“* . H F i hi r es Me I, ae — ss —.. el Se yoibaud 200 to ce sit D989K9 ates ait be as sodas Isc 1SIsG to i599 ViIsve DUG { yin Hi , Wak: y438 Baa Pp f Lower- Ca de, eepuarict ovat Gann Hehe i Bench _ It is ordered that, the, following Costs be Ba: to the: ‘undermentioned Officers of this' Court severall ly an respectiv rely, until upon further at “Ot ecOi ib Of HL consideration and. experience. the, ht J » Be altered, that is to say z—= 9! "0 ger ; ¥¢ bi tsa Gg of gj CLASS i. _ Causes, of £190, 5s, RE Cilio var TOS é j ballice sd | “iy itw. bedts AS) . Vito) 93 £, & his ih io} 2aolion tent o13 19116 =119 buoqgas't nig. lt atti ot owted bus id he ot fisaislf edi rot yourtos) A os oT mb 8 If each and every -cause ‘real; personal -and mint, in which the demande shall be made for any specific sum of money which shall exceed:the;sum of one hundred pounds currency, and in which the Defendant shall appear and ‘firdh Fudeeinelst \sbbliles craewed!p and" cach cause’ tn whicli/he "demimnzecchstl vetite Yo "itsinovexbTe roperty or toany? other matter thing, which in af ona p shall exceed the sum of ore’ preted tt currency , and Defendant. Rice appea ement tered,.« in penaes and ‘6 Pull tid ct “WW Fa eH relate to “intioven able’ com he or id any other matter2or ‘thing, and) stiall'also ‘be made for ane ecific sumcof money, and! the value>of such itintioveable froserey matter .or thing, .and .of . suchiispetifie sum ° of money so. . demanded, or. athe. value of either of them shall shall not be made for any.,s Rak aa of money, as Mie piiiai dei d~?. ee . ae ¢ Se : | Lae : kx me « vad * ‘ . : : . Boe MY se am. tee, I 2 exceed the sum of one hundred pounds currency, and the Defendant shall appear and final judgement shall be entered. And in each and every cause of séparation de corps et de biens ‘or en retrait lignager, in which the Defendant shall appear and final judgement shall be entered— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- CANE POWIGEO. TOP s,s 04:5 0+ 010m bhcuwa me «adm £10 Cy. To the Attorney for the Defendant for his costs upon all proceedings not herein after especially provided -for: << ssv<«eangss $3 690s shige was neers 7 10 0 To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not hereinafter espe- cially provided fori. :idanSv aw socks Cesc es ween To be paid by the Plaintiff and Defendant in equal proportions. No. 2. In each and every such cause as is last above described, which shall be settled at any period after the instructions to the Plaintiff’s Attorney, and before the return of the process ad responden- dum—To the Attorney for the Plaintiff, for all his COSLS. ee eeeee eee CO we Ceo ewer esses eeseees see oo " 6 8 -e ois BS el se pecs 2568S Sts ree 9 dA. 4: | SANG Oe _ In each and every such cause as is last above described, which (the Defendant having appeared) shall be settled at any period after the return of the process ad respondendum and before contestation en cause— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- ; cially provided SON sv vn eWs ine hi he ene 13 4 To the Attorney for the Defendant for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided TOR ig watacdiie fas 6 0's 4-6 5 eee @ees6 ee 5 0 0 To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office 3 upon all the proceedings not hereinafter espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the ope and Defendant in equal proportions. .... . £2 15 10 No. 4. In each and every such cause as is last above described, which (the Defendant having appeared) shall be settled at any period after contestation en cause and before final judgement— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all proceedings not herein after especially provided for. ...... So) £100 O To the Attorney for the Defendant for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided: for... io... =. SSRN foe To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe - cially provided for, to be paid by the eo and Defendant in equal proportions. ....... - 5.00 No. 5. ‘ In each and every such cause as is last above described in which the Defendant shall not appear and final judge- ment shall be entered by default, or in which the Defendant having appeared shall confess judgement, without fyling any exception or défense en fonds— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for... 2... eee cceee 0 + wey 10 To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff. ..2 10 0 No. 6. In endl and every such cause as is last above described which (the Defendant not having appeared) shall be seleied \ | 4 . nd beh peri the tu of the process ad respondendum before ogee t a i defaults shall be allowed— sy the Attorney for the Plaintiff for all his Pe re Pere ee ie a To ;the;Prothonetaries for, their, fees of office upon, all.the proceedings.not, herein-after,espe- cially previded) for, tobe paid .by,the, Plaintiff, ‘ ss 13. 4 23209 eid ‘tot Hota ot tot yo A Ott In each auttl every such; cause :ascis last re desir ibed which the:Defendant not having appeared) shall be settled, at any period after the benefit, of the « Sera allowed and before final judgeth ent - se aigioi jon eenibsooo1g ods a soqis To the Attorney. for the Plaintiff for hist ebsts 1011 upon all the proceedings not herein after sity ese cially provided for, coat rite 10 ae era —_ ls dioisd sod eguibsedo" ils aoqus To the Phothighatatibs fore tlidin, ‘fees of: af ebiyo'ry yiluio upon all the proceedings . notchereimafteriespes juslacieG cially provided for, to be oe by the Plaintiff... 210 @ bedi1pesb> 97v0dse-teT bai aee ae 6 Be bas doss al a poabup- lena bas 159 neh Le jasbasioG odd dotdtwe csi sushbasieT serfs iloides Le hateias od Made Jno aailyt juodiiv P55 ae aat seat =a £100 cy 9g Gs waived Above Sn GKsiiqo5xs YU rol Gor {oO Ith ath) of 23209 aid OG ~32G29 ‘19Ths ea ag eonibsss01g od} Ie gsoqe OO oe 6s acces > » -f0b bebiverg ylleis in ote aoe ees mixt, in which the donors sa Me hat ist “ific sum of epich ee mol ds currency and aa oat’ not pedis gr the Be 8 Fone tire pounds cur- rency, and in which the Defesdant rc appear and final judgement shall be enter d in each and every cause in which ;the demande shal ‘thing, ple in value shal property al ae Ps stray a cfirrency ot franc han eee ey 5 sum of one hundred pounds currency, and shall not be - made for any specific sum of money, and the Defendant shall appear and final judgement shall be entered—and in each and every case in which the demande shall relate to immoveable property, or to any other matter or thing, and shall also be made for any specific sum of money, and the value of such immoveable property, matter or thing, and of such specific sum of money so demanded or the value of either of them shall exceed the sum of thirty pounds cur- rency, and shall not exceed the sum of one hundred ounds currency, and the Defendant shall appear and final judgement shall be entered— | . To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for... .+-++++-+:s ee To the Attorney for the Defendant for all his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after especially provided for ..-..- oS Se 516 8 To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff and Defendant in equal proportions. .......312 2 No. 2. in éacli’ and every such cause as is last above described, which shall be settled at any period after the instructions to the Plaintiff’s Attorney, and before the return of the pro- cess ad eespondendum— eee -7pOtnd'Nbbitley for the Plaintiff for all his Prigas Spey ste £210 0 ® s « Polly Juomfwstoinds . St 89. 32S No. 3. In each dnd eve . stich ‘eafike, “as is last above described whic or eyes dant! Havin’ appeared) shall be settled at“ any pétiod after the return of the-process ad responden- dum and before, cyatestyliqy, 62 LAUSETT a0», | o.the Uipitie for ihe PlaMtifefor Hiseosts fn atlth dee nbt hereir? after! espe- 6 RiGilY DYOVIE es ot cs os wt oe £5 0 O To the Attorney for the Defendant for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for. ........ G1b SS) of oie 3 0 0 To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff and Defendant in equal proportions. ....... 116 8 No. 4. In each and every such cause as is’ last above described, which, (the Defendant having appeared) shall be settled at” any period after contestation en cause and before final judgement— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially proyiter 108s... es a oe vo sf 10°90 To the Attorney for the Defendant for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for..... o's vee 8 8 ee aie OES To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff and Defendant in equal proportions. .......3 12 2 No. 5. In each and every such cause as is last above described, in which the Defendant shal] not appear, and final judge- ment shall be entered by default, or in which the Defendant having appeared shall confess judgement without fyling any exception or défense au fonds— 3 To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for. . .... .e8+++-+++.-£516 8 To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff. 1 18 10 (22) 7 No. 6. In each and every such cause as is last above described, which (the Defendant not having appeared) shall be settled at any period, after the return of the process ad responden- dum, and before the benefit of the defaults shall be allowed : ¥ To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for...... ste «imme ie; p ceo 10 O To the Prothonotaries for all their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff. 1 3 4 No. 7. In each and every such cause as is last above described, which (the Defendant not having appeared) shall be settled at any period after the benefit of the defaults allowed, and before final judgement— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for... .+.+e..+.-- $2.40 16 8 To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff. 1 18 10 CLASS III. Causes above £20 cy. and under £30 cy. No. l. In each and every cause real, personal and mixt, in which the demande shall be made for any specific sum of money which shall exceed the sum of twenty pounds sterling, and shall not exceed the sum of thirty pounds currency, and in which the Defendant shall appear and final judge- | 8 ment shall be entered—and in each and every cause in which the demande shall relate to immoveable property or to any other matter or thing which in value shall exceed the sum of twenty pounds sterling, and shall not exceed the sum of thirty pounds currency, and shall not be made for any specific sum of money, and the Defendant shall appear and final judgement shall be entered—and in each and every cause in which the demande shall relate to immoveable property or to any other matter or thing, and shall also be made for any specific sum of money and the value of such immoveable property, matter or thing, and of such specific sum of money so demanded or the value of either of them shall exceed the sum of twenty pounds sterling, and shall not exceed the sum of thirty pounds currency, and the Defendant shall appear and final judgement shall be entered, To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs. upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided) for, . 4:5 sj. + es :0 0 0 be tk 6. 8 To the Attorney for the Defendant for all costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe cially provided for... 09s). Jo At Ss . ie 8 10) D To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff and _ Defendant in equal proportions. .........2 3 0 No, 2. In each and every such cause as is last above described, which shall be settled at any period after the ce bie to the Plaintiff’s Attorney, and before the retu e process ad respondendum— | To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for all his costs£1 10 0 No, 38° ¢19"9 bas doso al Oe Bef ot sihsmmsces ly ai diver 3 In evict and every such case a8 °99 Ye U above! ‘WéseitBped, wich ihe Defendant hak pares) sal ty seat — =Ssi(i(2) 9 any period after the return of the process ad respondendum and before contestation en cause— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided’ for.) 0. oe ee BONO To the Attorney for the Defendant for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for... . vee et eeeee. 2 O O To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by Plaintiff and Defendant in equal proportions. ........+1 6 8 No. 4. In each and every such cause as is. last above described, which (the Defendant having appeared) shall be settled ac any period after contestation en cause, and before final judgement— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for. . 264 6 eee eee ee ee hE 6 8 To the Attorney for the Defendant for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for...... +++ +2ee2-0- 31D O To the Prothonotaries for all their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff and Defendant in equal proportions. ..2......2 3 0 No. 5. In each and every such cause as is last above described, in which the Defendant shall not appear, and final judge- ment shall be entered by default, or which the Defendant having appeared shall confess judgement without fyling any exception or défense au fonds—- B 10 To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for... ++ ee++eee++++ 4d 10 O To the Prothonotaries for all their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff...1 3 4 No 6. In each and every such cause, as is last above described which (the Defendant not having appeared shall be settled at any period after the return of the process ad responden- dum, aud before the benefit of the defaults shall be allowed, To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for... ...- eee seers £2 6 8 To the Prothonotaries for all their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after especially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff, .....015 6 No. 7. In each and every cause, as is last above described which (the Defendant not having appeared) shall be settled at any period after the benefit of the defaults allowed and before final judgement— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for... 6.6 2 0 .0n10 + no 0 wed 1D, Q To the Prothonotaries for all their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after especially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff. 1 3 4 li CLASS IV. Causes above £10 stg. and under £20 sig. No. l. In each and every cause, real, personal and mixt, in which the demande shall be made for any specific sum of money which shall exceed the sum of ten pounds sterling, and shall not exceed the sum of twenty pounds sterling, and in which the Defendant shall appear, and final jndge- ment shall be entered—and in each and every cause in which the demande shall relate to immoveable property or to any other matter or thing which in value shall exceed the sum of ten pounds sterling, and shall not exceed the sum of twenty pounds sterling and shall not be made for any specific sum of money and the Defendant shall appear and final judgement shall be entered—and in each and every cause in which the demande shall relate to immo- veable property or to any other matter or thing and shall also be made for any specific sum of money and the value of such immoveable property, matter or thing, and of such specific sum of money so demanded or the value of either of them shall exceed the sum of ten pounds sterling, and shall not exceed the sum of twenty pounds sterling, and the Defendant shall appear and final judgement shall be entered— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for all his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after especially provided for... ...-esesser.er to OU To the Attorney for the Defendant for all his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after | especially provided for... ssccrsceecre es GC § To the Prothonotaries for all their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff and Defendant in equal proportions..........I1 8 10 12 No, 2. In each and every such cause as is last above described, which shall be settled at any period after the instruction of the Plaintiff’s Attorney and before the return of the process ad respondendum— To the Attorney forthe Plaintiff forall hiscosts,£1 3 4 ‘ No. 3. In each and every such cause as is last above described, which (the Defendant having appeared) shall be settled at any period after the return of the process ad respondendum and after contestation en cause— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for all his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for. ..-.., Seal esitth b. ah2. 0 of 2,0 0 To the Attorney for the Defendant for all his. costs upon all the proceedings not herein after especially provided fOr. 8S ITS AEs ae a AP OD To the Protbonotaries for all their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff and Ro ig tae Defendant in equal proportions. ...... No. 4. In each and every such cause last above described which (the Defendant having appeared) shall be settled at any period after contestation en cause, and before final judge- ment-— ) To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for... 1. 600s ese ses £3 0 0 ia ae &S>. De 9. eo eee eee upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for... 1. eee eee ee ee pa O° 68 To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff and Defendant in equal proportions. ...---.-. 1 810 (aa 13 No. 5. In each and every such cause as is last above described, in which the Defendant shall not appear and final judge- ment shall be entered by default, or in which the Defendant having appeared, shall confess judgement without filing any exception or défense au fonds— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for.......cc.eeseesur £2 168 To the Prothonotaries for their fees of office uponall the proceedings not herein after especially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff. .....0418 6 No. 6. In each and every such cause as is last above described, which (the Defendant not having appeared) shall be settled ut any period after the return of the process ad responden- dum, and before the benefit of the defaults shall be obtained— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially providédsfors 55.2.0 Pe ee we « ee. OO To the Prothonotaries for all their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff. .. 0 6.8 No. 7. In each and every such cause as is last above described, which (the Defendant not having appeared) shall be settled at any period after the benefit of the defaults allowed and before final judgement— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff for his costs upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for... .. . sc nicletersieas bo 2 IG. 8 To the Prothonotaries for all their fees of office upon all the proceedings not herein after espe- cially provided for, to be paid by the Plaintiff... 018 6 \_) 14 And it is further ordered, that the following costs be also allowed to the undermentioned Officers of this Court severally and respectively, until upon further consideration and experience the same shall be altered—that is to say— TO THE ATTORNEYS. In every cause whatsoever, in which fins de non procéder shall be filed, for the entire proceedings thereon, whether such fins de non procéder be withdrawn or prosecuted to judgement including every matter incident thereto— To the Attorney for the Ewcepient...... £115 O To the Attorney for the Respondent......1415 0 In every cause whatever, in which a trial by jury shall be ordered, for striking such jury and all the proceedings incident thereto— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff.......+.£011 8 To the Attorney for the Defendant. ......011 8 For all the proceedings upon any writ of error, certiorari mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto or attachment, which shall not be settled before the motion for fyling such writ— To the Attorney suing out such writ......£4 6 8 To the Attorney fur the Respondent. ..... 310 0 For all the proceedings upon any writ of error, certiorari mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto or attachment, which shall be settled before the motion for filing such writ— To the Attorney suing out such writ. .....£2 3 4 To the Attorney for the Respondent......115 0 For all the proceedings upon any writ of abeas Corpus, which shall not be settled before the motion for filing such writ— | To the Attorney suing out such writ... . .. Shee 4 To the Attorney for the Respondent... .... 1 0 0 (2) ol 15 For all the proceedings upon any writ of Habeas Corpus, which shall be settled before the motion for fyling such writ— To the Attorney suing out the writ. .....£013 4 To the Attorney for the Respondent......011 8 For all the proceedings upon a rule nist in the nature of a scire facias to revive ajudgement— To the Attorney for the Plaintiff.......£1 3 To the Attorney for the Defendant. ...... 0 16 For all the proceedings on suing out a writ of GRMEUUON, + st ee inte es 8, ee For every opposition filed which shall not be contested to the Attorney filing such opposition. 2 10 oclUC OomlC HhlCOCUL For prosecuting to judgement a report of distribution of collocation whick shall not be contested— To the Attorney prosecuting the same.... £210 0 For all the proceedings upon a contestation of a report of distribution and collocation or of distribution or of collo- cation, which shall not be withdrawn before the inscrip- tion of such contestation upon the roll for hearing— r To the Attorney filing such contestation... £3 0 O To the Attorney for the Respondent. .....210 O For all the proceedings upon a contestation of a report of distribution and collocation or of distribution or of colloca- tion which shall be withdrawn before the inscription of such contestation upon the roll for hearing— To the Attorney filing such contestation. ...£1 6 8 To the Attorney for the Respondent......1 3 4 For all the proceedings upon a commission rogatoire or commission in the nature of a commission rogatoire.—The examination of witnesses excepted— To the Attorney prosecuting the execution of SUCTION 6. 5.0. <0 csgr u..95 oRaeeen eet Tothe Attorney Respondent thereon. ..... 0 For the examination in chief of each witness. . 0 For the cross-examination of each witness. . . 0 ] -& CO © 0 ] 3 3 16 For all the proceedings in a case of licitation of one héritage or more— To the Attorney prosecuting the same... . £100 O For all the proceedings in any cause against a tiers suisi whose declaration shall not be contested, the sum which would have been allowed in such cause to the Plaintiff's Attorney—if the cause had been settled before the return of the process ad respondendum. TO THE PROTHONOTARIES. In every cause whatsoever, in which fins de non procéder shall be filed for all their fees of office, (writs, office copies, and official certificates ex- COPtOG) «ncn eile de oiRGe Sere 025) 6 « 08 - >, £0 11.8 In every cause whatsoever in which a trial by jury shall be ordered, for striking the jury, 10s. for the writ of venire fucias, 5s. for calling and swearing thejury, 2s.6d. and for recording the al VEUNOE, 28. OG 50 8 a Sel etd s eee i o*~ For their fees of office upon all the proceedings on any writ of error, certiorari, mandamus, pro- : hibition, quo warranto or attachment, which shall 7 _ not be settled before the motion for fyling such d writ, (writs, office copies, and official certificates ys BRUECEU). «sweets Oe Co eee LS eT pb Ble 7 For the like upon all the proceedings on any writ of habeas corpus, which shall not be settled before the motion for filing such writ, (writs, _ office copies, and official certificates excepted).0 6 8 For the like upon all the proceedings in a case of licitation of one héritage or more.......2 6 @¢ For the like upon all the proceedings upon a rule ist in the nature of a scire facias, to revive a judgement, (writs, office copies, and official certificates excepted)... .+++++.+-+.--.015 4 (=) 17 For every report of distribution and colloca- tion, or of distribution or of collocation. ....£1 3 4 For the like upon all the proceedings for pro- secuting to judgment a report of distribution and collocation or of distribution or of collocation, (writs, office copies and_ official. certificates, CXCOILEN. ..o pues POGUE cse « 5 « OU kd For the like upon all the proceedings upon an opposition returned by the Sheriff which shall not be contested and upon which the opposant shall be collocated as a mortgagee or privileged creditor in the project of report of distribution, (writs, office copies, and official certificates, ex- cepted. . jodmhiakaiws. jes de 6 spativiegeomde Cube S For the like upon all the proceedings upon an opposition which shall be so returned and shall not be contested and upon which the opposant shall be collocated au marc la livre or be dis- missed from his opposition, (writs, office copies, and official certificates, excepted.........0 5 0 For the like upon all the proceedings upon a contestation ofa report of distribution and collo- cation or of distribution or of collocation, which shall not be withdrawn before the inscription of such contestation upon the roll for hearing, (writs, office copies, and official certificates ex- cepted,) if the report be confirmed........9018 4 For all the proceedings upon a contestation of areport of distribution and collocation or of distribution or of collocation, which shall be withdrawn before the inscription of such contes- tation upon the roll for hearing, (writs, office copies, and official certificates, excepted.) ...0 2 O For every writ of summons or writ of subpoena issued, including all matters incident thereto as — the entry thereof fyling the precipe, sealing, &c. 0 3 0 Cc 18 For every other writ whatever, including all matters incident thereto ds the entry thereof fyling the precipe, sealing, &c..... oy 9 ee For every search of the Records of one year or TOSS. 0 oo ghee eae) ie “eae Tage MAE | Bers For every general search... . 1. ses ee ee 0 2 For all copies of papers not sxoceee four folios of one hundred words each. bbl ob Ge 44-9 Ov Dv OD For every folio of 100 words in such as a beyond four folios. 6. 0.6 eee es “e+ +-O O 6 For every official certificate... ......2..0 1 0 For every record transmitted to the Court of Appeals, the making up thereof, return, list of papers, Gc, «sig atte eee «695 ee *s Sit Fk alee For the bond thereon. .... ‘Ol WA For the transcript of the proceedings pr. folio of 100 words... '. ahs owe. SS es pk i hg oe Ge 0 0 6 For taking the deposition in chief of every witness examined upon a commission rogatoire or upon a commission in the nature of a commission TOLALOITE. ob bv be ww we Hs we picati bs eh). As EO For every cross-examination upon any such commission. » +... - os gi@ibite a tere tas Oy ae For all other proceedings uponsuch commis- sion . Pt xsetbreettire etter tetht as iirc wi For every acte of tutelle or curatelle, interdic- tion, emancipation or avis de parents, and the copy thereof and all proceedings thereon, the deposition of witnesses excepted.......+...0 6 0 For every deposition taken in the cases last above mentioned or any or either of them. ...0 3 0 - For every entry of an inventory and the closing ° EE EARS ENE = calla 0 5 0 For every Liss registered pr. folio of 100 words each. octal ee Ea ee _ For every-attenuance out of office siti ied tonics -0 5-0 19 For every attendance at the examination of a candidate for an Advocate or Notary scommission.£0 For the certificate of the Judges thereof. .... 0 For the advertisement... .....6++6 2.08490 Wo 609 Os Hs E00 For poundage upon monies paid into Court for the first £100 per centum. ......... oe oe ee 0 For poundage upon all monies above £ 100 per centum. <'NtINwW wiv tere ee. ss O 1QO For their fees of office upon all the proceedings in any cause against a fiers saisi whose deciaration shall not be contested, one third of the sum allowed in such cause to the Attorney for the Plaintiff. TO THE SHERIFF. For the service of a writ of Simmons upon one defendant in actions of the first class including every duty to be performed by the Sheriff or other in his behalf, and every allowance to be made in or for such service and the return, mileage excepted... sive We ees. wis ee ELGAG 6 For the like service of a writ’ of summons in actions of the second class including as above and mileage excepted as above.......+.-. 0.8 4 For the like service of a writ of summons in actions of the third class including as above and mileage excepted as above.........+..0 6 On For the like service of a writ of summons in actions of the fourth class including as above and mileage excepted as above. + ....«..+0 or © For the like service of every such writ of sum- mons upon every additional Defendant in actions of the first class including as above and mileage as above excepted; . .. . . 1. wleiurtecdd). O on a) For the like service of every such writ of sum- mons upon every additional Defendant \n actions 20 of the second class including as above and mile- age excepted as above. ........ Sa PEO e af For the like service of every such writ ofsum- | - mons upon every additional Defendant in actions of the third class including as above and mileage excepted as ‘above. fe ce. 0 9% ee er | Be For the like service of every such writ of sum- mons upon every additional Defendant in actions of the fourth class including as above and mileage excepted as above) eb OCU 04 Pe 4 0 2 For every service of a writ of capias ad respon- dendum including every duty to be performed by the Sheriff or other on his behalf and every allowance to be made in or for such service and the return, mileage excepted.........0 11 For the service of every writ of attachment or arrét simple if upon one Defendant only including every duty to be performed by the Sheriff or others on his behalf in or for such service, mile- age and the expences incurred in detaining the thing or things seized in the charge of the Sheriff CeUepeet 6 64 ce te es oso + 6 ee eee Ae wD For the like service of every such writ of attachment or arrét simple upon additional Defendant, mileage excepted as above. .....0 3 _For the service of every writ of attachment by seizure (saisie arrét,) upon one Defendant include ing every duty to be performed by the Sheriff or others on his behalf in or for such service — 4eee For the like service of every such writ Chitin attachment by seizure (saisie arrét) upon every additional Defendant, mileage excepted as above. 0 4 _ For the service of every writ of saisie gagerie upon one Defendant including every duty to be performed by the Sheriff and other on his behalf in and for such service and the return, mileage excepted as aboye....-...-..-. ae bo i 2. = > Fr” Por @ bail: bond... GG VARA ni. . »-. £0 6 8 For the assignment of a bail bond... ; 0 3 4 For summoning a jury, returning a writ of venire facias including all charges incident thereto and ces ss Se ee 6's ares Rear abeennel 0 0 For attending a jury by himself or by deputy BB ERS a 6 For every return of non est inventus or nulla bona on mesne process or on a writ of execution. 0 3 4 For the execution of every writ of possession including every duty to be performed by the Sheriff and others on his behalf in and for such service and the return, mileage excepted as above. 0 11 8 For the execution of every order for the delivery of goods seized or the discharge ofa prisoner. . . 0 — a For the entry of every opposition. ..... es For the return on a fiert facias where sales have been prevented by oppositions afin de distraire or afin dannuller.... es be ete ee one os. OS 2 o For every deed of sale of immoveable estate where the consideration does not exceed thirty pounds including the registry of the said deed in the Sheriff "s office.’ O° 2 VSS SRIF Paes Se 1 0 0 For the like where the consideration exceeds thirty pounds including the registry as above. .. 110 0 The mileage to be allowed to the Sheriff in all cases of duty executed without the limits of Quebec, if such duty be executed by him personally, or if not, to the Sheriff ’s deputy by whom it shall be executed and to be calculated upon the distance between the residence of the Sheriff ’s deputy in the parish in which the duty shall be performed, and the place at which it shall be performed per league out and in, each, one shilling. 22 THE CRYER. Upon the entry of every cause of the first class. £0 Upon the entry of every cause of the second class. 0 Upon the entry of every cause of the third class. 0 Upon the entry ofevery cause of the fourthclass. 0 For his fees upon a jury trial... ..... i Sia For every witness sworn in causes of the Ist, 2, BIG. GO ChASBOSe novice swine shad wales iees® - 0 _ For his fees. upon all the proceedings in a case of licitation....... ETE RAN PG oO &) Wm = fms) oO He G9.00 > > TO THE BAILIFFS. For the service of a writ of subpcena or copy of judgement or rule of Court or notice or other paper including every duty to be performed by the Bailiff and every allowance to be made in or for such service and the return, mileage ex- cepted, . .). .. «Mele MS wtb sebeceeh< £0 2 0 For mileage to be allowed in all cases of duty executed without the limits of the city of Quebec, and to be calculated upon the distance between the residence of the Bailiffs nearest to the place where such duty shall be executed, per league out and per league in, each. ........., 0 1 0 2 It is also ordered that upon every writ hereafter to be returned by the Sheriff there be indorsed the fees due to such Sheriff for the service of such writ, and for mileage thereon. : : It is also ordered that upon every writ of subpoena, copy ofjudgement, rule of Court, notice or other paper hereafter to be served by any Bailiff of the Court there be indorsed (2) 23 upon the return thereof the fees due to such Bailiff for such service and for mileage thereon. It is also ordered that the Prothonotaries do not insert in any writ of execution hereafter to be issued any greater or other costs or fees than the costs and fees hereby allowed to the officers of this Court severally and respectively. And lastly it is ordered that in all causes in which the process ad respondendum was returned upon the first day of the February term now last past or upon any day since, the costs to be allowed to the several officers of this Court severally and respectively shall be allowed as by this table is directed. June Ist, 1810. (Signed,) J. SEWELL, C. J. P. A. DEBONNE, J.B.R. J. KERR, J.B. R. It is ordered that the Sheriff of the district of Gaspé be allowed for the service of all writs issuing from this Court besides his mileage, his reasonable travelling expences to be granted on oath of the Sheriff or on taxation of the Judge of Gaspé. October 20th, 1815. (Signed,) J. KERR, J. B.R. EDW. BOWEN, J.B. R. A true copy of the Original remaining of record in our office. 22d January, 1828. PERRAULT & BURROUGHS, P. B. R. ¢ - a . i harrraansie: 213 aoyy Bévlinnsdh fas, Ry brio Gages | ihe if ah shiae 3 | oe ; na: . ‘es pes , ye ie f Hye re 4 oe = g Pre y wi ; + - fa fog i ne = Pate - " ts = vA Le No allowance is made to the Prothonotary fora search within the vear reckoning as above, nor for a search upon issuing any Writ of Execution. For every recognizance or Bail Bond taken in OF OUR ALOMIL 0 65.64 <0 3 CLS Us ns cn cnaween £0 2 0 Fora Projet de Distribution or Collocation where the Creditors collocated do not exceed four in number, exclusive of the Attornies and Officers ofthe Court, if the Projet be homologated...0 13 4 For the like between more than four Creditors, exclusive of the Attornies and Officers of the Court, if the Projet be homologated......see. 1 3 4 _ Upon Oppositions afin de distraire, afin d’annuller, afin de charge, or afin de conserver, and upon every Inscription en faux, or Incidental demand, there shall be allowed to the Prothonotary the same fee as upon causes in chief payable in the same manner, It being provided that upon any Opposition afin % Punnuller, afin de charge, afin de distraire, ox afin (>) 21 de conserver, which shall not be contested, the Prothonotary shall be entitled to 10s. and no more, and shall refund 10s. to the Opposant out of the 20s. which shall have been paid by the Op. posant on, or before the return day of the Writ Of Executions s v:6!ews ede labiliccbd © cece oct oss. cE Upon every Opposition afin de conserver which snall be contested, there shall be paid to the Prothonotary by the party contesting the same, at the time of filing his plea of contestation a sum of 103s... STrivns first fi) Vee Pee UPET: Eo Gk 10 For all Fees on a Contestation of a Report of Distribution or Collocation 5s, to be paid by the party contesting at the time of the filing the contestation... ...esee.,- if any answer be put in to the contestation, the fee of the Prothonotary thereon shall be 5s, to be paid by the party filing the answer at the time of the filing of the same... YT eh Cu. Sees, 5 For the Execution of a Commission Rogatoire 1 En ee ey ee OE 0 5 For ever Deposition taken in virtue of such Commission 3s..... e@eeseeweeee#ee . ° e -i6 2 . e° . 2 ° ee 3 Fora Commission Rogatoire, or Commission in the nature of a Commission Rogatoire, including all the necessary forms to be annexed thereto,. 0 5 For all the Prothonotary’s services in relation to a Writ of Certiorari, Attachment or Habeas Corpus, which shall not be settled before filing the same.. O 10 For all the Prothonotary’s services on a Writ of Error, Prohibition, Mandamus or quo-Warranto which shall not be settled before the filing thereof 1 0 For preparing a List of Jurors sessssseeeee O 2 For attendance and striking a Jury......0 2 For publication ofa Will or Act containing a substitution or Fidei Gommis. .......... O11 _ ee © Geese + 2 0 een ee ee A, o Oo O&O S&S 28 For registering the same at the rate of 6d. per each and every hundred words. The like fees upon the probate of a last Will || and Testament. For all his fees upon a Licitation of one heritage 90s. to be paid by the poursuivant 6s. 8d. previous to the first criée, 6s. 8d. previous to the second criée, and 6s. 8d. previous to the third Fr Cri€€. ses eeeeeveee PRP ES A os Ca PP ie A | 0 0 For each and every additional héritage included in such licitation, the Prothonotary shall be entitled to an additional fee of 5s. to be paid in the same manner and in the same proportion as BHOVEs evecccce coevee eco eeeesn ee pee eee . 0 5 0 For affixing and taking off seals of safe custody (scellé,) the Prothonotary or Commissioner shall be entitled toa fee of 7s. 6d. for each and every vacation not exceeding two vacationS..«+see. O 6 Vacations per diem to be paid by the poursuivant pre- vious to the closing of each vacation. | cna. —S ee For every copy of any paper in his custody, the Prothonotary shall be allowed 2s. for the first / two hundred words,and 6d. for each and every ; additional 100 words including Certificate....£0 2 0 For his fee on making 4s Record on a Writ of ‘ Appeal and returning the Writ 13s, 4d, exclusive 3 of transcript to be paid for asa Copy under this } CS BEG PP eg et EE OS ery a eb Bee. For every Acie of Avis de Parents, including the order for convening the assemblée and Copy of the Acte. eee o- ®@ 6-46-87 SV aae eee *- « 0 3 0 Upon an Avis de Parents taken in the country- ae by a Sub-delegate including the dcte of omologation and Copy, the Prothonotary shall be entitled to receive 3S...6eess+es- cates OL Bae For every attendance out of his Office the Pro- thonotary shall be entitled to receive 7s. 6d, for sto . BS: Deca. fae ek (3) 29 each Vacation, not exceeding two Vacations per diem exclusive of travelling expences.. . «+++ .£0 For a Cléture @Incentairess....0. +e e+e 9 3 O For all services on the application ofa candidate to be examined in order to his being commissioned ‘asan Advocate or asa Notary.....ceee.rees. -O 6 8 ~J =>) For the safe-keeping and payment of all monies deposited with the Prothonctsviee they shall be entitled to retain at the rate of 20s. on the first #100 and of 10s. upon each and every additional £100, and in that proportion upon any lesser sum. For enregistering a renunciation to a community or succession or donation, or any other document to be enregistered, for every hundred words 6d... 0 O 6 For every Evocation from the Inferior Term when the Evocation is dismissed...... RS ATTORNEYS’ FEES. It is further ordered that in each and every case which according to the said Fee Table now in force in a case of the third class, there shall be allowed and paid to the Attorney of the Plaintiff and to the Attorney of the Defendant in every such case, and in any stage thereof, the same fees which according to the said Fee Table now in force are allowed to the Attorney of the Plaintiff and to the Atturney of the Defendant’respectively in a case of the second class in a similar stage. And whereas it is highly necessary in consequence of the great increase of business that no delay should occur in the examination of witnesses in any contested case inscribed upon the Roll des Enquétes, and that the absence of the Attorney for the Plaintiff or of the Attorney of the Defendant by reason of his being engaged in the examination of witnesses in an other case should no longer be re- ceived or allowed as a sufficient causein any such case to postpone the examination of witnesses 30 al, al la ‘therein whenever the same shall be called on— It is ordered further that there shall be allowed in every case under £30 to the Attorney for the Plaintiffand to the Attorney for the Defendant, to enable them to procure the aid of other Counsel if they cannot in person proceed to the Enquéte the sum Of 203.0 0..esccceee vee ees oie’, 0.8 And in all cases above £30, the sum of, ...113 4 That in each case of Partage, Bornage, Ac- count or Revendication, in which by the final judgement £ There shall be allowed in addition to the ordi- nary costs in such case, a sum not exceeding 31 It is ordered that from and after this date the following fees and allowances only be taken and received by the Pro- thonotary forall business to be by him done in and relating to suits or actions to be instituted in the Inferior Terms of this Court, in lieu of all former fees or allowances what- soever :— | For a Summons and Declaration which, in- cluding the Copy thereof, shall not exceed 200 WOTS . 2. coc. ccvnee eS ee one eo eee © i) And for every 100 words more six pence,.... 0 0 6 For certifying and annexing an account or other exhibit 1f required... ..0.0 siseeccecrsceece 0 0 6 For an original Subpoena which shall not con- tain more than the names of four persons.....,, , 26 32 For every Copy if demanded .. eee EET sa ee £0: 0..46 For every ruleof Court or Judgment whether Interlocutory or final of which a Copy is de- MANGE 0 cece cc creer core © Oe veee eee eer eevee . oe For every Writ of Execution............0 2 0 For every Writ of Saisie Gageric, Saisie Arrét, or Entiercement, in French or English, ..seee. 9 0 For every Copy thereofecess:sssssseeeeee. O I O For expediting a Commission ogatoire in conformity with the Rules of Practice in French or English, and to which shall be annexed the . Tariff allowed to the Commissary........0.... 0 2 6 And itis further ordered, inasmuch as by theTariff now in force for the Inferior Terms of this Court, the Attorneys are allowed for certifyingand annexing an Account or other Exhibit toa Writ of Summons and declaration the sum of 1s. each, that in future whenever the like services are per- formed by the Attorneys, they be allowed no other or greater fee for the same than is hereby allowed to the Prothonotary. : And it is ordered lastly, that no fee or emolument of any description whatever shall hereafter be taken or received by the Prothonotary for any service whatsoever either in or out of Court, although not especially provided for by the foregoing Tariff, until by the sanction, rule, or order of this Court, such other Fee or Emolument shall have been allowed and sanctioned. Quebec, 20th October, 1830. J. SEWELL, Chief Justice. J. KERR, J.B. R. EDWp. BOWEN, J. B.R. J.T. TASCHEREAU, J, B. R.