ¢|}00;0 0 0! 0; 0 0 baugh. es ia ; From Sadduck- | baugh to Ber- + |28} g:| 0) 4 |31)\212] 09) 83} 3)10% hampore " ) From> Berham- ) loa! pore to Cutwa § | 26 0 ° 0} % 0 | 0 | 0 0 And from Cutwa | | to Nuddea v= t 6 0, a0 0} Oo, 0) 0.0 Jellinghee River. > At its entrance on 9 % 2 |23'93) o| 0 0) 3 From thence to ‘ Bangemarree if ee: "| OEY Bt a From Bansemar- ies | i ree to Teeah-$|138} 6 | 9 0} 0,0 of 0) 0 0 kattah ho en 5 *) From Tecahkat- | tah to Sona-${18| 9; 00;,9 0} 0) 0/00 tullah | And from ores tullah to Mois- $|19) 09 | 0 0/0 0 0) 0/0 0 gunge Matabangah River. At its entrance .../28 0 | 0, 0 (3043) O| 53) 2) 5% From thence to) |5 Neel 7, Haut Boleah .. 1 bas pp ie * 0 Ole 0')O)20 From Haut Bo- ; leah to Kat-$120 0/00/00 0; 0/00 chikattah From Katchikat- tah ta Kishen- $|20 6 | 0 0/0 0] 0} 0/0] 0 gunge | | ae “from - ol a | shengunge to 0100/0 0 0} 0) 00 Seebpore ... )| | | “Height of water on gauge at Berhampore, on the the 6th September 1858-28 Feet 45 Inches. H. T. Fornes, Capt. Supdt. Nuddeah Rivers. Ne a BeRwamporn, The 10th Se ptember 1858. Sheriffs Office, Caleutta, the Sth September 1858. NOTICE is hereby -given, that a-Sessions of Oyer and Terminer and Ges Delivery, and also an Admiralty Sessions, will be holden by the Supreme” Court of Judicature at Fort William, in, Bengal, for the Town of Caleutta and \Ractory of Fort | William, and the places suborcinate there to, at [ the Court-Flouse in the Town of Caleutta, on | Friday, the First day of October next, at 12 o’clock at noon. The Court will open on the first day of the Sessions at 12 o’clock at noon, and upon each suc- ceeding day precisely at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, of which all persons are required to take notice. H. Dennas, Sheriff. nfs aifer > Cibaa ober WA 1 waoly Ken Teese a ststthy > MSCbIag eb That aetA ES ete- 1824 é / Ga way sfastoty “ie WScacag | | cowry Paul, of Simlah, aq Sete weerttis AST Sly OR fire ve eta HI. BEcaOTE SCAT Ae story ATS ACA acaba CATT age aumlstaas AXts Tel ALE APH are aie fife ar as Gite arte fifea sfarwa 1 sary asst aes wre Stats cen feet HF elecay WATT S- ain og 2th feet astica ety wary thers 4 fag FECT AA TA I Il. Dunpas, Sheriff. In the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William bu Bengal, r Ix Egurty. 3 William Richard Lacker- steen, . PETES Robert Mosely Thomas and John Gray, Executows of the last Wall and Testa- ment of John Spence, de- | ceased. Fs Pursvant to a Decretal Order of the Supreme Court of Judicature, at Fort William in Bengal, | made in this Cause on avid bearing date the fif. teenth day of April, One thousand Night hundred and Forty-six, the ereditors of John Spence, late of Government Plaee, in the Town of Caleutta, Hotel- | keeper and confectioner and one of the Members of the late’ Firm of Messicurs John Spence and Company, are on or beforethe seventh day of Oc- tober next, required to come in and prove their res- pective ¢laims against the Estate of the said John Spence, before William Maepherson, Esquire, the Master cf the s#if Court, at his Office in the said La La ‘ , ] Court House, cr in default thereof they will be p remptorily excluded from the benefit of the sa Decretal Order. 4 ; 5, W. Macrurrson, — Mastes «) E. A. Dovw, 4 Attorney for Rosert MosEry, ¥, Tuomas and Joux Gray, Sre- Sion cutors of JOHN Spence, de- s ceased, P Caxcurta Supremn Cover; Masters Office, 4 The 1th day of September 1559. -- a Cowt for the Kelief of Insolvent Debtors ab Calcutta. nf In the matter of Tim-) Notice, that an ap plication for an adm in the Town of Caleutta, | ¢erim protection ord a Student in the School -has been this day: of Industrial Art, at | by the said Insolve Puttuldangah, ay In- | and that such app solvent. J tion will be heard dispose] of by the Acting Commissioner of # Insolvent Court, on Tuesday, the 21st day « September instant, at the hour of 10 o’Clock it the forenoon, : Eas“ Any Creditor of the said Insolvent “sirous of opposing such application, must appear b “the said Court at the time and place aforesuid? ~ Swinhoe and Law, Adforneys, Chief Clerk's Office, 13th September 1858. ° In. the matter of Vio- On Tuesday, dana Jones, an Insolvent. f 31st day of Augr last, it was ordered that the order of adjudicati of Insolvency enade in this matter on the 7th d of August last, on the petition of the As and all proceedings had thereunder agains said Insolvent, be set aside and revoked. Denman and Hatch, Ad/orneys. Tn the mattér of Kally- On Saturday, churn Roy, arf Insolvent. f 4th day of Septe instant, it was ordered that Saturday, the 6th of November next, be appointed for the furtl hearing of this matter, and thate unless eal shown to the conérary on that day, the said I vent be discharged fersonally as well as to his acquired property from all liability for debts, eh and‘demands of, and against the said Insolven the time of the filing of his petition for relief. “Swinhoe,and Law, Adeneys, Z t ¢ In the matter of Na-)+ ” Notice, that the pe wab Golam Ali, one of | tion ofthe saidInsolve the , descendants of the seeking the benetit 0 late*Tippoo Sultan, ately et AIS” Vie. cay residing at Tollygunge, ; was filed in the in the 24-Pereunnahs, | the Chief Clerk on 1 but now of Bow Bazar, | 10th day of Septe: in Calcutta,an Insohvent. J instant, and by an ort of the same date, the Estate and Ejfects of the sar Insolvent were vested in the Official Assignee. by Carey and Berners, Atlorneys. t . ( the matter of Nawab Ali, one of the de- lants of the late Tippoo n, lately residing at | [ 1825 | On ».Friday, th l0th day of Septem- | ber instant, it was or- a 3) this Court, with liberty to the said Assignee to apply to the Court from time to time for directions respecting any debts or any other matter or thing | | | (dered that the matters | of the petition of the | said Insolvent be younee, in the 2-Per- mahs. but now of Bow ar, in Calcutta, an In- | heard on Saturday, | ent. ) the 6th day of Novem- | er next, and that the said Tnsolvent do then attend ybe examined by the said Court. ‘Carey and Berners, détorneys. Iv the matter of Har-) Norte, that the peti- Charlotte Roe, lately | tion of the said Tnisol- | ing on trade and | vent, seeking the benefit iness as a Lodoing | of the Act XI. Vie. e, Hotel-keeperand $cap. 21, was filed er, at No. 12, Water- | in the Office of the Street, in Ranee- | Chief Clerk on the 8th noody Gully,inCaleutta, | day of September in- Insolvent. J stant, and by an order said Assignee to apply to the Court from time to esame date, the Estate and Effects of the said | time: for directions respecting any debts or any solvent were vested in the Official Assignee. _ other matter or thing relating thereto. ‘3 aliologus, Ltlorncy. ‘ J. Cochrane, Official” Assignee. “In the matter of Harriet) On Wednesday, the | : In the matter of Wil- On gp iad the Hh Charlotte Roe, lately carry- | Sth day of September liam George Vallente, an ¢ day ot September i- on trade and business | instant, it was order- Insolvent. stant,if was ordered that Lodging House, [Hotel- Mel that the matters of | the eel do pay and divide ie ar 4 per and Baker, at No. { the petition of the said | Co.’s Rs, $32-15-6, to and amongst all i sag Waterloo Street, in | Insolvent be heard on tors upon the Estate of the said Inso vent, as 2 eemondy Gllyin Cal- | Saturday, the 6th day Dividend at the rate of Co.’s Rs. erie cant. upon ta, an Insolvent. of November next, and such of the debts admitted im the * chedule of the at the said Insolvent do then attend to be exa- said Insolvent, and claims proved as have beau mined hy the said Court. duly substantiated in proportion to their sev eral at ; | debts, and upon the other debts admitted in the Seeenvens, 2 Uorniy. j Schedule, when and so soon as such debts or aay 0: | them shall be duly substantiated upon Affidavit An the matter of Allan Ov Saturday, the filed in this Court with liberty to the eat — Gilmore and others, Insol- ¢ 4th day of September | '° apply to the Court, from tape to “ 6 : ise nts. instant, it was or- ide respecting any debts or any other matter oF red that the Assignee do pay and divide the sum thing relating i al Company’s Rupees 33,750. to and aménest all J. Cochrane, Official Assignee. e Creditors’upon the Estate of the said Insolvent, | Chief Clerk’s Office, \Ath September 1858. a Dividend at the rate “of go om sae | eas % j 7 $ per eent. upon such of the debits admitted in - : ae ofthe said Insolvent,and claims proved, . Lost, Stolen or Destroyed. shave been duly substantiated in proportion to |. ir several debts, and upon the other debts ad- Tup ‘under-mentioned Government Promaissory mitted in the Svhedule, when and so soon as such | Noges, standirig in the name of Mrs. Eliza Sheehan, lobts or any of them shall beduly substantiated — Jatc of Delhi, the proprietress, by whom they were mn Affidavit filed in this Court, with liberty to | yever endorsed to any person. Payment of the @ said Assignee to apply to the Court from time > said Notes and of Interest thereon has been stop- time for directions respecting any debts or any | pod at the fuoan Oflies, and application is about to er matter or thing relating thereto. \ be made for the issue of duplicates of the said J. Cochrane, OfficialAssignee. > js Notes :— “| -ParricuLars OF THE GOVERNMENT Secunitits. Te the matter of Asians)” On Saturday, the 4th | No. 7016 of 10934 of 1s32 3 ee eee ts ie Marine Insurance ¢day of September in- | ;; aes of ey o seo ee O05 1S. wen hee, an Insolvent. stant, it was ordered |. ,, 7368 of » ae . — , ” een hat the Assience do pay and divide the sam of | ,, 7S07 * Sabin, — Rov g-Alesy seB0- Js Rs. 36,000 to and-amongst all the Creditors | ws ee of do. ‘ : a ? en on the Estate of the said Insolvent,as a Dividend ee 869 of ae ) : mt i oF ree ve eae the vate of Cos Rs. 7 per cent. upon such of | 5, 2441 of 7459 6 195858 eae ~ 1000, ° e debts admitted in the Schedule of the said In- | ,, legen i ne meet 1 “f Yah olvent, and claims proved, as have been duly sub- | ,,t Lie a a “eas » ng tiated in proportion to their several debts, and eens o : a A; i on the other debts admitted in the Schedule, | ‘\. S. Hoes, hen and so soon’ as — ont fh tach t “ork Administrator General. upon Affidavit Ine: l be duly substantiate | relating thereto. J. Cochrane, Official Assignee. In the matter of John Gonsalves, an Insolvent, > day of September im- (2nd Insolvency.) J stant, it was ordered that the Assience do pay and divide the sum of Co.’s Rs. 2,562-7-8, to and amongst all the Cre- ditors upon the Estate of the said Insolvent, as a Dividend at the rate of Co.’s Rs. 72 per cent. upon such of the debts admitted in the Schedule of the said Insolvent, and claims proved as have been duly substantiated in proportion to their several debts, and upon the other debts admitted in the Schedule, when and so soon as such debts or any of them shall be duly substantiated upon Affidavit filed in this Court, with liberty to the Yn Saturday, the 4th > [ 1826 ] Notice. Robbed or Missing.—In transit by Dawk from Gya to Calcutta, about the 2nd or 3rd August 1557, two halves of Bank of Bengal Notes, No. 5106, dated sth July 1857 for Rs. 1,000 and No. 48, dated 15th April 1853 for Rs. 500. Payment has been stopped at the Bank. A. Monry, Lost, Stolen or Destroyed as the case may be. Tur Government Promissory Note, No 7866 of 1854-55, of the five per Cent Loan, dated 16th of December 1856, for (Company’s Rupees five hun- dred, sold by Muddoosooden Chowdry on the 14th of January 1557, and endorsed to’ G. H. Law- rence, Jisq., late Officiating Deputy Commis- sioner, QOudh, the Proprietor, by whom it was never endorsed to any other person.) Payment of the above Note aad of Interest thereupon has heen stopped at the Loan Office, and applicatwn is about to be made to Government for the iSsue ofa duplicate Note in favor ef the Proprietor. Hoare, Mitten & Co. 13/4 September 1558, ’ Notice. Crrvatn leffects belonging to the Estate of John Hainilton, Esquire, of the East India Company Rail- way, whee died at Benares on the 25th August, are under the Seal of this Court at Koruntadhee, and will be delivered to any one duly authorized to receive them. A. Ross, Offg. Judge. Diwany AbAWwLut; ZILLA GUAZEEPORE, The \st September (S5s. Caution. ey a . . . + - @ Tit Publ are cautioned against negotiating a G358, of 1OSS6 of 1842-43, dated Ist February {s45, for Company’s Rs. 14,000, believed to have heen stolen from the Delhi Bank in the month ‘of May last, and to bear the indorsation of Mr. George Berestord, late Manager of the Bank. Any information tending to the discovery of the Note will be rewarded., Jarpine, SKinner & CO. Notice. : ° Lost 1s Transiy pvrixne tee Oursreak. , Tur Government Promisspry Note No. 22,032, “of 1854-55, of the Foureper Cent Loan, dated 30th Jupe Is5t, for Company’s Rupees (1,000) one | thousand, standing in the name of Mr. Wiiliam | Hobson, the Propyefor, (by whom it was never endotsed to any otlfer person.) Payment of the above Note and of Interest thereupon has been Coflect or. _ safe custody of Goverament Paper, Shaves in the | Capital Stock of"the Bank of Bengal local Stocks, free of all charg: : A era Ks, free of all charge, | per Cent. Government Promissory Note, No. | ' oe : | On teturning Government Paper stopped at the Loan Office, and application i about to be made to Government for the issue of — a duplicate Note in favor of the Proprietor. — J. TH. Warxrr, Deputy Collector, Merervr CoLecrorste, Lhe 25th August 1858. UL a as ee Notice. Lost my Taser purixe tHe Ovrprpag, Tue Government Promissory Note No. 22,037, of 1854-55, of the Four per Cent Loan, dated 30th June 1554, for Company’s Rupees (500) five hundred, standing in the name of Mr, William Hobson, the Proprietor, (by whom it was never endorsed to any other person.) Payment of the above Note and of Interest thereupon has been stopped at the Loan Office, and application is about to be made to Government for the iss of a duplicate Note ih fayor of the Proprietor. . J. fl. Watrker, Deputy Collector. Merervr Cortecrorate, The 28th August \S5S.¢ § Oriental Bank Corporation, IxCorvorarep By Royan Curren, t ———. Ld Wiru referencerto Government Notification No. — 5, Fort William, Financial Department, 26th Jae nuary 1555, notifying the intention of Govern-. ment to dissolve it’ éonnexion with the Govern-_ | ment Agency— % € « The Griental Bank Corporation undertake the , and other Will draw Interest and Dividendy on the same — as they fall due, andeyeinit at the current rates exchange, tions, if to of or pay the s&me according’ to instruce be remitted through the Corporation, Without charge. ia e If to be paid in India, a ‘Commis- sioa will be charged of 7S ity hae per Cent. or Share Certificates owt of sete ¢ custody, Y 1-4th per Cent. On the purchase of Government s.) or other Securities, 1-4th per Cent. Op the sale of Government Paper or other Stock, the proceeds i of which are to be remitted Cy through the Corporation, .. Without charge, Wa. ANDERSON, j e Onentan Bank Corporation ; Agent. — x a ia Calcutta, 29th January 1855, as ¢ rs « 4 f OOF 7 L Te2 : ia ~That Government Promissory Note,| No. 2069 of 1842-43, for Company’s Ruvees 500)! ora hes bed stolen, | Novice is hereby given, that the Mails for nt of the above Note and Interest stopped, , Penang, Singapore and Hong-kong for transmission fion made for the issue of a duplicate! Pe Steamer Mery Cross, will be closed at this Office on Wednesday’, the 15th instant, at 6 Pp. w. - Muppex Moucs Upicary. T. Garrert, ~ Offy. Dy. Post-Master General, ATE . BS iw Gs Fore WitiiaM ; tral Post Ollice Notifications. General Post Offices ) No. 2033, The 13th Sepe. 185s, J > a Overtaxp Matt, <= erland Mail /¢ Marseilles and South- No. 2071. d the mtermediat» Ports, Madras, Cey- _ en, per P. and O. Co.’s Steamer Candia,| Noticris hereby given, that the Mails for Akyab, sed at this Office, on Wednesday, the/Rangoon and Moulmein, for transmission per ant, at 6 P.M. Steamer Bultic, will be closed at this Office on &e., for Penang, Singapore, Hong-kong|Saturday, the, [Sth 6 Pp. a. and the Stea- ; iD tele ee * Ey we a : 9 de , will be forwarded vid Galle, by this)™¢ leaves on Monday morning the 20th idem. ? . T. Garner, ; he ; ; faa ; Offg. Deputy Post- Master Generat Offg. Deputy Post-Master General, j MALCUTTA, ) |... Catevrra 5 al Posi Office, | General Post Office, Wh Sep’, USDS, J ; The 13th Sept. 1858. * ' 7 4 showing dhe date and hour of arrival al the Calcutta Post Office of the Mails which left Miglank on the 9th of August (85S, ant the time occupied ta sorting the Letters and Papers for dedivery. ‘ ee Polis | sien : No, or Boxus or | No, or Boxes Ry NEWSPAPERS =e @o oe | AYTERS, N OOKS. yes = a Bees a Larrers AND Db de Zc et . 2 a at | hae > A eee ee = ae . = Be a wa ~ | 2 5c ee a Ze 2 4 am: . Zee 2es [oo as $ : 2 : 3 = 3 3 ee Ee Mi ee! =) Z | a gz x tS Fs ie em 3 E Z| = & een & So Pega 9 po es n B = 5 = als fe eo as Melis |e el ae ae Bee fe ER a EE | y hoe ie See 5s aac ovr c is] : o = hie S no is a a = l= to Qed oc. ota BRE ahs cee a o “s as » Mussoor gr fh) 2) 22F. OF ee. 10 102 40 1 EaeraG 1? 0 1ey7g » Muttur so wy 18 OF 0 hCOT 17.0] 18 0) eoh0pme rae Firewood » » -|140 0] 0 0/230 0] 140 01130 Ox) 200 6 Gioia, oa weet ‘1 8 0 atl 2 0 esate 270 Tle 5, Buffaloe’s rte = Oh ae) 2°°0 earn 2 12 259 Wl RO Gram, (Boot) Ist sort” ),,)-|. 24 Of 22° 3] 18-20] 16 01 20 0) 17-0 Fs » Qndsort 4, -|' 2412] 2231] 19 0} 17 0] 21-0] 18.0 Grass, Dry » » -{| 80bdlsi 0 0 0 0 0 0 O10 0 0 Joar yeh ae 0 0 0 0 0» 40 0 0 O50 18 0 Oil, Cocoanut I e-Pe eta Se gal |) te osetia Lae »» Linseed » nie} 442 412 4 8 | 4 8). “ee » Mustard a oth AA aoa 492 | se 01" + oe Paddy, (Dhan) ,, ,, -| 27 0] 95 0] 30 0! 2% of 95 0| 25 0 Potatoes ai 5 ¥- FESO) 250 9 20.0). 0-6 |e O Ones aom Rice, Ist sort a 4 #- ele ® ga” 0! 17 01 i 6 |e oe » 2nd sort no -| 17 0} 15 0] 18 0] 18 €| 17 0} 20 wh ¢ Bavsmuttes, .¢ ,, e-| 13 6 |ag 6} 18 0) 18) 0 lie, 0 ilar » Urrooah ee eo Sa O25) 0] be a 14) Dobe e GO » Uttub a eat 8, @ |*" of OP Se 0} 0 Oo] Is 0}. 0 0 Salt, 1st sort wen 1" 811") 8 0), 7 Of "6 0). 6 ain » 2nd sort win is)" 9 0) 8 Sig) 4) 6) s |e reii > Samber ata ae 9.0 09-0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 » Pangah ee Ae ee 7 12 fe Ba TO £40 71 @ Sugar, Cane iP nee) he | SMT $8] OF 0 OA 0400 G ; » Date _ 2» 9» © 070 0 0 0 .@ 0 0 0G 0 0 Oo Mie eee ee, 21 Ss 01 17 12,117 (On a6 eh eben b0eM 2. See me ms, and Markets, as on the 31st August 1858, | 5 rj F 2 - = 8 3 | Fy 3 3 4 é oC"! sts, G4 Sw. Ol oe. of Sm. 0 | See, hd gio [Ugeuet oe Se pe) 3 FON 1 Ol ie a | 46% ro. ¥(<"9 is [9 meee 21S) 28°68) 9 Gy! 10 9 6a leo pene 200 0; 100 0! 120 9 50 (0 48 12|100 0] 36 9 60 0 64 0 meee 1200) 0-6] bt o} Bo of 0 6 36.40 [ace otto F 1 12 a oe Pad £8 ereere Tia lu 1 94 Beer) 17-8) 16 0) 15 0) 13 0] ¢ vo ee ee ae re mls 8) -15°0T- 18 20) 438 06 12*O, MONE 7 V4 912] 12 4 ere o) 21) 1 8) 8350) B05 | ane 1s 9] a 0} 95 49 ee fe Oy 87 8) 0 8) to. al! Bt, tal 4a ag fea ae gm 5 0 Oe) 16'S) 84 SO |. 16-26 bite 8] 18 | Pld fh 0 | mee’ ° | 20°) T7 0) 21 0) g2.-8.)" 80:6] aio] a9 61 ete ae te P21 MO, 15 6) 618 | ae 82.8] 1410] 21 0} 338° 4 200 0/200 0 | 220 0 | 200 0 | 200 6 | 400 0 | 256 bals! 128 bale! 170 0 Pere eho fd Bx) 20). te tepabiong.- gal 9 64) 111] 112 Pete Opie Oe Sl Fe 1. Ng Opoye “ti | ary ey pes! 24 0} 20 0! 21 01 99 23 0| 1118| 13 8! 18 2 Oy 2212) 25 0; 21 0] 24 0] 24 6] a5 9 1410! 1 # | 0 0 0 14bdlsy 0 0} 32 bdis! 0 0 4bdls; 0 0 | 200 bls’ 4 puns rt 0 9070 1 88 0 1) in hae iy 256 Nos| 0.0 ey Cie! See ee Be 8 24 PS CO a Hilde 4-7 ooyey | 8 |) Se Me 1 O31) Ye took: 08 Do ak) ne Uae ida eee BESS ae So aes eee ee ee 340 4 8 | a O ej ewe wy ao “0 20 6 | 83 12 |. 42 ch lyse Mae) Me OR a Oy 0 | 25 FO) 16 “Oo | 10 460%). 0 seo a) 0 OP Sj>12°0]) 18 %6] 19 0} G6 6] Ye 0) 10 2} 20 4) Wig Peet 8] 88 8 | 210 188, 90 | da: <6 |e «6 21. OD Ope te 78 20 Sf. 00.89 18 Sieclowtw. to de> 0: <9 bo. Om agen oy 14 0} ALO | I Sg 0 °O fe PS) 40 | #4219 dae 4 ee ee ee ne moe 12) 0 YO)" F188 | FO Se de patel eng ide wep | pele 15 | yy 0 OFC 23 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Oa i ul 2 OF "OPO ) 70. °O | 20 C0 Le ose sG ena Gorton Glan gey ay 8 8 7 OT 88 Fg YOu 14 ON 7 da dow 2 og Peo 0) 46) 8 0 |. 3 as 0/3 6]. sae] 38 0 8 12 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 Ww) 18 0/ 15 6] 19 6] 18 2) 260 | 1410] 18 0 | 15 4 ‘ ; . Statement of Prices Current ix the under-mentioned Districts, 7 a BACKER | ARTICLES. : Gs & ‘ea | 3) Ef ay 1 3 ee c 3s | e | 4 ea a i i) v7 } | taal / Gq Sra dentGee| Sra wale Biro: ol Geel see ne Sr, «C. | Sie ) Srs. Whiten emacs oper Rupees 16 0| 10 9 8 8 8 0 0.70 |) age § Barley, (Jow) See Pe ne o| 5 70 || 10 70) Osa Bhoosa, White att ee? a8? 6 60 0 0 «0 \0 22 pe 0-40 0.0) 80 Gt, Ss ieee Os". ao gil. 2 #4 70 | 0 MOL oem 90 Cotton bg, KE gk Bile gh 8 3g | =6 74 | “20 600\am Dal, Urhor fr -| 46-6) 10 0] 46 58 13 °0| T1 4 | 26.00 [ae » Gram | ting ee aig 9 -¢ | 26.0 | 12 ©0 1) a0 ne eaD o| 12 - Wet, Sn) wir | 30 0 | 30. 0,| 80 -0| 25.0 | 160 | RRR , Mackullye yo» -Par8 | gl? a |: Be 8 | 28 0 0 | 16 0 | a6 , Moong SN sedi anh “io o| us| 16 0) 2070) 21060 ie » Mussoor SO situa h- Vena ofa12..0 | 21 oO) Boge 13 «5 | 2070 |e », Muttur ae Peed ee 30 0| 24 0; 16 0 0 0| 20.0 Firewood » 5,1 avg 280 bdls 140°..G4 180 0.) 180° 90 16 bdls| 0 0.) 160 Ghee, Cow’s bere ie dwt | cxrh alt 1 10 2 4 ee Jel ] be laipetialoe’ wt pe gry oe or - 1 8 Lae 0 0 2 8 peat) Wess) i Gram, (Boot) Ist sort 4, - 95 Joily 18 0 , sO) — dk «0 0.0 | 16 0 ioe A wo BNsORY ay ar 96 4 | 18 8 Ome: | 16" 40 0 0) 1% 0 ia Grass, Dry Peng. «= abpans, of paid 0 0 | 125 ddl} 0 0 | 90 90a Joar Pe eel 40's ne ee | ee ee Ou Oil, Cocoanut 5 ee 2 4 2 8 2 ei 2 8 0 0 2 8 } ome » linseed ad 7 i Ona) 0 0 ; 0 0 3.28 OO | 2090 | 0 ‘ Mustard 5 ops ecu xe 5 38'\ is 28 [ea od 212 \ Qos | 4 Paddy, (Dhan) oh ax ye ae 39 o| 30 0|°48 o| 40 8 0 0) am Potatoes oe ops, cl a i ee « ® 0 30 |) 2b '20 0'.9 7 T0q8 | 16 Rice, 1st sort er SB ier tO) Ww ea 10 0 0.) 20. R ai as 16. Pantie! iid py igri g| 18-0 | 16 | 18) 9°) tORRaGesS 12} 20° » Bausmuttee , » “ih 0 0 a!) 0 |. 0 0} i340 0 zi OF <0 0 5 Urtooalt 65; wr fr Tie 20 |) Loegs 0 0 Q 0! 20°) Less 0 , Uttub pee LE oie g| 12 0 | 20 0 | ae sem 0| 16 Salt, st sort den PAD gia) asp gal tae 6| 9 | 8 0 |) 0 505i 5, 2nd sort rn ee a: | 9) 12 0 0 91z| 4 9 9 § 10 eae er eee ce 0 o| 0.0 ees) On ,, Partgah eee pr ee 10 0 f. 10-0). 0 -0 | 20 507 eae 10° Sugar, Cane "law ach ae er) 8 0 A one? Lay oee ee gu i. ae mee 3 0) 10 0 aio 6 o| 0 0} sO buic. Po aroma ene tele ae Un eee Nl 0! ir o| o| 16 07708 rf ) . f se 10 8 0 0 x 0 6 0 E.'S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Burrisaul. ney (Cig) Se =, > ions, and Markets, as on the 31st August 1858.—(Continued.) 21540 8 bdls, Lg 4 es 16 0 Mae 0 8 bdls a 2 Se “Sa4ouS Cro S SS fo Gio co 2S Moorshedabad. Hooghly. Bancoorah. Beerbhoom, Burdwan. ) Tipperah. Bhullooah. tT % =) i wo OG HD fe S&S oso © — 4 S 4 ~ ve) ~ i) ae <> S = 3 op eo eo’ 939 Dn (=) ocUcmlCU ‘ea Statement of Prices Current in the under-mentioned Districts | . | ‘ ARTICLES. : z 3 3 a R Sm. ©. | Sm. C.| 8m. C.| Sr. 6, | srs Cl | Ses. G. | Shs, Attah ... ... per Rupee - ie PO me O 13 2h ilee 10) , 15 12 20 V4 £0 6 Barley, (Jow) nillestieee0 | Alas 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bhoosa, White partir = ee Soh Hody 00 bs Gd Ob. AD 6 20 0 0 0 0 0 . sMies6 5 og mes egogno }'S4-0.| .80--0.| S40] g40y,0,| g-0etOeiam Coston (Peges-|e 10} 07 0.) 52,01, 0. 0) ao: 4) ae Dal, Urhur oy fb AE Mee ATO OTS cl, | 12-0 tide? Pf olSer00t>) SA » Gram yr | 10° 8 92-8 | = 6) 8-| 14-7 | -910e50) ap OO tn » AKhesaree as thes th silat Sie eell Oea0) 24-0 30.40 28 0 1} pemituakallge >," » pte | > 0 | 17-1 | 18 81 - 02.0 | 20050) te aan Firewood ye ont - | 240-0 | 4105 0 | 250 0} I6puns! 47 thedis| 6 bdls 0” Gheo Cans wt 2 6] > Ute 1° 4). & 0.) cane pe Jit lee.s *"3ot Lpics 4 = ea) 2 2 Teal 2 4 1 4 1 4 14 Gram, (Boot) Ist sort ,, -| 14 0| 1118] 8-0] 10 8] 14 0) 0 @ |) ORM puto) Oo 2ndwort).,,6 =| 016 0) 018-2] @ 0] » 0 0) 218 Opleie— 0 pan Grass, Dry pF eh 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Or) Stat sa ete ST a 0 0 0 0 Or"0) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oil, Cocoanut a ee PS BS 4a Qe22.| 4-019 S849 92 Oe Linseed ome | 8 4]. 8 8 OO 6S 415 080) ys On Mustard oo» - | 88 6 84) 404) 5 4) eee | ee ‘ Paddy (Dhan) ,» .-| 30° 0| 63-0] 54 0| 56.94 40. 0] QnOnann Potatoes » vn 7 fo 8) 0) 06.015 0,0| *-0.% | 166 00 9 eee Rice, 1st sort » 9). -| 18) 0°] 222 5 | 200] 22 5 | 162.0) 519 90 | aeeee 2nd sort ib oP sy baal OR OMDOS Te |) 222220 24.9 18 0 16=- 0h ae 0 ¢ Bonsmatce ,, 22-1 02:00 02 0's 05.0 | 5 0.20.1 0 onho On 4, Urrooah 25 py» <2-| ° - . e € e € ¢ td | a e s , a e 3 | a § ING SECRE av OFTICE- {TE y Tuomas JONES, BENGAL SECRETARI PRINTED B I Lal A . n é Si t ig r ‘ r n A és : - 3 , cr - - Pes: - e ? , : “ ¢ z c $, b i. ie - f - = r . SUPPLEMENT TO The Calcutta Gazette, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1858. LAND SALE NOTICES. aff { a0 ‘a Pernt s Bada . , . . i. NOTICE is hereby given under Section VI. Act 1 of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Backergunge will be put up to pubhe and unreserved re-sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Saturday, the 25th day of September 1858, or 10th Assin 1265 B. 8., for arrears ee of Revenue and other demands, which, by the Regulations and Acts in force, are directed to be realized in the same manner as arrears of Ltevenue, due on the 28th June 1858 :— ct Class I.—Permanently-settled Lstates. Former No, 2295, present No. 2388, Kharijah Pergunnah Kutwallipar, Rajehunder Sein Talook ; __ recorded proprietor, Rajkullian Naug; sudder jumma, Rupees 3-4-6. 2 Former No. 2930, present No. 2996, Kharijah Pergunnah Ootturshahabagpoor, Ramjoy Roy Talook; recorded proprietor, Hurrynarain Sing ; sudder jumma, Rupees 8. Former No. 4133, present No, 4219, Kharijah Pergunnah Edilpore, Monohur Doss Talook ; recorded proprietor, Monohur Doss, sudder jumma, Rupees 1-15-10}, , ZiiLan BackRRGUNGE, J. W. Datuyr.r, Collectors Office, é Collector. The 30th August 1595. , NOTICE is hereby given, under Section 16, Act L. of 1845, that the under-menttoned Estate in Zillah Purneah will be put up to public and unreserved re-sale at the Collector’s Oflice of that District on Thursday the 16th September 1855, corresponding with Ist Assin 1265 B.S.:— . Class LL.—Lemporarily-setlled Estates. No» 1039.—Mouzah Bussuntpoor Chitoreeah Pergunnah, Koomuareepoor ; recorded proprictor, Umrithlall and_others,auction purcha@ers ; sudder jumma, Rupees 4-15, = Pourxvan Cortuctor’s Orrice, T. Warton, Lhe 28th August 1855. Assistant Collector, in charge. NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estate in Zillah 24-Pergunnahs will be put up to public and unreserved re-sale, at the Collector's Office of that District, on Tuesday, the 25th Sep- ~ tember 1558, or 13th Assin 1265 B. 8., for arrears of Revenue :— Class L.—Permanently-settled Tstate. No. 1277-42.—Pergunnah Calcutta, Mouzah Belghurrea ; recorded proprictor, Huris Chunder Biswas ; sudder jumma, Company’s Rupees 0-6-6. ‘ ; G, Brent, Offg. Collector, ~ Corntrcror’s Orrice, 24-PERGUNNAILS, The bth September 1598. . és e _ NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Hooghly will be put up to public and unreserved re-sale, at the CoFector’s Office of that District, on Wednesday, the 29th Septem- on the 28th June 1$55 :— ber 1858, or 14th Assin 1265, for arrears of Revenue due : 1 Class I-—Pevmanently-seltled Estates. ‘ + : Bhoorshoot ; recorded proprietor, Lssur Chunder No. 2226.—Beedheechunderpoor, Pergunnah Ghose; sudder jumma, Rupees 2-6-5. No. 2245.—Ditto, Pergunnah ditto ; recorded proprietor, ditto ; sudder jumma, Rupees 0-9-5, No. 2246.—Ditto, Pergunnah ditto ; recorded proprietor, ditto ; ( sudder Jumma, Rupees 0-9-8, J. VX. Boeke Hooaniy Con.ectrorate, 1 Colbactor The Sth Seplember 1558, +> ————— s, BenGaL SECRETARIAT ORFICE, s, Be Prixrep by Tuomas Jon ? oe 4 mn Che Caleut eee Sew en \F en ae Weg 5 ta @Oasette, SATURDAY, SEPT Home Department. a Notifications. , ° rae Port William, the 15th September 1858. No. 2083. Y PF. M. Lind, of the Civil Service, reported parture for Wneland by the Steam Ship Which Vessel was left by the Pilot at m the 11th instant. No, 2081. The 16th September 1858. Hon’ble the President in Council is pléased ach Mr. I’. G. Millett, of the Civil Service, ed qualified for the Public Service, to the l Division of the Presidency of ‘ort No. 2084. ses + Hon’ble the President in Council is pleased, Section VIof the revised Civil Absentee jto grant to Mr. A. P. »Howell, of tile ervice, an extension of leaye on Medical ate, to remain in the Neilgherrie’, until the anuary 1559. A No. 2088. , ‘Hon’ble the President in Council has been teh from the Hon’ble the Court of Directors al information, and for the guidance |, ficers in the Education Departmens :— sf PUBLIC DEPARTMENT. No. 52 off1358? ae GsyeraL ov [npr IN Councit. Volume entitled “ General Report on-> io ee. jeLower Provinces of the x0 4 855-56” has been sent to * . . other books and printed Selections from ceedings of your Government, but without from you onthe subject. oes not appear that any proceedings by you, or orders passed, on the receipt hove Report from the Bengal Government. EMBER 18, 1858. 3. “Our attention has been drawn to the followiag passages in the reports of Mr. Chapman, Inspector of Education in Behar, which formed part of the volume referred to. The statements contained in these extracts appear to us of so much mportance that we have deemed it expedient to address you at cnce on the subject of them, with- out awaiting the resolutions of your Government on the General Report with which we expect to be furnished in due time. “Tn addition to such obstacles as are peculiar to “no special period, I must here remind you, that “in judging of the results of our first quarter’s “operations, due weight should be given to the “special aceidents which have militated against “us during that period. The principal of these “was the design of depriving the jail prisoners “of their lotahs. This is still universally believed “to be the opening act of a general scheme, of “which the Educational system is supposed to “be a part, for the forcible conversion of the “natives to Christianity. The fact is, the pre- “sentiment is strong, and by no means transitory, “that Government will not only attempt to make “its subjects Christians, but will succeed in doing “so. The conviction is shared in alike by all classes “and all sects, and I do not think it is in “the power of Government toremove it. This “uneasy feeling is ready to display itself on the “ most trivial occasions, and the circulation lately “of a controversial sappeal to the influential Ma- “homedans throughout the country, by some person “in Caleuita, was at once attributed to Govern- “ment, and has excited universal alarm among to direct the publication of the following | « poth Hindus and Mahomedans, adding material- “ly to the difficulties which beset our plans.” And, “The reception of my subordinates by the “people generally continues tolerably sutisfactory, “though they report to me that it is often impos- “sible to persuade the people that the sole ob- “ject of Government is not a+ proselytising “one. J have already said, that I believe it to be “ out of our power altogether to get rid of this “feeline.”” Also,— : . **T am now able to confirm by my otvm experi- “ ence the existence of the strongest prejudices “ against the educational measures on the part of the “ people, prefadices that are only strengthened by “ any attempt to reason against them? ‘ How are « © we to believe,’ said oue set of vilaette to me, “ ¢that Government will not interfere With our ° WA Shah yA BY, 2 & » aS Cas WO yaad sar Rae R We | i, RNY DW « € yeligiony when we sce the Wk ed who ae &£ paid by them’? and from this ground I could not << driwe thy x And afterwards, — ‘xefore, keeping up the theory of | eliaiting Voluntary effort, I find it to be the most « effectual and satisfactory course, in practice, to “take for: niy starting point, and to,allow my “ eybordinate to do the same, that it is the order “ of Government that people should now educate « their children, and that the people ought to be « satisfied that Government would not command « that which is not good for them. Taving laid « down this principle, we then proceed to prove « by every argument at our command, that in so do- “ ing the Government has no intention whatever « ¢o interfere with the religion of its subjects.” 6 “ T have been strengthened in my belief, that “ the mode of proceeding described in the preced- “ing paragraph is that which promises th most « speedy success, by the fact. that Mr. I. 8. Reid “arrived at the same conclusion “in the «North-Western Provinces, after a much more “Jengthened and full experience than I have had. _ “Tf we can induce attention to edvication by any “ means, experience will soon enable the people to “ appreciate our present motives.” 4. We desire that you will express to Mr. Chapman the serious displeasure with which we have viowed his conduct, in thus inducing the na- tives to believe, that it was the order of the Go- vernment that their children should attend the schools under his inspection. 5. It is our intention that it shall be entirely optional with the natives whether they will avail themselves of the facilities of education which we afford to them or not. 2 6. It isthe duty of all Public Servants to carry out with good faith the declared inten- tions of the Government under which they act. There is no safety fora State if overzealous in- dividuals be permitted, in the exceution of the duties entrusted to them, to substitute their own policy for that of the Government. 7. AGovernment must not be supposed to say one thing and mean another. é 8. We have no reason, in reference to the reports which have been before us from the North- Western Provinces, to think that the statement that Mr. H. 8. Reid has there adopted the same mode of preceeding is correct, but if there should be any official information in your possession te satisfy you that it is so, or if on inquiry from Mr. If. S. Reid you shall find that the same objection’ able course has been pursued in the North-Western Provinces as that which is reported to have been taken in Behar, you-will intimate to that Officer also our serious displeasure. 9. In the above passages, and in many other parts of Mr. Chapmai’s Reports, there are state- went Ofethe most important.character, with res- pert tor the apprehensions entertained by” the» natives of interference with their rehgion on the part of the Government in their educational pro- ceedings. Gy 10. TY¥e Government will adhere, with good faith, to/its ancient poliey of perfect neutrality. in atters affecting ealcey ae matters affecting the religion of the people of India, and we most earnestly caution all those in authori- a 5 s XR Ae wad [ 1830 | | ty under it, not to afford by their conduct t least eolor to the suspicion that that police; undergone, or will undergo, any change. 11. It is perilous for men in authority to ‘do, individuals, that which they officially conden The real intention of the Government will he ferred from their acts, and they may unwittany expose it to the greatest of all dangers, that of | ing regarded with general distrust by the peo 12. We rely upon the honorable feelings w have ever distinguished our Service, for the therance of the views which we express. the Government of India makes a promise to people, there must not be afforded to them grot for a doubt as to its fidelity to its word, 13. You will take such measures as you T think fit for giving the fullest publicity te letter. a] We are, Ke., (Signed) F. Currtg, if W. J. Eastwig 9 and other Dire Lonpoy, ast 13th April 1898. CrciL Beapoy, Secretary to the Government 9 Foreign DWeparineent. . Fort William, the 15th September 1898. $ No. 3161. 4 The Right Hon’ble the Governor Genera been pleased to confer the Title of Raja Ba with a suitable Khilat, on Raja Baroda Kant. of Jessore, in recognition of his loyalty and services to the British Government. No. 3162. The 11th September 1853. Captain O. J. McL. Farrington, Deput missioner of Jullunder, obtained indulge from the 29th July to the 10th August las days inclusive. f —_— er No. 3163. Captain G. M. Battye, Assistant Commi in the Punjab, has obtained leave of ab two months, from the 25th instant, to proe OV sparator i for Eurlot Bombey, preparaeomy to applying for Furlot Europe, on Medical Certificate. - ——— No. 8164. 5 9 y Motee Lall, Extra Assistant in the Panja obtained indulgence leave; for two mo nis the 15th proximo. " 9 rs No, 3165. Mehtab Singh, Extra Assistant in the jab, has obtained indulgence leave for on trom the date on which he may avé of it, “ee e : “s { 1831 | "Y No. 3166. erend Mr, Crofton, Chaplain of Thyet | obtained privilege leave for three | }ast. q: Order of the Hon’ble the President in : missioner of Assam, mese language. a Ceci, BEapon, Offg. Secy. to the Gout. of India. SS -., ‘ Financial Department. . ——— ort William, the \5th September 1858. Right Mow vle 5 : No. 53. Feation.—Notice is hereby given, that the s, Pay, Batta and Allowances of the Civil, ‘y and Marine Departments, for the Month tember 1558, will be payable as under :— itary and Marine Departments, on Saturday, Notifications. —C. Marriage Registrar . o OXI. il Department, on Monday, the 4th proximo. Jor of the Hon’ble the President of the. ‘] of India in Council, - C, Huan Lusxinctoy, 2 Government of India. The Reverend A having obtained a Secretary to th ' 5 Leave of A Public Works Departnrent. pal — re Gexerat—HstaBLisim ENTS. fy. W. Johnstone, 1st Class, 18 promoted to the grade Engineer 4th Class, and appointed syintendent ot Suburban Roads, Caleutta, im fesion to Mr. R. J. Rose, with effect from the ay 1853. Promotion and Appointment.—s pe a a R, SrRacweEy, Major, of India. 4 Offy. Seey- to the Govt. ° ders hy thee Licut,- Fort, William, the 15th Septe nber 1858. ¥. illiam, the Voit Sep" 4 “ Allahabad, the 13th September 1858. : Appointment.—The Right Hon'ble the Governor P No. 110. General has been pleased to appoint the under- mentioned Judges, Special Commissioners under within their res- VIL. of 1857, Shahjehanpore. Bareilly. Mooradabad. Saharunpore. No. 3653. _ Henry Mills Cannon, Meerut Central Prison, dical Certificate, is allowed e to visit the Hills. No. 3657. ed Rates to be the Futtehpore District, ith the Allahabad now serving at Adjutant Police in temporarily W Military Police, y Captain Chapman. di No. 3659. Ty Paske, Civil Assist- of Jounpore, for four months, on of the Right Hon'ble the Governor W.'H. Love, N.W. SP: rc [ 1832 } General Orders by the Mow ble the Bresidvent of the Council of Endia in Council, Lieutenant Watson will proceed. tog without hie and report himself to - Fort William, 16th September 1858. No, 1307 of 1858.—The following Notifications, issued from the Foreign Department, with the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, are pub- lished in General Orders :-— No. 1809 of 1858.—The following Not issued from the Financial Department, is p rab | in General Orders :— , ¢€ No. 52, the 18th September 1858.—The How’ble the Governor General having resoly appoint Lieutenant Colonel Baird Smith of the Corps of Engineers, Bengal Army, Master of the Calcutta Mint, the How’ble ¢ he sident in Council is pleased to notify the ¢ appob ment. No. 3130, the 6th September 1858.—Lieutenant | H. V. Matthias, 2nd in Command of the Rewah | Levies, has obtained leaye for fifteen days, on private affairs, from the Ist instant, No. 3133, the 1th September 18% 8.—The Right Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to order that the following words be added to the cr Le el Le General Orders, Governor No. 1310 of 1858.—The following Notifi issued from the Public Works Departme published in General’ Orders :— * Published in Govern- ment General Order, No. General, N No. 1050* and 1051, 10, dated 25th May 1853, eg _ dated the llth May” last, publishing Resolutions of the Houses of -Parlia- ment No. 109, the 14h ‘Soptember 185800 A. Impey, Ist Class Executive Engineer, is ed to officiate as Civil Architect at the Pre In the 4th Clanse of Paragraph TV. of each of” the above General Orders, after the words “ to the Officers of the Royal Navy and the Officers of the Royal Marines,” add “and also of the Indian Navy.” during the absence on sick leave of Lieute: Ga Price, or until further orders, Ay 0. 3159, the 9th September 1858.—The Gover- nor General has been pleased to appoint Lieute- nant. iW orsley, 71st Native Infantr ry, to be a District Adjutant in the Oudh M ilitary Police. No. 1311 of 1858.—The following Notifien issued by the Government, North- Tela ; vine2s, are published in General Orders :— Lieutenant Worsley joined his appointment on No. 3590, ‘the 8th September 1858.—My, Jp the 28th August. iy Lean, Judge and Special Commissioner of J pore, to be also Special Commissioners under A XIV. and XVII. of 1857, in Benares, v4, No. 1308 of 1858.—The following Notifications, issued from the Publie Works Department, with the Right Hon’blc the ‘Governor General, are published in General Orders :— - No. 3600, the 10th September 1858,.—Lie James Creighton W ood, , Deputy Commissi Hoshtngabad, having submitted a Medical € ficate, is allowed three meuths’ leave of absenc No. 66, the 3rd Septcmber 1858.—Lieutenant wridar: the Military Rules, Hi. E. Whish, 26th Native Infantry, Trrigation 4h raed Department, North-Western Provinees, i is promoted me 9. 3602.—Captain Charles Baldwin A Commissioner and Officiating Depu ity sioner at Baitool, to officiate as Dei Cc so a to the grade of Assistant Engineer of the Ist Class, with effect from the 28th April 155 No. 67.—Lieutenant G. A. Craster, of EGgineers, . ase . to be Executive Engineer at Lucknow, in place of E the absence on leave of Lie Lieutenant G/E. Watson. éurther orders. [ 1833 ) of 1858.—The under-mentioned Officer ‘to proceed to Europe, on leave of ick Certificate -— | , Dormer Augustus Forfifteenmonths, he 64th Regiment under the new Tat ntry, Regulations. “ in - bt William, 17th September 1858, 3 y 1$58.—The following Order’, issued feer Commanding Beatson’s Horse, are las temporary arrangements :— 20th August 1858.—Appointing Licute- Johnstone, 18th Bombay Native Infan- a as Adjutant of the Ist Regiment, pend- 1 of Lieutenant Tudor; 5th Native ° . fing Lieutenant C. Il. Clay, 30th Bom- re Infantry, to do duty with the Ist Re- nding the arrival of Lieutenant Clarke, dras Native Infantry. L 24th August 1858.—Appointing Lieu- Lennox, Adjutant, to act as Second *in | and Lieutenant Clay, 30th Bombay . Infantry, to act as Adjutant. . 14 of 185s. —The following hal issued a n tes ent at Hy: rderabad, areconfirmed : — 89, dated 19th August 1838,Confrming the w Captain Scott, Commanding at Aurunga- ed 7th August 1593, directing Assistant a Day, 2nd Infantry, Hyderapad Contingent, peer Medical charge of the 4th Com-, Her y, Hyderabad Contingent, and Details, t. Senior Medical Officer. nas * 1 ag 30th August 1858. —Confirming the Major Mw. A. Orr, Commanding Field Forces Contingent, dated-15th 2 November 1857, jeutenant and Adjutant Fraser, 4th. M Tyderabad Contingent, “to officiate as er to the Field Force, during the indis- n of Lieutenant Samwell, wounded in action “S ‘Ss by Jemadar Meer Baz Naick Syud Hussun n Mackenzie, 8rd-Cavalry, Hydexaiaee x ] with Insurgents on the 12th November 1557, without prejudice to his appointment as Adjutant. No. 1315 of 1858.—The following Orders, issued the Chief Commissioner, Punjaub, and published the Punjaub Gazette No. 52, of the 1st Septem- ber 1858, are confirmed :— Lauors, lst SepremBer 1858. Sth Punjaub Infantry. No. 661.—Zransfers.—Subadar Chunda Singh, from the lgt Punjaub Infantry. . 9th Punjaub Infantry. “From the Ist PunjaubInfantry. Emam Bux Durbarah Singh bP) 32 * 23rd Punjaub Infantry. Hummeed Khan Golam Kadir Daim Ursullah From lst Pun- jaub Infantry, as ena ae DB] » » ” ors to have effect from ‘the date or on may be struck off the Strength These Transfe which the parties of the Ist Punjaub Infantry. 9th Punjaub Infantry. ) 662.—Promotion. —JI e- No. Bhugail Singh to be madar Bhagat $ To fill existing Subadar > vacancies, Jemadar Azim Khan to be “Subadar © Resoalla of Surfraz Kan, Hsa Kheyl. Np. 664-—Promotion-—Datladar Nowrun Khan to be J emadar. 5 Stoke’s cme Horse. » “No. GG 7y he pane of & Classie on es 5 per month, for the cart of two Tents Rupe Government for the Hospital, is sanctioned by authorized. ao ‘ [ 1834 | No. 1316 of 1858.—The Hon’ble 4 of the Couneil of India in Couneil isle make the following promotion 15th Regiment Punjaub Infantry. No. 668.—Promotions :— io aa ~ 7 To what Rank and . From what % : To what F . =~ pT A ee d date. sogs he goois, E/ Rank and Names.} Rank , Prom what | i ; o promoted. =z _ fa... SS SS Havildars. Bootah Sineh. | Captain and Breve i F 23rd Mar. 185 ootah Singh, Major Abrahan Gohul Singh, Jemadar, | 23rd Mar. 1 ngs L baer lieel A Meyer ...{ Major...) 4th Sept.1858 i i 2, 1858 UKKa Singh, | 33 \Lieut, Thomas Sta- sete aye aig PAN ah dismissed. 8 ples ...|Captain. |Ditto, Corps of Guides. No. 670.—The Regimental Order by Major Lumsden, Commanding, dated 31st March 185%, directing Lieutenant T. G. Kennedy, Acting Com- mandant of Cavalry, to officiate as 2nd in. Com- mand, in addition to his other duties, until the ar- rival of Captain H. D. Daly, is confirmed, Stoke’s Pathan Iorse. é No. 671. An allowance of Rupees ]0-0-0 per mensem per Troop, is sarfctioned, to cover the ex- penses of repair of Arms, Stationery, &e. This Order to have retrospective effect. No. 1317 of 1858.—The under-mention have returned to their duty on this Estal without prejudice to their Rank, by perm the Hon’ble the Court of Directors:— Dat F Lieutenant Boyle Torriano ‘ _ Stafford, ofthe 18th Regiment £13¢h Native Infantry, Captain James Gordon bene Phillips, of the 63rd Regiment 14th Ay Native Infantry, io al} e , r No. 1318 of 1858.—The following Tables of Indian Pay of certain Ranks of European Tr published for information, and are to be applicable to the three Presidencies :— " LABLE of Rates of Indian Pay of Non-Commissioned Officers ahove the Ttank of Corporal, in Reg Dragoon Guards and Light Drigoons of Her Majesty’ s Service, caleulated Jor Months of % 3 r 30 and 31 Days. Pay VitH COMPENSATION ‘ : 2 Spirit Ratio a F ug laa For 28] For 29 | For 30 vidya Days. | Days. Days | m" 3 r { When serving beyond 200 Miles of direct distance from the Presidency, | “Wines D eiinant Major = 6 - * = - -|48 4, 3149 13 51 aque wade: - : - - - - - 42 7 043 15 P _ Troop Serjeant Major - rae ees ; - : es ~~ e - (39 14 641 4 g = a " er 3 years’ uninterrupted service as such - : 33 11 8134-13 Pay Master Serjeant f tne ditto - : saat : -/26 14 027 12 228 se. AT ede After 3 ycars’ uninterrupted service as such - 33-11 834 15 1¢ Grderly Room Clerk = { {yer 3 ye + tciucrsluctilge F ~aigebiee rs Re ad..ceg amie Hospital Serjeant 2 ie Pg ‘flit oc Sig aren aia 3 = - 3s 4 4 ma 9 Above 10 years’ uninterrupted service as such ° - 33 11 8/34 13 School Master Serjeant IN Under ditto -" - - : -) )26 14 097 47 Armourer Serjeant - - - = - - : -/26 14 0/27 19 Saddler Serjeant - en £ a 5 . : (26 14 027 12 Farrier Major : - - lec a - : - " Al6 14 017 12 Trumpet Major - - - Z = re , : 26 14 027 1 Serjeant - - - - a - - - -26 Ih O27 7 dn Garrison or Cantonment within 200 Miles from the Presidency. P| | Regimental Serjedit Major —- d < “Pe A len 4s 5 Guus Quarter Master Se jeant : *. ae P * é 0 15 4 2 7 1 : Troop Serjeant Major - - - - - - 138 7 99 19 7 5 Pay Mister Sevteant. f After 3 years’ uninterrupted service as such - B83 Ze 813K. lB: ay + le ~ Under ditto - - - - - 26 1 o7 52 Orderly Room Clerk - vat Pg edes uninterrupted service as such - 88° 7 . 864 9 OI nder ditto - - mache - “426 10. 707. "7G » Hospital Serjeant : eae 7 oe uninterrupted service gs such - 38 0 1139 4 aC After oe uninterrupted service as such a, Oe $e ~ Atte: ‘ ser 8 - 33° 34, (13 School"Master Serjeant - i £ A i ig in a Under ditto - - : - 2610 O87 7 5 _ Armourer Serjeant. - - - - : a 2610 O27 7 52 Saddler Serjeant - - - - - : se 26 10 027 75) Farrier Major - - af - = a Al26 10 OR7 7 5: Trumpet or Bugle Major - - - > : -/26 10 027 pss Serjeant : is 5 z - : - 26 10° 097 7% 4 [ 1835 ] TABLE of Rates of Indian Puy of Non-Commissione : ad Officers above the rank of Corporal, in Infuntry Regiments of Her Majesty's Service, calen ; j lated for Months of 28, 29, 30 and 31 Days. ; Pay witn CoMPENSATION IN LIEU OF, Spirit RatIons. ] For 28 | For 29 | For 30 | For 81 4 Days. | Days. | Days. Days. = _— » \ ri. : F yl When serving beyond 200 Miles of direct distance Srom the Presidency. / 4 nental Serjeant Major - - i } 13 14. 1045 ~ ee , as - - - fd Id 1045 3 (O46 7 M7 11 4, Master split a eee a © - -- -/38 14 43912 140 91041 7 8 y Master Serjeant - kissin: uninterrupted service as such - -|29 14 230 14 931 15 3983 0 1 1 nder 2 ats a.) 2 - - 23 0 52313 294 91025 6 7 dex} Been Clerk... § ak 3 Aine uninterrupted service as such - -|29 14 230 14 931 157533 0 L Shae mY ¢ ‘ 28 0 523 13 224 gaa 6 7 Pi itastcs Serjeant ( After 10 years’ uninterrupted service as such - | : 29 14 230 14 i 15 583 0.1 hool 2 F : 2 | a ..,.: ‘uit ditto : - - - -) | 0 593138 294 9 1085 6 7 lea att : ; ; ; : : -|23 0 523 13 224 9 10% 6 7 m, Bugle or Pipe Major - . - - - - - 23 0 58813 224 91025 6 7 wjeant = - 5 ; 7 3 - -“" - - 30 01081 0 932 0 733 0 6 3 és F ; ; Hike = ve 0 523 13 224 9 1025 6 7 In Garrison or Cantonment within 200 Miles from the Presidency. ) 4 . sy tal Serjeant “Major -’ - - : - - -|42 7 743 10 1144 I 246 1 6 er Master Serjeant - St de oe Wine a |37 6 1138 93.1189 0 1039 13 Jo aster Serjeant - hia 3 years’ uninterrupted service as such - -/28 11 129 10 108010 83110 6 “i pane :|) — 4 ft Me ; . 2 21 13 fs 9 323 5 It 1 0 erly R x -{ er 3 years’ uninterrupted service as suc - - (28 11° 1/29 10 10310 83110 6 eee Cler Under ditto- PS ot - 21.18 428 9. 323 5 114 1 0 > Afer 10 years’ uninterrupted service as such - 28 11 1129 10 1030 10 &/31 10 6 ool Master Serjeant. ee 5 A | 4 ‘ Under ditto - - : - - : 21-13 74,22 9 3123 58 124 1 0 nourer Serjeant ie - - - - - - -J20 Tas 4222-9 -328°"5 “124 1 0 Bugle or Pipe Major — - - - - - - - 20 1S, 4/22 9 328 5 It 1 0 Serjeant - . - - - - BS - - - 28 13° 329 12 5/30 11 5/381 10 6 int - . : - = 5 = - 2113 422 9) 328).5 24.1 0 — = : —— : ry A. Besides a Staff Pay of (20) Twenty Rupees a month. aw : 1 4 BLE ofRases of Indian Pay of Non-Commissioned Officers ahore the Rank of Corporal, of European Ta- 5 antry in the Hon'ble Comptiny’s Service, calculated for any Month. . Y a Lp LY ? * VA z Y - es Pay and Compen- q veecrnecs Spirit : When serving beyond 200 miles of direct distance from the Presidency. Rh. . in ntal Serjeant Major Fuse = an @ r. ee 5 7 er Master Serjeant ae Fas 4 : e y ca 008 aap ar Above 3 years’ uninterrupted service - - - - 3) ek (ia Wr) Room Clerk ¢ Under ditto ae a se) MG “a ° J 2a 15) 2 I Master Serjeant = = mP rn " - a y re 15 2 al Serjeant, : =5 3 3 3 Z i i e . et ib 2 or Bugle Major, " : ; > a eS z . as m4 | 2 er Serjeant: it ERE ; : aa F 3 = ben) eae | 2 erjeant : 3 3 vs -— 2 es ri - sieamaicee| 2 aa . : ’ es : iets . - +] 2/45) 2 In Garrison or Cantonment within 200 miles Srom the Presidency \ ital Serjeant Major = "i eS ; ‘ lata oe tek _ | “s 3 aster Serjeant 2 Sas 7 was . *. Vay . . ove ears’ unin’ , 7 of Clerk Above 3 years’ terrupted serviee - : : Sa MS 1! 4 wom * $ Under uitto “. = = Re z . sie, CO) is Master Serjeant : Fi - io. 7 wo anise oR L Serjeant - 5 7 z 7 _ a a « : Bugle Major : * - ; CePA, SH : a3 i Serjeant - Fi < : 3 cx 3 A 2 Fe ‘ vjeant - 5 5 oe eye 5 = a ne r 7 “Wes, [ 1836 ] TABLE of Rates of Indian Pay of Non-Commissioned and Rank and File of European Cavalry in (he Howble Company's Service, caleulated for any Month. / oe eel Pay and sation tor Rations, When serving beyond 200 miles of direct distance from the Presidency. Zecimental Serjeant Major - : - - - - - - - 2] Quarter Master Serjeant - - - - - - - - © 2) Troop Serjeant Major n ae - - Se : - : : 5 : 4 ; 5. § After 3 years’ uninterrupted service as suc - - - Z Om We Orderly Room Clerk {tn dertchite " P ; 4 "4 ? 7 F “| 99 0 Armourer Serjeant - - : - : - - - - - | 29 0 ait Saddler Serjeant : : : - = - - - - - -| 2 O} | Hospital Serjeant, besides a Staff Pay of (10) Len Rupees a month - - : «(= aw) 0 Trumpet Major, - - - : = - - - -| 29 O14 Farrier Major, besides a Staff Pay of (20) Twenty Rupees amonth ¢ é Be) oO} { Serjeant : - - - - - - = -| 20° Ge 4 Corporal - - - : : - - : - = le 21 Trumpeter - - - : - - - - le 16°) ie Private and Farrier - > - - : - - - -| 14 6} ¢ Tn Garrison or Cantonment within 200 miles from the Presidency. : ip Regimental Serjeant Major - -f - - - - -| 50 8| 9 Quarter Master Serjeant - - a - - A @ = \+ 4a By Troop Serjeant Major eset Pee eich: 8) - srs - - - | = 4 ; 2 ae a1q. § After 3 vears’ uninterrupted service as such - - 6 pa Ine Orderly Room Clerk 2 Under ditto ; : ‘ ’ 4 "| 38 [40 r Armourer Serjeant 2 - - - = 5 es E -| 289 )elae Sadler Serjeant - - - - - - S é, -| 28a Hospital Serjeant, besides a Staff Pay of (10) Ten Rupeesa month - + < 2 . -| 28 ae Trumpet Major - - - - = . * ¥ -| 98 + 100m Farrier Major, besides a Staff Pay of (20) Twenty Rupees a month - “ A s -| 98 110 Corporal - - - - °- - - - - -| 0} Trumpeter - D 2 : : : : - -, BG ay Private and Farrier : - - ae - © yee t 5 | ie) 12] ig’ * ge _ No... 1319 of 1858.—The Howble the President in Council is pleased to make the follag ving promotions in the under-mentioned Corps of the Native Army :— —————————— 0 UY eee To what | From what Corps. Rank and Names. Rank pro- date. In whose room. moted. eet —— —— ». i. | a? 21st Native Infantry Jemadar Rutton Sing ...|Subadar .../16th April 1858 Seetulpersaud Tewarry, des Ditto Havildar Issery Sing...) Jemadar ...| _ Ditto ...,Rutton Sing, prorhoted. | Pegu Light Infan-) | i” Tth Dec., 4857 Moungyeit, killed. . Jemadar Nga-hmway...... Subadar ... try Battalion ... § : : ; Ditto \Jemadar Nga-hmau... ¢.. Ditto ... 1st May 1858/To complete the Establishmer Ditto Jemadar Thazan... ... ..d Ditto ...| Ditto ... Ditto ditto. Ditto Havildar Koyen Gyee .../Jemadar ...) 7th Dec. 1857|Nga-hmway, promoted. Ditto |Havildar Mozeway.......: +) Ditto ...| Ist May 1858.Thakhine, invalided. Ditto ‘Havildar Poh-tso... ... 3 Ditto .... Ditto ..- Nga-hman, promoted. . F Ditto Havildar Shwe-tso... ......1. Ditto .... Ditto .../Thazan, promoted. : Allahabad Levy... ... wJemadar Jungley... ... ..: Subadar ... 24th June 1858'To complete the Establishment e | ‘ « r ~ No. 1320 of 1858.—In order to lessen as far as practicable the inconvenience to ,Officers which is found to resvit from the present rule sanction- ing the summary recovery of: Retrenchments is- sued by the Military Auditor General, the How’ble the President of the Council of India in Council, ‘with the egneurrence of the Right” Hon’ble the Governor General of India, is pleased * to direct, that the following Regulation shall be established in| modification of Articles *7 and 49, _ Section XXIX. of the Pay and Audit Code. The Milit~/ry Anditor General after auditing the Pay Mfster’s Disbursements will transmit to ps = . Pay Masters Memoranda of objectionable ¢ found therein, one ménth-Ketween that date ar day of retransmission being allowed for the pu pos of obtaining vouchers, explanations, &e. shduld the replies be insufficient, he will or sums to be passed into.retrenchment, forwardi de au, 1 to Pay Masters aecounts thereof ‘in Audits being considered irrevocable, unless a against them be made within six months afte shall have. been notified to individuals. — Masters on receiving from the Military - General, Memoranda of objectionable charge their accounts, will forward without delay - t vb pena eeably to the following Form, to the d, who will insert their replies in that purpose, and return them to ters, Who will in the order of receipt to the Military Auditor General :— Forwarded to —— with a request that he wilt refund the amount of the annexed Re~ trenchment. Any explanation he may have to of- jer with a view to reaudit is to be written in the column for that purpose, countersigned by the Com- manding Officer or Head of his Department and in that case the Document returned for transmission to the Military Andifor General. yi (Signed) A. B., of olyectionable charges in the Dishurse- tain A.L., Pay-master, for the month 18 | | Amount. 6 Amount. Pay-master. ~ ; Reply or Expla- ay ? —| Objections. |__| In the event of an appeal to Government against Rs. lA. Teale nation. the Retrenchment being desired, the same course will be pursued as in submitting a reply or explana- tion, viz., to insert it im the column for that pur- pose, signed and countersigned as above, and to return the Extract to the Pay-master, for transmis- sion to the Military Auditor General, and eventual submission, to Government. = — | ———-___ —_.|_|_|_. ¥ ’ No. 1821 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased to make the following promotion :— k of the Memoranda wilt be written on in the following Form, addressed responsible for the charge:— + 0 to be returned at earliest with such reply or ceplanation as he 0 offer to obriate retreuchment. y ws to be entered in the column for that ountersigned by his Commanding Officer or is Department. 8th Regiment Native Light Olndlir UB Lieutenant the Hon’ble Francis Ajgernon James Chichester to be Captain of a Troop, from the 16th September 1558, vce Captain and Brevet Lieutenant Colonel W. P. Prendergast, deceaged. No. 1322 of YS58.—The wnder-mentioned Off cers are permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave Signed) 4. B., Pay-master. of absence, on Sick Certificate:— Betely on the receipt of the Military Second Captain Wilham For eighteen months, neral’s Retrenchments, Pay- masters will, W ilson, of the Regiment under the new Re- xtracts of them agreeably to the fol- of Artillery, gulations. Form to those concerned, requiring them Surgeon John McClel- For fifteen months, the amount, and if the requisition be | land, of the Medical under the new Re- with before next month’s allowances are | Department, culations. ‘masters are hereby authorized and make stoppages from thé amount of » suceceding month’s Bills or Abstracts lividuats (Puy, Horse, and Tent Allowance ‘until the full amount of+the Retrench-_ liquidated. Appeals or replies ‘axe in no erfere with the progress of these re- No. 1323 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Gen- tlemen ave admitted into the Service, in conformity with their appointment by the Hon’ble the Court of Directors, as Cadets of Infantry on this Jastablishment,and promoted to the Rank of Ensign, leaving the dates of their Commissions for future adjustment? :— Date of Arrival at © 2 Fort William. Tyfantry. Mr. Wilham Pooley Mpelana 13th Sept. 1958. , Mr. George Logan, "f: ‘of Retrenchment made by the Military meral trom tke Disbursements of Caplan 3 ek Pmnaster, for the month of ——— 15. —— ST I. Amount. ‘ : . i Reply or Explana- + No. 1324 of 1858.—The How blé the President jections.| " tion. > ‘ouncil of India in Council is pleased to J miof, thegO 1 i } Rs. jA.|P “| make the following promotion and alteration of x ’ Rank :— 5 a eee. - - — - . Promotor. A 2. . | From what ,jIn whose \ date. room? a x ° a provaoted. Corps. | Rank and Name. Yo wh f bE elgen te —. A a Se Po : . the : } iback of the Abstract will be written 4 | hy | Poetics en Capt. (6th Aug. 18X@. Capt.D.J. in the following Form, addressed Tatanfty, + KL Aluicleod, eer i : is | . deceased. ecr against whom the Retrenchment 1s | s [Hagss |", Alteration of Rank. Zillah Cachar. Adal a: © * fi Corps. | Rank and Name, | To rank from.) In whose room. The 1th Au gust 1858, —s ProcEEDINGS oF Lirzut. R. Srewanr, Ofy 19th Natives. Gomes Waren 5 .C.Jack- Durine a seven years’ residence on this } Infantry, ... tons Lane Ryves, 4th Aug. em, ee # ad Per 5 frequent, ae me that-aivonea : : and the surrounding Districts and States 4. fertile in themselves, and productive of ; F. D. Arxryson, Major, the articles of trade such i are conducive to." Offy. Secy. to the Govt. of India, necessities and conveniendes of life, yet St tie Mily. Dept. regular system exists whereby this produ -| made geyerally available to the westerr civilized portion of the Empire. F Notification. It is likewise apparent that althou bitants of this Frontier are by no me 50 Br they have not been introduced to ALIPORE JAIL PRESS. vantages to be derived from extensive , of foreign manufactures. The causes of this stagnation of tr Tux following Rules regarding the sithmission of | to me to be the want of roads and con Work by Public Officers to the Alipore Jail Press | wheeled conveyances and the continued having received the sanction of the Government, | of the seasons for the greater portion are promulgated for general information :— which makes all communication bot , J All Public Officers are hereby requested to A latins 8 cL send their Indents and requisitions for Forms and As great natural as well as financial di other Public Work requiring to be printed, to the | exist, debarring for the present all thoug! Superintendent of Stationery, by whom they will construction of good roads, and as ther be transmitted to the Jail Press for exe¢ution, and | tion will be always’ affected by the sea by wnom they will, when printed, be packed and | 2 trade has been created sufficiently re djspatched to the Indenting Officers. for the occupation of steamers and y. fic ts against the storms and strone currents w 2. No Indents or requisitions of any kind for | “> Pp ae 2 : 3 vail during the rains, it remains to provi aie a for Pe Public Service, are to be sent foy traffic ‘as little affected as possible by irect to the Jail. ties with which it is at certam times s e From the month of November © February, the weather is cold and brae 3. As any departure from the plan of proceed- ing above notified i ads delay hee mae yohience,~ Ieteeting x Mhcats Tate spartinulerly se [hagas The plains are ard and traversab quested to see that it is strictly adhered to. valleys, nivahas and. jungles are freagall 4. Indenting Officers are informed that all Pa- | matic influences. The river is low enot per required for the printing of Public Work will deprived of strong currents and deep e be supplied by the Stationery Office. admit of navigation by boats of moder 5. The Alipore Jail Press is at present prepared | This appears to be the season when the to execute all Form Work, and such Returns, |,the different Districts and States should Reports, Circular Orders, and other public docu- | at some central position and reciproe ments as do not need fine work. It is neéessary, I think, only to appoi 6. The earliest possible arrangements will be place of rendezvouz in order to secure t made for the execution of fine Book Work. The | Ment of a periodical trade which “he] moment they are completed, and the Press can | Burma with Dacea, and gt with undertake them without incurring the risk of delay Tipperah. ‘et or disappointment, the same will be dulf notified. For this purpose, in consultation with Member of the Board of Revenue, on d Cherrapoonjee, it has been determined annual Fair or Mela be held at Silchar, t Station of Cachar, and that the inhabi neigifpouring Districts to the West as: Frep. J. Movar,” , Inspector of Jails, Lower Provinces. r Forr wire “| of Assam to the North be invited toa August 12th, 1858. ing for sale and -bartex the produce 0 ; tive countries, and fhat to meet these i f Gcclestastical, mated to the inhabitants of Cachar, N and Proper, to“those of Munipoor and 1 Tne Reverenn Matcopm Srricxnand Larxe, As- | the inhabitants of the Kuteha Angan it sistant Chaplain at Futtehghur, has been appointed | Lhooshai countries through the prop * oe a-Surrégate for gvanting Episcopal Licences of | that a Mart has been opened where th Marriage in this Diocese. only dispose of their native produce, bi . By desire of the Ven’ble Archdeacon Pratt, | return that’ and the manutactures- Commissary, on the part of the Bishop of Madras, | countries. Mo Officiating Metropolitan. Dated at Calcutta, this 30th day of August 1858. The date of the Mela which will 1 4 days is fixed from the 80th December ¢ _W. H. Apzorr, January 1858-59 inclusive, correspondin Registrar and Secretary. to 20th Pows 1265 B. S, ed, that copies of this Proceeding, together the accompanying advertisement relating to recounting the articles most likely to be and demanded at the Mela, be sent in and Vernaculars to the authorities of the e of Assam, and the Zillah of Dacea, Fur- , Mymensing,, Tipperah and Sythet, likewise + McCulloch, Political Agent in Munipoor, munication to the Governments of Muni- d Kubboo, and that these gentlemen be ited to give the widest circulation and publi- in their power to the advertisement. rdeved, that the above Proceeding be commu- ed through emissaries to the different tribes agahs, Kookies, Cassyahs, Meekirs, Cacharies, amies, Kacha Nagahs and Looshais in and achar. ed, that the above Proceeding and adver- t besent to the Caleutia Gazette for pub- red, that copies of the above Proceeding and sement be sent to all known. and_respec- dividuals, Merchants, Traders, Landholders nters on the Frontier, with the request that will give publicity to, and aid the undertaking. R. Stewart, Offg. Supdt. ADVERTISEMENT. Ick is hereby given, that on the 30th and 31st cember 1858, and the Ist, 2nd and 38rd of y 1859, a great Mela will be held at r or Doodpatly, in the Zillah of Cachar, to all the Merchants, Traders and Inhabitants ea, Purreedpoor, Mymensing, Tipperah, Sylhet, eerapoonjec, Assam, and Cachar will be mvited, d to which the people of the Independant States Munipore and Kubboo in Burma will also be mmoned together with those of the surrounding of Cassyahs, Meekirs, Kookies, Nagas, aries, Kacha Nagas, Angamies and Lhooshais, @ with them the produce and manufactures own and foreign countries. 7 A list is hereto appended, showing the artisles of merce most likely to be profferetl and dernanded his Mela, but there are nlanys others besides ich will form objects of trade. i The chief approaches to Silchar from the West sthe rivers Syrma or Burrack and the Koosia- 1; thes¢ are navigable througbout the season to its of 500 maunds; there sa road through the Ss to Assam on the North, and one to Munipore I t v East. : We No taxes or Bazar dues Will be levied on any es sold at thé Mela,eand sheds will be erected convenience of the Shop-keepers. . Mola will last for five days, and during its nance, prizes will be offered by Public Sub- nto the winners in Boat, Elephant, Horse and Races as well as for other Athletic. games and ises among which may be mentioned the’ Mu-~ poree, Kangjai or IIpekey upon horse back. Vo icles likely to be proffered by the West and de- ~ manded by the East at the Cachar Mela. Inkstands. Ivory. ™ Tron, in great quantitie>. Jute. [ 1839 ] Almirahs. Knives. Armlets. Kharoos. Anklets. Kubbyj. Amber. Lanterns. Blankets. Looking Glasses, Broad €loth, in great Lime. quantities. Merinos. Banyans, Musk. Boots. Meerdungs. Bill Books. Necklace. Books, English. Neckcloths. Books, Bengalee. Night Caps. Books, Urdu. * Onions. Brass. Oranges. Brass Ornaments. Pepper. Brass Wire, in great Potatoes. quantities. Pugeries. Brass Chains. : Porcelain. Buttons. Pickaxes. Basket work. Playing Cards. Bracelets. Paper. Bolak, > Poreupine Caps. Bark. Pettaras. Beads, Cornelian, Pasha. Beads, Agate. Quinine. Beads, Glass. Quills : Beads, Coral. Refined Sugar. Beads, Amber. Red Lead, Beids, Wooden. Ruggs. Beads, Shell. Razais. Camphor. Ribbons. Cotton Cloths. Ropes. Chintzes. Rang. 5 Cambrie. Rose Water. Chaders. Rings, Gold, Silver and Carpets. Brass. Colored CottonCloths, in Spectacles. 5 great quantities. Salt, in great quantities. ColoredCotton Handker- Silk. chiefs, in great quanti- Satins. ties. Shawls. Cords. Sheetings. Country Saddles. Shirtings. Carpenters’ Tools. Sutrunjies. Clocks. Scull Caps. Copper. Stockings. Coal. . Sola Topelahs. Cooking Pots. Silk Hankerchiefs. Corksérews. Sheep. Chests. Soda Water. Chains. Scissors. Chaits. Shoes in great varieties. Chikol. Smiths’ Tools. Chillumcehees. Shamadans. Cowries. Spoons. Castor Oil. * Shot. Coeoanut Oil. Stgel Pens. Dall, Urhur. Shelves. Dall, Moong. Shells. Sonks. Dall, Boot. Dall, Khessary. S Dall, Moosoory. Scented Soap. Smalling Salts. Dall, Motur. Snuth Dacca Muslin. Sulphur. Dacca Soap. > Sutrung. Dacca Cheese. Tweeds. , : Drugs. *~ Towels. Desks. . Tape. English‘ Muslin, in great Tin. quantities. Tanpoor. Elephant Guddies. Tin Boxes. : Harrings. Tables. \ Fiddles. ‘Teapoys. ’ Flannel. Framed Pictures. Garters. Ganzee Frock Cotton, in great quantity. Ganzee Woollen. Gauze. Guddelas, Guitars. Golap Pash. Gun-powder. Gold Ornaments. Glass. Hookahs. Hookahs, Brass. Hookah, Bidry. Hookah Stands. . [ 1840 ] Tobacco, manufactured. Toys. Utter. Utterdans. Umbrellas, Cotton. Velvet. Vinegar. Wearing Apparel, new. W earing Apparef, second hand. Wall Shades. Wooden Boxes, of differ- ent kinds, Wooden Utensils. Watches. Wadding. e Articles likely to be proffered by the East and de- monded by the West at the Cachar Mela." Bamboos in great quan- tities. Muniporee Shoes made of Cloth. 4 Buffaloes, from Munipore Null. and Burma. Buffaloe’s Horns. Blue Beetles’ Wings. Cotton Raw, in large quantities. Cows. Cloths manufactured by the different tribes, of various kinds and quantities. Deer Skins. Dried Fish. Elephants, Fine Seetul Patty. Gold Goats. Hill Minerals. Hockey Sticks and Ball, Ivory. Jute, Khes. Kale. Khag’. Linseed. Mustard Seed, in large quantities. Mats. Muniporee Shawls. Muniporee Curtain. Muniporee Rugs. Otter Skin. Paddy in large quanti- ties, Ponies, Burmah Muniporee. Pigs, of the China spe- cies. Peacocks, Peacocks’ Feathers. Parrots. Rattan. Rice in large quantities. Raw Sugar. Sessamum, Sunpat. Silk. Singing Birds. ane Specimens of wild Ani- mals for a- Menagerie. Tea. Tea Seeds, Timbers, in abundance and great varieties. Thatching Grass, in large quantities. ‘ Wax, in large quantities. Well Salt, im large quantrties, « Warlike Weapons for a museum. . R. Stewart, Offg. Sunilt. Notice. Tue Galea react ry will be ¢losed on Wednes- day the 6th October, on account of the. Hindoo | Holiday Mohaloya. r ’ The Gereral Treasury will also be closed from Tuesday ‘the 12th October to Tuesday the 19th October 1858, both Gays included, on account of ‘the Hindoo Holiday Doorga Poojah. “ And the Generak Treasury will further be closed op Friday the A2nd October and Saturday the Q3rd Oates fs 58, on account of the Hindco Holiday Luckée Poojah. . I . | -particulars relating to the first sale 7 the All Acceptances which may fall due betwe Tuesday the i2th October and Tuesday t e | instant will be payable at the General Treast any business day after the 6th October 1858 J. I. Harvuy, 7 Sub-Treasurer. - Notification, ae Bills at par on the Public Treasuries of the und mentioned Districts may be had on applicatior the Accountant to the Government of Ben Fort W1ILLiAm ;' General Treasury, The \7th September 1858. Districts, Amounts available on th y Akyab, .1,00,000 at 3 per cent. pre Backurgunge, . ee 50, “0000 Bogra, 50,000 Bullooah,* $0,000 Jessore, .. 1-00,000 . Jorehaut, 40,000 w Midnapoye, .. 1,00,000 wh Purneah, 50,000 Rajshahye,* 50,000 at 3 per cent. premiun E. F. Harrtsox, Offg. Acct. to the Govt. of Benga Bengal Acett’s. Office, “The 11th Sept. 1858. 7 * N. B.—These Treasuries’ will "be clea shortly if the amounts available are not take i in Bills. is Bills epplied for after 2 Pp. um. will not be ise till the following day. ae = i + _- Cpium Notification. oo 6 _—- Ir ,is hereby notified that the’ Provisior ~ Opium of 1857-58 to be brought | Orie. ward at the Monthly Sales of suing year 1859, will consist of 22,999 Chests “of Behar and 4,174 Cl Benares Opium, inclu8ive of the 300. Ck be reserved for the French Government Opium will be Sold on or about the 10 each Month, as usual, and the precise dates notified in due course. 9 The quantity te be put up at each of t Menthly Sales will consist more or less of 1,914 Chests of B&har and 345 Chests of Benares O except at the last sale in December, when th maining 1,934 Chests pf Behar and 379 Oe Benares Opium will be sold? : 3. -The-general Conditions of Sale will te h same as heretofore, and will be published. ‘eember next as usual, with the notificatt year, By Oxder of the Board of Revenue, Epw. oh?” LustINGTON Tunior Seere Forr Wirt, ‘sabes “The 15th September 1838, a \ » [ 1841 J | Notice. special Notice of such new assessment having been itis belonging to the Estate of the late served on the owners or occupiers of the Premises. Mibgreunder the Seal.of this Court, Parties interested will be required to attend. Meeeiad over té any party duly quali- By order of the Board of Municipal Commission- e charge of the same. ‘S: EK. Lavrovr, Judge. Rosr. D. Turnxputt, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. Caxcurra, The 4th Sept. 1858. Sheriff’s Office, Calcutta, the 8th September 1858. 7 Notice. ‘ Civil Treasury at Sultanpore, in Oude, hav- » med operations, Bills drawn by the Officer of that Treasury are to be duly honored. NOTICE is hereby given, that a Sessions of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, and also an Admiralty Sessions, will be holden by the Supreme Se: i isnot to be drawn upon Court of Judicature at Fort William, in Bengal, 3 : Bh, necessa 4} . Pp elie for the Town of Calewtta and Factory of Fort i iy. absolutely necessary on the 4fublc | William, and the places subordinate there to, at ony. ~ the Court-House in the Town of Caleutta, on Bony. 4 ae P. one aso Friday, the First day of October next, at 12 o'clock . | Offy. Acct. Genl, to the Govt. of India. at noon» . ey WILLIAM: The Court will open on the first day of the mtant General’s ‘Office, Sessions at 12 o’clock at noon, and upon each suc- Revenue Department, ceeding day precisely at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, [3th September 1858. . of which all persons are required to take notice. — , ech Shain bet Se Ii. Dunpas, * Sheriff. ) Notice. » a na ‘ Effects belonging to the Estate of John afre afer + aAbya th ATT 1 ton, Esquire, of the East India Company Rail- o died at Benares on the 25th August, | + aatty STS tft the Seal of this Court at Koruntadhee, {HSA ARCS i See be delivered to any one duly authorized — y authorized) y artarbled beh Tel SETA FS 2tB- ive them. A.Ross, s | ag aq afasiety awit’ Becaarg Off. Judge. Jewaxy ADAWLUT; i aq? SlVly Beet (Ss cy ASA Bly Sfz- [LLAH (XHAZEEPORE, / est September 1858. fae qe ccaty Geib BECACTA STAT Calcutta. Gallectorate Notification. CH ate ee cab ATTA Mee is hereby given under Section XXX. | QY° ABA {Sta atp HATS FE Wal ci II, of 1849, that seven seers of Ganjah having s eed on the 13th instant on board*the Afiet yt zq TREAT] faite aa 4s ATA mn, Captain Biedwell, then lying off the in the River Hooghly, for which no claims Bape fafa afacea 1 J mee been preferred. Information will be laid the Magistrate of the Northern Division at ae Crattatey Roeray AIT S afacee lice Office, Calcutta, with a*view to the con- en oe Drug, on or after | slety ppatay fro % S atEecaq AZ I- 4 Kynas Cnunver Dorr ; ata 77s 6 faqa atts Btz AAs x Dy. Collr, nd Supdt. of Abharree, ‘ atg 2tfs (cal STA q ma Cortecrorary, i afacre 4 fang TSCA ATT AAA 1 ¥ > Hl. Dunpas, Noe Sher th September 1858. * —— Municipal Commissioners’ Notice. eee a a ge , As In the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort Villian im P ’ pate in Bengal. : : ordance with the Provisions of Section 1A. ey and Mi : > 25 of 1856, notice is hereby given, that on Ix EQurry, eri saa reas 2 the 1st of October 1558, proximo, and fol- a8 Punchanun Gangooly and * days at noon, the Municipal Commissioners athors. at the Free Masons’ Hall, Cossitollah, to consideration complaints against assess- on buildings now for the first time assessed ; Pursuant to a Decretal Order of dye Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William Bengal, 4 ea a [ 1842 ] made in this Cause, bearing date the 22nd day of April 1858, the Creditors of Collydoss Gangooly, late of Chorebagan, in the Town of Caleutta, who died on the 22nd day of April, inthe Year of Christ One thousand Eight hundred and fifty-seven, are forthwith required to come in and prove their respective debts before William Macpherson, Esq., the Master of the said Court, at his Office in the Court House, or in default thereof they will be ex- cluded from the benefit of the said Decretal Order. W. MacpHerson, - Master. In Eaurry. Doyalchund Seal, LENSUS Nobin Chunder Seal and others. e Pursuant to a Decretal Order of the- Supreme” Court of Judicature at Fort William in Bengal, made in this Cause, bearing date the 27th day of August 1857, the Creditors of Ramfono Seal, late of Bowbazar, in the Town of Calcutta, who died on the 14th day of October, in the Year of Christ One thousand Right hundred and fifty-four, are, forth- with required to come in and prove their respec- tive debts before William Macpherson, Esq., the Masteref the said Court, at his Office in the Court House, or in default thereof they will be excluded front the benefit of the said Decretal Order. : W. Macrurrson, Master. H. Swinxnor, Complainant's Attorney. Master's Office, Cartcurra Supreme Court; The 14th September 1858. Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at Calcutta. | In the matter of Kally- On Saturday, the , churn Roy, an Insolvent. J 4th day of September instant, it was ordered that Saturday, the 6th day | of November next, be appointed for the further hearing of this matter, and that unless @ause be shown to the contrary on that day, the satd Insol- vent be discharged personally as well as to his after acquired property from all liability for debts, clfims and demands of, and against the said Insolvent, at the time of the filing of his petition for relief. - Swinhoe and Law, détorneys. ‘ —_—_—_- In the matte of Nawab) On Friday, “the Golam Ali, one of the a ‘10th day of Septem- scendants of the late Tippoo ber instant, it was of- Sultan, lately residing at | dered that the matters ‘ollyzungé, in the 24-Per- {of the petition of the gunnahs, but now of Bow | said Insolvent — be Bazar, in Calcutta, an In- | heard oy, Saturday, r ah Insolvent. On Wednesday Sth day of § instant, it ed that the the petition Insolvent be Saturday, the 6 of November n then attend to be In the matter of Harriet Charlotte Roe, lately carry- ing on trade and business asa Lodging House, Hotel- keeper and Baker, at No. 12, Waterloo Street, in Raneemoody Gully, in Cal- cutta, an Insolvent. that the said Insolvent do mined by the said Court. Paliologus, Attorney. In the matter of Gobind-) Notice, that a chunder Dhur, of Aheeree- | plication for tollah Street, in the Town | ¢er2m protec of Caleutta, lately carrying | has been on trade and business as | made by the Merchant, under the name | solvent, and or firm of Gobindchunder | application Dhur, and as Shipper oof Country Produce in co-partnership with one Rajkissorechunder, under | vent Court, the style of Rajkissore- | day, the 24 chunder, an Insolvent. September ‘insta the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon. ; , e- Kes “ Any Creditor of the said Insolvent, de “ of opposing such application, must appear | “ the said Court at thé time and place a, oresatd, Swinhoe and Law, Attorneys, : Chief Clerk's Office, \bth September 1858 J a heard and disposi by the Acting ¢ missioner of t] on # In the matter of Rue- gognauth Burnick, an Insolvent. In the matter of on George Mitchell, an Insolvent. In the matter of ae. “ Andrew Greavens Earle, On Saturday, the af Insolvent, day of September inst by nine several or of this Court, the Insolvents were re cd In_ the’ matter of Joseph Richard Middle- ton, an Insolvent. , In the matter of Sir Albert John De@Ioche- pied Larpent, Baronet, to their perso f tively adjudged en : chage, under the XT: Wes cap. 2 to all persons named | their Schedules, a ditors or claiming to * In the matter of Ra- terson Saunders, ren 4 an Insolvent. ¢ ¢ In the matter of the Joint Estate of Sir Al- bert John De Hochepied Larpent, Creditors, respectivel} solvent. J the 6th day of Novem- | ber next, and that the said Insolvent do then attend to be exampied by the said Court. € Carey and Berners, Adlorneys. Baronet, an, Insolvent. +" & In the matter of 4 5 Charles Wilkinson, an owl Insolvent. | : (3 4 In the matter of a George Stewart, an In- ¥ solvent. J r nthe matter of Nobin- On Saturday, the ose, an Insolvent. Jf llth day of Septem- nstant, by an order of this Court, the said was adjudged entitled to his personal ree, under the Act XI. Vic. cap. 21, all persons named in his Schedule as Credi- or claiming to be Creditors, respectively. Penman and Hatch, Atiorneys. % in the matter of Tin- ty Paul, of Simlah, in cutta, a Student in the wool of Industrial Art Puttuldangah, an Insol- Notice, that the pe- tition of the said Insolvent, seeking the benefit ofthe Act XI. | Vie. cap. 21 was Shief Clerk on the 13th day of September and by an order of the same date, the te and Effects of the said Insolvent were d in the Official Assignee Swinhoe and Law, Aftorneys. n the Matter of Tin- On Monday, the ry Paul, of Simlah, sel 13th day of Septem- tutta, a Student in the | ber instant, it was I of Industrial Art at f ordered that the mat- t. the said Insolvent be d on Saturday, the 6th day of November t, and that the said Insolvent do then attend examined by the said> Court. Swinhoe and Law, ¢/orneys. Notice, thatthe pe-> tition of the said In- solvent seeking the benefit of the Act XI. Vie. cap. 21), was filed in the Office of the Chief Clerk, on the 15th day of September instant, and by an order of the same date, the ‘state and Effects : of the said Insolvent e vested in *the Official Assignee, vinhoe and Law, Attoracys’ In the matter of *Go- hunder Dhur, of Au- eetollah Street, in Cal- fa, lately carrying on de and business as Mer- ant, under the name or 1 of Govindchunder ur, and as Shippers of intry Produce in co- inership with one Raj- sore Chunder, an Insol- a J » a) nthe matter ofGovind-) On Wednesday, the Dhur, of Auheree- | 15th day of Septem- Sirect in Calcutta, | ber instant, it was y carrying én trade ordered that the mat- business as Merchant | ters 6f the petition of the name or firm of $the said Insolvent be chunder Dhur and{ heard on Saturday, ippers of Country | the 6th day of No- ce in co-partnership | vember next, and that ne Rajkissore Chun-| the said Irpsolvent do , an Insolvent. ) then attend to be ned by the said Cgurt. , inhoe and Law, Afforneys. yt! he matterof William’) Notice, that an “ap- mn, of the French Svt- | plication for an ad in- ment of Chardernagore, | ferim protection order merly in the employ of | has been this day . John Bartlett, as Su- } made by the said In- tendent in his Talook | solvent and that such Lot Shibpore in the | application will _ be rict of Janabad, an In- | heard and disposed of . b oner of the Insolvent as, on Friday the . a fuldangah, an Insol- | ters of the petition of | J filed in “the Office ’of | i] [ 1843 |] | 24th day of September instant, at the hour of | 10 O'clock in the forenoon. Kas> “ Any Creditor of the said Insolvent desirous « of opposing such application must appear before the « said Court, al the time and place aforesaid.” Paul, Attorney. Chief Clerk's Office, Lith September 1858. ee on ae | Estate or tue, Lave Mr. J. A. Eaton, Assistant r the Acting Com-s Parrot in tHE Customs’ Deparrment, DeLHie Division. Persons indebted to, having claims against, or holding property appertaining to the above Estate, are requested to communicate with the undersign- ed, post paid, within one month from this date. a a > Jamurs Murrny, > Extra Assist. Commissioner. Deriir, % e lst September 1858. a — ex. > cn Serna. ©; fs 5 Candtoononse oft = oe} SPONQQANO AE for) 2 ¢ Wer) laa! co 2) ~ ~ ~~ « ESSeeshaee| & & a SM oOoMAA Nos eh) = s SSRARARABS ai! = eo ~OMmMi~xn Sam os S g a e an ® oe x? sf . o> aa S a= =F AS D Pas See eee eS a as ce ele, oF ~ rie 2 . $ & = oD! i * EH 5 ie) &o wR 2 , at 7 Sey = =) :. < ae ee 2 a Bess ~ o ot S238 Cs $5 Pec rZs 3 ad 2 wstaes ‘’ ri He Sg, Sz 3 eo Be oes ee. z ene: = 2 = Sr iS BRBee . ee gist os ve) >) 2D A Se ee = a Sa Hegs2s 3 nase el Wee ge ee asa 4 ER ee pe 5 |* Seeessiees 3 = > Ons aor = es o SB RSH 8 SSeS a ca CADPR AO ARA ~ ae Sad At Fe © a ANen 2 | en woeaeras 2! = Bron n 69 . SaRaeRs = Dan Me oS as Sa OS ONS R @ |. s838538 A sS Leo ssa e Ey a . -— = oO = ee ay ees . rs ' a “ \ - ~ pd a | Reel AN = we . \ = ‘3 isa : = fa = n 48 \ i> 3 | l “4 _ a od 4 = atte a: : af - se oh 7) it B is. = ES o | monk ay 3 iS \3 Ss C=) "S £ ne i be 2: . So = ee iS ae) Bigs : % =I aso ; 3 ‘TES Meu o ql fags s ; we 2 Zou rOae \ My Ss ee > aa Beene see Eeceeas \ , [ 1844 ] Oriental Bank Corporation, Ixcorporatep BY RoyaL CHARTER. Wirtu ‘reference to Government Notification No. 5, Fort William, Financial Department, 26th Ja- nuary 1855, notifying the intention of Govern- ment to dissolve its connexion with the ‘Govern- ment Agency— The Oriental Bank Corporation undertake the safe custody of Government Paper, ,Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank of Bengal, and other Jocal Stocks, free of all charge. Will draw Interest and Dividends on the same as they fall due, and remit at the current rates of exchange, or pay the same aceording to instruc- tions, if to be remitted through the Corporation, Without charge. If to be paid in India, a Commis- c sion will be charged of ots 1-4th per, €ent. On returning Government Paper or Share Certificates out of safe custody, ... 1-4th per Cent. On the purchase of Governmen or other Securities. 1-4th per Cent. a , On the sale of Government Paper or other Stock, the proceeds . of whigh are to be remitted through the Corporation, .., Without charge. i Wm. ANDERSON, OriENTAL Bank Corporation ; “ Agent. Caleutta, 29th January 1855. Commercial Bank of Endia. Catcurra Brancn. Rates of Exchange on London Joint Stock Bank. &. 4. At 6 months’ sight -- 1 11% per Rupee. 7 oo oe ik SUL - », 30 days’ Ps «. Py ? a ae % ge ee a The Bank grants Drafts on the Head Office, Bombay, and on its Branches in Yiondon, Shanzhae, and Hongkong. Bills collected at any of the above places at a uniform eharge of 4 per Cent. * a The Bank will undertake the purchase or sale of Government Paper, «Bank Stock and other Securi- ties, draw Interest and Dividends payable In Cal- cutta,when due, at_a Commission of 4 per Cent. No charge made when the amount of Interes in the Bank’s Bilf. proceeds of Sale or or Dividends drawn is remitted Rates of Interest allowed to, Deposits subject to 3 months” notice of withdrawal, 4 p. ct. per annum 6 ditto * ditto , ditto 5 2 ditto dittt 6 Bs : 4 ditto Notice may be given when the money is deposit- ed, or at any, Subsequent time ; and it will be dispensed with in cases when the money is to be remitted thrgugh the Bank, ms « e Current Accounts kept and Interest allowed 2 per Cent. per annum on Balances of Rupees and upwards, not exceeding Rupees 50,000, un! by special agreement. By Hours of business, 10 a. ua. to 3p. uw. On Sat days, 10 a. M, to] P.M. W.S. Frrawittiam, — 27, Tank SQuaRe, Agent, Caleutta, 22nd July 1858. Notice. e Ir is hereby notified for general informat that, from tht Ist September 1858, all Bills | Receipts connected with the Military Orpl Press will be signed by the Secretary of the tary Orphan Society, and that without — signature no Bills and Receipts will be consider valid and sufficient. By Order of the General Management of Military Orphan Society, te Cuas. J. Gray, Secy. M. 0.8. i ; Lost, Stolen or Destroyed as the ca may be. ; Tur Government Promissory Note, No 786 of 1854-55, of the five per Cent Loan, dated 1 of December 1856, for (Compgny’s Rupees five dred, sold by Muddoosooden Chowdry on the 1 of January 1857, and endorsed to G. H. L rence, %isQ., late Officiating Deputy Cor sioner, Oudh, the Proprietor, by whom it never ‘endorsed to any other person.) Payment the abéve Note and of Interest thereupon been stopped at the Loan Office, and applica is about to he made to Government for the i of a duplicate Note in favor of the Proprietor, ‘ Hoary, Miter & Co, 13¢& September 1858. a O. 8. Orricr ;* Kidderpore, 3rd September 1858. r ¢ U é j Notice. o Robbed or Misstng.—In transit by Dawk fr Gya to Calcutta, about the 2nd or 3rd August 1S two halves of Bank of Bengal Notes, No.5106, da 8th July 1857 for Rs. 1,000 and No. 48, dated Apmil 1853 for Re. 500, Payment has been stopp at the Bank, e € ‘ Nodice. « : i ‘ Tue Public are informed that, from the lst ember 1858, the Toll on all Boats enterin ' Baliaghatta Canal will bee fevied at Bamang Toll House, atthe entrance ofthe Salt Water Lak and not at Dhappa as heretofore. _ 20 The Toll on all Boats entering the Tolly’s Nullah will be levied at Samookpotta Toll Hou at the entrance of the Nullah néar Tardab, a not at, Panspotta as heretofore. 3. ) eS | = Bred : = Ona Joosepunyyy | n is eae E ia =o Ss t ‘ Bs qIOTUO.AUSBITE = | ay ey | 2 8 5 S. 8 | 2 jyeus9 sq osepuneyy | | of | aes ot so wT J | 2 i Zas ~ aS | = ‘suog josoqmux; * © | mn oe 4 | a°2 j ) ii wn oO = S r a a= ‘oyemtyso Aq as eal Sil =" > ofing joosupuncyy | = le laa) Ea >] = +quoTHAANSUaTL | Fa = | a 4 "wey a = qerey Aq, oFepuneTy | ca | yi S ‘ = s 5 = aS n I a = *syvog JO 10g 3 5 5 lly aeog Jo TUN | | =o = 3 Min: seg | oe oS = 3 i | = *9YVTUIT]SO Rq pn bk) ee ‘gyvog, Jo ToqUMN oF | Srey no | “sywogT Jo xoqany ~< suetett? ragrutryso Sq 5 S y = a ase j sayermigo Aq Pia. ae) ogxeg Jo osUPUNT]L 3 Pe O81ep Jo osupuneyy ia 3 $ Bh | SS eet . 5S om eS 8 :; *quaTO.ANsBd TL SS Li? q quaUIa.MSeATT ; ; “al your) Aq osepuneyy ¢ = Teury sq OFUpPUNVYE : < ; = is 4 a “ qt ; sywogy jo moqumux | FS | OF syVog Jo Jaquany |e | : a = S$ co Sf ot a < 4 saqeurtyso Aq S B aqeuntyso Aq = ; ofaep joarepuneyy | at a " ofiaeg Jo osupuneyy | 3 & T= a. Ps rs a “yUOTMOAINSwOTY + 3 = ES —W 2 “{UOUIOANSWIIL s Fa eave) Aq omepureyy | | oe “i Tero" sq oma = a 4 aS e a i | “yyuogE Jo LOCUM 2 sal a a mst | peyeos! Joan UNE mo: 8 | ‘ - ’ 24 | “opeUtyse Aq | en | 5 Wy soyentygsa Sq. 5 “= oavy Jo oBUPUNETL | 081g Jo asypuneyy Ee | = ~Squomtmansvoyt | eat a | oo a eur, Aq ose punNneyy | é ees ee in | “HUNT I NSTI PL FA p FA “syvog? JO ToquUN | eye | er: Be yeuvy kqaxepaneyg |e - Tos igh i > \ “OFBULIISO AQ, *sywogl JO LaQUINN | =z = | ofa Jo osupiuneyy | oe AouoMsvoy | caggemnsa dq | BC = > jreweg Aq azepuney | d oF1vy Jo osepuneyy a S g : "SYR a Pres 2 , i = : quoge JO Loquuun’ | Be ian 3 |. qugmoansvo]{ a 5 = : = = yeurp sq osepuneyy 4 ee soqnurtyso SC, | °- g Seth gine >) ae By | = ago TePUNE TL 1 ne | ‘srwogggo KOqTINN | 7 UdANSOo [T OAs | Vr . = . j umes Sqosepuneyy |. Ce ae _ rayeungsa Aq | € EB z ar “sqvoq jo doqnmy |S _™ SS wh of.sep joanupuneyy | nes 38 ———_— 41 . = F = al ° saquutyyso Aq, vA - wie: a eo ae C4 : “qUOMIOANS BOTT ae omivg Jo oBUpPUNBIT | A 2 = =| young orgie F] aa ® . T quormo.mseo | 2S ] "a. > if _ ——- Jreurg Aq asepuneny | \ » | “s\vog jo ‘soqunite = 5g 3 . ‘ . ad ™ = r = SywOg JO JowN.N | | at ‘oqunuyso kg, | B fi | = - ; a often Joosepunyg | of aS ayes) Kqule > : : ze OF t me) Vet aes “4 = o#seg jo osepuneyy = ea aa | juomtoanswoyy A = oy *. “quamo.cUsvo Ty RB > | LA | yeusp xq ofupuepe; oF bes jeueg Aq oF¥pUneyN | 1 | Bs :- ba a ag . ‘ 7 ° J sawoet so som | = pa ; ‘ seo joroqny | A? ‘ee 4 F s = paca sq | & : er soqyewrgsp Aq So et: a gg Na Ha eg : 3 = oF1gy Jo osepUneyL | — of g ea a itd jovsepuneyy | + eae? ® e S . 8 | -gfemo.mserayy & FS “juoTHO.Msto Pe ithe S& ak UOINSCOFL fg 7) au EeO.: XqpadepuaryfL 3S gt A a | peuep Sq osepuneyy | % e 4, . . . “Ss " + . csabber Jo soquinag fp praitiete er veoar dour | reps = sae | we te : : Bena 13 fe Ra we = oy alia : ial oa - a La . ie is json = wh oe < \ oe foe 28 [oe eee es | 2 & 5 Whe? 7 45 a8 1 2 E 40 Sy 12 a 3 & ps, = & an ® a cae oi: Sie = as & & 4 e423 - =) as Apes ; % AS aoe Be Dela AG ore) CHS a 2 os : _* z = =i * a 2 g . pire pd 3 3 Ae : 3 ; = re Demat Te lain op 4 3 a4 3 A 8 . me 3 2 28 w year 3 e Ze ie 8 oe < eo 3 ad D = 28 » * 3 2 ra iS) 7 ‘ ry U2 y iS a 3 a v - . as ‘ i ei 5 . 2 a — zo emaneys~) 2 2 B .. & a = Ss) S : sg al al fond, CO His Gy Laat = Stolen. A Bank of Bengal Note, No. 22564, Thousand Rupees, payment of which has’ been stopped at the Bank. A reward will be given for such information as may lead to*the recovery of the Note. Apply to the Printer. LOST:—The first half of a Bank of Bengal Note, No. 8791S, for Co.’s Rs. 25, payment of which has been stopped at the Bank. LOST.—The right-hand helf of a Bank of Ben- gal Note, No. 25351, for Rupees 15, payment of which has been stopped at the Bank. . Notirmmp.—That Government Promissory Note, No. 17112 of 1842-43,¢for Company’s Rupees 500 was lost or stolen. Payment of the above Note and Interest stopped, and application made for the issue of a duplicate Note. . é ’ Mecpprex Monvuy Upicary. General Post Office Nottticattorns. . No. 2033. ¢ OVERLAND Matt, The Overland Mail vid Marseilles and South- ampton, and the intermediate Ports, Madras, Cey- lowand Aden, per P. and O. Co.’s Steamer Candia, will be closed at this Office, on Wednesday, the 22nd instant, at 6 p.m. . Letters, &c., for Penang, Singapore, Hong-kong and Australia, will be forwarded vid Galle, by this opportunity. ~ . T. Garrett, Offg. Deputy Post-Master General, Catcurra, General Post Office, The 10th. Sept. 1858. : Pigs ra 4 - ° e - ad , 3 ‘4 mt ; *s — _ “oF { ~ . zg . _* - e a ‘— se a a. ; s ; ¢ i, a. i e % > ae”. “f Sm wry ahs *% ‘ ~ ‘ - . ° r Gull Does += 2 * ’ 4 By : % & * t ’ . a Printed and Published for the Government, by tirom for One as Jonzs, at the Office of the Bengal Secretari No, 2071) am Novice is hereby given, that the ? Rangoon and Moulmein, for tr Steamer Pa/tic, will be closed at Saturday, the 1Sth instant, at 6 p. a. mer leaves on Monday morning the T. Garr a Off7. Deputy Post-Mast * Catcurra; General Post Ofjice, Thead 3th Sept. 1858. No, 3646. Notice — Tut Public are hereby informed, | Station when Ris, eagie No. of despatched, |@ Destination. Packets, . Barrackpore ,., i Det 3 Bood Bood .., ...... 1 aR 5 | Nuddeah ... ., L tt = | Sasseeran .., 1 mt $ Ghazeepore 1 ; wl e Calcutta Jie tec, is 3 Caleutta sorted... uN feat ia Total,.; 7 by the rebels, on their way to Gh Ghoosee in the Azim&hur District, € C. K. Dov. Offy. Post-master Gen © Cancurra, The 16th Sept. 1858. * This contained one Registered Letter, No, 167, addr Watts and Conipany, Wellesly Street, Caleutta, Weight vj r ™~ ———— i) 4 “s te ‘ , ia ia x ; “sea i , * , sd . A. 4 Ss: . 4 e me . k a , ° , - a al a a» : att, ‘ e t « E SUPPLEMENT TO fhe Calcutta Gasette. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1858. LAND SALE NOTICES. a /. NOTICE is hereby given under Section VI. Act I of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estates in » Zillah Backergunge will be put up to public and unreserved re-sale, at the Gollector’s Office ol t} at District, on Saturday, the 25th» day of September 1558, or 10th Assin 1265 B S., for a ae of Revenue and other demands, which, by the Regulations and Acts in force ard itedied * ea yealized in the same manner as arrears of Revenue, due on the 28th June 1858 =a a a Class I—Permanently-settled Estates. “ t Former No. 2298, present No. 2383, Kharijah Pergunnah Kutwallipar, Rajchugder Sein Talook ; recorded proprietor, Rajkullian Naug ; sudder jumma, Rupees 3-4-6. : i, Former No. 2930 , present No. 2996, Kharijah Pergunnah Ootturshahabagpoc, Ramjoy Roy Talook ; recorded proprietor, Hurrynarain Sing ; sudder jumma, Rupees 8. é Former No. 4133, present No. 4.219, Kharijah Pergunnah Edilpore, Monohur Doss Talook ; recorded proprietor, Monohur Doss; sudder jumma, Rupees 1-13-10}, 1 « y = a r ZILLAH BACKERGUNGE, be J. W. Datrymrre, Collector. Collector’s Office, The 30th August 1858. that the undersmentioned Estate in Zillah 2 {-Pergunnahs will be put NOTICE is hereby given, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Tuesday, the 28th Sep- up to puitic and unreserved re-sale, temper 1558, or 13th Assin 1265 B. S., for arrears of Revenues— : - ’ >* 4 Class I.—Permanently-settled E stale > * : : No. 1277-42.—Pefgunnah Calcutta, Mouzah , Belghurrea ; recdMlcd proprietor, Huris Churifley Biswas ; sudder yumma, Company’s Rupe SS + - ' ; 7. 3 « . : ° - Coniegror’s OFFICE, Q4-PERGUNNATIS, x >. wee G., Brien, . Offg. Collector. a ee a s The 6th September 1558. NOTICE is hereby given, that thre under-mentioned Jistates in Zillah Hooghly will be put up to public and unreserved re-sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Wednesday, the 29th Septem- ber 1858, or 14th-Assin 1265, for arrears of Revenue due on the 28th Junels$5$ :— ; . i) * Class I>-Permanently-setlled Estates. BPP » 4. Pergunnah Bhoorshoot ; recorded proprietor, Essur Chunder =, No. 29260 Besdheechunderpoor, - ~ Ghose; sudder jumma, Rupees 2-6-5. nals ” ee No. 9945 .—Ditto, Pergunnah ditto ; recorded proprietor, Aiktos udder fdama, Rupes 0-920. ona No. 2246.—Ditto, Pergunnah ditko ; recorded proprietor, ditto; sudder jumma, Rupees 0-9-5, > > al ; J. W. Bucks, Hoo@uLy CoLLEcrorsTE, } “ The Sth September 1858. —— - Collector, ~ . %, ‘ e of , wd 4 . ss ? = ees : ee PginrEep BY Titomys Jonze, B SNGAL SECRETARIAT a 7 ° ws » ie 1Srn Supremper 1858. Map following Avi, passed by the Legislative f India, received the assent of the Rieht able {lGoyernor General on the llth Sep- 1858 (communicated to the Legislative neil on the 18th idem), and is hereby pro- vated for general information *-- * Act No. X XXIII or 1558. A ict to amend Act XII, of 1844 for better ing the observance of an exact Discipline im tian Navy. ‘ menpas, by Section III Act XII of 1844, it 5 was provided that nothing in vanble. that, Act contained should ex- ser tend or be construed to extend wer any Court Martial, to be constituted e of that Act, to proceed to the pwhish- or trial of any of the offences specified in several Articles contained in that Act, ot of Poffenee whatsoever, (other than the offénces Mified in the 5th, 34th, and 35th of the said ea Orde), which should not be com- fed upon the main sea or in great rivers only h the bridges of the said rivers nigh to the y haven, raver, or creek within the jyris- ‘of thesdmiralty, and which should not be ed by such person as, cat the time of the committed, should be in actual service and in the Indian Navy, such yersons only band for such offences only“as were de- Vin the bth of the said Articles and Orders : ereas it is expedient that every superior Captain or Commander, or Lieutenant, ing to the Indian Navy, should be amena- Fae! to Naval Courts Martial for the offences speci- | Act, whether the , Lin Article 33 of the said ‘be committed on the main sea or on shore : 2 enacted as follows:— 2° 1. Nothing contained in the 8rd Settion of a Act XII of 1844: shall extend ie ayes to any of the offences specified Biikthe tital of in Article 33 of the said Act, Officers. by» hich, after the passing of this Act, shall be committed by any superigr Officer, Captain or » Commander, oF Lieutenant, belonging to the Indian Navy. ~ W. Moreax, Clerk of the Council. Martial for tences whe- mmitted at shore. Ture 18H SertemBer 1855. The’following Bill was read a second time in the Legislative Council of India on the 15th Septem- ber 1858; and was referred to a Select Committee who are to report thereon (under a suspension of the Standing Orders) within six weeks :— A Bill to amend Act XIX of 1847 (drticles of War for the government of the Native Officers and Sol- diers in the Military Service of the Last India Company). a _ Wuereas it is expedient to increase the powers of Officers Commanding Na- tive Regiments and to amend the Articles of War for the government of the Native Troops in certain other respects ; It is enacted as follows :— Preamble. I. So much of Articles2 ‘eontained in Act XIX of 1847, as enacts that Bis, ahd de no Non-Commissioned Officer pena <° or Soldier shall be discharged as a punishment except by the sentence of a Court Martial or by order of the Commander-in-Chief at the Presideney to which he may belong ; so much of Artie 110 contained in the said Act as enacts that no Non-Commis- sioned Officer shall be reduced ‘to the ranks but by the sentence of a Court Martial, or by »order of the Commanderain-Chief of #the Presideney to which tite offender’shall belong ; and so much of Article 412 as limits to a period not exceeding fif- teen days the extra drill or restriction to Barrack limits which a Commanding Officer may without the intervention ofa Court Martial award in cases J of light offences—are repealed. + TI. The Commanding Officer of every Regi- ment subject to the said Arti- } ing Offi- fees Commanding OM tes of War shall have power cer empowered to dis- charge Soldiers, and to discharge any NativSol- to dismiss o: reduce dier below the raxk of a, Non- to the ranks Non- Gommissioned Offi- cers. ? Commissioned "Officer, and to disttiss or to reduce to the ranks any Native Nov-Com- missioned Officer beloneing to such Reeiments ; and every such dismissal shall include forfeiture of za 2 pension. 7. ~~ 5 ; Oy LB x S SS Il. Every Co minal Off Wy ye mo of cases of light offences, without light offence extra drilly&c. award ) Ye » Boy a MATA] A ae ae) mmanding Officer of a Regiment or Detachment subject to the said Articles of War may in the intervention of a Court Martial, award such extra drill or the performance of such other extra Military duty as he may think fit, provided that he do not Proviso. thereby contravene any order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Forces in India, or of the Commander-in-Chief of the Presidency to which the offender may belong. Whenever any Court Martial or Special IV. Courts Martial, &c. may award trans- portation for life or for any term not less than 3 years for of- fenees now punisha- ble with transporta- tion er-with impri- sonment for years. r Commissioner shall sentence an offender subject to the said Ar- ticles of War for an offence for which such Court Martial or Special Commissioner has now by law power to award either transportation for life or imprisonment for a term of years according to the discretion of the Court or Special Com- missioner, it shall be lawful for such Court or Special Commissioner to sentence the offender either to transportrtion for life or to transportation for any term not less than three years. V. In every case in which an offender subject Sentences-of trans- portation fora term of years passed for offences punishable with tiansportation for life, rendered valiu. tion for life, such to the said Articles of War has been sentenced either by a Court Martialor by a Special Commissioner to transyortation forany term less than for the term of his life for an offence punishable under the said Ar- ticles of War with transporta- sentence, to the extent of the punishment awarded thereby, shall be deemed as valid and effectual for all purposes as if the offend- er had been sentenced to transportation for life. Vi. Offenders punish- able with simple im- prisonment or corpo- ral punishment, may be sentenced to im- prisonment with hard labor. Whenever any Court Martial or Special Commissioner shall sentence an offender subject to the said Ar- ticles of War to imprisonment for any offence for which such Court Martial or Special Com- missioner now has power by law to sentence the offender either to simple imprisonment or to corporal punishment at the discretion of’such Court or Commissioner, it shall be lawful for the Court to sentence the offender to imprisonment with hard Jabor for any term for “which suth Court Martial or Special Commissioner is now authorized to sentence him to simple imprisonment. easé in which -an offender sub-? ject to the said Articles of War has been sentenced by any Court Martial or by a Special VII. In every Sentences of Im- prisonment with hard Jabor, passed for VIII. If any Officer or Soldier subjec Record in the Re- gimental books'of ab- sence without leave and of the declara- tion of a Court of Enquiry thereon, to have same effect as a conviction for deser- tion. Native, shall forthwith assemble and, havi ceived proof of the fact on oath or solemn a tion,, shall declare such absenee and th thereof ; and the Officer Commanding shall enter a record of such absence, anc declaration of such Court of Enquiry thon the Regimental books; and if such Offic Soldier shall not afterwards surrender or b hended, stich record shall have the legal et conviction for desertion ; and if such Of Unless Soldier af- terwards surrenders and is tried for deser- tion. : the Officer having the custody of the books, shall, on the trial of such Officer o In which case tae record shall be ad- missible in evidence. prisoner withthe Officer or Soldier therein 1 tioned, he may be found guilty of desertion, IX. If, upon the trial of any Officer or Proof of absence without leave for two months to be suffici- ent presumptive evi- dence of desertion. months, such proof shall be deemed suffieie sumptive evidence of the desertion of such Unless such pre- sumption be rebutted by proof that absence was hot wilful, &. on his part, or shall otherwise rebut the pr tion of desertion arising from praof of sence without leave. ‘> “XX. Whenever any such Officér or Soldi bo Reference to Go- vernment Officer as to truth of statement concerning cause of said Articles of War s been illegally absent fro duty for the space months, a Reeimenta Enquiry, composed Commissioned Officers, of all may be Envropean Native or one or more European and one or i Soldier shall surrender of apprehended. after such + shall have been so ente record, or a copy ther porting to bear the sign Reg ona charge for desertio admissible in evidence facts therein recorded, a proof of the identity subject to the said Ar War for desertion, it proved that such Officer o dier has been illegally ; without leave or has ove his leave for the space or Soldier, and shall | cient to convict him o fence of desertion, un shall prove that such u rized absence was not his trial for desertion or without leave, shall state defence that his unauth absence was not wilful Commissioner to imprisonment with hard labor for an offence for which by the said Articles of War he might have been lawfully punished with simple imprisonment, such sentenge shall be deemed valid for alk purposes notwithstanding the Court by whieh the sentence was passed may have exceeded its jurisdiction, énd all persons are hereby indem- nified for any thing done in pursuance of such sentence. r offences punishable with simple impri- sonment or corporal pwciment, vrenger- ed valid. a sony CRA ts shall be admissible in evi Scdiohl me" and held to have the he was detained in his ~ _ from sickness, or adva other sufficient excuse for his absence or any ™ ter sufficient to rebut any presumptive evidence desertion, and shal} refer to any European Ci Military Officer of Government in support | stateme:t, or if it shall appear to the Cow the truth or falsehood of such statement ascertained by reference fo any sueh Civil or tary Officer of Governinent, it shall be the of the Court to address such Civil or Mi 7 4 * . Ay" - Officer on the subject, and to adjourn their pro ‘ ings for the purpose ; and the statement in 1 if favorable to the pris absence. - effect as if the statement been made before the Court by such Civil or aq Officer in person on oath or solemn affirmation any Court before which a prisoner is beliné dissolved prior to the receipt of the reply communication made under the above in- ions to any public functionary, a fresh Court be ordered and the trial shall be Geamince od ain before such Court. 4 7 W. Morcan, Clerk of the Council, Mome Department. ° tom Fort Witliam, the 21st September 1858. - No. 2141. ication. —Mr. Auckland Colvin, of the Civil fice, reported his return on the 18th instant, the leave of absence, for three months, | tohim fromthe 26th June last. The xpired portion of his leave is cancelled. Va ‘No. 2142. Orble the President in Council is pleased Mr. D. G. Burkley, of the Civil Service, ed qualified for the Public Service, to the -Western Provinces, the Punjab and Oudh. No, 21438. The 22nd September 1858. following Extract (Paras : 1 and 2) from atch, No. 114 of 1858, dated the 11th st, from the Hon’ble the Court of Directors, iblished for general information :— we) ind Mr. J. S. Spankie to return to their duty the Bengal Civil Establishment, and we ted Mr. Spankie such short extensfon of ° as will admit of his. returning by the Ship vemnon, appointed to sail on the 25th of ust. We have granted the under-mentioned We have permitted Mr. Coutts Trotter | — [ 1877 ] Foreign Departnrent. ee Fort William, the 22nd September 1858. No. 3263. Captain J. B. Hearsey, District Commandant, Oudh Military Police, has obtained leave of absence, on Medica Certificate, for twelve months, to proceed to Europe, under Section V. of the Uncovenanted Absentee Rules, with the usual leave preparatory to embarkation, dating from the 26th August last. The 24th September 1858. No. 3264. Lieutenant Celonel 11. B. Edwardes, C. B., Com- missioner of Peshawur, has obtained leave of absence for two months, from the 15th proximo, or from the date on which he may avail himself of it, to proceed to Bombay, preparatory to applying for Furlough to Europe. ‘ Ceci, BEaDon, 9 Off. Secy. to the Govt. of India. Se Nal Pudlid Corks Departnent. —_—— No. 1138. «Fort William, the 22nd September 858, Appointment.—Mr. F. Bilderbeck is appointed a Probationary Assistant. Engineer in the Public Works Department, and posted to Bengal. = No. 114. The 20th September Ts5s. Leave.—The leave granted by the Chief Com- missioner of the Punjaub to Lieutenant 11. Heath, Executive Engineer, Sealkote, for six weeks, from the 15th October, or from the date on which he may avail himself thereof, to enable him to proceed 4] “Servants of the Bengal Establishment, extensions of leave, on Sick Certificate, for the periods specified, viz :— * Mr. Francia, Forbes ite. D. Bons \6 iy ask WS. Paterson 4Do0._— ¢ : W.G. Sherwood 6Do., from “6th Sept. fohn Strachey 4 Do., frons9th Aug. John King, 3rd Judge : of the Small Cause 6 Months.” Court, Calcutta ee § 2 : , Now 2144. ~ mation :— ©}. We have appoint xander Luscombe aplain on the Bengal Establishment. a2. We, have granted Tazledine, of the Bengal Es n of leave fot six months on Sick Certificate. Crcit Beapon, Secretary to the Government of India. following Extract. (Paras : 1 and 2) from a h, No. 12 of 1858, in the Eeclesiastical De- rent, dated the 11th Augst, from the Hon’ble Gurt of Directors, is published fer general | date on which he wallets ed the Reverend Charles xan be Whyte, M. A., an Assistant the Reverend W. tablishment, an exten- to Bombay, preparatory to applying for Furlough to Europe, on Medical Certificate, 1s eonfirmed. No. 115. The 2st September 1Sd8. Notification —Second Captain R. DeBourbel, of Engineers, Exeeutive Engineer, 3rd Class, Assis- tant t the Chief Engineer, Bengal, having re- turned from Furlough, on Medieal Certitieate, re- sumed charge of ‘nis duties on the 1st September 1858. * . Appointments.—Mx. * R. Boyce, Assistant don- eineer, Ist Clees, is appointed to the charge of the Office of the Civil Architect, Calcutta, till the ith effect from the arrival of Captain AvImpey, 1 “ d Lieutenant G. Price. es LO. Captain A.F. Baird, 18th Native Infaiss, is appointed an Extra Exeeutive Engineer of she 4th -Class, and placed at the disposal of the Govern- ament of Bengal. ; R. STRACHEY, Major,* Offg. Seey. to the Gort. of ee. x GuexERAL—HsTABLISHMENTS. s . a 1 [ 1878 } Orvers by the Lieut.-Gobernor of Bengal. No. 3369. Apporxturnts.— The 21st September 1858.—The Reverend H. Smith to be Chaplain of Hazaree- baugh. ‘ The 22d September 1858,—Mr. R. J. Wigram to officiate as Jot Magistrate and Deputy Collector of Chumparun. Mr, 8. C. Bayley to the charge of the Sub- Division of Kalarooa, and to exercise the Special Powers of an Assistant Magistrate described in Clause 3, Section I1., Regulation TI1. of 1821, and the powers of an Assistant Collector described in Section XXI., Regulation VIII. ef 1831, and Sec- tion 1., Act X. of 1554, in the Districts of Baraset and Nuddea, Mr. I. W. Alexander to be Assistant to the Magistrate and the Collector of the 24-Per- gunnahs, and to exercise the Special Powers of an Assistant. Magistrate.deseribed in. Clause 3, Section I]., Regulation III. of 1821, and the powers of an Assistant Collector deseribed “in Section XXI., Regulation VIII. of 1531, in that District. : : Mr. A. Magniae to officiate “as Magistrate of Dinagepore. Moulavy Gholam Batool Tamkin, to be Sudder Ameen of Bograh and Moonsiff of the Sudder Station of that District, where he will also exer- cise the posvers of a Magistrate. - Baboo Madhub Chunder Chowdry to be Sudder ‘Ameen of Patna and Moonsiff of the-Sudder Station,of that District. Leave or Apstncx.—The 21st September 1858.— Mr.J. A. Ricketts, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy. Collector of Madareepore, for twenty days, under Section VII. of the Amended Uncovenanted Absentee Rules, Exrarvn.—In the Gazette of the 11th instant, page 103, for “Mr. J. Maling” read “My. T. C. Maling. No. 2898. Notirication.—Lort William, the 22nd Septem- ber 1858.—The following Rules for the better regulation of Boats entering the Caleutta Canals are published for general information, under Sec- tion 7, Act XXII of 1836 :— B Ruiz I.—Lvery Boat entering the Caaals shall be furnished with a Ticket on payment, of the preseribed Toll. tered in this Ticket to identify 4he Boat en which Toll has been paid. . Rute I1.—This Ticket may be demanded and | inspected by any Canal Officer, and must be kept on board and at hand for that puryrse. Revie W1—Every Boat not having a Ticket on hoard and producthle on demand shall be immedi- ately seized, together with its Cargo, under Sec- The Manjee’s name shall be en- | } { _ Collector. ae 1 A. R. Youre, Secy. to the Govt. of Ben = ey = : Orders by the aie Right Mowhle the Governor Gen tion S, Act XXII of 1836. Tickets subsequently produced and alleged tp be those supplied on entry at the Chokees, will not be received. Pte IV.—Phe Manjecs, Owners, or Agents of Boats seized for. non-production. of Tickets, may take out fresh Tickets, whigh will be charged at the penal rate of one Rupee per 100 maunds, and be aatedated one month. Tf fresh Tiekets be not taken out, the Boats and their Cargoes, or such portion of the latter-as may be necessary, shall . ted a i, a - be sold on the 10th day following the seiz the realization of the Toll and Rent so Ruiz V.—When a Boat seized for, non tion of the Ticket has been sold, the purel have the option of taking it out of the the same day, or of buying a fresh Tick rate of 8 Annas per 100 maunds, wh entitle him to keep the Boat in the Canal to the Rules under which Boats entering t are allowed to remain. Rue VI.—Boats on which the penalty Rule 4 has once been levied, if found agai out a Ticket producible on demand, shall allowed to remain any longer in the Ca shall be ejected therefrom. *° Rute VII.—Duplicates of lost Tickets, of the numbefs are remembered, will be heretofore, in conformity with the 8rd_ pa of the Government Notification, dated t¢ November 1839, on application at the Offic —_—_— o-¥ Np. 3760. 4 Allahabad, the Vith September 1858, Appointment.—The Right Hon’ble the G General has been pleased to post the u tioned Assistants as follows :—- int Wiiham Duthoit, to the Meerut Division. Seaburne M. Moens and G. I. Lang, te Rohileund Division. —_— No. 1370. The 18th September 1858. Notification —The Perguniahs under ¢ the Joint Magistrate and Deputy Co “tah are formed into an independent Mi Théy are as follows :— es Etah 4 Sukeyt %. Sian Suhawur - From Mynpoorey. Kursana Eel r 4 Ane Sirpoora « 4 Bilram oe , Soron ri > Faizpoor sh [ From Budaon. " 7 : = — ee ec? Oolaee Nidhpore Azimnugegur Puttialee Burna _ _.» Muhrera ° ° Puchanah ae From Furruck. L feo ge si Prom Allygurh. a By Order of the Right Tlon’kle the Gover General, ; ‘ “ (ogi BAe. i8 Mum, ie ; Secy. to Gort., N. Allahabad, the \Sth September 1858. ¢ of Absence.—Assistant Surgeon Charles , of Muttra, for eight months, on Medical Wate, to visit the [lills. The leave to le d from the date on which Dr. Lowdell Wor) 3826: Public Works Department. The 20th September 155. ication —The following Notification issued Right Hon’ble the Governor General of in the Public Works Department, dated eptember 1855, No. 6S, is re-published for information :— Gaptain J. D. Campbell, of E sdngineer of the Ist Class, to officiate in the Pivisionysin the absence of Captain S$. t, or till further orders. ek, By Order of the Right Hon’b®-the Governor neval. ’ € ’ aie I. Lowe, Of7. Asst. Secy. lo Gort., N. V. p un i ——$———_—_ Bera Orpers bu the Mowble the President of the Council of Kndia in Council. ’ 4 Fort William, 2%md September \S5S. ny r » Vo. 1334 0f 1858.—The following Notifications, ed from the Foreign Department, with the ht Hon’ble the Governor General, are publish- in General Orders :— . We 8207,.dde 15M September 1S5S.—The Stiment of ‘Captain’ 11. D. Taylor, Ist Was Fusiliers, to be Cantonnient Joint Magus- at Lucknow, is sanctioned by the* Governor ¢ enc C a, as a temporary arrangement. 4 Lith Septanber 1S858.—The Governor General is pleased Bradford, District dry Police, leave the Presidency, on Medicil % R231, the “Ylow’ble the. evant to Lieutenant @ Mmandant of the Oudh Milit bsenee for two months, to visit the watory to applying for leave eate to Europe. a , . —— 7 1335 of 1858.—The following Notifications, . Works Department, with vom the Public par be wht Tlon’ble the Governor General, are 8 é ned in General Orders :— ep ~1S58.—Captain Executive Engineer erut Divi- or till . 68, the Mth Septem) ampbell, of Engineers, | Ist Class, to officiate m the Me the absence of Captain 5. Pott, ngineers, Execu- | [ 1879 ] ( ’ | No. 69, the 13th September IS3S.—The Right Hon'ble the Governor General is pleased to make the following appointments :-— Licutenant-Colonel A. Cunningham, Chief Engineer of the 2nd Class in Peeu, is appointed Chief Engineer of the Ist Class in the North- | Western Provinces, in the room of the late Colonel Hugh Fraser, C. B. Major A. G. Goodwyn, of Engineers, to be * ge aN : : SA Chief Engineer of the 2nd Class in Pegu, rice | Lieutenan$-Colonel Cunningham. Major Richard Strachey, of Engineers, to be Consulting Engineer to the Government of India, in the Railway Department, eee Major Goodwyn. Captain W. II. Greathed, of Engineers, to he Officiating Consultmg Engineer to the Government of India, whilst Major Strachey continues to offi- ciate as Secretary to the Government of India, in | the Public Works Department at the Presidency, or till further orders. Captain G. Sim, Deputy Consulting Engineer, Railway Department, to act in that capacity in the Nowh-Western Provinces, in the absence of Captain Greathed. . No. 1336 of 1858.—The following Notification, issued from the Foreign Department, ig published in Geheral Orders :— No. 8214, the 21st September 1858,—Captain D. Moeatta, Cantonment Joint Magistrate of Sealcote, has obtained leave of absence on Medical Certifieate for three months, from the Ist proximo, to proceed to Bombay, preparatory to applying for Furlough to Europe. Captain A. LeGallais, Commanding the Gooj- ranwalla Levy, will officiate as Cantonment Joint Magistrate of Sealeote, from the date of Captain Mocatta’s departure. —_—— No. 1337 of 1S58.—The following Notification, issued from the Public Works Department, is published in General Orders :— Ni 1. Me 18th September 1858.—Second No. ; F 858: Captain R. DeBourbel, Executive Engineer, 3rd Class, to officiate as Executive Engineer of Bar- yackpoor, during the absence of Captain Ehot, or until fursher orders. . _— N5. 1338 of 1858.—The, following Notification, issued by the Government North-Western Provin- ces, is published in General Ordess :-— * oO, 1304, the 16th September 1858,—Lieute- nant W. R. Tucker, Executive Engineer, 5th Di- vision, Public Works, for thirteen days, in exten- sion of the leave granted him in, Orders ~{_{th June last. on . . oY 9 of 1858.—The following Orders, igsued ef Commissioner, Punjanb, and published Gazelle, No. 54, of the Sth Septem-4 - aré confirmed :— “No, 133 by the Chi in the Puajaud | ber 1598, aT [ 1880 ] \Cuttack Topographical Survey, are allowed Lanons, Siu SerremBer 1955. 12th Regiment Punjaub Infantry. No. 677.—Appointment.—Regimental Order, dated 26th August, by Lieutenant H. H. Chris- tian, Ofliciating Commandant, directing Lieutenant John Liston to officiate as Adjutant, as a temporary arrangement, is confirmed. llth Regiment Punjanh Infantry. No. 678.—Appointment— Regimental Order, dated 1Sth August, by Captain E. 6. Dennis, appointing Lieutenant G. FP. M. Phillips, of the late 30th Native Infantry, todo duty, is confirmed. 8rd Regiment Sikh Infeutry. No. 679.—Promotions—Havilday Dhayan Sing to be Jemadar, from Sth June 1858, in room of Bal Bahadoor Singh, transferred to the Hazara Goorkha Regiment. Havildar Shere Khan to be Jemadar, from 19th June 155$, in room of Babeechurn Singh, promoted. a 19¢h Punjaub Infantry. No. 681.—Transfer —Bugler Shada, from No. 4 or Garrison Company of Artillery, Punjab Irre- gular Force, as Bugler Major. 5th Regiment Punjaub Cavalry. No. 682,—Leave of Absence-—Lieutenant A. H. Prinsep, doing duty, from 6th August to 6th No- vember, to visit Mussoorie and the Hills North of Dehra, pn Medical Certificate, under the new Rules. 15th Regiment Punjaub Infantry. No. 684.—Leave of Absence —Lieutenant F. M. Amnstrong, Officiating Adjutant, from 26th August to 4th September, on Medical Certificate, to enable him to appear before a Medical Committee at Movltan. No, 1340 of 185S.—The under-mentioned Offi- cers are permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of absenee, on Sick Certificate :— Colonel Henry Forster, C. B., For fifteen Commandant of the Shekha- > months, underthe wattee Battalion ... J new Regulations. Taeutenant William Charles Stanley Clarke, of the 3rd Regiment Bengal European e . For eighteen old Regulations. Light Cavalry = Lieutenant Henry ~ Benson For * fifteen Stuart, of the 1sth Regi- > months,undgrthe ment Native Infantry —... is ta No. 1341 of 1855.—The under-mentioned War! rant Officer is permitted to proceed to Murope, on yore absence, on Sick Certificate :— Conductor Chahles Ryall, of the Pension Establishment “... r ‘ } For one year, * ’ Fort William, 28rd September 1858. No. 1342 of 1858.—Messrs. T. Clanglius and A, D'Souza, Subt-Assistant Surveyors of No. 1 Party, ‘to the 10th Ngvember next, under the R months, under the mew Regulations. -|of the Counal of India in Council is pleas 6 e absence, on private affairs, from the 25th Sept |Financial Department, No. 25, of the 27 1857, regulating leave of absence to Uncoyi Civil Servants. oe | Mr. J. G. King, Senior Sub-Assistant Surve of No. 2 Party, Ganjam Topographical is allowed one month’s privilege leave, from t instant, under the same Rules. eS a - | No. 1343 of 1858.—The under-mentione sanctioned by the Chief Commissioner, P during January last, is confirmed :— \. Dated \Ath January 1858.—Sanctioning th charge from the Service of UHavildar Husr ‘of the 20th Punjab Infantry. No, 1344.0f 1858.—The Hon’ble the Pre in Council is pleased to make the follow motions in the Subordinate Grades:— Army Commissariat Department. — Conductor James Atkin to) From_ be Deputy Assistant Com- | Septembe: missary [| in site Sub-Conductor John Collins + Deputy 4 to be Conductor ... | Commissar Serjeant J. E. Goodfellow to be | Kavanagh, .Sub-Conductor 1) ceaweds f No. 1345 of 1858.—Assistant Henry Hamilton Niven, of the Subordinate Department, is, at the recommendati Excellency the Commander-in Chief, fromthe Service of the East India Compan Fort Witliam, 24th September 1858. No. 1346 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the Presi of the Council of India in Council_is pleased, the concurrence of the Right HGn’ble the ¢ noy General, of India, to place the servi Assistant Surgeon M. Ainger, F. R. C. 8. ed to His Z.ordship’s Body Guard, tempo the dispésal of the Hon’ble the Lieutenan’ nor of Bengal. - pe ‘> « ca - os No. 1347 of 1858.—The How’ble the the concurrence of the Right Hon’ble the G General of India, ttwake the following ment :—- : ON Mr. W. Phihpe, Head Assistant i Advocate General’s Oflice, to be an Assis Advocate General, with effect from . the which he entered upon the duties of that ( ~5 ao, * S08 —_—— t e No. 1348 of 1858.—The under-mentio: cers reported théir departure, on the dates opposite to their respective names :—— . s tant Surgeon J. B. S., n, of the Medical De- nt,attached tothe 13th ar Gavalry, on leave . fifteen months. Govern- f mt General Order, No. of the 30th Delete | Ea fant T. N. Harward, of) Regiment of Artillery, epaty Commissary of Ord- ance, on leave for fifteen nonths, Government Gene- Order, No. 1112, of the fd nly 1858, . Macdonald, of the 66th G Goorkha Regiment, on e for eighteen months. Biarnent General Order, 1154, of the 3rd August d ” General (Lieutenant- Wy D. Birrell, of the Regiment Native In- ry, on leave for eighteen s. Government Gené- “Order, No. 1154, of the Aubust 1858, nt-Colonel G.S. Cotter, 3 udras Artillery, on leave eighteen months. Go- et General Order, No. Hi, of the 9th August 8 t ; and Brevet Major _ J. Hire, of the 22nd Na- nfantry, Commanding d -Trregular Cavalry, on ve for * eighteen months. Be rent ‘General Order, 214, of the 19th Au- i. ‘stant Surgeon A. nae 5 the Medical Department, mleave for eighteen months. wernment General Order, 1242, of ts 27th August sistant Surgeon S. G. John- of the Madras Medical blishment, on leave for Gov ernment, eneral Order, No. — of 10th August’ 1858, in P. BR. Innes, of the) yalid Establishment, x | Nothing Agent, st ac | ve for fifteen mont ths” emnment General Oraer, 1285, of the 6th Sep- re 1858 7 nant R. G.H.J ohnétone} e 13th Regiment Bom- Native Infantry, Deputy Assistant Adjutant General the Chief of the Staff in India, on leave for fifteen nonths. Government Gene- 1} Order, No. 1277, of the ith | September 1838, ot ) Llotspur, January 1855. | Lightning, 2 3rd July 1858. °° S [ 1881 ] 13th Nem es28, lth’ August 1858. Nubia, Ath hag 1 $58. United King dom,, 10th S¢ep- Site 1858. S Simla, ith September | $58. . Lieutenant E, H.C. Simpson of the 39th Regiment Native Infantry, Adjutant of the Benares Horse, on leave for fifteen months. Government General Order, No. 1275, of the 1th September 1858, .. Lieutenant T. C. Graham, of the 4th European Light Ca- valry, on leave for eighteen months. Government Gene- ral Order, No. 1285, of the 6th Septémber 1858, : Lieutenant J. D. Tvand of the 6th European Regiment of Infantry, on leave for one year. Government General Order, No. 1233, of the 27th August 1558, Lieutenant G. Price, of the 1st European Bengal Fusiliers, Civil Architect at the Pie. sidency, on leaye for fifteen months. Government Gener- al Order, No. 1274, of the 4th September 1555, . Fa Lieutenant F. P. Guard, of the lst Bengal European Light Cavalry, on leave for eighteen months. Government General Order No. 1255, of the Ist September: 1858, Second Lieutenant Baath, Har- court, of the Bombay Regi- ment of Artillery, on leave for three years. Government General Order, No. 1242, of the 27th August 1853, Unposted Ensign A. Andrew, domg duty with Her Ma- jesty’s 23rd Regiment, on leave for eighteen months. Gren “General Order, No. 1278, of the 4th be ‘eddies 1858. Thre icxtacaow Major. Off. Seey. to the Govt. of India, in the Mily. Dept. eo eh Ee ee Been Ue ee eee Simla, l\th September 1555. | ! cy Notification. a a ALIPORE JAIL PRESS. a __ Tun following Rules regarding the submission of Work by Public Officers to the Alipore Jail Press having receiv ed the sanction of the Government, are promulg gated for general information :— All Public Officers are hereby requested to send their Indents and reqisitions for Forms and other Public W otk requiring to be pr inted,~ fo the Superintendent ‘ot Stationery, by whom they will be transmitted to the Jail Press for execution, and by whom they w ill, when printed, be packed and dispatched to the Indenting Officers. . 2. No Indents or requisitions of any” kind for unting, on the Public Service, are to be sent Jail. pr direct to the s [ 1882 | 3. As any departure from the plan of proceed- ing above notitied will cause delay and incon- venience, Indenting Officers are particularly re- quested to see that it is strictly adhered to. 4. Indenting Officers are informed that all Pa- per required for the printing of Public Work will be supplied by the Stationery Office. 5. The Alipore Jail Press is at present prepared to execute all Form Work, and such Returns, | Reports, Circular Orders, and other public docu- ments as do not need fine work. 6. The earliest possible arrangements will be made for the execution of fine Book Work. The moment they are completed, and the Press can undertake them without incurring the risk of delay or disappointment, the same will be duly notified. Frep. J. Movar, Taspector of Jails, Lower Provinces, Forr Writ, August 12th, S58. § Zillah Cachgy. —_——- The 1th August VS58. Procexpixgs or Lizvr. R, Stewart, Oftg. Supt. Dvrine a seven years’ residence on this Frontier it has frequentiy struck me that although’ Cachar and the ‘surrounding Districts and States are most ferti in themselves, and productive of many of the articles of trade such as regular system exists whereby this produce can be made generally available to the western and more civilized portion of the Empire. It is likewise apparent that although the inha- bitants of this Frontier are by no means poor, yet they have not been introduced to the fall ad- vantages to be derived from extensive importations of foreign manufactures. The causes of this stagnation to me to be the want of roads and consequently of wheeled conveyances and the continued inclemeney of the seasons for the greater portion” of the year which makes all communication both by land and water extremely difficult. . of traffic appear iv As great natural as well as financial difficulties | exist, debarring for the present aH thoughté of the construction of good roads, and as the river javiga- tion will be always affected hy the seasons until a trade has been created sufficiently remuneratiye for the occupation of steamers an‘ Vessels, proof against the storms and strong currents which pre- vail during the rairf, it remains to provide a channel for traflic as little affected as possible by the difficul- are conducive to the necessities and conveniences of life, yet that no | +; ties with which it is at certain times surrounded, From. the month of November to that of Febryay, the werther is cold and bracing, fair and calm. [he plains are hard and traversable, the hills, valleys, ‘marshes and jungles are free from mias. matic influences, The river “is low enough to be deprived"of strong currents and deep enough to admit of navigation hy Boats of moderate tonnage, season when the traders of This appears to be the the ditterent Distriets and States.shouil@ assemble . at some central position and reciprocate It is necessary, I think, only to appoint a d place of rendezvouz in order to secure the es ment of a periodical trade which” will Burma with Dacca, and Assam with the I Tipperah. * 4 For this purpose, in consultation with Mf Member of the Board of Revenue, on depute Cherrapoonjee, it has been determined { annual Fair or Mela be held at Silchar, the S Station of Cachar, and that the inhabitan neighbouring Districts to the West as well as of Assam to the North be invited to attend, | ing for sale and barter the produce of thei tive countries, and that to meet these it he mated to the inhabitants of” Cachar, North and Proper, to those of Munipoor and K -the inhabitants of the Kutcha Angamienag: Lhooshai countries through the proper aw that a Mart has been opened where they only dispose of their native produce, but re¢ retum that and the manufactures of countries, cs, The date of the Mela which will last days is fixed from the 30th December to January 1858-59 inclusive, corresponding w to 20th Pows 1265 B.S. Ordered, that-copies of this Proceeding, With the aceompanying advertisement tplat it and recounting the articles most likel proffered and demanded at the Mela, be English and Vernaculars to the authoritie Provinee of Assam, and the Zillah of Dacea reedpoor, Mymensing,‘Tipperah and Sylhet, like to Major McCulloch, Political Agent in Mr for communication to the Governments of 3 poor and Kubboo, and that these gentle solicited to give the widest circulation and | city in their power to the advertisement. Ortlered, that the above Proceeding be | nicated through emissaries to the different of Nagahs, Kookies, Cassyahs, Meekirs, Cad Angémies, Kacha Nagahs and Looshais about Cachar. ‘ : Ordered, that the above Proceeding a tisement be sent to the Calentta Gazette lication. : ix Oydered, that: copies of theahbove Proceedir advertisement be sent to all knesn and takle Individuals, Merchants, Traders, Land and: Planterson the Fronticr, with the reques fi they will giye pwhlicity'to, and aid the under R. Stewart Off. St ADVERTISEMENT. Nortcr is hereby given, that on the 30th of December 1S5S, and the Ist, 2nd and January 1859, a great Mela will he Silchar or Doodpat< in the Zillah of which allethe Merchants, Traders and Inhf of Dacca, Furreedpoor, Mymensing, Tipperah, Cheerapoonjee, Assam, and Cachar will be i and to which the pedple of the Independant of Munipore’and Kubboo in Burma will summoned together with those of the’ surrot tithes of Caxsyahs, Meekirs, Kookies, Khacharies, Kacha Nagas; Angamies and Lho bringing with them the produce and manu of their own and foreign countries, e 4 we A list is heret appended, showing the arti commerce most likely to }e ( 1 proffered and demai ' ti. > x C3. nglish. Bengalee. ory cy sO hnaments. Wire, in great ~ Is, Cornelian. ds, Agate. ds, Glass. Coral. - ; Amber. s, Wooden. CottonCloths, in quantities. Cotton Handker- n great quanti- s [ 1883 ] ’ Mela, but there are many others besides will form objects of trade. a ki 2 chief approaches to Silchar from the West yivers Surma or Burrack and the Koosia- are navigable throughout the season to F500 maunds; there is a road through the ¢ Assam on the North, and one to Munipore sor Bazar dues will be levied on any as sold at the Mela, and sheds will be erected ie convenience of the Shop-keepers. Mela will last for five days, and during its ee, prizes will he offered by Public Sub- to the winners in Boat, Elephant, Horse and sas well as for other Athletic games and yamong which may be mentioned the Mu- ee, Kangjai or Ifockey upon horse back. Vikely to be proffered by the West and de- inded by the Last at the Cachar Meta. Inkstands. Ivory. Tron, in great quantities. Jute. Knives. ; Kharoos. Kubbuj. Lanterns. Loaking Glasses. Lime. Merinos. Musk. Meerdungs. Necklace. Neckeloths. ’ Night Caps. Onions. Oranges. Pepper. Potatoes. Puggries. Porcelain, Pickaxes. r Playing Cards. Paper. , x Porcupine Caps. Pettaras. * Pasha. Quinine. Quills. Refined Sugar. Red Lead. Ruggs. ° Razais. ‘ Ribbons. Rope. Rang. ° > Rose Water. Rings, Gold, Silver and » Brass. , Spectacless ” Salt, in great quantities: Silk. Satins. Shaw!s. Sheetings. Shirtings. Sutrunjies. Seull Caps. aa Copper. Coal, Cooking Pots, Corkserews. Chests. * Chains. Chairs. Chikol. Chillumchees, Cowries. Castor Oil. Cocoanut Ov, Dall, Urhur. Dall, Moong. Dall, Boot. Dall, Khessary. - Dall, Moosoory. Dall, Motur. Dacea Muslin. Dacca Soap. Dacca Cheese. Drugs. Desks. English Muslin, in great quantities. Elephant Guddies. Earrings. Fiddles. Flannel. . Framed Pictures. Garters. Ganzee Frock Cotton, in great quantity. Ganzee Woollen, Gauze. Guddelas. Guitars. Golap Pash. Gun-powder. Gold Ornaments. Glass. Hookahs. Hookahs, Brass. Hookah, Bidry. Hookah Stands. Stockings. * Sola Topelahs. Silk Hankerchiefs. Sheep. Soda Water. Scissors. Shoes in great varieties. Smiths’ Tools, Shamadans. Spoons. Shot. Steel Pens. ~ Shelves. Shells. Sonks. Scented Soap. Smelling Salts. Snuff. Sulphur. Sutrung. Tweeds,. Towels. Tape. Tin. Tanpoor. Tin Boxes. Tables. Teapoys. Tobacco, manufactured Toys. Utter. Utterdans. 5 Umbrellas, Cotton. Velvet. Vinegar. . Wearing Apparel, new. Wearing Apparel, second hand. Wall Shades. Wooden Boxes, of ditter- ent kinds. Wooden Utensils. Watches. Wadding. —- Articles likely to be proffered by the Kast and de- manded ly the West at the Cachar Mela. Bamboos in great quan- tities. ~ Buffaloesy from Munipore and Burma. Buffaloe’s Horns. Blue Beetles’ Wings. Cotton Raw, in large quantities. 4 Cows. Cloths manufactured by the different tribes, > of various kinds and quantities. Deer Skins. Dried Fish. Elephants. : Fine Seetul Patty. Gold. Goats. Pill Minerals. Hockey Sticks and Ball. Ivory. 2 Jute. Muniporee Shoes made of Cloth. Null. Otter Skin. Paddy in large quanti- tics, Ponies, Burmah Muniporee. Pigs, of the China spe- cies. _ Peacocks. Peacocks’ Feathers. Parrots. Rattan. Rice in large quait'ies. Raw Sugar. a Sessamuni. Sunpat. Silk. > Singing Birds. > Speeimens of wild Ani- mals for a Menagerie, Tea. . and : [ 1884 ] # ig Khes. * Tea Seeds. : Kalie. Timbers, in abundance Khag. and great varieties. Linseed. Thatchine Grass , in large Mustard Seed, in large quantities. quantities. Wax, in large quantities. Mats. Well Salt, in large Muniporee Shawls. quantities. Muniporee Curtain. Warlike Weapons for a Muniporee Rugs. museum. Gs R. Srewart; Offy. Supit. Opium Notifications, Ir is hereby notified that the Provision of Opium of 1857-58 to be brought for- Ortvx. wardat the Monthly Sales of the en- suing year 1859, will consist of about 22,999 Chests of Behar and 4,174 Chests of Benares Opium, inclusive of the 300 Chests to he reserved for the French Government. The Opium will be sold on or aout the 10th of each Month, as usual, and the precise dates will be notified in due course. 2. The quantity to be put up at each of the ae a) Sales will consist more or less of 1,915 Chests of Behar and 345 Chests of Benares Opium exeept at_the last sale in December, when the re- maining 1,934 Chests of Behar and 379 Chests of Benarer Opium will be sold. 3. The general Conditions of Sale will be the samic as heretofore, and will be published in De- cember next as usual, with the notification of particulars relating to the first sale of the ensuing year, By Order of the Board of Revenue, Epw. Lusiixeron, Junior Secretary. Fort Wiitram, The 15th September 1858. e NOTICE is hereby given that the tenth Sale of Opium, the provision of 1856-57, will be, held at Exchange Hall on Monday, the a of October 1858, at 11a. u., and will comprize 2,739 Chests vie i— Behar’ Opie yy $7 a “Ureasury, will furthe on Friday the 22nd October and Satur 23rd October 1558, on account of the Holiday Luekee Poojah. All. Acceptances “wifich may fall due Tuesday the i2th October and Tuesday iastant will be payable at the General Treasw fny business day after the 6th October 15 Se 4 J. J. Harvey, Sub-T ( Fort W ILLIAM ; General Py easury, The Vith September 1858. J [ 1885 ] B ° _ sopmnso £q1 { € —) eo o ™ oS.ceg Jo oxupuncyy | = : > . Ss ; 2 ° ¥ =r) s So Ss 2 3 “I quoTIA.MsvaTT | 7 BE xe 5 ye eS Sf 2 ery Aq oxvpuneyy a a S_z 25 B25 g | SHE go | eas ‘sqvog josoqmny| S&S | 2a oc © ES? hie 2 2 eee e “ee , sogeuygsa Aq ne { Sinks ¥ gS ro ‘ OSIVQ Jo osepuneyy i | fo} 2 & 6 i= a nS a o G “qIloTLOMSVOT a 3 is rs x a yeep “q asepuneyy = B i D > t — ie S aS 4 p a Ss iJ | syeogqy Joaoqumyx | 7 | wn | 5 { — es ae nh OG a2 2 ‘aqemmmgsa Lc $5 gaz } ae ae pl ee oh oF.tvp Joasepunryy| oo SF S : 2g - ” 5 » 8 = s 8 “quoTTOAMSBO ea ede 3 = a Teurp Aq osupunryg | Ses S B *sqwog, JO LOOM a & iret ‘ , 2 “, “oyerntaso &q _ “aqemigso Aq Se? a) ofaey jo ogepune a 4 OF.Ie) JO OF pPUNTTL Lt | a 3 She ab = a9 “JUITUG.NSBO WT a OS Sige re a *yOMIAINSBaTT | 5 Pree 2 A jreneo Aq osepuneyg | 1 2 > 5 eg Aq a8epuneyy : : a aes = @* | ‘s}Bog jo daqrann | aon | ma oS it, a VBORy JO T9qTAN ‘syeog Jo soquINyy | | “OPVUILY > Rey ie: hg ar ¥ So 4 > _— a 1 & a | ‘ayemnigso Aq = | ; Os.IEH JO sSUpUNVTT | ZF | ant oS1ep Jo osepunryy : | = — a) oC - a “yOTAANSVOTL = came fed e fe ieee Ea = ) vi I “*YUHOTIBANSBaTY | “ = yeueg Aq oxepune i ; £ a qeurg £q osepane yy | : TS ! os os = = SamosTgO JOAN. | 2 | 3 “syROg Jo Loquiny 2 | ote j ‘ayentysa £4, na | Ste > { -ayeuitino kq 5 | 2 A oFiey Joosupunvyg | = | xy & oS1e9 Jo yal =I Ri gies | Ie *qIOTAANSvOW 3 te, | = a be a “quamomstoyy = Teury fq oxepuneyy | go > ‘- pe qeurg Aq osepuneyy : 8 2 | Ss 4 2 e | rd yw SF ia - esa! jowoqmnN | a \ i *syeog Jo aoquiuy pon ! — 1S a pn Hees ts royourysa Aq | = ‘opernyyso Aq 3 ae st OTE) JO OSUPUNU | | ¥ ov jo osupaneyy S =- > a A = — | a a — es g UOULAANSE OTE a | = °° quomamsrayy 8 5 Ped 4 jeuy Aq oFepuUnLyy = S =] yeurg ELAN Py re ae tee - So i 3 ml swog Jo Laqumy | | n ;. *syeost Jo saqrmy 5 | noe ‘f -ageurigso Aq if: ae = =F - 4 $ ofaeg Jo osupUNey BG Ss soquutyysa Aq 2 5 {noTTOAINseoyy | as ;, ae 7 o8.1e9 joosepuneyy | ™ a yeur, Aq ose uneyr I Le el S 4 ae ee Ce e “qUITO.MsSeoy{ B *sqVOg, JO LOCQHUNNT @ rue: oH | eusgAqozepuneyy } °° d “ayeUTysa AQ E 2 og “ o fas ofzeE 10 oSepuneyYT : | oa Pm a a of “QUO MOMSvd TL 8 a BYitonien ny 1 : | : saqentiyse A 5 bi icy oF AC ¢ 1389 Aq > 23 ene) Aq ovepune yt 5 ; osxeg jo ofepuntyy a ‘syvog JO LoquMN aie eB ra = i *qUOTTOMSBOTY S : qeO Jo osepuneyy | eae aga) | 2 8 rc) 6 p “jUaUTINSvO TY = 8 lea ie ee aad Ea Bt A OLY e a4 = 3S Q |reueg &q adepuneyy |) oni I ot ap Pa >) teucy .» | 1 Case unknown Captain Rennie shart ... | Blackburn. Ditto- 7th 1 Basket unknown, T W Wilson, clhate : - RNG ASE Liga Ditto Sth 29 Pieeés Planks, no mark witha Wa fe, ance . : ' . boat! if : : : J Rg ony ? ‘ JOE. Yors Canctyra Crstom Hover! L 2 ae ry poueee: ih ay The 24th Septeenber 1858. - Oty. Collector of Customs. a Ey the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort William " in Bengal. Zoohoor Ahmed, Attah- roor Rohomaun, Manta- bun ig ; Egurry. 29 Tanlabun Nessa, Rohomaun Nessa, Saumewan Nessa, Moo- feezaun Nessa and Hu- meedun Nessa, Plaintiff, and ; Fuzlah Hossain, Defen- ; dant. ynstant to an Order of the Supreme Court of ture at Fort William in Bengal, made in Cause, bearing date the 22nd day of March 38, the Creditors of Minutton Nessa Begum, ie of Calcutta, who died in the month of Janu- jm the Year of Christ One thousand Light Adred and fifty seven are forthwith required to ne in and prove their respective claims to the te of the’said Minutton Nessa Begum, before m Macpherson; Esquire, the Master of the Court at his Office, in the Court-House, or in thereof they will be excluded from the efit of the said Order. . Nessa, W. Macruerson, Master. te TPMPLETON AND CARAPIET, > ; Complainants’ Attorney. Ju Leurra SUPREME CouRT ; Master’s Office, ~ Notice. @Qlet September 1858. a OBE soup, pursuant to an Order of the £u- me Court of Judicature at Fort William in , bearing date the nineteenth day of April y thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight le in a certain Cause, in the matter of the Es- Rajah Bhoyrubindernarain Roy, deceased, n Tarrucknauth, Mullick is Plaintiff, and utty Brijosgondery Dabee, Executrix of the Gl and ‘Testament of Rajah Bhoyrubinder, Roy, deceased, is Defendant,with-the appro- on of William Macpherson, Esquire, the Mas- ofthe said Court at his Office at Ae Court- use ON SATURDAY, THE 277TH day of November next, the hour of twelve o’clock aé 2von the following y, to say :— i 1,—All those to annas or equal sixteenth shares and. fifteen gundahs ox three fourths r sixteenth part or share, the whole into equal parts or shares being considered as of, and in, all- that Ze windary called or by the name of Percunnat LuskeRPORE, ying and being ix Zillah Rajshahye, and which three quarter sixteenth parts or shares d recorded in the Trooks of the Collector said Zillah of Rajshahye as No. 1580, and n Annual Revenue to Government of Com-?, Rupees thirty-one thousand nine hundred y, eight annas and eleven pie, and which vo and three quarter sixteenth parts or shares in, the said Zemindary comprise several s, Kismuts, Chucks, and Turruffs. 7 * Auctioneer,, but at pre- { 1887 ] Lor 2.—Also all that the two sixteenth or fio annas part or share, the whole being considered as being divided into sixteen equal parts or shares, of, and in, a certain Zemindary called or known by the name of PsRGUNNAH PHoKOORBEAH AND JYAN- sHanus situate, lying, and being in the Zillah of My munsing in the Province of Bengal, together with all the Villages or Mouzahs therein, the An- nual or Government Revenue thereof being Com- pany’s Rupees nine thousand three hundred and eighty-five, six annas and two pie. Furtuer Particuiars and Conditions of Sale may be had, and an Abstract of Title inspected, at the Master’s Orricr, Supreme Court, or of Mussteurs Denman anp Haren, Attorneys for the Complain- ant at their Office, No. 11 Old Post Office Street, Calcutta. A W. MacprHerson, Master. Denman anv Haren, Complainant's Attorneys. Master’s Office, The 26th August 1858. ov Caxcutra SupremE ee Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at Calcutta. , Tn the matter of Wil- On Thursday, the 16th liam ‘Wilson, of the | day of September in- stant, it was ordered that the matters.of the petition of the said In- solvent be heard on Sa- turday, the 6th day of Talook, called Lot Shib- | November next, and that pore, in the District of | the said Insolvent do Janabad, an Insolvent. J then attend to be exa- mined by the said Court. Paul, Atiorney. French Settlement of Chandernagore, for- merly in the employ of Mr. John Bartlett, as Superintendent in his os In the matter of Kally-Y On Saturday, the churn Roy, an Insolvent. J 4th day of September instant, if was ordered that Saturday, the 6th day of November next, be appointed for the further hearing of this matter, and that unless cause be shown to the contrary on that day, the said Insol- vent be discharged personally as well as to his after acquired property from all liability for debts, claims and demands of, and against the said Insolvent, at the time of the filing of his petition for relief. Swinhoe and Law, Atforneys. + In> the matter of) Notice, that an appli- Mackertick Gregury Ar- cation for an ad interim rakiel, late of Rangoon, protection order has been \ this day made by the said Insolvent, and that such in Caleutta, Inhabitant, application will be heard an Insolvent. J and: disposed of by the Acting Commissioner of the Insolyent Couxt,.on Friday, the 1st day of October next, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon. eS “< Any Creditor of the said Insolvent desirous «© of opposing such application must appear before the « said Court at the time and place aforesaid.’ cent of Dhurrumtollah, Templeton and Carapiet, Attorneys. mt cr 1888 ] In’ the matter of} | Notice, that the peti- Mackertick Gregory Ar- | tion of the said Inso]- rakiel, late of Rangoon, | vent seeking the benefit Auctioneer, but at pre- bof the Act XT. Vic. cap. sentof Dhurrumtollah, in | 21. was filed in_ the Calcutta, Inhabitant, an | Office of the Chief Insolvent. J Clerk, on the 22nd day of September instant, and by an order of the same date, the Estate and Effects of the said Insolvent were vested in the Official Assignee. Templeton and Carapiet, Attorneys. e In the matter of} On Wednesday, the Mackertick Gregory Ar- | 22nd day of September rakiel, late of Rangoon, | instant, it was ordered Auctioneer,but at present + that the matters of the of Dhurrumtollah,in Cal- | petition of the said In- cutta, Inhabitant, an In- | solvent be heard on Sa- solvent. ) turday, the 6th day of November next, and that the said Insolvent do then attend to be examined by the said Court. Templeton and Carapiet, “Attorneys. In the matter of John) Notice, that an ap- Constantine Seeyne, of | plication for an ,ad inte. Emambaug Lane, in the | rim ppotection’ order has Town of Calcutta, late | been’this day made by an Assistant to Messrs. \ ke said Insolvent and Smith and Stanistreet, | that such application Chemists and Druggists, | will be heard and dis- but at present out of | posed of by the Acting employ, ai Insolvent. _) Commissioner ofthe In- solvent Court, on Friday, the Ist day of October next, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the foreaoon. REF “ Any Creditor of the said Insolvent desirous « of opposing such application must appear before the « said Court at the time and ploce aforesaid.” , * Insolvent in person. Chief Clerk?s Office, 24th September 1858. Municipal Commissioners’ Notice. Ix accordance with the Provisions of Section IX. of Act 25 of 1856, notice is hereby given, that on Friday, the Ist of October 1858, proximo, and fol- lowing days at noon, the Municipal Commissioners will sit at the Free Masons’ Hall, Cossitollah, to take into consideration complaints against assess- ments on buildings now for the first tithe assessed ; special Notice of such new assessment having been served on the owners or occupiers of the Premises. Parties interested will be required to attend. By order of the Board of Municipal Commission- ers. e Rost. D. Turnevutt, . Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners. CaLcurra, ’ } The Ath Sept. 1858. e € f : * “Sheriff's Office, Calcutta, the Sth September 1858. 6 NOTICE is hereby given, that a Sessiops of Oyer-and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, and also an Admiralty Segsions, will be holden by the Supreme Court of Judicature at Fort Wilkgm, in Bengal, ‘ a a San for the Town of Caleutta and Factory of For William, and the places subordinate there to, the Court-House in the Town of (Caleutta, ¢ Friday, the Fiyst day of October next, at 12 o’eloe at noon. e 2 The Court will open on the first day of # Sessions at 12 o’clock at noon, and upon each si ceeding day precisely at 11 o’clock in the fore: of which all persons are required to take noth i. Despas, . > Sher afre aifer ANAS sbeh Atel | ‘ AAT asa Tete a 5 ' > Wabiag ober Tle CEST aq? stata BeenthS AeA KAGe af fre te ata cath VeraoTA a Ae ater aietars Hea ecRABat aa? SUTTTTAT AAS Hel AH A ara aaa ifs oar ae Ory wate, friea sfacaa 1 | a orttnta aaett ono afi stata ator fier 4S elecag 7A ata 7a 2tfe frat astical aia 7 TUTCTS 4 fray Tacs WEA aaa ; . Hi. Donpas, gist She ee « at j Noticé - Ir is hereb¥ notified for general inf that, from the Ist September 1858, all B Receipts connected with the Military Orpt Press will be sifsied by the Secretary of the 3 tary Orphan Soctety, and that withot signatare no Bills and Receipts will be co valid and sufficient. ee. By Order of the General Management ot | Military Orphan Society, "? “3 Cuas: J. Gragay i 4 Secy, M, 0.8 O. S. Orricey 4 ji Kidderpore, ‘icin 3rd September’ 1858, y g ODMDOORDIND a Owmnoonn | a 4 ales, i) a LD 9 S MAeOok i 16 & © a : PSeeSSSRES5 % ‘ a Peon eS rs = = 31D FID AS =) a ive} Re a a aaa SOT =) © ee on | ae za 4 ee 5s es ES p5875 0 120: ra > i ng Sah cs As, . wu = S4 ZFS UF $2 A s ZB 2 3 > a ae) Be ote ae "so ee a 5 ose am nS SL - a o Me RO Cet =v B.25 9 5 Be Stones ‘ea ceo" se % Ssh 2 og4 s = B32 (2a 8R $a 2s 245935 3 2 O« = Sq AS Es os a “HS segebes g — Ee ~ of Sioa a258° Sn 3 o q Sesae Seats 3 SEs Onn S Orgy 2 E} BAGH AASARA o Ow InDH OW o} OW gee S a SERaans z 2 ID 19 ES, 3S a8 m SSR SEAS I x a >) ele ee os Los! Lol ce oo a. _ so eee | S _ = = co pa ALS a air’ BN i Se Oe = Bas 4 ia aS qd nye ss) z a ~] oe me * ao) Las} . Cams each sit) ica 3 pe : e - OF e2 4), 3 “nm 5 SHE 8 Bho ae 4 4 ta | BVDV, PY get he a a Bo Ha Br4 Sntadeh eZ BOs oy 8 9 = AROUOCR A x Oriental Bank Corporation. IxcorrorRateD BY Roya. CHARTER. _ ioe £3 i eas c Wi ne t Notification N Wim reference to Government Not ication No. 26th Va- Fort William, Financial Department, 1855, notifying the intention sof Govern- to dissolve its connexion with she Govern- t+, Agency— lan he Oriental Bank Corporation undertake the custody? of Government Paper, Shares in the al Stock of the Bank of Bengal, and other Stocks, free of all charge. Vill draw Interest and Dividends on the same hey fall due, and remit ate current rates of urge, or Pay the same according Q instruc- ns, if to be remitted through Without charge. o be paid in India, a Gommnis- sion will be charged of .., ,1-4th per Cent. eturning Government Paper Fe Share Certificates aut of safe tody, d.9¢ he purchase of Government : or other Securities. ., L-dth per Cent. j-4th per Cent. | OrtentaL Bank Corporation t the Corporation, > [ 1889 ] On the sale of Government Paper» or other Stock, the proceeds of which are to be remitted through the Corporation, ... Without charge. Wn. ANDERSON, Agent. Culeutta, 29th January 1855. Commercial Bank of Endta. Carcurrta Brancu. Rates of Exchange on London Joint Stock Bank. de At 6 months’ sight ... 1 11% per Rupee. 33 3 a”? 3” a 1 11g PP) » 30 days’ bs of ose ble a we Spite geys> aA} bo. statintachb Ute n The Bank grants Drafts on the Head Office, Bombay, and on its Branches in London, Shanghae, and Iongkong. © Bills collected at any of the above places at a uniform charge of 4 per Cent. The Bank will \ndertake the purchase or sale’ of Government Paper, Bank Stock and other Securi- ties, draw Interest and Dividends payable in Cal- eutta, when due, at a Commission of } per Cent. No charge made when the proceeds of Sale or amount of Interest or Dividends drawn 4s remitted in the Bank’s Bills. Rates of Interest allowed to Deposits subject 40° 3 months’ notice of withdrawal, 4 p. ct. per annum ditto ditto ditto 5 e ditto, “arto... dite. 6 a Notice may be given when the money is deposit- ed, or at any subsequent time ; and it will be dispensed with in cases when the money is to be remitted through the Bank. 2 oF Current Accounts kept and Tnterest allowed at 2 per Cent. per annum on Balances of Rupecs 500 and upwards, not exceeding Rupees 50,000, unless by special agreement. Hours of business, 10 a. M. to 3». m. On Satur- days, 10 a, m. to} P.M. a W. S. FitzwitiiaM, 27, Tank SQuare, Agent. Caleutts, 22nd Suly 1858. t ae Ne ee ee ele . Notice. a” SS A Sprciab Mecting of the Shareholders of the Agra Savings’ Bank will be held at the Manager’s Office, on Monday the 20th December 1858, at 7 for the purpose of deciding on the Regis- feptttes of the Bank, under the Provisions of Act XLII. of 1550. . - pe iy MAST Rae : Manager. a Acra SAVINGS’ Bank, —_ } 4 Agra, the 16th September 185%. in, Fs A bile’ 100 ‘Kupees Reward: A Reward of one hundred Rupees willbe to any person who may give such"informa will lead to the recovery of Bank of Note, No. L09535, for Company’s"Rupees (10 one thousand, lost in the Cash Office of the ( neral Tréasury on the 2lst September 1858, p ment of which has been stopped at the Bank, Apply to the Khazanchee of the Gen Treasury. Calcutta Mercantile Marine Insurance Society—1854-59. : ReeistereD unpER Act XLITI. or 1850. Tue eighth Walf-yearly General Meeting of the Proprietors of the above Society will be held at the Office of the undersigned, on Tuesday, the 2Sth instant, at noon. By authority of the Committee, M. C. Joakim, Secretary. s TREASURY ; z f The 22nd September 1858. i. c East India Copper Company “ Limited.” LOST or Stolen in trangit two second-halves Bengal Bank Notes, one No. 00497, for _Rs. 15, and another, No. 41666, for Co’s, R the payment of which has been stopped ¢ Bank. : Tux second Half-yearly General Meeting of the Company will be held at its Office, No. 5, New China Bazar Street, on Tuesday, the 5th of October, at noon, in terms of the Articles of Association. The Books and Accounts of the Company will be open to the inspection of Shareholders, on and after the 28th instant. a Stolen. C. Durrscuminr, —— Manager. THe Government Promissory Note, No, 9224 the 4 Per Cent. Loan of 1835-36, dated the March 1836, “for Company’s Rupees (500) fi hundred, originally standing in my nante. ment of the above Note and of Interest th has been stopped at the Loan Office, and cation is about to be made to Government. Or issue of a Duplicate Note in favor of the — prietor. The 24th September 1858. CaLcurra, f 20th September 1858, Lost, supposed to have been destroyed « during the Rebellion. i Tux Government Promissory Notes, Nos 729 and 1¢241, both of the five per Cent. Loan of 1854-55, each for Company’s Rupees five Hundred, res- pectively standing in the names of R. M.. Turnbull and G. D. Turnbull, the Proprietors, by whom they were never endorsed to any other person. Payment of the above Notes and of Interest Ramcomut Roy. _ = at rs Stolen. thereupon has been stopped at the Loan Office, and application is about to be made to Govern. ment for the issue of a Duplicate Note in favor of the Proprietors, ee Notice. Tux Public are hereby cautioned against pur- Government Promissory Notes of the 4 Per Cent Loan, which were plundered from my house in Lueknow during None of them have been endorsed payment has been stopped in the chasing any of the following the Mutinies. by me, and Loan Office :— Lust of Government Promissory Notes in detail! One Government Promissory Note, No. 24998, “ of Company’s Rupees 5000. , One ditto. ditto. No. 24997, of Com- pany’s Rupees 5000, One ditto. pany’s Pripees 3000 Ofc’. ditto. pany’s “Pupees 1000. ditto. No. 24729, of Com- ditto. No. 9144, of Com- 4 GUNGAPERSHAUD. - Luoxnow, + Lhe 12th Septembew 1858. stant. ¢, hi A Bank of Bengal Note, No. 22564, for Or Thousand Rupees, payment of which has b stopped at the Bank. A reward will be given such information as may lead to the recovery of th Note. Apply to the Printer, _LOST.—Second halves of Bank of Beng Notes, Nos. 41988 and 20340, for ST upees 10, ’ € Gercral Post Olice Notifications. No. 2282, , "OVERLAND Mart. The Mail Packets for the Overland Mail wh eaves Bombay on the 9th proximo, will be clos af this Office, at 5 Poy, on the 27th and 28tb in- Letters and Papers by this opportunity will be sent vid Marseilles only. i S a . T. Garner, 4 ! Of. Deputy Post-Master Gene : [ General Post Office, Catcutta; ‘ ia The 23rd Sept. 1858, } x No. 2285. ° ‘ >The Overland Mail vid Marseilles and South- ampton and the intermediate Ports, Madras Ceylon and Aden, per P. and O. Company’s, | Steamer d/ma, will be closed at this Office, on Friday, the Sth proximo, at > Letters, &c., for Penang, Singapore Hong Kong and Anstralia will be forwarded vid Galle by this opportunity. & a 2 T. Garrett, Ofy. Deputy Post-Master General. CALCUTTA ; General Post Office, The 23th Sept, 1858. i 4 PACKETS for the reception of Letters by F 1891 1 Notice. No. 3817; The Public are hereby informed that the Build- ing hitherto engaged for the Dak Bungalow at Berhampore having been taken for Military pur- pases, and no private Building or Bungalow at a ; convenient locality being at present procurable, the Berhampore Dak Bungalow was closed as a tem- porary measure on and from the 17th instant. C. K. Dove, Officiating Post-Master General, 4 CALCUTTA 3 } The 2th Sept. 1858. tat the following Ships are open at this Office :— | For what e: Intended Touching at VEMARES. Name of Vessel. Agents. | Taparhare, Dons: g : | kyal c Mi 4, Er . ss s ent. 185 ASSCl .. JAkyvab > Ship Kurrajong ...\G. Pehmoller & Co. ... 30th Sept. 1858 Bassein ‘A ey Steamer Cape of ' k bat ad Good Pie Mackinnon McKenzie ./4th Proxime .../Moulmein_ ... Aky ab and Bit ge il Lightning Apear and Co 112th Ditto ...| Hong-Kong ... Penang and § ingupore. Ship Salamanca ... Mackey and Co. .../12th Ditto... London Mek hia Good Hope _ » City of Calcutta Gladstone Wyllie zi 6th Ditto 1 heme | 1 a! T. GARRETT, Offy. Deputy Post-Master General. The 2th September 1858. ® DD ny J a =? a > : ° (? r Py ‘ Ny s s p ; J oa . F e 4 u : ; s 5 “a ; a yp Si ‘ A 5 ? ‘ wats ie e i = Ory r a 2 y ft - i ba t j } . te * . a r er " = r g - : t & 2 } > vie - — 7 ia ’ - - - Z c - oe) SUPPLEMENT TO rhe Calcutta Gasette, v SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1858. LAND SALE NOTICES. , TICK is hereby given, under Section VI. Act I. of 1845, that the under-mentioned Estates Shahabad will be put up to public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Otfice of that Dis- m Saturday, the 2Qnd October 1858, corresponding with 9th Assin “1266 F.S., for Arrears of nue and other demands which, by the Regulations and Acts in farce, are directed to be realized le same manner as Arrears of Revenue due on the 7th of June 1858, Monday :— -.” Class I —Permanently-settled Estates. No. 33.—Mehal Begumpore, Pergunnah Arrah, Dilawur Ally Khan and fifteen others, recorded jetors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 282-15-0. : : I 5 Class 1 —Lrrears due on account of other Estates. -§5.—Mchal Deoruth, Pergunnah Arrah, Phoolah Shah, recorded proprietor ; sudder jumma, 349-0-0. . et ‘ ass ].—No. 273.—Mehal Bheelora, Pergunnah Baregyan, Lullit Sing, recorded proprietor ; der jumma, Rypees 186-LU-5. . Chass I.—No. 299.—Mehal Arazee Maffee Roshunpore, Pergunnah Baregyan, Shah Mukdoombux eleven others, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 2-12-10. Class 1T.—Temporarily-settled, Estates. No. 353.—Mehal Peethnee, Pereunnah Chowsah, Dulsingar Rae and four others, recorded pro- iors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 238-5-9. - ‘Crass 1.—No. 356,—Mehal Arazee Narainpore, appertaining Muneeah Loodeepore, Pergunnah gwsah, Rungloll Sing and two others, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 56-5-9. sCiass I.—No. 5$1.—Mehal Luhuna Doomree, Pergunnah Bhogepore, Joypergas Doobey and S others, recorded proprictors 5 sudder jumma, Rupees 19 4-2-94, Crass I1.—No. 908.—Mehal Koodoorseepore, Pergunnah Chowsah, Sewdial Chowbey and nty-two oth, recorded proprietors 5 sudder jumma, Rupees 139-5-4. mass 11.—No. 1004,—Mehal Moostutapeor, Pergunnah Chowsah, recorded proprietors ; sudder jamma, Rupees 7-1-5. ~ at p | nass [.—No. 1062.—Mehal Umdha, Pergunnah Chynpore, Ratoic ) ’ . , a ® = ’ a ’ . a ~*~ oar » . , n : SS) . . ’ a ’ 1 eo os . :* a > a ‘ . + cS od : ’ ? i: . ’ . 6 + a> a r q NOTICE. Tun following Lithographed Maps of the Survey of India “recently ly publishaay a Surveyor General's Office, Calcutta, are ewailable at the prices specified, either ¢ a Surveyor General’s Office or at Messrs, D’ Rozario and Co.’s Library. PRIcE. Description oF Maps. Golored . \"Goloredsana and folded in unmounted. ‘Book fashion.| Roll cr General Maps. , 4, ) Kumaon and British Gurhwal, compiled with the latest addi- tions from the Researches of Captain H. Strachey in 1846 and Lieute- , nant Richard Strachey, Engineers, in’1849 ,—April 1850, Scale 8 miles= | 1 Inch. Joseph’s Map of the Grand Trunk Road, Section 2nd, improved Eii- tion, Benares to Agra. Scale 4 miles=1.Inch. - Ditto Ditto Section #rd, Agra to Ferozpoor. Scale 4 miles==1 Inch. Plan of the Agra and Bombay Road, with the Country extending 30 miles to the “Bast and West of it, and exhibiting the Staging - Bungalows, Post Offices, &c., from Agra to -the Nerbudda River, on the Scale of 4 miles==1 Inch 3 0 “ 8 Map of the Kotah and Chukkata Bhabur or Terae Forest of 7iNah Kumaon, from the Sardah to the Kpsee River, with the Approaches to | Nainee ‘I'al and Almora, surveyed under the superintendence of Lieute- | - nants Vanrenen and Bur gess, Revenue Surveyors, in 1851 to 1853, and - compiled in the Revenue Survey or Gencral’s Office, on the Scale of 2 miles—1 Inch. Map of Affighanistan, 1840. Seale 8 British miles=1 Inch, in 15 Sections. < 8 cos aad bs Map of a Topographical Survey of a portion of the Delhi District, | shewing the principal Basins of Drainage and the positions of the Ora > Buactes also'the situations of the Ancient Cities and the objects of | Archelogical interest, in 16 Sections, surveyed by Lieutenant F. J. Burgess, Ath Regiment Native Infantry, Assistant Revenue Surveyor, in 1849-50. Seale 3 } of a mile or 20 Gunter’s chains—1 Inch. ; 4 Co) 6 Plan of a Survey to trace the line of boundary between the Soon- derbunds and District 24- Pergunnahs, as defined by Captain 'F. Prinsep, between the years 1817 and 1822, traced by Captain R. Smyth, 1849-50 | in 5 Numbers. Scale } mile=1 Inch.—cach number c Sketch Map of the Oudh Territory. Scale 8 miles—1 Inch. - Map of the Jullundhur Doab, comprising the Districts of Jullun- dhur, Hooshiyarpoor and Kangra, surveyed from 1847 to 1852. Scale 4 | British miles=1 Inch, (English lithography.) 6 Map of the British and Native States in the Cis-Sutlee Division, comprising the Districts of Ferozpore, Loodhianah, Umballah, Thanesur and Simlah, with Puttialah, Nabhuh, Jheendh, Kotlah, Kbulseea and Fureedkot, surveyed in 1847 to 1851. Scale 4 miles=1 Inch. 8 General Map of the Country bordering the Grand Trunk, Road No. 1| Caleutta to Benares, embracing Patna, Bhaugulpoor, Burdwan, and Chota Nagpore Divisions South of the Ganges. Scale 8 miles==1 Inch. |- 4 fo) to fo} ao o lr) oO a> wT ie 2) iw} o ies) co . ie’) os bo ° ° wT = af od Ditto Ditto No. 2 Benares to De’hi, embracing the Benéres Division, the Doab, Oudh, Rohilcund, Rewah. part of Bundlecuné, the Gwalior and Bhurtpoor Territory. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. 8 0 9 8 General Map of the Goruckpoor and North Behar Frontier, embracing x | the Country North of the Ganges, Tirhoot, Chumparun, "Sarun and- i Districts bordering the Gogra River to Byz zalad. Scale 8 miles—=1 Inch. | - 4 ca) 5 0 Map of the Nizams's Dominions, with the Ceded Districts and Coun- try extending to the Nerbuddah River. Scale 16 miles=1 Inch. 3 (a) 4 4 Index Map of Bengal, Behar, Orissa, Arracan, Pegu, or Lower Pro-| . . ee! - -vinces under the Jurisdiction of the Lieutenant- Governor of Bengal x ” ie j Seale 32 miles—1 Inch. Map of the Province of Pegu, cua by Liettenant E. GS. Willams, Engineers, and Officers of the Pegu Survey, from all available information. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. ate 8) 5 ale Sketh Map of the Country between Agra and Umballab from J oseph’s 5. Séction.3rd, Grand Trunk Road Map, with Fort of Delhi. Scale 4° miles «l Inch. oO 5 Sketch Map of the Country round Delhi, with Fort of Delhi. Seale 2 $ miles=1 Inch. 4 4 fo) 5 | a a . *' ne re . gs Description oF Maps. N ‘ 1 on ay “sy ee between the British and Jumoo ies, from the Ravee to the Jhelum, surveyed 1850- =1 Inch. Each Sheet. ye ‘ee Central India. tch Map of the District of Jubbulpoor in the Saugor and Nerbudda s, 1841. Seale 4 miles—1 inch sh Map of Sauger and Dhamoh, in the Saugor and Nerbudda s, 18538. Scale 4 miles—1 inch a adda Territories 1852. Scale 4 miles-=l inch + Map.of Seonee and Mandlah Districts. Scale 4 miles=1 inch... le Bengal District Maps on the Geographical Scale of 4 British Miles—=1 Inch, lithographed in England. oreh, (Preliminary Map,) re and Hijellee, in 1 Sheet, : | eatiieaes Map,) k ditto ditto, Mions of Pubnah and Mymensing Districts, ( ditto ditto) ’ ong, Behar, comprising Districts Behar, Shahabad and Patna, Sikhim, comprising the Darjeeling Hill Territory, &c., On the Scale of 2 Miles=1 Inch. » ul Hills or Damin-i-koh, 7 mlable District Maps of the North- Weiler Provinces on the Geogr le x phical Scale of 4 British Miles=1 Inch. na or Sirsah District, ms = and Mairwhara, is ‘ 2 Miles=1 Invh, shswing Village Boundarves. . , “ * Juithographed ih Calcutta. ‘of the Sohagpoor and Ramghur Districts in the Saugor and | ple District Maps of the North Western-Provinces on the Scale of Colored and. Rs. 3 wo oo bo HPONNNNHNNHPHPNYNHNYDNNNNNNNNNNNNWNHN NrhwNMwnNnNnbyhy bos As. oo coco ooooeoSoSOSOSOSO SSNs eo oo e9o9oo fo oo osoocooos ° Price. Colored and folded in unmounted. |Book fashion. BT & Dw EY WHWNWwnWwNwwwwnwuwnwnnnnwnnnwuwwmwiomwiew ct 0 Onwnwnwnrwty As. cocooeoceocseooooooooooocoo = wows _ e O < SE WWWWWWPWHOWWWWWWNHwWWW oN) Colored on Rollers. nt way Be bo Go co WH OO ws wWwwawww ws ° SOSH AERA SR eRe ee Be PoPOCORS no He? De "Price, tes of Pao ° - Description ot Mars. Colored. | Colored and naka . and folded in | unmounted. |Book faslfion,) — i [ e District Maps of the Punjab on the Scale of 2 Miles=1 Inch, shewing| p. | As.\ Be. Fillage Boundaries. Ni Jullundhur, 3 () 4 4 Hooshiyarpoor, 3 ) 4: ay Umritsur, . 3 (a) 4 4 Seealkot, 3 ) 4 * 4 Goojranwallah, U3 3 0 4 4 Goojrat 3 0 4 4 Thanaisur 3 ) 4, 4, Perguunah Maps. The whole of the Pergunnah Maps of the following Districts on the scale of 1 Mile to the Inch, shewing Village’ Boundaries, ehave been lithographed, and are available :— Nuddeah : .. each Pergh. Map 2 ) Moorshedabad : ane % 2 0 Hijellee % ia 3 2 ry) Chittagéng, me 5 2 0 Pooree, a - 2 o Tirhoot, ie “gt a, 2 (0) Beerbhoom, : fea ma 2 to) Rajshahee, 2 = 5 2 t) Pubnah, ¢ a 4 2 0 Maldah, a - ” 2 0 Bograh, Jige FA 2 oO Midnapore (6 Pergh. Maps only) Ati Po 2 0 Monghyr (3 ‘, 2 0) Tipperah, (7 i ) Seale $ Mile Inch), ns 2 ) Cuttack (3 ) 2 0 _Bhaugul With the exception of 4 Penghs. ‘North of the 3 haugulpoor, Ganges - 2 3 ou h Bee: ; i In progress, Maps being lishogrephed,.” 3 2 o Available Rohileund Division Pergunnah Maps, North-Western ‘ Provinces. Scale + Mile=1 Inch, shewing Village Boundaries. Pergunnah Gudderpoor : a's 2 r) Ditto _Kauber and Sirsawan a gl 2 Cy) Ditto Chowmailha 2 o Ditto Richah a 2 ° Ditto Jehanabad (Sheet No. 1,) seksi an 2 0 DWto” st ditko (Sheet No. 2.) ) ¢Zillah Bareilly! 9 | 4 Ditto _Kilpooree 2 o Ditto Nanuk Mutha ae So a 0 Ditto | Roodurpor . east 2 Cy) Ditto Bilheree Ke Dy, 0 e Ditto Bazpoor . wee ) Ditto — Kasheepoor (18 Villages in) % ES 4 D) 0 Portions of Forest Lands belonging , to Pergunnah | ain M . ad Kasheepoor. Scale 1 Mile—Inch o 1 3 7 Pergunnah Juspoor (4 Villages in) r ae a oO. Map of the Allotments of the Government Forest i in} Zillah Shahje-| * Pergunnah Poorunpoore Subna hanpoor. , 1 0 3 Map of the Eastern Division of Pergunnah Chat) e Bhabur, in 2 Sections ie “a o. ol 0 Map of the Western Division of«litto 1 ah K iy r) Map of the Kumaon Bhabur or Forest of Pergurmahs re tae ‘aa Kalee Kumaon aid Dhyanerao, in 3 Sections pon, alt odes Map of the Portion of Kotah Bhabury lying between pe the Bhukra and Dubka Rivers, in 2 Sections AD 0 Map of the Kotah Bhabur, between the Kosee and. Dubka Rivers: s4.4:|oe ole) bo Mep of the Pillecbheet Forest and Villages adjoining, shewing the Rise and Positton of the Mala Swamp | Re, itt 0 Vigie Map of the Forest “in, Petgunnah Utzuleurh, Zillah Bynour... iti 0 Map of the Bynour Forest Seale 1 Mik=t1 Inch, in 2 Sections .., 1 oO _— r 3 “3 - = ae ., if Pricer. Yo Drscrrprion oF Maps. Colored * and unmounted. z weg whileund Division River Survey Aups. Seale } Mile—1 Inch. Rs. | As A. f the Deoha River, shewing the adjoming Villag esd te teens i] g Villages of Pergunnahs : . f the Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River. in mnahs Ahar and Seanah, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and a part of wimah WWussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad, . ; 7 1 Oo f the Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in mnahs Pooth and Gurmookteshur, and part of Pergunnah a ae | Meeruth, and a part of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad,. 3 1 rm) ap of the Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in uinah Bashta, Zillah Bijnour and part of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Moradabad, Pergunnah Hustinapoor, Niloha, and part of Per- Kethoor, Zillah Meeruth. Le of the Villages situated on the Banks of the’ Ramgunga River, mnahs Moradabad and Surkurrah, Zillah Moradabad, . +h 1 o | f the Villages situated on the Banks of the Ramegunga River, unnahs Surkurrah, Moghulpoor, Ugwanpoor, Umrohah and ordwarrah, Zillah Moradabad, and in Pergunnah Sehorah, Zillah | J f the Villages situated on the Banks-of the Ramgunga, River, sunnahs Barrapoora, Sheirkote, Sehorah and Ufzulgurh, Zillah bee te 1, o hileund Division River Suryey Maps. Scale 1 mile=1 inch. ef the Ramgunga River, and adjoining Villages of Pergunnah poor, District Budaon, and Khera Bujhefa and Mehrabad, District | , Aonla, Crore and Fureedpoor, District Bareilly, and Sulaimpoor trict Budaon, . , Pe, Jof the Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in mahs yzpoor, Budreea, Zillah Etah, and Suheswan, Zillah of the Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in nahs Aolayee and Nidhpoor, Zillah Etah, and Pergunnahs Ooj- nd part of Ooseith, Zillah Budaon, iy e 1 0 of the Villages situated on the Banks of Rivers Ganges and a, in Pergunnahs Kumpil and Islamgunj, Zillah Furruckabad, amnah Mehriabad, Zillah Shahjehanpoor, and part of Pergunnah éith, Zillah Budaon, t 7s lap of the Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in sunnahs Daranuggur, Bijnour, Mandawar, Keeruthpoor, Nujeebabad, ijnour and in Pergunnahs Sumbulheera, Bookurheree, and Goor- or, District Mozuffunuggur,, J of the Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in 7 1 4 . b : . | Colored and ogical Map of the Northern Front o4 the Vindya Hills, extend- folded in m Allahabad to Rajmuhal, shewing the position of all the known | Book fashion. eds of that Tract, and also of the Silver, Copper, Lead and ee y Lecalities, as well as the principal Iron measures; measuring Ree dake inches by 3 feet 3 incheg,, ‘and compiled on the seale of 34 inch, oe. Geological Map. . qt | Ro a x : : By Cantonment, Oivil Station, and. City Dfaps. on . . A) . | antonments and Park of Barrackpoct Seale 12 inches=1 mile, ... 2 ) 3 ° Cantonments of Cawnpoor. Seale 8 inches==1 mile, +..+-+2005 4 ) 5 i Cantonments of Dinapore. Seale 10 chains= 1 inch, sae tO 9 0 3 | he Station of Chittagon?. Scale 440 feet to the inch, .......-e8- se ao 0 3 \ 3 own and Station of Cuttack.Scale 20 chains==1 inch, ee la I. 0 ‘ | 2 evil Station of Kishnagurh. Scale 12 inches=1 mile, -.secee- es a ae. 0 Gitlementof Naince Tal, Zillah Kumaon, Scale 8 inches=1 “ : ; | e Pea ah soe Sang Se Pe ee ce eS + 3 re q f the Ramgunga River, and adjoining Villages of Pergunnahs . nahs Anoopshahur and Dibaee, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and Per- Rujpoorth and Asudpoor, Zillah Budaon, | ee 1 oO Nghe Colored on Rollers. Rs. 6 34 Bt 6 oO 3 S$ 3 4 y | 4 3 o a aiid Description or Mars. City of Juggernauth in the Pooree District. Scale 10 chains=1 inch..r City of Gya: and Shahebgunj, in the’ Behar District. Scale 8 inc.=1 mile. Town of Burdwan. Scale 12 inches—=1 mile. Projected Plan of the Town of Rangoon 1858. Scale 20 inches=1 mile, or 264 feet=1 inch. Index Map to the Location at Darjeeling. Map exhibiting the position of the Collieries in the vicinity of Rane- Seale 4 Theiss s Mile. ae gunge. Approaches, from the Plains to Nainee Tal and Almorah, Zillah . Kumaon. Scale 1 mile=1 inch. Baraset Division in 4 Sheets. Seale 1 mile=1 inch, The Engraved Indian Atlas Shegts. Seale 4 British miles==1 inch, based on the Trigonometrical Survey. The following are available :—... fT PRIcE. Cglared Colored and ae folded in unmounted. |Book fashion. Rs. {| As.| Rs. ; AX a oO 2 ) 1 0 2 o A 0 5 8 2 ra) 3 0 2 ro) 3 oO 12 co ie 3} 8 st to) 2 tt) 6 C0) 8 8 | e 4 |} 0 5 0 List of the Indian Atlas Sheets. a Containing what Districts or Places. . SuRVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFCE; Calerita, the 1st September 1858. e La GI e Printep sy Tsomss Jones, Benga SECRETARIAT’ OFFICE. ° er Ze . ae zt st 5 A Containing what Districts or Places. z z ac : as z <4} ¢ J a 24 | Dumaun, Gorah, Gumbheerghur. 69 25 | Bombay, Tunjecra, part of F Southern Konkun, 26 Rutnagheria. 70 38 Nassuek, Arungabad, Dowlutabad. 39 | Poonah, Purrainda, Ahmednmuggur, Mahabalesh- | 72 | war. 40 | Sattara, Kolapoor, Beejapoor. 73 41 Goat Darwar, Belgaum. 74 42. | North Canara, Soonda, Bilghy, and eee ms of Mysore. 75 4% | Mangalore, South Canara, Coorg and South-West 76 | | of My. sore. 77 | 44 | Calicut, Cananore, Tellicherry,andpartof Malabas. | 78 47 Loodhianah, Simlah, Kangra, Hoshiyarpoor, Bishahir, ‘Kasaoli, 79 | 48 | Kurnal, Saharunpoor, Umballah, Mozuffurnugur, Dehra, Sirhind, Puttiala, Thaney sur. 80 49 | Delhi, Meerut, Boolundshubur, Coordi Jheend, | 81+ Thujhur, Rohtuk, and part of Hurriana. 88 50 | Agra, Muthra, Bhurtpoor, Dholpoor, Ulwar, and parts of Allyghur and of Jeypoor. 89 54 | Ellichpoor, Gawulghur, Beitool, Aseerghur, | 94 Oomrauwutty. 55 | Maiker, Bassim, Jalnah, Karinga. 95 56 | Oodgheer, Daroor, Kowlass, parts of Nundair, |102 Beder, &e. | 57 | Koolburga, Coilconda, Kullianee, Mulkhaid, Nul- 102 droog, and part of Sholapoor. bs 58 | Raichoor, Moodgul, Davunkonda, Bellary, and |107 part of Kumool. 108 59 | Chittledroog, Codyconda, Raidroog, Pepnaconda, | Hossdroog, 169 60 | Mysore, Seringapatam, Bangalore, Dowtacram. 111 61 | Coimbatoor, Ootakamund, Hurdanhully Chirpool- 112 Cherry and parts of Malabar and Salem. 24: 62 | Cochin, CoimbatoorPerk, Pulnee, Dindigu], and | | parts of Travancore, Tinnevelly, and Madura. +125 63 | Cape Comorin, Tinnevelly, Quilon, Trivandram, | ” G5 | Daha, Chaprpng, Garoo or Gartope. 129 66 | Almorah, Sreenugur, and parts of Garihwal and 130 Bijnour. 67 | Bareilly, Pillibhect, Moradabad, Rampoor, Budaon131 and part of Sh:tjehanpoor. 138 G8 | Farruckabad, Cawnpoor, Hitaweh, Mynpooree, -Ferozabad, Bhind, and part of Oudh Territory. | nd - - id ee a : _Gwahatta, Gealpara, Nulkar, Kamroop, Jhansee, Kalpy, Banda, Dattia, Humeei rp Ak lone and part of Gwalior. Saugor, Dartioh, Huttah, Bejour, Belhaa Punnah. Nagpoor, Seuni, Comptah, Bandon 3 Chindwarra, Deoghur. Chanda, Hingunghaut, Chamoory, Manickdro Eilgundel, Warungul, Maiduck, Mull Ramgeer, Neermul, Mahadepoor. Hydrabad, Bongeer, ‘Nalgunda, Daverconda ) Ongole, Moralla, Paumoor, Innaconda, Ardi Cuddapa, Nellore and part of North Are Madras, Arcot, Kestnegherry, Chittoor, Sadras. _ Pondicherry, Tanjore, Tranquibar, ines r Salem, South Arcot, Cuddalore, Porta Point Caly mere, Jufnapatam, Ramnad, N i Tuticorin, Calpentyn. Puttehpoor, Allahabad, Mirzapoor, Be Chunar, Roy Bareilly, Jounpoor, Sooltan Rewah, Raje cur, Bandoogurh, Burgowa. Rajamandry, Coringa, Hlloor, Condapill conda. Masulipatani, Guntoor. , Khatmandoo, Bettiah Chumparun. Patna, Azimgurh, Disab Arrah, Tirhoot, Gazeepoor, Behar, Sasseram. Ganjam, Goemsurgurh, Hutgurh, Boad, Calingdpatam, Vizianagram, Ryagudd Iénapoor. Vizagapatam, Cassimcotta. Nathpoor, Amarpoor, Sikim,-Allygunj. Purneah, Monghyr, Bhaugulpoor, Durbun ‘ Soricenees Soogs " Nowgong. . Silhet, Jynteah, Garrow Hills, Cos Nusserabad ox Sowara. Sudiya, Rungpoor, Dibrooghur, __ Jorkat, Seebpoor, Ghergon, Luckimps nath, Tezpoor. Muneepoor, Cachar. Sudiya, Chilkoa or Sbaikwa, Rungagora None. of the remaining faites are. lished. H. L. THUILLIER, — Deputy Surveyor ; ’ SUPPLEMENT TO THE JOVERNMENT. GAZETTE NORTH sane ES. patties by p Sathorita, ALLAHABAD : TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1858. , ° CIRCULAR ORDERS BY THE CHIEF ENGINEER, N. W. Pp. . eee > CIRCULAR No. 85 or 1858-59. » Corer Eneierr’s Orrice, N. W. Paovixces. Agra, the 17th September 1858. ‘To THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEERS, Isr AND 2xp CIRCLES, AND TO ALL THE OFFICERS’ OF TITE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS, ~ NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES. ; . INTLEMEN, bay ed I nave the honor to annex for your information and guidance, a copy of No. 1615, dated 3ist’Au. the correspondence marginally noted, by which you will observe ie Ree ye hae that the Honorable the President of the Council of India in Coun- hs. hey tothe i] has ‘been pleased to approve of the, transfer of Camp Kettles > le a4 committed» should be in actual service and in the Indian Navy, sth persons onls Mm and for such offences only as,were de- In the 5th of the said A rticlés aryl Orders : Sheréas it is expedient that every superior , Captain or Commander, or Lieutenant, » to the Indian Navy, should be amena- " WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1858 ta @Oasette, Legislative Council of Ewvia 2 7. or fie 2dT PTE 5S 25Tn SrepremBer 1858. The following Act, passed by the Legislative Council of India, reeei eet : a, reeeive @ ass i , reeeived the assent of the Right ay Hy 3 Honorable* the Governor General on the Itth ~ ~O . September 1858 (commuvicated to the Legislative Council on the 25th,idem), and is hereby promul- gated for general information :— Acr No. XXXIV or 1858. An Act to regulate proceedings in Lunney an the Courts of Judicature established by Royal Charter ~_ on Wuereas the several Courts of Judicature estgb- ; lished by Royal Charters with- Preamble. in the Britishterritoriesin India are authorized and empower- ed by their respective Charters to appoint guar dians and, keepers of the persons and Bs ea of Iunaties, and to enquire into, hear, and deter- mine questions of alleged Lunacy by inspection of the person or by such other ways and means by which the truth may best be discovered and known ; and whereas, according to the practice of the said Courts, questions of alleged Lunacy are determinad by inquisition taken before a jury sal it is expedient to lessen the cost and to alter. the mode of enquiry into such questions, and also to empower the seid Courts to make provision for the due management of the estates of Lunatics ; It is enacted ag follows :— . I. It vshall be. lawful for any of the said, Courts of Judicature, on such 4 yal Courts Martial for the offences spect- N Article 33 of sthe said Act, whether the he Committed on the main sea or on shore: éted as follows :— Nothing contained im they 8rd Section of Ace Xil of 1644 shall extend @bn TIL Act ¥ 2. 4p Py i to any of the offences specified ‘ae a in Article 33 of the said Act, which, after the passing of this Clerk of the Council. hers by tial for Act, shall be committed by any eat. ci superior Officer, Captain or | - a Commander, oF Lieutenant, o I .. . . r : belonging to the Indian Navy. W. More6ay, . Court may order application as is hereinafter enquiry as to persons yentioned, to make der gileged to be insane. |. : i apes ass der directing an enquiry whether any person (subject to the jurisdiction of the Court) * who. is alleged to be Lunatic, i) or is not of nis sound mind and incapable of managing himself and his atfairs. The order may also. contain directions for other enquiries Order for enquiry * concerning the nature ®f the what to contain. property belonging %# the d Imnatic, the persons who are his retatives t of kin, the time during which he has been such other matters’ as to ~~ ° » allege or nex of unsound mind, or | the Court shall seem proper. , = Ratan ws Oe c TAN Qa r » 31 a r Seetion) personally vss SN pe quiry may be made ; Ww persons related by Application by blood or marriage to the al- n tobe made. leged Lunatie, or by the Ad- y vocate General, ” The order made by the Court upon such application shall direet the en- quiry to be by the Court itself. Ht shall nevertheless be lawful Enquiry to be by the Court. Cowt may direct enquiry by a single Judge, cause for so doing, to direct the enquiry to be executed in Cham- bers before a single Judge of the Court. Reason- able notice’ of the time and place appointed for the enquiry shall be given to the alleged Lunatic. It it shall ap- pear that the alleeed Lunatic is insuch astaée that personal ser- vice on him would be ineffectual, the Court may direct such substituted service of the’ notice as it shall think proper. The Count may also, if it think fit, direet a copy of such notice to be served upon any person related by blood or mar- riage to the alleged Lunatic. If the enquiry be ; directed to be exeented before mand enquiry before a single Judge, it shell be law- full Court. ful for the alleged Lunatic, at any time before the day fixed for the enquiry, to demand an enquiry before the full Court. In’ sueh case the enquiry shall be by the Court, and a fur- ther day shall be appomted for making such en- quiry ; ‘and in such case the Court may direct such further notices (if any) to be given, as it may think reusite. IV. The Court may, at any time after the appheation, require the alleged Lunatic to attend at such con- venient time and place, within twenty miles of the place of fe- sidence of the said Lunatic, as it may appoint for the purpose of being personally examined by the Court or by any person from whom the Court may desire to have a report of the mental capacity and condition of such alleged ‘Lunatic. Notice of enquiry to be given to Luna- tic. Service of notice. Lunatic may de- Coutt may, at any time after the appli- cation require attend- ance of Lunatic for the purpose of being personally examined. V. The Court may likewise, at any time after | the application for such enquiry, | make an order authorizing any person or persons, to Te therein | named, to have access to the | alleged Lunatic for the purpose | of a personal examination. And may autho- rize persons to have access to the Lunatic for the purpose of examination. VI. The attendance and examination of the alleged Lunatic, under the pro- visions of the two lgst preeed- ing Sections, shall, if the ak leged Lunatic be a woman who, according to the custom and: manners of the Country, ought vot to be compelled | to appear in public, be regulated by the rules in” force for the examination of such persons in other} eases, i Rules respecting attendance and sexa- mination where the alleged Lunatic is a woman of rank. VI. Ifthe enquiry is made by a Judge of the Court, the Judge exeeuting the enquiry shail, while so employ- ed, have power (subject to the provisidns of the last preceding to examine the alleged Luna- | te aml take such evidence, on oath or otherwjse, | and call for such information as he may think fit | or the said Coutt may direct in order to ascertain j Powers of Judge @xccuting the ensui- ry. Ce ve € [ 1894 ] Sirs : ; for the Court, if it see sufficient | whether the allezed Lunatic is or is not. | sound mind, and shall have the like po authority as are or may he vested Dy — Judge or Master of the said Court for the gation of matters referred to them, by th The Judge shall report to the Court the - | the enquiry. " VIII. e. If the alleged Lunatic be net local limits of the juris of the Court, and the e cannot conveniently bes either of the modes he provided, the Court a the enquiry to be m any principal Court jurisdiction in Civil in whose local} the alleged Lunatic may be, and mentioned Court shall accordingly - make ‘such enquiry in the same as if the alleged: Lunatie were ‘subject Jurisdiction, and shall eertify its findin the matters of enquiry to the Court dir enquiry. The evidence taken upon #1 shall be recorded by the Court in the § language in the form of a narrative ;and Q thereof, certitied by the Court, shall be tra ted, together with any remarks the think fit to make thereon, to the Cour the enquiry Was direeted. IX. If the report of the Judge or of a Court under the i If report of Judge ceding Section appe ox finding of Court Court directing the en appear _ and, if any Pees ont . of Court, surrender, a&sign, or otherwise dispose of sthe same to such person for such valuable or no- minal consideration, and upon such terms*as the | Court shall think iit. : Committee dispose of lease. . . « : | [ 1896 | XXIW. Ifa Lunatic is possessed of any Janded When Court of Property situate beyond the Wards may assume local limits of the jurisdiction charge of land be- of the Court, which, by the law | longing to a Luna- jpn force in the Presidency ae wherein such land is situated, subjectsthe proprietor, if disqualified, to the superin- tendence of the Court of Wards, the said Court of Wards may assume the charge of such landed pro- perty and manage the same according to the rules for the time being in force for such management. | Provided that in such case no - further proceedings in_ respect of the Lunacy shall be taken under any such law, nor shall it be competent to the Court of W ards or to any Collector to appoint a guardian of the person of the said Lunatic or a manager of the estate, except of the landed property which so subjects the proprietor as aforesaid, Provided also : ; . that the surplus of the in-, — abide ee come of such landed property ment of Government after providing for the or’ any part thereof consist of property which by the law in force in 2 Management of Tdnatic’s estate. if consisting of proper- ty subject to Court of Wards. ce [ 1898 ] any Presidency subjects the proprietor, if disquali- fied, to the superintendence of the Court of Wards, the Court of Wards shall be authorized to take charge of the same. In all other cases, except as other- wise hereinalter provided, the Civil Court shall ap- point a Manager of the estate. Any near relative of the Lunatic or the Pubhe Curator, or, if there be no Public Curator, any other suitable person, may be appointed Manager. In all other cases. X. Whenever a Manager of the estate of *a . / Tnnatic is appointed by the Appointment of Civil Court, the Court shall Guardian by Civil : or - eyes Cont, appoint a fit person to be Guardian of the person of the Lunatic. The Manager, unless he be the Public Curator, may be appointed Guardian. Provided always that the legal heir of the Lunatic shall not in any case be appointed Guardian of his person. e XI. If the estate consist in whole or in part of land or avy interest in land not Management — of 5 | as ea Inmatic’s estate if Subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Wards, the Civil Court, not subject to Court instead of appointing a’ Mana- of Wards. ger, may, direct the Collector to take charge of the estate, and thereupon the Collector shall appoint a Manage’ of the property and a Guardian of the person of the Lunatic. All the proceedings of the Collect- or in the charge of estates under this Act shall be subject to the control of the superior Revenue Authorities. consisting of land Proceedings of Collector subject to control of, gxperior tevenue Authorities. ~s) a . i NII. ‘If the person appointed to be Manager of the estate of a Lunatic, or the person appointed to be Guardian of a Lunatie’s person, shall be unwilling to discharge the trust gratuitously, the Court or the Collector, " Remuneration of Managers and Gmar- dians. ment, deliver in Coutt’ or to the Collector, as 4 case may be, an inventory of the landed prop belonging to the Lunatic and of all such su money, goods, and effects, as he shall receive account of the ‘estate, together with a statemen all debts due by or to the same. And every Manager shall furnish to the Court or to the lector annually, within three months of the of the year of the era current in the District, account of the property in his charge, exhibi the sums received and disbursed on account 0 estate and the balance rémaining im his hands, 1 any relative of the Lundue, o any public Officer, by peti to the Court, shall impugn accuracy of the said inve and statement, or of any annua account, the Court may summon the Manager a enquire summarily into the matter and make st order thereon as it shall think proper; or Court, at its diseretion, may refer any such p to any subordinate Court or to the Collector Manager was appointed by the Collector. Proceeding if ac- curacy of inventory or accounts be im- pugned. a P} aft XVI. All sums received by a Manager count of any estate in ext what may .be required { cwrrent expenses of the Li or of the estate, shall be into the publie Treasury on count @f the estate and may be invested ffom*hn to time in the public Securities, oS + It shall be lawful for any relatis Lunatic to sue for an a from any Manager app under this Act, or fro! such person after hs rem from office or trust, or from his personal rept ative in case of his death, in respect of any € then er formerly under his care or manageme Manager to pay proceeds of estates into the Public Trea- sury. we. XVII. Relative may sue for an account. $0) as the ease may be, may fix such allowange or al- lowances to be paid out of the estate of the Lnna- tie as, under the circumstances of the case, may be thought suitable. XIII. The person appointed to be Guardian of a Lunatic’s person shall have the care of his persen and maintenance, When a distinct Guardian is appointed, the Manager shall pay to the Guardian such allowance as shalt be fixed by the Court or the Collector, as the case may be, for the maintenance of the Lunatic and of his family. Duties of Guar- dian. XIV. Every Manager of the estate of- a Luna- tic appointed as aforesaid may exercise the same powers in the management of the estate us might have heen exercised by the proprictor if not a Limatic: and may collect and pay all just claims, debts, andhabilities due to or by the estate Powers of Alana- veys LCS. of the Lunatic. But no such Manager’ shall have, | power to sell or mortgage the estate or any part thereof, or to grant a-lease of any immoveable pro- party fer any period exceeding frve years, without an ordce of the Civil Court previously obtained. , le wee - te Managers to fur- nish invéntory and, annual acvounts. Every person appognted by the Civil Court or by the Collector to be Manager of the estate of a Tanatic shall, within six months from the date of. his appoint- | of any sums of money or other property ree by kam on account of such estate. , € DO a8 0K The Civil Court, for any sufh cause, may Temove any ger appointed by the Court, being a Pubhe Curator, ¢ may: appoint such Curator of any other fit pers in his room, and may compel fhe person & moved to make oyer the property in his ha his successo, and to account to such suce all monies, received or disbursed by him. Court may also, for any suflicient cause, any Guardian appointed by the Court. manner the Collector for any sufficient ¢ remove any Manager or Guardian appointed Collector, andthe Court on the application © Collector shall compel any Manager so reme deliver his accounts and the property in hi r < re EL Removal of Mana- ger or Guardian. Ls ane q The Civil Court may impose a exceeding five hundred Ray on any Manager of the of alaumatie who wilft lectt or refuses to del accounts or any prope bands within the prescribed time or a ‘ _ by the Court, and may yealize such fine by / ment and sale of his property under the - | force for the execution of decrees of Court, a also commit the recusant to close custody um shall deliver such accounts or property. A Manager refus- ing to furnish ac- counts, may be fined by the Court, Ke. . . it appears to the ‘Civil Court, having MY regard to the situation and con- dition in life of the Lunatic and “ ae his family, and the amount and fewithout description of his» property, to be unnecessary to appoint a Manager of the estate as here- nag inbefore provided, the - Court instead of appomting such Manager, order woperty (if money) or (if of any other de- ion) the produce thereof, when realized, be paid person asthe Court may think fit, to be Pfor the maintenance of the Lunatic and ‘his 4 When any person has been adjudged to Bier do- be of unsound mind and ineapa- tate to a ble of managing his affairs, if has ceas- such person or any other person unsound acting on his behalf, or having | ga or claiming any interest in res- | s estate, spall represent by petition to the | rt, or if the Court shall be informed in | er manner, that the unsoundness of mind person has ceased, the Court may institute quiry for the purpose of ascertaining whether | son is or is not still of unsound mind and | able of managing his affairs. The enquiry ‘onducted in the manner provided im Sec- IV and the four following »Sections of this andif it be adjudged that such person has M td be of unsound mind and incapable of ving his affairs, the Court shall make an order his estate to be delivered over to him, and such r shall be final. ; XII. Except as otherwise herein provided, | P all orders made by, a Civil rs to be open Court or by any subordinate " Court under this Act, shall be | to appeal under the rules in force for appeals niscellaneous cases, ‘XIII. The word “ Lunatic,” as used=sn. this Act, unless the contrary appears from the context, shall mean every person found by due mse of law to be otf unsound mind and incapable in 5 of managing his alfairs. The a eae expression “ Civil Court” shall n the principal Court of original jurisdiction in tle District. Words import- » ing the masculine gender shall : a f der. “oR ude females. > W., Moran, cr 1s99 ] 1. The Executive Government of any Presi- dency or place, with the ‘anc- tion of the Governor General of India in Council, may esta- blish Asylums for the reception and detention of Lunatics at such places withm the limits of the said Govern- ment as may be deemed proper. Any such Execu- tive Government may also, if it think fit, grant licenses to any private persons for the establish- ment of such Asylums within the said limits, and Lunatic Asylums may be established by Government or may be licensed. | may withdraw such licenses. II. The management of every Lunatic RAE S eas Asylum and the care and cus- Rules for thema- {ody of its 1 ~~ ody of its ates sha sikhansdat eCADfarie!™ y ts inmates shall be ania te aati sgh regulated according to such cnaunohend ¢ rules as shall from time to time be sanctioned by the Execu- The Executive Government shall appoint for every Asylum not less than three visitors, one of whom at least shall be a Medical Officer. The Inspector of Jails (where such office exists) shall be a visitor ex-officio of all the Asslums within the circle of his inspection. tive Government. Appointment of visitors. TII. -Two or more of the visitors, one of whom ' _ s Shall be a Medical Officer, shall, Monthly inspection once at the least in every se ad i month, together inspect every part of the Asylum or Asylums of which they are visitors, and sce and examine, as far as eircum- stances will permit, every Lunatic thergin, and the order and certificate for the admission of every Lunatic admitted since the last visitation of the visitors; and shall enter in a book to beskey* for | that purpose any remarks which they may deem . proper in regard to the management and condition of the Asylum and the Lunaties therein. IV. It shall be the duty of every Darogah or District Police Officer to apprehend and send to the Ma- gistrate all persons found wan- dering at large within his District who are deemed to be persons believed to be danger- Lunacy. Whenever any such person as aforesaid is brought before a Magistrate, the Magis- trate, with the assistance of a Medical Officer, shall examine such person} and if the Medical Officer shall sign a certificate inthe Form A. in the Schedule to this Wandtring and dangerous Lunatics to be sent to the Magistrate. TLunaties and all ous by reason of Cert¥icate and or- der for reception m Asylum. Clerk of the Council. | The 24rn SupremBer 1858. ue following Act, passed by ‘the Legislative mail of India, received the assent of the Right mable the Governor General on the 14th Sep- ber 1858 (communicated to the Legislative 7 for general information :— | Act No. XXXVI ov 1858, An Act relating to Lunatic’ Asylums. EREAS it is expedient to provide for the re- ception and detention of Lu- He. natics in Asylums establish- A ed for that purpose; lt is as follows :— 2 ‘on the 25th idem), and is hereby* promul- | Act,and the Magistrate shall be satisfied on personal examination or other proof that such person is a Lunatit: and a prdper person to be detained under care and treatment, he shall make an order for such Lunatic to be received into the Asylum estab- lisded for the Rivision in whieh the, Magistrate’s jurisdictions situate,or,ifsuch Lunatic is notanative of the country and the circumstances of the case so require, snto a Lunatie Asylum at the Presidency ; and shall send the Lunatic insuitable custody to the ‘Asylum mentioned in such order. Provided that, if any friend or relative of any Lunatic who igbelievsd 3 to be dangercas shall undertake in writing to the satistuction of the Magistrate that such Luna- ‘his friends or rela- tit shall be properly taken care tives. of, and shall be prevented ivom doing injury to himself or others, the Mugustrate, | instead of sending him to an Asylum, may make . In certain cases, a Lunatic may be com- mitted to the care of . . . [ 1900 | him over to the care of such friend or relative. ‘ Provided also that, if any such Or sent toalicens- friend or relative shall desire ed Asylum. that the Lunatie may be sent to a licensed Asylum instead of the public Asylum of the Division and shall engage in writing to the satisfaction of the Magistrate to pay the expenses which may be incurred for the lodging, mainte- nance, medicine, clothing, and care of the Lunatic in such Asylum, the Magistrate may send the Lunatic to the licensed Asylum mentioned in the engagement. V. If it shall appear to the Magistrate, on the Incase of neglect Feport of a Police Officer or the or cruel treatment of information of any other per- a Lunatic,Magistrate son, that any person within the may order relative, Jimits of his jurisdiction deemed &c.,to maintain him. +5 6 a Lunatic is not under proper care and control, or is cruelly treated or neglected by any relative or other person having the charge of him, the Magistrate may serfd for the supposed Lunatic, and summon such relative or other person as has or ought to have the charge of him; and if such relative or other person be legally bound to maintain the supposed Luna- tic, the Magistrate may make an order for such Lunatic being properly cared for and treated, and, if such relative or other person shall wilfully neglect to comply with the said order, may com- mit him to jail for a period not exceeding one month. If there be no person legally bound to maintain the supposed Lu- natic, or if the Magistrate think fit so to do, he may pro- ceed as prescribed in the last pe 2 preceding Section, and upon being satisfied in manner aforesaid that the person deemed to be a Lunatic is a Lunatic and a proper person to be detained under care and treatment,’ may make an order for his reception into such Asy- lum as aforesaid. It shall be the duty of every Darogah or District Police Officer te report to the Magistrate every such case of neglect or cruel treatment as aforesaid which may come to his knowledge. Ifno person bound to maintain him, Ma- gistrate may take an order for his -recep- tion in Asylum. om Darogah to report negleet. VI. Allacts which the Magistrate is autho- rized or required to do by the two last preceding Sertions, may be done in the Presiden- cy Towns and the Stations of the Straits Settlement by the Commissioner of Police; and all duties, which a Darogah or District Police Officer is authorized or required to perform, may be performed in any of the said Towns and Stations by, an Officer of the Police Foree not below the rank of Inspector. VIL. Commissioner of Po- lice, &e. to act in the Presidency Towns and Straits Settlement. Except as otherwise hereinbefore provid- ed, no person shall be received into a Lunatie Asylum in any Presideney Town or in any Station of the Straits Settle- Order and certificate in Presidency Towns & Straits Settlement. + ment without an order under the hand of some |’ person in the Form B in the Schedule to this Act tegether, with such statement of particulars as is contained in the said Form B, nor unless such per: son has Veen found Lunatie by, inquisition or under an enquiry directed by an order of one of the Courts of Judicature established by Royal Char ter, “without, the medical certificate containing thé particulafs in Por: A in the Schedule to this Act, of two persons each of whom shall be a@ Physician a ¢ °¢ ’ . . . red for the lodging, maintenance, clothing or Surgeon, and orfe’of whom shall be a Presi Surgeon or a Surgeon in the employment of Government. When such order is presented, visitors or manager of the Asyhum, “before adi ting the Luratic into the Asylum,, may req the friends of the said Lunatic to engage to the expenses which may be incurred for the | ing, maintenance, clothing, medicine, ard car the Lunatie, unless it shall appear to the said y ors that they have not sufficient means of doing VIII. Clause 1.—In places other than th fn places other than specified in the last pr Presidency Towns &., ing Section, no person § no person to be received he received into a th into Asylum without or- Asylum, except as ohh der of Civil Court. hereuhene provi FP pi wit out an order of the Civil Court. = Clause 2.—When any person has been adju to be a Lunatic, and a g& dian for, such ‘Lunatic been appointed by the of Wards or the Collec by the Civil Court, if guardian shall desire that the Lunatic be admit into a Lunatic Asylum, he shall make applica to the Civil Court, and the Judge with the as ance of a Medical Othicer shall examine such Li tic, and if the Medical Officer shall sign a certifi in the Form A‘ih the Schedule to this Act, and Judge shall be satisfied that the Lunatie iz a person’to be detained under care and treatment a Lunatic Asylum, he shall make an order for s person to be received into the Asylum establi for the Division in which his jurisdiction is situat or, if he think fit, int6 any licensed Asylum m tioned in the application. + a . Application for order by whom to be made where guardian has been appointed. Clause 3.—If any relative or friend.of any son for” whom a guardian not heen appointed by the C of Wards or the Collector or b the Civil Court, desires that s person may be admitted into a Lunatie Asylum, 1 may ynake application to the Civil Court, and t Judge, if he see sufficient reason for so doing, | enquire into the fact of Lunacy in the same 3 ner as if an application had been made to 4 Civil Court under the provisions of Section III Act XXXV of 1555 entitled “ An Act to ma better provision for the care ‘of the estates of natics not subject to the jurisdtetion of th preme Courts of Jidicature” ; and if the Lun established; the Judge may then proceed in manner prefcribed in the second Clause off Section. * ; Clause 4.—Whenever the Judge shall make @ order for the reveptioy of any son into a Lunatie Asylum shall, at the same time, make ar order for the payment of the expenses to be nen . 5? an ¢me, and care of such person, .and such exp shall be wecovered by the Judge on the appli of the visitors or manager of such Asylum. 1 vided hgwever that, if it sha appear %o the satisfaction of Judge that the Lunatic has not sufficient proy and that no person leyally bound to maintain said Lunatic has sufficient means for the pa of such expenses, he shall’ certify the same in order for the reception of the Lunatie inte Asylum, instead of making such order for the ment of expengeseas aforesaid. ; Application where no guardian has been appointed. « Order for pay- * ment of expenses. Proviso. ‘Tf 1901 ] | It shall be lawful for three of the visitors of dis- of any Asylum, of whom one shall ° virom Asy- be a Medical Officer, by writing * under their hands, to order the are of any person detained in such Asylum. n such,order is given, if the person is' detained ithe order of any public Officer, notice of the a i ; ’ " ) lodging, maintenance, clothing, medicine, and care of such Lunatie shall be paid by the Govern- ment to the manager of such Asylum. 8 ; ar! XV. The Magistrate or Commissioner of Po- hge by whom any Lunatic has Civil Court, on . : been sent to a Lunatic Asylum, if application of Ma- of discharge shall be immediately communi- | gistrate, may lt appear to such Magistrate or Bach Officer makeorder forthe Commissioner that such Lunatic ae ; ! | payment ofcostof has an estate applicable to his ; en ea Gs or friend of a Lunatic | pis tae Mey maintenance and more than sufli- y . By He : - ? af e Lunatics . . A f 4 ie To al Bc hedis- See im any Asylum undé¥ | estate. cient to maintain his family, or < Bi Ace vce. e inet ra i v Reunder- the provisions of Section IV Sec- | , that any person is legally bound > pts . » . r : a : . > ' J ian te, hall Fyelative tion V, or Section VI of this | to maintain and has the means of maintaining such treatment e Lunatic Lunatic, may apply to the chief Civil Court of ori- e uunaric. J ginal jurisdiction within the local jurisdiction of which the estate of the Lunatic may be situate or the person legally bound to maintain him may re- side, and such Court shall enquire into the matter in a summary way, and on being satisfied that such omm : Lunatic Jhas an estate applicable to his maintenance, hem beg a Medical Officer, and upon the | or that any person ts legally bound to maintain aking in writing of such relative or friend | and has the means of Jnaintaining such Lunatic, te . a ae gS Mae Ne \ ahs ale ” satisfaction of the said Magistrate or Com- | shall make an order for the recovery of the charges ner that such Lunatic shall be properly of the lodging, maintenance, clothing, medicine, pn care of and shall be prevented from doing | and care of such Lnnatie out of such estate or to himself’ or others, shall make an order for | from such-person. Such order shall be enforeed in iischaree of such Lunatic, and such Lunatic the same manner and shall be of the same foree . ind . ay = : ; I thereupon be discharged. and effect and subject to the same appeal as any ’ . . jWdoeme y order m: r 1 in’ T The Inspector of Jails may Firect the te- | judgment or order made by the said Court m a ft 2 a ~ , welen ar ~ a > . apt +e : ., ” a moval of any Lunatic from’ any regular suit in respect of the property or person Act, is desirous that such Lunatic , shonld,be delivered over to his nd custody, he shall make application to the sate or Commissioner of Police under order the Lugatic is detained, and+the Ma- fate or Commissioner of Police, if he think fit, (mmunication with the visitors or with one _— spector of public Asylum to any other pub- therein mentioned. Any personal property which ‘may make ji, Asylum within the cirele »ofe| ™Y be in the possession of a Lunatie found wan- J dering at large may be sold by the Magistrate and of emoval one public jumtoanother. his inspectiog, and such order shall be sufficient authority for the re- f moval of such Lunatic, and also his reception into the Asylum to which he is red to be removed. on the day [ 1902 j . oer r off at » personally examined | Degree of relationship (if any,) o¥ other cir | (here enter nume of residence anid Lunatic)’ and |stances of connexion with the pettient, ‘i that the said is a Lunatic (or an idiot, or , ¢ @ person of unsound mind) and a proper person to W. Moreay, he taken charge of, and detained under care and Clerk of the Co : treatment, and that I have formed this opinion on : : ; the following grounds, namely :— - a 1. Facts indicating insanity observed by myself Tue 18rn Sepremper 1858, “a (here state the facts.) 2. Other facts (if any) indicating insanity com- ; ; municated tq me hy others (here stule the informa- | Legislative Council of India on the 18th Se tion and from whom.) “1 ber 1858, and was referred to a Select Com (Signed) ae Tne following Bill was read a second time in th ; —— | who are to report thereon (under a suspensic of the Standing Orders) within six weeks: ¢ - FORM B. A Bill to amend Act XIX of {S47 (Articles of J ORDER FOR THE RECEPTION OF A PRIVATE PAmENT— | / 2D et ied ah of the Napiee Osicers aie fy + (See Section FIL.) 2 ders in the Military Service of the East | a ; , Company). 7 | I, the undersigned, hereby request you to re- ae : i — ceive A. B., a Lunatic, [or an idiot, or a person of WHeEREAs it is expedient to inerease the po ausound mind,| as a patient into your «Asylum. of Officers Commanding — : Subjoined is a Statement respecting the said A. B. Preamble. tive Regiments and to amend — J . . the Articles of War for ther (Signed) Name. ‘ government of the Native Troops in certain Occupation (if any.) respects ; It ig enacted as follows ;— D Place of abode. ' a * Degree of relationship (if any), or other circum- I. *So much of Article 2 contained in Ae | stance of connexion with the patient. Pann oe ie XIX of 1847, as enacts th - Dated this day of one | XIX. of 18 “7 te, 70 Non-Commissioned Offic thousand eight hundred and pealed. or Soldier shall be dischan 5 as a punishment except by the” one WO weteg Superintendent of the Asy- | sentence of «a Court Martial or by order of th Jum at [describing the Asylum} Commander-in-Chief at the Presideney to wi ‘ -| he may belong ; so much of Article 110 contat si c in the said Act as enacts that no Non-Comr STATEMENT. sioned Officer shall be reduced to the ranks ; , 2 : é vp | by thfesentence of a Court Martial, or by rder. (Iv ANY OF THE PARTICULARS IN THIS Srarement | by t op deglce Ae ke eee BE NO KNOWN, VIB FACT To BE SO staTED.], the Commander-in-Chief of the Presidency ; ; -. which the offender shall belong ; and so much. ‘ Name of patient, with Christian name at Artidie 112 as limits to a period not exceeding fife length. teen days the extra drill or restriction to Bar Sex and age. ‘ limits which a Commanding Officer may wil Married, single, or widowed. ‘ ; the intervention of a Court Martial award in case : 2 ae of life, and previous occupation | of light offeneces—_are repealed. : Gf any.) . ’ p The religious persuasion, as far as known.’ II. The Commanding Officereof every Re Previous place of abode. Commanding. om. ’ Ment subject to the said A . = ’ ais ‘ a Se 7 ‘ Y W hether first attack. dj cer empowered todis- cles of War shall have py Age (if known) on first attack, charge Soldiery, and to discharge any Native 8 eg . ° ° a 3 i” . < When and where previously under Gare and | to dismiss gr reduce dier below the rank of a treatment. c to the tanks Non- Commissioned Officer, and ; soe k Commissioned Offi- ~ . a Duration of existing attack. i oe dismiss or tp redace to 4 Supposed cause. ° ranks any Native’ Non-Co “a 7 + ws Py, - Whether subject to Epilepsy. ‘ missioned Officer delonging 9 such Regiment Whether suicidal. , and every such dismissal shall include forfeiture Whether dangerous to others. “ pension. . £ (aa = . 7.2 )he . Whether found Lunatie by inquisition or en- | ° er quiry under order of Court and date Of, .Com=,| nil, Every Commanding Officer of a Regi nent Le ee > Os oh ie . $ i mission or order for inquisition or enquiry. * or Detachment subject to "i 2 5 é pt ibs e 4 el * . + 4 ‘ Whether any member of paticnt’s family has |" Commanding i said Articles of War may i been or is affected with insanity. imehecnads atc cgses Blight offences, withou ’ ‘ c Snel eee the ifitervention of a © - (Signed) Nina 4 extra drill, &. ; Seale oe: * Martial, award such extra: § Where the person signing the statement is not | oT the performance of such other extra Milita 4 the persén who siens the ‘order, the following, duty as he may think fit, provided that he do o . particulars concerning the person signing’ the . thereby contravene ana statement are to be added ; namely, *| Proviso. of the Commander-in-Chief of on Occupation (if avy.) the Forces in India, or of the ise oii . Commander-in-Cltief of the Presidency to which 5 pr phe Dd the offender may belong, * 7 v 4 . ’ Martial, &e. r award trans~ tion for life or any term not less years for of- now punisha- ' ences of trans- ion fora term fears passed for lees punishable h transportation life, rendered d + ' 1 for life, such g’s punish- h simple im- ment or corpo- wmnishment, may tenced to im- hbment with hard Commissioner shall sentence an offender subject tu the said Ar- ticles of War for an offence for which such Court Martial or Special Commissioner has now by law power to award either transportation for life or imprisonment for a term of years according to the discretion of the Court or Special Com- missioner, it shall be lawful for 1 Cowt or Special Commissioner to sentence offender either to transportation for life or to ortation for any term not less than three Y, Inevery case in which an offender subjects : ‘to the said Articles of War has been sentenced either by a Court Martial or by a Special Commissioner to transportation forany term less than for the term of his life for an offence punishable under the said Ar- ticles of War with transporta- sentence, to the extent of the shment awarded thereby, shail-be deemed as and effectual for all purposes as if the offend- @ been sentenced to transportation for lik. Whenever any Court Martial or Special Commissioner shall sentence an offender subject to the said Ar- ticles of War to imprisonment for any offence for which such Court Martial or Special Com- missiover now has power by law to sentence the offender either to simple imprisonment ox to oral punishment at the discretion of such Court Ommissioner, it shall be lawful for the Covet fntence the offender to imprisonment with Tabor for any term for which such Court tial or Special Commissioner is now authorized [ 1903 ] Whenever any Court Martial or Special the Regimentat Unless Soldier af- terwards surrenders and is tried for deser- tion. books, y In which ease the record shall be ad- missible in evidence, . prisoner with the tioned, Proof of absence without leare for two mnmonths to be suffici- ent presumptive evi- dence of desertion. \ tton, shall declare such absence and the period thereof ; and the Officer Commanding the Corps shall enter a record declaration of such Court. of Enquiry thereon, in of such absence, and of the books; and if such Oflicer or Soldier shall not afterwards surrender or be appre- hended, such record shall have the legal effect of a conviction for desertion ; and if such Officer or Soldier shall surrender or be apprehended after such record shall have been sp entered, such record, or a copy thereof pur- porting to bear the signature of the Officer having the custody of the Regimental shall, on the trial of such Officer or Soldier ona charge for,desertion, be admissible in evidence of the facts therein recorded, and on proof of the identity of the Officer or Soldier therein men- he may be found guilty of desertion. IX. If, upon the trial of any Officer or Soldier subject to the said Articles of War for desertion, it shall be , Proved that such Officer or Sol- dier has been illegally absent without leave or has overstayed his leave for the space of two ° months, such proof shall be deemed sufficient pre- sumptive evidence of the desertion of such Officer Unless such pre- sumption be rebutted by proof'that absence was not wilful, &e. or Soldier, and shall’ be suffi- cient to convict him* of the of- fence of desertion, unless she? shall prove that such unautho- rized absence was not wilful on his part, or shall otherwise rebut the presump- tion of desertion arising from proof of his ab- sence without leave. X. Whenever any such Officer or Soldier, upon Reference to Go- vernment Officer as to truth of statement concerning cause of his trial for desertion or absence without leave, shall state in his defence that his wnauthorized absence was not wilful or that mtence him to simple imprisonment. MT, In every case in which an> offender sub- itences of im- ment with hard passed for punishable smple impyri- ent or corporal ment, render- 4 in the Re- books of ab- hout leave the declara- Court. of hereon, to effect as a for deser- ject fo the said Articles of War has been sentenced by any Court Martial ev by a Specia? Commissioner to imprisonment with hard labor for ap offence for which by the said Articles of War he might have been lawfully punished with simple Hsonment, such sentence shall be deemed valid 1 purposes notwithstanding the Court. by 1 the sentence was passed may have exceedtd isdiction, and all persons are hereby indem- for any thing done in pyrguance of such “ if any Officer or Soldier subject) to the said Articles of War shall have been illegally ‘absent from his duty for the space of, two months, a Regimental Court of Enquiry, composed of three Commissioned Officers, of whom all may be LTvropean or all Native or one or more may be European and one or more hall forthwith assemble and, having re- proof of the fact on oath or solemn aflirma- absence. he was detained in his village from sickness, or advance any other sufficient excuse for his absence or any mat- ter sufficient to rebut’ any presumptive evidence of desertion, and shall refer to any European Civil or Military Officerof Government in support of his statement, or if it shall appear to the Court that the truth or falsehood of such statement may be ascertained by reference to any such Civil or Mili- tary Offices of Government, it shall be the duty of the Court to address such Civil or Military Officer on the subject, and to adjourn their proceed- ings foy the purpose ; and the statement in reply, . ‘f favorable to the prisoner, Reply of such Off- shall be admissible in evidence certo beadmissiblein 4nd held to have the same evidengs. effect as if the statement had, been made before the Court by such Civil cr Mil- tary Officer in person on oath orsolemn affirmation. + Should any Court before which a prispner is deing + tried be dissolved prior to the receipt of the teply +to any communication made under the abové in- struvtions to any pubhe fanctionary, a fresh Court maysbe ordered and the trial shall be commenced* again before such Court. : : ak W. Moreay, Clerk of the Couneit. ’ . [ 1904 J Tus 25TH SEPTEMBER 1558. Tun following Bill was read a second time in the Legislative Council of India on the 25th Septem- ber 1858, and was. referred to Select Committee who are to report thereon after the 29th of Novem- ber next :— A Bill to provide. for the punishment of breaches of contract by Ariificers, Workmen, and Laborers in certain cases. i Wuernas much loss and inconvenience are sus- ; tained by manufacturers, trades- ee raae: men, and others in the several Presidency Towns of Calcutta Madras, and Bom- bay, from fraudulent breach of contract on the part of Artificers, Workmen, and Laborers who ,have received money im advance, on account of, work which they have contracted to perform ; and whereas the remedy by suit in the Civil Courts for the recovery of damages is wholly insufficient, and it is just and proper that persons evilty of such fraudulent breach of contract should be sub- ject to punishment ; It is enacted as follows :— ¢ I, When any Artificer, Workman, or Laborer shall have received from any Master or Employer resident or carrying on business in any Presidency Town, an advance of money on account of any work which he shall have con- tracted to perform, or’ to get performed by any other Artificers, Workmen, or Labérers, if such Artificer, Workman, or Laborer shall wilfully and without lawful or reasonable ex- cuse neglect or refuse to perform or get performed such work according to the terms of his con- tract, such Master or Employer may complain to 2 Magistrate of Police, and the Magistrate shall Tf workman neg- lect to perform work on account of which he has received an advance of money, complaint may be ynade to Magistrate. ~~ -¢ en | default of his entering into such recognizance thereupon issue a summons ora warrant, as he shall think proper, for bringing before him such Aytificer, Workman, or Laborer, and shall hear and determine the case. Il. If it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Magistrate that sugh Arti- ficer, Workman, or Laborer has received money in advance {from the complainantmn account of any work, and has wilfully and without lawful or reasonable exeuse neglected or refused to perform or get performed the Same ac- cording to the terms of his contract, the Magis- trate shall, at the option of the complainant, either order such Artificer, Workman, or Laborer té repay the money advanced, or such part thergof as may seem to the Magistrate just and proper, or- order him to perform or get performed such work according to the te. following Clauses of $8 pedied. bans XXIX Regulation VIIL. Section V Regulation XM 1805, and so much of Sections Il and HT Re tion V. 1799, and of Clauses 2 and 3 Section | Regulation IIT. 1803, as restrict the ite of the Civil Courts in cfses of inherit Minors, are repealed, ¥ : Il. Except in the case of proprietors of ost paying Revenue to Governm who have been or shall be under the protection of ‘Court of Wards, the care oF persons of ull Minors, not bt European British subjects the charge of thew p the jurisdiction of t Persons and pro- perty of sMinors not under the protection of the Court of Wards shall be subject. to jurisdiction of Givil Court. shall be subject ‘to ‘Court. II. rs What persons claim- er : Every person who shall claim & have charge of property 1 ing to have charge for a* Minor under a Wi of property in trust , othgr Deed, or by reaso! for a minor nay ap- nerness of kin, ov 01 ly for Certificate of Wey ar ply for Vertiicaty ol may apply tie nee tome administration. Be ar . ie 3 for a Certificate of adr tion; and no person shall be competent: tute or defend any suit ¢ ed with the estate of wit claims the charge, Wer ise aree TO 7 any legal discharge to 4 ors of such estate, until Certificate. oe No person compe- tent to institute or defend a suit without, such Certificatet f Nave obtained such ’ » Any relative or friend of a Minor in respect of whose property such certi- ficate has not bee granted, or if the property consist in whole or in part of land or any inter- . est in land, the Collector of the may apply to ve a Court to appoint xson to take charge .ofsuch Minor. ea Mek ee omay apply to J appoint a otake charge perty Ke. » |fthe property be situate in more than one District, any such application as aforesaid shall be made to the Civil Court of the District in which the Minor has his re- sidence. what Court ap- jon to be made, perty be situate ore than one ny — a When application shall have been made to the Civil Court either by av person claiming a right to have charge of the property of a Minor, or by any relative or nd of a Minor, or by the Collector, the Court ll issue notice of the application and fix a day hearing the same. On the day so fixed, or as hatter as may be convenient, the Court shall ire summarily into the circumstances and pass ers in the case. TI. If it shall ay ’ ttifcate of ad- istration to whom granted. quiry tobe made ourt on applica- appear that any person claim- ing a right to have charge of the property of a Minor 1s en- titled to such right by virtue ’ ofa Will or Deed, and is willing undertake the trust, the Cowt shall grant a itifieate of administration to such person. If ze is no person so entitled, or if such person is villing to undertake the trust, and there is ‘near relative of the Minor who is willing and to be entrusted with the charge of his property, Court may grant a Certificate to such relative. _ ‘Phe Court may also if it think burt may appoint fit, (unless a Guardian have been h person Guard- 5 7 4 appointed by the father), ,ap- point such person as aforesaid or Jative or any other relative or friend of the , to be Guardian of the person of the Minor. MII. ‘The Court may call upor the Collector Be fin «cal? or Magistrate for a report on Collector or the character and qualification vistrate for a re- of any relative or friend of the Eon the charac- Minor who may be* desirous or nd qualification \yi]ling to be entrusted with the ative or friend. Fae : 4a charge of his property or person, If no title te a Certificate be established to the satisfaction of the Court by a person ‘claiming under a W lor Deed, and if there be no near relative willing and fit to be entrusted with the charge of the property *) the Court shall think it to be sary for the interest of the Minor that povision wuld be made by the Court for the charge of his erty and person, the Ceanrt reay proceed to make rovision in the manmer hereinafter provided. If the estate of the Minor consist of move- able property or of houses, gar> dens, or the like, the Court may grant a Certificate to the Public ‘Certificate to Curator appointed under Section ‘Curator OF XTX Act XIX of 1541, or if ; ~~ there be no Public Curator, to ny fit person whom the Cowt may appoint for ¢ purpose. ass 1. n x r Proceeding iff no to a Certificate tablished, apd if be no relative to be entrusted h the property of a Minor. estate consist af the Minor, and’ r 1905 ] ed ‘ 4 | XI. Whenever the Court shall grant a Certi- Peo ae, ficate of administration to the Guardian. nt of estate of a Minor to the Public Curator or other person as aforesaid, it shall at the same time appoint a Guar- dian to take charge of the person and maintenance of the Minor. The person to whom a Certificate of administration has been granted, unless he be the Public Curator, may be appointed Guardian. Tf the person appointed to be Guardian be unwil- ling to discharge the trust gratuitously, the Court may assign him such allowance, to be paid out of the estate of the Minor, as under the circumstances of the case it may think suitable. XII. If the estate of the Minor consist, in When the See whole or in part, of land or couisista, tor. land, 2Fy interest in Jand, the Court Conrt may direct may direct the Collector to take Collector to take charge of the estate, and there- charge ofestate. upon the Collector shall appoint a Manager of the preperty of the Minor and a Guardian of his person, in the same manner and subject to the same rules in respect of such appoint- ments and of the duties to be performed by the manager and the Guardian respectively, so far as the same may be, applicable, as if the property and person of the Minor were subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Wards. XII. In all enquiries held by the Civil Court under this Act, the Court may make such order as to the pay- ment of costs by the person on , whose application the enquiry was made, or out of the estate of the Minor. ors otherwise as it may think proper. + XIV. Whenever one or more of the proprietors ofan estate, which has come un- der the jurisdiction of the Court of Wards on account of the dis- qualification of all the proprie- tors, ceases to be disqualified, and the estate, in consequence, ceases to be subject to the juris- diction of the Court of Wards, notwithstanding the continued disqualification of one or more of the cg-proprictors, the Collector of the District in which the estate‘is situate, may represent the fact to the Civil Court ; and the Court, unless it see sufficient yeason to the contrary, shall direct the Colleetor to retain charge of the persons, and of the shares of the property of the still disqualified Payment of costs. When an_ estate, some of the co-pro- prietors of which are still Minors, ceases to be subject to the Court of Wards, Civil Court may di- rect Collector to re- tain charge of shares and persons of Mi- nors. proprietors, during the continuance of their dis- qualification, oF until such time as it shall be the Court. The Collector otherwise ordered by shall in such case appoin of the persons, and a manager sthe property of the disqualified proprietors, in the inanner prescribed in Section XU. Ifthe pro- perty be situate in more than one District, the : : representation shall be made by Provision for ease the Collector who had the ge- of estates situated in | ana] management of the pro- ¢ a Guardian for the care for the charge of yr Yr yis- Tyr det. a ee perty under the Court of Wards> to the Civil Court of his own District, and tne District shal] have Court vf that in which portions of effect also m vo oad Dis nroperty maay be sl mate. = sv The proceedings of the Callectoy im Proceedings of the charge of estates under Collector subjed to this Act shall be subject to control of superior the control of ‘the superior Revenue Authorities. Reyenue Authorities. orders of the . [ 1906 J ee c XVI. The Public Curator and every other Administrator to whom a Public Curator &c. Certificate shall have been to furnish inventory granted under Section X and annual accounts. 4]], within six months from the date of the Certificate, deliver in Court an inventory of any immovyeable property belonging to the Minor, and of all such sums of money, goods, effects, and things as he shall have received on account of the estate, together with a statement of all debts due, by or to the same. And the Public Curator and every such other Administrator shall furnish annually, within three months from the close of the year of the era current in the District, an account of the property in his charge, exhibiting the amounts receivéd and disbursed on account of the estate, and the balance in hand. If any relative or friend of a Minor or any Public Officer, by petition to the Court, shall impug? the ac- curacy ,of the said imventory and statement or of any annual account, the Court may sum- mon the Curator or Administrator and enquire summarily into the matter,,and make such order thereon as it shall think proper, or the Court at its discretion may refer such petition to any subordinate Court. XVII. All sums received by the Public Curator or such other Ad- ministrator on dccount of any estate, in excess of what may be required for the current expenses of the Minor or of the estate, shall be paid into ; the public Treasury on account of the estate, and may be invested from time fo time in the public Securities. XVIII. Tt shall be lawful for any relative or friend of a Minor, at any time during the continuance of the minority, to sue for an account from any Manager appointed under this Act, or from any person to whom a Certificate shall have been granted under the pro- visions of this Act, or from any such Manager or person after his removal from office or trust, or from his personal representative-in case of his death, ‘in respect of any estate then or formerly under his care or management, or of any sums of money or other property received by him on acount of such estate. " XIX. If the disqualification of a person, for whose benefit a suit shall have been ihstituted tnder this Act, cease before the final decision thereof, it shall be law- ful for such person to continue the suit on his own behalf. Proceeding if ac- curacy of inventory or account be im- pugned. Public Curator &e. to pay prpceeds of estates into Treasury. Surplus funds to be! @ invested in public Se- curities. Relative or friend may sue for an ac- count. Continuance of suit institued under this Act after disqua- lification shall have ceased, the prosecution of XX. The Civjl Court for any sufficient cause | may recall any ‘Certificate, granted under this Act, and may direct the Collector to J take charge-iof the estate, or nray grant a Certificate to the Public Curator or any other person as the case may be ; and may compel the person whose, Certificate has heon recalled to make over the property in his hands to hif suecessor, and to account to such successor for all monies received and disbursed by him. The Court may also gor any sufli- cient cause remove any Guar- dian appointed by the Court. Revocation of Cer- tificate, ‘ al RemovalofG uardian. XXI. The Civil Court may impose a fine x exceeding five htndred _ on any: person who may Ww ly neglect or refuse to d his accounts, or any pro in his hands, within the seribed time, or a time fix the Court, and may realize such fine by attachm and sale of his property under the rules in- for the execution. of decrees of Court, and m: commit the recusant to close custody feti shall consent to deliver such accounts or proper Penalty fore neg- lect or refusal to de- liver accounts or property. XXII. The Civil Court may permit a son to whom a certificate have heen granted unde Act not being the Publie | tor, and any Guardian ap ed by the Court, to resign his trust, ‘and m: him a discharge therefrom on his accoun his successor, duly appointed, for all monies r ed and disbursed by him, and making over property in his hands. XXTI. The Public Curator and every ot : Administrator to whom Remuneration of 7, 5 Public Curator, &e. __tificate shall have been ga “© under Section X, shall he tled to receive such commission not exeped per centum on the sums received and disbu him, or such other allowance, to be paid out the Muinor’s estate, as the Civil Court @ think fit. Civil Court may permit resignation of y trust, &e. “ae ¢ XXIV. Every Guardian appointed by Guardians of Mi. Civil Court, or by the nors to provide for OF upder this Act, who their education. Act have charge of any male Mi XXVI of 1854 de- shall be bound to provide: clared applicable. his education ina suitable ner. ~The general superintendence and cot the education of all such Minors shall be ves theeCivil Court or in the Collector, as th may be; and the provisions of Act XXVI of J (for making better provision for the education of Minors subject to the superintendence of the Co Wards) shall,+so far as is consistent wi provisions herem contained, be applicable the Civil Court, or to the ColJector, as may be, in respept to such Minors, and such Guardian, az XXV. For the purpose this Act, every person sh held to be a Minor, wl ‘not attained the age of cigh years. ie st ¢ Persons uvder the age of l&evears to be held Minors for the purposes of this Act. XXVI. Nothing in this Act shall a Act not to wus the appointment ofa ‘rize the appointment, jot the person of a female of Guardians of cer- _ husband is not a M ( tain margied women appointment of a Guar and other persons. the person of any Minor} father is living and is not a Minor; and no in this Act shall’autYorize the appointm: any person other than a female as the of the person of a female. If a Guardian 0 person ofa Minor be appoin during the minority of th father or husband of ¢ Minor, the Guardianship s1 * cease as soon as the fa husband (as the case may be) shall at age of majority. ~e Guardianship dur- ing the minority of the father or hus- band ofa Minor when to cease. All orders passed by the Civil Court or by any Subordinate Court ; under this Act, shall be open l under the rules in force for appeals, in lanieous cases, from the orders of such Court ee cnete Courts. ; (VIII. The expression “ Civil Court” as used in this Act shall be held to mean the principal Court» of ae original jurisdiction in the Dis- and shall not include the Supreme Court; ing contained in this Act shail be held ect the powers of the Supreme Court over mson or property*of any Minor subject to its ition. Unless the contrary appears from mntext, words importing the singuJar numbey ude, the plural number, and words import- plural number shall include the singular oer, and words importing the masculine gen- all inelude females. - tion. W. Morean, Clerk of the Couneit. _ o. SForcign Department. 2. ‘ | Fort William, the 28th September 1858. Now291. fovind Rao Yadoo, Extra Assistant, Nagpore, obtained privilege leave for two months.,*under tion VII. of the Uncovenanted Leave Rules. Crcit Bravo, Offy. Secy. to the Govt. of India. oy ders by the Lieut-Gobernor of Bengal. i ———— ” A No. 3433. ~~ wrwents.—The 23rd September 1858.—The ng gentlemen, to be Deputy Magistrates Act XY. of 1843, and Deputy Collectors y the powers of a Covenanted Assistant to wistrate under Regulations XIII. of 1797 and $07, in the Districts named opposite to . at Beerbhoom. » Bhaugulpore. », Bancoorah. + P. J, Platts ' C. Wright . C, Hampton W. Blundell : ,, Chumparun. boo Gourdoss Bysack 3, Balasore. y Deen Mahommed..._,, Moorshedabad. Duleelooddeen Ahmed ,, Backergunge. hugwan Chunder Bose at Mymensing. fladub Chunder Bose... ,, Dinagepore. Judunath Bose, B. As...» Furreedpore. —_ egulation IX. of 1833, and to exercise res-> [ 1907 ] The 24th September 1858. Moonshee Feda Ally . at Patna Leave or Assexce.—The 24th September 1858.— Moulavy Fyzooflah, Law Officer of Beerbhoom, during the ensuing Dusserah vacation, under See- ies VII. of the Amended Uncovenanted Absentee ules. The 25th September 1858.—Moulavy Gholam Hossein, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector of Rungpare, for three months, under Section VII. of the Amended Uncovenanted Absentee Rules. Baboo Tem Chunder Kerr, Deputy Magistrate under the Dacoity Commissioner, for fifteen days, during the Dusserah vacation, from 12th to the 26th proximo, under Section VII. of the Amended. Uncovenanted Absentee Rules. Novirication.—The 24th September 185%.—The services of Major C. V. Jenkins, Commanding Behar Irregular Cavalvy, are placed at the disposal of the Government of India, in the Military De- partment, at his own request. A. R. Youne, Seey. to the Govt. of Bengal. s Orders by the : Light Mow’ble the Governor General. No. 9. a ’ Military Police Department. > = ~ Allahabad, the 23rd September 1858. + Appointments.—Lieutenant A. A. Dick, of the 52nd Regiment Bengal Native Infantry, to be Adjutant of the Military Police in the Banda District, from the 6th July last. No, 3904, The 24th September 1858. Assistant Surgeon Richard Southby Otto Thring, M. D., is re-appointed Civil Assistant Surgeon of Meerut. By Order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, al : W. Morr, Secy. to Govt., N. W. P. No. 1464. General Department. Allahabad, the \6th September 1855. Leave of Absence.—Sub-Assistant Surgeon Griss Chunder. Chatterjee, attached to the Bheloopar Dispensary, for two months, on Medical Certificate _ A , ~ SOP NOAM OP. swig . : Public Norks Department. & > The 2040 September 1853. * Captain Stephen Pott, Executive Engineer, Lith Division Public Works, for three shonths, on Medical Certificate, yunder the new Rules, to proceed to, Calcutta, preparatory to applying for Furlough to Europe. s . ———————— [ 1908 J No. 1391. The 21st September 1858. Appointinents—Mr. J. M. Tritton, Deputy Col- lector and Deputy Magistrate of ‘Gurhwal, is pro- moted to a Deputy Collectorship of the 2nd Grade, at 350 Rs. per mensem. No. 1506. Lieutenant {. Nicholl, Deputy Commissary of Ordnance, to be a Member of the Local Committee, Public Instruction, at Saugor. No. 3855. The 22nd September 1858. Frratum.—In Notification No. 14.09, dated 14th May, for “ Captain Claude Clerk,” read “ Captain Edward Clerk.” a , € —_———— No. 3880. The 23rd September 1858. Appointments.—Mohomed “ Ubdoolla, ‘ Sudder Ameen of Meerut, to be Princip&l Sudder Ameen of Futtehpoor, vice Yusuff Hussun Khan,pensioned. Mahomed Buksh, Moonsiff of Haupper, Zillah Meerut, to be Sudder Ameen of Meerut. Hafiz-ood-deen Uhmud, Moonsiff of Sheoraj- poor, Zillalf Cawnpoor, to be Moonsiff of Haupper, in Zillah Méerut. ° Nisir Ulee Khan, Moonsiff of Islamnuggur, Zillah, Bareilly, to be Moonsiff of the 1st Grade. ¢ e ta Kaem Ulee, Moonsiff of City Jounpoor, to be: Moonsiff of the Ist Grade. Syud Wuzeer Ulee, Moonsiff of Bansee, Zillah Goruckpoor, to be Moonsiti of the Ist Grade. e No. 5891. The 2Ath Sentember 1858. Notification —Aga Ismael Ally Khan, Tehseeldar of Chundowlee, in Zillah Benares, is appomted Deputy Magistrate, and vested with the powers of an Assistant Magistrate, within ‘the limits of his jurisdiction. No. 1414. Revenue Department. Tn Gorernmené Gazette of 14th instant, Page 402, Notification No. 1291, dated 7th June, for “Mr. J. Walker” read “ Mr. John H. Walker.” By Order of the Right Hon’ble, the Goverhor General, e P W. H. Love, Offg. Asst. Secy. to Govt. N.W. P. la Gsucral Orders by the Dow ble the President of the Cowmntil of Endia in Counil. Lort William, 28th September 1858. No. 1349 of 1858.—The following Notifications, issued from the Pulflic Works Department, are pub- - lished in General Orders :— Vo. 114, the ‘2008 September 1958—The leave granted by the Chief Commissioner of the Punjauly | el to Lieutenant H. Heath, Executive Engineer, kote, for six weeks, from the 15th October, or from the date on which he may avail himself thereof, t¢ enable him to proceed to Bombay, preparatory 1 applying for Furlough to Europe, on Medical Cer tificate, is confirmed. ¥ No. 115, the 21st September 1858.—Second™" Captain R. DeBourbel, of Engineers, Exee ives" Engineer, 3rd Class, Assistant to the Chief - neer, Bengal, having returned from Furlotg Medical Certificate, resumed charge of his du on the Ist September 1558. a Appointments.—Mr. F, Re Boyce, Assistant Ei gineer, Ist Class, is appointed to the charge ot Office of the Civil Architect, Caleutta, arrival of Captain A. Impey, with effect from 4 date on which he relieved Lieutenant G. Price Captain A. F. Baird, 18th Native Infantry, appointed an Extra Executive Engineer of the Class, and placed at the disposal of the Governe \j ment of Bengal. d No. 1350 of 1858.—The following Notifies issued by the Government, North-Western Prov ces, 1s published in General Orders :— ° ¢ No. 3789, the 18th Sentember 1858.—Assista Surgeon Charles ULowdell, of Muttra, for months, on Medical Certificate, to visit the The leave to be reckofed from the date on w Dr. Lowdell availed biaaeter ae " 4 a > cea a. Dane Tes! No. 1351 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the dent of the Council of India in Couneil is to males the following promotion :— 7 " eo: a3 |, i Corps. Rank and Name, 2% ae $e | = . | Tae Lieutenant Julian Second) Enemetrast) { se. John Hovenden, | Citptn.|27th Aug. 1858. 5 ( ¢ . € ° ¢ H v No. 1352 of 1858,—The UWon’ble the Presid of the Council of India in Couneil is pleased make the following ‘promotions in the Subo: Grades :— Ma ¢ Orpxanxce Commissarrat DEPARTMENT. — } ta ef Lo be Conductors of Crdnance. e - Pe “Sub-Conductor M. Rourke, from the 15th 3 Fe ary 1558, vice Stone, prpmoted to Deputy As ant Commissary. ‘ : Sub-Conductor R. W. Sharpe, from the 17th April 1858, vice Tormey, deceased. =F -| Sub-Conductor S. Vandrass ....) salt ‘ ‘ * noe Mar- Lthis Order, : aaae eae | complete the ” J. Copley J toblishmene e i, pia ts [ 1909 J . Lieutenant A. M. Stewart, doing duty, Acting Adjutant, «ice Lieutenant Willoughby, is con- firmed. eae ~- . ‘ 4 By 0. 694.—Regimental Order, dated 29th March $58, by Captain W. M. Cafe, Commanding, ap- pointing Lieutenant P. C. E. Willoughby, to act as 2nd in Command, is confirmed. ad 15th Regiment Punjauh Infantry. N 0, 695,—Regimental Order, dated 26th August, by Lieutenant W. L. Randall, Commanding, appointing Lieutenant Mackenzie, doing duty Officer, to officiate as Adjutant,in room of ‘Liente- nant and Officiating Adjutant Armstrong, who has reported his departure, in anticipation of leave to appear before a Medical Committee at Mooltan, is confirmed. ' No, 696.—The under-mentioned Supernumerary Native Officers gnd Men of the 25th or Goorkha Regiment are retransferred to the Corps to which they formerly belonged :— Suhadar Bankabeer, ) Jemadar Khurruck Sing, > Daseut, Havildar Runjeet, Bahadoor, » Man Sing, Toolaram, | 7 Hrarkoo, Naick Dhunraj} % act as Conductors of Ordnance. , In room of Conductors Har- ris and MeGrath, Officiating as De- puty Assistant Commissaries of ee, . Ordnance. ctor M. McCarthy J. Warburton ’ 1358 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Offi- as veturned to his duty on this Establishment, ejndice to his rank by permission of the e Court of Directors :— 4 j Date of Arrival at Fort William m George Harper, of. 2Ist September edical Department, J 1855. 1354 of 1858.—The leave of absence the Brigadier Commanding at Mhow to Surgeon G. A. Watson, from? the 26th § to the 30th August 1558, to visit bay, preparatory to proceeding to Europe on of absence on Sick Certificate, is confirmed. . 2 To the Corps of Guides. ), 1355 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the President he Council of India in Council is pleased, as a al case, to admit Sunbadar Govindoo, of the h Regiment Madras Native Infantry, to the Plass of the Order of British, India, with the of Sirdar Bahadoor, from the sth August 3} in‘consideration of his conspicuous gallantry 1% defence of his post at Ky-ka-ti in Martaban nst alarge body of Rebels, headed by the chief ang Thelah.” Native Officer is to he borne on the list as upernumerary, until a vacancy occurs. 32 ————~- Subadar Jubbar, Jemadar Deboo Chund, Regiment, Seikh Infantry. (To the llth Punjab Subadar Prettum Sing, 4 Infantry, as Na- {tive Adjutant. ; To the 20th Pun- | td a « : 2 » Subadlar Deen Mahomed, jab Tnfthtrs® i the 2nd or Hill * No. 1357 of 185S8.—The services of Surgeon J. A. Gnise are placed at the disposal of the Hon’ble the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal. No. 1356 of 1858.—The following Orders issued » Chief Commissioner Punjaub, and published Punjauh Gazette, No. 59, of the 11th Septem- P1858, are confirmed :— “ Lanorr, llrn Srrreuper 1858. g 686. In Punjab Order, ‘No. atodn Gorer 75,* dated 2nd September ublished in Govern- ** naatte BGeneral Order, No. 1857; specifying the allow- the 6th Jan. 1858. ances to be drawn by Lieu- ant G. Lewin, while attached to the Puttialla | Jheend Contingent, for “1st Madras Fusi- s,” read 2nd Madis European Light Infantry. | 18th Réyiment Punjaub Infantry. —_— Y No. 1358 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Gentlemen are admitted into the Service, in conformity with their appointment by the Hono- rable the Court of Directors as Cadets of Cavalry and Infantry, on this Establishment, and promoted to the Rank of Cornet and Ensigns, leaving the dates +f their Commissions for future adjustment :— Wratiit.—N0. Date of Arival at 6S7.—Appointinent.—The Regimental Order, Carvatry. ok A ro 27th August, by Captain Williamson, Com- Mr. Georg? Alexander Papen- } ling, assuming charge of the* Adjutant’s | dieck Arbuthnot, it hia he with effect from the 24th idem, ednsequent 5 Infantry. 2 eth eptember Mr. Thomas Tudor Tucker, ptain II. King, Officiating 2nd im Command, Richard MelvilleClifford, ) Tientenant Hunter, doing, duty and Officia- y Adjutant, having been detached from Head. s, is confirmed, oe “G88.—The Regimental Orders by Captam Balmain, Commanding Lahore Light Horse, respectively the 16th July and 15th August he former appointing Lieutenant A. Shepherd as Adjutant, during the absence of Lieute- * C, Graham, on sick leave ; the latter direct- eutenant Shepherd td continue to act as 29 No. 1359 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Offi- cers are permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of absence, on Sick Certificate :-— Lieutenant Benjamin Lumsden, For __ twelve Gordon, of the Regiment of i months, underthe Madras Artillery _.. ) new Regulations. Lieutenant Charles Edward For eighteen. Nairne, of the Regiment of Uh underthe t, are confirmed. : Artillery ... Wnew Regulations. 4th Punjaub Infantry. _. | Surgeon Daniel Jarses O'Cal- For eighteen , 693.—Regimental, Order, dated 20th Mareh | Jaghan, of the Medical be} months, under the $, by Major Wilde, Commanding, appointing | partment ... ) new Regulations. . ¥ h ‘ ‘ x > . y gs > eae >? *® .,. . hs enti." eee aoe al 0 ts ru: ~ ms F Aa asst eto, BE Pas EL) oe - » £2) . tons aT'e : : r ae ? 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"UMOUY JOU UY . “puppy ‘yao: Ss Arey IS Gormnsweyy AoqIOT “UMOULY GOW UL “PULALT “PlOftO} BAA 0) pxoptaquyy “Savy — “BotPJOFY nuqney Soaunby WOLOPY GoorZg eTTAURCL PT ‘e}ooL, ppeory) “apr ouR Jo orvy uy ‘ORT OFT ALMOUY JOU ULL spuypsugy Coargsypr Ay Sutequeddryy twa ‘yooodery “Avy, UUW ‘1a4sts UMOUY JOU ULY AUSOYL) “AUULpopNS TUIVY ProyppoyT Yeavg “yoy eo “BSONT sqooIg “WoOszTOGoyy ppeUog, “raq{yO.gT ? “RLU “ope ‘KepMQoyW Yydesog ‘oye “WT ‘SHUVKAY cor oo wo a So aa “eIpUy ‘ep oUB pat qunoulyy *poqisodap yunouty paturrpun vjoy, ul quow sy poppueat guUNOTLy | -uy ur pred gimouy ut YP “sO GHSodsIl(y MOFPT *soyeysy{ 02 enp uy_KY uoyRUG jo qunowy ‘sruby g InfVA— “ont on 9 osty 4 ‘dT 9 PUR sLUTY g oe, —SderUyg IFLySOg OLOSTY 0 0 OT a aa rd AHO *SOqRISTL JO quamysnfpe o13 woay Bumaooe samo jo ymnoury ‘sy $09 “ont | “L980 Ame pag “ OWKL | “ZEST » FsNSnYy pugs “07 RySoqUT *7EQT 4ansny WS “TEM ON ‘Z98T — Jsusny 408 “ oy | ‘LE8T aUne Y3PG se oUt | 42ST AGW WIT OWL | “LEST TOQUIMAON 68T ONL | Zest saqnovoch 8s “* ayeysoquy | ZEST aoqutaoaq YILZZ “| “eet” asnay aste “opt | (4e8T sequal PT “OME | “LE80 aun tH0G ove oyE | ‘LEST tequiaoy Wd a OM, | LEST coqui}og IyS1 “OFC | ZE8L SNSNY UBT a oyy | “Zest Arenuee W6T * 9yeysoqy | ‘L281 Ae 139% *aquysaquy do rasvana] Jo avy ws s t e * Oss4 L699 STIL Str. P668 £613 TI06 0688 Borin [etottax) Ot] “EYL pykany twodoang |" OFT | "* AHA “UL pag ‘AOD pug | “ saourpy put saeddng | -~ oy | aSRARS TO ONCE | “ SOYSNTY swuvay | . % ’ jouuny | “7 JOAN saTITE ¢ SHLO AR OIpQuey . . jo qQuatuywda yp — Stoos “loAQ) giteysissy quvoliiag * sapeory soup ssanqyeg, preauy ugedoangy | + JOULUALT |" JOUR PUY ¥ auisedeyy wqpRyp | uryy | ; AroyeIOGeTT puew yuvolvoyg ° § SPABApoY ULureluod, OR "s own | AIO Young OV, OPN | tanyy, Cruozy *-qUaULdoyy uvadoamgy me)" aang | JOMOR VOLE FL . Y . “ om | om HOO : SOUR EP $9170 UWNSYORE) “SOUT, ArayHry “Vay pag Mos OST | C1 i ae Aawalgop sour AHAY “UL Pg “£0,) pugs ey Boliiers) - Avspury wyor “-quantidoy uvodoiny pee azvanlg .°* Awuy youapany a ORT OWT | ¥ AAO YOLGUY . = oyu | on / “ WOSSpoR, AOpPNG? uyor . Cae A oid | °° on . e * TOsptoqoyy uyor * paysodug | AMUN . re AMIR OW 19797 ‘PIMaI—SMATATOS ESV SUDO (A NOISSTNNO,)-NON *sdaogy » ® 7 yy : oie , y UNO OSOTLM Le) . ~" ‘ os . 2 . e 1. “ ce « pues WOT oe oe “ “c € “qtsodeq, JO 3}tq | FROM THE UAZETTE, GOVERNOR GENERAL'S CAMP. py ’ Ca APLAHABAD, SepremBer 2d, 1858, °° a te Notifications, Appointments, Xe. ‘is No. 3250. Foreign Department. Allahabad, the \6th September 1858. The Governor General has been pleased to ap- Captain H. 1. Taylor, Ist Madras Fusiliers, Assistant to the Chief of Police in Oudh. . No. 8253. : e under-mentioned Officers joined their ap- ments in the Oudh Military Police on the lates specified :— Lieutenant G. W. Manson, Divisional Adjutant, th September. Lieutenant W. Rose, District Commandant, Ist September. a . ~ : No. 3261. . Allahabad, the 18th September 1838. “The Governor General has been pleased to ap- potnt Lieutenant C. ¥. Sharpe, 72nd Native Infantry, to be Divisional Adjutant in the Oudh Military Police, vice Lieutenant Lambert, resigned. ~) > . No. 8265. The Right Hon’ble the Governor General is Dleased to sanction the following temporary ar rangements in the Oudh Military Police :— Captain to officiate as Divisional Commandant, with effect from the Ist August, until the J. G. Stephen. 4 Lieutenant F. W. Graham, District Command- ant, to act as Divisional 2nd in Command, ricé Captain Dawson. Lieutenant Ee; to officiate as District Comman Graham. Lieutenant G. W. Manson, Divisional Adjutant, to act as District Commandant, vice Captain Hear- ey, proceeded on Medical Certrficate. \ D. Hawkins, Divisional Adjutant, dant, vice Lieutenant a [ 1913 ] J. Dawson, Divisional 2nd in Command, | arrival of Major | No. 3281. The Governor General has been pleased to ap- * point Lieutenant C. H. Boileau, H. Ms 61st Foot, to be a District Adjutant in the Oudh Mih- tary Police. é G. F. EpMonstone, Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Govr. Genl. ‘ NOs 72. * Puilie Works Department,—Public. Allahabad, the 16th September 1858. Notification.—Tiieutenant-Colonel__ Henderson, C. B., Chief Engineer at Hyderabad, has leave to proceed to Bombay, preparatory to his obtaining leave for fifteen months to Europe, on Medical Cer- tifieate. By Order of thé Right Hon’ble the Governor General, Hi. Yutx, Captain, ; , ar Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Govr. Gent. eg a Military Department. o Allahabad, the 16th September 1858. No, 409 of 1858.—The leave of absencs, on*Me- dical Certificate, granted to Captain J. H. M. Ba- bington, 48th Madras Native Infantry, by the Government of Fort St. George, and confirmed in Government General Order, No, 1174, dated the 15th September 1857, is extended to the 15th Mareh 1859. Allahabad, the 20th September 1858. No. 410 of 1858.—The Order issued by Major General Penny, C. B., Commanding the Meerut Division, No. 12, dated Ith January 1855, ap- pointing (the-late) Officiating Superintending Sur- geon T. C. Huntergo be Officiating Superintend- ing Surgeon of the Agra Circle, vice Superintend- ing Surgeon C. Mackinnon, transferred to the Meerut Circle, is confirmed. > _ No. 411 of 1858.—Assistant Surgeon D. Scott, M-D., Officiating Medical Store-keeper at Allaha- "Lieutenant B. “H. Smith, District Adjutant, to actas Divisional Adjutant, vice Juieutenant Man- District Adjutant, * . ’ ~~ ® Beiicutenant J. H. Worsley, 43s! a Liectenant Haw- ty act as Divisional Adjutant, vice as. ~ ss . YS me = No, 8272. he Right eased to grant et Commandant in th of absence for two month te, to to applying for leave to to Captain J. B. Hearsey, Hon’ble the Governor inate is- e Oudh Military Police, s, on Medical Cex- vetd to the Presidency preparatory fo Europe on Sick Certificate. | , bad, is appointed permanently to that situation. N ” No. 412 of 1958.—Erratwm.—In._ General Order Govérnor General, No. 322, dated 29th July 1555, for Brevet-Colonel S. J. Fischer, read Brevet- Colonel T. J. Fischer. , Order Books to be corrected accorcingly . ~ R, J. H. Binet, Major-Genl., Secy. to the Govt. of India, BMily-Deyt., \ with the Govr. Gent. ~ a, et " — 1914 J ALLAHABAD, SEPTEMBER 24, 1558. a No. 3321, foreign Department, Allahabad, the 22nd September 1858. Lieutenant C. F. Sharpe, appointed Divisional Adjutant in the Oudh Military Police, in General Order dated 1Sth September, joined his appoint- ment on the 10th idem. ¢ G. F. Ep monstoxr,e Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Gorr. Genl. ee No. 73: Public Works Department,—Public, ’ AMMlahabad, the 21st September ASS. Notifications —Mr. C. Polites is appointed an , Extra Sub-Engineer a seis 3rd Class. ¢ Captain F. W. Peile, of Engineers, Executive Engineer of the Ramgurh Division, to officiate av Executive Kngineer, Allahabad, in the room of Captain A. Impey, appointed Officiating Civil Are hiteet at the Presidency. A coe Captain J. Dawson, 43rd Native Infantry,: be Officiating Exec apie Engineer of the Rawigurh Division. Captain Julius G. Medley, of Engineers, to be a Deputy Consulting Engineer in the Railw: ray Department. . Captain Medley will proceed to Lahore, where | he will receive instructions from the Chief’ Com- missioner of the Punjaub. By Order of the Richt Tlon’ble the Governor (feneral. Hf. Ycrn, Captain, J Off7. Secy. to thiltGort. of Tndia, with the Governor Ceneral. . Military Departinent.” Alliuhabatl, the 2th September pe: No. 413 of 1858.—The Right How’ ble the Gevernor General is pleased to confer the follow- ) vice Major St. George. ime rewards on the under-mentioned N Mhiskunred. and Non-Commissioned Men of the 2nd Regiment of Cavalr ry, Scindiah’s Contiagent, to take effect “from the -lst January ASSS, for their exemplary conduct and loyalty to the State !— . uly vative Com- Duffadar Mir Koorshaid Mi Sheikh Najjuf Ak Shegklt Hiday As Ali, Khudiyar Kha To be Jemadars. : to } i } | be i Officers and | Zubbardust Kifan, Sheikh Husirudin, Azim Khan, Karram Mahi Khan Inayut Ali, Singh Ram, Meer Nasir Ahi, Meer Ali Rusul, Sowar 2 To bea M of the Class of the “Order af Merit.” To be a Member Ressaldar Mir Umjid Ali, of the Ist C] . of Merit.” Jemadar Mir Koorshaid Ah, re | J tan . Jemadar Sheikh Nujjuff Ali, *,, Sheikh Hidayut Ali, Khudiyar Khan, Zubburdust Khan, Sheikh Husirudin, Azim Khan, Kurrum Dahi Khan Inayut Ali, Singh Ram, Meer Nasir Ahi, Meer Ali Rusul, Sow: * » Gabtiz Khai,’ 39 Duttadar > 33 Meer jut Ali 2? 2 nt a Ts: ” » Letthmun Sing, To e ‘e >», Mahomed Gnanit Khan, Clnes S » Ram Sing, by Or ‘ind » Sheikh Subsati, ; Merit.” Ghasi Ram, » Wuzir Khan, Gulab Khan, Sahib Khan, © q Kurrim Khan, Wuzir Bee, Shtakh dans Ali, Sheikh Rahim-u- dins Ghasi Khan, Tphyut Khau, Narain Singh, Sheikh Dowlut, Bhowani Singh : , > Allahabad, the 23rd Seplember? 1858, No. “414 of, TS5S ae Right Hon’ble Governor General ts pleased to. make the folloy ing appointments oe Pay bepartnent, Brevet-Major T.-G.” St. George, Master, Benares C ircke, to be Dy, Paty Jullundur Circle, rice Major ill, Brevet-Major R. J. Edgell, 58rd Native” fantry, to be Deputy Pay Master, Benares Deputy Pay Pay, Mast i ca No. 415 of 1858s The sfrviees of Lily Tres iNet) Gilbert, 27th Native Infantry, replaced at the digposal of His Excellen Commander-in-Chief, y * : RJ. 1. Bincn, Major General, Secy. to the Gort. of India, Mily ° “with the Goer, mM piiticxzt id w. LIPORE ‘ >) | J ACL P RaLS Sz | | i) wing Rules regarding the submission of | Public Ofiesrs to he Alipore Juil Press rived the sanction of the Government, | gated for general information :— | ie Officers are hereby requested to ndents and requisitions for Forms and Work requiring to be printed, to the* lent of Stationery, by whom they will itted to the Jail Press ‘for execution, and 1 they will, when printed, be packed and ad to the Indenting Officers. ) ndents or requis sitions of any kind for 5, on the Public Service, are to be sent » the Jail. : any departure from the plan of proceed- \ B notified will cause delay and incon- Indenting Officers are particularly re- bsee that it is strictly adhered to. nting Officers are informed that all Pa- 1 for the printing of Public Work will hy the Stationery Office. > Alipore Jail Press is at present prepared t ail Form Work, and such Returns, »Cireular Orders, and other public doeu- # (lo not need fine work. : he earliest possible arrangements will be tthe execution of fine Book Work. |The E they are completed, and the Press can ke them without incurring the risk of delay ointment, the same will be duly notified. Frev. J. Mocar, Inspector of Jails, Lower Provinces. ai p WHLLiAM, 12th, 1858. 7 te ’ Zillah Cachar. The Tth Aegust VSS. ’ on Lievr. R, Srewars, Offg. Supde. a seyen years’ residence on this F rontier quently struck me that althouglt Cgchar Surrounding Districts and States are most themselves, and productive of many of - of trade such as are vonduci ive to the “and conveniences of lite, yet that no stem exists w hereby this produce can be Jy available to the western and more tion of ‘the Empire. 3 Mewise apparent that although the inha- this Frontier are by no means poor, ya at not been introduced to the full ad- 5 he derived from extensive importations 1 manufactures. of this stagnation of tr: affie ete the want of roads and consequently 0 yevances and the continued me pera “for the greater portion of the year Teommunieation both by land and difficult, . [ 1915 J . . As great natural as well as financial difficulties exist, deha wring for the present all thoughts of the construction of e@ood roads, and as ar river naviga- tion will be always affected by the seasons until a trade has been created sufticiently remunerative for the occupation of steamers and vessels, proof against the storms and strong currents thiah pre- vail durme the rains, it remains to provide a channel for traffic “as lide Bffec ted as possible | by the difiteu!- ties with which it is at certain times surrounded. From the month of November to that ef February, the weather is cold and braci ing, fair and calm. The plains are hard and traversable, “the hills, valleys, marshes and jungles are free from mias- matic influences. The river is low enongh to be deprived of strong currents and deep enough to admit of naviga ition, by boats of moderate tonnage. This appears to be ‘the season when the traders of the different Districts and States shold assemble at some central position and reciprocate produce. It is necessary, I think, only to appoint a date and a place of r@ndezyouz in order to secure the establish- ment of a periodical trade which will connect Burma with Dacea, and Assam with the Hills of Tipperah. , For this purpose, in consultation with Mr, Allen, Member of the Board of Revenue, on deputation at Cherrapoonjee, it bys been determined that an annual Fair or Mela be held at Silchar, the Sudder Station of Cachar, and that the inhabitants of the neighbouring Districts to the West as well as those of Asse mm to the North be invited to attend, bring- ing for sale and barter the produce of their respee- tive countries, and that to meet. these it be imti- mated to chee: inhabitants of Cachar, North, South and Proper} to those of Munipoor and Rubboo. % the ieaibende ef the Kutcha Angamiecnagah, and Lhooshai countries through the proper authorities, that a Mart has been opened where they may not only dispose of their native produce, but receive in return that and the manufactures of Foreign countries. The dat® of the Mela which will last for five days is fixed from the 50th December to the 3rd January 1S5$-59 inclusive, corre sponding with 16th to 20th Pows 1265 B. S. Ordered, that copies of this Proceeding, together with the accompany ing advertisement relating it and recounting the. articles most hkely to be profiered tnd demanded at the Mela, be sent in Snglish and Vernaculars tethe authorities of the Province of seat, and the Zillah of Dacca, Pur- veedpoor, Mymetking, Tipperah and Sythet, likewise to Major McCulloch, Political Agent in Munipoor, r for communication to the Governments of Mani poor and Kubboo, and that these gentlemen be, solicited to dive the widest Cirealation sand publi- city in theiv power to the advertisement. Ordered, that the above Proceeding be commu- nicated ‘through emjssaries to the different tribes af Nagahs, Kookies, Cassy: ahs, Meekirs, Cachartes, Angamies, Kacha Nagahs and Lgoshe ais in and about Cachars Ordered, that the above Proceeding and adver- tisement be sent to the Culeutia Gazetic fur pub- lication. b ; Ordered, that copies of the above P yooeeding and advertisement be sent tq all known and nekpec- table Individuals, Merchants, Traders, Landhoiders and Planters en the Frontier, with the request sthiiit they will give publicity to, and aid the und leytabing RB, Srkwarr, Only Sepili, Ke z L Ww. 7 oT . ( 1916 | e r ADVERTISEMENT, Notice is hereby given, that on the 30th and:31st of December 1838, and the Ist, 2nd and 3rd of January 1859, a great Mela will be held at Silchar or Doodpatly, in the Zillah of Cachar, to which all the Merchants, Traders and Inhabitants of Dacea, Furreedpoor, Mymensing, Tipperah, Sylhet, Cheerapoonjee, Assam, and Cachar will be invited, and to which the people of the Independant States of Munipore and Kubboo in Burma will also be summoned together with those of the surrounding tribes of .Cassyahs, Meckivs, Kookies, Nagas, Khacharies, Kacha Nagas, Angamies and Lhooshais, bringing with them the produce and manufactures of their own and foreign couttries. A list is hereto appended, showing the articles of commerce most likely to be proffered and demanded at this Mela, but there are many others besides which will form objects of trade. 5 The chief approaches to Silchar from fhe West are the rivers Surma or Burrack and tlfe Koosia- rah; these are navigable throughout the season to boats of 500 maunds; there is a road through the hills to Assam on the North, and one to, Mumipore on the East. No taxes or Bazar dues will be levied on any articles sold at the Mela, and Sheds will be erected for the convenience of the Shop-keepers. The Mela will last for five days, and during its continuance, prizes will be offered by Public Sub- scription to the witmers in Boat, Elephant, Horse and Foot Réees as well as for other Athletic games and exercises*among which may be mentioned the Mu- neporee, Kangjai or Hockey upon horseback. ee ° Articles likely to be proffered by the West and “dew manded by the East at the Cachar Mela. Almonds. Inkstands. , Alpacea. Ivory. Axes. Tron, in great quantities. Adres. ute. Almirahs. Knives. Armlets. Kharoos. Anklets. Kubbuj. Amber. Lanterns. , Blankets. Looking Glasses. Broad Cloth, in gr@&t Lime. quantities. Merinas. Banyans. Miisk.; «ng Boots. Meerdungs. Bill Books. Necklace.” Books, English. Neckeloths Books, Bengalee. Night Caps. Books, Urdu. Onions. “ Brass. Oranges. is Brass Ofnaments. Pejfper. \ . Brass Wire, in great Potatoes. quantities. © Pugeries. , ’ Brass Chains. Porcelain. ’ Buttons. Pickaxes. Basket work. ’ Playing Cards. , Brarelets. Paper. Bolak. < Poreupine Caps. Bark. * Pettaras. F Beads, Cornelian. + Pasha. E . Beads, Agate. Quinine. 7 Beads, Glass , Quills. Beads, Coral’ Refined Suear. Beads, Anpher. Red Tradl. Beads, Wooden. * Rugegs. Beads, Shell. Razais. Camphor. Ribbons Cotton Cloths. Ropes. fs Chintzes. Rang.) aa Cambric. Rose Water. Chaders: Rings, Gold, Si Carpets. Brass. Colored Cotton Cloths, in great quantities. Colored Cotton Handker- * chiefs, in great quanti- ties. Cords. Country Saddles. Carpenters’ Tools. Clocks. Copper. Coal. ° Cooking Pots. Corkscrews. Chests. Chains. Chairs, Chikol. Chillumchees. Cowries. Castor Oil. Cocoanut Oth Dall, Urhur. Dail, Moong. Dall, Boot. Dall, Khessary. Dall, Moosoory. Dall, Motur. 2 Dacea Muslin. Dacca Soap. Dacca Cheese. . Drugs. 2 | Desks. Faglish Muslin, in great quantities. “Elephant Guddies. Farrings. Fiddles, Flannel. Framed Pictures. Garters. ‘ Ganzee Frock Cotton, in, great quantity. Ganzee Woollen. ¢ | Gauze. ca «+ - — Guddelgs. ’ Guitars. Golap Pash. Gun-powder. Gold Ornaments, Glass, P ‘tlookahs. Hookahs, Brass. Hookah, Bidyy. Hookah Stands. Articles likely ta beeproffered by the, 3 monded by the West at the Cachar . aan Bamboos in great quan- tities. ‘ Buffaloes, from Munipore Null. and Burma. Buffaloe’s Horns. Blue Beetles’ Wings. Spectacles. Salt, in great Silk. ? Satins. Shawls. Sheetings. — Shirtings. Sutrunjies. Scull Caps. Stockings. Sola Topelahs. Silk Hankerchiefs. Sheep. fa Soda Water. Scissors. Shoes in great vai Smiths’ Tools. Shamadans. _ Spoons. ‘2 f Shot. Steel Pens. Shelves: ". (am Shells. Sonks. I. Scented Soap. — Smelling Salts. Snuff. “@ Sulphur. | Sutrung. Tweeds. Towels. Tape. Tin. Tanpoot. Tin Boxes. Tables) am Teapoys. ‘ Tobacco, manufe Toys. Utter. a Utterdans. Ugnbrellas, Cott Velvet: am Vinegar. Wearing Ap Wearing App hand\, "as Wall Shades. ~ Wooden Boxes, ent kinds. — Wooden U Watches. -— Wadding. — ¥ Muniporee | 0 of Cloth. e Otter | y,) in large Ponies, Burmah and Muniporee. i? Pigs, of the China spe- nufactured by cies . liferent tribes, Peacocks. | us kinds and = Peacocks’ Feathers. Parrots. : Rattan. Rice in large quantities. Raw Sugar. Sessamum. Sunpat. Silk. Singing Birds. Specimens of wild Ani- » _ mals for a Menagerie. Tea. Tea Seeds. . . y Timbers, in abundanee and great varieties. Thatching Grass, in large Sticks and Ball. Seed, in large quantities. Wax, in large quantities. a Well Salt, in large poree Shawls. quantities. oree Curtain. Warlike Weapons for a oree Rugs. museum. R,. Stewart, i Offg. Supt. Opium Notifications. is hereby notified that the Provision of Opium of 1557-58 to be brought for- ward at the Monthly Sales of the en- suing year 1859, will consist of about 9 Chests of Behar and 4,174 Chests, of res Opium, inclusive of the 300 Chests to served for the French Government. The will be sold on or about the 10th, of Month, as usual, and the precise dates will be din due course. Whe quantity to be put up at cach of the hly Sales will consist more or, less of 1,915 sof Behar and 345 Chests of Benares Opium Fat the last sale wi December, when the re- Ing 1,934 Chests of Behar and 379 Chests of fes Opium will be sold. 4 The general Conditions of Saje will be the s heretofore, and will be published in De- ext as usual, with the notification. of s relating to the first sale of the ensuing Y , a aah. ss Ider of the Board of Revenub, es Epw. Lesiixetox, Junior Secretary. v4 WILLIAM, ¢ Ibth September 1858. ~ is hereby given That the tenth Sale of @ provision of 1856-57, will be held at x6 Hall on Monday, the Jth of October ‘a. ™., and will comprize 9,730 Chests SUMAN, 8. ws te pee res Ditto os St : Total Chests... 2,730 PEST is] , 2 ny oe, * _2_ The general conditions of the sale now adver- tized will he the same as usual. They may be ascer- agp by reference to the Notification issued on y 21st November 1557, and published in the ae Fe le yy 2 ee . 1 froverument and Ja change Gazettes, or on appli- cation at the Office of the Board of Revenue. 5. The latest dates for deposit and clearance will be the 9th and 20th October 1858 respec- tively, the 19th being a holiday, that is to say, no Sub-Treasurer’s receipts, Company’s Paper, or other Public Securities that may be tendered for deposit in redemption of Promissory Notes given by purchasers at the sale will be received after 4 p. M. of Saturday, the 9th October 1858, and no Treasury Receipts in full payment of lots will be accepted after 4p. uw. of Wednesday, the 20th | October 1858, 4. In addition to the quantity above advyertized for sale, the following quantities, more or less, of Behar and Benares Opium 1856-57 will be brought | to sale in the present year on or about the dates | specified below. The Board however reserve to themselves the right of altering these dates should circumstances render it expedient to do so :— SO aEEEEEEEEEEEErameneeene eee — : S ; a s a Pe tT gon, = e | ae ‘ga | 22 | 22 23 gv = 25 ae sa lis ok Felons ale e On or about Monday, Sth Novr 1958, ...) 1,840} 890 | 2.730 Ditto Monday, 6th December ,, 1,963 | 8365 2,739 = | ae | a 3,703 1,766 5,469 a = ~~ By Order of the Board of Revenue, . Epw. Lusiixeron, Junior Secretary. The \Sth September 1558. , "TenDERS are inyited for the transport of 1,25,000 Maunds of Hidgellee Salt from Pooreeghatta in that Agency to the Government Depdt at Sulkea, to be delivered at the latter place by the Ist February 1559. No Tender will be received after 12 o’clock of the 9th October 1558. 2. The Tender will of course specify the terms on which the party tendering will be willing to engage for the transport of the above Salt. 3. The Sals will be weighed out to the Contrac- tor on the River’s bank at Ghat Pooreeghatta, and it will be shipped at his expense. It will be landed and weighed at Sulkea, at the expense of Govern- THE. . : By order of the Board of Revenue, Fort WItLIAM ; E, T. Trevor, , The 22nd September 1958. } ’ ’ ad - » Secretary. ls gi ll ES = Notice. 2 Tur General Treasury will be closed on Wednes-” dav'the 6th October, on account wf the [Lindod Holiday Mohaloya. + ; The General Treasury will also be closed from Tuesday the 12th October to Tuesday the 19th Oétober 1858, both days included, on aecount of the Hindoo Holiday Doorga Poojah. And the General Treasury will further be elosed on Friday thé 22nd October and Saturday the [ 1918 ] eer ‘, 23td October 1858, on account of the Hindoo |! 3. All Boats found passed Bamanghat Holiday Luckee Poojah. . Samookpotta new Toll Stations without Toll 9 All Acceptances which may fall due between | on board, will be detained and dealt with ace Tuesday the 12th October and Tuesday the 19th | to the Canal Rules. , / instant wi able a General Treasury on \ Sat instant will be payable at the Genera y 3. #- Gutta any business day after the 6th October 1858. 6 | J. 1. Harvey, ‘ Collector and Magistrate tf Canale, ° Sub-Treasurer. I 2 os Forr Wit1iaM ; ? General Treasury, REPORT showing the smallest depth of w The ith September 1858. Bhaugiruttee, Jellinghee and Matabangah ¥ — a their rise and fall from 14th to 20th Septem Notice. " Wri reference to General Treasury Notice, dated 3 eae 17th September 1855, the Sub-Treasurer notifies, ay a 3 . | Lotal under orders of the Hon’ble the President in Name of River. S* Rise Taide Council, dated this day, that, in addition to the => : Holidays already announced, the General ‘Treasury aw Will be closed on Wednesday the 20th, ané Thurs- _ ; j day the 21st proximo, the two days intervening Css spi Fl Ins. | Fj Is. FAIS between the Doorgah Poojah and Luckee Poojah ; | aa ; At its entrance ...|27) 10, 0 \27|11| 6 é Holidays. ig . Mirai, o> ole All Acceptances which may fall due from Tues- BOS : es 2 0,0 | 0| 0 day the 12th, to Saturday ‘the 23rd praximo, will i ‘ hk om 11) 3] OF O 1] RO be payable at the Treasury on eany business day Siediclen i Pobia | after the 6th October 1S58. ie sete 15) 810010 | J. I. Harvey, baugh. 2 ’ Sub-Treaswrer. From Sadduck- 7 31 42 GoxpraL TREASURY, hauge 39 Ber-¢ 19, 0 o 0 3143 "The 28theSeptember 1858. fon. P ee > ) 4 ——- pore to Geet “é wk fig? nite oft. gD. ° And from Cutwa 16 Notification. to Nuddea es 0) OC aa ¢ Bills at par on the Public Treasuries of the under- | Jeltinghee River. F mentioned Distriets may be had on application to : the Accountant to the Government of Bengal :— At its entrance .../13) 6 | 0 0 |23)24) a4 2 tae Districts. Amounts available on this date. k eee: 6 0/00) 0 o Akyab, ... 1,00,000 at 4 per centpremium. | Prom Bansemar- } Backurgunge, ... 50,000 wee to Teeah- > |10, 3/0 0/0 0 Bullooah,* ... 1,00,000 kattah 8 . Jessore, .. 1,00,000 From Teeahkat- ) F . Midnapore, 50,000 tah to Sonaay 12,0; 00) 0 Nuddea, -.. 50,000 a — ee | , " * Gmber 71858, the Toll on all Boats entering the i ae Baliaghatta Canal will be levied at Bamanehatta werpheet et unter on Raves ae Toll LLouse, at the entrance ofthe Salt Water Lake |” ’ re ‘ and ngt at Dhappa as herefofore. . 'T. Forezs, Cap : “2, The Toll on all Boats entering the Toll}’s Supdt. - sehen 4 Nullab’will be Rvied at Samookpotta Toll House, coal ; > at the entrance of the Nullah near Tardah, and BENiaMPore, P not at Panspdtta as heretofore. ns The 22rd September 1858. § in) , ‘Notice. f SOLD, pursuant to a Deeree of the Supreme Jwlicature, at Fort William in Bengal, date the Wighth day of Janyary, One Thou- Nght Wundred and Vitty-eight, made ina Cause, wherein Moharanee 'Tarramoney ¢ 48 Plaintiff, and Dwarkanauth Bose, Deno- Bose, Byeauntnath Bose, Nobinkistno Bose, Mohindernath Bose are Defendants, with the ation of William Macpherson, Esquire, the ter of the said Court, at his Office in the Court- ize, in the Town of Calcutta, some time mm the of November next, of which due notice will ereafter given, the following dwelling house iece of land, (that is to say,) all that upper- d brick-built family dwelling house, No. 262, he piece or parcel of land in part whereof the eis built, and on part whereof there is a Tank mtaining by estimation twelve cottahs and one jah, sithate, lying and being at Rajah Nubkis- | ms Strect, in Sobha Bazar, Sootanooty, in the of Caleutta, and butted and bounded m mer following, that is to say ; on the North by house of Gora Chund Ghose ; on the East artly by the House of Ramdhone Bose, and partly the House of Benodbehary Shah ; on the South artly by the house of Chintamoney Modhuek, and atly by the house of Ramdhone Sing; and on the Vest by the lane or passage riiming through the tem bank of Shaumpooker. Particulars may be at the Master’s Office, Supreme Court, or of Judge and Lingham, Attornies No. 5, Old Post Office Street. he W. MacrHErson, Master. 4 Messieurs Allan, for the Plaintiff, SY LaaOt9 | Vice Cuancertor Woop at CHAMBERS. 2 Tuvrspay, the fifth day of August, in the Twenty- second year of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria 1558. In the matter of the Joint Stock Companies winding up Acts 1$45 and 1849, And of the London and Eastern Banking Corpor- ration. Urox the application of the Official Managers of the said Corporation, and upon hearing the Solici- tors for the said Official Managers and the Solici- tors for certain of the Contributories and upon reading the jomt Affidavit: of Charles James Fife Stuart and John Ball, the said Official Managers sworn the fourteenth day of April, One thousand BY | cig hundred and fifty-eight and the Affidavit of James Harris swom the fifth day of August One thousand Hight hundred and fifty-eight, and res- pectiyely filed upon the file of Proceedings in this matter. It is peremptorily ordered, that a Call of Fifty Pounds per Share be made on all the Contributories of this Corporation who have been settled on the List of Contributories Class B, and it is peremptorily ordered, that each of the said Contributeries do on or before Monday, the tenth day of January, One thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, pay to Mr. John Ball, one of the Official Managers of the said Corpdvation, at his Office No. 57, Coleman Street, tn the City of London, the balance, if any, which qilk be vue from him after debiting his account in the Books ALLAN, JUDGE AND Lrxqnam, ; Plaintiff’s: Attornies. bad Cancvtra SUPREME Court; — Master’s Office, The Sih September VSS. a . ae To BH PEREMPTORILY SOLD, pursuant to an Order of the Supreme Court of Judicature, at Yort Wil- iam in Bengal, made in a certain Cause, wherein Bebce Mahar Abjoon is the Complainant, and Shaik Joomun Barber and Bebce Jaun, son and daughter, heirs and representatives of Shaik Annis Barber, the Defendants, bearing date the 27th 1857, with the approbation of Wil- mm Macpherson, Esquire, the Master of the said ourt, at his Office n the Court-House, on Mon- , the Kighth day of Noveraber next, at: thehour welve o'clock in the noon, the followmg pro- perty, (that is to say,) Jower-roomel house,w ith a piece or parcel of land thereunto belonging, uy ning hy estimation, more or less, two cot- hs, situate at No. 2; Annis *Barber’s ee in Collingah, in Calcutta, late the property sof Anmis Barber, deceased. BAP piece or parc aining by vestimation, ‘eased, are y of March, Nal el of land or ground and premises, *more or less, fifteen , RA cottahs, nine chittacks, and nine cauchas, situate at ; ute at No. 3, Tirattee Bazar, 1 Calcutta, late the property ; Anqis Barber, deceased. Satins of the said Shaik For further particular apply to the Master’s g W. MacPHERsON, Master. . i. Apsorr, : Complainant's Attorney. Carcurra Suprewe Court; ) Masters Office, | The 23rd September 1$58. 2 a of the said Corporation with such Call, > Tiexry Leaman, Chief Clerk. Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at Calentta. In the matter of) Mackertick Gregory Ar- | vakiel, late of Rangoon, | instant, Auetioneer, but at present - that the matters of the of Dhurrumtollah,in Cal- | petition of the said In- eusta, Inhabitant, an In- solvent be heard on Sa- solvent. , turday, the 6th day of November next, and that the said Insolvent do then attend to be examined by the said Court. Templeton and Carapiet, Atlorneys. —_— On Wednesday, the 22nd day of September it was ordered In the matter of Narain’) Notice, that an appli- Roy Thookeah, of Be- | cation for an ad interii nargs, late a Member of | protection order has the firm of Narain Roy | heen this day made by sand Bhoom. Sing, here- the said Insolvent, and tofore carrying on busi- | that such application ness as Merchants and +will be heard and dis- Shroffs at Burra Bazar, [pes of by the Actihy in the Town of Calcutta, Commissioner of the and now a Prisoner con- Insolvent Court, op fined in the Commow | Monday, the 4th day ot Jail of Caleittta for debt, | October negt, at tHe hour an Insolvent. J of? 10 o’Glock “in the forenoon. : > Ras “Any Crsditor of the said Insolvent, desirous « of opposing such application, must appear hefore the « said Court at the time and place wforesid.” i Anley and Sims, Attorneys. d Chief Clerk's Office, a5th September 1598. . 3 In the matter of Abdool) | Notice, that Jubhvr Khanof Machooa. ! Bazar, in the Town of Caleutta, lately a dealer in Cutlery and Hard- ware at Burra Bazar, protection order has been rear Insolvent, and that such application will be in Calcutta, aforesaid, an | heard and disposed of by Insolvent. J the Acting Commis- sioner of the Tnsolvent Court, 4th fourth day of October 1858, at the hour of 10 o’Clock in the forenoon. Kes “ Any Creditor of the said Insolvent, desirous “of opposing such application, must appear before the “ said Court at the time and place aforesaid.” Linton, Attorney. Chief Clerk's Office, 27th September, 1858. _—_— In the matter of John Constantine Seeyne, of Iimaumbag Lane, in Caleutta, late an Assist- ant to Messrs. Smith and Stanistreet, Che- mists and Druggists, but at present out of employ, an Insolvent. J and by an order of the same date, the Estate and Effects of the said In- splvent were vested in the Official Assignee, Notice, that the peti- tion of the said Ifsol- ven¥, seeking the benefit of the Act XI. Vic. cap. XXI., was filed in the Office of the Chief Clerk on the 21¢h day of Septenber instant, Insolvent in person. J ¢ ¢ In the matter of John Cofistaftiné Seeyne, of Jmaum}ag Lane,in Cal- cutta, late an Assistant to Messrs. Smith and Stanistreet, Chemists and Druegists, but at On Thursday,¢ the 24th day of September instant, it was ordered that the matters of the petition of the said In- solvent be heard on Saturday, the 4th day present out of employ, | of December nexty and an Insolvent, J that the said Insolvent do then attend to be examined by the said Court. Insolvent in person. In the matter of Go->) bind Raur and Nista- raney Raur, of Gurran- hattah, in Caleutta, In- Notice, that the jroti- tion of the said Insol- r Vents, seeking the benefit | of the Act XI» Vic, cap. habitants, Insolvents, J XXI., was filed in the Office of the Chief Clerk’on the 27th day of Sep- the Estate and Effects’ of the said Insolvents “vere vested in the Official Assignee. tember instant, and by an order of the same date, f Tnsolvents in person, ¢ In the matter of Go- bind Raur and Nistara- | day of September in- ney Raur, of Gurranhat- rstant, it was ordered ta in,Caleutta, Inhabi- | that the matters of the tants, Insolvénts. . , _} petition of the said Ih- solvents be ‘heard on Saturday, the 4th day of December néxt, and that the said Insolvents do then respectively attend to be examined by the said Court. - * On Monday, thé 27th ° Ld . Insolyents in person. . . . e an appli- cation for an ad interim | this day made by the | on Monday, the | | Narain Roy Thookeah, e¢ In the matter of Car-)) rapiet Pogose Carra- pict, of No. 145, Old China Bazar Street, in Caleutta, Buifder and House Repairer, an In- | aside, and that solvent. x J hearing of this, m be heard on Saturday, the 2nd day of Octo next. - 44 ‘On Tuesday, the day of September i it was ordeced + order of the 17th day : ; September ifstant | r Shircore, Attorney. In the matter of Na- Notice, that the rain Roy Thookeah, of | tion of the said Insol: Benares, late a Member seeking the benefit of the firm of Narain Act, XI. Vie. cap. Roy and Bhoom Sing, ee filed in the Offi heretofore carrying on f the Chief Clerk on #h business as ,Merehants | 23rd day of Septe and Shroffs at Burra Ba- | instant, and by an zar, in Caleutta, an In- | ofthe same date, t solvent. J tate and Effects said Insolvent were vested in the Official As Anley and Sims, Attorneys, ; . of| On Thursday, th | day of September ins it was ordered th matters of the petitio the said Insolvent ] heard on Saturday, fh 4th day of Dee next, and that the ’ Insolvent do then - J to be examined Dy In the matter of Benares, late a }Fem- ber of the firm of Narain Roy and Bhoom Sing, heretofore carry- ing on business as Mer- chants and Shroffs at Burra Bazar, in Cal- cutta, an Insolvent. said Court, + Anley and Sims, Aédorneys, es aT ns In the matter of Ab- Notice, that the p dool Jubhur Khan, a tion of the said In Machona Buzar, in Cal- vent, secking the hi cutta, lately a Dealer in ‘of the Act XE Vie, Cutlery and Tard -wre, XXI., was filed in at Burra Bazar, an | Office of the Chief Cl Insolvent. J on the 27th day o: tember instant, and by an order of the sa date, the Estate and Effects of -the said Inso were vested in the Official Assignee. Liaton, Attorney. , in Cutlery and Ward-| the said Insolvent ware at Burra Bazar,*an | heard’ on Saturday In the matter of} On Monday, the 27 Abdool_ Jubhur Khan, as of Septemberins Z Insolvent. ’ 4th day of Decem of Machooa Bazar, iy | it was ordered that | Caleutta, lately a Dealey + matters of the retition next, and that the said Insolvent do then at to be examined by the said Court. Linton, Storney. lah Chief Clerk’s Office, 28th September 1858. © + 2 ” “4 Ud 2 —— 4 Ld * Sheriffs Office, Calcutta, the Sth September 18 58. 7, 7 A a “ NOTICE is hereby given, that a Sessiot s) Gyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery, and also. Admiralty Sessions, will be holden by the Suprel Cowt of Judicature at Fort William, in 2 a * Town of Caleutta and Factory of Fort ‘and the places subordinate thereto, at -House in the Town of Caleutta, on Tirst day of October next; at 12 0’clock gurt will open on the first day-of the t 12 o’clock at noon, and upon each sue- ‘day precisely at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, hich all persons are required to take notice, a ' a HT. Dunpas, ae e. Sheriff. ; afer b arttaa bey ATT 1 fen Teme a ath evi ag beh aia Serta EF ote -steta saenifs cy yea Sta UfE- STH cstg HID’ BSeOrA wrety B ator Abeta Acq ecgaPataeAA P comsirate aete Tel AAI APH a orien famtis war as OrsttetA ate frig Sieve 1 Sorina aestt te ahs aia eta frat HS Sletas TAY I- feta cfs feat aotical sta AR Kas 4 faAy TACT AAA ATA f ; H. Dunpas, y , Sheriff. ~ Municipal Commissioners’ Notice, * ae ’ rdarve with the Provisions, of Section IX. of 1856, notice is hereby given, that on the Ist of October 1858, proximo, and “fol- @ days at noon, the Municipal Commissioners at the Free Masons’ Usll, Cossitollah, to consideration complaints against assess- on buildings now for the first time assessed 5 ial Notice of having been the owners or oceupiars of the Premises. ‘nterested will be’required to attend. y order of the Board of Municipal Commission- ie Rost. D. TurxBuLt, Secretary to the Municipal Commissioners, “ihe . CALCUTTA, ; | Sept, 1898. 197s. 3 3 , Caleutta Collectorate Notification. GextieMeN Attorneys who have forwarded Deeds to be stamped are requested to call or send for them without delay, as they are ready for delivery, , Kytas Cuuxper Durr, Cancurra CoLLecToratE, Deputy Collector. The 25th Sept. 1858. Oriental Bank Corporation, Ixcorroratep By Roya, CHarrer. Wrru reference to Government Notification No. 5, Fort William, Financial Department, 26th Ja- nuary 1855, notifying the intention of Govern- ment to dissolve its connexion with the Govern- ment Agency— The ®riental Bank Corporation undertake the safe custody of Government Paper, Shares in the Capital’ Stock of the Bank of Bengal, and other local Stocks, free of all charge. Will draw Interest and Dividends on the same as they fall due, and remit at the current rates of exchange, or pay the same according to instruc- tions, if to be remitted through the Corporation, Without charge. If to be paid in India, a Commis- sion will be charged of 1-4ch per Cent. On returning Government Paper Sees Bus or Share Certificates out of safe ¥ custody, 1-4th per Cent. On the purchase of Government or other Securities. On thé sale of Government Paper or other Stock, the proceeds of which are to be remitted through the Corporation, ... Without charge. 1-4th per Cent. Wa. ANDERSON, Orrentat Bank Corporation ; y Agent. Calcutta, 29th January 1855. ’ Notice. 7 A Sprctat Meeting of the Shareholders of the Agra Savings’ Bank will be held atthe Manager’s Office, on Monday,the 20th December 1558, at 7 a. M., for the purpose of deciding on the Regis- tration of the Bank, under the Provisions of Act XLNIL of 1850. ¥ W. Mcheavy, . Manager. 3 Acra Savines’ Bank, Agra, the \6th September 1858. ssi ltr East India Copper Company “ Limited.” SY A) Tue second Half-yearly Gencral Meeting of the Company will be held at its Office, No.+5, New China Bazar Strect, on Tuesday, the 5th of October, at noon, in tezms of the Articles of Association, 4 . ° . The Books and Accounts of the Company will be open to the inspection of Shareholders, on and after the 2Sth instant. C, Dorrscamivt, Manager. C.acie marinas 20th September 1858. Lost, supposed to have been destroyed during the Rebellion.: Tun Government Promissory Notes, Nos 729 and 10941, both of the five per Cent. Loan of 1854-55, each for Company’s Rupees five Hundred, res- pectively standing in the names of R. M. Turnbull and G. D. Turnbull, the Proprietors, by whom they were never endorsed to any other person. Payment of the above Notes and of Interest thereupon has been stopped at the Loan “Office, and application is about to “be made to Goyern- ment for the issue of a Duplicate Note in favor of the Proprietors. La - e Notice. Tin Public are hereby cautioned against pur- chasing eny of the followmg Government Promissorye Notes of the 4 Per Cent Loan, which everg plundered from my house in Lucknow during the Mutinies. None of them have been endorsed by me, and payment has been stopped in the Loan Office :— List of Government Promissory Notes in detail, ° One Government Promissory Note, No, 24998, of Company’s Rupees 5000 One ditto. ditto. pany’s Rupees 5000, One ditto. pany’s Rupees 3000 One ditto. pany’s Rupees 1000. . No. 24997, of Com- ditto. No. 24729, of Com- ditto. No. 9144, of Com- GUNGAPERSHAUD. Lucknow, The 12th September 1858. ° 100 Rupees Reward. 4 A Reward of one hundred Rupees wilkbe given to any person who may give such information as will lead to the recovery of Bank of Bengal Note, No. 09535, for Company’s Rupees (4000) one thousand, lost in the Cash Office of the Ge- neral Treasury on the 21st September 1858, pay- ment of which has been stopped at the Bank. Apply .to the Khazanchee of the General Treasury. a -LOST or Stolen in transit two second-halves ,of Bengal. Bank Notes, one No. 00497, for Co’s. ¢ . . TREAsSURy ; The 22nd September 1858. ra Rs. 15, and another, No. 41666, for Co’s. Rs. 10, the payment.of which has been §$tqpped at the Bank. [ 1922 March 1336, for Company’s Rupees 2 ] Plundered by the Mutineers, ° i Tue upper halves of first. two und?r-menti 1e¢ Government Promissory Notes and lower hal two others and full Note of the last ong as ¢ cribed below have been plundered by the M on their way down to Caleutta :— Originally Standing. Goopee Mohun Sen. Sookhal Ct No. 7485 of 6235 of 1842-43. rund Nahal Chu Rupees 1000. ° No, 4305 of P. W. Loan of] Madhub Chunder| 1854-55. Rupees 1000. Seal. ft. we. No. a of 1832-33. Sicca; upees 1000, " No..7132 of 4539 of Ditto, Sicea Foonda Bye. Rupees 1000. ) No. 6393 of 20030 of 1842-43. Rupees 1300. L Payment of the above Notes and of thereupon has been stopped at the Loan O and applicationS"are about to be made to Goy ment for the issue of duplicates thereof in, fa their Yespective Proprietors. ; 4 ‘! - Nowsvurroy axp JWAL, Stolen or Destroyed. The undermentioned Government Prot Notes standing, by transfer, in the na Dhurram Dass, the Proprietor, by whom they never,endorsed to any other person. Paym the Notes and of Interest thereupon stopped at the Loan Office, and applicatio: to bé made to Government for the issue of I Notes in favor of the Proprietor. Duvura Dass, Mohulla Darecha, L ° The 19th Sept, 1858. _ : Amou Registered No} ° Date. Of what Loan.} Not id — 29065 [30th June 1854.! 4 Per-Cent-of * 854-55. + 29066 | Ditto. itto, _ 29067 | Ditto. Ditto. 4 29249 | Ditto, Ditto. se 29250 | Ditto. Ditto, - 29093 | Dittow «| Ditto. ‘ Stolen. —_— Tue Government Promissory Note, No.' the 4 Per Cent: Loan of 1835-36, date ad T RO 23.25 | ’ y et ‘ as |, originally standing in my name. Pay- firati hove Note and of Interest AeFetpon | . CO SOS NCIS. <2 pped at the Loan Office, and ayppli- out to he made to Government for the No, 2285. We “a : Duplicate Note in favor of the Pro- The Overland Mail dé Marseilles and South- ampton and the, intermediate Ports, Madras Ceylon and Aden, per P. and O. Company’s Steamer Alma, will be closed at this Office, on a the Sth proximo, at 6 P. M. } - weiters, &c., for Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong pe first halt of the Bank of Bengal | and Australia will be forwarded vid Galle by this 588, for Co.’s Rupees’ 25, payment ne opportunity. h has been stopped at the Bank. ‘ it. Canan te 2 , a Offg. Deputy Post-Master Ceneral, ° Ath ‘September 4858. Ramcomut Roy. + wt a —First half of a Bank of Bengal Note, CALGGTRA a, , fo bf Wltiols Jeteehs ‘ General Post Office payment of which has been stopped at The Wh Sept. 1838. ¥ No. 2331. Nomich is hereby given, that the Mails for By the undersigned at Meerut on the and Moulmcin, for transmission tember 1858, the right half of a Bengal | Akyab, Rangoon Note, No. 48754, dated 15th April 1553, for per Steamer Cape of Good Hone, will be closed at ny’s Rupees 100. Payment is requested to | this Office, on Saturday, the 2nd proximo,at 6 Pp. M., dif presented for that purpose. and the Steamer leaves on Monday morning, the 4th proximo. : a wo . Duntopr, ’ T. GARRETT, 4 » San pH Quarter Master, 15th Regiment. Off. Deputy Post- Master General, 4 CALcutta; M SBERUT, General Post Office, h Sept. 1858. } The Vth Sept. 1858. : 4 ihe bs ‘ J . ‘ be) >» h } ; » Shi, -< received at the General Post Office ad, that unless marked for articular Ships, ell Letters recewea st Office Ria Se ba ie “Q00h September Rie yoke Sunday, the 26th September 1858, both dates inclusive, were espatched by ihe under-mentioned Vessels whieh sailed from Calcutta, on dates specified :— > gs received on dates By what Ship despatched. Bound to REMARES. from and to ’ a ar a ae) Se Be O5th Sept. 1858... Steamer Aga _,. Cape of Good Hope ... Left Town on By! 26th instant, to 26th ditto "Blue Jacket .... Mauritius __.|Will sail in. a day or two. & ’ } i ae © T' -GARRETT, hs ; : . J Off7. Deputy Post-Master General. wr =O ’ 7 2 28th September 1895. e ; ~ . ” > ‘ a y z . ’ > % ’ . ) ’ . . 4) % souper?: > . a q a 5) & / ‘ o 2 Y ‘ Nd y 4 f 5 ree TORE > . Bengal Secretariat, Calcutta Published for the Government, by THOMAS Jonzs, at the Office of the . ° 4°73 > : * er 7 iy ® , * : + d e. . , & co ‘ - - ¥. e ual ? . 6% a ° . . , e ° e eo : i ae hee © 4 % . Ui y ° f ° 4 ; rs td (3 ¢ L "a ° ° ; ¢ ¢ . ‘ s - yer. § . v. _ ¢ , . r iv, . ia ‘ . f . » Ls . « r te Ld od , ie ve . ¢ = ’ i - ¢ “yy etn st ated © SUPPLEMENT TO->. ois he Calcutta Gasette, a WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 290.4858, . LAND SALE NOTICES." *% oe __. OTICE i ICE is hereby given, under Secti j r 1S45 4 , Section VI. Act I. of 1S1 : , had wil A ple i a J tI 15, that the under-mentioned Estates fas : put up to public anc unreserved Sule, at the Colleector’s Office of that Dis- Saturday, the 2nd October 1858, corresponding with $th Assin 266 F. S., for Arrear: of : ’ : wee : 9 - ‘ an . ey SC Be 2aTs: O nd other ona which, by the Regulations and Acts in foree, are directed to be realized me manner as Arrears of Rev 3 : 5 F ae — er as Arrears of Revenue due on the 7th of June 1855, Monday :— * Class I1—Permanently-settled Estates. 33.—Mehal Begumpore, Perg h Arr i N ‘ .—Mehal Begumpore, Pergunnah J rrah, Dilawur Ally Khan and fifteen others, recorded ors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 252-15-0. 2 ‘ m Class IV —Arreurs due on account of other Estates. oo Deoruth, Pergunnah Arrah, Phoolah Shah, recorded proprietor ; sudder jumma -U-U, ‘ a Pass, 1.2 No. 273.— Dana ieee 4 gt : Mass 1.—No. 273.—Mehal Bheelora, Pergunnah Baregyan, Lullit Sing, recorded proprietor ; > mma, Rupees 186-10-8. ss ].—No. 299.—Mehal Arazee Matfee Roshunpore, Pergunnah Baregyan, Shah Mukdoombux leven others, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 2-12-10. Si ete ei) ‘ Class I1.—Temporarily-settled Estates. - No. 353.—Mehal Pcethnee, Pergunnah Chowsan, Dulsingar Rae and four others, recorded pro- ors; sudder jumma, Rupees 255-5-9. ; maa : Crass 1.—No. 356.—Mehal Arazee Narainpore, appertaining Muneexh Loodeepore, Pergunnah rsah, Rungloll Sing and two others, recoxled proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees hi and Cruass I.—No. 581.—Mehal Luhuna Doomree, Pergunnah Bhogepore, Joypergas Doobey and ithers, recorded proprietors ; sudder jummg, Rupees 154-2-95. 3 ‘ Crass 11—No. 908.—Mehal Koodoorseepore, Pergunnah Chowsah, Sewdial Chowbey and ty-two others, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, {upees 139-5-4. 3 ss II.—No. 1004.—Mehal Moostufapoor, Pergunnah Chowsah, Jugurnath Singh and seven fs, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 79-4-5. Chass 1.—No. 1062.—Mehal Umdha, Pergunnah Chynpore, Sewpershad Rai and three others, re- proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 32-0-0. ‘ ass I—Nov. > ted proprictors ; sudder jumma, Rxpees 5,948-4-5. ss 1V.—No. 1107.—Mehal Bursunda, Pergunnah | Chynpore, Dabeedial Rai, recorded pro- >; sudder jumma, Rupees 1,733-5-4. Mass 1V.—No. 1129.—Mehal Bissoonporah, suddér jumma, Rupees 266 10-5. ass I1.—-No. 14142.—Mehal Boorhowleeah, Pergunnah Chynpore, Busraje Sing and eight recorded proprictors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 459-11-9. 5 %s IV.—No. 1160.—Mehal Amait, Pergimnah Chynpore, Ramjecawun Ram, récorded pro- r; sudder jumma, Rupees 480-0-0. Atass I.—No. 1185.—-Mehal Bhuloohg, Pergunnah Chy proprietor; suddex jumma, Rupees $0-0-0. rgunnah Chynpore, Bhowaneepershad, recorded pro- Pergunnah Chynppre, Munoolall, recorded pro- pore, Pudaruth Dooby» Oolfut Rai, re- s 1V.—No. 1215.—Mehal Puranpoor, Pe sudder jumma, Rupees 92-12-10. ; gt 5 Jn—No. 1236.——Mehal Peepureah, Pergunnah Chynpore, Busraje Sing and eight. others; % sudder jumma, Rupees SV 12h 1-00. “ l proprietors ; 1 ; LV.—No. 1325.—Mehal Doghura Nek, Pergunnah Chynpore, Neerunjun Panday, wxecord- ‘tor; sudder jumina, Rupees 611-3-2, . < ’ » o } st hee ela) , re a Crass IV.—No. 1367.—Mehal Dhondhee, Pergunnah Chynpore, Bhowaneepersha proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 75-11-9. fe Crass 1—No. 1868.—Mehal Dhondhee, Pergunnah Chynpore, Moheet Sing, recorded p sudder jumma, Rupees 26-10-8. 1 Crass I.—Ne. 1400.—Mehal Sadekeoee, Pergunnah Chynpore, »urdha Pattuck and six recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 25-9-7. 7. > * Crass I.—No. 1828.—Mehal Sirbit, Pergunnah Chynpore, Suffdur Ally Khan and others, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 1,059-11-9. ual Crass I.—No, 1454,—Mehal Seejhooa Bhookhuree, Pergunnah Chynpore, Ramsa)ai Sing a others, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 385-1-1. Crass L.—No, 1542.—Mghal Kuleanpore, Pergunnah Chynpore, Awotar Sing and four 9 C)0 recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 42-10-8. ; Crass IV.—No. 1569.—Mehal Kesopore, Pergunnah Chynpore, Uchruj Tewy, recorded pr tor ; sudder Jumma, Rupees 225-1-1. : Ra Crass 1.—No. 1558.—Mehal Kaitheegoordoss, Pegunnah Chynpore, Haithnarain Sin | others, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 321-1-1. Cuass I.—No. 1640.—Mehal Manpore, Pergunnah Chynpore, Roshun Khan and eighty: others, recorded proprietors ; sudder jamma, Rupees 3,718-7-6. i Crass I.—No, 1641.—Mehal Madhopoor, Pergunnah Chynpore, Aman Sing and fourteen othe recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 16-0-0. é : Crass 1.—No. 1727.—Mehal Nowgawa, Pergunnah Chynpore, Sookhegloll and two oth corded proprietors ; sudder jumnea, Rupees 203-11-9. P f ae Crass I—No. 1728.—Mehal Nowadhee, Pergunnah Chynpore, Dabeedial and eight others corded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 37-5-4.° ‘A 1. aii Crass 1—No. 1595.—Mehal English-Sikureeah, Pergunnah Dunwar, Sewdial Sing and t recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 15-0-0. j Crass 1.—No. 2144.—Mehal Ulluckpoora, Pergunnah Sasseram, Gunga Tirgoon, reco prietor ; sudder jumma, Hupees 32-0-0. ‘ Crass I.—No. 2157.—Mehal Etwa Rughoonathpore, Pereunnah Sasseram, Chundun others, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumea, Rupees 266-10-8. Crass [V.—No. 2189.—Mehal Busoohurah, Pergunnah Sasseram, Needha Rai, recorded p sudder jumma, Rupees 134-6-5. : Crass I—No. 2247.—Mehnal Bhyrapoor, Pergunnah Sasseram, Bishnath Rai and two others, * corded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 108-0-0. i Crass I.—No. 2311.—Mehal Teelokepore, Pergunnah Sasseram, Goodree Loll, recordéd fire tor ; sudder Jumma, Rupees 106-10-S. . Crass 1.—No. 2316.—Mehal Tekaree, Pergunnah Sasseram, Indore Missir, recorded proprieto sudder jumma, Rupees 106-10-8. -— + CuaSs T—No. 2386.—Mehal Dhunao, Pergunnah Sasseram, Bhyro Sing, recorded proprietor’ sudder jumma, Rupees 106-10-8. E 5 - Crass IV.—No. 2438,—Mehal Rampoor, Pergunnah Sasseram, Chitbahal Doss, recorded proprie tor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 53-5-4. : Crass IV.—No. 2490.—Mehal Semurdeha, Pergunnah Sasseram, Goodreé Loll, recorded prop sudder jumma, Rupees 320-0-0. 4 Crass IV.—No. 2512.—Mchal Sohusa, Pergunnah Sasseram, Beechun Rai, recorded proprieto sudder jumma, Rupees 266-10-8. ". . Crass I—No. 2590.—Mehal Khajapoor, Pergunngh Sasseram, Mohun Shah, recorded prop! sudder jumma, Rupees 272-0-0, : Crass L—No, 2785.—Mehal English Chandee, Pérgunnah Dunwar, Dhoutal Sing and Gools Sing, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 24-0-0. Crass I.—No. 2834.—Mehal English Jonhee, Pergunnah Dunwar, Reeknee Loll, reeorded pro tor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 31-0-0. _ Ctass 1.—No. 2837.—Mehal English Jonhee, Pergunnah Dunwar, Soobhan Khan, recorded p prietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 16-0-0. $ Crass I—No. 2838.—Mehal English J onhee, Pergunnah Dunwar, Dhooroop Sfhe and Nath recorded proprietors ; sudder Jumma, Rupees 34-0-0. ° y Crass 1.—No. 2842.—Mehal English Jonhee, Pergunnah Dynwar, Uchumbheet Sing an others, recorded proprietors ; sudder Jumma, Rupees 35-0-0. . 3 Crass I-—No, 2843.—Mehal English Jonhee, Pergunnah Dunwar, Ubheeman Sing and I{unoor Sing, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 15-0-0. A“ is Crass I.—No, 2848.—Mehal Jonheg English, Pergunnah Dunwar, Purbhoo Sing and Peree recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 18-0-0. ; ‘ Crass I—No. 2922.—-Mehal Chuck’Curseemur, Pergunnah Chynpore, Jugdeal Loll, recor prietor ; sudder jumma,, Rupees 40-14-0, ; 2 F Crass -.—No. 2935.—Mehal Bisoonpoorah, Pergunnah Sasseram, Meer Amanut Ally, proprietor ; sudder jumm:a, Rupees 25-6-4, : Cele Crass IL—Nog. 8004.—Mehal Etoree, Pergunnah Peergg, Sujad Hossein and eight others, .et proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 209-0-0, - - Crass I.—No. 3136.—Mehal English, Thanna Punaeel, Pergunnah Chynpore, Muheeput $i recorded proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 12-0-0. 2 ; sibel % - Ctass 1.—No. 3140.—Mehal English, Thanna Punaeel Pergunnah Chynpore, Kaseeram, ree propriefor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 12-0-0. ss Crass I—No. 3141.—Mchal Enghsh, Thannah Gopeenathpore, Tewarty, recorded proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 12-0-0, e a” Pergunnah Chynpore, Ramy ra © T—No. 3142.—Mehal English, Thannah Go recorded proprietor ; sudder jomma, Rupees 11-0-0 ss I—No. 314t.—Mehal English, Thannah Gopeenathpore, Pergunnah Chynpore, Bhowany- ad recorded proprietor ; sudder Jumma, Rupees 12-(.0, od al : 7 ’ y ass I—No, 3145.—Mehal English, Thannah Gopeenathpore,’ Pergunnah Chyupore, Mussamut o0er, recorded proprietor ; sudder Jumma, Rupees 17-0-0. ; Urass I—No. 3146,— Mehal English, Thannah Gopeenathpore, Pergunnah Chynpore, Ujrawul corded proprietor ; sudder Jumma, Rupees 10-0-0. Ass 1.—No. 3148.—Mehal English, 4 : Thannah Gopeenathpore, Pergunnah Chynpore, Heerah eesrded proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 26-0-0, ass 1—No. 3268.—Mehal Uinglish, Thannah Gopeenathpore,, Pergunnah Chynpore, Kasseeram and Ramdenee Doobey, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 14-0-0. 48s I.—No. 3281.—Mehal English, Thannah Rampore, Pergunnah Chynpore, Babooram Rai, mded proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 12-12-0, Crass I.—No. 3283.—Mehal English, Thannah Ramkurpore, a, recorded proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 12-14-0. | Crass I.—No, 3284.—Mehal English, Thannah Ramkurpore, orded proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 15-10-0. , _ Crass I1.—No. 3297.—Mehal English Kookoorha, Thannah Punnail, Pergunnah Chynpore, Jobraje ag and Surubject Sing, recorded proprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 16-6-0, _ Crass 1.—No. 8321.—Mehal Bulooah Chuckwoeeah, Pergunnah Arrah, Alaheebux and others, orded proprietors } sudder jumma, Rupees 233-44. , . ’ nass I.—No, 3418.—Mehal English, Thannah Dhunao, Pergunnah Sasseram, Jaisree Sing, re- tded proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 17-5-9. : ' Cuass I.—No. 3430.—Mehal English, Thannah Seektee, Pergunnah Chynpore, Shaik Chummun, orded proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 19-3-4. : *uass 1.—No, 3440.—Mehal English, Thannah Seektee, Pergunnak Chynpore, Rughoobur Sing, orded proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 8-5-10. : Crass I.—No. 3444.—Mehal English, Thannah Seektee, Pergunnah Chynpore, Sujeewun, recorded proprietor } sudder jumma, Rupees 8-4-6, ’ F | Ctass I—No, 3448.—Mehal English, Thannah Seektee, Pergunpah Chynpore, Shaik Noor- fohumud, recorded proprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 9-6:10. _ Crass I—No. 3475—Mehal Erazee Rugqba Koilour, Pergunnah Buregyan, Shah Mukdoombux id fourteen others, recorded j*oprietors ; sudder jumma, Rupees 3-0-3. _ Crass I.—No. 3476.—Mehal English Seekureeah, Pergunnah Dunwar, Muhumed Ally, recorded. poprietor ; sudder jumma, Rupees 21-4-3- peenathpore, Pergunnah Chynpore, Thakoor . Pergunnah Chynpore, Babooram Pergunnah Chynpore, Babooram Rai, ’ 7 H. R. Mavocks, HAHABAD COLLECTORATE Se a he 16th Seutember 1858. ¢ } Officiating sein , NOTICE. oe Tur following Lithographed Maps of the Survey of India recently published at Surveyor General's Office, Calcutta, are acailable at the pricés*specified, either Surveyor General's Office or at Messrs. Di Rozario and Co.’s Library. . aoe DrscRirTion OF Maps. Gelaved Col@nedvandl Colore 4 and | folded in 0 ‘ unmounted. |Book fashion.| Rollers. ; General Maps. Kumaon and British Gurhwal, compiled with the latest addi- Aes tions from the Researches of Captain H. Strachey in 1846 and Lieute- | nant Richard Strachey, Engineers, in 1849,—April 1850. Scale 8 miles= A 1 dnch: * Joseph’s Map of the Grand Trunk Road, Section 2nd, improved Ede | tion, Benares to Agra. Scale 4 miles—1 Inch. ef Ditto Ditto Section 8rd, Agra to Ferozpoor. Scale 4 miles=1 Inch. on Plan of the Agra and Bomlsay Road, with the Country extending 30 miles to the East and West of it, and exhibiting the Staging Bungalows, Post Offices, &c., from Agra to the Nerbudda River, on ry fe the Scale of 4 miles=1 Inch a “he 3 0 4 8 The Kotah and Chukkata, Bhabur or Terae Forest of Zillah Kumaon, from the Sardah to the Kogee River, with the Approaches to Nainee Tal and Almora, surveyed unter the superintendence of Lieute- nants Vanrenen and Burgess, Revenue Surveyors, in 1851 to 1853, and ‘ compiled in the Revenue Surveyor General’s Office, on the Scale of 2 *miles=1 Inch. ° ae Affghanistan, 1840. Scale 8 British miles—1 Inch, in 15 Sections... ‘Topographical Survey of a portion of the Delhi District, shew- ing the prfacipal Basins of Drainage and the positions of the Old Bunds, al$o the situations of the Ancient Cities and the objects of axchalogical interest, in 16 Sections, surveyed by Lieutenant F. J. Burgess, 74th Regiment Native Infantry, Assistant Revenue Surveyor, in 1848-50. Scale ¢ of a mile or 20 Gunter’s chains=1 Inch. ade Plan of a Survey to trace the line of boundary between the Soon- ‘ derbunds and District 24-Pergunnahs, as defined by Captain T. Prinsep, between the years 1817 and 1822, traced by Captain R. Smyth, 1849-50 | in 5 Numbers. Scale + mile=1 Inch. Fach number oe ee ae Pc) 0 fo) Sketch Map of the Oudh Territory. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. — é 0 4: ti The Jullundhur Doab, comprising the “Districts of Jallundhur, | Hooshiyarpoor and Kangra, surveyed from 1847 to 1852.¢ Scale 4 British miles=1 Inch, (English lithography.) mae 6 og The British and Native States in the Cis-Sutleg Division, com- | prising the Districts of Ferozpore, Loodhianah, Umballah, Thanesur | and Simlah, with Puttialah, Nabhuh, Jheendh, Kotlah, Khulseea and) , Fureedkot, surveyed it. 1847 to 1851. Scale 4 miles=1 Inch. > 8 General Map of the Country bordering the Grand Trunk Road No. 1 | , Caleutta to Benares, embracing Patna, Bhaugulpoor, Burdwan, and Chota Nagpore Divisions South of the Ganges. Scale 8 mifes==1 Inch. 4 Ditto Ditto No. 2 Benares to Delhi, embracing the Benares Division, the Doab, Oudh, Rohileund, Kewah, part of Bundlecund, the Gwalior and Blturtpoor Territory. Scale 8 miles==1 Inch. Sos 8 General Map of the Goruckpoor and North Behar Frontier, embracing the Country North of the Ganges, Tirhoot, Chumparun, Sarun and | r Districts bordering the Gogra River to Fyzabad. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. 4 The Nizam’s Dominions, with the Cede Districts and Country , extending to the Nerbuddah River. Scale 16 miles=1 lnyh. aoe | Irfdex Map of Bengal, Behar, Orissa, Arracan,«Pegu, or Lower Pro-| ° | vinees under the Jurisdiction of the Lieutenant-Govefnor of Bengal. | Scale 82 miles=1 Inch. ¥ ee 32 0) ‘4 4 The Province @ Pegu, compiled by Lieutenant E.-C. S. Williams, Engineers, and Officers of the Pegu Survey, frqn all dPailable information. Seale 8 miles—1 Inch. 3 ie Sketch Map of the Country between Agra and Umballah from Joseph’s Sse Setion 8rd, Grand Trunk Road Map, with Fort of Delhi. Seale 4 ape : ; ny ies] Snch. for] ° aT Bsa Seto a mh o i bo ° e “eh . Z Sketat Map of the Copsey Found. Delhi; with Fort.of Delhi. Seale 2 | ; < ; : : eae ; pad - re et { 3 ie fi 2 : :, F 6, rr HE : * wv 4” .? 5 ¥ Price. ; Description oF Maps. ¥ ° Colored | Coloredand Colored " : and folded in on ¢ a) unmounted. |Book fashion.| Rollers. \ a Sl = I { Rs. | As. | Rs. | As. | “Ts. | Ass Nos. 1 and 2 of the Boundary between the British and Jumoo s, from the Ravee to the Jhelum, surveyed in 1850-51. Scale me s=] Inch. Hach Sheet. ’ eal 0 5 A ie 8 F Central India. Map of the District of Jubbulpoor in the Saugor and Nerbudda . s, 1841. Scale 4 miles—1 inch aicalin? 42 oO 2 12 3 re) h Map of Saugor and Dhamoh, in the Saugor and Nerbudda | s, 1853. Scale 4 miles=-l inch , 5 eh 3 to) 4 ty) 4 a5 of the Sohagpoor and Ramghur Districts in the Saugor and da Territories 1852. Scale 4 miles==1 inch , eit 6 0 7 ry) 7 4 setch Map of Seonee and Mandlah Districts. Scale 4 miles=\ incline |e eg ° 4 re) 4 4 . | y J lable Bengal District Maps on the Geographical Scale of 4 British | Miles—1 Inch, lithographed in England. : nnahs, pi eke! 3 Co) Do aauproies ole Sys Ey 2 co) 3 0 3 4 edabaal, y 0 3 0) 3 4, ety ha 3 0 iad yl oom, P lal ecko: 3 (9) 3°. A orah, (Preliminary Map,) 2 0 3 ; ° 3 4 pore and Hijellce, in 1 Sheet, 9 oO =} o |. 3 as e, C0) 3 0) : 4 ttack, . 2 ) 0 3 0 3 A nghyr, : Pal FS 3 of} 3 a se -* SEPT Bt oF 4s 4 har, 2 fe) 3 0 ) B Rh A run, ‘ . 27°90 3 o| 3 4 thoot, 2 re) 3 oO oS 4 neah, 2 ce) 3 oO : 4: dah, v 9 oO : oO a i ishahee, : 7 a 3 o} 3 4 tbnah, (Preliminary Map,) i 2 oye 3 0 3 4 derah, (ditto ditto,) Asian Samet : 2 0 3 0 € 4 tions of Pubnah and Mymensing Districts, (ditto ditto) 9 0 8 a) 3 hs ttagong, 2 (0) 3 9) 3 4 alparah, 2 0 3 0 3 4 rung, a 2 oO 3 oO 3 4 lowoong, 2) 0 2-18) yi 0) Behar, comprising Districts Behar, Shahabad and Patna, 5 “6 Prd vi 8 & fo fish Sikhim, co.mprising the Darjeeling Hill Territory, ke; tT ao Lille 2 0 the Seale of 2 Miles=1 Inch. ‘ a On the of Lk = 6 > 8 8 O: Shaki muhul Hills or Damin-i-koh, * ; 1 ok ra) 3 B} 3 s Hable District Maps of the North-Western Provinces on the Geogra- ; 9 »Pyriti jles—=1 Inch. i k » phical Scale of 4° British Miles= | 5 a Slee eke e eeoetee adda Dad, oy 4) 3 vy. | oO 2 12, 3 107 ; ~ 9 Ge eon le 3 fa) ire Fe ee en ae ae OR We , : 2 | 0 Pog egies il 4 a, (Hansi, Hissar.) ne beng ol @ 142 3 d ana or Sirsah District, : a 9 o | 3 overs | 4 ve and Mairwhara, ae 5 lable District Maps of Yhe North Western-PPovinces on the Scale of\ . K _ : ree 3 ay bie Fe » + e _-2 Miles=1 Inch, showing Village Boundaries. eros 6 lana faa a fo : : c Sas G o. | @./12) 4 | 4 ESD + 4 | j Se ls ed ee ee ee * Lithographed in Caleutta, } a a“ = . ee ° 2 DEscRIPTION OF Mars. Colored and unmounted. ° District Maps of the Punjab on the Scale of 2 Miles=1 Inch, shewing| p. Village Boundaries. Jullundhur, PS 3 Hooshiyarpoor,, 3 Umritsur, ° 3 Seealkot, , 3 Goojranwallah, OS gis Goojrat 3 Thanaisur is 3 Perguinah Maps. The whole of the Pergunnah Maps of the following Dietites on the scale of 1 Mile to the Inch, shewing Village’ Boundaries, have been lithographed, and are available:— + Nuddeah . .. each Pergh. Map 2 Moorshedabad ov re hoon Hijellee am m1 2 Chittagong, ‘ 5 a 2 Pooree, 3 EX. is 2 Tirhoot, ‘ ses ” 2 Beerbhoom, \ ee .; S, 2 Rajshahee, BN Bs 2 Pubnah, fe ss 2 Maldah, 7: a? 2 Bograh, 7 4 2 Midnapore (6 Pergh. Maps only) ¥; Bs 2 Monghyr * (3 2 a Fs 2 Tipperah * (7 = ) Seale 4 Mile—1 Inch) ,, 2 eCuttgck , (3 ) 2 med With the exception of 4 Perghs North of the augulpoor, Ganges 9 ni Be } In progress, Maps being Waphiet. 3 2 Available Rohileund Division Pergunnah Maps, Ne orth, Western Provinecs. Scale + Mile=1 Inch, cl prhee Village Boundaries. Pergunnah Gudderpoor Pas 4 2 Ditto Kauber and Sirsawan 2 Ditto | Chowmailha 2 Ditto cs A ten ) #4 2 Ditto Jehanabad (Sheet No. 1, nee = 2 Ditto ditto (Sheet No. 2.) ( culah Bareilly) 9 Ditto _ Kilpooree = 2 Ditto Nanuk Mutha a ¥ 2 Ditto | Roodurpor nade cm eate: ped 2 Ditto Bilheree cheat . 2 Ditto Bazpoor (as Vill ° 2 Ditto Sessa oor illages in z Be 2 Portions of Voredt, Lands belonging to Porgunnah i |i Mprad- Kasheepoor. Scale 1 Mile=Inch bla ‘leg Pergunnah Juspoor (4 Villages in) ®. The Allotments of the Government Vorest im Pat Zillah Shahje- |* gunnah Poorunpoor Subna xy hgnpoor, "1 Tie Eastern Division of Pergunnah Chiikata) . a Bhabur, in 2° Sections 1 The Western Division of ditto vf ‘te The Kumaon Bhabur or Forest of Pergunnahs Kealee,|* ‘ Kumaon and Dhyanerao, in 3 Sections ~ - sie ie 1 The Portion of Kotah Bhabur, lying between the aie Bhukra and Dubka Rivers, in 2 Rections le “The Kptah mee between the Kosee and Dubke cal Uiters oe acm The Pilleebheet Forest and ¢ ‘Villages. adjoining, ane the Rise and Position of the Mala Swamp fe 1 The Forest in Pergunnah Ufzulgurh, Zillah Bijnour, ra 1 : 1 Tne Bijnour Forest. Scale 1 Mile—1 Inch, in 2 Sections peed rs SERS oooocoooocooceooo oo .0 000 © © © Choe co Si tot E Pricr., Colored ars] Col folded in + = on Book fashicti., Rollers. 4 Description or Maps. PS ileund Division River Survey Maps. Scale } Mile=1 Inch. f Deoha River, shewing the adjoining Vi aan g q g Villages of Pergunnahs ages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, i ar Ahar and Seanah, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and gf Uae ah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad, Hlages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River in ahs Pooth and Gurmookteshur, and part of Pergunnah Kethoor, Meeruth, and a parttof Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad us Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, “in ah Bashta, Zillah Bijnour and part of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, loradabad, Pergunnah Hustinapoor, Niloha, ‘and part of Per- Kethoor, Zillah Meeruth. s an mnahs Moradabad and Surkurrah, Zillah Moradabad, 5 oe ’ we Villages situated on the Banks of the Ramgunga River, rgunnahs Barrapoora, Sheirkote, Sehorah and Ufzulgurh, Zilla our, a Rowileund Division River Survey Maps. Seale 1 mile==1 Inch. Ramgunga River, and adjoining Villages of Pergunnah thanpoor, 3 i Rameunga River, antl adjoining Villages of Pergupnahs milee, Aonla, Crore and Fureedpoor, District Bareilly, and Sulaimpoor istrict Budaon, mmnahs Fyzpoor, Budreea, Zillah Etah, and Suheswan, Zillah a0n mnnahs Aolayee and Nidhpoor, Zillah Etah,and Pergunnahs Ooj- e, and part of Ooseith, Zillah Budaon, oa ” Villages situated on the Banks of fivers Ganges and igunga, in Pergunnahs Kumpil and Islamgunj, Zillah Furruckabad, nah Mehriabad, Zillah Shahjehanpoor, and part of Pergunnah , Zillah Budaon, ms he Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in mnahs Daranuggur, Bijnour, Maridawar, Keeruthpoor, Nujecbabad, | Bijnour and in Pergunnahs Sumbulheera, Bookurheree, and Goor- , District Mgzutfurnuggur, %: Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges ‘River, in . a al s Rujpooruh and Asudpoor, Zillah Budaon, Geological Map. > ~ gical Map of the Northern Front of the Vindya Hills, extend- Allahabad to’ Rajmuhal, sHewing the position of all the known ds of that Tract,and also of the Silver, Copper, Lead‘ and ony Localities, as well as the principal Iron Imeasures; measuring lo inches by 3 feet 3 inches, and compiled on the seale of 8 =1 inch, = # a> > Cantonment, Oivil Station, and Aty Maps. : a ‘Cantonments and Park*of Barrackpoor. Scale 12 inches=1 mile, ... @ Cantonments of Cawnpoor. Scale 8 inches=1 mile, .....-.... tonments of Dinapore. Scale 10 chains= 1 inch, .....--.. on of Chittagong. Scale 440 feet to the inch,... ...--++eee1+ wn and Station of Guttack. Scale 20 chains—1 inch, ar i] Station of Kishnagurh. Scale 12 inches=1 mile, ;.....--++-- ttlementof Nainee Tal, Zillah Kumaon, Scale 8 inches=1 oa Villages situated on the Banks of the Ramgunga River, | nnahs Surkurrah, Moghulpoor, Ugwanpoor, Umrohah and | koordwarrah, Zillah Moradabad, and in Pergunnah Sehorah, “illah | poor, District Budaon, and Khera Bujhera and Mehrabad, District | Villages situated gn the Banks of the Ganges River, in| he “Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in mahs Anoopshahur and Dibaee, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and ed Price. Colored and unmounted, Rs. | As. I ra) 1 ty) am | ° 1 re) 1 nO Tee}. 0 3 1 (0) Li fo) 1 fe) Lei 6 1 re) 1 0 OPTS. | Ie hero | 4 fo) b fe) 4 ° 2 ro) 2 ee GEO) Ls Fors } (9) 2 {o) PRIcE. Colored and Colored folded n on ‘Book fashion.} Rollers. Rs. y|As! | Rs. | AS meet | 6) .w “3 ) Ce ee 5 8 6° oO 3 “4 37 § 53 2) 34 4 it 12 2 0 2 fs) 2x) 2 |he] 3°10 : iy at g e tailors 5 . - - Description oF Mars. eee ar wa 4 unmounted. |Book fashipn. 5 | Rs. 1 As.} Re. City of Juggernauth in the Pooree District. Seale 10 chains—1 inch.. i ta) 2 City of Gya ‘and Shahebgunj, in the Behar District. Scale $ ee mile. 1 ) 2 Town of Burdwan. Scale 12 inches==1 mile. , 4 (0) 5 Projected Plan of the Town of Rangoon 1853. Scale 20 ipphore mile, or 264 feet=1 inch. =: 2 0) 3 Index Map to the Locations at Darjecling. 2 Co) 3 Map exhibiting the position of the Collieries in the vicinity of Rane- | gunge. Scale : Tnches=1 Mile. 5 oe G Cy) 7 = eee ne iepraone from the Plains to Nainee Tal and Almorah, Zillah | Kumaon. Seale 1 mile=1 inch. 7 i. to) 2 Baraset Division in 4 Sheets. Scale 1 mile=1 inch. 6 0 8 The Engraved Indian Atlas Sheets. Scale 4 British miles=1 inch, based on “the Trigonometrical Survey. The following are av ajlable to the Public at 4 Rs. each Section, but to Officers of Government... 2 | 0 8 | Nnmber of the ro ts RYEYOR GIER: AL's OFFICE; . List of the Indian Atlas Sheets. ze aA 2 2 2 ' Containing what Districts or Places. Ss PS =) Fs ¢ 24 Dumaun, Gorah, Gumbheerghur. 25 | Bombay, Tunjecra, part of Southern Konkun, 26 | Rutnagheria. 38 | Nassuek, Arungabad, Dowlutabad. 39 | Poonah, Purrainda, Ahmednuggur, Mahabalesh- war. Sattara, Kolapoor, Beejapoor. | Gea, es war, Belgaum. . North Canara, Soonda, Bilghy, and North-West 4 of My sore, 43 Mangalore, South Canara, Coorg and South-West | of Mysore. re | Calicut, Cananore, Tellicherry,and part of Malabar. Loodhianah, Simlah, Kangra, Hoshiyarpoor, | Bishahir, Kasaoli. 48 | Kurnal, Saharunpoor, Umballah, Moztfurnugur, Dehra, Sirhind, Puttiala, Thaneysur. 49 Delhi, Meerut, Boolundshuhur, Goorgaon, Jheend, | Shujhur, Rohtuk, and part of Hurriana. 50} | Agra, Muthra, Bhurtpoor, Dholpoor, ond. parts of Allyghur and of Jeypoor. 54 Elichpoor, Gawulghur, Beitool, Aseerghur, Oomrauwutty. : 55 | Maiker, Bassim, Jalnah, Kfringa. 56 Oodgheer, Daroor, Kowlass, parts of Nundair, , Beder, &e. 57 Koolburga, Coileonda, Kullianee,"Mulkhaid, Nul- droog’ and part of Sholapoor. 53.) Raichoor, Moodgul, Davunkonda, Beltary, and 1 part of Kurnool. 59 | Chittledroog, Codyconda, Raidroog, Pennaconda, | Hossdroog, 60 | Mysore, Sermgapatam, Bangalore, Doastacram. Gr | Coimbatoor, Ootakamund, Hurdanhully ,Cl¥rpool- | Cherry and parts of Malabar and Salem. . 62 | Cochin, CoimbatoorPerk, Pulnee, Dindigul, and |” parts of Travancore, Tinnev elly, and Maduta. 63 | Cape Comorin, Tinnevelly, Quilon, ‘Trivandram, | 65 Daha, Chaprung, Garoo or Gartope. 66 Almorah, Sreenugur, and parts of Gurhwal and Bijnour. 40 | Ulwar, 457 _ Bareilly .Pilleebheet. Moradaliad,Rampoor, Budaon 131 . Muneepoor, Cachar. i (138 | Sudiya, Chilkoa or Shaikwa, Rungag | “and part. of Shajehanpoor. 68 | Furruckabad, Cawnpoor, Etaweh, Mynpooree, Fer ozabad, Bhind, aid part of Oudh Territory. =” rahe Calcutta, the 1st September 1858. ° o + e 2 ¥ ae Containing what Districts or Places B= A | - 69 | Jhansee, Kalpy, Banda, Dattia, Hum J aloun, and part of Gwalior. 70 | Saugor, Damoh, Huttah, Bejour, Belhari Punnah. f 72 | Nagpoor, Seuni, Comptah, Bundara, Or Chindwarra, Deoghur. q 73 | Chanda, Hingunghaut, Chamoory, Maniekd 7A | Eilgundel, Warungul, Maiduck, Mullan; | Ramgeer, Neermul, M ahadepoor. 75 | Hydrabad, Bongeer, Nalgunda, Davereond 76 | Ongole, Moralla, Paufaoor, Innaconda, 77 | Cuddapa, Nellore and part of North Ar 78 Madras, Arcot, Kestnagherry, Chittoor, Sadras. 79 eas icheaity” Tanjore, Tranquibar, Trichin 0 “4 Salem, South Arcot, Cuddalore, Porta } 80 ¢ Point Calymere, J wfnapatam, Ramnad, 81 | Tuticorin, Calpentyn. 88 Futtehpoor, Allahabad, haa ‘ Chunar, Roy Bareilly, Jounpoor, Soo 89 | Rewah, Raje rur, Bandoogurh, Burgowa, 94 | Rajamandry, Coringa, Hilo Contes conda. 95 | Masulipatam, Guntoor. ad 102 | Khatmandoo, Bettiah, Goruckpoor, Soo | (103 | Patna, Afimgurh, Dinapoor, . Avrah, 108 | Calingapatam, -Vi ingneat eps Ryaguddiai (112 | Purneah, Monghyr, Bhaugulpoor, Dur Chumparun, ; Tirhéot, Gazeepoor, Behar, Sasseram, 107 | Gafjam, Goomsurgurh, Hutgurh, Boad, Sohn] Ichapoor. ,- 109 | Vizagapatam, Cossimcotta. ‘ : 111 , Nathpoor, Atnarpoor, Siltim, Allygunj. 124 | Gwahatta, Goalpara, Nulkar, Kamroop, Nowgong.¢ - A25 Sulhet, Jynteah, Garrow Hills, Cossyah ¢ 130. Jorhat, Seebpogr, Ghergon, Lda 72 . “Nusserabad or Sowara. wi 129 | Sudiya, Rungpoor, Dibrooghur. 7 nath, Tezpoor. ° oil None of the remaining numbers” lished. . PRisteD BY Tuowss Jones, Bey@an Secretagrat Ofrics. La he Calcutta Oasette, Legislative Co | Tar 257n SepremBer 1858. i following Act, passed by the Legislative cil of India, received the assent of the Right able the Governor General on the 14th aber 1858 (communicated to the Legislative | on the 25th idem), and is hereby promul- or general information :— ie Ds | “AcyNo. XXXIV or 1853. » . . . let to regulate proceedings im Imnacy im the WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER. 6, 1858. mts of Judicature established by Royal Charter. ae ‘eras the several Courts of Judicature esfab- ; lished by Royal Charters With- in the British territoricsin India, ; are authorized and empower- F their respective Charters to appoint guar- Sand keepers of the persons and _ estates matics, and to enquire into, hear, and deter- questions of alleged Lunacy by inspection of werson or by such other ways and means by the truth may” best be discovered “and ; d whereas, according to the practice sf ourts, questions of alleged are amble, Lunacy ned by inquisition taken before a jury, and dient to lessen the cost and to’ alter the enquiry into such questions, and also to ver the said Courts to make provision for the 1 nagement of the estates of Lunatics ; It is das follows :— | , . lawful for any of the said Courts of Judicature, on ‘such, application ‘as is hereinafter mentioned, to make ayaorder directing an enquiry whether A (subject to the jurisdiction of the Court), allewed to be Munitie, is or 1s not of un- ind and Gheapable of managing himself faire, The order may also contain directions for ‘other enquiries br senguiry eoncerning the nature of the apg? property belonging to the mmatic, the persons who are his relatives kin, the time during which he has been mind, or such other matters as to shall seem proper. It shall be me. rb may order as to persons % insane. a fairs, | + unctl of Endta. % oo II. Application for such enquiry may he made by any persons related by blood or marriage to the al- leged Lunatic, or by the Ad- svocate General. III. The order made by the Court upon such application shall direct the en- quiry to be by the Court itself. It shall nevertheless be lawful for the Court, if it sce sufficient cause for so doing, to direct the enquiry to he executed in Cham- 2 Application —_ by whom to be made. Enquiry to be by the Court. Court may direct enquiry by a single Judge, bers before a single Judve of the Court. WResson-~ able notice of the time and place appointed for the enquiry shall be given to the alleged Lunatic. If it shall ap- pear that the alleged Lunatie is in such astate that personal ser- vice on him would be ineffectual, the Cours may direct such substituted service of the notice as it shall think proper. The Courf® may also, if it think fit, direct a copy of such notice to be served upon any person related by blood or mar- riage to the alleged Lunatic. If the enquiry be directed to be exeeuted before mand enquiry before. a single Judge, it shall be law- full Cour’ ful for the alleged Lunatie, at any time before the day fixed for the enquiry, to demand an enquiry before the full Court. In such ease the enquwry shall be by the Court, and a fur- ther day slfall be appointed for makine such en- quiry ; and in such case the Court may direct such further notices (if any) to be given, as it may think reqtisite. > TV. he Court may, at any time after the application, require the alleged Lunatic to attend at such con- venient time and sige _ Notice of enquiry to be given to Luna- tic. Service of notice. Lunatic may de- a] Court may, at any. time after the applt- cation,require attend- ance of Lunatie for the purpose of being personally examined. twenty miles.of the place of re- sidenee of the said Imnatic, as it may appoint, for the purpose gf being personally examined by the Cqurt or by any person from, whom’ the Court may desire to have a repert of themental capacity and condition of such alleged Lxunatie. Ve The Court may, likewise, at any time after And) may autho- the application for such erquiry, yize persons to have make an order yuthovizing any aceoss tothe Lunatic person or persons, to he therem for the purpose ,of jamed, to have ,access to the examination. * * alleged Lunatic for the purpose of a personal examination. 5 \~ iy, SN | VI. The attendance and examination of, the | iA alleged Lunatic under the pro- | visions of the two last preced- ing Sections, shall, if the al- | lezed Lunatig be a woman who, | according to the custom and | manners of the Country, ought not to be compelled | to appear in public, be regulated by the rales in force for the examination of such persons im other | cases. VII. If the enquiry is made by a Judge of the Court, the Judge e&eeuting the | Powers of Judge enquiry shall, while so employ- executing the enquic 64 have power (subject to the | . provisions of the last preceding Section) personally to examine the alleged Luna- tic and take such evidence, on oath or otherwise, and eall for such information as he may think fit or the said Court may direct in order to agcertain Rules respecting attendance and exa- mination where the alleged Lunatic is a woman of rank. ( 1960 | 6 ¢ ‘ new trial may give such directions regarding same as it shall see fit. p : XI. The Court shall make such order as Pe et ee Be id just respécting the of ay enquiry under this and ‘may include therem such remuneration Physicians and Surgeons as the Court, ‘having gard to the nature of the enquiry, shall deem req sonable. 2 XI. Finding of Court or report by Judge to be proceeded on, in regard to appowit- ment of Committees, as an inquisition. Tf no new trial be directed, the f of the Court to which ¢ plication for enquiry was if the enquiry have bee by such Court, or the re the Judge or the finding Court “to which the may have been referred wy - the provisions of Section VIII, as the caset 12 shall be of the same force and effeet,* and be ] ceeded on in the same manner in regard to tl whether the alleged Lunatic is or is not of un- sound mind, and shall have the like powers and authority as are or may be vested by law ina Judge or Master of the said Court for the investi- gation of matters referred to them by te Court. The Judge shall report to the Court the, resalt of the enquiry. e VIL. Ifthe alleged Lunatic be not within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court, and the enquiry cannot conveniently be made in either of the modes hereinbefore provided, the Court may direct the enquiry to be made before any principal Court of original jurisdiction in Civil cases with- in whose local jurisdietiqn the alleged Lunatic may be, and such last mentioned Court shall accordingly proceed to make such enquiry in the same manner as if the alleged Lunatic were subject to its jurisdiction, and shall certify its finding upon the matters of enquiry to the Court directing the enquiry. The evidence taken upon the enquiry shall be recorded by the Court in the English language in the form of a narrative ; and a copy thereof, certified by the Conrt, shall be transmit- ted, together with any remarks the Court may think fit to make thereon, to the Court Dy which the enquiry was directed. 9 IX. Ifthe report of the Judge pr the finding of a Court under the last pre- ceding Section appear to the Court directing the etfquiry to be defectiye or insufficient in point of form, it shall be lawful for such last mentiofied Court citer to amend the same or to refer it back to the Judge or the Court which madesthe enquiry to be amended. Court may in cer- tain cases direct en- quiry to be made before any principal Civil Court of origi- nal jurisdiction with- in whos local juris- diction the alleged Tunatic may be. If report of Judge or finding of Court appear defective or insufficient in form, it may be amended. X geit shall dye lawful for the Court, on the- application of the person at Court may direct é 5 : whose instance the order direct- new trial. + “the application of the alleged -Lunatic or of any ot his xelativescauthorized by the Court to make the aplication, to direct a new trial of the matters |, of enquiry according to the usual course and prac- tiee of the Court in directing new trials in Civil eases. If suchgapplication be granted ina case tried by a single Judge, the order granting the same shall diyect the enquiry to be made by the full Court. If the application be granfed in a case tried under Section VIII, the Cowrt directing the rs ing ‘an inquiry was made or on | mine what persons ¢ ang. may afterwards, fro pointment of Committees of the person and_ of the Lunatic, as the inquisition now accordir practice taken upon the oath of a jury. fe XI. It shall be lawful for the Court Orr sispotinnend ee appointment of Com Commies: the the person and estate + Contt may give cer- natic, to direct by th tam powers for ma- appointment, or by any § pa of Luna: quent order, that the pe ic’s estates. . ee ; whom the charge of the ¢& is committed, shall have such powers for th nagement thereof as to the Court shall s cessary and proper, reference being had tod ture of the property, whether moveable or moveable, of which the estate may consist. B such powers shall not extend to the sale or ¢ by way of mortgage of the estate or any pail thereof, or to the letting of any immoveable pr perty unless for a term not exceeding three XIV. The Master of the Court shall be liberty, without an orde reference, to receive a posal and condaet any @ respecting the manager the estate of a Lunatie, if such proposal rel any matter which the Committee of the esta not been empowered by an order under ¢ preceding Section to dispose of. The Masta lukewise, without reference, receive and, into any proposal relating to the sale or ¢ way of mortgage of the estate or of thereof, of to the lettine of any immoveal perty for a term exceeding three years. XV. The Master shall report to the C * ay * ff. . ‘ te caittnt ms SSS a deyupon the repdit Wiis = F of the Master. «Of this Act, make: suai i upon the report and vesp the costs, as shall, under the circumstances just. NG Master to deter- fas) aster to receive proposals concerning management, sale, &e., of estate, ; the matter of each | to attend at any en- quiry, at the eqst of the estate. to“%ime, determine whet one or more and (if an ' many and which of tives ot next of kin shall attend betore t at the cost of the estate, in. any proc nected with the management thereot ; and Appointment of Such relative or next : guardian of infant an infant, may from time relative. time appoint a fit person his guardian for the purposes of the Lunacy. we . 17 no 4 to it by petition concerning any matter whatsoever connect- 4 ed with the Lunacy, make rder, subject to the provisions of this Act, ecting the application and the costs thereof, he consequent proceedings, as shal}; under umstances, seem just. cation tofourt first instance. SVU. The Court may, if it appears to he ; just, or for the Lunatic’s hene- fit, order that any property, moveable or immoveable, of the Lunatic, and whether in pos- jon, reversion, remainder, comtingency, or ex- tancy, be sold or charged by way of mortgage erwise disposed of, as may seem most expe- for the purpose of raising money to be ap- for any of the following purposes':— jinatic’s property he sold for Fae ntenance, Ke. The payment of the Lunatte’s debts, in- g@ any debt incurred for his maintenance or wise for his benefit. ™ j . . . “The discharge of any incumbrance on his 8. The payment of or provision for the ex- nses of his future maintenance and the mainte- mite of his family, including the expenses of his moval to Europe, when he shall be so removed, all expenses incidental thereto. f.. The payment of the costs of any enquiry der this Act, and of any costs imeurred by order r under the authority of the Court. XIX. The Committee of the Lunatic’s estate’ shall, in the name and on behalf of the Lunatic, execute all such conveyances sind in- yuments of transfer relative to any sale, mortgage, Pother disposition of his estate as the Coyft shall der. In like manner such Committee shall, under the order of the Court, ‘ exercise all powers whatsoever asted in a Lunatic, whether the same are vested m for his own benefit or in the character of ee or guardian.» ~ Committee to exe- te conveyances. To execute powers. ‘ Where a person, having .eontracted to sell or otherwise dispose of his estate or ahy part thereof, afterwards i Court may, if the contract is such as the t thinks ought to be performed, direct the mittee »f the estate to exeepte such convey- ‘and to do such other acts in fulfilment of the yact as it shall think propes. — 3 XT, If a member of a partnership firm “be Monger of part- found Lunatic, the Court may, becoming on the application of the othex - yartners, or of any person who «.to'the Court to xe eatitled to reqnize the Ie, dissolve the partnership ; and thereupon or pa dissolution by deeree of Court or otherwise @course of law, the Committee of the estate m the name and on behalf of the Lunatic, hthe other partners in disposing of the ship property upon such terms, and shall a ¢h acts for carrying into eflect the disso- of the partnership, as the Court shall think rt may order mmance of con- : [ 1961 | Vil. The Court may, on application made | c ) NTI “Disposal of busi- ness premises. Where a Lunatic has been engaged in business, the Cowrt may, if it appear to be for the Lunatic’s benefit that the business pre- mises should be disposed of, order the Committee of the estate to sel ,and dispose of the same ; and the monies arising from such sale shall be applied in such manner as the Court shall direct. XXIII. Where a Lunatic is entitled to a lease or under-lease, and it appears may to be for the benefit of his estate that it should be disposed of, the Committee of the estate may, by order of the Court, surrender, assign, or otherwise dispose of the same to such person for such valuable or no- minal consideration, and upon such terms as the Court shall think fit. XXIV. Ifa Lunatic is possessed of any landed When Court of property situate beyond the Wardamay assume local limits of the jurisdiction charge of land be- ofthe Court, which, by the law longing to a Luna- jy force in, the Presidency tic. wherein such land is situated, subjectsthe proprietor, if disqualified, to the superin- Committee dispose of lease. > becomes, Lunatie, | tendence of the Coust of Wards, the said Court of Wards may assume the charge of such landed pro- perty and manage the same according to the rules for the time being in force for such management. Provided that in such case ne further proceedings in respect of the Lunacy shall be taken under any such law, nor shall it be competent to the Cours of Wards or” to any Collector to appoint a mimrdian of the person of the said Tuunatic or a managerof the estate, except of the landed property which 80 subjects the proprietor as aforesaid. Provided also : that the surplus of the in- tho-land, after pas- o, COM of such landed property ment of Goremment after providing for the dis- Revenue, &c., to be charge of the Government Re- disposed of as the yenue and expenses of manage- Supreme Court shall ent, shall be disposed of from a Ae time to time in such manner as the Supreme Court shall direct, and not other- Provisions “of thisy: W1S¢- Provided further that Section not to aflect nothing contained in this certain powers given Section shall affect the powers | tothaSnpreme Court given to the Supreme Court by basa * Sections XVIII, XIX, and XX of this Act or (except so far as relates to the | management of the said landed property which so subjects the proprietor as aforesaid) .the powers given by any other Section of this Act. XXY. Where any Stock or Government Se- 1 Stock transferable eurities or any Share ina Com- in Indh belonging to pany (transferable within the Lunatic may be or- said territories or the dividends dered to be trangfer- of which are payable there) 1s ss standing in the name of, or is vested in a Lunatic beneficially one getet, on > in a Committee of the estate of a Lunatic, or in a trustee for him, and the Committee dies intestate, or himself becomes Luriatic, or is out of the juris- } diction of the Gourt, or it is uncertain whether | the Committee be living or dead, or he neglects or | refuses to transfer she Stock, Securities, or Shares, | or to reeeive and pay the dividends to a new Com- mittee, or as he directs, within fourteen days after being reqaired by him to do so, then the Court may order some fit person to inake such transfer, > or to transfer the same, and to receive and pay over_ > | the dividends in such manner as the Court may Proviso. Surplus income of U direct; and such transfer or payment shall be valid and effectual for all purposes. XXVI. Where any such Stock or Government | . Securities or Share in a Com- | Stock of Lunatic ; : eu ‘ residing out of India, DPamy 18 standing in the name and not within the of, or vested Jnany person re- United Kingdom, siding out of the said 'Territo- may beordored tobe pies, and not in any part of the transferred. : United Kingdom, the Court, upon being: satisfied that such person has been declared of unsound mind, and that his personal estate has been, vested in a eurator or manager, according to the laws of the place wlfere he is residing, may order some fit person to make such transfer of the Stock, Securities, or Shares, or of any part thereof, to such curator or manager or otherwise, and also to receive artd“pay over the dividends and proceeds, as the Cowt may think fit; and any act done in pursuance of such order shall be valid and effectual for all purposes. XXVII. Court may in cer- tain cases apply pro- perty for Lunatic’s maintenance without appointing Commit- tee. SY If it appears to the Court, ving regard fo the situation and condition in life of the Lunatie and his family and the, other circumstances of the case, to be expediefit that his property should be ma€e available for his or their maintenance in a direct and inexpen- sive manner, it may, instead of appointing a “Committee of the estate, order that the property (ifmoney,) or (ifof any other description) the pro- duce thereof, when realized, be paid to such person as the Courf may think fit, to be applied for the purpose aforesaid ; and all payments so made shall Wa efod*discharge to the person makitig the same. , XXVIII. Ifit appears to the Court that the unsoundness of mind of a Lu- natic is in its nature temporary, and that it is expedient to make temporary provision for his maintenance or for the maintenance of his family, the Court may, in lke manner as under the last preceding Section, direct his property or a sufficient part of it to be applied for the purpose aforesaid. XXIX. When any person has been found of unsound mind, and it shall be shown to the Court, either on the : application’ of such person or of any other person acting on his behalf, or on the information of any other person, that there is reason. to believe that such unsoundness ef mind has ceased, the Court may make an order fgr en- quiry w hether such person is or is not still of un- sound mind and incapable of managing #imself and his affairs. The enquiry shall be condueted i in the same manner and subject to the same rules as are heveinbefore prescribed for an enquiry into ¢he unsoundness of mind of an alleged’ Lunatic; and ee pt it be found that the amsduindness of mind has ceased, the Court shell order all proceedings in the Like power in case oftemporary Lunacy. Superseding pro- ceedings in Lunacy. matter of the Lunacy to ccase or to be set aside on |+ such terms and conditions as under the cirenm- stanees of the case shalleappear proper. et “The Court may, from’ time to time, vat * make such orders, not inconsis- _ paer of Court tent with the provisions of this z Act, as shall seem meet for’ carrying ‘into effect the purposes of this Act, ands - for regulating the faode of proceeding boteat the . Court or before a Judge of the Court, or the * Master in mattefs of Lunacy, a | Judge or Recorder. by ts in | oa XXXII. Every power given Dy this Act to tl Powers of Master Master of any of the s Courts may also ebe exer a Judge of any of the Courts, and ales iW ii Court of JFudieatur Prince of Wales’ Island, Singapore, and M be exercised by the Recorder of the said ee of any division thereof. ’ XXXII. to be exercised by a Unless the contrary appears from context, the word “ Tama as used in this Act, shall mi any person found by dueteor of law to be of unsoun and incapable of managing his affairs. — + importing the singular n shall inelade the plural nu and words importing the plural number shal Interpretation. ca “ Lunatic.” Number. clude the singular number. Words imp ( ns . the masculine gender shal la Gender. clude females. : W. Morcax, Clerk of the Council. THe 25rn Serremper 1858, Tue following Act, passed by the Legi Council of India; received the assent | Right Honorable the Governor General on the Jah Septenther 1858 cone to the IL tive Council on the 25th idem), and is hereby mulgated for general information :— Act No. XXXV or 1858: An dct to make better provision for the car estates of Lunatics not subject to the jurisdiction’ the Supreme Courts of Judicature. Wifsreas it is expedient to make better. sion for the care of the esta Lunaties not subject to the ju ‘ diction of the Supreme Cow Judicature : and to prescribe general rules by the state of mind of persons not subject to suck diction, who are alleged to be Lunatic, \ enquired into and ascertained ; It is enacte ollows :— . Pr&mble. e kb. So much of Seetion V Regulation : F of Section IX Regulati Regulations repealeda 1803, of Regulation I ri and of Section XXIX Regul tion VIII? 1805 (extended to Benares by Se II Regulation V1. 1422), of the Bengal Coc so much of Sections VI and Vél Rega 1804, and of Séctions XX and XXII of t Regulation (as modified by Section IIL R X. 1831), of the Madras Code, as relate t ties or idiots—are hereby repealed. - * II. Whenever ‘any person not subject t jurisdiction of the 8 Courts, who is possess yeopefcy, is alleged to b natic, the Civil * Cour whose jurisdiction such is residing, may, upo applifation as is he mentioned, institute an enquiry for the of ascertaining whether such person is or unsound ine and ineapable of manag) affairs. Civil Court on ap- plication may insti- tute enguiry when a person possessed pf property is alleged to 4e a Lunatic. é a Application for such enouiry may be made ; by any relative of the alleged by Lunatie or by any Pubhe Cura- nade. tor appointed under Act XIX > aie of 1S4t1, or by the Government , if the property of the alleged Lunatic | whole or in part of land or any interest by, the Collector of the District ‘in svhich ute. Ifthe property or any part thereof meh a description as by the law in force in idency where such property is _ situate ubject the proprietor, if disqualified, to the endence of the Court of Wards, the appii- may be made by the Collector on behalt of ) gurt of Wards » When the Civil Court is ahout to institute any such enquiry as aforesaid, it shall cause notice to be given | to the alleged Lunatic of the | ea time and place at which it is d to hold the enquiry. If it shall appear that Ss the alleged Lunatic is in such } of notice. a state that personal service on | «i him would be ineffectual, the | {may direct such substituted service of the as it shall think proper. The Court may irect a copy of such notice to be served upon itive of the alleged Lunatic. The Civil So) a may require lance of, and futhorize per- o have access to ie for the pur- examiation, ; ‘of enquiry 0 Lunatic. Court may require the alleged Tanatie to attend at such con- yenient time and place>as it may appoint for the purpose of being personally examined by the Court or by any person from whom the Court may de- } sire to have-a report of the Bental capacity and condition of such alleged he Court may likewise make an order Bithorizing any person or persons therein named have access to the alleged Tamatie for the pur- @ of a personal examination. a atic. J. The attendance and examination of the i. bampocting alleged Lunatic under the gpro- Misco and ex. Visions of the last. preeeding fon where the Section shall, if the alleged @ Lunatic is 2 Lunatic be a woman who ac- ‘ Boof'rank, cording to the manners and ems of the Country ought not to be compelled Sapar in public, ,be regulated by the rules Sue for the examination of such persons 4m . vases. The Civil Court, if it think fit, may ap- point two or more* persons to act as Assessors to tie Court in the said thguiry. Upon the “completion -ef the enquiry, the Court shall determine whether is not. of unsound rind, as to the payment of the f the enquiry by the person Upon whose ap~ ion it was made, or out of the estate of the amatie if he be adjudged to be of ®nsound , or otherwise, as it may think proper. ointment 0 See er of Court. Alleged Lunatic is or may make such order ff. > If the alleged MLunatic reside at adlis- tance of more than fifty miles afthe Com- from the place where the Cwil Pe.” ‘ subor- Court to which the application — shall have been made 1s held, “Court: may issue a Commission to any mate Court to make the enquiry, and the said subordinate Court shall con- [ 1963 | ; duct the enquiry im the mater hereinbefore pro- vided. On the completion of . Ph the enquiry, the subordinate ; ; _ Court shall report its proceed- ings with the opinions of the Assessors if Assess- ors have been appointed and its own opinion on oh geen the case; and thereupon the brags Court. Report of subordi- nate> Court. Civil Court shall make such : order in the case as it may think proper. 1X. When a person has been adjudged to be of Mohasirient + On msound mind and incapable Lunatic's estate, if Of managing his affairs, if the consisting of proper- estate of such person or any A to Court of part thereof consist of property ; which by the law in force in any Presidency subjects the proprietor, if disquali- fied, to the superintendence of the Court of Wards, the Court of Wards shall be authorized to take charge of the same. In all other cases, except as other- wise hereinafter provided, the Civil Court shall ap- point a Manager of the estate. Any near relative of the Lunatic or the Public Curator, or, if there be no Public Curator, any other suitable person, may be appointel Manager. De In all other cases. Whenever a Manager of the estate of a : » Lunatic is appointed by the G Appointment of Civil Court, the Court shall wuardian by Civi : : Gua appoint a fit person to be ‘ Guardian of the person of the Lunatic. The Manager, unless he be the Pubhe Curator, may be appointed Guardian. Provided always that the legal heir of the Lunatin shall not in any case be appointed Guardian of his person. XI. If the estate consist in whole or in part of Moflieenient’y.” ot land or any interest in land not subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Wards, the Civil Court, not subject to Court instead of appointing a Mana- Mead ger, may direct the Collector to take charge of the estate, and thereupon the Collectot shall appoint 2 Managet of the property and a Guardian of the person of the Lunatic, All the proceedings of the Colleet- or in the charge of estates under this Act shall be subject to the control of the superior Revenue Authorities. If the person appointed to be Manager of the estate of a Junatic, or temuneration of the person appointed to be fae and Guar- Guardian of a Lunatic’s person, 7 shall be unwilling to discharge the trust gratuitously, the Court or the Collector, as the case may be, may fix such allowance or al- fowanees to be ‘pail out of the estate of the Luna- tic as, render the circumstances of the case, may be thought suitable. AILL Kunatic’s estate if consisting of land Proceedings of Collector subject to control of superior Revenue Authorities. i. The person appointed to hey Guardian of a Lunatic’s persom shall have “Duties of Guar- ghe care of his person and wor , maintenance. When a distinct Guardian is appointed, the Manager shall pay to the Guardian such allowange as shall be fixed by the Court or the Collector, as the case may be, for the maintenance of the Lunatic and of his family. XIV. Every Manager of the estate of .a- Luna- “ tia appointed as aforesaid may exercise the same powerg im the management cf the .estate -as might have been exercised by the proprietor if ~ ee , Powers of Mana- 5 gers. a ce r , La ae . ‘ {1964 | not a Lumatiec: and miay collects and pay all just claims, debts, and liabilities due to or by the estate of the Lunatic. But no such Manager shall have power to sell or mortgage the estate or any part thereof, or to grant a lease ofany immoveable pro- perty for any period exceeding five years, without an order of the Civil Court previously obtained. XV. Every person appointed by the Civil Court or by the Collector to be Manager of the estate of a Lunatic shall, within six months from the date of his appoint- ment, deliver in Court or to the Collector, as the Managers to fur- nish inventoryr and annual accounts. ease may be, an inventory of the landed property | belonging to the Lunatic and of all such sums of money, goods, and effects, as he shall receive on account of the estate, together with a statement of all debts due by or to the same. And every such Manager shall furnish to the Court or to the Col- lector annually, within three months of the, close of the year of the era current in the District, an account of the property in his charge, exkibiting the sums received and disbfrsed on account of the estate and the balance remaining in his hands. If any relative of the Luyatiec, or any pubhe Officer, by petition to the Court, shall impuen the accuracy of thie said inventory and statement, or of any annual account, the Court may summon the Manager and enquire summarily into the matter and make such order thereon as it shall think proper; or the Court, at its discretion, may refer any such petition to any subSylinate Court or to the Collector if the Manager was appointed by the Collector. e ¢ Proceeding if ac- curacy of inventory or accounts be im- pugned, XVE. All sums received by a Manager on. ac- count of any estate in excess of what may be required for the current expenses of the Lunatic or of the estate, shall be paid into the public Treasury on ac- count of the estate and may be invested from time to time in the public Securities. Manager to pay proceeds of estates into the Public Trea- sury. XVII. It shall be lawful for any relative of a Lunatic to sue for an account from any Manager appointed under this Act, or from any such person ‘after his removal from office or trust, or from his personal represent- ative in case of his death, in respect of any estate then or formerly under his care or management or of any sums of money or other property received by him on account of such estate. j Relative may sue for an account, ‘ . XVIII. The Civil Court, for any sufficient cause, may remoye any” Mana- ger appointed by the Court not being a Publfe Curator, and may appoint such Curator or any other fit person in his room, and enay compel the person so re- moved to make over the property in his hands to his suecessor, and to account to such successor for all monies received or disbursed by him, The Court may also, for any sufficierrt cause, remove any Guardian appointed by the Court. In like - manner the Collector for any Sufficient cause ma remove any Manager or Guardian appointed by the Collgetor, and the Court on the application of the Collector shall couppel any Manager so femoved to Removal of Mana- ger or Guardian, deliver his accounts and the property in his hands. | a oP ow XIX. The Ciyil Court may impose a fine € * a exceeding five hundred Rup on any Manager of there of a Lunatie whp wilfully lects or refuses to deliy: accounts or any property hands within the prescribed time or a time by the Cotut, and may realize such fine by a ment and sale of his property under the rul force for the execution of decrees of Court, and also commit the reeusant to close custody unt shall deliver such accounts or property. A Manager refus- ing to furnish ac- counts, may be fined by the Court, &c. ‘ XX. Ifit appears to the Civil Court, hi regard to the situation : dition in life of the Luna his family, and the amo description of his proper be unnecessary to appo Manager of the estate as inbefore provideds the may, instead of appointing such Manage that the property (if money) or (if of any other scription) the produce thereof, when realized, he to such person as the Court may think fit, applied for the maintenance of the Lunat family. Judge may in cer- tain cases apply prd- perty for Lunatie’s maintenance without | appointing any -\lanager, XXI. When any person has been adjud ” be of unsound mind andi ble of managing his a such person or any other acting on his behalf, or or claiming any interest pect of his estate, shall represent by petition, Civil Court, or if the* Court shall be info any other manner, that the unsoundness 0 of such person has ceased, the Court may inst an enquiry for the purpose of ascertainng such person is or is not still of unsound min incapable of managing his affairs. The shallee conducted m the manner provided tion IV and the four following Sections: Act; andifit be adjudged that such persot ceas@d to be of unsound mind and incapals managing his affairs, the Court shall make ano for his estate to be delivered over to him, and ¢ order shall be final, : € Procedure for de- livery of estate to a person §vho has ceas- ed to be of unsound mind, 4 * 7 XXII. Except as otherwise herein pro all order& e@aade by a Court or by any sub Court under this Act, s open to apppal tinder the rules in force for in misceYancous cases. j ®rders to be open to appeal. , = . XXIII. The word “Iamatie,” as used in OR a * — Act, unless the contrary q mae ; from the context, shall f every person found course of law to be of unsound mind and in “of managing his affair expression “ Civil Cou * mean the principal Court of original jurisdi the District. Words imp ihg tfie masculine gend » Civil Court.” e Gender. inelude females, _ W. Moroas,. so6t il Clerk of the Bs 1 ‘ Twe 25TH Septumprr 1958, owing Act, passed by the Legislative of India, received the assent of the Right able the Governor General on the 14th Sep- 3 S58 (communicated to the Legislative on the 25th idem), and is hereby promul- ed for ‘general information ;— Acr No. XXXVI or 1858. / An Aet relating to Lunatic Asylums, REAS it is expedient to provide for the re- ception and detention of Lu- naties in Asylums establish- . ed for that “purpose; It is as follows :— » eam ble. ~The Executive Government of any Presi- / dency or place, witk the sanc? tion of the Governor General of India in Council, may esta- blish Asylums for the reception and detention of Lunatics at aces within the limits of the said Govern- bas may be deemed proper. Any such Execu- Government may also, if it think fit, grant to any private persons for the establish- “such Asylums within the said limits, and Withdraw such licenses. The for the ma- ¢ Asylums a established Government or be licensed. & management of every Innatic Asylum and the care and cus- tody of its inmates shall be et be regulated according to such ent, rules as shall from time to time be sanctioned by the Execu- Government. The Executive Government of shall appoint for every Asylum not less than three visiters, one of whom at least shall be fedical Officer. The Inspector of Jails (where h office exists) shall be a visitor ex-officio of all Asylums within the circle of his inspection. ppointment = i. Two or more of the visitors, one of whom : shall be a Medical Officer, shall, thly inspection once at the least im every eo. month, together inspect every tof the Asylum or Asylums of which they are and see and examine, as far as ¢ircum- will permit, every Lunatic therein, and the "and certificate for the admission of every tie admitted since the last visitation of the rs; and shall enter in a book to be kept for purpose any remarks which they may deem rin regard to the management and condition @ Asylum and the Lunatics therein. 1S THR © It shall be the duty ofeevery Darogah a or District Police Officer to tig and apprehend and send to the’ Ma- Lunatics sistrate all persons found wan- to the Goring at large within his ‘ District who are deemed to be ies and all persons believed to be shee ih teagon of Lunacy.?, Whenever any such person as aforesaid is brought itifieate and or- hefore a Magistrate, the Magis- Meeeption in trate, with the assistance of a = Medical * Officer, shall examine son, and if the Medical Officer shall sign a fe in the Form A. in the Schedule to this e Magistrate shall be satisfied on personal C1965] examination or other proof that such person is a Lunatic and a proper person to be detained vader care and treatment, he shall make an order for such Lunatic to be received into the Asylum estab- lished for the Division in which the Magistrate’s Jwrisdictionis situate,or,ifsuch Lunatie is notanative of the country and the circumstances of the case so require, into a Lunatic Asylum at the Presidency ; and shall send the Lunatic insuitable custody to the Asylum mentioned in such order. Provided that, if any friend or relative of any Lunatic who isbelieved ecient cae to be dangerous shall undertake Lunatic may becom- #2 writing to the satisfaction of mitted to the care of the Magistrate that such Luna- his friends or rela- tie shall be properly taken care tives. of, and shall be prevented from doing injury to himself or others, the Magistrate, instead of sending him to an Asylum, may make him over to the care of such friend or relative. Provided also that, if any such friend or,relative shall desire that the Lunatic may be sent to a licensed Asylum instead of the public Asylum of the Division and shall engage in writing to the satisfaction of the Magistrate to pay the expenses which may be incurred for the lodging, mainte- nance, medicine, clothing, and care of the Lunatie in such ‘Asylum, the Magistrate may send the Lunatic to the licénsed Asylum mentioned in the engagement. V. If it shall appear to the Magistrate, on the In case of neglect Teport of a Police Officer or the or cruel treatment of information of any other per- a Lunatie,Magistrate son, that any person within the may order relative, Jimits of his jurisdiction deemed SS Penne Lhe Dapaes im gine eee proper care and control, ov is cruelly treated or neglected by any relative or other person having the charge of him, the Magistrate may send for the supposed Lunatic, and summon such relative or other person as has or ought to have the charge of him; and if such relative or other person be legally bound to maintain the supposed JLuna- tic, the Magistrate may make an order for such Lunatic being properly cared for and treated, and, if such relative or other person shall wilfully neglect to comply with the said order, may com- mit him to jail for a period not exceeding one month. If there be no person legally bound to maintain the supposed Lu- /natic, or if the Magistrate think fit so to do, he may pro- ceed as preseribed in the last preceding Sectien, and upon being satisfied in manner aforesaid that the person deemed to be a Lunatic is a Lunatic and a proper person to-be detained under care and treatment, may make an order for his reception into such Asy- Det vo fepord lum as aforesaid. i shall be neglecr the duty of every : Darogah or r > District Police Officer to report to the Magistrate every such case of neglect or cruel treatment as aforesaid whith may come to his knowledge. VI. Allacts which the Magistrate is autho- rized or required to do by the two last preceding Sections, Presidency Towns and ™8Y be done in the Presiden- Straits Settlement. cy Towns and the Stations of ' the Straits Settlement by the Cemmissioner of Police; and all duties whicha Darogah or District Police Officer is authorized or required to perform, may be performed in any of Or sent to a licens- ed Asylum. If no person bound to majntain him, Ma- gistrate may make an order for his recep- tion in Asylum. Commissioner of Po-? lice, Kc. to act in the t the said Towns and Stations by an Officer of the Polige Force not below the rank of Inspector. VII. Except as otherwise hereinbefore provid- ed, no person shall be received into a Lunatic Asylum im any Presidency ‘Town or in any Station of tke’ Straits Settle- ment without an order under the hand of some person in the Form B in the Schedule to this Act together with such statement of particulars as is contained in the said Form B, nor unless such per- son has been found Lunatic by inquisition or under an enquiry dirécted by an order of one of the Courts of Judicature established by Royal Char- ter, without the medical certificate containing the particulars in Form A in the Schedule to this Act, of two persons each of whom shall be a Physician or Surgeon, and one of whom shall be a Presidency Surgeon or a Surgeon in the employment of the Government. When such order is_ presented, the visitors or manager of the Asylum, before aflmit- ting the Lunatic into the Asylum, may eequire the friends of the said Lunatic to engage to pay | the expenses which may be incurred for the lodg- ing, maintenance, clothing, medicine, and, care of the Lunatic, unless it shall appear to the said visit- ors that they have not sufficient means of dome so. Oyder and certificate in Presidency Towns & Straits Settlement. ; VU. Clause 1.—In places “other than those specified in the last’ preced- ing Section, no person shall be received into a Lunatic Asylum, except as otherwise hereinbefore provided, with- out an order of the Civil Court. Tn places other than Presidency Towns &e., no person to be received into Asylum without or- der of Civil Coust. Chiusf 2.—When any person has been 4&djudged to be a Lunatic, and a guar- dian for such Lunatic hag been appointed by the Court of Wards or the Collector or by the Civil Court, if such euardian shall desire that the Lunatic be admitted Application for order by whom to be made where guardian has been appointed. [ 1966 | | order of discharge shall be immediately co | gistrate or Commissioner of Police, if he t e Clanse 4.—Whepeyer the J udge shall m order for the reception of any son into a Lunatic Asylur shall, at the same tyne, ordet for the payment of the expenses to be 3 red for the lodging, maintenance, cléthing, cine, and care of such person, and such e shall ly; recovered by the Judge on the appli of the visitors or manager of such Asylum, vided however that, if it appear to the satisfaction” Judge that the Lunatic has not sufficient proy and that no person legally bound to maintat said Lunatic has sufficient means for the pa of such expenses, he ‘shall certify the same order for the reception of the Juunatie Asylum, instead’ of making such order for t ment of expenses as aforesaid. y IX. It shall be lawful for three of the ¥ * Order of ‘diss of any Asylum, of whom 0 charge from Asy- be a Medical Officer, by lum. under their hands, to_ discharge of any person detained in such When such order is given, if the person is de under the order of any publie Officer, notice Order for pay- ment of expenses. Proviso. eated to such Officer. oy X. When any relative or friend of a B Dita: ofp tie detained in any Asylum the provisions of Section tion V, or Section VF) for due treatment Act, is desirous that sucl of the Lunatic. should be delivered over 4 care and custody, he shall make apphieation Magistrate or Commissioner of Pohets whose order the Lunatic is detained, and 11 charge on under- taking,of relative after communication with the yisitors or 4 of them being a» Medicai Officer, and 1 undertaking in writing of such relative 0 to the satisfaction of the said Magistrate or" missfoner that sueh Lunatie shall be pro into a Lunatie Asylum, he shall make application to the Civil Court, and the Judge with the assist- ance of a Medical Officer shall examine such Luna- tic, and if the Medical Officer shall sign a certificate in the Form A in the Schedule to this Act, and the Judge shall be satisfied that the Lunatic is a proper person to be detained under care and treatment m a Lunatic Asylum, he shall make an order for such person to be.received into the Asylum establizhed {or the Division in which his jurisdiction is situate, or, if he think fit, into any leensed ‘Asylum men- tioned in the &pplication. 4 Clause 3.—If any relative or friend of any per- , son for whom a guafdian has Application where jot heen appointed by the Court | Zi ie hasbeen GP Wards or the Collector or by a ; the Civil Court, desires that such . person may be admitted into a Lunatic Asylum, hel, may make application to the Civil Court, and the Judge, if he see sifflicient reason for so doing, shall | enquire into the fact of Lunacy in the same man-’ | ner as if ‘an application had been made to the Civil Court under the’provisions of Section IT of At XXXV of 1S58 entitled * An Act to make | hetter provision for the care of the estates of Lu- natics ‘not subject to the jurisdiction of the Su- preme Courts of Judicature’; and if the Lunacy he established, the Judge may then progeed in ‘the | manfier* prescribed im the second Clause of this Section. ¢ ° Pas, takgn care of and shall be prevented f¥o: injwy to himself or others, shall make an ord the discharge of such Lunatic, and such I shall thereupon be discharged. ee XI. The Inspector of Jails may diree q moval of any Lunatic fro public Asylum to any ot hie Asylum ith the his inspection, and such oro be sufficient authority for t moval of such Lunatic, | for his recéption into the Asylum to whi ordered’to be removed. i. XII. If, after the reception of any Ta ,, thy Asylum, ‘it appear ‘Amendment: of - order or the medical cert order or certih- ns : ; ving , certificates upon which | , ceived is or are defect rect, the same ,may at any time aft amended by the person or persons si same With the sanction of two or more « sitors of the said Asylum, one of whom Medical Oflicer. " XM. Every person received into Cortificate ana Asylum under any sué order to justify 8 required by this detentionand re- nied By the requisite capture after es- tificate, may be détai cape. until he be removed o as authorized by this Act, and in ease of ¢ ‘ Inspector of Jails may make order of removal eo . fiom one public Asylum toanother. € a 4 ° : irtue of such order, be re-taken by the » thereto, or any other person authorized Hf hy the said manager, or any Police nd conveyed to and received and detained sylua. When any Lunatic is sent toa licensed | Asylum by order of a MagiStrate ny é cases or Commissioner of Police under oe to Section IV, Section V, or Section e - Tip Petty : Bena: V1 of this Act, and whena Lunatic is admittedinto such Asylum under Section VIT or an order for tne of a Lunatic is made under Section VIII engagement has been taken from the of the Iuunatic or order made by the Judge payment of expenses under the said Section Section VIII respectively, the expense of the maintenance, clothing, medicine, and care Lunatic shall be paid by the Govern- ) the manager of such Asylum. f. The Magistrate or Commissioner of Po- lice by whom any Lunatic has been sent to a Lunatie Asylum, if it appear to such Magistrate or Commissioner that such Lunatic has an estate applicable to his maintenance and more than sufli- cient to maintain his family, or in that any person is legally bound untain and has the means of maintaining such tic, may apply to the chief Civil Court of ori- mrisdiction within the local jurisdiction of he estate of the Lunatic may be situate or rson legally bound to maintain him may re- and such Court shall enquire into the matter summary way, and on being satisfied that such atic has an estate applicable to his maintenance, ut any person is legally bound to maintain has the means of maintaining such Lunatic, make an order for the recovery of the chafges e lodging, maintenance, clothing, medicine, sare of such Lunatic out of such estate, or such person. Such order shall be enforced in Same manner and shall be of the same force effect and subject to the same appeal as any ent or order made by the said Court in a suit in respect of the property or person » mentioned. Any personal property which ein the posscssion of a Lunatic found wan- @ at large may be sold by the Magistrate and oceeds thereof (or such part of -the same as je necessary) applied towards the payment » charges of the lodging and maintenance of Court, on n of Ma- e, ma order for dhe feost of lance out % Uiunatic’s matic, and of any other expenses incurred on behalf. q VI. The liability, of any relative or person to maintain any Lunatic shall not be taken away or affected to by any provision contained in- this Act. Nothing contained in this Act shall be taken to interfere with the ower of any of the Courts of Judieatire established by Royal Charter over any person found to be Lunatie by inquisition der the provisions of + Act XXXIV_ of 1855 fing of liabi- { relatives tain Lunatic. of Act IV ry {Ban y mittee of the person sr estate cf such Lunatic ; or to : “ 3 . ‘of such Asylum, or any Officer or servant affect the provisions of Act LV of 1549 entitled « An Act for the safe custody of Criminal Lunatics.” XVIII. The word “ Lunatie,” as used in this Act, shall mean and include every person of unsound mind, , and every person beg an idiot. “ Magistrate” shall include a person exercising the powers of a Ma- gistrate. Interpretation. « Lunatic.” The word “ Magist ate.” SCHEDULE. FORM A. or Meptcat Orricer—(See Sections TF and TITl) 1, the undersigned, (here enter name and official designation,) hereby certify that I, on the day of at , personally examined (here ‘enter name and residence of Lunatic) and that the.said is a Lunatic (or an idiot, or a person of unsound miixl) and a proper person to be taken charge of, and detained under care and treatment, and that I have formed this opinion on the following grounds, namely :— Centrricate . . + . % . }. Facts indicating insanity observed by myself (here state the facts) 2. Other facts (if any) indicating insanity com- municated to me by others (here stale the informa- tion and from whom.) (Signed) —— FORM B. QnRpER FOR THE RECEPTION OF A PRIVATE PATIENT — (See Section VIT) 1, the undersigned, hereby request you to re- ceive A. B., a Lunatic, [or an idiot, or a person of unsound anind,| as a patient into your Asylum. Subjoined is a Statement respecting the said A. B, (Signed) Name. Occupation (if any.) Place of abode. Degree of relationship (if any), or other circum- stance of connexion with the patient. Dated this day of thousand eight hundred and one To , Superintendent of the Asy- lum at (deseribing the ~dsylum.| c STATEMENT. [Iv ANY OF THE PARTICULARS IN THIS STATEMENT BE NOT KNOWN, THE FACT TO BE SO STATED.] Name of patient, with Christian name at length. Sex and age. ‘ Married) single, or widowed. < Condition of life, and previous occupation (if any.) ate |” The religious persuasion, as far as known. , | Previous place of abode. 5 Whether first attack. | _Age (if known) on first attack. When and where previously under care and x < An Act to regulate proceedings in yin the Courts of Judicature established il Charter,” or with the rights of any Com- treatment. * ; > ie Duration of existing attack. » Ten ‘ [ 1968 ] Supposed cause, © Whether subject to Epilepsy. Whether suicidal. 4 Whether dangerous to others. Whether found Lunatic by inquisition or en- quiry under order of Court and date of Com- mission or order for inquisition or enquiry. Whether any member of patient’s family has been or is affected with insanity. (Signed) Name. Where the person signing the statement is not the person who signs the order, the following particulars cancerning the person signing the statement are to be added; namely, * Occupation (if any.) Place of abode. Degree of relationship (if any,) or other cireum- stances of connexion with the patient. W. Morcan, Clerk of the Council. = Tue 25tu SepremBer 1S)58. Tre following Bill was read a second time in the Legislative Council of India on the 25th Septem- ber 1858, and was referred. to Select Committee who are to report thereon after the 29th of Novem- ber next :— A Bill to provide for the punishment of breaches. of contract by Artificers, Workmen, and Laborers in certain cases. Wuereas much loss and inconvenience are sus- tained by manufacturers, trades- men, and others in thé-several Presjdeney Towns of Caleutta, Madras, and Bom- bay, from fraudulent breach of contract on the part of Artificers, Workmen, and Laborers who have received money in advance, on account of work which they have contracted to perform; and whereas the remedy by suit in the Civil Courts for the reeovery of damages is wholly insufficient, and it is just and proper that persons guilty of such fraudulent breach of contract should be sub- ject to punishment ; It is enacted as follows :— I. When any Artificer, Workman, or Laborer i Worlenel hep. shall have received from any lect to perform work Master or Employer yesident on account of which or carrying on business in any he has received an Presidency Town, an advance advance of money, of money on account of any compluint, may be work whith shevslialle HisWouton- made to Magistrete. < : ; im. tracted to perform, or to get performed by any other Artificers, Workmen, or Laborers, if such Artificer, Workman, or. Laborer shall wilfully and without lawful or reasonable ex- euse neglect or refuse to perform or get performed such work according to the terms of his .con- tract, such Master or Employer may complain to a Magistrate of Police, and the Magistrate shall thereupon issue ? summons ora warrant, as he shall think proper, for bringing before him such Artifieer, Workman, or Laborer, and shall hear and determine the ease. Preamble. Ii. ifit shall be proved to the satisfaction of 4 the Magistrate that such Arti- | Magistrate may ficer, Workman, or Laborer has order repayment of advance or perforin- anc: of contract. a a we without lawful or - receivedimoney in advance from the complainant on account ef any work, and has wilfully and reasonable excuse neglected or _ brought under the superintendence of the refused to perform or get performed the san cording to the terms of Ins contrac‘, the trate shall, at the option of the complamant, order such A on compe- astitute or uit without ticate. homay apply to rm to appoint a mto take charge property ec. . 9 what Court ap- ation to be made, rty be situate more than one strict. Inquiry tobe made Court on applica- Te mted. : D ear may appoint son Guard- alification or friend. Except in t eate of ad- ration to whom lertake the trast, the Court shal grant cate of administration to such person. is no person ng to und 9 be entruste tive or any othe o be Guardian of MI.. The Court may L 1969 } he case of,pro/prietors of estates | paying Revenue toGovernment, who have been or shall be taken under the protection of the Court of Wards, the care ofthe persons of all Minors, not being European British subjects, and the charge of their prSperty, ject to the jurisdiction of the Civil Court. Hvery person who shall claim aright to have charge of property in trust fora Minor under a Will or other Deed, or by reason’ of nearness of kin, or otherwise, may apply to the Civil Court for a Certificate of administra- no person shall be competent to insti- tute or defend any suit connect- ed with the estate of which he claims the charge, -or to give any legal discharge to the debt- ors of such estate, until he shall tained such Certificate. . «Any relative or friend of a Minor in respect of whose property such certi- ficate has not been granted, or, if the property consist in whole or in part of land or any inter- est in land, the Collector of the ict may apply to the Civil Court to appoint reon to take charge of the property and on of such Minor. , If the property be situate in more than one District, any such application as aforesaid shall be made to the Civil Court of the District in which the Minor has his re- sidence. I. When application shall have been made to the Civil Court either by a erson claiming a right to have charge of the property* of a Minor, or by any relative or end of a Minor, or by the Collector, the Court iil issue notice of the application and fix a day r hearing the same. on after as may be convenient, the Court shall ire summarily into the cireumstances and pass s in the case. VII. fit shall appear that any person claim- On the day so fixed, or as “ing a rightto have charge of the property of a Minor is en- titled to such right by virtue of a Will or Deed, and is willing a If go entitled, or if such person Is ertake the trust, and there is relative of the Minor who is willing and d with the charye of his property, rt may grant a Certificate to such relative. The Court my also if it think t fit, (unless a Guardian haye beens appointed by the father), ap- point such person as aforesaid or r-relazive or friend of the the parson of the Minor. call upon’ the Collector or Magistrate for a report on the character and qualification of any relative or friend of the Minor who may be desirous or willing to be entrusted with the charge of his property or person. IX. If no title ‘to a Certificate be established to the satisfaction of the Court by a person claiming under a Willor Deed, and ifthere be no near relative willing and fit to fit to be entrusted be entrusted with the charge of Yel Bee ope , the property of the Minor, and ee ; the Court shall think it to be necessary for the interest of'the Minor that provision should be made by the Court for the charge of his property and person, the Court may praceed to make such provision in the manner hercinafter provided. X. If the estate of the Minor consist of move- able property or of houses, gar- dens, or the like, the Court may grant a Certificate to the Public Curator appointed under Section XIX Act XIX of 1841, or if there be no Public Curator, to any fit person whom the Court may appoint for the purpose. XI. + Whenever of _ Proceeding if no title to a Certificate beestablished, and if there be no relative If estate consist only of moveable pro- perty, &.,Court may erant Certificate to Public Curator ct other person. the Court shall grant a Certi- ficate of administration to the estate of a Minor to the Public 5 Curator or other person as aforesaid, it shall at the same time appoint a Guar- dian to take charge of the person.and maintenance of the Minor. Tile person to whom a Certificate of administration has been granted, unless he be the Public Curator, may be appointed Guardian. If the person appointed to be Guardian be unwil- ling to discharge the trust gratuitously, the Court may assign him such allowance, to be paid out of the estate of the Minor, as under the circumstances of the case it may think suitable. XII. If the estate of the Minor consist, in re Cosenaa whole or in part, of land or Appointment Guardian. ~ consists of land, ny interest in land, the Court Court may direct may direct the Collector to take Collector to take charge of the estate, and there- charge of estate. upon the Collector shall appoint a Manager of the property of the Minor and a Guardian of his person, in the same manner and subject to the same rules in respect of such appoint- ments and of the duties to be performed by the manager and the Guardian respectively, so far as the same may be applicable, as if the property and person of the Minor were subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Wards. XIII. In all enquiries held by the Civil Court under this Act, the Court may make such order as to the pay- ment of costs by “the person on whose application the enquiry was made, or out of the estate of the Minor or otherwise as it may think proper. Payment of costs. XIV.” Whenever one or more of the proprietors ofan estate, which has eome~un- der the jurisdiction of the Court of Wardson account of the dis- qualification-of all the proprie- tors, ceases to be disqualified, and the estate, in consequence, ceases to be subject to the juris- diction of the Court of Wards, notwithstanding the ecntinued disqualification of one cr more of the co-proprietors, the Collector of the District in which the estate is situate, may represent the fact to the Civil Court ; and the Court; unless it see sufficient reason to the contrary, shall direct the Collector to retain charge of th> persons, end When an estate, some of the co-pro- prietors of which are still Minors, ceases to be subject to the Court of Wards, Civil Court may di- rect Collector to re- tain charge of shares > and persons of Mi- nors. n - , r + Sei of the shares of the property of the still disqualified | proprietors, during the continuance of their dis- qualification, or until such time as it shall -be | otherwise ordered by the Court. The Collector shall in such case appoint a Guardian for the care of the persons, and a manager for the charge of the property of the disqualified preprietors, in the | manner prescribed in Section XII. ) \ ' If the pro- perty be situate in more than one District, the | 1 representation shall be made by the Collector who had the ge- | /” yeral management of the pro- ee Ri es ie perty awdpy the Court of Wards, to the Civil Court of his own District, and the | orders of the Court of that District shall have | effect also in other Districts, in which portions of the property may be situate. XV. The proceedings of the Collector in Proceedines of the charge of estates under Canesten subject to this Act shall be subject to control of superior the control of the superior Revenue Authorities. - Provision for, case of estates situated in other property reéergd by him on account of such — estate. z XIX. If the disqualification of a pe be! for whose benefft a sw Continuance of have been instituted under Act, cease before the | decision thereof, it shall be] ful for such person toe cont the proseention of the suit on his own beh XX. The Civil Court for any suflicient may recall any Cert granted under this Act, an may direct the Collector . take charge of the estat may grant a Certificate to the Pubhe Cur any other persori as the case may be ; am compel the person whose* Certificate ha recalled to make over the property in his han his successor, and to account to such successor all monies received and disbursed by, him. | Court may also for any: st eclent cause remove any: suit institued under this Act after disqua- lification ‘shall have ceased. > Revocation of Cer- tificate. RemovalofGuardian. Revenue Authorities. XVI. The Public Cirator and every other Administrator to whom a Certificate shall have been granted under Section X shall, within six months from the date of the Certificate, deliver in Court an inventory of any immoveable property belonging to the Minor, and of all such sums of money, goods, effects, and things as he shall have received on account of the estate, together with a statement of all debts due by or to the same. And the Public Yurator and-every such other Administrator shall furnish annually, within three months from the | “close” of the year of the era current “in the District, an account of the property in his charge, exhibiting the amounts received and disbursed. on account of the estate, and the balance in hand. If any relative or friend of a Minor or any Public Officer, by petition 037 Publie Curator &e. to furnish inventory and annual accounts. dian appointed by the Court. “ * XXI1. The Civil Court may impose a fi exceeding five hundred Rupee on any person who ma) ly neglect or refuse to his accounts, or any p in his hands, within th scribed time, or a timeaf the Court, and may realize such fine by att and sale of his property under the rules in- for the execution of decrees of Court, and commit the reeusant to close custody w shall consent to delivef such accounts or pri XXII. Penalty for neg- leet or refusal to de- liver accounts or property. The Civil Court may permit an tN son to whom a certificat Civil Court may have béen granted under permit resignation of Act riot bene the Pa RE Act not being the Publie’ ‘ tor, and any Guardian app ed by the Court, to resign his trust, and may Proceeding if ac- curacy of inventory or account be im- pugned. the Court, shall impugn the ae- curacy of the said inVentory and statement or of any annual account, the Court may sum- mon the Curator or Administrator and enquire summarily into the matter, and make snch order thereon as it shall think proper, or the Court at its discretion may refer such petition to any subordinate Court. r : XVII. AM sums received by the Public Curator or such, other Ad- ministrator on account of any estate, in excess of what may be required for the current expenses of the Miner or of the estate, shall be paid into the public Treasury on Sccount of the estate, and may be invested from time to Public Curator &e. to pay proceeds” of estates into Treasury. Surplus funds to be invested in public Se- curities. time in the public Securities, : XVIII. It shall be lawful for any relative or friend of a Minor, at eny time during the continuance of the minority, to sue for an account £ from any Manager appointed under this Act, or from any person to whom a Certificate shall have been granted under the pro- visions of this Act, or from “any such Manager or person after his removal from office or trust, or frox‘his personal representative in case of his death - in respect of any éstate then or formerly under his care or management, or of any sums of money or ee Relative or friend may sue for an ac- count, him,a discharge therefrom on his aceounti his syecessor, duly appointed, for all monies r ed and disbursed by him, and making | property in his hands. XXIII. The Public Curator and every” Remuneration of Admiistrator to whom a Public Curator, Ke. tifieate shall have been Ore under Section X, shall tled to receive such * commission ‘not exceediy per centum on the sums received and disbu him, or such other allowance, to be paid ont the Minor’s estate, as the Civil Court think fit.” "Ta XXIV. Every Guardian aapointed: Giardiaiyso? Ma. 3 Court, or by the nors to provide for OF under “this Act, Wie their edueation. Act ~ haye charge of any male 2 XXVI ‘of 1854 de- shall be bound to provide claved applicable. His education ina suital her. The general superintendence and con the education of all such Minors shall be ve the Civil Court or in the Collector, as t maybe; and the provisions of Act XXVI (for making better provision for the education 0 Minors subject to the superintendence of the C Wards) shall, so far as is consistent provisions herein contained, be app the Civil Court, or to the Collector, as tl may be, in respect to such Minors, and. iF such Guardian. - tive [ 1971 . _AXV. For,the purposes of be this Act, every person shall be the held to be a Minor, who has Act. , not attained the age of eighteen pee 5 a Nothing in this Act shall authorize _, the appointment of a Guardian atho- sont of the person of a female wlose feer- husband is not a Minor, or the omen appointment of a Guardian of sons. the person of any Minor whose ing and is not a Minor; and nothing shall autherize the appointment. of other than a female as the Guardian afemale, If a Guardian of the person of a Minor be appointed during the minority of the father or husband of the Minor, the Guardianship shall _ ease as soon as the father or the case may be) shall attain the jority. All orders passed by the Civil Court or by any Subordinate Court ‘e under this Act, shall be open peal under the rules in force for appeals, in laneous cases, from the orders of such Court he Subordinate Courts. : (VIII. The expression “ Civil Court” as used > in this Act shall be held to mean the principal Court of ah original jurisdiction in the Dis- , and shall not include the Supreme Court; othing contained in this Act shail be held fect the powers of the Supreme Court over n or property of any Minor subject to its ction. Unless the contrary appears from ntext, words importing the singular number include the plural number, and words import- the plural number shall include the singular ber, and words importing the maseuline gen- shall inelude females. rp retation. W. Moreax, .~ Clerk of the Council. « Wome Department. ‘a . ; “No. 2210. Port William, the 5th October 1858.. + \ ation.—The Hon’ble tho President in ] is pleased to attach Messrs. W.G .L. Lane H. Pellew, of the Civil Service, reported fed for the Public Service, to the Bengal sion of the Presidency of Bort Wilham. ? x No. 2211. : Hlon’ble the President in Council is pleased ch Mr. G. BR. Elsmie, of the Civil Service, + qualified for the Public Service, xto the Western Provinces, the Punjab and Oude. i ; ; -u.—In Notification No. 2142, dated 21st on Mr. D. G. Burkey,” read Mr. D. G. ler of the Right’ Hon’ble the Governor on CrciL BEADON, Secretary to the Government of India. Mr. N. A. Garstin, Deputy Collector of Dinagepore, for two months on Medical Certificate, under Clause 2, Section V. of the | . Forcign Deparment. _ Fort William, the 5th October 1858. > No. 3370. Mr. A. Levien, Assistant Commissioner, Punjab, has obtained privilege leave for twenty days, from the 20th September last. . Creu Bravo, Offy. Secy. to the Govt. of India. Public Corks Department. ESTABLISHMENTS. No. 120. Fort. William, the 4th October 1858. Appointment-—Mr, J. Fennessy, Sub-Engineer, GENERAL: 3rd Class, Midnapdre Embankments, is appointed to the charge of the South Hidgellee Embank- ‘ments Division, as a temporary arrangement. , No. 12. The 5th Oatoler 1858. Leave of Absence-—The Hon’ble the President in Council is pleased to grant one month’s privilege he on Medical Certificate, to Mr. G. N. Dodd, 4th instant. xeeutive Engineer, 3rd Class, with effect from the ts ‘ R. Srracuey, AMajor, Off. Secy. to the Govt. of India. Rev ri gtcodee YP cheated! re «Is dete” Orvers by the Licut.-Governor of Bengal. No, 3551. , Apporntuents.— The 30¢h September 1858.—Mr. W. Vincent to be Lieutenant and Adjutant, o€ the y 2nd Bengal Police Battalion. The nd October 1858.—Mr. E. D. Lockwood to be Assistant tothe Magistrate and ColleetorofShahabad. Mr. J. A. Guise to be Civil Surgeon of Moor- shedabad. The Ath October 1858.—Mr. M. Ainger to be Re- ister of Deeds and Marriage Registrar at Hooghly. Leave or Apsence.—The 30th September 1858.— Magistrate and Deputy Un- covenanted Absentee Rules. The 1st October 1838.—Mr. T. C. Trotter, J udge of Behar, for one month under Section XII. of the new,revised Absentee Rules, in extension of the leave granted to him on the 11th ultimo. Baboo Shama Churn Chatterjee, Deputy Magis- trate andy Deputy Collector of Sythet, for three months, under Section VIL. of the revised Un- covenanted Absentee Rules, from the 23rd proximo. _ Synd Abdool Mujeed, Deputy Magistrate and De- puty Collector of Maldah, for one month anda half on Medical Certificate, under Clause 2 Section V. of the Uneovenanted Absentee Rules, in extension of the leave granted to him on the 19th’ of June last. Moulavy Syud Ally Mahomed, Law Officer of the 24-Rergunnahs, for one> month and three days, under Section VII. of the revised Uneove- nanted Absentee Rules. , E Norrrication.—The 2nd Cetober \S58.—Bahoo Ba- neenauth Bose, Sudder Ameen and Suddex M oonsiff of Nuddea, joined his appointment on the 27th altimo, from which date the unexpired portn of the jeave granted to him wn the LUth idem is cancelled. . The Vth October VS55.—-The leave granted to Mr. W. J. Ellis, Medical Offictr of Maunkhoom, on the 13th ultimo, is cancelled at his request. x yn V4 : : , | 1972 | « No. 3554. Norttrication.—The 5th October 1858.—It is hereby notified that Act XX ‘6 pee of 1856 shall have effect from Bunhoogly. this date inthe Suburbs of Cal- Burranngeur. ; “ee Raitl: Novcayeicie cutta noted in the margin, with Palparrah, a view to their being added to Pie Pama, the Union, for the purpose of Podrah., i by Notif Moodie Allee. the Act declared by Noti ca- Fol tion, No. 369 of the Ist April Titel, 1857, which was published at ees page 567 of Government Gazette Snes } of the ith idem. : dll ha Under Section 4 of Act XX of mnyepore, Bie ig Ye fae : ; Entalizhattah, 1856, it is hereby notified that Talecgunge, the limits of the said Union are Russa. Burabagaun. Auruckpore. Gohindpore. Dhakooreah. the limits laid down as the outer limits of the said several Suburbs and of those mentioned in the Notification cited above in the Maps of the Government Revenue Survey ap- proved of on 19th May 1856, sanctioned by the Government of Bengal, as notified in the Govern- ment Gazette of the 18th Tune 1856. Under Section X of Act XX of 1856, it is here- by notified that the tax to be levied ins the said Suburbs shall be an Assessment according to the cireumastances, and the property to be protected of the persons liable to the same. A. R. Youxye, Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal. Orders by the Right Mowble the Governor General. No, 3962. . Allahabad, the 28th September 1858, Appointmen ‘s—Mr. Robert Henry Wallace Dun- lop to officiate as Magistrate and Collector of “Mooradabad until further orders. co cr No. 3983. The 29th September 1858. © Mr. Robert Henry Dunlop is yested with the powers described in Acts XIV. and XVII. of ‘S47. in the District of Mooradabad. No. 4014. The 30th September 1858, i Leave of Absence.—Major W, C, Firskine, Com- missioner, Jubbulpore Division, for two months, preparatory to applying for leave to Europe, on Medical Certificate. ‘ a No. 4017. 7 Apporntments.—My. TD. G, Barkley #o be an Assistant in the Benares Division. “ No. 4047. ; - The 2nd October 1858, Mr. Charles Horne to be Magistrate and Col- Jeetor of Jounpore. By Order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, a 2 We W. Mere, 1 ¥ Secy. to Gort., N. W. P, - Noth 4, AMahahad, the 23rd September 1858, 4 Motification.—The leave of absence for two months on Med cal Certiticate, granted to the - Reverend Av Garstin, Chaplain o , Orders of the 11th instant, No. 1482, : to three months. The 28th September T8538, Leave, of Absence-—My. Richard Wal Magistrate and Collector of Agra; tained a Medical Certificate, is allowed one leave, under Section XII. of the Ame sentee Rules. ; a No. 1451. Revenue Department, ~~ The 29th September 1858, * Erratum —In Government Gazette of § last, page 14, appointment No. 94, dated Mr. James Simson to be Superintens Rajah of Benares’ Domains, read Depu tendent. : Nor 3% ; o Military Police Department, ~ The 30th September 1858, Appointment,—Lieutenant F. 8. 8, 44th Native Infantry, to officiate as Aé the Military Police in the Budaon Distr the absence of Lieutenant Hawkins. “ No. 1570. Leave of Absence.—Mr. Clarmont John C.8., Under-Secretary to the Governm North-Western Provinces, for three m Medical Certificate. in lien of the privil granted in Orders, dated 20th July last, No. 4010. “Mr. Robert Hannibal Smith, Principal Ameen of Benares, for six months, on Certificate, to proceed to Europe. 4 No. 4019. Notification.—Sulacnut Rae, Deputy and Deputy Magistrate of Budaon, is vested the powers of a Magistrate. . i : ——» No. 1490. The 1st October 1858. “Mr. Samuel Thornton, Deputy Col placed in charge of the Treasury at Cawm By Order of the Right Hon’ble the Genera}, OSs W. H. Lows, Offg. Asst. Seeu. to Gort. NW General Orders by the Mow ble the res ef the Council of Lndia in Cortne Lort William, 5th October 1855s No. 1377 of 1858.—The following Ne issued from the Public Works Depar lished in General Grders :— * a No. 118.—The 28th Sentember 185! nant T. G. Geldart, of the 65th Nativ Superintendent of the Frontier Bridle 1 Peon, has been brought on the regula Works Establishment as an Assistan. the 2nd Class. a a z V 1378 of 1358,.--The {lowing Notifications, the Government, North-Western Pro- are published in General Orders :— 16.—Te 24th September 1858.—Mr. J. 8. . Byrne to officiate as Adjutant of the Mili- Police of the Allygurh District, during the ee of Lieutenant Skinner, or till further 3921.—The 25th September 1558.—Assistant, m Wallace Uaward, of H. M.’s 54th Regi- , is appointed temporarily to the Medical e ofthe Jail and Civil Station of Jounpore, the absence on leave of Dr. Paske, or until orders. 3939.—The 27th September 1858.—Surgeon as Allman Wethered is appointed to the Civil edical charge of Budaon. No. 1379 of 1858.—The following Notifications, ued by the Hon’ble the Lieutenant-Governor of ngal, are published in General Orders :— @ 28th September 1858.—Appointments.—As- it Surgeon M. Ainger to officiate as Civil As- Surgeon of Hooghly. 9+) September 1858.—Captain J. R. Pughe Commandant of the 5th Bengal Police talion, utenant A. Turnbull to be Commandant of the $r@ Bengal Police Battalion. ‘ The above appointments will take effect from he 1ith ultimo. 4 , b | Nd. 1380 of 1858.—The following Orders, issued ‘the Chief Commissioner, Punjaub, and pub- ed in the Punjauh Gazettte, No. 57, of the 18th September 1558, are confirmed :— Lavors, 16TH Sepremper 1558. bak Southern Mahratta Ilorse. ‘ | No. 704.—Transfers—Jemadar Dewa™ Sing, Shuppawalla, as Ressaidar, from 1st Sikh Irregular Savalry, with effect from Ist September. > 1st Regiment Sikh Irregular Cavalry. No. 105.—Promotions. . a To what < eneok and Rank bee hat In whose room. ‘Names. promoted. : ~. 2 Duffadar. ks ae da Singh... Jemadar ...|1st Sept. 1858... Sahib Bingh mote = L ruffadar. S z = angur Khan,. Ditto } fp * . |Jowahir Singh. eles g “ Se; “" Sy “Abth (Pioncer) Regiment Penjaub Infantry. : $706.—Leare of Absence —Lieutenant F. rmstrong, from the Ist September to 30th" mber 1558, to visit Bombay, on Medical fiente, preparatory o applying for Furlough rope. * © Lanne, 1Sru SEPTEMBER 1858. . 70S—In contiriuation of Punjaub Order No. 2424* dated 19th Mareh last, sanctioning an inerease to the Pay of Sowars of b Irregular Cavalry Regiments, and certain a S . -O.No. 634, dated r April 18538. o— [ 1973 ] Mooltanee _and Towanna Ressallas, the Towanna Horse serving under the Command of Liewtenant J. W. Orchard are admitted to the benefits of that Order, with effect from the Ist instant. Jaudhpore Sikh Horse. No. 709.— Brqnsfers.—Sowar Gunda Sing, from the 5th Punjaub Cavalry, with effect from the 13th June last. 3rd Company Sikh Artilfery. No, 710.—Subadar Nehal Sing is permitted, at his own request, to resign the Service. 11th Punjaubs Infantry. No. 711.—Appointment.—Ensign J. Forsyth, 49th Native Infantry, todo duty as a Supernu- merary. ’ ’ lst Sikh Irregular Cavalry. No. 712.—The Delhi Field Force Order, dated 17th December 1857, by Major General N. Penny, Commanding, transferring Ensign R. G. Sande- man, 33rd Native Ynfantry, doing duty with 2nd European Fusiliers, to the Ist Sikh Irregular Cavalry, is notified. No, 1381 of 4858.—The under-mentioned Officer has returned to his duty on this Establishment, without prejudice to his rank by permission of the Hfon’ble the Court of Directors :— : Date of arrival at Fort William. a | 28ch Sept. 1858. ‘ ‘ Lientenant Stannus William ‘ Fraser, of the 28th Regiment Native Infantry ‘ ’ . No. 1382 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Gen- tlemen are admitted into the Service, in conformity with their appointment by the Hon’ble the Court of Directors, as Cadets of Infantry on this Establishment, and promoted to the rank of Ensign, from the date assigned to them in Government Ge- neral Order No. 1216, of the 20th August 1553 :— Date of arrival at Fort William. Infantry. Mr. Montagu Clementi Smith John Kennedy McCausland Morris Graham Taylor }a7th Sept. 1858. 29th Sept. 1858. ” » No. 1883 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Gen- tlemen are admitted into the Service, in conformity with their appointment by the Hon’ble the Court df Directors, as Cadets of Artillery and Tn- fantry, and as Assistant Surgeons on this Hstab- lishment. The Cadets of Artillery and Infantry are promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and Ensign, respectively, leaving the dates of the Commissions for future adjustment :— ° Date of arrival at Fort William Artillery. > | ; Mr. Francis Arthur Stubbs... ry ny » William James Wemyss. 27th Sept. 1858. Muir , . : . Horace George Willis’. John’ Phillips Cottam... Albert Berwick Cunning? ham of Fredeick Lindsay 2sth Sept. 1858. ee BP) VS Infantry. Mr. George Young ...28th Sept. 1858, Medieal Department. 1 Mr. John Charles Whishaw... ) Albert Mare Verehere ... ¢ 27th Sept. 1858. Charles Hatchell oe ee . Oscar Byrne at Worseley Poulett Harris, M.D. ee Robert Brown # Pierce Mautice Crosbie... | Frederick William Alex- > 28th Sept. 1858. ander De Fabeck ee John Joseph McDermott wT DS Henry Potter, M. D. John Berry White No. 1384 of 1858. With réference to Govern- mont General Orders, Nos. 30Sand 309, of the 7th March 1855, the Hon’ble the President ef the Council of India in Couneil i¥ pleased to direct that Soldiers who have been trained at the Normal School and who have obtained Certificates ef pro- ficiency as School Masters shall be struck off the strength of their Regiments‘as Soldiers and be borne on the Town Major’s List fh the Grade of Ist, 2nd and 3rd Class School Masters or 4th Class or _Assistant School Masters as the case may be. a = No. 1885 of 1858.—The following paragraphs of a - Military Letter from the Court of Directors to the Governmenf pf India, No. 205, dated 11th August 1858, are published in General Orders :-— Para. 4. Letter duted 22nd March 1858. (2 and 8) Recommend to Court’s favorable consideration the proposal to grant to Lieutenant Henry Michell, Assistant Com- missary of Ordnance, promotion to the rank of Captain on the Veteran Establishment. Lieutenant Currie’s recommendation in favor of Lieutenant Michellis cordially sup- ported by His Excel- lency the Commander- in-Chief and by your Government. 5. We have now re- solved that in consideration of his high qualifications, his excellent character and the.good service he has rendered since the commencement of the mutinies, he shall be granted the Commission of Captain on the Veteran Establishment, from the date of your receipt of this Despatch. 2 The Hon’ble Court’s Despatch having been received on the 20th September 1858, the Commis- sion of Captain on the Veteran Establishment and the allowances to be drawn by Captain, Michell will have effect from that date. ” No. 1386 of 1858=-The Hon’ble the Presi-, dent of the Couneil of India in Council directs that the following paragraph of a Military Letter from the Hon’ble the Court of Directors to the Go- vernment of India, No. 205 of the 11th August - ¢ 1858, be published in General Orders :— ‘ Para. 7. This Memorial is recommended by His Excellency the Com- mander-in-Chief, n consideration of De- puty’ Assistant. Com- missary of Ordnance Coreoran’s long ser- vice (10 years), high character and his effi to which he belongs. Letter dated the 22nd March 1858, (Sand 6.) With reterence to lettér No 19) and to Court’s. repy, No. 56 of 18¢4, forward a memor‘al supported by the Commarder-in-C) jef trom Deputy Assistant Commissary of + Ordnance Mr. J. Corcoran, soliciting the Commission, of a Lieutenant on the te oes ciency in- the Department Upon these grounds, we ~ granted a Commission as Lieatenant or the Veteran i f 1974 J | drawn by him will have effect from that date. ~ authorise his being | Establishment, from the date of your receipt of this Despatch. Lyte The Hon’ble Court’s letter having been re ed in this Department on the 20th’ Septemb 1858, the Comshission of Lieutenant on, the ran Establishment conferred on Deputy As Commissary ‘Corcoran and the allowances No. 1387 of 1858.—Lieutenant P. R. Cr the 62nd Regiment Native Infantry, is leave of absence, from the 30th August 1858 to. 28th February 1859, to visit Bombay, prepar: to applying for leave of absence on Sick C ficate to Europe, under the new Regulations No. 1388 of 1858.=The folowing Orders, by the Officer Commanding Beatson’s Hors confirmed as temporary arrangements:— Dated \st September 1858.— Making the to ing exchanges :— ; ¥ Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant R. Johnstor from the Ist to the 2nd Regiment. Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant C. H from the 2nd to the 1st Regiment. Dated 5th September 1858.—With referen General Order Governor General, No, 385 6 28th August 1858, Major Wilson, Comma 2nd Regiment, will be struck off the stren the Corps, as soon as he has delivered ov of the 2nd Regiment to Captain Wood, Major, who is appointed to command # Regiment. Appointing Lieutenant Johnstone, 1Sth Bor Native Infantry, now - officiating as Adjutant; Regiment, to act as Brigade Major, and ¢ Lieutenant Lennox to resume the duties of | , tant, in addition to those of 2nd m Comn the tnd Regiment. Dated 6th September 1858.—Directing Assis Surgeon Beaumont, 2nd Regiment, to 1 charge’ of the Staff from the 4th instant, A Surgeon Sylvester having proceeded with h ment %o Mhow. “ Fk. D, ATKtNsoON, Major, Offy. Secy. to the Govt. of Indi in the Military Depart | FROM THE GAZETTE, _ GOVERNOR GENERAT’S CAMP. . Atrauapad, SepremBer 28, 1858. a c oe: Notdications, Appointments, Ne. — ec -No. 3391. Foreign Depar{ment. “ AMahabad,,the 25th September 1858. ~ r cr The Governor Ceheral is pleased to tran services- of Mr. H. Monckton, Deputy sioner in the Punjab, to the Government, ! Western Provinces. “ e o =a No. 3394. -The Governor General has been pl point Lieutenant Ji. C. Impey, 5th Nati try, to be Political Agent at Ulwur. G. F, Epvoysi Secy. to the Gort. of In with the Goer. r me Noite Public Works Department,—Public. habul, the 25th September S58. m—Major A. J. M. Boileau, of the gineers, to officiate as Chief Engineer bad, in the absence ef Lieutenant- flenderson, or till further orders. > der of the Right Hon’ble the Governor Il. Yuin, Captain, Offy. Secy. to the Gort. of India, with the Govr. Gent. m Military Department; Allahabail, the 23rd September 1858. 16 of 1555 —Lieutenant W. C. S. Clarke, Cavalry, Commanding Meerut Light’ allowed leave from 12th September to ember 1858, to proceed to Calcutta, for the of applying for leave to Europe on Medical te. “ss > Allahabad, the 25th September 1858, §. 417 of 1858.—Brigadier T. J. Fischer, of th Madras Native Infantry, temporarily | manding the Madras Troops serving in Ben- | S,appointed permanently to that Command, the rank of a Brigadier of the Ist Class, effect from the 24th of June last. a 0. M18 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- General is pleased to make the following pintments :-— Commissariat-Department. tenant I. Allen, 42nd N. I.,) Adjutant, Calcutta Native Militia, t. L,Y. Prichard, 15th N. L, To officiate as S ub-Assist- C. M. Longmore, 33rd N.L, - ant. Com- mJ. M. Graham, 27th N. I. missaries bt. J.S. D. Tulloch, 17th N.1., | General. , W. Briggs, 71st N. L., , P. Drummond, 22nd N. I., J. The above named Officers are directed to pro- d fyrthwith by Dawk to Cawnpore, and there themselves “to the Deputy Commissasy neral, Central Circle, at Lucknow. ? 419 of 1858.—The. Right Hdn’ple the ernor Gencral is pleased to make the following untment :— 5 ~ Pegu > Light Lifuntry Battalion. lieutenant 'T. Lowndes, 4/th*Madras Native itry, to do duty. . 420 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the rior General is pleased to direct the prblica- of the following Despatch, from the Officer mding Saugor Field Division, No. 330, heSeptember 1855, submitting the Report py + the village of “Sahao,” on the 5th Sep= ist. RS. WL. Breen, Major-General, to the Gort. of India, Mily. Dept. a wilh the Governor General. | Staff , 2 [ 1975 | = Y No. 330. : To Mas.-Genxt. Sir W. R. Mavsriecp, K. C. B., Chief of the Staff, Allahabad. Sir, I rexu much, gratification in forwarding the * Lieutenant Colonel ®¢companying Report from Primrose, H. M’s. 43rd Brigadier MacDuff, Com- Regiment Light Infy, manding the 2nd Infantry Captain Dovehi . 5 Sra ae Major ovehill, Bricade, Saugor Field Divi- te] Sa, . ae + Fes ~ ; Captain Ommaney, S107, of an action fought Royal Artillery. Surgeon Barclay, H. M’s, 43rd Regt. L. T. Major Davis, Com- manding Cavalry. Captain Ternan, De- puty Commissioner.* with the Rebels posted in the village of Sahao, and their complete defeat with great loss, and which I have the honor to beg may be submitted to His Exeel- Lieutenant = Dick, Jeney the Commander-in- Seikh Horse. Chiet : Brigadier MacDutf has Rissaldar. Min Yoossain Ah, 8th Irregular Cavalry. brought to my notice the Of- ficers noted in the * margin, with a request I would re- commend them to the favorable notice of His Excellency. I do so with great satisfaction, trust- ing the Commander-in-Chief will be pleased to extend to them hiv most favorable consideration. I have &e., G. C. Wurttock, Major-Genl., Commanding Saugor Field Division. Camp SYRENUGGER : 9th September 1858. § ’ (Signed) y To tur Active Assistant AbsJUTANT GENERAL, i Saugor Field Division, Camp Banda, Camp near Rajpoorah, 5th Sept. 185. Sir, I have the honor to report, for the inform- ation of Major General Whitlock, Commanding Saugor Field Division, as follows, Waving re- ceived reliable information that the Rebels who have lately been plundering this District up to the neighbourhood of even Calpie, were under dif- ferent rebel leaders, to the number of 500 mutineer Sepoys,, and about three thousand matchlock-men, strongly posted in Wage “ Sahao,” four miles north . ot Jaloun, I this morning: 3) 4 moved with the Officers. Men. Guns. Royal Artillery 3 ale. 8th lrregular Cavalry 51 Ay for ceas permar- Metges’ Seikh Horse 2 169 bs gin to attack Jhansi Moynted Foliee rr in ¥5 them. Oi néat- EB Ms. 43rd L. 1. * 13. 230 iy a eos ee anei Mily. Foot Police 2. 354. =. S Jhansi Mily. POEt Police 2s of Sabdoeoke A Total, 24 956 9 4 Rebels, soand- . . ingthe“Assem bly,” appeard in great strength on a rising ground . , | crowned by the ruins of an old Fert. + Their right was protected by houses and walled gardens ; their left by the village of Sahao itself. From the centre of their position, they opened ier MacDuff, Commanding 2nd Infan- | their guns at a distance of 500 yayds, and appeared tigade, of an action fought with the Rebels | determined to dispute,fiereely the ground they held. My little force was,immediately formed up, the mins in the centre under Captain Ommaney, Roy- al Artillery > Her Majesty’s 43reé Light Infantry on the right of the guns, under Lieutenant-Colonel Primrose ; a party of Metges’ Seiki Horse under . 3 ma an byildjngs, gardens, &c., on the outskirts of the [ 1976 ] Lieutenant Dick took ground well to the right, to act as opportunity offered; the remainder of | Metges’ Seikh Horse under Major Davis took | ground to the extreme Jeft with orders to sweep | round the right vf the enemy and cut off their | retreat; a party of Sth Irregular Cavalry under | Rissaldar Min Hossain Ali, reneatned in support of the guns. The enemy’s fire from their centre was immedi- ately answered by our four guns, the fire from which was excellent, and soon made the enemy abandon, with the loss of a gun, the strong | ground he had so well chosen. ’ The rebel sepoys of the right wing retired with remarkable steadiness and in close order; but the left wing retired in great disorder, and in that state were charged in flank by Jaeutenant Dick, who, under my own eyes, cut up a great number ; here this excellent young Officer was severely wounded by a sabre cut, but notwithstanding he again charged the mutineers repeatedly, sustain- ing I regret to say two more severe wounds. | I beg leave to bring ‘the dashing soldier-like conduct of this Officer to the favorable notice of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief. . My whole line then advanced, the Cavalry charg- ing the Rebels repeatedly on beth flanks, ‘the guns | being weil to the front supported by Her Majesty’s 43rd. The Rebels now closely pressed took up a se- cond position on a ridge, but upon our guns again opening with great precision, they again retreated, , taking advantage of any cover the ground offered, and defending themselves stoutly | different villages. Major Davis continued the pursuit for about six . . e miles; that Officer’s report is attached. Some mutineers having taken post in village . . “ : j “ Rajypoorah,” Lieut.-Colonel Primrose entered the village with his gallant Corps, and destroyed the whole of the Rebels concealed there. - The country, from three days’ incessant heavy rain, had become nearly impassable for Artillery, and that arm deserve great credit for the rapidity | | with whch it advaneed; also the Infantry which had to march through ploughed fields the day | before entirely under water. From the number of bodies seen on the ‘field, I should estimate the loss of the enemy at between two and three hundred, and 21 Rebels captured. Our loss, Iam happy to say, was comparatively small. The defeat of this rebel body ‘was most complete, and will have, I am sure, excellent effect in this part of the country. r I beg in conclusion to expréss my obligations to the following Officers, and to request that you will be pleased to recommend them to the fayora- ble notice of His Excellency the Commander-in- Chief. Lieutenant-Colonrel Primrose, Commanding Her Majesty’s 43rd Light Infantry, who gave me- ‘ every aid and assistance jn his power. « Captain Dovehill, my Brigade Major, with whose zéal and attention to the duty of his depart- ment 1 am fully satistied, more especially in carry- ine my orders in the field. ° Captain Ommaney, Royal Artillery, for the rapid, manpver ine which he brought hrs battery to the front, aud the steadiness with which the guns were served. - , cme id Doctor Barclay, ‘Senior Surgeon, in cha the Troops, whose attention to the wounde sick deserves much praise. * Major Davis, Commanding: the ‘Cavalry Field Force, ‘for the able manner in ewhich ducted the pursuit of the enemy. s Captainy Ternan, Deputy Commissione kindly’ placed his services at my disposaf, ar as my Aide-de-Camp on the occasion, and given me much valuable assistance in_ pr information relative to the positions occup the Rebels. a Min Hossain Ali, an old and faithful’ sold maintained the high character he already @ I bee to enclose Returns of Casualties a tured Ordnancé. T have, &e., (Signed) J. MacDurr, Briga ie . No. 1S. From Mason W. Davis, . Comdg. Cavalry 2nd Brigade, Sangor Division, . To Caprais Dovent., Major of Brigaile, . 2ad Brigade Sangor Dita Camp Rajapore, 5th September Sir, Unxper instructions received, Ih honor to report, for the information of Br MacDutf, Commanding Field Force, the operati of the Cavalry placed my Command ;_ str as per margin, iat 66 ty zo * 8th Irregular Cavy. ofall ranks, ... 51 Metges’ Seikh Horse, ip Ler Jhantj Mounted Mili- tary Police, otal, ; On arrival at the enemy’s position this morni at the village of “ Sahao,” on the action ¢ mencing, agreeably to orders, I took post o left of the lme,-with half of the Seikh Horst cut off the enemy’s retreat, Lieutenant Didk, % the remaining portion, taking post on the extt night. On the enemy retiring from their pos sent Lieutenant McInroy, 19th Regiment Native Infantry, doing duty with the | Horse, fo the lett, with the Civil and Mi Mounted Police, te tum the Rebels back ¢ centre of our line ;-¢his duty was well perfo some of the enemy being cyt up ; it enab to charge them with great effect. . I was well supported by Metges’ Seilshs suftered severely Jn the hand-to-hand which ensued, © _ Of Sieutenant Dick’s operations on ¢ it is unnecessary for me to speak , the Br having personally ,witpessed his dauntl glvrious charge into a’ body of some 3 sepoys. I have only to regret his beit wounded in four places by sword euts, n betore he had eut down’ some five m own hand, Ohopey I beg to mention the support and as received from Lieutenant Sawers, Comma of the Humeerpore District Police; on Li 4278 a a de » ing wounded, he assumed Command, and od several bodies of the Rebels with great His horse was shot and bayonetted under ¥ . a} yn the advance of the Cavalry, he and Taeute- » MeInroy accompanied me in ‘the, pursuit, ich Was carried far beyond “ Gohun,” and out we cut up the Rebels in the most sa- y manner. The old sepoys were easily ished by their keeping well, and doggedly er, and of course were marked out > ac- ely. Our pursuit was brought to a close our horses being fairly fagged ont, and the s getting into entrenched gardens and topes, e Cavalry could not have dislodged them. selieve at least 200 Rebels have been killed field. . , Jn our Way back we visited “ Gohun,” a strong held an hour before by the Rebels, but we md it deserted. the request of Lieutenant Dick, I have much re in bringing to notice the gallant conduct tive Doctor Hurree Kishun, attached to the kh Cavalry, who received four severe wounds in discharge of his duty attending on Lieutenant 2 ’ Also of Rissaldars Mena Sing and Rajah Pirthee l 4 the Seikh Horse. ~~ Y x, of Kangra, and Naib Duffadar Dawa Sing, | Return of Casualties in the Cavalry attached to the Brigadier MacDuff, in the action near Rajapore, on the bth September 1898. [| 1977 | > . The annexed Return of Casualties will speak to the nature of the service rendered. T have, &e. (Signed) W. Davis, Major, 4 Commanding Cavalry, 2nd Brigade Saugor Division. (Signed) J. MacDurr, Brigdr., Comdg. 2nd Infy, Bde. Saryor FP. Divan. (True Copies.) , G. C. Wurtrock, AMajor-Genl., Comdg. Sangor Field Divn. ’ Return of Ordnance captured by the Field Force , / under the Command of Brigadier MacDuff, in actidn on the 5th September 1855. Camp near Bajpoorah, 5th September \85S. ]—Native one-pounder brass gun. , 1—Ammunition box containing powder. (Sd.) F, Ommaney, Captain, Commanding No. 6 Field Battery. Royal Artillery. Examined. . (Sd.) W. Doventty, Captain. Brigade Major 2nd Brigade, 8. Fdy Division. * y s » Qnd Brigade Saugor Division, under Command of Camp Rajapore, 5th September 1855. . : é . 4 ’ WGigned) J. MacDUEF, Brigadier, . Comdg. 2nd Brigade, Saugor Divn. ors : ers Get x" ; ae . : ae _ - ‘ KILLED Missinc. w *» a ‘dial all Z ¢ Pa ie * 5 wo . YS 5 alee th Sp Site elem wo a) s\sc! Se eae 8) 2 re leie fete! © i | 8 CAAA Aiea ei a fal al — ee | a fe of ta lopy 2 ee ee Y eS | W. DAVIS, Major, (Signed) Cbnilg. Cavalry 2nd Brigade, Saugor Diva. , [ 1978 ] . ps e Atbanabap, Octoprr 1, 1S58. No. 3416. Foreign Department, Allahabad, the 29th September 1858. Lieutenant Bradford is appointed to officiate as 2nd in Command of the Irregular Horse which is being raised by Captain H. O. Mayne, in addition to his other duties. This appointment will have effect from the 6th August 1858. —_—— No. 3418. The appointment of Syud Abdool Hukeem, Extra- Assistant of the 2nd Grade in Oudh, as notified in General Order, No. 1211, dated 17th May last, is to have effect frofn the 25th April, the date on whieh he entered upon his duties. © No.. 3419. r Major J. G. Stephen, appointed Divisional (Commandant, Oudh Military Police, in General Order dated 17th July, joined his appointment on the 16th instant. ’ G. F. Epstonstone, Secy. to the Govt. of India, with the Govr. Gent. Military Department. Allahabad, the 25th September 1858. No. 421 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to direct the publication of the following Despatch, from Brigadier Gene- ral Sir R. Napier, K. C. B., Commanding Gwalior Division, force wnder his Command against. the Fort of Powrie, on the 20th August 1858. R. J. H. Brrcu, Aajor General, Secy. to the Gort. of India, Mily. Dept. with the Gorr. Genl, ia ca No. 158 of 1838, 3 From Bricapier Gexerat Napier, C. B., . . Commanding Gwalior Divrisjon, « . Vo tie Currer or THE STAFF, ITeed Quarters, Allahabad, Camp Powrie, 30th August 1858, a is Sir, © “My, telegrams of the 21st and 22nd, and my demi-official letter of the 20th will have “put you in possession of the principal occurrences here, which I will now report’ more fully. Brigadier Smitlf, Commandine the Brigade at Sepree, received intimation that the Fort of 1 Powrie, 20 miles north-west of Sepree, had beén -seized on ti the erations of a | 0 alee areal pe aot menced at 300 yards from a bastion on th side, and nearly completed by morning. | valuable towns, and alarming the w cll-dis | inhabitants of the district. | arrived at. Powrie on the 20th, where [ : | ed me at Gwalior on the 9th. _ ticable precipice flanked hy large ravine the 4th instant, by "NIaun Sing, the Ex-] Nurwar, who corrupted the garrison, most of y jomed. him after letting him into the place, I force was reported to be 4,000 men, of whon were rebel sepoys, well armed with fant and cussion muskets. Very urgent applications for protect made by the Local Authorities to Brigadier as Maun ‘Sing was on the point of seizing The Brigadier, fore, moved at once to Powrie on the 6¢ found it too strong to be attempted with guns, and encamping at a distance of 3 applied to me fof “2 18- pounders, 2 2 S-inch tars, and reinforcements.” he requisition ‘ 7 “On the 1th, the Siege Train left. Gy: it ; with Brigadier Smith’s force, total | strengt h margin, jus! European Artiller veag O. Native ditto e sae 2 2 Wie of ‘the European Cavalry . 166 uns. Native ditto a 280 A party of 1 Engineers oi og rey 2 European Infantry . bag Taniry, Ww ith Native ditto w. 738 fantry, and 20 support, und mand of Major Vialls, immediately seized 400 yards from the main gate, the enemy’ retiring into the place, from which a smart fit round shot and musketry was opened, and to by our rifles. I then proceeded with Brig Smith ; Captain Turnbull, Chief Engineer ; Cet Blake, Commanding Artillery ; and my 's reconnoitre the north-east side, whilst Colo bertson, 25th Bombay Native Infantry, a panied by Major Chetwode, with a strong ‘s Cavalry and guns, reconnoitred the west ‘side. . i Hav¥mg determined on the necessary at mentg, 4 S-inch mortars were sent down to templ¢ at sunset, and continued to play w intermission during the night. A breaching battery for 2 18-pounders was A battery for the howitzet to give an olf fireron the defences of the east de, and er on the breach, was also commenced at 400. but being interrupted by a party of the en the thick Jurgle, the bildars ran away, and_ not be refassembled. 'The mortars continu play all day of the 2)st, and had a sensible on the enemy’s fire, which ,had -been, main with much briskaess on the temple, and on proaches. Durmg‘the night 6f the 21st, hot: teries were compleved, armed, andon the p Opening, when. I received a message from the to say that Maun" Sing with his follow eScaped ¢n the night, and praying that a" ‘might cease, I vegret that it Was gut of my power force to invest the place properly. Tt isa and a half i in cireuit. One side rests on a gle, and backed by a deep ‘torrent, and a tending for many miles. In front of side is open ground with tanks and mars main gate-way is very strong, having ZS e€ and numerous lofty bastions to flank “hen f te hang, or jungle gate-way, has two gates, | son ravines and jungle ; a wicket leads ) the one side of the precipice, and there is ath sufficient for escape of men in single the other. Y walls though ancient, and in. some places ated are generally 10 feet thick of massive and from 25 to 50 feet high, and are well ad by the precipice above mentioned, by deep 3, and a wet ditch, except at two or three ¥ Us. 2 | und on the walls 17 guns, all of which have mirst, execpt 4 of the smallest, which have disabled. ’ £ ; > ) one at Gwalior, with intelligence enough to ibe Powrie, could give me a correct idea of its yand strength ; but a native plan, procuxed rough the Political Agent at Gwalior, gave me nformation in some details which were eeived every assistance from Brigadier Smith, mmanding Rajpootana Brigade, and his Brigade Lieutenant Goldsworthy ; from Colonel , Commanding Artillery ; from Captain Todd, Dragoons, Assistant Adjutant General ; and ain Field, Royal Artillery, in charge of the ge Train. ’ ~ Major Vialls, of H. M’s 95th, at his own request, ined command of the advanced party at the mple. ’ Japtain Turnbull, Chief Engineer ; Lieutenant ting, Royal Engineers ; and Lientenant Mac- achlan, Bombay Horse Artillery, Deputy Judge y Advocate General, worked without intermission at the batteries, aided by Lieutenants Budger, Pear- son and Anderson, 95th Regiment, Assistant Field Engineers. ’ [ 1979 | + Captain Turnball and Lieutenant Miclachlan, supported by a party of 12 Volunte>rs from the 5th and 10th Regiments, under Lientenint Cr ea- lock, 95th, examined the ground up to the foot of the proposed breich, both to see that there were no obstacles tu the assault, and to find the best way. Sa This was a service of som? danzar, as the eneny were on the alert, and outside the walls. It is entirely owing to the exertions of these Offzers, and the efficient practice of the mortars under Captain Field and Lieutenants Harris and Stratt, Commanding Detachm2nts, and their Offizers, that we recovered a place of such strength as Powrie in 4Sshours- The escape of Maun Sing is to be regretted, but it could not have been prevented without a larger force, and it would have been equally inexpedient to draw away troops from any other quarter, or to, let the enemy remain in possession of a place in front of our force a day longer than could be avoi- ded. , , The troops have borne exposure and fatigue with the ufmost cheerfulness and very little sickness. On‘the 23rd, Brigadier Smith came on the track of Maun Sing’s party, near the Koonoo River, and recovered two guns, which they had carried away from Powrie; and Colonel Robertson, with a Light Column, is now following them closely. A Return of Casualties is annexed, in which | have to regret Lieutenant Fisher, sexerely wounded. | The enemy lost ten killed and thirty wounded. . ] have, &e., 5 (Signed) R. Napier, Brigadier General, Commanding Gwalior Division. RETURN OF CASUALTIES BEFORE THE FORT OF POWRIE. te) , Ol a Ee El ' r Horsts. Nominal - _ a\Killed.| Wounded. , Remarks. | . ‘Remarks. pogroms Ng ‘ey: ‘Killed.| Wounded. | — = eee 8 _———— | ee 5 Fe pana Ce Leis 5 t 1 Slightly. G7n Hvssars, ...| --- me sd We im. ts LE ge sli H. Ms 95ru) Lieut. C. Fisher,...! iy “Dangerously, in ey ) ; i REGINENT,.... ; (Pte. J. MeHale, ... : ark ISeverely, right leg. | ; ' aes (Havildar Dunee,... 1 Slightly, on finger. ” ’ N. ils > ’ ’ reach SO Sorin Melaiaey } | 2 \ 3 Total, 4 eee . T Total, sy 2 re. ' CAMP PowRIE : 23rd August 1 - 85 ws bs ® , R. NAPIER, Brigadier General, ’ Commanding Gwalior Ree ’ . y 7 +2 r ee? Corrs AND DETACHMENTS. Divisianal and Brigade Staff, 3rd Troop Bombay Horse Artillery, Present, ... } Sick, c H. M.’s 8th Hussars, Present.) 00.2 : Sick, ae) “Ist Bombay Light Cavalry, Present, ... } Sick, rn H. M.’s 95th Regiment, Present, ~~ ..2) Sick, fr. f 10th Regiment Bombay N. 1.,° Present, ... } " Sick, # Detachment 4——-2 Bombay Artillery, — e- } Sick, Re fe Bhopal Contgt. Artillery, Present, .... } Sick, ae yh . Royal Artillery, Present, ... } | Sick, ae aN Meade’s Horse, Present, ... ‘ Sick, k. : 3 Royal Engineers, Present, ... ‘ ; Siek, i " , H.‘M’s 86th Regiment, Present, a Sick, * ¢ , ° 25th Bombay N. I. Present, °%..) Sick, ys Total, [ 1980. ] Return shewing the nimber of Officers and Men who were present during the operations before P. on the 28th August 1858. & ‘ct | r Pid , eae “a Lam ace |S ja glee] Rem {22/9 | 2 essere |. Elee| 2 leis ie) 0 1 8 2g [8/3 1 & lt |3al | & Ss Ses Pee Ne @ |S O ln *| Aue Ae ae = s| 0| 0| 0 | 0 3 0 S10 ls) Onl 4) 2 | 72° 206 0| 0} 0j| 0 0 | 0| 44 0 9| 1} O} 2/14! 4 [146 |161 Ol Of CTO) Of °O)7 ae 21-0] 5} 0| 12] 4] 78 |1o1 of O| Of Of Of OF 0} 0 : 23 | 2). Of 2} a61o5 417 | Oo Oy Of} Oa0!) hada aor nO 9| 1/11) 1138]. 8 j405 | oO Oo! Of O| O} OF O| OF} O Lah of ae} Ege te On OP OPE | O10 1° RT TE OF @L 0) 05,1 1 Onaerrs Oo}; Oo] o| ot o| 6] Of 4 1} 0) 0) pt 7 |. Gal saad ae 0] Of oO} oO; OF GO] 3 0 2} 0} 4] O} 19] 2 /156 jist 0! 0} Vl Of OF OL OF%O 1; of 0] of] of of29! 0 O8f = ON 20 PLOTS AO tigate ag 2) 0/0! 1] 2). 29 98 oF O} 0; 0} O} Of} O@ F190) BPO RRH = en aee eee peg oO} Of OF} O} Of° 0} OPO) er ee S| eee eee a | ot 5 28 | 9 129) 81 (768608 + ; | { } i J. A. TODD, Captain, Acling Assistant Adjutant General. vod Divisional Staff. Brigadier General R. Napier, C. B., Bengal Engimeers, Commanding Gwalior Division. Captain J. A. Todd, Mth Lieht Dragoons, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. G Captain A. D. Turnbull, Bengal Engineers, Assistant Quarter Master General. Lieutenant J. ‘T, Maclachlan, Bombay’ Horse Artillery, Acting Deputy Judge Advocate General. Brigade Staff. A Brigadier M. W. Smith, 8rd Dragoon Guards, Commanding Rajpootana Brigade. Cornet W. T. Goldsworthy, Sth Hussars, Actimg Brigade Major.’ , Captain 8. Bolton, 2nd Grenadiers Bombay N. “I., Assistant Quarter Master General. A Lieutenant R. F. Williams, 21st Bombay N. I Sub-Assistant,Commissary General. R. Naritr, Brigadier Genl., % 7 = oe Cymmanding Gralior Division. ( te c v ( were oe Ch Saag et e SL ee Allahahad the 28th Sentember 1858. No. 122 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Non- - Commissioned ‘Officers of the Madras Presidency, attached to the Hyderabad Contingent, having . *- R. NAPIER, Brigadier General, are, : Commanding Gwalior Division. been specially recoramended by their Comm ing Officers, and being considered by His Ex -leney the Commander-in-Chief, and by the { vernment of Fort St. George,“ to. be emin deserving of reward, the Righ Mon’ble Govertor General, also conearring in that 4 is pleased to confereupon them the Rank of Unattached, swbject to the approval of the Ho the Court of Directors :— aoe _ Sergeant Dixon, 5thInfantry, Hyderabad tingent. : ° f - Staff Sergeant MacDonald, 4th Company lery, Hederabad Contingent. x: Staff Sergeant Judeson,, Ist Company Arti 2 Hyderabad Contingeypt, . r No. 423 of 1858.—Sub-Conductor W. A attached to the Stables of the Governor Ger is promoted to the rank of Uonduetor, with * eff from the Ist of August 1858. ; ‘ pe. PE ag ge 4 No. 424 of 1858.—The sunder-ment'oy Commissioned Officers having © cisti themselves in several actions, having cially reeommended by their Comn anti cers, and being considered by His Excellen [ 19 er-in-Chief to be eminently deserving e Right Hon’ble the Governor Ge- ring in that opinion, is pleased to con- m the Rank of Ensign Unattached, he anproval of the [on’ble the Court | lst Madras Fusiliers. ) yeant Major Richard Westerman. | r Master Sergeant James Kelly. s, Sirmoor Battalion. geant Major Thomas Doyle, (of Artillery.) Allahabad, the 29th September 1858. of 1858.—The, Right Hon’ble the Go- eral is pleased to make the following ments :— * ~ Canmissariat Department. n A. S. Haig, 55th Native Infantry, to ‘Sub-Assistant Commissary General. 4 n Haig is directed to proceed forthwith | wnpore, and there report himself to the fy Commissary General, Central Circle, at eee C, P. Rice to be Adjutant of the 4th Cavalry, as announced in General Orde? by Governor General, No. 298, dated 21st July is cancelled, ¥. Miles, 25rd Native Infantry, to officiate as gral Order by the Governor General, No. 329, 1 29th July 1858, is cancelled. 9. 428 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- or General is pleased fo direct, that the Dond- of six months’ Batta eranted in General Order, B22, dated the 19th of June 15858, to the fral India Field Force, under the Command of General Sir Mugh Rose, G. C. B., shall be to the Troops under Brigadier Smith, ding a Brigade,of the Rajpootana Field @, Which co-operated with the force command-, yess Hugh Rose. is Lordship is also pleased to confer a Dona- f six months’ Batta on the Rajpootana Field , under the Command of Major General ts, which is still in the Field encountering inary difficulties, enduripg much fatigue hip, aid has rendered impovtant service le pursuit of the Rebels from Grvalior. : . Allahabad, the 30th Septembgr E858. J. 429 of 1858.—The services of Unattached ant W. Sheffield are placed at the dis- of the Foreign Department, with the Go- r General. ee , —_—_— . 0. 430 of 1858.—The appointment of Assis- on A. Boges, 6th Madras Light Cavalry, in Medical charge of the 4th Infantry, Contingent, as anndunced in General daly 1558, is cancelled. | lication of the p, 427 of 1858.—The appointment of Captain | , -Assistant Commissary General, notified in | y the Governor General, No. 314, dated | No. 431 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to make the followin} appointment :— Hiyperasnap Contingent. 1st Infantry. Lientenant H. A, {ustice, 38th Madras Native Infantry, to act as Adjutant, No. 432 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- | vernor General is pleased to make the following promotions in the Subordinate Grade, Department Public Works, with effect from the dutes specified opposite theif respective names :— Deparraenr Pusrtic Works. To be Sub-Conductors. Sergeant C. B. Goode,... 9th April 1857. BS M. Ogle, 25th July , No. 433 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Governor, General is pleased to direct the pub- following Despatch, from Bri- gadier Douglas, C. B., Commanding in the dis- turbed Qistricts of Ghazeepore and Behar, submitting a Report from Lieutenant-Colonel Walter, Commanding at Arrah, of a successful encounter with the*Rebels near the village of ) 426 of 1858.—The appointment of Liente- Korisauth, on the 30th July 1558. R. J. H. Bircw, Major-Gen/., Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily, Dept., with the Governor General. + . No. 50, . a | Tue ApsuTant GexeraL or THE ARMY, , Army Heal Quarters, Allahabad, Dinapore, \ith August 1858. Sir, T nave the honor to forward herewith, for submission to His Excellency the Commander- in-Chief, 2 Report from Lieutenant-Colonel Wal- ter, 85th Regiment, Commanding at Arrah, of a successful encounter which the Troops under his | command had on the 30th ultimo, with the Rebels | near the village of “ Korisauth,” in which they sustained a loss of from 5@ to 60 men, without any casualties on our side. < T have, &e., > (Signed) Joux Dovetas, Brigadier; . Conmanding in the disturbed a . . 2 . E . ‘ Districts of Ghazcepore and Behar. a i No. 63. To Capraix Stevenson, Brigade Major, c Behar Field Force, Dinapore, Arrah, 3\st July 1858. + hy Sir, .mation of Brigadier Douglas, C. B., that with the Rengal Artillery, 2 3-Poun- detail named in the mar- der and 1 12-Pr.Howtzr. gin, I left this Station at H. M.'s 10th Regiment, 80 9 f , yesterday, for Jud- Rank and File. pies) Yo : H. M.'s 35th Regimtnt, gerajgunge, 10 mits west 140 Rank and File. of Arvah,con the Buxar 60th abe kg 210, road, the Bridge over the Rank and Vile, Bewar at Beebigunge had ‘ ik eg ‘aval- yas gig 3rd Seikh Irregular Caval wea daaitrog slept n. T hud a temporary Rank and File. yy, 55 Sabres. 7 Bengal Police Battalion, 30 bels. al one thrown over during ' the night, which I ciossed. . , J wave the honor to report, for the infor- | a) a ‘ r 1982 jj ‘ 2. eremy who were reported to be in foree had left some hours; the country was too heavy from the | arrest by order of the Superintondent of rains for me to follow them up with any hope of | ‘ success, either with Cavalry or Artillery. 3. I then movedon the village of Korisauth, a Rebel stronghold, which I degtrypyed and bivouack- ed in a tope close to it. 4, The Rebels approached me in foree at 11 a. M.; they were computed at $0 Cavalry and $00 Infan- try. I attacked them with Cavalry, and clouds of skirmishers drove them through topes and belts of jungles. I then ordered the Artillery to the front ; they opened on them ; the Cavalry now turned the enemy’s left flank, observing which, and that they were moving to the right, I changed line to the left, prolonging my skirmishers in that direction. : : 5. ‘The heat was now inteuse, the Troops much | exhausted, several men had fallen from sun-strokes: I therefore gave up the pursuit, and got the men under cover. 6. The loss of the enemy from killed afd wound- ed was between 50 and 60 ; 27 dead were left on the field. The enemy were seen carrying off their wounded. , ¢ 7. Cuarce. ae Mr. Master Pilot Charles Layton placed a on the following Charge :— For bredch of duty in the following ins That he, being in pilotage charge of t bound Eaglish Ship Pudsey Dawson did, dr afternoon of the fourteenth day of Aue through grossly negligent performance ground that Vessel upon the bank south of tabaria Point, where she remained for ten « | had to discharge Cargo to a considerabl | before she could be got afloat again. Forr Wii11aM; Il. Hows Marine Suppr’s. Orrin} s The 10th September 1838. Finpixe. The Court having maturely weighed and dered the evidence brought forward in} the Proseeution, with the Defence, is that the Defendant, Mr. Master Pil Layton, is Guilty of the Charge preferre him, with exception of the word “ @ross (Signed) J Gr SENTENCE. The Court having found the Defenda’ the Charge preferred against him, wit "0 of the word “ grossly,” do adjudge that jh Charles Layton, Master Pilot, do lose t rank, and his name do stand in the L Pilots below that of Mr. Wilham Riy above that of Mr. Joseph Vincent. $ (Signed) J. Gr Thom (Signed) ‘ Judge ’ The 16th September 1858. ‘Lhe Proceedings of the Trial having mitted to Government, Elis Honor the | Gpvernor of Bengal has been pleased the Finding and Sentence of the Court, Master Attendant has been requested t Mr. Master Pilot C. Layton from arr place his name in the List of Officers of 1 Service below that of Mr. William Riv _ above that of Mr. Joseph ‘Vincent. , By order of the Superintendent of } (Signed) Hi. How Forr Wiitrym, The th October 1858. } ee ao! li. . Notification, Tre undersigned is reduced, by m publish the folowing extracts from Se XXAXIX. of the Pay Code :— a. “110. The following form of deel “prescribed for Officers drawing Contingent “sums contéined in this Bill have b “ expended by me or the purpose set f 4 (Sig “THI. In all esses of Continge “submitted for audit, when the ar “been actually, or been only partially” * [ 1983 ] z , r of the Bill, the following form of 2. The Tender will’ f : is to be uscd, instead of the preced- e Tender will of course specify the terms on which the party tendering will be willing td pace engage for the transport of the above Salt. sh Jare upon my honor that the above 3. The Salt will be weiched out to the Contrac- Conia: Rs. - have been neces- | tor on the River’s bank at Ghat Pooreeghatta, and med, and have been, or will be, paid | it will be shipped at his expense. It will be landed the purposes set forth. , and weighed at Sulkea, at the expense of Govern- (Sigueay hb.) cet. H Bills are to be prepared on half or By order of the Board of Revenue, eet of foolscap paper, as circumstances i. 'T.. Trevor, wire, and the vouchers or. certificates in, : Secretary. of them are in all practicable cases to Fors WILLIAM ; } 5 ‘ t at the foot or back of the Bills instead | 74¢ 22ud September 1858. ng attached to them,” ase See Aja A. Gotvin, Lieut.-Col., Vice CHanceLtor Woop he Misitary Auditor General. at CHAMBERS, one Wit tiaw ; > e Tuurspay, the fifth day ludr. Gent.’s Office, > of August, in the Twenty- ; ith May 1854. ¥ ; ; 8 second year of the Reign = . of Her Majesty Queen +i Notice. : - Victoria 1858. ‘In the matter of the “ 5 - Joint Stock C anies General Treasury will be closed on Wednes- oO cay dace winding up Acts 1848 and 5 Gth October, on account of the HHindoo ’ 1849 »Mohaloya. : And £ the Lond é General Treasury will also be closed from 4 Raster og, kt 2B Cor and y the 12th October to Tuesday the 19th : ii oe Spa a ee}, botinndays included, on account OF Upon the application of the Official Managers of idoo.Holiday Doorga Poojah. tke baja Garnet; i dam ats O ithe General Treasury will further be cldsed ; Sib eet PAB he gt ote J tors for the said Official Managers and the Solici- the 22nd October and Saturday the | .5.5 for certain of the Contributori ober 1858, on account of the Uindoo ce ilapee aglet eMtg es fe Ngo te og ba , rh reading the joint Affidavit of Charles James life ay Luckee Poojah. . Stuart and John Ball, the said Official Managers | Acceptances which may fall due between | sworn the fourteenth day of April, One thciisand lay the 12th October and Tuesday the 19th | eight hundred and fifty-eight and the Affidavit of it will be payable at the General Treasury on | James Harris sworn the fifth day of August One husiness day after the 6th October 1553, _ | thousand Fight hundred and fifty-eight, and res- as J. I. Harvey, | pectively filed upon the file of Proceedings in this Sub-Treasurer., \ matter. Tt is peremptorily ordered, that a Call of Fifty Pounds per Share be made on all the . | Contributeries of this Corporation who have been > | settled on the List of Contributories Class B, and it is peremptorily ordered, that each of the said Contributories do on or before Monday, the tenth. % day of January, One thousand eight hundred and ian reference to General Treasury Notice, dated fifty-nine, pay to Mr. John Ball, one of the eptember 1858, the Sub-Treasurer notifies, | Official Managers of the said Corporation, at his ‘ders of the Hon’ble the President im | Office No. 57, Coleman Street, in the City of “dated this Gay, that, in addition to the, Londen, the balance, if any, which will be due jready announced, the General Treasury | from him after debiting his account in the Books b closed on Wednesday the 20th, and Thurs- | of the said Corporation with such Call. he 2ist proximo, the two days intervening | ’ Hexky Lirman the Doorgah Poojah and Luckee Roojah | e Ch ey OheiiJs - General Treasury, Yorr WieriaM ; ; ATA September 1858. Notice. ceeptances which may fall due from Tues- | ‘ 2 e th, to’Saturday the 28rd proximo, will Police Oflice Notification. Je at the Treasu2y on any? business day é: g ge ees ae ickanmeerccy (t > UNDER instructions from Government, the Com- Sub ar edesn i ‘missioner of Police has the honor to invite a sae ; i ‘| Loyal Subjects of Her Most Graccons Majesty the 1, TREASURY, b | Qveen, in the Metropolis, to illuminate their iT | + tember 1855. Houses on the oceasion of the Proclamatien which will shortly be made, of thes Assumption of the , ! . . Notice? Government of India by Her Majesty. 4 ; aes ’ | Notice of the day fixed for the Tltimination will fens ure invited for the transport of 125,000 | pe published haraatient P ‘ sof Hidgellee Salt from Pooreeghatta in | > 5 oS. Waucnorn, to the Government Depdt at Sulkea, , Cotmmiphion teal eye N ved at the latter place by the Ist | Cncitita 5S ale ahi» : 4, No Pender will be received after . The 30th Seplein i ¢ ee} 3 $ 2 1 the 9th October 1558. v +? ws . ; [ 1984 | . Monthly ly Account of Salt in Store in the several Agencies and the Sutkea Gctads up te 30th September 1 together with & per eent. Tteserve for Golah We astage. - cr 1259 1260 1262 1263 1264 ¢ AGENCIES. or 1852-53, and or ore ech os previous years. 1853,54. 1856-38... 56-57. 58, = ee = es ee Hidgellee. «Mds. S.C Mds. S. C Mds. S. C. Mds. 8. C. Mds. S.C. a ’ ' Pungah Salt, et roe ow 3. ome o-4ou 6 193 0 O 6000 16 rugosa 2428 11 8 | 122429 8 O| 269173 33 Ditto do., Kissennuggur’ 0 0 0 O.. Or 224.29 917 Ditto do., Ramnuggur, 0 0 0 or 0-40 o o o| 172523 30 0 183356 9 Do. do., North Ka- Bt WG WO onAtlite 0 «07.0 80 12394 30 leenuggur Al Dol da., Roar Oo O OO} © 134045 0 Ghautta . i P aay 295145 33 0| 604970 7 A 7 Tumlook. Pungah, Ghaut 3 winds o ool 20581 4 2h + rainpore % | en Total | ; 0” Os tee 22531 14 2 — ————|-—-—— te 24.Pergunnaks. | ; | | y Pungah, Ghaut Dhosah 0 0 0 eOnieGh 0 1426 0 0} 65040 32 8 0 0 Do. do., Bangundee .., edo: 20 0 0 0 1877 9 #40) 139118 8 8 0 0 ° a ee Tptal 3303 9 © | 204159 ¥ O o Gn0nt Chittagong. | y's Bangkhally ” oo 4638 30 0 64546 6 8 Pay Mies ae 6.) 409 929 "0 +0 318705 31 7 Do. do. Arracan Fendne <0 pig FOL a: 21633 10 0 Kurkutch Madras, o o of} 124612 11 9 249033 25 12 ° + eos al , Total oo 0} 1301801 9]. 653918 33 11 Sulkea. Pungah, Cuttack Oo Olea 0 O540 er) 1888 0 of 70523 oO 0 o 0 Do., Balasore i 0; OM 0m Dade 8 °o 0 0 656 oD lesa yg ° 0 0 Do., Khordha se. a 0 of 0 fo (Oo 33 19 11 416 20 5 442 0 O eo.o Do., Chilka i, O,sia0 Gait 0 0 0o 7. OF 60 Sf2. 08.46 659 20 0 0 0 , 24-Pergunnahs ... OOo oon 30 @ 0 oO 4380 0 0 | *27554 0 0 0 0 Do. do., Narainpore .,.| 200697 20 o Glog 6 ns ee) On, (OT 6: Of 40420: o 0 4 : 7" ° : . geet ples S94 (Wes ec o o of 299497 30 0 | 691886 0 0, 34 ghiroG. Lhe 4th October 1858. as se a Sec . "% a ¢ fal Notiv’e. he Civis Treasury at Salone, in Oade, having | operations, Bills drawn, by the Otficer ge ot that Treasury are to be duly honored, further orders it is not to be drawn upon when absolutely necessary and on the Roh. vice only. R. P. Hartson, Off. Acct. Gnl, to the Govt. of India. >» Forr Wittram ; . Acct Genl?s Office, Durbar and Revenue Dept., The 30th September 1558. , —— ali femorandum. ‘The Ball dropped this day half a second ($3.) store Mean Noon. , (Signed); Rapwanatu Srexpirar, . In charge of the Observatory. mvpyvor GENERAL’s OFFice, Calewtta, Ath October 1858. i Orreur CavENAGH, Town Major. I PO 8, 2 EE “ey Notice. Suarep Tenpers from Professional Builders only ill be received by the Officiating Civil Architect, is Office in Caleutta up to 4 P. M. on Saturday, Oth October 1858. . For white-washing, sand-rubbing, painting and repairing the Chief Superintending Engineer’s ‘house and out-oflices in the Steam Department, *Kidderpore Dock Yard. . Time for Exeeution (2) two months. . Specification, Forms of Tender and fuxther in- formation may be obtained from the Civil Archi- ect’s Office in Calcutta. > A deposit in Cash of one hundred (100-0-0) Ru- pees is required with each Tender, subject to for- feiture if the Tenders be withdrawn. Tenders not prepared in strict accordance with the Form will be returned. F. R» Boyce, Assistant Engineer, “% a) Off. Civil Architect. == et coup heath GE ees ee «Calcutta Collectorate Nottfications. i) 1 n e $ x, a) 2 Pp Grxtiemen Attorneys who_ have forwarded Deeds to be stamped are requested to call or send for them without delay,’as they are ready for delivery. Kyzas*Crunper Dutt, . Deputy Collector. . 2 , y ” zs, . ‘Caicurra CoLLECTORATE, ys 3 ) The 25th Sept. 1858. “9 —_—_—— a a ml Arties requiring the own materials or Hd them for that purpdse to this Offic, on or re the 9th instant, as the Office will be closed Tuesday the 12th to Saturday the 22nd in- ‘on account of the Hindoo Holidays Doorga jah and Lukhee Poojah. . 9 we K7ias CuunpeB Dutt, = > < Deputy Collector. impression of Stamps >n ‘ The \st October 1858. * documents are requested | [ 1985 3 pee showing the swallest depth of water in the rt haugirvuttee. Jellinghee ond Matabangah Rirris, also their rise and fall from 21st to 26th September 1858. ‘Total . Rise. Name of Rivey. i | Rise. Fall, = wll. | Smallest depth of water. | ns 3 Ps R Ins. F.\Ins. | | Bhaugiruttee River. At its entrance Below the entranee!21 From thence to) | Jungypore ... § | 8 From Jungypore ) | | to Sadduvk- > 14 baugh. AO From Sadduck- paugh to Ber- hampore From Berham- pore to Cutwa And from Cutwa to Nuddea ... : | ; 1a 3/00 3144 2 6 14 8 ) | the 600 0| 0 | | tha Jellinghee River. |, 00 | 0) 0 At its entrance ... From thence to Bansemarree From Bansemar- yee to Teeah- kattah ea From Teeahkat- tah to Sona- tullah ie And from Sona- tullah to Mois- gunge Pe | Matabangah River. At its entrance ... From thenee to ) Haut Boleah .. § From Haut Bo-) leah to Kat- > chikattah ... \ From Katchikat- tah to Kishen oO WwW 18 gunge Ber And from IX}- shengunge to Seebpore > ev —= == jo) a o ee Height of water on gauge at Berhampore, on the. 27th September 1858-18 Feet 7 Inches. * oT, N. Armstrone, Lieut. BERHAMPORE, Supdt. Nuddeah Rivers. The October 1858. x a ee Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at* ~ ‘ Calentha. ’ On Thursday, the 30th day of September last, it was ordered that the Trader, an Insolvent. metters of the petition of the said Insolvent be heard on Saturday, the 6th day of November next, and that the said Insolvent do then attend to be exarsingl by the said Court. : ee Swinhoe and Beeby, Atlorneys. Chief Glerl?s Office, 1st Octotvr 1835S, In the matter of Aga Mahomed Ally, of Chit- pore Road, im Caleutta, . ¥ Fit aah ee Pea EAS SS [ 1986 | VU In the matter of James Alexatider Cockburn, of Notice, that the peti- tion of the said Insol- Wellington Square, in | vent, secking the bene* Caleutta, a Section + fit of the Act XI. Vice. Writer in the Home | cap. XXL, was filed in Department, an Insol- | the Office of the Chief vent. J Clerk ent the Ist day of October instant, and by an order of the same date, the Estate an Effeets of the said Insolvent were vested in the Official Assignee. Insolvent in per: son. Jn the mattér James Alexander Cock- day of October instant, burn, of Wellington | it was ordered that the Square, in Cale ntta, a ‘matters of the petition Section Writer in the | of the said, Insolvent be Home Department, an | heard on Saturday, the Jnsolvent. Jj 4th day of December next, and that the said Insolv ent do’then attend to he examined by the said Court. Insolvent in person. ; € of.) Notice, that an apph- James Alexander Cock- | eation for an ad inderim burn, of Wellington | protection order has been Square, in Cale nutta, a etnis day made by the Section Writer in the | said Insolvent, and that Home Department, an | such application will be Insolvent. }) heard and disposed of In the ° matter of} “On Friday, the Ist | by the Acting Commissioner of the Insolvent | Court, on Tuesday, the 26th day of October ipstant, at the hour of 10 o’cloek in the forenoon. * Bea? “Any Creditor of the said Insolvent, desirous og papa such application, must appear befoms the “ said Court at the time and place aforesaid.” Insolvént in person. In the matter of Ed- ward Pryce Griffiths and James Faleoner Curtis,( by an order of this Insolvents. Court, the said Ifisol- vent Edward Pryce Griffiths is adjudged entitled to his personal discharge under the Act XT. Vie. cap XXL, as to all persons named in his Schedule as Creditors or claiming to be Creditors respec- tively, and that the hearing of the matters of the petition of the said Insolvent James mae soner Curtis stand adjourned until Saturday, the 6th day of November next, and that the order made in‘ this matter for the ad interim protection of the suid Insolvents from arrest be enlarged ‘so far as the same relates td the said Insolvent James Fal- coner Curtis, to the said 6th day of November next, On Saturday, the 2nd day of October instant, | and that the said Insolvent James Talconer Cur- tis do personally attend before this’ Court on the said 6th day of November next. a Carey and Berners, d(forneys. ae ‘lirthe matter of James On Saturday, Falconer Curtis, an ie Fa of Oetober lfstant, solvent. it was ordered that te hearing in thig matter do stand adjourned until Ss vturday, the 6th day of November next, and that the order mide in this matter for the av interin protection of the said Insolvent soe arrest be emarged to’the said 6th day of November next, and tha the said Insolvent Eigaters attend to ie examinéd by the Court. he ‘Carey and Berners, At/orneys. = . € ca , the 2nd | | tions, if to be Yemitted through the Corporation. In the matter of Caifra- On Saturday, the 2n piet Pogose Carrapiet, mt day of October instant Insolvent. it was ordered that th hearing of this matter do stand adjgarned w Saturday, the @th day of November next, and that an ad interim protection order be made for the p tection of the said Insolvent from arrest to effect frofn the date hereof, in respect of the | and liabilities mentioned in the Schedule of 1 said Insolvent filed in this Court, which protec shall continue in force until tives said 6th da November next, and that the said Insolvent d then attend to be examined by the said Court. j Shircore, Attorney. , a In the matter of Kar-) + tiekchurn Roy, an Insol- vent. On Saturday, t 4 day of October insta it was ordered that hearing of these matt do stand adjourne ‘Saturday, the 4th of December next, ¢ that the said Ins do then severally to be examined by said Court. . In the matter of Prawn- kisto Doss, an Insol- vent. In the matter of Nobin- kisto Dutt, au Insol- vent. In the matter of Roop- chund Dutt, an Insol- vent. Chief Clerk’s Office, 4th October 1858. r Oriental Bank Corporation, Ixcorvoratep BY RoyaL Cuarter, | Wirt, reference to Government Notification , Fort William, Financial Department, 261 a tiehe 1855, .notifying the intention of G ment tofdissolve its connexion with the Gove ment Agency— The Oriental Bank Corporation undertake ri custody of Government Paper, Shares im Capital Stock of the Bank of Bengal, and oth local Stocks, free of all charge. ¢ te Will draw Interest and Dividends on the s as they fall due, and remit at the current rates t exchange, or ray the same according to instr mn . Withont eh If to be paid in India, «rx Commis- * : sion will be chat aod of 1-4th per Ce On returning Government Paper ‘ov Share Certificates out of safe : custody, fe 1-4th per On ‘the purchase of Government " ‘or other Securities. 1-4th per On the sale of Government Paper , or other Stock, thé prwceeds of which are to be remitted through the ake ay Without eh 2 “Wk, BS DERSON,. OxtextaL Bank Corrorsrion ;) ‘ Calcutta, 29th January 1855, J . Hy-Uestern Bank of Envia, Evis hereby given, that 180 Shares*in the | h-Western Bank of India, standing in the | Captam F. M. H. Burlton, late of the wiment Bengal Native Infantry, Com- ing 2nd Gwalior Cavalry, will be put up, to ie Sale at Calcutta, on the 20th day of Novem- f ensuing’, and sold off to the highest bidder imit or reserve, under the 29th Clause of Deed of Co-partnership, unless the claims of k against the said deceased Shareholder be fand satisfied, on or before the 19th day of mber next. Order of the Directors. J. E. MacUacutan, Offg. Manager. . . = W. Bank or Invia; tila, ROL Sept, 1858. J . TICE is,hereby given, that the following Shares he North-Western Bank of India, standing in mames of deceased Shareholders, will be put 0 Public Sale at Calcutta, on the 25th day of Mary next ensuing, and sold off to the highest without limit or reserve, under the 19th and h Clauses of the Deed of Co-partnership of this MK by 2 x Shares of Major The Hon’ble R. B. P. Byng, ly of the 62nd N.1., Commanding Sylhet Infantry Battation), Cheerapoonjee. {0 Shares of Major D. 1°. Evans, (formerly of ,the h Regiment Bengal Light Infantry,) South- pton. : 21 Shares of Walter Wardle Need, Esq., of Oude. 2 Shares of Captain J, W. H. Turner, (formerly the Hast India Company’s Invalid Estaltish- mt,) England. 1) Shares of Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Wilcox, merly of the 72nd Regiment Native In- ty.) sy Order of the Directors. J. E. Machacuran, , - . » z Offg. Manager. W. Bank or Ivpta; * mila, 29th Sept. 1558. ‘ 3 a Notice. >, ’ PECIAL Meeting of the Shareholders of the i Savings’ Bank will be held at the Manager’s @, on Monday the 20th Decamber 1555, at iz r the purpose of deciding on the Regis- ofthe Bank, under the Provisions of Act lot 1850. ae 1 W? McLeavy, : _ Manager. GRA Savincs’ Bayk, } the 16th September 1558. ls, J ’ Notice. ; Errects belonging to the Estate of the Christopher Foy, M. D., who died in yuns on his way from Backergunge to ‘ave udder the Seal of this Court, and 4 = ] & / L'aO8e “a é will be delivered over to any to take charge of the same. W party duly qualified . 8, Seton-Karr, Offg. Judge. eee Notice. ory JESSORE, Dewanny Adawlut, The 25th Sept. 18d8. Atr persons having claims against, or being in- debted to the Estate of the late Captain Frederick George Elkington, of 1. M.’s 35th Regiment, are requegted to edmmunicate with the undersigned, on or before the 20th October 1858S. ’ Cusmres Frep. Browne, Captain, 35th Foot, > Presdt. Com, of Adjustment, ; Dinapore. Stolen or Destroyed. ——— . The under-mentioned Government Promissory Notes standing, by transfer, in the name of Dhurram Dass, the Proprietor, by whom fhe were neyer endorsed to any other person. Payment of the Notes and of Interest thereupon ha’ been. stopped at the Loan Office, and application is about to be made to Government for the issue of Duplicate Notes in favor of the Proprietor, Duvurm Dass, Mohulla Darecha, Dethie. The 19th Sept. 1858. { | ee of each Registered No. Date. Of what Loan.) Note in Co.'s " | Rupees, * } | 29065, 30th June 1854./ 4 Per-Cent of 1854-55. 1500 29056 Ditto. | Ditto. 1000 =. 29067 Ditto, Ditto. 1000 2929 | Ditto. Ditto. } 5000 a7, 39259 | Ditto. | Ditto. , 1006 29093 | Ditto. | Ditto. 500 ‘ a. at Sn ae = Lost, Stolen or Destroyed. Tue Government Four per cent Promissory Note, No. $1541, of 1854-55, >for Company's Rupees (1,000) one thousand, dated the 30th June 1854, endorsed ky Obhoyram Choneloll to Ram Kissen Doss Gopee Kissen, the Proprietor, by whom 1 was never endorsed to -any otuer person, payment Loan Office, add to Government for t Ram Kissex Doss Gorre KIssex. of which has been stopped in the application is about to be made he issue of a Duplicate Note. 4 aT . Notice. A first-half Bank of Bengal Note, No. 30165, and second-half, No. 301 38, both joined together, having come into the possessior of the undersigned, payment of the same has been stopped at. the Bank. t NILMADHUB BHUTTACHARIEF. LOST.—Second half of a Bank of Bengal Note, No. 39452, for Co.’s Rs. 50, the payment of which has been stopped at the "Bank. = ——— LOST.—Bank of estat Note, No. 00014, for Company’s Rupees 1000. Payment has been stop- ped at the Bank. . General Post Ollice Notifications. ‘ NO. 2285. The Overland Mail vié Marseilles and ° South- ampton and the imtermediate Ports, -Madras, Ceylon and Aden, per P. and* O. Company’s Steamer Adma, will be closed at this Office, on Friday, the 8th proximo, at_ 6 P. M. “ID is: her shy? y’ notified, that unless marked for particular Ships, all Letters receiyed at the General Post © between Monday, the 28th September, and Sunday, the 3rd October 1858, both dates inclusive, were aq by as the wnder-mentioned Vessels which sailed from Caleutta, on dates specified : i— [ 19838 } Letters, &e., for Penang, Singapor e, Has and Australia “il be Fovvarded vd Galle byae Rs © Catcurta ; General Post Office, The 24th Sept. 1858. An additional Overland Mail for transmi Kedgeree by water will be closed at the Gencral Pest Office at 6 P. M., on Saturd 9th proximo. SG T. Garrerr, — Offg. Deputy Post-Master ¢ . No. 2547. Indian Postage must be paid upon alla lett and papers posted by this opportunity. ‘ There will be no After-Packet by land... Cancurray; The 29th Sept. 1858. La T. Garrerr, — Offg. Deputy Post«Master é: 1 er ree fia. Aetns By what Ship despatched. Bound to REMARKS. Gye ° 28th Sept. 1858 ...|Fair Light ° _.- Sydney’, .. Left Town on the 29th Septem 28th ditto ~~... Albatross _.. Mauritius --| Ditto Ditto. Di 28th do. to 8rd Oct. 1858 Steamer Cape of ood) ; . Hope . Rangoon and Moulmein| Ditto Ditto 4th The 5th October 1858S. Ns ¢ ¢ T, GARRETT, Offy. Deputy Post-Master Gen ae re — he Calceut Zillah Cachar. ’ The 1th August 1858. mepixes or Lizvt. R. Srewarr, Ofy. Supdt. FRING a seven years’ residence on this Frontier s frequently struck me that although Cachar ‘surrounding Districts and States are most in themselves, and productive of many of ticles of trade such as are conducive to the ities and conveniences of life, yet that no ilar system exists whereby this produce can be generally available to the western and more ized portion of the Empire. likewise apparent that although the mha- SUPPLEMENT TO* ta @asette, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1858. ‘ tive countries, and that to meet these it be inti- mated to the mhabitants of Cachar, North, South and Proper, to those of Munipoor and Kubboo; to | the inhabitants of the Kutcha Angamienagah, and | Lhooshai countries through the proper authorities that a Mart has been opered where they may not only dispose of their native produce, but'receive inveturn that and the manufactures of Foreign countries. The date of the Mela which will last for five days is fixed from the 80th December to the 3rd January 1858-59 inclusive, corresponding with 16th to 20th Pows 1265 B.S. Ordered, that copies of this Proceeding, together with the accompanying advertisement relating to mts of this Frontier are by no means poor, yet Fave not been introduced to the full ad- luwes to be derived from extensive importations reign manufactures. : Phe causes of this stagnation of traffic appear © to be the want of roads and consequently of led conveyances and the continued inclemency e seasons for the greater portion of the year ch makes all communication both by land and er extremely difficult. ; % . . eg is great natural as well as financial difficulties f, debarring for the present all thoughts of the Btruction of good roads, and as the river nayitsa- ill be always affected by the seasons until e has been created sufficiently remunerative the occupation of steamers and vessels, proof st the storms and strong currents which pre- uring the rains, it xemains to provide a channel fi» as little affacted as possible by the difficul- rithwhich it is at certain times surrounded, * the month of November to that of y, the weather is cold and bracing, fair and The plains are hard and travetsable, ‘the hills, dys, marshes and jungles are free from muias- i@ influences. The river is low enough to be rom ‘of navigation by boats of m@derate tonnage. mars to be the season when the traders‘of ferent Districts and States should assemble » central position and reciprocate produce. ssary, I think, only to appoint a date and a rendezvouz in orde a periodical trade which will connect Burma eva, and Assam with,the Hills of Tipperah. 8 purpose, 10 consultation with Mr. Allen, x of the Board of Revenue, on deputation at yonjee, it has been determined that an ir or Mela be held at m of Cachar, and that the inhabitants of the uring Districts to the West as well as those m to the North be invited to attend, bring- sale and barter the produce of their respec- a a ved of strang currents and -deep enough fo | rto secure the estapdlish- , 5 Silchar, the Sudder | it and recounting the articles most likely to be proffered and demanded at the Mela, be sent in English and Vernaculars to the authorities of the Province of Assam, and the Zillah of Dacca, Fur- reedpoor, Mymensing, ‘Tipperah and Sylhet, ikeWige to Major McCulloch, Political Agent in Munigoor, for communication to the Governments of Muni- poor and Kubboo, and that these gentlemen be solicited to give the widest circulation and publi- city in their power to the advertisement. Ordered, that the above Proceeding be commu- niecated through emissaries to the different. tribes of Nagahs, Kookies, Cassyahs, Meekirs, Cacharies, Angamies, Kacha Nagahs and Looshais in and about Cachar. Ordered, that the above Proceeding and adver- tisement be sent to the Calcutta Guzette for pub- lication. Orderad, that copies of the above Proceeding and advertisement be sent to all known and respec- table Individuals, Merchants, Traders, Landholders and Planters oa the Frontier, with the request that they will give publicity to, and aid the ‘undertaking. R. Srewart, Offy. Supdt. ns * ADVERTISEMENT. Norrcrxis hereby given, that on the 30th and 31st of Degember 1858, and the Ist, 2nd and 38rd of | danuary 1859, a great Mela will Ie held at Silchar or Doodpatly, in the Zillah of Cachar, to .which all the Merchants, Traders,and Inhabitants of Dacea, Furreedpoor, Mymensing, Tipperah, Sylhet, Cheerapoonjee, Assam, and Cachar will he invited, and to which the people of the Independant States of Munipore and Kubboo im Burma will also be* summoned together with those of the surrounding tribes of Cassyahs, -Meekirs, Kookies, Nagas, Khacharies, Kacha Nagag, Angamies and Lhooshais, _ bringing with them the produce and manufactuyes of their own end foreign countries. * Aer eh A list is hereto appended, showing the articles of commerce most Jikely to be proffered and demanded. . nae td la la r at this Mela, but there are many others besides which will form objects of trade. . The chief approaches to Silchar from the West are the rivers Surma or Burrack and the Koosia- rah; these are navigable throughout the season to boats of 500 maunds; there is a road througli the hills to Assam on the North, and one to Munipore | Dall, Boot. | Dall, Khessary. on the East. No taxes or Bazar dues will be levied on any articles sold at the Mela, and ehtds will be erected for the convenience of the Shop-keepers. The Mela will last for five days, and during its | continuance, prizes will be offered by Public Sub- scription to the winners in Boat, Elephant, Horse and Foot Races as well as for other Athletic games and exercises among which may be mentioned the Mu- niporee, Kangjai or Hockey upon horse back. Articles likely to be proffered by the West and de- manded by the Eust at the Guehar Mela. Beads, Coral. Beads, Amber. Almonds. Inkstands. Alpacea. Ivory. Axes. Tron, ift great quantities. Adres. Jute. Almirahs. Knives. F Armlets. * Kharoos. Anklets. Kubbuj. Amber. Lanterns. * Blankets. Looking Glasses. Broad Cloth, in great Lime. : quantities. Merihios. Banyans. Musk. Boots. Meerdungs. Bill Books. Necklace. Books, English. Neckcloths. Books, Bengalee. Night Caps. Books, Ugdu. Onions. Brass. Oranges. Brass Ornaments. Pepper. d Brags Wire, in great Potatoes. * quantities. Pugeries. P Brass Chains. Poreelain. Buttons. Pickaxes. Basket work. Playing Cards. Bracelets. Paper. Bolak. Porcupine Caps. Bark. Pettaras. Beads, Cornelian. Pasha. Beads, Agate. Quinine. Beads, Glass. Quills. Retined Sugar, Red Lead. Beads, Wooden. Ruges. Beads, Shell. Razais. ' Camphor. Ribbons. Cotton Cloths, Ropes. + Chintzes. Rang. f Cambrie. Rose Water. « Chaders. Carpets. Colored Cotton Cloths, m great quantities. Cookifig Pots. Rings, Gold, Silver and * Prass. ° Spectacles. , Salt, in great quantities. e CotoredCotton Handker- Silk. . - chiefs, in great quanti- Satins. ties. Shawls. Cords. f Sheetings. ° Country Saddles. Shirtings. 4 Carpentefs’ Tools. r Sutrunjies. -Cloeks. $ Scull Caps. Copper. 55 Stockings. Coal, Sola Topelahs. Silk Hankerchiefs. Corkscrews. . Sheep. (hests. Soda Water. £ Chains. Scissors. Chairs. ‘ Shoes in great varieties, La a 3 Chikol. Chillumchees. Cowries. : Castor Oil. ° Cocoanut Oil. Dall, Urhur. Dall, Moong. Dall, Moosoory. Dall, Motur. Dacca Muslin. Daeca Soap. . Dacca Cheese. Drugs. Desks. English Muslin, in great quantities. Elephant Guddies. Earrings. Fiddles. « Flannel. Framed Pictures. Garters. Ganzee Frock Cotton, in great quantity. Ganzee Woollen. Gauze. Guddelas. Guitars. Golap Pash. Gun-powder. Gold Ornaments. Glavs. Hookahs. Hookahs, Brass. Hookah, Bidry. Hookah Stands. ¢ Articles likely to be proffered by the Ei manded by the West at the Cachar J Bamboos in great quan‘ tities. Buffaloes, from Munipore Null. eid Burma. Buffaloe’s Horns. Ble Beetles’ Wings. Cotton Raw, in large quantities. Cows. Cloths manufactured by the different tribes, of various kinds and + quantities. Weer Skins. Dried Fish. , Elephants. 5 Fine S»etul Patty. Gold. Goats. Hill Mineralr. Hpckey Sticks Ivory. Jute. Khes. oe Kalig. Khag. Linseed. Mustard Seed, in’ larfe quantities, Mats. i Muniporee Shawls. Muniporee Curtain. Muniporee Rugs. , and Ball, Singing” Bird Shamadans. Spoons. «Shot. Steel Pens, Shelves. Shells. ° Sonks. « . Scented Soap. Smelling Salts. Snuff. ‘ "4 Sulphur. . Sutrung. Tweeds. Towels. Tape. Tin. Tanpoor. Tin Boxes. ¢ Tables. Teapoys. Tobacco, m Toys sess Utter. Utterdans. ; Umbrellas, Cottor Velvet. fi Vinegar. 3 Wearing App: Wearing Appar. hand, 7 Wall Shades. Wooden Box ent kinds. Wooden Ute Watches. Wadding. Muniporee Sh of Cloth, Otter Skin. | ‘<7 Paddy in lay, Muniporee. Pigs, of the Chi cles. ‘aa? Peacocks. Peacocks’ Fe Parrots. Rattar. =) ae Rice in large que Raw Sugar. Sessamum, Sunpat. Silk. Specimens of mals for a Tea. = Tea Seeds. . f ee Timbers, in al i and great va NOTICE. . ae I “a ge Lithographed Maps of the Survey of India recently published at the peyor percral 8 Office, Calcutta, are available at the prices specified, either at the weeyor General's Office or at Messrs. D’ Rozario and Co.’s Library. 2 PRICE. Description of Mars. | Colored Colored nd Colored and folded in on . unmounted. /Book fashion.) Rollers. General Maps. R | fumaon and British Gurhwal, compiled with the latest addi- a a aA a ala a s from the Researches of Captain H. Strachey in 1846 and Lieute- | ¢ Richard Strachey, Engineers, in 1849,—April 1850. Scale 8 miles= re neh. . bak" = 2 fo) 3 co) 3 4 oseph’s Map of the Grand Trunk Road, Section 2nd, improved Edi- | mn, Benares to Agra. Scale 4 miles=1 Inch. “ Pee TKO |e SAK” Seah. Ht Ditto Ditto Section 3rd, Agra to Ferozpoor. ° ale 4 miles] Inch. 6 fC) 7 8| >8 fc) Plan of the Agra and Bombay Road, with the Country extending Smiles to the Hast and West of it, and exhibiting the’ Staging alows, Post Offices, &e., from Agra to the Nerbudda River, on : Seale of 4 miles=1 Inch 1 Hy | o 4 8 ‘The Kotah and Chukkata Bhabur or Terae Forest of Zilla Cumaon, from the Sardah to the Kosee River, with the Approaches to Wainee ‘Tal and Almora, surveyed under the superintendence of Lieute- 5 nts Vanrenen and Burgess, Revenue Surveyors, in 1851 to 1858, and compiled in the Revenue Surveyor General’s Office, on the Scale of 2 ) tiles) Inch. eis 2 o 3 4 3 8 isis o Burgess, 74th Regiment Native Infantry, Assistant Revenue Surveyor, hn 1849-50, Scale 2 of a mile or 20 Gunter’s chains—1 Inch. Beh 4 Oo 6 8 We rc) Plan of a Survey to trace the line of boundary between the Soon- erbunds and District 24-Pergunnahs, as defined by Captain T. Prinsep, between the years 1817 and 1822, traced by Captain R. Smyth, 1849-50 ‘ im 5 Numbers. Scale } mile=1 Inch. Hach number » 32, Sketch Map of the Oudh Territory. Seale 8 mtles=1 Inch. os The Jullundhur Doab, comprising the Districts of Jullundhur, Hooshiyarpoor and Kangra, surveyed from 1847 to 1852. Scale 4 British miles=1 Inch, (Hnglish lithography.) oa The British and Native States in the Cis-Sutleg Division, com- rising the Districts of Ferozpore, Loodhianah, Umballah, Thanesur md Simlah, with Puttialah, Nabhuh, Jheendh, Kotlah, Khviseca and : reedkot, surveysd in 1847 to 1851. Scale 4 miles=1 Inch. ie 0} Yo or} Lo 8 meral Map of the Country bordering the Grand Trunk Road No. 1 tta to Benares, embracing Patna, Bhaugulpoor, Burdwan, and | | a Nazpore Divisions South of the Ganges. Scale 8 miles=1 Inth. 4 0 | tto Ditto No. 2 Benares to Delhi, embracing the Tenares | | sion, the Doab, Oudh, Rohilcund, Rewah, part of Bundleound, the | lior and Bhurtpoor Territoxy. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. Bots éneral Map of the Qoruckpoor and North Behar Frontier, embracing | > Country “North of the Ganges; Tirhoot, Chumparun, Sarun and i) nw Oo oo) ca, istricts bordering tht Gogra River to Fyzabad., Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. 4 o; 5 to) 5 ) 4 The Nizam’s Dominions, with. the Ceded Districts and Country f ' iy tending to the Nerbuddah River. Scale 16 milés=1 Inch. ite 3 o; 4 4 4 Ss ex Map of Bengal, Behar, Qrissa, Arracan, Pegu, or Lower Pro- < under the Jurisdiction of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal. y 82 miles—=1 Inch. Ae 3 (a) 4 4}, 4 S e Province of Pegu, compiled by Lieutenant , C. §. Williams, d vers, and Officers ,of the Pegu Survey, from all available! eS : ation. Scale 8 miles==1 Inch. th bd Pees a Be) 5 4 |, 5 1S tch Map of the Country between Agra and Umballah from Joseph’s . 4 . ection rd, Grand Trunk Road Map, with Fort of Delhi. Scale 4 . Inch. * oes 5 44 4 One patd: 8 dpiGuuleo: teh Map of the Country round Delhi, with Fort of Delhi. Seale 2 »J 2 Perce’ 1 Inch. * : . oo | 4: o|* 5 8 6 { 0 Sah 5 PrIcE . e : e e | 4 ° ee eo. Colored Colored and ° and folded in unmounted. |Book fashior. Rs. | As: Xs. 1A Sheets Nos. 1 and 2 of the Boundary between the British and Jumoo Territories, from the Ravee to the Jhelum, surveyed in 1850-51. Seale | 1 mile=1 Inchf Each Sheet. ane | 4 (a) an Hee ) Central India. | Sketch Map of the District of Jubbulpoor in the Saugor and Nerbudda ; { ; Territories, 1541. Scale 4 miles—1 inch 2 oO 2 A, Sketeh Map of Saugor and Dhamoh, in the Saugor and Nerbudda - Territories, 1853. Scale 4 miles—1 inch 3 (a) 4, co) Map of the Sohagpoor and Ramghur Districts in the Saugor and "Nerbudda Territories 1852. Scale 4 m¥es==1 inch 6 co) 7 40 Sketch Map of Seonee and Mandlah Districts. Stale 4 miles=1 inch... 3 O47 4 cy) Available Bengal District Mapg on the Geographical Scale of 4 British | 7 Milos=1 Inch, lithographed in England. ‘ 24-Pergunnahs, ¢ g ) ' 9) Hoogly, .. 2 oO 3 oO Nuddeah, 1) oO 3 (6) Moorshedabad, ‘ 2 ca) 3 ) *Burdwan, 2 ) 3 fe) Beerbhoom, 2 oO 3 (0) **Bancoorah, (Preliminary Map,) . 2 9) 3 a) Midnapore and Hijellee, in 1 Sheet, 2 0 3 ) Balasore, 2 fC) 3 (0) Auttack, a Fi 1250; 3 fe) Monghy: 1 v 2 79 3 0 Patna, masts - 2 fe) 3 oO Behar, 2 AO 3 a) . Sarun, ¢« Cas tae 0) 3 to) Tirhoot, ¢ Qe At OAc Are 0) Purneah, % 2 Cs) 3 oO Maldah, . 2 0 3 rc) Rajshahee, . 2 oO 3 fe) *Pubnah, (Preliminary Map,) 9 O40 8 re) *Bograh, (ditto ditto,) 9 ra) | £ 0 *Portions of Pubnah and Mymensing Districts, ‘(ditto aitoy e 9 0 a 0 Chittagong, 9 re) 3 0 Goalparah, 2 C0) 3 O *Duwrung, 9 re 3 oO *Nowgong, 2 | o 9 119 South Behar, comprising Districts Behar, Shahabad and Patna, 6 0 7 8 | British Sikhim, comprising the Darjeeling Hill Territory, &e., F | o a ae On the Scale of 2 Miles=1 Inch: ¢ es Tirhoot, z of G re) oa ieeceiog Rajmuhul Hills or Damin-i-koh, ’ wall 5 oo fie 4 | ¢ € , a ad 4 Available District Maps of the North-Western Provinces on the Gedyra- phical Scale of 4 British Miles=1 Inch. Bijnour, . “ . od 9 «t 61| Ao ee os Moradabad, " C a 9 0 3 0 Goorgaon, . pA Li) 5 72 Paneeprt, Riel g 1% 2 12 Rohtuk, : ae 9 0 9 | 49 Hnurriana, (Hansi, Hissar,) 9°} 6 3 0 ’ fhuttiana or Sirsah Djstrict, ‘ . 9 0 29 | 42 Ajmere and Mairwhara, F Sion 9 o Pel ey Available District Maps of the North Western-Provinces on the Scale B } ' athe 2 2 Mile =1 Inch, shewing Village Boundaries. ° ‘| Jinere, . oo am s ists Meiintlihcn . a 5 eee ; ae ae | es | ; as | ae deena ste SN Seg I Mee a Le ae fy gs bea owe a * Lithographed i in in Caleutta. ia c >. f . ras ot 4 5 ca 4 e ° 7 * la my i Drscziption»0k Mars. = oe ee a a PRICE. > y Colored | Colored and! Colored ; and folded in | on > unmounted. |Book fashion.| Rollers. of the Punjab on the Scale of 2 ,Miles=1 Inch, shewing . 4 Fillage Boundaries. ee As.) Bs. | As | | | “OF ae Se Pc ete ayo | 4 | a a P | ere 4 dtd allah ee os oe” | S pote 4 | 4) 448 fe . 3 Ow. Ai 4 A | 8 i 2 3 | 0 4 | 4| 4 | Ss ‘ Peyguinah Maps. tae ae : ee Sean eal of the following Districts on the é eof 1 Mile to the Inch, shewing Village B ie ( m lithographed, and are A aALAEN ak Ne oo ca 3 a .. each Pergh. "Map 2 o 4 oF 3 2 oO { ” 2 0) ” 2 Oo ” 2 0 s ” 2 2 oO ” 2 oO, ” 2 ‘ 16) 2 20 0 ” 2 Q — 2 a) 4 Pergh. Maps only) ee = 2 4 ¢ 55 ue 2 ta) (7 ‘ (Scale } Mile—=1 Inch) ,, Rae ‘ . ” 4 tee ” 2 oO BalpSor With the exception of 4 Perghs. North of the ’ Poor, Ganges . es r 2 0 ay > a , pen } In progress, Maps being lithographed,... » 2 0 2 nble Rohileund Division Pergunnah Maps, North-Western Provinces. Scale + Mile==1 Inch, shewing Village Boundaries. rgunnah Gudderpoor Mie 9 * Ditto Kauber and Sirsawan 3. 2 0 Ditto Chowmailha ‘e | ° 2 0 Ditto Richah te | 2 | 0 Ditto Jehanabad (Sheet No. 1, salty: ED, | ditto (Sheet No. a a Zillah Bareilly | 2 4 Kilpooree Py 2 0 Nanuk Mutha 3 o Roodurpor 2 Co) Bilheree | ih 0 2 0 Bazpoor ~ ) a , i, re) o Kasheepoor (18 Villages in ell ee te 9 ° ms of Forest Lands belonging to Pergunnah Cae mitee i por. Scale 1 Mile=Inch ; = : toil 0 . mnah Juspoor (4 Villages in) . oe g it | Allotments of the Government Forest in ae Zillah Shahje- Poorunpoor Sybna , : hanpoor? hak 48 Eastern Division of Pergunhah Chukkata) : in 2 Sections — t Mig 1 ° Western Division of ditto ’ coe a 1 0 , ‘amaon Bhabur or Forest of Pergunnahs ‘Kaleg Pyay Ku- and Dhyanerao, in 8 Sectiors Ea hac 1 Co) “3 Xortion of Kotah Bhabur, lying between the ee FS and Dubka Rivers, in 2 Sections = Ne if’ 0 3 otah Bhabur, between the Kosee and soot . " ae ae i 2 ‘ S ’ ) Pilleebheet Forest ant Villages adjoining, shewing the Rise , , s tion of the Mala Swamp 5 on 1 0 . . orest in Pergunnah Ufzulgurh, Zillab Bijnour , bs 1 j.0 : : ‘nour Forest. Scale 1 Mile=1 Inch, in 2 Seetions, 1 o | 3 . = ee ee the ee fer ee A “ : . . < *) a a <> t >.) PRICE. . 6 . ° i : 2 Description oF Mars. Golerat ‘ and * unmounted. % — —s rf e Rohilewnd Division River Survey Maps. Scale + Mile=1 Tuch. Rs. | As. : ¢ The Deoha River, shewing the adjoining Villages of Pergunnahs Jehanabad and Pilleebheet tom 1 ° The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Per- gunnahs Ahar and Seanah, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and a part of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad, . \ at 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Pergunnahs Pooth and Gurmookteshur, and part of Pergunnah Kethoor, Zillah Meeruth, and a part of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad,... 1 ° The Villages situated on*the Banks of the Ganges River, ‘in Pergunnah Bashta, Zillah Bijnour and part of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, ° Zillah Moradabad, Pergunnah Mustinapoor, Niloha, arfd part of Per- gunnah Kethoor, Zillah Meeruth. re eh 0 ’ The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ramgungae River, in Pergunnahs Moradabad and Sutkurrah, Zlah Moradabad, ae il to) The Villages situated on the Banks “of the Rameunga River, in Pergunnahs Surkurrah, Moghulpoor,, Ugwanpoor, Umrohah and Thakoordwarrah, Zillah Moradabad, and in Pergunnah Sehorah, Zillah Bijneur, 5 hs 1 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of the Rameunga River, in Pergunnahs Barrapoora, Sheirkote, Sehorah and Ufaulgurh, Zillah Bijnour, . a 1 i) tf Rohileund Division River Survey Maps. Scale 1 mile1 Inch. A The Ramgunga River, and adjoining Villages of Pergunnah Sulaimpoor, District Budaon, and Khera Bujhera and Mehrabad, District Shahjehanpoor, ae 1 a) The Ramgunga River, and adjoining Villages of Pergunnahs Serouleey Aonla, Crore and Fureedpoor, District Bareilly, and Sulaimpoor of District Budaon, + q 0 U he Villages situated on the Banky of the Ganges River, in Pargunnahs Fyzpoor, Budreea,” Zillah Etah, and Suheswan, Zillah Buftaon. - 1 t) The Villages situated_on the Banks of thé Ganges River, in Pergunnahs Aolayee and Nidhpoor, Zillah Etah, and Pergunnahs Oo0}- | hanee, and part of Ooseith, Zillah Budaon, et 1 fC) The Villages situated on the Banks of Rivers ‘Ganges and Ramgunga, in Pergunnahs Kumpil and Islamgunj, Zillah Furruckabad, Pergunnah Mehriabad, Zillah Shahjchanjoor, and part“of Pergunnah Ooseith, Zillah Budaon, : a, pal ae The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Pergunnahs Daranuggur, Bijnour, Mandawar, Keeruthpoor, N ujeebabad, Zillah Bijnour and in Pergunnahs Sumbulheera, Bookurheree, and Goor- dhunpoor, District Mozuffurnugeur, te if 0 The Villages ‘situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in i Pergunnahs Anoopshahur and Dibace, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and Per- . gunmahs Rujpooruh and Asudpobdr, Zillah Budaon, Cs “3 1 Ca) * , | ae ee , ee Geological’Map of the Northern Fronf of the Vindya Hills, extend. ) are ing from ANahabad to Rajmuhal, shewing tke position of all the known Book fashion. | Geological Map. Coal Beds of that Tract, and also of the Silver, Copper, Lead and| ° Antimony Localities, as well as the principal Iron emeasures; measuring | -* 4 feet lo inches by 3 feet 3 inches, and gompiled on the seale of 8 miles==1 inch, ’ £ . . Cantonment, Oivil Station, and City Maps. . (¢ . td The Cantonments and Park of Barrackpoor. Scale 12 inches==1 mile, ... The Cantonments of Cawnpoor. Scale 8 inches=1 mile, ......,... The Cantonments ,of Dinapore. Scale 10 chains== sine 5 seaie te r ‘The Station of Chittagong. Scale 440 feet to the TLC Wier. che cate eons . The ffown and Station of Cuttack. Scale 20 chains—1 inch, ........../. ‘ The Civil Station of Kishnagurh. Scale 12 inches—1 mile ee ; Ses o omar of Namee Tal, Zillah Kumaon, Seale § inches—1 mile, ° ‘4 r ° a ba BO Athos to x 1S . ’ DeEscryrvion or Maps. » ‘City of Juggernauth in the Pooree Di | City of Grya and Shahebeunj, Town of Burdwan. Seale 12 inches—1 mile. mile, or 264 feet=1 inch. Index Map to the Locations at Darjeeling. gunge. Scale 4 Inches=1 Mile. “A pproaches from the Plains Ki maon. Seale 1 mile=1 inch. Baraset Division in 4 Sheets. Scale 1 mile—=1 inch, ait ey sed on the Trigonometriecal Survey. ores strict. Seale 10 chains] inch... in the Behar District. Scale 8 inch—1 mile. wo rojected Plan of the Town of Rangoon 1853. Scale 20 inches==1° “Map exhibiting the position of the Collieries in the vicinity of Rane- to Nainee Tal and Almorah, Zillah fy The Engraved Indian Atlas Sheets. Scale 4 British miles 1 ineh, the Public at 4 Is. each Section, but to Officers of Government | Price. Colored” | Colored and Colored and folded in on unmounted. |Book fashion.| Rollers. Rs. (As. (oO R&. f As. {-—Rs. | As. ieee ae 2 ta) 2 4 1 Ce) 2 oO 3] 4 4 a) 5 8) ..6 co) ! 2 0 3 ta) 3 4 2 ty 3 oO 3 4 6.2717 (03| aad SSSR ES Sse), °C 1 On| eee Oo 2 { 6 0 8 § 9 0 The following are available | : 2 fa) 3 to) 3 | + ’ _ Containing what Districts or Places. | Number of the Atlas Sheets. + Last of the Indian ‘Atias Sheets. _ BY “ Containing what Districts or Places, 7 , Dumaun, Gorah, Gumbheerghur. Bombay, Junjeera, part of Southern Konkun, Rutnagheria. 70 Wassuck, Arungabad, Dowlutabad. , Poonah, Purrainda, Ahmednuggur, Mahabalesh- | 72 war. | Sattara, Kolapoor, Beejapoor. 73 Goa, Darwar, Belgaum. 74 North Canava, Soondi, Bilghy, and North-West | of Mysore. 75 Mangalore, South Canara Coorg and South-West 76 of Mysore. F : tes iyi 4. | Calicut, Cananore, Tellicherry,andpartof Malabar. | 78 47 | Loodhianah, Simlah, Kangra, Hoshiyarpoor, : = Bishahir, Kasaoli. | 79 ~ 48 | Kurnal, Saharunpoor, Umballah, Mozufurnugur, | Dehra, Sirhind, Puttiala, Thaneysur. , | 80 Delhi, Meerut, Boolundshuhur, Goorgaony Jheend, | 31 Jhujhur, Rohtuk, and part of Hurriana. 88 Agra, Muthra, Bhurtpoor, Dholpoor, Ulwar, and parts of Allyghur and of Jeypoor. 89 Ellichpoor, Gawulghur, Beitool, Aseerghur, | 94 Oomrauwutty. Maiker, Bassim, Jalnah, Karinga. 95 ‘ ,| Oodgheer, aroor, Kowlass, parts of Nundair, 102 : Beder, &e. " : 57 ~Koolburga, Coileonda, Kulliance, Mulkhaid, Nul- 103 droog, and part of Sholapoor. Raichoor, Moodgul, Davunkonda, Bellary, and . part of Kurnool. + _| Chittledroog, Codyeonda, Raidroog, Pennaconda, 107 ‘108 Hossdroog, 109 Mysore, Seringayatam, Bangalore, Doastaoram. /111 Coimbatoor, Octakamund, Hurdanhully,Chirpool- '112 Cherry and parts of Malabar and Salent. 124. Gochin, CoimbatoorPerk, Pulnee, Dindigul, ard parts of Travancore, Tinnevelly, and Madura. {125 Cape Comorin, Tinnevelly, Quilon, Trivandram, | Raha, Chaprung, Garoo or Gartope. Almorah, Sreenugur, and parts of Gurhwal and ’ Bijnour. ) Bareilly, Pilleebhect?Morddabad, Rampoor, Budaon and part of Shajehanpoor. _ 38 | Furruckabad, Cawnpoor, Etaweh, Mynpooree, 129 130 131 1138 a Jhansee, Kalpy, Banda, Dattia, Humeerpoor, Jaloun, and part of Gwalior. Saugor, Damoh, Huttah, Bejour, Belhari Teanyy Punnah. Nagpoor, Seuni, Comptah, Bundara, Omrait, Chindwarra, Deoghur. : Chanda, Hingunghaut, Chamoory,*Manickdroog, | |Eilgundel, Warungul, Maiduck, Mullangoor, , Ramgeer, Neermul, Mahadepoor. * ° Hydrabad, Bongeer, Nalgunda, Daveregnda. | Ongole, Moralla, Paumoor, Innaconda, Ardinga. | Cuddapa, Nellore and part of North Arcot. Madras, Arcot, Kestnagherry, Chittoor, Palicut, Sadras. Pondicherry, Tanjore, Tranquibar, Trichinopoly, Salem, South Arcot, Cuddalore, Porta Nova. Point Calymere, Jufnapatam, Ramnad, Nuttam. Tuticorin, Calpentyn. Futtehpoor, Allahabad, Mirzapoor, Benares, Chunar, Roy Bareilly, Jounpoor, Sooltanpoor. Rewah, Rajgur, Bandoogurh, Burgowa. Rajamandry, Coringa, Elloor, Condapilly, Gol- conda. wMasulipatam, Guntoor. Khatmando>, Bettiah, Goruckpoor, Soogowlee, Chumparun. | Patna, Azimgurh, Dinapoor, Arrah, Chupra, Tirheot, Gazeepoor, Behar, Sasseram. Gaiijam, Goomsurgurh, Hutgurh, Boad, Sohnpoor. Calingapatam, Vizianagram, Ryaguddy, Saloor, Ichapoor. Vi&agapatar, Cossimcotta. : | Nathpoor, Amarpoor, Sikim, Allygunj. Furneah, Monghyr, Bhaugulpoor, Durbunga. Gwahatta, Goalpara, Nulkar, Kamroop, Dxrrung, | ‘Nowgong. : : Sylhet, Jynteah, Garrow Hills, Cossyah Hills, | “Nusserabad or Sowara. , Sudiya, Rungpoor, Dibrooghur. — : Jorhat, Seebpoor, Ghergon, Lueckimpoor, Bessi- nath, Tezpoor. ~*~ Muneepoor, Cachar. F Sudiya, Chilkoa or Shaikwa, Rungagora. None of the remaining numbers are yet pub- | lished. P) . . ? cu Ferozabad, Bhind, and part of Oudh Territory. \ pac, Stnrzror Grexerar’s OEFICE; cutta, the 1st September 1858, > ‘ H. L. THUILLIER, ~- Deputy Surveyor General. x 4 > *" LAND SALE NOTICES. ., ° ca ‘ Ky NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-menfioned Estates in Zillah Hooghly will be put up to” public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Monday, the Sth November 1858 A. D., or 24th Kartick 1265 B.S., for Arrears of Revenue and other demands whicl!, by thd Regulations and. Acts in force, are directed to be realized in the same manner as Arrears of Revenue due on the 28th September 1558 :— > Class I.—Permanently-settled Estate. No, 267.—Khannabotty, Pergunnah This appointment will have effect from the August 1858. ee. _ No. 1390 of 1858.—The following Notifiga issued from the Publié Works Department, 1 the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, is} lished in General Orders :— . No. 15.—The 25th September 1858. J. M. Boileau, of the Madras Engineers, ciate as Chief Engineer at Hyderabad, absenge of Lieutenant Colonel Henderson, further orders. e a _ No. 1391 of 1858.—The following Notifiea issued by the Hon’ble the Lieutenant-Governa Bengal, are published in General Orders:— Apporntinents—The 50¢2 September 1858— W. Vincent to be Lieutenané-and Adjutant 2nd Bengal Police Battalion. ¢ © 9 | = Phe 2nd October 1858.—Surgeon J. A. & be Civil Surgeop. of Moorshedabad. ¢ . ‘Fad '- ° _ No. 1392 of 1858.—The following tions, issued by the Government. North- Provinces, are published in General Order: Ne. 3983.—The 29th September 18 . Robert Henry Dunlop is vested with tl described in Acts, SIV. and XVII. of the District of Mooradabad. Mir No. 4014.—The 80th September 1858,— Absence—Major W. C. Erskine, Cor Jub)ulpore Division, fortwo months, to applying for leave td Europe, on. tificate. i rite + No. 82.—The 30M September 1858: i 1393 of 1558.—Surgeor James Harrison, Professor of Anatomy, &e., inthe Medical permitted to proceed to Sea on Medical ¢, andl to be absent from Beneal, on that nt { or three months, under the old, Regulations. ¢ 394 of 185S8.—The under-mentioned gentle- mitted into the Service, in eonformity with pointment by the Hon’ble the Court of rs, as a Cadet of Artillery on this Establish- and promoted to the Rank of Lieutenant, ne the date of his Commission for future stmen t:— Date of arrival at Fort William. Artillery. Palmer Boyd, * 27th Sept. 1S58. | Port William, ith October 1858. 0. 1395 of 1858.—The following Orders issued Chief Commissioner, Punjaub, and published Punjaubl Gazette, No. 5s, dated 22nd Sep- 1$58, are confirmed :— 4th Seikh Infantry. 714.—Jemadar Wadut Khan is permitted resin the Service. 0. 745.—Brigade Order, dated 10th September, iB igadier S. Corbett, C. B., directing Assis- nt Surgeon J. Wilson, of the 4th Seikh Trregu- Cavalry, to afford Medical aid to the 21st ment Punjaub Infantry, in addition to his her duties, is confirmed. ; . Qnd Seikh Infantry. No. 716.—The Peshawar Division Order, dated h August, by Major General Sir Sydney Cot- , K.C. B., Commanding, permitting Lieutenant itz Hugh, 21st Regiment Native Infantry, to proceed and join the 2nd Scikh Infantry, under ders to march for the Provinces, is confirmed. . 4th Regiment Punjaub Infantry. No. 717.—Promotions. To what Pr From what ‘ies ank u whose room. : ee ~ date. I promotedy - | .. Subadar ... | 7 : be Heera’ Sing, killed in 15th Apl. 185. action. » t .) . . - Ellabi Buksh, promoted. . 7 * | _-Jemadar af Ditto > ot re Se ee een 718.—The Derah Ismai] Khan Station Or- : . . ‘ 7.-%, ; x A inev, Commanding, authorizing the Loree € er to entertain an extra Sweeper for the ‘Akalowrh, during sugh time as certain Prisoners may be vonfined there. Meer Mobaruck Shal’s Ressalta. § 719-—Jemadar Shere Khan is reduced t% rank of ,Duifadar. 2 ; fadar Futty Allee Khan to be Jemadar, 1 f Shere Khan, with effect from Ist June ated 30th August 1855, by Captain P. Luts | { ‘Lieutenant Thomas Terbert [ 1991 ] Fort Willian, 8th October (S58. No, 1396 of 1858.—Major T. Martin, of the 20th Regiment Native Infantry, is permitted to proceed to Sea, on Medical Certificate, and to be absent from Bengal on that account for one year, under the old Regulations. No. 1397 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Officer has returned to his duty on this Establishment, without prejudice to his Rank, by permission of the Ilon’ble the Court of Directors :— Date of avrival at A F3 4 . Fort William. Captain Thomas Ellis Bridge- man Lees, 43rd Native Light Infantry. 2nd Oet. 1558. No. 1398 of |858.—The Hon’ble the President of the Council of India in Council is pleased to extend to the following Officers, when performing mounted duties “on Field Service, the existing Rule granting Compensation for loss of Chargers, viz :-— To all Poot Artillery Officers attached to Heavy or Light Guns, drawn ‘by Bullocks or Elephants. To Infantry Officers below the Rank of Field Officer, when performing the duties of that Grade, in room of absent Field Officers. To Officers acting as Orderly Officers to Officers Commanding Divisions and Brigades. It is to be understood that Horse Allowance is not authorized by these Rules, but Compensation only for the loss of Horses. Officers Commanding Divisions and Brigades in the Field will each be allowed to employ two Orderly Officers in excess of the autkdrized Staff. These Orderly Officers may be either Regimental Officers*or Stafl’ Officers who are not ordinarily required to be mounted, not being in reecipt of lorse Allowance. The nomination of Orderly Officers and of Regimental Officers to perform mounted duties in the absence of Field Officers is to be notified in Regimental, Brigade or Division Orders, as the case may be. s No. 1399 of 1858.—The under-mentioned gentle- men are admitted into the Service, in conformity with their appointment by the Hon’ble the Court of Directors, as Cadets of Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry on this Establishment, and promoted to the Rank of Lieutenant, Cornct and Ensien res- peetively, from the dates assigned to them in Go- vernment General Order, No. 1216 of 1858 = Date of arrival at a ’ 4 ¢ Avtillery. Fort William Wer: ; x Mr. Harry Maxwell Mackenzie, | . Cavalry. - William Ilay Maenaghten, Ua Oct. 1858. 4 Infontry. | ;, Richard Worsley, : Pai ,, George Bernard Johnston, ) : No. 1400 of 1858.—The under-mentioned Ofh- cer is permitted to proceed. to Europe, on leave of ~ absence, on Sick Certificate :— . For eighteen 8rd Euro- et the ee the Maddock, of the : *... ) old Regulations. pean Regiment, No. 1401 of 1858.—Under the authority of the How ble the Court of Directors, Lieutenant-Colonel §nd Brevet-Colohel Stephen Glynne Whelcw, of she late 191) Regiment Native tnfantry, 1s trans- fefred to the Retired List, on the Pension of a°Colo- ! nel, from this date. % . . ot * 2 ————EE——— ta © " f 1992 j 0. 1402 of 1858.*-The Sirkind Division Order, dated the 24th february 1558, appointing Captain M. J. Slater, of the 5th European Regiment, now Pension Paymaster; Oude, to officiate as a Sub-Assistant Commissary General, is confirmed. F. D. Arxrtysoy, UWajor, Off. Secy. to the Girt. of India, in the Military Department. Nowell’. w. ‘Notification. {1 undersigned is reduced, by numerous en- quiries from Collectors and other Civil Officers, to publish the following extracts, from Section XNXIX. of the Pay Code :— 110. The following form of , declaration is “prescribed for Officers drawing Contingent Bills :-— “Tdo hereby declare upon my honor that the “ sums contained in this Bill have been dctually “ expended by me or the purpose set forth. (Signed) 4. B. “TIT. In all cases of Contingent Bills being “submitted for audit, when the, amount has not “been actually, or been only partially disbursed “by the drawer of the Bill, the following form of “attestation is to be used instead of the preced- cas Ing: “T do declare upon my honor that the above “charges of Co.’s Rs. have been neces- “sarily inerfrred, and have been, or will be, paid “by xe for the purposes set forth. a ” (Siened) A. B. «121. All Bills are to be prepared on half or. “a full sheet of foolscap paper, as circumstances “ may require, and the vouchers or certificates in “support of them are in all practicable cases to “ be entered at the foot or back of the Bills instead “ of being attached to them,” ° A. Gorpts, Jieut.-Col., Military Anditor General. a7 Forr WILriaM ; ) Mily, Audr. Genl?s Office, + The 5th May 1854. Notice. ¢ Tur General Treasury will be closed’ from Tuesday the 12th October to Tuesday the 19th October 1858, both days includéd, on account of the Hindoo Holiday Doorga Poojah. Thg General Treasury will further be closed ° on Friday tlre 22nd October and Saturday the *Stuart‘and John Ball, the said Official J 23rd October 1858, on account of the Hindoo | sworn the fourteenth’ day of April, One “Holiday Luckce Pogjah. r All Acceptances which may fall due between ' James Harris sworn the fifth day of Augu Tuesday the 12th October and Tuesday the 19th | instant will be payable zt the General Treasury on any businéss day after the 6th Oefober 1858. J, 1. Harvey, ‘ Sub-Treasurer. la ’ ort WitttaM ; r General Treasury, The ith September U85s. v a . - Notice. Wirt reference to General Treasury Notice, 17th September 1858, the Sub-Treasurer notifi under orders of the Hon’ble the Presiden Council, dated this day, that, in eidition Holidays already announced, the General Th will be, cloged on Wednesday the 20th, and Th day the 2Ist proximo, the two days interve between the Doorgah Poojah and Luekee Po Holidays. All Acceptances which may fall due from day the 12th, to Saturday the 23rd proximo, be payable at the Treasury on any business after the 6th October 1558. : J. I. Harvey, Sub. Treaswrer GENERAL TREASURY, a The 28th September 1858. F Notice. j i ‘= J TENDERS are invited for the transport of 1, Maunds of Iidgellee Salt from Pooreeghat that Agency to the Government Depdt at Su to be delivered at the latter place by t. February 1859. No Tender will be received af 12 o’clock of the 9th October 1858, 2. The Tender will of course specify the on which the party tendering will be willin engage for the transport of the above Salt. 3. «The Salt will be weighed out to the Colt ra tor on the River’s bank at Ghat Pooreeghatta, ; it will be shipped at his expense. It will be and weighed at Sulkea, at the expense of G ment. ¢ By order of the Board of Revenue, E. T. Trevor, Sere ° Fort WILLIAM ; : The 22nd September 1858, Vicu CHANCELLOR Woop Ay CHAMBERS. ; Tuunspay, the fifthd: of August, in the T second year of the of Her Majesty Victoria 1858, In the matter Joint. Stock C : winding’ up Acts 1 , 1849, And of the Lor Eastern Banking ° ration, Upon the application of the Official Ma the said Corporation, and upon hearing tl tors'for the said Official Managers and the Soli¢ tors for certain 6f the Comiributories and u reading the joint Affidavit of Charles Jay Nee ° ¢ight hwmdred and fifty-eieht and the Affid: thousand Fight hundred and fifty-eight, pectévely filed upon the file of Proceedings matter. It is peremptorily ordered, that of Tifty Pounds per Share be made o Contributories of this Corporation who h settled on the List of Contributories Class B, it 1s peremptorily ordered, that each of Contributories do on or before Monday, the t day of January, One thousand eight hundr ine, pay to Mr.. John, Ball, one of the anagers of the said Corporation, at his 57, Coleman Street, in the City of the Tulance, if any, which will be due | ter debiting his account im the Book’ | Corporation with such Call. Tlexry Lemay, Chief Clerk. — Police Oflice Notification. instructions from Government, the Com- of Police has the honor to invite all nh, in the Metropolis, to illuminate their on the occasion of the Proclamation which ment of India by Ter Majesty. e of the day fixed for the Hlumination will shed hereafter. S. Wavcnorer, jects of Her Most Gracious Majesty the | ttly be made, of the Assumption of the Commissioner of Police. _ Carcvita, K Dk September 1858. J Ve > fAemorandum. oe Pax new Sortie at the Plassey Gate will Be re- and available for the entrance of Carriages, aturday next the 9th instant. Carriages will cease to be permitted to enter by Chowringhee Sortie from’that date. Orrecr CAVENAGH, oun Majar. 1 —_——— 4 wx Magsor’s Orricu ; — Fort William, he 7th October 1858. —— Notice. R i) wmed operations, Bills charge of that Treasury ” : R. P. Tarrison, , Ofig. Acct. Genl. to the Gort. of Iniia. ’ Forr Writ ; ; ; | Acct Genl.’s Office, Durbar and Revenue Dept., Dhe 30th September 1858."> ’ Service only. we * » » 7 + ’ NOTIFICATION No. 7. Zz ’ sah — “mn an" L. Barber, Uncovenanted Deputy charge of the Tinperah Treasury, m0. war : ‘ E. F. TLarrsion, Forr WinuiAM; - of Acett.Govt.of Bengtl. he Sth October 1858. 3% 5 The Civil Treasury at Salone, in Oude, having drawn by the Officer are to be duly honored. til further orders it is not to be drawn upon, when absolutely necessary and on the Pub- ee Collector, on the Offg- Aceit. to the Govt. of Bengal, [ 1993 } . Notification. Bills at par on the Public Treasuries of the under- mentioned Districts may be had on application to | the Accountant to the Government of Bengal :— Districts. Amounts available on this date. Akyab, ... 1,00,000 at 4 per cent. premium. Backergunge, ... 1350,000 Jessore, .. 2,00,000 Midnapore,* 50,000 Purneah, ... 1,00,000 . Rajshahye,* —... 1,00,000 at } per cent. premium. Rungpore, 50,000 Sylhet, 50,000 E. F. Harrison, Offy. Acct. to the Govt. of Bengal. Bengal Acett’s, Office, Y The Sth Octr. 1858. J * N. B.—These Treasuries will be cleared shortly if the amounts available are not taken up in Bills. Bills applied for after 2 p. m. will not be issued till the following day. ~ Notice. Sracep Trxpers from Professional Builders only will be received by thé Officiating Civil Architect, in his Office in Caleutta up to 4 Pp, M. on Saturday, 9th October 1858. For white-washing, sand-rubbing, painting and repairing the Chief Superintending Engineer’s house and out-offices in the Steam Department, Kidderpore Dock Yard. ime for Execution (2) two months.» Specification, Forms of Tender and further in- formation may be obtained from the Civil Archi-" tect’s Office in Caleutta. x , A deposit in Cash of one hundred (100-0-0) Ru- cs + pees is required with each Tender,, subject to for- feiture if the Tenders be withdrawn. Tenders not prepared in strict accordance with the Form will be returned. ‘ F. R. Boyer, Assistant Engineer, Offy. Civil Architect. Calcutta Collectorate Notifications. Partirs requiring the impression of Stamps on their ewn materials or documents are requested | to send them for that purpose to this Office, on or ' before the 9th instant, as the Office will be elosed from Tuesday the 12th to Saturday the 22nd in- stant, on account of the Hindoo H-lidays Doorga Poojah and Lukhee Poojah. Koytas Cuuxvers Dvurt, - Deputy Collector. The 1st October 1858. Court for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors at Calcutta. ‘ In the matter of On Friday, the Ist James Alexander Cock- | day October instant, burn, of Wellington | it was ordered that the \ matters of the petition ef the said Insolvent he heard on Satutday, the 4th day of December Square, in Calentta, a | Section Writer in the Home Department, an Insolvent. ‘ next, and that the said Insolvent do then attend to be examined by the said Coutt. rine | > Insolvenf in person. h ‘ Chief Clerk’s Office, 4th October 1898. “als , . 4 ‘ . ding at No. 7, Fontenay [ 1994 J a In the Court for Relief of Insolvent Deltors 2 at Singapore. In the matter of) Notice, that the peti- Abraham Solomon, of | tion of the said Insol- Singapore, Merchant, | vent, seeking the bene- residing in No. 511, pfit of the Act XI. Vie. North Bridge Road, and | cap., 21, was filed in carrying on business at | the Office of the Chief Boat Quay,an Insolvent. ) Clerk, on the 27th day of May last, and by an order of the same date, the Estate and Effects of the said Insolvent were ves- ted in the Official Assignee. In the matter of Jean } Knus, of Singapore, Merchant, a Partner in | vent, seeking the bene- the firm of Messrs. E. | fit of the Act XI. Vic. Apel and Company, Mer (ok 21, was filed in the | Notice, that the pe- titon of the said Insol- chants at Singapore, and | Office of the Chief residing in the Orchard | Clerk, en the 8th day of Road, Singapore, an In- | July instant, and by an solvent. J) order of the same date, the Estate and Effects of ‘the said Insolvent were vested,in the Official Assignee. Chief Clerk’s Office, Singapore, the 9th Jyly 1858. In the matter of Ernst) August Quintus Apel, commonly known as Ernst Apel, lately carry- ing on business as a Mer- chant and Agent by the name or style of Hi. Apel, at HamVarg, and resi- Notice, that the peti- tion of the sajd Insol- vent, seeking the bene- fit of the Act XI. Vic. of Tianhburg, likewise as | cap. 21, was fied in the a pastner in the firm of | Office of the Chief Apel, Dawson and Com- > Clerk, on the 5th day ef pany at Maulmain, Ran- | August instant, and by voon and Bassein; and | an order of thé same a partner in the firm of | date, the Estate and Ef- Hi. Apel and Company, | fects of the said Insol- varrying on business as | vent were vested in the Merchants and Agents | Official Assignee. in Commercial Square, within theTown of Singa- pore, and at present resi- | ding in Orchard Road, in | Singapore, an Insolvent. ) ¢ Chief Clerk’s Office, Singapores the 1th Aug. 1858. ayer : In the matter of Wee} Notice, that the Ty Chong, of, No. 25, Boat Quay, Singapore, carrying on business as «a Trader, under peti- tion of the said Insol- vent, seeking the bene- rfit of the Act XI. Vie. the | cap. 21, was fed in the chop of “Ty Guan,” an | Office of the Chief Clerk Insolvent. on the23rd day éf August instant, and by an order of the same date, the [state and Effects of the said Insolvent were vest-« ed in the Official Assignec. a In the,matter of Wee) On Monday, the 23rd Ty Chong, of No. 25, | day of August instant, Beat Quay, Singapore, | it was ordered that the carrying,on business as matters of the petition | a Trader, under the | of the said Insolvent chop of Ty Guan,” an | should be heard on Sa- Insolvent. ) tyrday, the 9th day of Octsher next, and that the said Insolvent shoul then attend to be examined by the said Court. G. W. LeCerr, Chief’ Clerk. Chief Clerk’ # Office, Singapore, the 2th Ang. 1858, } 2 Crna S co fae ' 20 re) emwrnicece = re over ay Sxazeceon ne ae S ww cCCOG yet, = | i SARE RRANaS ee 52 i Se Ce ee 2 2 ASOD hat Sta cp Ned 7 SHO Saintes r oS is a sam aT vs a ae " = ay e. 3 st : A : on FS ’ L ae \ ee | i= SS re 4 ss 1S 12 Be 7 = HE tok | a4 i “225 ; : — Ss a 2 om Oo oO ey O'S = See ea SB = Be ewer cats ats) Pye oo ae o a be ca Or ak Sees at of : 44 Se oz ~ Ua Oo Sak ye eS 2S o8~ es 8 Sg (Pees os a els) Suwon a eiee EJere Siete ears ee : = o BS we Bh ae a} Cha SSS On Se s ei Ie cst 60 1-3 AweACPaAE = SRS QhtpS Oo: ooo 5 CAUN EAD AAR | —Q : Onscoaca es GH ° SO 0019 O16 m Lama! = S i q SERSSR5 = | 8 Shad aed Is “ a om ae - A PEEP EEE E 2 | oS Pegs s re Laon! tan! = = , oA Beas 3 ge eee 3 ” 72 \ o| m ‘ we Ss = < rma] - a = Z ao _— a=) KR bi na Lt S = Aa e i] = a 7 S = ac hbase : ig ce oo. Sor g w’wESH ES ® SaaAPse se a4 age 2 ea S 2 2e5c4R nm 4 oF .« & AZ5 eg bes ss € BROOCHES € Commercial Bank of Endi Cartcurra Brancn. Rates of Exchange on London Joint Stoc At 6 months’ sight ” 3 4 ‘ ” . M4 of sae are ] The Bank grants Drafts en the Head Bombay, and en its Branches in Siondon, Sh anj Hongkong! Bills coflected at any? above places at ¢ uniform charge of 4 per ( The Bank will wadertake the purchase F Government Payfet, Bank Stock and othe * ties, raw Interest and Dividends payable | cutta, when due, at a Commission of + pei No charge made when the proceeds antount of Interest’ or Dividends drawn ist in the Bank’s Bills. « Rates of Interest allowed to Deposits s 3 months’ notice. of withdrawal 4p ) 1 ice, 4 . Ch. 6 ditto ditto ¢ ditto * ' 5° 2 ditto ditto —dittt «46 . Notice may be given when the money ed, or at any subsequent time ; and : al with in casas when the money is to be | hrough the Bank. ; | nrent Accounts kept and Interest allowed at | y Cent. per annum on Balances of Rupees 500 ards, not exceeding Rupees 44,000, unless cial aereement. Hours of business, 10 a. au. to 3 vp. uw. On Satur- oc. mt, to) Pp. aw. : [ 1995 ] a ment Agency _loeal Stocks, free o¥ all charge. W.S. Pirzwitiiam, Mil. of S50. Notice. § Spectau Meeting of the Shareholders of the y Savings’ Bank will be held atthe Manager's on Monday the »20th December 1855, at 7 for the purpose of deciding on the Regis- on of the Bank, under the Provisions of Act Aara Savinas’ Bay, a, the 16éh September 1855. J sion will be charged of On returning Government Paper custody, W. McLeavy, Manager. " or other Securities. the valizalion Date of Landing. | 7 ee A — Oriental Bank Corporation. Tycorvor step BY Royan CHanrrer. Viru reference to Government Notification No. Fext William, Financial Department, 26th Ja- throteh the Corporation, o] Caleulla, 29th January 18955. If to be paid in India, a Commis- or Share Certificates out of safe . . | On the purchase of Government Waar Bik ; A : nnary 1555, notifying the mtention of Govern- ment to dissolve its connexion with the Govern- The Oriental Bank Corporation undertake the sate custody of Government Paper, Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank of Bengal, and other , Tax Shilalin apace Will draw Interest and Dividends on the same TARE 2 | * ; pag eee * : as they fall due, and remit at the cure rates of mila, 1th October 1858. | eel ‘ Sede na ene as abe | exchange, or pay the same according to istruc- : ace «— | tions, if to be remitted through the, Corporation, Without charge. 1-4th per Cent. 1-4th per Cent. 1-4th per Cent. On the sale of Government Paper or other Stock, the proceeds of which are to be remitted .. Without charge. y Wa. ANDERSON, alyent, OnteNxtTaL Bank Corporation ; 7 J p foilowing Packages having remained on the Custom House Wharf upware of Duty and other Charges, if not cleared ou or before the 1st of November neat. Mark or Address of Packages. .’ | sy SS eee Is of six months will be sold for ’ J) .’ a] s : Ships. G56, Nov. 2nd, 2 Cases Cheese, 13 in diamond W T ¥, Nos. 53 and 54 | Str. Bengal. $57, Jan. 21st 1 Case 2 Adams’ Revolting Pistols JW H (per Ticket in L case ? Ni t March 85 7, July. 25th Sept. Sth Ditto ipitto” », Ditto 29th Deer. Bist 8. Wtby. 17th Jitto 26th 22nd ” -| 1 Package ditto, ~. 10 Barrels merchandi } » | 1 Parcel unknown, W W B Charlton" Bsq, 2 Now Boswell Court) Case Unknown, S G A in diamond 5 Packages Brass Leaves, C 58 V BI ee 1 Package Pantaloons 3 Cases unknown, M in diamond, 5 to 7 1 Case ditto, H. B in diamond L 205 1 Package ditto, no mark : e 1 Small Box ditto, C RaBuekle Exq., R N. H MS Assurance ... 1 Box ditto Qr. Mr. J. Denton, H. M.’s 43rd Infantry 7 4 ' 4 Case ditto Bin diamond D No. 4 » = YING UNCLAIMID ON THE CusToM Tous WHARE. . List’ of Packscgs 1. ’ 1 Package unknown Mr. E. Kemp. 1 Case Baggage, no address , 1 Case unknown, ditto . 1 Crate ditto, M.S. M. & Co. Messrs. Middleton & Cv. , 1 Package ditto, B'T ME by Poppe 1 Case ditto, C B, W & Co. in dismond No. 2 a , a ty 4 (t AY a 9*Packages Gum, G Cra , *Parrel zw, GRAMS Pelorus " J Singleton, H MS Pelorus = owlesland, H M.S. Pelorus y ox unknown, Wm. 1K 1 Small B | } Queen. City of Delhi. Pa Str. Fiery Cross. Ditto. Str. Tynemouth. Ditto. Futtle Curreem. Str. Lancefield. Marlborough. Buitish Trident. Str. Jason. Ditto, Clyde. British Lion. Str. Fiery Cross. Ditto. Thomas Royden. Jnkermann. Str. Lightning. Pitto, Ditto. . » . T Wile J Ditto. | aske known, 7 W Wilson, M D % esd D . th 1 Basket un 1 oP. aad’ to 17th . ab Case inknown, C. Macnamara, Esq, ; ’ hey 3 oe * tra Custom Hovst, h October 1858 Off. Collector of Customs. sth October Lovo. ) eo Cs a ll S535 Dae: fi 1L8 FROM 1st TO 6th OCTOL rT a 1 t Se RN f vi SED THROUGH THE CIRCULAR AND FASTI 8 KLY STATEMENT OF TRAFFIC PA WEE e a ¢ e ¢ seco Ht ce ‘ayeutiqsa Aq a | : 5 JCOT JO IQUIUNINT AQ e " = 2 tmp, AS OSEDUUETE a : -ayeummasa £q & S z Ee liah ee) LER -- - y O51BQ Jo osepuneig m = caynintyso 4q 3 a : = ~ Ne o8teD Jo ostpunryy | = S a TUITIAINSBOTY B ee 2 a —— = Teurg Aq oFepunepy | a “QUOTHOANSBO IY a | : Le a ae TNE fan [VUy,) Aq osepuneyy a © “syeog. Jo aoqnenx oe : 2 3 € “sqtog jo aoquiuy | * : ¥ > 3h Ga a See { é . ‘ayetysa Aq S S- oe soqeuiigsa Aq : | © | ote Jo a8epuneyy mee a in zor poaampeentye | E | ee es ee & *]USUIO.INSBO Fy yi AINE Ss 3 feu.) Aq oxepuneyy bs =” Tepauy fq eyepuneyy | 8 19 ie : =) i “sqyvogy JO JaqmunN | r: * ssyeogq yowoquny | 3 © 23 y = = = = = a ‘ayeuniqsa 49, | = 8 | cz BR ‘aqeumyyss Aq A oF1ep yoosupuneyy} , > H y e s O5ID Jo oF PpUNT AL se tlie te ae Cea ‘a 3 i=) e 8 ) 7 = 4 “quoUTaIMstayy | 8. en aoe a | ‘Wowamsrayy iS ‘are q ; Ss a} nN ¥ o i fo) yeuey Aq osepunL | =} ; 4 euro sq aepuneyy 2 = s r =e ao H 7 “syeog, jo saquuy |= e772 |e23 [a= | -squeg joa eae poliered oman (ESS [ees gs, - Wo JOsoqumy |= Pa | “u o- : Se . a ge =2 phi ae eis é € be eae ~~ Feske St FS s ins ae 2 @ & as = 2. , & ¢ Sn es yes fa a R ° S & oe Sy at fo} e Ss s ' as (ee f. or AS) a4 . | xen SY ica 4 3 : ees s A ey ad it ay E = coz 8 a Perl al = Li « “ Ms oe 2) e e z aig a@ a 4 a & . “ as She) . o be bac Cc 2 + ened dake 4 eet : 7 z° a sl ES ° 4 be - Es! | BR , a 7 coal | r=] : = = : 2 s Poy ! S 3 & 3 « A = a ’ = 3) a o ¢@ : ° ° [ 1997 ] Notice | General Post Office at 6 Pp. w., on, Saturday, the Yth proximo. === ’ thdian Postage must be paid upon all letters CALL persons having © age a ng claims a ainst, or being in- | and papers posted by this opportunity. od “debited to the Estate of the late “Captain Frederick George Elkington, of H. M.’s 35th Regiment, are There will be no After-Packet by land. = to corauinicatd with the undersigned, 5 ou or before the 20th October 1858, ° Si. as vale Offy. Deputy Post-Muaster General. Cuarirs Frep. Browne, Cc meres ATCUTITA ; ( Captain, 35th Foot, The 29th Sept: 1858. : : , Presdt. Com. of Adjustment, : Dinapore. A No. 2452 : ’ Overrann Matn. a LOST. —Bank of Bengal Note, No. 00014, for’ The Mail Packets will be closed at this Office, Company’s Rupees 1000, Payment has been stop- vat 5 p. M., on the 12th and 13th instant, for the oe at the Bank. Overland Mail which Jeaves Bombay on the ) se morning of the 24th idem. _ LOS'T.—The one half of the Bengal Bank Note, } » Letter and Papers will be sent rid Marseilles f. No. 21529, for Rupees (50) Fifty. Payment of | only. : + ~ this has duly been stopped. 4 T. Garretr, 10 Off7. Dy. Post Master General. LOST.—The four halves of the following Ben- ee UM J Ad 7 . | eal Bank Notes :— JALOUDTA } No. 03764, for 25 Rupevs. oh EAE aa! % No. 08362, for 100 Rupees. wh Aa ae No. 10524, for sat Rupees. Payment of these has duly i stopped. Notice is wee given that. the Mails for enang, Singapore a Hong-Kong, for trans- mission per Steamer Thebes, will be closed at this | ; General Post Olltce Notifications. . Office, on Monday, the Lith instant, at 6 PB. M. 7 2 —_— é T, Garrett, | = No. 2547. Offg. Deny. Post Master Gent, : Fort Wit11aM ; ? An additional Overland Mail for trarsmission to | * General Post Office, Kedgeree by water will be closed at the Caleutta | Zhe 6th October 1858, > , x’ 4 . ns BY n > wi » . » " , , . a , + , > > rs ’ ~ . a , ’ ey Ves: a ’ 5 , vy . . 7. . ’ Li) ‘ ‘ : rn . . SS 7 ~ Sy . . . . ~ ° . 4 a N . - . 7 . x > a) m \ . . 1] . . ~ 5 a os | ——s = ee _ ee " . Printed and Published for the ih % Government, by ted Shin Joxes, at the Office of the Bengal Seerctariat, Calcutta. : ' 16 ‘ « le ta] c « . ra * r - CA © r , n ra ¢ rk y +4 e of . € ’ ‘ ¢ ca i; e o¢ P ¢ ¢ - r * he b s ’ aed As , rt Y ‘ £ 4 F rot e a, * ¢ , ct 7 y va r r , , , ; +, « * ae le ie , Cf « os : , A ‘ ., »,>* 44 7 No tea el seas hd TS mA FRAN EA TPR gr Ose bee Been, : ¥ ~ ; » Wis < a3 hd Ain TO tee gM Pen PR ee ee . The Caleut SUPPLEMENT TO ta Gazette, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1858. Zillah Cachar. °* The 1th August 1858. cs or Laevur. R, Srewarr, Off. Supdt. Derive a seven years’ residence on this Frontier thas frequently struck me that although Cachar ud the surrounding Districts and States are most le in themselves, and productive of many of articles of trade such as are conducive to the suessities and conveniences © ilar, system exists whereby this produce can be le generally available to the western and more ized portion of the Empire. : Be - is likewise apparent that although the inha- nts of this Frontier are by no means poor, yet they have not been introduced to the full ad- vantages to be derived from extensive importations foreign manufactures. The causes’-df this stagnation ef traffic appear t3 me to be the want of roads and consequently of wheeled conveyances and the continued inclemency { the seasons for the greater portion of the year vhich makes all communication both by Jand and water extremely difficult. 5 As great natural as well as financial diffizulties exist, debarring for the present all thoughts of the eonstructior of good roads,, and as the river naviga- tion will be always affected by the seasons until a trade has been created su for the occupation of steamers an acairst the storms and strong eurrents which pre- il dyring the rains, traffic as little affected as possible by the dificul- ties with which it is at certain times surrounded. ’ PROCEEDIN lm. ‘The plains are hard and-traversable, the eys, marshes” an atie influences. ‘Th d. jungles e river 18. dinit of navigation by boats of moderate tonnage appears to be the season W e different Districts and St Esome central position and re ‘Js necessary, T think, only to ap of rendezvouz ciprocatey produve Dacca, and Assam W For this purpose, in cons uber of the Board of Rev ierrapodnjee, it has been ual Fair or Mela be. het tation of Cachar, and tha shbouring Districts to the ge: enue, on deputation a West as well as thos for sale and barter the pro of life, yet that no | fliciently remunerative : d vessels, proof it remains to provide a channel hills, are free from mias- lew enough to be smved of strong currents and deep enovgh to hen the traders of ‘tes should assemble | point a date and a in oxder to secure the establish- | it ofa periodical trade which will connect Purma sth the Hills of Tipperah. | ultation with Mr. Allen, determined that an® at Silchar; the Suddery t the inhabitants of the , am to the North be invited to attend, bring- duce of their respec- ¥ tive countries, ,and that to meet these it be iti- mated to the inhabitants of Cachar, North, South and Proper, to those of Munipoor and Knbboo to the inNabitants of the, Kutcha Angamienagah, bail Lhooshai countries through the proper authorities, that a Mart hag been opened where they ma y notonly dispose of their native produee, but receive in return that and the manufactures, of Foreign countries. The date of the Mela Which will last for five days is fixed from the 30th December to the 3rd | January 1858-59 inclusive, corresponding with 16th to 20th Pows 1265 B.S. i Ordered, that-copies of this Proceeding, together with the accompanying advertisement relating to it and recounting the articles most likely to Bes proffered and demanded at the Mela,” be sent in» English and Vernaculars to the authorities of the Province of Assam, and the Zillah of Dacca, F ur- reedpoor, Mymensing, Tipperah and Sylhet, tikewise to Major McCulloch, Political Agent in Munipoor for communication to the ( yovernments of Mieni- poor and Kubboo, and that these gentlemen be solicited to give the widest cireulation and publi- city in, their power to the advertisement. Ordered, that the above Proceeding be commu- nicated through emissaries to the different tribes of Nagahs, Kookies, Cassyahs, Meekirs, Cacharies, Angamies, Kacha Nagahs and Looshais in and about Cachar. . «1 Ordered, that the tiserent he sent. to the Caleutta G@ ligation. a Ordered, that copies of th advertisement be a table Individuals, Merchants, Traders, above Proceeding and adver- zette for pub- ’ e above Proceeding and ll known and respec- Landholders From the month of November? to . that of | “habs bruary, the weather +s cold and bracing, fair and and Planters on the Frontier, with the request that 1, ; } to, and aid the undertaking. they will give publicity al Te R. Srewart, Offg. Supdt. . = Y ADVERTISEMENT. Nomce is hereby given, that'on the 30th and 31st of December 1858, and the Ist, Ind and 3rd of January 1859, a great Mela will, be held st Silchar* or Doodpatly, in the ‘ZiNah of Cachar, to which all the Merchants, Traders and* Inhabjtants of Dacca, Furreedpoor, Mymensing, Tipperah, Sylhet, Cheerapoonjee, Assam, and Cachar will be invjted, and to which the'people of the Independant States of Munipore and Kubboo in Burma will also be summoned together with those of the surrounding tribes of Cassyahs, Meekirs, Koukies, Nagas, Khacharigs, Kacha Nagas, Angamies and Lhooshais, bringing with them the produce and manvfactures of their own and foreign countries. . A list ts hereto appended, showing the articles af commerce most likely to be proffered and demanded aay ra e 2 x r at this Mela, but there are many others besides which will form objects of trade. : The chief approaches to Silchar from the West are the rivers Surma or Burrack and the Koogia- rah ; these are navigable ‘throughout the season to boats of 500 maunds; there is a road through the hills to Assam ou the North, and one to Munipore on the East. No taxes or Bazar dues will’ be levied on any articles sold at the Mela, and sheds will be ereeted for the convenience of the Shop-keepers. The Mela vill last for five days, and during its | continuance, prizes will be offered by Public Sub- | | Chikol. Chillumchees. ° ¢, Cowries. Castor Oil. Cocoanut Oil. D&ll, Urhur.e | Dall, Moong. Dall, Boot.. Dall, Khessary. Dall, Moosoory. | Dall, Motur. Dacca Muslin. Dagea Soap. scription to the winners in Boat, Elephant, Horse and | Dacca Cheese. Foot Races as well as for other Athletic games and | Drugs. exercises among which may be mentioned the Mu- niporee, Kangjai or Hockey upon horse back. Articles likely to be proffered by the West and de- manded by the East at the Cachar Mela. ¢ Almonds. Alpacea, Axes. Adres. Almirahs. Armlets® Anklets. Amber, Blankets. Broad Cloth, in quantities. Banyans. Boots. Bill Books. - Books, English. - Books, Ben&élee. Books, Ugdu. Brass. Brass Grnaments. Brass Wire, in great quantities. ° Brass Chains. Buttons. Basket work. Bracelets. Bolak. Bark. Beads, Cornelian. Beads, Agate. Beads, Glass. Beads, Coral. Beads, Amber. Beads, Wooden. Beads, Shell. Camphor. - Cotton. Cloths, Chintzes. Cambric. Chaders. Carpets. Colored Cotton Cloths, in great quantities, Colored Cotton Handker- * * chiefs, im great quapti- ties. Cords. Country Saddles. great © Carpenters’, Tools. Clockes* = . Copper. “i Coal. Cookine: Bots, Corkscrews. . ° « Chests.’ -” * Chains. « Chars. Inkstands. Ivory. 7 Tron, in great quantities. Jute. f Knives. Kharoos. Kubbuj. Lanterns. Looking Glasses. Lime. Merinos. Musk. Meerdungs. Necklace. Neckcloths. Night Caps. Onions. Oranges. Pepper. Potatoes. Pugeries. c Poreelain. Pickaxes. Playing Cards. Paper. Poreupine Caps. Pettaras, Pasha. Quinine. Quills. Refined Sugar. Red Lead. Ruggs. Razais. Ribbons. Ropes. Rane. Rose Water. Gs Rings, Gold, Silver and Brass. Spectacles. iy Salt, in great quantities, Silk. Satins. Shawls. Sheetings. Shirtings. Sutrunjies. Scull Caps. Stockings. Sola Topelahs. Silk Hankerchiefs. Sheep. ” ¢ Soda Water. Scissors. : Shoes in great varieties, | ° Desks. English Muslingin great quantities. Elephant Guddies. Earrings. Fiddles. ° Flannel, Framed Pictures. Garters. Ganzee T'rock Cotton, in great quantity. Ganzee Woollen. | Gauze. Guddelas. Guitars. Golap Pash. Gun-pewder. Gold Ornaments. Smiths’ Tools. Shamadans. Spoons, Shot. Steel Pens, Shelves. Shells. Sonks. Scented Soap: — Smelling Salts. Snuff. Sulphur. Sutrange, Tweeds. Towels.. Tape. Tin. Tanpoor. Tin Boxes, Tables. ‘Peapoysy Tobacco, manuf Toys. Utter. Utterdans. Umbrellas, Velvet. Vinegar, Wearing Apparel Wearing Apparel hand, ° Wall Shades. . Wooden Boxes, of ¢ Cotton, Glass. ent kinds. | Hookahs. Wooden Utensils. — | Hookahs, Brass. + Watches. - | Hookah, Bidry. Wadding. "e ) Hookah Stands. —- ay ¢ Artictes likely to be proffered by the Last a -manded by the West Bamboos in great quan- tities. Buffaloes, from Munipore and Burma. Buffafoe’s Horns. Blue Beetles’ Wings. Cotton Raw, in large quantities. Cows. Cloths manufactured by the different tribes, of various kinds and quantities. Deer Skins. ze Dried Fish. J Elephants. Fine Seetul Patty. ° Gold, ag a Goats. Hill Minerals. = Hockey Sticks and Ball. at the Cuchar Mel Muniporee Shoes ma¢ of Cloth. ‘Null. Otter Skin. Paddy in large ties, a. Ponies, Burmah | al Muniporee. sg Pigs, of the China s Ges. Peacocks. Peacocks’ Feathe Parfots. i Rattan. Me Rice in large y Raw Sugar. Sessamum. Stinpat. + Sills. Singing Birds. Specimens of wild A Ivory. a mals for a Me Jyte. Tea. Khes. ” Tea Seeds. Kalhie. Timbers, in abu Khag. + © and great vari Linseed. *Thatehing Grass Mustard Seed, it large quantities. quantities. Wax, in large: Nats.” “Well Salt, 7 Muniporee Shawls. * - quantities, * Mumiporee Curtain, Warlike Weapo Muniporee Rugs. museum. R “Sreway ¢ ’ NOTICE. DESCRIPTION oF Maps. . ‘ . Y 4 BE following Lithographed Maps of the Survey of India recently published at the yor Ceneral’s Office, Calentta, are available at the prices specified, either at the reyor General’s Office or at Messrs. D’ Rozario and Cos Library. Colored and unmounted. {Book fashion. - General Maps. wumaon and British Gurhwal, compiled with the latest addi- from. the Researches of Captain H. Strachey in 1846 and? Lieute- Hichard Strachey, Engineers, in 1849,—April 1850, Scale § miles== h ’ seph’s Map of the Grand Trunk Road, Section 2nd, improved Edi- | h, Genares to Agra. Scale 4 miles—1 Inch. > . Ditto Ditto Section 3rd, Agra to Fercypoor. le 4 miles—=1 Inch. ie lan of the Agra and Bombay Road, with the Country extending mles to the Kast and West of it, and exhibiting the Staging ws, Post Offices, &e., from Agra to the Nerbudda River, on ale of 4 miles=1 Inch es wistah and Chukkata Bhabur or Terae Forest of Zillah n, from the Sardah to the Kosee River, with the Approaches to nee Tal and Almora, surveyed under the superintendence of Jieute- ts Vanrenen and Burgess, Revenue Surveyors, in 1851 to 1853, and piled in the Revenue Surveyor General’s Office, on the Scale of 2 ==) Inch, i Aifghanistan, 1S40, Scale 8 British miles=1 Inch, in 15 Sections... fopographical Survey of a portion of the Delhi District, shew- the principal Basins jof Drainage and the? positions of the 1 Bunds, also the situations of the Ancient Citie; and the objects of thwological interest, in 16 Sections, surveyed by Lieutenant F. J. ress, 74th Regiment Native Infantry, Assistant Revenue Surveyor, » $49-50, Seale ¢ of a mile or 20 Gunter’s chains=1 Inch. i Plan of a Survey to trace the line of boundary between the Soon- bunds and District 24-Perguunahs, as defined byCaptain T. Prinsep, Veen the years 1817 and 1822, traced by Captain R. Smyth, 1849-50 5 Numbers. Scale $ mile==1 Inch. Each number = ketch Map of the Oudh Territory. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. es he Jullundhur Doab, comprising the Districts of Jullundhur, Shiyarpoor and Kangra, surveyed from 1847 to 1852. Seale 4. miles==1 Inch, (English lithography.) wall British and Native States in the Cis-Sutleg Division, com- ing the Districts*%of Ferozpore, Loodhianah, Umballah, Thanesur Simlah, with Puttialah, Nabhuh, Jheendh, Kotlah, Khulseea and sot, surveyed in 1847 to 1851. Scale 4 miles=1 Inch. to Benares, embracing Patna, Bhaygulpoor, Burdwan, and agpore Divisions South of the Ganges. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. itto, Ditto No. 2 Benares to Delhi, embracing the Bensres sion, the Doab, Owlh, Rohileuid, Rewah, part of Bundlecund, the ior and Bhurtpoor Territory. Seale 8 miles==1 Ineh.’° Woes ral,May of the Goruckpoor and North Behar Frontier, embracing try North of the Ganges, Tirhoot, Chumparag, Sarun and. s bordering the Gogra River to Fyzabad. Seale 8 miles=1 Inch. izam’s Dominions, with the Ceded Districts and Country Ing to the Nerbuddah River. Scale 16 ymiles=1 Inch. an lex Map of Bengal, Behar, Orissa, Arracan, Pegu, o> Lower Pro- Sunder the Jurisdiction of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal. iles==1 Inch. ne oh ’ Ye ciy “Province of Pegu, ecmpiled by Lieutenant E. C. S. W illiams, | Gers; and Officers of the Pegu* Survey, from all avwilable | on. Scale S miles=1 Inch. ‘d, Grand Trunk Road, Map, with Fort of Delhi. Scale + his. ae © * nch, i. 3 > ree Sy veral Map of the Country bordering the Grand Trunk Road Nov 1 Map of the Country between Agra and Umballah from Joseph’s | p of the Country round Dethi, with Fort of Delhi. Scale 2 | ho Oo oa © bo 0 Price. 2” Colored and Colored folded in on Rollers. Re. | As.) Ws. “| -As, | 3 ) 3 4 7 8 5 ; oO | fee’ tems) 8 oO : 4 8 5 to) . } » 3 4 a Ss eT OWE ale (6) | | | { i 3 & 8 | vi 0 i | ra) 0 oO (9) 4 ra ae: ae | | q 4 ch Ss lo |. -0 | to 8 > ) jens Y nee tn ae ee l 36S 8} lo ) | 5 oO 5 4 ap ti @ 4.8 4 ! r , 4. 1 £ 8 ‘, [* | z me 5 8 16 (oe) 5 8y 6 ° Description oF Mars. Colored | Colored ayer folded iv ie a | unmounted. |Book fashion. : e ae, . Shéets Nos. 1 and 2 of the Boundary between the British and Jumoo Territories, from the Ravee to the Jhelum, surveyed in 1830-51. Scale 1 mile==1 Inch. Each Sheet. ae oad ° ia) Central India. ; } Sketch Map of the District of J ulpulpoor in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories, 1841. Scale 4 miles—=1 inch a 2 (0) 2 ‘ Sketch Map of Saugor and Dhamoh, in the Saugory and Nerhudda Territories, 1853. Scale 4 miles—1 inch © rai 3 0 4 Map of the Sohagpoor and Ramghur Districts in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories 1852. | Scale 4 miles=# inch 0 é . Binal" Sketch Map of Seonee and Mandlah Districts. Scale 4 miles=1 inch... | 4 Available Bengal District Maps on the Geographical Seale of 4 British Miles=1 Inch, lithographed in England. 24-Pergunnahs, . r Noto) a ee i ce Nuddeah, Moorshedabad, * *Burdwan, Beerbhoom, ‘ *Bancoorgh, (Preliminary Map.) * Midnapore and Hijellee, in 1 Sheet, Balaeore, Cuttack, MonfShyr, Patna, ’ r Behar, ‘ ? Sarun, : Tirhoot, Purneah, . Maldah, rf Rajshahee, > at *Pubnah, (Preliminary Map,) sah *Bograh, (ditto ditto,) *Portions of Pubnah and Mymensing Districts, (ditto ditto) ~*- to a > CoeooooegeeooeososeeooooooOSeosaeeosooo 8 ¥ FPONWNNNNNHNNNNNNHNNHNNNNNPNN hts WHWWwWWWWWWWWKHwWDWNWWwWwHnwow ey ae , ABawmscotoocoos oo os e0oD OS OCOD Chittagong, Goalparah, ria # : +3 *Durrung, eo. | 3 *Nowgong, é af 2 71 South Behar, comprising Districts Behar, Shahalad and Patna, ar British Sikhim, comprising the Darjeeling Hill Territory, &c., 1 © . On the Scale of 2 “Miles==1 Inch. Kachb Tirhoot, a Sein. ote 6 (0) 8 Rajmuhul Hills or Damin-i-koh, - ii se¥ ; st 2 ul Lee ¢ * Available District Maps of the North-Western Provinces on the Geogra- ad . . phical Scale of 4 British Miles=1 Inch. ‘4 oat Bijnour, : : “4 oF in Sake pee fa) 2 Moradabad,” ° 2 tO ea es _ - Goorgaon, z eres 0) 2 Paneeput, 2 : \ = bese: 2 Rohtuk, ’ ‘ cin J Ad 2 | Oo Py Hurriana, (Hansi, Hissar.) : ) 0 3B Bhuttiand or Sirsah District, 9 0 2 - Ajmere and Mairwhara, " Be ae ‘eatte e ; fo) 3 Available Distrt Maps of the North Western-Provinces on the Scale ¢ E Pees 2 Miles=1 Inch, shewing Village Boundaries. 4 Ajmere, : . Sp gat sy tae ‘ Mairwhara, , Pal ter) ta) 3a ¢ * ee ¢ t ee C4 \ 6 : f * « * Lithographed in Calcutta, id ° “a =z A. \ Ase, Price. . Y » an a8 2 DESCRIPTION OF Mars. | : , Colored 4 Colored and | Colored. * and , folded in | on a unmounted. | Book fashion. ' Rollers. { S) > ict Maps of the Punjab on the Seale of 2 Miles=1 Inch, eapcna ; Village Boundaries, | Rs. | As . wowwows. oe 6 o6.o 4 °O ALAA SD - ae pe ee a ee ’ Pergunnah Maps. ’ ‘The whole of the Pergunnah Maps of the following Di oe tricts seale of 1 Mile to the Inch, shéwing Village tiie yee ~ een eer aad, and are available :— | .. each Pergh. Map | ° ° Oo o Midnapore (6 Pergh. Maps only) Monghyr (3 r it - ‘Tipper: ah (7 74 ) (Scale } Mile=1 Inch) ,, Cuttack (3 : Bharigulpoor, pyran exception of 4 Perghs. ‘North of the Ys > a = 2 = is" & Dh NYUWPLNHNNPNNEN Bancoorah , Burdwan to NS ry ‘ In progress, Maps being itty. ” Available Rohileund Division Per. gunnah Maps, North-Western t Provinces. Scale + Mile=1 Inch, shewing Village Boundaries. 4 Pergunnah Gudderpoor wel . 2 Pitto Kauber and Sirsawan ° = ’ - Ditto Chowmailha *. | Ditto Richah - Ditto Jehanabad (Sheet No. 1, : : eer Ditto ditto (Sheet No. re “Zillah Bareilly, Ditto Kilpooree a | | Ditto Nanuk Mutha ° , Ditto Roodurpor Ditto Vilheree aah Ditto Bazyoor as vu . ca Ditto Kashecpoor (18 Villages in} Portions of Ae Lands belonging to Pergunnah ere ah any Kasheepoor. Scale 1 Mile=Inch ’ uae | ef Pergunnah Juspoor (4 Villages im) ae V | The Allotments of the. ‘Government Epbest in Ree) Ziltah Shahjer 2 not Dhwhrwhnwryrhy» oo ees0ceooo°o tt — ° _ gonnah Poorunpoor ‘Subna ’ hanpoor. / Whe Hastern “Division of Pergunnah , Chukkata Biapur in 2 Sections 5 eed ‘ The Western Division of ditto ae __ The Kumaon Bhabur or Forest of Pergamabs Kalee | 7: 2 illah Ku- Kumaon and Dhyanerao, in 83 Sections, The Portion of Kotah Bhabur, lying between the “Bhukra and Dubka Rivers, in 2 Sections a The Kotah Bhabw} between the Kosee and ae Rivers ~The Pilleebheet Forest and Villages es becstst shewing the Rise he . and Position of the Mala Swamp aS - The Forest i in Pergurmah Ufzulgurh, Zillah Bijnogr 94 ene Bijnour Forest. Scale’ 1 Mile=1 Inch, 3 in 2 Sections tay ak te) oti) | riaon. Se we ee Fe ro) 6 ———— . e ats E e Description oF Mars. Colored ‘ and t unmounted, Rohileund Division River Survey Maps. Seale 4 Mile==1 Inch. i Rs. | As. The Deoha River, shewing the adjoining Villages of Pergunnahs | Jehanabad and Pitleebheet ‘Perl 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Per- , gunnahs Ahar and, Seanah, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and a ¢part of | Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad, Be! | ° The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Pergunnahs Pooth and Gurmookteshur, and part of Pergunnah Kethoor, Zillah Meeruth, and a part of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad... 1 a) The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Pergunnah Bashta, Zillah Bijnour and phrt of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad, Pergunnah Hustinapoor, N Niloha, and bart of Per- gtnnah Kethoor; Zillah - ‘Meeruth. bers 1 oO The Villages situated on the Banks of ther Rameunga River, i in Per erunnahs Moradabad and Surkurrah, Zillah Moradabad, : 1 oO The Villages situated on the pais of the Ramgunga River, in Pergunnahs Surkurrah, Moghulpoor, Ugwanpoor, Umrohah and 'Thakoordwaerah, Z Zillah Moradabad, and in Pergunnah Sehorah, Zillah * Bijnour, 1 o The Villages situated on the Taanice of the Ramgunga River er, in Pergunnahs Barrapoora, Sheirkote, Behorah and Ufzuleurh, Zillah Bijnour, 724 Hah fe Rohileund Division River Survey Maps. Seale 1 mite=1 Inch. The Ramgunga River, and adjoining Villages of Pergunnah Sulaimpoor, District Budaon, and Khera Bujhera and Mehrabad, District Shahjehanpoor, if ty) The Ramguhga River, and adjoining Villages of Pergunnahs Seroulee, Jonja, Crore and Fureedpoor, District bhai and Sulaimpoor of District Budaon, 1 ) P The Vitlages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in| Purgunnahs Fyzpoor, Budreea, Zillah Etah, and Suheswan, ¢ Zillah | q Budaon. 1 oO The Villages situated on the Banks of the. Ganges Riv er, iu Pergunnahs Aolayee and Nidhpoor, Zillah Etah, and Pergunnahs Ooj- hanee, and part of Ooseith, Zillah Budaon, A A ih 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of Rivers Ganges and Ramgunga, in Pergunnahs Kumpil and Islamgwfj, Zillah Furrugkabad, Pergunnah Mehriabad, Zillah Shahjchanpoor, an part of Pergunnah | Ooseith, Zillah Badacs, 1 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in | Pergunnahs Darannge zur, Bijnour, Mandawar, Keeruthpoor, Nujeebabad, Zillah Bijnour and in Per ‘eunnahs Sumbulheera, Bookurheree, and Goor- dhunpoor, District Mozufturnuggur, - 1 re) The Villages situated on “the Banks of tht Ganges River, in i Pergunnahs “Anoopshahur and Dibaee, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and Per- “ gunnahs Rujpooruh and Asudpoor, Zillah Budaon, . a 1 vane. * — Price. © . Geological Map! , | " 1 = ae e if Colored and | Color Geological Map of the Northern Front of the Vindya Hills, extend- folded.n on ing from Allahabad to Rajmuhal, shewing the pogition of all the known * |Book fashion.| Roller Coal Beds of that Tract, and also of’ the Silver, Copper, Lead and ke 2 ee 2 Antimony Localities, as well as the principal Tron, measures; measuring . Re& : 4. feet lo inches by 3 feet 3 inches, and compiled on the seale of 8 4 | BS. ae miles=1 inch, , . ; Po 4°) 0 5 8 6 se Cantonment, Oivil Station, and City Maps. be 5 : e fo A i ° ‘ ; ° > ar The Cantonments and Park of Barrackpoor. Scale 12 inches—1 mile, ... 2 re) 3 0 ran The Cantonments of Caynpoor. Scale 8 inches==1 mile, ¢........ 4 70 5 8 5 , Thé€ Cantonments of Dinapore. Seale 10 chains—1 ae wea esee 2 oye 18 4 | <8 The Statiow of Chittagong. Seale 440 fect to the inch,.. feha setts £ ty 3 OO mus} ; The Town gnd Station of Cuttack. Scale 20 chains—1 inch,, Se 1 0 aed a 2 "She Civil Station of Kishnaguth. Seale 12 inches=1 mile, 1.9%). ul 0 2 oO + " The Se#tlement of Nainee "Tal? Zillah Kumaon, Sealé 8 mehes=1 ; : , mile, , : ’ F wa | Qo) U2 ae ° e . ° . | > , w. ’ e % S "i 7 7 8 Drspripriox oF Mars. f J uggeranth in the Pooree District. Scale Wc f Gya an Shahebgunj, in the Behar District. Scal of Burdwan. Scale 12 inches—1 mile. or 264 teet—=1 inch. x Map to the Locations at Darjeeling. ~ Seale 4 Inches—=1 Mile. ~~ * proaches from the Plains to WNainee Tal and on, Seale 1 mile=1] inch. :: t aset Division in 4 Sheets. Seale | mile=1 inch. e Engraved Indian Atlas Sheets. Scale 4 British ‘on the Trigonometrical Survey. The followin ted Plan of the Town of Rangoon’ 1853. Scale 20 inches=1 exhibiting the position of the Collieries in the vicinity of Rane- e Public at 4 Rs. each Section, but to Officers of Government ) PRIcE. Colored Colored and} Colored and folded in on ¥ | unmounted. ‘Book fashion.| Rollers.” ‘ Rs. | As. f Rs, | Asi] Rs. | As. hains=1 inch...| 1. | o| .2 ! 6 ae 4 e 8inch=1 mile. 1 | 0 2 0 2 4 4 } 0 > S ‘ofa earl Pa rales ok is os 2 te) 3 | oO 3 4 a idee (0 1p oe lp? | Almorah, Zillah | ae ; aie o 2 ta) 2 4 ne Ses re Re Oe | : ; miles 1 Saab | ’ ) g are available ; } a | obs) lio} 8d , aa List of the India —— . n Atlas Sheets. North Canara, Soonda, Bilzhy, and North-West of Mysore. 8 Mangalore, South Canara Coorg and South-West | __ of Mysore. : ‘Calicut, Cananore, Tellicherry,and part of Malabar. | } Loodhianab, Simlah, Kangra, Hoshiyarpoor, | Bishahir, Kasaoli. | Kurnal, Saharunpoor, Umballah, Dehra, Sirhind, Puttiala, Thaneysur. | | Delhi, Meerut, Boolundshuhur, Goorgaon, JheesXl, | Jhujhur, Rohtuk, and part of Hurriana. Agra, Muthra, Bhurtpoor, Dholpoor, Ulwar, | and parts of Allyghur and of Jeypoor. | Ellichpoor, Gawulghur, Beitool, Aseerghur, — Oomrauwutty. } Maiker, Bassim, Jalnah, Karinga. MM Oodzheer, Daron, KKowlass, parts of Nundair, Beder, Xe. ‘Koolburga, Coileonda, _ droog, and part of Sholapoor. Raichoor, Moodgul, Davunkonda, Belay, and , Mozuffurnugur, a Ms. Kullianee, Mulkhaid, Nul- ‘ 103 Patna, 107 | Ganjam, Goom 5 S| > Containing what Districts or Places. \3 i Containing what Districts or Places. { = oa . be xd < | — A | r , “4 = ,) be = Dumaun, Gorah, Gumbheerghur. 69 | Shansee, Kalpy, Banda, Dattia, Humeerpoor, Bombay, Junjeera, part of Southern Koakun, | ‘ Jaloun, and part of Gwalior. Rutnagheria. 70 | Saugor, Damoh, Huttah, Bejour, Belhari Teary, Nassuck, Arungabad, Dowlutabad. > Punnah. oonah, Purrainda, Ahmednuggur, Mahabalesh- | 72 | Nagpoor, Seuni, Comptah, Bundara, Omrait, e war. - Chindwarra, Deoghur. Sattara, Kolapoor, Beejapoor. | 73 | Chanda, Hingunghaut, Chamoory, Mayitkdroog, Gos, Darwar, Belgaum. 4 | 74 | Hilgundel, Warongul, Maiduek., Mullangoor, | m! Ramgeer, Neermul, Mahadepoor. 75, Hydrabad, Bongeer, Nalgunda, Daverconda. , 76 | Ongole, Moralla, Paumoor, Innaconda, Ardinga. 77° Cuddapa, Nellore and part of North Arcot. 78 Madras, Arcot, Kestnagherry, Chittoor, Palicut, Sadras. \ | 79 | Pondicherry, Tanjore, Tranquibar, T richinopoly, Salem, South Arcot, Cuddalore, Porta Nova. 80. Point Calymere, Jufnapatam, Ramnad, Nuttam. $1 | Tuticorin, Calpentyn. 88 | Futtehpoor, Allahabad, Mirzapoor, Benares, Chunar, Roy Bareilly, Jounpoor, Sooltanpoor. | 89 | Rewah, Rajgur, Bandoogurh; Burgowa. 94 Rajamandry, Coringa, Elloor, Condapilly, Gol- conda. 95 | Masulipatam, Guntoor. 102 Khatmandoo, Bettiah, Goruckpoor, Soogowlee, Chumparun. ‘Azimgurh, Dinapoor, Arrah, Chupra, Tirhoot, Gazeepoor, Behar, Sasseraqn. surgurh, Hutgurh, Boad, Sohnpoor, ee Rm GENERAL'S OFFICE jy L 4 part of Kurnool. 108 | Calingapatam, Vizianagram, Ryaguddy, Saloor, Chittledroog, Codyconda, Raidroog, Pennaconda, | » Icha D00r. ‘ | Hossdroog, : nA - 109 \ Vizagapatam, Cossimcotta. ; Mysore, Serigapatam, Bangalore, Doastacram. * (111,| Nathpoor, Amarpoor, Sikim, Allygun}. Coimbatoor, Ootakartund, Hurdanhully,Chirpoq- 112 Purneah, Monghyr, Bhaugulpoor, Durbunga. Cherry and parts of Malabar and Salem. 124 | Gwahatta, Goalpara, Nulkar, Kamroop, Durrure, Cochin, CoimbatoorPerk, Pulnee, Dindigul, and | * | Nowgong. ay aT parts or Travancore, Tinnevelly, and Madura. 125 | Sylhet, J ynteah, Garrow Hills, Cossyah Hills, Cape Comorin, Tinnevelly, Quilon, Trivandram, . Nusserabad or Sowara. k 1a, Chaprung, Garoo or Gartope. 1129 | Sudiya, Rungpoor, Dibrooghtr. eee Jmorah, Sreenugur, and parts of Gurhwal and 130 | Jorhat, Seebpoor, Ghergon, Luckimpoor, exsi- Bijnour 6 ak : nath, Tezpoor. : f oa U eilly:, Pilleebhect, Moradabad, Rampoor, Budaon 131 | Muneepoor, ( achar. , ~ and part of Shajehanpoor. ' : |138 | Sudiya, Chilkoa or Shaikwa, Rungagora. 4 Puruckabad, Cawnpoor, Etaweh, Mynpooree, None of the remaining numbers are yet pub- aes > si . = a X . * Ferozabad, Bhind, and part of Oudh Territory. | jeetice ‘=e? are a ’ H, L. THULLLIER, Deputy Surveyor Gensral, > a : ** LAND SALE NOTICES, 4 NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Hooghly will be put public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Offic& of that District, on Monday, the Sth No 1858 A. D., or 24th Kartick 1265 B.S., for Arrears of Revenue and other demands which, — Regulations and Acts im force, are directed to be realized in the same manner as Arrears of Re: due on the 28th September 1558 :— ‘ ‘ : Class I—Permanently-settled Estate. No. 267.—Khannabotty, Pergunnah Arsa ; recorded proprietor, Haffiz Oodeen Hossain - jumma, rupees 131-6-10. b ae Class VI.—Bstates to be. sold on account of demands realizable in the same manner as Arrears of Reve No. 1775.—Rights and Interests of Bachoo Loll Khan, in Mehal Pole, Pergunnah Bhoors corded proprietor, Bachoo Loll Khan ; sudder Jumma, rupees 20-9-0. “y : Class IV.—Estates to be sold for Arrears due on account of other Estates. ‘ Rights and Interests of Petamber Ghose in about ten cottahs of alleged Lackraj land, pueca houses built upon it, situated im Doodeooara, Pergunnah Balea. e f. Hooeuty CoLLecronatE, © W. B. Buckt The 1st October 1558.. Co ja 1th 1 at -< a , NOTICE‘is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Moorshedabad will] up to public and unreserved Sale, at the follector’s Office of that. District, on Monday, the 8th X ber 1858, or 24th Kartick 1256 B.S., for Arrears of Revenue :-— ; + Class I.—Permanently-setiled Estate. No. 700,—Kismut Nurainpoor Painam, Kismut Sreekristopoor, Pergunnah Islampoor ; re proprietor, Bukshee Begum ; sudder jumma, rupees. 193-13-6. ‘i MoorsHEDABAD ; ; « W. Mornis Bravforr, Collectors Office, Officiating Colle The 30th September 1858. }: r NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Bhaugulpore: wil | up*to public and unreserved Sale, at she Collector’s Office of that District, on. Monday, t October 1858, or 3rd Kartick. 1266 F. S., for Arrears of Revenue :— ; Class I}.—Estate to be sold foxy arreats. due on account of other Estates, No. 334.—Three and a half annas’, share of Puhulwan Singh Bundbustdar and Fer Nisf Mouzah Gungapore, in Talka Bickrumpore, Chuck Ramee, Pergunnah, Chyee ;. sudde of the entire Talka, rupees 7,711-14-114. “ ie Class [.—Estates permanently-setiled: No. 402.—Mouzah Surburpeor Soojawal, Pergwanah Chyee ; recorded’ proprietor, Bur sudder jamma, rupees 160-0-0. No. 630.—Mouzah Surburpoor Soojawal, Chuck Fazul Ally, Pergunnah Chyee ; reer prietor, Mr, .T. Grant ;, sudder jumma, rupees 176-5-6. ts Class. IT.—Estates not permanently-settled, /Z 4 No..2800.—Rangah, Pergunnah Wasilah ;. recorded proprietors, Seebdyal Pandey and Go i Pandey ; sudder jumma, ruptes. 517-9-2.. ° BHAUGULPORE ; ; ’ ; W. Ar Collector's Office, z G gore The 1st Oclober 1858.. . een ae, | aR K . o NOTICE, is-hereby given, that thé under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Sarun will be putt and unreseryed Sale, at.the Collector's Office of that District, on Thursday, the. 21st October 28th Assin -1266 F. S. for Arrears of Revenue:— - ay ° Cluss IV.—Estate to be sold for arregrs due on acevunt of othtr Estates. < No. A218.—The Right and Intetests of Syed Allee Hussun, in Mouzah Duheeac Manjhee; sudder jumma, Rupees 928-9-93. ‘ oa “ay . Class 1.—Permanently-settled. Estate. yi gaa No. 3036.—Mehal Puckree Chowbey, Pergunnah, Mujhowah Sirear: Chump: ron; proprietors, Bideadhue Chowbey and others; sudder jumma, Rupees 149-6-1, i : e > , t} \ 4, +e) SARUN CoLLECTORATE, }- ’ Rozserz Jonun Ricwarpst The 2nd Actober 1858. f. ee Officiatin, ° a . eu my a ae ca > OQ . R “* > “ ’ 3 ¢ Sg a” = ee “] Age > ne Some PrintEep. By: Tomas Jones, BenGat SECRETARIAT OZFICE,- © 7 4 . * * 7 u . & e ‘ ‘ * ‘ 7 = ee > e ay = Tue 9tH Ocroper 1858. : following Bill was read a second time in e Legislative Council of India on the 9th Baber 1858, and was referred to a Select, Com- ittee who are to report thereon after the 13th of n ry next :— ‘ | Bill to empower the Governor in Council of Bom- : bey to appoint a Magistrate for certain Districts sithin the Zillah Ahmedabad. “Wrerwas it is expe the Magisterial and PolicesAd- ministration of such portions of the Zillah Ahmedabad as are nentioned in the Sehedule to this Act ; Tt is enact- das follows :— we Preamble. J. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Coun- cil of Bombay to appoint a Ma- gistrate for the Districts men- pint a Magistrate tioned in the’ S¢hedule to this “the Districts Act ; and such Magistrate, Mtiond in Sche- ywhen so appointed, shall exer- cise within the said Districts fthe powers of a Magistrate as defined in the » Mavis general Regulations of the al of Magis Bombay Code and thy Acts of ro the Legislative Council. Upon » appointment of a Magistrate under this Act, “ the said “Districts shall, be ) extmpt from the jurisdiction of the Magistrate of Ahmeda- bad. 1t shallalso be lawful for» the said Governor in Council to appoint so many Assistants tothe said Magistrate as may’, be required. : 3 Governor in Coun- empowered to ap- "on 4 mption of Dis- 4 . 17 | Kanootulow. 18 | W oojalwow. 19 | Saddeda. 20) Otaria. , 21 , Jotingra. —, 92 | Nagulpoor, 23 Sherthulee. 24 | Wheekwallee. 25 Wajelee. ; 26 | Toondburra. 4 27 | Malpura. 28 | Dabturelia, 5 * 20 | Welawuddur. 31 L Supaledy > 72 | Bhensowee, 73 | Kuchotia, 74 | Cheerora, Waste. 75) Janjra, | 76 , Kalvee, J a Pergunadh, a 30 | Veerdee or Ratghur. : = a ) . VK bestia Pergunnah. f 7 5 Boll Cee. ‘ T ee Sa Sw Ala Rajpoora. . Juria. - . _ nits ¢ 7 > 5 | Khakhoee. W. Morean, Clerk of the Council. € Forcign Department. 12¢h October 1S5S. 34315 g Assistant Surgeon J. S. Ridings, of the Madras Establishment, received Medical “charge of, the Jail and Civil Establishments at Henzadah on the _— September last, in the room of Surgeon . A. Foy, proe eeded on leave. ° Fort Willian, No. v No, 3432. Captain J. F. J. Stevenson, Ieeputy Commis- sioner 3rd Class, assumed charge of the Office of Post Master of Moulmein from Captain E. M. Ryan, on the 22nd September last, and also of the Office of Assistant Commissioner Ist’ Class sand Registrar of Deeds at Moulmein from Major S. R. Tickell, temporarily on the 24th idem. ¢ ——— . No. 3433. Mr. J. Maenabb, Assistant Commissioner of, Jhelum, has obfained leave of absence, on Medical Certificate, for fifteen days, in extension of the leave granted to him in General Order, dated 10th ultimo, No. 3108. Mr. Macnabb has also obtained leave for two months, to proceed to Bombay, preparatory to applying for leave to England, under Medical Certificate. ¢ € ¢ Crcit Beapoy, Offg. Secy. to the Govt. of India. | € LZ Financial Department. ¢ e ’ Fort William, the \1th October 1858. No. 53. Volifications.—Notice is hereby given that the’ Salaries, Pay, Batta and Allowances of the Civil, Military ande Marine Departments for tHe Month¢ of October 1858 will be payable as under :— Military and Marine Departments, ov Wednes- day,-the 10th proximo. Civil Department, on ‘Vuesday, the 16th proximo. e a es is | ¢ ta e e e La No: a4. The 9th Oetoher ASSES: r “4 Loart.—The Hon’ble the President j in Council fs pléased +0" approve god the grant of one tonth’s | ¢ — _— v < anal [ 2000 } ~ * privilege leave ander Section VII. of tbat ; nanted Service Absefttee Rules to N, C. Moor sem Moodelliar, Acting 2nd Assistant ele General, Madras. etpprintment. —S. Jeyaram Chettyar j 18 = aet as 2nd’ Assistant Aecountant ‘General, ; the absence of N. C. Mooroogasem Mo By Order of the Hon’ble the President of Council of India in Council, on C. H. Lusmyer Secretary to the Government 4 Public Works Department, if e GENERAL—EstTaBLisHMENTS, No., 122: : ‘ott William, the 8th October, 185 Bon. ’ Leave of Absence.—The leave of absence, months, on Medical Certificate, with effe the -6th ultimo, granted by the Chief sioner of the Punjab to. Lieutenant J. T, Ist Class Assistant Engineer at Peshawur, tension of the leave p > previously granted * to] is confirmed. * Notification No. 91 dated 13th July 1858. No. 123. ce Lieutenant TH. 1. Foord, Ist Class Assi ist Engineer, Berar Division, was granted ee nil leave to visit Seeunderahad for thirty days, the date of quitting Jaulnah. ° —F No. 124. = Notification.—Assistant Overseer Corporal Rae, 6f the Bengal Ar tillery, attached to Pr dismissed from the Public Works Departmen will ¢eturn to Military duty. -, . ss r Wo. TRS. Transfers.—Assistant Overseer Gunner W. is transferred from Pegu to Bengal. ° ee a ss 126% Overseer , Priv ate Maitland is tr from Peg’a to Bengal. Overseer Serjeant W. P. Kennedy is red from Bengal to ‘Peon. : tre f La ta R. Srtacuny, si * Offy. Secy. to the Gort. of Ordeys by the “aieut.-Gobertiat a —_——_. , Nof 5668, APPOINTMENTS.— The 6th October 1958, -Ba Rashbeary Bose to be a Deputy Collector Regulation IX of 1$33, in Sumbulpore, - The 7th October 1858 Sis W.G be Assistant to the 3 Magistrate i of Burdwan. ’ vp or Apsence.-The 74 October VS5S.— O’Brien, Superintendént of the Sukeas’ Dispensary, for one month, under Section Revised Uncovenanted Absentee Rules, ver charge of his duties to Mr. W. Dy&s, lconfuct the same during Mr. O’Brien’s 90 @pender Chunder Nyaruttun, Principal Ameen of Jessore, from the 4th instant, to proximo, under Clause 2, Section VII of ised Uncovenanted Absentee Rules. 9 Anundo Chunder Bannerjee, Sudeler of Jessore, during the Dusserah vacation, x Section Vil of the Revised Uneovenanted mtce Rules. alla Lokenath Sohai, Sub-Assistant to the oner of Chota Nagpore, for three weeks, ction VII of the Revised Uncovenanted Rules. ‘ . Wh October 1858.—Baboo Punchanun erjee, Principal Sudder Ameen of Rajshahye, month, inclusive of the Dusserah vacation, t Clause 2, Section VII of the Uncovenanted entee Rules. preications.—The Gth October 1858.—The g Ferries over the six Rivers on the Roads Julpigooree and Titalayea are declared. under Regulation VI of 1819 :— r 2001 9 * * “No. £118. Mr. Alexander Monteath, Assist i 3 Monteath, Assistant Magistrate and Collector of Allahabad, having obtained a Me- dical Certificate, is allowed one month’s privilege leave, under Section XII. of the Absentee Rules. No, 4132. The 8th October 1858.4 Appointment.—Doobey Jowalla Pershaud, Princi- pal Sudder Ameen of Saharunpore, to be Principal Sudder Ameen of the Ist Grade. No. 4135, Erratun—In Notification No. 3880, dated 23rd September 1855, appointing Hafizooddeen Ahmed, Moonsiff of Sheorajpoor, Zillah Cawhpoor, to de Mootsiff of: Haupper, Zillah Meerut, read, to be Moonsiff of the Ist Grade. oI _ By Order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, ‘ 4 . W. I. Lowr, Offg. «dsst. Secy. to Govt. N. W. P. a es Palma. Dowke. Military Department. i Chowie. Gaboorea. . -_ Karrathea. Bereng. The \\th October 1858.—The services of Cap- n Sydney Jackson, H. M.’s 70th Foot, are placed the disposal of the Government of India in litary Department. Ereatom.—In the Gazette of the 29th ultymo, ave 1907, for “ Baboo Padub Chunder Bose” read Baboo Jadub Chunder Ghose.” , °. [ie A. R. Youre, 4 Secy. to the Govt. of Behgal. es ss | 4 Orvers by the Right Dow ble the Governor General. Aliahabail, the 5th October, 1558. Notifications —The privilege leave forsix weeks ited to the Revd. J. Robinson, Chaplain of Gexenat Orpers By THe Hon’sie THE PRESIDENT 1 a or tHE Councit oF IxprA 1x CouNcIL. 7. ® —— Fort. William, U2th October 1858. No. 1403 of 1858.—The following Notfication, issue from the Home Department, is published in General Orders :— No. 2228.—The 6th Octoher 1858.—Lieutenant R. Mueray, Deputy Superintendent of Hlectric ‘eleeraph in the North-Western Provinces and the Punjab, has leave of absence on Medical Certi- ficate, from the 22nd August to the 15th instant. No. 1404 of 1858.—The following Notifications, ws No. 1596. issued by the Howble the Lieutenant-Governor of General Department. l Behgal, are published in General Orders :— No. 3609.—Appointment.—The 3rd September 1858.—Capfain B. H. Baugh, oth Regiment Native Infantry, to be Cantonment Joint Magis- trate ind Superintendent of Abkarry at Barrack- a . , by the Ven’ble the Archdeacon of | pore. + a, is eqnfirmed. « as . he Leave of Absence.—The 5th October 1858.—Mr. - : 2 R. F. Uutchinson, Civil Assistant Surgeon of Not 159m 2 | Shahabad, for one month, on Medical Certificate. \ ‘services of the Revd. H, P. Woodingtot, in of Jubbulpoor, have this day been placed *disposal of the Government of India, on. Department. No. 1405 of 1858.—The following Notifications, issued by the Government North-Western Pro- yinces, are published im General Order3 :— ae PFs a 4 P “| No. 4064.—Appointment.—The Ath» October Nov411# 0. * 1858,.—Assistant Surgeon Dayidh Hood, M. D., to The Gth October 1898. . | be Civil Assistant Surgeon of Boolundshahur. we of Absence —Mr. Alexander John Law- |. No. 36.—The Ast Oatober 1858.—The serviges of Assistant Magistrate agd Collector of Meerut, | Juieutenant R. Chalmérs, Adjutant of the Myn- months on Medical Certificate, to visit the Polite, are. replaced at the disposal of the pooree La forth of Dehra. Military RQepartment. Government of India, a4 s by a . ~ £ 2002 4 No. 1378.—Leave “of. geon, A. Christison, M. D., Vi aceination, Agra iyi Medical Certificate. eer With reference to the above the services of Lieutenant R. Chalmers are placed at the disposal of the Right Hon’ble the Coynmander-in-Chief. Superintendent of Vo. 1406 0fe1858.—The following Orders, issued by the Chief Commissioner, Punjaub, and publish- ed m the Pungauh Gazette, No. 59, of the 25th September 1858, are cowntined ! — ist Regiment Seikh Irregular Cavalry. Woe Gee .— Promotions. cise ATI SY es eae From what | date. To what Rank “promoted. Rank and Naines. ¢ Dew Singh, transterred to Southern Mah- ratta Horse. sa Jemadar. Naib Res- | Ist Sept. 1858. saldar. | : : | ‘ Essur Singh ¢ Kole Duffa- dar. Sigs ss o MoostanSingh| Sontet n, Jowahir Singh, trans- ferred to His- sar U. Police. Jemadar...| Ditto ..: Ditto Ditipr..s Kaisra Singh lst Sethh Inregular Cavalry. eo : - No. 723.—'The Lucknow Division Order, by Major Geferal Sir J.H. Grant, K.C.B., Command- ing, dated 9th April last, directing Lieutenant G. Stewart, duty, is confirmgd. No. 724.—The Supreme Government having authorized the incorporation of the Peshawur Mountain Train Battery with the Punjaub Irre- gular Force, the arrangement will be carrfed out accordingly, with effect from the lst proximo. 79 an 3rd Seikh Irregular Cavalry. No, 725.—The under-mentioned appointments and promotions of Native Officers are notified :— APPOINTMENTS. ; To be Ressaldars. Mahomed Abdgola, Khan Heera Sing ary 1858, ¢ To be Woordie Majpr. Ressaldar Sahib Khan, from Ist January 1858, ss To be Ressaidur. , . Punjab Sing, from Ist January 1858. To berNaih Ressaldars, . a Sing, from Ist January 1858. Bulwunt Sing, from 13th January 1858. Shere Mahomed Khan, from 25¢h January 1858, Kurreenoollah Ahan, footie Ist February ‘LS5S. ia if To be Jemadars. 3 4 Bahz Allee Khan “yA. no From Ist jane. "Parra Chend . ary’ 1858. Khooja Mozatiur Jang, from 12th January 1858. . € 17th Regiment Native Infantry, to do, | {Astnte.—Assistant Sur- | for one month, on | In whose room. ae and reggie acs. e promoted, Naib Ressaidar¢ Futteh Singh... Jemadars. Rajut Bahawal { Naib Res- Bux saldar ... Secufider Khan| Ditto KoteDuffadars. Madhow Singh Jemadar ... ( Jenfadar .. Nawab Khan... |< Naib Res- te saldar . } Mahboob Khan Jemadar .. ° eo Duffadars. om | ¢ Semadar .. Shadil Khan ... | 4 Naib Res- . saldar .. Shah Newas Khan Jemadar ... Muddut Ally... | Jemadar ... , ePROMOTIONS. i From what | date. (24th Mar. ,, | ...j12th Feb. ,, llth Jan. ,, | 24th Mar. ,, 23rd Jine _,, 23rd June ,, 11th Je an. 5 .|12th Ditto ,, 24th Mar. ,, 20th July ,, : , * ‘In whese room, | 7 ¢ | i ! i Ressaidar.. 12th Feb. 1858. {7 eotplana tablishmen’ Ditto, Ditto. u moted, — Ditto, (¢ Mahboollah deceased. ( Nawab Khan, pro To complete | tablishment, Kk) Lauonrn, 251TH SerremBer 1558. Hodson’s Horse. No. 726.—Transfers—Sowars Ameer Chund, from the Corps of Guides effect from the lst December No. 727.—The following Kohat Station Or by Captain G. Maister, Commanding, are & firmed :— 1 Subadar. Dated 28th January "1857.—Directing J Surgeon A. M. Garden to afford Medical aid” No. 2 Punjab Light Field Battery. : Dated Sth May 1857.—Directme the si Officer to assume Medical char: of a Detachment otf No. Goolab 1857. ae ’ 2 Jemadars. ake 2 2 VMavildars. or Garrison Company of Pu 2 ,Naicks. jab Artillery, (strength as 1 epugier. 2 margin re cent] ar T1V ed 83 Privates, ) y dan, ae a of 1858.—The Hon’ble the Pre dent of the Councl of India in Council is ple to direct that the following paragraph of Mili letter from the Hon’ble “the | to the Government of India, Ng. August 1S58, be published i a Genta Orders 24. We have Sincere satisfaction in ae No. 1407 a Bring to notice the dis- tinguished services of Detach- yrents of Huropean and Native Artillery, Cavalry and Infantry in defence of the Residency at Lucknow and [ soliat for the surviviner Of eers and Soldiers of the Com! pany’s Army’, the ssame con- sideration as to counting strvice as already conceded to H. M's. 32nd and S4th Regi- ments. , ‘Ania Practice. Dated Vith February 1858.—Directing the Officer, in addition to his other duties, Medical charge of the Detachment of 105, men the 2nd Punjaub Cavalry, arrjved from Hotee M the regular Army, and of. ie Oude Co to val ° “a Yourt of Di 208; date to the survivin cers and Men of Company Ist Bat European Artille the Officers and — pean Non-Commissté Officers of the Na Cavalry and b Regiments of the now eis Officers Native Heinen ¥, ae : : le, escaped to Lucknow, the boon of one ce, in consideration of their distin- 08 of 1858—The Hon’ble the Presi- e Council of India in Council is pleased that the following paragraphs of Miltary m the Hon’ble the Court of Directors, » Government of India, No. 208, dated lith st 1858, authorizing the grant of the rank of ron the Invalid Establishment to Captain wood, be published in General Orders :— ptain Haslewood’s advancement will have from the 20th September 1558, the date of pt of the Hon’ble Court’s Despatch. ‘Phe grant of this donation to the men of : ; these two Invalid Artil- ‘lery Companies, in con- sideration of their ex- emplary conduct and ir services during the valuable services under mk at Allahabad, in circumstances of priva- $57. tion and danger during § the time they formed Yarrison of the Fort of Allahabad at the out- k at that place has our cordial approval. j. The Governor General takes this oppor- ty of bringing to our favorable notice “the iservice performed by Captain Haslewood, of alid Establishment, who commanded the llery, Invalids at Allahabad, and shared in their and dangers.” ; j. As a special mark of our approbation of services on this trying occasion, we have re- red to grant to Captain {laslewood the rank Of ‘Biot on the Invalid Establishment, from the date ‘Tyour receipt of this Despatch. nt ofa donation of three ’ pay to the men of the fillery Companies o fthe Invalid Battalion, Vo. 1409 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the President Souncil directs that the following paragraph of'a litary letter from the Hon’ble the Court of ectors to the Government of India, No. 222, 18th August 1858, be published in General long service and high character of Deputy Assis- tant Commissary of Ordnance J. Lamb, the Com- 4in-Chief recommends the prayer rof his ial to favorable consideration. We have re- im consequence to authorize you to confer im a Coxdmission ds Lieuténanf on the Ve- n Lstablishment, {y3m the date of your receipt is Despatch. , ‘ e Hou’ ble Court’s Despatch having been receiv- s Department on the 28th September 1858, i ‘eutenant on the Veteran hment conferred on Deputy Assistant sary J. Lamb and the allowances to be will have effect Som that date. - In consideration of the Her daigd 23rd April 1858, No. 68. x d 6. Memorial from Deputy Assistant missary of Ordnance J. Lamb, praying Commission of Lieutenant on the Establishment. ne n by him, following Orders, 1410 of 1858.—The 2 ae Punjaub, and | by the Chief Commissioner, ngust 1857, 1s confirmed :-— 1 dated 19th August ,| pany. , ed in.the Punjauh Gazette, No. 2, dated the ) 185$.—Directing that opean Offieers doing duty with Reeruits [ 2003 J , Levies or Depéts should receive the same allow- ance as has been sanctioned by Government fo? Officers doing duty with Punjaub Infantry Corps | v2. Rs. 137 per mensem. The Order to have retrospecti ve effect. No, 1411 of 1858:—,The following Orders, issued by the Resident at Iyderabad, are confirmed :— No. 211, dated 9th September 1858.—Confirming the Regimental Order issued by Captain Nig tingale, Commanding 4th Cavalry, Hyderabad Contingent, dated 31st August 1858, taking charge of the Ad- jutant’s Office from the Ist September 1858, con- sequent on Lieutenant Dun’s assuming charge of the left Wing at Ellichpore. ¥ No. 212.—Confirming the Regimental Order, dated Ist September 1558, by Captain Speid, Com- manding 2nd Infantry, Ilyderabad Contingent, directing Lieutenant Lilly to officiate as 2nd in Command from that date, and to perform also the duties of Adjutant. No, 216, dated 14th September 1858.—Confirming the Regimental Order by*the Officer Commanding 3rd Cavalry, Hyderabad Contingent dated 4th Sep- tember 1858, directing Lieutenant A, A. Johnson to officiate as 2nd inCommand, inaddition to his duties as Adjutant, during the absence of Captain Prescott, or until further orddérs. No. 221, dated 20th September 1858.—Confirming the Regimental Order by Captain Murray, Com- manding Ist Cavalry, Hyderabad Contingent, dated, Camp Goonah, 4th July 1858, directing Lieutenant Dowker to act as Adjutant in addition to his duties of 2nd in Command, consequents on the departure of Lieutenant Johnson. . 2 No. 1412 of 1858.—The following paragraph of a Military letter from the Hon’ble the Court of Di- rectors to the Government of India, No. 218, dated the 18tk August 1838, is published for general information :-— We have appointed Messrs. Charles MeNeile, William Jackson Parker, and Henry George Becher, now abroad, Cadets of Infantry upon the Bengal Establishment, subject to the usual conditions and to their being found qualified agreeably to the pre- scribed test. Their order of Rank will be transmit- ted in due course. No. 1213 of 1848.—The Hon’ble the Presi- dent of the Council of-India in Council 1s pleased to appoint Mr. James Ochterlony Nicolson, Civil 2nd Assistant Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, to be Assistant Surveyor General, Ganjam Topogra- phical Survey, on a salary of Rs. 400 per _mensem, viceMr. Jghn Dyer, transfered to the Civil Depart- ment. y No. 1414 of 1858.—The Hon’ble the Presi- dent of the Council of India in Couneil is pleas- ed to notify for general information, the follow- ing appointment in the Calcutta Volunteer Guards :— Infantry. d r 1 aig: Bea aE cock ane Lieutenant of the 3rd Com- Tica teltint : Ra d- ford, resignes. F. D, Atkinson, Major, iz . Offy. Secy. to the Goxt. of {ndia, ~ in the Military Department. “ + [ 2004 J ¢ ee FROM THE GAZETTE, $ GOVERNOR GENERAL’S CAMP. * —-—— ALLAHABAD, OcTonERr 5, 1858. Nottfteations, Appointments, Xe. ¢ ’ No. 3444. Foreign Department, Allahabad, the 2nd October 1858S. e Lieutenant G. A. A. Baker, District Command- ; ant of the Oudh Military Police, has obtained leave of absence, on Medical Ceftificate, from the 17th of August to the 15th of November 1858, to visit Simla and the Hills northwf Deyrab. , G. F. Epmonsrons, Secy. to the Govt. of India, _ with the Govr. Genl. ¢ es ~—- General Orders by the Right Hon’ ble the Governor General of India, %e Military Department, ¢ td ’ > 2 Allahabad, the 30th September 1858, r No. 434 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to direct the publication of the following Despatch, from Brigadier Douglas, C. B., Commanding in the disturbed Districts of Ghazeepore and Behar, submitting a Report from Major Carr, Madras Rifles, Commanding at Buxar, | of a successful operation resulting in the complete defeat and dispersion of the Rebels, on the 13th August 1858, R. J. H. Breen, Major-Genl., Secy. to the Govt. of India, Milys Dept., with the Governor General, y; Lf . No. 92. THe Apsurant GENneRAL OF THE Army, , Army Head Quarters, AVlahabad, e PIR, , I raver the honor to forward herewith, for submission to His Excellency the Comm ‘. i ful alacrity whiclf all ranks are reporter _ spirit and determination which animate _ having been called on by Captain Broo | sont off a Troop and hajf of the Military | in all 50 Sabres and 120 Seikh Caraties 1 which have bgen t{etained here by? the | Dinapore, 30th AuguSt 1858," the communications. - “F > soon as T could eet certain information of t 7 ° ‘ . : ’ 1) ander-in- | bels, I marched 6ut in the direction of t] displayed in encountering the enemy ; a valry, (both of the Military Train and 8rd Seik Irregular “Regiment,) when after ‘severe exert over heavy ground, by which their h completély exhausted, and when far away support, under their gallant leader Captain } they unhesitatingly threw themselves on bodies of the hostile Infantry, whom they with a severe loss in killed and wounded ses ° : _ 3. Captain Nason’s Report of this charge is forwarded in original,as also a Return of the Casualties on our side, ofy happy to sayy the list is extremely light _ significant when compared with the eomplet cess obtained. 4 T have, &.,, 4 Joun Dovaias, Brigdr., : bed eis a Comdg. in the disturbed Districk Ghazeepore and f To re Deputy Assy. Aprurayr GENERAT,. with Brreapiar We FG, "Sir, 3 I nave the honor to report, information of Bngadier Douglas, that or manding Doomraon, for assistance, asa large the Rebels were moving in his post, I imm Lieutenant Ryall, the whole commanded by Nason, Military Train ; I proceeded myself du the night with two Companies 84th, on Blepha apd 50 Madras Rifles. $ : % “On the 12th, the enemy said to be fro to 2,000, eight hundred of whom were Se reported to me to be posted in and round village of Chowgain, about six miles off 1 out of Doomraon a short wav in their but finding the country soediffieult fot Cay it was all enclosed, and haviner in all oviy 150 Infantry, of whom 100 only were Bra I returned, and sent into Buxar for the tw Brigade Gung, which with one other Co the Sih, arrived at 12 at night; this t enabled to do, by the fortuitous presence h some bullocks and drivers of the Bengal “ Sie Thus reinforced, on the morning of the 13 Chief, a Report from Major Carr, Madras Rifles, | on the Chowgain Road, when about 4 mil Commanding at Buxar, of a successful operatioh | the Rebels were reported in front, advan undertaken by him on the 13th instant, which | three large bodies ; on geaching: the end of resulted in the cemplete defeat and dispersion, | clfsures, I saw one large body posted im with heavy loss, of a very gréatly superior body | hind a rizing ground about 400 yards | of Relels who 4iad threatened, and were about to | front. Thad a Company of the Sith e attack,his advanced post at*Doomragn. r “that flank, and then, advanced the guns @ Pale : * | Captain Batt skifully brought up. On the es -1 beg to call His Excellency’s special atten- mishers advancing, Che enemy beean to = thon to the very skilful manner in which the small were five or six hundred. Captam Batt r force ahder Major Carr was handled ; to the cheer- | three shells at them, the last of which, set . e 3 fell amongst 2 number of them, killing two wounding two others; this sent them all ust as I began to advance on this body, Word brought to me, that a body of about 700 Se- with 150 Sowars, were passing my right Hank get round in my rear; J sent Captam Nason his men to stop them, which he did effectually, e did every thine entrusted to him. As 1 as I saw the Rebels in front clear off, I retired g the road with two Companies Stth, between e and the enemy when I had got parallel with em; at Captain Nason’s request I sent a gun, ompany 54th, and half the Madras Rifles, to lodge the Rebels from a village which they had ed. On the approach of the gun, &e., they fled, throwing away their clothes and shoes ; wing that a third body was working round on y left flank, I could not venture yet to let the alry pursue; indeed I was told that the body n the left were getting round to Doomraon ; I had nt a Troop of Seikh Cavalry to stop them some- e before, and they were reported to me as hay- @ halted, and I afterwards learned, that on the eport of the first gun, they went off towards Arrah, plundering Jewninggunge on the way. Having beaten off the bodies in front and right, and not being satisfied about that to the left, I de- mined to retire ; and here Captain Nason prompt- dd Wy the spirit which carried him victorious 4hrough is subsequent operations, requested my permission ‘pursue the enemy with the Cavalry ; at first I murred on account of the fearful odds against mand of my own positian; but on his second ppeal, seeing his determination, I yielded to him, d to his dashing gallantry, ably supported by his wave men, and the party of Seiks under Lieutenant all, the success, which by God’s blessmg was chieved, is entirely due. His Despatch will give the detail of his pursuit and punishment of the Re- bels, but the admiration which his leading and dash elicited from all who took part in his attack, I,have to record, 7 P My force consisted ofabout 45 Sabres Military Train, 100 Seikh Cavalry, 2 Guns Naval Brigade, with 4.0 Sailors under Captain Batt, four Companies Mth, about 120 men under Major Rolleston, and 1e Company Madrag Rilles under Captain Broome, Pallwbout 350 men. I did not think of the small- ess of my force Opposed to three separate bodies, ch doubling it, when L remembered that it was he Sith I had with me. : aa "The skirmishers of the Sith, on the Yeft, got a bw shots at the enemy, which were in front at but to pursue them even if advisable, ree ly hopeless ; they can go tyo miles to,our when running aay. , have ereat pleasure in mentioning not readiness of J 1 2 evinced by all to assist me im every , le Rajah’ of Doomraon was again in th? field. the Magistrate, was also out. rain, and 1 Seikh Sewar it ‘ : ys) only way. fr. Garstin, omen Military wounded slightly, : tain Nason had his a : th a! T have, &e.,, (Come ‘ARR ’ AM jor 5 Commanding Burar. left shoulller strap cut by . all to obey orders, but also the * * Se Ts al nies aly.” y, and | Seikh Toyse severely. [ 2005 J =e ee ee eee so EEE ee ’ ae) | To Masor Carr, Commanding Buxar Force, : Doomraon, Vth August S58. Sir, = AGREEABLY to instructions recetved, I yes- Military Train, 48 Sabres. terday proceeded with the 3rd Seikh Cavalry, 100. force as per margin, in pur- suit of the retreating ene- my, after a sharp gallop of 3 miles through kheets interspersed with nullas. I eame up with him and observed he was moving on the village of Kuseea in compact order, in two Divisions of about 400 each, flanked by Cavalry, the distance hetween each Division*being about 400 yards. On seeing my party approach, he immediately drew up his, forces in battle array, with very marshy ground in hisfront, and the village in his rear; I moved steadily on between the two masses, my object being if possible to prevent his concentrating his force ; this he at once noticed, and moved the Divi- sion nearest the village up m double time, but was too late; when within 300. yards, I directed the Military Train to charge, supported by the Seikh Cavalry, which*they did in a most gallant manner under a heavy fire, and eut up in the space of half an hour between 40 and 50 ofthe enemy, all Sepoys, with the exception of one man, who was found to be a Seikh. These men were well sup- plied with ammunition, the greater portion of which was ; © Minnie” finding it rather hot work; the enemy retired in a very confused and hurried’ manner on the village. Our Horses,’ frm the heavy ground we were working upon, weye com- pletely exhausted ; after resting them fora short time, I marched back to Camp. , I am happy to say, my Casualties were few, not- withstanding the enemy fought with desperation ; the Military Train had 2 men wounded (slightly,) and tht 38rd Seikh Cavalry, 1 Private (slightly,) and 1 Horse (slightly.) Tbeg before closing this Des- patch to bring to your notice, the under-mentioned Officers :— Lieutenant Ryall, Commanding 3rd Seikh Ca- valry,,who steadily brought up his men in support of the Train. + To Doctor Corbyn, of the same Corps, I am much indebted for his attendance on the wounded under a Neavy fire; but more particularly to Lieute- nant Bodkin and Adjutant Thompson, Miltary ‘Brain, for the gallant manner in which they led their Troops to the charge. ’ Nothing could surpass the gallantry and soldier- like coaduct of the Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of both Regiments, who appeared to vie with each other in their anxiety to close with the enemy. * ; ¥ ’ 5 soil T have to offer my thanks fo Mr, Garstin, Ma- gistrate of Buxay, who, from his thorongh knoW- ledgé of the country, rendered me much exsisiance. Henry Nason, @apé., 2 2 : oo ao 2nd Battalion Military Train, ye . ’ and Commanding Light Savalry, 4 ; Burar Force. . a 1 ~ a Ss = | = ES S Ss ‘ | As 52 & = Hi = Ss & 3 = op mR ix a ae 4 "ee ee $ 2S ples =z x8 or ia DP 2g L | ES > eps > = pe So fo ne Sree = es SS = ell RES Sa. Troe stare ke x 2 od ep Be OAS . oa a x 4 hater Neg 2s a & S a Los bie Pecks C8 S [ekore, om oS DM 3 Ae Sic Se eS ral oe? = Fo x 62 ee SS 2 r= ia) ra ats = we 2 4 ey RB 2 Re ae DS CN ales = |) eae nie mo = : = S ts aie > 3s real es SEE mS £ eae lta Ea = 3 tw tn Shen = w pia! pa ro} = > ; é MQ Si TR = wa wa Ver ; = 2! =F. —~ ee TA Cato ae ~ ‘ = | € oS = Se a a = | > = es = cry 5 SS iz 33 a, z ¢ > ral I 2S eae tele Sie 2 seh oh oe > - 2 Tae ° a o a ie S =) 8 Z ae = 4 es is o)6U8 & | = ‘ 1 ne oo ie! | Ears te ae sate = i ; : 4 a <4 = ou -< 2 a ~~ La LoS 3 4 bar) BS ae oe b iy = 1 ~S B=) fas] 3 | ) = = Ss s ae (eter an) ; iy = a "> e os = ¥ = ve R Me € o RB B " n = Ss Le | 3 S es og = } ae Ps o net err e 5 a > : g > 52 3 \ - ie As | = We oA = oe) MN = De star eS be Sen 52) az et ° as Cae] (an) } No, 435 of 1858.—The Right Hon’bie the Go- vernor General is pleased to direct the publication of the following Report, from Major A. Flume, Commanding Troops at Durriabad, of a successful attack on Rebel Sepoys and others near Rudowlee, on the 31st August 1858. , R. J. Hf. Biren, Major- General, Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept, ° [ 2006 | i a 23) ene ¥ : receiving information? from Major Carnegie, 1 with the Govr. Geni. No, 10. To Mason Hamitron, ° v - Depy. Asst. AG. Genl., Oude Force, Saltanpore. “ A camp Durriabad, drd September 1858. Sir, e , — J ataverthe honor to report for the information of Major General Sir J. H. Grant, “* K,C. B., Comrfianding, that in conséjuence of my r ta r . Deputy Commissioner, Durriabad, on the 304 ultimo, that the Rebels intended attacking Rudow lie, el directed , Lieutenant Chamier to march following morning with the Kuppoorttilla Con gent to that place, distance 16 miles from which, he accordingly did, with the imtention remaining there the day, and returning the morning to this post. it 2 After arrival at Rudowlie, Lieutenant Chan being apprised that some Sepoys of the late, — Native Infantry, with other followers, were pl dering a village six miles from therice, he de upon moving immediately to disperse them, ¥ he did after sharp’firing on both sides, killin 150 to 200 of the Rebels, afd with a loss on i side of 2 killed and 7 wounded. ‘T have the’ pleasure to forward the Report Lieutenant Chamier, for submission to the Majo General, and trust the successful exert Lieutenant Chamier will meet his approval. The list of killed and wounded is also forwa T have, &e., (Signed) Arex. Hume, Major, Comdg. Troops at Durria J. Hors Gras, Major-General, Comdg. Oude Fo 6. (Sigued) i From Lisur. Epwarp Cuasirr, is Assietant Commissioner, 7 In Pol. charge of Kuppoortulla a To Mayor Hamizron, ¢ ' aod Asst. Adjt. Genl., Oude Divisio . . ‘ , i. ( Dated Durriabad, 1st September 1 Str, re In 2 six Pr. Guns. 150 Sabres. Ist Infantry. 400 Kank and File. 2nd Infantrys 300 Rank and Vile. Fusilfers, Command Durriabal, I pro yesterglay with a portion the Kuppoortulla Cor gent, (strength as per Atlgched. +] ; ' tert ‘ gin,) to punish refi Ensign Woodgate. - “emindars close to ¢ » Roddy. a is Serjt. Sheridan, ) H.Mz, ehseel ot Rudowh » ’ Dynan, $¢ 53rd. Lam_ happy ‘to be . report, for the info of Major Generat Sir Hope Grant, K. ©.1 “dgcisivé success obtained over the engmy at # village of Gohemiy4, distant 6 miles South-Bast o Kudowle. ae 9 we We reached Rudowlie at 9a. m. Abo P.M. a Zemindar chmes and reported that som Sepoys of the late 17th N. L, with nume followers, had plundered the village of Go and were still there, 3. I directed Ensign Woodgate to the village with some Cavalry, to prev escape by surrounding it. Ensign Roddy willing to volunteer, 1 permitted him to p [2007] ' ore Sabres; the two Officers succeeded | Williamson. also gallantly ied his Company into ing a prdon__ sound the village, till I | the thick of the fire. Yo Coldnel Mahtab Khan, with 2 guns, Infantry following. Commanding Ist Regiment, and _ especially ,to _Nubbee Buksh, the spirited Commandant of the 7 ~ ) Our Artillery fire kept the enemy oceupied. | the very commencement, Ensign, Roddy ro- slight wound in his hand while laying a bullet lodging in the arm ofa J emadar, ‘ od behind him. On the Infantry coming | Companies of the Ist Regiment dashed into lade, headed by Ensign Roddy (whose | y fire was now no longer required ;) and | nt Sheridan, FH. M.’s 58rd Foot. Finding Was More opposition than was anticipated, I na Company of the 2nd Regiment under it Dynan, Hf. M.’s 53rd_ Foot. An hour ds, Ensign Roddy applied for a gun to a house, from which there was yet a heavy Colonel Williamson, (of H. H. the Raja’s vice) with a Company,. was sent in support of + gun. . The tesult of these arrangements was that t a three hours’ contest for every inch of nd, the village was in our possession, and not man had escaped. At one time, the enemy hed out, but Ensign Woodgate, eager to parti- * Artillery, I must record” my thanks for their services, and for those of the men under their Command. 7. His Highne’s the Raja, his brother, and his General, accompanied the foree, and by their presence in action, instilled confidence, and sti- ee. the Troops to cheerfully fate the heavy re. 5 8. he Cavalry under Ensign Woodgate, en- couraged by the coolness of their Commandant, well preserved their formation, and would doubt- less have struck deep, had an opportunity been afforded. Ensign Roddy is one of those, who are ever ready to show the way, at the time of the greatest danger, 5 a 9. Many rushed out of the village during the engagement, asserting they were ryots: as their appearance confirmed their statements, they were not harmed. : ‘ ’ fe in the fight, charged a little too soon, and them back into the village, to be there shot wn. nt % . %. The Contingent came into action after a 10. The loss of the enemy was between 150 and 200 killed. ,I rejoice to add ours was only 2 killed and 7 wounded, of which a Return is appended. [po? 22 miles, and for the first time in thejr lives 11. We returned to Durriabad this morning. came hotly engaged. They were nobly Jed by | imsign Roddy, and the two Serjeants of H. T have, &e., M’s 53rd Regiment, and to the united fear- | (Signed) E. Cuamuin, Zseut., s Learine, and bull-dog courage of their leaders e a pee. ; 2 Ps 1 a In Politigalgharge. his success is mainly to be attributed. Colonel . ; 2 S " . . am { . y List of Killed and Wounded, §¢., of the Kuppoortulla Contingent, on the 31st August 1858. & : Camp Durriabad, 1st September 155%. - = | ARTILLERY. CAVALRY. lst. Reet. INFANTRY. Onn. Reet. INFANTRY. 1 a ee 2 | | MO la a eS “eo , \ «| aba . | ;\ Shel wiese . 33 VE} gle\~} . Lo ls D | , Sle € | te a\2 ote] es reals Bye) | : 24 ; Fe 2 ea . |S) pal caste bee! Ve = PST ohare Pa = ‘{eig'8) (81 jes 23 S228) gl | perc Bi es ialel ay ie eo 8 Slelc Sine Spo ah Polol sie vs| 2) el eb bai s os w Ae Laracitiitee Ble aicle ee sere Slee S| Ble eres a: € Sele |e Sl) ava S/S SSS ie Sle eis El sislevs 3 52 8\ 5 ae SPSS | 2) oslo] ons S| Shs S40 Le Sis Sl fe Rm c BIS AR eae AA n Sie Sa a aul a A Ce ened 757 a ‘ae a “Sa ey, ea omy Us, *; \ erat 3 e \ eps! > ae [4 ret ota 3 AE Acts pe el Tess pS MORSE a2). Oe Hee lecetoae 1] ij 2 TTP ACHION oe wetje ee eee byt Sis i: Oe a | ; | ‘ ee ai ee aes Bi nded severely... -. ieee ve koe \ eee a ee ; Sapien reat: “4 . | | | . . Ni ; | ae | V2 6 ¢to slightly .....- PT Rubee re! il ae A cota con beet te ni OES ee | ( a 1 | | 4 heal A , °° A a ~ hi ee Ee ee . 5 = _, os - + ; >! ig meaty, ke ts pstrox Ciaries, M.D. aropean Ofhcer slightly Yournled. (Signed) [. Epwoxpston CHarLes, > s nattached Ensign Roddy, Artillery, 1 he - ’ Asst. Surgeon, in temporary Medicaleharge , . of the Kuppoortulla Contingent. > aT (Signed) E. CuaMien, Lreut., g ? : R - ae in Political charge * ~ 5 e , ° oe e No. 436 of 1858.—The Corps under the Com- mand of Captain We R. E. eAlexander, designated Alexander’s Horse, having proffered their services to "Government as a Military Corps for general service, whether in Hindostan or out of it, or ‘be- yond Sea, to go wherever they may be ordered, without reserve of any kind, the Right Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to direct, that this Regiment be borne on the Returns as a Mili- tary Corps for general service. Officers attached to Mexaniler’s Torse. = ¢ Comdt.—Capt. W. R. E. Alexander, 53rd N. I. 2nd in Comd.—-Lieut. M. K. St. John, 49th N. I. (Officiating..) Adjutant.—Lieut. H. M. Repton, 67th N. I. Doing duty.—Lieut. H. Chapman, 49th N. I. In_ Medical charge.—Mr. J. Sheetz, G. M. C. B. The Establishment of this Regiment, as at pre- sent constituted, will continue till further orders. ° ° Allahabal, the 1st Octoher PSG. 5 5 No. 437 of 1858.—Cornet J. Patterson, of the Bengal Yeomanry Cavalry, is permitted to resign the Service of the East India Company’, from the 1st October 1858S. 2 , No. 438 of 1858.—The services of Lieutenant P. Thompson, of Artillery, are placed at the disposal of the Foreign Department. —_—_— r No. 439 of 1858.—With reference to General “Order by the Governor General No. 5, dated the 15th Fébrhary 1858, the Right Hon’ble tke Go- vernor ftencral is pleased to direct the publication in General Orders, of his cordial acknowledement of the services of Lieutenant Prior, Acting Com- missary of Ordnance, and of the Warrant’ and Non-Commissioned Officers and Men of the Ord- nance Department, of the Bengal and Madras Presidencies at Saugor, during the defence of the Fort under Brigadier Sage. . No. 440 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to direct the publiea- tion of the following Despatch from Brigadier Douglas, C. B., Commanding the, disturbed Dis- tricts of Behar and Ghazeepore, No. 52, datéd I4th August 1858, submitting a Report from Major Carr, Madras Rifles, Comnriidine at Buxar, of a successfal attack on the ReVels near Bhojpore, on the Sth ultimo. . Rise dee ide Brnren, Major-Geud., Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept, wilh the Govr. Genl, r ta ; ated Pe No: ae. Tae Avsutayt Geyoerat or rie Army, Army Head Quapters, Alluhabad, Ditapore, Vth August 1S58. Sik, , I uve the hSnor to forward herewith, to be ‘laid before Wis Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, the report in original of a very siccessful affair with the Rebels ‘in the neighbourhood of Buxar, on the oth urstant. ° 4 : t 4 [ 2008 ] + of the 3rd | Madras. } mile a head, and were beginning to move t | killed, and the others dispersed, Captain Ir tells me, that he saw himself fully 60 dead 1] + A party of 40 of thp Seikh Cavalry sent Doomraon to co-operatemvith us, state joming the other Seikhs, they fell in wil ¥ 2. Major Carr, Madras Rifles, Comman that place, haviner, received intiniation, enemy purposed attacking the out-post o raon, 12 miles further East, moved out fro: and combining with the earrison of the Do pest, met the Rebels near Bhojporg, a and entirely repulsing them with consid ‘while that of our Troops wes merely nomin: 3. cannot refrain from bringing jr to His Excellency’s notice, my obligations Carr, who so ably planned and executed | h prise, and to the Officers, Non-Commi: Officers and Men, (especially those mentio: him by name) by whom he was so wortlfi ported. ae 4. No Nominal List of the single Cas yet been received, but it will be forwarded as it arrives. Fe i 2 ® T have &e. . ‘aa - (Signed) Jonn Dovetas, Brigadier, is if Comdg. in the disturbed Distritts of Ghazeepore ane To mez Brreapr Major, a Lehar Wield Force, Dinapore + Sir, = I nave the honor to report, for the infor of Brigadier Douglas, that having received mation from Captain Broome, Commanding raon at 5 P.M, on the 7th, that a body of: amounting to about 900, fours hundred of wh 1 Troop Milita. Were Sepoys, were said {9 ry Train (under Cap- advancing on Bhojpore at tain InglefieldJof 40 Doomraon. I proceed Sabres. 112 Sabres next morning to look f ; Seikh with the force ag per mar, Cavalry, (under Lien- The-Scikh Cavaleeian tenant Ryall.) 2Com- ne seikh Cavalty panies IL. M.’s 8tth Bhojpore shortly after Foot, (under Captain light. iL got to Bhojpo ; Brown.) 50 Madras the Troop Military Train Mitloge (undersIiews tne Companies of the tenant€iray.) “OTD SN06 Gea (the latter mounted on phants) about 4 past nine. Sent the Madras into Doomraon to assist. in protecting that as I called on Captain Broome, to bring two of his force, Europeans especially, to my assis which he did with part of hfs own Comp We heard on the road, that the Rebels we about a coss beyopd new Bhojpore. r- We passed that, village about. one and miles, whe¥i the Patrols of the Seikhs brou word, that the Rebels{were in a grove, abou "% the rvxht, . } Up fo this time, % think the” Rebels had no slightest idea of our being near them. But. they saw my sparty, and commenced tp reti Seeing they were ‘etreating, I sent on 4 Cavalry with orders to attack, if the Rebels yioving, but if they stood, to wait till I ca The Cavalry found them on the move, and advantage of a good ‘oppprtunity, they fa them, and the result was that about Sd Rebe ¥, “dh Bog Rebels, and that they kitted a number of Bat I have not beet able to ascertain t these men were included amongst those een dead. F owed the route of the Cavalry with 7 Pas : , No. 3490. yiees of Captain D. K. Fresgrave, Licn- . 2 No. 394. . ~ a tive Infantry, to ‘be a, District Com- of the Oudh Militasy Police, notified Order dated 24th July last, No. 2292, ¥ cancelled. . Strate, accompanied the party in the pursuit’, Police, Umballa Division, are re-piaced | isposal of His Excellency the Commander- | intment of Lieutenant W. Rose, 50th | ~s [ 2009 J No. 3496. | Captain II. D. Taylor, Assistant to the Chief of > Police in| Oudh, joined his appointment on the 10th ultimo. , j No. 3499. wt Captain T. C. Blaerave having proceeded to England on Medical Certificate, the arrangements notified in General Order dated 2Sth July, No. 2465, are hereby cancelled, and the following sanctioned in their stead :— Lieutenant E. Willoughby to ‘revert to the charge of the 2nd Division Nagpore Survey. Captain J. H. Grant to officiate for Lieutenant | Willoughby, during that Officer’s absence on Fur- ch. loug ; Nos Boast 3 Allahabad, the Tth October 1858. The Governor General is pleased to re-place the | services*of the under-mentioned Officers, at the dis- posal of the Government of Bomlwy : n at Lieutenant Barras, 29th Bombay Native Infan- try and Officiating 2nd in Command Meena Corps. Lieutenant Davenport, 30th Bombay Native In- No. 3535. The appointment of Mr. W. Glynn to be an Extra-Assistant of the Ist Class in Oudh, whieh was notified in Orders of 27th May last,iocancelled. na G. F. Epvmonstone, > Secy. to the Gort. of India, with the Gorr, Genl. a x General Orders by the Right Howble the Governor General of India. Military Department, Allahabad, the 1st October 1858. fantry and Officiating Adjutant Meena Corps. No. 441 of 1S58.—The Right IHon’ble the Go- yernor General is pleased to direct the publica- tion oft the following Jetter, from the Adjutant General of the Army, No. 909, dated 11th Sep- tember 1858, forwarding one from Brigadier | General Walpole, C. B., Commanding Rohileund | Division, entlosine a Report from. Captam fh, Larkins, COmmanding at Phillibheet, of a very snecessfid affair with the Rebels at Seerpoorah, in that neighbourhood, in which they were defeated by: Major ASP Browne, of the 2nd Punjab Cavalry, with considerable slaughter, and the loss of their guns and camp. . ~~ | The Gorernor General cordially copeurs with “ . . S His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, in the unqualified approbaticn His Lordship has expressed “of the ability and the daring spirik evinced jn. this alfair by Major Browne. His*Lordship also highly ice: > Me ay 5 | approves of the conduct and gallantry of the other ; SJ ? « 4 Officers, Lieutenant, G. G. € unliffe, Lieutegant t = Craigie, Local Ensign J. Chalmers, Mr. Low,C. ¥ | Joint Magistrate of Vhilibheet, and of the who e of the men engaged on this occasion. gag ‘ : R. J. H. Birea, Major-General, > . ™ . Secy. te the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept, with the Soverror General. my a) € No. 902 « Fro wie ApsuTANT GENERAL OF THE ARMY, Yo gus Secy. TO THE Govt. OF Inpta, Melitary Depertment, with the Governor General. Sir, I wave the honor, by direction of the Com- mander-in-Chief, to enclose for the information of the Right Hon'ble the Governor General, a letter from Brigadier Gengral R. Walpole, C. B., Commanding 2ghilcund Division, No. 220, dated the 4th instant, forwardmg a report (with enclosures) from Captain RB. Larkins, Confmanding 17th Punjab Infantry and at Phillibheet, of a very successful aifair with the Re- bels at Seerpoorah, in that neighbourhood, in which the latter were defeated with considerable slaughter, and with the loss of their guns and camp. 9, His Excellency desires to recerd his high ap- proval of the spirit and ability evinced in this affair by the Commander, Major S. J. Browne, of the 2nd Punjab Cavalry, whose very severe wound causes much regret to Sir Colin Campbell. His Excefhency torther recommends to His Lordship’s favorable no- tice the other gallant Officers and men engaged upon this occasion. ° I have, &c., W. Maruew, Licut.-Colenel, Adjutant General of the Army. ¢ ‘ Huan QUARTERS, ALLAMABAD, ) 11th September 1858. 5 No. 220. Mason Gus. Sr Wat. Maysrrenp, K. CB; Ohief of the Staff: Nynee Tal, September 4th, 1858. Fe ¢ x. I wave the honor to forward, for fne infor- mation of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, the accompanying report and enclosures from Captaiv Larkins, 17th Pénjab Infantry, Commanding the post at Phillibhect, of a very successful affair against a por- tion of the rebel force at Scerpoorah, (on the edge of the jungle), in which the enemy were defeated with the loss of four guns, their camp, and three, (3) ele- phants. The troops engaged on this occasion were’ comman- ded by Captain Browne, 2nd Punjab Cavalry, and be- haved remarkably well, Captain Browne, T regret to say, was very Severely wounded, and has lost an arm. The attack upon the rebel position appears to have heen conducted by this Officer with great judgment and gallantry. ’ 1 beg to bring to His Excellency’s notice Exsign Chalmers, 24th Punjab Pioneers, who led the Infantry on this occasign, and whose conduct is bighly spoken of. Jam glad to have this opportunity of testifying to the indefatigable zeal and intelligence displayed by this Officer upon all occasions when his services are required ; especially by the assistance he hys afforded in constructing temporary Barracks for the English Troops at Bareilly, in consequence of which ¢hey have heen, quickly and remarkably well housed. J have, &e., Sirf ’ 4 R. Wanpone, Brigadier General. 4 wa r No, 55. € s Ao TE ADIUTANT Grterar or THE Army, army Lead Quarters, Allahabad. Camp Phillibheet, Wt September 185%. ’ r Ser, i For the information of THis Excellency the Commander-in-Chief. I have the hongr to report a; inost wxtcessful attack made on the enemy’s position at Seerpooraheabout 14 miles from Philtbheet, under , @ [ 2010 | Comdy. Rohilermd Division. § the Command of Captain Browne, Commandin Punjab Cavalry, in which 4 gfins were captur the enemy, along with the whole of his ar baggage, cattle, 3 elephants, &e, and in which t my lost about 300 killed, amongst them one relvel Jeaders Allee Khan, Maiwattee, and Nizam Al Khan was wounded, but escaped. a: 2. At thg request of Mr. Low, Joint Magi at of Phillibheet, and thinking it very advisable not allow the Rebels to get possession of Nooreah, a village 10 miles from this, on Saturday night 28th ultimo, I sent Ensign Chalmers with 100 of 24th Punjab Infantry, of which he is Commanc ani? 100 Sabres 2nd Punjab Cavalry, the whole Command of Lieutenant Craigie, to Nooreah! ¢ tify the village, as Mr. Low was anyious to re- lish a Police Chowkee there, which he had been o to withdraw on the 22nd. ts 3. On the following merning, Ensign Chal commenced; but shortly afterwards, the Rebels cay down with Cavalry, Infantry, and Artillery to fim, and hearing heavy firing in that direction, I ¢ cluded that such had been the case. I *therefo : medtately ordered out a for 2nd Punjab Cavalry, 140 Rigel ae te : 7th Do. Infantry, 175 88 pee margin, nadeam Kumaon Levies, 100 of Captain Browne, 2 j otal 20 Mie jab Cavalry, to march reah to their assistance marched at 2 to 12 o’clock a. M., arriving at reah about 2 past 3 o’clock Pp. M., and found 7 enemy had been obliged to retreat to their post Seerpoorah ; Captain Browne, therefore, hé Detachment at Nooreah, and after reeonnottr enemy’s position, and from information he egg some villagers, he bivouacked at Noorea night, intending to attack the enemy’s po the morning, with what result will be seem fron official reports’of Lieutenant Craigie, as to the o tions of the 29th, an@ that of Lieutenant Ou (who assumed Command of the Detachment | Captain Browne was wounded) of the attack enetny’s position, on the morning of the 80th. 4, Lhave further the honor to forw rd a of the enemy’s position, and the plan of attack, was so ably and successfully carried out by Browne; but in which, I regret to say, he was h dangerously wounded, not however before he h satgfaction of seeing the enemy’s position their guns, ammunition, eamp equipage, &e., C2 and themselves totally routed. i 5. Captain Browne speaks. highly of the | of all engaged, and of the steady advance of al the fire of the encmy’s guns; but most espe the steady advance of the skirmishers of t Punjab Infantry, led by Ensign Chalmers. 6. L would here beg to britg Ensign Officiating Commandant, 24th Punjab Infae minently to the notice of His Excelleney th mander-in-Chief, for his indefatigable zeal and @ at all tifaes, and under all circumstances. — arrived at Phillibkect, he has placed the thorough state of "defence, and his thoro ledge of Field Engéfeeringin alk its branches! of the greatest’ service here. , As soon as he hesthzew up a bridge-head for the protection ( bridge-of-boats, to enable us, in the event ot. - assistance from Bareilly, to keep our com open with that Station, and although The so high, and almost destroyed it, as soon ast subsided, he set to work, and in less than th had another bridge-head completed. Besis | between Sunday awd Monday morning las - completed the entrenchiig of N ooreah, (tho » of the day under fire.) and there is now a Pe . there of 300 men, and the Police Chowkee re-@s ed. Much praise, 1 consider, is due to mers for all that ke has done since he aa which is my reason f€ bringing him thus” ly to the notice of His Excelleney the Commane Chief. os ; 4 la ave futther the honor to forward returns of and ordnance stores captured, as also a ge- x1 alty return of the Detachment engaged. ; ie rr ’ I have, &c., , Ropertson Larkins, Captain, Comdy. at Phillibheet. 4 4 TAI S. BROWNE, Comdg. Detachment, ae: Camp Nooreah, 29th August 1858. Sir, ” I wave the honor to report, for your mmatjon, that agreeably to Detachment Orders wxterday’s date, I proceeded with the force as + per margin to Nooreah, for the pur- ibres Ind Pun- pose of fortifying the Tehseel, to valry. ank and File Infantry. attacks that might be made upon ed at Scerpoorah, about three miles off, on the of the jungle. 3 In arriving at Nooreah, I posted a picket of (1) » Dutfadar, and (4) fowr Sowars, to watch the ene- picket, which was posted about amile from oreah. About half past nin sket sent in to say, that the enemy were advancing foree, with Infantry and Cavalry, but that they iid not sce any guns. I allowed them to advance in three quarters of a mile of Nooreah, when | ed my Cavalry into two parties, sending one to- ards their left. under Ressaidar Hukdad Khan, where had some Cavalry drawn up ; and myself taking rendinder of the Cavalry, an ntry, under Ensign Chalmers, 1 of a small guard left in Nooreah,) ’ vanced towards their right, ont being rice fields, knee deep in water. ¥ were drawn up on a road r ront. fred Infantry, (100) one elephants. © immediately I got within range, me with round shot, from (3) three guns, he road above mentioned, which b han the fields, were not visible fro moved off to the left, keeping as wel range of their shot, and got between eamp, where Y left the Infantry, Uavalry, and the Detachment of Police, u ‘halmers, in a mangoe tope ders to watch the guns, ke nd endeavour to keep the en reements should arriy he yomainder of tne Cavalry e way I had come, to see Chan was getting on. Casualty Return of a Detachinent under hundred Cavalry, emy in play until rein 7 ; : “. | | KILLED. | at mop RE ‘| ov a heal Ss F eles sell CORPS. a2 Oo Slal es ee ® < BEE OL ZO | gic: B| le eae Ble Slo ae ra ’ 2 A( Sa \e Bla 2 Eis Ale al ig S ai A as ae tee +I te njab Cavalry ee 7 Regiment Punjab Infantry. 2) Po poy ay o Bh - } 3) ¢ Total a Be enable the Polie to repel any | them by the Rebels, who were en- | e, the Duffadar of the | d the whole of the | (with the excep- | also a few Foot- and Police Sowars, who accompanied Mr. Low, the ground in their The ene- unning parallel to my here must have been about (300) three hun- and (2) two they opened upon posted along emg rather lower m where I was. I Las I could ut of them and their a portion of the nder Ensign full of thick jungle, with ep out of range, if possible, e from Phillibheet; and taking with me, I went back by how Ressaidar Hukdad ae Seems a Command of Lieutenant Craigie, m on the 29th Aug [ 2011 ] Ps é eee ue Ressaidar Hukdad Khan reported that he had come across a body of the enemy’s Cavalry, about (19) nine- teen in number, (14) fourteen of whom had charged him in the most determined manner, that the (14) fourteen were all killed, and (5) five horses captured, with a loss on our side of (2) two Sowars killed, (1) | one Duffadar, and (1) one Sowar wounded, and (1) one horse missing ; the [essaidar himself also was wounded. I cannot speak too highly of the coolness and judgment of Ressaidar Hukdad Khan, on this occasion. I remain- | ed on the enemy’s left watching their movements, and seeing that they were moving their guns towards where _ Thad left Ensign Chalmers, I proceeded down the road | they had been posted on at a trot, but had not gone above quarter of a mile, when I heard a volley of mus- | ketry, and on getting off my horse, and looking with | my telescope, 1 saw the enemy making off helter-skel- ter towards their own camp. On joing Ensign Chal- mers, he reported that for about an hour and a half, | the enemy had kept up a fire at intervals from their | guns, at the end of which time, they edged towards ° theim standing Camp, and got between it and the tope _ he held; at the same time he received a note from me, directing him, in the event of the enemy passing him, to return direct to “Nooreah,” which he proceeded to do; on his getting clear of the top2, he found that the enemy had received reinforcements of Cavalry, and was drawn “up in such a position as to command the road for his return, and thad he estimated their numbers ati (250) two hundred and fifty Infantry, (150) one hun- dred and fifty Cavalry, and (3) three guns, and that as soon as he was clear of the tope, they fired (3) three round shot at him, but without effect, after which their Cavalry immediately charged. He faced his men about, and when they were within (120) one hundred and twenty yards, gave them a volley that emptied (5) five saddles; they halted, and hesitated; his dnfantry and Cavalry shouted, and made an attempt to charge but” he restrained them, the joint effect of the™ volley, and attempt to charge was however such, that the Sowars turned and retired, or rather ran away towards (their guns, which were immediately, limbered up, and taken. back to their standing camp, without giving him any more annoyance. I returned to Nooreah at 1] o'clock. BY reat praise is due to Ensign Chalmers, and the Detachments of the 24th Punjab Infantry and 2nd | Punjab> Cavalry under his Command, as also to Mr. | Low, and the few Police who were with him, for their steadiness under fire. Attached is a casualty return. I have &c., Francis CRAIGTE, Tieutenant, 2nd Punjab Cavalry, Commanding Detachment. Signed) 4 the Action at Nooreah, ust, 1858. Va a WOUNDED. + Mrssixe. ali ae . *» ~ ae - ae vis tented shh | Re ~~ | _ iw > ae Se mE . : ax ae Le AE in eee Fraxcis Crater, Lieutenant, Commanding Detachment. . . 7 [ 2012 J To Carrars Larkins, re Commanding at Phillibheet, Phillibheet, 31st August 1858. Sir In consequence of the incapability of Captain Browne to report the occurrences of yesterday him- self, 1 have the honor to report, that agreeably to your orders, the foree as per mar- gin, under his command start- ed for Nooreah at 1. Pp. M, to assist Lieutenant Craigie, and arrived thére about 4 Pp. M. Captain Browne, on his arrival, finding, that the enemy had retired, before Lieutenant Craigie, (“whose report of the proceedings in the ear- lier part of the day I enclose,”) to their standing camp at Seerpoorah, determined to postpone any attack that might be made until the following mérning. The position of the enemy, “ the whole of whose force was reported fo consist of 500 Infantry and 300 Caval- ry, with two or three guns,” was a stfong one. Qhey occupied a rising ground, the site of a ruined village called Seerpoorah, about 3 miles for Nooreah in rear of a wide and deep jheel, apptoachable from the front only by a straight end narrow road entirely destitute of cover’of any kind, and knee deep in water and mud. Advance from this side being out of the question, and a reliable native having been fourxd by Mr. Low, C.S., Joint Magistrate of Phillibheet, (“‘ wlfto accompanied the force,”) who said, he could point out a circuitous road through the jungle, which led to the enemy’s rear, it wees was determined, that the attack 230Sabres3dP.Cavy. should take place at daybreak on en pltfantry. the following morning. The whole a Sy te B. 1ith force accordingly, strength as per 100 do, 24th P#N, I, margin, was conducted by the guide 100 do, Kumaon Le- through the jungle to within sight Mi ae ed of the enemy’s camp. e The fparch having been conducted with the strictest silence up to this time, the enemy were apparently un- aware of our ay eel ; the ground between us and’ their camp, a distance of about half a mile, being open, the line of attack was immediately formed in the fol- lowing order :—The 17th P. N. I, and Kumaon Levies in line covered by the 24th Punjab N. I,, “half in skirmishing order, and half as support,” a Squedron of the 2nd P. Cavalry on either flank, and a trogp in re- serve in the rear. The order having been given to move on, the whole force proceeded at a steady pace to the attack, the enemy being now drawn up to receive us. On arriving at a distance of about 400 yards, two guus commenced playing with round shot and grape upon the advancing line. The skirmishers led Hy En- , Cavalry. 130 Sabres 2nd 1. Cavy. Infantry. ie 150 Rank and File 17th P. N. Infantry. 100 do, Kumaon Levses. Retura of Casualties of the Detachment under Command of Captain 8. Browne, in the action at Seerpo rah, 4 on the 30th of August 1858. ¢ sign Chalmers advaticed unslfaken, af a steady ACC and without firing a shot up to within 30 yard: the guns, when they poured in a rapid fire and cha up the ascent. Being then in Command of th fafitry, and neticing that at this time, a porti the enemy had already commenced to retire, I r brought up the whole line of reserve, and swept th the enemy’s position, the greatest resistance b offered by the rebel Artillerymen, who fought — desperately, apparently trying to single out ropean Officers. : During this time, Captain Browne, who was theeskirmishers, seeing that the Squadron on right, under the Command of Lieutenant Craigie, suffering from the fire of the guns, omlered it to chi in flank, but a swamp intervening, the Squadron obliged to make # detour, which brought it to enemy’s left rear, where aegun hitherto con opened on it ; this however was speedily captur supporters either killed, or put to flight. * By this time, the flight became general, the tives making their way towards the jungle, stretched away to the left; they were vigorous] sued by the Cavalry up to its edge, which po ever few of them ever reached. f This force was under the personal Command Nizam Alee Khan, who however made himself at avery early stage of the proceedings. A note however, named Allee Chan, was killed and thr phants were captured in the pursuit. On 4 from the pursuit, it was with sincere regret tha learnt that Captain Browne was so severely wounded that it,was necessary for me to assume Commafaé b the next Senior Officer. Having formed up agi returned with the force to Nooreah, bringing captured guns, &e., being compelled, however, to there that day, on account of the wounded, marched back to the St&tion this morning. — By all accounts, the enemy must have lost ful men, besides all their guns, ammunition, camp equi &e. atid so thoroughly dispersed, that many more since, been killed by the Zemindars of the surroun villages. At the special request of Captain Browne, I beg | bring -to your notice the extremely steady . which the whole of the Infantry advanced under fit of tlg guns, strictly obeying their orders not to fir shot till they reached them ; the advanee of the ski mishers under Ensign Chalmers was the admiration all concerned. I have, &ea., 7 G.G. Cuntirre, Lieut, Commanding Field Detachme ° xs (Signed) | - id KILLED? WovUNDED. Missing. : ta . * : eo Tie Es] v 4 ity 3 Le S [2 gee tas 2 cata a bvkS |e - ale” |e abe | le yap a og he iS} ml 7) = 7 S12 |S Slot 1sl4 TS eis] [sla |S bls F ; Si se(Teis| pele [Sle] bela eel Corrs. O18 180 = ole eae O18 ES \s ri a ines aie ole Le} os = ere ele Sel alale slodlalelele closets z oo1o S| il SD Sages n o Sia 6 ; SLES eS el ZS eSBs |e IS ESS Slee . iSlaCls “{81515 (50/8 2 S18| eC) 8 =)8/5 A ’ BA 14 SISA 4 [simiaie A ie i ——, een fee) | 2) eR ae ee ee: i) >? Pi as } ! 2rd Punjap Pav alr Sia’ pS eS Sie! is 3) (dies | OTOL Se 22°. Gis = 1 Tith Regiment Pujjab Infantry, ...}....../0..... co Sp halr . kegs i) Mia, ESB OU Be] ART aah Rehan j 24th Regiment Punjab Infantry, ...}.....Je..0..1..... dE A Oe acd ySt ASumaon Cup yeep Dae Rees Foe ct eee Oa oo ee ee ‘aR oom Ci ill | $2 eet atti Poliée x. ut aA aon AE, | eS |e belt (0) a pea Seles ste apt. ae ; hg ee ES | . Wyte has Gilde A eee Laan 10.) ee AO be, Bla | 20a ad, 8 lssab.f...fehe ys ott, oe | | | : ft Ae iP FE ene Ps |, ° Rank anpd NaMEs. q ry =| Esptain S. J. Browne, i 7 2 | Lieutenant J. Stevenson, ~ ay Lance, Ensign, Adjutant 2nd Punjab Cavalry. ¢ ’ . < DESCRIPTION. a 2 | Brass guns, Brass gun, Corrs. | Return of Ordnance Stores taken from the Enemy at Seerpoorah ‘ » | REMARKS. o i i Native made, about 9-pounder, in ex- wa cellent order, timber and all neces- ¢ saries complete. rs Native made, about. 3-pounder, good timber and carriage, but not a well [ 2013 ] panera? Roll of European Officers wounded at the Action of Seerpooran, 30th August 1858 * REMARKS. .| 2nd Punjab Cavalry and] Dangerously, left arm amputated. Comdg. the foree., ... ° , .| 24th Regiment, Severely wounded on the head. G. G, Cuntirre, Lieut., Commanding Field Detachment.. ~ on the 30th August 1855. Phillibheet, 31st August 1858. > > J STATE. 5 Serviceabile. 3 Repairable. made gun, 4 Tron zamboork, ...| About 2-pounder, not mounted, Serviceable. ae my shot, _..| About,9-pounder, hammered, Serviceable. 5 ¥f Pe 5 3-pounder, _,, = 35 30 | Canister filled, oA he a3 9-pounder, ,, re 18 ” ” ” 3-pounder, ” tee ” 2 | Fixed shells, maa 9-pounder, _,, _ gs , 98 | Bundles of grape, - WiAwe S-pourder, ~,, by ms Ma 40 | Seers of loose grape, ...| Hammered Iron, n cea 5 : 141 | Cartridges filled, _..) Native powder 9 and 3-pounder, re , Most of them serviceable, 26 Draft bullocks and buffaloes, ... | fay. ‘ Some of them are claimed by men of different Corps. ‘ae : ebipedl ls sje a Besides a large quantity of spare ammunition and camp equipag' some veryygood animals. e destroyed, the enemy having got none > Sr. Joun CuaLMERS, Local and Temporary Ensign, Offy. Commdt, 24th Punjab Infantry. (True copy) a = 9. 442 of 1858.—Lieutenant ‘Colorel , (Brevet lonel) G. Tylee, of the 41st Regiment Native mtry, is allowed leave at the Presidency to the t October 1858 > on Medical.Certificate, prepa- to submitting an applicatiow to retire from rrice. ; . > Allahabad, the 4th October AS5Gy M443 of 1958.—The Right Hon’bie the rernor General is pleased to admit the under- tioned men of the 6th Tpregular Cavalry to 3rd Class of the “ Order of Merit,” for thei euished conduct at Mooltan, oa the outbreak Ind and 69th Regiments Native Infantry, tation :— > Duffadar Sheikh Inaynt far and Trumpet Major » Munsubdad Khan. Huck. Soobhan Khan. appointment — F. Lancs, Ensign, Adjutant, 2nd Punjab Cavalry. . Eh PPE sald No. 444 of 1848.—The Right’ Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to confer the follow- ing rewards on the under-mentioned men of the 2hth Bontbay Native Infantry, for their exemplary loyalty and fidelity to the State :— Havildar Major Kunjul Sing to be J emadar. , Naique Doorga Tewaree, » , Havildar. Private Punnoo Lodh, » Naique. To be Members of the 8rd Class of the “ Order of Merit.” ? ; Jemadar Kunjul Sing. Havildar Doorga Tewaree. , Naique Punnoo Lodh. ‘ P ’ > > y _— a) , ay N " » ‘No. 445 of 1858.—The Right How’ble the .Go- yernor General is pleased to make the, following * ‘ a) r 2014 | * 6 @ Governor General’s Body Guard, s . . Suréeon A. Beale to have Medical charge, gece Assistant Surgeon Ainger, resigned. No. 446 of 1858.—Lieutenant B. R. Branfill, of the 5th Light Cavalry, is appointed a Second — Assistant in the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India, on probation. 70. 447 of '1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Governor General is pleased to direct the publica- tion of the following Despatch, from Brigadier General Sir R. Napier, K. C. B., forwarding a report from Captain Ashburner, Commanding Field Detachment, detailing the ‘operations of a foree under his Command, against certain Rebel Thakoors. % His Lordship entirely concurs with the Right Hon’ble the Commander-in-Chief, in the eommen- dation bestowed on Captain Ashburner, “or the highly satisfactors’ and creditable manner in which these operations were carried on by him, with the small force under his Command. r ee. Pid Bien, Mejor-Genl., Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Dept. with the Govr. Genl. ° No. 204 of 1858. From Briéir, Gunn, Str R. Naprer, K.C. B., ¢ © Commanding Gwalior Division, * To tug, Cuinr oF THE Srarr. Head Quarters, Allahabad, ¢ Camp Sepree, 11th September 1858. Sir, JT wave the honor to forward, for the in- formation of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, the accompanying report, dated Camp Mow, “Ist Sep- tember and 4th September, respectively, forwarded by Captain W. Ashburner, Commanding Field Detach- ment, to Lieutenant-Colonel Liddell, Commanding the 2nd Brigade, Gwalior Division, detailing the operations of a force under the Command of Captain W. Ash- burner, operating against the Rebel Thakoors, Bur- joor Sing Bundelah, Jowahir Sing, Davie Sing’ Kenea- walas, and Thakoor Maidmee Mull, and considering the small force at the disposal of Captain Ashburner, the result of his operations I consider, to be highly satisfactory and’ creditable to that Officer. - I have, &e., (Signed) R. Napier, Brigdr. Genl. ¢ Commanding Gwalior Division. ny ° Froyv Carrarn W. ASHBURNER, M Commanding Field Detachment, - ©To LinutEnant CoLtoven LIDDELL, Commanding the 2nd Brigade, Camp Mow, Ist September 1858. DIR, qcer ji uave the honor to réport, that on the ‘morning of the “9nd instant, having received in- timation Of two/hundred Rebels"being cojlected in the 100 Sabres 8rd Lt. Cavalry. town a é. Sosra, 2 with the ip- 50 Bayonets 3rd Europeans. tentiéa of plundering it, should 100Aitto 24th W.1. © the habitants net pay a ran- som, I immediately ordered out a party, strength as per margin. “ id ra la - es The Cavalry undét, Lieutehant Dick I sent on . ba advance with orders to surround the town, my spi having informed me, that it was situated in the p 1 myself remaining to bring up the lrfantry as 5 dity as possible. : a On arriving near the village of Naroul, lying i | route,and ebout a mile and a half beyond * Sosra’” is situated, I sent on an Officer with escort, to see if Lieutenant Dick had arrived ai rounded the town as directed ; and further o1 him to inform me, if there were any Rebels in the 1 | as the Infantry were somewhat fatigued with _ march, the roads being heavy, and in some places 1 | der water. I thought the news of the Rebels | near would inspirit them. y be This party haying been fired on by some Rebe | Naroul was obliged to retire, and await my | with the Infantry, when throwing out skirmi: advanced on the town, the Rebels retiring throu -ravines in rear, and to the left of the town, which® | of great size and depth ; through these we fol | them, and coming within goed range ata ‘aullah, 1 operated as a slight obstacle to their retreat, much swollen, the Infantry succeeded in dispos a few of the Rebels ; crossing the stream, whi running rapidly at the time, we continued to the Rebels through the ravines until we arr | “Sosra, ” at which point they re-crossed the | and made towards “‘ Mow Mohoni.” The Rebels here had evacuated the town previ my arrival, and probably formed some of the whom we had driven across the river at this pa On arriving at “Sosra,” I entered it and f deserted by the inhabitants, the greater porti whom, as well as the leading men, are I understa league with the Rebels. The Cavalry rejoined, n ter we entered “Sosra,” having watched the ft side of the town, the only one not intersected by ravines in which horsemen could not possibly act. As it rained heavily on ur setting out on thee pedition, and also at intervals during the day troops were all thoroughly wetted; and I the thought it advisable to return to camp that mgh which I did, arriving about 7 o’clock p. mM. : LA a T have, &., se W. AsuBurner, Captain, Commanding Field Detaei hin From Caprain W. AsiBurner, Commanding Field Detachment, To Brigapier Lippert, 2 P, Comdg. 2nd Brigade, C. I. F. &, Camp Mow on the Pohoyj River, pine - The 4th September 180 , e e SIR, *S I po myself the hénor to zeport, that I this mo L. marched from ae | Tn aa ee ° z,(° |#sz strengh as sper BE lO o gin, with the inte Corps. B18 a Bh ames | ei Me , £6) 2/5 222} of attacking th Bo 784-2 &! of Rebels,who. j=) a nog a 6 ee some time, past P wliescods OS assembled in 3rd Light Cavalry, -| 8 25) 9 Royal Artillery, , 1 0 10 from ie to 4 Bhepal ditto, - oF of 41). the villages *| 3rd Europeans, - 2) °0 g8 and Mohoni, : 24th Native Znfy., ¢| 4) 3 174 ‘ ‘ Sappers and Miners- 1 i 84 ye n either ba . river orem last the ers, Viz.:— ar _Thakoor Burjoor Sifg Bundelah, Thakoors J Sing and Davie Sing Kenawalas, and Thakoor Ma Mull. : i * eS — nuous and heavy raim.since the 31st ultimo dmy attacking then? on the Ist instant, in sition, which they had selected on account of its tural strength, and being intersected by deep 7 - arrivitig at Mohoni, we found the enemy in pos- ion of the nuilahs, from which they opened fire at advanced guard. We threw out skirmishers, with usual supports, and haying found a good position | he guns, opened upon the enemy with shrapnel, h soon drove them from their position, and allowed advance close up to the town of of Mohoni, into h, as my force of Infantry is but small and, inade- o the usual loss incurred in street fighting, I ae [ 2015 | sted two or three shells to be ‘thrown, which was and had the effect of clearing it thoroughly. We dvanced to the opposite side.of the town, facing ort of Mow, where the enemy were observed to be embled, and had brought a gun to bear upon our roach by the road, and which they opened upon skirmishers and advanee; this gun was soon silen- by ours, aud seeing, that the enemy had with- | tae drawn it, and fearing it might be carried away, I ordered an advance of the whole line, at the same time directing a party of e3rd Light Cavalry as per margin to mount. " These men, up to this time had becn dismounted as a support to our guns, to enable me to bring all my Infantry into play. No European Cavalry Officer being at that mo- ent available, I requested Mr. Veterinary | Surgeon Lary); to accompany and lead it in pursuit of the wins which he most willingly undertook to do, but ’ @ European Officers. 3 Native Officers. 50 Rank and File. gs 1; i ry 4 Lieutenant and Adjutant Moore, coming up shortly afterwards, I despatched him also with them. , This party soon overtook the enemy, captured their % . . two guns which were atonee turned on their former | owners, and cut up about 30 of them, Mr. Lamb being shghtly wounded in the pursuit. Owing to the diffienlt nature of the ground which gave secure cover to the enemy, their loss in killed and wounded was not so severe as I could have wished, but I estimate it in all at from SO to a 100; their route and dispersal was however complete, and the only two guns which they had are now in our possession, with all their arnmunition, &c. I beg to bring prominently to your notice, the names of Mr. Vetermary Sutgeon Lamb, Lieutenant and Adjatant Moore, and Subadar Soojat Khan, 3rd Light Cavalry, for their gallantry in the capture of the enemy's guns in most difficult ground, and trust that Government may deem their services worthy of re- cognition. 1 must not, omit to bring to your notice, the zeal and energy of Serjeant Murphy, of the Bhopal Con- tingent Artillery, who worked his guns most success- fully until knocked down by a sun-stroke. J am happy to say, that we had no casualties from the enemy’s fire ; a few of the Europeans were knock- ed down by the sun, but are now doing well. Enclosed is a list of our casualties, as also of the Artillery and Stores captured from the enemy. - I have, &c., (Signed) W. Asupurxer, Captain, Commanding Field Detachment. = BY | ’ - Returnof Killed and Wounded of the Field Detachment under the Command of Captain V ie Ashburner, tit action with the Rebels, on the 4th September 1858, 2 Camp Mow, 4th September 1858. | 8 ; hae Corps Rank anp NAMES. et | % REMARKS. 4 , ‘ } ee ‘ 4H rd Regiment Light Cavalry Vety. Surgeon ... | W. Lamb | O| 1 | Slightly. | Ditto Regiment ... | Horses 5. feel} Buti Sexerely, NS Fak? Hie fn Ra SO ea : ; ° W. Asipurser, Captain, A Return of Guns aad Munitions of W ar captu a under the Command of Capt ie . . he yA en anal 2 5 2 >| DrAMETER . ot ad Narure oF ORDNANCE. i . Bore. a io s Inch. red on the Ath September 1858, by ¢ ain W. Ashirener, 8rd Light Cavalry. ee Tani VER LENGTIE Comdg. Field Detachment. . . he Field Detachment ay ° REMARKS. OF NUMBER. . Sountry Gun gS 390s 4 23 ad 4 ; Serviceable. : ry Carriage, &c., ditto 4 byte fy ; . : $3 O15 ane 1 dL one ‘ Y . ey ee: 5 1 oho. Servixeable. ¥ on Country Carriage. } ea Pe ie | ; aimbers, &c., ditto dar S 5 : . a : ‘ ‘a : “i Country Aeration} Mr eas en —_. 1 one ; r zon a . oy te | ' [ 2016 J No. 448 of 1858.—The Right Hon’ble the Go- vernor General is pleased to perinit Jientenant W. | Thompson, 7th Madras Tight Cavalry, to resign | his appointment of 2nd in Command, 2nd Regi- | ment Beatson’s Horse. Tfis services are according= ly placed at the disposal of the Government of Mort St. George. "Vo. 449 of J858.—In publishing for | eeneral information, the following letter from the Adju- tant Gen€raf of the Army, No. SS8, dated the 7th September 1558, forwarding one with enclosure | from Major General Sir J. lope Grant, K. C. B., reporting the ovewpation of Sultanpore “by the troops under the Command of Brigadier Horsford, C. B., and the passage of the CGoonrtee, under the Major General’s personal directions, the Right Hon’ble the Governor General desires to yake known his high appreciation of the Military , skill displayed by Sir Hope Grant, during the series of operations which occupied six weeks, and enaed in the passage across the Goomtee. His Lordship also tenders to Brigadier Horsford, C. B., and to all the other Officers and Men engaged in these operations, his-warmest acknowledgments for their gallantry and efficient service. . é R. J. H. Birew Major-Genl,, Secy. to the Govt. of India, Mily. Nept., with the Corr. Genk. al No. 888. & From THR Apsurant GENERAL OF THE ARMY? To THE SEcy. To ruz Goyr. or Inxpia, - Military Department, ce with the Govr. SiR, c ¢ I nave the honor, by desire of the Commander- in-Chief to .exrlose in originfél a letter dated 30th wltinyo, No. 222. with enél¢sures, from Major General Sir J. Hope Grant, Kk. C. B.. reportiig the occupa- tion of Sultanpore hy the troops under Brigadier “ATI. Horsferd, C.B., and the pasfage of the, Goointee, unter the personal directions of ¢he Major General. 2. 1 “ame directed by His Excellency to beg you we will draw the attentiot. of the Right Hon’ble the Go- | -vernor General to the admirable manner in which Sir -«2 ° 7 o a tent, | . Aan AMMUNITION. Be is " e e ] ca 3b i , > OPS. alae OUNDS. od ‘ cee : gla, 1S : wh | ia #/2)/2 Siw 3 | Fiat). a Sat — TOE po aia = DENOMINATION. | gerohs Bl . 3 fs a a lm ln - Service-; Unser- -e| 61 Bla ogle % be) | ss /e\a So D Pisa) ablé. jviceable. 5| 5/275 15 21513 8) 2A ° cio a Fi Brass Gun — ” See Ee 20 |95;) 6 6 8 | 1) x4 4 Tron Gun 56 - (80) 0 0/0 4 | - CATTLE. ts DrENoMINATION. 7 Number Gun-draught Bullocks, ne ig Se is ; 1G os 2 x Joun Murpny, Battery Staff Serjeante in charge of Detel Bhopal Contingent Art ° fF Nilahabad, the 5th October 1858. J. Hope Grant has conducted the operations last six weeks; and more particularly those for | passage of the Goomtee, with most imperfect me = ‘. IT have, &e., iY (Signed) W. Mayuew, Liewt-Colonel, E Adjutant General of the Meny HEAD Quarters, ? ee Allahabad, 7th September 1858. 5) No.7 212, To THE ADJUTANT GENERAL oF THE Anny, . ¥ Head Quart Camp Sultanpore Cantonments, 30th August 1 Sir, I nave the honor to report, for the informati His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief, that unde instructions received from the Chief of the Staff. despatched from Kyzabad the force as per may at een under the Command of Brigad sn Avtillery. Horsford, ©. B., on the 9th it Sarre Royal Horse stant, towards Sultanpore, rtillery. : 5 ; -” Conalryt low up the Rebel forces which A Wing 7th Hussars. been besieging Maun Si Detacht. 7th Hussars. She ° Infantry. . abgung. 2. Heavy rain had fal some days before this foree lyzabad, which ‘rendered ’ track, (there is no road.) to tanpore verye heavy and deep in places, for the ¢ and the hackeries cavryiny the Commissariat supp There are two considergble nuddees on this Youte. by the exertions of Captain Reid, De sioner, ‘they were bf} idecd. e = 3. Irigadier HorStord’s Despatch, detailing operations on the 18th’ instant, when he drove erfemy to the right bank, and vecupicd Sultanpo have already had the Ifonor to forward. " 4 It yas intended that Brigadier Horsf a cross the Goomtee, and The Cores is the Cantonments on the. a ap ee 100 feet bane, bu® the enemy having . away of destroyed ever bridge could bé threwn across the river, and Horstord’s instructions were not to evoss wi ta right hank bemg in the-possession of t , Zor about fifteen miles. up and down the found impracticable to brifig boats from a di 5. In consequence of the large increase of € bel force, amounting to about 20,000 men 1st Madras Fusiliers. 5th Punjaub Lifles. Detacht. Madras Sap- pers. puby 4 [ 20 osing the passage of tlis river, I received tructions from the Chie? of the Staff tb » B rigadier Horsford; and for this purpose 1d the 2nd Battalion of the Rifle Brigade, and der guns from Fyzabad, on the 16th in-, y order 0f the Commander-in Chief this en- e following movements of the Oudh force, J—The 53rd Regiment from to ‘replace the Mitfles. (2nd)—Theé 1st siliers from Nawabgunge to Durriabad; —A Wing of the S8th Regiment from Luck- awabeunge, Bara Banke. egnsequence of the increasmg numbers of! emy, the determined opposition shewn to the Mf the river» and the importance attached to | ving the right bank, 1 determined without for His Excellency’s instructionss to stilk fur- ‘ ther rewnforce the Sultanpore Column, and I accordingly marched from Fyzabad on the 19th instant, with the detuil men- | tioned in the margin. 7 In°many places along the route, the track led across cultiva- tion and through marshes, where the gun wheels sunk to the axle. ; The Infantry too were obliged to ough sloughs frequently. “or ulry. nd Wing H. Hussars. ° vy. d Wing H. | Regiment. Madras Sap- nd Miners. 1 Durriabad to | 17 | 15. On the 28th, I Had my arra s 28th, 1 i arrang : attacking the Rebels te oS tas gee é g the Rebels at the Cantonments on the follow- Ing morning at day-break. On that afternoon, the enemy came ovt in strong force and attacked my | position. ‘They were easily repulsed, and driven back ; but as it was late when this was accomplished, I did not think it advisable then to follow them up. The following morning | advanced at 4 0’ clock, but found that the Cantonment was deserted. 16. The enemy retreated towards the south-west, but, it is not ascertained yet what position they intend taking up. pe, ‘ 3 . . y ; 17. This now clear of Rebels, and the right bank of the river being free, boats for a bridge will be updn a couplgoef days. 18. I beg to bring to the notice of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief the efficient co-operation and support I received from Brigadier Horsford, C. B., Commanding the Infantry Brigade ; Lieutenant Colo- . hel Sir W. Russell, PBart., who bien tn ath eale the Caval- ry and Superintended the out-post duty ; and Major Yates. R. H. A., who commanded the Artillery. Offi- cers Commanding Regiments, Troops and “Detach- ments :—Lieutenant Colonel Hill, 2nd Battalien Rifle i Lieutenant Colonel Galway, Ist Madras Fusiliers ; Lieutenant Colonel Payn, H. M.’s 58rd Regiment ; Major Horne, 7th Hussars: Major Vaughan, Zarrived at Sultanpore on the 22nd instant. | r Horsford had taken up a good position and d an excellent point for the passage of the river. ) boats could be procured. ‘Three small dinghies found, and of these Lieutenant Raynsford Nad fucted a very good raft ; he also had platforms for ve ina forward state. Three dinghies which ing at the Biswee Nuddee, 9 miles distant, | gonvcyed to the ghat, ands three others were sunk in the river ; of these two more rafts were iructed. All the preparations nesessary for crossing tht on the rafts, with the exception of the heavy h instant. 7 It being evident that there was no possibility m from the opposite bank, I decided upon cross- without one. / The force of the enemy occupied several _ posi- The main position was at Hasscnpore, about s from Cantonments. In the Cantonment was another large body and 8 guns; and two in front of the, pomt at which 1 intended were also occupied. Besides the above, there quets along the bayk of the river, and severah wand a Regiment watched the Dhera Ghat, was said there were some boats. ; On the 22nd instant, 1 received intelligence ne Madho had arrived at ,the rebel camp, a strong reinforcement, .but the numbers urious!y reported. 5 S) 4 ng in positton to cover the nemy, the ng of the : @ heavy guns bei and keep down the fire of the er imbneed passing over on the morni ie a 4 PM, 9-pounder guns, the Madras Fusiliers, the 5th Punwub and a Detaehment of forse had crossed, and 1 ordered this . force er the Command df Ticutenant Colonek take and oecupy the two villages in my the approach of the Column,” the enemy Villages were occupied ; and 1 thus secured ty osition; the river. which here forms 2a ethe flanks of the advanved _line. ewas much difficulty in swimming the the river, and all the force had not got jand park, were completed on the night of the | rocuring beats for a bridge, until the enemy was | 5th Punjab Rifles;, Major Daly, C. B., Irregular Cavalry ; Licatenant Strange, R. A.; Lieutenart Lyon, R. H. A., were most attentive in superintending the crossing of their men and horses. The two heavy guns under charge of Lieutenant Warren rendered good service. . Brigadier Horsford speaks most fayorakly of his Staff. Major Mollan, Major of Brigade; Surgeon Fraser, 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, Senior Sudgem ; Licutenant Namsbottom, 2nd Battalion Rifle Bri Orderly Officer, and Captain Graeme, Deputy Assistant Coinnissary General, who was very ¢flicient in keep- ing the troops supplied. ¥ i 1 have great satisfaction in bringing to the notice of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief the zeal and unceasing exertions of Lieutenant Scott, Field Engineer, ald Lieutenant Raynsford, Commanding the Madras Sappers, in preparing the ratts, and crossing | over the troops. Everything had to be made ppon | the spot, and the material to be collected from houses inthe town. These two Oflicers and the Detach- ment of Madras Sappers, (who worked as I never saw native soldiers work before) were employed day and night, witl? very few hours’ interval during the opera~ tion. . From the Civil Officers attached to this Column, St. G. Tucket,» Esquire, Captain Reid and W. Forbes, Esquite, I have received every assistance ; and Captain Reid used every exertion to procure boats for but for the reasons above stated, he was a bridge, unsuccessful. = All Officeys, Non-Commussioned Officers and Men of this Column have jierforined their various duties cheerfully aad well, and deserve my full ap yvoval. v1 have particularly to notice the great assistance render- ed by the Punjab Rifles and Major Daly’s Corps m swimming acrpss the Artillery and 7th Hussars’ horses. . J bee also to mention my Dwyistonal and Personal Staff Major Hamilton, Depity Assistant Adjutant General ; Captain the Hon'ble A. “Anson, A. D. C.; also Major Wolseley, who, as Deputy Assistants Quar- ter Master General, had the superinNndence. of the arrangements for crossing she river, and stip pexform- ed them to my yerfect satisfaction. a h I have? &e., A ert ae J. Hove Grant, Major-Gent_ ~ . 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F ‘ : ° ‘geo, gsnbupy YI0g ‘szuauuoping avodunyny dung ‘ . , 4 ‘gest LSADAV BLOG AHL OL 4X26 AHL WOUd “A 0 M “EINVAD AdOH ‘¢ YIS TVYANAD UOLVN JO GNVNWKOO YAAGNA AMON CISIG FHL 40 SaLLIVASVO RO) NGA LIU* ‘ayOdNV LOS LY ‘ x OO eee lo et r 5 . , eae ‘WOT YPN buipunummoyd ‘2040,T YPRO ‘j».auagy qungnipy punpsissy Ayprdoa : ; . & pew sole “INVYD AdOU ‘f ‘woloyg “NOUTINVH “A c i z & eS ee ee CR) + vy a War | ; | 2 ZOOSO 0 {FFE ‘Tot 102 0-19 Je je 9 |v |e |e | je let|te9 jrerticoosio40c (Cede SAO OEE ee POL . Le ae ‘sroyisny seapeyy sy [LT =). «ae me ao ae | c, . 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PHelBlal, ge ApS siclkisacie(sieitiais| © ae Als SBS) 2 , A 49 : ms ‘SHUVIAY |?) "Bos BB he He pih-y e\eis|Ft Bog 2 ele = TIVLAC ; 2 8 | & | 4,2) StS) s) 0) SS | ai 4- : ae) fS | r @ SCES Hed eleis | sail ele | £3 ES eels = 2.5)" Saeed So ee | pa bl $eie| z@ ' ae Ree eae eure ee “MONYNAU(Y soil a el 2% a ‘ . 5 =) J : | - MOG ‘SHATLOTIIY \ : ; , : a a . ‘egy gsubny YIOg ‘spusuuojpung asodungng dung ’ . * . > le . ~~ 4 ‘ . — if i ae al saat ‘ nis F —<—- e ——___—_—_—- ’ « Ps SING. Lie t Notification, Ti undersigned is reduced, by numerous en- quiries from Collectors and other Civil Officers, to publish the following extracts from Section XXXIX. of the Pay Code :— “110. he following form of declaration is ih for Officers drawing Contingent Bills :— “T do hereby declare upon my honor that the sums contained in this Bill have been actually “ expended by me or the purpose set forth. (Signed) A. B. In all cases of Contingent Bills being ce CeIn “submitted for audit, when the. amount has Wor | “been actually, or Beehi only partially disbursed 4 iy the drawer of the Bill, the followi ine form of ‘attestation’ is to be used instead of the preced- ‘ine: ““T do declare upon my honor that the above “charges of Co.’s Rs. have been neces- “ sarily, incurred; and have been, or will be, paid “by me for the purposes set forth. : ° ; (Stened) A. B. 421. All Bills are to be prépared on half or a full sheet of foolscap paper, as circumstances may require, and the vouchers or certificates in support of them are in all practicable cases to be entered at the foot or back of the Bills instead of being: attached to them,” A. Goupin, Lreut.-Col., Milttary Auditor General. ce ce ¢ a € _ 6 ee € € fforr Wii11aM ; Mily, Audr, Genl.’s Office, : The 5th May 1854. J Notice. ta Tne General Treasury will be closéd from ‘Tuesday the 12th October to Tuesday the 19th October 1S58, both days included, on account of the Hindoo Hol iday Doorga Poo}: is The General Treasury will further on Friday the 22nd October 23rd October 1858, on account of the Hindoo Holiday Luckee Pooja. All Acceptance es which may fall due between Tuesday the 1¥th+ October and Tuesday. the 19th instant will be payable at the General Treasury on any business day after the 6th October 1858. be closed . eat Harvey, i Sub-Trecsurer. ‘ Generah Tr easy a. Forr Witr1AM ; The \ith September 185 * - —_! N étice. ra -—_— ta “Wir feference to General Treasury Notice, dated - 17th September [858, the Sub-Treasurer notifies, under osders fof the Hon’ble the President in Coungily dated this day, tMat, in addition to thé Holidays already announced, the General Treasury will be dosed on W ednesday the 20th, and Thurs. day the 2st @roximo, the two dass inter vening . f 2020 J _ day the 12th, to Saturday the 25rd proximo and Saturday the | ‘| missioner “7 Paes ae the faite mt im | hetween the Doorgah Pooygh Helidays. All Aceeptances which may fall due from and Truckee Po bé payable at the Treasury on any, busin after the 6th October 1558. © Joo. Harvey, ! Sub--Treasurer, JENERAL TREASURY, Lhe 28th September 1558S, € zs - Vice CuaNceLtor Woop ‘i At CHAMBERS, } é Turspay, the fi of August, in the Ty second year of the] ‘of Her Majesty ‘ Victoria 1858, | In the matte | Joint Stock C winding up Acts 1S49, And of the Lo Eastern Banking ration. Urox the application of the Official Mam xe _ the said Corporation, and upon hearing the S tors for the said Official Managers and the tors for certain of the Contributories ané yy ‘reading the joint Affidavit of Charles James 1 Stuart and John Ball, the said Official Man sworn the fourteenth day of April, One thous eight hundred and fifty -cieht and the Affi vit James Harris sworn the fifth day of August O1 thousand Eight hundred. and fifty eight, 4 ‘ pectively filed upon the file of Proceedings n matter. It is peremptorily ordered, that of Fifty Pounds per Share be made on al Contributories of this Cor poration who havé b settled on the List of Contributories Class B, it js peremptorily ordered, that each of the Coiftribufories do on or before Monday, the te day of January, One thousand eight hundre fifty-nine, pay to Mr. John Ball, one 0 Official Managers of the said: Corporation, Office No. 37, Coleman Street, in the London, the balanee; if any, which will } -from him after debiting his’ ageount in the of the said Corporation with such Call. | . " loyal Subjects of” Her Most Gracious Ma ‘Queers in the Metropolis, to illumingt Houses on the oceasion of the Proclamation | w ills Korey be mae gf the Assueae ) At Notice éf the day fixed for ie ieee be published hereafter. * : S. Waucr r? * e *° Commissioner Canourra, ete The 30th September (S58, > | [ 2021 ] Pemoranyi a, | In the matter of Exnat } y Tuy Time Ball will not be shown from the oe dragusl iting ae ; ra rR ray . ) * % ower, from Tuesday the 12th to Satur- a er October 1858, inclusive, on account | ithe Hindoo>Holidays Doorgah Poojah and Luc- commonly known as } 4 Ernst Apel, lately carry- |° ing on business asa Mer- a Poojah. chant and Agent by the Notice, that the peti- é a ; 3 ; _ name or style of E. Apel, | tion of the said Insol- , ADHANATH SICKDIAR, at Hamburg, and ‘resi- | vent, secking the bene- . a) Tu charge of the Observatory. ding at No. 7, Fontenay | fit of the Act XI. Vie. Bes Goxiiar’s Ofricr of Hamburg, likewise as | cap. Zaks was filed in the Mettia, Vth October 1858 <: a partner in the firm of | Office of * the Chiet : Apel, Dawson and .Com- } Clerk, on the 5th day of > Onrece Cavexacu, Liewt,-Col., pany at Maulmain, Ran- | August instant, and by Row Nahar goon and Bassein ; and an ‘order of the same ; ‘| a partner in the firm of | date, the Estate and Ef-. 2 E. Apel and Company, | fects of the said Insol- NOTIFICATION, No. § carrying on business as | vent were vested in the are Merchants and’ Agents Official Assignee. a wee in Commercial Square, Bavoo Murrochunder Ghose, Uncoverianted De- bh,” eo x Sing ty Collector of Burdwan, received charge of the vine. ye aig be 43 sury. of that District on the Sth instant. ane. Sa a py ce ' Singapeve, an Insolvent. KE. F. Wanrnisoy, Chief Clerk’s Office, Singapore, the Ith Aug, 185. Offg. Acct., Govt. of Bengal. . Tn thb matter of Wee} Notice, that the_peti- Ty Chong, of No. 23, | tion of the said Insol- Boat Quay, Singapore, | vent, seeking the bene- earrying on business as > fit of the Act XI. Vic. Forr Wim11AM ; Office of Acct., Govt. of ; Beugat, The na October 1898. a Trader, under the | cap. 21, was filed im the > a chop of “Ty Guan,” an | Office of the Chief Clerk 4 Tnsolvent. J on the23rd day of August Notice. instant, and by an order of the same date, the Ati parties indebted to, or having’ claims Estate and Effects of the said Insolventywere vest- > ALL s : 7 $ COLTS «oes . DAS, as . heainst the Estate of the “late Reverend R. B. | ed in the Olticial Assignee. LANE aye es a ae 5 are r aha Y x tby, Chaplain of Rawul Pindee, are requested FO ete cties On Monday, thd 23rd a . E rT to send in their claims by Ist November, to the pate : indersigned. . Re PF [py Chong of No. Dis day of August instant, ie Boat Quay, Singapore, | 1t was ordered that the G. D. Westrorp, * |" earryiug on business as p matters of the petition Ewtra Assistant Commissroner, la ‘Trader, under the | of the said Insolvent Rawul Pindee. | chop of “ Ty Guan,” an | should be heard on Sa- one . Insolvent. ) turday, the 9th day of DEPUTY OME ene 8 Orrice ; he October’ next, and that the said Insolvent should a Th aie Bins 1858 then atténd to be examined by the said Court. mi"? OU Ae ua alee G. W. LeCrrr, Chief Clerk. . Chief Clerk’s Office, Singapore, the 25th Aug. 18538. Relief of Insolvent Debtors f fice, Binge ‘ J at Singapore. ; 3 Tot! : Notice. In the matter. of) Notice, that the peti- y : tie Abrahara Solomon, of | tion of the said Insol- | Singapore, Merchant, vent, seeking the bene- ft In the Court for . A Sprcran Meeting of the Shareholders of the eee No. bli, whteof the: Act XI]. Vie. | Agra Savin?’ Bank will be held atthe Manaver’s ee ye 21, was afiled in Office, on*Monday the 20th December 1558, at 7 the Office of the Chief | A. ™. for the purpose of deciding on the Regis- tration of the Bank, under the Provisions of Act XLILL. of, 1550.> North Bridge Road, and arrying on business at e Joat Quay,an Insolvent. J Clerk, on the 27 th day | f May last, and by an order of the same date, the Mtate and Effects of the said Insolvent were ves- | * , W. McLeavy, ; are h, fed in the Official Assignee. : Manscer: iy 3 ras Aara Savines’ Bank, } : "In the matter of Jean | Notice, that the pe* | ygra, she 1Gth September 1858. s,. of Singapore, titon of the said Insol~ . Ras: 28 re rehant, a Partner in | vent, seeking the bene- |, ; x ee: Pica We Sonat. a. | ft of the Act XL, Vie. Oriental Bank Corporation. = s INCORPORATED BY Roya CHARTER. . el and. Company, Mer ;vap- 21, was filed in the uts at Singapore, and Vitice of the Chief ‘ iding in the Orchard Clerk, or the 8th day of . : d, Singapore, an In- | July instant, and by an Wirt reference to Government Nouhentich Ito. }) order of the same date, 3, Fort Wilham, Financial Department, 26th J a . vent, Estatevand Effects of thesaid Insolvent were | nuary 1855, notifying? the intention of , ‘No. 03469, for 25 Rupees. Payment of these has duly been stopped. , Dinapore. | A General “Bast Offre Notitications. ’ WE - : No, 2452. . Overtanp Matin. + Tur Mail Packets will be closed at th at 5 Pe M., on the 12th and 13th instgnt, Overland Mail which leaves Bombay — morning of the 24th idem. "a Letter and Papers will be sent vid M: only. Ct ° y Garret, " Offg. Dy. Post Master G CaLcUrpa; General Post Office, is The 6th October 1858. e No. %547. OVERLAND Matt. Tue Overland Mail vid Marseilles ampton and the intermediate Ports, Jon and Aden, per P. and O. Company’s Ste: Nemesis, will be closed at this Office on 22nd instant, at 6 P. M. Letters, &c., for Penang, Singapore - and Australia, will be forwarded rid G@ oppoftunity. Bs f\ Garren, The 9th October 1858. BX No. 2553. a Notice is hereby given, that the Mails fi Blair and Rangoon, for transmission per H Company’s Steamer Sydney, will be closed Offiee on Wednesday, the 13th instant, at e T. GARRET, Offg. Depy. Post Master Gen The L1th October 1858. a xe a No. 2599. : Notice is hereby given, that the Mails Akyab, Rangoon and Moulmein, for trat per Stegmer Baltic, will be closed at this Of on Tuesday, the 1¢th instant, at 6 P.M. a ‘T, Garrert, . . A ° Off7. Deny. Post-Master The 12th October 1858. ; > No. 2605. : Norick is hereby given, that the Assurances will, be closed at this Office on day, the 15th instant, at 6 Pp. a. ay he at T. Garr Og. Deny. Post-Me The 12th October 1858, L. 2023 . | 47T i _ M neby : She fe: that unless marked fxr particular Ships, all Letters received at the General Post Office : bl Monday, the Ath. October, and Sunday, the 10th October 1858, both dates inclusive, were despatched Y the under-mentioned Vessels which sailed from Calcutta, on dates specified :— Letters received on dates | 4th to 9th ditto 4th to 12th ditto, 4th to 12th ditto . JAdelicia .. Steamer Thebes ..Sydney = ..| Penang, Singapore and So China fiom ‘and #6 By what Ship despatched. Bound to : , REMARKS. “ to ach Oct. 1858... Salamanca ...{Cape .. Left ‘Puert on the 9th October. Nth to 12th ditto x Poletiors : .. \Ditto ...{Will sail ina day or two. 4th to Sth ditto . (Sir Robert Seppings .. Mauritius ..}Left Town on the 9th October. .JWill sail in a day or two. Ditto on the 13th October. eas . . .. Steamer Sydney .., Rangoon Ditto onthe 14th Ditto | . 2 a] >! =F ~ Ay es The 12th Octobyx 1858. ; . T. GARRETT, Offy. Deputy ,Post-Master General. > ”~ , A Mi . ’ “~y , . ba) . a) . a < > 2 a La - va 4 . ‘i , , '. . 4 ® Vie \ ‘ ’ , , ’ A ie) . " sy _ s T x n ‘’ 7 ’ , 7 ’ = Y’ ‘ 4) es . . 5 = oul x , A! b! ’ * a * wi y os ¥ ’ 5 Y ’ Y b ~ - s 7 a) a) \ o* Y 4 X « “ 2 *¥ 2 #6 b) = q 3 + Government, hy Txomss JONES, at the Office of the Bengal Secretariat, Calcutta, , : SUPPLEMENT TO The Calcutta Gasette. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1858. ne LAND SALE NOTICES. g a the under-mentioned states in Zillah Hooghly will be put up to public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Monday, the Sth November LS5S A. D., or 24th Kartick 1265 B. S., for Arrears of Revenue and other demands which, by the Regulations and Acts in force, are directed to be realized in the same manner as Arrears of Revenue due on the 28th September 1558 :— eae: Class I.-—Permanently-settled Estate. corded proprietor, Haffiz Oodeen Hossain ; sudder "NOTICE is hereby given, that p (NO. 967,—Khannabotty, Pergunnah Arsa ; re jumma, rupees 131-6-10. Class VI.—Estates to be sold on account of demands reali sNo, 1775.—Rights and Interests of Bachoo Loll Khan, in Mehal Pole, Pergunnah Bidorsoot ; re. corded proprietor, Bachoo Loll Khan ; sudder jumma, rupees 20-9-0. +e z Class IV —Jistates to be sold for Arrears due on account of other Estates. . -. Rights and Interests of Petamber Ghoge tn about ten cottahs of alleged Lackraj land, with three , io) pucea houses built upon it, situated in Doodcvoara, Pergunnah Balea. HooanLy CoLLecroratE, * W. B. Bucks, The \st October 1898. Collector. . ’ zable in the same manner as Arrears of Revenue. that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Moorshedabad will be put at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Monday, the Sth Novem- .S., for Arrears of Revenue :— NOTICE is hereby given, up to publie and unreserved Sale, ber 1558, or 24th Kartick 1256 B — Class I. _-Bermanently-settled Fistate. 2 ’ Kismut Sreekristopoor, Pergunnah Islampoor ; recorded ainpoor Painam, : 193-13-0. No. 700.—Kismut Nur ; sudder jumma, rupees proprietor, Bukshee Begum ; ~ MoorsHEDABAD 5 “ ; W. Morris Bravrort, “Collectors Office, - ‘ a ‘ ‘ 3 ; Officiating Collector. The 20th September 1358. ’ A q , ty : : « , iM a : VA Estates in Zillah _Bhaugulpore, will be put oe. is hereby given, that the under-nientioned. Nees tere ny eds n Monday, the 25th up to public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, 0 October 1858, or ard Kartick 1266 F. S., foy Arrear g Class IV. —Estate 16 be sold for arrears due on aceount of other Eslqtes. ¥ No. 335.—Three amd a half annas’ share of Puhulway Singh *Bundbustdar ee Zemindar i> Mouzah Gungapore, UF Talka Bickrumpore,’ Chuck Ramee, Pergunnah ChyeeS sudder jusma he entire Talka, rupees 7 1-14-14. j . , m . a) % % s of Revenue :— : . ’ 4 ty Class I.—F:states permanently-settled, eee No. 402.—Mouzah Surburpoor Soojawal, Pergunnah Chyee ; rgcorded proprietor, Buratee S sudder jumma, rupees 160-0402 { ’ . © No. 630.—Mouzah Surburpoor Soojawal, Chuck Fazul Ally, Pergunnah Chyee ; recorde prietor, Mr. T. Grant ; sudder jumma, rupees 176-5-6. "Class I.—P states not pemnanently-sttled, is a $ im. No. 2800.—Rangah, Pergunnah Wasilah ; recorded proprietors, Seebdyal Pandey and_ Goordy: Pandey ; sudder jumma, rupees 51¢7-9-2, ; Buaveurpore ; - W. Arsiz, Collector's Office, Col The lst October 1858. . . a NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Sarten will be put to and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Thursday, the 21st October Is 25th Assin 1266 F. 8. for Arrears of Revenue :— ; be € : Class IF —Estate%o be sold fer arrears due on account of other Estates, No. 1218.—The Right and Interests of Syed Allee Hussun, in Mouzah Duheeaon, Pe Manjhee; sudder jamma, Rupees 928-9-94. re ‘ Class I.—Permanently-settled Estate. No. 3036.—Mehal Puekree Chowheys Pergunnah, Mujhowah Sirear Chumparun ; proprietors, Bideadhur Chowbey and others; sudder Jumma, Rupees 119-6-1, Rosert Joun Ricwarpson, on Officiating Collector, c. , Sarvun CoLiecrorate, Lhe 2nd October 1858. 2 - NOTICE is hereby given, under Section VI. Act I. of 1845, that the “nder-mentioned Es Zillah Beh&r will be put up to public and ynreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of this Distr the 26th, November 1858, for Arrears of Revenue and other demands which, by the Regulations Acts in force, are directed to be realized in the same manner as Arrears of Revenue due on the 2 September 1858 ~~ : > Class I.—Permanen tly-settled Estates. No. 2893.—Mehal Islamnuggur, Pergunnah Samoy*; recorded proprictor, Mussamut Fat nissa Begum ; sudder jumma, rupees 4,266-]0-8. . No. 3468.—Mehal Simree, Pergunnah Sherghotty * recorded proprietors, Ukhowree Hur: Ram, Ukhowree Kashee Ram, Ukhowree Sunt-Ram, Ukhowree Chutturdharee Ram, Ukhowree M rut Ram, Ukhowree Jawahir Ram, Ukhowree Gowrce Charun , Ukhowree Shunkur Ram peek r Silwunt Ram, Ukhowree Surbanund Koonjul Ram, and Ukhowree Sungum Ram, Maliks and zars ; sudder jumma, rupees 144-2-8, Class II.—Arrears duegrvom Estates not permanently-settled, ¢ i ; / No, 4382.—Mehal Shahpoor, Pergunnah Mahair ; recorded proprietors, Ram Sahoy Dool others ; sudder jumma, rupees 170-0-0. = C * No. 4703.—Mehal Shaikhpoorah, Fergunnah Nurhut ; recorded‘ proprictors, Mussamut W Mussamut Beeckun, Mussamut Syfoonnissal Mussamut Hossainee, Meer Ally Jan, Mussamut B Mussamut Husseena and Mussamut Imamun,y Maliks and Malg‘oozars ; s o udder jumma, rupees 215 a y <4 Benar CoLnecrorsur ; j F : e AR eS eo. Gya, 5 . ‘ ? kbs J. MACKENZIE, i. The 4th October 1858, . _ Deputy Collector in ch ie ¥ © ¢ t . i ¥ ‘ ang Fr es ie “ € € ¢ € € " i rs © hat a * e ° i ¢ € q 4 - Pegu, or Lower Pro- | under the Jurisdiction of the Jbieutenant-Governor of Bengal. 82 miles=—=1 Inch. pa pasty The Province of Pegu, compiled by Lieutenai% E.,C. 8. Williams, ers, and Officers of “the Pegu Syrvey, from all available tifn. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. * 65 “ h Map of the Country between Agra and UmbaNah from J oseph’s mn 8rd, Grand Trunk Road "Map, ,with Fort of Delhi. Scale 4 $1 Ineln a aor aoe h Map of the Country round Delhi, with Fort of Delhi. Scale ? Inch wo = a . p=, oO oO 0 oO 18) folded in on Book fashion.| Rollers. Rs. As.| Rs, | As. wT 2) Oo nes we) v8) 4 5 4. 5 | 8 | . | 9 §| To o § 1 oe et af Ah cae SS | 4) 4 $ 5 WA Bhi ae 5 8 ae > a) es Bb: | 0 Cc Re « ; ' E, 7 . fe aes Prick. ¢ € ie « Li gai eoees DaggRIrR or Mars. ° Colored | Colored anal ’ s and | folded in unmounted. ‘Book fashien. aah f ' ae = } é Rs. | As.| Rs. | As ie Sheets Nos. 1 and 2 of the Boundary between the British and Jumoo : Territories, from, the Ravee to the Jhelum, surveyed in 1859-51. Scale f ; 1 mile=1 Inch. Each Sheet. sche» la Thala Central India. | Sketch Map of the District of Jubbalpoor in the Saugor and Nerbudda e Territories, 1841. Scale 4 miles=1 inch es 3; o 2 ‘ Sketch Map of Saugor and Dhamoh, in the Saugor, and Nerbudda . Territories, {853. Scale 4 miles—=1 wich 2 ; ria 3 ce) 4 Map of the Sohagpoor and Ramghur Distri¢ts in the Saugor and Nerbudda Territories 1852. Scale 4 miles—1 inch : monn 6 of 7 Sketch Map of Seonee and Mandlah Districtse Scale 4 miles=1 inch... 5 0 4 fe Available Bengal "District Maps on the Geographical Scale of 4 British Miles=1 Inch, lithographed th England. 24-Pergunnahs, : 2 0 C Ob Hoogly, 2 0 3 ) Nuddeah, 4 te) 3 (0) Moorshedabad, 2 to) 3 ) *Burdwan, * € 2, te) 3 (0) Beerbhoom, 2 0) 3 0) _ *Bancoorah, (Preliminary Map,) 2 0 3 0) , Midnaporetaiid Hijellee, in 1 Sheet, 2 co} 3 Co) Balaspreg ye ee) a Oo. Cuttagk, 3 5 f°o 3 0 Monghyr, bd one e i) Patna, 2 2 (0) 3 te) Behar, € ce er 2 ce 3 ) Sarun, “ ° 2 oo}. 3 (0) Tirhoot, 5 0 3 to) Purneah, 9 oO 3 oO} Maldah, * 2 rc) 3 Ou Rajshahee, e . a oO 3 Ou *Pubnah, (Preliminary Map,) y . 2 0 3} 0 *Bovrah, (ditto ditto,) ech 9 oO 3. oO #Portions of Pubnah and Mymensing Districts, (ditto ditto) a ) One a Oo Chittagong, at 3 0 Bcgilstoe Goalparah, 4 0 389/08 *Durrung, S 2 ) 3 ) *Nowgong, é cee 9 0 | 9 at 1a South Behar, comprismg Districts Behar, Shahabad and Patna, 6 0 Bite Ba: British Sikhim, comprising the Darjeeling Hill TVérritory, &e., Ll 0 Te) ie © , On the Scale of 2 Afiles=\ Inch. . Tirhoot, 4 : Pape toe i HE ) 8 | Rajmuhul Hills or Damin-i-koh, 2 e re 9 0 3. Available District Maps of the North-Wesfern Provinces on the Geogra- a phical Scale of 4 British Miles=1 Fnch. * ce Bijnour, , f . ae Oka : Mofadabad, - ¢ eel Peed oO O:). eon Goorgaon, tah f 2 Co) 2. = ail - ¢ Paneeput, a eang 0 a aay Rohtuk, e if G . 43 2 to) 2 2 Hirrians, (Hansi, Hissar.) « os 9 ot 28 Bhuttiang or Sirsah District, 9 ray onF Ajmere and Mairwhara, A ie 2 ; ORS SA §) a Si . Available Distrigt Maps of the North Western-Provinces on the Seale qf : : “7 ey eran ce Miles==1 Inch, shewing Village Boundayies. ‘ ; * o~ Ajmere, ef . eee hi 0 3 \ ; Manwhara, poe . SF) Biel pe Ss ¢ . e « | (5 ~ f ar =a —? : A oa + | * Lithographed in Calcutta.’ a X y wi : g 7 AS & Price. 7 i. * 5 ry 2 Description or Mars. } Colored Colored and Colored ‘ and folded in on unmounted.” Book fashion.| Rollers. ct Maps of the Punjab on the Scale of 2. Miles=1 Inch, shewing | Village Boundaries. ys” he > ie e As.| Rs. | As. oooocooo + ELL PS PL 1 Lea P LS bP MOmnmDomnge » * Pergunnah Maps. . The Sole of the Pergunsah Maps of the following District the “scale of 1 Mile to the Inch, shewing Vill an Tops Ss Oh Been jithographed, and ae. ao Rilala: ee illage oundaries, have |, | - tuddea ‘ orshedabad we each ae Map (6 Pergh. Maps only) ue 8 ad 3 ” see ” Tipperah (7 r ) (Seale } Mile—1 Inch) ,, Cuttack (3 Bhaugulpoor, Gic.o!o: of ohameme O70 0 OO © ) With the exception of 4: Perghs. ‘North of the Ganges B ral Bayan . } In progress, Maps being Ae ae : ” Available. Rohkilceund -Division Pergunnah Maps, North-Western Provinces. Scale } Mile=1 Inch, shewing Village Boundaries. tb be DNWNNNNNNNNNNHNNP Pergunnah Gudderpoor 2 rt: Ditto Kauber and Sirsawan . Pe 2 Ditto Chowmailha . | Ditto Richah 3 Pitto Jehanabad (Sheet No. 1,) Ditto ditto (Sheet No. 2,) Zillah Bareilly. Ditto Ditto Ditto Litto Tiitto Ditto —— ee ee ee ee ee eho Kilpooree Nanuk Mutha Roodurpor Bilkeree Bazpoo K achespoor (18 Villages in) . Zillah Morad- o° coooooooo9 Portions of Forest Tands belonging to ce Kasheepoor. Scale 1 Mile=Inch . Pergunnah Juspoor (4 Villages in) : , The Allotments of the Government Forest in Per: Zilla Shahje- -gunnah Poorunpoor Sdbna* : és, hanpoor. | The Eastern Tavision of Porgunnah Chukkata) > Bhat, in 2 Sections £ \ the Western Division of- ditto >. Phe Kuinaon Bhabur or Forest of Pergunnahs Kalee Zillah K ‘Kumaon and Dhyanerao, in 3 Sections aie Me The Portion of Kotah Bhabur, lying Between the : Bhukra and Dubka Rivers, in 2 Sections ss Kotah Bhabur, em, een the Kosee and Rens abad.- | re bth DNNNHNNNNHhNhy oo e ° e Pilleebheet okt and Villages adjoining, shewing the Rise Position of the Mala Swamp Bis i Te Forest in Pergunnah Utmlgurh, Zillah Bijnour 4 eo 1 & Bp Forest. Scale |.Milé—1 Inch, in 2 Sections on il, ee uf Price. e ee. ar 3 2 e ie Description or Maps. ( ‘ « : 0 Colored s and ° unmounted. . 4 : Rohilcund Division River Surweg Maps. Scale 4 Mile=1 Inch. ° Rs. | As. The Deoha River, shewing the adjoining Villages of Pergunnahs Jehanabad and Pilleebheet ug a ty) The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Per- gunnahs Ahar and Seanah, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and g part of - i Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad, Se 1 cy) The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in| ° 3 Pergunnahs Pooth and Gurmookteshur, and part of Pergunnah Kethoor, Zillah Meeruth, anda part of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad... |e 1 fc) The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in e Pergunnah Bashta, Zillah Bijnour andepart of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad, Pergunnah Hustinapoor, Niloha, and part of Per- st ce) -gunnah Kethoor, Zillah Meeruth. ‘2 be The Villagés situated on the Banks of the Ramgunga River, in Pergunnahs Moradabad and Surkurrah, Zillah Moradabad, nt 1 Oe The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ramgunga River, in Pergunnahs Surkurrah, Moghulpoor, Ugwanpoor, Umrohah and Thakoordwarrah, Ziljah Moradabad, and in Pergunnah Sehorah, Zillah - Bijnow, ¢ ; a 1 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of *the Ramgunga River, in Pergunnahs Barrapoora, Sheirkote, Sehorah and Ufzulgurh, Zillah Bijnour, ‘ : He ha Pear oO} Rohileund Division River Survey Maps. Scale 1 mile=1 Inch. The Ramgunga River, and adjoining Villages of © Perfunnah Sulaimpoor, District Budaon, and Khera Bujhera and Mehrabad, District Shahjéhanpoor, io 1 (0) « The Ramgnpga River, and adjoining Villages of Pergunnahs Feroulee, Aonla, Crore and Fureedpoor, District Bareilly, and Sulaimpoor | « of Distrit Budaon, 3 om 1 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Purgunnahs Fyzpoor, Budreea, Zillah Etah, and Suheswap, Zillah | Budaon. - pur ae 1 ) The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in | Pergunnahs Aolayee and Nidhpoor, Zillah Etah, and Pergunnahs Ooj- | hanee, and part of Ooseith, Zillah Budaon, pel eae The Villages situated on the Banks of Rivers Gangts and | Ramgunga, in Pergunnahs Kumpil and Islamgynj, Zillah, Furpackabad, Pergunnah Mehriabad, Zillah Shahjehanpoor, and part of P&gunnah Ooseith, Zillah Budaon, ‘ cae 1 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Pergunnahs Daranuggur, Bijnour, Mandawar, Keeruthpoor, Nujeebabad, Zillah Bijnour and in Pergunnahs Sumbulheera, Bookurheree, and Goor- dhunpoor, District Mozutturnuggur, BON ek 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in ° Pergunmnahs Anoopshahur and Dibaee, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and Per- aiaits gunnahs Rujpooruh and Asudpoor, Zillah Budaon, ” T Co) : ° Pricr. . ta e * Ne Geological Map. : 4 ¢ = Geological Map of the Northern Front of the ,Vindya Hills, extotd- | te eee ing from Allahabad to Rajmuhal, shewing the positionof all the known - Book fashion.} Coal Beds of that Tract, and also of the Sil¥er, Copper, Lead and ie : ; Antimony Localities, as well as the principal Tron measures; nreasuring | ¢ Ge). ae ee, 4 feet lo inches by 3 feet 3 inches, and compfied on the scgle of $ 3 pees ; miles=1 inch, By a 4° 1-0 5 Ss. Cantonment, Civil Station, and City Maps. ° e ARS 2 - ie A The Cantoriments and Part. of Barrackpoor. Scale 12 inches=1 mile,...2 | 2 0 3 0 The Cantonraents of Cawiipoor. Scale 8 inches=1 mile, .......... 4 |,0¢ §5 8 The Cantonments of” Binapore. Scale 10 chains—eineh, ......... 2 of 8 4 The Station of Chittagong. Scale 440 feet to the inch,......., “| 2 o}| 8 0 ~Mhe Town and Statfon of Cuttack. Scale 20 chains—1 ‘Cait ees Ii to) at eal» Dei A ~ The Civil Statioyof Kishnagurl’, Scale 12 inches—1 mile”... Pe i et . re Lettlemen#of Naince Taf, Zillah Kumaon, Scale 8 inches==1 | ° “4 Ma | é Tie emanate z cy = 2 nee Pe I a is - zs ae en eee ee a > Price. Descriptiox or Maps. ) | Colored | Colored and | Colored f * ; and folded in on ty i> 5 unmounted. Book fashion.| — Rollers. : Sea ‘ L en .& im bn ; tin >| Rs. | As.) Be. 3 Rs Se J uggernauth in the Pooree District. Seale 1 chains—} inch... | 1 | of 7 + ! “e = of Gya and Shahebgunj, in the Behar District. Seale Sinch—1 mile.| 1 aera oO 2 4 n of Burdwan. Scale 12 inches=1 mile. - A Ok aed Ss 6 ected Plan of the Town of Rangoon 1853. Seale 20 inches==1 ' i A 264 feet=1 inch. ~ ano Sul eed i 3 { x Map to the Locations at Darjeeling. j Ae 2 oO | 3 " 3 4 exhibiting the position of the Collieries in the vicinity of Rane- . ‘ . Scale 4 Inches=1 Mile. >. 6. fo. [shay 8 8 0 proaches from the Plains to Nainee Tal and Almorah, Zillah ; aon. Scale 1 me=1 inch. 5 =S 1 o 2 0 2 4 araset Division in 4 Sheets. Scale 4 mile—1 inch. he er: o| § $ 9 6 SEIS PREC ) Eugraved Indian Atlas Sheets. Scale 4 British miles 1 inch, 2 ) ; ; don the Trigonometrical Survey. The followmg are available : the Publie at 4 Rs. each Section, but to Officers of Government .... ,2 | o 8 |.0 | 8 t . , List of the Indian Atlas Sheets. Qe : s% Containing what Districts or Places. Ban +» Containing what Districts or Places. 23 a 2 Zz ie f | Dumaun, Crorah, Gumbheerghur. 69 | Shansee, Kalpy, Banda, Dattia, Humeerpoor, Bombay, Junjeera, part of Southern Konkun, Jaloun, and part of Gwalior. Rutpagheria. ~ 70 | Saugor, Damoh, Huttah, Bejour, Belhari Teary, | Nassuck, Arungabad, Dowlutabad. |} Punnah. | Poonah, Purrainda, Ahmednuggur, Mahabalesh- 72 | Nagpoor, Seuni, Comptah, Bundara, Omrait, ) war. Chindwarra, Deoghur. Fs . Sattara, Kolapoor, Beejapoor. 73 Chanda, Hingunghaut, Chamoory, M anickdroog, + | | Goa, Darwar, Belgaum. =~ 74 | Kilgundel, Warungul, Maiduck, Mullingyor, 2 | North Canara, Soonda, Bilghy, and North-West | | Rampyect, Neermul, Mahadepoor. a of Mysore. 75 | Hydrabad, Bongeer, Nalgunda, Davereonda. Mangalore, South Canara Coorg and South-Wosty 76.) Ongole, Moralla, Paumoor, Innaconda, Ardinga. | of Mysore. . | 77 Cuddapa, Nellore and part of North Arcot. Calicut,Cananore, Tellicherry,andpartof Malabar. | 78 | Madras, Arcot, Kestnagherry, Chittoor, Palicut, 7 | Loodhianah, Simlah, Kangra, Hoshiyarpoor, Sadras. Bishahir, Kasaoli. . 79 Pondicherry, Tanjore, Tranquibar, Trichinopoly, 8 Kurnal, Saharunpoor, Umballah, Mozuffurnugur, Salem, South Arcot, Cuddalore, Porta Nova. Dehra, Sirhind, Puttiala, Thaneysur. + | 80 Point Calymere, Jufnapatam, Ramnad, Nuttam. Delhi, Meerut, Boolundshuhur, Goorgaon, Jheend, | $1 Tuticorin, Calpentyn. Jhujhur, Rohtuk, and part of Hurriana. $8 | Futtehpoor. Allahabad, Mirzapoor, Benares, Agra, Muthra, Bhurtpoor, Dholpoor, Ulwar, Chunar, Roy Bareilly, Jounpoor, Sooltanpoor. and parts of Allyghur and of Jeypoor. 89 | Rewah, Rajgur, Bandoogurh, Burgowa. }Ellichpoor, Gawulghur, Beitool, Aseerghur, | 94 | Rajamandry, Coringa, Elloor, Condapilly, Gol- Oomrauwutty. eonda. } | Maiker, Bassim, Jaltah, Karinga. 95 | Masulipatam, Guytoor. } Oodgheer, Darodt, Kowlass, parts of Nundair, 102 | Khatmandoo, Bettiah, Goruckpoor, Soogowlee, ‘ Becer, &e. ) Chumparun. ) Koolburga, Coileonda, Kullianee, Mulkhaid, Nul- 103 | Patna, Asimgurh, Dinapoor, Arrah, Chupra, droog, and part of Sholapoor. , | Tirhoot, Gazeepoor, Behar, Sasteram. | Raichoor, Moodgul, Davunkonda, Bellaty, and 107 Ganjam, Goomsurgurh, Hutgurh, Boad, Sohnpoor. |) part of Kurnool. ; 108 | Calingapatam, Vizianagram, Ryaguddy, Saloor, | Chittledroog, Codyconda, Raidroog, Pennaconda, | Ichapoor. % | Hossdrooy ~ : “s , (109 ; Vizagapatam, Cossimeotta. * Mysore, Seringapatam, Bangalore, Doastacram.” 111.) Nathpsor, Amarpoor, Sikim, Allygun). Courbatoor, Ootakamund, Hurdanhully,Chirpoci- 112 Purneah, Monghyr, Bhaugulpoor, Durbunga. | Cherry and parts of Malabar and Salem. 424 | Gwahatta, Goalpara, Nulkar, Kamroop, Durrurg, | Cochin, CaimbatoorPerk, Pulnee, Dindigul, and |» Nowgong. ; Pea _ parts of Travancore, Tinnevell}, and Madura. 125 | Sylhet, Jynteah, Garrow Hills, Cossyah Hills, 73 HC > | “Nussevabad or Sowara. > Cap: Comorin, Tinnevelly, Quilon, Trivancvam, Daha, Chaprung, Garoo or Gartope. | Almorah, Sreenugur, and parts of Gurhwal and [130 | Jorhat, Seebpoor, Ghergon, Luckimpoor, Bessi- Bijnaur. a nath, Tezpoor. A? . ah Bareilly Pilleebheet, Moradabad, Rampoor, Budaon 131 Muneepoor, Caehar. ; 4 Mind va of Shajchatipoor saith 138 | Sudiya, Chilkoa or Shaikwa, Rungegora. * ©; ‘Furruckabad, Cawnpoor, Etaweh, Mynpooree, | > None of the remain‘ng numbers a yet {pub- ~ Ferozabad, Bhind, and part of Oudh Territory. | | lished. > <2 ~ HLL. THUILLIER, Deputy Surveyor General. ean ; (12S | Sudiya, Rungpoor, Dibroogkur. . mYpoR GENeRat’s OFFICE; > , the 1st September isss. J 3 : Ses pt ee lee Oe eS Prinrep By THomas Jones, BENGAL SecreTanrat OFFICE. \ > > Calcutta Gasette, =a a The Oru Ocroper 1858. , Bill was read a second time m the 9th nz following ae e Legislative Council of India on etober 1858, and was referred to a Select Com- ittee who are to report thereon after the 13th of 2) 9 2 muary next :-— . Governor in Council of Bom- ertain Districts Bild to empower the bay to appoint a Magistrate for e within the Zillah Ahmedabad. Wiurereas it is expedient to provide specially for ‘® the Magisterial and Police Ad- ministration of such portions of the Zillah Ahmedabad as are nentioned in the Schedule to this Act ; It 1s enact- das follows :— § a] Preamble. lawful for the Governor in Coun- "J. It shall be ceil of Bombay to appoint a Ma- “Hegislatibe Cpune nl ts 4 ‘Governor in Coun- m f oistrate for the Districts men- il empowered toap- : : i eint a Magistrate tioned in the Schedule to this b the. Districts Act; and such Magistrate, Maitroned, in Sche- gyvhen #0 appointed, shall exer- s " vise within the said Districts the powers of a Magistrate as defined in the eeneral Regulations of the Powers of Magis: Bombay Code and thg Acts of the Legislative Couneit. Upon a Magistrate under this Act, the ‘said “Districts shall _ be exampt from , the jurisdiction of the Magistrate of Ahmyda- bad. It shall also be lawful for the said Governor in Council to appoint so many Assistants tothe said Magistrate ds may be required. ¢ appointment of emption of Dis- frovg jurisdic- ‘of the Magis- te of Anmedabad. ernor in Coun- appoint As- to the Ma- a . . ‘ 2 o . . 4 HI. Nothing éontained in the preceding See- ae tion shall be held to remove Act not to be held 4 le ty Gye Ne P remove the said the said Districts rom the Ju- risdiction of the Session Judge ris ction of the of Ahmechbad or of the Sudder sion Judge of pp are what. odabad or of the Pouzdaree seeiees Court. ets from the = » & 1 | Bhownuggur itself. Shechore. re 2 | Joona Wudwa. Oosurud. 3 | Rooha. Soorka- Mota. 4 | Ukwarra. Agialee. 5 Udhewarra. Janah. + G Tursumiya,, Khantree. 7 | Malunka. , Turruekpalree. 8 | Bhooteshur. Dewgama. F 9 | Bhoobhulee. Ruttunpoor, near Tanah. 10 | Ruttunpoor-Joona. Wudia. 11 ) Ruttunpoor-Nooa. Wullawar. > 6 : 12 | Goondhee. Megwuddur. ) 13 | Koliak. Ghaneulee. veg 14 | Hathub. | Nessura. a 15 | Khudsulioo. | Rajpoora, 2nd. t 216 | Bhudbhudioo. Khakuria, 17 | Alapoor. Kurdej. 18 | Bhulsur. Naree. 19 | Lakanka. Boodhel. - 20 | Khudurpoor & Mee- Kobree. : teeveerdee. Bhuree. 21 | Inspoora. Bhundaria. 22 | Mandwa. | Choodee. 23 | SonShiya. , Sankudasur. 24 | Panialee. Bharolee. 25 | Trapuj. Nagdhuneeba. 26 | Buparra. Surtanpoor. 27 | Panchpeepla. Wowree. 28 | Rajpoora, Ist. Thordee. 29 | Bordee. Rampoor. 30 | tajawuddur. > Soorka. 31 | Wurtej. Sheddawuddur. 32. | Phoolsur. | Jamballa. 33 | Sondwuilra. Bhensowxee, 34. | Phuriadka. | Kuelitia, 35. | Seedsur. Cheerora, Waste. 36 ) Karmudia. | Janjra, 37 | Peethulpoor. Kalvee, 38 Shampoora. > ; Nanes ff I idlages under the Dhumdooka Pergunnah. \ YY ——_. > : a ee 4 he ° 1 | Patna. 17 | Kanootulow. 2 | Bhurbheer. 18 | Woojulwow. x 3. | Chukumpoor. 19 | Sandeda, t 4 | 2uttunwow. 20. | Otarta. a 5 | WKeria. 2) ? Jotingra. 6 | 3 wonrala. 22 | Nagulpoor. ° ,| 7 ; Sumundeala, Ist. 23. >Sherthulee. 8 | Karianee. : 24 | Dheekwallee. > . 9 | Latheedhur. 25 | Wajecwe. ¢ _ 10 | Surwuee- > 4.26 ) Loondhyrra. PN 11 | Jhinjawuddur. 26. | Mapua A Bg ‘12 | Pattee. 28 | Dahturelia: a am 13 | Keria near Pattee. P29 | Welawuddur. 14 | Bhanbhyn. 30 | Veeruve or Rajghur. } 15 | Sumundeala, 2nd. 31 | Sujelee. | = i SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1858. il of Endia. ——— SCHEDULE OF DISTRICTS. [See Section a a Names of Villages under the Gogo Perguriah. 16 |Tajpur, 7 z ‘ ~, » Ce [ 2026 | - . s : Names of Villages under the Rainpoor Pergunnah. | Bombay in Augt 1 185 58, ix published for ' Knee 4 ‘a infSrmation : — x c ‘ Botad. « 6 | Toorkha. : ‘ p x 2 Hurdur. 75 ear x = : : >» BOWEN, Scatwanik 8 | Raypoora. | 3 = | 4 | Dankunia. 9 } Juria. ci e 2 ———- 5 Ee ee = i‘ ° oO ; W. Morcan S s Sez 5 4 bs AN, = CEs a ah of ; S Sam 76 3 Clerk of the Council. ie, | ede F : S |) Bees é - aca -: pat i = =) |: ~ Sa Forcign Department. 5 Biocct » g S Zwey Ey = ZPEG oe E} —— € S ; SF £2 a n ms, < 425 e 3 Fort William, 15th October 1858. o ze fe Z y * j s 3 P| & aD =) ‘ : 3 A Sea 3 No. 8473. 8 a oe. ‘ c « oa Ess 3 | ut Mr. F. Peterson is appointed a Member of the | eEaLo) Ss Rows é . A ae | Municipal Commission of Simla, in the room of 3 sae : x gue a S Mr. C. H. Barrett, retired. . 2 ~ ee ) ry lm s F 3 a3 s < « “0. 8474 5 5 age Z 3 No. 3474, 3 8 ae = = Sel S.c8 Bee a S . AA ~ oe CEs 2 E Tieutenant W. H. Edgcome, Superintendent 8 | go". | ETS Ss 2 R * Pegu Topographical Survey, returned to his duty | S = ee E ® . 5 ts ES EA = .. BS) ~ on the 2rd ultimo. x S ‘© ry — s © x s € a No. 3475. x > 4 a Ss i" , mn ~ é 2 ‘ te The Reverend J. Cave Browne, Chaplain of | > |. Z . Nae = = Subathoo, has obtained one month’s privilege leave, BS a : 8 ae a) No. 3476, o f+. : Ee ge a, Mic T.-J.’ Fallon, Assistont Commissiqner of Public Works Department, | . FS . oe Pegu, has obtained leave of al&ence on Medical —_— Ff : . . e - ’ Certificate, under Clause 2, Section V of the Uneo- GryERaAL—Esta fLisuMents. 4 e -} 6 ; nt Ss ty x 4 r i. venanted Leave Réles, for six months, dn exten 7 © No. 197. € wee Lort Wihan, the 8th Oetobep 1858 «| Leave of Absence. “The leave of al’sence Cror, Brapox{ months from the ¢st instant,*granted by. : e . | Commissioner in the Punjaub to Conductor, ‘ Offg. Secy. to the Govt, oF India, ¢ 3rd Class Sub-Engineer, 7th Division Crrantd | Road, to enable htm to proceed to the Pre sion of the leave granted to him in G. O.,* dated \4th December last, No. 5073. « Hd r , : preparatory to applying for Sick Purlough: ® dw SFinanctal Bepartrent. ee or nae fae 6 : * : r PP rake “A ‘tease, Ps r " : omy ND AES! : ie Loi a Williah, the Mth October 1858. 2 The 1th October 18385 E at i ical vA No. s6sy. . ‘ Transfer. —Hieutenant.J. MeNeile, H10' ; Assistant Engineer, Shas been placed unde The follow ing Statement of the Silver received ondl-petiabadnes Goteummabeos. Bengal, and coined in the Mints of Caleutta, Madras and duty in the Embankment Cirele. : - ~ > Mo. 129 > a The 12th October 1838. ) {ypointinent.—Myr, J. W. U1. Miller is appoint- rmanent Assistant Overseer in the Public Department, and posted to Bengal. ? T Now 130; ¢ of Absence.—The leave of absence for one granted by the Chief Commissioner in the h to 2nd Captain C. T. Stewart, of Engi- , Superintendent Western Jumna Canal, in ion of the leave obtained by that Officer 7 [ 2027 ] . 5 Rungpore, Maldah? Moonghyr, Beerbhoom, Moor- shedabad, Jessore, Furreedpore, Mymensing, Raj- shahye, Pubua and Bograh. i. a) . Mr. Hf. J. Reynolds to be Assistant to the Su- perintendent of Survey, 3rd or East Division, and to exercise the powers of a Collector under Reeu- lations VIL of 1822 and IX of 1525, in Dacca, Furreedpore, Backergunge, Bullooah, Mymensing, ae is : M4 . Sy Thet, Tipperah, Bograh, Pubna, Rungpore and Rajshahye. 7 Moulavy Mowla Buksh, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector of Shahabad, is transferred to August last under authority of the Super- ent General of Irrigation, North-Western nees, is confirmed. — ’ Now 131. Notifications —Mr. H.°*M. Herrold, Assistant seer, Upper Assam Division, has “been per- ted to resign his appointment in the Depart- t of Public Works, with effect from the 3rd vovember 1858. 4 ‘ No. 132. ‘The following General Order by His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief is republished :— ; “ Under instructions from Government, the un- ler-mentioned men are remanded to the Corps of appers-and Miners. Serjeant Joseph Ainsworth, Assistant Overseer, | Roorkee Work-shops. Corporal A. MaeDougal, Assistant Overseer, 1 Division Department Public Works.” G. O. C. C. dated 24th September 158, page 1295. No. 133. Assistant Overseer Serjeant W. Bowder, of’ the Ist Troop Ist Brigade Horse Artillery, attavhed to the Meerut Division, is dismissed from the ublie Works Department, and will return to Military duty. ” Sarun, where he will exercise the powers of a Ma- gistrate. Mr. W. O’Reilly, Deputy Magistrate and De- puty Collector of Sarun, is transferred to Shahabad, where he will exercise the powers of a Covenanted Assistant to a Magistrate, under Regulations XIIE of 1797 and IX of 1807. 3 The 12th October 1858.—Mr. W.T Robinson to be Deputy Commissioner of the Sonthal Per- gunnalis. Captain W. T. Fagan, 44th Regiment, Native Infantsy, to officiate as Commandant of the 6th Bengal Police Battalion. The 13th Ovctoder 1S5S.—Mr. W. C. Spencer to be Superintendent of Survey, 3rd or Hast Division, _and to exercise the powers of a Collector under Regu- lations VIL of 1822 and IX of 1825, in Dacca, Furreedpore, Backergunge, Bullooah, Mymensing, ’ = Sylhet, Tipperah, Bograh, Pubna, Rungpore and Rajshahye. ~ . Mr. H. Muspratt to be a Joint Magistrate and» Deputy Collector of the 2nd Grade, and Yo offi- ciate as Magistrate of Moorshedabad. . Mr. W. J. Herschel to officiate as Magistrate ‘of Moorshedabad, until the arrival of Mr. Mus- pratt. Mr. T. H. Pellew to be Assistant to the Magis- trate and Collector of Cuttack. Liewsenant H. Seonce to officiate as Second No. 134. The 14th October 1858. ‘ Leare of Absence.—The leave of absence for Hwo months, granted by the Chief Commissioner m the Punjaub, to Cuptain J. Fulton, 4th Class Executive Engine’r, 1st Division Baree Doab Canal, to proceed to Bombay, preparatory, to pplying for Furlough, on Medjeal Certificate, s confirmed, with effect from the Ist instant. R. Srracury, Major, Offg. Secy- to the Govt. of India. oY a a ders by the Lier J tt.c@xavernot of @engal. a y ¥ No. 3714. . SApporsrurnts.— The 6th October 1858.—Mr. J. R. B. Ross, Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Col- setor of Hooghly, is transterrtd temporarily to*tne ilway Department. e 9th October 1953.—Mr. J. F. Browne to Th v0 A sistant to the Superintendent of Survey, Ist orthern Division, and, to exercise the powers of ctor under Regulation’ VII of 1522 and IX 25,in Purneah, Bhaugulpore, Dinagepore, Class Principal Assistant to the Commissioner of Assam, in charge of North Cachar. Captain A. K. Comber, Junior Assistant to the Commissioner of Assam, to the charge of Nowgong. Leave or Apsexce.—Te 4¢h October 1858,— Baboo Doorgapersaud Ghose, Deputy Collector of Busdwan, for two months, under Section VIT of the Amended Uneovenanted Absentee Rules. The Vita, Octoser 1858.—Baboo Radhanath Chatterje?, Moonsiff of Soonamookee, for six months, under Section IX of the Amended Uncovenanted Absentee Rules, in excess of the Mohurrum vacation. | > The 12th Octohér 1858.—Mr. B.S. Pearson, Offi- eiating Judge of Mymensing, the usual preparatory leave to proceed to the Presidency to appear, before the Médical Committee. Mr. G. C. S. Chapman, Deputy Magistrate and, | Deputy Collector of Bhaugulpgre, for two months, under Section VII of the Amended Unvovenanted Absentee Rules. Sub Assistant Surgeon’ Nunnohur Mookerjee, of the Deegah Pénitentiary, for three mapths, un-_ der Section VIL of the Amended Uncovenanted AM . sentee Rules. \, > ; Moulavy Ahmed, jaw Officer of Burdwan, dur- ing the Dugserah vacation, uncer Clayse 2, Segtion VII of the Uncovenanted Absentee Rules: - e 4 7 nS) wy By bad [ 2028 ] tg The 13th October 1858.—Bavoo Hurnath Ba- | rooals, Sudder Ameen of Golaghat, from the 30th instant to 29th proximo, under Section VII of the Uneovenanted Absentee Rules. Moulavy Moofuzooddeen, Law Officer of Purneah, during the Dusserah vacation, under Clause 2, Section VII of the Uneovenanted Absentee Rules. Moulavy Gholam Suffdar, Law Officer of Mid- napore, from the 15th mstant to the 13th proximo, unter Section YIT of the Uncovenanted Absentee Rules. ¢ The VAth Ovtoher \858,—Brigadier Colin Mac- ; kenzie, Officiating Agent to the Governor General at Moorshedabad, for one month, retaining charge of his Office. A. R. Yous, Secy. to the Govt, of Bengal. . « Orders by the , ; : ae Bight Howble the Gobernor General. No. 1540. Allahabad, the 9th October 1858. Appointment.—Goolzaree Loll is appointed tem- € porarily an Extra Deputy Collector under Regula- | tion IX of 1833, and Deputy Magistrate under ; Act XV of 1545, with the powers of a Covenanted ] Assistant described in Section 20, Regulation IX | of L507, in Zillah Bareilly. By Order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor | General. W. Mote, ‘ Secy. to Govt.. N. WP. € Mo. iol: Publie Works Department, Alluhabdd, the 9th October 1858. Leare of Absence—Mr, T. Hoekley, Supervisor Ganges Works, on urgent private affairs, to the 15th imstant, from the date of his quitting Boenares. . No, 4167. The \ith Ovloher 1858. Notifiextion.—Moonshee Sheo Pershaud, Deputy . Magistrate of Jubbulpoor, is vested with the powers | of Magistrate, pending his passing the preseribed | examination. . By Order of the Right Hon’ble the Governor General, ; P ee W. H. Lows, Offy. Asst. Secy. lo Gort. NW. P. Military Department. ¢ Gexenat Orners By tHe Flox’are tre Pritstpent gr tak Councit or Ixia iy Councue . Fort Wilhap, Ath October 1858., No. VALS of 1 $58.-—The following Notifications issued from the Foreign. Department, with the Right Hon’ble the Gevernor General, are published in*General Orders :— . ys. ae: 3484.—Theand October 1858.—Lieutenant 77. A. A. Bakyr, District Commandant of the eeu Ue Militar¥ Police, has @tained leave of ab- & “since,” on Medical Certifiegte, from the 17th of | Medied Ge Arigust tg the 15th of November 15 Pee * Som'a afid the [hills North of Deyrah. 3S, to visit | on that account, for one month, from No. 3459.—Thetih Octoler 1858°—The ser of Iheutenant W. Jacob, 19th Bombay | Infantry, Acting Adjutant of the Meywar B Corps, are replaced at the disposal of the Goye mdat of Bombay. « j No, 3462.—Unattached Lieutenant W. | field has heen appointed to do duty with the Kuppurthulla Contingent in Oudh. a No. 3486.—Vhe 6th October 1858.—The Go: nor General is pleased to appoint Lieuten fe _ Thompson, of Artillery, to be an Assistant in ~ Puyab Revenne Survey. . No. 3490.—The services of Captain 'D, | Presgrave, Lieutténant of Police, Umballa Division, | are replaced at the disposal of His Exceelley cy the | Commander in Chief. No. 3491—The appointment of Lie | W. Rose, 50th Madras Native Infantry, t his District Commandant of * Published ¢n Govern- Oadh Military Police. ment General Order, No. i 3 ‘ Nee 1158,dated thAugust 1853, ed in, General Order, ¢ 24th July last,* No, 22! hereby cancelled. No, 3499.—Captain T. C. Blagrave proceeded to England on Medical Certificat arrangement notifie neral Order dated 25 No. 2465, are hereby ¢ celled, and the follo | sanctioned in their 5 Lievéenant E. Willoughby to revert fo charge of the 2nd Division Nagpore Survey. — Captain J. H. Grant to ofliciate for Lieu Willoughby, during that Officer’s absence on F lough. ‘ ee *Published in Goyern- ment General Order, No. 1158, dated 4th August 1858. | Na 1416 of 1858.—The following Noti issued from the Public Wérks Department, | lishe@ in General Orders :— 2 No. 122.—The Sth October 18583.—The leave ot absenge for two months, on Medical Certific with effect from the 6th ultimo, granted by _ Chie¥ Commissioner of the Punjab to Lienten | J. T. Tovey, 1st Class Assistant Engineer Lait ct aaa ales Peshawur, in extensi¢ cei GUM Ae OF the privilege leave previo : granted * to him, is | firmed. Aor No. 1417 of 1858.—The follfving Noti issued by the Hon’ble the Liputenant-Govt Bengal, is published in General Orders :— Notifieatioe —The Vth October 185S.—Phe* | vices of @aptain Sydney Jackson, H. Ms | Foot, ave placed at tie disposal of the Gove | of India in the Military Departwent. With referenee to the foregoing, the ser Captpin Jackson gre placed at the disposals of the ) Taught Hon’ble the Commander-in-Chief. aan 6 . . ae 3 * ae . P wi a) | , Vo. 1418 of 1858.—The Pay, Batta, and. ly Allowatices for October 1555, of the Troojfks at Presidency, and at the other Stations of the A will he issued on or, after Wednesday, t) *proximo, % _ No ltl) of 1858.—Captain George | | Frank Vincent, of the 80th Regiment ‘| Infantry, is Permitted -to proceed — te ttificate, afid to be absent. fr instant, under the old Regulations. Fort William, 15th October 18d8. 1420 of 1858. No. 732.—The Punjab Order,* No. 704, dated > : _.16thSeptember, trans- : # Vide @. G. 0n,No. 1860 of 1958: ferrine RessaidarDewa Singh Chuppawalla, totheSouthern Mahratta Horse, d the Ressaidar is transferred to the js eancelled, an Ressalla of Oude Mounted Police now being rais- ed at Goordaspore ; the transfer to have effect from _ theslst September 1858. ’ Guide Corps. Jo. 734.—The under-mentiong » retransferred from the 25th or Goorkah Re are to be borne on the Rolls as ~ until the occurrence of yacancy the Invalid Establishment:— » * . > 2 a Havildar Man Singh. - j Bs Toola Ram. > r ; Hurkoo. nt Naick Dhunraj. . 2029 ] - Thomas Seaton, K.C. B., Commanding, attaching Lieutenant B.S. B. Parlby, 2nd in Command 6th Punjab Infantry, to the Mooltanee Regiment of Cavalry, as.a temporary arrangement. z Khan, Police, as Ressaidar, with effect from the Ist Sep- tember 1555. 5 Sepoy Musician Noordeen Hussein, 27th N. ils » 3 *Mahboob Khan, No. 736—The following Orders are confirmed :— Brigade Order, dated 21st June, by Brigadier Sir Regimental Order, dated 21st June, by Captain ot : : C. Cureton, Commanding Mooltanee Regiment of mune ade . . Bh h . Cray: appointing Tieutenant Parlby to officiate as 2nd in Command, as a temporary arrangement 4th Regiment Seikh Irregular Curalry. No. 737.—Transfer—J emadar Shere Bahadoor from the 16th Ressalla of Punjab Mounted a —_—_— No. 1422 of 185S.—The under-nientioned Officer is permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of ab- sence, on Sick Certificate :— Lieutenant Alfred Frederick For fifteen. Pollock Harcourt, of the 30¢h months, under Regiment Native Infantry,Dis- (the mew Regula? tions. trict Adjutant, Moradabad, , —_—_— Hon’ble the President Couneil is pleased to 5 No. 1423 of 1858.—The of the Council of India in make the following promotions :— To what | d men, recently giment, Supernumeraries, es by transfers to Rank and Fram,what | In whose Carpe Names. Rank date. roort dahpega > ; 2 | | ee ae | ee Major Her- i Ixra- a diced Tt-Col, (th Oct. 1958] | Ticelt, . TRY. | apbott, ; Col. and Brevet Col. $.G. 7Ath N.1.Capt. alt Major. 9th Oct. 1858 Wheler, > Ryley lhe #4 Gu. 00°51. 1 transler= red tothe Ditto. {Lieutenant +) | Retired William { iceptain. [Oth Oct. 1858, = ' bertMylne. l 1) Sy No. 1424 of 1858.—Captain R. C. Wroughton, of the 12th Regiment Native Infantry, Assis- tant_Commissary General, is altowed leave of absence for two months, from 15th November 1858 to 15th January 1859, to visit Kurrachee or Bombay, pre- paratory to applying for leave of absence to Ku- rope on Medical Certificate, under the new Regu- | lacions. No. 1425 of 185 §.—The under-mentioned Officer is permitted to proceed to Europe, on leave of ab- Sick Certificates— - sth Regiment Punjab eae = wens ee No. 135.-—Trans ope —-Peshawur Division SY er, ; , ‘ b Nan dated 13th tee wieet by Major General Sir Lieutenant Chasles Samuel fai st ot Aart _» Sydney Cotton, K. ©. B., Commanding, traysfer- | Steward, of the ade cEeae PACT eo det ll ake ring the following Drummers? and* Musicians from | Madras Light Cavalry, ce > : “the 24th and 27th R confirmed :-— , ~ Drommer Meer Ashik Ally, [ as, Chonee Ram, Sumshere Khan, Jan Mohamed Khan a 3? Pr) egiments Native Infantry, 1s 24th RegimentN. I. a ; io Nea B.D. Ariyesoxs Jlgor, Ofg. Secy. t the Gort of India, in the Military Department. ‘ . S yeh wey le No. 11. ere Notificatton, € Tue undersigned is reduced, by numerous en- quiries from Collectors and other Civil Officers, to publish the following extracts from Section XXXIX. of the Pay Code :— : “110, The following form of declaration is “preseribed for Officers drawing Contingent Bills :— “T do hereby declare upon my honor that the “sums contained in this Bill have- been actually “ expended by me‘or the purpose set forth. (Signed) A. B. Sa “TIL. “submitted for audit, when the amount has not “been actually, or been only partialky disbursed | “by the drawer of the Bill, the following form of “attestation isto be used instead of, the preced- “ing: , “‘T do declare upon my honor that the above “charges of Co.’s Rs. have been netes- “sarily incurred, and have been, or will be, paid é“by me fox the purposes set forth, 4 (Signed) A. B. “121. All Bills are to be prepared on half or “a full sheet of foolseap paper, as circumstances “may require, and the vouchers or certificates in “support of them are in all practicable cases to * be entered at the foot or back of the Bills instead | “ of being attached to them,” A. Gop, Lieut.-Col., Military Auditor General. . 6 € € € Forte WiLLiAM ; ‘ Mily. Audr, Genls Office, > the sth May 1954. 3) Notice. —— Tut General Treasury will be closed from Tuesday the 12th October to Tuesday the 19th October 1858, both days included, on account of the Hindoo Holiday Doorga Poojah The General Treasury will further be closed on Friday the 22nd October and Saturday the 28rd October 1858, on account of the Hindoo Holiday Luckee Poojah. e All Acceptances which may fall due between ‘Tuesday the 12th October and Tuesday the 19th instant will be payadle at the General Treasury on any business day after the 6th October 1858.° J. I. TWanrvey, Sub-Treasurer. Nofice. Wtu referertee to General Sreasury Notice, dated © 17th September L858, the Su¥-Treasurer notifies, under orders of the Hén*ble the President in Council, dated’ this day, that, in addition to the Hlotjgays already announced, the General Treasury wit be closed on ep ea the 20th, and fhurs- day T—ist profimo, the two lays intervening between the Doorgah Roojah and Luckee Poojah | Hohdayy. . i Forr Wirt; Creneral Treasury, The 17th September 1858. ca i e . 2 6 = 3 » . * £ 2030 J In all cases of Contingent Bills being | ——— | All Acceptanceg which may fall due from 7 day the 12th, to Saturday the 23rd proximo | be payablesat the Treasury on any business day _ after the 6th October 1858, ‘a Joa, Harvey, Sub-Treasurer, e 5 GevErat Treasury, The 28th September 185 REPORT showing the smallest depth af wate Bhaugiruttee, Jellinghee and Matabangah Rivers thet rise and fall from 27th September to 3rd j 1858. x ° ae | } oS. | . | bs . S |p.” |forall ‘ Name of River. | 2 & | Rise, \Rige!) Hall. } 5 : . eaigtar } : @ ; : Om, e i a | Bhengirnttee lel zy,| | Te. | Zac | At its entrance ...300/ 314 31) 310 9 Below the entrance18! 9 |9 090! 0 0] 0! 0 From thence to ) | | 0 Jungypore 10 6/0 0) 0 _ From ‘Jungypore ) | | to Sadduck- $ \16 0} 010 | 0] 0 O20 baugh. a From Sadduck- baugh to Ber- > /18} 9 2 6 3310110 6 hampore ay From Berham- | pore to Come 200/00} 0 0 0 0 And from Cutwa \° to Nuddea ney 190) 0 0) O Open Jellinghee River. i el - its heat, z 1s 6 | 0112 94) 22:0) SFI] ‘rom thence to 1 Par LS Bansemarree } 6.0 }0 0 %0) O 0} . From Batisemar- peel eer [ ree te, Teeah- >| 9) 4 | 0 0 )-0) 0} OO} kattah ae eee | ey From Teeahkat- bs tah to Sona- >/11) 0 | 0 0 0} O; 0} OF tullah >: es And from Sona- ) tullah to Mois- +13) 9 0,0 | Of 0)0,480 gunge at 5 # | ° Matabangah River. | a. | 3 { At its entrance ...93' 9 | 2 0 \32) 43) o| 6 10; 1 From thence +o”) Z Haut Boleah .. § Ho, 00 [:0)910),0 Oe 4 -From Haut Bo- : ‘ ae, be I 7 . | leah to Kat- + |13! 92° 0-09 -0 0 OL O f ) | schikattah ... )| ¢| Pi ts nee p* al je | tah to Kishen- > 14010 0) 0! © OF 0 ginge ay 4 lol ee And from Ki- Ol ae, | ia shengungg to(/116/ 00/0 0 0 0/9 Seebpore — ..f . ! | a ; e e Height of water qn gauge at Berham 3rd October 1858-20 Feet 6 Inches. T. N. Arsrrona, Lieut. CAMP SEAR THE HEAD OF Wupdt. Nuddeah’ THE MATABANGAN, cs we The 10th October 1858, p pore, on — -‘Police - Office, Notiftcatton. a DER 1 Pin nstructions from Government, the Com- of Police has the honor to invite all | bjects cf Her Most Gracious Majesty the in the Metropolis, to illuminate their on the occasion of the Proclamation which ortly He made, of the Assumption of the nent of India by Her Majesty. ce of the day fixed for the Illumination will ished hereafter. ) > S. WavcHorer, Commissioner, of Police. B CALcurr, | 30th September 1858. 7 € 2 Notice. Lt parties indebted to,’ or having claims nst the. Extate of the late Reverend R. B. ltby, Chaplain of Rawv] Pindee, are requested | lin their claims by 1st November, to the rsigned. ee G. D. Westropp, Extra Assistant Commissioner, ; Rawul Pindee. puty ComMisstonEr’s OFFICE ; —— Rawul Pindee, The 30th September 1858. mn as Commercial Bank of Endta. CaLCurTtTa Braxcu. Rates of Exchange on Londow Joint Stock Bank. tad ny 8, d. a, 6* months’ sight ... 2 OF per Rupee. 3 ' a wag. ably - 30 days’ a; eget 1S i 3 # tS amie ge Af q ” The Bank grants Drafts on the Head Offie?, | mbay, and on its Branches in Tondon, Shanghae, | 1 Hongkong. Bills collected at any ot the | bye places at a uniform charge of 4 per Cent. Phe Bank will undertake the purchase or sale of vernment Paper, Bank Stock and other Securi- s, draw Interest and Nividends payable in Cal- fa, whea due, at aXCommission of 4 per Cent. charge made when the proceeds of Sale or punt of Interest or Dividends drawn is remittet he Bank’s Biils. . ; t Rates of Interest allowed to Deposits subjgct to honths’ notice of withdrawal, p. ct. per annum ‘ditto «ditto, ditto 5 » -ditto ditto ditto es? 5 > 4 is deposit- Notice may be given*when the nmoney or at any subsequen spensed With, in cases W ed through the Bank. ‘ rent Accounts kept and Interest allowed at Cent, per annum on Balances of Rupees 500 wards, not exceeding Rupees 50,000, unless jal sereement. e , firs of business, 19 rs, 10) A. M. to | Pe. M- 2 sou. to 3 P.M. Qn Satur- W. 8. Fivzwitcian, Tayk "SQUARE, t ak Agent. S. , 1th October 185 | Calcutta, 29th January 1855. t time ;and it will be | hem the money is to be , | 2031 | Oriental Baws Corporation. Incorroratep BY RoyaL CHARTER. e = Wirt reference to Government Notification No. 5, Fort William, Financial Department, 26th Ja- nuary 1855, notifving the intention of Govern- ment to dissolve its connexion with the Govern- ment Agency— : The Oriental Bank Corporation undertake the | safe custody of Government Paper, Shares in the Capital Stock of the Bank of Bengal, and other local Stocks, free of all charge. Will draw Interest and Dividends on the same as they fall due, and remit at the current rates of exchange, or pay the same according to instrue- tions, if to be remitted through the Corporation, Without charge. if to be paid in India, a Commis- sion gill be chatged of On returning Government Paper or Share Certificates out of safe custody, On the purchase of Government or other Securities. On the sale of Government Paper or other Stock» the proceeds of which are to be remitted through the Corporation, ... Without charge. Wa. ANDERSON, Agent, ‘ Notice. A Sprcian Meeting of the Shareholders of the Agra Savings’ Bank will be held at the Manager’s Office, on Monday the 20th December 1858, at 7 A. M., for the purpose of deciding on the Regis- tration of the Bank, under the Provisions of Acti XLII. of 1550. a ]-4th per Cent. 1-4th per Cent. z 1-4th per Cent. OrtEenTAL Bank Corporation ; . ) 2 W. McLravy, Manager. Aara Savines’ Ban, Agra, the 16th September 1858. J | Delhi Bank. a Tup following Government 4 per Cent. Notes were destroyed at Delhie in May 1557, Interesti has been stopped and Duplicate Notes be applied. for in due course :— a No. 12554 of 1854-55 for 2,000 >, 12553 ditto 1,300 ‘ x 25ST ditto 500 5, 12909" ditto 2,000 : J. C.PRRBSG . Manager. ' Notice. ~ Aw persons having claims agkinst, or being in- | debted to the Estate of the, late Captain Frederick ' George Elkington, of H. M.’s 3th Regiment, are requested to communicate with the undersigned; | on or before the 20th October 1885. Cuartrs Frep. Brownes ' Captain, 3h Foot, = Presdt. Com. of Adjustnent, Diaapore. 5 2 —_ > z 2 2 [ 2032 ] General Bost Ofice Notifications. | «y No. 2599) + ® , 7 t « t 2 No. 2547. 4 * Notice is hereby given, that OverLANdD Matt. < Tur Overland Mail ed Marseilles and South- Akyab, Rangoon and Moulmein, , ampton and the intermediate Ports, Madras, Cey- jon and Aden, per P. and O,Company’s Steamer / Nemesis, will be closed at this Office on Friday, the | on Tuesday, the 19th instant, at 22nd instant, at 6 P.M. 3 per Steamer Baltic, will be closed Letters, &c., for Penang, Singapore Hongkong , J and Australia, will be forwarded vid Galle by this T. Garr : opportunity. « $ : ' T. Garrett, Offg. Depy. Post-M Offg. Depy. Post-Master General. ‘ oe The 9th October 1858. The 12th Qetober 1858. € . cd € e 6 e € ° e € 6 € € r € « € °¢ e € ° € € als fi 3 e e s é . 6 ° £ e se € e . . e i . . * ope oe - e a " . rt ? . . 2 3 . s a 2 3 é e Oy; * e e . e ‘e 48 : < e e ¥. e . Z . 6 > 7 e e e4 ‘ a s ° \y r * e e 9 6 e —_— o- 5 F g 2>. e e { oh, Pt e.2. ‘ al a! . 4 2 ’ 2, eo ehe = as ~ jenny) aes F, . “ - Lory We “ee TF yo a y '. a a Cals ae \ my ai ber ° “ eb =e wed ns ry ¢ a _— = 7 - ry = . 4 Printed gnd Published for the Government, by Tuomas Jonzs, at the Office of the Bengal See ‘el : « @ - Piz } Se 4 “iss e oe x 4 *. et iio Bo ry _ Mo 24 ‘ ! } ay cy Se! , vi f Ly <3 - SUPPLEMENT TO The Calcutta Gazette, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1858. a. LAND SALE NOTICES. 4 af NGTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Hooghly will be put up to d Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Monday, the 8th November Kartick 1265 B. S., for Arrears of Revenue and other demands which, by the eulations and Acts in force, are directed to be realized in the same manner as Arrears of Revenue Jue on the 28th September 1858 :-— , Class I.—Permanently-settled Estate. Arsa ; recorded proprietor, Haffiz Oodeen Hossain ; sudder i ublic and unreserve SA. D., or 24th No. 267.—Khannabotty, Pergunnah jumms; rupees 131-6-10. “Class VI.-—Estates to be sold on account of No. 1775.—Rights and ‘Interests of Bachoo Loll Khan, in Mehal Pole, Pergunnah Bhoorsoot ; re- corded proprietor, Bachoo Loll Khan ; sudder jumma, rupees 2()-9-0. D £ Class IV.—Estates to be sold for Arrears due on account of other Estates. i Petamber Ghose in about ten cottahs of alleged Lackraj land, with three tuated in Doodcooata, Pergunnah Balea. : Hoocguty CoLLEectoRaTe, } W. B. Buckrs, The \st October 1858. : Collector. é demands realizable in the same manner as Arrears of Revenue. Rights and Interests of puaca houses built upon ‘it, si NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Moorshedabad will be put up to public and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Monday, the Sth Novem- ber 1858, or 24th Kartick 1256 B. S., for Arrears of Revenue :-— Fs : Class _I—Permanently-settled Estate. . Aa -* oa ® b ORs Se reby No. 700.—Kisinut Nurainpoor Painam, Kismut Sreekristopoor, Pergunnah Islampoor ; recorded rupees 193-15-6. © : + te x : proprietor, Bukshee Begum ; sudder Jumma, ; , » ~ MoorsHEDABAD ; % Ba 5 W. Morris Bravrorr, Collector's Office, en ee The 30th September 1855. ‘ : : al Pa 1 S 3 —_—— > ven, that the ender-inentioned Estates in Zillah Bhaygulpore will be put ~ d Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Mondaxs, the 25th S., for Arrears of Revenue :— Z : dd for arrears due on account of other Estates. 5 gh Bundbustdas and Zemindar~ar7 Pergunnah Chyee}_sudcer jemma x \ oe, + NOTICE is hereby gi to public and unreserve , ober 1858, or 3rd Kartick 1266 F. 4 Class I V—Estate to be so No. 335.—Three and a half annas’ share of Puhulwan Sin Nis? Mouzah Gungapore,’ in Talka Bickrumpore, Chuck Ramee, he erftire Talka, rupees 7,#L1-14-114. : , es 74 sz y . ~ J o Class I—E states permanently-settled. No. 402.—Mouzah Surburpoor Soojawal, Pergunnah Chyee ; recorded proprietor, Burate sudder jumma, rupeés 160-00, aa) : 4 om 630.-_Mouzah Surburpoor Soojawal, Chuck #azul, Ally, Pefgunnak Chyee ; reco prietor, Mr. T. Grant ; sudder jumma, rupees 176-8-6. ° ete aa - Class I[.-—Estates not pamanently-settled. No. 2800.—Rangah, Pergunnah Wasilah ; recorded proprietors, Seebdyal Pandey and ( Pandey ; sudder jumma, rupees 51 7-9-2. BHAvGuLrorE ; : W. Arsiz, Collectors Qffice, Colle The \st October 1858. iy NOTICE is hereby given, that the under-mentioned Estates in Zillah Sarun will “be put to and unreserved Sale, at the Collector’s Office of that District, on Thursday, the 21st October 1 28th Assin 1266 I. S. for Arrears of Revenue :— s Class IV Estate to be sold for arrears due on account of other Listates. E No, 1218.—The Right and Interests of Syed Allee Elusgun, in Mouzah Duheeaon, P ~~ Collectyr’s Offce, a 3 c - hes WS a ie pe“ The h Octobe 1858. Ha > : rapt Bs a ‘ ana vd r ba ‘ NOTICE, 4 o “Pf 7 y hoo ‘Tue following Lithographed Maps of the Survey of India recently published at che yreeyor General's Office, Calcutta, are availadle at the prices specified, either at the veyor General's Office or at Messrs. UV Rozario and Co.’s Library. ° “j e + “ Price. Description oF Maps. : Colored Colored and Colored 5 > and | folded in on « unmounted. [Book fashion.} Rollers. Aa % , General Maps. Kumaon and British Gurhwal, compiled with the latest addi- from the Researches of Captain H. Strachey in 1846 and Liecute- t Richard Strachey, Engineers, in 1849,>—April 1850. Scale8 miles= |, h. Bice . : + 2 cy) 38 re) 3 4 oseph’s Map of the Grand Trunk Road, Section 2nd, improved Edi- | on, Benares to Agra. Scale 4 miles=1 Inch. ’ a a 8 8 o _ ~ Ditto Ditto Section 8rd, Agra to Ferozpoor. ivale 4 miles=1 Inch. : md Act AEN a eet oe ta Plan of the Agra and Bombay Road, with the Country extendin 30 miles to the East and West of it, and exhibiting the Staging sungalows, Post Offices, &e., from Agra to the Nerbudda River, on} > 1e Scale of 4 miles=1 Inch a 3 ra) 4 8 5 @ “The Kotah and Chukkata Bhabur ot Terae Forest of Zillah Kumaon, from the Sardah to the Kosce River, with the Approaches to Nainee Tal and Almora, surveyed under the superintendence of Lieute- : juts Vanrenen and Burgess, Revenue Surveyors, in 1851 to 1853, and piled im the Revenue Surveyor General's Office, on the Scale of 2 niles—=1 Inch. ie. Affghanistan, 1840. Scale 8 British miles=1 Inch, in 15 Sections... Topographical Survey of a portion of the Delhi District, shew- ig the principal Basins of D-ainaze and the positions of the a Old Bunds, also the situations of the Ancient Cities and the objects of | ' PArchwxological interest, in 1$ Sections, surveyed by Licutenant F. J. : ee | Burgess, 74th Regiment Native Infantry, Assistant Revenue Surveyor, | in 1849-50. Scale } of a mile or 20 Gunter’s chains—1 Inch. — aif ny & OH LG rtp Sd iaoend Plan of a Survey to trace the line of boundary between the Soon- derbunds and District 24-Pergunnahs, as defined-by Captain T. Prinsep, between the years 1817 and 1822, traced by Captain R. Smyth, 1849-5 n5 Numbers. Scale } mile=1 Inch. Hach nunber & 2 SN) (0) o ) Sketch Map of the Oudh Territory. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. a: “The Jullundhur Doab, comprising the Districts of Jullundhur, Hooshiyarpoor and Kangra, surveyed from 1847 to 1852. Scale 4 sritish miles=1 Inch, (Inglish lithography.) oil 0 The British and Native States in the Cis-Sutleg Division, com- ine the Districts of Ferozpore, Loodhianah, Umballah, Thanesur " st ca = oo } imlah, with Puttialah, Nabhuh, Jheendh, Motlah, Khulseea and). | Mureedkot, surveyed in 1847 to 1851. Scale 4 miles=1 Inch. ae pear: o| lo 0} lo 8 “Genera? Map of the Country bordering the Grand Trunk Road No. ) is faloutta to Benares, embracing Patna, Bhaugulpoor, Burdwan, and | | Mev iol a Nagpore Divisions South of the Gauges. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. | 4 Of Ons ee 8 tto Ditto No. 2 Benares to Delbi, embracing the Benares ion, the Doab, Oudh, Rohilcand, Rewah, part of Bundlecund, the | for and Bhurtpoor Territory, Scale 8 miles=-1 Inch. Ysa ta| eral Map of the Goruckpoor and, North Behar Frontier, embracing Jountry North of;the Ganges, Tirhoot, Chumparun, Saren and iets bordering the Gogra Fyzabad. Scale 8 miles=1 Inch. e Nizam’s Dominions, with the Ceded Districts and Country } ihe iding to-the Nerbuddah River. Scale 16 milos==1 Inch. ae 3 0 4 4 4 b) dex Map of Bengal, Behar, Orissa, Arracan, Pegu, or Lower Pro- | es iamler the Jurisdiction of the Licuten&nt-Governor of Bengal. hes t ) 82 miles=1 Inch. a, Me. 3; 0) 4 4 4 \.% e Province of Pegu, compiled by Lieutenant B.C. 8. W itiams, | ? ineers; and Olficers of tlie Pegu Survey, ~ from all available 5 ation. Scale S miles=-1 Inch... se ae 4 o} Sy & 5 > ketch Map of the Country between Agra and Umballah from Joseph’s | i te jon 3rd, Grand Trunk Road Map, with Fort of Delhi. Scale 4 \ Slee, 1 Inch. : Fein “ ie: 4 Lo 5 . 6 X22 ketch Map of the Countty rouhd Delhi, with Fort of Delhi. Scale 2 5 . ani i s=1 Inch. at 4 (0) 5 8 ) z r > rt ee e ° 9 Descriprion oF Maps s . eat e ‘o 4 and ° unmounted. é P of Sheets Nos. J and 2 of the Boundary between the British and Jumoo Territories, from the Ravee to the Jhelum, surveyed in 1850-51. Scale 1 mile=1 Inch. Each Sheet. .« 2 a Central India. Sketch Map of the District of J ubbulpoor in the Saugor and Nerbudda ¥ Territories, 1841. Scale 4 miles—=1 inch Sketch Map of Saugor and Dhamoh, in the Saugor and Wauhudats| Territories, 1853. Scale 4 miles—1 inch cot Map of the Sohagpoor and Ramghur Districts in the Saugor, and Nerbudda Territories 1852. Scale 4 *miles—1 in¢h Sketch Map of Seonee and Mandlah Districts. Scale 4 ash inch. Available Bengal District Maps on the Geographical Scale of 4 British | ° Miles=1 Inch, lithographed in i ala 24-Pergunnahs, a Hoogly, , Nuddeah, , Moorshedabad, é *Burdwan, Beerbhoom, e *Bancoorah, (Preliminary Map.) Midnapore and Hijellee, in 1 Sheet, - Balasore, _ - 4 - Cuttack, =a Monghiyr; Patnay, Behar, Sarun, sz NS : Tirhoot, ws ve Purneah, be Maldah, ¢ Rajshahee, . *Pubnah, (Preliminary Map,) *Bograh, (ditto ditto,) c. *Portions of Pubnah and Mymensing Districts, (ditto ditto) ~ Chittagong, Goalparah, *Durrung, *Nowgong, South Behar, comprising Districts Behar, Shahabad and Patna, Pav 3 Sikhim, comprising the Darjeeling Hilf Perritorys &e., 6 KONWNWDNWHWHNNNNYNHNNWNNNWNHNNWNNb ty On the Seale of 2 Sd tieks - Tirhoot, 4 ad 6 Rajmuhul Hills or Andes, A nae Available District Maps of the Novth-Westert Provinces on the Geogra- @ phical Scale of 4 British Miles=1 “Inch. : . Bij nour, . . . ats Moradabad, 5 = r 2 Goorgaon, : Se re Paneeput, = - ; ® 2 Rohtuk, . ae “ Hurriana, (Hansi, Hissar.) f 9 Bhuttiana or Sirsah’ District, f yi ¢ ) Ajmere’ and Mairwhara, “ ° i 2 wi bse District Mepe of the North Western-Provinces or the Scale - r nel Miles=1 Inch, shéwing Village Boundaries. Ja SAjmere,, 9 Mairwhera, ¢ ce is ax 2 is ae he me / f ig ee = Y Pe eee ee a a oo e . : San ee a “* Lithographed in Calcutta. ‘* . ae , & < io] ~ % ae . . r - B) OES! Shoro) Se OES eoosseessco oo eo os ooseoo Osc Oo COO . Cr bw od = wT € a SHUN WONWBDwWowmwwwius = ts WWwWwnWnnmrwbh, IS.2" SO GUS “SNS ‘OnO7S siKco ho S.6) 0 S)ouo | Colored hei ’ folded in : Book faslfion., eo : . , aa i Paice. . *, a 3 = - ———— Description or Mars. _ l , Colored, | Colored and| Colored f . \ é .and *{ folded in on unmounted. {Book fashion.| Rollers. | Maps of the Punjab on the Scale of 2 Miles=1 Inch, shewing : Village Boundaries. Rs, As, Rs. Bed Rs. As. : 5 rarpoer, ; 3>} ol] 4 4 | 4 8 . ; SOM ae fo ae | - ae he 8 . é SOP Gia | a} 40-8 wallah, TPS PRON oti b Ae | at PS x : of 4/4] 4] 8 ’ o| 4 4 4 8 Ss] of 4°} 4a] 4-7-8 Peggunnah Maps. | | e whole. of,the Pergunnah Maps of the followi Di . ‘ trictss on the | S e of l. “Mile to the Inch, shewing V he heen lithographed, 4 are ataileble ar Hegeeee rare begs. . tabad .. each Pergh. "Map 2 | re * ” 2) 0] > ” 2 8) 2 " ” : 2 0 ” 2 | ‘o rbhoom s | Q f is! abee, =i 5 = bnah, ay sae cd | 2 n Udah, * ; B | | 0 " sh. oD ” | 2 (oye i.) see ” (6 Pergh. Maps only) - | 3 . 5 Aas (3 ” ao ” 2 to) ~S a a c imag ’ (Scale } Mile—1 Inch) ,, 2 0 é : bac 2 . , With the exception of 4 Perghs. ‘North of the ~ > wugulpoor, Guages ; ancooral : . Saya ‘ th ian h } In progress, Maps being lithographed,.,. 5 | 9 ° 2 a b aoe | lvailable Rohilcund Division Pergunnah Maps, North-Western Provinces. Scale } Mile=1 Inch, shewing Village Boundaries. ereunnah Gudderpoor a cer} . ‘ee wake “eres Kauber and Sirsawan . 2 fa) Ditto Chowmailha es 9 6 Ditto Richah »'s 9 5 “Ditto Jehanabad (Sheet No. 1,) diols ‘ 3 Ditto ditto (Sheet No. 2,) Zillah Bareilly. - Ditto _ Kilpooree 9 : Ditto Nanuk Mutha 5 2-1 © Ditt Roodurpor ~ 3 2 0 Dittos Bilheree ae 2 ° Ditto Bazpoor : ah Ag oi » Ditto Kasheepoor (18 -Villages 18) + 9 ") x ons of Forest Lands belonging to PRergunnah bp ahead Morad- | sepoor. Scale 1 Mile=Inch * SAS 2 1 0 gunnah Juspoor (4 Villages in) ? rz é Allotments of the Government Forest in Per- Zillah Shahje- nnah Poorunpoor § Subha ’ S63 hanpoor. 1 o iE astern Division of | Peryunnah = Chukkata), 5 . bur, iit 2 Sections ‘ = 1 0 raster Division of ditto > 1 ° 2 Yeenaon Bhabur or Forest of Pergunnabs Kale 2 ‘ah K 5 naou and Dhyanerao, in 3 Sections hart ad Si OAs » Portion of *Kotah Bhabur, lying between thes a v ra and Dubka Rivers, in?2 Sections 1 ee -Kotah Bhabur, between the Bosee and eet a rg + : : Rik < Ke ~ 0 lay : i \ Ry ] atic of the Mala aie \ owe 1 j.o0 NX =e * he Forest in Pergunnah VUfzmlgish, Zillah Bijnour =, ct = oS F Lhe Bijnour Forest. Scale 1 Mile=1 Inch, in 2 Sections * 1 o a 2 DD hes ee eee = ;! * a ss . * ° if nee ¢ ¥ ;: ’ ~ é € ——————— —— neat nemesis - . ! e | Price. | ee e ° o Le e e ,, | ° 4 € | ose Descriprion oF Mars. MP. tax re ae ' Colored | : t zi ' and ; ¢ | unmounted. | UE EES Seti OE SS hee ++ ig Jedpaet : Rohileund Division River Survey Maps. Scale 4 Mile==1 Inch. Re. SASS] ry ! : The Deoha’ River, shewing the adjoining Villages of Pergunnahs 4 Jehanabad and Pilleebheet 5 Le ee) - The Villages’ situated on the Banks of the Ganges Rfver, in Per- gunnahs Ahar and Seanah, Zillah Boolundshuhur, and a_ part of, Pergunnah Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad, =e | Lae . The Villages situated on the Danks of the Ganges River, in| Pergunnahs Pooth and Gurmookteshur, and part of Pergunnah Kethoor” Zillah Meceruth, and a part of Pergunnsh Hussunpoor, Zillah Moradabad,.../ 1 * The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Pergunnah Bashta, Zillah Bijynour and part of Pergunnah Hussunpoor, | Zillah Morfdabad, Pergunnah Hugtinapoor, Niloha, dud part oF 2 gunnah Kethoor, Zillah Meeruth. i J 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ramgunga River, i in Pergunnabs Moradabad and Surkurrah, ZiNah Moradabad, Pee a ti FOU VES: The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ramgunga River, | in Pexgunnahs Surkurrah, Moghulpoor, Ugwanpoor, Umrohah and | . Thakoordwarrah, Zillah Moradabad, and in Bergunnah Schorah, Zillah Bijnour, f ao BK! ) The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ramgunga River, , in Pergunnahs Barrapoora, Sheirkote, Sehorah and Ufzulgurh, Zillah Bijnour, ae . ib MO) v 2 Rohileund Division River Survey Maps. Seale 1 mile=sl Inch. | bic ad The Ramgunga River, and_ adjoining Villages of Pergunnah ) > Sulaimpoor, District Budaon, and Khera Bujhera and Mehrabad, District Shahjehanpoor, | . 1 oO The Ramgunga River, and adjoining Villages of Pergunnahs ‘ Serougge, Aonla, Crore and Fureedpoor, Disttict Bareilly, and Sulaimpoor of District Budaon, 5i4 1 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of the franze* River, in 7 Purgunnahs Fyzpoor, Budreea, Zillah Etah,and Suheswan, Zillah Budaon. ; An 1 0 The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in Pergunnahs Aolayee and Nidhpoor, Zillah Etah, and Perguamahs Ooj- hanee, and part of Ooseith, Zillah Budaon, 2 Ti el oO” The Villages situated on the Banks’ of Rivers @anges and. : Ramgunga, in Pergunnahs Kumpil and Islemgunj, Zillah Furruckabad, Pergunnah Mehriabad, Zillah Shabjehanpoor, and part of Pergunnah : Ooseith, Zillah Budaon, re se ae The Villages situated on the Banks of the Ganges River, in! } Pergannahs Daranuggur, Bijnour, Mandawar, Keeruthpoor, Nujeecbabad, Zillah Bijnour and in Pergunnahs Sumbulheera, Bookurheree, and Goor- | dhunpoor, District Mozwiturnuggyr, “A “ie ‘| Ok The Villages situated, on the Banks of the Ganges River; im ij Pergunnahs Anoopshahur and Dibaee, Zillah Boolundshubur, and Per- . . gunnahs Rujpeoruh and Asudpoor, Zillalz Budaon, aa ae ey? o ra im ny Geological Map. rie Bi meas q : t : 5 ere / petites | Colored and | Geological Map of the Northern Front ef the Vindya Hills, extend- | folded in ee ing from Allahabad to Rajmuhal, shewing the position of all the known 7 Book fashioh | Coal Beds of that Tract, and also of the Silver, Copper, Lead and | r ; ee Antimony Localities, as well as the principal Tron measure?; measuring | | . 2 4 fect 1o inches by 3 feet 3 inches, and cémpiled on the seale of 8 ae miles=1 inch, ° | Sess! ) ‘5 a Cantonment, Civil Station, end City Maps. 7 wey - ros uw y f/ n > A n } _ The Cantonments and Park of Barrackpoor. Seale 12 inches—1 mile, 2 0 F The Cantonments of Cawnpocr. Seale $ imches==1 mile, .:..:...., aes ees aes * . eZ The | Cantonm(nts of Dinapore. Scale 10 chains— 1 inch, ........ + bi rn) 3 (ie The Station af Chittagong.” Scale 440 feet. to the inch, ...........5..5.: oN A mor ns r 6 Pe To nd Station of Cuttack. Stale 20 chains=1 inch, ............ | 1 “Pond. oe - The Sivil Station of Kishaagurh. Scale 12 inches—=1 mile, 0.000000... }2 Ns Vaso ene ty The Settlement of Nainece Tal, Zillah Kumaon, Scale 8 inches=1 | ; ? ys eer - : on ee er ey OI EE a RA eae ee OE RO Ss RI ~ Description or Mars. 2 Town of Burdwan. Scale 12 inches2=1 mile. ejected Plan of the Town of Rangoon 1553. aile, or 264 feet—1 inch. Index Map to the Loeations at Darjeeling. ge. Scale 4 Inches=1 Mile. = . aon. Séale 1 mile=1 inch. ad « 4 oie res Baraset Division in 4. Sheets. Scale 1 mile==1 inch. ity of Juggernauth in the Pooree District. Seale 10 chains-=1 ineh.... ty of Gya and Shahebgunj, in the Behar District. Seale 8 mch—1 mile. | Map exhibiting the position of thes Collierics im the vicinity of Rane- d Approaches fgom the Plains tO Nainee Tal and Alimorah, Zillah pi - (\ 7 ‘he Engraved Indian Atlas Sheets. Scale 4 British miles 1 ich, ed on the Trigonometrical Survey. |The follcwing are available the Public at 4 Rs. each Section, but to Officers of Govesnment ~~ List of the Indian ey 25 Containing what Districts or Places. te ae SRS : . zy | Dumaun, Gorah, Gunbheerghur. 69 Bombay, Junjeera, part of Southern Konkun, Rutnagheria. : 70 Nassuck, Arungabad, Dowlutabad. Poonah, Purrainda, Ahmednugew, Mahabalesh- | 72 war. Sattara, Kolapoor, Beejapoor. 73 41. | Goa, Darwar, Belgaum. Wei {2 | North Canara, Soonda, Bilghy, and North-West of Mysore. s = , 75 Mangalore, South Canara Coorg and South-West) 76 of Mysore. My ii Calicut, Cananore, Tellicherry, and part of Malabar. 78 Loodhianah, Simlah, Kangra, Hoshiyarpoor, | Bishahir, Kasaoli. 79 } Kurnal, Saharunpoor, Umballah, Mozuffumugw, | Dehra, Sirhind, Puttiala, Thaneysur. 80 Delhi, Meerut, Boohmdshuhur, Goorgaon, Jheend, | S1 Jhujhur, Rohtuk, and part of Hurriana. | $8 Agra, Muthra, Bhurtpoor, Dholpoor, Ulwar, | and parts of Allyghur and of Jeypoor., | 89 Ellichpoor, Gawulghur, Beitool, Aseerghur, | 94 Oomrauwutty? | PMaiker, Bastim, J alnah, Karinga. 95 @odgheer, Daroor, Kowlass, parts of Nundair, 102 Beder, &e. * Koolburga, Coileonda, Kullianee, Mulkhaid, Nul- 103 droog, and part of Sholapoor. ~ > Raichoor, Moodgul, Davunkonda, Bellary, and 107 part of Kurnool. a 198 Chittleqroog, Codyconda,.Raicroog, Pennaconda, » Hossdroog, 4 2 109 (LED Bantzalore, Doastaeram. Coimbatoor, Ootakamund, furdanhully,Chirpool- 112 * Cherry and parts of *Malabar and Salem. 212 Cochin, CoimbatoorPerk, Rulnee, Dindigul, and 2? 4 Afysore, Seringapatam, _ -—=parts of Travancore, Tinnevelly, and Madura. [25 Cape Comorin, Tinnevelly, Quilon, Trivandrair, 128 tope. Daha, Chaprung, Garoo or Gar ¢ Gurhwal and 130 Ajmorah, Sreenugur?and parts o - Bijnour. A | Bareilly, Pi al, Rampoor, Budaon 131 Heebheet, Moradab 135 y {| and part of Shajehanpoor. 68 | Furruckabad, Cawnpoor, Ktaweh, Mynpooree. . Rerozabad, Bhind, and part of Oudh ‘Territory. % URVEYOR GENER V utttr, the ist September 1858. ) ans OFFICE ; Privtev By THomss Joxss, l: 4 Atlas Sheets. : Chanda, Hingunghaut, Chamoory, ,Calingapatam, Vizianagram, Ryaguddy, Pricer. Scale 20 inches==1 Colored Colored and | Colored and folded in on | unmounted. |Book tashion. Rollers. Re, ] As.| Rev | As.) Rs.) As. Ute 2 ayes + 1 | o alee es) eer - : { +4 C3) By be) 6 o 2 o 3 ore 4 yy 0 3 ots t / a6 | o 7) SSeS 9 i o a) o 2 {. 6 1) Ss % Ny) 0 p= a Se ae 0 3 8 3 r Oc en a Containing what Districts or Places. = Thansee, Kalpy, Banda, Dattia, Humeerpoer, Jaloun, and part of Gywahor. Saneor, Damnoh, Huttah, Bejour, Belhari Teary, 5 ’ : ’ Punnah. Nagpoor, Seuni, Comptah, Bandara, Omrait, Chindwarra, Deoghur. ass > Manickdroog, > Maidnek , Mutlangvor, ry Kilgendel, Warungul, Raingeer, Neermul, Mahadepoor. Hydrabad, Bongeer, Nalgunda, Daverconda. Ongole, Moralla, Paumoor, Inreonda, Ardinga. Cuddapa, Nellore and part. of North Arcot. Madras, Arcot, Kestnagherry, Chittoor, Palicut, Sadras. Pondicherry, ‘Tanjore, Tranquibar. Trichinopoly, .Salem, South Arcot, Cuddalore, Porta Nova. Point Calyinere, Jufnapatam, Rammad, Nuttam. Tuticorin, Calpentyn. uttehpoor, Allahabad, Mirzapoor, Benares, Chunar, Roy Bareilly, Jounpoor, Sooltanpoor. Rewah, Rajgur, Bandoogurh, Burgowa. Rajamandry, Coringa, Elloor, Condapilly, Gol- 4 conda. Masulipatans, Guntoor. Khatmandoo, Bettiah, Goruckpoor, Chumparun. : Patna,> Azimgurh, Dinapoor,” Arrah, Chupra, Tirhoot, Gazeepoor. Behar, Sasseraq, Ganjam, Goomsurgurh, Hutgurh, Boad, Sohnpoor. Saloor, Soovowlee, Tchapoor.. Vizagapatam, Cossimeotta. Nathpoor, Amarpoor, Sikim, Allygunj. Purneah, Monghyr, Bhaugulpoor, Durbunga. Gwahatta, Goalpara, Nulkar, Kayproop, Trrung, Nowgong. Sylhet, Jynteah, Garrow Hills, Cossyah Hills? ey. 2 Nhsserabad or Sowara. ~ A Sudiya, Ruagpoor, idrooghur. Jorhat, Seebpoor, Gnergon, Luckimpoor, Bessi- nath, ‘Tezpoor. - : du 2 Muneepoor. Cachar. : A Sudiva, Chilkoa_or Shaikwa. Rungavora. Sa ¥ a) a : s Nong of the remammg, munbers ares yet pttb- lished. S Ww ~~ 5 - — . _- - a < a TT . H. L) THUILLIERS . ‘ a Deputy Suvecyor General. * 5 SPNGAL SECRETSBIAT OLFICk: 5 Des “s Ko A SS iN yy GOVERNMENT GAZETTE SUPPLEMENT TO THE : NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES. : Published by Authority. ALLAHABAD: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1858. , c «8 2 ae 2 CIRCULAR ORDERS BY THE CHIEF ENGINEER, N. W. Ps aa e CIRCULAR No. 39 oF 1858-59. I Curer*Eneinzrr’s Orricr, N. W. Provinces. Agra, the 4th October 1858. TO THE SUPERINTENDING ENGINEERS, Ist AND 2xp CIRCLES, AND TO 4 *ALL{THE OFFICERS OF 'HE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS, NORTH WESTERN PROVINCES. , 3 ‘GENTLEMEN, : ats. : : « . * With reference to a letter No. 4097 of the 25th ultimo, from the Officiat- a Descriptive Roll of ing Chief Engineer, hower Provinces, Tf have the honor to annex rgin,* lately em-~ the Snbordinates, whose names are noted in the ma in the Dirtapore Division, tenged to imprisonmént * Sub-Overseer Kasheeper 2 bina shand,Mohurir Munnoolall, ployed on the Sacri River embankments, _Lhupmssee Shewpurtab. : who have been convicted af fraud and sen last two fot six months by the Sessions Judge of Gya, the first for one year, and the- each; and to request that you wilh be very careful in preventing the re-employment of ‘the delinquents under Government in any capacity. ° - : 1 3 P : ‘ «a? . . f 2 a ! a ng i m 4 Bil +> + T have the hoitor to be, 4 “ag” iE sia) 4 e sGentlemen, a ey . e =~ ~* Your ngost obedient servant, J. GLASFURD, Coxoser, r Ofig. Chief Engineer, N. W. Provinces = ‘ : : > —, . ‘de TE SUPPLEMENT TO THE GOVERNMENT GAZET 2 SSOK ‘ee * ad (‘Adog ona; 1) avo DUVua Wane Sane =a q ZL ) | : 'sdnu/I04y tonoy “waauibugy Joys’ “Allo e ° “ohn pe oruay = \¢ : e MALLOWL ‘OL —_(peusig) HLOHBY “ONDOK “9 “theusts) ‘ : ; * & a (‘Adog onsy) j ere ; s° e ry < Fu 00804 dnuny “ssaubesy aargnooa’ ee? , : “VWIBAIES MOST edOd RUN, “MooUIbuTT aangnoaag sie ° = yaorpaqo jsout sry Aq yurISUA YLL] Of JO TEP ON siy 0} “hey “Wanjgdeg UTANVXSTY 1 (peusig) te, ° ‘ vel . ONUILJIL YYLA TOPULxP Tungdt 0} papreaio 7 (‘Adog anay) ~ : = —_—_—— epenmenmnneeed Sr SEE a ee ea LS cy e “peoy ee | | =< . ' ayy Jo doyZoyy . ¢ ee uo passaadep - 2 Syaorpo wo) yy . . 2 ae *.MOJO9] ay pur “Sur " -yUYs 2 sauoq ote a Woe = = ~JeOT MA -japload 4300} “‘QysieI4s yooyo Yory pur “SUIG] , F ° ine ‘horny | fon jyuoy aug | ‘YStTT y Suory | -opIq dovye OuOrT UG | “aeyog rely thor) Fp) G | “logl “tg quymdmoyg G : = : . : Ln eos Woe ‘ = se e ¢souoq ‘ ; J 4 ; “ANO} ° ¢ yooyo = yay} oe . ° ts 00 UMOIG put ‘jeao uvyy “Qortantyy “WIRyT = . « ie ; ysppeg Pela ‘yeug “auONy “OIE | peyoorg | 0371 |Suoy soyqey | ‘yQevy oy Sop yeznoy eduny | te |g | legis o Te oowunyY M a aioe r ——.— 4 oe i a ° , "pray “davys ¢ eet = .: “KoL8)-a10f° ayy uo 5 X spiysou) ‘sefa . “yrtn) “BuIg . ; a 3 “yay, | Aatry ) ed YAU yovq VY | “peoig jews sdaayg ‘TRAQ | 'e0UlLOOY] -avyog = jo uMOy, oBSnp 1S “lege Spueyszodsoysey 2? R.. i ‘ =a es) fo te ; a ; . Sha] 2 Lee cate “NOTO “HET | paca Te aaa | “OS0N sod ‘oon; ee S12 18/8 by ‘ , “SMUVItS i ‘ ae 2 PABOUIS SEI peed = a 3 . “URTTL ‘jo sa i = 3 ATKVNE SMUV KG ry 4 ‘ ry a4svp Yes quepiqeyuy a } a THY > te oe 2 eet . “NOIXATANO,) rs 5 QUuDTayYT | ‘a9y Surg qojundnayy puv ‘ainyory 21npoouUn TT ( “ulay dapun aassnsdnyg “uorsiug edodvuyy ‘eoupiudog SYlO. 4 2179NT 047 U2 “Phy fa eget gng 27m) “pavyssedaa (‘Xd00) “ C &. UY OTTO LALBRLISID | "FOSSISS itd (puss) SU ROE SY) SIE SY “cc “oF T “SY isi (t4 i sy Agung ‘youd g} sy Aynq -qa40d g “TIO, ‘sy yeI07, | | SI “ < I ‘SY a ‘ec I ‘sy | a 8 per 1 per 3 per 1 per 83 per 1 per 3 per 1 per cout cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent. cent, Duty. ; | - “acebbeas. SSS at. LO . oa ~ rh | "LOJD9OJ Lo sAoUOIssUMOD OM} fo amnpoulig) Ke ce il syp Ryo é eee “ “ee T sy r quar iad ¢ Ppossoxse qunouly e sb MOL, sy “e704, eo « « y & “sy "quoo ted ¢ "S\[ “quo aod ¢ CIIVIXO > OST Suypuo zeok WoIpag Aapun pousst are sozeoydup “oqqu ay, dog ayquAnd °'B aNpIpS ayy Tg “dn paypy oq you poan uamyoo -Ard — syuatayeysut pu® passosse sarqn(y Jopun SIT) “AaoIO Suyooyog yo otuuyy | Aprozarnh zo gumoury | Jo Pwoury yo, | syn Jo . ‘9 “¢ % g oy} ; amounting in the whole to the sum of for the year ending on the day of 186 . And the said A. B. is desirous of compounding for i . the said Duties as allowed by the said Act, for the term hereinafter mentioned. The Commissioners (or the Special Commissioner, 07 the Collector of 3 344 )acting in the execution of the said Act, have (or has) by virtue, and in pursuance of the power and authority thereby given to in this behalf, contracted and agreed with the said A. B., and the said A. B. has agreed with the | said Commissioners ov the Special Commissioner, 07 Collector et (as the case may be) for a composition for the said Duties chargeable, or which n become chargeable upon him under the said Schedule 2, during the term of year i , to be computed from the day of =F | And the following are the terms of such composition, that is to say, The said A. B., his heirs, executors, or administrators, shall and will pay the Secretary of State in Council at the Government Treasury at ; , for the purposes of Act XXXII. of 1860, in every year of the said — term, the sum of “2 being the amount of the said assessment, together with an additon thereto, at and after the rate of one Rapee for every twenty Rupees of the sum assessed as aforesaid, by four equal quarterly instalments, viz. : , —- First instalment, on or before the day of Second instalment, on or before the day of Third instalment, on or before the day of Fourth instalment, on or before the day of in each and every year of the term aforesaid. (Signed) Commissioner, Or Special Commissioner, ' Or Collector, . : (Signed) A, B., the party compounding. Dated this day of Witness. Norz.—This agreement is to be made in two parts, which are to be severally signed by one of the Commissioners, ( the Special Commissioner, or the Collector,) and hy the person compounding. Ate (pousis) “quase tans JO soulopisad pun eurwu pue ‘aures 947 40A0 pred sey oy guodsu* {uv 07 10 Sxyettosaad papzigie Wosaad ay3 03 oaysnag ay} Aq pred ozam Aqa0d -oad gsnaq wordy Surste oulooul 20 syyoad 09} JOYQOYM PUoUNGYZG Si Uossod Yous seTZOYA YuoWaZH;S oy} jo ‘AzToyANe YoNs AOpUN sWRs oY} PIATao9L BAVY Aqyenqor yeys uosaed yons peptaoad uosaad ayy Aq Aqtodoad ysn4j Wory HuIstavx etwoouy 10 s4yO1T EY} JO qdisooi OY} peziioyne savy TeYys OyAr | -Xqrpqestp anya pur Luv aopun PAT i le A RR RR A *OSTMAOtTJO IO T]tM % tapuh 1oyNdd%9 Ad 9998NI} 30 ‘“uowapzjes B Jeputt dagsnay $v “sta YL SMAATEP OT YONA UT AaqoBrByy “Passosse oq 0} dTquIT UOsIad *paalooot UIIq DARY STOIUT IO |pue 4st] 04g Surzoayep uossod jo vouepisor puy ewe yous Jo aulovuT ao syyoud Jo qunoury |s}yord JIeyoq, Os0qA uo uossod jo aoUepisar pur OWEN | ee. ——e——— % ayy JO JuNoMe oYg Jo pus ‘uosiod TOUS Jo soUEpIsod pu owe ‘uosaad Yous Jo Juose oy} Aq Jo ‘ozo1OY} PoTp}UO sgqysnay, Aue Sq posoarpep oq OF Lsi'T “passasse oq 0} O[qvIT IOUT XXXT Noiosg “098T 4° “JIXXX LV - gsy Map js g Buspua sah oy) sot : XVJ, HWOONT Income Tax For year ending 31st July 186 Act No. XXXII. or 1860, Section LXXX. List to be delivered by any Agent, Factor or Receiver of any person, being — of full age, and resident in India, and. under no disability, of the name and” residence of such person, and of the amount of the Income liable to be assessed, ee ey arene anne | ee pe RA Nome and residence of person delivering the|Name and residence of person on whose behalf Amount of Profits or Inco: list, and character in which he delivers it, viz.,| Profits or Income are received. of such person liable to as agent, factor or receiver, or otherwise. be assessed, ¥ SA aterm aed oo SD 32 = » 4 ad z . pee eee ee ee eee ee a Pad yt ione (Signed) r er Dated : ‘ss ° Pee ee © + * t a , ae’ od . ~~ 7 P a ‘ie eae . ~~ ee a ve » ai : = Pant at 4