? Pech tas Charles ff Mamellon: irene A. T Some, 1a | . 4. o oat : 4 -. - 4 EVERY LADY HER OWN FLOWER GARDENER. EVERY LADY Ber Own FLOWER GARDENER. ADDRESSED TO THE INDUSTRIOUS AND ECONOMICAL ONLY. BY LOUISA JOHNSON. LONDON : We. S. ORR AND CO., AMEN CORNER, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCXXXIX W. L. GRAVES, AND CO, PRINTERS, HOLBORN HILL, LONDON { ; I wave been induced to compile this little work from hearing many of my companions regret that no single book contained a sufficiently condensed and general ac- count of the business of a Flower Garden. “ We require,” they said, “a work ina small compass, which will enable us to become our own gardene:: we wish to know how to set about everything ourselves, without expense, without being deluged with Latin words and technical terms, and without being obliged to pick our way through multiplied publications, redolent of descriptions, and not always par- ticularly lucid. We require a practical work, telling us of useful flowers, simple modes of rearing them, simply ex- pressed, and free from lists of plants and roots which PREFACE require expensive methods of preservation. Some of us have gardens, but we cannot afford a gardener: we like flowers, but we cannot attempt to take more than common pains to raise them. We require to know the hardiest flowers, and to comprehend the general business of the garden, undisturbed by fear of failure, and at the most economical scale of expense. Who will write us such a book ?” I have endeavoured to meet their views ; and my plan of Floriculture may be carried into effect by any lady who can command the services of an old man, a woman, or a stout boy. I have omitted the names of all tender plants; and I have given a chapter to each class of plants in language as plain as the subject would allow. I have avoided tech- nicality ; and I have endeavoured to execute my task with a due respect to economy, simplicity, and arrangement. I dedicate my work to all of my own sex who delight in flowers, and yet cannot allow themselves to enter into great expense in their cultivation. L. JOHNSON. July 19, 1839. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. Pleasures of Gardening—How conducive to health—Early taste for Gardening in England—Pleasure-gardens at Theobalds— Gardening for Ladies. - ; = - page 1—5 CHAPTER I. GENERAL REMARKS. Situation for a Flower-garden—On improving the Soil—Aspect and choice of Flowers—Monthly Roses—Rustic Stages—Garden Tools, and Working Dress—India-rubber Shoes indispens- able . : . . “ : : ‘ . 6—12 CHAPTER I1. LAYING OUT, Arrangement of Plants—Root-houses—Annuals—Biennials—Pe- rennials—Planting out Beds—Amelioration of Soils—Monthly Lists of Flowers—Destructive habits of Hares and Rabbits— Snails, Earwigs, Mildew and Blight—Neatness and order in- dispensable in a well-kept Garden — Spring Plants—List of Perennials. ; : . ‘ . * . 13—85 CHAPTER III. BULBS AND PERENNIALS. Transplanting Bulbs—Advantage of Salt Manures—Best arrange- ment for choice Bulbs—Select Lists—Fibrous-rooted Flowers— Biennials—Their propagation— Protection necessary 36—61 CONTENTS CHAPTER IV. ANNUALS. and trimming Plants—List page 62—70 Sowing and gathering Seed—Training of Annuals CHAPTER V. ROSES AND JASMIN Poetry of Flowers—Varieties of Roses—Pyramids—Climbing va- rieties—Insects injurious to the Ros List of Roses—Luxu- he Jasmine—Devices for displaying its 71—80 riant appearance of t beauty CHAPTER VI. SHRUBS AND EVERGREE Distance between each—Various modes of propa- On Planting: 81—88 gating—List of best Garden Sorts—Pruning CHAPTER VII. MONTHLY NOTICES. Recapitulation of Work to be done in each Month . 89—96 INTRODUCTION. Ir has been well remarked that a garden affords the purest of human pleasures. The study of Nature is interesting in all her manifold combina- tions: in her wildest attitudes, and in her artful graces. The mind is amused, charmed, and asto- nished in turn, with contemplating her inex- haustible display ; and we worship the God who created such pure and simple blessings for his creatures. These blessings are open to all de- grees and conditions of men. Nature is not a boon bestowed upon the high-born, or purchased by the wealthy at a kingly price. The poor, the blind, the halt, and the dise ased, enjoy her beauty, and derive benefit from her study. Every cottager enjoys the little garden which furnishes his table with comforts, and his mind with grateful feel- ings, if that mind is susceptible of religious im- pressions. He contemplates the gracious Provi- dence which has bestowed such means of enjoy- ment upon him, as the Father whose all-seeing eye provides for the lowliest of his children; and who has placed the ‘ purest of human pleasures ” within the reach of all who are not too blind to B INTRODUCTION. behold his mercy. With this blessed view before his mental sight, the cottager cultivates his little homestead. he flowers and fruits of the earth bud, bloom, and decay in their season, but Nature again performs her deputed mission, and spring succeeds the dreary winter with renewed beauty and two-fold increase. Health accompa- nies simple and natural pleasures. The culture of the ground affords a vast and interminable field of observation, in which the mind ranges with sin-~ gular pleasure, though the body travels not. It surrounds home with an unceasing interest; do- mestic scenes become endeared to the eye and mind; worldly cares recede; and we may truly say— “For us kind Nature wakes her genial power, Suckles each herb, and spreads out every flower! Annual for us, the grape, the rose, renew The juice nectarious, and the balmy dew: For us, the mine a thousand treasures brings; For us, health gushes from a thousand springs.” Eth. ep. i. ver. 129. The taste for gardening in England began to display itself in the reign of Edward III., in whose time the first work on the subject was composed by Walter de Henly. Flower-gardening followed slowly in its train. The learned Linacre, who died in 1524, introduced the damask rose from Italy into England. King James I. of Scotland, when a prisoner in Windsor Castle, thus describes its “‘ most faire” garden :— “ Now was there maide fast by the towris wall, A garden faire, and in the corneris set INTRODUCTION: 3 An herbere green, with wandis long and small Railit about, and so with treeis set Was all the place, and hawthorn hedges knet, That lyfe was now, walking there forbye, That might within scarce any wight espie, So thick the bowis and the leves grene Berchudit all, the alleyes all that there were; And myddis every herbere might be sene The scharpe grene swete junipere Growing so fair, with branches here and there, That, as it seymt to a lyfe without, The bowis spred the herbere all about.” The Quair. Henry VIII. ordered the formation of his garden at Nonsuch about the year 1509, and Leland says it was a “ Nonpareil.” Hentyner assures us of its perfect beauty, describing one of its marble basins as being set round with “ lilac trees, which trees bear no fruit, but only a pleasant smell.’” The pleasure-gardens at Theobalds, the seat of Lord Burleigh, were a unique, according to the report of Lyson. In it were nine knots exqui- sitely made, one of which was set forth in like- ness of the king’s arms. ‘‘ One might walk two myle in the walks before he came to an end.” Queen Elizabeth was extremely fond of flowers, and her taste ever influenced that of her court. Gilliflowers, carnations, tulips, Provence and musk roses, were brought to England in her reign. William III. loved a pleasaunce or pleasure- garden; but he introduced the Dutch fashion of laying them out, which is still horrible in our eyes. His Queen superintended in person all her arrangements in the flower-garden,—an amuse- ment particularly delightful to her. In those B 2 4 INTRODUCTION. days, “ knottes and mazes”’ were no longer the pride of a parterre, with a due allowance of ‘* pleasant and fair fishponds.” Queen Anne remodelled the gardens at Ken- sington, and did away with the Dutch inventions. Hampton Court was also laid out in a more per- fect state in her reign, under the direction of Wise. Since that period, flower-gardening has pro- gressed rapidly; and the amusement of floricul- ture has become the dominant passion of the ladies of Great Britain. It is a passion most blessed in its effects, considered as an amusement or a benefit. Nothing humanizes and adorns the female mind more surely than a taste for orna- mental gardening. - It compels the reason to act, and the judgment to observe; it is favourable to meditation of the most serious kind; it exercises the fancy in harmless and elegant occupation, and braces the system by its healthful tendency. A ficwer-garden, to the young and single of my sex, acts upon the heart and affections as a nursery acts upon the matronly feelings. It attaches them to their home; it throws a powerful charm over the spot dedicated to such deeply-interesting em- ployment; .and it lures them from dwelling too deeply upon the unavoidable disappointments and trials of life, which sooner or later disturb and dis- quiet the heart. An amusement which kings and princes have stamped with dignity, and which has afforded them recreation under the toils of government, must-become for ever venerated, and will be sought INTRODUCTION, Oo for by every elegant as well as by every scientific mind. Floriculture ranges itself under the head of female accomplishments i in these our days; and we turn with pity from the spirit which will not find in her “ garden of roses” the simplest and purest of pleasures. CHAPTER I. GENERAL REMARKS. In the laying out of a garden, the soil and situa- | tion must be considered as much as the nature of | i! the ground will admit. Let no lady, however, pH despair of being able to raise fine flowers upon any soil, providing the sun is not too much ex- cluded, for the rays of the sun are the vital prin- ciple of existence to all vegetation. The too powerful rays can be warded off by the arts of in- vention, but we have yet no substitute for that glorious orb. Unless its warm and forcing influ- ence is allowed to extend over the surface of the garden, all flowers wither, languish, and die. Sun and air are the lungs and heart of flowers. A lady will be rewarded for her trouble in making her parterre in the country; but in large towns, under the influence of coal smoke, shade, and gloom, her lot will be constant disappointment. She can only hope to keep a few consumptive geraniums languishing through the summer months, to die in October, and show the desolating view of rows of pots containing blackened and dusty stems. Many soils which are harsh or arid, are suscep- tible of improvement by a little pains. Thus, a IMPROVEMENT OF SOILS. 7 stiff clay, by digging well and leaving it to become pulverized by the action of the frost, and then mixing plenty of ashes with it, becomes a fine mould, which I have ever found most excellent for all flowers of the hardier kind. The black soil is the richest in itself, and requires no as- sistance beyond changing it about a foot in depth every three years, as a flower garden requires renewing, if a lady expects a succession of hand- some flowers. The ground should be well dug the latter end of September or October, or even in November, and if the soil is not sufficiently fine, let it be dug over a second or third time, and neatly raked with a very fine-toothed rake. Stony ground requires riddling well, and great care must be taken to keep it neat by picking up the little stones which constantly force themselves to the surface after rains. Nothing is so unbe- coming as weeds and stones in parterres, where the eye seeks flowers and neatness. Almost every plant loves sand; and if that can be procured, it enriches and nourishes the soil, especially for bulbs, pinks, carnations, auri- culas, hyacinths, &c. Let it be mixed in the pro- portion of a third part to the whole. If dead leaves are swept into a mound every autumn, and the soap suds, brine, &c. of the house be thrown upon it, the mass will quickly decompose, and become available the following year. It makes an admirable compost for auri- culas, &c., mixed with garden or other mould. If the ground be a gravelly soil, the flower- garden should not slope, for stony ground re- ASPECT FOR FLOWERS. quires all the moisture you can give it, while the sloping situation would increase the heat and dry- ness. A moist earth, on the contrary, would be improved by being sloped towards the east or west, The south is not so proper for flowers, as a glaring sun withers the tender flowers; but the north must be carefully avoided, and shut out by a laurel hedge, a wall, or any rural fence garnished with hardy creepers, or monthly roses, which make a gay and agreeable defence. Monthly roses are invaluable as auxiliaries of all kinds. ‘They will grow in any soil, and bloom through the winter months, always giving a delicate fragrance, and smiling even in the snow. Monthly roses will ever be the florist’s delight: they are the hardiest, most delicate-looking, and greenest-leaved of gar- den productions; they give no trouble, and speedily form a beautiful screen against any offensive ob- ject. No flower garden should exist without abun- dance of monthly roses. It has often been a disputed point whether flower gardens should be intersected with gravel walks or with grass plots. ‘This must be left entirely to the taste and means of the party forming a garden. Lawn is as wet and melancholy in the winter months, as it is beautiful and desirable in summer; and it requires great care and attention in mow- ing and rolling, and trimming round the border. Gravel walks have this advantage: the first trou- ple is the last. They will only require an old woman’s or a child’s assistance in keeping them ree from weeds; and a lady has not the same RUSTIC STAGES. 9 fears of taking cold, or getting wet in her feet, during the rains of autumn and spring. Many females are unequal to the fatigue of bending down to flowers, and particularly object to the stooping posture. In this case, ingenuity alone is required to raise the flowers to a conve- nient height; and, by so doing, to increase the beauty and picturesque appearance of the garden. Old barrels cut in half, tubs, pails, &c., neatly painted outside, or adorned with rural ornaments, and raised upon feet neatly carved, or mounds of earth, stand in lieu of richer materials, such as vases, parapet walls, and other expensive devices, which ornament the gardens of the wealthy. I have seen these humble materials shaped into forms as pleasing to the eye, and even more con- sonant to our damp climate, than marble vases. They never look green from time, and are renewed at a very trifling expense. A few pounds of nails and the unbarked thinnings from fir plantations, are the sole requisites towards forming any device which a tasteful fancy can dictate; and a little green paint adds beauty and durability when the bark falls from the wood it protects. I have seen fir balls nailed on to these forms in tasteful pat- terns; and creepers being allowed to fall gracefully over the brims, give a remarkably pleasing and varied appearance to the parterre. LADIES’ GARDEN TOOLS Where mould is not easily to be procured—as, for instance, in towns—the tubs or receptacles may be half filled with any kind of rubble, only space must be left to allow of two feet of fine mould at the top, which is quite sufficient for bulbous roots, creepers, &c. These receptacles have one powerful advantage over ground plots: they can be moved under sheds, or into out- houses, during the heavy rains or frosts of winter; and thereby enable a lady to preserve the more delicate flowers, which would deteriorate by con- stant exposure to inclement weather. A lady requires peculiar tools for her light work, She should possess a light spade; two rakes, one with very fine teeth, and the other a size larger, for cleaning the walks when they are raked, and for raking the larger stones from the garden bor- ders. A light garden fork is very necessary to take up bulbous or other roots with, as the spade would wound and injure them, whereas they pass safely through the interstices of the fork or prong. A watering-pot is indispensable, and a hoe. Two trowels are likewise necessary: one should be a tolerable size, to transplant perennial and bien- nial flower roots; the other should be pointed and small, to transplant the more delicate roots of anemones, bulbs, &c. The pruning-knife must be always sharp, and, in shape, it should bend a little inwards, to facili- tate cutting away straggling or dead shoots, branches, &c. ‘The “avroncator,” lately so much in request, is an admirable instrument; but it is expensive, and of most importance in shrubberies, AND WORKING DRESS. I] where heavy branches are to be cut away. The Sieur Louis d’Auxerre, who wrote a work upon gardening in 1706, has a sketch of the avron- cator of the present day, which he designates as caterpillar shears. A light pair of shears, kept always in good order, is necessary to keep privet or laurel hedges properly clipped; anda stout deep basket must be deposited in the tool-shed, to contain the weeds and clippings. ‘These are the only tools abso- lutely essential to a lady’s garden. I have seen a great variety decorating the wall of an amateur tool-house, but they must have been intended for show, not for use. A real artiste, in whatever profession she may engage, will only encumber herself with essentials. All else is superfluous. I have reserved two especially necessary recom- mendations to the last, being comforts independent of the tool-house. Every lady should be furnished with a gardening apron, composed of stout Hol- land, with ample pockets to contain her pruning- knife, a small stout hammer, a ball of string, and a few nails and snippings of cloth. Have nothing to do with scissors: they are excellent in the work- room, but dangerous in a flower garden, as they wrench and wound the stems of flowers. The knife cuts slanting, which is the proper way of taking off slips; and the knife is sufficient for all the purposes of a flower garden, even for cutting string. The second article which I pronounce to be in- dispensable is a pair of Indian rubber shoes, or the wooden high-heeled shoes called ‘‘ sabots” by the 12 INDIA RUBBER SHOES. French. In these protections, a lady may indulge her passion for flowers at all seasons, without risk of rheumatism or chills, providing it does not actually rain or snow; and the cheering influence of the fresh air, combined with a favourite amuse- ment, must ever operate beneficially on the mind and body in every season of the year. CHAPTER II. ON LAYING OUT. THERE are many modes of adorning a small piece of ground, so as contain gay flowers and plants, and appear double its real size. By covering every wall or palisade with monthly roses and creepers of every kind, no space is lost, and unsightly objects even contribute to the general effect of a ‘ Plaisaunce.” The larger flowers, such as hollyhocks, sunflowers, &e., look to the best advantage as a back ground, either planted in clumps, or arranged singly. Scarlet lychnis, campanula, or any second-sized flowers, may range themselves below, and so in graduated order, till the eye reposes upon a foreground of pansies, auriculas, polyanthuses, and innumerable humbler beauties. Thus all are seen in their order, and present a mass of superb colouring to the ob- server, none interfering with the other. The hollyhock does not shroud the lowly pansy from displaying its bright tints of yellow and purple ; neither can the sturdy and gaudy sunflower hide the modest double violet or smartly clad anemone from observation. Each flower is by this mode of planting distinctly seen, and each contributes 14 ARRANGING THE FLOWERS. its beauty and its scent, by receiving the beams of the sun in equal proportions. If the trunk of a tree stands tolerably free from deep overshadowing branches, twine the creeping rose, the late honeysuckle, or the everlasting pea round its stem, that every inch of ground may become available. The tall naked stem of the young ash looks well festooned with roses and honeysuckles. Wherever creeping flowering plants can live, let them adorn every nook and corner, stem, wall, and post: they are elegant in appear- ance, and many of them, particularly clematis, are delicious in fragrant scent. If flowers are planted in round or square plots, the same rule applies in arranging them. The tall- est must be placed in the centre, but I recommend a lady to banish sunflowers and hollyhocks from her plots, and consign them to broad borders against a wall, or in clumps of three and three, as a screen against the north, or against any unsightly object. Their large roots draw so much nourishment from the ground, that the lesser plants suffer, and the soil becomes quickly exhausted. Like gluttons, they should feed alone, or their companions will languish in starvation, and become impoverished, The wren cannot feed with the vulture. The south end or corner of a moderate flower garden should be fixed upon for the erection of a root house, which is not an expensive under- taking, and which forms a picturesque as well as a most useful appendage to a lady’s parterre. Thinnings of plantations, which are every where procured at a very moderate charge, rudely shaped THE ROOT HOUSE. 15 and nailed into any fancied form, may supply all that is needful to the little inclosure; and a thatch of straw, rushes, or heather, will prove a sure de- fence to the roof and back. There, a lady may display her taste by the beauty of the flowers which she may train through the rural frame-work. There, the moss-rose, the jessamine, the honey- suckle, the convolvulus, and many other bright and beautiful flowers, may escape and cluster around her, as she receives rest and shelter within their graceful lattice-work. There, also, may be de- posited the implements of her vocation ; and during the severe weather, its warm precincts will protect the finer kinds of carnations, pinks, auriculas, &c., which do not bear the heavy rains, or frost of lengthened duration, without injuring the plant. Flowers are divided into three classes: —annuals, biennials, and perennials. Annuals are those flowers which are raised from seeds alone, in the spring, and which die in the autumn. They are again divided into three classes; the tender and more curious kinds; the less tender or hardier kinds; and the hardiest and common kinds, Biennials are those flowers which are produced by seed, bloom the second year, and remain two years in perfection: after which they gradually dwindle and die away. Some sorts, however, of the biennials, afford a continuation of plants by offsets, slips, and cuttings of the tops, and by layers and pipings, so that, though the parent flower dies, the species are per- petuated, particularly to continue curious double- PLANTING BEDS. flowered kinds, as for instance, double rockets, by root offsets, and cuttings of the young flower- stalks; double wallflowers by slips of the small top shoots; double sweet-williams by layers and pipings; and carnations by layers. Perennials are those flowers which continue many years, and are propagated by root offsets, suckers, parting roots, &c., as will be more fully particularised under the head of Perennials. It has been a debated point among florists whether plots or baskets should be devoted each to a particular variety of flower, or receive flowers of different kinds, flowering at separate seasons. Thus, many ladies set apart one plot of ground for anemones only—another plot receives only pan- sies, and so on. There is much to be said on both sides the question. If a plot of ground is devoted to one variety of flower only, you can give it the appropriate mould, and amuse your eye with its expanse of bright colouring. Nothing is more beautiful than a bed of pansies, or a bed of the bright and glowing scarlet verbina; nothing can exceed the gay and flaunty tints of a bed of tulips, or the rich hues of the lilac and the white petunia. A large space of garden allows its possessor to revel in separate beds of flowers, whose beauty is increased two-, fold by masses ; and from that very space, the eye does not so easily discover the melancholy appear- ance of one or more plots exhibiting nothing but dark mould, and withered stems, arising from the earlier sorts being out of bloom. But in less spacious gardens, this gloomy and AMELIORATION OF SOILS, 17 mournful vacuum must be avoided. Every border and plot of ground should exhibit a gay succession of flowers in bloom; and that object can only be effected by a pretty equal distribution of flowers of early and late growth. As the May flowers droop, the June productions supply their place ; and these, again, are followed in succession, till the Golden rod and Michaelmas daisy announce the decadence of the parterre for the year. Yet every flower may be supplied with its fa- vourite soil with a little patience and observation, A light soil suits all descriptions very well; and I never yet found disappointment in any description of earth which was thoroughly well dug, and dressed yearly from the mound of accumulated leaves and soap-suds, alluded to in the first chap- ter. I particularly recommend a portion of sand mixed with the heap. All bulbs, carnations, pinks, auriculas, ranunculuses, &c., love a mixture of sand. I know no flowers of the hardy class which reject it. Mix sand well into your borders and plots, and you will not fail to have handsome flowers. I subjoin a list of common flowers appertaining to each month, in order to fill the borders with one or more roots of each variety. I do not in- clude the annuals. JANUARY. In this month the following flowers are in blow :—~ Single Anemones Primroses Winter Cyclamens Winter Hyacinth Michaelmas Daisy Narcissus of the East Hepaticas Christmas Rose Cc MONTHLY LIST FEBRUARY. Single Anemones Single yellow Gilliflower Forward Anemones Single Liverwort Persian Iris Winter Aconite Spring Crocus Hepaticas MARCH. Bulbous Iris Jonquils Anemones of all sorts Yellow Gilliflower Spring Cyclamens Narcissus of several kinds Liverwort of all sorts Forward Bears’-ears Daffodils Forward Tulips Crowfoots Single Primroses of divers Spring Crocus colours : Hyacinths of all sorts APRIL. Daisies Double Liverworts Yellow Gilliflowers Primroses Narcissus of all sorts Honeysuckles Forward Bears’-ear Tulips Spring Cyclamens Hyacinths Crocus, otherwise called | Single Jonquils Saffron-flowers Crown-Imperial Anemones of all sorts Yellow Gilliflowers, double Iris and single Pansies Pasque-Flowers Daffodils March Violets MAY. Anemones Double Jacea, a sort of Lych- Gilliflowers of all sorts Pansies [nis Yellow Gilliflowers Peonies of all sorts Columbines Ranunculuses of all sorts Asphodils Some Irises : as those which Orange, or flame-coloured we call the Bulbous Irie, Lilies and the Chame-Iris OF Cyanuses of all sorts Hyacinths Day Lilies Bastard Dittany Daisies Lily of the Valley Mountain Pinks PERENNIALS. 19 Italian Spiderwort, a sort of Asphodil Poet’s Pinks Backward Tulips Julians, otherwise called English Gilliflowers JUNE. Snap-dragons of all sorts Wild Tansies Pinks, otherwise called Lych- Climbers Cyanuses of all sorts Foxgloves of all sorts Trises [nises | Mountain Lilies Roses Gilliflowers of all sorts Tuberoses Monks’-hoods Pansies Pinks of all sorts Larkspur Candy-tufts Great Daisies Poppies JULY. Jessamine Pinks of the Poets Spanish Broom Bee-flowers Basils Sea-hollies Bell-flowers Indian Jacea Great Daisies Monks’-hoods Pinks Scabiuses Nigellas Cyclamens Lobel’s Catch-flies Lilies of all sorts Apples of Love Comfrey Poppies Snap-dragons Double Marigolds Amaranthuses i Foxgloves Wild Poppies Everlastings Roses Dittanies Bindweeds Lilies of St. Brune Tricolours Squills Motherworts Climbers Oculus Christi Camomile Sunflowers Belvederes Gilliflowers of all sorts 20 Oculus Christi, otherwise called Starwort Belvederes Climbers of all sorts Apples of Love Marvels of Peru Pansies Ranunculuses Double Marigolds Candy-tufts Autumn Cyclamens Leve-apples Marvel of Peru Monks’: hood Narcissus of Portugal Snap-dragons Oculns Christi Basils 3elvederes Great Daisies Double Marigolds Monthly Roses Tuberoses Tricolours Oculus Christi Snap-dragons MONTHLY LIST. Hellebore Thorn-apple Ox-eyes Valerian AUGUST. Indian Narcissus Foxgloves Cyclamens Passion-flowers Everlastings Tuberoses Monks’-hood Indian Pinks of all the kinds Bindweed Passvelours Great Daisies Jessamines White Bell-flower Sunflowers, vivacious and | Autumnal Meadow Saffron annual Gilliflowers SEPTEMBER. Tricolours Amaryllis Autumnal Narcissus White Bell-flowers Indian Pinks Indian Roses Amaranthus Pansies Passion-flower Autumnal Crocus Thorn-apple Carnations Ranunculuses planted in May Colchicums OCTOBER. Pansies that were sown in August Passion-flower RABBITS A NUISANCE. 21 Colchicums Passyelours Autumn Crocus Double Marigolds Autumnal Cyclamens Some Pinks Monks’-hood Amaryllis Indian Pinks Autumnal Narcissus NOVEMBER. Snap-dragons Double Violets Double and Single Gilli- | Single Anemones of all sorts flowers ; Winter @yclamens Great Daisies Forward Hellebore Pansies sown in August Golden Rod Monthly Roses Rabbits are an intolerable nuisance in a flower garden, and in some country places they abound most destructively. - A light wire fence about two feet high, closely lattice-worked, or a net of the same height, carried round the garden, is a sure defence from these marauders. But where these conveniences are unattainable, there are other modes which answer the purpose, but they require a little trouble and patience. It is the well-known nature of Rabbits and Hares to dislike climbing or entangling their feet; and very simple inventions deter them from at- tempting to gnaw the roots and hearts of flowers. They will not walk upon straw or ashes strewed thickly round any plant: they equally dislike a fence of sticks placed round a plot, with bits of white paper or card fastened to each stick; or a string carried round the sticks a foot or two high. If they cannot creepundera slight fence, they never attempt to leap over it. Ifa stick is run into the ¢ tw 2 SNAILS AND EARWIGS. ground close to a plant, and other sticks are slanted from the ground towards that centre, the plant will remain untouched, be the frost of ever so long duration. Snails are disagreeable intruders, but the fol- lowing method is an exterminating war of short duration :— Throw cabbage leaves upon your borders over night ; in the morning, early, you will find them covered underneath with snails, which have taken refuge there. Thus they are easily taken and destroyed. Earwigs are taken in numbers by hanging gallipots, tubes, or any such receptacle, upon low sticks in the borders over night. In these they shelter themselves, and are consequently victimized in the morning. The gallipots, broken bottles, &c. should be placed upon the stick like a man’s hat, that the vermin may ascend into them. Ants are very great enemies to flowers; but I know no method of attacking them, except in their own strongholds, which I have always done with cruel intrepidity and success. My only plan was to lay open the little ant-hill, and pour boiling water upon the busy insects, which des- troyed at once the commonwealth, and the eggs deposited within the mound. In some places ants are extremely large and abundant, and they quickly destroy the beauty of a flower by attack- ing its root and heart.* * The Emperor Pagonatus, who wrote a treatise upon agriculture, assures us, that to clear a garden of ants, we MILDEW AND. BLIGHT. 23 Mildew and blight infest roses and honey- suckles. Soap-suds thrown over rose bushes ; heavy waterings with tobacco-water, or the water in which potatoes have been boiled, is successful in a degree, but the best way is a very troublesome one to persevere in. Pinch every leaf well which curls up, by which you may know a small maggot is deposited therein. By so doing you destroy the germ of a thousand little monsters. Mildew and blight come from the east ; there- fore honeysuckles should be sheltered from that aspect; for, as they rise and spread widely, they are not so manageable as a rose-bush. A mass of luxuriant honeysuckles is beautiful to the eye and delicious in fragrance: but covered with mildew, it is a blackened and miserable object. Mildew, fortunately, does not make its appearance every spring; but once in four or five years it comes as a plague, to desolate the garden. A great deal may be raked away if taken off as soon as it spreads its cobweb over these lovely flowers ; but it should be done without delay. I cannot lay too great stress upon the neatness in which a lady’s garden should be kept. If it is not beautifuily neat, it is nothing. For this reason, keep every plant distinct in the flower- beds ; let every tall flower be well staked, that the wind may not blow it prostrate ; rake away dead leaves from the beds, and trim every flower-root from discoloured leaves, weeds, &c.; remove all should burn empty snail shells with storax wood, and throw the ashes upon the ant-hills, which obliges them to remove. I never tried this method. 24 DEFINITION OF TERMS. weeds and stones tne moment they appear, and clear away decaying stems, which are so littering and offensive to the eye. There is always some employment of this kind for every week in the year. Old iron :ods, both large and small, are to be procured cheap at the ironmongers. These old rusty rods, painted green, or lead colour, are ex- cellent stakes for supporting flowers, and do not wear out. The slighter rods are very firm upright supporters fr Carnations, Pinks, &c., while the taller and hrger rods are the firmest and best poles for hdlyhocks, sunflowers, and the larger class of plarts. Fix the flower stem to its stake with string, or the tape of the bass matting, soaked in water to prevent its cracking, and tie it suffi- ciently tight to prevent the wind tearing it from its position. ‘Tie the large stems in three places for security. The term Deciduous, applied to shruos, sig- nifies that they shed their leaves every winter. Herbaceows plants, signify those plants whose roots are not woody, such as stocks, wallflowers, &c. &e. Fibrous-rooted plants, are those whose roots shoot out small fibres, such as Polyanthuses, vio- lets, &c. Tuberous-rooted plants, signify those roots which form and grew into little tubes, such as Anemones, Ranunculustes, &c. eo 25 PERENNIALS. Perennials are flowers of many years duration ; and they multiply themselves most abundantly by suckers, offsets, parting the roots,&c. They require little trouble beyond taking cae to renew the soil every year or two by a somevhat plenti- ful supply from the compost heap; aid by sepa- rating the offsets, and parting the rootsin autumn, to strengthen the mother plant. Whenthe flowers are past and the stems have decaye(, then the operation may take place. Choose a showery day for transplanting the roots, or give them a moderate watering to fix them in their fesh places. When you transplant a flower root, dig a hole with your trowel sufficiently large b give the fibres room to lay freely and evenly in ‘he ground. I have, throughout my little work laid great stress upon possessing a heap of compost, ready to apply to roots and shrubs every spring and autumn. Wherever the soil is good the flowers will bloom handsomely ; and no lady vill be dis- appointed of that pleasure, if a conpost heap forms one essential, in a hidden comer of the flower garden. If you raise your perennials from seed, sow it in the last week in Mardh in a bed of light earth, in the open ground. Jet the bed be in a genial, warm situation, and diride it into small compartments ; a compartment fir each sort of seed. Sow the seed thin,—and rake or breik the earth over them finely. Let the larger sed be sown 26 CARNATIONS AND PINKS. half an inch deep, and the smaller seed a quarter of an inch. Water the beds in dry weather often with a watering pot, not a jug. The rose of the watering pot distributes the water equally among the seedlings ; whereas, water dashed upon them from a jug falls in masses, and forms holes in the light earth, besides prostrating the delicate seedling. About the end of May, the seedlings will be fit to remove into another nursery bed, to gain strength till October ; or be planted at once where they are to remain. Put the plants six inches apart, and water them moderately, to settle the earth about their roots. But it is rarely required to sow seed for peren- nial plants,—they multiply so vigorously and quick- ly of themselves, by offsets; and cuttings may be made of the flower stalks in May and June in profusion. The double Scarlet lychnis, and those plants which rise with firm flower stems, make excellent cuttings, and grow freely when planted in moist weather. Double Rockets, Lychnidea, and many others, succeed well. Carnation and pink seedlings must be taken great care of. They will be ready to plant out about the middle of June, and as innumerable varieties spring from sowing seed, they should be planted carefully in a bed by themselves six inches asunder, and they will flower the following year, when you can choose the colours you most ap- prove. Carnations properly rank under the head of biennials; but pinks are strictly perennial plants, QUALITIES OF PINKS. 27 and much has been written upon this hardy and beautiful flower. It comes originally from a tem- perate climate, therefore the pink loves shade: the fervid sunbeams cause its flowers to languish and droop. You may give them an eastern aspect. Be careful to watch pinks when they are budding, and do not allow two buds to grow side by side. Pinch off the smaller bud, which would only weaken its companion. Keep the plants free from decayed leaves, and gently stir the earth round them occa- sionally with your small trowel. This operation refreshes them. Stake them neatly, that they may not fall prostrate after rain. If you wish to preserve any particular pink, let it grow in a pot, or upon a raised platform, that it may be placed beyond the reach of hares, rabbits, or poultry, and be more easily sheltered from long and severe frost or rains in winter, and from the dry heats in summer, either of which destroys the beauty of the flower. The pots can be sunk in the ground in fine weather. Do not hide your pinks among larger flowers: let them be distinctly seen. If you water pinks too much, their roots become rotten ; and if you suffer them to be too dry, they become diseased. Beware of extremes. The best rule is to keep them just moist. A fine pink should not have sharp-pointed flower leaves ; they should be round and even at their edges, and the colours should be well defined, not running one into the other. The flower should be large ; it should possess a great many leaves, and form a sort of dome. Piping and slipping, is the most SPRING FLOWERS. expeditious mode of propagating plants from any selected pink. Pansies, violets, &c. are very easily propagated by parting the roots when the flowers are past. Pansies are very beautiful flowers; and cuttings of their young shoots will grow very freely if kept moist and shaded for some little time. By re- freshing the soil every year, you insure large flowers. Pansies and violets bloom early in the spring. Hepaticas must be parted like violets. They appear so very early in the year that no garden should exist without these gay and modest flowers. The leaves appear after the flower has past away. The Polyanthus blooms among the early tribe. In planting this flower, be careful to insert the roots deep in the soil, so that the leaves may rest upon it, for the roots are produced high upon the stem, and those roots must be enabled to shoot into the soil. The polyanthus, like almost every other flower, loves a good soil, with a mixture of sand. In dividing these fibrous-rooted perennial plants, take only the strong offsets, with plenty of fibres attached to them. Polyanthusas, auriculas, double daisies, double camomile, London pride, violets, hepaticas, thrift, primroses, gentianella, &c., succeed well, taken up and divided in September, for they will all have done flowering by that time. Indeed, all peren- nial fibrous-rooted plants may be taken up in AND FIBROUS ROOTS. 29 October to have their roots parted, and the soil refreshed round them. Peonies, and all knob-rooted plants, should be taken up in October to part their roots and trans- plant them to their intended positions. The saxifrage has very small roots, which are apt to be lost in borders if not very carefully looked after. Like the anemone, &c., sift the earth well for them. Dahlias require a word or two upon their cul- ture. They love sand, therefore allow them plenty of it, but do not put manure to their roots, which throws them into luxuriant leaf and stem, to the deterioration of the flower. Peat mould is good, if you can obtain it, to mix with the sand, as it assists the flower in developing stripes and spots. Train each plant upright, upon one stem only, and give it a strong stake to support its weight, which soon succumbs under gusts of wind. Plant them in open and airy places. When the stems become black, take them up,—separate the roots, and plunge them into a box of ashes, barley chaff, or sand, to protect them through the winter. Plant them out in May. Dahlias grow from cuttings, which require care and a hot-bed to do well, but they multiply them- selves very sufficiently without that trouble. It is a great perfection to see every tall plant in a flower-garden well staked, and trimmed from dead straggling shoots. Let no branches trail upon the border, but, as in the case of Chrysan- themums, cut away the lowest branches or shoots, that each plant may stand erect and neat in its HARDY PERENNIALS. order, without intermeddling in its neighbour's concerns. There will be plenty of employment all through the summer in watching the growth of your plants, in cutting away decayed stems, and trimming off dead leaves. Let nothing re- main in the flower’s way after the brightness of its bloom has past by: cut off the drooping flower before it runs to seed, which only tends to weaken the other flowers, and leave only the finest flower to produce seed on each plant. Perennials grow remarkably fine always in newly turned-up ground, but they gradually degenerate if they are allowed to remain above two years without replacing the substance they have ex- hausted in the soil. Add every year to that sub- stance, by liberal supplies from the compost heap. Be careful to multiply your supply of jasmines, honeysuckles, &c., by cuttings in their due season. I subjoin a list of the hardier sorts of fibrous rooted Perennials, eligible to adorn a garden, from which my readers may stock their borders. At the end of my work, however, I shall add a long list of plants alphabetically arranged. LIST OF HARDY PERENNIALS. Aster, or Starwort Dwarf narrow - leaved Large blue Alpine Starwort Common Starwort, or Midsummer Starwort Michaelmas Daisy Autumnal White Star- Early Pyrenean wort, with broad leaves Blue Italian Starwort Tripolian Starwort Catesby’s Starwort Divaricated-branched HARDY PERENNIALS. 31 Virginian Starwort, with | spiked blue flowers Early blue Starwort Rose Starwort Latest Starwort, large blue flowers New England Starwort Red flowering Apocynum, Dogsbane Red-flowering Orange-coloured Syrian Arum, Italian large-veined leaf Asclepias, Swallow-wort White Yellow Astragalus, Milk-vetch Alysson, White Yellow Violet Borage, the Eastern Bachelor’s Button Double red Double white Double ragged Robin Campanula, or Bell-flower Double blue Double white Double blue, and white nettle-leaved Caltha, double-flowered Marigold Cassia of Maryland Pinks, double pheasant’s eye Dobson ' Deptford Cob white Red cob White stock Damask Mountain Matted Old man’s head Painted lady Clove pink, and many other varieties Stock July-flower, the Brompton Double Scarlet Bromp- ton Single scarlet Purple White Brompton Queen stock Purple double Striped double Single of each sort Twickenham stock Lichnidea, early blue Spotted-stalked, with pur- ple spikes of flowers Virginia, with large um- bels Low trailing purple Carolina, with stiff shin- ing leaves, and deeper purple flowers Cyanus, broad-leayed Narrow-leaved Lychnis, or Campion Single scarlet lychnis Double scarlet lychnis Catchfly, double flowers | Hepaticas, single white Single blue Single red Double red Double blue Lineria, toad flax Purple Yellow Bee Larkspur Fraxinella, white Red Gentiania, great yellow Gentianella, blue Globularia, blue daisy Fox-glove, red White Tron-coloured Perennial Sun-flower Double yellow, and several other species. Cyclamen, red. White Goldy Locks Chelone, white Red Lily of the Valley, common | Double-flowering Solomon’s Seal, single Double Filapendula, or Dropwort Columbines, common blue Double red Double white Double striped Starry, double and single Early-flowering Canada Thalictrum, feathered col- umbines Pulsatilla, blue flower Orobus, bitter vetch Sawifrage, double white Thick leaved Purple Pasque HARDY PERENNIALS. Veronica, upright blue Dwarf blue Hungarian Blush Golden Rod, many species Valerian, red garden Vale- rian White garden Rudbekia, American sun flower Dwarf Virginia, with large yellow flowers Dwarf Carolina, with nar- rowred reflexed petals, and purple florets Virginia, with yellow rays and red florets Tall yellow, with purple stalks, and heart-shap- ed leaves Taller, with yellow flowers and large five - Ilcbed leaves, and those on the stalks single Tallest yellow, with nar- rower leaves, which are all of five lobes Pulmonaria, Lungwort Common American Monarda, purple Scarlet Ephemeron, Spider-wort, or flowers of a day White Blue Jacea, American knapweed Primrose, double yellow Double scarlet White Polyanthus, many varieties HARDY PERENNIALS. Auriculas, many varieties Violets, double blue Double white Double red Russian Banksia Violet the major London-pride, or None-so- pretty Day-lily, red Yellow Fumitory, the yellow White Bulbous-rooted American forked Aconite, Monk’s-hood, or |} Wolf’s-bane Blue monk’s-hood Yellow | White | Wholesome wolf’s-bane_ | Winter Aconite Hellebore, or Bear’s foot Common black hellebore Green-flowered White Hellebore Christmas Rose | Geranium, Crane’s-hill Bloody crane’s-bill Blue Roman Bladder-cupped Daisies, common double red garden daisy White Double variegated Cock’s - comb white and red Hen and chicken, white | daisies, and red Dahlias, many varieties Peony, double red Double white Double purple Male, with large single flowers Sweet smelling Portugal Double rose-coloured Silphium, bastard Chrysan- themum Iris, Fleur-de-lis, or flags The German violet loured Variegated, or Hungarian, purple and yellow Chalcedonian iris Greater Dalmatian iris There are several other varieties of Irises, all very hardy and very beautiful plants. Cardinal Flowers, scarlet Blue Rocket, double white Balm of Gilead, sweet-scent- ed; must be sheltered in winter. Everlasting Pea ELupatorium, several varieties Eryngo, blue co- White Mountain, purple and violet There are some other varieties. Snap Dragon, or Calf’s snout Red White Variegated Moth Mullein D appearance. propagated, by dividing the roots, HARDY PERENNIALS, Angelica Ononis, Rest-har Asphodelus, King’s spear Large yellow-flowered Lupins, peremnial, blue-flow- Tradescantia, or Virginia ered spiderwort offsets, which the roots produce abundantly. Take the offsets and plant them out in August. double white saxifrage is a beautiful flower, and a blooms early in the spring. The pyramidal saxi- i frage is a very handsome decorative flower, but it i must be planted in little clumps to make a showy i The Saxifrage is propagated by cuttings and { October is the busy month for transplanting and removing the offsets of all perennial and biennial plants. In this month every flower of i summer has passed away, and the garden is free | to receive all new arrangements in its future dis- positions. Golden rod, Michaelmas daisies, ever- lasting sun-flower, and other branching plants, will require taking up every four years, to part the main root into separate plants, and replace them \ in the ground again. Peonies, lilies of the valley, a | fraxinellas, monk’s-hood, flag-leaved irises, &c., j must be increased or removed when required. | Aa All this is most effectually done in October. | } In the same month, finish all that is to be effected } among the perennial tribe. Campanulas, i nises, polyanthuses, violets, aconites, cyclamens, i gentianella, yellow gentian, double daisies, hepa- ; ticas, saxifrage, &c., must be attended to, and before October closes. November is the season of fogs and HARDY PERENNIALS, 35 severe frosts: if a lady is prudent, she will per- form all these needful operations in Oztober, and November will have no alarms for her. All the double-flowering plants, such as double sweet-william, double rockets, double scarlet lychnis, &c., should be placed in shellered situa- tions in October, to weather out the storms of winter.. Double flowers are very handsome, and deserve a little care. - The most charming little perennial flower which can adorn a lady’s garden is the scarlet verbena, but it is very difficult to preseive through the winter. Its beauty, however, -epays the care which may be bestowed upon it. This tender plant —the only really tender root which I admit into my work—is not only desrable from its fine, full scarlet blossoms, but it blooms from April to November. The scarlet verbena loves a rich, light, dry border or bed, in a sunny situa- tion; they delight also in rock-work, vhere they have been known to exist through the winter. Plant the roots about six inches apart in the mid- dle of April, and keep pegging down the shoots as they throw themselves along the bec. A pro- fusion of flowers and plants are produced by this means. A bed or border sloping to the south is the best situation for the scarlet verbena. CHAPTER III. BULBS AND TUBEROUS-ROOTED FLOWERS— PERENNIALS, I suauyi give the bulbous and tuberous-rooted flowers a chapter to themselves. They are the earliest treasures of the flower-garden, and de- serve especial notice. There was a period when two hundred pounds was offered for a hyacinth root, and even the enormous sum of six hundred pounds was given for a Semper Augustus tulip, by the Dutch tulip fanciers. But though a few florists are still particularly nice with respect to their bulbs, the time is past for paying such splendid prices; and such an inexhaustible variety offer themselves to our notice now, that we are somewhat puzzled in making a choice collection. Seed produces immense numbers yearly, and an infinite variety of new colours in each species. The florist is lost in admiration of the magnificent blooms which meet the eye in every flower-garden which is carefully attended to. Bulbs love a mixture of garden soil and sand, well mixed, and dug about two spades deep to lighten it. Break the mould fine, and rake the surface even. Plant the bulbs four inches deep, TRANSPLANTING BULBS. 37 and let them be six inches apart, placing the bulb with care into the dibbled hole, and pressing the earth gently round each. All bulbs should be replanted in September, and iaken out of the ground when they have done flowering. When the leaves and stems decay, dig them neatly up, in dry weather, with your garden fork; take the offsets carefully from the main root ; spread them out to dry on a mat, and put them in a cool dry place to plant again in September. The common bulbs, such as Snowdrops, Crocuses, &c., may be left two or three years untouched ; but at the end of that period take them up, to separate the offsets and small roots from the mother plants. You can replant them immedi- ately, taking care to thin the clumps, and sepa- rate each root six inches from its neighbour, that they may rise healthy, and throw out fine blooms. Narcissuses, Jonquils, and Irises, may also re- main two years untouched ; but if annually taken up, they will flower finer, and for these reasons. By taking up your bulbs as soon as their leaves and stems decay, it not only allows you to sepa- rate the offsets, which weaken the parent bulb, but it prevents their receiving any damage from long drought, or the equally destructive moisture of heavy rains, which would set them growing again before their time, and exhaust them. The two or three months in which they are laid by contributes to their strength, by allowing them that period of complete rest. The autumn-flowering bulbs, such as the Col- SS = eis ince nog PROPAGATION OF chicums, the Autumnal Crocus, the yellow Autumnal Narcissus, &c., should be taken up in May or early in June, when they are at rest. Transplant them now, if you wish to remove them; part the offsets, and plant them six inches apart. If you keep them out of the ground, put them in a dry, shady place, till the middle of July or Au- gust, when you must plant them again, to blow in the autumn. Be careful to take up bulbs as soon as the leaves decay. If they are incautiously left in the ground beyond that period, they begin to form the bud for the next year’s flowers; and the check of a removal would injure them. They might produce flowers in due time, but they would be weakly. The little offsets will not flower for a year or two. They may be consigned to a nursery-bed to remain for that time, in order to swell and strengthen by themselves. If you wish to procure new varieties from seed, it must be sownin August. The healthiest flower- stalks should be chosen, and deposited im pots or boxes of fine light earth, for the convenience of re- moving under shelter in wet or frost. Keep the pots or boxes in the shade during the heats, but, as the cold weather advances, remove them to a warm sheltered spot. Litter will shelter them from the frost, if you cannot command any other covering. The plants will appear early the following May: they must be kept very clear from weeds, and be moderately watered in dry weather. ‘These seedlings must be transplanted every summer to BULBOUS PLANTS. 39 be thinned, and placed farther apart from each other, till they blow, when they may be removed into the flower-beds. This method is troublesome, and requires pa- tience. Tulip seedlings are seven years before they flower, and a lady may find her patience severely tried in waiting for their blooms. Seven years is a large portion of human life. If you can perse- vere, however, you will be rewarded by beautiful varieties of new colours and stripes. Fine tulips should have six leaves, three on the outside and three on the inside, and the former should be broader than the latter. .The stripes upon the tulip should also be defined and distinct, not mixing with the ground tints. Hyacinth seedlings are four years before they flower: this is not so harassing a period as the Tulip requires ; but every pleasure has its counter- balance. If you will have fine flowers, you must wait for them. These bulbs love a sunny situa- ation. The Orchis tribe prefer a moist ground and a northern aspect. Columella says, that when orchis bulbs are sown in autumn, they germinate and bear flowers in April. The Colchicums or narcissus are hardy bulbs, and will growin any sort of ground; only, the better the soil is, the finer they will flower. The Guernsey Lily and Belladonna will not thrive in the open ground, therefore it is needless to speak of those very splendid flowers. The Lily of the valley, though scarcely to be classed among the lily tribe, is a beautiful flower, SALT MANURE and as fragrant as it is lovely. They must be multiplied by dividing the roots, which should be parted with a knife, as they are very intricate: do this in December. Plant them three inches deep in the ground, and disturb them as little as you can help, as they do not like to be often moved. They are larger in their flowers when grown in the shade, but they are sweeter in perfume in the sun’s full rays. Thin broad leaves are sufficient shelter to the flowers. All bulbs love salt: be careful, therefore, to throw a portion of common salt or brine upon your com- post heap. My cousin, Cuthbert W. Johnson, Esq., in his “‘ Observations on the Employment of Salt,” quotes a passage in a letter addressed to him by Mr. Thomas Hogg, the eminent florist, upon the advantages of salt in the cultivation of flowers. I will transcribe it here :— “ From the few experiments that I have tried with salt as a garden manure, I am fully prepared to bear testimony to its usefulness. In a treatise upon flowers, published about six years since, I remarked, that the application of salt, and its utility as a manure, was yet imperfectly under- stood. Itis a matter of uncertainty, whether it acts di- rectly as a manure, or only as a kind of spice or seasoning, thereby rendering the soil a more palatable food for plants. “The idea that first suggested itself to my mind, arose from contemplating the successful culture of hyacinths in Holland. This root, though not indigenous to the country, may be said to be completely naturalized in the neighbour- hood of Haerlem, where it grows luxuriantly in a deep, sandy, alluvial soil: yet one great cause of its free growth, I considered, was owing to the saline atmosphere : this in- duced me to mix salt in the compost; and I am satisfied that no hyacinths will grow well at a distance from the sea without it. I am also of opinion, that the numerous NECESSARY FOR BULBS. 4\ bulbous tribe of Amaryllisses, especially those from the Cape of Good Hope ; Ixias, Aliums, which include Onions, Garlic, Shalots, &c., Anemonies, various species of the Lily, Antholyza, Colchicum, Crinum, Cyclamens, Narcissus, Iris, Gladiolus, Ranunculus, Scilla, and many others, should either have salt or sea sand in the mould used for them. “T invariably use salt as an ingredient in my compost for carnations ; a plant which, like wheat, requires substan- tial soil, and all the strength and heat of the summer, to bring it to perfection; and I believe I might say, without boasting, that few excel me in blooming that flower.” Colchicums, the Autumnal Narcissus, Amaryllis, and the Autumn Crocus, should be planted in August, to blow in September and October. Replant all the bulbous tribe by the end of October, at the latest. Choose a mild, dry day to put them in the ground, and let each bulb be six or nine inches distant from its companion. All bulbs become weak by being placed too closely together, the soil becoming soon exhausted. Bulbs of the more choice varieties are better attended to if they can be placed in beds or com- partments by themselves; for they are more easily sheltered from frost and rain when in a body. The eye, also, is more delighted by the beautiful variety en masse. Their favourite soil, too, can be composed and preserved for them more ex- clusively, unexhausted by the roots of larger plants around them. Some of the commoner sorts can be planted out in patches, to add to the gay appearance of the borders, among the spring flowers. Martagons, orange lilies, and bulbs, of tall growth, should never be planted among the smaller tribe; their large bulbs would exhaust the soil, 42 and weaken the smaller flowers. BULBOUS AND They look very handsome in borders and plots, placed near, or in, their centre. LIST OF BULBOUS AND TUBEROUS-ROOTED FLOWERS. Amaryllis, comprising the autumnal yellow Nar- cissus Spring ditto Crocus vernus, or spring- flowering crocus Common yellow Large yellow Yellow, with black stripes White White, with blue stripes Blue, with white stripes Deep blue Light blue White, with purple bottom Scotch, or black and white striped Cream-coloured Autumnal flowering Crocus, of the following varie- ties :— True saffron crocus, with bluish flower,and golden stigma, which is the saf- fron Common autumnal crocus, with deep blue flowers With light blue flowers Many-flowered Snowdrop, the small spring flowering Common single Double Leucojum, or great summer snowdrop Great summer snowdrop, with angular stalks: a foot high, and two or three flowers in each sheath Taller great snowdrop, with many flowers Ornithogalum, or Star of Bethlehem Great white pyramidal, with narrow leaves White, with broadsword- shaped leaves spread- ing on the ground Yellow Pyrenean, with whitish- green flowers Star of Naples, with hang- ing flowers Umbellated, producing its flowers in umbels, or spreading bunches, at the top of the stalk Low yellow umbellated Erythronium, dens canis, or dog’s tooth Round-leaved, with red flowers Same, with white flowers TUBEROUS-ROOTED FLOWERS, 43 The same, yellow Long narrow-leaved, with purple and with white flowers Grape hyacinth Purple Blue White Musk hyacinth White Ash-coloured Blue feathered hyacinth Purple Musky, or sweet-scented, with full purple flowers The same, with large pur- ple and yellow flowers Great African Muscaria, with sulphur-coloured flower Fritillaria, chequered tulip Early purple, variegated, or chequered with white Black, chequered with yel- low spots Yellow, chequered with purple Dark purple, with yellow spots, and flowers grow- ing in an umbel Persian lily, with tall stalks, and dark purple flowers growing in a pyramid Branching Persian lily Corona Imperialis, crown im- perial, a species of Fri- tillaria Common red Common yellow Yellow-striped Sulphur-coloured Large-flowering Double of each variety Crown uponcrown, or witin two whorls of flowers Triple crown upon crown, or with three tiers of flowers one above an- other Gold-striped leaved Silver-striped leaved Tulip, early dwarf tulip Tall, or most common tulip Early, yellow and red striped White and red striped White and purple striped White and rose striped Tall, or late-flowerin g, with white bottoms, striped with brown White bottoms, striped with violet or black brown White bottoms, striped with red or vermilion Yellow bottoms, striped with different colours, called Bizarres Double Tulip, yellow and red White and red Gladiolus, corn flag, or sword lily,common, with sword shaped leaves, and a reddish purple flower ranged on one side of the stalk The same, flowers Italian, with reddish flowers with white ranged on both sides of the stalk The same, with white flowers Great red of Byzantium Narrow grassy-leaved, and a flesh-coloured flower, with channelled, long, narrow, four - angled leaves, and ‘two bell- shaped flowers on the stalk Great Indian Anemone, wood anemone, with blue flowers White flowers Red flowers Double white Garden Double Anemone, with crimson flowers Purple Red Blue White Red and white striped Red, white, and purple Rose and white Blue, striped with white Ranunculus, Turkey, with a single stalk, and large double blood-red flower Yellow-flowered Persian, with branching stalks, and large double flowers of innumerable varieties, of which there are,— BULBOUS AND beautiful,propagated by offsets.) Pancratium, sea daffodil Common white sea Narcis- sus, with many flowers in a sheath, and tongue- shaped leaves Sclayonian, with taller stems and many white flowers, and sword- shaped leaves Broad-leaved American, with large white flowers, eight or ten in a sheath Mexican, with two flowers Ceylon, with one flower Moly (Allium), species of garlic producing flowers Broad-leaved yellow Great broad-leaved, with lily flowers Broad-leaved. with white flowers in large round umbels Smaller white umbellated Purple Rose-coloured Fumaria bulbosa, or bulbous- rooted fumitory Greater purple Hollow-rooted American, with a forked flower Narcissus, or daffodil, com- mon double yellow daf- fodil Single yellow, with the Very double flowers Semi, or half double (The double are most | middle cup as long as the petals White, with yellow cups TUBEROUS-ROOTED FLOWERS. 45 Double, with several cups, one within another Common white narcissus, with single flowers Double white narcissus Incomparable, or great nonsuch, with double flowers With single flowers Hoop petticoat narcissus, or rush-leaved daffodil, with the middle cup larger than the petals, and very broad at the | brim Daffodil, with white re- flexed petals, andgolden cups White daffodil, with pur- ple cups Polyanthus Narcissus, havy- ing many small flowers : on a stalk, from the ! same sheath. Of this are the following varie- ties :-— White, with white cups Yellow, with yellow cups White, with yellow cups White, with orange cups White, with sulphur-co- loured cups Yellow, with orange cups Yellow, with sulphur-co- loured cups With several intermediate varieties Autumnal narcissus Jonquil, common single Large single Common double Double, with large round roots Lilium, the lily, common white lily With spotted or striped flowers With double flowers With striped leaves White lily, with hanging or pendent flowers Common orange lily, with large single flowers With double flow ars With striped leaves Fiery, bulb-bearing lily, producing bulbs at the joints of the stalks Common narrow-leaved Great broad-leaved Many-flowered Hoary Martagon lily, sometimes called Turk’s-cap, from the reflexed position of their flower-leaves.— There are many varie- ties, and which differ from the other sorts of lilies in having the pe- tals of their flowers re- flexed, or turned back- ward. The varieties are, Common red martagon, with very narrow sparsed leaves, or such as grow without order all oyer the flower-stalk Double martagon White 46 BULBOUS AND Double white White spotted Scarlet, with broad sparsed leaves Bright red,many-flowered, or pompony, with short, grassy, sparsed leaves Reddish hairy martagon, with leaves growing in whorls round the stalk Great yellow, with pyra- midal flowers, spotted Purple, with dark spots, and broad leaves in whorls round the stalk, or most common Turk’s cap White spotted Turk’s cap Canada martagon, with yellowish large flowers spotted, and leaves in whorls Campscatense martagon, with erect bell-shaped flowers Philadelphia martagon, | with two erect bright purple flowers Squills, sea onion, or lily hyacinth, common lily hyacinth, with a lily root and blue flower Peruvian, or broad-leaved hyacinth of Peru, with blue flowers With white flowers Early white starry hya- cinth Blue Autumnal starry hyacinth Larger starry blue hya- cinth of Byzantium Purple star-flower of Peru Italian blue-spiked star- flower Asphodel lily, African blue, with a tuberous root Tuberose, or Indian tuberous hyacinth. It produces a small stem three or four feet high, adorned with many white flowers of great fragrance. The varieties are,— Fine double tuberose Single tuberose Small-flowered Striped-leaved Tris bulbosa, or bulbous iris, Persian, with three erect blue petals called stand- ards, and three reflexed petals called falls, which are variegated, called Persian bulbous iris, with a variegated flower Common narrow-leaved bulbous iris, with a blue flower White Yellow Blue, with white falls Blue, with yellow falls Greater broad-leaved bul- bous iris, with a deep blue flower Bright purple Deep purple Variegated Great, with broad and al- TUBEROUS-ROOTED FLOWERS. 47 most plain or flat leaves, } with blue flowers Purple Of the above there are many intermediate va- rieties. Hyacinth, eastern, with large flowers. Of these there are many varieties, and of which there are in- numerable intermediate shades or tints of cotour. Ofdouble sortsthere are— Blues Purple blues Agatha blues Whites Whites, with yellow eyes Whites, with red eyes Whites, with violet or purple eyes Whites, with rose-co- loured eyes Whites, with scarlet eyes Reds, Incarnate, flesh or rose- | colcured Of single sorts there are— Blues, of various shades, as above Whites Reds Rose-coloured With many intermedi- ate shades or varieties (Musearia), or musk hya- cinth Ash-coloured White Obsolete purple Greater yellow African Grape hyacinth Purple Blue White Red Monstrous flowering, or blue-feathered hyacinth Comosed, or tufted purple hyacinth Amethystine blue hyacinth Nodding, spiked, red hya- cinth Non-seript small English hyacinth, or harebells, of the following varieties: Common, with blue flowers arranged on one side of the stalk White Bell-shaped blue hyacinth, with flowers on every side of the stalk Bell-shaped peach - co- loured, with flowers.on one side of the stalk These are very hardy, pro. pagating by off-sets Hyacinth, with a pale pur- ple flower Colehicums in variety Leontice, lion’s leaf, largest yellow, with single foot- stalks to the leaves Smaller pale yellow, with branched footstalks to the leaves | Cyclamen, sow-bread, Eu- ropean, or common au- tumn-flowering, with a purple flower, and angu- lar heart-shaped leaves The same, with a black flower The same, flowers Red spring-flowering, with heart - shaped _ leaves, marbled with white Entire white, sweet-smell- ing Purple winter -flowering, with plain or circular shining green leaves with white BULBOUS AND tumn-flowering Small, or anemone -root- ed, with flesh-coloured flowers appearing in au- tumn: these plants have large, round, solid roots; the flowers and: leaves rise immediately from the root. Corona Regalis, or royal crown; requires shelter in the winter Aconite, the winter Sisyrinchium Purple round-leaved au- AURICULA, RANUNCULUS, ANEMONE. These early and beautiful flowers deserve pecu- liar notice, for no garden looks well without them, and their bright tints delight the eye and mind. The commonest kinds are handsome and useful in small clumps, and a little care and trouble will raise superb varieties. The Auricula loves a soil composed of kitchen- den mould, sand, and cow-dung, well mixed together; they also like a cool situation. The seed should be sown in September, and wher sown give it a gentle watering. By sowing the seed in pots or boxes, you can remove them from heavy rains, &c., without trouble, and shelter them in the outhouses or tool-house. The seed seldom appears under six months, and it has been sometimes a twelyemonth producing itself, there- fore be not in despair, but remain patient: these FIBROUS-ROOTED FLOWERS. 49 freaks of Nature cannot be accounted for. When they flower, you must single out the plants which bear the finest and most choice blooms, and trans- plant them into pots filled with the compost above described. The common sorts may be planted in the borders, to remain out and shift for them- selves. By keeping the fine auriculas in pots, you preserve them through the winter easily, for heavy rains and cutting winds do them harm. You can sink them in their pots during summer in the flower-beds, but let them be sheltered dur- ing the winter, if you wish to preserve the blooms uninjured. Auriculas multiply also by suckers, which grow on their roots. Take off these in F ebruary, and plunge them into pots of the mould they like best, to root freely. They will do so in two months. Auriculas should not be too much watered, as it makes them look sickly, and the leaves become yellow. When you pot the auriculas, sink them up to their leaves in the soil, but do not press the mould round the plant, as the flowers bloom finest when the roots touch the sides of the flower ot. The auricula is esteemed fine that has a low stem, a stalk proportioned to the flower, the eye well opened, and always dry. The glossy, the velvet, and the streaked auriculas are the most admired. The stalk should be decked with many flower-bells, to be handsome and healthy. Take care to pull off all dead leaves round the plant at all times, that it may appear neat and E THE RANUNCULUS. clean. Neatness is favourable to its perfect growth, as well as decorating it to the eye. The Ranunculus does not like being mixed up with other flowers, and from this ‘‘ aristocratic principle,” it is always planted in separate knots. This flower loves sun and warmth. The root must be planted in September, to bloom early in the summer, and it delights in a rich, moist soil, well dug, and raked soft and fine. When you plant them in beds or pots, they must be sunk two inches deep, and dibble the hole with a round, not pointed, dibble. Place the roots four or five inches apart, in the warmest situation in your garden. By planting ranunculuses in pots, you can more easily place them in warm situations, and withdraw them from heavy rains. The more room you give these roots the finer they will grow and blow. If your plots will allow of so doing, let the roots be planted six or seven inches apart. The flowers will repay your care, When ranun- culuses in pots have flowered, remove them from the August rains, or take up the roots, to replant in September. The Ranunculus with the double white flower must not be taken up until September, when it should be taken up quickly, its roots parted, and replanted immediately. The Yellow Ranunculus with the rue leaf, pre- fers being potted to being planted in beds. The Ranunculus propagates by seed as well as offsets. Sow the seed as you do that of the auricula, The most admired ranunculuses are the white, ANEMONES. §1 the golden yellow, the pale yellow, the citron- coloured, and the brown red. The red is the least esteemed. The yellow ranunculus speckled with red, is handsome, —also the rose-colour with white inside. Great varieties are obtained by seed. The Anemones love a light soil, composed of kitchen-garden mould, and sand, and leaf mould, well mixed, and sifted fine. It should, if possible, be composed a year before it is used; the lighter it is the better for anemones. The seed should be sown in September. The single flowers alone bear seed, which is fit to gather when it appears ready to fly away with the first gust of wind. As soon as the seed is lodged, and raked smoothly into its fine, light bed, strew the bed over with straw or matting, and give it a good watering. In three weeks the seed will begin to rise, when the straw may be removed. The young plants will flower in the following April. When the roots are to be planted in September, sink them about three inches deep, and six inches apart, that they may come up strong and flower well. Make a hole in the ground for them with your finger, and set them upon the broadest side, with the slit downwards. Those anemones planted in September will flower in March and April, and the roots planted in May flower in autumn, but the flowers are never so fine. When anemones have done flowering, it re- quires some care in taking up the roots, in order x2 52 ' BIENNIAL FLOWERS. to part and put them by till the time for replant- ing arrives. The roots or flaps are so small and difficult to distinguish, that the earth should be taken up and laid upon a sieve to be sifted, when the flaps will alone remain behind, or the earth be deposited upon an open newspaper or cloth, and well rubbed with the hand to feel for the minute dark-coloured flaps, which may easily escape observation. The beauty of this flower consists in its thick- ness and roundness, especially when the great leaves are a little above the thickness of the tuft. Choose your seed from the finest single ane- mone, with a broad, round leaf. - The remaining tuberous-rooted flowers are very hardy. Biennials. Biennial flowers, as the name implies, are plants that exist only two years. They are pro- pagated by seed, rising the first year, and flower- ing the second. If they continue another year, they are. sickly and languid. The double bien- nials may be continued by cuttings and slips of the tops, as well as by layers and pipings, though the parent flower dies—but they are not so fine. A lady should have a space of ground alloted to biennial seedlings, so that a fresh succession of plants may be ready to supply the place of those which die away. The seeds should be sown every spring in light, well-dug earth ; the young LIST OF HARDY BIENNIALS, 53 plants should be kept very clean, and some inches apart from each other ; and they must be finally transplanted in autumn into the beds where they are intended to remain, But there is a great uncertainty as to raising the double flowers ; therefore it is better to make sure of those you approve by perpetuating them as long as you can, by any root offsets they may throw off,—by pipings, cuttings, or by layers, as before noticed. I subjoin a list of the principal and useful biennials. LIST OF HARDY BIENNIALS, Canterbury Bells Blue-flowered White Purple Pyramidal Carnation. All the varieties, somewhat biennial-pe- rennial, Clary, Purple-topped Red-topped Colutea, Athiopian French Houeysuckle Red White Globe Thistle Hollyhocks. Somewhat di- ennial - perennial; all the varieties; always by seed, Lunaria, Moonwort or Ho- nesty Mallow (Tree) Poppy, Yellow-horned (Che lidonium glaucum) Rocket, Dame’s violet Single white Double white Double purple Single purple Rose Campion Red White Scabius, double Dark purple-flowered Dark-red White Starry purple-fiowered Starry white Jagged-leaved starry Stock Gilliflower Brompton Queen Twickenham Sweet-william HARDY BIENNIALS. Red Common upright tall yel- Scarlet low Purple Small-flowered Red, white-bordered Wallflower Party-coloured Yellow-flowered Variegated Bloody Painted Lady White Double of each Double of each Mule, or Mongrel Sweet- | Night Stock william, or Mule Pink. | Petunia Tree Mallow (Lavatera ar- White borea) Lilae Tree Primrose When you make your seedling-bed or nursery, cover it over with stiaw, or fern, or matting, during frost; and to prevent the birds pecking up the seeds, it is requisite to protect the bed by strewing light boughs of thorn bushes over it, or fixing a net upon sticks as a covering, till the plants appear. If cats, dogs, or poultry intrude into the flower-garden, it is in vain to hope for enjoyment. Sow your biennial seeds in March, April, or May. I recommend May, because the young plants in that month germ and vegetate quickly, surely, and without requiring defences from the frost. Plant them out in October, with a ball of earth to each root, where they are to remain. The Stock Gilliflowers in particular, having long, naked roots, must be planted out very young, otherwise they do not succeed well. Honesty is a very early, rich-flowering bien- nial, which requires no care; they shed their seed, rise, and flower without any assistance, in CARNATIONS. 55 profusion. The only trouble is to weed it out of the beds, that they may not stand in the way of other flowers. Canterbury Bells are handsome flowers, and will bloom a long time if you cut off the bells as they decay. The deep crimson Sweet-williams are most esteemed ; though every variety looks well. Sweet-williams may be increased by layers and cuttings, which is the only sure way of securing the sorts you like; for you may sow seed every year, and not one in a thousand will reward you by coming up double. Carnations are the pride of a garden, and deserve great care and attention. The common sorts, which are planted in borders, should have a good rich earth about them, and be treated like the pink ; but the finer sorts should always be potted, to protect and shelter the plant from hares, rabbits, heavy rains, and severe frost in the winter. Refresh the top of the pots with new soil in June, and keep the plants free from decayed leaves. Gently stir the earth round each plant occasionally ; and as plants in pots require more water than if placed in the ground, let the carnations be gently moistened about every other day during dry weather. Let the watering take place in the evening; no flower will endure being watered during the heat of a summer’s day. Carnations love sand and salt in proper proportions. The brine which is de- posited upon the compost heap will answer every purpose of salts, (ifit be regularly carried BIENNIALS. out), without adding common salt: but let this be particularly attended to. The cook should deposit her pickle and brine to good purpose upon the compost heap, instead of splashing it down in front of her kitchen door. Let each plant be well staked, and neatly tied to its supporter; and do not allow two buds to grow side by side upon the same stem, for one will weaken the other. Pinch off the smaller bud. Carnations love warmth; there- fore give them a sunny aspect to blow in. The seedling plants may be treated like young pinks, but this difference must be observed ;— pinks love shade, and carnations love warmth. A bed of carnations is a beautiful object. The pots can always be sunk in a border or bed in fine weather. Carnations may be layered, or piped, or slipped for propagation, Water your carnations in pots once a week with lime water, if they appear drooping, for this proceeds from a worm at the root; but the brine will destroy all insects quickly, when poured upon the compost heap. In propagating double Wall-flowers, take slips of the young shoots of the head: this will per- petuate the double property and colour of the flower, from which they were slipped. In say- ing seed for wall-flowers, choose the single flowers, which have five petals or flower leaves. Double flowers have no seed. Water the slips, and keep them shady and moist; they will root by September. Plant your Hollyhocks in September or Oc- See HOLLYHOCKS. 57 tober, where they are to remain. Hollyhocks are a noble flower, and they love a strong soil. Let a succession of these flower plants be at- tended to in the biennial seed-bed. Keep them some inches apart from each other in the seed- ling bed, for they form large straggling roots. The hollyhock looks well in clumps of three, at a good distance apart, in large gardens or shrub- beries, but they are somewhat too overgrown for smaller parterres. Be particular in gathering your seeds on a fine, dry day, and put each sort in a separate brown paper bag till you require them. The very finest seedlings are, after all, those which spring near the mother plant from self-sown seed, therefore, when you weed or dig your flower borders, be careful not to disturb any seedlings which may have sprung up. They always make strong, fine blooming plants. Take care of your double-flowering plants in winter. The double wall-flower is hardy enough to exist in the borders, but the other double biennials deserve to be sheltered, for double flowers are very handsome, and heavy rains, snow, or severe frost, injures them. Take cut- ings every year from them. The Night Stock is tolerable hardy if sheltered during the frost by ashes or litter. The sweet- ness after night-fall must recommend it to all lovers of fragrant flowers. BIENNIALS. PROPAGATING SIENNIALS. Every young lady must become acquainted with the manner of operating upon plants, to preserve the finer sorts, which they may wish to perpe- tuate. Raising from seed is slow, but it produces infinite variety. You, however, rarely see the same flower produced twice from seed; therefore you must propagate the biennial and perennial flowers by layers, slips, pipings, and cuttings, if you wish to preserve any particular sorts. To effect layers, prepare some rich, light earth, a parcel of small hooked sticks, or little pegs, and a sharp penknife. Now clear the ground about the plant you are going to layer; stir the surface well with your trowel, and put a sufficient quantity of the pre- pared mould round the plant as will raise the surface to a convenient height for receiving the layer. Cut off the top of each shoot with your knife, about two inches, and pull off the lower leaves ; then fix upon a joint about the middle of the shoot, and, placing your knife under it, slit the shoot from that joint, rather more than half way up, to- wards the joint above it. Now make an opening in the earth, and lay the stem, and slit or gashed shoot, into it, and peg it down ; taking care to raise the head of the shoot as upright as you can, that it may grow shapely ; then cover it with the new mould, and press the mould gently round it. Do this by each shoot LAYERS AND PIPINGS. 59 till the plant is layered—that is, till every shoot is laid down. They must be watered often in dry weather, but moderately, not to disturb or wash away the soil round the layers. In six weeks’ time, each gashed or slit shoot will have rooted, and become a distinct plant. They may be taken away from the old parent stem in September, and dug up with a ball of earth round each root, to be transplanted into the plots or borders where they are to remain. Carnations, pinks, sweet-williams, double wall- flowers, &c. are the flowers most deserving of layers. Piping, which belongs almost exclusively to car- nations and pinks, is a most expeditious mode of raising young plants. Take off the upper and young part of each shoot, close below a joint, with a sharp knife, and cut each off at the third joint, or little knob; then cut the top leaves down pretty short, and take off the lower and discoloured ones. When you have piped in this way as many as you require, let them stand a week in a tumbler of water, which greatly facilitates their doing well. Indeed, I never failed in any pipings, slips, or cuttings, which I allowed to soak and swell in water previous to planting. When you plant the pipings, let the ground be nicely dug, and raked very fine; dibble no hole, but gently thrust each piping half way down into the soft earth, slightly pressing the earth round each, to fix it inthe bed. Water them often if the weather is dry, but moderately, just to keep them moist; and shade them from the hot sun in 60 PROPAGATING BIENNIALS. the day. If pipings are covered with a hand- glass, they root earlier, by three weeks, than those which are exposed. Laying, piping, and slipping, are done in June and July. The plants will be well rooted, and fit to plant out, in October. The operation of slipping is easy. Tear the top shoots of the plant to be so propagated, gently from their sockets; hold the shoot between your finger and thumb, as near the socket as you can, and it will tear as easily and neatly as you carve the wing of poultry or game. Place the slips in water for a few days previous to planting them, like pipings. They will root in six weeks or two months, if kept shady and moist. Cuttings must be made of shoots of the last year’s growth of roses, honeysuckles, &c., and planted in February. Choose the strong shoots, and do not cut them less than six inches long. Cut them with your knife in a slanting direction. Plant them in a shady place, each cutting half way in the ground, which should be cleaned, and well dug and raked, to receive them. Cuttings made in February will root well by October. Cuttings of flower stalks, such as scarlet lych- nis, should be done in May, June, and July. Take cuttings from the youngest flower stems, and plant them carefully in nice mould, like pipings. These flower cuttings should be in lengths of four joints each. Covering them with a hand-glass raises them very quickly. They root in two months. Where hand-glasses are not to form any part of PROTECTION FOR CUTTINGS. 61 a lady’s arrangements, oil-papered frames are equally useful. I have seen very economical and useful frames made of bamboo, in the form of hand-glasses, covered neatly with glazed white cotton or linen, or horn paper, made by a lady with great celerity and ingenuity; and her cut- tings and pipings succeeded under them admira- bly. Whatever shelters cuttings and pipings from the rays of the sun effects a material purpose. Linen is the best shelter in the world from heat, but oiled or horn paper resists rain better. Dr. Priestley is of opinion that salt water is very efficacious for cuttings, it they are placed in it for a few days previous to planting. He re- marks that it is a custom with the importers of exotic plants to dip cuttings in salt and water, otherwise they would perish on the passage. CHAPTER IV. ANNUALS. Annvats, as I have observed before, are flowers that rise, bloom, and die in the same year; and must therefore be raised from seed every spring. The first class of annuals, being very delicate, and requiring great care, with the constant assist- ance of glass frames, I shall not even name, since they do not enter into the nature of my work. I proceed to the second class, which are hardier than the above, though they should be raised in a warm border, and be covered with a hand-glass, if you wish them to flower in good time. The ten weeks’ Stocks will grow, if sown in a warm border, towards the end of March, and should be afterwards transplanted ; but if brought up in a hot-bed, they will flower a month or six weeks earlier. The China-aster, Chrysanthemum, white and purple Sultan, African and French Marigolds, Persicarias, &c. will grow well in a warm border of natural earth, if sown in April; but they also flower a month earlier if they are assisted by a hot-bed or glass. These annuals must be all planted out when tolerably strong, into the spots oo SOWING ANNUALS, 63 where they are destined to remain in the borders, taking care to allow each plant plenty of space, that they may not crowd each other. The China- aster branches into many stems and flowers, there- fore they may be planted singly, or not less than six inches apart. The July flowers, or more com- monly called gilliflowers, become expansive as they increase. They should not be crowded together ; three in a group are quite sufficient, and they should be six inches apart. The same may be said of the stock varieties, I have ever found the hardy annuals grow finest by allowing them to become self-sown. They flower some weeks earlier, and invariably produce larger and brighter flowers. When gathering my flower seeds in August and September, I allow one half to remain sprinkled over the borders; and the young plants never fail appearing healthy and strong above ground in March and April, the months appropriated to sow- ing the seed. Thus, my Lavateras, Larkspurs, &c. are in beautiful blow, while the second crop, or seeds sown in spring, are but showing their green heads above the surface. I weed away the super- fluous self-sown plants to my taste; but the birds take care that no one shall be encumbered with superfluity. I have by this means a first and second crop of the same annuals, but the crop of self-sown are far superior. They are up before the heats come on, to dry the earth, and dwindle the flower. Dig the ground well with your trowel, and rake it very fine, before you put in the seeds in spring. 64 ANNUALS. Annuals love a light, friable soil. All the hardy kinds may be sown in March, each sort in little separate patches, as follows :— Draw a little earth off the top to one side, then sprinkle in the seed, not too plentifully, and cover it again with the drawn-off earth. Half an inch is sufficient depth for small seed. The larger kind, such as sweet-peas, lupins, &c. must be sown an inch in depth. When the plants have been up some time, thin them well. The more space you have, the finer the plants will rise. The hardy annuals will not bear transplanting : they must be left to flourish where they are sown. The large kinds, such as the lavatera or mallow, should only be sown in groups of three plants to- gether. The lupin tribe should not exceed five plants in a group. The Convolvulus, also, re- quires four or five plants only in a group. Water the patches in dry weather moderately, and be careful never to use pump water. If you have no soft water, a tub should be placed in the garden to receive rain water; and if, as in towns, pump water must be chiefly used, let it remain a day or two in the tub, to soften in the air and sun- shine. The first week in April is the safest period for sowing annuals, as the cutting winds have ceased by that time, and frost is not so much to be ap- prehended. ‘The soft rains, also, fall in warm showers, to give life and germ to seeds and plants, and they appear in a shorter space of time. Those ladies who live in the vicinity of nursery gardens have a great advantage over the more re- SWEET-PEAS. 65 mote flower-fancierss They can be supplied, at a trifling expense, with all the tender annuals from hot-beds, either in pots, or drawn ready for imme- diate transplanting. If you do not raise your own seed, be careful how you purchase your stock, and of whom you receive it. Many seedsmen sell the refuse of many years’ stock to their youthful customers, and pro- duce great disappointment. There is one way of ascertaining the goodness of the seed, which will not deceive. Previous to sowing, plunge your lupin, sunflower, &c. seeds ‘iter a tumbler of water: the good seed will sink, while the light and useless part remains floating on the surface. If you grow your own seed, “exchange it every two years with your neighbours. Seeds love change of soil: they degenerate, if repeatedly grown and sown upon the same spot, particularly sweet-peas. Sweet-peas should be put into the ground early in March, for they will bear the wind and weather. Make a circle round a pole, or some object to which they may cling as they rise; and put the peas an inch deep, having soaked them previously in water well saturated with arsenic, to guard them from the depredations of birds and mice. Add an outer circle of peas every month, so that a continual bloom may appear. The circle first sown will ripen and pod for seed in the centre, while the outer yines will continue flowering till late in the autflmn. When you have gathered a sufficient number of ripe pods, cut away all the pods which may afterwards form with your knife. F 66 ANNUALS. This strengthens the vines, and throws all their vigour into repeated blooms. Be very careful to throw away the arsenic water upon your heap of compost, and do not put that powerful poison into any thing which may be used afterwards in the house. Soak the peas in a flower-pot saucer which is never required for any other purpose, and keep it on a shelf in the tool- house, covered up. ‘Three or four hours’ soaking will be sufficient. If the wind and frosts be powerful and continued, shelter the peas through March, by covering them with straw or matting every evening. I have got sweet-peas into very early blow by bringing them up in pots in-doors, and trans- planting them carefully in April, without disturb- ing the roots. In doing this, push your finger gently through the orifice at the bottom of the flower-pot, and raise its contents ‘‘ bodily.” ‘Then place the ball of earth and plants into a hole trowelled out to receive it; cover it round gently, and, if the weather is dry, water it moderately. Ten-weeks’ stock is a very pretty annual, and continues a long time in bloom. Mignionette is the very sweetest of all perfumes, and should be sown in September for early blowing, and again in March for a later crop. It is always more per- fumy and healthy, if dug into the ground in autumn to sow itself. Venus’ Looking-glass is a yery pretty, delicate flower. Indeed, every annual is lovely; and the different varieties give a gay and rich appearance to the flower-garden during the three summer months. LIST OF ANNUALS. 67 The Clarkias are very pretty annuals, with a hundred other varieties lately introduced, and which are all specified in Mrs. Loudon’s new work upon annuals. My plan is, to give a general idea of their treatment only, under the classification of hardy annuals, or those annuals which may be nurtured without a hot-bed. Keep your annuals from looking wild and dis- orderly in a garden by allotting the smaller kinds their separate patches of ground; and trim the larger annuals from br anching among other flowers. For instance, cut away the lowest branches of the China-aster, the African marigold, &c., and train the plant erect and neatly to a slight rod or stick ; cut away the flowers as they droop, 1 reserving one or two of the finest blooms only for seed ; and let each plant look clean and neat in its own order. By cutting away flowers as they droop, the plant retains vigour enough to continue throwing out fresh flowers for a long period. SECOND, OR LESS TENDER CLASS OF ANNUALS. African Marigold,the orange | Marvel of Peru, the red Yellow striped Straw-coloured Yellow-striped Double of each Long-tubed Double-quilled Chrysanthemum, the double French Marigold, the striped white The yellow Double yellow Sweet-scented Double-quilled China-aster, the double Sweet Sultan, the yellow Double purple White Double white Red Double-striped Indian Pink, double F2 68 Single Large imperial Alkekengi Palma Christi, the common Tall red-stalked Smaller green-leaved Smallest Tobacco, long-leaved Vir- ginia Broad-leaved Branching perennial Love Apple, with red fruit With yellow fruit Gourds, the round smooth orange Rock, or warted Pear-shaped yellow Pear-shaped striped Stone-coloured Bottle Gourd, some very large, from two or three to five or six feet long, and of various shapes Momordica Balsamina Persicaria Indian Corn, the tall Dwarf Nolana prostrata, blue Convolvulus, scarlet-flowered Yellow Balsam, or Touch-me- not Capsicum, long red-podded Long yellow-podded | LIST OF ANNUALS. Xed, short, thick, roundish podded With heart-shaped pods With cherry-shaped fruit, red Cherry-shaped fruit, yel- low Basil, the common, or sweet- scented Bush basil Zinnia, red Yellow Amaranthus Tree .4maranthus Prince’s feather amaran- thus Love-lies-bleeding ama- ranthus Cannacorus, yellow Red Chinese Hollyhock, the varie- gated Ten-week Stock Gilliflower The double red Double white Double purple White Ten-week Stock, with a wallflower leaf With double and single flowers The double of this sort makes a pretty appear- ance. HARDY ANNUALS. 69 The following are hardy annuals, requiring no assistance of artificial heat, but should all be sown in the places where it is designed they shall flower: Adonis Flower,or Fios Adonis, the red-flowering The yellow Candytuft, the large Purple White Larkspur, the double rose Double-branched Large blue double Double white Lupins, the rose Large blue Small blue Yellow White Scarlet Marbled Sunflower, the tall double Double dwarf Lavatera, red White Poppy, the double tall striped | carnation Dwarf-striped Double corn poppy Horned poppy Convolvulus, major Minor Striped White Scarlet Ketmia, bladder Starry Scabious Hawkweed, the yellow Purple, or red Spanish Carthamus tinetorius, or saffron-flower Nasturtium, the large Small Cerinthe major, or great Honey-wort Tangier Pea Sweet Pea, the painted lady The purple White Scarlet Winged Pea Crown Pea Nigella, or devil in a bush, thelong blue, or Spanish The white Oriental mallow, curled Venetian mallow Lobel's Catchfly, white and red Arbiscus Pimpernel Dwarf Lychnis Venus’s Navel-wort Venus’s Looking-glass Virginian Stock Strawberry Spinach Noli me tangere, or touch- me-not Heart's Ease Snail Plant Large ditto Caterpillar Plant Hedgehog Plant Antirrhinum, snap -dragon, the annual 70 Nolana, blue Cyanus, or corn-bottle, the red White Blue Roman Nettle Belvidere, or summer cypress Garden, or common, Mari- gold, the common single Double orange Double lemon-coloured Double lemon - coloured ranunculus marigold Annual Cape Marigold, with aviolet and white flower Mignionette, or reseda, the sweet-scented The upright HARDY ANNUALS. ! Xeranthemum, or «ternal flower, red anl vhite Purple Clary Purple Jacobea Dracocephalum, th2 yarple Blue Capnoides, or bastard fumi- tory Ten-week Stock Gi liijowers, in variety Persicaria Tobacco Plant Long-leaved Round-leayed \ Indian Corn | Amethystea | Globe Thistle | Clarkias 71 CHAPTER V. ROSES AND JASMINES. Tuer most delicious, most elegant flowers—in thenselves a garden—are worthy of a chapter de- votel exclusively to their culture. What cottage exis's without its roses twined around the door- way or blooming up its pathway? What is senti- men: without its roses? What other flower illus- trate the beauty and excellence of a loved one?— “Oh! my love is like the red, red rose, That sweetly blows in June.” Evey gentle feeling, every exquisite thought, every delicate allusion, is embodied in the rose, It i) absurd to say the rose by any other name ‘wuld smell as sweet.” Itis not so. Poetry, painting, and music, have deified the rose. Call it “nétle,”’ and we should cast it from our hands in dsgust. There are innumerable varieties of roses, froin the :ottage rose to the fairy rose, whose buds are scanely so large as the bells of the lily of the valky. Mrs. Gore mentions some hundreds of sort, but such a catalogue is too mighty to insert in ny little work. I will name only the well- ROSES. known hardy kinds, and refer my reader to Mrs. Gore herself for the complete collection. Seed yields such inexhaustible varieties, that a new list will be required every ten years. The Damask rose is very useful from its proper- ties, as well as its beauty and hardihood. Rose- water is distilled from this bright, thickly-blowing flower. The Cabbage rose is the most beautiful, as well as the most fragrant of roses. All others are va- rieties of roses, but this grand flower is the “‘ rose itself.” It throws out suckers plentifully for propagating its kind; and every two or three years, the root of each bush will part into separate plants. Cut the roots slanting with a sharp knife as you divide them. A very small bit of root is sufficient for a rose-bush, as they are hardy in their nature. Do not move roses oftener than you can help: they delight in being stationary for years. In pruning roses of every description, which should be effected in January, shorten all the shoots to nine inches only, and cut away all the old wood, which becomes useless after two or three years’ growth. This treatment ensures fine flowers. Roses love a good soil, as, indeed, what flower does not? Fresh mould applied to them every two or three years, or manure dug round them annually, preserves them in constant vigour and beauty. Shoots of rose-bushes laid down and pegged like layers, only without gashing, when the flowers init) ROSES. 73 are in bloom, will root and become plants in the autumn. Pinch off their buds, that they may throw their strength into their roots. Roses are often observed to change their colour, which effect proceeds chiefly from bad soil. When this occurs, manure the root of the bush or plant. A clay soil, well dressed with ashes, is the best of all soils for the hardy roses. Moss roses love a cool soil and a cool aspect. They soon fade in a hot sun. A pyramid of climbing roses is a beautiful ob- ject in a garden. Iron or wooden stakes, twelve feet in height, gradually approaching each other, till they mect at the top, with climbing roses trained up their sides, is a pleasing and easily constructed ornament. Fancy and taste may range at will in inventing forms to ornament the parterre with roses. Beds of roses, raised pyramidally, have a splendid effect. When the flowers die away in the autumn, the mass may be clipped again into form, with the garden shears, as you would clip a laurel hedge. Standard roses, which are so much in fashion at this time, and which always remind one of a housemaid’s long broom for sweeping cobwebs, are beyond a lady’s own management, as budding is a troublesome business, and very frequently fails. I will not, therefore, touch upon that sub- ject. The double yellow rose is very elegant. It re- quires a western aspect, and even prefers north and east, but a warm aspect injures its beauty. It loves a good substantial soil, and will not bear 74 ROSES. much cutting or removing. Let it alone in its glory, only pruning away the old scraggy wood occasionally, to strengthen the plant. The monthly rose is also a lover of the north and east. It blooms through the autumn and winter, has an evergreen leaf, and loves a strong soi. It must be propagated by cuttings, and parting the roots, as it never throws up suckers. Prune away the old wood, and make cuttings in June, July, and August, of the branches you clear away. Plant the cuttings in loose, moist earth, and do not let them bud till the following year. Let the cuttings be sunk two joints in the earth, leaving one only exposed. The monthly rose climbs, or creeps. The Austrian briar, or rose, will not flower if exposed to the south. It bears a rich mass of flowers, yellow outside, and deep red within. Give it an eastern or western aspect. The perpetual, or “ four-season”’ rose, requires arich soil. The flower buds appearing in June and July should be pinched off, and in winter the plant may be pruned as closely as its hardier com- panions. Place the four-season rose in a sheltered situation from winds. Among the hardy climbing roses, the Ayrshire rose is the most useful. Its foliage is rich, and it covers fences, walls, &c. with astonishing ra- pidity. It flowers in July. Place it in a warm situation, and it will extend thirty feet in one season. Lady Banks's yellow rose is a pretty climber, and flowers carly in all situations. So does the Rosa sempervirens. —— ROSES. 75 Climbing roses will grow luxuriantly under the shade of trees, and form a mass of fragrant under- wood in shrubberies. They grow with surprising vigour if allowed to remain prostrate, Plant these thinly, and lay in the most vigorous shoots, by pegging them down into the ground. This pro- cess increases the plants rapidly , and gives the gayest possible effect. The Rosa hybrida multiflora is a hardy and ra- pidly growing rose. It flowers also from June to September. So does the red and crimson Bour- sault, and the Rosu Russeliana. Roses are subject to the green fly, which dis- figures their beauty, particularly the white roses. An excellent remedy for this annoyance is effected by moistening the plant, and then dusting it over with equal portions of sulphur and tobacco dust. Once, on a soleran festal day, Held by the immortals in the skies, Flora had summon’d all the deities, That rule o’er gardens, or survey The birth of greens or springing flowers, And thus address’d the genial powers. “Ye shining graces of my courtly train, The cause of this assembly know: In sovereign majesty I reign O’er the gay: flowery universe below ; Yet, my increasing glory to maintain, A queen I'll choose with spotless honour fair, The delegated crown to wear. Let me your counsel and assistance ask, T’ accomplish this momentous task.” The deities, that stood around, At first return’d a murm’ring sound ; ROSES, Then said, “ Fair goddess, do you know The factious feuds this must create ? What jealous rage, and mutual hate, Among the rival flowers will grow ? The vilest thistle that infests the plain Will think his tawdry painted pride Deserves the crown, and, if denied, Perhaps with traitor plots molest your reign.” “ Vain are your fears,” Flora replied ; “Tis fix’d, and hear how I'll the cause decide. “Deep in a venerable wood, Where oaks, with vocal skill indued, Did wond'rous oracles of old impart, Beneath a little hill’s inclining side, A grotto’s seen, where Nature’s art Is exercised in all her smiling pride. “ Retired in this sweet grassy cell, A lovely wood-nymph once did dwell: She always pleased; for more than mortal fire Shone in her eyes, and did her charms inspire, A dryad bore the illustrious nymph, a sylvan was her sire, “Chaste, wise, devout, she still obey’d, With humble zeal, Heaven’s dread commands, To ev’ry action ask’d our aid, And oft before our altars pray’d. Pure was her heart, and undefiled her hands. “ She’s dead, and from her sweet remains The wond’rous mixture I would take, This much desired, this perfect flower to make; Assist, and thus, with our transforming pains, We'lldignify the garden beds,and grace ourfay’rite plains.” Th’ applauding deities with pleasure heard, And for the grateful work prepared. A busy face Priapus wore ; Vertumnus of the party too, From various sweets th’ exhaling spirits drew; ’ ROSES. 77 ¥ While in full canisters Pomona bore Of richest fruit a plenteous store ; And Vesta promised wond'rous things to do. Gay Venus led a lively train Of Smiles and Graces; the plump god of wine From clusters did the flowing nectar strain, And fill’d large goblets with his juice divine. Thus charged, they seek the honour’d shade, Where lived and died the spotless maid. On a soft couch of turf the body lay: Th’ approaching deities pass’d all around, Prepared the sacred rites to pay In silence, and with awe profound. Flora thrice bow’d, and thus was heard to pray :— “ Jove, mighty Jove, whom all adore, Exert thy great creating power! Let this fair corpse be mortal clay no more: Transform it to a tree, to bear a beauteous flower.” Scarce had the goddess spoke, when, see, The nymph’s extended limbs the form of branches Wear, Behold the wond’rous change, the fragrant tree ! To leaves was turn’d her flowing hair, And rich diffused perfumes regaled the wanton air. Heavens! what new charm, what sudden light, Improves the grot, and entertains the sight ! A sprouting bud begins the tree t’ adorn— The large, the sweet vermilion flower is born! The goddess thrice on the fair infant breathed, To spread it into life, and to convey The fragrant soul, and every grace bequeathed, To make the vegetable princess gay. Then kiss’d it thrice; the general silence broke, And thus in loud rejoicing accents spoke :— ae i i i ee ee > “ Ye Flowers, at my command attendant here, Pay homage, and your sovereign Rose revere? No sorrow on your drooping leaves be seen, Let all be proud of such a queen, 78 them a good soil. ROSES. So fit the floral crown to wear, To glorify the day, and grace the youthful year!” Thus speaking, she the new-born fay’rite crown’d; The transformation was complete : The deities with songs the queen of flowers did greet. Soft fiutes and tuneful harps were heard to sound, While now to heaven, well pleased, the goddess flies With her bright train, and reascends the skies. The following list of roses will not prove be- ond a lady’s management, being hardy, and re- «+ 5 . to =) te quiring only pruning every January, and giving Prune the white rose-trees very sparingly, as they do not love the knife. Roses, early cinnamon Double yellow Single yellow Red monthly White monthly Double white Moss Provence Common Provence Double velvet Single ditto Dutch hundred-leaved Blush ditto Blush Belgic Red ditto Marbled Large royal York and Lancaster Red damask Blush ditto Austrian, with flowers hay- ing one side red, and the other yellow White damask Austrian yellow Double musk Royal virgin Rosa mundi, é. e. rose of the world, or striped red rose Frankfort Cluster blush Maiden blush Virgin, or thornless Common red Burnet leaved Scotch, the dwarf Striped Scotch Apple-bearing Single American Rose of Meux Pennsylvanian Red cluster Burgundy rose Perpetual, or four-season JASMINES. 79 HARDY CLIMBING ROSES. The Ayrshire rose Rosa sempervirens, three Double ditto sorts Rose hybrida multiflora Rose ruga Rose Clair Red Boursault Rosa Russeliana Crimson ditto Reyersa elegans Lady Banks’ yellow rose JASMINES. Jasmines grow in very irregular forms. Perhaps their luxuriant wild appearance constitutes their chief grace. The jasmine is a beautiful screen in summer, wreathing its festoons through trellis- work ; and it appears to me that Nature presents not, in our colder climes, a more fragrant and beautiful bouquet than a mixture of roses and jasmines. The common jasmine is hardy, and loves a good soil, by which term I mean kitchen garden soil. Trench round the stem occasionally to lighten the earth, and it will grow very freely. Put litter round the jasmine in severe frost; and if a very rigorous season destroy the branches, the root will be saved, and its shoots in the spring will soon replace the loss. If they shoot out with dis- pleasing irregularity and confusion, take off the least healthy looking branches, and cut away those which grow rumpled, for they only consume the juices of the plant to no purpose. The common jasmine is propagated by layers and slips. The Arabian jasmine is very fragrant, but it does not endure cold, or much heat, therefore an v 80 SASMINES. eastern aspect suits it best. If the Arabian jas- mine is grown in a large pot or box, it could be placed under cover during frost in the winter months; but do not place it in a greenhouse, which would be in the other extreme again. The yellow jasmine may be treated like the com- mon jasmine. It is not very fragrant, but it forms an elegant variety. I have seen very fanciful and beautiful devices invented to display the beauty of the jasmine. Their shoots grow so rapidly and luxuriantly, that if the plant is allowed to luxuriate, it will soon cover any frame-work with its drooping beauty. The jasmine loves to hang downwards; and I have admired inventive little arbours, where the plant has been trained up behind them, and the branches allowed to fall over their front in the nchest pro- fusion, curtained back like the entrance of a tent. The effect, during their time of flowering, was re- markably elegant. When you prune the jasmine, cut the branches to an eye or bud, just by the place from which they sprout, and that in such a manner, that the head, when trimmed, should resemble the head of a willow. This method makes them throw out abundance of branches and fine flowers. Give fresh soil to the jasmine every two years, or they will gradually become weakened in their blooms. The secret of having fine flowers is in keeping up the soil to a regular degree of strength, as the human frame languishes under change of diet, and becomes weakened for want of food. Thus it is with animate and inanimate nature. 81 CHAPTER VI. ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS AND EVERGREENS, I swaLu speak now of the ornamental shrubs which decorate a flower garden, and which a lady may superintend herself, if her own physical powers are not equal to the fatigue of planting. A la- bourer, or a stout active girl, may act under her orders, and do all that is necessary to be done, in removing or planting flowering shrubs and ever- greens. In planting flowering shrubs, be very particular to plant them at such distances that each plant may have plenty of room to grow, and strike out their roots and branches freely. If shrubs are crowded together, they become stunted in growth, and lanky in form. If you are forming a clump, or even a planta- tion, let each shrub be planted six feet apart from its neighbour: but if you wish to plant roses, syringas, honeysuckles, lilacs, &c. in your flower borders, they should be from twelve to fifteen feet distant from each other, so as not to interfere with the flowers growing below them. : Do not plant tall shrubs promiscuously among low-growing ones. Let the taller shrubs form the G EVERGREEN SHRUBS, back-grounds, that each shrub may be distinctly seen. The shrubs should be trained up with single stems, and they should be pruned every year, taking up the suckers, and removing disorderly branches. By allowing each shrub plenty of room, it will form a handsome head, and throw out vigorous shoots. You will also have space to dig between the shrubs, and the sun and air can benefit them. Some of the more beautiful evergreens look ex- tremely well dotted about the grounds singly or in clumps, but be very particular in planting your shrubs. For instance, when you wish to transplant or plant a shrub, dig a circular hole sufficiently large to receive the roots of the plant, which must be laid neatly down, while some person holds the shrub in its proper position, straight and upright. Cut away any dead or damaged roots; then break the earth well with your spade, and throw it into the hole, shaking the plant gently, just to let the earth fall close in among the roots. When it is well filled up, tread the earth gently round the shrub to fix it, but do not stamp it, as I have seen people do. But if you can take up shrubs with a ball of earth round their roots, they do not feel the ope- ration, and their leaves do not droop. Water each shrub after planting: give each of them a good soaking, and let each plant have a stake to support it during the winter. October is the autumn month for transplanting shrubs, and February and March are the spring EVERGREEN SHRUBS, 83 months. I always prefer the autumn transplant- ing, as the rains and showers are so fructifying. March is the last month for transplanting ever- greens. Laurustinus, Phillyreas, and Laurel, are excel- lent shrubs to plant near buildings, or to hide a wall. They are evergreen summer and winter, very hardy, and quick ¢ growing. The Pyracantha is an elegant shrub, with its clusters of red berries; and it looks gay during the autumn and winter. 5 The Arbutus, or strawberry tree, is loaded with its strawberries in August, September, and Oc- tober. This is a beautiful shrub, placed singly on a lawn, kept to one single clean stem, and a fine branching head. Portugal laurels are beautiful: their deep green leaves, and scented feathery flowers, make them an important shrub in all gardens. It has been ascertained by the late severe win- ter, that evergreens are extremely hardy, and will bear any severity of frost. All those evergreens considered most tender, such as Por —— laur els, rhododendrons, &c., were observed to brave the frost unhurt, which were placed in high unshel- tered places, or facing the east and north. It was observed, also, that those evergreens were de- stroyed whose aspect was south and west, and which lay in warm and sheltered situations. The cause was this. The shrubs did not suffer which were not subject to alternations of heat and cold: while those which lay in warm situations, being thawed by the sun’s rays during the day, could G 2 EVERGREEN SHRUBS, not endure the sudden chill of returning frost at night. Plant your evergreens, therefore, fearlessly in exposed situations; and care only, in severe win- ters, for those which are likely to be thawed and frozen again twice in twenty-four hours. Rhododendrons are very beautiful shrubs, and grow into trees, if the soil agrees with them. They love a bog soil. The Camellia japonica is considered a green- house plant, but it becomes hardy, like the laurel, if care is taken to shelter it for a few winters, when it gradually adapts itself to the climate. This is troublesome, perhaps, as most things are, to indolent people; but the trouble is well repaid by the beautiful flowers of the japonicas, its dark leaves, and delicate scent, The gum Cistus is a handsome evergreen, and looks well anywhere and everywhere. Some straw litter spread round their roots in winter is a great protection. All evergreens of a hard-wooded nature are pro- pagated rapidly by layers in June or July. This is the method :—Dig round the tree or shrub, and bend down the pliable branches; lay them into the earth, and secure them there with hooked or forked sticks. Lay down all the young shoots on each branch, and cover them with earth about five inches deep, leaving the tops out about two, three, or four inches above ground, according to their different lengths. If these branches are laid in June or July, they will root by Michaelmas; but if they are laid in October, they will be a twelve- month rooting. EVERGREEN SHRUBS. 85 The layers of Alaternuses and Phillyreas will sometimes be two years rooting, if done so late as October; therefore lay down your shoots, if possible, in June. Let the shoots which are layered be those of the last summer’s growth. You may propagate shrubs also from cuttings in February and October. Let strong shoots be chosen, of last summer’s growth: choose them from nine to fifteen inches long, and, if you can, take about two inches of old wood with the shoots at their base. Trim off the lower leaves, place the cuttings half way in the ground, and plant them in a shady border to root. Do this in Febru- ary, in preference to October, as everything roots earlier from spring operations. You may also plant cuttings in June, but keep them moist and shady. October is a good month for taking up suckers of lilacs, roses, &c., and for all sorts of transplant- ing in its varieties. It is also the month to trans- plant the layers of such shrubs as were laid in the previous October. I subjoin a list of hardy deciduous shrubs and evergreens, not too tall to admit into a moderately sized flower garden. DECIDUOUS SHRUBS OF LESSER GROWTH. Arbutus, Strawberry tree White-flowering Common Early dwarf, single flower Double-flowering Double dwarf Red-flowering Althea frutex, striped Eastern, or Andrachne Red Almond, common White Blue Purple Pheasant’s eye Andromeda, striped Evergreen Azalea, with red flowers White Berberry, common, red. fruit Stoneless, red fruit White fruit Bladder-nut, three-leaved Five-leaved Broom, the Spanish Double-flowering Yellow Portugal White Portugal Lueca Bramble, double-flowering American upright White-fruited Dwarf Thornless Chionanthus,Fringe,or Snow- drop tree Candleberry Myrtle, broad- leaved Long-leaved Fern-leaved Oak-leaved Cherry, double-blossomed Cornelian Dwarf Canada Currant,with gold andsilver- blotched leaves With gooseberry leaves Pennsylvanian Dogwood, the common Virginia Great-flowering Newfoundland EVERGREEN SHRUBS. | Empetrum, black - berried heath Guelder Rose, common Double, or snowball Carolina Gold-blotched leaf Currant-leaved Hydrangea, white-flowering Honeysuckle, early red Italian Early white Dutch Late Dutch Late red Long-blowing Large scarlet trumpet Small trumpet Oak-leaved Early white Italian Early red Italian Ivy, deciduous, or Virginian creeper Jasmine, the common white Common yellow Italian Gold-striped leaved Silver-striped leaved Lilac, blue White Purple, or Scotch Persian, with cut leaves Persian, white-flowered Persian blue-flowered Lonicera, upright Honey- suckle Red-berried Blue-berried Virginian Tartarian Mezereon, white Tarly red Late red Purple D hVERGRLEN SHRUBS. 87 Mespilus, spring-flowering Lady Hardwick’s shrub Peach, double-flowering Privet, common Silver-striped Yellow-blotched leaves Ptelea, or American Shrub Trefoil Pomegranate, single-flower- ing Double Robinia, or false Acacia Common Yellow-flowered Scarlet-flowered, or rose acacia Caragana Rhamnus, or Buckthorn Common Sea buckthorn Yellow-berried Creeping evergreen Raspberry, double-flowering Virginian sweet-flowering Rose, in every variety Spirea frutex, common red Scarlet White Sumach, scarlet Large downy White Virginia Elm-leaved Myrtle-leaved Carolina Syringa, common Dwarf double-flowering Scorpion Senna Smilax, broad-leaved Blotched-leaved Tulip Tree Tamarisk, the French German Viburnum, or Wayfarer Common Stripe-leaved American broad-leayed Maple-leaved EVERGREENS. Alaternus, common Blotched-leaved Jagged-leaved, plain Ditto, striped Silver-striped Gold-striped Cistus, or Rock Rose Gum Cistus, with spotted flowers With plain white flowers Purple sage-leaved Male Portugal Bay-leaved gum With hairy willow leaves Black poplar-leaved Waved-leaved Purple, or true Gum Cistus of Crete, with other va- rieties Cytisus, Neapolitan Canary Siberian and Tartarian Laurustinus, common Broad, or shining-leaved Rough-leaved Oval-leaved Bay, broad-leaved Narrow-leaved Phiilyrea, the true Broad-leaved Privet-leaved Prickly-leaved Olive-leaved Gold-edged Silver-edged Rosemary-edged Juniper, common Swedish Sclavonian Canada Jasmine, evergreen Pyvracantha /vy, common Striped-leaved Virginian Irish, or quick-growing Honeysuckle, evergreen Rose, the evergreen Rhododendron, dwarf Rose Kalmia, olive-leaved [Bay Broad-leaved Thyme-leaved Coronilla, narrow-leaved Broad-leaved Magnolia, laurel-leaved EVERGREEN SHRUBS. Lesser bay-leaved Arbor Vite, common China American Cypress, common upright Male spreading Bignonia, the evergreen Widow Wail Locust of Montpelier Medicago, Moon Trefoil Stonecrop Shrub Ragwort, the sea Holly, common Carolina broad-leaved Yellow-berried Many varieties Laurels, common Portugal Alexandrian Oak, llex, or evergreen Kermes, or searlet-bearing Gramuntian, holly-leayed Carolina live Germander, shrubby, of Crete Euonymus, evergreen Vir- ginia Virginia Groundsel tree Wormwood, lavender-leaved Spurge, or wood laurel Kneeholm,or Butcher's broom Horse-tail, shrubby In pruning shrubs, be careful to cut out the long rambling shoots of the last summer’s growth, which disfigures their appearance. Cut away, also, branches of shrubs which interlace each other, that every shrub may stand clear and well-defined. Take away their suckers, and let each shrub be kept to a single stem, as I have before observed. 89 CHAPTER VII. MONTHLY NOTICES, A rEcAPITULATION of the work which each month presents to the gardener’s notice will be useful. By occasionally glancing over the Monthly Notices, the memory is refreshed; and it will be found that even the three winter months allow the young gar- dener no remission from labour. There is some- thing to be done in every week of the year,— something to be attended to, which amuses the mind, interests the imagination, and benefits the general tone of mental and physical health. JANUARY. Let your lawn and grass walks be kept neat and smooth, by rolling, this month; and if any part of the grounds re- quire fresh turf, this is the season for cutting and laying it down. If you live in the neighbourhood of a common, that is the best ground for cutting turf, as the herbage is short, and free from nettles, docks, &c. Lay it down firm and even, allowing for the sinking of the newly laid earth, about an inch or two. Roll it well, after having laid down the turf. Keep the gravel walks also from weeds and moss, and roll them in dry weather. If you attempt to roll gravel in wet weather, the gravel clings to the roller. Dig the clumps or spots where you mean to plant ever- greens, in February and March, that the ground may be trenched in readiness. The frost of this month will render newly-dug earth more friable, and the snow will enrich it. 90 MONTHLY NOTICES. If the weather is very settled and mild, you may still plant out hardy deciduous shrubs, such as sweetbriars, double bramble, double-blossomed cherry, dwarf almond, jasmines, honeysuckles, roses, lilaes, laburnums, guelder rose, Spirea frutex, mezereons, &c. Transplant each shrub with a good ball of earth round its roots. Prune flowering shrubs now, where they require it, with a sharp knife, not with shears. When I say “ flowering shrubs,” I do not mean shrubs in flower, but shrubs that do flower. Transplant suckers from the hardy flowering shrubs, if they have not been done before. Take them up with good roots, and support them neatly with stakes. Cuttings of young shoots ef hardy deciduous shrubs may be planted in mild weather, to root, and form good plants in the autumn. Layers may be also formed. Protect all the choicer kinds of flowering shrubs, and all cuttings of every kind, from severe frosts, by spreading litter over them. Plant tulips now—always providing tae weather is mild— to blow late in the year; but they will not be so handsome as those which were planted again in September and Oc- tober. Plant any ranunculuses, anemones, &c., you may have out of the ground, to come in late blowing; but, like the tulips, they will not bear such fine blooms. Protect every- thing from severe weather, as well as you can, this month, particularly your choicer sorts of bulbs, and tuberous-rooted perenuials. FEBRUARY. February is the first spring month, and the parterre will begin to make gradual approaches to gaiety and life. The anemones, hepaticas, &c. will now bud and flower, if the weather is genial; and the crocus and snowdrop will put forth their blooms to meet the sun on his returning march. About the end of this month, you may begin to sow the hardy annuals. I prefer April, but it may not be convenient always to wait so long: therefore sow now the seeds of hawkweed, lavatera, Venus’s looking-glass, Venus’s navel- MONTHLY NOTIC 91 wort, candytuft, larkspurs, lupines, convolvulus, flos Adonis, dwarf lychnis, nigella, annual sunflowers, &c. This month, you may plant and transplant, fearlessly, all hardy, fibrous-rooted, flowering perennials and biennials, such as saxifrage, gentianella, hepaticas, violets, primroses of all sorts, polyanthuses, double daisies, thrift, &c.; rose campions, rockets, campanulas, sweet-williams, hollyhocks, scarlet lychnis, carnations, pinks, monk’s-hood, perennial asters and sunflowers, &c. Plant cuttings of roses, honeysuckles, and jasmines. If the weather is mild, you may transplant many kinds of evergreen shrubs, such as phillyreas, alaternuses, laurels, laurustinus, pyracanthas, cistuses, &c. Let there be a ball of earth round their roots, when you take them out of the ground. If box edging is required, plant it now: water it, and the plants will soon root. Dig the borders, carefully and lightly, with your garden fork; make the garden look neat, and free from weeds; clear away dead leaves; sweep the lawn and walks; and let spring advance in its proper order. MARCH. Now plant away. LEvergreens cannot be moved at a better period. Deciduous flowering shrubs may also be still planted, such as Althea frutex, syringas, roses, honey- suckles, mezereons, sumach, laburnums, lilacs, jasmines, candleberry myrtles, guelder roses, &c. Where the borders require filling up, the following plants may still be moved, but do it early in this month :— Lychnises, campanulas, Canterbury bells, tree primroses, rockets, sweet-williams, wallflow columbines, m_ nk’s- hood, rose campions, perennial asters and sunflowers, fox- gloves, &c. Sow perennial and biennial flower seeds about the last week in this month. Stake your hyacinths, when the flower stems are tall. : Plant out layered carnations of last year, into the places where they ought to remain. 92 MONTHLY NOTICES. Give fresh earth to any plants in pots, such as carnations, pinks, auriculas, double sweetwilliams, double stock gilly- flowers, rockets, &c. Sow annuals of all hardy kinds. Transplant any hardy roses, which you may wish should blow late in the year. Plant box, for edgings, still; and roll the lawn and grass walks. Transplant any tenderer kinds of annuals which you may have been at the pains of raising in, or procuring from, a hot-bed. Keep the garden quite free from weeds and dead leayes. APRIL. Now place sticks to every plant or stalk requiring sup- port. Fix the sticks, or light iron rods, irmly in the ground; and tie the stems to each stick neatly, in two or three places. Some evergreens may yet be removed, as laurels, laurus- tinus, Portugal laurel, cistuses, arbutus, magnolias, pyra- canthas, &c. Propagate auriculas, by slipping off tieir suckers and off- sets, this month. Sow carnation and polyanthus seels still. Sow, also, perennial and biennial seeds. Where any perennial or biennial fibrons-rooted flowers are wanted, transplant them only in the first week of this mionth, and they must have each a good ball of earth attached to them; but this work shoud be completed in February, or March at farthest. Every sort of annual may now be sown. Take care of your hyacinths, tulips, ranunculuses, and anemones now, for they will be hastening into bloom. Place your auriculas, hyacinths, &c., which may be in pots, in a sheltered place, during hesvy rains or winds; and shelter those flowers which are in the borders as well as youcan. Trim them from dead leaves. Keep your lawn and grass walks nicely mown and rolled, and your borders free from weeds and rubbish. MONTHLY NOTICES. 93 MAY. Propagate perennial fibrous-rooted plants by cuttings. Propagate double wall-flowers by slips of the young shoots of the head. Sow annuals for succession; such as sweet-peas, nas- turtiums, lavatera, lupines, flos Adonis, &c. Take up those hyacinths, tulips, &c. which have done flowering, and dry them in the shade to put away. Weeds grow quickly now: hoe them up wherever you see them. Support all flowers with sticks; train them upright. Clear away all the dead leaves from your carna- tions, and gently stir the earth round them with your smallest trowel. Look round the borders now, and take off irregular shoots. JUNE. Propagate carnations by layers and pipings. Propagate double sweet-williams and pinks by layers and cuttings, or slips. Propagate perennial fibrous-rooted plants by cuttings of the stalks. Transplant the large annuals from the seedling bed to the places where they are to remain. Let this be done in showery weather, if possible. Take up all bulbs, ranunculus, and anemone roots, &e., as the flowers and leaves decay. Water the delicate plants if the weather proves dry: give a moderate watering every evening; but never in the heat of the day. Sow yet some hardy annuals, such as ten-week stocks, virgin stock, &e. Plant out China-asters, Chinese hollyhocks, ten-week stocks, large convolvolus, &c., but let each root have a ball of earth round it. Examine the perennial and biennial plants, to cut off all dead, broken, or decaying shoots. Trim the African and French marigolds from their lower straggling shoots, that 94 MONTHLY NOTICES. they may present a neat, upright appearance. Trim the chrysanthemums, which are apt to branch too near the root, and stake them neatly. Plant out carnations and pink seedlings into their proper places. Keep every thing just moderately moist, if there is a long drought in this month. JULY. You may lay carnations and double sweet-williams still ; but let it be done before the end of the second week in this month, Propagate pinks by slips and pipings. Transplant the seedling auriculas which were sown last year, as also the seedling polyanthus. Transplant the perennial and biennial seedlings which were not done last month, to remain till October, Take up all bulbs as fast as they decay their leaves. If this month prove hot and dry, place your potted carna- tions in a sheltered situation, and keep them just moist. Support flowering shrubs and plants, and cut away decayed stems. Keep the borders clean. Mow the lawn and grass walks. Plant autumnal bulbs. AUGUST, You may now begin to propagate some double-flowered and approved fibrous-rooted plants the end of the month, if they have done flowering, such, for instance, as the double rose campion, catchfly, double scarlet lychnis, double rocket, double ragged robin, bachelor’s buttons, gentia- nella, polyanthuses, auriculas, &c. Sow auricula and polyanthus seed on a warm, dry day ; and remove carnation layers to some place where they may remain till October to gain strength. Sow seeds of bulbs. Sow anemone and ranunculus seed. Remove all bulbs which have done flowering. Cut and trim edgings of box. Clip holly, yew, and privet hedges. Ya = MONTHLY NOTICES. 95 Gather flower seeds. Plant autumnal bulbs, if any are still above ground, such as colchicums, autumnal nares amaryllis, and autumn crocus. Trim the flower plants; mow the lawn and grass walks, and keep every department in neat order. SEPTEMBER. Transplant, in any moist or showery weather this month, the perennial and biennial seedlings to their proper situa- tions, with a ball of earth round their roots. Propagate fibrous-rooted plants. Prepare the spots where you mean to deposite anemone and ranunculus roots any time between the end of this month and the end of October; and dig all beds and bor- ders which are vacant, to prepare them also for receiving roots and plants next month. Transplant peonies, flag. irises, monk’s-hood, fraxinella, and such like plants, to part their roots and remove each root to its destined position. Transplant evergreens. Plant cuttings of honeysuckles, and other shrubs. Plant hyacinth and tulip roots for early spring bloom. Plant box by slips or roots. Mow grass lawn and walks. Clear away flower stems, and trim flowering plants. Sow seeds of bulbous flowers, if not done last month. OCTOBER. This is a very busy month; for the garden should now be cleared and arranged for the season. Transplant all sorts of fibrous-rooted perennial and bien- nial plants now where they are intended to remain. Put the bulbs into the ground again; and transplant the different layered plants into their respective places. Prune flowering shrubs of all sorts. Plant and trans- plant all hardy deciduous shrubs, and their suckers. Dig up and part the roots of all flowers which require so doing, and replant them. 7 il 96 MONTHLY NOTICES. Plant cuttings of honeysuckles, laurels, &e. Take up the roots of dahlias, and put them carefully away till May. Trim evergreens. Plant box edgings; cut away the long, sticky roots, and trim the tops even. Mow grass walks and lawns, and weed gravel walks. NOVEMBER. Prepare compost for a new year by raking dead leaves, soil, sand, &c. in a heap. to turn well over occasionally. Pour the brine, soap-suds, &c. from the house over it. Transplant still all hardy kinds of flowering shrubs, suckers, &c. Clear the borders from dead annuals, leaves, stumps, -&¢e.; shelter the choice bulbs and double-flowering plants. DECEMBER. Take care of every thing. Protect the more delicate roots from severe frost, by strewing ashes, sand, or litter over them. Prune shrubs, and dig between them. If the weather is open, you may still plant hardy sorts of flowering shrubs. THE END. Lonpon: W.L. Graves & Co., Printers, Holborn HUL eo “ ie LoD fs Vive Wie ess Gite tye PPO oop PPLE TD Pais ied